
b0hahome folder?12:01
liberionintelikey, what area or line is specifically there error line?12:01
mahrellonWhen I log on to Gnome (Ubuntu 7.04) there's a "Orange wallpaper" after I see me customized Gnomesplash. How do I remove it?12:01
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ilu<bastid_raZor i think im going to stay on linux for good. i have no money to buy windows vista12:01
mahrellonIt's before my personal wallpaper appears12:01
Shadow_WarriorOK, then open the terminal and type beryl12:01
spinexorzi just launched update-manager iwth options -c and -d in order to upgrade to 6.10, now i've been running dapper for a lont time now and i have a couple of programs which i installed from source and did not make a propper package for, alot of packages are being removed, should i worry about this?12:01
bastid_raZorilu: actually i'm new to Ubuntu as well.. just converted in Feb.12:01
phisher1intelikey: apt-get install tcl8.3 or tcl8.4 is not working12:01
=== deadchip is now known as wavelet
pastornb0ha: ~ is home, so if you are user Max then ~ is /home/Max/12:01
Shadow_Warriorand tell me what it responds.12:01
=== wavelet is now known as deadchip
intelikeyHint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.12:01
=== bastid_raZor baby duty calls.. i'm out
joakimwhen trying to install quake4 demo I get this "command not found"12:01
phisher1E: Couldn't find package tcl8.312:01
bastid_raZorilu: good luck :)12:01
ilu<bastid_raZor> :)12:01
intelikeyphisher1 as root ?12:01
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phisher1intelikey yes12:02
Justi2shadow_warrior: it says 'no composite extension'12:02
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-181-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyliberion Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.12:02
mahrellonjoakim: Are you running the sh installer with ./ ?12:02
SkorpKingilu: and i'm new too12:02
benjei have a problem with ati driver, all is good configured but it seems to not use the agp module for the motherboard even it's add in the modules file, config file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29552/ any idea ? it's said where i found information that to resolve the agp xf86_ENODEV i must load the agp module for the chipset but that doesn't resolv the problem ....12:02
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b0hapastorn so all i have to do is to create ~/torrent directory12:02
Shadow_WarriorOK... Hmm, run glxinfo | grep direct12:02
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joakim@mahrellon, yes I type ./ prior to the filename12:02
Shadow_Warriordo you have direct rendering?12:02
EADG_pastorn: What am I looking at to chacnge in rtorrent.rc to save sessions?12:02
intelikeyliberion the error message is probably dumped by the "quiet silent" on the kernel line12:02
iluanyone use the text bassed web browser lynx herE?12:02
b0hapastorn do i have to execute any command?12:02
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mahrellonjoakim: Could be a broken download. Have you tried downloading the installer once more?12:03
=== MrPloddy29 [n=ploddy@87-194-62-72.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
liberionintelikey, the boot script is trying to load modules it doesnt have12:03
benjeShadow_mil, non the dri failed12:03
Justi2shadow_warrior: it says 'direct rendering: Yes'12:03
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Shadow_WarriorOK so it's good Hmm...12:03
spinexorzilu, why would you? either way Elinks is way better IMO12:03
joakim@mahrellon, hmm no I have not.. guesse Ill ry that, tnks12:03
MrElendiglinks -g12:03
phisher1this is nuts12:03
mahrellonjoakim: Anytime. Good luck :)12:03
pastornb0ha: first kill rtorrent and delete the old config, then replace with this and restart12:03
intelikeyliberion ok.  if i can find the script i'll fix that.   it should only load ide-disk and ext312:03
Shadow_Warriorsee if you have xcompmgr in your hdd12:03
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pastornEADG: no clue... mine reloads if they are in my ~/torrent/ folder12:04
spinexorzi just launched update-manager iwth options -c and -d in order to upgrade to 6.10, now i've been running dapper for a lont time now and i have a couple of programs which i installed from source and did not make a propper package for, alot of packages are being removed, should i worry about this? will i have to manually reconfigure a bunch of stuff?12:04
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nitro4cedoes anyone know what's wrong with mac?12:04
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Shadow_WarriorJusti2: forghet the last thin I said12:04
iluwhat was the other text bassed url browser?12:04
Justi2shadow_warrior: I entered xcompmgr in terminal, and it said 'The program 'xcompmgr' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:12:04
Justi2sudo apt-get install xcompmgr12:04
Justi2Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled12:04
Justi2bash: xcompmgr: command not found'12:04
=== Greyscale_ [n=Grey@host86-131-35-137.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
benjeilu, lynx12:05
spinexorzilu just google elinks12:05
b0haok tnx for help pastorn12:05
pastornb0ha: accept my file?12:05
CaptainMLukeEkblad, nothing wrong with your sources.list12:05
spinexorzor use apt-get12:05
ilui already installed lynx i will try to install elinks also12:05
Shadow_WarriorJusti2: I don't think you need that because I don't have it and I can run beryl12:05
CaptainMLukeEkblad, I have to go know, try yo ask someone else. Good luck!12:05
Shadow_WarriorJusti2: what are you running? GNOME or KDE ?12:05
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Justi2shadow_warrior: gnome12:05
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Shadow_WarriorOK, and at the window manager it is selected metacity?12:06
phisher1E: Couldn't find package tcl8412:06
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phisher1as root12:06
liberionintelikey, it seems to attempt to load drivers u dont have like an errant autodetect not a problem really12:06
Shadow_Warriorin the beryl-manager's menu...12:06
=== antitab_ [n=Michael@pool-72-78-0-21.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilui am doing wikipedia on elinks now haha12:06
Justi2shadow_warrior: yes12:06
phisher1E: Couldn't find package tcl8.412:06
ilulynx sucks compared to elinks12:06
Shadow_WarriorOK... lemme try it another way :)12:06
|c4|could someone help me with getting my nvidia drivers installed?12:06
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intelikeyphisher1 then you need to enable the MAIN repository and update the database12:07
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pastornb0ha, EADG_: fine, don't take my file then12:07
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benje|c4|, which graphic card ?12:07
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benje|c4|, lsci |grep VGA12:07
spinexorzi just launched update-manager iwth options -c and -d in order to upgrade to 6.10, now i've been running dapper for a long time now and i have a couple of programs which i installed from source and did not make a propper package for, alot of packages are being removed, should i worry about this? will i have to manually reconfigure a bunch of stuff?12:07
benje|c4|, lspci |grep VGA12:07
intelikeyphisher1 unless you are using gutsy    then you should be in  #ubuntu+112:07
benjespinexorz, it could12:08
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Justi2shadow_warrior: do I need a 'composite extension'?12:08
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spinexorzi hate dist upgrades ;( they make me feel uneasy...12:08
=== Knowledge [n=Knowledg@c-76-29-19-242.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0hapastorn ??12:08
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phisher1no idea what gutsy is..12:08
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phisher1I'm using kubuntu.. and it cannot find package name tcl8.412:08
intelikeyliberion ok i'll fix it.   thanks for the heads up on what to look for.12:08
benjespinexorz, remove all package you have install and put the ubuntu-desktop before doing upgrade12:08
=== gooch [n=gooch@c-24-0-50-29.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
phisher1could this be because of the lack of a certain repository or something?12:08
intelikeyphisher1 then you need to enable the MAIN repository and update the database12:08
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+112:08
intelikeyphisher1 unless you are using gutsy    then you should be in  #ubuntu+112:08
=== Zack [n=Zack@user-142o0n9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
iluwhen i do apt-get install does the program get loaded from ubuntus url or is it in the hdds files from the installation?12:08
b0hapastorn, plz send it on my mail, because i dont see any file transfer in xchat12:09
phisher1how do you enable the MAIN repository and update the database?12:09
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spinexorzok, htis is going to take days12:09
benjespinexorz, you can resolv thing if it will failed12:09
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phisher1and this channel is only for gutsy ?12:09
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fw1987ciao a tutti12:09
intelikey!repos > phisher112:09
goochdoes anyone here have experience with compiz and blender video issues?12:09
ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".12:09
LamegoPhilKC, System -> Administration -> Software Properties12:09
pastornb0ha: no12:09
b0hapastorn,  why?12:09
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|c4|benje- thanks12:09
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is12:10
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pastorni broke dpkg!!! http://paste.lisp.org/display/4439112:10
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preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
astro76!ops | preem12:10
pr0nGuyCan someone tell me why i lost all my desktop icons?  I seem to have a problem with Nautilus.12:10
benjeerf preem12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
LukeEkbladI have a problem, and i'v been trying to get help since last night!  Pleas somebody help me fix this.  ok, when I open the Add/Remove thing this error pops up http://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/grrrr then i have to exit it.  Pleas heeeeelp12:10
ubotupreem: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
phisher1control your channel.12:10
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preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
pastornkick please?12:10
fw1987scusate qualcuno sa come catturare la schermata del desktop con windowmaker? mi spiego con gnome e kde basta premere lo "stamp"12:10
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:10
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preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
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jkmz52what the hell12:10
preemTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic12:10
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iluBAN PREEM12:10
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:10
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phisher1i'll try to come back later..12:11
pastornthank you12:11
StoneNotethank you12:11
phisher1thanks for trying intelikey12:11
Tlinkthank you12:11
pastorni broke dpkg!!! http://paste.lisp.org/display/4439112:11
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mahrellonIs it possible to either recover a lost password for the Gnome-Keyring-Manager or can I simply uninstall it?12:11
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Spaceman3750OK, before I get cut off again12:11
benje|c4|, i have do nothing just ask you which card :)12:11
goochdoes anyone here have experience with compiz and blender video issues?12:11
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MrElendigmhz`-: you can rm the keyring file12:11
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Justi2What is a "composite extension"?12:11
Spaceman3750The partition slider in the installation, is that to resize the Windows partition or to determine the size of the Linux partition?12:11
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intelikeygooch #ubuntu-effects12:12
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Spaceman3750My internet is wacky and I only have like 1 minute12:12
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mahrellonMrElendig: Thx =)12:12
Shadow_WarriorArgh I froze the PC.12:12
benjeJusti2, ati too ?12:12
Lamegomahrellon, you can't restore12:12
Justi2benje yes12:12
SlimeyPeteJusti2: it's the extension which is used by 3D compositing software suh as Compiz and Beryl12:12
Justi2slimeypete: how can I add it?12:12
EADG_b0ha: I got my session to resume, how are you doing?12:12
goochwhen i turn on compiz i can't launch blender....i get all kinds of screen artifacts12:12
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LukeEkbladCan somebody pleas help? I have a problem, and i'v been trying to get help since last night!  Pleas somebody help me fix this.  ok, when I open the Add/Remove thing this error pops up http://lukeekblad.googlepages.com/grrrr then i have to exit it.12:12
Spaceman3750Guys, the slider, does it change the Windows or the Ubuntu partition size?12:13
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-225-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0haEADG_, i didnt find out jet12:13
benjejussi01, http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/CompositeExt12:13
LamegoLukeEkblad, open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install -f12:13
Spaceman3750My internet is gonna screw me over in like 1 minute12:13
b0haEADG_, how did you do it?12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slider - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
LukeEkbladLamego:  i know, i alredy did that12:13
Spaceman3750The partition size slider12:13
=== BaileyJ [n=BaileyJ@r75-110-33-157.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lamegopastebin the result of it12:13
EADG_b0ha: you need to edit your ~/.rtorrent.rc file12:14
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Shadow_WarriorOK... Justi2 look at advanced beryl options and then at composite overlay window and see if it's on automatic12:14
jussi01benje: please try not to ping me randomly12:14
benjenobody for the xf86_Enodev with12:14
benjesorry jussi0112:14
Justi2shadow_warrior: it is12:14
Shadow_WarriorArgh... :|12:14
benjeJusti2, , http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/CompositeExt12:14
Spaceman3750OK, nevermind12:14
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EADG_b0ha: uncomment the line that says "session = ~/dir"  change dir to what ever directory you put your .torrent files into.12:15
=== infamouskid_ [n=infamous@bas4-toronto06-1242458604.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
LukeEkbladLamego:  u still helping me?12:15
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Justi2benje: I don't understand what I do at that link12:15
intelikeyLukeEkblad sudo fuser -ki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ;sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get install -f           <<<< run that.12:16
benjeJusti2, you ask what is extention composite12:16
b0haEADG_, ok thank you12:16
npriceI'm running gutsy and when I log in to GDM, gnome never starts, if I log into the failsafe xterm and run "gnome-session" everything opens properly... What should I look at to figure out what's happening?12:16
LamegoLukeEkblad, yes, if you pastebin the result and use my nick to get my attention :)12:16
Justi2benje: I need to know how to get it12:16
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letubenaiah /join #gmail12:16
benjeJusti2, with ati you can't12:16
benjeif you want 3d accel12:16
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LukeEkbladLamego:  ok12:16
EADG_pastorn: thanks for the heads up on rtorrent sessions.12:16
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Shadow_WarriorJusti2: sudo apt-get install libxcomposite112:17
benjeif you get it no dri will work12:17
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compengiwhat's the best terminal temperature meter?12:17
Justi2benje: yeah when I enabled it in xorg it slowed down my screensavers and games12:17
=== fleetadmiral74 [n=ed@c-67-160-183-94.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjethat normal12:17
Shadow_WarriorYou're running feisty or upper, aren't you Justi212:17
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compengicpu temperature meter*12:17
infamouskidhi everyone12:17
Justi2shadow_warrior: fiesty12:17
compengihi infamouskid12:17
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Shadow_WarriorOK... it should work the line I gave you...12:17
Shadow_Warriorno benje ?12:17
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infamouskidhey can someone help me?12:18
EADG_compengi: acpi -V    -VF for farhenhiet.12:18
infamouskidi just finished installing and updating my ubuntu12:18
Puppy_could someone help me? I am trying to add kde as a windows manager. When I installed it at the end it said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29563/ Is this ok?12:18
compengi!ask | infamouskid12:18
phisher1it was a firewall issue12:18
ubotuinfamouskid: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:18
intelikeyphisher1 k12:18
phisher1I had to set an http::proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf12:18
phisher1and then do an apt-get update12:18
EADG_compengi: err -Vf12:18
phisher1I knew I wasn't crazy12:18
benjeShadow_Warrior, with ati and 3d you can have only one not the both if activ no dri if not dri will work12:18
infamouskidok my question is. i am trying to assign a drive letter to my dvd drive. how do i that?12:18
phisher1thanks again12:18
LukeEkbladhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29565/  there you go Lamego12:18
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benjewith thte fglrx Shadow_Warrior12:18
happyfaceIs there a way to open the nvidia "gamma adjust wizard" in Ubuntu as there is with Windows?12:19
Justi2shadow_warrior: it said libxcomposite1 is already the newest version.12:19
Shadow_Warriorbenje: Hmm... that's weird...12:19
compengiEADG, No support for device type: thermal12:19
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Shadow_WarriorSo Justi2 you have ati?12:19
ilulol i am searching for midget porn on free6 via elinks a text bassed url browser12:19
Justi2shadow_warrior: unfortunately yes12:19
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LamegoLukeEkblad, sudo apt-get remove beryl-plugins-unsupported12:19
iluvery strange12:19
infamouskidhow do i assign a drive letter to my dvd rom drive?12:19
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Fezzler_My installation of Feisty is really messed up.  After login, I get a blank blue screen.  No X or gnome-panel or nautilus.  I don't want to do a fresh install.  And since the kernel is so darn stable in linux, is there a way to rebuilt?12:20
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Puppy_Could someone help me? I am trying to add kde as a windows manager. When I installed it at the end it said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29563/ Is this ok?12:20
=== bolt [n=r00t@ti211310a341-2022.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
happyfaceIs there a way to open the nvidia "gamma adjust wizard" in Ubuntu as there is with Windows?12:20
benjethat doesn't work like this in gnu/linux infamouskid12:20
EADG_compengi: No cpu temp for you I'm afraid.12:20
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Jordan_UFezzler_, You never *need* to re-install Linux :)12:20
CylleneHello. I just upgraded to 7.04 from 6.10. Whenever the screensaver activates X crashes.12:21
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boltI'm typing "dpkg-reconfigure locales" but all it does is recreate en_US.UTF-8. How can I select other locales to generate?12:21
Jordan_UFezzler_, Can you login in safe mode?12:21
benjeinfamouskid, you have the name of where you mount it infamouskid12:21
CylleneI have a very small backtrace.12:21
CylleneDoes anyone know what is wrong?12:21
Shadow_WarriorJusti2: you could buy an nvidia compatible... but if it's not that important...12:21
compengiEADG, i can see that, but's it's intel. weird12:21
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benjei re ask again if some one know how12:21
Shadow_Warrior(a nvidia ... )12:21
Fezzler_JordanU:  I refuse to give in! :)12:21
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intelikeyLukeEkblad sudo mv /usr/lib/beryl/libgroup.so /root ;sudo dpkg --configure -a ;sudo apt-get install -f12:21
benjei have a problem with ati driver, all is good configured but it seems to not use the agp module for the motherboard even it's add in the modules file, config file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29552/ any idea ? it's said where i found information that to resolve the agp xf86_ENODEV i must load the agp module for the chipset but that doesn't resolv the problem ....12:21
=== Torin [i=torin@nekromanta.pl] has joined #ubuntu
EADG_compengi: do you have no acpi as a boot option?12:21
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EADG_compengi: or perhaps it's not installed.12:21
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Justi2shadow_warrior: I had an nvidia, but we had to get a replacement computer from dell, and they sent us one with ATI :(12:22
infamouskidbenje: i dont understand what you mean?12:22
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Puppy_Could someone help me, please? I am trying to add kde as a windows manager. When I installed it at the end it said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29563/ Is this ok?12:22
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Shadow_WarriorJusti2: or you could search for a way around that ati restriction..12:22
compengiEADG, let me check12:22
benjeinfamouskid, in linux ther no drive lettre12:22
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infamouskidbenje: i am trying to get wine to work with my warcraft 3 but i am stuck at the part that says you have to assign a drive letter to the dvdrom drive12:22
benjeyou get the name of where you mount the drive12:22
Torinanyone have got account on ubuntuforums.org ? ;] 12:22
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FruitieXPuppy_: There should not be any reason to worry...12:22
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Jordan_UTorin, I do, why?12:22
benjeinfamouskid, winecfg and configurt it here12:22
Shadow_WarriorJusti2: I hope you find a way :) Sorry if I cannot help any further.12:22
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LukeEkbladhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29567/ Lamego12:23
atrus25I have a sound problem. I was able to play sounds (but only through the center channel is there a way to change that?) and now it isn't working again at all. WHen I try to play songs it says the audio output is in use by another application. what did I do?12:23
Puppy_FruitieX: so I can restart and go into kde if I want?12:23
Justi2shadow_warrior: thanks for your help anyway12:23
infamouskidbenje: what is the location of winecfg?12:23
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compengiEADG, it is12:23
Puppy_FruitieX: thanks!12:23
FruitieXPuppy_: NP12:23
Fezzler_Ok.  Safe mode.  Then what?  Here is what I think happened.  My system was running perfect for months.  I decided to try and make some screencasts for You Tube.12:23
benjeinfamouskid, it"s install with wine type in the console wincfg12:23
FruitieXGood luck ;)12:23
Justi2shadow_warrior: are there any other windows managers that are similar to beryl?12:23
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benjewinecfg infamouskid12:23
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FruitieXPuppy_: wait!12:23
infamouskidbenje:brb lemme try12:23
LamegoLukeEkblad, sudo apt-get remove beryl-plugins-unsupported-data beryl-plugins-unsupported-dbg12:23
Shadow_WarriorJusti2: there is Compiz.12:23
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FruitieXPuppy_: you installed kubuntu-desktop, right?12:24
EADG_compengi: I would say there isn't a temp probe then.12:24
Shadow_Warriorthe one that ubuntu comes with12:24
Gaffaneysyeah, i was wondering the about wine and crossing filesystems, too..  i wanted to run mirc under wine but the installation program uses the windows filesystem.  how do you install programs using windows installers under linux?12:24
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:24
infamouskidbenje:btw i am very impressed with linux12:24
Tlinkinfamouskid : winecfg is a program, just type "winecfg" at a command prompt12:24
boltI'm typing "dpkg-reconfigure locales" but all it does is recreate en_US.UTF-8. How can I select other locales to generate?12:24
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Shadow_WarriorJusti2: did you have wobbly windows when you ran ubuntu?12:24
Fezzler_I downloaded recordmydesktop.  Video capture was perfect but sound didn't record.  To fix sound, I tweaked sound setting more than I can back trace.12:24
CarmenSandiegoDoes dm-crypt come with Feisty Fawn? Wikipedia tells me it's in linux kernel versions 2.6 and later12:24
benjeGaffaneys, by wine12:24
EADG_compengi: does your bios report a cpu temp?12:24
compengiEADG, sure12:24
infamouskidbenje:wow... ok i am looking at the cfg gui giiime a minute12:24
benjeGaffaneys, but verfify before ti work in there own site12:24
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Justi2shadow_warrior: like the animation effect?12:25
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compengiEADG, as every original intel motherboards do12:25
Gaffaneyswell, i can run the install program, but it gets to the point where it asks where it wants to install mirc C\Program Files\Mirc    do you just type in /wherever/you/want/it   ?12:25
avaloncan anyone tell me how to burn a sparseimage type disc image?12:25
Fezzler_Next thing I know the time between login and the loading of my wallpaper and theme grew longer.12:25
infamouskidbenje:is win2000 emulation the best option???12:25
LukeEkbladLamego:   dude!  thank you soooo much12:25
Shadow_WarriorWobbly like when you move them it tends to shear to one side.12:25
LukeEkbladLamego:  it worked!12:25
EADG_compengi: I'm stumped, but keep asking.12:25
benjeGaffaneys, to install mirc tht mean nothing :/12:25
LamegoLukeEkblad, you just need to follow the error messages ;)12:25
astro76Gaffaneys, pick the default of c:\Program Files\whatever12:25
LamegoLukeEkblad, and btw, you should not use unsupported repositories :)12:25
benjeGaffaneys, it's for prgram that you canno't found under gnu/linux12:25
Tlinkinfamouskid : depends on the program, but generally win2000 works well12:26
Fezzler_And next, my application menu would freeze after the use of one program.12:26
compengiEADG_, okay, thanks a lot :)12:26
Justi2shadow_warrior: I don't think so.. they are just normal windows12:26
LukeEkbladLamego:  ok!  thanks12:26
Lamegoit can break your system, really bad12:26
Lamegonp :)12:26
Fezzler_Hard drive and memory tested fine.12:26
EADG_compengi: Or perhaps install a wiget/desklette  www.gnome-look.org or kde-look.org.12:26
=== Thaddeus [n=thaddeus@pool-72-86-46-230.clppva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjeto know the status see here infamouskid Gaffaneys http://winehq.org12:26
LukeEkbladLamego:  bye the way, do you know how to get that snow affect?12:26
Gaffaneysastro76:  where does it install then? if you pick the default12:26
Shadow_WarriorHmm, Justi2 that bad sign... try to run compiz from a terminal... and see what's the result.12:26
CarmenSandiegoOK then, how do I check my linux kernel version?12:26
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LamegoLukeEkblad, nope, i am not a compiz/beryl user :)12:26
=== Bulli [n=janis@dynadsl-080-228-201-253.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
avaloncan anyone tell me how to burn a sparseimage type disc image?12:26
LamegoCarinArr, uname -a12:26
benjeappdb on the left Gaffaneys infamouskid you will get all information12:26
Lamegoon a terminal12:26
Jordan_UFezzler_, Can you login in safe mode?12:26
Fezzler_One clue is I added and played with a program/driver Avahi mDNS/DNSSD.  I think my troubles started there.12:26
=== MrFeetio [n=david@c-71-230-5-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjeCarmenSandiego, unamr -a12:27
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benjeCarmenSandiego, uname -a12:27
CarmenSandiegowhich one/#12:27
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CarmenSandiegobenje: oh I see, sorry. brb12:27
astro76Gaffaneys, ~/.wine/drive_c/12:27
Justi2shadow_warrior: it says no composite extension :(12:27
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iShockHeya. Is there a PHP editor thats like NVU?12:27
Shadow_Warrior:( That's not good :|12:28
benjeJusti2, tu active composite set compostie "enable" but you will lost 3d accel by dri12:28
m1rishock , bluefish12:28
=== ponch_ [n=ponch@adsl-75-54-65-144.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
SkryptHow do you uninstall programs?12:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:28
Shadow_WarriorSo Justi2 if you activate composite, no more other Gl aplications?12:28
MegaNoobUbuntuhow to install a good burner with ubuntu version 7.0412:28
LukeEkbladlmae oh12:28
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SlimeyPetebenje: unless Justi2 switches to AIGLX... or XGL... or whicever one it is which doesn't come with Ubuntu, I think?12:28
benjeSkrypt, use synaptic in gnome adept in kde12:28
Jordan_USkrypt, Use apt-get or synaptic12:28
SlimeyPeteI'm pretty sure that's what I did12:28
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benjeSlickMcRunfast, aiglx is in fiesty12:29
Justi2shadow_warrior: yeah the 3d driver just like dies12:29
benjeerf sorry SlickMcRunfast12:29
tupahey, I'm having trouble with my registered nick12:29
stufkanMegaNoobUbuntu: k3b is a good burner12:29
benjeSlimeyPete,  aiglx is in fiesty12:29
tupacan a staffer drop it so I can put another password?12:29
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karelHi, I'm having a problem with XGL. I'm using a Thinkpad R60 with ATI X1400 card. A gnome session works fine @ SXGA+ resolution, however, when I try to load an XGL session, the screen is really distorted (everything seems to be extremely skew, I can't read it). When I put my xorg.conf to XGA resolution the XGL session loads as it's supposed to. Anyone an idea what I can do?12:29
xp_prgI keep trying to use apt-get install to install stuff and I keep getting:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:30
xp_prg  ubuntustudio-audio: Depends: ardour12:30
xp_prgE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).12:30
xp_prgany ideas how I fix this?12:30
SlimeyPetebenje: ah right. I switched to the other one and AFAIK I have dri and compositing.12:30
Fezzler_Jordon_U: How do I boot safe mode?12:30
Justi2karel: good luck with an ati x140012:30
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Shadow_WarriorJusti2: Hmm don't really know alternative around that :|12:30
Jordan_Uxp_prg, Have you tried: sudo apt-get -f install12:30
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Fezzler_I hit ESC at boot and see a recovery mode option12:30
bluebananaI'm webmastering a small website and I want to upload a sitemap to google.com. How do i create a sitemap? Do i need to use a program? What do you (plural) recommend?12:30
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karelJusti2: I know it's not exactly the best card, it did however run beryl a while back12:30
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xp_prgya it says:  After unpacking 17.2MB of additional disk space will be used.12:31
xp_prgDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? y12:31
xp_prg(Reading database ... 121088 files and directories currently installed.)12:31
xp_prgUnpacking ardour (from .../ardour_1%3a2.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...12:31
xp_prgdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ardour_1%3a2.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):12:31
xp_prg trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo', which is also in package ardour-gtk12:31
xp_prgdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)12:31
xp_prgErrors were encountered while processing:12:31
Lamegobluebanana, your question is not for this channel :)12:31
xp_prg /var/cache/apt/archives/ardour_1%3a2.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb12:31
xp_prgE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:31
Jordan_U!paste | xp_prg12:31
benjeSlimeyPete, how this is due to fglrx which can use both not the server12:31
ubotuxp_prg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:31
Lamegoyou just need a text editor :)12:31
boltI'm typing "dpkg-reconfigure locales" but all it does is recreate en_US.UTF-8. How can I select other locales to generate?12:31
=== daveshere [n=aaa@c-75-69-121-114.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xp_prgI don't know what I should do12:31
Shadow_Warriorkarel: could you run other applications using GL when running beryl?12:31
benjexp_prg, you ahave pastebin to do such thing12:31
SlimeyPetebenje: ah right12:31
xp_prgbenje ok12:31
bluebananaLamego, sorry. I thought someone can recommend a ubuntu program. 8-)12:31
SlimeyPeteI've only done it once so far so I've forgotten the details of what I did ;)12:31
Lamegobluebanana, any text editor :)12:31
xp_prgJordan_U: do you know what I should do?12:31
bluebananaLamego, ok. thanks12:31
=== bluebanana [n=jeff@S010600c09f5f99a4.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
iShockHow would I use bluefish to preview my page?12:32
Fezzler_Jordan_U: recoverymode same as safe mode boot?12:32
karelShadow_Warrior: please define GL?12:32
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Xsylottequestion: which anti virus for ubuntu is ok ?12:32
Xsylottei need it also to scan my windows partitions12:32
Jordan_UFezzler_, No, failsafe session for Gnome, it's in the sessions  menu at login12:32
|_ockeXsylotte, hehe any antivirus is for windows partitions12:32
Xsylotteand is there any solution to write into windows partitions ?12:32
stufkanavg makes antivirus for linus12:32
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benjeclamav ou aegis-virus-scanner but you doen't need to gnu/linux12:32
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | Xsylotte12:33
ubotuXsylotte: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:33
stufkanelse is clamav good12:33
Jordan_UXsylotte, clamav12:33
Xsylottein standard repo ?12:33
|_ockeclamav is the best12:33
JunecyQuestion: I have a WMV file and I need to view it. However I don't seem to have the correct player to do so can someone tell me the correc t program to use. (I am not well versed and would prefer a sudo apt-get install command if possible)12:33
benjejust one thing about clamav the engine is not up to date12:33
stufkanhow good is nfts-3g?12:33
Shadow_WarriorGL = GLX OpenGL, 3D Screen savers12:33
stufkanno funny errors?12:33
benjestufkan, very12:33
=== tinin__ [n=tinin@64.Red-81-35-197.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xsylottegraphical front-end for ClamAV12:33
XsylotteClamTk is a GUI front-end for ClamAV using perl-Gtk2.12:33
Jordan_Ustufkan, It is perfectly stable :)12:33
=== Dinsdale is now known as Arsanerit
stufkannice :D12:33
stufkanthats must be a try12:33
|_ockestufkan, it worked for me to copy an entire HDs data12:33
|_ockeand to write it to the new drive, and no errors12:34
=== bolt cries
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benjeno answer i return to my perl :/12:34
XsylotteJordan_U: can i get viruses from windows partitons ?12:34
Shadow_Warriorkarel: so if you couldn't you might have the same problem as Justi212:34
Xsylottei know that there are few linux viruses.12:34
|_ockeXsylotte, no, theres no such thing12:34
benjeXsylotte, ther no linux virus12:35
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|_ockeXsylotte, theres only like 512:35
benjeonly worm12:35
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Justi2shadow_warrior: I also have a ati x140012:35
Xsylottei've read some article that there is some windows/linux virus12:35
benjefrom unix12:35
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|_ockeXsylotte, and tey were all created in a lab in specific conditions that will never exist on normal installations12:35
|_ockeXsylotte, thats BS12:35
Xsylottebut it doesn't do anything dangerous so far.12:35
JunecyAny suggestions on a video player to play .wmv files?12:35
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SuperkuhThere are multi-platform payload worms.12:35
MegaNoobUbuntucant install it i have 5.0412:35
Fezzler_ok.  while I'm booting I have a confession.  In an attempt to fix this issue I have uninstalled and reinstalled a bunch.  X server.  Gnome-panel.  Firefox.  Office.  Media Players.  You name it.12:35
benjereally read the title is linux virus but it's not virus12:35
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Shadow_WarriorSo it's surely the same problem :|12:35
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SlimeyPeteXsylotte: there is a virus which takes advantage of OpenOffice.org on both platforms iirc12:35
astro76Junecy, totem will play it with the right codecs12:35
Jordan_UXsylotte, That is a virus for Open Office and was only a proof of concept,12:35
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astro76Junecy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:35
JunecyHow do I get them?12:35
SlimeyPetebut it's proof-of-concept. It's not been spotted in the wild AFAIK.12:35
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JunecyI don't know anything abouit codecs installation12:36
Xsylottethx. i hate being newbie in linux :D12:36
karelShadow_Warrior: well, @ XGA compiz is working, It's just SXGA+ that doesn't work, I had that with ubuntu6 too (no effects), just don't remember the fix12:36
Jordan_U!codecs | Junecy12:36
ubotuJunecy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:36
Pelo!codecs | Junecy12:36
Justi2What are some games that you all recommend for ubuntu?\12:36
PeloJusti2,  for games we recommend windows12:36
|_ockeJusti2, nexuiz, sauerbraten12:36
Xsylotteummm... question?12:36
XsylotteE: clamav-base: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 112:36
XsylotteE: clamav-freshclam: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured12:36
XsylotteE: clamav: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured12:36
XsylotteE: clamtk: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured12:36
Jordan_U!games | Justi212:36
ubotuJusti2: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:36
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EADG_SlimeyPete: correct, proff of concept, and I think there was an OO update yesterday...12:37
astro76Junecy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:37
PeloJusti2,  this might help http://kahvipapu.com/blog/2007/06/16/linux-gaming-part-one-first-person-shooters12:37
TlinkJusti2 : World of warcraft runs well under wine, also there is a native linux port of Neverwinter Nights12:37
PriceChild!paste | Xsylotte12:37
ubotuXsylotte: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:37
FruitieXJusti2: I recommend Nexuiz ;)12:37
JunecyI tried and got "root@justin-laptop:/home/justin# sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:37
JunecyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:37
JunecyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:37
boltI'm typing "dpkg-reconfigure locales" but all it does is recreate en_US.UTF-8. How can I select other locales to generate?12:37
Fezzler_Jordan_U: At  login screen.  Do I want to select "failsafe gnome" ??12:37
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Jordan_UFezzler_, Yes12:37
XsylottePriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29568/12:37
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FruitieXJunecy: Check if you have another package manager running12:38
astro76Junecy, do you have synaptic open?12:38
benjeJunecy, you have an other package manager open12:38
anotherkevinCan anyone tell me why apt wants to upgrade a package I built from source, even though the version number is the same?12:38
FruitieXJunecy: otherwise you might want to restart...12:38
JunecyI had synaptic running12:38
MegaNoobUbuntuplzz who can help me i have ver.5.04 of ubuntu i want to update to 7.04 so i downloaded that version seems to be an iso ,so i need a burner but i cant install gnome baker or k3b because i have an to old version12:38
Shadow_Warriorkarel: Hmm, don't really know the answer to that :|12:38
FruitieXJunecy: There's the problem12:38
Jordan_Uanotherkevin, No,  but I can tell you how to keep it from doing so :)12:38
Z4mm3rsHello all, just curious if anyone can help me with installing a radeon 8500 with Xorg 7.2 if its possible12:38
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karelShadow_Warrior: thanks for trying with me ;)12:38
Jordan_U!pin | anotherkevin12:38
ubotuanotherkevin: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:38
FruitieXMegaNoobUbuntu: Can you try to update via the package manager?12:39
Xsylottehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29568/ - umm ?12:39
JunecyThank you guys! I'll let you know how it goes112:39
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Shadow_Warriorlol not that I did anything :)12:39
Fezzler_Jordon_U: "Could not find the gnome installation.  Running the failsafe Xterm session instead.  Ok"    Do I hit okay?12:39
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Jordan_UZ4mm3rs, What problem are you having?12:39
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MegaNoobUbuntuand what most i update?12:39
kbrookshilights please12:39
Z4mm3rsthe latest proprietarys can not be installed with 7.212:39
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kbrookswho hilighted me12:39
Z4mm3rslooked into downgrading but read all bad things that can happen while doing that12:40
Jordan_UFezzler_, Sure, that would explain why you are having problems though if it can't find Gnome :)12:40
FruitieXMegaNoobUbuntu: run: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and edit everything "hoary" to "feisty"12:40
JunecyOkay it set up let me test the file12:40
Z4mm3rswondering if there is any sort of walk around to getting the drivers properly installed12:40
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Fezzler_JOrdan_U: boot with Xterm then?12:40
bronzeare the servers up now? Can I update ubuntu?12:40
FruitieXMegaNoobUbuntu: After this, open a terminal and write: sudo aptitude update12:40
Jordan_UFezzler_, At the failsafe terminal try running gnome-session12:40
JunecyIt gives me the same error12:40
Jordan_UFezzler_, Yes12:40
adaminlais any one else getting update with warning? My update manager won't fetch.12:40
Xsylottebtw. how to update clamav ? i must be root ?12:40
neverbluedifference between apt-get and aptitude?12:40
FruitieXMegaNoobUbuntu: And then sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:40
JunecyIt says it's encrypted?12:40
atrus25I have a sound problem. I was able to play sounds (but only through the center channel is there a way to change that?) and now it isn't working again at all. WHen I try to play songs it says the audio output is in use by another application. what did I do?12:40
FruitieXneverblue: aptitude has a nice user interface"12:41
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Jordan_Uatrus, Are you using an application that uses OSS instead of ALSA?12:41
EADG_!kernal > EADG_12:41
FruitieXgn8 everyone living in europe! xD12:41
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FruitieXI'd better go 2 sleep, cu all12:41
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FruitieXMegaNoobUbuntu: Hope you got everything I said to you12:41
