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gasbagPricey: hi.  No help needed here tnx.  I have an #ubuntu-ops tab because I got kicked awhile back due to my router.  Tnx anyway!12:34
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capiCrimmcan I be tested?03:36
capiCrimmam I good?03:41
naliothcapiCrimm: test complete, you can rejoin #ubuntu now, and thanks for your patience  :)03:42
capiCrimmthank you.03:42
=== capiCrimm [n=capi@rrcs-67-53-146-168.west.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["TOol"]
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capiCrimmI still can't join #ubuntu, getting redirected. :\03:46
naliothi don't see any bans against you.  where are you being redirected to?03:47
capiCrimm #ubuntu-read-topic03:47
naliothi removed the ban in #ubuntu03:47
naliothand don't see any others03:47
capiCrimmsounds like fun. I'll try reconnecting.03:48
=== capiCrimm [n=capi@rrcs-67-53-146-168.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothi'm not seeing any other bans against you03:50
capiCrimmI asked in #freenode03:53
naliothreally none of their business in there03:54
mneptokcapiCrimm: one moment04:08
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mneptokcapiCrimm: try again, please04:09
capiCrimmfixed, thanks04:09
mneptoknp np. thanks for being patient.04:10
naliothaha! that tonyyarusso again04:10
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mneptokcity sky comes down like rain from all the alleys to the sea. i hear her footsteps getting louder, i'm drowning in my sleep. painted lies on painted lips promise "heaven tastes like this." i don't believe that i believed in you. all that money wants.04:49
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ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu05:29
nixternalthank you05:33
tonyyarussoI'll remove those after my shower then.05:34
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu05:37
tonyyarussonalioth: more05:37
nixternalnalioth: they are back05:37
nixternaldamn, I am slow05:37
=== tonyyarusso WAS going for a shower...
nixternalhehe, I got up to grab some cashews05:39
mneptoktonyyarusso: cleaned your old bans05:39
tonyyarussomneptok: ty05:39
mneptokmore towel time for you!05:39
mneptoksnd pix kthx05:39
mneptokand i thought we shared something special :(05:41
nixternalmneptok: you made me swallow my own vommit wth that one :)05:41
mneptoknixternal: at least it's your own.05:43
nixternalyou know what is scary? I remember seeing that interview on VH1/MTV when it came out05:46
mneptokheh. i was 19 years old in 1984.05:47
nixternalI was a whopping 10 :)05:48
=== tonyyarusso was -2
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu06:40
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Madpilotmneptok, wonderfully tasteless. I dare you to wear one to the next Ubuntu con08:41
mneptokMadpilot: it would give someone a chance to kill me, and there are too many craving the opportunity08:44
elkbuntumneptok, many of us had the chance in mt view and we didn't take the opportunity09:05
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, nomic said: ubotu stuff is so silly now can't even find the ibm install instructions for linux on their website09:55
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ubotuFrogzoo called the ops in #ubuntu11:51
ubotudefrysk called the ops in #ubuntu11:53
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togr--please test me for DCC exploit01:35
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togr_please test me for DCC exploit01:37
togr--hmm, I guess freenode and ubuntu servers are on the same network01:37
crdlbyup :)01:38
togr_good to know01:38
PriceChildHey togr01:43
togrlooks like it was blocked01:44
PriceChildYou may now rejoin #ubuntu, thanks for your patience :)01:44
togr"Received a malformed DCC request from PriceChild."01:44
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elkbuntuwell that was odd... hald-addon-stor just took my cpu hostage03:02
elkbuntuhad to very slowly ssh in and kill it03:02
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Seeker`elkbuntu: Do you mean ssh was slow, or you had to take a long time typing it in :P03:03
elkbuntuSeeker`, well... since 99% of the cpu was stolen by hald-addon-stor, both03:04
elkbuntui dont even know what hald-addon-stor is03:04
elkbuntubut when the machine woke up, it said it could not eject something...03:04
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PriceChildelkbuntu, better?03:22
elkbuntuPriceChild, the past 30 seconds have been fine, yes.03:23
elkbuntuPriceChild, i think the problem started with update manager actually. it kinda disappeared whilst doing upgrades before, and the computer kinda went downhill from there03:23
elkbuntuit seems to be working fine now03:23
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, invisiblepinkuni said: ubotu where is gobuntu?03:29
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effie_jayxelkbuntu,  :D04:11
=== Hobbsee pokes mneptok with a pin
elkbuntueffie_jayx, :)04:14
effie_jayxHobbsee,  leave him... don't wake him up04:16
=== mc44 poke Hobbsee with a pokey poker
=== Hobbsee pokes mc44 with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mc44pah, you and your over branded pokey devices04:17
Picibetter than branding you with a pokey device04:21
Hobbseeooh, what an idea...04:23
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ubotuIn #kubuntu-devel, jhutchins_lt said: !ops ubotu is missing in action on #kubuntu.  Thanks.06:39
naliothruh roh06:40
fdovingi was about to ask about that.06:40
jussi01me too06:40
elkbuntuaccidental ban?06:40
naliothnot only that, but ubotu is not identified06:40
naliothi suspect ubotu is not functioning normally06:40
mc44imposter ubotu!06:41
elkbuntuseveas needs to come back already06:41
lamalexthere was just a bit netsplit06:41
lamalexthat might be part of the problem06:41
crdlbI like that capitalization better :)06:41
elkbuntuwell, i dare say ubotu is in more than 20 channels, which one needs to be identified to overcome06:41
