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XVampireXis gutsy stable?01:00
MugginsMcompared to feisty, no, compared to redhat in 1998, very01:00
XVampireXOk, cool, maybe I'll upgrade...01:02
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MugginsMdon't upgrade on anything important :)01:08
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derekSi wonder why i can't get peers on the gutsy torrent01:23
derekStribe 201:23
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LinuxProbieAnyonbe active in here?02:18
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starzderekS: your probably not ported03:13
starzbittorrent is not very friendly to non-ported users =/03:13
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LinuxProbieCan someone remind me of the command to mount an ISO?03:19
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derekSstarz: hmm, i htink i am03:30
derekSlemme check03:30
derekSstarz: i am ported correctly03:32
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kingrayrayis there any ETA on libcurl being fixed :(03:33
kingrayrayI wanna install mpd03:34
starzderekS: are you useing the built in bittorrent?03:36
starzits really horrid03:36
starztry utorrent / azureus / or bittornado-gui03:36
kingrayraydid they actually port utorrent03:36
starzworks darn decent in wine tho03:37
kingrayrayim using transmission03:37
derekSstarz: ktorrent03:37
derekStrying with rtorren03:39
derekSstarz: still can only find one peer03:40
starzthen do ddl03:41
starzor axel it03:41
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+103:41
starzsudo apt-get install axel03:42
starzright there03:42
starzaxel http://link.to.iso.img.iso03:43
starzand vua la it dls fast03:43
starzbut - DOES IT BLEND!03:43
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bderrlywhat is the difference between a -dgb and a -dbgsym package and which is the preferred package?05:54
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crackerboxhey guys quick question... maybe you can shed some light... im trying to get CurlFTPfs to work in feisty by taking the source from the gusty release and compiling it on 7.04 as instructed by a thread in the forum that I am unable to link to... I have gotten it compiled but i dont think things are working correctly, one of the posters mentioned linking the libcurl-Gnuts.so's but im not following that part08:14
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aslanhey guys, I am trying to run apt-get update and it can't connect to security.ubuntu.com08:33
aslanAnyone else having this problem ?08:33
Jordan_Uaslan, Try again08:36
aslanJordan_U: awesome thanks08:36
aslanJordan_U: yep fixed now.. was that also related to ubuntuforums being down ?08:37
Jordan_Uaslan, I figure it was08:38
Jordan_Uaslan, Would have to be a pretty big coincidence if it wasn't :)08:39
aslanhehe ya ;)08:39
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pschulz01I am having an issue with the gutsy-desktop-amd64 installation. I should be able to install this on x86_64 yes?..Drops into a busybox shell.08:56
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RoC_MasterMindI have my hard drive configured as a IDE slave...if I switch it to master, will Ubuntu still boot properly and work...or will it be confused with thte device name changes?09:07
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h3sp4wnRoC_MasterMind: It won't be confused (presuming you use UUID's (the default)11:32
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hansin321Does anyone know off hand where to disable the Gnome splash screen in Gutsy?11:50
bohdanHi is anyone alive in here?11:53
bohdani need to ask a wierd question11:53
bohdanabout gutsy11:53
chand|hansin321: there is a gconf key /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen11:53
bohdani have 7 400gb hard disks in a dynamic ntfs partition (roughly 2.5tb formatted) will gutsy be able to mount the dynamic spanned volume?11:54
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chand|bohdan: it depends on ntfs driver12:06
bohdancan u name a ntfs driver that will work?12:06
bohdani have no way to back up all that data :|12:06
chand|bohdan: i think u can try ntfs 3g12:07
bohdani've looked but no one really specifies if it will work or not its the dynamic volume that makes its hard12:07