danny3793hi there, im trying to use hdparm to increase my HD's performance, but when i run hdparm -i /dev/hda it tells me information about my DVD drive...12:42
FruitieXif gksudo doesn't work, try the same in a terminal but use sudo instead of gksudo. Good luck!12:42
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EADG_How do I upgrade my kernal? I have 2.6.15 on Dapper.12:43
atrus25Jordan_U: how do I know that? I am playing a video in totem12:43
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Jordan_U!sound | atrus12:43
Fezzler_JOrdon_U:  Ok.  Xterm has me at command prompt.  Now what?12:43
ubotuatrus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:43
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Z4mm3rsand if its not possible to install can anyone help me with downgrading Xorg, somewhat willing to give it a try and if I have problems would just continue to use BSD12:43
atrus25Jordan_U: the video had been working12:43
Jordan_Uatrus25, See above12:43
atrus25Jordan_U: I did that12:43
atrus25it had been working12:43
atrus25it just stopped12:43
PeloEADG, kernel updates if they are available for your version will occur automaticaly12:43
Jordan_UZ4mm3rs, What problem are you having?12:44
Justi2If I plug in a tv with an s-vid cable, what are the chances of my video card drivers crashing?12:44
Fezzler_JordanU: /etc/init.d/gdm start??12:44
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EADG_Pelo with apt-get?12:44
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atrus25Jordan_U: I have already looked through all of that and can't figure out what is wrong12:44
danny3793anyone know why my hda is being read as my DVD drive instead of my hard drive?12:44
Shadow_Warriorkbrooks: Hello! What was that site again with the vmware files?12:44
Shadow_WarriorI think you posted it...12:44
PeloEADG, sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get upgrade12:44
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kbrooksShadow_Warrior, i did not12:45
Jordan_UFezzler_, No, from the terminal it gives run "gnome-session"12:45
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bulltitani have an intel hd 940gml sound card and my problem was audio coming out from speakers and headphones, to solve this i've reinstalled alsa to the latest version with no problems and after reboot i have no audio at all and it says my card is not recognized12:45
Shadow_WarriorOK , sorry kbrooks :)12:45
MegaNoobUbuntuwhen i run gksudo..... all that i get is a blanc list??12:45
EADG_Pelo: thanks.12:45
Shadow_WarriorWarbo: Did you post the site with the vmware files?12:45
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adaminlaHas anyone got the update download message? 18 downloads? My upgrade mngr can't fetch.12:45
Fezzler_Jordan_U: What should happen?12:45
Tlinkdanny3793 : might try having a look at your fstab file in /etc12:45
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bulltitanany ideas?12:45
PeloMegaNoobUbuntu, what command are you tring to run ?12:45
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Rhynrihello.. anyone know anything about laptop backlights?12:45
WarboShadow_Warrior: Oh? Sorry, I haven't been reading any messages without my name in for a while. So no :(12:46
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CorpseFeederIf I wanted to set up a spare computer as a firewall for my network, what firewall software offers the most customizable configuration options?12:46
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Shadow_WarriorOK :) Thank you Warbo  :)12:46
Jordan_UFezzler_, Gnome should start, what did happen?12:46
danny3793ohh, thank you, its not hda its sda1 and sda512:46
danny3793thanks along Tlink :D12:46
GaffaneysI'm trying to install the latest ubuntu, but when it's copying the files during the installation it quits after 75% or so..  The dialog box goes away and there's no error.  When I reboot the system it says "Error Loading Operating System"12:46
MegaNoobUbuntugksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lis12:46
Tlinkdanny3793 : sure thing12:46
JunecyI'm going to try VLC Media Player12:46
Justi2What should I type in terminal to see a list of attached hardware devices??12:47
WarboShadow_Warrior: If you ever want howtos then here is a good place to start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ (I write stuff on there too)12:47
bulltitani have an intel hd 940gml sound card and my problem was audio coming out from speakers and headphones, to solve this i've reinstalled alsa to the latest version with no problems and after reboot i have no audio at all and it says my card is not recognized. any ideas12:47
atrus25and is there a way to get my headphone working...to get my sound running through more than the center channel?12:47
EADG_Justi2: lspci12:47
Shadow_WarriorThank you Warbo :)12:47
Xsylottehow to update clamav virus signatures ? (i must be root ? )12:47
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Xsylotte!ubotu clamav update12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav update - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
Xsylotte!ubotu clamav12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
Fezzler_Jordan_U: Command not found and suggests command line to install it.12:48
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Justi2can I get a control panel for my ATI card, like in Windows?>12:48
bulltitanplease help me with the sound issue12:48
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atrus25I think what may have happened is I ran through the setup steps for surround sound...but I don't want surround sond, I just want my sound to come through my headphone jack and not my center speaker jack12:48
atrus25and now my sound isn't working at all12:49
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Fezzler_JordanU: Tells me to run "sudo apt-get install gnomesession12:49
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Fezzler_Do it?12:49
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Jordan_UFezzler_, Try : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:49
bulltitanany help12:49
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JunecyWill VLC Player work to playu wmv files on here?12:49
nich0sWhat is the command to initialize a background service?12:50
astro76Junecy, it should12:50
nich0sInit.rd something?12:50
EnronHow can I create a FTP account and limit the user to only the dir I set. This is to allow user to upload site12:50
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bulltitanwhy if alsa was compiled with no errors for my kernel in ubuntu feisty it just ignores the sound card that before was working ok12:51
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bulltitanwhat else am i suppose to do or i did miss something?12:51
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MegaNoobUbuntui tryded to burn a iso and it get stuck during burning12:52
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CorpseFeederno one?12:52
bulltitanis anyone helping here12:52
karelShadow_Warrior: in case you're interested: I just got it to work by copy/pasting code from thinkwiki.org to my xorg.conf (http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_Radeon_X1400)12:53
astro76CorpseFeeder, IMO pfSense, I run it on an embedded wrap board and it is great12:53
Shadow_WarriorOK Thank you karel12:53
MegaNoobUbuntuanyone here from belgium12:53
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nich0sWhat is the command to initialize a background service?12:53
Jordan_UFezzler_, Was ubuntu-desktop installed?12:54
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: yes12:54
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towliebandoes anyone here run ubuntu in vmware fusion ?12:54
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MegaNoobUbuntukan je me helpen?12:54
Fezzler_JordanU: Almost done 86% done12:54
bulltitani need some help with this alsa issue12:54
karelwat is er mis?12:54
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MegaNoobUbuntuik hebt de versie vn ubuntu 7.04 gedownload en het is iso ofzoiets12:54
Fezzler_Jordon_U: Still loading....12:55
MegaNoobUbuntuik moet het branden maar het loopt vast12:55
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:55
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: waarmee brandje?12:55
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LordDragonSlayercan someone help me in seting up a usb wireless network card for ubuntu 7.0412:55
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astro76MegaNoobUbuntu, #ubuntu-be12:55
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, What chipset?12:55
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MegaNoobUbuntunauritulus ofzoiets12:56
Fezzler_Jordan_U:  While we are waiting, is something I'm going to have to "fight" is old configuration files for the same apps that have been installed, removed, etc.?12:56
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LordDragonSlayerJordan: huh?12:56
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karelastro76: thanks for the tip ;)12:56
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GerritHello, I'm looking for bittorrent-curses, but "sudo apt-file search bittorrent-curses" gives no results. Where can I find bittorrent-curses?12:56
maseso how do i safely remove an outdated kernel from grub and the system?12:56
LordDragonSlayerJordan: u mean what router?12:57
Fezzler_JordanU: How I finally got gnome-panel to stop crashing was I had to remove all the ,gnome ,gnome2 etc. config files.12:57
MegaNoobUbuntunauritulus ofzoiets12:57
Justi2If I choose 'copy disk' in ubuntu, how 'good' will the copy be (ex. will it be able to copy a copyprotected dvd?)12:57
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Look in System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information and tell us what chipset your wireless card is12:57
astro76Gerrit, it's just bittorrent12:57
JunecyVLC did NOT work. :-(12:57
Gerritastro76: The package 'bittorrent' has no such file?12:57
Junecyis there a way to update the codecs?12:57
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: see private chat12:57
Jordan_U!dvd | Justi212:57
ubotuJusti2: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:57
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LordDragonSlayerhold on i gota go check im on two diggerent comps12:57
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Gerritastro76: Then what is the equivalent of bittorrent-curses?12:57
Fezzler_Jordan_U:  Status:  "Reading the database...." are we install all of the core ubuntu apps with this?12:58
skyfalcon866will ext3 fragment fast12:58
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astro76Gerrit, bittorrent - http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=bittorrent&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all12:58
Jordan_UJunecy, What are you trying to play?12:58
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pppoe_dudeany ideas why i keep getting internal error whenever i start openoffice even after upgrading?12:58
Junecya WMV file12:58
Jordan_UFezzler_, Yes12:58
Gerritastro76: I have that package installed.12:58
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JunecyI have trued to get the restricted extras and VLC12:58
Junecyneither worked.12:58
astro76Gerrit, it should be installed by default, yes12:58
Greyscalefirefox keeps causing disk thrashing12:58
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Fezzler_Jordan_U: Cool!  Square one!  We no kernel is stable.  Start over with everything else.12:59
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Jordan_UFezzler_, I assumed they were removed accidentally, if you wanted them removed then we can just install Gnome12:59
Gerritastro76: It seems bittorrent-cursus executable has a different name...12:59
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GerritHm, probably btdownloadcurses12:59
Fezzler_Jordan_U:  Accidentially or by someone struggle to get his system back.12:59
bulltitani need some help with this alsa issue'12:59
Jordan_UGerrit, rtorrent ?12:59
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MegaNoobUbuntuhet gaat niet01:00
astro76Gerrit, I believe the bin is btdownloadcurses, this will tell you: dpkg -L bittorrent | grep bin01:00
Fezzler_Jordan_U: Status: "Setting up gnome user guide...."01:00
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: welk os?01:00
MegaNoobUbuntuubuntu 5.0401:00
Jordan_Ubulltitan, Check that all of the channels are unmuted and turned up in "alsamixer" ( run it from a terminal )01:00
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: what am i looking for in  it01:00
bulltitani did it01:00
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: heb je al een andere brander geprobeerd?01:01
Gerritastro76: Okay, yes.01:01
bulltitanis just that alsa is not detecting the audio card01:01
mrpoundsignhey. I have an interesting question. :) does anyone know about tuning the TCP settings on Linux to help with high-latency, high-bandwith connections? i.e. we have a 2meg remote site in Amsterdam, and we're in California. We're seeing huge differences in speed, and I am trying to figure out why. :)01:01
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bulltitanlatest alsa drivers where reinstalled all ok but no sound01:01
GerritI just got confused because I'm used to the name bittorrent-curses; it didn't occur to me why the executable wouldn't have the same name on two platforms.01:01
MegaNoobUbuntukheb het probere te installere maar het lukt mij maar niet01:01
Fezzler_Jordan-U: Will my old files and users still be there when we are done?  Did that command wipe everything clean first?01:01
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bulltitanit says that the sound card could not be detected01:01
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: you there dude?01:01
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Yes01:02
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Jordan_UFezzler_, No, all your config files will be the same01:02
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: wat bedoel jemet "het"? cd brander of ubuntu7 of..?01:02
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MegaNoobUbuntucd brander01:02
bulltitankernel 2.6.15-28 ubuntu feisty sound card intel hd01:02
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Xsylotteanyone, how to update clamav ?01:02
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: what am i looking for im my network card hard wARE INFO01:03
Fezzler_Jordan_U:  That may be my problem too.  Still grabbing troublesome conf. files.   BACK to command prompt.  sudo reboot???01:03
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skull-Klowni have a c2d e6600 processor..do i d/l the i386 version or the x86 version?01:03
skyfalcon866how do i add new users01:03
bulltitani also tried alsaconf with no luck and the line stack3 -dig no luck01:03
Jordan_UFezzler_, ctrl+alt+backspace01:03
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Vendor01:04
karelMegaNoobUbuntu: in terminal: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker01:04
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towliebanhey guys ive got a desktop comp that i am considering installing ubuntu on because i want to try out beryl/xgl. if i boot from the cd, what do i have to look for before i go thru the trouble of repartitioning and installing ?01:04
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U:ummm ill go see if its there01:04
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Or device, can't remember which01:04
brl4nanyone elses atheros ar5005g only comminicating at 1mb/s and often drops connection?01:04
Fezzler_Jordan_U:  Okay.  Try login again?01:04
Jordan_UFezzler_, Yes, normally this time01:04
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bulltitanany help?01:05
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Junecywell this blows!01:06
Fezzler_Jordan_U: I'm back.  I'm going to jump off my iMAC and get on my beloved Ubuntu pc.  BRB01:06
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Anthologyhi, i have my Canon 300d EOS Digital Rebel connected via usb to my computer01:07
Anthologyit is recognized when i us lsusb01:07
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Anthologyi would like to take a picture without a memory card and have it sent to my hdd01:07
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: alright i think i got it usb vendor | string | Cisco - linksys|01:08
Anthologyanyone know of a program to do this with?01:08
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LordDragonSlayerthst it01:08
kr00lplatinumanyone know how to install http://scribes.sourceforge.net/01:08
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, What does the device say?01:08
megaubuntunoobweet je wat ik kan doen??01:08
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U:lemmme see01:08
Geoffrey2I'd like to find an application I can use to save my user names and passwords for the various websites I access on the internet...can anyone suggest a decent program for that?01:08
PriceChildmegaubuntunoob, de fr?01:08
JunecyI just went into synaptic and have selected to install the ENTIRE VLCPlayer program with EVERYTHING it has.01:08
VacantCso you are just trying to access photos on your camera?01:09
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TlinkAnthology : will the 300D send the file through the usb?01:09
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: cisco-linksys01:09
Jordan_Umegaubuntunoob, #ubuntu-be01:09
sudoer_!dutch | megaubuntunoob01:09
ubotumegaubuntunoob: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl01:09
TlinkAnthology I thought the usb connection would only access the CF card in it01:09
Jack_SparrowAnthology: does Xsane see the camera?01:09
gnychisI was able to successfully sync my pocketpc with multisync and synce, however I can't find a way to read the SD card slot and CF card slot on the pocketpc like I can do in windows... does anyone know if this is possible in linux?01:09
megaubuntunoobneed a burner over here01:09
Jack_SparrowAnthology: It might be able to see it as a scanner, but only a slight chance01:10
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: it says cisco-linksys01:10
megaubuntunoobexept for gnome baker and k3b doesnt work01:10
astro76Geoffrey2, KeePassX, nice thing about that is the file is compatible with KeePass for windows which can run on a usb drive (both can, actually)01:10
Junecy wow this is getting me nowehere.01:10
MocheezeI installed Ubuntu 7.04 last night, and left a fat32 partition available for windows 2k. I started the 2k install process today, but now when i try to boot up i just get a "Invalid Partition Table" message. I think I have a conflict in the MBR? I think 2k and Grub are both set to boot. How can I fix this? Can I do it with the 7.04 Live CD?01:10
skull-Klownanyone know which version i download? i have c2d e6600..do get the i386 version, or the x86 one?01:10
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: it says cisco-linksys01:10
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, OK, that is not the info I was looking for, sorry, can you pastebin the output of this command "lspci" ?01:11
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LordDragonSlayerummm ok01:11
FezzlerJordan_U: Up and running on Ubuntu!01:11
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TlinkAnthology : I think I vaugely remember trying that when I got my 400D last year, and never was able to get it to work, it always wanted to go straight to the CF card01:11
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karelmegaubuntunoob: hoezo ze werken niet?01:11
Jordan_UFezzler, :)01:11
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U:i have to go back and forth from computers so this gonna take a minute01:12
astro76Mocheeze, no, win2k will happily overwrite the mbr with it's own bootloader01:12
astro76skull-Klown, either will work01:12
FezzlerJordan_U: Now the issue I was trying to resolve before I somehow screwed up my gnome-session still exists.01:12
megaubuntunoobkheb versie5.04 en het zegt als ik wil update te oude versie en van die zever01:12
astro76!english | megaubuntunoob , karel01:12
ubotumegaubuntunoob , karel: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:12
Jordan_U!grub | Mocheeze01:12
ubotuMocheeze: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:12
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skull-Klownastro76, would i see a better performance with one versus the other?01:13
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karelmegaubuntunoob: ga naar #ubuntu-be01:13
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astro76Mocheeze, so you probably have an actual partition table problem01:13
Justi2Why don't ubuntu screensavers have any adjustable settings?01:13
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Geoffrey2astro76, looks good, thanks01:14
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: do i have to type anything before 1s[ci because it dosent do anything if i jsut type it in to the terminal01:14
astro76skull-Klown, theoretically 64bit will be faster, I have no first-hand experience with 64bit01:14
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Paul^hi there, I'm not entirely in the right place but could someone push me in the right direction? I want to set up intranet for a LAN-party, with spiffy hostnames like dc.tb.lan and such, on an ubuntu box01:14
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SlimeyPete64-bit makes things like flash a bit tricky01:14
maseso how do i safely remove an outdated kernel from grub and the system?01:14
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astro76skull-Klown, at the same time I think you won't be able to use some stuff like adobe flash01:14
Jordan_UMocheeze, IIRC you can use testdisk to fix your partition table01:14
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astro76skull-Klown, or google-earth, any closed-source thing compiled for i38601:15
Jordan_ULo_Pan, "L" not 101:15
TwizzTidbuck fush01:15
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Jordan_ULo_Pan, nvm01:15
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, "L" not 101:15
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IndyGunFreakskull-Klown: my personal experience, especially if you're new, just stick with 32bit...01:15
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: o alright brb then01:16
FezzlerJordan_U: Okay, back to same issue that I was struggling with.  When I first set up Ubuntu 7.04 from LiveCD, it recognized the sound01:16
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, It stands for list pci [ devices ] 01:16
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Mocheezethanks guys. so if I recover grub I should be OK? (and finish my 2k setup?) i'll look into testdisk too01:16
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astro76Mocheeze, yeah, definitely look into testdisk first though01:17
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: wait what am ii looking for in this mass of text01:17
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FezzlerJordan_U:..chip on my motherboard.  Via something.  Now, ANY other setting than OSS freezes the Sound config app and that seems to freeze other running aps.01:17
Paul^hey can anyone help me with my intranet? :)01:17
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Jordan_UMocheeze, I would try testdisk first, then when you are sure your partition table is good fix grub01:17
skull-Klownindygunfreak, i'm am new..but only thing i do is play games(games off of steam),and some word processing will either of the versions do that?01:17
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FezzlerJordan_U: I still content my sound set up and some thing call Avahi I messed with/installed began my troubles.01:17
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Mocheezei can see grub in my boot folder01:17
Justi2Why don't ubuntu screensavers have any adjustable settings?01:17
Mocheezebut that probably means nothing?01:18
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: wait what am i looking for in this mass of text01:18
bruenigJusti2, you mean xscreensaver01:18
Puppy_Could someone please help me?!?!? I loaded up synaptic and it says: You have 1 broken package on your system! Use the "Broken" filter to locate it. what is "Broken filter? can someone help me?01:18
IndyGunFreakskull-Klown: i'm not 100% sure, 64bit is a different beast, and i'm not that familiar with steam01:18
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Whatever your wireless card is, that is why I was hoping the GUI solution would work.01:18
Justi2bruenig: what is xscreensaver01:18
astro76skull-Klown, I agree with IndyGunFreak, stick with i38601:18
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bruenigPuppy_, close synaptic, run sudo apt-get install -f01:18
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Puppy_bruenig: ok01:18
skull-Klownk, thx for the suggestion guys01:18
younes_kbn er karel01:18
IndyGunFreakastro76: skull-Klown its just less headache01:18
bruenigJusti2, ubuntu hasn't created any screensaver applications, xscreensaver is the name of the one they use I believe01:18
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, You could also try googleing the model of your card to find the chipset01:19
mattwalstonWhat seems to be working better xen or kvm?01:19
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Jordan_Ubruenig, Actually gnome uses gnome-screensaver now01:19
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: cant i just tell you...? Linksys wusb54g01:19
bruenigJordan_U, ah well xfce which is what I always used01:19
FezzlerJordan_U: Can I run some command line or other utility to have Ubuntu re-identify my sound chips?  Have you heard of Avahi?01:19
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Jordan_Ubruenig, And being a Gnome app it has almost no options :)01:20
astro76Mocheeze, correct, it doesn't mean grub is installed to your mbr01:20
VacantCgui options are for windows users01:20
Jordan_UFezzler, I thought Avahi was a networking thing01:20
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VacantCthis is linux01:20
Puppy_bruenig: this is what it said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29580/01:20
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: cant i just tell you...? its Linksys wusb54g01:21
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FezzlerJordan_U: I'm not sure but it allways reports "Failed" when I have to reboot or restart from the command prompt01:21
koshariVaceantC , even dos had gui options, ever heard of qMenu01:21
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, OK, I'll try to find the chipset...01:21
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kbrookshow can i chroot with all the important stuff inside the chroot? i know you have to do mount --bind magic.01:21
bruenigPuppy_, sudo dpkg -r -force-all libavahi-compat-libdnssd101:21
Anolisxchat keeps telling me i have a pm when i come back from sleeping.... where can i view it?01:21
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:22
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: srry man01:22
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: im kinda linux retarded01:22
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, It's OK, we all have to start somewhere :)01:22
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VacantConce you learn it though...01:23
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=== bruenig started nowhere
Puppy_bruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29581/01:23
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=== LordDragonSlayer started by losing my windows and saying funk it ill use ubuntu
bruenigPuppy_, sorry, forgot a dash before force-all: sudo dpkg -r --force-all libavahi-compat-libdnssd101:23
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Puppy_bruenig: it said installed.01:24
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bruenigPuppy_, what01:24
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Puppy_bruenig: when I did that it said installed.01:25
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Paul^can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to make spiffy domain names for my LAN intranet. like dc.tb.lan or www.tb.lan or um.. well, things like that01:25
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bruenigPaul^, /etc/hosts might be what you are looking for01:25
astro76Paul^, you can add them to /etc/hosts01:25
pr0nGuyCan someone help me with a problem that I suspect has to do with Nautilus?01:25
bruenig!anyone | pr0nGuy01:26
ubotupr0nGuy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:26
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Puppy_bruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29583/01:26
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Paul^bruenig/astro76: yes, but that's only for a local system. what I want is for other (windows) boxes to be able to reach my/other servers through these hostnames. everyone on my lan01:27
bruenigPuppy_, tru sudo dpkg --configure -a01:27
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Rapidwolvecan anbody donate $5 paypal01:27
bruenigPaul^, put it in their /etc/hosts01:27
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, It looks like the chipset is prysm54 which seems to only have open source drivers for some cards, if network-manager does not work then you will probably need to use the windows drivers with NDISwrapper01:27
Paul^bruenig: lol, but that's pretty unprofessional. can't I configure my dns server to-be to handle that?01:28
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bruenigPaul^, yeah there probably is a better way, I don't know though01:28
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U:i already got the drivers of the disk01:28
MocheezeMy harddrive isn't showing up in the testdisk list. What should I do? I'm using the 7.04 live CD.01:28
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Does it show up in the network-manager applet at the top right of the screen?01:28
Puppy_bruenig: it is still working.01:28
Paul^bruenig: k, thx :)01:28
pr0nGuyI was messing around witht he istanbul program and then I lost all my destktop icons.  Please help.01:28
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: nope01:28
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astro76Paul^, sure if you're running a dns server you can add them01:29
bruenigpr0nGuy, does ls ~/Desktop show them01:29
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, I have never used NDISwrapper myself, try installing ndis-gtk01:29
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LordDragonSlayerwhats that01:29
pr0nGuybruenig: i get no such file or directory.01:29
Paul^astro76: I'm stil um.. finding out how stuff works, but you'd say that would be managable on bind9?01:29
LordDragonSlayerand i heard that slowley degrades your comp01:29
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AnolisHow do i get the default desktop to read files from an alternative folder?01:30
bruenigpr0nGuy, that's not good01:30
cntrlxI had pidgin working for a short while.  now it says segmentation fault core dumped.  How can i remove pidgin?01:30
astro76Paul^, I believe so01:30
savetheWorldAnolis: use symbolic links01:30
Puppy_bruenig: it sett up a bunch of stuff and then said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29586/01:30
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JunecyI am having trouble making a file after ./configure01:30
pr0nGuybruenig: i was afraid of that01:30
Paul^astro76: k, awesome, then I'm gonna find out :))01:30
unagican someone please help me with DUN and bluetooth??01:30
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: ummm hold on lemme check sumthing01:30
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savetheWorldln -s file_to_link_to   Name_to_have_in_desktop01:30
Anoliscan i actually change the default ~/Desktop directory to something else?01:30
bruenigpr0nGuy, do mkdir ~/Desktop and then add them back01:30
Junecyit says I don't have a C Compiler?01:31
FezzlerJordan_U: I uninstalled Avahi.  Didn't seem like I needed it with samba01:31
savetheWorlddo what bruenig said. :-)01:31
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bruenigAnolis, no, you can symlink ~/Desktop to somewhere else01:31
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Mocheezeastro76 + Jordan_U, My harddrive isn't showing up in the testdisk list. What should I do? I'm using the 7.04 live CD.01:31
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: alright where do i get this program01:31
Anolis*goes and recompiles gnome*01:31
FezzlerJordan_U: Back to issue of Sound configuration utility locking up and requiring force quite if any option other than OSS selected.01:31
cntrlxI had pidgin working for a short while.  now it says segmentation fault core dumped.  How can i remove pidgin?01:31
bruenigcntrlx, how did you install it01:32
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, You can get ndis-gtk from http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/ndisgtk you will probably also need ndiswrapper-utils01:32
kitcheAnolis: recompiling gnome won't help you with what you want01:32
cntrlxconfigure and make then sudo make install01:32
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Puppy_bruenig: it set up a bunch of stuff and then said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29586/01:32
Anoliswell whatever...01:32
FezzlerJordan_U: As I said, when I first started with Ubuntu, Sound used my built-in chip set, Via...:  How can I reset all this?01:32
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, I assume that you can't connect to the internet with the computer that can't get wireless?01:32
JunecyWhat is a C Compiler?01:32
kitcheAnolis: but any how someone told you how to do it also01:32
bruenigPuppy_, yeah I don't really know what you want, dpkg has some issues, sudo apt-get install -f01:32
=== Joker_-_ [n=joker@modemcable244.246-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
unagianyone here know anythign about bluetooth??01:32
kitcheJunecy: it's needed to compile C source code01:32
unagior wvdial01:32
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cntrlxknow what i can do?01:33
pr0nGuybruenig: I get the following output:   mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/steven/Desktop': File exists01:33
bruenigcntrlx, get the source, ./configure ; make uninstall01:33
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bruenigpr0nGuy, you just said it didn't01:33
Joker_-_How comes I can't switch to 1280*1024 resolution trough the Screen Resolution control panel in Ubuntu?01:33
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Jordan_UFezzler, asoundconf maybe, you could also find out what config files alsa uses and grab the ones off the running LiveCD01:33
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cntrlxand that will remove it completely?01:33
bruenigpr0nGuy, ls ~/Desktop01:33
bruenigcntrlx, yes01:33
kitcheJunecy: do sudo apt-get install build-essential to get everything that you need to compile that is just the base though01:33
Junecyhow do I get one installed?01:33
cntrlxok thanks much01:33
Puppy_bruenig: I am a newbie, so I have no idea what I want... should i try sudo apt-get install -f ? if it helps at all, I just added kde as a windows manager.01:33
Jordan_UJoker_-_, What GPU ?01:33
JayRoeHi, I've ./configured lirc, but for some reason I can't "make" it. I keep getting "No targets specified and no makefile found".01:33
guest_how can i change user permissions?01:34
unagisigh no one knows anything about bluetooth here?01:34
bruenigPuppy_, dpkg looks like it is really screwed up01:34
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: yeah but ive got a thumb drive on me01:34
JunecyI guess I have one?01:34
Joker_-_NVidia GeForce 6600GT 128mb (using nvidia driver)01:34
astro76Junecy, sudo apt-get install build-essential01:34
ghostxguest_, read about chmod01:34
JunecyIt's not saying I need to install or upgrade anything.01:34
bruenigPuppy_, did you have a power failure or something during use01:34
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:34
FezzlerJordan_U: Wow.  I'm game to try but not sure how.  Can I remove a sound conf. file and reboot and see what happens?01:34
Puppy_bruenig: no01:34
pr0nGuyThis is my output:  steven@steven-laptop:~$ ls ~/Desktop01:34
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Then download the .deb files for ndiswapper-utils and ndis-gtk and put them on the thumb drive01:34
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guest_i got locked out of my main account01:35
bronzeare the servers up now? Can I update ubuntu?01:35
pr0nGuydid you see that bruenig01:35
bruenigpr0nGuy, ok before you said that command said it didn't exist01:35
Puppy_bruenig: the only odd thing I did was add kde as a windows manager.01:35
Joker_-_Jordan_U: NVidia GeForce 6600GT 128mb (using nvidia driver)01:35
ghostxguest_, locked?01:35
bruenigpr0nGuy, do file ~/Desktop01:35
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Jordan_UFezzler, Sure, I would move rather than remove it though :)01:35
guest_i cant login01:35
Junecythis will get me the compiler I need?01:35
guest_it says there is low disc space01:35
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Rhynriwhat program do i need for a .dar file?01:35
ghostxguest_, use root and change passewd01:35
guest_i have 120Gb of free space01:35
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zoidberg_hey guys01:35
pr0nGuybruenig: i'm not sure why i got that output.  I'm just following your directions.  Perhaps I erred.01:35
guest_use root from terminal01:35
zoidberg_i just upgraded to fesity on this laptop01:35
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Skwid1hello, can anyone tell me what the line for mounting a FAT32 filesystem should be, i can never get the rights correct :(01:36
FezzlerJordan_U: You know where these sound config file are found?01:36
bruenigpr0nGuy, do the file command01:36
Jordan_U!xconfig | Joker_-_ Try reconfiguring X01:36
ubotuJoker_-_ Try reconfiguring X: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes01:36
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bruenig!offtopic | Superkuh01:36
ghostxguest_ , !usermod01:36
ubotuSuperkuh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:36
bruenig!offtopic | supyoirwi01:36
ubotusupyoirwi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:36
astro76ghostx, guest_ there is NO reason to enable root password01:36
zoidberg_i know that there is now just a simple package that you can download that takes care of almost all multimedia needs such as streaming flash and stuff like that01:36
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zoidberg_i forget what it is though01:36
FezzlerJordan_U: Or maybe I should give you a break and do some Googling :)01:36
JunecyGuys you are the BEST!01:36
pr0nGuybruenig:  /home/steven/Desktop: Ogg data, Theora video01:36
JunecyI really do appreciate all your hard work getting things straightened out for me. :-)01:36
Joker_-_Jordan_U: thx01:36
Puppy_bruenig: is there anything I can do? Is my computer fried?01:36
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astro76zoidberg_, ubuntu-restricted-extras01:36
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Jordan_UJoker_-_, np01:37
JayRoecan someone tell me what this means? "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check01:37
Skwid1anyone ?01:37
pr0nGuybruenig: that is my iatanbul screencast01:37
bruenigpr0nGuy, ohhhh I see what happened. You saved the istanbul output as Desktop, that file overwrote your Desktop directory01:37
Jordan_UJayRoe, What are you trying to install?01:37
Matic`MakovecHey, would anyone maybe know how could I get to work a certain sound codec for ventrilo?01:37
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: wait is .deb .debian?01:37
JayRoejordan_U lirc01:37
pr0nGuybruenig: oh no!01:37
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Yes, Ubuntu is Debian based01:37
FezzlerOne last.  Now that I have reinstalled ubuntu desktop, how do I reinstall Flash for firefox?01:37
Joker_-_Jordan_U: should I pick nvidia or nv?01:37
TcoUpLoadhey someone can give me a alternative for asterisk?01:37
Jordan_UJoker_-_, nvidia01:37
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: o ic01:38
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FezzlerJust use Synaptic to install Flash for firefox?01:38
pr0nGuybruenig: can i do anything about it?01:38
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bruenigpr0nGuy, so you need to move that, "mv ~/Desktop ~/someothername" then do "mkdir ~/Desktop" then start readding everything01:38
mdmkolbeDoes ubuntu have any way to integrate the programs that I manually compile with the installer system?  I'm looking for something that requires at little work as possible on my end.  The best case would be if I could run 'make install' under some kind of special shell that records any changes to the system so I could easily uninstall.  Also something that allows me to fulfill packages dependancies with my own built versions.01:38
Skwid1hello, can anyone tell me what the line for mounting a FAT32 filesystem should be, i can never get the rights correct :(01:38
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, But you can't use debian packages in Ubuntu, it is the same format but they are not always compatible01:38
lamalexanyone have any experiance with vpnc?01:38
gnychisi am trying to ./configure a program and am getting this error:  checking for pygtk-2.0... Package pygtk-2.0 was not found   ... i've installed python-gtk2 though, any other ideas?01:38
JunecyI have pittfdll how do I get gstreamer?01:38
lamalexit was working a while ago, now i can't resolve my name server01:38
zoidberg_guys is there an easy way to get a laptop with an ati card to extend the desktop by attaching an external monitor?01:38
Puppy_bruenig: is there anything I can do? Is my computer fried?01:38
JunecyI also have the w32codecs.01:38
astro76Fezzler, ubuntu-restricted-extras or just flashplugin-nonfree01:38
bruenigPuppy_, not sure01:38
Joker_-_Jordan_U: is there a way to start ubuntu in console mode just liek any other distro so that I can have full control of it (I'm a gentoo user)01:38
astro76mdmkolbe, you want chkinstall01:39
lamalexgnychis: you need the -dev version01:39
FezzlerJoker: Crtl Alt F101:39
bronzeare the servers up now? Can I update ubuntu?01:39
Joker_-_Fezzler: hahaha01:39
astro76mdmkolbe, checkinstall01:39
FezzlerCtrl ALt F7 brings you back to gnome01:39
Jordan_UJayRoe, Have you run "sudo apt-get build-dep lirc" ?01:39
Joker_-_Fezzler: thx I know that ;)01:39
kitchebronze: check yourself but from what I rememebr they been up01:39
astro76mdmkolbe, you then basically just replace make install with checkinstall01:39
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unagianyone know anything about wvdial?01:39
unagior bluetooth01:39
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Joker_-_Fezzler: I mean starting, booting in console mode without any active X server01:40
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FezzlerJoker: See what happens when a newbee thinks he knows something01:40
JunecyI'm looking in synaptic01:40
kitcheJoker_-_: well you asked and you got your anwser but any how sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:40
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zoidberg_guys is there an easy way to get a laptop with an ati card to extend the desktop by attaching an external monitor?01:40
JayRoeJordan_U what does that do?01:40
Puppy_bruenig: you don't know how freaked out I am... what do I do? :)01:40
Jordan_UJoker_-_, Yes, you can either mess with the runlevels to keep gdm from starting at boot or just switch to another virtual terminal01:40
=== RGautie1 punts.