fdovingthere should be a backup bot. or more than one, using the same DB.06:42
crdlbdoesn't seem to be06:42
crdlbfdoving, there is06:42
lamalexwhois ubotu only says hes in 2 channels06:42
naliothfdoving: we have two backups06:42
fdovingnalioth: none in #kubuntu :)06:42
elkbuntufdoving, there are a couple of backups, just a matter of keeping them separated, or they fight over factoids06:42
naliothlamalex: you can't see all his info06:43
naliothi do not have control over ubotu06:43
elkbuntunalioth, bring ubot3 in?06:43
naliothit won't join all the channels ubotu is missing from06:44
elkbuntuit will join the essential ones though, right?06:44
elkbuntuwhat gives?06:44
naliothearlier, it was found that ubotu was lagging while serving 5000 folks, so ubot3 took up the slack06:44
naliothseveas has since rewritten it06:45
naliothunfortunately, we don't know what channels ubotu is supposed to be in06:45
fdovingshouldn't it be easy to write a bot that will answer requests if ubotu is not present in the channel?06:45
Piciit should...06:46
fdovingthat would be ubotu + two lines of code that checks if ubotu is present.06:46
elkbuntunalioth, have you dispatched an email to seveas?06:46
naliothi have not06:47
naliothi've forgotten how to start a supybot06:53
atoponceanyone using Seveas' chanserv helper script?06:54
elkbuntuatoponce, most ops that use xchat do, why?06:54
atoponcei'm curious about the channel forward on a nick. how does that work? is it just an invite?06:55
atoponce/cs f06:55
crdlbit's a banforward06:55
elkbuntuotherwise we'd play pingpong with trolls06:56
crdlbso when they try to join the channel, they get sent to the channel you forwarded them too06:56
atoponcewhat's the syntax without the helper script? i'm writing some irssi aliases, mimicking his helper script06:56
crdlb /mode +b hostmask!#channel06:56
crdlberr left out hte channel06:56
naliothmy upgrade to feisty didn't bring supybot with it06:57
crdlb /mode #channel +b hostmask!#forwardchannel06:57
atoponcecrdlb: ahh. ok. channel modes. perfect. thx06:57
elkbuntunalioth, wouldnt that be fun, playing pingpong with neoxan :D06:57
=== ubot3 [n=ubot3@unaffiliated/nalioth/bot/ubot3] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothatoponce: why mimic it? i have a link to the irssi script he based his chanserv.py on06:58
atoponcereally? ahh. even better. i didn't know such a script existed06:59
naliothhttp://rzlab.ucr.edu/debian/auto_bleh.pl_  atoponce07:00
naliothatoponce: one should ask  :)07:00
atoponcenalioth: thx07:01
PiciI have a supybot... with encyclopedia running.  I'm not sure it could handle the load of all the ubuntu- channels though07:03
gnomefreaknalioth: whos bot is nnh_bot?07:03
atoponcelooks like the auto_bleh script just creates a number of aliases anyway, rather than one dynamic alias. no?07:03
naliothatoponce: i'm not sure07:05
PriceChildgnomefreak, i've seen that running around a bit, but doesn't speak so i left it alone :)07:05
gnomefreakwell if you find out that nnh_bot is a bot and not one of ours you might want to get rid of it from #ubuntu. im gone again07:06
PriceChildatoponce, yes "i think"07:06
naliothgnomefreak: no such nick07:06
gnomefreak nnh-bot [n=tester@cpe-76-169-3-20.socal.res.rr.com07:06
gnomefreakthere better be07:06
naliothyou used an underscore07:06
naliothi no longer have control over ubot307:08
PriceChild*could sort something temporary out*07:09
atoponcecrdlb: how can i get just the host from the nick?07:14
crdlbwell chanserv.py uses /whois and /whowas07:14
atoponceirssi has special vars with $X, but that returns the user@host. for example:07:15
atoponcealthough that changed recently... odd07:15
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elkbuntuyay nalioth!07:17
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naliothubot3 now in #kubuntu and other channels07:21
ubot3nalioth: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:21
=== nalioth pets ubot3
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PriceChildnalioth, and #ubuntu :)07:23
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elkbuntunalioth, let me guess, he doesnt have access to the fun stuff like larts?07:24
PriceChildthose are seperate plugins aren't they...?07:26
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naliothno fun stuff07:37
nalioth%join #ubuntu07:37
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Picinalioth: psst, its not there07:42
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PriceChildwth was with that mas 104 error disconnect by them all...07:42
naliothPriceChild: i'm looking into it (answer is: someone used ctcp to drop em all)07:44
PriceChildhehe yeah, I was just wondering where from, as i'm in most of the bigger channels so was wierd.07:45
PiciThanks for ubot3 in #ubuntu07:51
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naliothlet's hope it holds out07:52
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PriceChilddid you find out about that ctcp?07:56
PriceChildubotu's resetting I think...07:58
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PriceChildmanaged 5 channels...08:01
PiciWeird. I can't seem to whois it.08:01
naliothit's reconnected but is in less channels than before08:02
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PriceChildits going into more now...08:05
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildargh... excess flood08:07
PriceChildAnd now he has to start all over again :_)08:07
PriceChildfreenode's not doing very well lately :S08:14
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Piciubotu seems to have recovered, perhaps ubot3 should be removed?08:29
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naliothperhaps a highlight, Pici08:30
Piciperhaps nalioth08:30
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ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu12:10
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tomawFigured that if I am going to respond to !ops calls in #ubuntu it's perhaps polite to be here12:18
naliothget out!12:18
PriceChildhehe :)12:18

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