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chand|bohdan: perhaps dynamic volume isn't support*12:07
bohdano well12:08
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hansin321chand|: Thanks.  I guess what I am trying to do (and my Splash is already disabled from in Feisty), is that after I log into GDM, but before Gnome loads, my screen goes a peachy color for a few seconds where I would normally have the splash screen.  I wanted to change the peachy color for something more appropriate for my blue theme I have set up in Gnome.12:17
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hansin321I have 'hacked' this before be setting the background color to what I wanted and well I can't even remember, but thought wherever I could set the splash screen might have a way to fudge this to my liking...12:20
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XVampireXThere's a problem with nvidia-glx-new not supplying a file called libwfb12:25
XVampireXIt's a known bug that hasn't been fixed yet since feisty12:42
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MacSlowGreetings everybody!01:01
XVampireXMacSlow, is that really you? :P01:02
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HowitzerHow is the wireless ralink chipset RT2500 support doing ATM?01:20
Howitzerbecause I got this new wireless card about 6 months ago ad it was a no-go in every linux distro i tried so i had given up01:21
Howitzerbut now it's summer vacation and i have some free time so i'm willing to try again01:21
gnomefreakHowitzer: plans on adding support for that in gutsy but has not been done yet AFAIK01:23
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Howitzeri actually meant RT61 but i guess it doesn't make any difference01:24
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gnomefreakit might01:25
Howitzeroh my01:25
AnRkeyare there any known issues with the gutsy network installer?01:25
Howitzeri love the forums01:25
gnomefreakAnRkey: not really01:25
AnRkeytrying to install using network installer and pxe booting01:25
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AnRkeyi am using apt-mirror on our network here01:25
AnRkeyok brb01:26
AnRkeyis there a way to check the integrity of a apt-mirrored repo?01:26
AnRkeyi finally have time to do some hard testing of tribe 2 and now this :(01:27
calcAnRkey: that would be nice to be able to do for apt-cacher as well01:29
calcactually would be nice for apt-cacher to be able to cache by repo01:29
AnRkeyu have not yet used apt-cacher01:31
AnRkeyas far as i know you can run more than one apt-cache and just change the port it works on01:31
AnRkeythen you can have lots of them, one for each repo01:31
AnRkeynot confirmed though01:31
AnRkeyi should try it01:31
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AnRkeynot much in the man page01:34
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AnRkeygnomefreak, looks like it does md5 checks01:35
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flakehow is gutsy? seems to run well on vmware03:50
flakethe appliance i used03:51
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sn0few issues at the moment flake (if not already fixed) but runs nice so far :)03:51
flakei see it is gnomish03:52
flakehow can i choose between kde and gnome :/   i love the geek in me but the geek likes the nerd in me03:53
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flakegutsy will support kde4 and be a LTS version?04:03
flakekubuntu will..04:04
Hobbseekubuntu will have rc2 of kde4, it will not be a LTS04:05
Hobbseeand it will be in universe04:05
Hobbseenot in main04:05
flakeI'm confused again04:05
Hobbseegutsy is not the LTS.  gutsy+1 is the likely LTS04:06
flakeok.. what is feisty, gutsy, gutsy+1 - is it the interface for the window management like kde and gnome?04:07
Picifeisty/gutsy are just the development codenames for 7.10/7.0404:09
sn0flake ubuntu always defaults to gnome, as ubuntu releases typically are 1 month after stable gnome releases04:09
flakekubuntu is kde+ubuntu.. I guess it's not gubuntu cause the 'g' in gnome is silent04:12
flakeg2g, thanks04:14
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MrFeeti1what kernel is 7.10 running on right now?04:47
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slimzwhats the desktop effects channel? i cant get cube reflection to work:(05:00
