
pr4bhbrunner: isnt it just converting stereo into surround using software based methods?12:01
pr4bhim sorry im a newbie, so i apologise if i dont make any sense12:01
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brunnerpr4bh: I'm not sure about VLC, but it probably depends on how many channels the audio/video file you're playing was encoded with12:01
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cypruserSynaptic Package Manager is taking an awfully long time to download something. How can I shut it down?12:02
brunnerif it's a stereo mp3 and it's playing on all channels, it's probably just duplicating the output12:02
dr_willispr4bh,  if you want  the real thing - ya need a real 5.1+ source. :) not a lot of those out..12:02
pr4bhbrunner: so supposing the sound file is a stereo one, then rear speakers wont work?12:02
Romeo5kQUESTION ANYONE: Anyone which operates better and nicer on Ubuntu (fiesty) server... phpmyadmin or webmin .. im using a 300MHz machine an d a noob to *nix.. so take that into consideration..12:02
dirtyhandim trying to download drivers for my laptop, but HPs website only has them in .exe files, will Ubuntu be able to run these and extract the files?12:02
dr_willispr4bh,  thats what you are seeing.. probelry.. its only 2.1 sound.. so the rear speakers are silent.12:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
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koenbruenig: will i keep my hfsplus permissions when tarring it from linux?12:03
brunnerpr4bh: again, I'm not sure how vlc does it, but I have my myth box configured to only output on two channels when I play something that only includes two channels. if I play a 5.1 DVD, I get output on all six channels12:03
rocketsdirtyhand, you cant use windows drivers in linux, except for wifi cards12:03
pr4bhdr_willis: oh.. but my mates got the same card, he plays mp3s in vista, all the bloody speakers work fine12:03
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rocketsdirtyhand, but you probably wont NEED drivers for most things either12:03
Nergaris there something like community council or anything like that????12:03
dr_willispr4bh,  its up-mixing them automaticially then would be my guess.12:03
bruenigkoen, tar it with p option12:03
dirtyhandrockets: thats what im trying to get the wireless for this laptop, it wont work atm, just ethernet12:03
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dr_willispr4bh,  theres plugins for the various media playes that do that.12:03
brunnerI don't want my software app to pump audio to all channels. I would prefer that my receiver do that.12:03
cobalt027 this is more of a nautilus question,but: im trying to use/setup some mount/unmount12:03
cobalt027                   scripts for ISOs.. but the $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_* variables do not seem to be getting set12:03
cobalt027                   when i run a script. What am i doing wrong?12:03
rocketsdirtyhand, ok. a lot of driver files are really zip files. try changing it to .zip and extracting it12:04
pr4bhdr_willis: oh, thats a nice tip12:04
cobalt027(sorry for the multiple lines)12:04
rocketsdriver exe files that is12:04
brunnerunless the source actually includes 5 or 6 channels of audio12:04
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dr_willispr4bh,  just split the wires.. :) so ya get front in the rear...12:04
Nergaris there something like community council or anything like that????12:04
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brunneranyway, I'm going to assume that the ubuntu installer setup grub. I'll brb, I hope.12:04
peeps_worksay i have some program installed from the repos, and I want to upgrade to the latest version available(which is not in the repos).  should I completely uninstall it first via apt-get, or can I make install over the existing install?12:04
HOT Nergar what do you mean?12:04
dirtyhandi renamed to .zip but I cant double click openit12:04
rocketsdirtyhand, nono12:04
rocketsdirtyhand, unzip it from the terminal12:04
pr4bhdr_willis: hmm..12:05
rocketsdirtyhand, unzip filename.zip12:05
rocketsput it in a folder first dirtyhand12:05
rocketsdirectory rather12:05
pr4bhdr_willis: i dont think i have the guts to mess with the wires12:05
Nergari had a problem with an official loco team12:05
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HOTNergar: from Ubuntu?12:05
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HOTNergar: a problem they are helping you with?12:06
dirtyhandrockets: unzip wont work12:06
pr4bhdr_willis: ill read a bit more on alsa's website, see if i can get the rear speakers to work (upmixing or whatever technique it can use)12:06
dr_willispr4bh,  phht! its just speaker wires!12:06
rocketsdirtyhand, ok. theres still a way12:06
dr_willisnot like its 440V! :)12:06
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rocketsdirtyhand, what laptop model and wifi card is it12:06
pr4bhdr_willis: lol, they cost me 100 quid mate!12:06
NergarHOT, a problem with an op of #ubuntu-es12:06
dr_willisbah. ya cant hurt them.. perhaps.. :)12:06
peeps_workwhat's the best way to upgrade an app to the latest versoin, when the repos are not carrying the latest version?12:06
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pr4bhdr_willis: hehe, just a poor student here!12:06
HOTNergar: you want to complain about an op?12:06
dr_willispeeps_work,  use the source.. and isntall as a user. to the users home dir. is the safest way.12:07
dirtyhandrockets: Laptop: HP pavillion ze4900 /  Wireless: Broadcom product: BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller12:07
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HOTNergar: on the forums under the irc link is an email for abuse, send something to that12:07
dr_willispeeps_work,  that way the user can use the newer version. but the old verisonis still there systemwide12:07
pr4bhok thanks dr_willis and brunner12:07
pr4bhill see what i can do12:07
rocketsdirtyhand, haha yeah. good ol' broadcom12:07
rocketsdirtyhand, gimmie 2 mins, dont go anywhere12:07
Nergarok thnx12:07
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dirtyhandyep, do your thing12:07
HOTdirtyhand: actually your lucky mate, its pretty simple12:07
peeps_workdr_willis, how do i tell the install to put in my user home/?12:07
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peeps_worki just usually do ./configure && make && sudo make install12:08
HOTdirtyhand: are you using 7.04?12:08
dr_willispeeps_work,  when you compile it. You can give ./configure some options.12:08
dirtyhandyes sir12:08
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HOTdirtyhand: your laughing then, its takes like 10 seconds, but rockets probly getting the link12:08
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dirtyhand:) go ahead and tellme12:08
numusawesome got intellimouse workin12:09
peeps_workdr_willis, how can i know what options i need to give it12:09
rocketsHOT, im booting up windows in a virtualmachine to get at the files12:09
pr4bhdr_willis: oh btw, how to change the card type in alsamixer (console thingie)12:09
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HOTrockets: no need mate, there is a script that will do it for you, gimme a sec12:09
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rocketsHOT, dont tell me, tell dirtyhand12:09
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dr_willispr4bh,  no idea. I dont switch cards. :) thres a bot !alsa url12:10
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:10
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pr4bhok cheers12:10
FezzlerMy Ubuntu pc has been freezing up after months of running very well.12:10
xylit seems beryl has disabled some of my keys like alt-gr and the windows key. how can i fix this?12:10
dr_willisFezzler,  whens the last time ya dusted out the insides of the pc?12:11
FezzlerMost notably I notice a longer delay after I login and nautilus loading.12:11
dr_willisFezzler,  mine was doing that the other day.. it had a Dust-Godzilla in it. :)12:11
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FezzlerI also notice the time before my desktop image loads is longer12:11
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unitheoryi work tech support at school and so many computers just need dusting12:11
rocketsGod damn it I hate Ex Falso, keeps crashing gnome12:11
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cycomAnyone get the horizontal scroll working on a bluetooth mighty mouse in ubuntu?12:12
cobalt027whats a good system nonitor for X?12:12
HOTdirtyhand: i will give you the super quick version, open synaptec and search for bcm43xx-fwcutter12:12
cobalt027the gnome-system-monitor is boring....12:12
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peeps_workhtop baby!12:13
HOThtop IS cool12:13
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peeps_workhtop is HOT12:13
FezzlerMy most resent activity has been changing permissions of my home folder, installing recordmydesktop and fixing the $HOME /.dmrc being ignored issue12:13
Nutubuntuaudacity gives me "Error while opening sound device" when I try to play an mp3. How do I get around this error?12:13
cycomI keep trying what I find in google, and I'll be darned if it has helped one bit.  The only thing I haven't tried is partching the kernel, because the patch is out of date (i think)12:13
FezzlerAny ideas or suggestion for things to check (other than dust in my case ha ha)12:13
Sonicadvance1I found out why I can't use Firestarter with the network card I have12:13
dirtyhandHOT: ok sorry was afk12:13
dirtyhandHOT: doing that now12:14
Sonicadvance1It doesn't seem to work with Ubuntu :D12:14
cobalt027htop - har har har... how about for X?12:14
HOTdirtyhand: "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter" should do it12:14
HOTcobalt027: conky is pretty groovy and runs on desktop12:14
xylany idea why beryl would work fine (fglrx, xgl) - meaning moving windows around works fluently, but resizing them is darn slow?12:14
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cycomxyl: that's a question for ubuntu-effects, I think.12:14
HOTxyl: i cant remember why, but thats as known bug with a known fix12:15
dirtyhandHOT: its done, now what?12:15
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HOTdirtyhand: did it not prompt you for anything?12:15
cobalt027xyl - i had a similiar performance problem.12:15
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cobalt027i disabled "blurring" and it REALLY helped12:15
dirtyhandyes a blue screen with yes/no about extracting12:15
peeps_workcobalt027, maybe if you articulate what exactly is wrong with gnome-system-monitor, someone could suggest something "better"12:15
cycomblurring just made my eyes hurt anyhow12:15
HOTdirtyhand: just keep saying yes, it should reboot you12:15
dirtyhandI selected yes,and it went through12:15
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HOToh right, no errors?12:15
dirtyhandits done but it didnt reboot me12:15
Fezzlerokay, I'll try a more specific question.  Is there a way to check what is deamons/software are loading when I log in?12:15
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HOTok reboot and you should be good to go12:16
FezzlerOh, I've been messing with my sound recorder too.12:16
cobalt027peeps_work: i dunno - its just...... boring. looks too windows like12:16
legal_sized2Hi room. I'm trying to get Bind9 to work. but I keep getting an error of "Jul  8 14:56:12 legal-sized named[3841] : zone legal-sized.com/IN: loading master file named.legal-sized.com: file not found".  I'm guessing a path is not right, or maybe a permissions thing? Any ideas on how I can check?12:16
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HOTkeep an eye on the green lights, if they go faint green or solid green its working (if you have a PCMCIA card that it)12:16
capnfantasmohow do I see the userlist on xchat?12:16
dirtyhandHOT: huh?12:16
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HOTdirtyhand: is your card internal or external?12:17
cobalt027capnfantasmo: /who ??12:17
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theshadowwhat does it mean when apt-get says The following packages have been kept back: linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic12:17
HOTdirtyhand: ah just reboot then, it should be cool beans12:17
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numushow do i install an exe with wine?12:17
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HOT"wine example.exe"12:18
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theshadownumus: normally you should ask the nice folks in #wine . But since I'm here wine myapp.exe12:18
cobalt027numus: OR winfile - then find it, and 2x click12:18
Fezzler/stats op12:18
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cobalt027winefile that is12:18
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numusthank you so much12:18
numustrying to install orb12:18
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ShackJackHi - just wondering - is a firewall (firestarter) necessary for the average 'net surfer using Ubuntu, what with the way iptables are set up?12:18
numusanyone know of an activesync for linux?12:19
erdinger_numus, what is orb12:19
HOTShackJack: thats a can of worms, i would say no12:19
numusvideo stream program12:19
theshadowShackJack: Personally ... No.12:19
HOTShackJack: are you behind a hardware firewall?12:19
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ianmcorvidaeI use firestarter for one reason only: I'm a paranoid little freak.12:19
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ShackJackHOT: Mmm... not sure, I have a Comcast cable modem and a Linksys setup...12:19
ianmcorvidaeStandard user, I wouldn't say bother.12:19
=== ShackJack checks his Linksys setttings...
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stetrananyone know why my beryl stoped working?12:20
FezzlerIt just locked up on me again.  It seems to happen when I use functions that require file manager12:20
HOTShackJack: the linksys should be doing a lot of the legwork, at least NATing you12:20
numusno one is in wine12:20
numushow do i run the program now..12:20
FezzlerI've been hitting Ctrl Alt Backspace to un-freeze and then re-logging in.12:20
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legal_sized2I got hacked while using RedHat, I plan on using FireStarter soon.12:20
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dirtyhandHOT: i dont think that did it, now wireless doesn't even show up12:21
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ShackJackHOT - yeah looking at it, it blocks anonymous net reqyests, Filter Multicast, Filter IDENT(Port 113)...   Filter Internet NAT Redirection - is **not** checked... you recommend it should be?12:21
FezzlerBut then I get black blue screen with a grey screen in upper left.  Cursor changes in upper left to the kind one uses with a text tool12:21
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dirtyhandwhen I go to networks it now only has ethernet and modem12:21
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FezzlerAny ideas?12:21
numusenv WINEPREFIX="/home/ericlieberman/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Orb Networks\Orb\bin\OrbTray.exe"12:21
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HOTShackJack: just run a basic port scan using something like www.shieldsup.com12:22
cobalt027numus: winefile - find it in .wine/drive_c/program files/blah blahb albh12:22
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ZaschHow is it that I modify my startup such that it will automatically run options without me having to type them in each time in GRUB?12:22
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HOTwait thats a bogus url12:22
numusi dont think this is going to work12:22
ZaschThat is to say: How do I make it so it runs "noapic" every time I turn it on?12:22
ShackJackHOT - I don't think that's the right site ;)12:22
HOTShackJack: google "shields up"12:23
neztitiguys what is that mean   cp -R12:23
NutubuntuHow can I get sound to work in audacity? It doesn't seem to want to play ... :(12:23
numusnope this wont work12:23
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cobalt027numus: i couldnt get MS MONEY to install.. :(12:23
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FezzlerIf this app (Gaim) is working as is Beryl, Network, Sound Volume (etc. apps) but all the GNOME stuff seems frozen????12:24
ShackJackHOT - K - thanx never heard of that one... though I'll prolly get about a million Trek references as well :)12:24
numusnow i cant' get the program to close down12:24
HOTheh, its a quick and nasty port scan you can run against yourself12:24
Bakkarallo, I am still having a problem with Enemy Territory even after the Help guide, anyone got an issue for ET on Feisty Fawn 7.04?12:24
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FezzlerBy GNOME I mean "Applications Places System"; Desktop tool in lower left and Trash...all frozen.12:25
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numusthat is the easy way to close it down hehehe12:26
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:26
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FezzlerOh, this isn't the random chatter channel??  Fooled me.12:27
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ZaschHow do I make it so it runs "noapic" every time I turn it on?12:27
TurkishRock*Linux, *Ubuntu, turkish, *Link, bee, ?12:27
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FezzlerIs Ctrl Alt Backspace the proper process for unfreezing GNOME/Nautilus?12:27
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: sudo gedit /boot/grub/sources.list12:27
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:27
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: i men sources.lst12:27
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macogw-is-a-girlZasch: find the line that says # defoptions12:27
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:27
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macogw-is-a-girlZasch:  and at the end add noapic12:28
neztitiguys what is that mean   cp -R12:28
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: then save it and "sudo update-grub"12:28
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macogw-is-a-girlneztiti: copy recursively12:28
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numusanyone know a way to use a lexmark printer and scanner in ubuntu12:28
Zaschmacogw-is-a-girl: What are the consequences of noapic?12:28
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macogw-is-a-girlZasch: suspend and hibernate don't work12:28
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dirtyhandHOT: ok m back, but installing that thing you told me didnt work, It doesnt even detect my wireless card now12:29
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Zaschmacogw-is-a-girl: Do you know what an error that says "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" means?12:29
d2812does anyone know how I can mimic OS X's Portable Home Directories between an ubuntu laptop and ubuntu server?12:29
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: nope12:29
TurkishRockTurkish, *12:29
TurkishRock, *Link, look for,12:29
=== getisboy [n=chatzill@c-66-30-86-142.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisd2812,  describe what it does..12:30
legal_sized2Anyone here good with Bind9? I"m having conf problems12:30
Zaschmacogw-is-a-girl: When I enter the commands you told me to, the document comes up but it is blank. Is tihs normal?12:30
neztitimacogw-is-a-girl:  and this  cp -Rv12:30
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LucianIndyZasch, whats bind912:30
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macogw-is-a-girlZasch: it shouldnt be blank. did you put .lst or .list because i messed up the first time typing it12:30
legal_sized2sets up name servers12:31
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:31
legal_sized2Bind 9 sets up name servers12:31
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ZaschLucianIndy: I don't know what "bind9" refers to12:31
cypher1how do i make usb headphones work with firefox ?12:31
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: oh crap i said sources before :p sorry12:31
macogw-is-a-girlneztiti: check the manpage12:31
LucianIndyzasch, my bad wrong nick12:31
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FezzlerWhen I press Ctrl Alt F4 and then come back (Ctrl Alt F7) my GNOME is gone except desktop image and running apps?12:31
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: thats not supposed to happen, and i dont know how to fix it12:31
d2812dr_willis: Have pm'd you.12:32
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farrelhello everyone12:32
dr_willisi saw it.. looks like Tech0talk from apple. :)12:32
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macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: ctrl alt backspace restarts X12:32
dr_willisd2812,  it keeps your HOME on a remote server basiucially?12:32
CondouloIs it possible to register a nick12:32
macogw-is-a-girlCondoulo: yes12:32
getisboy!register | Condoulo12:32
ubotuCondoulo: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:32
d2812dr_willis: thats right, and automatically performs incremental backups when data is changed as far as I understand it.12:33
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: i dont know why your panels are freezing. how much ram do you have? are there a lot of applets on the panels?  is a lot of other junk running?12:33
Zaschmacogw-is-a-girl: Do I put "defoptions = noapic" or do I just put "noapic"?12:33
FezzlerMac: can I restart X from comamnd line?  Ctrl Alt F4 and run a command line command?12:33
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CondouloI've done it at Wyldryde, but Freenode has been giving me trobules12:33
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tim_abellrhythmbox has started not donloading the whole of podcasts :( anyone got any ideas / had the same problem? it's driving me nuts.12:33
macogw-is-a-girlZasch: it should say "# defoptions = quiet splash" right now. make it say "# defoptions = quiet splash nopaic"12:33
d2812dr_willis: That way, you can take you other machine away, do some work, then when you reconnect, it updates the version on the server.12:33
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macogw-is-a-girlZasch:  make it say "# defoptions = quiet splash noapic"12:34
dr_willisd2812,  i saw a 'mini-linux' machine that had a similer subscription service.. but that was just for their machine. Not seen a gereric way to do it with Linux. I recall the SLAX livecd. had a similer feature. but that may of just been for settings.12:34
FezzlerI have about 640 meg of ram12:34
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ilikec0wsFezzler, /etc/conf.d/xdm stop && /etc/conf.d/xdm start12:34
CondouloAh, there12:34
ilikec0wsFezzler, I think :)12:34
FezzlerI don't think a lot of junk is running12:34
Chielsmall problem: after installing ubuntu, my network card got all settings from DHCP, internal ip, etc.. everything worked, except the DNS-thingies. I could ping my ADSL-modem, I could connect to my other pc.. just couldn't connect to websites, since it couldn't find the right address.. any suggestions ?12:34
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:34
PirateLeChuckwhich command should i use to see which services are running?12:34
ilikec0wsFezzler, Guess thats stupid gentoo with its different locations :) follow what macogw-is-a-girl said12:35
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macogw-is-a-girlPirateLeChuck: ps -e will show them all with their PID. if you want to see how much resources they're all using, use "top"12:35
peeps_workgoddammit i can't visit more than two pages before firefox crashes12:35
dr_willishtop is nice also.12:35
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rabidweezle_note to whoever would be in charge of this sort of thing, in the dvd software page: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html it says: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh to install dvd decoding, when it's not in the examples folder in feisty, but the main libdvdread3 folder12:35
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macogw-is-a-girlpeeps_work: try kazehakase if you want another gecko-rendering browser.  if you dont mind proprietary browsers, opera is fast12:36
d2812dr_willis: I think I remember the same machine.  Would have been a nice easy auto backup system to run on my desktop.12:36
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macogw-is-a-girlrabidweezle_: thats a wiki, isnt it?12:36
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PirateLeChuckmacogw-is-a-girl, not a process a service12:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servuce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about service - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
tmccraryWhat the hell is up with the new -16 kernel. It's breaking everything12:37
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rabidweezle_no macogw-is-a-girl12:37
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macogw-is-a-girltmccrary: it was a bug-fix kernel...12:37
peeps_worki need firefox for my work.  it worked fine on fedora core 5, but now that I tried to put ubuntu on my computer it is the least stable app i have ever seen12:37
rabidweezle_else I would have changed it myself12:37
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tmccraryyeah, well it brakes everything on most of the systems I've seen it on. Nvidia, wacom, etc.12:38
macogw-is-a-girltmccrary: because nvidia cards and texas instruments card readers werent working right with -15. if -16 isnt working for you, uninstall it and use -1512:38
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peeps_worki never know how to troubleshoot these things when they happen though12:38
tmccrarywhat the hell were the ubuntu maintainers thinking of when they released that12:38
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zcat[1] is there a package for the nvidia 8421 drivers I can use in feisty? The card won't work with the current 9xxx drivers and legacy drivers suck, but it should work with 8421 because it's using that in 'doze12:38
peeps_worki really don't want to go back to fedora core12:38
richardim having this problem with my wireless adapter using feisty12:38
NutubuntuHow can I get sound to work in audacity? It doesn't seem to want to play ... :(12:38
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macogw-is-a-girltmccrary: as far as i'm aware the only changes were to update the sd card reader modules because they were broken and fix nvidia.12:39
richardthis shows all the networks but it wont connect12:39
zcat[1] I don't want to use the binary installer either..12:39
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peeps_workmacogw-is-a-girl, does that browser support firefox extensions?12:39
richardim using a belkin wireless adapter12:39
macogw-is-a-girltmccrary: im not sure how that would break wacom, but have you checked your xorg?12:39
tim_abellanyone know how to persuade rhythmbox to download the *whole* podcast after having decided that 20mins is enough for me?12:39
teer2peeps_work: are you seeing instability with Flash Player, maybe?12:39
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richardanyone know what i should do to fix this12:39
macogw-is-a-girlpeeps_work: opera has extensions of its own a think, but you should try disabling the extensions you have installed and see if it's still unstable, then add one at a time to see if one of them is causing it12:40
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teer2peeps_work: Because firefox is very stable for me - but I don't use Flash because there is no 64-bit version12:40
peeps_workteer2, seems like just about every page, i don't think it's just flassh12:40
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: which one?12:40
tmccrarymacogw-is-a-girl: Yeah, it's fine with -15 but -16 acts like the drivers don't load. Looks like maybe they broke the binary interface and didn't update the modules for some drivers12:40
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pr4bhhow to restore my sound cards?  :(12:40
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richardwell i cant get my wireless adapter to connect to a network in feisty12:40
macogw-is-a-girltmccrary: maybe there's a changelog somewhere...12:40
teer2peeps_work: Every page!  I've heard of some people having it crash once a day, but every day is unusual.  Maybe there is something else going on.12:40
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: which wireless adapter is it?12:41
teer2pr4bh: I just had this problem today when I installed *ahem* another Ubuntu kernel patch.12:41
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: not just "belkin" but which one12:41
GoblinInventordoes anybody know how to enable direct rendering on a Radeon Xpress 200m?12:41
teer2pr4bh: I had to reinstall the kernel packages.12:41
cypher1macogw-is-a-girl, do you know how to make a usb headphone work with firefox ?12:41
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peeps_workteer2, yeah, it's terrible.  i open google, search for "testing", and bam firefox quits12:41
macogw-is-a-girlcypher1: nope12:42
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zcat[1] cypher1: I sould expect it to just appear as a new sound device, /dev/dsp1 or whatever..12:42
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macogw-is-a-girlrichard: if you don't know what it is, run "lspci" in the terminal and find it in the list that prints out12:42
CondouloWould you suggest buying a Dell inspiron with Ubuntu pre-installed12:42
cypher1zcat[1] , it works well with vlc, totem etc.. its just the firefox..12:42
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teer2peeps_work:  :-O   Using greasemonkey scripts or some extension that would trigger on every page?  That repeatable issue sounds like something you could diagnose with debug logs.12:43
LucianIndyCondoulo, I would because the price of the system would go down.12:43
revilodrawhello boys and girls, does anyone know how to fix an xorg.conf file so my ati radeon x1400 video driver will work and i can boot into feisty...i do have the livecd, but didnt use it to intall feisty.. i used the update manager and upgraded instread12:43
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zcat[1] Condoulo: yes, but only to mke a point; I'd never actually run an OEM install.. nuke and pave it the way you want it installed :)12:43
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LucianIndyCondoulo, when you buy a windows pre-installed computer you are purchasing a license which increases the actual price12:43
richardi believe its the fd905012:43
macogw-is-a-girlCondoulo: yeah, or if you want to have a 1-800 to call without buying support from Canonical, system76 makes nice computers with ubuntu on them and supports both hardware and software (provided you're running a stable ubuntu release. if unstable they dont support software)12:43
teer2revilodraw: Did you just have these problems with the new update today?12:43
rolfenxfce rocks12:44
richardthe one with the long usb cord and the usb adapter that plugs into the cradle thing12:44
CondouloI'm thinking Dell cause I can get a discount from them12:44
Radiowhere can i find some good gnome themes?12:44
macogw-is-a-girlzcat[1] : the oem install on dells is a default ubuntu install.  no codecs added or anything, and even the restricted drivers aren't pre-installed.12:44
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macogw-is-a-girlrichard: telling me what it looks like doesnt help12:44
teer2Condoulo: Buying a computer from a vendor who supports Linux and preinstalls it is HIGHLY recommended.  Do you want some other vendors for comparison?12:44
revilodrawteer2; last night i upgraded from edgy to feisty, and this problem occurred after the system restarted12:44
zcat[1] macogw-is-a-girl: for now.. just wait until they start developing linux trialware and crap..12:44
richardits the F5D905012:45
hikenbootI am currently using cat packages.txt | cut -f 1 --delimiter=, | xargs=1 apt-get remove -s -purge > out11.txt to search for which dependencies are being removed that I dont want to be removed...but I dont think it has the behaviour I want12:45
rolfenRadio http://art.gnome.org/12:45
hikenbootI want to do a dry run removing each package one for each run thru the loop12:45
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CondouloI usually do a lot of my own support. I would just like to buy a good machine for a good price12:45
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Justi1What is the difference between FDE and GNOME?12:45
richardit shows the available networks but it wont let me connect to any of them12:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:46
zcat[1] anyhow the ubuntu oem install isn't all that great either. what if you want a bigger swap, or reiserfs, or /home on a different partition...12:46
macogw-is-a-girl!ralink | richard12:46
uboturichard: please see above12:46
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teer2revilodraw: sorry, I've stayed away from ATI cards.12:46
Condoulohttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b390/silvershadowrat/dellspecs.png (I can get a machine like that for a good price with the discount I have)12:46
richardwhats !ralink?12:46
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macogw-is-a-girlzcat[1] : thats what the automatic setting (which most new users use) on ubuntu's install does too12:46
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: read what ubotu said about wireless documentation12:46
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: you have a RaLink chipset12:47
revilodrawteer2; haha i dont blame you.. the problwem seems to be i have NOTHING in my xorg.conf file12:47
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richardbut why wont it connect12:47
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macogw-is-a-girlrichard: do you have mac filtering or any kind of encryption turned on?12:47
GoblinInventorrevilodraw, what does glxinfo | grep direct output?12:47
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zcat[1] macogw-is-a-girl: for new users; yeah.. sensible defaults. For me, I like /home by itself at the very least.12:47
richardim using feisty off of the live cd12:48
teer2revilodraw: I guess you could find someone with the same card and copy the data into your xorg.conf12:48
GoblinInventorrevilodraw, and fglrx for that matter12:48
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richardim having to use windows xp for right now so i can connect to the internet12:48
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zcat[1] brb; trying out new nvidia drivers12:48
fisherhomeso i'd like to build a server for my new place and am considering using ubuntu but the lack of gui is a bit spooky.. can ubuntu server 7.04 i386 handle gnome?12:48
mike1234im fairly new to linux and am just curious about hyper threading.  I have a hyper threaded procesor at the moment and in the system resources it is showing up as two processors is this right12:48
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Condoulorichard- so am I. My wireless, while works great in ndiswrapper on Edgy, wil crap out in Feisty. Hence why I got a dual-boot at the moment12:48
kerneldfisherhome: Don't get spooked out by lack of a gui12:49
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: do you have any encryption turned on on your router12:49
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revilodrawteer 2 and goblininventor; I wont be able to copy and paste it cos im using another pc.. i was thinking that teer2... goblininventor; one sec] 12:49
yohanI'm trying to compiler urxvt but i get this: checking for /usr/bin/perl suitability... configure: error: no, unable to link12:49
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yohanI'm trying to compiler urxvt but i get this: checking for /usr/bin/perl suitability... configure: error: no, unable to link, what do I need?12:49
richardi dont know, im getting internet off of someone elses router12:49
LucianIndyi lucked out in the fact that my wireless card worked off the bat. i was sweating that one12:49
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fisherhomei'm not, i love CLI i just don't know it solidly enough yet to manage a server12:49
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: you dont need to put in any passwords on the router, though?12:49
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richardno passwords12:50
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fisherhomei figured if gnome was there as a backup, i'd have no problems learning it12:50
LucianIndyunsecure wireless routers rock... i can go almost anywhere in my town and get internet12:50
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CondouloI've had trouble connecting to uin-secure routers in UBuntu in the past12:50
richardthis one is at a college dorm12:50
dibblegois there a document for setting up a dual-head display with ATI/xinerama?12:50
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MRiGnSLucianIndy, isn't that kind of illegal?12:51
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revilodrawgoblininventor; how do i use glxinfo | grep12:51
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LucianIndymrigns, hey if the people dont secure them its not my fault12:51
CondouloI think it's only illegal if they crack the code.12:51
GoblinInventorrevilodraw, just type in "glxinfo | grep direct"12:51
LucianIndyi usually just tunnel back to my computer anyhow12:51
LucianIndymy desktop, that is12:51
fazedthat is not what a judge in florida thinks lucian12:51
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LucianIndyfortunately im not in florida12:52
skcubratsfisherhome, for what it's worth, the tutorials and support documents for server tasks are all going to be command-line only anyways. The GUI wouldn't do you much good even if you had it. That said, Ubuntu desktop can to all the server tasks anyways. If this is for a home application, just do what you want on Desktop, then you have your GUI.12:52
NutubuntuI have an on-topic question, please ... How can I get sound to work in audacity? It doesn't seem to want to play ... :(12:52
kerneldMRiGnS: Ermm  unethical maybe - but illegal? If they have an unsecured router - how is it illegal to connect to it? A default xp instal - find wireless connection - and you can connect to it and get no legal notice - how is it illegal?12:52
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GoblinInventorXfree86-DRI missing... anybody know how to fix?12:52
revilodrawgoblininventor; ok thank you for your help too!! heres what it said " Error: Unable to open display (null)"12:53
fazedthere was a judge in florida that ruled against a guy who was borrowing his neighbor's internet12:53
MRiGnSjust because something isn't locked it's not legal12:53
kerneldMRiGnS: now if you try poking around on their lan - now that might be a different thing12:53
fazedi don't feel like researching it right now but the info is out there somewhere12:53
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GoblinInventorrevilodraw, alright. does "fglrxinfo" give you anything?12:53
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MRiGnSkerneld, maybe, I'm no lawyer though12:53
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revilodrawGoblininventor; "Error; Unable to open display :0"12:54
LucianIndythe judge probably got him on pirating internet service12:55
macogw-is-a-girlrichard: what's listed if you type "ifconfig"12:55
havangerhello everyone12:55
LucianIndyyour network information12:55
havangeri have a n00b question, is there a seperate channel for that?12:55
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fisherhomenope ask away12:55
macogw-is-a-girlhavanger: this is it12:55
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Nutubuntuhavanger,  this is actually the support chan, though it might not look that way right now12:56
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GoblinInventorrevilodraw, hmm... it's not what I thought was wrong... sorry, my experience is very limited, i just went through getting an ATI Xpress 200m to work, so I thought I might be of use... sorry, I don't know how to help with that issue12:56
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havangerok... i'm using ryhtom box music player to lisen to a internet radio station, but it states couldn't start data flow back and also gives a codec error12:57
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troxorhas anyone gotten freenx to work when connecting through a router (forwarded port, static local IP)12:57
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havangeri believe the site usess mp3 coding, but don't know how to install codecs12:57
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nilli get no sound to a dvd in movie player (that autostarts the movie), mplayer can't play the file ... what other player or codec may i might need?12:57
revilodrawgoblininvntor; thanks anyway!! do u know of any way to use a generic driver to at least be abkle to get into a desktop and then i could find something to put in the xorg.conf file12:57
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vzduch!codecs | havanger12:57
ubotuhavanger: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:57
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originof[] asdasd12:57
mikecool123im fairly new to linux and am just curious about hyper threading.  I have a hyper threaded procesor at the moment and in the system resources it is showing up as two processors is this right12:57
Nutubuntuhavanger,  rhythmbox uses the gstreamer codecs; you'll want to install all of them, good, bad, and ugly, if I recall correctly12:58
originof[] O PEZZI DI MERDA !12:58
troxormikecool123: yep12:58
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vzduch!it | originof[] 12:58
ubotuoriginof[] : Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:58
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havangerhmm, is there a better program i should be using?12:58
originof[] lol12:58
Nutubuntu!it and please keep it family friendly12:58
kerneldnill: Maybe mplayer is using oss sound? Or you have esd running?  Try: $ aoss mplayer12:58
mikecool123troxor, thanks12:58
=== khatahn [n=khatahn@DCCXXV.voas.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
MasticoreI have just installed Ubuntu (Alternative), when it was done it restarted and Im at the logon screen, but I don't know the username/password. I didn't get the chanse to chose this under the innstallation...12:58
originof[] spaccone sei12:59
sucapulliio ci sono :D12:59
Maruzzellainkia ri niagghie12:59
originof[] asd12:59
=== useless_ [n=mrmark@host86-136-95-254.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
GoblinInventorrevilodraw, I don't know, when I did mine it came up, but DRI was broken, you could try getting the driver from ATI, they have linux drivers that might help12:59
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originof[] asdiamo ?12:59
sucapullisi picciotti12:59
originof[] asdiamo ?12:59
originof[] asdsadasdasadsdsa12:59
sucapullitanto fra poco ci bannano :D12:59
originof[] asddsadsasdadsadsadsa12:59
originof[] sisi12:59
originof[] di certo12:59
originof[] XD12:59
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:59
sucapullipotremmo incollare qui la divina commedia :D12:59
revilodrawok thanks goblininventor12:59
=== Redimere [n=pj@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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originof[] asdsad12:59
sucapulliban assicurato :D12:59
originof[] ahhaha12:59
originof[] hahahahahhaah12:59
=== mahrellon [n=mahrello@user245.85-195-57.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
originof[] BANNATEMIII12:59
originof[] asd12:59
hdshidoes anybody have any idea concerning http://rafb.net/p/hWFVxX10.html ?12:59
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Maruzzellaleccatemi il pene12:59
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originof[] asd12:59
originof[] lol12:59
originof[] lol12:59
originof[] sadsda12:59
macogw-is-a-girlNutubuntu: i dont think thats a troll12:59
originof[] XD01:00
Maruzzellafigghi i pulla01:00
originof[] asasd01:00
macogw-is-a-girl!ubuntu-es sucapulli01:00
originof[] DAI01:00
originof[] ma non bannano ?01:00
RedimereHey, I'm having some issues installing ATI drivers in Xubuntu, anybody have any thoughts regarding it?01:00
Maruzzellaio cmq mi chiamo figghi i pulla01:00
Maruzzellaora parlate tutti inglese01:00
=== phreck [n=xphreckx@cpe-75-85-151-103.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
originof[] he u !! U should suck my dick !!!!!!01:00
Maruzzellaparlate tutti italiani01:00
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:00
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Nutubuntumacogw-is-a-girl,  sure reads like one to me - you see?01:00
originof[] asdsadsad01:00
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originof[] XDXD01:00
originof[] XDXD01:00
originof[] XDXD01:00
nillkerneld: i cannot even get the movie to start in mplayer, but in totem-xine (with the libs and all)01:00
macogw-is-a-girl#ubuntu-it | Maruzzella01:00
vzduchoriginof[] : BASTA!01:00
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originof[] che canale di merda01:00
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Maruzzellaaltrimenti domani non vedrete + chi vi sta intorno01:00
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-139-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nixternalsorry guys for making you stick through that01:00
sucapullisecondo gli ingleseper adesso stiamo parlando di ubuntu01:00
FlannelMasticore: When you install with the alternate CD, it asks you for a username/password during install01:01
macogw-is-a-girlNutubuntu: i think theyre trying to ask for help in another language...01:01
nillkerneld: it just says something about encrypted etc, and cannot really start.01:01
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:01
nillmplayer that is01:01
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khatahndoes any of the Instant Messaging programs that support msn also support custom graphical smiley animations (the ones that, as far as i've understood, can be sent to other people just by inserting them in the chat)? just trying to get someone to stop using vmware with windows just to see the stupid custom graphical smileys ;)01:01
macogw-is-a-girlNutubuntu: not that i can understand them, but it looks more like foreign-language than keyboard-smashing01:01
fisherhomemuito obrigado01:01
mikecool123when you run uptime on the command line and you get the load averages back does 1 mean 100%01:01
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mahrellonIs it worth the risk of updating the Nvidia drivers in Ubunty 7.04-i386? I'm a WoW freak and hoping to improve the performance of wine by updating.01:01
=== jedi79 [n=jedi79@c-69-244-168-213.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kerneldnill: I used to use ogle to watch dvds01:01
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Maruzzellama va sburrami a minkia01:01
=== dede_eccel [n=kurumin@200-193-100-130.bqece203.dial.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
nillkerneld: okay01:02
nixternal!english > Maruzzella01:02
Redimeremahrellon, no it isn't. Far more trouble than it's worth01:02
teer2mahrellon: I've been monitoring the room here for a while, and not too many people have had problems with the patches.01:02
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Maruzzellama nessuno ci rispunne01:02
macogw-is-a-girlok that one ws keyboard smashing01:02
teratomawhat's the name of the Gutsy channel?01:02
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asdfasf1does anyone have any guides for changing your video card in ubuntu? mine won't even boot when i put in my new card01:02
dede_eccelalguem do brasil?01:02
mahrellonReimere: Cheers m8. That's what I was afraid of lol01:02
Flannelteratoma: #ubuntu+101:02
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macogw-is-a-girlbut Maruzzella looks foreign01:02
Flannel!br | dede_eccel01:02
ubotudede_eccel: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:02
asdfasf1it kicks me to console mode, i mean01:02
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nixternal!english > macogw-is-a-girl01:02
mahrellonteer2: And thank you too. The patches for Wine of for the Nvidia drivers?01:02
nixternal!english > Maruzzella01:02
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mikecool123when you run uptime on the command line and you get the load averages back does 1 mean 100%01:03
Nutubuntumacogw-is-a-girl,  foreign does not necessarily mean friendly - those were not "help" words, some of them01:03
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macogw-is-a-girlnixternal: i know that...i was saying to !ubuntu-es them or whatever them01:03
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macogw-is-a-girlNutubuntu: well i couldnt READ it!01:03
Nutubuntumatters not, but thanks to the ops -- t/y nixternal01:03
nixternalhehe, macogw-is-a-girl I accidentally tab completed you in there...sorry01:03
teer2mahrellon: I don't know about that - I have an NVIDIA card, but I have given up on Windows applications.01:03
=== chohmann [n=chohmann@cpe-76-80-179-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogw-is-a-girlnixternal: ah ok01:03
RedimereHey, do any of you know anything about ATI driver upgrades in Feisty?01:03
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spreadWhat's a good reasonably cheap gigabit ethernet card for 6.10?01:04
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Redimereany of the above really01:04
Polygon89Redimere, what do you mean?01:04
Nutubuntuno offense intended, macogw-is-a-girl01:04
mahrellonteer2: Oh well. Guess I'll have to be happy with the way wow works for me now then. I mean it IS playable altough the fps won't go over 30fps and I have a 7950GT =)01:04
kerneldmikecool123: load average is kind of a funny number. Basically it is the number of precess that are ready to run. so a load overage of 1 could indicate the system has a full load but it handles more than 1 with easy01:04
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cycomOk, so I got the darn mouse working with evdev, but now all of the sudden my laptop keyboard does strange things.  If I press the up arrow key, I get screenshots.  Buttons like pgup and pgdown are doing other things.  How can I run evdev for my mighty mouse and have my keyboard, you know, work?01:04
macogw-is-a-girlNutubuntu: now if they were speaking japanese....01:04
RedimereI mean, I can't get fglrx to get rid of this message: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".01:04
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Polygon89Redimere, i have a ati card, and use the fglrx drivers, and every time the kernel updates a updated version of fglrx comes through the reps...01:04
nixternalMaruzzella: if you continue on, you will be removed from this channel. Thanks!01:04
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macogw-is-a-girlRedimere: does your xorg.conf list dri in the module section?01:05
Maruzzellama ba iecca sangue teisti i minkia01:05
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Redimerenixternal: thanks!01:05
cycommy touchpad is all over the place as well01:05
teer2asdfasf1: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/autodetect-videocard01:05
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teer2asdfasf1: use google - there's lots more out there01:05
nillkerneld: hm, ogle was not able to play the dvd neither01:05
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macogw-is-a-girlnixternal: the *!* part of that plus the word kick makes me imagine you going all Power Rangers on 'em01:06
nillkerneld: do i need a restart of x perhaps01:06
mikecool123kerneld, so is there a comand that you can issue to say the cpu is wroking at say 10% or 100%01:06
frank_hey :)01:06
mikecool123kerneld, thanks for your answer though by the way01:06
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kerneldmikecool123: at my uni - the solaris system had load averages of 60 to 70. it was an 8 proc system - so a load average of 8 would be ideal01:06
RedimereI've been trying to find the Restricted Drivers UI thing, but I can't find the link to it.01:06
teer2Polygon89: dump proprietary hardware.01:06
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: u r talking abour xorg..i need help with xorg01:06
=== miniju [n=justine@H144.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kerneldmikecool123: top is better for that01:06
frank_i need help getting my bluetooth to work :)01:06
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: whats wrong with xorg?01:06
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Polygon89teer2, if intel makes a video card that can actually compete with ATI/Nvidia hardware, as i play videogames, then maybe01:06
kerneldnill: Hmm not sure.  was it a sound problem? Maybe something is locking the sound device01:06
skcubrats/jump #apache01:07
frank_the main problem is the missing bluetooth icon in my upper gnome bar. How can i add it? :)01:07
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: are you the one that said "xorg.conf isnt there"?01:07
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: if so, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" should generate it01:07
f4rbr0r^KaLL3is there a way to make mouse faster (without that stupid acceleration thing)?01:07
nillkerneld: well with mplayer i can't see it at all, in xine-totem, i can't get any sound at all01:07
minijui'm having issues with my wifi card, a RTL8180L... from time to time it just "hangs" and drop packets for 4-5 seconds then starts working again01:07
nillesd is not running01:07
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: yes, xorg is empty.. ok ill try that01:07
minijulspci: 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8180L 802.11b MAC (rev 20)01:07
teer2Polygon89: The GM964 is pretty good.  You might need to sacrifice something in the name of your own freedom, but you'll be better off in the longrun.01:07
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minijuthis is a Thinkpad T4001:07
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Polygon89teer2, is that a pci/AGP card?01:08
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kerneldmikecool123: also if you have the perfomance monitor applet on you panel in gnome you can double click it and it brings up a task list, and a cpu monitor graph so you can see what is using cpu.  top is more light weight though01:08
=== ronald__ [n=ronald@dynamic-acs-24-154-74-215.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuI have an audacity question: How can I get sound to work in audacity? It doesn't seem to want to play mp3 files. Is there a well-known issue and/or fix?01:09
kerneldnill: with totem, try:  aoss totem01:09
mikecool123kerneld, thanks, thats kinda what sparked me to come on as on the cpu histroy my proccesor usage was like at 20%01:09
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl; which driver do i choose? vesa? i have done this before but it didnt help..pls dont give up on me yet though01:09
mikecool123and i was just pretty much doing nothing01:09
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: do you know which card it is?01:09
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: depends. what video card do you have?01:09
Polygon89Nutubuntu, you might have to install lame..01:09
mikecool123but i guess that is showing something else01:10
donnaclarkehelp.  i am running a live cd of feisty in my desktop.  it doesn't want to connect when i start firefox.  have a usb connection running from a motorola surfboard which i have connected to this laptop sisde by side right now.  is there a problem using the usb?  should i hook the desktop to an ethernet cord?  should that make a difference?01:10
NutubuntuPolygon89, I have installed it and told audacity where to find the library but still no luck01:10
kerneldnill: if that works for you, you need to make sure totem is set to use alsa instead of oss.01:10
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: the driver you need is tl818x01:10
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minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i don't actually know what the card is, it's internal01:11
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minijuand thinkwiki.org doesn't seem to mention it01:11
minijuit's weird01:11
nillkerneld: ah ye, i want alsa for it ... but i couldn't find it in preferences01:11
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: but if you dont know which card it is, i cant tell you how well it's supported.  look at http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_chipset.php?chipset=Realtek and see if you recognize it01:11
mikecool123kerneld, thanks for your help01:11
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: do "lspci" and see what it says01:11
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i pasted lspci above01:11
mikecool123kerneld, kinda made me understand it a bit better01:11
Polygon89Nutubuntu, hmm whats the error its giving you? cant find the lame library?01:11
miniju<miniju> lspci: 02:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8180L 802.11b MAC (rev 20)01:11
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macogw-is-a-girlminiju: ah crap i got confused for a second01:12
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f4rbr0r^KaLL3is there a way to add mouse sensitivity (without that stupid acceleration thing)?01:12
kerneldnill: try gstreamer-properties01:12
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: about what?01:12
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw, miniju, sorry i mixed those messages up01:12
nillkerneld: okay01:12
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adamonline45If I want to download an .iso, does bittorrent have error checking? Like, will I be more likely to get a clean download than using http?01:12
teer2Polygon89: I think that is a no, as of today.01:12
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_chipset.php?chipset=Realtek recognize it on there maybe?01:12
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: ignore that message about wifi01:12
NutubuntuPolygon89,  when I load an mp3 and click the play button audacity errors: "Error opening sound device. Please check the output settings and the project sample rate."01:12
Bassettsis there a terminal tool that will tell me the cpu temp and fan speeds?01:12
teer2Polygon89: http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma3000/gma3000.pdf01:13
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Polygon89Nutubuntu, maybe try running "aoss audacity" that works for me when audacity complains about random stuff01:14
donnaclarkehelp. i am running a live cd of feisty in my desktop. it doesn't want to connect when i start firefox. have a usb connection running from a motorola surfboard which i have connected to this laptop sisde by side right now. is there a problem using the usb? should i hook the desktop to an ethernet cord? should that make a difference?  is there some configuration process that i have to do?  my...01:14
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minijumacogw-is-a-girl: hmm... i guess i could open up the laptop, but otherwise i really can't tell... all i have right now is lspci...01:14
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L try this01:14
donnaclarke...friends ubuntu worked live right 'out of the box' and connects right up to internet...01:14
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RedimereIs there a command that can tell you what version of ubuntu or xubuntu you are running? I upgraded from 6.06 to fiesty, and I think I'm getting bits of both01:14
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: looking01:14
BrendanMIs there a way to install the Ubuntu LAMP package from within an existing desktop Ubuntu installation?01:14
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: probably had an intel wireless card on your friend's laptop01:14
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BrendanMor can it only be done from the server install CD?01:14
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: lspci for me?01:14
Polygon89teer2, hmm.... integrated chipsets are not good for gaming lolol01:14
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NutubuntuPolygon89,  will try it, thanks :)01:14
OneSeventeengdesklets won't start, any tips on how to troubleshoot?01:14
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: that's to install a proprietary driver ... no?01:15
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: most cards dont have open source drivers, so you need ndiswrapper for those.  a large chunk have drivers, but the companies dont allow ubuntu to ship the firmware.01:15
Polygon89OneSeventeen, run it from terminal and see if you get any errors01:15
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: yes, lspci01:15
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl:  no, wired connection...01:15
LDZ420BrendanM: use apt-get php,apache,mysql01:15
Bassettsis there a terminal tool that will tell me the cpu temp and fan speeds?01:15
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macogw-is-a-girlminiju: thats to use the windows driver with ndiswrapper01:15
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: and those guys seem to be saying the card works fine...01:15
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minijumacogw-is-a-girl: yeah, that's what i meant :)01:15
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LDZ420BrendanM: should also be able to use synaptic01:16
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macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: oh sorry it scrolled too fast :p try an ethernet connection01:16
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minijuthe problem is really strange, it might not be related to wifi.. i guess i'll try the regular network card before investigating further01:16
apocalypticunionis there a way i can have multiple wallpapers on my different workspaces?01:16
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kerneldBassetts: lm-sensors01:16
nillkerneld: hm, that `aoss totem` sort of wrecked totem01:16
OneSeventeenPolygon89: good idea, it just gives me a python warning, no full on errors.01:16
TypwnI accidently installed the 64-bit version and I'm stuck with it. How do I burn a CD in Ubuntu?01:16
nillkerneld: now it can't be started, hehe01:16
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BrendanMLDZ420, thanks. My understanding was that the Ubuntu LAMP install also did some configuration work for you. I guess I'll just do that myself, then?01:16
nillkerneld: my gstreamer is set to alsa01:16
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: well it worked on 6.10, but there have been some issues on 7.04, so if its not working, try ndiswrapper.  there's also the fact that (good) encryption with the open driver doesnt work01:16
gdbTypwn: right click the icon of the iso and select Burn to Disc01:17
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Harucan someone help me with this configuration.. there are a number of pcs on a LAN.. where one of the systems has access to internet.. how do i setup a network between the Internet-enabled-system to another system on LAN such that other systems can share the Internet connection01:17
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: will it matter if i keep the laptop hooked up to the usb simultaneously?01:17
Typwngdb: .....it's that simple?01:17
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macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: *shrug*01:17
OneSeventeenwhere do applications reside in ubuntu?01:17
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: right... ok... the issues would be kernel related or userspace related?01:17
kerneldnill: It shouldn't have. heh.  Make sure you have no running totem or mplayer process01:17
gdbTypwn: yes01:17
NutubuntuPolygon89,  your suggestion works! I love this channel ... :)01:17
Polygon89OneSeventeen, might as well post it here, maybe it says something01:17
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: drivers are kernel space01:17
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gdbTypwn: :-)01:17
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i know01:17
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Typwngdb: I feel so stupid for bothering ya'll with this. Thanks lol01:17
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Polygon89Nutubuntu, your welcome :D01:17
gdbTypwn: no worries :-)01:17
OneSeventeen./Shell/__init__.py:153: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.threads_init is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.threads_init instead [newline]   gtk.threads_init()01:18
Kavon89how do i open the "task manager" of ubuntu to kill a process... i have an extra app i can't find which iis runnign01:18
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: my point is: if it's the kernel of 7.04, i can try upgrading the kernel or compiling a new one01:18
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: i can now no longer access a command line01:18
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minijui'd rather not use proprietary software01:18
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: why?01:18
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NutubuntuPolygon89,  do you happen to know how I would enable the "change pitch" and "change speed" effects? All the effects are shown as greyed-out ...01:18
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nillkerneld: hm, no ... can't even start it through gui even...01:18
erUSULKavon89: Systema>Admin>System Monitor01:18
LDZ420BrendanM: I believe that ubuntu has some documentation on it01:18
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: do an lsmod and see if r818x is listd01:18
minijuhere's an example of the problem:01:18
miniju64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=64 time=1.45 ms01:18
miniju64 bytes from icmp_seq=61 ttl=64 time=1.86 ms01:18
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: it is01:18
erUSUL!paste > miniju01:18
havanger_when i use command: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad:::: it gives message: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad01:19
minijuerUSUL: sorry01:19
havanger_message is bash: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: command not found01:19
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: after the blue screenm telling me xorg was screwed, it used give me a command line..now nothing01:19
havanger_when i use command "gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad" it gives me an error message "bash: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: command not found"01:19
FezzlerI'm back.  I don't think folks here have knowledge to help me but I think they can answer a few Q that will help me research and solve issue.01:19
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macogw-is-a-girlminiju: uh dude, if your pings work, you're connected01:19
kerneldnill: in gstreamer-properties did you select the specifc sound output? Maybe it is picking a tv tuner or something you don't expect01:19
Harucan someone help me with this configuration.. there are a number of pcs on a LAN.. where one of the systems has access to internet.. how do i setup a network between the Internet-enabled-system to another system on LAN such that other systems can share the Internet connection01:19
NinaRojacan someone tell me why i am unable to login to my homedir?01:19
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i *know* ping works01:19
NinaRojai get logged in with home=/01:19
Ominoushow do you make every file in a dir executable01:19
nillkerneld: hm, i think perhaps a good old apt-get remove & install might help here01:19
FezzlerMy Ubuntu Fiesty keeps freezing up after login.01:19
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i said that i have packet loss,01:19
nillkerneld: yes, and that is alsa01:19
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: ctrl alt f1-6 all are virtual terminals01:19
Polygon89Nutubuntu, sorry i dont know much about audacity..01:20
erUSULHaru: firestarter can do that graphically01:20
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:20
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: what you pasted didnt look like packet loss01:20
kerneldnill: Prob not...  lsof will hel identify if another proc has a hold out the sound dev01:20
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HaruOminous: chmod +rwx *.*01:20
FezzlerI also notice that the time lapse between login and Nautilus and X loading has grown longer.01:20
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: is this better? 62 packets transmitted, 57 received, 8% packet loss, time 61019ms01:20
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nillkerneld: hm, ah i see what you're saying01:20
havanger_when i use command "gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad " it gives me a message "bash: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: command not found"01:20
miniju(with apologies to erUSUL :P)01:20
macogw-is-a-girlminiju: i see01:20
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl; ok i have got one lol.. lspci..." says a lot of stuff..what do u want me to tell u about it?"01:20
kerneldnill: sudo lsof | grep /dev/snd01:20
NutubuntuPolygon89,  thanks anyhow. You've gotten me past the first hurdle :)01:20
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macogw-is-a-girlminiju: its multi-line pasting that is disliked01:20
NutubuntuBe well, all :)01:20
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i pasted the two packets in between which there was packet loss01:20
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: which graphics card does it list01:21
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: i know :) i'm not used to really busy channels like this one, i thought one line was ok01:21
FezzlerThe freezing seems to occur after I use "Places." Q1.  Is "Place" essential what is called "X"?  Is it "X" that is freezing/crashing?01:21
natbethow do I uninstall something that I did ./configure, make, make install to install, then deleted the directory where I installed it from01:21
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macogw-is-a-girlminiju: :-/ idk then.01:21
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Radiohow can i make my windows transparent?01:21
Harunatbet: make uninstall01:21
deadchippaint them with transparency01:21
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: places is part of the menu in the gnome panel.  you could try using not-gnome01:21
FezzlerAfter freezing, I will still have mouse functionality and even Gaim will continue to run.01:22
deadchipa screen painter plugin would be nice01:22
minijumacogw-is-a-girl: ok, well, thanks for the support anyways, at least i know i'm not insane or missing something really simple :)01:22
vzduchnatbet: change to the directory where the source code is located, then 'sudo make uninstall'01:22
kerneldRadio: close them ;)01:22
rafaelscj<> Is Realtek HDA supported by Ubuntu 7? <>01:22
natbetHaru: that doesn't work, I already deleted the directory that i installed it from01:22
Radiothanks kerneld01:22
kerneldRadio:  sorry :P01:22
Fezzlermac: not use GNOME?01:22
macogw-is-a-girlrafaelscj: i dont know but it's 7.0401:22
TypwnWhen installing GRUB on initial install of Ubuntu, how do I make sure it'll boot properly? (Do I set to hd0 or hd1 or what?)01:22
Ominoushow do you add things to the system PATH01:22
revilodraw"VGA compatible controller: ATI TECHNOLOOGIES Inc Radeon Mobility x140001:22
natbetvzduch: I would do that but I've already removed the source directory01:22
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: oh wait real quick "free -m"01:22
HaruOminous: set path=%path%;addition01:23
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macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: see if a lot of resources are in use.  gnome is a bit heavy, so if youre pushing it on memory usage, xfce may be better01:23
kerneldOminous: /etc/profile   but be very careful you could lockyourself out of the system without some l33t skils01:23
FezzlerI've been playing with sound and video (recordmydesktop) I wonder if that app has done something my nvidia card doesn't like?01:23
Fezzlermac:  free -m?01:23
Fezzlermac: run it at command line?01:23
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macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: yes01:24
OminousHaru, so like set Global_Path=/home/.../01:24
FezzlerI tested my memory at boot and all is okay01:24
TypwnWhen installing GRUB on initial install of Ubuntu, how do I make sure it'll boot properly? (Do I set to hd0 or hd1 or what?)01:24
ashley_anyone know anything about syncing music with a motorola razr ?01:24
rafaelscj%%+macogw-is-a-girl+%%: <> Ubuntu 6.06 don't support <>01:24
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: recmydesk is rather mem-hogging, if i recall correctly01:24
Fezzlermac: GNOME is not working at all now.  "Application" caused freeze again!01:25
revilodrawashley: in pretty sure i have seen motorola tools around somewhere.. id look in automatix but cant access my pc right now ( hence why im here)..01:25
macogw-is-a-girlFezzler: go to the first VT and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:25
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl:"VGA compatible controller: ATI TECHNOLOOGIES Inc Radeon Mobility x1400"01:25
FezzlerMac: think I should start by uninstalling recordmydesktop01:25
kerneldOminous: add to the PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games"   line in /etc/profile01:25
kerneldjust be VERY careful01:26
kerneldadd to the end no funy spaces.01:26
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switchcatQ: How do I get synaptic package manager to recognize/manage the install/recognize/remember the install of a downloaded package? I've tried futzing around with the menus, etc.  but I can't seem to get it to work.. 'properly'... I'm specifically looking to install yahoo messenger for unix from http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php01:26
kerneldsould be "PATHA:PATHB:PATHC:...:PATHN"01:26
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TypwnWhen installing GRUB on initial install of Ubuntu, how do I make sure it'll boot properly? (Do I set to hd0 or hd1 or what?) I'm asking because when I load it up it doesn't boot. I have to edit the command line from hd1,0 to hd0,0 for it to boot. What caused this and how do I fix it?01:27
Fezzlermac: ran free -m from virtual command.  Lots o free memory01:27
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kerneldOminous: It won't really take effect comply until you logout and login again  no need to reboot01:27
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revilodrawtypwn: i dont know myselfd, but keep trying..someone will be ble to hrelp u01:27
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Typwnrevilodraw: Thanks for a responce at least ^^01:28
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phpwnerwhat do i need from package manager to use my computer as a router? i have pppoe dsl and need the ability to port forward01:28
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: should be fglrx then01:28
erUSUL!firewall | phpwner01:28
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dkofast foard01:28
=== Kaao [n=kaao@dyn-cbm-bn-216-168-112-46.nexicom.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"01:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugzilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:28
ubotuphpwner: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:28
=== NDPMacBook [n=ndpmacbo@207-172-70-51.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl:: ok i thinki know what u mean.. how do i get to it again (sorry)01:29
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:29
phpwneralright erUSUL how about pppoe01:29
rolfenhey guys my pc is slow to boot just after grub i get a message that goes like "ata3 timed out 30 seconds" (i really forgot the exact message)01:29
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macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: on the "# groot=" line change that to hd0 instead of hd1, save it, then "sudo update-grub"01:29
Harumacogw-is-a-girl: could you please help me with this configuration.. there are a number of pcs on a LAN.. where one of the systems has access to internet.. how do i setup a network between the Internet-enabled-system to another system on LAN such that other systems can share the Internet connection01:30
macogw-is-a-girlHaru: i wish i knew so i could get wireless in my house from the ethernet-and-wif-having desktop, but i don't01:30
rafaelscj<> How can I know if Realket High Definition Audio is supported? <>01:30
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogw-is-a-girlrafaelscj: google could probably tell you01:30
crimsunrafaelscj: depends on the specific HDA codec model.01:30
Typwnmacogw-is-a-girl: Thanks! I'm reinstalling Ubuntu again so how do I keep from doing that this next time?01:31
macogw-is-a-girlrafaelscj: or try the live cd01:31
=== roupel [n=roupel@dslb-084-057-172-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: the "confirm" step of installation has a button in the lower right to pick where it goes01:31
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Typwnmacogw-is-a-girl: Where should I put it?01:31
macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: first hard drive as recognized by mobo is hd0, 2nd is hd1, etc01:31
macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: if there's only one hard drive, hd001:32
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[wewtniss] benhello01:32
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Typwnmacogw-is-a-girl: There's two. Does the boot order of the drives matter?01:32
phpwneroh sweet pppoe is builtin01:32
rafaelscj<> I started my PC with Ubuntu 6.06 live cd... No sound... <>01:32
macogw-is-a-girlTypwn: i think it's by which is master and which is slave01:32
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phpwnerhow2configure pppoe01:32
Typwnmacogw-is-a-girl: Okay, thanks.01:32
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miniju_so how do i easily test out recent kernels with ubuntu? i know about kernel-archive.buildserver.net, but is there something similar for ubuntu?01:32
[wewtniss] benhow do i join another server?01:32
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revilodrawmacogw-is-a-girl: one i have chose fglrx then what? reboot?01:33
Specmacogw-is-a-girl: you're a guy!01:33
macogw-is-a-girlmacogw-is-a-girl: yeah01:33
macogw-is-a-girlSpec: liar!01:33
Specmoo ^.~01:33
Specoh man lack o' sleep.01:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about funny - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: i got an  ethernet cord hooked to the desktop, and still 'firefox can't find the server at mail.yahoo.com'01:33
Haruwhos macogw anyways :S01:33
SpecHaru: a girl.01:33
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macogw-is-a-girlSpec: http://gwu.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31781348&id=5319221 <-- this look like a guy to you?01:34
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miniju_macogw-is-a-girl: just so you know, no packet loss on wired connection, so it's definitely kernel/wirelessdriver related :)01:34
Specmacogw-is-a-girl: http://dragoncow2.com/mpaa_spec.png <-- this look like a guy to you?01:34
poningruok guys please keep this ontopic01:34
HazlerDoes anyone play CSS, cuz i was wonder if you could have Fullscreen without the little panel on the bottom01:34
Specso, who needs help? ^.^01:34
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macogw-is-a-girlSpec: nope, bearded lady01:34
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revilodrawspec: me01:34
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macogw-is-a-girlHazler: play CSS?  does CSS stand for something other than Cascading Style Sheets, because i don't think those are playable...01:35
Specrevilodraw: what's up?01:35
jcapoteif my partition table is gone but i still have all my data, is there any way to recover that without any partitions?01:35
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peeps_workmacogw-is-a-girl,  counterstrike: source01:35
macogw-is-a-girlSpec: radeon X140001:35
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macogw-is-a-girlSpec: thats an fglrx card, right?01:36
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Specmacogw-is-a-girl: i don't know fglrx01:36
donnaclarkeanyone able to help me configure my desktop ubuntu internet connection?  i so sad.01:36
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macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: try it without the usb?01:36
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revilodrawspec: installled feisty thrpought he update manager, and am trying to run it for the first time (using my dell inspiron 6400 with a ati radeon mobility x1400 video card)..i get the blue screen saying "failed to start the x server"01:36
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: theres no proxy involved, right?01:36
Specrevilodraw: oi01:36
Specrevilodraw: what module are you currently using?01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
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phpwner!quality of service01:37
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl:  i tried to hook ethernet to desktop.  usb from same modem connecting this laptop i'm on01:37
rolfenhey how do you add an entry to the right-click context menu for a file type?01:37
revilodrawright now im in the recovery mode01:37
Specmacogw-is-a-girl: change your nick, it's too long ^.^01:37
Specrevilodraw: so recovery mode's X comes up fine?01:37
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: well the one you're trying to use ubuntu on...can it work with ethernet and no usb?01:38
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revilodrawspec: no, same problem in recovery mode01:38
Specrevilodraw: and it's only in feisty?01:38
macogw-is-a-girlphpwner: what are you doing?01:38
donnaclarkehmmmm, i mean i don't know why not, it has an ethernet port?01:38
prophetis there someone that can assist with a Broadcom 4309 on Ubuntu 7.04?01:38
Specprophet: i can probably01:38
Hazlercan you play CSS without the panel at the bottom and on fullscreen?01:39
RedimereJust window it01:39
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macogw-is-a-girlprophet: "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter"01:39
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macogw-is-a-girlSpec: beat01:39
Specmacogw-is-a-girl: indeed01:39
HazlerBut i want fullscreen01:39
revilodrawspec: yes, it ran fine in edgy (although getting proper video acceleration required installing some driver from somewherer)01:39
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Specrevilodraw: can you give me your vid card name again?01:40
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: your router lacks an ethernet jack?01:40
macogw-is-a-girlSpec: radeon mobility x140001:40
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revilodrawspec: yep01:40
macogw-is-a-girlHazler: you could make your panel auto-hide01:40
macogw-is-a-girlHazler: then it only shows if you mouse-over it01:40
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donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: just running directly from the modem; not routed01:40
revilodrawspec and macogw-is-a-girl; thank you for your ongoing assistnce!!01:41
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Hazlerhow do i make it auto hide?01:41
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: ok so does your modem have an ethernet jack?01:41
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HazlerSystem Preferences?01:41
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: wait a second01:41
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: youre trying to use one modem for 2 computers?01:41
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: im pretty sure you cant do that01:41
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chapiumhelp!  grub is gradually getting slower.  It waits a full minute before the boot selection appears01:41
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: i just want to establish a wired connection01:41
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revilodrawmacogw- im using one modem for three computers nowq01:42
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl:  yes, one modem01:42
Kavon89Hi, I am trying to install Enemy Territory. I did ' sudo sh et-linux-2.55.x86.run ' and it started loading stuff, then it stopped and gave me this error: " /home/kavon/.setup11571: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:42
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: with no router?01:42
Kavon89The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.101:42
Kavon89" Any ideas?01:42
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Specrevilodraw: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide01:42
Specrevilodraw: have you read that?01:42
revilodrawlol soz its a wireless ruter01:42
bobgillI have popped in a DVD and  it's not playing in any application (VLC, xine, etc.) it just closes or tells me I don't have rights to play it but it's a regular DVD I bought, can someone help ??01:42
SpecKavon89: perhaps01:42
poningruchapium: sounds like a bios trouble trying to figure out which hard drive to choose01:42
revilodrawspec: not yet01:42
Spec!find libgtk-1.201:42
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: why not, the modem has an out for both usb and ether01:42
ubotuPackage/file libgtk-1.2 does not exist in feisty01:42
revilodrawspec: im trying to install feisty though01:43
Spec!info libgtk01:43
ubotuPackage libgtk does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:43
crimsunlibgtk1.2-0 ?01:43
Kavon89Spec: maybe use sympatic to find that thing?01:43
chapiumponingru: i only have one drive, 3 partitions.  swap, windows, ubuntu01:43
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Specrevilodraw: try it anyways01:43
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl: do i have to disconnect the one to this computer?  then i won't be able to talk to you01:43
poningruchapium: go reset the bios01:43
crimsunor libgtk1.201:43
macogw-is-a-girldonnaclarke: i think the reason for two outlets is an either/or for if youre comp doesnt have an ethernet port01:43
Specrevilodraw: expect the versions to be different ^.^01:43
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SpecKavon89: apt-get install apt-file && apt-file update && apt-file search libgtk-1.2.so.001:44
Hazlermacogw-is-a-girl:  How do i auto hide the panels?01:44
ormandjhey guys, i've got ubuntu 6.06lts server setup, and I want to build my own software to run on it (specific version/configure option requirements) - what's the best way to do this AND make a package for it so it can be deployed across thousands of ubuntu LTS boxes? i need to make sure that they cleanly install/can be cleanly removed in event it's needed. I checked the packaging guide but I didn't see how to specify configure options01:44
revilodrawspec: looks perf3ct, except i cant access my desktop etc, just a command line, and when i open the xorg.conf file it is empty01:44
SpecKavon89: apt-file searches all *available* packages for files within the packages...it's great to find them's pesky libraries01:44
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Specrevilodraw: what? xorg is empty?01:44
Kavon89so i'll use your command Spec01:44
Specrevilodraw: on the root filesystem?01:44
macogw-is-a-girlHazler: right click and go to properties01:44
cheeseboyhow do i find big files?01:44
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Speccheeseboy: just big ones?01:44
cheeseboySpec yes01:44
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: dpkg-reconfigure didnt fix it?01:45
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: where are you looking for it?01:45
revilodrawspec:" well hold ill try again...  macogw-is-a-girl01:45
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: did you make the X capital?01:45
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rafaelscj<> Can I upgrade Ubuntu 6.06 to 7.07 without ISO image? From the Internet? <>01:45
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macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:45
revilodrawsorry spec and macogw-is-a-girl... where do i look for xorg.conf01:45
macogw-is-a-girlrevilodraw: did you type x11 or X11 because there's a difference01:45
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cheeseboyrafaelscj, yes sudo apt-fet dist-upgrade01:45
Rickjonesis there a LTS for dapper ? i have a question01:46
revilodrawoooohh capital01:46
Specrevilodraw: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:46
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revilodrawspec asnd macogw-is-a-girl : brb01:46
macogw-is-a-girlRickjones: yes dpper is ltx01:46
macogw-is-a-girlRickjones: dapper is lts01:46
Specrevilodraw: have you tried doing: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?01:46
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phpwnerhow2list packages at secure shell?01:46
macogw-is-a-girlSpec: i told him to do that already01:46
rafaelscj->cheeseboy<-: <> tnks <>01:46
ben_how do i display users? (using x-chat)01:46
Rickjonesyes dapper is LTS, is there a room for it only, or only generic room for help ?01:46
Specrevilodraw: ping me when you're back01:46
macogw-is-a-girlRickjones: oh just here01:46
Specrevilodraw: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide01:46
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Specfinally :p01:47
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revilodrawspec: ok the X11/xorg.conf file is empty01:47
Rickjonesi'm trying to install dapper on a HP 500 mgz with 256 ram, i'm in the LIVE cd now, trying to install, but it's hella slow, any ideas on whats taking so long ?01:47
phpwnerhow2search installed packages01:47
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macogwrevilodraw:  you remember the /etc at the beginning?01:47
Specrevilodraw: reeeaaallllyyy01:47
donnaclarkemacogw-is-a-girl:  so what do i do? do i disconnect the lapttop and see if the other one works?  does it need some configuration setting first?01:47
Specrevilodraw: and you've done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?01:47
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macogwRickjones: the fact that you only have 256mb of ram01:48
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manganiccan someone open a pvt convo with me and walk me through getting my xchat colours set properly?01:48
cheeseboyhow do i find big files?01:48
Rickjonesit installed on a dell 1.5 ghz with 256 ram no problem01:48
macogwRickjones: it's limited by your cd drive speed and the fact that the entire thing is running in RAM and you have no swap yet01:48
revilodrawit says "new file" down the bottom/... yes i did remember the /etc and yes i have done dpkg-reconfigure sserver01:48
Speccheeseboy: do you know roughly where they are?01:48
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macogwRickjones: itll be faster after it's installed01:48
Speccheeseboy: i can tell you a technique to find big files...kinda01:48
cheeseboySpec no01:48
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AaronTheBrithey andy01:48
Rickjonesi'm like STILL waiting on the welcome screen to come up01:48
macogwRickjones: for a faster install, use the text-mode installer on the alternate cd01:48
prophetmacogw-is-a-girl: I've tried typing what you suggested, my problem I think is that my wireless adapter (eth1) doesn't show up as a network adapter under administration->network tools, but it shows up under administration->network01:49
Rickjonesstep 1of6 is not fully up yet.01:49
Speccheeseboy: you want files larger than how big?01:49
macogwRickjones: look, minimum ram to even run teh live cd is 192mb and you have barely more than that01:49
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cheeseboySpec 500mb01:49
macogwprophet: what does network manager show?01:49
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Rickjonesguess it doesn't matter 2 other flavors of linux have no problems then ?>01:49
macogwRickjones: ubuntu isnt lightweight01:50
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brandon_I have Q i can not find anywhere... i need to know the password for The ubuntu 1.1 lite, it does not find the Xsever so i must find the password for me@example:  before i can run  dpkg01:50
macogwRickjones: it has everything included by default to make it easy on new users who dont want to have to try to install stuff afterward01:50
Rickjoneswell, if i wanted hella slow, i'd stayed with windows. so , ok , thanks for that info01:50
Specfind / -type f -size +512000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'01:50
Speccheeseboy: ^^01:50
macogwRickjones: xubuntu is lighter weight01:50
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macogwRickjones: i can run ubuntu on 192mb of ram *installed*01:50
ben_can anybody help me with my sound, it ain't working! PM me gogogo!01:50
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Speccheeseboy: tell me how that works ^.^01:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:51
=== christop1er [n=christop@cpe-071-075-168-219.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rolfenhelp how do i make frostwire work01:51
Specrolfen: what's not working?01:51
rolfeni have installed jre 6 from java but it still not working01:51
Manganiccan someone help me with getting these colours changed in xchat?01:51
switchcatQ: I am attempting to install yahoo messenger for unix from http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php -- this package has a lot of dependencies that are not already installed on 7.04 so dpkg is failing, and apt-get wants to try to find ymessenger on a remote server, what is a good procedure/the proper command or a good program/interface for installing a locally downloaded package but also getting the remote dependencies at the same t01:52
christop1erwell, my Ubuntu pc is really messed up01:52
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switchcatmanganic - is there an xchat channel?01:52
cheeseboySpec it only gave me file sizes not name and loccation01:52
Specswitchcat: i recommend using gaim and/or pidgin to use yahoo messenger services01:52
macogwrolfen: are you using desktop effects?01:52
Speccheeseboy: sorry01:52
Manganicdon't know01:52
donnaclarkehelp! would anybody be willing to PM me to help me get my desktop ubuntu connected to internet?  i have a live cd running in the drive.01:52
rolfenSpec: frostwire... OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE.01:52
phpwnerhow do i configure vnc by shell?01:52
Manganicis there?01:52
rolfenmacogw: yeah01:52
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Speccheeseboy: take off the |  blah01:52
prophetmacogw: my network settings shows modem, wired and wireless (eth1) connection01:52
switchcatspec - thanks but I dont want to.01:52
Speccheeseboy: take out the pipe and everything after it01:52
Specswitchcat: 'k01:52
brandon_does anyone know Default Password for ubuntu 1.1 me@example??01:52
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Specrolfen: you need to install a valid JRE01:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:52
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:52
Specsee that please01:52
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Manganicsorry... wrong room01:53
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rolfenSpec: I did! i installed the JRE from java.com01:53
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cheeseboySpec the what??01:53
mactimesHello there.01:53
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mactimesI have a tiny problem with my display01:53
Speccheeseboy: find / -type f -size +512000k -exec ls -lh {} \;01:53
wifenfefferHi, I have a little problem with my networking in Ubuntu01:53
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wifenfefferbefore I installed I could browse all my samba exports fine...01:53
astro76brandon_, what is ubuntu 1.1??01:53
mactimesI would like to change the refresh rate to 75Hz, but it will only allow me to change it to 50 or 55 hz01:53
mactimesCould anyone help me on that, please?01:53
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steel_ladyI am conected to Amule and in the middle of the DL. I don't want to loose my order but I don't have sound because my card has the problem. how to reset the sound card without resetting the comp01:54
wifenfefferbut now that it's installed, I can't see any of my samba shares01:54
macogwbrandon_: thats not an official ubuntu release01:54
rolfenI'm going to google....01:54
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steel_ladyI am conected to Amule and in the middle of the DL. I don't want to loose my order but I don't have sound because my card has the problem. how to reset the sound card without resetting the comp???01:54
UbuntuNububuntu seems somewhat slow for me...01:54
Flannelbrandon_: You'll have to ask whoever puts out that distro01:54
=== rolfen is has been googling all day long
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wifenfefferUbuntuNub, are you on the livecd ?01:54
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Specsteel_lady: maybe try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:54
brandon_Thanks for all the info :)01:54
Specsteel_lady: i mean: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:55
cheeseboySpec that did it thanks01:55
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:55
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fabiovalinhosmactimes: http://ubuntuforum-pt.org/index.php?topic=21723.001:55
mactimesfabiovalinhos: Thanks! I'll take a look at it.01:56
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=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-226-52.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fabiovalinhosmactimes: the only trouble is that post is in portuguese01:56
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steel_ladyStill no sound Spec :-( Thanx for the effort01:56
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mactimesfabiovalinhos: No problem =) Brasil-sil-sil-sil-sil!01:56
fabiovalinhosmactimes: use google translator or same tools01:56
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Specsteel_lady: yeah....the other thing you could do is manually unload all the modules and reload them01:57
revilodrawspec: im in xorg.cong and its not EMPTY01:57
Specsteel_lady: but that's a pain01:57
Specrevilodraw: woot01:57
revilodrawspec; jhahah so now what01:57
Specrevilodraw: so...does it work? heh, did you get that second link i gave you?01:57
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mactimesfabiovalinhos: ^^01:57
Specrevilodraw: the second link was for feisty01:57
mactimesfabiovalinhos: Obrigado!!!!01:57
phpwneris vnc-common the client or server?01:57
CuisinartI need some help01:57
jportanyone get photoshop cs2 working in ubuntu01:57
steel_ladySpec I am a blonde, so better wait...01:57
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CuisinartMy Network card doesn't show up01:57
revilodrawspec; yeh ill read it npow and come back if it doesnt work... thank you very much for your help today01:57
SpeakerManiaHow can I mount my hard drive as read write? It will only mount in Read only right now, and from the properties box it won't let me change it.01:57
CuisinartAre there drivers that I don't have or something?01:57
digital1I just tried to backup a system using mondo. It doesn't work. Does anyone know if the mondo package in Ubuntu works at all?01:58
revilodrawmacogw; thank you too01:58
Specrevilodraw: yeah, if you need the cli version of a gui thing01:58
Specrevilodraw: i'll be able to help you out on that01:58
Specif you need a gui thing for a cli however, i'm not so great at01:58
jportSpeakerMania i had the same problem you have to edit your /etc/fstab01:58
donnaclarkehelp! would anybody be willing to PM me to help me get my desktop ubuntu connected to internet? i have a live cd running in the drive.01:58
revilodrawspec: no idea what cli is but tnaks heaps01:58
SpeakerManiaThanks, brb01:58
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Specrevilodraw: command line interface :p01:58
vzduchSpeakerMania: what filesystem?01:58
Specdonnaclarke: wanna do it the cli way? :)01:58
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vzduch!ntfs | SpeakerMania01:58
ubotuSpeakerMania: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:58
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SpeakerManiavzduch, I have ntfs-3g01:59
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CppIsWeirdis there an amsn like project for yahoo?01:59
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phpwnerwhen i try to su it asks for root password but i was never asked for one at install time01:59
donnaclarkeSpec: i want to do it any way i can get connected :)01:59
astro76SpeakerMania, do you have ntfs-config installed, you'll need that too01:59
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Flannelphpwner: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account.  su doesn't work, use sudo instead01:59
wifenfefferwhy can't I see samba shares from a ubuntu install when I could see them from the livecd ?  I can access them fine, but I have to type in the full name of them :(01:59
donnaclarkeSpec: what's cli?01:59
phpwnerFlannel WTF01:59
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HorizonXPhey guys02:00
Specdonnaclarke: command line interface, the terminal.02:00
vzduchastro76: no, you don't.. if you know how to tweak the fstab by hand, that is :>02:00
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SpeakerManiaastro76, yeah I do. I have both boxes checked for write support on both internal and external02:00
phpwnerwhats the default root password then for sudo?02:00
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HorizonXPi installed vmware-server, but i don't have the vmnet interfaces... know how i can get them?02:00
Specphpwner: there is none02:00
phpwnerit asks for one02:00
Specphpwner: to get root you sudo...the password for sudo is your user's password02:00
Flannelphpwner: There is no root password, it asks for your user password02:00
yuesef1i just install ssh server, how to add an account to it?02:00
donnaclarkeSpec: if you'll help me through it, i'll pull up terminal02:00
Specyuesef1: system accounts02:00
Flannelyuesef1: it uses the user accounts on your machine02:00
Specdonnaclarke: ok02:00
Specdonnaclarke: explain to me your network please :)02:00
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Specdonnaclarke: and your network devices02:00
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vzduch!root | phpwner02:01
ubotuphpwner: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:01
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Flegmapls how can i remove package without removing dependencies????02:01
FlannelFlegma: you want to remove a package without removing it's depends? or remove a package without removing stuff thaat depends on it?02:02
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CuisinartI just got a new hp Pavillion dv2000t notebook and I put Ubuntu on it. My network card is not supported. Do I need drivers or what do I have to do?02:02
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UbuntuNubEllo mates, I have a  bit of a problem when installing ubuntu linux on a USB external hdd, I get failure to unmount parition,....02:02
ben_anyone here using xchat?02:02
prophetis there a reason why my network card (eth1:Broadcom 4309) doesn't show up as a network device under network tools?02:02
apocalypticunionis there a way i can have multiple wallpapers on my different workspaces?02:02
SpecCuisinart: what network card?02:02
donnaclarkeSpec: i have a motorola surfboard cable broadband modem.  it has a usb running out to this laptop i'm on, and i had plugged an thernet to the desktop that i'm trying to hook up02:02
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person51090I want to edit menu.lst in /boot/grub, but it is read only02:02
person51090what do i do?02:02
FlegmaFlannel,  i want to remove package without removing stuff depends on it02:02
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UbuntuNub!root | uboto02:02
ubotuuboto: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:02
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Flannelperson51090: you need to use sudo.  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst or sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst02:02
FlegmaFlannel,  i want to remove one version of python....02:02
Spec!find bcm02:03
ubotuFound: abcm2ps, abcmidi, abcmidi-yaps, bcm43xx-fwcutter, libbcmail-java (and 17 others)02:03
person51090Flannel: thanks so much!02:03
FlannelFlegma: You can't.  That's the whole point of package management, to keep your system working.02:03
Specprophet: did you do apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter ?02:03
UbuntuNububotu: help02:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:03
person51090Flannel: emacs ok too?02:03
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:03
Specprophet: ^^02:03
prophetSpec: yes02:03
Flannelperson51090: yeah, any text editor.  GUI ones get gksu, CLI ones get sudo02:03
Specdid you read the wiki?02:03
donnaclarkeSpec: i have terminal open02:03
FlegmaFlannel,  so is there any possibility to switch used version of python?02:03
Specdonnaclarke: err, i don't understand your setup02:03
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prophetSpec: I did.....tried using the ndiswrapper to get the driver installed....still stuck02:04
FlannelFlegma: what version of python are you looking to install?02:04
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Specprophet: ndiswrapper -l says..?02:04
donnaclarkeSpec: i have cable broadband02:04
Specdonnaclarke: ok...it plugs into a router?02:04
Specdonnaclarke: laptop? desktop? which is running ubuntu02:04
UbuntuNub!tell ubuntunub about failure to mount02:04
FlegmaFlannel,  i have installed 2.4 and 2.5..but some modules are installed in 2.4 folder and i want them in 2.5....02:04
prophetSpec: b57win32 : driver installed02:04
prophet        device (14E4:16A6) present (alternate driver: tg3)02:04
prophetbcmwl5 : driver installed02:04
prophet        device (14E4:4324) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)02:04
Flannel!paste | prophet02:04
ubotuprophet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:04
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donnaclarkeSpec: no router, desktop has live cd of feisty in it, laptop running on win 9802:05
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person51090Flannel: thanks so much. I used emacs, and it worked perfectly. now my dual boot is complete!02:05
Specdonnaclarke: so you're directly connecting the internet to what?02:05
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Specprophet: looks like device and driver are present02:05
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phpwnerjason@linuxmce:/$ sudo dpkg -i vnc-common02:05
phpwnerdpkg: error processing vnc-common (--install):02:05
phpwner cannot access archive: No such file or directory02:05
phpwnerErrors were encountered while processing:02:05
phpwner vnc-common02:05
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PurpZeY!paste | phpwner02:05
ubotuphpwner: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:05
donnaclarkeSpec: motorola surfboard cable modem02:06
Specprophet: can you pastebin ifconfig -a02:06
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phpwneronly 5 lines02:06
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Specdonnaclarke: and it's plugged in directly to....what?02:06
FlannelFlegma: You should just install 2.5 modules, most of the ones in the repos look to be 2.5 modules anyway.  You're running 7.04, right?02:06
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bruenigphpwner, you use dpkg to install debs, that was not a deb, I know that because it doesn't in .deb02:06
bruenigend in*02:06
Specdonnaclarke: [line into house] -->[cable modem] --> laptop?02:06
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FlegmaFlannel,  yes...02:06
FlannelFlegma: yeah, most of the stuff in the repos is for 2.502:07
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FlegmaFlannel,  but, i cant install for example 2.4 or 2.5 version02:07
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phpwnerbruenig i appended .deb and still nothing02:07
=== Mediahunter [n=james@209-102-166-172.adsl.coastalnow.net] has joined #ubuntu
donnaclarkeSpec: laptop has usb running from cable modem; desktop has ethernet connected driectly to same modem02:07
bruenigphpwner, do you have the file on your disk02:07
FlegmaFlannel,  i have gtk installed only in 2.4 dir02:07
FlegmaFlannel,  i ll try to reinstall it02:07
prophetSpec: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29170/02:08
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Specdonnaclarke: so you have usb and ethernet running from the modem?02:08
Specdonnaclarke: and usb = windows and ethernet = ubuntu?02:08
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ctothejis it beneficial to install an antivirus tool on ubuntu?02:09
Mediahunteri have a questiong about VNC i think that it what it is. I have windows vista on the other pation on this PC and i was wondering if i can use Wine or something to run vista  at the same time as Ubuntu02:09
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bruenigctothej, no02:09
__mikemctothej, I have yet to see a virus made for linux02:09
FlannelFlegma: which package did you install?  It looks like python-gtk2 installs it, and all 2.X versions can use it02:09
Specprophet: you have three network cards?02:09
macogwFlannel: ooo altgr is how the alt+keypad worked in windows!02:09
donnaclarkeSpec: yes, usb and ethernet running from modem; usb to this laptop, and ethernet to desktop02:10
PurpZeY__mikem: They do exist...but only as concepts.02:10
macogwFlannel: but windows let you use it as alt for ctrl alt del and to use it as altgf02:10
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FlegmaFlannel, python-gtk2....02:10
vzduchmacogw: no, Alt+<NumPadCode>02:10
Specdonnaclarke: ok, so in the cli, type 'ifconfig' and then take the output and pastebin it...follow the output with a line ("---------"), and then paste the output of: ifconfig -a02:10
prophetSpec: eth0:wired, eth1:internal wireless, eth2:usb wireless (usb wireless the only way to connect to the internet currently)02:10
ctothejbruenig, __mikem: thats what i thought. is it good to install an application that will monitor file changes?02:10
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Specprophet: so your internal wireless is tg3/02:10
Specprophet: sorry, wired*02:10
macogwvzduch: picky!02:10
Specprophet: pastebin iwconfig then please02:11
vzduchmacogw: it's a difference02:11
Specor /pm me with the info02:11
Specmight be faster02:11
HorizonXPhey, in vmware, on winxp, i can ping the IP address and gateway, but I can't ping it from Ubuntu (my host OS) any ideas?02:11
donnaclarkeSpec:  uuuuuuhhhhhhh, WHAT??? :) newbie here.02:11
macogwvzduch: not one thats going to be misinterpretted02:11
Kavon89Hi again, Enemy Territory doesn't have sound, I remember using this command before but it doesn't work, it says Permission Denied. " echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss "02:11
vzduchAltGr won't work for that02:11
CuisinartMy network card is not supported in ubuntu. What do I do?02:11
macogwvzduch: oh nevermind02:11
Specdonnaclarke: type "ifconfig", take the output, and paste it to me in a private message02:11
Specdonnaclarke: then type "ifconfig -a" and paste it to me in a private message02:11
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gilstercan anyone here tell me how to process cue files for splicing large audio files/?02:11
bruenigctothej, it is all basically pointless, I don't know how entrenched you are into windows thought, but just don't worry about any of that stuff anymore02:12
vzduchCuisinart: buy another02:12
=== PMantis [n=sswitzer@cpe-74-65-53-178.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwvzduch: i thought you were pointing out numpad > <numpadcode> sorry02:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cue - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:12
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PurpZeYCuisinart: Search the forums.02:12
macogwCuisinart: wired or wireless02:12
KprofthreatCuisinart: Get a TEW-42302:12
donnaclarkeSpec: ifconfig02:12
PMantisHow can I lookup the UUID of a partition?02:12
Specgilster: did you try to google for, "ubuntu + cue files"02:12
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donnaclarkeSpec: ifconfig-a02:12
KprofthreatIt's a wireless adapter02:12
Specdonnaclarke: uhh02:12
KprofthreatA real cheapie02:12
Specdonnaclarke: i meant type those in the terminal, and paste the output to a *private* message to me, or pastebin it all at once02:13
poningruPMantis: cat /dev/disks/by-uuid or something like that02:13
CuisinartI wanted to get my internal working02:13
Kavon89Hi again, Enemy Territory doesn't have sound, I remember using this command before but it doesn't work, it says Permission Denied. " echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " Anyone know why I can't run it under sudo or su? Su gives me wrong password. :/02:13
KprofthreatWhat's your internal?02:13
gilsterSpec: i guess i will have to eh? :-)02:13
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CuisinartUh hold on02:13
ctothejbruenig: i've been using ubuntu for about 6 months now, but was unsure what hacking techniques or security considerations are of most concern.02:13
Specgilster: do you see the insane amount of traffic in this channel? =P02:13
Cuisinartjust a sec02:13
donnaclarkeSpec:  you mean type  that into the terminal and send you what it types back to me?02:13
PMantisponingru: Ohhhhhhhh yeah..... thanks!02:13
Specdonnaclarke: i do indeed02:13
KprofthreatKavon98: You either need to compile an openal lib or run sudo -s first before that command02:13
Specdonnaclarke: do *not* paste it in this channel....pastebin or pm only02:14
bruenigctothej, firewall is the only thing and even that I have never paid attention to02:14
Cuisinart- Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 4965AGN02:14
KprofthreatKavon89: You either need to compile an openal lib or run sudo -s first before that command02:14
phpwnerXvnc4 :1 -desktop linuxmce:1 (jason) -auth /home/jason/.Xauthority -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbwait 30000 is running but i can't vnc into my server. wtf?02:14
donnaclarkeSpec: how do i pastebin?02:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:14
macogwCuisinart: intel wireless should always work02:14
ctothejbruenig: cool thanks02:14
mavsman4457I am trying to get the mdeibuntu repositories and when i do the last command, "sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update", it just hangs02:14
bruenigCuisinart, last ipw driver ought is ipw3945 I believe, you need to use ndiswrapper.02:14
Specof course the "!pastebin" has to be four lines of flood. :p02:14
CuisinartIt only shows my modem though02:14
Cuisinartdoes ndiswrapper work for wired as well?02:14
prophetSpec: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29171/02:15
bruenigCuisinart, your wired connection should work without it02:15
gilsterSpec: thanks for point that out, that somehow escaped me.02:15
KprofthreatProbably, but you shouldn't need to run ndiswrapper02:15
KprofthreatW/ your wired02:15
poningruCuisinart: no which one do you have?02:15
Cuisinartjust a sec02:15
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gilsterand yes i did do google on it.02:15
Specprophet: so what's not working exactly?02:15
Kavon89Kproofthreat: It still gives me " echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss "02:15
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CuisinartHonestly, I am not quite sure02:15
gilsterSpec: i cant find what i am looking for02:15
bobsomebodydie hard 3 rules, u must go see it. Actually had a couple real linux machines in it02:15
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macogwKprofthreat: TEW-424UB should be perfectly supported02:16
CuisinartIt is an intel integrated02:16
bruenigI don't know of any wired connections that require drivers, or any special non kernel stuff02:16
Kavon89Kproofthreat: It gives me " bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied02:16
Kavon89 "02:16
SpecKavon89: sudo in front02:16
macogwKavon89: sudo02:16
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Specmacogw: win :)02:16
poningruCuisinart: do a lspci -vv02:16
poningruand see if you can find it02:16
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prophetSpec: eth1 does not show up under administration->network devices, and I cannot make any wireless connections if eth2 is not connected02:16
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donnaclarkeSpec: how will i transfer the output from the desktop to you?  the desktop has no connection.  will i just type it to a private msg to yu?02:16
Specprophet: can you associate with an access point with eth1? ie: iwconfig eth1 essid belkin && iwconfig eth1 rate 11M02:16
Specprophet: then please repaste: iwconfig and ifconfig in the same patsebin02:17
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Kprofthreatmacogw: I know. I used that before.02:17
gilsterI am looking for a non-command line tool for splitting a large wave file into tracks using a premade cue file02:17
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PMantisOne other question: I have an external Hans-G LCD monitor for my laptop. With 6.10 (and 7.04 after dist-upgrade) it would correctly boot to 1280x1024 resolution. Now, it boots to 640x480 with the external monitor. how can I force it to use the correct resolution?02:17
macogwKprofthreat: oh i thought maybe the reason you suggested 423 was because you thought only certain TEW's worked02:17
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Kavon89It still says Permission Denied... It doesn't even give me a chance to enter the password.02:17
PMantisForgot to state: "Now" is after a fresh 7.04 install02:17
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macogwKavon89: put sudo before it. then itll ask for password02:18
CuisinartWell, I found my ethernet adapter, but it still is not showing up in networking02:18
Specdonnaclarke: oi02:18
donnaclarkeSpec: says command not found02:18
Kprofthreatmacogw: Nah, I just use an internal 423 currently.02:18
Specdonnaclarke: sudo ifconfig02:18
macogwKprofthreat: ah gotcha02:18
Kprofthreatmacogw: But the UB ones work too.02:18
Specdonnaclarke: what's it say?02:18
Kprofthreat=] 02:18
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CuisinartIt says marvell tech blah blah: unknown device02:18
donnaclarkeSpec: ok i try again02:18
Kavon89I entered this: " sudo echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " and It says the same Permission Denied.02:18
gilsterspec:I am looking for a non-command line tool for splitting a large wave file into tracks using a premade cue file02:19
mavsman4457Hello I am having trouble getting th medibuntu repositories02:19
Specgilster: can't help you02:19
SpecKavon89: yeah02:19
SpecKavon89: makes sense02:19
SpecKavon89: try this: sudo su -02:19
SpecKavon89: then do the echo command02:19
macogwKprofthreat: i put a post on my blog that's a "what to buy" for wireless. tew-424ub for usb (with link to buy it) and ipw3945 mini pci and mini pci-e versions with links to buy so anyone wanting to add wireless with usb or change their internal wireless card on a laptop to one that works can get them02:19
SpecKavon89: the problem is you're redirecting the root-level'd echo command with user-level I/O redirection02:19
donnaclarkeSpec: omg, it says alot...02:19
Specdonnaclarke: yes it does02:20
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Specdonnaclarke: give me the first line, ignore the whole 'lo' stanza02:20
Specdonnaclarke: give me every line that looks like the line that says 'lo', except not 'lo' :p02:20
Kavon89" sudo su echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss " Still permission denied, no chance for me to enter pw02:20
gilsterdoes anyone know if there is a GUI for using cuetools?02:20
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jkljlkKavon89 split up su after sudo and press enter02:21
EADGgilster: try apt-cache search <search term> in a terminal.02:21
Kavon89ah, i did "sudo su" then the echo stuff, workd02:21
emozive installed compiz fusion on feisty, seems to work fine but i cant get the desktop cube to work02:21
Kavon89lets try it02:21
h1st0Anyone know if there is a way to have rhythmbox not in the window list since it already has an icon in notification area?02:22
phpwnerhow do i allow port 5900 tcp in with iptables?02:22
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gilsterEADG: thanks02:22
EADGgilster: I 'audio editor' returned a few results, but I wouldn't know what would help you out with cues.02:22
dredhammerhow do i get the real media player to play actual real media files? it keeps telling me  i need the realplayer codecs02:22
dredhammeri even tried the helix player02:22
Kavon89yay it works. thanks :D02:22
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dredhammerit gives the same error02:22
gilsteri have tried audacity for breaking tracks  but it does not seem to accept these cue files02:22
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jkljlkphpwner man iptables02:23
Kavon89How do I delete a folder or thing from the Applications menu?02:23
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emozdredhammer, try install real player02:23
macogwKavon89: right click02:23
rocketsAnybody know any apps that do what soundkonverter does, but are NOT soundkonverter02:23
dredhammeri did it was from the repos02:24
jkljlkrockets ffmpeg02:24
donnaclarkeSpec: tried to PM you but says 'closed to unregistered users'02:24
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h1st0Similair to gaims behavior ex: when its minimized its just in notification area instead of both?02:24
Kavon89I have an Other -> enemy-territory in the Applications drop down, rightclick on the Other folder does nothing, on enemy-territory launcher it doesn't have an option to delete.02:24
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CppIsWeirdcan anyone give me some direction. I have a sound issue. When i first boot, i have sound, but sometime afterwards sound dies for no reason that i can determine. in the research i've done there are apparently a lot of problems with ubuntu and my Intel Corporation 82801G sound card. I see many instructions that run in every direction on how to get my sound to work. But in any of the described symptoms, sound either works, or doesnt, or has02:24
CppIsWeirdissues with headphones. Not like what problem i've described.02:24
donnaclarkecan you open a channel to me, maybe i did it wrong02:25
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jkljlkKavon89 try things such right click02:25
jkljlk(in menu)02:25
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donnaclarkeSpec: can you open a channel to me?  maybe i did it wrong... says PM closed to unregistered users02:25
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gilsterSpec: I am not sure if the :p was meant to indicate that you cant help me or dont want to help me?02:25
Kavon89ah, i got it, right click the Applications thing02:25
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jkthecjeranyone here done any coding in C (specifically with opengl and sdl)?02:26
macogw!register | donnaclarke02:26
ubotudonnaclarke: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:26
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fex905Any one know about file recovery of windows files using ubuntu?02:26
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dr_willisfex905,  mount the windows partitiosn, copy the files somwhere else. :)02:27
Specgilster: can't02:27
Specgilster: don't know much :p02:27
fex905Any one know about file recovery of windows files using ubuntu?02:27
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:27
shnastybiznasticfex905: mount the windows partition, copy the files over02:27
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donnaclarke!register / donnaclarke02:27
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vzduchdonnaclarke: | != /02:28
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macogwdonnaclarke: do what ubotu said to do02:28
fex905what about new joiners and people who cant see what was typed earlier?02:28
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macogwfex905: theyre probably here to ask not answer anyway02:28
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blackace11hello my openoffice suite isn't runing... says internal error!!!02:29
fex905i feel thelinux love02:29
macogwfex905: about 1 in 50 people who comes in here is actually helping other people02:29
=== dr_willis fails to see what part of 'mount the windows drives, and copy the files somewhere' is not clear...
