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Jordan_Uhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty needs to be cleaned up / updated IMO but I am not great at writing documentation, would anyone be willing to help?06:51
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BurgundaviaJordan_U: do you have a bcm43xx card?08:01
Jordan_UBurgundavia, No.08:09
Jordan_UBurgundavia, But I did, and have helped many people who do08:09
Burgundaviawhat about the doc needs to be fixed?08:10
Jordan_Ubcm43xx-fwcutter now offers to grab the correct firmware when you install it.08:11
Jordan_UOn top of that the driver that they suggest extracting is an old version IIRC and won't work with the new drivers in Feisty08:11
Jordan_UAlso, it is my opinion that the fwcutter instructions should be first since they can't do any harm if they don't work and will use native drivers if they do08:13
Jordan_UBurgundavia, ^^08:13
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Jordan_UI cleaned up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty if someone could look at it it would be nice11:06
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