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MrFeeti1i installed gusty and loved it05:05
MrFeeti1then i realized i like smaller text05:05
MrFeeti1what was the default font size for feisty?05:06
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germanjewhow can set up internet (dailup) on my laptop (its a simcard in my pc)05:15
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sn0germanjew this channel is for gutsy discussion, please join #ubuntu for ubuntu support05:39
germanjewsorry i'm just trying my luck ;p at lest i got a reply here ;D05:43
starzslimz: i think that might be the compiz-fusion channel but im not 100%05:47
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starzbtw i got moto4lin working :D05:53
starzso amazing hehe05:53
starzif i could get a couple more of my cell hacking tools working i would be able to abandon my win install entirely - just not quite there yet05:53
starzbut this is closer than ive ever been before :)05:54
starzas is i only boot into it every couple months for a few hours anyway kekeke05:54
starzand unfortunately a virtualized install wont work as it cant take control of the usb properly =/05:54
sn0im in the etqw beta and its win only :< so having to dual boot05:57
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crackerboxok here comes a hard question: while trying to get curl-FTP-fs (curlftpfs) to work in feisty, I am being effected by the well known bug in feisty's version of libcurl.  According to this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423899&highlight=curlftpfs you can compile the new version of libcurl (from gusty repo) and then link some other lib... compiling is not the problem, but getting the last part of this "to update libcurl08:30
crackerboxit seems no one in the ubuntu channel knows about it08:30
mrsnocrackerbox im not sure using libcurl from gutsy is a good idea, as topic says there are currently 'issues'08:31
mrsnobut im not aware of how far along they rae08:31
mrsnomaybe go back to dapper/edgy ?08:31
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crackerboxwhat is the proper way to downgrade that?08:33
mrsnothere is no way to downgrade, it will cause you lots of pain so just back up + reinsstall :-)08:33
crackerboxoh... you mean go all the way back to edgy08:33
mrsnoif it indeed works thats an option yes08:34
crackerboxnot just using the libcurl version 7.15.408:34
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crackerboxdid you see the link for the thread i posted?08:34
crackerbox2 people say that compiling libcurl 7.16.2 works...08:35
crackerboxcan you take a look... the only part im not getting is about linking libs08:35
crackerboxi posted 2 replies on there as mburris08:36
mrsnobug 11225608:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112256 in curl "libcurl  7.15.5-1ubuntu2 + curlftpfs 0.9.1 hangs!" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11225608:36
crackerboxyes i read that last night...08:37
mrsnowell the truth is its not something i would recommend, if libcurl is going to change yet again (as it has some problems)08:37
crackerboxthis is interesting "edgy version 7.15.4  seems to work also in feisty"08:37
mrsnocan't help sorry08:37
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crackerboxplease... at least point me in the right direction as far as using libcurl 7.15.4 in feisty... do i simply take the libcurl*.so.* files from the edgy deb and replace my fesity ones?08:39
crackerboxor do i compile it from source on my feisty box?08:39
mrsnocrackerbox i will *not* assist you in breaking your install, sorry08:39
crackerboxdude... that is lame08:39
crackerboxubuntu is about freedom08:39
crackerboxthis is a dev box i have08:40
crackerboxi can restore in less than 5 minutes08:40
crackerboxsounds like you just dont *want* or just dont *know*08:40
mrsnowell if you know the problem is "currently" fixed in gutsy, and you don't mind hosing your install, why not dist-upgrade to gutsy and see?08:41
mrsnoinstead of assuming i don't want to hellp08:41
crackerboxthe problem isnt fixed in gusty, however the problem (curlftpfs freezing all the time) is reportedly not an issue when using libcurl version 7.16.2) if the only part of my project that Im missing is curlftpfs working... i dont want to start all over with gusty08:42