macogwblackace11:  any errors running from the terminal?02:29
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h1st0nvm i'm retarded didn't realize the right click options to hide the music player.02:29
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phpwnercan somebody please help me set up vnc?02:29
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phpwnervnc-common is installed02:30
donnaclarkeomg... i don't know how02:30
dr_willisphpwner,  i suggest installing vnc4server02:30
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phpwneri set a password02:30
macogwblackace11: so try it02:30
phpwneri installed vnc4server02:30
macogwdonnaclarke: ubotu gave you a link. click it02:30
phpwnerset a password02:30
dr_willisphpwner,  i find it works better. some others dont set up things quite as good.02:30
blackace11openoffice ?02:30
dr_willisphpwner,  run 'vncserver' yet?02:30
macogwblackace11: applications > accessories > terminal02:30
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Ominous_i accidently dragged the shutdown button off right of the top bar, how do i get it back on02:30
macogwblackace11: type "ooffice"02:30
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macogwOminous_: right click on panel and add it back02:30
vzduchmacogw: wasn't it 'soffice'?02:30
macogwvzduch: dont think so...02:31
ianmcorvidaeNah, it's ooffice :)02:31
macogwvzduch: definitely ooffice02:31
phpwnerNew sdfasdfasdfa desktop is adfasdf:202:31
Ominous_macogw, i have done, but its outside the group on the right now02:31
blackace11it got same error02:31
phpwneri think i might have multiple vnc servers up02:31
macogwOminous_:  right click and move it02:31
ianmcorvidaeLooks like both may work, actually.02:31
blackace11macogw: it gave same error02:31
dr_willisphpwner,  yep.. if ya dont uise 'vncserver --kill :1' and so forth.. it will spawn more02:31
Ominous_macogw, dosent move over02:31
dr_willisphpwner,  check in .vnc for logs02:31
blackace11ominous: if you put colon after someones name it turns it read for them02:32
fuzzypigphpwner: There's an option to enable the vnc server included with Ubuntu in your system menu02:32
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rolfeni have downloaded about 200 megs of uploads/dependencies/plugins/whatnot today02:32
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dr_willisphpwner,  now what/how you use vnc depends on what you want it to do also. Its very flexiable and has a dozen variants.02:33
fuzzypigOn the menu bar at the top of your screen, System > Preferences > Remote Desktop02:33
ben_where do you type code? soz i am ubernnoob :D02:33
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dr_willisrolfen,  ive proberly done that in the last 10 min. :)02:33
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member22Can sopmeone help me i just updated my cups server02:33
member22and it keeps giving me these errors even after reinstalling02:33
blackace11macogw: do i need to 'purge' it and reinstall?02:33
member22 Local authentication certificate not found!02:33
fex905ahh just like a normal chat room02:33
ben_where do i type all that sudo stuff etc?02:33
member22and i cant print anything or choose a printer..02:33
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dr_willis!shell | ben02:33
ubotuben: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:33
rolfendr_willis: well... not good...02:33
dr_willis!shell | ben_02:33
ubotuben_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:33
member22i tried googling and i see a number of entries..02:34
blackace11macogw: if so what is command?02:34
dr_willisrolfen,  not good? updates are good...02:34
rolfendr_willis: i mean not good for ubuntu02:34
=== HiDaRK [n=hidark@100.Red-83-61-38.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:34
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ben_thanks ^^02:34
member22!help ppd?02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help ppd? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
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member22!help cups02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help cups - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
rolfendr_willis: yeah but we cant brag anymore how linux is more efficient then windowns02:34
dr_willisrolfen,  your logic is lacking. :)  no updates = no security fix's02:34
ben_installed linux for first time now :)02:34
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:34
dr_willisrolfen,  you havent seen the last few rounds of Windows Updates have ya...02:34
member22will that tell me that error?02:34
member22 Local authentication certificate not found!'02:34
rolfendr_willis: no :)02:34
=== stephane is now known as Little`Bubble
dr_willisrolfen,  havent tried vista yet either have ya.. :)02:35
fuzzypig!help register02:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help register - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
fuzzypig!register | fuzzypig02:35
rolfendr_willis: no, i'd rather not...02:35
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dr_willisrolfen,  :) trust me - Linux IS more efficient.02:35
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blackace11fuzzypig: /msg nickserv help02:35
Little`BubbleMoin there =)02:35
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member22the wiki is no help.. sigh. Please someone help me with cups is there a bug with dapper02:36
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blackace11rolfen: i have xp vista and ubuntu on my laptop... i spend 99% on ubuntu cause it's better02:36
rolfendr_willis: yup. Still it would be good if they could implement some sort of binary diff system02:36
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rolfenblackace11: yeah ubuntu is good02:36
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rolfenbut you need to spend lots of time configuring it after the 1st install02:36
Little`Bubblei'm agree with you rolfen !02:36
dr_willisrolfen,  interesting idea.. but ive never seen any other OS do that either.. not many games do that either..02:36
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blackace11rolfen: have u set up your ubuntu with compiz fusion?02:36
dr_willisHow about TorrentUpdates! :)02:37
lukillashi all02:37
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lukillashow can i translate my kde from english to spanish?02:37
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rolfenblackace11: i have beryl02:37
blackace11i had beryl02:37
ben_is there a way to copy/paste into terminal?02:37
blackace11then i switched to compiz fusion02:37
dr_willisof course ive not seen that many Ubuntu updates over the last week or so.. Perhaps 3 or so a day.02:37
=== Surb [n=Surb@cpe-70-112-101-210.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_williswonder if theres a log/history site somewhere.02:37
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blackace11with emerald window manager02:37
the_consulCan anyone tell me the syntax for issuing a command via crontab that will open a windowed application?  0 0 * * * deluge doesn't work...I'm thinking there's a special syntax for opening windowed applications via cron...02:38
=== Rei-chan [n=rei@adsl-75-44-36-16.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Ubuntu
EADGben_: in X yes... just c/p as you would normally. From X to cli, no.02:38
member22darn CUPS new version of dapper is bugged :( and i cant find a fix..02:38
dr_willisthe_consul,  opening up a 'X program with gui, from crontab' is going to be rather hard. for security reasons02:38
blackace11can someone help me with my openoffice program it wont open!!!02:38
fuzzypigben_: Instead of ctrl-v and ctrl-c, use ctrl-shift-v and ctrl-shift c02:38
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=== ieee802 [n=chatzill@host107-254-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ieee802hi can someone help me02:39
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dr_willisthe_consul,  if they are gettting ran by the same user that has X going.. that makes it a little easier.02:39
ieee802i started using ubuntu02:39
ieee802now and having some problems02:39
Rienzillait's possible to loosen those restrictions with xhost02:39
ieee802can i ask?02:39
poningruieee802: yes02:39
dr_willisthe_consul,  in that case you would need to export the DISPLAY variable.02:39
blackace11ieee802: tell us your problem then if we know it we will help02:39
Rei-chanDon't ask to ask, just ask, ieee802  :)02:39
the_consuldr_willis: really...I'm using sudo crontab -e to add the line in my crontab file...02:39
bruenigthe_consul, first, cron doesn't inherit environment variables, including PATH, so either specify that in crontab or use full paths, /usr/bin/deluge, along the same line you need to give it the DISPLAY variable, DISPLAY=:0, DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/deluge02:39
ieee802i have a intel 220002:39
ben_thanks fuzzy :D02:39
poningrublackace11: whats wrong?02:39
ieee802wireless on my centrino02:39
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macogwieee802: thats good it should work perfectly02:39
dr_willisthe_consul,  as a user, running the app.. ya need to set DISPLAY properly then.02:39
the_consulbruenig:  I didn't writ it here but I did have it as /usr/bin/deluge02:39
blackace11poningru: error message at startup of ooffice02:40
poningruwhats the error?02:40
ieee802it doesn't work02:40
macogwieee802: blasphemy!02:40
bruenigthe_consul, see DISPLAY02:40
ieee802i have02:40
dr_willisisent there some sort of schedulare program with a gui? i cant rember  seeing any02:40
ieee802connected the wireless ok02:40
Rienzillathe_consul: The point is not that crontab isnt starting your program, the point is that the program doesn know where, or isn't allowed to, display something02:40
ieee802then created02:40
ieee802the ppoe02:40
macogwim playin around...though i am shocked that it doesnt work02:40
bruenigdr_willis, what a waste that would be02:40
=== Knowledge [n=Knowledg@c-76-29-19-242.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruieee802: you cant do pppoe over wifi02:40
macogwisnt pppoe for dialup/02:40
ieee802my router02:40
dr_willisbruenig,  if you want a alarm,  or run  some app at 6:00 (like a movie) i dont see why it would be a waste. :)02:41
blackace11macogw: i believe your right02:41
ieee802actually the problem is this02:41
=== dmb_ [n=dmb@ool-4573e07d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
KnowledgeCould someone tell me what a diff file is for? there are 2 different .diff files for PS3 ubuntu, but I don't know what they do.02:41
dr_willisof course the needs for such stuff might be a bit rare.02:41
vzduchPPPoE is for dialing up via a wired ADSL modem02:41
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bruenigdr_willis, cron02:41
ieee802the connection works02:41
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ieee802only for some seconds02:41
Rei-chanieee802 Your router should be handling pppoe, or your ADSL modem.02:41
poningrublackace11: whats the error?02:41
dr_willisbruenig,  explain to my wife how to use cron then. :)02:41
Rienzillacron would do; set display to :0, and add localhost to hosts who may display on :002:41
ieee802yes i have a wifi router02:41
poningru!cron | dr_willis02:41
ubotudr_willis: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm02:41
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Rei-chanieee802 Have you set up pppoe on your router?02:41
ieee802and i have to connect via pppoe02:41
donnaclarkeSpec: i don't think i'm gonna be able to figure out how to register my nick, i am too dense; is there another way?02:41
bruenigdr_willis, pretty basic, first column is minutes, second column is hours and so forth and so on02:41
dr_willisshe wanted the tv viewer program to pop up at 5:00 for her today as a reminder..02:41
ieee802i cannot set pppoe02:41
fuzzypigieee802: Do you have Network-Manager installed?02:42
ieee802on router02:42
blackace11poningru: application cannot start and internal error has occured02:42
=== [Silver] [i=Silver@adsl-76-215-245-31.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rei-chanieee802 Why not?02:42
ieee802because it works02:42
poningrublackace11: just do sudo aptitude reinstall openoffice-whatever02:42
ieee802like that :P02:42
cdehaandr_willis: Surely there's a reminder app for GNOME/KDE/Etc. desktop environment02:42
dr_willisbruenig,  yes. i know the format for a cron job.. BUt a nice idiot-friendly gui  thats dosent even really need to be using cron. just for simple tasks.02:42
ieee802i have to create a pppoe connection02:42
ieee802also in windows02:42
PMantisKnowledge: Id describes the difference between two versions of a file, etc.. it can be used to recreate the edits to the old version.02:42
dr_williscdehaan,  if there is ive not noticed one.. thats basicially what i was asking about.02:42
macogwieee802: your router's a piece of poo02:42
untruestoryhey all I'm having a lil problem with copying pics from cdrom to my home folder. Any help?02:42
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dr_williscdehaan,  using kde at the moment.. i will look in there also.02:42
cdehaandr_willis: GNOME?02:42
dr_willis!find reminder02:42
ubotuFound: email-reminder, gkrellm-reminder02:42
ieee802i was trying to get ipw2200 compiled but i get errors02:43
cdehaandr_willis: Ahh... "gremind" for GNOME02:43
bruenigdr_willis, waste of resources02:43
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dr_willis!info gkrellm-reminder02:43
ubotugkrellm-reminder: useful reminder plugin for gkrellm. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-2 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 108 kB02:43
KnowledgePMantis: how would someone use that in osx? does that get applied to an iso?02:43
dr_willis bruenig  yea whatever.. like comptuers in general.02:43
ieee802i have done apt-get build-essential02:43
macogwieee802: your wireless card is fine.  on any normal router, itll work perfectly02:43
macogwieee802: no need to compile anything02:43
dr_williscdehaan,  hmm.. not a lot of reminder apps.02:43
blackace11on whatever i put 2.2 and it did nothing02:43
macogwieee802: this falls under the category of a "pppoewtf"02:43
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cdehaandr_willis: Mind a /msg?02:43
blackace11said couldn't find any packages whose name or description matched02:44
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ieee802it actually works on windows02:44
Rei-chanmacogw, I believe that sums it up.02:44
Rei-chanOf course it does, Windows doesn't care.02:44
phpwnerhow do i use make on a tar.gz?02:44
ieee802why the hell ipw doesn't compile02:44
untruestoryI can copy to /home using sudo but not /home/username it just freezes. could someone offer some advice?02:44
cdehaanphpwner: You don't.02:44
macogwphpwner: untar it first02:44
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untruestoryhelp anyone?02:44
macogwieee802: probably lacking the dependencies02:44
dr_williscdehaan,  sure..  checking the apt packages now for a remionder app. :) i02:44
minijumacogw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/12482202:44
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Rei-chanuntruestory, There are multiple people, not all of them type fast. Give them a moment.02:45
macogwuntruestory: your own username or someone else's?02:45
blackace11untruestory: sudo nautilus and see if you can do it without terminal02:45
macogwminiju: thats marked for edgy though...02:45
dr_willis!find remind02:45
ubotuFound: email-reminder, gkrellm-reminder, remind02:45
untruestoryblackace: trying it now02:45
Rei-chanHey, if the Debian kids aren't playing nice, how hard would it be to diagnose a Debian's xorg problem?02:46
Rei-chanI have a friend who uses Debian, and X hates him.02:46
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donnaclarkeoh, plllleeeeaaaaassssseee someone help me :( there must be some simple way to get connected02:46
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dr_willis!find alarm02:47
ubotuFound: kalarm, bmp-alarm, xmms-alarm02:47
cdehaanRei-chan: An Xorg channel might have some good advice, though if you asked here noone would probably know if you're using Debian or Ubuntu :)02:47
donnaclarkethat doesn't require a degree in rocket science :)02:47
untruestoryblackace11: no luck still freezes02:47
cdehaanRei-chan: #xorg is probably a good place to start.02:47
Rei-chancdehaan, I think he tried #xorg, no one cared to reply.02:47
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blackace11untruestory: i'm sorry i don't know what to say, sometimes my computer boots up and doesn't show my desktop, maybe hit ctrl+alt+backspace... that usually clears it up for me02:48
SlimGCrazy tought here: Is it possible for me to mount ex.: /dev/snd (soundcard) from another computer and play music thru it as if it were a local soundcard but the sound would output from the remote computer?02:48
=== Rei-chan would perfer the guy use an OS that I can actually support, like Ubuntu. :( His setup is... odd.
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rustalotHow do I see my legal rights re: software x02:48
Rei-chanSlimG, there's a remote sound protocol, I forget the actual protocol name, but that works over networks. :)02:48
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untruestorymacogw: I'm using my own username but the only way I can seem to copy is from terminal with cp and then I don't have permissions as a user to change it02:49
macogwrustalot: the help > about will probably tell you or link to it02:49
minijumacogw: i'm on edgy02:49
macogwminiju: oh! rainBOWS!02:49
=== miniju double-checked
minijumacogw: ... what?02:49
rustalotmacogw: I mean before I install, like in synapticg or something02:49
macogwminiju: south park thing02:49
untruestoryblackace11: I got it clear thanks for trying02:50
minijumacogw: really? i don't get it :)02:50
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switchcatGeneral Question: what are your MUST-have apps?  I just installed a new 7.04 and I'm wondering "what should I _really_ go and load/seek out?02:50
minijumacogw: i know quite a bit, what are you refering to? :)02:50
SlimGRei-chan: I guess there's lot's of remote sound protocol, I'm just exploring the possibilities of linux, so in other words, my crazy tought won't work then?02:50
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macogwminiju: one kid is saying he hates rainbows, always sneakin up on ya.... and then they're like dude, the things in the sky and he goes "oh! rainBOWs!" like there's a difference between RAINbow and rainBOW02:50
rustalotswitchcat: KDE.02:50
Rei-chanSlimG: I've never tried it, but hell... Maybe it would. :)02:50
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blackace11untruestory: congratz!!!02:50
blackace11wasn't tryn, just giving none fatal suggestions02:51
minijumacogw: wow, i don't recall...02:51
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phpwnerhow do i know what daemons start when ubuntu starts?02:51
untruestoryblackace11: heh, not quite I meant I got the frozen window closed. no luck on the pics02:51
minijuphpwner: ls /etc/init.d?02:51
cdehaanmacogw: :/02:52
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rustalotswitchcat: just kidding. I would reccomend KTorrent, if you dl w/ torrents, b/c the GNOME bittorrent client is just terrible.02:52
=== Metal03 [n=metal03@bas4-montrealak-1088750099.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sldkfjwhen upgrading the nvidia driver, what's the command in to install the nvidia restricted mod uname -r02:52
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macogwrustalot: well um...the different repositories are a difference. main is all gpl'd stuff i think. commercial is as it says, universe/multiverse are other stuff...i think02:52
phpwnerdo all daemons start at startup?02:52
Metal03Hi everyone, my CD-RW isn't responding in Linux...  Anyone can help with that?02:53
cdehaanswitchcat: There is another good bittorrent client for GNOME02:53
vzduchsldkfj: what exactly are you trying to do?02:53
macogwcdehaan: why are you making a face at me?02:53
donnaclarkeSpec: are you still here?02:53
Flannelrustalot, macogw, universe is Free (but not supported by canonical, instead it's community stuff), muliverse is non-Free stuff02:53
SlimGRei-chan: I'll give it a go, I would be surprised if it worked, but that would be totaly awsome :)02:53
macogwdonnaclarke: he left02:53
rustalotmacogw: I want to be able to see the licence for stuff in the multiverse02:53
=== Rei-chan nods at SlimG.
sldkfjvzduch, I want to upgrade the nvidia driver to the 100. version they offer at their website02:54
macogwrustalot: you could check the project's website, other than that *shrug*02:54
Rei-chanDamn you, #Ubuntu, why are you so helpful when #Debian isn't. :)02:54
cdehaanswitchcat: The name would be useful, I imagine... deluge-torrent.02:54
Flannelrustalot: It depends on the package themselves02:54
macogwsldkfj: why?02:54
phpwnerwhat is the best bit torrent client?02:54
donnaclarkemacogw: oh. i looked at the register page but i couldn't figure it out.02:54
switchcathow do you guys think these torrent progs compare to azureus? that is what I was used to running on XP.02:54
cdehaanphpwner: The one that works for you.02:54
bruenig!best  | phpwner utorrent02:54
ubotuphpwner utorrent: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.02:54
Rei-chanphpwner: That's like asking what is the best version of Linux.02:54
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macogwsldkfj: if your card is supported by the one in ubuntu, dont upgrade. youll have to reinstall after every kernel upgrade02:54
cdehaanswitchcat: Always better, because they're open source ;)02:54
sldkfjmacogw, hmm, cause it's offered?02:54
macogwsldkfj: i mean youll have to reinstall the driver after every kernel upgrade02:54
=== hihiu [n=v@h-68-167-64-142.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rustalotFlannel: that's what I mean: how do I see licence for package x?02:54
phpwneri dont see a linux version for utrroent02:55
phpwneri like utorrent02:55
macogwsldkfj: so youll have  black screen and no gui during that time.  if your card is supported, use the ubuntu-supported driver02:55
rustalotswitchcat: use KTorrent02:55
hihiuMy usplash is not working. I just get a black screen.02:55
phpwnerdont tell me i have to run it on top of wine02:55
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dr_willisphpwner,  the utorrent guys test it with wine..  I perfer ktorrent myself.02:55
hihiuphppwner: Utorrent runs perfectly under wine.02:55
macogwsldkfj: the reason nvidia.com has them is for cards that didnt exist when the most recent ubuntu was released02:55
Rei-chanphpwner,  They don't make it for Linux. Use Azerus, its a java version of utorrent.02:55
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switchcateh, well, considering I'm not paying anybody for any of them, and I'm not hacking the programs, and I'm not concerned that they're a security risk OSS vs non OSS doesnt matter to me in this case, speed, features, and ease of use are what matter at this point.02:55
Metal03I have a problem with my CD writter, it won't respond in Ubuntu (won't even open) and it's just when Ubuntu starts to load!  Anyone can help please?02:55
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rolfenhelp... i still cant get Frostwire to work... now i get the spash screen but then i get a blank window!02:55
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macogwrolfen: are you using beryl?02:56
dr_willisrolfen,  run it from a terminal, see if any error messages show up02:56
apocalypticunioncan i force ubuntu to install programs and stuff on a different hard dri9ve than the one it is installed on? and if so how?02:56
sldkfjmacogw, ok, ya just shot me down :\02:56
rustalotphpwner: Don't use azureus, it's slow (written in java)02:56
macogwrolfen: if so, turn it off02:56
rolfenmacogw: yes02:56
macogwrolfen: turn it off02:56
donnaclarkehelp.  can someone please help me get my desktop connected to the internet with feisty running live cd?02:56
Flannelrustalot: packages.ubuntu.com, find the package, then at the bottom of the page is a copyright file02:56
hihiufolfen: If your going to pirate stuff just do it with torrents. Easyer.02:56
cdehaanswitchcat: Any well-made torrent client should work well, IME.02:56
phpwneryeah i know rustalot02:56
macogwrolfen: beryl + swing = doesnt work02:56
dr_willisapocalypticunion,  the package managers install stuff to the system directories where the stuff belongs.. thats about it.. :)02:56
rolfendr_willis: I did and it printed some huge java messages02:56
member22Does anyone here use cups02:56
rolfenmacogw: thanks il try that02:56
member22as a print server here|02:56
member22for dapper?02:56
apocalypticuniondr_willis: oh well, worth a try02:57
dr_willismember22,  the default cups works for most of us. CUps is the default print server software for ubuntu.02:57
Metal03I have a problem with my CD writter, it won't respond in Ubuntu (won't even open) and it's just when Ubuntu starts to load!  Anyone can help please?02:57
hihiurolfin if your gunna pirate use torrents.02:57
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macogwrolfen: the only way to make it work is to put "AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit" in your .bashrc and then only run the java apps from the command line02:57
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member22im getting this error message when i upgraded my cups with dappers upgrade02:57
member22cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found02:57
macogw!repeat | Metal0302:57
ubotuMetal03: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:57
rolfenmacogw: thanks again :D02:57
member22and my printing stopped working and i cant add printers it just gives me blank..02:57
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hihiuMetal03: Try mounting it.02:57
rolfenmacogw: i'd hate to disable beryl02:57
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Metal03hihiu: How?02:58
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macogwrolfen: then do the command line thing. if you start up the java app with metacity then switch to beryl, itll stay there and not go blank02:58
member22what does that error message mean?02:58
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member22i cant find anywhere where someone solved it02:58
t0niahow did i end up in the ubuntu channel?02:58
macogwt0nia: you joined it02:58
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Rei-chant0nia, You, or your client, took you there.02:58
macogwt0nia: or you started up irc for the first time on ubuntu02:58
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t0niaim usin pclinnuxos02:59
hihiuMetal03: sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom then sudo mount /dev/(what ever your cd drive is) /mnt/cdrom02:59
rolfenmacogw: yeah it was a beryl issue... thanks02:59
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rolfenmacogw: are they planning to fix that?02:59
macogwt0nia: oh...umm...hey guys is pclinuxos one of the based-on-ubuntu distros?02:59
macogwrolfen: beryl's gone02:59
t0niaim usin pclinnuxos02:59
donnaclarkeplease can anyone help me configure my feisty to connect to the internet?02:59
t0niaits debian03:00
macogwrolfen: its probably fixed in compiz fusion03:00
rolfenmacogw: true :)03:00
switchcathmmm thats odd. it seems to want to download in a very basic bittorrent program, and not send the torrer to azureus...03:00
Metal03hihiu: How can I know what my CD drive is?03:00
eboyjrHow can a program be minimized and maximized from the command line?03:00
Flannelt0nia: then you must've joinedit on your own accord. macogw, no, it's Mandrivia03:00
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macogwMetal03: probably /dev/cdrom003:00
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fuzzypigno, just /dev/cdrom03:00
macogwok fine what he said03:01
t0niayip im a n00b03:01
Radioany idea how to make compiz the default?03:01
ieee802i get this error while copying the ipw2200 firmware03:01
suprememilohey is there a way that you can (alt- tab) through workspaces?03:01
Metal03hihiu: Cause it used to work, but now it's just saying /dev/hdc/ does not exist when I try to access it03:01
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl584.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwsuprememilo: ctrl alt arrows03:01
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ieee802dv@my-notebook:~/porcate/ipw2200-fw-3.0$ sudo cp * /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware03:01
ieee802cp: target `/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware' is not a directory03:01
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cleverMetal03 its /dev/hdc not /dev/hdc/03:01
Rei-chanRight, can someone look this over quickly and tell me what I missed? #Debian is ignoring it because its ZOMG WALL OF TEXT.03:02
Rei-chanxorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/diPQNN87.html  Xorg.0.log: http://rafb.net/p/6dVrYW96.html03:02
ketroxieee802 feisty ?03:02
cleverMetal03: its a device not a directory03:02
Rei-chanJust pretend its Feisty Fawn.03:02
ketroxwhat kernel are you using ?03:02
ketroxuname -r03:02
rolfenmacogw: you're a genius :D03:02
Metal03clever: ya, I just didn't type it good03:02
FlannelRei-chan: You should try #debian on oftc, the official debian channel.03:02
cleverMetal03L ahh:)03:02
t0niai have ubunto on a different machine03:02
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macogwrolfen: i wish....my gpa wishes too03:02
=== gravemind [n=phix@pool-70-108-14-72.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rei-chanFlannel, I have. So has the poor guy. They're simply ignoring him, he's tried for 2 days.03:03
hihiuMetal03: The other people helping you most likely know more then me, listen to them.03:03
Qnixubuntu should move to ruby .. ^___^ i hate python03:03
ubotuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.03:03
donnaclarkemacogw: can you recommend anyone to help me configure internet connection03:03
gravemindanybody use gsnes9x? I can't figure out how to save03:03
=== Pelo is in awe of hihiu's modesty
macogwdonnaclarke: nope03:03
kbrooksqnix: so please try and implement it, then show us.03:03
suprememiloso has anyone ever have their HDD crash so they have to run a live cd till they figure out how to pay for a new HDD?03:03
Qnixkbrooks, im working on that ...03:03
ieee802ketrox:  2.6.20-15-generic03:03
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hihiuMetal03: If you can't find your answer in here there is always ubuntuforums.org03:03
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Rei-chansuprememilo, Yes.03:04
gravemindsuprememilo: kind of03:04
fuzzypiggravemind: try zsnes03:04
eboyjrHow can a program be minimized and maximized from the command line? I want to make it so that, on Gaim, when a buddy is online, Gaim maximizes. And when that buddy goes offline, it minimizes.03:04
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ketroxtry  copying to this directory ieee802 /lib/firmware/2.6.20-15-generic/03:04
dr_willisgravemind,  check the snes9x docs. :) that gsnes stuff is a front end to the actual program I tend to use 'zsnes' myself.03:04
Nutubuntudonnaclarke, what's the connection question?03:04
kbrooksQnix, oh? you intrigue me. please ppost on digg, etc. i'd love to see it.03:04
`zhmanyone free to help me with an install/partitioning question?03:04
gravemindfuzzypig: alright, I've used the command line before, I just got greedy and wanted a gui03:04
Metal03hihiu: I'm sure it's with the command you gave me...  I just need to find what is my CD drive (/dev/blahblah)03:04
jeremysanHi all, I'm trying to set up my wireless network card but in order to do that I require NDISwrapper.  Can anybody explain to me the best/easiest way to install NDISwrapper?03:05
Metal03Isn't there a command to see all the drives?03:05
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Rei-chanRight, this is irked me enough to order Sketch to get Feisty. I tire of #Debian's stupidity.03:05
gravemindfuzzypig: dr_willis: does zsnes have gui?03:05
Pelo`zhm,  yes but take the ` out of your nick, it's annoying to type on my keyboard03:05
fuzzypigoh, zsnes doesn't come with a gui on linux?03:05
ti1hi guys , i just lost all my data (i was trying to get suspend to work) any way i can get it back im on live cd03:05
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hihiuMetal03: try /dev/cdrom03:05
dr_willisMetal03,  try 'sudo fdisk -l' or ls -l /dev/cdrom03:05
zhmcan i msg you pelo?03:05
ieee802ketrox:  ok i'll try03:05
dr_willisgravemind,  yes it does03:05
vzduch!ndiswrapper | jeremysan03:05
ubotujeremysan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:05
Pelozhm,  no state your issue here03:05
graveminddr_willis: awesome, I'll try it then03:05
ti1my whole drive comes up as unlocated03:05
Radioany idea how to make compiz the default?03:05
zhmwell, i have windows xp installed03:05
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: i can't get feisty to connect in firefox03:05
fuzzypiggravemind: zsnes has a gui03:05
zhmi need that to be installed, with windows there's 2 partitions, c: & d:03:06
Metal03ls -l /dev/cdrom03:06
Pelozhm,  try to state your whole problem in one line03:06
gravemindfuzzypig: I'm firing up synaptic now :)03:06
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eboyjrHow can a program be minimized and maximized from the command line? I want to make it so that, on Gaim, when a buddy is online, Gaim maximizes. And when that buddy goes offline, it minimizes. Or else, is there a plugin for Gaim that does that?03:06
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ieee802ketrox: it doesn't exist03:06
Peloeboyjr,  lookup devilspie in the forum03:06
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke,  is your computer on a wired network? or wireless?03:06
frojndhow can I shutdown server? and how can I shut down ubuntu in with command line?03:06
zhmi need that to be installed, with windows there's 2 partitions, c: & d:. i'm planning to install unbuntu to d: and have plenty of space to do the install, but need to create the partitions without screwing up my windows stuff...i'm using the alternate installer b/c of my vga card03:07
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: Wired.03:07
dr_willisfrojnd,  sudo halt   is one way03:07
hihiuI didn't even know you could control the gui from the command line... they are two different interfaces.03:07
Metal03dr_willis : I get = no such file or directory with ls -l /dev/cdrom03:07
ketroxdunow then ieee80203:07
Flannelfrojnd: `shutdown -h now`  well, shutdown time, shutdowns the command though.03:07
fuzzypigfrojnd: shut down the computer with "sudo shutdown -P now"03:07
dr_willisMetal03,  try  ls -l /dev/cdr*03:07
Nutubuntudonnaclarke, can you pastebin the output of 'ifconfig eth0'  ?03:07
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zhmpelo, i need some help in creating the partitions for unbuntu, etc03:08
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: my friend put his on  his laptop and it worked right out of the box03:08
Pelozhm,  I'm not familiar with the alternate cd, but i guess you will be using parted to to clear the second partition and then just let  the installer install on the largest unallocated space03:08
Metal03dr_willis: same thing03:08
dr_willisMetal03,  odd...03:08
fuzzypigzhm: install gparted or qtparted03:08
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Pelofuzzypig,  he's running  text mode installer03:08
ketroxmay be you should try to create it ieee80203:08
zhmfuzzypig, i'm using the alternate cd b/c i have an intel mobile 91503:08
FlannelPelo, zhm, the alternate CD has a partitioner inside of it.  It's more or less just like the Desktop CD, only with curses based IO03:08
donnaclarkei don't know how.  i have the terminal open, and i typed in ifconfig and theres some output03:08
PeloFlannel, thanks for the info what is the name ?03:09
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Metal03dr_willis: oh, did I mention my CD drive isn't working!! hehehe03:09
zhmFlannel, that's fine, but i'm not trying to erase the whole d: drive...i need that03:09
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: but i don't know how to 'pastebin'03:09
FlannelPelo: er... what name?03:09
fuzzypigzhm: oh, well, you could use the parted text interface03:09
Nutubuntudonnaclarke, if I understand properly, you're saying that the cable, connection, etc., is known to be working -- true? -- but that your network configuration may not be correct. True?03:09
ieee802ketrox:  k ty03:09
PeloFlannel,  the name of he alternate ce partition app03:09
zhmi'm at the partition disks part of the install03:09
Flannelzhm: right, you'll be able to shrink it/whatever with the partitioner on the alt CD, just like you would with any other partitioner03:09
=== dr_willis pummles Metal03 :)
zhmso resize the d:03:09
fuzzypigah, wrong again03:09
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dr_willisMetal03,   time to dig into the real problem. :)03:10
Metal03dr_Willis: it said I mounted my windows HD 30 times and did a forced scan or something...  and it screwed my drive!03:10
FlannelPelo: I'm not really sure it has one.  Whatever debian-installer uses, probably some custom wrapper around parted.03:10
Pelozhm,  I thought you wanted to use all of d ? is there data on it ?03:10
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hihiuMy usplash displays no image on boot up. (usplash and the ubuntu usplash theme are installed) When I press alt f1 it says like kinit resume image not found(not the exact error) Does any one else have this problem/bug?03:10
zhmYes, pelo...there is03:10
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke, highlight the output of 'ifconfig eth0' in your terminal window, shift-ctrl-c to copy it. go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste up there, then copy the URL and point me to it, here :)03:10
zhmmy windows data, i have about 30gb free...i want to use 15-17gb for unbuntu03:10
Metal03dr_willis: it's still working b4 Ubuntu loads though03:10
Pelozhm,  then yes,  rezise to the minimum you need on d03:10
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f4sterhi all, i have windows vista on a sata hard drive. I installed ubuntu feisty on a second hard drive which is IDE. Whenever i boot the machine it only goes to windows, i cant get grub to come up.03:11
HellevatorHello all. I have a question about recovering deleted data from a fat32 partition.  What is the best way to do this in Ubuntu?03:11
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donnaclarkeNutubuntu: but i can't paste it to the internet, because i can't get connected to the internet03:11
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zhmPelo, you suggest creating 3 partitions here? root, home, swap03:11
zhmor 1 big one at this point in time03:11
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Pelozhm,  that is generaly what I recommend yes03:11
fuzzypigf4ster: That's because grub is also installed on the 2nd hard drive. You need to re-install it on the 1st03:11
Pelozhm,I prefer the 3 partition setup , makes reinstalling easier03:12
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hihiuzhm: I would have a windows disk ready. Whenever I change the size of my window partition my windows wont boot until I repair it using the windows cd. Once I repair it works fine so have the  the disk handy just in case.03:12
dr_willisf4ster,  or set the bios to boot the 2nd hd.03:12
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke,  how are you getting to IRC? -- anyway -- are you familiar with IP addresses? can you check what address, if any, is configured on eth0?03:12
f4sterfuzzypig: thats what i was thinking also.03:12
Metal03dr_willis: Any idea of what it could be?03:12
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f4sterfuzzypig: i tried setting the ide drive to master in bios but same result. how do i install grub only on the sata drive?03:12
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dr_willisMetal03,  no idea. ya havent given much info to work with. :)03:12
zhmHmm, see its sayin the min i can use for the new partition is 30.3gb and max is 69.503:12
=== aaanone [n=user@pool-71-96-161-173.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hihiudr_willis: Are you always in the #gentoo and #fedora rooms? I remember your name from one of them...03:13
dr_willisMetal03,  i gotta run also. perhaps others in here can help ya find the cdrom drive thats lost.03:13
fuzzypigf4ster: hmm, to install grub you normally have to boot to linux03:13
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: in the output it says inet addr:
Pelozhm,  what ?   how big is your d; partition ? when you look at it from windows ?03:13
dr_willishihiu,  aint used Gentoo in AGES.... cant rember ever being in #fedora03:13
aaanonewhen $PATH is checked does it check subdirectories of that directories listed?03:13
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f4sterok i just booted off the cd now as a matter of fact03:13
Metal03dr_willis: I just don't know what info to give you!  ok, well thanks anyways!03:13
gireeshf4ster: you have to get to a grub prompt03:13
phpwnerhow do i mount an ntfs partition? i don't have any /dev/hda#03:13
zhmits about 65gb pelo03:13
dr_willisaaanone,  its not 'recursive' into the subdirs.03:13
donnaclarkeis that what your looking for?03:13
f4sterfuzzypig: ok im in ubuntu now03:13
Pelozhm,  how much data doyou hve on it ?03:13
fuzzypigNOT the grub prompt03:13
dr_willisaaanone,  try echo  $PATH to see exactly where it looks.03:13
zhmabout 30ish03:14
oslohi do you know how to use cross-compiling ? arm-linux ???03:14
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: no, i am on a laptop beside the desktop that has ubuntu on it.03:14
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke,  I may be too tired to make any sense. Sorry, I understand that you can't get to the Internet on that computer.03:14
f4sterfuzzypig: ok im in grub console - i will look at the help and assume the install is in here somewhere - thanks for your help!03:14
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zhmshould i do manual or guided? i don't want it to use all the free space...only 17gb03:14
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hihiudr_willis: oh...maybe there are two dr_willis's :).03:14
fuzzypigf4ster: the grub console is hard to use03:14
Metal03I've lost my CD drive!  Can't make it work...  I think it's my 2nd HD that took over, can anyone help?03:15
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke, it sounds as if the desktop computer isn't getting an address via dhcp. Is that how you would normally expect it to get an address?03:15
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donnaclarkeNutubuntu: so isn't there some way to go in to the 'control panel'?03:15
vzduchzhm: if you know what you're doing use manual, it's more accurate, I guess03:15
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troxorMetal03: try `dmesg | egrep "^hd"`03:15
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: i guess ...03:15
havangerneed help with setting up samba.... ubuntu wont allow me to login as root at the login screen and root is the owner of the samaba folder/files so i can't manually exit the smb.conf..... help please03:15
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fuzzypigf4ster: In fact, nearly impossible to use, as you have to know the name of your kernel and initrd file beforehand03:15
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Nutubuntudonnaclarke, yes. System > Administration > Network03:15
zhmthe point is, i don't know =/03:16
troxorMetal03: provided they are IDE drives03:16
Pelozhm,  you'll need about 5-10 gig for /  and 2xRAM for your swap,   the rest for /home,  you'll need ot figure out how much you want ,   that 30.3gb to 69.5gb is the new size of your d; partition, not the new partition space you will get for ubuntu,   so I guess give it 35 gig for d; and use the rest for ubuntu03:16
Metal03troxor yes they are03:16
Flannelhavanger: use sudo.  Login with your usual user (the one that can install stuff) and then `gksu gedit /path/to/file`03:16
f4sterfuzzypig: well since i booted off the cd it mapped my already installed partitions of which ive looked at the grub conf,03:16
ti1can any one please help me use cfdisk03:16
ti1 to get my partitions back i have look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343691, but its not very clear03:16
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havangerflannel: thanks03:17
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f4sterfuzzypig: would it just be easier to reinstall and tell the install to set it up on the other drive?03:17
troxorMetal03: what happened in you situation?03:17
fuzzypigf4ster: no03:17
troxorMetal03: your*03:17
Peloti1,  it's not that we don'T want to help , we may not be able to ,  restate your problem periodicaly and hope someone can help03:17
fuzzypigf4ster: It's easy to grub-install from linux03:17
zhmi see Pelo, that was a better description03:18
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fuzzypigf4ster: are you using ubuntu feisty?03:18
zhmits resizing no03:18
hihiuomg the os-x icon theme is 100 mbs03:18
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zombiepigwondering if someone can help me with a funny issue with firefox... on some sites i keep getting these weird characters that look like numbers in a little box... there doesn't seem to be much pattern to it. has anyone else seen this?03:18
Nutubuntudonnaclarke, when you have opened up the 'Network Settings' dialog, you should see four tabs, the first is 'Connections' -- in that tab, highlight 'Wired connection' and click the 'Properties' button.03:18
boyamdonnaclark, Nutbuntu: been following you thread....donnaclarks problem is that modem only supports one interface, either usb or ehternet, but not both.  You need a router to accomplish sharing the internet connection....03:18
Metal03troxor: My CD drive used to work, but when I booted earlier, it said that I mount 30 times my "windows HD" and I needed to fdisk or something (some kind of scan) and I think it messed up my drives and the way they were mounted!03:18
Pelozhm,  we try but sometimes we need to figure out what your actual problem is before we can give you a proper reply03:19
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ti1Pelo: :o ok.03:19
f4sterfuzzypig: yes im on feisty03:19
Rei-chanzombiepig, those are characters that you don't have the ability to view, no font associated with that character.03:19
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: k, trying to get it open03:19
fazedhey guys03:19
ti1so do i chose primary or logical partition03:19
Rei-chanzombiepig, i.e. foreign languages.03:19
jeremysanHi all.  I accidentally deleted my network icon in the right corner of my top bar.  Can anybody tell me how I can return that icon/tool?  I right click on the panel and go "Add to panel..." and select the "Network Monitor" one, but it is not the same one.  How can I return it to its default network icon?03:19
Nutubuntuboyam - gotcha - I came in late - donnaclarke are you trying to share a single internet connection between the desktop and the laptop ?03:19
fuzzypigf4ster: Just run "sudo grub-install hd0"03:20
zombiepigrei-chan... so it's normal? i think sometimes it does them for simple things like quotation marks though?03:20
Peloti1,  I donT' think you should be repartitionning if you haven'T managed to recover your data yes03:20
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: yes03:20
troxorMetal03: fsck shouldn't mess up your partitions like that.. can you get to a working system on that machine, or where does it get stuck at?03:20
f4sterfuzzypig: ok but i need it to install on my sata drive where vista is installed. is that hd0?03:20
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Rei-chanzombiepig, They're probably not quotation marks, they're the 'other' quote marks. Its normal, in that you don't have the proper font files to view the data.03:20
vzduchjeremysan: Network Manager perhaps?03:20
f4sterfuzzypig: nevermind it is03:20
fuzzypigf4ster: Is it your first hard drive in the computer?03:20
troxorjeremysan: nm-applet03:21
zombiepigrei-chan.... ok, cheers. thanks for the answer :)03:21
=== Rei-chan nods at zombiepig. "You're welcome. :)"
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jeremysantroxor:  what does "nm-applet" mean03:21
fazedi am having some trouble getting java to work in firefox... or at all as far as i can tell03:21
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: i have network settings open; under 'connections' is blank03:21
troxorjeremysan: that's the command that runs the network manager applet03:21
fazedis there something simple that i am not doing?03:21
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ti1Pelo thats what the ubuntu forum says03:21
Metal03troxor: I'm on that exact machine, and all my drives are working except for the CD!03:21
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fuzzypigfazed: yes03:21
f4sterfuzzypig: it tells me it cant find /boot on hd003:22
ti1do you know any good tools i can use03:22
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Peloti1, arighty then03:22
jeremysantroxor:  But I type it into my terminal and nothing happens...03:22
boyamdonnaclarke: I was going to chime in when Spec was helping you but my 2 year old distracted me....you need to add a router to your setup in order to share your internet connection....You're not going to be able to use your modem alone to connect both the laptop and the desktop...03:22
=== sdnnvs [i=sdnnvs@200-161-155-234.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
kikkomanchowwhats the difference between "Linux Virtual Private Servers" and just plain ole "Hosting"03:22
ti1look here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34369103:22
fuzzypigf4ster: grub-install tells you that?03:22
Peloti1,  not realy, this is not something I've had to do,  you might try asking for help in ##linux03:22
f4sterfuzzypig: yes03:22
=== Danux [n=danux@82-47-67-38.cable.ubr02.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
troxorjeremysan: did you perhaps remove the 'notification area' panel applet?03:22
fazedi have java runtime environment installed, actually i have 5.0 and 6.0 installed03:22
f4sterfuzzypig: iy says 'not found or not a block device'03:23
Nutubuntu:/   donnaclarke - it sounds to me as though you'll need to run a router from your internet connection (modem, cable modem, dsl ... whatever it is) and connect both boxes to the router. You can build one, an old Pentium or even a 486 will do, or buy one; they're inexpensive. But it sounds as if boyan's quite right.03:23
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f4sterfuzzypig: would it be /dev/sda?03:23
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Metal03troxor: When I try to click on my CD it says "unable to mount selected volume" and in details it says " special device /dev/hdc/ does not exist"03:23
jeremysantroxor:  I removed an icon which told me when my ethernet was connected and not-connected.  This is very important to me because I am trying to test different network settings and the notification helps me verify if what I am doing works or not...03:23
=== boyam is pretty sure that's donnaclarke's issue....
Peloti1,  I'm not compentent enough to help you with this,  I was just trying to keep you from doing something I thought was irriversible,  don'T mind me,   go and ask in ##linux  I think they will be able to help03:23
fuzzypigfazed: install sun-java6-plugin03:23
troxorMetal03: what happens when you type in "dmesg | egrep 'hdc' " in a terminal?03:24
dibblegotrying to configure X with a ATI X1400, I disable the Composite extension so that my mouse cursor is not a square on my second display; then I turn on Xinerama and the mouse cursor is back to a square - what can I do to make it sensible?03:24
fuzzypigf4ster: yes, it should be /dev/sda03:24
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ti1Pelo: thanks03:24
fazedcan i use the regular app get or whatever this is installed on fiesty fawn?03:24
jeremysantroxor:  it also had a list of all of the available (wireless) networks03:24
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Metal03troxor: [17179576.528000]      ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA03:24
fuzzypigfazed: Install it in the synaptic package manager, and it should work with firefox.03:25
Pelofazed, you might have to install the java pluggins,  look in synaptic,  that might help03:25
troxorjeremysan: right, there's a panel applet called "notification area", which is similar to the windows systray, and in that, the "nm-applet" puts the icon you mention03:25
emetis it true that Duke Nukem Forever will run on Linux exclusively?03:25
f4sterfuzzypig: im getting the same error back im going to reinstall.03:25
fazedroger that guys, working on it now03:25
fazedthanks for the help03:25
jeremysantroxor: thank you very much03:25
havangerhow do i create a root directory as su?03:25
troxorjeremysan: either nm-applet died, network manager is not running, or the notification area applet is not on your panel03:25
troxorjeremysan: np03:25
Rei-chanemet: When it comes out, there won't be a linux. It'll be something new.03:25
f4sterfuzzypig: thanks for the help dude. i have somethign screwy here ;)03:25
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troxorMetal03: what does it give if you do `ls -l /dev/hd* `03:26
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donnaclarkeboyam: and Nutubuntu: can i set it up so that i can alternately use the laptop and then the desktop?  could you tell me how to set the network settings up for that?, or are you saying that my laptop could serve as a router?03:26
Surbwhat's the keyboard shortcut to get to the application launcher?03:26
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troxorSurb: alt+f2 ?03:27
Surbtrogdor, that's it. thanks :)03:27
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havangercan someone advise how to crerate a root directory as sudo please03:27
fuzzypigSurb: He's not trogdor. Do you watch a lot of SB emails?03:28
Pelohavanger,  sudo mkdir /path/...03:28
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havangerpelo: thank you03:28
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tetriminoomg im bored.. any suggestions to how ubuntu shall entertain me?03:28
Surbfuzzypig, i know. my tab-complete didn't work as planned.03:28
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Pelotetrimino,   atl-f2  free the fish03:28
Metal03troxor: trying to put it on pastebin...  but pastebin is giving me a hard time03:28
jrattnerIs there a package for the beryl-compiz composite ?03:28
Pelojrattner, ask in #beryl03:29
vzduchor in #ubuntu-effects03:29
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fuzzypigtetrimino: install rrootage, great game03:29
Pelotetrimino, or  alt-f2 gegls from outer space03:29
=== |thunder [n=e@c-71-238-224-37.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
havangerto change permissions with sudo would i 'sudo chmod 777 /path'?03:30
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: can i set up the network settings while i have you on the line, and then disconnect the laptop and connect the desktop?  i'm not gnna be able to get a routter before next payday03:30
troxorMetal03: try rafb.net03:30
Pelohavanger,  755 is more standard03:30
havangerpelo, is that the correct syntax?03:30
nich0sWhat is the command to remove a directory that refuses to be removed?03:30
nomasteryodahavanger, if you want to do it recursively or follow the folders down then -R03:31
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-149-43.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Pelosudo chmod 755 /path/dir     no / at the end03:31
MajorPaynenich0s: rm -rf directory.03:31
Metal03troxor: http://rafb.net/p/3gopOi11.html03:31
EADGnich0s: sudo rm -rf dir03:31
=== cloghost [n=chatzill@adsl-75-46-86-70.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
fuzzypignich0s: use sudo03:31
Pelohavanger, sudo chmod 755 /path/dir     no / at the end03:31
cloghosti need help with the terminal03:31
nich0sMajorPayne: You're awesome.03:31
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nich0sEADG: Thank-sor.03:31
newtroncloghost, shoot03:31
Pelocloghost,  we need specifics03:31
havangerpelo, thanks again =)03:31
nich0sfuzzypig: Your name makes me smile and I thank you for your wisdom.03:31
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troxorMetal03: how many IDE hard drives do you have?03:32
=== MFen [n=cdodt@c-67-181-130-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cloghostwell, when i try to cd to the desktop, it says Desktop doesent exsit.03:32
MFenanyone know how you find out the progress of your sbackup backup?03:32
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MajorPayneShould only need to use sudo if you don't own the directory and everything in it.03:32
Metal03troxor: I have 2 hard drives03:32
troxorMetal03: that shows that you have 2 detected, hda and hdb03:32
donnaclarkeNutubuntu: can i set up the network settings while i have you on the line, and then disconnect the laptop and connect the desktop?  i'm not gnna be able to get a routter before next payday03:32
troxorMetal03: weird.. no cdrom! ;)03:32
nomasteryodacloghost, cd ~/Desktop ?03:32
=== Pelo tries to deposit havanger 's gratitude but his bank only deals in currency
MFenit's most perplexing03:32
cloghostthx nom03:32
nomasteryodacloghost, np03:33
Metal03troxor: It is weird...  kind off the reason I'm here asking for your sweet help!!  hehehe03:33
troxorMetal03: is it detected in bios?03:33
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fuzzypigcloghost: just so you know, you can use ~ as a shortcut to your home directory.03:33
novato_brdo you know about software to get download full site to hard disk ?03:33
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nomasteryodafuzzypig, thanks03:33
fuzzypignovato_br: use httrack03:33
Pelonovato_br,  try doing a keyword search in synaptic , see what turns up03:34
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Metal03I can quit and go check that out!  want me to?  but I think it is cause just before Ubuntu starts, it's responding (opening - closing)03:34
nomasteryodasometimes you get so busy reading and answering you forget the subtleties of answering03:34
novato_brFuzz_, , i cant download asp sites with httrack03:34
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novato_brPelo, it doesnt work03:34
troxorMetal03: that would help, make sure you can still boot from it to be sure it isn't the drive itself03:34
jeremysanA few minutes ago I had trouble with my nm-applet.  I have the "notification area" applet on my panel but the nm-applet does not show up unless I open a terminal and type "nm-applet."  The icon/applet then shows up in the notification area, but when I close my terminal the icon/applet disappears.  How can i fix this?03:34
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nomasteryodanovato_br, you can install IE if you need03:35
Metal03troxor: I'll check that out...  brb03:35
troxorjeremysan: nm-applet should startup at login03:35
MFeni can tell sbackup is running.. it's in my base eating all my cpuz... and i can even see that it's using disk space on the target partition.  but it isn't creating any files there, and there doesn't seem to be a way to just ask it for the status03:35
troxorjeremysan: so if all else fails, just re-login and it should all be good03:35
MFenhow do i even know if it's done?03:35
jeremysantroxor:  ok thanks, i will try restarting.03:35
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Pelojeremysan,  you can start it with  alt_f203:35
MFenwhat if i turn off my computer.. will it be interrupted?03:35
novato_brdudes, i need to download full site in asp03:35
MFeni think simple backup might be a little too skimple03:35
novato_brand it's hard, because there are a lot links03:35
RoC_MasterMindnovato_br, contact the webmaster?03:36
RoC_MasterMindnovato_br, use wget --mirror03:36
=== g0dd3ss [n=euphoria@ip-58-28-146-229.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
g0dd3sshi I hae amsn on ubuntu 7.04 and it usually works fine but today when I try to start it, it says "Starting aMSN" but then disappears does anyon know how i could try to fix this?03:36
novato_brRoC_MasterMind, could I use wget --mirror <address_of_site> ?03:36
=== Daycrawler [n=joshua@ip68-106-4-253.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
donnaclarkeboyam: if i disconnect the laptop, will the desktop receive the signal from the modem?03:37
the_consulI'm having a heck of a time getting cron to display a gui app...I've tried dozens of variations trying to set the DISPLAY variable and I still get nothing...What does the value 0 represent exactly?03:37
newtrong0dd3ss, try running it from a terminal, see what the error is, if any03:37
Pelog0dd3ss,  there is an #amsn channel you can try asking there03:37
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RoC_MasterMindnovato_br, wget --mirror --convert-links address03:37
g0dd3ssyes i posted it in #amsn also03:37
g0dd3ssok newtron03:37
linosdoes anyone know if there is a free software development programming tool like labview for ubuntu.03:38
Pelothe_consul, I use this line it might help 0 *     * * *   export DISPLAY=:0 && gdesklets restart03:38
=== Drk_Guy [n=chatzill@adsl190-28-8-28.epm.net.co] has joined #Ubuntu
novato_brand how many deep of  links, RoC_MasterMind ?03:38
boyamdonnaclarke: you may have to power down the modem for a few minutes, then connect the desktop..then powerup the modem, thenpower up the desktop.....03:38
newtronA simple thing I would try right off the bat, would be to uninstall, and reinstall it03:38
havangerhow do i start/stop/restart a service that isn't located in 'System-Administration-Servies'?03:38
g0dd3ssit says this in terminal http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29175/03:38
Pelohavanger,  killall name03:38
Drk_GuyHy guys!03:38
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the_consulPelo: I tried that exactly, except for the restart portiong...I just tried to open an app new, and I get nothing...03:39
Drk_GuyWhich is the Ubuntu executable format03:39
Pelothe_consul,  try with start maybe , restart is just for my own setup03:39
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RoC_MasterMindDrk_Guy, ELF.03:39
Pelothe_consul,  "how" are you editing cron ?03:39
newtrong0dd3ss, sudo apt-get remove amsn && sudo apt-get install msn03:39
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sdquinnHey all. I've got a slight predicament.03:40
Drk_GuyThank you03:40
RoC_MasterMindDrk_Guy, all Linuxes use ELF.03:40
havangerpelo, will the command 'killall name' restart the service, or just shut it down?03:40
Drk_GuyI'll try with that03:40
g0dd3ssalright then newtron thnx03:40
newtronThat would be my first try03:40
FrogzooPelo: killall? urr nasty03:40
RoC_MasterMindDrk_Guy, but that is probably useless information.03:40
Drk_GuyRoC, you mean, the GNU/Linuxes, or Linux03:40
Frogzoohavanger: /etc/init.d/service restart03:40
donnaclarkeboyam: so, you are saying that i have to power down the desktop also?03:40
Pelohavanger,  depends on the service,   some , like gnome panel are set to restart  some aren'T03:40
RoC_MasterMindDrk_Guy, all Linux based distributions.03:40
the_consulPelo: Tried adding restart and still nothing...sudo crontab -e....03:40
sdquinnI've been using Ubuntu on my desktop for the past week or so -- when my MacBook was in for service. I love Ubuntu but I can never see me installing it on my laptop over Mac OS X. But I want to stay involved. I don't want to dual boot, so do you think I should just leave it on my desktop and mess around with it on here?03:40
linosdoes anyone know if there is a free software development programming tool like labview for ubuntu.03:40
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havangerpelo and frogzoo, thank you03:41
Drk_GuyThank you03:41
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RoC_MasterMindlinos, there are plenty of IDE's.03:41
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numusif i have something in my applications pulldown menu i dont want how do i get rid of it?03:41
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newtronsdquinn, sure, why not :)03:41
Pelothe_consul,  is this an app that needs to run as root ?    like an antivirus ?  cause if not just do crontab -e to run it for the user03:41
Pelothe_consul,  can I see the line ?03:41
donnaclarkeboyam: if i do that, will ubuntu automatically configure to the connection03:41
sdquinnnewtron, this laptop was the ruin of my Linux last time. I was running it on a desktop for a while and was quite involved with ubuntu-doc, so why not?03:42
linosRoC_MasterMind: can U give me a name so I can venture off to seek them on the net.  thanks in advance03:42
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMindI think you are looking for an IDE....That is the keyword I think you are lookign for.03:42
boyamdonnaclarke: if ubuntu is setup for  dhcp..yes, it sould grab an ip address from your modem automagically :)03:42
donnaclarkeboyam: i love automagic03:43
Pelonumus,   menu > system > prefs > main menu03:43
the_consulPelo...41 * * * * (/bin/date) >> /home/user/.cronlog works fine for instance, but 41 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/deluge start doesn't work...I've tried other gui apps as well without success03:43
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numuspelo thank you03:43
donnaclarkeboyam: will give it a try; for now, good nite and thank you... wish me luck.03:43
Frogzoonumus: sys -> prefs -> main menu03:43
boyamdonnaclarke:my fingers are crossed03:44
Pelothe_consul, I take it you don'T want deluge to run all the time ?03:44
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:44
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:44
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:44
the_consulPelo: nope, I'm on satellite connection and only have unlimited bandwidth for 3 hours late at night03:44
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IndyGunFreakg0dd3ss: whats the problem?03:45
Pelothe_consul, can you run  deluge  regularly ? I just mean to start it , because I haven'T been able to start it on my computer03:45
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Pelothe_consul,  you might consider using  utorrent on wine  it has a schedular in it03:45
the_consulPelo: yeah, I downloaded v0.5.2 earlier today and it works fine03:46
d4rkmonkeyHow do I uninstall programs which I've installed from a .tar?03:46
=== wundaboy [n=pat@c-24-21-71-88.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelothe_consul, ok so first donT' run it as  root,   just use crontab -e not sudo crontab03:46
g0dd3ssIndyGunFreak, amsn has worked fine for days, now when i try to start it it doesnt work. have tried reinstalling, staring it in terminal gives this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29175/03:46
=== DarkPontiac [n=na@c-76-16-40-176.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wundaboyhi, my computer crashed and azureus was open, and now when i try and start azureus it loads up and i see the torrents that were there and then it crashes03:46
d4rkmonkeyHow do I uninstall programs which I've installed from a .tar?03:47
IndyGunFreakg0dd3ss: wierd..03:47
wundaboyand ~/.azureus/logs/debug_1.log gets nothing new...03:47
the_consulPelo:v0.5.2 of deluge has a scheduler, but even when my torrents are "paused" somethign is still getting uploaded...its at a very slow rate, but I'm limited to 200mb total per day, if I go over I'm throttled down to worse than dial up for 24 hours03:47
troxord4rkmonkey: find each file individually and remove it- or make uninstall03:47
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d4rkmonkeytroxor, what folder do I need to be in to do make uninstall?03:47
the_consulPelo: I'll give it a try without using root...03:47
Pelo41 *     * * *   export DISPLAY=:0 && delugegdesklets restart03:47
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troxord4rkmonkey: the same one that you were in when you ran make install03:48
Pelothe_consul,  try this line in  crontab -e   41 *     * * *   export DISPLAY=:0 && deluge03:48
DarkPontiacUmm.. i dunno how to get support here so i guess i'll stat my problem. When ubuntu loads, the cpu fan stops spinning and after about 15 min my computer will overheat... how can i fix this please?03:48
dr_willisDarkPontiac,  a laptop?03:48
Naik0Hello, i need some help with my wu-ftp. How do i add account so i can out files to my /var/www/ on my server?03:48
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DarkPontiacNo. Desktop. Celeron03:48
Pelothe_consul,  the small amount of bandwidh is probably  dht and scrapping,  you might want to turn those off03:48
troxord4rkmonkey: usually it's best to use checkinstall instead of make install ;)03:48
troxord4rkmonkey: and even better still to find a package.. heh03:49
dr_willisDarkPontiac,  how old a box? thats odd that the cpu can could even get throttled down that much.03:49
tapasDarkPontiac: try with noacpi kernel argument maybe03:49
newtrong0dd3ss, still didn't work?03:49
dr_williscpu fan that is.. :)03:49
=== Xyhthyx [n=Xyhthyx@adsl-64-237-194-193.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkPontiaci have tried. no go03:49
d4rkmonkeytroxor, what does checkinstall do that make install doesn't?03:49
g0dd3ssnewtron, no :(03:49
newtrong0dd3ss, ok try deleting ~/.amsn03:49
DarkPontiaci have tried acpi=off which works. but then nothing will move on the desktop unless i hold shift or something which is very odd03:49
newtronassuming there is such a dir03:49
IndyGunFreaknewtron: i was just tryign to find it, i can't fin dit.. not sure where its hidden03:50
troxord4rkmonkey: http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/index.php03:50
d4rkmonkeythanks troxor03:50
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IndyGunFreakg0dd3ss: why aren't you just using Pidgin/Kopete?..03:50
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the_consulPelo: Man, I'm an idiot...I've been at this for hours...the non-sudo crontab did the trick...thanks a bunch for the help03:50
troxord4rkmonkey: np ;)03:50
Pelothe_consul, you're welcome , I take visa03:50
newtronholy crap03:51
g0dd3ssIndyGunFreak, coz i like(D) amsn 8-] 03:51
IndyGunFreakg0dd3ss: oh ok.03:51
newtronamsn has some serious deps03:51
=== IndyGunFreak remembers he needs to recompile pidgin...
Pelothe_consul, fyi  only use sudo crontab  for jobs that require root access03:51
newtron41MB of crap...03:51
the_consulPelo: Lesson learned03:51
havangerwhat is the command to show all runing services?03:51
newtronIndyGunFreak, I just grab the deb from www.getdeb.net03:52
IndyGunFreaknewtron: is the current version there?03:52
=== Pelo check off "help someone" from is todo list for today
Pelohavanger, top ?03:52
DarkPontiacbrb i'll try the noacpi again03:52
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IndyGunFreaknewtron: thans, didn't know about that site.03:52
=== strangerson [n=stranger@c-67-168-231-2.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
newtronYa, it's kinda neat03:52
Zac1havanger: all i know is System > Administration > System Monitor03:52
d4rkmonkeytroxor, just making sure I understood the link that you sent me, does that mean with checkinstall you can uninstall from synaptic instead of having to manually uninstall?03:53
newtronIt could use some more software03:53
newtronStill a bit small03:53
zhmpelo, you still here buddy?03:53
=== simti2 [n=malcolm@CPE-144-133-121-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
havangerhmm, didn't find the service i was looking for, anyone know what service name samba runs as?03:54
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=== Pelo looks at zhm suspiciously ; " buddy ??"
zhmlol, anoter question03:54
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Pelohavanger,  smb I think03:54
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troxord4rkmonkey: in theory ;)03:54
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zhmi got 34.5gb of free space after the resizing03:54
havangerhmm, maybe it isn't running03:54
d4rkmonkeyok, thanks troxor03:54
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zhmcreate the 3 partitions now doing the same steps?03:55
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younghackeris anybody in here familiar with metasploit framework 3.0 ?03:55
Pelozhm,  one line for the whole thing please it makes it easier to follow03:55
IndyGunFreaknewtron: you'd think they'd just put the whole pidgin package together in one deb(data and the program)03:55
geoaxishello peeople03:55
newtronya, there are a lot of apps like that03:55
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Pelozhm,  more or less,   go back in the same partitionning app,  and create new03:55
newtronespecially in the debian world03:55
geoaxisi tried a fail attemp to make a local repostitr of a folder03:55
geoaxisover svn03:55
pr4bhhi guys, i want windows bootloader to be able to boot up ubuntu (which at present is missing from the bootloader list), what is the string that i need to put in the bootloader setting for that?03:55
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geoaxisnow it has an arrow icon on it03:55
geoaxishow do i make it go away?03:55
IndyGunFreaknewtron: yeah, i know.. but if you're gonna host the .deb, host a complete package in 1 deb.03:56
Zac1! bootloader03:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootloader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:56
pukekoiptables .. what ports does MSN Messenger use, i block outgoing - but may need to alow MSN .03:56
Pelogeoaxis,  edit  /etc/apt/sources.list03:56
=== Kaao [n=kaao@dyn-cbm-bn-216-168-112-79.nexicom.net] has joined #ubuntu
younghackeris there a way to install sql in ubunut?03:56
Pelo!grub | Zac103:56
ubotuZac1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:56
newtronIndyGunFreak, im pretty sure that site is all user contrib03:56
geoaxisPelo,  svn03:56
IndyGunFreaknewtron: probably03:56
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zhmhmm, the new partitions should be logical correct?03:56
pr4bhcheers mate03:56
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Pelogeoaxis no idea maybe osmeone else knows03:57
newtronI haven't registered myself yet...03:57
zhmand at the beginning/end of the avail space?03:57
Pelozhm,  you can ,  but I think you can make at least one that is primary  if you do  do it for /03:57
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Jack_Sparrowgeoaxis: You can also just put those files in var/cache/apt/archives... synaptic looks there first before the repos03:57
younghackeris anyone in here familiar with metasploit framework 3.0?03:57
troxorGeorgeA: try just removing that dir and svn up03:57
Pelozhm,  and I said  CAN , not HAVE to03:58
troxorGeorgeA: sorry,03:58
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-24-7-153-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
newtrong0dd3ss, did you try my suggestion?03:58
newtronI have a feeling that may work....03:58
jrsimswhen's the next ubuntu release? and what are the awesome points about it?03:58
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Jack_Sparrowjrsims: ask in #Ubuntu+103:58
SR71-Blackbirdhow do i use ssh in local subnet... i mean i'm on a comp configured as router and has 2 ethernets... one's connected to net... other to lan.. i can't ssh to lan03:58
newtronNot sure of the awesome points, I really don't follow ubuntu all that closely03:59
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isaacssr71: are you conneting to the lan from the internet?03:59
Pelojrsims,  the only things you need to know it that is will be ubuntu and it will be new ,  that should be awesome enough for anyone03:59
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hihiuWhat is the syntax for chmod to add read and write to all users?03:59
=== Pelo just turned into a lame fanboy
g0dd3ssnewton, what do u mean, to delete ~/.amsn?03:59
troxorhihiu: chmod a+rw <thing>03:59
=== DarkPontiac [n=na@c-76-16-40-176.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SR71-Blackbirdisaacs, no.. i'm using the router computer...03:59
hihiutroxor: Thanks.04:00
hihiuI accidently ran wget as root >.>;04:00
troxorhihiu: np04:00
DarkPontiacok noacpi didn't work. when booted the fan was still off04:00
Pelohihiu,  755 will had read write but not execute to all user and execute for  root04:00
IndyGunFreakg0dd3ss: delete the /.amsn folder, and reinstall .amsn04:00
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newtrong0dd3ss, type this in a terminal 'rm -rf ~/.amsn'04:00
SR71-Blackbirdisaacs, it just seems to take the default eth04:00
newtronthen try running amsn04:00
Pelohihiu,  alternately,   man chmod04:00
mwehihiu: chmod 666 or 777 or if you want it executable04:00
troxorg0dd3ss: or mv it to amsn.old, just in case04:00
jrsimsshoot, have you guys tried Tilda yet? It lets you get a drop down terminal in your x session, kinda like in Quake when you hit the tilda key ~. It's in the repos.04:00
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g0dd3ssok i did that and it still says the same thing when i try to start it04:01
hihiuI looked in the man pages first, but it was to long and I didn't feel like skimming it for the syntax04:01
zhmwhy the hell is there 17.5gb usable?04:01
newtronDid you recently install anything?04:01
Pelohihiu,  ...04:01
weas3lanyone know 'stuff' about ndiswrapper?04:01
isaacsso you cant connect with ssh from the router.. can you ping the hosts on the internal subnet?04:01
mwehihiu: good thing you could just ask here, then.04:01
newtronHave you tried just logging out and back in?04:01
kieferi just moved my swap partition using GParted and now it is not being used.  any help?04:01
younghackeranybody in here familar with metasploit framework?04:01
g0dd3sswell yeah i installed a whole bunch of crsap yesterday, games and stuff04:02
Pelomwe,  yeah so we can have the pleasure of looking it up to tell him04:02
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newtrong0dd3ss, Have you tried logging out and back in?04:02
troxorkiefer: sudo swapon /dev/swappartition04:02
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g0dd3ssnewtron, yes I tried rebooting04:02
zhmPelo, after i create a / and /home partition there's around 17gb free, but it says its unusable04:02
DarkPontiacMy computer is a imperial glve motherboard with celeron 1.8 ghz and fan stops when booting ubuntu even with noacpi command04:02
newtronIm clueless04:02
Peloyounghacker,  this channel is mainly for installation issues and basic setup,  for specialised stuff you may have to look for a specialty channel04:02
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newtronas that error doesn't say much to me04:03
newtronI got an idea though04:03
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Pelozhm,  unusable or unallocated ?04:03
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g0dd3ssall good, thanks for trying anyway 8-] 04:03
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kiefertroxor: it says no such file or directory04:03
newtrong0dd3ss, uninstall amsn again real quick04:03
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zhmonly option i have is to display cylinder stuff04:03
Pelozhm,  did you make both  / and /home primary ?04:03
g0dd3ssheh alrighty04:03
younghacker@ Pelo i see, after i didn't get an answer i kinda figured, im googling a IRC room for MSf now thanks =04:03
troxorkiefer: what about `sudo fdisk -l`04:03
DarkPontiacso i'm guessing no one can help out this problem? cause its just puzzling to me04:03
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zhmno, i originally only made / primary i thought04:04
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newtrong0dd3ss, and try installing this .deb of it http://www.getdeb.net/download.php?release=1116&fpos=004:04
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numuswhere are programs located.. in waht file04:04
dr_willisDarkPontiac,  have you tried that noapci option mentioned e4arlier yet?04:04
Pelozhm,  try making them all  logical04:04
DarkPontiacit still stops04:04
dr_willisnumus,  clarify the question please.04:04
g0dd3ssok thanks newton04:04
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julio14hello if anyone needs help l am  here04:04
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kiefertroxor: my swap is located at /dev/sda5 but in system monitor is says 0% used04:04
zhmstill making / bootable, righto?04:04
numusin what folder are programs located in04:04
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dr_willisDarkPontiac,  sounds like some odd powersaving issue.04:04
numusi am trying to open a file witha  program04:05
newtrong0dd3ss, that deb is for 0.97 RC104:05
troxorkiefer: what does 'free' tell you04:05
dr_willisnumus,  which programs are you refering to? the executables are all over the place.04:05
=== antitab_ [n=Michael@pool-72-78-179-38.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CppIsWeirdwhere can i find out the current development status of gutsy?04:05
dr_willisnumus,  use the 'which whatever' command to find where a speficic command is at.04:05
kiefertroxor: swap is all 0's04:05
Pelozhm,  the intallation will reformat  / and make it bootable anyway, you donT' have to worry about that,   the one you are making now is basicaly just a placeholder04:05
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DarkPontiacso how could i fix this?04:05
numusthank you04:05
julio14hey dude l dont recomment u azureus download bittornado is much better04:05
ormandjhey, when i run debuild -S, i don't see the .deb source package, only the diff it made, where is the package itself?04:05
zhmthere we go Pelo, logical worked...made all 3 logical04:05
bruenig!english | julio1404:06
ubotujulio14: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:06
=== Pelo pats zhm on the back and steals his beer
DarkPontiacusing acpi=off will work but then everything doesn't run right and i have to hold shift or something for a lot stuff to load04:06
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newtronDeluge is a nice bit torrent client04:06
pr4bhis there a way to restore ubuntu to its default settings? ive kinda messed up my sound card configurations04:06
dr_willisDarkClown,  perhaps some of the various, noapci, noapic, or other options might fix it up. Ive never seen a CPU fan slow down till it stops. You might be able to fighre out a command to speed it back up. but not sure what commands even controll that.04:06
zhmi'll buy you more beer :)04:06
bruenigpr4bh, no04:06
dr_willisoops that was to DarkPontiac04:06
bruenignewtron, in the repos04:06
phpwnerhow come i can only vncviewer in after logging in locally after a reboot?04:06
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zhmi still got 15.5gb free04:06
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Pelonewtron,  I still prefer  utorrent on wine at this stage but  deluge is comming along nicely04:06
newtronI donno if deluge is in the repos04:06
zhmleave free or make into a partition04:06
pr4bhdr_willis: yep, even the internal soundcard is not working now lol04:06
dr_willisDarkPontiac, wire up the fan to the power supply and not the motherboard. so its always on? :)04:07
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PurpZeY_!info deluge04:07
Pelozhm,  I suggest you make  /home bigger04:07
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:07
PurpZeY_Not in the repos.04:07
bruenig!info deluge-torrent04:07
newtronPelo, I don't even use bittorrent, I really prefer Usenet :)04:07
zhmit's 12gb now04:07
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:07
bruenig!find deluge04:07
DarkPontiachow can i connect the fan to a psu cable?04:07
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fraggedHey guys, I'm wondering if nvidia drivers are still part of ubuntu, I'm gonna dl a live cd just to pull off xorg.conf settings as I cbf trying to figure them out04:07
bruenigthe thing has an ubuntu subforum, certainly it is in the repos04:07
newtronAnd for that I use pan-devel04:07
ubotuPackage/file deluge does not exist in feisty04:07
troxorkiefer: and you're sure sda5 is a swap partition?04:07
phpwnerhow can i start the vnc viewer _before_ logging in locally?04:07
bruenigwell it used to be04:07
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troxorkiefer: you can also re-initialize it with mkswap04:07
kiefertroxor: i just did sudo swapon /dev/sda5 and now free shows its recognized.  will this be permanent?04:08
pr4bhok, what if i install ubuntu on top of a previous ubuntu installation? would that restore the soundcard settings? :S04:08
dr_willisphpwner,  whats the point of running vncviewer that way? you mean vncserver?04:08
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fraggedkiefer, you must add it to /etc/fstab04:08
DarkPontiacalright well i'll try different combinations04:08
troxorkiefer: until next restart..04:08
isaacsphpwner: elaborate04:08
g0dd3sswheeee it's working now, thanks so much newton!04:08
=== Dalgren has an IRC file that was saved as a .log file. I cannot be delete the stupid thing. Any suggestions?
mavsman4457I am having difficulty getting the Medibuntu repositories04:08
fraggedpr4bh depending on sound card, most drivers are part of the kernel, all u have  to do is recompile04:08
Pelopr4bh,  this isinT windows,  do it the proper way04:08
newtrong0dd3ss, not a problem.  Just curious, were you using the version from automatix?04:08
dr_willismavsman4457,  they were down the other day.. not sure if they are back yet.. or just overloaded04:08
newtronOr from the repos?04:08
g0dd3ssnewtron* sorry04:08
kiefertroxor fragged: thanks04:09
Tarkushey, im a linux and windows user. but the only thing i use windows for is CGI and Visual Media (3DS Max, VRay, Modo, Photoshop, Mudbox, Flash, Illustrator, etc..) and what i am wondering is (since i have developed a great hatred for windows), will there ever be such advanced/professional CGI Tools like this available for linux? like open-source sofware?? or is this something i will always need to to use windows for? and be stuck i04:09
Tarkusn a commercialized cage of limitations?04:09
g0dd3ssum i used whatever was in synaptic04:09
newtronAh, well this one is a bit newer04:09
mavsman4457dr_willis: if they were down then would it hang when i try to do "sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update"?04:09
dr_willisTarkus,  thats how MS and the others want it. :)04:09
g0dd3ssalrighty cool thanks for all your help 8-] 04:09
troxorTarkus: complain to the companies, or use blender/gimp ;)04:09
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RoC_MasterMindTarkus, it depends if those vendors compile it and release it for Linux.04:09
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dr_willismavsman4457,  not sure - let me update and see04:09
newtronNo problem.  I'm here to help. :)04:09
PeloTarkus,  this list might help and also you can often find list of alternatives to software in wikipedia    http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html04:09
fraggedTarkus Linux will take over linux in a matter  ofyears, then it will be 'will there ever bee  anygreat alternatives to Liunux software for windows04:09
zhmhere goes nothing04:10
fraggedsry, laggy sunaccurate typing, compiling softwares04:10
Drk_GuyHey, i have a GNOME art problem04:10
bruenigmavsman4457, sudo apt-key add -, adds the key that is in stdout, did you echo the key or cat a file with the key and pipe it or what04:10
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RoC_MasterMindTarkus, often times though, people right Free Software to replace the proprietary software they used before.04:10
Tarkusfragged, god, i hope you are right.04:10
younghackeri need help with backtrack04:10
isaacstarkus: linux isnt going to suit your needs for a very long time04:10
dr_willismavsman4457,  im getting some hit/ign/err messages on the mediatubu servers also04:10
isaacstarkus: mac os x would though04:10
fraggeda matter of years04:10
metancoolhay alguien que hable espaol04:11
TarkusRoC_MasterMind, if i was skilled with code and programming, i would definately give it a shot, and try to build a comunity to work on it. but unfortunately i know very little in that area..04:11
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troxoryounghacker: http://catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/script-kiddie.html ;)04:11
mavsman4457dr_willis: I was just following this line of commands in hope of adding those repositories https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu04:11
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:11
=== Vorbote [n=vorbote@unaffiliated/vorbote] has joined #ubuntu
fbolducQuestion: Which version of GCC should I use to build Ubuntu Feisty Fawn kernel modules?04:11
bruenigmavsman4457, don't do stuff when you don't understand what is going on04:11
fraggedyounghacker, this is an ubuntu chat, much you have to learn my son04:11
fraggedI'm wondering if nvidia drivers are still part of ubuntu, I'm gonna dl a live cd just to pull off xorg.conf settings as I cbf trying to figure them out04:11
Drk_GuyHey, i have a GNOME art problem04:12
fraggedas in the mainstream cd images04:12
bruenigmavsman4457, without looking I assume they have you download a file with wget to stdout and the pipe that to apt-key, did you do the whole command include the | or did you break it up04:12
mavsman4457bruenig: I thought it was adding the repositories to my system, then I would be able to install google earth, no?04:12
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bruenigmavsman4457, I mean seriously get what is going on04:12
bruenignot, I do this and then magic happens after04:12
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Drk_GuyBruenig, google earth for Linux is Google earth for Windowze with WINE04:12
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fraggedcmmon, its a basic question, are the propriatry nvidia drivers still included in the mainstream ubuntu live cd's?04:13
bruenigdon't know what that was directed at me04:13
Drk_GuySo, you install wine and Google E. at the same time04:13
bruenigfragged, doubt it04:13
PurpZeY_Drk_Guy: Wine first04:13
Tarkusisaacs, yeah, i like OSX alot (isnt it a Unix based os?), the only thing stopping me from using it, is that my favorite 3d packages arent available for it, i know C4D is.. and the price of MACs are soo high, that its not worth it for me04:13
Vorbotefragged, unless the planet has tipped over, yes.04:13
bruenigfragged, there is no reason for them to be, unless the host machine doesn't have internet access or something04:13
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isaacstarkus: the price of mac's are reasonable.. the mini is only 599$04:14
astro76mavsman4457, I'd recommend using the latest installer from google04:14
Tarkusisaacs, if OSX was able to install natively on x86, then that would be a whole other story.04:14
Drk_GuyHey, i have a GNOME art problem04:14
fraggedVorbote, lol i guess there would be  riots if compiz/fusion didnt work with no user interaction on ubuntu ;)04:14
aznpridechineseanyone here using gnome? why is it that my screen doesn't show entirely and i have to move my mouse down to see the rest of the screen?04:14
astro76Google Earth for linux is native qt, btw04:14
roccaI have no sound on my vaio laptop on feisty, what should I do (but the microphone works) ?04:14
fbolducQuestion: which version of GCC should I use to compile Ubuntu kernel modules?04:14
isaacsand paralels allows you to run those apps nativly side by side with mac os x04:14
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PeloDrk_Guy,   get a troll to bash them04:14
Tarkusisaacs, but i know whats inside the mini, its just a core duo04:14
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newtronrocca, what snd card?04:14
mavsman4457astro76: i tried that but it told me that it was unpacking the package then did nothing after that04:14
newtronIs in an intel?04:14
Drk_Guywhen i rty to dl a theme, the proggie just closes itself04:14
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Tarkusisaacs, im running a way better pc atm, and its about the same price. (i build my PC's).04:14
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earthmeLonHey buddies, Im trying to move where my MBR/grub is located.  I need to remove the hdd that it is on >_<04:15
Drk_GuyPelo, wtf are you talking about?04:15
PeloDrk_Guy,  it does that for me to but the them gets deleted anyway04:15
astro76mavsman4457, how did you run it? with sudo?04:15
roccanewtron: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)04:15
VorboteTarkus, who says OSX doesn't install native in x86? It uses EFI instead of BIOS, and that is a tenear-old technology.04:15
isaacstarkus: i think parallels is being ported to linux as well04:15
newtronrocca, ever use alsamixer? I think I know the problem...04:15
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mavsman4457astro76: no i just downloaded the .bin file then dragged that into the terminal and executed it04:15
fraggedearthmeLon, grub-install --no-floppy /dev/DEVICE but make sure your kernel and fstab are all configured correclty04:15
roccanewtron: I used it...04:15
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newtronrocca, Open a terminal and run alsamixer04:16
earthmeLonThank you fragged04:16
fraggedbasically if you copy your /boot to another parition, reconfigure fstab and grub.conf that will work04:16
roccanewtron: with sudo ?04:16
newtronlook for the switch for "External Amplifier" or something like that04:16
newtronsudo not neededf04:16
roccanewtron: ok, it's openned04:16
newtronand disable the External Amplifier04:16
newtronif you see it04:16
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newtronThat screwed up my card in my laptop, its the same card...04:16
TarkusVorbote, really? i though that they only made drivers for the hardware they use.. cause i have an AMD.. didnt think it would work..04:17
fraggedunsure about ubuntu but on most distro's sound card is muted by default04:17
astro76mavsman4457, in a terminal cd to where it is, then chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin, then sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin04:17
Carleton91I am having issues with ndiswrapper, can anybody help me?04:17
roccanewtron: where is it ?04:17
newtronIt was over toward the right04:17
roccanewtron: I can't find it04:17
newtronI had to go over a ways04:17
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newtronHmm, maybe you don't have that switch then...04:17
aznpridechinesecan anyone tell me how i can get my virtual screen to fit inside my physical screen in gnome?04:18
fraggedrocca, sound cards are muted by default, read the alsamixer manual and figure it out ;)04:18
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VorboteTarkus, as long as the board supports EFI, you can boot OSX as main OS. Else you'll have to emulate it (I think cvs versions of GRUB2 can do it). It has nothing to do with the CPU itself.04:18
Tarkusisaacs, im using a dual-boot system right now. its probably faster than a virtual system to im guessing04:18
fraggedaznpridechinese, change the default resolution in /etc/X/xoorg.conf I think04:18
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Carleton91Is anyone good with wireless networking via ndiswrapper?04:18
isaacstarkus: marginally04:18
roccafragged: I don't think mine is muted04:19
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Peloaznpridechinese,  what virtual screen are you running a virtualisation app ?  like vmware or virtualbox ?  ask in their channel04:19
isaacstarkus: and 3d acceleration is supported now04:19
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newtronMM in alsamixer stands for muted04:19
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aznpridechinesefrag i told it to use highest possible resolution, but i know there is a way to fit that resolution inside my physical monitor without having me to move my mouse up and down to see the rest of the screen04:19
jordan_Hi guys, how do I enable component video out on my nvidia video card?04:19
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VorboteTarkus, now the matter of actual dirver support for peripherals and integraded chipsets, that's another kettle of fish.04:19
aznpridechinesei'm using gnome04:19
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TarkusVorbote, any idea how i can tell if my board supports EFI? (Asus A8N-SLI Premium)04:20
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Peloaznpridechinese,  what virtual machine app are you using ?04:20
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fraggedaznpridechinese, your talking about X right?04:20
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newtronElectronic Fuel Injection?04:20
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OlgemShould I get i386, or x86_64, I can run both.04:20
mavsman4457astro76: this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29177/04:21
aznpridechinesei'm on gnome right now, and if i want to see the bottom half of the screen i ahve to move my mouse to the bottom of the screen then it kind of scrolls down.04:21
=== NimRod [n=nimrod@cpe-74-79-30-251.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willisOlgem,  use the 32bit distros for now.04:21
OlgemFlash can't run on amd64 :(04:21
Drk_Guylgem, it depends on you processor04:21
PeloOlgem,  if you donT' have a speicial need for  amd64  use x8604:21
S_RensJ'ai un problme avec le paquet XMLTV - druid04:21
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jordan__Olgem, yes it can04:21
VorboteTarkus, reading the mainboard manual ;-)04:21
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:21
jordan__!flash64 | Olgem04:21
ubotuOlgem: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava04:21
Pelo!fr | S_Rens04:21
ubotuS_Rens: please see above04:21
mathias_schnellI need to mount a DVD image so I can install a game.  How do I do that?  By the way, the image is a .mdf04:21
OlgemJordan, don't you need to load up a bunch of 32bit libraries and stuff04:21
Carleton91I keep getting an error when running ndiswrapper, can anyone help?04:21
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jordan__Olgem, Yes.04:21
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fraggedmathias_schnell, man mount04:22
Drk_Guy!iso | mathias_schnell04:22
ubotumathias_schnell: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:22
=== Vorbote whishes good hunting to you all, time to hit the sack.
