
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
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=== Redimere [n=pj@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
Redimerehey all12:57
Redimerewhose alive?12:58
RedimereI can't find the Restricted Drivers thing through the menu, anybody know the command in terminal to start it?01:01
=== sucapulli [n=leddolo@] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuHelp! somerville32, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, Gloubiboulga, Nalioth, Seveas, tonyyarusso,  PuMpErNiCkLe, apokryphos or gnomefreak01:07
nixternalwhen one of you come about, I will inform you01:07
=== sucapulli [n=leddolo@] has left #xubuntu []
Jester45Redimere, are you using feisty (its the only version with it)01:08
naliothnixternal: we are always around01:08
RedimereI might be, I honestly don't know. I installed 6.06LTS at first, then used the update manager to go to 6.10 and then feisty to make my sound work.01:08
nixternalnalioth: that sucapulli guy who just left has hit #kubuntu and #ubuntu and I figured he would be in here doing the same01:09
naliothwe'll see01:09
RedimereIs there a good way to tell?01:09
RedimereJester45: ?01:14
Jester45Redimere, xubuntu feisty fawn 7.04 is the only version that has the restricted driver manager01:15
Redimereyes, and I did the FAQ to install feisty01:15
RedimereI'm not sure if the upgrade kicked in or not. Is there a good way to tell?01:15
RedimereErr... How-to01:16
Redimerenot FAQ. >.>01:16
Jester45Redimere, look in /etc/apt/sources.list01:16
Jester45and see what version01:16
Jester45ii cant tell you the command as i removed it from my menu01:18
Jester45but there is a command there is a command for everything01:18
RedimereRight, but damned if I know what it is01:18
Redimerebecause I lost my gnome start button somehow... and I dunno how to put it back01:18
viddwhat are you looking for?01:19
RedimereRestricted Driver's manager01:19
viddJester45, what command?01:19
viddok....one sec01:20
Jester45look in the /usr/share/applications/ folder and find a .desktop file that sounds like the right one. then run cat /path/to/file.desktop | grep Exec01:21
Jester45that might be it01:22
viddRedimere, gksudo restricted-manager01:22
Jester45i would of got it... if i didnt remove mine01:23
Redimerelol shit happens01:23
Redimerebut that isn't working. Do you know what the package is called?01:23
viddwhat are you  trying to do?01:24
Redimereenable my damn graphics card01:24
Redimereit didn't like it when I asked for that package.01:24
viddwhat it say?01:25
Jester45!info restricted-manger01:25
viddRedimere, if you want to LOAD a driver, then sudo modprobe [driver] 01:25
ubotuPackage restricted-manger does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:25
Jester45!info restricted-manager01:26
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB01:26
RedimereSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have01:26
Redimererequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable01:26
Redimeredistribution that some required packages have not yet been created01:26
Redimereor been moved out of Incoming.01:26
RedimereSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that01:26
Redimerethe package is simply not installable and a bug report against01:26
Redimerethat package should be filed.01:26
RedimereThe following information may help to resolve the situation:01:26
RedimereThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:26
Redimere  openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.5) but 2.2.0-1ubuntu3 is to be installed01:26
Redimere  openoffice.org-l10n-en-za: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.5) but 2.2.0-1ubuntu3 is to be installed01:26
Redimerenow, I'm a newb, but I'm pretty sure Openoffice has NOTHING to do wiht restricted drivers01:27
viddoh man....your apt-get is fried!01:27
Jester45hehe it doesnt01:27
Redimerebut it can't be lol, I've been using it this whole time and it hasn't given me a hiccup yet01:27
viddwas this an upgrade or clean install?01:27
Redimereit was an upgrade01:27
Jester45but all the dependacies have to be met  for ALL packages before new ones can be installed01:27
viddit shows01:27
Redimerewell, I followed the xubuntu upgrade thinger...01:28
vidddo this:01:28
viddsudo apt-get install openoffice.org01:28
viddthis will fix that upgrade messing up your apt issue01:28
Redimerebut I don't even know what language za stands for lol01:29
viddme either01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about za - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
Redimerecurses, foiled again01:29
Redimereall this for CS... jesus.01:29
RedimereWent from 6.06 to fiesty because I accidentally broke my sound card01:30
Redimereand somewhere in the mix that got fixed, but my ATI drivers got blown to hell01:30
RedimereNow I have to upgrade Openoffice to fix my video drivers01:30
RedimereGod I love linux.01:30
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viddRedimere, did you bypass edgy altogether?01:31
RedimereNope, Dapper to Edgy to Fiesty01:31
Redimerethat bad, eh?01:32
Jester45dapper to edgy was a bad thing :) they might have fixed it01:32
=== vidd hates to upgrade
=== Redimere does too
Jester45if they didnt fix it your lucky you can boot01:32
Redimerewell, that was a tricky situation01:32
RedimereX got really mad at me.01:33
RedimereI still can't run a second Xserv01:33
=== vidd keeps a seperate /home partition so he can do a clean install....
=== Redimere wishes he'd thought of that beforehand.
viddits a LEARNING experience01:33
=== Jester45 keeps a /home /etc /var and / partitions
Redimere:P I installed linux so it'd be a hobby, not so it would work perfectly all the time01:34
Jester45it works perfectly all the time for me (with very little problems)01:35
=== Redimere smirks, "If it ain't broke, it don't have enough features"
viddit has ALWAYS worked for me....not always the way i expected....but it always worked....01:36
=== skirk [n=skirk@host-84-220-89-150.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #xubuntu
viddlike when put a spelling error in my sudoers file.....01:36
Redimeresame here, I just like refining it to the point where I stop noticing I'm running my PC not on windoze01:36
Redimereokay, wtf01:37
viddit worked as it should....it locked up sudo and i had to drive into work to fix it01:37
viddRedimere, now what?01:37
Redimereapt-get installed TOTEM when I told it to install open-office01:37
viddjust relax01:37
RedimereI am relaxed01:38
Redimereif I wasn't relaxed I'dve thrown something by now01:38
viddits probably a dependency (for what i dont know)01:38
viddbut these tings have a way of working themselves out01:38
viddyou COULD drop back 10 yards and punt....01:39
RedimereThat's what my mom's cat is for.01:39
RedimereI love my computer.01:39
Jester45you could try apt-get check01:39
Redimereshe's doing fine now, just need to get another damn dependency01:39
Redimereand it should work.01:39
viddsudo apt-get remove x11-common && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install {x}ubuntu-desktop01:40
=== rolfen [n=rolf@] has joined #xubuntu
rolfenxfce is cool01:40
RedimereO.o; what's that gonna do to Banshee?01:40
Redimererolfen: I concur01:41
viddthat rips out all gui stuff, cleans out unneeded dependencies, and installs the gui clean01:41
viddand leaves config files intact01:42
rolfen!info Banshee01:42
ubotubanshee: Audio Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2105 kB, installed size 6204 kB01:42
RedimereMy computer's name is Banshee01:42
viddRedimere, you just re-install it01:42
rolfenah ok lol01:42
Redimerelol sorry 'bout the confusion01:42
Redimereit's just easier saying Banshee then My computer. Otherwise I'd get confused, and Spectre would get jealous.01:43
viddthat is the way i upgraded my newest system from dapper to fiesty01:43
Redimeremmkay, do I need to reboot all the way to make the enabled driver work? or will rebooting X suffice.01:44
viddRedimere, you sound like a true sysadmin...already got a naming system!01:44
RedimereThe comps at school are King Arthur's knights01:44
viddRedimere, just rebooting x should suffice01:44
Redimeremy computers are all named after horrid females renown for screeching and pain and death01:44
Redimereand my sisters computer has always, and will always, be called sitting-duck01:44
=== vidd names his comps for the seven deadly sins
vidd=] 01:45
viddmy home server is sloth01:45
Redimerebe right back01:45
=== Redimere [n=pj@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
viddonce the old lady's comp gets converted it will be "pestilence"01:46
=== cheeseboy [n=greg@24-107-232-143.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
viddthe boy's machine is "death"01:46
cheeseboyhow do i find big files?01:46
=== Redimere watches his urge to kill rise.
Redimeredisplay: :0.0  screen: 001:46
RedimereOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org01:46
RedimereOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect01:46
RedimereOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.1)01:46
vidd!paste | Redimere01:47
ubotuRedimere: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:47
RedimereThis is starting to bug me, restricted tells me the ATI driver is in use, but flgrx is still hassling me about stupid MESA01:47
viddso...desktop looking right now?01:47
RedimereApt-get gave me grief again01:48
RedimereI might just order feisty CDs or something01:48
viddRedimere, drop back and punt01:48
vidd=] 01:48
viddneed that command again?01:48
viddis that a "yes" or a dismissal?01:49
Redimerea yes01:49
viddsudo apt-get remove x11-common && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install {x}ubuntu-desktop01:49
viddreplace {x}ubuntu with the appropreate version01:50
viddie xubuntu-desktop01:50
viddor ubuntu-desktop01:50
viddor kubuntu-desktop01:50
=== BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu
viddsudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb openoffice.org-l10n-en-za01:51
viddthen sudo apt-get autoremove01:52
Redimereoops, just did your whole big command.01:52
Redimerecheers though, it's removing a gig of something..01:52
Redimere...will I dream, dave?01:53
viddit will clear out EVERYTHING01:53
viddand might fix stuff you didnt know were broken yet01:53
viddoh yeah....it will kill your X session too.....01:54
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #xubuntu
=== Redimere [n=XNETSplo@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
RedimereThat was odd.02:01
viddoh yeah....it will kill your X session too.....02:01
vidd=] 02:01
RedimereI'm aware02:01
RedimereI'm on my windoze laptop getting very worried my comp isn't doing anything anymore.02:01
viddsorry....i thought you were on a different machine02:02
RedimereI am now lol02:02
Redimerehow long should it take?02:02
vidddo you have a tty open?02:02
Redimerea what?02:02
vidddo it now02:03
Redimerethat's what I was gonna deal with next02:03
Redimerethat doesn't work.02:03
Redimereit puts up a very trippy bunch of colors and bars02:03
viddtry f202:04
Redimeresame deal with all of them02:04
viddthen reboot02:04
RedimereI was trying to configure steam to run on another xserv and it got mad02:04
Redimerebut it's rebooting now02:04
viddhave no fear....vidd is here02:04
vidd=] 02:05
viddive done this b4...many times02:05
RedimereI remember last time I tried to run linux02:05
=== Redimere shudders.
