
ninHerhi all12:15
feierfoxhi ho12:16
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yahouhello, I seem to have a problem with 3D acceleration under feisty (Radeon 9550, the default "Restricted driver" properly installed); how can I check configuration and what to look for there? Anybody, please?12:18
Rumpawhat kind of problem?12:18
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yahouwell, it doesn't work under Cedega 6.0 - the test fails12:19
feierfoxdoes work Cedega for real?12:20
yahoubut I think it works in general since TuxRacer works properly (at least I think so)12:20
feierfoxi tried it some times ago... ;/12:20
RumpaI have never used Cedega so I couldn't tell what's wrong if it failed in a test12:20
yahouok, but my question is: how do I check the configuration and what to look for there in connection with full 3D Acceleration12:21
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Rumpayahou: Chech with gedit that you have 'Driver "fglrx"' in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the Device section12:26
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yahouglxinfo | grep render12:27
yahoudirect rendering: Yes12:27
yahou    GLX_ATI_pixel_format_float, GLX_ATI_render_texture12:27
yahouOpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9550/X1050 Series12:27
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yahouseems so...12:27
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Rumpait seems to work, maybe the problem is in cedega12:28
eagles0513875dude take a look at cross over12:28
Rumpaor wine12:28
eagles0513875u have to pay for it like u do cedega but it seems to bee soooooo much better12:29
BluesKajyahou, try fgl_glxgears in the terminal12:29
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yahou300-500 FPS12:30
yahoueven more12:30
yahouso, this one wouldn't work if I didn't have FULL OpenGL support, would it?12:31
BluesKaj6 sided spinning cube with 3 spinning gears on each face12:31
BluesKajok, you hav DRI and 3D12:31
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yahoubtw can a cube have any other number of sides? ;>12:32
BluesKajnope a cube is always 6 sides12:32
RumpaI'm out of ideas. Maybe it's time for me to go to sleep. See ya!12:33
yahouoh, I see... ;] 12:33
yahouthanks anyway, bye!12:33
BluesKajotherwise it would be called by another geometric name12:33
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eagles0513875blues may i pm ya dude12:33
yahouyep, just being sarcastic or... whatever... I'm tired too12:33
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NickPrestathat's strange. I just ran glxgears and resized it to about 1000x1000 and it switched around my twinview configuration and crashed X. weird...12:35
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yahouwait a minute - "blueskaj"? czy przypadkiem nie mowimy tym samym jezorem? ;)12:35
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BluesKajyahou, sorry ...12:36
BluesKajdon't speak the laguage12:36
eagles0513875what language is it anyway lol12:36
eagles0513875no offense12:37
rustalotWhat kind of destop search is ther efor kubuntu.. I've boon using google desktop, but I'd like something that 'fits in' with KDE12:37
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NickPrestarustalot, perhaps beagle?12:37
TeraDyne!info kerry12:37
ubotukerry: a KDE frontend for the Beagle desktop search daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.2.1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 291 kB, installed size 1360 kB12:37
yahouoh, sorry, your nick doesn't seem to be understandable in english12:37
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yahouI mean the SKAJ    part12:38
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BluesKajBlues is for the fact that i play drums in a blues/rock band , Kaj is my given name (Swedish in origin BTW) :)12:39
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TeraDynerustalot: I suggest "kerry", which is a KDE frontend to Beagle12:40
BluesKajBut i live in Canada and speak mostly english :)12:40
rustalotcool. Will it then pick up the indexing that was done using the GNOME frontend?12:41
TeraDynerustalot: I dunno. I haven't used GNOME since Breezy, so...12:42
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rustalotkde is cooler. 'specially with the whole integration thing12:42
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TeraDynerustalot: I personally perfer KDE because of the level of customization.12:44
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BluesKajlotsa ppl migrating from gnome to kde12:44
clouderbecause of plasma screens popping up12:45
clouderPlasma app not plasma screen monitors12:45
clouderThats why I giving it a whirl anyways12:45
BluesKajplasma app ?12:47
clouderI mean KDE412:47
rustalotit would be cool if you could have tabbed terminal embedded into konqueror12:47
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BluesKajoh that ...it's not ready for prime time12:47
rustalotor better yet have one meta application that had everything embedded as a KPart12:47
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clouderIve run into a problem though.  I had been trying to get my dualies to work using the monitor & display settings.  Finally I looked in the xorg.conf and turned mergefb off and left xinerama on (it had both for some reason).  Now the display looks fine dualies working, but the Monitor and Display Settings sections crashes when I try to go to it12:54
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clouderand Power Management crashes when I start KDE12:54
clouderany ideas or insight?12:54
angasuleI can't receive webcam in kopete, anyone knows why12:55
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clouderangasule: can you use it in anything else?12:55
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angasuleclouder: /receive/12:56
clouderwoops sorry12:56
angasuleso... I guess nobody knows?12:56
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clouderthe backtrace give me a lot of lines of no debugging symbols found and near the end has something like this #6  0xb6a2d454 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libXrandr.so.201:02
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TeraDyneWow, did they accideny kill some of the servers or something? I haven't seen that sevre of a netsplit in a while01:06
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BluesKajangasule, that's pretty general question ..can you get any video at all on kopete?01:12
PSPJunkieAnd this is done in the installer?01:12
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TeraDyneO_o; Wow. Netsplit... More like net destruction...01:12
angasuleBluesKaj: how would I get video on kopete?01:12
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BluesKajif you have a tvtuner card, angasule01:12
angasuleBluesKaj: I don't01:12
BluesKajor other video input01:12
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angasuleBluesKaj: like...?01:12
PSPJunkieOr do I have to create these 3 partitions myself, as I really don't want to01:12
TeraDyneNet asplode...01:12
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zorglu_!info flv gutsy01:12
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PSPJunkieAye, busy channel, huh?01:12
TeraDynezorglu_: I think the bot got caught up in the netsplit.01:12
zorglu_ah ok :)01:12
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TeraDynePSPJunkie: No, freenode just exploded and split.01:12
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BluesKajDOS attacks ?01:12
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TeraDyneBluesKaj: I'm starting to wonder...01:12
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vzduchBluesKaj: no, Windows attacks :D01:12
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vzduchPSPJunkie: I never used the automatic functions, I prefer doing it all myself01:12
BluesKajgonna add some other freenode servers, just in case this keeps up01:12
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vzduchso I can't say whether it will suggest creating a separate /home01:12
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PSPJunkieI don't have my osx install disks on me, and i was told that partitioning the disk while running osx will cause it to erase all of the data01:12
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clouderAnyone know why System Settings would crash when trying to get to Monitor and Display settings after changing 2 lines of MergeFB from on to off?01:12
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yahouholy crap! a pubic hair in my bathtub has just formed a Debian logo O_o01:12
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cloudertake a picture and put it as your desktop01:12
PSPJunkieNot surprising :P01:12
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yahouthat's probably where they got the design01:12
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sweettoothHi there, has anyone experienced slow loading experience with firefox in kubuntu(feisty)?01:12
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sweettoothits like when you clicked firefox, it loaded the browser and another window in the taskbar saying loading firefox01:12
TeraDynesweettooth: Yes, but, then again, firefox is always slow for me.01:12
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sweettoothTeraDyne, heh, have you got any problems using firefox?01:12
BluesKaja lot of ppl are complaining about FF these days ...guess it's the purist influence at work :)01:12
TeraDynesweettooth: Not any more. I use Konqueror and SeaMonkey now.01:12
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PSPJunkieOverall, I CAN install only using the installer and still dual-boot with os x, correct?01:12
sweettoothwell i do like firefox as a fact, however, it seem to take up quite a bit resource and loading slowly01:12
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BluesKajseamonkey is just mozilla /netscape in strange clothing :)01:12
TeraDynesweettooth: It's done that for me since 1.0.701:12
PSPJunkiejava is slow in general01:12
sweettoothkonqueror does not render some text properly for me unfortunately, as i browse the net more than just english sites01:12
TeraDyneBluesKaj: No, it a continuation of Mozilla, since Moz corp dumped it like it was trash.01:12
BluesKajkonqueror is a nice browser...supposedly the safest available01:12
TeraDyneBluesKaj: No, that's probably Lynx, or some other older terminal browser.01:12
zombielionjthutchins: I was wondering if hot plugging would work or if the libhid would work i remember now when i had it connected in linux it said human interface device i am almost positive it can work in linux i just dont know where to start01:12
sweettoothPSPJunkie, Java? hmm, its been slow since the day i was programming it in, heh01:12
sweettoothprefer python mostly nowadays01:12
PSPJunkieI like c :)01:12
BluesKajbeen reading about testing on konq and it's been able to resist phishing and pharming attacks better than any other01:12
eagles0513875night blues01:12
PSPJunkieI'm mostly over at the PSP homebrew scene though01:12
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BluesKajeagles0513875, sleep well01:12
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sweettoothBluesKaj, that's true, it even seems to block ads better01:12
zombielioni dont know what to do01:12
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PSPJunkieI just want to be safe in keeping both OS's without losing data. Anyone dual-boot here?01:12
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sweettoothPSPJunkie, i have dual boot01:12
sweettoothwhat do you mean by safe? usually its pretty safe, at least for me, heh01:12
PSPJunkieWhat OS's?01:12
PSPJunkieI don't want to lose anything in the process01:12
sweettoothM$ and Kubuntu01:12
nonnime to Kubuntu rocks01:12
sweettoothso far it does!! ^^01:12
nonniso far ?01:12
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sweettoothcos i havent moved to kubuntu long enough01:12
sweettoothused to be a fan of SuSE01:12
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PSPJunkieWell, I'll boot up in the installer disc and see what it says01:12
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PSPJunkielemme get on irc one the windows first01:12
sweettoothGood luck and have fun mate01:12
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zombielioni like how kubuntu looks like MS kinda. Ubuntu to me looks like mac and i have never really used mac01:12
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sweettoothdoes it?01:13
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PSPJunkieMac is my main os, and I like it a lot01:13
PSPJunkieBut KDE is sexier :D01:13
sweettoothi've tried using Mac in uni, it took me half an hour only to find a terminal, guess i was a complete nooob in it haha01:14
zombielionand i most definatly like that you can have the live cda nd it takes like a total of 10 minutes to install and not a decade like ms. shit by the time you get one ms os installed they have already comeout with another. lol jk01:14
PSPJunkieI hate ms... :/01:15
BluesKajPSPJunkie, no need to hate it , just don't use it :)01:16
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BluesKajdon't waste your emotional energy :)01:16
sweettoothi think M$ and Linux are actually coming to the center point, M$ focuses on easy using, and now bit more on security, and linux the other way round01:16
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zombielioni think all this new vista shit is just that shit. you have to buy new hardware and everythin gtha tis just fucking stupid. all this vista compatible crap it like that y2k compatible shit and if it isnt you had to get a new one how gay01:17
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PSPJunkiethat's me01:18
PriceChild!ohmy | zombielion01:18
ubotuzombielion: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:18
sweettoothi dare not to use vista01:18
PSPJunkiestarting up from installer01:18
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PSPJunkie_Winblostill here01:18
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BluesKajMS bashing accomplishes nothing , useless energy spent01:19
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NickPrestazombielion, your rant is unfounded on logic. No one is forcing you to get Vista unless you want to play the newest games made for DX10/Vista. In which case, you're no better off with a Console or Handheld. ;)01:20
clouderIf anyone has time to look at this and give me a shout back, Id appreciate it. http://rafb.net/p/DzShzs91.html01:21
NickPrestaof unfounded logic**01:21
sweettoothjust a silly q, wonder if konqueror and firefox using same text set? cos some encoding is messed up in konqueror, while i can browse perfectly in firefox01:21
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NickPrestasweettooth, in Konqueror, go to Settings > Configure and then head to the Font section. You can compare there. Firefox uses iso-8859-1 encoding by default. Konqueror may be using utf-8 by default.01:22
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acemowich file can i choose my default Java Virtual Machine?01:23
PSPJunkie_Winargh, I booted up the installer, but i can't move in teh menu01:24
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PSPJunkie_Wini don't think the keyboard is working at all01:24
NickPrestaclouder, the error may be caused from the three inputdevices in your xorg.conf (eraser, cursor and stylus). You should be able to remove those without any problems. That may solve your problem.01:24
NickPrestaclouder, unless of course, you have a tablet PC.01:25
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clouderNickPresta: so your saying I should remove those 3 wacom entries?01:27
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jtmoneyi have my mp3s sorted in directories with lots of unwanted JPGs in those directories as well... how can i recursively delete those files? rm -r *.jpg doesn't work since it's not a directory01:27
NickPrestaclouder, you could try it, yeah01:28
clouderalright, Ill give it a shot.  Thanks01:28
sweettoothNickPresta, I have tried to set the encoding in Konqueror. The encoding im trying to use is Big5(Traditional Chinese) Meanwhile, it worked perfectly in firefox, it didn't work quite well in konqueror (with encoding specified)01:28
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PSPJunkie_WinAnyone redirect me to a installing tut?01:28
sweettoothis there anyway to use the encoding that firefox is using?01:29
NickPrestasweettooth, hmm. I don't have any experience with chinese texts so I can't help much.Sorry01:29
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sweettoothPSPJunkie_Win, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty have a look, it has been useful for me01:30
sweettoothNickPresta, np, thx for helping, do you know where could i go for help with encoding issues in konqueror by any chance?01:31
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DragnslcrSo I saw a Samsung color laser printer (think it was the 510N) for $160 after rebates. Think I should jump on that?01:33
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PSPJunkie_Winsweettooth, I'm stuck in the installer menu. That guide is post install01:38
sweettoothoh installing as in installing os, my bad01:38
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PSPJunkie_Winyeah, doesn't look as my keyboard works at all01:38
PSPJunkie_Winsince it is a laptop01:38
sweettoothdoes it not? i installed it on my laptop and it worked straight from the box01:38
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PSPJunkie_Winyea, no buttons works01:40
sweettoothPSPJunkie_Win, see if this helps.. https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/index.html01:40
PSPJunkie_WinI can try plugging in a wireless usb keyboard01:40
sweettooththat's weird01:40
sweettoothbut did the keyboard work at all when you were in the live CD mode?01:54
PSPJunkie_Win? I booted up my mac holding c and it went straight to the installation menu01:54
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PSPJunkie_Winthis wireless keyboard works though01:54
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sweettoothPSPJunkie_Win, good..mac... unfortunately i don't have any mac installing kubuntu experience, sorry couldn't be of much help01:54
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PSPJunkie_WinI got the PC Intel x86 alternate installer from http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/kubuntu/feisty/ Does that look right?01:54
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ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs02:26
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scottyHow do you whitelist a site on Konq's adblock?02:28
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dumnuthi, i downloaded kubuntu ver 6 and burned iso onto disk, then i installed disk on another computer and clicked on iso program, peazip opened to a series of files, i clicked on start.exe and nothing happened, what shoulkd i have done?02:28
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ardchoilledumnut: Linux doesn't use .exe files.02:30
ardchoilledumnut: And the latest kubuntu is 7.0402:34
dumnutthis computer is win2000 that i want to convert to linux, ok i'll download 7.0402:34
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scottyOkay, question. I click on Adept Manager, and it starts the loading process in the taskbar, but Adept doesn't launch.02:38
scottyWhat's wrong?02:38
ardchoilleOh great, we bored the bot to sleep02:38
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scottyardchoille: Okay, I figured that was the problem. I know the command, so no bot needed. Thanks, though02:40
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:40
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:40
ardchoilledumnut: There are two ways you can do this. You can dual boot Linux and windows, or you can wipe the hard drive and install ubuntu as your only os. Either way, it's always good advice to back up your personal files.02:40
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate02:40
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BluesKajinteresting to browse on MS sites with konq ...it's kinda funny02:44
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clouderNickPresta: I took out those wacoms, and the devices errors went away, but displayconfig still crashes, just without shouting about bad inputs.02:44
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BluesKajclouder , i noticed you're using 'ati" drivers rather than 'fglrx' ...just curious , why ?02:45
clouderno reason02:45
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zb-user01can somebody help me?02:45
clouderwould things have a chance of acting nicer if I use fglrx?02:45
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zb-user01i need to edit '/boot/grub/menu.lst' but i do'nt know how to do it02:45
ace_suareszb-user01: howdy02:45
ace_suareszb-user01: use an editor02:45
BluesKajI thought that the fglrx driver might provide more flexiblity than the generixc ati02:45
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code02:45
zb-user01i've used vi02:45
zb-user01but it doesn't work02:45
clouderBluesKaj: alright, I'll give it a shot02:45
ace_suaresif you are in kubuntu, please make yourself happy and use Kate.02:45
ardchoillezb-user01: To start with, open a terminal and run:  sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup02:45
ace_suaresYou need to be root tough, for that particulat file02:45
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ace_suaresardchoille: okay, take over :-) and it's really good that you make a backup befor you edit that file!02:46
ace_suaresanyway I came here for some other reason: those constant OO crashes.02:46
ace_suaresAnyone else experiencing them ?02:46
ace_suaressee also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/11748002:46
zb-user01i don't know how to be root :S installation never ask me to set a password for it :S02:47
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ardchoille!sudo | zb-user0102:47
ubotuzb-user01: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:49
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ardchoillezb-user01: You should read that before going any further.02:49
zb-user01ahh ok02:49
zb-user01i know that02:49
zb-user01i've got the copy of the file, now what?02:49
ardchoilleYou need to start up a text editor in sudo mode, then load that file and edit it.02:49
zb-user01i tried 'vi' but i think it didn't work02:50
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ardchoillesudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst02:50
zb-user01or maybe i don't understand how to use ir correctly02:50
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clouderzb-user01: vi has a steep learning curve, try nano02:51
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zb-user01wow! i think nano worked :D02:52
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zb-user01to change the default OS seleceted is the line: chainloader, right?02:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ahoy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
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epimethanybody home?03:19
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singinmatt13i guess i'm here.  why03:19
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epimethdunno... kinda bored03:19
epimethand considering its 4 am, nobody is on the ubuntu-il channel03:19
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zb-user01i've get it!!! thanks :)03:19
KprofthreatNo you don't.03:19
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zb-user01other thing...03:19
zb-user01do somebody knows how to install gaim, or... now pidgin ?03:19
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epimethzb-user01: why gaim? whats wrong with kopete?03:19
zb-user01it is not working quickly :(03:19
schpenke_epimeth: And you cannot block users which is why I switched back to GAIM.03:19
epimethdidn't realize that03:19
epimethI'm just not one to block users  :-)\03:19
MarcCI see a message about sda5 every time I shut down - is there a way to view the problem in a startup log somewhere without turning my machine off?03:19
singinmatt13zb-user01, get the .deb from getdeb.net03:19
MarcCI think the message occurs at startup but I can only see it when I shut down03:19
zb-user01i've got it... i've tried many thigs, but always is a problem03:19
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zb-user01some librarys i think03:19
epimethMarcC: dmesg03:19
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epimethMarcC: it shows you all the startup messages03:19
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julienhey someone here who could help me?03:19
zb-user01but if i try 'apt-get' it says that is not allow or something03:19
epimeth!ask | julien03:19
ubotujulien: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:19
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julienwell, i just installed ati-driver via "envy" and then beryl03:23
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julienbut it doesn't work somehow...03:23
singinmatt13yeah, there're some weird dependencies.03:23
singinmatt13zb-user01, try installing it once then do sudo apt-get -f install in konsole03:23
MarcChow do I grep for "sda5" in /var/log/messages?03:31
zb-user01i thick i tried too xD03:31
epimethgrep sda5 /var/log/messages03:31
epimethnice and simple, eh MarcC03:31
singinmatt13zb-user01: did you sudo?03:31
epimethjulien: what doesn't work?03:31
julienif i type glxinfo its getting me an error-message >_>03:31
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julieni cant even set beryl as windowmanager03:31
epimethjulien: ahhh... sorry amigo, but I'm not experienced enough with graphics to be able to help... stick around, someone will probably be able to help you. also, try #ubuntu-graphics (I think...)03:31
singinmatt13and have you closed adept, apt, dpkg and all such programs?03:33
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julienoh thnx03:33
epimethjulien: nope... thats not the channel03:33
epimethjulien: I'll try to remember and let you know03:33
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zb-user01well, somehow it is working now03:33
julien^^ do so :)03:35
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CrunchyFerrettSweet! WiFi access at the laundrymat03:35
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singinmatt13zb-user01: good03:35
zb-user01i think some time ago (when i tried) the server were down :s03:35
zb-user01well i don't know to mucho about it, i just think xD03:35
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singinmatt13julien, what's envy03:35
julienits for installing driver03:35
julienati and nvidia03:35
epimethsinginmatt13: its an absolete nvidia driver03:35
julienits easier than normal install way03:35
epimethsinginmatt13: eNVy :-)03:35
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epimethsinginmatt13: or 'en' 'vee' :=_03:35
julieni don think nvidia is THAT great :D03:35
julieni have made good experiences with ati^^03:35
singinmatt13last time I tried to install ati/beryl i had to reinstall because python screwed me over and removed everything that depended on it03:35
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julienehm do i have python etc with feisty fawn?!03:35
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julienmebbe beryl doesn work because of missing basic-apps03:35
zb-user01now i'd like to install mozilla firefox (or now iceweasel i think), can somebody tell me how to do it?03:35
julienehm you go to mozilla.org03:35
zb-user01or well, more specific, how to know wich pakages can i get by apt-get?03:35
tuccican someone help me make compiz fusion on by default? It worked after I installed it but now I can't turn it back on03:35
julienyou know how to configure compiz\beryl?! cooool^^03:35
zb-user01beryl... i installed it once in ubuntu03:35
KprofthreatSpeaking of Beryl...03:35
KprofthreatCompiz Fusion actually.03:35
zb-user01but i can't to see the 3d cube xD03:35
KprofthreatI'm trying to create a session for it so it will start up in said session. Kubuntu btw. How would I go about that?03:35
julientry with: lns -s /"directory of compiz" -/ .kde/Autostart/compiz03:35
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to get googletalk voice calls?03:35
zb-user01well, i couldn't (sorry, my english is not too good)03:35
KprofthreatThat directed to me?03:35
julienwell i've got beryl, but doeasn work03:35
DragnslcrKprofthreat- you mean have Compiz start when you login?03:35
julienno for tucci03:35
KprofthreatDragnslcr: Si, senor.03:35