isaacsaznpridechinese: virtual resolution sucks. if you didnt intend it you are gunn ahave to edit your x.org conf file04:22
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jordan__aznpridechinese, Try lowering the resolution in System -> Preferences -> Resolution04:23
mavsman4457bruenig: I now understand what is going on if you are willing to help me out04:23
astro76mavsman4457, it should then open up a gui window and install04:23
Carleton91I recieve the error "couldn't open WMP11V27.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 217." when i try to install a driver, does anyone know how to fix that?04:23
aznpridechinesebut in kde this never happens04:23
mavsman4457astro76: it doesn't want to do it04:23
fraggedCarleton91, then it cannot find the file?04:23
aznpridechinesewhatever resolution i choose the entire virtual screen will fit inside my physical monitor screen04:23
mavsman4457astro76: could it be because i'm on a ppc?04:23
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astro76mavsman4457, that's the problem04:24
jordan__aznpridechinese, That is because you have different preferences set in KDE04:24
astro76mavsman4457, it's binary for i38604:24
mavsman4457astro76: so I can't get google earth?04:24
astro76mavsman4457, I think you're out of luck04:24
mavsman4457would Medibuntu help?04:24
aznpridechineseahhh nvm, i just lowered the resolution one notch and everything fits now04:24
Carleton91fragged, the file is on the desktop, its trying to install a driver using ndiswrapper, but that error comes up04:24
jordan__mavsman4457, What are you trying to do?04:24
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aznpridechinesei'm running at 1920x1200 right now04:24
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isaacsis that the resolution you use in kde?04:25
mavsman4457jordan_: well originally I was trying to install google earth, I'm on a PPC by the way, but along the way I wanted to get the Medibuntu repositories04:25
aznpridechinesewhat would be the equivalent in gnome to the kde's adept manager?04:25
fraggedCarleton91, then obviously you have to point ndiswrapper to the location, or put the file in the relavent place, idk i've never played with ndiswrapper04:25
mavsman4457jordan_: and neither would work04:25
Flannelaznpridechinese: Synaptic Package Manager04:25
fraggedI has to soon though :D04:25
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n2diyCarleton91: the driver needs to be where ndiswrapper can find it, not on the desktop.04:26
Carleton91n2diy, do you know what directory i should put it in?04:26
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jordan__mavsman4457, Yeah, google doesn't release google earth for PPC :(04:26
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jordan__mavsman4457, What codecs do you need from medibuntu?04:27
n2diyCarleton91: no, I've never played with that, try locate modules, that may help04:27
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mavsman4457jordan_: dang, could you help me figure out how to get the medibuntu repositories04:27
jeremysanHow does one uninstall something with Wine that was previously installed with Wine?04:27
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mavsman4457jordan_: and I was also wondeirng how to find the path to my usb joystick if you could help me with that as well04:28
fraggedCarleton91, read the manual maybe?04:28
jordan__jeremysan, Can you restate the question?04:28
gireeshjeremysan: just type uninstaller in the terminal and see if the wine uninstaller comes up04:28
DarkPontiacAlright i'm back... i don't know what to do... nothing is working. i have tried a lot of combinations04:28
FezzlerHaving MAJOR problems.  Ubuntu 7.04.   X Server keeps freezing/crashing.  I reinstalled xconfig and nvidia.  Still crashing.04:28
jordan__DarkPontiac, What are you trying to do?04:29
gireeshwine has an uninstaller similar to windows04:29
Carleton91fragged: the howto's and everything just say to put the three driver files in the same folder04:29
gireeshFezzler: does it help if you revert to the nv driver?04:29
fraggedso you read them all and none of them said specifically where to put them?04:29
DarkPontiactrying to run ubuntu but keep my cpu fan spinning, it stops whenever ubuntu loads04:29
fraggedgimme a break04:29
gireeshand what does Xorg.0.log say?04:29
fraggedread more, you will become smarter from finding information on your own04:29
FezzlerShutting down and restarting helps.  But after a few uses of Applications Places or System and they freeze.04:29
jordan__DarkClown, What kind of comp?04:30
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DarkPontiacImperial GL-Ve eMachines Celeron 1.8 ghz04:30
Fezzlergireesh: you want to see my Xorg.0.log?04:30
gireeshFezzler: does it show any errors in there when you freeze?04:30
FezzlerHow can I pastebin it?04:30
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gireeshand does it do the same with the nv driver?04:31
jordan__Fezzler, Did you install through restricted manager?04:31
mavsman4457Does anyone know how I could find the path for my USB joystick?04:31
jordan__!paste | Fezzler04:31
ubotuFezzler: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:31
K`zanhi folks, installed a package as: dpkg -i brscan-0.2.3-0.i386.deb and need to remove itdpkg -r brscan-0.2.3-0.i386.deb seems to indicate that I need to find out what all it installed and remove it one at a time ?!?  HELP :-)!,04:31
Fezzlergireesh: I don't know but I really need help.04:31
mavsman4457Actually the "string" for my USB joystick04:31
mavsman4457would be nice to know how to find04:32
gireeshFezzler: you should find that file in /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:32
Carleton91that's my issue =( I've read everything i can find, but none of them mention this line 217 error.  I'm going to reboot in ubuntu and try moving stuff around, thanks for helping =D04:32
FezzlerI know how to use pastebin, I don't know how to get to Xorg.0.log04:32
jordan__mavsman4457, lsusb ?04:32
gireeshmavsman4457: have you treid lsusb04:32
FezzlerJordan: I installed from command line04:32
mavsman4457jordan_: what is lsusb?04:32
gireeshFezzler: using nautilus or konqueror go to /var/log04:32
FezzlerJordan: Then ran Update wizard after I got computer going again04:32
n2diyFezzler: /var/logs?04:32
jordan__mavsman4457, It probes and gives info about usb devices04:32
Fezzlergireesh: on the way (unless X Server crashes)04:33
mavsman4457jordan_: I just tried running it in the temrinal and it gave me nothing04:33
Pelo!ohmy | jordan__04:33
ubotujordan__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:33
jordan__Pelo, ?04:33
phpwnerhow do i run a non-shell program with sudo04:33
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gireeshmavsman4457: sudo04:33
Pelojordan__,   it "probes"04:33
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gireeshrun it as sudo lsusb04:33
DarkClownjordan_: ???04:33
phpwneri cant save my changes to fstab04:34
Jordan_UDarkClown, ?04:34
phpwnerso how do i sudo04:34
mavsman4457gireesh: still nothing04:34
gireeshdoes it say command not found?04:34
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Jordan_Uphpwner, gksudo gedit04:34
Pelophpwner, you had to open gedit at root,  sudo gedit /etc/fstab04:34
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Fezzlergireesh: Selecting "Places" froze up X server.  Ugh04:34
Peloor what Jordan_U  said04:34
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gireeshFezzler: type CTRL-ALT-F104:34
Jordan_UPelo, gksudo for GUI apps04:34
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PeloJordan_U,  I know I just keep forgeting04:35
gireeshyou can login text mode there and then vi /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:35
phpwnerwhy does one of my mounted NTFS volumes show no files but all but 30 GB used?04:35
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skcubratsHow can I found out which versions of various applications are available as packages for different versions of Ubuntu without installing every version of Ubuntu?04:36
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Flannelskcubrats: packages.ubuntu.com04:36
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Jordan_Uskcubrats, packages.ubuntu.com04:36
agn0sticgireesh: why would you want to edit the log? less /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:36
Fezzlergireesh:  I know that.  Hold on.04:36
naik0_how do i change video codec in mplayer?04:36
naik0_mplayer and not gmplayer04:36
bruenigNaik0, what?04:37
bruenigit detects the necessary codec when you load a file04:37
zhmhmm, kdm or gdm?04:37
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bruenigyou can recompile mplayer I guess if you want04:37
fraggeddo you mean the video output codec?04:37
fragged-vo aa for funz!04:37
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naik0_i use compiz-fusion and when i start mplayer it is no video04:37
naik0_just audio04:37
fraggedor caca for pwnage04:37
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bruenigNaik0, #ubuntu-effects04:38
fraggedthis is why compiz sux04:38
Jordan_UNaik0, You need to use noxv04:38
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unitheoryNaik0, right click on mplayer and go to preferences then the video tab04:38
naik0_unitheory: okey04:38
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Fezzlergireesh: is that a "zero" or letter "O" in xorg.0.log?04:38
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zhmdo you suggest installing grub to master boot record if i'm dual booting with xp pro?04:38
gireeshthat is a zero04:38
agn0sticfezzler: zero04:38
bruenig0's have dots in them04:38
gireeshzhm: yes04:38
fraggedzhm likely to be the case, provided you get the windows booting right04:39
Fezzlergireesh: vi openned a new file04:39
Jordan_Uzhm, That is the standard04:39
zhmxp is already on there04:39
Fezzlergireesh: I don't know vi very well04:39
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gireeshFezzler: then listen to agn0stic04:39
agn0sticfezzler: you could type /var/log/X[hit the tab button] 04:39
gireeshdo a less04:39
naik0_Jordan_U: zhm i dont have that04:39
gireeshless /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:39
gireeshuse tab to autocomplete04:39
Fezzleragn: from command prompt?04:39
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bruenigor you could do ls /var/log04:39
ari_stresshi all04:39
ari_stresspls help04:40
bruenigand see what is in there04:40
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ari_stresswhy i dont have fetchmail?04:40
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ari_stresssudo apt-get install fetchmail04:40
ari_stressReading package lists... Done04:40
ari_stressBuilding dependency tree... Done04:40
ari_stressE: Couldn't find package fetchmail04:40
Jordan_Unaik0_, You need to find out how to use noxv output from mplayer, I can tell you how to do it with totem04:40
bruenig!info fetchmail04:40
gireeshFezzler: yes type in "less /var/log/X" and then hit tab04:40
ubotufetchmail: SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder. In component main, is optional. Version 6.3.6-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 356 kB, installed size 1780 kB04:40
Naik0Jordan_U: please04:40
Fezzlerhow do I exit vi?04:40
gireeshhit :q!04:40
bruenigFezzler, :wq :q! :x ZZ04:40
bruenigall good04:40
Jordan_UFezzler, escape + :q!04:41
Tarkusif i have ubuntu installed right now. and i want to setup a dual-boot with XP Pro. is it possible to do it without having to do windows first and then ubuntu? or am i going to need to reinstall both now?04:41
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Naik0Jordan_U: it's okey04:41
bruenigari_stress, what version of ubuntu are you using04:41
ari_stressbruenig: this is very strange, i want to install fetchmail in dapper. in my home pc, i can install it, but in my office pc.. it can't.. with that error04:41
bruenig!info fetchmail dapper04:41
gireeshTarkus: you can always reinstall the bootloader04:41
ubotufetchmail: SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder. In component main, is optional. Version 6.3.2-2ubuntu2.1 (dapper), package size 324 kB, installed size 1532 kB04:41
masterlokiI and haveing problems with my soundcard it will does not play back flash or any audio in mplayer I have tried to fallow the howto guides in the forums and now I am confused can anyone help me04:41
bruenigari_stress, do sudo apt-get update and then try again04:41
ari_stressok bruenig04:41
Jordan_UTarkus, You can install Ubuntu after windows, you will just need to restore GRUB after windows clobbers it04:42
Tarkusgireesh, so i installed windows on an empty partition now, and then how do i access the boot loader in windows?04:42
bruenigmasterloki, not sure your sound card is responsible for playing back flash04:42
gireeshTarkus: is UBuntu already isntalled?04:42
Jordan_Umasterloki, Does any player work?04:42
masterlokiyes movie player works04:42
TarkusJordan_U, i know i can install ubuntu after windows, thats the way that works imediately afaik.. but my problem is that i have ubuntu installed now.. only ubuntu.. and i dont want to have to reinstall it, etc..04:42
Jordan_U!grub | Tarkus04:43
ubotuTarkus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:43
Fezzlerokay, into Xorg04:43
Fezzlerwhat am I looking for04:43
dimas__does firefox has any way to restrict the sharing video from flash player?04:43
Jordan_UTarkus, Why would you have to re-install it?04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
bruenigdimas__, explain04:43
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Jack_Sparrowtarkus.. you can install windows after Ubuntu.  The problem is that most windows programs default install to C and need custom install to point to a different partition.. It is a pain04:43
bruenigwhat is sharing video04:43
gireeshFezzler: did it open the file? In there scroll down to see if there are any errors04:43
zhmhow is ubuntu with usb mice?04:43
zhmi have a kensington mini usb mouse04:43
gireeshzhm:  no reason why it should not work04:43
phpwnerhow do i know where smb.conf is? it isn't in /etc04:44
TarkusJordan_U, cause i though that it only works if you do windows and then ubuntu.. but now i see that you i can make grub work manually.04:44
zhmwas just checking to see04:44
TarkusJordan_U, thanks ill look at that.04:44
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CppIsWeirdmy samba cant see any windows network, however at my friends house, i can see all networks and pc's.04:44
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TarkusJack_Sparrow, Jordan_U, so would it be a better choice to remove both and do it in order (windows first)?04:44
nich0sI'm trying to find help for hybrid-ircd and it doesn't appear to be loading at start. Does anyone know anything about hybrid-ircd or how I would go about checking to see if it is set to launch at start.04:45
dimas__bruening>> i have my webcam working good perhaps on ekiga but when i try to use it on video web chat that use flash player to display camera pictures it comes a black screen....04:45
Jack_SparrowTarkus: In my opinion.. yes04:45
bruenigTarkus, no just install windows, pop the live cd in and restore grub04:45
Jordan_UTarkus,No, unless you have a reason to04:45
bruenigtakes 5 min to get grub back04:45
trelayneanyone  know a linux tool that I can use to draw a curve based on input data ?04:45
bruenigand 90% of that is load time for live cd04:45
masterlokiI have install the nonfree flash plugin and I have dl alsa oss how ever I still no sound went playing flash like on youtube04:45
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: and everything you install in windows will require more work04:45
ari_stressbruenig: thanks :) i've got fetchmail now04:46
bruenigJack_Sparrow, what?04:46
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Fezzlergireesh and team:  looking at file, first I see a lot of font issues but it appears to resolve/rest them itself.  BRB04:46
zhmi haven't had issue yet, granted i just installed unbuntu04:46
kiefertrelayne: use a spreadsheet app and plot the data and fit a curve?04:46
zhmwith xp on c:04:46
bruenigJack_Sparrow, how will stuff in windows require more work04:46
Jordan_Umasterloki, What version of Ubuntu are you using?04:46
Tarkusbruenig, awesome. what do i do to reset grub?04:46
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bruenig!grub | Tarkus04:46
ubotuTarkus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:46
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Jack_Sparrowbruenig: If you install windows second on a partition other than the first partition04:46
bruenigfirst one04:46
EADGAny way to enable headphone jack detection without starting X?04:46
regeya#ubuntu: Total of 1062 nicks <- !!!04:46
trelaynekiefer,  thanks but is that possible to do with openoffice ?04:46
bruenigJack_Sparrow, doesn't matter04:46
Jordan_Umaster_o1_master, Flash 9 uses alsa,  not OSS04:46
Jack_SparrowYEs it does.. to windows04:46
AncientP1hey guys, I can't resize the root partition when booting off the LiveCD and using gparted despite the fact that the free space is adjacent to the root partition and the file systems are unmounted (gparted screenshot: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=37669&d=1183946842)04:47
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bruenigJack_Sparrow, I know many people who have it on the second partition, there is no issue, where is the issue04:47
slicksteri have a question for someone that knows a lot about this tuff04:47
masterlokiso how would I correct all this04:47
iammiscAncientP1: which version?04:47
regeya!ask | slickster04:47
ubotuslickster: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:47
masterlokiI am a noob04:47
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Jordan_Ubruenig, Windows is stupid and needs to be tricked by grub into thinking that it is on the first partition, but this is done automatically so there really is no problem04:47
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: Not going to argue.. it isnt a big issue but it is still makes everything else you install in windows a little different04:47
ari_stress@all Ubuntu rocks!! :D04:48
iammiscslickster: i'm sure we all know a lot about this stuff04:48
slicksteri'm EXTREMELY new to the linux world. i need to figure out if my system has edgy, or breezy, or dapper. i have no idea what those are or which i have on here.04:48
gireeshwait till you have to use the map command in grub :D04:48
AncientP1iammisc: I'm using the v7.04 LiveCD and the gparted on that CD04:48
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bruenigJack_Sparrow, the only possible problem would be getting the thing to boot and as Jordan says...04:48
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nich0sI'm trying to find help for hybrid-ircd and it doesn't appear to be loading at start. Does anyone know anything about hybrid-ircd or how I would go about checking to see if it is set to launch at start.04:48
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CppIsWeirdmy samba cant see any windows network, however at my friends house, i can see all networks and pc's.04:48
Jordan_Ubruenig, Though I don't use windows so I don't know if individual applications would have problems, though I can't see why they would04:48
ari_stressslickster: you mean you already have linux installed in your PC?04:48
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: Read back.. it is a bigger issue than just the boot04:48
bruenigmore likely, you heard someone say something and you repeat as if you know for a fact, like the dumbasses who come in here and talk about aptitude all the time04:48
slicksteryes, ari_stress. im using it right now.04:49
kiefertrelayne: you can at least plot them with openoffice calc, i havent found a best fit curve feature, but it will plot them04:49
Fezzlergireesh: most of the ERRORS if not all had to do with something called "wacom"04:49
Naik0Hey, if iam on a site with movie clips. If i click on a movie link the movie tries to open in the internet. I want it so i can choose to download or open it04:49
bruenigeverything else you install in windows a little different, ah yes I can discern exactly what that means04:49
iammiscAncientP1: oh. Uhmm. i dont know about Feisty, but maybe you should use the official gparted livecd04:49
GodchaserI have very important idea for beryl/animations plugin idea? I myself wouldn't know how to code it, but if anyone know who to contact for this idea to be considered msg me, please and thanks04:49
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Jack_Sparrowbruenig: It is a fact... obviously you dont have a clue ablut what I am saying as you probably dont run windows as the second install04:49
Fezzlergireesh and team: after the ERRORS, there are lines that end with "SUCCESS"04:49
trelayne kiefer  thanks for letting me know, will look into it04:49
gireeshFezzler: no other errors in there?04:49
fraggedGodchaser, important and beryl do not belong in the same sentence04:49
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regeyaslickster, you're telling me you installed an operating system without even knowing what you were installing???  um...heh, I started to answer that question, but I'll refrain as I'm currently on a debian box :-}  one thing to check, unless you've changed /etc/apt/sources.list and see what dist most those lines seem to be referring to04:49
bruenigJack_Sparrow, what, the "stuff happens" is not really convincing04:49
kiefertrelayne: yea i just found it under line chart types, you can have it plot a function, should work04:50
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godt_lobsterHow can i 'pretend' install something with apt? Like see the applications that would be required, which it would install04:50
Godchaserfragged: perhaps your right, but ....04:50
bruenigmaybe partition magic or ghost or something, but windows should be fine04:50
godt_lobsterthe dependencies and so forth04:50
Jordan_UGodchaser, try #compcomm04:50
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trelaynekiefer,  awesome!04:50
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Flannelgodt_lobster: -s or --simulate04:50
godt_lobsterFlannel: thanks04:50
Fezzlergireesh:  let me look again.  How do I exit the scroll?  all I get is END "BEEP"04:50
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gireeshhit q04:50
dimas__bruenig>>i did compile the driver (ov51x) to use my webcam and is working properly perhaps ekiga and xawtv but when i try to use it in a web page for video chat (pages configures with adove flash player) it recognize the cam but the screen come out black is that cause there is a kind of block from firefox?04:50
gireeshack!! that would exit04:50
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slicksterwell, i installed ubuntu, i know that much.  but im trying to put WINE on here, and im being told that the version or whatever of WINE that i need to install has to go along with whether i have dapper, edgy, or breezy. and i have no idea what any of those are.04:51
gireeshFezzler: did you say the system was hard locking?04:51
regeya#debian: Total of 751 nicks <- y'all have #debian beat by around 300 people, congrats04:51
bruenigdimas__, no04:51
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Flannelslickster: `lsb_release -a`04:51
Godchaserheh. no one home.04:51
iammiscslickster: installing wine using the normal add/remove should be o04:51
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Jack_Sparrowslickster: those are names of different versions of ubuntu04:51
DalgrenI have an IRC file that was saved as a .log file. I have attempted to delete it nurnerous times but it keeps showing up in Log Viewer. How to do I get rid of this file?04:51
dimas__bruenig>>do you have any idea what should i do?04:52
slicksteralright, well i'll look into it a little more.04:52
bruenigdimas__, no04:52
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slicksterok i guess i have fiesty. what in the world is that?04:52
IndyGunFreaki've never messed with windowblinds04:52
nich0sGood night allz04:52
ari_stressslickster: it;s the latest ubuntu: 7.0404:53
iammiscslickster it doesn't matter. ubuntu has the right version for you04:53
gireeshslickster: the latest release :)04:53
slicksterso installing WINE using the add/remove should work just fine?04:53
Jack_Sparrowslickster: yes04:53
slicksterexcellent. i'll give it a shot.04:53
EADGDalgren: turn off irc logging.04:53
regeyabruenig: I remember a time when there were far fewer people in freenode's #ubuntu channel than #debian...weird to see the opposite now04:53
arctanxHi, I've been trying to set up ubuntu on a friend's PC and he's had every little issue under the sun. Anyway, problem now is that Xwindows will without warning die and chuck you back at gdm. Is this a known issue, or am I going to have to direct him through trying to find the right Xorg logs or something?04:53
regeyaanyway, yes, that was offtopic so :X04:53
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samrockshi I04:54
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Jordan_Uarctanx, What GPU does he have?04:54
slicksterany idea WHERE, in the add/remove list, WINE would be listed?04:54
Fezzlergireesh and team:  Looked closely.  All Xconfig ERRORS have to do with "xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/wacom"04:54
bruenigslickster, sudo apt-get install wine04:54
CppIsWeirdmy samba cant see any windows network, however at my friends house, i can see all networks and pc's.04:54
samrocksI'm having a devil of a time, when i do apt-get update it's giving me 404 errors; I'm using simplyMEPIS and I was wondering if anyone could give me some insite04:54
bruenig!offtopic | samrocks04:54
ubotusamrocks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:54
zhmis it a pain to remote gnome and use kde?04:54
iammiscslickster: just open up a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install wine04:55
mattycoze1hay how do i get something to open on start up that requires root authentication and I don't want to enter the password each time it starts up04:55
gireeshzhm: you can use both04:55
FezzlerSo does that mean this is not the reason X server is freezing/crashing?04:55
iammiscit's so much easier04:55
DalgrenEADG...I don't have IRC logging...it was put on my hd as a file transfer and now won't disappear04:55
gireeshFezzler: might not be04:55
zhmok, lemme do kde and we'll see04:56
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regeyasamrocks: I agree that it's offtopic...but it sounds like the urls in your sources.list are crap04:56
bruenigDalgren, is it on the disk still04:56
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gireeshFezzler: do you know how to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?04:56
Dalgrenyes...somewhere, but I can't find it04:56
bruenigthere is a mepis channel04:56
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gireeshyou can change the entry for nvidia to nv and see if your crashes go away04:56
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samrocksehh i checked, no answers for a while04:56
Dalgrenbut it'll come up in log viewer04:56
bruenigDalgren, what is log viewer04:56
arctanxJordan_U: It's a nvidia one, running nv drivers. onboard, he tells me. He was having issues with the binary drivers so he uninstalled them, and started using nv again.04:56
phpwnerwhere is the startup script located for the machine? not just for a user04:56
Jack_Sparrowsamrocks: answers in there now04:56
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FezzlerDoing some Google, I see some have fixed crashing X server but turning off "render acceleration" in Xconfig???04:56
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ari_stresssomebody knows how to set the IP address statically using CLI? I don't have GUI access04:57
robbyHi all04:57
bruenigari_stress, man ifconfig04:57
DalgrenSystem>Administation>System Log....bruenig04:57
RickJonesmy evolution icon failed to load, is there a way to fizx that04:57
bruenigDalgren, but what does it do04:57
ari_stressbruenig: i know. but how to save them? ifconfig will be lost during reboot04:57
Fezzlergireesh: If you walk me thru use of vi I am very comfortable editing xorg.conf04:57
gireeshFezzler: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:57
mattycoze1hay can someone help? I'm trying to get peerguardian to start up automatically without me having to punch in the root password on startup eachtime04:57
arctanxari_stress: edit /etc/network/interfaces04:57
phpwnerhow do i run a set of commands at startup?04:57
ari_stressok arctanx04:57
arctanxarctanx: I think man 5 interfaces has the info you need04:58
Fezzlergir: I love gedit.  I bet it will not load.  Let's see04:58
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iammiscphwner: use the init script system04:58
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gireeshFezzler: do you have X running?04:58
arctanxphpwner: either create a script for the runlevel, or if you're lazy stick it in /etc/rc.local04:58
mattycoze1phpwner go System -> Preferences -> sessions04:58
slicksterso, i typed in "sudo apt-get install wine" and it came back with a comment that said "Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obseleted, or is only avaiable from another source."04:58
retourHow to copy cd using CD/DVD creator??? Havent seen more user unfrendly stuff in life04:58
Jack_SparrowFezzler: or try nano..04:58
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phpwnerdo i have to name the file with a specific extension?04:58
Jordan_Uarctanx, What other problems has he had and how did you fix them?04:58
Jack_Sparrowretour: try k3b04:58
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byrronanyone here using ekiga now? getting "registration failed. not acceptable".04:59
gireeshFezzler: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:59
bruenigretour, dd if=/dev/whatever of=whatever.iso ; cdrecord dev=/dev/whatever whatever.iso04:59
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retourWill K3B work under gnome?04:59
Jordan_Uretour, Yes04:59
gireeshretour: yes04:59
bruenigretour, take the cd out before doing the second one04:59
n2diyretour: yes04:59
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slicksteranyone know what i need to do now?04:59
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Jordan_Uretour, Any Gnome app will work in KDE and visa versa04:59
mattycoze1phpwner the program doesn't need an extension, as long as you can run it from the command prompt with that same command the same thing will happen automatically but on startup04:59
FezzlerGtk-WARNING: ** Cannot open display.    I'll try nano05:00
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zhmis there a way for ubuntu to scan for a hardware change? i need to install my on board broadcom wireless05:00
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robbywhat type of apps can i make with Python?05:00
arctanxJordan_U: First he installed binary drivers for desktop effects. That caused hard freezing. Fixed by removing the package, then manually editing xorg.conf to use "nv" again, then "HWCursor" "off" to stop the mouse turning invisible. He also had issues that old user accounts were getting white screens when logging in, we tried to fix that by recreating the account, but it stayed there, I told him to delete the home folder of the user, and th05:00
arctanxen adding the user wouldn't "stick", even though it was completely gone from /etc/passwd and shadow. so we created a user with a different name and that works.05:00
Jordan_Uzhm, install bcm43xxfwcutter05:00
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retourthank you! Going for K3B - have alergy to command line05:00
dr_williszhm,  for a broadcom card. you will proiberly need to manually install the fwcutter (somthing like that)package. for the firmware for it.05:00
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zhmit was detected during install05:01
dr_williszhm,  may also need to do some other tweaking.05:01
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bruenigrobby, anything you can make with other languages pretty much, realizing of course that you need the python interpreter to run it05:01
zhmbut i went with the nic card05:01
dr_williszhm,  that dosent mean it has the firmware it needs. :)05:01
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zhmnp, researching it now05:01
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:01
bruenigrobby, for instance, this is done in python: http://www.exaile.org/screenshots/7/exaile_large.jpg05:01
Fezzlergireesh: Okay, I'm in with nano.  Now what?05:01
trelaynekiefer,  thanks again, works like a charm05:01
ari_stressarctanx: ugh.. i guess the sytax of /etc/network/interfaces is very different than in redhat.. i'll google for it :D05:01
Jordan_Uzhm, install bcm43xxfwcutter05:01
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arctanxari_stress: well the man page has all the info, but if you're after a quick fix, google has plenty on it05:02
Jordan_Uzhm, That is all you need to do05:02
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mattycoze1zhm tried the forums? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2568305:02
gireeshFezzler: go to the entry for Section "Device"05:02
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Fezzlerokay BRB05:02
mattycoze1zhm i have an acer laptop and got the broadcomm wireless card to work really good with that05:02
bruenigari_stress, /et/network/interfaces is a distro specific thing05:02
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robbywow thats a audio player?05:03
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FezzlerI there.  Two entries.  Identifier and Driver.05:03
zhmdo you happen to know under what category the bcm43xxfwcutter is in?05:03
bruenigrobby, yeah, has lyrics tab wikipedia tab and all of that good stuff too05:03
tojolabal_your solution http://tojolabal.awardspace.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=205:03
Jordan_Uzhm, Try fwcutter before mattycoze1's link though, if you don't need to use NDIS wrapper you shouldn't05:03
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arctanxJordan_U: so yeah. a few voodoo fixes, as far as I can tell. Can you see how this problem could have come about?05:03
Jordan_Uzhm, Just do a search for it05:03
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gireeshFezzler: which one has the nvidia entry?05:03
mattycoze1indeed :)05:03
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khinhi, i recently downloaded a top 250 list for 90s music. however AFAIK rythmbox will separate this and make folders for each artist (with like 1 or 2 songs in each), which is not what i want. is there any way (or any other program) that will keep them all in one folder05:04
gireeshyes can you change that to nv05:04
GiZiMHowdy, Got a question can anybody suggest a program that i can use that can email me when a server goes down or is rebooted? Maybe something that has a webadmin interface?05:04
robbyi dl IDLE Python, I wish i had a team to work with05:04
sapuhow come my laptop doesn't shutdown everytime?05:04
gireeshi.e change nvidia to nv05:04
FezzlerIdentifier looks like the Identifier I entered when I reinstalled xconfig.  Nvidia GeoForce 550005:04
mattycoze1hay Jordan_U thanks for helping with my problem the otherday05:04
arctanxkhin: amarok is a nice player that won't screw with your music locations05:04
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mattycoze1worked like a charm05:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
Jordan_Umattycoze1, No problem05:05
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Fezzlergireesh: Done.  Should we turn off render acceleration?05:05
khinarctanx, but isnt that for KDE05:05
zhmdamnit, couldn't fetch it05:05
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zhmcould not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com05:05
arctanxkhin: It uses those libraries, but it will run fine under gnome05:05
sapuhow do you type in other languages in kubuntu?05:05
robbyWish i would of went to school for programming instead of computer eng.05:06
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dr_willisrobby,  learn to drive the big rigs!05:06
n2diysapu: system > pref > keyboard, then layout05:06
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Jordan_Uzhm, You need to connect to the internet wired for long enough for it to install.05:06
bruenigpython is hard to read05:06
vitamin__Hello, I"m dualbooting XP and Ubuntu, and was wondering if there may be a way of disabling read/write to my Windows partition?05:06
Fezzlergireesh: Now what?05:06
dr_willisrobby,  bah. anyone can program! :)05:06
dr_willisrobby,  building the zombie robot slave is the fun part!05:06
gireeshsave and exit05:06
sapun2diy: will try05:06
robbydr_willis: like Mac trucks.05:06
Jordan_Uzhm, Or I can give you a link to the firmware and you can put it on a removable media05:06
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byrronmonkey_: 05:07
robbyzombie robot slave05:07
gireeshFezzler: then type startx and see what happens05:07
Fezzlerhow do I save in nano?  ^S?05:07
mattycoze1i could do with one of those05:07
Jordan_Uvitamin__, Do you mean enabling?05:07
n2diy! cn | byrron05:07
ubotubyrron: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:07
FezzlerCtrl S05:07
gireeshFezzler: there is a bar at the bottom that tells you05:07
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zhmJordan, I am connected on wire05:07
bruenigFezzler, ^X05:07
zhmi'm signed into gaim05:07
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vitamin__Jordan_U: Nope, I mean disabling writing in particular, in case I run into malware or something05:08
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sapun2diy: doesn't work05:08
zhmnm, worked now05:08
sapui can add other language layout05:08
robbyive worked in several lang and have tons of books, but those books give very lame examples and don't explain who cmmands are what they are05:08
sapuit doesn't change anything when i switch layout05:08
Jordan_Uvitamin__, Yes you can, but run into malware on Linux?05:08
FezzlerCan I startx while I have Gaim session running in GNOME?05:08
vitamin__Jordan_U: Malware that might affect my XP partition05:09
gireeshFezzler: no05:09
byrronubotu: 05:09
gireeshit will complain05:09
gireeshexit out of GNOME. Hit CTRL-ALT-BKSPACE05:09
khinis it normal for a lot of torrents to be abysmally slow05:09
=== unclemike [n=mike@fl-65-41-130-61.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diysapu: did you get a keyboard switcher icon on your tool bar?05:09
gireeshthat will restart your x-server05:09
FezzlerSo logout and okay05:09
Jordan_Uvitamin__, Why would that make you want write support disabled in Ubuntu?05:09
sapun2diy: yeah05:09
gireeshFezzler: restart the x-server too05:09
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vitamin__Jordan_U: I don't really know how they work, so I might be barking up the wrong tree ^___^;;05:09
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n2diysapu: and that doesn't work?05:09
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robbylike console.writeline() outputs to the console, but whats the code that makes it what it is?05:09
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sapun2diy: yeah, and i have the other languages installed already too05:10
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aznpridechinesewhere do you set the splash screen on startup in gnome?05:10
zhmhmm,Jordan, once fwcutter is installed..next step?05:10
=== FreeFish [n=dimas@200-221-253-42.brt.dialuol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Jarekhow do I add pidgin to my autostart list05:10
vitamin__Jordan_U: Not sure actually, I thought that might stop malware from changing anything that's on my XP system partition05:10
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khinive just started using BT and three out of four spiderman torrents i tried to download died or started going ridiculously slow halway through the download05:10
ramseizeis anyone here?05:10
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bruenigJarek, system>preferences>sessions, or old school it and put it in your ~/.xinitirc05:10
Jordan_Uvitamin__, You would want write support from Ubuntu so you could try to fix windows.05:10
bruenigJarek, system>preferences>sessions, or old school it and put it in your ~/.xinitrc05:10
mattycoze1hi ramseize05:10
n2diysapu: hmm, I don't know, I'm using gnome, have you tried asking in #kubuntu?05:10
dr_williskhin,  tryint to download the newest movie?05:10
khinspiderman 3 yes05:11
ramseizecan anyone help   me, i cant install my ati radeon driver05:11
Jordan_Uvitamin__, If you have malware on windows then hasn't it already changed things on your windows system partition ?05:11
ramseizemattycozel can you help me?05:11
dr_williskhin,  i would guess that most of those torrents are Fakes.. put out by the MPAA Spies.05:11
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zhmdr_willis, i got fwcutter installed..next step would be?05:11
Jarekbruenig, got there, but what do i put in the command field05:11
bruenigJarek, pidgin05:11
Jordan_Uzhm, Use your card?05:11
dr_williszhm,  run it? :) actually i though it ran and got the stuff allready...05:11
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sapun2diy: thx for helping i gotta go05:11
arctanxokay, Jordan_U, I have an error and backtrace for the X crash: http://pastie.caboo.se/7722205:11
Jarekthat's it?05:11
khindr_willis are you serious? well im on a university connection so i guess im safe?05:11
dr_willisive just about given up on wireless... so.. :)05:11
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vitamin__Jordan_U: oh I mean if I'm on the Internet while I"m on Ubuntu and d/l something (for example) or run into a worm that will affect my Windows partition05:12
Jarekbruenig, heh ok thanks then05:12
dr_williskhin,  Theres an artical on slashdot about the  various torrent spys and stuff.. being on a University connection makes you a BIGGER target.05:12
gireeshvitamin__: that is very very unlikely05:12
ramseizedoes anyone know how to intall or fixed a display driver like ati radeon on my ubuntu05:12
Jordan_Uzhm, You may need to modprobe bcm43xx again, but it should do that at boot from now on05:12
gireeshyou need to have read-write access to the windows partition05:12
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dr_williskhin,  of course at a Uni.. ya could proberly swap disks faster then downloading stuff. :)05:12
vitamin__Jordan_U: Oh, ok, thanks ^__^  I was just a bit paranoid05:12
robbyor system.appdomainsetup()  <----where is that?05:12
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gireeshand then too an .exe will not run on Linux unless you try real hard05:12
khindr_willis, but how can they know who is downloading behind the university connection05:13
vitamin__gireesh: Oh, ok, thanks ^___^I was just a bit paranoid05:13
GodchaserDoes xchat for ubuntu support scripts? if so how do you apply them?05:13
dr_williskhin,  you aint been watching the various torrent/news/mpaa stuff lately on slash dot eh?05:13
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Jordan_Uvitamin__, The worm wouldn't affect Ubuntu, so just don't save it to your windows partition and run it from windows :)05:13
dr_williskhin,  they track down the ip to your room... i guess.05:13
n2diykhin: that is what the IT dept. is for.05:13
zhmwtf, where is this stuff hiding05:13
vitamin__Jordan_U: Ok, thanks05:13
Jordan_Uvitamin__, np05:13
robbyscripts for linux are great!05:13
dr_willisWhen i was at college we used C64's :)05:13
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dr_willisBefor AOL was even around05:14
Jack_Sparrowdr_willis: I worked for Commodore back then..05:14
vitamin__ramseize: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver?highlight=%28radeon%2905:14
dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  :) I have several C64's if you want some heh..05:14
robbywhats mapergan?05:14
dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  you are older then me! :)05:14
n2diydr_willis: I'm jealous, I used to dream of owning a C-64.05:14
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=== Dalgren wishes to thank everyone for the mountains of assistance and hopes ya'll have a truely lovely life
ramseizethanx vitamin__05:15
bruenigkhin, most universities will have you login to some page the first time you connect on a particular mac address using some studentid or something, then whenever you connect again, it will tie your mac to you and remember what ip it gave you05:15
dr_willisn2diy,  the vice emulator is better.. too bad the ubuntu package has a bug in it - that makes it unuseable.05:15
vitamin__ramseize: np05:15
jabickett52Any one here use Devede?05:15
dr_willisn2diy,  I found one at a rummage sale - still shrinkwrapped for $505:15
Jack_Sparrowdr_willis: They are becomming a cult in europe..  There is also a good emulator.. we can chat in offtopic sometime05:15
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dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  I got one of those C64 Joystick/game things the other day. :)05:16
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robbydr_willis:  assuming your a dr. of health, what is mapergan my doctor gave it to me05:16
jabickett52I try to convert a movie to a dvd using devede and tell it to make an iso, and it doesn't actually make an iso...] 05:16
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bruenigjabickett52, don't click the mpg box05:16
dr_willisrobby,  im a Dr of LOVE.. :)05:16
FezzlerThat totally didn't work.05:16
jabickett52that will make it make the dvd?05:16
dr_willisrobby,  theres web sites that let ya search that info however.05:16
jabickett52iso that is?05:16
gireeshFezzler: what did it say?05:16
robbygood point05:16
bruenigjabickett52, if you click only make complaint dvd mpeg, then it only makes the mpeg and then exits05:16
FezzlerI got some bluescreen that said Xconf was no good and asked if I wanted to see errors.  I said yes.05:17
bruenigas you might expect05:17
n2diydr_willis: I found a a pallet load of them for $1 apeice, in 1990, ended up selling most of them for 13 cents/pound, but I kept two of them.05:17
Jack_Sparrowdr_willis: My first job as a programmer was assy for the 651005:17
FezzlerWhat I saw was "Unable to find vaild framebuffer device"05:17
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robbyit says for pain05:17
Fezzler"NV(0): Failed to open framebuffer device."05:17
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Fezzler"Screen found, but none have usable configuration."05:18
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gireeshFezzler: try this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:18
FezzlerAlso, when shutdown ran, I was seeing some failure for avahi-deamon05:18
jabickett52bruenig, I didn't have that clicked, I had it set to create iso05:18
FezzlerI had to use nano and change nv back to nvidia to get here again.05:19
jabickett52it get's done, it doesn't create the iso, it makes a folder with the dang files05:19
Jordan_UHow do I use tesseract-ocr and / or how do I use any known good OCR program?05:19
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gireeshFezzler: unfortunately Ubuntu sucks for X configuration05:19
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gireeshFezzler: have you tested your memory sticks?05:20
Fezzlerokay gireesh:  But I'm not sure I know all the right answers when manually running xserver.05:20
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html05:20
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Fezzlergireesh: yes05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
gireeshno errors05:20
jabickett52I tried to make the iso manually using mkisofs -dvd-video ~/movie movie.iso or however and it wouldn't make it05:20
jabickett52said the VIDEO_TS was setup wrong or something05:20
gireeshdid you build the computer?05:20
Fezzlerall good 628 meg05:20
gireeshis the cpu overheating?05:20
gireeshis it an old computer?05:20
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khinbruenig, so how would you recommend i pirate movies05:20
gireeshhave you tried cleaning the dust off the fans etc?05:20
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Fezzlergireesh: older, yes, but with new parts.  Overheat, no.05:21
FezzlerI will05:21
gireesha hard lock almost always indicates a hardware problem05:21
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jabickett52not pirating there khin, I'm converting home movies05:21
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gregy guys I need some serious help05:21
gireeshFezzler: try tunning gkrellm or some monitoring software to see what is happening05:21
gregmy ubuntu isn't booting up05:21
mattwj2005hey everyone :)05:21
FezzlerLast thing I was doing before problem was messing with my Sound settings and learning recordmydesktop05:21
Jordan_Ugreg, What with?05:21
gregit starts up and runs fsck05:22
Jordan_Ugreg, Any errors?05:22
bruenigkhin, I am not sure exactly how your university does it, but assuming it follows that model I talked about, what I would do is find someone you don't like, figure out there id and password, spoof your mac address and then sign in to the page that comes up everytime a new mac address is introduced as them, and then from then on when you want to pirate use the spoofed mac05:22
gireeshFezzler: is it the latest version of nvidia driver?05:22
aznpridechinesehow do i change color of text background and transparencies in gnome?05:22
gregthen it says that fsck cannot repair the problem05:22
n2diygreg, that's why we're all here.05:22
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gregthat I have to manulaly run the check in maintainenece mode05:22
=== InHisName [n=Administ@c-71-225-221-149.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gregI do that05:22
mattwj2005well it isn't prefect but I have a "Big Desktop" using an old CRT and a TV :)05:22
FezzlerI also set my /home chmod 755 so my samba connection to vista pc was okay05:22
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gregand I get the error "the program 'apt-get' is currently not installed05:22
gregand it goes to a command line....05:22
gregand that's it05:23
Fezzlergireesh:  I did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and reran the nvidia drivers package earlier.05:23
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InHisNameIs SMB running when ubuntu is first started after installing ?  I want to copy from a shared dir from an XP machine.05:24
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Jordan_Ugreg, It just gives that error without any prompt by you?05:24
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FezzlerALso, if it were hardware, why would all the apps BUT Application Places SYstem freeze?05:24
gregwell yeah05:24
gregI don't do anything05:24
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aznpridechinesegireesh are you having trouble installing nvidia driver?05:24
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SeekerHello is this a support forum?05:24
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gregI just turn it on, it unsuccessfully runs fsck05:24
Jordan_USeeker, Yes05:24
gregthen it tells me to input my root password and logs into root05:24
bruenigkhin, or alternatively if you don't think you can find the id and password, just find out there mac address, and spoof yours to have their mac address05:24
gregand tells me that apt no longer works05:24
SeekerGreat. I'm new to Linux but I'm having difficulty burning avi files to cds05:24
mattwj2005I am hoping the next version of Ubuntu will have support for more than one display :)05:25
SeekerI've tried several different burning programs and none of them work05:25
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Fezzlergireesh: In fact, I just click on Places and BAMP, frozen.  But gaim is still humming along.05:25
Jordan_Umattwj2005, It will :)05:25
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khinbruenig, just curious is there any way in principle to see through a spoofed mac05:25
SeekerThe file burns but it won't play on either a standalone divx player or XBMC05:25
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n2diy! twinview | mattwj200505:25
ubotumattwj2005: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:25
Jack_Sparrowjabickett52: try k9copy05:25
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Jordan_Umattwj2005, It already does now ( and has since forever ) but in Gutsy it will be easy05:25
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Seekerthe burned side of the cds look different than if I were to burn them in Windows as well05:26
gregwhat brought this on was that I think I tried to install ICEWM05:26
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mattwj2005yeah I got it to work all ready05:26
Jordan_Ugreg, It just gives that error about apt without any prompt by you?05:26
mattwj2005thanks anyways ubotu :)05:26
bruenigkhin, not sure, I don't think so, they certainly wouldn't be able to do it on the scale of what they are doing, the thing which connects the mac to the person and the ip is a script and will not likely be doing that even if it were able to be done05:26
FezzlerIs "Applications" "Places" "System" referred to as X server?  or are the Nautlius or GNOME.  I'm confused as to what is freezing on me?05:26
kyle__I'm running the high contrast inverse desktop theme - and certain things don't show up, like drop boxes on websites and incoming instant messages on gaim. how do I fix that?05:27
toddyMy vsftp is autostart when PC is powered on!how to stop it autostarting?05:27
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ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html05:27
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FezzlerTrash still works :)05:27
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mattwj2005yeah I can now have mythtv on one display and other stuff on my CRT05:27
Varsendaggr hey are there any tetris games where the blocks settle after they fall...   ala tetris for xbox?05:27
Seekeranyone have experience with CD burning software for Ubuntu?05:28
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n2diykyle__: don't run inverse mode?05:28
orbisvicisanyone know how to control cairo-clock x/y position?05:28
Fezzlergireesh: Giving up on me?05:28
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-179-38.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UFezzler, X is what let's you have a GUI, Gnome manages how windows are displayed in X, Nautilus is a file browser application05:28
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orbisvicisi mean on startup, not by dragging it around, lol05:28
Jack_SparrowSeeker: Yes, I use k3b05:28
kyle__n2diy, but I like it otherwise :(05:28
nuke_I just installed an rpm, however when I try and run it I get "error while loading shared libraries: libkdeui.so.4: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory", how can i reslove this please?05:28
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Jordan_U!rpm | nuke_05:29
ubotunuke_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:29
SeekerJack Sparrow when you burn a divx file does it then play on other systems such as a standalone divx player?05:29
Megaqwertynuke_: you installed an rpm?05:29
Shadow6363Frogzoo, gonna laugh at this, but I finally got it all working, problem: Firestarter, thanks for all your help though05:29
n2diykyle__: fine buisness, but how many webpages are designed to deal with it correctly?05:29
FezzlerJordon?  So if I click on Places and everything on the top left menu system freezes, is that X server freezing?05:29
Megaqwertynuke_: or was it converted from a .deb?05:29
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Jack_SparrowSeeker: I dont do the divix thing.. sorry..05:29
nuke_can ubuntu install .deb?05:29
Megaqwerty*to a .deb05:29
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Jordan_UFezzler, No05:29
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bruenignuke_, yes, don't install rpms05:29
khinhow likely do you think it is that given i downloaded a bunch of fake Spiderman 3 torrents i will end up being sued05:29
Megaqwertynuke_: that's the only thing it can install05:29
FezzlerJordan: Then what05:30
nuke_oh ok i'll try the deb then, thanks05:30
bruenignuke_, either install debs or compile, unless you absolutely can't find source or deb05:30
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bruenignuke_, what are you looking for05:30
khinmore or less than 1 in 100 ?05:30
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Jordan_UFezzler, If everything on the screen freezes then X has frozen05:30
Megaqwertynuke_: you're welcome.05:30
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nuke_i cant compile, i keep getting "checking for X... configure: error: cant find X includes. please check your installation"05:30
n2diykyle__: I like to configure my friends box to use white text, on a white backround, but for some reason, he doesn't like it?05:30
Jack_Sparrownuke_: what are you trying to install.05:30
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dr_williskhin,  not too likely.. but id avoide downloading torrents for movies that are IN the theaters. :)05:30
cafuegon2diy: Better is an error dialog screenshot as desktop background.05:30
bruenignuke_, you need to install the x includes, some -dev package, I don't know why these distros split them up, it is retarded if you ask me, but tell me what you are trying to install, it might be in the repos05:31
FezzlerSo X can freeze but the instance of Gaim I have going, Beryl, Network, Volume, Trash, Time can all keep working?05:31
dr_williskhin,  ask for friends to do so.. and get a copy from them. :) plus those copies always suck big time05:31
kyle__n2diy, some people are just too picky about not being able to see anything05:31
Varsendaggrhey anybody that likes Halflife CS  you should try Assaultcube05:31
khinyeah they arent so great. at 700 mb the picture is not stellar. often watchable though05:31
Varsendaggra 19mb Download05:31
n2diycafuego: :) I notice Ubuntu has a couple screen savers like that.05:31
Jordan_UFezzler, No.05:31
dr_williskhin,  often the movie isent even watchable in the theater.. :)05:31
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FezzlerJordan: What do you mean "No" because that is the condition I have.05:32
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Jordan_UFezzler, Any terminal applications will continue to run fine but GUI apps won't05:32
dr_williskhin,  i perfer the classics 'Attack of the 50ft Woman' and so forth. :)05:32
Jordan_UFezzler, Then X has not crashed05:32
ramseizecan anyone help me, about my display driver please message me, its ati radeon x230005:32
cafuegonot quite as good as an applescript that says 'Tell Application "Finder" \ Shutdown Now \ End Tell' in the startup folder on a Mac.05:32
nuke_can I use apt-get to get the missing x includes?05:32
n2diykyle__: right, and I think you maybe running in to something similar, by running inverse mode.05:32
Megaqwertynuke_: yeah, probably.05:33
Megaqwertynuke_: assuming they are in the repository.05:33
nuke_how do I find out what they are called?05:33
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Jordan_Unuke_, What are you trying to install?05:33
aznpridechinesecan anyone tell me how to set transparencies and text color etc in gnome?05:33
nuke_http://sourceforge.net/projects/msnshadow that05:33
FezzlerJordan: Okay, now we are getting somewhere.  Okay.  Applications  Places  System, the three apps next to them and the desktop functions are frozen.05:33
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j_ackSeeker, have you try it to burn as video CD   (VCD)05:33
kyle__n2diy, I'ma make it work05:33
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Megaqwertynuke_: just use the .deb they supplied05:33
FezzlerGaim, Beryl, Network, Volume, Trash are all working.05:34
ari_stressis there any similar command like: yum search named in apt-get ?05:34
n2diykyle__: Good Luck! :)05:34
nuke_ok i'll try that, use rpkg to install .deb right?05:34
FezzlerJordan: So what is crashing/freezing?05:34
Megaqwertynuke_: no, dpkg05:34
kyle__n2diy, <305:34
EdLinari_stress: apt-cache search05:34
ramseize_can anyone help me about my display driver, its "ati radeon x2300" please Private message me?05:34
nuke_oh maybe thats why it didnt work, lol thanks05:34
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Megaqwertynuke_: sudo dpkg -i name.deb05:34
Seekerj_ack I haven't tried that yet because I've found conversion tends to lower the quality.05:34
ari_stressthank you very much EdLin, cooll :D05:34
Megaqwertynuke_: you're welcome.05:34
youkilldkennedyI'm having some trouble updating to 7.04 from 6.10...05:34
SeekerI think that for some reason I can't burn as DAO and that is what my other systems require05:34
Varsendaggryoukilldkennedy, no it was you and me05:35
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, You mean 6.10 t0 7.04?05:35
FezzlerJordan U:  This is a tough one, heh?  :)05:35
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Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, Nvm, I misread :)05:35
nuke_ok that seemed to work, now when i type "msnshadow" to run it i get the error "error while loading shared libraries: libkdeui.so.4...." thing again, could that be because the rpm is still installed?05:35
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Seekerthe burnt part of the disc has about 5 visible concentric circles while when I burn in windows the disc is the same colour throughout05:35
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, How are you trying to install and what errors are you getting?05:35
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youkilldkennedyI'm installing by the update manager05:36
Jordan_Unuke_, Remove the rpm05:36
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youkilldkennedyand it's giving me trouble looking for repos05:36
novato_brwhat is going on with my compiz fusion: "http://www.pastebin.ca/609878"?05:36
nuke_how do i do that? delete the .rpm file?05:36
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alecwhI'm running Compiz Fusion, and I have it boot up on computer start. The only problem is, I need it to load up in indirect-rendering, for multiple reasons. Is there a way to accomplish this?05:36
Megaqwertynuke_: how did you install the rpm?05:37
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, What error are you getting?05:37
j_ackSeeker, plays your burned cd on computer?05:37
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Fezzlergireesh, Jordan:  The issue must be gdm then, no?  Why wouldn't gedit run at command prompt and produce Gtk-WARNING?05:37
youkilldkennedyjordan_u, E: Malformed line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-multiverse.list (dist parse)05:37
FezzlerThat must tell us something?05:37
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nuke_i dunno, if rpm doesnt work I might not actually have installed it05:37
Seekerj_ack it plays on my computer but nothing else (i.e. Xbox Media Centre, or a phillips divx player) recognizes the disc05:38
youkilldkennedyjordan_u, Could not update, must fix broken packages first.05:38
nuke_ive confused myself, but lets say it isnt installed currently, what can i do about this  libkdeui.so.4 error? what is it?05:38
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Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, Why do you have a sources.list.d for a standard repo?05:38
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Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, And can you pastebin its contents?05:39
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Megaqwertynuke_: well, you should have gotten a dpkg error if you had a missing dependency...but I'll look into it. give me a minute.05:39
nuke_ok thanks a ton man05:39
bastid_raZoror 1900 lbs05:39
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nuke_isnt ton metric?05:40
nuke_or is that tonne?05:40
j_ackseeker, what is on the disc only a file or more05:40
Megaqwertynuke_: Never was good at units, lol.05:40
youkilldkennedyjordan_U, whats the pastebin link, again?05:40
Seekerj_ack: just one file slightly under 700 megs05:40
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Jordan_U!paste > youkilldkennedy05:40
bastid_raZorton is standard (american)05:40
alecwhI have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz  --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?05:40
n0kZim standard filipino05:40
j_ackseeker is it a *.avi?05:41
Jordan_Ualecwh, Try #compcomm or #ubuntu-effects05:41
alecwhOk, will do Jordan_U.05:41
youkilldkennedyjordan_u, I have a sources.list and a sources.list.distUpgrade05:41
iZenim having issues installing some KDE themes in Kubuntu. I am downloading them from kde-look.org. What type of process do I need to take for them in Kubuntu? They are Gzip right now.05:41
n2diyMegaqwerty: , nuke_ , units is a very handy program to have on your box, might even answer the ton, tonne question?05:41
Seekerj_ack if I transfer the file to the hard disc of the Xbox it plays, but it won't read the same video from a disc burnt in ubuntu05:42
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Megaqwertyn2diy: lol, thanks05:42
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=== Megaqwerty apt-gets it
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, The sources.list.distupgrade is probably from update-manager05:42
j_ackseeker so you have only a file but you need a complete infrastructure on the disc. Only a file cannot run05:42
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iZenim having issues installing some KDE themes in Kubuntu. I am downloading them from kde-look.org. What type of process do I need to take for them in Kubuntu? They are Gzip right now.05:43
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, Why do you have a sources.list.d for a standard repo ( multiverse )?05:43
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, And can you pastebin its contents?05:43
Seekerj_ack, ok so how should I be burning it differently? Should I not be selecting data disc in k3b?05:43
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Jack_SparrowiZen: not all of those will work on all systems.. just drop tham onto the open theme manager..05:43
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Jack_Sparrownight all05:43
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nuke_whats the name of that IRC proggy that works straight from command line and looks like your in the movie "hackers" when your on IRC?05:44
j_ackSeeker, not data disc, you need somthing like video-disc.05:44
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youkilldkennedyJordan_U, I can't find a sources.list.d05:44
willzzzubuntu kernel 2.6.20-16 (latest) boot fails suddenly05:44
alecwhNobody seems to be answering in other channels... I have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?05:44
willzzzwhen it gets to [   86.444000]  input: TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint as /class/input/input505:44
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willzzzall of a sudden it does nothing... i didn't change anything... this is on my t61... boots livecd fine but off HD both kernels fail even in recovery05:44
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Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, You don't have a  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-multiverse.list ?05:44
whtais there a way to change my default music player? or if it's not default, then change whatever comes up when I click the "media" button my keyboard?05:45
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Seekerj_ack, doesn't video disc convert it to a much lower quality vcd?05:45
youkilldkennedyjordan_u, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29180/05:46
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Jordan_U!mediakeys | whta05:46
ubotuwhta: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:46
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whtaahh thank you, never saw that option before05:46
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j_ackseeker i dont think so , but you must try it. Data-disc no way.05:46
Seekerj_ack, what program would I use for that? k3b?05:47
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, Strange, I don't see anything wrong with it...05:47
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alecwhI have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?05:47
j_ackseeker i dont use k3b or so. But you can look in synaptic for vcdimager and vcdtools05:48
InHisNameIs SMB running when ubuntu (gnome) is first started after installing ?  I want to copy a file from a shared dir from an XP machine.05:48
Seekerj_ack, thank you05:48
dr_willisInHisName,  samba is not installed or running by default05:48
Jordan_Uyoukilldkennedy, Although edgy-updates might be redundant05:48
j_ackSeeker, ok.05:48
dr_willisInHisName,  you need to isntall the package, edit the smb.conf file. and enable the home shares. (or other shares)05:48
dr_willisInHisName,  and also may want to do a 'sudo smbpasswd -a LINUXUSERNAME' to allow a user in05:49
dr_willisInHisName,  Ubuntu tends tobe locked down VERY strongly by default05:49
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Jordan_UInHisName, Or you can right click a folder and choose share :)05:49
alecwhI have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?05:50
InHisNamedr_willis, does it start with a get- to install it ?05:50
dr_willisJordan_U,  thats not setting up samba however. :)05:50
Flannelalecwh: #ubuntu-effects for compiz support, thanks05:50
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ari_stresshow do i activate the GUI in dapper?05:50
dr_willis!info samba05:50
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 3262 kB, installed size 7992 kB05:50
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dr_willisInHisName,  sudo apt-get install samba samba-doc05:50
alecwhFlannel, nobody is there.05:50
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Jordan_Udr_willis, It is if he tells it to use samba to share05:50
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Jordan_Udr_willis, It even installs the packages and everything :)05:51
Flannelalecwh: Try #compiz-fusion then05:51
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whtahow do I change which application opens in the keyboard shortcuts editor? "open music player" doesn't open the player I want.05:51
Flannelari_stress: Which CD did you use to install?  since a GUI installs by default on all except server version.05:51
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ari_stressFlannel: i use the alternate cd, is there any gui in the cd?05:51
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InHisNamedr_willis,  what does the samba-doc on end of command do ?05:52
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Flannelari_stress: The alternate CD can install both a text-mode only (server edition) and a GUI (the normal install05:52
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dr_willisInHisName,  installs the samba-doc package for you to then have some books to read all about samba. :)05:52
Flannelari_stress: But the installation is textmode only.  But you are installing a GUI system05:52
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dr_willis2 whole books.. in html format. :)  worth reading05:52
ari_stressFlannel: actually i don't need gui, if apt-get will ask me for some setup if installing certain packages such as libnss-ldap05:52
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ari_stressFlannel: the tutorial i'm reading is suggesting me to use synaptic to install things, so that it will ask for some additional info to set things up05:53
Flannelari_stress: Oh, uh, all package managers will ask you stuff if synaptic does05:53
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ari_stressFlannel: i'll try from CLI05:54
arrrghhh can anyone help me fix a bunk install of vmware-server?  every time i try to uninstall & reinstall it, the installer halts05:54
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InHisNameI am off to install samba etc.05:54
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gregorygreghow can I change my window manager?05:54
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dr_willisgregorygreg,   You mean the gnome window manager.. or the whole desktop? from say gnome to kde?05:55
arrrghhhgregorygreg, just install a new one and logout, then go to 'sessions' and pick the new one you installed05:55
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gregorygregno just the window manager05:55
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gregorygregI don't like the interface that ubuntu comes with05:55
dr_willisgregorygreg,  you want to replace gnomes metacity with a different window manager eh?05:55
gregorygregmaybe afterstep05:56
dr_willisinterface? clarify that remark.. you are sort of saying different things..05:56
brueniggregorygreg, yeah gnome is a pretty ugly you can try xfce or kde or a window manager05:56
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, The vmware-install.pl script really is meant to be interactive, I recommend ( and this is an exception for me ) to not install from the repos and install from the vmware installer05:56
gregorygregI'm gonna try a window manager first05:56
dr_willisgregorygreg,  sudo apt-get install windowmaker, then select windowmaker at the GDM login screen05:56
Art_Anyone had experience with Ubuntu-Ultimate?05:56
gregorygregubuntu-ultimate? what is that?05:56
bruenig!offtopic | Art_ gregorygreg05:56
ubotuArt_ gregorygreg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:56
dr_willis gregorygreg  you are confusing 'window manager' with 'desktop enviroment'  :)05:56
FlannelArt_: don't use it.  It's a pathetic hack05:56
Jordan_UArt_, It seems a little immature to me05:56
arrrghhhJordan_U, well i've used the vmware-uninstall.pl and it doesn't work real well...05:56
gregorygregwell I mean05:56
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bruenigdr_willis, unless he doesn't like the panels, it ends up being the same thing05:57
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gregorygregI odn't like the pantls05:57
dr_willisbruenig,   ive done that befor. :)05:57
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gregorygregI don't like the panels05:57
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, I am not liking their perl scripts in general, they are not very robust05:57
gregorygregI want like resizable kicker menus or something05:57
brueniggregorygreg, then you want to throw away gnome al together05:57
dr_willisgregorygreg,  theres 12+ differnet window managers,, and 3+ or so desktop enviroments to use...05:57
FlannelArt_: Ubuntu has 95% of what it installs in the repos anyway, and it includes some not-good stuff05:57
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dr_willisgregorygreg,  ya could always install kde. or xfce also05:57
gregorygreggnome kde xfce05:57
gregorygregwhat does a window manager do?05:58
therealnanotubecould someone please tell me about ubuntu package versioning conventions. e.g, if i have something with Version: "4.19-1ubuntu2.1", i understand that 4.19 is the actual software version, but what's the 1ubuntu2.1 stand for?05:58
arrrghhhJordan_U, yea... do you know how i can fix a broken install tho?  i ran into the same issue on my work box, but i fixed it...05:58
bruenigfluxbox openbox blackbox icewm evilwm05:58
dr_willisa window manager is part of the desktop enviroment.05:58
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dr_willisits what  manages the windows.. thats all.. not the panels. or desktop icons.. just the windows.. :)05:58
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dr_willisother parts/tools controll the other bits05:58
brueniggregorygreg, metacity is a window manager, gnome is a desktop environment05:58
dr_willismetacity is gnomes default window manager05:58
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, Fix or remove? I can probably help with the latter more easily than former05:58
bruenigxfwm4 is a window manager, xfce is a DE05:58
alecwhI have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?05:59
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arrrghhhJordan_U, well remove with the intent to reinstall...05:59
akiohow do i get my fonts to be clearer? (cleartype)05:59
bruenigalecwh, #ubuntu-effects05:59
gregorygregmetacity is what happens when i right click the titlebar of a window?05:59
gregorygregor alt-tab?05:59
brueniggregorygreg, both05:59
gregorygreganything else?05:59
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Art_Flannel, Not good?  Like what?05:59
=== Lordkami [n=fdsfs@87-194-105-148.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
gregorygregcan I install xfce on ubuntu or do I have to use xubuntu?06:00
brueniggreg, the title bar, the close maximize minimize buttons06:00
Bassettsgregorygreg, you can install xfce on ubuntu06:00
brueniggregorygreg, sudo apt-get install xfce406:00
bruenig!info xfce406:00
ubotuxfce4: meta-package for xfce4 dependencies. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 48 kB06:00
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bruenigone of those stupid meta packages06:01
dr_willisgregorygreg,  this is linux.. Of course you can. :)06:01
gregorygregha true06:01
gregorygregthanks for your help guys06:01
Alias2Sup guys?06:01
dr_willisxubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop :)06:01
gregorygregwill I run into any problems using programms made for kde or gnome?06:01
dr_willisgregorygreg,  i never have06:01
arrrghhhJordan_U, do you think you could help me remove vmware completely?  maybe then i can reinstall...06:01
dr_willisi mixx and match them all06:01
=== godt_lobster [n=godt_lob@ip70-162-192-95.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
brueniggregorygreg, so long as the libs are installed it doesn't matter06:01
gregorygregI know cause amarok runs poorly on my gnome desktop06:01
gregorygregit crashes constantly06:01
gregorygregactually my computer has been crashing a lot as of late06:01
Alias2I have one thing to say.06:01
=== DarkFame [n=DarkFame@ti131310a080-6236.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
gregorygregnot really sure what that's about06:01
FlannelArt_: Well, automatix for one06:02
akiois there a cleartype alternative?06:02
Alias2Thats to the dev team @ Ubuntu for pulling me away from Windows.....06:02
gregorygregautomatix messes up dependencies doesn't it?06:02
dr_willisDONT use automatix :) no need for it06:02
gregorygregyeah exactly06:02
gregorygregalright I'll brb06:02
Art_Flannel, OK, I happen to like automatix.06:02
arrrghhhyea, just use synaptic06:02
betamikegregorygreg: might want to try exaile, its a gtk app similar to amarok06:02
DarkFamethere is a reason automatix never got accepted into Ubuntu as default06:02
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:02
Flanneltherealnanotube: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/06:03
dr_willisOf course im using "Linux Mint" right now. :P06:03
arrrghhhbetamike, does that allow for ipod uploading?06:03
arrrghhhor syncing i should say06:03
=== aznpridechinese [n=aznpride@ip68-111-95-136.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelArt_: automatix is dangerous and error prone.06:03
DarkFamedr_willis, what do you think about it?06:03
betamikearrrghhh: Not really sure, I haven't tried it myself.06:03
aznpridechinesewhat is the gnome equivalent to karchiver?06:03
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Art_Flannel, I haven't had any problems with it.06:03
Flannel!worksforme | Art_06:03
arrrghhhi like amarok, haven't had any issues with it.  other than my gigantic music library xferin to the ipod06:03
ubotuArt_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:03
aznpridechinesecuz the gnome zip program doesn't give me the option to extract files to where i want it06:04
akiobetamike: is there a cleartype alternative?06:04
bruenigaznpridechinese, file roller perhaps, don't know what karchiver is, I would just use tar and unzip and unrar etc06:04
Art_Flannel, But thanks for the warning.06:04
dr_willisDarkFame,  i like it. :)  got it on 3 machines right now.. it needs a little more work.. but has some nice features.06:04
betamikeakio: not much of a fonts guy, not really sure, sorry.06:04
aznpridechinesehow do i unzip a tar.gz file to a specific directory in gnome GUI?06:04
DarkFamedr_willis, ok.. cool.. which nice features... mint specific?06:04
FlannelArt_: shrug.  There's *nothing* in the ultimate edition that isn't available to normal Ubuntu.  However, if you're using it, don't come here for support.06:04
DarkFameFlannel, ultimate edition?06:05
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Art_Flannel, Is there a chat for it?06:05
=== awerner32 [n=chatzill@ip70-160-51-99.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
aznpridechinesebruenig, how do i unzip a tar.gz to a specific directory of my choice in gnome GUI?06:05
bruenigaznpridechinese, just use tar, tar xf -C /specific/directory whatever.tar.gz06:05
awerner32has anybody tried ubuntu ultimate?06:05
MajorPayne!worksforme | Art_06:05
ubotuArt_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:05
therealnanotubeFlannel: thanks, i'll look at that. :)06:05
arrrghhhArt_, you know it's beta rigtht?06:05
FlannelArt_: I don't know.  You'd have to check it's webpage for where it's supported.06:05
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FlannelDarkFame: aye, not supported here (nor is automatix, for that matter)06:05
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p5B15D27B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Art_Sorry I bothered you folks, thanks for your help.06:06
dr_willis!info unp06:06
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB06:06
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bruenig!thanks | Art_06:06
ubotuArt_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:06
=== eviL [n=Heaven@] has joined #ubuntu
Hi67Hey this is my first time using ubuntu and during the livecd install I get this: http://img512.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntunx6.jpg --- Any ideas? I've checked the cd itself on another machine and it worked fine.06:06
betamikeI'm having a strange issue with my wireless card.  I recently had to a fresh install, and now my ipw3945 is loaded instead of ipw220 (my card is a 2915ABG).  this wouldn't be a problem except it doesn't allow my wifi led to function. I've modprobed ipw2200 and everything works, how do I make sure ipw2200 is loaded a boot, not the other?06:06
bruenigis unp just a bash script, I think I could replicate it with a bash script06:06
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DarkFameFlannel, whats ultimate edition?06:07
BassettsHi67, its hard to see what that is a picture of06:07
arrrghhhDarkFame, google it, it's a hacked beta of feisty06:07
aznpridechinesewhat if that directory hasn't been created?06:07
Hi67its just a tan background with a mouse and some corrupted looing pixels in the center06:07
bruenigaznpridechinese, create it06:07
dr_willisbruenig,  not sure.. but its darn handy06:07
gregorygregxfce is cool06:07
gregorygregmore customizable than gnome06:07
BassettsHi67, what graphics card do you have06:07
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bruenigdr_willis, well check it out do "file /usr/bin/unp"06:08
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FlannelDarkFame: it's some edition that some random guy out there puts out.  Basically takes ubuntu, rolls a bunch of stuff into it preisntalled, and then releases it to the unsuspecting public.06:08
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aznpridechinesei can't, it's this weird directory for gkrellm a theme directory called .gkrellm2/themes06:08
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Hi67Gforce 7800 GT06:08
awerner32has anybody tried it06:08
dr_willisbruenig,  /usr/bin/unp: perl script text executable06:08
aznpridechineseand when i tried to create it it shows a weird type of file that i can't delete06:08
bruenigdr_willis, perl yeah same difference06:08
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dr_willisbruenig,  i perfer REXX ! :)06:09
arrrghhhcan anyone help me completely remove vmware-server?  i can't seem to reinstall it06:09
lkthomasguys, anyone try to setup ntp server ?06:09
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Flannellkthomas: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/NTP.html  I suggest ntpd over ntpdate06:10
arctanxWell for anyone who was following my rambles earlier, I think the issue was some junk left over from the binary drivers in xorg.conf, so I got my friend to regenerate a new xorg.conf using Xorg -configure, which hopefully will fix the issue.06:10
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RedimereHalp me!06:10
RedimereI broke Xorg!06:11
lkthomasthanks, let me read06:11
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betamikeanyone know how to set ipw2200 to load at boot, rather than ipw3945? my card is better supported by ipw2200, but the other is loading.06:11
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arctanxRedimere: you'd better have a better description of how it's broken than that06:11
Bassettswhat do people think would be better for my mother to make her transition to linux with, ubuntu or xubuntu?06:11
khinhi i just downloaded amarok. but when i try to play anything it says 'amarok cannot play mp3' files. ok fair enough. so i say, install support for mp3. and then it does nothing. i have the codecs for mp3 on rythmbox06:11
cleverbetamike: add one to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and the other to /etc/modules06:11
lkthomasFlannel: it does not tell me how to setup ntp server for my lan06:11
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cleverbetamike: the blacklist marks it as to not autoload06:11
cleverbetamike: the other marks it to autoload allways06:12
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arrrghhhRedimere, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:12
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betamikeclever: alright thanks.  I was looking around in the blacklist file, but wasn't sure where to add the other.  that clears it up06:12
=== mateiru [i=mateiru@CPE0090f8009a46-CM00195eefa56e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
arrrghhhRedimere, make sure you choose the right choices for your setup06:13
DarkPontiacAlrightly so i have tried all the noapic or noacpi and none of them keep the cpu fan running...06:13
mateiruhow would you compare vista to ubuntu 7.0406:13
dr_willismateiru,  vista is so... nasty its scary...06:13
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dr_willisbut thats all for #off-topic :)06:14
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arrrghhhmateiru, i wouldn't ask that question...06:14
Flannellkthomas: ntpd is a ntp server06:14
n2diymateiru: I wouldn't, haven't run winders since 95.06:14
MajorPayneRandom question.  What does that phigh option do.  man dpkg-reconfigure then /phigh returns no results.06:14
gregorygreghow can I configure my desktop so that there is alwayas a little toolbarthat displays a terminal?06:14
arrrghhhphigh auto configures the most common options06:14
DarkPontiacis there anything else i can try to fix this? My PC is a Imperial GL-VE Celeron 1.8 ghz. Cpu fan stops for no reason when booting into ubuntu06:14
cleverMajorPayne its probly -phigh06:14
dr_willisisent that -p -h -i -g -h ?06:14
arrrghhhMajorPayne, so it only asks you like 3 questions, all about your video card & resolutions06:14
arrrghhhdr_willis, no it's -phigh...06:15
mateiruapparantley vista is a resource hog, how about ubuntu with beryl on it06:15
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-75-67-197-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPaynearrrghhh: Ok.  Should it not be in the man page?06:15
cleverdr_willis i think the -p is followed by a word argument like -plow or -phigh06:15
arrrghhhMajorPayne, i have no idea06:15
Bassettswhat do people think would be better for my mother to make her transition to linux with, ubuntu or xubuntu?06:15
crimsunMajorPayne: it is. /priority06:15
khermanshow can i resolve "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend coreutils for debianutils, probably a dependency cycle."06:15
tonic-pushcartDarkPontiac: It is likely that the BIOS is using a variable cpu fan speed control. Turn this off and it will solve your problem.06:15
clever       -pvalue, --priority=value06:15
clever           Specify the minimum priority of question that will be displayed.  dpkg-reconfigure normally shows low priority questions no matter what your default priority06:15
gregorygregkubuntu looks more like windows06:15
clever           is. See debconf(7) for a list.06:15
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cleverMajorPayne: it is in the man page06:15
FlannelBassetts: probably Ubuntu or Kubuntu.  I'd suggest the former, since you get more support for it06:16
neta3How do I add the full path ("/temp/x/") of a binary file's located working directory to the enviornment.  Example, program x is run, but terminates prematurely because /temp/x/stub/file-stub file was not found in the current working directory.06:16
gregorygregubuntu has more support but kubuntu looks more like windows06:16
khermansi see the APT dependency cycle using --> aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty06:16
DarkPontiacno it is turned off. The only thing on is the Fault detection, which tells the bios if the fan goes below a certian rpm, shut down. i even tried to turn that off but no go06:16
gregorygregdoes anyone here have experiecne using xfce?06:16
Bassettsthanks Flannel, support is not such a big issue for me, I am just thinking what would be easier for her06:16
gregorygreginfo xfce06:16
gregorygreginfo krellm06:16
khermansgregorygreg, yes, try #xubuntu06:16
gregorygreg!info xfce06:16
ubotuPackage xfce does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:16
MajorPayneclever: Yea.  I see it now.  I searched for phigh exactly.  It's under pvalue or -priority.06:16
lkthomasFlannel: nono, I mean, I can't make it working06:17
FlannelBassetts: I imagine they'd both be about the same.  If she does Kubuntu, she might be overwhelmed by config stuff (although, that's unlikely).  But, neither of them would necessarilybe difficult.  Once she's familiar with either of them, she'll be fine06:17
aznpridechinesedoes anyone know how to remove a file that starts like this? .xxxx06:17
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dr_willisaznpridechinese,  use mc. or quote  the name06:17
DarkPontiacthe only thing that seems to work is having "acpi=off" on the boot line but then the internet doesn't work06:17
dr_willisrm '.xxx'06:18
Bassettsthanks Flannel I will probably stick her on ubuntu or xubuntu, former because I run it, later because I want to mess about with it06:18
aznpridechinesewhat is mc?06:18
=== willzzz [n=ubuntu@cpe-71-79-126-241.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dr_willis!info mc06:18
Gneahey everyone, when i go to apt-get install anything, i get a message about how the packages aren't signed - i can't remember the process to re-enable the package signature.06:18
aznpridechinesei'm a linux noob06:18
willzzzhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/124841 can anyone help!?06:18
dr_willisa file manager06:18
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB06:18
dr_willisworth getting/learning06:18
Flannellkthomas: Did you uncomment the broadcast thing in /etc/ntp.conf?06:18
dr_willis:) can save your backside at times06:18
Pie-rateoops accidentally ran find / -type f -execdir shred -u {} +06:18
Pie-ratefortunately i didn't do it as root and i caught it before it got to /home06:18
lkthomasFlannel: trying bcast method, wait06:18
=== slicksterr [n=slickste@c-24-19-248-118.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrrghhhcan anyone help me completely remove vmware?06:18
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-254-167-77.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrrghhhi can't reinstall it, i keep getting errors06:19
khermanscrimsun, got any tips for aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty resulting in "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend coreutils for debianutils, probably a dependency cycle."06:19
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aznpridechinesething is it doesn't even display that file in CLI06:19
lkthomasFlannel: how could I know if bcast is working ?06:19
aznpridechinesebut it displays it on my desktop06:19
dr_willisaznpridechinese,  try ls -al06:19
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dr_willis aznpridechinese  . is used to sort of 'hide' files06:20
dr_willisBash 101 :)06:20
Flannellkthomas: try it from another box?06:20
lkthomasFlannel: I am06:20
Flannellkthomas: you'll need to restart ntpd after changing the config, remember.06:20
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aznpridechinesels -al doesn't show it either06:20
=== warfaren [n=warfaren@c213-89-134-201.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
aznpridechineseplus in GUI i did a property check on it and it says the permissions of "file" could not be determined06:21
aaaaaaaaaaaaaawhich ISO I shall download and install on my Core.Duo.2.T5500 notebook? i386 or x86_64?06:21
lkthomasFlannel: well, I did as well06:21
khermansaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, x86_6406:22
lkthomas 9 Jul 20:20:36 ntpd[24075] : synchronized to, stratum 406:22
lkthomas 9 Jul 12:21:54 ntpd[24075] : time reset -28721.494814 s06:22
lkthomas 9 Jul 12:21:54 ntpd[24075] : kernel time sync enabled 000106:22
bruenigthere is no reason to install x86_6406:22
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaT5500 is not 64bit CPU?06:22
khermansaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, if you are a n00b, go with i38606:22
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bruenigaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, reverse compatible it is06:22
khermansbruenig, corrected yourself you have06:22
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ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:23
bruenigI didn't intend inverse structure, I just didn't want to arrow over and insert06:23
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:23
=== akros [n=xenos@pool-72-82-22-115.prvdri.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:23
Redimerehe's  a nice bot.06:23
brueniggood he didn't say gtfo06:23
einar_ hallo06:24
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:24
akroswhat the hell does 'jfgi' stand for?06:24
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DShepherdakros, google?06:24
=== nuke_ [n=fdsfs@87-194-105-148.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
khermansis it possible to use a computer without the internet?06:25
DShepherdkhermans, the last time i checked it was06:25
arrrghhhDShepherd, that's a double whammy06:25
novato_brdudes driver nvidia for 6150 , what is the driver name ?06:25
bruenigso we can do !gfto | person to fire off the language warning06:25
arrrghhhoops sorry06:25
khermansnovato_br, nvidia06:25
=== pyrotix_ [n=pyrotix@bas12-toronto12-1128739317.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
einar_talar einhver slenzku hr?06:26
pyrotix_making an html document in quanta: table is being rendered at the middle of a page as opposed to the top. How do I move it to the top, or what channel would I go to have a better chance of getting an answer?06:26
novato_bryep, khermans06:26
arrrghhhcan someone help me reinstall vmware-server?06:26
khermansarrrghhh, use the commercial repository06:26
novato_bri want  driver to nvidia card06:26
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arrrghhhkhermans, que?06:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:26
novato_brmy nvidia card is geforce 615006:26
khermansnovato_br, nvidia-glx or friends06:26
sylvisjok, seriously need some nvidia help06:26
arrrghhhkhermans, the installer keeps halting on me06:26
=== Dalgren [n=whoknows@adsl-76-213-113-85.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
novato_bri dunno about this, khermans06:26
sylvisjDunno what happened, but I need to clean the drivers and reinstall06:26
novato_brbut card is onboard06:26
sylvisjsomething is royally fubared06:26
khermansarrrghhh, the commercial repository/06:27
=== Redimere [n=XNETSplo@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Gneahey everyone, when i go to apt-get install anything, i get a message about how the packages aren't signed - i can't remember the process to re-enable the package signature. something like  gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 2D230C5F ; gpg --export 084750FC01A6D388A643D869010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add - ?06:27
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: What is the problem?06:27
sylvisjwell, X fails to start with an nvidia driver error, one sec and I'll have it for you06:27
arrrghhhkhermans, how do you setup the commercial repo?06:27
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aznpridechinesehow do i undo something i removed in CLI?06:28
sylvisjunable to load the nvidia glx module06:28
sylvisjand failed to initialize the kernel module06:28
greg0rygregwhat is the actual command to run the terminal?06:28
darwin81I'm want to set up a Xubuntu install. I want to use a 10GB drive as the "/" partition and two other drives as one big partition for "/home". How can I do this?06:28
khermansarrrghhh, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-from-canonical-commercial-repository-in-ubuntu-feisty.html06:28
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aznpridechineserm -rf file06:28
=== B1zz [n=cgomez@cpe-76-166-102-141.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aznpridechineseit's a file that starts with x06:29
Dalgrenwhere and how do I get to System Log files to delete them?06:29
aznpridechinesewith . i meant06:29
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: so you are in x with vesa or nv driver at the moment06:29
khermansdarwin81, #xubunut06:29
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khermansdarwin81, #xubuntu06:29
dr_willisaznpridechinese,  if you used 'rm' thers no easy way to undelete  somthing06:29
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: I'm on irssi in a console06:29
NutubuntuHow do I know which Nvidia driver I should be using -- "nvidia" or "nvidia-glx" ? I have a 6150 onboard video06:29
n2diyDalgren: /var/logs06:29
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aznpridechinesethen what is the uneasy way?06:29
dr_willisaznpridechinese,  may not even be doable.06:29
khermans!nvidia | Nutubuntu06:29
ubotuNutubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:29
Dalgrenenter that where, n2diy?06:29
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: is the nvidia module loading?  as in modprobe nvidia06:30
sylvisjaznpridechinese: uhm, you're gonna need some serious disk recovery tools06:30
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: yes'06:30
Nutubuntut/y khermans - I'll read that :)06:30
Jack_Sparrowdarwin81: Are you trying to use two different physical drives for home?06:30
n2diyDalgren: That is the path to your logs.06:30
darwin81khermans, there's not many people in #xubuntu and the partitioning doesn06:30
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darwin81change if you use different WM06:30
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novato_brmy video card is geforce 6150, it is legacy ?06:30
khermansdarwin81, ok are you having an issue with partitioning?06:30
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: and nvidia-glx is also installed   -- just covering the bases first06:30
dr_willisnovato_br,  nvidia-glx should work.06:31
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: it should have been, the installer doesn't seem to have done it right06:31
khermansnovato_br, it is listed in that link i sent you06:31
khermansnovato_br, you have to look it up06:31
sylvisjand I just modprobe -r'd the nvidia module and tried remodprobing it, said it couldn't be found06:31
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dr_willisnovato_br,  the !nvidia wiki page details what cards are used by what drivers06:31
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FruitLoophi. does anyone know why aMSN tells me I am firewalled in UbuntuStudio, but not firewalled in Ubuntu 6.10? Im running the same aMSN in both edgy and studio.... Any clue?06:31
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khermansFruitLoop, maybe because you have the firewall on?06:32
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: and you ahve tried reinstalling nvidia-glx etc...06:32
GneaWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  <--- how can i fix this?06:32
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sylvisjtonic-pushcart: , yes06:32
khermansFruitLoop, another possiblity is uPNP06:32
sloter'An error occurred in the io-library ('Bad parameters')' with gthumb anytime i try to import picts, it was working well before... ?06:32
khermansGnarlyBob, aptitude update ;;; get gpg keys ;;; aptitude update06:33
FruitLoopkhemmans: even with the firewall completed disabled it still reports that I am firewalled in Studio.06:33
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: is there anything else in the error for loading nvidia-glx06:33
B1zzI am having problems with msnre, its telling me invalid version responce.  Any clue?06:33
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: , not really06:33
Hi67Any ideas what to do next? When using the live CD it comes to this: http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntu2zk8.jpg (I'm using an Athlon 64 X2 and a GeForce 7800 GT)06:33
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: unusual06:33
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: I'm well aware of this ;)06:34
FruitLoopI have the necesary ports open for aMSN to work, and aMSN works perfectly in 6.10, but in Studio it refuses to believe the ports are open and says I am firewalled. Its crazy.06:34
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brunnerI just installed ubuntu and I'm having a problem with my wireless card.  My laptop sees my wireless network, but won't connect to it.  However, on the same card in windows, it works great, as it is now.06:34
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tonic-pushcartsylvisj: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep nvidia06:34
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arrrghhhhow do i copy FROM xterm?06:35
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TokenBadI friend did an update in ubuntu that was said was needed...now his gnome will not work06:36
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bruenigarrrghhh, shift + arrows + ctrl shift c06:36
sylvisjfailed to initialize glx module, failed to initialize kernel module06:36
n2diyarrrghhh: highlight the text, then pull down edit>copy06:36
TokenBadgets error failed to load module wacom module requirement mismatch06:36
aznpridechinesewhy is it even though i removed the file it still displays it in my desktop?06:36
TokenBadbut wacom is installed06:36
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: anything more informative with    cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i nvidia06:37
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FruitLoopyeah.. my gnome wouldnt work neither... I had to sack him. He kept letting the neighbours cats crap all over the rose beds too.06:37
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arrrghhhok neither of those suggestions worked...06:37
sylvisjNot really06:37
sylvisjI'm relatively sure the kernel module doesn't exist06:38
arrrghhhanyone actually copied anything from xterm?  lol06:38
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tonic-pushcartsylvisj: have you had it running using the nvidia driver before?06:38
artabrahaoanyone know a simple email program that supports email account from isp to send email?06:38
khermansartabrahao, mutt ?06:38
sylvisjtonic-pushcart: yes, yesterday06:38
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Typwnartabrahao: thunderBird?06:38
n2diyarrrghhh: highlight the text, then pull down edit>copy, and click on copy. I do it all the time, and it works fine.06:38
sylvisjI have absolutely no idea what broke it06:38
FruitLoopdont all email programs do that?06:38
dr_willisaznpridechinese,  hit f5 to refresh perhaps...06:38
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aznpridechineseahhh cool it's gone! thanks06:39
arrrghhhn2diy, "pull down edit>copy" - there's a problem with that... what do you mean 'pull down'?  there's no right click...06:39
khermansartabrahao, netcat ?06:39
artabrahao<Typwn>  not the client, but the server, I'm using sendmail, but is too hard to configure the relay to isp06:39
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khermansartabrahao, you want postfix06:39
TypwnI'm trying to get my screen refresh to get to 75, but it's being stubborn. I have an NVidia 7900GTX (Two actually) with the latest drivers.06:39
n2diyarrrghhh: edit, the drop down menu box.06:39
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tonic-pushcartsylvisj: and if you do is there a line in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf that specifies the pci bus or something like that for the card?06:39
arrrghhhn2diy, are we using the same xterm?06:40
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brunnerhi all06:40
sylvisjI'm tellin ya man, it's driver files-related06:40
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arrrghhhn2diy... i don't have 'edit' or any drop down menu boxes... it's just a command line emulator06:40
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tonic-pushcartsylvisj: this is the template for the line    BusID       "PCI:2:0:0"06:40
aznpridechinesedr_willis, for some reason i can't tar anything to the directory that has . infront of it even when i use sudo?06:40
brunnerso I installed ubuntu, and my wireless card worked great earlier, but now it won't connect.  however, it still works great in windows. does anyone know what could cause this?06:40
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n2diyarrrghhh: ahh, apparently not, I'm using gnome-terminal, I thought they all were rather generic, obviously not, sorry.06:41
ajax4Hey guys...I'm having some problems with my partitions being assigned different device names (sda, sdb, sdc) when I boot up. None of these devices have UUID's, they are referred to by the old style. Do you think this is the problem?06:41
sylvisjIt's PCI:3:0:0 which is correct, but otherwise yes06:41
tonic-pushcartsylvisj: first try disabling that line    it causes all sorts of problems06:41
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sylvisjok, still brb06:41
sylvisjthe problem is there is no kernel module to load06:41
sylvisjmodprobe wont' load it06:41
arrrghhhn2diy, yea run xterm, they're vastly different06:41
sylvisjlsmod | grep nv doesn't show it06:41
mcrawforajax4: I used to have that problem with usb drives...06:41
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tonic-pushcartsylvisj: ah well, I thought... nevermind  fair nough06:42
=== Daycrawler [n=joshua@ip68-106-4-253.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcrawforajax4: I made explicit udev entries for them and they stuck06:42
DaycrawlerAlright. I need some help.06:42
mcrawforajax4: not sure if that applies to your situation06:42
DaycrawlerI'm running version 5.10 of Ubuntu06:42
brunnerit still sees this networks, but it won't connect to it06:42
ajax4mcrawfor: Hmm...none of these are USB devices, though. It might still apply?06:42
DaycrawlerI'm downloading 7.04 but, I need an .iso burner.06:42
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Daycrawlerk3b won't install06:42
DaycrawlerAny other suggestions?06:42
brunnerI give up, I'm going to try again06:43
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: right click write to disk06:43
mcrawforajax4: the same trick might be useful.  the usb devices are /dev/sd* too...06:43
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DaycrawlerWhen it's downloaded to my desktop Jack_sparrow?06:43
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ajax4mcrawfor: How exactly do I do it?06:43
artabrahao<khermans> thanks06:43
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: Yes, right click iso and you have option to write to disk06:43
mcrawforajax4: google for udev howto or udev tutorial - you'll just be adding one line to a udev conf file06:43
mcrawforajax4: i can't remember precisely06:43
DaycrawlerI dont need any other special hardware?06:44
khermansartabrahao, i dont even know what i did, but you're welcome06:44
arrrghhhkhermans, i followed the commercial repo directions06:44
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: I assume you have a cd burner06:44
arrrghhhbut it didn't work...06:44
TypwnI'm trying to get my screen refresh to get to 75, but it's being stubborn. I have an NVidia 7900GTX (Two actually) with the latest drivers.06:44
ajax4mcrawfor: Ok, I'll try that.06:44
khermansarrrghhh, it will work, i am using it right now!06:44
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ajax4mcrawfor: Thanks.06:44
Daycrawleryes  I do.06:44
DaycrawlerDoes that only work with .iso or all files?06:44
ajax4Anyone else have any info on using the new UUID in fstab?06:44
mcrawforajax4: the basic process is: looking in /sys for some identifying info about the devices and then adding a line that maps that info to a device node06:44
mcrawforajax4: good luck06:44
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: I have only done it with iso06:44
arrrghhhkhermans, well i was using it... and i uninstalled it to setup hamachi & what not... long story short i had to remove it and now i want it back06:45
DaycrawlerEven on my version when it's soo old?06:45
ajax4mcrawfor: Thanks, I'll read up on it :)06:45
DaycrawlerI'm running 5.10.06:45
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arrrghhhkhermans, so now i have this vmware that can't be reinstalled... it keeps erroring out06:45
lkthomasguys, does rsync also sync the file permission ?06:45
khermansajax4, you can just use the old /dev style if you like06:45
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n2diyarrrghhh: yes, I see, they are very different. Try highlighting the text, then CTRL+ left mouse click, log to file?06:45
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Daycrawlerthats the only thing I'm worried about Jack_sparrow is that my version is so hold and I wonder if it will still wor06:45
ajax4khermans: Well, the problem I am having is that my drives get different device names when I boot up. So sometimes my root is on hda, other times hdc, etc. It's causing errors regularly when I boot up.06:46
cafuegoajax4: Slightly easier than using /sys is running `blkid /dev/sdXX'06:46
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: Try making a text file with the extension.iso06:46
GneaDoes anyone know how to update the public keyring for ubuntu? whenever i go to install a package, i get the following warning message: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!06:46
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Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: NOt sure if that feature goes that far back06:46
FruitLoopAny ideas on the firewall problem I mentioned?06:46
Gneaubuntu-keyring is already installed and up to date06:46
arrrghhhkhermans, can you look at this pastebin?06:46
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=== cafuego eyeballs Gnea
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Gneacafuego: so what's the solution?06:47
khermansarrrghhh, ye06:47
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cactaurDaycrawler: Jack_Sparrow's method should work on 5.10.06:47
FruitLoopis there some other firewall setting hidden in UbuntuStudio that I don't kinow about which is causing aMSN to think I am firewalled?06:47
cafuegoGnea: I'm just eyeballing, not attempting to help.06:47
khermansajax4, so generate the UUID and use that06:47
Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: MAking a text.iso wont work06:48
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ajax4khermans: I don't know anything about UUIDs at all, where can I get some info on how to do that?06:48
DarkFameGnarlyBob, sudo apt-key update06:48
DarkFameGnea, sudo apt-key update06:48
DarkFameGnarlyBob, sorry.. wrong nick.06:48
arrrghhhkhermans, thanks - http://rafb.net/p/s4DvN382.html06:48
GneaDarkFame: negative.06:49
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cafuegoajax4: Most likely all partitions already have a UUID, just look it up with the blkid tool and adjust entries in /etc/stab as required.06:49
Gneaoh wait06:49
GneaDarkFame: nevermind, thanks :)06:49
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cafuegoajax4: So say /dev/hdc1 would become UUID=xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx06:49
khermansajax4, sudo vol_id -u device06:49
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mcrawforcafuego: blkid /dev/hda gives no output for me...06:50
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Jack_SparrowDaycrawler: Good luck.. time for bed...06:50
ajax4cafuego: That's the thing....my root and home partitions have UUIDs, but I have since added a few other drives that do not.06:50
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aaanonewould anyone mind checking to see if /etc/bashrc is a file that exists by default for me?06:50
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ProN00bajax4, afaik, you can add uuid's to them06:50
aznpridechinesehow do i obtain permission to extract files to a folder beginning with .? i could do it in kde without any special process but now i'm using gnome and can't do it06:51
khermansarrrghhh, sudp aptitude purge vmware-server06:51
mcrawforaaanone: /etc/bash.bashrc exists for me06:51
khermansarrrghhh, then rinstall06:51
DarkFameaaanone, it's /etc/bash.bashrc06:51
arrrghhhaaanone, i have bash.bashrc06:51
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ajax4ProN00b: What program do I run to find the UUIDs for devices that don't have them listed by blkid?06:51
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n2diyDarkFame: Ls finds it here.06:52
mcrawforajax4: are you giving the name of the device or the partition?06:52
mcrawforajax4: you need to say blkid /dev/hda106:52
bruenigajax4, /dev/disk/by-uuid or something like is where they are stored06:52
mcrawforajax4: not (as I just did) blkid /dev/hda06:52
FruitLoopthis sux. aMSN is too stupid to see I'm not firewalled and GAIM has no webcam support.06:52
khermansajax4, i sent you the command already06:52
bruenigI don't know how blkid works, seems like you could write blkid in like 4 lines in bash by just finding what those files link to06:52
mcrawforbruenig: it seems to do other things as well06:53
ProN00bare those disks you have in /etc/fstab ?06:53
cafuegoajax4: If they don't have a blkid and are either ext2 or ext3, you can set a uuid via 'tune2fs -U random /dev/hdXY'06:53
arrrghhhkhermans, is there any major differences between aptitude and apt-get? i've just always used apt-get06:53
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:53
bruenigmcrawfor, what is blkid, file /usr/bin/blkid06:53
DarkFamearrrghhh, it's just a frontend06:53
arrrghhhDarkFame, aptitude is a front end for apt-get?06:54
cafuegoajax4: or you can specify the uuid you want, instead og 'random'.06:54
DarkFamearrrghhh, yep06:54
khermansarrrghhh, yeah aptitude is preferred06:54
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bruenigaptitude is not preferred06:54
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khermansarrrghhh, imho it is06:54
DarkFamearrrghhh, it uses apt-get in the background.06:54
bruenigkhermans, and what do you base this ho on06:54
arrrghhhwonder why i couldn't get it cleared with apt-get06:54
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khermansbruenig, years of usage06:55
=== EdenisT [n=edenist@C-59-101-130-106.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyI prefer synaptic.06:55
bruenigkhermans, what though06:55
arrrghhhbut that seemed to do the trick khermans06:55
bruenigkhermans, there must be some reason06:55
arrrghhhn2diy, synaptic is nice... but you can't fix stuff with it very easily if at all06:55
khermansbruenig, failed upgrades using apt-get06:55
ajax4Okay, guys I think I got it! Thanks for your help!06:55
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bruenigkhermans, did you then recreate your system and do the upgrades with aptitude06:55
khermansarrrghhh, no prob dude, glad it worked06:56
n2diyarrrghhh: re-install has worked for me more than once.06:56
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
khermansbruenig, yes, in vmware06:56
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arrrghhhkhermans, yea thanks man i'll keep that in mind... worked like a charm!06:56
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bruenigkhermans, seriously though, you can't compare them if you don't do the both on the exact system06:56
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xoRockyellow, what is the best download manager for ubuntu??06:56
khermansbruenig, i just told you i did06:56
bruenigkhermans, I don't believe you06:56
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khermansbruenig, alright dude06:57
artabrahaohi, How can I see the actual syslog?06:57
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bruenigkhermans, there is no way you would recreate your exact system with the exact same files and configuration in the vm, in fact I don't think such a thing would even be possible as hardware would be different since it is emulated, it would be a total waste of time06:57
DarkFameartabrahao, less /var/log/syslog06:57
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khermansbruenig, yes it would, have you heard of snapshots?06:57
arrrghhhbruenig, so it's a trivial argument in the first place, no?06:58
khermansbruenig, i have designed large systems around the VMware VIX API06:58
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khermansbruenig, aptitude is superior06:58
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bruenigarrrghhh, when dumbasses come in here and keep talking about aptitude it is a bit bothersome because then the new people come in with misinformation and repeat it just like they do06:58
mcrawforaptitude looks cooler for searching and browsing for sure06:58
khermansi have had many failed attempts using apt-get over aptitude06:58
khermansmcrawfor, you dont have to use the curses06:59
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khermansbruenig, i am not a dumbass06:59
mcrawforkhermans: yeah, I was jsut gonna say it'd be cool if it had one-liner installs like apt-get06:59
drthunderfor no reason, apache on my local machine says I can't access the files anymore06:59
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arrrghhhafter reading about aptitude vs apt-get i'd rather use aptitude06:59
Nutubuntubruenig,  what is the misinformation you're referring to?06:59
khermansmcrawfor, it does06:59
n2diybruenig: that's the second time you've made that statement tonight, is it a file?06:59
drthunderbut when I change the permissions, i still can't read them06:59
arrrghhhit removes dependency packages that apt-get doesn't06:59
khermansbruenig, you have no idea who i am06:59
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bruenigNutubuntu, the aptitude nonsense that you still hear over and over again from the group of newbs who were indoctrinated before spreading it to this group who will undoubtedly spread it to the next group and they will all think they have some sort of tip that they don't07:00
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khermansbruenig, and who are you?07:00
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khermansbruenig, you are an apt developer?07:01
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mcrawfora troll, looks like...07:01
mcrawforcomplaints with no substance07:01
Nutubuntubruenig,  sorry, but I don't know what nonsense you mean ... I'm not trying to antagonize, I just want to know what you're referring to ... so I don't misunderstand or misinform ...07:01
n2diyno bruenig has put in his dues here.07:01
bruenigkhermans, you give one thing upgrades which are completely unsubstantiated and impossible to replicate07:01
khermansno use arguing07:01
bruenigwith both07:01
arrrghhhit's better than spreading automatix bs07:01
mcrawforn2diy: good to know07:02
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khermansbruenig, i just told you they were substantiated07:02
mcrawforthough I still don't see the trouble07:02
khermansbruenig, i did this a few times07:02
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khermansin vwmare, take snapshot, apt-get dist-upgrade, revert, aptitude dist-upgrade07:02
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khermansaptitude did not fail..07:03
bruenigkhermans, there is no technical reason why there would be any problem there07:03
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bruenigI don't think they were replicated, I don't think you wasted your time doing something so pointless07:03
