
=== superm1 [i=malimonc@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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williammandahey guys01:12
superm1hey williammanda01:12
williammandaif I went the satellite route....can I use my tuner cards as I do with cable?01:12
superm1which tuners?01:12
williammandapcHD5500 & Dvico HDTV rt01:12
superm1your using them for qam?01:12
superm1Then no.01:12
williammandaalso i have pvr-15001:12
superm1qam isn't avail via sat01:12
superm1you can do OTA for the same stations typically01:12
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superm1the pvr-150 u can use however01:12
superm1but you will need an ir transmitter01:12
superm1to control the sat box01:12
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tgm4883what the heck01:12
williammandaqam tuners only work for OTA or cable then?01:12
superm1tgm4883, netsplit maybe01:12
tgm4883feels like it01:12
superm1well typically the tuners that do QAM also do ATSC01:12
superm1which is OTA01:12
tgm4883so did my question even make it through?01:12
tgm4883it was off topic anyway01:12
williammandaif i use firewire....will I limit myself to only one tuner?01:12
superm1you mean on the cable box?01:12
superm1or in general01:12
tgm4883you can daisy chain firewire devices01:12
williammandaon the cable box...yes01:12
tgm4883although I haven't tried it01:12
williammandaseems like antennas....are hard for most cases to receive all network channels01:12
superm1i am pretty sure you can only use one tuner on the box01:12
superm1for firewire01:12
superm1but as tgm4883 said you can chain the boxes01:12
superm1and use multiple boxes01:12
williammandabut I would have to pay for each box...right?01:12
tgm4883AFAIK, only 1 tuner per box01:12
tgm4883over firewire01:12
tgm4883and no recorded shows over firewire if you have a STB DVR01:12
williammandaI have two atsc tuners and two pvr-150 now.....01:12
tgm4883i've been throwing around the idea of a second box01:12
superm1williammanda, you should investigate what you can get over firewire first01:12
superm1before even considering a second box01:12
tgm4883it's like $4/month for it, and im not sure i really need it01:12
superm1because if its the same channels as the atsc tuners01:12
superm1its not worth it likely01:12
tgm4883very true, it varies from place to place01:12
tgm4883stupid drm flags01:12
williammandaI pay comcast $8 / month for SDTV but I also all the network HDTV channels too01:12
superm1does your current box have firewire?01:12
williammandano box01:12
williammandajust cable01:12
williammandaright into each tuner01:12
tgm4883If your looking for more channels, I believe you can output from the STB into your tuner card (if firewire doesn't work), although you won't get HD01:12
=== tgm4883 tgm is tired of relational algebra
tgm4883^ so tired i forgot it says your name when you do that01:12
williammandacalculus my friend01:12
williammandatalk my language01:12
tgm4883it's just one of those days when you have a headache and it's due tomarrow01:12
williammandatomarrow....are you from KY?01:12
tgm4883Oregon, summer class01:12
williammandaclose to the rockies?01:12
tgm4883not so much, Cascades01:12
tgm4883Rockies are farther east01:12
williammandamountains due that to you :)01:12
tgm4883Have you seen the google earth firefox crop circle?01:12
williammandaMy mother...oh wait my sister told me so01:12
williammandaI'm a hillbilly from KY01:12
tgm4883It's like 20 minutes from my house01:12
williammandaand it is true.....we don't wear shoes :)01:12
tgm4883No shoes?01:12
tgm4883thats crazy01:12
williammandabut I got lucky...01:12
tgm4883rains too much here for that01:12
williammandaI very level headed...01:12
williammandatobacco juice does drain from one side of my mouth01:13
williammandasorry doesn't01:13
tgm4883Own a banjo?01:13
tgm4883a linux compatible banjo?01:14
williammandawould you like too hear dueling banjos?01:14
tgm4883I love the dueling banjos01:14
williammandai moved to TN last year.....01:15
williammandadeliverance was made here01:15
williammandaabout 30 minute from me01:15
tgm4883one flew over the cookoosnest was filmed here01:16
tgm4883i just realized I cant spell that01:16
williammandaI lived close to Cincinnati....some what of a culture shock here01:16
tgm4883One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)01:17
williammandaI'm not a man here01:17
foxbuntusuperm1: hey whats happin? I upgraded to Gusty today01:17
superm1foxbuntu, woah why01:17
foxbuntujust on my lappy01:18
williammandaa man is defined as one that has several guns and knifes here and grins at men01:18
tgm4883im not a man there either then01:18
superm1foxbuntu, i heard apt was broken ....01:18
superm1in gutsy01:18
tgm4883i only have a few knives and 1 gun01:18
foxbuntunot for me01:18
superm1foxbuntu, then you might have just caught it on the cusp afterwards01:19
superm1very lucky if thats the case01:19
foxbuntuI was able to install Pidgin after gusty01:19
foxbuntulet me boot me lappy and see if it actually did the upgrade01:19
foxbuntuIm prety sure it did01:19
foxbuntuoh, and I got a new record of 4401:20
superm1yea right.01:21
foxbuntu...i havent played yet01:21
williammandawhat is the future of mythtv and cable....01:21
superm1thats what i thought01:21
foxbuntusuperm1: I am still sore for that 3am deal...I started o set in on the way home01:22
foxbuntudamn T key is sticky01:22
foxbuntuoh what is theme manager in gnome01:23
superm1foxbuntu, did you see this http://www.cypherbios.org/blog/?p=41&language=en01:23
superm1i am thinking how the myth guides and pretty much any guide out there01:23
superm1can be completely simplified with something like that01:24
foxbuntuno kidding01:24
foxbuntuthats sweet01:24
superm1you can try it on gutsy if you install 'apturl'01:25
foxbuntuoh strange...I have gusty stuff but not the gusty kernel01:27
williammandawhat is gutsy have over feisty.....what is the big improvement?01:27
foxbuntumore porn01:28
williammandaoh ok....my wife will like that :)01:28
tgm4883a gibbon can beat up a fawn, thats what it has going for it01:28
williammandaoh we are going for the WWE environment?01:29
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foxbuntusuperm1: I have apt from gusty and it works01:30
foxbuntuthey must have fixed it01:30
williammandafor what it is worth.....01:31
williammandamy core two duo.....01:31
williammandalost a lot of performance due to dust build up01:32
williammandawhere mythtv could operate properly01:32
williammandaI have two other PIV units and they never had that kind of problem01:33
williammandaThe IT guy at work raised his eye brow when I told him about what happened01:38
williammandaI showed him the vulcan sign....and all was well :)01:38
williammandaok...I'm running out of material....either pay up or I'm going to pay bills01:38
foxbuntusuperm1: now I am bringing down the gusty kernel01:40