BFTDRedimere steam as in the gaming steam?02:06
Redimereit's not getting past the splash screen02:06
RedimereNothing from any of them02:07
Redimerecould be a kernel panic02:07
viddreboot into recovery02:07
Redimerekay, got a prompt02:08
viddapt-get remove x11-common && apt-get autoremove02:08
RedimereIt was only halfway done with the remove bit02:08
viddso half the stuff was still there02:09
Redimereand thus it could only half boot02:09
Redimereand gets pissy02:09
BFTDkernel panics show themselves02:09
BFTDit might of been fscking the HDD\02:09
viddbtw <ctrl><alt>f?> are tty''s02:09
Redimerettys, kay02:10
Redimerewell those didn't work02:10
viddthat is correct02:10
Redimereautoremove is instlaling now02:10
=== vidd had (miostakenly) assumed you were using one of them for the command
rolfendude that contrl-alt-f2 is cool but scary i thought i had lost my x session for good02:10
Redimerenope, it's handy when your mucking about in wine02:11
Redimerebecause if that borks, which it will02:11
Redimereyou don't have to nix everything02:11
viddor removing x....and everything built on it02:11
Redimereyeah, about htat.02:11
Redimereokay, whats the command to make banshee go again02:11
Redimereapt-get install xubuntu-desktop?02:11
viddreboot first02:11
viddyou dont want to be in recovery for this02:12
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viddit WILL work...but you will need to reboot anyway to get back in your x session02:12
Redimerereally, will it?02:13
Redimereit's taking an awful long time to reboot ;;02:13
RedimereI think it hung on the boot process with the little mouse in the wheel and the load bar02:14
viddyou should not be getting those.....02:14
Redimererecovery again?02:14
Redimerebtw, should my kernel say generic?02:15
Jester45vidd, if your upgrade from a older version the splash screen still shows unles you disable it or remove the config for it02:15
Jester45and the defualt feisty one will replave it (no splash)02:15
Redimerewell either way it wasn't booting period.02:16
viddRedimere, from recovery....apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:16
Redimereyour usre that won't fuck it up?02:17
viddall it is doing is reinstalling the default programs02:17
Redimeremmkay, I just thought some packages needed to be installed from my directory02:17
viddthey will....but AFTER your x and apt are working02:18
Redimerewell, apt is throwing an appropriate amount of gobeldy-gook at me02:18
Redimerewhich is comforting oddly enough02:19
Redimereoh that's just entertaining,  apt just installed itself over itself02:19
viddit upgraded itsself02:20
Redimerewell either way it's silly02:20
Redimere2.6.20 is the newest kernel, right?02:21
rolfen 2.6.21-5 afaik02:21
=== Redimere mumbles
rolfenbut for ubuntu i guess it 2.6.2002:21
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-176-81.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2.6.21 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
Redimere!latest kernel02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about latest kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
Redimereoh fuck you you don't02:22
Redimereyour running on it.02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-image - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about killself - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
rolfenwww.linux.org :D02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
Redimerethat'd actually involve me02:23
Redimeremoving the mouse02:23
Redimereto firefox02:23
Redimereand then going to that page, when there's a perfectly good bot to harass here.02:23
rolfeni mean www.kernel.org sorry02:23
rolfenok :)02:23
vidd!the body in the closet02:24
Redimereoh you just made it mad now.02:24
=== Redimere crosses his fingers
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about humour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lesbians - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:25
Redimerecome on banshee... just a little bit more..02:25
Redimereshe hangs at like the last half-bar02:25
Redimerethen the video goes screwy and shit flashes02:25
Jester45maybe its because its banshee :)02:26
viddcan you get to a tty?02:26
Redimereshe's banshee because she's got a high pitched fan that scares the shit out of my moms cat02:26
Redimereand no I can't02:26
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:27
Redimerewhoops, my bad.02:27
Redimerebut she really does soil herself if I spook her properly02:27
RedimereVidd, this isn't looking good...02:28
viddRedimere, we want you to dpkgreconfigure xserver-xorg from the recovery....02:28
Redimerewe? and okay.02:28
viddsomething is wrong with your driver02:28
Jester45vidd, are you becoming like TheSheep02:29
vidd* dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:30
Redimerecross your fingers02:32
RedimereWe're past the boot screen02:33
viddthere...now you can do whatever it was you were doing b402:34
vidd=] 02:34
RedimereI actually don't remember02:34
viddyou were fixing your video and sound02:34
Redimereno, I as fighting the good fight against wine glitchyness.02:34
Redimerebut sound and video are nice,02:35
viddoh...didnt you hear...wine is evil02:35
vidd=] 02:35
viddit makes you use windows apps02:35
Redimerenot apps02:35
RedimereI just wanna play counterstrike man02:35
Jester45app then02:35
Redimerefood for thought though02:36
Redimeremy tty's still aren't working02:36
viddthat is strange02:36
viddyou are using the 3 keys....02:36
Redimerectrl alt f8, then ctrl alt f202:37
RedimereI recognize the image now though02:37
Redimereit's my desktop on f702:37
viddctlr alt f8 is a x session02:37
Redimereright, but f8, and f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f602:38
Redimereall of them don't work02:38
viddand you have to jump through hoops to be able to show more then one x session02:38
Redimerewhich would be dandy02:38
Redimereexcept tty isn't showing up either.02:38
viddpress ctrl alt f1....02:38
viddon the blank screen, hit the enter key02:38
viddwhat happens?02:38
Redimerethe screen isn't blank02:39
viddwhat does it say?02:39
Redimereit's an image of my desktop with screwy resolution and colors02:39
Redimereand completely static02:39
Jester45try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:39
Jester45it will reboot x02:39
Jester45you have 2 sessions running02:40
viddJester45, f7 is fine....02:40
Jester45vidd, but it should kill the F1 also then restart the F702:40
viddshould he not do that from a terminal in f7 then?02:40
Redimereby the way02:40
Redimerethe only thing that booted up before I tried F102:41
Redimerewas GAIM02:41
Jester45it doesnt matter because it will restart gdm02:41
Redimereshould I wait02:41
viddno...do it right away02:41
Redimerea messed up image with hue colorations popped up on my screen02:41
Redimerekinda like the one for F102:41
Redimereonly without icons or windows02:41
Redimereoop, there it goes I think02:42
Redimerenope, it rebooted02:42
viddand does the tty's work now?02:43
viddJester45, sounds like that restarted both of them02:44
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|Slurpeeanyone here have experience with xubuntu usb ?02:44
Jester45you could kill pid it02:44
Jester45just pick one and kill it and see witch it was02:45
viddRedimere, did you have two sessions open b4?02:45
RedimereI only tried once before02:45
Redimereand I tried it with this .sh02:45
Redimerexinit $HOME/steam.sh $* -- :102:46
vidd-redcan you UNDO that?02:46
RedimereI would assume three reboots later it's undone.02:47
viddRedimere, can uou UNDO that?02:47
Jester45Redimere, run top find the 2 xorgs02:47
viddno...that is a "run at boot" script02:47
RedimereI only see one.02:47
Jester45and their PIDs02:47
Redimerehow do I scroll through top?02:48
viddRedimere, sudo apt-get install htop02:48
Redimerehow could it run at boot?02:48
Jester45vidd your a htop zealot02:48
viddcuzz you told it to02:48
RedimereI don't understand htop, but I only see one process of Xorg in top top02:49
viddJester45, he wants to scroll thru top...htop can do that02:49
Jester45use the arrow keys on htop02:50
Redimeream doing so02:50
viddtop wont let you scroll thru....but if you install htop, htop will work like top and let youscroll thru02:50
RedimereI don't see anything that looks like Xorg though02:50
Redimereoop, there's one02:50
Redimerebut only one02:51
=== teratoma [n=teratoma@twinlark.arctic.org] has joined #xubuntu
teratomahow do i graphically control volume in Xubuntu ?02:52
viddteratoma, add the applet02:52
Jester45alsamixer can. or there is a applet for the panel02:52
Redimerepfft, who needs applets02:52
teratomahow do i get something  in 'Applications' into the top taskbar without manually making a launcher ?02:52
Redimerealsa even has colors!02:52
Redimerevidd, there's only one Xorg though02:53
=== vidd has never seen THIS before =\
teratomateratoma@cremepuff:~$ aumix aumix:  SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK02:54
teratomawhat does that mean?02:54
RedimereThat you like donuts too much and you need to install a sound driver02:54
RedimereVidd: can you telnet over or something and take a look?02:55
vidduhmmm no....02:55
Jester45Redimere, ssh is better02:55
teratomai think i have a sound driver working, i hear things if i play media with vlc02:55
viddi can ssh...but not telnet02:55
Redimeressh is fine then02:55
RedimereI thionk I have the server running02:56
viddyou need to install a server and add an account for me with sudo rights02:56
viddand i need the ip address02:56
Redimeresudo apt-get install ssh 'll do it, right?02:57
viddsudo apt-get install openssh-server02:57
viddssh is installed by default02:57
Redimerethat's already installed to the newest version02:58
viddok... i need a login and sudo rights and an ip address02:58
viddpm them to me02:59
Redimereerm.. how?02:59
viddyou dont have your username registered03:00
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-139-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #xubuntu
