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ubotuNew bug: #125217 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "beryl freezes when 24bit depth used" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12521711:51
ubotuNew bug: #124761 in xorg (main) "[gutsy alternate tribe2 cd]  Although a 16 Bit resolution is chosen in installer menu, xorg tries to use 24 Bit" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12476112:08
bryce_heya tepsipakki, I'm guessing you're still tied up with school and such, but I'd like to chat with you some time about the xorg 7.3 work.  I've been looking at updating the xorg and libx11 packages, so would like to get your thoughts there.12:46
bryce_tepsipakki, also, I wanted to check on your own plans, since I worry I must be stepping on toes here, and would like to coordinate with you better12:47
tepsipakkibryce_: hey.. yeah, I'll continue my vacation tomorrow, so it's been quite busy at work for the past week, trying to make sure our feisty-installations work well :)12:52
tepsipakkibesides, I think you don't have to worry about other peoples' toes :)12:53
tepsipakkibut libx11.. on feisty it doesn't use the xcb-stuff at all, because of the problems we hit back then12:54
bryce_ah yes12:54
tepsipakkibut most of them should be sorted by now12:54
bryce_ok; I've gone through the libx11 update mostly, and just need to go through patches12:54
bryce_so any advice on patches would be appreciated12:55
tepsipakkiI think java is the one that breaks without any patches, rest should be fine by now12:55
bryce_I saw at least one is upstream (the security patch)12:55
tepsipakkihmm, jcristau is not here now12:56
bryce_I see he's been busy with lots of new packages, so most of the new things on my todo list 12:56
bryce_I can just pull from debian :-)12:56
tepsipakkijava apps crashed having an assertion failure, so libx11 was patched because of that (and then later changed not to use xcb at all)12:57
tepsipakkihe should know better where debian is with libx11/xcb/java12:58
tepsipakkithe problem is a static library inside java, and the current package in debian should have a script which patches java to not use it or something12:59
tepsipakkibut that can't be done for the user in the package12:59
tepsipakkithe current xorg-server in debian has a patch which should fix the vesa-crashes on r5xx hardware01:00
tepsipakkithat and dropping the patch I added for vesa01:01
bryce_I hear 1.3.99 is coming soon01:01
tepsipakkiwhich is from fedora (mode-heuristics or something), but it quite doesn't work right. without it should be fine for most01:02
tepsipakkiyes, that's way cool01:02
bryce_excellent, I'll take a peek at that r5xx patch; I know there's quite a few bug reports on that01:02
tepsipakkidamn, missed lunchtime (crappy selection here during summer.. every place closes at 14)01:02
tepsipakkiwell, there are two grocer's nearby.. I'll manage :)01:03
bryce_btw, I started a thread on ubuntuforums.org for xorg testing01:04
bryce_it attracted some attention, but I think more recruitment is needed01:04
tepsipakkialso, I'm waiting for the x11-xsession-utils to pass NEW, then the x11-* packages are uploaded to unstable, and perhaps in ubuntu too (replacing all the individually package apps)01:04
tepsipakkiyes I noticed01:04
tepsipakkiI haven't used the forums much01:05
tepsipakki..at all, to be precise :)01:05
bryce_yeah I'm not really a forums person myself01:06
bryce_however it appeared that that's where the audience was, so figured I'd give it a shot01:06
bryce_do you know if there is already a ubuntu-x mailing list somewhere?01:07
tepsipakkithe "r5xx" patch for the server is the 41_vbe_filter_less.diff, which makes the server not to drop modes too early before they have a chance being validated01:07
tepsipakkino mailing list, maybe it would be useful01:07
=== bryce_ nods
bryce_I'll plan on looking into setting one up01:08
bryce_I'm also planning on learning how to use the new PPA system for posting proposed .debs for folks to test01:10
tepsipakkiPPA? I've missed that one01:12
