=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rockj | MarcC: it atleast mention stuff about screenblank in that file, but where can I change what triggers the idletime then=? because it does the screenblank too...might be that which kills the network connection | 12:14 |
Rockj | screensaver kills it? :S | 12:14 |
=== ausome [n=ausome@d220-238-81-54.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zombielion | im using kubuntu 7.04 | 12:16 |
MarcC | Rockj: you have klaptopdaemon installed? | 12:16 |
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MarcC | there's an entry there for "lid switch closed" in the config options of the system tray icon | 12:16 |
MarcC | you can set it to "off" to not do anything | 12:16 |
Rockj | MarcC: not sure, I had kpowersave thingie running in tray, but its closed | 12:16 |
Rockj | and its options had do nothing when lid is closed | 12:17 |
chris122380 | how do I configure Wine or crossoveroffice to use a USB printer? | 12:17 |
Rockj | tho, but the same thing is happening after x minutes with idling. | 12:17 |
Rockj | when screren goes black after idle. | 12:17 |
jkmz52 | If I have an external usb harddrive can I install ubuntu to it and boot form it and have my computer use it as the primary harddrive? | 12:17 |
Rockj | it kills my internet connection too. | 12:17 |
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chris122380 | how do I configure Wine or crossoveroffice to use a USB printer? | 12:18 |
velle | MarcC: I followed your directions, and the problem is gone :) thank you very much :) | 12:18 |
MarcC | Rockj: wireless or wired connection? | 12:19 |
MarcC | velle: very good :) | 12:19 |
=== MarcC is learning linux bit by bit | ||
Rockj | MarcC: wireless, I havent tried with wired tho. | 12:19 |
=== MarcC needs a good GUI diff tool for KDE | ||
chris122380 | how do I configure Wine or crossoveroffice to use a USB printer? | 12:19 |
MarcC | Rockj: I'd be interested to know if it's wireless-only - I think that would help narrow it down a lot, so if you can test wired... | 12:20 |
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Rockj | MarcC: kompare? sudo apt-cache show kompare | 12:20 |
MarcC | Rockj: reason I ask: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=331376&highlight=lid+closed+network | 12:20 |
MarcC | ah, kompare...thanks, I'll try that | 12:20 |
Rockj | a quick search with apt-cache ;) | 12:21 |
MarcC | Rockj: which search terms did you use, out of curiosity? :D | 12:21 |
Rockj | MarcC: kde diff | 12:23 |
Rockj | :p | 12:23 |
Rockj | and | grep diff | 12:23 |
Rockj | keywords | grep some of the keywords is always a win. | 12:23 |
MarcC | Rockj: ok, kde...that makes sense...I just tried diff and got like thousands of entries | 12:23 |
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Rockj | MarcC: that forumtopic, he puts the computer to sleep/hybernate. I don't do that | 12:24 |
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Rockj | its more like...monitor "blacks" out after idle | 12:24 |
Rockj | its an apm call or something | 12:24 |
Rockj | if "cpu" is idle. no user activity | 12:24 |
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MarcC | Rockj: what about your energystar settings in kconfig? | 12:25 |
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Rockj | 1 hour, but it happens alot faster then 1 hour | 12:25 |
Rockj | so tried that one ;) | 12:25 |
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MarcC | Rockj: is this on battery or plugged in? | 12:26 |
MarcC | you can set power managers to blank the screen instead of showing a screensaver if running on battery | 12:26 |
Rockj | I could compile my own kernel, but I'm lazy and it always makes troubles in ubuntu, atleast last time I tried. wireless stopped working even if I used same configuration file as I've used with other distro's and so on | 12:26 |
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avalon | how do i burn a sparseimage file? | 12:28 |
voidmage | Strange.. I can't ssh to my laptop. | 12:28 |
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SlimeyPete | voidmage: did you install openssh-server on the laptop? | 12:29 |
voidmage | yeah | 12:29 |
SlimeyPete | it's not enabled by default in Ubuntu | 12:29 |
voidmage | sshd is running | 12:29 |
SlimeyPete | ah | 12:29 |
voidmage | might be some weird firewall thing | 12:29 |
voidmage | but I start ssh and "nothing" happens | 12:29 |
Rockj | ssh'ing at same local network? or over internet? | 12:30 |
voidmage | over the network | 12:30 |
Rockj | ; /etc/init.d/ssh start | 12:30 |
Rockj | or restart | 12:30 |
Rockj | nmap 192.168.1.x -p 22 | 12:30 |
Rockj | see if port is open. | 12:31 |
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voidmage | hmm | 12:31 |
voidmage | it's open | 12:31 |
Rockj | then try to ssh 192.168.1.x again | 12:32 |
voidmage | I can ssh from laptop to desktop fine | 12:32 |
voidmage | but ssh desktop to laptop won't work | 12:32 |
=== flo is now known as oTzE | ||
Rockj | and your sure sshd is running on laptop? nmap it from desktop and see if it shows port as open | 12:32 |
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voidmage | yeah | 12:32 |
voidmage | well this was weird. | 12:32 |
voidmage | i ssh'd laptop->desktop | 12:32 |
voidmage | and from that session was able to ssh BACk to laptop | 12:33 |
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Rockj | weird. | 12:33 |
voidmage | i know. | 12:33 |
voidmage | hmm. | 12:33 |
Rockj | MarcC: oh, its running on AC ;) | 12:34 |
Rockj | didn't notice the message. | 12:34 |
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voidmage | yeah, i'm not sure why it's doing this. | 12:35 |
crube | Is there any way I can take a screenshot while my kmenu is open? Whenever I click anything else is disappears :) | 12:36 |
=== Puppy_ [n=Kipper@oh-65-40-65-101.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
voidmage | use scrot and set a delay? | 12:36 |
MarcC | Rockj: well, if wireless/wired doesn't make a difference, then you've got yourself a good forum topic :) | 12:36 |
voidmage | or set a delay in ksnapshot? | 12:36 |
SlimeyPete | doesn't printscreen work? | 12:36 |
Puppy_ | a simple question. | 12:36 |
Puppy_ | how do you change the clock not to military time? | 12:36 |
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invader_ | hello all | 12:37 |
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voidmage | right click on clock and go to format time and date | 12:37 |
voidmage | or something like that | 12:37 |
invader_ | is there someone from poland? | 12:37 |
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voidmage | !anyone | 12:37 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:37 |
Puppy_ | voidmage, ok i will see if I can get it there. thanks | 12:38 |
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MarcC | I started the wireless energy daemon but I can't connect to any sources, not even the tesla coil on my desk. Is this a known Kubuntu bug? | 12:42 |
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TeraDyne | XD | 12:42 |
Rockj | MarcC: I guess ill have to try. but still.. I have a feeling its some kind of power save daemon which turns off my wireless card | 12:42 |
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MarcC | Rockj: that could be...you might want to reference your wireless card make/model when you're researching this too. | 12:43 |
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Rockj | its ipw2200, which is placed in several houndred laptops | 12:44 |
Rockj | millions | 12:44 |
Rockj | :P | 12:44 |
Rockj | never had this type of problem in other distros | 12:44 |
MarcC | oh, so it's just you then ;) | 12:44 |
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MarcC | oh, so it's just Kubuntu then ;) | 12:45 |
Rockj | it hates me! :p | 12:45 |
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MarcC | Rockj: in my experience, as long as you're determined not to hate the distro, you can solve any problem pretty quickly unless it's a hardware defect :) | 12:46 |
Rockj | and my sdcard reader doesnt work wither. worked before in ubuntu last time I tried. sighs :p | 12:46 |
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=== MarcC just ordered his first SD card :/ | ||
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kane | does anyone know where the color picker for the kicker lives? which pakcage that is? | 12:47 |
Rockj | sd card Ill fix later, done that before too in a distro. Its a ricoch reader which troubles autodetection stuff after new drivers or something | 12:47 |
MarcC | kane: it's an applet, no? | 12:47 |
Rockj | but this network thing, is being a bit pain. | 12:47 |
Rockj | ohhh, I found a control center I havent seen before in KDE :p | 12:48 |
Rockj | there is a system settings and control center. hum. | 12:48 |
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command0-182 | Can someone please help me delete: /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed | 12:51 |
command0-182 | I really need to delete this file | 12:51 |
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K-Ryan | sudo apt-get remove nvidia_new | 12:51 |
K-Ryan | command0-182: Try that | 12:51 |
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jkmz52 | I there a way to install kubuntu to an external usb harddrive and to boot form it? | 12:53 |
K-Ryan | jkmz52: Yes | 12:53 |
cs5 | can anyone tell me what i should type if gksu "update-manager -c" gives an error that gksu:command not found? | 12:53 |
command0-182 | No | 12:54 |
command0-182 | File is still there | 12:54 |
K-Ryan | Did that work though command0-182? | 12:54 |
K-Ryan | cd5: Kubuntu uses kdesu | 12:54 |
TeraDyne | cs5: try "kdesu" instesd of "gksu" | 12:54 |
cs5 | ah, yes.....ty | 12:54 |
command0-182 | Well the pakage is gone but the file is still there | 12:54 |
K-Ryan | Np | 12:54 |
K-Ryan | command0-182: Try sudo apt-get remove nvidia_new --purge | 12:55 |
jkmz52 | how? | 12:55 |
jkmz52 | and or is there a good how to you could reffer me to? | 12:55 |
K-Ryan | Well I don't know how you could do it without installing grub on your computer. | 12:56 |
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K-Ryan | But you could Make a small 200MB partition on your computer for /boot | 12:56 |
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cs5 | TeraDyne I still get an error, command not found, now its update-manager: | 12:56 |
K-Ryan | And the rest of the install on your external | 12:56 |
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command0-182 | It says couldn't find pakage nvidia_new | 12:56 |
cs5 | any ideas? | 12:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | nvidia-glx-new | 12:57 |
K-Ryan | What Daisuke said | 12:57 |
jkmz52 | my bios lets me boot form a usbdrive could I put grub o my external harddrive? | 12:57 |
K-Ryan | Then yes | 12:57 |
cs5 | !upgrade | 12:57 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 12:57 |
jkmz52 | the reason i asked is because i tried to do it already form the kubuntu lice cd install program and it failed | 12:58 |
jkmz52 | *live cd | 12:58 |
K-Ryan | jkmz52: I dunno, that's strange | 12:58 |
command0-182 | It just says pakage not installed so not removed | 12:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | well yeah, you need the RIT package to use the lice cd | 12:58 |
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vzduch | RIT? | 12:59 |
Rockj | MarcC: might have found it...the thingie. | 12:59 |
Rockj | apmd sounds like a bad guy. :p | 12:59 |
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cs5 | I am trying to upgrade to edgy but I cannot use the commands that have been given in the upgrade help at ubuntu.com, does anyone have any help for a dapper upgrade to edgy so I can hopefully get to fiesty. | 01:00 |
Rockj | trying it...so closing lid and away for a couple of minuts | 01:00 |
jkmz52 | Dose kubuntu need to be on a primary partition? That could have been the issue? | 01:00 |
command0-182 | Nope...file is STILL there | 01:00 |
justin__ | Hey guys, quick question, i just put a second hard drive onto a media box i have laying around. My problem is i cant figure out how to give anyone but root read and write access | 01:00 |
command0-182 | Look is there any way to forcefully remove /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed | 01:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | cs5: back up what you need and install a fresh feisty | 01:01 |
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TeraDyne | cs5: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-6146e7b1dd7a50f5029fd0704e38cad9420c000a | 01:01 |
bia | hi | 01:01 |
bia | i need help | 01:01 |
vzduch | command0-182: sudo rm -f /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed | 01:01 |
cs5 | yes i thought of the fresh instal idea, ty. ty, too teradyne | 01:02 |
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command0-182 | YES THANK YOU :) | 01:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | cs5: the main reason i recommend a fresh install is that there have been several changes between dapper and feisty that make that particular upgrade path perilous | 01:02 |
bia | kann man hier auf deutsch schreiben | 01:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | !de | 01:03 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 01:03 |
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bia | guten morgen | 01:03 |
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juhorner25 | Can anybody here help me with installing the 0.7 update to Open Arena? | 01:05 |
Rockj | MarcC: found it! :D | 01:05 |
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raghu | i am trying to install windows back onto my laptop | 01:09 |
raghu | but after it boots of the cd and loads | 01:10 |
raghu | it says that their is no harddrive | 01:10 |
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raghu | i mean linux boots | 01:10 |
raghu | and when i put the vista cd it found the harddrive | 01:10 |
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raghu | but when i put the recovery xp cd id did not | 01:10 |
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raghu | it says their is no harddrive and that i am supposed to make sure its connected | 01:11 |
SlimeyPete | SATA drive? | 01:11 |
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raghu | yeah | 01:11 |
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raghu | the pc came built with xp media center | 01:12 |
raghu | the os im putting is home | 01:12 |
SlimeyPete | yeah... windows xp installer doesn't like SATA. I have to go into the command line and use fdisk manually if I want to install XP. Not sure what one would do when using recovery. | 01:12 |
raghu | hmm, does home have sata support | 01:12 |
SlimeyPete | yeah, the OS will support it but I found that for some reason the installer didn't. | 01:12 |
raghu | k | 01:13 |
raghu | i wanted to dual boot | 01:13 |
raghu | with kubuntu | 01:13 |
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voidmage | Problem solved. | 01:14 |
=== brendon [n=brendonw@adsl-66-123-160-163.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
voidmage | Didn't have ssh-askpass-gnome | 01:14 |
voidmage | and seahorse was interfering with it | 01:15 |
dvheumen | hi guys, probably an easy question, but I don't quite know how to search for it: when accessing a samba share with konqueror I get some strange directory names like "_L6DAN~C". I know it has to do with the names of the directories, but is there some way to prevent these dirs from showing up or some settings to correct it? | 01:15 |
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cs5 | daisuke_ido: sry, just got your last reply...i can see how right you are as this is my 2nd attempt to get this thing upto edgy alone, so i can see alot of truth in what you say. TY for the advise. Going to download now. | 01:17 |
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Mitchbbaker | hello all | 01:19 |
Mitchbbaker | i have a problem installing kubuntu | 01:20 |
raghu | thnkx | 01:21 |
BluesKaj | heh, 3 hrs ago i was bragging about my wonderful internet connection and how it was so trouble free ... 15 mins later some idiot with a bckhoe cuts the fiber optic line into our town :0 | 01:22 |
jkmz52 | can and operating boot if it is in an extended partition? | 01:22 |
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BluesKaj | Mitchbbaker, what kind of problem | 01:23 |
Rockj | BluesKaj: atleast you can praise yourself that it doesnt happend every day that some smartass cuts your fiber ;) | 01:23 |
Mitchbbaker | well when i try to install it says it can't find ttl | 01:23 |
Mitchbbaker | and suspends that | 01:23 |
Mitchbbaker | and i end up in a prompt | 01:23 |
TeraDyne | BluesKaj: I hope you beat him to a bloody mess with a trout. | 01:23 |
BluesKaj | Rockj, it'll teaches me to be more humble :) | 01:23 |
BluesKaj | it was 15 miles from here TeraDyne | 01:24 |
dvheumen | hi everyone, probably an easy question, but I don't quite know how to search for it and I come up with all kinds of problems that don't match mine: when accessing a samba share with konqueror I get some strange directory names like "_L6DAN~C". I know it has to do with the names of the directories, but is there some way to prevent these dirs from showing up or some settings to correct it? | 01:24 |
savetheWorld | BluesKaj: use the LR caliber trout | 01:24 |
TeraDyne | BluesKaj: Too bad. I would have loved to see that happen. XD | 01:24 |
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BluesKaj | it'll prolly cost the contractor he worked for a few bucks | 01:25 |
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redoo | Hello | 01:28 |
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redoo | does somebody know a dj-software which is similar to bpm-studio? | 01:29 |
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BluesKaj | redoo, dunno for sure but this may be close http://lmms.sourceforge.net/ | 01:34 |
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BluesKaj | !lmms | 01:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lmms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:34 |
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whippy | hey guys, girls, boys | 01:36 |
whippy | ;) | 01:36 |
BluesKaj | old men too ? | 01:36 |
whippy | pag? here ;) | 01:36 |
whippy | or someone ? | 01:37 |
whippy | ;) | 01:37 |
whippy | n' troub | 01:37 |
whippy | ;) | 01:37 |
whippy | hey blue | 01:37 |
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whippy | ..quiteness... | 01:38 |
BluesKaj | what's up whippy? | 01:38 |
whippy | who's who | 01:38 |
whippy | ;) | 01:38 |
whippy | (: | 01:38 |
whippy | hy | 01:38 |
whippy | nothing,... | 01:38 |
whippy | only keeping cool in a night way. | 01:38 |
whippy | ;) | 01:38 |
whippy | had a party tonight. | 01:38 |
=== ritztechy [n=johnny@wsip-24-234-150-195.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dvheumen | Anyone who has an answer to the samba file naming problem? | 01:38 |
whippy | you're right too? | 01:38 |
whippy | smb file naming prob? | 01:39 |
whippy | whats it about? | 01:39 |
ritztechy | is there a good newbie site | 01:39 |
whippy | you've to intall samba | 01:39 |
whippy | and configure | 01:39 |
whippy | youre etc-file | 01:39 |
dvheumen | I've shared my home directory, but there are some files/directories with names that aren't valid to the samba protocol | 01:39 |
whippy | . /etc/samba/smb.conf | 01:40 |
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dvheumen | so when I visit the samba share with konqueror (but I think it's not caused by konqueror) I see a lot of files like '_L6DAN~C' | 01:40 |
whippy | you've to keep as compatible as you can... | 01:40 |
whippy | so downcomp means. less than 256 chars, and no special chars. | 01:40 |
whippy | or you name like: | 01:41 |
whippy | folder1_asmy | 01:41 |
whippy | with underscores | 01:41 |
dvheumen | yeah, but I don't have much choice, these files aren't named by me, but by the application that created them :P | 01:41 |
TeraDyne | ritztechy: What do you mean by "newbie"? New to Linux or new to Kubuntu? | 01:41 |
whippy | you've to conv them | 01:41 |
whippy | the called "tilde" is cause of the longnames | 01:42 |
dvheumen | yeah I know | 01:42 |
whippy | ist to the | 01:42 |
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whippy | 8.3 formar | 01:42 |
whippy | format | 01:42 |
whippy | its a directory you "SAMPLED" here | 01:42 |
whippy | cause you have no .3 | 01:42 |
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dvheumen | I understand the problem completely (I've got a large and technical windows background), I'm just curious if there's some kind of switch to not display these files or something | 01:43 |
whippy | you need to have no troubles, | 01:43 |
whippy | its completly normally | 01:43 |
whippy | to schow 8.3 if its not supported | 01:43 |
whippy | how did you mount the device? | 01:44 |
whippy | mount -t vfat | 01:44 |
whippy | . /dev/hdaXsample /mnt | 01:44 |
=== zombielion [n=zombieli@221-109.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dvheumen | whippy: just smb://<ip-address>/<share-name>/ in konqueror | 01:44 |
whippy | oke, then its about the server | 01:45 |
dvheumen | but it seems more like a server-oriented setting | 01:45 |
Biovore | hmm samba shows long names here.. | 01:45 |
whippy | you've to tune the serv | 01:45 |
dvheumen | yeah, for me too | 01:45 |
Biovore | you connecting to a win98 machine or something? | 01:45 |
dvheumen | I guess it's caused by the special characters like colons and such | 01:45 |
dvheumen | they have other meanings in dos/windows | 01:45 |
zombielion | i have just got cinelerra installed and everytime i try to open it nothing happens what could do this i have all the dependencies installed it didnt tell me im missing anything | 01:45 |
whippy | @dvheum | 01:45 |
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whippy | he can access the stuff, | 01:45 |
whippy | but not in the right way he wants | 01:46 |
Biovore | zombielion: try running from cli.. see if its spitting an error and dieing. | 01:46 |
whippy | long name | 01:46 |
whippy | s | 01:46 |
whippy | you acces from a w98 u said? | 01:46 |
zombielion | what is cli | 01:46 |
Biovore | yeah.. thats server side problem.. | 01:46 |
whippy | that could it beee? | 01:46 |
Biovore | cli -- command line interface | 01:46 |
zombielion | im new to kubuntu well to linux all together | 01:46 |
dvheumen | nope, just from linux/winxp | 01:46 |
whippy | cause i think w98 has a mixed mode | 01:46 |
zombielion | ok... well how do i do that | 01:46 |
whippy | 8.3 and longnames i think | 01:46 |
Biovore | probably something with the XP setup.. I don't have problems here with it.. I have names with weird names, space, special chars.. and even files in japanese.. it all works here.. | 01:47 |
dvheumen | I'd put my bet on the samba-server settings | 01:47 |
whippy | perhaps u use UTF? | 01:47 |
whippy | or? | 01:47 |
whippy | mr.Bio | 01:47 |
cs5 | there is an option in the winxp setup disk right at the beginning of its load to hit f6 to instal sata or raid drives. | 01:47 |
Biovore | well I do use UTF-8 for almost everything.. | 01:47 |
Rockj | /lastlog Rockj | 01:47 |
Rockj | narf. | 01:48 |
Rockj | /lastlog Rockj | 01:48 |
whippy | or UTF-? | 01:48 |
Rockj | hum | 01:48 |
whippy | utf-8 | 01:48 |
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whippy | so i think, | 01:49 |
whippy | the downcompatibly is keeped by the server, | 01:49 |
dvheumen | hmmm... guess os | 01:49 |
dvheumen | *so | 01:49 |
whippy | you've to rename the server stuff, or keep a second one | 01:49 |
whippy | the second server, only for w98 machines, | 01:49 |
dvheumen | I'm currently trying to filter out the problematic directories/files | 01:49 |
whippy | with backup-functino | 01:49 |
dvheumen | I think it has something to do with the ':' being used. It has a different meaning in Dos/Windows so that could be the cause of the 8.3 conversion | 01:50 |
Biovore | yeah.. win98 and win95 do samba by 8.3 only.. they use name mangling. | 01:50 |
whippy | @ dvheu | 01:50 |
whippy | you have no problems on xp normally, | 01:50 |
whippy | its only you are some versions down | 01:50 |
whippy | with w98 | 01:50 |
whippy | everything is in another way, | 01:50 |
whippy | you can also escape from the user login with ESC | 01:51 |
whippy | w98 has a self - living -structure | 01:51 |
dvheumen | Got them, they were indeed all files/directories with names containing a ':' so that was the cause of the mangling | 01:52 |
whippy | from filesystems there are some ways to format and understand | 01:52 |
whippy | from the operating system | 01:52 |
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dvheumen | too bad some of them were .xsession-* files so they'll be back :( | 01:52 |
whippy | the operating system / or kernel / as u use in linux | 01:52 |
whippy | supports the filesystems | 01:53 |
=== wizard [n=wizard@82-217-29-213.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whippy | fat12 for floppies | 01:53 |
whippy | fat16 for 8.3 i think thats in w98 | 01:53 |
whippy | upgrad w98 second edition | 01:53 |
whippy | is on fat32 -> long name support | 01:53 |
whippy | w98Se | 01:53 |
dvheumen | fat32 does support long filenames, but still only as an sort of extension | 01:54 |
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dvheumen | there's still an 8.3 base :p | 01:54 |
whippy | i know that | 01:54 |
whippy | but i said -> | 01:54 |
whippy | w98se not w98 | 01:54 |
whippy | you got w98se? | 01:54 |
=== wizard is now known as codr | ||
dvheumen | I've got them all, but I'm not using it :D only WinXP and linux atm | 01:55 |
dvheumen | and it's NTFS | 01:55 |
whippy | whoha | 01:55 |
whippy | u use wxp -> to access samba? is it right? | 01:55 |
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dvheumen | nope, sorry I'm saying it all wrong | 01:55 |
BluesKaj | not many w98 users anymore | 01:55 |
whippy | 'reset' | 01:55 |
dvheumen | to make a summary: the server uses kubuntu with samba server, running on an ext3 fs | 01:56 |
dvheumen | the client is running winxp on an NTFS filesystem (but that doesn't matter :P) | 01:56 |
dvheumen | I never brought in the win98 part ;) | 01:56 |
Tricky4 | could somebody help me with kopete it wont connect anymore | 01:57 |
Tricky4 | dont know what todo | 01:57 |
=== sobero [n=whippy@85-127-15-115.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sobero | ... | 01:57 |
dvheumen | whippy: but thanks for the extra info, I think I've got it fixed not and I'll just have to live with the .xsession-<hostname>:<display> files popping up (prob. because of VNC) | 01:57 |
codr | hi | 01:58 |
dvheumen | *fixed now | 01:58 |
sobero | hi codr | 01:58 |
codr | how my bluetoth gonna work? | 01:58 |
sobero | you code? | 01:58 |
K-Ryan | No he is codr | 01:58 |
sobero | @ dv how do you fixed it? | 01:58 |
K-Ryan | =) | 01:58 |
sobero | hey k-ryan ;) | 01:58 |
sobero | smileOn | 01:58 |
codr | my bluetooth is on laptop | 01:58 |
codr | but still not the light is not light | 01:59 |
dvheumen | sobero: all the files/directories that were mangled to 8.3 names contained a colon (':') and it turned out they could all be deleted without a problem, so I did :P | 01:59 |
codr | the wirelless and everything perfect | 01:59 |
codr | but bluetooth not. | 01:59 |
codr | any idea? | 01:59 |
sobero | hahaha | 01:59 |
sobero | oke, | 01:59 |
sobero | you solved it with DELE | 01:59 |
codr | ? | 01:59 |
sobero | 4char command | 01:59 |
codr | ex? | 02:00 |
sobero | you use rarp? | 02:00 |
sobero | ;) | 02:00 |
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sobero | resolve arp ;) | 02:00 |
codr | nop | 02:00 |
dvheumen | yeah nice isn't it... they were backup directory that contained a time like .....12:23.... and the ':' was the problem. But those backups were only made for recovering in case some conversion went wrong and it didn't. | 02:01 |
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codr | amyway im gonn fix it alone as always. | 02:01 |
sobero | yould be | 02:01 |
codr | :-/ | 02:01 |
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codr | K-Ryan: the nick in various, just i type it. But im code | 02:02 |
K-Ryan | Hold on, you're having bluetooth trouble? | 02:02 |
codr | might web develop one but good enough like perl sql wml xml | 02:02 |
codr | yes | 02:02 |
codr | i had | 02:02 |
K-Ryan | !bluetooth | 02:02 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 02:02 |
dvheumen | but thanks again and I'm gone now, bye :D | 02:02 |
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sno2 | @dv back here | 02:04 |
raffytaffy | evening , i have big problem, i cant compile anything in kubuntu feisty, it tells me i cant make executable files | 02:04 |
raffytaffy | i installed build essentials | 02:04 |
sno2 | fine that you fixed it | 02:04 |
sno2 | so the backs where it, | 02:04 |
sno2 | and pl don't scan me ;) | 02:04 |
codr | sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart | 02:04 |
codr | sudo: /etc/init.d/bluez-utils: command not found | 02:04 |
sno2 | got a real nice monitor ;) | 02:04 |
codr | :-/ | 02:05 |
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codr | anyway thx cya! | 02:08 |
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cleit0n | hi, how i install mplayer in Kubuntu dapper? | 02:09 |
salamon | you got it or should i continue? | 02:09 |
TeraDyne | cleit0n: "sudo aptitude install mplayer" in a Konsole window. | 02:10 |
TeraDyne | Wait. | 02:10 |
TeraDyne | !info mplayer | 02:10 |
ubotu | mplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu9.1 (feisty), package size 3967 kB, installed size 10004 kB | 02:10 |
TeraDyne | cleit0n: You'll also need to have the multiverse repositories enabled. | 02:11 |
cleit0n | TeraDyne: dont have it here | 02:11 |
TeraDyne | !multiverse | 02:11 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:11 |
TeraDyne | cleit0n: that link will tell you how to activate the other repositories. Once you do, you can get mplayer. | 02:11 |
TeraDyne | !find mplayer dapper | 02:13 |
ubotu | Found: kmplayer-base, kmplayer-doc, kmplayer-konq-plugins, kmplayer, mozilla-mplayer (and 15 others) | 02:13 |
cleit0n | TeraDyne: yes, i do this.. but nothing | 02:14 |
hero | !search groupware | 02:14 |
ubotu | Found: | 02:14 |
hero | :( | 02:14 |
cleit0n | :/ | 02:14 |
grul | How do you set the default font in gvim? | 02:15 |
tallia1 | hello there | 02:16 |
tallia1 | something really easy | 02:16 |
tallia1 | how that rubbery material that enhance the heat transfer between processor and cooling system called? | 02:16 |
tallia1 | i have an overheating problem in my gateway laptop and i want to replace it to see if it could improve its performances | 02:16 |
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BluesKaj | insulation? | 02:17 |
tallia1 | it's not insulation, it's the opposite | 02:17 |
tallia1 | does not insulate | 02:17 |
BluesKaj | heatsink | 02:17 |
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TeraDyne | cleit0n: That's odd. The Wiki says that it's in the multiverse repo, even in dapper. | 02:17 |
cleit0n | TeraDyne: here only kmplayer | 02:17 |
cleit0n | Linux ubuntu 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:00 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 02:17 |
tallia1 | is that the "official" name? | 02:17 |
TeraDyne | !info kmplayer | 02:17 |
ubotu | kmplayer: media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 185 kB, installed size 604 kB | 02:17 |
Dragnslcr | tallia1- you mean thermal paste? | 02:18 |
Dragnslcr | Or sometimes called thermal grease | 02:18 |
tallia1 | Dragnslcr: yes, here you are :) | 02:18 |
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tallia1 | Dragnslcr: listen.. where can I buy it? | 02:18 |
BluesKaj | rubbery material ? ...err greasy material | 02:18 |
cleit0n | !info dapper | 02:18 |
ubotu | Package dapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 02:18 |
BluesKaj | electronics hobby stores tallia1 | 02:19 |
Dragnslcr | tallia1- any decent computer parts place should have some | 02:19 |
tallia1 | i would like to try a superperforming one.... otherwise i will have to send my laptop to gateway which will cost me 400$ | 02:19 |
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Dragnslcr | Online places like MWave and Newegg will have it too, but it may not be worth paying shipping on a $5 order | 02:19 |
BluesKaj | decent computer parts store heh ,,,there's an oxymoron | 02:19 |
Dragnslcr | Heh | 02:20 |
Dragnslcr | "Any" could be zero | 02:20 |
tallia1 | Dragnslcr: since i am having an overheating problem (which cause random shutdown) do you have any other suggestion on what to do beside changing the paste? | 02:20 |
TeraDyne | This is odd. I'm sure mplayer is in dapper's multiverse repo... Not sure why you can't get it... | 02:20 |
Dragnslcr | tallia1- could be a dead case fan | 02:20 |
srnx2 | apt-get install mplayer | 02:20 |
tallia1 | Dragnslcr: what? | 02:20 |
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Dragnslcr | I assume you aren't overclocking the CPU? | 02:21 |
tallia1 | Dragnslcr: no, it's working standard | 02:21 |
Dragnslcr | What temperature is it running at? | 02:21 |
tallia1 | but i don't have speedstep cause it's a desktop replacement | 02:21 |
tallia1 | dunno how to check on windows | 02:21 |
srnx2 | do not touch a foreign... sys ;) it comes back to you ;) remb | 02:21 |
srnx2 | ;) | 02:21 |
srnx2 | thx | 02:21 |
BluesKaj | tallia1, if you keep your laptop om a table , get a holder which raises it off the table surface to make a space between the laptop and the table surface for air circulation and cooling effect | 02:22 |
Dragnslcr | http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php | 02:22 |
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dragnslcr | Speedfan can display temperature sensors | 02:22 |
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tallia1 | BluesKaj: yes, that works, but i can't use my laptop anywhere | 02:22 |
Berto | Hi - I'm currently using 64-bit kubuntu with 32-bit browser and 32-bit flash. Is there a doc on using 64-bit browser + 32-bit flash? | 02:22 |
tallia1 | would blowing high pressure air inside the cooling system do any good? l | 02:23 |
tallia1 | like cleaning the parts and so on | 02:23 |
tallia1 | or maybe greasing the fan mechanical parts | 02:23 |
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whippy | hi guys, | 02:23 |
whippy | i lost my connection ;) so i'm back ;) | 02:23 |
manowar | Hello... | 02:24 |
tallia1 | Dragnslcr: uh? | 02:24 |
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peder_ | How can I install nvidia drivers? kubuntuguide says envy, but envy isn't in the repositories! | 02:26 |
manowar | ati proprietary driver worked on both outputs...I then tried out beryl, didn't work...due to the configs done I had to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reset my card | 02:26 |
manowar | then to reinstall ati proprietary, however, since then only my vga out works and not my dvi out...!!?? | 02:27 |
hero | !phpgroupware | 02:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about phpgroupware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:27 |
hero | :( | 02:27 |
Dragnslcr | peder_- you should be able to just enable the restricted repository and install the package | 02:27 |
Dragnslcr | peder_- most likely the nvidia-glx-new package | 02:28 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: restricted is enabled, but still no envy. | 02:28 |
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
manowar | dvi out=no signal input...vga=opengl working fine | 02:28 |
Dragnslcr | peder_- most likely the nvidia-glx-new package | 02:29 |
manowar | anyone have an idea on how to get the dvi out to work again? | 02:29 |
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manowar | peder's back | 02:31 |
manowar | peder, did you get his answer? | 02:32 |
manowar | nvidia-glx-new package? | 02:32 |
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peder_ | Dragnslcr: I installed it, but it's obviously not enabled (no nvidia-screen when restarting X). When typing "nvidia-settings", I get an error. Will paste. | 02:32 |
peder_ | It didn' work. | 02:32 |
Dragnslcr | I seem to remember that it tried changing xorg.conf in ways that it really shouldn't | 02:32 |
whippy | hey, peder_underscore | 02:33 |
whippy | ;) | 02:33 |
peder_ | Here it is: http://pastebin.com/d5c570406 | 02:34 |
whippy | ;) | 02:34 |
peder_ | whippy: hi! (btw: this was default nick XD | 02:34 |
whippy | does this link keep refeeres? | 02:34 |
peder_ | say what? | 02:35 |
Dragnslcr | peder_- what gives you those errors? | 02:35 |
whippy | nothing... ;) | 02:35 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: typing "nvidia-settings" in terminal. Nvidia-settings opens, but only with settings like "Enable tool-tips", "Show "Really quit"-dialogs?" | 02:36 |
Dragnslcr | Hm, I don't think I've ever even run that | 02:36 |
peder_ | It was just something I came up with. I didn't have to run it in Ubuntu. | 02:37 |
peder_ | So it's obviously not vital, but still - the errors. | 02:37 |
Dragnslcr | Did you restart X after installing the drivers? | 02:37 |
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manowar | trying to get dvi to work on ati, I just run into wall after wall | 02:38 |
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manowar | about to just buy an nvidia 6800gs card | 02:38 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: yes. | 02:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | manowar: go with at least a 7600 :) | 02:39 |
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peder_ | manowar: hehe, I've heard that the ATI linux drivers are horrible? Is that true? | 02:39 |
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manowar | hmm...I have thought of buying the 7900gs | 02:39 |
manowar | yes, very true | 02:39 |
peder_ | BTW: I've got 7900GTX. | 02:39 |
cleit0n | hi, please help me, i try install mplayer in dapper, but dont install here | 02:39 |
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Daisuke_Ido | peder_: it's not that they're horrible, it's that they're so mind-bogglingly terrible that not even cthulhu would wish them on the world. | 02:40 |
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Dragnslcr | peder_- check /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look at the device section for the video card | 02:40 |
manowar | did you try --> sudo apt-get install mplayer? | 02:40 |
whippy | hey. pede? | 02:40 |
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Dragnslcr | Make sure the driver is "nvidia" and not "nv" | 02:40 |
peder_ | Daisuke_Ido: I'm not really sure what Cthulhu is, but I know I've played "Call of Cthulhu - dark corners of the earth" (didn't finish), and yes - I am foreign! | 02:40 |
sweettooth | !autostart | 02:40 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 02:40 |
Dragnslcr | I've refused to buy an ATI card ever since Win2k | 02:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | !cthulhu | 02:41 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: Will do. | 02:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cthulhu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:41 |
whippy | @ dragnisicr | 02:41 |
whippy | you now some security tools ;) | 02:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | aww... ubotu should know about cthulhu! | 02:41 |
whippy | for ubuntu? | 02:41 |
whippy | not snort? | 02:41 |
Dragnslcr | whippy- I do? | 02:41 |
whippy | or is that the best one? | 02:41 |
whippy | or honeypots? | 02:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | peder_: cthulhu is an incredibly hideaous demon, a creation of hp lovecraft | 02:41 |
whippy | u' also like security stuff? | 02:42 |
manowar | cleit0n, have you tried $ sudo apt-get update and then $ sudo apt-get install mplayer | 02:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | oooh... that gives me an idea. a lovecraftian ubuntu fork. cthulhubuntu! | 02:42 |
peder_ | Daisuke_Ido: KK :P So you've read his works, then? | 02:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | peder_: not many | 02:42 |
whippy | thanks, drag | 02:42 |
whippy | ;) | 02:42 |
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whippy | 'cause i can't sleep of metalog ;) | 02:43 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: Driver: "nv" | 02:43 |
manowar | I don't believe nv supports 3d (opengl) | 02:43 |
peder_ | change to "nvidia"? | 02:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | peder_: have you restarted x since installing nvidia-glx? | 02:43 |
Dragnslcr | peder_- make a backup copy of xorg.conf (always a very good idea), change that to nvidia, and restart X | 02:44 |
peder_ | Daisuke_Ido: yes, many times. | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | k | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | peder_: read the shadow over innsmouth. very good | 02:44 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: what's the full command for backup of xorg again? sudo cp? | 02:44 |
peder_ | etc... | 02:44 |
Dragnslcr | Yeah | 02:44 |
cleit0n | manowar: yes.. | 02:45 |
whippy | . | 02:45 |
manowar | cleit0n: and still no install goodness? does it give an error? | 02:45 |
cleit0n | manowar: apt-cache search find only kmplayer | 02:46 |
peder_ | Dragnslcr: restarting X, brb. | 02:47 |
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peder_ | Dragnslcr: it worked, but now everything is really ugly (resolution etc). | 02:47 |
whippy | okay ;) | 02:48 |
cleit0n | manowar: paste the mirror please | 02:48 |
peder_ | Gotta get the Hz up to 75 :/ | 02:48 |
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whippy | ;) | 02:51 |
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manowar | cleit0n: it is in the multiverse repository...you may need to enable it in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:52 |
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manowar | Daisuke_ldo: why 7600 or better? the 6800gs is a 256bit with 32mbits of video bandwidth...not bad for $100 | 02:54 |
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d4rkmonkey | Hey, how do I rip CDs onto my computer with amarok? | 02:54 |
vbgunz | I just logged in as a new user... nothing is loading... how do I kill that users session? | 02:56 |
manowar | Daisuke_ldo: according to gpureview.com the 6800gs is much better than the 7600's | 02:56 |
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d4rkmonkey | Hey, how do I rip CDs onto my computer with amarok?( I'm using gnome but running amaroK I decided to come here to see if there were more amaroK users here) | 02:57 |
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manowar | lol, amaroK roKs | 02:58 |
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d4rkmonkey | manowar... do you know how i could rip CDs using it? I prefer to do everything with one program | 02:59 |
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manowar | d4rkmonkey: in amaroK select 'playlist' from the top, then select 'burn to cd' | 03:01 |
d4rkmonkey | that isn't ripping.. | 03:01 |
d4rkmonkey | thats burning. | 03:01 |
TeraDyne | d4rkmonkey: I've never even heard of being able to rip CDs in Amarok. It's better to use a dedicated app like Sound Juicer or Grip for that, anyway. | 03:02 |
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sylvisj | Ok, can someone tell me where KDE's display settings (desktop resolution), etc are stored? | 03:02 |
d4rkmonkey | TeraDyne, that sucks, I'd much rather use one program for all my music needs. if I can't find a way to make amarok rip CDs, I might have to go back to something like banshee | 03:03 |
manowar | ah missed the rip part, sorry | 03:03 |
TeraDyne | sylvisj: K Menu > System Settings > Monitor & Display | 03:03 |
TeraDyne | d4rkmonkey: It doesn't look like you can. I can't find anything in the handbook on it, anyway. | 03:03 |
d4rkmonkey | ok, thanks anyways TeraDyne | 03:04 |
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sylvisj | TeraDyne: , well that's great, if KDE wasn't viewporting me to 640x480, so that I can't get to the KDE menu. | 03:04 |
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manowar | sylvisj: you can also bring up konsole and type $ kcontrol | 03:06 |
sylvisj | thanks. | 03:06 |
tzanger | hmm, am I missing something? I can select a few news feeds to show up in my kontact summary screen | 03:06 |
tzanger | akregator is there | 03:06 |
tzanger | I have eeds"in my left pane | 03:06 |
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tzanger | but I cant select it for my summary | 03:06 |
manowar | tsylvisj: then go to peripherals and then monitor and display | 03:06 |
TeraDyne | sylvisj: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327238 < That might help if you can't get it fixed that way. | 03:07 |
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sylvisj | manowar: , I have no idea where it is in the K control panel | 03:08 |
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sylvisj | TeraDyne: will attempt to view it, if I can get firefox up in that tiny space -.- | 03:08 |
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TeraDyne | sylvisj: Nevermind, they've changed it somehow since the short time of that post. -_-; | 03:09 |
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manowar | sylvisj: its under peripherals and then monitor and display | 03:09 |
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sweettooth | anyone familiar with thunderbird in here? installed new mail icon to minimise it to tray, but not sure how to minimise it on startup using bash script | 03:10 |
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rustalot | how to I make an .avi file into a burnable DVD? I looked in the k3b manual but | 03:11 |
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rustalot | the Tools-> Encode video option wasn't there | 03:11 |
Biovore | rustalot: have to make the .avi into a mpeg2 | 03:11 |
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manowar | anyone got an idea why on my ati card dvi and vga worked...til I tried out beryl and had to reinstall my ati driver...now only vga out works? | 03:15 |
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hero | manowar: #ubuntu-effects is better for beryl stuff | 03:17 |
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manowar | hero: I never got beryl to work - is why I had to reinstall, sigh...ubuntu-effects? beryl based? or compiz? | 03:19 |
hero | both | 03:19 |
manowar | hero: ever since reinstalling I cannot get dvi out to work | 03:19 |
manowar | both? cool | 03:20 |
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manowar | scary though, since I never got beryl to work with my ati card | 03:20 |
hero | well | 03:20 |
hero | they know more about that stuff there | 03:20 |
manowar | and last time I tried it only half my card works now | 03:21 |
hero | esp. since no one is saying anything about it here | 03:21 |
manowar | good point | 03:21 |
manowar | lol | 03:21 |
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hero | sorry :D | 03:22 |
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sweettooth | !kdocker | 03:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdocker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:23 |
bronze | How do I set Opera as primary web browser (closed-source oh noes!)! | 03:24 |
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zombielion | im needing some help with cinelerra | 03:24 |
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sweettooth | bronze, press Alt-F2 and type kcontrol | 03:26 |
