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=== maelcum [n=maelcum@e178135006.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
maelcumhi! i have a box of kubuntu cds that i want to distribute at my university in a more effective way than just throw them on some tables and hope for the best. any hints?01:16
Burgundaviamaelcum: absolutely01:18
Burgundaviafor cds, remember that they cost money and thus try and give them out to peopel who are useful01:19
BurgundaviaI would print off some pamphlets and leave those out01:19
Burgundaviawhenever you engage somebody in conversation and they seem interested, give them a cd01:19
maelcumwell... i have a whole box and i'm willing to invest about 2 hours at university and about as much at home... and i hate the people standing in your way and handing stuff out to you (happens a lot at my uni), and i'd hate even more to do it myself. it's probably the most effective use of cds, but not of my time :/01:22
maelcumi develop kde in my spare time, so it's not like i'm slacking off when i'm not distributing cds :)01:23
Admiral_Chicagothe best thing I have found is get people interest in an actual conversation01:38
Admiral_Chicagoand people will ask questions01:38
maelcumi can do that in some cases... i'll just make sure to always carry some cds with in my backpack ;)01:40
maelcums/with/with me/01:40
=== bassett [n=Bassetts@5ac2dd08.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagothats a good idea as well01:52
=== Vorian_ [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #47 is out! UWN #48 is in progress to be released Sunday July 15th
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno
beunojenda: ping03:10
jendabeuno: pong!03:40
jendabeuno: best time to ping me :)03:40
Burgundaviajenda: can you post the latest uwn to the forums?03:54
VorianBurgundavia, I can if you like04:09
Bassettshey jenda 04:38
beunoalright, turns out I can't sleep04:42
Bassettsbeuno, late there?04:43
beunoBassetts: almost 5am04:43
Bassettsalmost 4 here04:43
BassettsI may aswell stay up all night or I will never but up in time for my parcel04:46
beunoBassetts: good night then  :D04:47
Bassettstrying to sleep again beuno ?04:47
beunoBassetts: no, I'm not sleeping tonight, I have meetings in a few hours04:48
beunothought you where04:48
BassettsIf I go to sleep I will not be up for my parcel04:49
beunoBassetts: right, we're in the same situation then  :p04:51
Bassettsbeuno, the want to sleep but cannot group?04:51
Bassettssuppose I could update a few wiki pages05:03
Bassettslike the one jenda assigned me05:04
beunoah, if jenda assigned you something, I would do it as fast as possible, he's a very impacient person...05:07
=== beuno sents the bait and waits
Bassettsbeuno, heh, trying my best, first project and I always feel I am doing it wrong05:07
beunoBassetts: what did you get assigned?05:08
Bassettsthe diy website print page05:08
beunoBassetts: aaaah, cool  :D05:08
beunowe really want that05:08
Bassettsbeuno, I am struggling05:08
Bassettsbeuno, how do I link to something in the wiki e.g. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=UbuntuLogo.png05:10
beunoBassetts: link or show the image in the wiki?05:11
Bassettsall I can get it to do is show it05:12
beunoBassetts: something like this:   you can see the [ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=UbuntuLogo.png Ubuntu Logo]  blah blah blah'05:13
Bassettsthanks beuno 05:13
Bassettsthere doesnt seem to be much stuff suitable for printing05:14
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jendabeuno: :D09:56
Bassettshey jenda 10:05
BassettsI got some more of that wiki page done last night, but theres not as much stuff around as I first though10:05
jendaheya :)10:19
jenda(took me a long time to come up with that)10:20
jendaBassetts: there's a ton of stuff at diy.devubuntu.com/repo/spreadubuntu10:22
jendabut for some reason, it's down now :(10:22
jendaAnd I'll be awaf for about a week.10:22
jendaPerhaps you can find out why, for me :)10:22
=== jenda tucks in a 'please'
jendaThe people to talk to are MitchM, the owner of the server and Dan Buch (meatballhat), whom you've already met.10:23
Bassettsjenda, I will do my best =)10:26
jendathanks :)10:28
=== Bassetts puts names down into personal wiki
Bassettsjenda, any leads on where to find them10:31
jendaBassetts: either right here when they come, or...10:35