superm1foxbuntu, good luck with gutsy :)01:40
foxbuntumeh...I like busting it and then figureing out what blew up01:40
superm1not exactly the ubuntu spirit, but whatever floats your boat01:40
foxbuntusexy python?01:54
foxbuntusuperm1: I am nerding it tonight...I have my chair, 2 laptops, and mythtv01:54
foxbuntunow all I need is another screen to be playing DDR on01:54
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foxbuntusuperm1: ..02:26
foxbuntuMy gnome theme has huge font size...it wont seem to change02:28
foxbuntuit finally went02:28
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geekHello Everyone!02:28
geekanyone here?02:28
foxbuntuwhat can I do for you?02:28
foxbuntusuperm1: are you still here?02:28
foxbuntugusty seems pretty good right now02:28
foxbuntuI have it all up-to-date02:28
foxbuntuno problems yet02:28
foxbuntunow the only thing I need to make my life complete...is some kind of Linux mod plugin for firefox to support activeX02:28
geekhey fox02:28
geeki spent like 10 hours trying to fix a tvtuner card yesterday02:28
geekwhich is crazy i know02:28
geeki finally figured out that it was a frame grabber and not a pvr02:28
geekso i went to the store and exchanged for a 150 pvr02:28
geekand now when i try to run mythtv02:28
foxbuntuI have the same card02:28
geekit starts up02:28
geekblack screen02:28
geekand then kicks me back to login screen02:28
foxbuntublack screen in the frontend?02:28
foxbuntuor when you hit watch tv?02:30
geekyea when i select watch tv02:30
superm1geek, when you configured it in mythtv-setup02:30
superm1did you choose the MPEG2 encoder option02:30
geekmpeg 202:30
superm1or standard V4L devcie02:30
geekand Tuner102:30
superm1well check out /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log02:30
superm1and see what the backend is complaining about02:30
superm1when it tries02:30
foxbuntudid you install the IVTV drivers and fireware after you added the card?02:30
geekkk im checking now02:30
geeki think i might need to manually edit some how02:38
geekcause i see02:38
geekChannel(/dev/v4l/video0)::Open(): Can't open video device, error "No such file or directory"02:38
geekbut i set it to /dev/video002:38
geekwhy does it try to use that /dev/v41/video0?02:40
foxbuntudo a dmesg02:40
foxbuntuand look for IVTV02:40
foxbuntuand see if there are errors there02:40
geekivtv0: Unreasonably low latency timer, setting to 64 (was 32)02:40
geekdon't think that one is a big deal02:40
geekstill looking....02:40
geekthis might be it02:40
geekivtv0: loaded v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware (262144 bytes)02:40
geekthat's the old driver right?02:40
geekit should be v4l202:40
superm1foxbuntu, nothing needs to be installed for feisty regarding ivtv02:40
superm1its all handled automatically02:40
foxbuntuoh it is?02:40
foxbuntudamn slackers02:44
superm1okay so that open error, check and see02:44
superm1do you have any /dev/video* devices?02:44
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geeki do02:44
geekivtv0: Registered device video0 for encoder MPEG02:44
geekivtv0: Registered device video32 for encoder YUV02:44
geekivtv0: Registered device vbi0 for encoder VBI02:44
geekivtv0: Registered device video24 for encoder PCM audio02:44
superm1geek, you didn't manually start mythbackend via something like mythbackend -d02:44
superm1did you?02:44
superm1(where it runs as a normal user)02:44
superm1there must be some sort of typo in mythtv-setup then atm02:44
superm1if the devices are there but can't be opened02:44
=== geek running through setup again atm
geeku think it has something to do with Zap2it02:44
geeki can retrieve listings from them02:44
geekare they down?02:44
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geekoh wait i think its retrieving the channels02:45
foxbuntuit can take a minute to grab everything02:45
geekit did i successfully02:45
geeki just finished the setup02:45
geekim gonna try again, wish me luck =\02:45
vladgI'm having trouble booting the new Mythbuntu CD.  X won't start, it says it can't read the V_BIOS.  It's an NVIDIA card.  Has anyone seen this before, can I install from the text console?02:45
superm1vladg, try safe mode02:46
superm1"Safe Graphics Mode"02:46
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vladgYeah, I gave it a shot, still gives me the same error...02:47
=== diakopter is burning mythbuntu-7.10~070702-i386.iso I'm sure I'll have questions in a moment. :)
diakopterum, hrm, oops, I wanted amd64...02:47
superm1diakopter, the amd64 we haven't built alpha 202:49
superm1use the i386 for now if you want to give things a spin :)02:49
geeki remember when i used amd6402:50
diakopterwill the installer on this .iso let me configure software raid & lvm?  it's not a big deal for now...02:50
diakopterI guess I'll find out in a sec02:50
foxbuntuwell superm1 if you did play soo much wii it would have been built by now ;)02:50
superm1diakopter, No and that will be a bit out02:50
superm1because the lvm-by-default spec is a blocker for it02:50
diakopterthat's not a mythbuntu-specific blocker, right?02:51
superm1it shouldnt be a big deal though come 0.21, because of volume groups02:52
superm1well we're an ubuntu derivative02:52
superm1so yes it does become a blocker for us too02:52
diakopterright, I assumed the mythbuntu distribution was gutsy plus some configurator packages02:52
superm1diakopter, well its a bit more than that02:54
superm1custom env02:54
diakoptergotcha; didn't mean to slight anyone.. :)02:54
superm1and custom installer :)02:54
superm1but all our changes go into gutsy02:54
superm1so in a sense you can say its 'gutsy' :)02:55
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diakopteroh good.02:55
diakopterI'd have been worried if it were any other way02:55
geekit just kicked me out again03:03
vladgI managed to get GDM started by changing xorg.conf by hand... hopefully things will go a bit smoother from now on... Thanks for the help, and keep up the great work!03:03
diakopterI've been trying gutsy on this machine a few times - amd64,i386,alternative,expertgui/etc... i've never gotten x to start while nvidia-dvi is connected to my 1920x1280... so we'll see if somehow mythbuntu is more magical.03:03
diakopter1920x1080 I mean03:03
superm1diakopter, it should be somewhat more magical - after install at least03:03
superm1because the xorg generation puts 1920x1080 as an option in addition to nvidia-auto-select03:03
diakopter<whew> that's great news03:03
superm1but thats just after install03:03
diakopterwhen I ran expertgui setup, it was actually in 1920x1080... which was odd.03:03
superm1so if you have trouble with the open source driver03:03
superm1it is what is used during install03:03
diakopterI dunno though, I was trying various combinations of expertgui and acpi=off b/c of this Asus/"vista" mlb03:03
