
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternaloi oi12:45
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jjesseeverfyone leave?03:08
jjessei think they saw me comming03:08
nixternalasp.net class was actually kind of interesting tonight....I have created a Yahoo like web portal, where you can drag and move stuff around anywhere you would like03:12
nixternalI thought that was an Ajax only type deal03:12
jjessethat's cool03:13
jjessei'm bored tonight03:14
jjessedid you see the vidoe of the guy blending an iphone?03:15
nixternalhahahahahah, I just seen that about 4 hours ago on youtube03:15
jjesselooks like a release of speedcrunch is july 25th03:18
jjessefor whoever tracks that package03:18
nixternalwhoever gets to it first :)03:21
jjessenixternal: have you taken the LPI-C exam yet?03:32
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nixternalryanakca: you just had to ask about C++ on a "Gnome majority" planet didn' you? :)06:03
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LureTonio_: hi09:51
LureTonio_: will you fix n-m again (gnome depends)?09:51
Tonio_Lure: yep, probably today09:53
LureTonio_: great!09:53
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Tonio_mhb: ping ? ;)10:19
RiddellScottK: no idea about buildds and memory10:22
Riddelltry #canonical-sysadmin10:23
RiddellScottK: not sure if there's any restriction on dapper-backports, you'd have to ask jdong, but in principle if you compile and test it I can do the archive admin bits to put it in10:24
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Tonio_Riddell: just fixing network-manager so that we'll get rid of gnome deps11:08
Tonio_Riddell: that's on bzr atm, just waiting for asac to review and add he's own changes11:10
Tonio_allee: ping ?11:17
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kwwiiif anyone is interested (or even here), I put an idea for a desktop wallpaper at http://sinecera.de/test.png12:00
_StefanS_kwwii: seems nice12:02
kwwiiand a screenshot with window decoration changes at http://sinecera.de/screen1.png12:02
Riddellkwwii: do you have that in 1920 x 1440?  or SVG12:02
_StefanS_kwwii: nicer cooler than the current wallpaper12:02
_StefanS_argh :D12:03
Riddellcolour? :)12:03
_StefanS_whatever :D12:03
Riddell_StefanS_: fancy integrating it into kubuntu-default-settings?12:03
kwwiithe SVG is at http://sinecera.de/gutsy_kubuntu.svg12:03
_StefanS_Riddell: sounds like work ? :)12:03
_StefanS_kwwii: seems like kde doesn't like the svg12:04
kwwii_StefanS_: yeah, kde sucks at rendering SVGs - I made it with inkscape12:06
_StefanS_kwwii: so how should it be put into the kubuntu-default-settings?12:07
_StefanS_kwwii: resolution wise12:08
kwwiiwe should render it bigger, give me a while and I will take care of it12:08
Riddellcurrent one is 1920 x 144012:09
Riddellpretty easy to export it from inkscape12:09
_StefanS_yep I know, but it was the resolution that I didn't know12:09
_StefanS_maybe the new one is too SuSE like ... .12:09
_StefanS_looks like SuSe blue :)12:09
kwwiilol, suse blue12:13
kwwiiI have no worries about anyone saying that my artwork looks like the suse artwork12:13
kwwiiactually, this background uses only colors from the kubuntu logo12:13
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Tonio_allee: I've done a few fixes to the alioth kbluetooth packaging, ping when arround, I'd like to merge the changes01:13
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/GutsyColor.kcsrc is the new colors to match the wallpaper btw01:19
kwwiiI'll post new gradients for the window deco after lunch ;-)01:20
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for the answers.01:23
Tonio_kwwii: hey :) 404 error on your link01:40
kwwiihehe, permission problems, fixed now01:41
Tonio_oki ;)01:43
kwwiithe window decoration gradients are at http://sinecera.de/window-decoration-gradient1.png and http://sinecera.de/window-decoration-gradient_inactive.png01:43
Tonio_kwwii want the new artwork to be included in kds ? I can do that toonight if needed01:43
RiddellTonio_: yes please01:43
Tonio_Riddell: oki :)01:43
kwwiiTonio_: YES!!! thanks :-)01:43
Tonio_kwwii need me to create the png wallpapers or will you do it ?01:44
Tonio_wow, that's very......... blue !01:46
Tonio_kwwii I promiss not to bug you with green this time ;)01:46
Tonio_kwwii where is the inactive gradient supposed to be used ?01:52
Tonio_kwwii can't find he file in the kds source package01:52
Riddellit's in kwin-crystal01:54