jendaby email: mitch kci.net ; meatballhat ubuntu.com10:38
jendabut probably try meatballhat first10:38
jendaBassetts: nevermind, I just realised I have to write Dan an email anyway.10:38
jendaSo I'll ask :)10:38
Bassettsokie dokie10:39
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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jendajuliux: ping12:01
juliuxjenda, pong12:02
Vorianjenda juliux, beep12:03
juliuxhey Vorian 12:03
=== Vorian runs away
n2diy! ubotu12:04
jendajuliux: got that contract-thingy anywhere?12:04
n2diythe bot is ill, hope he recovers soon.12:04
juliuxjenda, which contract-thing?12:04
jendajuliux: the loco thing? :)12:04
juliuxjenda, which loco one?12:05
juliuxjenda, that one that allows us to use the trademarks?12:05
jendathe contract between the Ubuntu DE association and canonical?12:05
Voriann2diy, the bot is on another freenode server that has split12:05
n2diyVorian: so he is on vacation?12:06
VorianI wish there was someone on freenode staff around to check that out12:06
=== jenda looks around
juliuxjenda, http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/file/agreement/pdf/12:06
jendajuliux: thx12:06
Voriann2diy, net split > hasen't re merged12:06
jendajuliux: nothing there12:06
n2diyVorian: gnomefreak in on it.12:07
juliuxjenda, http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/verein/ and then klick on Vereinbarung12:07
jendanow I have about 10 .pdfs on my desktop :)12:07
Vorianjenda, clarke.freenode.net is where ubotu is ATM\12:08
jendaVorian: and...? ;)12:09
Vorianit's split :(12:09
n2diyVorian: why is Ubotu playing with ATM?12:10
Vorianhe's broke12:10
jendajuliux: "The Association shall abide by the Ubuntu trademark policy, as written at http://www.ubuntu.com/-12:10
jendaubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/. The trademark license contained in this agreement does not give the12:10
jendaAssociation or the LoCo Team rights to re-license the Ubuntu trademark in any way.12:10
jendaWhich basically means... the license means nothing at all ;)12:10
n2diyVorian: ah, and I thought he was playing with asyc. transfer mode, or something like that? Bad bot!12:11
jendajuliux: if I read right.12:12
juliuxjenda, sorry phone12:12
jendasorry, washing dishes, bb in 20 :)12:13
juliuxjenda, we have a licens and that is everything12:15
jendajuliux: the license states you have to follow the default licence: the trademark policy.12:21
jendaIt's the same licence that applies to anyone. Or isn't it? Is there something the licence allows you to do that others can't?12:22
jendaNot that I can see.12:24
n2diy! Linus :)12:24
=== Watersevenub [n=Watersev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
n2diy73, Good night, and good luck all, brb, in 10 hours.12:31
juliuxjenda, i dont think so12:50
juliuxjenda, but it is a free licence ;)12:50
juliuxbrb lunch12:51
jendaI read it again, and I really don't get it.12:51
jendaThere is no permission in there.12:51
jendaTo me, it seems it doesn't give you any rights you wouldn't have otherwise.12:52
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jendajuliux: who did you sign this with?12:53
jendajuliux: I'd like to discuss with them if there's something I don't understand.12:53
=== Mike_F [n=mike@user-0c6s66t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunonixternal: hello  :D01:30
beunoI want to have a small interview with the new MOTUs and core devs for the next UWNs, and it seems you fall under that category!01:31
jendayo beuno 01:32
jendabeuno: I'll be gone for 6 days01:33
beunohey jenda01:33
jendabeuno: do try to catch jono in the meantime :) Sorry I won't be of any help till I get back.01:33
beunowhere are you hitchhiking to?01:33
jendaOTOH, I won't be going to Ukraine in august, which'll give me more time.01:33
beunojenda: I will email him then with CC to you, so you can follow up  :D01:33
jendabeuno: dunno, depends where they'll take me :)01:34
jendaI'm packing up Mr. Lappytums now.01:34
jendaactually, the name is Melian :D01:34
beunook, well, have fun  :D01:34
beunojenda: how about "akismet"  :p01:35
=== beuno ducks
juliuxjenda, ask smurf about it01:53
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nixternalbeuno: hello04:24
beunohey nixternal04:24
nixternalwell hello there04:25
beunowell hello there too04:25
beunodid you read ^?04:26
nixternalsome about MOTU04:34