diakopterso we'll see.03:03
diakopterbtw I don't have a tuner; I was going to just use this as a player.03:17
diakopterso, sorry I can't help test that stuff03:17
superm1the player works off live cd mode03:17
superm1so you dont even need to go for a full install03:17
superm1but if you want hidef stuff i'd say do the frontend install03:17
superm1so that you can get the propr driver03:19
diakopterbut my 4 400GB drives demand to be used....03:19
superm1with it03:19
diakopter(I was gonna put xen on it as well - it has lots of ram)03:19
diakopterI figured frontend/backend master, right?03:19
superm1oh this is your first myth box i see03:19
superm1i thought you meant you had a backend already03:19
superm1and this was just a remote frontend03:19
superm1then you do want frontend/backend master right now03:19
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foxbuntusuperm1: get this03:19
foxbuntuthe fun continues03:19
geeki can't figure out why it's not working03:19
foxbuntumy Wii is dead03:19
geeki just got kick again =\03:19
superm1foxbuntu, how?03:19
diakoptersuperm1: yep; it's all 1 box03:19
superm1geek, are you flooding a channel?03:19
geekwhat happened to your Wii?03:19
foxbuntuidk...I just went to turn it on and its dead03:19
geekmy mythtv03:19
foxbuntutried it on several outlets03:19
geekkeeps kicking me out of my xwindows03:19
geekand taking me back to logon screen03:19
foxbuntuno power at all03:19
superm1geek, check out your logs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:19
superm1and ~/.xsession-errors03:19
superm1foxbuntu, how is that possible....?03:19
foxbuntui have no idea03:19
superm1is that front led turning to any colors?03:19
foxbuntuits f*&*in pissing me off though03:19
foxbuntunothing at all03:19
geeki would be pissed too03:19
geekok im checking the logs03:19
foxbuntuno kidding, I just bought like a week ago03:19
foxbuntuomfg...I am so pissed right now03:19
foxbuntuwork today was hell on wheels03:19
geeku have insurance other than manfac warranty?03:19
foxbuntuno...its 7 days old though03:19
foxbuntuand no one in town stocks them03:19
foxbuntuwell enough that I could return it for another03:19
superm1nintendo might be able to send you a new one03:19
superm1if you call03:19
foxbuntubut I have to send it in03:19
diakopterwell here's a stupid user complaint for you ;)03:19
foxbuntuand lose all my game progress03:19
superm1foxbuntu, copy to a sd card03:19
superm1before you send it03:19
superm1and copy the mii's to a wiimote03:19
superm1put a sd card in03:19
diakopterthe plugin choice screen - I can't tell if all of the plugins are preselected, or none of them are... and so forth..03:19
superm1and then go to the settings03:19
superm1and backup all saved games03:19
foxbuntuits dead!03:19
superm1foxbuntu, haha03:19
superm1thats right...03:19
superm1diakopter, they are all preselected03:19
diakopterok then; I guess incorrectly03:19
diakoptersee, told ya I am a stupid user.03:19
superm1diakopter, it is a bit hard to see03:19
superm1i think we should add checkmarks, not just lit up buttons03:19
diakopteror at least a counter that remarks how many are currently selected.03:19
superm1well across the board, the theme has little things like this that need to be improved upon03:19
foxbuntutheme work?03:19
=== diakopter suggests adding vsftpd to the "choose additional services" screen
diakopter(unless it's installed/enabled by default already)03:19
superm1diakopter, No ftp isn't turned on or on there yet, but its an idea03:19
foxbuntusend me screen shots superm1 of what is hard to see so I can find a way to clean it up03:19
superm1foxbuntu, run alpha 2 and take a look at the plugins screen and FF03:23
diakopter(I'd much rather use sftp to transfer stuff on my home lan... samba is way too scary)03:23
superm1i dont have an alpha 2 iso handy any more03:23
superm1since i started work on 303:23
superm1diakopter, sftp works via ssh already03:31
superm1so if you enable the ssh service, you have sftp03:31
superm1and is samba scary in the respect of configuration?03:31
superm1(because thats handled for you)03:31
superm1during install03:31
diakopterright, but my question was if vsftpd is installed03:31
superm1i guess what's the advantage of vsftpd over the sftp offered via openssh-server?03:31
diakopterno, the security/authentication/encryption.  I mean, this box's connection to my router is wifi.  even though I use wpa2 and mac-address restriction, those can be defeated.  Oh... I didn't realize sftp was built into openssh-server03:33
diakopterpartman found the raid partitions, but didn't find the md devices and lvm groups/volumes that are already there. :/ oh well03:35
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=== geek is now known as geek_pclos
diakopteran impasse: no matter what I choose in the 'create partition' screen, it tells me, "Can't have the end before the start"03:35
diakopteroh well, I'll just back up and choose guided for now...03:35
superm1You may have hit a ubiquity bug here.03:35
superm1since this is a customized frontend, it still uses standard ubuntu partman03:35
superm1to set up that sort of thing03:35
diakopterit seems to think Guided will work...03:35
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foxbuntusuperm1: man...it looks like lots of people have been having problems with the Wii freaking out like this03:35
superm1how do you qualify that?03:35
superm1a few people who post on the forums?03:35
superm1* you have to remember that people with a functioning system won't post "yippee look at me my box works"03:35
foxbuntuthere are alot of forums coming up on google for it03:35
diakopterinstaller crashed03:35
foxbuntuok...so its a fraction but still03:35
superm1diakopter, where at?03:35
foxbuntufigures with all my other crap it happens o me03:35
diakopterat the point where it tried to use a non-existent network connection :D03:35
superm1but of course :)03:35
diakopterI mean to say, I guess I missed the instructions where it said it must have 'net connectivity to install.03:35
superm1well it wasn't in the docs that don't exist yet :)03:35
superm1that actually will be resolved during alpha 3 - an on cd repository will be included03:35
superm1there are about 5 possible packages that get installed during the install03:35
superm1is there any way you can do it with the web plugged in ?03:35
diakopteryep; nat/routing via my mbp03:35
diakopter(if I had only known....) ;)03:36
foxbuntusuperm1: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA the wii came back to LIFE!!....ITS ALIVE!!! MUWHAAA03:36
superm1foxbuntu, did you forget to plug it in :)03:36
diakopterfoxbuntu: name it Johnny5...?03:36
geek_pclosmaybe overheated b4?03:37
geek_pclosmay outlet was off?03:37
foxbuntuno...its got this saftey switch in the power adapter that gets triped on a surge and you have to leave it unplugged for like 15 mins and it will reset03:37
