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SeveredCrosstretle: Nope, not Jason Mewes, sorry to dissapoint.12:55
SeveredCrossDon't even know who Jason Mewes is.12:55
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teratomai tried to install synaptic and i get this error:01:03
teratomasynaptic: Depends: libapt-inst-libc6.5-6-1.1 but it is not installable01:03
teratomawhat did i do wrong ?01:03
tretleSeveredCross: http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/concerts/images/jay%20and%20silent%20bob.jpg01:06
SeveredCrossteratoma: Nothing.01:06
SeveredCrossThe apt package is broken.01:06
SeveredCrossNo, but I may have picked up that habit from seeing him in movies.01:06
teratomaa fixed version will eventually appear?01:07
SeveredCrossIt's uploaded to be built into launchpad, Hobbsee uploaded it earlier, just nobody's built it.01:07
SeveredCrossI think OO.org is there for build, and that bloody piece of junk takes ages to build.01:07
SeveredCrossSo apt is waiting.01:07
SeveredCrossdist-upgrade removed my Synaptic and shtuff, heh01:07
teratomayeah.  good thing no one uses apt and synaptic01:08
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:09
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SeveredCrossYeah, apt is a bit broken.01:11
SeveredCrossNo worries, it'll get fixed soon, just keep doing apt-get upgrade :)01:11
SeveredCrossYou can monitor this page too: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/0.7.2ubuntu601:12
stuporglu1Anyone else installed Gutsy on a Macbook? I wanted to confirm a minor problem with the installer.01:15
tretleif its the partitioner its a known bug01:16
stuporglu1Yeah, it would hang after making changes, but when I used gparted to delete the partitions, then said to use existing free space, it worked fine.01:16
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tretlesame with every system01:17
tretlethe partitioner in the installer has craped out :D01:18
stuporglu1ah, ok. Is there  a bug for it on launchpad? I couldn't find it...I'm pretty new to launchpad01:18
tretleas far as i know it was asvertised as one of the known bugs when tribe 2 was released01:18
tretleasvertised = advertised01:19
tretleshould be fixed in tribe 3 hopefully01:19
stuporglu1Sounds good.01:20
tretledoes indeed01:20
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MugginsMhrm, my attempts to get gutsy talking to a projector on my laptop have left me with main screen at 640x480 :(01:51
=== MugginsM runs aptitute to see if there's anything new
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h1st0Are there any specs planned for adding compiz fusion to gusty?02:11
RAOFYes, it's already there02:11
h1st0By default?02:16
h1st0Like the desktop effects package?02:16
RoC_MasterMindYes it's installed by default and will enable itself if your graphics card has 3d out of the box02:23
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RoC_MasterMindI noticed on gutsty....I opened the update manager...it had a lot of updates...but strangely the ones for apt were unchecked..why?02:24
RAOFDependency problems02:24
MugginsMlibcurl3 and 4 are having fights, and lots of other packages are getting dragged into it02:25
RAOFYou can install those upgrades, but you lose aptitude, apport, ubuntu-desktop, etc :)02:25
RoC_MasterMindI see.02:25
RoC_MasterMindThat's the breakage I heard about..interesting that it makes them unchecked.02:25
RAOFActually, its a libapt problem, isnt it?02:25
tretleso does that mean that after the libcurl4 package is uploaded then other packages will install correctly?02:28
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tretlehmmmmmmmmm.......200 cadbury's cream eggs :D02:31
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Karark|awayopensource ATI drivers have seemed to improve :D03:11
tretlenew release?03:11
Karark|awayfrom 7.0403:11
Karark|awayjust got my gutsy going03:11
tretleyeah... going to reinstall fresh now after I finish a few things up03:12
Karark|awayi've yet to run into a bug in the 45min i've been up03:13
Karark|awayanything i should watch out for?03:13
tretlethink doing an upgrade broke more things then a fresh install, well from my experience with a fresh install more things seemed to work03:13
tretlewell, i think my gutsy is broken for a reason03:13
Karark|awayyea, i've still got 7.04 on another HDD, but doubt i'll go back to it03:14
tretlethe upgrade crashed03:14
Karark|awaymine just updated smoothly03:14
tretledo u use gimmie03:14
Karark|awaynever heard of it03:14
tretlehmmmm........ on the gimmie discussion I cant find any posts about gutsy03:15
tretleI installed it from the gutsy repo's03:15
tretlebut it crashes on startup03:15
tretleit might be included in gnome 3.003:16
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Karark|awaylooks neat03:17
Karark|awaymight have to give it a shot03:17
tretletell me how it goes03:18
tretlei dont want to submit a bug without first finding out whether its actually a bug or not03:18
Karark|awayheh, right03:19
Karark|awaycrashes here, too03:19
Karark|awaywhen running in term i get... ***MEMORY-WARNING***: gimmie[18074] : GSlice: g_thread_init() must be called before all other GLib functions; memory corruption due to late invocation of g_thread_init() has been detected; this program is likely to crash, leak or unexpectedly abort soon...03:20
tretlereporting it so03:20