kbrooksHi.  I want Xubuntu, bu I have only the Ubuntu CD, and don't particulary feel like installing Ubuntu and apt-get install xubuntu-desktop. what to do?03:01
kbrooks(I can't burn any CD, no money)03:02
viddkbrooks, you have the live or the alt ubuntu?03:02
PumpernickelRedimere: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=328751&highlight=fglrx+virtual+console03:02
kbrooksvidd, only live.03:02
kbrooksvidd, and i can't burn any CD, no money for CDs03:03
viddthen no idea03:03
kbrooksno idea? really? i heard of debootstrap, which can help.03:04
viddkbrooks, if you had the alt....i'd say install the  command line only then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:04
teratomadoes install off of a flash drive keychain work these days?03:06
kbrooksteratoma, yes.03:07
kbrooksteratoma, (funny that you call it a keychain, but hey it fits on your keychain, so...)03:07
Pumpernickelkbrooks: There are a couple of options for non-cd installs. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd03:08
kbrooksPumpernickel, just to be clear, i have a Ubuntu 7.04 liveCD.03:09
PumpernickelThat doesn't convert easily to Xubuntu.03:09
kbrooksi'll do anything ;-)03:10
viddkbrooks, then i recomenfd that you install ubuntu.....the sudo apt-get remove x11-common && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:12
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=== BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu
kbrooksvidd, ok, that's easy enough.03:14
kbrooksvidd, it will tell me to autoremove so i think i'll remember.03:15
viddi think so03:15
viddbut once its installed...come here and i'll tell ya the command again....03:15
viddi always type it as one line03:15
kbrooksyes, for simplicity ;-)03:16
viddwell....so i only have to give myu password once03:16
kbrooksok, i'll put in & reboot03:17
Redimeredayum vidd, that's your solution to everything :P03:22
Redimereblast it all to hell and put it back like it's supposed to be03:22
viddno...he only has the live for ubuntu and wants only xubuntu....03:23
RedimereI know, it's still funny to see one solution used twice, nothing against you of course03:23
viddso remove everything gnome (at the lowest common denominator) and rebuild\03:24
viddsimple solution for a host of issues03:24
viddbtw Redimere you can kill that id03:25
viddhow does one add a ruby script to auto load on a cli-onlyt machine?03:26
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Jester45vidd, rc.local04:02
viddso do i edit that?04:02
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kebdoes anyone know what would cause this set of firewall rules to be created? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29176/04:10
kebit seems to have started since i upgraded to feisty04:10
kebevery time i reboot those rules are back; the real question is, how to add other rules that will be persistent like those?04:12
kebi couldnt find anything in /etc/init.d that invokes iptables04:15
=== illu45 [n=illu45@p-dynamic-border5-196.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #xubuntu
viddkeb .... look here http://del.icio.us/url/8eed90607e7f5ba9eb53ec5af3fbecaf04:26
kebthanks.  i know how iptables works, i want to know where in xubuntu 7.0.4  that set of rules was created so i can add my own rules without overwriting those assuming they are needed04:29
=== vidd has never needed to mess with iptables
kebit's fun and hairy04:33
viddmaking programs stop responding for strange, unknown reasons is fun?04:35
kebit's building a moat and traps to keep out intruders, like that game Dungeon Keeper04:36
viddits so much easier to do it at the router04:36
kebmy router has iptables in it too, being openwrt04:37
viddmine to04:37
viddbut the interface is simple04:38
viddforward this port here, forward this port range there04:38
kebyeah i wish that interface was available in an app in xubuntu04:38
viddif it aint listed drop it04:38
viddit is....04:38
vidd!firestarter | keb04:39
ubotukeb: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:39
kebi can't stand firestarter04:39
kebnah i find that too heavy04:39
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Redimer1hey all05:05
Redimer1whats happenin05:09
kebi'm watching eben moglen's speech to plone, and my firewall logs :P05:10
Redimer1paranoia much?05:10
Redimer1what's a good avi player05:13
Redimer1does it have a package name?05:13
Redimer1:P already tried that and it didn't work05:17
kebyeah i use mplayer too05:17
Redimer1thanks jester05:17
Redimer1hey keb, do you play CS?05:18
Redimer1I'm trying to get it to work in wine and it's not happening05:19
Jester45are you using the newest wine05:19
=== Redimer1 [n=pj@c-24-147-189-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
Redimer1if you guys said anything I lost it, CS broke it again lol05:24
kebnothing except the answer to life the universe and everything05:28
Redimer1aww shit, I missed that in the movie too05:29
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rolfenhey how do you change the sound volume in xubuntu?05:35
kalikianarolfen, Either via menu->settings->mixer or you add a panel plugin for that.05:36
rolfenkalikiana: thanks. Well mixer just brings up a window with a "device" section and a "Useful Controls" section... but nothing that resembles a mixer05:38
rolfenoh that was mixer settings05:38
rolfenbut i dont see no mixer...05:38
rolfenanyway il figure something out05:38
kalikianarolfen, If you don't have a menu item for mixer, use the panel plugin.05:39
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rolfenkalikiana: i'm trying to find that in synaptic....05:40
RedimereHey Jester, I done a bad thing...05:40
Redimerehow do I reinstall X?05:40
=== rolfen chuckles
RedimereI didn't delete it persay05:40
Redimerejust the big one that said X... >.>;05:41
Redimereanybody? thoughts?05:42
rolfenRedimere: well maybe using apt-get from the command line...05:43
rolfenyou have to figure out which package to install though05:43
Redimereyar ;-;05:43
Redimeresynaptic was nice for that sort of thing05:43
kalikianaRedimere, apt-cache search xserver-xorg ;)05:44
Redimereshush, I didn't screw up that badly05:44
RedimereI accidentally wrote a file called x in vi and tried to delete it05:44
Redimerehow was I supposed to know it was THE x05:45
rolfenwhere exactly was this file?05:46
rolfenoh it just a link05:47
RedimereX still didn't start.05:47
rolfenmaybe you can re-create it with the ln command05:48
rolfenit's a link to /usr/bin/Xorg05:49
Redimereoh okies05:49
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Redimerewhat do you guys think of Enlightenment?05:53
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akiowrong channel05:53
akioask in an enlightenment channel05:54
Redimereoh, okay05:54
shirishguys can somebody look at https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-goodies/+bug/12484005:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124840 in xfce4-goodies "xfce4-goodies issue because of a virtual package" [Undecided,New] 05:54
shirishI just reported it, its on 7.10 gutsy gibbon tribe 205:54
shirishlemme know if any more info. is needed05:55
PumpernickelIf the dev the bug is assigned to needs more info, I'm sure s/he'll ask for it.05:56
Redimererolfen, how do I make that link?05:56
akiois there an easy way to get a cleartype effect?05:56
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rolfenRedimere: it's in man ln05:56
rolfenhold on i l check05:56
rolfenln [OPTION] ... [-T]  TARGET LINK_NAME   (1st form)05:57
rolfenso that should be05:57
Pumpernickelln -s /source/file target05:57
rolfenRedimere: Try this: ln -s /etc/X11/X /usr/bin/Xorg05:58
Redimerecross your fingers...05:58
rolfenshould work...06:00
RedimereI wouldn't know yet, I'm being disk checked06:01
PumpernickelYou have the source and target reversed.06:01
PumpernickelHrm... maybe 'target' isn't the right word.06:01
PumpernickelAnyway, the source is the first parameter, and the link to the source is the second.06:02
rolfennow did we just made things worse?06:02
=== rolfen slaps his forehead
PumpernickelNo, since he didn't run that, yet.06:02
Redimerewell, not worse06:02
Redimerebout the same actually06:02
Redimerestill doesn't work, and I reversed the two06:04
rolfenRedimere: are you in command line now?06:05
rolfentry launching /etc/X11/X and see what happens06:05
RedimereFatal Server Error06:06
rolfenthat's all it says?06:06
RedimereCannot move old log file ("/var/log/Xorg.0.log" to "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old")06:06
=== rolfen scratches his head
rolfeni have no idea what it means06:07
PumpernickelDude, you don't launch X directly.06:07
Pumpernickel /etc/init.d/gdm start06:07
Redimeregave me a big red fail06:08
Pumpernickel(As root.)06:08
RedimereShh! I swear I'm not a noob!06:08
Redimereokay, it started, now what06:08
rolfeni have to go... good luck, sorry if i couldnt help06:10
Redimereno worries m906:10
PumpernickelYou should have a GUI login prompt, now.06:11
Redimereah, but I don't06:12
Redimereit says okay, then X doesn't start06:12
PumpernickelWhat happens if you press ctrl + alt + F7?06:12
RedimereIt says the link is bad06:14
RedimereX: cannot read /etc/X11/X symbolic lin (Invalid Argument)06:14
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=== gregorygreg [n=gregory@ool-45724c8c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #xubuntu
gregorygreganyone here?06:17
RedimereWhat can I do for you06:17
Redimereand it's fixed Pump06:17
gregorygreghow can I view current users on this channel?06:17
Redimereshould be on the side06:17
kebyou can see our nicks, but not us06:18
PumpernickelRedimere: Ah, good.06:18
RedimereI had to use -sf06:19
gregorygregalright here's my question06:19
gregorygregwhere do apps go when I minimize them?06:19
gregorygregI just alt tab back to them?06:19
Redimerehow do you mean?06:19
kebyou don't see them on your panel?06:20
gregorygregalt tab is the only way I can see which applications I have open?06:20
gregorygregI just installed xfce over ubuntu06:20
gregorygregthere are no panels06:20
Redimerealt tab should work06:21
Redimereyou should configure your desktop by right clicking and going to settings06:21