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m1r70mb openoffice to upgrade, huh ?01:40
bruenigPuppy_, reinstall? probably just ask someone else01:40
lamalexJoker_-_: change the run level01:40
mdmkolbeastro76: awsome.  That looks like just what I was looking for01:40
Puppy_bruenig: thanks so very much!01:40
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JayRoeI can install lirc with apt-get, no problem. But I need to compile it I think, cause not all of the buttons are working, not even with irrecord.01:40
lamalexJoker_-_: you're a gentoo user, you should be able to do that ;)01:40
Jordan_UJayRoe, It grabs all of the dependencies needed to compile lirc, why are you compiling from source though?01:40
Joker_-_dont get me wrong I dont wanna be mean. I just want to have ubuntu started without any graphical interface01:40
JayRoeJordan_U read above your message. I forgot to add your name.01:41
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calcJoker_-_: you can install the server version01:41
Joker_-_lamalex: I installed Ubuntu to try it. I've been using it for 5 minutes now and I prefer to ask people before trying to mess with things.01:41
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JayRoeJordan_U only half the buttons on the hauppauge remote are working01:41
calcJoker_-_: or uninstall gdm if you still want desktop but without it autostarting01:41
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unagianyone know anything about bluetooth?01:42
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: i cant seem to find the .deb for ndiswrapper-util01:42
Jordan_UJayRoe, That sounds more like a configuration problem to me01:42
Joker_-_I think Imma just mess with things01:42
Joker_-_thx anyway01:42
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, choose a mirror: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fn%2Fndiswrapper%2Fndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.38-1ubuntu1_i386.deb&md5sum=e8876c665294254b55b32c02f629ac78&arch=i386&type=main01:42
JayRoeJordan_U I've tried compiling v4l-dvb, but it still only gives me half the buttons.01:42
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JunecyIf I reinstall gstreamer will it recognize it then?01:43
Jordan_U!compile | JayRoe01:43
JayRoeJordan_U even evtest doesn't show the missing buttons01:43
ubotuJayRoe: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:43
astro76LordDragonSlayer, apt-cache search ndis01:43
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Jordan_Uastro76, He isn't connected to the internet on the PC that needs it01:43
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astro76ahh sorry01:43
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lamalexJoker_-_: do you know how to do that?01:43
Mocheezeastro76 + Jordan_U, what am i supposed to look for in testdisk?01:44
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lamalexJoker_-_: edit /etc/inittab from "id:2:initdefault" to id:3:initdefault"01:44
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codeymanAnybody knows if GTop.pm is installed by the package libgtop by default?01:44
astro76Mocheeze, sorry I've yet to use testdisk01:44
RGautierCan you configure X for NOT a square window size?01:44
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: ok there both on the thumb drive now what?01:45
JunecyWhen trying to install pitfdll I keep getting the error message "checking for GST... configure: error: no GStreamer found01:45
Junecy". How do I fix this?01:45
=== RGautier wants a 1024x768:1280x1024 window
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astro76Junecy, I installed pitfdll and it caused wmv not to play, uninstalling it fixed the problem01:45
astro76Junecy, so maybe you don't want it anyway ;)01:46
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Plug the thumb drive into the other PC and double click and install ndiswrapper-utils then ndis-gtk01:46
lamalexRgautier: that's entirely possible, and common01:46
JunecySo How do I uninstall it?01:46
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RGautierlamalex - how01:46
JunecyWell as far as I've gotten is ./configure01:46
Junecyit won't let me make01:46
unagii really need help with this bluetooth problem =(01:46
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lamalexRgautier: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:46
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JunecyI'm getting a bit put off with the media capabilities of this OS.01:46
Puppy_Error: "Software index is broken" Help please?01:47
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daveuxCan I resize my main ext2 partition while running ubuntu?01:47
RGautierRight - how do I get BOTH screen sizes at once01:47
Jordan_UMocheeze, Did you run sudo testdisk ?01:47
Jonny|can someone tell me quickly where sources.list is? i got a bad memory01:47
JunecyI have been sitting here for 2 hours trying to get one file to play and nothing is working.01:47
astro76Junecy, what are you trying to play and what's happening01:47
RGautierI don't want to choose between them01:47
astro76Junecy, you don't need to compile anything01:47
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RGautierI want to use them together01:47
JunecyI am trying to play a wmv file.01:47
RGautierAs one big screen01:47
MocheezeJordan_u: yeah, i did that and it's working fine now in that regard01:47
JunecyI can not do it because it says it's encrypted01:47
astro76Junecy, VLC didn't work?01:47
Jonny|can someone tell me quickly where i can find sources.list? i got a bad memory01:47
JunecyI was told I need the codecs for it so I went and installed the w32codecs.01:47
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kitcheJonny|: /etc/apt/01:48
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Junecythen I installed the pitfdll crap but can't get past the ./configure because there is no gstreamer01:48
lamalexRGautier: do you have dual monitor working currently?01:48
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RGautierlamalex - I am running in VirtualBox01:48
kitcheJunecy: so install gstreamer then sudo apt-get install gstreamer01:48
astro76Junecy, yes you want w32codecs, pitfdll isn't necessary, how did you install w32codecs?01:48
Junecyhowever when I run gst-inspect-0.10 I get 97 plugins?01:48
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RGautierI don't think it supports dual-monitor01:48
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Jordan_UMocheeze, Analize current structure and look for missing partitions01:48
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: it wont let me install them its saying dependencey not satifyibale or sumthing01:48
zoidberg_guys is there an easy way to get a laptop with an ati card to extend the desktop by attaching an external monitor?01:48
lamalexrunning ubuntu in vb? or windows in vb?01:48
JoelRwhat software can i use to convert video to .mov, because i want to put videos on my ipod?01:48
RGautierThats why I want an unsquare screen size01:48
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, What dependency does it say it needs?01:48
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infamouskidhi everyone01:49
Junecywget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb01:49
RGautierSo I can resize the window really big and stretch it over my dual-monitor Win config01:49
alecwhI'm running Ubuntu, and I have an nVidia video card. I'm not sure if my video card driver is up to date. How do I check/upgrade?01:49
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astro76JoelR, ffmpeg01:49
LordDragonSlayerlemme check01:49
cerdadamb i cant get into ubuntu yet01:49
Junecyand then sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb01:49
Junecyit isntalled as it should have.01:49
infamouskidcan someone help me with this install i am reading instructions on a website but i am confused at one of the following steps01:49
astro76Junecy, you should only use .debs designed for ubuntu version you are running01:49
cerdait stays at the ubuntu icon with the bar going back n forth01:49
JunecyHowever I can't finish the pitfdll because I am being told I have no gstreamer.01:49
infamouskidalec: here type this in terminal01:49
astro76!medibuntu | Junecy01:49
lamalexRGautier: you just need to change resolutions in your xorg.conf, just make a backup and look around in there01:49
ubotuJunecy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:49
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astro76Junecy, w32codecs and libdvdcss2 are in medibuntu01:50
m1rjoker_-_ , use ubuntu server ?01:50
Junecyhow do I manually install it? I figure if I do that then I can overwrite anything that I may have screwed up or whatever.01:50
infamouskidalec:Install Latest nvidia drivers in Ubuntu Feisty01:50
infamouskidsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:50
infamouskidsudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite01:50
infamouskidNow you need to restart your X by logging out and in or by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace01:50
RGautierLamalex - you can only give a height and width01:50
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: it says it needs ndiswrapper common on one and ndiswrapper-utils-1.901:50
RGautierI need the screen to have two heights01:50
JunecyI don't know what that means?01:50
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: on the other01:50
lamalexRGautier: for each monitor01:50
alecwhThanks infamouskid, I'll try that.01:50
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astro76Junecy, follow the link, there's easy directions01:50
RGautierRight - the screen sizes are there.....01:50
lamalexRGautier: you need dual monitors working in the first place01:50
cerdaso what can i do, i cant get into ubuntu, it just stays at the ubuntu icon with the loading bar01:50
astro76Junecy, to add the repository to your system01:50
infamouskidalec:your welcome man01:50
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Ok, grab the .deb for ndiswrapper-common01:50
hoelkanyone with xubuntu here?01:50
RGautierSo how do I get that working under VirtualBox01:50
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hoelkwhats the command of the "open terminal here" thunar action01:51
lamalexRGautier: Dual monitor entries look like "1024x768:1280x1024"01:51
JunecyOkay two things...how do i do this legally and what is the link of the site you want me to view?01:51
infamouskidok so can someone look at these instructions and tell me what i am doing wrong?01:51
astro76!medibuntu | Junecy01:51
ubotuJunecy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:51
alecwhinfamouskid, it says "nvidia-glx is already the newest version".01:51
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fn%2Fndiswrapper%2Fndiswrapper-common_1.38-1ubuntu1_all.deb&md5sum=95b621b374025d41b0a4ad6ca649ce47&arch=all&type=main01:51
cerdaso wat can i do????????????01:51
infamouskidalec:then your all set01:51
lamalexRgautier: that should give you what you're looking for, if you don't have dual monitors already that's where you need to start01:51
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: alrighty01:52
RGautierIf you sent me PM I didnt get it01:52
JunecyI don't know how to access !medibuntu01:52
Junecyand that site isn't much help since I have no idea where to go.01:52
astro76Junecy, follow the link ubotu gave you01:52
MocheezeJordan_U: here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29591/01:52
alecwhinfamouskid, the problem is, I'm getting misc. problems.... Compiz is laggy, and it doesn't seem like its taking advantage of my card. I have pretty good specs, too. intel core 2 duo, 2gigs ram, nvidia 512mb video card...01:52
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RGautierUsing GAIM for IRC - I dont get PMs01:52
RGautierDont know why either01:53
infamouskidalec:try editing your vid card settings01:53
RGautierSo can you post link to the room?01:53
infamouskidhow do i edit /etc/apt/sources.list file ???01:53
alecwhok, sudo nvidia-settings ?01:53
Jordan_UMocheeze, I guess proceed?01:53
astro76Junecy, ... click on Repository Howto at top of page01:53
alecwhis there a specific option?01:53
kitcheRGautier: well on frenode you need to be registered and identify01:53
borgistainfamouskid: try 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'01:53
lamalexRGautier: file a bug report, you shoulld be01:53
kbrooksRGautier, not gaim, freenode01:53
RGautierI am identified01:53
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: what about theother problem?01:53
kbrookslamalex, it is the server01:54
advoc8kitche, to post a link you dont ?01:54
RGautierand registered with Nickserv01:54
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U:will that be solved by doing that01:54
kbrookslamalex, not a bug at all01:54
kitcheadvoc8: to pm you do01:54
infamouskidborgista:thanks alot01:54
alecwhinfamouskid, is there a specific option that will speed up things as a whole?01:54
borgistaNo problem infamouskid01:54
kbrooksRGautier, ok, now /msg nickserv set private on01:54
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RGautierOk, message sent01:54
JunecyOkay I've done the repository thing...now what?01:54
RGautierIt says Privacy set to [on] 01:55
kbrooksRGautier, no, turn that off, i meant unfiltered on01:55
astro76Junecy, sudo apt-get install w32codecs01:55
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MocheezeJordan_U: part deux: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29593/01:55
RGautierprivacy on worked01:55
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cerdaso can somone help?01:55
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Junecyit says I have the newest version already.01:55
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IndyGunFreakcerda: there's a way to do that, i done it on my laptop, i just can't remember what i did.01:56
infamouskidalecwh:mainly you want to make sure gl speeds are at max01:56
Robbie1490i like beans01:56
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, That will give you a program that will let you install your windows drivers01:56
N00basarausRobbie hates black people.01:56
astro76Junecy, hm you might want to uninstall the one you installed earlier first01:56
Junecyhow do I do that?01:56
alecwhI'm having a weird problem... I have pretty good specs, high end processor, OK processor... and things just seem... laggy. Like, booting up takes FOREVER, opening an app takes about 5 seconds (which is slow compared to windows). Any ideas?01:56
astro76Junecy, with dpkg --remove01:56
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alecwhinfamouskid, I'm sorry, but where would that optin be?01:56
Robbie1490i like guys01:57
cerdahmmmmmmmm, letme ask again01:57
nextse7enHi folks, When I plug us my photosmart card reader, and double click on the HP icon in gnome, it tells me there is no card in the drive, even though there is, could I get some troubleshooting tips?01:57
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cerdaso i get to the big ubuntu icon with the loading bar thing, and it just sits ther forever, what can i do?01:57
ind73Hey everybody01:57
maseso how do i safely remove an outdated kernel from grub and the system?01:57
Jordan_UMocheeze, I guess that it doesn't see any problems with your partition table, what is the next screen?01:57
unagianyone know how to get a card reader working in ubuntu?01:57
advoc8Robbie1490, read topic. /topic01:57
N00basarausRobbie is really good with HP printers.01:57
infamouskidalecwh: hmm lemme take a look01:57
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IndyGunFreaknextse7en: its probably not in a file format Linux can read01:57
Jordan_Umase, apt-get remove01:57
nextse7enIndy, how would I tell it to mount FAT?01:58
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alecwhthanks infamouskid. I just feel like I spent 1000 on this system, and it's not up to par, you know?01:58
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maseJordan_U,  thanks01:58
Junecyit sdays I have to specifiy the package to remove?01:58
IndyGunFreaknextse7en: well, if its fat, it should read it..,01:58
cerdacan it be the video card that i have?01:58
nextse7enIt is fat.01:58
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: ok i installed them01:58
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nextse7enBut its says its not in the drive.01:58
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N00basarausDoes Feisty Fawn read NTFS drives now? I recently noticed that it can read my external NTFS hdd.01:58
IndyGunFreakactually you know what, it may not read fat01:59
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Ok, now there should be an "install windows drivers" or something in System -> Administration01:59
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IndyGunFreak!fat | nextse7en01:59
ubotunextse7en: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse01:59
infamouskidalecwh:the default settings of the driver is more then enuough you dontneed ti tinker with anything. what exactly are you trying to do?01:59
Jordan_UN00basaraus, Yes, and it has stable write support too if you install it01:59
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: what do i have to do there? (before i get up)01:59
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | N00basaraus01:59
ubotuN00basaraus: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:59
astro76nextse7en, have you tried configuring the printer with hp-toolbox?01:59
JunecyI'm going to give up and just use windows.01:59
cerdado you think it helps if i install an earlier version?01:59
nextse7enNo, I didn't know I had such a thing.01:59
N00basarausWhat do I need to do to write to it?01:59
alecwhinfamouskid, things just run slow. I have a good video card, and compiz lags like crazy02:00
JunecyNone of this is helping and my job depends on my graphical abilities02:00
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JunecyI really appreciate the help but nothing is helping02:00
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, No idea, I have never used it myself, you will need the windows drivers though02:00
N00basarausWait, I saw your answer above. Sorryt.02:00
astro76Junecy, sudo dpkg --remove w32codecs02:00
LordDragonSlayeri have them ill go see then02:00
IndyGunFreakastro76: i thought he said it was a media card reader02:00
alecwhJunecy, what do you need specifically?02:00
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: i d9o ill go see then02:00
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, Tell me how it goes when you are done, I am curious.02:01
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Junecy# sudo dpkg -remove w32codecs02:01
Junecydpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)02:01
JunecyType dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*] ;02:01
JunecyUse `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;02:01
JunecyType dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;02:01
JunecyType dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;02:01
JunecyType dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;02:01
astro76IndyGunFreak, photosmart printers have card readers, I think that's what he has02:01
ind73Need some advise,  I installed Ubuntu server for my web server.  I know have a project that i need to get the server running in production environment,  Problem is i am still learning Linux.  Should I A) Stick with Ubuntu Server B) install Ubuntu Desktop so i can at least use a GUI if i run into problems, or C) Go back to Windows2k3  I currently use Mac OS X as my primary desktop so i am fairly familure with the command line02:01
JunecyType dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*] .02:01
JunecyOptions marked [*]  produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !02:01
Junecythat's what I get.02:01
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IndyGunFreakastro76: oh, ok.02:01
kitche!paste | Junecy02:01
Jordan_U!paste > Junecy02:01
ubotuJunecy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:01
astro76Junecy, --remove not -remove02:01
MocheezeJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29595/ basically just the screen where i confirm the changes made in the last screen, and i didn't make any02:01
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MocheezeJordan_U: it it a problem that I have two partitions listed with "P" next to them?02:01
JunecyI'm really frustrated with all of this and I thank you guys for putting up with it.02:02
astro76ind73, I'd say it'd be easier for you with ubuntu-desktop02:02
IndyGunFreakind73: well thats an easy answer, if you know nothing about Linux, and you need this in a production environment, reinstall W2k3..02:02
JunecyNow about the gstreamer?02:02
cerdaso can anyone help, please02:02
Jordan_UMocheeze, I think that just means primary02:02
ind73I know a bit about linux02:02
alecwhinfamouskid, any ideas?02:02
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mdmkolbeIf I install a package with "dpkg -i" (such as one I downloaded or made with checkinstall), will apt recognize it as being able to fulfill dependancies (assuming the package has the right name)?02:02
JunecyI have it installed but when I try to play the encrypted wmv file I can't.02:02
IndyGunFreakind73: wel, then go w/ ubuntu desktop02:02
JunecyI tried to install the pitfdll and it says no gstreamer found.02:03
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Jordan_UMocheeze, If you are daring let it write the new partition table02:03
ind73I think i may install Win2k3 then run ubuntu in VMware until i get the hang of it02:03
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IndyGunFreakind73: but you specifically said, "i'm still learning linux"..02:03
astro76Junecy, first of all, did you say you tried vlc?02:03
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:03
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: i did it installed the driver and it says the hardware isnt there02:03
Junecyyeah no success.02:03
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Junecyit won't even open anything video02:03
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Ghazwhat do you do with an .sh file?02:03
ind73I run Apache, even on windows,  I use MySQL02:03
ind73i am always in the command line on my mac02:03
astro76Junecy, you said the wmv is encrypted, does that mean it's protected by drm? where's it from?02:04
ind73so basically02:04
ind73there is nothing windows that i need02:04
unityhow can i enter a server of my choice as a download server for the automatic updates?02:04
MocheezeJordan_U: thanks for helping, i've never had to deal with anything like this before :/ suggestion on what to do next?02:04
JunecyI got the file from work.02:04
unityat the moment i can only choose between several in my country02:04
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unitybut not add one02:04
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JunecyI don't know if it's drm or not.02:04
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LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: i did it installed the driver and it says the hardware isnt there02:04
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, I don't know then, try asking in #ndiswrapper ( they will probably tell you to compile from source ) or go out and buy and intel card :)02:05
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Junecyif it's drm I don't think there is any way to view it is there?02:05
bobgillI've just installed the nvidia-glx-new driver, how do I "activate" it ???02:05
MrElendigJunecy: WMP IN WINE02:05
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: okies :'( ty though02:05
MrElendigstupid capslock02:05
Jordan_UJunecy, Every drm format ever made has been broken :)02:05
astro76Junecy, yeah there's wine or vmware, unfortunately no native solutions, thanks MS02:05
JunecyHow do I access WINE?02:05
k_hi there, how do i exit X server in ubuntu? i tried pkill X but it will restart X, i need to install nvidia drivers, but i have to close X first02:06
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astro76Junecy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21491002:06
Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, np, hope you get it working02:06
MrElendigDRM is evil anyway02:06
alecwhI'm having a problem, and one I can't pin. I have fairly good system specs (see @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29596/), and my computer just doesn't seem... up to par. I spent lots of money on this thing, and it doesn't feel like I'm getting it's potential. Compiz lags up, and Duel monitors lags up EVERYTHING. What can I do?02:06
MikehMrElendig wins.02:06
MrElendigyou shoudn't buy DRM protected stuff02:06
dimas__gcc-3.4 - The GNU C compiler. By default Breezy installs gcc-4.0 on your system. But the current kernel is compiled with gcc-3.4. Kernel modules MUST be compiled with the same compiler version as the kernel itself, so we need the older version.02:06
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Jordan_ULordDragonSlayer, And in the future try to buy supported hardware if you can02:07
Jordan_U!hardware > LordDragonSlayer02:07
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dimas__this apply for feity? ( what i posted before?02:07
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JunecySo how do I get WINE?02:08
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MocheezeJordan_U: What should my next course of action be?02:08
whtaany way to "officially" upgrade gaim to pidgin in feisty? through the repos, i mean02:08
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Belboz99Hey all, what the heck does this mean?02:08
Belboz99dan@htpc:/var/log$ sudo modprobe nvidia02:08
Belboz99FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia02:08
Jordan_UMocheeze, Let it write the new partition table ( back up the old one if you have important data on this drive ) and then re-install grub02:08
astro76whta, nope02:08
=== Poromenos [n=poro@ppp129-207.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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younghackercan someone help me with setting up mysql?02:08
unityso does anyone know how to set a specific download source in Ubuntu? i am only able to choose between several02:08
MrElendigJunecy: you realy shudn't use drm stuff, it's evil and hurts both the consumer and the artist02:08
Poromenoshow can i downgrade a package in ubuntu?02:08
Poromenosyounghacker: All you need to do is "sudo aptitude install mysql"02:08
xpointMrElendig, if DRM protected is nearly free i wont mind to have a legal copy02:09
dimas__The GNU C compiler. By default Breezy installs gcc-4.0 on your system. But the current kernel is compiled with gcc-3.4. Kernel modules MUST be compiled with the same compiler version as the kernel itself, so we need the older version.02:09
MocheezeJordan_U, I didn't edit any of the table, so would that accomplish anything?02:09
dimas__does this apply for feisty?02:09
MocheezeJordan_U, should I just reinstall grub then?02:09
=== Rapidwolve [n=rapidwol@pool-71-162-66-189.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
RapidwolveDoes anybody need a good webhost?02:09
RapidwolveI offer SQL databases, Email addresses, and FTP access, all unlimited.02:09
JunecyI am a Graphics Arts Talent agent working for one of the owrlds largest comic book and other graphic arts...we sometimes do animation which is what I'm trying to view02:09
Belboz99unity: if you're referring to repositories, use System -> Administration -> software sources02:09
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Jordan_UMocheeze, If it was messed up it might fix it02:09
younghackerok i have the app already02:09
Junecythe stuff I am needing to look at has NOT been published in any market globally and will not be able to untill review.02:09
cafuegoRapidwolve: Please advertise elsewhere, this is a support channel.02:09
Mocheezeok, will do02:09
alecwh I'm having a problem, and one I can't pin. I have fairly good system specs (see @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29596/), and my computer just doesn't seem... up to par. I spent lots of money on this thing, and it doesn't feel like I'm getting it's potential. Compiz lags up, and Duel monitors lags up EVERYTHING. I bought two screens back in my vista days, and now, I can't use one of them because it lags up my system, bad. I want to use Compiz, too..02:09
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younghackeri want to configure the user accounts or is that done automatically with the install?02:10
JunecyI understand the risk I take by forcing it to play on a linux machine but I have no other aption as of yet.02:10
Poromenosalecwh: Ouch... I can't help you with that, but it's definitely a problem, my 5 year old machine runs compiz great.02:10
younghackerand i also want to use my management and query GUI tools with it02:10
xpointRapidwolve, no i have 360G webhost with more then one 1Gbit network, do you have more ?02:10
Jordan_UJunecy, What format is it?02:10
alecwhRapidwolve, don't advertise here.02:10
=== bobgill [n=bobgill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
PoromenosDoes anyone know how I can downgrade apache?02:10
alecwhPoromenos, that makes it a lot worse. :(02:10
Jordan_UJunecy, Have you installed w32codecs?02:10
unitythanks Belboz9902:10
Junecythat is the extension but I am not sure the format because I can't access anything that has anything to do with my file02:10
Poromenosalecwh: yeah :(02:11
dimas__The Makefile which controls the compiling process for this driver has to be told to use gcc-3.4 instead of the default version 4.0:02:11
dimas__export CC=gcc-3.402:11
dimas__This sets the environment variable CC, which is used in the spac5xx Makefile to select the compiler.02:11
dimas__ does anyone able to explain this to me?02:11
astro76Poromenos, what version are you looking for?02:11
cntrlxpidgin still doesnt work02:11
MrElendigxpoint: drm sucks, this is a good example. It's only posible to play it if you are running windows with wmp02:11
astro76!repeat | dimas__02:11
ubotudimas__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:11
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IndyGunFreakcntrlx: what did you do wrong?02:11
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Poromenosastro76: I have 2.2 and it spawns 200ish processes sometimes, crashing the box, so I think 2.1 would be good.02:11
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Belboz99alecwh: you have your video card plugged into the power supply?  And are you using the right drivers for your card?  "nv" driver does not have 3D acceleration, use nvidia aka nvidia-glx in apt if you have an nvidia card02:11
MocheezeJordan_U, does it matter if I reboot (which testdisk says is required) before i install grub, or should I restart everything an then reinstall grub?02:11
MrElendigxpoint: and in some cases, you can't even use wmp to copy it to your mp3 player or a cd either02:11
Jordan_UJunecy, And either vlc or the plugin needed for totem ( can't remember it off hand ) ?02:11
cntrlxok i installed it blah blah02:11
LordDragonSlayerJordan_U: gahhhh ndiswrapper channels dead02:12
JunecyI tried VLC however it won't do anything but jsut sit there.02:12
Jordan_UMocheeze, I would reboot then install grub02:12
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Junecyand I have no idea how to get the pitfdll to install.02:12
IndyGunFreakcntrlx: well, sorry, i don't know what blah blah is, good luck02:12
cntrlxnow i start it it just goes away and says segmentation fault core dumped and i even make uninstalled it and re sudo make install.  still have this prob02:12
unityBelboz99: after i go to software sources, if i choose "other" from the dropdown menu then I can only choose from sources rather than entering a specific one02:12
alecwhBelboz99, yeah, it's plugged in and working... I don't know if I'm using the right drivers, how do I check?02:12
JunecyBecause it says I have no gstreamer which I know to be a farse02:12
xpointMrElendig, pointless, if you can play it, you can copy it aswell :)02:12
dimas__where i can find the makefile (compile file)?02:12
astro76Poromenos, the apache package in ubuntu is 1.3.34, afaik a lot of people still use this version for that type of reason02:12
MocheezeThanks a lot Jordan_U, your help has been invaluable :)02:12
Jordan_UJunecy, It's just a package02:12
Jordan_UMocheeze, np02:12
IndyGunFreakcntrlx: don'tknow.02:12
=== martyd215 [n=marty@c-69-242-233-198.hsd1.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LordDragonSlayeris anyone here experienced with ndiswrapper, if so plz help me!02:13
cntrlxty anyways02:13
JunecyBut I don't know how to get it to be recognized02:13
bulmerdimas__: where did you get the source from?02:13
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JunecyWhen I go to ./compile the pitfdll it says no gstreamer and won't allow me to go furthur02:13
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Poromenosastro76: Nah, there's apache2 as well, lots of people use that too...02:13
unityBelboz99: is there a way to enter one of my choice?02:13
PoromenosIs there a downgrading feature?02:13
Belboz99alecwh: look in your xorg.conf if you know you're way around the command line, otherwise, you should have an nvidia-settings tool if your card is an Nvidia based card02:13
Jordan_UJunecy, Why are you compiling from source?02:13
LordDragonSlayeris anyone here experienced with ndiswrapper, if so plz help me!02:13
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JunecyBecause that's what I was told to do.02:14
astro76Junecy, again there's no reason to compile pitfdll, if you really need it, it's in ubuntu repos02:14
Belboz99unity, yeah under 3rd party software, click the add button ;)02:14
dimas__bulmer from here>>>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Spca5xx02:14
astro76Poromenos, indeed02:14
alecwhBelboz99, yes, I have an nvidia card. I've tried sudo nvidia-settings, but i don't see an option there for anything to speed my system up. I mean, I'm SICK of lagging! :(02:14
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kitche!offtopic | MrElendig02:14
ubotuMrElendig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:14
=== soynadie [n=ircap8@207.Red-88-0-95.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerdimas__: if you have downloaded the tar ball from that site, it should have a Makefile in it02:14
Belboz99alecwh: type:02:14
Belboz99glxinfo | grep direct02:14
Belboz99and tell me what that says02:14
Jordan_UJunecy, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll02:14
Poromenosastro76: Indeed there is?02:14
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alecwhdirect rendering: Yes02:15
dimas__bulmer i dont understand this....hold on...yes but let me explain you this..02:15
Belboz99hmm, then it should be fine02:15
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Belboz99what card is it?02:15
alecwhCurrently, I'm using "indirect rendering" with compiz, because my computer dies with the other.02:15
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dimas__bulmer i dont know the address of the file02:15
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alecwhGIGABYTE GV-NX73G128D-RH GeForce 7300GS 512MB(128MB on board) GDDR2 PCI Express x16 Video Card, Belboz9902:16
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Belboz99alecwh: that would help explain the slowdown, but that leads us to another problem, what does it do when it "dies"?02:16
Junecythat didn't work.02:16
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JunecyI'll wait till I'm back in the office and see if I have better luck on the Mac02:16
dimas__bulmer>>>gcc-3.4 - The GNU C compiler. By default Breezy installs gcc-4.0 on your system. But the current kernel is compiled with gcc-3.4. Kernel modules MUST be compiled with the same compiler version as the kernel itself, so we need the older version.02:16
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astro76Poromenos, there's apache (1.3) and apache2 (2.2). I think it's reaching to hope that there's some regression from 2.1 to 2.2 that is causing your problem.02:16
alecwhBelboz99, that was a bad term. It's just really really slow and laggy.02:16
astro76Poromenos, unless you know otherwise02:16
bulmerdimas__: did you download the tar ball? check for the Makefile02:16
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alecwhCompiz is*02:16
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dimas__not yet02:17
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dimas__bulmer not yet02:17
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Belboz99alecwh: which method did you use for installing compiz? and have you tried Beryl?02:17
Poromenosastro76: Yes, other people have reported problems with 2.2 that I've looked, and the previous apache version worked well... I can't revert to 1.3 because half the stuff I have now wouldn't work :/02:17
cntrlxpidgin - now i start it it just goes away and says segmentation fault core dumped and i even make uninstalled it and re sudo make install.  still have this prob02:17
bulmerdimas__: well download it02:17
=== capiCrimm [n=capi@rrcs-67-53-146-168.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UJunecy, I don't think you can play DRM'd Windows Media on a mac either :(02:17
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alecwhBeryl worked great! But Compiz is way better, and I prefer it. Also, I usually needed to run Beryl in indirect rendering too.02:17
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Poromenoshttp://forums.serverbeach.com/archive/index.php/t-2004.html is the problem02:17
Junecythen I'm screwed.02:17
=== Fezzler [n=christop@unaffiliated/fezzler] has joined #ubuntu
PoromenosI got a load of 162 yesterday02:17
alecwhBut I'm also trying to get duel screens up and running, that slows beryl up real bad. Same with compiz.02:18
astro76Poromenos, ah ok, there's really no easy way to go to 2.1, afaik02:18
alecwhin fact, it just messes everything up.02:18
Poromenosastro76: Ah :/02:18
Belboz99alecwh: turn Compiz on, then load up nvidia-settings and see if you can find your GPU core temperature02:18
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dimas__bulmer>>need to understand this first02:18
Jordan_UJunecy, Run windows in a vm ?02:18
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JunecyI don't know how to do that.02:18
JunecyPlease instruct me.02:19
alecwh60 degress C, Belboz9902:19
dimas__bulmer<<are you with me?02:19
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Belboz99it's possible its overheading, and thus underclocking to save itself02:19
Poromenosastro76: Hmm, that guy seems to have a lot of accesses... My logs don't indicate anything like that, and besides it shouldn't violate the 10 maxservers i set, so i guess that's not the problem.02:19
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Belboz99alecwh: that's not too bad02:19
MajorPoopyPantsanyone here using ubuntu server?02:19
Jordan_UJunecy, Install vmware-server from the ubuntu-commercial repository02:19
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: i am02:19
unityBelboz99: thanks02:19
FezzlerHad to reinstall Ubuntu desktop.  Just installed Flashplayer via Synaptic for Firefox.   Not working.  Video stream blinks and controller is centered on video image.  No sound.  Small window pops up in upper right.02:19
MajorPoopyPantshow is it working out for you?02:19
Belboz99unity, no problem ;)02:19
Jordan_U!repos > Junecy02:19
=== Junecy scrathes neck
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: I love it, it's great if you don't need the GUI.02:19
alecwhBelboz99, any other ideas?02:20
=== Bubbafre [n=bubbafre@c-67-168-119-70.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPoopyPantsI dont02:20
BubbafreUH OH!02:20
BubbafreUH OH!!!02:20
alecwhor help with duel screen specifically?02:20
MajorPoopyPantsof course I could always add that later02:20
future222DCC SEND 1234567890 0 0 002:20
bulmerdimas__: nope..please read from that site, it has the instructions on how to download and compile02:20
astro76Poromenos, sorry I've no experience with apache202:20
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: Yeah, it's one apt-get02:20
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=== Berto [n=roberto@pool-71-116-198-207.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UJunecy, Then make a new virtual machine ( you will need a windows install CD )02:20
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Poromenosastro76: Ah, it's okay :( Too bad this is on the server that hosts my websites :(02:20
Belboz99alecwh: I have to tell ya, I've got Beryl working flawlessly on Feisty, but any game in Cedega runs like crap, 0-5FPS :(02:20
=== B|nTaRa [n=testing@wbb128.fwa5.jaring.my] has joined #ubuntu
=== Bennedetto [n=benny@S0106000f66877e21.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bennedettohey, can anyone help me with an issue regarding flash, moreover my lack of sound in flash02:20
MajorPoopyPantsive got a debian install up and running, nice and solid02:20
PoromenosBelboz99: Nice definition of "flawlessly" you have there :P02:20
Belboz99alecwh: are you by chance using Ubuntu-64?02:21
alecwhNo, 32.02:21
BertoHi - I'm currently using 64-bit ubuntu with 32-bit browser and 32-bit flash.  Is there a doc on using 64-bit browser + 32-bit flash?02:21
MajorPoopyPantsI really should stop being an ace-hole and count my blessings02:21
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: I have it running VMware with XP as well, no problems at all.02:21
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: Uptimes of months until I reboot because I messed something up.02:21
kitcheariel_: might want to fix your router Za----  also B|nTaRa02:21
NeoGeo64when is ubuntu getting the new kernel that was released yesterday02:21
dimas__bulmer i know but there is something they suggest for Breezy, but says it may not apply for a different version02:21
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Jordan_UMajorPayne, I personally see no advantage to running Ubuntu on a server02:21
kitcheNeoGeo64: never most likely unless it fixes some bugs02:21
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MajorPoopyPantsPoromenos, is that windows running via a vm? I would love to do that so I can use norton ghost02:22
alecwhmy main concern is two screens.... I have 250 dollars worth of LCD sitting here doing nothing. :(02:22
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants:  03:21:51 up 29 days,  1:58,  1 user,  load average: 0.41, 0.39, 0.2602:22
Jordan_UMajorPayne, Unless you are looking for Commercial support02:22
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: yeah02:22
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MajorPoopyPantsis vmware free?02:22
bastid_raZorxinerama is how i got dual monitors working02:22
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PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: VMware server is02:22
astro76MajorPayne, vmware player and server, not workstation02:22
olskolirchell with vmware get virtualbox02:22
Belboz99alecwh: Gutsy Gibbon is supposed to make multiple monitors a breeze02:22
PoromenosMajorPoopyPants: Which is what i'm using02:22
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:22
bulmerdimas__: oh well, you have to try and see if you need more02:22
olskolircits better then vmware and its free02:22
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Poromenosi don't know about better than vmware...02:22
alecwhGusty Gibbon?02:22
bastid_raZorbut i have a shatty video card, i'm soon to buy a pci-e card that is made to push dual monitors02:22
MajorPoopyPantsI dont know what the difference is, but im jut trying to get ghost running02:22
astro76MajorPoopyPants, basically not the only one that let's you create machines easily02:22
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THJFolks, here's a quick question: What tool do you use to read InnoDB binary logs as generated by MySQL?02:22
Jordan_Ualecwh, Next version of Ubuntu02:23
dimas__bulmer>> i have another question...hold on02:23
olskolircits nearly impossible to load vmware in ubuntu02:23
=== Greg [n=Chained@ppp-71-139-45-118.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPayneJordan_U, astro76: Why you all highlighting me?02:23
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Poromenosolskolirc: what are you talking about, it took me 5 minutes02:23
Jordan_Uolskolirc, Works fine for me02:23
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alecwhI'd like a solution until then. X|02:23
Belboz99alecwh: it's due for release on October 19th IIRC02:23
Justi2Is it possible to install quicktime using WINE?02:23
=== bastid_raZor uses vmware in ubuntu
astro76MajorPayne, sorry, it's MajorPoopyPants  :p02:23
PoromenosMajorPayne: they mean MajorPoopyPants02:23
olskolirci tried and tired02:23
MajorPoopyPantsits all good02:23
olskolircloading linux-source ect02:23
pushpopwould vmware-server perform better on 64bit ubuntu or 32bit?02:23
MajorPayneOhh.  Lol.  Ok, sorry.02:23
olskolirci have fiesty fawn02:23
Jordan_UMajorPayne, Sorry, your name is the same begginging as MajorPoopyPants and I use tab completion :)02:24
dimas__bulmer>>>The Makefile which controls the compiling process for this driver has to be told to use gcc-3.4 instead of the default version 4.0:02:24
dimas__export CC=gcc-3.402:24
dimas__This sets the environment variable CC, which is used in the spac5xx Makefile to select the compiler.02:24
Belboz99alecwh: you can download the Alpha version right now, its' Tribe 2, Tribe 3 is due in another week or two02:24
astro76MajorPayne, have to type 7 chars for a tab completion on him!! ;)02:24
alecwhWhat's the downside to those?02:24
puffFor anybody who was following my earlier wireless drama, the problem was that eth0 had the same suebnet.02:24
Jordan_Uastro76, No, just hit tab twice02:24
dimas__bulmer>> how do i work around with the makefile? thats my question02:24
Belboz99alecwh: I'm not sure if multiple monitor support is implemented yet or not though02:24
bulmerdimas__: those can be set within the Makefile..02:24
THJFor the people who aren't answering my question because they think I ought to read man pages or Google it instead: I already tried those, so help?02:24
astro76Jordan_U, thanks, I actually just found that today :)02:25
MajorPayneastro76, Jordan_U: It's ok.  I didn't notice him.02:25
alecwhWell.... Is my video card considered good?02:25
Belboz99alecwh: it's highly beta right now, I couldn't even get into the GUI when I tried it, even on the Live CD :(02:25
alecwhGIGABYTE GV-NX73G128D-RH GeForce 7300GS 512MB(128MB on board) GDDR2 PCI Express x16 Video Card02:25
Jordan_UTHJ, I don't think anyone thinks that, they just can't help you02:25
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Justi2Is it possible to install quicktime using WINE?02:25
dimas__bulmer>>so you type over in the same file?02:25
Belboz99alecwh: how much RAM is on your motherboard?02:25
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bulmerdimas__: modify the Makefile02:25
Jordan_UJusti2, Yes02:25
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dimas__bulmer>how? on the terminal?02:26
astro76THJ, indeed, that's a pretty specific/obscure question for this channel02:26
Jordan_U!appdb | Justi202:26
ubotuJusti2: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org02:26
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THJastro76: well, where would you take it? #mysql maybe?02:26
Justi2jordan_u thanks02:26
THJI haven02:26
Jordan_UJusti2, np02:26
bulmerdimas__: use vi or emacs02:26
alecwhBelboz99, 2 gigs02:26
THJ't tried and seen if there is a MySQL channel...02:26
astro76THJ, worth a shot I guess02:26
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alecwhHow do I install xinerama?02:26
astro76THJ, even #linux maybe02:27
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Jordan_U!xinerama | alecwh02:27
ubotualecwh: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:27
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dimas__bulmer>>dont have idea of what are you talking about02:27
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THJastro76: thanks02:27
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bulmerdimas__: okay..never mind me then02:27
Belboz99okay, anyone know what this is all about?02:27
Belboz99dan@htpc:/var/log$ sudo modprobe nvidia02:27
Belboz99FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia02:27
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dimas__bulmer>>where do i supose to find the file? which address?02:28
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Jordan_UBelboz99, How did you install the nvidia drivers?02:28
brisrI have an issue...with my IPOD02:28
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alecwhOk, I'll try.02:28
Belboz99Jordan_U: apt-get install nvidia-glx02:28
Jordan_Ubrisr, What issues?02:28
brisrI plugged it in last night and worked fine...02:28
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brisrnow nothing.... any idea?02:28
brisrI have tried pluggin it in and out and all that ...02:28
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Jordan_U!ipod > brisr02:28
brisrshould I try another rebood?02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipod? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
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naatA UIOHAUEI02:29
Skwid_how do I set up my microphone for recording under feisty ? I keep getting this message: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings."02:29
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brisris that a command?02:29
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kitchedoes anyone know what dwm-tools has in it like dwmenu and such?02:29
Belboz99brisr: I've had this problem as well with my card reader in my printer, sometimes it reads, sometimes it doesn't.  You can manually mount it if the automount fails02:29
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Jordan_Ubrisr, Sorry, I was sure there was a factoid for ipods :)02:29
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s25Hi all looking for some advice any one know a program with a gui that will allow me to convert videos to flv?02:29
brisrManually? how would I do thaT?02:29
Jordan_U!ipod | brisr02:29
ubotubrisr: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod02:29
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Jordan_Ubrisr, There is :)02:30
Skwid_anyone ?02:30
dimas__bulmer>> what is vi or emacs?02:30
brisrthank you very much02:30
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!02:30
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Belboz99Jordan_U: have any ideas on my error?02:30
Jordan_Ubrisr, It should always mount as an external drive though02:30
brisrit should..02:30
Jordan_UBelboz99, No02:30
bulmer!vi | dimas__02:30
ubotudimas__: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code02:30
Belboz99Jordan_U: thanks anyway02:30
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icekillerWhy I dont run Tibia in driver open source of ati?02:30
bulmer!vim | dimas__02:31
astro76dimas__, they are text editors, if you've never heard of them, you'll want something easier like gedit or nano02:31
brisrYeah I always have used RoxBox...02:31
unityBelboz99: i'm still a bit confused as to what to set for the software source, my isp's mirror of ubuntu is at http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/, i don't know what to set as the apt line02:31