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bruenigAnyone can say stuff, I can say I did it too and apt-get worked07:03
onexusedstupid question: anyone know a quick link where I can find a black-and-white of Tux?  My google searches turn up only color images.07:04
onexusedpicture of Tux*07:04
cactaurbruenig: Who cares? Is it really that horrible that some people use aptitude and others use apt-get?07:04
mcrawforonexused: get color, gimp it to b&w?07:04
arrrghhhall i know is apt-get wouldn't fix vmware and aptitude did right away07:04
MrGlassonexused: yeah, that would be my advice as well; can't ever remember seeing a b&w meself07:04
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bruenigcactaur, when one values truth, misinformation is bad, to hear that nonsense echoed over and over again by people who have no idea what they are talking about yes is bad07:05
onexusedmcrawfor: that make it greyscale, wouldn't it?  I want 1-bit.07:05
mcrawforonexused: you can make gimp give you 1-bit.07:05
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onexusedMrGlass: I found one before and printed it, but didn't save it.  My scanner doesn't work right now.07:05
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astro76onexused, http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/07:05
mcrawforor that ;)07:06
onexusedmcrawfor: I'll have to try that.  I didn't know07:06
n2diybruenig: can you offer anything but an opinion on this?07:06
MrGlassonexused: huh, well gl finding it again:)07:06
onexusedastro76: thanks much07:06
bruenign2diy, I don't say either one is better, when someone makes the claim that aptitude is better, ask them why, almost always they will tell you something that is flat out wrong that they heard someone else say07:06
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bruenign2diy, something about dependency removal or some other nonsense07:06
Montaroonexused: http://exetel-gw.ipv4.montarotech.net/tux-bnw.jpg07:06
Montaroonexused: just a quick gimp job lol07:07
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mcrawforbruenig: i'd be willing to bet that apt-get works sometimes and aptitutde others - might as well try both if you're stuck07:07
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levanderOne thing I've been worried about with apt-get vs. aptitude, is that I switched to aptitude before apt-get started supporting orphan tracking.  Now that apt-get supports orphan tracking, I'm wondering if apt-get with use aptitude's orphan tracking data.  Or, do I have to migrate from apt-get to aptitude?07:07
onexusedMontaro: thanks.  I found astro76's link to be what I want, though.07:07
Nutubuntubruenig,  I watched aptitude do what you just mentioned, this afternoon. How is it nonsense? I don't understand at all.07:07
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bruenigmcrawfor, as a fundamental rule though you can't categorically say yeah aptitude is the best07:07
bruenigNutubuntu, they both do it07:07
n2diybruenig: roger that, we all have opinions, and without proof, that is all they are. I like synaptic, it works for me, so far.07:07
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mcrawforbruenig: I wouldn't dare!07:08
mcrawforbruenig: I'd rather argue of vi/emacs07:08
NutubuntuAh! t/y bruenig, now I understand :)07:08
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bruenigmcrawfor, but that is what they do and it bugs me07:08
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n2diymcrawfor: OOOKKKKAAAAyYY!!!!07:08
bruenigI only refute I never project one to be better than the other07:08
slicksterrso what is everyone's favorite utility program on ubuntu? im trying to get an idea of what to load up on this new installation.07:08
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levanderwyggler2: You're still on mindspring too?  Not many of us left.07:08
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mcrawforslicksterr: to do what?07:09
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slicksterrpick something.07:09
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wyggler2yup. been here for a long time.07:09
levanderslicksterr: Pretty much to start with, the same stuff you'd run on Windows.  Firefox, Thunderbird, I use Rythmbox as a jukebox.07:09
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bruenigslicksterr, I prefer the terminal07:09
bruenigthat is a good utility for terminal emulation07:09
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n2diyslicksterr: units, kstars, kppp, um...07:09
hende07does anyone know of a good burning program that converts and burns to regular dvd format i tried devede and it didnt work07:09
levanderwyggler2: You gotta be to still be on mindspring.07:09
Nutubuntuslicksterr,  vfu, screen07:09
brunnermy new install of ubuntu no longer properly obtains DHCP leases as of the last upgrade. this was a new install and worked fine earlier today before the upgrade. does anyone know what could have changed?07:10
ghostxhende07, k3b07:10
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mcrawforbruenig: wireless?07:10
mcrawforbruenig: sorry07:10
slicksterrwell, im new to the linux world. i've never touched it before in my life.  i have absolutely no idea what to do...practically anything. so im trying to get an idea of what i should do with this thing.07:10
kuoleihow can i star 3ddesktop07:10
mcrawforbrunner: wireless?07:10
brunnermcrawfor: wireless and otherwise. dhclient works fine.07:10
bruenigdhclient works but you can't get dhcp leases?07:10
novato_brhi, how can I get remove this driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9639-pkg1.run from my PC ?07:10
levanderhende07: When I started having trouble burning CD's, I found out it wasn't just the applications I was trying.  It was Linux's driver that spoke to the CD driver, that they were all using.  Just something to keep in mind if you start trying other ones.07:11
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bruenignovato_br, delete it07:11
n2diyslicksterr: k3b, audacity, mc (midnight commander),  umm...07:11
slicksterrsomeone in here was talking about how to get a broadcom wireless card to work. what was the driver that ya'll were sayin to use?07:11
mcrawforbrunner: hm.  I had some wireless communication problems with fiesty, had to use an older kernel, but not sure if it goes to wired too07:11
novato_brhow is it, bruenig ?07:11
novato_bri got installed it07:11
bruenignovato_br, oh you mean the thing that that installs07:11
mcrawforanyone else loose wireless support for prism54g with fiesty? Damn, that was irritating07:11
hende07well i tried brasero and devede and the preview had alot of feedback07:11
novato_brit was installed on my pc07:11
khermansbruenig, i want to you take a look at the aptitude source code, particularly, aptitude_resolver.cc and friends07:11
brunnermcrawfor: thanks, I'll try reverting to the old kernel07:11
novato_bryep, bruenig07:11
khermansbruenig, then you can try to dispell my claims07:11
brunnerany other ideas before I ditch out?07:11
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novato_brthis drivers is not right for my video card07:12
bruenigkhermans, your claims aren't substantiated, they are built on a preposterous claim07:12
mcrawforbrunner: i just chose an older one in the boot menu, btw07:12
novato_brhow can I get uninstall them ?07:12
DarkFamekhermans, what's with the aptitude source?07:12
levanderslicksterr: If you don't know what to do with it, just use it like your old Windows box.  Do the same stuff, you'll discover stuff eventually.07:12
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novato_br!uninstall drivers07:12
brunnermcrawfor: yeah, that's what I was planning on doing07:12
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khaije1bbdo ya'll think ubuntu will still be gaining steam in 5 years time, or wil it have been replaced by another popular distro?07:12
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khermansDarkFame, bruenig is being annoying and telling me that i am lying, but he has never even investiagted the source himself07:12
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slicksterri just need to know what wireless driver people are using for a broadcom wireless card. i saw it in here earlier but i cant remember the name of it07:13
brunnermcrawfor: I'm not sure what to do if that fixes it, though. would the next round of kernel upgrades fix it for good, or do I use my old kernel forever?07:13
khermansbruenig, i have seen the differences in a vmware controlld environemtn07:13
DarkFamekhermans, but what is it with the source?07:13
mcrawforkhaije1bb: impossible to say! that's what's so awesome about free software07:13
slicksterrit was "bcm43xx(somethin)"07:13
bruenigkhermans, I have, in fact I have submitted patches upstream for aptitude because it is so bad07:13
bruenigin my virtual machine though07:13
n2diykhaije1bb: my crystal ball is broken.07:13
khermansbruenig, what is so bad?07:13
mcrawforkhaije1bb: if something better comes along, yay! if ubuntu stays good, yay!07:13
cactaurkhaije1bb: judging that you're asking on #ubuntu, most people might answer in favor of ubuntu. But the most accurate answer would be "Who knows?"07:13
bruenigkhermans, the stuff I patched, check it out07:13
mcrawforbrunner: the next upgrades might do it, yeah.07:14
wyggler2levander: ten years today.  will probably get one of those happy anniversary emails.07:14
bruenigI demanded my stuff be put in MIT though, they didn't want that07:14
levanderkhaije1bb: Gaining steam.  Ubuntu is the only distro that has a release schedule that makes sense for users (e.g., not developer-centric, but user-centric) and it's built on top of the massive debian package repositories.07:14
brunneralright, I'm out then. thank you so much for your help!07:14
mcrawforbrunner: but until then you can edit the default kernel in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:14
bruenigso I let them put it in GPL07:14
khermansbruenig, i told you that in vmware aptitude resolved my dist-upgrade without errors in attepts where apt-get did not07:14
mcrawforand test the new ones manually until they work07:14
bruenigkhermans, I know and I am telling you I submit patches to aptitude source code07:14
DarkFamelevander, there is also a strong CEO and company behind Ubuntu.07:14
mcrawforkhermans: let it go ;)07:14
brunnermcrawfor: wonderful07:14
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bruenigkhermans, in my virtual machine that runs minix07:14
SqualishAnyone know how Dell sets up their ubuntu installs, partition-wise? I'm a win-techy finally installing it for the first time on a Dell box for dual boot, but they have a primary restore partition and a utility partition in addition to the WinXP partition, leaving me with the options of 1) of making a 4th primary partition and running everything off /, 2) trying to boot from a logical partition, 3) nuking the dell utility partition07:14
Squalishor 4) perhaps making the dell utility partition into a logical one07:15
levanderDarkFame: Yeah, people seem to like Shuttleworth, I just don't much about him.  I just know about Ubuntu.07:15
bruenigSqualish, logical07:15
bruenigSqualish, 207:15
=== khermans sighs :-/
DarkFamelevander, he knows how to do it and he has the money to do it.07:15
SqualishIs that much more complicated than booting from a primary?07:15
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levanderDarkFame: what makes you say this?07:15
bruenigSqualish, linux doesn't care if it is logical or primary, there is no difference07:15
mcrawforkhermans: it is sad, huh?07:16
=== mcrawfor shrugs
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r0b-how do i get a cloaked ip here07:16
unitheorylinux is pretty logical07:16
slicksterranyone? broadcom wireless card driver?07:16
khaije1bbubuntu has done almost everything right imo, and are making good decisions going forward (the umpc version for example) plus its riding a rising limux wave. I think it can stay on top. Though in 5 years the definition of "distro" might be a little different :-)07:16
levanderSqualish: you can resize partitions if you need more space with parted.07:16
n2diyr0b, join Ubuntu.07:17
r0b-im here07:17
mcrawfordude, acpi is so bad at estimating my battery life07:17
n2diyr0b, join Ubuntu, online through Ubuntu.com.07:17
=== TaJMoX [n=TaJMoX@unaffiliated/tajmox] has joined #ubuntu
mcrawforit tells me I have 5 mins left *over half an hour* before my laptop shuts itself off07:17
DarkFamekhaije1bb, I think there are too many distros out there for it's own good.. too many flavours to pick from. too many trying to reinvent the wheel.07:17
=== Fireflock [n=Myles@h-68-167-2-84.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Squalishusing the gnome disk manager (though it isn't perfect, made chkdisk tell me the disk was dirty), which worked07:17
TaJMoXSomeone please tell me the command to run the remote desktop config gui thingy?07:17
levanderr0b-: lol @ i'm here07:18
TaJMoXIt's not showing up in xfce but Im running regular ubuntu07:18
DarkFameSqualish, do you actually believe chkdsk?07:18
r0b-i want a cloaked IP07:18
TaJMoXso just the command to run the config for the remote desktop07:18
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n2diyr0b, join Ubuntu, online through Ubuntu.com.07:18
Squalish:) occasionally07:18
mcrawforDarkFame: naw, people have cool ideas that way.  Long live stupid little distributions Ill never have to use!07:18
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TaJMoXfor example can someone go into the menu editor and see what the command is for the remote dekstop07:18
Squalishchkdsk doesn't indicate breakage, just nastiness that can be worked through07:19
mcrawforTaJMoX: rdesktop07:19
TaJMoXthn kas07:19
mcrawforTaJMoX: i think you can right click and see properties07:19
TaJMoXmcrawfor: its not in my menu07:19
SqualishI have corrupt files and directories that chkdsk doesn't know or care about, that can't be deleted, on my main box07:19
mcrawforTaJMoX: ah07:19
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TaJMoXmcrawfor: no i want the gui config thing - like in system preferences07:19
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DarkFameSqualish, which OS are you running on that box?07:19
mcrawforTaJMoX: at the command line, you can run 'apropos remote desktop'07:19
mcrawforand it'll give you a list of commands that relate to those terms07:20
mcrawforgood way to find the right command line tool07:20
SqualishBut it will tell me if I screwed something up by doing max-load disk writing when the box crashes, and usually fix it to some reasonable degree of fixed (without saving the file)07:20
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mcrawforTaJMoX: hmm, maybe they took it out of the menu when they made it a toolbar widget07:21
TaJMoXmcrawfor: ah its not in there- can you just look in the menu for me ?07:21
mcrawforif you use the "Add to toolbar" thing you might be able to locate it07:21
TaJMoXoh well i know its in gnome - i guess i'll just logout07:21
TaJMoXweird i dont see remote desktop as a gnome applet07:22
mcrawforTaJMoX: looks like it's tsclient07:22
xoRockyellow, what is the best download manager for ubuntu??07:22
mcrawforterminal server client07:22
TaJMoXmcrawfor: no i mean the server07:22
mcrawforoh for heavens sake! ;)07:22
mcrawfori can't get this one right ;)07:22
n2diyon no, here we go again. :)07:22
TaJMoXthe vnc server - has a nice gui in System->preferences->Remote Desktop07:22
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
cchanceHow well is the Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter supported by Ubuntu 7.04? Vista has problems with my graphics card every once in a wile the screen goes crazy so on that note also how well is the ATI 1100 Card supported?   Note: This is all laptop07:23
TaJMoXxoRock: i like d4x07:23
SqualishA question, regarding what I'm using my secondary box for - how economical is GNOME / KDE / Win2Kpro with memory, for running a given Firefox window with, say, 150 tabs? Mostly the same?07:23
mcrawforTaJMoX: okay07:23
xoRockwhat is the best download manager for ubuntu??07:23
mcrawforTaJMoX: vino-preferences07:23
TaJMoXmcrawfor: thats it!  thakns =] 07:23
mcrawforTaJMoX: vino??!07:23
=== tiaka [i=user@243.subnet215.astinet.telkom.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
mcrawforwth is that?07:23
slavikvino = wine in latin, no?07:24
xoRockdownloader for x?07:24
n2diyxoRock: your ten minutes late, we just had a discussion on that. I prefer synaptic, others don't.07:24
mcrawforslavik: agreed, but why call the vnc preferences that...07:24
mcrawforxoRock: what are you downloading?07:25
slavikmcrawfor: because the drank lots of vino when they coded that?07:25
mcrawforslavik: well, all right then07:25
=== hero zZz
n2diyxoRock: and, how fast is your interenet connection?07:25
tiakawho is ubuntu Support here..07:26
xoRockfrom web07:26
khermansbruenig, how can i do this with apt-get ? --> aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty .. i am interetsed inyour expertise07:26
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n2diytiaka: nobody, and everybody.07:26
xoRock7 kb/sec07:26
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cactaurkhermans: Please, not again.07:26
=== megatill [n=megatill@p5081CD83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzootiaka: this is a volunteer chan07:26
xoRocksomething like getright, downoad accel07:26
n2diyxoRock: sounds like dial up?07:26
khermansno its a serious quesiton, i am having an APT cycle issue07:26
khermanssee back in logs, i cant figure it out07:27
khermanscactaur, if you know plz help also07:27
xoRockn2diy,  yes07:27
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FDC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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khermanswhere did he go...07:27
n2diyxoRock: and you were asked what you wanted to DL?07:27
drthunderi have a web directory on my local machine07:27
drthunderand all of the sudden, its forbidden07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atheros - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
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drthunderi'm using apache07:28
xoRockTaJMoX, D4x = downloader for x?07:28
TaJMoXxored`off: yes07:28
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TaJMoXxoRock: yes07:28
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:29
n2diy! D4x07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about d4x - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
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xoRockn2diy, im downloading ubuntu studio iso07:29
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tiakawho is can help me about ubuntu repstory07:29
xoRockgot crash while downloading at 89% (800mb) headache sudenly07:30
xoRockchanging my download manager07:30
cchanceWhats a wine alternative that will run windows progs and games07:30
xoRockTaJMoX, thx budy07:30
khermansxoRock, try wget --continue07:30
limaunionhi all, when i try to boot my vanilla kernel (2.6.22) with libata support enabled for my PATA HD i get 'vfs: cannot open root device UUID=blahblah'. My fstab and grub have the correct UUID, what's wrong here ?07:30
n2diyxoRock: how big a file is that? For large stuff I use wget, but that is a cli program, recently I've used bitorrent to do the same. For smaller stuff in the repos, I use synaptic.07:30
khermanscchance, cedega07:30
chealdowho can help me install my scanner my ubuntu feisty cannot identify my genius colorpage vivid3xe07:30
cchanceThats free07:31
cchancei know theres one out their but i forgot the name07:31
=== caveman [n=phil@216-161-10-95.sxfl.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
cchanceit was something to mimic07:31
shiester_miestergday everyone07:31
slavikcchance: crossover office?07:31
xoRockkhermans, i use firefox 2 d/L, is wget using terminal to operate07:31
=== __david [n=david@SIMMONS-FIVE-EIGHTY-SEVEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyxoRock: wget, and bitorrent will resume broken DLs.07:32
TypwnAnyone know of a debian package for Frets on Fire?07:32
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cchancedont think it was taht07:32
tiakawhere i can get the repos of ubuntu 7.0407:32
slavikcchance: cedega?07:32
xoRockn2diy, oke budy, ill try ^^07:32
cchanceactuly come to think of it it may have been07:32
RoC_MasterMindHow do I enable SSI for Apache in ubuntu?07:32
khermansxoRock, wget is a CLI program, yes07:32
cchanceis that one free07:32
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slavikcchance: no07:32
TypwnOr does anyone know of a way for me to get all the developer packages so I can compile extracted tarballs?07:32
=== G_Willakers [n=dale@netblock-72-25-95-12.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
khermansTypwn, you cant install all the dev packages07:33
shiester_miesteri have an unusual problem: when i set gdesklets to start at logon, it doesnt start, but it works perfectly fine when i start it through the menu07:33
cchancenot cedega office crossover07:33
khermansthere will be conflicts07:33
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Typwnkhermans: I don't have any though it seems07:33
Typwnkhermans: So I can't compile a thing07:33
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slavikcchance: cedega, which was "WineX", is a fork of the last wine released under BSD license. Wine switched to GPL, because transgaming technologies (people behind cedega) did not want to contribute back the directX code.07:33
khermansTypwn, well then just install the ones you need07:33
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xoRockkhermans, ill look into it07:34
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Typwnkhermans: Would be great if I knew what it was I needed.07:34
idmoirealguem pode me ajudar07:34
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idmoirecomo aumento o nmero de reas de trabalho?07:34
chealdosomebody knows how to fix my scanner genius colorpage vivid07:34
slavikchealdo: what company made that scanner?07:34
n2diy! es | idmoire07:34
ubotuidmoire: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:34
khermansTypwn, after you ./configure it shoudl say07:35
=== aznpridechinese [n=aznpride@ip68-111-95-136.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cchancewell this bites, my wifi card isnt supported07:35
khermansTypwn, or the software will tell you ahead of time or in the readome07:35
chealdoslavik, genius07:35
duluuI'm having problem when try to load kvm-amd kernel module07:35
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Typwnkhermans: Let me try that out. Once I know, is it just a back sudo apt-get?07:35
slavikchealdo: I never heard of the company. bug them for a linux driver, thens earch google if there is one.07:35
Typwna basic*07:35
duluuit's causing kernel panic on Opteron 2214, Ubuntu Feisty Amd64 version07:36
=== helloyo [n=alex@c220-239-19-199.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tiakawho is ubuntu Support here..07:36
=== Apple [n=apple@71-223-192-183.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diytiaka: nobody, and everybody.07:36
shiester_miestertiaka, all of us07:36
shiester_miestereven you :P07:36
khermansTypwn, yeah or aptitude install lib*-dev07:37
tiakais www.ubuntu.com support the repos of ubuntu 7.0407:37
chealdoi found the firmware but dunno where to paste this to my root folder07:37
Typwnkhermans: Not familiar with that command. Somewhat new to Ubuntu07:37
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helloyohow do i batch process files? ie, i want to downgrade a lot of files with lame07:38
chealdoi hav now the  firmware somebody knows this where to put in feisty?07:38
tiakawhy on my ubuntu 7.04 cant install tar.gz2 ???07:38
tiakathe alert is07:38
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:38
tiakaabout C compiler07:39
cchanceinstall unp07:39
n2diytiaka: have you installed gcc, build-essentials?07:39
RoC_MasterMindHow do I enable SSI for Apache 1.3* in ubuntu?07:39
=== helloyo [n=alex@c220-239-19-199.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
Typwnkhermans: LOL! Frets on Fire didn't even need any compiling.07:39
tiakais default of cd ubuntu is have gcc?07:40
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Nutubuntugoodnight all07:40
cchanceroc, you mean SSL?07:40
khermansTypwn, :-)07:40
AyabaraCan I change the volume name of a hfs+ drive without having to recreate the filesystem?07:40
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n2diytiaka: I don't remember, check with the Synaptic package manager.07:41
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cchanceRoc_MasterMind, you mean SSL?07:41
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tiakan2diy:but i think is instaled gcc 307:41
RoC_MasterMindmodules-config apache enable mod_include07:41
RoC_MasterMindthat's how07:41
tiakan2diy:if i open the *.log07:42
n2diytiaka: in a terminal, type gcc -v, does that report it?07:42
tiakait say if gcc version 5  >07:42
=== Naik0 [n=naik0@c80-216-217-37.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
tiakai try it07:42
n2diytiaka: did you DL build-essentials?07:42
Naik0Hey, i have vsftpd server on my server. Can i login with my root account on the ftp?07:42
TypwnAnyone know how to setup a game controller on Ubuntu? I'm using a PS2 to PC adapter, not sure what to do really.07:42
chealdopls help i need to install me genius but dunno where to pu this firmware file in my ubuntu feisty07:42
tiakan2diy:what it mean DL build-essentials...07:43
chealdo pls help i need to install my genius but dunno where to put this firmware file in my ubuntu feisty07:43
tiakaim new on linu07:43
n2diytiaka: did you Down Load the  build-essentials package.07:43
Naik0Hey, i have vsftpd server on my server. Can i login with my root account on the ftp?07:43
tiakan2diy:where i can download it07:44
cchancetheir goes my graphics card again07:44
tiakai use default if ubuntu CD07:44
cchancecan ubuntu support my Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter at all? I want to get off this blasted vista07:44
n2diytiaka: use one of your package managers, I prefer synaptic, from the system > admin menu.07:44
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slavikcchance: it should ... have you tried the livecd yet?07:45
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tiakathe checkbox of gcc is on... it mena gcc is instaled...07:45
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tiakan2diy: the checkbox of gcc is on... it mean gcc is instaled...07:46
astro76cchance, check System -> ADministration -> Restricted Drivers Manager and see if there is a checkbox for atheros07:46
n2diytiaka: yes07:46
tiakan2diy:is QT need to installl07:47
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n2diytiaka: if it was it would be already, gcc should have everything it needs now. But you do need to get build-essentials.07:47
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cchance_stupid vista07:48
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jerkface03Is there an online book somewhere that'll get me started on linux/ubuntu development?07:48
=== BlindSide_ [n=halfdemo@125-238-247-113.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
n2diycchance, you should trademark that.07:48
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cchance_trademark what?07:48
n2diycchance, stupid Vista.07:49
cchance_my screen is going crazy07:49
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drthunderi installed sbackup to my home directory where i want to store backups, and then apache quit working there07:49
cchance_black everywhere and the chat box is screwed up07:49
drthunderany ideas?07:49
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cchance_everytime some one posts it goes black07:49
cchance_then comes backup07:49
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brunneras of my last upgrade, I can't connect to wireless networks.  I can see them, but my wireless card won't associate. I tried reverting to the last kernel, but it didn't make a difference.07:50
rolfensorry i meant /help07:51
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cchance_man i need ubuntu fast07:52
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brunnerdoes anyone know why the last upgrade might have broken my wireless support?07:52
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ryanbhey, all07:52
Greyscalequestion: How the crap do I use compiz-extra (the extra plugins)07:52
Hitomarodo I need an anti-virus for ubuntu?07:52
brunnerHitomaro: not unless it's a mail server, IMHO07:53
GreyscaleHitomaro, not really.07:53
n2diyHitomaro: only if you are running a mail server, so you don't probagate them.07:53
Hitomarowhats a mail server?07:53
Greyscaleits based on debian, and like all loonaxes, is near-bombproof07:53
Hitomarook I'm not running it then07:53
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ryanbI have a new machine I'm attempting to install Ubuntu on, and every image I've tried for 7.x causes the machine to lock up hard after usb & scsi probes.  any suggestions on where to look for add'l clues?07:53
Greyscalea machine that handles email07:53
brunnerHitomaro: something god uses to make your email work07:53
brunneror that07:53
Greyscalelots and lots of email07:53
n2diyHitomaro: if you don't know, you don't need to worry about it.07:54
cchance_Whats a mailserver!!!!?07:54
Hitomarodid you change your nick brunner?07:54
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Greyscaleit just sits there directing them07:54
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GreyscaleAnyone know how to use compiz-extra?07:54
brunnerHitomaro: I'm not sure what it was before07:54
brunnerI signed off to go try some things07:54
brunnerbut I was unsuccessful07:54
Hitomarobru[u] ner?07:54
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cchance_gUYS anyway of getting the atheros to work or am i stuck here in vista07:54
brunnerHitomaro: nah, unless I made a typo before, this has always been my nick07:54
drthunderwhat is the default permissions for the home folder?07:55
brunneractually, it wouldn't have been a typo07:55
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Hitomarooh then it wasn't you.. :)07:55
brunnerdrthunder: you could probably check skel07:55
cchance_Stupid Vista (TM)07:55
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brunnerdrthunder: I don't know where it is on ubuntu, but you could "locate skel" without quotes07:55
n2diydrthunder: I believe it should be 75507:55
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ryanb(the machine has an Intel Q6600, DG33SX* motherboard [G33 chipset] , etc.  have tried i386 & amd64 discs, reg. server & alternate discs, and variants for 7.04 and 7.10 tribe 2)07:56
ryanbany suggestions?07:56
cchance_theres got to be something that will do whis07:56
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cchance_do i have to be stuck with vista07:57
Greyscalecchance_, ooh, I have an atheros card.07:57
ProN00bdoes anyone know how to split a .flac file using a .cue file ?07:57
GreyscaleWhats the issue?07:57
cchance_Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter07:57
brunnerso as of my last upgrade, I can't connect to wireless networks.  I can see them, but my wireless card won't associate. I tried reverting to the last kernel, but it didn't make a difference. I thought it was because I couldn't get a DHCP lease, but it really won't connect at all. I can see the networks on the list, and I enter a password, but it won't associate with the AP07:57
blindProN00b: I don't know any off the top of my head, but check freshmeat.net07:57
Greyscalebrb, googling on your behalf because you've probably not yet.07:57
brunnerGreyscale: are you talking to me?07:58
Greyscaleno, cchance_07:58
drthunderguys: Don't have sdbackup install its backups in your /home/user/ directory cause it will change the permissions07:58
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Greyscalecchance_, so whats the issue?07:58
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cchance_i cant google07:58
cchance_all i know is its Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter07:58
blindwhy can't you google?07:58
cchance_the screen in IE is gone07:58
brunnercchance_: buy an iPhone!07:58
Squalishis it normal to have a bunch of errors when booting from liveCD, then go on to boot successfully??07:58
brunnerjust kidding.07:59
ProN00ball atheros use madwifi drivers and are actually supposed to work good07:59
cchance_my start menu is shit now07:59
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:59
Greyscalecchance_, go install the madwifi drivers07:59
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cchance_where from07:59
Greyscalesystem > Admin > Restricted drivers07:59
cchance_the atherose is my only internet connection07:59
blindthen how are you online right now?08:00
Greyscaleafter its done, reboot and it should (in theory) spoing into life08:00
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Greyscaleblind, windowsia.08:00
cchance_via vista08:00
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Greyscalecchance_, what laptop?08:00
blindcan't google from vista? O_o08:00
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n2diyDapper doesn't have system > admin > restricted drivers, can they be added, or do I need to upgrade the entire system?08:00
cchance_Acer 510008:00
Greyscalehehe, I have an Acer 50508:01
=== ZhongHan [n=chatzill@bb116-14-12-182.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
goldfingermafiacan anyone tell me how to modify a read only file?08:01
Greyscalewith another Atheros card08:01
Greyscalegoldfingermafia, make it not-read only :P08:01
blindgoldfingermafia: make it un-read-only08:01
goldfingermafiahow do i do that?08:01
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n0kZanybody use dvorak kb?08:01
cchance_yeah your card is supported08:01
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Greyscalechmod 700 somefile.txt08:01
blindchmod +777 file08:01
Greyscaleor right click it08:01
goldfingermafiaim so noob lol08:01
ianmcorvidaen0kZ: I do.08:01
Greyscaleand modify its permissions08:01
n2diyn0kZ: yes08:01
ttmrichtergoldfingermafia: chmod +w filename08:02
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttmrichterFor now ignore the numbers.08:02
goldfingermafiak thanks, im on a macbook so i will have to plug in a mouse lol08:02
cchance_omg, this is tempting me to go to ME08:02
n0kZim not alone then08:02
goldfingermafiaoh ok ty very much guys08:02
cchance_windows ME*08:02
n0kZwow windows08:02
Greyscaleare we allowed to tar and feather people still?08:02
n0kZyou have nice console08:02
ttmrichtergoldfingermafia: if you're in the GUI, you'll have to right-click and select properties...->permissions.08:02
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K`zanHi folks, I installed the nvidia drivers and now to get X up I have to log in a root, rmmod nvidia, modprobe nvidia and restart kdm, what did I miss?08:03
cchance_sorry, i got to get out of thsi thing i only get every 5th line now08:03
n0kZwindows have such nice console called blue screen08:03
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disinterestedwindows ME is horrible08:03
asdhi whats speak spanish??08:03
K`zandisinterested: ME was the worst thing m$ ever put out.08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:03
blind!sp > asd08:03
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:03
DarthShrine!es | asd08:03
ubotuasd: please see above08:03
n2diy! es | asd08:03
ubotuasd: please see above08:03
blindes, my bad.08:03
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disinterestedtheres no doubt about that08:03
ttmrichterK'zan: MS BOB was the worst thing MS ever put out.08:03
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asdalquin habla espaol??08:04
K`zanttmrichter: I stand corrected :-)08:04
LukeEkbladI have a question, Why did my sound quality go down when i switched to ubuntu?08:04
goldfingermafiawhen i right click on the file it says you are not the owner so you canont change premissions08:04
chealdopls help still my genius scanner never works, where will i put this firmware file to my ubuntu feisty08:04
helloyocould somebody please help me lame process a whole directory?08:04
cchance_that was alot of lag08:04
brunnerso as of my last upgrade, I can't connect to wireless networks.  I can see them, but my wireless card won't associate. I tried reverting to the last kernel, but it didn't make a difference. has anyone else had this problem?08:04
slavikhelloyo: learn to script :)08:04
inayetHello, I am using ubuntu fiesty and I cannot get my external sound card Creative SoundBlaster to work. When I click on system --> preferences--->sound and then click on TEST button I can hear a BEEP noise. However, when I attempt to play streaming audio through various websites I cannot hear any sound. Please help me with fixing this problem. I want to discard WINDOWS permanently only if I can get my external sound card to work with ubuntu. My external sou08:04
inayetnd card works with Windows.08:04
slavikinayet: gstreamer-properties :)08:04
goldfingermafiaanyone know how to make a file non read only when it says i am not the owner?08:05
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helloyoslavik, how long will it take until i can do that? all i want to do is take the file, encode it, and replace the old file08:05
Squalishplease be more specific than "Creative Soundblaster," as that encompasses maybe half the available soundcard models08:05
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inayetslavik: should I type "gstreamer-properties" in the console ?08:06
slavikhelloyo: 5min? a shell script is basically a list of commands :)08:06
n2diyn0kZ: quick, where is your {} keys?08:06
helloyoslavik: thanks, i'll get learning08:06
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slavikinayet: yes, or system -> prefs -> multimedia preferences08:06
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RAOFhelloyo: for I in *.wav ; do lame -i $I ; done08:06
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n0kZ<n2diy> n0kZ: quick, where is your {} keys?<---lol08:06
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goldfingermafiaanyone have any sugestionsfor me? i really need soem help on how to unlock this file08:06
n0kZgo away08:06
n0kZyour scaring me08:06
gumpmanhello everyone08:07
LukeEkbladHi :)08:07
slavikhelloyo: a shells cript would allow you encode all files in a single directory and even to traverse directories encoding files ...08:07
n0kZdie hard gets 78% on RT?08:07
blindgoldfingermafia: open a terminal. find the file. type chmod 777 filename08:07
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n0kZdid i miss sumthing?08:07
helloyoRAOF: thanks, i think i get what you mean, i'll give it a try08:07
n2diyn0kZ: number row, shift - and +, learn your dvorak! :)08:07
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slavikdownload 10gig of wav, fire up the script, walk away for 30min you come back and all files are converted to ogg or some other format08:07
blindI use dvorak :D08:07
RAOFhelloyo: "man bash" will help08:07
n0kZn2diy: getting there08:08
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K`zanHi folks, I installed the nvidia drivers and now to get X up I have to log in a root, rmmod nvidia, modprobe nvidia and restart kdm, what did I miss?08:08
inayetslavik: I have done that, what should I do now?08:08
goldfingermafiathe file is in etc/kismet/kismet.conf08:08
n0kZn2diy: a couple of exercises more08:08
goldfingermafiaso is that what i would type in as the file name?08:08
n2diyn0kZ: do some perl programing, and you'll learn were all those "funny" keys are.08:08
ianmcorvidaen2diy: Or just pay attention :P08:09
ProN00bK`zan, you missed installing the nvidia drivers from apt-get08:09
n2diyn0kZ: ok, quick, where is your []  keys?08:09
slavikinayet: did you switch to alsa?08:09
K`zanProN00b: Wasn't aware you could do that with the prop dirvers.08:09
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ProN00bK`zan, you can and you should08:10
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K`zanProN00b: Looking for it now, will reinstall from that.08:10
K`zanProN00b: Thanks.08:10
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ianmcorvidaeI used to have pirated versions of all those.08:11
ianmcorvidaeI mean, I don't pirate, and that was in the right channel :P08:11
=== ianmcorvidae coughs
inayetslavik: for the audio default input and output plugin I have chosen ALSA, but when I click on the test button I do not hear any sound.08:11
K`zanProN00b: Not showing up in adept...08:11
K`zanProN00b: only the free drivers.08:11
n0kZthis is nasty08:11
goldfingermafiawhat would i type in the terminal if the file is in etc/kismet/kismet.conf for the file name?08:11
fushehLocation of the file is always good :o08:12
slavikinayet: hmm, I dunno ... maybe there is no alsa driver ...08:12
n2diygoldfingermafia: /etc/kismet/kismet.conf?08:12
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ProN00bK`zan, already activated universe and multiverse ?08:12
goldfingermafiathat is were the file is located08:12
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r0b-how much does it cost to activate my ubuntu08:13
K`zanProN00b: Yes.08:13
fushehgoldfingermafia: so you tell us xP08:13
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n2diygoldfingermafia: yah.08:13
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ProN00bK`zan, lemme look up the package name08:13
goldfingermafiai am so noob to liunx what dose that mean08:13
n2diygoldfingermafia: what do you want to do to/with it?08:13
inayetslavik: when I click on system--->preferences---> sound and then click on TEST button I hear a BEEP noise. Anyways, how can I install an alsa driver?08:13
ProN00bK`zan, package name is nvidia-glx08:14
slavikinayet: you can't because it would've probably been included if there was one ... check alsa page for your card08:14
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goldfingermafiaoh i want to make it be abold to be writtin to it is read only, and when i go to properties it says you do not have presmission to change this08:14
K`zanProN00b: Everything checked under Kubuntu Software.08:14
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jeremysanA few days ago I bought a D-Link WUA-1340 wireless USB stick for internet.  For these last few days I've been trying to make it work but no matter what I try it isn't working.  Is there anyone out there who has any recommendations for me?  I gaurantee I've tried almost any link you will send me to guide me.08:14
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ProN00bK`zan ? you don't have the nvidia-glx package ?08:15
n2diygoldfingermafia: then try sudo /etc/kismet/kismet.conf?08:15
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ProN00bK`zan, try apt-get install nvidia-glx from console08:15
K`zanProN00b: Yes, got that but it looks like it is for the free drivers ?!?08:15
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goldfingermafiawill it didnt say it failed let me try and tahnks08:15
n2diygoldfingermafia: GL08:16
K`zanProN00b: Ah, I am obviously confused :-).  THanks :-)!08:16
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ProN00bK`zan, no, its short description is "nvidia-glx - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver" it is the closed source driver, and on top of that a version of it that has been tested to work with ubuntu and is integrated good08:17
goldfingermafiait didn't work anything else i can try?08:17
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Hitomarohow do I make one tab for everything?08:17
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K`zanProN00b: Ok, installed, lemme reboot and see if it works !08:17
Hitomarois there a tab enable button?08:17
ProN00bK`zan, it will show up on restricted drivers08:17
n2diygoldfingermafia: did you get an error?08:17
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fushehgoldfingermafia: why not gksudo gedit it?08:17
goldfingermafiahow do i do that?08:18
helloRobotwhat can i type in terminal to get status of harddrive (space used vs. space available, etc)08:18
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goldfingermafiai didnt get an error it jsut wont let me edit it yet?08:18
cafuegohelloRobot: 'df'08:18
ewookhelloRobot: 'df -m08:18
n2diygoldfingermafia: ok, I was hoping it would run on its own.08:18
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SeaGateIsNot could someone help me out, i installed beryl, and i get xserver error messages...08:18
n2diygoldfingermafia: then try sudo gedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf?08:19
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fushehgoldfingermafia: gksudo gedit /path/to/file08:19
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goldfingermafian2diy it said cannon find getit08:19
helloRobotewook: this is strange. when i use 'p' command in fdisk for /dev/sdb i see that it is a 250.0GB harddrive08:19
goldfingermafiaand i tryed gksudo and it did nothing08:19
helloRobotewook: but 'df -m' reports 100321 :(08:19
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fushehgoldfingermafia: did you copy and paste exactly what n2diy typed? ...lol08:20
n2diygoldfingermafia: double check your spelling on the command line.08:20
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ewookhelloRobot: and sdb is mounted as?08:20
helloRobotewook: sdb is mounted as /home/share08:20
varkagoldfingermafia: kubuntu or ubuntu?08:20
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ewookhelloRobot: the whole drive? then it's weird08:20
SeaGateIsNot could someone help me out, i installed beryl, and i get xserver error messages...08:20
n2diygoldfingermafia: fusheh, without the ?08:20
goldfingermafiaahhhh it worked lol ty somuch guys08:21
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helloRobotewook: yes the whole drive..08:21
goldfingermafiaya i left the ? lol08:21
troopperi_goldfingermafia: gksudo gedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf08:21
fushehn2diy: I thought that was a given, my bad08:21
goldfingermafiaty very much guys08:21
n2diygoldfingermafia: fusheh, mine too. :)08:21
fushehgoldfingermafia: np xD08:21
SqualishTrying to boot normal 32bit liveCD: Busybox v1.1.3... /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs) [41.278874]  ata1: port failed to respond (30 secs, Status 0xd0)08:22
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SqualishUbuntu 7.0408:22
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Squalishdid this once, and after ten minutes ubuntu succesfull loaded - but it doesn't look like it's doing the same thing anymore08:22
strangersoni am new to ubuntu.. how do i get controll of managing the files?08:22
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MajorPaynestrangerson: What do you mean?08:23
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Squalishany idea what my problem is?08:23
goldfingermafiaany of you guys have expericance with kismet it still wont work for me08:23
strangersoni can not do anything in the files08:23
MajorPaynestrangerson: What files?08:23
ewookstrangerson: depends on what files.08:23
strangersonfile drive08:23
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n2diystrangerson: places > home folder08:24
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strangersondo not have premition to make changes08:24
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SanityInAnarchyIs there a way to boot Ubuntu/Kubuntu CDs without starting X?08:24
n2diystrangerson: to the files in your home folder!?08:24
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iammiscSanityInAnarchy: i dunno, why?08:25
jcsolorzanocan someone help me?08:25
MajorPayne!hi | strangerson08:25
ubotustrangerson: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:25
strangersonthanks :)08:25
MajorPayne!ask | jcsolorzano08:25
ubotujcsolorzano: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:25
SanityInAnarchyiammisc: old computer  (the #kubuntu people didn't know either)08:25
Keith-BlindUserDoes anyone know of a good ogg vorbiss encoder for the console? I.e. Lame does Mp3, etc? I need one. I intend to pipe arecord from doing wave, to using an encoder for oggs. I am going to do a podcast in ogg form.08:25
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fushehSqualish: Doesn't sound good xP08:25
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jcsolorzanowhen i try to upgrade ubuntu to 7.04 version i get Authentication failed08:26
Keith-BlindUserBut have no encoder.08:26
SanityInAnarchymoving on to #linux...08:26
jcsolorzanowhat can I do?08:26
Keith-BlindUserOr I don't know the name of any, at least.08:26
iammiscSanityInAnarchy: maybe ubuntu's not the distro for you, how about plain debian08:26
Squalishit loaded once successfully, where I was able to use the partition utility to resize my winXP partition :(08:26
iammiscSanityInAnarchy,i'm there too08:26
n2diystrangerson: right click on a file in your home folder, select properties, and then permissions, can you change them there?08:26
SqualishI don't see what the difference is08:26
SanityInAnarchyiammisc:  Nope, I want ubuntu server08:26
fushehSqualish: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588 may help08:26
SanityInAnarchyproblem is, the server itself isn't a very good livecd08:26
iammiscIsn't that CLI anyway?08:26
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SanityInAnarchyerm, the server install CD isn't08:26
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strangersononly root has permition08:27
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SanityInAnarchyI need to do things like take an image, test my hardware, etc08:27
SanityInAnarchybefore I install08:27
MajorPaynestrangerson: Only root has permision to your home directory?08:27
n2diystrangerson: sounds like you aren't in your home folder.08:27
jcsolorzanowhen i try to upgrade ubuntu to 7.04 version i get Authentication failed, what can I do?08:27
nuke_I'm running ./config and I've got "Checking for X...configure: error: Can't find X libraries." how do I get around it?08:27
SanityInAnarchyand I'm currently of blank CDs, so it's going to be annoying if there isn't a way08:27
helloRobothow do i run /etc/fstab to mount new entries?08:27
strangersonto any directory but the desktop as far as i can tell08:27
fushehMajorPayne: I hope I have some too D:08:27
SqualishFlusheh - I've been reading another thread that went on for pages and pages without IDing the problem08:28
MajorPaynestrangerson: You only have permissions to /home/yourusername/08:28
SqualishI get to wondering why this wasn't a mission-critical fix for release of 7.0408:28
n2diystrangerson: cd to /home/yourname, can you play with those files?08:28
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MajorPaynestrangerson: You normaly don't have to change other files very much.  When you do you have to use sudo08:28
helloRobothow do i refresh /etc/fstab without rebooting?08:28
fushehSqualish: I have you tested out that fix yet?08:28
Squalishreading it through08:29
strangersontrying to install NWN and it will not let me drop it in the default directory08:29
n2diystrangerson: yes, then, at this point, that is all you need to worry about, let the system play with the other files.08:29
nuke_hey guys, I'm running ./config and I've got "Checking for X...configure: error: Can't find X libraries." how do I get around it?08:30
helloRobothow to format a partition? delete all data on partition?08:31
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MajorPaynestrangerson: Neverwinter Nights?08:31
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Squalishflusheh - how do I end adding that line, a space?08:31
jcsolorzanocan someone please help me?08:31
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SanityInAnarchywow. What idiot designed these CDs, then?08:32
n2diyjcsolorzano: no, we don't know what the question is?08:32
jcsolorzanoalready did08:32
Chikubuhey people, my swap partrition is not being used, swapon -s shows nothing and free shows 0 swap....i am pretty sure its a UUID problem....blkid lists one UUID and  ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid lists a diffrent UUID....fstab has the UUID listed by  ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid.............anyideas?08:32
jcsolorzanowhen i try to upgrade ubuntu to 7.04 version i get Authentication failed, what can I do?08:32
SanityInAnarchyam I actually going to have to use init=/bin/bash?08:32
jcsolorzanowhen i try to upgrade ubuntu to 7.04 version i get Authentication failed, what can I do?08:32
mikaraguais it ok to boot ubuntu 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT  as text based and not loading the gui or xwindow?08:32
fushehSqualish: check out how to use vim08:33
mikaraguais it ok to boot ubuntu 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT  as text based and not loading the gui or xwindow cuz this will be used as a webserver/dns server only and not a desktop?08:33
Squalishurgh? what's vim got to do w/ anything?08:33
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n2diyjcsolorzano: how are you upgrading, via CD?08:33
jcsolorzano no08:33
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fushehSqualish: You wanted to add that line..."piix" I assume? o.o08:33
jcsolorzanoI had to install ubuntu 6.10 cause 7.04 gave me some screen errors08:33
n2diyjcsolorzano: how are you upgrading, via?08:33
SqualishBoot Options08:33
jcsolorzanoupdate manager08:34
Squalishneed to add break=top08:34
Squalishdon't know how to seperate that command from the others08:34
goldfingermafiaanyone here that can help me with kismet getting it started?08:34
Squalish;? \? space?08:34
goldfingermafiait says FATAL:  Could not find user 'your_user_here' for dropping priviledges.  Make sure you have a valid user set for 'suiduser' in your config file.  See the 'Installation & Security' and 'Configuration' sections of the README file for more information.08:34
n2diyjcsolorzano: what is your current Ubuntu version?08:34
fushehSqualish: not sure, your guess is as good as mine xP08:34
n2diy! upgrade | jcsolorzano08:35
ubotujcsolorzano: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:35
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Chikubuno ideas about my swap problem?08:35
fushehgoldfingermafia: looks like it's looking for a user. Maybe if you read the README it can help you.08:35
jcsolorzanoand if I upgrade, do i lose all my info and config?08:35
Squalishif 6.10 is the current Ubuntu version, what's 7.04?08:36
goldfingermafiai read it, did what it said, posted on the fourms did what they said, and it still wont work for me08:36
fushehgoldfingermafia: Odds are though if you edit the config file and set a user for "suiduser" that will help.08:36
n2diyjcsolorzano, if you don't have a seperate /home directory, you may?08:36
Squalishnvm, misread that :)08:36
fushehSqualish: 7.04 is the current xP08:36
goldfingermafiai did that, i set it to waht my log in is for ubuntu, is that correct? that is the only thing im not shure about08:37
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fushehgoldfingermafia: doesn't look like you set it.08:37
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Keith-BlindUserDid anyone get my question on an ogg vorbiss encoder package for the console? Lame only does Mp3.08:37
Hitomarowhy can't I watch stage6 videos?08:37
goldfingermafiai set it in etc/kismet/kismet.conf08:37
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goldfingermafiais that not the right file?08:37
fushehgoldfingermafia: make sure you saved it....08:37
Hitomarowhy isn't is streaming?08:37
goldfingermafiai did lol08:38
goldfingermafiathen i went back and checked it to make shure it is changed and it is08:39
goldfingermafiathere is a # infront of it, should that be there?08:39
fushehgoldfingermafia: no, that makes it a comment lol08:39
n2diygoldfingermafia: no, delete the #08:39
goldfingermafiais there anyway i can send you the file so you can check this out, im so confuesd08:40
n2diyfusheh: your fast! :)08:40
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goldfingermafiaand i so want to get this program to work08:40
fushehKeith-BlindUser: oggEnc08:40
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fushehn2diy: Thanks xP08:40
Squalishflusheh - tried the first step there, and all it appears to do is kick me to the same error (with less details), but this time disable my USB keyboard08:40
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defrysk!info oggconvert08:40
ubotuPackage oggconvert does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:40
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fushehSqualish: lol! Uhmm D:08:41
n2diygoldfingermafia: no, delete the #, and don't forget to save the changes.08:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
goldfingermafiai tryed that, and same error08:41
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brunnerin order to boot windows within linux, I need to install wmware workstation in linux or windows?08:41
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:42
fushehbrunner: vmware in linux.....08:42
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n2diygoldfingermafia: double check, and make sure the # is gone.08:42
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brunnerfusheh: yeah, I thought so, but the downloads on vmware don't ask what OS I'm using, so I wasn't sure if it was packaged together or something08:42
xoRockbrunner, use qemu, most people says its faster than vmware08:42
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goldfingermafiai did, then i put it back, then i delected it again08:43
goldfingermafiaim so confused08:43
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fushehbrunner: assuming you are using ubuntu I believe vmware is in the repos?08:43
n2diygoldfingermafia: double check, and make sure the # is gone. And leave it that way.08:43
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dev_0anybody know what is the diffrent between the latest ubuntu with the old one08:44
fushehbrunner: looking at the download page for vmware workstation it clearly has two different downloads. One for windows and one for *nix.08:44
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inayetHello, I am using ubuntu fiesty and I cannot get my external sound card Creative SoundBlaster to work. When I click on system --> preferences--->sound and then click on TEST button I can hear a BEEP noise. However, when I attempt to play streaming audio through various websites I cannot hear any sound. Please help me with fixing this problem. I want to discard WINDOWS permanently only if I can get my external sound card to work with ubuntu. My external sou08:45
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inayetnd card works with Windows.08:45
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ProN00binayet, you sure the streaming audio of that pages work on linux ? those pages sometimes use windows technology08:46
n2diygoldfingermafia: ???08:46
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Hitomaroone question people08:48
Hitomaroone question08:48
inayetProNOOb: I cant any sound, can you suggest a webpage that has sound which works with linux?08:48
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MISTERTibbsHitomaro, !08:48
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Hitomarohow do I play stage6 divx videos?08:48
FruitieXinayet: can you play ANY sound files?08:48
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fushehSqualish: any solutions yet?08:48
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astro76Hitomaro, click the icon to save the file, not stream it08:48
MISTERTibbsHitomaro, did u get that problem from the other night solved???08:48
FruitieXHitomaro: installing the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras" should hel08:48
astro76Hitomaro, save or open with totem08:49
HitomaroMISTERTibbs, I think I need to install what FruitieX suggested to do08:49
FruitieXor install the package i told you to get all codecs :)08:49
Squalishflusheh: it kicks me back into the same error08:49
goldfingermafian2diy i figured it out ty for all your help and putting up with my stupid questions lol08:49
dev_0does ubuntu 7 support all the wireleess adapter08:49
Squalishbut it's gone through two or three consecutively numbers cycles now08:49
Squalishwhich is what it did last time it booted, after ten minutes08:50
SqualishMeanwhile, I'm browsing 21 thousand google hits on the subject08:50
FruitieXthen try to play it in totem just in case it DIDN'T get the divx codecs :)08:50
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fushehSqualish: what error do you get again?08:50
Hitomarook FruitieX08:50
Squalishis busybox just a debugger?08:51
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ben_how do i act as "root"?08:51
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inayetFruitieX: I cant hear any sound.08:51
FruitieXHitomaro: IF the package can't be found, you have to enable the restricted repo08:51
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LukeEkbladi have a question08:51
SqualishI get several lines of errors08:51
Tidusubotu: tell ben_ about sudo08:51
FruitieXben_: use sudo08:51
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Masseywe all have questions :P08:51
Squalishit starts with /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:51
LukeEkbladHow do I get Kiba Dock?08:51
Masseyso many people08:51
Hitomarodownloading :)08:51
LukeEkbladReally :(08:52
FruitieXben_: so to run a command as root you type this into the console: sudo aptitude (for example)08:52
astro76!sudo | ben_08:52
ubotuben_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:52
Squalishthen there's [167.417933]  ata1.01:exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen08:52
bagualasI'm thinking that My pc isn't using the SWAP... is there a way to test it?08:52
ben_ta :)08:52
inayetFruitieX:  what would you recommend?08:52
FruitieXinayet: Are you sure you have turned up the volume for the right channel? :)08:52
Squalish[167.47975]  ata1.01 (BMDMA stat 0x65)08:52
fushehSqualish: can you pastebin the entire error?08:52
Squalishet cetera et cetera08:52
MajorPayneben_: If you want a root terminal you can also type 'sudo -i'.08:53
Squalishdifferent machine08:53
FruitieXor sudo su :)08:53
Squalishand not quite sure how to copy from the livecd boot console and then have it preserved into windows08:53
ninjak I downloaded the ubuntu linux thingy because my windows has too much viruses but I double click it and it doesn't do anything08:53
=== TylerJones32 [n=tylerj@cpe-76-83-248-151.dc.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
FruitieXinayet: so you hear the beep from the sound test? that means that your soundcard is supported...08:54
ninjahow do I install linux?08:54
HitomaroFruitieX: so I installed it08:54
FruitieXninja: you have to burn the iso file to a cd08:54
Squalishflusheh: lemme see if I can dig up some screenshots from other people08:54
MajorPayneninja: You have to first burn it to a cd.08:54
FruitieXHitomaro: does it work now?08:54
TylerJones32Hello, I have a problem with my laptop and Ubuntu08:54
astro76!install | ninja08:54
ubotuninja: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:54
fushehSqualish: ahh okay! :] 08:54
TylerJones32I used to have it installed, but then removed it and reinstalled windows08:54
LukeEkbladDose naybody know how or where to install Kiba Dock?08:54
inayetFruitieX: when i click on system---->preferences--------->sound I can only hear a BEEP noise when I have the setting on USB Audio.08:54
TylerJones32and now whenever i put in any ubuntu live cd08:55
TylerJones32I get some weird error messages coming up with SB_Bread08:55
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TylerJones32and a few more I cant exactly remember08:55
HitomaroFruitieX: no :(08:55
TylerJones32any solutions? :S08:55
Hitomarohow do I enable it on firefox?08:55
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FruitieXinayet: Have you checked the other tabs in the sound settings tool?08:55
FruitieXeg. enable all "play" to your USB Audio08:56
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sharadghi all08:56
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Chikubucould i get some volunteers???  anyone with latest version of ubuntu check their swap size by typing "free | grep Swap" in terminal...i think the last upgrade killed swap, at least on my system i get 0  0  008:56
FruitieXand all record too, and multimedia or whatever it days08:56
HitomaroFruitieX: I can't get it to work.. what do I do?08:56
Hitomarowhere is it located?08:56
sharadghas anybody able to install pygaim ?08:56
Squalishflusheh: it starts with this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/7176359/ubuntu-6.06lts-tty.jpg08:56
Hitomarois it just codecs?08:56
FruitieXHitomaro: You tried with totem?08:57
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Hitomarooh right08:57
FruitieXit's included in ubuntu08:57
MajorPayneChikubu: My swap is fine.08:57
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Hitomarobut how do I make that my default player for firefox08:57
FruitieXhold alt+F2 abnd type totem08:57
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Hitomarostage6 is a streaming site08:57
Chikubuis that last upgrade your running MajorPayne08:58
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FruitieXI have totem as default player in firefox :)08:58
Chikubu704 i think08:58
fushehSqualish: Yeah I'm reading that as well lol.08:58
astro76Hitomaro, the streaming on stage6 won't work, you have to click the save icon08:58
FruitieXHitomaro: what player do you have?08:58
astro76and then open with totem08:58
MajorPayneChikubu: I am running 7.04 fully updated.08:58
FruitieXHitomaro: I would save it too08:58
HitomaroI have totem08:58
domshow to use pastebin08:58
MasseyI'm having issues with totem08:58
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FruitieXHitomaro: try downloading the video, then playback it in totem08:58
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FruitieXsee if that works08:59
MasseyI'm trying to get the codecs to work on it08:59
inayet<FruitieX: what do you mean have checked other tabs in the sound setting tool?08:59
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PhaquiI was wondering if it is possible to play a game via wine, but in another "tty"?08:59
Masseyi've installed the ubuntu restricted extras package08:59
domsis their any pastebin08:59
Chikubuive read about some UUID problems with 704 which i seem to be encountering, something about two modules being mered into one in the kenrel that used to contorl hda and sda drives seperatly causing uuid to go haywire08:59
Masseybut it's like... when I play a video it plays the sound but no picture08:59
Hitomaroit would be better to be able to see previous of the video rather than downloading the whole thing finding out that it wasn't what I was looking for08:59
Masseywhat's with that?08:59
astro76!pastebin > doms08:59
Hitomaronot previous09:00
FruitieXinayet: there are other tabs in system -> settings -> sound?09:00
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TylerJones32ok wtf, why doesnt my laptop want to work with ubuntu?09:00
TylerJones32It works fine with Fedora09:00
TylerJones32and the liveCD works on my desktop computer09:00
Chikubuoh well reboot time, see if changing fstab helps09:00
FruitieXTylerJones32: more info?09:00
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TylerJones32ok, well first, I had ubuntu a while back, but I removed it after about a month of use09:00
inayetFruitieX: I have checked other options but the only time I hear a BEEP noise is when the USB Audio option is chosen.09:00
TylerJones32then I decided to install it again, but then I had a problem with it, so I uninstalled again09:00
bruenig|laptopuse fedora then09:00
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MajorPayneTylerJones32: You didn't tell us what is not worknig.09:01
TylerJones32now i wanted to install over windows09:01
TylerJones32and keep it09:01
FruitieXinayet: do you have a USB audio card?  :)09:01
TylerJones32im getting to that ;)09:01
TylerJones32so now09:01
bruenig|laptopTylerJones32, if fedora works why not use it?09:01
bruenig|laptop!enter | TylerJones3209:01
TylerJones32Well there are too many problems with Fedora on my laptop, ubuntu would always work perfectly09:01
Squalishflusheh: after that, the error messages posted seem to be highly customized09:01
TylerJones32so whenever I boot up the live cd on my laptop09:01
bruenig|laptopbot is supposed to tell you to keep your stuff on one line09:01
ubotuTylerJones32: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:01
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bruenig|laptopthere he goes09:02
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masterlokianyone know how to make a deb by uninstalling something to it?09:02
FruitieXTyletjones32: yes?09:02
Flannelmasterloki: what?09:02
TylerJones32k sorry, so every time I boot up with the live cd, it gets to the loading screen, but it stays there for 15-20 minutes, then it will go away and come up with many errors09:02
Squalishflusheh: Mine sticks with ata5.01 or ata5.05, then gives errors ranging from exception emask, revalidation failed, port failed to respond09:02
bruenig|laptopmasterloki, like instead of deleting the files moving them into a directory and debbing it all up09:02
FruitieXTylerjones32: Tryy the alternate cd09:02
masterlokiFlannel, well emerald is broken right now09:02
masterlokiin gutsy09:03
TylerJones32some including things like fs_squash, sb_bread and unable to allocate block [number] 09:03
bruenig|laptopmasterloki, #ubuntu+109:03
masterlokiso on my system i would like to extract to a package and send to roomate09:03
masterlokibruenig, sure sure09:03
masterlokiits a known bug09:03
TylerJones32well, if the live cd wouldnt work09:03
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Flannelmasterloki: check your cache for the deb you have09:03
masterlokibut for now i want a diff solution which is why i bring that up :D09:03
masterlokiFlannel, no can do i apt-get clean it all the time09:03
TylerJones32how would the alternate CD work?09:03
fushehSqualish: I dont get what a livecd wants with a hd? And how that could make it fail to boot?09:03
masterlokiTylerJones32, awesomely09:03
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masterlokiits a text based installer but i recommed one thing09:03
=== ShockValue [n=ShockVal@c-71-227-142-84.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FruitieXit doesn't use the live ubuntu desktop at all09:03
bruenig|laptopmasterloki, you want to deb the entire filesystem?09:03
Flannelmasterloki: Well, you could see if your version is still in the repos.09:03
masterlokido not have it autodetect keyboard09:04
brandon_What kind of sever must i setup to Host a Telnet session09:04
masterlokiFlannel, it wont install09:04
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-24-28-152-69.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LukeEkbladAnyone know where to install kiba dock?09:04
TylerJones32but ok, if I install Ubuntu, wont it come up with those same errors at some point?09:04
MajorPaynebrandon_: You may want to try ssh.09:04
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FruitieXTylerJones32: it works if the live envirnoment doesn't worl from the livecd09:04
MajorPaynebrandon_: It's more secure.09:04
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masterlokii.e. they took it out Flannel09:04
FruitieXTylerJones32: not neccessarily09:04
fougdoes anyone know how to enable AUTH SSL and Secure Listing for konqueror?09:04
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inayetFruitieX: I have an external sound card from Creative SoundBlaster09:04
ShockValuestupid question, but is Ubuntu pretty much like Debian, but more cutting edge? im trying to get a feel for which distro i might try09:04
brandon_Thank you09:04
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TylerJones32ok, well ill try it..How exactly to I burn an iso to a cd using fedora? any applications?09:04
SqualishThe speculation I read is that it's about how Ubuntu handles SATA CDROMs(which I don't THINK mine is, but I could check), how it handles the lack of floppy drives (I don't have one)09:05
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FruitieXinayet: what model is it?09:05
n2diyShockValue: yes09:05
Squalishor at least, those were the two most understandable rumors09:05
bruenig|laptopTylerJones32, cdrecord dev=/dev/whatever foo.iso09:05
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FruitieXwhoa, pidgin crashed :)09:05
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TylerJones32ok thanks bruenig :)09:05
ShockValuen2diy - well i guess ill give it a go then.. sounds like it might be waht im lookin for09:05
FruitieXTylerjones32: try k3b09:05
FruitieXor did you get 1 already? :)09:06
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ubunbenhi all, is there an issue with vmware-server latest on feisty? i am having difficulties atm, installed it fine 2 days ago09:06
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FruitieXuh oh, netsplit09:06
TylerJones32k3b, is that a recording app?09:06
inayetFruitieX: the model number is SB027009:06
FruitieXTylerJones32: Yes09:06
n2diyShockValue: yes, it is related to Debian, and has new releases twice a year.09:06
TylerJones32ok, thanks :)09:06
ShockValuen2diy - but i can still get the latest releases of software, etc, right?09:06
FruitieXinayet: yes but, is it for example a soundblaster 24bit live?09:06
=== karatas [n=kareem@pool-72-65-219-18.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nuke_I want to put my ubuntu machine between my router and my network, how can i make sure that all data is rerouted to the router?09:07
n2diyShockValue: yes,  twice a year.09:07
ubunbenhi, can anyone "see" me?09:07
karatasi see u09:07
FruitieXubunben: yes09:07
fushehubunben: no09:07
ubunbenk, ta09:07
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TylerJones32For the alternate CD installer, does it automatically create the linux partitions and the swap for me?09:07
TylerJones32Or will I need to know how to do that?09:08
xoRockubunben, where r u09:08
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a193-229-224-83.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
karatasthis is my second day using ubuntu,and it is fuckin awesome,i havent found a flaw about it yet09:08
FruitieXTylerjones32: I belive it will do that for you09:08
TylerJones32ok thanks09:08
karatascan anyone give me some tips09:08
n2diy! ohmy | karatas09:08
ubunbenkaratas: you aren't trying hard enough ...09:08
FruitieXTylerjones32, and partitioning really isn't THAAT difficult ;)09:08
karatasi got it figured out09:09
inayetFruitieX: It does not say, except Creative SoundBlaster on the front, and on the back it does not mention more information then that it complies with FCC standards, SN number and Model number09:09
bastid_raZorburn things in sacrifice09:09
TylerJones32well im still pretty new to the whole linux scene and switching OSes09:09
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FruitieXTylerjones32: Okay09:09
karatasjust wanted to know if there were any kewl things about it09:09
ubunbenkaratas: what sort of tips do you want? always be nice to your mother and stay away from Windows ...09:09
FruitieXkaratas: are you a gamer? :)09:09
xoRocki have creative 5.1 live sound card, but the sound work on front speaker only, what should i do09:09
karatasi have windows on another partition09:09
karatasso i can boot in ubuntu or xp09:10
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TylerJones32which Ubuntu v. should I get, 6 or 7?09:10
bichave you tried compiz/beryl? it's always nice eye candy09:10
FruitieXinayet: that's odd09:10
n2diykaratas, watch your language, and check out what is available in menu > system > admin > synaptic, tons of cool stuff.09:10
ubunbenk, dual boot is good, i have graduated to installing vmware and running winxp in that, so no more dual boot for me09:10
co_Imoetzzsex baby09:10
TylerJones32ok thanks everyone for the help :)09:10
FruitieXno problem ;)09:10
FruitieXgood luck09:11
=== hihiu [n=v@h-67-101-252-172.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikaraguahello world09:11
FruitieXhey :)09:11
hihiuHello 2u209:11
fushehhello mikaragua09:11
unitheoryi like how this becomes -offtopic at night09:11
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a193-229-224-83.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fougdoes anyone know how to enable AUTH SSL and Secure Listing for konqueror?09:11
karatasthis is so much better than windows,i dont know y i didnt use it earlier09:11
mikaraguahow do i boot ubuntu 6.06.1 into text based and not loading the X apps?09:11
karatasoh,any big hackers in here09:12
FruitieXinaynet: have you turned up the volume for your soundcard?09:12
karatasi need help in something09:12
mikaraguacuz im making this ubuntu 6.06 as dns and web server09:12
FruitieXkaratas: how big? xD09:12
MajorPayne!ask | kraut09:12
ubunbenmikaragua: ctrl-alt-F109:12
mikaraguakaratas,  me me me!!!! im wanna be!!! :))09:12
fushehmikaragua: boot into recovery mode?09:12
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karatasu know how to crack programs09:12
inayetFruitieX: through alsamixer ? yes I have. any other suggestions09:12
bicperhaps you should've downloaded the server edition09:12
karatas...or make keygens09:12
mikaraguasorry ubunben im on ssh mode to that server09:12
hihiukaratas: As in progammers?09:12
LukeEkbladHi, whenever I open synoptic package maneger  i get this error message09:12
MajorPayneI am a huge hacker.  ~350 lbs.09:12
FruitieXkaratas: no :P09:12
ubunbenah k09:12
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fushehMajorPayne: sounds hawt.09:13
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mikaraguafusheh, im doing ssh connection to that server now09:13
FruitieXinaynet: what are you tryng to play which doesn't work?09:13
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karatasgood movie09:13
MajorPayneI was just jokeing.09:13
hihiukaratass: That's a cracker, big difference.09:13
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bastid_raZormikaragua, i let my 2nd box boot as if going to use the Xserver then let it sit at that.. then ssh from this box09:13
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karatasim starting a little of both09:13
inayetFruitieX: on alsamixer what does mm and oo stand for ?09:13
FruitieXinaynet: could you try some .ogg file from the examples folder in your home folder? :)09:14
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FruitieXinaynet: I think MM stands for muted09:14
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hihiuWhat is with ubuntu and it's obsession with orange...09:15
FruitieXinaynet not quite sure...09:15
karatasso,any crackers in here09:15
mikaraguadoesnt ubuntu has inittab to edit for text based?09:15
unitheorywho u callin a cracker09:15
FruitieXkaratas: what would you need to crack? :P09:15
inayetFruitieX:  Its amazing, I can hear sound when I played .oog file. why cant I play other files?09:15
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karatasnice one09:15
Sonicadvance1Crackers are tasty09:15
FruitieXinaynet: have you tried mp3 files and they don't work?09:16
karatasi mean some one who cracks programs09:16
karatash4r h4r09:16
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hihiuinayet: You need the codecs to play them.09:16
Sonicadvance1I ment white people09:16
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FruitieXkaratas: yes i meant that09:16
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karatasi know09:16
inayetFruitieX: I have not tried playing mp3 files.09:16
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FruitieXinaynet: what have you tried to play?09:16
hihiuI would tell you how crack just bout all programs, but I hate getting ban for a day from this chat09:16
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karatasok,anyone in here play halo 2 or forza on xbox09:16
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iarwaingoodmorning guys! can anyone help me with a 'kernel panic: attempted to kill init!' ?09:17
mikaragua# The default runlevel.09:17
karatascool cool09:17
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MajorPayneShould I mention #ubuntu-offtopic?09:17
goldfingermafiaanyonke know what cammand i can type in the terminal to download wireshark?09:17
inayethihiu: Can you walk me through installing those codecs please?09:17
mikaraguacant we edit that id:2 to id: something for text based ubuntu?09:17
FruitieXinatnet: what doesn't play when you try to play it?09:17
karatasjust go to add programs and dl it09:17
inayetFruitieX: Mainly, I have gone to youtube.com and video.google.com09:18
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iarwaingoldfingermafia: sudo aptitude install wireshark09:18
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hihiuinayet: Search synaptic for the file type you need to play.09:18
FruitieXinaynet: try installing videodownloader from the firefox plugins site09:18
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FruitieXhe needs to play flvs...09:18
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n2diymikaragua: yes, but you need to research Ubuntu's run levels, they deviate from standard linux run levels.09:18
karatasi got a prob,any help,i cant close a box on my toolbar,09:18
karatasand im getting  .....mad09:19
mikaraguan2diy, what do you mean deviate?09:19
mikaraguaim sorry im not an expert english speaking person09:19
hihiuFruitieX: I have never even heard of those. What are they picture,audio, or video?09:19
inayetHihiu & FruitieX: can you please provide instructions as to how to do this? my knowledge regarding linux is low.09:19
=== sam_ [n=sam@user-5447c43c.wfd92.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iarwainanyone know how to get a Live-CD getting loaded from RAM? followed a guide, but i get a kernel panic09:19
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hihiuinayet: Have you tried google?09:19
FruitieXhihiu: video, used in places llike youtube and google video09:19
n2diymikaragua: on most linux boxes, run level 3 is text mode, multi-user, but that is different in Ubuntu.09:19
sam_how do i add a new radio station to rhythm box09:20
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karatasmine wont even open,says error,your lucky wit what u got09:20
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hihiuinayet: Democracy player can play them. It's in the respitories(sp?)09:20
mikaraguayeah cuz that is what imdoing in fedora/redhat changing it to run level 309:20
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FruitieXinaynet: open firefox, tools, add ons then search for add ons09:20
hihiufedora is so slow for me09:20
=== Cyvros [n=Jordn@C-61-68-165-87.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
inayethihiu: for what should I search google for ?09:21
TypwnHello everyone, maybe someone can help me. Currently I'm using Joystick Calibration and QJoypad but for some reason QJoypad won't recognize the flipper on my PS2 Guitar Hero Controller (which is set as Axis 1). I have it connected by a PS2 to PC adapter, and Joystick Calibration recognizes it completely. Any ideas?09:21
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n2diy! run level09:21
FruitieXinaynet: don't google for anything09:21
FruitieXinaynet: this is a better solution09:21
hihiuinayet: <the file type> in ubuntu09:21
FruitieXinaynet: then look for "popular extensions" in which you can see VideoDownloader. click it09:21
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n2diy! ubotu09:22
FruitieXhihiu: he does not need any codec to play this really...09:22
=== Toam [n=opera@123-2-142-77.static.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyIs the bot ill?09:22
FruitieXhihiu: first he needs a method he can download it with09:22
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hihiuThat will work, and as I said democracy player can download those files directly from youtube and play them and also your files.09:22
karatasok,later peeps09:22
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inayetFruitieX: I am downloading videodownloader, will this help slove the problem of not being able to hear sound on youtube.com or video.google.com09:22
FruitieXmkay, didn't know that one09:22
FruitieXinaynet: it's possible09:23
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hihiuI use it all the time, google it/search for it in synaptic09:23
goldfingermafiaanyoe run wireshark? i need it to show my drivers for my network card09:23
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n2diygoldfingermafia: whats wrong with lsmod?09:24
bruenig|laptopwireshark is not needed for that09:24
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fushehmikaragua: any luck?09:24
FruitieXhihiu: thanks for letting me know about democracy player :)09:24
goldfingermafiaim on a macbook when i go cature-> option it wont show my card09:24
goldfingermafiai gave up on kismet lol09:24
TypwnHello everyone, maybe someone can help me. Currently I'm using Joystick Calibration and QJoypad but for some reason QJoypad won't recognize the flipper on my PS2 Guitar Hero Controller (which is set as Axis 1). I have it connected by a PS2 to PC adapter, and Joystick Calibration recognizes it completely. Any ideas?09:24
=== kendrick [n=kendrick@208-106-1-215.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ToamI just installed Ubuntu and my apps close randomly and it logs out at random... anyone have any idea why??09:25
kendrickif i wanted to ask apt what packages are required to build something, what would i do?09:25
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kendrickbuild-dep actually wants to download and install them. and, well, i already HAVE them09:25
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hihiuFruitieX: welcomez09:25
iarwainkendrick: apt-cache depends package_name?09:25
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kendrickbut i'm trying to list the required dev packages to build a program from source09:25
jason__anyone here use beryl ?09:26
kendrickiarwain: what about for compiling, though?09:26
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iarwainkendrick: don't know if that works for compiling i think09:26
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kendrickdoesn't seem to :(09:26
iarwainkendrick: doesn't it say on the req. on the site where you got it from?09:26
kendricki'm the author09:26
iarwainkendrick: :$ xD09:26
FruitieXinaynet: so what you should do now is to enable videodownloader (i think it's already enabled), restart firefox, search for a video, click the videodownloader icon in the lower right corner, click download .flv in the window that pops up and open the .flv file with your favorite mediaplayer09:26
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r0b-Ubuntu FTW!09:27
mattyrigby00anyone know any possible reason why pulseaudio keeps randomly well "disconnecting" whenever i watch videos which are in flash using firefox... but my usb headset has a light which flashes when pulseaudio is still up and its still flashing09:27
kendrickbut i'm losing track. i want to give people the _exact_ list of packages in ubuntu that they need09:27
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kendrickand not look like a jackass for forgettign something09:27
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iarwainkendrick: i don't know how to do that, but perhaps someone can install it on his pc for you, and tell you what packages he needs09:27
mattyrigby00only thing ive changed is adding vista on so i triple boot now... maybe thats the problem XD09:28
Wiseguyhey guys, does anyone know of any hard drive diagnositc utilities that are fairly reliable?09:28
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n2diykendrick: you might find your answer in #bzr, they are working on a cvs, svn type stuff for Ubuntu.09:28
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MajorPayneDoes anyone know if there is a way to have the Gnome workspaces wrap around.  So if I am on the first and I want to go to the last I can just hit Ctrl+Alt+left?09:29
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HawkinsI've done hours of work trying to get my ATI Radeon X850 work. I'm at point where 3D-acceleration is OK but I just cannot get the resolution I want. I've tried every trick seen here and checked fixresolution community page but nothing helped. I was told as last solution to install drivers from source but I cannot find guide for that. Any help ?09:29
iarwaincan anyone help me with a kernel panic?09:29
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kendrickdebian/rules :)09:29
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kendrickthx, cya!09:29
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iarwainHawkins: did your resolution work before 3D-accel?09:30
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Xyc0I really have to admit, the test versions are more stable this time around09:31
Xyc0either that means we are getting better, or we aren't adding enough :P09:31
CyvrosToam: Hi, tom.09:32
Hawkinsiarwain, Yes eventually. From the box I only had 640x480 and 800x60009:32
ToamHi, Cyvros.09:32
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iarwainHawkins: try adding the resolutions you want to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:32
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Hawkinsiarwain, That was the first trick I tried but my xorg.conf has _only_ 1280x960 which I want to use but System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution has tons of options but _not_ the only one in xorg.conf09:33
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willzzzi'm having compiz problems09:34
willzzzcompiz fusion wiki....09:34
willzzzErrors were encountered while processing:09:34
willzzz /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.1+git20070706~3v1ubuntu3_i386.deb09:34
willzzzE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:34
InHisNameI have installed samba. What minimum do I change in smb.conf so I can browse the windows workgroup and drag/copy files from there to ubuntu ?09:34
iarwainHawkins: did you add that resolution to all the subsections in the Screen section?09:35
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bruenig|laptop!compiz | willzzz also may be a #ubuntu+1 issue if you are on gutsy09:36
Hawkinsiarwain, Yes I did. I've banged my head into wall for roughly total 20 hours trying get that resolution right09:36
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mattyrigby00anyone got any idea why using flash and java in firefox both make me "lose connection"  to pulseaudio? asoon as i load a java/flash page i "lose connection" to pulse audio, but if i ctrl alt f1 to a terminal and do /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start it says its running, but when i ctrl alt f7 back to my desktop it is "lost connection" till i reload it09:36
willzzzi'm on feisty seems to be a pkg problem09:36
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bruenig|laptopwillzzz, I don't believe compiz-fusion is in the repos, therefore you are dealing with third party vendors, such dealings are technically unsupported09:37
jtonghi all09:37
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jtonghaving some problems with my logitech keyboad/mouse09:38
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bruenig|laptopwillzzz, it does appear to be a script error, so I would have a look at the script and see what the problem is09:38
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iarwainHawkins: don't know really. So you did have 1280x1024 before 3d-accel, and after 3d-accell you lost that resolution?09:38
jtongwhen i plugged in the usb for both kb/mouse, ubuntu only recoginzes the keyboard09:38
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aroonihey folks, which is better on a thinkpad:  # ntel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 *OR* # nVidia Quadro NVS 140m (128 MB)09:39
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tsairox_anybody know about portforwarding in ubuntu? I'm trying to use a P2P program Azureus. I followed the steps from http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/NAT_problem to the letter and I still don't have a good connection.  Help?09:39
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fougdoes anyone know how to enable AUTH SSL and Secure Listing for konqueror?09:39
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mattyrigby00im going back to windows cos this bug with pulseaudio means i cant do what i use my pc for :(09:39
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Hawkinsiarwain, Correct. Now I have some really akward resolutions instead like 864x648 and 1792x134409:41
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n2diymattyrigby00, why would you want to go back to living in a cage, when you could be free to explore?09:41
iarwainHawkins: wth :D Can't you find those resolution anywhere in xorg.conf? or a beryl conf? (don't know where beryl stores it files)09:41
Sonicadvance1he's gon09:42
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=== Sonicadvance1 slaps tsairox_
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n2diygone, and he can't go on. Oh well.09:43
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Sonicadvance1Well, as long as he stays in the cage this time09:43
n2diySonicadvance1: I suspect he'll escape again! :)09:44
Hawkinsiarwain, I do not have Beryl but in xorg.conf I have only 1280x960 in every depth and in screen resolution drop menu in preferences I have 15 different resolutions ranging from 640x480 to 2048x1539 and of none is the one in xorg.conf09:44
Sonicadvance1oh no!09:44
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Sonicadvance1We must weld the cage shut!09:44
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n2diySonicadvance1: My sister kept a rescued Rhiesus (sp) for two decades, welded cages couldn't contain him.09:45
unitheoryumm does anyone know how to edit the menu items available without using the menu?09:46
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Sonicadvance1a rhiesus?09:46
iarwainHawkins: do you have EVERY resolutions except the 1280 one? otherwise you can try replacing it with a 800x640 and perhaps then select the right resolution in the drop down menu? just a guess though09:46
Sonicadvance1like..the candy spelled wrong?09:46
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n2diySonicadvance1: My sister kept a rescued Rhiesus monkey.09:46
LukeEkbladHi, I really need help!09:46
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Sonicadvance1Never heard of them09:47
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LukeEkbladI try to open the add/remove thing and this error message comes up and i cant open it09:47
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madamhello all; do you happen to know whether the the infamous /dev/null bug has been fixed?09:47
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madami mean perms of /dev/null changing all the time09:47
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jtonganyone know from where does the info in /proc/bus/input/devices come from?09:48
Trogdor36341280x1024 is not a standard 3:4 ratio screen - I believe it's the only one that has a ratio of more than 3:4 (widescreen's ratio is less)09:48
Hawkinsiarwain, That's pretty much right. I have 1280x720 and 1280x1024 but not the 1280x960 in between. I'll try what you suggested now09:48
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fougwhere do i go to configure ftp settings in konqueror?09:48
Trogdor3634well, disregard then :)09:48
ubunbenhas anyone here successfully installed vmware-server via apt-get in feisty fawn?09:48
n2diySonicadvance1: Rhesus monkey.09:49
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madamjtong: from the kernel i guess09:49
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iarwainso, no one knows anything about a kernel panic?09:49
askandWhen I write iwconfig, I get three things.. lo, eth0 and eth1  and eth1 seems to be the wlan..wht is it not called wlan0?09:49
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ubunbenwhen did this kernel panic occur?09:50
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n2diySonicadvance1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhesus_macaque09:50
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iarwainubunben: i must say that i'm trying to boot a live-cd from my ram. following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM09:50
jtongmadam: i plug in a usb device and cat /proc/bus/input/devices is not giving me the correct output09:51
fougwhere do i go to configure ftp settings in konqueror?09:51
mikaraguais shorewall easy to handle when applied to ubuntu 6.06.1?09:51
madamjtong: what about lsusb?09:51
ben_if u type "sudo -i" into terminal are you considered as being logged in as root user?09:51
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iarwainubunben: the error that bothers me is the "init 147: can't open /scripts/iarwain/boot_to_ram/casper" because i have my folder in ~/boot_to_ram instead of /09:51
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Sonicadvance1I see09:51
ubunbenmikaragua: shorewall is fairly easy to setup, follow the docs for two interface at shorewall.net09:51
Sonicadvance1Marmoset monkeys are better09:52
jtongmadam: nothing from lsusb09:52
askandI have troubles with my wlan..When I write iwconfig, I get three things.. lo, eth0 and eth1  and eth1 seems to be the wlan..wht is it not called wlan0?09:52
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LukeEkbladWhen i open the add/remoce thing, this error message comes up and i cant open it09:52
LukeEkbladPleas help !09:52
mikaraguaubunben, ok.im taking precaution cuz just like automatix ,people in here wont recommend it09:52
ubunbeniarwain: hmm that is a strange error09:52
madamjtong: perhaps the bus driver (ohci, ...) isn't loaded09:52
iarwainubunben: i think it can also be my grub entry, care to take a look? :)09:53
jtongmadam: i loaded uhci manually09:53
madamaskand: does it matter to you?09:53
ubunbenwhy wouldn't they recommend it? although to be honest, shorewall was flawless on gentoo but i did have some hassles on ubuntu 6.1009:53
ubunbeniarwain: how did you set grub up?09:53
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=== ubunben assuming you use Grub
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madamjtong: i'd try ehci_hcd09:54
jtongmadam: i had it working on my kubuntu laptop09:54
=== ubunben slaps you if you don't
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askandmadam: hrm well it isnt working..09:54
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jtongmadam: ehci is loaded too09:55
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madamaskand: to my understanding it should be called ethX anyways, so that's not a symptom09:55
iarwainubunben: this is my complete Grub menu.lst http://pastebin.ca/61009809:55
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unitheorydoes anyone know how to edit the menu items available without using the menu? i think i accidentally removed the preferences menu.09:56
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jtongmadam: dmesg in kubuntu shows the usb used uhci_hcd so i loaded that on my ubuntu desktop09:56
LukeEkbladI have a question, can I do like a system restor?09:56
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g[r] eekhi my server edition of feisty doesnt get far in install - "Trying to enable frame buffer..." - then nothing09:58
ubunbeniarwain: that is one ugly grub boot file ... i have never played with booting from RAM, but the rest looks OK, is the ram bit where it fails?09:58
elikive problem with printer hp deskjet 5150 it cuts letters in different places depending on font style09:58
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iarwainubunben: =(09:58
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iarwainubunben: the RAM is the failing part, yes09:58
SeaGateIsNotcould anyone help me with a xserver problem, I'm running ubuntu 7.04, and a Radeon X300 Series via VGA, the problem occurred when i installed beryl, i already tried reconfiguring X, and no success, any suggestions?09:58
HawkinsI tried putting 640x480 into xorg.conf and restarted X, voila only that resolution to choose from. I tried 1600x1200 the same thing. Good I though. I'll just put 1280x960 again and it'll do the same trick. Wrong, now I have again the same 15 odd resolutions but 1280x960 isn't there09:58
webart7can anyone help me with shell trix -- eg to get the name of the parent folder09:58
SeaGateIsNotcould anyone help me with a xserver problem, I'm running ubuntu 7.04, and a Radeon X300 Series via VGA, the problem occurred when i installed beryl, i already tried reconfiguring X, and no success, any suggestions?09:59
ubunbeng[r] eek: try the cmd: nofb if you can, i don't know what you are tyring to install from09:59
webart7so I can fix this script: http://lateral.netmanagers.com.ar/stories/36.html09:59
webart7e.g. I want  $svname to be derived by the script --> http://rafb.net/p/SVeMf883.html09:59
ubunbenwebart7: pwd09:59
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mikaraguabtw, in ubuntu 6.06.1 which file should i edit to not load sshd and apache when booting?10:00
webart7pwd works in an interactive shell but ...10:00
g[r] eekubunben: its an iso downloaded from the website, burnt to cd10:00
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ubunbeniarwain: just wondering if you need another / before iarwain => boot=iarwain/boot_to_ram/casper splash10:00
g[r] eekubunben: ah ok it took a while but its now at the "choose language" screen10:00
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iarwainubunben: i don't think so, because in the guide there wasn't one aswell. Also, init states it can't open /scripts/iarwain/... so it adds an / automatically10:01
askandshould ndiswrapper be in /etc/modules if I am using ndiswrapper?10:01
arooniis there a way to sync my google calendar data to an offline client (evolution etc..) somehow?  thanx!10:01
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ubunbeniarwain: k, been to ubuntu forums?10:02
iarwainubunben: i have, also started a thread10:02
ubunbenah k10:02
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Hawkinsiarwain, I tried putting 640x480 into xorg.conf and restarted X, voila only that resolution to choose from. I tried 1600x1200 the same thing. Good I thought. I'll just put 1280x960 again and it'll do the same trick. Wrong, now I have again the same 15 odd resolutions but 1280x960 isn't there10:03
elikhi, ive problem with my printer hp deskjet 5150, when i plugged it in system recognize and install it, but ive problem with printing it cuts letters depending on fonts style, is this soemething with driver or with font? how can i handle this?10:03
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g[r] eekubunben: now it has stalled at the "detecting hardware to find cd-rom drives" screen10:03
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g[r] eekubunben: bear in mind this is feisty server. i installed dapper server on this same machine and it worked perfectly10:04
iarwainHawkins: sounds strange to me.. I don't know anything else that could be of any assistance though10:04
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Hawkinsiarwain, don't worry. About 20 people have tried to help me but nobody has found the solution. Thank you for trying =)10:05
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iarwainHawkins: too bad it won't work out for you :s10:05
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g[r] eekubunben: now it has stalled permanently on "loading module 'trm290' for 'IDE chipset support'..."10:06
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g[r] eekubunben: and this looks very similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8657810:07
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LukeEkbladCan someone PLEAS help me10:07
askandLukeEkblad: with?10:08
gordonjcpLukeEkblad: not if you don't ask a question10:08
LukeEkbladI try to open the add/remove thing but an error message comes up and i  cant run it10:08
askandLukeEkblad: what error?10:08
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Frogzoog[r] eek: have you tried 'acpi=off' ?10:08
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LukeEkbladI cant copy and paist it for some reason10:08
g[r] eekFrogzoo: would i set that right at the beginning in the cd-rom's boot menu?10:08
g[r] eekFrogzoo: let me try one sec10:09
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Frogzoog[r] eek: yep - pass as a kernel option from grub10:09
BlueLagunaIf the vim package isn't installed by default, what opens when I use vim before installing the package?10:09
g[r] eekFrogzoo: while it reboots... why would dapper work perfectly and not feisty (which was released later)?10:09
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g[r] eekarg10:11
g[r] eeksame error with acpi=off10:11
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corevetteLukeEkblad: either make a screenshot or write it all out10:11
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goldfingermafiahow do i get my wireless drivers to work for other programs? i have a macbook, i got them to work using madwifi10:12
LukeEkbladthis is a major failur of your software management system.  pleas check for brocken packeges with sypaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/ect/apt/sources.list' and relead the software information with: 'sudo aptget update' and 'sudo aptget install f'10:12
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gnomefreakLukeEkblad: sudo apt-get update  let me know if it errors10:13
n2diyLukeEkblad: who you talking to?10:13
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LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   What?10:14
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goldfingermafiaanyone know how i get wifi drivers to work for other programs10:14
corentinHi all :)10:14
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: open terminal and type sudo apt-get update10:14
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: let me know of errors10:14
askandI have installed BCM4318 with ndiswrapper and blacklisted bcm43xx... and now iwconfig just gives me lo and eth0.. but ndiswrapper tells me that driver and hardware is present..10:14
n2diyLukeEkblad: ok, so it isn't my,(as in your) software, but "the" software in general?10:14
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:14
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LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   yup, it errored10:14
LukeEkbladthe new one10:14
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: can i have an error or 2?10:15
corentingoldfingermafia: what do you mean exactly ?10:15
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LukeEkbladE: Type 'mQGiBESfI64RBAC+CSSPbUzfo5RzoGrkuYGcmj/0mBS66QgaehMbd4Czbl32loMI' is not known on line 46 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:15
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sotlefhi all, anyone know where i can get more skins for mplayer?10:15
goldfingermafia<corentin> im trying to use wireshark, my wifi works fine as of now on ubuntu but it isnt reconized as an option to use in wireshark10:15
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gnomefreakLukeEkblad: can you please put your /etc/apt/sources.list file on pastebin10:16
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LukeEkbladwhats that again? like whats the url?10:16
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: <hint> line 46 in that file is messed up10:16
ubunbensotlef: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html10:16
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: pastebin.nl10:16
ubunbenskins section10:17
goldfingermafiacorentin: im tyring to get wireshark to reconize my card10:17
corentingoldfingermafia: did you try to restart your session ? reboot ?10:17
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iarwainubunben: could it be that the boot= option is somehow messed up? i can't find anything in the Grub manual, but shouldn't i somewhere put a /dev/something in front of it?10:17
n2diygnomefreak: pastebin hasn't worked for me in four hours, should the ops be notified, or are you one of them?10:17
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ubunbensotlef: specific howto => http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/gui.html10:17
iarwainn2diy: it works for me. pastebin.ca ?10:18
goldfingermafiacorentin:  yes, when i go to select a wifi card nothing come up at all? but i can type in wahtever i want to10:18
gnomefreakn2diy: no i will tell the person ty10:18
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: try pastebin.ca10:18
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   um, can you send me a link?  i'm a noooob10:18
ubunbeniarwain: no idea with boot_from_ram ...10:18
n2diygnomefreak: iarwain, correction, I meant the ubotu.10:18
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gnomefreakkuroaisu: open browser and type pastebin.ca than hit enter10:18
iarwainubunben: it's just the path to the casper dir10:18
gnomefreakn2diy: ah ok10:18
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iarwainn2diy: could be, long time i have seen him ^^10:18
sotlefubungen: thank you very much :)10:18
corentingoldfingermafia: do you try to launch wireshark as root ?10:19
goldfingermafiacorentin: never mind i jsut had to start it as root, but do you ahve anydiea waht one i select, or how i make eth0 my card, i use madwifi to configure my card10:19
goldfingermafiacorentin: im using a macbook10:19
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LukeEkbladum, when i put /etc/apt/sources.list in the termemal, i get this error msg: /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
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askandI have installed BCM4318 with ndiswrapper and blacklisted bcm43xx... and now iwconfig just gives me lo and eth0.. but ndiswrapper tells me that driver and hardware is present..10:20
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:21
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freeagyhay i'm using dual boot system xp&feisty. the xp was get down from some virus & spyware....(no chance, only reinstall!)  the question: the supergrubdisk is my friend?10:21
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gnomefreakn2diy: its due to netsplit it looks like10:21
n2diyaskand: did you modprobe for the module?10:21
LukeEkbladhttp://pastebin.ca/610113  :)10:21
gnomefreaknoone rejoined since netsplit hasnt ended10:21
n2diygnomefreak: ok, there have been three or four of those since then.10:22
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: leave the gedit window open10:22
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: from line 46 to the end remove them10:22
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LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   Them?10:23
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corentingoldfingermafia: I didn't understand this  "but do you ahve anydiea waht one i select, or how i make eth0 my card"10:23
LukeEkbladwheres line 46?10:23
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: remove all of http://pastebin.ca/61011710:23
askandn2diy: i modprobed and added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules10:23
CppIsWeirdis there a wireless utility that allows me to adjust the cards power settings and so forth?10:23
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goldfingermafia corentin when i select eth0 it acts liek i have no wifi card, it wont capture anything at all10:24
gnomefreaklook at that and remove everything i pasted from your list line 46 is under the last deb..... line10:24
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   All of that???10:24
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: yes10:24
n2diyaskand: ok, and ifconfig doesn't so wlanX?10:24
gnomefreakLundn: leave the lines that start with word deb10:24
jtonganyone know how i can deselect some modules currently loading at bootup?10:24
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: leave all lines that start with word deb alone10:24
gnomefreakjust remove the none deb lines10:24
corentingoldfingermafia: if you use madwifi then you have an atheros chipset right ? so it should be ath0 and not eth0 ... am I wrong ?10:25
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: i dont know who gave you the idea to add that to your list but you shouldnt have10:25
n2diyaskand: ok, what happens with ifup wlanX?10:25
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LukeEkbladdeleat everything from mQGiBESfI64RBAC+CSSPbUzfo5RzoGrkuYGcmj/0mBS66QgaehMbd4Czbl32loMI down?10:25
askandn2diy: should I write that?10:25
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goldfingermafiacorentin: ah ok that is waht i ment, lol thanks im new to all this so ty very much for all your help10:25
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: yes10:25
n2diyaskand: in a terminal, yes, without the ?10:26
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CorpseFeederWhat's grub error 17?10:26
goldfingermafiawhat are ARP packets?10:26
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: when done save and exit gedit than open terminal and type sudo apt-get update10:26
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: let me know of errors after that10:26
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askandn2diy: sudo ifup wlan0 gives error while getting interface flags: No such device10:27
CppIsWeirdgoldfinger: wireless packets for connecting to a router10:27
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n2diyaskand: ok, what about with out sudo?10:27
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   Yay! thank you!10:27
askandn2diy: permission denied10:28
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:  Another question:  How do i get kiba dock?10:28
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n2diyaskand: ok, does lsmod show the module as loaded?10:28
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gnomefreakLukeEkblad: you build it or find someone with a deb but warning its been broken for a long time now10:28
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:  brocken?10:29
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: broken10:29
askandn2diy: it shows in the list but..under Used: it says 0?10:29
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:  so i cant get it?10:29
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: the devel for it upstream introduced alot of bugs :(10:29
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gnomefreakLukeEkblad: you can but you have to find  someone with it or build it. see #ubuntu-effects for more info on it10:30
n2diyaskand: ok, what happens with ifdown wlanX?10:30
LukeEkbladhttp://wolphination.com/linux/2007/06/03/kiba-dockthe-interactive-dock-toolbar-redefined/   thats what messed me up10:30
LukeEkbladIt told me to add those things, look at it10:30
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askandn2diy:  interface wlan0 not configured10:30
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CorpseFeederok... grub error 17  is "17 : Cannot mount selected partition This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB." so why???? All I did was install Ubuntu Studio then installed Ubuntu Edgy on a separate partition. Why should grub not recognise the fielsystem type?10:31
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:  wait, how do i build it?10:31
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hihi1Does any one actually use KDE? It's so.... bad.10:31
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n2diyaskand: ok, can you find it with lshw?10:32
Holty101hi guys can anyone please help i dont know what to do im a newb and am getting this error while running this command sudo apt-get update10:32
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Holty101E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:32
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: ask in #ubuntu-effects building it is a bit hard to explain just add the 2 tuxfamily repos install the 3 kiba apps and use it but be warned it may not work as expected10:32
gnomefreakHolty101: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:32
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gnomefreakHolty101: <hint> re the error10:33
CorpseFeederWhy am I getting grub error 17??? all my partitions are ext3 or swap10:33
gnomefreakread even10:33
Holty101yes done that but nothing happens10:33
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askandn2diy: yes,..network controller?10:33
gnomefreakHolty101: sudo apt-get update10:33
gnomefreak!grub | CorpseFeeder10:33
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hihi1How do you get your home folder on your desktop?10:33
gnomefreakCorpseFeeder: go to wiki.ubuntu.com and search for grub10:33
n2diyaskand: and that is the only network device, no eth0 right?10:33
gnomefreakhihi1: drag and drop it from menus should work10:34
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corentingoldfingermafia: does it work now ?10:34
Holty101done that still nothing10:34
LukeEkbladgnomefreak:   Thanks so much!10:34
gnomefreakLukeEkblad: yw10:34
gnomefreakHolty101: what are you doing when you get that error10:34
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gnomefreakHolty101: its seems you are not getting it anymore10:34
Holty101sudo apt-get update10:34
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saul11I'm a bit reluctant about installing ubuntu next to my windows. I want to keep windows to get used to ubuntu in steps. Now I have an extra HDD empty for ubuntu. Can you assure me that when I select the new HDD in the install step 6 (I believe it was) ubuntu will not touch the data on my other HDDs?10:34
GenNMXHmmm, how do I get Firefox or another browser to show what headers and body its sending on a POST request?10:34
gnomefreakHolty101: than if it didnt error on apt-get update you are fine :)10:35
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saul11I guess ubuntu will format the drive10:35
saul11an make it FAT3210:35
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saul11my other drives are all NTFS10:35
gnomefreaksaul11: ubuntu will not make a vfat FS on installing as it doesnt use it10:35
askandn2diy:hrm.. I have a ethernet interface too..its "logical name" is eth010:35
gnomefreaksaul11: gparted will help with that once installed10:36
Holty101everytime i type something it comes back with nothing now10:36
hihi1saul11: Don't use fat32, you can only have a file up to like 4 gigs or something.10:36
saul11gnomefreak, euhms that sounds chineese to me :(10:36
asc-saul11: There will always be a 'do you want to erase this [drive/partition] ' message before it formats something.10:36
n2diyaskand: so, lshw finds eth0, but not wlan0?10:36
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gnomefreakHolty101: try installing something10:37
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gnomefreakHolty101: sudo apt-get install $10:37
gnomefreakreplace $ witha  package name10:37
Holty101i want to install thunderbird whats the command10:37
gnomefreakHolty101: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird10:37
saul11hihi1, I thought ubuntu could only use FAT3210:37
asc-saul11: It's possible that you can't use fat32 for system files because it doesn't support permissions.10:37
saul11what do you recommand then?10:37
askandn2diy: thats right10:37
gnomefreakHolty101: assuming you are on feisty10:37
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Holty101nothing just goes to10:37
hihi1saul11: ext3, the Linux file system.10:38
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gnomefreakHolty101: hit ctrl+c buttons10:38
netdaemonwhat version of suspend does ubuntu use?10:38
gnomefreakHolty101: you had a command screwed up thats why you got the >10:38
asc-saul11: ext3 is the most commonly used file system for Linux. Windows can't read it by default though.10:38
saul11can that read and write on NTFS?10:38
Holty101ok what next try installing again?10:38
n2diyaskand: ok, so wlan0 isn't working, double check you have the right module/driver for it, in then insmod it.10:38
gnomefreakHolty101: sudo apt-get update10:38
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gnomefreakHolty101: dies it error?10:38
Holty101same error10:39
Holty101E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:39
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asc-saul11: Ubuntu can read and write to NTFS if you install some package. It's not officially 'stable' yet, but I've not heard of anybody having trouble with it.10:39
gnomefreakHolty101: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:39
saul11because I have windows still on my system nest to ubuntu I would like both being able to read files that I edit from each OS10:39
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askand n2diy: im using ndiswrapper for it10:39
saul11asc-, sweet, that's good news10:39
gnomefreakHolty101: it sould be installing things10:39
=== asc- pats the bot.