Karark|awayi will too03:20
tretlegetting that same problem on a vast amount of applications03:21
tretlejokosher being another one03:21
Karark|awayfiling with gnome or ubuntu?03:21
tretlejust use the bug reporting tool03:22
Karark|awayright, i did, went to gnome03:22
Karark|awayi wonder if getting my svideo out is gonna be a pain03:23
RAOFthat GSlice thing actually happens for all glib apps, and is (I believe) a harmless bug in glib.03:28
tretleRAOF: is there a link you could give me to the info on the bug03:29
tretleor who is assigned, how long its been there, when its likely to be fixed?03:30
RAOFNo, sorry.  I'd imagine it'd be fairly prominant in the libglib2 buglist, though :)03:30
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RoC_MasterMindanybody with Broadcom 4318 WLAN tried to use the restricted driver manager to install firmware and activate card?  Crashes everytime for me03:33
tretleRAOF: that bug was reported in may :(03:34
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FunnyLookinHatHow much of KDE4 (or its applications) are available in Kubuntu Gutsy right now for testing (if not installed by default)?03:39
lamalexRoC_MasterMind: I have a bcm4311, restricted firmware cutter worked perfectly for me03:39
RoC_MasterMindI have not yet installed all the updates since Tribe 203:41
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 116870 in glib2.0 "[gutsy]  GSlice: g_thread_init() Warning messages" [High,Confirmed] 03:55
Karark|awaydamn, my firefox is broken :(03:55
Karark|awaykeeps telling me the process is already running,  kill it or reboot03:56
Karark|awayit's not there to kill and reboot doesn't fix it, reinstall doesn't either03:56
RoC_MasterMindKarark|away, rm ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default/lock03:58
Karark|awayno dice03:59
Karark|awaydoesn't exist03:59
Karark|awaydeleting entire firefox folder works, though03:59
tretleps aux | grep lighttpd04:00
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tretletype  ps aux  to get a preocess list04:02
tretleand then kill the firefox process04:02
Karark|awayi ran top and didn't see it04:02
Karark|awayran killall firefox-bin as well04:03
Karark|awaybut i've got it now04:03
tretlewhy didnt they just call the preocess firefox :(04:04
Karark|awayno clue04:04
tretlepidgin did it :D04:04
tretlefound it04:08
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thompatzdata is a problem in an upgrade 64 bit but it works its way out05:25
thompathe easy fix was to just remove it and then upgrade05:25
thompaI think this was a syanptics error. macbook is working better than osx on the other hand05:26
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masterlooki_ok the thing about the installer thingie is to kil the umbiq or whatever processes and restart?05:47
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masterlooki_comon guyz05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
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RAOFmasterlooki_: What is your question?05:55
masterlooki_intel 2.8ghz 2gigs ram 9200 ati05:55
masterlooki_2 hdd's both ide05:55
masterlooki_need to setup swap 2 roots home and a win partition05:55
masterlooki_2gig swap 6 gig each root and 12 gig win and rest home05:56
masterlooki_60 gig primary hdd im putting those 5 partitions on05:56
RAOFRight.  Ok.05:56
masterlooki_and ubiquity or w/e stalls on man partitioning05:56
masterlooki_whats the command?05:56
Karark|awayswapmake and swapon?05:56
masterlooki_i killed it and ran as root [sudo su >>> ubwhatever] 05:56
=== RAOF hunts for the release notes.
RAOFOf course, you could just use the alternate installer disc05:57
masterlooki_gah sorry05:57
masterlooki_but i already got this one.. and i know theres a command - had to on my other co mpy05:57
pimp31415gah this is my roomates compy05:57
pimp31415upgraded him from edgy to feisty with no effect - flash and mplayer sound broken suggested edgy + gutsy installs lol05:58
pimp31415gutsy to play edgy for normal windows he must have for his work.05:58
pimp31415sound professional and nix tools just dont cut it atm - and dont support his aud card yet unfortunately05:58
pimp31415so: if your here all the time grep logs for same thing its rather common i think05:58
RAOFpimp31415: sudo killall ubiquity; sudo ubiquity05:59
pimp31415i think there was a flag between the sudo and ubiquity05:59
pimp31415-c ?05:59
RAOFThat's copied directly from the release announcement06:00
pimp31415guess that would have been a sudo flag so woudlnt matter06:00
pimp31415i did sudo su06:00
pimp31415so i can run ubiquity as just that  lol06:00
RAOFShould also work, I think.06:00
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pimp31415just random crash last time working now06:04
pimp31415i think06:04
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pimp31415yeah   looks good06:08
pimp31415thanx RAOF :)06:08
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mlokinetwork manager crashed?06:48
mlokiwhy does /etc/network/interfaces have so many interfaces that jus tdont exist!06:54
Karark|awayjust to toy with you!06:54
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mlokihow about w32codecs06:54
Karark|awaywhat about em?06:55
FunnyLookinHati <3 w32codecs06:55
FunnyLookinHat; )06:55
mlokii need em?06:55
mlokitotem playing something but no vid output06:55