bryce_"personal package archives" - it's in beta.  It seems to be like posting debs to your people.ubuntu.com/~name/ space, but more formalized.  It's in beta, but I've had several people suggest using it01:13
tepsipakkioh, cool01:13
tepsipakkiabout my plans; I'll continue pushing the changes (especially in xorg-the-package) to debian, and hopefully starting bugwork again in August..01:17
tepsipakkibut the next three weeks I'll be offline ;)01:18
tepsipakkierr, two actually01:18
=== jcristau [n=jcristau@pdpc/supporter/basic/jcristau] has joined #ubuntu-x
bryce_heya jcristau 01:42
bryce_tepsipakki, sounds good01:42
bryce_tepsipakki, this is fine; my plans for coming weeks are to get bulletproof-x implemented and integrated into xorg, and continue getting packages updated01:44
bryce_I probably won't get much bug work done, but by August when things are frozen I'll definitely be joining you in bug hunting :-)01:45
jcristauhi bryce_ 02:01
tepsipakkijcristau: what's the situation with libx11/xcb for unstable atm?02:02
tepsipakkiand hi :)02:02
jcristauhi tepsipakki 02:03
jcristautepsipakki: it needs a fix for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1139002:03
ubotuFreedesktop bug 11390 in Lib/Xlib "Locking hooks not called from software built against non-XCB Xlib without XTHREADS" [Blocker,New]  02:03
jcristauwhich is what's breaking java02:03
tepsipakkioh, the ball is on xlib's court again :)02:04
jcristauit took a long time to get the sun people to react, but once they did the issue was found pretty quickly02:06
tepsipakkilooks like it, yeah02:07
jcristauthe less nice part is that the bug doesn't have a trivial fix, as xlib/xcb assumes that the locking hooks are called02:10
tepsipakkithat's too bad02:12
jcristauyeah, pretty annoying02:18
bryce_what/who would it take to get this fixed?02:19
tepsipakkiit's already assigned, so I believe it's being worked on02:19
tepsipakkisince it's a showstopper02:20
bryce_ok cool.02:21
bryce_interesting, I didn't realize bart massey was involved in this...  I run into him a lot since we're both in Portland02:22
jcristaulast time i asked josh about this bug, he said this:02:23
jcristau20:22:38 < jcristau> JoshTriplett: is there any progress on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11390 ?02:23
ubotuFreedesktop bug 11390 in Lib/Xlib "Locking hooks not called from software built against non-XCB Xlib without XTHREADS" [Blocker,New]  02:23
jcristau20:23:22 < JoshTriplett> jcristau: Some.  The dent in the nearest wall has become deeper, and my head has become flatter. :)02:23
jcristaualso, jamey got married recently, which didn't help get this fixed ;)02:24
bryce_is this the correct git?  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xcb/wiki.git/  If so, looks like the code hasn't been touched in a while02:25
jcristauit'd probably be in libX11, but yeah, there's nothing new in the repo02:27
bryce_hmm, looks the same here - http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xcb.git;a=summary02:27
jcristauthe libxcb repo is http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xcb/libxcb/ not /wiki02:28
jcristaubut xlib/xcb lives in http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libX11/02:28
=== bryce_ nods
bryce_looks like Jamey Sharp has done some XCB related work recently as well02:29
bryce_although like you said, nothing within the past month02:29
jcristausomeone needs to find how to fix the bug before pushing code out :)02:31
jcristauthere's also http://bugs.debian.org/429147 which has been reported recently. i've forwarded the patch to the xcb guys, so we'll see02:35
bryce_ok cool, guess I'll just stay tuned02:36
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ubotuNew bug: #122762 in xserver-xorg-video-via (main) "Please provide a 3D driver for Unichrome PRO IGP using "restricted drivers"" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12276203:10
ubotuNew bug: #125269 in xorg-server "[PATCH]  Fix Xorg rendering when using a Composite Manager" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12526905:16
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