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Admiral_Chicago_evening all03:19
Admiral_Chicago_asac hjmf: have you got a preference for our next meeting?03:19
Admiral_Chicago_red_herring: i'd like you to be there as well :)03:19
Admiral_Chicago_AlexLatchford_: if you're free, your presence is requested as el03:19
Admiral_Chicago_in fact, everybody should go03:19
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red_herringAdmiral_Chicago_: hm?03:38
Admiral_Chicago_the next meeting for the Mozilla team.03:50
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hjmfAdmiral_Chicago: no, not really. Any date is OK for me if it is past 8PM local time :)07:35
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=== Admiral_Chicago_ [n=Freddy@adsl-68-72-109-250.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacAdmiral_Chicago_: no iam perfectly fine with any weekday ... at best sometime during business hours in germany :-P10:25
Admiral_Chicago_germany is UTC + how many10:28
asac+ 210:30
asacwhat date was proposed?10:30
asacAdmiral_Chicago_: looking at your mail, i am fine with the tuesday and wednesday dates10:31
asacplease not friday (at that time) as it would be pretty far stretched into the weekend for me :-D10:31
Admiral_Chicago_hmm, okay. i'll keep that in mind. I'll look at it tomorrow in the morning before I start work10:32
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreak!info libcairo2 feisty01:00
ubotulibcairo2: The Cairo 2D vector graphics library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 424 kB, installed size 728 kB01:00
gnomefreak!info libcairo2 gutsy01:00
ubotulibcairo2: The Cairo 2D vector graphics library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.10-1 (gutsy), package size 509 kB, installed size 832 kB01:00
gnomefreakasac: call me crazy but i dont htink its our cairo package01:01
gnomefreaki think its the way trunk is calling it/using it01:01
gnomefreakeither that or all the 1.4.* series is bad :(01:03
asacgnomefreak: yeah i already found that its not (solely) a cairo regression01:05
gnomefreakoh :(01:05
asaci will do a couple of daily builds in the datacenter now01:06
gnomefreaki built oh trunk on feisty and fails in same way same error01:06
asac(e.g. going back to alpha5 from alpha6)01:06
asacgnomefreak: yes ... thanks for verifying01:06
gnomefreakasac: im thinking of building the 9ths01:06
gnomefreakasac: yw i think :(01:06
asacwhen was alpha5?01:06
gnomefreakoh god01:07
gnomefreak28th :)01:07
gnomefreaki think a6 was released around 1st or jusy01:07
asac28th may?01:08
asacalpha5 was out long before01:09
asacwhen was it01:09
gnomefreakjune 28th was a5 that much i know01:09
asachey ... thats just 15 days ago ... that can't be right01:09
gnomefreakour build for 2007.628 is a5 i can swear01:10
asacgnomefreak: no01:10
asacit doesn'tmatter whats in about01:10
asacplease look at mozilla.com01:10
asacthere should be an announcement01:10
asachave to reboot and do some testing of network manager now01:11
asaclater today will do respins01:11
=== gnomefreak goes for first smoke of morning
gnomefreakalpha6 was released on july 2nd01:14
gnomefreakfrom what i can tell from blogs and stuff since i didnt find it at mozilla.com but goes for smoke than looks more01:15
gnomefreakyep july 2nd alpha6 was released, they also have cairo as a known issue http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/3.0a6/releasenotes/#issues01:33
gnomefreakbut doesnt say crash01:33
gnomefreakbug 12429701:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124297 in network-manager "network-manager doesnt connect me at startup anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12429701:50
gnomefreakhmmmmm i guess edge is beta01:59
gnomefreakok bbl i have some packing and getting ready for trip in ~a week02:10
gnomefreak20070709 is building02:10
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asachjmf: ping06:18
asachjmf: i might be off again for a minute or even an hour ... so in case i am not here:06:18
asachjmf: we added ubuntu-qa to the group of people that are allowed to look into crash bugs ... so maybe take a look if it still works for you06:19
asachjmf: problem is, that its not really possible to send out mail notifications to the default bug contact when a private bug initially gets submitted ... can we live with that?06:20
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hjmfasac: pong06:57
hjmfasac: cool, I'll look at it tonight when I'll be at home :)06:57
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shirishguys anybody knows when FF 3.0a6 is gonna hit gutsy?07:46
shirishbug 12391007:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123910 in firefox-granparadiso "new upstream version available 3.0-alpha6" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12391007:49
asacshirish: we have crashes ... once we track the reason down, we will push it07:51
shirishasac: ah ok07:52
shirishasac: perhaps soon as according to http://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox3/Schedule by end of month we will have a7 on our hands07:56
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gnomefreakthis is getting old fast :(10:28
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hjmf_asac: I've checked and I can see private bugs :)11:19
=== AlexLatchford__ [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam

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