sweettooth | go to KDE Components -> Default Applications | 03:26 |
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rustalot | How do I make a playable dvd ? | 03:30 |
intelikey | "i was never crazy, but hardly ever sane" | 03:31 |
intelikey | !dvd | 03:31 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 03:31 |
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rustalot | I have a movie file that I want to make into a dvd | 03:32 |
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hero | rustalot: listen to ubotu | 03:35 |
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Xbehave | do beryl/compliz etc work with 2 seperate screens? | 03:37 |
rustalot | hero: ubotu isn't telling me what I need to know. | 03:38 |
rustalot | I have a video file that I want to /put/ onto a dvd. | 03:39 |
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zombielion | use devede | 03:40 |
zombielion | rustalot | 03:40 |
zombielion | i havnt used it yet but it looks pretty simple | 03:40 |
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nosrednaekim | Xbehave: yeah, it does, never done it though so i'm not sure if it works. | 03:41 |
hero | you can also use gnombaker, but that's not kde. it will still work, though | 03:41 |
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intelikey | rustalot apt-cache search dvd | less | 03:42 |
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nosrednaekim | k3b can't do it? | 03:42 |
hero | rustalot: http://dot.kde.org/1066083247/ | 03:42 |
hero | it can | 03:42 |
hero | read the above link | 03:42 |
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rustalot | hero: maybe it can, but I can't figure out how | 03:48 |
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rustalot | the manual said there was a Tools>Encode, or something, but I couldn't find it in the menu | 03:49 |
jhutchins | rustalot: There's also tovid. | 03:49 |
intelikey | !info qdvdauthor | 03:49 |
ubotu | qdvdauthor: GUI frontend for dvdauthor and other related tools. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.1.2-0.0 (feisty), package size 3299 kB, installed size 6700 kB | 03:49 |
hero | rustalot: do you have the other packages it needs? they are listed on the link i pasted above. | 03:49 |
jhutchins | I don't think k3b does a very good job of formatting the DVD properly for a non-PC player. | 03:50 |
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intelikey | i want a new/better "cdrecord" one a little more standardized and simplistic in it's usage. or maybe just some good cli front end for it... | 03:52 |
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intelikey | !info cdrecord | 03:53 |
ubotu | cdrecord: Dummy transition package for wodim. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.2-1 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB | 03:53 |
intelikey | hmmm that's a dummy package | 03:53 |
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intelikey | !info cdrecord edgy | 03:55 |
ubotu | cdrecord: command line CD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:2.01+01a03-5ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 567 kB, installed size 1176 kB | 03:55 |
nosrednaekim | !wodim | 03:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wodim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:55 |
nosrednaekim | !info wodim | 03:55 |
ubotu | wodim: command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.2-1 (feisty), package size 415 kB, installed size 840 kB | 03:55 |
intelikey | !info wodim dapper | 03:56 |
ubotu | Package wodim does not exist in dapper | 03:56 |
intelikey | that's what i'm saying... | 03:56 |
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jhutchins | !info growisofs | 03:57 |
ubotu | Package growisofs does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:57 |
jhutchins | !find growisofs | 03:57 |
ubotu | File growisofs found in dvd+rw-tools | 03:57 |
intelikey | so feisty uses wodim in place of cdrecord ? | 03:57 |
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jhutchins | !find tovid | 03:58 |
ubotu | Package/file tovid does not exist in feisty | 03:58 |
intelikey | !find find | 03:59 |
ubotu | Found: findutils, kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data, ocaml-findlib, xfce4-appfinder, findimagedupes (and 17 others) | 03:59 |
intelikey | !find bin/find | 04:00 |
ubotu | File bin/find found in findutils | 04:00 |
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intelikey | handy. | 04:00 |
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nosrednaekim | !wine | 04:01 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:01 |
intelikey | wine is wine is not an emulator | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | lol | 04:01 |
intelikey | every bot knows that.... | 04:01 |
intelikey | :) | 04:01 |
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nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 04:03 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 04:03 |
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Slyboots | Hello | 04:06 |
Minataku | Hi | 04:06 |
Minataku | Wait | 04:06 |
Minataku | I know why you're here | 04:06 |
Minataku | Graphics card problem | 04:06 |
Slyboots | you do? | 04:06 |
Slyboots | ... | 04:06 |
Minataku | MENTOK KNOWS ALL | 04:06 |
Slyboots | Thats freaky | 04:07 |
Minataku | Not really | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | ME? | 04:07 |
mneptok | Minataku: pardon me? | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | NM | 04:07 |
Slyboots | How did you know that? :) | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: you have a problem that has been bugging you for hours and you come here to the experts | 04:07 |
Slyboots | Something like that :) | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | and my super posers have told me you haven't search google yet. | 04:07 |
nosrednaekim | *powers | 04:07 |
Slyboots | Actuly.. yea I have but its not been much help realy | 04:08 |
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Slyboots | Its offered a few solutions but none that seem to fit the bill for this problem | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | lol. | 04:08 |
=== nosrednaekim kicks his superpowers | ||
Slyboots | 2/3 aint bad | 04:08 |
nosrednaekim | so whats the problem? | 04:08 |
Slyboots | Well, I was using a ATI card in this machine, but after problem after problem I moved to Nvidia, Tried compiling the nvidia driver module using the one provided on their site | 04:09 |
Slyboots | But now I get a message "sh /sbin/lrm-video : not found" | 04:09 |
Minataku | You're supposed to use that stupid "restricted driver manager" or something :P | 04:09 |
Slyboots | FATAL : error running install command for nvidia | 04:09 |
Minataku | !nv | 04:09 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:09 |
=== intelikey watches the psycos do their thing,,, err excuse me psycycs :) | ||
Slyboots | the nvidia-glx driver ? Tried that | 04:09 |
Slyboots | Same error | 04:09 |
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Minataku | Actually I knew his problem because he was complaining about it on another network | 04:09 |
Minataku | I have a different nickname there, though :3 | 04:10 |
Slyboots | Added nv and nvida-new to the dont-use-these-modules file (Sorry, I forget its name) | 04:10 |
Slyboots | Bah, Minataku is a fraud :P | 04:10 |
Minataku | lol | 04:10 |
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Slyboots | Now, I've tried loading the machine up using the vesa driver to ensure the card is not banjaxed and it does work.. but since there is no accelration its painfully slow | 04:11 |
nosrednaekim | is it a 8800 series? | 04:11 |
Minataku | Yeah, xvesa is a bitch | 04:11 |
Minataku | Be glad it's not xvga | 04:12 |
Minataku | XD | 04:12 |
Minataku | 640x480x8 | 04:12 |
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Slyboots | Geforce 4 MX 440 | 04:12 |
Slyboots | Crap I know, but it was free ::) | 04:12 |
Minataku | Better than anything ATI | 04:13 |
Biovore | Geforce 4 MX 440 does have accelerated support.. | 04:13 |
Minataku | Yeah, but the issue is that he can't even get the driver working | 04:13 |
rustalot | will gusty be using KDE 4? | 04:13 |
nosrednaekim | rustalot: not by default, no | 04:13 |
Minataku | Lotsa good an accelerated driver does when it doesn't work ;3 | 04:13 |
Biovore | yeah.. he needs the legecy-nvidia driver | 04:13 |
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Biovore | I there are 3 version flopping around.. | 04:13 |
Slyboots | That ATI card was a *pain* Video was blue.. Biovore Thats what I downloaded, Legacy 94xx | 04:13 |
Slyboots | It compiles, but fails at the modprobe stage | 04:14 |
Biovore | 94xx it to new.. | 04:14 |
nosrednaekim | no, you don't want the legacy. | 04:14 |
Slyboots | Biovore: thats the one the driver ordered me to use.. | 04:14 |
Biovore | 74xx series of drivers | 04:14 |
nosrednaekim | you want the "in between" driver | 04:14 |
Slyboots | (This card is unsupported in this release, download the legacy 94xx) | 04:14 |
nosrednaekim | lemme go see what its called | 04:14 |
Minataku | You want a PDP-11/04 with up to 56K bytes of memory, WOW! | 04:14 |
Minataku | >.> | 04:14 |
Biovore | yay!!! PDP-11 | 04:14 |
Minataku | Sorry, I've been reading a PDP handbook | 04:15 |
Minataku | lol | 04:15 |
Biovore | Its sad.. I have an assembly language book for one laying around here somewhere.. | 04:15 |
Minataku | Biovore: bitsavers.org | 04:15 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: you need the 9631 driver | 04:15 |
Slyboots | NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9639-pkg1.run | 04:15 |
=== intelikey wishes his nvidia agp card was supported | ||
Biovore | what card is that? | 04:16 |
intelikey | riva128 | 04:17 |
Biovore | yeah.. thats a bit old.. | 04:17 |
Biovore | they did work at 1 time though.. Need to get older copy of X | 04:17 |
Biovore | 3.3.6 I think | 04:17 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: no, thats too old. | 04:17 |
Slyboots | Thats the last driver nvidia offer that supports my card | 04:18 |
nosrednaekim | hmm. | 04:19 |
mneptok | intelikey: 5200FX cards are cheap and plentiful | 04:19 |
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Slyboots | Holy crap.. I fixed it o.O | 04:20 |
Minataku | Cool | 04:20 |
Slyboots | .. I think | 04:21 |
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Slyboots | Oooh, no | 04:21 |
Slyboots | It just crashed my entire syste | 04:21 |
Slyboots | .. again | 04:21 |
=== Slyboots screams into his keyboard | ||
intelikey | mneptok but why would i want to spend even a dime on more hardware... i have hardware... | 04:21 |
Slyboots | X booted up fine, then it loaded myth.. and froze the machine | 04:21 |
mneptok | intelikey: so you still have that 8088? | 04:21 |
Biovore | 4040 | 04:21 |
Minataku | I have a machine with an 8086 | 04:21 |
Minataku | And one with an 8085 | 04:22 |
intelikey | mneptok have a pair of 286's | 04:22 |
Biovore | 8085 is a copressor | 04:22 |
Minataku | No it's not | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: get restricted-manager | 04:22 |
Minataku | It was an improved version of the 8080 | 04:22 |
nosrednaekim | and use the driver that it recommends | 04:22 |
Slyboots | nosrednaekim: Moved onto a new issue | 04:23 |
Minataku | Biovore: You're thinking of the 8087 | 04:23 |
Slyboots | Got the nvidia module working, but now the machine hardlocks | 04:23 |
Biovore | yeah.. thats it | 04:23 |
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Biovore | yeah.. could have a messed up Graphics card.. | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: then it may not be actually working... | 04:24 |
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Slyboots | Could be | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: check the Xorg log. | 04:24 |
intelikey | actually the box i like the best is a p1mmx with 96m ram and two 1g hd's does every thing i ask it to and surprisingly quick about it. | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | and see if it says anything about kernel module not matching Xorg. | 04:24 |
Biovore | and the f00f bug :-P | 04:24 |
nosrednaekim | although that should outright crash X without freezing | 04:25 |
Minataku | There's a workaround for F0 0F | 04:25 |
Biovore | well the graphics card interface is direct to hardware.. so if it goes.. the box gets totaly hosed | 04:25 |
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Minataku | It was in the errata | 04:25 |
Minataku | The Linux kernel even checks for this on boot | 04:25 |
Minataku | :3 | 04:25 |
Biovore | yup.. linux has destection and work around.. | 04:25 |
duanarchy | Can somebofu please help me get DRI working for my ati xpress 200 card? | 04:26 |
Slyboots | Once I get my machine to boot without loading X and killing everything dead, I'lll do that | 04:26 |
intelikey | Slyboots boot into single user mode | 04:26 |
Minataku | I booted up my Macintosh Classic | 04:26 |
intelikey | that's what its for | 04:27 |
Minataku | Mmmmm... MC68000 | 04:27 |
Slyboots | Good idea | 04:27 |
Biovore | wasn't the first MC6800's 16 bit.. | 04:27 |
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draik | TeraDyne: I have the GoGear with me | 04:28 |
intelikey | MC68000 ? MC6800 ??? | 04:28 |
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draik | HDD1630/17 | 04:28 |
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=== mneptok pats the Mac Quadra 605 under his desk running OpenBSD :) | ||
juhorner25 | Hey, can somebody help me with updating my Open Arena game to 0.7? | 04:30 |
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leileilol | http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=openarena try this | 04:30 |
draik | How do I get amarok to read an mp3 player? | 04:31 |
draik | amarok didn't do it automatically | 04:31 |
Slyboots | The last thing in kern.log is a message about agpgart : Putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode | 04:31 |
Slyboots | Log ends there | 04:31 |
Slyboots | Thats it | 04:31 |
Slyboots | Xorg.log was empty of anything remotly helpful | 04:31 |
juhorner25 | Well I already have the game downloaded in Zip | 04:32 |
juhorner25 | I extracted it to my home dir | 04:32 |
intelikey | Slyboots /var/log/ksymoops/? | 04:32 |
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Minataku | MC6800 was 16bit | 04:32 |
juhorner25 | I don't know how to move it to my /usr/games | 04:32 |
Minataku | MC68000 was 32bit internally, 24bit address bus | 04:32 |
nosrednaekim | cp -r <source> <destination> | 04:32 |
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nosrednaekim | probably need a sudo in there. | 04:33 |
Minataku | So while it was a 32bit core, externally it was only 24bits wide | 04:33 |
nosrednaekim | as well | 04:33 |
Minataku | Similar to the 8088 | 04:33 |
Minataku | Which was a 16bit core but 8bits wide externally | 04:33 |
Minataku | The 8088's deal was to allow easy use of 8bit hardware with the shiny new 16bit core (It was also cheaper) | 04:34 |
Minataku | Dunno what the 68000's deal was | 04:34 |
=== Slyboots peers.. | ||
Slyboots | Nothing | 04:36 |
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Slyboots | Perhaps the card is simply faulty | 04:36 |
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kamui | any dual display users who own tablets? | 04:36 |
kamui | question on aspect ratio, or restricting my tablet to work only on one display | 04:36 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: doubt it | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: oh them again... its old isn't it? | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | yeah, it could be. | 04:37 |
Slyboots | Fairly, I got it from my flatmate | 04:37 |
Slyboots | I was using a ATI up untill now and the machine worked fine.. | 04:37 |
Slyboots | Beyond the shitty ATI graphical bugs | 04:37 |
Slyboots | ... damnit those were annoying | 04:37 |
Biovore | kamui: now people use touchscreens on linux.. but dual head it means you will have to write a manual driver.. I don't think its supported... | 04:37 |
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Slyboots | Installing the Geforce4 card realy screwed things up though | 04:37 |
draik | nosrednaekim: Was that for me? sudo cp -r <source> <destination> | 04:38 |
Biovore | (custom touchscreen drivers) | 04:38 |
nosrednaekim | no that was for juhorner25 | 04:38 |
Slyboots | Ohh, I'll leave it for the night | 04:38 |
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Slyboots | Im tired.. working tomorrow | 04:38 |
kamui | Biovore, that is terrible news :( | 04:38 |
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Slyboots | Thanks for your help anyway :) | 04:39 |
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kamui | biovore, there MUST be a way to restrict the working surface to one screen, I don't have my dual heads set up as one large desktop anymore, but two separate displays/desktops/etc | 04:39 |
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kamui | even had to switch from gnome to kde inorder to get a better more seamless dual display support | 04:39 |
intelikey | clasic | 04:40 |
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Biovore | we.. your problem isn't a gui problem but a Xorg/kernel problem.. | 04:40 |
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kamui | I don't think its kernel related, however you're probably right on the money with the xorg driver speculation | 04:40 |
Biovore | I don't think you can restrict it giving the default touchscreen driver.. | 04:41 |
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intelikey | if you say kernel the people in #kernel will dis. if you say X the people in #xorg will dis... | 04:41 |
kamui | its just seems odd, since I can restrict a regular mouse to either screen (I have two mice, one for each display, I didn't like the cross over effect) | 04:41 |
=== Biovore agrees with intelikey | ||
Biovore | every point at someone else!!! | 04:41 |
K-Ryan | !wireless | 04:41 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:41 |
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K-Ryan | !botsnack | 04:41 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 04:41 |
kamui | well, Ill struggle with it some more | 04:41 |
intelikey | the buck stops here. it's ubuntu's fault. | 04:42 |
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=== intelikey wonders about the subtile irony in that... | ||
kamui | it was surprisingly harder than expected to get my Penwizard 12" tablet to work in tablet mode in ubuntu | 04:42 |
kamui | pensketch excuse me | 04:42 |
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intelikey | still truth be known it's a "propritary" issue. if the hardware maker would open source then it would be a linux issue. | 04:45 |
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Biovore | AMD has been talking about open sourcing the ATI driver.. | 04:46 |
nosrednaekim | Biovore: talk talk talk.... I just wanna see it | 04:46 |
intelikey | yeah but talk is worth $0.00 | 04:46 |
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intelikey | or dito nosrednaekim | 04:46 |
noxx_ | Anyone have any leads on good documentation for tweeking dual display monitor sections to prevent spaning accross both monitors? | 04:47 |
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couto | oi | 04:47 |
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intelikey | !dualhead | 04:47 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 04:47 |
couto | ssh | 04:47 |
intelikey | !twinview | 04:47 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 04:47 |
intelikey | nope. | 04:48 |
intelikey | that's all backwards | 04:48 |
intelikey | maybe the http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead will have something | 04:48 |
K-Ryan | Anyone here use a D-Link WNA-2330 notebook wireless card? | 04:49 |
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intelikey | why am i always on heinlein.freenode.net ??? | 04:50 |
noxx_ | My current configuration is twinview. I have it working but I want to tweek it to prevent the maximized window from spanning both displays and setup a default monitor for windows to open in. | 04:50 |
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draik | Where can I ask about amarok? | 04:50 |
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draik | !amarok | 04:50 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 04:50 |
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intelikey | draik there is an #amarok and #kde as well | 04:51 |
intelikey | draik and when someone is here that knows/uses/likes amarok this would be a good places to ask | 04:52 |
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draik | I have my friend's Philips GoGear HDD1630/17 and it's supposed to **allegedly** read as PTP in Amarok | 04:54 |
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intelikey | <---<< clueless | 04:54 |
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intelikey | /_____________/// | 04:56 |
intelikey | \ \\\ | 04:56 |
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intelikey | spaces are to short. | 04:57 |
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TheCreationist | I'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system. I can still ADD files to it, but not delete them. Anyone have any ideas what gives? | 04:57 |
cerda_ | hey im trying to install ubunt but it wont load | 04:58 |
draik | TheCreationist: I'm trying to retrieve the audio from a Philips HDD1630/17 with Amarok. | 04:58 |
luciano | thebook is on the table | 04:58 |
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jughead | hello #kubuntu! I have a quick question. How can I change the font color on my desktop icons? | 05:02 |
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cerda_ | idk, im havin trouble installing it | 05:02 |
marcelo_ | hola gente, tengo un problema , si alguien me puede dar una mano les voy a agradecer.Quiero cambiar la pantalla de login o (kdm) , intale kdm theme y kde-kdm themes, el problema surge cuando quiero cambiar pantalla porque no me aparece el boton "modo administrador" | 05:02 |
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cerda_ | no se | 05:03 |
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draik | marcelo_: !es | 05:04 |
AmyRose | Are there any good reasons not to use a lowlatency kernel? | 05:04 |
draik | !es | marcelo_ | 05:04 |
ron_ | if your a slow person | 05:05 |
ubotu | marcelo_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:05 |
intelikey | AmyRose depends mainly on the desired end result | 05:05 |
marcelo_ | gracias | 05:05 |
TheCreationist | I'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system. I can still ADD files to it, but not delete them. Anyone have any ideas what gives? | 05:05 |
ron_ | chekc your permisions | 05:06 |
intelikey | TheCreationist what does mount say about it ? | 05:06 |
cerda_ | can somone help | 05:06 |
cerda_ | please | 05:06 |
wolferine | cerda_, thats not how you get answers | 05:07 |
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AmyRose | cerda_: What's the problem? | 05:07 |
AmyRose | I just entered so I don't know | 05:07 |
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cerda_ | ok, well i try to install ubuntu and i get to the loading screen and freezes, somthimes i get to the ubuntu icon with the bar moving back and forth it just sits ther, i know the cds good cuz ived used it in other pc | 05:08 |
AmyRose | draik: Well, I'm trying to ask marcelo_ on #kubuntu-es, and getting no answer... | 05:08 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist mount | grep /media/ maybe ? is it mounted 'ro' or 'rw' ? | 05:09 |
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cerda_ | AmyRose: Any idea? | 05:09 |
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TheCreationist | intelikey: mounted as rw, uid=1000 | 05:09 |
draik | AmyRose: Umm... ok | 05:10 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist and your $UID is ? | 05:10 |
AmyRose | draik: nm, I just answered him | 05:10 |
AmyRose | :D | 05:10 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: 1000 | 05:10 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist ok what about permissions ls -l /mountpoint/somefile | 05:11 |
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intelikey | or ls -ld /mountpoint/ | 05:11 |
AmyRose | cerda_: Uh, you did do a CD check, right? | 05:11 |
intelikey | or both | 05:11 |
AmyRose | ok then | 05:11 |
AmyRose | lol | 05:11 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: drwxr-xr-x 10 elyon root 4096 1969-12-31 19:00 /media/sansa/ | 05:11 |
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TheCreationist | intelikey: "elyon" is me :) | 05:12 |
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TheCreationist | well, the username I have for login. | 05:12 |
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-76-203-158-149.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | yeah i saw when you came in. err no it's not. but i know what you mean. | 05:12 |
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intelikey | :) | 05:13 |
intelikey | TheCreationist if you are not afraid it will cause an error... touch /media/sansa/test ;rm -v /media/sansa/test | 05:14 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: I have no ideas what that does lol | 05:15 |
intelikey | makes a blank "test" file | 05:15 |
intelikey | and deletes it | 05:15 |
intelikey | we hope... | 05:15 |
intelikey | :) | 05:15 |
raylu | Usage: touch [OPTION] ... FILE... | 05:15 |
raylu | Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time. | 05:15 |
raylu | so basically...it opens and closes the file? | 05:16 |
intelikey | raylu that's kinda the idea. if the file doesn't exist it will make it. | 05:17 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: Okay, said it could not delete because there was no such file. | 05:17 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist ok then it didn't make the file and you don't have write access | 05:17 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: But when I drag a file into a folder, it copies it fine. | 05:17 |
intelikey | at least not unrestricted write access | 05:18 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist show me the output from the mount command | 05:18 |
cje | hi, | 05:18 |
intelikey | just that line | 05:18 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: /dev/sdb1 on /media/sansa type vfat (rw,uid=1000) | 05:18 |
intelikey | hmmm vfat it should be full access | 05:19 |
raylu | so what is he actually having a problem with? | 05:19 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: It was in Edgy. Only since installing Feisty did the problem start. | 05:19 |
TheCreationist | raylu: I can't mount my MP3 player with read/write access... | 05:19 |
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draik | TheCreationist: Same here. | 05:20 |
raylu | your mp3 player acts as a usb device, right? | 05:20 |
TheCreationist | raylu: Basically, although every indication says that I DO have rw access.. but I get errors when trying to delete files from it. That's the jist of it. | 05:20 |
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raylu | and are you on the original feisty user account? | 05:20 |
draik | mtp-detect reads my Philips mp3 player, but that's about it | 05:20 |
TheCreationist | raylu: Acts as a standard flash drive. | 05:20 |
raylu | what do you get when trying to delete? | 05:20 |
TheCreationist | raylu: Yeah, I'm uid 1000 | 05:20 |
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TheCreationist | raylu: Says could not remove because it is a read-only filesystem. | 05:20 |
raylu | o.0 | 05:21 |
raylu | tried sudo rm? | 05:21 |
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intelikey | TheCreationist lets try this. sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sansa -o remount,rw,umask=000 | 05:21 |
TheCreationist | raylu: Yeah, I've tried sudo. | 05:21 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: Do I unmount it first? | 05:21 |
intelikey | no | 05:21 |
raylu | that's a remount command | 05:21 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: Hmm... seems to have worked. | 05:22 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: I was able to rm -r one directory so far ;) | 05:22 |
=== wonko_ [n=wonko@85-125-176-170.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dewitt | I have screen resolution problem,my computer was running 1024x600 now i booted up and now it is 640x480 i checked bios and it is set on nga/vga i am running a new monitor 19" wide screen acer.ps i am quite new at linux | 05:23 |
intelikey | should work in the file manager too | 05:23 |
=== zombielion [n=zombieli@221-109.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheCreationist | intelikey: Nope... didn't actually work. | 05:23 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: I was able to remove the directory I recently copied to the drive. | 05:23 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: The ones that were already on here still can't be removed. | 05:23 |
raylu | dewitt: did the livecd run in 640x480? | 05:23 |
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dewitt | no | 05:23 |
=== ryan__ is now known as N00basaraus | ||
raylu | you could run the livecd | 05:24 |
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raylu | and get the xconf at /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:24 |
dewitt | everything was running 1024x800 or 600 | 05:24 |
raylu | and use that as your xorg.conf in your install | 05:24 |
TheCreationist | I think I'm just going to stick to Windows for updating the player for write now. I'll ask more later, but I wanted to get this loaded so I can take off. | 05:25 |
intelikey | hmmm that makes me think it's not really a vfat fs but some kind of emulated vfat on a unix slice or something... seeing that i don't have the hardware to play with i'll have to defer to anyone with a clue TheCreationist | 05:25 |
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TheCreationist | intelikey: I appreciate the help as always. | 05:25 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: I received a suggested from someone in #ubuntu to use windows to format it, then only update with Linux from now on. | 05:25 |
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dewitt | brb | 05:26 |
raylu | er...you mean linux to format it? | 05:26 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: Not sure if that would help, but it would give me a valid vfat format, right? | 05:26 |
TheCreationist | raylu: I guess I could try that, but how am I supposed to format a read-only drive? ;) | 05:26 |
intelikey | TheCreationist might well work. there is the possability that you might be able to format it from linux as well idk. | 05:26 |
raylu | you h ave to unmount to format | 05:26 |
TheCreationist | raylu: How would I format it from Linux? I don't know the commands for that. | 05:27 |
intelikey | TheCreationist i really should NOT guess/assume too much there... | 05:27 |
=== bonz [n=bonz@pool-70-106-169-35.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheCreationist | intelikey: Well, the player is pretty useless to me right now as it is. But I've successfully formatted it in Windows before without ill-effect. | 05:28 |
intelikey | TheCreationist mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 would be a normal format command. as root of course and un mounted | 05:28 |
TheCreationist | So I'll probably just do that and see what I can do. | 05:28 |
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TheCreationist | intelikey, raylu: Thanks again for your help. I'll give the Windows format a try... but I've got to take off for now. | 05:29 |
intelikey | TheCreationist ffr. formatting really means making a file system and mkfs.<some type> is the linux standard. | 05:29 |
[_tharivol_] | hi everyone... how r u? | 05:29 |
AmyRose | [_tharivol_] : hi | 05:30 |
TheCreationist | intelikey: Okay, good to know. | 05:30 |
intelikey | TheCreationist and welcome. | 05:30 |
TheCreationist | Have a good night, guys. | 05:30 |
AmyRose | What is the generic kernel better than the lowlatency kernal at? | 05:30 |
[_tharivol_] | well, im tring to install kubuntu | 05:30 |
jhutchins | Anybody successfully doing 3D with a current ATI card? | 05:30 |
intelikey | AmyRose multi-tasking ??? | 05:31 |
wolferine | jhutchins, try #ubuntu-effects | 05:31 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: I used to have ATI and had to wait for the open-source drivers to support it. | 05:31 |
AmyRose | The fglrx drivers are horrible for most cards | 05:31 |
[_tharivol_] | AmyRose: but something goes wrong with the driver VIA RHINE II | 05:31 |
Minataku | ATI cards just suck, I think | 05:31 |
jhutchins | I'm looking for people who can refute that Nvidia is the only card that can be used for pirated windows games in cedega. | 05:31 |
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Minataku | Because the Windows drivers are terrible, too | 05:32 |
AmyRose | that would explain it :D | 05:32 |
Minataku | Which leads me to believe that the cards are just garbage | 05:32 |
[_tharivol_] | do u know where i could find some driver? | 05:32 |
jhutchins | Ok, this guy said they were fine in windows but worthless i liux. | 05:32 |
Minataku | The drivers are perfectly fine, it's just that the cards suck :D | 05:32 |
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AmyRose | Minataku: I heard I could do more with that card on Linux once the open-source driver supported it than Windows users could. | 05:32 |
jhutchins | From what I've seen, it varies by card, but I dont game. | 05:32 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Heh, you can | 05:32 |
Minataku | Once the ATI cards are cracked, they're excellent | 05:33 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Yeah, true. But I'd rather buy Nvidia from now on because I want it to work right away | 05:33 |
Minataku | ATI probably stole all the tech | 05:33 |
jhutchins | Minataku: Do you do any 3D gaming? | 05:33 |
Minataku | jhutchins: No, but more and more emulators demand OpenGL | 05:33 |
jhutchins | Minataku: Actually, ATI was the firsst one who did TV on video cards. | 05:33 |
AmyRose | My current laptop has nvidia and I couldn't be happier with how nvidia's drivers work :D | 05:34 |
jhutchins | Ah, and open GL is only on Nvidia? | 05:34 |
Minataku | Why the hell Midway's "Gun Fight" (An arcade game from 1975) needs OpenGL con-f*cking-founds me | 05:34 |
Minataku | No | 05:34 |
Minataku | But OpenGL requires hardware accel | 05:34 |
Minataku | Otherwise it's total balls | 05:34 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: Intel GPUs also have very good support on Linux | 05:34 |
wolferine | agreed | 05:34 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-7-87.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | Intel GPUs are well documented with open-source drivers | 05:34 |
wolferine | my old old old one works great in linux | 05:34 |
jhutchins | AmyRose: Yeah, I thought so. Do they do the Windows 3D games well? | 05:34 |
Minataku | I have a Trident card | 05:35 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: If you want OpenGL, buy Intel or Nvidia :D | 05:35 |
AmyRose | Trident? | 05:35 |
Minataku | There's no support for it even from Trident :P | 05:35 |
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AmyRose | wow | 05:35 |
Minataku | They claim Linux support | 05:35 |
Minataku | But there's none | 05:35 |
AmyRose | Even the Unichrome ones have drivers. | 05:35 |
Minataku | And the X11 driver is unaccelerated | 05:35 |
Minataku | I have a Trident CyberBLADE XPAi1 | 05:35 |
Minataku | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi1 (rev 82) | 05:36 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: I don't know about Windows support, since I only use Linux (and have used it as my only OS for the past 3 years) | 05:36 |
jhutchins | Basically there's this guy on another channel who is responding to any question about 3D on any other card with "Buy Nvidia". | 05:36 |
Minataku | Connected via an unsupported AGP chipset | 05:36 |
=== SirFord [n=sirford8@c-71-203-8-153.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== intelikey has a trident in the p1 box | ||
wolferine | thats how I always do it too | 05:36 |
wolferine | lol | 05:36 |
Minataku | 00:00.0 Host bridge: ALi Corporation M1672 Northbridge [CyberALADDiN-P4] | 05:36 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: There's a good reason for that. ;) | 05:36 |
draik | Does anyone here know how to get Amarok to read an MTP device? | 05:36 |
=== marko_ [n=marko@BSN-61-6-89.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | Ah, it's the Northbridge that's unsupported by AGPGART | 05:36 |
SirFord | Has any been able to install KDE 4.0 alpha on feisty? | 05:36 |
jhutchins | Well, that's what I'm looking for, how true is it? | 05:37 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: I have to say I could not be any happier with my nvidia-based laptop, and I've heard that all nvidia cards work great on Linux) | 05:37 |
AmyRose | I've also had good success with Intel as well | 05:37 |
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jhutchins | I've got to say we get plenty of folks here for whom nvidia doesn't work with either xorg or nvidia drivers. | 05:37 |
intelikey | AmyRose mine works great. if you don't want acceleration it's not supported... nvidia riva128 | 05:37 |
AmyRose | intelikey: Really? Dang | 05:38 |
AmyRose | I heard those were supported by the old legacy driver | 05:38 |
intelikey | nope | 05:38 |
AmyRose | dang | 05:38 |
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intelikey | it does frame buffering pretty well tho, and being a console user that's top notch for any grapthics i need. | 05:40 |
intelikey | so i'm not complaining | 05:40 |
AmyRose | are you using the nv driver? | 05:40 |
=== intelikey just wishes it was supported so he could show off the old agp | ||
intelikey | AmyRose yeah when i use X | 05:40 |
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SirFord | Has anyone tried Gutsy | 05:41 |
AmyRose | intelikey: Ah. | 05:41 |
=== CrunchyFerrett [n=crash@adsl-243-58-210.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[_tharivol_] | AmyRose: Hey my fellow... do u know where i find the card of VIA RHINE II to install it and could -finelly- conect to the internet? | 05:41 |
AmyRose | !ubuntu+1 | SirFord | 05:41 |
ubotu | SirFord: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 05:41 |
Minataku | Such a terrible name | 05:42 |
CrunchyFerrett | Crikey. Why the heck does Konqeror always open as my default browser | 05:42 |
draik | How do I install a src.tgz and a tar.gz file? | 05:42 |
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jhutchins | [_tharivol_] : I'm really sorry your question has gotten kinda snowed under here. Have you searched google? | 05:42 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: Set your default browser to what you want to use in the System Settings or KDE Control Center | 05:43 |
jhutchins | !build | draik | 05:43 |
ubotu | draik: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 05:43 |
intelikey | CrunchyFerrett update-alternatives | 05:43 |
[_tharivol_] | jhutchins: Yeah, ma friend | 05:43 |
=== command0-182 [n=command0@71-221-198-206.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CrunchyFerrett | hm? Oh, I can fix it. I'm just complaining. | 05:43 |
jhutchins | How does lspci list it? | 05:43 |
AmyRose | [_tharivol_] : Huh? | 05:44 |
command0-182 | could someone tell me the command to edit my /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 05:44 |
jhutchins | [_tharivol_] : What is that, a wireless PCMCIA? | 05:44 |
intelikey | oh. sorry. thought that was a question CrunchyFerrett | 05:44 |
Carnage\ | sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:44 |
[_tharivol_] | google/linux - ubunutuforums-br.com; http://kubuntuforums.net/ | 05:44 |
command0-182 | thnx | 05:44 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: Uh... What?! | 05:44 |
Carnage\ | Or better kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:44 |
jhutchins | CrunchyFerrett: Refreshing to see someone admit that. | 05:44 |
raylu | or better, sudo nano ^^ | 05:44 |
CrunchyFerrett | rofl | 05:44 |
CrunchyFerrett | Im never happy unless I have something to b*tch about. | 05:44 |
jhutchins | CrunchyFerrett: Actually, there's an answer to that: You're running KDE. | 05:44 |
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intelikey | raylu vi | 05:45 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: But you can make KDE use a different browser by default if you want to | 05:45 |
CrunchyFerrett | jhutchins: whats wrong with KDE? | 05:45 |
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jhutchins | Me, I detest firefox (and all it's ancestors) and prefer konq. | 05:45 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: I am using Opera as my default browser for example | 05:45 |
[_tharivol_] | jhutchins: it is a wireless bord (connected to a route - this is fine), but i dont know if it is a PCMCIA | 05:45 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: AMEN! | 05:45 |
jhutchins | CrunchyFerrett: Nothing wrong with it, but konq is the kde browser, so... kinda makes sense. | 05:45 |
=== AmyRose hugs jhutchins | ||
raylu | what's the relationship between pico and nano? | 05:45 |
[_tharivol_] | jhutchins: let me see at the manual | 05:45 |
AmyRose | Finally someone who hates Firefox! | 05:45 |
jhutchins | AmyRose: Why, thank you. | 05:45 |
intelikey | jhutchins another ff hater :) | 05:46 |
=== CrunchyFerrett wishes that IE7 would run on Linux | ||
raylu | lol? | 05:46 |
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@cl-241.dub-01.ie.sixxs.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | even if it was OSS, no one would port it | 05:46 |
duanarchy | Hello, I have my Xorg.conf set up properly, I think, and everything is looking fine, but when I run fgl_glxgears I geta '"XFree86-DRI" missing' error .. how can I get DRI working? | 05:46 |
jhutchins | Yeah, well, firefox still has bugs (in it's history module) that I reported back when it was called "Mosaic". | 05:46 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: ies4linux is working on it | 05:46 |
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AmyRose | jhutchins: Firefox 3.0a6 was pretty impressive when I tried it though | 05:46 |
intelikey | raylu on ubuntu the relationship is a symlink from pico pointing to nano | 05:47 |
AmyRose | but I still find myself using Konqueror and Opera :) | 05:47 |
AmyRose | I know Opera's proprietary, but it's an incredible browser :) | 05:47 |
AmyRose | Konqueror has better CSS though :) | 05:47 |
CrunchyFerrett | ACtually, if Im being honest, I could care less what web browser Im using. HTML is nothing more than a porn delivery meduim for me. | 05:47 |
CrunchyFerrett | *cricket noises* | 05:48 |
jhutchins | CrunchyFerrett: More than we actually need to know. | 05:48 |
intelikey | or want too | 05:48 |
CrunchyFerrett | True, on both counts. | 05:48 |
CrunchyFerrett | But I'm in a sharing mood. | 05:48 |
raylu | how about LeavesLotsOfTracksBrowser 1.0? | 05:48 |
intelikey | me too | 05:49 |
intelikey | !offtopic | 05:49 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:49 |
intelikey | i'll share that ^ | 05:49 |
raylu | stop stealing ubotu's shares :P | 05:49 |
=== CrunchyFerrett is chastised. | ||
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AmyRose | /me slaps CrunchyFerrett | 05:50 |
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intelikey | /me chuckels at AmyRose for the prepended space | 05:50 |
jhutchins | [_tharivol_] : I'm not finding any evidece that that card works under linux. I presume you've checked out the madwifi and ndiswrappper websites and forums? | 05:50 |
AmyRose | lol | 05:50 |
=== AmyRose slaps CrunchyFerrett | ||
intelikey | :) | 05:51 |
CrunchyFerrett | ow | 05:51 |
jhutchins | !lart | 05:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:51 |
jhutchins | Bah. | 05:51 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: larting doesn't work here | 05:51 |
AmyRose | :( | 05:51 |
jhutchins | Gonna have to figure out that macro. | 05:51 |
AmyRose | /me is going to use Ctrl-Enter to force it to send this command as text | 05:51 |
raylu | o.0 | 05:51 |
raylu | /me | 05:51 |
raylu | o.0.o.0 | 05:51 |
jhutchins | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | 05:51 |
raylu | and here i am trying to remember the command to /quote for say | 05:52 |
intelikey | /say /me too | 05:52 |
Minataku | Right-to-Left Override! Hooray for Unicode control characters! D: | 05:52 |
jhutchins | \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\ | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | you wont have permissions for say | 05:52 |
Minataku | Oh, BTW | 05:52 |
Minataku | Ctrl+O | 05:52 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %jhutchins!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+z] by Hobbsee | ||
AmyRose | Now we're in trouble | 05:53 |
CrunchyFerrett | +z? | 05:53 |
Tm_T | (: | 05:53 |
raylu | wtf? | 05:53 |
CrunchyFerrett | Not familiar with that flag | 05:53 |
raylu | what mode is that? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | CrunchyFerrett: means that +o'd people can watch quieted people | 05:53 |
Minataku | Who knows | 05:53 |
raylu | konv doesn't even recognize it :P | 05:53 |
Minataku | This IRCd is retarded | 05:53 |
raylu | quieted = ? | 05:53 |
CrunchyFerrett | muted | 05:53 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b %jhutchins!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
raylu | er, i meant what flag is that? | 05:53 |
Minataku | And what do you mean "watch them"? | 05:54 |
raylu | see their text | 05:54 |
raylu | i can "watch" you right now | 05:54 |
=== MarcC [n=marc@c-76-102-223-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | Hobbsee: Thank you sir, I shall behave. In fact, I think it's bedtime. | 05:54 |
Minataku | Ah | 05:54 |
jhutchins | g'night all/ | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | !bot | 05:54 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:54 |
Tm_T | jhutchins: good night (: | 05:54 |
Minataku | Heh | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | @lart jhutchins for going to bed | 05:54 |
intelikey | jhutchins gooday | 05:54 |
Minataku | This IRCd is confounding X3 | 05:54 |
raylu | CrunchyFerrett, what flag is muted? | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | %whoami | 05:54 |
ubotu | Hobbsee | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | hmmm. | 05:54 |
draik | jhutchins: This is the error I got when compiling: http://pastebin.ca/615444 | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | oh, larts are disabled in here, that's right | 05:54 |
Minataku | I mean, I'm a former IRC Operator and this IRCd _still_ confuses me | 05:54 |
AmyRose | Some IRC servers use +z to block people who aren't using SSL, apparently | 05:54 |
=== Minataku nods | ||
AmyRose | according to this: http://www.alien.net.au/irc/chanmodes.html | 05:55 |
Minataku | This IRCd is ass-backwards, though | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | draik: you'll need some form of sqlite installed. probably sqlite*-dev | 05:55 |
CrunchyFerrett | !electricsheep | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about electricsheep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:55 |