gnomefreakasc-: bots down10:39
Holty101awsome didnt error this time10:40
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gnomefreakHolty101: your fixed10:40
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asc-oh noes10:40
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Holty101awsome thanks a lot much apriciated guys10:40
asc-Anybody have a link to that program that lets windows read-write ext2?10:40
n2diyaskand: ok, I'm not familiar with ndiswrapper, or how it plays, but that's where I'd look for the problem.10:40
Holty101gnomefreak thanks a lot10:40
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asc-nm, got it10:41
asc-saul11: You can apparently use this program to read and write to ext2/3 from windows: http://www.fs-driver.org/10:41
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asc-driver, even10:42
saul11so, again, when installing, and selecting the new empty HDD, ubuntu willl do the rest and won't touch the other drives (except from setting up the boot loader). Will ubuntu make it ext3 or do I have to specify that manually? And will ubuntu take the whole HDD I assigned to it?10:42
saul11asc-, thanks10:42
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asc-saul11: You'll have the opportunity to set up partitions if you want to.10:43
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asc-saul11: Uh, you'll also be able to select the filesystem if you want. Ext3 should be the default.10:45
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saul11I guess I just have a look at the installer again. Is there any other filesystem I could use that works better in combination with windows?10:46
^tiNee^whats a good bittorrent client?10:46
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asc-saul11: Probably not... windows isn't real big on compatability.10:47
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kane77gedit doesnt seem to have good channel so I ask here.. how can I make it highlight blocks of code (beginning/end) in ruby?10:48
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asc-tiNee: Azureus if you like lots of features. Bittornado if you want more than gnome-btdownload but a lot less than azureus.10:48
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goldfingermafiawhat can i type in the command line to get aircrack?10:48
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asc-goldfingermafia: sudo apt-get install aircrack10:48
goldfingermafiaasc-: ty10:48
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^tiNee^ty asc10:48
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lkthomasguys, how could I config proftpd that not to show a specific dir to ftp user ?10:51
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Trogdor3634/Bin/sh:can't acces tty;job control turned off10:52
Trogdor3634(initramfs) [115.862422]  ata1:port failed to respond (30secs,status 0xd0)10:52
gnomefreakCANI: please dont do that10:52
Trogdor3634PROBLEM SOLVED!!!10:52
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BlendArtwhen trying to open a file with hex editor I get a "Could not add application to the database"?10:52
Trogdor3634I found a "Fast boot" option in BIOS that "skipped some compatibility steps"10:52
Trogdor3634Now I can get my LIVECD to boot again10:52
Trogdor3634after disabling it10:53
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gnomefreakCANI: #ubuntu-es10:53
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asc-saul11: The package you want in order to use NTFS partitions from Ubuntu is "ntfs-3g"... creating interoperability between windows and linux is strong magic, though.10:53
Trogdor3634flusheh: this is Squalish from before btw10:53
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kane77if I upgrade my processor (currently I have athlon64 3800+) to athlon X2 5000 will ubuntu run without reinstalling (with dual-core support)?10:53
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gnomefreakkane77: if you are using the -generice kernel it should but depends if you are running 64 now and moving to 32 with new proc10:54
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kane77gnomefreak, no I'm running 64 kernel and am planning to stay on 6410:55
gnomefreakkane77: you should be fine than10:55
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spikebhmm what happened to the bot10:55
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kane77gnomefreak, and will it run dualcore?10:55
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gnomefreakkane77: yes -generic kernel has smp10:56
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kane77yahoo!! (no ad intended :) )10:56
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Trogdor3634! es | CANI10:56
Trogdor3634!es | CANI10:57
g[r] eekhi what's the danger in temporarily enabling edgy-backport in sources.list when using dapper drake server - just to install postresql 8.2 (dapper backports only support up to 8.1).10:57
gnomefreakTrogdor3634: hes gone and the bot is gone10:57
chealdo_hi everybody do you know how to install usb genius scanner?10:57
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gnomefreakg[r] eek: its a good way to screw up your system10:58
BlendArtwhen trying to open a file with hex editor I get a "Could not add application to the database"?10:58
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g[r] eekgnomefreak :/10:59
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Lorne_Kunhow do i figure out what's wrong with gnome-terminal -_-10:59
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Lorne_Kunit will no longer launch10:59
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gnomefreakLorne_Kun: error in anoter console?11:00
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g[r] eekgnomefreak: my predicament: dapper server has lts (hoorah). everything in my development stack works perfectly. excep, dapper only supports up to postgresql8.1, and my app depends on 8.2 for jdbc reasons11:00
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g[r] eekgnomefreak: what is the likelihood of dapper's backports being updated to include postgresql8.2 in the near future? since its got 5 year lts and all...11:01
Lorne_Kungnomefreak: would you like me to PM you the output when i try and run gnome-terminal from another console app?11:01
gnomefreakg[r] eek: than maybe wait for next point release of dapper11:01
gnomefreakLorne_Kun: sure11:01
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gnomefreakLorne_Kun: pastebin is always better11:01
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reed926hello, I am attempting to get the vncserver to automatically start after it has booted to the login screen. Is that possible? or can it only be upon loging in ?11:02
f4rbr0r^KaLL3omg.. why did the font on firefox change when i installed and tried kubuntu-desktop? I have tried almost every possible font, but still this looks like crap :(11:02
Lorne_Kunk one sec11:02
g[r] eekgnomefreak: point release?11:02
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gnomefreakf[yes like dapper is now 6.06.111:03
g[r] eekas in, 6.06.1?11:03
g[r] eek.1 being the current point release?11:03
gnomefreakg[r] eek: ^^^11:03
g[r] eekhehe11:03
g[r] eekok11:03
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g[r] eekthanks11:03
g[r] eekflyes11:03
gnomefreakwe are talking about .2 the past few weeks11:03
g[r] eekgreat!11:03
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Myrttithe bot is having a vacation atm11:05
vltHello. I have two identical machines running Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 (ntp-server installed) but different time. One machine is a few seconds behind UTC. What could be wrong there?11:05
Lorne_Kungnomefreak: http://pastebin.ca/61016211:05
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gnomefreakLorne_Kun: file a bug on that please11:06
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f4rbr0r^KaLL3why did the font on firefox change when i installed and tried kubuntu-desktop? I have tried almost every possible font, but still this looks like crap :(11:06
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KennyKixhey all, i've just installed ubuntu from the alternative cd and after reboot it displays "Error Loading Operating System"...i'm new to linux and have no idea where to start...any help would be appreciated.11:07
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ari_stressKennyKix: could be a defect disc?11:10
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ari_stressKennyKix: better check the md5sum before burning the cd11:10
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KennyKixbut wouldnt the disc be unreadable in that case?11:11
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Lorne_Kuntheres already a bug report been filed :)11:11
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ari_stressKennyKix: not necessarily. could be only a part of it that is corrupt11:11
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KennyKixalrighty then...11:12
andcoranyone knows how to make lircd recognice the hauppauge remote. It doesn't make an /dev/lirc0 input device11:12
KennyKixLorne_Kun: was that directed at my problem?11:12
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Lorne_Kunsorry, it was about my problem :p11:12
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KennyKixLorne_Kun: fair enough. :)11:13
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ari_stressKennyKix: is there any specific need of using alternate cd?11:13
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KennyKixari_stress: live cd didnt work last time i tried...i've just made some grub changes if this doesnt help i'll use this live cd installer and see how i go11:15
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f4rbr0r^KaLL3why did the font on firefox change when i installed and tried kubuntu-desktop? I have tried almost every possible font, but still this looks like crap :(11:16
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CorpseFeederdoes feisty store the grub boot info in a different place to edgy? The available kernels versions which show up in the grub menu when my computer boots is totally different to that which is listed in my menu.lst file????11:17
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CorpseFeederwhat't up with that?11:17
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n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: I think you answered your own question?11:17
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, huh?11:18
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n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: what else changed, when the font did, huh?11:18
gsevilwhat's packages do i need to compile a program11:18
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, i did not notice anything else changing11:19
Wiseguygsevil, build-essential11:19
reed926do you think that someone could point me into the direction of where to find information on getting VNC Server to start when the system boots to the login screen? I am attempting to make a headless unit and I can't find any answers to this question. I found the stuff about making Resumable sessions, but that does not exactly help me11:19
Frogzoogsevil: build-essential11:19
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n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: no? you didn't change anything else?11:19
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gsevilI've installed that11:19
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, no, i did nto11:19
CorpseFeederLet me rephrase that. I have Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 installed with Ubuntu Studio 7.04 installed afterwards... When I boot into 6.10 and look at /boot/grub/menu.lst it only shows the 6.10 menu items and none of the 7.04 items? So where are the missing menu entries hiding?11:20
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vegai have dual nvidia and 2 dell monitors what to use Xinerama or TwinView11:20
loca|hosthello all11:20
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TheDarkKillerHey. I know this question have been answered alot of times before, but recently, my Windows XP computer went down, and I am now trying to install Windows on my Ubuntu computer with dualboot. I have looked on the forums, every post saying that I need to install Windows _FIRST_. I already have a Ubuntu partition, and I want XP on another partition. Please point me in the right direction.11:20
n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: gee, I thought you said the problem occured when you loaded kubuntu?11:21
FrogzooCorpseFeeder: you have a separate /boot/grub/menu.lst for both 6.10 & 7.04 is your problem11:21
asc-reed826: Uh, question. Is the login screen a critical point, or do you just want it to start when the computer starts?11:21
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, omg11:21
CorpseFeederAlso.. is there any way for me to see the 7.04 filesystem from within 6.10?11:21
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, what are you trying to say?11:21
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sledgeashello, i have a brand new santa rosa i965 HP 6710b laptop and on X/Ubuntu 7.04 after CD boot I get: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off11:21
reed926asc-: I just want vnc to start when the computer does11:21
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: it's the same filesystem11:21
n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: you caused the problem?11:21
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vegai have dual nvidia and 2 dell monitors what to use Xinerama or TwinView11:22
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, by installing kubuntu?11:22
n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: it looks like that, no?11:22
loca|hosti can't mount my memorystick when plugged into my laptop card reader, i have this in /var/log/messages: "kernel: [ 1391.924000]  tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:0", and nothing else indicating the device name or the mountpoint ...11:22
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, for fucks sake11:22
Trogdor3634sledgeas: Search your BIOS for a 'fast boost' option and disable it11:22
n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: no need to curse.11:22
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sledgeasTrogdor3634: ok, trying11:22
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, i was asking a way to correct this and you just give some shit11:23
f4rbr0r^KaLL3"you did it, you installed kubuntu!"11:23
Trogdor3634sledgeas: after that, there are a large number of tweaks, that's how I solved mine an hour ago, nothing else would work11:23
sledgeasTrogdor3634: fast boot?11:23
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asc-reed826: Okay, I'm just going to try and figure out what the heck vnc is. Probably I can't help at all, but we'll see. ;p11:23
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, don't speak if you don't have anything constructive to say11:23
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n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: that is when your problem started, or you aren't telling the whole story.11:23
reed926it is a GUI way of Viewing another computer's desktop11:24
CorpseFeederif it's the same filesystem, how come nothing from my 7.04 filesystem shows up in 6.10?11:24
vegaany one using dual lcd?11:24
Trogdor3634sledgeas: something along those lines, my Dell box had an option to skip some compatability options to speed the bootup, which was screwing my LiveCD bootup with that error11:24
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, that is why i was asking WHY did the font change when i installed kubuntu...11:24
lousygaruaasc-: i do vnc and nx all day long if u need advice11:24
loca|hostanyone can help ?11:24
loca|hosti can't mount my memorystick when plugged into my laptop card reader, i have this in /var/log/messages: "kernel: [ 1391.924000]  tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:0", and nothing else indicating the device name or the mountpoint ...11:24
gnomefreakf4rbr0r^KaLL3: dont insult people11:24
sledgeasTrogdor3634: is it only for LiveCD issues, later I can re-enable?11:24
f4rbr0r^KaLL3sorry, but that guy insults me11:24
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: is it on the same hard disk? partition? what is your 6.10/7.04 setup11:25
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asc-lousygarua: Probably mostly reed926 does. He wants the VNC server to start with the computer, apparently so people can use the login screen remotely.11:25
n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: and my suggestion is, it changed because you installed kubuntu.11:25
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f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, omg.. are you einstein reborn?11:25
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CorpseFeederlousygarua: they are installed on two different drives11:25
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keyboardashtray/who freenode/staff/*11:25
Trogdor3634sledgeas: not sure, havn't finished installing :P If that doesn't work, options involve: disabling extra floppies, disabling ACPI (a powersaving method) in the BIOS, entering special commands from the console, and a few other things11:25
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lousygaruareed926: asc-: for remote login you can use freenx instead of ubuntu's built in vnc stuff11:25
gnomefreakf4rbr0r^KaLL3: lets not do that again ok11:25
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n2diyf4rbr0r^KaLL3: for every action, there is an equall, and opposite reaction, no?11:26
f4rbr0r^KaLL3gnomefreak, he is insulting me too :)11:26
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lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: on 6.10, did you mount the 7.04 drive?11:26
gnomefreakn2diy: please dont try to help him anymore11:26
highvoltagedoes ubiquity support RAID installations in Feisty?11:26
f4rbr0r^KaLL3n2diy, shut up already11:26
highvoltageI can't find an option for it :/11:26
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asc-reed926: Uh, what he said.11:26
n2diygnomefreak: thank you!11:26
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CorpseFeederlousygarua: it's visible on the desktop, but for some reason it just shows everything on the 6.10 hard drive11:27
RainCTI've just deleted the top panel (wrong button) :/  is there any way to restore it, without having to place everything on it again?11:27
askandANyone here got their BCM4318card working and can help me?11:27
vegahello any body can help with dual monitor?11:27
asc-reed926: http://freenx.berlios.de/info.php has information apparently. Don't ask me how it works though.11:27
asc-lousygarua: Thanks.11:27
keyboardashtray/who freenode/staff11:27
reed926thank you for helping me asc-, I will take a look at it :)11:27
qsheetsHi! I'm trying to install Compiz Fusion and it won't run. I typed in "compiz --replace" in the terminal and the reply was "Fatal: Failed test: texture_from_pixmap support  Checks indicate that it's impossible to start compiz on your system." I have an nVidia GeForce FX 5500 if it helps.11:28
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FrogzooRainCT: nope11:28
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: when u go to the mounted 7,04 drive, and go to your home folder, is it the same as your 6.10 folder?11:28
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CorpseFeederlousygarua: yes.11:28
sledgeasTrogdor3634: there is no such thing in that HP BIOS11:29
lousygaruaasc-: reed926: actually i did install the official NX packages from nomachine.com, although they not "opensource", but they give you three .debs which are instaled easily and it works nicely on my remote server11:29
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kinley<kinley> moin11:30
kinley<kinley> ich arbeite in einer medienagentur und baue gerade an iscsi storage fr xen gste rum11:30
kinley<kinley> weiss jemand ob das openiscsi mpio fhig ist ?11:30
kinley<kinley> also I/O Multipathing untersttzt ?11:30
kinley<kinley> in zusammenarbeit mit xen und ubuntu dapper oder feisty ?11:30
crdlbqsheets, #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion11:30
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: maybe 7.04 installer is very smart and links the 7.04 home folder with the older home folder.11:30
qsheetsthx crdlb11:30
predaeus!de | kinley11:30
RainCTwhere is the network manager?11:30
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lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: so you get easy transition between 6.10 and 7.04, but im' not sure11:31
gnomefreakkinley: join #ubuntu-de11:31
reed926asc-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX I had never heard of FreeNX, and the link to a Debian / Ubuntu version HowTo is down so I googled FreeNX11:31
predaeusach, kinley, frag in #ubuntu-de das hier ist der Englische support channel, bitte nur english hier11:31
gnomefreakkinley: and dont paste in the channel11:31
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Trogdor3634sledgeas: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=478715 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=415009&highlight=control+tty11:32
Trogdor3634sledgeas: there was one more workaround thread, lemme find it11:32
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n2diygnomefreak: why is it so difficult to understand a=b, if you change a, and b changes to, duh?11:32
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gnomefreakn2diy: dont11:33
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lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: if you "ls" inside a folder if will draw symbolic links in cyan so you can check if the 7.04 home folder is actually a link to the old home folder11:33
Trogdor3634sledgeas: here's the other one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588&highlight=control+tty11:33
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reed926asc-: Now I wonder since the wiki says it is not a service, if it automatically starts when the computer starts up.11:34
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CorpseFeederlousygarua: I don't know... but the problem I have is quite stupid - I know my password for my 7.04 partition, but I've forgotten the username since I have not booted into 7.04 for several months - I was hoping if I could see the home folder of 7.04 from 6.10 then I would be able to see the username from the 7.04 home folder.11:34
lousygaruareed926: asc-: it does, and if it doesn't you can make it start on startup11:34
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Trogdor3634sledgeas: it seems to be a conspicuously common problem, something to do with the linux kernal built for 7.04 handles drives mostly, there are over 10k google hits for the first line of the error11:34
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: you can boot the 7.04 in safe mode adn reset your passworrd11:34
pr4bhhello, question: i am trying to install intel drivers, why do i get: configure: error: Must have X server >= 1.3 source tree for mode setting code. Please specify --with-xserver-source error?11:35
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: you just choose the safe mode on grub, and it gets you to a root prompt11:35
lousygaruathen you can change yuor password with the command "passwd <username>"11:35
peter__Hi,  do i need to do any additional configuration except disable firewall to accept incoming udp-sockets?11:35
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CorpseFeederlousygarua: ok.. I didn't know that. I give that a go..11:36
pr4bhhello, question: i am trying to install intel drivers, why do i get: configure: error: Must have X server >= 1.3 source tree for mode setting code. Please specify --with-xserver-source error?11:36
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lousygaruapr4bh: sounds like you are compiling the drivers from source11:36
predaeuspeter__, please rephrase your question, it is very vague. configuration for what?11:37
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Layer-8hi guys11:37
Layer-8 is there a way to recompile only one ko without having to compile the whole kernel?11:37
RainCTFrogzoo: do you know how I can get the network manager back on the panel?11:37
predaeuspr4bh, do not repeat so quickly, be a bit more patient please.11:37
pr4bhlousygaura: i am following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=164666011:37
lousygaruaLayer-8: on module, that is?11:37
Trogdor3634Question: For a first-time linux install, if I want a shared partition accessible in both ubuntu and XP, should I use NTFS, FAT32, or what?11:38
pr4bhpredaeus: sorry11:38
lousygaruaTrogdor3634: NTFS support is still 'experimental' but it still works great for me11:38
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lousygaruaTrogdor3634: on ubuntu you have to install an extra package for write-enabling NTFS if i'm not wrong, but it works great sharing between ubuntu and xp11:39
peter__predaeus: i have a server listening/accepting udp-connection at port 5060. But clients can't connect for some reason...11:39
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Trogdor3634cool, thanks11:39
^tiNee^are there any widgets that gives u random jokes on ur desktop?11:40
Layer-8lousygarua want to compile an own kernel...kernel runs fine, but a module berry_charge doesnt do what i want it to...so I changed it...now i want to recompile this single module and use it...11:40
^tiNee^or horoscope11:40
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peter__predaeus: My firewall is disabled, server-app is running. when i listen to the ethernet wire i can hear that the client traffic is sent to the server correctly11:40
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predaeuspeter__, hm so the server must be misconfigured somehow11:41
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RainCTFrogzoo: well, thx11:41
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peter__predaeus: Yea. i think so. I dont know what files to edit :)11:41
I_Have_No_IdeaIs beryl a packadge in the Repos or what? i cannot find it at all with the defualt Repo list11:41
lousygaruaLayer-8: basically, if ur kernel was already compiled, setting a new module in its configuration will just compile that module (bcoz all the others are already compiled) thats what make is for, but i have a feeling u already know that11:41
predaeuspeter__, what server is it?11:41
lousygaruaLayer-8: also there's nickname completion with tab for easy lousygarua writing11:42
n2diytiNee, yes, look in synaptic, under games and entertainment.11:42
peter__predaeus, its an IP PBX, for sip phone calls11:42
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Frogzoo!beryl | I_Have_No_Idea11:42
peter__predaeus: asterisk11:43
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dromerhi all, I'm having trouble with the dhcp client: there keeps getting a 2nd client running when I boot which interferes with dhcp (and expires my lease), can someone help me turn this client off from boot?11:43
predaeuspeter__, does "man asterisk" give you any info about configuration and/or config files?11:43
^tiNee^k ty11:43
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Layer-8lousygarua, i have already compiled the ko but want to recompile just that single one...so theres no change in .config11:44
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peter__predaeus: yea, the command echoes back a bunch of info in my terminal.11:44
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lousygaruaLayer-8: if u locate the .o file of that module and remove it (or put it somewhere else so make see it does not exist) it will recompile it11:45
CorpseFeederlousygarua: Thanks for that.. I didn't need to change password or anything... I was able to see the 7.04 home directory from the recovery mode root command line and therefore remember the username to log in ;)11:45
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predaeuspeter__, "man asterisk" should show the manual pages for the application, you can quit it with "q" and scoll with page-up/down11:45
lousygaruaCorpseFeeder: glad to help :)11:45
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peter__predaeus: but i dont think there's something wrong with asterisk tho beacuse things work fine when im on dynamic ip adress and clients access server from same lan11:46
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peter__predaeus: The problem occured when i changed from dynamic ip to static11:47
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Layer-8lousygarua, the .o or the .ko or both?11:47
^tiNee^n2diy u wouldnt happen to know the name of it do u?11:47
peter__predaeus:  so asterisk config is okey i think11:47
lousygaruaLayer-8: dunno :) just mv them to another folder so if u do some mistake they won't get lost11:47
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Layer-8lousygarua, yeah...will try that...i hate this blackberry shit under linux... ;-)11:48
n2diytiNee, fortunes? Gives you a daily fortune tellers predicitons.11:48
sledgeasTrogdor3634: thanks for links ;)11:48
^tiNee^o cool thanks11:48
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Trogdor3634sledgeas: tell me if anything works, spent all night working on that before I fixed it11:48
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predaeusLayer-8, please watch your language, people here are trying to keep the channel family friendly11:49
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^tiNee^if i accidently removed the bottom bar on my desktop how do i bring it back?11:49
Layer-8predaeus, please first read what I wrote...11:49
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predaeuspeter__, but you say the packets reach your computer?11:49
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sidenetanyone familiar with installing ati x300 and compiz fusion?11:50
peter__predaeus: yea, and i can ssh to it also11:50
predaeuspeter__, did you try to packet sniffer to see what the conversation between client and server looks like? with e.g. wireshark11:51
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predaeusI think you mentioned before that you did. hm no idea.11:51
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sidenetguess not :(11:52
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dromeranyone know how I can disable the 2nd dhclient from starting up on boot?11:53
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peter__predaeus: oops, i have to told asterisk which ip adress it will listen on, since i changed from dhpc to static! So there was a problem with the asterisk-config. hehe. oki thx for the help!11:56
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TheDarkKillerAny advice on how to install Windows XP on a harddrive with Ubuntu already on it?11:56
predaeuspeter__, nice that it works now. you are welcome :-)11:57
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HymnToLifeTheDarkKiller, make a partition for it, install, reinstall GRUB11:58
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_epik_i have problem with openvpn11:58
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_epik_still cannot the conf file of oepnvpn11:58
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TheDarkKillerFinally a simple answer!11:59
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dv_hard to get indeed11:59
sidenetthink someone can help me out with my ati driver?11:59
HymnToLifesidenet, maybe. what's the matter ?11:59
sideneti believe i have it properly installed, but i can't run beryl or compiz fusion11:59
Michael147Does anybody in here know when the UKs GCSE results are due?12:00
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dv_TheDarkKiller, if you have to move the existing ubuntu partition or something, make a backup first, just to be safe12:00
HymnToLifesidenet,   glxinfo | grep -i direct12:00
HymnToLifeyes or no ?12:00
sideneti've read numerous tutorials on how to install the driver for my ati radeon mobility x30012:00
rambo3sidenet, aiglx "ati" driver12:00
dv_reinstall grub from the live CD, since xp erases the boot menu and you are no longer able to boot into linux12:00
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dv_err ubuntu that is12:00
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HymnToLife!offtopic | Michael14712:01
HymnToLifeuh-oh, seems ubotu is dead :(12:01
sidenetdirect rendering = yes12:01
Michael147HymnToLife, oh sorry, i tend to do that alot.12:01
dv_ubotu has gone the way of the betamax12:01
Michael147Go off topic i mean.12:01
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sidenethymntolife: what do you think?12:02
varkahi Michael147, did you get your intel NIC running?12:02
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rambo3sidenet, what driver are you using ?12:03
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Michael147Hi varka! Well to cut a long answer short no.12:03
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sidenetati catalyst12:03
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sidenetthat's the control center12:03
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DanShotMeHi all. I'm new to Ubuntu. Can anyone help me with getting wireless networking up?12:04
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DanShotMeUsing Edimax EW-7318USg12:04
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Michael147varka, i gave up. After what must have been about 3 days. I got what i believed to be the driver, i then installed it and got a limited or no connectivity message from windows.12:05
rambo3sidenet,  ati works with aiglx , in terminal :  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:05
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Michael147varka, that was the final straw.12:05
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varkatoo bad12:05
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varkasidenet: ?12:06
sidenetthis is my driver info12:06
sidenetdisplay: :0.0  screen: 012:06
sidenetOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.12:06
sidenetOpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X30012:06
sidenetOpenGL version string: 2.0.6400 (8.35.5)12:06
TheDarkKillerDanShotMe: If all hardware is ready to go, System -> Administration -> Network -> Wireless Connection.12:06
DanShotMeI've been trying that12:06
Michael147SPAM lmao12:06
rambo3sidenet, that wont work12:06
DanShotMeTries to connect to wireless, then reverts to wired12:06
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sideneti've read through at least 5 tutorials to install the proper driver12:07
sidenetdo you think you can point me in the right direction?12:07
TheDarkKillerTry tick off the wired connection.12:07
rambo3sidenet, aiglx work with original driver that came with ubuntu12:07
DanShotMeDid that too. It just comes back on12:07
rambo3sidenet, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_AIGLX12:07
DanShotMeI tried this too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40023612:07
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DanShotMeSystem hangs when I get to "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down"12:08
rambo3sidenet, also change fglrx to ati sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:08
TheDarkKillerI have no idea why it doesn't work.12:08
TheDarkKillerAre you sure the accesspoint exists?12:08
DanShotMeWorks fine with Windows and OS X12:08
rambo3DanShotMe, what type of card is it ?12:08
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DanShotMeEdimax EW-7318USg12:09
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DanShotMeSystem installed it first as 2 adapters: wlan0 and wmaster012:10
rambo3DanShotMe,  ralink cards should be supported . did you install firmware ?12:10
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DanShotMeBut since running the fix shown above, it now shows as wlan112:10
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sidenetthanks rambo12:10
rambo3DanShotMe, it should be ra0 . try typing in terminal : sudo dhclient ra012:10
DanShotMeDidn't install any firmwre12:10
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DanShotMeOK, I get "no such device"12:11
rambo3DanShotMe, : sudo dhclient rausb012:11
Bielekei have a xorg.conf related to admin - screenresolution12:11
DanShotMeAgain no such device12:11
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dromerdoes anyone know how I can turn one of my dhclients off during boot?12:11
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Bielekein xorg.conf i see all the resolutions ranged from 1280x1024 to 640x35412:12
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Bielekebut in choose screen resolution from the menu, i only can choose 1280 or 1024 to 64012:12
rambo3DanShotMe, : sudo modprobe rt7312:12
Bielekebut 1280 is too big and 1024 is too small12:12
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Bielekehow can i fix that ?12:12
DanShotMerambo3: no response to that12:13
rambo3DanShotMe, it means it loaded a driver12:13
DanShotMeOK, should I try those other 2 agan?12:13
rambo3Daonly second one12:13
Trogdor3634Could anyone explain to me exactly what a /boot partition DOES?12:13
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Trogdor3634Is the OS stored in the root in that kind of partition scheme?12:14
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DanShotMerambo3: Still "no such device"12:14
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rambo3DanShotMe, did you finish that how to from ubuntuforums ?12:15
FrogzooTrogdor3634: /boot is where the kernel & init image are12:15
DanShotMeI did all of it except the 2 ifconfig lines12:15
DanShotMeThe first one hung the system12:15
DanShotMeThe 2nd one came back with no such device12:15
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ustaadminhi, we have a big lag within every application. The home-directory is mounted via nfs and i guess there is the problem. a SEEK_SET takes quite long. But it ran fine with the same mountoptions on another system. Is there a way to speed up NFS-Mounts under ubuntu? (or a not common way^^)12:15
DanShotMe1st: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down12:15
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DanShotMe2nd: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up12:16
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Trogdor3634Frogzoo: So in a partition scheme with a /boot, what goes on root? Installed programs only?12:16
rambo3DanShotMe, that line ( 9. ) ?12:16
DanShotMerambo3: Oops... I tell a lie - I didn't go any further than that 2nd ifconfig (12.)12:17
n2diyDanShotMe: for giggles, try it without sudo?12:17
DanShotMerambo3: yes, 1st section was 9.12:17
DanShotMeI did the other lines in section 9. though12:17
rambo3DanShotMe, if it freezes you can do 10. then reboot . since rebooting is basicly what 9. does12:17
FrogzooTrogdor3634: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html12:17
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Rienzillaustaadmin: DNS issues maybe?12:17
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Rienzillaweird latencies in networking stuff are often DNS resolves not working12:18
DanShotMeI thought as much12:18
Trogdor3634Frogzoo: thanks12:18
DanShotMeI did 1012:18
DanShotMeIt seemed to change things - only 1 wireless adapter shown in networking instead of 212:18
rambo3DanShotMe, reboot and continue with 1112:18
DanShotMeAnd adapter had changed its name12:18
ustaadminRienzilla we do not use names, we run everything via IP12:18
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DanShotMerambo3: OK, will try reboot. Back soon12:19
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Rienzillaeven then, a machine might be trying to look up the hostname for an IP in some cases12:19
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dromerhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29204/  << the 2nd dhcp sometimes starts up mysteriously, I'd like to shut it off, anybode know how to do thin?12:20
ustaadminalso if they do, they are all directly in /etc/hosts12:20
Rienzillathen that's probably not it12:20
ustaadminwe are also using NIS, but all lookups first check local files12:21
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ustaadminand the lag is definitly when hitting the NFS-mounted homedirectory12:21
Ademanis glipper still under active development? the sourceforge page doesn't seem to think so, does anyone know first hand? and more importantly, are there any "good" alternatives?12:21
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Frogzooustaadmin: this lag is only for the first access?12:23
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ustaadminno it is not. For example, everytime i startup firefox it does a get seek, and directly afterwards a SEEK_SET in the default profile. This SEEK_SET takes about 2 minutes12:24
ustaadminSo it actually is the second access, since we made an operation already12:25
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ustaadminNevertheless the real problem starts within evolution, every mail takes 5 min. to download via 100mbit, and there are still 6k mails on the server *hide*12:25
epodsounds like a problem.12:26
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Frogzooustaadmin: 2 minutes there's clearly something wrong - 2 minute lags are 99.999% due to missing name lookups12:26
Rienzillaustaadmin: hmm maybe nis server lookups that fail?12:26
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Bielekenobody for the resolutions ?12:27
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DanShotMerambo3: rebooted. Doesn't seem to have helped12:27
rambo3DanShotMe, just continue with howto12:27
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beavelingBuffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0 What does it mean?12:28
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epodbeaveling, your floppy drive or the disk in it have an error12:28
ustaadminpasswd/group/shadow: nis files compat -- hosts/networks: files nis -- this is nssswitch, all known hosts are directly in /etc/hosts12:28
beavelingwhen istalling form CD I got than error during install12:29
beavelingbut on other comp it worked fine12:29
rambo3DanShotMe, what is the device named now ? sudo lshw -C network12:29
ustaadmini did not try the mailserver to be in hosts too, but firefox does not try calling anything during startup, strace reveils a SEEK_SET on the profile, so i do not think its name resolution12:29
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ustaadminthe profile-file is mounted via NFS, so i think there has to be the problem, or at least i guess12:30
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beavelingand since I got that error on laptop with no floppy and two logicals with Win on one12:30
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CinderellaHello world12:33
L0cKnhi Cinderella12:33
gordonjcphello cinderella12:33
Cinderella :D12:34
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Frogzooustaadmin: the other thing to look for would be reverse lookups that time out12:34
ustaadmin /nishome/theuser/.mozilla/firefox/sf78a4s.default/.parentlock is the file with the 2 min. SEEK_SET ;P12:34
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CinderellaWhich country are you?12:35
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inazadHi there, I want to recover a file from an .asc file but I don't have the key anymore..12:35
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n2diyinazad: did you register the key online?12:36
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Tomcat_inazad: .asc as in "gpg encrypted"?12:36
inazadn2diy, just the public key I think12:36
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Frogzooinazad: contact the NSA12:37
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Tomcat_Apart from brute force, I guess you're out of luck...12:37
inazadTomcat_, euhh its the signature..12:37
Tomcat_The sig doesn't contain the key.12:37
Tomcat_Eh.. the file.12:37
n2diyinazad: without the private key, your doomed.12:37
inazadTomcat_, but when I has the key, I just have to enter the passphrase and I recover my file :P12:37
Tomcat_The sig doesn't contain the file.12:37
Tomcat_Ah, now I understand.12:37
ustaadminvia nssswitch hosts/networks: files nis - this should make lookups using the local file first, shouldn't it?12:37
Tomcat_Good question, I don't know unfortunately.12:37
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CinderellaIn ubuntu  what TextToSpeech software are often used ?12:38
inazadTomcat_, I erased my file because my signature create to me myfile...12:38
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DanShotM2rambo3: Not sure whether last 2 messages came through, due to change of network interface. Just wanted to say: it works & THANK YOU!12:39
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ustaadminfcntl(4, F_SETLK, {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0} this is the point where it does keep waiting (for nothing)12:39
inazadWhat I can do ?12:39
rambo3DanShotM2, good .12:39
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n2diyinazad: without the private key, your doomed.12:39
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inazadn2diy, can I rebuild the private key with the public key ?12:40
n2diyinazad: nope12:40
epodthat'd be counter to the whole point of public key encryption12:40
Frogzooinazad: encryption can't be bribed12:40
n2diyepod: yep12:41
calcgood morning12:41
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inazadFrogzoo, I know the passphrase so..12:41
gerrohaving a webcam problem same as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=378935 except feisty version12:41
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Cinderellagood night12:41
Frogzooinazad: the passphrase isn't the private key though12:41
inazadFrogzoo, I know but ...12:41
n2diyCinderella: is it midnight already?12:41
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sarthorusing ubuntu fiesty, want to configure htb. Fiesty fully installed and updated.. what pkgs ihave to download and install??12:42
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n2diyCinderella: Heck, that is dinner time here, which is 064012:43
rambo3whats the name of dreamweaver  like program for linux12:43
rambo3nvu nu wu12:44
calcrambo3: nvu12:44
Cinderellan2diy: I have eaten Matata ; :D (china)12:44
antonio_foker me12:44
rambo3!find nvu feisty12:44
epodrambo3,  sudo apt-get install nvu should suffice12:44
rambo3yeah it does not12:45
n2diyCinderella: Never heard of it! I planning on Pesto for lunch.12:45
epodrambo3, you have to have universe and multiverse enabled in synaptic12:45
Bielekerambo3: u use html in combination with php ?12:46
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sarthorusing ubuntu fiesty, want to configure htb. Fiesty fully installed and updated.. what pkgs ihave to download and install??12:47
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n2diyewook: ubotu is ill.12:47
ewookthanks for the info.12:48
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rambo3epod so you get nvu in feisty ? i have all repos and some more12:50
epodewook, try sudo apt-cache search htb ?12:50
epodapparently it got removed in feisty12:50
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epodas its not under developement12:50
epodrambo3, http://www.planetmy.com/blog/?p=34012:50
ilikec0wsIs the vanilla edition of ubuntu the official install?12:50
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Bielekerambo3: i'll ask it again :-) Are you using html with php ?12:50
epodlooks like something called Kompozer is replacing it12:50
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Frogzooilikec0ws: they're all 'official'12:50
ilikec0wsFrogzoo, I just read loads of people writing about a vanilla edition of ubuntu?12:51
rambo3Bieleke, sometimes . gedit12:51
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ilikec0wsFrogzoo, On Digg12:51
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epodhuh impressive.12:51
Bielekerambo3: in that case, using zend studio is a better alternative, my experience is that nvu sucks bigtime12:51
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rambo3Bieleke, thanks i ll check it out12:52
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n2diy! ubotu12:53
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gerrohaving some picture distortion with logitech quickcam chat, been trying different webcam apps, think its resolution its at or something12:53
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gerrohaving some picture distortion with logitech quickcam chat, been trying different webcam apps, think its resolution its at or something12:53
n2diypoor Ubotu, they won't let him alone?12:53
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kml_do someone know how to add a font to my fonts collection12:54
epodgerro, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11122512:54
sarthorusing ubuntu fiesty, want to configure htb. Fiesty fully installed and updated.. what pkgs ihave to download and install??12:54
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Bielekesarthor: fiesty does not exist, it's feisty12:55
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ilikec0wssarthor, Instead of asking us why not just search it on synaptic, add it and it will tell you othe dependencies its grabbed?12:56
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gerroepod: the drivers are already bundled with feisty so I was wondering if there was a simple tweak I could do with that12:57
sarthorilikec0ws, there is not pkg naming htb12:58
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epodI had to install some qc-messenger thing to get mine working when I used it12:58
epodbut I dont have it any more12:58
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gerroepod: also that is "messenger" and I have the "chat" version12:58
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epodcouldnt say then12:58
gerroepod: my picture just shows up blank or is cut off :(12:59
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Lorne_KunWhere can i found out what firewire cards will work easily in Fiesty?01:03
gerroepod: what qb4ever posted here might work, going to try it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36436501:03
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gerroepod: what happened to your cam?01:03
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epodgerro, sold that comp, with the cam01:04
sarthorilikec0ws, there is not pkg naming htb01:04
gerroepod: kind of a cheap cam, I just went for something generic so I could be sure it would work01:04
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epodgerro, I expect it will eventually, probably just some silly config issue.01:06
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nulixhello noway to get some sound input through my NVidia CK804 sound card ; output is ok ; where to search ?01:07
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MCTomhrrm, I've installed Linux but it won't seem to recognise my wireless connector01:10
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honkeHi everyone01:12
Lorne_Kuni have a hardware-type question ;)01:12
Lorne_KunI have an oldschool style soundblaster audigy soundcard (i think its the first one that came out)01:12
honkeI am running an Intellistation M-Pro, and I just installed feisty server. GRUB hard drive error, and I ran a disk checkup. Someone at OSDL told me to switch to LILO01:12
honkeHow do I replace GRUB with LILO on a dual core system?01:13
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Lorne_Kunwhen i put it in my ubuntu box, it recognizes the card, as well as recognizing its firewire port, but i dont get sound output.01:13
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FrogzooLorne_Kun: if it's really old, you might need to set the irq/io jumpers, and/or set the irq/io for the driver01:14
ustaadmin10 MB of Data to be saved locally in 0.04 and via NFS (mounted) in 0.09 should be fine, shouldn't it?01:14
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Lorne_Kuni got it in...01:15
DarterI am having a problem deleting a .log file. I have deleted this file everywhere I find it and it still shows up in System Log files and in Text Editor. Can anyone step me thru how to access them and delete them?01:15
Lorne_KunO2 i think it was01:15
FrogzooLorne_Kun: or plug your speakers in the right jack01:15
DdPi no speak english ajaj01:15
Lorne_KunFrogzoo: obviously i did that.01:15
jattDarter: rm -f01:15
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DdPke lio01:16
Romnousremove with the -f flag to delete the log file01:16
jattDarter: man rm01:16
Romnousmake sure you target the log file though xD01:16
Lorne_Kuni think its an issue with ubuntu specifically, because i didnt seem to have a problem with fedora.01:16
honkeDoes anyone know how I can replace GRUB with LILO?01:16
Romnousi have a link for you01:17
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MCTomDoes anyone use a linksys wireless-G USB device to connect to their wireless network on ubuntu?01:17
honkethank you Romnous01:17
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calcMCTom: i think that they use several different chips for those01:18
calcMCTom: depending on the exact model you have01:18
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calcMCTom: and revision01:18
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Romnousspam spam01:19
MCTomwell my router is a WRT54GS, my USB connector is the equivalent :)01:19
enterradorTONTO TONTO01:20
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revilodrawhi! im using the edgy livecd now so i can get help to load my feisty which is installed on the hd, but havent been able ti use yet because when i do i get x problems01:20
sao3join #01:20
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Romnousrevilodraw: you can't load feisty??01:21
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revilodrawromnous; that is correct.. i installed it last night from the update manager, and when it restarted i got a bliue screen telling me of x problems and that there are no screens found (which i found quite ironic)01:22
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Romnousyou might format your partition, dl the cd and install it from the cd01:23
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Darter<Romnous> make sure you target the log file though xD...ok, dumb question...where and what is xD?01:24
revilodrawromnous; i think there will be a much easier fix than that01:24
RomnousxD = smiley01:25
Romnousrevilodraw: i'm sure there is, but that one is the most effective01:25
Darterpretend I'm blonde, Romnous01:25
Romnousdarter: turn it 90 degrees to the right01:25
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Romnousor move your head to the left :P01:26
Romnousrevilodraw: you got an ubuntu-distro working with the same system before ??01:26
revilodrawim using the livecd, how do i open my xorg.conf file that is stored on my hard drive01:26
revilodrawromnous; yes i did, dapper and edgy01:27
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Romnoushmm :/01:27
Darterok...got it......so where and how do I "target" the log file?01:27
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Romnousyou can access the hdd through File Browser from the lifedisc01:27
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Romnousthe log file you talked about which was irritating you, seek it in your hdd01:27
Darterand nothing appears when I do a search...but it's there nonetheless01:28
Romnoushmm :/01:28
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Romnouswhat's the name of the log file?01:28
revilodrawRomnous: you can access the hdd through File Browser from the lifedisc?? can u elaborate pls?01:28
Romnousi mean livedisc01:29
Darterin fact...if you pull it up in Text Editor and delete the contents and save it....it saves the delected version plus the original01:29
Romnousyou are on edgy eft disc right now??01:29
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revilodrawromnous; yes01:29
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ustaadminDo you think, a typo in the mountoption of NFS (8192/8129 ...) could be the issue of the heavy application lags while hitting the NFS-mounted fs?01:29
Romnousok then there's a file browser01:30
gerroepod: hmm v4lctl list is very helpful webcam command :)01:30
epodgerro, you got it fixed?01:30
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gerroepod: well I installed that driver and it doesn't cut the screen in half or blank01:30
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gerroepod: its really dark though think I need to tune the settings :)01:31
epodyeah I had that same problem01:31
epodcolours were washed out too01:31
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gerroepod: I'm reading this guide here, sounds awesome http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/linux/webcam.html01:31
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gerroepod: want a pic of my bedroom?01:32
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ubuntu_good tools01:32
ubuntu_I like01:32
epodgerro, uhh not especially? lol01:33
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gerroepod: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=52byeq0 it looks all dark and blobby like01:33
epodyeah that seems... messed up01:33
gerroepod: that thing top right is my closet01:33
aznpridechineseanyone know how to get transparent windows in gnome just like in kde?01:33
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Romnousget beryl or compiz-fusion, that's better than only transparent windows01:34
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aznpridechinesei'm running beryl on gnome right now01:35
aznpridechineseand i can't get transparent windows01:36
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bohdanhi im goin to be a complete idiot and annoy everyone, but...... can u run beryl on the ATI drivers (not the open source ones)01:36
epodYes you can01:36
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epodbut its weirder to set up01:36
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bohdanany easy tutorials on how?01:37
ustaadminand it does not run on all ati-cards, vor example the hp-packed x300xSomething-onboard (yes onboard, and no, its not mine) won't work.01:37
wbadgerhi guys, gaim (pidgin?) 2 beta6 crashes on me every time I connect, is this a known problem?01:38
hraskois it possible to set up Globetrotter +3G PCMCIA card on Ubuntu 7.04 AMD64 ?01:38
aznpridechineseit seems nvidia cards are easier to setup01:38
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Romnousi have had no probs with pidgin whatsoever01:38
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Romnoustry reinstalling the package??!01:38
bohdanberyl runs on the open ati drivers, but wen i install their ones it wont run01:38
Romnousor get a non-beta01:38
wbadgerRomnous, tried reinstalling01:38
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TheDarkKillerHey. I just booted up my Windows XP installation CD, and it wanted to have a partition in the first harddisk, but I'm installing it in my second harddrive. What to do from here?01:38
wbadgerRomnous, and this is the version that came with my freshly installed xubuntu01:38
hraskoI found some howtos on Internet but it was not especially for this AMD6401:38
Romnoushmm weird01:38
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Romnousis it gaim or pidgin?01:39
wbadgerRomnous, it says gaim 2.0.0. beta601:39
Romnousif it's gaim, sudo apt-get install pidgin01:39
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wbadgeroh it is in the repositories then! thanks :)01:40
Romnousi think so xD01:40
wbadgerwell.. no it isnt01:40
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Romnoushere you go: http://jhcore.com/2007/06/04/install-pidgin-in-ubuntu/01:41
erUSULbohdan: you can run it in fglrx but you have to use xgl (not the native aiglx of Xorg) my recomendation is that you use the radeon (free) drivers01:41
wbadgerthanks :)01:41
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Frederickfolks anyone sucessfully using javahl and netbeans in ubuntu?  Iseem unable to set it up netbeans snmply does not find the files01:42
bohdanerUSUL: ya but games run like crap under the (free) drivers :(01:42
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aznpridechinesedoes anyone know how to set transparent windows in gnome while using beryl?01:43
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Romnousi posted a link before01:43
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elbingi82801 AC 97, what's the hell problem with that chip in linux? anybody has sound with that intel? (yes, sound; alsamixer has convinced that there is sound playing but really not :p). I've tried compiling 1.0.14 rc2 but that hcip hates me01:44
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Dusk_i have a question about my usb adsl modem...where do i need to ask???01:44
Dusk_this channel??01:44
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Romnousif it has something to do with ubuntu xD01:45
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IceLinkhey there01:45
Romnousaznpridechinese: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/make-your-gnome-terminal-background-mostlytransparent-on-ubuntu/01:45
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Dusk_Romnous, i want to disconnect and connect internet with new ip to download somethings from rapidshare01:45
Dusk_Romnous, but when i give poff command and then pon ueagle-atm command01:46
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Romnouslol that's kinda illegal01:46
lazz0naw its smart01:46
Romnousyou can just turn of your modem and turn it back on01:46
Romnousyour ip is dynamic right?01:46
Dusk_Romnous, it's a usb modem...no on off button =)01:46
Romnouslol ok01:47
Dusk_Romnous, yeah dynamic01:47
aznpridechineseromuous: no not talking about terminal transparency, like if you opened up a file browser, or firefox, i'm talking about making everything transparent like you can do in kde.01:47
Romnouslolol then look in the beryl wiki01:47
Dusk_Romnous, in another distrubition i was giving "pppoe-start" and "pppoe-stop" commands01:47
Dusk_Romnous, and it was ok01:47
Romnousyou can look for similar commands in ubuntu01:48
Romnouslemme search01:48
Dusk_Romnous, thanks01:48
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IceLinkare there 2 rosegardens?01:49
IceLinki think apt-get installs a totally different one01:49
RomnousDusk_ can you try to install pppoe-start or something01:49
Romnousit should be in the distro01:50
Dusk_Romnous, i installed pppoe with apt-get01:50
Dusk_Romnous, now let me try to configure01:50
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Romnousor if you aren't root it doesn't work right?!01:51
Romnoussudo pppoe-start01:51
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Dusk_Romnous, pppoeconf says no ethernet connection01:52
Dusk_Romnous, i tried pppoe-setup01:52
Dusk_Romnous, and it says:01:52
Dusk_Oh, dear, I don't see the file '/etc/ppp/pppoe.conf' anywhere.  Please01:52
Dusk_re-install the PPPoE client.01:52
Dusk_Romnous, reinstalled and nothing01:52
Romnouswait i found a tut01:52
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Romnouscheck Janusz11 post later on in the topic01:53
jedi79he guys can someone pm me pleaseim having a bitch of a time mounting my windows partitions with read/write01:53
Romnoushe had probs with root-access though01:53
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Dusk_ok let me check01:53
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IceLinkwhat is "cmake"?01:54
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Romnousman cmake01:54
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IceLinkdon't have it01:54
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SuperkuhFeisty 64bit; After restarting the X server to load changes, probably not the cause but only the catalyst, I find that I cannot open gnome-terminal. Alt-F2 and xterm; I try to run gnome-terminal and recieve the error: "BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation), serial 105 error_code 2 request_code 78". I've tried reinstalling gnome-terminal via apt-get to no avail. I installed multi-gnome-terminal for kicks but it to01:55
Superkuho fails, complaining of Gdk-CRITIAL errors. Any ideas as to how I might pin the problem down further?01:55
VivekShamra2iam already running a 40GB hdd with winxp in it..I need to run another HDD of 80GB, and have some linux flavor in it ....01:55
VivekShamra2 ....so can i do it ?01:55
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RomnousCMake  is an extensible, open-source system that manages the build process in an operating system and compiler independent manner.01:55
VivekShamra2How would i have bootloader ask me which hdd to boot from ?01:55
Romnousby installing a bootloader :P01:55
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IceLinkwhich is the newsest verion of cmake?01:56
IceLinki'e used apt-get for 2.23 but i need 2.4.201:56
tck_is there a way to pause the screen during boot process ?01:56
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Romnouspause the screen???!!!01:57
VoXtck_: no01:57
tapasknetworkmanager doent manage to connect to my wireless01:57
tapasi can do it manualy though#01:57
Romnousgood for you01:57
tapasvia iwconfig01:57
LucianIndytck_, why would you want to do that01:57
tapasso i wonder how i can get knetworkmanager to behaqve01:57
VoXtck_: but you can look in /var/log/dmesg to see what was loaded during boot01:57
Romnousi don't get it either tck :P01:57
tapasi remember i fixed it before01:57
VivekShamra2iam already running a 40GB hdd with winxp in it..I need to run another HDD of 80GB, and have some linux flavor in it ....01:57
tapasbt i forgot01:57
VivekShamra2 ....so can i do it ?if yes pls give some info on resources to refer for01:57
tck_a guy has asked on launchpad, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/941901:57
Romnousyou can sure01:58
revilodrawhi! when using the livecd, how do i edit my xorg.conf file on my hd01:58
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tck_was trying to help him/her out and see if there was a way01:58
Romnoususe your filebrowser01:58
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tapasrevilodraw: mount the root fs of your hd install01:58
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revilodrawtapas: how??01:58
VoXrevilodraw: sudo mount /dev/<drive> <mount point>01:58
revilodrawVoX; thank you01:59
VoXrevilodraw: for example:  sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp01:59
sockmonkeeI've just added brand new LCD panel, and after restarting while moving the mouse or watching movies I can see that the PC freezes for less than a second, this happens every +-2secs01:59
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Romnouscheck your cables and update drivers01:59
VoXsockmonkee: i had that exact problem a few years ago01:59
sockmonkeevox: sollution?02:00
VoXsockmonkee: i never did work out what the problem was02:00
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revilodrawVoX; any way to take out the guess work? I have on big partition on my dell inspiron 6400, does this help to say wheter it is sda1 etc?02:00
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VoXrevilodraw: is it a sata hard disc or an older "pata" disc with the ribbon cable?02:00
mrsno__pata uses the ribbon cable VoX02:00
mrsno__sata cables are tiny/thin02:01
VoXmrsno__: re-read what i said02:01
sockmonkeeI can see on the system load graph that cpu load is violently oscillating but I can find the problem02:01
VivekShamra2iam already running a 40GB hdd with winxp in it..I need to run another HDD of 80GB, and have some linux flavor in it ....02:01
VivekShamra2 ....so can i do it ?if yes pls give some info on resources to refer for02:01
frank_how can i create a index for locate in order to search all mounted filesystems? (they don't change)02:01
VoXfrank_: updatedb02:01
Romnousyou can run linux on the other hdd02:01
mrsno__oic VoX , my eyes aren't opened yet sorry :] 02:01
frank_VoX: does it take ALL mounted partitions by default?02:01
VoXfrank_: yes02:02
frank_VoX: thanks :D02:02
sockmonkeehave tried running top to see if one of the processes is miss behaving, but all looks normal02:02
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sockmonkeeperhaps an irq problem?02:02
revilodrawVox: a sata disk.... i think i guessed right lol... brb02:02
VoXrevilodraw: see if it has a thin red cable coming out, or a wide cable02:02
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revilodrawVoX; in a laptop, i meant i guessed the mount points right.. i have mounted it..thanks!!02:03
Romnousnice :P02:03
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IceLinkcan anyone help me with installing cmake 2.4.6?02:03
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sockmonkeehelp, anyone?02:04
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IceLinki've downloaded a tar.gz but dunno what to do with it02:05
nysosymhi there, use gutsy the madwifi driver from svn?02:05
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aznpridechinesecan't find how to make all windows transparent on beryl wiki02:05
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IdleOne!build-essential | IceLink02:05
IceLinkthe website says that i have to begin with "./bootstrap" but it doesn't exist although i've changed to the directory02:06
frank_VoX: it doesn't index all mounted partitions02:06
askandHi can someone help me with a BCM4318 wlancard?02:06
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IceLinkis kuboto working?02:06
frank_VoX: updatedb excludes my /media by default, how can i change that?02:06
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VoXfrank_: weird02:06
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Frederickfolks anyone else having problems with the pacage libsvnjavahl I simply cannot find the right jar file to add to netbeans it does not contain the classes required by the test files02:07
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VoXfrank_: are you running updatedb as root(sudo) or as user?02:08
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FruitLoopCan I transfer files from one linux machine to another linux machine on the same LAN using SSH?02:08
frank_VoX: yes02:08
VoXFruitLoop: scp02:09
frank_i looked at the manpage and it says02:09
VoXfrank_: yes to which?02:09
frank_-u     Create slocate database starting at the root directory.  This is the default behavior when called as updatedb.02:09
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frank_VoX: yes, as root02:09
FruitLoopVoX: what?02:09
frank_and after it is the "default behaviour" i have no idea...02:09
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VoXfrank_: yeah thats why i dont get it either. are the mounted drives listed in fstab?02:09
frank_VoX: yes02:09
VoXFruitLoop: scp is the command you want02:10
VoXfrank_: that's.. bizzare02:10
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raddyr00tintheb0x: Hi02:10
frank_FruitLoop: if you don't want to use cmdline, use "gftp" there you can select "SCP" as protocol and use it drag and drop like02:10
Lorne_Kunok so i installed my audigy card, and it is "detected" but i dont think the sound is actually working.02:10
FruitLoopah.. ok02:10
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FruitLoopcan't I use the places>connect to server thing to make a connection to the other computer?02:11
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raddyr00tintheb0x: aren't you there02:13
askandHi can someone help me with a BCM4318 wlancard?02:14
aznpridechineseneed help, how do i install my sound blaster x-fi extreme sound card driver? i went to the alsa web page but their driver doesn't work?02:14
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Romnouslook for alternative drivers on google02:14
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aznpridechinesewhich alternative driver?02:15
Pitel_laptophow to qulickly update gnome menu after changing /usr/share/applications02:15
Lorne_Kunis anyone else having the same issue as me?02:15
Romnousfor the one you want02:15
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Lorne_Kunor know what I should be doing to actually get sound out working?02:15
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LucianIndyfrank_, in gFTP i didn't see a SCP option. . . only FTP SSH HTTP LOCAL and FSP02:16
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VoXLucianIndy: select ssh02:16
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Lorne_Kuni have a second question as well02:17
LucianIndyVoX, i imagine i have to get openssh02:17
bayuhello, i want to install ubuntu 7.04 but there are no floppy disk in my computer....  its...error... i can't install02:17
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bayuerror on device fd0, logical block 002:17
Romnousyou don't need floppy drive for the installation02:17
VoXLucianIndy: umm possibly. not sure to be honest. it's not a big package regardless02:17
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Lorne_KunIm looking to get a firewire card for my ubuntu box, is there a specific one i should get? is firewire even well supported?02:17
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StrombergI'm italian boy02:17
frank_LucianIndy: sry, use "SSH2"02:17
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frank_that's scp02:17
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Strombergand search driver for conexant modem02:18
LucianIndyVoX, frank_ , thanks02:18
Stromberghelp me02:18
frank_LucianIndy: you can also use winscp with wine, works really fine for me02:18
VoXLorne_Kun: firewire itself isnt really a problem, it's dependant on the chipset02:18
frank_imho is winscp the best scp tool ever02:18
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echosystmwhats a good bittorrent client?02:18
echosystmsomething the quivalent of utorrent02:19
Lorne_Kunis there a place where i can look for what chipsets are supported?02:19
VoXechosystm: azureus02:19
echosystmim allergic to azureus :P02:19
frank_azureus, but on my machine it causes a segfault... but if it works it's really fine02:19
Akifemreazureus +102:19
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echosystmanything more lightweight?02:19
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Piciechosystm: ktorrent, rtorrent...02:19
VoXechosystm: lightweight? what the hell are you running it on, a p2-300?02:19
echosystmdo they allow throttling of bandwidth?02:19
ascechosystm: utorrent's supposed to work under wine02:19
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frank_echosystm: the gnome bittorrent client, but it only allows one download at a time because it isn't able to handle multiple connections through a port02:19
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echosystmeek, that wont do02:20
frank_*a = one*02:20
revilodrawechosystem; u torrent semi works under wine02:20
echosystmi have as many as 20 torrents running at once02:20
alvincevDoes anyone know how I can run a command with sudo and have it automatically put in the password, so I don't have to keep typing it all the time, everytime I want the file to run.02:20
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VoXechosystm: opera has a torrent package included02:20
StrombergI search driver for conexant modem, help me , please......02:20
Romnousmake a script for doing that alvincev02:20
Lorne_Kuni just got a neat error  for my soundcard02:20
RomnousGOOGLE :)02:20
Romnouswhat error??02:20
Lorne_KunSOund Server overload02:20
LucianIndyalvin, thats not a good idea. you can specify the sudo timeout in sudoers02:20
LucianIndyso the password last's for, say, 15 min02:21
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alvincevI'm just trying to run pppd02:21
alvincevIt bugs all the time02:21
Picialvincev: Alternatively, you could run sudo -i for an interactive sudoing session.02:21
alvincevI just want the pppd command to just run02:21
alvincevwithout any interactivity02:21
Romnousthen sudo pppd02:22
alvincevIt asks for a password02:22
Romnousthen input the password02:22
alvincevBut I just want it to run without asking for a password02:22
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alvincevIt's for my Sierra Aircard 875 Wireless, luckily, I was able to find documentation on running it in Linux02:23
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tottohi  hawe a problem with my wire less network card that is dwl-ag550 ubuntu cant find it :(02:24
LucianIndyyou might be able to chown, chgrp /usr/sbin/pppd to your current user id but im not sure if that would mess anything up or not02:25
JayRoe_Can someone tell me what to do when a device doesn't respond on evtest?02:25
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shnastybiznasticI'm a moron02:26
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craigbass1976I'm getting ready to add a domain to a server.  The only thing confusing me is a zone file.  I already have a rev-inaddr-arpa file.  Do I add the new domain name to this file, or make a new one and refer to it in the newdomain.db file?  Does it matter what these reverse lookup files are called?02:26
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craigbass1976Wow, not many in here today.  Only just over a thousand...02:27
shnastybiznasticit's only a monday morning, give it time02:27
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craigbass1976everybody pooped from chatting all weekend...02:27
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phaidros7talking about bind, craigbass1976?02:28
bayu(initramfs) ?????02:28
craigbass1976Here's a less technical question... When it's packed in here and I'm going to answer a question, I generally pull the "asker" aside so I can focus.  Is that bad?02:28
craigbass1976phaidros7, yes, bind02:28
phaidros7usually, there is an extra file for each domain (plus one for the reverse-lookup)02:29
bayui can't install ubuntu 7.04...... (initramfs)02:29
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switchcatfor some reason my system seems to think synaptic is running even though it is not.  How can I check on this? I don't see it in ps -u02:29
craigbass1976phaidros7, I didn't know if the file name mattered.02:29
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craigbass1976switchcat, for a second there I thought you meant symantec....02:30
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erUSULswitchcat: maybe is not synaptic but the update manager which is blacking apt database02:30
phaidros7i think it should be according to the exaples02:30
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kbrookseveryone, how do i reset my ns password?02:30
wbadgercraigbass1976, I think its better to use naming (like I said craigbass1976 ) because then everyone can see the answer :) and I thing there's a log of this somewhere also02:30
kbrooksbecause i forgot it02:30
switchcatupdate manager doesn't seem to be currently running either02:30
Picikbrooks: ns?02:31
kbrooksPici, /ns, /msg nickserv02:31
revilodrawi cant boot into feisty due to 'no screens found'02:31
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Picikbrooks: er, There might be something in the faq on freenode's website02:31
JayRoe_revilodraw, have you checked your xorg.conf?02:31
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revilodrawjayroe; thats what i need help with i believe... i am willing to send it to you for checking lol02:32
armancaca a beutiful girl02:32
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ustaadminso, i checked a lot now, there are no lookups as far as i can see. Thunderbird takes 10 sec. for 200 mails, evolution takes 200 seconds for 10 mails. I think there is something wrong with evolution, or the Mailfile is just too big right now. Thunderbird has an empty mailfile. the lag occures in fcntl, F_SETLK {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}02:32
JayRoe_revilodraw, how did this happen? Did you install display drivers?02:33
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ustaadminwhen starting firefox02:33
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GNAM KERNEL 2.6.22 OUT02:33
revilodrawjayroe; i installed feisty last night and havent been able to boot into it (i had edgy running before and am now using the edgy livecd)...02:33
apichartPlease help on using dialup network on bluetooth.  I'm using ubuntu 7.0402:33
askandHi can someone help me with a BCM4318 wlancard?02:34
JayRoe_try sending yoru xorg.conf then02:34
VoXrevilodraw: what's the trouble with xorg?02:34
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JayRoe_revilodraw ^02:34
Piciaskand: Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:34
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kbrooksi need help.02:35
ustaadminis there any reason, evolution has no option for exporting contacts and emails? (except vcards?=02:35
revilodrawVox and Jayroe: how would u like me to send it? email, pm, post it to a filesharing site.. ???02:35
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VoXrevilodraw: start with what the problem is first02:35
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JayRoe_kbrooks state your problem and if someone here can help you, they'll let you know02:36
askandPici: that doesnt work for  BCM431802:36
kbrooksaskand, i t did for me02:36
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echosystmif i were to run ubuntu without the gnome desktop component02:37
askandkbrooks: what did you have to do?02:37
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echosystmjust nautilus and gnome-panel02:37
revilodrawVox and Jay-Roe: I have an Inspiron 6400 with ATI radeon mobility vidoe card... all was working fine in edgy until i updated to feisty using the update manager... now when the computer starts, halfway through booting up i get a blue screen telling me there is a x problem , to check my xorg.conf file and that no screens are fcound02:37
echosystmhow could i set a desktop background?02:37
echosystmany ideas anyone?02:37
Romnousget kubuntu02:37
kbrooksaskand, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty#head-3597cb8247748a02442ebe741016665fe4a0f74702:37
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Romnous@echosystm get kubuntu02:38
Romnousit comes with kde02:38
kbrooksaskand, but it is easier now.02:38
echosystmRomnous, i dont want kde02:38
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Romnousyou wanted to run ubuntu without gnome02:38
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ascechosystem: When you run nautilus, it starts a desktop session, which has a background. If you know how to get it to not start a desktop session, I'd like to know.02:38
OliproI've got someone here who swears down his Ubuntu installed without asking for a root password02:38
echosystmi wanted to run ubuntu with beryl and gnome-panel02:38
echosystmno other gnome stuff02:38
MarkChhi everyone. i need a tool that can convert smv files in ubuntu so i can save them to a handheld movie device, can anyone tell me how i can do this in ubuntu?02:38
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Olipronow, I've nver used ubuntu02:38
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lucky-manhi guys, every time i reboot im faces with a grub command line. i have tryed installing it but still no luck02:38
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askandkbrooks:  how is it easier now? What do I have todo?02:39
Oliprodoes it set some default password for the roto account?02:39
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VoXechosystm: thats like saying you want a car with one piston and three wheels02:39
kbrooksaskand, just install bcm43xx-fwcutter, and then say yes when it asks you02:39
echosystmOlipro, root password is the same password as you use for your user account02:39
revilodrawVox and Jay-Roe: I have an Inspiron 6400 with ATI radeon mobility vidoe card... all was working fine in edgy until i updated to feisty using the update manager... now when the computer starts, halfway through booting up i get a blue screen telling me there is a x problem , to check my xorg.conf file and that no screens are fcound02:39
lucky-mancan you help02:39
kbrooksaskand, but you'll need to plug into ethernet for this.02:39
VoXrevilodraw: check that the ati drivers are installed02:39
strvalcan anyone give me a valid reason as to why anyone would want a thin client enviroment? from a cost perspective it's more expensive to do a thin client infrastructure rather than individual workstations02:40
ascVoX: Never used a minimal wm?02:40
echosystmhowso VoX? all im doing is removing things i dont need02:40
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revilodrawVoX; im in the edgy livecd... how do i do that?02:40
echosystmberyl has wm covered, all i need from there is a panel02:40
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echosystmbut it would be nice to have a desktop background too02:40
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VoXechosystm: yes, but gnomepanel has requirements02:40
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JayRoe_revilodraw, if possible, see if you can change your driver to vesa in the xorg.conf02:41
ascJust running nautilus really should do it.02:41
MarkChhi everyone. i need a tool that can convert movies to smv files in ubuntu so i can save them to a handheld movie device, can anyone tell me how i can do this in ubuntu?02:41
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VoXechosystm: it would be similar to running gnomepanel within kde02:41
askandkbrooks:  ok..but only install it..no downloading firmware and *.sys files?02:41
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revilodrawjayroe; i had it on vesa ands this didnt help02:41
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RomnousMarkCh, google for: "smv movie converter"02:41
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revilodrawjayroe; its actually still on vesa02:42
MarkChRomnous: i did try that. but the results are mostly for windows.02:42
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VoXrevilodraw: thats odd.. i dont have any experience with ati so im probably not much help with this02:42
Romnousthen dl a free program which converts, and run it in wine :)02:42
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revilodrawVox: i dont think i am alone with this one02:43
JayRoe_revilodraw how many screens have you got in your xorg?02:43
revilodrawjaroe; i dont know can i send you my xorg.conf file pls?02:43
ustaadminis it possible to import VCards (Addressbooks evolution,etc.), e-mails (mbox, file, directory, whatever) with the thunderbird packed into ubuntu? i only have the communicatior import option for emails and a txt-file for adressbooks. Are there more plugins?02:43
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askand kbrooks: is that correct?02:43
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JayRoe_yes, but I don't know how. I haven't used linux for a year. But I know there's a way to post big quotes here, I just don't remember how02:44
askandkbrooks: I just have to plug it into ethernet, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter, and reboot and it will eork?02:44
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Catoptromancy_what was the plugin i needed for MP3s?02:46
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lucky-manim on live cd and have mounted my /DEV/SDA2. i need to fix grub how can i edit /home/ubuntu/Desktop/boot/grub02:46
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lucky-mani cant seem to get the permission02:46
hihi1I was downloading a rather large file with kget when my internet died(damn you earthlink!) is there any way I can continue this download where I left off?02:46
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jedi79hey guys i have feisty installed and am trying to mount my ntfs using the ntfs config tool and when i select it i dont see any of my partitons to be able to mount them any ideas02:48
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andylockranjedi79: download automatix2 (www.getautomatix.com)02:48
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andylockranthey have a ntfs mounting option...02:48
jedi79ill give it a hot thanks02:48
andylockranno problems02:48
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cr1sshi, can someone help me with grub ? I had an issue02:49
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revilodrawcr1ss; have u heard of the super brub disc? it helped me a lot02:50
ascUsually if you state the issue people are more likely to respond... I don't think there's a single mortal on the planet who really understands grub.02:50
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cr1ssI tried super grub disc but didn't help me02:51
cr1ssI deleted by mistake a partition in which I had installed xp os02:51
cr1ssand tried to restore it with testdisk02:51
cr1ssand I did restore it02:51
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kbrooks!enter | cr1ss02:52
cr1ssafter that, grub didn't start02:52
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KnowledgEngineersomeone use lisp and asdf-install??02:52
revilodrawI have a Dell Inspiron 6400 with ATI Radeon Mobility X1400 video card..Feisty is installed but wont make its debut boot because or an xorg problem that tells  it cant find a screen..here is my xorg.conf file http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KARS096Y02:52
kbrookscr1ss, um, the enter key is not punctuation. please don't abuse it. it makes your message hard to read.02:52
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zipperI was banned 10 days ago from #kubuntu for saying the f-word. A punishment is understandable, but permanent ban for cursing once?02:52
kbrookscr1ss, thank you.02:52
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cr1ssok sorry02:52
lucky-manthank for you help02:53
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KnowledgEngineersomeone use (lisp and asdf-install) or (lisp and cl-sdl-opengl)??02:53
Vorbotecr1ss, because you changed the disk partition table, dstroying grun setup in the process. STart from your installation CD and select the recuse option. You'll be able to restore GRUB from there.02:53
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Picizipper: #ubuntu-ops02:53
zipperPici, cheers02:53
KnowledgEngineerfuck asdf-install02:54
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kbrooks!language | KnowledgEngineer02:54
ascbot made out of deaded02:54
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kbrooksKnowledgEngineer, please don't swear. this is a g rated, family channel.02:54
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cr1sswhat exactly is the recuse option Vorbote ?02:54
KnowledgEngineeri thinked to be on #lispcafe channel02:54
chadeldridgeIs there a quick way to delete everything in the trash including items deleted as root?02:54
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revilodrawI have a Dell Inspiron 6400 with ATI Radeon Mobility X1400 video card..Feisty is installed but wont make its debut boot because or an xorg problem that tells  it cant find a screen..here is my xorg.conf file http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KARS096Y02:54
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kbrookschadeldridge, sure. sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*02:55
kbrookschadeldridge, GUI friendly:02:55
kbrookschadeldridge, gksudo nautilus02:55
avp[en-ru] can anyone tell me how to change columns and lines number in text mode? My display is 1440x900, so 80x25 text is not good for me.02:55
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chadeldridgerevilodraw:   can you try to do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:55
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chadeldridgethanks kbrooks02:55
kbrookschadeldridge, and navigate to /home/<your user>/.Trash02:56
revilodrawchadelridge; i have done it heaps and its not changing anything02:56
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chadeldridgeill just make a launcher to delete all from shell02:56
kbrookschadeldridge, then select all, and delete (there might be something else) :-)02:56
kbrookschadeldridge, and np02:56
Romnouscya all02:56
kbrookschadeldridge, we're here for you :-)02:56
revilodrawcya romnous02:56
JayRoe_revilodraw, I'm fairly new to ubuntu, but sholdn't "Generic Video Card ATI Radeon x1400" be "ATI Radeon x1400"?02:57
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revilodrawjayroe; changing it didnt help :(02:57
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Picirevilodraw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto for help installing the ati drivers.02:59
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jedi79whoever just advised me to install automix2 to mount ntfs partitions thanks seems that i needed to clean shutdown windows before it would work02:59
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ascavp[en-ru] : It's set in the file /boot/grub/*lst... you add an option to the kernel line. Not sure what it is though.02:59
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JayRoe_pici I don't think the drivers are the problem, as the driver is set to vesa02:59
kbrooksjedi79, yes.03:00
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revilodrawpici; i cant even get into feisty to install drivers..im using the livecd03:00
avp[en-ru] asc: I tried already. I can't set precise number of columns/lines, just modes... :(03:00
Mediahunteranyone in here tell me how to play .avi files. none of my meida players will play them for some reason03:00
ascMediahunter: Tried mplayer?03:01
revilodrawmediahunter; vlc player03:01
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Tinned_TunaMeidahunter: or VLC?03:01
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Mediahunterit give me a error03:01
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kbrookssome people...03:01
chadeldridgewhats the error ?03:01
Jack_Sparrowchadeldridge: You want to find those files that wont delete?03:01
avp[en-ru] Mediahunter: beryl can be guilty.03:01
chadeldridgefound em jack :-D03:01
ascavp[en-ru] : Same for me. Should be one better than the default though, at least.03:01
Tha-Foxcould anyone help me with Wlan? I have Acer 5024 with Broadcom wlan-card. Now it works but I should get my connection secured with wpa_supplicant? I've installed it but I still can't choose anything else but WEP in network-manager03:01
MediahunterVideo codec 'XviD' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies03:01
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Tinned_TunaMediahunter: you need the XviD codec/plugin03:01
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chadeldridgeMediahunter:  xvid.org03:02
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Mediahunterok thank you03:02
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PiciMediahunter: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats should get you set with codecs.03:02
revilodrawat least windows can find the damn screen it shows everything on....03:02
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Mediahunteri am also trying to burn .avi files to dvd like nero does and makes it where it will playback on normal dvd player the files are on my windows partion and i can view them in linux but the burn software wont let me get to the dir how can i fix this03:03
silvernodeHey how come when i install kxdock I can't find it on my menu?03:03
Picirevilodraw: have you tried running `sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`?03:03
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grim76JayRoe_: I had the same problem one sec and I will dig up the instructions to fix the problem.03:03
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JayRoe_grim76 what problem?03:04
revilodrawpici; a million times with no helpful result03:04
grim76X1400 and X not starting03:04
chadeldridgeMediahunter:  DeVeDee03:04
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chadeldridgesorry DeVeDe03:04
Mediahunteri have that. ok i wll just have to fig it out then03:04
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Mediahunterthanks to all03:04
revilodrawgrim76!! me too!03:04
JayRoe_revilodraw, have you tried downloading a xorg.conf?03:05
silvernodeWhen I install kxdocker I am unable to located in the main menu. How do I launch the program?03:05
avp[en-ru] how do you think, which IRC Client is the best? I tried Opera, Kopete, than XChat (now).03:05
revilodrawjayroe; umm i dint think so how od i do that03:05
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grim76revilodraw: first things first....can you switch to a virtual console by using ctrl-alt-f1?03:06
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Jack_Sparrowavp[en-ru] : dont forget Konversation03:06
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pro-rsofthi all03:06
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pro-rsoftdoes anyone know if ntfs-3g driver is by default included in feisty fawn?03:06
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Jack_Sparrowpro-rsoft: dont think so03:07
Jack_Sparroweasy to add03:07
pro-rsoftsudo apt-get install ntfs-3g? or wont that work03:07
avp[en-ru] Jack_Sparow: I use gnome03:08
Jack_Sparrowme too03:08
revilodrawgrim76; im using the livecd now..ctrl-alt-f1 gave me a black screen03:08
Jack_Sparrowavp[en-ru] : I use gnome and konversation..03:08
grim76ahhh ok03:08
avp[en-ru] ah, ok03:08
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avp[en-ru] I'll try03:09
Jack_Sparrowavp[en-ru] : Also K3B... and others03:09
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grim76revilodraw: Ok did your actual install of Ubuntu complete?03:09
Mediahunterok this is weird i did what it says for the .avi issuse and the libdvdread3 but it says does not exist however democracy player will play the .avi file but mplayer will not03:09
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revilodrawgrim 76; yes03:09
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grim76ok perfect03:09
Jack_Sparrowavp[en-ru] : Also check out kvirc03:10
JayRoe_What do I do when evtest doesn't show events for a certain device?03:10
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Tha-Foxanyone who konows something about wpa_supplicant?03:11
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phpwnerhow do i clear the line i am on?03:11
Frogzoophpwner: ctrl u ?03:11
revilodrawphpwner; snort it03:11
Mediahunterok vlc plays it also03:11
Mediahunterso just mplayer is messed up03:11
Mediahunteri will work on it later03:11
Mediahunterno biggy03:11
Mediahuntertanks everyone03:11
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checcoCiao amici di #ubuntu!!!03:12
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KuDeTadoes anyone know a package (with a web gui) that makees it easy to stream files on your sever?03:13
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grim76revilodraw: I am still looking for the instructions that I used to fix this problem.  I have them written down at home, but that does me no good seeing as  how I am at work right now.03:14
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Frogzoois there a way to get a version number for an compiled/installed kernel module??03:15
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BotheredFrogzoo: uname -a03:16
FrogzooBothered: the module's version #, not the kernel03:16
BotheredFrogzoo: sorry, that's no what you want is it03:16
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spikermanBothered, can you hear me03:16
Frogzoojust doing 'strings' on the module.o doesn't really help03:16
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Botheredspikerman: yes?03:17
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spikermanspikerman,  fds03:17
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MalachiMy iPod nano on't mount03:17
Malachiwon't mount*03:17
grim76revilodraw: ahhh found them. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/89853  there is an entry 2/3rds of the way down by thayerw03:17
Thanghallo, do you know what is texture_from_pixmap?03:17
spikermanBothered, i'm testing my sound03:18
PiciFrogzoo: Try modinfo virus scanner ERROR <McAfee for Marshal> file <B46908f4b0000.000000000001.0001.mml> after 16 millisecs03:18
Jack_SparrowFrogzoo: I thought uname -a did show which kernel03:18
Thangwhen I installing Compiz, it says I had an error while checking texture_from_pixmap03:18
PiciFrogzoo: try modifo03:18
grim76revilodraw: the entry starts with "I figured out a temporary workaround...."03:18
FrogzooPici: aye, thanks03:18
PiciFrogzoo: modinfo (arg fingers/keyboard)03:18
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grim76revilodraw: It works for a full installation, and is a fix for the situation.  I have been running that way for quite a while.03:18
checcoCiao a tutti!!!03:19
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checcoenter to #Amore&Odio03:19
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dirtyhandhow can I make XCHAT auto nickserv identify me everytime I join FreeNode03:19
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Thanganybody knows about texture_from_pixmap?03:20
iarwain_hiya, anyone know what is worse: kernel panic, or "can't access tty" ?03:20
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jattkernel panic03:20
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iarwain_yay =(03:21
JayRoe_What do I do when evtest doesn't show events for a certain device?03:21
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iarwain_you have a clue how to get the "can't access tty" error removed?03:21
Thanganybody knows about texture_from_pixmap?03:21
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KuDeTadoes anyone know a package (with a web gui) that makees it easy to stream files on your sever?03:22
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Frogzooiarwain_: perhaps it's this "GRUB was pointing here: root=/by-uid/[whole bunch of hex code]  rather than: root=/dev/hda1 just edited the line to show /dev/hda1"03:24
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Frogzooiarwain_: take a snoop around /boot/grub/menu.lst03:24
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iarwain_Frogzoo: gonna take a look, thx!03:24
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techbeehello all   , is ubuntu installer supports lvm03:26
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Picitechbee: Heres a guide for installing with LVM & the Alternate CD: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html03:27
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techbeepici:Thanks :)03:27
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WolfwalkerWhere can I get Gimp advise? The Gimp channel is D.E.A.D.03:28
satzzeichenCan someone answer me a question about gaim? Iam new to linux.03:28
savetheWorldDont ask to ask, dont ask "can someone help me", Just ask your question. someone will chime in if they can help.  Until you ask the real question people will not know if they know enough to help you.03:29
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grim76revilodraw: did you find the entry in the bug report that I was talking about?03:29
techbeePici: i do not find any  stuff  on the site  , how to  install  ubuntu on  one lv :(03:29
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satzzeichenI used Trillian the time i used windows, now i logged into my ICQ Account with Gaim and mostly 90% of my numbers are lost - what happened??03:29
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erUSUL!lvm | techbee03:30
dirtyhandcan I install regular Ubuntu 7.04 32bit on my amd64?03:30
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erUSULdirtyhand: sure03:30
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Jack_SparrowIs there a good tutorial on sharing files between two ubuntu installs on home pc's.. no real security needed between the two03:30
dirtyhandbecause, so far ubuntu 64 has given me more problems03:30
Picitechbee: I dont have any other information besides that link, sorry.03:30
techbeeerUSUL:how can  i install  ubuntu , if installer does  not recognize my  lvm partition03:31
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satzzeichenNoone have a clue of my problem? :-/03:31
erUSULtechbee: never instaled in lvm (i avoid it in desktop machines i do not see the point) the bot has a link to the wiki but it is lazy now03:32
Jack_Sparrowtechbee: what happens if you leave unallocated space and let the installer try and do the partition?03:32
Danuxsatzzeichen i've used 32bit on my amd 64 with no problems iirc (in fact, my wireless appears to work better in 32bit)03:32
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PriceChildtechbee, use the alternate install cd03:32
satzzeichen? o.O03:32
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satzzeichen@Danux i have 32 bit :D03:33
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techbeeerUSUSL:the  problem is that i have linux box which have lvm partitions , so   there is no other for me :(03:33
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Danuxoh wrong tab lol... that was for dirtyhand03:33
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dirtyhandyeah im about to re-install 32 bit03:34
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dirtyhandamd64 has too many problems atm03:34
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Frederickfolks where does ubuntu places eclipse executable file?03:34
satzzeichenAh lol i did find my lost buddys xD thanks...03:34
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Frogzootechbee: you want the alternate installer, which supports lvm03:35
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BielekeFrederick: There where  you unpacked it03:35
Milux how i can install amarok 1.4.6 on ubuntu feisty? there are any reposities?03:35
PiciFrederick: ~/.eclipse ? maybe? (guessing)03:35
BielekeMilux: ofcourse03:35
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BielekeMilux: apt-get install amarok should do the trick03:35
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MiluxBieleke: yes, but install the 1.4.5 version03:36
Frogzoo!amarok | Milux03:36
PiciMilux: There are no official repositories for amarok 1.4.6 :/03:36
techbee Frogzoo:Thanks :) ..........03:36
PiciFrederick: bot is dead :(03:36
MiluxPici: ok03:37
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BotheredMilux: it's available in backports03:37
Miluxwhat i do?03:37
IndyGunFreakhmm, i'm not seeing ubotu messages03:38
BotheredMilux: In software sources, updates tab, select backports03:38
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MiluxBothered: ok03:38
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dromeris there any linux software for pda's ?03:39
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erUSULdromer: for syncing with a pda or for the pda itself03:39
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MiluxBothered: now it's ok, i found the 1.4.6 version, thanks03:40
dromererUSUL: wel both really :P03:40
BotheredMilux: No problem03:40
dromererUSUL: I now have an Acer N1003:40
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dromererUSUL: I know there is a linux being developed for it03:40
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dromererUSUL: atm it has Windows CE, so something to synchronise would be cool too03:40
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erUSULdromer: i know that both exist .... gpe and qtopia are envoirments for the pda itself...03:41
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Frogzoodromer: there's multisync for pocketpcs which is fairly ordinary03:41
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IndyGunFreakerUSUL: do you speak any foriegn languages?03:41
erUSULdromer: for syncing there are varius specific programs just use google a little ;) (evolution can sync contacts etc)03:41
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erUSULIndyGunFreak: i'm a native galician/spanish speaker and i can talk a little (and bad) english ;)03:42
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dirtyhandDoes anyone have any problems installing Aptana on Ubuntu 64 7.04?03:42
phpwnersudo kill 22930 isn't killing process id 22930. why not?03:43
anandanbuHow do i install phpmyadmin in ubuntu 7.0403:43
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Piciphpwner: try sudo kill -9 2293003:43
erUSULphpwner: maybe you have to use the TERM signal (sudo kill -9 <pid> )03:43
WolfwalkerSo where do I go to get Gimp help? The Gimp channel is dead.03:43
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Picianandanbu: try sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin03:44
dromererUSUL: ok thnx, I don't use evolution myself03:44
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erUSULdromer: no problem03:44
PiciWolfwalker: Try irc.gimp.org (#gimp-users)03:44
anandanbuPici: Thanks03:45
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khermanshow can i do this with apt-get ? aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty03:51
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JayRoeCan someone help me with evtest?03:52
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Picikhermans: feisty??03:52
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Picikhermans: What are you trying to do?03:52
dirtyhandso I had a random restart using ubuntu 7.04 amd64 and now I cant see my eclipse launcher in Applications...03:53
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khermansPici, reinstall all packages in the feisty archive03:53
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dromerhey all, I'm having trouble installing vmware-player03:53
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khermansdromer, dont!  use vmware-server03:53
dromerI get: invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.  dpkg: error processing vmware-player (--configure):03:53
Picikhermans: I'm not sure theres a way to actually go about doing that.03:53
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dromerkhermans: vmware-server isn't free right?03:53
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jhaigkhermans: vmware-server is free.03:54
erUSUL!virtualbox | dromer03:54
dromerhmm, how do I install it best then? (I've tried to install vmware before and failed :#)03:54
=== erUSUL where's the bot?