Tonio_Riddell: okay01:56
Tonio_Riddell: strange as the standard decoration gradient is in kds.... looking at this01:57
kwwiia good smoke break helps me to avoid answering questions :-)01:57
kwwiithe gradients are in kds afaik01:57
Tonio_kwwii no "inactive" gradient there, probably just need to add and install it01:58
kwwiiright, in the older version we used the same gradient for both01:58
kwwiiTonio_: forgot to mention that, sorry01:58
Tonio_kwwii hum just to be sure, the same png is used if there there is no inactive specified ?01:59
Tonio_kwwii the point is that i can't see where that is defined01:59
kwwiiTonio_: no, I think that they are both set to the same file now02:00
Tonio_kwwii looking02:00
kwwiiif you look in the systemSettings-->windowDecoration-->overlay02:01
kwwiiit is the one on the right ;-)02:01
Tonio_yeah okay I have to change the rc file02:01
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Tonio_kwwii kds is ready, do you plan to adapt all other themes to the new background ? aka amarok for example02:15
Tonio_kwwii: afaics there is only amarok and metabar to do02:15
kwwiiTonio_: yes, both of those as well as KDM and Ksplash02:16
Tonio_kwwii concerning the ksplash preview, I'd do the screenshot once the new artwork reaches the repo02:16
Tonio_kwwii reworking the full theme ? cool ;)02:16
kwwiiTonio_: yeah, because we are starting so early there should be plenty of time to work everything out02:16
kwwiilet's just not scream too loudly that we are changing all the artwork02:17
Tonio_kwwii should I commit now then ?02:18
Tonio_kwwii I can just push the changes on bzr and wait for the all stuff to be in there :)02:18
kwwiiTonio_: yes, feel free to - it might be a week or more before I get the other stuff done02:18
Tonio_kwwii then we can wait, I don't have any major change to upload for kds02:19
kwwiior we could do it like that - makes little difference to me ;-)02:19
kwwiiwhat do we think about using a list-enabled KDM as default?02:19
RiddellI like it02:20
Riddellwe should ship an alternate theme which is the same but with it disabled02:20
Tonio_kwwii I don't dislike it02:20
Tonio_kwwii but the face is just ugly02:20
Riddellnow there's a complement :)02:20
Tonio_kwwii can that be changed ?02:20
kwwiicool, then I will update the theme I have already and we can work on it02:20
kwwiiTonio_: yes, I think so02:20
kwwiiI need to look into how it picks the icons02:20
mhbTonio_: hi, what's up?02:21
Tonio_kwwii then it would be nice too, cause the human face is just like a old afterstep ugly thing02:21
Tonio_mhb: hey ;)02:21
Tonio_mhb: just wanted to take news of kdesudo02:21
Tonio_mhb: I was planning to post for help on the kubuntu-devel list in fact02:21
Tonio_mhb: so unless you are about to finish, that's what we should do I guess02:21
mhbTonio_: I'm working on that last feature02:21
Tonio_mhb: you are so wonderfull :-)02:22
mhbTonio_: it's not hard02:22
Tonio_mhb: ho really ?02:22
mhbTonio_: although not easy either02:22
Tonio_btw way to complicated for me02:22
mhbTonio_: the bad news is that I'm offline for most of the week02:22
Tonio_Riddell: I'm going to build daily builds of kbluetooth to help testing02:22
mhbTonio_: I'll try to work on it today, and commit tomorrow02:22
mhbTonio_: okay?02:22
Tonio_Riddell: may I post on the devel ML even if the packages are not in it yet ?02:22
Tonio_mhb: would be super perfect02:23
Tonio_mhb: if that can be done, then I'll release a tarball, and package + write a MIR02:23
kwwiiTonio_: apparently it just uses an icon from Crystal02:23
Tonio_mhb: I can take all the administrative work in charge02:23
Tonio_kwwiiho ?02:23
kwwiiTonio_: but we could find that icon and change it as well02:23
Tonio_kwwii I suspect that's a patch to be done in kdm sources....02:24
kwwiior so :-)02:24
Tonio_hehe ;)02:24
Tonio_mhb: hope you succeed ;)02:24
RiddellTonio_: sure02:25
Tonio_mhb: I'd say "may the force be wirth you"02:25
Tonio_Riddell: hard to say if everything can be fixed at time for gutsy..... lots of bugs, but maybe not that hard to fix them, I know that gollum expects a well debugged version soon, so....02:26
mhbTonio_: thanks :o)02:26
Tonio_Riddell: we should ping on -devel to get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportKioUmountWrapper reviewed02:27
Tonio_Riddell: as that native kubuntu development, I'm not sure the MIR is complete, your opinion ?02:27
Riddellthat looks quite incomplete02:29