Minataku | Yeah, "hyperion", which is some bastardized mixture of who knows what X3 | 05:56 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Yeah, I think it's strange that you have to edit the access levels just to auto-op or auto-voice people here | 05:56 |
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jhutchins | draik: It's late and the bourbon is good, but I suspect whatever-it-is wants the mysql headers/source installed. See if installing mysql-devel helps. | 05:56 |
Minataku | Actually, that's in the services | 05:56 |
Minataku | Not the IRCd | 05:56 |
AmyRose | oh, well it's still messed up :P | 05:56 |
Minataku | But the services are typically tied tightly to the IRCd | 05:56 |
AmyRose | ah | 05:57 |
Minataku | So I'm sure the services are equally as screwed up | 05:57 |
Minataku | lol | 05:57 |
AmyRose | I went on EFnet once and left pretty quickly though | 05:57 |
intelikey | Minataku you are starting to talk like a teenager again | 05:57 |
AmyRose | they tell people to stop whining about stolen nicknames, yet they refuse to have a NickServ | 05:57 |
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AmyRose | or even ChanServ | 05:57 |
Minataku | Heh, yeah EFNet is just bad | 05:57 |
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Minataku | Like I said, I'm a former IRC Operator, all this stuff is second nature to me | 05:58 |
CrunchyFerrett | !offtopic | CrunchYFerrett | 05:58 |
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intelikey | yeah they don't run bots but allow you to run all the bots you want | 05:58 |
Minataku | But Freenode confuses me and EFNet is just wrong | 05:58 |
AmyRose | lol | 05:58 |
Tm_T | Minataku: IRCnet is only "right" (; | 05:58 |
Minataku | Freenode takes commonly used modes and shuffles them all around | 05:58 |
AmyRose | Well, I'd rather be here than on EFnet where the IRC opers are grouchy because they didn't implement it right :P | 05:59 |
AmyRose | so they blame the users | 05:59 |
CrunchyFerrett | Minataku: Sounds like a Linux friendly environment then. | 05:59 |
draik | jhutchins: Would you recommend sqlite or sqlite3? Or does it even matter? | 05:59 |
intelikey | draik i think he went to bed. | 06:00 |
draik | :( | 06:00 |
jhutchins | draik: sqlite is what it appears to be looking for. | 06:00 |
Minataku | CrunchyFerrett: Think of Freenode's IRCd like the Windows of them all | 06:00 |
Minataku | They take everything that's known and established... and ignore every last bit of it | 06:00 |
intelikey | and i think i am about to... later k oo boo naughts :) | 06:00 |
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Biovore | freenode runs hyperion-1.0.2b | 06:01 |
CrunchyFerrett | Minataku: Frak. I can't argue with that. | 06:01 |
Biovore | ircd | 06:01 |
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Minataku | Biovore: Yes, I can use /raw version too | 06:01 |
AmyRose | Minataku: It seems that EFnet opers just blames the users for things that could be fixed by implementing ChanServ and NickServ | 06:01 |
draik | jhutchins: I installed both and still got the same thing | 06:01 |
draik | Same errors | 06:01 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Of course | 06:01 |
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raghu | how do i get xp onto a sata drive | 06:01 |
AmyRose | I don't know why they do that | 06:02 |
raghu | using a laptop | 06:02 |
Minataku | It all goes back to their patently stupid policy of "no ownership" | 06:02 |
intelikey | oooops | 06:02 |
intelikey | /________/// | 06:02 |
intelikey | \~~~~~~~~\\\ | 06:02 |
AmyRose | raghu: This is a Linux support channel, not Windows. | 06:02 |
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Minataku | Really, though, it IS the users' fault | 06:02 |
Minataku | Why the hell they're still using EFNet is beyond anyone's understanding ;3 | 06:02 |
raghu | yeah but i need to get it on there so i can dual boot | 06:02 |
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AmyRose | Minataku: Yeah, which is why I avoid it... I'm mostly only on FreeNode and EsperNet | 06:02 |
raghu | and i have sata and the cd dosent seem to recognise sata | 06:02 |
Minataku | I'm on Freenode and Rizon | 06:03 |
Minataku | And one other that I'm not gonna say | 06:03 |
Minataku | lol | 06:03 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Didn't say you had to | 06:03 |
Minataku | I know | 06:03 |
AmyRose | :) | 06:03 |
AmyRose | Minataku: From what I've read though, EFnet had its high point in the 90's or something | 06:04 |
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AmyRose | I remember when all the IRC chats were #something on EFnet | 06:04 |
Minataku | Yeah, long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away | 06:04 |
AmyRose | lol | 06:04 |
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level1 | I'm trying to chroot to /media/portcompy (my usb drive) so I can manage a debian install there, but it keeps complaining about "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied | 06:04 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Sonic the Hedgehog fan? | 06:04 |
AmyRose | I'd take Freenode's craziness over EFnet's insanity | 06:04 |
Minataku | Or real name that's an interesting coincidence? | 06:05 |
raylu | can someone recommend an ftp applilcation? | 06:05 |
level1 | I am root and the permissions are -rwxr-xr-x | 06:05 |
AmyRose | Minataku: I'm a fan of the Sonic character :) | 06:05 |
AmyRose | Minataku: /whoising me will tell you what my real first name is | 06:05 |
raylu | o.0 | 06:05 |
CrunchyFerrett | Bob? | 06:05 |
raylu | wtfoozle? | 06:05 |
raylu | no, worse. | 06:05 |
Minataku | AmyRose: Ah ^^ | 06:05 |
level1 | lol | 06:06 |
AmyRose | raylu: kbearftp, Konqueror, gftp | 06:06 |
CrunchyFerrett | level1: This is probably a stupid suggestion, considering you're root.. but have you tried using sudo? | 06:06 |
raylu | o.0? bear = ? | 06:06 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: well, actually, I tried sudo first, then root... let me try sudo+root | 06:06 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: no | 06:06 |
raylu | sudo+root? wtf? | 06:06 |
Minataku | Now I've got a song from Sonic Adventure in my head | 06:06 |
Minataku | The one in that inner room in the Egg Carrier | 06:06 |
CrunchyFerrett | level1: I dont suppose you have funky user perimissions on the USB drive? | 06:07 |
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Minataku | There's a minigame for Amy in there | 06:07 |
level1 | Is there a trick to chrooting? I should just need root access and a working /bin/bash right? | 06:07 |
CrunchyFerrett | !chroot | 06:07 |
ubotu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 06:07 |
Minataku | You have to smack the Sonic heads with her PikoPiko Hammer and beat Robotnik's score ;3 | 06:07 |
AmyRose | Minataku: hahaha... my gf calls me Amy because I am like her, especially when it comes to temper :P | 06:07 |
wolferine | i wish I could figure out chroot | 06:07 |
Minataku | Heehee | 06:07 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: what would be funky? the file /media/portcompy/bin/bash has root permissions | 06:07 |
raylu | ...and your gf's name is Amy? | 06:08 |
AmyRose | raylu: no, it's Jenni | 06:08 |
raylu | then... | 06:08 |
level1 | I swear I had this working just a couple days ago on the same drive | 06:08 |
jhutchins | On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. | 06:08 |
CrunchyFerrett | *blink*.. Doh, I slipped into NTFS permissions mode there. SOrry | 06:08 |
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level1 | CrunchyFerrett: NTFS has permissions? "This file might be a virus, this file isn't a virus" like that? | 06:09 |
dcantomo | hi | 06:09 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: No, I'm a cat: http://tn1-4.deviantart.com/fs18/150/f/2007/188/8/4/Happy_21st_Birthday_by_Wh1sp3rZ.png | 06:09 |
AmyRose | oops | 06:09 |
AmyRose | jhutchins: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59292347/ | 06:09 |
level1 | we have you deviant art account, now we know everything about you amy | 06:10 |
CrunchyFerrett | level1: No, it has specific read/write/list permissions based on the user attemping to access the object. Not really relevant here, it was a brainfart | 06:10 |
jhutchins | Me, I ain't tellin. | 06:10 |
AmyRose | level1: That's my friend's account :P | 06:10 |
jhutchins | And I really, really am going to bed. | 06:10 |
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wolferine | nite j | 06:10 |
raghu | whycome firefox always crashes in youtube | 06:11 |
raghu | when beryl is runnin | 06:11 |
AmyRose | raghu: Because firefox sucks? | 06:11 |
wolferine | i think the ubuntu guide covers that | 06:11 |
CrunchyFerrett | Its not firefox. Its god smiting you for visiting youtube | 06:11 |
raghu | k so what did u use | 06:11 |
raghu | do u use | 06:12 |
AmyRose | !u | raghu | 06:12 |
ubotu | raghu: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 06:12 |
CrunchyFerrett | Bah. Ok I am obvisoulsy not helping here today. I think I shall take my leave before I am tossed out on my ear.\ | 06:12 |
raghu | so what is a good browser | 06:12 |
raghu | that does not crash as much as firefox | 06:13 |
level1 | raghu: I use konqueror exclusively... its pretty nice | 06:13 |
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CrunchyFerrett | !kde4 | 06:14 |
ubotu | For information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org | 06:14 |
AmyRose | raghu: I like Konqueror and Opera | 06:14 |
level1 | raghu: sometimes it renders pages a little weird, but I've only had one site that was actually unusable | 06:14 |
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level1 | CrunchyFerrett: I've been watching all the stuff on kde4, I'm real excited | 06:14 |
AmyRose | raghu: The best thing about Konqueror and Opera is that they both have built-in adblockers :D | 06:14 |
raghu | and i have a problem with embeded divx videos | 06:15 |
CrunchyFerrett | level1: I made my first linux install / usage attempt about 2 weeks ago. I still dont know what KDE stands for. | 06:15 |
raghu | i installed mplayer but id dosent seem to have worked | 06:15 |
AmyRose | raghu: Konqueror is the only browser I could get embedded video to work in | 06:15 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: K Desktop Environment | 06:15 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: the "K" used to stand for "Kool", but now its just "K" | 06:15 |
CrunchyFerrett | raghu: I had this same issue. You need to install the mplayer plugin for Firefox | 06:15 |
AmyRose | My Linux class textbooks said it stood for Kommon | 06:16 |
level1 | never heard that before | 06:16 |
AmyRose | me neither | 06:16 |
AmyRose | though there are people who want CDE to be open-sourced | 06:16 |
CrunchyFerrett | wait... CDE? | 06:17 |
raghu | i have done so | 06:17 |
Minataku | I _love_ CDE | 06:17 |
Minataku | Motif is so awesome looking | 06:17 |
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Minataku | I love the 80s retro Unix look :D | 06:17 |
AmyRose | Minataku: You do know you can set both Qt and GTK to look like Motif, right? | 06:17 |
Minataku | Yeah, but I use Fluxbox | 06:17 |
Minataku | I'm actually a Gentoo user | 06:17 |
AmyRose | Fluxbox? | 06:18 |
Minataku | I won't touch *buntu | 06:18 |
CrunchyFerrett | Wait.. you're telling me there are spiffier GUI's out there than KDE? | 06:18 |
Minataku | Way too simplified for my taste | 06:18 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Then what are you doing here? | 06:18 |
AmyRose | lol | 06:18 |
Minataku | Helping people with non-distro-specific issues | 06:18 |
Minataku | :3 | 06:18 |
Minataku | On a side note, you know what amazes me? | 06:18 |
Minataku | That a system with THIS: | 06:18 |
AmyRose | what? | 06:18 |
Minataku | 11: 344758492 XT-PIC-XT yenta, yenta, ehci_hcd:usb1, ohci_hcd:usb2, ohci_hcd:usb3, ALI 5451, pcmcia0.0, ohci_hcd:usb4, ohci_hcd:usb5, ehci_hcd:usb6 | 06:19 |
Minataku | Works just fine | 06:19 |
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CrunchyFerrett | Hang on a minute. I just did a quick google on Beryl. It looks spiffy. | 06:19 |
level1 | my computer was suspending improperly... it worked perfectly before | 06:19 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: It's beta software, so don't expect it to be stable. | 06:19 |
Minataku | 10 devices are assigned to IRQ11 | 06:19 |
wolferine | CrunchyFerrett, it is | 06:19 |
CrunchyFerrett | Hm. Hang on here. | 06:19 |
level1 | CrunchyFerrett: you want compiz-fusion, thats really nice | 06:19 |
AmyRose | Minataku: Interesting | 06:19 |
CrunchyFerrett | Is KDE just the same thing for Linux as Explorer is for Windows? | 06:19 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: Not really | 06:19 |
Minataku | Nah, that's Konqueror | 06:20 |
Minataku | The catch-all crapcenter of KDE :P | 06:20 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett: It's a set of libraries and desktop applications pretty much | 06:20 |
Minataku | It's role is so much like explorer.exe that it's distressing | 06:20 |
CrunchyFerrett | Is there a faq somewhere with a general overview of X11 / KDS / Beryl / compfiz etc, and how they differ from each otgher? | 06:20 |
AmyRose | Minataku: What browser are you using then? | 06:20 |
Minataku | Firefox | 06:20 |
Minataku | | 06:20 |
AmyRose | Yuck. | 06:21 |
level1 | actually, my trouble suspending started when I got compiz-fusion installed... even though I'm no longer running compiz-fusion or XGL, it still doesn't suspend | 06:21 |
raghu | Amyrose do you use Opra | 06:21 |
AmyRose | yup | 06:21 |
AmyRose | I love it :) | 06:21 |
level1 | specifically, what its doing is going into suspend, and shutting down all the usb devices, but the processor is still running and the little light for the bluetooth card is lit, but I cant bring it back out of suspend | 06:22 |
level1 | I have to hard reboot | 06:22 |
raghu | how is the embeded videos | 06:22 |
AmyRose | raghu: I can only get them working in Konqueror so far | 06:22 |
raghu | hmm | 06:22 |
CrunchyFerrett | you mean embedded divx? | 06:22 |
raghu | yeah | 06:22 |
raghu | i cant seem to even get it to work in Konqueror | 06:23 |
CrunchyFerrett | I had to recompile the source for both mplayer and mplayer plugin before I coudl get embedded divx | 06:23 |
raghu | i have the plugins install i apt'd them | 06:23 |
raghu | i have noo idea how to do that | 06:23 |
CrunchyFerrett | the depo versions dont work out of the box. | 06:23 |
CrunchyFerrett | At least they didnt for me | 06:23 |
AmyRose | mplayer has become quite sucky lately | 06:23 |
AmyRose | Xine's better | 06:23 |
Minataku | Can't stand Opera... closed source options are not options (to me, anyway, though they shouldn't be to any) when open source options exist | 06:24 |
CrunchyFerrett | I thought mplayer was just a frontend for Xine | 06:24 |
Minataku | Especially superior ones | 06:24 |
AmyRose | Minataku: I don't think Firefox is better than Opera | 06:24 |
AmyRose | CrunchyFerrett, raghu: If you use the Kaffeine plug-in in Konqueror, and install the xine-ffmpeg package, you can watch most things without the w32codecs | 06:25 |
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AmyRose | Minataku: Sorry, you're going to need more to convince me that Opera sucks. :P | 06:25 |
Minataku | Extensions. | 06:25 |
Minataku | I win. | 06:25 |
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=== Minataku celebrates. | ||
AmyRose | Minataku: Yeah, I have to load up 15 extensions just to get what Opera and Konqueror include standard. :P | 06:27 |
yan | hello | 06:27 |
yan | test | 06:27 |
CrunchyFerrett | test complete | 06:27 |
yan | can i ask a question? | 06:27 |
yan | plzz help me | 06:27 |
CrunchyFerrett | !question | 06:27 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:27 |
yan | !question | 06:27 |
CrunchyFerrett | yan: You dont need permission. Just ask. | 06:27 |
level1 | AmyRose: yes, you can load up those 15 extensions, the about 15 more that give features that opera and konqueror don't have... if your just going to stick with the defaults, why do you use linux? | 06:28 |
yan | how to connect the another server ? | 06:28 |
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CrunchyFerrett | yan: To another IRC server? | 06:28 |
level1 | yan: could you describe in more detail? | 06:28 |
yan | i want to enter glass server...so how to type the command? | 06:28 |
dewitt | Re-installed screen resolution fine now. ty | 06:29 |
CrunchyFerrett | yan: What is "glass server" ? | 06:29 |
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level1 | how is this possible? why possible permissions could chroot want? I have drwxrwxrwx!! | 06:31 |
level1 | thats all of them | 06:31 |
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level1 | all of them! | 06:31 |
dfgsdfg | hi | 06:31 |
dfgsdfg | for christ sake isn't there a GUI configuration for PPPoE? | 06:32 |
dfgsdfg | this is rediculous | 06:32 |
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CrunchyFerrett | level1: Pastebin your terminal window | 06:32 |
dfgsdfg | why Gnome has it and not KDE? | 06:32 |
level1 | dfgsdfg: you can use gnomes config, right? | 06:32 |
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dfgsdfg | level1, that's not the point | 06:33 |
dfgsdfg | level1,I can change to Gnome as well | 06:33 |
level1 | dfgsdfg: well, one configuration utility is hardly a reason to move to gnome | 06:33 |
level1 | dfgsdfg: does knetworkmanager let you do it? | 06:34 |
AmyRose | level1: Did the disk get mounted with the noexec option? | 06:34 |
level1 | AmyRose: aw damn it, that it | 06:34 |
AmyRose | I just thought of that | 06:34 |
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level1 | man, I had that problem a week ago, I completely forgot | 06:34 |
CrunchyFerrett | !noexec | 06:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about noexec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:34 |
AmyRose | level1: Sorry I couldn't think of it sooner | 06:35 |
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level1 | man, a base debian install doesn't even include less | 06:36 |
level1 | it would be funny if it didn't include apt-get | 06:36 |
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AmyRose | level1: I thought it did include less | 06:37 |
level1 | AmyRose: well, this is what you get with debootstrap, its pretty utilitarian | 06:37 |
AmyRose | Ah. When I installed Debian, I got the less utility with it | 06:38 |
Biovore | its great for development though.. | 06:38 |
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level1 | man, this is weird | 06:39 |
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level1 | I'm running debian under qemu, and some of the instructions are giving me garbage for output... let me post an image | 06:39 |
level1 | whats a good site for image hosting ala pastebin? are there any that are opensourcey? | 06:41 |
kamui | anyone using older ATI technology over dual displays? I read that it MIGHT only be possible to set up the ATI to clone or stretch the desktop only, not two separate X displays, anyone confirm or counter this? | 06:41 |
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level1 | http://img54.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot2hl5.png | 06:41 |
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Lynoure | level1: it does include 'more', I bet | 06:41 |
kamui | radeon 7000 | 06:42 |
level1 | kamui: all I know is there newer ati stuff sucks | 06:42 |
level1 | Lynoure: isn't less better than more? thats my opinion | 06:42 |
Lynoure | level1: yes, but base install is supposed to be minimal, not better | 06:42 |
Lynoure | level1: people can choose for themselves how much space they want to use for better, and sometimes space is truly that critical. | 06:43 |
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level1 | okay | 06:44 |
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level1 | I guess I should be thankful, because I'm installing on limited space | 06:44 |
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Lynoure | level1: hmm, and it's not that your installation language was English but system language you chose something more exotic with different character set? | 06:48 |
AmyRose | level1: Is it working now? | 06:48 |
level1 | AmyRose: you mean chroot? yeah | 06:48 |
AmyRose | good :) | 06:48 |
level1 | Lynoure: well, I'm trying to get it to use dvorak, but it doesn't seem to understand that | 06:48 |
level1 | dvorak should be english though, idk why it would cause this | 06:49 |
Lynoure | level1: that's just a keyboard layout, should not cause anything weird on your screen... | 06:49 |
level1 | Lynoure: I have a suspecian that there is an important package that debootstrap isnt installed | 06:49 |
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raghu_ | !piratebay | 06:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about piratebay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:50 |
raghu_ | !ubuntu | 06:50 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 06:50 |
Lynoure | level1: the real Debian support channel could be more helpful | 06:50 |
level1 | Lynoure: they aren't answering me | 06:51 |
AmyRose | !bot | raghu_ | 06:51 |
ubotu | raghu_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:51 |
raghu_ | is there peer guardian in linux | 06:51 |
AmyRose | !botabuse | raghu_ | 06:51 |
ubotu | raghu_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 06:51 |
raghu_ | !peer guardian | 06:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about peer guardian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:51 |
Lynoure | raghu_: is that name of the Linux software or a category? | 06:52 |
AmyRose | !piracy | raghu_ | 06:52 |
ubotu | raghu_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 06:52 |
Lynoure | AmyRose: It's some software than can only used for illegal uses? | 06:53 |
raghu_ | no | 06:54 |
raghu_ | ip blocker i think | 06:54 |
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raghu_ | i used to use it in windows | 06:54 |
=== DavidLeeRoth [n=DavidLee@adsl-074-229-198-249.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raghu_ | always used to run | 06:54 |
raghu_ | np | 06:54 |
raghu_ | probably just wine it | 06:55 |
AmyRose | Lynoure: raghu_ tried querying the bot with "piratebay" | 06:56 |
Lynoure | raghu_: you can block ips with most bittorrent clients, I think | 06:56 |
Lynoure | raghu_: and if that is not enough, you can use a firewall to block the rest. | 06:56 |
Lynoure | or at least ktorrent can do that | 06:57 |
DavidLeeRoth | Hey guys, I am having an SSH problem. When I try to connect to my machine, it says "no kex alg". Any ideas? | 06:57 |
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raghu_ | i use Ktorrent but what ip do i block | 06:58 |
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raylu | DavidLeeRoth, from what machine? | 07:01 |
DavidLeeRoth | my pc | 07:02 |
DavidLeeRoth | I am trying to ssh myself, to test the connection | 07:02 |
DavidLeeRoth | because I will be needing to do it from far distances later this week | 07:02 |
=== captainalan [n=chatzill@ip68-4-78-253.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
captainalan | Hi all | 07:02 |
=== nixlover [n=root@75-138-105-182.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nixlover | hey | 07:06 |
DavidLeeRoth | raylu: can you help? | 07:07 |
kamui | why did raghu_ get the !piracy explanation | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | kamui: what else is peerguardian used for? | 07:08 |
level1 | whats the difference between apt-get and aptitude? | 07:08 |
kamui | Daisuke_Ido, I have no idea what peer guardian is | 07:08 |
kamui | thats why I was asking | 07:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | kamui: for the most part it's used to block known IPs from media companies and anti-p2p | 07:09 |
kamui | well, thats not really why I was asking, I just didn't know what he said that was so bad, unless this peer guardian software is only used for piracy in some way | 07:09 |
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kamui | aah, I see | 07:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth: we meet again. | 07:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | for the first time for the last time | 07:10 |
=== DavidLeeRoth slaps Daisuke_Ido with his glove | ||
Daisuke_Ido | i see your schwartz is as big as mine | 07:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | anyway, as far as the ssh issue | 07:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | give me your root password and i'll, um, "test" it for you >_> | 07:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | seriously, if there's another pc in your house, test from there with a local ip | 07:14 |
DavidLeeRoth | still doesn't work. | 07:15 |
DavidLeeRoth | it's GAY AS HELL | 07:15 |
raylu | please explain | 07:15 |
raylu | "doesn't work" | 07:15 |
raylu | !language | 07:15 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:15 |
DavidLeeRoth | ssh davidleeroth@ | 07:15 |
DavidLeeRoth | no kex alg | 07:15 |
raylu | "doesn't work" only tells us that it doesn't work and nothing about which of the ways you have gotten it to not wokr | 07:15 |
DavidLeeRoth | there ^^ | 07:16 |
=== evo [n=evo@pool-71-125-156-224.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | could you output the error of "ssh localhost"? | 07:16 |
raylu | *paste | 07:16 |
nixlover | anyone know anything about joomla in here | 07:16 |
raylu | !joomla | 07:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about joomla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:16 |
raylu | word for word :P | 07:16 |
DavidLeeRoth | raylu: ssh localhost | 07:16 |
DavidLeeRoth | no kex alg | 07:16 |
raylu | !find joomla | 07:16 |
raylu | DavidLeeRoth, i don't believe that's a copy/pasted error =\ | 07:16 |
ubotu | Package/file joomla does not exist in feisty | 07:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | using a straight uncustomized openssh-server install, it seems to connect alright | 07:17 |
DavidLeeRoth | IT IS. | 07:17 |
nixlover | sign.. no one is chatting in joomla | 07:17 |
nixlover | been waiting for a while | 07:17 |
DavidLeeRoth | word. for. word. | 07:17 |
=== tim [n=tim@219-89-98-240.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | what the hell? | 07:17 |
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Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth: openssh or is there another ssh server package you're using? | 07:17 |
DavidLeeRoth | ssh -V | 07:17 |
DavidLeeRoth | OpenSSH_4.5p1, OpenSSL 0.9.7l 28 Sep 2006 | 07:17 |
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Daisuke_Ido | newer openssh, older openssl, odd :\ | 07:18 |
teejay-nz | hi all | 07:18 |
raylu | that's the client, DavidLeeRoth, but i don't remember the server command | 07:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | same thing | 07:18 |
raylu | oh, ssh -D \= | 07:19 |
DavidLeeRoth | ssh: option requires an argument -- D | 07:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | yeah | 07:20 |
=== zedQ [n=zedQ@71-34-251-53.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
zedQ | how do I batch rename files, ordering the files by modification date | 07:21 |
raylu | o.0 | 07:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth: you're using ku/ubuntu, right? | 07:21 |
raylu | is this possible in bash? | 07:21 |
DavidLeeRoth | yes | 07:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | raylu: i can say with 100% certainty that he *is* copy/pasting the error. | 07:21 |
DavidLeeRoth | but I also have the SAME problem on mac | 07:21 |
DavidLeeRoth | I have no idea what this is. lol | 07:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | yeah, this is definitely off | 07:22 |
raylu | eh? how so, Daisuke_Ido | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | $ ssh | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | no kex alg | 07:22 |
=== raylu blinks | ||
DavidLeeRoth | Daisuke_Ido: :( | 07:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth: i apologize, i wanted to make sure it was a global issue :( | 07:23 |
DavidLeeRoth | I don't get it. | 07:23 |
captainalan | Hi everyone again | 07:23 |
raylu | o.0 | 07:23 |
raylu | k->name = match_list(client, server, NULL); | 07:23 |
raylu | if (k->name == NULL) | 07:23 |
raylu | fatal("no kex alg"); | 07:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | notice no username, no actual attempted connection | 07:23 |
raylu | no username means default to local user | 07:23 |
DavidLeeRoth | any ideas? | 07:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | which means there would be no way for me to get in :P | 07:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/software/cmgt/reg-d0cvs.html | 07:25 |
raylu | DavidLeeRoth, http://www-d0.fnal.gov/software/cmgt/reg-d0cvs.html | 07:25 |
raylu | o.0 | 07:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | whoa. | 07:25 |
raylu | lol! | 07:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | there's some info there | 07:25 |
DavidLeeRoth | ok lol, this means nothing to me | 07:25 |
raylu | ctrl+f | 07:25 |
DavidLeeRoth | yep. | 07:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm thinking host localhost or host | 07:26 |
raylu | did you find the no kex alg? | 07:26 |
DavidLeeRoth | yes | 07:26 |
DavidLeeRoth | host cdcvs*.fnal.gov | 07:27 |
DavidLeeRoth | what should I make that line on my sys? | 07:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | see my last line :P | 07:28 |
DavidLeeRoth | lol | 07:28 |
DavidLeeRoth | ok | 07:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | it makes sense, i think, but no promises | 07:28 |
=== zombielion [n=zombieli@190-250.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | wait...in that case | 07:28 |
raylu | you might as well just try to force v1 | 07:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | true | 07:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | worth trying out at least | 07:29 |
DavidLeeRoth | alright, now we're getting somewhere | 07:29 |
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DavidLeeRoth | ssh localhost | 07:29 |
DavidLeeRoth | Protocol major versions differ: 1 vs. 2 | 07:29 |
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raylu | how do i trace a symlink? | 07:32 |
raylu | davi | 07:33 |
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raylu | DavidLeeRoth, try taking out the last line about v1 | 07:33 |
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DavidLeeRoth | k | 07:33 |
DavidLeeRoth | ssh localhost | 07:33 |
DavidLeeRoth | no kex alg | 07:33 |
DavidLeeRoth | back to square 1 | 07:33 |
raylu | T.T | 07:34 |
raylu | reinstall ssh? | 07:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | sudo apt-get install openssh-server :D | 07:35 |
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ksivaji | hi | 07:59 |
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evilmm | hi | 08:02 |
adenicio | anyone there? | 08:03 |
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evilmm | kinda | 08:05 |
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kristjan_ | how do I see such things in linux like my ram Hz or my harddrive rounds per minute? | 08:08 |
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adenicio | how to install files: deb,rpm, tar.gz,on kubuntu? | 08:12 |
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adenicio | Daisuke_ido:how to install files: deb,rpm, tar.gz,on kubuntu? | 08:13 |
ksivaji | adenicio "sudo dpkg -i .deb" for deb file | 08:13 |
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ksivaji | arun hi | 08:16 |
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arun | hello | 08:19 |
adenicio | ksivaji:u know a lot about kubuntu? | 08:19 |
arun | anyone use beryl with nvidia? | 08:20 |
ksivaji | adenicio no | 08:20 |
arun | adenicio: what do you need? | 08:20 |
ksivaji | arun #beryl | 08:20 |
arun | ksivaji: i just wanted to talk to people actually using beryl with kubuntu :) | 08:21 |
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ksivaji | arun sorry i dont know anything about beryl or nvidia | 08:22 |
phoenixz | Where in kubuntu do I make changes to the PATH variable so that each time I log in its correct?? | 08:22 |
ksivaji | adenicio why did you ask me such question ? | 08:23 |
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adenicio | ksivaji:i try to install the deb file but there sayin theres bo such file.do i have to rite where is the file? | 08:23 |
phoenixz | arun, I have nvidia / beryl.. its great! | 08:23 |
arun | phoenixz: did you have any trouble during installation? | 08:24 |
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Daisuke_Ido | yes, you have to tell it where the file is, it isn't psychic | 08:24 |
phoenixz | let me guess, you want to use nvidia propritary drivers, and you get X problems? | 08:24 |
ksivaji | adenicio do right click on that file (.deb) you will get install option | 08:25 |
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phoenixz | Daisuke_Ido, I just tried to install skype with apt-get install skype-, and it gives me "E: Couldn't find package skype-".. Any idea why? | 08:25 |
arun | phoenixz: i haven't installed it yet, just wanted to be aware of potential problems before installing | 08:25 |
phoenixz | ksivaji, should apt-get install not do the same? | 08:25 |
phoenixz | arun: well, its really not difficult and it works good but there is a bug you have to be VERY carefull with | 08:26 |
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adenicio | Daisuke_Ido:in which part i have to put where is the file? sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb | 08:26 |
arun | phoenixz: what bug is that? | 08:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm going to bed. | 08:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | !fr | 08:26 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:26 |
phoenixz | arun, you have to install the drivers with restricted-manager (which you can install using adept manager), and do NOT just install NVidia binary drivers with adept manager! it will install a file which you need to un-install, but uninstallation leaves one little crappy file behind (in /usr/lib/registeredn | 08:27 |
ksivaji | adenicio give the path of the file /fiename | 08:27 |
arun | phoenixz: I think I have the proprietary drivers installed for nvidia | 08:27 |
phoenixz | arun, correction: (in /usr/lib/registered/nvidia IIRC), which, if you dont remove it, causes that you can no longer install the correct drievr | 08:27 |
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phoenixz | arun, you may (or not) have to uninstall it and reinstall the driver with restricted-manager.. if you don't, it wont work | 08:30 |
arun | what won't work? beryl? | 08:30 |
phoenixz | look on google for "ubuntu nvidia restricted-manager", it should give you plenty info | 08:30 |
phoenixz | arun, 3D acceleration wont work, so beryl wont work either | 08:30 |
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arun | alright, will look. thanks :) it just seems a little absurd that i have to re-install the driver | 08:31 |
phoenixz | arun, Well, the graphic drivers under linux are always a bit of a problem child but well, it works, and it kicks bloody ass! :) | 08:33 |
arun | phoenixz: if i just install beryl without going through the restricted manager,will it screw up my system | 08:33 |
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adenicio | phoenixz:on ubuntu deb's does install by double clik.but for kubuntu what type of file it does use to install stuff,with rpm's it just does enter the file same with deb's | 08:35 |
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phoenixz | adaptr, it worked already, thanks.. j | 08:39 |
phoenixz | Where can I modify the PATH variable in kubuntu so that whenever I login I will have correct path settings? | 08:39 |
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phoenixz | And.. I found Kubuntu to kickass in speed on my single core P4.. will it also kickass speed on a dual core system?? | 08:39 |
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aznpridechinese | it kicks ass on my quadcore | 08:40 |
aznpridechinese | can someone help me install alsa? it keeps giving me permission errors when it gets to hacking autoconf.h... in the driver installation | 08:41 |
arun | phoenixz: if i just install beryl without going through the restricted manager,will it screw up my system | 08:41 |
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evilmm | why beryl? | 08:43 |
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evilmm | you could try compiz fusion? | 08:43 |
raylu | arun, no | 08:45 |
=== raylu g'night | ||
arun | should i try beryl or compiz? i read on the beryl site that beryl and compiz were being merged | 08:45 |
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aznpridechinese | what is a curses library? it says i need it to install alsa utilities? | 08:46 |
arun | evilmm? do you use compiz fusion? | 08:47 |
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phoenixz | arun, nope.. it will simply not work when you start it.. | 08:49 |
phoenixz | arun, may crash your X even, but thats just a restart of X.. | 08:49 |
phoenixz | arun, point is, you simply wont have 3D accelleration without the correct drivers.. but then again, maybe you have the correct drivers already, I dunno | 08:49 |
evilmm | arun: i have | 08:49 |
arun | phoenixz: but it won't screw up my GUI, right? if it causes some problem with my nvidia drivers | 08:49 |
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arun | evilmm: is it easy to install and use compiz fusion? | 08:50 |
xerosis | aznpridechinese: curses is a simple GUI inside of a terminal, alsa uses it for the sound mixer | 08:51 |
aznpridechinese | where do i get it? | 08:51 |
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aznpridechinese | the curses library or something | 08:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | ncurses | 08:52 |
phoenixz | arun, beryl uses some 3D library, I guess opengl, which use the drivers.. if the drivers are wrong and your 3D accell doesnt work, you simply can't run any 3D stuff.. if your drivers were so bad that 2D stuff didnt even work, then we probably would not be talking right now ;) | 08:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | buhbye now | 08:52 |
arun | so should i use beryl or compiz fusion? | 08:52 |
arun | :) | 08:52 |
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aznpridechinese | it says in my adept manager that i already have it so why is alsa asking for it? but it does say curses library | 08:53 |
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evilmm | compiz has a history of being more stable | 08:54 |
arun | evilmm: how would one go about installing compiz fusion | 08:54 |
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arun | and is it easy to uninstall if i don't like it? | 08:55 |
evilmm | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481314 | 08:55 |
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arun | And will my window decorations and styles be preserved? | 08:56 |
evilmm | everything uses emerald to my knowledge | 08:56 |
arun | thanks for the link | 08:56 |
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evilmm | but make sure when you uninstall compiz/beryl that you dont rip out emerald | 08:57 |
phoenixz | arun, just use adept manager | 08:57 |
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arun | so i should just search for beryl or compiz in adept and let it handle everything? | 08:58 |
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arun | sorry if my questions are silly or ignorant | 08:59 |
arun | i mean they are ignorant, but still | 08:59 |
evilmm | lol..i dont know adept..sorry | 08:59 |
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evilmm | i usually install and uninstall through terminal | 08:59 |
aznpridechinese | YES YES YES!!!! I FINALLY GOT MY SOUND WORKING AGAIN! | 08:59 |
aznpridechinese | sound blaster x-fi extreme audio =) | 09:00 |
arun | excellent, aznpridechinese | 09:00 |
arun | apparently in feisty, you can just install beryl from the 'add/remove programs' | 09:02 |
arun | i get options to install beryl manager, beryl settings manager, beryl settings manager (simple) | 09:03 |
arun | which one should i install? or should i do all 3 | 09:03 |
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phoenixz | arun, beryl manager should do it | 09:04 |
arun | alright, thanks | 09:04 |
arun | dont need the settings manager, right? | 09:05 |
arun | do i have to use the emerald theme with beryl? can i use whatever i'm using now? | 09:05 |
arun | ok it's installing | 09:06 |
Daisuke_Ido | arun: install aquamarine | 09:06 |
arun | i'll just restart x, hope it works | 09:06 |
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Daisuke_Ido | uses your current kde theme | 09:07 |
arun | brb | 09:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | and restarting x isn't going to do it | 09:07 |
arun | wish me luck!! | 09:07 |
arun | oh ok | 09:07 |
aznpridechinese | arun if you're using kde beryl doesn't work, it will crash | 09:07 |
aznpridechinese | you have to use gnome if you want to use beryl | 09:07 |
arun | really? | 09:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: bulls*** | 09:07 |
arun | that was really scary | 09:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | don't spread misinformation. | 09:07 |
arun | i just installed it, Daisuke. how do i run it? | 09:07 |
arun | err.. without crashing :) | 09:07 |
aznpridechinese | that's what happens for me and i've reach a couple of forums that says the same thing, maybe you can tell me how you got yours working? | 09:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: i installed it | 09:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | and launched it | 09:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | it works *fine* | 09:08 |
aznpridechinese | how did you install it? | 09:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: straight from the repos | 09:08 |
aznpridechinese | yah | 09:08 |
aznpridechinese | doesn't work for me though, maybe it's cuz i have nvidia 8800gtx | 09:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | that could have something to do with it | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | make sure you're using nvidia-glx-new | 09:09 |
arun | Daisuke_Ido: how do i go ahead and make it work? | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | arun: k, two commands | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | 1: beryl --replace | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | BUT FIRST | 09:09 |
arun | yes | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | IF that doesn't work, ctrl-alt-f2 to a virtual TTY | 09:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | and 2: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 09:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | still with us? | 09:10 |
arun | ok, just to clarify | 09:11 |
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arun | i installed beryl manager using adept, and now i should open konsole and enter beryl --replace | 09:11 |
arun | and after that the next command | 09:11 |
arun | correct? | 09:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | no | 09:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | if you have beryl-manager, run it from the console | 09:11 |
Daisuke_Ido | beryl-manager | 09:11 |
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Daisuke_Ido | should pop up in the tray with a little gem icon | 09:11 |
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evilmm | ok...how do i turn off the little notification that popups when people sign on/off kopete | 09:13 |
arun | ok i did that | 09:13 |
arun | and i got a whole bunch of errors in the konsole and my machine kinda hung | 09:13 |
arun | as in i couldn't switch between windows and stuff | 09:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | what kinds of errors | 09:13 |
arun | but i saw the gem icon | 09:13 |
arun | too many.. one after the other | 09:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | k | 09:14 |
arun | i think i saw the word critical flash once or twice | 09:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | i assume you still have window decorations (title bar and what not) | 09:14 |
arun | i restarted x and things work, so that was a relief | 09:14 |
arun | yes | 09:14 |
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arun | nothing seems to be broken | 09:14 |
aznpridechinese | but is beryl up and running? | 09:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | arun: ooh, yeah, we'll have to work on that another time, i have got to get some sleep | 09:14 |
arun | ha, alright | 09:14 |
arun | talk to you later then | 09:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: i would imagine not, if he's getting critical errors | 09:15 |
arun | thanks for your help | 09:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | np | 09:15 |
aznpridechinese | arun, are you on kde? | 09:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | sorry we couldn't get further | 09:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: no spreading disinformation about kde not being able to use beryl :P | 09:15 |
evilmm | Daisuke_Ido: this is the kubuntu channel :-p | 09:15 |
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evilmm | er | 09:15 |
evilmm | wow its too late | 09:16 |
aznpridechinese | i've actually gotten it to run once | 09:16 |
arun | yes | 09:16 |
arun | i'm on kde | 09:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | evilmm: very good! | 09:16 |
aznpridechinese | although it was laggy but i don't even remember how it to it to run, but after i restarted x kde wouldn't even boot up | 09:16 |
arun | no beryl for me, looks like | 09:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | aznpridechinese: xgl? | 09:16 |
aznpridechinese | might've been but i don't think i use xgl | 09:16 |
arun | uninstalled it | 09:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | neverever use xgl with an nvidia card :) | 09:16 |
aznpridechinese | yah i figured that one out | 09:17 |
arun | Daisuke_Ido: do you use beryl or compiz fusion | 09:17 |
aznpridechinese | after i installed it kde wouldn't boot up anymore | 09:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | beryl | 09:17 |
evilmm | aiglx2win | 09:17 |
arun | how did you go about installing it? adept or terminal? | 09:17 |
arun | i guess you'll have that story for me another time | 09:17 |
arun | :) | 09:17 |
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Daisuke_Ido | evilmm: you're not DLR are you? | 09:18 |
evilmm | DLR? | 09:18 |
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adenicio | why is linux so friging hard :-( | 09:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | DavidLeeRoth | 09:18 |
evilmm | wtf? | 09:19 |
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Daisuke_Ido | if not, you're the second OPP ircer to come through here today | 09:19 |
evilmm | just got an invite today actually | 09:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's like fight club, you don't talk about it :P | 09:20 |
arun | adenicio: what do you find hard about it? | 09:20 |
evilmm | lol, you started :-p | 09:21 |
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tripppy | i get the error could not load bad EXE format error when i try and run wine wow.exe -opengl, whats wrong? | 09:22 |
aznpridechinese | another wow addict | 09:23 |
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aznpridechinese | did they open black temple yet? | 09:23 |