icekillerWhy I dont run Tibia in driver open source of ati?02:31
Jordan_Uunity, Your isp's mirror?02:32
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Jordan_Uicekiller, The open source driver doesn't support 3D on all cards02:32
unityJordan_U: i want to set it as my software source for updates so i don't get charged for downloads02:32
dimas__thank you guys!! i appreciate02:32
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brisrOK I got it to work lol thanks for yalls help..02:33
Jordan_Uunity, Ok, I have never heard of an isp setting up such a service, I can help you change it though02:33
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icekillerJordan_U, and i want run tibia and beryl =[02:33
Mocheezewow, that was bad, i think my computer was nearly bricked02:33
d4rkmonkeyHey can anyone help me to set amaroK to do something when I put in a CD?02:34
Justi2when I do an itunes/quicktime install with WINE, the installer hangs on "Publishing product information" should I do something different?02:34
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Jordan_Uicekiller, ATI cards in general suck on linux, beryl is not going to be easy to set up :(02:34
unityJordan_U: thanks, yeah it is a good isp02:34
Jordan_UJusti2, Did you check the appdb ?02:34
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IndyGunFreakJusti2: i think Itunes pretty much sucks w/ wine, at least thats what i've read02:35
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icekillerJordan_U, i using beryl now.. in ubuntu is easy to install..02:35
Jordan_Uunity, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:35
astro76Justi2, it might very well not work, you can try the lastest wine: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb02:35
d4rkmonkeyI don't think that itunes works in wine because its dependent on quick time02:35
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Justi2jordan_u: I couldn't find it02:35
Jordan_Uicekiller, Then you must be getting 3D acceleration with the open source drivers02:35
unityyep, got it open Jordan_U02:35
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d4rkmonkeyHow do I set amarok to play a CD when I insert a CD into my optical drive? I tried replacing sound-juicer with amarok in the removeable drives/media thing, but that didn't work02:35
Jordan_Uicekiller, So I don't know why any 3D program wouldn't run02:36
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Jordan_U!appdb > Justi202:36
JayRoecan someone help me out with setting up a remote control through the kernel?02:36
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IndyGunFreakJusti2: you didn't look very hard...  http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=134702:36
IndyGunFreaktook about 3sec02:36
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icekillerJordan_U, if i get 3d acceleration with open source, i can run tibia?02:36
astro76d4rkmonkey, you'll probably have better luck asking in #kubuntu02:36
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d4rkmonkeyastro76, I'm using gnome though...02:36
Jordan_Uicekiller, I would assume so02:36
systemd0wnQUESTION, ATI x1600 + Beryl + Dual Monitors  ??02:36
KI4IKLI downloaded a gtk2.0 theme...how do I install it?02:36
astro76d4rkmonkey, amarok is kde and they probably all use it ;)02:37
systemd0wni am finding a lot of stuff on google but nothing that helps in any way02:37
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: GOOD LUCK.. i gave up and bought Nvidia.02:37
d4rkmonkeyastro76, won't set up change though between gnome and KDE?02:37
astro76d4rkmonkey, you probably need to find the right command line options to pass to amarok02:37
systemd0wnIndyGunFreak, ya not an option.02:37
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iTG`NeatcheeHi there.  I would like to replace the little ubuntu logo on my menu bar with a custom logo.  Every guide I've found so far hasn't worked.  I'm a running Feisty.  Has anyone been able to get this changed?02:37
cleit0nhi, please help me, i try install mplayer in dapper, but dont install here02:37
icekillerJordan_U, ok.. and where i found this 3d acceleration?02:37
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: don't get to excited that you'll get it to work02:37
d4rkmonkeyastro76, yeah I was basically asking if anyone knew... I guess I'm gonna go for google then :)02:37
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IndyGunFreakd4rkmonkey: what do you need to do?02:37
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ingo_hi all! wifi on my macbook suddenly doesn't work - can anyone help please ??!02:38
systemd0wnIndyGunFreak, how about starting simple... ATI 1600 + Dual Monitors02:38
d4rkmonkeyIndyGunFreak, I need to know the command that will make amaroK open up into the CD thingy02:38
iluhow does one go about changing from Gnome to KDE?02:38
Jordan_Uunity, replace   http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/ with http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/02:38
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: nothing ATI and Linux is simple.02:38
IndyGunFreakoh ok.02:38
systemd0wnIndyGunFreak, ok simple is a loose term02:38
Jordan_Uunity, Sorry...02:38
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JayRoeJordan_U you busy?02:38
unitheoryd4rkmonkey, amarok --cdplay /dev/cdrom02:38
unityJordan_U: ah i see, it needs an extra ubuntu on the end02:38
unitybecause there are several distributions there..02:39
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: its not even loose in this case... its a dream02:39
astro76!doesntwork | ingo_02:39
ubotuingo_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:39
d4rkmonkeythanks unitheory02:39
Jordan_Uunity, replace   http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ with http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/02:39
unitheoryd4rkmonkey, welcome02:39
systemd0wnIndyGunFreak, im a little spent from today, had to read TONS just to get my ASUS P5B Delux Wifi Board to work right.02:39
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d4rkmonkeyunitheory, do you know how I would rip a CD in amarok?02:39
iluany1 know how i change from gnome to kde in ubuntu? is it simple or is it complicateD?02:39
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B-777Is there a channel where I can get help with firefox under ubuntu?02:39
unitheoryd4rkmonkey, or wherever your cd drive is02:39
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Jordan_UJayRoe, I am helping a lot of people at once :)02:39
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: well, at least you got it to work, you probably won't have the same success w/ ATI and Dual Mon.02:39
ilu<B-777> this is it boeing 77702:39
KI4IKLI just downlaoded a gtk2.0 theme...how do I isntall it?02:39
systemd0wnIndyGunFreak, i have seen it done! with beryl...  If your just going to nay-say dont comment02:39
JayRoeJordan_U no problem02:39
astro76B-777, this one ;)02:40
vandenhi all. I stupidly removed the nm-aplet from my tray. (7.04 w/ gnome)I cannot figure out how to get it back. Google gave no joy. ps -e show nm-applet running, but I cannot see it. Anybody able to point me in the right direction?02:40
IndyGunFreaksystemd0wn: beryl and dual monitors are quite different02:40
FrogzooKI4IKL: sys -> prefs -> themes: drag/drop the theme in02:40
kbrooksthe chess game, when i select 3D from view, says that i need to install the opengl python bindings and the gtkglext python bindings. how do i do that?02:40
kbrooksi tried to find the gtkglext python bindings, but i was unsuccessful.02:40
Jordan_Uvanden, Possibly dpkg-reconfigure network-manager-gnome02:40
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vandenJordan_U: thanks, I'll go try that02:41
kbrooksdoes the opengl python bindings include gtkglext?02:41
B-777I just installed the java runtime plug in for firefox from the synaptic manager, and when I go to a website which uses it, it still tells me I need to install it...;02:41
Jordan_Uvanden, with sudo02:41
kbrooksor what?02:41
nerdygirl_ellievanden: right click the bar.  Click Add to panel It is under system...02:41
kbrooksanyone ...02:41
vandenJordan_U: got that, but thanks for making sure :-)02:41
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nerdygirl_ellievanden: It's under system & hardware.02:41
iluanyone ? answer my question ? how do i change gnome into kde?02:42
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vandennerdygirl_ellie: It isn't in the icon I can choose from, though :-(02:42
unitheoryd4rkmonkey, sorry, don't know02:42
Jordan_Uilu, You want to remove gnome entirely?02:42
d4rkmonkeyunitheory, ok, I'll do a bit more searching into amarok then02:42
nerdygirl_ellieilu, yes.  apt-get install kde-desktop02:42
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ilu<Jordan_U> dont know.. just wondering how it would work02:42
unagii love how in linux if something breaks.....you can fix it........not like windows at all02:42
ilui was looking at pictures of kde and it looks better than gnome02:42
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ilu<nerdygirl_ellie> that easy?02:43
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ingo_my wifi-connection says that i am connected to wireless .... - but it doesn't resolve any side ... - please help02:43
nerdygirl_ellieilu: or use system -> administration -> synaptic and install kde desktop that way.02:43
Rhynriunagi - A) if you can figure out what broke && B) if you know how to fix it.02:43
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nerdygirl_ellieilu: yes, it is that easy. :)02:43
IndyGunFreakilu: you have to be kidding, KDE looks better than gnome?..lol02:43
unagithats what this channel and ubuntuforums is for02:43
Jordan_Uilu, just install kubuntu-desktop02:43
Rhynrihey, i just restored my home folder, permissions are broke... can i mass reset the permissions for that folder back to myself?02:43
vandennerdygirl_ellie: that's Network-Monitor, which isn't as good as the one I removed by accident.02:44
Jordan_URhynri, sudo chown -R <yourusername> ~/02:44
nerdygirl_ellieRhynri: 'chown -R yourname:yourname /home/yourname.02:44
nerdygirl_ellievanden: Checking now.02:44
vandennerdygirl_ellie: thanks02:44
Jordan_Uvanden, Did dpkg-reconfigure do it?02:44
zhimseli have a boot problem. ubuntu starts to boot but stops at /scripts/init-bottom and my caps-lock key starts flashing. i'm running feisty w/ kernel v2.6.20-1602:44
zhimselcan anyone help?02:45
B-777I installed the JRE plugin but it still says I need to install it in firefox, is there something I am missing?02:45
vandenJordan_U: sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager-gnome didn't help, no02:45
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JockeCan anyone give me tips of free games for GNU/Linux that reminds about games for MS-DOS?02:45
ilui think i have fallen inlove with linux02:45
Jordan_Uvanden, Log out and log back in again?02:45
ingo_my wifi-connection says that i am connected to wireless .... - but it doesn't resolve any side ... - please help02:45
Belboz99Jocke: ever try DosBox?02:45
Jordan_Uvanden, Or killall gnome-panel ?02:45
JockeBelboz99, yeah but I want the games to be free also.02:45
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Jordan_U!games | Jocke02:46
ubotuJocke: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org02:46
vandenJordan_U: will try the logout/login but I think I'll stick a bit before I break my net connection02:46
Belboz99Jocke: ah, ok.  try some of the Arcade games ;)02:46
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Rhynriso... now all my images say they are text documents (or so ubuntu tells me)02:46
asdf_is anyone running seamless windows with rdesktop?02:46
iluany1 in here code for ubuntu?02:46
zhimseli have a boot problem. ubuntu starts to boot but stops at /scripts/init-bottom and my caps-lock key starts flashing. i'm running feisty w/ kernel v2.6.20-16. help anyone?02:46
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Rhynriany ideas?02:47
Belboz99join #Ubuntu+102:47
unagianyone know why i have to execute the command passkey-agent /usr/bin/bluez-pin 00:15:B9:83:25:7E every time i want to connect to my bluetooth?02:47
vandenJordan_U: killall gnome-panel didn't help, either.02:47
IndyGunFreakRhynri: right click an image, properties/open with, and choose a program02:47
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ingo_can anybody help me on my wifi-problem???02:48
ingo_my wifi-connection says that i am connected to wireless .... - but it doesn't resolve any side ... - please help02:48
shiester_miestergday everyone02:48
shiester_miesterwow, everyone with wifi seems to have problems with it02:48
unityJordan_U: when i'm updating my package list i02:48
shiester_miesteri hope all that gets fixed in gutsy02:48
nerdygirl_ellievanden: If I were me, I would open synaptic, search for network manager, right click the two network manager apps and select Mark for complete removal, which removes the config files too.  After removing them, I would reinstall and restart X.02:48
unityJordan_U: ignore that last message, i got it     tow ork02:48
unitheoryingo_, are you sure the ap is connected to the internet?02:48
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester:gday.., wifi is better in Feisty than it was in Edgy02:49
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shiester_miesterIndyGunFreak, im pretty sure that most things would be better in feisty since its the updated version :P02:49
IndyGunFreak!wifi | ingo_02:49
ubotuingo_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:49
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shiester_miesterim assuming that they wouldnt make anything worse in an upgrade02:49
fiXXXerMetWhere in /dev/ are my serial ports?02:49
ingo_<unitheory>: what is ap?02:49
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IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: true, but i read something somewhere, can't remember where, where some people thought Feisty took a couple steps backwards on a few things.02:49
vandennerdygirl_ellie: That sound's promising. Any chance that'd bust my ability to get online, though. No fun figuring stuff out with one box that can't get otu to the world :-)02:49
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Jordan_Ushiester_miester, That is a niave assumption...02:49
nerdygirl_ellieWifi isn't so bad, it's just that not a lot of cards have mainstream drivers, and in trying to get ndiswrapper to work, a lot of other things get fiddled around.02:49
shiester_miesterIndyGunFreak, oh ok02:49
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, :)02:49
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: and always remember, Win98 to WinMe... that would be a big step back if you ask me..lol02:50
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unitheorymy wifi worked perfectly out of the box (ipw2200)02:50
zhimseli have a boot problem. ubuntu starts to boot but stops at /scripts/init-bottom and my caps-lock key starts flashing. i'm running feisty w/ kernel v2.6.20-16. help anyone?02:50
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IndyGunFreakmy wifi is still at the electronics store.02:50
shiester_miesterJordan_U, true, but im also assuming that people who make ubuntu are more clever that those that make windows...otherwise i would just go back to windows02:50
shiester_miestersorry that was meant for IndyGunFreak02:50
unitheoryingo_, the access point, ie. the wireless network you connected to02:50
vandennerdygirl_ellie: I don't know how to restart X.02:50
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alecwhHelp! For some reason, I can't access the terminal! I click on it, and it just doesn't load. It says "starting terminal" and that's it!02:50
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Jordan_Ushiester_miester, :)02:50
shiester_miesterso what kind of things were made worse in feisty?02:51
cavalierprimectrl+backspace to restart X02:51
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Jordan_Ualecwh, What about an xterm?02:51
astro76cavalierprime, ctrl+alt+backspace02:51
nerdygirl_ellievanden: It's possible, if you are worried, mark them for reinstallation first, then completely remove them, then install them..  Then you'll be sure the .deb files will be cached locally.  (in /var/cache/apt/yadayada.)02:51
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: i agree with you, canonical has more talent in their little offices, than MS has worldwide..., but still, people will always be happy w some changes, and will think they are "worse"..02:51
liluoany coders in here?02:51
alecwhI've tried restarting X server02:51
cavalierprimeyeah what he said  :)02:51
Jordan_Ualecwh, try running "xterm" from alt+F202:51
nerdygirl_ellieliluo: ?02:51
alecwhI have, but I can't use the term "sudo" in there, can I?02:51
alecwhI need to alter some nvidia-settings02:51
ingo_<unitheory>: yes the ap is ok - first my wifi worked without problems after installation - after i typed in my default-key, it doesn't resolve any adress02:51
alecwhwith root02:51
liluo<nerdygirl_ellie> coder ie programmer02:52
Jordan_Ualecwh, You can use sudo from any terminal02:52
alecwhI only have one02:52
shiester_miesterIndyGunFreak, i was referring to more objective measures of things being worse than just a person's preferences.  like for example, a particular functionality being broken/bug-ridden etc02:52
Jordan_Ualecwh, Though you should be using gksudo for GUI applications02:52
nerdygirl_ellieliluo: well I'm not an IE programmer, I think you'll find few of them here. :)02:52
unagihow do i revert the title bar at the top of the screen to the way it is when u install ubuntu?02:52
shiester_miesterIndyGunFreak, obviously there will be trade-offs in some departments02:52
Jordan_Ualecwh, try running "xterm" from alt+F202:52
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cavalierprimedrag it to the top02:52
alecwh ok.02:52
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: yeah, like i said though, one need only look at win98 to winMe to see a upgrade gone horribly wrong.. lol02:53
unagino i mean my icons are out of wack02:53
unagilike the network stuff02:53
alecwhOk, I used "gksudo"02:53
alecwhand it opened it02:53
alecwhI'm going to restart02:53
alecwhone sec02:53
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shiester_miesteranybody got any ideas about how to debug a very stubborn network problem02:53
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nerdygirl_ellieI disagree.  Microsoft has a lot of talent.  The problem is dilution.02:53
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nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: more information please.02:54
zhimseli have a boot problem. ubuntu starts to boot but stops at /scripts/init-bottom and my caps-lock key starts flashing. i run the boot in verbose mode and i see that i'm getting a kernel panic. possibly relating to ext3.  i'm running feisty w/ kernel v2.6.20-16. help anyone?02:54
unagihow do you move the system tray on the bar at the top?02:54
vandennerdygirl_ellie: thanks for the suggestions. I'm off to try them, and will come back when done to let you know if you are still about. (You too, Jordan_U)02:54
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alecwhOk, thanks a lot, that worked perfectly. :)02:54
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shiester_miesterbasically, the NIC is detected fine, i can specify IP address fine, i plug in a cable and the little lights flash on both computers NICs, so its working to some degree, but it refuses to actually WORK in ubuntu, in terms of transferring data02:55
alecwhNow, how do I close a program that's running? I'm using metacity, and I have AWN up... how do I close it? (Like, cntrl alt delete in windows)02:55
astro76unagi, just add the stuff back with Add to panel... (Menu bar, notification area, network manager, volume, clock, quit...)02:55
astro76unagi, right click, unlock, right click, move02:55
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, all the commands everyone has told me to use to check that its working have said that theres nothing wrong with it at all02:55
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systemd0wnQUESTION, any ATI users here?02:55
ingo_<unitheory>:  any idea?02:55
unagianyone know how to get the bar at the top back to defaults?02:55
zhimselsystemdown,i use ati02:55
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unitheoryingo_, sorry, dont know02:55
systemd0wnzhimsel, happen to use dual monitors?02:56
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unagithe network monitor in the add stuff isnt the same one02:56
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MajorPayneHi.  I am trying to start a browser remotely.  I type ssh -X hostname and log in.  I then type firefox at the prompt but it launches a local browser.  I know because when I type local host I get host not found but if I type in the host name in the browser I get the site I am looking for.02:56
cavalierprimesystemd0wn:  I do with ATI02:56
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zhimselno. but i have tried. what's up?02:56
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unagiastro76:  i just want it back the way it was =*(02:56
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:57
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nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: It may be that the network card just doesn't work.  Is it a common network card?02:57
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IndyGunFreakwhat the02:57
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IndyGunFreaki hate when that happens.02:57
Bob_le_PointuWas fun.02:57
astro76unagi, actually the network manager shows up in the notification area, so you don't need to add that02:57
nerdygirl_ellieNow we get to see the ops play whack a mole.02:57
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IndyGunFreakmakes my head hurt.02:57
IndyGunFreaknerdygirl_ellie: lol02:58
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systemd0wncavalierprime, SWEET.  would you be able to point me in the direction of a how to?  (might be asking to much, but do you use beryl?)02:58
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ramza3I am trying to play wmv files but sound wont load, is there a place to find sound codecs02:58
nerdygirl_ellieramza3: I'll get ubotu'd, but automatix is really good at that.02:59
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:59
Jordan_Uramza3, Do you have w32codecs installed ?02:59
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astro76ramza3, you'll want to install ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs02:59
Jordan_Unerdygirl_ellie, Maybe you should read that factoid :)02:59
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:59
IndyGunFreaknerdygirl_ellie: lol, imprssive, you ubotu'd yourself.02:59
astro76!medibuntu | ramza3 you can get w32codecs here02:59
uboturamza3 you can get w32codecs here: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:59
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naliothramza3: feisty automatically installs needed codecs02:59
naliothnerdygirl_ellie: feisty automatically installs needed codecs02:59
nerdygirl_ellieI thought I would save y'all the trouble. ;)02:59
ramza3nalioth, so far it hasnt03:00
systemd0wncavalierprime, SWEET.  would you be able to point me in the direction of a how to?  (might be asking to much, but do you use beryl?)03:00
naliothnerdygirl_ellie: automatix will kill your system.03:00
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astro76nalioth, true, not w32codecs though03:00
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naliothautomatix is the immediate 'fix' to your perceived problem, but your system will not recover from it.03:01
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zhimselramza3: did you try using vlc?03:01
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shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, basically, the NIC is detected fine, i can specify IP address fine, i plug in a cable and the little lights flash on both computers NICs, so its working to some degree, but it refuses to actually WORK in ubuntu, in terms of transferring data03:01
cavalierprimeyou might google it03:01
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shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, all the commands everyone has told me to use to check that its working have said that theres nothing wrong with it at all03:01
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naliothastro76: only installing w32codecs won't bother Ubuntu a bit.  using automatix will.03:01
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shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, the thing is, it was previously working perfectly fine, ive had it for years03:01
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shiester_miesterthere we go, lol03:01
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, Does it get dhcp?03:01
shiester_miesterfor some reason it wouldnt let me post until i registered my nick :/03:01
shiester_miesterJordan_U, nope03:01
anandanbuWhere do i get files with .deb for creating a collection to install for offline users03:02
shiester_miesterit gets nothing03:02
astro76nalioth, indeed, I mean they won't be automatically offered for installation like other codecs03:02
dabaRwhat is that daemon restarting dir in /etc?03:02
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, have you tried "sudo dhclient < interface >" ?03:02
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: I got that.  I think it's a nic problem, not a networking problem.  I was hoping to be able to help, but that'll probably involve fiddling with bit I have no business in.  I am the automatix chic after all. :)03:02
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systemd0wncavalierprime, SWEET.  would you be able to point me in the direction of a how to?  (might be asking to much, but do you use beryl?)03:02
naliothastro76: ah yes03:02
shiester_miesterJordan_U, nope03:02
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shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, maybe, but it was working just fine until recently...its possible though03:03
unitythanks again Jordan_U, i successfully updated my system from my ISP's mirror03:03
Jordan_Uunity, Great :)03:03
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shiester_miesteralthough i did do a few things to set up internet connection sharing just before it stopped working03:03
dabaRwhat is that daemon restarting dir in /etc?03:03
shiester_miesterexcept that the internet connection sharing worked for a little while, too03:03
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kbrooksis there a good 3d game, other than ppracer?03:03
shiester_miesterim trying to find it so i can reverse the process :P03:03
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: did you try the obvious, new cable, etc... brb03:03
cavalierprimesystemd0wn:  I don't have a how-to, just figured it out by poking around.  I don't use beryl atm sorry03:03
shiester_miesterkbrooks, nexuiz03:03
kbrooksshiester_miester, wassat03:04
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:04
kbrooks!info nexuiz03:04
ubotunexuiz: A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-1 (feisty), package size 593 kB, installed size 1488 kB03:04
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shiester_miesterkbrooks, sort of like a cross between unreal tournament and quake 3, but with very nice graphics03:04
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systemd0wncavalierprime, aight, well thanks.03:04
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kbrooksshiester_miester, no, i'd rather not shoot03:04
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, no i didnt, but if it was a bad cable the connection lights wouldnt be working, would they?03:04
shiester_miesterkbrooks, whats wrong with you :P03:04
unaginetwork monitoring isnt in my system tray anymore03:04
unagiwhat happened to it =(03:04
d4rkmonkeywhats a good amarok-like program for gnome?03:05
kbrooksshiester_miester, lets see, umm, nothing?03:05
shiester_miesterlol i was jk03:05
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anandanbucan somebody tell me where can i get files with .deb extension for creating a aptoncd DVD03:06
IndyGunFreakd4rkmonkey: if you don'tw ant to sync an IPOD, Exaile03:06
tonyyarussod4rkmonkey: banshee, quod libet, rhythmbox, exaile03:06
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unitheoryd4rkmonkey, are you trying to rid cds?03:06
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unitheoryd4rkmonkey, rip*03:06
|c4|could someone help me with getting libdvdcss installed on ubuntu, festy?03:06
Justi2Is there another way to install Adobe flash player other than using the firefox plugin installer?03:06
Chihorkis there a configuration file I can go into to change the startup resolution of usplash?03:06
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shiester_miesterah here it is03:07
Taco`can someone please tell me where session files are stored?03:07
d4rkmonkeyyeah unitheory I need it to rip CDs too. I might just go back to using banshee. I really like amarok, but if it doesn't rip CDs I'm not using it03:07
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aztracker1hi all, I have a new laptop I'm planning on putting Ubuntu on... is there a dev version (in line for the upcoming 7.10 release), or should I go with 7.04?03:07
shiester_miesterJordan_U, nerdygirl_ellie, this is what i did just before it stopped working http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html03:07
d4rkmonkeyI've tried exaile but I don't like it03:07
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: it's possible, Bad cables can act weird.03:07
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|c4|i need help with lipdvdcss. anyone?03:08
shiester_miesterbut it DID work for a short while afterwards, the internet connection sharing was fully functional, then i believe i restarted and nothing network-related worked at all03:08
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|c4|having trouble getting dvds to play03:08
dimas__how do i do this?  Workaround to make the Makefile use gcc-3.403:08
jamman!dvd| |c4|03:08
ubotu|c4|: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:08
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nerdygirl_ellieanandanbu: What you are asking for is non-trivial,  having said that, you can see where Ubuntu/Apt/Synaptic gets their deb files by looking in your /etc/apt/sources files.03:08
Justi2What is better to install from? tar.gz or .rpm03:08
Jordan_Uaztracker1, If you don't know about dpkg dependencies and bug fixing you shouldn't use Gutsy ( see topic in #ubuntu+1 )03:09
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unitheoryJusti2, tar.gz03:09
aztracker1Jordan_U, okay thx...03:09
jammanJusti2, tar03:09
Taco`can someone please tell me where session files are stored?03:09
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aztracker1from what I've read, camera and wifi support are 50/50 but most gfx stuff and suspend work w/ nvidia (proprietary) drivers..03:09
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IndyGunFreakJusti2: well, if you're using a redhat distro, RPM03:10
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nerdygirl_ellieJusti2: .deb, and if it is unavailable, .rpm and alien, or .tar.gz and chkinstall.03:10
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IndyGunFreaknerdygirl_ellie: .?..lol, you sure have some dangerous suggestions...lol03:10
IndyGunFreakrpm and alien should be an absolute last resort.03:10
dimas__could you explain me how i do this>>>he Makefile which controls the compiling process for this driver has to be told to use gcc-3.4 instead of the default version 4.0:03:10
dimas__export CC=gcc-3.403:10
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Jordan_UJusti2, What are you trying to install ?03:10
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jammanHellDragon, cool name man.03:11
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aztracker1Jordan_U, would you suggest 64bit, or 32bit?  I've only got 2gb ram, and mostly do web dev related stuff..03:11
Justi2jordan_u adobe flash player03:11
Jordan_Uaztracker1, 32bit03:11
kbrooksJusti2, i should reiterate: .tar.gz AND checkinstall. tar -xzvf /path/to/tarball-0.0.0.tar.gz; cd /path/to/tarball-0.0.0; ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall03:11
nerdygirl_elliedimas__: You'll need to get an old version of the c compiler gcc, and then run "export CC=gcc-3.4"  and it probably still won't work.03:11
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unitheoryeh.. only 2gb ram03:11
Jordan_UJusti2, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:11
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nerdygirl_ellieaztracker1: 32bit.03:12
jammanaztracker1, 3203:12
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IndyGunFreakJusti2: why are you trying to compile flash?.. its in the repos.03:12
aztracker1Jordan_U, thx.. ran 5.10-6.10 for about 9 months last year, went to win this year for work, but going to be using the laptop for play, and vmware for windows again.03:12
nerdygirl_ellieaztracker1: 64 bit needs a few more YEARS yet, on windows AND ubuntu.03:12
Justi2I couldn't find it03:12
aztracker1thx all... :)  downloading 7.04-32 now...03:12
aztracker1yeah, win64 way sucks.03:12
uncle_ricoYo, i am trying to install Counter Strike on Ubuntu but when it prompts me to load the 2nd disk i get a error message that "a application is using it and it can't unmount the disk' what is a workaround03:12
IndyGunFreaknerdygirl_ellie: now that we agree with...lol.03:12
Jordan_UJusti2, Enable universe and multiverse03:12
NutubuntuI just powered on my Feisty box and got a scare - got the busybox (?) and ash - had to power down entirely and restart, a warm boot didn't get me past it. What's that about, and how serious a problem is it?03:13
Justi2jordan_u: what should I search for in synaptic03:13
IndyGunFreakJusti2: flashplugin-nonfree03:13
ned_when i put a dvd in, nothing happens03:13
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dimas__nerdygirl i did get the old version already, so how do i run it just typing this on the terminal?"export CC=gcc-3.4"03:13
Jordan_UNutubuntu, That usually means that your root partition is incorrectly set in grub03:13
IndyGunFreak!dvd | ned_03:14
ubotuned_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:14
Jordan_UJusti2, flashplugin non free03:14
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ned_IndyGunFreak: i installed libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3 and it still doesn't work.03:14
IndyGunFreakned_: then you didn't do something right03:14
Jordan_Uned_, Are you using vlc or gxine ?03:14
kr00lplatinumanyone know how to get an .iso image to run on a virtual cd rom drive?03:14
ned_Jordan_U: totem afaik03:14
Nutubuntut/y Jordan_U - can you point me to a tutorial or how-to on setting it up better? /boot, /, and /home are all on a software RAID1; so far it's booted just fine - until just now, when it sort of scared me a bit :)03:15
Jordan_U!iso | kr00lplatinum03:15
ubotukr00lplatinum: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:15
vandennerdygirl_ellie: I'm back :-) Uninstalling and reinstalling the network manager apps didn't help. But, happily, it didn't kill my connectivity, either :-)03:15
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Jordan_Uned_, Totem doesn't support DVD playing03:15
ned_Jordan_U: what should i use then?03:15
nerdygirl_ellievanden: yeah for still working, booh for not fixed.03:15
vandenJordan_U: login/logut didn't help my nm-applet problem. Thanks for the suggestion, though.03:15
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NutubuntuJordan_U,  in fact I imagine it has to do with grub setting up on one but not both of the mirrored disks in /boot03:15
Jordan_Uned_, I like vlc03:15
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IndyGunFreakvlc rox03:15
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ned_Jordan_U: vlc?03:16
kr00lplatinumJordan_U: what do you mean?03:16
kupesoftHow do I disable avahi and prevent devices like eth0:avah from being created03:16
Jordan_Ukr00lplatinum, Just mount it03:16
nerdygirl_ellievanden: try... alt-f2 nm-applet --sm-disable03:16
kr00lplatinumJordan_U: i don't know how i'm only a n00b03:16
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ned_Jordan_U: well, it wasn't working before, but i gave it some time just now and it works... i think03:16
vandennerdygirl_ellie: will do. Thanks03:16
Jordan_Ukr00lplatinum, Look at the message from ubotu] 03:17
d4rkmonkeydoes gtkpod sync video too?03:17
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ned_Jordan_U: thanks for the tip03:17
kr00lplatinumJordan_U: it's all grEEk to me03:17
Jordan_Uned_, np03:17
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Jordan_U!iso > kr00lplatinum03:17
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ca1How do you back up the songs from your ipod with rhythmbox?03:17
kr00lplatinumJordan_U what does that mean?03:17
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d4rkmonkeydoes anyone know if gtkpod can put video onto an iPod too?03:18
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Jordan_Ukr00lplatinum, Create a folder where you want it mounted, like: sudo mkdir /media/fakeCDROM03:18
Spaceman3750Hey guys, I need to know how to install a piece of software from a tar.gz package03:18
ned_d4rkmonkey: i don't know, but i'd but interested to find out too :)03:18
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vandennerdygirl_ellie: No detectable effect. What were you hoping it would do?03:18
jammanSpaceman3750, very cafefully.03:18
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Jordan_Ukr00lplatinum, Then run sudo mount -o loop < path/to/iso > < /media/fakeCDROM >03:19
d4rkmonkeyned_, I remember reading about it working but I'm not sure which version... do you know what the gtkpod-aac package is?03:19
jammanSpaceman3750, you untar it first with, "tar xvzf /path/to/tar.gz03:19
Spaceman3750Ugh...  So I'm assuming there is no single command to install?03:19
vandennerdygirl_ellie: reading the man page didn't shed light on why you suggested that command.03:19
Jordan_USpaceman3750, What are you trying to install?03:19
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nerdygirl_ellievanden: for me it will make my icon reappear if I kill it.03:19
jammanSpaceman3750, nope.03:19
Spaceman3750The version of Dansguardian distributed with Ubuntu CE03:19
dimas__nerdygirl_ellie i did get the old version but i dont know how to change the defoult configuration in the makefile03:20
MrElendigjamman: that won't work03:20
MrElendigyou forgot the -03:20
jammanMrElendig, why?03:20
BrentLinux newbie here, with a question03:20
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Spaceman3750I didn't get CE, but they distribute Dansguardian seperately as well03:20
nerdygirl_ellieit's what starts the applet in gnome.03:20
jammanMrElendig, you don't need one!03:20
d4rkmonkey!anyone | Brent03:20
ubotuBrent: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:20
Spaceman3750I'm a Ubuntu noob, but need to install the filter to keep my parents happy03:20
BrentActually, I'm an IRC newbie as well03:20
Jordan_USpaceman3750, Ubuntu Christian Edition uses the same repositories AFIK03:20
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d4rkmonkeylol Brent, what do you need?03:20
BrentSorry, my question is with installing Ubuntu. I've done it before.......03:20
jammanSpaceman3750, sucks for you!03:20
Jordan_USpaceman3750, Just install dansguardian from synaptic / apt03:20
BrentLast night, I was able to get into the installation procedure, but didn't install due to something that came up before partitioning03:21
Spaceman3750OK, I have the package, can you walk me through it?03:21
d4rkmonkeyBrent, do you remember what it said?03:21
Spaceman3750If you can, I would be forever grateful :P03:21
Justi2jordan_u: I tried to install flash from synaptic, but the installation is frozen03:21
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BrentHowever, today, I can't even get to the installation procedure now. It goes through to the menu, I select to install, and after loading some stuff it gets stuck at a blank screen03:21
Jordan_UJusti2, Look at the details, it is probably prompting you for something03:21
Spaceman3750Is it availible in the software repository built into Ubuntu...03:21
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vandennerdygirl_ellie: is the nm-applet one of the icons availble to be added for you via add to panel? (You previously suggested add to panel, but I only have the Network Monitor under system and hardware. That one doesn't let you easily switch networks.)03:21
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d4rkmonkeyo_O Brent thats a really weird error... are you on the live CD now?03:22
Jordan_USpaceman3750, sudo apt-get install dansguardian03:22
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BrentNo, I'm back on XP03:22
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jammanSpaceman3750, i tried once. i gave up that one time too.03:22
Justi2jordan_u: it says "OK......."03:22
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Jordan_USpaceman3750, It is available in the repos03:22
biotroxjamman, why does my ubuntu resolution sometimes small, sometimes large??03:22
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Spaceman3750OK, let me see if I can find it.03:22
BrentLast night it got all the way through to the Ubuntu partition routine and everything, but I stopped before partitioning03:23
unagi_can mac programs run on linux?03:23
nerdygirl_ellievanden: no, for me it's the one that does the wireless network and works and all.03:23
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jammanbiotrox, unstable x?03:23
hatterare there numbers anywhere of how many people are using ubuntu-server edition ?03:23
biotroxno the x is stable03:23
unagi_not at all possible?03:23
jammanbiotrox, or your mods aren't getting loaded right.03:23
Spaceman3750Do you have any idea where it would be located?03:23
MrElendigunagi_: the binaries can't03:23
d4rkmonkeyBrent, I really have no idea whats up with this then... I'm not that great with Linux myself.03:23
biotroxonly the resolution03:23
MrElendigbut you can compile some to run on linux03:23
unagi_im more interested in running a 3D motion camera tracker program03:23
vandennerdygirl_ellie: argh. that's a bit frusterating then. Oh well, thanks for the help. I think I'll try a forum post.03:23
unagi_is that possible?03:23
Jordan_Uunagi_, Probably not03:24
Justi2jordan_u how do I end a frozen install?03:24
MrElendigunagi_: there are some written for linux03:24
BrentHmmmmm, I can't imagine what is going on then. Also, do most people have live distros not be able to load on a laptop? My friend and I have that same problem, but it will load on our desktop03:24
unagi_i like synth eyes03:24
BrentCause I can't even get the live distro to work03:24
Jordan_UBrent, The Live CD works fine for me03:24
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d4rkmonkeyBrent, mine wouldn't start up on my laptop, have you tried the alternate CD?03:25
unagi_alt + click moves my windows and i dont want it to but i cant figure out how to stop it03:25
Jordan_UBrent, Have you tried the alternate install CD ?03:25
BrentAlternate CD?03:25
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d4rkmonkey!alternate | Brent03:25
ubotuBrent: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal03:25
justin__Im having a problem setting up my xubuntu installation to function as a file/media server and i cant seem to find any explanation exactly explaining what i need03:25
shiester_miesterhey with gdesklets, how do i remove a desklet that is having errors and won't display?  i cant see it to right click and remove it :/03:25
m11brent , use alternate cd install03:25
d4rkmonkeyBrent, by text or "expert" its not really true... Its really not that hard to install03:25
BrentIs it more difficult? I don't know any commands03:25
Spaceman3750Hey Jordan, I can't find it in the repo...  Am I missing something?03:25
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BrentCan I select the text based install from the regular CD menu?03:25
BrentMaybe that will work?03:25
jammanunagi, let go of the mouse?03:25
jammanif not, you have something wrong.03:25
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unagi_anyone know how to change alt + click for move03:26
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Jordan_UBrent, no03:26
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BrentOh, that's different?03:26
Justi2how do I stop a synaptic install03:26
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bruenigJusti2, on cli, it would be ctrl + c03:26
BrentOh, and just for the record, I don't have the CD, I have the DVD from Linux Pro magazine03:26
justin__Anyone here a server expert that could lend me a hand? I need to set up users on my server, that upon logging in to the server, they will be able to read/write their home directory as well as a second hard drive i have installed.03:26
Slaj_RCan anyone suggest the closest Linux equivalent to PalmOne or iCal?03:27
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Brentsorry I forgot that detail03:27
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m11brent  :)03:27
nerdygirl_elliejustin__: are the users in a specific group?03:27
m11dl alternate cd install brent03:27
unagi_jamman.......i want to prevent the keystroke from even occuring03:27
biotroxjamman what do you mean by mods..?03:27
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alecwhI'm running Ubuntu + Compiz, and all the tops of my windows disapeared. can I fix this?03:27
BrentI'll do that. If that works, then should the DVD work?03:27
justin__nerdygirl_ellie: no not at the moment, they will be, but i need this to function locally, as well as remotely from their own linux installs03:27
Spaceman3750Hey Jordan, any ideas?03:27
phructarianI was reading on digg the other day that there's a distro called "Gobuntu" - what is this about?03:27
jammanbiotrox, what video card do you use? by mods i mean modules.03:28
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jammanlol people, it is sad.03:28
m11cant tell for dvd brent03:28
Jordan_Uphructarian, It is Ubuntu - anything even slightly proprietary03:28
biotroxjamman, i am using RIVA TNT2 an old VGA card, i don't know if the mods aren't loaded right03:28
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opapoWhen I use the live cd for powerpc on an iMac it won't fully load03:28
jammanim installing a windows 2003 server right now. :(03:28
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BrentI do have another Ubuntu based install I could try- Ubuntu Studio03:28
jammanbiotrox, well, try googlinig it.03:28
BrentAnd Linux Mint03:28
justin__nerdygirl_ellie: the problem is, i keep trying to set up samba, but the only way i can access the folders is by typing in smb:\\IPADDRESS and not by just going to the shared folders area03:29
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biotroxjamman, tried that03:29
unagi_so no one knows how to change that =(03:29
justin__nerdygirl_ellie: and that is no good for them, since they are relative idiots lol03:29
Jordan_UBrent, How does the LiveCD fail exactly?03:29
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m11brent , maybe is problem in cd iso, did u check for defects ?03:29
biotroxjamman, maybe i googled with the wrong keyword03:29
jammanbiotrox, also, there should be a thing under prefrences called fonts. play around in there.03:29
NutubuntuCan someone point me to a tutorial or how-to on setting up grub? I have /boot, /, and /home are all on a software RAID1; until today it's booted just fine - but just now, it sort of scared me a bit :) I think it's 'cause grub is only on one of the mirrored /boot pair, maybe ...03:29
=== mneptok eyerolls at the Automatix convo
dimas__how i do this?The Makefile which controls the compiling process for this driver has to be told to use gcc-3.4 instead of the default version 4.0:03:29
dimas__export CC=gcc-3.403:29
dimas__This sets the environment variable CC, which is used in the spac5xx Makefile to select the compiler.03:29
BrentWell, it got to the install process last night, so I assumed the disk was fine?03:29
alecwhI'm running Ubuntu + Compiz Fusion, and I just booted up, and all the tops of my windows are gone. The bar which contains the "Close" "minimize" and "Maximize" buttons is gone, completely! How do I fix this?03:29
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BrentI can check it though, through the menu right?03:30
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jammanmneptok, how did you do that eyes roll thingy?03:30
m11yes brent03:30
Jordan_UBrent, Yes03:30
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biotroxjamman, it's not only fonts getting big, but the desktop (icon, tasbar and everything within it03:30
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mneptokjamman: /me03:30
justin__alecwh: thats a known bug, the compiz site has a fix for it i believe, something about window decorators not appearing03:30
Nutubuntualecwh,  you can maybe get answers #compiz-fusion?03:30
unagi_alecwh:  type in console compiz --replace03:30
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BrentOk, I'll try that and also try Ubuntu Studio, and I'll come back03:30
=== jamman jumps
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mneptoki most certainly am not.03:31
m11gl brent03:31
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biotroxjamman, but sometimes when i turn on my ubuntu, than it will have the resolution i expected03:31
Brentthanks, I'll be back in a little while03:31
biotroxjamman but it happen once in a while..03:31
nerdygirl_elliejustin__: you're going out of my league.  for my users, (they aren't that bright either) I map network drives under windows.  "r: is R office u: is for You, s: is for stuff that goes out to all the offices.03:31
biotroxjamman | not everyday the computer has the resolution 1280x102403:31
jammanbiotrox, well, then try in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:31
unagi_anyone know how to change the keystroke for move window?03:31
nerdygirl_elliejustin__: and i mount the shares for the other linux users .03:32
biotroxjamman | oke03:32
mneptokdrive letters. how quaint.03:32
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nerdygirl_ellieunagi_ are you using compiz?03:32
nerdygirl_elliemneptok: and it works.03:32
m11gn all03:32
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nerdygirl_ellieunagi_:  the dnome configuration app for gl desktop can change that.03:33
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nerdygirl_ellieunagi_: control panel ->gl desktop03:33
mneptoknerdygirl_ellie: drive letters in a Unix channel are like a redneck yessing "y'all shor got sum ree-yull nice art stuff!" in the Louvre.03:33
unagi_changes it to super + click but super + click doesnt work03:34
jammanYAY 19 more minutes till windows server 2003 is installed!03:34
=== jamman rolls my eyes and says just kidding!