crackerboxi dont even want a step by step... i would like someone to look at the thread and give me some insight on what this sentence means:  PS Dont forget to enable gnutls while configuring curl, and to update libcurl-gnutls links in your /usr/lib08:44
crackerboxi understand configuring curl with gnutls... its the libcurl-gnuts links part im not sure of08:44
crackerboxfrom the curlftpfs home page on SF... "12-Feb-2007 - New libcurl version  I noticed there is a new version of libcurl: 7.16.1. It seems to be working fine with CurlFtpFS. "08:46
crackerboxthats all i want08:46
crackerboxmaybe im crazy but i dont think it should be that hard to update one library on my system08:46
crackerboxwill someone please help me break my install08:49
gavintlgoldrun this command: sudo rm --recursive /usr <<< SARCASM08:49
crackerboxthats one way08:50
crackerboxtoo easy though08:50
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crackerboxi'd like to break my install by getting libcurl 7.16.2 on my feisty box08:50
=== gavintlgold retreats back into the shadows
crackerboxits like im asking for someone to pull a Doctor Kavorkian08:51
crackerboxdont retreat...08:52
=== gavintlgold has absolutely no idea about libcurl ... can't help
crackerboxhow about lib files in general?08:52
crackerboxanyone have any clue about what this means: "and to update libcurl-gnutls links in your /usr/lib"???08:53
=== gavintlgold is just a lowly 16-year-old
crackerboxlamalex... you?08:53
crackerboxdo I have to run some sort to lib utility to get new libraries working... kinda like regsrv32?08:54
crackerboxlibtool perhaps?08:54
crackerboxlooks like libtool stuff was already in the makefile08:56
crackerboxwell thanks for the help, mrsno08:56
crackerboxhow fitting a nick is that?08:56
crackerboxMrs No08:56
SourceContactcrackerbox: ldconfig08:56
crackerboxso ldconfig updates my /etc/ld.so.conf file...08:59
SourceContactcrackerbox: yep, now apologize to mrsno09:03
crackerboxsorry i called you Mrs No09:05
crackerboxsource did you see my original question?09:07
SourceContactcrackerbox: no09:08
crackerboxok here comes a hard question: while trying to get curl-FTP-fs (curlftpfs) to work in feisty, I am being effected by the well known bug in feisty's version of libcurl.  According to this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423899&highlight=curlftpfs you can compile the new version of libcurl (from gusty repo) and then link some other lib... compiling is not the problem, but getting the last part of this "to update libcurl09:08
crackerboxthe thread is only 4 posts long09:08
crackerboxmost of it is mburris (me)09:09
SourceContactok, let me check it out, just a sec.09:09
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SourceContactok, read the thread09:15
SourceContactdid you ldconfig?09:15
crackerboxjust "sudo ldconfig"09:15
SourceContactnow, sudo ldconfig -p09:16
SourceContactthat will list the loaded libraries09:16
SourceContactwait, either it will do that or format the drive - I forget which ;)09:17
crackerboxwell if i dont reply you'll know what happened :)09:17
crackerboxwell there are too many lines... it wont let me scroll all the way up.09:18
crackerboxi'll output it to a txt file09:18
Picior pipe it through less09:18
SourceContactyou can do this: sudo ldconfig -p | grep whateverthenameis09:18
mrsnoits mr sno actually ;)09:20
crackerboxi figured09:20
crackerboxlibcurl.so.4 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libcurl.so.409:20
crackerbox        libcurl-gnutls.so.3 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libcurl-gnutls.so.309:20
crackerbox        libcurl-gnutls.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/libcurl-gnutls.so09:20
crackerbox        libcupsimage.so.2 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libcupsimage.so.209:20
SourceContactcrackerbox: I'm at work so I have to go - but real quick, does it look like you have the right version you need?09:20
SourceContactyou can check: ls -lash /usr/lib/libcurl*09:21
SourceContactno, not that, the libcurl part09:21
SourceContactis it the version you are trying to install?09:21
SourceContactwhen you did sudo make install, it was supposed to put libraries in /usr/lib you should check to see that the version of libcurl linked ...09:22
SourceContactwell, it looks like it worked then?09:22
crackerboxmake install put them in /usr/local/lib09:22