DragnslcrKprofthreat- try something like this in a shell script: /usr/bin/compiz.real --loose-binding --ignore-desktop-hints --sm-disable --replace ccp &03:35
julienhm...why doesn my driver work....damnit!03:35
tuccijulien: thanks anyway03:35
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julienwas me a pleasure :D03:35
KprofthreatYou were a pleasure???03:35
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julienno >_>03:35
julienyou read to much between the lines03:35
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zb-user01how to know wich pakages can i get by apt-get? or how to see the list available, or something like that??03:35
juhorner25Hi, I just turned on my pc and my screen resolution is 640x480, what happened?03:35
Dragnslcrzb-user01- open Adept and look03:35
juhorner25If anybody can help please let me know03:35
scotty_juhorner25: Did you update anything before you restarted your computer?03:35
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juhorner25No, I didn't do any updates03:35
juhorner25I did download Open Area03:35
juhorner25The game03:35
zb-user01Adept is the interface to install programs, rigth?03:35
singinmatt13sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox03:35
scotty_zb-user01: It's a package manager, yes03:35
zb-user01ahh ok :)03:35
scotty_juhorner25: Either way, System Settings > Monitor & Display and you can adjust your resolution.03:35
ardchoille!info mozilla-firefox03:35
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 57 kB, installed size 116 kB03:35
juhorner25It will not let me03:35
julienin opensuse it was sax2 :-)03:35
juhorner25I tried that03:35
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juhorner25The max is 640*480 now03:35
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scottyjuhorner25: Did you try going into administrator mode first?03:35
juhorner25but it still has my video card set right under hardware03:35
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singinmatt13i prefer it03:36
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singinmatt13wow........that was a bit late03:36
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juliencould it be, that my ati-driver don work because i installed kubuntu via wubi?!03:37
SmurfSlayerIs us.archive.ubuntu.com still down?03:38
juliensmurfslayer <-----dunno...ask the owners ;-)03:38
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WaxyFres1hi when i hold mouse over my battery icon it shows my 2 processors are running at 800mhz why arnt they running at there full speed?03:39
singinmatt13WaxyFres1, because you don't need them to right now.  Plus that thing is not correct sometimes03:39
CrunchyFerrettWaxyFres1: CPU scaling. You can change it by right clicking the battery and selecting "Performance"03:39
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SmurfSlayerThis command : sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre  yields this : 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]  and nothing ever happens... It's been this way since yesterday...  It times out after awhile...03:40
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juliengood nite evry1....I'm goin to sleep03:41
SmurfSlayerIs there any other way to get java installed  for my Firefox?03:41
CrunchyFerrettIs that what your systems thinks is the IP for us.ubuntu.blah03:41
omega_pointHi... I have a little doubt: When I'm not using Beryl, I can get the task bar to only show the applications that are running on a certain desktop, but when I switch Beryl on, the task bar show every application on every desktop... any way around this?03:41
SmurfSlayerApparently...  But if I ping the name it resolves...03:41
CrunchyFerrettcheck your sources.list03:42
SmurfSlayerIt pings out to
CrunchyFerretthave you run 'sudo apt-get update' ?03:43
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SmurfSlayerWhere is that?03:43
WaxyFres1CrunchyFerrett: thanks ive got my full dual 1600mhz now :) but does changing it from dynamic to performance make that much of a diffrence?03:43
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WaxyFres1is there a way to benchmark a ubuntu pc?03:43
CrunchyFerrettWaxyFres1: It just puts your processor in an "on-demand" phase, only going full power when it needs too.03:44
SmurfSlayerCrunchyFerrett...  The update thing got it working!  How do you know when you have to do the update?03:44
CrunchyFerrettSmurfSlayer: Do it everytime.03:44
SmurfSlayerCF - That's an answer I can do...  :-)03:44
doadminjust installed this03:44
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omega_pointHi... I have a little doubt: When I'm not using Beryl, I can get the task bar to only show the applications that are running on a certain desktop, but when I switch Beryl on, the task bar show every application on every desktop... any way around this?03:45
SmurfSlayerdoadmin, what?03:45
CrunchyFerrettLaundry is done! Going home. Back in a bit03:45
SmurfSlayerdoadmin, what did you just install?03:45
rustalotomega_point: try doing 'configre' on the window list03:46
rustalotomega_point: when you mouse over it a litte thing will appear at the end03:47
WaxyFres1how can i tell where compiz is installed to?03:47
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omega_pointI don't understand what you mean by "doing configure on the window list"03:48
rustalotomega_point: when you mouse over, a little bar appears at the end ( the 'taskbar handle' )03:48
rustalotomegapoint: click the little down arrow03:49
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rustalotthen do 'configure Taskbar'03:50
rustalotthen select "Taskbar" from the side panel03:50
rustalotand then try " Sort windows by desktop"03:51
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omega_pointThere's no such an option03:52
juhorner25Can anybody help me figure out why my resolution just dropped to 640*48003:53
juhorner25It's stuck on it03:53
juhorner25yet it knows what my video card is03:53
omega_pointThere's: sort alphabetically, only show minimized, shor application's icons and a few more... maybe not THAT exactly cause I'm using it i Spanish03:53
omega_pointbut there's no equivalent03:53
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SmurfSlayerWhat does it mean when you run ADEPT Packaage manager and when you try to install something it says "Waiting for Headers (0%)" at the bottom and nothing ever happens?03:54
jonathan__hello everyone03:54
SmurfSlayerHi jonathan03:54
rustalotomega_point: I don't really know. I'd think it would be equivalent, but it looks like it isn't.03:54
jonathan__i am total new to this OS ubuntu03:54
jonathan__really cool through03:55
omega_pointMy options are: "sort alphabetically", "show only minimized windows", "show application icons", and I have options about the mouse's buttons and a few other things, but not the one you said03:56
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omega_pointHa!!!!!! when I switch to KWin that option appears!!!03:57
scottyjonathan__: Indeed. Need help with anything or just commenting on the awesomeness?03:57
omega_pointIt disappears when I star Beryl03:57
jonathan__the awwsomeness thx for asking03:58
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jonathan__yes i do have a question what OS should i use to host  a web site from? Linux,Windows?03:59
omega_pointwell thanks anyway04:00
jhutchinsjonathan__: Have a look at what the legal licensing for Windows is going to cost you, then consider spending that instead on developing an ongoing relationship with a serious linux pro.04:00
jonathan__o legal yea lots04:00
NickPrestajonathan__, a GNU+Linux distribution makes server management a breeze. It can also sustain long uptimes without any problems (as can Windows but Linux seems more popular for this).04:00
jhutchinsjonathan__: In the first case, it goes to Microsoft.04:00
jhutchinsjonathan__: In the second case, you end up with something of value, an intelectual rescource that's yours for as long as you maintain it.04:01
jhutchinsjonathan__: Linux is generally believed to be more secure, although Windows can be secured.04:01
jonathan__What version of Linux? Trustix?04:02
jhutchinsjonathan__: Linux can also be managed entirely via text (terminal), giving more control and greater flexibility.04:02
rustalottry either Debian or RedHat04:02
jhutchinsjonathan__: Right now my current favorite candidate is ubuntu lts.04:02
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jhutchinsjonathan__: What you don't want is a distro that's a GREAT _desktop_ distro.04:02
secleinteerhi, does anyone know how to make the system tray display two rows of icons when the kicker width is "normal"?04:02
secleinteerit currently looks like this: http://image.bayimg.com/la/dg/ma/ab/j.jpg04:02
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jhutchinsjonathan__: Many of the distros intended for servers have subscription-based support, and can be pretty expensive.04:03
jhutchinsjonathan__: debian is probably the most used free ($) distro.04:03
jhutchinsjonathan__: Very stable, good long-term support.04:03
CrunchyLaptopIm using Kubuntu on this laptop.04:04
jonathan__i have Debian but not installed? And i have the free version of Redhat Fedora04:04
jhutchinsjonathan__: What you definitely don't want is something like Fedora that goes obsolete in six months and can't be upgraded.04:04
CrunchyLaptoptook a bit to get the kinks worked out, but its pretty good now04:04
jonathan__not installed04:04
jhutchinsjonathan__: Seriously, even fedora people will tell you not fedora for a server.04:04
jhutchinsjonathan__: Some like gentoo, but it means constant, pretty much daily updates, and I don't think even that will give you long-term viability.  It's a mess.04:05
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jonathan__lol i will take all your asvise this is my first time with Linux04:05
jhutchinsjonathan__: If you're maintaining a server farm, it gives you some extra control and abilities, but not worth it for the individual.04:05
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jhutchinsjonathan__: This is something I've thought a lot about, I maintain linux (web)servers for a living.  I have two gentoo boxes that are a disaster and I need to convert them to something current.  The last distro I was really happy with for servers was RH7.3.04:06
jonathan__yea i am going to most likely pay embarq to make my ip open  so i can host . as long as a i get it secured04:06
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jhutchinsjonathan__: If you're serious, you'd be better off renting space at a co-location provider (they usually offer space on an existing server as well).04:07
jonathan__yea i have found one place that seems really cool ... 500 GB disk room 5000 bandwith04:08
jonathan__$ 5.9504:08
rustalotread this:  http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/Im-Sure-You-Can-Deal.aspx04:09
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jonathan__can i set up a private IRC server on this pc and have it bewteen 2 to 3 computers?04:12
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jonathan__where us 2 to 3 computer owner can talk?04:12
mboso_If I want to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu do I need to change anything in my source.list file? or is it just a matter of remove my ubuntu-desktop and install kubuntu desktop?04:13
jack-of course, although for 2-3 people i'd call that overkill04:13
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hitmanWillymboso_: nope04:13
WaxyFreshhi how can i check to see which version of xorg im running?04:13
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hitmanWillymboso_: they both use the same repos04:13
ardchoillemboso_: It's just a matter of: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:13
jonathan__i am 16 yrs old and i am in this for the knowledge04:14
hitmanWillyWaxyFresh: dpkg -l | grep xorg should work04:14
mboso_hitmanWilly: is there anything wrong with running kubuntu-desktop without uninstalling kubuntu-desktop?04:14
mboso_will it cause any conflicts?04:15
hitmanWillymboso_: nope04:15
hitmanWillymboso_: it shouldn't04:15
ardchoillemboso_: Lots of folks ru gnome apps in kde and kde apps in gnome, doesn't cause any problems.04:15
mboso_I want to switch once 4.0 comes out04:15
david__firefox has just started giving me issues in Gutsy. Anyone else having problems?04:15
=== hitmanWilly runs both kinds in windowmaker :)
ardchoillewindowmaker is sweet04:15
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hitmanWillyyes, yes it is04:16
david__** Anyone running Gutsy?04:16
ardchoilledavid__: You might wanna join #ubuntu+104:17
=== BluesKaj is taking jhutchins lead and trying to go without FF for a while and totally rely on Konq for my surfing needs :)
ardchoilleThat is the support channel for Gutsy now04:17
david__Coll thanks!!!!04:17
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WaxyFreshis there a way to find something i cut/pasted a few cuts/pastes back?04:25
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BluesKajWaxyFresh, use Knotes04:31
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goofeyany idea where I find "System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager" and "System->Preferences->Desktop Effects" in kubuntu 7.04?04:33
hitmanWillygoofey: those are gnome apps04:33
goofeyis there an equivelant in kde?04:33
hitmanWillynot that i know of04:33
goofeyok - thanks - i'm a bit sxurprised - it seems more like an ubuntu app than a gnome app to me04:34
hitmanWillygoofey: the restricted manager is an ubuntu app, but its set up for gnome04:35
hitmanWillygoofey: and desktop effects is gnome integrating with compiz04:36
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goofeyhitmanWilly: ahh, i see now - that makes sense.  I'll get one ubuntu-effects and get compiz fusion going - thanks!04:38
goofeyer, on ubuntu-effects04:38
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klobsterI switched my icons to crux, and now it lost the icons for several other items, even after switching back.  how do I fix it?04:41
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hitmanWillyits an icon theme04:47
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stealthyhey, what's the official button name for middlemouse?04:52
stealthytrying to bind something to it on fusion04:52
hitmanWillystealthy: usually button 304:52
stealthyjust 'button 3'?04:53
hitmanWillyor whatever it calls the first two buttons, except with a 304:53
stealthydoesn't really help much04:54
stealthythanks though04:54
stealthywill trial and error04:54
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klobsterI am missing icons: konversation, ktorrent, adept-notify, and about 2/3 of the system settings icons, and Kmenu (the menu button icon)11  How can I fix this??04:55
BluesKajinstall kde ?04:55
BluesKajsorry klobster I couldn't resist04:56
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klobster'salright, most people don't knotice; KDE put the K in Klobster ^_^04:57
BluesKajklobster, do a ' dpkg -l ' to see if they're still actually installed04:57
stealthyhitmanWilly: Button204:57
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klobsterBluesKaj: any specific package to grep for?04:58
BluesKajjust check the K-ones\ that you think are missing05:00
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BluesKajsacktime for these old bones ... later05:03
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hitmanWillystealthy: hmm, usually its mapped to 3, that's weird05:03
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Admiral4321how can i enable the fglrx driver in kubuntu? setting it in xorg.conf to "fglrx" reports module not found05:04
hitmanWillystealthy: unless of course it starts at 0 :)05:05
stealthyno idea05:05
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Admiral4321lol never mind, got the gui via "restricted-manager" at the command line =)05:06
klobsteranyone else who can help with my icon issue? I know they are installed; I can see them if I go in to edit one for a desktop icon...05:07
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Carnage\I have a user A that is not in the admin group, i.e. is not allowed to use sudo. Another user B is admin. Is there an easy way how I can run a GUI-program out of KDE-session of user A with root-privileges?05:17
Macrosofthey, anyone know the name of that app that is like the mac os dashboard, but for linux?05:19
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dr_willisMacrosoft,  several of them.. they all SUCK.05:19
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dr_willisi recall a site that showed how to tweak kde and the normal panel to look like ox-s05:20
dr_willisusing the normal tools05:20
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Macrosoftdr_willis: hey, guess what the priest said when he tried to exorcise a demon on his linux box05:20
tinehow can i translate gcc compiling errors in french ?05:20
dr_willistine,  bablefish web site?05:21
tinegcc doest include a locales package ?05:22
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SmurfSlayerMacrosoft, what?05:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about climate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about weather - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
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dev_nulli have a bash script I put into a file, how do I make the file executable?05:43
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dr_willisbash fundamentals05:44
dr_willischmod +x whatever05:44
dr_willismay want to check out a few bash starter guides. and the advanced bash scripting guide05:44
dev_nullok thanks05:45
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kanehey, so in my KDE apps they seemed to have stopped showing actual files05:46
kanejust folders05:46
kaneis that not bizarre?05:46
stonedyou know05:47
lamlurkeyhow do i delet a folder that says access denied?05:47
stonedI always wanted to grow up and be a gui toolkit05:47
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stonedor a modem05:47
bldzrlamlurkey: You probably need to set the proper permissions05:48
MacrosoftSmurfSlayer: sorry, i was away, you called05:48
lamlurkeywhere do i do that?05:49
bldzrWell, you can open a terminal and do a 'sudo chown -R your_username foldername'05:49
bldzror just delete it using sudo05:49
bldzrBut make sure that it isn't something vital that you're removing05:50
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lamlurkeyno its a folder i was trying to share with windows05:50
bldzrlamlurkey: You should read some beginner tutorials imo :)05:50
bldzrIt's boring, but really helpful =)05:50
stonedfolder sharing05:51
MacrosoftSmurfSlayer: you still here?05:51
stonedaptitude install samba && sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf05:51
lamlurkeythe permissions are greyed out05:51
bldzrstoned: He's trying to remove the folder :)05:51
stonedafter you modify the file, in which you should only really need to change the workgroup and add a share, sudo smbpasswd -a username05:52
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stonedenter password twice, /etc/init.d/samba restart05:52
stonedyou're done wait remove folder?05:52
stonedso remove the share from smb.conf05:52
dr_willis!info samba-doc05:53
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB05:53
dr_willis:) for 2 books on samba and its ussage05:54
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hitmanWillythe funny thing is windows could implement nfs relatively easily, the whole TCP/IP stack on it is a straight rip from BSD06:00
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theursis there transmission pkg in kubuntu repository??06:03
dr_willis!find transmission06:03
hitmanWillytheurs: transmission of what?06:03
ubotuPackage/file transmission does not exist in feisty06:03
dr_willisaparently not.06:04
hitmanWillyoh, the app is called transmission, got it :)06:04
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:08
hitmanWillydr_willis: break something :)06:08
dr_williseasier to remake it that way then to add all the -src stuff i need. :)06:09
dr_willisseems several of the repos are down today?06:09
dr_willisor has anyone else noticed that?06:09
hitmanWillydr_willis: hold on, lemme check06:09
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hitmanWillyseem fine to me, apt-get update worked alright06:10
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dr_willisIm getting a lot of ign/err/ stuff...06:10
dr_willisErr http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release06:11
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dr_willisapt-get source ffmpeg  - is giving me some odd.. message.06:11
hitmanWillyok, that one does seem to be down, i just pinged it unsuccessfully06:12
dr_willistrying to figure out why i can use ffmpeg to convert some flv's to avi.. but not others.06:13
dr_willisdiffernet flv versions i guess06:13
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dr_willisguess i compile ffmpeg for this user. :) not system wide lik ei was going to do06:14
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dr_willisdoh - i thinki just upgraded to the lastest release of KDE. :) heh .. oh well..06:16
dr_willis3.5.7 it is then!06:17
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hitmanWillydr_willis: heh, still have 3.5.5 on this box :)06:19
hitmanWillydr_willis: or at least parts of it06:19
fragilitykubuntu will work on the live cd then only install to 70 percent or so, then restart (like a normal shutdown after installing) and then says Grub error 1506:20
fragilityI cant find anyone with the same problem, the computer is having other issues, but can install ubuntu just fine06:20
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hitmanWillyfragility: sounds like grub didn't install properly06:20
fragilitybut I reformatted and tried again, deleted the partitions and tried again06:21
hitmanWillyfragility: either that or the kernel never installed06:21
hitmanWillyfragility: what other issues, btw?06:21
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fragilityI tried to make it have a root partition and a partition for my media files, and it kept tryingto put data on both, so I left it as a 20 gig partition and free space06:21
fragilitystill did the same thing, and the thing is it restarts 70% or so into installing06:22
fragilityvarious weird issues, browsers working very poorly, sound quality going out when resources are being used06:22
fragilityhaving tons of trouble getting help06:22
hitmanWillyfragility: try running a memtest06:22
fragilityall on ubuntu though, when i started having problems, it kept seeming like how people explained things they would be a lot easier to fix on Kopete06:23
fragilityI did run a memtest and it went through 7 tests in the course of 3 hours without a single error06:23
fragilityfrom an install cd06:23
fragilityoops, I dont know wher ethat came from I mean KDE06:23
hitmanWillyfragility: did you test the install medium?06:23
LeeJunFanwhat about MD5 checking the CD?06:23
fragilityalso, most of the software I realize I like seems to be native to kde06:24
fragilitywell, I tested the cds integrity, and I can install ubuntu off of a live cd on the computer06:24
dr_willisi alwyas install kubuntu and ubuntu desktops :)06:24
fragilitydidnt md5 check it, but the live cd works fabulously06:24
hitmanWillyfragility: it sounds like it may be a pci issue with the bios/mobo06:25
fragilitysame thing with ubuntu, works way better off of the live cd, I reinstalled it and ubuntu works WAY worse than before06:25
hitmanWillyor just the mobo may not be completely supported06:25
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hitmanWillyfragility: hdd going bad?06:25
dr_williswhats scary.. as far as live cd's go.. the ubuntu live cd - isent that special.. :)06:25
fragilityI had an hd issue before, but I replaced the hdd, and it started working06:25
fragilityit worked really well briefly but still had some problems06:26
juhorner25Hey guys, this may be crazy but do you have any idea why my login screen would be like 600*480 but then after I login my desktop is at my normal resolution06:26
fragilityI got an hdd out of another computer and it was going way faster for me, because my other hd was amost certanly going dead06:26
fragilitybut this is a toshiba and they dont release hardware to test their hdds06:26
dr_willisjuhorner25,  each user can set up their own resolution under kde.06:26
dr_willisjuhorner25,  but i forget how. :) so it may be the users have a higher res set.06:26
juhorner25Oh. ok06:27
juhorner25Well I can't figure out how to change the resolution of the login screen06:27
juhorner25Would it been in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?06:27
dr_willisYes. it may be using the first res listed.06:27
dr_willisNever really messed with it.06:27
fragilityand my mobo is a centrino with intel 82081 or something like that hardware which ubuntu reads all of automatically06:28
fragilitybut, the one thing that maks me convinced I have a bio issue06:28
hitmanWillyfragility: hmm, don't know what to tell you, hardware issues (which this sounds like it probably is) are really hard to diagnose remotely06:28
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dr_willisive had flakey linux systems/hardware.. then bam..next kernel release.. fixes it all.06:28
hitmanWillyfragility: can you flash the bios with a newer version?06:28
fragilityis that on windows it kept showing two video cards and two monitors (on a notebook)06:28
dr_willishad a bios upgrade make a sstem go from unuseable under linux to working great also.06:29
fragilityidentical and then i reformatted, and was appalled when i turned on linux and it showed multiple video cards aso06:29
hitmanWillynormally id on't reccomend doing that, but sometimes it actually does help06:29
fragilitybecause I tried to uninstall them both on windows and when i restarted it read two new identical cards at once06:29
fragilityhow would I go about flashing my bios? unfortunately this computer gives me very few bios settings06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:30
juhorner25I have two monitor sections in the xorg file, maybe it is trying access the secondary while at the login and then switches to my primary06:31
juhorner25Because my primary monitor is the one that has my video card and all set06:31
fragilityI've never wanted to flash a bios because it always seemed really risky, but when I have brought it up with people no one seemed to really consider it06:31
hitmanWillyok, go to toshiba's web site, and follow the instructions on there06:31
hitmanWillyfragility: it changes depending on the manufacturer/model06:31
dewittjuhorner25: i have same resolution problem, when i started up.06:31
fragilitythats just my hard drive, my notebook is a systemax06:32
hitmanWillyfragility: ok, well try that site then :)06:32
fragilityI'm going to restart and check the name and edition of bios, I will be back in here06:32
juhorner25dewitt: The only thing I can figure out is the login screen defaults to my secondary monitor06:32
juhorner25dewitt: because it is set to 640*48006:32
fragilityTHANKS for the help, ts been VERY hard to get any help in forums or the chat06:33
dr_willisfragility,  i think ive only flashed 2  bios's my whole life. :)06:33
dr_willisOne in my laptop.. one in a old desktop.06:33
dr_willisboth to fix linux issues06:34
hitmanWillyi did it on this mobo after i first got it, haven't touched it since06:34
juhorner25in the xorg.conf file, is the section "screen" referring to the login screen?06:35
juhorner25Because this has modes set as "640*480"06:35
bldzrI don't think so :)06:36
dr_willisthe login screen is just a normal screen06:36
dr_willis'screen' does NOT mean anything special about the login screen06:36
dr_willisits just the name of the default screen06:36
juhorner25Okay, just checking06:36
dr_willisyou could remove the 640*480 mode entries06:36
juhorner25I can't find anything else in here about it06:36
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dr_willisThere NOTHING in xorg.conf about the login screen.06:37
dr_willisthe login screen is just another normal X session.06:37
juhorner25Yet it doesn't display the right resolution06:37
dr_willisNow ther Might be some kdm special settings in the kdm configs..06:37
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juhorner25Alright I will check06:38
dr_willisjuhorner25,  its displaying what res it thinks it should.06:38
dr_williswhich MAY be defaulting to that first entry of 640x48006:38
dr_willis Modes      "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"06:38
juhorner25The second I login though the next screen displays the right resolution06:38
dr_willisi THINK that my kdm uses the first entry there.. 1280x whatever...06:38