mlokii can only guess its that06:55
Karark|awaytrying to play a file should bring up a DL dialog for it06:55
Karark|awaywhat kinda file?06:56
mlokiworx in mplayer06:56
Karark|awaydon't use totem? :D06:57
RAOFmloki: Nah.  You really only need w32codecs for realplayer support now06:57
mlokiKarark|away, thats unacceptable as broken as totem is.06:57
mlokiRAOF, the idea is to play anything.06:57
mlokihow about this:06:57
Karark|awayi haven't tried any xvids yet, just got gusty installed a couple hours ago06:57
mlokii can get one of the devs of cccp-project to come by and maintain something like w32codecs i bet06:57
mlokinice Karark|away very nice and smooth from here once umbiquity worked lol06:58
mlokity again btw RAOF06:58
RAOFmloki: No, you cant.  w32codecs is a licence violation06:58
Karark|awaymy xvids are playing in totem06:58
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mlokiRAOF, no its not.06:58
mlokii legally own and have installed windows.06:58
mlokii have all liscenses i need.06:58
Karark|awayanyone noticing firefox hitting 100% cpu when loading a page for a second06:59
RAOFViolates the end-user agreement for windows06:59
Karark|awaya mini lag06:59
mlokiKarark|away, yeah06:59
mlokiRAOF, my decision06:59
RAOFWhether or not that's a valid contract is less certain :)06:59
mlokiid be willing to go to court.07:00
mlokithere we go again07:00
RAOFBut Ubuntu certainly can't distribute them.07:00
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mlokii didnt ask them to07:01
mlokii asked what about w32codecs07:01
mlokithose were never ubuntu distrobuted07:01
RAOFAh.  Well, totem can use them?07:01
Karark|awayit works here07:01
Karark|awayffmpeg ugly, i think07:02
RAOFJust install gstreamer0.10-* :)07:02
mlokiso basically i need to just grab and install manually07:02
Karark|awaywill look real quick07:02
mlokithe point being07:02
mlokino RAOF07:02
mlokigstreamer is crap.07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:02
mlokii'm needing to know about changing it to gutsy07:02
mlokidoesnt seem to work07:02
mlokiso just use feisty settings on that for now?07:02
Karark|awayGStreamer plugins for aac, xvid, mpeg2, faad07:03
Karark|awayGStreamer plugins from the "bad" set (Multiverse Variant)07:03
RAOFmloki: Yeah, I suppose.  And gstreamer rocks :L07:03
Karark|awayusing gusty repos07:03
mlokiRAOF, if it rocked i would not have a black screen when playing the vid07:03
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:irc.freenode.net] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* and apt issues ATM. Just
RAOFWell, you probably don't have the codec installed.  You can't blame gst for that :)07:04
mlokican't blam gstreamer for not having what installed?07:05
mlokio wait07:05
mlokii was asking about a CODECS PACKAGE07:05
mlokisit back and think about that for a second.07:05
mlokii'm not trying to flam07:05
Karark|awayi just told you what package to use07:05
pimp31415Karark|away, i installed the restricted package with aptitude07:05
pimp31415it brought all those in by default07:06
pimp31415and it still doesnt show vid07:06
pimp31415quite broken - when i minimize totem and reunminimize it shows single frame and then goes blank07:07
RAOFAh.  That is a problem.  Using desktop-effects?07:07
pimp31415no i dont think so lets douible check07:07
pimp31415i would so love to be wrong :)07:07
pimp31415user error is much better than distro hell lol07:07
pimp31415you, sir get a cookie07:08
pimp31415now what would compiz.real have to do with that,,,,,07:08
pimp31415lets fix it for beryl and see what we can do.07:08
=== Hobbsee waits for an archive admin...
pimp31415  emerald-themes: Depends: emerald (>= 0.1) but it is not installable07:08
pimp31415hi Hobbsee ^^07:08
RAOFYou have run into the "ati drivers hate Xv + compiz" bug07:08
Hobbseehi pimp3141507:09
pimp31415how u holdin down the fort with your bad self07:09
Hobbseepimp31415: your point?  :)07:09
Hobbseei'm waiting on someone to unbreak soyuz, so apt actually gets built.07:09
pimp31415btw scroll up a few hours someone tried to compile apt and couldnt get it to checkinstall07:09
pimp31415ha i knew it was something lol07:09
pimp31415any way to force emerald-themes in?07:09
Hobbseecheckinstall dies over anything complicated - like, multiple binaries07:09
pimp31415if i were actually decent i would learn how to make uninstall07:10
pimp31415or whatever it is07:10
Hobbseei'd be more worried if it *did* build07:10
Hobbseebecause it would probably kill his system07:11
=== Hobbsee wonders about filing a removal request for it
=== RAOF wonders why emerald is not installable
=== pimp31415 wonders why too
pimp31415it was installable 3 days ago?07:13
=== Hobbsee shrugs
pimp31415and i did an apt-clean >_<07:13
HobbseeRAOF: someone broke it07:13
HobbseeRAOF: because emerald doesnt atually exist anymore07:13
Hobbseedue to the merge, and such07:14
HobbseeRAOF: if there isnt one already, please file a bug on removing emerald-themes07:14
RAOFNot quite true, sadly07:14
Hobbseewell, the ubuntu package07:14
RAOFReally we should package the new emerald, I suppose07:14
pimp31415ok now lets try the desktop effects with extra effects07:14
pimp31415btw excellent install on the gutsy overall07:15
HobbseeRAOF: i'd prefer not to see that stuff go thru :P07:15
=== RAOF suggests getting "compizconfig-settings-manager", trr
=== Hobbsee wants to see the kde version..