Pumpernickelgregorygreg: Press alt + F2, enter 'xfce4-panel', and hit enter.06:21
RedimereHe's better at this than I am :P06:22
Redimerelisten to him06:22
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greg0rygregwhat is the actual command to run the terminal?06:28
greg0rygregthank you06:30
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Redimer1hey, anybody know much about sound in Xubuntu?07:26
maxamillionRedimer1: i know a little, what's up?07:27
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Redimer1I can't get mp3s to play correctly, the voice is much quieter than the music behind it07:27
=== Redimer1 is now known as Redimere
maxamillionRedimer1: what music player? or does it happen in multiple music players?07:28
RedimereIt happens in VLC07:28
Redimereand GxIne just doesn't like me.07:28
maxamillionRedimere: gxine doesn't like anybody07:28
Redimeresame problem crops up in xmms07:30
maxamillionRedimere: well first, hit alt+f2 (that will open a run dialog) and type "xfce4-mixer" (without the quotes) and then click the run button ... check the levels in there07:30
Redimeredunno if it'll like that, i'm running E07:30
maxamillionRedimere: enlightenment?07:31
Redimerethe mixer worked, but there was only headphone jack sense and a center thinger07:32
maxamillionRedimere: then i can't entirely promise i would be able to help you ... but to my knowledge xfce4-mixer will interface with the audio device set as default, so just open a terminal and run the command07:32
maxamillionthat's it?07:32
RedimereYeah, that's all07:32
maxamillionRedimere: try reading up on alsamixer and check your levels in there07:33
RedimereMaster is at 74, PCM is at 8407:34
Redimereand everything else is off07:34
maxamillionif its just vocal that seems to be the problem it sounds more like you just need an equalizer to be adjusted07:35
maxamillionRedimere: try changing the audio levels in the equalizer in xmms07:35
Redimerebeen tooling around with that, I can make them echo and make it sound silly07:36
Redimerebut I can't get the guitar to quiet down and the voice to raise07:36
maxamillionthat's a tad strange ...07:36
maxamillionRedimere: i hate to say it, but i'm out of ideas07:37
=== Redimere smirks
RedimereConsidering how much works, I think I can suffer with that.07:37
maxamillionRedimere: you running e17 or e16?07:38
maxamillionRedimere: how's it working for you? ... last time i tried it, it was too unstable for my taste07:39
Redimerewell I haven't been pushing limits07:39
Redimerebut it's gorgeous and it's been working really well07:39
Redimerelooks MUCH better than xfce or gnome could ever hope to07:40
maxamillionyes, its rather pretty ... i can't deny that, but the fact that the enlightenment devs keep rewriting it is getting annoying07:40
maxamillionthey've been developing e17 for 10 years07:40
Redimereand updating e16 the whole time07:40
Redimerebut whatever they're doing theyre doing well07:40
maxamillionwell i think their biggest fallback is they are too strick on speed ... a decent amount of the code base is inline assembly in the C sources07:41
Redimereexcept for a segfault at the beginning, I haven't had any issues with it07:42
Redimerehell, my movies play better and CS actually runs07:42
Redimerewhether that's E's fault or my own tinkering, I can't tell07:42
maxamillionRedimere: could be a combination of both07:42
Redimeremore 'n likely07:43
maxamillionRedimere: i dunno, E is kinda the unicorn of open source ... i use xfce on machines with power and fluxbox on machines that don't07:43
Redimeremaxamillion: this rig isn't for anything other than entertaining me, even if that means it's constantly broken in some way07:44
Redimeremaxamillion: xfce got boring, plus the way they do desktop switching is really handy once you get used ot it07:44
maxamillionRedimere: oh, well i am currently a computer science college student and i'm currently taking a systems programming summer course ... so system downtime means missing homework ... that doesn't work for me07:45
Redimerewell that's just it, if E breaks you've got xfce to fall back on07:45
maxamillionRedimere: i will be writting my own system shell next week :)07:46
maxamillionRedimere: yeah, i guess that would work ... but i just prefer consistency and i think xfce has a clean professional look07:46
Redimere-smirks- then you haven't seen E07:46
Redimereit's really minimalistic07:47
maxamillionRedimere: i have seen E, i saw it 7 years ago, i say it 3 years ago, and i saw it 3 months ago ... its still got a long way to go till stable07:48
Redimerenaturally stability is an issue for me, but my computer's named Banshee for a reason07:48
Redimerea buddy of mine in college took operating systems07:49
RedimereI saw all his code, I cringed. It looks painful'07:49
maxamillionwell i also have an on campus systems admin job for the campus library and i talked my boss into letting me run linux, and downtime really isn't an option there ... especially if i'm in the middle of writting some software for work and E decided it addressed an invalid memory location ..... wouldn't be good07:50
maxamillionyes, it can be painful07:50
maxamillionbut its alof of fun07:50
RedimereI should hope so, I think Ihave to take it next year07:50
maxamillionRedimere: take operating systems?07:50
Redimeremaxamillion: yessir.07:50
maxamillioni haven't taken that one yet ... i'm taking systems right now, i have to write a system shell, a replacement for malloc(), and a proxy server07:51
Redimeremaxamillion: I don't think I have to do that. Or if I did i'd wind up having to do it in assembly, which I plan on avoiding07:52
maxamillionRedimere: oh, i took 2 semesters of assembly ... that wasn't a whole lot of fun, but it paid off when i took compilers07:52
maxamillioni wrote a compiler in python ... as ironic as that is07:53
=== Redimere slaps his forehead.
maxamillionbut we got to chose what language we wrote it in and python was easier than writting the whole thing in C07:53
Redimereprobably true enough07:53
maxamillionbut we weren't allowed to use alot of built in functions07:54
RedimereI had to write a banksim with a discrete queue once, that sucked.07:54
maxamillionso essentially i just got some syntax padding and not having to manage memory for myself07:54
maxamillionwhich was nice07:54
maxamillionoh, i teach a class that does that07:54
maxamillioni'm a TA also07:54
maxamillionand i teach 2 different courses .... 4 classes total07:55
=== maxamillion doesn't sleep much
Redimerewho sleeps these days07:55
Redimerethe annoying thing was the teacher was a dink about it. I got it done without a discrete queue, but he wouldn't accept it07:55
maxamillionRedimere: i wouldn't either to be honest ... things like bank sims are simple, the point of the assignment is for the student to understand the concept07:56
Redimeremaxamillion: I did understand the concept, I couldn't get the queue to function correctly so I wrote it with a plain queue.07:56
maxamillionRedimere: well from an instructors stand point, we need to see it in functioning code before we know07:57
maxamillionRedimere: but i know what you mean ... i've chased bugs in code for days that simulated concepts that i _knew_ and knew well07:57
=== Redimere smirks.
Redimeremaxamillion: I had him stumped for awhile with a fun error on the first project in java07:58
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Redimeremaxamillion: you say something?07:59
maxamillionjava ... java is a good language, nice and safe and has alot of nice features but does seem to throw odd error messages sometimes07:59
maxamillionRedimere: i did now :)07:59
Redimerejava's nice, it's safe, and it's tough to break legitimately07:59
Redimerebugs the hell out of me sometimes.08:00
Redimereunfortunately the only language I have to compare it to is php, and they're not even a little bit the same08:00
maxamillionyeah, and it the JVM actually performs floating point checking so some of the issues with IEEE floating point representation isn't an issue in java08:00
Redimereyeah, but adding 2.0 + 2.0 still is an issue08:01
maxamillionRedimere: how so?08:01
Redimeremaxamillion: if you use a double in addition, you have to round it or it won't be precise08:01
Redimereit'll be very, very close, but not exact08:01
maxamillionRedimere: i don't think that's correct08:04
Redimeremaybe not, but I had to lean caching early because of it08:04
maxamillioncaching? ... how does caching have anything to do with a floating point 2.0+2.0?08:04
Redimerecaching or casting08:05
=== Chikubu [n=Chikubu@] has joined #xubuntu
RedimereI forget the word08:05
Redimerewhere you change it from one type to another.08:05
Chikubuhow can i check to see if my swap drive is active?08:05
Chikubudoes swapon -s show the swap partition?08:05
maxamillionChikubu: its shows the current usage summary, yes08:06
Chikubuswapon -s lists nothing...where do i go from here, i have a hda5 partition that is a swap partition, but appearently its not being used08:07
maxamillionChikubu: there are a few things you might need to try08:09
maxamillionRedimere: yes, but that has nothing to do with adding 2.0 + 2.0 ... that example exercises one of the floating point issues still not checked by java08:09
Redimerethat's what I meant08:10
maxamillionRedimere: what university do you go to?08:10
Chikubufstab looks ok and so does resume08:11
Redimeremaxamillion: University of Maine08:11
maxamillionRedimere: cool cool08:11
Redimeremaxamillion: You?08:11
maxamillionRedimere: Sam Houston State University ... its in Texas08:11
Redimeretoo far south for me.08:12
maxamillioni've been born and raised here ... i'm used to it08:13
Redimerei'm really tempted to put linux on my mother's computer and skin it like XP and see if she notices.08:14
maxamillionRedimere: if you install wine on it ... she probably won't for a while08:15
maxamillionlinux is almost noob friendly enough for my family .... almost08:15
Redimereit is now anyway08:15
Redimeremy first taste of linux was six years ago with slackware08:15
=== Redimere whimpers a bit.
