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bspencerrusty_, good morning.11:04
bspencerrusty_, I sent a fix to the flash error in email.  You need an updated xserver with Keith P's composite patch.  Link to a .deb file from Bryce Harrington in email11:06
bspencerrusty_, after that the UI shows up almost as expected, except that Samsung resolution is 800x60011:07
bspencercheers and g'night.11:07
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ian_brasilhi..i have all the approved blueprints now in docbook and i compiled them into a pdf which is available here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UMEGuide06:17
cjwatson  * Generalise Extra-Include and Extra-Exclude to allow rescuing packages06:42
cjwatson    from any seed, not just extra. For example, Mobile-Include: *-dev will06:42
cjwatson    rescue all packages from sources that generate binaries named *-dev in06:42
cjwatson    the mobile output.06:42
cjwatsonand with any luck that changelog will actually be comprehensible in two years' time06:42
Mithrandirian_brasil: nice06:42
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bspencerasac, you online?07:33
asacbspencer: unfortunately on my way out now07:52
asacbspencer: maybe i will be back online later if wireless works in hotel room again ... yesterday it was broken07:53
bspencerasac, no problem07:53
bspencerwanted to make sure you and rusty hook up tomorrow07:54
bspencerI'll tell rusty_ to find you07:54
bspencerto work out browser repo and future work stuff.07:54
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CharliefJohnsonGuys - who do I talk to to get another Intel guy approved as UME developer on Launch pad ??  (Hari Seshardri)  He is trying to update a blueprint and doesn't have access.08:05
rusty_CharliefJohnson, i think mdz is your guy08:10
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xkyotoxHTC Touch P3450  is ubuntu mobile gonna work with that?? i really like the phone but i want ubuntu11:20
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MithrandirCharliefJohnson: what's his LP login?12:02
Mithrandirxkyotox: probably not; we're not immediately aiming for the phone market, but Intel's range of mobile internet devices.12:03
xkyotoxokay.. sad12:04
Mithrandirwell, we'd rather start out with something that has a limited scope and then expand than trying to do too much and fall flat on our faces.12:06
Mithrandirit's quite ambitious already12:07

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