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jhaigdromer: It is fairly easy to install downloading it from the VMWare website.03:55
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khermansdromer, and its in the commericla repos03:55
dromerjhaig: hmm, ok03:55
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jhaigdromer: I've not tried it from the Ubuntu repositories, though.03:55
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dromerwell the problem I had before was configuring the virtual dhcp03:56
junminhi, which is the channel for the desktop effect?? please03:56
Some_PersonFinally I got rid of that annoying X-Chat nicklist-separator03:56
CarmenSandiegoOK, I've got ubuntu all set up how I want, now I'm looking at security. I want to know where ubuntu stores 'usage track' type things. I noticed there was a 'recent documents' menu in Places - where is that stuff stored? Are there any other records kept by ubuntu like this?03:56
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dirtyhandGuys, a random ubuntu restart made me lose my eclipse launcher from the applications menu... where can I find it?03:56
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dromerkhermans: could you guide me in installing it? or perhaps jhaig using your method?03:56
Picidirtyhand: You might be able to re-add it using the alacarte menu editor.03:56
khermans!vmware server03:57
junmindirtyhand, locate eclipse03:57
erUSULCarmenSandiego: all  this things are kept in *your* home dir so no need to worry just make sure nobody access it03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
erUSUL!virtualbox | dromer03:57
ubotudromer: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox03:57
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khermansdromer, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-from-canonical-commercial-repository-in-ubuntu-feisty.html03:57
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jhaigdromer: http://www.vmware.com/download/server/ <- Get it from here.  Get the *.tar.gz version to use with Ubuntu.03:57
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Some_PersonCan I put < and > outside of nicks in mirc?03:58
Some_Personi mean in xchat?03:58
Lorne_Kunyes, but its a long and involved process :P03:58
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Some_Personhow "long and involved"?03:58
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Lorne_Kunyou have to change the way channel/private messages are displayed03:59
Lorne_Kuntheres a reason its an "advanced" setting03:59
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Some_PersonWhy don't they just put a nice checkbox?03:59
kenroDid Deb-buntu change the name of their plugin speaker driver?04:00
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phpwnerhow do i install python with dpkg?04:01
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erUSULphpwner: python is installed by default in ubuntu (more than one version btw)04:01
junk430can anyone help me with a crashed HD.. I copied it to another working drive but the file sys won't mount... what recovery tools are out there!04:01
junk430I can't find much on google04:01
LazyAngelhi! anyone knows about a list over supported webcams?04:01
phpwnerin edgy eft?04:02
Some_PersonLorne_Kun: Are there instructions somewhere?04:02
LazyAngeli want to buy a webcam, but dont know whats supported04:02
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ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:02
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kenroDid Deb-buntu change the name of their plugin speaker driver?04:03
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junk430so how can you repare an unmountable ext3 filesystem.. I just need a couple files off it04:03
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Pici!recovery | junk43004:03
ubotujunk430: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"04:03
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junk430ubot.. I don't think that will fix an unmountable file system04:03
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kenroIf not, could someone remind me what the driver actually was?04:04
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junk430the drive head crashed...04:04
Layer-8hey all! does someone know how to import kmail folder to evolution?04:04
erUSULphpwner: yes04:05
erUSUL!caps > kenro04:05
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junk430ok... so other than boot the install cd ...  no one knows of any way to try and recover an unmountable ext3 filesystem?04:05
erUSULLayer-8: File>Import04:05
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kenroerUSUL, Then I must assume no one here uses external speakers.04:06
craigbass1976kenro, breaker one-nine.  Aint heard that in a while...04:06
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erUSULkenro: you must assume that you can not use capital letters in the channel. it is considered rude04:07
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kenroerUSUL,  So is ignoring people.04:08
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kenroI thought I was having network probloms.04:08
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erUSULkenro: there a 1086 person here, sorry if i missed you04:08
craigbass1976kenro, maybe there's nobody listening that know's the answer04:08
erUSUL!patience | kenro04:08
ubotukenro: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:08
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craigbass1976Some_Person, ticle?04:09
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dromerhmm:  A previous installation of a VMware product has been detected.  << I already ran  vmware-uninstall.pl  but it didn't work, apperantly I have to purge the entire install, how do I do this?04:09
craigbass1976Some_Person, jk  WHat's up04:09
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JayRoeCan someone help me with evtest? It would save me the hazzle of having to install ubuntu all over again.04:09
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Some_Personi'd like to put brackets around nicks in xchat04:09
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craigbass1976Some_Person, you have to register a nick with freenode04:10
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Some_Personi just forgot to identify04:10
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craigbass1976And you still can't?04:10
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craigbass1976  /msg nickserv identify <password>04:10
Some_Personi'm trying to put brackets (< and >) around nicks in xchat04:10
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Some_Personi'm not having trouble identifying04:11
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Layer-8erUSUL, do I need a special plugin to import kmail folders?04:11
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MCTomhrrm, can someone please help me install the drivers for my USB wireless device?  I get an error message every time I try04:11
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Some_Personfor example, i see when i type: Some_Person whatever text i type04:11
south01what is the best solution to use xp in ubuntu04:11
Some_Personbut i want to see: <Some_Person> whatever text i type04:11
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iarwain_hiya, anyone know why i am getting a mount error (Mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed: no such file or directory) with this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM ?04:11
John-Jackbest solution for XP in Ubuntu is VisualBox04:12
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south01thanx john04:12
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erUSULLayer-8: i never used kmail but most likely it stores mail in mbox format (pretty standar) and evo can import those04:12
epodnot visualbox04:12
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John-Jackthat's it04:12
[craigbass1976] Some_Person, you want a name like mine?04:13
John-Jackwas thinking of visualboy :S04:13
south01yeah i understand i was just trying to remember the name04:13
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Some_Personcraigbass1976: no04:13
[craigbass1976] Some_Person, I'm confused04:13
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epodI need to get my pocketpc to sync to ubuntu04:13
=== epod heads to google.
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Some_Personcraigbass1976: i am using xchat for irc. when someone is talking in a channel i see: nick whatever they typed04:14
Some_Personcraigbass1976: i want to see :nick> whatever they typed04:14
Layer-8erUSUL, I dont have an option for importing mbox folders... :-/04:14
John-Jackmine's already like that04:14
Some_Personi mean: <nick> whatever they typed04:14
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MCTomwhenever I try to install the drivers for my WUSB54GS USB thing it says "couln't find SourceDisksFiles section - continuing anyway..." but then the driver isnt installed correctly, anyone know whats happening?04:14
south01can i have multiple harddisk using gnome partition editor04:14
Some_Personhow the heck would i do that04:14
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[craigbass1976] Some_Person, no idea. In mine, everybody's names are on the other side of a line seperating them from the text.04:15
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Some_Personcraigbass1976: i removed the line04:15
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iarwain_no one knows how to get the "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" error away with this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM ?04:16
John-Jackpeople who use vista with Classic Appearance set04:16
John-Jackdon't need vista04:16
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John-Jackjust remember that04:16
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poningru_hey guys quick question how does one restart the gnome panel?04:16
erUSULLayer-8: i just checked and the option is there File>Import [check import one file]  then choose the file and bellow choose berkley mail (mbox)04:16
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John-Jackponingru_: ctrl+shift+backspace is the best i can think of04:17
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Layer-8erUSUL, but mbox is not only one file...04:17
John-Jackrestarts X though04:17
craigbass1976John-Jack, What about all the "are you sure you want to do X?" messages.  Surely people can't live without those...04:17
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Layer-8erUSUL, sorry...04:17
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John-JackUAC is stupid04:17
poningru_John-Jack, yeah I know... but kinda lame though04:17
Layer-8erUSUL, i talked about mdir...04:17
John-Jackexcept for networks04:17
John-Jackwhich vista is not good with, afaik04:17
John-Jackbig paradox there04:18
Piciponingru_: killall gnome-panel (I believe it restarts itself)04:18
Some_Persondangit how do i add the < >04:18
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craigbass1976Some_Person, did you remove the line on purpose?04:18
poningru_Pici, trying04:18
Some_Personi removed the line to replace it with < and >04:19
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poningru_Pici, that did it thanks04:19
craigbass1976Some_Person, No idea.  Is there an #xchat room?04:19
Some_Personyes, but theres no help in therew04:19
poningru_craigbass1976, yes04:19
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wbadgerSome_Person, maybe its in Settings -> Advanced -> Edit Events04:19
erUSULLayer-8: the option you have for importing maildir format is to use some app that can convert from maildir to mbox (google) and then import the resulting mbox file04:19
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poningru_Some_Person, what are you trying to do?04:19
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Some_Personwhich event would it be though?04:20
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John-Jackthis is getting silly now04:20
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wbadgerSome_Person, generic message?04:20
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Some_Personthat makes sense, its set to "$1$t$2" though04:21
Some_Personi dont know what that means04:21
Jack_SparrowIs there a good tutorial on sharing files between two ubuntu installs on home pc's.. no real security needed between the two04:21
rustalotI'm getting a laptop from Dell (I'm not in the US, so I can't get the ubuntu ones), and I'm wondering: Is it better to get an Intel GMA 3100, or a nVidia geForce Go 8400?04:21
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SlimeyPeteJack_Sparrow: try search the ubuntu wiki and forums for "samba"04:22
erUSULLayer-8: http://yergler.net/Maildir_to_Mbox04:22
MCTomhrrm, can someone please help me install the drivers for my USB wireless device?  I get an error message every time I try04:22
MCTomhrrm, can someone please help me install the drivers for my USB wireless device?  I get an error message every time I try04:22
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iarwain_Jack_Sparrow: i would advise NFS instead of Samba04:22
Jack_SparrowSlimeyPete: THought that was for sharing with windows more than just linux04:22
MCTomlol, wrong message twice, sorry :P04:22
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murak8400 if you whant better performance, but I think GMA 3100 is mote than enough for compiz etc04:22
Jack_SparrowAgreed looking for nfs04:23
MCTomwhenever I try to install the drivers for my WUSB54GS USB thing it says "couln't find SourceDisksFiles section - continuing anyway..." but then the driver isnt installed correctly, anyone know whats happening?04:23
SlimeyPeteJack_Sparrow: it's applicable in both situations.04:23
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Jack_SparrowSlimeyPete: WOuld rather avoid anything that can include windows04:23
Frederickhow do I install java 6 in ubuntu?04:23
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wbadgerSome_Person, I believe we can find out using the "Test All"04:23
SlimeyPeteFrederick: use synaptic. Enable the universe repository, update your list and then search for sun-java.04:24
SlimeyPetethere's a java 6 package.04:24
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south01can i have multiple harddisk using gnome partition editor04:25
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murakSo anyway, am I suppose to post questions here?04:25
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Pici!ask | murak04:25
ubotumurak: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:25
murakhehe, ok.04:25
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murakIm having trouble extracting a .7z file. When trying to extract with Archive Manager it says "Archive type not supported"04:26
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Jack_Sparrowmurak: look up 7 zip04:26
murakgoogle it?04:26
TimonHow can I create a NTFS partition for my slave drive in Gnome? I've tried with my Windows XP disc but it kept saying that it wasn't a Windows compatible partition so it wouldn't even let me CHOOSE which one I wanted. I just want to install Windows XP onto my slave drive, that's all. It's a 40GB drive by the way.04:26
phpwnerwhat is peerguardian alternative for ubuntu?04:26
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Jack_Sparrowrepos p7zip04:27
ShackJackQuick semi-ubuntu question  - anyone know of a package in the repos that can recover (undelete) files from a USB drive (prolly FAT formatted)?04:27
Some_Personnevermind, i got it, i needed to change both "Channel Message" and "Your Message"04:27
murakthank you04:27
kbrooksok, everyone here. i want something fixed, and i want to fix this something with a experienced programmer. anyone up for it?04:27
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:27
wbadgerSome_Person, nice04:27
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phaidros7Timon: if you don't like fdisk, you may try cfdisk or gparted04:27
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TimonGparted is the same thing as Gnome Partition Editor?04:28
TimonSince that's what I have.04:28
TimonBut I don't get an option to make a NTFS thing.04:28
kenro_HaHaHa! My kubuntu is rotting.04:28
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Jack_SparrowTimon: yes04:28
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ShackJacktechbee: Umm.. that was the question ;)04:28
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TimonWell how do I make an NTFS partition with fdisk or cfdisk?04:28
TimonAnd how do i get it?04:28
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MattJmurak, I just found this too: http://www.howtoadvice.com/7zipHelper/ :)04:28
dylleif you guys don't mind I'll be asking for some support later on :)04:29
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kenro_Anyone know how I might track gutsy rather than unstable?04:29
Jabapythis there some linux equivalent to windows' chkdsk?04:29
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kbrooksinstalling third party drivers is hard in Ubuntu. You have to download a module, ./configure, make && sudo checkinstall.04:29
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phaidros7Timon: set the partition type to ntfs. then you should be able to format the partition with the windows installer04:29
TimonIt doesn't let me.04:30
Armymeni got a fiew question about unbutu, my first one, i want to install a theme for aMSN, i need to copy some files to the theme skin folder but it tell me i can because im not root, or somebody like that04:30
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TimonIt's.. you know when in a dropdown menu something's grey where you can't click on it? YEah, that's what it is.04:30
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kbrooksShouldn't it be made simpler, as in I download a "driver package", open it, and it leads me through a program wizard to install it on the computer?04:30
TheCreationistCould someone tell me how to fix a problem with apt-get?  Suddenly this morning, apt-get (and dpkg) crash every single time I try to run them.  Different errors most times, but the most recent is simply a vague "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"   I was trying to run apt-get install -f to fix some dependency issues that Update Manager said I had (which is strange in itself because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.04:30
kenro_Armymen,  You need to log in as root?04:31
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humboltohow to correctly install java and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable?04:31
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Timoncan you explain to me step by step to make an unpartitioned space in gparted into ntfs?04:31
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Armymen<kenro_> i dont know why but i can log as a root04:32
erUSUL!java | humbolto04:32
ubotuhumbolto: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:32
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erUSUL!root | Armymen04:32
ubotuArmymen: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:32
dylleDoes anyone here do help via PM?04:33
kenro_SU no longer works, it's now SUDO?04:33
MCTomor of coruse you could just change the root password?04:33
Timoncan someone please explain to me step by step to making an ntfs partition in gparted?04:33
erUSULdylle: it is allways better to ask the channel04:33
dyllewell, at the moment, bit confusing considering the ammount of questions going around :=04:33
Chielkenro: use: sudo -s04:34
MCTomunless no-one knows which seems to be my problem :(04:34
Chielit's almost the same :)04:34
erUSULMCTom: do not advice that. it is not recomended04:34
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erUSULMCTom: if noone knows nobody will help you in a pm too04:34
TheCreationistCould someone tell me how to fix a problem with apt-get?  Suddenly this morning, apt-get (and dpkg) crash every single time I try to run them.  Different errors most times, but the most recent is simply a vague "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"   I was trying to run apt-get install -f to fix some dependency issues that Update Manager said I had (which is strange in itself because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.04:34
Armymenwell how can i copy a file and be ass a root in a graphique environment ?04:34
TheCreationistSynaptic, adept, apt-get, and dpkg are all crashing immediately now.04:34
erUSULArmymen: 'gksu nautilus'04:34
MCTomerUSUL: yeah it came out a bit wrong :)04:35
nixlovererUSUL: i have a question04:35
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Armymenkk tanks04:35
Armymeni will try04:35
Timoncan someone please explain to me step by step to making an ntfs partition in gparted?04:35
kenro_Armymen, gksu or kdesu04:35
Ryarensby can help me pls? Which log file contains the infos about restart and shutdown process?? Because my system always freezes when I wnat to restart or shutdown my computer...04:35
TheCreationistkenro_: I believe, for whever reason, that it's gksudo or kdesu.04:35
TheCreationistkenro_: I don't think there is a gksu.04:35
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TheCreationist...but I was wrong lol04:35
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PiciArmymen: nautilus-gksu might help04:36
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kenro_TheCreationist,  They removed gksu?04:36
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TheCreationistWell, apparently no help for this issue for me.... which is critical.  I can't install updates, can't install/remove software... can't using Synaptic.  And I did absolutely nothing to cause this... it happened overnight.  Woke up to a crashed computer and now it'04:36
TheCreationistit's screwed completely.04:37
TheCreationistI'll ask later.04:37
dylleDo broadcomm wireless lan cards still have probs on Ubuntu 7.0404:37
murakFound help with 7zip on this webpage: http://www.howtoadvice.com/Ubuntu7zip04:37
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skyionhmmm my firefox keeps on dying04:37
Sbucat_dylle: which?04:37
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aantnis there a way to use kde themes under gnome?04:37
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erUSULTheCreationist: i think that maybe your dpkg database got corrupted somehow. dunno if there's something you can do about it search in google04:37
kenro_TheCreationist,  What exactly is wrong?04:38
erUSULaantn: no afaik04:38
kduboi1aantn: i dont know, but its doubtful04:38
dylleSbucat_: broadcomm 802.11g04:38
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ShackJackIs there a proggie in the repos that allows recovery of deleted files form USB sticks/mem cards, etc (usually FAT/32 formatted)?04:38
Sbucat_dylle: ...no man this mean nothing the name for example bcm430604:38
erUSUL!info testdisk | ShackJack04:38
ubotushackjack: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB04:38
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Sbucat_dylle: lspci |grep Video04:39
Sbucat_dylle: soory04:39
ShackJackerUSUL: Ah thanks - it just turned up when I searched fat32 in synaptic - this isn't a GUI tool, I take it ;)04:39
Sbucat_dylle: lspci and find out brodacom04:39
dyllecurrently not using ubuntu, going to start installing soon..., but one sec I can try and check the chipset via windows04:39
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RyarenWhen TwinView is enabled I can't restart or shutdown my X and my computer too... I don't know why and nothin logging this...04:40
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Sbucat_dylle: the way is this : terminal : lspci and find out brodacom near will be bcm43xx or similar04:40
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kduboi1Ryaren: i have trouble with twinview and that too.... (8500 gt)04:40
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Sbucat_dylle: i think isnt easy to find out from windoz04:41
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yunhualhi, i can get the file line info with nm -l xx.o which make with debug symbols, but when i make kernel with debug info, why i can't use nm -l vmlinux to get line info04:41
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dylleSbucat_: BCM43XV04:41
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Ryarenkduboi1: Same problem?04:41
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org04:41
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:41
kduboi1Ryaren: mine isnt able to come out of suspend or hibernate, and it freezes sometimes upon login, but only if i'm using twinview04:42
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kenro_Does anyone here have trouble enabling external speakers, or getting their mousepad to stop clicking?04:42
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gangsterliciousanyone got openoffice issues under 64-bit? kept crashing on startup. looked up some stuff on forum stating disabling cups but still no hope. any thoughts?04:42
yunhualhi, i can get the file line info with nm -l xx.o which make with debug symbols, but when i make kernel with debug info, why i can't use nm -l vmlinux to get line info04:42
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kenro_I'm using unstable kubuntu04:42
murakWere do I change "Shared Memory" for my integrated vga card?04:43
Sbucat_dylle: are yoi sure i have found few topic04:43
SlimeyPetemurak: in your BIOS, usually04:43
gangsterliciousmurak: via your BIOS04:43
Sbucat_dylle: only this http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-150345.html04:43
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kenro_gangsterlicious,  Yet another reason not to use oo.04:43
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dylleSbucat_: Well I ran unbuntu about 6 months ago, and my card had driver problems04:44
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dylleubuntu had the drivers, just refused to implement them04:44
gangsterliciouskenro_: i need to have word and xls support. what other ms office compatible app do you recommend?04:44
Sbucat_dylle: i suggest to use live cd and so you have not to install ubuntu then applications----accessories---terminal : lspci and find out the right chip number04:44
murakOk, thanks for your answears. Ive been to the BIOS, its an asus so I can do nothing =P04:44
dyllewill, do04:45
kenro_gangsterlicious, What desktop?04:45
humboltoerUSUL: the java document you sent me to does not state anything about how to permanantly and correctly (the debian/ubuntu way) set the environmental variable JAVA_HOME.04:45
Sbucat_dylle: many wireless card have this problem i have a brodacom too bcm4306 and it works! with ndiswrapper04:45
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gangsterlicious(i do have standard ubuntu installed so gnome is available. but i use pekwm primary)04:45
numusanyone use skype and know if it will work with wine?04:45
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gangsterliciousgtk style is pretty much what i need04:46
jattnumus: you don't need wine for skype04:46
kenro_gangsterlicious,  Minimalist... tk* would prolly be useless for full MS compats...04:46
numusjatt: skype on linux doesn't have webcam support04:46
dylle<Sbucat_> dylle: many wireless card have this problem i have a brodacom too bcm4306 and it works! with ndiswrapper <--- Well hopefully I can get it working then :)04:46
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humboltoerUSUL: what is the debian way to set this env permanently (and most desirably for all users)?04:46
murakI use Compiz Fusion and when I play ePSXe or ScummVM the window is slightly transparent, Where do I change the "transparacy" of the windows?04:47
sddaDFWRGYcould someone help me?04:47
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sddaDFWRGYhow to open ports in ubuntu?04:47
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kenro_gangsterlicious,  Okee. there are gtk office apps you can use. just won't be integrated like Office.04:47
ElkosddaDFWRGY: firestarter?04:48
gangsterliciouskenro_: is there a XLS app like abiword?04:48
SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY:  think they're all open by default? but firestarter will let you do things like that04:48
sddaDFWRGYmmmm by command...04:48
sddaDFWRGYi explain my problem04:49
kenro_gangsterlicious, You don't need OO to use abiWord. It stands alone.04:49
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numusjatt: Unless ther eis a new version that support webcam04:49
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sddaDFWRGYi want my friend can access my apache by port 8104:49
sddaDFWRGYbut he can't04:50
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murakHow do I set "Transparacy of windows" in Compiz?04:50
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ElkosddaDFWRGY: is it forwarded to your httpd on your router?04:50
PicisddaDFWRGY: Make sure tha apache is listening on port 81 and that your router is correctly forwarding the port to your computer.04:50
sddaDFWRGYyes... apache listen 8104:50
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mattwalstonHow can I set my locale?  When installing packages I get perl complaining about an unset lang and a few other locale related things04:51
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SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: no ports are blocked by ubuntu. Make sure your router is not blocking it. Also, make sure apache is running on port 81.04:51
numusi think wine froze on ym screen04:51
sddaDFWRGYwhen i do nmap
kenro_And can someone please help me with my external speaker question??04:51
redt0niaeee im on Xp04:51
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SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: sounds like your router is misconfigured then04:51
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sddaDFWRGYit don't say nothing on 8104:51
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onihi is it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:51
redt0niai have 2 linux machines04:51
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SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: you have restarted apache, yes?04:52
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SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: do a "sudo iptables -L"04:52
numusis there a way to shut down running programs in ubuntu04:52
SlimeyPetethat will show you which ports are blocked, if any04:52
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oninumus: killall04:52
sddaDFWRGYChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)04:52
sddaDFWRGYtarget     prot opt source               destination04:52
sddaDFWRGYChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)04:52
sddaDFWRGYtarget     prot opt source               destination04:52
sddaDFWRGYChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)04:52
sddaDFWRGYtarget     prot opt source               destination04:52
numusthat it?04:52
SlimeyPetenumus: go to a terminal and use killall. eg "killall evolution"04:52
SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: so no ports are being blocked.04:52
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numusdidn't work.. oh well going to restart04:53
sddaDFWRGYso it's a problem of my roter...04:53
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oninuxil: xkill04:53
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ElkosddaDFWRGY: does 'netstat -vatnp | grep apa' show apache is listening (just to be sure)?04:53
SlimeyPetesddaDFWRGY: no, sorry... I mislead you. If you can not reach your apache from your own network then it is not your router which has the problem.04:53
murakHow do I change the"Opacity level" of my windows in compiz?04:53
kenro_Wait... They've put kde/qt-4 in gutsy pre-release?04:54
mike3_murak, beryl-manager04:54
onihi is it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:54
sddaDFWRGYwhen i write "localhost:81" i reach my apache04:54
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sddaDFWRGYif i write not!04:54
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numusfroze wine again.. damn04:55
numushow do i uninstall something04:55
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sddaDFWRGYtcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     13852/apache204:55
sddaDFWRGYtcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     9845/apache04:55
sddaDFWRGYtcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     5910/apache-ssl04:55
onisddaDFWRGY: i think apache is not listenin on your external ip04:55
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jattsudo apt-get --purge remove something04:55
SlimeyPetenumus: use synaptic or "add/remove programs"04:55
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SlimeyPeteyeah...or that04:55
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ElkosddaDFWRGY: tcp        0      0
numusit is a program i installed in wine04:55
oniis it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:55
kenro_numus You use gutsy?04:55
Elkoit's listening on eth0 on port 80 instead of 8104:56
SlimeyPetenumus: oh. run the program's uninstall EXE in Wine.04:56
ElkosddaDFWRGY: try 192.168.x.x:8004:56
numuskenro_ no04:56
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Fierciroushi all .. i would like to ask if anyone knows how to connect a WM5 device (Dopod D810) to Ubuntu 7.04? Tried the forum but have not been on much luck to find the exact solution.04:56
sddaDFWRGYi have apache on 81 and apache2 on 8004:56
numusanyone ever tried wine? it runs portal.. but it freezes when i click on anything04:56
ElkosddaDFWRGY: oh, ah, misread04:56
numusif only i could see a debug screen04:56
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numusthere doesn't appear to be an uninstall for this program04:57
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kenro_numus Nev mine I thought you meant 'froze' in a different sense.04:57
sddaDFWRGYwhat could i do?04:57
oninumus: wine is not a very stable program04:57
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numusoni: damn..04:57
SlimeyPetenumus: then just deleted the directory. Won't hurt. Probably.04:57
mattwalstonAny ideas? Error: 'en_us.utf-8' is not a supported language or locale04:57
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kenro_oni, And why not? They've been working on it for 12 years.04:58
numusguess i will just have to run this in windows then...04:58
numusone more reason i have to continue to dualboot04:58
jattnumus: you could try to setup a vmware virtual machine for windows and install skype there it should recognize your devices (like the webcam)04:58
oninumus: you can try tu install wine-tool04:58
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jattbut installing windows on vmware is not an easy task :(04:58
numuswhat does wine-tools do04:58
numusnaa i have a dual boot04:58
numuswhen i get my laptop back then i have no need for skype on my server04:58
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imskeHi all, I'm having Sound Card Problems with my Realtek ALC880 Soundcard and a Fresh Installation of Ubuntu 7.04. Apparently their are a few problems with this sound card, does anyone have any information?04:59
onikenro_: because it simulates windows very well ;-)04:59
ElkosddaDFWRGY: I still say there is no apache listening on eth0 ( on port 81, there is one on eth0:80 and one on localhost:8104:59
oniis it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:59
variantanyone know how to export or otherwise save gconf settings to a file for reproduction on another system?04:59
oniis it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:59
oniis it possible that sshd is not in the main source since 7.04?04:59
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variantoni: stop repeating your self04:59
numusbrb gota reboot AGAIN04:59
variantoni: and no it isn't04:59
Fierciroushi all .. i would like to ask if anyone knows how to connect a WM5 device (Dopod D810) to Ubuntu 7.04? Tried the forum but have not been on much luck to find the exact solution.04:59
onithanks variant04:59
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variantFiercirous: wm5?05:00
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mike3_Man I'm tierd.. Is it time to go home yet???? :)05:01
Fiercirousmy 2nd question is about using ATI driver for Ubuntu 7.04, which seems to freeze my startup at certain times at boot up when after a successful login into GNOME. I am using the 690G chipset from AMD for built-in graphics chipset X125005:01
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Fiercirousvariant - wm5 = windows mobile 505:01
numuswm5 is annoying05:01
logreevalhello, when i start my computer, it is normal desktop but then if i click anything "the panel" shows up.....is that because it is loading the startup programs?05:01
numusthat i can't sync it to linux05:01
variantFiercirous: did you follow the ati install howto? or did you use the restricted driver manager to install the drivers?05:01
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murakmike3_ I tried to make a private discussion, but you dont seem to be able to see my messages?05:02
dinochopinsOOT: any suggestion for a great hosting service for Linux/Apache/PHP ?05:02
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variant!offtopic | dinochopins05:02
ubotudinochopins: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:02
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VSpikeFiercirous: as far as I know, there is no way05:02
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VSpikeFiercirous: at least, you can connect and transfer files but you can't sync05:03
Fiercirousvariant, i followed the steps @ http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide     n have got the driver from AMD/ATI's site05:03
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variantFiercirous: http://www.scheduleworld.com/tg/cal/day.jsp05:03
ElkosddaDFWRGY: can you agree with that?05:03
variantFiercirous: don't follow unnoficial guides05:03
variant!ati | Fiercirous05:03
ubotuFiercirous: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:03
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sddaDFWRGYbut how can i open?05:04
logreevalwait, is that bar thing that had the things showing loading the panel?05:04
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variantFiercirous: in feisty just go to administration > restricted driver manager, it will install and set up the driver for you05:04
FiercirousVSpike, how may i at least achieve the effect of transferring the files? When i connect my wm5 device, i does not even recognise the media card reader (built-in), but if i plug in another USB multi card reader, it works fine.05:04
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ElkosddaDFWRGY: edit the appropriate apache configuration file05:04
sddaDFWRGYmmmm so it's an apache problem05:05
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sddaDFWRGYi thought router problem05:05
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VSpikevariant: that link looks seriously interesting05:05
Fiercirousvariant, thanks for the clue.. will check that out .. now i shall hang on for Vspike05:05
variantFiercirous: for windows mobile 5 support you will need to compile a few programs and be able to use svn to get the source, see this link: http://www.mobilegadgetnews.com/index.php?showtopic=1282905:06
milestonehi all, i am not able to compile the drbd0.7 module via module-assistant. Ihave already changed /bin/sh to point to bash. But still no luck. Here is the error i am getting http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/12556/05:06
milestoneany help is highly appreciated05:06
ElkosddaDFWRGY: you should first be able to access the httpd locally on 192.168.x.x:81, then check the outside, if not working, look at the router config, good luck.05:06
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sddaDFWRGYi'm going to caming back in a while05:06
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milestoneany help is highly appreciated05:07
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murakhere is a printscreen http://img365.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot05ct4.png05:07
skargeshello all05:07
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murakas u can see the window is transparent05:08
skargesany one have try to install nvidia driver on ubuntu 6405:08
chrislewisgood day - is there a place where i can check compat info w/ ubuntu on specific serviers?05:08
VSpikeFiercirous: tbh, the device I tried it with was a PPC2003SE device.  I rememebr it took a lot of fiddling about to get it working, and once I did, it wouldn't do what I wanted (i.e. sync) so I never repeated the exercise.  Hence, I can't even remember exactly how I did it.  Suggest you follow variants second link which looks helpful.05:08
chrislewisnamely HP ProLiant ML11505:08
variantmilestone: that error doesn't really say what went wrong. You should try reading the site where you got it to see about any special circumstances that come into play when you compile it. also try newer/older versions of the software05:08
skargesi have a crash off my xorg all time05:08
milestonevariant: i am using module-assistant a-i drbd0.7-module05:08
variantchrislewis: most hp stuff works very well with free software05:09
milestonevariant: it is all ubuntu packages i am using...05:09
variantmilestone: I don't know anything specific about it05:09
variantmilestone: ok05:09
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Fiercirousvariant, the offical ati guide u shared is something i never come by.. thanks!05:10
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FiercirousVSpike, will do. thanks!05:10
variantFiercirous: allways use official docuemtation _first_05:10
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chrislewisvariant: thanks - confirmation of a specific model would be comforting tho05:10
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variantchrislewis: I don't know specifically, if you allready have the server just try it with a live ce05:10
variantchrislewis: cd*05:11
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chrislewisvariant: thats the issue - im shopping for one right now and i need dapper to run on it05:11
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variantchrislewis: i don't know about dapper, feisty should be ok but obviously you might not want to run that05:12
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chrislewisvariant: my only reason for dapper is i have to run a php 5 app that uses mysql 4 (not 5). dapper has php5 + mysql4 packages, but i dont know that fiesty does05:13
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EXP__how i can write zdsk file to floppy, when i have usb floppy drive?05:14
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variantchrislewis: personally i wouldn't use ubuntu on a server (unless i were a total unix novice, then i might)05:15
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ryanakcaany idea why `mogrify -resize 28% *.jpg05:15
chrislewisvariant: a novice may have to access this box05:16
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skargeshell anyone can help, i have a crash off xorg when i install nvidia drivers, if i install glx or native driver with envy on ubuntu 6405:16
ryanakcaany idea why `mogrify -resize 28% *.jpg` doesn't resize all the '.jpg' in the directory?05:16
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mhz`-why wouldn't you use ubuntu on a server?05:16
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variantskarges: don't use envy, it's more effort than it's worth05:16
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!05:17
variantmhz`-: it's not my favorite distro05:17
skargesyes but i have same problem with glx driver05:17
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armymeni use xchat and i dont see the nicklist , i see that http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/3250/capturevj5.png so what can i do ? to have the nicklist at the right05:17
variantskarges: see that text from ubotu ?05:17
variantarmymen: are you using gnome-xchat or just xchat?05:17
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armymen gnome-xchat05:17
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variantarmymen: thats why05:17
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skargesi test all thing in ubuntu web site i can't find why it don't work05:18
variantarmymen: use xchat instead05:18
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enry_it's true that if i buy a dual core i have to recompile the kernel and all standard application (like gimp or cinnerella) use oly one core and i have to compile them if i whant to use my dual core processor??05:18
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skargesif in xorg.conf i replace nvidia by nv it start but i lost opengl support05:18
Jack_Sparrowskarges: Did you read what we think of the ENVY script and what it does to your system...05:18
armymenwell i have the sameprobleme with the other one whant a screen shot ??05:18
variantskarges: because you used envy, we in here can't be sure of what is/has happend to your system and are not able to support you, you might get someone to help thoughj05:18
SlimeyPeteenry_: do you have feisty?05:18
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variantenry_: no05:18
enry_SlimeyPete,  yes05:18
neverblueskarface, did you install the Nvidia drivers properly?05:18
SlimeyPeteenry_: then you dn'tneed to recompile anything05:19
neverblueops, that was for skarges05:19
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SlimeyPeteenry_: everything will just work. no changes necessary.05:19
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kamiro87Hello, Does anyone know how to get a fully translated polish install of linux? I installed ubuntu and xubuntu and only about some of the stuff like the gnome menu was translated properly. The rest of the interface was mostly in english including openoffice. Does anyone know how to get it more localised.05:19
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skargesi have use envy because i have this problem at the beginning05:19
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IceLinkis there any possibility to get rosegarden 1.5 pre-compiled?05:19
enry_SlimeyPete,  all tha application that i install use all the cores?05:19
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neverblueskarges, envy is your problem05:19
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armymenhttp://img391.imageshack.us/img391/7350/capture1yz4.png that is what i got with the normal Xchat no nicklist05:20
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variant!polish | kamiro8705:20
enry_SlimeyPete,  and if i use Debian etc?05:20
ubotukamiro87: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:20
skargesi think envy is not my problem because i have the same problem before envy05:20
SlimeyPeteenry_: those which are capable of doing so (most programs are not written for dual-core - recompiling them won't help)05:20
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Jack_Sparrowskarges: dont even consider trying to fix with Automatix script..05:20
SlimeyPeteenry_: some apps can use two cores at one time, and those apps will just magically start working without you having to do anything.05:20
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skargesok but what i need to do remove all drivers and after ?05:21
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SlimeyPeteenry_: I think Debian does dual-core by dfault now, too. Not sure about other distributions.05:21
variantskarges: my advice would be to backup essential data and format/reinstall but this time follow the official docs instead of these stupid scripts05:21
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Jack_Sparrowskarges: Put in the Ubuntu install disk...05:21
enry_SlimeyPete,  and if i buy a P4 661 ? all problem resolved?05:21
vox754kamiro87, probably you need to translate it yourself. Go to launchpad and take a look at the localization effort by polish people.05:21
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skargesi have no data on it for the moment i can reinstall it no problem05:21
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Jack_Sparrowskarges: That would be the best bet05:22
variantskarges: do so05:22
SlimeyPeteenry_: I don't think the 661 is dual-core?05:22
neverblueskarges, google 'ubuntu guide', look at the Edgy guide, it gives a way to update to the 'latest nvidia driverss'05:22
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skargesbu i think i have the same problem after reinstall05:22
skargesi try this thanks05:22
variantskarges: it will be easyer to fix if you havent run envy05:22
neverblueskarges, listen to what I said05:22
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enry_SlimeyPete, no it's the last P4 with low energy requirement 86W instead of 110W05:22
Some_Personi installed a backend for my scanner, and i want to scan with xsane, but xsane only works with sudo/root05:22
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neverblueskarges, then use nvidia-settings to get it running the way you like05:22
Jack_Sparrowskarges: after reinstall come here .. with video card make and model and you will get good help.05:23
SlimeyPeteenry_: it should work OK, as far as I know.05:23
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vox754variant, neverblue I thought people generally trusted the envy script.What happened?05:23
SlimeyPeteI used to use a 630 with linux, it worked fine05:23
Some_Personi get an error "failed to open device 'hp3900:libusb:001:004': Access to resource has been denied05:23
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Some_Personbut as root/sudo, it works05:23
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Some_Personbut i get this "dangerous" message05:24
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enry_SlimeyPete, a P4 with 3.6 Ghz is very different in prestations with a dual core (example an AMD X205:24
neverblueVoX754 i never use envy05:24
variantvox754: I never trusted it, for  the one or two simple things it automates it's _really_ not worth it05:24
SlimeyPeteenry_: prestations?05:24
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sylvisjHaving trouble starting X, getting error "Requested Entity already in use!"05:25
enry_SlimeyPete, performance05:25
dylleSbucat_: Still Around?05:25
sylvisjanyone have any diea what that means?05:25
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Sbucat_dylle: i am busy sorry man but tell me i will read after05:26
SlimeyPeteenry_: oh right. An X2 will be faster than a P4, usually.05:26
dylleI've got the bcm340605:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:26
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enry_How may applications are writen for dual core archiectures?05:27
SlimeyPeteenry_: not many, but there will be more in the future05:27
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variantenry_: count them05:27
enry_open office?05:27
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SlimeyPeteenry_: writing apps for dual-core is more difficult than for single core.05:27
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dv_where can I change file associations?05:28
SlimeyPeteI doubt open office will use both cores.05:28
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variantenry_: read this, it's very revealing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-core_(computing)05:28
dv_when I want to open an audio file, audacious pops up, and that destroys my playlist05:28
dv_so I want ubuntu to use another program when I click05:28
Some_PersonHow come XSane only works with my scanner (HP3900 backend) when running it from sudo/root?05:29
murakSome of my windows are transparent Look: http://img365.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot05ct4.png05:29
dv_that is, I want to set the default app for opening audio files05:29
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cdavishow do you get ubuntu to enter a hostname upon boot?05:29
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cdavisit has a blank hostname after a reboot, i would like it ot reverse my ip and enter it as the hostname05:29
variantmurak: hold the alt key and scroll the mouse wheel over the application05:30
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gper15martinalguien abla espaol??05:30
vox754!es | gper15martin05:30
ubotugper15martin: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:30
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murakMe habla espanjol05:31
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variantcdavis: change your hostname in the network configuration program under the administration menu05:31
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vox754murak, I guess you don't speak that well... he left. Anyways, your desktop is kewl!  But you are using Konversation withing Gnome, you traitor.05:32
enry_What processor tipe are you using now=?? channel'pol!!05:32
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variant!offtopic | enry_05:32
murak@vox, is that bad?05:32
ubotuenry_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:32
vox754enry_, that is an offtopic question, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for these small polls05:33
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murakKonversation is godd05:33
murakargh, I meen good05:33
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rolfen!info Konversation05:33
ubotukonversation: user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 5038 kB, installed size 12996 kB05:33
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brokenthornKonversation here too05:34
brokenthornI don't use GNOME05:34
mhz`-oh well, you're missing out :)05:34
numusi only have 4.4 gigs avalible in my ubuntu partition.. am i going to need more?05:34
brokenthornBut Konversation within Gnome, that's awkward05:34
murakYes, it is good enough for me. But how do I change the transparacy?05:34
ryanakcairssi in KDE with my libnotify script... :)05:34
goofeywho do I print a list of all installed apps?  CL if possible05:34
goofeyer, how05:34
ryanakcanumus: eventually, yes05:34
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Sbucat_dylle: so u get the number of your wireless card?05:35
brokenthorngoofey: aptitude --help05:35
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samitheberber!info irssi05:35
ubotuirssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB05:35
ryanakcanumus: if you use it daily, and store a lot of files, (music and pictures especially), it will eventually fill up05:35
numusryanacka: What will take up al ot of space on ubuntu.. it doesn't have complex games like windows05:35
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numusrynacka LAUGH! i store all music on my windows partition05:35
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goofeybrokenthorn: thanks!05:35
murakI tried changing the value of every "opacaty option" I could find in CompizConfig but no luck05:35
=== piglit [n=piglit@cc104481-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
numusryanakca that has about 40 gigs avalible right now.. and i am going to install a new harddrive when i get the time... all videos and music are stored on that05:36
SlimeyPeteenry_: I use pentium dual-core and amd X205:36
ryanakcanumus: okies. If you don't store any files on it, you should be fine for some time05:36
SlimeyPeteoh, and an athlon and a z80 ;)05:36
numuswas wondering how large files get05:36
dylleSbucat_: Yep bcm430605:36
numuserr logs05:36
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murak-Oh, the transparacy is killing me!05:36
brokenthornmurak: Hold Alt and then scrool with your mouse wheel on the window05:37
Sbucat_dylle: are this bcm4306 right=05:37
numus hold alt and scroll mousewheel05:37
Sbucat_dylle: right?05:37
dylleyes, did it like you said05:37
SlimeyPetenumus: I've been running ubuntu on this laptop for abut three months and have 18 megabytes of logs05:37
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murakWoohoo! it worked!05:37
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dropetyIs nautilus responsible for loading the background image? (it doesn't load at login)05:37
murakThanks a million!05:37
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Sbucat_dylle: are you sure ? because if is this chip it's very very easy05:37
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murakNow I can play Monkey Island!05:38
brokenthorndropety: yes05:38
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Sbucat_dylle: to install05:38
numusdoes gdesklets load on boot.. or do i need to alter a session for it05:38
phpwnercan someone help me set up moblock?05:38
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gregorygregcan anyone give me some pointers on writing a shell script that automatically scales down my cpu power and brightness when I unplug my laptop?05:38
murakThank you Brokenthorn!05:38
dylleYes, from terminal: Broadcom corp... bcm4306 802.11g...05:38
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phpwnercan anyone else connect to the debian package repository mentioned at http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/05:38
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dropetybrokenthorn: Any suggestions why it is not auto-loading?05:38
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dyllething is I'll have to install the drivers from the cd, considering I have no internet access on my pc without it05:39
Sbucat_dylle: you are luck xD it works05:39
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along78i have problem with vpn..already install it but dont have openvpn.conf05:39
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gregorygregcan anyone give me some pointers on writing a shell script that automatically scales down my cpu power and brightness when I unplug my laptop?05:39
along78what wrong?05:39
Sbucat_dylle: just try to install ndiswrapper05:39
zipperdylle, you're for some fun.... the bcm4xxx chips i have experience were either buggy, or wouldnt work at all =/05:39
zipperin linux anyway05:39
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dylleubuntu is still installing, its @ 68%05:40
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numusanyone use gdesklets?05:40
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vox754!repeat > gregorygreg05:40
gregorygregwhat's up vox05:40
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teamz when I type "hdparm -i /dev/hdb1" I get this error : /dev/hdb1: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Invalid argument05:40
dyllezipper: I know, I got it to work on freebsd once, but can't remember how :p05:40
zipperdylle, :)05:40
along78anyone can help?05:40
numuswell if anyone does and uses a weather applet how do you get ti to retrieve the data correctly05:41
aantnalong78: with what?05:41
along78i have problem with vpn..already install it but dont have openvpn.conf05:41
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Sbucat_zipper: are you crazy my bcm4306 works great05:41
numusalong78 use hamachi05:41
along78i'm blank05:41
=== OldPink [n=matt@host81-153-216-228.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
numusalong78 hamachi runs really good in linux.. and it can crosslink with windows05:41
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aantnHello OldPink05:42
gregorygregokay lemme change my question05:42
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AnolisI've forgotten how to go about assigning an application to a certain type of file. How do i go about doing this?05:42
OldPinkHey aantn05:42
aantnOldPink: long time no see05:42
along78numus: want to connect server that using openvpn05:42
along78can hamachi do that?05:42
teamzanybody can help me with hdparm ?05:42
gregorygregcan I write a shell script that would take a value from an applet (smartdimmer), and based on whether or not my power was from battery or A/C adjust the brightness?05:42
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gregorygregwould a shell script be able to do all that?05:42
numusalong78 hamachi makes its own vpn using a webserver.. dont think it can work with openvpn05:43
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along78numus: how hamchi work?need to register?05:43
Some_Personcan i use windows screensaver in ubuntu?05:43
IceLinkcan anybody tell me how to install a set of midi-sounds and where i find a complete one05:43
AnolisHow do I assign programs to certain file types, is what I'm trying to ask05:43
numusalong78 umm.. no registration required... you just create your own server and password then with all other clients login with that network name and password05:44
tattersI am looking for a application which record/replay mouse events but not xmacro and preferbly with a gui?05:44
=== elik [n=elik@c48-196.icpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
OldPinkHi guys. Got a question. Only ever ran Ubuntu on my current computer, a 3Ghz, 768Mb RAM, 80GB HD desktop, with great results, really fast.05:44
OldPinkHow will Ubuntu run on a IBM Thinkpad with a 1Ghz Processor, 256Mb of RAM and a 20GB HD? Obviously it won't be used as much, mostly for browsing/Pidgin/blogging....05:44
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-217-0-119.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
numusalong78 hamachi works great.. in windows it has a gui that rocks.. in linux it is run from terminal which sucks but ehh..05:44
gregorygregit will run well oldpink05:44
elikhowto play vcd in totem?05:44
=== Ronald|Laptop [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SlimeyPeteOldPink: it'll run OK. 256MB of RAM isn't much but it will be just about enough.05:44
numuselik have you tried videolan?05:44
mhz`-Oldpink, should be ok..the ram...ehh.05:44
gregorygregoldpink you should look into increasing the ram to 51205:45
eliki dont know what is videolan totem says it missing some plugin05:45
gregorygregthat's pretty cheap nowadays05:45
phpwnerhow can i test if a dpkg repository is online?05:45
AnolisOldPink, should be just fine for pidgin, and browsing, sites like youtube may be a bit jittery as far as video playback goes05:45
dr_willisOldPink,  ive ran on less. you may want to use the xubuntu variant. its lighter.05:45
dylleSbucat_: Its installed, what will I need. I have ndiswrapper v1.46 or will I need something else?05:45
gregorygregcan I write a shell script that would take a value from an applet (smartdimmer), and based on whether or not my power was from battery or A/C adjust the brightness?05:45
elikhowto install that plugin?05:45
phpwnernumus how do you start your hamachi at startup?05:45
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Sbucat_dylle: i think no if you have ndiswrapper05:45
gregorygreganyone have an answer as to whether or not a script can handle that?05:45
dylleI just need to install itn ow05:46
Sbucat_dylle: you are ok05:46
dylleit now*05:46
SuperkuhI am having problems with gnome-terminal failing to run due to what I believe are gdk library issues. I have posted in more detail here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+question/943005:46
numusphpwner there was a tutorial i used that had some alteration of files.. adn then in sessions you run hamachi start05:46
aantnOldPink: good luck. I gtg05:46
dr_willisgregorygreg,   why use the applet? theres a lot of powersaveing settings you can read directly from  /proc/ (i think) and act upon.05:46
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numusphpwner http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/VNC_and_Hamachi05:47
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gregorygregsee the thing is I have to use a special applet to change my brightness05:47
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ShackJackHi - using photorec utility on a USB disk - is there a way to have it "retain" the filenames it recovers - it gives me things ilke f4567.jpg, and so forth...05:47
along78numus: try now..anyway thanks helping me05:47
OldPinkgregorygreg, that's what I thought, thanks. But I got to thinking that I hadn't actually tried it on a legacy PC, and that is the minimum, so it could be worse thank I'd thought.05:48
OldPinkSlimeyPete, mhz, gregorygreg, just how slow will 256 be seeing? Annoyingly slow? I've not been annoyed at my PC since a year ago on Windows, lol...05:48
OldPinkgregorygreg, here in the UK laptops can be quite pricey, increasing to 512Mb brings double the speed, double the RAM.. and double the price :(05:48
OldPinkAnolis, dr_willis, thanks. I've tried Xubuntu on this system and am not a huge fan. Is there anyway I could cut down regular Ubuntu to run like Xubuntu but still GNOME based?05:48
dr_willisgregorygreg,  it maybe setting some variable/file in   /proc/acpi/05:48
numusphpwner Hamachi Startup Script.... i believe that one worked.. that causes hamachi to login  and everything when it is started.. then in sessions run hamachi start05:48
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Sbucat_dylle:  ubuntu 7.04?05:48
numusalong78 try what05:48
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dr_willisOldPink,  i really dont see much diff. :) try Ubuntu.. see if it works.. if not install the xubuintu-desktop05:48
SlimeyPeteOldPink: I have a box which has 256MB. It'll run firefox at a usable speed.05:48
=== Don64 [n=dpowers6@ip68-102-224-120.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dylleSbucat_: yep05:48
SlimeyPeteas long as you don't kp lots of tabs open05:48
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Sbucat_dylle: well so try before to istall this sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter05:48
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AnolisOldPink, if it's just for browsing and pidgin, why would xubuntu be an issue, as long as it get's the job done?05:49
=== Ronald [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
m1rfor 256mb machine i would recomend alternate install cd05:49
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simon__hello. PLease help i got a problem. I run dual boot XP and Feisty. and now i dont have any sound. Dont know why. I have checked all settingsi know of05:49
AnolisOldPink, you could even try DSL05:49
dylleSbucat_: I haven't install ndiswrapper yet05:49
dr_willisPuppyLinux, an FeatehrLinux are also nice05:49
Sbucat_dylle: we try before fwcutter05:49
simon__i have sound in xp butnot in feisty05:49
dyllewill I need the driver cd in the cd-rom?05:50
KisomAny idea how I generate a 2048-bit certificate for lighttpd? "openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes" is working, but only with 1024 bit...05:50
Sbucat_dylle: i have used fwcutter and it works05:50
SlimeyPetesimon__: what sound card?05:50
Don64i installed regular install with 128mb of RAM and had no problems05:50
eliki've installed vcd plugin for totem but it says that cant play this file even it recognize this plugin05:50
simon__uh. dont know05:50
=== ke- [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
OldPinkdr_willis, sounds good. I only have Ubuntu CDs, so if I was going Xubuntu it'd be via sudo aptitude install xubuntu, not via a base install, if you know what I mean?05:50
OldPinkSlimeyPete, usable? :P At how many tabs does it become unusable?05:50
OldPinkAnolis, I don't know, after a year loving GNOME I'd like to stick with it. DSL is not an option, sorry, tried that, have it on a memory stick somewhere, really is too minimal.05:50
OldPinkI say browsing, pidgin, blogging but you know how Ubuntu is, I'll get to fiddling with it and god knows what I'll be doing on there. :P05:50
SlimeyPetesimon__: run "lspci" in a terminal. That will show you your hardware.05:51
ryanakcanumus: okies05:51
along78numus: hamachi05:51
psnelI need help with BASH / cron / RP-PPPOE / routing, please.05:51
SlimeyPeteOldPink: well, I've had a handful open befoe without much slowdown05:51
Sbucat_dylle: have you done?05:51
gregorygregcan someone tell me how I reinitialize my sound after suspend?05:51
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OldPinkAnolis, if 256 is so bad it needs DSL, I'd rather pay for the 51205:51
dylleyes, just says sorry try again05:51
OldPinkSlimeyPete, thanks alot. I think 256 sounds OK, but I'll look at 512 pricing now05:51
m1roldpink, how fast proc u have on that machine ?05:52
simon__Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)05:52
dylleE: Couldn't find package bcm43xx -fwcutter05:52
ryanakcapsnel: with what? They are vast subjects. Try asking your question :)05:52
OldPinkm1r: This machine? 3.0Ghz. Then laptop I'm looking at? 1.0Ghz05:52
AnolisOldPink, 256 should be adequate to run a normal ubuntu install05:52
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dylleSbucat_: Got that error05:52
psnel What would cause a cron job script to fail, whilst running the cron script manually (e.g. 'run now' from webmin) succeeds?05:52
SlimeyPetesimon__: ah, intel HDA. Lots of people have problems with those. Try searching the ubuntu forums?05:52
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Sbucat_dylle: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter = error?05:52
=== numus [n=ericlieb@c-69-254-162-30.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
m1roldpink, i have 500mhz/256ram, installed over alternate cd, all runs ok05:53
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OldPinkm1r: Brilliant, thanks.05:53
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Sbucat_dylle: have u the dvd\cd of ubuntu? into the driver?05:53
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gregorygregis there anyway to reinitialize the hda_intel driver?05:53
ryanakcapsnel: pastebin the script...05:53
Sbucat_dylle: drive ?05:53
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gregorygregdylle were you answering me?05:53
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
psnelryanakca: pastebin?05:53
Sbucat_dylle: put the dvd cd on the drive05:53
dyllegana-home: No05:54
=== dadt [n=damien@cypres.inrialpes.fr] has joined #ubuntu
OldPinkCurrently I'm doing about what the laptop would see. Plus amarok, google desktop, bluetooth. And I'm using around 300Mb of RAM. :S05:54
SlimeyPetegregorygreg: do an lsmod, find the module name, then rmmod it and insmod it05:54
m1roldpink, consider using xubuntu alternate for that machine, u get bit more speed :)05:54
dyllegregorygreg* No05:54
ryanakcaubotu, please tell psnel about pastebin05:54
OldPinkm1r: Yeah, I'd consider/try it (again), but I do prefer GNOME.05:54
simon__why do they sell bad cards?05:54
SlimeyPetegregorygreg: "lsmod" in terminal. Shows driver modules which are currently loaded.05:54
dylleSbucat_: Same error05:54
=== Some_Person [n=sam@adsl-70-240-65-41.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dadti search for a software : a daemon that count the number a keys pressed, and make stats with this (number/hour, speed ...)05:54
Sbucat_dylle: ok lets go to synapitic05:54
m1r:) same here, it has longer proces for booting, but once is up it dosent matter05:54
gregorygregI will try that05:54
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=== OldPink will be right back. Getting a sandwich and looking at 512s.
SlimeyPetethen "sudo rmmod <module name>; sudo insmod <module name>" (if insmod doesn't work then try modprobe)05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
OldPinkAh, wrong bot. :P05:55
Sbucat_dylle: system--amministration and synaptic05:55
skargeshello again05:55
Some_PersonIs the Flurry screensaver supposed to be choppy? I remember it in Edgy being just like the Mac Flurry sceensaver05:55
skargesi have reinstall my ubuntu 6405:55
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simon__what can i do then?05:55
=== Tecform [n=Alfonso@243.Red-83-45-46.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
skargesactivate nvidia-glx and the xorg crash again05:55
dylleSbucat_: Done05:55
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Sbucat_dylle: menu edit : add a cd rom05:56
SlimeyPetesimon__: nothing on the forums?05:56
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Sbucat_dylle: the system will ask you to add a cd rom05:56
skargesi have a nv35 and i don't understand why nvidia-glx driver don't work05:56
TecformI no05:56
simon__didnt find any yet05:56
dylleSbucat_: Ok...05:56
gregorygreghow do I disable more than one module at once? separate it with a comma?05:56
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gregorygregrather than issuing multiple commands?05:57
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TecformAnybody speak spanish?05:57
Sbucat_dylle: ok now search this bcm43xx-fwcutter on synaptic05:57
SlimeyPete!spanisg | tecform05:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spanisg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:57
SlimeyPete!spanish | tecform05:57
ubotutecform: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:57
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dnearyI'm looking for an integrated system back-up solution for my Ubuntu desktop - like on Mac, I "just" want to be able to click "back up my personal data" and have the basic information I need to reconstitute my system saved onto an external hard-drive (& refreshable once a week)05:57
gregorygregslimeypete how do I remove more than one module at once? do I separate the numbers with commas?05:57
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skargesanyone can help me05:58
psnelryanakca: pasted @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ... its calling me a spammer05:58
SlimeyPetegregorygreg: I'm not sure,sorry.Try it and see :)05:58
dylleSbucat_: Doesn't find anything05:58
dadtbackupppc look great dneary05:58
skargesfor solve this problem with nvidia opengl05:58
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numusthis is going to sound dumb.. but if i mistakenly switch into terminal only how do i get back into ubuntu gui?05:58
numuswhat is the command to switch into ubuntu from terminal05:58
dnearyI imagine that a minimum would be /etc, the package database, and everything in /home, I suppose, but I don't really want to have to think about it - and space isn't really an issue :)05:58
dnearydadt: Thanks for the tip05:58
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VoXnumus: alt-F705:59
dnearyI'll have a look05:59
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skargesi have this in log (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.05:59
skargesFatal server error:05:59
skargesno screens found05:59
Sbucat_dylle: omg...well you must install this fuck bcm43xx-fwcutter search in google how to do this or u will not install nothing05:59
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Some_PersonHow come ALL the ubuntu screensavers are choppy/laggy for me?05:59
vox754gregorygreg, usually multiple arguments for commands are separated by spaces. Read the manual pages. And please don't repeat so often the question.05:59
skargesbut it work with nv in place of nvidia in xorg.conf05:59
numusawesome that works...05:59
dadttheres also rsync and unission05:59
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baikonurI'm using Thunderbird and Thunderbird on Ubuntu. In both versions I set "Trust junk mail headers set by: SpamAssassin" but emails with "X-Spam-Flag: YES" aren't automatically moved to the Junk folder. They stay in the inbox for and for they stay in the inbox until I select "Run junk mail controls on folder". I think this is a bug or can this be configuration issue? If "Trust junk mail headers set by ..." is06:00
baikonur checked and the move directive etc. in place in my opinion this can only be bug. any suggestions?06:00
numusbut alt, ctrl f12 isn't sending me into terminal06:00
dylleSbucat_: How come I didn't get it with the cd?06:00
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gregorygregvox754 sorry06:00
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skargesanyone can help me i don't uderstand what happen06:00
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akrushello, could someone tell me if it's possible to input special symbols from keyboard like it's ALT+0153 for (tm) in windows?06:00
SlimeyPetenumus: I dont think f12 works. try f1 through f6.06:00
numusalso is there a linux webmail program that uses http and can log into hotmail06:00
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gregorygregIt won't let me rmmod modules because they are in use.  is there any way that I can override this?06:00
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ryanakcapsnel: try pastebin.ca06:00
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Sbucat_dylle: just a second i will find out in the web06:01
skargesthe opengl nvidia drivers work on ubuntu 64 ?06:01
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akrusskarges: likely~06:01
numuskinda on accident just closed the window.. did anyone answer to my mail question06:01
SlimeyPetegregorygreg: rmmod -f   (very dangerous - save files first!). see "man rmmod" for more info.06:01
stefgbaikonur: since this is a very mozilla-specific issue, you're probably better off to ask in the thunderbird channels06:01
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dnearydadt: Did you mean backuppc?06:01
gregorygregthanks slimeypete06:01
skargesi have a problem with my xorg06:01
ryanakcapsnel: sorry, I have to go, but there are many people, more knowledgeable than I, that can help you :)06:01
dnearydadt: Or is there really a backupppc?06:01
skargeswhen i activate it it crash any idea ?06:01
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dnearyI've heard of Bacula too, but don't know if it's any good06:02
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-233-151-207.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
baikonurstefg: are there ubuntu specific thunderbird channels? on #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org I didn't get an answer.06:02
nepomukhow can i set a soundcard default ?06:02
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:02
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psnelryanakca: ok. btw, can you test the pastebin? http://pastebin.ca/61066506:03
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Sbucat_dylle: try to write this on terminal bcm43xx-fwcutter and see what terminal say06:03
skargeswho can help me with this nvidia-glx problem06:03
Sbucat_dylle: i did not remember if it's istallated by default06:03
Some_PersonHow come ALL the ubuntu screensavers are choppy/laggy for me?06:03
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OldPinkI'm back06:04
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ryanakcapsnel: firstline, change it to #!/bin/sh instead of #! /bin/sh, and that should fix the problem06:04
dyllebcm43xx-fwcutter is not currently installed....06:04
skargeshelp please with this nvidia-glx problem06:04
ryanakcapsnel: cheers A)06:04
dylleSbucat_: bcm43xx-fwcutter is not currently installed....06:04
skargesit don't work on my xorg under ubuntu 6406:04
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Sbucat_dylle: and it said how to install right?06:05
stefgbaikonur: no, there aren't  ubuntu-thunderbird channels. but this is application, not OS related. Sorry if irc.mozilla -folks don't want to help you, and although it might be valid to ask here, i doubt you'll get an answer (evolution is ubuntu's default client,sad as  this is)06:05
dylleSbucat_: Yes06:05
psnelryanakca: chow )06:05
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OldPinkHow do I change my "real name" in IRC? It still says "Real name: purple" ? lol06:05
Sbucat_dylle: try to do that06:05
Some_Personthere is a thunderbird channel: irc.mozilla.org #thunderbirxd06:05
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Sbucat_dylle: but synaptic must be closed06:05
dylleSbucat_: Can't find the package06:05
Jack_Sparrowbaikonur: what was the issue with thunderbird.. sorry I just came i06:05
yunhualhi, i use ubuntu, i am find that nm and addr2line can't show line info witch compile with dbg info06:05
baikonurJack_Sparrow:  "Trust junk mail headers set by: SpamAssassin" does not work06:06
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yunhualhi, i use ubuntu, i am find that nm and addr2line can't show line info witch compile with dbg info06:06
Some_PersonHow come ALL the ubuntu screensavers are choppy/laggy for me?06:06
Jack_Sparrowbaikonur: I have never used spamassin, so I wouldnt know.. I dont get much junk mail06:06
=== soundman7 [n=mike@pool-151-197-36-103.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zodmanerMaybe you need the restricted driver06:06
zodmanerfor your video card06:06
skargeswho can help me with this xorg config problem06:06
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zodmanersince most screen server is OpenGL06:07
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MithraHey, my WUSB54GS doesnt seem to connect to the internet, I finally got it to install the drivers and now it doesnt seem to find the network, it there any way to fix this?  Or to see a list of all available wireless networks?06:07
Some_Personi have the dang restricted driver running06:07
skargesi have activeted nvidia-glx on my xorg and it crash my xorg06:07
zodmanerWhat card do you use?06:07
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: what does glxgears show in cli?06:07
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Some_Personchoppy gears06:08
yunhualhi, i use ubuntu, i am find that nm and addr2line can't show line info witch compile with dbg info06:08
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stefgskarges: what error message do you get? How did you install nvidia-glx? what card do you have?06:08
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Some_Person33 frames in 5.1 seconds =  6.487 FPS06:08
skarges(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.06:08
skargesFatal server error:06:08
skargesno screens found06:08
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Selrachi am having issues with my sound. it stopped working when i recently logged out and back in06:08
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: there is your problem06:08
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: What's wrong then?06:09
=== leks [n=alessand@80-218-96-27.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
skargesi have this before EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Your GeForce FX 5900 graphics card does not have the necessary06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     external power cables attached; X will not start unless06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     this is rectified.  Please shut down your computer, open06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     its case, and attach the appropriate power connectors.06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Your video card may have multiple power connectors.  If06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     so, each must be attached to a separate power cable.06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Please see the documentation provided with your video card06:09
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: drivers are not installed correctly06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     for more details.  If you think you have received this06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     message in error, you may specify the06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     "NoPowerConnectorCheck" X configuration option in the06:09
skarges(EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0):     Screen section of your X config file.06:09
Sbucat_dylle: i am sorry your card works but i have not time now to explain you how to install fwcutter, try to learn something form the network06:09
Anolisdude... use pastebin06:09
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: but they are06:09
stefg!paste | skarges06:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:09
ubotuskarges: please see above06:09
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: No they are not06:09
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: I'm using the nvidia driver in the restricted driver manager thingy06:09
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yunhualhi, i use ubuntu, i am find that nm and addr2line can't show line info witch compile with dbg info06:10
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dylleok Sbucat_, I'll try use tutorials06:10
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: What video card are you using..06:10
yunhualit is work correct on other linux06:10
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: nvidia geforce 610006:10
nuxilhttp://www.pugetsystems.com/submerged.php :o06:10
OldPinkWhat do you guys make of this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TOSHIBA-TECRA-9000-LAPTOP-WIFI-BLUETOOTH-INFARE_W0QQitemZ200126760168QQihZ010QQcategoryZ177QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ?06:10
=== Selrach feels ignored.
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: ANd fiesty is your OS?06:10
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: yes06:11
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OldPinkThe whole faulty thing seems weird06:11
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OldPinkOnly works sometimes?06:11
SelrachSP, ati card?06:11
stefg!offtopic | OldPink06:11
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ubotuOldPink: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:11
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/9575/screenshotdq7.png06:11
skargeshello again soory06:11
skargesfor my x log06:11
leksanyone on gutsy has nm-applet running?06:11
OldPinkStefg, if you were here before you would see it's actually quite on topic06:11
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: I dont need that.. if you are getting 6 fps your drivers are not working right.06:11
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: ok then. how do i fix it?06:12
SelrachSome_Person, are you using an ATI card?06:12
stefgOldPink: ok, so take it as a bot check :-)06:12
Some_PersonSelrach: no06:12
dylleSbucat_: I don't think the problem is the card or fwcutter I think the cd isn't being found properly in my drive06:12
leksSome_Person, what about some more information?06:12
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Some_Personleks: like...?06:12
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: What have you done so far.. Tried any of the scripts that install drivers?06:12
lekswhat card you have?06:12
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: No, just that checkbox06:13
Some_Personleks: nvidia geforce 610006:13
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Jack_Sparrowleks: He said he had nvidia gforce 610006:13
Sbucat_dylle: yes that it's you can try, to install fwcutter with this but it's hard you must donwload so much file (red dot) http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/06:13
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numusi have a pny geforce 5500 fx06:13
leksSome_Person, can you post your x log?06:13
Some_Personleks: where is it located?06:13
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namit|workwhat do you use to edit pictures?06:14
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SelrachI am have an issue with my audio. It stopped working recently after I logged out and back in. I am using Kubuntu... sound card is integrate,d Realtek ALC65506:14
stefgskarges: actually this log tells you what to do. Have you done so?06:14
Jack_Sparrownamit|work: gimp06:14
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namit|workJack_Sparrow: I just want to rotate a few and crop06:14
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Jack_Sparrownamit|work: try gthumb06:14
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leksSome_Person, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:15
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OldPinkFinal verdict. Will Ubuntu work well enough of 256MB of RAM, or should I pay an extra 50 odd and make it 512Mb?06:15
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stefgOldPink: 512MB makes a huge difference06:15
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Sbucat_dylle: here there are all software http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/allpackages06:15
dr_evilthe only replacement for ram is even more ram06:15
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numusomg.. i love ubuntu06:15
logreevalI need major help!, I cant seem to login to my ubuntu, it is just the brown screen, HELP!06:15
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OldPinkstefg I can imagine. It does the same to the price though. :P06:15
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numusif i fullscreen totem and switch workspaces it keeps that workspace fullscreened movie and the rest i can view normally06:15
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Some_Personleks: its too long for terminal. i'll use gedit and pastebin it06:16
lekssome sure06:16
Jack_Sparrowleks: thanks for the help06:16
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logreevalplease anyone, i cant login to the computer it goes to the brown screen, then this white box in the corner pops up06:17
stefgOldPink: 256MB are gnomIshly challenged, while 512 MB is the full blaze.... if you don't want to cough up that extra money take a look at xubuntu06:17
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Jack_Sparrowlogreeval: What have you done recently... installed anythin? How did you install it?06:17
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logreevali change something in the network interfaces place and install bootmanager06:18
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:18
frederikhow what is the package i need to install to play .wma files and windows type of files06:18
OldPinkstefg: Had this earlier, tried xubuntu on this desktop (3.0Ghz 768Mb) and wasn't a fan. Probably prefer fast xubuntu over slow ubuntu though, but don't really want to take that risk. I think I'm looking at 512 after what I've heard in here, but that is quite expensive. Anyone know where I'll get a well priced laptop in the UK? I mean, around 100/$200? Used/Refurb...?06:18
=== Inuyaga [n=Inuyaga@dynamic165-229.cresis.ku.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personleks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29251/06:18
frederikw32codecs or somethink like that06:18
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logreevalJack_Sparrow : is there any way to absolutely get into the ubuntu? some special thing?06:19
Inuyagahey can anyone tell me what the pkg for xserver-xorg-dbg is under fesity?06:19
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Inuyagaim trying to fix the bug in the evtouch driver06:20
apichartAnybody know howto use pppd on bluetooth.  There is no connection on network-manager.  Please help06:20
logreevalJack_Sparrow : i dont know , but i think the network interfaces thing is what screwed it up....06:20
pwnguinhow do I turn up a webcams brightness?06:20
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dylleoh shit06:20
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dylleubuntu fucked up my windows bootup06:21
gerrodylle: hmm?06:21
PriceChild!ohmy | dylle06:21
stefgOldPink: i guess you're better served to looking for an  SO-DIMM to boost your existing box. Used laptops in that price range tend to have their better days behind them (worn out connectors, bad batteries)06:21
ubotudylle: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:21
dyllewoops :(06:21
GenomsarenI have a serious problem and I need help06:21
Inuyagathats not that hard to correct dylle06:21
Genomsarenmy xserver gives error06:21
xpointformat C: :-)06:21
Inuyagawhat error?06:21
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Genomsarenim sending you pictures06:21
gerrodylle: yeah you have to setup grub for dual boot and have windows on there first then umm.... ah screw it I have no clue I just swap hardrives when I want different OS its like 100x more simpler06:21
Inuyaganude ones?06:22
OldPinkstefg, I just want a legacy laptop to browse/chat on really. I don't want a faster desktop. I can't see this getting any faster tbh :)06:22
Inuyaganot rly there is a windows entry in the grub conf06:22
gerroOldPink: it can06:22
Inuyagajust uncomment it06:22
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dyllegerro: Windows was installed there first, getting error: ntldr is missing06:22
kruxQ.  I want to be able to read cfm files ?? is there a package for it ?? or is it third party ??.06:22
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Inuyagawell then you blew up the partition06:22
Genomsarenhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=487920 in this forum I have found another user who has the same problem and I have already tried the advices in that forum but they didnt work for me. What shall I do?06:22
Inuyagatry running a revover06:23
frederikhow do i check if dual core is working under ubuntu?06:23
ariel_alquien que me idique ayuda en espaol06:23
Some_Personleks? Jack_Sparrow? Are you there? Can you help me?06:23
logreevalJack_Sparrow : i edited this file /etc/network/interfaces06:23
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stefgOldPink: i have an Oldish Compaq M700 (800Mhz/256 MB) running xubuntu for that purpose, which i bought used for 190 06:23
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: still looking..06:23
gerrodylle: want to do full ubuntu install?06:23
dylleInuyaga: They weren't on the same hdd even06:23
dylleI don't do partitions06:23
n2diyfrederik: lshw06:23
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Inuyagaoh wow06:23
Don64OldPink: Im running ubuntu on an old Sony Vaio 1.4ghz with 128ram no problems with speed06:23
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Inuyagaoh wait\06:23
Inuyagathats ur issue06:24
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Inuyagayou need to tell the boot loader to set the proper root06:24
Inuyagamost likely06:24
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dyllewell at least windows I can do something about, just need to do a lot of googling06:24
Inuyagathe MS boot loader is most likely looking on the wrong harddrive06:24
logreevalplease , i really need help06:24
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gerroDon64: wow sweet ride you got there! what graphics card? it got wireless too?06:24
Inuyagadid you post a xorg.conf06:25
Don64It installed with the standard Ubuntu cd06:25
Inuyagaand which nvcard tou you have06:25
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OldPinkgerro: I'm sure measured it can, but I never notice lag, even when running alot of apps this box has always been VERY fast on Ubuntu. I mean, I don't use it demandingly, but I don't want a blazing fast gaming box. Never been a gamer.06:25
OldPinkstefg: Where'd you find such a deal? And how do you find Xubuntu in the long term, compared to the GNOME desktop?06:25
OldPinkDon64: You think a 1.4 Ghz 128Mb is anything like a 1.0Ghz 256Mb? I think I'll just go for 256, save the cash. :) And you're running Ubuntu, yes? Not xubuntu?06:25
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Don64AGP invidia06:25
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stefgOldPink: won't help /you/ ... http://www.preiswertepc.de06:26
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gerroOldPink: gaming doesn't benefit at all from most tweaks, overclocking is what you use for gaming :)06:26
Inuyagawell card model matters06:26
namit|workJack_Sparrow: na that's not the best for editing I want to have something like windows editor any ideas?06:26
Inuyagadid you try the nvidia drive?06:26
Inuyagafrom restricted?06:26
Inuyagaalso logreeval what is your problem?06:27
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Don64gerro: it is an old PC came with Win ME06:27
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Genomsarenyes I tried to install NVidia driver from root and from normal user too06:27
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OldPinkDon64: Thanks, mind if I IM you? Getting a little offtopic.06:27
OldPinkstefg: What do you mean by "/you/" ? *clicks link*06:27
OldPinkgerro: That's beyond me I'm afraid. :P06:27
Genomsarenwhat do you mean with restricted?06:27
gerroOldPink: ext3 modes, swappiness, boot methods, standby modes, network windowing adjustments and protocols, processor optimizations, loads of stuff to tweak up06:27
Don64go to offtopic06:27
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mzanfardinoI've just completed the installation of Ubuntu Feisty and upgraded the system via apt-get update/upgrade.  After the initial install I could log in to the GUI (as expected).  However, since the apt-get update/upgrade when I log instead of Nautilas loading I get a blank (brown) screen.  I can use Ctrl-Alt-Fx to load a TTY terminal.  What might have happened to my WM?06:27
dr_willis!info restricted-manager06:27
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB06:27
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CrndSo 1.4GHz Celeron M and 256MB of memory should be enough for running ubuntu on my laptop?06:28
Op3rHello Im having a problem with the desktop effects on ubuntu because it seems it says cannot enable desktop effects :(06:28
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Jack_Sparrownamit|work: Gave you two progs that would do what you want... I suggest you go look for yourself06:28
dr_willisCrnd,  yes. Ive ran on less..06:28
Inuyagawell the nvidia-glx driver06:28
dr_willisCrnd,  more ram would be a big help however.06:28
stefgOldPink: it's a local german thing... so out of reach for you, and you won't like a qwertz -keyboard06:28
OldPinkOp3r: What graphics controller you using?06:28
ZpeidarHow do I disable mouse-tap on my touchpad (PowerBook)06:28
gerroOldPink: http://blog.lxpages.com/2007/04/24/ubuntu-performance-guides/ here maybe give this a read06:28
Op3rOldPink, its an ATI onboard from my sony vaio laptop :(06:29
Inuyagaalso dose anyone know where to get a xserver-xorg with debugging in it???????06:29
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Inuyagamabe a .ddeb?06:29
Zpeidarfrom source06:29
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logreevali can get into Failsafe terminal so i can do commands.........06:29
gerroOldPink: older laptops had to get the most out of every piece of hardware to be able to function unlike newer computers, so they usually benefit most06:29
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: I find it odd that your max res is 1024....06:29
OldPinkstefg: Ah right. Was looking for that GB flag. :(06:29
OldPinkgerro: *click* Thanks, I'll bookmark it for if I ever get this laptop. That your blog?06:29
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Some_PersonJackSparrow: 1024x768 is what i want06:30
gerroOldPink: I got nah but I wish I knew who posted it06:30
Op3rOldPink, maybe I should stop using Ubuntu studio theme?06:30
GenomsarenInuyaga: and I couldnt install the driver it said Xserver is running and I tried to stop and start the xserver06:30
Some_PersonJackSparrow: so i dont really care about that06:30
chadeldridgedoes anyone know if it is possible to make Evolution display the calendar on the same page as the email like in outlook 2007, it would be nice to have an overview of my meetings and such without switching back and forth all the time06:30
GenomsarenInuyaga: maybe the prblem is ther06:30
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: my 5200 will do 144006:30
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ZpeidarIs there any way to disable touchpad-tapping?06:30
namit|workJack_Sparrow: k will do06:30
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Crnddr_willis, 512MB would be much better or should I even go for 1GB? Is there much difference between those? I'll mostly just be coding a bit (not compiling), browsing the internet, chatting and other lightweight things...06:30
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: mine does too, in windows, but not in ubuntu06:31
OldPinkOp3r: I doubt the Ubuntu Studio theme is it. You're better off going into #compiz-fusion to ask06:31
InuyagaGenomsaren: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then run the install06:31
OldPinkgerro: Ah right OK, thanks anyway. I'll skim read it now06:31
Inuyaganote that will kill xwindows06:31
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: Right.. driver issue..  did you read through the tutorial on the wiki06:31
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: no06:31
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:32
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stefgCrnd: 512 MB is the sweet spot for ubuntu... mor is better, of course, but gnome, firefox, and an ide fit neatly in half a gig06:32
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: Sorry the quick easy way didnt work06:32
numuskinda upset trillian doesn't work in linux.. i pay for a subscription06:32
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Inuyagayes follow that guide06:32
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: its not your fault06:32
chadeldridgenumus:  me too ...06:32
leksSome_Person, sorry had some internet troubles06:32
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logreevalplease, i can go into failsafe terminal, but i cant seem to edit the /etc/network/interfaces what happens is it is just blank, but no command, not really sure what to do06:32
Some_Personleks: thats ok06:32
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: nvidia usually work without a problem06:32
OldPinkcrnd sounds like you're in the same spot as me. Trying to choose between 256 and 512 :P06:32
leksSome_Person, still around?06:32
Some_Personleks: yes06:33
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Inuyagalogreeval: what is your problem? what are you trying to do?06:33
logreevali am trying to login to ubuntu, iut doesnt work06:33
leksSome_Person,  you are on feisty right?06:33
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Some_Personleks: correct06:33
CrndOldPink, well my laptop already has 256 but i'm just wondering if i should double that... would also help me with windows quite much.06:33
Inuyagahow descriptive06:33
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logreevalInuyaga what happens is the screen goes to the brown like it is starting, then a white box comes up06:34
Inuyagawhat is the first problem that you encounter?06:34
fmI'm curious, could someone point me to a good newbie tutorial on assembly language?06:34
Jack_Sparrowleks: I will follow along and hopefully learn something as well06:34
leksSome_Person, and you installed the driver through the restricted manager?06:34
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Inuyagayou need to disable the splash06:34
Some_Personleks: correct06:34
OldPinkCrnd: Ah, just the person I need then! How is 256 treating you on Ubuntu?06:34
Inuyagaso you can see the bootup sequence06:34
coopsterI know there are tools like Explore2fs and ext2/3 drivers for windows, but is there any utility that would let me read files from an EXT3 drive in windows that don't require administrator privileges?06:34
logreevalInuyaga ok, how do we start?06:34
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leksSome_Person, you are just in a plain X session?06:35
Inuyagaduring bootup before grub auto loads hit escape06:35
leksno XGL or anything?06:35
Inuyagaand get into the menu06:35
CrndOldPink, haven't installed ubuntu yet :) wondering if i should first get more memory06:35
Some_Personleksk: i guess06:35
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Inuyagathen on the first entry or which ever one you set to default06:35
stefgcoopster: no, because that requires a driver (so kernel space). Youn try explore2fs , tho06:35
Inuyagahit e to edit it06:35
GenomsarenInuyaga: thanks and do you mean with install the driver of nvidia right?06:35
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InuyagaGenomsaren: yes if you have a nv card that is06:35
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Squiur# Appears as BOLO06:35
Inuyagalogreeval: then06:36
Inuyagaonce you have it up in edit06:36
numusis there a gaim chat or can i aska  question about giam in here?06:36
Inuyagathere should be a line like06:36
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Some_Personleks: yes06:36
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Inuyagaselect and delete that line by hitting d06:36
Inuyagathen select the line that starts with kernel.....06:37
leksSome_Person, where did u get these 6 fps?06:37
Inuyagaand hit e06:37
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dnissedoes there exist any good standalone pager for X?06:37
Some_Personleks: glxgears06:37
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Inuyagathen scroll over and delete the words06:37
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Inuyagasilent and splash06:37
Inuyagaor quiet06:37
Inuyagaany of thoes words06:37
leksSome_Person, what does lsmod | grep nv reveals?06:37
Inuyagaleave evreything else alone06:37
Op3rOldPink, ok it works for me now. I removed the xorg-driver-fglrx06:37
Inuyagathen hit enter06:37
Inuyagathen b to boot06:37
vox754!enter | Inuyaga06:38
ubotuInuyaga: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:38
Some_Personleks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29255/06:38
Inuyagaif evreything went ok it should show the startup info06:38
Inuyagakk sry06:38
logreevalInuyaga what shall i do with the info06:38
Selrachexcuse me, I am having issues with my audio. could someone help me?06:38
leksSome_Person, did you issue a reboot?06:39
stefg!intelhda | Selrach06:39
ubotuSelrach: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:39
Inuyagawell you should see either errors or some point it will stop loading. come back with that info and mabe we can figure it out06:39
Some_Personleks: since i installed the driver? yes, many times. i installed it months ago06:39
logreevalthanks Inuyaga06:39
Selrachmy motherboard is for AMD processors though06:39
InuyagaSelrach: which video card do you have?06:39
leksSome_Person,  OK06:39
logreevalInuyaga BRB06:39
Crndbtw can someone tell me if broadcom bcm 4318 wlan card works well in ubuntu or not...06:39
Selrachwhats vidoe card got to do with my audio card? O_o06:39
chadeldridgedoes anyone know if it is possible to make Evolution display the calendar on the same page as the email like in outlook 2007, it would be nice to have an overview of my meetings and such without switching back and forth all the time06:39
stefgSelrach: have you installed athcool for any reason?06:40
Selrachi dont think so06:40
leksSome_Person, did you ever try any other glx applications?06:40
switchcatWhen I first set up ubuntu, there was an option to transfer accounts (and I assume home directories) over to the new system from other drives/accounts/etc. I didnt have the drives hooked up then, but I do now.. how can one re-start that process?06:40
Selrachi'm using whatever kubuntu installed mainly06:40
stefgSelrach: so what's the issue?06:40
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Some_Personleks: no06:40
InuyagaSelrach: do this. cat /proc/asound/cards06:40
Selrachmy sound no longer works, i logged out and back in.06:40
Inuyagatell s the sound card you have06:40
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Some_Personleks: all the screensavers are choppy/laggy though06:40
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stefg!doesnt work | Selrach06:41
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ubotuSelrach: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:41
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leksSome_Person,  I see06:41
Selrach00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Contro06:41
Jack_SparrowSelrach: do you have anything else using the sound cark.. sky or ?06:41
leksSome_Person, what happens if you do rmmod nvidia ?06:41
Jack_SparrowSelrach: skype06:41
Selrachi'm using kubuntu...06:41
Some_Personleks: and Microsoft Hover in Crossover is very slow too06:41
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Inuyagaok you have a older AC97. there whould be two lines. whats the second line?06:41
CrndAnyone running broadcom's wlan cards with ubuntu here?06:41
Op3rOk i guess video still sucks even if you enable desktop effects on ubuntu feisty :(06:41
InuyagaCrnd: I have a bcm06:41
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Some_Personleks: ERROR: Module nvidia is in use06:42
CrndInuyaga, what model?06:42
stefgSelrach: try sudo killall esd ... sound dead after that still ?06:42
Selrachactually my MB manual says my06:42
bashihey all, in my browser (firefox) whenever i go to a website which has back round music (in midi format) a bar appears across the top saying additional plug-ins required to display all media on this page. does anybody know what the plug-in is? thanks.06:42
Selrachaudio chipset is realtek ALC6506:42
gomez01can somebody tell me how i completly remove a package config files and all06:42
SaltyMuleHey all the system letters are boxes06:42
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InuyagaCrnd: 4xxx someting. it does not work. Im working on fixing the drivers my self.06:42
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Selrachlets see06:42
gomez01sudo apt-get remove seems to be keeping config files06:42
InuyagaSelrach: thats your issue06:42
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Crndhmm... that's a bad thing for me. I'd really need wlan :\06:42
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InuyagaRealtek sorta sucks06:43
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SelrachIt worked when i first installed06:43
stefgSelrach: that's i810 compatible audio , as found in many nForce chipsets. Hardware should be no problem06:43
InuyagaIm haveing issues with mine as well06:43
logreevalInuyaga there was a fail for configure network cards, but then it went to the login screen, i tried to login and nothing happens06:43
Selrachmaybe timidty broke it06:43
leksSome_Person, did you have the same problem with edgy before?06:43
CrndInuyaga, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/bcm43xx <- seen that site already?06:43
Inuyagalogreeval: interesting06:43
Selrachat least I got my ATI card to work06:43
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SaltyMuleHey, I have a bit of a problem here, none of the fonts are displaying correctly06:44
Selrachman that thing is a *****06:44
Some_Personleks: i dont think i ever used the restricted nvidia driver in edgy06:44
Selrachnext time i'm getting nvidia06:44
gomez01dpkg -P :)06:44
Jack_SparrowSelrach: How did you get the ati to work?06:44
Selrachi installed fglrx using envy06:44
leksSome_Person, have you been with nv ?06:44
InuyagaCrnd: I think mines one of the unsupported...06:44
DShepherdgomez01, he06:44
Jack_SparrowSelrach: Ah.. a problem begins to appear06:44
Some_Personleks: thats probably what i used in edgy06:44
logreevalInuyaga is there a command to "reset" the /etc/network/interfaces thing?06:45
maethhi, anybody knows a little of iptables?06:45
Selrachwhat do you mean?06:45
DShepherdgomez01, apt-get remove --purge <package>06:45
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:45
Some_Personleks: but even in edgy nv wont let me get 85hz (which i want)06:45
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CrndInuyaga, too bad. My card is one of the partially supported ones. Works but not well :\06:45
Inuyagalogreeval: well the network issues are most likely do to config or dhcpcd errors06:45
DShepherdgomez01, sorry i took so long to answer i was eating mangos06:45
Selrachwhen i used restriced before, it kept saying that mesa was my opengl driver06:45
InuyagaCrnd: tiz why im working on the driver my self ^_^06:45
leksSome_Person, ya thats probably because of the non-internal memory06:45
Some_Personleks: yeah, thats why i installed the restricted driver06:46
Jack_SparrowSelrach: Envy and Automatix are very bad things to use.  They do things we cant/wont take the time to undo.06:46
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logreevalInuyaga so what do you think i should do?06:46
Selrachlike what?06:46
Inuyagalogreeval: which login system are you using?06:46
logreevalInuyaga what do you mean?06:46
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Inuyagalogreeval: passewd, ldap, others?06:46
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zipperJack_Sparrow, great when they actually do work though. Easy for the newcommers06:46
Selrachsomeone care to explain what problems envy can cause?06:47
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logreevalInuyaga i dont know...its just at the ubuntu login screen06:47
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Jack_Sparrowzipper: They are NEVER a good idea06:47
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chadeldridgeselrach:   ever install that app in windows that totally hoses your system about 80% of the time ... envy does that06:47
zippernot yet06:47
zipperhopefully they will be06:47
zipperin time06:47
SelrachI never used envy in windows06:47
leksSome_Person, what does "sudo dpkg -l | grep nv" output?06:47
Inuyagalogreeval: Ok you use passwd then. :P anyway it just freases you say? Did you try logging in as root?06:47
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Jack_Sparrowzipper: Easyubuntu used to have the same problems but is now bteer and somewhat accepted06:48
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logreevalInuyaga i havent tried root, should i?06:48
Unix-Jihadive never used envy, but i wouldnt say automatix was bad06:48
daquinowhy is there no /etc/modules.conf ?06:48
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Flare183What do you do when ISOLINUX tells you that "Image checksum error sorry..."?06:48
Selrachdoes envy ruin linux installs though...?06:48
kravlinDoes Ubuntu support the SSE Instruction set? (I have absolutely no idea what it is but apperently i need it)06:48
Some_Personleks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29258/06:48
Selrachin what way? i don't notice anything wrong with my system06:48
SelrachI removed it after I used it06:48
Inuyagalogreeval: well im thinking its a local config issue. if you can log in as root and not as ur user then you have a bad config.06:49
Unix-Jihadits use is mentioned in enough "my perfect ubuntu install........." type articles06:49
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logreevalInuyaga i will try root then06:49
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Inuyagalogreeval: do you have your root password set? do #sudo passwd to set it06:49
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Jack_SparrowSelrach: I dont intend to discuss it.. removing it does NOT fix the problems left behind06:49
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askandWhy do I get "No DHCPOFFERS received." when I try to connect to my router with cable?06:50
logreevalInuyaga i have it as my own password06:50
Selrachso should I just reinstall from scratch and take my chances with restricted?06:50
kravlinDoes Ubuntu support the SSE Instruction set? (I have absolutely no idea what it is but apperently i need it)06:50
gsevilhave anyone use dictconv to convert babylon glossary to edict?06:50
leksSome_Person, can you install "nvidia-settings"06:50
Inuyagalogreeval: ok that woks as long as you can log in as root06:50
Some_Personleks: sure06:50
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Jack_SparrowSelrach: I would.. but feel free to see if someone in #envy can help06:50
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Selrachrofl #envy is a ghost town06:51
Some_Personleks: ok, its installed06:51
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Jack_SparrowSelrach: Well supported product..06:51
chadeldridgebecause most people that installed it shot themselves shortly after06:51
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kravlinDoes Ubuntu support the SSE Instruction set? (I have absolutely no idea what it is but apperently i need it)06:51
lekswhat happens if you start it?06:51
Flare183What do you do when the computer says this: "ISOLINUX: Image Checksum Error Sorry..."?06:51
gsevilhave anyone used dictconv to convert babylon glossary to edict?06:51
logreevalInuyaga "The system adminstrator is not allowed to login from this screen"06:52
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gomez01is there a gnome gui for kismet and aircrack-ng?06:52
Inuyagalogreeval: you need to edit the gdm conf. /etc/conf.g/gdm i think06:52
Some_Personleks: it removed the package "nvidia-glx" by the way06:52
Inuyaganm /etc/gdm/gdm.conf06:52
varanasibHi, I have a gentoo system I am trying to replace with ubuntu, but the ubuntu installer sees no partitions on my reiser-formatted hd.  any help?06:52
leksSome_Person, did it install anything additionally?06:53
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kravlinDoes Ubuntu support the SSE Instruction set? (I have absolutely no idea what it is but apperently i need it)06:53
Inuyagafind the line. AllowRoot=false06:53
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logreevalInuyaga ok, through failsafe terminal?06:53
gomez01does anybody know free site survey software on ubuntu?06:53
Inuyagano do it with a normal one06:53
Flare183What do you do when the computer says this: "ISOLINUX: Image Checksum Error Sorry..."?06:53
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lekskravlin, sure06:53
logreevalInuyaga which is....?06:53
gsevilhave anyone use dictconv to convert babylon glossary to use with stardict?06:54
askand Why do I get "No DHCPOFFERS received." when I try to connect to my router with cable?06:54
Inuyaganot failsafe. normal session06:54
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Lunar_LampFlare183, that means that there is an error with the disk.06:54
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blindOkay, I bought and installed UT2004, and after the nVidia intro, it just goes to a blank screen. I can hear the music playing in the background, and I can hear the menu items when I move my mouse, so I can assume it's running, I just can't see it. Can anyone help me out?06:54
=== sam_ [n=sam@adsl-70-240-65-41.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
kravlinleks: do i need to install anything to make it work? I get an error that states either my procesor or my os doesnt support it.06:54
Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>which disk the HD or the CD-ROM?06:54
Lunar_Lampaskand, is your router configured to be a DHCP server?06:54
Inuyagaaskand: is the router dhcp enables?06:54
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logreevalInuyaga i cant get into normal session06:54
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sam_leks: after i installed it i accidently restarted X06:54
gomez01does anybody know free site survey software on ubuntu?06:54
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Inuyagaso it still locks uo06:54
gsevilhave anyone use dictconv to convert babylon glossary to use with stardict?06:54
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Lunar_LampFlannel, the CDrom that I assume you're booting from? :-)  Probably something went wrong when it was being burnt.06:54
askandLunar_Lamp: Inuyaga: yes I got an ip on my xpcomputer06:54
Some_Personleks: i cant get GDM to start!06:54
lassegsIm really having trouble finding out if anyone at all has gotten the nvidia8600gt working with Ubuntu. Anyone know anything about it? :)06:54
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gsevilDid someone use dictconv to convert babylon glossary to use with stardict?06:55
rociomhola de donde06:55
logreevalInuyaga yes, i cant seem to do anything with it06:55
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Inuyagalogreeval: try doing a dpkg-reconfigure on gnome if you can do that... <_<06:55
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lekssome_preson what did you do?06:56
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gsevildoes somebody know how to convert Babylon glossary to use with stardict?06:56
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lekskravlin, what tells you this06:56
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gsevildoes somebody know how to convert Babylon glossary to use with stardict?06:56
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:57
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kravlinleks: I was sent the message by a valve team member while trying to run a Counter-Strike: Source Dedicated server ( I sent them an error log)06:57
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Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>which disk the HD or the CD-ROM?06:57
darwin81How can I completely erase a hard drive and check it for errors?06:58
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=== psnel echo
lekskravlin, what did he mean by SSE? sse may mean several things06:58
logreevalInuyaga i cant get into gnome, best is terminal06:58
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kravlinhe just said SSE Instruction set06:58
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logreevalInuyaga i tried it in terminal and it said specify package to reconifugre06:58
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Lunar_LampFlannel, the CDrom that I assume you're booting from? :-)  Probably something went wrong when it was being burnt.06:58
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Some_Personleks: i got GDM back up06:58
kravlinThe Source engine currently requires the SSE instruction  set, make sure both your OS and CPU support it.  - Alfred06:58
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kravlinthat's what they sent me06:58
Lunar_LampFlare183, the CDrom that I assume you're booting from? :-)  Probably something went wrong when it was being burnt.06:58
fblade1987is there any video editing software for ubuntu?06:58
Lunar_Lamp(sorry, right nick this time)06:58
leksSome_Person, how?06:58
Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>that's ok06:59
Some_Personleks: by reinstalling nvidia-glx06:59
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Some_Personleks: thus removing nvidia-settings06:59
blindfblade1987: tons. check freshmeat.net06:59
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blindOkay, I bought and installed UT2004, and after the nVidia intro, it just goes to a blank screen. I can hear the music playing in the background, and I can hear the menu items when I move my mouse, so I can assume it's running, I just can't see it. Can anyone help me out?06:59
Some_Personleks: the 2 refuse to coexist peacefully06:59
lekskravlin, cpus have these extensions since 199706:59
Inuyagalogreeval: figured06:59
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Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>but I don't understand it is the same disk that I used to install this distro I using now. and it didn't say that06:59
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Inuyagalogreeval: did you ever do anything funny to any of the gnome conf files?06:59
leksSome_Person, weird, im no nvidia user actually06:59
Lunar_LampFlare183, hmm, perhaps it is scratched?06:59
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Some_Personleks: wait, but the nvidia-settings program is still here07:00
kravlinleks: I figured something like that. that's why i thought it might be ubuntu07:00
cesargalera_el k07:00
leksSome_Person, what kernel are you running?07:00
logreevalInuyaga ....what are those?07:00
Flare183nope boots on here as live cd just like it is suppose to but on the other computer it doesn't07:00
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Some_Personleks: how do i check?07:00
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Jack_Sparrowleks: what about pulling glx agian but then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:00
Luc_Aylesbury{cc:#kubuntu} Hi Folks, is anyone aware of a means to change the default file handler from konqueror to dolphin?07:00
leksuname -a07:00
Inuyagalogreeval: most likely not then07:00
Liquinnbusy in here07:00
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fblade1987any in particular that i should use though07:00
kravlinLeks: I ran a version of this on Fedora once with no problems. I prefer ubuntu though.07:00
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goofeybrokenthorn: i looked in the aptitude man pages - can't find the "show installed" option07:01
cesargalera_k ace feto07:01
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Inuyagalogreeval: what does your ~/.xsession-errors say?07:01
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gsevilis build-essential enough to compile a source program?07:01
leksJack_Sparrow, dpkg-reconfigure only gives you a reliable config for an opensource grafic card07:01
Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>nope boots on here as live cd just like it is suppose to but on the other computer it doesn't07:01
cesargalera_aaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa07:01
logreevalum, let me check...07:01
Some_Personleks: and the gears look right!07:01
estivenlo k tu no acessssssssssssssssssssssss07:01
Some_Personleks: 8736 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1747.178 FPS07:01
Studiosushi, all! remind please what env var makes nautilus create files with local encoding, not in utf8, very needed!07:01
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Lunar_LampFlare183, hmm, odd, is the cd-rom drive dodgy? Perhaps old? I'm not sure07:01
leksSome_Person, cool07:01
Some_Personi think all it needed was a reinstall07:01
leksSome_Person, I guess your xorg config wasnt set up properly07:02
LuiCalplease help i need to remove ubuntu ce script07:02
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LuiCalcan somebody help me07:02
Flare183Lunar_Lamp:>well it is kinda old and it is only 4x so maybe07:02
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Some_Personleks: but i didn't touch the xorg config07:02
askandWhy do I get "No DHCPOFFERS received." when I try to connect to my router with cable? I have dhcpserver started.07:02
logreevalInuyaga dont know how to get ther in terminal..07:02
leksSome_Person, but nvidia config probably did that for you07:02
Some_Personand my screensaver looks perfect now07:02
Stwangehey, I've recently made the switch to linux but I'm feeling a bit out of place. Is there a program I can download that will make my computer crash every now and then?07:02
Lunar_LampFlare183, I had anissue the other day with an old cdrom drive (16x I think) not beign able to complete theinstall - would always freeze at some point - put ina decent cdrom drive and it worked fine.07:02
Jack_SparrowSome_Person: that is a better number..07:02
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lekskravlin, thats no packages, thats part of a compiler07:03
OldPinkStwange, why?07:03
Inuyagalogreeval do #cd ~; then #less ./.xsession-errors07:03
Some_PersonAlso, my resolution goes way higher07:03
lekskravlin, all ubuntu packages should be built with SSE07:03
LuiCalolease help me i need to remove ubuntu ce and all of its traces07:03
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Flare183Lunar_Lamp:> well ok I'll have to ask my cousin because I'm the one who is repairing it for him07:03
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: after pulling glx and restarting you just did dpkg ?07:03
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LuiCalcan someone help me removing that script07:04
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=== OldPink yawns
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LuiCalplease help07:04
=== dr_willis wonders what Ubuntu CE even is.
