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superm1Hi guys, what format do you want patches in when submitting to the mailing list?  (what arguments to get-format-patch)04:47
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superm1TheMuso, trying to detect the pattern, at 20:23, i saw the same c, ugh in another channel now :)06:15
TheMusosuperm1: Its to do with a few things. My kvm, and a program I use to read the screen to me.06:16
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pipohi! are there someone spanish that can help me ? :P01:03
pipomy english is very bad >_<01:03
Nafallopipo: #ubuntu-es probably01:03
pipohi nafallo ;)01:03
pipoi try explain my problem in english, but i think that you don't understand me 01:04
Nafallopipo: the problem is about current Ubuntu  developmment then?D[D[D[D[D[D[D01:04
Nafalloehrm. I hate my PC.01:05
pipois about the kernel of linux01:05
pipoi need to apply a patch (perfctr) to use the program PAPI01:05
Nafallosure, but  is about the current development version of the distribution Ubuntus kernel?01:05
pipoI apply the patch correctly and recompile the kernel, but when i reboot the system and select this kernel, it don't run ...01:06
pipoi'm recompiling the 2.6.18 kernel version01:06
pipoin next versions the patch can't be applied01:06
Nafallosorry then. this is not a channel for user questions really. you should use #ubuntu or #ubuntu-es :-)01:06
pipooh sorry :P01:07
Nafallono problem01:07
pipodo you now some channel for this ??01:07
pipoknow >_<01:07
Nafallo"#ubuntu or #ubuntu-es :-)"01:07
pipook thanks ;)01:07
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\shhmmm...looks like I found a bug in the work between large partition sizes and eit/gpt tables in latest feisty kernel02:11
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byzzybhello everyone. I have a question. I tried fedora linux but it froze after boot right after loading initrd.img becouse of my ALi SATA/RAID M5289 Controller... at #ubuntu-installer they said I'll have to ask my questions here. So: Will and x64 Ubuntu work on my PC?05:34
byzzyb Will x64 Ubuntu work on my PC?05:35
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byzzybhm... any ideas?05:54
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zulyee haw im going home in an hour07:24
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