NutubuntuOkay, if nobody's up for the grub question, howzabout this: I'm getting warnings about the latest set of upgrades being NOT AUTHENTICATED, how fix that?03:34
=== jamman rolls his eyes and says just kidding!
nerdygirl_elliemneptok: is mapping a network drive significantly different from mounting an NFS share in the eyes of the user?03:34
opapoI can't get Dapper PowerPc to work on a Mac03:34
Jordan_UNutubuntu, sudo apt-get update03:34
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jammanNutubuntu, you ignore it. you need to get a key from somewhere. search ubuntu repository key in google.03:34
opapoI believe there is an X Server problem03:35
unagi_nerdygirl will you go on a date with me?03:35
Tlinknight all03:35
NutubuntuJordan_U,  jamman - t/y :)03:35
mneptoknerdygirl_ellie: it's the C: and H: and Z: and stuff that make me laugh. it's all so .... declassee. ;)03:35
nerdygirl_ellieIf my SO will understand. :)03:35
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Frogzoounagi_: offtopic03:35
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mneptokunagi_: please stop that03:35
jammanNutubuntu, no prob my friend.03:35
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nerdygirl_elliedid I get silenced?03:37
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jammanis it just me, or are lots of people quiting, little talkign?03:37
jammannerdygirl_ellie, nope.03:37
jammanholy cow!03:37
nerdygirl_ellie...emkay, whatever.03:37
=== mneptok has that effect on a party
Xbehavedo  beryl/compliz etc work with 2 seperate screens?03:37
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nerdygirl_ellieXbehave: yes, if you are patient, dedicated, and masochistic.03:38
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cavalierprimeit should because each screen is separate X environment03:38
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RGautierFreeNX needs to be added to Add/Remove Applications03:38
jammannerdygirl_ellie, you sound kind of... nerdy.03:38
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nerdygirl_elliecavalierprime: ignoring twinview and a bunch of other variables, yes.03:38
jammanRGautier, what is freenx?03:39
CppIsWeirdI am trying to see my linux share on a windows machine. The windows machine can see the workgroup i set up, and the linux computer inside of it, but when i click that, i get "I cannot access this resource because i do not have permissions". Only thing i did was System>administration>shared folder, and share a folder, and also have checked that this computer is a wins server, what more do i need to do?03:39
RGautierThe FreeNX server lets me connect with NX Client - kind of like RDP for X03:39
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Xbehavenerdygirl_ellie: where does the masochism come in? i set up the xorg.conf with all the settings for 1 screen for both, glxgears can be draged across both screens, but beryl doesnt start03:39
=== rustalot [n=rustalot@bas9-toronto12-1088717368.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooCppIsWeird: you need to run 'smbpasswd' to create a samba account password03:40
Jordan_URGautier, I don't really see much advantage to freenx over ssh -X, especially with the work it can be to set it up03:40
SlybootsHi, Im having some issues with getting my Nvidia card installed and working in Ubuntu03:40
jammanCppIsWeird, well, is it a samba share or an nfs share?03:40
streatherhey guys i need a little help getting fglrx drivers working properly with 6.1003:40
SlybootsIts quite a old card Geforce 4 MX ;) But in order to use the legacy driver I have to downgrade my kenerl03:40
SlybootsSince its only released for 2.6.20-1503:40
jammanbiotrox, did that fix it?03:40
Jordan_Ustreather, Why are you using 6.10 ?03:40
Frogzoo!fglrx | streather03:40
ubotustreather: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:40
nerdygirl_ellieXbehave: if you don't know where the masochism comes in, you haven't been working on it long enough yet. :)03:41
SlybootsI followed that, it does not work03:41
CppIsWeirdjamman... no idea, i did things through ubuntu. so whatever ubuntu fesity does.03:41
CppIsWeirdFrogzoo, i'll try that.03:41
streatherbecause the 7.04 installation disk freaks out during boot03:41
jammanCppIsWeird, that is right.03:41
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Xbehavei dunno what to do acording to me, it should work, are there any guides / torture chambers for this?03:41
rustalothow do I make a playable dvd? (and !dvd doesn't answer my question)03:42
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CppIsWeirderm, its asking be for an OLD samba password... and blank did not work.03:42
d4rkmonkey!dvd rustalot03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd rustalot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
streatherthe ubuntu version dislikes my gfx card and wont display anything and the kubuntu version refuses to boot at all >.<03:42
Justi2flash is downloading at 500 BYTES per second- something is messed up03:42
d4rkmonkeystreather, install with alternate, edit xorg and install needed drivers then03:42
RGautierssh -X ?  Is there an XWindows PuTTY client that would connect to and configure Ubuntu without my having to have installed FreeNX?03:42
rustalotI have a video file I want to /put/ on a dvd03:43
nerdygirl_ellieRGautier: I want to know too!03:43
d4rkmonkeyCan anyone tell me the difference between gtkpod and gtkpod-aac?03:43
CppIsWeirdexcuse me, im getting this error: Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE03:43
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cavalierprimejusti2: to get my flash player 9 I had to d/l it from another comp and then install it from CD because mine did the same thing03:43
Jordan_URGautier, There is X for cygwin03:43
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nerdygirl_ellieJordan_U: that is a lot more work on the client than running the FreeNx app.03:44
pullerhey, i am having trouble installing flock on ubuntu, i followed a how to and it didnt work....03:44
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streatheri think i know my current problem just need some help resolving it03:44
Justi2cavalierprime: how do I get the linux version- the only other comps I have are windows03:44
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cavalierprimed/l the linux version from adobe, just search it on the web site03:44
Jordan_Unerdygirl_ellie, I know, I didn't realize that he wasn't connecting from a *NIX box03:44
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Romeo5kQUESTION: what is the lightest gui (OS) i can use on fiesty server.. Ive been trying CmL for 3 days, and cant get FTP to werk.. and im upset now...03:44
jammanRomeo5k, NONE!03:45
HHP2KHello everyone!03:45
RGautiercygwin is a pain to keep up to date03:45
jammanRomeo5k, if you must use one, use x03:45
nerdygirl_ellieRomeo5k: do you want to ftp from the box or to the box?03:45
Jordan_URomeo5k, Strait X is the lightest you can run03:45
HHP2KI have a rather urgent problem to ask you guys about.03:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:45
RGautierFreeNX also has compression protocols that make it nice over WAN03:45
=== eubey [n=chris@cpe-76-184-93-157.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Romeo5kPROPER NAME : strait X?03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkpod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
nerdygirl_ellieX is awful over a wan.03:45
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod03:45
Jordan_URomeo5k, Don't install any window manager and just use X03:46
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!03:46
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RGautierFreeNX works good over the WAN..03:46
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Romeo5kis this X --> http://xwinman.org/screenshots/fluxbox-jef.jpg03:46
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Jordan_URomeo5k, No, that is fluxbox03:46
sdoubleanyone know how to connect to a remote vnc server with vncviewer on a specified port?03:46
NutubuntuI sync my Palm device to j-pilot ... it's suddenly quit working; /dev/ttyUSB1 no longer seems to exist. Now ... how do I start on this one? Google tells me zippola ...03:47
=== TheNo1Yeti [n=TheNo1Ye@c-71-236-221-171.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Romeo5kJordan_U can u link me to X pls?03:47
nerdygirl_ellieRomeo5k: do you want to run an ftp client on the box or an ftp server?03:47
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Slyboots"ERROR. idaho45 -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':03:47
Slyboots   -1 Invalid module format03:47
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Romeo5knerdygirl_ellie i wanna run FTP server03:47
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SlybootsWhats what I get when I try to build the Nvidia drivers from the offical release03:47
eubeyif i wanted to make my own customized debian distro, where would i go to start?03:47
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Romeo5knerdygirl_ellie i installed proftpd but cant figure out everything03:48
jammanRomeo5k, try "sudo apt-get install proftpd"03:48
jammanRomeo5k, what do you want?03:48
unagi_so it is in no way possible to use a mac program on linux03:48
FruitLoopHelp me! I found a howto the other day explaining how to install Ubuntu through a net-boot method, using a separate machine to "serve" the install files to the target computer through the ethernet.., but today I seem to have gone browser blind or stupid cos I can't find it. Anyone know the link I am thinking of any similar page?03:48
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nerdygirl_elliesdouble: one sec.03:48
Romeo5kjamman: how to add users and create folders... its online and everything for www03:48
nerdygirl_elliesdouble: is the port number > 5500?03:48
HHP2KI tried to follow some directions to enable a five-button mouse, and it included editing the xorg.conf file. When I restarted the computer, it showed that it can't start the X server because of an error in the xorg.conf file, regarding the mouse changes. It disables  the X server and brings me to a terminal-like black page. But, I can't do anything on it. I'm running ubuntu off the CD right now, but I need to know how to revert the xo03:48
Romeo5kjamman: i can connect to it from ftp client03:48
sdoublei'm gong through man vncviewer, but I haven't seen anything yet03:48
jammanRomeo5k, inside or outside your local network?03:49
Romeo5kjamman: i can outside03:49
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FrogzooFruitLoop: you do know about firefox's bookmarks?03:49
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spinexorzi just did a dist-upgrade and now ubuntu-desktop complains about unconfigured packages, i odnt know what to do i tried to reinstall them and apt-get leaves them unconfigured, what do i do?03:49
sdoublenerdygirl_ellie: I set the port to a custom port on the server because I want to be able to access all of my computers from outside the network03:49
nerdygirl_elliesdouble:  it's vncviewer ip.ad.dr.ess:nnnn  where nnnn is the port number - 5500.03:49
Romeo5kjamman: i can give u IP.. and usrname and pswrd03:49
jammanRomeo5k, but not inside?03:49
Romeo5kjamman: i can inside too03:49
=== mischam [n=mischam@xdsl-87-78-144-232.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
sdoublehmmm, I tried that.  and in man, it says ip:display03:50
jammanSo whats wrong then Romeo5k?03:50
unagi_so it is in no way possible to use a mac program on linux03:50
Jordan_URomeo5k, This is sort of an example, there isn't much to see other than the windows themselves http://bioinfo.hku.hk/MouseAtlas/Introduction/MouseAtlas_intro/cygxf3.jpg03:50
nerdygirl_elliesdouble:  if it's listening on port 5540, then it would be x.x.x.x:4003:50
nerdygirl_elliesdouble: kind of silly to do it that way, but I didn't write the software.03:50
Romeo5kjamman: how to create 3 users.. and each one have their sepearate home folder.. what i plan on doing is running a TBdev on it03:50
Jordan_Uunagi_, Not possible, they use libraries that don't exist for Linux03:50
Romeo5kjamman: im desiging my own03:50
nerdygirl_elliewhat's tbdev?03:50
Romeo5kjamman: and i wanna use this as a test03:50
sdoubleyeah, that is kind of silly.  I'll try that out.  Thanks.03:51
FrogzooFruitLoop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet03:51
unagi_Jordan_U:  do you know of any 3d tracking software for linux?03:51
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spinexorzi just did a dist-upgrade and now ubuntu-desktop complains about unconfigured packages, i odnt know what to do i tried to reinstall them and apt-get leaves them unconfigured, what do i do?03:51
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Jordan_Uunagi_, Not off hand, doesn't mean there isn't any03:51
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jammanRomeo5k, ok, use the "sudo adduser --home /place/to/dir"03:51
Romeo5knerdygirl_ellie: tbdev = php already prewritten for a site03:51
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jammanRomeo5k, ok, use the "sudo adduser --home /place/to/dir name_of_user"03:51
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jammansorry, Romeo5k, use the second one.03:52
Romeo5kjamman: kk03:52
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Were you trying to upgrade to a different version of Ubuntu?03:52
jammanRomeo5k, that'll do you in nicely...03:52
FruitLoopFrogzoo: thanks.. thats the one I lost.03:52
=== MSIGuy [n=chris@host-222-116-111-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
spinexorzyes from dapper to edgy03:52
sdoubleworks great.  thanks for the help nerdygirl_ellie03:52
=== nerdygirl_ellie happy dances.
Jordan_Uspinexorz, seding your sources.list and dist-upgrading is *not* the correct way to upgrade03:53
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Jordan_U!upgrade | spinexorz03:53
ubotuspinexorz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:53
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happyfacehow can I disable the ESD sound daemon?03:53
=== morozco [n=ubuntu@cable201-233-65-6.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
morozcoque hubo pues, como est[an todos03:54
happyfacewhoa its easy, nevermind03:54
nerdygirl_elliehola morozco.03:54
augustoduvidas no iptables03:54
spinexorzthen why is there a feature for it?03:54
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morozcode donde eres nerdgirld03:54
sdoubleMorodock: #ubuntu-es para espanol03:54
sdoublemorozco: #ubuntu-es para espanol03:54
spinexorzi got rid of all the custom entries in sources.list and dist-upgraded03:54
nerdygirl_elliemorozco: Nashville, Tennessee, Centennial hospital03:55
Jordan_Uspinexorz, What do you mean why is there a feature for it?03:55
jammanmorozco, quiero a hablar con tu en espanol.03:55
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nerdygirl_elliegracias sdouble.03:55
sdoublede nada03:55
spinexorzJordan_U, i mean update-manager -c03:55
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nick0hola gente03:55
=== nerdygirl_ellie needs a keyboard with accents.
=== static [n=static@cpe-75-84-188-249.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== sdouble does too
Jordan_Uspinexorz, That is the correct way to upgrade, is that what you did?03:56
nerdygirl_ellie... which would be a neat trick on a laptop.03:56
sdoublethough that was about the extent of my spanish  =P03:56
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Nvm then :)03:56
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nick0does anyone know how to configure th fn key on a vaio???03:56
spinexorzJordan_U, now ubuntu-desktop wont install03:56
morozcook jaman03:56
morozcoyo hablo espanol03:56
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Can you pastebin the error it gives?03:56
bill__anybody have any ideas on How i can get a DNs server started on my Ubuntu Fiesty03:56
nick0does anyone know how to configure th fn key on a vaio???03:56
nick0on ubuntu feisty fawn03:57
eubeyhow do i tell if i have the madwifi ng drivers installed?03:57
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spinexorzJordan_U, as long as it works with elinks03:57
jammanmorozco, mi tambien, pero, yo no bueno a hablar espanol. yo hablo una ano.03:57
nerdygirl_ellienick0: configure it to do what?03:57
=== RickH [n=rick@c-68-58-96-122.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spinexorzJordan_U, brb03:57
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bill__<nick0> on ubuntu feisty fawn was that ment for me?03:57
nick0nerdygirl_ellie: brightness, sound, etc03:57
nick0u kno the normal functions03:57
shiester_miesterwhich in your opinions is better: inkscape or adobe illustrator (assuming one has both)?03:57
nick0i already tried with fnfx but that didnt do it03:57
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nerdygirl_ellienick0: it should work for display brightness automagically.03:58
Mac120hows everyone03:58
morozcono te preocupes jaman03:58
nick0well the fn key is dead03:58
sdoubleshiester_miester: illustrator unfortunately.  =/03:58
spinexorzJordan_U, preety much it complains about some packages specifically acpid wich is needed for ubuntu-desktop03:58
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nerdygirl_ellieinkscape isn't there yet.03:58
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sdoubleThough inkscape is nice.03:58
=== asc [n=asc@24-113-142-191.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesteroh ok03:58
RickHMac120:  Working in the coal mine (whoop!) I get along now... :)03:58
Jordan_Ushiester_miester, Try xara extreme03:58
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shiester_miestercan inkscape edit .ai files?03:58
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spinexorzJordan_U, it says the dependencies are there but unconfigured03:58
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bill__or is having a dns server on Ubuntu bad03:59
=== Spaceman3750 [n=chatzill@64-199-238-87.ip.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: yes, but you'll get wierdness if you try to switch back and forth.03:59
=== fiXXXerMet [n=kjohnson@cmu-24-35-58-145.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Uspinexorz, What about when you run: sudo dpkg --configure -a03:59
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl952.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdoublexara xtreme is closer, but I still prefer illustrator.  I was unable to try Skencil because it requires an older python03:59
=== Pelo realy hates java
TheNo1Yetibill: why would you think having a dns server on ubuntu is bad?03:59
spinexorzJordan_U, i tried dpkg-reconfigure... no cigar03:59
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, oh ok...damn03:59
nerdygirl_elliebill__: I have several ubuntu dns servers...03:59
fiXXXerMetWhat is the serial port in ubuntu? (/dev/xxx)03:59
spinexorzJordan_U, let me see03:59
Spaceman3750Hey guys, I just installed Ubuntu, but my USB headset neither has sound nor records...  any ideas?03:59
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bill__Iam just having trouble setting one up03:59
nerdygirl_elliebill__: How can I help03:59
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, how about xara?  can that edit .ai files acceptably?03:59
TheNo1Yetibill: bind9?03:59
bill__Let me get ya error03:59
Spaceman3750BTW - Jordan, thanks for your help...  I extracted the tarball and it had an automatic installer for me03:59
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bill__yea bind 903:59
RickHSpaceman3750:  Is your headset broken? :P03:59
=== cotyrothery [n=ubuntu@68-117-223-5.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloSpaceman3750, look up your model and number in the forum03:59
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: dunno.03:59
bill__It says C compiler cant make executables03:59
Spaceman3750It works in Windows03:59
shiester_miesterdammit...xara is commercial software04:00
nick0anyone kno how to configure the fn key to work?04:00
Spaceman3750But not in Ubuntu04:00
nerdygirl_elliebill__: what's the trouble?04:00
PeloSpaceman3750, look up your model and number in the forum04:00
KI4IKLI have a NVIDIA GeForce 6150...how can I make sure the drivers are working correctly?04:00
TheNo1Yetibill: Your installing from source instead of package?04:00
bill__says when compiling C compiler cant make executables04:00
shiester_miesterinkscape it is :(04:00
=== RickH has an 8800 GTX. No end of bad luck trying to get them to install. :(
spinexorzJordan_U, no output whatsoever04:00
bill__Wait theres a package?04:00
nerdygirl_elliebill__: thou shalt not compile from source.  You want the packaged bind.04:00
cotyrotheryCan someon tell me how i would format my hard drive to be all 0 and no trace of ANYTHING like linux or old partions04:00
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, zeroing it won't remove all traces :P04:00
nick0can anyone give me a hand with this fn key plz?04:00
jammanok, morozco. dice bueno.04:00
nerdygirl_elliebill__: it's called.... "bind" :)04:00
bill__Synaptic package?04:00
TheNo1Yetibill: if you have it setup this is your friend:  aptitude04:00
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: what will04:00
=== Me_Me_Me [n=chatzill@222-153-0-95.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Pelonick0,  what is the issue ?04:01
shiester_miestercotyrothery, throw it in a fire04:01
shiester_miestercotyrothery, and then melt it04:01
spinexorzJordan_U, no output whatsoever04:01
TheNo1Yetibill: oh if your using X then yea use synaptic.  If your going command line use aptitude04:01
Pelo!es | nick004:01
ubotunick0: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:01
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, its pretty much impossible to make it physically impossible to recover any data from a disk04:01
cotyrotheryPlease i really need to know what programe or what to do to make it so i can reinstall windows without it freaking out04:01
spinexorznick0, cual es el problema?04:01
Spaceman3750Pelo, don't know my model number04:01
nerdygirl_ellienick0: sorry I can't help, it's always just worked for me.04:01
shiester_miestercotyrothery, you're going to have to settle for "good enough"04:01
nick0Pelo: basically im trying to configure the fn functions on this vaio fs92004:01
=== MrFeeti1 [n=david@c-71-230-5-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlybootsLook, I cant get these nvidia drivers to work04:01
PeloSpaceman3750, read it from the lable04:01
Me_Me_MeTwo friends, /part and /quit, entered a bar. One of the friends, /part, who had blue hair left. Who was still in the bar?04:01
nick0Pelo: basically im trying to configure the fn functions on this vaio fs92004:01
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RickHI don't understand why we have such a time with Nvidia drivers.04:02
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, it really depends on how well you want to hide the data04:02
NutubuntuIs there a way to issue a pair of 'sudo modprobe' commands each time I restart?04:02
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Me_Me_MeTwo friends, /part and /quit, entered a bar. One of the friends, /part, who had blue hair left. Who was still in the bar?04:02
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SlybootsX crashes with a "sh" /sbin/lrm-video: not found, FATAL: error running install command for nvidia"04:02
Me_Me_MeNo, not dot04:02
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: I want it gone as much as i can possibley get rid of it04:02
Jordan_Uspinexorz, It would help to have the full output, can you run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop tee output.txt04:02
Me_Me_MeTwo friends, /part and /quit, entered a bar. One of the friends, /part, who had blue hair left. Who was still in the bar?04:02
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Pelonick0, I have no clue,  maybe you can do someting with menu > system > prefs > keybaord shortcuts04:02
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: grinding the disk to powder works.... and melting.  Other than that, it might come back.04:02
Spaceman3750Pelo, it doesn't have one, it was originally designed to use for SOCOM with PS2.  It has SOCOM branding instead of the Logitech info04:02
shiester_miestercotyrothery, formatting will get rid of it04:02
bill__Ok installed04:02
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, thats what i said earlier :P04:02
Me_Me_MeTwo friends, /part and /quit, entered a bar. One of the friends, /part, who had blue hair left. Who was still in the bar?04:02
Me_Me_MeTwo friends, /part and /quit, entered a bar. One of the friends, /part, who had blue hair left. Who was still in the bar?04:02
nick0Pelo: nah, that didnt work :S its drivin me crazy04:02
nerdygirl_elliemod, please?04:03
asccotyrothery: There's a program called 'wipe' which is probably the closest you can get in software, short of Eraser. 'sudo wipe -rq /dev/disk' will overwrite it four times with random data.04:03
bill__And service started04:03
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: No because i have done that and when i try to reinstall windows at the end it says can not create user partion04:03
PeloSpaceman3750, then try a forum search for  usb headset , that might turn up something04:03
shiester_miestercotyrothery, it won't make it untraceable, but as far as the computer knows, it wasn't there.  just format the partitions, delete them and reformat the free space as new partitions for something else04:03
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cotyrotherysomeone tolled me to do a low input output formate04:03
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bill__Now i just need to find it04:03
shiester_miestercotyrothery, you dont need to do that04:03
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Spaceman3750K, thanks Pelo :)04:03
TheNo1Yetibill: /etc/bind04:03
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Pelonick0,  that was my best shot,04:03
asccotyrothy: If you're really determined to get rid of it, shredding and melting down the disk is a good idea. Not quite sure where you'd get the facilities for that though.04:03
shiester_miestercotyrothery, if the partitions arent in the partition table then windows wont even see them04:03
fiXXXerMetWhat is the serial port in ubuntu? (/dev/xxx)04:03
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: i have formated this one drive 10 times in a row04:03
Justi2is it just me, or do adobe servers suck?04:03
shiester_miestercotyrothery, formatting a partition is not the same as removing it from the partition table04:04
bill__Awesomes ness04:04
nick0Pelo: its all good bud04:04
PelofiXXXerMet,   dev/tty....04:04
nick0Pelo: danke anyway04:04
Nutubuntucotyrothery, one possibility would be to zero out Track 0 using one of the utils found on Ultimate Boot Disk ... that might resolve the problem with a partition table that just doesn't seem to go away04:04
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: are you trying to hide evidence of porn or terrorism?  for porn, formatting should be fine.  for terrorism, smash the drive to bits with a sledgehammer.04:04
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: ok how do i remove it from the partion table04:04
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unagi_how do you compile binaries?04:04
shiester_miestercotyrothery, use some partitioning software and just delete it completely04:04
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:04
shiester_miestercotyrothery, how to do that specifically depends on the software04:04
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bill__Ok would anybody mind helping me Config it In PM there is too many people talking here04:04
fiXXXerMet/dev/tty ?04:05
cotyrotheryNo i just need to get rid of linux partions because windows acts funny when trying to install it04:05
shiester_miestercotyrothery, the partition editor in the ubuntu live cd should be able to do it for you04:05
Pelobill__,  config what exactly ?04:05
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Then you can copy over output.txt to another computer04:05
unagi_bill__: its not hard to talk in here04:05
bill__to use the domain xitz.net04:05
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, dont format them, tell it to delete/remove the partitions altogether04:05
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: ok how let me open it real quick04:05
Spaceman3750Pelo, thanks for the help, just a misconfiguration...  It works good now :D04:05
TheCreationistI'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system.  I've tried using sudo rm -r... no luck.  Any ideas?04:05
Spaceman3750I'm an Ubuntu noob, so bear with me :P04:05
PeloSpaceman3750,  the forum is your friend04:05
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: do you mean leave it with out a partion?04:05
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Spaceman3750I know...  After modding a PC help forum for over a year, I should know that :P04:06
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nick0Pelo: whats the name of the spanish support channel??04:06
bill__well brb04:06
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Pelo!ex | nick004:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
shiester_miestercotyrothery, yep, get rid of them altogether.  I'm assuming you arent actually USING that partition for anything?04:06
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:06
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cotyrotheryshiester_miester: no its my second drive and i want windows on it04:06
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Jordan_Uspinexorz,  Actually the command would be "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | tee output.txt" ( forgot the pipe )04:06
shiester_miestercotyrothery, for example, running an ubuntu install off of it that you are using right now04:06
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: should i use fdisk?04:06
xtknightim told to place a file in /etc/hotplug/ ("Copy this to /etc/hotplug/usb/Argyll.usermap")...where is this on ubuntu feisty?  it has /etc/hotplug.d/04:07
shiester_miestercotyrothery, it doesnt really matter, anything that gets rid of partitions will do the job.  the linux one or fdisk should acheive the same results, afaik04:07
nerdygirl_ellieIf I were deleting partitions on my second hard drive, I would sudo fdisk /dev/sdb and use m for help, probably d for delete, and then w to save the changes.04:07
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: so let me get this straight all i do is delete it completely nothing else?04:07
nerdygirl_ellieIn windows I would use fdisk and 3 to delete partitions, then 4 to remove non-dos partitions.04:07
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nerdygirl_ellie... and yes, sometimes it is all about me. :D04:08
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, if its gone, its gone.  the computer will consider it as free, unpartitioned space04:08
shiester_miesterif its not in the partition table, that is04:08
=== andre_ [n=andre@CPE00195b5171ba-CM00195eda2924.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
phatcatanyone here mess with software raid via mdadm?04:08
NutubuntuIs there a way to issue a pair of 'sudo modprobe' commands each time I restart the computer? (sudo modprobe visor && sudo modprobe usbserial)04:08
Nutubuntuphatcat,  yes04:08
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: how do i delete it out of the partion table04:08
shiester_miestercotyrothery, and then you can boot up the windows cd and you should be able to create partitions all you want04:08
phatcatcould you give me a quick overview of hte process?04:08
Nutubuntugtg in a couple of minutes, phatcat, but what do you want to know?04:08
shiester_miestercotyrothery, if you removed the partition then its not in the partition table04:08
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: ok and im using a recovery cd04:09
shiester_miestercotyrothery, did it disappear and get replaced by "free space" or something?04:09
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: its a pack of 804:09
phatcatdoes mdadm require formatted partitions before you create a raidset04:09
spinexorzJordan_U, it doenst get the full output04:09
fiXXXerMetHow do I find out which tty my serial connection is on?04:09
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Nutubuntuphatcat, I'm no expert :(    I can tell you how I set it up, if that helps, but it's probably not the only way to go04:09
bill__Anybody familiar with BIND mind helping me04:09
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: i haven't done it yet but im about to04:09
spinexorzJordan_U, brb im gonna do this over SSH from a laptop04:09
shiester_miesteroh ok04:09
bill__Getting it to work with my domain04:09
andre_I am new to linux. I need a little help. I try to execute a program in the terminal using the "./example" but, I get permission denied. What am I doing wrong?04:09
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Ok04:09
Nutubuntuphatcat,  now that I think for a second, no, you create the RAID then you format04:10
Spaceman3750Anybody know of any remote access software that I can run on Windows and have access to my Ubuntu box?04:10
Spaceman3750Namely over the internet04:10
ascandre_: Try using 'sh ./example'. If that doesn't work, 'sudo ./example' should.04:10
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nerdygirl_ellieNutubuntu: Hi.  In Ubuntu, you can set something to automatically modprobe by creating an entry for it in /etc/modprobe.d.04:10
shiester_miestercotyrothery, i think the reason u were confused is because you were thinking that if there is data there then the computer can't write to it.  that's not true...the partition table is used to tell it which areas of the disk are being used or not.  if an area isn't in the partition table then as far as the computer knows, it can put whatever it wants there04:10
phatcathave you had trouble with it?  (as in, mdadm finds more raidsets than you created on reboot)?04:10
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: the only reason i want windows is for wow04:10
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Nutubuntunerdygirl_ellie,  thank you everso :)04:10
Nutubuntuphatcat,  no04:11
shiester_miestercotyrothery, you can play wow in wine though04:11
nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: Do you want a console or a gui?04:11
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cotyrotheryshiester_miester: yea but i only get 2 fps04:11
tofaffyahh...beryl is a bit odd ...I hover over a window in the window pane...it sorta highlights it and sorta doesn't...any ideas?04:11
nerdygirl_ellieNutubuntu: sometimes just running sudo depmod -a will make it "just work"  Ymmv on that.04:11
nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: there are a few options.04:11
ascandre: Or try 'chmod +x example' (to make it executable) then './example'... hmm.04:11
Nutubuntut/y again :) nerdygirl_ellie04:11
Spaceman3750Any free?04:11
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, have you tried messing with your graphics drivers, or wine settings? or asking the guys in #winehq?04:11
phatcatButubuntu: what version of buntu did you use when you ran it?04:11
Nutubuntuphatcat,  gtg ... will be back later tonight, though04:11
phatcatsorry, nutbuntu04:11
Nutubuntuphatcat,  I was using Feisty04:12
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: well i have done what the ubuntu community guide has said and it does not help04:12
TheCreationistI'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system.  I've tried using sudo rm -r... no luck.  Any ideas?04:12
shiester_miestercotyrothery, world of warcraft has gold status in wine, meaning it should work perfectly04:12
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cotyrotheryshiester_miester: well it goes really slow04:12
nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: Yes.  FreeNx works really well.  And so does VNC.  I haven't configured either on Ubuntu, but I know they work.04:12
shiester_miesterhmm ok04:12
phatcatanyone else use mdadm + sw raid?04:12
regfirecoty http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine is a great reference for wow in wine04:12
cotyrotheryshiester_miester: Hey what if i took all the dll from my windows cd and put them in wine04:12
cotyrotherywould that owrk04:12
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shiester_miestercotyrothery, if it didn't have the dlls that it needed then it wouldnt work04:13
Spaceman3750nerdygirl_ellie: Great, thanks a lot.  I will give those a try :D.04:13
nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: and if you are connecting from a linux box, you can export an X session across ssh... but I can't help you with that one either. :)04:13
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Spaceman3750Naah, the other will be WinVista04:13
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cotyrotheryshiester_miester: no would putting all the windows dlls in wine make it work better04:13
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nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: FreeNX is probably the best of what I've used.04:13
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ascTheCreationist: It means that you can't write to the filesystem. This can be because it was mounted read-only at boot, or because there were errors which caused it to be remounted read-only after boot. Have you ever been able to modify files on that filesystem>04:13
Spaceman3750Great, thanks :D04:13
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nerdygirl_ellieSpaceman3750: Good luck.04:13
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, I have heard that that works in some instances where the wine dlls are incomplete but can actually be worse for some dll's04:13
Spaceman3750Thanks, I need it.  New to Ubuntu :P04:14
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gcarrillohi all04:14
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ascSpaceman3750: You can also do it in windows using cywgin... but it's very very slow.04:14
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asc(exporting an X session I mean)04:14
cotyrotheryJordan_U: so would putting every known windows dll in wine fix my problem04:14
gcarrillohow do you get native resolution in a virtual terminal with a widescreen monitor?04:14
Spaceman3750If I can't use the other, I will give that a try04:14
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. Any idea?04:14
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, I doubt it04:14
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: no04:14
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cotyrotheryman i just want to play wow so bad04:15
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: is it just slow?  If so, do you have 3d accelerated video in linux?04:15
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FezzlerDoes anyone know the command line instruction to check that I have the right FLashplayer installed for Firefox04:15
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, WoW is supposed to run great in wine04:15
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spinexorzJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/d1f0fdae04:15
cotyrotheryI have 3D acc.04:15
spinexorzJordan_U, there04:15
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TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: You have two ways of doing this.  The way that will teach you something about windows or the easy way that will cost you $504:15
nerdygirl_elliedpkg -l flash-nonfree04:15
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nerdygirl_ellieFezzler: dpkg -l flash-nonfree04:16
cotyrotheryTheNo1Yeti: 5$ as in cedega?04:16
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TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: Yea04:16
cotyrotheryno room on credit card04:16
spinexorzJordan_U, i dont why there should be dependency issues04:16
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TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: I set mine up in wine the first time, figured out how to do it and didn't want to deal with the headache the second time.  So I used cedega (which is just a smart ui for wine)04:16
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FezzlerIs that true if I installed Flash from Adobe site too?04:16
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cotyrotheryTheNo1Yeti:  how well does it work?04:17
nerdygirl_ellieWow on linux in 3 steps.  1.  Get 3d graphics working on linux.  You should be able to play tuxracer at 30fps or more.  2. enable the wine repo in your sources list and update.  3.  run wine wow.exe04:17
ubotuA guide to syncing smartphones can be found here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8630204:17