maxamillionnot for my family ... my father still uses AOL and my mother can't install a printer for herself08:15
Chikubuso ideas where to start with swap problem?08:16
maxamillionmine was almost 8 years ago ... it was redhat08:16
maxamillionChikubu: yes, sorry ... just a moment08:16
maxamillionChikubu: i think there is a link that should walk you through it, i just need to check08:16
maxamillionRedimere: i haven't allowed any microsoft product to touch a machine i own since then ... its been a long wonderful journey08:18
Chikubublkid lists a diffrent uuid than ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid08:18
Chikubuwhich i would think is a problem08:18
Redimeremaxamillion: I'dve switched over a long time ago if gaming wasn't so important. Buuut my addiction to WoW forced this on me.08:18
maxamillionChikubu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq08:18
maxamillionRedimere: ah, i never really gamed ... so i never worried about it, i didn't have time to game ... my mom made me study alot and get a job08:19
Redimeremaxamillion: my mom tried that too. Then her computer stopped turning on08:19
maxamillionChikubu: there is a section there about "adding more swap" .. just use that to actually add swap08:20
maxamillionRedimere: LOL ... well my mom was hard core, she would take the mouse, the keyboard and the power cord anytime i was in trouble and she didn't care about the computer so it didn't bother her that it wasn't functioning08:20
Redimeremaxamillion: I always had backups around08:20
maxamillionanyhoo... i have to run, i have work in the morning08:21
maxamillionnight all08:21
Chikubui think its a uuid problem because ive been trackig it due to another error an kinit: no resume image problem, and kini: name_to_dev_+(/dev/dis/by-uuid/...problem and a dead gui logon problem08:21
Chikubuall tied together in a sinster web of bugs08:21
Redimereit's out to get you08:21
Redimeregive me a month and i'll probably break that, then i'll tell you how to fix it08:23
Chikubuwhy would blkid list one uuid and  ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid another uuid?08:23
Redimereyour swap drive is leading a double life?08:23
Chikubuwhere is the config file with the wrong data ugg08:23
Chikubuappears so08:24
Chikubuafter last upgrade all heck broke loose been days tracking the problem08:24
Redimerehave you tried just knocking your computer on it's ass and reinstalling xubuntu-desktop?08:25
Chikubunot yet08:26
Chikubumaybe ill just merge the partitions and use a swap file08:27
Redimerewhy bother with a swap period?08:28
Redimereif I recall a swap is just linux virtual memory, if you have enough ram you don't really need a swap08:29
Chikubulow end system08:30
Redimeretry merging the partitions then just remaking the swap08:30
Chikubuit barely works with out the swap08:30
Redimereif drive ident is screwy, nuke it and rebuild08:30
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Chikubui invest so much time into settings and getting apps stalled, im on a modem, nuking and rebuilding is like pulling teeth08:36
Chikububug this bug chasing is about as bad  *sigh*08:36
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echosystmxfce vs. gnome08:53
echosystmwhere are we at these days?08:53
Chikubuwould anyone running the latest version of xubuntu type "free | grep Swap" in terminal and see if they too are getting 0 0 0 swap usage?  i think the latest version has killed swap08:53
echosystmalot of people seem to be saying theres practically no difference now08:53
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bart_17heya hyper_ch09:18
bart_17heya guys... i have this command that i use in windows "type *.txt >prn" is there a similar command in linux? thanx09:22
TheSheepcat *.txt > lpr09:23
TheSheepugh, wrong09:23
TheSheepcat *.txt | lpr09:23
bart_17ok thanx...09:25
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bart_17how about "pkunzip -srcbc *.ar"09:27
ServeTheLinuxhi evr109:27
TheSheepbart_17: unzip or zip09:29
TheSheepbart_17: I think that zip can also unpack under linux09:29
bart_17thesheep: i made this batch file script:09:31
TheSheepbart_17: the options may be different, consult the manual09:31
bart_17ok thanx09:31
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bart_17"pkunzip.exe -srcbc *.ar"09:32
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bart_17"move *.ar c:\ar\backup"09:32
bart_17can u teach me how to make a similar script in linux?09:32
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teratomawhen i mess around with my window taskbars, like "max  " or "min" the window, everything freezes, and i have to reboot09:40
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rolfenI'm having trouble setting up the fuse smb thunar thingie09:46
rolfencant mount the smb filesystem unless i sudo09:46
rolfeni did chmod 777 to the mountpoint but it didnt change a thing09:47
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Merchelotry chown it10:06
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damikeis there a gedit for xubuntu? ;)10:25
TheSheepgeany is little more advanced10:26
damikeTheSheep, mousepad has highlighting? ;)10:26
TheSheepdamike: no10:26
TheSheepdamike: if you want exact copy of gedit, use gedit10:26
damikegeany looks cool - thx10:26
damikeTheSheep, a maybe stupid question - if you are using xubuntu long time - is there lots of data waste (old packages) on the system or is xubuntu quite "clean"?10:29
TheSheepdamike: the unneeded packages can be automatically removed10:30
TheSheepdamike: so it's pretty clean10:30
damikeTheSheep, ok :)10:30
TheSheepdamike: the system remembers which packages were installed by you manually, and which ones were installed as dependencies, and can remove the latter when they are no longer needed10:31
damikeTheSheep, also dependencies?10:31
TheSheepdamike: yes10:32
TheSheepdamike: recursively10:32
damikeTheSheep, cool10:32
TheSheepit has sometimes unwated effects, when you install whole bundles of programs and then wnat to remove only single ones from the bundle10:33
TheSheepbut generally works acceptably well10:33
damikehmm. apt-get also works - g++ installation was quite simple ;)10:37
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TheSheepdamike: that's a feature of apt-get since feisty10:49
TheSheepdamike: that remembering of whether package was installed as dependency or manually10:49
damikeTheSheep, yes - sheems to be quite cool :)10:50
damikeTheSheep, well use xubuntu longer i think ;)10:50
=== Natureshadow [n=nik@p57A1680D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
NatureshadowI've got a problem with X.org.10:55
NatureshadowLast week, I booted my machine and suddenly had only 800x600 pixels10:55
NatureshadowI removed any other mode than 1024x768 from the config, but still it wouldn't do10:55
TheSheepNatureshadow: did you change something?10:56
NatureshadowNow, after one more week, the resolution is OK again - but with miniature fonts!10:56
TheSheepNatureshadow: in bios, for example?10:56
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NatureshadowTheSheep: nope, really nothing10:56
NatureshadowTheSheep: Everything I did on this machine for months is using Firefox and Gaim!10:56
TheSheepNatureshadow: that fonts issue is known, there is a fix10:56
TheSheepNatureshadow: let me find it10:56
NatureshadowTheSheep: Well, on Windows I would consider "self-configuration" like this normal, or done by a virus - but not on Linux :)10:57
TheSheepNatureshadow: the problem is that linux tries to get the physical screen dimensions from your hardware, to make the fonts consistent, but it fails miserably with some hardware10:58
NatureshadowTheSheep: ok, but why didn't that happen right from the beginning?10:59
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TheSheepNatureshadow: my guess is that the resolution problems and the font problems are related to a driver upgrade11:00
TheSheepNatureshadow: but I can only guess11:00
NatureshadowTheSheep: So Ubuntu does this automatically?11:00
TheSheepNatureshadow: no, you have to run the upgrade manager11:00
NatureshadowTheSheep: I thought so, However, I didn't :)11:01
NatureshadowTheSheep: Never mind, I will try the fix you sent me11:01
TheSheepNatureshadow: the second one seems to fix it in more than one place :)11:01
TheSheepjust to make sure11:01
NatureshadowTheSheep: thx, will come back later and report11:02
NatureshadowTheSheep: umm .. I think I have changed the charset from latin1 to UTF-8 some time last week - could that be the reason?11:03
TheSheepNatureshadow: I don't think so11:04
TheSheepbut really I can only do guessing here11:04
NatureshadowTheSheep: OK. Cya later11:06
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Natureshado1TheSheep: Well, I edited the configs as described in the blogs, but still the fonts are very small11:28
TheSheepNatureshado1: what does settings->user interface settings say about font size?11:29
Natureshado1TheSheep: aaaah ..... lokking good now! thanks for the tip!11:31
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damikehow can i say to the HAL daemon that he should mount a media as read only?11:44
TheSheepdamike: one option would be to put a line in fstab with the 'ro' option in it11:45
damikeTheSheep, with the fix device name?11:45
TheSheepdamike: huh?11:48
damikeTheSheep, sudo mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sdb1 stuff/ works - how to put that into fstab?11:50
TheSheep/dev/sdb1 /full/path/to/stuff ufs ufstype=ufs2,ro 0 011:53
damikeah ok - was not quite sure about ufstype - thx11:53
TheSheepah, and you want 'noauto' in the options too11:53
TheSheepand probably 'user' or 'users'11:53
TheSheep'man fstab' should give you the details11:54
damikeok thx. maybe i will change to raiserfs11:56
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pwnguinsup my homies12:18
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Colossus73i have an nfs folder which is mounted thriugh fstab12:20
Colossus73is it possible to have its icon on the desktop so to mount/umount it with the context menu option?12:20
Colossus73no does use NFS?12:25
pwnguinnah I don't bother with it12:32
pwnguinusually use scp or ftp12:32
gerroColossus73: a similar question to that of yours is how do I remove the floppy icon from desktop?12:33