tripppy | aznpridechinese, i dont know. | 09:23 |
aznpridechinese | what lvl chars you got? | 09:24 |
tripppy | heaps | 09:24 |
adenicio | arun:just to install programmes | 09:24 |
aznpridechinese | any lvl 70's? | 09:24 |
tripppy | no | 09:24 |
tripppy | how do i fix my problem!?!?! | 09:24 |
adenicio | arun:i cant even surf on the net konqueror keep givin me error that it cant find host | 09:25 |
evilmm | i played wow for 2 weeks | 09:25 |
aznpridechinese | i got lvl 70 mage 69 hunter, 64 pally, 47 priest, 38 rogue, 15 lock | 09:25 |
evilmm | seemed like a hassle | 09:25 |
arun | adenicio: that's odd | 09:25 |
aznpridechinese | yah it is, i quit awhile ago | 09:25 |
tripppy | yeah but how do i fix this Bad EXE format error | 09:25 |
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aznpridechinese | no idea, never played wow in linux | 09:25 |
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arun | i should install beryl with aiglx, right? | 09:26 |
evilmm | yes | 09:26 |
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adenicio | arun:wa is odd?u need to go in terminal just to install,u got to type a lot of things,and everytime u tryig something u got to put in your password | 09:27 |
arun | adenicio: i have never needed to install anything from terminal | 09:28 |
arun | I always use adept, it does everything for me | 09:28 |
arun | all i need to do is search, select from a list and click a button | 09:28 |
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arun | i only need to use terminal for admin-level tasks | 09:29 |
adenicio | arun so how u install tar.gz files? | 09:29 |
arun | adenicio: there is an application called ark | 09:29 |
clouder_ | does kopete have IM logging capabilities? | 09:29 |
arun | you can just extract them | 09:29 |
arun | ark is like winzip or winrar.. extract the files, and run them | 09:30 |
evilmm | and hope they dont have dependencies | 09:30 |
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arun | yes | 09:31 |
arun | which is why i don't install from tarballs | 09:31 |
arun | always adept | 09:31 |
adenicio | HELP I CANT SURF ON KONQUEROR IT KEEP GIVIN ME ERROR COUL NOT CONNECT TO HOST :-( and i dont have firefox | 09:32 |
arun | you can connect to irc but not open a website? | 09:32 |
evilmm | hosts file? | 09:33 |
evilmm | adenicio: open /etc/hosts in kate | 09:33 |
evilmm | or not | 09:34 |
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evilmm | night all | 09:35 |
adenicio | HELP I CANT SURF ON KONQUEROR IT KEEP GIVIN ME ERROR COUL NOT CONNECT TO HOST :-( and i dont have firefox | 09:35 |
evilmm | lol | 09:36 |
waylandbill | adenicio: sounds like incorrect networking setup. Check that first. | 09:36 |
dwidmann | adenico, do you have the same problem on the livecd? how about when running konqueror as root (which I really don't recommend, but I've heard of that working in the past) | 09:36 |
clouder_ | adenicio: Are your proxy settings correct? | 09:36 |
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adenicio | clouder:how to config proxy? | 09:39 |
arun | is restarting X the same as restarting my desktop using kdm restart | 09:39 |
dwidmann | arun, yes | 09:40 |
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arun | adenicio: go to system settings -> network settings | 09:40 |
arun | dwidmann: thanks | 09:40 |
clouder_ | adenicio: Go to Setting -> Configure Konqueror then scroll down the icon list to proxy | 09:41 |
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clouder_ | connect directly to internet should work for most everyone | 09:41 |
adenicio | im going to disconect and retry | 09:42 |
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clouder_ | is there a way to make Konq not clear the address field when i type ctrl + L? | 09:44 |
waylandbill | adenicio: do you even get assigned an ip address and gateway from a dhcp server? | 09:44 |
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clouder_ | oh woops, nevermind that's what it's supposed to do | 09:45 |
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adenicio_ | clouder na it still dont work | 09:49 |
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waylandbill | adenicio_: in a terminal konsole, see if "ifconfig" shows an address for your interface. | 09:51 |
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arun | ok i just installed beryl again, and this time i dont get any errors | 09:51 |
arun | but i see the icon bouncing when i launch beryl manager, and then nothing happens | 09:51 |
arun | no icon in the tray, nothing | 09:52 |
adenicio_ | waylandbill>:yea it shows an adres ip | 09:53 |
waylandbill | adenicio_: find the gateway's address and "ping" It. | 09:53 |
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adenicio_ | waylandbill:im a beginner how im i sopse to find gate adres and ping it? | 09:55 |
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adenicio_ | waylandbill:oki see it | 09:56 |
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arun | why wont beryl run? | 09:56 |
waylandbill | adenicio_: you can try this: tracepath google.com | 09:56 |
adenicio_ | waylandbill:do i have to put the same adres as wa i saw in the terminal wen i did ifconfig? | 09:57 |
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waylandbill | adenicio_: it should hit your gateway and then every computer needed to route you to google. | 09:57 |
waylandbill | the fundamental connection is from you to your gateway. without that, you'll connect to nothing on the net. What was the address you saw in ifconfig BTW? | 09:58 |
arun | ok beryl is running now, but i dont see any effects | 09:58 |
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adenicio_ | waylandbill:btw? | 10:00 |
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dranas | hey does anyone know if when gutsy comes out if we can just update, or will we have to completely reinstall | 10:01 |
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adenicio_ | waylandbill:trace part got nothing | 10:01 |
ksivaji | dranas for every six month | 10:02 |
evilmm | arun: did you set it to use beryl? | 10:02 |
arun | evilmm: yes, i just tried that but it reverts back to kwin for some reason | 10:02 |
dranas | i mean like just install iestygusty like how i upgraded from dapper to edgy to f | 10:03 |
ksivaji | dranas for every six month a new distro will be released | 10:03 |
evilmm | hrm | 10:03 |
arun | evilmm: i used this guide to install it http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/02/06/install-beryl-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-aiglx-for-nvidia-ubuntu-704/ | 10:03 |
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evilmm | hmmm..i stick to the wiki/forums | 10:04 |
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waylandbill | adenicio_: BTW=by the way. That wasn't the important part. The important part is what is your interface's address? | 10:04 |
dranas | anyone know of a good sega emulator for linux? | 10:05 |
waylandbill | !info dgen | 10:06 |
ubotu | dgen: Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.23-9 (feisty), package size 233 kB, installed size 1056 kB | 10:06 |
adenicio_ | waylandbill:theres a lot of adres wich one is the interface adres? | 10:07 |
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waylandbill | adenicio_: inet addr | 10:07 |
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AYTREZ | waylandbill:there are 2 one for the lo and the other for ppp | 10:09 |
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waylandbill | AYTREZ: no ethernet address? | 10:10 |
dranas | sweet ty | 10:10 |
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waylandbill | AYTREZ: are you trying to connect with a modem or a network router or what? | 10:10 |
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AYTREZ | waylandbill:my gaeway adres is emty in network conection is that normal? | 10:14 |
AYTREZ | waylandbill:modem | 10:14 |
informagiovani | hi all | 10:14 |
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slug | hi all | 10:15 |
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slug | any italian ? | 10:15 |
slug | i need help | 10:16 |
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waylandbill | adenicio: stop changing your name. The ppp address is the address for your interface then. The dhcp server should assign everything. Have you talked to your isp for assistance? | 10:17 |
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popt | anyone know what's shortcut to take snapshot? | 10:18 |
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slug | exist server ftp for kubuntu | 10:18 |
adenicio | waylandbill:talk to who?isp how do i talk to that? | 10:18 |
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popt | or what is program name? | 10:18 |
popt | knapshot or something I forgot | 10:19 |
waylandbill | adenicio: that's your internet service provider | 10:19 |
evilmm | print screen button | 10:19 |
waylandbill | ksnapshot. | 10:19 |
popt | thanks | 10:19 |
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popt | print screen button, what's it? | 10:20 |
SlimeyPete | popt: it's on your keyboard. It's usually called "PrtScr" or similar. | 10:21 |
SlimeyPete | above the numpad | 10:21 |
popt | can I assign a shortcut to this program? | 10:21 |
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waylandbill | on many keyboards, there's one anyway. | 10:21 |
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popt | yes, I know it under win, but for KDE, I'm not sure... | 10:22 |
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rixxon | I suddenly can't connect to encrypted wifi networks anymore, without changing anything | 10:24 |
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adenicio | CAN SOMEONE SEND ME THE FILLE WINE, | 10:34 |
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bliss123 | hi | 10:35 |
adenicio | Y_ | 10:36 |
SlimeyPete | adenicio: 1) please don't shout. 2) just use synaptic to install it (it's probably already installed anyway) | 10:36 |
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Lynoure | SlimeyPete: more likely to have adept than synaptic, in kubuntu... | 10:37 |
SlimeyPete | oh yeah | 10:37 |
SlimeyPete | forgot which channel I was in ;) | 10:37 |
adenicio | SlimeyPete:synatic is in kubuntu?where?and they say wine is not install | 10:37 |
SlimeyPete | adenicio: sorry, I mean Adept. Run Adept from the menu and tell it to install Wine. | 10:38 |
bliss123 | what is the command line for kommander as root? | 10:38 |
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adenicio | SlimeyPete;how do u tell it to install wine?i dont see the option wine | 10:39 |
SlimeyPete | search for "wine". Then tick it and press Apply. | 10:40 |
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user1_ | re | 10:42 |
adenicio | SlimeyPete:theres no wine | 10:42 |
user1_ | I remember there was a way to ensure all the -dev packaged needed to compile another package would be installewd | 10:42 |
user1_ | do you understand what I mean? how was that? | 10:42 |
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user1_ | or, how do I install most -dev packages, X, png, and so on? | 10:44 |
runlevelten | anybody know whether adenicio has enabled universe? | 10:45 |
runlevelten | wine's in universe isn't it? | 10:45 |
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adenicio | how to connect to host?konqueror keep saying could not connect to host | 10:45 |
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adenicio | in ubuntu i saw the option to activat universe but where do u activat it in kubuntu | 10:46 |
adenicio | ? | 10:46 |
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runlevelten | kubuntu is ubuntu. run synaptic | 10:46 |
SlimeyPete | adenicio: in Adept, click Adept -> Manage Repositories | 10:46 |
SlimeyPete | remember to fetch a newfile list once you're done | 10:46 |
SlimeyPete | runlevelten: he probably doesn'thave synaptic installed | 10:46 |
runlevelten | Why not? | 10:46 |
SlimeyPete | it's not installed by default on kubuntu. | 10:47 |
runlevelten | then sudo apt-get install synaptic would be a good move :) | 10:47 |
SlimeyPete | unless you convert from ubuntu to kubuntu - then it might stick around, I guess. | 10:47 |
SlimeyPete | adenicio: when konqueror says it couldn't connect to host, that means it couldn't find the internet server for the website you are trying to access. | 10:48 |
=== runlevelten finds the verbal separation of kubuntu very odd :) | ||
=== halfbloodprince [n=chatzill@nadeem2.my7star.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
halfbloodprince | Ok.. I fucked up my system.. I need some help! | 10:49 |
halfbloodprince | How do I revert back to my old xorg.conf? | 10:49 |
halfbloodprince | as in, how do i replace the xorg.conf with a backup from a recovery terminal | 10:49 |
adenicio | SlimeyPete:so wa im i sopose to do for konqueror to work?for all website it says the same thing | 10:50 |
SlimeyPete | halfbloodprince: did you back it up before you changed it? | 10:50 |
SlimeyPete | adenicio: that means your network settings are wrong or your network/router/modem is broken | 10:50 |
halfbloodprince | SlimeyPete: yes | 10:50 |
SlimeyPete | halfbloodprince: ok. "sudo mv <path-to-backup> /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 10:50 |
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halfbloodprince | what does that do? | 10:51 |
m0ns00n | Hey | 10:51 |
runlevelten | adenicio, do you have anything in the file /etc/resolv.conf? | 10:51 |
m0ns00n | Does Firefox render things differently on Linux than on Windows/Mac? | 10:51 |
SlimeyPete | halfbloodprince: it moves the backup file over the top of your exsiting xorg.conf | 10:51 |
runlevelten | m0ns00n: no | 10:51 |
Lynoure | I'd recommend cp instead of mv | 10:51 |
Lynoure | just in case. | 10:51 |
SlimeyPete | well, yeah I guess. | 10:51 |
m0ns00n | I have a page I'm developing, and firefox on each platform except my kubuntu box renders it correctly | 10:51 |
m0ns00n | My kubuntu box renders it wrong, also in flock.. | 10:51 |
runlevelten | what does it render wrong? | 10:52 |
halfbloodprince | also, when you change your xorg.conf, it automatically creates a backup of the previous version right? | 10:52 |
halfbloodprince | xorg.conf~ | 10:52 |
adenicio | runlevelten:im a beginner so to modify a lock file im not good at it | 10:52 |
runlevelten | adenicio: not asking you to modify it. you can just do cat /etc/resolv.conf in a console | 10:52 |
SlimeyPete | halfbloodprince: not if you edit it manually in nano or vim (though gedit/kate/whatever might do it, I don't know) | 10:52 |
halfbloodprince | i had edited it using sudo kate | 10:53 |
adenicio | im not good at anything on linux | 10:53 |
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runlevelten | the servers mentioned there are your dns servers, which tell your pooter the real addresses of those fancy 'domain names' | 10:53 |
halfbloodprince | adenicio: give it time, man | 10:53 |
runlevelten | if there's none there, it won't work. | 10:53 |
halfbloodprince | alright, thanks SlimeyPete.. i'll try and hopefully be back from kubuntu | 10:53 |
halfbloodprince | ta | 10:53 |
adenicio | runlevelten:yea there are thing in the file | 10:54 |
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=== runlevelten clicks | ||
m0ns00n | runlevelten: Did you see it? | 10:56 |
adenicio | i give up | 10:56 |
adenicio | i'm going | 10:57 |
runlevelten | m0ns00n: just looking now | 10:57 |
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=== runlevelten crack out ies4linux to see what it should look like | ||
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arun | thanks SlimeyPete, it worked | 10:59 |
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SlimeyPete | arun: :) | 10:59 |
arun | i'm halfbloodprince, btw | 10:59 |
arun | i'm back on kubuntu now | 10:59 |
arun | thanks | 11:00 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: To me it seems rendering on Linux is different then on MacOSX or Windows | 11:00 |
SlimeyPete | yeah, I guessed. arun [n=arun@nadeem2.my7star.com] has joined #kubuntu | 11:00 |
SlimeyPete | ^^ same host :) | 11:00 |
arun | yeah | 11:00 |
runlevelten | my trouble is I can't compare it to either, heh | 11:00 |
crocodile | if you install ubuntu,, then put KDE on top are you considered running kubuntu or ubuntu? | 11:00 |
arun | was trying to install beryl, screwed up my xorg.conf by mistake | 11:00 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: Well, I'll try the wine version of firefox | 11:00 |
SlimeyPete | crocodile: if you install kubuntu-desktop you are running kubuntu | 11:00 |
runlevelten | good idea | 11:00 |
SlimeyPete | if you just install kde I guess you're running a bit of both ;) | 11:00 |
runlevelten | because ies4linux isn't rendering it right either here | 11:01 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: But is it messed up in your browser? | 11:01 |
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m0ns00n | runlevelten: I've only tested it in ie7 | 11:01 |
runlevelten | a little bit yeah | 11:01 |
crocodile | SlimeyPete - gotcha.. was just a random question that came to me :) | 11:01 |
runlevelten | in ie6 here it's butchered | 11:01 |
runlevelten | I'm liking what you're doing there though | 11:01 |
m0ns00n | It's not my design =) | 11:02 |
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runlevelten | m0ns00n: on a google, there are a few complaints of it being different | 11:03 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: It renders differently in wine | 11:03 |
runlevelten | I don't see it, but that might be because I develop in Linux then hack for ie and I don't see it | 11:04 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: So there's definately a different rendering method in linux or windows/mac | 11:04 |
arun | Anyone running beryl successfully here? | 11:04 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: Another reason to hate firefox =) | 11:04 |
runlevelten | ha. | 11:04 |
arun | ?? | 11:04 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: Opera has gotten better and better lately :-) I use it now more and more. 9.2 was the defining version for me I think. | 11:04 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
m0ns00n | runlevelten: http://www.quirksmode.org/bugreports/archives/2005/05/Padding_difference_with_windows_and_linux.html | 11:05 |
runlevelten | Opera's nice stuff. I'm digging Opera mobile too, which does a decent job of attempting to render full size pages | 11:06 |
m0ns00n | this one: http://forums.invisionpower.com/lofiversion/index.php/t173501.html | 11:06 |
runlevelten | m0ns00n: damn. Well firstly sorry for the duff answer in the first place then, heh | 11:07 |
arun | how do i disable the skydome in beryl | 11:07 |
m0ns00n | =) | 11:07 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: The funny thing is that on linux, the news items are breaking on a position: absolute; element | 11:07 |
m0ns00n | Do you still have my url? | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: Reload it once | 11:08 |
runlevelten | yeah | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: it should still be messed up | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | the box with "News" in h1 is on top there | 11:08 |
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m0ns00n | Reload now | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | I changed the news div to position: fixed | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | =) | 11:08 |
m0ns00n | See how suddenly the news items order correctly | 11:09 |
runlevelten | yeah | 11:09 |
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m0ns00n | So that is differing in windows/max <> linux | 11:09 |
m0ns00n | That's just sick =) | 11:09 |
m0ns00n | hehe | 11:09 |
m0ns00n | Must be one hellofa IFDEF | 11:10 |
m0ns00n | hehe | 11:10 |
runlevelten | haha | 11:11 |
=== runlevelten scratches head and tries to see what would cause that | ||
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runlevelten | m0ns00n: are you able to reproduce it in other browsers on Linux? | 11:13 |
runlevelten | say konqy or whatever? | 11:13 |
m0ns00n | runlevelten: No, konqi renders it perfectly | 11:13 |
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m0ns00n | runlevelten: Flock renders it like firefox | 11:13 |
m0ns00n | same engine | 11:13 |
runlevelten | yeah | 11:13 |
m0ns00n | also opera renders it correctly | 11:14 |
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m0ns00n | point is that firefox shouldn't break on an element that is absolutely positioned | 11:14 |
runlevelten | No, you're right | 11:14 |
m0ns00n | I'll just hack my way around it I suppose | 11:14 |
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runlevelten | Although file/add to a bug report if you get time, too. FF ain't IE | 11:15 |
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runlevelten | m0ns00n: Hacking around stuff is one of the many things that makes web development as rewarding as it isn't :) | 11:16 |
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cyb | can someone give me some tips to get my usb hdd working? | 11:17 |
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=== runlevelten gets on with some work | ||
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tknerr | hi all! | 11:25 |
SlimeyPete | hi | 11:25 |
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tknerr | does anyone know zenity? | 11:26 |
ubuntu | hi | 11:26 |
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tknerr | i have a small problem with it... | 11:26 |
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tknerr | what i want to achieve is that a zenity dialog pops up when i toggle my wireless | 11:27 |
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ubuntu | im trying to install kubuntu on my macbook and i have a 65GB free partition /dev/sda3 but when i want to edit it i just can select the mount point and the file system | 11:27 |
ubuntu | how can i resize it? | 11:28 |
ubuntu | i wanna make a new one for swap and other for /homw | 11:28 |
tknerr | so i edited the /etc/acpi/ibm-wireless.sh script to open a zenity dialog (to let me choose what to turn on/off, i.e. bluetooth or wifi) | 11:28 |
dvm | Howto define window size in gtk? | 11:28 |
tknerr | the problem is: when i run the ibm-wireless.sh script manually, the zenity dialog pops up and everything is fine | 11:29 |
ubuntu | or i cannot resize or make new partitions with the kubuntu installer? | 11:29 |
Lynoure | dvm: you could have better response to that on #gnome, #gtk or even #ubuntu | 11:29 |
tknerr | but when it gets run automatically after hitting the Fn+F5 key the dialog does not show up | 11:29 |
tknerr | any ideas? | 11:29 |
Lynoure | dvm: I'd assume people here tend to know more about qt than gtk | 11:29 |
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runlevelten | dvm: define window size in what way? | 11:30 |
ubuntu | hey Lynoure do you know how can i resize a /dev/sda3 partition when installing kubuntu | 11:31 |
ubuntu | to make space at least for a swap partition | 11:31 |
Lynoure | ubuntu: I cannot remember for sure. what type of partition is on it? | 11:31 |
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dvm | runlevelten, height and width | 11:32 |
runlevelten | do you mean in a program? | 11:32 |
ubuntu | Lynoure: its nt formatted its /dev/sda3 | 11:32 |
ubuntu | but when i click edit i cannot resize or anything like that | 11:32 |
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Lynoure | hmm, I really cannot remember for sure. :/ | 11:34 |
ubuntu | ok never mind, i just found out, you cannot resize partitions, just free space therefore the partition must be deleted | 11:34 |
ubuntu | i know other distros allow resizing | 11:34 |
ubuntu | thanx anyway | 11:34 |
tknerr | when i hit the Fn+F5 key the ibm-wireless.sh script is called by the acpi daemon i guess. but why isn't it possible to start a zenity dialog window from within this script? | 11:34 |
Lynoure | ubuntu: you could resize with gparted | 11:34 |
ubuntu | yes but i dont really know how to use it | 11:35 |
ubuntu | adios | 11:35 |
Lynoure | ubuntu: takes another cd, but at least the image is small. Or it might be included in the live image by default | 11:35 |
Lynoure | pff | 11:35 |
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runlevelten | (....because the rest of us already knew how to use it before we tried it...) | 11:35 |
Lynoure | "we wouldn't have helped you anyway, hehe" | 11:36 |
dvm | runlevelten, gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET(window), 500,500); | 11:36 |
dvm | runlevelten, thanks | 11:37 |
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runlevelten | dvm, please don't think I'm being funny because I'm not, but that's exactly the sort of reason why you have the docs open in a web browser when you use a new gui toolkit. | 11:38 |
runlevelten | Got to be done man. | 11:39 |
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qlr | hello there | 11:41 |
qlr | !falsh64 | 11:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about falsh64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:41 |
qlr | !flash64 | 11:42 |
ubotu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 11:42 |
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cyb_ | when I try to access my usb hard drive I get this error: You do not have enough permissions to read file:///home/myname/(mount point name) | 11:44 |
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Soul | Hey any news on wheather gutsy be adding ext4 | 11:46 |
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pag | Soul, afaik kernel will support it, but it won't be the default FS. | 11:47 |
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Soul | thanks pag | 11:48 |
pag | np :) | 11:48 |
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cyb_ | doesn't anyone know anything about mounting usb drives? | 11:49 |
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Lynoure | cyb_: Did you mount it or did it get automounted? | 11:49 |
tknerr | any ideas why my shell script doesn't open a zenity alert window when the script is called by acpid? It works well if i call the script manually... | 11:50 |
cyb_ | first it autodetected but when I tried to access it I got some error about hal not able to mount it | 11:50 |
pag | !mount | cyb_ | 11:50 |
ubotu | cyb_: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 11:50 |
cyb_ | I enabled the partitions from system settings and now it says that I don't have permissions to read the disk | 11:52 |
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arun | yay beryl is working for me now | 11:55 |
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cyb_ | !fstab | 12:00 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 12:00 |
cyb_ | !diskmounter | 12:00 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 12:00 |
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neptunepink | tknerr: give the absolute path to zenity... | 12:05 |
neptunepink | and don't forget DISPLAY, either... | 12:06 |
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ivar | anybody could point me in the right direction for installing mplayer plugin for opera 9.21 in kubuntu 7.04? | 12:09 |
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tknerr | @neptunpink: what do you mean by DISPLAY? | 12:18 |
tknerr | @neptunepink: yes, I have used the absolute path, but it didn't help | 12:19 |
neptunepink | and set DISPLAY? | 12:20 |
neptunepink | ah | 12:20 |
neptunepink | DISPLAY=:0; generally speaking | 12:20 |
tknerr | sorry, i am a newbie :) | 12:20 |
tknerr | so i have to put DISPLAY=:0; in the shell script i guess | 12:21 |
neptunepink | there might be a slighly more awesome way that I'm unaware of | 12:21 |
neptunepink | yeah | 12:21 |
cyb | I'm trying to access my usb hdd but i get an error that says I don't have permissions, can someone help? | 12:21 |
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neptunepink | sudo access usb hdd! | 12:22 |
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cyb | I already enabled the partitions from Disk & Filesystems | 12:23 |
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cyb | before I did that, i got the message "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options-refused uid 1000" | 12:24 |
ivar | cyb: seems you need to do that with root-access... thus, try the same command, but with a "sudo " in front. | 12:25 |
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tknerr | @neptunepink: the DISPLAY var is correctly set in the script, but the zenity window still does not show up | 12:26 |
tknerr | this is the script i am using: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/24680/comments/16 | 12:26 |
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cyb | ivar: how do I do this without using konsole? | 12:29 |
ivar | cyb: sorry... don't know.. | 12:29 |
qlr | joy joy joy i have flash :) | 12:31 |
cyb | can I give the permissions to normal user somehow? | 12:31 |
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cyb | i'll try again later | 12:33 |
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ivar | I can't get mplayer plugin to work with opera 9.21 in kubuntu 7.04. Anybody can point me in the right direction? All readme files I've read is for firefox or something else. | 12:44 |
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tapas | what could be the reason for my desktop icons not staying in place between logins? | 12:46 |
runlevelten | Cosmic rays | 12:47 |
tapas | oh thanks for that helpul comment ;) | 12:47 |
tapas | you got more of those? | 12:47 |
tapas | anyways.. i suspect some corrupt .kde setting. | 12:47 |
arun | i know a guy named tapas | 12:48 |
tapas | i upgraded from dapper to feisty and i suppose it got messed up somewhere along the way | 12:48 |
tapas | so what i would like to try is to remove the specific section from the specific kde config fle to see whether creating them anew fixes it | 12:48 |
tapas | dunno where to look though | 12:48 |
arun | tapas: check in your <user> directory | 12:49 |
tapas | i do not simply wwant to rm ~/.kde/ -r | 12:49 |
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arun | home/user | 12:49 |
runlevelten | .kde/share/apps/kdesktop/IconPositions | 12:49 |
runlevelten | ;) | 12:49 |
tapas | [cause this would kill my kmail and some other settings] | 12:49 |
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tapas | runlevelten: now that _was_ helpful. thanks :) | 12:50 |
runlevelten | yvw. While you're there, ensure allowCosmicRaysToNudgeIcons is set to False | 12:50 |
runlevelten | heh ;) | 12:50 |
tapas | ;) | 12:50 |
ivar | hehe | 12:51 |
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tapas | the rays must have kicked those entries ferom the config files already too | 12:51 |
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runlevelten | ps, that is the right file though | 12:51 |
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tapas | i suppose i can simply delete these IconPosition thingies and nothing serious should be damaged right?? | 12:51 |
bronze | What does apt-get -y mean? What's about the -y ? | 12:51 |
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tapas | bronze: check man page | 12:51 |
runlevelten | check the perms on the file first | 12:51 |
sonoftheclayr | bronze: the -t just answers yes to any questions asked | 12:52 |
sonoftheclayr | -y sorry | 12:52 |
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bronze | sonoftheclayr: k thanks | 12:53 |
_4strO | apt-get --help | grep -y | 12:53 |
tealson | how do i accept the kubuntu GPG key, I get an error when runnung apt-get update (NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088) | 12:53 |
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tapas | didn't fix it | 12:54 |
tapas | so back to square one | 12:54 |
tapas | it doesn't seem to move all of the icons on oogin | 12:54 |
SlimeyPete | tealson: use apt-key (I forget the act syntax) | 12:54 |
SlimeyPete | *exact | 12:54 |
tapas | just some few of them | 12:54 |
tapas | and it's really annoying | 12:54 |
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tealson | SlimeyPete, do you know where i can get the key for the repositry? | 12:55 |
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tealson | the syntax seems to be apt-key add or apt-key update | 12:56 |
mike__ | Greets, everyone... | 12:56 |
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runlevelten | gpg --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys A506E6D4DD4D5088 | 12:57 |
mike__ | If you're dual-booting two Linux OS's, they can share the same swap partition, right? | 12:57 |
SlimeyPete | tealson: no, sorry. try opening the repository's address in a web-browser - it might be stored in a file there? | 12:57 |
pag | mike__, yup. | 12:57 |
mike__ | pag: Thanks | 12:57 |
ivar | mike__, as long as they are not running simultaneously... like using vmware | 12:58 |
mike__ | runlevelten: Does that method have any advantage over something like "wget http://url.of.key/key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"? | 12:58 |
runlevelten | then do gpg --armor --export DD4D5088 > temp.gpg && sudo apt-key update temp.gpg | 12:58 |
mike__ | ivar: Nope, just a traditional dual-boot. Thanks for the warning though. | 12:59 |
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runlevelten | keep or remove the temp.gpg depending on what you want to do | 12:59 |
=== runlevelten tends to keep 'em | ||
mike__ | Does anyone here use APTonCD? I'm wondering if it's possible to make a key for the repositories you make with it so APT doesn't bug me about unauthenticated packages. | 01:02 |
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tealson | runlevelten, i wget the gpg keyfile but apt-key add tells me it is no valid openpgp files :( It's the one from: http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.90.1/dists/feisty/Release.gpg( | 01:02 |
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tapas | muahaha, i don't want to resetup my whole user just because of these damn icons | 01:02 |
tapas | i suppose i will though | 01:03 |
mike__ | ??? | 01:03 |
qlr | how do i install a network printer? | 01:03 |
ivar | tapas: it only happens on your user? and not on other users? | 01:03 |
tapas | well my whole kde session | 01:03 |
mike__ | qlr: What brand is it? | 01:03 |
tapas | ivar: i haven't checked.. this will be the next thing i suppose.. | 01:03 |
qlr | HP | 01:04 |
tapas | and yeah it doesn't happen on my laptop which runs the ubuntu feisty, to | 01:04 |
tapas | o | 01:04 |
qlr | mike__: it's a HP 2300 on a windows xp box | 01:04 |
mike__ | qlr: K Menu -> System -> HP Printing System Control Center | 01:04 |
mike__ | Ohh | 01:04 |
runlevelten | tealson: is that ( on the end of the url you wgetted? | 01:04 |
runlevelten | cos then you wgetted a page of html :) | 01:05 |
mike__ | He would need Samba for that, right $someone_more_knowledgable_than_me\? | 01:05 |
tealson | runlevelten, mhh i wgetted the gpg file, at least this is what nano tells me... what did i do wrong then? | 01:05 |
qlr | :(( | 01:05 |
mike__ | Do you have Samba set up? | 01:06 |
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runlevelten | tealson: It should work. Something is broken. | 01:06 |
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qlr | mike__: i don't know... but i can access network resourses | 01:07 |
mike__ | tealson: I came in late-- You're just trying to add a key? | 01:07 |
neonlinux | hey all, when browsing the net, where does the history/cache/ temp files get stored for firefox? | 01:07 |
runlevelten | provisionally, did you do it via the method I posted above as opposed to wget? | 01:07 |
runlevelten | s/do/try | 01:07 |
tealson | mike__, yep simply trying to add it :) | 01:07 |
ivar | tealson: have a look at the file you downloaded? | 01:07 |
mike__ | qlr: You could try with that program I mentioned. Won't hurt anything - worst case scenario, it just won't work | 01:07 |
ivar | tealson: you know how to tell if it looks more or less like a key-file? | 01:07 |
qlr | mike__: lemme c.... | 01:07 |
runlevelten | ivar: teal said it does | 01:08 |
mike__ | tealson: Can you pastebin the terminal output and the commands you're running? | 01:08 |
ivar | runlevelten: ok, missed that. | 01:08 |
tealson | mike__, one sec | 01:08 |
ScarFreewill | !newuser | 01:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newuser - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:08 |
ScarFreewill | whats the console command to create a new user? | 01:08 |
tapas | well, for the other accounts the desktop icons stay in place | 01:08 |
ivar | ScarFreewill: adduser | 01:08 |
ScarFreewill | ivar: | 01:09 |
ScarFreewill | thx | 01:09 |
tapas | but it also rememebrs open browsers etc [ugh, session management - it never does what you want] | 01:09 |
runlevelten | gpg --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys A506E6D4DD4D5088 && gpg --armor --export DD4D5088 > temp.gpg && sudo apt-key update temp.gpg | 01:09 |
tealson | mike__, this is what cat Release.gpg tells me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29633/ | 01:09 |
runlevelten | if that doesn't work, let's see temp.gpg :) | 01:09 |
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qlr | mike__: cant find it :( | 01:10 |
mike__ | tealson: Did you already try "sudo apt-key add -" (note the - ) | 01:10 |
=== runlevelten sighs. | ||
tealson | mike__, mhh the - seems new to me, i'll give it a try | 01:11 |
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mike__ | qlr: Hit Alt+F2 and run this - "hp-toolbox" - no quotes | 01:11 |
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runlevelten | tealson: ^Did you try that or not? | 01:11 |
tapas | oh well there seeems to be more broken in my kde | 01:12 |
tapas | ok | 01:12 |
tapas | so: | 01:12 |
tapas | how can i start a completely new kde setup without losing my kmail and ktorrent stuff? | 01:12 |
tealson | runlevelten, i'm trying it right now, but the terminal seems to do nothing at all | 01:12 |
tapas | and korganize | 01:12 |
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mike__ | tapas: Backup what you want to keep and restore it once you've reset everything? | 01:13 |
tapas | mike__: yeah, but how do i know i backuped everything i need | 01:13 |
tapas | the .kde dirs are not really easy t browse :) | 01:13 |
runlevelten | what do you mean nothing at all... does the terminal fail to show a prompt? | 01:13 |
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tapas | i might just backup the whole .kde dir | 01:14 |
tapas | and then migrate stuff back one by one.. | 01:14 |
mike__ | tapas: ~/.kde/share/config/name-of-program and/or ~/.kde/share/apps/name-of-program ;-) | 01:14 |
tealson | runlevelten, i don't even get a new input line | 01:14 |
tapas | mike__: ok | 01:14 |
tapas | mike__: programs never store stuff anywhere else in the kde tree? | 01:15 |
ivar | tapas: just don't forget to backup your important files in there. ;-) I bet kmail and ktorrent has nothing to do with it. | 01:15 |
runlevelten | Eeks, you might have a very broken installation tealson. | 01:15 |
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mike__ | tealson: If the terminal appears to just hang, you might just need to enter your password - I discovered that the hard way when adding keys | 01:15 |
tapas | ivar: what do you mean "nothing to do with it"? they store their stuff in .kde | 01:15 |
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mike__ | tapas: Not that I'm aware of, although I'm not an expert. I just play one in IRC channels. | 01:15 |
runlevelten | tapas, do thus | 01:16 |
ivar | tapas: I meant... they have nothing to do with your icon-shuffeling problem. | 01:16 |
tapas | ivar: that's right.. | 01:16 |
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ivar | tapas: so if you just back them up, restore the .kde tree, and put those files back in again, as far as I can see, it should just get back to normal. | 01:16 |
runlevelten | rename and keep your .kde directory, then log out and back in. When you've done that, come back here. | 01:16 |
tapas | exactly.. | 01:16 |
tapas | [don't even need to log out of irc due to the powers of "screen"] | 01:17 |
tapas | brb | 01:17 |
tealson | runlevelten, but it's more or less completly new | 01:17 |
mike__ | runlevelten: genius | 01:17 |
tealson | mike__, that didn't do the trick i'm afraid | 01:17 |
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ScarFreewill1 | my one pc just shows a blank screen after login and then after about 2sec just goes back to the log on screen, its possably the kthememanager or kslash.... any idea how I can set my themes via the cli? | 01:18 |
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mike__ | tealson: Pastebin *everything* from the terminal window you've been working in, not just one command. :-) | 01:18 |
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kaltas | hi :) may I have a question to some xorg.conf guru? | 01:18 |
tapas | ok | 01:18 |
tapas | ok, shuffling icons about and see whether they survive relogin now | 01:19 |
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mike__ | ScarFreewill1: nano ~/.kde/share/config/ksplashrc I think... Hang on... | 01:19 |
Smooph | 3n | 01:19 |
mike__ | !ask | 01:19 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:19 |
runlevelten | possibly a good idea to look in .xsessions-errors before your start changing stuff... | 01:20 |
mike__ | ScarFreewill1: Yeah, that's the file for the splash screen | 01:20 |
tealson | mike__, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29634/ after this: nothing happens | 01:20 |
runlevelten | s/r / / | 01:20 |
kaltas | OK :)... I have my new MacBook and I want to use my 24" Dell external monitor - it works now cloning the output from internal display, but 1280x800 on 24" sucks... I would like to turn off my internal monitor and use only 24" when it's connected | 01:21 |
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arun | anyone here using beryl/nvidia? | 01:21 |
ScarFreewill1 | thx will try mike__ | 01:21 |
mike__ | arun: Close - Compiz-Fusion/nvidia | 01:22 |
mike__ | NP | 01:22 |
=== runlevelten isn't using beryl/compiz | ||
arun | mike__: i'm on beryl/nvidia.. everything works fine, but when i try to watch movies full screen the apps just seem to fade out and disappear | 01:22 |
arun | mike__: ksysguard shows that the apps are still running | 01:22 |
arun | i just cant see them | 01:22 |
arun | any idea why? | 01:22 |
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mike__ | ScarFreewill1: If you somehow got a bad theme package that's crashing your xsession (which seems really unlikely), you'll need to edit the file that determines what theme you're using - can't remember exactly where it is though | 01:23 |
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tealson | arun, stupid question you don't have a strange beryl keybinding which sets transparency to full? | 01:23 |
mike__ | arun: But you can't hear them? | 01:24 |
ScarFreewill1 | mike__: I think thats actually the problem, i've changed fingerprint to MoodinKDE, but fingerprint isn't a custom splash so it must be a bad there pkg crashing x | 01:25 |
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=== runlevelten wonders how those icons are for tapas now | ||
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kaltas | noone knows? :) | 01:26 |
mike__ | Full-screen video seems to be hit-or-miss with compositing managers for a lot of people, myself included. Sometimes it's fine, others it just refuses to cooperate giving varying strange behavior. | 01:26 |
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tapas | ok, this strategy seems to suceed :) | 01:26 |
arun | mike__: no it just seems to close the program | 01:26 |
mike__ | arun: Best bet might be to just turn Beryl off while watching FS video | 01:26 |
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ivar | tapas: so I bet you now know exactly which file and which optoin caused your problems? ;-) | 01:27 |
mike__ | arun: What program are you using for videos? | 01:27 |
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tapas | ivar: heh.. | 01:27 |
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ScarFreewill1 | mike__: i'm just going to create a new user and its most propperly not wise to delete ~/.kde .... | 01:27 |
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tapas | i suppose i can do a diff on the directopries and let the kde people sort it out ;) | 01:27 |
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mike__ | kaltas: Sorry, that's beyond me. You might try #xorg - maybe someone there could help? | 01:28 |
tapas | note to devs: | 01:28 |
tmske | Hi, anyone an idea what can be wrong with the powermanagement on my laptop, it's an easynote r1903 (Packard Bell), the powermanager can't see the cpu freq and screen dimming doesn't work either when I switch to battery | 01:28 |
tapas | kde should have a fallback xterminal mode :) | 01:28 |
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rjb | hi, i got a ui quirk i'm trying to sort out | 01:29 |
arun | mike__: i tried both kaffeine and vlc player.. they play ok in smaller windows, but when i try to maximise the window (not even full screen), they just disappear | 01:29 |
runlevelten | did you put your settings back tapas? | 01:29 |
hans | ScarFreewill1: why not "mv ~.kde ~.kde.old" ? | 01:29 |
ScarFreewill1 | hans: i'll try that | 01:29 |
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rjb | in my desktop box, i get ugly huge tooltips on kicker items & taskbar buttons | 01:29 |
rjb | while on my laptop, i get nice small unobtrusive tooltips | 01:29 |
mike__ | Does anyone know if that bullet-proof X feature is gonna be in *K*ubuntu Gutsy, or will that be yet another feature we're a release behind on? (I know this is more appropriate for #ubuntu+1 :-) ) | 01:30 |
rjb | both run kubuntu, | 01:30 |
runlevelten | cosmic rays I expect. | 01:30 |
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rjb | but i can't find any difference in the kde look&feel settings between the 2 boxes:( | 01:30 |
tapas | is there a way to change the icon size on the desktop? | 01:30 |
runlevelten | for most apps it's copying over .kde/share/apps/appname and .kde/share/config/anythingthatpertainstoyourapp | 01:31 |
=== girion [n=girion@93.86-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | tapas: the icon size on the desktop will change with your konqueror icon size | 01:31 |
=== mike__ is scratching his head at arun's problem | ||
tapas | what does the one have to do with the other? | 01:31 |
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tapas | runlevelten: thanks though :) | 01:32 |
kaltas | mike_: thank you for direction :) will try there | 01:32 |
mike__ | tapas: You can actually set it to its own size - System Settings -> Look and Feel -> Icons -> Advanced | 01:32 |
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tapas | mike__: thanks | 01:33 |
runlevelten | Yeah, I'm thinking of another desktop tapas anyway | 01:33 |
mike__ | tapas: It says File Manager and Desktop, so it will change it for both, but once you change it there, you can change it in Konqueror without affecting the desktops size | 01:33 |
runlevelten | sorry, heh | 01:33 |
mike__ | np | 01:33 |
mike__ | kaltas: np | 01:33 |
tapas | now i also wonder: every folder on my desktop gets opened by gthumb when i click on it | 01:33 |
tapas | mike__: ok | 01:33 |
runlevelten | really? | 01:33 |
runlevelten | ?! | 01:33 |