nerdygirl_ellieFezzler: no, that installs a different way.04:17
cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: I have done that even set it to openGL04:17
cotyrotheryi have an 1810 gfx card04:18
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TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: Works great.  Haven't had an issue since.  But honestly it is worth it to learn how to set it up with wine imo.  And for your dll question you only technically need like 1 dll I think04:18
Jordan_Uspinexorz, What happens if you run: sudo apt-get -f install04:18
cotyrotheryi mean i810 gfx card04:18
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: can you run tuxracer at a decent clip?04:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tripwire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: haven't tried04:18
FezzlerWell, I installed from adobe site.  Can someone walk we through from scratch04:18
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: try it, we'll wait. :004:18
TheCreationistasc: I don't recall if I've ever edited the filesystem since installing Feisty.  In fact, I don't think I did.  I was able to add songs TO the player, but can't remove them.04:18
asccotyrothery: I also have an i810. I think that WoW might be somewhat outside its' capabilities.04:19
shiester_miesterwhat the hell is that :/04:19
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TheCreationistshiester_miester: Netsplit.04:19
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:19
cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: well im installing ubuntu right now so let me finish that first04:19
TheCreationistshiester_miester: One of the servers went down.04:19
nerdygirl_elliewhat's a netsplit?04:19
kitcheshiester_miester: they are doing maintence04:19
ascTheCreationist: Is it FAT or NTFS by any chance?04:19
nerdygirl_ellieoh, neat.04:19
cotyrotheryasc: no it runs great on my freinds who has windows04:19
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TheCreationistasc: I believe it's a FAT system.04:19
shiester_miesternerdygirl_ellie, netsplit, afaik, is when 2 irc servers lose connection between each other04:19
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:20
cotyrotheryasc: and he has a i81004:20
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: it is "one of the most tested wine apps, ever" :)04:20
asccotyrothery: I stand corrected but skeptical.04:20
FezzlerDo people here have Flash running fine under 7.04?04:20
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nivekc1im having trouble installing google earth im following the directions and it says to change to the directory where it and it is on the desktop so that should be default command location right? run the chmod command and i did that but it says that the googleearthlinux.bin does not exist? im so lost lol.04:20
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:20
FezzlerI can't get Youtube clips to play.  Says I either don't have FLash or Java04:20
cotyrotheryasc: plus i have a 2.20 ghz processor04:20
TheCreationistFezzler: Without a problem, yes.04:20
spinexorzJordan_U, pretty much the same output04:20
bruenigFezzler, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree (if it crashes your browser often, then you know it is working)04:20
cotyrotheryasc: and 1 gb of ram04:20
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cotyrotheryasc: so it should even out04:20
Belboz99hey, I'm still having issues with nvidia kernel module:04:20
Belboz99dan@htpc:/lib/linux-restricted-modules$ sudo modprobe nvidia04:20
Belboz99FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia04:20
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asccotyrothery: I have 2.4 and 768 but I can barely run halo.04:20
KI4IKLfor some reason, every once in a while, my mou8se locks up. What can I do to fix this?04:20
TheNo1Yetilol @ bruenig04:20
nerdygirl_ellieFezzler: yes, you can get it from the commercial repo and then apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ... yes, what they said.04:21
ascTheCreationist: Okay, we can probably fix that. Just a second.04:21
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kbrookshow do i mount/scan for NFS hosts?04:21
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cotyrotheryasc: my freinds preccesor is 666 mhz04:21
sandeepmy relteck ac97 soundcard not detected04:21
bruenigflashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse not the commercial repo04:21
kbrookshow do i mount/scan for NFS hosts?04:21
kbrookshow do i mount/scan for NFS hosts?04:21
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:21
nerdygirl_elliesorry about that.04:21
cotyrotheryasc: and he only has 512 mb of ram04:21
TheCreationist!repeat | kbrooks04:21
ubotukbrooks: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:21
asccotyrothery: Maybe WoW has much lower system requirements than I thought it would.04:21
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cotyrotheryasc: no it tells him that his system requirements are low04:22
TheCreationistcotyrothery, asc - I can't play ANY of my games under Linux because they all use DirectX... grr.04:22
Jordan_Uspinexorz, what about: sudo apt-get install powermanagement-interface04:22
FezzlerOkay, "apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" tells me I have the lastest installed.  Step 1.  Step 2. How can I tell if I have Java or the right one?04:22
cotyrotheryasc: but it runs at 20 fps on his computere04:22
nerdygirl_ellieem.. I don't think so.  Wow is clunky at 512 for me.  maybe if the server isn't busy, but I can't imagine it in a 30 man.04:22
bill__WOW i cant edit any of the Files04:22
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cotyrotheryTheCreationist: None of them use openGL04:22
TheCreationistFezzler: To test my flash, I always just go to www.ebaumsworld.com and try to watch a video.04:22
ascTheCreationist: Uh, let's see. Do 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab' in a terminal. Then we need to find the line for the FAT filesystem. Should have the word 'vfat' in it.04:23
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sandeepmy ac97 soundcard not working04:23
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CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. Any idea?04:23
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:23
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TheNo1Yetiherdygirl: I tend to run between 5-20fps on a 2.4 with 512 ram & 256 ram on graphics card.  Only thing I can't figure out is how to up the resolution beyond 800x600.04:23
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TheCreationistasc: Okay, my mp3 player isn't listed in fstab04:23
RickHI was just able to get my Nvidia drivers loaded.04:24
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nerdygirl_ellieI'm leaving, time for more hydromorphone.  night all.04:24
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ascTheCreationist: That's okay, we're looking for the filesystem.04:24
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bruenigTheCreationist, it shouldn't be04:24
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cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: im about to restart with a fresh install of ubuntu04:24
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RickHHad to issue "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" in order to install properly.04:24
ascTheCreationist: Oh, wait. You're talking about an external mp3 mplayer aren't you.04:24
FezzlerCreation:  Even that site says I need Flash.  But we established I have FLash.04:24
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cotyrotheryYou'll have to tell me what the app is again04:24
Fezzler??? Java ???04:24
TheCreationistasc: Yes :)04:24
RickHUsed the actual nvidia driver from their website.  No problems.  Beryl works great.04:24
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FezzlerFirefox setting?04:24
KI4IKLMy mouse has a bad habit of locking up, is there a way for me to fix that?04:24
ascTheCreationist: That's going to be a little more tricky. Is it mounted somewhere?04:24
spinexorzJordan_U, it says it is allready there then it spits out the same output i pastebined, which inform me it isnt confgiured04:24
TheCreationistasc: It is in MSC mode, if that matters (since trying to use MTP does no good whatsoever)04:25
TheCreationistasc: It's mounted at /medica/SANSA E26004:25
ascTheCreationist: I don't know, I've never done this before. :)04:25
cotyrotheryok im restarting04:25
bruenigFezzler, how do you know you have flash04:25
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Try: sudo dpkg --configure powermanagement-interface04:25
yigalTheCreationist: you have to evolve04:25
TheCreationistyigal: Meaning?04:25
RickHbruenig:  Look in the plugins directory, or just go to YouTube and try to play something.04:25
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yigalTheCreationist: :) jk , just teasing about your name, low blow sorry im drunk04:26
bruenigRickH, I was asking him how he knew, not asking for advice04:26
TheCreationistyigal: Ah.. gotcha ;)04:26
ascTheCreationist: In terminal, 'sudo nautilus /MEDIA/SANSA\ E260'04:26
RickHbruenig:  I'm not sure there's a way I could've known that from your statement. :P  Many apologies though. :)04:26
Fezzlerbruenig: Because when I try to install it Ubuntu tells me I have the lastest verison04:26
ToastedPine...first time without windows, I feel like I'm on another planet.04:26
bruenigFezzler, what does about:plugins in firefox tell you04:26
bill__Oh Jesus Im not the owner04:26
yigalToastedPine: you are its called human :)04:26
ascTheCreationist: That will open it as root user in the file manager... but that might not help. Try copying a file in.04:27
ToastedPinethe planet is called human?04:27
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yigalToastedPine: Windows is inhumane, and Ubuntu is humane04:27
TheCreationistasc: Well, I've tried the sudo rm -r on those files.  But root nautilus still won't allow me to delete.04:27
yigalToastedPine: Go FIgure04:27
ascTheCreationist: Okay. Was it mounted automatically?04:27
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TheCreationistasc: Yes, as soon as I plugged in the USB cable.04:27
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FezzlerHow can I check if I have Java installed for Firefox?04:28
duanarchyCan somebofu please help me get DRI working for my ati xpress 200 card?04:28
yigalFezzler: try a yahoo game04:28
ToastedPineI just set up my firestarter but it's blocking network access to my other PC04:28
ToastedPineis there a way I can fix that?04:28
spinexorzJordan_U, powermanagement-interface says it needs acip wich isnt configured then if i try to configure that then it says /proc/acpid/event device or resource busy04:28
yigalToastedPine: yes it is very restrictive04:28
pike_ToastedPine: what kind of network access?04:28
yigalToastedPine: at first04:28
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spinexorzJordan_U, powermanagement-interface says it needs acip wich isnt configured then if i try to configure that then it says /proc/acpid/event device or resource busy04:28
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ToastedPineumm, it's just a windows one, where I put share folder04:29
bruenigFezzler, go to about:plugins in firefox location bar04:29
yigalToastedPine: I use my own iptables script but others will know how to tone it down a bit so you can use it to your advantage04:29
ToastedPineI have a wireless router04:29
Jordan_Uspinexorz, well now we at least know the root error04:29
johndocmy laptop's highest resolution is 1440x900x32 and the highest option i have by default in feisty is 1280x80004:29
spinexorzJordan_U, it errors on acpid, im sure thats the main problem im having04:29
vviOHello I need support my LAN s not working04:29
odathow do you add a new nic card on an already installed system?04:29
ToastedPineit works fine if I kill the firewall04:29
ascTheCreationist: Okay, we're going to have some fun. do 'df' in a terminal. One of the lines (probably the last) should represent the player. At the left, find its' device (probably '/dev/sd-something)04:29
spinexorzJordan_U, i was about to say that :)04:29
yigaljohndoc: what kind of driver are you using?04:29
FezzlerYahoo games crashed / closed Firefox04:29
CppIsWeirdyou mean i have to add the machine name of every machine specifically i want to have the ability to browse my computer?04:29
yigalFezzler: not good, thats very ood04:29
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johndocyigal: hate to sound n00b but beats me, whatever feisty defaulted04:29
TheCreationistasc: /dev/sdb104:30
yigalexcuse me s/ood/odd04:30
pike_johndoc: type 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf' what is the last Driver "" shown?04:30
bruenigFezzler, holy fuck, go to about:plugins or gfto04:30
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yigaljohndoc: what card do you have04:30
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yigaljohndoc: lspci | grep vga04:30
johndoc950gm iirc04:30
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ascTheCreationist: The 'sudo umount /dev/device' 'sudo mount -o rw /dev/device /media/whatever/' and try modifying the files again.04:31
Jordan_Uspinexorz, I get the same error when I try to cat /proc/acpi/event04:31
yigaljohndoc:  lspci | grep -i vga04:31
ascThe = try04:31
nivekc1when i try to run google earth on feisty system logs off and takes me back to the login screen04:31
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Jordan_Uspinexorz, Stab in the dark try booting with noacpi ?04:31
yigaljohndoc: do you know how to use the terminal?04:31
johndoc Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML04:31
Jordan_Univekc1, Sounds like a driver issue04:31
johndocYeah I know cli04:31
odathow do you add a new nic card on an already installed system?04:31
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yigaljohndoc: so what card do you have, its vital to your problem04:32
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ascTheCreationist: There's probably a way to edit /etc/fstab so that when it mounts the player in the future it will automatically mount it rw... but when I tried that with my usb drive boot fails when it's not plugged in.04:32
MSG4Does anyone know if Ubuntu has HardwareSupportComponentsMotherboardsIntelSocket775Asus for ASUS P5LD2 R2.0  945P04:32
johndocdid that not tell you yigal?04:32
pike_odat: hopefully you just put the nick in, reboot and it is there. course sometimes it doesnt work that way04:32
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nivekc1what kind of driver would cause this?04:32
yigaljohndoc: my bad dude, a bit drunk04:32
johndocno problem yigal04:32
yigaljohndoc: very good you have intel04:32
odatpike_ i can't seem to get the system to use it04:32
TheCreationistasc: Okay, I mounted it with rw, but still can't modify.04:32
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yigaljohndoc: do you have beryl working, compiz?04:33
johndocright, it says 945 but i was almost positive it was 95004:33
spinexorzJordan_U, thanks for your help, il give that a try adn im gonna go lurking some forums for that error04:33
johndocno, i do not have any of that stuff installed04:33
johndoci probably wouldn't even know how04:33
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Tell me if / how you get it working04:33
pike_odat: cat /etc/iftab or sudo ifconfig -a  should display all the nics currently setup04:33
yigaljohndoc: no worries04:33
spinexorzJordan_U, ok04:33
TheCreationistasc: Nautilus doesn't even give the option of moving to trash.04:33
ascTheCreationist: Using sudo nautilus, right?04:33
vviOyigal i need support please04:33
MSG4its for the motherboard04:34
TheCreationistasc: Either.04:34
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johndocyigal: is there anyway to get the resolution i need without using beryl? surely so?04:34
yigaljohndoc: i don't have intel it would be better to find someone who does04:34
ascTheCreationist: That's strange then.04:34
odatpike_ and if there are none?04:34
yigaljohndoc: of course04:34
jwileshi.  i'm catching an exception when i try to use default mercurial with default python in fiesty04:34
MSG4Does Ubuntu support the Hardware for the Motherboards Asus for ASUS P5LD2 R2.0  945P04:34
TheCreationistasc: Yep.  I can add files to the drive, but not remove them.04:34
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yigaljohndoc: I am searching google for you, because I am drunk :_04:34
johndoci'll just google it man04:34
yigaljohndoc: s/:_/:)04:34
vviOrealtek builtin LAN not working04:35
vviOsystem recognizes04:35
vviOI need help04:35
johndoci just hoped someone knew off the top of the old noggin' ya know04:35
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ascTheCreationist: Ah.04:35
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Justi2Once I have made a theme in theme manager, how do I enable it?04:35
pike_odat: lspci -v or sudo lshw for the chipset info. then id probably start with a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org modelofniccard' youre more likely to get a good step by step just for your card on the forums04:35
fujinAnyone know if the asterisk packages are maintained (built) locally by a Ubuntu package maintainer, or are they just from upstream?04:35
vviOyigal: can u be of help04:35
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Fezzlerstuff the F-bomb dude04:36
yigaljohndoc: have you installed 915resolution?04:36
ascTheCreationist: Uh, maybe not. Hm, fat doesn't do permissions.04:36
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johndocyigal:  If it didn't come by default, no04:36
vviOyigal: realtek LAN not working04:36
yigalvviO: can you ping google?04:36
yigalvviO: can you ping your router?04:37
stevemcc915 is easy as apt-get04:37
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jwilesmercurial problem bump: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29606/04:37
stevemccyou having problems installing?04:37
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ttmrichterWhen the GNOME CD/DVD Burner application screws up, where can I look to find the error message from it?04:37
yigaljohndoc: sudo aptitude install 915resolution04:37
vviOyigal: no04:37
vandenJordan_U: You were helping me with my dissapeared nm-applet a few hours ago. I fixed it, thought I'd come by to see if you'd like to know how I got it back.04:37
yigalvviO: ifconfig -a ?04:37
TheCreationistasc: Any other ideas then?04:37
yigalvviO: is it listed?04:37
vviOyigal: it shows eth0 available04:37
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t0xhey guys04:37
vviOyigal: you want ifconfig?04:38
t0xcan anyone help me install sonypid drivers/04:38
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johndocyigal: it's installed04:38
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t0xcan anyone help me install sonypid drivers/04:38
TheCreationistasc: Other than using Windows to update my mp3 player? ;)04:38
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yigaljohndoc: try using it :)04:38
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johndocyigal: err...what do i do? lol04:38
vandenJordan_U: Turns out I couldn't add ti to panel directly, but adding the notification area broughtit back. Anyway, thanks for the help before :-)04:38
yigalvviO: open a terminal - do you know how?04:38
cotyrotheryOk im back04:38
vviOyes I do04:38
t0xcan anyone help me install sonypid drivers/04:38
cotyrotherynow im ready to get WoW to run at full speed04:38
gcarrillonobody knows the secrets of VT resolution?04:39
ascTheCreationist: Maybe one. Just a second.04:39
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vviOyigal: yes I do know that04:39
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t0xcan anyone help me install sonypid drivers?04:39
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MSG4Does Ubuntu support Motherboards Asus for ASUS P5LD2 R2.0  945P??04:39
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TheNo1YetiAnyone know off hand of any good resources for setting up & configuring Tripwire on Ubuntu?  Google has let me down on this one, same with howtoforge04:39
yigaljohndoc: this seems relevant to our conversation - http://yogharp.wordpress.com/2006/12/19/ubuntu-edgy-on-intel-945gm-graphics-wide-screen-lcd-notebooks/04:39
johndocmsg4: did you google it?04:39
odatpike_ hmmm not sure04:39
vviOyigal: do u need the results for ifconfig?04:40
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t0xcan anyone help me install sonypid drivers?04:40
pike_MSG4: im going to say yes but i really have no idea04:40
aschmackis there a special channel for ubuntu laptops04:40
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yigalvviO: the question is your device listed?04:40
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ascHow can one find their uid from the command line?04:40
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vviOyigal: how to find if its listed?04:40
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gcarrilloasc: id04:40
ascgcarrillo: Thanks.04:40
Jordan_U!uuid | asc,04:40
ubotuasc,: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:40
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TheNo1Yetiasc: id -u04:41
vviOyigal: under the hardware info, my NIC is shown under 'UNKNOWN'04:41
MSG4going to do it04:41
johndocyigal: what do i need to do with 915resolution?  I'm trying to figure it out04:41
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ascTheCreationist: Okay. Do 'id' and find your id. It's probably 1000.04:41
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Jordan_Ujohndoc, Nothing, it should "just work tm"04:41
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ascTheCreationist: Or id -u like TheNo1Yeti said, which works better.04:41
TheCreationistasc: it is.04:41
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ascTheCreationist: Then do... uh, just a second.04:41
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johndocJordan_U: shouldn't I like restart something for it to work?04:42
cotyrotheryWhat video drivers do i need04:42
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cotyrotheryi have a i81004:42
Jordan_Ujohndoc, Yes, restart X04:42
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yigaljohndoc: as i said earlier i use nvidia so i am not the best person to ask04:42
zirodaycotyrothery: none they are already loaded04:42
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johndocthat's fine yigal04:42
ste-foyBonne nuit les jeunes :)) et pour les vieux/vielles Bon temps Hors-sommeil (amusement :))04:42
yigalhere is an arch wiki on 915: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_945_GM_How_To_Resolution04:43
d4rkmonkey!fr ste-foy04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr ste-foy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
Mac120somebody using ari04:43
d4rkmonkey!fr | ste-foy04:43
MSG4is there ubuntu whole list information supporting for asus motherboard04:43
TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: nVidia I am assuming?  Cheap trick if you need those drivers is to enable desktop effects and it installs the nVidia 3d drivers. ;P04:43
ubotuste-foy: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:43
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bruenigyeah arch actually has a wiki04:43
ziroday!fr | ste-foy04:43
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cotyrotheryTheNo1Yeti: no its an i81004:43
gcarrilloVTs? Resolution? hard...04:43
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CppIsWeirdyou mean i have to add the machine name of every machine specifically i want to have the ability to browse my computer?04:43
ste-foy!en here ONLY ste-foy04:43
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?04:43
yigalCppIsWeird: if you want good security, then yes04:43
ascTheCreationist: Got it. Unmount the drive and mount with 'sudo mount -o uid=1000 /dev/device /media/whatever'04:44
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yigalCppIsWeird: if you are using samba then no, but if you want good security then yes04:44
ascTheCreationist: That should mount it so that you can modify the files without even sudo. If it doesn't work, then I'm out of ideas other than google.04:44
nivekc1anyone know how to uninstall google earth?04:44
d4rkmonkeyanyways, I was trying to install a program from source using ./configure. I got past the first error I got by installing a package, but now it gives me "configure: error: libdvdcss is not installed. If you would not like to use libdvdcss or DVD functionality please use ./configure with --disable-dvd." when I try to install any packages close to libdvdcss, it tells me that theres no installation candidate, what s04:44
d4rkmonkeyhould I do?04:44
TheNo1Yetinivekc1: how did you install it?  source?04:44
zirodaynivekc1: delete the file it installed04:44
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coopsterSo, I'm building a file server with 4 hard disks of various sizes, and I have partitioned them off into partitions of the same size, and I have 3 RAIDs (2 level 5, 1 level 1) that I want to use for storage.  Can I make a RAID0 of those three RAIDs?04:45
cotyrotherywhat type of video drivers do i need for an i81004:45
rustalotis there a package that has a backend to a thesarus &/OR a dictionary with definitions, so my app could look up words?04:45
Justi2why does my sound not work at times?04:45
nivekc1installed from .bin file using terminal but when i try to remove i dont know what the name of it is04:45
TheCreationistasc: Okay, well that threw an error saying it couldn't find the mount point I chose in fstab.04:45
Jordan_UThaddeus, If he installed it from source then he stole the source from Google :)04:45
TheCreationistasc: But I know that when it mounts automatically, it lists me as the owner...04:45
spinexorzJordan_U, it seems killing hald and doing a sudo dpkg --configure -a fixed my problems, i still get the device or resource busy for /proc/acpi/event but everything else went ok, now i have to recompile the drivers for mt ATI card04:45
CppIsWeirdyigal, how do i just get my windows computer access to my ubuntu computer.04:45
ascTheCreationist: Uh. It shouldn't do that. :p04:45
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TheNo1Yetid4rkmonkey: If your using something like aptitude then you might want to turn on multiverse or universe support.  With Synaptic also I think04:45
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ascTheCreationist: Try using the same command line as when it did mount but adding 'uid=1000' to the -o section?04:46
yigalnivekc1: it becomes more difficult, you should first update your local database for files, "sudo updatedb"04:46
Jordan_Uspinexorz, Why not just use the packaged drivers?04:46
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d4rkmonkeyTheNo1Yeti, ok I'll try that04:46
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TheCreationistasc: Uhm, now I can't mount it at all because it isn't found in fstab.04:46
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yigalnivekc1: and then delete all files that belong to google earth - but its messy still04:46
ascTheCreationist: Did you remember the /media/directory part?04:46
yigalCppIsWeird: there are many ways, are you using samba?04:46
CppIsWeirdno idea, im doing everything through ubuntu, you tell me04:46
vviOyigal: so what do u say04:46
TheCreationistasc: Yeah... that's the same place I tried mounting it again.04:47
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TheNo1Yetid4rkmonkey: I assume your propably using apt-get or aptitude to install your lib's so you would need to first edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and then apt-get update04:47
nivekc1well i want to completely remove it because im pretty sure i screwed up the install by clicking run while i was in sudo04:47
ascTheCreationist: Is there a line for the player in fstab now?04:47
yigalvviO: what application have you been using to try and see if your hardware is connecting?  What gateway are you trying to connect to?04:47
FezzlerIs there any advantage to installing flashplayer from Adobe website vs Ubuntu Synaptic?04:47
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TheCreationistasc: No.04:48
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TheCreationistasc: there never was.04:48
yigalFezzler: what is the version number for both?04:48
Jordan_UFezzler, No04:48
ascTheCreationist: It's behaving very oddly. I have to go to dinner. I'll be back, but you'll probably be best off asking other people.04:48
d4rkmonkeyTheNo1Yeti, I'm using apt-get. but the program I'm installing from, I'm installing from source. I need apt-get to get the libdvdcss, but it doesn't seem to download anything. I'm gonna check my repos...04:48
ascTheCreationist: Does the directory exist in /media?04:48
yigalFezzler: in many cases it is better to use a .deb package then a executable that will throw files everywher eon your file system04:48
Jordan_UFezzler, Other than the fact that installing from Adobe you can install it for only one user04:48
vviOyigal: its DHCP04:48
yigalvviO: are you confused ? :)04:49
TheCreationistasc: Okay, I'm not sure what I did, but it mounted this time.04:49
vviOyigal: yes I am new to ubuntu04:49
yigalvviO: are you new to linux?04:49
ascTheCreationist: I sacrificed a small furry animal, that probably helped.04:49
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vviOyigal: i have worked on fedora before04:49
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yigalvviO: are you familiar with cli?04:49
TheCreationistasc: Well, I still can't delete from the player though.04:49
FezzlerOkay.  I did a complete removal via Synaptic and I'm now reinstalling04:49
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vviOyigal: I am not an expert04:49
cerdai need some help loadin ubuntu04:49
vviOyigal: cli04:50
yigalFezzler: what?04:50
yigalFezzler: omg04:50
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vviOyigal: I am not aware of that cli04:50
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TheNo1YetiAnyone here familiar with Tripwire at all or can point me to some good resources for learning about it/configuring it.04:50
yigalvviO: cli = command line interface04:50
cerdaso can somone help04:50
yigalvviO: cli == terminal04:50
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ascTheCreationist: 0_o. Try it again, this time add 'umask=007'. If that doesn't work, I'm really out of ideas. Leaving for dinner now.04:50
vviOyigal: u mean terminal/shell04:50
asc(add that to the -o section I mean)04:50
yigalvviO: y04:50
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vviOyigal: yes I know abt that04:51
vviOyigal: ifconfig04:51
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TheNo1Yeticerda: any chance of being more specific?04:51
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yigalvviO: open a terminal.04:51
Fezzleryigal: Why is my struggle to get Flashplayer working in Firefox pissing a couple folks off?04:51
TheCreationistI'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system.  I've tried using sudo rm -r... no luck.  Any ideas?04:51
vviOyigal: its open04:51
TheCreationistasc: Didn't work.  But thanks for your help.04:51
nivekc1unless i did install it correctly and i am having a driver issue but idk what it is? anyone know anthing about google earth crashing at startup and logging the user out?04:51
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bruenigTheCreationist, how did you mount it04:51
M`Haelis it normal that System Monitor shows GNU Chess as using 89% of my CPU?04:51
yigalFezzler: its very easy, so they probably dont understand how much pain you are going through to get it working :)04:51
cerdaAright, well i go into loading ubuntu, and it just gets stuck at the part were it say loading, somtimes i can get up to the ubuntu icon04:51
TheCreationistbruenig: Well, it automounts normally.  But I've tried mounting it manually as rw, but still doesn't work.04:52
bruenigM`Hael, probably not04:52
TheCreationistbruenig: I was able to ADD files to it, but not move or remove.04:52
M`Haelbruenig: didn't think so....04:52
bruenigTheCreationist, mount it with umask=00004:52
TheNo1YetiM`Hael: That means that either A. The system is about to litteraly own you Deep Blue style or B. It went wonky04:52
yigalFezzler: have you installed this ? i   flashplugin-nonfree             - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer04:52
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vviOyigal: whats next?04:52
bruenigTheCreationist, wait, you could add files but not delete?04:52
TheCreationistbruenig: Yep.04:52
yigalFezzler: i.e. sudo aptitude  flashplugin-nonfree04:52
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TheCreationistbruenig: When trying to delete, it says read-only file system.  But it lets me add files?04:52
M`HaelTheNo1Yeti: it runs at 89% from the start, even before I start a game04:52
bruenigyigal, just leave him alone, he is incompetent and refuses to cooperate, hopefully he will leave04:52
d4rkmonkeyhmm, I can't seem to find this package that I need for DVD functionality...04:52
cerdaany ideas?04:52
yigalvviO: I want you to type "ping www.google.com" and tell me the repsonse04:53
M`HaelTheNo1Yeti: so I think it's going wonky04:53
bruenigTheCreationist, yeah that is really weird04:53
TheCreationistbruenig: Well, it let me add files before trying to delete them. Let me see if I can add them now.04:53
Fezzleryigal: yes.  And Youtube tells me I either don't have flash or java installed?04:53
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yigalFezzler: not likely04:53
bruenigyigal, I have told you three times now what to do, do it or leave04:53
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know of any libdvdcss packages so I can get past the "configure: error: libdvdcss is not installed."?04:53
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bruenigFezzler, not yigal04:53
nivekc1does having a restricted video driver leave me open to driver failure?04:53
yigalbruenig: calm down04:53
yigalbruenig: ok04:53
TheCreationistbruenig: Yep  I can still add them just fine.04:53
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cerdaso wat can i do????????04:54
M`Haelone more thing, is it normal for gnome-system-monitor to be using 7% CPU?04:54
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bruenigTheCreationist, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to delete then unless I am missing something04:54
TheCreationistbruenig: I can delete the files I just added, but none of the other ones.04:54
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coopsternivekc1, restricted is more a term to describe the fact that the driver is not open source and does not grant you the same freedoms of use, it doesn't reference stability04:54
TheNo1YetiM'Hael: Actually, I just started chess and it ate my cpu04:54
Mac120<nivekc1>  garb the inf files form windows partition04:54
vviOyigal: unkwon host: www.google.com04:54
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coopsterTheNo1Yeti, check and mate.04:54
M`HaelTheNo1Yeti: that's odd, must report that to GNU04:54
nivekc1mac120: i dont have a widows partitio04:55
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M`HaelI wonder if any other GNU games do that04:55
Fezzlerbruenig: why is this pissing you off.  I have entered every advice provided.  why are you whinning.  Just Ingnore me04:55
TheNo1YetiM'Hael: Yes, graphical system monitors use up system resources.04:55
bruenigFezzler, you haven't04:55
yigalvviO: now when you type "ifcong -a" you see "eth0"?04:55
bruenigFezzler, I told you to tell me what about:plugins in firefox gives you and you don't ever do it04:55
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Mac120You can do it in Vmware server or workstaion04:55
yigalFezzler: the likelyhood is that you are lying04:55
vviOyes eth0 is there04:55
vviOyigal: yes eth0 is there04:55
d4rkmonkeyCan anyone tell me what "E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate" means? I need libdvdcss2 to install another program (or atleast get the DVD support in that program that I want)04:55
bruenigFezzler, it is a novel idea I know that the best way to know if firefox is using a plugin is to ask firefox, but please humor me04:55
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yigalvviO: do you have a firewall on your router?04:56
TheCreationist!dvd | d4rkmonkey04:56
ubotud4rkmonkey: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:56
TheNo1YetiM'Hael: Yes other GNU games do it.  Blackjack spikes itself to 100% when it does the "Computing System Strategy"04:56
vviOyigal: i am directly connected to my DSL modem04:56
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yigalvviO: yes, but your router may not want to allow acces04:56
nivekc1glad to see everyone is distraught by a flash plugin? lol.04:56
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noxx_Ello all!  I have a working dualhead configuration. I want to know if anyone knows of some documentation to accomplish two goals, 1- prevent window spanning accross both monitors when maximized, 2- set default display for new window04:57
Fezzlerbruenig: I don't understand what you mean by about:plugins sir, that is why.  Honestly04:57
yigalvviO: s/acces/access04:57
bluntshello all, i have something i have not encountered before.. sudo synaptic   results in   Segmentation fault (core dumped)04:57
bruenigFezzler, about:plugins in the location bar of firefox04:57
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yigalvviO: excuse me do you have a firewall installed?04:57
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheCreationistI'm trying to delete files from my MP3 player (tried to do so in Amarok, Terminal, and File Browser), but it says it's a read-only file system.  I can still ADD files to it, but not delete them.  Anyone have any ideas what gives?04:57
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vviOyigal: no04:57
Justi1what is the installation directory of firefox?04:57
nivekc1though when i started using ubuntu (fresh from windows) it took me aout 6 hours to figure out java04:57
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yigalTheCreationist: user permissions, try with superuser?04:57
Fezzlerbruenig: Okay.  I was looking for a menu item.04:58
root__i got it to work04:58
FactTechFezzler: Enter "about:plugins" in your browser's address bar, like you would enter an HTTP address, then hit return. You will get an information page.04:58
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TheCreationistyigal: Yeah, I've tried a lot of commands on it with sudo, but still throws the errors.04:58
TheNo1YetiJusti1: /etc/firefox04:58
TheCreationistJusti1: /usr/mozilla/firefox, I believe04:58
yigalvviO: you have not used automatix to install firestarter or something like this?04:58
MetalMessiahOK I need a Bind expert04:58
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FezzlerThanks.  I'm there04:58
TheCreationistJusti1: Nope... it's /usr/bin/firefox.  Sorry.04:59
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vviOyigal: I just installed my Ubuntu and now can not configure my LAN to work, nothing installed04:59
TheNo1YetiSorry, I thought you typed a blind expert.   Anyway, ask away and I'm sure someone will try to help04:59
bluntshello all, i have something i have not encountered before.. sudo synaptic   results in   Segmentation fault (core dumped) .. message me if u know pls04:59
bruenigJusti1, it installs in /usr/lib/firefox and it installs a symlink in /usr/bin/firefox04:59
cerdacan somone pm me so they can help?????????????????04:59
FezzlerI didn't understand what bruenig meant.  Thanks04:59
yigalvviO: do you have network-manager installed?04:59
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yigalvviO: sorry of course you do04:59
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bruenigFezzler, so what does it say about flash04:59
FactTechFezzler: No problem. Sometimes people forget that the obvious isn't always obvious to newcomers.04:59
Justi1I am trying to install flash, and its asking me for the firefox install directory. which one should I use?04:59
MetalMessiahAnybody wanna help me with Configuring Bind to go with my domain name04:59
dimas__does anyone able to help me with vi?04:59
vviOyigal: yes I have05:00
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bruenigJusti1, install flash from the repos05:00
TheCreationistJusti1: just type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:00
astrasdimas__: what's up?05:00
yigalvviO: have you opened it up?05:00
TheCreationistJusti1: That will take care of everything for you.05:00
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yigalbruenig: do you really like xchat?05:00
FezzlerIt says it is enabled05:00
=== TheCreationist loves Konversation.