dr_willisjuhorner25,  as i said.. a USER can change their own personal resolutions.06:39
dr_willisMy wife  coudl be using 800x600 when she logs in. i can be using 1280x whatever06:39
dr_willis!info kxrand06:39
ubotuPackage kxrand does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:39
dr_willis!info kxrandr06:39
ubotuPackage kxrandr does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:39
hitmanWillynormally, the res for kde is controlled by the individual user acct with any of the values from xorg.conf, while kdm just uses xorg.conf IIRC06:39
dr_willis!find  xrand06:39
ubotuFound: libxrandr-dev, libxrandr2, libxrandr2-dbg, xrandr06:39
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dr_willis!find xrandr06:40
dr_willisHmm what was that kde app that changes the res on the fly.06:40
hitmanWillydr_willis: its in kcontrol is all i know :)06:40
dr_willistheres a system tray applet also. :)06:40
dr_willisIt may be the order of the Modes are whats affecting your kdm, and users differently06:42
klobsterjuhorner25: my system did the same for a bit, than it fixed itself when I changed something in sysytem settings>Advanced> login manager.  (I don't think it was important what i changed, just that i changed something)06:44
klobsterso my a large portion of my icons are being replaced with the notepaper icon, but I cant figure out why...?06:45
dr_willisive noticed that often the gnome and kde icon themes get shown under the icon theme selection..06:46
dr_willisselecting a gnome icon theme can cause issues..06:46
juhorner25Thanks for the help dr_willis, I've been checking some things online to see what could have happen06:46
juhorner25Today I turned on my pc and everything was 640*48006:46
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juhorner25I managed to fix it after the login screen though06:46
juhorner25Not sure what I did to mess it up, that's the odd thing06:46
dr_willisjuhorner25,  try booting some of the older kernels..06:47
juhorner25Yeah I think thats what fixed it after the login06:47
dr_willisit may be a kernel update dident isntall the proper videocard drivers.. but that dont make much sence.06:47
klobsterI tried to go back to a default icon setting, but it was a nogo.06:47
klobsterOH! also, they apparantly work on my desktop, and in konq, but not in the system bar, or many menu bars, or the system settings window, or on kmenu...06:48
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dr_willisklobster,  try a new user.. see if it affects them06:49
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netdaemonis there a way to throttle apt-get's downloads?06:50
level1what should my performance be transferring files over usb2.0 to an external hard drive?06:50
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level1maybe 100MB/s?06:51
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TachyonI'm dual booting Vista and Kubuntu.  What do I put in fstab so that I can mount my Vista partition with access to my user file? (my username is Ben and it has a password on it)07:11
TachyonRight now it mounts Vista fine, but I can only access public folders07:11
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scottyTachyon: Did you try setting it to wumbo? :P07:20
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legoHowdy everyone.07:31
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legoI have installed Linux on my better system, and I have Windows 2000 Pro on my games PC.  Is it possible for both Linux and my other PC to share files?07:32
legoI already have sharing enabled and folders setup from my XP install/.07:32
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:32
legoThank you very much.07:33
legoForgive a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask anyways.  Can I use any pic format as my desktop pic?  Example BMP in Linux?07:34
intelikeyerr  i think07:34
legoI'd like to use some pics I was using on my XP in Linux as the desktop pic.07:34
intelikeytry it.07:35
legoMight be the normal jpg, but I think its bmp.07:35
legoI am off to read and learn.  lol07:35
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juhorner25Any of you have Beryl?07:37
intelikey!beryl | juhorner25 they do in:07:38
ubotujuhorner25 they do in:: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:38
scottyMy friend is dual booting Vista and Kubuntu.  What does put in fstab so that he can mount his Vista partition with access to his user file? (his username is Ben and it has a password on it)07:38
scottyRight now it mounts but he can only see the public files.07:38
scotty*does he07:38
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epimethgood morning people!07:46
epimethcan anybody stream videos from stage6.divx.com?07:46
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michael_mcan someone help me with hard drive problem???07:56
epimethmichael_m: whats the problem?07:57
legoDoes anyone play Penguin Command?07:58
michael_mepimeth: kubuntu runs fine on my laptop but i just installed it on my desktop and it sets up my hard drive as sda instead of hda. its an ide drive07:58
michael_mit seems to be causing a very slow boot07:59
legoI keep getting the same problem when I play.  Mouse ALWAYS wants to go to the top left and I can't play the game.07:59
epimethmichael_m: don't know anything about it booting slowly, but yes, ide drives are sda now07:59
epimethbeen that way pretty much since feisty was released07:59
epimethit has something to do with the new UUID thing07:59
michael_mepimeth: thanks for ur info. it just sits at like 1% for 2 minutes but once it gets past that it just rockets to the dektop08:00
epimethlego: sorry, don't play it and I *really* have no idea when it comes to mice.  all I know is that mine works :-)08:00
epimethmichael_m: you sure its the sda thing?  could be something else.  check out dmesg08:00
legoI guess I will stick to the WORKIN Windows version until it can be fixed.08:00
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legoNo offense, but Windows, in my opinion, is much better.08:01
michael_mepimeth: im gonna switch to my desktop reall quick08:01
epimethlego: none taken, but what do you mean by 'better' ?08:01
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:01
=== michael_m [n=michael@adsl-70-232-86-88.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
legoWindows is easier to deal with, for one.  I guess I just need more experience handling Linux.08:02
=== Gartra1 [n=gareth@adsl-75-36-12-223.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
michael_mepimeth: can u give me a link to the pastebin... sorry im kinda a noob08:02
legoEasier to install software/etc also08:02
legoStill haven't figured out the networking yet.08:03
=== yeagerrobber_ [n=yeager@c-212-031-191-240.cust.broadway.se] has joined #kubuntu
Gartra1ummm... i cant connect to the servers to download anything08:03
epimethWindows *is* easier to deal with... but so is a automatic transmition.  you get much better performance with a stickshift :-)08:03
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epimeth!pastebin | michael_m08:03
ubotumichael_m: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:03
legoI will stick to an automatic trans, thank you.  lol08:03
epimethGartra1: what servers?  through what program?08:03
=== raul [n=mctux02@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Gartra1kubuntus update servers08:04
legoLast time I handled a stickshift, it wasn't pretty.  lol08:04
Gartra1through adept08:04
epimethlego: you're loss, amigo.  If I may, I would suggest you give it more of a go.  use windows for your games, but linux for everything else!08:04
epimethlego: thats what I do :-)08:04
legoWell, right now that is my setup.08:05
intelikeylego .... "Windows is easier to deal with"  hmmm.   i think windows is easier to deal with also.   all i have to do to deal with windows is  cat /dev/zero > /dev/"the hd it's installed on"      and i've dealt with it.    </shrugs>08:05
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epimethGartra1: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources,list08:05
=== epimeth waves @ intelikey
epimethahoy amigo!08:05
legoI have 2 PC's here.  This one (XP/Linux) and Games (Win 2K)08:05
intelikeyepimeth :)08:05
epimethyou're using 2K for games??? why???? *shudders*08:06
legoI try Linux for a bit, get fed up and go back to WIndows.  lol08:06
legoWhy?  Well, I can't run XP.  Its 1Ghz, but only 128MB memory.08:06
Gartra1and pastebin servers are wear again?08:06
legoSome weid stink of memory.  Something called PC80008:07
intelikeyGartra1 all over the place.   pastebin.<your nl>08:07
legoWell, thats what BIOS says it is.08:07
intelikeyGartra1 see the topic also08:07
epimethGartra1: I *just* showed michael_m where it is08:07
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intelikeybot !lag08:08
Gartra1bot !dead08:08
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:08
=== fritz [n=fritz@dyn-] has joined #kubuntu
=== epimeth twiddles his thumbs
michael_mepimeth: it says im spamming the pastebin or something...lol. but in dmesg it says ata instead of ide. is that anything?08:09
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fritzis there a new version of kubuntu?...i'm running kubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn..08:09
intelikeyfritz not yet08:09
legoI think thats what I am running also.08:10
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legoHow do I find out?08:10
intelikeyfritz & lego versioning is  year.month08:10
epimethmichael_m: hrm... you *sure* its ide?  lemme check mine08:10
Shirakawasunamight be in uname -a08:10
legoKDE Desktop 3.5.608:10
Shirakawasunanot sure how kubuntu packages its kernel08:10
Shirakawasunalego: probably check the updater and go to help08:11
intelikeywhat ?   are you looking for    lsb_release ?08:11
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michael_mepimeth: yeah cause i had it in my modded xbox for a while. i know its ide08:11
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fritzi wonder when are they going to add 3d effects to the kde env, cause my system is 2 slow 2 run beryl08:12
intelikeymichael_m you mean like this    hda: ST31277A, ATA DISK drive08:12
intelikeyhdb: Maxtor 82100D4, ATA DISK drive08:12
intelikeyhdc: Maxtor 84320D4, ATA DISK drive08:12
intelikeyno ata drives here mate.08:13
intelikeyso if that's all that concerns you, forget it.08:13
epimethfritz: is you're system is too slow for beryl it will be too slow for 3d effects in kde....08:13
Gartra1epimeth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29327/ <there08:14
=== goldfingermafia [n=goldfing@pool-71-160-54-194.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyGartra1 no universe repos ?08:15
intelikey!repos | Gartra108:15
ubotuGartra1: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:15
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legoWhich is better for doing installs/updates "KPackage" "adept"?08:15
Gartra1i should have them in08:16
michael_mepimeth: i think this is mine SCSI device sda: 390721968 512-byte hdwr sectors (200050 MB)08:16
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intelikeymichael_m yeah that's scsi emulation for the ide disk right ?08:17
michael_mepimeth: im clueless too what u mean08:17
epimethmichael_m: talk to intelikey, not me... he seems to know much better than me :-)08:18
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michael_moh oops sorry08:18
epimethGartra1: your sources.list seem to be in order... have you tried pinging us.archive.ubuntu.com ?08:18
epimethlego... didn't we just discuss the word "better" ?  its whatever you find more comfortable to use.  I personally use apt-get, aptitude, or adept.  it depends on what mood I'm in08:19
Gartra1just did, and its there08:20
epimethGartra1: hmmm... have you tried apt-get update ?08:20
michael_mintelikey: how do i enable javascript so i can use the pastebin. i need u to look a my dmesg cause im clueless08:20
intelikeymichael_m beginning in 7.04 ubuntu uses scsi emulation so that all disks show as scsi disks.  "/dev/sd?"   and the fact that the kernel calls all ide disks "ATA" doesn't affect the way it accesses them.  the use of scsi emulation does however,  normally there is no noticable adverse affect, so if all you are experancing is a delay in boot processes; i sujest you try to see what is timming out.    probably a network issue 08:21
Gartra1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29328/ < here08:22
intelikeyand javascript is probably not the issue.    which browser ?    but more likely you'll want to just use another pastebin.    try   pastebin.ca08:22
epimethGartra1: pastebin the ping response, please?08:22
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michael_mintelikey:thnx heres my dmesg http://pastebin.ca/61213108:24
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Gartra1epimeth:  ??08:26
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epimethGartra1: hrm... replace the first line of your sources.list (deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted multiverse) with "deb edgy main restricted multiverse"08:27
epimethalso, why are you using edgy?  (just curious)08:27
Gartra1w/o quotation marks?08:27
goldfingermafiaanyone know how to configure the packets source on kismet? i need soemhlep with it08:28
Gartra1new one wont run on my system08:28
Gartra1not nearly enough ra08:28
epimethGartra1: yes, no quotes08:28
epimethgoldfingermafia: not me, sorry :-) I have no idea what kismet *is*08:29
michael_mintelikey: dont know if u saw my pastebin link or not... http://pastebin.ca/61213108:29
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intelikeymichael_m ok. and what is on the screen durring the "long pause" ?08:29
intelikeymichael_m yeah i saw it.08:29
goldfingermafiaepimeth: np lol i have no clue eather beacuse i can even load the damn thing08:29
epimethahhh... packet sniffer :-)08:29
epimethgoldfingermafia: you tried the documentation? http://www.kismetwireless.net/documentation.shtml08:30
michael_mintelikey: the progress bar just stays like at 1% for about to minutes then after it moves it rockets to the desktop08:30
intelikeymichael_m yeah and no text ??08:30
goldfingermafiaepimeth: yep and im jsut to reatard to understand it fo rmy mac, i need seomone to tell me what to type lol08:30
michael_mintelikey: nope08:30
Gartra1alright, trying new source08:30
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intelikeynot a "starting blah"   ?08:30
michael_mwhat do u mean by starting blah?08:31
epimethgoldfingermafia: sorry buddy... have you tried searching for a channel for kismet?  I'm sure they have on08:31
goldfingermafiaepimeth: no i havent, thanks ill try08:31
intelikeymichael_m well boot the thing without the usplash and see what it's doing.   :)08:31
michael_mintelikey: how do i do that?08:31
michael_mctrl f1?08:32
intelikeyadd splash=off    or  nosplash to the kernel line08:32
intelikeyno it's [etc]   before it starts to boot.08:32
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Gartra1same response08:32
michael_mintelikey: sorry im new to linux... how do i add that to the kernel line08:32
intelikeythen select the boot string   hit E   select the kernel line   hit E    add nosplash08:32
epimethGartra1: even for restricted multiverse???08:33
intelikeyenter and hit B08:33
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intelikeymichael_m you do know what "grub" is, right ?08:34
michael_mintelikey: my bootloader?08:34
Daisuke_Idoi still hate gnome :\08:34
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epimethDaisuke_Ido: well you're in good company then :-)08:35
michael_mso i hit esc? or whats tha ect thing?08:35
michael_mb4 it boots08:35
=== Agrajag^ [i=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
intelikeymichael_m grub is editable.    you can use the escape key to access the grub menu and use the E key to edit a line   and  B to boot.08:35
michael_mill be back in a few08:35
epimethGartra1: have you tried restarting?  I know its lame, but I have to ask08:36
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goldfingermafiawhat is the diffrent between kubuntu and ubuntu08:37
stdingoldfingermafia: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu uses KDE08:37
goldfingermafiastdin: what one is better, and what one has more support?08:38
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Gartra1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29330/ < and yes08:38
epimethgoldfingermafia: kubuntu *is* ubuntu, only it uses kde as its window manager instead of gnome08:39
epimethgoldfingermafia: as for better, well....08:39
Gartra1there equaly supportad, but personal experience taught me kde is better08:39
stdingoldfingermafia: nither has more support than the other, as to which is best. You're in the Kubuntu channel, so we'll say KDE :p but it's what's best for YOU, so try them out and decide for yourself08:39
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:39
=== davascript [n=danny@c-WBD-72-28-43-162.echoes.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== epimeth waves @ stdin
goldfingermafiawaht one is eaier to use, or is it jsut graphical, im sorry im like brand new to liunx08:40
=== epimeth redirects input from stdin
=== epimeth outputs to stdin @.@
=== stdin waves bask to epimeth (and ignores the bad pun)
Gartra1weve all been there, dont worry08:40
=== intelikey redirrects stdin to stderr 1>&2
intelikeyerr 008:41
stdingoldfingermafia: some people think KDE is easier and some think Gnome is, it's down to what you feel comfortable in, they are goth graphical08:41
Gartra1again, try em out, you can them both on one computer, thats the beauty of linux08:41
goldfingermafiathanks guys08:41
=== stdin points intelikey to the bash howto :p
=== michael_m [n=michael@adsl-70-232-86-88.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyi changed it....08:42
epimethGartra1: according to the pastebin you just sent you didn't make the change I told you to make....08:42
=== maria_ [n=maria@ppp-82-135-70-167.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu
=== stdin has only been awake for an hour and has already had a rant https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-July/005905.html
michael_mintelikey: it hangs and does this a couple of times08:43
michael_m3.424000]  ata2.00: configured for UDMA/3308:43
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michael_m[   33.424000]  ata2.01: qc timeout (cmd 0xef)08:43
michael_m[   33.424000]  ata2.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4)08:43
michael_m[   33.424000]  ata2: failed to recover some devices, retrying in 5 secs08:43
michael_m[   39.248000]  ata2.00: configured for UDMA/3308:43
michael_m[   69.248000]  ata2.01: qc timeout (cmd 0xef)08:43
michael_m[   69.248000]  ata2.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4)08:43
michael_moops i meant to paste my pastein link08:44
intelikeyok michael_m it is trying to access ata devices and timming out.     so you are correct in your assumption of the error.     that's a kernel issue (err actually initramfs issue)  so you'll need to check for bug reports ont and file a bug on it.     system should not have to time out on missing hardware.08:45
tmbglies, damn lies, and statistics.08:45
Gartra1epimeth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29331/08:45
epimethGartra1: you sure you're firewall isn't blocking port 4001?08:46
intelikey!bug | michael_m08:46
ubotumichael_m: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:46
epimeththo that seems like a strech08:46
michael_mintelikey: i have a 320 gig ide drive in another xbox. u think i can just swap that one into my pc and everything work?08:46
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epimethmichael_m: should work just fine08:47
epimethmichael_m: actually... maybe not08:47
intelikeymichael_m maybe.   but be ware of moving disks around with static device addressing.  you may find it un bootable.08:47
=== eMaX [n=emax@gprs01.swisscom-mobile.ch] has joined #kubuntu
epimeth320GB ide?  I didn't know IDE could be that big???08:48
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intelikeymichael_m i.e. if you boot a linux system on /dev/sda1  and you change that disk to a box where it becomes sdb1 booting is hosed until you fix the initramfs.img file  and correct the /boot/grub/[device.map,menu.lst]  flies08:49
michael_mepimeth: i think its ide/ata08:49
michael_mintelikey: i just installed this so reinstalling wont bother me...lol08:50
intelikeythen   yes it should work.08:50
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel
intelikeyhowever reinstall takes longer than fix for those that know what to do to fix one....08:51
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michael_mim not one of those though08:52
epimethlol yup... I know the feeling08:52
intelikeybut do file a bug report.08:52
Gartra1epimeth: if you get an idea, msg me? ok, i gtg08:52
epimethGartra1: sure08:52
intelikeymichael_m but do file a bug report.08:52
michael_mintelikey: not sure exactly what to do to file it08:52
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intelikey!bug | michael_m08:53
ubotumichael_m: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:53
intelikeymichael_m if things like that don't get reported, they don't get fixed.08:53
epimethintelikey, stdin: you guys been following Gartra1's problem?08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
epimeth!ping | zedQ08:54
ubotuzedQ: pong08:54
michael_myeah i know. im registering right now08:54
stdinepimeth: no, what's the problem?08:54
epimethhis apt-get isn't working right...08:54
epimethttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release.gpg: Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)08:55
intelikeyttp: ^08:55
epimethstupid copy paste08:55
stdinepimeth: I saw the pastebin, looks like apt is trying to connect through a proxy (localhost:4001)08:55
intelikeyyou don't connect to the   Release.gpg08:55
epimethstdin: but everything else seems to be working fine... irc, ping, and (I assume) http08:56
epimethany reason apt won't work through a prozy?08:56
=== Ben_Babcock is now known as Tachyon
stdinepimeth: apt takes it's settings from elsewhere, maybe the http_proxy (??) variable is set08:57
epimethhrm... I'll check that...08:57
intelikeyhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release.gpg  <<< that still doesn't look right.      should be more like    http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy Release.gpg  ???      or the text i see is like that anyway08:59
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stdinintelikey: no, when apt updates it displays full URLs (in errors anyawy)09:00
epimethintelikey: his sources.list is fine... and if you go to archive.ubuntu.com and traverse the tree, you'll see that that is where the file is located09:00
intelikeystdin hmmm not in NON-error output...09:00
epimethyup... just checked that09:00
stdinepimeth: it would either be set in the variable "http_proxy" or in "/etc/apt/apt.conf" (or a file in "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/")09:01
epimethstdin: checking those files now, actually09:01
stdinintelikey: no, in NON-error output it looks like "Get: 4 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release [57.2kB] "09:02
intelikeyyeah.  or edgy or what ever release.09:02
stdinwell, that was taken from when I just did apt-get update :)09:02
=== heyns [n=heyns@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyand also the  Release.gpg  hits.  but it just looked odd seeing apt output with /blah/blah/09:03
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stdinit doesn't always hit09:04
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intelikeyhit/git  one or the other09:05
stdinir ign :)09:05
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intelikeystdin know a random number generator for sh ?   (not bash)09:07
stdinnot built in, no09:08
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stdinsh/dash is supposed to be as lightweight as possible, so I guess it wasn't built in09:10
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intelikeywell $RANDOM is a bash extention anyway...09:11
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stdinI meant the functionality09:11
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nekowhat i can install cedega cvs ? :\09:12
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arunAnyone running Windows apps natively using rdesktop/VMware here?09:18
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intelikeyfound  gsl-bin09:19
intelikey!info gsl-bin09:19
ubotugsl-bin: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-3build1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 92 kB09:19
arunNo one?09:19
goldfingermafiahow do i check dpkg-L ?09:19
intelikeyarun i wouldn't care too no.09:20
intelikeygoldfingermafia ???09:20
waylandbillI don't find a need to run windows software, so I don't have a need to run vmware.09:20
goldfingermafiaintelikey: someone told i me i need to check that file? or install it or something09:20
goldfingermafiaim trying to set up kismet and im so lost09:20
waylandbillgoldfingermafia: dpkg -l tells the packages installed if that's what you refer to.09:21
intelikeygoldfingermafia "dpkg -L package-name "     would be a command  "plus args"  to list the content of an installed package09:21
intelikey!dpkg | goldfingermafia09:21
ubotugoldfingermafia: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.09:21
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intelikeygoldfingermafia but dpkg-L doesn't exist unless you create it...    i.e. no such file or dirrectory.09:23
goldfingermafiaok will then why dose it not show madwifi as being installed on there, yet my internet is working?09:24
goldfingermafiahow the hell do i install madwifi!!!! ahhhhhhh09:25
stdingoldfingermafia: you should have it already, it's in the restricted-modules09:25
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intelikeymaybe cause madwifi is not a ubuntu package....09:26
waylandbillgoldfingermafia: that tells packages, not executable programs btw. That's not necessarily the same thing.09:26
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goldfingermafiaok so what do i type in to check the restricted things09:27
stdingoldfingermafia: just make sure you have "linux-restricted-modules-generic" installed09:28
stdinapt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-generic09:28
intelikeysomething like    dpkg -L `dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3 | grep restricted`09:28
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stdinif you want to do it the hard way ^ :p09:29
goldfingermafiastdin: im tttrying to make shure my madwifi drivers are installed correctly, how do i go about doing that09:29
stdingoldfingermafia: install apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-generic, then make sure you have "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/madwifi/"09:29
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stdinhmm, s/apt-cache policy //09:30
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goldfingermafiastdin: it says linux-restiriced0modules0generic is not a directory?09:31
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stdingoldfingermafia: what's with the '0's in that?09:32
goldfingermafiastdin: there - lol i dont have a mouse so i ahve to retype it lol09:32
goldfingermafiastdin: im on a amc no right click09:32
intelikeystdin hardly matters he ran "install balh..."09:32
stdingoldfingermafia: "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic"09:32
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mario_help me please09:34
stdingoldfingermafia: but that for the -generic arch, doesn't the mack have a different kernel?09:34
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mario_I want default xp prof on this menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29332/09:34
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goldfingermafiastdin: it says Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:34
stdingoldfingermafia: do you have adept open?09:35
intelikeymario_ move it to the top of the kernel lines ???09:35
goldfingermafiaadept? i have this and my teminal open09:35
stdinmario_: change default to 509:35
mario_ok I try09:35
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mario_i will try09:35
goldfingermafiastdin: adept? i ahve this and terminal oipen09:36
stdingoldfingermafia: hmm, ok try "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:36
intelikeystdin not 6 ?     doesn't the seporator kernel count ?  "title           Other operating systems:"  ???09:37
goldfingermafiastdin: when i type the firs on it says udo is not installed, then when i try to install it i get teh same error i did befor09:37
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=== intelikey thought it did....