gerroColossus73: I put a floppy in the drive just so there is some reason in that icon being there :/12:34
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Colossus73I don't have the icon on the desktop when the nfs folder is mounted12:45
Colossus73gerro: do you have the sfs icon on the desktop though?12:45
Colossus73sorry scp12:45
gerronope that's all command line12:46
gerrobasically what you want is an on/off switch right?12:47
Colossus73just as it happens when I put a cd in the DVD reader12:47
gerrosetup a .sh script to check if its on/off and do the opposite when clicked maybe output a message what it did12:47
gerrochmod +x the script12:47
Colossus73its icon appears on the desktop12:47
gerroand create a launcher12:47
Colossus73it is a solution but it's not the same as having the icon12:47
Colossus73handled by HAL12:47
Colossus73is it HAL which handles this right?12:48
gerrono clue12:48
gerroI love that icon thing though12:48
Colossus73thank anyway12:48
gerrowish my webcam worked that way12:48
Colossus73I posted on ubuntuforums too but no one replied yet12:48
Colossus73which model do you have?12:50
Colossus73the gspc driver supports over 200 models12:50
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gerrobasically you want a custom mount icon though right?12:53
gerrowell remote mount in this case12:53
Colossus73in the fstab I have many UUIDS line which I didn't know when using12:53
Colossus73I think I have toget the UUID of the NFS shared folder12:54
Colossus73I read on ubuntuforums that ubuntu does this12:54
Colossus73why xubuntu (which I'm uisng) doesn't?12:54
damikehow can i assign volume keyboard-shortcuts in xubuntu?01:15
damikei found something in the keyboard settings - but i don't know how to handle that :S01:16
TheSheepdamike: I installed mpc and bound 'mpc volume+10' and 'mpc volume-10' to keys01:17
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damikeTheSheep, i try - thx01:17
damikeTheSheep, the "Gnome Music Player Client"?01:18
TheSheepdamike: no, that's gmpc01:18
TheSheepdamike: I use mpc01:18
damikeTheSheep, installed via apt-get?01:19
TheSheepdamike: that's music player clinet for command line01:19
TheSheepdamike: yes01:19
damikeTheSheep, but i can still use xmms right?01:19
=== echosystm [n=echosyst@ppp121-45-117-109.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu
echosystmive got a weird question01:20
echosystmis it possible to make xfce panels set to autohide appear quicker?01:20
echosystmwhere would be best to find a solution to such things?01:20
echosystmat the moment theres like a 1-2 second delay, drives me nuts01:20
TheSheepsmaller delay would drive you even nutsier ;)01:21
echosystmnah i want it up there straight away01:21
echosystmin windows ive got it set to zero delay01:21
echosystmim used to it01:21
TheSheepechosystm: I think xfce doesn't have many 'shoot me in the foot' options01:25
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echosystmif i did an alt install of ubuntu with xfce rather than gnome01:46
echosystmthere would be no difference between the xubuntu dist + ubuntu right?01:46
echosystmi know with fluxbuntu theyve got all kinds of changes in the actual distribution that means its not the same as just putting fluxbox on ubuntu01:47
echosystmsame goes for xubuntu or not?01:47
gerroits xubuntu-desktop not xfce package01:48
gerrothat the problem with fluxbuntu they don't have a package like that out yet01:48
TheSheepechosystm: ubuntu and xubuntu are the same under the hood01:48
gerrooh and they do something with fluxbox and rox I think01:49
echosystmyeah i know ubuntu/xubuntu installs extra stuff01:49
echosystmlet me explain better01:49
echosystmi get an alt cd of ubuntu, install xfce01:49
echosystmi get the same alt cd of ubuntu, and install gnome01:50
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echosystmhang on i messed that up haha01:50
echosystmwhat i mean is... installing alt xubuntu with gnome, would be the same as installing alt ubuntu with gnome?01:50
echosystmi mean, other than the change in desktops, they're the same right?01:51
TheSheepechosystm: right01:53
echosystmcool :)01:53
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gabiiTheSheep: hello02:10
TheSheephello gabii02:11
gabiir u running xubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu02:11
TheSheepgabii: xubuntu02:12
TheSheephm... ubotu is down? :/02:12
gabiiah ok.. for you which is better xubuntu or kubuntu?02:13
TheSheepgabii: I'm allergic to kde :)02:13
TheSheepgabii: actually I'm so used to the gtk look and feel, that any other toolkit looks weird to me02:14
gabiiwell,i just installed kubuntu...02:14
gabiii should probablyhavetoask help from the kubuntu channel??02:16
TheSheepgabii: depends, but they are likely to be much better informed, yes02:18
gabiii was just able to install support for mp3... what do i need to play divx/xvid and matroska?02:19
TheSheepgabii: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:23
gabiii have another problem,i have a usb hdd it is formatted asntfs and when i plug it in it won't work02:27
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TheSheepgabii: it should work, at least for reading02:33
gabiiit won't it says i don't have permission02:34
TheSheepgabii: you use the default user that was created during installation?02:36
TheSheepno idea then :/02:38
gabiibut my thumb drive is working...02:40
gabiianyway i can't seem to understand the restricted format things.. what do i have to do toget it working?02:41
TheSheepgabii: it should be descibed there :/02:41
echosystmxfce uses gtk, right?02:41
TheSheepgabii: the links at the bottom should even have a step-by-step instructions02:42
echosystmso it's esentually just a stripped down version of gnome?02:42
gabiiyeah but it has too many options.. which one is the right one?02:42
TheSheepechosystm: not really, some applications are stripped versions of those from gnome, but the xfce itself is an independedt project that was around for quite a long time and has its own ways of dealing with things02:43
TheSheepgabii: no idea02:43
echosystmbut it is still based on gtk02:43
echosystmso theyre both somewhat the same no?02:43
TheSheepgabii: there used to be a bot here that gave you direct links, but it's broken at the moment02:43
echosystmi mean, its not like im going to open up a gnome program in xfce and expect bogus behaviour or anything right?02:44
echosystmor is that a possibility?02:44
TheSheepechosystm: no, gnome and kde programs should work just fine02:45
TheSheepunless the yare buggy themselves02:45
gabiithanx thesheep02:46
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gabiithanx thesheep02:47
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gabiithe sheep: how do i install firefox?02:51
TheSheepgabii: sudo apt-get install firefox02:51
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nikolamhow are you :)03:49
vinzeFine :D03:49
nikolamOk  I suppose :)03:49
vinzeGreat ;-)03:49
nikolamOnly gam_server is something I dont understand :)03:49
nikolamEating cpu and.. :)03:49
vinzeOh that's annoying03:49
nikolamWhat you have done about that?03:50
vinzeI hardly know what gam_server is...03:50
vinzePerhaps it's because of Firefox?03:50
nikolamnot running it :)03:51
nikolamseamonkey instead :)03:51
vinzePerhaps it's seamonkey :P03:51
nikolamnope :) perheaps its my evel twin myself :)03:51
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nikolamej vinze :)03:55
nikolamgo on pvt :)03:56
nikolamsee on list of channels, :)03:57
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sinzuiWill XUbnuntu work (walk not run) on on a 200mh laptopn with 96M? It will be used for browsing and reading PDF.04:46
pleia2sinzui: it will run ok, but use the alternate CD to do the install04:48
sinzuiOK. Thanks.04:48
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damikemy next question - sorry ;) does anybody uses linuxtv with DVB-S in xubuntu?05:08
maxamilliondamike: linuxtv? .... like mythtv?05:10
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damikemaxamillion, yes05:16
=== W8TAH [n=W8TAH@static-acs-24-239-210-31.zoominternet.net] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillion!mythtv | damike05:19
ubotudamike: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV05:19
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:19
maxamilliongood bot :)05:19
AmgineDoes bot have a similar guide for newbs attempting to install on a RAID?05:21
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FDC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:23
maxamillionAmgine: ^^05:23
=== W8TAH [n=tholmes@static-acs-24-239-210-31.zoominternet.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== maxamillion loves the bot
maxamillionsaves me alot of searching the docs and the wiki05:24
Amgine<grin> Cool!05:24
W8TAHmorning folks: i have xubuntu fiesty running on my laptop -- i had a program (kvirc) installed that uses sounds, and i then installed arts -- do i need to re-install kvirc (as i would in gentoo) or will it be happy now?05:32
maxamillionW8TAH: i'm not familiar with the program, but what are you referring to when you say you "installed arts"?05:34
W8TAHmaxamillion, good morning -- KVIRC is a KDE Based IRC client -- ARTS is the kde sound daemon - ive had good luck with it as opposed to esd etc05:34
maxamillionW8TAH: ah, ok ... they are KDE apps, that greatly explains why i am not familiar .... but kvirc should in theory be fine without having to reinstall, but if it doesn't appear to function then i would say just run a re-install and you should be fine (but thankfully re-installs are much faster in xubuntu then in gentoo)05:36
W8TAHLOL - -ya -- i love gentoo - just too much fiddling for a laptop05:37
W8TAHi'll try it out and see what happens05:37
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emdashwin 505:39
maxamillionemdash: ?05:39
W8TAHmaxamillion: things seem to be worknig happyily05:39
maxamillionW8TAH: wonderful, good to know :)05:39
emdashmaxamillion: forgot leading /05:40
maxamillionah, ok05:40
damikemaxamillion, i need DVB-S :(05:41
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damikemaxamillion, sheems that hauppauge DVB-s isn't supported05:42
maxamilliondamike: ouch05:42
=== Balaams_Miracle [n=balaam@g175073.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #xubuntu
Balaams_MiracleWhat soundserver does Xubuntu use by default?06:00