tapas | yeah | 01:34 |
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arun | any ideas? | 01:34 |
mike__ | rjb: Right-click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Appearance -> Enable mouseover effects | 01:34 |
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arun | mike__: you dont face those problems? | 01:35 |
zorglu_ | q. i run feisty and i would like to know if the fix to get flash video in firefox has been fixed ? or how i could keep track of the issue ? | 01:35 |
ScarFreewill1 | this is bad i treid creating a new user but the same happened | 01:35 |
rjb | mike__: thx, but no effect | 01:35 |
runlevelten | ScarFreewill1: are you able to run KDE without beryl? | 01:35 |
mike__ | tapas: Right-click the folder -> properties -> button next to type -> application preference order | 01:36 |
ScarFreewill1 | runlevelten: i've not installed beryl | 01:36 |
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mike__ | rjb: You unchecked that box and hit apply and you're still getting big tooltips? | 01:36 |
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mike__ | arun: Nope... What card do you have? | 01:36 |
rjb | mike__: aaa got it | 01:36 |
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runlevelten | Last time I had a prob like that with KDE it was a problem with my driver setup. is there anything interesting in your ~/.xsession-errors? | 01:37 |
rjb | mike__: sorry must have hit the wrong box, i'm on a localized version | 01:37 |
mike__ | heh, no problem | 01:37 |
rjb | i unchecked the one on the left, and left the one on the right checked | 01:37 |
ScarFreewill1 | I'm able to start and stop kdm, but I can't log into kde.. anyway to debug a kde login? | 01:37 |
rjb | giving me just what i wanted, cool | 01:37 |
arun | mike__:nvidia geforce | 01:38 |
stdin | ScarFreewill1: check the KDM log /var/log/kdm.log | 01:38 |
mike__ | geforce...? | 01:38 |
runlevelten | yep, twas exactly like that. | 01:38 |
runlevelten | Proprietary drivers - twas either nvidia or fglrx I forget which | 01:38 |
ScarFreewill1 | stdin: k | 01:38 |
rjb | mike__: the label on the left checkbox reads somthg like "zoom icons on mouseover".. didn't seem appropriate | 01:39 |
rjb | anyway, got it fixed the way i like it | 01:39 |
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arun | mike__: i dont remember the model number, how do i check on linux | 01:40 |
runlevelten | Right. Work beckons methinks. | 01:40 |
ScarFreewill1 | stdin: should I pastebin this, there is some font issues aswell as a lot of X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 01:40 |
mike__ | That's odd. I think I remember seeing that in the config tool for KoolDock. I wonder how it got in your Kicker config. Heh | 01:40 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill1: those font errors and BadDevice errors are normal | 01:41 |
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runlevelten | arun: look in kinfocenter under opengl | 01:41 |
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ScarFreewill1 | what about "cannot open device /dev/input/wacom" | 01:41 |
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arun | geforce 6150 | 01:42 |
stdin | ScarFreewill1: unless you have a wacom tablet, then it's fine | 01:42 |
codr | hi | 01:42 |
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=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== runlevelten notices that for some reason opengl info via kcmshell doesn't work on kubuntu. | ||
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runlevelten | so many little details :( | 01:42 |
mike__ | ScarFreewill1: You can avoid seeing that error by deleting the sections for the wacom devices in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - just make sure you delete their entries in the server layout section at the bottom too | 01:42 |
codr | i have an ubuntu distro. I had install Greek. I have a forum and i admin it with a web browser, Firefox or galeon. When i create a section or something and i fill up the form with Greek the name of the section or the topic, when im gonna see it i see it like ??????????? :-/ what can i do for it? | 01:43 |
stdin | ScarFreewill1: see if you can start kde manually, you need to login to a terminal (eg tty1) and start X (sudo X :1 & ) then run: export DISPLAY=:1 ; startkde | 01:43 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill1: you should see any errors on the console screen then | 01:44 |
arun | mike__: geforce 6150 | 01:44 |
ScarFreewill1 | firstly it was working fine, then kick wouldn't unlock, then trashbin wouldn't empty, then I restated and nou its basicly screwed (just installed yesterday) | 01:44 |
mike__ | arun: Sorry, I'm really not too sure why that would happen. :-( | 01:44 |
ScarFreewill1 | stdin: I will try to start manualy | 01:45 |
runlevelten | Sounds almost like you're using reiser4, haha. | 01:45 |
codr | i have an ubuntu distro. I had install Greek. I have a forum and i admin it with a web browser, Firefox or galeon. When i create a section or something and i fill up the form with Greek the name of the section or the topic, when im gonna see it i see it like ??????????? :-/ what can i do for it? | 01:45 |
mike__ | arun: You might try #desktop-effects or #beryl - or you could upgrade to Compiz-Fusion and see if it still does it, since you're gonna have to eventually anyway. ;-) | 01:45 |
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arun | mike__: looks like i'm not the only one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=366476 | 01:45 |
codr | ? | 01:46 |
PhinnFort | yakuake crashes xorg here... (with beryl running) | 01:46 |
mike__ | arun: Did you try their solution? | 01:47 |
codr | anyway | 01:47 |
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mike__ | PhinnFort: Maybe try turning off yakuake's effect? | 01:47 |
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PhinnFort | mike__: I tried turning off pretty much everything | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:48 |
mike__ | Wow | 01:48 |
runlevelten | yakuake has been a miserable experience for me lately | 01:48 |
mike__ | PhinnFort: What versions of those two are you using? | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | I'm currently using 16bit depth to get reasonable performance | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | mike__: latest version | 01:48 |
PhinnFort | mike__: I talked with the yakuake dev, and he knew it happened, but not why | 01:49 |
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mike__ | PhinnFort: Have you tried C-F? | 01:49 |
PhinnFort | ? | 01:49 |
runlevelten | and the bugger is that I've been patching everything I touch lately and haven't had time to look at yakuake | 01:49 |
PhinnFort | ah, compiz fusion? | 01:49 |
mike__ | Compiz-Fusion (Beryl after the re-merge) | 01:49 |
mike__ | yep | 01:49 |
PhinnFort | yeah, trying it now | 01:49 |
runlevelten | but yakuake is one thing I really want to use, heh | 01:49 |
mike__ | PhinnFort: Still does it with that? | 01:49 |
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PhinnFort | will see | 01:49 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:49 |
mike__ | Oh ok | 01:50 |
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PhinnFort | I'm waiting for xorg 7.3, though, with new radeon drivers | 01:50 |
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PhinnFort | the performance really sucks with the current one, with or without compiz/beryl | 01:50 |
PhinnFort | now I'm looking into profiling to see if I can find out why 16 bit gives such a boost over 24 bits | 01:51 |
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mike__ | Gutsy will ship with 7.3, right? | 01:51 |
PhinnFort | yeah, I hope so | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | it will be released in August, I believe | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | and with kde4 packages :D:D | 01:52 |
mike__ | Yesss | 01:52 |
mike__ | Hehe | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 01:52 |
PhinnFort | and, by then I will hopefull have a new laptop | 01:53 |
stdin | PhinnFort: only same the packages that are in kubuntu.org, 3.5.6 will be default | 01:53 |
PhinnFort | stdin: I know | 01:53 |
arun | mike__: trying | 01:53 |
PhinnFort | stdin: but gutsy+2 might have kde 4.* as default:P | 01:53 |
mike__ | If KWin Composite is half as flashy as Compiz/Beryl, I'll be happy, 'cause I know it'll be 10x as stable | 01:53 |
stdin | PhinnFort: +2 will | 01:53 |
PhinnFort | mike__: it already has the flame effect, without the flames;) | 01:54 |
mike__ | lol | 01:54 |
mike__ | Yeah, I saw that. Mighty impressive :-P | 01:54 |
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PhinnFort | mike__: the window gradually disappears, but the particle effect that looks like flames isn't implemented because the kwin dev doesn't know enough about gl-particles or something;) | 01:54 |
stdin | plasma is coming along nicely too :) | 01:55 |
PhinnFort | yeah | 01:55 |
PhinnFort | they really got a boost, after someone hinted at the slow development a couple of months ago;) | 01:55 |
mike__ | Any new videos on either of these two projects? It's been a while since I've seen anything | 01:55 |
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stdin | not sure, I just run the SVN version | 01:56 |
PhinnFort | mike__: search for plasma or kwin composite on youtube | 01:56 |
mike__ | Ohh ok | 01:56 |
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mike__ | Will do | 01:56 |
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ScarFreewill | ok, its seems it will be faster for me to just format.. ;o | 01:57 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: at worst, just do "mv .kde kde-old" that will reset all the settigs | 01:57 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: i've tried both that and creating a new user :p | 01:58 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: ahh, then it's either a bad install or a bad disk | 01:58 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: it worked yesterday ;p | 01:58 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: its a brand new dell latitude d620 | 01:59 |
mike__ | ScarFreewill: If you reinstall, make a seperate partition for /home, give it all but 10GB of the hard drive, and next time you reinstall, all your preferences, files, etc. will be in tact afterwards (given you don't format the /home partition, obviously) | 01:59 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: did you use a disk you burnt yourself? | 01:59 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: yes, but I did the cd check and I installed it on other pcs that worked fine | 02:00 |
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mike__ | If the installation completed, I don't think it's the disc. Every time I had a bad disc, it stopped in the middle of installation with an appropriate error | 02:00 |
ScarFreewill | mike__: ok, forgot to do that when I installed ;p | 02:00 |
looperator | hi people, anybody know the website http://www.operator11.com | 02:00 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: hmm, strange. I guess reinstall is the only option for now | 02:01 |
mike__ | ScarFreewill: Are you familiar with that trick? | 02:01 |
ScarFreewill | mike__: yes I have the pc i'm chatting with partitioned like that | 02:01 |
mike__ | ScarFreewill: and the dpkg --get/set selections stuff? | 02:01 |
PhinnFort | looperator: it looks suky suky | 02:01 |
runlevelten | ScarFreewill: I've had extremely odd problems with dell desktops. You are not alone. | 02:01 |
mike__ | Oh ok | 02:02 |
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looperator | what do you mean PhinnFort | 02:02 |
runlevelten | Right - work. | 02:02 |
ScarFreewill | runlevelten: I just got the 3g working via a simcard ;p | 02:02 |
PhinnFort | looperator: since you're spamming it in a kubuntu support channel;) | 02:02 |
PhinnFort | (I didn't even look at it) | 02:02 |
looperator | anyway i am starting a linux show on http://www.operator11.com and i am looking for people who want to start a show with me | 02:03 |
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looperator | i am not spamming the channel i ask a question PhinnFort | 02:03 |
looperator | its a linux tech show | 02:03 |
PhinnFort | looperator: do you have trouble with kubuntu? | 02:03 |
PhinnFort | !offtopic > looperator | 02:03 |
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looperator | thanks PhinnFort | 02:04 |
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cerden | giorno | 02:05 |
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hasan | how can i make apache start up on boot? | 02:05 |
cerden | raga... sono disperato O_O _ | 02:05 |
mike__ | Can any Xorg experts in here tell me how flexible an Xkboption like "lv3:ralt_switch" (I think I'm remembering that correctly) is? | 02:05 |
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cerden | anyone are italian? | 02:05 |
meuhlol | !it | cereden | 02:05 |
ubotu | cereden: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:05 |
Kubuntu_021 | hello guy's | 02:05 |
Kubuntu_021 | and girls | 02:05 |
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mike__ | hey | 02:05 |
Kubuntu_021 | I am new in the unix world and I ws hopping for a warm welcome | 02:06 |
Kubuntu_021 | was* | 02:06 |
mike__ | Welcome! :-) | 02:06 |
evilmm | lol | 02:06 |
meuhlol | x) welcome | 02:06 |
Kubuntu_021 | :)) ok...God damn windows | 02:06 |
Lynoure | Kubuntu_021: Welcome to the support channel, can we help you with something? | 02:07 |
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meuhlol | win take a doors xD | 02:07 |
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arcer | salve ragazzi | 02:07 |
arcer | potete spiegarmi una cosa gentilmente? | 02:07 |
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arcer | ci siete? | 02:07 |
alesan | I have a "ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] " card in my system. should I install some particular driver to be able to use it? right now I'm in vesa mode | 02:07 |
cerden | si | 02:07 |
cerden | arcer | 02:07 |
cerden | ci sono io italiano | 02:07 |
arcer | :D | 02:08 |
arcer | perfetto | 02:08 |
cerden | questo un canale per soli inglesi uha | 02:08 |
arcer | privato? | 02:08 |
pierre_ | I've been trying to get Kubuntu to use 1280x1024, i have a nvidia gpu and i have the correct nvidia driver, but the resolution doesnt go higher than 1024x768 for some reason | 02:08 |
cerden | yeah | 02:08 |
meuhlol | !it | arcer cerden | 02:08 |
ubotu | arcer cerden: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:08 |
evilmm | pierre_: try nvidia-settings? | 02:08 |
mike__ | alesan: If no one here gives you a better answer (re: what exact driver you need), run this from a terminal - "sudo apt-get install restricted-manager" - then when that's done, this - "restricted-manager" | 02:09 |
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pierre_ | evilmm: yes but i cannot select the correct resolution from that program either | 02:09 |
alesan | mike__: ok | 02:09 |
evilmm | hmmm | 02:09 |
meuhlol | pierre_: nvidia-settings and modify your screen res | 02:09 |
mike__ | pierre_: Can you pastebin your xorg.conf? | 02:09 |
pierre_ | mike__: k | 02:10 |
pierre_ | mike__: http://pastebin.ca/615999 | 02:10 |
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mike__ | pierre_: I'm assuming you already tried System Settings? | 02:12 |
pierre_ | mike__: yep i have but 1280x1024 isnt selectable their either | 02:12 |
meuhlol | pierre_: in nvidia-settings too? oO | 02:13 |
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pierre_ | meuhlol: yes | 02:13 |
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mike__ | meuhlol: Did you get the driver straight from nVidia's site? | 02:14 |
pierre_ | mike__: no from the ubuntu repositories | 02:14 |
meuhlol | mike__: mine works great :) nvidia drivers ver. 1.0-9631 (have gforce4ti 4200) | 02:15 |
mike__ | pierre_: You *could* try uninstalling it, then reinstalling it via Restricted Manager (sudo apt-get install restricted-manager) | 02:15 |
mike__ | pierre_: That's how I've been getting it since I found that method and it seems to "just work" | 02:15 |
pierre_ | gonna try | 02:15 |
pierre_ | thanks will BRB | 02:16 |
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evilmm | ok...so somewhere i've selected transparency stuff and i dont want it | 02:17 |
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evilmm | like for the taskbars and for the unfocused windows | 02:17 |
evilmm | any idea what i clicksed? | 02:17 |
mike__ | evilmm: Alt+F3 -> Configure Window Behavior | 02:17 |
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evilmm | none of my alt+ buttons seem to work | 02:18 |
evilmm | katapult mostly i've noticed | 02:18 |
mike__ | For both the left and right alt keys? | 02:18 |
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evilmm | yes | 02:19 |
mike__ | You can just right-click a title-bar anyway, but something more important than window translucency is wrong if you're alt keys aren't working. :-\ | 02:19 |
evilmm | all since last reboot | 02:19 |
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mike__ | evilmm: Find it? | 02:21 |
evilmm | yea | 02:21 |
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evilmm | now any idea with the alt keys? | 02:21 |
evilmm | like when i do alt+space it just brings up the menu if i click the icon in the titlebar | 02:22 |
mike__ | Hrmmm.... Try running this from Konsole: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "XkbOption" | 02:22 |
mike__ | evilmm: Oh, well you're alt keys are fine then | 02:22 |
mike__ | evilmm: You've just changed the default shortcuts somewhere along the line. ;-) | 02:23 |
evilmm | lol | 02:23 |
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mike__ | evilmm: Run KControl, and under Regional & Accessibility, you'll see Keyboard Shortcuts. You can just hit Defaults from there to set everything back | 02:24 |
meuhlol | or systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m | 02:24 |
mike__ | yeah, or that. heh | 02:24 |
evilmm | lol i was messing around in there last night | 02:24 |
mike__ | I have the bad habit of telling people to run KControl just because it's what I use. | 02:24 |
meuhlol | systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m in konsole, after go at Keyboard & Mouse, after Keyboard SHortcuts :) | 02:25 |
mike__ | Am I the only one that has a strong preference for KControl? | 02:25 |
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=== DexterF [n=dexter@ip41.242.reserved.ish.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DexterF | hi | 02:26 |
mike__ | hello | 02:26 |
DexterF | how do I renew the dhcp lease in kub? | 02:26 |
DexterF | !dhcp | 02:26 |
ubotu | dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP | 02:26 |
hans | mike__: bash: KControl: command not found ;) | 02:26 |
hans | lol | 02:27 |
mike__ | hans: all lowercase (as with 99.999% of commands) ;-) | 02:27 |
meuhlol | mike__: xD no i used it too, but since there are a systemsettings shortcut directly in KMenu, so i just click on it xD | 02:27 |
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wers | how do I run keyjnote? | 02:27 |
mike__ | meuhlol: Just too lazy to change the shortcut? :-P | 02:28 |
meuhlol | yes xD | 02:28 |
mike__ | hehe | 02:28 |
meuhlol | hans, just kcontrol in a konsole thats all :p | 02:28 |
evilmm | now it doesnt even recognize the alt button | 02:28 |
hans | meuhlol: it's ok | 02:28 |
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Gast373 | hallo. brauche hilfe bei der installation von kubuntu. bin ich hier richtig?? | 02:28 |
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mike__ | evilmm: Sounds like maybe you changed the layout... | 02:29 |
meuhlol | !de | Gast373 | 02:29 |
ubotu | Gast373: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:29 |
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hans | I just tried (unsucsefully) to be funny | 02:29 |
arun | anyone else have problems with fullscreen video with beryl installed? | 02:29 |
mike__ | hans: Oh I get it. Clever ;-) | 02:30 |
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mike__ | hans: Seriously though, good call. I'll have to keep case sensitivity in mind when I'm telling people what to run. | 02:31 |
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meuhlol | arun: nope haven't, but what's a problem exactly? | 02:33 |
evilmm | is there really any added benefit for the kubuntu DVD over the CD? | 02:33 |
runlevelten | It's like when something is problematic. | 02:33 |
mike__ | evilmm: It installs more software | 02:33 |
arun | everytime i play a video in full screen or try to resize the window, the app crashes | 02:33 |
evilmm | if i have a network connection | 02:33 |
mike__ | lol runlevelten | 02:33 |
arun | mplayer, vlc, kaffeine, everything | 02:33 |
hans | I tend to do most of my sysadmin on the command line, I am still trying to get used to the graphical interfaces.. | 02:33 |
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Maelfas | hallo | 02:34 |
evilmm | hmm | 02:34 |
meuhlol | evilmm: i think thats have updates and more softs, so if you have an internet connexion don't need a DVD xD | 02:34 |
runlevelten | alt f2 kcontrol btw | 02:34 |
runlevelten | quickar. | 02:34 |
mike__ | ? | 02:34 |
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mike__ | His shortcuts were screwed up. ;-) | 02:35 |
runlevelten | ignore me | 02:35 |
meuhlol | arun: softwares crashes when run fullscreen or resize but beryl still working? | 02:35 |
=== runlevelten is light headed after nearly chopping his finger off | ||
mike__ | Now his alt keys are screwed up. lol | 02:35 |
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evilmm | who me? | 02:35 |
mike__ | yup | 02:36 |
mike__ | Or did you fix it? | 02:36 |
evilmm | im trying to | 02:36 |
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mike__ | When you go to change a shortcut and press the alt key, does it recognize it? | 02:36 |
arun | meuhlol: yes, beryl is still working | 02:36 |
runlevelten | Yeah, I just used a torniquet some gaffa tape and sticking plaster. | 02:36 |
evilmm | well i have alt and the f keys working | 02:37 |
arun | i changed the video output to x11 and it works now.. unfortunately, x11 video quality sucks | 02:37 |
mike__ | lmao | 02:37 |
runlevelten | it's a bit rpm, but it'll do, heh | 02:37 |
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mike__ | arun: What was it set to before? | 02:37 |
mike__ | rpm? | 02:37 |
runlevelten | Awkward, painful and ugly but really quite functional when you get down to it. | 02:38 |
arun | mike__: it was set to whatever the default was.. someone in the beryl chat room told me to change to xv.. that didnt work either, so i changed it to x11, and that seems to work | 02:38 |
runlevelten | ^rpm | 02:38 |
arun | but the quality isn't as good | 02:38 |
mike__ | runlevelten: Referencing the package management system? | 02:39 |
runlevelten | yeah, heh | 02:39 |
mike__ | lol | 02:39 |
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mike__ | arun: You might try some of the other options there? | 02:39 |
meuhlol | arun try to make a opengl renderer | 02:39 |
arun | i tried opengl, that doesnt work either | 02:39 |
mike__ | Hrmm | 02:40 |
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mike__ | arun: Just turn Beryl off when watching f/s video. That's the best advice I can offer | 02:40 |
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arun | thanks man | 02:41 |
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mike__ | arun: You could set up a really simple script that would switch to KWin, open MPlayer, and then reload Beryl when you close MPlayer | 02:41 |
mike__ | arun: I can help you with that if you want | 02:41 |
arun | no, it's alright.. | 02:41 |
arun | thanks a lot | 02:41 |
runlevelten | and change it back when mplayer exits | 02:41 |
mike__ | heh... "no ugly hacks for me," he says :-D | 02:41 |
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arun | hah | 02:42 |
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tapas | ok, how do i get my konqueror bookmarks from the old .kde to the new one? | 02:43 |
tapas | jst copying the bookmarks.xml file didn't work | 02:44 |
runlevelten | import 'em | 02:44 |
SlimeyPete | does konqueror have an Import Bookmarks feature? | 02:44 |
tapas | yes, but not for konqueroro bookmarks :) | 02:44 |
tapas | only for other browsers | 02:44 |
meuhlol | arun, otherwise i found something about vlc, mplayer, totem with beryl probs | 02:44 |
tapas | interesting enough they show in the bookmark manager now | 02:44 |
tapas | just not in the bookmarks menu | 02:44 |
runlevelten | bookmarks -> edit bookmarks -> import bookmarks | 02:44 |
arun | meuhlol: what's that? | 02:45 |
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meuhlol | for vlc: sudo gedit .vlc/config, for mplayer: sudo gedit .mplayer/config | 02:45 |
meuhlol | and add this: | 02:45 |
meuhlol | # Write your default config options here! | 02:45 |
meuhlol | zoom=yes | 02:45 |
meuhlol | save | 02:45 |
runlevelten | tapas ^ | 02:45 |
mike__ | Just discovered "Bookmark tabs as folder" - nifty | 02:45 |
meuhlol | for totem: gksudo gedit ~/.gnome2/totem_config | 02:45 |
meuhlol | find this: | 02:45 |
meuhlol | # video driver to use | 02:45 |
meuhlol | # string, default: auto | 02:45 |
meuhlol | #video.driver:auto | 02:45 |
tapas | ah it has a kde2/kde3 import | 02:45 |
meuhlol | replace with: | 02:45 |
tapas | i'll try that | 02:45 |
meuhlol | # video driver to use | 02:46 |
meuhlol | # string, default: auto | 02:46 |
meuhlol | video.driver:xshm | 02:46 |
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runlevelten | yep | 02:46 |
mike__ | !paste | 02:46 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:46 |
mike__ | :-) | 02:46 |
runlevelten | works fine for me every time | 02:46 |
meuhlol | oki :) | 02:46 |
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runlevelten | they import into a kde bookmarks folder, you can drag them out of there if you really want | 02:46 |
runlevelten | (although it'll be untidy again) | 02:46 |
arun | so basically i just need to add zoom=yes? | 02:46 |
tapas | runlevelten: it even asks if it shall replace.. so it worked now :) | 02:47 |
=== runlevelten strokes the finjury and whimpers | ||
runlevelten | tapas yay | 02:47 |
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runlevelten | you moved kwallet and kmail over yet? | 02:47 |
evilmm | wow i never knew how much id miss katapult | 02:47 |
runlevelten | I usually move konqy, kwallet, kmail, and kgpg | 02:48 |
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runlevelten | I find amarok works best starting again | 02:48 |
meuhlol | to vlc & mplayer yes, it's said at french doc | 02:48 |
tapas | runlevelten: yep to kmail.. kwallet doesn't matter so much | 02:48 |
runlevelten | evilmm: I hate katapult. It is so very much less good than the start menu finder it's not funny | 02:48 |
mike__ | runlevelten: You don't seperately partition your /home folder? | 02:48 |
runlevelten | kwallet stores kmail passwords btw | 02:49 |
tapas | runlevelten: hmm.. maybe that's why it aked me to ceratye a new wallet.. well that was done in a few secs | 02:49 |
tapas | :) | 02:49 |
runlevelten | mike__: I tend to use a fresh kde config with just my app settings moved into it | 02:49 |
tapas | s/ceratye/create. | 02:49 |
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runlevelten | over the years I've found it to be for the best | 02:49 |
tapas | having home seperate is still useful :) | 02:49 |
BluesKaj | Howdy All ..I've taken K-Plunge as well ...Konq browser and Kmail ...I have Opera for " page web emergencies" but I hasve yet to encounter any | 02:50 |
runlevelten | I do keep my ~ but blowing out .kde is a good idea | 02:50 |
evilmm | BluesKaj: gmail? | 02:50 |
BluesKaj | kmail | 02:50 |
runlevelten | well done BluesKaj | 02:50 |
arun | muehlol: still crashes | 02:50 |
mike__ | runlevelten: What problems might I expect doing it the way I just said? | 02:50 |
meuhlol | arun: :'( try to uninstall & reinstall it following official kubuntu tutorial | 02:51 |
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runlevelten | what, keeping the .kde folders? Well the odd config change, nonsense or missing menu entries etc. | 02:51 |
arun | i'll just use x11 for now | 02:51 |
runlevelten | it's more during upgrades, but it's become a habit now | 02:52 |
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meuhlol | arun: one time i had a problems with windows manager of beryl, making me lost a titlebars etc, so i uninstalled it completly & reinstalled it again. Since never had problems, but i don't use it many times :) cuz all my friends from win already saw that linux 4ever & win must die :p | 02:52 |
mike__ | Oh ok... Speaking of upgrades, doing it the way I just said, do you think it'd be safe to "upgrade" just using the CD? I'd prefer that given how much faster it is | 02:53 |
mike__ | i.e., format the root partition, install the new Kubuntu release there, and leave /home alone | 02:53 |
mike__ | I know I might run into some of the little problems you mentioned, but aside from that, that shouldn't cause any major issues, right? | 02:54 |
meuhlol | mike__: sure, but me don't need to dl an upgrades cd, just connect & download it (aptitude) | 02:54 |
meuhlol | and me i prefer updates from us or other servers, cus' french servers are too slow, omfg :) | 02:55 |
mike__ | meuhlol: Right, but actually upgrading takes forever, from my experience, at least | 02:55 |
runlevelten | by and large, as long as permissions are alright, apps which freak out at that are the exception rather than the rule | 02:55 |
excitatory | mike__: you've obviously never used gentoo.. dpkg is quick.. | 02:56 |
mike__ | When I went from Edgy to Feisty, I think it took ~5 hours | 02:56 |
evilmm | lol, i just came back from sabayonlinux | 02:56 |
runlevelten | obviously some apps will freak out if your mountpointspoints change and they have configs that point to the wrong places | 02:56 |
BluesKaj | wow, mike__ net upgrade ? | 02:56 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Yep | 02:56 |
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excitatory | mike__: choose a different server.. or find a faster connection to the net is what i would say. | 02:57 |
mike__ | runlevelten: But that would only happen if I remapped the partitions, right? | 02:57 |
BluesKaj | yeah too me about 2 hrs after akk was said and done | 02:57 |
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BluesKaj | all | 02:57 |
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BluesKaj | I also tried the / partiton for the OS and a separate /home , but myfstab became so totally flumuxed I reinsatlled it all on /. | 02:58 |
mike__ | Hmm... My memory could just be serving me poorly here, but it seemed like most of that time was for reconfiguring and setting up everything, not actually downloading packages | 02:58 |
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tzanger | hmm | 02:59 |
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tzanger | how do I pair a device with Kubuntu? I know how to do it by hand, but what's the Kubunutu way? | 03:00 |
tzanger | kbluetoothd is there, It can see the device but it's just showing services, not giving me an option ot pair | 03:00 |
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runlevelten | Another problem I get is that I work with SLED/SLES/openSuSE, so moving between that and kubuntu/whatever with the same .kde config can be precarious | 03:00 |
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=== buz needs advice on notebook wireless. should i get ipw3945 or 4965? | ||
excitatory | runlevelten: yea, if i were in that scenario, i would only backup a handful of things.. namely ~/.bashrc .bash_aliases, and maybe a few other config files that won't clash with kubuntu.. | 03:02 |
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mike__ | It's a little different when you have 300+GB of stuff in your home folder though. ;-) | 03:03 |
BluesKaj | I just have family pics that are important, which are backed up on dvd , bookmarked help sites ,commands etc are all stored in text files on gmail ...all my music is wav on cd . Never been an mp3 fan ...so if i have a disaster and have to to do a clean reinstall it's just time lost and not much else. | 03:03 |
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runlevelten | what sort of stuff is in that 300gb mike? | 03:07 |
mike__ | mp3's, pictures, and videos | 03:07 |
runlevelten | (funny, I was about to suggest you back up /home and give it a try) | 03:07 |
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runlevelten | well I move those with my /home without modification | 03:07 |
mike__ | so you do have /home seperately partitioned, you just delete certain stuff in it when starting over? | 03:08 |
runlevelten | Both | 03:08 |
mike__ | right. got cha | 03:08 |
runlevelten | ...and I don't delete initially | 03:09 |
runlevelten | I rename | 03:09 |
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runlevelten | if you wanted to you could just back up .kde without moving it and try that | 03:09 |
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runlevelten | To be honest I'm just extra careful about it because I like things to go smoothly every time :) | 03:10 |
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mike__ | I was under the impression that config files and the like were automatically updated to conform to the new version of whatever program they're for when said version of the program is first run | 03:11 |
runlevelten | They should be, yes. | 03:11 |
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mike__ | *should* but not always *are*, I take it? | 03:11 |
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runlevelten | not always, no | 03:12 |
tapas | now i just discovered kontact :) | 03:12 |
hans | I have moved ~/.kde before (after logging out) and from the console | 03:12 |
mike__ | Kontact is a godsend | 03:12 |
runlevelten | I should expect you'll get away with it mike | 03:12 |
tapas | if i ever want to move all kontact settings i suppose i have to move the settings of each individual coponent? | 03:12 |
hans | I had no problems | 03:12 |
mike__ | You want a Linux killer-app, there it is | 03:12 |
mike__ | runlevelten: Thanks, that's what I want to hear. :-D | 03:13 |
tapas | i used kmail for ages before [and it did waste my mail folders once or twice] | 03:13 |
tzanger | I can't get my RSS feeds to show up in the summary on kontact like I had in another distro | 03:13 |
tzanger | it doesn't show up as part of the summary configuration | 03:13 |
hans | kontact is nice, I use it all the time | 03:13 |
tapas | but the integration of kontact is quite nice | 03:13 |
runlevelten | is kontact prettified yet? | 03:14 |
=== runlevelten looks | ||
tapas | whatwould be really cool if one could group desktop icons | 03:14 |
hans | runlevelten: not on my system! | 03:14 |
tapas | e.g. select a number of them and say "group" | 03:14 |
runlevelten | tapas: ...and apply separate look and feel settings to them? Indeed :D | 03:14 |
hans | the plainer/simpler the better for me | 03:14 |
tapas | and then a nice pretty named frame wih rounded corners appears | 03:14 |
=== mike__ just discovered the Select Components part of Kontact | ||
tapas | being able to collapse expand it etc.. | 03:15 |
tapas | runlevelten: yeah :) | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | hmmm, Kontact seems interesting, looks nicely integated | 03:15 |
tapas | and being able to move the group around etc.. | 03:15 |
runlevelten | for instance, grouping office files as [smallicon Text] , shortcuts as nice fat os x icons etc. | 03:15 |
SlimeyPete | I like kontact. | 03:15 |
tapas | i wonder where one would have to start adding that | 03:15 |
SlimeyPete | beats evolution any day (mainly because it can run for longer than hal an hour without crashing) | 03:16 |
=== runlevelten always uses os x icons with kde | ||
mike__ | tapas: I'd imagine something like that isn't far off with Plasma | 03:16 |
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tapas | runlevelten: not such a bad idea either.. i suppose you talk about logical grouping. i'm more aiming a t topological grouping :) | 03:16 |
tapas | mike__: plasma? | 03:16 |
runlevelten | It is muchly muchly discussed. | 03:16 |
tapas | i see | 03:16 |
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mike__ | tapas: Plasma's the part of KDE4 that's going to replace KDesktop, Kicker and SuperKaramba | 03:16 |
tapas | ok | 03:17 |
runlevelten | A lot of the aim is that everything should be more object oriented, being able to add and change attributes for all sorts of desktop elements (and by implication groups of them) | 03:17 |
mike__ | In a nutshell, it'll allow you to place anything on the desktop that you can place on the panel, and vice versa, among many other things | 03:17 |
tapas | cool-i-o | 03:17 |
tzanger | hmm seems there is no pure gui way to connect a bluetooth mouse | 03:17 |
tapas | so no need to hack around kde3 :) | 03:17 |
tzanger | standard sudo hidd --search | 03:17 |
runlevelten | kind of like being able to attach the same tag to app icons x, y and z, then the same tag to your left panel and say "these things use such and such a font/icon set/composite feature" | 03:18 |
runlevelten | and so on | 03:18 |
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tapas | i messed up my konqueror start page by saving a file list view as web browsing profile.. | 03:18 |
tapas | hmm | 03:18 |
Vuen | hey, anyone else get the recent ktorrent update? where'd the info box go?? | 03:18 |
tapas | what is the URL for the normal konqueror start screen? the nice blue one? | 03:18 |
mike__ | runlevelten: You can do that now, or it'll be available in KDE4? | 03:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | Vuen: that's a tricky thing | 03:19 |
runlevelten | that would add all sorts of functionality people ask for. it's a talking point at the moment | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's all in plugins now | 03:19 |
runlevelten | mike, a long way off | 03:19 |
Vuen | Daisuke_Ido: the info box is now a plugin? | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | everything's a plugin now | 03:19 |
Vuen | Daisuke_Ido: that's like... the dumbest thing ever | 03:19 |
mike__ | Oh ok. I was gonna say, that'd be really nice | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | i agree | 03:19 |
Vuen | how do i get it back? | 03:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | turn on the plugin. | 03:19 |
Vuen | gah. | 03:20 |
Vuen | see, and i really liked the new ktorrent | 03:20 |
tapas | is kde 4 alpha available in ubuntu? | 03:20 |
Vuen | i was all excited, until i couldn't get an info box. | 03:20 |
SlimeyPete | tapas: ~ | 03:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | all the plugin does is replace the info box | 03:20 |
mike__ | tapas: I don't remember, but unless you've changed the profile, you could do "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing" | 03:20 |
Vuen | anyway thanks, works | 03:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | not that big a deal | 03:20 |
tapas | mike__: ok | 03:20 |
tapas | SlimeyPete: ~ is the home dir | 03:20 |
mike__ | tapas: Last I checked, only Alpha 1. I don't think packages for Alpha 2 are available yet | 03:21 |
SlimeyPete | oh, indeed. I just noticed. But mine has ~ in the home page setting so I assumed... | 03:21 |
tapas | SlimeyPete: first thing i tried, too ;) | 03:21 |
mike__ | tapas: Oh, sorry. Just say what you said about your profile. Heh | 03:21 |
mike__ | saw* | 03:21 |
tapas | home url seems to be ignored when having set the web browsing profile | 03:21 |
tapas | about:konqueror is the url | 03:22 |
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tapas | ok, saved the profile.. all well again | 03:22 |
tapas | btw: spiegel.de kills konqueror and kde mouse focus by some broken javascript... | 03:23 |
mike__ | tapas: You could add a seperate entry for Konqueror as a web browser and a file manager to KMenu | 03:23 |
tapas | [kills in the sense of "making it unusable until restarted"] | 03:23 |
tapas | mike__: they have different profiles already.. | 03:23 |
tapas | mike__: i just messed up the web browsing profile | 03:23 |
mike__ | Oh ok | 03:23 |
mike__ | It took me forever to figure out how to open Konqueror with a certain profile. Heh | 03:24 |
tapas | mike__: oh well, i misunderstood you.. | 03:24 |
=== ghita [n=ghita@gmwrkm04.ediamond.ox.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tapas | mike__: but all is well again :) | 03:24 |
runlevelten | Ooh, I must run. Someone might want to give me money \o/ | 03:25 |
tapas | :) | 03:25 |
tapas | must run, gonna buy a velocipe | 03:25 |
mike__ | I just meant you could have two shortcuts to Konqueror in KMenu - one for file management, the other for web browsing. | 03:25 |
tapas | laters :) | 03:25 |
=== mike__ is running in circles | ||
mike__ | heh | 03:25 |
tzanger | velocipe? | 03:25 |
tapas | mike__: yah, will look into it when i rreturn | 03:25 |
tapas | bicyle | 03:25 |
tapas | :) | 03:25 |
mike__ | peace | 03:25 |
tzanger | aha | 03:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | i thought it was a mix between a velociraptor and a recipe, which had me scratching my head... | 03:26 |
mike__ | Is anyone here very familiar with XkbOptions? | 03:27 |
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
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=== twylight [n=twylight@CPE000d8897b9f9-CM000f9faa8eb4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
twylight | hello | 03:31 |
twylight | I have a problem | 03:31 |
mike__ | Go on... | 03:32 |
twylight | konversation starts up without my prompting when I log in | 03:33 |
twylight | along with a few other programs | 03:33 |
ivar | did you remember to close them before you logged off? | 03:33 |
evilmm | its restoring the session | 03:33 |
twylight | it does this every time now | 03:33 |
mike__ | twylight: Even when you closed them before logging out? | 03:33 |
twylight | yes | 03:34 |
evilmm | look in ~/.kde/Autostart | 03:34 |
=== [GuS] [n=gdnet@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Vuen | twylight: kde by default restarts everything you had open when you closed it down | 03:35 |
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=== Newbee [n=michael@p54BABDD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
twylight | but how do I change that default | 03:36 |
Vuen | system settings -> sessions | 03:36 |
twylight | I don't want it to do that | 03:36 |
Vuen | yeah, i don't like it either | 03:36 |
twylight | thank you so much | 03:36 |
=== gdiebel loves sessions | ||
twylight | you just made me so happy | 03:37 |
Vuen | system settings -> advanced -> session manager -> start with an empty session | 03:37 |
mike__ | Anything? | 03:37 |
twylight | truth is, I recently made the switch from windows | 03:37 |
Vuen | ah | 03:37 |
Vuen | well, good luck. i hope it works out for ya | 03:38 |
mike__ | Whoa - Lag: 146 s | 03:38 |
twylight | it already is | 03:38 |
mike__ | :'-( | 03:38 |
twylight | lag != 146 | 03:38 |
twylight | lag = 192 | 03:38 |
=== meuhlol[away] is back. | ||
=== meuhlol[away] is now known as meuhlol | ||
meuhlol | re all | 03:38 |
runlevelten | kcontrol -> kde components -> session manager and change On Login to "Start with an empty session" | 03:39 |
meuhlol | someone knows how to read news:alt.binairies for exemple? | 03:39 |
runlevelten | ^@ twylight | 03:39 |
mike__ | Did it go up like that for everyone, or is there something going on with my connection? | 03:39 |
twylight | lol | 03:39 |
meuhlol | !lag | 03:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:39 |
twylight | I forgot I had my nick preregistered | 03:39 |
twylight | !ping | 03:40 |
ubotu | pong | 03:40 |
mike__ | lol | 03:40 |
mike__ | useful | 03:40 |
onechard | meuhlol i use pan | 03:41 |
Vuen | ...pon? | 03:41 |
=== DerHorst [n=Horst@e176124031.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | i tryed klibido but complicated xD and liferea sux enourmous xD | 03:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | meuhlol: there's always bnr2 | 03:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | but klibido is pretty uncomplicated by comparison | 03:42 |
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | will test pan & bnr2, thnx Daisuke_Ido & onechard | 03:42 |
meuhlol | now need to find an "free" usenet server ;) don't want my ISP news servers see me at alt.binairies or alt.hackers :p | 03:43 |
mike__ | Anyone here know where one might read up on XkbOptions? | 03:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | meuhlol: "free" usenet server w/ binary groups? | 03:44 |
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Daisuke_Ido | you, dear boy, are effing dreaming/ | 03:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | they don't exist | 03:44 |
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meuhlol | i know, just mine isp give it, but many times it's incomplete :s | 03:44 |
runlevelten | what's wrong with alt.hackers? | 03:44 |
meuhlol | need to re-pay giganews :p | 03:44 |
BluesKaj | what't the setting to keep tabs open in Konq , whenever I open a new site the previos one is hidden, i've tried numerous times to fix this but to no avail | 03:45 |
runlevelten | apart from the *massive* kook/troll count | 03:45 |
runlevelten | koq settings > web behaviour > tabbed browsing > advanced options > open tabs in background | 03:46 |
runlevelten | *konq settings too, heh | 03:46 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Not sure I follow, but maybe Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behavior -> Tabbed Browsing -> Advanced Options? | 03:46 |
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=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-pool-222.123.82-82.tttmaxnet.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mike__ | lol | 03:46 |
ubuntu | hey, I'm on the kubuntu live cd,and how can I find out what sound driver is being used? | 03:46 |
runlevelten | typing race! | 03:46 |
mike__ | runlevelten: I had a feeling you'd get that one. hehe | 03:47 |
ubuntu | anybody? | 03:47 |
meuhlol | niaks hellanzb is good to grab :p | 03:47 |
runlevelten | kinfocenter | 03:47 |
mike__ | ubuntu - Alt+F2 -> kcontrol -> Sound & Multimedia -> Sound System | 03:47 |
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meuhlol | or systemsettings :p | 03:48 |
runlevelten | system settings is weird :P | 03:48 |
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BluesKaj | runlevelten, mike__ ..nope it's still opening the new tab but hiding the previous one , this is annoying | 03:49 |
mike__ | System Settings insults the user's intelligence | 03:49 |
ubuntu | thnks | 03:49 |
runlevelten | it won't do if you've checked it BluesKaj | 03:49 |
twylight | what is a decent game for someone who just abandoned microsoft? | 03:49 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: What do you mean "hiding" the previous one? | 03:49 |
runlevelten | have another look, you probably never clicked apply | 03:49 |
rjb | system settings is a complete mistake - wtf is wrong with kcontrol? | 03:50 |
twylight | \\\\\\\\\\\\\ | 03:50 |
=== LeeJunFan_ is now known as LeeJunFan | ||
mike__ | twylight: Nexuiz, OpenArena, Chromium, Briquolo... Check the Games section of getdeb.net | 03:50 |
BluesKaj | it drops to the panel , instead showing itself as a tab | 03:50 |
