
=== gouki [n=gouki@ubuntu/member/gouki] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu09:58
Myrttiwhat's going on09:59
MyrttiI can't see anything mischevious09:59
Hobbseelooks very much like bots09:59
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotudawn`chorus called the ops in #ubuntu10:05
Hobbseewho took the turkish/spanish banforward to here out?10:15
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, bur[n] er said: !compiz-fusion is to install compiz-fusion (beryl & compiz merge): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion10:18
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@unaffiliated/burner] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bur[n] er!compiz-fusion] 10:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion]  - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
bur[n] er!compiz-fusion10:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
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ubotuJimQode_ called the ops in #ubuntu11:50
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ubotushiester_miester called the ops in #ubuntu12:08
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ubotuIn ubotu, Smotang said: what is python01:45
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ubotuPici called the ops in #ubuntu07:15
ubotucheesesticks101 called the ops in #ubuntu07:15
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Picineeed an op asap in #ubuntu07:16
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PiciDid anyone else see that in ubuntu?07:17
crdlbsomebody should really ban *!*ParrotBo*@* :)07:18
Pici cheesesticks101 (n=ParrotBo@12-227-168-104.client.mchsi.com)07:18
=== PriceChild looks
Picibob, pewbert, elekfs have all been warned a few times fyi07:28
PriceChild*warns each once just in case*07:29
PriceChildand there goes bob07:31
PriceChildI think he chickened out with none of his friends perhaps?07:31
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PriceChildhehe in pm, pewbert is calling me a newb etc. seen as i'm on ubuntu... he's using mIRC!!!07:32
=== GazzaK giggles
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:33
ompaulPriceChild, :)07:33
ompaulthat rocks07:33
ompaulPriceChild, you should look for some help from him then07:33
PriceChildEveryone knows I need it...07:33
effie_jayxI once saw someone call Seveas a noob...07:34
ompaulPriceChild, how evil do you want to be?07:34
Picieffie_jayx: What happened to them?07:34
PriceChildompaul, hmm?07:34
effie_jayxPici, DOOM ;)07:35
ompaulPici, you don't want to know07:35
GazzaKI called seveas a N00B once :p  after he tested his kicking skillz on me :p07:35
ompaulPriceChild, drop some source code in some cut and paste accident  into pm window - networking kernel stuff :)07:36
PriceChildHe's not responding any more :(07:36
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PriceChildops stick together GazzaK :P07:36
ompaulGazzaK, that was funny :)07:36
GazzaKyou're such a n00b ompaul :-D07:37
ompaulGazzaK, I pity you by proxy07:37
effie_jayxchill guys... we are begining to look like ubuntu-offtopic ;)07:37
ompaul effie_jayx we are very offtopic :)07:37
effie_jayxalrighty then....07:38
=== ompaul is in a funny humour
=== effie_jayx hands ompaul the doughnuts
ompaulI can't eat them07:38
ompaulI can throw them :07:38
lamalexdon't waste perfectly good doughnuts07:38
ompaulI just had a horrific thought07:40
ompaulI'll keep it to myself :)07:40
ompaulfoie gras08:08
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ubotuilikec0ws called the ops in #ubuntu09:40
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Priceyhmm that's the 4th time lately someone has joined #ubuntu, typed "# Appears as <something>".... and yes11:30
mneptokMS Conic Chat11:30
PriceyPardon? :s11:30
mneptokit's an Micorsoft Comic Chat-ism11:32
Priceyand again...11:32
Priceythanks mneptok11:33
mneptokthe most horrid thing Microsoft has ever done to IRC11:34
crdlbLOL that's hilarious11:35
mneptokcrdlb: only because you're looking at it 10 years into the rear-view mirror11:35
Picithe realname of that user sounds familiar..11:38
Pici"New Now Know How"11:38
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mc44iz chatzilla11:39
=== gnomefreak unbanned that name because it bans all chatzilla please find another way to ban him if that is his nick/realname/whatever it is
=== gnomefreak gone for the night have fun :)
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PriceyHi gasbag, how can we help?12:16

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