foxbuntuyou know...thats a pretty good nickname for it03:38
geek_pclosim glad its working again03:38
foxbuntuI need give it a good name03:38
foxbuntuJohny 5 is ALIVE03:38
geek_pclosi think i might have found the problem with my mythtv kicking me back to the logon screen03:38
foxbuntui feel dirty from the 80's movie triva03:38
superm1geek_pclos, what was it?03:38
foxbuntutime to play with Johny 503:39
foxbuntuback later03:40
geek_pclosXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":93.0"03:40
geek_pclosthats what it says03:40
superm1geek_pclos, do you have Xgl on?03:40
superm1or something to that effect?03:40
geek_pclosXgl? i forget what that is03:41
geek_pclosi have any ATI card03:41
superm1for compiz/beryl/compiz fusion03:41
geek_pclosyea it03:41
superm1that is what's messing things up03:41
geek_pclosyea i remember xgl is on03:41
superm1mythtv and Xgl don't get along very well03:41
geek_pclosim using beryl03:41
superm1i remember learning that first hand when Xgl was first announced03:41
superm1the workaround03:42
superm1is to launch mythfrontend on display :003:42
superm1rather than in the Xgl session03:42
superm1but you're going to run into a long slew of other messy things03:42
superm1which at one point i had a guide for03:42
superm1that was very lengthy03:42
geek_pcloswhat if i just turn xgl off?03:43
superm1but stopped maintaining since mid edgy03:43
superm1if you turn off xgl03:43
superm1and log into a normal sessin03:43
superm1things should be fine03:43
geek_pcloskk brb03:43
=== diakopter gives up trying to /etc/init.d/networking restart and reboots from the cd
foxbuntusuperm1: i got your mii finally...i set mine to travel too03:47
foxbuntui  sent him too03:48
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geek_Pclosi get to channel guide and there is picture with the current channel03:49
geek_Pclosin the top right03:49
geek_Pclosbut it is in black and white03:49
geek_Pclosand when i checked the terminal window it said the adevice failed to open but i know how to change the adevice so its just the black and which and also how to i change the channel? it just kept asking me if i want to record =\03:50
geek_Pclosim gonna try messing with my card some more03:54
geek_Pclosswitching to v4l drivers and using composite03:54
=== Madhatter349 [n=Madhatte@ool-457b3109.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Madhatter349r there any sample databases i could connect to , to test03:56
diakopter<sigh> the automated installer froze on 'who are you' - mouse moves, clicks/keypresses have no effect.03:58
geek_Pcloshey guys04:01
geek_Pcloshow do i change the audio device used for mythtv04:01
geek_Pclosit says04:01
geek_PclosError opening audio device (/dev/adsp), the error was: Invalid argument04:01
geek_Pclosin the window04:01
geek_Pclosso atm i can't hear any sound04:02
geek_PclosVideoOutputXv: XvMCTex: Init failed04:14
geek_Pclos2007-07-09 22:12:49.974 VideoOutputXv: XVideo Adaptor Name: 'ATI Radeon Video Overlay'04:14
geek_Pclosdang it04:14
geek_Pclosthats probably why i can only see black and white04:14
geek_Pclosnow i can't even listen to music04:18
geek_Pcloswhen i try to use amarok it says04:18
geek_Pclosxine was unable to open audio drivers04:18
geek_Pclosdamn ati card04:18
=== diakopter tries the automated install again
diakopterboy, that's much better/faster.  I don't think debian has ever installed so quickly.04:34
diakopteraw drat, it happened again04:37
diakopteron the "Configure Guide Data/Backend" screen.04:37
foxbuntusuperm1: I got my Wii fitness test down to 21 tonight04:45
=== geek [n=geek@ool-4354af97.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
geekwhy is my myth tv only black and white04:46
geekis there any way to fix this problem04:46
geeki have an ati card04:46
geekdoes myth have problems with ati cards?04:46
foxbuntublack and white in tv?04:47
foxbuntusuperm1: are you still here?04:48
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geekdoes anyone know why?04:49
geekmy mythtv is only black and white04:49
geekdoes myth have known problems with ati cards?04:49
geeki have the ati X80004:50
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geekanyone here?05:02
diakopteri am05:03
diakopterbut I'm no help...05:03
geekdo u use mythtv?05:04
diakopternot yet :)05:08
diakopterstill struggling to get it installed05:08
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=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
RAOFHey, are there any plans for an x86-64 mythbuntu iso?  Transcoding gets a big boost from the extra registers.05:17
tgm4883RAOF, There was one made pre alpha 105:28
tgm4883So I think there are plans for it, although im not sure the status05:28
RAOFYeah, I was just wondering if there's going to be an alpha 2 one05:28
tgm4883I need to remember who made it05:29
tgm4883DaveMorris, did you make the 64-bit ubuntu disk or was it Daviey?05:29
RAOFSince it's all running on ububtu repositories (right?) there should be no problems past the initial install,05:29
tgm4883It should just be a matter of making the disk05:31
tgm4883although mythbuntu does have it's own repo05:31
tgm4883im not sure how it is going to be handled though once gutsy is released05:31
RAOFOk.  But there are up05:32
RAOFto date x86-64 packages in the repos, right?05:33
tgm4883for mythbuntu?05:33
tgm4883should be05:34
tgm4883superm1, does the dual layer dvd problem we were talking about a few days ago apply to making the image to burn, or burning the image?  IE, can I tell mytharchive to make a dual layer iso and burn it as a later time?05:37
tgm4883geek_pclos, where are you located?05:42
RAOFOk, so now I just need to work out how to build an install cd :)05:43
tgm4883where do you get a mpeg 2 transport stream demuxer?06:05
RAOFIn gstreamer?06:09
RAOFTrade you a "how to build an x86-64 install cd" for a mpeg2 TS demuxer :)06:10
OpenMediaProjectX rocks for a Java application.06:11
RAOFtgm4883: But what, exactly, are you aiming to do?  ffmpeg should be able to handle it, regardless06:11
OpenMediaGreat at fixing stream errors and timing issues06:11
tgm4883Well, the end result is me being able to archive shows at my desktop06:12
tgm4883but I can't even download the shows and watch them on my desktop06:13
tgm4883I would guess it is because I have totem-xine and not totem-gstreamer06:13
RAOFtgm4883: You probably want libxine-ffmped06:13
RAOFSince I can actually just feed ffmpeg with /dev/dvb stuff :)06:14
tgm4883hmm, cant find a libxine=ffmped06:15
RAOFHow about what I meant: libxine-ffmpeg :)06:16
tgm4883that what i thought, and its already installed06:16
tgm4883im thinking once i can watch it on my desktop I will be able to archive it06:17
RAOFHm.  Do you have ffmpeg installed?  You could try running it on the file.06:17
tgm4883im getting an unable to open source file error06:17