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: i installed nvidia-settings, which for some reason removed nvidia-glx07:04
Jack_Sparrowbut to get back into gdm07:04
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: So I restarted X (stupid me) and it wouldnt start up again07:04
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OldPinkdr_willis, Ubuntu Christian Edition. Load of crap for all the religious-crazy people out there07:04
kravlinleks: any other ideas why they would say that then?07:04
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Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: So I reinstalled nvidia-glx via command line07:04
Some_Personand it magically works07:05
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Jack_Sparrowwhat was the line so I can keep it handy07:05
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: line?07:05
logreevalInuyaga i will try07:05
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Jack_Sparrowdpkg nvidia-glx ?07:05
lekskravlin, are you playing it through wine?07:05
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OldPinkCan't believe a bloody religion stole the initials of what could have been Compact Edition.07:05
retarded-brbhelp :( !07:05
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Jack_SparrowSome_Person: Sorry trying to work on my notepad at the same time07:05
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: to reinstall nvidia-glx? It was not installed, so i used apt-get07:06
LuiCalubuntu ce is a christian version of ubuntu, originally i had ubuntu installed on my machine and i downloaded the script and installed but that messed up my settings and brougth a few errors to my machine07:06
kravlinleks: No. Its a dedicated server that runs on linux.07:06
LuiCali need to remove that script07:06
LuiCalcan someone help me removing it07:06
dr_willisLuiCal,  id ahve to say check the CE web site.07:06
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retarded-brbcould anyone tell me how to fix the boot record without using the windows cd (i cant do a repair due to not knowing the default admin password)07:07
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SaltyMuleIs there a way to reinstall fonts in ubuntu07:07
LuiCalthey dont say anything about uninstalling07:07
crocodilewhen I have compiz running, all movies played in VLC (fullscreen) are transparent.  I tried changing the output  modules but nothing changes07:07
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dr_willisLuiCal,  bummer.. good luck.07:07
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logreevalInuyaga nothing happens07:08
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dr_willisLuiCal,  removeing the script is trivial.. UNDOING what it did.. is the hard part. :)07:08
blindOkay, I bought and installed UT2004, and after the nVidia intro, it just goes to a blank screen. I can hear the music playing in the background, and I can hear the menu items when I move my mouse, so I can assume it's running, I just can't see it. Can anyone help me out?07:08
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LuiCalthe script only installed a few programs07:08
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kravlinleks: No idea?07:09
HorizonXPi can't find kdar in Feisty07:09
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HorizonXPi need a front-end for dar07:09
HorizonXPif there's a gnome one, that'd be awesome07:09
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dr_willisLuiCal,  fire up the package manager and uninstall them then.. i guess..07:09
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logreevalInuyaga is there anything to reset the network thing? /etc/network/interfaces07:09
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LuiCalyou say synaptic??07:09
Inuyagawell that depends07:09
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ferronicahow to open Multiple RAR file in ubuntu Fiesty Fawn ?07:10
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Inuyagayou say the network interfaces is blank?07:10
dr_willisi use unrar07:10
fr33zhi, anyone here got some experience with getting atheros chipset wifi working in feisty? i'm having trouble getting it to work with encrypted network07:10
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:10
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dr_willisLuiCal,  whatever package manager ya like. they all do the same stuff.. :)07:11
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logreevalsorry, Inuyaga ?07:11
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Inuyagathe /etc/network/interfaces is blank?07:11
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basvghey all, I just borrowed a WD external harddisk (usb, type = wd1200u017) ... any clues on how to get that to work on feisty? nothing shows up in demsg or /var/log/messages when I plug it in07:11
logreevalInuyaga no, i just edited it...07:11
trafahello all07:11
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trafaAnyone can tell me ... where I can found a list of md5sum for 7.04?07:12
logreevalInuyaga when i try to do "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces07:12
logreevalnothing happens...07:12
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EK_Installing Feisty on an Inspiron 6000, over a current install of Breezy Badger, complete wipe. I am getting errors regarding the partitioning that I dont quite understand.07:12
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SaltyMuleHey, guys, how do I reset my font path07:12
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lekskravlin, have you googled?07:13
SaltyMuleWhere is that variable stored?07:13
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crocodilewhen I have compiz running, all movies played in VLC (fullscreen) are transparent.  I tried changing the output  modules but nothing changes07:14
ferronicahow to open Multiple RAR file in ubuntu Fiesty Fawn ?07:14
vox754EK_, boot the live CD, use GParted and wipe out the partitions yourself. The recreate them. It is good when you don't need to backup and just can wipe out everything.07:14
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logreevalInuyaga are you still with me?07:14
HorizonXPhey guys i have a 14gb directory i wanna backup to several DVDs.. how woudl i do that?07:14
=== LukeEkblad [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
Inuyagalogreeval: yes07:15
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:15
will851HorizonXP, try splitting it up onto multiple dvds?07:15
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nesssyare there any mailing lists available for ubuntu?07:15
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HorizonXPwill851: yeah, how wouldi do that?07:15
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EK_Will I be aquiring GParted through Synaptic?07:15
Inuyagalogreeval: the problem is you dont have gui and the primary tool seems to be network-admin which is gui07:15
vox754nesssy, look up in the main ubuntu page, there in the documentation section you'll find a few mailing lists along with the forums and this channel.07:16
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nesssythanks vox. i'll do that07:16
logreevalInuyaga well...there has to be a non gui way, right?07:16
simon__hi. i need help. I don't get any sound from my pc speakers. got a notice about restricted drivers when i booted and accepted everything. Am running feisty07:16
LukeEkbladI have a problem.  When I use beryl and try to maximize a window, it only maximized to half the screen or less07:16
simon__pls. help. I need sound07:16
will851HorizonXP, i guess you'd use gnomebaker or similar to make up the discs07:16
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Inuyagalogreeval: yes there is I can walk you through what to type. we do this in PM07:17
vox754EK_, GParted can be used from the Live CD, no need to install it. It is already loaded when you get to the desktop, just run it.07:17
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logreevali need to register my nick then07:17
EK_I will try that, thank you.07:17
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logreevalInuyaga how do i register my nick?07:17
zperteecan anyone help me configure sendmail?07:17
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Inuyagatype /ns REGISTER passwd07:17
vox754!register | logreeval07:17
kravlinleks: I tried. I didn't get any information on Ubuntu. I just started the computer and i'm about to vnc into it to check out the Processor07:17
ubotulogreeval: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:17
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LukeEkbladI have a problem, my sound quality is really bad now that i installed ubuntu.  Can somebody pleas help me?07:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:18
fblade1987need help, how can i change my default resolution for some reason when ever i get to the loggin screen the res is at 1920x1080 but i dont want it at that i need it at 1440*90007:18
ferronicahow to open Multiple RAR file in ubuntu Fiesty Fawn ?07:18
DJ-_-hi I need help setting my screen refresh rate to 60hz but it is not available in the screen resolution...which file do i edit?07:18
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dr_willisferronica,  i use 'unrar'07:18
dr_willis!info unrar07:18
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB07:18
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:18
HorizonXPwill851: this HomeUserBackup looks perfect.. how do I install it?07:18
dr_willisferronica,  unrar x whatever.r01 or whatever the first archive is07:18
gomez01anybody know airtraf?07:18
gomez01i'm trying to compile under ubuntu but getting error07:19
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simon__hi. i need help. I don't get any sound from my pc speakers. got a notice about restricted drivers when i booted and accepted everything. Am running feisty07:19
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ferronicadr_willis: i tried extract here, it asking for password there is no password07:19
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dr_willisferronica,  if the rar archive is password protected... well.. you need to find its password.07:20
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erUSUL!sound | simon__07:20
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ubotusimon__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:20
dualcha0shey im having issues with beryl could i get somehelp07:20
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:20
will851HorizonXP, i'm not sure where you got that from?07:20
dr_willisbyee all.. work time for me.07:20
HorizonXPubotu gave me the link07:20
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IceLinkHey there. is it possible to do that all files saved or created in a specific directory are 770?07:20
will851HorizonXP, are you looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHomeBackup07:20
ferronicadr_willis: there is no password i am sure my fried downloaded same file with no problem07:20
IceLinkby default07:21
HorizonXPwait no07:21
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fblade1987need help, how can i change my default resolution for some reason when ever i get to the loggin screen the res is at 1920x1080 but i dont want it at that i need it at 1440*90007:21
skirkI have install FGLX driver, but now I want remove it. How I can?07:21
mhz`in setting up a vpn, it asks for a gateway..would that be  the gateway for the vpn or of my router?07:21
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Anlarfblade1987: what display adapter?07:21
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bashihay all, i just got firefox to play midi files but the sound is slow and scratchy and indefinite any body know how to sure up the sound or is it just my computer. thanks07:21
simon__how do i find out which sound card and other hardware i have07:22
fblade1987ati radeon x1650 pro07:22
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corentinBye all07:22
dualcha0sanyone that understands beryl and could help me it would be great07:22
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fblade1987when on my user profile the display just how i wanted it07:22
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crocodilehow do I make VLC open movies in the same window rather than opening a new instance?07:22
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erUSULsimon__: lspci, lsusb, lshw on !cli07:23
Agent_OrangeCan you burn CDs from an ubuntu bootdisk?07:23
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sue47how do i move some icons ive downloaded to the /usr/share/pixmaps  directory?  not too sure how to temporarily change permissions from the terminal07:23
skirk!ubotu ati07:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:24
erUSULsimon__: System>Admin>hw info07:24
bretzelWhere is KDevelop-3.4.1???07:24
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erUSUL!info kdevelop07:24
ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 8594 kB, installed size 26204 kB07:24
bretzelnot 3.4.0 -- 3-4-107:24
erUSUL!latest | bretzel07:24
ubotubretzel: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.07:24
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sue47skirk:  i dont think that ati link has been updated yet. there are new ati drivers but they wont get put in the fiesty repos only the gusty ones07:25
bashiagent_orange: yea could work but it will be be really slow but it would probobly work.07:25
Riddellbretzel: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php07:25
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will851HorizonXP, sudo apt-get install hubackup07:26
slavikwhat is the linux equivalent of the freebsd gstat utility?07:26
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skirksue47, so?07:26
skirk: /07:26
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erUSULslavik: what gstat shows/do?07:26
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slavikerUSUL: hdd activity07:26
EK_Hm, GParted is also producing errors. Unable to read dev/sda/, asking me to unmount it to a device in order to access it.07:26
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bretzelerUSUL: Sorry but 3.4.1 is far more stable than 3.4.0, I returned from Pclinuxos and I am now using a misture of Mint.Ubuntu and Kubuntu ( :-) ) but as it was with *ubuntu, kdevelop 3.4.0 still crashes , I did get kdevelop 3.4.1 and is more stable, cannot find it anymore why ?07:26
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simon__now i've tried debugging and still i get no sound07:27
bretzel\misture mixture*07:27
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bretzelmisture mixture*07:27
sue47shirk ill give you the link to the new drivers if you want. the old ones were just slightly buggy. x would sometimes crash on log out or switch users07:27
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jetsaredimanyone know if there's a package with the utility rpm2targz?07:27
erUSULbretzel: maybe it was backported and you need to add the kubuntu-backports or something07:27
skirksue47, ok. Thank ;)07:27
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CarmenSandiegoI've read some confusing things about the shred command in linux. On the one hand it sounds like a good utility for file shredding, but then I hear things about how it doesn't work properly for the ext3 format? Surely there's got to be a reliable method. I'm looking mainly for something that shreds free space.07:28
bretzelannounce doesn't have 3.4.1, I just upgraded from KDE3.5.6 to 3.5.7, and no KDevelop .3.4.107:28
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ferronicadr_willis:  ????07:28
HorizonXPwill851: awesome! thanks man07:28
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ruthHello, i just did http://images.google.de/images?q=ubuntu .... Does the first picture really represent Ubuntu?07:28
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ruthI mean, wtf?07:29
bretzelI don't understand why, because my experiences with 3.4.0 is so a mess, it was very smooth with 3,4,1 tho07:29
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ruthWhat does that picture have to do with the spirit of Ubuntu?07:29
erUSULslavik: maybe vmstat ??07:29
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simon__i can't get any sound. I have tried debugging on ubuntuforums. I have checked the alsamixer and everything07:29
HibameAny people good with lvm around, I cant seem to create a physical volume with pvcreate, it tells me it was successfully created but when I extend it says its not there07:30
Agent_Orangeruth: tubgirl warning please?07:30
sue47you will notice the files are in the testing directory that is because they wont get put in the fiesty repos and bryce made then mainly for those fiesty users needing the fix07:30
erUSULruth: that's not an official picture. world is full of idiots (and inet is no exception)07:30
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kravlinleks: Or i could fail to figure out which device was my processor all together.07:31
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stefgCarmenSandiego: what are you trying to prevent? the ext3 filesystem is actually pretty safe, no working undelete-feature (so no shredder necessary). with journalled filesystems there's always some track of what has been done, so a backup and restore of all files would be necessary to prevent real forensic analysis07:31
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realhi.. is there any kind of way to change the ubuntu feisty top-panel icon, i have try some tips that i found on google, but the icon wont change, anyone knows how?07:32
erUSULslavik: the io column shows the blocks read and writen to filesystem iirc07:32
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kravlinwhich device in the device manager is the processor?07:32
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slavikerUSUL: gstat does it in realtime for all hdd activity07:32
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EK_"The kernel is unable to re-read the following partitiontables on the following devices: - /dev/sda"07:33
kravlinwow. That last comment makes me feel very stupid.07:33
pENdr4gONHi all07:33
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bashisimin_:try this site it should be of some help http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/sound.htm07:34
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AnlarCarmenSandiego: it doesn't work properly as on ext3 there are no real guarantees that you are actually re-writing to the same spot. but at the same time the talk that forensics wouldn't work is utter bs.07:34
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CarmenSandiegoAnlar: "forensics wouldn't work" is bs? Explain?07:35
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Death_SargentI need wifi help07:35
bashimy bad that post was for simon07:35
ernstwhere is there a freetalk channel with lot of people?07:35
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Death_SargentI can't connect to my home wifi network07:36
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AnlarCarmenSandiego: well, deleting something.. it actually either gets overwritten very fast or not etc.. but in principle the data doesn't get instantly overwritten or anything for good. and, if you play with the big boys some further issues raise.07:36
Death_Sargenthave been able to before hand07:36
Death_Sargentjust now I can't07:36
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Death_Sargentits only this one network I own07:36
erUSULslavik: i found about blktrace07:36
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Death_Sargentother ones in the neighbor hood surounding me work fine07:36
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realhi.. is there any kind of way to change the ubuntu feisty top-panel icon, i have try some tips that i found on google, but the icon wont change, anyone knows how?07:36
AnlarCarmenSandiego: there's nothing in the design of ext3 that would guarantee overwriting07:37
sayersPriceChild, heyo07:37
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erUSULslavik: and iostat07:37
kravlinI need help with finding out my processor. The deivce manager is kinda hard for me to understand (No experience with it).07:37
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:37
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ernstwhen you see this word:   "evaarties"  what's the first thing that comes to mind?07:37
craigbass1976parties with eva07:37
AnlarCarmenSandiego: just finding the proper data from all that crap and figuring out whether it was overwritten by mistake by some other activities means a lot work07:37
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donspauldingernst: seitraave07:38
CarmenSandiegoAnlar: And I thought linux was supposed to be more secure than Windows... over on that OS I've got a program that overwrites all my free space 35 times with a random Guttmann algorithm, after a couple of mouse clicks07:38
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ernstnice one donspaulding :)07:38
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donspauldingI'm silly like that07:39
AnlarCarmenSandiego: yes, but the point is.. do you really NEED to do that? the answer is usually no. and it takes resources to do that07:39
fblade1987i've just updated the ati driver and to fiesty but for some reason the res. has get to big for my monitor how can i change it? i have managed to change it for the main user session but not for main login screen any help me?07:39
stefgCarmenSandiego: if the NSA decides to put your harddisk platters under the electron-microscope, they'll find /something/. so the only real safe thing is using an encrypted fs, or rewriting the fs completly.07:39
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erUSULkravlin: cat /proc/cpuinfo07:39
Unix-JihadCarmenSandiego, and that data is stilll recoverable with the correct equipment07:39
AnlarCarmenSandiego: stefg's point is valid. and yes, you can encrypt practically everytthing, especially if youuse usb stick for the actual booting07:39
petervkstefg: CarmenSandiego: or destroying the actual platters in a fire07:39
EK_Aw piss, screwing with GParted fucked my laptop.07:39
EK_Oficially screwed.07:40
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PriceChild!ohmy | EK_07:40
ubotuEK_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:40
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Anlarpetervk: fire rarely works, you need at least thermite and lots of it.. you'd be amazed of all the hdds from building fires that they have been able to save..07:40
pENdr4gONI have finaly removed Windows from my laptop today...07:40
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Neil3pENdr4gON, congrats07:40
petervkfblade1987: I just got here, can you restate the question?07:40
fblade1987petervk: i've just updated the ati driver and to fiesty but for some reason the res. has get to big for my monitor how can i change it? i have managed to change it for the main user session but not for main login screen any help me?07:41
simon__bashi: i m to newbie to understand everything on that site you gave me. I need more help to debug my sound problem07:41
donspauldingpENdr4gON: welcome aboard!07:41
=== Neil3 feels like he's cheating accessing his ubuntu box via vnc in windows
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CarmenSandiegoAnlar: encrypting my whole HDD would be a bit of a pain in the ass though... guess that's the way it's got to be. So I'm bleeding my usage history all over my ubuntu partition every time I use it... interesting.07:41
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pENdr4gONStrange how when ever I reinstall Windows it's a major operation, ubuntu clean install took only a few mins07:41
AnlarCarmenSandiego: actually what they don't talk about is that READING data enforces the trait on the platters. you first write random data and then read it, it's even better for getting rid of that ghost image on the disk than writing... faster and more efficient07:41
kravlinanyone know if the AMD Athelon 64 3000+ supports SSE instructions?07:41
vox754EK_, seems like your drive is dead. Don't blame GParted.07:42
petervkAnlar: Really? Thats pretty cool. Smashing them with a hammer should work, as long as you spread the pieces around. Or just don't put that kind of information on the computer in the first place...07:42
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mrsnokravlin it does, and some sse2 i believe, check wikipedia for athlon 6407:42
petervkfblade1987: aw crappy. Sorry, not my area. Keep asking.07:42
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Neil3kravlin, yes it does07:42
mrsnosse3 on some too07:42
fblade1987ok thnks07:42
Anlarpetervk: they were built to widthstand a lot of g forces (hey, they are spinning titanium etc discs!).. they can take a lot hits..07:42
vox754kravlin, "cat /proc/cpuinfo"07:42
EK_vox: GRUB produced Error 17 after I attempted to reboot after formatting.07:43
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Cenema158I need some help. When I try to boot 7.04 ubuntu or kubuntu, it gives me the following error message: /bin/shL Can't access tty: Job control turned off. I know the discs aren't bad because I have sucessfully tried them on a few computers. Anyone know what is wrong?07:43
SpeakerManiaI am having some issues with mounting my NTFS hard drive into read/write mode. It only mounts into read only right now. I have to enter my password for it to even mount. Can anyone help?07:43
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EK_Sorry, im new to this, I know it hurts to hear a newbie.07:43
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Anlarpetervk: they do sell "paper shredder" alike devices though that chew complete computers. yes, laptops and desktops. just throw in and small pieces and dust fly from the other end..07:43
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simon__Here is my problem: I get no sound. My specs are: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03). I have an Acer Travelmate 2420 running feisty. Does anybody know what i can do.07:43
DJ-_-how do i kill X and bring it back07:43
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nitalautSpeakerMania, ntfs-3g07:43
SpeakerManiaI have it.07:43
DJ-_-i want to reload the xorg.conf07:44
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Anlarpetervk: it's one of those WEEEHAAAA moments of your life when you see it actually happen :D07:44
Agent_OrangeDJ-_-: ctrl+alt+backspace07:44
simon__my sound worked fine until right now07:44
Cenema158I need some help. When I try to boot 7.04 ubuntu or kubuntu, it gives me the following error message: /bin/shL Can't access tty: Job control turned off. I know the discs aren't bad because I have sucessfully tried them on a few computers. Anyone know what is wrong?07:44
vox754EK_, well, formatting won't boot a system, you need to install GRUB. I assume that you ran the Feisty installer?07:44
SpeakerManianitalaut: I also have the config thing.07:44
DJ-_-Agent_Orange: bring it back?07:44
petervkAnlar: ok. thats what we need. Or truecrypt with 4096 bit keys07:44
AnlarCarmenSandiego: it's not that much of work to encrypt really everything, and in really secure way.. but the point indeed is, that practically no one NEEDS that07:44
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Agent_OrangeDJ: that does bring it back..07:44
nitalautSpeakerMania, does it give any errors while mounting ?07:44
DJ-_-Agent_Orange: it kills also?07:44
SpeakerManianitalaut, no07:44
Agent_OrangeDJ: yes07:44
CarmenSandiegoWell to be honest is *is* more of a hobby, I don't really 'need' to encrypt anything. But that's not really the point, I'm doing a bit of a project atm where I'm trying to make my laptop bullet-proof regarding data safety. It's funny that linux is actually less secure with this than windows, despite popular belief to the contrary.07:45
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nitalautwhat is the mount command output then ?07:45
DJ-_-Agent_Orange: tx07:45
AnlarCarmenSandiego: windows doesn't really by default encrypt / shred anything either. and building that feature even manually all by yourself isn't hard, to encrypt everything07:45
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vox754petervk, Anlar CarmenSandiego, off topic!07:45
Agent_Orangecarmensandiego: when people think secure, data recovery isn't the first thing that comes to mind07:45
erUSULCarmenSandiego: you can encrypt your home and the swap partition that's all the security you need07:45
petervkCarmenSandiego: Less secure? How so? I've hacked a few windows machines with just a knoppix disc.07:45
bluefox83does anyone know where i can find a good tutorial on how to remove duplicate entries from my menus? i found one tutorial that tells me to remove applications.menu but wheni do that not only does it list duplicates, but it also lists everythign i could possibly ever get installed on my system...reguardless of whether or not i have ever installed them...07:46
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Anlarvox754: bs. his project is to harden his ubuntu, and it's not off-topic you shitwad07:46
stefgCarmenSandiego: uhoh.... you err there. it's just that data loss is much more common on windows :-). NFTS journals, too07:46
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petervkbluefox83: just right click on the allpications and hit "edit menu"07:46
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petervkbluefox83: correction: applications.07:46
bluefox83petervk, we're talking several HUNDRED entries here07:46
Agent_Orangeguys, I'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu but the disk freezes when loading... 0 checksums fail in the error check07:47
preaction!ohmy | Anlar07:47
ubotuAnlar: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:47
AnlarCarmenSandiego: if you wish I might have some notes still somewhere on how to build that encryption for ubuntu manually :)07:47
petervkbluefox83: how did that happen?07:47
bluefox83petervk, if you think i am gonna sit for over an hour to fix that, you're out of your damn mind07:47
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EK_vox: I ran the Feisty installer, and I could not get past the partitioning stage, I am installing this over a previously installed copy of Breezy Badger. Someone reccomended using GParted to whipe the partitions manually and then re-build them in order to do the install, somewhere along the way I messed up and now it will not boot back into Breezy Badger.07:47
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bluefox83petervk, i removed my applications.menu file like a tutorial suggested07:47
petervkbluefox83: woah buddy, just trying to help.07:47
vox754Anlar, what? You are insulting people? Please that is a general discussion/development, what do I know. Please move to the offtopic channel.07:48
bluefox83sorry i got carried away >.>07:48
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bluefox83this has been a problem that just wont go the hell away07:48
CarmenSandiegoAnlar: Thanks, I'll look into it. I've got truecrypt on at the minute, but I don't know if you can set that particular program to automount in the required way07:48
bluefox83no one seems to have a good solid way to fix it07:48
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simon__noone can help me fix a sound problem... well well07:49
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AnlarCarmenSandiego: the alternative you might be interested of goes by the name dm-crypt or md-crypt or something like that :)07:49
EK_So now I've booted back into the LiveCD, going to try and fix the partitioning problem from there to complete this install.07:49
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EK_I only paid $200 for this laptop, so Im not too worried about what I do to it :P07:49
petervkbluefox83: did you do something to make this happen?07:50
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CarmenSandiegook, thanks07:50
vox754EK_, I recommended that. Because that is what I thought you were trying to do! Obviously if you tried to install on top, and moved partitions around you cannot boot the previous Ubuntu.07:50
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nitalautGuys, my feisty eats lots of swap(at the same time about 60% of RAM is free). Is it possible to force it fill all of the RAM first and only after that start using swap ?07:50
bluefox83petervk, the only thing i did was remove the applications.menu file07:50
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EK_vox: Ahaaa, yes that does make sense.07:50
bluefox83it SHOULD just regenerate a list of applications07:50
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AnlarCarmenSandiego: basically the main problem you have is that if you got an os to boot on the hdd, it has to be unencrypted at the beginning.. and handle the keys etc.. that's vulnerable. by moving the first phase of booting the computer to usb stick that you use only for some 10-30s when you boot and remove from the system later, mostly eliminates those problems.. as when unplugged it is completely braindead and invulnerable07:50
petervknitalaut: http://www.serbuntu.net/ubuntu/tips/swappiness07:51
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petervkbluefox83: yeah. That sounds like the correct solution. There may be something in /etc overriding it.07:51
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nitalautpetervk tried it with no luck07:51
CarmenSandiegoI see. So essentially I'd be building a USB booter that does the initial 'unlocking'07:52
torhuin ubuntu, can I log in as root so I don't have to type the password all the time?  su doesn't seem to work07:52
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bluefox83petervk, shoudl i just go in and uninstall everything that has to do with any sort of menus or what?07:52
petervknitalaut: did you restart?07:52
nitalautmany times )07:52
MelonenGuuHey, I have a network-card in my computer, and a built in Ethernet connector on my mother-board... can I plug Internet into the motherboard and then share the connection via the network-card?07:52
capWhat is the most recommended program for writing music CDs?07:52
nitalauti put it into sysclt07:52
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AnlarCarmenSandiego: yes. all it has to have really is 1) grub 2) kernel 3) initrd script that finds the hdd parition(s), asks for password, decrypts the actual encryption keys, mounts the partitions, pivot_roots, continues from the now decrypted hdd07:53
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torhuanyone know the default root password on wubi 7.04?07:53
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torhuempty pass doesn't work07:53
AnlarCarmenSandiego: vmware + ubuntu alternate installation disc are your best friends there :)07:53
nitalautMelonenGuu, yes you can07:53
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petervkbluefox83: Well that might work. What did you do that caused this? were you upgrading distros?07:53
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EK_The installer as of right now is only giving me the choice of manually partitioning the disk. I have the two options of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5/ as swap. I have to specify a root file system.07:54
vox754torhu, yes you can activate the root account but in general it is not recommended. Try using "sudo -s" to get a root terminal.07:54
petervknitalaut: I really don't know.07:54
bluefox83petervk, actually no, the original reason i did it was because i couldn't get enlightenment to generate any menus...07:54
vox754!root | torhu07:54
ubotutorhu: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:54
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petervkbluefox83: you using enlightment?07:54
MelonenGuunitalaut: how?07:54
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bluefox83petervk, i use it once in a while to see how E17 is coming along...07:55
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bluefox83petervk, but i usually use gnome07:55
newbhey can someone answer a question fo rme07:55
nitalautMelonenGuu, use iptables07:55
bluefox83petervk, am using gnome now07:55
Anlarnewb: don't ask to ask, just ask!07:55
petervkbluefox83: So you recreated everything in the menu so it would show up in enlightnment?07:55
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:55
Agent_OrangeIn all reality, is it possible to sign on as root?07:55
newboh ok07:55
nitalautMelonenGuu, read about NAT with iptables07:55
vox754EK_, just wipe everything as unallocated space, then save, then rebuild manually the partitions.It is simple http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/7356/part00cs6.png07:55
newbwell i am windows user and i am thining of trying linux07:55
AnlarAgent_Orange: yes, the account just is disabled. but you shouldn't.. it's bad habit07:55
digital1has anyone here ever used mondo?07:55
newbbut i wanted to know wha ti would need to be setup?07:56
digital1I can't get it to restore anything07:56
bluefox83petervk, actually no..what i originally did was remove /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu THAT really fubar'ed my system...07:56
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newbor if i can get some tips on linux07:56
blubloblunewb: get the desktop cd off the ubuntu.com website07:56
Agent_Orangeanlar: I know, I'm just saying that ubotu is just misleading >_>07:56
=== Andy80 [n=dfgsdfg@host229-25-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
newbi got that cd downloaded07:56
Anlarnewb: well, download the installation cd and boot off it. it is also at the same time a livecd, so you can see what it will contain after installation and what hardware will works etc.. it's a good playground for you07:56
bluefox83petervk, i didn't have any correct menus in any window environments after that...07:56
EK_vox754: Thanks. Whats the best way to whipe everything as unallocated space?07:56
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blubloblunewb: did you try it out?07:56
vox754EK_, GParted I told you.07:57
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newbno i have not tried it out i am gonna try it on my laptop first07:57
petervkbluefox83: Yeah. it sounds like you did screw it up.07:57
EK_Ah, right.07:57
newbis using linux better?07:57
bluefox83petervk, i was following a tutorial then too...07:57
blubloblunewb: you should, to get a feel for ubuntu and to see if your hardware works well07:57
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petervkbluefox83: A reinstall would probably fix everything up nice.07:57
blubloblunewb: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/07:57
Anlarnewb: it depends on your preferences. some love, some hate. only trying it out will really tell.07:57
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newbwell i am using a dell and i saw a youtube video runnin on the same laptop07:57
bluefox83petervk, this is linux, not windows..there should be another solution...07:57
newbi am very impressed with what i saw07:57
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petervknewb: Just download the *.iso and try it out.07:58
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Anlarnewb: less games and such, but some things are way better. it's a matter of preference really07:58
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petervkbluefox83: Yes. Your right. I guess I don't really know how to help. good luck!07:58
Agent_Orangenew: If you're a gamer, stick with PC, or dual boot windows and ubuntu like me07:58
newbthanks guys07:58
Anlarnewb: and when you boot the livecd, you can really try everything out with it without having to install. including temporarily instaling applications!07:58
newbbut i was told i can install wine to play my games??07:58
petervknewb: Some games will work in wine, but not all.07:59
capWhat is the best proggram for writing audio CDs?07:59
bluefox83newb, some games run in wine, some don't07:59
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Anlarnewb: some games work, some do not. the most common ones usually work because so many ask for them :)07:59
mhz`you can use wine..it's a win32 emulator07:59
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newbsorry guys i am a total linux noob07:59
petervkcap: I like Brasero07:59
blubloblunewb: there are guides for installing the eye-candy: search for beryl and compiz. They are now merging into Compiz Fusion which is being alpha testing now (complicated, i know!)07:59
bluefox83mhz`, windows API layer >.>07:59
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Anlarmhz`: it's not emulator :( I hate splitting hair but if it was emulating it would be slowwwer07:59
newbyeah that was the video i saw07:59
newbberyl is awesome07:59
blubloblunewb: search http://appdb.winehq.org/ to see how well wine runs your game07:59
newbwhat is compizfusion?08:00
bluefox83blubloblu, uhm..compiz-fusion is out...i'm using it...08:00
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petervknewb: It sure is. But beryl is not around anymore. it's now called compiz fusion08:00
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mhz`i can't decide what movie to watch :(08:00
Anlarnewb: you can even try the games off your windows hdd with the livecd with some patience..08:00
blubloblubluefox83: is there an official release yet? or is it just alpha stuff08:00
HibameDo I need a /dev/Ubuntu/scratch folder for lvm?08:00
EK_Just reading up on how to use GParted, this is sort of my first day :P08:00
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bluefox83blubloblu, uhm..i don't recall but i think it's official..it's in a ubuntu repo now...08:00
blubloblubluefox83: oh, cool08:01
petervknewb: Anlar: Yes but performance will not be the same as actually installing.08:01
bluefox83blubloblu, although i do get updates on it all the time...so it might still be in beta...08:01
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petervkblubloblu: It's on the gusty iso's08:01
newbi can live with that08:01
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newbas long as my warcraft 3 works which i heard does08:01
newbi am happy08:01
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Anlarnewb: wc3 works, aye08:01
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mhz`lol :)08:01
petervknewb: Yeah. Warcraft 3 works great.08:01
AnlarI've played it as well :)08:02
bluefox83has anyone else had the issue of being able to see through a movie when watching in fullscreen with compiz turned on?08:02
newbi mainly juss want to get rid of windows08:02
petervknewb: What kind of video card do you have?08:02
newbi have a geforce 6800 nvidia08:02
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blubloblunewb: yeah, forget viruses with linux08:02
vox754EK_, GParted is graphical interface, it is not hard to use. Just click on a partition and delete it. Then recreate the partition with new, and selecting ext3 filesystem. I you can't make it to work, then you may as well give the laptop... to me.08:02
newbno viruses?08:02
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petervknewb: Don't be too quick to blow away your windows right away, setting up a dual boot is better for beginners.08:02
vox754EK_, another picture http://img398.imageshack.us/my.php?image=part01zo9.png08:02
Anlarnewb: I guess.. like 1-2 academic viruses that never took off. in history. :)08:02
blubloblunewb: i think there's some proof of concept stuff but otherwise nothing bad08:02
petervknewb: No viruses08:02
newbwell i have my laptop and 2 desktops08:03
bluefox83newb, warcraft folks have varying degrees of success with wine...some people can get it to work really really well..others can't get it to launch...08:03
newbi was thining of trying it on the laptop08:03
jimcooncatTrying to run a windows app (qb 2004 pro) with crossover. App opens then quits. Where can I find a log as to what's happening in the background?08:03
blubloblunewb: nothing that can do any damage08:03
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petervknewb: Nvidia cards are great. I asked because wine -> warcraft 3 will need open gl.08:03
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newbwar3 can run in opengl mode08:03
newbi juss have to add the -opengl line to the executable08:03
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petervkjimcooncat: you could try launching the application from the terminal08:04
hyljewine d3d is great. compared to opengl renderer (wc3) it was just slightly slower08:04
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EK_vox: Thank you.08:04
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jimcooncatpetervk: I am, but no output08:04
SaltyMulemy operating system fonts aren't displaying. How do I fix that?08:04
mhz`anyone recommend a good jabber client?08:04
petervknewb: Exactly. you'll have to do that to get it to launch in wine.08:04
hyljeyou may not notice it without trying!08:04
MattJmhz`, Gajim is good08:04
newbwow you guys are so great08:04
vox754!offtopic | newb use the offtopic channel when you just want to chat08:04
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ubotunewb use the offtopic channel when you just want to chat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:04
petervkjimcooncat: ahh. sorry.08:04
hyljepetervk: on modern computers d3d wc3 works playably.08:05
newbok thanks08:05
vox754!thanks | newb08:05
newbthanks guys for the tips08:05
jimcooncatpetervk: I'm looking for some kind of verbose switch or wine log08:05
ubotunewb: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:05
petervkhylje: Really? sweet. I used opengl before and it worked good for me.08:05
newboh yeah08:05
newbwhos the bot owner?08:05
newbpeter may i pm u?08:05
petervkjimcooncat: I'm not really a wine expert.08:06
mhz`ok matt, i'll give it a go08:06
petervknewb: Me?08:06
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newbok guys i am gonna give ubuntu a try08:06
petervkmhz`: I like gaim/pigdin.08:06
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newboh wait one more question08:06
mhz`i have pigdin08:06
newbabout the install08:06
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mhz`but see, i work for a windows hosting company08:06
newbpidgin is great btw08:06
petervknewb: shoot08:06
mhz`i dual boot into xp for work08:06
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newbok what is xgl?08:06
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blubloblunewb: please don't use spaces as punctuation08:07
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uberushaximus!xgl | newb08:07
ubotunewb: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:07
Anlarnewb: xgl is something that comes with the system.. don't worry about that :)08:07
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mhz`i'm trying to setup my vpn to connect & connect to their jabber setup08:07
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petervknewb: technology to enable the effects with beryl/compiz fusion08:07
newboh ok08:07
petervknewb: nothing you have to worry about.08:07
newbso like a prereqiusite for beryl?08:07
Death_SargentI can't connect to my home wifi network even though I could in the past.08:07
MattJmhz`, Gajim is good, and it works on Windows too08:07
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bluefox83newb, you wont be running beryl, you'll likely be running compiz-fusion08:08
Death_SargentI have been at this for days08:08
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Death_Sargentplease help08:08
petervknewb: sort of. It's all automatic now so you don't have to mess with xgl08:08
mhz`i use pidgin on windows for my AIM and Spark on windows to connect to work's jabber08:08
newbi kinda like how beryl looked08:08
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newbthat multi desktop is amazing option08:08
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Anlarnewb: yeah, but first get the system otherwise running before worrying about that stuff.. feisty comes out of the box with compiz which might be enough for you already.. it's not as good as beryl but does the most important tricks of it, and without any special tricks08:08
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jmitchjhey guys, is there any way to get DIVX to play in Feisty?08:08
petervknewb: compiz fusion is beryl, just a different name and more effects08:08
bluefox83Death_Sargent, whats the problem?08:08
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MattJmhz`, and the problem?08:08
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newbok so which ubuntu should i try? 6.10 or 7.04?08:09
Death_Sargentbluefox83: mysteriously for some reason I can't connect to my home network08:09
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Anlarnewb: 7.04.08:09
petervkjmitchj: install all the restricted extras + w32 codecs08:09
Death_Sargentbluefox83: I could before but I can't now08:09
lekuhow come it always takes me at least two tries to get on my wireless wpa network?08:09
lekuis there anything I can do to fix it08:09
bluefox83Death_Sargent, did you do a system update or something?08:09
petervknewb: definitely 7.0408:09
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newbwhere can i get 7.04?08:09
Death_Sargentbluefox83:just for compiz and such08:09
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newband this compizfusion?08:09
blublobluleku: what wireless card do you have?08:09
jmitchjpetervk: in synaptic?08:09
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lekulet me check08:09
Death_Sargentbluefox83: the last new headers I got where for the linux ati driver08:09
lekubroadcom dell wireless 1390 wlan mini-pci card08:10
petervknewb: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download08:10
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fr33zanybody got the ahteros chipset wifi working here?08:10
lekuwindows always connects to my net right away08:10
newbpeter i can download 6.10 on taht page08:10
n2diysteel_lady: menu > apps > acces > calculator?08:10
newbbrb lemme look one more time.08:10
Anlarsteel_lady: qalculate might08:10
daanfr33z: out of the box08:10
lekualso the only way i can connect is if i use the gnome wireless tool and select connect to other network08:10
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petervkjmitchj: easier in the add/remove programs utility at the bottom of the applications menu08:10
Death_Sargentbluefox83: I;am not aware of any updates that are related to my built in atheros wifi card08:10
bluefox83Death_Sargent, i'm not really all that knwoledgable about wireless...so i'm not all that certain what you can do...does ubuntu show a signal at all?08:10
fr33zweird, i had to installmadwifi to get something working08:10
lekuif I do create new wireless network it only shows me the options for wep, not wpa208:10
daanfr33z: what type?08:11
newbpeter > woah nvm it changed from 6.10 to 7.0408:11
Death_Sargentbluefox83: not from that one router08:11
petervkfr33z: Atheros working here.08:11
blublobluleku: i've found this tutorial, try it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709208:11
fr33zi have a macbook core2duo, hoped it would go well with feisty but till now it doesnt :(08:11
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lekuk thx08:11
petervkfr33z: out of the box support, its great08:11
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Death_Sargentbluefox83: it shows connection from other networks hwoever08:11
bluefox83Death_Sargent, are you certain the router is on?08:11
fr33zu guys use the madwifi driver for atheros?08:11
daanfr33z: Mine is AR5005G 802.11abg NIC08:11
lekuI've followed that tutorial08:11
lekuI am on teh network08:11
daanfr33z: yes as far as i know08:11
lekuit's just shady08:11
newbalso guys is ther anything extra tinker i need to do for my router and modem to work with linux?? is it all like plug in play?08:11
Death_Sargentbluefox83:yes I am wired to it right now as the wifi is not coperating08:11
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Anlarsteel_lady: I thing qalculate! actually has most of them08:11
daanfr33z: what is your type when you check lspci?08:11
petervknewb: yo, quote my whole username if your talking just to me.08:11
Death_Sargentbluefox83: lights on and all08:12
pdm_HI i need information about compiz fusion...08:12
newbpetervk : ok08:12
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bluefox83Death_Sargent, can you log into the router and see if the wireless is turned off somehow? maybe a small power surge turned it off?08:12
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petervknewb: thanks.08:12
MelonenGuuIf I use firestarter to make a share connection trough another network card, do I need to set something else up? .. like .. DHCP stuff and such08:12
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steel_ladyanlar thanx, I am installing it right now08:12
DennyssTUDO BEM ?08:12
Death_Sargentbluefox83: I have poked around and if it is off I would love to know why the other computers on the network can obtain wireless conection08:12
fr33zdaan: it says: network controller:atheros communications inc. unknown device 0024(rev 01)08:13
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vilydennys kd vc?08:13
blubloblupdm: installation instructions?08:13
daanfr33z: hmm08:13
Anlarnewb: depends on the modem really.. if it's some usb adsl modem then you might be in for problems.. but it's easiest to just run the livecd and test out :) and come here telling what happened08:13
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bluefox83Death_Sargent, that is kinda odd...08:13
petervkfr33z: oh dear.08:13
fr33zwith madwifi drivers i seem to be able to scan APs and stuff but using wpa supplicants doesnt work strangley08:13
fr33zpetervk: oh dear?08:13
bluefox83Death_Sargent, does the router have a blacklist?08:13
jmitchjpetervk: hmmm...seems the gstreamer plugins are installed for divx...but they still won't play08:13
blubloblupdm_: installation instructions?08:13
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HibameHow do I change to a dir only root can access08:14
pike__Death_Sargent: the only thing i typically have to do is install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) for atheros08:14
Death_Sargentbluefox83: I thought about that too08:14
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Death_Sargentbluefox83: could not find anything08:14
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petervkfr33z: if lspci is not detecting it properly you probably need newer kernel modules08:14
fr33zill try that and uninstall madwifi, just a sec08:14
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AnlarHibame: try somethign like "sudo sh" and then go there?08:14
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petervkfr33z: what version of ubuntu you running?08:14
daanfr33z: maybe this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook08:14
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bluefox83Death_Sargent, does your laptop have a wireless blacklist?08:14
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fr33zi get that with install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) ?08:14
Death_Sargentbluefox83: im not sure08:14
Death_Sargentbluefox83: would be news to me08:14
fr33zi have that walktrough, tried it but doesnt seem to work for me08:14
pdm_ok i've got....but there is a problem when i do the last  command08:14
pleedhey can someone tell me how i can get network running without network-manager?08:14
bluefox83Death_Sargent, me too >.>08:14
daanfr33z: uname -a08:15
Death_Sargentbluefox83: im gona try that reinstall drivers thing real fast08:15
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aleeHello all, has anybody come across GConf issues when using netbooted client?08:15
HibameAnlar, it said permission denied D:08:15
bluefox83Death_Sargent, ok..but if it's detecting other networks i don't think that's the problem..but i guess it couldn't hurt08:15
newbpetervk:what data tabel does linux use?08:15
fr33zmadwifi seemed to get my card up and running but i jkeep having trouble with the DHCP servers :(08:15
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Anlarhibame: after sudo sh.. nothing says permission denied ?08:15
petervknewb: I don't understand?08:15
daanfr33z: why don't you set it to static then?08:15
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HibameAnlar, after I put in the dir after doing sudo sh08:15
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daanfr33z: because it's a laptop sorry08:15
newbpetervk: like xp uses ntfs. win98 was fat32. what does linux use?08:16
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petervknewb: ext3 normally08:16
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daannewb: ext3 is default08:16
geemgive me a second08:16
geemi knew that08:16
bluefox83newb, linux can use just about anything, but ubuntu's default is ext308:16
Anlarhibame: what is this directory you are trying to access? show the ls -lF line containing it?08:16
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jmitchjpetervk: hmmm...seems the gstreamer plugins are installed for divx...but they still won't play08:16
petervknewb: But you can use many others. xfs, jfs, reiser4, just not ntfs, and please not fat08:16
newbext3 huh... ok so what is reccomended?08:16
HibameAnlar, I am trying to get to /dev/bitore/scratch08:16
Anlarnewb: you can't really select it as ubuntu installer screws up installations to other than ext3 very easily08:16
daanjmitchj: you can also try mplayer or vlc08:16
petervknewb: ext308:17
AnlarHibame: what on earth is that? :)08:17
HibameAnlar, I need it to make my lvm work, but it seems that the lvm cant get to it08:17
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petervknewb: its the most popular. You don't want to mess around with different filesystem the first time.08:17
roger25i installed ubuntu with lilo and set up lilo.conf to launch usplash but i get no consoles just some green pixels (the gnome desktop i all right)08:17
jmitchjdaan: tried both of those08:17
newbwoah... now i am starting to see complications... so how will i install warcraft3 with wine if war3 is ntfs cd?08:17
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AnlarHibame: sounds like umm kernel problem ..08:17
Anlarnewb: ubuntu will work nicely with ntfs08:18
vilyo que?08:18
newbdamn i am so noob08:18
HibameAnlar, how would I fix it?08:18
mhz`install it on windows...play it from unbuntu?08:18
petervknewb: The cd is not ntfs, and it will work fine08:18
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petervknewb: all cd's and dvd's have their own filesystem (not ext3 or ntfs) and work fine in linux08:18
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MelonenGuuwhat does "roaming mode" mean?08:18
newbmhx: what do yo you mean install in windows play on ubuntu? i am planning on clean install to ubuntu08:18
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daanjmitchj: well i think i can't help you then (you're running feisty right?)08:18
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AnlarHibame: I'm sorry, I have no idea what that is. never seen anything like it :o your lvm setup is screwed somehow I guess, totally08:19
jmitchjdaan: right08:19
mhz`ahh, i thought you were dual booting08:19
petervknewb: that will work fine for warcraft 308:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roaming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
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newbno i have not even installed it yet08:19
aleeanybody come across this message when gnome starts up? Window manager warning: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.008:19
daanjmitchj: whoops wrong person :P08:19
mhz`question...anyone got a good tutorial for setting up VPN?08:19
mhz`(specifically connecting to a windows VPN)08:19
daanjmitchj: but they all don't work? with any divx?08:19
petervknewb: the laptop your trying this on has the nvidia card, right?08:19
newbmhx: i am a new windows user thining of switching. but i want to make sure i can run what i normally run on windows08:19
jmitchjdaan: not that i can see08:19
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fr33zi get an error when doing ifup ath0: wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801, anyone recognize that one?08:19
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petervknewb: what do you normally run on windows?08:20
pike__mhz`: only client ive ever used is vpnc. i do normally something like sudo vpnc --domain=domainname  and it prompts for the other stuff08:20
aleeanybody come across this message when gnome starts up? Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.008:20
daanjmitchj: what is the output of mplayer on a terminal?08:20
mhz`ok, let me give that a try08:20
=== Dennyss [n=teste01@200164002034.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
newbpetervk: well office my media player classic firefox, and my once a day warcraft 308:20
petervknewb: Linux has a lot of good almost equilivant programs to windows, but everything is a bit different.08:20
Gastennewb: most things cant be run on both windows and linux, but you'll most certainly find something equally good in linux as in windows (if not better).08:20
daannewb: warcraft 3 works superb here08:21
newbpetervk:u know i am just nervous to switch.08:21
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newbthe idea of a new operating system kinda worries me08:21
petervknewb: Firefox = Great, Media player = you'll have to use rythmnbox or amarok, warcraft 3 = will work in wine08:21
Anlarnewb: that list is pretty easy, you should find equivalents and working applications for those needs08:21
DennyssALGUEM AI:?08:21
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GastenHey, what programs do you use to convert video files? (mp4 to ogg, for example)08:22
newbcan you guys reccomend like a linux tutorial on the basic command lines and stuff?08:22
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daannewb: just try it you can allways go back to windows if it doesn't suit you08:22
mhz`newb, google it08:22
Death_Sargentbluefox83: ok I will be back probably need to restart08:22
mhz`tons of stuff08:22
newbi know dos. but i am not sure how linux works08:22
Death_Sargentbluefox83: thanks either way08:22
petervknewb: Well, first try the livecd, it won't install anything and will allow you to try out a full ubuntu system08:22
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mhz`its similar08:22
daanGasten: mencoder avidemux08:22
AnlarGasten: ffmpeg .. it's nasty but works08:22
blubloblunewb: you mightn't be able to run the same software, but you'll be able to find equally good or better alternatives08:22
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newbwell ubuntu is almost done. its 12% right now YAY08:22
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Gastendaan: thanks. trying.08:23
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newbyeah i am very sick of windows to be honest08:23
daanGasten: mencoder is commandline avidemux is gui08:23
blubloblunewb: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty will come in handy08:23
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daanGasten: for avidemux to work you need to install the gstreamer plugins08:23
newbi spent almost 900 worht on software08:23
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petervknewb: Then if you want to install, i would suggest shrinking the windows partition and installing ubuntu into the free space, and dual booting08:23
newbonly to be pissed off it didnt work with my hardware last week08:23
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geema windows emulator08:24
petervknewb: well, once you install ubuntu you don'08:24
IndyLucianhello #ubuntu. I am wanting to download ubuntu, kubuntu, and edubuntu and create a single dvd for all 3. How could I create a boot menu that will allow you to choose one of the three to install?08:24
Gastendaan: ok. good thing I started trying avidemux, then ^^ Commandline converters and encoders tends to be a pain i the *** if you dont use them on a regular basis.08:24
newbhow much space should i give windows?08:24
petervknewb: don't have to spend a cent.08:24
Anlarnewb: I got Vista Business legally for 100% free.. it was nice aok, but I actually like tinkering and poking things so..08:24
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jattin more than 10 years I've spent 0$ worth in software08:24
newbpetervk: is all linux apps free?08:24
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Neil3not all08:24
daanGasten: agreed but mencoder is lightning fast that's why I use it sometimes08:24
Neil3newb, not all, i mean08:24
petervknewb: how big is your hard drive?08:24
newbanlar:vista sucks08:24
Murrlinwonder if this is a suitable place to ask about dsp allocation?08:24
petervknewb: 99% of them08:24
Anlarnewb: it would be nice to give 10-20 gigs for the ubuntu.. and make separate /home partition for your personal files08:24
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newbpetervk:250gb on a maxtor and 180 on a wd08:25
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Murrlinto wit: I cannot run sc_trans while playing youtube videos, nor can I listen to youtubes while sc_trans is running08:25
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daanAnlar: indeed that's what i have08:25
rogerwhere can I get the manual for linix08:25
IndyLucianif i dual boot i usually give the two operating systems 1 half each08:25
petervkAnlar: newb: Or possibly all in one partition to make it easier to resize later?08:25
Anlarnewb: no, I meant it. it was pretty nice. it just doesn't offer the same possibilities of tinkering and poking :)08:25
saintm1777hi all08:25
petervknewb: on the laptop?08:25
blublobluroger: there is no one manual for linux08:25
Murrlina dsp conflict, it seems. where might I find info about linux's dsp and how to spawn another one?08:25
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blublobluroger: do you use Ubuntu?08:25
petervkroger: google is the manual08:25
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saintm1777I am new to linux08:25
Anlarpetervk: newb: I wouldn't because if you split the ubuntu and your personal files.. it's really easy to switch away from ubuntu to others etc if you want :)08:26
Lr5roger, try manpages08:26
newbpetervk: oh on laptop i have 120 gig08:26
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sue47does beryl not work with the ati closed driver?08:26
Lr5and the other suggestions08:26
rogerhow about ubuntu08:26
IndyLuciannewb, i would do 60gb/60gb08:26
blublobluroger: there are thousands of wikis and forums for support08:26
petervkAnlar: newb: point taken. Separate home is better.08:26
saintm1777I am looking for a source of information on linux08:26
saintm1777any ideas about basics?08:26
jmitchjdaan: where do i paste the output to?08:26
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newbpetervk:what do you mean seperate home?08:26
blublobluroger: https://help.ubuntu.com/08:26
mhz`word, vpn setup08:26
nesssywhat packages do i install for c++08:27
rogercome from windows08:27
Lr5google for a linux guide or tutorial08:27
daanjmitchj: err that pastebin service08:27
newbdamn all this new jargon08:27
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IndyLuciannewb, a seperate partition for your home directory where all your own personal files will be stored. so if you system crashes you can recover the information08:27
Anlarnesssy: try ummm build-essential and anjuta :) that should get you started08:27
Lr5nesssy, try g++08:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:27
petervknewb: usually in linux you install the os and your personal files to seperate partitions.08:27
AyarcyWhere can I learn more about automating Ubuntu installs for many machines?08:27
EpidemicHey guys, anyone have a few minutes? I just turned on my machine today, and for some reason, it says boot device not found or something like that... I have a feeling it can't find the mbr or somehow it got messed up... any of you have any ideas on how to fix it?? i'm in live right now, and I can browse everything on the HD08:27
daanjmitchj: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/08:28
roger25i got troubles to get a proper console after having set up lilo to launch uspach, i got some green pixels on first console and blanck screen on others (the gnome desktop is fine) what can i try to get proper console ?08:28
nesssybuild essential or g++? anlar and Lr5 got me confused  :)08:28
rogerlinix is like dos08:28
petervknewb: home is where your personal files are kept.08:28
newbpeter:so home = personal data?08:28
Lr5that's better08:28
daanjmitchj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:28
saintm1777I know dos...08:28
Anlarnesssy: build-essential will pull in a HUGE pile of software, all that you will need.. and anjuta is IDE for developing in c++08:28
Lr5you get all you need08:28
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IndyLuciandoes anyone know of a package for gnome that matches kmobiletools for kde?08:28
daannewb: yes and personal settings08:28
saintm1777command prompt type commands08:28
petervkroger: tisk. Don't insult linux like that. It has a command line, but it is not dos.08:28
nesssyokie. so build-essential it is :) thanks Lr5.08:28
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petervkroger: what would you like to know?08:29
newbpetervk:what is kde and gnome?08:29
Lr5but well, anyone knows other way of string completion than tab in shell?08:29
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kane77are intel graphic cards and intel wifi cards well supported? I'm planning to buy laptop...08:29
Epidemicroger: linux* is not like dos, the only thing they have in common is they're cli driven08:29
Anlarkane77: intel is the BEST supported08:29
newbi read that ubuntu has 2 options??08:29
Lr5my phone hasn't got a tab08:29
rogeri know but i know dos08:29
jmitchjdaan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29269/08:29
Anlarkane77: just stellar out of the box08:29
saintm1777as I said before I am new to linux08:29
pike__Lr5: like ? or * ?08:29
blublobluroger: linux uses the command line as a powerful effienct tool. But modern linux distribution like ubuntu have great GUI, search youtube for Compiz Fusion08:29
IndyLucian!kmobiletools for gnome08:29
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kane77Anlar, whew cool! I buy intel then :)08:29
newbsaintm: hey dude i am new too!!!08:29
saintm1777can you guys give me some starting point08:29
petervknewb: desktop environments. Basically they control how your desktop looks. (a very simple description)08:29
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saintm1777Ha newb08:30
Anlarkane77: if the hardware is 100% intel all the way, you don't have to worry about that question.. just slap in any alternative os and it will usually just work08:30
Lr5pike, could work, thanks08:30
petervknewb: ubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde08:30
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saintm1777all this linux jargon is giving me a headache08:30
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newbpetervk:which environment do you reccomend?08:30
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IndyLuciansaintm1777, www.linuxcommand.org, help.ubuntu.com08:30
petervknewb: Gnome all the way08:30
daanjmitchj: what is your videocard?08:30
Anlarkane77: including the display adapter.. I'd be slightly picky if I was you though, gma950 is aok but you might want to squeeze in gma300008:30
rogerI need a book on ubu08:30
saintm1777thanks IndyLucian08:30
mhz`gnome is awesome08:30
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newbsaintm:dont worry man iam entering that jargon thing right now08:30
petervknewb: but don't ask everyone as it is a popular topic of flamewars.08:30
daanjmitchj: and you can join the #daan channel if you want a private conversation08:30
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blubloblunewb: gnome is usually considered clean and light. KDE is considered Powerful and customizable08:30
jmitchjdaan: ATI 200M08:30
pike__ubuntu should fork gnome. that would be entertaining08:31
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jmitchjdaan: ATI Express 200M actually i think08:31
petervksaintm1777: read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux08:31
daanjmitchj: are the drivers installed?08:31
newbwell i want my desktop to act like that xgl and beryl video on youtube i saw08:31
lhuynhquestion: where would be the best place for me to find someone fluent in both english and french to help with translation of an open source program?08:31
newbso which environment is that?08:31
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blubloblunewb: any environment can do that08:31
petervknewb: both08:31
jmitchjdaan: for my video card?08:31
sue47does beryl not work with the ati propriatary drivers?08:31
Drakesonhow can I annotate pdf files?08:31
daanjmitchj: yes08:31
petervknewb: gnome is easier to setup08:31
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Anlarlhuynh: launchpad. just add it in there, Rosetta will take care08:32
rogeri tried08:32
newbubuntu is up and running08:32
saintm1777thanks petervk!08:32
jmitchjdaan: whatever installed as part of the Feisty installation08:32
newbwow... no icons???08:32
blubloblunewb: uncluttered08:32
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Epidemicblubloblu: it is also considered a memory hog08:32
petervknewb: what kind of graphics card is in the laptop08:32
newbhmmmmmm this ubuntu is very ummm clean08:32
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petervknewb: isn't it great08:32
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newbnvidia 680008:32
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daanjmitchj: can you give me the output of: file /home/mitch/Desktop/TimeChanger.avi08:32
kane77Anlar, so you advise intel over AMD, eh? but the sempron laptop has 6-cell battery, the intel laptop has 4-cell :(08:32
newbno lag08:32
saintm1777I have wiped my laptop of windows in favour of Kubuntu. This better be a good idea08:32
petervknewb: perfect card for compiz08:32
blublobluEpidemic: what is? (i cant keep track of what im saying:-) )08:32
AnlarEpidemic: memory hog? uhh.. if you call <100M a memory hog nowadays when computers have commonly 2-4G...08:32
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petervknewb: you downloaded 7.04, right?08:33
ITDirectany u guys any tips on pre-installing ubuntu for retail08:33
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jmitchjdaan: the output?...it's a movie08:33
lhuynhAnlar: you mean the Rosetta people will take care of it?08:33
newbbrb i wanna look around this linux box for a bit08:33
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newbyeah 7.0408:33
daanjmitchj: file is a command08:33
Anlarkane77: it's not the cpu. intel has the luxury to combine intel cpu with intel chipsets.. which makes wonders. amd can not offer that ever08:33
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petervknewb: here, try this08:33
daanjmitchj: :)08:33
newbtry what?08:33
bobberetDoes anyone have any hints for using the WIN key for shortcuts?  super works but only one action can bind to win key, it wont let one do WIN-L.  changing it to META seems to do nothing (binds, but shortcuts just dont work).  am i missing something?08:33
saintm1777I am just feeling awkward about installing software and that tar stuff08:33
EpidemicAnlar: maybe you should look at statistics... statistically, most people have between a gig and a gig and a half...08:33
petervknewb: click System -> Preferences -> desktop effects08:33
jmitchjdaan: data08:33
blublobluITDirect: the alternate CD has an OEM option08:33
Anlarlhuynh: well no, but it's a good way to make it easy for anyone to contribute.. then just hit for instance some forums to build awareness.. and if you're lucky, tomorrow at this time it's all done08:33
saintm1777I was told to 'compile' and then install?08:33
daanjmitchj: that's all?08:34
newbpetervk: gotcha petervk.08:34
jmitchjdaan: yup08:34
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petervksaintm1777: You don't need to use tar much in a modern distro such as ubuntu08:34
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newbpetervk:where do i go to see the beryl stuff?08:34
daanjmitchj: that's not good08:34
petervknewb: click enable desktop effects08:34
chadeldridgeHow do i find out which /dev/ my usb headset is using ?08:34
mhz`i'm bored and need something to do08:34
daanjmitchj: try another movie08:34
jmitchjdaan: it plays in windows08:34
blubloblunewb: system>preferences>system effects08:34
daanjmitchj: it seems it's uncompressed or something08:34
mhz`if there's no xwindows setup, you'll need to use tar, gzip, etc08:34
mhz`a lot more08:34
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ITDirectwhat is the benefits of oem install alternate cd08:34
newbwait i dont install beryl??08:34
mhz`in a server enviroment08:34
petervkblubloblu: desktop effects08:34
saintm1777Adept. I have tried this.  somethings crash on install08:34
petervknewb: not yet08:34
newboh ok08:35
saintm1777I would love to be confident to fix stuff08:35
newbk brb 5 mins lemme look around08:35
=== Born_In_Xixax [i=Born_In_@ppp-70-243-188-105.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Anlarnewb: you have compiz already. it does the cube flipping and window effects. :)08:35
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newbsaitnm: try the livecd i am doin that now08:35
blublobluITDirect: the OS is already intalled when the customer turns on the PC, all they have to do is choose a username and password08:35
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petervknewb: feisty (7.04) comes with compiz, which is pretty close to beryl08:35
jmitchjdaan: oh well i guess i'll just play that one in windows08:35
ITDirectThinking of opening shop, promoting open sourrce/ ubuntu08:35
EK_Messing with partitions proved unsuccessful, time to close up and try again later. Thanks for your help.08:35
daanjmitchj: but do other movies work?08:35
blublobluITDirect: please do! where are you based?08:35
=== q01z [n=q01z@cable-75-70.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
saintm1777Yesterday my system went nuts when I tried to change screen resolution and card type. Had to wipe and start again.08:35
ITDirectSomerset west cpt08:35
newbWOO HOOO08:35
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chadeldridgeHow do i find out which /dev/ my usb headset is using ?08:36
newbTHIS OS IS NICE!!!08:36
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petervknewb: got compiz running?08:36
jmitchjdaan: some avi's work yeah...seems the ones that say XVID don;t08:36
saintm1777I am sure there would have been an easy way had I known the terminal code/commands08:36
newbpetervk: YEAH08:36
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petervknewb: pretty cool. I think I just hooked you on linux.08:36
newbpetervk:what is the name of the browser on ubuntu?08:36
ITDirectproblem is pre loaded 3x laptop for sale, adopting very difficult from customers08:36
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petervknewb: firefox08:36
daanjmitchj: strange08:36
newbpetervk:ok brb08:36
kane77Anlar, hmm.. i want a cheap laptop that needs to last as long as possible, I don't need it to be too fast..08:36
petervknewb: same as windows.08:36
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mhz`better then ie08:37
Anlarnewb: you might want to install and try epiphany as well. it's leaner and meaner, but doesn't allow you to install all those sub-standard quality plugins.. stuff like adblock come included though already.08:37
petervkkane77: dell is good. Thinkpads are tanks08:37
=== sire1 [n=sirex@ctv-213-164-127-124.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu
jmitchjdaan...no big deal....08:37
newbi own a dell08:37
blublobluITDirect: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview?highlight=%28OEM%2908:37
petervknewb: there should be a firefox icon on the top of the screen08:37
newbi got it cuz it was cheap08:37
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-067.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
daanjmitchj: well ok if you want to try something try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs08:38
newbpetervk:yeah i got it running why does everything seem faster on linux?08:38
petervknewb: less bloat08:38
Anlarkane77: hp nx 6400 series for instance. or, fujitsu-siemens amilo pro vx3000 series if you want small. or, asus ones.. they come with better warranties08:38
=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jmitchjdaan: been through all that stuff too08:38
newbpetervk: is there a system monitor like in windows so i can see resources and processes?08:38
petervknewb: no DRM.08:38
Anlarkane77: or, system76 or was it 67 or 79 or whatever.. :p08:38
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newbNO DRM?08:38
newbAT ALL08:38
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mwe!shout | newb08:39
ubotunewb: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:39
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petervknewb: System -> Administration -> System Monitor08:39
daanjmitchj: is it a laptop? yes right?08:39
jmitchjdaan: anything i go to that tries to install w32codecs...says that the file is not installable08:39
kane77Anlar, hp seemed good to me, plus a friend bought one and didn't have any problems in ubuntu...08:39
jmitchjdaan: yes08:39
Anlarnewb: that explanation is bs. it's just that your system is clean, with less stuff installed etc.. and it wont have that bad snowball effect as your windows had08:39
newbpetervk: how do i configure my iptable?08:39
daanjmitchj: then you haven't added the right repositories08:39
petervknewb: think about it, would you program your operating system to include DRM?08:39
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petervknewb: and why would you want to do that?08:39
MattJ!medibuntu | jmitchj08:39
jmitchjdaan: i've tried different ones08:39
ubotujmitchj: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:39
Anlarkane77: yes, most of the business series hps are intel all the way. they are the old "compaq" series and they have actually supported linux for some customers from 2001 or so08:40
newbwhat the hell... why didnt i use this before?08:40
jmitchjMattJ: tried that one too08:40
Anlarnewb: don't enable firewall. you really do not need it.08:40
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MattJjmitchj, did you apt-get update after?08:40
newbthis should be in all office computers man.08:40
jmitchjMattJ: yup08:40
daanjmitchj: if you add medibuntu the right way then you can install w32codecs08:40
petervknewb: iptables is already configured, and you don't need to mess with it. Firewall is up by default.08:40
newbwow i already have like office installed08:40
ITDirecthow can i create a custom ubuntu installation for retail rollout08:40
=== rotarychainsaw_ [n=bj@c-76-99-52-156.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wdarevening all08:41
jmitchjdaan: does it matter that i'm running 64 bit?08:41
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Anlarnewb: yes, perhaps should. the problem is that some office software is missing :) the more special things.. but you can go around that (terminal services, citrix etc)08:41
magnetronkane77: /join #ubuntu-offtopic and i will give you my advice for a laptop08:41
newbpetervk:no i want to set my ip addresses static08:41
mhz`for compiz, i know its installed...where would i be able to enable/config it?08:41
daanjmitchj: yes i think so08:41
jmitchjdaan: maybe that's my problem08:41
daanjmitchj: generally it's less compatible08:41
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daanjmitchj: you should really give the 32 bit version a try08:41
fushehAfternoon everyone ~08:41
newbhahahahaha my gf is seeing this ubuntu in action and now her and her gf are curious08:42
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jmitchjdaan: no prob08:42
isidorono one knows xdtv??08:42
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armchair_armadaI'm new to ubuntu, but I cannot get apt-get to work for anything!  I haven't been able to get a single package through apt-get yet.08:42
jmitchjdaan: thanks for the help08:42
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petervknewb: just click network icon in the top right of the screen and click manual configuration08:42
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daanjmitchj: glad to be of service08:42
mhz`newb, you got 2 chicks there and you're being a nerd08:42
John`how do you browse through the network in samba?08:42
newbpetervk:thanks bud08:42
John`using terminal08:42
mhz`come on now, even you gotta be able to make the right choice08:42
fusheharmchair_armada: what kind of error do you get if any when you use it....08:42
mhz`2 chicks or ubunutu08:42
newbmhz: i have a daughter too an08:42
pha|conin the command line ftp app how does one delete a non-empty directory?08:43
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fushehnewb: Thats kinky....08:43
newbmhz: yeah i run a home business08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xdtv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
newbbrb everyone im liking this08:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:43
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davegpAnyone had any success getting Lenovo X60 tablet *with multitouch* to work with Feisty?08:43
pike__pha|con: mdelete i think08:43
petervknewb: now, don't make too many changes to the live cd as you'll lose everything if you re-boot.08:43
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John`can someone tell me how to browse through a network folder using terminal?08:43
John`would it be /smb?08:43
pha|conpike_:  i'll give that a go....brb08:43
petervknewb: you'd have to install to keep any changes made08:43
newbpetervk: uhhhhh how do i get my printer to work??08:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:44
petervknewb: fun fun. What kind of printer and how is it connected?08:44
armchair_armadaBasically it says that it's reading the package list, builds the depenency tree, reads state information, then says "E: Couldn't find package XXX" -- where XXX is everything I've tried.08:44
Anlarnewb: cups knows like 2/3 of the printers out of the box..08:44
mhz`peter, compiz is installed by default..what is it listed under to config/enable it?08:44
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newbno it is not connected yet and it is a lexmark 322008:44
Anlarnewb: system -> administration -> printing, add new printer, etc08:44
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John`how can you browse through a network in terminal? can someone help?08:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drdivx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
kane77Anlar, what diffrence does 4-cell/6-cell battery make?08:45
petervkmhz`: click System -> Preferences -> desktop effects08:45
fusheharmchair_armada:Sounds like you typed the package name wrong? o.o08:45
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jo3John`, is it a windows network?08:45
newbpetervk:nvm peter is sees it08:45
pike__newb: id do a google search like 'site:linuxprinting.org printermodel' to get an idea of how likely it is to work08:45
Anlarkane77: 45 minutes?08:45
jo3you need samba client, you got it installed?08:45
mhz`ahhh, ty peter..its sexy08:45
kane77Anlar, only that little? :/08:45
jo3then it's smb://08:45
kane77Anlar, I thought it was more...08:45
Anlarkane77: don't worry about that. :)08:45
isidorowhat is sexy08:46
John`like if i try to mount something through a network, i want to mount it right off from the network instead of copying the file to my hardrive08:46
ditoai got a question about samba but #samba is dead08:46
petervkisidoro: compiz08:46
John`is it possible?08:46
petervkditoa: shoot.08:46
ditoahow good is samba compatibility with windows vista, xp and server 2003?08:46
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jo3yes, mounting a network drive is easy08:46
petervkditoa: Great08:46
ditoahow do accounts work?08:46
Anlarditoa: depends, client stuff is mostly working. serving in larger environments is a suicide08:46
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petervkditoa: it is fully compatible for file sharing08:46
John`jo3: do you know how to get to the network folders using terminal though?08:46
ditoawith windows you can do machinename\usernameonremotesystem08:46
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ditoaso if i am on a machine called dilbert08:47
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:47
ditoaand i want to connect to a remote system call freddy i need to have an account on freddy to access it08:47
osmosisI am very confused. Every day I modify my /etc/motd  file , and every day it ends up being default again.08:47
John`like using "cd /home" will get me to my home folder, how do you do it for network?08:47
ditoai assume this is still true with samba?08:47
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petervkditoa: you will have to add the user you want to connect as to samba on the server in samba.08:48
ditoabasically i have a windows xp system that runs as a "file server" for all my movies, music, etc08:48
=== revenant [n=revenant@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
petervkditoa: http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/08:48
ditoaand i want to learn a little about linux by replacing it with a ubuntu system08:48
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ditoathat petervk08:48
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mhz`ubunutu is a linux distro..08:49
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John`i tried "cd /smb" but it doesn't work08:49
John`any ideas?08:49
fushehosmosis: It's dont by one of the init scripts. I believe you must edit motd.tail though o.O08:49
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jo3do you want to mount the network share or just brows to it once08:49
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John`i just one to browse to it jo308:49
John`in terminal08:49
petervkditoa: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Share_files_using_Samba https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:49
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bobsomebodygod these stupid belkin routers are crap08:50
ditoaim very new to all this08:50
ditoacan i add samba users without adding them as local users (if that makes sense?)08:50
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petervknewb: how are things going so far? need anything else?08:50
John`does anyone ever browse through their network folder using the terminal before..?08:51
chadeldridgeHow do i find out which /dev/ my usb headset is using ?08:51
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petervkditoa: I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure they only need to be samba users, not full system users08:51
fushehJohn`: I don't have a network folder D:08:51
pike__John`: i did a little script for that but ive since lost it.. lemme check08:51
iarwaincan anyone help me with a "can't access tty" error?08:51
ditoasamba looks very command line, i dont mind this but when learning i do kinda prefer a GUI ;)08:51
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John`thank you08:51
ditoais there a GUI for samba available?08:51
pike__John`: of course you can just mount the share also08:51
fushehiarwain: State the full error please.08:51
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chadeldridgeditoa:  use nautalis08:51
petervkditoa: search samba SWAT -> webgui for samba08:52
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wdarhello , i need help in installing ubunto on my laptop. . once i run the cd  and reboot my pc it runs for about 2 mins and then it says cant access tty: job control turned off.08:52
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ditoapetervk: ahh cool. shame windows doesnt do that!08:52
wdarshat shall i do .08:52
iarwainfusheh: well, it complains about not being able to mount the root filesystem. Do note i am trying this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM08:52
ditoachadeldridge: i meant from a user admin point of view etc08:52
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgeahh .. yes then use swat08:52
ditoagenerating a smb.conf file08:52
=== Cait [n=Cait@adsl-75-27-238-116.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ditoaok cool08:52
=== Andria [n=revenant@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ditoaso swat is kinda like a cpanel for samba?08:52
John`how do you mount the share pike?08:52
checkergrrlis there someone that could help me with a script?08:52
ditoawebmin type thing?08:52
fushehwdar: Thats a known error. If you google around you may be able to find a fix. I'm not sure if it's relevant with the latest ubuntu release though.08:52
pike__John`: er i found it but right now it scans for windows shares and tries to connect without a password. it bascially just for looking where you shouldnt you still want it?08:53
=== Andria [n=revenant@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
petervkditoa: Samba is great, but it does have a cryptic config.08:53
ditoawill give it a look08:53
ditoathanks all :)08:53
Carleton91Hello, I'm having issues with my keyboard commands registering on the Grub start up screen making it impossible for me to switch to Ubuntu08:53
=== Jimbob [n=scott@81-6-227-253.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgeanyone know how to find out what /dev/ a device is using when you plug it in ?08:53
wdarfusheh , i am really new to ubunto08:53
ditoaCarleton91: yeah. it looks a bit cryptic. i dont mind learning the command line/config file stuff but i prefer to go to tht level after i know the basics08:53
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wdarpresently using windows , pidgin to join ubunto channel08:54
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu
Caithi i'm new to linux. look all over the internet and the forums last night for a solution, tried some and failed. i have the ati x series vid card. installed but now can't reboot!!08:54
John`i'm not quite sure what you talking about though, i just want to browse through the network using command in terminal, nothing fancy08:54
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Carleton91ditoa, my issue is that my keyboard acts like its not plugged in =/08:54
fushehiarwain: hmm I think google is your best bet on that error. Sorry D:08:54
mrfiskrecommend a rar archiver ?08:54
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iarwainfusheh: google doesn't give me anything usefull, still thanks though!08:54
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Carleton91The grub boot screen comes up, but no matter how hard i pound on my keyboard it doesn't change the item selected on the menu08:55
petervkmrfisk: unrar08:55
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Agent_Orange!wdar ubunto08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wdar ubunto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
fushehiarwain: No problem.~08:55
chadeldridgehow do you see which /dev/ are currently assigned ?08:55
Agent_Orangeaw >_>08:55
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visik7anyone here got an mx900 mouse ?08:55
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fushehAgent_Orange: lol08:55
pike__John`: i put some comments in there to give ya an idea of what its doing http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29272/08:55
petervkmrfisk: but tar.gz works great. (fileroller / Archive manager)08:55
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ditoausb keyboard?08:55
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ditoabios support usb keyboard?08:56
pike__John`: its not very clean08:56
fushehiarwain: If you could pastebin the error message maybe someone could help you out.08:56
John`so wait08:56
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mrfiskOk, well the built in archiver doesnt work with part rar's it seems.08:56
John`how do i use this script08:56
John`where i put it?08:56
iarwainfusheh: problem is i have to reboot to get to a working pc xD08:56
bashihi all, i have just got the plugin on firefox and can now play midi files.but sound is scratchy and erratic.anybody know how to stabilize it? I have already been through alsa nothing there08:56
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-152-42-46.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Carleton91It has worked in the past on the Grub boot screen, but today its not, is there something in the BIOS i can change to get it working again?08:56
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fushehiarwain: It doesnt dump you to a shell?08:56
pike__paste it in an editor and save the file then 'bash filename' to run.08:56
pike__John`: ^08:57
ditoaCarleton91: i have some dell optiplex systems at work which are a bit dodgy like that08:57
John`do i need to make it an exe?08:57
ditoathere is an option for "emulate ps/2 keyboard and mouse on usb" or something in the bios08:57
iarwainfusheh: it does, but the point of the guide is to have it all loaded into RAM, so once i reboot, it's all lost08:57
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chadeldridgeanyone know about finding which /dev/ a device is using ?08:57
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fushehiarwain: Mount a hd and save it there?08:58
pike__John`: you can chmod +x filename if ya want and then just run it. its a choice between that or typing bash filename. whichever you want08:58
Carleton91ditoa: Ok cool thanks, I'll try tooling around with that, wish me luck!08:58
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petervkJohn`: No. Simply pasting it to a text file, saving it, and then using bash to run it is enough08:58
AaronMTchadelridge: System -> Preferences -> Hardware INformation08:58
chadeldridgeknix: doesnt tell you where the device mounts08:58
askandWhat command can I use to connect my wireless eth1?08:58
chadeldridgeaaronMT:  looking .. thanks08:58
patrlckI have a very annoying problem. Whenever I burn a dvd everything is fine but after that ALL discs access are VERY slow :( ... anyone can help ?08:58
iarwainfusheh: i could, but i don't really feel like rebooting again.. still trying some stuff ^^08:58
knixchadeldridge: it should, what type of device is this?..08:58
patrlckchadeldridge, cat /etc/fstab08:58
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chadeldridgeknix:  usb headet08:58
knixdmesg shoudl say08:59
fushehiarwain: Aye aye xDD Best bet though it to get that error message down so someone can assess it.08:59
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petervkchadeldridge: you could try running tail -f /var/log/kern.log in a terminal while plugging in the device.08:59
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John`ah, so this script won't work if the windows network have a password in it huh?08:59
daanpatrlck: is then when burning or after burning08:59
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iarwainfusheh: i will :) but it's quite funny though08:59
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patrlckdaan, after burning08:59
jo3John`, are you using gnome?09:00
patrlckif I reboot everything is fine. if I log-off it is not fine09:00
pike__John`: no but just use nautilus if you arent stuck at cli09:00
daanpatrlck: hmm strange, do you eject the burned dvd?09:00
iarwainfusheh: it's like a standard error (i find lot's of the same errors on internet) but none helps me xD09:00
furenkui built fst 1.9 and 1.8 after having built 1.7.1, when i try to open any of the newer two, i get "wine: could not load ... Bad EXE format for09:00
patrlckdaan, yes I'm burning a 2nd one09:00
jo3just open up a file browser and type smb://yourservername09:00
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patrlckdaan, I used hdparm but it didn't helped09:00
pike__John`: or i can change it real quick if you need to do it from cli09:00
jo3it will prompt you for a username09:00
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daanpatrlck: so it is all slow after burning and all dvd's are out of the burner?09:01
jo3no gui09:01
patrlckdaan, could it be some kind of locked on files or VRAM or something ?09:01
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patrlckdaan,  yup all dvds are out of burner09:01
petervkJohn`: cli = command line interface09:01
daanpatrlck: no experience with that sorry09:01
John`oh ok09:01
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John`if you have time pike09:01
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daanpatrlck: only thing i can think of is that the burning cleared the harddisk cache09:01
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chadeldridgenone of those are telling me anythying09:02
AaronMTpatrlck have you checked that whatever burning software you are using isnt a non responding process09:02
patrlckAaronMT, yaeh I killed it09:02
KurtKrautWhen I plug in my brand new pendrive I can't get write permission to it. I've already loaded nautilus as root and I still unable to change files on it. How can I set automount with writing permissions.09:02
patrlckas I said even if i logoff it doesnt help09:02
mhz`hmm, question about setting up eggdrop..i used synaptic to install it...for the config file09:02
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mhz`any ideas where that'd be?09:02
daanpatrlck: did you try different software?09:02
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aspetoscan anyone help me with a networking problem i'm having on ubuntu with an openvpn setup?09:02
iarwainmhz`: most likely in /etc/eggdrop09:02
patrlckdaan, not recently09:03
iarwainmhz`: i think09:03
daanpatrlck: what are you using?09:03
mhz`let's find out :)09:03
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daanpatrlck: you could try gnomebaker or brasero then09:03
mrfiskHow can i download unrar ? :p09:03
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daanmrfisk: sudo apt-get install unrar09:03
heromrfisk: sudo apt-get install unrar09:03
mhz`neg, not there09:03
mrfisklol ok :D09:04
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patrlckdaan, is it possible to clear vram and all temp stuff ?09:04
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daanpatrlck: what do you mean with vram? swapspace?09:04
mrfisknow i got unrar ? :d09:04
evan_hey just dist-upgraded ubuntu but it gave an error and it quit updating09:04
daanmrfisk: yes :P09:04
mrfisksome nice stuff in this ubuntu :p09:04
iarwainmhz`: perhaps a "locate eggdrop" can help =)09:05
oskudehi, i got (atlast) a new pc. it has a 500gb SATA hd but installer crashes at partition, and cfdisk says "Bad primary partition 3: Partition ends in the final partial cylind09:05
oskude" what could i look ?09:05
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patrlckdaan, well it has to be something related to my hard drive09:05
evan_Unpacking cpp (from .../cpp_4%3a4.1.2-1ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...09:05
evan_Errors were encountered while processing:09:05
evan_ /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-video-savage_1%3a2.1.2-1_i386.deb09:05
evan_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:05
daanpatrlck: yes but what do you mean with vram09:05
ubunuti grabbed the unrar too ty09:05
magnetronevan_: do you have automatix installed? it is known to wreck dist-upgrades09:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:05
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patrlckdaan, memory on my hard drive09:05
setuidHow do I keep gdm installed, but not launch it on startup?09:06
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patrlckmemory used by the system09:06
evan_magnetron if automatix is in the basepackets ive not installed any packets with synaptic so far09:06
daanpatrlck: swap space i think you mean then or the fast memory cache on the drive?09:06
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setuidI guess I'll just chmod 000 /etc/init.d/gdm09:06
John`nice script pike09:06
patrlckdaan, maybe both09:06
John`how you come up with this?09:07
jo3setuid, you can remove the file from /etc/rc3.d/gdm09:07
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setuidjo3, That's sloppy09:07
daanif you want to clear the swapspace then you can do that with the command swapoff09:07
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setuiddaan, swapoff doesn't clear swapspace09:07
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jo3setuid, not really09:07
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magnetronevan_: what is the error during the dist upgrade?09:07
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daansetuid: it doesn't ?09:07
IceLinkcan anyone tell me what's wrong with this line:09:07
IceLinksudo setfacl -m d:u::rw,d:g:www-data:rw,d:m:rw,d:o:--- /var/www09:07
setuiddaan, No, it doesn't.09:07
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patrlcksetuid, is there a command to do it then ?09:07
daansetuid: well it did when i did it09:07
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setuiddaan, In 12+ years, swapoff has never cleared swap09:08
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setuidpatrlck, Do you want to clear it, or deallocate it?09:08
lordlucanI just tried setting up a usb stick for use with the livecd and persistence....but how do I save the changes I've made ? Does it automatically save when I restart?09:08
patrlckjust clear it09:08
evan_magnetron: Errors were encountered while processing:09:08
evan_ /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-video-savage_1%3a2.1.2-1_i386.deb09:08
evan_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:08
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AaronMTswapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swap09:08
daansetuid: well i'll try it again now09:08
setuidpatrlck, You need to overwrite it with junk data09:08
setuidThen mkswap it09:08
rambo3dd ?09:08
patrlckthen I guess it wouldn't solve my problem09:08
setuid'strings /dev/urandom'09:08
setuidpatrlck, What is the problme?09:09
fusheh!paste | evan_09:09
ubotuevan_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:09
capHow can you convert a whole folder of one audio file type to another? Without losing much quality.09:09
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daansetuid: allright maybe it doesn't clear it but it moves it from swap to memory09:09
patrlcksetuid,  Whenever I burn a dvd everything is fine but after that ALL discs access are VERY slow09:09
IceLinkcap if it's mp3 to ogg, use mp32ogg << i like09:09
setuidpatrlck, That has nothign to do with swap09:09
patrlckand as I said, I need to completely reboot to return to normal09:09
lordlucanI just tried setting up a usb stick for use with the livecd and persistence....but how do I save the changes I've made ? Does it automatically save when I restart?09:09
setuidpatrlck, Sounds like an IO problem09:10
AyabaraI formatted an external drive as hfs+ in ubuntu, but os x says "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" when I turn it on. Any advice.09:10
capI'm trying to convert m4a to another format that will allow me to write a CD09:10
pike__John`: sorry im a little busy umm ive updated the paste it might work. also just take a look at the commands they are pretty straight forward.09:10
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patrlcksetuid, it has to be but I don't really know what to look for09:10
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capany solutions?09:10
daanpatrlck: he is gone...09:10
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````bulldoggcan someone help me a minute.09:11
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lordlucani set up a usb key for persistence but how do the changes I make in LiveCD get saved? Do I save them manually somehow?09:11
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mick_Hi, is there any way to use the 7.04 live CD to install on a machine with 128Mb RAM?09:11
daanpatrlck: do you have your harddrive on the same ide cable as your burner09:11
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Caiti just intalled ubuntu and i get an error about it not recognizing my screen. how do i fix this?09:11
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patrlckdaan, do you know a command that will list all locked files on my system ?09:11
iarwain````bulldogg: ask your question ;)09:11
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patrlckdaan, I,m not sure about that09:11
wdarAgent orange. ubunto please09:11
patrlcklet me check09:12
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:12
daanpatrlck: lsof09:12
ditoaubuntu doesnt use the root account yes?09:12
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:12
ubunutwont allow u to logon graphically09:12
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ubunutwith it correct09:12
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ditoaswat needs to run as root09:12
````bulldoggI have Ubuntu Ultimate 1.3 installed... I just went through the install in one of the forums to install WOW... it boots up goes through the cinema and then crashes.. I tried to go tweak the wtf config file as part of the trouble shooting.... WoW is not getting in far enough to create this file before it crashes what can I do to fix it09:12
=== Sneakyfox [n=dsafsa@port330.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ditoaso i need to set the root password09:13
magnetron!enter | ditoa. ubunut09:13
ubotuditoa. ubunut: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:13
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PriceChildditoa, what needs to run as root?09:13
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ditoamy apologies09:13
ompaul!rootsudo | ditoa09:13
ubotuditoa: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:13
PriceChildditoa, root should only be used for system administration...09:13
iarwain````bulldogg: did WoW get installed? or is it crashing there?09:14
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patrlckshit I gotta close my computer, bbl09:14
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mick_ditoa: if you ever need to _be_ root you can always use "sudo su -"09:14
````bulldoggIt installed. When I try to boot it up to play its crashes right after the cinema is over with.  The cinema works and looks great09:14
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ditoaapparently swat uses the root account09:15
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ditoai normally just "sudo bash"09:15