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Tonio_Riddell: what would miss in there ?02:33
Riddelleverything else from https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportTemplate02:34
Tonio_Riddell: I agree, but it's hard to talk about maintainance in debian of secunia history as there is nothing about that, that's more a native package02:35
Riddellthen best to say so02:35
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Tonio_fdoving: pitti will review the umountwrapper next week02:40
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ryanakcaNightrose: hehe02:59
ryanakcaNightrose: oops, sorry02:59
ryanakcanixternal: hehe02:59
Nightrose;-) k02:59
=== ryanakca pokes autotab
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Riddell: I can do kubuntu-default-settings later, if Tonio_ hasn't done so already03:01
ryanakcanixternal: hmm.. half of the comments are that C++ sucks, and you should stick to python and maybe pick up PyGTK. The other half seems to worship C++.03:02
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__StefanS_: done, check bzr :)03:04
_StefanS_Tonio_: ok thought so ;) - its was the new wallpaper, right?03:04
Tonio__StefanS_: and and kwin gradiants03:05
_StefanS_Tonio_: sweet03:05
ScottKGood morning Hobbsee03:06
_StefanS_Tonio_: those kwin gradients, do you have an examplet?03:07
mhbryanakca: oh, and by the way, c++ sucks03:09
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Tonio__StefanS_: nope, it is just a matter of file replacement in kds :)03:10
Tonio__StefanS_: I believe in kwwii, I didn't test them03:10
ryanakcamhb: meh, I've already invested money into a book, and I have 2 months to kill, so why not learn it03:10
mhbryanakca: sure, that was a joke :o)03:10
ryanakcamhb: *nods*03:10
_StefanS_Tonio_: uhm ok03:10
mhbryanakca: C++ is not that bad, although I don't like the access control stuff much03:11
kwwii_StefanS_: http://sinecera.de/screen1.png shows the active window deco03:11
kwwiijust be sure to use the new color scheme if you use those overlays03:11
ryanakcamhb: Who knows, in 20 years, I might be like one of those old bearded guys who still know and use Pascal, COBOL and the other neolithic languages03:12
ryanakcamhb: yeah. First impression of it is: Why? Why brackets when python's indentation works just as well.. etc03:12
mhbryanakca: you know cobol? cool.03:12
_StefanS_kwwii: ok looks nice... is anyone up for more sharp edges on the windows?03:12
=== ScottK knows (knew) COBOL too.
=== ScottK has also had to pick up and sort a dropped COBOL punch card deck.
mhbryanakca: well, the silly university where I'll be studying still seems to worship Microsoft Windows and Pascal.03:13
ryanakcamhb: no, I'm saying all the C++ people will probably end up in the same place they are, they'll know an extinct language...03:13
_StefanS_kwwii: what about liberation font ? are we going to use that?03:13
=== ryanakca doesn't know COBOL... Python was my first, C++ my second
ryanakcaumm, has the libcurl problem been fixed?03:14
=== ryanakca wonders on updrading to gutsy
ryanakcaor should I wait untill Tribe 3?03:14
ScottKryanakca: libcurl is done.  Apt is fixed.  They just pushed a new kernel last night.  OOO is still dead.  Your call.03:16
Hobbseehey ScottK!03:16
Hobbseeryanakca: where are you, btw?03:16
ryanakcaHobbsee: me? I'm in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.03:17
ryanakcaHobbsee: if you want more specific, whois my domain :)03:17
_StefanS_ryanakca: I just did yesterday on my thinkpad.. works fine03:18
ryanakca_StefanS_: ok03:18
ryanakcamhb: when is tribe 3 due out?03:18
ryanakcaI'll wait to test it if it's in the next couple days, otherwise, I'll go for a Daily03:19
Riddellnot this week03:20
mhbryanakca: why do you ask me?03:20
mhbryanakca: 19th, but I am not the bot pointing to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyReleaseSchedule03:21
kwwii_StefanS_: to be honest I have not seen a good reason to use that font - it does not look that much better to me03:23
kwwii_StefanS_: but if someone can convince me, yes ;-)03:23
Hobbseeryanakca: right03:23
Hobbseeryanakca: nah, that's closer than i was expecting :P03:23
Hobbseeryanakca: the 19th03:23
mhbhi Hobbsee, long time no chat :o)03:24
Hobbseemhb: indeed!  been at a friend's place03:24
_StefanS_kwwii: well.. its probably a matter of taste, but its more like tahoma which I like03:26
ryanakcamhb: I asked you because you're the testing person who seems to know these things :)03:26
mhbryanakca: yup, that'll be me :o)03:26