tgm4883ffmpeg show.mpg?06:18
RAOFffmpeg -i show.mpf06:19
RAOFffmpeg -i show.mpg06:19
tgm4883sweet, whats that do?06:20
RAOFThat gets ffmpeg to parse the file, then error out because you haven't told it to do anything :)06:21
tgm4883well it looks like it did that06:21
tgm4883Stream #0.0[0x101] : Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 544x480, 4500 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)06:21
tgm4883  Stream #0.1[0x102] : Audio: ac3, 32000 Hz, stereo, 320 kb/s06:21
RAOFSo, "ffmpeg -i show.mpg -acodec copy -vcodec copy out.mp4" should re-mux (not transcode) to an mpeg 4 container.06:22
tgm4883f me, i do have totem gstreamer installed06:23
RAOFapt-get install gstreamer0.10-* :)06:24
tgm4883that seems like a lot of installing06:25
tgm4883:(, now totem crashes06:26
tgm4883well kinda06:27
tgm4883if i double click the file, totem opens, then closes06:27
tgm4883if i open totem from the command line and add the file, it still there trying to play it (but doesn't)06:28
RAOFhm.  Try ffplay?06:28
tgm4883that works06:29
RAOFtotem/gst bug, it seems06:29
tgm4883sounds like it, let me see if mytharchive works now06:30
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superm1_RAOF, you were wondering about a x86-64 alpha2?06:31
RAOFIndeed.  Just about to ping you :)06:31
tgm4883nope, still can't open source file06:31
RAOFI'll be happy to build it myself, if necessary :)06:31
superm1_RAOF, the only hold up was a 64 bit ubiquity package06:32
=== RAOF should get out of the habit of abusing smilies
superm1_right after alpha 2 though, we merged into ubuntu's ubiquity06:32
superm1_so for alpha 3 it won't be too big of a deal now to make06:32
RAOFAaah, so a daily should work?06:32
superm1_Well dailies broke because of Hobbsee not fixing apt quick enough :)06:33
RAOFAaah, of course.06:33
superm1_Is apt, and adept and synaptic and all fixed as of yet?06:33
superm1_I have been holding off attempting to queue another build06:33
RAOFI think so06:33
superm1_for that reason06:33
tgm4883I heard it was fixed06:33
superm1_well i'll queue up one locally then.06:34
tgm4883Wait, i think i heard that here06:34
RAOFAt least, as long as all the packages have made it through NEW06:34
tgm4883so im not sure if it is or not06:34
superm1_well i'll try here06:34
superm1_RAOF, do you have a 64 bit machine?06:34
superm1_that you'd be able to do a build with?06:34
RAOFYup.  Feel free to ask for building ):06:34
tgm4883I would hope he does06:34
tgm4883Otherwise he may have trouble running it06:35
superm1_ah wonderful.  well i'll get back to you in a bit then to see how this comes along06:35
RAOFYou'll need to tell me how to build the iso, though06:35
superm1_its a pretty simple process actually06:35
superm1_custom script that handles it06:35
superm1_from a bzr branch06:35
tgm4883Well, im off to get some dinner and watch a movie.  Still don't know whats up with the archiving though06:35
RAOFCool.  Shall I queue it up then?  I've got a bunch of downstream bandwidth going begging :)06:36
superm1_well at least checkout the branch06:36
superm1_i'llget you a bzr url06:36
superm1_bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu06:36
geek_pclosi wonder06:36
RAOFWhat, exactly?06:37
RAOFCurse my out of date bzr!  I could be using jml's new smartserver support!06:40
superm1_jml's new smartserver support?06:40
RAOFMakes bzr operations substantially faster06:41
superm1_well this branch unfortunately has had a wealth of binary files in it, so grabbing the whole thing will take ages :(06:42
RAOFRecently rolled out to launchpad06:42
superm1_131 MB according to du -sh06:42
superm1_whereas the total file size on the branch now is < 1006:43
superm1_since bzr doesn't support retiring old versions, we might scrap it in favor of a new branch06:43
superm1_and better control of what gets put into it06:43
RAOFOoh, cool.  It seems feisty's bzr is new enough to support bzr+ssh06:45
superm1so how is that any different than bzr branch sftp:// ?06:47
superm1(that's what i use for branches i own)06:47
=== RAOF watches as #debian spirals into a drug-fuelled orgy
superm1okay it appears that apt is fixed enough to make it past debootstrap06:48
RAOFsuperm1: It's the custom bzr protocol over ssh.  So rather than just copying the files raw over the network, it can optimise06:48
superm1okay so let me republish the ubiquity source package (evand still hasn't merged in my changes from last night)06:48
superm1and then you can build the 64 bit variant of that06:48
RAOFOne mythtv + buildd + webserver + ... coming up :)06:49
superm1see now if imbrandon gets his buildd's sorted out, this won't be happening........06:50
=== superm1 makes a glaring look at imbrandon
RAOFYou mean, the ubuntuwire ones?06:50
RAOFMmm.  Well, you're always welcome to my box as a buildd06:51
superm1watch out, i will likely take you up on that offer :)06:51
RAOFAs long as you don't mind doing it manually, or setting it up for me.06:52
superm1manually not at all -06:52
RAOFEh, I like to help the x86-64 cause06:52
=== RAOF watches bzr spin its wheels
superm1RAOF, for setting up a automatic way of doing things, that would mean a buildd watches for stuff to be dput'ed to it and then build?06:56
superm1i've wondered what sort of daemon needs to be running to handle such thigns06:56
superm1(what LP buildds have and such)06:56
RAOFI'm actually thinking of writing a trivial buildd06:56
superm1something that is a basic frontend for pbuilder?06:57
RAOFIt'd be easy.  A little pyinotify, a little pbuilder...06:57
superm1the scripts out there that are used on the buildds have to be out there somewhere, it can't be that bad to set up06:57
superm1just gotta find the right people to prod to get it going06:58
RAOFThe buildds are a little bit specialised, I thinw06:58
superm1perhaps they use a sbuild variant in a chroot06:58
RAOFThey don't do the pbuilder.  Or sbuild.06:58
RAOFThey do crazy stuff, AFAICT.  I looked into how debian buildds work, and it was mad06:59
superm1you basically have to dedicate a box to handling that and nothing more?06:59
RAOFYes, I think so07:00
superm1okay yesterday's changes are also dependent on today's upload of mythtv and mythplugins - so i wonder if those are published yet07:00
=== superm1 looks
RAOFI should hack something up.  Maybe I'll start now :)07:00
superm1RAOF, okay grab the source package here: http://mythbuntu.org/files/packages/dists/gutsy/mythbuntu/07:02
superm1for ubiquity07:02
superm1that needs to be kicked through a 64 bit pbuilder07:03
RAOFRight.  Presumably a gutsy one07:03
RAOFHooray for dget07:04
superm1you can dget from there?07:05
superm1neat, had no idea.  does that work on most repos with source packages?07:05
RAOFIts a standard repo setup07:05
RAOFYes. As long as the .dsc and other files are in the same directory, I think07:06