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goldfingermafiastdin: should i try to restart09:37
stdinintelikey: hmm, probably :p09:37
stdingoldfingermafia: 1st what kernel do you have? uname -r09:38
goldfingermafiastdin: 2.6.20-16-generic09:38
intelikey"udo is not installed"09:39
stdingoldfingermafia: and does "dpkg -l | grep restricted" show that "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic" is installed?09:39
goldfingermafiai  linux-restrict Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_6409:40
goldfingermafiaii  linux-restrict Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_6409:40
goldfingermafiaii  linux-restrict Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules helper script09:40
goldfingermafiaii  linux-restrict Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels09:40
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goldfingermafiawoops sorry didnt mean to span guys09:40
stdinok, try doing "modprobe ath_pci" to load the madwifi module09:40
goldfingermafiai put that in and nothing ahppend09:41
stdinthat's probably good :p09:41
intelikeyno error means no error09:41
stdinsee what "iwconfig" shows09:41
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goldfingermafiafor the first 3 lo, eth0 wifi0, ntohing09:42
goldfingermafiafor ath0 says all this stuff09:42
stdingoldfingermafia: good, same as mine :)09:43
intelikeymine is much more simple....   tty24 [root@~]  iwconfig09:43
intelikey-root: iwconfig: command not found09:43
stdingoldfingermafia: try "iwlist ath0 scann" to see if you can pick up your access point09:43
stdinintelikey: helps if you have wireless :p09:44
goldfingermafiayes i do09:44
=== intelikey wonders what it helps...
stdinit helps iwconfig, that's what :)09:44
goldfingermafiastdin: i pick it up, im on ubuntu talking to you, but other programs arent getting it to09:44
goldfingermafiastdin: kismet cannont find it09:45
intelikeytino_   /join #channel09:45
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stdingoldfingermafia: have you configured kissmet right?09:45
intelikeytino_   /join #ubuntu-es09:45
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goldfingermafiastdin: dude im so lost with the hole kismet thing, i have talked to 10000 people and donse so many things09:45
goldfingermafiastdin: when i launch it i get this error09:46
stdingoldfingermafia: I have a config file that works here09:46
goldfingermafiastdin: ATAL: Support for capture source type 'madwifi_b' was not built.  Check the output from 'configure' for more information about why it might not have been compiled in.09:46
stdingoldfingermafia: ahh, yes, now I remember09:47
intelikeyfolks, i'm went.09:47
stdingoldfingermafia: i think you need to patch the driver, it was fixed later09:47
goldfingermafiastdin: ok how do i do that09:47
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goldfingermafiastdin: this is the source in the configure file source=madwifi_b,ath0,109:48
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stdingoldfingermafia: it involves downloading the source code and a patch, then patching the source and then compiling and installing it. not simple09:49
goldfingermafiastdin: do you even want to try to walk me thorugh it? or iss there a walkknorough for dummies online somewere09:49
goldfingermafiastdin: i jsut installed madwifi like two days ago09:49
stdingoldfingermafia: let me try and find the info on it, it's been a while since i did09:50
goldfingermafiastdin: ty so much09:50
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stdingoldfingermafia: do you need the restricted-modues for anything else? like nvidia (from the packages)??10:05
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MikeMikeWhenver I try to play a dvd disc using kubuntu kaffeine I always get the error "No plugin found to handle this resource"  How can I resolve this ?10:39
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MikeMikeWhenever I try to play a dvd disc using kubuntu kaffeine I always get the error "No plugin found to handle this resource"  How can I resolve this ?10:39
Fragilitythey cant include it because of it being proprietary, try getting the program Automatix10:39
bldzrTried the links in the topic?10:40
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stdin!automatix | Fragility, MikeMike10:41
ubotuFragility, MikeMike: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:41
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bldzrUsing available resources will help you a lot more than spamming a question repeatedly10:42
MikeMikegot it10:43
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goldfingermafiastdin: no i dont bro10:47
goldfingermafiastdin: just for the drivers if can find it10:47
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stdingoldfingermafia: ok, it prety easy to install them now, but you'll need to remove the restricted modules package and stop the network to install them, but I can help you build it first10:49
goldfingermafiastdin: ok tell me what to type10:49
stdingoldfingermafia: 1st you need to run "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential"10:49
goldfingermafiait says udo is not installed10:50
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goldfingermafiait had and error10:50
goldfingermafiaand i cant install udo10:50
goldfingermafiawait hold on10:50
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stdingoldfingermafia: sudo, not udo10:50
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goldfingermafiaoh lol ok now it says10:51
goldfingermafiaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:51
goldfingermafiaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:51
goldfingermafiashould i try to restart?10:51
stdingoldfingermafia: try "sudo fuser -vik http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/madwifi/madwifi-
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stdingoldfingermafia: try "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock"10:52
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stdingoldfingermafia: then "sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:52
stdingoldfingermafia: and that's sudo, not udo10:52
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bldzrgoldfingermafia: Do you have adept running or something?10:53
bldzrThat's the most common cause to that message10:53
goldfingermafiaok that worked10:53
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stdinbldzr: not in console mode10:53
goldfingermafiastdin: ok that wokred10:53
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bldzrAhh, ok :)10:53
stdingoldfingermafia: so you installed linux-headers-generic and build-essential now?10:53
goldfingermafiastdin: it says udo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential10:53
stdingoldfingermafia: Sudo, no udo10:54
goldfingermafiastdin:  it says10:54
goldfingermafiaThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:10:54
goldfingermafia  libpcap0.710:54
goldfingermafiaUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.10:54
goldfingermafia0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.10:54
goldfingermafiai know i put sudo10:54
goldfingermafiaat the end, after it installed the other things10:54
stdingoldfingermafia: ok, that's ok then, now you can start :)10:54
goldfingermafiastdin: ok waht do i do10:54
stdingoldfingermafia: 1st you'll want to become root, so type: sudo -i10:55
stdingoldfingermafia: then go to /usr/src10:55
goldfingermafiak, i had to put cd infront of it is that ok10:55
stdingoldfingermafia: now do: wget http://tinyurl.com/336j4n10:56
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stdingoldfingermafia: once you have that, do: tar xjf madwifi-
stdingoldfingermafia: then cd madwifi-
goldfingermafiastdin: ok10:58
goldfingermafiastdin: everything worked fine im there10:58
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stdingoldfingermafia: now type in "make KERNELPATH=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic/"10:59
stdingoldfingermafia: that should start building the modules10:59
goldfingermafiastdin: ya it is doing something10:59
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goldfingermafiastdin: k it is done11:00
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zander_join #nephilim11:01
stdingoldfingermafia: make sure it didn't say anything about errors11:01
goldfingermafiastdin: no errors at all11:01
stdingoldfingermafia: good :)11:01
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stdingoldfingermafia: ok, now you're going to have to unload the modules you have now, then remove linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) and delete them11:02
goldfingermafiastdin: ok so how do i do that11:02
stdingoldfingermafia: so you do: "ifconfig ath0 down ; ifconfig wifi0 down" then "cd scripts", "./madwifi-unload.bash" then "./find-madwifi-modules.sh $(uname -r)"11:04
stdingoldfingermafia: not yet tho!11:04
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goldfingermafiastdin: ok, but i copy thoses one after the other11:05
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stdingoldfingermafia: yeah, then do "apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules-generic" and remove all of that, then you type in "make install"11:06
goldfingermafiastdin: after all of that11:06
stdingoldfingermafia: after all that, you type in "modprobe ath_pci" and you should have the new drivers11:06
goldfingermafiastdin: ok so i have to do 7 things right11:06
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stdingoldfingermafia: yeah, run those scripts, then remove linux-restricted-modules-generic, then install the drivers and then load the ath_pci module11:07
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stdingoldfingermafia: after that you're all set11:08
goldfingermafiastdin: ok tahnks a bunch man, if im back on in a few minutes it worked lol thanks11:08
stdingoldfingermafia: if not then just run "make uninstall" and "apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic" to get the old ones back11:08
stdingoldfingermafia: and good luck :)11:09
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jaaroohello there. I'm trying to write kernel module which will use cryptoapi. However my feisty kubuntu seems not to have /usr/include/linux/crypto.h at all. Where can I find it please?11:09
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stdinjaaroo: you build modules against the headers in /usr/src/ not in /usr/include/11:13
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jaaroostdin: oh. Thanks very much. That was quite confusing because there is /usr/include/linux as well.11:15
stdinjaaroo: yeah, those are some more "generic" headers, for modules you need to build it against the files in the kernel source or headers11:16
jaaroostdin: gentoo has crypto.h in /usr/include/linux11:17
stdinjaaroo: I'd bet it doesn't match up with the one in the headers/source though11:17
stdinbesides, there are lots of crypto.h files11:18
stdin!find crypto.h11:18
jaaroostdin: ok. Now I have header with lot of definitions and function prototypes. Without any useful comments. Do you know if there is some (complete) reference? For CryptoAPI at least? I haven't found any yet.11:18
ubotuFile crypto.h found in asterisk-dev, kdelibs4-dev, kdelibs5-dev, libcrypto++-dev, libfwbuilder-dev (and 17 others)11:18
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jaaroostdin: I'm interested in the kernel's crypto.h.11:19
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stdinjaaroo: for that I'd say to grab documentation package linux-doc11:21
goldfingermafia_stdin: u still there11:21
stdingoldfingermafia_: yeah11:21
goldfingermafia_stdin: it failed when i tryed to do the ./madwifi-bash.conf command11:21
jaaroostdin: have it. And read through entire decumentation for cryptoapi, but it is not very detailed though.11:21
stdinjaaroo: try asking in ##linux or #ubuntu-kernel11:21
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jaaroostdin: anyway thanks for advice.11:22
stdingoldfingermafia_: you mean madwifi-unload.bash ?11:22
stdinjaaroo: I'm no kernel hacker, I can only help so much :p11:22
goldfingermafia_stdin: yes this is waht i get11:23
goldfingermafia_root@l33t-h4x0r:/usr/src/madwifi- ./madwifi-unload.bash11:23
goldfingermafia_FATAL: Module wlan_scan_sta is in use.11:23
goldfingermafia_FATAL: Module wlan is in use.11:23
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stdingoldfingermafia_: ok, try this big command instead then....11:23
goldfingermafia_stdin: ok instead of the four little ones?11:24
stdingoldfingermafia_: wait, instead of the madwifi-unload.bash do the command I'm about to paste in11:24
goldfingermafia_stdin: k11:24
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stdinfor i in $(seq 1 10); do for mod in $(lsmod | egrep '(ath|wifi)'|grep " 0 "|awk '{print $1}');do echo $mod;done;done11:26
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stdingoldfingermafia_: ^ all one line11:26
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stdingoldfingermafia_: does that show anything?11:26
goldfingermafia_ok it printed ath_pci about 10 times11:26
goldfingermafia_stdin: above11:26
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stdingoldfingermafia_: ok, that what i wanted, now replace "echo" with "rmmod"11:27
stdingoldfingermafia_: that should do the dirty work for you then11:27
stdingoldfingermafia_: that will probably bring you network down11:27
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VIrUZ__whats your problem goldfingermafia_ ?11:29
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MikeMike can   someone  guide me install libdvdcss2?11:31
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MikeMike the  instructions drive me crazy11:31
VIrUZ__thats eligal11:31
VIrUZ__do you wnat to go to jail ?11:31
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=== Shirakawasuna gives VIrUZ__ a smack called reality
LynoureVIrUZ__: I can, not illegal here.11:32
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VIrUZ__try installing  libbrcss211:32
Lynourebut it has been so long I cannot remember...11:33
goldfingermafiastdin: it wokred11:33
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:33
goldfingermafiastdin: but kismet still says thisFATAL: Support for capture source type 'madwifi_b' was not built.  Check the output from 'configure' for more information about why it might not have been compiled in.11:33
LynoureMikeMike: What point are you stuck with?11:33
stdinMikeMike: do in konsole "wget http://seveas.imbrandon.com/pool/feisty-seveas/extras/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb"11:33
goldfingermafiastdin: any ideas?11:33
MikeMikeif its ilegal how come ubuntu site gives u the guide?11:33
MikeMikei saw this...11:34
MikeMikeAfter doing a fresh install of Feisty, be it Ubuntu or Kubuntu, there are two packages not installed by default that need to be installed for DVD playback to work. There's a third package needed to play encrypted DVDs. They are:11:34
MikeMike libdvdread311:34
MikeMike libxine1-ffmpeg (Also requires libmad0, therefore libmad0 will be installed automatically along with this package)11:34
MikeMike libdvdcss2 (Needed to play encrypted DVDs)11:34
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stdinMikeMike: it's only illegal in some places11:34
VIrUZ__do you know that Blue ray disks have only 10 giga byts of actuall footage ? the other 15 gigas are for the encriptrion key :D11:34
stdingoldfingermafia: give me a sec11:34
VIrUZ__MikeMike: i love you11:35
VIrUZ__you are so sweet11:35
MikeMike oh well i  can  play dvd movies now.  i just tried it11:35
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VIrUZ__that was fast11:36
VIrUZ__another satisfied costumer11:36
MikeMikeim not techi when it comes to kubuntu yet...11:36
stdingoldfingermafia: are you using 802.11b (not a or g) ?11:36
goldfingermafiastdin: my network is b, but how can i check?11:37
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stdingoldfingermafia: "iwconfig ath0" it should say something like "IEEE 802.11b" in the 1st line if it's b11:37
goldfingermafiastdin: ok im using g11:38
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goldfingermafiastdin: let me change that11:39
stdingoldfingermafia: just to make sure, what does the Frequency say ?11:39
stdinyeah, that's g11:39
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goldfingermafiastdin:  and in kismet.conf i have this as the source source=madwifi_g,ath0,111:41
goldfingermafiastdin: and i still get the was not built error11:42
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:44
stdingoldfingermafia: use wifi0, not ath011:44
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stdingoldfingermafia: you can also try madwifi_ag11:44
stdingoldfingermafia: or _ab11:44
goldfingermafiastdin: k11:45
_wkhello - does someone know the packet sources for the latest kde version in ubuntu dapper (6.06) ?11:45
goldfingermafiastdin: i sitll get the same error11:46
stdin_wk: the latest kde in dapper is 3.5.511:46
_wkyes i know, and where are the packet sources?11:46
stdin_wk: in the main repos11:46
_wkthe kubuntu.org sources do not work any more11:46
_wkoh ok11:47
stdin_wk: the kubuntu.org ones are mostly feisty and some edgy, not really and dapper11:47
stdingoldfingermafia: what does "dpkg -l|grep kismet" show?11:47
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goldfingermafiastdin: ii  kismet                                     2006.04.R1-1.1                         Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool11:48
_wkstdin: ok thx11:48
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stdingoldfingermafia: have you tried with madwifi_ag,wifi0,1 ?11:54
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goldfingermafiastdin: yes11:56
goldfingermafiastdin: and the ab11:56
goldfingermafiastdin: both got same error11:56
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stdingoldfingermafia: try with this config: http://stdin.pastebin.us/3804511:59
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stdingoldfingermafia: you'll need to change ath0 to wifi0 though12:01
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NilliI have some issues with my ATI driver.. I have installed the fglrx driver because I need 3D acceleration, but ever since I installed those drivers the computer seems to have forgotten how to shutdown and I need to do it the brutal way using the power button every time.. in my Xorg.log there's an error message saying "(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symb12:03
Nillior __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)"12:03
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lodrinohola perdon porque no ablo muy bien ingles , necesito un poco de ayuda por un problema con k3b alguien puede ayudarme12:03
pag!es | lodrino12:04
ubotulodrino: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:04
lodrinook muchas gracias12:04
goldfingermafiastdin: i get the same error this make no since, this is the errorFATAL: Support for capture source type 'madwifi_ag' was not built.  Check the output from 'configure' for more information about why it might not have been compiled in.12:05
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stdingoldfingermafia: what architecture are you on?12:07
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goldfingermafiastdin: ubuntu what do you mean architeture12:08
goldfingermafiastdin: i have a macbook12:08
stdingoldfingermafia: x86, AMD64, IA64, PPC etc12:08
tino097need help a bit ?12:09
goldfingermafiastdin: intel core2 duo12:09
pag!ask | tino09712:09
ubotutino097: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:09
stdingoldfingermafia: did you install with the x86 iso?12:09
goldfingermafiastdin: i belive so, how do i check i dont rember12:09
zander_how to install all updates for kubuntu12:10
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stdingoldfingermafia: run "dpkg-architecture |head -1"12:10
tino097i get some strange message12:10
tino097X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16912:10
pagzander_, what do you mean?  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:11
tino097  Major opcode:  14512:11
tino097  Minor opcode:  312:11
pagtino097, nevermind those, they mean exactly nothing :)12:11
tino097  Resource id:  0x012:11
tino097Failed to open device12:11
tino097X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16912:11
stdinzander_: open adept, click on Fetch Updates, then click on Full Upgrade and apply12:11
tino097  Major opcode:  14512:11
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors12:11
tino097  Minor opcode:  312:11
tino097  Resource id:  0x012:11
tino097Failed to open device12:11
tino097Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server12:11
tino097Xlib: No protocol specified12:11
tino097displayconfig: cannot connect to X server :0.012:11
tino097ok :) thanks12:11
goldfingermafiastdin: DEB_BUILD_ARCH=i38612:11
stdintino097: and don't run GUI apps with sudo, use kdesu12:12
stdingoldfingermafia: strange, it works here12:12
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Nilliwhat is the difference between sudo and kdesu, and why is one better than the other?12:13
pag!kdesu | Nilli12:13
stdin!kdesu | Nilli12:13
ubotuNilli: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo12:13
goldfingermafiastdin: is there anything i have to have installed to run kismet that i dont have isntalled12:13
stdingoldfingermafia: no, installing the package will have got everything12:13
MilhousePunkRockgoldfingermafia: apt will take care of the dependencies, most likely12:14
goldfingermafiastdin: any other ideas? or is there nayhting out there that works just as will do the same thing12:14
goldfingermafiastdin: i just wanted to see if i can actully crack my own wifi12:14
stdingoldfingermafia: hmm, have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CrackingWEP ?12:15
goldfingermafiastdin: no tahnks12:15
Nillinano isn't GUI, right?12:15
stdinNilli: depends on your definition of "graphical", but no, it isn't12:16