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manchicken_Is something up with security.ubuntu.com?03:29
manchicken_I've got about 35% packet loss to security.ubuntu.com (which resolves to leningradskaya.canonical.com
NightroseHobbsee: mind if I borrow your long pointy stick for a minute? ;-)03:34
manchicken_I'll try reconnecting to the wireless...03:34
HobbseeNightrose: sure, go ahead03:34
Nightrose;-) thx03:35
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manchicken_I think the problem may lie with security.ubuntu.com this time... does anybody else have a problem with an aptitude update sticking at security.ubuntu.com?03:36
=== Nightrose needs it for rokymotion
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ryanakcamanchicken_: It might something to do with the datacenter trouble (*points to the topic in #canonical-sysadmin*) dunno. I'm getting 50% packet loss.04:24
ryanakcamanchicken_: or no04:26
apacheloggerkwwii: O.o somehow your oxygen looks kinda ...old...04:27
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manchickenWell, KDE4 still crashes on me.04:48
manchickenFrom the binaries.04:48
manchickenI'm running the latest kde4 binaries from the repos, and X still tanks when I try to log into KDE4 from KDM.04:49
Riddelltry http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/3.91.0/04:49
manchickenAre those amd64?04:50
manchickenNaw, they're i38604:50
manchickenThus my pain.04:50
manchickenI think nixternal had KDE4 packages that ran under i386, too... but I'm not on i386.04:50
manchickenDo you have packages I could build?04:51
manchickenOr src-debs?04:51
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Riddellit should be compiling now in gutsy04:52
manchickenI'm building the 3.91 from their website.04:52
manchickenThe only thing I don't have is soprano.04:52
manchickenI was hoping you were gonna let me off the hook with some nice amd64 packages :)04:53
manchickenI've been wanting to run KDE4 for some time now.04:53
manchickenIn great anticipation of kate improvements.04:53
Riddellmanchicken: soprano may well be compiled now in gutsy04:53
manchickenI can't find it on the repos.04:54
Riddellgutsy amd64  Successfully built https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soprano/0.9.0~snapshot~2007-07-09-0ubuntu204:54
Riddellit might still be in binary new04:54
manchickenIs there any way to install from binary new?04:54
Riddellyes, it is04:55
Hobbseejust a mostly secret link04:56
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manchickenWaaaah... the package is named but if you click it you get a file not found.05:08
Riddellclick where?05:09
kwwiiapachelogger: hehe, you noticed :-)05:11
manchickenRiddell: Argh, it's gone now.05:12
manchickenDoes that mean it's now in the repo?05:12
manchickenOoh, it also looks like emacs22 is in the queue :)05:13
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jhutchins_lt!ops ubotu is missing in action on #kubuntu.  Thanks.06:39
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jhutchins_ltfdoving: Ping?06:53
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jhutchins_ltubotu is dead, missing from both #ubuntu and #kubuntu.06:53
fdovingyep, i know.06:53
fdovinghttp://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi does work.06:54
fdovingthe system is so vulnerable one person is needed to fix the bot.06:54
fdovingand he's not around.06:54
jhutchins_ltk.  Thanks for that at least.  Should I look for a certain person, or just assume that he'll know when he shows up?07:06
DaSkreechI thnk07:19
jhutchins_ltDaSkreech: Tnx, seveas, got it from the bot page.07:19
=== jhutchins_lt [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Oops.]
DaSkreechDamn tab :)07:20
DaSkreechSeveas :)07:20
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechMy X has been crashing like crazy since yesterday07:26
=== Lure [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== ScottK-laptop [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
manchickenIs there an OCR program that'll work with PDF?07:49
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DaSkreechHow many people does canconical employ?08:24
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DaSkreechHi ubotu08:25
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=== manchicken hears crickets chirping....
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=== ScottK is quietly contemplating a KDE 3.5.5 backport to Dapper.