superm1awesome.  i'll keep that in mind07:06
superm1i'm putting off moving that repo to falcon 2 yet07:06
RAOFWhy?  Although my repo is also not on falcon 2 yet, either07:07
superm1the config doesnt automatically move over07:07
superm1so it has to be reconfigured07:07
superm1and its not as easy to keep several configs on one machine07:07
superm1from what it appears07:07
RAOFOooh. Right.07:07
superm1i have probably 5 falcon.ini's in /etc that i normally maintain 5 different places07:08
superm1so thats bad for me07:08
RAOFYeah.  I have just the one.07:08
superm1okay it appears if you do the build using mirror.imbrandon.com, the newer mythtv and mythplugins managed to publish there.  the default cs.umn.edu mirror hasn't got them yet07:09
RAOFAnd how will I fandangle the ubiquity in there?07:11
superm1well either you'll get that to me and i'll get it on mythbuntu.org (its an alternate source during the build process)07:11
superm1or i'll get you an acct on mythbuntu.org to drop it in with07:11
RAOFAh, fair enough.07:12
RAOFbzr still spins its wheels...07:12
RAOFsuperm1: Right.  One amd64 ubiquity package built.  Where do you want it?07:18
superm1wow that was quick.  my thinkpad must be slow at building the i386 ones.  can you put it somewhere that i can just wget it in place?07:19
superm1it will take a bit to work out the symantics of setting up an acct otherwise07:19
RAOFsuperm1: ^^^07:21
superm1Okay wget'ing as we speak07:22
superm1alright they are in place.  so now when your ready to start the build script let me know07:23
RAOFCertainly.  Just waiting on bzr07:24
superm1perhaps a bzr co --lightweight07:24
superm1might be a better idea07:24
superm1it grabs just the latest revision i think07:25
RAOFHm.  Maybe.07:25
superm1or at least try that in parallel07:25
RAOFWow.  Lightweight's not much faster than full, it seems07:37
superm1crazy bzr.07:37
superm1this was brought up at jam's talk on bzr07:38
superm1at CoDLUG07:38
superm1two weeks ago07:38
superm1and he said that it will be addressed in the coming revisions, but their priority right now has been merging accuracy and intelligence07:38
RAOFWhich is fair enough07:39
superm1how big is the directory your pulling into thus far?  (you can gauge how far along you are)07:40
superm1i can tar.gz up the build scripts and send htem to you quicker then07:43
superm1i'll do that07:43
superm1you can let this finish for future usage07:43
superm1but for now use the tar.gz i'll make07:43
superm1can you accept DCCs?07:44
RAOFI dunno :)07:45
RAOFWant to try?  This is irssi07:45
superm1it appears no07:45
superm1'll throw them in my webspace07:45
RAOFAh, but I am behing a router07:45
RAOFStupid nat07:46
superm1okay once you extract that, you run it by doing these sorts of things:07:47
superm1BASE_MIRROR='http://mirror.imbrandon.com/ubuntu/' sudo sh ./mythbuntu_install.sh07:47
superm1look it over and see if there are any env variables you want to override07:48
superm1but it will basically make a chroot in /tmp/mythbuntu_iso07:48
superm1and build the live disk in that07:48
superm1and generate an ISO placing it where you want to have it show up07:48
RAOFRight.  Cool07:48
superm1i don't know which mirrors have the newer myth packages other than imbrandon's, so i'd say just use his07:49
superm1this is the first build including the cdrepository stuff too - so i'm not sure that is going to work right - the build that i'm running right now hasn't gotten to that code yet07:50
superm1but its written modular enough that if it fails with it in, you can pass something like CDREPOSITORY="no"07:50
superm1as an env variable07:50
superm1and its overridden07:50
RAOFIs the debootstrap from feisty-upgrades/backports enough?07:53
superm1Hm i'm not positive07:53
superm1you'll see on the run through :)07:53
superm1i just grabbed the one from gutsy07:53
superm1and installed it on a feisty box07:53
superm1okay the cd repository stuff doesn't work as of yet, but it doesn't kill the build - just that part of it won't do anything yet07:58
RAOFAnd the answer is "Yes, the -updates or -backports debootstrap is sufficient"07:59
superm1okay that's good to know07:59
RAOFHeh.  imbrandon's mirror manages a paltry 400kb/s :)08:08
imbrandonmy mirror just rsync's from the main mirror every 2 hours08:08
imbrandonRAOF, i get 900kb/s from it ;)08:08
RAOFOh, so why was I recommended to use your mirror again?08:09
superm1because i know that it has the mythtv/mythplugins packages from tonight08:09
RAOFI suppose it is further away for me.08:09
superm1i'm not sure what other mirrors have synced yet08:09
=== RAOF tries building again, this time in /var/cache which has more than 500mb free
superm1didn't see the warning at the top :)08:35
superm1you can set it not to clean up the old changes if you want08:36
superm1so you dont have to redo the *whole* thing08:36
RAOFSeems to be almost done anyway08:37
RAOFBelay that. Wow, it does quite a lot of work to build the cd!08:47
superm1the process is getting easier and easier though as more and more parts are moved into debian packages08:47
RAOFsuperm1: Bah.  It failed at the last step08:59
superm1during which step?08:59
RAOFmv: cannot move `/var/cache/mythbuntu_iso/home/remastersys/mythbuntu.iso' to `/var/cache/mythbuntu_isos/result/mythbuntu-7.10~070710-amd64.iso': No such file or directory08:59
superm1oh thats ok09:00
superm1the iso is still generated09:00
superm1if you don't have that directory, /var/cache/mythbuntu_isos/result09:00
superm1then it can't move it there :)09:00
RAOFYeah, I see now09:00
superm1its in /tmp/mythbuntu_iso/home/remastersys/mythbuntu.iso i believe09:00
RAOFYes, it is09:00
superm1it should be between 387-460 mb or so09:01
superm1great :)09:01
RAOFWant me to put that somewhere world-visible?09:01
superm1I'd prefer to get the cd repository code fixed first -09:02
superm1so no rush as of yet09:02
superm1but the process is down now, and you have your iso to play with :)09:02
RAOFOk.  But that should work to install :)09:02
superm1during install - there are two gui elements in the installer that won't do anything yet09:03
superm1the lirc page09:03
superm1and the tuner selection09:03
superm1everything else is active09:03
RAOFCool.  I suppose I get to plug in my LCD rather than the TV for install09:03
superm1well depends on if your TV shows a display using the open source drivers09:04
superm1(my tv does)09:04
RAOFCool.  Well, we can see how well the nv drivers handle TV out on a 6600GT09:04
superm1during install you will be given an option to activate the proprietary driver for post install too09:05
superm1and configure tv out if your interested09:05
RAOFIs that going to install the -new drivers?09:05
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superm1RAOF, i'm gonna get to bed.  hopefully things work out as expected with the install - i just ran through my local build, and one more thing is needed on the mythweb yet, and the gdm theme after install is coming up wrong - but nothing else for me.09:45