BluesKaj | instead of | 03:50 |
runlevelten | system settings is like a really poor attempt at yast | 03:50 |
ubuntu | runlevelten: yeah | 03:50 |
runlevelten | which rocks, except for the package manegement which novell killed.stone.dead. | 03:51 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Check "Open Links in New Tab instead of New Window" | 03:51 |
runlevelten | Although I believe they fixed it now | 03:51 |
=== Hirvinen [i=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | konq keeps only one tab | 03:51 |
runlevelten | too little too late :( | 03:51 |
twylight | who here uses GLdesktop? | 03:51 |
ubuntu | runlevelten: they did? too late here to | 03:51 |
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runlevelten | That stupid massive heavyweight rubbish they plugged it into made yast pm smelly. | 03:52 |
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runlevelten | Although Kubuntu really makes you realise how good the SuSE KDE is, doesn't it? | 03:52 |
mike__ | My experience with RPM's is pretty limited, but from everything I've read, the system is pretty much inherently flawed | 03:52 |
ubuntu | runlevelten: oh, yeah, suse is ssweet, but then fedora is nice too | 03:53 |
hans | RPM was not bad for the time, but very poor when compared to apt | 03:53 |
twylight | another question | 03:53 |
runlevelten | For instance, every single person I've known who actually *works* with KDE uses the menu finder | 03:53 |
runlevelten | ALL THE TIME. | 03:53 |
twylight | how do I use .deb packages? | 03:53 |
ubuntu | lol | 03:53 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Try messing with the advanced options under Tabbed Browsing - something in there should get it for you | 03:54 |
Vuen | twylight: right click -> kubuntu package menu -> install | 03:54 |
ubuntu | well I'm off to install | 03:54 |
SlimeyPete | dpkg -i <file_name.deb> | 03:54 |
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ubuntu | bye all | 03:54 |
runlevelten | katapault does not do the same thing | 03:54 |
BluesKaj | mike__, did that "Open Links in New Tab instead of New Window", but still drops the page down to the panel instead of opening a new tab | 03:54 |
runlevelten | ubuntu: have fun | 03:54 |
mike__ | twylight: Right-click - Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package | 03:54 |
mike__ | twylight: If that gives you errors, open Konsole and run "sudo apt-get -f install" | 03:54 |
twylight | thank you | 03:54 |
mike__ | np | 03:54 |
runlevelten | The top option on that dialog does what you want BluesKaj. | 03:54 |
runlevelten | If you check it and press Apply, it will open new tabs in the background. | 03:55 |
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mike__ | twylight: If you have a lot of packages in one folder you want to install, open a terminal and run these commands: "cd /path/to/packages" "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" and "sudo apt-get -f install" if you get errors | 03:56 |
=== Impy is now known as Impy^ | ||
meuhlol | maybe an "sudo" before dpkg -i <file_name.deb> xD | 03:56 |
runlevelten | mike__: rpm and dpkg aren't that far apart in terms of functionality, but rpm and apt the tools are | 03:56 |
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twylight | you guys are all so helpful | 03:56 |
twylight | thank you | 03:56 |
Vuen | mike, twylight: DON'T do what mike__ said | 03:56 |
runlevelten | On SuSE, I tend to use apt4rpm | 03:56 |
Vuen | twylight: apt-get -f is always a bad idea | 03:56 |
mike__ | runlevelten: I've always heard RPM's dependency handling isn't as good as that of deb's | 03:57 |
runlevelten | *that should read rpm and deb the first part | 03:57 |
twylight | what's -f do? | 03:57 |
mike__ | Vuen: Not if you don't follow it with a package name | 03:57 |
SlimeyPete | I like apt-get -f. It usually fixes stuff rather well, IME. | 03:57 |
meuhlol | apt-get -f - force install, not great, but works xD | 03:57 |
runlevelten | there's rpm the packaging system, and rpm the tool | 03:57 |
icecruncher_ | ok, ubuntu on live cd ws me :) | 03:57 |
SlimeyPete | I thought -f was fix, not force | 03:57 |
runlevelten | the packaging system is actually quite good, and can work with apt | 03:57 |
runlevelten | but the tools that manage the deps and the database tend not to be as good as apt | 03:58 |
icecruncher_ | runlevelten: for example pclos | 03:58 |
mike__ | no, it's force, but if you don't follow it with a package name and the dependencies can't be appropriately handled for whatever you're trying to fix, it just removes the problematic packages and everything's fine | 03:58 |
Vuen | SlimeyPete, mike__: -f is force. it's virtually always a bad idea. i've been using ubuntu for two years and i've *never* had to do it. | 03:58 |
mike__ | That's been my experience with it, and I've used it quite extensively | 03:58 |
meuhlol | SlimeyPete: dunno how is in english exactly but try to translate from french: try to follow if checking integrity is fail | 03:58 |
runlevelten | also, rpm has useful features when rolling out stuff for what gets called "enterprise environments" | 03:58 |
mike__ | Vuen: How do you install packages you downloaded from the web? | 03:58 |
SlimeyPete | Vuen: -f, --fix-broken | 03:58 |
SlimeyPete | Vuen: ^^ from the man-page | 03:59 |
SlimeyPete | it's fix. | 03:59 |
mike__ | Vuen: And if you've never had to do it, how do you know it's so bad? :-P | 03:59 |
meuhlol | sudo apt-get install --help .... | 03:59 |
SlimeyPete | and I've had to use it dzens of times on Debian and Ubuntu over the pat few years. | 03:59 |
Vuen | SlimeyPete: oh. you're right. | 03:59 |
mike__ | lol | 03:59 |
Vuen | SlimeyPete: my bad. anyway --force-yes is always a bad idea. | 03:59 |
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SlimeyPete | yes, I agree with that :) | 03:59 |
SlimeyPete | fix good, force bad. | 03:59 |
=== mike__ concurs | ||
meuhlol | xD | 04:00 |
mike__ | twylight: In other words, that series of commands I gave you is safe. ;-) | 04:00 |
runlevelten | and a good idea | 04:00 |
mike__ | bing | 04:00 |
runlevelten | icecruncher_: does pclos use apt + rpm then? | 04:01 |
runlevelten | oooooh sweet xD | 04:01 |
mike__ | I'm actually moving towards keeping all the packages I download from the web on an APTonCD repository. We'll see how that works out | 04:01 |
BluesKaj | I can understand why konq isn't used as a browser much ... the instructions are unclear and the settings don't seem to work as described | 04:01 |
runlevelten | mike__: tis the way forward | 04:01 |
=== Ace2016 [n=ace@80-43-123-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | the settings work perfectly | 04:02 |
mike__ | runlevelten: It's giving me one major problem so far I haven't been able to figure out | 04:02 |
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runlevelten | What I told you to do up there ^ is what I always do to make tabs open in the background. If it didn't work, something's very wrong. | 04:02 |
runlevelten | mike__: what's that? | 04:03 |
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BluesKaj | really ...ive changed the settings and unchecked everything in tabbed browsing, just to see what it does., but the behaviour is exactly the same | 04:03 |
mike__ | It won't work with a version of qtcurve i downloaded - apt is completely unfunctional until I remove the APTonCD repository from my sources.list and apt-get update | 04:03 |
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runlevelten | and I hate to repeat this, sorry, but are you definitely clicking apply? | 04:04 |
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ubuntu | !ghost | 04:06 |
ubotu | On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password> | 04:06 |
=== ubuntu is now known as icecruncher | ||
mike__ | I figured it might be because there are already two other versions of the package available in Trevino's repository (which is in my sources.list), but there are other versions of other packages on the CD that don't seem to cause any conflicts | 04:06 |
runlevelten | won't work with qtcurve? | 04:06 |
runlevelten | and if you remove it it's fine? | 04:07 |
BluesKaj | runlevelten, is there something preventing tab browsing by switching between bookmarks ? | 04:07 |
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runlevelten | BluesKaj: Sorry, I'm not clear what you mean... could you elaborate? | 04:08 |
mike__ | I haven't tried that yet, going to some time today. I just started messing with APTonCD last night... But I'd imagine it would give errors about the other packages on the CD that are also in other repositories if they could be problematic | 04:08 |
mike__ | Could it be that the version of qtcurve on there wasn't packaged according to the Ubuntu packaging compliance guidelines? | 04:09 |
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runlevelten | Yeah, I'm thinking dodgy packages | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | I guess there's no automatic opening of tabs , then ... "open in new tab" has be used | 04:10 |
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mike__ | BluesKaj: I'm sorry, but I'm still not sure what exact tab behavior you're going for. Could you ellaborate a little? | 04:11 |
icecruncher | BluesKaj: you mean you want automatic open of new tabs? | 04:11 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Do you want Konqueror to run in single window mode, more or less? | 04:11 |
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BluesKaj | when i choose a bookmark , id like it to automatcally open in a new tab without losing the existing one , that's all | 04:12 |
runlevelten | You want open links in new tab. | 04:12 |
mike__ | BluesKaj: Middle-click the bookmark | 04:13 |
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BluesKaj | yeah, it's checked and applied | 04:13 |
runlevelten | yeah, click the mousewheel not the button :) | 04:13 |
icecruncher | what happens when you middle click a tab? | 04:13 |
icecruncher | never figured that out | 04:14 |
BluesKaj | right mike__ , that works, thnx :) | 04:14 |
runlevelten | you paste the last thing you highlighted, and konqueror navigates to it | 04:14 |
mike__ | NP | 04:14 |
mike__ | Good chatting, everyone. G2G, peace | 04:14 |
runlevelten | middle click pastes the last thing you highlighted with the mouse =) | 04:14 |
runlevelten | later mike__ | 04:14 |
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icecruncher | a | 04:14 |
icecruncher | k | 04:14 |
icecruncher | thnks | 04:14 |
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runlevelten | fast copy and paste. | 04:15 |
icecruncher | yup, quite handy | 04:15 |
runlevelten | CtrlC CtrlV sucks. | 04:15 |
runlevelten | heh | 04:15 |
ScarFreewill | i just installed vsftpd, set the homedir for user ftp to /var/ftp its still got the default config how do i make it follow symbolic links? | 04:15 |
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icecruncher | runlevelten: ya know you can do teh highlighting in klipper as well? | 04:16 |
BluesKaj | ctrl+C doen't wor for C & P to the terminal | 04:16 |
runlevelten | Yes. I always run klipper | 04:16 |
runlevelten | BluesKaj: ctrl V is something else. Use shift insert | 04:16 |
runlevelten | klipper is very useful, and very unobtrusive til you want it | 04:16 |
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ScarFreewill | klipper is very nice indeed | 04:17 |
runlevelten | BluesKaj: that's because in a console, ^V would stuff you up | 04:17 |
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BluesKaj | yeah , klipper and knote are useful tools | 04:18 |
runlevelten | but obviously pasting into a console with the mousewheel works better than eithert | 04:18 |
icecruncher | ok, how can i find out the drivers of a network card? :) | 04:18 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: wati, moousewheel works for konsole? | 04:18 |
icecruncher | *wait | 04:18 |
runlevelten | icecruncher: yep | 04:19 |
icecruncher | yay | 04:19 |
runlevelten | icecruncher, what ones you have loaded now? | 04:19 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: ? | 04:19 |
runlevelten | or what driver is needed? | 04:19 |
runlevelten | @NIC driver | 04:19 |
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icecruncher | runlevelten: need to find out the driver for me onboard ethernet | 04:20 |
runlevelten | what, it's not just working? | 04:20 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: no, working, but not working on a different computer, asme specs, running opensuse :) | 04:21 |
icecruncher | *same | 04:21 |
runlevelten | sudo lspci | grep Eth | 04:22 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: that just gives me the name | 04:22 |
runlevelten | yep. what's the name? | 04:23 |
icecruncher | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev b0) | 04:23 |
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runlevelten | atl1? | 04:24 |
runlevelten | lsmod | grep atl1 | 04:24 |
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icecruncher | atl1 36492 0 | 04:25 |
icecruncher | mii 6528 1 atl1 | 04:25 |
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runlevelten | that's the one. | 04:25 |
icecruncher | mii? | 04:25 |
icecruncher | or rather atl1 3.6.49 or wahtever | 04:26 |
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runlevelten | should be with the kernel | 04:26 |
runlevelten | try looking for it, then modprobe atl1 on the box where it isn't working | 04:27 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: k, well it's a older version, so taht explains it, neeed new kernel | 04:27 |
icecruncher | runlevelten: thnks | 04:27 |
runlevelten | np =) | 04:27 |
=== bia [n=bia@p54BE598F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bia | hallo | 04:28 |
runlevelten | hello bia | 04:28 |
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bia | wie komm ich in den deutschen bereich | 04:28 |
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hero | !gr | 04:29 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-gr #kubuntu-gr / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 04:29 |
hero | er | 04:29 |
hero | !de | 04:29 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:29 |
hero | heh, i've always wanted to do that | 04:30 |
bia | thanks | 04:30 |
hero | bieter! or however you spell it | 04:30 |
Impy^ | wow this is weird :o | 04:30 |
runlevelten | I'm afraid I don't speak really functional Deutsch. If you're slow and careful sometimes I can follow. :) | 04:30 |
Impy^ | are there any sites with tutorials on how to install things? i dont understand how i install firefox ;( | 04:30 |
hero | i speak piglatin like you wouldn't elievebay | 04:31 |
runlevelten | click add/remove programs, choose firefox | 04:31 |
runlevelten | :) | 04:31 |
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runlevelten | wb arun | 04:32 |
Impy^ | ooh somethings happening :) | 04:32 |
hero | Impy^: yay! | 04:32 |
Impy^ | cheers run hopefully this will work :$ | 04:32 |
Impy^ | i'm a complete newbie sorry :( | 04:32 |
runlevelten | Impy^: np at all :) | 04:32 |
hero | don't apologize! you're in the right place. | 04:32 |
runlevelten | That's nothing to be sorry about! | 04:32 |
runlevelten | Welcome | 04:32 |
Impy^ | :) | 04:32 |
arun | thanks runlevelten | 04:33 |
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Impy^ | is firefox the best browser to use with kubuntu? | 04:34 |
runlevelten | Kind of subjective impy, but most people like it, yeah | 04:34 |
runlevelten | I'd definitely use it if you're a newbie looking for an easy experience , it's good stuff | 04:35 |
Impy^ | yeah i love firefox ;) | 04:35 |
Impy^ | brb making a cup of tea :) | 04:35 |
runlevelten | I need coffee actually | 04:36 |
=== runlevelten debates which monster munch... flamin hot or pickled onion | ||
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runlevelten | I wonder what sort of support staff Canonical employ. This is kind of fun =) | 04:38 |
=== runlevelten looks | ||
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evilmm | Impy^: im actually using konq...its not too bad | 04:41 |
runlevelten | I use konq too and like it. | 04:42 |
runlevelten | I switch JS off by default too | 04:42 |
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evilmm | only problem with konq is gmail | 04:42 |
evilmm | and i just use kmail | 04:42 |
runlevelten | I use kmail for gmail | 04:43 |
runlevelten | haha yeah, great minds | 04:43 |
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evilmm | evil google people | 04:43 |
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tzanger | hmm | 04:46 |
tzanger | I can get my bt mouse working, but when I restart the computer, it needs to be reset and connected again... is there no way to pair devices under kubuntu> | 04:46 |
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runlevelten | tzanger, did you do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothMouse? | 04:49 |
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HanzZ | heh.. does somebody know some stopwatch program which can simply count number of seconds/minutes/hours until i say STOP ? | 04:51 |
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dewitt | can you use kmail with new account or do you have to use your isp | 04:51 |
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tzanger | runlevelten: hidd --search conencts it | 04:53 |
hans | dewitt: you can use kmail with any number of accounts | 04:53 |
tzanger | hidd --connect afterward gets "connection refused" | 04:53 |
tzanger | and if I shut the mouse off, turn it on and connect I get "page timed out" | 04:53 |
dewitt | ok thanks | 04:53 |
Impy^ | hi how do i go about viewing the files i have on windows through kubuntu? | 04:54 |
tzanger | runlevelten: hmm now it appears to be working a little better | 04:55 |
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tzanger | I'll have to play with it a little | 04:55 |
arafat | HanzZ: sudo apt-get install stopwatch :-) | 04:55 |
runlevelten | HanzZ: there's a program called "stopwatch"... | 04:55 |
tzanger | now if I could only get cups to use these printers at work... heh | 04:55 |
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HanzZ | linux is so easy | 04:55 |
HanzZ | :) | 04:55 |
arafat | HanzZ: sometimes it is...;-) | 04:55 |
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runlevelten | Impy^: hang on a second, boiling kettle =) | 04:56 |
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cs5 | Has anyone else had issues installing or upgrading to feisty. I have tried the instal with both the cd and the dvd, both failed with a freeze at 15% detecting file systems, and upgrades are not going well although it seems to be fixing the broken packages now. anyone have any ideas or help on this? | 04:59 |
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Impy^ | hi how do i go about viewing the files i have on windows through kubuntu? | 04:59 |
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SlimeyPete | Impy^: you should be able to see your windows drive in Storage Media, or in /media | 05:00 |
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evilmm | Impy^: is it iver network? | 05:00 |
evilmm | over* | 05:00 |
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Impy^ | nah just one pc | 05:01 |
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runlevelten | right. where were we | 05:01 |
tzanger | is there a "kubuntu" way of adding mount points to /etc/fstab? I can edit the file just fine, just trying to keep package managers/configuration managers happy | 05:01 |
runlevelten | tzanger: did you successfully use the connect option now? | 05:02 |
tzanger | runlevelten: no, search connected it again, connect says connection refused | 05:02 |
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runlevelten | impy: do you happen to know whether your windows drive is ntfs? | 05:02 |
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Impy^ | not a clue sorry :o | 05:03 |
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linux_ | hi | 05:03 |
runlevelten | did you look in media:/? | 05:03 |
Impy^ | yeah | 05:03 |
Impy^ | there's things called .directory cdrom floppy | 05:03 |
Impy^ | ;o | 05:04 |
runlevelten | nb: media:/ isn't /media | 05:04 |
runlevelten | look in both :) | 05:04 |
Impy^ | > /media is where im looking atm | 05:04 |
runlevelten | cs5 yes, there have been a lot of issues. Myself, I'd keep my home folder but install the OS from the disc as opposed to upgrading. Just my take on it. | 05:05 |
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runlevelten | type media:/ into konqueror's menu bar :) | 05:05 |
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runlevelten | address bar even, heh | 05:06 |
cs5 | i cant instal from the disk because of the freezing. Is there a way to instal OVER my edgy instal? without changing the partition tables? | 05:06 |
zoohouse | Hello everyone. I am trying to compile a file but it needs like a million dependencies. Is there a way to see all of them without having to do ./configure all the time? | 05:06 |
cs5 | Any reasons for the freezing that youve heard of runlevelten? | 05:07 |
runlevelten | tzanger: you replaced deviceaddr with what the other command spat out yeah? | 05:07 |
tzanger | correct | 05:07 |
runlevelten | have you checked the disk cs5? | 05:08 |
runlevelten | sounds like it might be stuffed up | 05:08 |
cs5 | runlevelten: Yes, they both verified fine, and my mem test was good also | 05:08 |
Timppa | any ideas why wine is grayed out in the Adept Installer? | 05:09 |
runlevelten | zoohouse: looked in README and INSTALL? | 05:09 |
TeraDyne | !info wine | 05:09 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 05:09 |
TeraDyne | Timppa: you might not have the universe repository enabled. | 05:10 |
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zoohouse | runlevelten: yea, the INSTALL is just the general instructions | 05:10 |
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TeraDyne | !universe | Timppa | 05:11 |
ubotu | Timppa: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 05:11 |
zoohouse | ./configure doesn't have a flag where it will test each depend first to see if you have it and then output a list of missing libs????? | 05:11 |
Timppa | TeraDyne: thanks | 05:11 |
TeraDyne | Timppa: No problem. | 05:11 |
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flux__ | I have installed Kubuntu but im getting nothing but a black screen when trying to boot it up, suggestions? | 05:14 |
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daoudi5 | hello | 05:14 |
daoudi5 | i have some problem with my wifi carte | 05:15 |
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TeraDyne | flux__: What kind of video card are you using? | 05:16 |
flux__ | TeraDyne its an ATI one, i know i can fix it if i can get to the terminal and edit xorg.conf from there but i cant remember how to reach it | 05:17 |
Yorokobi | flux__, ctrl-alt-f1 should drop you to a terminal | 05:17 |
TeraDyne | flux__: The Recovery kernel will work if that doesn't. | 05:18 |
flux__ | k thx gonna try | 05:18 |
evilmm | anyone have an idea when i click on a .torrent file and open it in azureus instead of cacheing the torrent and opening it, azureus tries to open the url of the torrent file | 05:19 |
cs5 | jhutchins: are you busy right now? | 05:19 |
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evilmm | this is annoying because it wont work on private trackers | 05:19 |
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cs5 | evilmm can you get a magnet link for the torrent your looking for? | 05:20 |
evilmm | no | 05:20 |
evilmm | its .torrent files on a private tracker in konq | 05:21 |
evilmm | i have konq set to open with azureus | 05:21 |
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evilmm | but instead it pushes the url of the torrent to it | 05:21 |
cs5 | try adding the url of the torrent directly into azureus and see if it grabs it and caches it properly. Konq I have no idea about.Sry | 05:21 |
evilmm | well, it says 404 because its not logged in | 05:22 |
cs5 | been using the ktorrent with encryption on and it seems to work great | 05:22 |
cs5 | 404 not found. | 05:22 |
evilmm | yes | 05:22 |
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cs5 | I am lost as you, if you want i'll try to grab the same torrent and try it with my setup to verify it | 05:23 |
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evilmm | lol private tracker | 05:24 |
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cs5 | lol, yes true | 05:24 |
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evilmm | sorry but its oink and im not willing to risk it | 05:25 |
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r00t_ | hi im trying to setup kbfx with this howto:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76746 but when i get to:./configure --prefix=/usr | 05:27 |
r00t_ | r00t@63-164-27-250:~/Desktop/kbfx-$ ./configure --prefix=/usr | 05:27 |
r00t_ | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 05:27 |
r00t_ | what am i doing wrong?or does anyone have/can make a .deb? | 05:28 |
r00t_ | ^for feisty amd64? | 05:28 |
runlevelten | hi r00t_ - do you need to go one directory deeper? | 05:30 |
r00t_ | im not sure | 05:31 |
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runlevelten | what's the output of ls in that directory? | 05:32 |
r00t_ | build.sh configdialog images kbfx.ebuild.in kbfx.spec.in plugins srcCMakeLists.txt config.h.in kbfx- kbfxlib kbfx-svn.ebuild.in po strigi-0.3.11.ebuild makemodules doc kbfx-9999.ebuild kbfx.spec patches skin | 05:32 |
r00t_ | strigi.ebuild.in | 05:32 |
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BluesKaj | !Pasterbin | r00t_, | 05:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pasterbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:33 |
BluesKaj | !Pastebin | r00t_, | 05:33 |
ubotu | r00t_,: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:33 |
Timppa | hmm I checked the repositories and wine is still grayed out :/ | 05:33 |
r00t_ | sorry BluesKaj,how many lines are okay at once? | 05:33 |
runlevelten | kbfx is in universe innit? | 05:34 |
runlevelten | sudo apt-get install kbfx | 05:34 |
r00t_ | it is? | 05:34 |
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r00t_ | lol | 05:34 |
runlevelten | !kbfx | r00t_ | 05:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kbfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:34 |
r00t_ | just apt-got it | 05:34 |
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BluesKaj | r00t_, maybe 2 | 05:34 |
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r00t_ | thanks for some reason i didint even think of that,i saw the guide and just started following it | 05:35 |
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Impy^ | how come when i try run certain things it askes me for a kdewallet password? | 05:35 |
runlevelten | np | 05:36 |
runlevelten | run certain things? | 05:36 |
Impy^ | kopete | 05:36 |
runlevelten | like as in programs? | 05:36 |
Novell | Impy^: you got passwords stored in kwallet for it ? | 05:36 |
runlevelten | oh well kopete - that's to get at your stored passwords | 05:36 |
Impy^ | is there a site with lots of infomation and tutorials on? | 05:36 |
TeraDyne | Timppa: are you using Adept or the Add\Remove Programs option? | 05:36 |
runlevelten | kwallet is absolutely excellent | 05:36 |
Impy^ | what isk kwallet? :o | 05:36 |
runlevelten | It's your encrypted password store | 05:37 |
Impy^ | ahh k :) | 05:37 |
runlevelten | ...and you can use it to carry your automatic logins to new systems, or to read old passwords you've forgotten etc | 05:37 |
runlevelten | way cool. | 05:38 |
runlevelten | :P | 05:38 |
Impy^ | ahh :) | 05:38 |
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Impy^ | i don't want it to remember passwords ;o | 05:38 |
Impy^ | sorry i'm really new to this :/ | 05:38 |
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runlevelten | No probs. Before I say this, I should say it's quite safe, and it seems to end up invaluable for end users | 05:39 |
SlimeyPete | we were all newbies once | 05:39 |
SlimeyPete | hell, every day I learn something new | 05:39 |
=== Novell hugs kwallet | ||
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Impy^ | :) | 05:39 |
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Timppa | ah I forgot to update apt-get, now it works :) | 05:40 |
runlevelten | but you can disable kwallet by running kwalletmanager | 05:40 |
Impy^ | i think my dad installed this with the live cd is there a better version to get? | 05:40 |
TeraDyne | Timppa: Good to know you figured it out. | 05:40 |
runlevelten | It's probably in the K menu, but kubuntu insists on using the broken kmenu without the finder, so I can't see it. | 05:40 |
Impy^ | ahh | 05:41 |
runlevelten | Impy^: should be fine | 05:41 |
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runlevelten | Impy^: type alt F2 kwalletmanager | 05:41 |
BluesKaj | Novell, someone here told me kwallet is " evil " ...why is that , because it's a PITA or .... ? | 05:41 |
cs5 | could a video card issue cause a freeze in the instal of feisty? | 05:41 |
Novell | BluesKaj: I don't dint it being a PITA or evil at all | 05:42 |
SlimeyPete | yes. | 05:42 |
Impy^ | ahh awesome cheers run :) | 05:42 |
runlevelten | Novell, could you fix the kmenu? :P | 05:42 |
Novell | *find | 05:42 |
SlimeyPete | cs5: have you tried the alternate install cd? | 05:42 |
Novell | runlevelten: nothing wrong with it | 05:42 |
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runlevelten | You're not the Novell I know :P | 05:43 |
Novell | runlevelten: I'm the only one on freenode | 05:43 |
cs5 | smileypete: not yet. I have tried the live/install cd and dvd and have upgraded alot already, but i just came into a problem with my monitors so im thinking incompatibility somewhere | 05:43 |
Novell | (registered nick) | 05:43 |
runlevelten | Novell: Never mind... | 05:44 |
=== runlevelten sighs | ||
TeraDyne | runlevelten: Referenece to SuSE? | 05:45 |
Azaraeel | Hey guys, I have Juk, But when I try to play any music nothing happens :/ I use Amarok to, And everything works fine on that, Any got any ideas? Help would be much appricated :) | 05:45 |
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runlevelten | gives TeraDyne ten points =) | 05:46 |
=== runlevelten gives TeraDyne ten points also =) | ||
TeraDyne | XD Nice. | 05:46 |
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Novell | runlevelten: I can't express how old that's getting | 05:46 |
=== TeraDyne goes off to register a launchpad account... | ||
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TeraDyne | Novell: Well, you decided on using the nick... | 05:47 |
runlevelten | Yeah, that's what I thought. | 05:47 |
Novell | TeraDyne: like 10 years ago | 05:48 |
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runlevelten | Maybe it's that whole "registered trademark of the SuSE-makin'-type company for a nick" thing.. | 05:48 |
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rorich | in the kde taskbar it's very hard for me to find konqueror because it doesn't use its icon, but always another icon (favicon) and a site's name, which is very disturbing and confusing. how can i force konqueror show ITS FUCKING OWN ICON? please help me, i am very frustrated! | 05:49 |
runlevelten | Heh - ten years ago I was working with NetWare servers. Memories... | 05:49 |
runlevelten | well, 12 :P | 05:49 |
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pierre_ | i accidently removes all my panels, is there a way to restore them to default_ | 05:52 |
runlevelten | rorich: do you know, I don't actually know. | 05:52 |
pierre_ | ?| | 05:52 |
=== runlevelten has a root around to see :) | ||
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Minataku | 10 years ago I was still using Windows | 05:52 |
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rorich | runlevelten: what do you mean "do you know, i don't actually know"? or does the key stand in the comma? | 05:54 |
runlevelten | If it makes no sense to you, ignore the part before the comma :) | 05:54 |
runlevelten | split(',')[1:] | 05:55 |
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shadowhywind | Hi all, werid problem here. I can not ping from one linux box to the other. I get a unknown host error anyone have any problems? | 05:56 |
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runlevelten | ping the IP address - does it work? | 05:58 |
cs5 | anyone help with this error: The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available. | 05:59 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: Check the firewall rules along the route | 05:59 |
cs5 | it happened after upgrading my dapper to edgy | 05:59 |
shadowhywind | Minataku there is no firewall on eather computers | 05:59 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: Then suspect the firewall in the router | 05:59 |
shadowhywind | and runlevelten pinging the IP address work | 05:59 |
Minataku | Oh! | 05:59 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: You don't have DNS | 06:00 |
runlevelten | right, and this is on a local lan right? So pinging google.com works yeah? | 06:00 |
markrian | Is there a supported (recommended) way of upgrading a system without having X installed? i.e., a server. I don't want to have to install X just to upgrade the system. | 06:00 |
runlevelten | not necessarily Minataku | 06:00 |
r00t_ | grrr so now i have kbfx installed but i dont know how to load it? | 06:00 |
runlevelten | shadowhywind: pinging google.com works? | 06:00 |
Minataku | runlevelten: I'm assuming it's on a LAN | 06:00 |
shadowhywind | runlevelten yes | 06:00 |
Minataku | Yeah, he lacks DNS for LAN machines | 06:00 |
runlevelten | right, sudo nano /etc/hosts and add an entry for your other linux box | 06:01 |
shadowhywind | also don't know why, but when windows pings the one box, with the host name it works | 06:01 |
runlevelten | shadowhywind: yep, it will do. | 06:01 |
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runlevelten | do this: sudo nano /etc/hosts | 06:01 |
r00t_ | if i have no menu bars/nothing on my desktop to right click on to add a menu how would i add one? | 06:01 |
shadowhywind | what would the /etc/hosts line i should add look like? | 06:01 |
jughead | what is the keyboard shortcut to switch between desktops in KDE? I thought is was ctl+alt+pgup/dn but it's not working | 06:02 |
runlevelten | add a line like this: | 06:02 |
runlevelten | myhostname | 06:02 |
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tzanger | is the kontact news summary plugin available anywhere? I can't seem to locate it | 06:02 |
tzanger | I have knews in kontact on the left panel but I can't get the summary plugin to show up | 06:03 |
Minataku | You can also add in any alternative names for the system after that | 06:03 |
runlevelten | it's usually ctrl+tab, but I think I might have had to set that myself on this kubuntu setup | 06:03 |
shadowhywind | ok, on boxA i have a line saying boxA | 06:03 |
shadowhywind | and boxB i have a line saying boxB | 06:03 |
shadowhywind | do i have to add a line on boxA with boxB's ip and hostname? | 06:04 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: One of those boxes is the current machine, correct? | 06:04 |
shadowhywind | yes | 06:04 |
Minataku | If so, add it's name to the line prefixed with | 06:04 |
Minataku | And remove it's own line | 06:04 |
Yorokobi | shadowhywind, yes, boxA should have an entry for boxB and vice versa | 06:04 |
Minataku | No need to route stuff intended for the local machine through the LAN | 06:05 |
shadowhywind | also on one of the files, I have two lines for (one with localhost and one with boxA) is that normal? | 06:05 |
Yorokobi | do NOT remove the line referring to itself, though | 06:05 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: That's fine too | 06:05 |
Minataku | You can assign multiple names to one machine, either on one line or multiple | 06:05 |
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runlevelten | shadowhywind: now ensure all machines on your lan have the appropriate entries in their /etc/hosts :) | 06:06 |
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Minataku | Now, pinging boxA will ping, as will pinging localhost | 06:06 |
shadowhywind | so on boxA i have three lines, localhost, boxA and boxA you suggest i but a fourth line with boxB? | 06:06 |
runlevelten | save and pinging works, assuming your machines answer pings | 06:06 |
runlevelten | does it work? | 06:06 |
Minataku | shadowhywind: No, change the boxA line to the boxB line | 06:06 |
runlevelten | shadowhywind: localhost boxA will do | 06:06 |
Minataku | And that's it | 06:06 |
shadowhywind | also here is a werid thing on boxB. I have a boxB | 06:07 |
runlevelten | localhost boxa boxb | 06:07 |
shadowhywind | should i change that to sense the localhost is | 06:07 |
runlevelten | (with a newline before 192.2.5) | 06:07 |
runlevelten | shadowhywind: ^ | 06:07 |
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Minataku | Huh... whaddya know, it's not case sensitive | 06:08 |
Minataku | Sorry, doing my own research into it | 06:08 |
runlevelten | It's all treated as lower case ;) | 06:08 |
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runlevelten | well, there's no distinction really, but the canonicall wossname is lower case | 06:08 |
shadowhywind | ok thanks! that ended up fixing it | 06:08 |
Minataku | runlevelten: Well, it'll report the name in the exact case in hosts | 06:09 |
runlevelten | -l | 06:09 |
cs5 | Holy Shit. Can anyone please help me figure this out before i do my 4th reinstall | 06:09 |
Minataku | But you can specify it in any case | 06:09 |
Minataku | !language | 06:09 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:09 |
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r00t_ | hi i have no panels on my desktop how do i add one? | 06:09 |
Minataku | !panels | 06:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about panels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:09 |
Minataku | !panel | 06:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:09 |
Minataku | Bah | 06:09 |
r00t_ | humbug | 06:09 |
Minataku | Useful only 25% of the time :P | 06:09 |
PriceChild | !xconfig | cs5 | 06:09 |
ubotu | cs5: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 06:09 |
cs5 | broken or not fully installed | 06:10 |
cs5 | tried to instal cant access lock | 06:10 |
Minataku | !adeptfix | 06:10 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:10 |
cs5 | no output | 06:11 |
Minataku | Good | 06:11 |
Minataku | The lock is clear | 06:11 |
r00t_ | would there be some sort of CL thing i could do with kicker to add a panel?any panel at all? | 06:11 |
Minataku | !xconfig | 06:11 |
ubotu | To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 06:11 |
Minataku | Now that | 06:11 |
runlevelten | right click, panel menu, add panel | 06:12 |
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cs5 | get this...../usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed | 06:12 |
Minataku | There we go | 06:12 |
Minataku | Purge it and reinstall from scratch | 06:12 |
Minataku | JUST X | 06:13 |
Minataku | Not Kubuntu | 06:13 |
Minataku | lol | 06:13 |
cs5 | lol, whew | 06:13 |
Minataku | Sorry XD | 06:13 |
r00t_ | whats 256mb in kb? | 06:13 |
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Minataku | r00t_: 256*1024 | 06:13 |
runlevelten | right, on the konqueror taskbar icon thing... | 06:13 |
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r00t_ | Minataku: whats the *? | 06:13 |
Minataku | Multiply | 06:13 |
eean | when I tried to install flashplugin-nonfree, it complained of a md5sum mismatch and aborted | 06:14 |
runlevelten | I think that if you disable favicon fetching in konqueror, it will have to use the konqueror icon as the titlebar icon (which is what taskbar uses) | 06:14 |
Minataku | On a calculator it's the button with the "x" | 06:14 |
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cs5 | lol | 06:14 |
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cs5 | minataku:ty | 06:15 |
Minataku | cs5: No problem | 06:15 |
Minataku | Probably when you first tried to install X11, something broke and it failed | 06:15 |
Minataku | Which is why xrandr (and probably some other crap, too) was missing | 06:15 |
cs5 | well, im off to try this.... | 06:16 |
Impy^ | you can't copy and paste in the terminal can you? : | 06:16 |
Impy^ | :o | 06:16 |
Minataku | Impy^: You can | 06:16 |
Minataku | VT or xterm? | 06:16 |
Impy^ | ahh | 06:16 |
Minataku | Because if it's a VT then you need GPM | 06:16 |
Impy^ | $ ls | 06:17 |
Minataku | If it's an xterm then it's the same as any other copypasta | 06:17 |
Impy^ | i dunno :S | 06:17 |
runlevelten | to get konqueror app icons in the taskbar: | 06:17 |
Impy^ | im trying to get flash working in firefox :o | 06:17 |
Minataku | Impy^: KDE uses Konsole | 06:17 |
Minataku | Not xterm | 06:17 |
Impy^ | i got konsole open atm | 06:17 |
Minataku | But they provide the same functionality | 06:17 |
Impy^ | http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/installing-macromedia-flash-player.html i got to stage 5 :o | 06:18 |
Minataku | Impy^: Then yeah, copy/pasting is just like c/p in any other X11 app | 06:18 |
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Yorokobi | Minataku, in konsole: echo $TERM | 06:18 |
Minataku | I don't use KDE | 06:18 |
Yorokobi | :) | 06:18 |
Minataku | I don't even use Kubuntu | 06:18 |
Yorokobi | ah, well, $TERM is xterm in konsole | 06:18 |
Minataku | I'm a Gentoo user, but I like to help out | 06:19 |
=== Yorokobi is using fluxbox | ||
Minataku | Same :D | 06:19 |
Impy^ | so any ideas what i can do? :( | 06:19 |
=== TeraDyne is actually using KDE on Kubuntu | ||
=== PatrickWst [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-27-132.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | Open the file .kde/share/config/konquerorrc, go to [HTML Settings] and add EnableFavicon=false | 06:19 |
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Minataku | Impy^: I assume you're trying to do this in Konq | 06:19 |
Minataku | To which I suggest using Firefox instead | 06:19 |
Impy^ | nah with firefox | 06:19 |
Minataku | Ah | 06:19 |
runlevelten | rorich: then clear your cache and the taskbar should use the konqueror icon for konqueror instances | 06:20 |
Minataku | Impy^: What can you do? Step 6 would be a good plan. :3 | 06:20 |
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cs5 | minataku: could you take a look at this....http://pastebin.com/m2da707ca | 06:20 |
Minataku | Sure | 06:20 |
cs5 | ty | 06:20 |
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Impy^ | what about step 5 | 06:20 |
cs5 | i have a very broken system | 06:20 |
Impy^ | when i try type $ ls i get an error | 06:21 |
Minataku | cs5: What did you type to get that? | 06:21 |
Novell | Impy^: don't include the $ | 06:21 |
Minataku | Yeah | 06:21 |
Impy^ | i haven't | 06:21 |
Minataku | $ is the shell prompt | 06:21 |
Minataku | In that case, what error? | 06:21 |
Impy^ | i tried just ls | 06:21 |
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cs5 | sudo apt-get install update-manager | 06:22 |
Minataku | cs5: I thought you were reinstalling X11 | 06:22 |
cs5 | i was going to but i get the same type errors with every command | 06:22 |
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runlevelten | "KDE uses Konsole". It's not compulsory.... | 06:22 |
cs5 | lol, i sec i typed x-11 when looking | 06:23 |
=== runlevelten 's KDE quite often uses rxvt, yakuake, or gnome-terminal | ||
cs5 | coundn't find package x | 06:23 |
Minataku | cs5: Try " apt-get -f install xserver-xorg " | 06:23 |
Impy^ | ahh i got the ls thing working i think | 06:23 |
Minataku | Which should forcibly install xserver-xorg | 06:23 |
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cs5 | not root.... | 06:23 |
Minataku | Right, sudo first | 06:24 |
Minataku | Then what I said | 06:24 |
cs5 | still | 06:24 |
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Minataku | cs5: " sudo apt-get -f install xserver-xorg " | 06:24 |
cs5 | pastebinning the results | 06:25 |
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cs5 | http://pastebin.com/m5d60f696 | 06:25 |
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Minataku | cs5: Yeah, try just " sudo apt-get -f install " | 06:26 |
Minataku | Let apt-get fix itself up | 06:26 |
cs5 | 3 to instal | 06:26 |
cs5 | ty | 06:26 |
Minataku | np | 06:26 |
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Minataku | "Simplified package management" my ass | 06:27 |
cs5 | no doubt | 06:27 |
Minataku | Gentoo is easier than this crap | 06:27 |
cs5 | lol | 06:27 |
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emil | g | 06:31 |
alie | hai all | 06:31 |
cs5 | minataku: is there a way to verify if everything is good now that i am back at a prompt? | 06:31 |
evilmm | gentoo = waiting for compiling | 06:31 |
Minataku | cs5: If it didn't bitch and moan... everything is good | 06:32 |
cs5 | ok, ty again | 06:32 |
Minataku | Try reinstalling X now if it didn't already | 06:32 |
Minataku | evilmm: Not at all | 06:32 |
Minataku | Set a compile in motion, do other things | 06:32 |
Minataku | Especially with an RT-PREEMPT kernel | 06:32 |
cs5 | doing it now | 06:32 |
evilmm | i dunno i used sabayon for a while | 06:33 |
Minataku | Low-latency desktop with real-time preempt, so slick | 06:33 |
evilmm | when updates take an hr to comile im sorry but no | 06:33 |
Minataku | Like turning a uniprocessor machine into multiprocessor | 06:33 |
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Impy^ | aha awesome got flash installed cheers for the help everyone :D | 06:37 |
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Minataku | :D | 06:38 |
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Impy^ | now i gotta try access my files on windows:) | 06:40 |
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kubuntu | hello | 06:47 |
kubuntu | got prblem here guys | 06:47 |
runlevelten | Hello shuyeb/kubuntu | 06:47 |
kubuntu | i cant play any videos on youtube | 06:47 |
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kubuntu | its asking me to install flash player | 06:48 |
cs5 | minataku: it installed xserver and my monitors are both on now but i still can't fix resolution issues. Im in clone mode and the res is too high, i am scrolling around the screen but i can change it | 06:48 |
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Minataku | cs5: Still no xrandr !? | 06:49 |
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runlevelten | so install it... | 06:49 |
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Minataku | !fixres | 06:49 |
pag | kubuntu, well do you have a Flash Player installed? | 06:49 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:49 |
kubuntu | no | 06:49 |
Minataku | Try that | 06:49 |
cs5 | nope. | 06:49 |
Minataku | At the very least, set it to be correct on X11 start | 06:49 |
pag | kubuntu, install flashplugin-nonfree from the multiverse | 06:49 |
cs5 | cant find package x11 when i try to instal it. | 06:50 |
runlevelten | I thought there was a flash installer through firefox now? | 06:51 |
runlevelten | Was that another distro? | 06:51 |
cs5 | ill read up more and see what i can find | 06:51 |
kubuntu | im uusing opera | 06:51 |
pag | cs5, iirc it's called xserver-xorg | 06:51 |
cs5 | oh ok, so thats what i installed , so now to configure then, right? | 06:52 |
pag | kubuntu, you still have to have Flash installed, if you want to run it - there's quite little differences in browsers | 06:52 |