Hobbseepity mvo is on leave07:15
=== RAOF will pretend that emerald no longer exists, then :)
pimp31415well extra effects with desktop effects works by default on radeon 920007:16
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pimp31415i wonder if i could get dual mons with that working07:16
=== pimp31415 drools
pimp31415my roomate would LOVE it07:16
RAOFHobbsee: For cc-s07:16
HobbseeRAOF: i think so, yeah07:16
RAOFpimp31415: I believe so, yes07:16
pimp31415and as for emerald how about have it be a placeholder package like so many others that just makes sure the latest emerald-themes is in07:16
RAOFHobbsee: Cool.  I can't wait for an actually usable settings manager :P07:17
Karark|awaypimp31415, what do you use for dual monitors?07:17
pimp31415RAOF, theoretically yes in edgy/feisty/dapper but really no but hey lets see what we can do here :)07:17
pimp31415Karark|away, radeon 9200 128MB card with dual lcd's07:17
Karark|awayi had a hell of a time getting svideo and my monitor working nicely on feisty07:17
pimp31415vga outs07:17
Karark|awaysoftware wise07:17
pimp31415ah dunno07:18
RAOFpimp31415: MergedFB should be your friend.  Also, you probably wont be able to use compiz with it, due to texture size limitations07:18
pimp31415i could get the mons working without beryl quite easily with a few good ones07:18
pimp31415RAOF, yeah that was the thing07:18
pimp31415tho the size shouldnt have mattered - 1024x768x207:18
pimp31415so it falls within the limits of 2048x1024 quite nicely07:18
RAOFActually, yeah07:19
pimp31415[if i remember the restrictions correctly] 07:19
pimp31415well lets see let me get ntfs-3g on right and then on to dual mons07:20
pimp31415btw that thing with the vid is an issue with totem and its overlay somewhere i think as it does not carry over to mplayer - testing vlc07:20
RAOFpimp31415: You can fix it by selecting a different video sink07:21
pimp31415vlc is fine till i skip ahead - i think its just screen refresh lag thing07:21
pimp31415diff vid sink? praytell?07:21
pimp31415mm yeah skip ahead or select another window on top and the overlay gets mad07:21
pimp31415but i have no options in the device section let me try a few07:22
RAOFpimp31415: gstreamer-properties -> Video -> no Xv07:22
RAOFOr install the glimagesink, and use that in the "custom" field07:23
pimp31415ah yeah was on autodetect07:23
pimp31415ok sir07:23
pimp31415i bow to your greatness07:23
RAOFNo xv may be a little slow.  If so, try glimagesink :)07:24
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pimp31415let me double check im logging07:26
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pimp31415good lol edited07:28
Karark|awayRAOF, where is the gstreamer-properties? for future reference07:28
pimp31415Karark|away, i did in terminal - good question07:29
Karark|awayah yea, that works07:29
pimp31415python-qt3 needs to be included as default in ubuntu-desktop if at all possible b/c of hp stuff07:30
RAOFYou can also edit the "preferences" menu to make it visible07:30
pimp31415arg needed 5megs of repos07:30
RAOFnot a chance07:30
pimp31415thus the arg07:31
pimp31415ah Karark|away multimedia-system-selector07:31
RAOFPython-qt would pull in like 30Mb worth of dependencies :)07:31
pimp31415or so07:31
Karark|awaysweet, found it, thanks07:31
pimp31415RAOF, Need to get 4940kB of archives.07:31
pimp31415After unpacking 22.1MB of additional disk space will be used.07:31
pimp31415this is uuberclean install lol07:32
RAOFThere we go :)07:32
RAOFThink the livecd's got 22Mb spare :)07:32
RAOFAlthogh that's a lot less than I thought it would be07:33
pimp31415RAOF, only 5MB archives - only needs to be installed as used neh?07:34
Karark|awayis fglrx required to use big-desktop?07:35
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RAOFKarark|away: I don't believe so07:36
Karark|awaygreat, i hate fglrx on my 9600pro07:36
RAOFpimp31415: If it's in ubuntu-desktop, it's installed by default.07:36
RAOFAs in, on the livecd :)07:37
pimp31415RAOF, it wasnt installed - and its not enabled or shown by default07:37
pimp31415so i assume thats b/c they didnt wanna lose space07:37
pimp31415but tinyirc should be07:37
pimp31415irc2 even07:38
pimp31415!irc2 details07:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc2 details - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:38
pimp31415whats the command ?07:38
pimp31415ok now for dual mons07:38
pimp31415btw the hptools worked perfectly - first ubuntu distro for this printer07:38
pimp31415well gotta check scanner but not right now07:38
RAOFUm.  I've lost you.  Weren't we talking about python-qt3?07:38
pimp31415and its not installed by default07:38
pimp31415but when i did and got that hplip tool working07:38
pimp31415[it wouldnt load without the python-qt3 which was not installed by default] 07:39
RAOFOh, so hplip doesn't work without p-qt3?07:40
pimp31415ugot it07:40
pimp31415try showing it in menu and then running it ^^07:41
pimp31415could be i missed something somehow07:41
RAOFbug time!07:41
pimp31415so how would you recommend i attack dual mons with this ati again?07:41
pimp31415MergedFB ?07:41
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Karark|awayati opensource and big-desktop don't work :/07:43
pimp31415RAOF, seperate device sections?07:43
RAOFpimp31415: No idea.  I've only ever multi-monitored with nvidia07:44
Karark|awaynow to find a way to get tvout with opensource drivers :(07:44
RAOFWhich is nice and easy.  And will be more so once nouveau works :)07:44
Karark|awayanyone have ideas?07:45
RAOFKarark|away: I think you need development drivers.07:46
pimp31415ok brb07:47
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masterlokicloned screen - i KNOW i did it all right :-:07:49
masterloki:_: ***07:49
RoC_MasterMindwhat is the basic status of nouveau07:49
Karark|awayguess i will give fglrx another chance07:50
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RAOFRoC_MasterMind: 2d works.  untextured 3d kinda works07:58
RAOFNew, improved, EXA support!07:59
RAOFgit libdrm, mesa, and xorg driver!07:59
RoC_MasterMindwhat is untextured 3d?08:00
RoC_MasterMindlike 3d bery/compiz effects?08:00
RAOFNo.  Very much not.08:01
RAOFCompiz is all textures :)08:02
RAOFLike glxgears08:02
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RAOFWhich works on my 7600 go, until I fullscreen it :)08:02
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Karark|awaygah! this is getting annoying08:11
Karark|awayusing big-desktop, i have to do horizontal,reverse since my tv is to my left08:11
Karark|awaybut i cannot get it to make my PC monitor the default screen08:11