=== geek_pclos [n=geek@ool-4354af97.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
geek_pclosanyone still around?10:33
geek_pclosfoxbuntu ya there10:33
geek_pclosi reinstalled the OS and now am following step by step for getting ATI cards to work with PVR 150 in Mythtv10:34
geek_pclosbrb more configuring and rebooting to be done10:34
=== geek_pclos looks at the time and drinks another energy drink
RAOFsuperm1: Thanks11:05
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DaveMorriswhats the name of the CMS that is running on mythbuntu.org ?02:00
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superm1DaveMorris, drupal03:53
DaveMorrisdid Daviey tell you what he found out at LRL07 concerning mythtv ?03:56
superm1a release date!03:57
superm1of 0.2103:57
superm1a not so good one though....03:58
DaveMorrismy suggestion was .20-fixes branch for ubuntu, trunk then 0.21 branch for mythbuntu03:58
superm1only problem is i see it a wii bit dangerous04:00
DaveMorriswhat do you think?04:00
DaveMorriswell we can release mythbuntu a week after .2104:00
DaveMorriswhat ever we do ubuntu will be 6 months behind04:00
superm1well october was just a "target"04:00
superm1so it can still work very much so in our favor04:01
superm1or way against it04:01
DaveMorrisI was thinking the other day, if it would be possible to auto package trunk every week and allow people who want it to run it, but we strongly suggest they run .20-fixes04:01
superm1well my auto packaging script has support to do that for trunk already04:02
superm1but there has been discussion whether or not its a good idea to do04:02
DaveMorriswill ubuntu guys allow it though?04:02
DaveMorrismaybe calling it mythtv-bleeding-edge04:02
superm1well it wouldnt be going into ubuntu then04:02
superm1it would stick on mythbuntu.org04:03
superm1if it was auto packaged weekly04:03
DaveMorrisyeah, but people can add the repo to the ubuntu install04:03
superm1the argument against it was that it is too easy for unrepairable breakage04:04
superm1whereas the 0.20-fixes repo on mythbuntu.org can work to our advantage in terms of bug fixing / reporting04:05
DaveMorriscan't we just say, here it is, no support04:05
DaveMorrisjust makes it that bit easier for the people that want bleeding edge rather than having to compile it04:06
superm1well yes it does - i agree there04:06
DaveMorrisand they can easily get the updates, would help iron out problems and make it easier for developers to get the newer version tested04:07
superm1compiling is usually the big deterrent for people who shouldnt be on trunk from using it though too04:07
DaveMorrisalso stops people like me running trunk on a test box, because I'm too busy to be compiling it all the time04:08
DaveMorrisor lazy04:08
DaveMorrisme as well04:08
superm1well perhaps this04:09
superm1if the trunk packaging is installed04:09
superm1and it detects an existing database04:10
superm1offer to back it up04:10
DaveMorrisyep, sounds good04:10
superm1well laga needs to merge in my changes to his branches then04:11
superm1anyhow i need to take off for a bit here.  DaveMorris could you respond to my mail about lirc and what you think?04:12
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lagayep, i do need to merge those changes :(06:05
kruulihey guys06:10
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lagahi kruuli06:21
ubotuNew bug: #125082 in mythplugins (multiverse) "typo in mythweb debconf prompt" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12508207:20
=== jose__ [n=jose@pool-71-113-61-197.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== superm1 [i=malimonc@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
lagaembarrassing typo07:42
lagai thought it had to be that way:(07:43
superm1haha.  i'll fix it in the next upload07:58
superm1i read right past it07:58
superm1there are a few other odds and ends that need to be fixed yet too regarding debhelper tags07:59
superm1that need to be sorted07:59
superm1laga, could you merge my changes back into those trunk branches though07:59
superm1then we can experiment with the automatic trunk building07:59
lagasure, i'll try to get it done till thursday evening (UTC + 0200)08:00
lagas/till/until/ ?08:01
superm1as in you're going to start, and work until thur, utc+2?08:01
superm1for some reason that statement just didn't read right08:02
lagai was given an award because i was the best in english in my graduating class. i feel embarrassed now ;)08:02
lagasuperm1: i#ll have it finished by then hopefully08:02
superm1haha.  ah okay.  that makes much more sense08:02
superm1thats what i thought you meant08:02
superm1but couldnt be sure08:02
superm1laga, the one thing that might not cleanly translate is that mythtv_0.20.1.sql08:06
superm1you can give it a shot, but i'm not sure if additional $stuff is added to the sql table from the first run of mythtv-setup08:06
superm1in 0.2108:06
lagai'll have to try that08:06
superm1if nothing else, i can explain to you how i generated it08:07
superm1its not too bad08:07
lagai'll give it a try08:08
superm1ideally its supposed to let you run mythfrontend without having to run mythtv-setup08:08
superm1unless you want to add tuners08:08
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@dyn-124-244.wou.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883slightly off topic, but does anyone know the differences between ubuntu and gobuntu?  I might be missing something but they appear to have the same philosophy10:24
superm1tgm4883, it won't include nonfree hardware support10:35
superm1and nonfree software10:35
superm1nonfree software can be included in ubuntu repositories currently10:35
tgm4883otherwise its the same?10:36
superm1an example would be atheros chipsets10:36
superm1they need a piece of firmware to operate10:36
superm1which is shipped with ubuntu10:36
superm1whereas gobuntu won't support such things10:36
superm1this introduction of gobuntu will probably help ompaul and the other gnewsense guys very much10:37
superm1less duplication on their parts10:37
tgm4883Are their any plans to take ubuntu and add more closed source things by default now that they will have gobuntu?10:38
tgm4883ie, flash, mp3, dvd10:38
superm1my gut would say no10:39
superm1because those require additional licensing10:39
superm1that ubuntu doesn't have atm10:39
tgm4883adding specific repos to gobuntu also wouldn't allow the addition of non free software?10:40
superm1well if your using gobuntu, your likely pretty hard core about free software10:40
superm1so i dont see why you would do that10:41
tgm4883me neither, but you could in theory?10:41
superm1i mean it will still be binary compatible with ubuntu i'd think10:41
superm1within the same release cycle10:41