cerdacome on man somone help05:00
Justi1bruenig: thecreationist: it doesn't work. the download slows to 200 bytes/sec, and then stops05:00
dimas__astras i want to delete what i did and make the changes properly but i dont know the commands05:00
vviOyigal: yes its opened05:00
yigalvviO: good05:01
FezzlerFile name:  libflash-mozplugin.so Flash Movie player Version 0.4.12 compatible with Shockwave Flash 4.005:01
yigalbruenig: :)05:01
bruenigFezzler, what does it say for filename and the thing right underneath filename05:01
astrasdimas__: as in quit without saving or undo?05:01
TheCreationistJusti1: Hmm.. slow internet connection?  Then the directory you enter for the Adobe flash plugin would be /usr/bin/firefox05:01
TheNo1YetiTheCreationist: Does Konversation has a list of users in the channel?  Cause I can't find that in XChat05:01
cerdaso can somoen help or wat05:01
dimas__i did wq:05:01
bruenigJusti1, no /usr/lib/firefox not /usr/bin/firefox05:01
yigalvviO: it listed eth0, if i recall correctly from what you said, please confirm?05:01
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dimas__astras i did wq:05:01
FezzlerFile name:  libflash-mozplugin.so05:01
cerdanyone have hotmail that kan help05:01
bruenig!find libflash-mozplugin05:01
Zxcsif i remove the menubar from a terminal how do i get it back?05:02
ubotuFound: libflash-mozplugin05:02
TheCreationistTheNo1Yeti: Yes, it does by default.  And if I remember correctly, XChat's user list is there, but it's hidden by being sized down too much.05:02
Fezzler Flash Movie player Version 0.4.12 compatible with Shockwave Flash 4.005:02
jerbearanyone know if you can use UUID's in /etc/crypttab?05:02
yigalFezzler: are you a brand new install?05:02
bruenigFezzler, sudo apt-get remove libflash-mozplugin05:02
vviOyigal: lo and eth0 are listed05:02
astrasdimas__: then that saved your changes05:02
Justi1thecreationist: its not slow, but I seem to have problems connecting to their servers. I had to download the .tar from another computer and then bring it to this one on a disk05:02
yigalvviO: so your ethernet, is at least detected.05:02
BrentI don't know if anyone is around that was here a little while ago and helping me, but I just can't fix my problem of the blank screen05:02
TheNo1YetiTheCreationist: lol thanks.  I feel bad that I just got owned by a sizing bar I been staring at for 10 minutes05:02
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Brentwhile installing Ubuntu05:02
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TheCreationistTheNo1Yeti: You found it then? ;)05:02
TheNo1Yetilol yea05:02
bruenigJusti1, it could be that they changed the links because the ubuntu package is just a script that downloads and installs, it is not the actual plugin05:02
=== root__ is now known as MetalMessiah
Zxcsif i remove the menubar from a terminal how do i get it back?05:02
vviOyigal: seems like05:02
yigalTheCreationist: welcome to linux :)05:02
TheCreationistTheNo1Yeti: Yeah, took me forever to figure that one out too ;)05:03
dimas__astras but i guess i doing something wrong cause i still getting error in the compiling05:03
Fezzlerbruenig: done05:03
cerdacan u even c me typin or wat05:03
MetalMessiahAnybody in here wanna help me with Configuring BIND05:03
TheCreationistyigal: Yeah... now because I installed Feisty I'm forced to use windows to update my MP3 player too.05:03
yigalvviO: when you try to connect what does it say05:03
bruenigFezzler, restart firefox, go to about:plugins again, report back on the info05:03
koozHi, I'm trying to get the perldoc Finance::Quote feature to work for gnucash, no one in that channel; anyone know any resources?05:03
TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: What is the problem that your having with configuring it?05:03
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vviOyigal: connect to what?05:03
MetalMessiahI wanna configure it to work with my domain05:03
astrasdimas__: compiling what?05:03
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MetalMessiahThe docs05:04
yigalTheCreationist: so not right, i have a black barry with an SD card I can't believe you have to use Windows to do that, what kind of mp3 player?05:04
koozI can't download perl correctly: Manifying blib/man3/Finance::Quote::ManInvestments.3pm05:04
koozmkdir /usr/local/lib/perl: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 11205:04
koozmake: *** [pure_site_install]  Error 1305:04
MetalMessiahGive me headches05:04
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dimas__astras spca5xx-v4l1goodbye05:04
BrentDoes anyone have an idea of why I get a blank screen while trying to install or run Ubuntu? It loads some stuff, I select to run or install, and after a while, I get a blank screen05:04
MetalMessiahmy domain is xitz.net05:04
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Fezzlerbruenig: Flash entry gone05:04
bruenigkooz, start the application as root "gksudo whatever" then do it again05:04
yigalvviO: your gateway, i.e. dsl modem05:04
Justi1/usr/lib/firefox worked. thanks thecreationist and bruenig for your help05:04
MetalMessiahI know i need to add a new zone in name.conf05:04
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astrasdimas__: dunno about that... sorry05:04
yigalFezzler: is it a new install?05:04
TheCreationistyigal: It's a Sansa e260.  Worked fine in Edgy, but now for some reason, I can add files to it, but can't delete them because it's a "read-only filesystem."  Which makes no sense since I can write new files to it.05:04
astrasdimas__: webcams aren't my thing05:04
bruenigFezzler, are you on 64 bit?05:05
Fezzleryidal:  Yes.   Bruenig:  No05:05
vviOyigal: how to connect to the gateway... ping is not returning...05:05
dimas__astras i suppose to changes the default conf from the makefile05:05
TheCreationistyigal: It should just show up as a standard flash drive, and it seems to, but with the problems I just mentioned.05:05
MetalMessiahI have zone "xitz.net" {05:05
MetalMessiah        type master;05:05
MetalMessiah        file "/etc/bind/db.255";05:05
dimas__astras dont worry about the cam05:05
yigalTheCreationist: have you umounted the disk, mounted it as root, and played with it as root?05:05
Fezzleryidal:  new in as I had to reinstall ubuntu desktop earlier today05:05
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TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: You have any experience with bind prior to this?05:05
dimas__just help me with the changes in makefile please05:05
bruenigFezzler, ok so do: ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so05:05
yigalFezzler: yigal =/ yigal05:05
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MetalMessiahI tried in on windows05:05
TheCreationistyigal: Yep.  Tried that, running sudo on everything05:06
MetalMessiahBut no go05:06
koozbruenig, okay, I'll give that a shot -- it's a long installation process (lots of questions)05:06
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MetalMessiahI have it set up  and all05:06
Fezzleryidal; not new from LiveCD.05:06
dimas__astras just help with the changes in the makefile configuration05:06
Zxcsif i remove the menubar from a terminal how do i get it back? help plox05:06
bruenigkooz, the only reason it won't install is because it needs to put stuff in a directory owned by root05:06
yigalTheCreationist: what about trying to change permissions?05:06
linuxn00bso, I just installed ubuntu, but after rebooting, I get the "error loading operating system"05:06
Justi1Does google web accelerator work in ubuntu?05:06
bruenigkooz, and you don't haver permission05:06
astrasdimas__: I have no idea what changes need to be made05:06
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koozokay, so sudo commands....05:06
linuxn00bcan anyone help me with this?05:06
MetalMessiahIt would never configure right for me05:06
TheCreationistyigal: All the permissions are set correctly.  I should have full read/write ability05:06
dimas__astras i will tell you...hold on05:06
MetalMessiaheven after i did the right thingas05:06
koozNow the gnc-fq-update command won't even work05:07
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astrasMetalMessiah: are you root servers pointing to your nameserver?05:07
koozit freezes after  Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] 05:07
linuxn00bhas anyone gotten the "Error loading operating system" problem?05:07
TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: Honestly howtoforge.com is your friend in this instance.  http://www.howtoforge.com/two_in_one_dns_bind9_views05:07
Fezzlerbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29608/05:07
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dimas__astras The Makefile which controls the compiling process for this driver has to be told to use gcc-3.4 instead of the default version 4.0:05:07
dimas__export CC=gcc-3.405:07
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:07
yigalTheCreationist: have you turned off udev - it worked for me with trying to charge my blackberry through the usb connection I have05:07
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yigalTheCreationist: sounds strange, but its worth the experiment05:07
TheCreationistyigal: How would I do that?  And what are the drawbacks?05:08
yigalTheCreationist: sudo /etc/init.d/udev stop05:08
TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: That link that I just posted is what I used to learn bind basically.  It's incredibly easy and plain english.05:08
dimas__astras i have gcc-3.4 already05:08
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yigalTheCreationist: basically hotplugging is no longer working05:08
TheNo1YetiThe first page honestly is enough to get you running05:08
bruenigFezzler, everything appears to be in place, see what happens when you go to youtube05:08
astrasdimas__: ok, so look for the line that says CC=gcc-4.0 to CC=gcc-3.405:08
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
yigalTheCreationist: you have to manually mount everything05:08
Fezzlerbruenig:  I apologize I didn't know what about:plugins meant earlier05:08
ascTheCreationist: Out of curiosity, have you done an ls -l to see what it thinks the permissions are?05:08
Justi1what is a .msi file?05:08
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TheCreationistasc: Yes, I have.05:08
g9shHello all05:08
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TheCreationistyigal: That's really not an option to turn off hotplugging05:09
dimas__astras how i look for it?05:09
TheNo1YetiAnyone able to point me to resources on configuring & setting up Tripwire?05:09
yigalTheCreationist: yes, in general no but try it05:09
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?05:09
ryukZxcs: right click on the control panel and choose add to panel.. down the bottom in the utilities section ther is menu bar.. drag than onto the panel and reposition05:09
d4rkmonkeyI installed libdvdcss2, but I still get an error while compiling saying: configure: error: libdvdcss is not installed.05:09
yigalTheCreationist: just for the experiment05:09
d4rkmonkeyAny idea what I can do to get past this?05:09
astrasdimas__: in vi, type /CC=05:10
astrasdimas__: the / means to find whatever follows05:10
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dimas__astras ok let me see05:10
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linuxn00b#nick oxeimon05:10
linuxn00b#nickname oxeimon05:10
ascTheCreationist: Actually, you know what... you might try dismounting it then runing fsck on /dev/device. It might use a nonstandard implementation of FAT. Or you could just put it into windows (if you can delete files that you added) delete everything and only modify it from ubuntu in the future.05:10
Fezzlerbruenig: It tells me I either have Java Script turned off or an old company of Flash Player05:10
Zxcsryuk: you're a true savior, my wife and kids thank you05:10
MetalMessiahI got iti05:10
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ryukZxcs: lol..05:10
TheNo1Yetid4rkmonkey: Check your configuration script, see if it is looking for a certain version or in a certain place different than what you have installed05:10
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dimas__astras so i do with the lines i did before? should i care about it?05:10
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BrentDoes anyone know why Ubuntu is freezing on a blank screen before it can start the installer? It just ran perfectly last night, but I didn't finish the installer due to something coming up05:11
TheCreationistasc: mount shows it as a vfat filesystem05:11
d4rkmonkeyTheNo1Yeti, well it says libdvdcss but apt-get automatically installed libdvdcss2... is there a way to change that?05:11
astrasdimas__: I have no idea what you did to the file, but I would uncompress it again and start over05:11
BrentI appreciate any help05:11
slicksterranyone know how i can setup ubuntu to be viewable on windows through network places? i have ubuntu installed on my laptop, vista on my desktop; they are both hardwired to my router, and im trying to see my laptop through network places. internet works on both machines. anyone here that can help?05:11
yigalTheCreationist: good luck,05:11
Julie45how do I get out of this "less" program and back to the bash prompt05:11
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astrasJulie45: ZZ05:11
g9shI have a question--I am trying to set up wireless on an inspiron 600m. I've researched this and found a known bug. The resolution quoted is "pci=noacpi" How do I do that?05:11
TheNo1Yeti!tripwire | TheNo1Yeti05:11
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Julie45astras, thank you05:11
astrasJulie45: not a problem05:12
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oxeimonurgent question: I had XP installed, I've partitioned my disk using GParted-live, then I've installed Ubuntu, but after a reboot, I get "Error Loading Operating System". Can someone help me?05:12
bruenigFezzler, what version of ubuntu05:12
ascTheCreationist: Mm. Might be worth a try though.05:12
dimas__astras so you say i just should type over? and the save it with wq:?05:12
Fezzlerbruenig: I have Java Script Enabled box checked in Firefox set up05:12
MetalMessiahAstras no i dont thats what iam trying to setup now05:12
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TheNo1Yetid4rkmonkey: I am sure there is but honestly I don't know right off hand.  Have you tried doing it straight through aptitude?05:12
Fezzlerbruenig: 7.0405:12
ascTheCreationist: Of course, it also might permanently break it for all I know.05:12
Julie45Now, how can I list all user accounts on my ubuntu box?  it's a LAMP server, no GUI05:12
TheCreationistasc: Well, I've used windows to just completely format it before.  Maybe that will help.05:12
TheNo1Yeticat /etc/passwd05:13
ascTheCreationist: Oh, okay. So long as you can just reformat if something breaks.05:13
santimsdoes anybody know anything about Folding around here?05:13
TheCreationistasc: I've had problems in the past with Linux kind of corrupting the files I add to it.05:13
g9shsorry, working with fiesty05:13
t0rekI have a problem to make xorg to work with the 'nvidia' driver @1024x76805:13
astrasMetalMessiah: if you are logged in to your domain account through your registrar, point the ns record to ns1.yourdomain.org05:13
d4rkmonkeyTheNo1Yeti, whats aptitude? I've been using apt-get I searched for the package first, but since it wasn't there, I have to compile05:13
TheNo1YetiJulie45: cat /etc/passwd05:13
t0rekso far I've tried some of this solutions:05:13
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dimas__astras how do i save and quit in vi?05:13
d4rkmonkeyTheNo1Yeti, I also searched for a .deb which I couldn't find05:13
t0rekwithout results05:13
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CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?05:13
yigalTheCreationist: don't respond, I hope get what you deserve05:13
BrentAm I not doing this IRC thing right? Maybe nobody is seeing my messages? I hope it's not a problem05:13
astrasdimas__: wq!05:13
bruenigFezzler, try to reinstall flash, sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:13
Jordan_Udimas__, Press escape then :wq05:13
TheCreationistyigal: Okay, what's the attitude for?05:13
ascTheCreationist: I myself have noticed that windows can't read directories that linux created, on FAT partitions.05:14
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astrasMetalMessiah: then create an NS and A record on your bind server, along with the reverse dns info05:14
Julie45the mo1yeti, I did that but it sure seems to list a tone of stufff.... like postfix, backup, proxy, gnats, etc....05:14
Fezzlerbruenig: is there an "ls" or "grep" command to verify I in fact have Java?05:14
TheCreationistasc: I'm not sure I have the problem.  Of course, I have ext3 drivers installed in windows ;)05:14
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dimas__astras ...jordan  ???05:14
TheNo1Yetid4rkmonkey: aptitude is the cooler older brother of apt-get.  Requires more typing but is smarter when it comes time to uninstall & purge and it has a really old schoolesque ui for it also if you just type aptitude05:14
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astrasMetalMessiah: if you really can't get it, install Webmin and go from there... easy to config bind from there05:14
bruenigFezzler, javascript is not java, if you want java do sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin05:14
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astrasdimas__: jordan?05:14
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MetalMessiahapt-get webmin?05:14
yigalTheCreationist: sometimes you have to stop simple processes to understand what is going on, by the way my iq is 140+ I don't appreciate someone not listening to me, not like my ego is large just reasonable, you didn't respond to me, so good luck man05:15
dimas__astras jordan says something else05:15
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ascTheCreationist: Come to think of it, you can probably format it by just doing 'sudo mfks.vfat /dev/device'05:15
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Jordan_Udimas__, astras ?05:15
santimsis there any way to install the 64bit version of ubuntu but still get the full advantages of the 32 bit os???  i want to use the SMP folding client that can only be used in a 64bit os....but using that os i am having extreme difficulties using flash/java, wine, and a few other things05:15
koozokay, this should work because with sudo, you have permission to anything...gnc-fq-update still doesn't work though05:15
facugaichBrent: you just have to explain your issue and if someone knows something he/she will let you know05:15
t0rekhey... did someone saw my question?05:15
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ascyigal: Just a tip, nobody likes people who cite their iq.05:15
astrasMetalMessiah: go to www.webmin.com05:15
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oxeimonurgent question: I had XP installed, I've partitioned my disk using GParted-live, then I've installed Ubuntu, but after a reboot, I get "Error Loading Operating System". Can someone help me?05:16
astrasdimas__: yes, ESC first to get to the command line, and then wq!05:16
BrentI did explain it, but I'm not sure anyone was able to read it05:16
TheNo1YetiJulie45: There is a way to do see just the users that are > 105 (the last system user generally) but that requires use of awk methinks and awk > me05:16
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TheCreationistyigal: Wow.. my IQ is 145.. so congrats.  It wasn't that I didn't listen to you...  I'm simply trying a lot of different things at once.05:16
BrentBut I'll explain it again............05:16
yigalasc: why worry who likes me, just try for the truth, good luck05:16
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facugaichBrent: yes I read it. I'm just saying that if no one knows a solution no one will reply05:16
TheCreationistyigal: But now that I know you wish bad on those that hesitate to follow your advice, I won't bother you for help from now on.05:16
MetalMessiahI cant wait till this is all done05:16
d4rkmonkeyW00t I got one step closer by looking closer at what it really wanted :D now it gave me another error05:16
dimas__astras wq! or :wq?05:16
yigalyigal: I am giving evidence for thinking that I have something to say05:16
BrentI am getting a blank screen after some initial loading when selecting to install or load05:16
koozokay, trying to install Finance::Quote of gnucash, part of perldoc with the command gnc-fq-update, but get a long sequence of install questions and then Which SSL install path do you want to use?  /usr/lib/gnucash05:16
kooz/usr/lib/gnucash does not appear to be an SSL library installation, since05:16
koozthe required header files were not found. The build cannot proceed.05:16
koozRunning make test05:16
kooz  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test05:16
ascyigal: Because on the internet, your attitude is what defines your character to others.05:16
koozRunning make install05:16
astrasdimas__: wq!05:17
kooz  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install05:17
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koozFinance::Quote is up to date.05:17
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d4rkmonkey!paste | kooz05:17
ubotukooz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:17
dimas__thanks astras05:17
yigalyigal: but if you have no interest thinking I have something to say good luck05:17
astrasdimas__: np05:17
BrentI understand that nobody may know. But I didn't know that05:17
Fezzlerbruenig:  I ran command and received: Download done.05:17
Fezzlermd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz05:17
FezzlerThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.05:17
koozwhoops, thanks05:17
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bruenigFezzler, hmmm05:17
Toma-!patience | yigal | TheCreationist05:17
Zxcsis there any way to remove the frame from the temrinal window?05:17
ubotuyigal | TheCreationist: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:17
=== Planet-X [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-Take it easy. There are far worst things than not getting instant help.05:18
bruenigFezzler, use this then: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer9_update/flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz05:18
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Zxcsyea, aids  is a pisser05:18
facugaichBrent: Is it "noone" or "no one"?05:18
g9shI have a question--I am trying to set up wireless on an inspiron 600m. I've researched this and found a known bug. The resolution quoted is "pci=noacpi" How do I do that?05:18
dimas__astras should i just decompress without download again?05:18
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astrasToma-: yea, like a computer on fire05:18
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astrasdimas__: should be fine05:18
Brentfacugaich, what are you talking about?05:19
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dimas__astras ok05:19
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t0reksorry... I know... there was so many lines that I wasn't sure if someone saw it05:19
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koozif I can't solve it, I'll setup the paste-bin05:19
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BrentOh, I think you were asking which is the correct way of saying it?05:19
facugaichBrent: Yeah :)05:19
oxeimonurgent question: I had XP installed, I've partitioned my disk using GParted-live, then I've installed Ubuntu, but after a reboot, I get "Error Loading Operating System". Can someone help me?05:19
cotyrotheryHow would i go about updating my drivers?05:20
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BrentI believe it's "no one"05:20
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BrentThat's what I use05:20
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Fezzlerbruenig:  okay, downloaded file to my desktop05:20
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BrentI'm not sure I'm doing this right, the IRC thing05:21
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CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?05:22
TheNo1YetiBrent: http://www.doingitwrong.com/wrong/wrong12.jpg05:22
d4rkmonkeyhow do I enable shared in ffmpeg? when I run ffmpeg --enable-shared it tells me that its missing an argument05:22
bruenigFezzler, ok open a fresh terminal and run this all at once: tar xf Desktop/flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz && cp Desktop/install_flash_player_9_linux/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:22
Brenthaha! Great picture05:22
yigalFezzler: no luck yet, I am sorry to here05:22
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yigalFezzler: s/here/hear05:23
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d4rkmonkeyhow do I enable shared in ffmpeg? when I run ffmpeg --enable-shared it tells me that its missing an argument...05:23
oxeimonDo you guys know if installing ubuntu 7.04 automatically installs a bootloader?05:23
TheNo1Yetioxeimon: I am pretty sure that by default it install grub unless you deselected it05:24
Fezzlerbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29610/05:24
yigaloxeimon: a boot loader is installed its called GRUB05:24
[_tharivol_] hi everyone... ive been trouble on instalation kubuntu at VIA RHINE II05:24
oxeimonI'm getting a problem when I boot up though, "Error loading operating system"05:25
[_tharivol_] anybody knows where i could found the driver?05:25
cotyrotheryI need to increase my frame rate in wow from 2 fps05:25
yigaloxeimon: what kind of computer do you have?05:25
bruenigFezzler, do ls Desktop05:25
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oxeimonI have windows XP already installed. I've partitioned the hard drive with GParted05:25
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oxeimonI have an AMD64 duo processor05:25
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jouleshey guys i have a huge problem ... i decided to reinstall windows.. i played around with it and finally reinstalled it .. however now when i reboot the OS manager doesnt come up... when i insert the live CD and go through installation it only gives me the option to format the whole drive however all my 4 partitions show up.... how do i fix this05:25
TheNo1Yeticotyrothery: that is honestly easier said than done.  What type of system resources you working with here?05:25
oxeimonI've booted ubuntu 7.04 from the cd05:25
oxeimonand I've installed it05:25
Justi1where can I find the WINE windows directory?05:25
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Fezzlerbruenig: beryl-manager.desktop  flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz05:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ
oxeimonbut after I reboot05:26
FedmanJusti1: ~/.wine/drive_c/windows05:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b ubuntu*!*@197.red-80-59-*.staticip.rima-tde.net] by elkbuntu
coopsterJusti1, ~/.wine/drive_c/05:26
oxeimonIt says, "Error loading operating system"05:26
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oxeimonI can still boot from the ubuntu cd, and all my files are apparently intact05:26
oxeimonbut I can't boot up at all without the cd05:26
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oxeimonany ideas?05:26
dimas__astras when i type /CC= saids Pattern not found05:26
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yigaloxeimon: did you get my private messages?05:27
=== ubuntuserver [n=ubuntuse@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigFezzler, do this then: cd ~/Desktop ; tar xf flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz ; sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:27
MetalMessiahThis webmin didnt give me a chance to give a password05:27
joulesoxeimon: how?05:27
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ubuntuserveri have intalled webmin05:27
ascjoules: Go to control panel, adminsitrative tools (or something) and look through them for something having to do with drives. There should be one that lists the partitions and drives available. Right-click on the one with ubuntu on it, select 'make active' (or something similar) and reboot. It will start ubuntu. Then reinstall GRUB.05:27
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Fedmanjoules: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/05:27
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ascjoules: Or follow those more accurate directions.05:28
asc(beat you to it though!)05:28
joulesasc: thanks ill try to do that05:28
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oxeimonjoules: what do you mean how?05:28
ubuntuserverMetalMessiah, man i have webmin?05:28
tritium!grub | joules05:28
ubotujoules: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:28
Julie45what's the command to list all groups, and then the command to list members of a particular group?05:28
oxeimonjoules: how what? >.>05:28
Fedmanasc: :)05:28
Fezzlerbruenig: that changed my prompt05:28
ubuntuserverMetalMessiah, how you think is this webmin good.05:28
joulesoxeimon: nvm thanks05:29
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joulesasc: i do this on windows right?05:29
bruenigFezzler, ok right, no errors though?05:29
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Julie45what's the command to list all groups, and then the command to list members of a particular group?05:29
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bruenigJulie45, try groups05:29
Fezzlerno errors05:29
TheCreationistasc: Thanks again for your help.  I'm going to try formatting it in Windows.  I appreciate your attempts :)05:29
dimas__is anyone able to help me using vi?05:29
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bruenigFezzler, ok try firefox again05:30
phrontistI'm looking for a commandline app that would display a big ASCII digital clock... anyone know what it's called?05:30
ascTheCreationist: Da. For the cause, comrade.05:30
phrontistI think it's installed by default on BSD system05:30
ubuntuEdgyi want to use pxe, but i cant get tftp to work http://pastebin.com/m65e1ea2405:30
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mneptokasc: "tovaritch" ;)05:30
ubuntuEdgyi would appreciate any help05:30
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support05:30
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joulesubotu: thanks tooo you guys are great!05:30
bruenig!thanks | joules05:31
ubotujoules: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:31
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Julie45bruenig... that's weird....  I only have two groups, root and admin.  but when I've done ls -ls on certain folders found in my /var/www directory, they show "julie45 www-data 4096" I assumed that meant that the owner, is me, and that the Group is www-data... am I incorrect here?05:31
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TheNo1YetiAnyone know anything about Tripwire and can point me to a good resource on it?05:32
bruenigJulie45, you could do cat /etc/group I suppose05:32
Fezzlerbruenig:  okay.  Now I get the image of the video clip but Firefox freezesz05:32
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oxeimonyigal: Did you get my private messages?05:32
bruenigFezzler, sounds like adobe flash05:32
Fezzlerbruenig: had to force quit05:33
ascmneptok: Google isn't very helpful in that instance. ;p05:33
JimmioI need some help installing Ubuntu... it doesn't partition my HDD and seems to not be able to access it05:33
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Fezzlerbruenig: should I wipe my hard drive a reinstall Ubuntu?05:33
mneptokasc: Russian for "comrade" ;)05:34
bruenigFezzler, that is what flash does05:34
bruenigcrashes firefox05:34
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JimmioIt gives this error: The attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at / failed.05:34
Jimmioany ideas on how to fix?05:34
d4rkmonkeyhow do I enable shared in ffmpeg? when I run ffmpeg --enable-shared it tells me that its missing an argument...05:34
ascmneptok: Really? Weird. It brings up some sort of alcohol distributor and a movie.05:35
oxeimonurgent question: I've just tried to install Ubuntu alongside my previous XP installation. Despite an apparently successful installation, after rebooting, I get "Error loading operating system" Can anyone help me?05:35
JimmioAnyone here know why I can't partition my HDD?05:35
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tritiumJimmio: you'd need to provide details before anyone could answer that05:36
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Jimmiowhat details are needed?05:36
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pike_Jimmio: if ya dont need to resize windows it is pretty easy.05:36
JimmioIt's an SATA drive, not SCSI...05:36
JimmioI'm installing over another Ubuntu install05:37
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shiester_miesterbruenig, what was that about flash crashing firefox?05:37
shiester_miesterbruenig, is it common for flash to cause problems with firefox?05:37
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bruenigshiester_miester, yes05:37
tuxixoxeimon: the last time i got that error message, i had to reinstall both xp and ubuntu05:37
shiester_miesteri dont have any problems with it in ubuntu, although in windows it sometimes freezes my computer when i full-screen a youtube video05:38
ascAre there any tools that can throttle bandwidth by process?05:38
MitsuoI have followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43335905:38
Mitsuoafter following this guide, I can no longer connect to the internet05:38
MitsuoI believe it has to do with the lines added to rc.conf05:38
shiester_miesterasc, yes05:38
Mac120We should have a Ubuntu party its so many people in here, I'll be glad to bring beer05:38
Jimmiodo I use Guided: Use Entire Disk or Manual?05:38
shiester_miesterMac120, thats kinda beyond a party, more like a festival :P05:38
tuxixi'd be glad you bring beer :)05:38
oxeimontuxix: My friend said it seems like a bootloader problem. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this?05:39
shiester_miesterand now, welcoming you all to UBUNTUFEST 2007 is....Hobbsee!05:39
ascshiester_miester: Any names?05:39
shiester_miesteroh wait, hobbsee isnt around05:39
shiester_miesterasc, nope05:39
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Fezzlerbruenig:  I think its Java issue.  Can you help me install Java needed for Firefox  http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com:8005:39
tuxixoxeimon: yeah it's a bootloader pb, but i don't know how to fix it, maybe with a livecd05:39
shiester_miesterasc, i KNOW they exist, one of the ubuntu command-line utilities can do it, i just can't remember what its called05:39
ascshiester_miester: Well, thanks anyway. I feel much better just knowing they exist.05:39
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bruenigFezzler, java isn't needed for youtube, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin05:39
MetalMessiahFor reverse  address records05:40
eboyjrI'm really pissed that I can't do stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ Is there anything I can do so I can? When I goto Desktop Effects, I can't do it. I have a ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF05:40
Hobbseeshiester_miester: hm?05:40
ascAlso, how can I set a process to always be started at a certain nice value?05:40
shiester_miesteroh there you are05:40
MetalMessiahDo i use ns1.xitz.net?05:40
MetalMessiahor just xitz.net05:40
oxeimontuxix: I have an ubuntu livecd..05:40
Hobbseeshiester_miester: yeah, i'm around, at times05:40
shiester_miesterHobbsee, for some reason it wouldnt auto-complete your name so i thought you weren't here05:40
shiester_miesterwell, how would you like to host...UBUNTUFEST 200705:40
Mitsuocan someone regard my message?05:41
JimmioI think I know the problem...05:41
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=== shiester_miester regards Mitsuo's message
Jimmiothe HDD is mounted to something other than SDA?05:41
Julie45how do I add a user to an existing group?05:41
shiester_miesterMitsuo, you could always try reversing the things you changed?05:41
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Fezzlerbruenig:  Could it be a Sound driver issue?05:41
TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: As a general rule reverse DNS PTR's are set to a specific subdomain (usually your mail server for anti-spam reasons) and are set at the ISP as a general rule05:42
g0dd3sshi does anyone here use emesene? mine doesn't wanna login :-S05:42
Mitsuoshiester_miester: when i have removed the lines, it did not help05:42
bruenigprobably a flash issue, flash is dirty and fails05:42
TheNo1YetiJulie45: usermod -g <group name or gid> <username>05:42
Fezzlerbruenig:  Thanks for trying.05:42
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shiester_miesterMitsuo, that thing looks AWESOME05:42
Julie45theno1yeti, thank you05:42
MetalMessiahso address i would put mx01.1and1.com05:43
MetalMessiahanbd hostname xitz.net?05:43
shiester_miesterMitsuo, aside from the problem you just described, it sounds very cool :D05:43
phrontistwhere can I find something like BSD's Grand Digital Clock (grdc) for Ubuntu?05:43
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Mitsuoshiester_miester: but my probleb is not aside..05:43
Mitsuoshiester_miester: not aside at all..05:43
shiester_miesterMitsuo, i know, i never said it was05:43
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TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: For instance, this is my PTR for one of my servers. 21600 IN     PTR     mail.yeticavestudio.com.05:43
ryukoxeimon: try putting in your xp  CD and enter recovery mode, use fixmbr cmmand. then just re-install ubuntu see what happens.. if u want u can try and follow one of the guides on this site http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/05:43
=== b0mb3r [n=bc0@adsl-75-23-93-208.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxixoxeimon: so try with the livecd, maybe you'll just have to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst05:44
MetalMessiahDNS hates me05:44
=== cerda [n=cerda@74-38-106-176.dr01.wrtn.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
cerdai need help connectin to the internet05:44
oxeimon"boot/grub/menu.lst" what is that, and how do I modify it?05:44
TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: Probably just as much as you hate it05:44
=== joel [n=joel@c-67-190-226-207.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmioanyone know why I'm having trouble installing ubuntu?05:44
cerdacan anyone help05:44
MetalMessiahOk in name server  Records on webmin i got05:44
sekohey, i put ubuntu in hibernation mode, and now when i start it up it just gives me a black screen.  is anyone able to help me?05:44
MetalMessiah name : xitz.net  Name server ns1.xitz.net05:44
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TheNo1Yeticerda: You mean aside from what your doing now I am assuming.  If so what do you mean in particular05:45
ryukseko: wat type of vid card do u have??05:45
shiester_miester!justask | seko05:45
ubotuseko: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:45
cerdaright now i dont have ubuntu installed yet, i was checken it out and i couldnt connect, so i didint install, btw im using wireless internet05:45
MetalMessiahits dnsing right05:45
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tuxixoxeimon: /boot/grub/menu.lst is the information file for grub (boot manager) in which you have boot information for each partitions (linux, windows etc..)05:46
sekoubotu:lol i have intel extreme graphics 845gv (onboard with my emachine)05:46
b0mb3ri like knoppix05:46
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b0mb3rubuntu alwya fucks up05:46
tuxixoxeimon: when the live cd is launched, try "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and tell us what's in it05:46
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cafuegoYou'd be on the wrong channel then, I hazard.05:47
nomicshaddap bomb3r05:47
sekoryuk:i have intel extreme graphics 845gv (onboard with my emachine)05:47
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b0mb3rjust thought you should know05:47
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b0mb3rim out05:47
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duanarchyHello, I have my Xorg.conf set up properly, I think, and everything is looking fine, but when I run fgl_glxgears I geta '"XFree86-DRI" missing' error .. how can I get DRI working?05:47
GMWeeze1do most people avoid putting spaces in file names on Linux?05:47
ryukoxeimon: are u able to get into your ubuntu machine at all (can u get to command line at least??)05:48
MetalMessiahNow to setup apache05:48
oxeimontuxix: absolutely nothing. I don't think that file exists?05:48
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tuxixoxeimon: on the live cd, no it doesn't exist, but on your linux partition it does05:48
ryukoxeimon: by the looks of it grub isnt installed05:48
oxeimonoh wait hold on05:48
TheNo1YetiGMWeeze1: yes05:48
tuxixryuk: grub is installed by default05:49
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ryuktuxix: yea.. should remeberd that.. but then again strange things can happen in installs..05:49
JimmioCan anyone help?05:49
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TheNo1YetiMetalMessiah: If your using webmin and can outsmart it then apache is easy.  Otherwise gogo: howtoforge.com05:49
JohnoI have a question... How do I set up ubuntu for dialup05:49
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pike_Johno: quickest way is to search wiki.ubuntu.com. id invest a few bucks in a real modem though05:50
ca1Will deleting cache and cookies from your browsers memory increasing browser speed?05:50
TheNo1YetiJohno: ppp is what you'll be needing.05:50
oxeimontuxix: when I go into the File Browser, and look into File System, there are no directories within boot05:50
Johnoit has a real modem05:50
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bobdrakkenanyone on05:50
TheNo1YetiJohno: by real modem he was refering to broadband I think05:50
tuxixduanarchy: try "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)"05:51
oxeimontuxix: just 6 files, none of which include the name "grub"05:51
ryukseko: have u triend trawling the ubuntu forums for solutions, if not i will try to find the ones that i used to get ris of the same problems (but i dont have the same vid card)05:51
Fezzlerbruenig: trying this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2787287#post278728705:51
tuxixduanarchy: are you using fglrx or radeon?05:51
JohnoI cant get broadband where I live05:51
Johnoand how do I configure ppp?05:51
oxeimontuxix: could it be somewhere else?05:51
ryukoxeimon: try looking in media then your ubuntu installation.. /boot refers to to temp files created by the live cd.. not the ubuntu install05:51
duanarchytuxix: fglrx, and I get this with apt-get; "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic is already the newest version."05:51
tuxixoxeimon: on your linux partition??? well i guess you could create it... but i told you, the last time i started up a new install05:52
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orangeyhey all!05:52
orangeyI was wondering how I can get mysql-server to regenerate my /var/lib/mysql05:52
oxeimonryuk: how do I look in 'media'? By media do you mean the livecd?05:52
JimmioPlease... someone help.... this is driving me nuts... I'm about to go with another distro... ubuntu used to be the easiest to install, now it doesn't work :/05:53
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ryukfile browser go to /media and see wat folders are there05:53
ca1 Will deleting cache and cookies from your browsers memory increasing browser speed?05:54
bobdrakkenhey how is everyone05:54
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tuxixduanarchy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29614/         add this at the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:54
oxeimonin File System/Media, there is: "disk", "disk1", "disk2"05:54
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=== joel [n=joel@c-67-190-226-207.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
joelanyone try to setup an unreal 2004 server?05:54
oxeimonryuk: "disk" has a single unaccessible folder called "Lost and Found"05:54
duanarchytuxix: I'm pretty sure that I already tried that.. but I'll try again and be right back, thanks05:54
ryukthen check disk 1 and 2..05:54
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ianshjoel: you need help with a game server?05:55
tuxixoxeimon: that doesn't look good05:55
eboyjrCan this run beryl?:  ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF05:55
joeliansh: yes05:55
oxeimonryuk: "disk 1" seems to refer to my XP partition - it has all my files from my XP installation, and "disk2" seems to refer to the ubuntu partition05:55
ascJimmio: It would help to state the precise nature or pathology of the problem.05:55
ianshjoel: what do you need?05:55
tuxixduanarchy: don't reboot your computer, just reboot the graphical server by typing ctrl+alt+backspace05:55
ryukoxeimon: kk go into disk 2 and look for boot.. see wat is in there05:55
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duanarchytuxix, yup05:55
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joeliansh: i forword all the ports and i can see players connect but they are unable to join the server (on there side all they see is loading)05:56
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Jimmioasc: I'm attempting to install Ubuntu over a Ubuntu Installation, and the installer cannot partition my HardDrive... I can't locate it either05:56
ianshjoel: you're sure you forwarded to the right IP address?05:56
furenkuis it possible to create another Midi Through port for jack?05:56
joeliansh: positive becouse they can connect to the web server but not the same server05:57
oxeimonryuk: disk2/boot contains: "abi-2.6.20-15-generic", "config-2.6.20-15-generic", "initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic.bak", "memtest86+.bin", "System.map-2.6.20-15-generic", "vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic"05:57
pike_Jimmio: open a terminal and type sudo fdisk -l   does the hd show up? is the a brand new hd?05:57
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ianshjoel: oh, maybe its the server application then05:57
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joel iansh: all they get is Open myLevel Wed Jul 11 22:53:17 2007
ascjimmio: What you mean is that the partition you want to install it on isn't listed? Or the drive itself?05:57
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joeliansh: any sugestions05:57
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duanarchytuxix, ha, it worked.  I guess the last time I did it I had other things that were wrong too.  Thanks a bunch05:58
ianshjoel: i havent set up an Unreal 2004 server before, i do counter-strike and half-life servers so im not sure05:58
phrecki just tried to install vmware05:58
phreckvmware player05:58
Jimmiosudo fdisk -l returned nothing at all05:58
phreckand it has fucked everything up with my package manager05:58
joelo ok its all good, thanks for trying05:58
pike_phreck: grab vmware-server off their website. much more usable05:58
pike_phreck: wont fix that though ;p05:58
tuxixfirst victory of the day ! tadadadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa05:58
phreckpike: i cant install via the package manager because vmware player messed somethign up though05:58
ryukoxeimon: easiest option.. reinstall ubuntu.. see wether that fixes your problem.. make sure u read everythin that is on the screen.. this may or may not work.. but give it a try.. u wont lose anything by the sounds of it...05:58
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phreckmy package manager is unusable05:58
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pike_phreck: ive heard a few people mention that. havent seen it myself but im sure its in the forums05:59
oxeimonryuk: bah, yeah I guess I'll try that. Should I reformat that partition too?05:59
ascjimmio: That certainly is an interesting problem. You've checked that it is activated in BIOS?05:59
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ryukoxeimon: yes.. if u dont u may get errors05:59
Jimmiohmm... no... but my other already installed ubuntu works fine...06:00
borgistaAnyone know how to add the network manager applet to my panel? It comes up when I make new users but not on the default user.06:00
Jimmioexcept that Wine crashes the computer :/06:00
pike_Jimmio: bear in mind if youre south of the equator the hd spins counter clockwise.06:00
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ascjimmio: When booting from the CD, did you change bios settings at all?06:00
Jimmioasc: nope06:01
oxeimonare you sure that ubuntu 7.04 includes grub??06:01
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ascoxeimon: I don't know about anybody else, but I'm pretty darn sure.06:02
Jimmioasc: Last time I did an install, the floppy was enabled and it stopped me from installing...06:02
ryukoxeimon, : i am 99.9982543% sure.. i personally havnt used the live CD for 7.04 (only the alternate iso) but i would be very, very surprised if it didnt, u kinda need it to be able to load ubuntu..06:02
ascJimmio: I suppose it wouldn't help to tell you that an error like that is practicly unheard of?06:02
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Jimmioasc: It helps a lot, xD06:03
oxeimonI'm gonna use the gparted livecd again and try to reformat that partition06:03
ascjimmio: Just for fun, try 'ls /dev/hd?' and 'ls /dev/sd?'06:03
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Jimmiono such file or directory06:04
ryukoxeimon: just do a complete reinstall.. easiest (and generally safest) option..06:04
Joe_x86I got a question if anybody thinks they know my prob.06:04
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unagihello everyone06:04
unagiim getting to be a linux expert :D06:05
aschmackanyone here have an hp dv2000 laptop06:05
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Jimmioasc: ls /dev/sda returned /dev/sda06:05
unagii have dv600006:05
ascjimmio: Well... uh, hmm. Does it boot without a boot CD in?06:05
Joe_x86I am using Ubuntu 7.04 (gnome) on my Toshba Laptop. The Restricted driver supports works excellent and my only complaint is that it looks like my net is capped at a DL rate of about 45kB/s06:06
Jimmioit should... nothing has changed...06:06
ascjimmio: That might help a little. Do you have any external drives plugged in?06:06
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Jimmioasc: None...06:06
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ascjimmio: Maybe 'ls /dev/sd*' would have been a better command for me to suggest.06:06
aschmackunagi, does your sound work?06:06
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ryukJoe_x86: what speeds do u think u should be getting06:07
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soduer_can anybody tell me how I can install icon themes in KDE?06:07
unagiaschmack: yes06:07
Joe_x86ryuk: I'm on a 10 meg cable connection... around 1.5MB/s DL06:07