excitatory | runlevelten: you can do either. | 06:52 |
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runlevelten | I use konqueror. Still install flash through a mozilla browser though | 06:52 |
pag | cs5, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 06:53 |
evilmm | holy shit katapult searches my amarok library if i start typing the song | 06:53 |
pag | runlevelten, I'm not sure, I've always installed it through the repos. | 06:53 |
cs5 | im half through it, I may need your help setting up my other head after though, if its ok. | 06:53 |
pag | evilmm, yes, yes it does... | 06:54 |
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runlevelten | I dislike katapult. It doesn't expand menus and stuff. | 06:54 |
kubuntu | ERROR: Your home directory does not have a Mozilla, SeaMonkey or Firefox | 06:54 |
kubuntu | browser user directory. Run one of these browsers at least onc | 06:54 |
Yorokobi | cs5, nVidia or ATI? | 06:54 |
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runlevelten | Yep. That's why I install with firefox :) | 06:55 |
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kubuntu | oki | 06:56 |
cs5 | ati | 06:56 |
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cs5 | ati all-in-wonder 9600 series | 06:56 |
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runlevelten | I'm finding it hard to work out why adept is preferred | 06:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | cs5: let's skip the intermediate steps and go straight to you slamming your head into the wall repeatedly while locked in a rubber room | 06:57 |
runlevelten | It's very unstable, synaptic is much better. | 06:57 |
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Yorokobi | runlevelten, I'm with you there. | 06:57 |
cs5 | Lmao | 06:57 |
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cs5 | sure | 06:57 |
=== Yorokobi is still a dselect fan | ||
runlevelten | I've always run synaptic with KDE if I want an apt GUI | 06:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | oh yeah, i definitely prefer synaptic | 06:58 |
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runlevelten | well, not "always", but for like 7 years or somethig | 06:58 |
cs5 | daisuke_ido: are you saying this is a lost cause with this card | 06:58 |
evilmm | who needs gui's | 06:58 |
evilmm | aptitude serves me well | 06:58 |
runlevelten | Sometimes I want a GUI - for instance if someone unfamiliar with it is giong to be installing packages on the machine | 06:59 |
evilmm | pfft | 06:59 |
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runlevelten | aptitude is a gui anyway :P | 07:01 |
stdin | but it's not graphical | 07:01 |
runlevelten | what is it, audio? | 07:01 |
stdin | it's a TUI :) | 07:01 |
hero | aptitude is not a gui | 07:01 |
hero | it's command line | 07:01 |
stdin | Text User Interface | 07:01 |
evilmm | well i dont just run aptitude actually | 07:01 |
hero | maybe you're thinking of adept | 07:01 |
hero | or synaptic | 07:01 |
evilmm | just aptitide install/remove/search | 07:01 |
runlevelten | No, it's a GUI. It might be an ncurses GUI, but it's a GUI | 07:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | hero: aptitude is certainly GUI | 07:02 |
runlevelten | just like text mode yast | 07:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | just because it doesn't have fancy graphics... | 07:02 |
evilmm | handles dependecies better then apt-get | 07:02 |
Slyboots | aptitude is a ncurses.. | 07:02 |
hero | i've always run aptitude on the command line | 07:02 |
evilmm | or so i was taught | 07:02 |
hero | and there is no "gui" version | 07:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | hero: go type aptitude | 07:02 |
Yorokobi | hero, try just 'aptitude' | 07:02 |
hero | yep, i did | 07:03 |
evilmm | depends on if you think its graphical or guided user interface :-p | 07:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | and stop making yourself look like a complete ass. | 07:03 |
cs5 | honestly, am i screwed without a different card, because i just setup the whole xserver and still get XrandR extension not supported | 07:03 |
hero | Daisuke_Ido: the program exists on my machine. it's NOT graphical. | 07:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | is there a menu at the top? | 07:03 |
hero | you're thinking of something else | 07:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | couple panes | 07:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | top and bottom pane | 07:03 |
hero | you're thinking of synaptic. | 07:03 |
hero | who's the ass now? | 07:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, i'm not, you idiot. | 07:03 |
cs5 | easy fella's | 07:03 |
runlevelten | woa there, hehe | 07:04 |
stdin | ncurces isn't graphical, it's all text. but it really depends on what you call graphical anyway | 07:04 |
evilmm | lol i didnt know i was gonna start a gang war in here | 07:04 |
cs5 | no war here. good help so far. we are all in here for a reason that is aside of war | 07:04 |
hero | console-based: apt-get, aptitude; graphical-based: adept, synapic | 07:04 |
=== Daisuke_Ido slaps hero | ||
cs5 | debates are always helpful to learn by though | 07:05 |
cs5 | lol | 07:05 |
=== Yorokobi prefers 8x16 graphic cells for rendering text | ||
evilmm | not when you call people idiots | 07:05 |
stdin | tho it should be in -ot | 07:05 |
cs5 | true | 07:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | aptitude is a gui, whether you accept it or not | 07:05 |
hero | Daisuke_Ido: ok, if you *really* think aptitude is graphical, then upload an image that proves that. | 07:05 |
=== evilmm prefers index cards | ||
runlevelten | OK, well let's settle with "Aptitude is a cursor driven front-end where instead of typing what you want, you move a cursor around and choose options from a menu" | 07:05 |
onechard | i'll buy that | 07:06 |
cs5 | me too | 07:06 |
hero | i still think you've got that mixed up with some other program | 07:06 |
dwidmann | alright, I've got an interesting one if anyone feels they know the answer. What would cause this kernel error: "17.9704331 ..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC". I'm assume passing an option in at boot would fix it, any ideas which one would? | 07:06 |
runlevelten | ...and a good percentage of the interface is dedicated to display of non-text shapes and colours that do nothing but delineate the interface features. | 07:06 |
Yorokobi | hero, it is a matter of semantics. One a purely technical level, text _is_ graphics. | 07:07 |
runlevelten | instead of calling them graphics :) | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | http://img400.imageshack.us/img400/6439/snapshot5qq9.png | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | that *is* a gui | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | a primitive gui | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | but a gui. | 07:07 |
hero | *sigh* | 07:07 |
pag | dwidmann, hmm.. noapic? | 07:07 |
hero | what a waste of time. arguing over a word. | 07:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | you started this | 07:07 |
cs5 | is there help for me? | 07:07 |
hero | and that looks like dselect, not aptitude | 07:07 |
stdin | dwidmann: bad bios maybe? try the options " noapic pci=noapic" | 07:07 |
hero | er | 07:08 |
dwidmann | pag: 'twas what I was thinking, just probing for a second opinion. I'll tell him to try that one first | 07:08 |
Yorokobi | dwidmann, did you get a kernel oops? | 07:08 |
dwidmann | stdin: I'll note that also | 07:08 |
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stdin | dwidmann: I have to do "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off" to get my hp server to boot | 07:08 |
dwidmann | Yorokobi: wasn't me. Someone else. But that's the full extent of the error, it just hangs there, right off the bat. | 07:08 |
dwidmann | stdin: wow, quite a few of 'em | 07:08 |
Yorokobi | dwidmann, try the noacpi options (make sure it is spelled correctly :) | 07:09 |
stdin | some manufacturers make buggy bios's | 07:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/6418/snapshot6gh5.png | 07:09 |
=== docta_v [i=1400@apocalypse.OCF.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | stdin: indeed | 07:09 |
hero | you should have qualified what you meant by gui | 07:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | and i'm done with this. | 07:09 |
hero | i understand gui to be a program meant to run in a graphical environment | 07:09 |
hero | not in a console | 07:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | you're wrong. | 07:09 |
runlevelten | then you're wrong :) | 07:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | end of story, time to ignore. | 07:10 |
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hero | that is the general understanding of it | 07:10 |
kubunturun-mozil | run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute . | 07:10 |
docta_v | is there a debian/ubuntu equivalent of a driver update disk? my system has a controller that i need to load a driver for in order to install the OS... just wondering what the procedure is for that | 07:10 |
runlevelten | aptitude is borderline WIMP to be honest =) | 07:10 |
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hero | maybe not to coders, but the general public | 07:10 |
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kubuntu | run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute . | 07:10 |
kubuntu | im getting that message | 07:10 |
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runlevelten | it has a mouse driven interface with menus, and most of the output is there to create graphics :) | 07:11 |
=== butterfree [n=gary@user-54410001.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Yorokobi | docta_v, no. Linux doesn't use that. The install kernels are built to accomodate as much hardware as possible. | 07:11 |
runlevelten | the differentiation between GUI toolkits and $OTHER isn't really hard and fast hero :) | 07:11 |
hero | obviously | 07:11 |
runlevelten | you can make a GUI without X | 07:11 |
kubuntu | ??????????? | 07:11 |
hero | or i wouldn't have been called an "ass" | 07:11 |
onechard | also probably depends on your age runlrvrl :-0 | 07:11 |
hero | thanks for being so welcoming and friendly, btw, Daisuke_Ido | 07:12 |
sweettooth | hi can anyone familiar with gimp provide some links for tutorials? i have been using photoshop in xp but now trying to learn gimp in kubuntu | 07:12 |
stdin | ugg, this channel is looking more like #ubuntu now | 07:12 |
=== maren [n=maren@p5481BEC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
r00t_ | runlevelten: what do you use instead of aptitude in a cli? | 07:12 |
r00t_ | !gimp | 07:12 |
ubotu | gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 07:12 |
Yorokobi | r00t_, dselect | 07:12 |
runlevelten | Hey, maybe Daisuke_Ido is just having a bad day :\ | 07:12 |
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hero | better than the debate over the existence of god, often had in ##linux | 07:12 |
r00t_ | sweettooth: ^^^ | 07:12 |
TeraDyne | stdin: ? I've been away... "trying" to order a dell computer for a friend... | 07:12 |
runlevelten | I use apt | 07:12 |
=== annette [n=annette@ool-4352fac8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sweettooth | r00t_, lol i've been there and its didn't seem to helpful | 07:13 |
runlevelten | and occasionally other tools, obviously, heh | 07:13 |
sweettooth | r00t_, but thx for the suggestion ;) | 07:13 |
stdin | TeraDyne: the "discussions" people have often turn to arguments in #ubuntu, same thing happening here | 07:13 |
cs5 | everywhere | 07:14 |
TeraDyne | stdin: Ok... What did I miss? *scrolls up* | 07:14 |
hero | stdin: it's never happened to me before just now. | 07:14 |
hero | and i've never seen it here before | 07:14 |
hero | so mea culpa | 07:14 |
stdin | I've seen it a few times | 07:14 |
stdin | and personal attacks are not good | 07:14 |
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | oh, and here's the thread I was speaking of a few minutes ago if anyone wants to add anything - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3008184#post3008184 | 07:15 |
runlevelten | To be fair I think just one person got a bit carried away | 07:15 |
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cs5 | when you cram as much technical knowledge into a brain its social structure tends to suffer, we must all be aware of the intentional hurt we inflict | 07:15 |
stdin | runlevelten: that's no excuse if others follow suit | 07:15 |
runlevelten | hero: I hope you didn't think I was being hostile too | 07:15 |
runlevelten | stdin: I don't think anyone did | 07:15 |
dwidmann | cs5: on whom? | 07:15 |
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cs5 | i was not enabling it, we must control ourselves | 07:15 |
hero | runlevelten: nah, i don't care that much about it anymore | 07:16 |
stdin | "lead by example" < motto of the day | 07:16 |
cs5 | on anyone we choose to call names because we are angry at a difference in opinion | 07:16 |
cs5 | opinions are like assholes everyone has one... | 07:16 |
dwidmann | cs5: but differences in opinion are punishable by death! | 07:16 |
cs5 | not in mY country | 07:16 |
cs5 | I hope | 07:16 |
TeraDyne | cs5: American? | 07:17 |
cs5 | canadian..... | 07:17 |
cs5 | lol | 07:17 |
hero | not yet at least heh | 07:17 |
dwidmann | What about in your own, deluded, little world that exists only inside your head (assuming you have that ... I hope I'm not alone here :D) | 07:17 |
cs5 | Americans punish differences of opinions in far worse ways than death | 07:17 |
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dustin | hah, it's not that bad | 07:17 |
cs5 | war is bad for everyone | 07:18 |
TeraDyne | cs5: Not in my state. | 07:18 |
cs5 | Good to hear | 07:18 |
dustin | i will openly insult and deride the current administration and they don't kill me | 07:18 |
runlevelten | Oh God, do we need to go there? | 07:18 |
cs5 | Lmao | 07:18 |
stdin | *cough* -ot *couch* | 07:18 |
dwidmann | cs5: example of the worse ways than death (shouldn't be hard find some, I just want to hear what you have in mind) | 07:18 |
dustin | haha | 07:18 |
TeraDyne | stdin: too late for that... | 07:18 |
runlevelten | Great, torrential rain :( | 07:18 |
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stdin | TeraDyne: it's only the 2nd time I have said it :p | 07:19 |
cs5 | I believe the current crisis overseas would suffice as a huge example of what a difference of opinion can end up being | 07:19 |
dwidmann | dustin: yeah, just don't say you're going to kill them or some such anywhere online that isn't encrypted, even as a joke, or you'll have the FBI at your doorstep. | 07:19 |
runlevelten | Oh, and now a network printer has stopped working. | 07:19 |
=== runlevelten kicks it | ||
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dwidmann | cs5: could be worse, could be like the middle east. | 07:19 |
runlevelten | Ah, that's better. | 07:19 |
cs5 | yes. | 07:19 |
evilmm | speaking of bullshit i just read a 2pg article in playboy on net neutrality while i was on the shitter...like 95% of people that read that mag are really gonna give a fuck | 07:19 |
dustin | yeah, i'm not making death threats | 07:20 |
stdin | !language | evilmm | 07:20 |
dustin | but i call them stupid a lot | 07:20 |
Pricey | !ohmy | evilmm | 07:20 |
ubotu | evilmm: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:20 |
TeraDyne | !ohmy | evilmm | 07:20 |
evilmm | oopsies | 07:20 |
dustin | haha | 07:20 |
hero | oh my, look at all the bangs | 07:20 |
dustin | i think us nerds probably read playboy the most ;) | 07:20 |
stdin | ohh... | 07:20 |
dwidmann | dustin: yeah, just saying so. Think that happened to someone on lj or some such. I heard about it a year or more ago. | 07:20 |
stdin | !offtopic | 07:20 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 07:20 |
hero | what would you do without that bot :P | 07:21 |
stdin | type in in manually | 07:21 |
runlevelten | evilmm: considering the primary activity of people whilst reading playboy, there's a good chance it'll reach a few politicians and corporate executives. | 07:21 |
TeraDyne | That offtopic should be rewritten to point to #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus . It's always dead in #ubuntu-offtpoic | 07:21 |
evilmm | lol | 07:21 |
TeraDyne | offtopic entry* | 07:21 |
=== jyri [n=jyri@a88-112-29-119.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dustin | any word on starcraft 2 for linux? | 07:21 |
hero | it's always offtopic when that entry is pasted. | 07:22 |
dwidmann | Oh, and further yet into our offtopic discussion, while slightly less offtopic ... I ordered a laptop last night :) | 07:22 |
runlevelten | You see, CUPS respects a good kick. | 07:22 |
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=== piippo [n=piippo@a88-114-248-101.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
evilmm | dwidmann: what you get? | 07:22 |
dustin | dwidmann: ubuntu laptop? | 07:22 |
dustin | i've been eyeing the dells | 07:22 |
dwidmann | dustin: yeah, that's what I want with | 07:22 |
dwidmann | *went | 07:23 |
evilmm | im either gonna get a dell or a system76 | 07:23 |
runlevelten | Right, I have it down to 5 pages | 07:23 |
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dustin | you'll have to come back | 07:23 |
dustin | and let me know how it goes | 07:23 |
dwidmann | evilmm: I priced the 76 and it came out as a lot more with the same or similar specs ... | 07:23 |
dustin | i even have my gf eyeing one | 07:23 |
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dwidmann | It'll be about a month, it's going to take forever :( | 07:24 |
dustin | :( | 07:24 |
dwidmann | 3-5 days for shipping, 1 day for processing, a week for building, a week to get the screen (I wanted the nice one), and I forget what else | 07:24 |
dustin | :( | 07:24 |
dustin | i have a friend | 07:24 |
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dustin | who's running 7.04 on an IBM laptop | 07:24 |
dustin | works perfectly | 07:24 |
arcer | #ubuntu-it | 07:25 |
dustin | wireless drivers | 07:25 |
dustin | suspend | 07:25 |
dustin | everything | 07:25 |
=== BuZZdEE-SX [n=BuZZ-dEE@dslb-088-072-193-106.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Yorokobi | !enter | dustin | 07:25 |
ubotu | dustin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:25 |
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dwidmann | But it's such a great punctuator :D | 07:25 |
evilmm | i would need to see the screens in store to decide with the gloosy or anti glare | 07:25 |
dustin | haha, that's what i'm thinking | 07:26 |
Yorokobi | Great and annoying are not far from each other | 07:26 |
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dustin | i must spend too much time in kopete :( | 07:26 |
dwidmann | evilmm: I decided to go with one of the glossys, better resolution. | 07:26 |
evilmm | also dell has a free 160gb hdd and 2gb ddr2 upgrade now | 07:26 |
dwidmann | (1440x900 as opposed to 12xx x xxx) | 07:26 |
dwidmann | evilmm: yep, that brought the price down a few hundred | 07:27 |
Slyboots | Hm.. If I tug KDE from kubuntu, would that make it a.. buntu? | 07:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | lunchtime! | 07:27 |
=== arcer [n=arcer@host92-154-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
evilmm | cuz i know when i actually have the money to put into one..it wont be free upgrades anymore | 07:27 |
=== arcer [n=arcer@host92-154-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | The free 160gb is a 5400 rpm, would have rathered the 7200rpm ...... but ... free! | 07:27 |
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evilmm | gotta consider heat | 07:27 |
=== arcer [n=arcer@host92-154-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Slyboots | Cant argue with free | 07:27 |
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dustin | That rings especially true with us Linux people ;) | 07:28 |
dwidmann | I think they wanted an extra $1000 to put it up to 4gb ram. How rediculous is that? | 07:28 |
dustin | ram is cheap too | 07:28 |
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dwidmann | I think it's because the 2gb sticks are still pretty expensive, but that expensive ...... sheesh. It can't cost anywhere near that much to make it can it? | 07:29 |
dustin | have you checked newegg? | 07:29 |
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dwidmann | not lately | 07:29 |
dustin | hmm, ddr2, what speed? | 07:30 |
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dustin | here's some | 07:30 |
dustin | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820144066 | 07:31 |
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dustin | I need a good mp3 player that works with Kubuntu. Any suggestions? | 07:32 |
dwidmann | I'll check what speed | 07:32 |
evilmm | dustin: get one with ogg | 07:33 |
dwidmann | 667MHz | 07:33 |
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dwidmann | ogg? | 07:33 |
evilmm | ogg vorbis | 07:33 |
dustin | I have an iriver, but you need their stupid software to move music. I need one that's recognized as a mass storage device, right? | 07:33 |
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Graham | I have an ethernet card in my PC, I recently switched back to cable so I've selected "start at boot" but it doesn't run DHCP and I have to do it automaticly when I turn it on, any ideas? | 07:33 |
dwidmann | $265 for the pair? Impressive! | 07:34 |
arun | jetaudio rocks | 07:34 |
dustin | Yeah, dell was about to rip you off | 07:34 |
runlevelten | I have a Zen V Plus - it's excellent | 07:34 |
dwidmann | evilmm: ah, yes, that ogg | 07:34 |
Graham | Get one that supports .ogg because it's awesome. | 07:34 |
arun | i wish they made a linux port of jetaudio, i've been using that on windows for years | 07:34 |
Graham | Amarok FTW. | 07:34 |
runlevelten | amarok > * | 07:34 |
arun | amarok rocks as well | 07:34 |
Graham | Anyway, ethernet card, any ideas? | 07:34 |
dwidmann | dustin: I wasn't stuipid enough to select that for $1000. No way in #$!$^@%$! would that have been worth it, ever. | 07:34 |
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runlevelten | There is no player on any platform as good as amarok, except amarok. | 07:35 |
dustin | dwidmann: I know ;). I'm surprised they'd overcharge so much though. | 07:35 |
dustin | runlevelten: that zen works great with kubuntu? | 07:35 |
runlevelten | It does everything that itunes does, without sucking. It does everything that Winamp does, without sucking. | 07:35 |
=== nlee [n=nlee@cpe-67-49-29-116.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | It does everything that foobar/monkey do, without sucking. It does NOTHING that WMP does ;) | 07:36 |
dwidmann | dustin: Yeah, it is by an awful lot. Charging quad the price of a good set. I guess they need to make their profits too though (off of people stupid enough to do it, that is) | 07:36 |
runlevelten | dustin: absolutely peachily yes | 07:36 |
=== Yorokobi [n=cwilliam@unaffiliated/yorokobi] has left #kubuntu ["nosce] | ||
arun | anyone here use kmail? | 07:36 |
runlevelten | they're cheap at the moment, and very small, and a good player | 07:36 |
runlevelten | arun: but of course | 07:36 |
dustin | runlevelten: it's only 60 at newegg, i'm going to have to order one | 07:36 |
dwidmann | arun: I'm willing to bet a lot of us do | 07:36 |
dwidmann | $60 for what again? | 07:37 |
runlevelten | you won't be disappoited. Get the PLUS though | 07:37 |
Impy^ | do i need samba to access my windows harddrives? | 07:37 |
runlevelten | the on-device encoding is quite nice too | 07:37 |
dustin | for the Zen V dwidmann | 07:37 |
runlevelten | Impy^: no | 07:37 |
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arun | Impy^: no | 07:37 |
Impy^ | :o | 07:37 |
arun | dwidmann: is there any reason you would pick kmail over thunderbird? | 07:37 |
Impy^ | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows < do i need to be doing that? | 07:38 |
dwidmann | arun: kontact integration? | 07:38 |
dwidmann | systray icon? | 07:38 |
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arun | i was thinking of trying out kmail, would you recommend it over thunderbird? | 07:38 |
dwidmann | kde integration in general? | 07:38 |
evilmm | any mtp/playsforsure device will work good with amarok | 07:38 |
arun | and does it export to .mbox? | 07:38 |
dwidmann | arun, I think it can do mbox | 07:38 |
dustin | impy: i think that's an old tutorial | 07:39 |
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evilmm | i have an old zen xtra...only reason im thinking bout getting another is for more codec support | 07:39 |
runlevelten | reliability, the ability to pipe mails to stdout, clamav/spamassasin/etc integration in the GUI, better filters, clearer better message display | 07:39 |
=== nlee [n=nlee@cpe-67-49-29-116.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
dwidmann | arun: there's an option for using mbox in settings -> configure -> misc | 07:39 |
runlevelten | kontact, integration with knotify to run programs, scripts, sounds etc through it when mails arrive etc | 07:39 |
dustin | impy: i use automatix mounter | 07:39 |
dustin | but that requires you to install automatix | 07:40 |
runlevelten | DCOP so every part of the app and the mails are accessible to shell scripts | 07:40 |
runlevelten | etc. | 07:40 |
arun | what's the difference between mbox and maildir? also, if it exports to mbox, can i export the email to another client/platform if need be? | 07:40 |
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Impy^ | is installing automatix hard to do? | 07:40 |
arun | Impy: not at all | 07:40 |
evilmm | automatix breaks things | 07:40 |
Impy^ | breaks things? | 07:41 |
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Impy^ | so what's the best way to go about viewing my windows files? | 07:41 |
dwidmann | dustin: evilmm: I just ran a search for Zen V Plus on newegg, doesn't seem to list ogg on its supported list o.O | 07:41 |
runlevelten | right, stuff to do. | 07:41 |
dustin | dwidmann: noticed that too | 07:41 |
dustin | impy: here are the install instructions with automatix | 07:41 |
dustin | impy: i've had good luck: http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Installing_Automatix2_on_.28K.2CX.29Ubuntu_7.04_i386.2CAMD64_.28Feisty.29 | 07:42 |
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evilmm | well, ogg isnt imperitive i guess | 07:42 |
Impy^ | cheers dustin :) | 07:42 |
dwidmann | dustin: but it definitely does support ogg? If not it'd kill it for me ... all 10+gb of my stuff is in ogg | 07:42 |
Impy^ | will have a fiddle with it now D | 07:42 |
evilmm | i just like it cuz you get better sound at lower rates | 07:42 |
dustin | dwidmann: not sure, checking creative's website | 07:42 |
dromer | hi all, how can I see which ftpd I am running and how can I add users to that ftpd? | 07:43 |
evilmm | i'd really like a rockbox to come out for the zen line | 07:43 |
runlevelten | It doesn't support OGG Vorbis | 07:43 |
arun | Which FTP client do you guys prefer? Except Konqueror? | 07:43 |
runlevelten | I transcoded mp3s to listen to on the player. | 07:43 |
runlevelten | Konqueror. | 07:43 |
dustin | dwidmann: ten is right, here's the specs: http://www.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=213&subcategory=214&product=15306&nav=1 | 07:43 |
evilmm | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WhyRockbox | 07:44 |
dwidmann | arun: netkit ftp :P | 07:44 |
arun | I was so happy when I installed beryl a few hours ago, now I'm tired of it | 07:44 |
arun | netkit ftp | 07:44 |
arun | ? | 07:44 |
runlevelten | switch it off then, that's what I do | 07:44 |
dustin | arun: haha, it's eyecandy :p, always seems to crash for me anyway | 07:44 |
dwidmann | arun: open up a terminal and type in ftp. | 07:44 |
dustin | you guys need to try nubuntu | 07:45 |
dustin | it rocks! | 07:45 |
dwidmann | nubuntu? | 07:45 |
evilmm | i probably should...being a networking guy and all | 07:46 |
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cs5 | WAY OFF topic, anyone know why a windows machine will find a boot record and say its ok, but sit there without loading it? | 07:46 |
TeraDyne | nubuntu is that network security distro, isn't it? | 07:46 |
dustin | it's full of hacking and security tools, i'm an information assurance student. Those tools would've come in handy in cpre 532, information warfare | 07:46 |
TeraDyne | apparently... | 07:46 |
brad_ | Hey, could someone possibly help me install/set up my nvidia driver on kubuntu 64 bit | 07:46 |
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rolando | hi | 07:46 |
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runlevelten | A what machine? | 07:47 |
TeraDyne | !nvidia | brad_ | 07:47 |
dwidmann | brad_: shouldn' | 07:47 |
ubotu | brad_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:47 |
brad_ | I installed it from the package manager and put in the command it said and then it couldnt initialize xorg | 07:47 |
rolando | has any1 here succesfully installed madwifi drivers on a macbook?? | 07:47 |
evilmm | backtrax2 i think it is is another good security distro | 07:47 |
dwidmann | t take much more than running "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo nvidia-xconfig" | 07:47 |
=== TeraDyne might be getting a new dellbuntu machine soon... | ||
brad_ | and then I had to go into xorg from recovery mode and tell it to go back to vesa | 07:47 |
brad_ | yeah I realize that now | 07:47 |
stdin | rolando: the madwifi drivers are in linux-restricted-modules | 07:47 |
runlevelten | What's a "windows machine"? Sounds like some sort of cleaning device. | 07:47 |
arun | I'm using FireFTP for my FTP needs right now | 07:47 |
arun | Firefox extension | 07:47 |
cs5 | you know that stupid OS you have to pay for that never works right | 07:47 |
arun | quite nice, actually | 07:48 |
Impy^ | so what exactly does automatix do? :o | 07:48 |
cs5 | Lmao | 07:48 |
dwidmann | brad_: which nvidia card do you have, exactly. | 07:48 |
runlevelten | Ooooooooooooooh. OS X you mean? | 07:48 |
rolando | stdin: yeah, but thats for first gen macbooks | 07:48 |
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=== runlevelten grins | ||
evilmm | Impy^: breaks things | 07:48 |
TeraDyne | !automatix | 07:48 |
Impy^ | so i should stay away from it? :o | 07:48 |
BluesKaj | cs5, whynot check with #windows chat ? | 07:48 |
rorich | in the kde taskbar it's very hard for me to find konqueror because it doesn't use its icon, but always another icon (favicon) and a site's name, which is very disturbing and confusing. how can i force konqueror show ITS FUCKING OWN ICON? please help me, i am very frustrated! | 07:48 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:48 |
brad_ | Geforce 6600 for PCI Express | 07:48 |
dwidmann | Impy^: as a side effect I hear it can mess up systems. A lot of people recommend against it. | 07:48 |
stdin | !ohmy | rorich | 07:48 |
ubotu | rorich: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:48 |
brad_ | according to lspci | grep -i nvidia it is NV43 [GeForce 6600] (rev a 2) | 07:49 |
cs5 | i guess. Just thought i'd try some help where people actually know about computers | 07:49 |
runlevelten | rorich, I don't mean to be rude, but I gave you the answer to that earlier.... | 07:49 |
Impy^ | ahh ok ill stay away from it then. | 07:49 |
stdin | rorich: ask in #kde | 07:49 |
hero | stdin: what's the url for the chan rules? | 07:49 |
stdin | hero: look in the topic | 07:49 |
dustin | impy: i know there are automatic mounting tools | 07:49 |
Impy^ | so what would be the best way of going about viewing my windows files on kubuntu? sorry if you've already told me i'm a little sloww sorry | 07:49 |
hero | oh, pardon me. | 07:49 |
dustin | impy: i used automatix and it works fine, check 3g-ntfs | 07:49 |
dustin | at least, i think that's the name | 07:50 |
arun | is it possible to edit the way articles are displayed in akregator? | 07:50 |
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evilmm | do you want read or read/write? | 07:50 |
Impy^ | k cheers dustin ill have a look for it now | 07:50 |
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stdin | hero: and here too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 07:50 |
dustin | impy: 3g gives read and write access to be careful | 07:50 |
Impy^ | just read? will i be able move files from windows to kubuntu? | 07:50 |
hero | thank you | 07:50 |
runlevelten | impy, can you pastebin the results of cat /etc/fstab | 07:50 |
BluesKaj | rorich, open the app properties , click on the icon and a dialog will open asking what icons you'd like to choose there are some options as well in the drop down lisy | 07:50 |
cs5 | nobody can help me with my current linux issue so i thought why not check to see if i can get help for some windows issues | 07:50 |
cs5 | lol | 07:50 |
cs5 | moving on.... | 07:50 |
BluesKaj | lierr st | 07:50 |
dwidmann | if you go into settings -> configure konqueror -> Web Bevior -> Advanced tab options -> and select Show close button instead of favicon is its window icon still the favicon rorich? | 07:50 |
Impy^ | i don't know what that means runlevelyten :o | 07:50 |
BluesKaj | er list :) | 07:50 |
dwidmann | !windows | cs5 | 07:51 |
ubotu | cs5: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 07:51 |
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Impy^ | is that when i go to terminal and type sudo fdisk -l? | 07:51 |
runlevelten | gah, I have to go. | 07:51 |
stdin | rolando_: you can try to comtile the modules youself too, download from http://madwifi.org/ | 07:51 |
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rorich | dwidmann: so there's no possibility to separate favicons (which i want to see) and taskbar icon (which i want to be konqueror's)? | 07:52 |
Impy^ | k cheers for help earlier run :) | 07:52 |
dustin | impy: actually, have you tried this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access | 07:52 |
dwidmann | rorich: might be, not sure | 07:52 |
brad_ | anyway the guide doesnt seem to give me informatoin for kubuntu/64 bit...it has to be done differently doesnt it? | 07:52 |
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rolando_ | stdin: the version that comes in the repositories is 0.9.2, do you know if it works for the latest macbooks? | 07:52 |
Impy^ | looking now dust :) | 07:52 |
arun | Ok, sorry to go on about Kmail, but is it a stable client? | 07:53 |
rorich | BluesKaj: what app properties, konqueror properties? | 07:53 |
Lord_Dicranius | WIRELESS ISSUE: when I open up the manual configuration, my wireless interface shows as disabled. I highlight, click enable, it changes to enable, then changes right back to disabled. Anybody have any idea what's going on? :-\ | 07:53 |
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runlevelten | rorich, here it is again: | 07:53 |
runlevelten | Open the file .kde/share/config/konquerorrc, go to [HTML Settings] and add EnableFavicon=false | 07:53 |
hero | the ubuntu code of conduct does not mention preference of language styles. | 07:53 |
runlevelten | then clear your cache and the taskbar should use the konqueror icon for konqueror instances | 07:53 |
rorich | runlevelten: only the taskbar, not each tab, right? | 07:53 |
BluesKaj | the application , konqueror..right click and choose prerties , then click on the icon | 07:54 |
stdin | rolando_: as far as I know, there is only one version for all types | 07:54 |
rorich | runlevelten: thank you | 07:54 |
hero | runlevelten: oh! do you know how to get konqueror to automatically select the whole line in the address bar? | 07:55 |
rolando_ | ok thanx | 07:55 |
tzanger | hmm | 07:55 |
tzanger | where did the config option for where to place the cursor when replying to an email in kmail go? | 07:55 |
tzanger | it's always putting it at the end of hte email now | 07:56 |
dwidmann | BluesKaj: are you sure that will effec the one in the taskbar? | 07:56 |
tzanger | makes it a pain in the ass to edit replies | 07:56 |
runlevelten | rorich: unfortunately, it will unfortunately disable favicons in tabs, I'mn afraid | 07:56 |
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runlevelten | but it's the only way I know to achieve what you wanted | 07:56 |
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cs5 | i went to the windows channel and asked that question from earlier and everyone fainted from thinking to hard | 07:56 |
rorich | runlevelten: i was disconnected, if you answered in the meantime, please resend your answer | 07:57 |
=== runlevelten shudders at top-posting | ||
tzanger | oh I don't top post EVER | 07:57 |
dustin | cs5: LOL | 07:57 |
tzanger | but when I go to reply I start at the top of the message and edit the quote lines | 07:57 |
tzanger | I don't quote the entire message and reply to it, I trim like crazy | 07:57 |
hero | so anyone know how to do what i was asking runlevelten about? | 07:57 |
runlevelten | rorich I said it will unfortunately disable favicons in tabs, I'm afraid but it's the only way I know to achieve what you wanted with konqy icons in the taskbar | 07:58 |
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runlevelten | right hero, you mean when you give it focus? | 07:58 |
Lord_Dicranius | howdy everybody :) | 07:58 |
hero | runlevelten: as in, you want to copy the url to the clipboard. in firefox, you just right click and it selects everything auto. | 07:58 |
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dwidmann | Well, I think I'm going to be distracted for now. Got some code to write and so little time to do it with. | 07:59 |
rorich | runlevelten: as for the first time you answered (a few hours ago, i assume), i had connection problems and got nothing from you except one line which said only "rorich: do you know, I don't actually know." | 07:59 |
cs5 | boy you guys want some fun, goto the windows channel and ask something, anything....wow. | 08:00 |
runlevelten | when I want to copy the url from konqueror I will 1) drag the tab and drop it wherever | 08:00 |
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hero | drag the addressbar? | 08:00 |
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runlevelten | 2)double click to highlight, then copy from there or 3) highlight manually with the mouse, then middle-click wherever I want that url pasted | 08:01 |
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hero | yeah, that is more gestures than needed :P | 08:01 |
hero | it's the only thing i don't like about konq | 08:01 |
hero | is there a way to get it to just select everything when you right click (or even just click!)? | 08:01 |
runlevelten | but dragging the tab is fine | 08:01 |
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hero | i don't understand what you mean by "dragging the tab" | 08:02 |
hero | i just tried to drag from the icon next to the address and it didn't work. plus, you'd need a larger screen. | 08:02 |
runlevelten | why a larger screen? This is KDE, you can alt tab while your dragging stuff | 08:02 |
runlevelten | *you're | 08:03 |
hero | hmm, well i can't test that now | 08:03 |
hero | so you can't do it then | 08:03 |
runlevelten | well double-clicking will do it if that's what you want. Seems a bit slow and unwieldy, but each to their own =) | 08:04 |
hero | well, i'd rather use the keyboard | 08:04 |
hero | the ideal would be hitting ctrl+l and ctrl+c | 08:04 |
hero | but w/ konq, if you hit ctrl+l, it clears the address bar | 08:04 |
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TeraDyne | ... | 08:04 |
TeraDyne | Apple... bought CUPS... | 08:05 |
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cs5 | is there a way to undo upgrades, and revert to edgy? | 08:05 |
hero | runlevelten: so basically, i have to double-click and then copy. and that's about it. | 08:05 |
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Minataku | TeraDyne: Fork time | 08:05 |
hero | cs5: yeesh. you should just get an edgy livecd | 08:06 |
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cs5 | i already have dapper, edgy, and feisty | 08:06 |
TeraDyne | Minataku: http://www.cups.org/articles.php?L475 | 08:06 |
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cs5 | i want to revert not reinstal AGAIN | 08:06 |
hero | heh | 08:06 |
cs5 | yes or no, would suffice | 08:06 |
hero | i feell your pain | 08:06 |
Minataku | Well | 08:06 |
hero | oh. sorry. | 08:06 |
cs5 | np | 08:06 |
Minataku | It's still (L)GPL2 | 08:06 |
Minataku | So no worries, really | 08:07 |
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Minataku | If anything, it just means that CUPS gets better | 08:07 |
cs5 | you've had your share of angry people today hero, sry to snap | 08:07 |
brad_ | this sounds like an idiotic question but why cant I figure out how to install the program Envy? | 08:07 |
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Minataku | Hopefully not just for Apple's POS Darwin nonsense | 08:07 |
brad_ | I downloaded it, I extracted it, on his website he says nothing about actually installing the program | 08:07 |
hero | cs5: yeah, i hear ya. i'll be quiet. | 08:07 |
giampietro | Salve a tutti | 08:07 |
cs5 | No, No, it seems your course is the only option | 08:07 |
cs5 | lol | 08:07 |
TeraDyne | !envy | 08:08 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 08:08 |
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cs5 | at least you answer, even if you are unsure of parts you try. | 08:08 |
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brad_ | ok great, so envy is ruled out | 08:08 |
brad_ | does anyone here have another way I can get the nvidia driver installed | 08:08 |
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brad_ | because the tutorials dont make any sense, and when i do things like that they never work | 08:08 |
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replman6669 | Hi! I'm using kubuntu (feisty) and have a problem setting up the correct screen-resolution. The resolution changes between the login-screen (which has the right resolution) and the desktop-screen :-( | 08:10 |
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cs5 | replman6669 good luck with that, i have been having the same issue for days | 08:11 |
cs5 | many trials and much typing, broken system and the works and still no go | 08:11 |
replman6669 | in xorg.conf in the Screen-Section i comment the line with all modes and entered a single line | 08:11 |
replman6669 | modes "1600x1200@85" | 08:11 |
replman6669 | why does the resolution change?!? | 08:11 |
TeraDyne | Have either of you thought about posting on the forums? | 08:11 |
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Minataku | Two people with one issue... someone probably screwed something up :P | 08:12 |
pala | hjhgl''\ | 08:12 |
TeraDyne | ? | 08:12 |
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cs5 | lol | 08:12 |
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replman6669 | ;-) | 08:12 |
cs5 | mines an ati all-in-wonder, how bout yours? | 08:12 |
replman6669 | nvidia geforce 4ti | 08:13 |
cs5 | i dont get it, dapper worked great, edgy was iffy but worked, feisty went right out the window for me | 08:13 |
replman6669 | but i can't understand why the mode changes between login and desktop | 08:13 |
cs5 | you should have less issue than me by the comments ive gotten about ati | 08:13 |
replman6669 | you also have the problem with changing screen resolution? | 08:14 |
cs5 | you get any errors from xserver? | 08:14 |
cs5 | yes | 08:14 |
cs5 | but i get an error about xrandr extensions not being supported | 08:15 |
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replman6669 | Hm, i see some "wacom" errors | 08:15 |
tapas | hmm | 08:15 |
cs5 | wacom? | 08:15 |
tapas | i seem to be unable to edit the properties of quick launchers | 08:16 |
tapas | like their icons, etc.. | 08:16 |
tapas | all i get is the panel menu | 08:16 |
tapas | and the general qwuicklauncher menu | 08:16 |
replman6669 | but no error with resolution or refresh-rate | 08:16 |
TeraDyne | tapas: It's not possible to edit the quicklaucher icons. | 08:17 |
cs5 | doesn't handle video setup very nicely does it? | 08:17 |
pala | alo nqkoy da znae bilgarsk ili turski | 08:17 |
tapas | TeraDyne: hmm, how did i edit the icons on my taskbar before then? | 08:17 |
hero | !tk | 08:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:17 |
hero | !gr | 08:17 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-gr #kubuntu-gr / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 08:17 |
stdin | replman6669: found this, it's for ubuntu/GDM, but it should work fot kubuntu/KDM <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-9a8fa8e79e2458de1eb69eadb2c97a633be81a42> | 08:17 |
hero | some turks can speak greek :P | 08:17 |
tapas | aah "add application to panel" via the panel menu itself | 08:17 |
tapas | i suppose i remove the quicklaunch section then | 08:18 |
replman6669 | i hate video setup :-( | 08:18 |
TeraDyne | tapas: The ICONS can be edited, but the the ones in quicklaunch. | 08:18 |
cs5 | me too :| | 08:18 |
tapas | TeraDyne: yeah i got it.. thanks | 08:18 |
TeraDyne | not* the | 08:18 |
replman6669 | in xorg.log i can see | 08:18 |
replman6669 | (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1600x1200@85" | 08:18 |
TeraDyne | tapas: no problem. | 08:18 |
r00t_ | AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! anyone know how to add a panel to my desktop without already haveing a panel or menu bar there?my kmenu is broken so i installed kbfx,which ineed a panel already installed to add t to,is there a way to do it with kicker from a CLI? | 08:18 |
replman6669 | and at the end, when he loads the desktop i see | 08:18 |
replman6669 | (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1600x1200@75" | 08:18 |
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replman6669 | don't know why it changes | 08:19 |
hero | can you manually change the resolution using keyboard guys? | 08:19 |
hero | ctrl+alt +/- | 08:19 |
replman6669 | Yes | 08:19 |
hero | ok, so not all is lost | 08:19 |
r00t_ | hero: yes /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:19 |
replman6669 | Now there is the right resolution | 08:19 |
cs5 | i am sure you can, i have seen a few comments on manually setting up | 08:19 |
tapas | it depends on whether you allowed that in the xorg.conf | 08:19 |
replman6669 | but how to make this persistent? | 08:20 |
hero | r00t_: sorry, my question was directed to replman6669 and cs5 | 08:20 |
pala | Ali if eny one the tolkhim turkis or bulgarish languich | 08:20 |
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hero | !bg | 08:21 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-bg . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently | 08:21 |
hero | i think i got it! | 08:21 |
cs5 | hero: what do you mean? Keyboard? just shortcut like? | 08:21 |
hero | cs5: classically, one could change the modes by holding down ctrl+alt and hitting + or - | 08:21 |
hero | it's not always enabled | 08:21 |
pala | j #unbutu-bg | 08:21 |
hero | but it is something that you might try | 08:22 |
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hero | pala: /join #ubuntu-bg | 08:22 |
pala | ok | 08:22 |
hero | :D | 08:22 |
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replman6669 | i also cannot understand why i can change my resolutions when i just entered one mode in xorg.conf: modes "1600x1200@85" | 08:22 |
cs5 | hero: nice, ty, I cant switch away from this resolution but it tries. | 08:23 |
linux__ | romana? | 08:23 |
linux__ | cineva in romana vb aici? | 08:23 |