goldfingermafiastdin: will tahnks for all you help appricate you taking all that time to walk me throught everything12:16
stdingoldfingermafia: I love a challenge, kept me happy for a while :p12:17
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NilliI was just wondering if I'm 'allowed' to do sudo nano or if I would have to kdesu kwrite instead12:17
goldfingermafiastdin: will if i figure it out one day i will let you know, thanks again and ttyl12:18
SlimeyPeteNilli: there's nothing wrong with sudo nano.12:18
stdingoldfingermafia: see you later12:18
Nillinow I would really appreciate if someone could help me with my fglrx issue :)12:18
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tino097 comment sections in xorg.conf, but are they need to be commented int his section too?12:19
stdinNilli: simple rule is, if it opens in a new window (outside of the terminal) then use kdesu, if not use sudo12:19
tino097Section "ServerLayout"12:19
tino097  Identifier "Default Layout"12:19
tino097  screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 012:19
tino097  InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"12:19
tino097  InputDevice "Configured Mouse"12:19
tino097  InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"12:19
tino097  InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"12:19
tino097  InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"12:19
tino097stylus,cursor and eraser12:19
stdin!paste | tino09712:19
ubotutino097: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:19
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tino097like this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29344/12:21
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MilhousePunkRockWhere can I re-enable the "paste warning" from Konversation? Having it turned of just got me kick because I accidently pasted what I pasted to pastebin instead of the actual url of the paste12:22
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pagMilhousePunkRock, settings -> warning dialogues12:23
MilhousePunkRockpag: Thanks, I just found it myself...12:24
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Nillianyone on my case, or is it time to give up? -.-12:24
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_4strONilli: what do you wana do ?12:25
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NilliI have some issues with my ATI driver.. I have installed the fglrx driver because I need 3D acceleration, but ever since I installed those drivers the computer seems to have forgotten how to shutdown and I need to do it the brutal way using the power button every time.. in my Xorg.log there's an error message saying "(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symb12:25
Nillior __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)"12:25
Nillioh, the second row is "(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering"12:26
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_4strONilli: can you paste the all file ?12:27
NilliWhat's the all file? o.O12:27
pag!paste | Nilli12:27
ubotuNilli: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:27
_4strONilli: /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:28
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_4strOok will have a look12:29
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Nillithe second is the ldd output12:32
_4strONilli: si everythink works fine except you can't have clean quit ?12:33
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Nilliwell, when I try to use -opengl on world of warcraft it's awfully laggy (cursor can't keep up etc), but it works fine if I do -d3d instead12:34
Nillinot sure if it's related to this issue12:34
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Nillibut the shutdown issue really bugs me12:36
_4strONilli: if you sudo reboot ?12:36
_4strOthink it's ok no ?12:36
Nillihaven't tried that12:36
Nilliwant me to do it right now?12:36
_4strONilli: what did you try ?12:36
SlimeyPeteNilli: for a slightly cleaner quit, use "sudo halt"12:36
_4strOuse the quiit button ?12:36
SlimeyPete(I have the same problem with my laptop)12:36
Nillijust clicking my way to a reboot12:36
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SlimeyPeteI submitted a bug report but to no avail (thus far)12:37
NilliSlimeyPete: issue with fglrx?12:37
SlimeyPetefglrx on a radeon 200M. System hangs when I try to shutdown.12:37
Nillinice to know I'm not the only one12:37
Nilliyeah 200M here too12:37
Nilli_4strO: want me to sudo reboot?12:38
_4strOjust in case (it should be better to do this altough push the button)12:39
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_4strObut think it's a XGL bug not an ati bug12:39
NilliI don't use XGL12:41
Nillibut AIGLX12:41
_4strOha ?12:42
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Nilli..I don't know what I'm talking about, the mister told me to write that12:42
_4strOhow do you do to use AIGLX with fglrx and direct rendering on ?12:42
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Nillino idea12:42
Nilliis that the root of it all?12:43
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_4strONilli: i'm not sure but i think12:44
Nilliand how would I go about to solve it?12:45
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_4strONilli: http://forrestbao.blogspot.com/search/label/xgl12:45
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_4strONilli: that is you had done ?12:46
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Nilli_4strO: no, haven't done a thing, default install12:49
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Nilli_4strO: are you finding anything of use?01:01
sscottcan anyone tell me why i don't have any screensavers?01:01
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sscottthey are installed01:01
_4strONilli: nop sorry01:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensavers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
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sscottwhy no screensaver01:04
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MilhousePunkRockHow come dmesg tells me a USB disk is sdb1, but fsck won't run on it?01:05
sscottcause it's mounted01:05
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sscottumount /media/whateveritmountedas01:06
MilhousePunkRockWell, of course I unmounted it, and it's not complaining it wouldn't do a fsck on a mounted filesystem, but rather that it's not there01:06
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sscottmy screensavers dissapeared01:07
sscottlol wtf01:08
aantnhow could I get a gnome like menu in kde01:09
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aantnthe windows like menubar is really bothering me01:10
sscottwindow managers01:10
sscottuse dekorator01:10
SlimeyPeteyou mean you want it at the top?01:10
sscottthe "start" button01:10
aantnSlimeyPete: yes01:10
sscottoh lol01:10
aantnor a dock would be nice01:10
sscottdrag it01:10
sscottright click add panel01:10
SlimeyPeteaantn: right-click the bar, unloc panels, left-click and drag thebr to the top01:10
sscott(right click on free space on the panel)01:11
SlimeyPete*the bar01:11
SlimeyPeteI hate this keyboard sometimes01:11
sscottthat's easy.. someone tell me why my screensavers aren't listing01:11
sscottan dhow to fix it01:11
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sscotti'm removing every package with screensaver now01:12
sscotti hope this works01:12
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aantnhas anyone used all of the docks01:17
aantni.e. kooldock, etc01:18
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danya_do I have to download kdmtheme manager to install themes!?01:36
MilhousePunkRockdanya_: Yes. apt has it though01:38
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danya_milhousepunkrock whats apt ?01:39
danya_oh lol thnks01:40
Nilliwell, _4strO, thanks for trying to help, really appreciate it01:41
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TcGdoes anybody know how to get the Kubuntu-Client into a Windows Domain as a Member ?01:42
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TcGit's my first try using Kubuntu (was supported in openSUSE 10.1 and 10.2)01:42
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spawn57as a member?01:45
spawn57you mean as a server?01:46
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shadowhywindi have a odd problem here, Windows can ping the host name of my one of my kubuntu boxs (name:A) but my other kubuntu box (name:b) can't ping it by its host name, it comes up with unkown host02:00
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
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hasanhow can i add and remove a program from start-up?02:44
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=== Gartral listens to yhe crickets
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=== Gartral hears a frog
DexterFguys, why is kubuntu so sluggish? I came from Slackware where I could have VMware *and* VirtualBox running on this AthlonXP 3200+/1GB and often forgot them on desktop 2 because they had hardly any impact on my other stuff, now on Kub VMware alone draws so much power I can't barely do anything else.02:49
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=== Gartral burps
socwhich things are running in the background?02:50
soctracker, beagle?02:50
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socmaybe they affect the performance ...02:50
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happytigerHelp please ---> http://thekewl.pastebin.ca/612474      I have trouble making a cron job run02:52
legoMornin everyone.02:52
happytigerMorning :-)02:52
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legoAnyone play the game Penguin Command?02:53
happytigerNope i only play the cron game but keeps loosing so far :-)02:53
legoI can play using the Windows version, but not the Linux version.02:53
legoWhen I start the level, the mouse wants to go into the top left corner and when I move it, it keeps trying to go back.02:54
legoQuite a nusense.02:55
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legoI will try back later.02:57
zander_how to stopp adept?02:57
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zander_ how to stopp adept?02:58
Lynourezander_: stop in which way?02:59
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zander_i had a crash while installing something02:59
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Lynourezander_: if it is installing, you are better off letting it finish on its own in most cases.02:59
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zander_but i dont see the process xD03:00
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zander_how to see what is adept now doing?03:01
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koosoliI have a prob. I have Kubuntu and i wonna start adept updater but it tells me some other adept application is alreay in process so i cant start it, but i didn t install any other packaging systems03:07
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TeraDynekoosoli: maybe you have another Adept session running on another virtual desktop?03:08
koosolii don t have any virtual desktops :(03:09
koosoliisn t it possible to check it in the task manager ?03:09
legoMinimize all the windows to see if there is a window open for adept that you didn't see before.03:09
legoControl-escape I believe does the tsk manager.03:10
koosolii just rebooted the pc, there is no other window03:10
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:10
legoDo you see an icon in the tray area that is mentioning updates?03:10
legoAnyone know how to fix a problem in Penguin Command?03:11
koosolinot here, but i am now in the kde system guard, and i see all the tasks, what should i look for to kill?03:11
koosoliok i try what you sad ubotu .... sec.03:11
TeraDynekoosoli: ubotu is a bot. I just triggered one of it's sayings.03:12
koosolioh ;)03:12
koosoliwhat ever I did what the bot sad03:13
koosoliit found something03:13
koosolierror were encountered while processing: sun-java5 -jre03:13
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koosolilego, yes it tells me it as 3 updates cant start the updater :(03:14
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koosolii tried to install java 5 , and it crashed after that this problem started03:15
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TeraDynekoosoli: that would be a problem in itself. Try using "sudo apt-get install -f" in konsole.03:16
koosoliokay, it is doing something ...03:17
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koosolihope this helps, thank you so far :)03:17
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legoI think, as usual, I will scrap this Lincrap and go back to Windows.  There is nothing but problems, and more poblems.03:18
TeraDynelego: ?03:18
legoI tried loading Beryl and all I get is white, but I did see the diamond on the top and bottom.03:18
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legoPenguin Command I can't play.03:19
koosolido you have an ati grafic card ?03:19
wolferinelego, just cause Beryl doesnt work is NO reason to go back to windows03:19
legoNvidia GeForce FX 520003:19
TeraDynelego: ever hear of Compiz Fusion?03:19
wolferinelego what tutorial did you use to install the drivers?03:19
koosolior the new kde 4 got also nice fxs03:19
wolferineand which drivers03:19
legoThis is a fresh install of Kubuntu.03:19
TeraDynelego: it's the new app after the merger of the beryl and compiz projects.03:20
wolferinelego maybe you need to do some reading03:20
wolferinelego google 'ubuntu guide'03:20
wolferineit gives instructions on loading lots of common apps03:20
koosoliTeraDyne, my problem is solves, thank you so much03:20
wolferineincluding nvidia drivers03:20
wolferineit will get your box up and running with most apps you need03:21
TeraDynekoosoli: Glad to hear that.03:21
koosoliwhat was the reason why it didn t worked TeraDyne ?03:22
Evolution2hey guys. i was wondering what "checking sensors" means after a forced disk check on reboot. i have IFS Drives and i transferred a large file from windows to the linux partition. but i had to move it beck because it told me that there is an error and that i need to instal "apt" which i already have. i would like to know what to do if i want to move large files interpartitions03:22
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TeraDynekoosoli: Java's crashing made it so that you needed to finish the installation. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to install anything else via apt or adept.03:24
TeraDynekoosoli: that command I gave forces the installer to finish.03:24
koosoliadept should handle crashes better so you would never need to use a terminal to solve such problems ...hmm03:25
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TeraDynekoosoli: I agree with that. If I knew where to go to request such a feature, I'd got there and post in a hurry.03:26
BluesKajMorning All03:26
TeraDyneMorning BluesKaj03:26
koosolihopefully the new CNR will be better in such matters03:27
=== BluesKaj is mozilla free as of 2 mins ago
TeraDyneBluesKaj: ?03:27
BluesKajhi TeraDyne03:27
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koosoliit should come out soon, i am currious03:27
TeraDyneBluesKaj: Mozilla free?03:27
BluesKajfollowing the sage advice by jhutchins running konq & kmail03:28
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TeraDyneBluesKaj: I've been doing that for the last month. I still need SeaMonkey for a few things, though. Like Nintendo.com >_>;03:29
BluesKajTeraDyne, Konq is the safest browser bar none03:29
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BluesKajyeah, i still have opers for a few things if needed03:29
LynoureMy wild guess would be that lynx or w3m is the safest, but I bet you meant graphical thingies.03:30
koosoliopera is very slow isn't it ?03:30
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BluesKajnot really03:30
TeraDynekoosoli: Opera? No, not really. It's slower than SeaMonkey, but not slow in general.03:31
SlimeyPeteI find opera pretty quick03:31
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BluesKajit's abit more feature loaded than most ..could be why03:31
koosoli aplle things opera is slow ;)03:31
legoI give up.  Take care all.03:32
koosolii think the new firefox 3 will kick a*03:32
BluesKajyeah , tried safari ...totally boring ...it works but even i couldn't stand it's look ..and I'm not real picky about graphicals03:32
legoI will be checking out Linux a little more, then scrapping it.03:33
legoIts not worth the irritation.03:33
koosolimaybe try onther distro ?03:33
TeraDynekoosoli: I stopped using Firefox after 1.5 . It got too clunky and hogged memory.03:33
koosolilike freespire they have propritary graphic drivers, maybe that works better for you03:33
TeraDynelego: There are plenty of other distros that might make it easier. head over to  http://distrowatch.com if you want to see what else there is.03:34
koosoliyeah firefox can use a lot of memory, what do you use ?03:34
BluesKajwell, I'm merely doing the purist approach as an experiment , I haven't configured my fav bookmarks in the toolbar yet but I'll eventually figure it out03:34
koosoliwww.freespire.org  i would take a look on that one, and it is also a very userfrendly distro03:34
TeraDynekoosoli: Konqueror is my main browser, and SeaMonkey Suite is my Gecko-based browser.03:34
legoI've tried others, but its always the same old stuff.  Linux is just too advanced for me to use.03:34
BluesKajkonq here03:35
legoIts always one problem or another.  Might be the PC.03:35
koosolithe first time i saw it was  1 hoer ago when i installed kubuntu03:35
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koosoliwhy is it better than firefox ?03:35
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BluesKajlego, stick around ...we know it can be frustrating at times but you'll begin to undestand soon enuff why ppl like kubuntu ,,if you need help, just ask :)03:38
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TeraDynekoosoli: Konqueror or SeaMonkey?03:38
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kaici'm in konsole trying to use the cmd mkdir /root/build but it returns "denyed permission"03:38
_4strOkaic you cant write in the root directory except if you're root :p03:38
legoI tried adding repositories to Adept to see about adding the new nvidia drivers and now adept won't start, it just crashes.03:38
TeraDynekaic: you need root level permissions to do so. use "sudo <command>"03:38
_4strOkaic: so you have to : sudo mkdir /root/build03:38
koosolikaic try with "sudo" in front of the comand03:38
kaicok tkz u all03:38
_4strOkaic: think you shouldn't have to write in this dir03:38
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kaic_4strO: but it's one of the steps to create an e-mail server03:38
TeraDynekoosoli: Konqueror is much faster under KDE than Firefox, and it's much safer than FF, as BluesKaj mentioned earlier.03:38
koosoliokay I will use it for the next days03:39
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aantnwhy is it safer (I wasn't here)03:39
koosoliit seems really fast, thats true03:39
CapNemohello kubuntists :)03:39
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TeraDynekoosoli: There is a drawback. Many sites that use scripting won't work as well. Gmail is a good example of that.03:39
legoThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.03:40
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TeraDyne!aptfix | lego03:40
ubotulego: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:40
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koosoliTeraDyne gmail works for me on Konqueror03:41
koosoliversion 3.5.703:41
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legoDidn't work03:42
TeraDynekoosoli: Yes, but it doesn't have a lot of the options. It brings up the "unsupported browser" version of Gmail, at least for me.03:42
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aznpridechinesedoes anyone have a link on how to setup a sound blaster sound card with alsa?03:42
koosolieverything seems to be there even google talk03:43
aznpridechinesesomeone gave me a link once and it made my sound card work but i can't find it anymore, and none of the other links have instructions that work03:43
MilhousePunkRockTeraDyne: You just need to set a different browser identification03:43
kaicwhat sould i do if i wanty to copy a file to a /root/download ?03:44
TeraDyneMilhousePunkRock: Ok. I'll try that.03:44
SkyrailAnyone got a link to a good site with info about setting up Kubuntu as a DHCP server?03:44
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
koosoliany chance that the new kubuntu will get such a nice start menu like opensuse has ?03:44
legoI still get the same error.03:44
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kaicwhy can't i copy in to a root folder?03:47
TeraDyneBluesKaj: Take a look at this: http://secunia.com/product/3166/?task=advisories03:47
kaic*copy a file03:47
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koosoliokay, I gotta go, thank so much for the help, i will stick around more often here bye bye03:49
kaicwhat's the cmd line to unmake a folder?03:50
BluesKajyeah, thx TeraDyne , I'll keep that in mind ...don't think my bank sites use flash tho ..as one example of vulnerability03:50
aznpridechinesecan someone please help?03:50
legoWhat does this mean: "Malformed line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)"?03:50
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dromerwhat is a good firewall-manager for KDE?03:53
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dromeris guarddog any good?03:54
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TeraDyneWell, I was going to try and help lego... >_>;03:55
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dromerhmm, apt-get install of guarddog gives: Unable to start guarddog firewall - /etc/rc.firewall does not exist03:55
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=== dromer tries firestarter ..