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@96-192-dsl.kielnet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenWhat's dapper running?09:10
ScottKBut there are the unofficial kubuntu.org debs that go through 3.5.5 and work fine.09:14
DaSkreechCan I do an ls in a way that will only show me non directories?09:23
xerosisDaSkreech: ls -I */ ?09:35
xerosiswait, that doesn't quite work09:36
DaSkreechUnless I can ! that :)09:36
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xerosisthat should ignore all dirs09:36
xerosisbut it goes into subdirs09:36
xerosisthat's a capital i btw, not an l09:37
DaSkreechAaaah :)09:37
=== ScottK-laptop [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Tonio_: I want to download the new kdelibs source in gutsy that (apparently) is maintained in bzr..09:53
_StefanS_DaSkreech: you wont happen to know that ? ^09:54
DaSkreechThat you wanted to download KDElibs?09:54
_StefanS_I just want the source code like normally using apt-get source <package>09:55
_StefanS_DaSkreech: ? ^09:58
DaSkreechHold on Drooling at GT509:58
_StefanS_Gran Turismo HD?09:59
DaSkreechSOny is debuting it at E3 now09:59
_StefanS_I already have the free download on my PS3, kinda amazing10:00
DaSkreechWell if you turn it on now you they have the trailer for the new one for download10:00
_StefanS_oh nice10:01
_StefanS_Will do later10:01
_StefanS_DaSkreech: so what about that apt-get source thingy?10:02
_StefanS_DaSkreech: dont worry.. I figured it out10:03
=== Daskreech2 [n=skreech@port0034-afo-static-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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manchickenDo we have a way to sort bookmarks in konqueror still?10:26
manchickenI'm having a hard time finding it in gutsy.10:26
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manchickenIt would be nice if kate didn't show a dialog box every time you tried to save using fish.'10:46
ScottKmanchicken: Why are you using fish?10:46
manchickenBecause I'm editing files on a machine over ssh :)10:47
ScottKmanchicken: Use sftp instead of fish.10:47
manchickenSFTP isn't running on that box.10:47
manchickenI stand corrected.10:47
manchickenDoes it not show the dialog with SFTP?10:48
ScottKDunno, but fish drops a little perl script on the distant end and can have unfortunate concequences.  Particularly if you try to copy a lot of files.10:48
ScottKI've fork bombed a server by accident that way before.10:49
ScottKYou're better off to use fish only when you must.10:49
manchickenDoes it?10:49
manchickenWhere and what is it called?10:50
ScottKDunno the details.  I just recall the fork bomb and staying away from it since.10:50
manchickenAh.  I've been using it for a while without issue.10:50
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:51
ScottKJust because it usually works ...10:51
manchickenI'm not sure if that supported moving away from or towards what works.  heh10:52
ScottKSFTP is a safer protocol if it's available.   That's all.10:52
ScottKYour box, your choice.10:52
manchickenDunno about that.10:53
manchickenFish is just SCP, right?10:53
manchickenAnd it terminates after it's done, right?10:53
ScottKYes it does terminate after it's done.10:53
manchickenWhereas SFTP maintains a session.  I would think that would be less "secure"10:53
ScottKIt's as secure as ssh.10:54
ScottKWith SSH the weak point in the security model is establishing the connection.  I'd argue breaking and making connections is less secure than maintaining one.10:54
ScottKI was thinking more about operational risk.10:55
ScottKThe thing that got me was that since it's a bunch of single operations, fish clients will try to execute mutiple file transfers in parallel.  I was copying ~ 20,000 very small files.  Fork bomb.10:56
ScottKSFTP won't do that.  It'll do them sequentially on the single connection.10:56
manchickenI'm doing edits :)10:58
manchickenAnd KDE won't let you set up a "network folder" with sftp, will it?10:58
ScottKDunno.  I just sftp to the site and leave the konq window open.10:59
manchickenI like using the remote folder thing so then I don't have to re-enter stuff in save dialogs all over the place.11:01
ScottKIt may work.  I've just never tried it.11:03
manchickenIt seems that we have some serious dependency issues with libgif4.11:05
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manchickenYou're right.  ~/.fishsrv.pl11:18
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apacheloggerRiddell: ping11:44
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Riddellhi apachelogger12:09
apacheloggerRiddell: hi, do we now have to get upstream to include a complete LGPL for the admin directory?12:10
Riddellif there is lgpl code in it12:11
apacheloggerRiddell: fixed tarball isn't enough?12:11
Riddellmeaning what?12:11
apacheloggerI put a file into, until upstream releases a fixed tarball12:12

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