Karark|awayany tips?08:11
RAOFWhat? It works with the free drivers?  Cool08:12
Karark|awaynah, fglrx :(08:12
Karark|awaybut the firecontrol program is nice for doing TV out08:12
Karark|awayfglrxcontrol in synaptic08:12
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Karark|awayRAOF, know how to set which display to default screen?08:14
RAOFNo, sorry08:14
Karark|awaymore of an annoyance than anything08:14
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Karark|awayworst in when i get an IM and it spawns over there08:15
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Karark|awaydamn it, my GLX apps do not run correctly with this fglrx + big-desktop08:28
masterlokihey that worked08:28
masterloki<<-- pimp etc08:28
masterlokiworked GREAT08:28
Karark|awaythe picture is half outside of the window border08:28
masterlokiunfortunately the vid card is too limited to do much on the second screen but i'm gonna post the xorg.conf in the thread08:28
masterlokiKarark|away, dual mons?08:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:28
Karark|awaymasterloki, yea08:28
masterlokigot 3d rendering on both mons here08:29
masterlokiwhich was a first08:29
Karark|awayusing ATI08:29
masterlokiso even extra effects works - i get wierd redraw stuff on second mon but i think thats b/c the card is just a 920008:30
Karark|awayand that's what my GLX apps look like08:30
masterlokitry without the fglrx08:30
Karark|awayi wasn't able to08:30
Karark|awayi'll check your xorg.conf and see whats up08:30
Karark|awayit's s-video out, BW08:31
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masterlokiyeah same kinda redraw stuff08:31
Karark|awayOption "MonitorLayout" "crt, CRT" # LVDS = Laptop Screen, TMDS = DVI Port, CRT = VGA Port NOT MONITOR TYPE!08:31
Karark|awaywhat would i use for s-video here08:31
masterlokiwhat i had to change from the guide was the bit where in mine its crt, crt08:31
masterlokilets find out :)08:32
Karark|awaynot sure it has the option08:32
Karark|awayi'll give it a go, though08:32
masterlokitry none08:32
masterloki' none '08:32
Karark|awayOption "MonitorLayout" "none, CRT"08:33
Karark|awayor just none altogether08:33
masterlokidefault is auto, auto08:33
masterlokibut yes08:33
masterlokiyou might need to swap those tho08:33
masterlokiplay with the two diff ways08:33
masterlokicrt means vga out08:33
masterlokitmds == dvi etc08:34
masterlokii'm interested b/c we put this on the tv once in a while08:34
Karark|awayok, here we go08:35
masterlokimight be TV08:38
masterlokiyeah i think tv08:38
masterlokigo figure >_<08:38
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masterlokiKarark|away, actually08:41
masterlokiwith a bit more looking08:41
masterlokii think its TV08:41
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masterlokiwell there are some threads about svideo in ubuntuforums that show tv08:41
Karark|awaybut with mergeFB?08:42
Karark|awayi know big-desktop does it08:42
masterlokino clue man08:42
masterlokiits just a vid type08:42
masterlokiremember both mons need to be same resolution i think08:42
masterlokiunless you do diff sections for each08:42
masterlokiwhich might be xinerama? no clue08:43
Karark|awayme neither, trying something else08:44
masterlokiberyl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101108:45
masterlokireally really need some emerald-themes here :_:08:46
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Karark|awaygetting close08:47
masterlokigood :)08:47
masterlokiwhats the current symtoms?08:47
Karark|awaygot a clone on TV but it's wacked08:47
masterlokii would have beryl working on duals if it wernt for the em themes08:47
masterlokiwierd lines?08:48
masterlokitry reducing the shared resolutions way down08:48
Karark|awaysuper skinny and displayed 3 times08:48
masterloki600x480 on both08:48
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Karark|awaystill garbled08:50
masterlokiGConf backend: There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/wobbly/screen0/options/friction. Settings from this path won't be read. Try to remove that value so that operation can continue properly.08:51
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Karark|awayi just cannot get the damned TV to display properly08:54
Karark|awaybut it looks fine with GDM is not running08:54
masterlokiare you still using that fglrx ?08:56
masterlokitry radeon or ati08:56
Karark|awayi can get another screen with fglrx08:56
masterlokihey anyone know how to force emerald and emerald themes in?08:56
Karark|awaybut not run GLX apps because the rendering is moved over in a weird way08:56
masterlokisorry i dont know enough about your problem or this in general08:57
masterlokinvidia - worx great of course08:57
Karark|awayyea i know08:58
Karark|awaybut my nvidia card looks like crap with the svideo08:58
Karark|awaythat nvidia just works08:59
masterlokiwell keep at work on it08:59
masterlokiand start a thread in the forums08:59
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Karark|awayi've posted on a thread about big-desktop08:59
Karark|awayseems to be an active thread08:59
masterlokii wonder if i grab the emerald themes from somewhere or other and force in..08:59
Karark|awayguess i could try xinerama08:59
masterlokigah i'll prolly break stuff beyond repair09:00
Karark|awaybreaking stuff is half the fun ;)09:00
masterlokilets leave it till repos get happier09:00
masterlokimy system, sure09:00
masterlokihis not so much09:00
Karark|awayah ok09:00
masterlokii could try compiling....09:01
masterlokii'll let it go for a bit09:01
masterlokitho i wonder if there is a way to reverse make the package from my system09:01
masterlokii bet there is somehow09:02
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masterlokiok well09:14
masterlokifor the record and all09:14
masterlokii added feisty to repos for a bit and installed emerald stuff from there09:14
masterlokitechnicallly its working09:14
masterlokinow to disable it09:14
Hobbseethat will probably break soon09:14
masterlokiHobbsee, i had to do something - beryl wouldnt run right without heliodore or emerald-themes09:15
masterlokineither of which could be installed09:15
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masterlokitho the compiz.real worked i wanted something from beryl - this vid card cant really handle either on duals09:15
masterlokibarely on single mon so w/e09:15
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eagles0513875Hobbsee: hey i got a question for ya09:19
eagles0513875when u turn the volume down to 0% do u still get audio coming out09:21