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BluesKajlego scroll down your sources list , as you do so the textbox at the bottom of the page indicates the line number ...copy and paste it here03:58
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TeraDynedromer: I've heard firestarter is pretty good. I don't use on-system firewalls, though.03:59
TeraDyneBluesKaj: he left.03:59
BluesKajoh, no patience03:59
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dromerTeraDyne: wel, I'm trying to configere SynCE .. but it can't see my usb-PDA properly .. so I'm thinking maybe it's blocked somewhere ..04:00
BluesKajwas busy getting coffee ...too bad , he must be used to instant gratification04:00
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TeraDyneBluesKaj: And I was off getting something to eat.04:00
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BluesKaj<--- behind a router , solves some probs04:01
TeraDynedromer: if it's connected via usb, then I doubt your firewall is blocking it.04:01
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dromerok, well .. I'm having trouble getting synce-serial-start to recognise it04:01
dromeranyone here experience with SynCE ?04:01
SoulHi! i'm new to this but realy be grateful if anyone can help me understand why04:01
dromerusing this guide btw: http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/kde/synce-kde-basic-configuration.php04:02
Soulwhen I dont use ubuntu for long time04:02
dromerI can't seem to get:04:02
dromerSerial connection established.04:02
Soulmy firefox crashes04:02
dromercrahes or hangs?04:03
aznpridechinesecan someone please help me with sound card?04:03
TeraDyneSoul: Are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?04:03
dromerthough firefox it easy to kill and reload04:03
dromerSoul: firefox tends to hog cpu and ram over long periods of time04:03
BluesKajaznpridechinese, hey , what's up ?04:03
Soulit only happens when i leave the computer running04:03
dromerSoul: just sudo killall firefox-bin and restart it, it'll reload all your pages .. and use less ram ;)04:04
TeraDyneSoul: ok. I thought you said ubuntu.04:04
Soulsorru about that04:04
aznpridechinesecan't get my sound to work, a week ago someone gave me a link to setup my sound card and it worked but i can't find that link04:04
aznpridechineseand i've reinstalled linux about 20 times since i got it to work04:04
dromerhaha, why? :P04:06
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kaicwhat do i need to compile a program in kubuntu?04:07
dromerhmm, firestarter sucks pretty bad btw .. can't even add anything to external zones etc.04:07
SoulOne more help please. i'v been searching every where to make a floorplan using dia or kivio but cant find any floorplan stensils can anyone help04:07
dromerkaic: stuff04:07
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dromerkaic: depends on the program :P  if you are lucky, the ./configure will give detailed output on which packages you need04:08
pag!b-e | kaic04:08
ubotukaic: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:08
SkyrailAnyone know how I can the IP of this machine I've got attached to this one heh, I'm trying to get a DHCP server thing to work as I cba switching all my perphirals over to my other PC to give it a fixed IP04:08
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kaicpag: i see, i must have the development packages, but wich are they?04:09
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pagkaic, you should see that in output of ./configure04:10
kaicpag: where can i find and install, if they are already insert in kubuntu. if they are not, where can i download them?04:10
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poutcheui can i translate gcc errors in french?04:10
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BrightEyes`hello.any good msn clients with webcam support?04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
pagkaic, they can be installed with Adept or apt-get or aptitude04:11
TeraDyne!info amsn04:11
pag!info amsn | BrightEyes`04:11
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB04:11
ubotubrighteyes`: please see above04:11
BrightEyes`ubotu: thanks04:11
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:11
BluesKajaznpridechinese, http://www.pcauthority.com.au/print.aspx?CIID=21424&SIID=1004:12
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poutcheui can i translate gcc errors in french?04:12
SoulDoes anyone know whats new in Ubuntu 7.1004:12
poutcheuhow can i translate gcc errors in french?04:13
pagpoutcheu, try asking in #ubuntu-fr04:13
pag!gutsy | Soul04:13
SkyrailSoul: no idea I still use 6.0604:13
ubotuSoul: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:13
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kaicpag: there are a lot of packages and i have no idea wich i should install04:13
pagkaic, please pastebin the output of ./configure04:14
pag!paste | kaic04:14
ubotukaic: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:14
poutcheupag : ok04:14
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aznpridechineseblue, that page dosn't really tell me how to get my sound working, i think it presumes you can already hear sounds04:15
kaicpag: sorry, still dont get it. how do i acess the output of ./configure?04:15
kaicpag: its not installed, just a sec04:16
pagkaic, please see the compiling tips @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware04:16
BluesKajaznpridechinese, try this http://alsa.opensrc.org/Main_Page04:17
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WaxyFreshhi i ran dpkg-reconfigure yesterday,and when it was done i tryed it again to make sure it got everything,it proceded to reconfigure the same stuff all over again,now im running it a third time!why does it just keep going?is it powered by the energizer bunny?04:18
aznpridechineseblueskaj, i've used the alsa webpage to try and install my sound card but everytime i try to install their driver/source/util etc it gives me an error when i ./configure etc saying something about permission denied in the middle of installing the software04:20
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pagaznpridechinese, remember to run "make install" with sudo04:21
aznpridechineseyes i did that04:21
aznpridechineselike i said, it's in the middle of the installation that it tells me something about permission denied when it tries to make a directory somewhere04:22
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NilliSlimeyPete: you still here?04:27
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NilliI can now log out properly!04:27
SlimeyPetecool. How?04:27
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NilliI installed the driver from ati's website instead.. if you did it through adept manager you get v8.34 and on ati's website it's at v8.3804:28
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SlimeyPeteah right04:28
SlimeyPeteI'll try that myself some time, thanks :)04:28
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Nillihaven't tried a complete reboot yet, or playing the game, but I thought I'd let you know that I made some progress in case you were about to log off04:29
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Nilligood luck, and bye :)04:30
=== _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-16-42.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
ace_suareshi all04:31
ace_suaresanyone experiencing reallyhard openoffice crashes when file->open04:31
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Souldoes kubuntu need any maintainance04:31
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BluesKajSoul, maintenance?04:32
SoulHow do you clean all the downloaded files04:32
SoulI can sure use some free spaces04:33
DunkelschubI'm attempting to install Kubuntu on a laptop and the installer has seemed to install on the "Loading hardware drivers", does this mean that Kubuntu doesn't support the hardware on my laptop?04:33
LynoureDunkelschub: is there a word missing? It's normal for it to load the drivers.04:34
LynoureDunkelschub: and what laptop is the one you  install on?04:35
Dunkelschubstall when it says "Loading hardware drivers"04:35
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DunkelschubCompaq Presario V6305NR04:35
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LynoureDunkelschub: Did you verify that the cd was fine?04:37
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DunkelschubI have the 64 bit cd, because the laptop has a 64 bit AMD processor04:38
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estelhi - where can i get help about installing kubuntu?04:39
jhutchinsDunkelschub: Running 64b linux takes some work.  You may want to start out with 32b, see what you can work out there.04:40
jhutchinsDunkelschub: Drivers are especially difficult.04:40
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BluesKajSoul, you can delete , deb, tar.gz/bz2 files04:40
jhutchinsDunkelschub: It helps if you know things like chipsets in your system, and you can search for information on your particular model and linux04:40
jhutchinsDunkelschub: It's not so much kubuntu as linux in general you need to figure out.04:41
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estelin fact after isolinux has loaded the kernel and the initrd my display is black - and stays completely black04:42
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:43
robin_is there a known issue with installing kubuntu on a system with a 8800gts, everytime i try to install my screen blacks out04:43
=== Agrajag` [i=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
TheCreationist I have a very serious problem.  Almost all of my applications are crashing immediately with a "Segmentation Fault" error.  Even the terminal and Firefox.  What can I do?  And without Firefox, I can't download an Ubuntu ISO (unless someone could give me a wget command I could Alt-F2 to get it)...04:45
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robin_dont think anyone here04:46
jhutchinsrobin_: search on google.04:46
BluesKajrobin_, nvidia ?04:46
robin_for what04:46
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jhutchinsrobin_: Try the various options noapic noacpi vga=normal04:46
jhutchinsrobin_: Search kubuntu+8800gts04:47
robin_i do04:47
robin_I will lol04:47
jhutchinsTheCreationist: WHat kind of installation do you have that's crashing?04:47
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TheCreationistjhutchins: It's actually just the Ubuntu Feisty desktop installation.  I don't know if that's what you mean, though :)04:48
SoulCan anyone guide me to some linux, ubuntu, kubuntu magazines where i can learn more04:48
jhutchinsTheCreationist: Well, if you already have it, why are you trying to download the iso?04:48
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TheCreationistjhutchins: Problem started a couple nights ago.  Ran Update Manager to install new updates, but it claimed I needed to run apt-get install -f first.  When I tried running that, apt-get just kept crashing.  And then everything else started doing the same.04:49
jhutchinsTheCreationist: That sounds like a hardware problem, like bad ram.04:49
BluesKaj!google | Soul04:49
ubotuSoul: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux04:49
jhutchinsTheCreationist: Or given that, bad hard disk.04:49
robin_anyone tried ENVY?:04:49
TheCreationistjhutchins: I actually don't have the CD here anymore.  I'm at a friends house (about 20 minutes from home) and I left all my CDs at home.04:49
TheCreationistjhutchins: Hmm... it's a brand new memory chip...04:49
Zloootits definatly cracked ram :D04:49
Zloooti love KDE04:50
jhutchinsTheCreationist: I would boot to single/recovery/maintenance mode and do an fsck.04:50
ZloootOMG not FSCK04:50
TheCreationistjhutchins: That's another question I have.  This isn't a dual-boot system, and it doesn't appear that grub ever shows up when starting the system.04:51
Zloootits gona take days04:51
Zloootwhats the difrence betwen these two ?04:52
TheCreationistZlooot: One is the Live CD... the other isn't ;)04:52
jhutchinsTheCreationist: I would suggest you run memtest if you can.04:52
Zloootisnt the laive cd instalable ?04:52
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TheCreationisthmm... yeah, can't even download either of those files.04:52
BluesKajrobin_, Envy is breaks on feisty with some setups / graphics cards etc , so be careful and it's also unstable if you do get your drivers installed04:53
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Zloootso whats the use for the other one ?04:53
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TheCreationistMan, this is so screwed up.  Can't change to a different terminal (it crashes)... can't open up the console.... can't open firefox...04:53
jhutchinsZlooot: The alternative cd provides more options in the install process, but doesn't run as a live CD.04:53
jhutchins!install | Zlooot: read more at04:54
ubotuZlooot: read more at: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:54
TheCreationistLooks like I'm going to have to reinstall?04:54
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jhutchinsTheCreationist: check the disk and the ram first, but I would say yes.04:54
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Zloootcan a make a live cd from the installed distro like with fedora ?04:54
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jhutchinsZlooot: Sure.04:55
jhutchinsZlooot: No real need to though since the default CD is a live CD.04:55
Zloootsure there is i want the live cd to be a clone of my setup04:56
TheCreationistjhutchins: Alright.  THank you for your help.04:56
TheCreationistgrr... can't even play Sudoku while I'm waiting! lol04:57
Zloootso i can take the live cd on hallydays and have my programas and seting so i can use my frinds computer just like it was my own04:57
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SoulHow to use obexftp with GUI04:58
TheCreationistZlooot: It would probably be better if you installed Ubuntu on a USB stick.04:58
jhutchinsTheCreationist: flash ram has a limited lifecycle.04:58
Zloootthats would be even better exept for the fact that i dont have one04:58
TheCreationistjhutchins: I just suggest that because it's more flexible with read/write abilities.04:59
SoulI need to easily transfer music, images and apps to my nokia 663004:59
Zloootcant i just use the lve cd and have USB to save data ?04:59
Soulcan anyone help04:59
TheCreationistZlooot: Of course.05:00
TheCreationistZlooot: But you just said you don't have a USB stick ;)05:00
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Zloooti should had said "coulnt"05:00
Zloootsorry bad grammar05:00
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Zlooothow do a make my live dvd from the installed system ?05:01
SoulI need to easily transfer music, images and apps to my nokia 6630. can anyone help05:01
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jhutchinsZlooot: Same way you would for Fedora.  If you have a howto for that, just follow it.05:04
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Zloootfedora has a nice giu program is that the same case has ubuntu ?05:04
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TheCreationistZlooot: Ubuntu doesn't come with one, but you could always install and use the one in Fedora.... with some tweaking, I'm sure.05:05
Zloootsounds like too much trouble05:05
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VSpikeIs it possible to integrate apport with KDE better?05:06
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VSpikeI've found that I can run /usr/share/apport/apport-qt from the command line to kick it off05:06
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VSpikeBut it mostly only seems to catch crashing gnome/gtk apps - yet I've seen apport reports online for KDE apps05:07
BrightEyes`how can i make a key shortcut to change the keyboard language?05:07
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yurimxpxman2how can I kick someone using my registered nick in IRC?05:14
SlimeyPete try /msg nickserv help ghost05:15
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BrightEyes`how can i make a key shortcut to change the keyboard language?05:18
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estelthere seems to be a problem with the linux kernel on the install-cd and my pc. is there a way to set up a minimal kubuntu system from knoppix like gentoo installations are performed?05:23
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GrahamWhat problem?05:24
estelthe kernel freezes - no kernel oops05:24
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estelmaybe it is a problem with scsi/sata on my system05:24
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Fragilitywhen  turn on my computer and try to access adept package manager it says it is already running05:24
Fragilityand n system resources it isnt05:24
esteli have a strange mainboard (p5ld2)05:24
Fragilityand I left it instaling over last night and there was an errror instaling java from add remove programs05:25
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lordofthepigsHello! I'm trying to move my root partition on my hard drive. For now, I used the gparted livecd to make a copy of my root partition somwhere else on the disk. I also changed the uuid of the copy, set grub to boot use the new partition to find /boot/grub/stage1, and edited fstab on the new partition so that the correct one is mounted as root.05:27
lordofthepigshowever, my Kubuntu still mounts the original root partition.05:27
GrahamFragility: Try apt-get from console, it'll tell you what to do05:27
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lordofthepigsGparted in kubuntu reports that the original partition is mounted on / and that the new one is not mounted.05:28
lordofthepigsam I missing something there?05:28
__ChrisHi Dr_willis05:28
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Fragilityapt get doesnt realy tell me anything, I mean it tells me about apt get, t doesnt tell me why adept isnt working05:28
Grahamapt-get update05:29
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FragilityI really did update though, i want to be able to access adept for speccific things...and it was dpkg was interrupted must run manually05:29
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FragilityI put in the command they gave me and its running fine....05:31
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:31
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TeraDynethat one?05:31
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lordofthepigsCan anybody help me with my problem?05:35
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dr_willisand the problem is?05:36
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lordofthepigsHello! I'm trying to move my root partition on my hard drive. For now, I used the gparted livecd to make a copy of my root partition somwhere else on the disk. I also changed the uuid of the copy, set grub to boot use the new partition to find /boot/grub/stage1, and edited fstab on the new partition so that the correct one is mounted as root.05:38
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lordofthepigshowever, my Kubuntu still mounts the original root partition.05:38
lordofthepigsGparted in kubuntu reports that the original partition is mounted on / and that the new one is not mounted.05:38
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lordofthepigsam I missing something there?05:38
=== lordofthepigs hopes that doesn't count as flooding.
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Zloootno one is paying atention anyways :D05:38
fdovingnot flooding in my book :)05:39
lordofthepigsMy next step would have been to simply delete the original partition, and figure out how to make the system work from there.05:40
lordofthepigsBut I'm a bit uncomfortable with that technique05:40
lordofthepigsI'd rather be able to run the system with the new partition mounted as / first.05:40
dr_willisthe fstab and grub are using the UUID of the drives, either edit the files to use the /dev/whatever entrys - or use the corredt uuid05:41
dr_willisls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid to see the uuid's05:41
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fdovinglordofthepigs: when you boot grub, does grub say the correct UUID/Device when it boots? - or does it contain old data?05:41
lordofthepigshmm... when I boot grub?05:41
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fdovinglordofthepigs: yes, hit 'e' or something to edit the entry.05:42
lordofthepigsi doesn't say anything else than "grub starting" and then display the boot menu05:42
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fdovingthen you need to hit escape.05:42
fdovingand then 'e'05:42
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fdovingthen you'll see the options sent to the kernel when booting.05:42
dr_willisthis is one of the reasons i always edit the grub menu to always show. :)05:42
yurimxpxmanan someone help me figure out how to download these videos? -> http://www.purevolume.com/videos/mxpx/sessions05:42
tealsoni have a problem with kiba, can anyone tell me how to add an application into the dock?05:42
lordofthepigsfdoving: I'll see what I get if I do that05:43
yurimxpxmantealson: I think you just drag and drop them IIRC05:43
lordofthepigsdr_willis: how can I setup my grub menu to always show that kind of infomation?05:43
dr_willislordofthepigs,  edit the menu.lst05:43
sweettoothhi there, how can i make thunderbird (or other apps) to start at boot-up?05:43
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
dr_willisGrub is one of the tools that it pays big time to learn all the ins and outs of it. :)05:44
dr_willissince its so imporntant.05:44
fdovingit's pretty nice compared to lilo.05:44
tealsonyurimxpxman: if I try to drop an app, the mouse icon becomes a small X and nothing happens :(05:44
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fdovingdoesn't just say LI then fails. you can search for files and all.05:44
dr_willisonce ya learn to use it.05:45
fdoving!autorun | sweettooth05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autorun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
fdoving!autostart | sweettooth05:45
ubotusweettooth: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.05:45
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tealsonyurimxpxman: ahh got it! *beats his head on the table* had to drop it at the left part of the bar05:45
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lordofthepigsso basically, I just press "e" at the menu boot menu and check the options I get?05:45
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lordofthepigs(just confirming, not to reboot for nothing ;) )05:46
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fdovinglordofthepigs: yes. e for edit, so you can change them too, if they are wrong.05:46
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lordofthepigsoh, another thing, what's the partition order in grub, are the partitions ordered by their physical order on the disk, or by creation date?05:48
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lordofthepigsbecause for now, gparted reports my partitions as beeing (hda1 hda2 ((hda3) hda8 hda6 hda7))05:49
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fdovinglordofthepigs: physical05:49
lordofthepigshda3 is an extended partition05:49
_Shade_hi there05:49
lordofthepigsand does grub add a number for unallocated space?05:50
_Shade_i was just updating my packages via an adept updater, when it's dissapeared from my taskbar. It's still available in the running processes though. How to get it back?05:50
fdovinglordofthepigs: no.05:50
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dr_willisgrub skips unallocated drive partions, and cddrives05:51
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dr_willisgrub also starts counting at 0 :)05:51
dr_willisthats somthing to rember05:51
lordofthepigsyeah, I knew that one :)05:51
Zloootgrub is full of quirks05:51
Zloootsome one should fixe once and for all05:52
_Shade_how can i get back a lost process?05:52
Zloootwhy dosent anybody uses lilo anymore ?05:52
lordofthepigsso if my gparted shows my partitions as beeing hda8 hda6 hda7 (in this order)05:53
lordofthepigsgrub would actually have (hd0,5) (hd0,6) (hd0,7)05:53
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lordofthepigsis that it?05:54
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dr_willisHow did ya get 8, 6, 7 ? gesh05:54
lordofthepigswell, I had big NTFS partition in the middle, that I got rid of05:54
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lordofthepigsand want to append that free space at the end of my home partition (which happens to be the last one...)05:55
estelis there a installer with a different kernel available?05:55
lordofthepigsyeah, it's not very elegant, but... whatever05:55
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Zloootlordofthepigs: seems a bit confused ?05:55
estelor is it possible to you another kernel?05:55
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lordofthepigsso since, I can't move ext3 partitions, I just decided to clone the existing ones at the beginning of the free space05:57
lordofthepigsone by one, until the freespace is a the end :-)05:57
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lordofthepigsI know... sounds a bit tedious, but well... at least I learn things :-)05:57
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Fragilityhey when one opens up the konsole it should show your computer/use name pretty quickly right?05:59
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lordofthepigsit seems I forgot the command to list all partitions and their uuid...05:59
Fragilityand I dont mean that in the sense of debating what or what isnt fast, I mean, in general doesnt it just show up?05:59
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fdovingFragility: yes, instantly06:00
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fdovinglordofthepigs: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/06:01
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lordofthepigsthanks, fdoving06:02
dromerhmm, yesterday, at the Uni. I scanned a couple images (on a windows pc) that where automatically saved as .tiff, now when I try to open them I don't have any program that can ..06:02
Fragilityis there a program that could run tests on my hard drive access speed?06:02
fdovingFragility: yes, hdparm, from konsole, 'hdparm -tT /dev/devcice'06:03
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=== lordofthepigs reboots to check the grub stuff
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jhutchins_ltdromer: Seems to me there's a tiff lib...06:03
jhutchins_lt!find libtiff06:04
ubotuFound: libtiff-tools, libtiff4, libtiff4-dev, libtiffxx0c2, libtiff-opengl06:04
dromerjhutchins_lt: I have opened tiffs before though ..06:04
jhutchins_lt!find tiff06:04
ubotuFound: libtiff-tools, libtiff4, libtiff4-dev, libtiffxx0c2, kdc2tiff (and 1 others)06:04
dromerI'll install those and seew hat happens ..06:04
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jhutchins_ltdromer: I think all you need is libtiff406:05
dromerhmm, only kdc2tiff is new06:05
dromerjhutchins_lt: I already have it installed ..06:05
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jhutchins_ltdromer: Do you have imagemagick?06:05
dromerjhutchins_lt: yes06:06
jhutchins_ltDo an identify on one of the tiffs.06:06
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Fragilityty I wish i knew about this previous06:06
Fragilitytell me if this is good or bad, I assume it's just a 5400 rps hdd06:06
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FragilityTiming cached reads:   1468 MB in  2.00 seconds = 734.10 MB/sec06:07
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Fragility Timing buffered disk reads:   96 MB in  3.01 seconds =  31.87 MB/sec06:07
dromerjhutchins_lt: identify: Old-style JPEG compression support is not configured. `Scan07-07-09 1449.tif'.06:07
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dromerjhutchins_lt: the -verbose flag gives lots of output06:09
lordofthepigsHmmm... it seems that grub still points to (hd0,5)06:09
fdovingFragility: that's OK.06:09
lordofthepigsI don't understand why06:09
dromerjhutchins_lt: but still at the end: identify: Old-style JPEG compression support is not configured. `Scan07-07-09 1449.tif'.06:09
lordofthepigsI typed the following command in grub06:10
Fragilityso if I'm having problems I should in general rule out a slow hdd read time?06:10
lordofthepigsfind /boot/grub/stage1 => (hd0,5) (hd0,7)06:10
dromerjhutchins_lt: You have to rebuild libtiff with OJPEG_SUPPORT defined  << hmm, how do I do that :(06:10
dromerI really need these scans for my report :( (due this friday)06:10
fdovingFragility: depends on what you are dooing, but ~32MB/sec should cope with most normal usage.06:10
lordofthepigssetup (hd0,7)06:10
lordofthepigsroot (hd0)06:10
lordofthepigsAm I missing a command to commit my changes to the disk?06:11
FragilityI've been having a lot of various and seemingly unrelated problems, I am worried I need to reflash my bios (which i've never done before)06:11
Fragilitybut Kubuntu is doing ok but not great (switched over from ubuntu)06:11
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Fragilitybut I havnt used it that much, a lot of problems with web browsers going way to slowly and often locking up06:11
Fragilityand the sound crackles when other things are being used...which Kubuntus sound area helps but not entirely06:12
Fragilityand its's still jst acting odd06:12
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lordofthepigsany ideas what's the problem?06:13
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FragilityIs there a command to test if multiple types of hardware are running as they should be?06:13
noxxRdIs there a how to on config of windows behavior to prevent opening in the split of the dual monitors? (twinview)06:15
dr_willisnoxxRd,  i got twinview enabled. and only a few veryu stupid apps 'span' both monitors.06:15
dr_willisUnfortunatly it seems that most java apps are not very bright in that area. :(06:16