maxamillionBalaams_Miracle: alsa06:00
Balaams_MiracleMy sound is not working and now i can check to see if alsa is installed or not :-)06:01
maxamillionBalaams_Miracle: it should be ... check alsamixer or alsactl06:01
Balaams_Miracle(i've a weird system)06:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:04
Balaams_MiracleGotta love bots :-)06:04
Balaams_MiracleWorking! Thanks maxamillion and the ubotu bot :-)06:08
damikethere was a small little network meter for gnome - just showing up / download. does anybody the name?06:10
maxamillionBalaams_Miracle: anytime :)06:11
maxamilliondamike: not off the top of my head06:11
damikemaxamillion, hmm?06:11
Balaams_Miracledamike, wasn't it just called "network meter"?06:12
damikeBalaams_Miracle, i don't know06:12
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maxamilliondamike: there is a xfce plugin, just right click the panel, click "add" and scroll down ... should be called "network monitor" or something of the sort06:17
damikemaxamillion, ah ok - just found CPU  thx ;)06:18
=== hmca [n=hmca@bl4-185-51.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #xubuntu
hmcahi all06:20
hmcaquestion: not all apps i have installed apear in applications menu, ex kdevelop...06:21
hmcaupdate-menus does not seem to fix/solve this06:21
hmcausing xubuntu/xfce  7.0406:22
hmcaamarok apears ...06:22
TheSheephmca: report a bug about missing .desktop files, but note that console-only applications won't appear in there06:22
hmcaTheSheep: ok , but kdevelop is not a console app06:23
hmcaTheSheep: how do i report this suposed bug ? this is a xfce bug , correct ?06:24
TheSheephmca: no, it's a bug in the application that doesn't show up in the menu.06:26
TheSheepactually in its package06:26
TheSheephmca: do you have a file /usr/share/applications/kdevelop.dekstop ?06:26
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hmcaTheSheep: no, i have /usr/share/applications/kde/*06:28
hmcaTheSheep: ln -s * ../ ??06:28
hmcaTheSheep: ironicly 4 example k3b appears ... and that app i have i kde/ dir ,  the same place i have kdevelop06:30
TheSheephmca: look into that file if it doesn't have a 'OnlyShowIn: KDE'06:31
hmcain kdevelop.desktop i have "Categories=Qt;KDE;Development;IDE;X-KDE-KDevelopIDE;"   , cheeking06:32
hmcawaiting for pastebin ....06:34
hmcapastebin must be dying 4 a boot06:37
TheSheep!pastebin | hmca06:38
ubotuhmca: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:38
hmcaTheSheep: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29256/     i'm Portuguese and so my computer sometimes :) ....06:43
TheSheeplooks good :/06:48
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hmcayep, still thanks for the chat06:48
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damikewhat can be wrong if suspend doesnt work and linux doesnt react anymore?06:56
damikejust a black screen06:56
TheSheepit works with some hardware and doesn't with other06:57
TheSheeptweaking bios options might help06:58
damikehmm. it worked with fedora 7 - thats the strange thing06:58
damikethat means? ;)07:01
Pumpernickel...that Fedora 7 was released more recently than Feisty?07:02
damikei think so - yes07:03
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PumpernickelIt was.07:03
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jrollfI have a basic xbuntu install with samba and x11vnc installed. I'm using it as a basic file server in my home. I have noticed that when I disconnect the monitor and use VNC, the highest resolution I can get is 800 x 600.  I would like to get 1024 x 800 over VNC (which I can get 1024 x 800 on VNC as long as their is a monitor plugged into the computer).  Is there a way to fix this?07:18
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maxamillionjrollf: i assume its just a configuration somewhere in the vnc server that defaults to the X11 resolution when the monitor is plugged in, and then falls back on the vnc config when the monitor is removed ... i could be wrong though07:19
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hyper_chTheSheep: you're here?07:49
TheSheephyper_ch: no, I'm here07:55
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hyper_chTheSheep: you're not here :(07:56
TheSheephere, here07:57
=== maxamillion is sooooo confused
TheSheepnow you see me now you dont07:58
=== maxamillion is learning how the gcc linker functions
TheSheeppretty simle in theory...07:59
TheSheepmaxamillion: see how that course comes in handy?07:59
hyper_chwhere to get nsca_auth?07:59
hyper_chanyone knows?08:00
maxamillionTheSheep: yes, this summer session is awesome!08:00
maxamillionTheSheep: i start coding my minimalistic bash clone on wednesday08:01
hyper_choh, it's ncsa_auth  -  stupid me :)08:01
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damikehmm. i can't watch DVDs :( ogle crashes if i open the DVD, vlc hangs up after the first chapter and xine gives an error08:31
damikedoes anybody knows that error?08:31
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hyper_chdamike: run the players from the terminal08:32
hyper_chdamike: that should give some output of why they crash08:32
hyper_chdamike: and that will help to figre out why it's happening08:32
damikehyper_ch, thx. ogle says "*** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1571 ***", vlc says nothing because it hangs up :/08:34
hyper_chxine? mplayer?08:35
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damikehyper_ch, http://rafb.net/p/k1dDXd75.html08:36
hyper_chno clue08:37
damikei try the old windows method - reboot ;)08:37
hyper_chcan you play other dvds?08:37
hyper_chdamike: won't help08:37
damikehave tried different DVDs08:37
hyper_chnone work?08:38
hyper_chdamike: seems you are missing a few things then :)08:38
hyper_chdamike: you are familiar with the terminal?08:38
damikehyper_ch, gxine gives after a view seconds " Error reading from DVD"08:39
damikehyper_ch, yes08:39
hyper_chdamike: you konw how to add a repository?08:39
damikehyper_ch, no ;)08:39
damikei did long time ago08:39
hyper_chdamike: google for medibuntu08:39
hyper_chit will tell you how to add that repo :)08:39
damikei get a I/O error - maybe HAL is the reason08:40
damikeafter a few seconds maybe HAL disables the cd08:40
damikei try a reboot08:40
hyper_chdamike: nope, I think you are missing a few things :)08:40
damikewhat things?08:40
hyper_chdamike: won't help :)08:40
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damikewell - that shoukd come with vlc?08:41
hyper_chI don't think that does08:42
hyper_chit's not really a codec08:42
hyper_chof course, it's up to you to install it or not or to reboot or not08:44
damikehyper_ch, i can't believe that watching a DVD is a problem in xubuntu ;)08:44
hyper_chdamike: libdvdcss2 does not come with any ubuntu08:45
damikethats bad - so every user has to check out the rep? ;)08:45
hyper_chdamike: if you want to watch dvds: yes08:46
hyper_chso did you add the repo to your sources?08:46
damikebig minus for xubuntu ;)08:46
hyper_chit's not really a big deal08:47
hyper_chwhen I setup my computer a new it will be auto-downloaded and installed as with 99% of my software that I use08:47
damikeah ok - i found a article about the problem08:48
damikehyper_ch, yes - its very simple :) now i have libdvdcss2 installed - thx!!!08:53
hyper_chdoes it work?08:53
hyper_chyou're welcome... next thing is to write an install script in case you do re-setup your computer ^^08:54
damikeit works with synaptic08:55
hyper_chwhy use synaptic if you have a terminal available ^^08:55
damikehyper_ch, if i want to hack in my terminal i start freebsd ;)08:59
hyper_chdamike: that's how I setup a fresh computer:   http://rafb.net/p/3gAbhG36.html09:00
damikehyper_ch, quite cool ;) irssi user? ;)09:01
hyper_chalmost fully automatic09:02
hyper_chthe first few packages require some user input09:02
hyper_chsometimes I use irssi from work09:02
hyper_chbut at home I use konversation09:02
damikeso if i get the suspend thing running i will say xubuntu rocks ;)09:03
hyper_chxubuntu rocks09:03
damikei hope it works - i would like to use it also in my laptop09:03
hyper_chI've never used suspend09:03
damikehyper_ch, why not? always shut down the machine?09:05
hyper_chdamike: nope, never shut down the machine ^^09:06
damikehyper_ch, ahh - thats bad ;)09:06
hyper_chdamike: why?09:06
damikeenergy waste09:06
hyper_chhmm, I need to download torrents ^^09:07
damikehyper_ch, "need" is relative ;)09:08
hyper_chso is energy waste09:09
damikehave to pay the fee yourself?09:09
hyper_chdamike: yes09:10
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hyper_chdamike: why?09:11
damikehyper_ch, i was intersted in ;)09:12
damikehyper_ch, where are you from? bern?09:14
hyper_chdamike: nope09:14
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hyper_chyou're from vienna?09:17
hyper_chdamike: Dornbirn?09:18
damikehyper_ch, graz09:19
hyper_choh, graz ist nett09:19
hyper_chdie Winfridia :)09:19
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hyper_ch<-- St. Gallen09:20
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damikehyper_ch, skirgebiet oder? ;)09:23
hyper_chdamike: nicht ganz but better to use English in here09:24
hyper_chdamike: otherwise the evil Pumpernickel will kick you out09:24
hyper_chPumpernickel: ;)09:24
=== hyper_ch thinks Pumpernickel is the meanest OP he ever encountered ^^
hyper_chhighlighting works wonders :)09:27
hyper_chwell, probably not the right translation for that proverb :)09:27
hyper_chbtw, some other cool channels are:  #ubunte-de and  #kubuntu-de ^^09:27
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kalikianahyper_ch, brigens, es gibt auch #xfce-de ;) *werbungmach*09:46
hyper_chkalikiana: oder #xubuntu-de09:46
kalikianahyper_ch, Yep. :)09:47
=== kabads [n=adam@84-45-156-162.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #xubuntu
kabadsmy xubuntu feisty install stalls on detecting file system - any tips on how to bypass this? I was thinking of using gparted live cd to create the partitions instead of the xubuntu install? Is this a good idea?10:11
maxamillionkabads: its worth a shot10:11
kabadsmaxamillion: with a blank HDD anything is worth a shot :-)10:12
maxamillionkabads: very true, but yes ... using gparted and partitioning yourself is an option and the installer should work fine with your hand edited partition scheme10:12
=== kabads is burning...