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eagles0513875ok at least im not the only one09:21
Hobbseealthough i think i saw a bug report where someone didnt09:21
Hobbseesorry, no09:21
eagles0513875ok so im not going to report it again09:22
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eagles0513875whats the deal with all those packages that have been held back09:26
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gnomefreakeagles0513875: there are depends issues once everything is built against new libept they will be realesed (as far as i knowadept is blocking libept once that is fixed than they can be built against it and uploaded09:43
eagles0513875i was just wondering09:45
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gnomefreaksince apt is sort of important it should get done while sprint week is going on (but im not there so i cant say it will for sure)09:47
eagles0513875r u refering to that apport thing that i reported09:47
Hobbseegnomefreak: well, i've uploaded the last version, and am not at the sprint...09:47
gnomefreakHobbsee: yeah i saw that yesterday but apt wont go through without libept09:48
Hobbseelibept is broken too?  will have to look later09:48
=== Hobbsee --> out
gnomefreakHobbsee: im assuming that is why apt and apt-utils is not upgrading (apt wants to remove all important apps09:49
eagles0513875Hobbsee: what happend to that apport problem i filed09:49
Hobbseegnomefreak: you're incorrect09:49
gnomefreaki am?09:49
Hobbseegnomefreak: well, in so far as it's not libept - it's libapt09:49
Hobbseeeverything installing related needs a rebuild against the new apt09:49
Hobbseewhich is pointless, until the version of apt in bzr is in the archive ,and builds on all arches09:50
Hobbseeanyway, really out this time.09:50
gnomefreakubuntu5 is in the archive :(09:51
eagles0513875im not much help09:51
eagles0513875im working on a kubuntu based project of my own with 2 other people atm09:51
eagles0513875working on developing it09:51
eagles0513875actually the planning phase atm09:52
eagles0513875then devellopment09:52
eagles0513875gnomefreak: u know the gpl rather well09:52
gnomefreakhmm maybe i will ping one of the guys at sprint and see what is going on afaik ubuntu5 is in bzr09:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: eh09:53
eagles0513875j/w if i were to take kubuntu and make another dirivative but call it a different name would that violate the gpl09:53
gnomefreakeagles0513875: depends on the name09:54
gnomefreakeagles0513875: but yes you should beable to09:55
eagles0513875u know much programming gnomefreak09:55
gnomefreakeagles0513875: some not so much alot09:55
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eagles0513875may i pm ya gnome09:56
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yeah ill answer as soon as i get back (getting coffee and a smoke)09:57
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jussi01Hmmm, hello everyone. how is gutsy looking right now?10:32
eagles0513875for me so far so good10:33
eagles0513875only one peculiarity though10:33
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moky hello10:59
moky I've a problem with the internet connection of KGutsy Tribe210:59
moky it only accepts eth210:59
mokyso I am unable to connect10:59
mokyI do not have the problem with kgutsy upgraded from kfeisty11:00
gnomefreakmoky: n-m is screwed up in gutsy atm11:00
gnomefreakmoky: file a bug and wait for it to get fixed11:02
mokyok. Thanks11:02
mokyWhat do I have to precise in my bug report ?11:02
mokyI am not used to fill bug report and I want to do it correctly11:03
gnomefreakmoky: the problem, expected results, what results you are getting version of ubuntu, version of network-manager and anything else that you would see as important (errors you get when you try differnet things)11:04
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mokyFor the versions of software, can I just say "tribe2 live-CD" ?11:05
gnomefreakmoky: are you using livecd or installed?11:06
mokyright now I am using a upgrade from feisty. It works11:06
mokybut the live-cd presents the bug as well as the installed version (at least woth tribe1)11:07
gnomefreakmoky: version of network-manager == apt-cache poilcy network-manager for gutsy release just say you are using gutsy it is than assumed you are up to date11:07
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mokyI cannot be up to date because I have no network ;)11:09
gnomefreakmoky: well than you would need to tell them when you lost your net access11:09
mokywhen performing a fresh install of Gutsy11:10
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jussi01hmmm, ok, where is my adept?11:14
gnomefreakjussi01: its there unless you upgraded apt11:20
jussi01hmmm, i havent upgraded for a few days... but maybe i did11:20
jussi01havent booted gustsy since saturday..11:20
gnomefreakjussi01: you would have to know if you upgraded it since its held back you would have gave the install command11:21
gnomefreakjussi01: sudo apt-get update11:21
jussi01ok, i only have used the adept updater..11:21
gnomefreakjussi01: than try upgrade apt-apt-utils and others should be held back11:21
gnomefreakjussi01: run sudo apt-get update than run sudo apt-get upgrade. the above packages should be in held back11:23
gnomefreakadept will still be installed unless you upgraded those packages. do not force an upgrade or try to install those packages11:23
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jussi01oh crap11:24
jussi01it only held back libcurl 3 and 411:24
jussi01is it gonna die now?11:25
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jussi01elkbuntu: wb!11:25
gnomefreakjussi01: libvurl has issues see /topic11:26
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elkbuntujussi01, did the netsplit 2hrs ago ever unsplit?11:26
jussi01elkbuntu: i dont think so11:27
gnomefreakelkbuntu: no11:27
jussi01elkbuntu: ubotu is still gone...11:27
elkbuntuok then, there's 66 poor suckers in #ubuntu over on the other server11:27
jussi01gnomefreak: just what... (end of /topic)?11:27
jussi01hehe... poor them11:27
jussi01elkbuntu: at least they have ubotu to keep them company... :P11:28
gnomefreakoh good question11:28
gnomefreakill fix it in a moment11:28
jussi01hehe, thanks :)11:29
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:gnomefreak] : The In Development Version Channel | Please ***don't*** run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing and the like. | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 2 released | Yes, there are libcurl* and apt issues ATM.