dr_willisvmware was also braind dead last i tried.06:16
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:17
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lordofthepigsdr_willis: do you have any idea what's missing in my grub configuration?06:17
dr_willislordofthepigs,  nope.  I tend to keep my partition layout very sane, and   simple.06:18
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noxxRddr_willis thanks... I'll play around more. =D06:19
jhutchins_ltlordofthepigs:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowTo06:19
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dr_willisthe grub homepage has the definitive docs also. :)06:19
hasanhi ugys06:19
hasanis there a voip lab program for linux?06:19
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jhutchins_ltFragility: You might want to run memtest (overnight), check the disk (boot to single/recovery/rescue mode and run fsck).06:20
damien_yop yop06:20
lordofthepigsthat's what I'm... err... trying to acheive in the end....06:20
lordofthepigsis there a command in grub that I must type to commit the "setup" and "root" commands I typed previously06:20
jhutchins_ltlordofthepigs:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowTo06:21
dr_willislordofthepigs,  if you are editing things from the grubs menu (with e) they dont  get saved.. not sure they CAN get saved...06:21
lordofthepigsjhutchins_lt: "the page doesn't exist yet"06:21
dr_willisi use the E dit thing as a way to test.. then make permenet changes in the menu.lst06:21
jhutchins_ltlordofthepigs: It's not like most people mess with grub much, they just set it up and move on, so the commands aren't right at our fingertips.06:21
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lordofthepigsdr_willis: no, I'm editing from sudo grub06:21
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:22
lordofthepigs(well actually, from grub on the gparted livecd)06:22
dr_willisi alwways edit the menu.lst and rerun update-grub06:22
tino097what means PCI:1:0:0 ?06:22
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dr_willistino097,  thats how the veraious cards are itentified.06:22
jhutchins_ltSorry, typo, try again.06:22
|Zero|H|I|T|can you help me with something?06:22
dr_willispci:1:0:0  pci 0:1:0 and so forth.06:23
|Zero|H|I|T|is kubuntu-5.10-kde352+koffice-rc1-i386-1 the default kubuntu distro?06:23
tino097dr_willis: ok, thanks06:23
jhutchins_lt|Zero|H|I|T|: No, we're on 7.04 now.06:23
tino097dr_willis: many guides for ati9200 mentioned that, and on my system isnt working with tha06:23
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dr_willislspci should show what the #'s are06:24
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dr_willisi THINk.. :) heh06:25
dr_willis01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500]  (rev a1)06:25
ohmbrhi... i can't configure a bt878 video card... where can i find a good web site to help me...06:26
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FragilityTY for the help...I am probably also installing Kubuntu on my desktop today at a different location (64 bit edition) so may be back ;)06:26
Fragilityam going to trun fcsk in recovery mode06:26
command0-182_could someone please help me...I'm having a problen with my adept updater06:26
command0-182_I'm getting the The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.06:26
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:27
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camlinhi people, i have a webcam and i want to get this working with kopete but i dont know how, first time that i have a webcam06:30
camlinanybody could help me with this06:31
Novellanyone know of a system to keep a centralized list (of some sort) of packages to be installed on a system and automatically install them in the bg if a new one not installed is found ?06:31
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nagnagI connect my htcp to tv with dvi > hdmi. When connecting to the HDMI the tv cuts off like 1cm of all sides. dvi -> pc input shows correct. How can i adjust display in xorg ? Standard kubuntu install with newest nvidia drivers (got geforce 8600 gts).06:31
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command0-182_"sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a" - Isn't working for me.06:35
command0-182_When I type sudo apt-get update It says, E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 44 in source list ect/apt/sources.list06:36
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Dunkelschubtake a look at your source list06:36
command0-182_I have...but I can't change anything06:36
command0-182_there is a wget command on line 44 though06:37
command0-182_but I can't do anything about it06:37
TeraDynecommand0-182_: "kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list" is the command you need to edit it.06:37
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BluesKajcommand0-182_, check line 44 of your sources list and delete the wget , or just delete the line of it isn't repository address06:37
command0-182_yes but how do I save it when I've changed it?06:38
command0-182_It just says permission dynied06:38
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PharsalusHey guys, I have a quick question about Konsole. How do I run an executable file in Konsole? What's the syntax? I couldn't find it in the (relatively poor) documentation.06:40
Daisuke_Idolinux's documentation poor?06:41
BluesKajcommand0-182_, alt+f2 ' kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list ...it will ask for your password after that you have permission to edit and save the file06:41
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Daisuke_Idois it an executable binary or an executable shell script?06:41
Daisuke_Idoif it's a binary you should be able to type in the executable name and hit enter06:41
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PharsalusErr, it was compiled from G++ using 'g++ -c filename.o' so you tell me... *blushes*06:42
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Daisuke_Idoit's a binary :)06:42
PharsalusGreat, so what do I do with it?06:43
Daisuke_Idoonce it's compiled you should be able to just type the filename in and hit enter06:43
Daisuke_Idoif you're in the same directory06:43
nagnagor chmod +x binary; ./binary06:44
PharsalusCommand not found, it said.06:44
Daisuke_Idoi don't compile much, so i'm not particularly sure06:44
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NovellPharsalus: replace binary with whatever the name of the binary is06:45
NovellPharsalus: since you didn't specify one with g++ it's probably a.out06:45
Novellunless my memory fails me06:45
PharsalusOk, thanks06:45
Daisuke_Idoif you use -c it didn't link it06:45
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Novellthat's true too06:45
Daisuke_IdoPharsalus: try just gcc <source file>06:46
NovellPharsalus: you probably want something like g++ -o binary-name file.cpp06:46
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command0-182_When I try to edit my; /ect/apt/sources.list, file then it tells me that I don't have permission...how can I fix this?06:48
PharsalusNovell: It's a cc file, is that the same? I've done g++ -o on it before.06:48
Novellcommand0-182_: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list06:48
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NovellPharsalus: .cc, .cpp or whatever, doesn't matter06:48
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BluesKajcommand0-182_, did read what isposted to you abobe ?06:50
PharsalusNovell: Ok, I have an executable program, called prog, made at the same time as a.out. How do I run that?06:50
Novellthe default name is a.out if you don't specify one with -o name06:51
Novellas you run anything in the current dir, what Daisuke_Ido said06:51
command0-182_yeah...trying to get it to work06:51
command0-182_I type it in konsol right?06:51
PharsalusYES! I LOVE YOU ALL06:51
PharsalusThanks. ^^06:51
BluesKajno command0-182_ alt+f2 then type 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' in the runbox06:52
pagcommand0-182_, you might prefer nano over vim. vim is rather hard to use, if you don't posess earlier expierience with it.06:52
=== Novell hugs vim
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome, though i think novell deserves the credit, like i said, i rarely compile anything :)06:52
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PharsalusHehe, thanks to both of you.06:54
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command0-182_OK I've typed it in and I have a Konsole box displaying options for me...now hat?06:54
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command0-182_OK...I've fix my problem...now how do I asave it in this konsole?06:56
pagcommand0-182_, which did you use?06:56
pagnano or vim ?06:56
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command0-182_I'm trying to save sources.list but the Konsole doesn't have an option for that06:57
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pagin nano: ctrl+o saves  ctrl+x exits06:57
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SheilaHi Everyone06:58
pag!hi | Sheila06:58
ubotuSheila: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:58
SheilaHow is everyone ? OK ?06:58
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SheilaHo Shely07:00
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Sheilahi maria07:02
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zolarHello all07:05
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SheilaAny women from the UK07:05
zolarHow do you backup your contact list in evelution.....?07:05
heroyou mean this channe is a place to meet chicks?!07:05
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herozolar: you want to look for "export" in one of the menus07:06
SheilaNah theres tooo many blokes here07:06
SheilaI wanted to have a sensible chat with a woman07:06
heroSheila: i think there's a linux channel on freenode just for women07:06
heroyou might try that07:06
herois it #linuxchicks ?07:06
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zolarhero: All I see is import, no export.07:08
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waylandbill_guess the assumption is a chat with a man is not likely to be sensible. Could be true sometimes. ;-)07:08
BluesKajwhy the gender discrimination ...wonder if she's a man hater , notice the comment "sensible chat" ?...as if there's no sensible ppl in here.07:09
BluesKajyeah the reverse is true as well, waylandbill_  :)07:09
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BluesKaj<--- I have 3 grown daughters ...I speak from experience07:10
BluesKajgot rid of Lulu :P07:11
zolarIs there a IRC channel for Evolution?07:11
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BluesKajdunno zolar , check the server channel list07:13
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bilalUbuntu firefox crashes when internet is slow. Can someone help me to fix this permenently. My IPv6 is currently on07:13
bilalKUbuntu firefox crashes when internet is slow. Can someone help me to fix this permenently. My IPv6 is currently on07:14
meson10bilal: are u using google browser sync?07:14
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bilalI dont know what google browser sync is07:15
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meson10bilal: can be because of any extension that you have installed in firefox..the basic stripped down version is quite stable07:15
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bilalMakes sense. Sine I Have 7 addons07:16
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newbiecan someone help me map a net drive?07:16
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comodocan anyone tell me how to install frostwire07:17
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herozolar: still there?07:18
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herobilal: see the manpage for smbmount07:20
newbiewell, the drive I'll be maping is on this pc07:20
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newbieit's making it so other PCs can use it..07:20
newbiethat are on my home net07:20
bilalnewbie: Try Adept Manager07:21
jhutchinsnewbie: What do the other pc's run?07:21
heronewbie: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/smbmount.8.html07:21
heroi read that wrong. my mistake.07:21
jhutchinshero: I don't think that's goign to help him share drives.07:21
newbiejhutchins: windows07:22
jhutchinsThen you'll need to set up samba to share the local folders.07:22
herojhutchins: yeah, i just realized that. my apologies.07:22
comodocan someone tell me how to check for direct rendering07:22
jhutchinsnewbie: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html07:22
herozolar: you can export your contacts using evolution-addressbook-export07:23
newbiejhutchins: thanks07:23
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vzduchhow about 'man smb.conf'?07:24
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zolarhero: where is the evolution-addressbook-export located...07:25
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
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_Shade_how should the xorg.conf look like for legacy nvidia drivers?07:31
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vzduch_Shade_: depends on your monitor and card ;)07:32
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WaxyFresh hi i just downloaded swiftweasel32- can someone tell me how to build it? im running kubuntu and have all the tools to build from source installed07:32
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vzduch_Shade_: regenerate it w/ 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and use the Advanced function for setting you monitor frequencies07:33
marcus__I cant get my samba-server visible, please troubleshoot me.07:33
_Shade_vzduch: I just asked because i don't have 3d support when i install nvidia legacy and i forgot what i had there before07:34
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vzduch_Shade_: probably you need to add 'Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" under 'Device' (where your card is listed)07:35
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_Shade_vzduch: yes, you're right but there was something more07:36
wsjuniori would like to make some special keys of my dv5040us laptop to work07:36
wsjuniorthese are the special keys: enlightned07:36
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WaxyFreshso no help on how to build stuff from source?im sure someone here knows07:36
vzduch_Shade_: I also tried 'Option "RenderAccel" "true"' for my GF2, which causes the X server not to start anymore07:36
SkorpKing_Shade_: i've downloded and installed nvidia drivers from nvidia website and it works for me. it will change the xorg.conf file for you.07:36
wsjuniorthe first and second have the blue light on but doesnt work. i cant even see they keycodes with xev07:37
vzduchSkorpKing: no need to download from Nvidia if you can get the pkgs from the repos to work07:37
wsjuniorand the one withou the blue light is the mute key. it work but the light doesnt turn on while active..07:37
wsjunioris there any way to make them work?07:38
BluesKajjhutchins , what's the default file destination for web downloads using konq ?07:38
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jhutchinsBluesKaj: Not sure.  Probably home folder.07:38
jhutchinsBluesKaj: I know firefox defaults to the desktop.07:39
=== jhutchins thinks a bit...
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jhutchinsBluesKaj: I think it uses a "last folder opened or configured default" buffer.07:39
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WaxyFresh hi i just downloaded swiftweasel32- can someone tell me how to build it? im running kubuntu and have all the tools to build from source installed07:39
wsjuniordoes anybody here has a hp laptop with quickplay07:39
BluesKajI'm following your advice and using konq as my default browser07:40
SkorpKing_Shade_: never tried it that way. one of the things that needs to change is 'nv' to 'nvidia'. i'm not on my linux box so i can't check for you. good luck.07:40
vzduchjhutchins: that'd be my guess too.. to my knowledge there is no such thing as a default download directory for Konq, it will always ask you where to save07:40
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jhutchinsvzduch: Yeah, but it offers the last folder saved to/opened as well.07:41
wsjuniordoes anybody here has a hp laptop with quickplay??07:41
vzduchjhutchins: didn't find any such option in the prefs on a quick glance07:41
jhutchins!build | WaxyFresh07:41
ubotuWaxyFresh: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:41
waylandbill_BluesKaj: it uses the last folder. In actuallity it uses the standard open/save dialog box, which defaults to last used folder for that app if I remember Qt correctly.07:41
=== jhutchins somehow doubts that "swiftweasel" will be in the repos.
_Shade_SkorpKing: there was something to comment out there as well... glx or dri - i don't remember07:42
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=== BluesKaj is confused by the "last folder" ...what do you mean ?
vzduchwhat's swiftweasel anyway.. sounds a bit like this SwiftFox (Firefox enhancement) from Automatix07:42
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waylandbill_BluesKaj: the last time the dialog was used in that application.07:43
jhutchinsBluesKaj: the kde apps use a common file open/save dialog, whatever that dialog opened or saved last is the default.07:43
jhutchinsBluesKaj: You can also configure a default location.07:43
jhutchinsBluesKaj: I think that's in kcontrol07:43
BluesKajall I did was download an app from the internet...why so confusing07:44
jhutchinsBluesKaj: 'cause you didn't pay attention?07:44
jhutchinsBluesKaj: just use "find" from "Tools".07:45
SkorpKing_Shade_: it could be glx, not sure.07:45
BluesKajthe thing downloaded but didn't show a destination07:45
waylandbill_BluesKaj: not confusing. just was explaining how the toolkit is designed to work. it's a good concept anyway. :-D07:45
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BluesKajwell, easy for you maybe ... strange for me07:46
vzduchSkorpKing: shouldn't be GLX, that's exactly what you need for 3D to function07:47
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SoulIs there a GUI to connet my Nokia 6630 via USB and download images and video from it. Is there any easy alternatie to ObexFTP07:47
SkorpKing_Shade_: hope this help. http://grabnotes.com/gentoo/xorg.html07:47
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vzduchSkorpKing: too late :)07:48
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WaxyFreshhow do i install Firefox32 on a 64 bit machine?07:53
agresor is there any good software for scaning image from scaner  ?07:53
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SoulMy Kmenu is missing some icons for some applications. How to correect the problem. I do not know which Ion goes to which appliations07:57
SoulMy Kmenu is missing some icons for some applications. How to correect the problem. I do not know which Icon goes to which appliations07:57
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mzanfardinoquestion: I'd like an application to launch when I log into a session (specifically an XGL session).  Where is this configured?07:58
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jthomas_soul: right-click on a menu item, and select [Edit] .  You can there change the icon to anythinhg given, or to an image that you may have downloaded from the web.  Icons aren't necessarily specific to an application (they should be but you can use anything really).  Make sure to click [Save]  before closing the Menu Editor.08:01
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SoulThanks jthomas08:02
SoulOnly if someone can help me on08:02
SoulIs there a GUI to connet my Nokia 6630 via USB and download images and video from it. Is there any easy alternatie to ObexFTP08:02
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jthomas_Soul i'd google for the nokia # and linux, see what comes up.  If its just an FTP thing there are tons of FTP clients available for Linux; konqueror is a great tool for that.08:03
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SoulI tried a lot of googling. Thing is it's not plain english. Its a bit diffiult and I'm sared i might rash the system08:04
SoulI tried a lot of googling. Thing is it's not plain english. Its a bit diffiult and I'm scared i might rash the system08:04
SoulI tried a lot of googling. Thing is it's not plain english. Its a bit diffiult and I'm scared i might crash the system08:05
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jthomas_what happens when you plug it in to the comp w/ usb?08:05
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mzanfardinohow do I set an application to autorun?08:11
jthomas_mzanfardino: i think there is a hidden file (starts with a . (dot)) in your home directory.08:12
jthomas_look there first08:12
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DexterFmzanfardino: you mean after login? symlink to the application in ~/.kde/Autostart08:12
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mzanfardinoDexterF: thank you08:13
DexterFdrag and drop from KMenu into konq works, too08:13
pvhAfter a recent update I lost the ability to start X. KDM comes up, but when I log in I get a black screen with a cursor for a second and then return to KDM. I get the same behavior with startx from the command line.08:14
pvhCan anyone help me diagnose what's happened to me here?08:14
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mariuszhow works a usb webcam on kubuntu08:14
SkorpKingpvh: it sounds like graphic drivers don't load. check in /var/log/ for xorg messages.08:15
pvhSkorpKing: I only see one (EE)08:16
pvhSkorpKing: (EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension08:17
SkorpKingpvh: did you load grapich drivers and this happened after a restart?08:18
mariuszI have a usb webcam and I want to install the webcam on kubuntu08:18
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pvhSkorpKing: I think the only changes made were to run whatever auto-updates were available.08:19
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jthomas_mariusz plug it in and start a webcam program.  install those in adept.08:23
pvhI found instructions on how to eliminate that error message by adding "AllowGLXWithComposite" to my xorg.conf file but I'm still crashing when I try to log in.08:23
SkorpKingpvh: try to google for that. i'm still checking.08:23
_Shade_how can i purge a package with all of its dependencies?08:23
_Shade_or undo last apt installation08:23
pvhSkorpKing: so now the EE line is gone but I'm still crashing...08:23
pvh_Shade_: I've used deborphan for that kind of thing in the past.08:24
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_Shade_pvh: what's that?08:24
pvh_Shade_: gtkorphan is a graphical frontend to it08:24
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pvh_Shade_: it's a tool that helps you find what stuff is installed in your system that nothing is using08:24
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_Shade_there's an option in apt -autoremove but i don't know how to use it08:25
SkorpKingpvh: looks like some problem in xorg.conf. what card do you have?08:25
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vzduchpvh: do you have any other Options in the Device section?08:25
jacksorry to post here08:25
jackbut anyone know know to increase the screen resolution08:26
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ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen08:26
vzduchah, damn08:26
pvhSkorpKing: Geforce4 Ti440008:26
jackas in highest is 1024x768 but i want it to be 1280x80008:26
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vzduchjack: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:27
pvhvzduch: UseEdidFreqs 1, NVAgp 3, NoLogo 108:27
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jackwill it work in ubuntu also08:27
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SkorpKingpvh: i have the same problem with GeForce FX5200. haven't fixed it yet. on my box it doesn't load the driver modules at startup. try http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7918908:28
jackand what do i do next08:28
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jackvzduch should i try it now08:28
vzduchpvh: no idea what these are for08:29
vzduchexcept for 'NoLogo', which is self-explanatory08:29
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SkorpKingpvh: this might also help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:30
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jackhey i tried that now a new windows with option like sisusb tbfx r comin what to do netxt vzduch08:30
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jackpl help08:31
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pvhSkorpKing: is this related to Beryl somehow? because I really don't care about the WM at this point, just need to log in and finish some work today08:32
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K-RyanHey guys, when a package "has super cow powers" how do you check what they are?08:32
jackhow to make beryl run in startup in ubuntu08:32
vzduchjack: follow the instructions, it's pretty self-explanatory08:32
K-RyanI forgot the command and was telling someone about it.08:32
jackno its not08:32
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surgyhey guys, i cant get sudo apt-get update to work becuase of this error: W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26308:33
vzduchsurgy: get the key & import it08:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cowpowers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about supercow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
vzduchwhat's that supposed to mean anyway?08:34
vzduchhey Sanne :)08:35
K-RyanIt's something you see when you use aptitude08:35
Sannehi vzduch :)08:35
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SkorpKingpvh: i have no idea (linux newbie). try ls -ltr /var/log/ and check the latest log files for errors. other thatn that i'm outa ideas. good luck08:35
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vzduchK-Ryan: I know08:35
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DexterFis there a linux/kde equivalent to daemon tools?08:36
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vzduchDexterF: no need for such a thing08:36
DexterFvzduch: explain.08:37
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vzduchDexterF: man mount08:37
vzduchyou can mount an ISO into the file system08:38
DexterFvzduch: ok, man mount, search for "mount nrg images"08:38
DexterFyes - an *iso*08:38
DexterFhow about bin/cue? alcohol images? ccd images?08:38
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vzduch*.nrg is proprietary Nero format.. same for Alcohol images.. for bin/cue there should be a way iiac08:38
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DexterFyes, they are proprietary. so?08:40
RivaeAeryaCan somebody tell me why i can't install my native language, Dutch, in KDE? it's grayed out!08:41
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DexterFRivaeAerya: try sudo aptitude install <packagename> on a console and tell us what error it reports08:41
RivaeAeryaDexterF: which package should i install?08:42
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DexterFRivaeAerya: uh.. the one that's greyed out?08:42
vzduchRivaeAerya: kde-i18n-nl08:42
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RivaeAeryaDexterF: aptitude just lets me install it08:44
DexterFRivaeAerya: I wouldn't waste more than a shrug :) it worked some way08:45
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estelthanks for your tip to create my own kernel for the installer08:46
estelit took 4 tries, but finally it works :)08:46
esteland it doesn't freeze :)08:46
_Shade_how can i check whether i have an opengl support or not?08:46
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esteldoes xglgears run fast08:47
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RivaeAeryaDexterF: sure did :)08:48
DexterFglxgears rather08:48
RivaeAeryaDexterF: so thanks  for the ehe[p08:48
_Shade_estel: 4131 frames in 5.0 seconds = 826.114 FPS08:48
RivaeAeryatyping with an icecream in hands is difficult08:48
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DexterFRivaeAerya: yw08:49
estelyou certainly do have opengl support08:50
DexterF_Shade_: glxinfo tells about everything about GL, but it doesnt say it in plain words08:50
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DexterFif it reports a lot of features, you're probably good. using a binary driver?08:50
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_Shade_DexterF: yes08:50
DexterFati or nvidia?08:50
_Shade_DexterF: i found it. It's glxinfo | grep direct08:51
DexterFwelllll. direct rendering... not sure on nv, but on ati doesn't absolutely mean it's hardware accelerated GL08:51
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DexterFinstall Google Earth - if it's on software rendering, it will tell you (and who can live without GE anyway? ;) )08:52
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_Shade_DexterF: i asked because i was going to relax a bit and play one game, but i can't run the installer :)08:53
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DexterF_Shade_: which game?08:53
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DexterFdid you chmod +x the installer?08:54
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_Shade_sauerbraten... yes yes i did it but it aska for libsdl stuff08:54
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DexterF_Shade_: well, is libsdl installed?08:55
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BrightEyes`how can i configure my microphone?08:56
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_Shade_DexterF: yes it is08:57
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vzduchBrightEyes`: alsamixer.. unmute (type 'M' under the mic slider) and adjust the volume to your liking08:57
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DexterFBrightEyes`: KMix should do, too. (Mulitmedia menu)08:58
