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goatzDose anyone have a moment to help me with a problem for a school? (rather a decision to use samba or LTSP)06:45
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LaserJockRichEd: ping?08:52
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RichEdLaserJock: belated pong09:25
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=== ogra waves from london
LaserJockhow is it?10:32
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RichEdhey ogra10:39
LaserJockogra: when's the sprint over?10:39
ograLaserJock, friday10:40
LaserJockright, I'm off10:43
LaserJockgotta get back to the "break"10:43
stgraberogra: Is that a known behaviour that with ldmgtkgreeter if you enter an invalid login/pass it hangs forever waiting on ssh and gnome-session ?10:52
ograstgraber, yep, known bug10:52
ograthe version we have in gutsy atm is a very early implementation, i'm waiting for sbalenav to give the go to update to the next one ...10:53
ograbu currently he says i shouldnt, its to unstable ...10:53
stgraberok, anyway it's way better looking and faster than the previous ldm10:54
ograand soon able to update expired passwords etc ;)10:55
stgraberoh, something else, I've done a rebuild of the ltsp source package for Feisty, would updating a feisty server with those packages + rebuild the image be enough to have thin clients to use the new nbd-server + squashfs on an edubuntu feisty server ?10:56
ograwell, i did the initial implementation on feisty ... but some things changed during development ... i.e. nbd-server needs other options10:58
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stgraberogra: hehe, with the new ltsp on feisty, boot now takes 20s vs ~1min on vmware :)12:06
stgraberogra: I just had to comment the inetd.conf generation part of ltsp-update-image and add "/bin/nbd-server 0 /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img" by hand to the inetd.conf12:08
ograyou should have rather modified nbdrootd12:08
ograbut that works as well indeed12:08
ograjust make sure nbd-server is in /etc/hosts.allow ... else you will have persisting nbd-server processes12:09
=== Yagisan waves to ogra - long time no see
Yagisanogra, I found something interesting at sf.net for ltsp/edubuntu12:18
Yagisanogra, http://www.virtualgl.org/About/Introduction12:19
ograYagisan, we run compiz by default in gutsy, GL is full supported (on HW where it works indeed)12:35
Yagisanoh ?12:35
=== Yagisan isn't game enough to move productuion systems off feisty yet
ograbut thanks for the pointer anyway :)12:35
YagisanI saw it when looking for opngl code to er borrow for my game12:35
ograit should work in feisty as well though12:35
Yagisanso on upgrade, I can if insane enough fire up opengl games on the thin clients ?12:36
ograi didnt try games ... but we're using comiz everywhere and its breezigly fast12:37
ogra(talking about i910 systems i have here)12:37
Yagisanis it using the servers hardware, or the clients hardware for opengl accellration ?12:37
Yagisan(I have a horde of pentium 2's with video cards more powerfull then the rest of the systems!)12:38
ograelse it wouldnt be that fast :)12:38
Yagisanoh yeah - that p2 with a geforce4 mx440 will get very popular soon12:39
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Yagisanogra, would you say g++ defining BIG_ENDIAN on amd64 is a critical bug ?01:26
ograask doko, he's the gcc maintainer ;)01:27
YagisanI just ran into that delightful issue on feisty ...01:28
Yagisanwell, not the word I'd use, as it took 3 days to discover that was the reason everything was FUBAR O_o01:32
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=== Yagisan proceeds to work around "BIG_ENDIAN" bug, by changing all B's to P's
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sbalneavMorning all03:43
RichEdhey sbalneav03:52
sbalneavhey hey RichEd!03:52
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cliebowHey Hey Hey 8~)03:56
calcogra: apparently the quickstart option in ooo runs ooo when you login, so the -invisible option is probably better since your case has restricted memory03:56
calcogra: of course if the user runs much after killing ooo it will throw away to disk read cache for the program, but in cases where ooo is the primary used application that wouldn't be a big issue03:57
calcogra: perhaps even generalize the readahead of applications based on what the system is going to be primarily used for if there are any other slow to load applications, which some kind of configuration dialog to preload the apps for the teacher to set03:59
=== calc needs to proofread what he is typing
ograi understand fine what you say :)03:59
calcheh ok03:59
ograi was pondering to call it with redirect to /dev/null and just ignore that DISPLAY is unset04:00
sbalneavMorning ogra04:00
ograbut i'm not sure that loads enough stuff in ram04:00
ograsbalneav, hey hey04:00
ograsbalneav, someone here pointed out that feature freeze is pretty near ....04:01
ograwe need to have something done with ldm soon04:01
ograactualy they are lying ...04:01
ograstill more than 4 weeks04:01
ogranow that i look ...04:01
sbalneavyeah, whew04:02
ograso ignore my babbling :P04:02
sbalneavI was doing more work last night.04:02
calcogra: does headless still require DISPLAY?04:02
ograstill complains04:03
calcgrr :(04:03
calcstupid program04:03
cliebowogra:how much job to initialize pcmcia in initramfs..04:05
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ogracliebow, that *should* work but to be honest i never tried04:06
cliebowk..it borks at finding eth0..and no little lights..certainly not life threatening.."except for the laptop" which becomes "trailer trash" if i cant make it work04:08
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cliebowactually runs fairly well on damnsmall with 32 meg of ram..but video is atrocious04:09
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davmor2Are there any dev's on this channel?10:19
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Burgundaviadavmor2: what sort?10:29
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davmor2Burgundavia:  heno has ask me to concentrate my testing on edubuntu first and I needed to know if there was anything specific that needed testing before each pre-release?10:30
Burgundaviadavmor2: pretty much you need to run through the default install and see if everything works10:31
davmor2Burgundavia:  I did that last time.  But I was wondering more about once the install has happened.  I try and put myself as much as I can in the position of a new user.  I then run through a quick set of tests on the live/installed system.  However if there is anything that really needs testing then it's always useful to know about it.  ie if some of the education stuff definitely needs to work etc10:34
davmor2also most of my testing previous has been on x/k/ubuntu  so I pretty much know what needs to work there if that makes sense.10:36
Burgundaviachecking to make certain everything starts is always useful10:43
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