SourceContactthere's a problem, possibly09:23
crackerboxso i copied over to /usr/lib09:23
SourceContactok, then ldconfig'd09:23
crackerboxi dont know about ldconfig at that point09:23
SourceContactis it working?09:24
crackerboxcurlftpfs still locks up when attempting to do certain things like open a PDF file on ftp server... so i dont think so09:24
SourceContactoh, too bad...09:25
crackerboxi'll let you get back to work.. im going to try some things09:25
SourceContactthanks, good luck09:25
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crackerboxlooks like im going to restore to a fresh install and try this again with the ldconfig command09:26
crackerboxi'll be back09:27
gnomefreakcrackerbox: dont bother reinstalling gutsy to fix a curl issue09:28
gnomefreakoh well09:28
mrsnohes using feisty gnomefreak09:31
gnomefreakwell he should of read the topic anyway09:32
gnomefreakeither way feisty or gutsy or a curl issue its in topic :)09:32
mrsnoback to etqw for me, e3 has been very boring :-)09:33
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Nick_HillI sanyone else noticing some very strange Gnome behaviour in Gutsy - create new account, try to log in, logs straight back out, remove .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd and can't log into old account. Also, missing icons on Gnome Menu, Missing key repeats, close/minimise boxen in wrong place on menubar?09:34
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mrsnoNick_Hill are those the steps to reproduce the problem? trying here on mine now09:37
Nick_Hillmrsno, I am trying on another system, but for my system, create new account, try to log in. Check if close/minimise in right place (really obvious)09:39
mrsnoNick_Hill i created a new user using the gui, clicked shutdown > logout > logged in as new user and everything seems fine09:41
mrsnolet me run today's updates and try again09:41
Nick_Hillmrsno, I half suspect I had a bad package when I updated at some point. If most others are getting the probs I have right now, everyone would know. The prob has lasted a few days.09:43
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mrsnowhich arch is this Nick_Hill ? 32/6409:46
mrsno;] 09:46
mrsnoi did have strangeness with my i386 install but i think that was more down to virtualbox than gutsy, currenty have 64bit and it doesn't seem to be causing anything you describe yet09:47
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Nick_HillOther strangeness, on my system, ctrl+at+f1..6 consoles are not switching. Keyboard not repeating unless specifically set.09:54
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cablesDoes Nautilus burner use BurnProof by default now? It would really suck if it still didn't.10:24
gnomefreaknot yet unless it was in last batch of uploads today10:26
cablesgnomefreak, that's a bug that's been around for a while, it should really be fixed. It's just one gconf key that needs to be changed.10:26
gnomefreakcables: i havent checked but i will on next reboot10:27
cablesgnomefreak, thank you10:27
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gnomefreakcables: where did you find it in gconf10:32
cablesgnomefreak, one sec10:32
=== gnomefreak not seeing it
cablesgnomefreak, /apps/nautilus-cd-burner/burnproof10:33
gnomefreaki dont have a burnproof :(10:33
gnomefreakthere it is10:34
gnomefreakno as of 2 hours ago it hasnt been set10:34
gnomefreakill restart in a minute10:34
gnomefreakbrb ill let you know10:34
cablesSo basically everyone will be making coasters right and left unless they either check off that box or install gnomebaker or something.10:34
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pwnguinso gobuntu's official now10:44
pwnguini guess some progress has been had ;)10:44
cablesWhat the hell, the burnproof bug has been around since Breezy and it hasn't been fixed in gutsy.10:44
cablesSeriously, something NEEDS to be done about it10:44
cablesIt's just ONE default gconf key that needs to be changed10:45
pwnguinbug number?10:45
cablesbug 1829810:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18298 in nautilus-cd-burner "burnproof should be enabled by default" [Wishlist,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1829810:45
pwnguinoh, heh.10:45
pwnguinjust use k3b ;)10:45
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cablespwnguin, the problem is that the default burner is nautilus, and if it's creating coasters then that's bad.10:46