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DexterF_Shade_: exact error about libsdl?08:59
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vzduchDexterF: clicking on the loudspeaker icon in the tray and choosing 'Mixer' is enough for that :)08:59
BrightEyes`DexterF: ok.now how can i record smth?09:00
vzduchBrightEyes`: krecord09:00
DexterFBrightEyes`: I like Audacity. should be in the repos09:00
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DexterFBrightEyes`: guitar player?09:00
_Shade_DexterF: well there are few lines09:01
_Shade_may i paste it here?09:01
DexterFmore than 3 lines on pastebins09:01
DexterFaxpr.net or so09:01
BrightEyes`DexterF: i dont know how to do it09:02
BrightEyes`DexterF: it just doesnt work09:02
DexterFBrightEyes`: know not what?09:02
BrightEyes`DexterF: ive done that from kmix09:02
BrightEyes`DexterF: kmix->input press the circle and turn to red for mic09:03
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BrightEyes`DexterF: is that ok?09:03
DexterFwell, that should be it09:03
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DexterFactually... BrightEyes` , check "capture" and "AC97" too09:04
DexterFand turn them up09:04
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_Shade_DexterF: http://pastebin.com/m5eb55c7209:04
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robinsonhi guys. as the talk is about audio, i have a question that i have for a while.... how to choose on which device i'd like to have the 'main' output - because a have some (working) usb-sounddevice and my headphones attached to the (working) on-board soundcard.09:05
DexterF_Shade_: seems like you downloaded the src, not a precompiled package. possible?09:05
RivaeAeryahow can i set a default application for a specific file type? for example, i want to set the player of a .wav file to another one then provided by default. How do i do this?09:05
_Shade_DexterF: not really09:06
DexterFrobinson: asoundconf should do09:06
RivaeAeryaDexterF: it was an example, i mean just generally any file.09:06
DexterFRivaeAerya: mmmh system settings I think09:07
RivaeAeryasystem settings?09:07
_Shade_DexterF: got that09:07
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DexterFno, screw that, RivaeAerya... somewhere else. konqueror-> settings perhaps09:07
RivaeAeryaDexterF: ok09:08
_Shade_DexterF: running in root mode will do09:08
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DexterF_Shade_: install as root then. should work as user afterwards09:08
RivaeAeryaDexterF: it does not recognise the type of the file. it says: Type: Unknown09:10
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RivaeAeryaDexterF: and i remember one time i tried to click a little wrench in the properties dialog, which then screwed up my entire kde mime database09:10
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DexterFmmh better ask in #kde09:11
RivaeAeryaDexterF: they won't answer me09:11
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DexterFRivaeAerya: patience is key09:11
RivaeAeryaDexterF: been waiting 15 minutes now :P09:12
RivaeAeryaDexterF: and it's quiet as hell in #kde09:12
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DexterFrejoin perhaps? got tons of chatter there09:12
RivaeAeryawait, i didn't ask it in kde.. oops09:12
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BrightEyes`DexterF: it still doesnt work...what can i do?09:20
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TheCreationistWhenever trying to use apt-get (or the GUI frontends), they crash with this error:  dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1979 package `language-pack-gnome-ru-base':   `Depends' field, syntax error after reference to package `language-pack-gnome-ru'09:21
DexterFBrightEyes`: what do you use for sound input?09:21
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DexterFi mean, what kind of device did you jack in?09:21
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BrightEyes`DexterF: onboard sound card09:22
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nodesertis there anyone know how can i see linux partitions from windows vista?09:23
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Daisuke_Idoyeah, start by removing windows vista.09:24
DexterFBrightEyes`: i meant what did you hook to it? mic, amp, guitar, synth, ..?09:25
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raheemnodesert.. check this out http://www.fs-driver.org/09:25
DexterFnodesert: wellll. depends. you mean like mount? there's ext2/3 drivers for windows, not sure if they work in vista09:26
BrightEyes`DexterF: mic!09:26
DexterFBrightEyes`: got more than one sound card?09:27
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BrightEyes`DexterF: no!09:27
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DexterFdid you turn up ac97 and capture? enabled +20dB switch? does sound *output* work?09:28
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RytmenPinnenwhere's that guide how to make your own debs09:28
BrightEyes`DexterF: yes yes!09:28
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DexterFBrightEyes`: proper jack? sure its mic?09:29
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BrightEyes`DexterF: where is that ?09:30
DexterFthere's 2: line in and mic. the physical connector. checked those?09:30
BrightEyes`DexterF: playback source? if i check line then im not able to check mic as well.one of them must be checked only09:32
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DexterFBrightEyes`: no i mean did you stick the mic jack into the proper input at the computer?09:33
BrightEyes`DexterF: i was using winxp a few days ago and the mic was working fine09:33
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DexterFok, then I'm outta ideas, sorry. #alsa folks might help.09:33
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limale2hello to every body09:35
BrightEyes`DexterF: thx09:35
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limale2are there somebody that help me with the configuration of dual screen ?09:36
limale2I have Ati Radeon 970009:36
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limale2can you receive me ?09:37
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zander_hi ppls09:38
DexterFlimale2: ati and dual screen = pain. do you need 3D or can you bear with it?09:38
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zander_how to stop abdep09:38
DexterFtino_: try /join09:39
limale2DexterF: now 3D functioning and I want 3D functioning with dual screen09:39
limale2if possibile09:39
zander_what shoul i tipe in the terminal09:39
dydyhow can I join the french channel09:40
DexterFwtf is going on here?09:40
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DexterFdoesn't anyone read manuals? is google down?09:40
DexterFlimale2: binary driver or the one that came with kubuntu?09:41
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zander_what should i tipe in the terminal to stop adept09:42
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limale2DexterF : I installed Restricted-manager that uses xorg-driver-fglrx and xserver-xorg-video-ati09:42
limale2from kubuntu repository09:43
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zander_what should i tipe in the terminal to stop adept09:43
zander_what should i tipe in the terminal to stop adept09:43
DexterFlimale2: you're pretty much screwed then. ask in #ati about the situation with current drivers, but I think fglrx and dual = no go09:43
zander_what should i tipe in the terminal to stop adept09:43
DexterFzander_: goddammit!09:43
DexterFread up on netiquette!09:43
limale2ok thank you09:43
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zander_what dexterf09:44
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zander_i need to stop it with a command or i need to install kubuntu again >.<09:45
zander_what should i tipe in the terminal to stop adept09:46
chmkillall adept*09:46
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alveola!!    ??09:48
RytmenPinnenis there a .deb search site? I want blender3d 2.44 cant find on google either09:48
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alveolahi guys09:49
Daisuke_Ido!ru | alveola09:49
ubotualveola:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:49
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Daisuke_IdoRytmenPinnen: you'd have better luck just searching for blender09:49
MarcCwhat's the best way to play music from a samba share?09:49
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RytmenPinnen:o naah09:50
RytmenPinnenthere are binaries on blenders site but not debs09:50
Daisuke_Idoand have you checked backports?09:51
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Daisuke_Ido2.44 is already in the gutsy repos09:51
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DexterFMarcC: the same way you play it from a local drive?09:51
RytmenPinnenhow do I check gutsy repos? :o09:51
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Daisuke_Idoone second09:51
Daisuke_Idoyou won't be checking the gutsy repos09:51
DexterFRytmenPinnen: stay with the binary09:51
MarcCDexterF: nah, XMMS and Beep have problems there, VLC is a huge pain, Amarok appends the full folder name to the title, etc.09:52
alveolahow can I  turn KDE to Russian language?09:52
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RytmenPinnenohwell, I gotta go pick up my parents at the airport now, bye09:52
MarcCI'm just wondering if there's a music client meant to stream from samba shares.09:52
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Daisuke_Idouh, 2.44 is in the feisty repos09:52
MarcCor something that will discover music on the network09:52
bentob0xhow come I can't see the other windows hosts via samba but I can see my Linux machine via the other Windows machines?09:52
MarcC(although Amarok does that and I'm not liking it)09:52
DexterFMarcC: oh wait... you acces them from media:/ , right, not from a local mount point? don't do that. read up on how to mount it permanently, media:/ blows09:53
MarcCDexterF: I'm accessing using smb:/09:53
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DexterFMarcC: same09:53
bentob0xif I type this in Konqueror: smb://mshome/ , I get Could not connect to host smb://mshome/09:53
MarcCDexterF: ok, I'll see if I can figure out how to mount the share09:54
DexterFfstab for the win09:54
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:54
DexterF1st link09:54
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MarcCgreat DexterF, thanks :)09:54
BluesKajMarcC, what do you mean "discover music on the network"..amarok is very good at connecting to internet radio , better than most other music utilities.09:55
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MarcCBluesKaj: I don't like that double-clicking on a radio station in Amarok just puts it in the queue rather than playing it immediately09:55
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MarcCwhen you already have radio playing...it's not like it's ever going to stop and continue to the next stream (which is a mirror anyway)09:56
BluesKajMarcC, use use the load command , then click play09:56
Daisuke_Idoso it requires two more clicks.09:57
Daisuke_Idothat's sheer laziness.09:57
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MarcCDaisuke_Ido: it's only sheer laziness if all the other software acted the same way, but Amarok is the only one to require two clicks :)09:58
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MarcCtransforming it from runs-in-the-background to requires-assistance09:58
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m-lundAny plans for kolab in the upcomming kubuntu? I have spent days trying to figure out how to get it to work - but there is always a showstopper...09:59
Daisuke_Idoyou have to select another radio station to begin with!09:59
Daisuke_Idowhich means it already requires assistance09:59
m-lundIt's like the kolab packages just have been shipped without nobody carrying about them working.09:59
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MarcCDaisuke_Ido: yes, but if you use, say, Streamtuner and any other player, you just double-click a station in ST and it plays.09:59
BluesKajoh amarok really makes yo sweat for yer music :009:59
MarcCso you don't have to tool around with the player10:00
Daisuke_Idoamarok != streamtuner10:00
Daisuke_Idodon't make the mistake of thinking everything should behave in exactly the same way.  i'm guessing amarok is designed the way it is for a reason10:00
BluesKajstreamtuner is aPITA10:00
MarcCDaisuke_Ido: read BluesKaj's original point...this is my opinion, not a flame10:00
MarcCI don't think Amarok's radio functionality is friendly to channel surfing10:01
MarcCor "as friendly"10:01
BluesKajMarcC, it has more and better selections ..their worth an extra click or 210:01
MarcCyes, I know Streamtuner has more and better selections...way more :)10:02
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BluesKajyou haven't given amarok a chance10:02
MarcCBluesKaj: which selections? Amarok has Shoutcast...is there more?10:03
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Daisuke_Idowell you can add pretty much anything you want10:03
MarcCbtw what's the difference between "load" and "append to playlist" if there's already music playing? same thing?10:03
BluesKajcool streams10:03
Daisuke_Idocollstreams = :D10:04
MarcCcool streams = shoutcast selections by the amarok crew, no?10:04
Daisuke_Idosomafm is awesome10:04
MarcCyes, it's all in the shoutcast section too10:04
TheCreationistCould someone please help me here?  Every time I try to run apt-get or any of the GUI Frontends, it crashes with this error:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29408/10:04
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Daisuke_IdoTheCreationist: what happens if you remove that package?10:05
TheCreationistDaisuke_Ido: I tried removing it, but it throws the same error.10:06
TheCreationistDaisuke_Ido: I've never even used that package, nor do I need to.10:06
MarcCTheCreationist: can you see the syntax error in the file? It's human-readable10:06
chmTheCreationist: Have you tried to remove the entry for the package in the /var/lib/dpkg/available?10:07
TheCreationistI've never tried to read any of the dpkg files.  Fairly simple to do?10:07
MarcCit's a txt file10:07
MarcCjust open in an editor and delete the entry10:07
MarcC(search for the package)10:07
waylandbill_Edit the file10:07
TheCreationistShould I remove the entire section?10:08
waylandbill_MarcC has faster fingers. :-)10:08
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MarcCTheCreationist: unless you can spot a fixable syntax error, yes10:08
MarcCwaylandbill_: :)10:08
waylandbill_it should be obvious after a search and the context what is wrong10:09
TheCreationistwaylandbill_: I know nothing of context in this file ;)10:09
TheCreationistBut removing that entire section fixed the problem :P10:09
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TheCreationistNow, will it put that section back in when running an apt-get update?10:10
MarcCTheCreationist: cool :)10:10
MarcCgive it a try and see10:10
waylandbill_TheCreationist: context is easy. just examine around it... but good deal.10:10
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stefanioquick question any1 know when creative x-fi soundcard drivers will be available?10:15
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BluesKajahh, amarok 1.4.6 is cool... a bit nicer graphics and more netradio ...lets hope they stay on the air in the US , or we'll be listening Canadian and European feeds if the that dumb increase in play costs is implemented10:17
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BluesKajBBL, time to startup the BBQ10:17
MarcCstefanio: Q3 or Q4 2007 last I checked (2 days ago)10:17
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sheehi...how can I get to the undernet channel?10:18
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MarcCshee: /connect irc.undernet.org? no idea10:18
stefanioMarcC: thought so very frustrating10:18
Morrisseyhi, I would like to convert/decode a normal divx file to fit my smartphone with linux (together with shrinking the file size)... my smartphone uses a 320x320 resolution. Anyone know a good program for this? GUI perhaps? In advance, thanks10:18
mac1hmm....i'll try that10:18
MarcCstefanio: indeed...I regret not buying an M-Audio card :(10:18
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stefanioMarcC; yeah and the quality on the m-audio is supposed to be better10:20
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MarcCMorrissey: go to kde-apps.org and search for "video" and you'll find lots of tools for this10:20
MarcCstefanio: :(10:20
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MorrisseyMarcC, thanks :) Any favorites?10:21
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MarcCMorrissey: actually no...haven't used any of them, but they do look quite capable...the one for the PSP looks simple enough10:22
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mac1I tried irc.undernet.org but somehow I can't get the right settings10:24
mac1I put undernet as network and added the server but I still can't connect10:24
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BluesKajmac1, goto the undernet website and copy and paste some of the servers listed on the webpage10:27
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BluesKajsome ppl need hand holding for the simplest things ...you'd think by some ppls attitudes this channel pays the help :)10:30
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mac1as you can see I am very much techno inadequate10:35
mac1thanks I'll try that10:35
herohand holding can = linux.advocacy10:35
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KprofthreatHow do you sticky windows to the desktop? I'm trying to do it with my pidgin contact list, but it's not working.10:38
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gss6right click on the titlebar of the window you want and select always visible on desktop?10:39
KprofthreatUm..that's the thing10:40
KprofthreatIt says to all desktops, right? Well, I selected that and nope10:40
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MarcCKprofthreat: it might be registered as the wrong window type...I think there are different types of windows10:41
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MarcCthe fact that pidgin is a GTK app doesn't help either10:42
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MarcCtried kopete?10:42
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KprofthreatIt's installed by default, but I uninstalled it after a while. I just have this instinct to choose my own program alternatives.10:45
MarcCKprofthreat: ok, just pointing it out...does the stick functionality work under GNOME I wonder?10:45
KprofthreatNot sure how I would check that.10:46
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MarcCKprofthreat: I guess you'd have to install ubuntu-deskop and choose a GNOME session at login10:47
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KprofthreatWell, it's not just Pidgin10:48
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KprofthreatIt's every window.10:50
MarcCwhat are you trying to do by "sticking" it to the desktop?10:51
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KprofthreatSo I can see it on all virtual desktops...?10:55
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adaptrKprofthreat right-click the titelbar, choose "always on top"10:57
adaptrerm.. always on visible workspace, I mean10:57
adaptrit's one of those menu-type choice thingies, anyway10:57
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KprofthreatTried that, too.10:58
adaptrwell, that's what *should* work in Gnome10:58
KprofthreatAh well. Ain't that important.10:58
adaptrif ti doesn't work for you, something is b0rken10:58
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KprofthreatMust be10:58
AzaraeelHey guys, Anyone now the command to install Java 6?10:59
Daisuke_Idograb it from the repos?11:00
Kprofthreatsudo apt-get install java?11:00
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MarcCJava 6 not 511:01
Daisuke_Idoapt-cache search java11:01
Daisuke_Idothen install the appropriate package.11:01
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AzaraeelThanks all for help, Got it :)11:03
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Rumpanikola: hi11:07
nikolai need help11:07
nikolai don`t know how to install new ati driver11:08
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KprofthreatATI is very stingy when it comes to supporting linux.11:08
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nikolawell i got Ati radeon 9600 pro11:09
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KprofthreatThat should work11:09
BluesKajnikola, which driver ?11:09
KprofthreatHe needs ATI11:09
nikolaATI RADEON 9600 pro11:10
Doomhammerif i modify the fstab by hand, will ubuntu overwrite it?11:10
BluesKajor fglrx11:10
KprofthreatThis may help: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide11:10
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Andrew67Doomhammer: no11:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
Doomhammerso can i change the fstab to not identify partitions by UUID without breaking anything? :P11:11
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Doomhammerhow can i modify the grub config file without ubuntu overwriting it ?11:14
vzduchyou mean the grub.conf? in my experience, *buntu doesn't overwrite it11:15
Doomhammerwell i'll give it a try11:15
Doomhammerbut when i used warty ubuntu seemed to enjoy overwriting things like network configuration... that was rather crap :P11:16
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BluesKajnikola, try this one : http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html11:16
Daisuke_IdoDoomhammer: oh boy do you have a lot to learn11:16
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Daisuke_Idocomparing warty to feisty is like comparing an abacus to a nice scientific calculator11:16
Daisuke_Idosure the old one does what it should, but the new one just does it so much better!11:17
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Doomhammerperhaps, i haven't used fesity... actually installing it for a friend who's pretty new to linux11:17
vzduchanyone here have used IDJC?11:17
Doomhammerpersonally all my boxes run gentoo11:17
Daisuke_Idoin other words, ubuntu has advanced beyond all expectations11:17
Daisuke_Idovzduch: no, but i used WWJD11:17
vzduchDaisuke_Ido: what's that?11:17
RytmenPinnenhow good will the next version be?11:18
Doomhammerthe ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST line in menu.lst makes me think it's going to automatically generate it...11:18
RytmenPinnenI seriously hope not having to experience that annoying resulotion bug again11:18
Daisuke_Idovzduch: it was a joke11:18
Daisuke_Idowhat would jesus do (for a klondike bar)?11:19
MarcCsweet, Gobuntu just announced11:19
RytmenPinnenwhat's that?11:19
MarcCnow I guess we wait for Kobuntu? ;)11:19
MarcCthe freedom-focused flavor of Ubuntu11:20
MarcCfree software11:20
Daisuke_Idoubuntu with the debian philosophy?11:20
RytmenPinnenwhat is it now? :o11:20
Daisuke_Idocomplete with "IceWeasel"?11:20
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MarcCShuttleworth says it's mainly dealing with hardware drivers right now11:20
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Daisuke_IdoRytmenPinnen: the inclusion of universe and multiverse as default repos in feisty goes against the debian philosophy of "ONLY free, ONLY open"11:21
MarcCso it's more of a base, like debian11:21
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MarcCfor projects like gNewSense, as he says11:21
MarcCstill, it's very cool...I can see the value in it11:21
RytmenPinnenso there wont be any DVD watching on that?11:21
MarcCno DVDs, probably no Youtube either ;)11:22
RytmenPinnenhaha :D not for me then :P11:22
Daisuke_Idoi see it grabbing converts from pure debian11:22
RytmenPinnenhmm, man I wish I new how to code11:23
MarcCyeah, I wonder what the feeling is on the debian side? ;/11:23
Doomhammerso i'm dual booting windows and kubuntu... the windows partition is marked bootable, i ran grub-install on the kubuntu partition (where grub is located)... that's correct, i believe?11:23
Daisuke_Idobut not particularly cutting into ubuntu proper, since ubuntu's marketed as a desktop OS, which for most people means "dvds, youtube, 3d, etc"11:23
RytmenPinnenI've tried to learn c++ twice, and lastly phyton but I just dont get it :(11:23
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MarcCRytmenPinnen: in my experience you need a good teacher or tutor11:24
RytmenPinnenwell I dont have that :D11:25
TeraDyneMarcC: or at least a decently made plan on how to learn it. Personally, I find the Visual QuickStart C++ book to be well written.11:26
MarcChttp://tun3r.com/  pretty slick interface for a radio11:26
MarcCTeraDyne: yeah, books can be really helpful, especially in a pinch11:26
TeraDynePersonally, I'd love to see a C++ book written in the style of "Head First HTML".11:26
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astroview# Appears as TONGTYED.11:27
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phoenixzI have a number of personal directories, which have permission d-wxr-xr-T .. What is that T, and how do I get rid of it??11:30
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Daisuke_Idowhich is far better than the Evil Bit11:33
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gss6but more seriously...is there a way to embed the gecko engine in konquoror?11:35
Daisuke_Idolet me correct that11:35
Daisuke_Idono way that i've ever heard of.11:35
gss6there was talk of a kpart a couple years go i've read about11:36
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gss6i grew tired of gnomes simplicity and am trying kde now, i like everything about it...cept for khtmls slow and inaccurate rendering11:37
gss6and i dont want all of gtk just for firefox11:38
MarcCgss6: tried Opera?11:39
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SkorpKingRytmenPinnen: search in google for a book called Thinking in C++. there is a volume 1 & 2.11:39
gss6MarcC: actually i have not11:39
RytmenPinnenk I'll try that11:39
Daisuke_Idogss6: if you have the space to spare, just install firefox11:40
Daisuke_Idoopera is nice as well11:40
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SkorpKingRytmenPinnen: http://www.planetpdf.com/developer/article.asp?ContentID=663411:40
RytmenPinnenLast time I used learn c++ in x weeks, I've heard it isnt very good tho11:40
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gss6is firefox a cpu hog like i've read?11:41
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Daisuke_Idogss6: cpu?  no.  memory, yes depending on usage11:41
gss6i mean i dont notice but like 5 people have said that to me in the past month11:41
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gss6er yea, meant to say memory11:41
Daisuke_Idoif you work in many tabs and don't tweak the settings, then it can get kinda hoggish11:41
Daisuke_Idoi'm only running 1gb and don't notice it.11:41
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RytmenPinnenI have 512 :D and with 8+ tabs things tend to get annoying11:42
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RytmenPinnenit allso very dependant on how many flash ads there is on a page11:42
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gss6i dont know, i kinda of like konquerors "swiss army knife" approach..if the rendering wasnt so bad on many sites...mostly gmail11:43
MarcCFirefox does better under linux than windows, for me...but Opera can open up the highest number of tabs with the lowest memory footprint, IME11:43
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:43
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RytmenPinnenhmm, what's the point of zipping pdfs :o anyways, time for Futurama11:44
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Doomhammerapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree keeps complaining of an MD5 mismatch on the flash tarball... is this a known issue?11:48
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MarcCok, that's it...2 desktops is not enough11:49
MarcCswitching to 411:49
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Doomhammeranyone had trouble installing flash? :P11:50
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buddehim having some issues with wine can anyone give me a couple pointers?11:51
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nodesert_in my session type menu there is a blank line. how can i fix it ( i think it happened when i was trying to install enlightment windows manager)11:53
SkorpKingbuddeh: what's wrong?11:53
joakimhow do I connect to the "#ubuntu" channel?11:54
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Doomhammerjoakim; /join #ubuntu11:54
MarcCjoakim, type /join #ubuntu11:54
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SkorpKingbuddeh: what problems do you have with wine?11:54
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nodesert_buddeh:just ask ur problem11:56
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whippyhello ;)11:57
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_michaelhello I'm having a problem with creating a local apt repository12:07
_michaelEverything goes normal but the packages won't show up in Adept or via the command line12:08
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SkorpKing_michael: did you use apt-move?12:09
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_michaelSkorpKing: No I used sudo "dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz" to create a Packages.gz file modified my sources.list and updated with no errors, but no packages from the new repo12:11
adeniciosick out is this a chat?12:12
SkorpKing_michael: check out this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto it works for me.12:13
_michaelSkorpKing: Thanks I will12:13
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adeniciomichael, know much about kubuntu?12:13

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