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superm1evand, if you could merge me again, i've got more gui cleanup added to my branch06:49
evandsuperm1: taking a look now06:56
superm1thanks evand06:56
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=== ITDirect [n=stephan@wbs-41-208-230-119.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-installer
ITDirecthi guys08:44
ITDirectanybody able to help with pre installing machines with ubuntu, custom apps installed08:48
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evandhooray for sticking around long enough for an answer09:13
superm1:), the proper way would have been just a custom live disk with the apps already present prior to install, correct?09:22
thompreseeded install with the packages added to pkgsel/include09:23
superm1i see09:24
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superm1thom, but that would assume the custom apps were available in the archive10:48
superm1so if they really were "custom" apps, that method wouldn't work10:48
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