Caitif i have an AMD processor do i HAVE to use the amd option when i downlad the iso? i read somewhere that the amd version is bad?? could this be my problem?09:15
ditoato get a root level shell09:15
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magnetronmick_: it's not sudo su -  , it's sudo -s09:15
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newbpetervk: u there?09:15
MajorPaynesudo -i is a good way to get a root shell.09:15
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````bulldoggI installed it using wine09:16
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PriceChildCait, you're mistaking intel vs amd, and 32bit vs 64bit09:16
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iarwain````bulldogg: can you start it from terminal? (wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\Blizzard\etc etc) ? btw, say my name when talking to me, it's easier for me to read your response that way09:16
PriceChildCait, if you have a 32bit proc, use the 32bit iso09:16
mick_magnetron: what's up with "sudo su -"?09:16
ompaulditoa, what you do in the privacy of your own command line is your business, however you are asked to go to that web page, a lot of work went into it09:16
ompaulmick_, lots09:16
PriceChildCait, likewise, if you have a 64bit proc, you "may" want to use the 64bit install disk.09:16
erUSULmick_: no root in ubuntu09:16
````bulldoggiarwain Ok let me try it real quick09:16
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Caitbut do i have to?09:16
erUSULmick_: use 'sudo -i'09:16
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=== mrfisk [n=christia@c80-216-166-73.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
mick_uid 0? :)09:16
PriceChildCait, the 32bit disc should always work09:17
mrfiskWhere could i find Geforce GO 7700 drivers for ubuntu ?09:17
magnetron!noroot > mick_09:17
Caitooo ok then.09:17
PriceChildmrfisk, it will work by default09:17
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PriceChildmrfisk, if you want 3d acceleration, /msg ubotu nvidia09:17
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Caitwow all this is more complicated than i imagined it. i wish i could jsut get thru the install haha09:17
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erUSUL!nvidia | mrfisk09:17
mrfiskthanks =)09:17
ubotumrfisk: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:17
MajorPayne15:10 < patrlck> setuid, it has to be but I don't really know what to look for09:18
MajorPayne15:10 < John`> thanks [15:10]  [MajorPayne(+ei)]  [3:#ubuntu(+Lcfntz #ubuntu-unregged)]  [Act: 5] 09:18
MajorPayne[#ubuntu] 09:18
PriceChildCait, so you've installed it via "sudo apt-get install swat" right?09:18
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MajorPayneWhops.  Sorry.09:18
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Caiti tried taht but it says it can't access it09:18
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mick_is there any way to use the 7.04 live CD to install on a machine with 128Mb RAM?09:18
Caitdo i need to be hooked up to the internet?09:18
PriceChildCait, yes09:18
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Caithow do i do that if i use wireless?09:18
jeplerI understand that "breezy" is no longer supported, but are there any remaining mirrors for its packages?  they seem to all have been removed from archive.ubuntu.com.09:18
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````bulldoggiarwain how can I view hidden files in the terminal?09:18
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iarwain````bulldogg: ls -lah09:19
preaction````bulldogg: ls -a09:19
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jo3i know there must be a way to disable quit/connect messages on xchat? anyone know?09:19
Sneakyfoxinstalling from fresh Ubuntu 7.04 (64-bit) CD-image. Get the boot screen and select install. After some time i get a CLI. The log shows "mounting /dev/sda1 on /cdrom failed: no such device"09:19
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mhz`hmm..i apt-get install eggdrop, i can type eggdrop from terminal..apt-get install tcliand loads but mentions the config file, however when i try to ./configure a source of eggdrop it says no tcl found09:20
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Flanker37i have an older compaq pressario laptop i am trying to install 7.04 on, but after install screen laptop is just sitting on a black screen for more than hour and a half, any suggestions09:20
PriceChildmhz`, you'll need libtcl-whatever09:20
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````bulldoggokay maybe I am stupid how do I get an .exe to execute at terminal09:20
uberushaximuswith wine?09:20
Caitis there a way to connect to the internet during install if i have wireless?09:20
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fusheh````bulldogg: .exe o_O09:20
PriceChild````bulldogg, we dont' use exes...09:21
iarwain````bulldogg: wine program.exe09:21
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fusheh````bulldogg: Gotta get some wine :o09:21
PriceChild````bulldogg, what are you actually trying to do?09:21
ompaul````bulldogg, well first you don't need the ``` and then you do "wine /path/to/exe"  after sudo apt-get install wine09:21
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herbaliserhi does ubuntu 7.04 support WPA2-PSK?09:21
PriceChildherbaliser, depends on the wireless card09:22
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jo3wpasupplicant does09:22
PriceChildherbaliser, should be good09:22
lekuhey when I switch to beryl09:22
lekuI lose my window borders09:22
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lekuhow do I fix please?09:22
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ompaulleku, #ubuntu-effects09:22
herbaliserleku www.ubuntuguide.org ther is a howto09:22
fushehSneakyfox: The error is straight forward. Does /dev/sda1 exist?09:22
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jo3any xchat users, how do you disable quit/join messages09:23
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Sneakyfoxfusheh: have no idea. I just downloaded the image, burned, and booted. Get the boot menu and select install, then it stops09:24
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Sneakyfoxgoogle told me to check /casper.log, which is what I did09:24
Jack_Sparrowjo3: I never did find that out.. I switched to Konversation09:24
ubunutheh corrupption09:24
ubunutsound liek to me09:24
ubunuttry redownload it09:24
ubunutcheck cd for defects09:25
fushehjo3: irc_conf_mode maybe?09:25
Flanker37can ubuntu be installed with a USB flash drive, or external DVD drive?09:25
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ubunutyes usb09:25
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: yes09:25
Sneakyfoxubunut: me?09:25
ubunutidk external dvd09:25
ubunutyes u09:25
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: let me find the link.. is usb bootable?09:25
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: not all are09:25
ubunutdepends on your bios09:25
Flanker37its crap09:25
Sneakyfoxubunut: when i do the check, the same error comes up09:26
Flanker37its old09:26
ubunutredoanload it09:26
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ubunuthappened to me couple times09:26
mrfiskIt seems my realtek built in soundcard is installed, but can't hear anything. What may be causing this ?09:26
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: If usb cant boot then I dont know how09:26
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ditoai read that rootsudo page09:26
Sneakyfoxrunning 64-bit image btw, hardware is intel santa rosa platform with nvidia 8600 gt09:26
Flanker37i cant understand why it isnt installing off the CD, kbuntu wont intstall either09:26
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: where does it stop09:27
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Flanker37it sits on a black screen with a dash flashing in the top right corner, for 1hr and a half09:27
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: try hitting F6 at the first menu then typing noapic and then enter09:27
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Flanker37left sorry09:27
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Flanker37will give that a shot09:28
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: Ehat hardware are we talking about09:28
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ditoahow do i configure swat so that it runs correctly without having to enable root?09:28
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fr33z  d09:28
sidny4aside from the !lvm info ubotu will give me, does anyone know where I can learn about LVM? We are planning on deploying it on our servers and doing lvm snapshots (supposedly a fast and efficient backup)09:29
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Flanker37whats ehat09:29
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: What is your hardware setup?09:29
uakkeriundefined reference to `vtable for Sorter' <- what is that09:29
mrfiskIs mp3 not supported by default ?09:29
ubunuti have a machine that wouldn't take xp home kept snagging on install so i tried to install the ubuntu on it did same thing09:29
ubunutany ideas there?09:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:29
Jack_Sparrowmrfisk: No it cant be but..09:29
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wa9nomrfisk: ...09:29
Flanker37its an old compaq pressario laptop, with cd drive, not dvd combi09:30
nesssyadieu. good night09:30
magnetronsidny4: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/09:30
Ayabaraanyone using the hfs+ fs? I _need_ help. Ubuntu can read my hfs+ drive, but OS X can't09:30
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mrfiskWell. doesnt even run in VLC.. mp3's i mean.. and no sound in movies either09:30
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: I would reburn the cd from iso at a very slow speed.. It seems to help with those old laptops, I have several09:30
Flanker37ok sure, i burned it at 3209:31
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````bulldogg3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b09:32
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````bulldoggthere is a lot more than that but I seem to have a video problem09:32
oskudewhy cant i use umlauts in computer name ? (installer)09:32
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: I did mine at the slowest not 1 speed09:32
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Anlar````bulldogg: don't use 32-bit colors, your monitor can do 24 only anyways09:33
Flanker37i think my slowest on nero is 4x09:33
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````bulldoggAnlar can you tell me where to go change that for the game09:34
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Jack_SparrowFlanker37: that is fine.. just to eliminate that as a problem09:34
mrfiskInstalled the restricted thing.. still no working :o09:34
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towliebanhi guys09:35
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magnetronwelcome, towlieban09:36
Flanker37hmm track at once, or disk at once?09:36
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Jack_Sparrowdisk at once should be fine09:36
Jack_Sparrowhavent used nero in awhile09:36
towliebanim going to be installing ubuntu and running it in a VM. should i get 7.04 or 6.06 ?09:36
PriceChildtowlieban, what do you want to do with it?09:36
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magnetrontowlieban: which VM?09:37
chadeldridgetowlieban: eithor or will work in a VM ... what are you doing with it ?09:37
towliebanPriceChild use it as a desktop o.s.09:37
fushehtowlieban: Go with the latest version eh?09:37
towliebanmagnetron parallels09:37
PriceChildtowlieban, i say 7.0409:37
chadeldridge7.04 then09:37
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magnetrontowlieban: 7.04 ftw09:37
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towliebanftw ?09:37
daanFlanker37: try this http://www.snapfiles.com/get/burncdcc.html09:37
gangsterliciousfor the win09:37
fushehtowlieban: For The Win09:37
chadeldridgeftw = for the win09:37
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Flanker37burning now, does ubuntu give you the option to format HD?09:38
gangsterliciousyou failed09:38
chadeldridgebunch of game geeks here . lol09:38
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daanFlanker37: yes09:38
ditoahey. i have installed/configured swat. it is running as it prompts me for username and password but does not accept my account ??09:38
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Flanker37got win2000 on now and its reeeeeeeely slow09:38
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: yes09:38
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Beriantdoes anyone know how i would go about installing windows xp professional after installing ubuntu,ive got the recovery cd but i dont have the professional SP 1 cd09:38
Jack_SparrowFlanker37: just tell it to use entire drive09:39
Beriantanyway i can download it?09:39
fushehditoa: You arent entering the right credentials?09:39
John`are you still there?09:39
ditoafusheh: i guess not but there is only 1 account on this machine. mine. so i dont see how it is wrong :(09:39
````bulldoggI have a integrated intel graphics card in this laptop... are there certain things you must do for it09:39
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soothsayerIs anyone familiar with debarchiver? I keep getting "Error: Update Release File" errors in syslog.09:39
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jo3for what?09:39
fushehditoa: Dunno what swat is, but maybe it has it's own user accounts for that app thinger?09:39
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ditoawell apparently i have to login as root09:40
John`jo3: did you say you know how to mount stuff in a network drive?09:40
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powergoal1I am about to install kubuntu onto a new acer 5570 laptop that came running windows vista premium.  The laptop has a switch for toggling wireless, but the switch doesn't seem to work in the livecd version of ubuntu.  Does anyone have experience in fixing this or know where i might look to find the solution?09:40
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ditoahowever ubuntu disables this by default so i dunno if i should enable it or not :/09:40
magnetronBeriant: that would be piracy. we don't discuss piracy here. Also, we don't give Windows support here. try ##windows channel09:40
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Jack_SparrowBeriant: If you google it 99 out of 100 set it up with windows on first.  The other can be done.. you can go with the crowd or go with the 1 in 10009:40
PriceChild!sudo | ditoa09:40
ubotuditoa: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:40
fushehditoa: You can't login as root unless you enable it. But, it shouldn't be needed. Run it as sudo09:40
towliebanhas anyone here installed ubuntu under parallels ?09:40
mariooliveirahttp_proxy= " http://proxy.example.com:8080 " changing this variable  i can use diferent proxys but how do i run 2 times wget using diferent proxys at same time? is it possible?09:40
gangsterliciousrxvt unicode09:40
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stefg!keytouch | powergoal109:40
ubotupowergoal1: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net09:40
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fushehditoa: If it's gui based run it with gksudo09:41
powergoal1stefg: thanks :D09:41
PriceChildditoa, you will not need to run anything but the apt-get install as root... as its just a web interface?09:41
ditoaits a web gui for samba09:41
jo3John`: you can mount it for longterm use or just browse the windows shares09:41
Beriantdoes anyone know how i would go about installing windows xp professional after installing ubuntu,ive got the recovery cd but i dont have the professional SP 1 cd09:41
Beriantanyway i can download it?09:41
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vox754My firefox crashed with this message "Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h: 554: elf_machine_rel_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 8' failed!" anybody recognizes it?09:41
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ditoai dont know how to configure swat to let my account login with root level access09:41
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PriceChild!windows | Beriant09:41
ubotuBeriant: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:41
stefg!piracy | Beriant09:41
fushehvox754: Google is your friend?09:41
ubotuBeriant: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o09:41
alexIdoiahey I have a problem connecting two boxes via ssh, I tried ssh LAN_IP and I got a sss: connect to host LAN_IP port 22: Connection refused, what can it be ?09:41
John`mount long term require /etc/fstab?09:41
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ditoathe application is running fine as the website loads, it is just that i cannot login as only root can09:41
John`you can't mount temporary?09:41
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Beriantubotu,its not piracy ive got the cd key and i bought it09:42
MocheezeHi all. I have a few thousand photos I need to scan. At the same time, I want to switch to Ubuntu full time. I'd like to be able to scan a full bed of photos at once and have software auto crop them into separate files for me. Can anyone recommend either scanning software or post-processing software that can help me accomplish this? Thanks for the help!09:42
PriceChildditoa, I guess you need to add a user to samba then.09:42
vox754fusheh, hahaha... my firefox crashed and doesn't open again...09:42
magnetronmariooliveira: you can prepend the wget commandline with declaration, like this: http_proxy=proxyurl wget fileurl09:42
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fushehvox754: sounds evil.09:42
Dodekone of the ps/2 slots in my mainboard is broken so i'm not able to move the mouse pointer with mouse. do you know any way to move it with keyboard?09:42
PriceChildmagnetron, you could also put that in .wgetrc ;)09:42
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:42
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=== fusheh goes to google for you xD
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:43
jo3John`: if you have samba installed you can use Nautilus to browse the shares09:43
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linxehanyone know of a good Linux anti-FUD site aimed at IT managers? I could do with one to help sell a migration from Windows servers to linux :o09:43
PriceChildDodek, ctrl+shift+num lock09:43
magnetronPriceChild: yes, but he asked for how to use different proxies for different instances of wget09:43
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PriceChildDodek, if the numlock is on, then you can then use the numpad to move it09:43
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PriceChildmagnetron, ah sorry09:43
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hardwirewow! a penis09:43
hardwirethanks for sharing wow!09:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:43
hardwirejust amazing.. simply amazing09:44
DodekPriceChild, wow, it does work09:44
hardwireI can go on living my day now09:44
PriceChildDodek, its ace isn't it :)09:44
vox754PriceChild, be ready!09:44
Dodeki didn't knew about it09:44
mazzenhi! is it possible to get build infos (autogen/configure parameters) out of existing ubuntu packages?09:44
DodekPriceChild, thanks :)09:44
towliebanhas anyone here installed ubuntu under parallels ?09:44
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PriceChildDodek, I love things like that... and hilight and middle click etc.09:44
mariooliveiramagnetron, tanks :)  merry cristmas09:44
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PriceChildmazzen, yes... I think.09:44
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mazzenPriceChild: hey, that would be wonderful :)09:45
magnetronyou're welcome, mariooliveira09:45
Dodeki discovered highlight and middle click long time ago. now i try to use it even if i'm on windows :)09:45
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Dodeki can't live without it09:45
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pacmaneatsmynuclHow do i install/compile an xmms plugin?09:45
DodekPriceChild, one question - how to simulate mouse clicks with it? :)09:46
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PriceChildDodek, i think its 0... or 5.... experiement :)09:46
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Dodeki'm trying but i'm still getting no result09:46
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PriceChildDodek, it is 009:47
PriceChildDodek, on the numpad...09:47
PriceChildmazzen, hmm I thought there was an apt command... maybe not... *investigates iwth dpkg*09:47
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PriceChildmazzen, if all else fails, you can download the source using apt-get source and investigate debian/rules09:47
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MocheezeI have a few thousand photos I need to scan. At the same time, I want to switch to Ubuntu full time. I'd like to be able to scan a full bed of photos at once and have software auto crop them into separate files for me. Can anyone recommend either scanning software or post-processing software that can help me accomplish this?09:47
DodekPriceChild, weird, it works now but it didn't few seconds ago09:47
mrfiskWhat can i do.. it seems installed but can't hear anything.. have alsa mixer on09:47
mrfisksound that is09:48
Dodekthanks anyway09:48
sx66how do you put the cpu, mem, etc power usage on the desktop similar to DSL? what app is that?09:48
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Dodektomorrow i'll buy usb mouse09:48
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powergoal1stefg: Ok, I looked at the recommendation that you made regarding my wireless card, but I don't think that solves the issue.  The toggle switch on my laptop does not have an "on" and "off" set of positions, rather a "toggle" "rest" position.  So when I move it to "toggle" it will switch from off to on, or vis versa.  However, this function does not seem to be working while in linux.  I am wondering if there might be informati09:48
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n2diysx66 top09:48
sx66n2diy: besides that command09:48
PriceChildmazzen, hmm can't find anything better than checking the rules file in the source sorry :S09:49
sx66I want an app that reads all of that....and displays it on the desktop09:49
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PriceChildHi kain09:50
kaini just installed ubuntu feisty fawn and ndiswrapper and my wireless driver09:50
soothsayersx66: gkrellm?09:50
````bulldoggthanks for the help everyone09:50
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kainusing wifi-radar to connect wirelessly with no luck it detects and connects to the ip but google.com displays nothing09:50
stefgpowergoal1: so this might be a proprietray extension to the bios or acpi, or the driver... i'd enter make and model of your machine together with 'linux' or 'ubuntu' to google and see if there's other folks who found a solution09:50
n2diysx66 menu > system > admin > system monitor?09:50
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powergoal1stefg: ok, thankyou for your help! :D09:51
mazzenPriceChild: never mind! i'll take a loot at it!09:51
kaininstalled wireless assistant and that won't work at all it's like it doesn;t even attempt to connect09:51
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kaini was wondering what else i should try?09:51
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PriceChildmazzen, or you could use packages.ubuntu.com, and find the diff.gz's such as http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/pidgin_2.0.2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz to find the debian/rules to see what options are there.09:52
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kainPriceChild? anyone?09:53
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PriceChildmazzen, instead of downloading the entire source package09:53
PriceChildkain, I don't know sorry09:53
vox754!please | kain09:53
ubotukain: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience09:53
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fushehvox754: I can't really find any solutions to your problem. It seems like a really nasty bug o.o09:54
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mhz`anyone know how to change the character set of an eggdrop?09:54
Gokee2_LaptopCan I boot the live cd without a gui?  The gui takes forever and then ends up with a brown screen with a non-moving curser.  The computer seems rather locked up at that point and will not respond to ctr+Backspace or Ctr+F1-409:54
hoelki need some help with my english ;)09:54
mazzenPriceChild: hey thank! thats a good hint!  i also got the hint to take a look at the build logs of launchpad.net both helps me a lot! thanks!09:55
PriceChildmazzen, good luck :)09:55
hoelkwhats "making a cigarette out of papers and tobacco" called?09:55
hoelkthere has to be a sly word for it09:55
vox754fusheh, oh, thanks though. I think I'm running out of memory, because I have 512 MB. May be time to buy an extra GB.09:55
n2diyhoelk: file roller?09:55
PriceChildGokee2_Laptop, once booted you could switch to tty and shut down the gui...?09:55
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dxdthoelk: that is really interesting.  I have 4 friends that do that I cannot think of one sly word.  Now I'm puzzled.09:56
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Sneakyfoxinstalling from fresh Ubuntu 7.04 (64-bit) CD-image (2 different cd's). Get the boot screen and select install. After some time i get a CLI, "cant access tty; job control turned off". /casper.log shows "mounting /dev/sda1 on /cdrom failed: no such device". Why? What can i do?09:56
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CarmenSandiegoSorry to keep on with this topic, but apparently shredding on ext3 is fine so long as it's only journaling file metadata - ie. if it is in the default "data=ordered" mode. So the 'shred' command should still render a given file fairly unrecoverable. Theoretically, to erase free space, one need only create a file big enough to fill said free space, and then run the shred command on that.09:56
Gokee2_LaptopPriceChild, It won`t respond to a tty switch or a xkill signal09:56
hoelki wouldn't know what to ask the dictionary09:56
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newbhey can someone gimme a hand?09:57
gomez01can i use a cargps and connect it to my laptop?09:57
newbi am having probs loading ubuntu onto my laptop09:57
fushehhoelk: rollies o.o09:57
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Gokee2_LaptopO their it goes this time is seems to be working09:57
pacmaneatsmynuclwhat do i need to type into terminal to install/compile xmms plugins?09:57
ramza3is there  a real player for ubuntu?09:57
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PriceChildGokee2_Laptop, if i would you i would be patient09:57
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hoelkhmm someone in another channel suggested "roll up a cigarette"09:58
PriceChildramza3, you can play real media etc. on any player if you install the correct codecs09:58
newbhow come i cannot get ubuntu cd to load on my dell laptop??09:58
CatsceoHello, I wanted to know if there would be any problems I should know of when installing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on a iBook G3.09:58
ramza3PriceChild, through apt?09:58
PriceChildnewb, change the boot order to make sure it looks for cdrom before hd09:58
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PriceChild!mp3 | ramza309:58
uboturamza3: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:58
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ompaul!offtopic | hoelk09:58
ubotuhoelk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:58
Gokee2_LaptopPriceChild, Ok thanks, Do you happen to know the name of the installer or should I go look it up?09:59
dxdtstupid question, how do I add a user to a group?  usermod?  groupmod?  huh?09:59
Gokee2_Laptop(From a tty)09:59
gomez01pacmaneatsmynucl -  do apt-cache search xmms09:59
PriceChildGokee2_Laptop, the installer?09:59
newbpricechild:yeah i entered the nboot menu and changed it to the dvdrom and it juss ends up at the windows did nnot load properly screen after like a min of blackscreen09:59
PriceChildGokee2_Laptop, there is no cli installer09:59
gomez01you will see all xmms packages09:59
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PriceChildGokee2_Laptop, use the "alternate cd" for a cli instillation09:59
gomez01to install sudo apt-get install package name09:59
Gokee2_LaptopPriceChild, To install ubuntu on the hard drive09:59
PriceChildnewb, well then you didn't save settings or soemthing09:59
bluefox83anyone remember hwo to rotate the cube with compiz?10:00
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newbpricvechild:hmmm brb lemme try again10:00
PriceChildbluefox83, #ubuntu-effects please10:00
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Gokee2_LaptopSorry...  I am at a tty on the live cd and I want to install ubuntu onto the hard drive :)10:00
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Ayabaracan linux write to hfs drives?10:01
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mark____can somebody point me towards info on upgrading my kernle from the 7.o4 default?10:01
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towliebanif i want to compile the kernel from source code in ubuntu, do i do it the same way as any other distro ?10:01
Catsceono help for me then? :<10:01
towliebanAyabara i dont think so but i think theres read-only access iirc10:01
PriceChildmark____, why do you want to?10:01
mrsnotowlieban you can but why not do it the debian/ubuntu way :)10:01
pacmaneatsmynuclGood suggestion, but it's not on there10:01
PriceChild!kernel | towlieban10:01
ubotutowlieban: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:01
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PriceChildtowlieban, "don't"10:01
mrsnotowlieban try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:01
mark____having some hardware problems that I hear are fixed in the latest kernle10:02
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dxdtI added my user to a group but when I type groups as that user the new group isn't listed, what gives? :-./10:02
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Sneakyfoxanyone know what to do about "mounting /dev/sda1 on /cdrom failed: no such device" at ubuntu install?10:02
mwedxdt log out and back in10:02
Ayabaratowlieban, ok. I have to share an external drive between linux and osx, and I'm beginning to see fat32 as the only alternative...10:02
towliebanAyabara i am in that exact same situation10:03
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pacmaneatsmynuclThe readmes that came with the file tell me to run make clean, make and make install, but what file do i run them on?10:03
numusin mplayer why cant i go into outside the linux partition?10:03
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jerkface03Does anyone have any beginner guides on linux/ubuntu development?10:04
alexIdoiahow do you start sshd ? I tried sshd but it asks for an absolute path10:04
n2diypacmaneatsmynucl: just run them in the directory you expand the files in.10:04
anto9usnumus: mplayer should see any mounted filesystem10:04
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towliebanAyabara i have a 100GB external HD that i share between windows and os x. i eventually decided to format it at fat32. works ok as long as you dont need to create a single file larger than 4GB (like for a system backup)10:04
numusanto9us it only lets me on the Z drive (virtual disk partition of linux)10:04
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dxdthahahah better question guys.  I fucked up soemthing with the group adding and in the process removed myself from sudo, etc.  Anyway to undo this now that I'm not sudo10:04
caseofthemondaysI ejected my external usb drive before unplugging it and now i still have its icon on my screen.  When i plug it back in it creates a new icon so now i have 2 ... how do i get rid of the depricated icon ?10:05
anto9usnumus: only reason you would have a Z drive is if you're running in a vitual machine or something, yes?10:05
PriceChild!pj,u | dxdt10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pj,u - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
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Ayabaratowlieban, I don't think I will need that large files. Will miss the permissions-stuff though :-/10:05
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PriceChild!ohmy | dxdt10:05
fushehdxdt: Recovery mode sounds good :o10:05
ubotudxdt: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:05
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towliebanAyabara yea...10:05
mazzentaking a look at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/ i noticed that there are various versions of nautilus... high unstable version for the upcoming ubuntu version, *but* no 2.x.2 or 2.x.3 which are pure bugfixes versions. is there any good reason for that?10:05
numusanto9us yes.. it is running ubuntu off a virtual disk so i can dual boot with windowsxp with easily uninstallation of ubuntu if i need to10:06
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dxdthahaha oh wow.10:06
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dxdtoh wait.  I have an idea.10:06
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caseofthemondaysI ejected my external usb drive before unplugging it and now i still have its icon on my screen.  When i plug it back in it creates a new icon so now i have 2 ... how do i get rid of the depricated icon ?10:06
dxdtWhat group do I need to be  a part of to have sudo powers?  I'm still logged in on one terminal that I *think* I'll still have sudo on until I exit.10:06
fushehdxdt: Funny situation you got yourself into. lol xD10:07
dxdtI need to make sure I add the correct group back to my username10:07
sidenetcan someone give me some pointers with configuring aiglx with my ati radeon mobility x300?  i've looked at several tutorials and i'm not quite sure i followed the procedures correctly10:07
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caseofthemondaysdxdt:  are you sure you want to be logged in with root acess all the time ?10:07
PriceChildsidenet, #ubuntu-effects and with that card its not going to be good10:07
PriceChilddxdt, the "admin" grou10:07
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anto9usnumus: what do you mean by virtual disk?10:07
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dxdtPriceChild: so like usermod -G admin username   right?10:07
Billyhow do I format my thumb drive?10:07
numusanto9us never mind totem works well enough10:07
dxdtor should I do -g :-/10:08
sidenetpricechild:  do you think i'll be able to run compiz-fusion with my card?10:08
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PriceChildsidenet, #ubuntu-effects please10:08
BillyI know it is in /media/disk  but how Do I format it for Fat?10:08
sidenetk, sorry10:08
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damageDOneHey can anyone tell me how to change the readwrite permissions on a usbdisk10:09
caseofthemondaysI ejected my external usb drive before unplugging it and now i still have its icon on my screen.  When i plug it back in it creates a new icon so now i have 2 ... how do i get rid of the depricated icon ?  Unmounting it only removes the new icon, not the old one, and rebooting did nothing.10:09
fushehdxdt: I think it's -g :o10:09
CaptainMBilly, there's a graphical program called qtparted you can use10:09
BillyCaptainM: thank you10:09
Jack_Sparrowgparted too10:09
Polygon89Billy, or if you use gnome, gparted10:09
Holty101_could anyone possibly talk me through setting up the mana wold on ubuntu please im a newb and any help will be apriciated10:10
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SYNACKcaseofthemondays, after you unmount the dirve try hitting f5 on the desktop10:10
caseofthemondayssynack:  nothing10:10
SYNACKicon still there?10:10
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caseofthemondaysunfortunatelly yes10:10
dxdtahhh nm.  I think I killed it.  That trick didn't  work.  haha oh well10:11
damageDOneHello everyone, I have a usbdisk that is saying it's read only. Can anyone tell me how to change that?10:11
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pacmaneatsmynuclnow i keep getting "bash: /home/user/sndstretch_xmms: is a directory"10:11
mazzenthis "gnome-bugfixes packages" is an all-time question, isnt ? ;-)10:11
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fushehpacmaneatsmynucl: watcha trying to do10:11
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pacmaneatsmynuclinstall an xmms plugin10:12
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Judg3_Dr34DHello, I have AMD64 and Feisty 64bit version. Do I have to uninstall firefox 64bit version in order to install the 32bit one and get all the plug-ins to work?10:12
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knixJudg3_Dr34D: nspluginwrapper10:12
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fushehpacmaneatsmynucl: What where you trying to do that gave you that error.10:13
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Judg3_Dr34Dknix: ?10:13
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knixJudg3_Dr34D: look it up. You can run 32bit plugins in 64bit ff, it'll get you flash and acrobat10:13
caseofthemondaysI ejected my external usb drive before unplugging it and now i still have its icon on my screen.  When i plug it back in it creates a new icon so now i have 2 ... how do i get rid of the depricated icon ?10:13
pacmaneatsmynucl'/home/user/sndstretch_xmms' make clean10:13
pacmaneatsmynuclin terminal10:13
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pacmaneatsmynucland yes i am very new to this10:14
Judg3_Dr34Dknix: ok man thanks, I'll go google it :)10:14
knixnp :)10:14
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sx66how do you configure the monitor of a laptop to shutdown/power off in xubuntu?10:15
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PeterGashserver irc.freenode.net10:16
newbpricechild are you there?10:16
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numus i am having a problem.. if i click on something that requires a popup window of any kind.. i ahve to click again for the popup to show up10:16
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newbcan someone help me with my install??10:17
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Billymy usb stick is under NTFS and QTpartition is not working ,  Is there a way I can make ubuntu read and write to NTFS?10:17
nuxilHi all.. can anyone answer me why there is no host.allow and host.deny ? and can i make them files and they will do there job? i am using feisty!10:17
CaptainM!ask | newb10:17
ubotunewb: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:17
nuxilBilly, yes10:17
romboy_ntfs-3g works for me10:17
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mwe!ntfs | Billy10:17
ubotuBilly: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:17
Billythank you10:17
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Judg3_Dr34Dnewb: ask your question and if somenone knows he'll help10:17
numusumm my whole harddrive is formated in ntfs10:17
nuxilBilly, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda /mountpoint usaly10:18
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aspetosanyone some help with an openvpn setup in ubuntu please?10:18
teicah /sbin/ifconfig shows eth0 lo ppp0 ..how do i disable eth0?  im on dialup10:18
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newbok how do i know if ubuntu has drivers for my motherboard and its onbaord devices?10:18
numusaspetos did you ask that yetserday/10:18
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nuxilteicah, ifconfig eth0 down10:18
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Polygon89newb, google really.10:18
n2diyteicah: ifdown eth010:18
aspetosnumus and the day before that too10:18
Polygon89newb, just try googling "ubuntu, motherboard model, support"10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about host.allow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
teicahnuxil: n2diy :  does that make it permanent?10:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about host.deny - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
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mwe!msgthebot | nuxil10:19
ubotunuxil: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:19
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n2diyteicah: I don't think so?10:19
nuxilteicah, no.. put that in rc.local and chmod 755 rc.local and it will be perm10:19
aspetosnumus thing is that i've managed to make openvpn clients connect to the ubuntu openvpn server but they cannot ping any other machine on the LAN behind openvpn and i'm not sure if there is something wrong with ubuntu i'mi missing10:19
newbpolygon:i tried to boot from cd as live. got in. but when i tried to config my ip address. any address i put in will not work i dont know if my nic is supported.. its onbaord10:19
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aspetosany ideas numus ?10:19
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nuxilSo can anyone answer me why there is no host.allow and host.deny ? and can i make them files and they will do ther job?10:20
Carleton91what is feisty? and does it come installed with the latest ubuntu install?10:20
newbcarlton : yes dont even worry abou tit10:20
magnetronCarleton91: feisty is Ubuntu 7.04 , the latest Ubuntu install10:20
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derenrichI need a newer version of samba, are there repo's for more cutting edge versions?10:21
n2diyCarleton91: Feisty is the code name for the latest release of Ubuntu.10:21
Carleton91Oh ok haha, just kept seeing that on the forums and didn't know what ot make of it10:21
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ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents10:22
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derenrichwhen is gutsy going to be realsed?10:22
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SlimeyPetederenrich: october, in theory10:23
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zander_hi ppl i need help10:23
n2diyderenrich: October10:23
Carleton91Are Tomboy notes able to be printed?10:23
derenrichare its repos stable yet?10:23
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zander_want to install flashplugin for firefox10:23
derenrichcould i use gutsy repos with feisty?10:23
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:23
bluefox83derenrich, that would be a very bad idea10:23
SlimeyPetederenrich: the second number in the ubuntu versions indicates the month of release, so 7.04 (feisty) means April. If you add six to the number you get the month of the next release.10:23
derenrichoh, I never realized that10:24
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derenrichbluefox83: really?10:24
magnetronderenrich: no, use the feisty backports repository instead10:24
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BillyThank you, I am having growing pains.. but I will read and learn about the ntfs-config... thank you10:24
derenrichmagnetron: is that loaded by default?10:24
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magnetronderenrich: enable it with Synaptic10:25
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vox754!backport | derenrich10:25
ubotuderenrich: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:25
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surviverhello, i try to record sonthing straid from my sound-card but i cant seem to find the option like "stereo mix" in my sound control anyone know how  i can record straight from soundcard?10:25
mrfiskI got ALC833 HD Realtek sound.. that won't work ! :(10:25
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surviver!stereo mix10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stereo mix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alc883 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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surviver!record sound10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about record sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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surviver!sound control10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound control - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
g[r] eekhi has anyone here gotten postgresql-8.2 to work on dapper drake?10:27
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:27
=== RobLeavy [n=hi@pool-71-123-85-216.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
RobLeavyhttp://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=hai2u <-- Fill out the information and get an automatic $6 :P10:27
RobLeavyhttp://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=hai2u <-- Fill out the information and get an automatic $6 :P10:27
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alecw1I have Compiz Fusion installed on my Machine, and it works awesome. However, I need to use Compiz Fusion with "indirect rendering". I have this set in my session manager (so it will boot on start) "compiz --indirect-rendering ccp". However, it doesn't do it, and it renders with direct rendering. Is there a way I can change this?10:28
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zander_thx for the plugin tut ;)10:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tomboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
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surviverhello, i try to record sonthing straight from my sound-card but i cant seem to find the option like "stereo mix" in my sound control anyone know how  i can record straight from soundcard?10:29
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Rageagainstthishas the widescreen woes been fixed for 7.04?10:29
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cosmoretroi deleted my xorg.conf what can i do?10:30
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SYNACKdo you have a ~xorg.conf?10:30
Frank__What file format will play in a typical DVD player?10:30
Davenot do that again10:30
cosmoretrono i'm not10:30
Frank__Will .ISO play in a dvd player?10:30
g[r] eekhi has anyone here gotten postgresql-8.2 to work on dapper drake?10:31
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Daveusually, you are looking at a Video_TS folder10:31
xpointcosmoretro, x -configure10:31
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Frank__Are these 'no' s for me?10:31
alecw1What is the channel for open composting?10:31
cosmoretrook i'll try10:31
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Frank__Does Devede make a 'video-ts folder'?10:32
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mrfisk:( is it possible that ubuntu doesnt support my souncard ?10:32
Frank__I just see it has the ability to make .iso & .mpg10:32
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daanFrank__: an iso will play if it contains a dvd movie10:32
anto9usfrank_: yes, even if it's inside the .iso image10:32
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g[r] eekif i enable feisty in my sources.list then i can get dapper to apt-get install postgresql-8.2; how dangerous is this?10:32
Frank__i see, .iso it is..thx!10:32
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Davemrfisk: yes10:33
pacmaneatsmynuclwhat do i need to type into terminal to compile/install xmms plugins?10:33
SlimeyPeteg[r] eek: very. Mixing distributions can blitz your operating system.10:33
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-241-181-19.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
preactiong[r] eek: it's evil bad. it will not work. if it works it will mess your system. if it doesn't mess your system now, it will later10:33
daanFrank__: just be sure to burn it as an image not as a data dvd10:33
Frank__image not data..got it10:33
SlimeyPetesometimes it works OK, but sometimes it fails horribly10:33
mrfiskBut it's so common.. realtek hd :/10:33
Cyrus25801hey guys, where do I get rom's for the gsnes emulator10:33
Davemrfisk: ubuntu does not support my entire motherboard, so dont feel so bad, it could be worse!10:33
magnetrontry enabling the dapper backports repo, g[r] eek10:33
g[r] eekwell my other option was to upgrade server to feisty, but the installation stalls10:33
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preactionCyrus25801: that is not on-topic. getting roms for game you do not own is illegal. you'll find no help here10:34
SlimeyPetemrfisk: I have a realtek HD. It's sort-of supported but I find that I have to boot into Windows, turn volume up, then soft-reboot the PC to get anything out of it.10:34
g[r] eekinstalls perfectly on dapper though :/10:34
Davecyrus: !google snes roms10:34
n2diymrfisk: see if you can find the module for it with a Google search.10:34
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g[r] eekand im talking about a clean install10:34
xpointg[r] eek, postgresql say to backup db before upgrade10:34
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mrfiskalready looked for 2 hours for answers..10:35
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mrfiskok 1 actually :p10:35
Cyrus25801preaction: Im really sorry. But I do own nentendo games they date back to 198010:35
n2diymrfisk: look for the name of the module.10:35
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surviverhello, i try to record sonthing straight from my sound-card but i cant seem to find the option like "stereo mix" in my sound control anyone know how  i can record straight from soundcard?10:36
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Davewould anyone be able to help me troubleshoot a clean system? I believe ubuntu does not support my hardware10:36
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exihiho @all10:37
Paradox1How do I set the ipaddress of my machine from the command line?10:37
tapasDave: nobody knows that. as long as you don't tell whatproblem you see10:37
mrfiskalmost thinking of going back to the big x and p10:37
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tapasParadox1: man ifconfig10:37
ChousukeParadox1: with ipconfig10:37
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SlimeyPeteChousuke: that's Windows ;p10:38
Davetapas: you asked, and you shall recieve!10:38
ChousukeSlimeyPete: eh, right.10:38
tapasDave: i didn't ask10:38
Paradox1tapas: I did ifconfig eth1 address 192.XXX.XX.X and that didn't work10:38
Chousuke(Caused by me having to reinstall windows a few days back :()10:38
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Lo_Panifconfig eth1 192.blah.blah10:38
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tapasParadox1: well, is eth1 the interface yuo want to configure?10:39
Paradox1tapas: yes10:39
tapasParadox1: and did you by chance run dhclient afterwards?10:39
n2diyParadox1: try it again with sudo?10:39
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Paradox1tapas: no I didn't10:39
tapas"didn't work" can be about anything, to10:39
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mrfiskcan't believe it's so hard installing the most common intergated sound card alive!10:39
tapasdid you get an error?10:39
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tapastell us about it10:39
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MstbZalle"tell her about it.." *sing*10:40
Paradox1SOmething like cannot change address see ifconf --help10:40
PublicDisclaimerIs it possible to run a desktop environment like KDE and then a different WM like IceWM or Fluxbox (heck, even XFCE/Enlightenment) on top of it in Ubuntu?10:40
asdfIs anyone running a seamless Ubuntu and Vista install using Vmware and rdesktop?10:40
SlimeyPetemrfisk: proprietary, innit.10:40
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tapasParadox1: tell us the exact error msg10:40
zerwasDoes somebody have links or information on how to make his own ubuntu-installation-medium? (with specific drivers, software etc)10:40
n2diymrfisk: what is the make an model #?10:40
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MstbZallePublicDisclaimer: of course10:40
mrfiskRealtek ALC88310:40
Paradox1tapas: give me a second10:40
PublicDisclaimerMstbZalle: That's what I was thinking, but will the aforementioned wm's work with Compiz?10:41
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LukeEkbladI need help10:41
krlosplease help me10:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:41
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krloshelp  me10:41
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:41
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LukeEkbladSee if you can solv any of those :)10:42
brunnerdoes anyone know how to dock gaim to the right side of my screen so that when I maximize windows, they don't overlap by buddy list?10:42
n2diymrfisk: I got 30,000 hits on it and module.10:42
daan /kick krlos :P10:42
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asdfIs anyone running a seamless Ubuntu and Vista install using Vmware and rdesktop?10:42
mrfiskn2diy: yea well... nothing that helps me.10:42
brunnerI'm using gnome10:42
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SlimeyPetekrlos: what is your problem?10:42
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daankrlos: just ask a question ok?10:42
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Daveanywho, I am having horrible stability problems with every flavor of ubuntu (k,x, etc) I find the sustem is unable to run ubuntu clean, and occasionally has difficulties remaining stable long enough to install from the live CD. I have used the alternate CD, but booting results in the same instability. I have checked the sys logs after a hard freeze and it reports nothing. I have a completely 'clean' install. I am running a Athlon XP 3200+ on a 10:42
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krlosone monet10:43
n2diymrfisk: what are yqu talking about, how do you expect it to play, if you don't install the module for it?10:43
numuswhy is there a virus scanner for ubuntu10:43
Frank__Quick question, where can i change the number of minutes before sleep/hibrination?10:43
krlosone moment10:43
DaveI have searched google and the ubuntu forums and there are similar problems with people having 'incompatabilities' with ubuntu, and zero solutions10:43
mrfiskIt is installed.. or well atleast i can see the module in sound properties..10:43
Daveall seem to be with PCChips/SiS boards10:43
SlimeyPeteDave: we only saw as far as "on a" - IRC servers tend to truncate long messages.10:44
daanFrank__: power management10:44
tapasDave: try the alternate install10:44
tapasDave: and see if without X it is more stable10:44
Daveon a PCChips M848ALU mobo w/ SiS chipset. I am using an old ATI 9600 pro for graphics.10:44
Daveths SlimeyPete10:44
n2diymrfisk: what module is it, and where did you install it?10:44
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Davewill do tapas10:44
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LukeEkbladhttp://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/myproblems    <<<<  Those are the problems I have eith ubuntu.  If you want, you can read them and help me :)10:44
numusanyone know if an xbox controller driver is going to be ported to linux from windows10:44
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FrankTMnumus: doesnt that work already? i can connect my wii controller fine :)10:45
asdfIs anyone running a seamless Ubuntu and Vista install using Vmware and rdesktop?10:45
mrfiskHavnt done anything but installing some alsa thingies wich i know nothing about... but it didnt work before that either so i have no idea what to do10:45
numusfranktm i know in windows you need xbcd inorder to use the controller with windows10:45
CarmenSandiegoWhat version of the linux kernel does Feisty use? Is it the latest one?10:45
mrfiskIt didnt work after the install either10:45
Davetapas: do you reccomend telinit 3? or is there a better way10:45
preactionCarmenSandiego: do "uname -a" at a terminal to find what version you have10:46
FrankTMnumus: donno about windows :)10:46
=== PublicDisclaimer is now known as Kprofthreat
tapasDave: the "alternate install" has text install afaik10:46
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tapasDave: it's a different iso10:46
n2diymrfisk: Ok, once again, you need to get the module for your card, install it with the other kernel modules, and then run modprobe on it.10:46
_aibwhat entry would I put in sources.list to get this url to be seen as a repository? http://grey.colorado.edu/apt/archives/binary/10:46
Davetapas: yes, i have to use it to install; the live CD is too unstable to complete the install10:46
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tapasDave: so the alternate install is more stable?10:47
tapasDave: so it seems in yur case it's actually X that is the culprit10:47
mrfiskI'm new to this man.. have no idea of what u talking about.. a module is a driver right ?10:47
ciro314hello. i have installed mysql-admin and mysql-server-5.0 but i can not connect to localhost why? what should i do? thanks in advance guys!10:47
LukeEkbladCan someone pleas help me?   http://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/myproblems  <   Theres a list of the problems I have with ubuntu, pleas help!  Thanks!10:47
vox754CarmenSandiego, is not the latest because the latest is always being worked on. But it is close.10:47
n2diymrfisk: yes!10:48
Davetapas: no, but it is necessary to get a 'clean' install on my hard drive. Once I boot to the hard drive, it is just as unstable as the live CD10:48
tapasciro314: is the server started?>10:48
CarmenSandiegohow would I go about upgrading my linux kernel, and is it a good idea?10:48
tapasDave: yes sure, as X is loaded, right?10:48
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krlosI want to install my printer but I cannot10:48
erUSUL!kernel | CarmenSandiego10:48
ubotuCarmenSandiego: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:48
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tapasDave: [when you bootfrom the hd] 10:48
Davetapas: correct10:48
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Holty101_i guys everyone keeps telling me i shouldntbe using ubuntu i should use some other linux os whaat do you lot think10:48
tapasDave: ok, what kind of gfx card do you use?10:48
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CaptainMkrlos, we need some more information than that ;)10:48
daankrlos: what printer type?10:49
ciro314tapas, i do not think so. y typed mysql on a terminal and then tried to connect mysql-admin to localhost running sudo but nothing happened.10:49
Davetapas: ATI 9600 Pro - i have found instability with vesa as well as fglrx10:49
asdfhow do you kill the gnome-desktop?10:49
krlosis a canon PIXMA iP170010:49
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n2diyHolty101_: is everyone willing to help you with another OS, like the 1160 users here are?10:49
vox754CarmenSandiego, No it is not a good idea to get the latest kernel unless you are a hacker and really need a new functionality.10:49
mrfiskn2diy: can't find it i think :p10:49
tapasDave: ok.. dunno anything about ATI10:49
Daveasdf: sudo telinit 310:49
tapasDave: i'd try reading relevant wikis etc..10:49
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tapasciro314: maybe it has an init script10:50
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Holty101_no i really need help installing the mana world i tried yesterday and got reallty stuck i like ubuntu10:50
Davetapas: I have found similar situations, but they have all given up and returned to windows10:50
CarmenSandiegook. It doesn't look like I need it now anyway...10:50
asdfDave: that didn't do it10:50
tapasciro314: try /etc/init.d/mysql start10:50
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n2diymrfisk: I entered realtek acl833 module into google, and got 30,000 hits for it.10:50
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nixnoobwhy can't i upgrade to feisty? I get an error about not being able to authenticate?10:50
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daankrlos: did you try system -> preferences -> printing?10:50
tapasDave: ok, tough luck then10:50
vox754nixnoob, can you post a picture?10:50
tapasDave: check compatibility before trying to install linux :)10:50
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daankrlos: did you try system -> administration -> printing?10:51
nothingssomethinnixnoob is your current ubuntu completely updated10:51
tapascidco: [as root] 10:51
asdfHow do you kill the gnome-desktop from the terminal?10:51
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Holty101_n2diy can you help with me installing the mana world on Ubuntu or point me to a site that can?10:51
Davetapas: the hardware is recent, and 'fully supported'10:51
blublobluasdf: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:51
nixnoobnothingsomething, no10:51
daankrlos: and?10:51
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n2diyHolty101_: sorry, never heard of it.10:52
tapasDave: it seems it's not :) i would maybe talk to the xorg guys, too10:52
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Davetapas: thanks10:52
ciro314tapas, it works !!!!!!! thanks a lot. thanks10:52
daankrlos: what did you do10:52
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tapasDave: sorry, if i couldn't be of any mroe helpo. but i have no experience with ati cards. try #xorg :)10:53
krlosthere is no the model of printer in the list10:53
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IndyLucianim trying to do deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy as part of the first step on installing compiz but it says deb isn't a bash command10:53
mrfisktry ALC883 n2diy10:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about join - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:53
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mrfiskthat's the one i need10:53
daankrlos: try the ip2200 one10:53
snk00sjhi, after installing gdesklets all .desktop icons open with text editor10:53
vox754!compiz | IndyLucian10:53
ubotuIndyLucian: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:53
IndyLucianim there now10:53
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tapasciro314: if you want to start it everytime you bopto your computer have a look at man update-rc.d10:54
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SlimeyPeteIndyLucian: you ned to add that line to your /etc/sources.list , not run it. Also, using the tutorial ubuto mentioned above is the best way to do it.10:54
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nothingssomethintry to update completely and then upgrade to new version10:54
snk00sjhi, after installing gdesklets all .desktop icons open with text editor10:54
snk00sj(gedit by default)10:55
nixnoobnothingssomethin, doing it not need about 30 seconds.10:55
Holty101_Has anyone got the mana world to run on ubuntu?10:55
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snk00sjthe /etc/gnome/defaults.list doesn't seem to contain anything concerning .desktop files10:55
tapasciro314: [or simply ma a symbolic link from /etc/init.d/mysql to e.g. /etc/irc2.d/99mysql10:55
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ciro314tapas, thanks again. i do not want to start it running xubuntu on a pentium II :D. only when necessary10:55
CaptainMIndyLucian, ad that line to /etc/apt/sources.list10:55
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tapasciro314: ok10:55
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numusi am having a problem with my compiler10:56
brunnerHow can I dock my pidgin buddy list to the right side of my screen, so that when I maximize applications, they don't overlap my buddy list?10:56
numuswhat tools do i need to compile correctly10:56
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ticnailer69when I use ifconfig.........what does etho and lo mean?10:57
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zabin Everytime i restart my computer i have to reinstall my nvidia drivers does anyone know why?10:57
n2diymrfisk: ok, I did?10:57
nothingssomethinnixnoob you might need more than 30 seconds also after you update your current runtime reboot and try running all of your programs that you installed with apt-get or without synaptec PM10:57
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cheeseboynumus, sudo apt-get instal build-essential10:57
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mrfiskn2diy: finding nothing to download and install..10:57
grazianiiam new to ubuntu...so...can somebody help me please :) ?10:57
grazianii have a problem regarding language...where can i put the latvian language on..so i can write too in latvian ?10:57
mrfiskand nothing to fix the proble10:57
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crankI need help10:58
raziekielI'm trying to install an expanion to diablo2, but it doesn't detect diablo2 as being installed, do I need to reinstall it?10:58
n2diymrfisk: I entered realtek acl833 module into google, and got 30,000 hits for it. And just finished reading about the fix for it.10:58
CaptainM!ask | crank10:58
ubotucrank: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:58
mrfiskacl 883 not alc83310:58
zabinEverytime i restart my computer i have to reinstall my nvidia drivers also my max res is only 1024 x something ...10:58
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crankI downloaded ubuntu and i extracted it now its all over the place and it does nothing what do i do to install it10:59
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daancrank: you dont need to extract it10:59
crankWell it was in winrar10:59
daancrank: you need to burn it as an image10:59
crankSo i had to10:59
zabincrank: you brn the image to a disk10:59
daancrank: no you didn't10:59
crankdaan ben je nederlands?10:59
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brunneris there a way to make gnome panels larger than 120px?10:59
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zabinEverytime i restart my computer i have to reinstall my nvidia drivers also my max res is only 1024 x something ...10:59
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daancrank: ja10:59
daancrank: burn it with this http://www.snapfiles.com/get/burncdcc.html11:00
crankdaan: ik snap er geen flikker van11:00
krlosthanks, if it worked11:00
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daancrank: join me in the #daan channel11:00
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CaptainMcrank, ga naar #ubuntu-nl voor hulp in het nederlands11:00
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daankrlos: yes11:01
krlosthanks if it worked11:01
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n2diymrfisk: ok, I did? I see my typo now, hang on.11:01
daankrlos: great :)11:01
LukeEkbladCan someone pleas pleas help me?11:01
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daankrlos: if you have probles read this http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP170011:01
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nothingssomethinnixnoob you might need more than 30 seconds also after you update your current runtime reboot and try running all of your programs that you installed with apt-get or without synaptec PM11:01
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atrus25I can get my sound working. I have selected alsa as the sound source. from what I can tell my computer recognized the card but it won't make any noise11:01
daancrank: are you still there?11:01
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CaptainM!ask | LukeEkblad,11:02
ubotuLukeEkblad,: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:02
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crankdaan:i pmed u11:02
mrfiskn2diy: could u please just tell me how i should fix it :D11:02
daancrank: that doesn't work here11:02
LukeEkbladNo one ever listens to me11:02
LukeEkbladThey dont help me11:02
daancrank: go to the #ubuntu-nl channel11:02
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LukeEkbladI'v asked like 12 times11:02
LukeEkbladand everyone ignores me11:02
daan /kick LukeEkblad11:02
erUSUL!patience | LukeEkblad11:03
ubotuLukeEkblad: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:03
numuswhich apt in apt-get should i get for java runtime11:03
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LukeEkbladI know11:03
cBauLuke, what is your question?11:03
n2diymrfisk: I've told you three times now. Find the module, install it, and modprobe it.11:03
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|c4|i need help getting my dvd's working11:03
LukeEkbladsorry bout that11:03
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LukeEkbladMy question11:04
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LukeEkbladhttp://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/myproblems  There <11:04
nothingssomethin|c4| i'm sure your dvd's work11:04
nixnoobnothingssomethin, yea the download was done but its still installing...its almost done now, then I will try to upgrade.11:04
|c4|yes they work, but they wont play11:04
Puppy_Is there a simple tutorial saying how to get vmware working with xp home addition?11:05
LukeEkbladThe list of problems I have is there11:05
LukeEkbladat that link11:05
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derenrichLukeEkblad: why don't you go to #beryl, sounds like that is your problem...11:05
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LukeEkbladderenrich:   ok11:05
nothingssomethin|c4| quick fix... synaptec >>>>search for vlc11:05
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numushas anyone used wubi?11:05
nothingssomethindownload vlc media player11:05
deadlyallance069what is the channel for ubuntu studio11:06
numusif so do you know how to increase the size of the virtual disk?11:06
LukeEkbladderenrich:   but this has nothing to do with beryl:  My sound quality is really bad now that i installed ubuntu.11:06
CryoniqAnyone have experience converting videofiles like avi to 3gp (3rd gen mobile phones video format) under Ubuntu?11:06
derenrichyou listed 3 problems, two of whicha re beryl related11:06
erUSUL!sound | LukeEkblad11:06
ubotuLukeEkblad: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:06
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rodrigoHello, any one of you can tell how can I transfer files trough one disk that have kubuntu and other wich has windows I can't open the hard disk trough kubuntu?11:06
derenrichas for your sounds issue, what driver are you using?11:06
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LukeEkbladubotu: ok11:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:07
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nixnoobnothinssomethin, no i still get the error about authenticating the upgrade11:07
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Puppy_deadlyallance069: #ubuntustudio I think.11:07
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nothingssomethinnixnoob >>>>> i would advise you to make sure your your applications prograqms you installed 3rd party still work after the update11:07
LDZ420rodrigo: what happens when you try to open drive?11:07
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nixnoobnothingssomethin, I can't upgrade at all...11:08
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nothingssomethin|c4| did that work11:08
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rodrigoLDZ420:  It doesn't appear any folder11:08
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rodrigoLDZ420:  I'm trying to open it with konqueror11:09
nothingssomethinnixnoob >>> ok i men't to say update , after the update installs11:09
mrfiskwinxp it is!11:09
panzisince ubuntu 7.04 my sppedtouch usb modem causes problems with my keyboard11:09
panziafter boot all keystrokes have a 4second delay. a work around is to un- and replug the usb modem11:09
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panzibut this is tedious because I have to crawl behind the PC for doing that11:09
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ticnailer69when I use ifconfig ....what does etho and lo mean?11:09
panzihas anyone an idea what could cause this?11:09
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broedjewhat does it mean: "cant get on system bus" i want to run a bluetooth stick and hal an some gnome apps are not configured by apt-get11:09
cBauLukeEkblad: For your skydome image... is it in a RW location by your user? just a thought... also, make sure your skydome image has a 2:1 ratio.... 512x256..... 4000x2000..... etc....11:09
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LDZ420rodrigo: ok is that drive mounted and just shows up as blank?11:10
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ticnailer69wht are your plans for today11:10
panzieth0 = first networkinterface, lo = local loop (
nixnoobnothingssomething, I did all the updates, i still can't upgrade to feisty11:10
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hubertbticnailer69: eth0 is your primary network interface (the one your cable is connected to)11:10
rodrigoshows up as blank11:10
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cmihaiHi. I've failed to burn 20 brand new cd-rw media in a row. All fail with the CLEAR error "Errno: 0 (Success), read track info scsi sendcmd: no error" (cdrecord blank=fast, cdrecord bla.iso, tried growisofs, burn, k3b and nero. Now used cdrw media works, so that leads me to belive it can't format it. I've looked for cdrw-format and  cdrwtool - no such thing.11:10
ticnailer69and lo...11:10
rodrigoLDZ420:  Do I have to "mounted" it?11:11
CaptainMLukeEkblad, with some videocards big pictures won't work. maybe try a smaller one11:11
vox754fusheh, hey, firefox works now! And I didn't reboot. Man, Linux repairs itself.11:11
rodrigoLDZ420:  how do I do that?11:11
panziticnailer69: as I said: lo = local loop (
|c4|no. when i try to play it ask Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?11:11
LDZ420rodrigo: you sure that the drive is mounted? Also you sure that you have permissions to view the drive?11:11
hubertbticnailer69: lo is a loopback device for network traffic, that is sent from you pc to your pc so it hasn't to go thru the real network wire11:11
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cBauLukeEkblad: What do you mean specifically that your sound quality is really bad? Sound in Linux is much different than sound in Windows... which I assume you come from....11:11
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n2diymrfisk: still here?11:12
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ticnailer69oh shit11:12
nothingssomethinnixnoob >>> so you brought your current version up to date and restarted just for good mesure and your still getting authenication errors11:12
ticnailer69thanks bro's11:12
cBauLuke? Still there?11:12
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nothingssomethinis that what your saying11:12
rodrigoLDZ420:  I don't have it mounted11:12
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rodrigoI guess11:12
_aibmy apt repo suddenly stopped working. it's located at `http://grey.colorado.edu/apt/archives/binary/', the sources.list entry is `deb http://grey.colorado.edu/apt binary/' and apt-get reports, `Err http://grey.colorado.edu binary/ pdp 4.0.3rc1-1\n404 Not Found'11:12
_aibit used to work and i haven't changed anything recently11:12
nixnoobnothingssomethin, i havent restarted ill try now, but yes basically, ill restart and brb11:12
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rodrigoLDZ420:  but that wouldn't affect windows installed in that Hd?11:12
powergoalI just installed kubuntu on an acer aspire 5570Z and I can't get my wireless card to work.  The wireless card uses the madwifi ath_pci module, which is sucessfully loaded.  However, ifconfig does not acknowledge the card.  lspci does.  any ideas?11:12
hubertb_aib: It is down, try again tomorrow or so11:13
LDZ420rodrigo: well, it normally happens automatic.. you might want to look at /ect/fstab. if it is not showing up it is possible that it did not mount11:13
cmihaiAny idea HOW can I format a CDRW in UBUNTU, not having cdrwtool?11:13
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_aibhubertb, what's down? this is my own repo i'm asking about11:13
rodrigoLDZ420:  ok let me check it11:13
_aibwondering if there is a new format for sources.list?11:13
hubertb_aib: ohhh11:13
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Holty101_has anyone installed the mana world or Daimonin on ubuntu??11:14
rodrigoLDZ420: when I try to open  it, it  says:  Could not enter folder /lost+found.11:14
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numusanyone use gdesklets.. more specificly the weather ones and know how to get them to work?11:14
LDZ420rodrigo: well do you know what type file system that windows is using is it NTFS?11:14
imbecilei've installed ktorrent and i only see bittorrent and utorrent when trying to open a .torrent file .. i guess what i'm asking  where i find ktorrent to use it11:14
rodrigoLDZ420: yes is that11:15
rodrigoLDZ420: NTFS11:15
numusutorrent sint' avalible on linux11:15
TaJMoXWhy is it when I select gaim package to be removed - it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop ?11:15
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imbecilenumus,  it is through wine though11:15
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hubertbnumus: it is using wine :-)11:15
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|c4|can someone help me getting dvd's playing11:15
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heyhey hi, i downloaded the drivers for my ati x1650 from the ATI website, hwo do i install these drivers on ubuntu?11:15
numusoh.. use azureus on linux11:15
daan|c4|: i can try11:15
numusutorrent on wine doesn't work that well11:15
LDZ420rodrigo: ok I'm lost help me out... what are we trying to do again?11:16
TaJMoX!ati | heyhey11:16
ubotuheyhey: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:16
_IoC_i just made 7.04 work for my  Fujitsu Lifebook P7010, Intel M 1.2Ghz, Intel 855GME... Does anybody know how to install/configure the Intel 855GME graphics card? It seems that the forums tell me to upgrade to -686 but i don't have the right instructions for 7.0411:16
|c4|-daan i get this when i try to play a dvd. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?11:16
hubertbnumus: really? It works fine here11:16
PriceChild|c4|, well are you?11:16
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imbecilenumus,  azureus is messed up for me.. big icons no rating... etc11:16
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numushubertb: I ran into a problem while uploading with it.. azureus works great.. little java intensive.. but works better on linux then it does on windows11:16
|c4|-daan. yes, but i dont know how i get libdvdcss11:16
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numusimbecile: works fine for me11:16
daan|c4|: try to do this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability11:16
PriceChild!mp3 | |c4|11:17
alexIdoi12is there a way to get the amount of RAM used in my top bar  ?11:17
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TaJMoXWhy is it when I select gaim package to be removed - it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop ?11:17
imbecilenumus,  well it used to work fine for me.. now it doesnt11:17
ubotu|c4|: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
PriceChildgrr jsut lag11:17
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CaptainMTaJMoX,  you can remove that package. It's not actually the desktop or something ;)11:17
nothingssomethin|c4|: did you install and try vlc media player11:17
_IoC_Intel 855GME Drivers for 7.04 Anyone?11:17
numusimbecile i still do all my torrent downloading on windows boot.. because that is usually when i am running orb11:18
TaJMoXCaptainM: Oh well what is it?   It's only required by gaim ?11:18
nothingssomethinyou halfto tell vlc media player usually to play the disc11:18
TaJMoX!info ubuntu-desktop11:18
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB11:18
PriceChildnothingssomethin, you can play dvds without vlc11:18
imbecilenumus,  well i dont run windows11:18
TaJMoXSounds important..11:18
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:18
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hubertbnothingssomethin: afaik vlc doesn't install libdvdcss by default11:18
numuswhy does this stupid weather desklet not work11:18
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CaptainMTaJMoX, it's a meta package. Why do you want to remove gaim anyway?11:19
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rodrigoLDZ420: so what you recomend me to do?11:19
bruenig|laptopnumus, you should get the adesklets weather applet it works, have to edit configuration files to get it working though11:19
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imbecilenumus,  there is only 1 weather gdesklet that works and you have to download it manually11:19
CaptainMTaJMoX, it's easier to just keep it.11:19
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TaJMoXCaptainM: Because I installed pidgin.   So if I remove ubuntu-desktop my machine wont stop working right?11:19
numuswhere is this deslket located11:19
atrus25I can get my sound to work. I have run through all of the steps on http://linux.iuplog.com/default.asp?item=94639 this page. I have set my settings to all of the choices in system > preferences > sound and I still can't get any sound....as far as I can tell my computer is recognizing the sound card correctly, but I still get no sound11:19
imbecilei dont quite remember the name11:19
nothingssomethini never needed to install that that's all i know, vlc always worked for me11:19
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alexIdoi12so is there anyone with an idea of how to display the amount of RAM used ?11:19
bruenig|laptopTaJMoX, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, it doesn't mean anything, it is the dirty hack that apt needs in order to install groups of packages11:19
alexIdoi12or even the CPU temperature ?11:20
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nothingssomethinvlc comes with a variaty of codecs11:20
alexIdoi12that would be useful11:20
LDZ420rodrigo: are we trying to view windows drive and is not showing up?11:20
imbecilejust google gdesklets11:20
daannothingssomethin: but vlc doesn't play menu's11:20
TaJMoXalexIdoi12: free     and    acpi -t11:20
rodrigoLDZ420: yep, it doesn't appear anything11:20
MrElendigalexIdoi12: free -m and top11:20
TaJMoXalexIdoi12: in a terminal11:20
_IoC_Intel Graphics 855GME for P 1.2 GHZ Centrino please... what will i do?11:20
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hubertbnothingsomethin: libdvdcss isn't a codec - its a pice of software that decrypts video-dvds content scrambling system11:20
nothingssomethinit sure does for me you must tell it to play them11:20
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silokoalexIdoi12:  or "cat /proc/meminfo"11:21
lobsterI am trying to get ndiswrapper and my Linksys WUSB11v4 working, when i do ndiswrapper -l it outputs "driver present" but not "hardware present", is this a problem?11:21
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alexIdoi12TaJMoX: yes sure I know all of that but how to display them in my top bar11:21
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imbecilei've installed ktorrent and i only see bittorrent and utorrent when trying to open a .torrent file .. i guess what i'm asking  where i find ktorrent to use it?11:21
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nothingssomethinand it will play subtitles if the dvd comes with subtitles11:21
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bruenig|laptopimbecile, right click, change the open with11:21
rodrigoLDZ420: just want to transfer some files In to different harddisks11:21
hubertbnothingssomethin: it uses the lib automatically if it is avaiable  - or you dvds are not encrypted11:21
nothingssomethin!wiki vlc ubuntu11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki vlc ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
TaJMoXalexIdoi12: Install sensors-applet11:21
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TaJMoXalexIdoi12: the system monitor applet can show your memmory usage11:22
nothingssomethinwiki vlc11:22
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nothingssomethinit will tell you11:22
imbecilebruenig,  its not in the options.. i can search for it though.. unfortunately i dont know where it is11:22
CarmenSandiegoHow do I delete something straight off, rather than moving it to the wastebasket? It was Shift+Delete on windows...11:22
alexIdoi12TaJMoX: thanks11:22
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bruenig|laptopimbecile, custom command, ktorrent11:22
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LDZ420rodrigo: so transfer file from Windows directory to Linux?11:22
CaptainMalexIdoi12, or google for conky. It's a bit of a pain to get working but it's worth the trouble11:22
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imbecilebruenig|laptop,  thanks, you are the master of all things :)11:23
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numusanyone use gaim and knows how to stop it from duplicating names when you have more then 1 aim account connected11:23
rodrigonot on the contrary, linux to windows11:23
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silokoalexIdoi12: get conky :)11:23
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CyberphaZthere an easy way to tell X in xorg.conf not to use mesa? im already using fgrlx, but somehow it uses mesa for opengl11:23
rodrigoLDZ420: not on the contrary, linux to windows11:23
jbellisI'm installing on a hp dv9500t.  I installed with the alternate CD (liveCD did not boot).  It's installed now and boots but X does not start -- "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration."  Where would I start to fix this?11:23
MrElendigrodrigo: ntfs-3g11:23
n2diyCarmenSandiego: There is a why to add delete to your right click menu, I have it running here now. Try searching the forums for it?11:23
TaJMoXrodrigo: to access your linux partitions in windows, get a tool called "fsdriver"11:23
alexIdoi12TaJMoX: once apt-geted where do I launch sensors-applets ?11:24
CaptainMCarmenSandiego, shift-delete works for me in gnome. It maybe buried in the options somewhere though11:24
TaJMoXrodrigo: http://www.fs-driver.org11:24
asdfhow do you remove the desktop in Gnome link in Xfce11:24
bruenig|laptopalexIdoi12, if it is a panel applet, right click on the panel and select add the panel11:24
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TaJMoXalexIdoi12: right click on panel - add to panel - hardware sensors11:24
hubertbrodrigo: try http://www.fs-driver.org/ from windows11:24
zabinEverytime i restart my computer i have to reinstall my nvidia drivers also my max res is only 1024 x something ...11:24
TaJMoXhubertb: beat you!  =] 11:25
dahitoanyone has some advice for DDOS .. ?11:25
rodrigoTaJMoX: but this is trough windows not trough linux right?11:25
hubertbTaJMoX: :-)11:25
alexIdoi12TaJMoX: I might have to restart x I don't see them in there11:25
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CRASH69I have an 64bit processor, if I use _x86 (instead of _x86_64) will I have the 4GB ram limitation? even having a 64 bit processor?11:25
TaJMoXrodrigo: yes its a windoze program to make a drive letter out of your linux ext partitions11:25
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hubertbCRASH69: no11:25
bruenig|laptopasdf, do you mean like in xfce where you can select for xfce not to manage the desktop11:25
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scravhi, anyone know what the dude means by hen recompile ALSA and load the module with option model=pbv7900 .? how to load module?11:26
asdfbruenig|laptop: pretty much, I just want to kill and restart the gnome-desktop without restarting gdm11:26
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TaJMoXalexIdoi12: you can just restart the gnome panel with sudo killall gnome-panel11:26
rodrigoTaJMoX: ok so I must installed trough windows?11:26
CRASH69hubertb: excluding pae kernel11:26
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TaJMoXrodrigo: yes boot into windows and install the fs-driver    then you can access your ext partitions in windows11:26
bruenig|laptopasdf, not sure what the name of the process is, put you may be able to just do killall gnome-desktop, I know killall gnome-panel will do just that but for the panel11:26
alexIdoi12conky is cool !11:26
zabinEverytime i restart my computer i have to reinstall my nvidia drivers also my max res is only 1024 x something ...11:26
silokoalexIdoi12: conky is very cool :)11:26
hubertbCRASH69: Then your cpu is running in 32bit mode with the limitation11:27
rodrigoTaJMoX: thanks I'll try to do it now! :)11:27
silokoalexIdoi12: checkout the various config options on the ubuntuforums thread . . .11:27
CRASH69hubertb: thx11:27
TaJMoXconky seems to eat a lot of cpu for me... because it's constantly checking everything, even on a high refresh time11:27
hubertbCRASH69: Maybe the other way is more usefull for you (using x64 kernel with 32 bit userspace)11:27
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zabindoes anyone run ubuntu 64bit?11:27
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bruenig|laptopconky should run on almost no cpu and memory unless  you have introduced some crazy custom thing that does11:28
CRASH69hubertb:  any how to?11:28
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lobsterOk.. trying to get my wifi card working on this other computer. it's a linksys wusb11v4. everything seems ok with it, and it says i'm connected to the wireless network, but a dialog keeps popping up asking for the passphrase (i know i'm doing it correctly, i am connected with it on this computer). also, no pages load, even though it says i'm connected to the network (and i can't ping the router) any ideas?11:29
mneptokTaJMoX: mneptok   6260  0.9  0.1   5856  1760 ?        S    15:17   1:15 /usr/bin/conky11:29
hubertbCRASH69: I don't know how to do this on ubuntu. I used it on debian etch. Just installed etch x86 and then apt-get installed amd64 kernel11:29
asdfbruenig|laptop: that didn't work11:29
ldiasI'm having a hard time getting sound to work in dosemu (on feisty). it'll work fine on dosbox, but I really wanted to get it working on dosemu11:29
mneptokTaJMoX: it's well behaved here. if you'd like my .conkyrc i'm happy to share11:29
redmozzygood evening all11:29
bruenig|laptopasdf, I said I didn't know what the name of the process is, ps -A look for it, or check the /etc/init.d/gdm daemon and track down what all happens until you figure it out11:29
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TaJMoXmneptok: okay thanks11:30
Kprofthrea1How would I run xfwm4 as my new WM?11:30
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alexIdoi12TaJMoX: I have them install, but temp1, temp2 temp3 conrespond to what exactly ?11:30
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bruenig|laptopKprofthrea1, killall metacity ; xfwm411:31
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TaJMoXalexIdoi12: Depends on your motherboard, whatever is the hottest is your cpu =)  and there is probably a sensor somewhere else in your motherboard (probably for the cpu cooler) and one for the temp in your case11:31
CRASH69hubertb: nice, ok11:31
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ErlendIf I run a windows app with wine, does it have access files outside of ~/.wine?11:31
nothingssomethinnixnoob http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26419&page=3 this might help you wiith your problem11:31
jatt$ gnome-keybinding-properties11:31
jattSegmentation fault (core dumped)11:31
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redmozzydoes anyone know a trick to get linux to play music from a nas without having to actually copy the files to local machine? (im using 7.04 and a WD world mybook)11:32
atrus25I can't get my sound to work. I have run through all of the steps on http://linux.iuplog.com/default.asp?item=94639 this page. I have set my settings to all of the choices in system > preferences > sound and I still can't get any sound....as far as I can tell my computer is recognizing the sound card correctly, but I still get no sound. anyone have any ideas what I can try?11:32
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alexIdoi12what temp a CPU should not go over you recon TaJMoX11:33
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TaJMoXalexIdoi12: 60=bad usually11:33
MrElendigatrus25: fire up alsamixer and check that it's pcm and main is unmuted and turned up11:33
MrElendigand test with aplay11:33
TaJMoXalexIdoi12: what's it at now?11:33
PurpZeYAnyone know what would cause my PC Speaker to beep intermittently for some extended period of time, and then stop when I return home from work and move the mouse?11:33
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atrus25MrElendig: I have done that...still nothing11:34
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CaptainMPurpZeY, nope but it is a funny problem ;)11:34
zabinPurPZeY: stuck button? idk weird problem lol11:34
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alexIdoi12TaJMoX: ^11:34
PurpZeYYeah it was weird...It was just going bleep-bloop bleep-bloop and as soon as I touched it, it stopped11:35
MrElendigatrus25: speakers connected, on and working :?11:35
nothingssomethindoes anyone know how to make ubuntu fistey to be  friendly  with palm treo11:35
TaJMoXPurpZeY: probably something to do with gnome-power-manager11:35
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redmozzyhaunted computer11:35
TaJMoXor screensaver11:35
nothingssomethinthrough bluetooth11:35
atrus25when I boot into wiindows everything works fine11:35
PurpZeYTaJMoX: It's a desktop though11:35
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CyberphaZis there a quick and easy way to tell X not to use mesa for openGL? (already using the ati fgrlx drivers)11:35
TaJMoXPurpZeY: so you have no power management enabled?   It's not set to sleep after a certain activity?   go into gnome-power-manager and see11:36
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TaJMoXCyberphaZ: do you have composite = off in your xorg?11:36
redmozzybye all11:36
snk00sjhi, all my desktop icons transform into text files when i click em11:36
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CyberphaZhmmm not sure taj ill have to check11:37
snk00sjthis happened after installing gdesklets, i just removed the app, but nautilus/gnome doesn't handle .desktops icons correctly11:37
PurpZeYTaJMoX: Never go to sleep, never sleep monitor...But I do have a beep set for a problem with power management11:37
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PurpZeY TaJMoX: Or maybe with screensaver...Not sure I just have that box enabled.11:38
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nothingssomethindoes anyone know how to make ubuntu fistey to be  friendly  with palm treo11:38
TaJMoXPurpZeY: ah maybe that's the problem?   you can disable beeps completely with xset b off11:38
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PurpZeYTaJMoX: I am just curious if what caused it is cause for concern11:38
CarmenSandiegoWhere are the shortcuts in Places>recent documents stored? Are there any other usage logging features in ubuntu?11:39
ramanKI'm lefthand.How can I change my mouse cursore to lefthand???11:39
TaJMoXPurpZeY: not sure where the power manager would log to11:39
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Romeo5kNEED help badly.... im trying to set up proftpd thru CmL.. and i keep getting error. Everytime i type this in.. ' gksudo gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ' i get this.. '59): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:39
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PurpZeYTaJMoX: Not /var/error ?11:39
TaJMoXPurpZeY: but if everything is working fine - there is probably no reason to be alarmed.11:39
KtronRomeo5k, are you doing this through ssh?11:40
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PurpZeYTaJMoX: Sounds good for now11:40
RopechoborraRomeo5k gtk uses X11:40
atrus25MrElendig: yes they work fine....I have no problems in windows...just in ubuntu11:40
KtronRomeo5k, gksudo and gedit call graphical stuff11:40
carlahola a todos11:40
MrElendigRomeo5k: use a cli instead11:40
RopechoborraSo u wont be able to do it with that program11:40
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MrElendigcli editor*11:40
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KtronRomeo5k, try 'sudo vim /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' or something11:40
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ramanKWho can help me? "I'm lefthand.How can I change my mouse cursore to lefthand???"11:40
TaJMoXPurpZeY: I have xset b off in my /etc/rc.local because I got sick of annoying pc speaker beeps too =)11:40
KtronRomeo5k, or pico or nano or whatever you use11:40
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PurpZeYTaJMoX: Sounds good.11:41
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Ropechoborrai like nano, simple, just for text editing :)11:41
PurpZeYTaJMoX: Thanks.11:41
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Romeo5kKtron: i get ssomething now..11:41
deadlyallance069what do i need to watch xvid on ubuntu11:41
TaJMoXRomeo5k try sudo nano /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf11:41
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Ktrondeadlyallance069, google w32codecs and ubuntu11:41
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carlahello how are you?11:42
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Ktrondeadlyallance069, its a package11:42
hubertbdeadlyallance069: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg11:42
MrElendigramanK: grab a pointer theme from e.g. gnome-look.org, that has a pointer faicing left11:42
ramanKIs There any body that can help me? "I'm lefthand.How can I change my mouse cursore to lefthand???"11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:42
daanCaptainM: do you know me?11:43
hubertbdeadlyallance069: Or try videolan player (= vlc)11:43
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TaJMoXramanK: you can get lots of cursors at http://gnome-look.org   click on X11 Mouse Themes11:43
CaptainMdaan, nope11:43
KtronramanK, Do you mean the buttons or the appearance?11:43
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osmosishow do I get eclipse flex ?11:43
SF100hi can someone help me out with a sound problem?11:43
CaptainMyou said 'moi' tot hat guy so I figured Groningen11:43
ramanKKtron: appearance11:43
nothingssomethinramanK does that matter??11:43
KtronramanK, Then yeah, go to gnome-look.org, find a theme you like, extract as it suggests11:44
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daanCaptainM: well I go to school there so you were a bit right :P11:44
Drk_GuySF100, what is eclipse flex?11:44
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ramanKKtron: Is there any way that I design them by a graphical software and use them?11:45
SF100Drk_Guy I dont know11:45
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Drk_GuyIf you are looking for a specific program and don't know what it does, you're nowhere11:45
KtronramanK, Sure, you can do it in an image editor-- the GIMP is popular for ubuntu11:45
Drk_GuyGoogle for it11:45
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Drk_GuyGIMP Rocks!!!11:46
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Drk_GuyGIMP owns P$ and P$ PRO11:46
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MelonenGuuwhat would11:46
SF100Why Drk_Guy?11:46
ramanKKtron: but how can I make them to a coursore ?11:46
MrElendigDrk_Guy: no11:46
Drk_GuySF100, what why?11:46
KtronramanK, And then I'd look in /usr/themes for the pointer theme you're using, copy it to a different name, and edit that one11:47
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MrElendigDrk_Guy: adobe ps is alot better than gimp for photo editing11:47
KtronramanK, There's tutorials, google for them11:47
SF100why do I need to know what eclipse flex11:47
CaptainMdaan, well you sound like a regular old farmer11:47
Drk_GuyP$ doesn't have the elements required for the PROs to work11:47
mhz`anyone know how to change the character set of eggdrops?11:47
Drk_GuyGIMP have all of them11:47
MelonenGuuwhat would net send be in ubuntu11:47
mhz`reason being is that the channel has some crazy ascii letters11:47
Drk_GuyAnd you can mod it's code if you want more flexibility and functions11:47
SF100I need some help with a sound problem, I had working sound in all system sounds and multimedia apps (xmms, totem, rhythmbox) and now I dont. When I test them (login, logout, warning, etc) in sound options, nothing. And now I only get sound from amarok and vlc. Ive gotten sound to work in the apps by changing the sound from alsa to oss in everything in System > Pref > Sound > Device tab11:47
hubertbMelonenGuu: "write" or "talk"11:47
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MrElendigDrk_Guy: gimp lack 14/16 bit colour space and cmyk11:48
daanCaptainM: how do you mean? :)11:48
MrElendigamong other things11:48
SF100but no system sounds11:48
KtronI think the biggest argument against P$ is that most people who are editing photos are amateurs, and 200$ is a lot for amateurs to pay to begin with for software11:48
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ramanKKtron: oh , can you give me some words for googling?11:48
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Drk_GuyYou ARE lying11:48
ProN00bcan i somehow have the screen shut down directly, without having the screensaver on for a minute ?11:48
carlagood night11:48
CaptainMdaan, moi is the one thing I say that make people instantly ask if i'm from Groningen11:48
MrElendigProN00b: acpi can do that11:49
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MrElendigif your hw supports it11:49
Drk_GuyBut ramanK, if you know some spiders, you DON'T have to pay11:49
ProN00bMrElendig, well, how do i config it?11:49
Drk_GuyBut i can't talk about it here11:49
KtronramanK, gnome X11 mouse themes create edit etc11:49
ramanKKtron: thank you very much :)11:49
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TaJMoXramanK have you tried http://gnome-look.org11:50
fran dune.irc-hispano.org11:50
ramanKTaJMoX: no11:50
Drk_GuyAnyway, i have been working with P$ and GIMP and i can say GIMP is A LOT easier to use11:50
torhuI'm looking a way to run linux inside windows (virtualization, emulation).  I don't need graphics, just a way to test cross-platform makefiles etc.  Any recommendations?11:50
daanCaptainM: Ok I get it, actually I am from Drenthe myself11:50
ramanKthanks all11:50
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TaJMoXKtron - mouse themes are installed as Icons11:50
TaJMoXKtron: oops wrong person11:50
hubertbtorhu: virtualbox.org11:50
KtronTaJMoX, and ramanK left :)11:51
hubertbtorhu: or cygwin11:51
Ropechoborratorhu VMWare ?11:51
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TaJMoXyay vmware server11:51
torhuI have bad experiences with vmware11:51
torhuI want something that messes less with my windows11:51
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Ktrontorhu, VirtualPC :X11:51
SF100Sorry to repeat but I left off some info......I had working sound in all system sounds and multimedia apps (xmms, totem, rhythmbox) and now I dont. When I test them (login, logout, warning, etc) in sound options, nothing. And now I only get sound from amarok and vlc. Ive gotten sound to work in the apps by changing the sound from alsa to oss in everything in System > Pref > Sound > Device tab but no system sounds. I am also getting errors wh11:52
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MrElendigtorhu: virtualbox is nice11:52
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Drk_GuySF100, Try testing all the sound archs11:52
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fivetwentysixWhat's the best program to use (for Linux) to develop web graphics?11:52
MrElendigtorhu: damn fast with linux/linux11:52
SF100how do I do that Dk? Im a noob be gentle11:52
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jattweb graphics?11:52
Ktrontorhu, other than that vmware server, vmplayer, linspire (but that _installs_) or if you're not doing it often, you could just reboot the machine into linux with a livecd, test and reboot back into windows w/o installing linux11:52
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torhuMrElendig: that looks ok, but it doesn't support shared folders or usb in the free version, so I'm wondering how to transfer files11:52
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Drk_GuySF100, System->Prefs->Sound11:53
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fivetwentysixjatt: nothing fancy, just something capable of creating shapes and such.11:53
torhuI have wubi already11:53
MrElendigtorhu: virtualbox supports shared folders11:53
MrElendigtorhu: and it's always free11:53
jattfivetwentysix: gimp?11:53
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MrElendigtorhu: and you can always use samba/nfs/FTP/SSh to share too11:53
Rumpafivetwentysix: gimp, inkscape11:53
Ktronfivetwentysix, GIMP is common, and yeah, inkscape for vector art11:53
fivetwentysixCan gimp do shapes?11:53
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Drk_GuyGIMP for normal phx, InkScape for SVG gpx11:54
SF100Drk Im there but whats a sound arc? I think you mean architecture11:54
torhuok, it's the the open source version that doesn't support shared folders11:54
Ktronfivetwentysix, yes it can11:54
torhuMrElendig: thanks, I'll check it out11:54
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MrElendigtorhu: I have the opens source version, and use shared forlders....11:54
Drk_GuySF100, make the test with all the architectures available11:54
torhuok, maybe wikipedia is outdated11:55
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Drk_GuyUpdate it then, torhu11:55
SF100OK I did that at first and switched everything to OSS and have sound from multimedia apps but no system sounds and when I ran gedit from the command prompt I got an alsa error:  ALSA lib pcm.c:2106:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so11:55
Ktronfivetwentysix, When you make an image, go to filters-->render-->GFig and make shapes as your heart desires11:55
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Ktronfivetwentysix, or just use masks and do it that way11:55
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MrElendigthe whole vbox project is gpl now11:55
Drk_GuySF100, either the module got corrupt, or the file has been deleted11:55
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Drk_GuyCheck the folder11:56
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SF100ok so how would i know which and how would I fix it11:56
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torhuMrElendig: on windows, vmware installs a bunch of services (daemons), does virtualbox do something like that too?11:56
Drk_GuyCheck if the file exists by now11:56
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MelonenGuu hubertb, How do I use it to send to the whole network?11:56
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hubertbMelonenGuu: Sry, don't know11:57
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k31thwhat does a default install of ubuntu server on dapper weigh in at at hwne its installed i think debian is like 249mb11:57
MrElendigtorhu: just a few, depending on what you want11:57
MrElendigtorhu: go to http://www.virtualbox.org/ and read for yourself11:57
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Drk_GuySF100, this is so strange11:57
torhucorporate websites tend to be less than helpful, but I'll try11:57
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fivetwentysixKtron so what if i want to make just a square?11:57
MrElendigfor the host you need a kernel module (ofcause)11:57
fivetwentysixI'd have to do make the square my self?11:57
MrElendigfor the guest you don't realy need anything11:58
Drk_GuyI DON'T have an alsa-lib folder in usr/lib11:58
SF100DRk, I just did and there isnt even an /usr/lib/alsa-lib folder11:58
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MrElendigbut the additions helps on performance and usability11:58
Drk_GuyDid you mess up with Alsa config files?11:58
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SF100not at all11:58
Judg3_Dr34DIs there a plugin for Nautilus that will generate a preview of a file when you hover over it?11:58
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Drk_GuyNot AT ALL?11:59
] grimm[Does anyone happen to know if there's a 3rd party repository where I could find svn builds of mplayer/mencoder and/or ffmpeg?11:59
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Drk_GuyWhat do u mean?11:59
SF100well not before the problem, then I:  sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils11:59
SF100and reinstalled them11:59
Drk_Guy!w32codecs | ] grimm[11:59
ubotu] grimm[: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:59
Drk_GuyYou deleted ALSA core11:59
SF100Drk I folled this post in the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544912:00
Drk_GuyI don't even know how the f... you have sound12:00
SF100well I then reinstalled them as per the post I was following12:00
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] grimm[ubotu & Drk_Guy:  Thanks12:00
SF100after I did the purge I then : sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils12:00
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Drk_Guytry running this: sudo apt-get install linux-soundbase alsa-base alsa-utils12:00
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] grimm[!w32codecs12:01
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs12:01
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Drk_GuyFor nothing, Grimm12:01
SF100hey just in case I forget thanks so much Drk12:01
] grimm[!Codecs12:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:01

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