pwnguinthough it would be nice if nautilus-cd-burner didnt suck10:46
gnomefreakcables: not default yet10:46
cablesgnomefreak, yeah, and this problem has been known about since breezy. What gives?10:46
pwnguinthis might explain why ive never been able to burn an iso with nautilus10:46
cablespwnguin, yep, it explains it10:46
gnomefreakcables: its known :( should be set in gutsy sometime10:47
cablespwnguin, if you want to fix it, you can change a gconf key.10:47
cablesgnomefreak, well, it was known before dapper, edgy, and feisty, and it was never fixed in those10:47
=== gnomefreak never had an issue burning iso;s with nautilus
pwnguincables, do you disagree with the historical record on why?10:47
cablespwnguin, what's that?10:47
gnomefreakcables: #ubuntu-desktop would be best place to ask about that since the desktop team is in charge of it :)10:48
cablespwnguin, that burnproofed CDs are worse in quality?10:48
pwnguinthey say it potentially makes discs that arent readable on some drives10:48
cablespwnguin, that's not true10:48
cablespwnguin, it doesn't change anything about the disc unless the drive is jolted.10:48
cablespwnguin, in which case WITHOUT burnproof the disc is made unusable, and WITH burnproof the disc is made usable in most players.10:48
pwnguinburn proof is the buffer underrun solution10:48
cablesbuffer underrun, jolted system, stuff like that10:49
gnomefreakbest to ask next week though10:49
pwnguinseems like a hard thing to line up correctly as far as tracks go10:49
cablespwnguin, it is, that's why we have burnproof, which is, for some reason, DISABLED in the default burner.10:49
cablesI'll calm down now :)10:49
pwnguini mean, you want a consistant spiral10:49
cablespwnguin, yep. What burnproof does is, if supported in the hardware, can resume burning if somehow it gets interrupted by a buffer underrun or the drive being jolted.10:51
cables(that sentence I just wrote sucked)10:51
pwnguinalthough my theory does fall prey to the "burn proof makes the situation better than nothing at all"10:51
cablespwnguin, what's your theory?10:51
pwnguincables: that burnproof is enabled when the burning is interrupted, and may misalign the track.10:52
pwnguinif thats all burnproof does10:52
pimp31415getting black window with fullscreen windows with the desktop effects and extra effects on10:52
cablespwnguin, well, if burnproof is off, you get a lot worse than a misaligned track.10:53
pwnguinthen the choice is a sligthly off spec cd, or one that failed10:53
cablespwnguin, and, generally, modern hardware does a pretty good job of making a seamless transition if the burning is interrupted.10:53
cablespwnguin, yep10:53
cablespwnguin, and I think that's a pretty obvious choice.10:53
pwnguinthere is one (minor) counterpoint10:54
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pwnguinnot even md5 checking can detect this problem10:54
pwnguinwithout burnproof, success implies success on all fronts10:54
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pwnguinwith burnproof, you can't tell if it works until you try it; but i think this is such a minimal use case that a gconf variable setting might be favorable10:55
cablespwnguin, actually, I have NEVER made a coaster with burnproof.10:56
cablesWithout it, I have a 50% failure rate10:56
pwnguinhave you tried burning at 1x?10:56
drekkolol :)10:56
cablespwnguin, that's a crappy solution. I choose using burnproof + burning at the maximum speed I have, since it's never failed for me.10:57
pwnguincables: if you're underrunning the buffer, its evidence you need to go slower ;)10:57
drekkonah, just go with buffer... no coasters... :)10:57
pwnguincables: look, dont feel to agitated about this, im just exploring the other side here a bit10:58
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drekkowell, formulated like this then: is there a good reason at all for *not* having burnproof activated?10:59
cablesdrekko, apparently burnproofed CDs don't work in a small percentage of players.10:59
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pwnguinwas "needs information" remapped to "invalid" in launchpad?11:00
drekkohm. wha'ts that percentage? 10%, or like 0.0000001%?11:00
cablesHowever, since every burning app on every platform I've tried BESIDES nautilus has burnproof enabled by default, I think it's pretty safe to have that set by default.11:00