beunoyes, I want to send you a quick interview04:34
beunofor UWN04:34
beunosince you're famous and all now  :p04:35
nixternaloh, sure go for it..famous nevah!04:35
beunoI don't have the questions here, but you will have them in your inbox in a while, just wanted to give you the heads up04:35
beunohow's the whole DD thing going?04:36
nixternalslow right now...but hopefully within the next year04:37
beunodid you get any packages in yet?04:38
nixternalgot a few now04:39
nixternalplus the kde-extras stuff for Debian that I help with04:40
beunoso you're well on your way04:40
elkbuntunixternal is famous? ... we're doomed!05:02
=== elkbuntu runs and hides
nixternalwe have been doomed since day 105:02
elkbuntuoh right.. i forgot... i'll rephrase05:03
elkbuntuwe're doomed even more!05:03
=== mrmonday [n=mrmonday@unaffiliated/mrmonday] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuhttp://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-huge-burger-F27.jpg <-- not as doomed as whoever eats that though!05:08
elkbuntunixternal, ^^05:11
nixternalholy smokes05:13
elkbuntui'm betting that's even more than the 30000 calorie sandwich05:14
nixternalthere is a restaurant just north of Chicago that serves a 5 pound burger, that thing is huge, and people actually try to eat it05:16
nixternalone of the guys I weight lift with, ate it and won $500 for finishing it in 30 minutes05:16
nixternalI couldn't get through half of it05:17
elkbuntu5 pound of food in 30 minutes? ugh05:17
nixternalI couldn't eat that in a day05:17
nixternaldamn, guess I should quit eating fried mushrooms05:18
nixternalthey are one of my staple foods though :)05:18
elkbuntuugh... mushrooms are yuck05:18
elkbuntuas are things that are supposed to reside in the insides of animals05:18
nixternalI try to eat half a pound a day...good source of nutrition05:18
elkbuntunot when they're fried they're not05:19
elkbuntuunless cholesterol is a nutrient in your country :05:19
nixternalhehe, well I tend to eat them raw, but every now and then, them little jerks get thrown in a tub of bubbling oil :)05:19
nixternalactually, considering the junk I eat, I can't believe my cholesterol is good05:20
nixternalI mix junk with protein shakes, vitamins, supplements, and good organic food05:20
nixternalI can't do the total weight lifting diet thing, I am not all that disciplined just yet :)05:21
elkbuntuhehe... the mere smell of mushroom makes me nauseous.05:21
nixternalcome on, I live in Chicago, it is a must that you eat Polish Sausage, Hot Dogs, Gyros, and Pizza05:21
elkbuntui live in australia and i only eat sausages and steak under duress05:22
elkbuntuit ranks slightly higher than sausage05:22
nixternalit ranks #2, only behind lobster or crab for me05:23
elkbuntuim not a red meat type of girl. seafood, chicken and pork for me kthx05:23
elkbuntuand we are waaaaaaay offtopic for this channel05:24
nixternalI can't do pork, but the rest I can05:24
nixternalelkbuntu: any topic in this channel is good though :)05:24
nixternalsince it is always so quiet05:24
elkbuntulol, good point. mdke isnt here to whip us back on topic anymore05:25
nixternalnope, mdke is to busy being whipped by the new wife05:25
nixternaloops, did I say that out loud?05:25
elkbuntuso, why not pork?05:25
nixternalnever been a fan of an animal that rolls around where it does05:26
elkbuntuum... but you're fine with seafood?05:26
nixternalya, the salt water cleans it out :)05:28
elkbuntuhahaha. nice try05:29
nixternalpork has a texture that doesn't agree with me really05:29
nixternalI will eat a pork chop every now and then though, as I can deal with it and actually enjoy it05:29
nixternalbut ham I can't05:30
elkbuntuthat makes a difference, yes. i'll happily eat beef in a stew or stirfry, but struggle with it as a steak05:31
elkbuntulamb likewise05:31
nixternalorly...lamb I really enjoy, but that could be due to being previously married to greek woman05:32
nixternaland possibly one day married again to that same greek woman :)05:32
nixternalshe made me eat stuff I wouldn't ever imagine, and I enjoyed it05:33
nixternallike eggplant, my lord that is good stuff05:33
elkbuntuif cooked properly, yeah05:33
nixternaltrue, I couldn't do it raw I don't think05:35
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elkbuntusteamed it is gross too05:35
nixternalI have never tried it steemed05:36