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
jussi01heh... what was it going to say?11:30
gnomefreakjussi01: freenode set it so there is no telling11:31
gnomefreakfreenode is having issues today11:32
jussi01I noticed11:32
jussi01hmmm, question, is mesa the best driver for intel 915? or is there some intel driver i should be installing...?11:33
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crdlbthat is the intel driver11:34
crdlbthey don't make silly proprietary drivers11:34
jussi01ok... Im just getting issues with tremulous11:34
crdlbas long as you mean mesa, not vesa :P11:35
jussi01crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29195/11:35
jussi01thats the out put when i start in terminal11:35
crdlbjussi01, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:36
jussi01crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29196/11:38
crdlbwell I thought gutsy used the newer intel driver (not i810)11:40
crdlbbut it's working11:40
crdlbjussi01, pastebin this: LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo11:40
jussi01crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29198/11:41
crdlbah there's the problem11:41
jussi01yes, i just saw that...11:42
crdlbsudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri11:42
crdlband if it's installed --reinstall it11:42
jussi01ok, trem works now!11:43
jussi01thanks a lot!11:43
jussi01any idea why that didnt install the first time around?11:43
crdlbwell at least for a while they were going to leave off libgl1-mesa-dri11:44
crdlbbecause of space concerns11:44
jussi01ok then11:44
crdlbbecause they didn't realize -glx wasn't enough by itself apparently11:44
jussi01ok, so they are fixing it?11:45
jussi01or do I need to file a bug?11:45
crdlbafaik it's fixed11:45
jussi01ok :)11:45
crdlband they're certainly aware of it :)11:45
jussi01well, Im off to play some trem....11:45
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MacSlowGreetings everybody!12:09
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SeveredCrossApt still isn't fixed!01:32
gnomefreakSeveredCross: apt ios being held back in gutsy01:33
gnomefreakSeveredCross: everything needs to be built on new libapt01:34
SeveredCrossI could've sworn Hobbsee told me that was going to be fixed with 0.7.2ubuntu6.01:34
gnomefreakSeveredCross: apt maybe but the other apps myabe not01:34
SeveredCrossWell, it's weird, because doesn't the apt package provide libapt-pkg-libc6-blah-blah?01:35
gnomefreakthere are about 10-20 apps that need rebuild on new libapt01:35
SeveredCrossOh, and synaptic and aptitude are looking for the wrong version of apt.01:35
SeveredCrossErr, libapt.01:35
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SeveredCrossI got aptitude back.01:40
SeveredCrossAnd tasksel and ubuntu-minimal.01:40
SeveredCrossSynaptic is still busted.01:40
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Infectocan some one tell me where is acroread in pkg ?05:19
mrsno__gworkspace-apps-wrappers in universe Infecto ?05:20
Infectomrsno__: a sry05:21
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Infectoi install it but it not contain acroread05:29
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DanaGubuntu-laptop-mode wants to uninstall ubuntu-desktop.05:42
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HobbseeDanaG: because it conflicts  ubuntu-laptop-mode05:46
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donspauldingHello all, I'm running gutsy on my new T61, and I don't have any sound.  The current version of the alsa-driver is 1.0.14, which can be patched to provide support for my chipset, but the patches exist in CVS version of the driver.06:15
donspauldingMy question is, will there be any updates beyond 1.0.14 to the alsa-driver before gutsy releases?06:15
=== donspaulding says "current version of the alsa-driver" == "current version of the alsa-driver in gutsy repos"
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SaltyMulecan I get help here?06:46
mrsno__SaltyMule see topic , but sure06:46
SaltyMulesorry, just trying to find the ubuntu help channel06:47
donspauldingAnyone know if the alsa-driver will be updated again before gutsy releases?06:52
mrsnoSaltyMule try #ubuntu for general support06:54
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SaltyMuleThanks, but no one was answering my questions06:57
teratomasomeone gonna fix apt one day?07:12
donspaulding/me's not07:14
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PriceChild*growls* Why can't I mange to compile the rt2x00 drivers? :(07:43
h3sp4wnPriceChild: What does it fail on ? rfkill ?07:46
PriceChildI'm just gonna make a nice clean make.log07:47
h3sp4wnAre you trying to compile the daily cvs download (remember its against wireless-git)07:49
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PriceChildI've tried the latest from ralinktech, and from serialmonkey (beta4)07:49
h3sp4wnneither of those are rt2x0007:50
h3sp4wnthe legacy ones are not the rewrite07:50
h3sp4wn(feisty uses the mac80211 ones anyway)07:51
PriceChildok so i can accept maybe I don't know what I'm doing...07:52
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connhi, has anyone with an intel graphics chipset tried the EXA AccelMethod in Xorg? If you have, can you also get compiz working properly?10:27
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crdlbconn, I'm pretty sure that XAA is still a far better AccelMethod10:27
conncrdlb, hard to explain, but very soon it will work better than XAA, as soon as xserver-xorg-core is updated, it will have smooth scrolling with compiz...10:28
conncrdlb, Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" - this will make EXA rendering as fast as XAA for the moment10:29
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conncrdlb, you'd be doing me a big favour if you can verify that compiz works with exa10:30
crdlbI cannot :/10:30
crdlbnot running gutsy atm, and I don't have an intel chip :P10:30
connok :)10:31
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joumetaladded Option exa in xorg.conf and x works with i81510:40