=== pwnguin dislikes the phrase "closing this bug" for needs information type statusse
cablesdrekko, probably the latter, although my guess is that the only time a burnproofed cd would  be unreadable would be in the case that there WAS a buffer underrun, in which case if burnproof wasn't enabled, the disc would be a coaster. Otherwise, a burnproofed CD should be pretty much the same as a non-burnproofed CD11:01
drekkoyep, would agree to that...11:01
cablesGiven the choice between a buffer underrun meaning an unplayable disc in ALL players and a buffer underrun meaning an unplayable disc in a few players, I'll choose the latter.11:02
pwnguini think if you11:02
MugginsMdepends what you're doing. if you know it's a coaster you burn a new one,11:02
MugginsMif it's a coaster for some people you don't know and they end up with a broken CD11:03
pwnguini think if you're worried about a disc being unusable in a device, you'd settle to know that some adverse event happened11:03
cablesMugginsM, the question is, if that's really a problem, how come everything besides Nautilus uses it by default?11:03
cablesAre they all just crappy and use bad defaults?11:03
cablesI think not.11:03
pwnguincables: because they all disagree with cdrecord on the defaults ;)11:04
MugginsMwell, I don't know, I don't burn many CDs, but I'm quite used to all other software out there sucking :)11:04
cablesEVERY new player works fine with burnproof, and most old ones do too.11:04
MugginsMso it's plausible that every other CD burner stinks11:04
pwnguinMugginsM: mostly, it's very old car players11:04
MugginsMprobably not true, but plausible11:04
pwnguinMugginsM: that can't handle playback of burnproof discs11:04
cablesActually, without burnproof, I've gotten coasters without warning that an error occurred, so if it's not going to warn me, it's pointless not to use bp.11:05
pwnguinso it sounds like there's two bugs ;)11:05
cablespretty much11:06
cablesAlso, why the hell doesn't Nautilus allow the erasure of CD-RWs?11:06
pwnguincables: since you sound dedicated to the task, why not grab an image of gobuntu (or whatever data you fancy burning) burn with nautilus and gather the debug output the ubnutu bug is asking for?11:08
cablespwnguin, I haven't read the bug report in detail, but I guess when I have time I'll do that11:08
pwnguinbasically, upstream tried11:09
pwnguinand brok eit11:09
pwnguinbroke it11:09
pwnguinthey're waiting for someone to test it with debug output11:09
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corevettewhat does the -s in "ln -s" do?11:36
drekkowell, that tells ln to create a symbolic link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link11:39
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pwnguinyou know, im a bit dissapointed that ESR has switched to Ubuntu and we still havent seen any hilarious antics11:40
drekkohow are new kernel updates implemented in gutsy?11:49
FunnyLookinHatJust like in Feisty   :)11:52
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drekkoheh .. well, since gutsy is in a little more of a dev phase than feisty, i thought there would be a little tendency of more frequent updates...11:54
drekkoor rather, what's a reasonable timeframe of seeing recent updates at kernel.org being merged into gutsy?11:56
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pvandewyngaerdedrekko: this is my current one 2.6.22-7-generic #1 SMP Mon Jun 25 17:07:55 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:19
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drekkopvandewyngaerde: yep, same as me, and a bit old it is... :)12:20
drekkothe latest updates at kernel.org have a few r8169 updates i think i need. and i trust the kernel team a bit more than myself in getting kernel related stuff to work smoothly... ;)12:22
pvandewyngaerde2.6.22 was only released some days ago12:23
drekkoyeah, but there still is plenty of problems with realtek gigabit devices12:24
drekkorealtek seems to have semipublished new drivers (not available at their web site) that appearantly have been merged into the latest snapshots12:24
pvandewyngaerdedrekko: you are free to compile your own kernel12:25
drekkoyeah, i know... rather not, though... ;)12:25
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