pala | hero >> but onli I am here . This chanal onli I am | 08:24 |
hero | cs5: k | 08:24 |
hero | that's soemthing | 08:24 |
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hero | pala: sorry! | 08:24 |
hero | !ru | 08:24 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 08:24 |
hero | sweet | 08:24 |
pala | ok no problem | 08:24 |
cs5 | replman6669: hero: I setup multiple screen resolutions in my xorg and I am stuck with one, what your getting is different but similar right? different cards, etc. | 08:24 |
hero | what a cool bot | 08:24 |
hero | which one are you stuck with? | 08:25 |
hero | 640x480? | 08:25 |
cs5 | no HIGH | 08:25 |
hero | oh, so it doesn't fit on the screen | 08:25 |
cs5 | I am not sure what Im at because i cant see it anywhere. | 08:25 |
cs5 | no | 08:25 |
hero | crap, i never had to edit xorg.conf | 08:25 |
replman6669 | my problem is, that the mode @75 is not in the list of modes...but he chooses that mode | 08:25 |
cs5 | i am scrolling around in clone mode | 08:26 |
cs5 | and you set it up already manually but it changes after login | 08:26 |
r00t_ | AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! anyone know how to add a panel to my desktop without already haveing a panel or menu bar there?my kmenu is broken so i installed kbfx,which ineed a panel already installed to add t to,is there a way to do it with kicker from a CLI? | 08:26 |
hero | so something is changing the resolution | 08:27 |
hero | maybe because the hertz you specified is wrong | 08:27 |
hero | i'm just guessing, mind you | 08:27 |
=== LeeMcC [n=lee@r74-193-42-54.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cs5 | lcd? | 08:27 |
hero | the last time i did a config for X was before xorg.conf was used, and before ubuntu existed | 08:27 |
replman6669 | but why can the login (kdm) get the right refresh-rate | 08:28 |
replman6669 | and after login he can't? | 08:28 |
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replman6669 | no, iiyama vision master pro 510 crt | 08:28 |
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hero | replman6669: yeah, it doesn't make any sense. | 08:28 |
cs5 | i am surprised there aren't any more people around here with answers to that. | 08:28 |
hero | but you guys have similar video cards in that they're complex | 08:29 |
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cs5 | yes | 08:29 |
ubuntu | Hello | 08:29 |
hero | cs5: you're just here at the wrong time, that's all. | 08:29 |
hero | the answers are there! | 08:29 |
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cs5 | I know, the other day there were TONS of people with really great answers, even if they were't dead on they offered paths to understanding | 08:29 |
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hero | well, those people get paid to not be on irc at this time i guess hehe | 08:30 |
meuhlol | oO | 08:30 |
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cs5 | suggestions are always welcome, even if your new you still understand something more than someone else | 08:30 |
replman6669 | Hm, for now it's ok for me to switch (shortcut), but it's very strange... | 08:30 |
cs5 | hero:lol ;) | 08:30 |
cs5 | yes | 08:30 |
replman6669 | :-) | 08:31 |
meuhlol | just ask your question, maybe someone who knows and are available will answer you | 08:31 |
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hero | so you guys can use everything, but it's a major annoyance at this point. | 08:31 |
cs5 | try later though replman6669 | 08:31 |
cs5 | Yes | 08:31 |
replman6669 | it is | 08:31 |
cs5 | I havent dared try 3d at this point but.... | 08:31 |
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replman6669 | another thing i don't understand is, why the login-window has always a virtual resolution, but i don't wonder anymore ;-) | 08:32 |
meuhlol | virtual resolution? what's that lol | 08:33 |
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cs5 | Arg. My system is broken everywhere. | 08:33 |
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replman6669 | meuhlol: if you have a real resolution of 1024x768 and a virtual one with 2048x1024, than you can scroll through the screen | 08:34 |
cs5 | that's what i am on now | 08:34 |
meuhlol | oh ok | 08:34 |
cs5 | and it blows | 08:34 |
replman6669 | i bet, that you can scroll through your login-screen ;-) | 08:34 |
replman6669 | @meuhlol | 08:34 |
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volodya | hi, it is possible, in 7.04, to configure several *wired* connection and use knetworkmanager to switch between them? | 08:35 |
Dr_willis | that used to be a big 'feature' years ago. :) | 08:35 |
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meuhlol | my login screen is also in 1024x768 (like my desktop res) but login-background image is bigger, so it's not adjusting to my screen res and i can "move" a screen, but it's never been an problem for me xD | 08:36 |
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funnelweb | Hello | 08:36 |
meuhlol | volodya, what's is "wired" connexion you mean? chto za nah? xD | 08:37 |
replman6669 | for me it isn't a problem too, but i don't understand why this is | 08:37 |
volodya | meuhlol: ethernet. I need to be able to plug laptop into two different networks, one of which does not have dhcp. | 08:37 |
meuhlol | replman6669: dunno too, have no see that's config :s | 08:38 |
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meuhlol | volodya: so you create an "link" using direct ip adress, and one other with dhcp | 08:38 |
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meuhlol | for "non dhcp" you need to know ip adress, gateway & dns (not sur dns is "must to know") | 08:39 |
volodya | meuhlol: what is 'link', here, and where do I create it? | 08:39 |
volodya | meuhlol: I have a perfectly working /etc/network/interfaces, but knetworkmanager won't manage interfaces that are manually specified there. | 08:40 |
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sam123 | how do i make ut2004 be controlled my my compiz fusion window manager? | 08:41 |
sam123 | i want to be able to rotate the cube whilst the game is running | 08:41 |
Dr_willis | sam123, im suprised it even runs with compiz | 08:41 |
sam123 | compiz fusion makes my games run full fps for some reason | 08:41 |
Dr_willis | put it in windowed mode, then maxamize the window. | 08:41 |
sam123 | but beryl didnt work | 08:42 |
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sam123 | Dr_willis i want it full screen though | 08:42 |
evilmm | http://ubuntusatanic.org/download.php | 08:42 |
evilmm | Ubuntu Satanic Edition is a series of themes to transform your boring old desktop in to a mean motherf*cking soldier of darkness. | 08:42 |
sam123 | compiz fusion is well fast | 08:42 |
evilmm | funniest thing ive seen all day | 08:42 |
sam123 | lol | 08:43 |
BluesKaj | evilmm ...bloody mindgarbage IMO | 08:43 |
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volodya | also, can I make knetworkmanager use a longer timeout for *wireless* connections. It seems my wifi provider is slow with dhcp, and knetworkmanager is too inpatient. | 08:43 |
evilmm | i just think its hilarious | 08:43 |
sam123 | just install debian or ubuntu and install a the theme | 08:44 |
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hero | evilmm: it would be cool to have one desktop with ubuntu xtian edition and one with ubuntu satanic edition | 08:44 |
hero | haha | 08:45 |
hero | i wonder what atheist edition would be? freebsd :P | 08:45 |
jussi01 | !offtopic | 08:45 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 08:46 |
sam123 | when i press ctrl+enter in ut2004 it turns it into a window but my mouse cursor is grabbed by the game. how do i allow my mouse cursor to venture out of that window? | 08:47 |
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r00t_ | AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! anyone know how to add a panel to my desktop without already haveing a panel or menu bar there?my kmenu is broken so i installed kbfx,which ineed a panel already installed to add t to,is there a way to do it with kicker from a CLI? | 08:50 |
Tm_T | sam123: open console in ut | 08:50 |
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Tm_T | r00t_: alt-space and enter kicker? | 08:51 |
sam123 | Tm_T then? | 08:51 |
Tm_T | sam123: it should free your cursor | 08:51 |
Tm_T | sam123: but only if game realises it's windowed, it doesn't always do so I hear | 08:52 |
r00t_ | Tm_T: kicker is broken | 08:52 |
sam123 | Tm_T that didnt work | 08:52 |
Tm_T | r00t_: you said kmenu is broken | 08:52 |
Tm_T | sam123: does alt-tab switch window? | 08:52 |
r00t_ | oops kmenu is broken,kicker does nothing when started | 08:53 |
sam123 | no | 08:53 |
BluesKaj | suomalainen invasion here , Tm_T, jussi01 | 08:53 |
Tm_T | sam123: interesting, then I'm not sure what's the problem | 08:53 |
BluesKaj | ;> ) | 08:53 |
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Tm_T | BluesKaj: oh here's more than just 2 (: | 08:54 |
sam123 | Tm_T i know that it can be solved because i found the answer on the internet somewhere once but i cant find it now :( | 08:54 |
jussi01 | hehe | 08:54 |
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Tm_T | sam123: it's prolly same what I just said | 08:54 |
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Tm_T | r00t_: tried to run kicker from Konsole? | 08:55 |
BluesKaj | no kidding Tm_T...Linus would be proud :) | 08:55 |
sam123 | Tm_T ctrl+g releases my mouse | 08:55 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: because we need so much help? (; | 08:55 |
Tm_T | sam123: interesting, haven't heard that before | 08:55 |
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=== waylandbill ponders changing the term noobs to kubs. | ||
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BluesKaj | <---too old to be a (k)cub | 08:58 |
[ifr0g] | hilary, i get this .. | 08:58 |
[ifr0g] | Can't access procfs/sysfs file | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | Unable to find i2c bus information; | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | For 2.6 kernels, make sure you have mounted sysfs and libsensors | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | was compiled with sysfs support! | 08:59 |
BluesKaj | !paste | 08:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:59 |
Tm_T | !paste | [ifr0g] | 08:59 |
ubotu | [ifr0g] : please see above | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | opps.. | 08:59 |
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erov | wtf... dolphin sucks?? it looks promising but there are 0 features | 08:59 |
[ifr0g] | wanted to paste 3 lines. | 08:59 |
waylandbill | BluesKaj: hopefully only old on the outside. :-D | 08:59 |
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Tm_T | erov: and? | 09:00 |
Tm_T | erov: it's meant to be simple, you know | 09:00 |
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hero | a fileman that is fast is badly-needed. | 09:01 |
BluesKaj | waylandbill, I'm retired , with too much time on my hands ..and it's raining today so i have an excuse to stay inside and chat. | 09:01 |
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hero | will it have konqueror integration, though? | 09:01 |
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nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: you can always find an excuse, if you really want to.. ;) | 09:02 |
erov | not that simple | 09:02 |
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erov | i mean... really its not good..it cant even choose the option for DELETE to be shown as opposed to move to trash.. a tedious process on several drives | 09:02 |
waylandbill | BluesKaj: I meant outside as opposed to in your mind. I meant still feeling young. | 09:02 |
spitwise | . | 09:02 |
erov | it's the simple things.. im not dogging it completely | 09:02 |
BluesKaj | yeah nosrednaekim , i could be fixing my chainsaw in the basement | 09:03 |
runlevelten | what's that erov, gnome? | 09:03 |
[ifr0g] | so why do i get that ? | 09:03 |
nosrednaekim | BluesKaj: this is safer. | 09:03 |
erov | no.. Dolphin | 09:03 |
erov | the new fm | 09:03 |
=== gumjo [n=ashtar@CPE00032f390ded-CM0011e67bbf01.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
erov | w/ kde | 09:03 |
runlevelten | dumbed down kde = crap. | 09:03 |
runlevelten | kde is not for dummies. | 09:03 |
hero | is it integral to kde4? can you do without it and use konqueror instead? | 09:03 |
nosrednaekim | I actually like dolphin's format better. | 09:03 |
waylandbill | erov, even if you shift-delete? | 09:03 |
nosrednaekim | yes, you can use konqueror. | 09:04 |
nosrednaekim | instead | 09:04 |
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erov | well i do.. i was just remarking on it.. i hadnt seen it before the upgrade to gutsy | 09:04 |
hero | good | 09:04 |
gumjo | kde needs more apps like dolphin, simple and functional | 09:04 |
hero | i like it. it's the way explorer was *supposed* to be in windows | 09:04 |
hero | gumjo: you could use gnome instead :D | 09:04 |
runlevelten | no. KDE doesn't have to cater to incompetent users, so it doesn't have to have any features removed at all. | 09:05 |
erov | i agree gumjo.. but dolphin is horriblly non-functional to even the average user IMO | 09:05 |
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erov | the settings are like... 3 check boxes.. i definately went back to konq | 09:05 |
gumjo | really? I think its the way KDE should look like | 09:05 |
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runlevelten | It's nice to have the *option* for simplicity, I'm all for everyone being able to run things how they choose. | 09:06 |
runlevelten | Only very bad software would enforce one way of doing everything ;) | 09:06 |
erov | maybe im being hard headed... just dont see the "vision" yet i guess :0 | 09:06 |
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gumjo | I think its a step for the better....the icon-based navigation and simple interface | 09:07 |
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runlevelten | Removing functionality to make things simpler is a very bad idea. | 09:07 |
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runlevelten | You might as well just turn your versioning on its head and countdown to 0.1 | 09:07 |
runlevelten | the app will get "simpler" and "cleaner" and more "minimal" with each point release. | 09:08 |
ardchoille | runlevelten: Tell that to the gnome devs, lol | 09:08 |
runlevelten | probably get faster too. | 09:08 |
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gumjo | I guess theres no arguing here, I do come from the gnome camp | 09:08 |
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erov | its even lacking icons... for that matter.. i cant navigate easily through directories when the textbox navigator is selected in dolph | 09:09 |
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erov | no UPlevel dir icon | 09:09 |
erov | oh well i shutup now | 09:09 |
erov | just had to remark abou tit | 09:09 |
nosrednaekim | no up? | 09:10 |
runlevelten | oops, brb | 09:10 |
nosrednaekim | tell me no... | 09:10 |
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xerosis | erov: dolphin is work in progress... | 09:11 |
Dr_willis | Life is a work in progress. :) | 09:11 |
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Slyboots | I dont bloody belive this, now my ATI card does not work, the same bloody message as the Nvidia one | 09:11 |
bahodir | anyone can help???? | 09:11 |
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ardchoille | Slyboots: What's the message? | 09:12 |
bahodir | i have installed new themes on kubuntu, but want to have the default theme back.. | 09:12 |
bahodir | what should i do? | 09:12 |
bahodir | guysssss | 09:12 |
bahodir | helpppp | 09:12 |
nosrednaekim | Slyboots: hi again. | 09:12 |
ardchoille | bahodir: Change themes in kcontrol? How did you install the themes? | 09:12 |
bahodir | pushed ALT f2, and then wrote kcontrol | 09:13 |
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bahodir | there is a theme manager there | 09:13 |
bahodir | yeah, kcontrol | 09:13 |
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ardchoille | bahodir: The theme manager just pulls themes from the icons, desktop, styles, etc modules in kcontrol. You can get those things back by going to the modules and choosing what you want. | 09:14 |
Dr_willis | I saved the 'default' theme setup to a file with my user. :) when i first ran it. | 09:14 |
bahodir | but now, there is no default theme | 09:14 |
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Dr_willis | Is there a 'human' kde theme? i never noticed | 09:14 |
bahodir | there are some other themes | 09:14 |
bahodir | but not the original one | 09:14 |
ardchoille | bahodir: The theme manager just pulls themes from the icons, desktop, styles, etc modules in kcontrol. You can get those things back by going to the modules and choosing what you want. | 09:14 |
ardchoille | bahodir: kcontrol: Appearance & Themes | 09:15 |
bahodir | yes | 09:15 |
Dr_willis | Which is to say there was no default saved kubuntu theme file that set the OTHERs to their defaults. I think, | 09:15 |
bluescreenofdeat | Can someone suggest a program other than QTPart or GPartEd (and Vista-resident) to resize a Vista partition? I am trying to shrink the Vista partition to make room for Kubuntu. Vista-resident SHRINK leaves 20Gig un-shrinkable... | 09:15 |
bahodir | yeah, that's right drwils | 09:15 |
Dr_willis | I perfer the Plastik theme myself. | 09:15 |
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Dr_willis | well the plastik window decorations. | 09:15 |
bahodir | but what about default one? | 09:16 |
bahodir | i want it back | 09:16 |
Dr_willis | KDE uses the term 'theme' a bit differently then other os's and DE's | 09:16 |
Dr_willis | as i said i Saved the defaults on the first time i changed them around. :) | 09:16 |
bahodir | i see | 09:16 |
ardchoille | bahodir: Go to the individual modules in kcontrol and change them back. | 09:16 |
bahodir | where are they? | 09:16 |
Dr_willis | I belive the default window decor was Plastik, the default wallpaper is still in the wallpapers list | 09:16 |
ardchoille | bahodir: kcontrol: Appearance & Themes | 09:16 |
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Dr_willis | as far as icon set.. not sure what ones they used | 09:17 |
bahodir | so | 09:17 |
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nosrednaekim | bluescreenofdeat: thats probably because of fragmentation | 09:17 |
ardchoille | bahodir: Background, Colors, Fonts, etc | 09:17 |
nosrednaekim | they use crystal | 09:17 |
bahodir | yeah, and change them manually? | 09:17 |
ardchoille | yes | 09:17 |
nosrednaekim | the default window decor is crystal as well | 09:17 |
bahodir | ok, thank you | 09:17 |
Dr_willis | theme = "window decoration" + "icon set" + "fonts (which i always change)" + Background + colors. | 09:17 |
Dr_willis | :) | 09:17 |
bahodir | thank you dr-willis too | 09:17 |
ardchoille | bahodir: The theme manager just takes things from those modules to build a theme anyway | 09:17 |
bahodir | i see | 09:17 |
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alveola | afroamerican ;))) | 09:17 |
bahodir | ok, guys have a good day | 09:18 |
bahodir | i'm out | 09:18 |
alveola | it's nice word ;)) | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | bye | 09:18 |
bluescreenofdeat | nosrednaekim: I've defragged already, took over an hour. | 09:18 |
alveola | ?) | 09:18 |
ardchoille | !ru | 09:18 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 09:18 |
evilmm | man kontact is nice | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | bluescreenofdeat: it doesn't always work completely | 09:18 |
ardchoille | evilmm: Indeed | 09:19 |
nosrednaekim | evilmm: indeed | 09:19 |
nosrednaekim | i've been trying koffice, its shaping up REALLY nice. | 09:19 |
alveola | nono!! i lost my frend in this channel | 09:19 |
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evilmm | eh, ill stick to open office | 09:19 |
aaron_ | Is there a reason why adept_installer doesn't show all the available packages? | 09:19 |
ardchoille | alveola: You lost a whole person?! | 09:19 |
ardchoille | aaron_: IT can only show packages for the repos you have enabled. | 09:20 |
aaron_ | I have enabled "unsupported" and "proprietary" | 09:20 |
nosrednaekim | evilmm: kword is way faster. | 09:20 |
alveola | I forgot his nick...just remember that his name is Pavel ;) | 09:20 |
evilmm | did you reload | 09:20 |
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aaron_ | i have enabled multiunitverse and universe | 09:20 |
nosrednaekim | aaron_: use adept_manager | 09:20 |
ardchoille | aaron_: sudo apt-get update | 09:20 |
bluescreenofdeat | How about a defragger that'll defrag Vista better? Can someone suggest one that'll work? | 09:20 |
evilmm | nosrednaekim: i assume it supports .doc | 09:21 |
aaron_ | have done apt_get update | 09:21 |
evilmm | bluescreenofdeat: reiserfs | 09:21 |
erov | you still have to defrag vista?? | 09:21 |
alveola | P.S. BilGeiz - bad man ))) | 09:21 |
nosrednaekim | yeah, at least readoning | 09:21 |
ardchoille | aaron_: Can you !pastebin your sources.list? | 09:21 |
ardchoille | !paste | 09:21 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:21 |
nosrednaekim | *reading | 09:21 |
aaron_ | for example if i type apt_get install valdalia it installs | 09:21 |
kaltas | hello I have a problem with 24" external monitor on my MacBook (C2D) - cloning works, but I would like to have 1920*1200 resolution instead of 1280x800 ... Ideally I would like to have my laptop LCD off and picture only at 24" external ... (Im trying here, because noone at #xorg know) | 09:21 |
aaron_ | but it doesn't show in adept_installer | 09:21 |
aaron_ | if i wanted to intall it by that means | 09:22 |
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ardchoille | aaron_: Oh, I do't know.. I don't use a gui for something that's faster in cli | 09:22 |
zombielion | why when im in the adept manager and i fetch updates it tells me an error everytime on this link http://us.archive.ubuntu.com Feisty/universe Packages | 09:22 |
bluescreenofdeat | erov: nosrednaekim is suggesting Vista's not defragging the partition good enough for it to shrink the partition down... it won't go back 20 gig larger than needed. | 09:22 |
nosrednaekim | aaron_: use adept_manager | 09:22 |
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bluescreenofdeat | evilmm: isn't that a filesystem? | 09:22 |
evilmm | bluescreenofdeat: yes, it was a joke | 09:22 |
nosrednaekim | bluescreenofdeat: there are thrid party tools... forget their names though ask on #windows | 09:22 |
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bluescreenofdeat | evilmm: oh, sorry. Winderz has stolen my sense of humour. :( | 09:23 |
aaron_ | i agree, i live by console, but its convienant for searching available packages related to something im installing | 09:23 |
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ardchoille | aaron_: apt-cache search packagename | 09:23 |
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ardchoille | aaron_: or apt-cache search --names-only packagename | 09:23 |
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ardchoille | aaron_: apt-cache policy packagename | 09:25 |
ardchoille | :) | 09:25 |
nosrednaekim | anyone know where those kubuntu svgs are? | 09:25 |
aaron_ | thanks alot guys for the help | 09:25 |
aaron_ | adept_intstall needs to have more options | 09:25 |
aaron_ | its waaay to basic, it filters too much | 09:26 |
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nosrednaekim | I just use adept_manager, never bother with adept installer | 09:26 |
aaron_ | yeah, it dece | 09:26 |
aaron_ | im so used to gentoo | 09:26 |
ardchoille | aaron_: IF you're good with gentoo, why are you using a gui now? | 09:27 |
aaron_ | lol, thought that i would give the most popular dist a go, when in rome | 09:27 |
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nosrednaekim | well, glad you chose Kubuntu. | 09:28 |
aaron_ | whats nice about ubuntu, is that for the most part it just works | 09:28 |
nosrednaekim | over our gnome counterpart | 09:29 |
ardchoille | aaron_: I can understand that, but still, I feel you should use that which is easiest for you. | 09:29 |
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evilmm | gentoo = linux...while you wait...for everything to compile | 09:29 |
aaron_ | agree | 09:29 |
gumjo | I've wanted to try gentoo....but compiling is scary | 09:29 |
aaron_ | its sooo fast | 09:29 |
ardchoille | I love kubuntu but don't use half the gui's it includes. I sometimes go weeks at a time without xorg even running. Gotta love screen | 09:30 |
aaron_ | with all the optimaizations | 09:30 |
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aaron_ | if your comfortable in console and you know your hardware well, gentoo is a good option | 09:30 |
hero | compiling isn't so scary on gentoo | 09:30 |
hero | you can do it! | 09:30 |
hero | you just have to take a risk. | 09:30 |
ardchoille | I'm not sure | 09:31 |
ardchoille | I remember how to compile | 09:31 |
ardchoille | I haven't had to since Warty was released. | 09:31 |
aaron_ | yeah, try installing it on a seperate partiition | 09:31 |
evilmm | compiling kde takes about 2 years | 09:31 |
ardchoille | lol | 09:31 |
aaron_ | kde is not the worst | 09:31 |
hero | having linux is all about hacking like that. it never was for the faint of heart. | 09:31 |
aaron_ | qt | 09:31 |
aaron_ | openoffice = death | 09:31 |
ardchoille | hahaha | 09:32 |
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gumjo | isn't it nice that the linux community is more diverse now....I think so | 09:32 |
evilmm | a friend of mine swears by gentoo | 09:32 |
aaron_ | i usually intsall the binaries for oo and mozilla | 09:32 |
ardchoille | I'd run gentoo, but I haven't been able to find libpatience.so.0 yet, lol | 09:32 |
hero | haha | 09:32 |
evilmm | i say fedora on the servers...(k)ubuntu on the destops | 09:32 |
aaron_ | but if you have a number of nix machings, you can spread the compiling around | 09:33 |
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gumjo | is there a performance difference if I use 32-bit kubuntu on my 64-bit pc? | 09:34 |
evilmm | i would say yes | 09:34 |
aaron_ | i wouldn't think so | 09:34 |
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aaron_ | not alot, imo | 09:35 |
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aaron_ | unless your using lots of apps that would take advantage of the increased word size | 09:35 |
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aaron_ | but i have never used it in ubuntu | 09:36 |
nosrednaekim | not in ubuntu really, but if you were using gentoo, yes | 09:36 |
BluesKaj | nope , i tried both 32 and 64 bit ...not much diff speedwise ...only in harware recognition and available drivers | 09:36 |
gumjo | I reckon compiled apps run faster though | 09:36 |
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aaron_ | in the past i have generally it more trouble than its worth | 09:36 |
Captainalan | Hi all | 09:36 |
aaron_ | drivers are not as abundant and well suported | 09:37 |
BluesKaj | <--back to 32 due to the lack of drivers for my 'stuff' | 09:37 |
aaron_ | anyways, i got to get back to some assembly work :( | 09:38 |
nosrednaekim | oh fun | 09:38 |
Captainalan | eh... anybody mind if I ask a n00b question? | 09:38 |
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bluescreenofdeat | Shoot | 09:39 |
aaron_ | just get it over with, like pulling a band aid... :) | 09:39 |
Captainalan | kk, well my processor is AMD 64 3000... | 09:39 |
Captainalan | lol | 09:39 |
Captainalan | And I installed 1386 | 09:39 |
Captainalan | version.. | 09:39 |
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Captainalan | *i | 09:39 |
Captainalan | so, I'm wondering if it installs everything 32bit | 09:39 |
aaron_ | yeah | 09:39 |
Captainalan | and if so... why won't stupid flash work on firefox... >_> | 09:39 |
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Captainalan | I know theres like 308940384 threads on it | 09:40 |
Captainalan | ...I had it working on fedora core, but that was with a 64bit installation | 09:40 |
aaron_ | unless its not x86_64 | 09:40 |
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nosrednaekim | Captainalan: it worked automatically for me, and I have an amd 64processor with i386 | 09:40 |
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Captainalan | Hmm.... well Gnash worked, but it doesn't work with stuffs like youtube | 09:40 |
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Captainalan | so I uninstalled Gnash... | 09:41 |
Captainalan | Oh! Another n00b question xP, is there a flash plugin and a flash player to download? | 09:41 |
lucek | who is PL? | 09:41 |
Captainalan | or just a flash plugin? or something | 09:41 |
jussi01 | flashplugin-nonfree | 09:41 |
jussi01 | i think | 09:41 |
jussi01 | !flash | 09:42 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:42 |
aaron_ | anyways, thanks for the help guys@ | 09:42 |
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aaron_ | **!! | 09:42 |
Captainalan | Thanks! Good link. Those IRC robots do good work | 09:43 |
BluesKaj | yes jussi01, the non-free apps works best | 09:44 |
nosrednaekim | !botsnack | 09:44 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 09:44 |
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Captainalan | ...odd it is installed. But I'll unisntall/reinstall, it may do something somehow, someway | 09:45 |
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Captainalan | well gnash or klash or anything ever have conflicts with it? | 09:49 |
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miso_ | Hello. I'm running an application as root and need it to automatically launch konqueror as a non root user. The application has the facility, but I don't know the command. Does anyone know how to do this? | 09:49 |
BluesKaj | klash, unfortunate name choice for an app :) | 09:50 |
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vnchelpplz | hi | 09:50 |
hero | should be called krash | 09:50 |
vnchelpplz | how can i get resize and rotate extension to load in krfb .. like vino | 09:50 |
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Captainalan | uhoh! | 09:52 |
BluesKaj | yeah hero , the nonfree flash player and plugin work fine | 09:52 |
Captainalan | "Conflict: flashplugin < 6 , xfs < 1:1.0.1 -5, flashplayer-mozilla " >_> | 09:53 |
hero | BluesKaj: i had a heck of a time with flash. but now i know how it works. | 09:54 |
hero | well, enough for my purposes. | 09:54 |
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BluesKaj | yeah, it's like java , ppl had trouble cuz some of it's versions wouldn't install globally | 09:55 |
hero | i just couldn't get konqueror to play it right | 09:55 |
Captainalan | brb! restarting firefox! | 09:57 |
BluesKaj | hero, some sites won't play properly in konq , but they were mostly poorly written ones that had code probs as indicated at bottom right hand indicator anime | 09:57 |
hero | BluesKaj: everything works for me now, so i'm happy. | 09:57 |
BluesKaj | cool | 09:57 |
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miso_ | can anyone tell me how to launch konqueror as a non-root user when logged in as root? | 09:58 |
evilmm | su <username> | 09:59 |
evilmm | wait frickin sudo | 09:59 |
miso_ | thanks evilmm - sudo understood ;-) | 10:00 |
evilmm | sudo -u <username> konqueror | 10:01 |
waylandbill | sudo -i -u <username> to get a shell. | 10:01 |
markrian | How do you search through ubuntu mailing list archives? | 10:01 |
fdoving | miso_: kdesu is preferred for graphjical apps. | 10:01 |
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miso_ | thanks fdoving. Am testing both now. | 10:02 |
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K-Ryan | Anyone used a WNA-2330 D-Link wireless card? | 10:05 |
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funnelweb | No,why? | 10:12 |
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totor_ | salut tous | 10:15 |
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enotee | i want to dual boot with xp but i already have fiesty installed how do i back up my kubuntu to reinstall | 10:22 |
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Raul | hi | 10:22 |
voidmage | enotee: what do you want to do? | 10:22 |
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enotee | dual boot, but i already have kubuntu installed.... | 10:23 |
zombielion | does kubuntu have like a defrag or scan disk or does it not need it. I was just wondering if it ever needed the os like cleaned up or anything remove stuff that isnt used or anything like that | 10:23 |
enotee | i know i have to install win first | 10:24 |
runlevelten | doesn't need defrag at all. It will check the disk every now and then as a precautionary measure. | 10:24 |
runlevelten | it will also need a disk check if it gets unceremoniously powered off | 10:24 |
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zombielion | will it do it by itself when it needs to | 10:25 |
runlevelten | Yeah | 10:25 |
zombielion | ok thanx | 10:26 |
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Raul | Hi, I can't automatic mount the USB key in a fresh install of Kubuntu 7.04, Any clue? | 10:26 |
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K-Ryan | !usb | 10:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:32 |
K-Ryan | Raul: You can try putting it in fstab, or mounting it somewhere, but you have to figure out the device name. | 10:32 |
K-Ryan | ie. sudo mount /dev/<device name> /folder/you/want/it/in | 10:33 |
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Raul | K-Ryan, thanx. That's the old way...but, the problem is that not even a dev get to be assigned | 10:36 |
Raul | usb 2-8: device not accepting address 5, error -110 | 10:36 |
K-Ryan | Raul: Hrmm, not sure about that | 10:36 |
K-Ryan | Stick around though, it's quiet right now but I'm sure someone can help. | 10:36 |
runlevelten | I've had that with duff devices | 10:37 |
runlevelten | right, important TV to watch | 10:37 |
Raul | thanx K-Ryan | 10:38 |
K-Ryan | You're welcome, sorry I couldn't help more. | 10:38 |
jhutchins | Raul: What kernel are you on? | 10:39 |
Raul | 2.6.20-15-generic | 10:41 |
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K-Ryan | Hey, does anyone know if http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1115416826820&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper&lid=2682039789B01 is the first or second listed in here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys | 10:43 |
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jhutchins | K-Ryan: http://tinyurl.com | 10:52 |
K-Ryan | =) | 10:52 |
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zorglu_ | !ipv6 | 11:00 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 11:00 |
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Darkrift | anyone around? | 11:02 |
Darkrift | i recently removed an ntfs partition and formatted it as ext3 and mounted it on my desktop but i notice its not mounted anymore | 11:02 |
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TheGateKeeper | Darkrift: if you want it to mount on every boot you need to modify fstab | 11:03 |
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Darkrift | ouch | 11:04 |
TheGateKeeper | !fstab | 11:05 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 11:05 |
Darkrift | something about "fSTAB" doesnt sound to friendly | 11:05 |
Darkrift | lol | 11:05 |
sunnyhours | !startup | 11:05 |
Darkrift | ty | 11:05 |
ubotu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 11:05 |
sunnyhours | !boot | 11:05 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 11:05 |
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sunnyhours | is rc.local the best (easiest) way to do an iptables-restore on boot up? | 11:06 |
Darkrift | how the hell do i use sudo mount, but still have access to the drive? | 11:07 |
Darkrift | every time i mount the drive, i cant access it | 11:07 |
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hero | Darkrift: what are you typing? | 11:11 |
funnelweb | sorry, what is typing? | 11:11 |
hero | funnelweb: eh? | 11:12 |
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funnelweb | h? | 11:12 |
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funnelweb | what do you mean with "eh"? | 11:12 |
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hero | !de | funnelweb | 11:12 |
ubotu | funnelweb: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:12 |
=== KennethP [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
funnelweb | thank you ubotu | 11:13 |
sunnyhours | is everything in /etc/init.d run when I boot up my machine? or just everything in /etc/init.d/rc.local (and everything that it references)? | 11:13 |
phpcode | I having problem installing a ident server. i have tryed pidentd, but i cant get it to work :S help?? | 11:14 |
hero | sunnyhours: yes. | 11:14 |
hero | phpcode: have you edited /etc/identd.conf ? | 11:14 |
waylandbill | sunnyhours: Depends on the runlevel you are booting to. | 11:14 |
sunnyhours | hero: that wasn't yes or no =\ | 11:14 |
phpcode | hero: /etc/identd.conf ?? | 11:14 |
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sunnyhours | waylandbill: so i'm at runlevel2 now (i think). what has been run to get me up to here? | 11:15 |
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hero | sunnyhours: rc directories specify when something starts or stops, init.d are the scripts for each process that is run or stopped | 11:16 |
hero | !identd | 11:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:16 |
hero | !pidentd | 11:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pidentd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:16 |
TeraDyne | !info identd | 11:16 |
ubotu | Package identd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 11:16 |
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hero | hang on, i'll get a doc for phpcode | 11:17 |
phpcode | hero: what to edit in there? | 11:17 |
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hero | phpcode: this is the homepage of pidentd: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~pen/pidentd/ | 11:17 |
hero | one sec and i'll get you more documentation. | 11:17 |
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hero | phpcode: here is an identd howto: http://www.mandrakehelp.com/identd-HOWTO/ | 11:18 |
hero | i decided against running ident myself. | 11:19 |
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merrylotr1 | my keyboard keeps using a spanish layout, even though every setting I can find is set to english | 11:24 |
phpcode | hero: thx | 11:25 |
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hero | phpcode: good luck! it's kind of frustrating to get to work. also keep in mind that your ISP might not let you accept connections on that port. | 11:26 |
hero | so you might have everything correctly configured but it doesn't work because your ISP blocks it | 11:26 |
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phpcode | hero: lol, ok :S | 11:27 |
sweettooth | hi i know in kubuntu, sudo is to use root privilege to run programs, however if i type su in shell, it prompts me for password which i haven't provided when it was installing, then what password will that be? | 11:28 |
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BluesKaj | merrylotr1, so you done KB layout in system settings/regional&language/layout | 11:28 |
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MPat | sweettooth, doesnt exist | 11:29 |
sweettooth | MPat, so you can never use su in kubuntu? | 11:29 |
MPat | no in my knowledge | 11:29 |
evilmm | yes you can | 11:30 |
sweettooth | how? evilmm? | 11:30 |
K-Ryan | !su | 11:30 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:30 |
K-Ryan | !superuser | 11:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about superuser - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:30 |
K-Ryan | Hrmm | 11:30 |
K-Ryan | Err | 11:30 |
hero | use sudo instead | 11:30 |
merrylotr1 | BluesKaj: I think so | 11:30 |
K-Ryan | Yeah... | 11:30 |
hero | and put in *your* password | 11:30 |
sweettooth | i know sudo -i is to use root, but just wondering | 11:30 |
hero | yeah | 11:30 |
hero | you use your own password | 11:31 |
sweettooth | as in sudo he meant, i guess | 11:31 |
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merrylotr1 | BluesKaj: I don't know what I just did, but I fxed it | 11:33 |
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clouder_ | Where can I find a setting so that I don't have to type a password for root every time I wan't to do system wide changes in KDE? I want it to act like gnome where it keeps you logged in as root for 5-10 minutes | 11:35 |
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K-Ryan | clouder_: You mean turn your konsole session into a root session? | 11:41 |
K-Ryan | sudo -i | 11:41 |
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rockets | Where do you set the default browser for KDE? | 11:43 |
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clouder_ | K-Ryan: not in the console, I mean, if I use adept-manager to install something and then right after that I go to a file so I can edit as root. It asks me for the password both times even though the actions took place within one minute of each other. In gnome there's a sort of grace period | 11:45 |
K-Ryan | Oh, not sure | 11:46 |
evilmm | rockets: default applications under personal in the system settings | 11:47 |
rockets | evilmm, I'm not actually running KDE though. I'm running Katapult under Gnome. It works great but it keeps launching websites in konqueror rather then firefox | 11:48 |
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rockets | evilmm, theres nothing in kcontrol though | 11:48 |
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tsdgeos | rockets: there is | 11:49 |
runlevelten | yeah there is, it's in kde components > default browser | 11:49 |
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rockets | tsdgeos, to set default browser? where? | 11:49 |
runlevelten | *default apps even | 11:49 |
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tsdgeos | rockets: runlevelten just told you :D | 11:49 |
runlevelten | rockets ^ | 11:49 |
rockets | there is no KDE Components -> defualt browser. | 11:49 |
runlevelten | Don't ever assume gnome has a configuration option KDE lacks. | 11:50 |
rockets | maybe thats cuz i dont have a full KDE installed | 11:50 |
runlevelten | It's never happened yet, haha | 11:50 |
runlevelten | default apps rockets | 11:50 |
rockets | ok, i put default into kcontrol's search bar | 11:50 |
rockets | Nothing shows up | 11:50 |
rockets | other then "Style" | 11:50 |
rockets | I think its because I don't have a full KDE installed. | 11:50 |
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rockets | All I have is the dependencies for Katapult and K3b | 11:51 |
runlevelten | Well if you don't have KDE installed... | 11:51 |
=== runlevelten ... | ||
rockets | but kcontrol got installed so . . . | 11:51 |
tsdgeos | rockets: try kcmshell defaultapplication | 11:52 |
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rockets | could not find module default application | 11:52 |
tsdgeos | rockets: ONE WORD | 11:52 |
rockets | yeah, defaultapplication rather | 11:52 |
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rockets | i did type it as one word in terminal | 11:52 |
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tsdgeos | then you need to install something else | 11:52 |
rockets | yeah, apt-cache search kde default isnt much help | 11:53 |
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rockets | im checking out kcmshell --list | 11:53 |
tsdgeos | rockets: try installing app-install-data and kde-systemsettings | 11:54 |
rockets | ok thanks | 11:54 |
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rockets | there is no app-install-data package | 11:54 |
tsdgeos | i have it here :D | 11:54 |
rockets | strange | 11:55 |
rockets | well i got system settings | 11:55 |
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rockets | ok how do i launch kde-systemsettings from the terminal. it can run in gui its just not in the menu | 11:56 |
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cerden | ubuntu-itsa | 11:58 |
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vzduch | ubuntu-what? | 11:59 |
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rockets | Hey I got katapult to open urls in firefox, sweet | 12:00 |
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BluesKaj | whynot just use firefox ? | 12:05 |
K-Ryan | BluesKaj: Because it's more effort =P | 12:06 |
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cerden | #join ubuntu | 12:07 |
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BluesKaj | to use FF or katapult ? :) | 12:08 |
lucky_lucas | anyones have seen the ubuntu free software laptop news http://phoronix.com/?page=news_item&px=NTg4OQ | 12:08 |
lucky_lucas | ? | 12:08 |
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lucky_lucas | I m looking for more infos | 12:09 |
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cerden | hello | 12:09 |
cerden | i need italian channel | 12:09 |
BluesKaj | !it | 12:09 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:09 |
cerden | !it | 12:10 |
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ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:10 |
Whiz2_ | i used the LiveCD for Kubuntu to test it's compatability with my new laptop, and it was not compatible with my WIFI device. Said it was an unknown revision. Any ideas? | 12:11 |
shadowhywind | ndiswrapper | 12:11 |
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shadowhywind | hay all, i was wondering what your thoughts were on writing to ntfs? | 12:11 |
Whiz2_ | ntfs-3g | 12:11 |
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shadowhywind | but any known issues? | 12:11 |
runlevelten | I wouldn't myself. | 12:12 |
Whiz2_ | i haven't had any issues with itmyself | 12:12 |
shadowhywind | i have a 200 gig harddrive using ntfs, that i was thinking of converting to fat32 so linux could use it too.. | 12:12 |
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shadowhywind | but converting it, sort of scares me *alot* | 12:12 |
runlevelten | NTFS write support is not entirely safe, because that's the way the owners of windows NTFS want it. | 12:12 |
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Whiz2_ | ntfs-3g SHOULD work | 12:12 |
shadowhywind | ah | 12:12 |
Whiz2_ | as long as it writes the file, and updates the indexes, there shouldn't be a problem | 12:13 |
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runlevelten | I'd use Free file systems, or if you're using windows use a FAT variant to ensure safe, robust access by all OSes :) | 12:13 |
runlevelten | FAT32 should do the trick. | 12:13 |
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shadowhywind | thats what i was thinking.. | 12:13 |
shadowhywind | maybe i shall just start burning stuff to dvd, and clean out the h arddrive anyways.. been about 4 years | 12:14 |
Whiz2_ | conversion isn't exactly safe either tho... could lose everything on the drive | 12:14 |
shadowhywind | nod | 12:14 |
runlevelten | I wouldn't rely on windows' NTFS - FAT conversion at all. | 12:14 |
Whiz2_ | umm... even the linux conversion can be dangerous | 12:15 |
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