joumetalcompiz works too.10:42
connjoumetal, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i exa10:42
connif exa isn't supported, it'll revert to xaa without failing - I'm not sure if the i815 chipset supports exa yet10:43
joumetalit doesn't give anything10:43
connjoumetal, you're probably using xaa, then10:46
joumetalyes it is.10:46
connanyway thanks for testing it, I appreciate it :)10:47
h3sp4wnexa works very nicely on my r200 based ati10:47
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connh3sp4wn, yep and when the rest of the aiglx-zero-copy-tfp patches are applied to xorg, scrolling will be much better for you with compiz10:51
connunfortunately on my intel graphics, exa is causing compiz to crash :(10:52
h3sp4wnconn: I don't care about compiz (in any way shape or form) just the rendering quality difference was the reason I used it10:53
connh3sp4wn, quality? The only difference is performance and memory usage10:53
lamalexthat counts as quality10:54
connbugs aside, xaa and exa should render things identically10:54
h3sp4wnconn: well they didn't at that point on my card10:54
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connlamalex, yep I'd agree, as long as that was the intended meaning and not "visual" quality10:54
h3sp4wnconn: It doesn't look identical (at least in real use)10:57
connh3sp4wn, interesting... what looks different?10:57
h3sp4wnconn: fonts are just alot clearer with xterm10:57
h3sp4wn(Its only xterm as well urxvt and anothers I tried didn't have the same effect)10:58
connthat's interesting, but I somehow doubt it... all font rendering (subpixel or otherwise) is done by freetype/cairo, if it looks different, I guess there's a bug in XAA for your card, but I gotta say, that's unlikely. EXA is the buggy architecture at the moment10:59
connon another laptop I had, there was a lot of corruption with EXA, but XAA was perfect10:59
h3sp4wnWith exa I can get it to look like xaa11:00
h3sp4wnby disabling xrender11:00
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SeveredCrossI think so.12:00
SeveredCrossI did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and it did everything.12:00
SeveredCrossMaybe not.12:00
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SeveredCrossNo, no libcurl.12:01
SeveredCrossOO.org didn't install.12:01
SeveredCrossYeah, OO.org is still down for the count.12:01
Tretleis the libcurl package comming up in update manager for you at all?12:01
SeveredCrossStill, ubuntu-desktop installs fine though.12:01
SeveredCrossHmm, nope12:01
Tretledid you install libcurl three12:02
SeveredCrossI have 7.16.2-ubuntu412:02
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SeveredCrossErr, 2-6ubuntu412:02
SeveredCrossHowever libcurl4 requires 2-6ubuntu312:02
Tretlebecause before I installed warsow, which installed libcurl3 and uninstalled 4 and open office the new libcurl4 package was showing up in update manager12:02
SeveredCrossWhich is a totally retarded way to do dependencies12:02
Tretleyou couldnt select it though12:03
SeveredCrossYeah, I have the same issue.12:03
SeveredCrossIt's because it can't figure out how to install libcurl412:03
=== kefkouille [n=adept@dau94-8-88-166-31-178.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
SeveredCrossSince libcurl4-blah depends on exactly libcurl3-7.16.2-6ubuntu3 but libcurl4 is -6ubuntu412:03
SeveredCrossErr, libcurl 3 is ....12:03
Tretleso they lied when they said backwards compatable12:05
SeveredCrossIMHO, it's a situation of somebody fucked up the package.12:05
PriceChildlibcurl was upgraded...12:06
SeveredCrossThere's no reason why it should be specifically dependent on 6ubuntu3 and not work with 6ubuntu4.12:06
PriceChildin debian12:06
SeveredCrossPriceChild: Try installing OO.org and you'll see what we're talking about.12:06
PriceChildubuntu took the changes12:06
PriceChilddebian realised the api had changed in ways they thought wouldn't12:06
PriceChildso they reverted12:06
PriceChildwe still haven't reverted...12:06
PriceChildpatience and an updated libcurl3 and things will be sorted )12:07
Tretleso we arnt actually going to use libcurl4 in gutsy?12:07
pvandewyngaerdeis it safe to remove libcurl4 ?12:08
PriceChildit will require a lot more tweaking of other packages to use libcurl412:08
PriceChildlibcurl4 itself isn't "broken"... no need to remove it12:08
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
pvandewyngaerdea few days ago i got this http://pietervandewyngaerde.googlepages.com/updatewrong.png now i get this http://pietervandewyngaerde.googlepages.com/update10-07.png looks o lot better now12:11
=== wfarr [n=wfarr@adsl-215-154-167.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #ubuntu+1
neoncodeHow unstable is Gutsy right now? I mean does it crash after 5 seconds or does it give you time to check your E-Mail first?12:24
PriceChildneoncode, don't use gutsy12:24
SeveredCrossI wouldn't say it's exactly unstable.12:24
PriceChildit is alpha, for developers and bug triagers etc.12:24
SeveredCrossBut it's a bit broken.12:24
PriceChildif you want to read your email12:24
=== pvandewyngaerde [n=pvandewy@73.23-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Karark is now known as Karark|away
neoncodePriceChild: I know, But I don't plan to use it exclusively.12:25
PriceChildthen use feisty12:25
PriceChild!away > Karark|away12:25
PriceChilduse feisty12:26
PriceChildthe fact that you're even asking about it suggests you shouldn't12:26
neoncodeI'm just wondering how broken it currently is.12:26
=== eagles0513875 [n=jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu+1
pvandewyngaerdei use gutsy as my daily os12:27
eagles0513875same here12:27
pvandewyngaerdebut i just surf'n'chat12:27
eagles0513875i like always trying new stuff12:28
=== DerekS [n=DerekS@cpe-66-65-46-91.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
eagles0513875lol im tryign to even find some more people than what i already have to develop a new kubuntu version12:28

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