elkbuntui dont recommend it05:37
elkbuntuif im just going through toothpastefordinner.com archives, i think it's probably time for bed05:56
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=== dee [n=dee@dslb-084-057-096-135.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
deeWe (German Ubuntu News team) have send a email to the mailing list ubuntu-marketing-submissions. Unfortunately nobody has answered since.07:28
deeit is possible to receive an answer?07:28
beunodee: I don't see any admins around, but I'll spread the word  :D07:48
deebeuno: thanks.07:49
deeyou won't guess what's the topic of the mail: "better communication between Ubuntu Marketing and German-News-Team". ;)07:49
beunodee: aaaw... the irony....07:51
deeyes... kinda funny07:52
deeor kinda sad... matter of view point07:52
beunodee: actually, why was that not sent to the plain marketing list?07:54
deebeuno: was ist the first time.07:57
deebut because the list is closed the mails stops on teh server and an admin needs to forward it.07:58
deesome user (need to take a look at the logs) said I should send it again.07:58
deeand then I have seen the suggestion-mailing list.07:58
beunodee: you can just subscribe and your emails will go straight through07:58
beunobut for discussions, the ubuntu-marketing is the list07:59
beunothe other is to send stories07:59
deeyes I know. but I don't want to subscribe because I do not want to discuss something there.07:59
deeI have thought it's possible to mail it directly07:59
beunodee: then how will you participate in the discussion if you don't subscribe?08:00
deebeuno: ehrm no... I haven't thought that there must be a big discussion between the whole community. :(08:00
beunodee: not discussion in a bad sense, just "conversation", a conversation08:02
beunoif you forward your email to me, I'll make sure it gets into the mailing list  :D08:02
deenah, it's okay. I suppose I must subscribe... I can delete my subscription afterwards08:05
beunodee: yes, and also, email filters are your friend  :p08:05
n2diyhow much traffic does the discussion list generate?08:08
beunon2diy: the regular one maybe has an average of 6 or 7 emails per week08:10
deeso, mail is send.08:10
deeeh, sent... I think.08:10
n2diybeuno, ok, I get more junk mail per day than that.08:11
beunon2diy: absolutely08:11
deeah, damn08:11
beunodee: did you send to ubuntu-marketing?08:12
deebut forget that I first must confirm my subscription. :(08:12
deeso I will send it again08:12
deeso, now... finally....08:13
=== dee makes three crosses
dee(I don't know if this phrase exists in English)08:14
beunodee: got it  :D08:14
deeso have a nice evening (or morning/day/night) :)08:15
beunodee: thanks for the input08:16
deeno problem08:18
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ITDirecthi guys, starting a shop in ZA promoting open source08:49
beunohello ITDirect08:49
ITDirecthi there08:50
beunopromoting open source is always good, what can we help you with?08:50
ITDirectwell,  need some ideas08:50
ITDirecthow to go about08:50
ITDirectdoing this08:50
ITDirectgetting people to move from what they know to the unknown08:51
beunoITDirect: I believe the best way to get as many ideas as possible is to send an email to the mailing list, that way you can access a lot more people then who's randomly looking in the channel08:51
ITDirectwhere do i mail it, to get the best responce08:52
beunoITDirect: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing08:54
ITDirectthanks doing so as we speak08:56
ITDirectyou from?08:56
beunoI'm from Argentina08:57
ITDirectbeen on irc #ubuntu 4 long?08:59
ITDirectwant to gather a few geeks in ZA to come and join my launch for the shop, know any?09:00
beunoITDirect: I don't hang out in #ubuntu specifically, but I do in over a dozend *ubuntu channels  :D   and, yes, well, I've been here for maybe year and a half09:01
beunoITDirect: just Mark Shuttleworth  :p09:01
ITDirectmaybe i should get him 2 come, know his screen name:-X09:01
beunoITDirect: maybe, but I'm not sure he's up for it, maybe send him an email:  mark@ubuntu.com09:03
ITDirectwil do that 09:06
ITDirectwant to make a ubuntu install with all the apps we like and also know, for install on these retail machines, customised install09:07
ITDirectany idea09:08
ITDirectso we can do better support09:08
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