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agentkI created an poste desing for a competition04:24
agentkCan someone check it and give me the permission for submiting it?04:25
kwwiifor which competition?04:26
kwwiiand where do you want to submit it?04:26
agentk8th @rc04:26
agentkthis is a Hungarian competition04:27
kwwiiis it for the hungarian ubuntu users group or such?04:27
agentkno it is a general stuf04:27
agentkyou can read more here:04:27
agentkMay I send it to someon to review it?04:29
kwwiinot sure why you would ask on this list for permission to submit something to a contest which has nothing to do with ubuntu, really04:29
kwwiiare you looking for someone to give you ideas and criticism?04:30
agentkBecause I created a series of posters about free softwares04:30
agentkfirst is for general purpose04:30
agentksecond is about Openoffice.org04:30
agentkthe third is about Ubuntu04:30
agentkalso you can give me ideas or critism04:31
agentkI wanted to put it on artwork maillist, so I have subscribed then sent a letter, but it is waitinf for approval04:33
kwwiiprobably because the attachement was too big for the list04:33
kwwiiwhat format are they in?04:33
agentkIn my opinion I have to ask permission if I want to use someones trademark, logo, etc.04:34
agentkI sent two Jpg files04:34
agentkunder 200 k in sum04:34
kwwiiwell, you can send them to me if you like...I can tell you whether or not the logo usage is ok as I work for the company04:34
agentkOk I know this might be big for a maillist04:34
agentkok kwwii04:35
kwwiikwwii at ubuntu dot com04:35
agentkI sent it to you04:38
agentkI didn't rewrite the letter - but I think it should not be a problem :o)04:39
kwwiicool, thanks04:43
kwwiithe logo usage looks fine - we have no problem with using it as such as long as that is not used in a commercial way04:43
agentkcan you send you opinion in more formal way via mail?04:44
agentkI'll not us it on commercial wal04:44
agentkit is a competition04:44
agentkso I'll not sell this stuff04:45
kwwiigreat, I'll send a mail in a bit04:51
agentkthank you04:51
kwwiino problem, glad to help04:52
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sy135hi all05:53
sy135hi kw05:53
kwwiihi sy13505:59
=== andreasn [n=andreas@h125n2fls306o1003.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
agentkkwwii: When can you send that permission by e-mail?06:12
kwwiisent :-)06:17
=== darkmatter is now known as ubuntu-catz
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agentkkwwii: :o)06:57
agentkI get it but it isn't differ at all :o)06:57
agentkI will enclose it :o)06:58
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