=== hyper_ch uses kabads as central heating
=== sx66 [n=charles@66-215-33-8.dhcp.arhd.ca.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
sx66how do you configure the monitor of a laptop to shutdown/power off in xubuntu?10:16
hyper_chsx66: ???10:16
sx66ex: power off in 1min10:16
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sx66the monitor of my laptop.10:17
hyper_chsx66: applications --> settings --> settings manager10:17
hyper_chsx66: screensaver10:17
hyper_chsx66: advanced10:17
sx66hyper_ch: yes, I do not see a monitor settings, only standby, suspend, and off....of 60min...10:19
hyper_chsx66: that is for the monitor10:19
sx66thank you10:19
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hyper_chsx66: Display Power Managment ^^10:20
hyper_chservaas-xubuntu-: hi10:21
servaas-xubuntu-nothing to discuss at this moment ?10:21
kabadslooks like my machine is even too old for gparted10:24
sx66does blank screen turn off the LCD?10:24
hyper_chkabads: ???10:24
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maxamillionsx66: no, but it will make the LCD inactive and then the LCD will suspend per spec of the firmware for an inactivity timeout (normally 10 minutes or so)10:25
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sx66maxamillion: how do I make the LCD turn off in one minute, (i am on a laptop)...I have installed kpower, and I can not find to power down the screen of 1min nor in the system power screen saver settings. I have set the display power mag to 1 min but nothing happens in 1 min10:27
servaas-xubuntu-you can look at the advanced tab inde screensaver settings10:27
servaas-xubuntu-inde = in the10:27
servaas-xubuntu-kabads: can you give US (im no geek :-) )some specs of your machine10:29
kabadsaha - there's a fat16 partition on that drive already -10:29
maxamillionsx66: oh, that i don't really know off the top of my head ... i only use my laptop when i need to be on it and shutdown when i'm done10:30
kabadsservaas-xubuntu-: I've run gparted with an xconfig and it seems to have booted into graphical mode10:30
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: look in the advanced tab from the screensaver settings10:31
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: I have set that to one (1) minute nothing happens in one (1) minute10:31
sx66let me restart xconf10:31
sx66hold on10:31
servaas-xubuntu-kabads: and what is the problem with it ?10:32
servaas-xubuntu-how can i change that ugly bad visible ugly color :-(10:33
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servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: hi10:36
_pez_could somebody please help me with installing xubuntu10:37
hyper_ch_pez_: well, maybe you can tell what is not working...10:37
_pez_livecd boots, mouse not working, howto install?10:37
_pez_and howto fix mouse10:38
hyper_chwell, if the live cd doesn't boot then you can try the alternate one but with that one you will directly install it10:38
hyper_ch_pez_: what error do you actually get? maybe you need to boot with acpi off10:38
_pez_I've got a sis chipset and I've read that this is a general bug with the new kernel10:38
_pez_no error, just my mouse pointer does not move, tried with 2 mouse (ps2)10:39
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: was it possible for you to continue installation with only the keyboard ?10:40
hyper_chno clue, sorry10:40
_pez_I can switch terminals, but I've got no idea howto install10:41
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: so you installed xubuntu without a mouse ?10:42
TheSheep_pez_: if you press alt+shift+numlock, you should be able to control the mouse pointer with the number pad10:42
_pez_I mean there is an install icon on the desktop, but I couldn't activate it, and I have no clue what to type in txt mode10:42
_pez_tx I'll try10:42
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: use tab10:42
_pez_tab didn't seem to work10:43
_pez_is there a way to install it without booting into a livecd system?10:44
TheSheep_pez_: alternate cd10:45
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: you cannot select an icon on the desktop with tab key , left/right/up/down key and enter key ?10:45
servaas-xubuntu-that should work isnt it ?10:45
_pez_I tried to select with kb, but no success10:45
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servaas-xubuntu-try first down key what happens ?10:47
=== sx66 [n=charles@66-215-33-8.dhcp.arhd.ca.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
sx66does the xfce result in better battery because of cpu consumption and etc10:48
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: do you have acpi service enabled ?10:49
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: where do I find that?10:49
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: did it work with the setting in screen saver /10:49
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: kb not working, but alt shift numlock does10:50
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: menu system service10:50
_pez_TheSheep: tx for the advice, it helped10:50
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: so you can select the icon install to harddisk ?10:50
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: yes10:52
servaas-xubuntu-so you are installing now ?10:52
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: sure I am (o:10:52
servaas-xubuntu-if installed reboot maybe your mice mouse is detected then10:53
sx66I can not find the acpi....in the menu system services.10:53
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: and if you enter     gksu services-admin ?10:55
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: I have enabled the screen saver and it 'blank screens' at one minute, I need the LCD off at one min.10:55
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: I do not think so see this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10838210:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 108382 in linux-source-2.6.20 "ps2 mouse does not work in Feisty FINAL VERSION" [High,Fix released] 10:56
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: that command worked, then what?10:56
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: i know what you want you need acpi to let it work if your hardware supports it ...10:56
servaas-xubuntu-well look in the list to find acpi service and if it is enabled10:57
sx66acpid is enabled.10:58
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: after reboot update with update manager and look if it works then10:58
sx66terminal multiplexor is disabled10:58
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: ok and your lcd supports acpi ?10:59
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: how would I find that?10:59
servaas-xubuntu-in the documentation of your monitor ?11:00
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: in the 'sys info' app that I have?11:00
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servaas-xubuntu-sx66: ...11:02
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: i really dont know but i have another idea ...11:02
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: try to install gnome-power-manager maybe that works for you ...11:03
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_:  your status report :-) installed it ?11:05
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: old machine runs slow... partitioning11:06
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: how old ?11:07
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: ?11:07
sx66where do I get the gnome-power-manager11:10
servaas-xubuntu-in the synaptic ?11:10
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: something called bookPC, microatx house, everything integrated no pci slots, my dad bougt it some 6-7 years ago, he thougth it was cute, and I have to deal with it...11:10
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: to install or to run ?11:11
sx66installing now, thank you11:11
sx66servaas-xubuntu-: I have installed it, I can not find it now...11:12
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: it took me 3 days to figure out, that the cd drive not working perfectly, freezed the install process with several OS11:12
servaas-xubuntu-menu - accessoires - appfinder11:13
servaas-xubuntu-search for power managemant11:13
sx66thank YOUUUU11:13
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: and how did you work around it ?11:14
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_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: I have another dead pc to install, so I took the cd drive from it11:16
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: other pc's winch stuck while formatting... I'm not happy these days (o:11:17
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_:  not repaired/welded it and so on just took another one :-/11:18
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: yeah, unfortunately that pc doesn't mine to trash11:19
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_:  partitoning passed already ?11:20
_pez_no, after 5 mins I have to quit, it doesn't seem to work11:21
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: so I'm trying again11:22
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_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: yepp, the installer GUI definitely needs some rewrite to use it without mouse...11:26
servaas-xubuntu-well you can set keys with settings manager11:27
servaas-xubuntu-and there is the alternate cd to install in text mode11:27
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: nope, it's the focus thing, and the tab key does not move the focus11:27
=== sx66 [n=charles@66-215-33-8.dhcp.arhd.ca.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
servaas-xubuntu-down key does it for me11:28
sx66what is the kunbuntu power manager, what is that called?11:28
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: you have already gome power manager installed so ?11:29
sx66yes, but it still does not work...:( it was the blank screen from the screen saver that got my hopes up11:30
servaas-xubuntu-search synaptic for kde power or something im not a walking enceclopedie with all the thousands of packages in my head ...11:30
servaas-xubuntu-you know the tools try to figure out why it isnt work ...11:31
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: already tried to reboot ?11:32
sx66I have not rebooted...that sound prob wor11:33
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: what kind of sound chipset do you have?11:33
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: i dont know tell me how to find out  :-)11:34
servaas-xubuntu-sx66: happy lcd off after 1 minute works ?11:35
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: hda intel11:37
sx66I am going to restart11:37
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_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: do you find it load enough?11:40
servaas-xubuntu-servaas@x704:~$ lspci | grep Audio11:40
servaas-xubuntu-00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)11:40
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: i really do not use audio it is mostly turned off11:41
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: I see11:42
servaas-xubuntu-_second try to partitoning hard disk works ?11:42
servaas-xubuntu-_pez_: second try to partitoning hard disk works ?11:43
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: nope,11:45
_pez_servaas-xubuntu-: I think I have to unmount the automounted filesystems11:45
servaas-xubuntu-im not the best in partitioning maybe someone else here in the channel ?11:46
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Redimeremornin all11:57
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servaas-xubuntu-morning ... sweet dreams12:10
Jester45im just wondering if on the first boot of debian does it take a really long time? mine took like 30 mins but ubuntu boots in under 512:12
Jester45just wondering it might of been the really old drive12:12
servaas-xubuntu-fschk ?12:13
Jester45nope] 12:15
=== Redimere[Away] is now known as Redimere
Jester45it was just doing some noram booting stuff12:15
Jester45i think it might of been making a config or something so it wouldnt have to check my hardware. does it even do that?12:15
Jester45like it was checking if my processor would do somthing when in hypervisor mode12:16
servaas-xubuntu-you could disable boot scripts but then it detects nothing12:16
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Jester45hey cellofellow12:17
Jester45hows those computers coming12:17
cellofellowThere are sixteen and I've cataloged three of them in my OOo database.12:17
Jester45servaas-xubuntu-, well i found a old 4gb hard drive and figure... why not try other OS and see what they got. so i tried gentoo and the drive was to slow12:18
Jester45dsl worked but i would rather have it as a cd. win98 had a memory alllocation error12:18
Jester45vista said the drive was to small (plus it would of been to slow)12:19
servaas-xubuntu-so you think it is the hdd not the system but the strange thing is the difference in boot time that is an open question12:19
cellofellowIs there some command to see what program(s) are accessing the network? I'm downloading a lot of something, but what I don't know.12:20
Jester45servaas-xubuntu-, yea i was thinking the problem is the old drive because i never tried debain on my good drive. so the only diffrence was the harddrive and the OS12:20
servaas-xubuntu-but then the boot time is not compareble because of the different hard drives12:22
cellofellowoh, you know what? I bet it's update-manager12:22
Jester45anyone have a link or tip for drying out a cell phone12:23
cellofellowI have it set to do unnattended updates.12:23
Jester45cellofellow, you being hacked :)12:23
servaas-xubuntu-drying is the opposite of wet ? (bad english)12:23
Jester45servaas-xubuntu-, yea my phone got a good soak in a pool today12:24
cellofellowJester45: (That's why I want to know what command is doing it. I can't figure that out though.)12:24
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-176-11.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45cellofellow, im sure the hacker allready got sudo powers and remove that program12:25
servaas-xubuntu-keep battery out and put it in your pocket12:25
Jester45servaas-xubuntu-, it was vibrating but now it just dead12:25
cellofellowJester45: what is it though?12:26
servaas-xubuntu-do not use hair dryer or some because of melting components12:26
cellofellowJester45: and, it's 0 upload, I'd expect a cracker to have to upload at least shell data to himself.12:26
cellofellowJust full download.12:26
servaas-xubuntu-better said take battery out no power in it12:26

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