tgm4883ok, so it's more like kubuntu, xubuntu in the respect it's just an altered version of whats included in the installation10:42
=== tgm4883 got all excited when he saw the name gobuntu, thought it was a pre release of mobile ubuntu
=== tgm4883 :(
superm1well just the same, i imagine that mobile ubuntu will be binary compatible with ubuntu10:44
superm1in the same release10:44
superm1so the development happening for it will help all ubuntu releases10:44
tgm4883on a seperate note thats a little more on topic, I thought you had to have xwindows to setup mythtv10:44
superm1just the same as anyone can install the mythbuntu packages on a normal ubuntu release10:44
superm1yes you do10:44
tgm4883well i've responded to this guy ina thread, (who for the most part is being an ass), and asked him how he did it10:45
tgm4883" I brought up my entire Myth box without even bothering to install Xwindows"10:45
tgm4883I didn't think you could, but thought I would ask10:45
superm1well you could10:46
superm1if you did mythtv-setup remotely10:46
superm1via x-forwarding10:46
superm1you need it at some point though10:46
superm1on some box10:46
tgm4883but wouldn't you still have to install X?10:47
lagayou will still need the xlibs10:47
superm1only on the box you forward to10:47
tgm4883oh i thought you had to have it on the main box10:47
ompaulsuperm1, from talking with colin I think that gobuntu will not do the kernel hacks we do11:03
ompaulbut it will be great to have more eyes looking at the top level stuff11:03
superm1ompaul, what sort of kernel hacks are you guys up to?11:04
ompaulremoving things that rational people would leave in11:04
ompaulblobs where there is GPL but we see them as not editable11:04
=== ompaul can be a little extreme at times
superm1i gathered that a while ago :)11:05
superm1when you say you dont seem them as editable, what does that mean?11:05
ompaulwhere there is binary, let there be source11:09
superm1could you show an example of where there is a binary file in the kernel that is GPL?11:10
superm1ompaul, ^?11:22
ompauljust a sec11:23
ompaulremember that is the11:25
ompaulbased on dapper11:25
ompaulnewer work in not in the public domain11:25
ompaulcos no one documented it (ARRRRR)11:25
lagait lists "drivers/media/dvb/frontends/tda10021.c"11:25
lagamy dvb card would work really well with that kernel ;)11:25
ompaulso there ya go11:26
superm1a lot of these looks like headers for firmware loaders if anything11:26
ompaulwe are making a point of what needs to have drivers written in a way that works11:26
superm1( i dont have kernel source right in front of me, but that is what i would see them to be at a glance)11:26
ompaulwell what happens is you go into the file11:27
ompauland it looks okay11:27
lagai've gotta run. have a nice day11:27
ompaulthen you get11:27
superm1cya laga11:27
ompaul323bits in a row and you look11:27
ompauland you see that is not c code11:27
ompaulin fact it is not asm11:27
ompaulso you shoot it11:27
superm1oh i see11:27
superm1even stuff like e100 has such things.  crazy11:28
superm1you must have spent ages to go through such a sweep11:28
superm1over the kernel11:28
superm1ompaul, ah i see, the microcode listed here http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au/lxr/source/drivers/net/e100.c11:30
ompaulnow your lokoing11:30
ompaulwhen that happened we got a better kernel there was a clash between e10** drivers11:31
superm1ompaul, then what is your take to loading new revision of microcode for hardware11:32
superm1say intel releases a new microcode11:32
superm1for your cpu11:32
superm1where of course it was preprogrammed with somtehing you couldn't modify11:32
superm1so how is loading the new microcode any different11:32
ompaulso intel stops working11:32
ompaulnow if it was amd I would have lots of problems11:33
ompaulbut if it was amd11:33
superm1so the approach then becomes support them and their binary microcode shipped on the product - until a new microcode is introduced?11:33
ompaulthen I have a point made11:33
ompaulthat is the current kernel stance11:33
ompaulimagine if we had in our first run not made a compilable system11:34
superm1so even as extreme as you are, it must be taken with a grain of salt11:34
ompaulcos what is happening is that we are having micocode dropped on us11:34
ompaulwe don't need it11:34
ompaulmanage the exceptions11:35
superm1well what if your (un)fortunate enough to have a core211:35
ompaulnow put on a paranoid hat11:35
ompauland work out what is in that binary blob?11:35
ompauldo you really trust it?11:35
ompaulyou sure as hell can't change it11:36
superm1well that depends, i already had to trust the binary blob that came on the product11:36
superm1so i must have developed some initial trust with the company11:36
ompaulat a linux kernel level11:36
ompaulyou should be able to change stuff11:36
ompauland companies to work well with the kernel should provide C or build the card for .50c more11:37
superm1(or asm)11:37
ompaulthere are a litany of ways to read it11:37
ompaulasm is good11:37
ompaulnot as nice as C11:37
ompaulbut good none the less11:37
ompaulthe short cut of "I am only populating an array" is great when you get a couple of k of this stuff11:38
ompaulyeah what are you populating it with11:38
superm1so how in depth is gobuntu really going to be then?11:39
superm1when you say they aren't adapting all of your changes11:39
=== druid_ [n=druid@d54C23D7A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
ompaulso they are doing the zero restricted11:42
ompaulthis will clean up some of the stuff we start with11:42
ompaulthis means we are more like kernel.org11:42
ompaulso then11:42
ompaulthey are not doing multiverse11:43
ompaulso this will be nice11:43
ompaulbut then these are minor changes for us11:43
ompaulthey have the rights to firefox11:43
ompaulbut I don't think they are going to cull it although it has freedom issues as it downloads non free extentions11:44
ompaulso we culled it and called  it burning dog11:44
ompaulgutted it a fair bit11:44
ompauland of course unless they put emacs in main can we call it free11:44
=== ompaul runs
superm1emacs isn't in main?11:45
superm1500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages11:45
ompaulsorry on the disk11:51
superm1okay i've gotta run for a few.  have a good one ompaul11:52
kruulihum .. cant schedule recordings anymore11:54
kruuliit does not show in "upcoming recordings"11:55
kruulitryed the optimize db with no luck11:55
kruuliit does not give me any error .. just shows nothing under upcoming recordings .. the ones i had are gone and new one does not stick11:56
kruuliany tip? :)11:56
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-71-193-247-144.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
kruulidoes show under recording schedule :o11:57
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