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duanarchytuxix, one more thing.  If I disabled the composite extension to get dri to work, then I can't run Beryl can I?06:07
Jimmioasc: it might be my f'd up FDD (floppy is so old!).... last time it failed because of that damned floppy drive..06:07
Toneswhen i try install server 7.04.....its not detecting my hard drives, i'm running a scsi raid array....any suggestions?06:08
ascjimmio: Well, that means that there is one drive that it recognises. Do a 'ls /dev/cd*'06:08
reed026Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows where the folder is that holds the Open Arena Maps I can not seem to find it on my computer06:08
ascjimmio: Ooh, could be. Although if the fd is disabled in bios it shouldn't appear. Probably.06:08
phreckHOw can i manually uninstall vmwareplayer06:08
reed026I am attempting to install downloaded maps, and all I need to do is copy the files over to my computer.06:08
ryukJoe_x86: hmm.. not quite sure hy that may be.. how have measured your speed??06:08
phreckits fucked up my sinaptics06:08
detuneyourradioanyone have a geforce 8600gt with ubuntu?  i am looking into buying one ...06:08
aztracker1:( ubuntu alternative didn't install.. regular ubuntu desktop errored initializing hardware :(06:09
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pike_reed026: open arena? its either in your home dir or /usr/local/ maybe try a locate .pk306:09
BaziI've had GeForce 6200 and 6100Go run on ubuntu06:09
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Joe_x86yes ryuk.... It has happened on both installations of Ubuntu on this laptop. My speed is fine on my Vista on this lappy and on my Desktop with Ubuntu06:09
Jimmioasc: I'll be right back... going to double check the settings for the FDD06:09
ascjimmio: Okay.06:09
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ascphreck: dpkg -r [package name] 06:10
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ryukJoe_x86, so what program did u use to measure it??06:10
aztracker1If anyone can help, would be appreciated... wanting to get Ubuntu 7.04 installed on an HP dv9310us laptop ... nvidia 6150 based gfx/mb .. etc...06:10
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Geoffrey2is there any helper program in Ubuntu for installing fonts, or do you just dump them in the appropriate directory?06:10
reed026thank you pike_, it was in my home directory. heh It was hidden the first time I checked.06:10
ryukJoe_x86,  or has the problem bin popping up everywhere??06:10
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unagiwhich is newer mandriva or ubuntu06:11
Joe_x86ryuk: The problem is just when I run Ubuntu.... That is all06:11
Joe_x86Only on this laptop06:11
Joe_x86ryuk: Might be the drivers in Ubuntu?06:11
ryukJoe_x86, kk..have u got all drivers (restriced) instaled??06:11
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richie-is there a faq on truly installing ubuntu onto a usb key06:12
richie-not using livecd+persistence?06:12
unagiis there a reason bluetooth works right off the bat with mandriva and not with ubuntu?06:12
Joe_x86ryuk: I guess? All my hardware (Intel 950GM) is working... Wireless and wired and Ubuntu tells me it is using restricted drivers... ??06:12
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pike_unagi: is mandriva kde? maybe it works but ubuntu doesnt have the gui tool installed.06:13
MetalMessiahthis sucks06:13
unagion the live cd its gnome06:13
ryukJoe_x86, lol.. intersting.. i must admit i have never had this problem... my lappy worked fine with that speed connnection.. so i am out of ideas..06:14
=== Almighty_Henaro [n=henaro@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Urichie-, No, some suggestions though, use the alternate CD to keep things minimal for space and use ext2 since the jounal on ext3 will wear out the flash quickly06:14
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pike_Joe_x86: maybe disable ipv6? thats a little odd06:15
Jordan_Urichie-, At least not on the wiki that is.06:15
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Joe_x86pike_  : Lemme try06:15
Joe_x86ryuk: Thanks for trying :)06:15
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Joe_x86We will figure this out some how06:15
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darkramonhello guys06:15
jimmioasc: Back06:15
richie-jorda: thats what i thought bleah... thanks.06:15
darkramonI just installed Beryl and when I do the ctrl + alt + backspace, it restarts the xorg but my monitor keeps blinking without showing me anything06:16
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ascjimmio: Yea, tis a fortuitous portent.06:16
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pike_well im going to listen to coast to coast and stare at the cielling till i pass out06:16
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jimmioasc: Floppy was disabled... could it be HyperThreading on my CPU?06:16
Joe_x86pike_ : Is there a FAQ on dissabling ipv6?06:16
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:17
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pike_Joe_x86: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv406:17
youkilldkennedyCan anyone help with my sound volume being EXTREMELY low even at full volume? I'm using a HP dv2000 laptop with Alsa06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl-install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
Joe_x86pike_ : Thanks06:17
ascjimmio: Probably hyperthreading doesn't have very much to do with disk devices, but don't take my word for it.06:17
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oxeimonso, even after reformatting the linux partition, I still can't boot up XP. Is it possible to reinstall XP without reformatting?06:18
ascjimmio: One question: Do you know what type of disk your drive is? SCSI, ATA, SATA?06:18
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jimmioasc: Do I do Guided - resize Guided - use entire disk or manual?06:18
jimmioasc: SATA06:18
ubuntucan someone pleaes help me im quite frustrated with ubuntu right now06:18
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:18
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JohnoI'm trying to gunzip something and it keeps saying "unexpected end of file" what does that mean?06:19
bruenig!info urlgfe06:19
ubotuPackage urlgfe does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:19
ascjimmio: How many partitions do you want? If it's just one,  guided is easiest. If you want to dual boot you've got to go manual.06:19
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ubuntui did the upgrade to 7.04 then when it rebooted i can see the load screen but when it hits the login in screen my monitor goes yellow.....06:19
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:19
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ubuntuhow do i fix video drivers when i cant see06:19
jimmioasc: Swap and Main is all that's needed... though I have 1.5 GB of ram, so swap may not even be needed06:19
ryukoxeimon, it should of let u.. damn.. try doin this.. in the terminal (from ubuntu) "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
ascjimmio: Probably not. Guided should take care of that then.06:20
jimmioasc: Entire disc?06:20
FuMHow do I use my cube?06:20
Johnocan some one help me with gunzip?06:20
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ascjimmio: Yeah.06:20
ubuntuim runnin off live right now to try to see if there is a way i can get this goin06:20
ubuntuotherwise i have no acess to my pc06:20
mon^rchFuM: in beryl it's middle mouse ;)06:20
phreckSub-Process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code (1) A Package failed to install. Trying to recover06:20
ascubuntu: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg06:20
phreckthats what it does whenever i try to remove something06:20
jimmioasc: Why does it say SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)?06:20
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ascubuntu: Actually, you don't need the sudo06:20
FuMmon^rch, it switches desktop but the cube doesnt come out06:21
cerdaok i need some help, im stuck at a part that says failed to start the server06:21
ascjimmio: Hmm, that might be a bad thind.06:21
ubuntuasc ------- when do i type that? and what does that do?06:21
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mon^rchFuM: press your scroll wheel down while the mouse is on the desktop06:21
jimmioasc: I have another HDD, should I try it? it's 160 GB sata06:21
cerdafailed to start x server06:21
ascubuntu: You get a blank screen when trying to boot from the livecd, right?06:22
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=== barawks [n=barawks@static-acs-24-154-64-57.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagihow do i set what keystroke moves the windows?06:22
FuMOH werd06:22
barawkssrsly dud06:22
FuMMy skydome isnt working =[06:22
barawksMy ROFLcopter broke down. =[06:22
mon^rchblack is better anyway06:22
ascubuntu: If so, press control-alt-F1 when it sounds like it's done booting and it should give you a terminal. That command will reconfigure your video drivers.06:23
Edwardmy home folder is hardly full now,I want to merge a partition to home folder with Partition Magic in dos/Win.I don't know whether this method is safe for my data on home folder.06:23
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ubuntuasc ----- no i am running off of live cd right now. the hole reason is becuase i ran the update to upgrade to ubuntu to 7.04 and after it finished and rebooted at the login screen the monitor goes blank06:23
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unagiEdward: you have 2 partitions?06:23
Johnowhat does "unexpected end of file" mean?... with gunzip06:23
ryukFuM, make sure that the image is a power of 2 in both height and width ie 1024x1024 etc..06:23
ascjimmio: What happens if you tell it to use the SCSI drive?06:23
unagiyoure trying to get rid of one Edward06:23
jimmioasc: That's even weirder.... it says SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 300.1 GB ATA Maxtor 6L300S006:23
Edwardyes,I have 2 partition06:23
ascubuntu: Oh, okay. Same thing then, but you do have to use sudo.06:23
jimmioasc: notice tha ATA06:23
unagiyoure trying to get rid of one Edward?06:24
FuMITs 4096x102406:24
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ascjimmio: Heh, neat. Give it a try.06:24
ubuntuasc --- ok queck question --- where do i type this?? i see the load spalsh screen then it goes blank is there somthing i hit to prompt me to a terminal??06:24
level1Hi, my computer has been suspending incorrectly... when it suspends, the processor doesn't shut down, and I can't bring it back up, I have to hard reboot...  It did this every once in a while before, but since I installed compiz-fusion (even when not running compiz-fusion) I cannot suspend correctly06:24
EdwardI can draw a partition from other partition to merge it to home folder06:24
ascjimmio: 'sd' drives are USB, SCSI, or SATA.06:24
ascubuntu: Press control-alt-F1 when it sounds like it's done booting and it should give you a terminal. That command will reconfigure your video drivers.06:24
Johnohow do I find the default root password?06:24
jimmioasc: Try what? That's what the installer says...06:24
ubuntumight i add this hole live cd thing is the best thing ever!! ive stuck with ubuntu ever since  started usin it just for that reason06:25
ascjimmio: Try installing to that disk.06:25
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ryukhave u gone to beryl manager and setup sky dome to actually run??06:25
unagiEdward:  are u trying to delete the other partition and use it for ubuntu?06:25
jimmioasc: I have been :/06:25
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ascjimmio: Okay. And it tells you that it can't find the disk for some reason, yes?06:25
jimmioasc: trying it again, hold on06:26
ubuntuasc -- what do i type to reconfigure the vid card driver??? im sorry man :0)06:26
unagithen use gparted to delete the other partition and boot using the live cd and unmount the hd and grow the ubuntu partition Edward06:26
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ascubuntu: 'sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg'06:26
level1My suspend problem may be fglrx related, but I didn't upgrade fglrx when I installed compiz-fusion, so I don't understand why it started all of the sudden06:26
youkilldkennedyAnyone know why my sound will only play at most at a very low volume?06:26
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ubuntuthats it asc?? --- ur the man thanx a million06:26
ubuntui didn't wanna format and loose everything i have on my pc06:26
Edwardunagi,good idea06:27
ascubuntu: It might be --configure. But probably that's the right command.06:27
jimmioasc: in the advanced button, it says device for bootloader installation (hd0)06:27
jimmioasc: should I make that sda?06:27
ascubuntu: Hope it works. The configuration process can be... fun.06:27
ascjimmio: That would be a good idea.06:27
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:28
oxeimonI'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, and I'm actually getting a different menu for some reason06:28
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ubuntuasc -- right on ill be back in prob buggin somebody if i cant get it goin lol06:28
macogwunagi: do you speak japanese?06:28
ascjimmio: I've never installed from a livecd, so I don't know much about the options n' stuff.06:28
eboyjryoukilldkennedy: I had the same problem. You can double click on the volume icon and adjust the settings06:28
ryukoxeimon, lol...06:28
macogwunagi: your name reminds me of sushi06:28
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macogwunagi: eel, i think06:28
oxeimonI choose the manual partitioning option, and it says: "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."06:28
eboyjryoukilldkennedy: Then it got too loud.06:28
oxeimonany ideas?06:28
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ascubuntu: Hope it works. If it doesn't, I might just stull be around to be unhelpful. :)06:28
oxeimonwhat does it mean by a root file system06:28
ascstill even06:28
macogwoxeimon: hit "edit"06:28
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macogwoxeimon: on whatever partition you want to hold your system files06:28
jimmioasc: it says Partitions formatting... but I don't think it's doing a damn thing..06:29
ryukoxeimon, kk select the partion, go to type and select it use.. chose it to use /06:29
=== Joe_x86 [n=Joe_x86@75-138-60-061.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
oxeimonI did06:29
macogwoxeimon: and tell it "use as ext3" and "mount point /"06:29
Joe_x86BOOYAH!!! My net probs are fixed!06:29
ascjimmio: Give it a few minutes.06:29
oxeimonright now the Mount point is "/media/sda2"06:29
ryukmacogw, got it right.. listen to him.. i couldnt rem what the naes were06:29
jimmioasc: ok06:29
barawksJoe_x86, Gangster. :P06:29
oxeimonI should change that to just "/"?06:29
ryukoxeimon,  change it to /06:29
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Joe_x86Muahahahaha. lmao06:30
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jimmioasc: on live cd loading... the ubuntu loading bar glitched and messed up badly... is that a problem06:30
barawksJoe_x86, OMFG U SRS DUD?!?!?!1106:30
barawkshappyface, >:306:30
oxeimonthanks guys06:30
oxeimonthat worked :-D06:30
=== Joe_x86 gets slapped by all the l33t html haxorz. xD
buzzedi need to edit some php files on a remote server via ftp...any good ide's for that...06:30
AmyRoseIs there any reason I should use the generic kernel instead of the lowlatency kernel? I've searched and found nothing really convincing06:30
youkilldkennedyJoe_x86, Dese intertubes are mine! >:D You can't have them.06:31
buzzedeclipse/aptana seem to choke...06:31
barawksJoe_x86, omfg dud u 1337 rly?!!?!11106:31
ascjimmio: Probably not.06:31
barawksdun hax muh netz06:31
oxeimonwhat really sucks though, is even after I uninstall ubuntu and wipe that partition clean, I still can't boot up windows.06:31
buzzedkdevelop not sure06:31
youkilldkennedyI invented the intertubes, though.06:31
jimmioasc: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that was Dave Chapelle) it's installing finally! Thanks a million... though I still don't know what the problem was.... Oh wait! I changed hd0 to sda!06:31
Joe_x86NEVA!!!! MEH INTERNETZ R MYNE!!!!06:31
barawksyoukilldkennedy = Al Gore? :O06:31
ascjimmio: *hug*06:31
macogwoxeimon: why?06:31
youkilldkennedyLawl! You guess it barawks... you get to donate towards my next campaign fund!06:32
Joe_x86Al Gore: I am super serial right now!!!06:32
jimmioasc: 50% :-P06:32
oxeimonwell, it says "Error loading operating system"06:32
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oxeimonthat happened after I installed ubuntu for the first time06:32
youkilldkennedyGuys! I'm super serial!06:32
oxeimonso now I'm trying to reinstall it06:32
barawksyoukilldkennedy, Kekekeke.06:32
barawksI L Y AL GORE06:32
oxeimonand then hopefully fix windows by using the livecd06:32
barawksu neic bby06:32
macogwoxeimon: if you remove ubuntu the bootloader (GRUB) will break, but if you put in the Windows cd and go to a recovery console and type in "fixmbr" it'll reinstall ntldr06:32
barawksily long thyme06:32
macogwoxeimon: if you're using win98, its a different command, but it's there06:32
Joe_x86R U SERIAL youkilldkennedy?06:32
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youkilldkennedy...SUPER serial.06:32
oxeimonIm using XP06:32
ryukoxeimon, do waht macgow said first.. then reinstall ubuntu..06:32
barawksttly seril06:32
ascjimmio: Tell me if it freezes for no apparent reason. :)06:32
Joe_x86Did you find ManBearPig yet?06:33
jimmioasc: will do xD06:33
youkilldkennedyOh noes! Man bear pig is killing my sound :(06:33
oxeimonhm k06:33
barawksJoe_x86,  You ever go on Gaia? Haha.06:33
=== MrObvious [n=paul@adsl-71-158-215-187.dsl.wchtks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Joe_x86naw barawks :P06:33
barawksJoe_x86, erry1 tlks leik dis thar06:33
barawks>:3  kekeke06:33
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cafuegoDid we all just turn 12?06:33
ryukoxeimon,  have u ever tried to fix an xp install from an XP CD06:33
barawksi no rite!11106:33
MrObviousI need help getting grub to work. It hangs at Loading Grub Stage 1.5. Please wait... or something similar and takes like 20-30 seconds to go past that screen.06:33
youkilldkennedycafuego, therteen!06:34
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JohnoI need help with scanModem... I cant get ubuntu to unzip.06:34
Joe_x86I shall smite thee with meh many super serial minnions06:34
jimmioasc: Now... if only my 360's solder contacts disconnected, I'd be happy06:34
barawksJoe_x86, I L Y06:34
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oxeimonryuk: nope06:34
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barawksu neic bby06:34
Joe_x86(>^^)> PArty Ov3r Th3r306:35
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ascjimmio: Well whip out the soldering iron and get to work!06:35
barawksprty in ur pnts06:35
jimmioYay! 3 red flashing lights of doom =(06:35
Johnocan anyone tell me why gunzip wont work?06:35
barawksjimmio, LAWL06:35
Joe_x86lmao jimmio06:35
ryukoxeimon,  all u have to o is put in your XP cd, boot it up let it all load, press r, it will ask u to select which version of xp u want, then thype in the version and then will bring u to a full screen console..06:35
barawksJohno, mebe it breok06:35
Joe_x86Mine is still green thank god06:35
MrObviousbarawks: Don't be an idiot.06:35
ryukoxeimon, from there type in fixmbr06:35
barawksMrObvious, I'm sorry...just really tired. :(06:35
MrObviousSo does anyone have any Grub experience?06:35
jimmioasc: Yea! But then my warranty is worthless...06:35
unagiEdward:  are u back?06:36
ascjimmio: Oh, going to try a return, then?06:36
MrObviousbarawks: Then log off before you get banned or something ;).06:36
barawks0 n0ez06:36
barawksi dun wanna get bnned06:36
ryukoxeimon, restart the comp and see if u can get into windows.. if yess all is good for now...  if not then u have problems(your comp that is)06:36
ascjimmio: Probably a good idea. I usually try to fix things myself, but all my stuff's out of warranty anyway.06:36
jimmioasc: So I've been using it wrapped in a towel, overheating it, remealting the solder points causing it to work for a few minute06:36
MrObviousBesides it's not good to run on a lack of sleep. I usually try to go for 8 hours of sleep.06:36
Joe_x86MrObvious: Grub? You means fat white worms... Also Known As "Larva"   <---- lmao jk06:36
=== RossDD [n=ross@h46075702.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jacko78can i use my current operating system to install ubuntu on to my computer withought using a live cd?06:36
MrObviousJoe_x86: *smack*06:37
=== Hobbsee thinks barawks is just a troll
gcarrillodoes anybody know of the vga= value for 1680x1050 framebuffer resolution?06:37
=== Joe_x86 falls down
oxeimonryuk: k I've just inserted the XP cd and its loading06:37
MrObviousJoe_x86: I need help getting grub to work. It hangs at Loading Grub Stage 1.5. Please wait... or something similar and takes like 20-30 seconds to go past that screen.06:37
ascjimmio: That reminds me of the time I installed ubuntu with a broken drive by moving the reader arm by hand.06:37
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VOYAGERMrObvious,  dual boot with ms ?06:37
MrObviousVOYAGER: Yes.06:37
asc*broken cd drive06:37
MrObviousI forgot to say that.06:37
Hobbseecertainly inst actually producing any useful output.06:37
oxeimonryuk: blue screen with title: Windows Setup06:37
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VOYAGERwhat you need06:37
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oxeimonryuk: stuff is loading06:37
Joe_x86MrObvious: Give me a sec06:37
jimmioasc: What? How did you move it by hand?!06:37
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ryukoxeimon,  yep this will take a while.. u will eventually get a screen with a menu type thing on it (blue as well)06:37
MrObviousVOYAGER: It freezes at that one screen for like 20 seconds.06:37
oxeimonryuk: There was an option at the beginning, that said: "Press F2 to run an Automated System Recovery"06:37
youkilldkennedyEveryone I know named joe is always late...06:37
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oxeimonryuk: is that what I want?06:38
VOYAGERi can  bring up my menu1st for referance06:38
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oxeimonryuk: oh06:38
ascjimmio: By taking the drive apart and taping the 'drive is closed' switch in the closed position. Then starting it with the platter ejected and partially disassembled.06:38
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oxeimonryuk: well it's gone now lol06:38
MrObviousVOYAGER: Okay.06:38
=== EdLin [n=9ce9e940@pool-70-23-90-174.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryukoxeimon, lol06:38
ascjimmio: The reader head was part of the tray assembly for some reason.06:38
VOYAGERwhat screen the loading of o/s or the choice screen06:38
oxeimonryuk: maybe I can do something after this screen finishes loading06:38
gcarrillowhen im on that beat, im a beast06:38
jimmioasc: NO!!!! Executing 'grub-install (sda)' failed. This is a fatal error.06:38
MrObviousVOYAGER: Is your setup with your Linux setup on the master and XP on the slave?06:39
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Joe_x86MrObvious: In Stage 2?06:39
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xatalinuxhello to all.....06:39
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MrObviousJoe_x86: It says it's loading stage 1.506:39
ascjimmio: Hmm, recon it is.06:39
VOYAGERxp  on master sata06:39
oxeimonryuk: alright, loading has finished, I hit "r" for Recovery Console06:39
ryukoxeimon, which screen r u on.. if u r at the stage where i looks like a bunch of drivers are bain loaded at the bottomof the screen all is still good..06:39
VOYAGERlinux on slave06:39
Joe_x86Ok MrObvious, one moment06:39
ryukoxeimon,  yep hit r06:39
MrObviousVOYAGER: Ok that's what I got, only on IDE instead.06:39
oxeimonthis won't wipe all my data will it06:39
macogwoxeimon: no06:39
oxeimonlol k06:39
=== cori[s] [n=cori@h69-128-109-218.69-128.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
ascjimmio: Just for kicks, try doing 'grub-install /dev/sda'06:40
oxeimoncuz I was stupid and didn't back everything up06:40
ascjimmio: in a terminal06:40
ryukoxeimon, happens to us all06:40
macogwoxeimon: itll just rewrite the first block of the hard drive, the part that tells the rest of windows to load06:40
VOYAGERok which screen is hanging then ?06:40
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MrObviousVOYAGER: When I'm booting up it says "Loading GRUB Stage 1.5"06:40
Joe_x86MrObvious: Do you get a ERROR 25 during 1.5?06:40
MrObviousJoe_x86: No errors, it just hangs.06:40
VOYAGERwhen you pick or when the choice screen is loading06:40
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MrObviousVOYAGER: Loading.06:40
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jimmioasc: I found the problem... it sets the HDD as hd0 after install :/06:41
oxeimonryuk: omg wtf the administrator password is wrong?06:41
jimmioasc: So I'm reinstalling06:41
xatalinuxi'm new in linux (kubuntu) and i will like to know how i can install synaptic full version06:41
ryukhmm try no password.06:41
oxeimonI'm the administrator....that should just be my login password right?06:41
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ascjimmio: Ah.06:41
VOYAGERMrObvious,  pm ?06:41
oxeimonhmm I guess I'll try no password06:41
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oxeimonwhats the default password?06:41
=== barawks [n=barawks@static-acs-24-154-64-57.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryukoxeimon, no the administrator is a diff user that is usaly only avail in help mode06:42
Joe_x86MrObvious: All you have to do is go into your CMOS setting in your bios. Make sure all of your hard drives are set to manual (or user) and to LBA mode. <--- Try it06:42
ascjimmio: Y'know, that's probably not a very user-friendly behavior for it.06:42
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MrObviousJoe_x86: I'll give that a shot.06:42
MrObviousVOYAGER: Sure.06:42
jimmioLovely red lights... of doom... reminds me of kryll from GoW... just as deadly :/06:42
barawksOMFG U MEEN :'(06:42
jimmioasc: it's installing now...06:42
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-76-198-235-180.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jimmioasc: thanks again06:43
ubuntuhey whats up06:43
ascjimmio: I'll sacrifice a small furry animal for it.06:43
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oxeimonbtw, just gotta say. You guys are awesome. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your lives to help people like me.06:43
Johnocan someone help me with gunzip?06:43
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ubuntuasc --- hey man i got to a command prompt by just hitting esc at grub startup then selecting the prmpt mode but when i tep in that command it says im not putting the command in right i played with it a bit with no luck06:43
Hobbseebarawks: ....06:43
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barawksHobbsee, Hello. :)06:44
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Hobbseebarawks: hi.  add something useful and ontopic to the conversation, or leave.  thankyou.06:44
DavidLeeRothHey guys, I am having an SSH problem.  When I try to connect to my machine, it says "no kex alg".  Any ideas?06:44
barawksHobbsee, Eat my cunt.  Thanks. ^^06:44
ascubuntu: Um, that's interesting. It fails for me too. I swear it worked in 6.10.06:44
=== Joe_x86 Vanishes! *POOF*
ryukoxeimon, hell it is okay.. im studying for exams so it really isnt a problem..06:45
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barawkskthx bai bia06:45
oxeimonryuk: hahah k06:45
ubuntuasc --- ur on the right track though it is lettin me use type of command u know what i mean06:45
ubuntuasc -- i liked edgey efty :(06:45
oxeimonryuk: exams blow anyway. Ubuntu pwns exams06:45
ubuntui hope i can get this werkin man this is my only day off06:45
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ascAnybody know the command to reconfigure xserver-xorg? --reconfigure and --configure aren't working.06:45
ryukoxeimon,  agreed..06:45
ubuntuany other ideas??06:45
asc*dpkg --whatever I mean06:45
DavidLeeRothis anyone here knowledgeable in SSH?06:45
oxeimonthe administrator password is not nothing06:45
strk_what's the best tool to test functioning of a webcam ?06:46
EdLinasc: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:46
ascArgh! Thanks EdLin06:46
jimmioasc: check IM... or PM.... whatever you call it...06:46
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ubuntualirhgt ill brb06:46
momopihowdy, I just installed ubuntu for the first time today and need some help in configuring screen resolution  ^^;;  It seems that I didn't press F4 on install to set a higher res and now the highest it'd go is 1024x76806:46
=== asc sobs.
ryukoxeimon,  try password..06:46
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ascubuntu: What he said. 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg'06:47
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ryukoxeimon, were u the one that installed windows or did u buy it from a shop/big company06:47
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ascjimmio: I actually don't have the server window open. /join #asc?06:47
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ubuntuok soo there is no space with the dpkg- right?06:48
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oxeimonI installed windows06:48
strk_the webcam is a sn9c20x chipset06:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@static-acs-24-154-64-57.zoominternet.net] by Hobbsee
ascubuntu: It turns out dpkg was the wrong command. 'dpkg-reconfigure' is the right one.06:48
momopiCould someone assist me with setting up my screen resolution higher than 1024x768?  I'm running an ATI X60006:48
oxeimon"apassword" ?06:48
Hobbseei hate it when i get called afk...06:48
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oxeimonit's not password06:48
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oxeimonits not root06:49
ubuntu so its  sudo dpkg - reconfigure xserver - xorg06:49
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=== res7bequ needs help with resolution problem
xatalinuxcan help me to install synaptic full version?06:49
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oxeimon3 wrong passwords, must restart06:49
jimmioYES!! 360 booted without the lights for once06:49
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asdfasfdanyone had luck getting plantronics usb headsets to work ? not sure how to configure sound in linux06:49
xatalinuxi'm new in linux(kubuntu).....06:50
ascubuntu: no spaces next to the - s06:50
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ryukoxeimon, did u buy your comp off a company(like dell etc) or from your local comp shop, or did u install XP??06:50
res7bequeverytime i load ubuntu the wrong resolution loads and i cant see anythin06:50
ubuntusooo sudo kpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:50
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h4lfl1ngsup everybody06:51
EdLinubuntu: *dpkg*06:51
VOYAGERres7bequ,  try vga mode06:51
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res7bequby doing...06:51
DavidLeeRothHey guys, I am having an SSH problem.  When I try to connect to my machine, it says "no kex alg".  Any ideas?06:51
DavidLeeRothwhen I try to ssh my machien06:52
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g0dd3sshi everyone i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I am trying to get my dialup modem to work on ubuntu, it's a software modem on a toshiba satellite. i install this slmodem stuff but i think i did it wrong because gnome ppp tells me "modem not found"06:52
DavidLeeRothI've googled to no avail.06:52
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oxeimonryuk: I built the computer myself06:52
Hitomarohey everyone06:52
oxeimonryuk: I installed XP by myself06:52
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Hitomaroquick question, Is "Favorited" even a word?06:52
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TheNo1YetiIf your on windows sure06:52
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HobbseeHitomaro: no06:53
TheNo1Yetiie. This site has been Favorited.06:53
ryukoxeimon, do u remeber what password u put on the admin account.. not your account one that u may of needed during some of the first stages of installing XP??06:53
HitomaroHobbsee: You sure about that?06:53
ascTheNo1Yeti: I think it would be considered slang.06:53
VOYAGERyes if your in firefox06:53
HobbseeHitomaro: as far as i know. yes.06:53
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VOYAGERadding to favorites06:53
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res7bequi tried editing the command in GRUB and added vga=791 and 79506:54
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res7bequneither worked06:54
HitomaroFavorited IMO should be a word06:54
oxeimonryuk: no. I dont think I ever used such a password06:54
VarangerWhen I do "apt-cache show foo" ... I get 2 versions of a packages, how can I choose which one to install ??06:54
VOYAGERres7bequ,  you get outa range after it does boot ?06:54
res7bequmy moniter is weird or something06:54
oxeimonryuk: Basically, I use one password for anything of any importance06:54
res7bequit boots06:54
oxeimonryuk: and it's not that06:54
res7bequi go to grub06:54
ryukthen when it asks for password just press enter..06:54
res7bequit loads at the splash screen06:54
res7bequand then06:54
res7bequmoniter stops working after it loads06:54
oxeimonryuk: nor is it just "<enter>", or "password <enter>"06:55
VOYAGERyes the boot stuff is in another  rez06:55
ryuklol.. damn.. there sould be no defult password unless u set it..06:55
VOYAGERres7bequ, is this from cd or a hd install ?06:55
res7bequis there anyway to reset the rez of after the loading06:56
oxeimonryuk: It shouldn't be case sensitive should it06:56
res7bequi installed it06:56
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oxeimonthere's a slight chance I might have had caps lock on, but there's no way to tell06:56
ryukit would be case sensitive..06:56
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VOYAGERdo you have a lcd /06:56
VarangerWhen I do "apt-cache show foo" ... I get 2 versions of a packages, how can I choose which one to install ??06:57
krinnshi all06:57
VOYAGERdo you have a  crt to put on temp?06:57
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res7bequnah i just threw it out06:57
res7bequi knew i shouldnt have06:57
oxeimonryuk: alright, trying again06:57
krinnsi want my noral system user to add printer through gnome-cups-manager06:57
VOYAGER then you gotta  fix the config file06:58
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VOYAGERor boot from cd and edit it06:58
krinnsadmin  ALL = NOPASSWD:  /usr/bin/gnome-printer-view06:58
VOYAGERwhich is a pita06:58
krinnsadmin  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager,/usr/bin/gnome-cups-add06:58
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krinnsbut this seems not workin06:58
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krinnsmy user cant pause or resume jobs06:58
res7bequwhat to do06:58
furenkuis it possible to create a new Midi Through port?06:58
krinnsis there any thing wrong06:58
oxeimoninstead of hitting "r" I could also enter windows setup06:58
VOYAGERthe monitor is going outa range06:58
oxeimonwhat would that do?06:58
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FrogzooVaranger: by default apt will install the latest package06:59
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VOYAGERand if you installed and didnt set the monitor  horiz and vert it reverts to one that is outa range on my lcd and others06:59
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FrogzooVOYAGER: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"  - if that doesn't work - you'll need to spec HorizSync & Vertrefresh in xorg.conf07:00
=== mounter at last
VarangerFrogzoo: I know, but I want to install neither the oldest nor the lastest, just a specific version, for instance: foo-1.old07:00
VOYAGERi had to edit the x config file07:00
ryukoxeimon, u cant fix the mbr from the windows seup07:00
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VOYAGERthere ya go  thats it07:00
ryukunless u reinstall it all07:00
darkramonhow can I stop the apt-get from looking into the Cd-rom...? I want apt-get to download everything from the repositories07:00
VOYAGERtnx Frogzoo07:00
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FrogzooVOYAGER: if it's an lcd, don't spec horizsync/vertrefresh - not necessary07:00
res7bequi shall try that07:00
DavidLeeRothanyone feel like helping on an ssh problem?07:00
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darkramonwhats your issue DavidLeeRoth... do you know how to stop apt-get from looking into the cdrom when u try to install something?07:01
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DavidLeeRoththis is my issue darkramon07:01
DavidLeeRothHey guys, I am having an SSH problem.  When I try to connect to my machine, it says "no kex alg".  Any ideas?07:01
darkramonno ideas david07:02
Drod1I just installed ubuntu in a dell d620, with intel 945 video, how can I get WXGA+ resolution?07:02
darkramonwho can help me?07:02
VOYAGERdarkramon, ill try07:02
darkramonI don't want apt-get to look in the cd....07:02
darkramonthanks voyager07:02
DavidLeeRothdarkramon: comment out the cd lines in your sources list07:02
darkramonthere are none07:02
darkramonhahahhaha thats weird07:03
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HobbseeDrod1: install 915resolution07:03
VOYAGERgnome or kde ?07:03
Drod1Hobbsee, you mean sudo apt-get install 915resolution?07:03
VOYAGERk tnx07:03
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CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?07:04
robbyhi all07:04
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HobbseeDrod1: yep :)07:04
robbyman  dont tell me no one is in here..07:04
TheNo1Yetiokay I wont07:05
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darkramondone that :) working now07:05
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darkramonsee ya guys07:05
robbyi opened myself for that one07:05
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VOYAGERalmost up to limit07:05
TheNo1Yetiaye.  oh well.07:05
Drod1Hobbsee, thanks, i just did, should the new resolutions appear in System, Preferences, Resolution? they do not07:05
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HobbseeDrod1: then you'll need to restart X.07:06
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robbyactually its one of those that keeps getting funnier07:06
Drod1Hobbsee, Control+alt+backspace, I guess?07:06
HobbseeDrod1: login again, and if all has worked, it should be at the high resolutionj07:06
Drod1Hobbsee, thanks, I will try that, thanks again07:06
HobbseeDrod1: no problem ;_07:06
Hobbsee* :)07:06
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code_eateroktanouc, anyone use xen on ubuntu, i'm asking about opinion07:07
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MajorPayneHi.  When I connect to a remote machine on my local network using "ssh -X ip" and then run firefox a local instance of firefox starts.  If I select a different web browser in the same session a remote instance starts.  How can I get firefox to start remotely?07:07
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MajorPayneThe machine I am connecting to runs Debian but the computer I am on is runnig Ubuntu.07:07
mcfisherpricehi.. i'm currently running 7.04 but every few moments it temporarily freezes and then continues07:08
mcfisherpriceany idea why this might be?07:08
mcfisherpriceit's mid typing, like on irssi as in right now07:08
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robbyTheNo1Yeti: this is when you tell me "Ok fine, just get over it".07:08
ubuntui got to login in screen that looks fine07:08
ubuntubut my menus are all jacked up07:09
TheNo1YetiOh sorry.  Yes, please to be getting over it.07:09
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?07:09
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TTilusmcfisherprice: no idea, launch top or system monitor or somethin where you can see running processes and some stistics, it could give you more information on what could be freezing your comp07:09
mcfisherpricehow is his nickname ubuntu?07:09
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mcfisherpriceok. thank yo07:09
ubuntuacp -- soo i was able to click on options at the login screen and choose failsafe gnome if i install vid card drivers here will it work for my reg login??07:10
robbyTheNo1Yeti:  Your a true realist.07:10
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mcfisherpricewhats the default keyboard shortcut for a new terminal window?07:10
TheNo1Yetilol thanks.  I do what I can.07:10
MajorPayneHi.  When I connect to a remote machine on my local network using "ssh -X ip" and then run firefox a local instance of firefox starts.  If I select a different web browser in the same session a remote instance starts.  How can I get firefox to start remotely?  The machine I am connecting to runs Debian and the machine I am using runs Ubuntu.07:11
mcfisherpriceshame on me for being lazy i'll look it up07:11
oxeimonryuk: well, I don't think I can use the recovery console07:11
oxeimonryuk Should I just go into setup and reinstall windows?07:11
TTilusMajorPayne: if you ever find out, tell me too  :)07:11
oxeimonthat shouldn't wipe my disc should it07:11
MajorPayneTTilus: Heh.  You have the same problem?07:12
robbyTheNo1Yeti: whats your interest?07:12
ryukoxeimon, fuck.. wat i would suggest is boot into ubuntu and try to back up some of your stuff.. then reinstall windows..07:12
ubuntui was talking to apc earlier about this vid card problem im having i am currnelty able to log into failsafe mode from the login screen but wehen i go into my reg login i cant view the tasbar or menus at all can i update my vid card from thsi failsafe mode and have it wor07:12
TTilusMajorPayne: no, no, not at all!  just being curious  :P07:12
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ryuknot sure what u did to your installs.. but somethin happened and u got rid of your boot possibities.07:12
MajorPayneTTilus: I can get Empathy to work, but not Firefox.07:12
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TheNo1Yetirobby: In Linux?  Learning it better so I can get promoted.  Been using it off and on for a decade and a half but just now getting serious with learning it inside and out07:13
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MajorPayneI think it has to do with the fact that I am running Firefox when I connect and I am not running Empathy.  But I still don't like it.07:13
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MajorPayneOn the local machine I mean.07:14
xxhello all :)07:14
oxeimonryuk: alright im gonna try the automated system recovery07:14
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MajorPayne!hi | xx07:14
ubotuxx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:14
oxeimonryuk: oh shit....it needs a floppy drive???07:14
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ubuntucan someone please help me07:14
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xxlol with what?07:14
ubuntuill past07:15
ubuntui was talking to apc earlier about this vid card problem im having i am currnelty able to log into failsafe mode from the login screen but wehen i go into my reg login i cant view the tasbar or menus at all can i update my vid card from thsi failsafe mode and have it wor07:15
ryukyea.. auto sys recovery no-one ever set up..07:15
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TheNo1Yetiubuntu: Are you sure that you don't just have your resolution borked in xorg.conf?07:15
code_eaterubuntu, u mess with xorg.conf or something like that ?07:16
robbyTheNo1Yet:  Cool, just got it a say a week or so ago, and while im not proficient in it im up for learning and that needs to be done just so i can get some programming exp and deeper knowledge of programming etc.07:16
ubuntuthenolyeti --- that is very possible should i rerun the it?07:16
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ubuntuand will it work if it do it from a termnial in ehre07:16
ubuntuill give it a shot07:16
ubuntuwill it work on this terminal in fail safe mode?07:17
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ubuntui mean im not on a live cd soo it should work right?07:17
Polygon89hey, after a recent openoffice.org update, the icons in open office dont show up anymore, even though i have "show icons" enabled, how do i get my icons back?07:17
towliebai burned feisty to a cd and when  boot i get an error :/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" what does this error mean and how can i fix it07:17
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TheNo1Yetiubuntu: check your xorg.conf file and yes, it will work in failsafe mode07:17
ubuntusooo it will automatically save th echanges on my defualt profile??07:18
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TheNo1Yetiubuntu: failsafe mode is just basically "oh crud, I screwed something up bad and need 800x600 mode to fix it."07:18
sebleblancsee ya all07:18
MajorPoopyPantsim gonna take the plunge, im gonna use gentoo on my home server07:18
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ubuntuTheNo1Yeti --- lol07:19
MajorPoopyPantstheres a way to update the security packages only now, glsa-check07:19
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MajorPoopyPantsstill gonna use ubuntu/debian on the dosktops07:19
robbywhats sucks it i spend to much time writing or drawing file system structure and file linking to sit and write code unless it basic algorithms07:19
MajorPayneMajorPoopyPants: Last time I installed Gentoo it took me a full weekend just to get Gnome up and runnig.07:19
towliebai burned feisty to a cd and when  boot i get an error :/bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" what does this error mean and how can i fix it?07:19
code_eatertowlieba, for u http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29253307:19
TheNo1Yetirobby: Yea, programming is what originally got me started in learning linux because I got tired of screwing up when I tried to edit something on the remote server with vi.07:19
ubuntualright lets see if this werked07:20
MajorPoopyPantsMajorPayne, i hear ya , it doesnt take me long to get up and running, or even tweaked and screaming, its the long-term upkeep of it that kills me. Thank god for g4l backups :D07:20
ubuntube right back ladies and gents07:20
towliebathanks but i looked at that and didnt find anything helpful. this happens when i try to boot form the livecd07:20
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MajorPoopyPantsill tell you this though, its nice to have things work right on it07:20
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towliebacode_eater,  thanks but i looked at that and didnt find anything helpful. this happens when i try to boot form the livecd07:21
vip3rousmangoi have an ISO image in a folder, is there a command that allows me to mount the image without burning it? I have gmount.. but it's not in english for some reason07:21
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MajorPayneYea.  It's been a while since I used Gentoo.  But I remember a lot of things breaking during upgrades and me having to switch to different versions to be able to use common apps.07:21
bruenig!iso | vip3rousmango07:21
ubotuvip3rousmango: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:21
nomicwhy won't nthe xine cd player play more than the first track?07:21
oxeimonryuk: alright I'm going to try to install ubuntu again07:21
=== zedQ [n=zedQ@71-34-251-53.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
BonzHi everyone07:21
vip3rousmangobruenig: thanks.07:21
zedQhow do I batch rename files, ordering the files by modification date07:22
bruenig!thanks | vip3rousmango07:22
ubotuvip3rousmango: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:22
ryukactually stop.. i have an idea..07:22
bruenigzedQ, script07:22
oxeimonryuk: o.O07:22
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zedQbruenig, I dont know how to script07:22
ryuki gather u actually have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file07:22
bruenigzedQ, uh oh07:22
oxeimonthere are no directories in /boot07:22
Jacko78Puppu linux allows you to do a minimal install is there something like that with ubuntu?07:22
ryukso grub did not install??07:22
towliebacan anyone help me out ?07:22
code_eatertowlieba, and this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41500907:22
oxeimonwell, I dont know07:22
oxeimonubuntu never said anything about grub07:22
ryukwhat happens when u boot up your system.. does it post, then say grub loading,07:23
oxeimonthere's nothing about grub when I boot up my system. Lemme check again07:23
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Polygon89hey, after a recent openoffice.org update, the icons in open office dont show up anymore, even though i have "show icons" enabled, how do i get my icons back?07:23
robbylol ive screwed so many files..:)  but there appears to me to be know choose cause no big could could possible descride avery files data pourpose and fuctions or data structure.  alleast none i know of.07:23
LukeEkbla1Hey, dose anyone know of any widgets for ubuntu?07:23
ryukthen gives a menu with options like ubuntu"insert kernal no" then a recovey version of the kernal, and lastly a mem test option??07:24
zedQDoes anyone know how I can batch rename files, ordering by modification date, without having to learn an entire computer language07:24
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BonzI installed Ubuntu today for the first time.  I've never used Linux :x07:24
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oxeimonit says something about verifying DMI pool data or something07:24
oxeimonthen it says Booting from cd....07:24
bruenigzedQ, bash is pretty simple07:24
robbywow my spelling is great07:24
ubuntui just tried messin with it and its still givin me the same problem07:24
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oxeimonthen....something really quick, I can't see what it says, and then it goes into the ubuntu startup screen07:24
towliebacode_eater, thanks i think i fixed it by choosing "boot from driver cd"07:25
bruenigzedQ, what exactly are you doing, perhaps I can try to lend a hand07:25
zedQbruenig, still requires me learning an entirely new computer language07:25
oxeimon"Start or install Ubuntu", "Start ubuntu in safe graphics mode" "Install with driver update CD" "Check CD for defects" "Memory test" "boot from first hard disk"07:25
code_eatertowlieba, no prob ;)07:25
jonathan_somebody can help me to compiling file tar balls?07:25
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bruenigzedQ, not an entire language, basically you need to know ls awk and for07:25
zedQbruenig, I just want to apply a prefix to all files in a folder, but based on file modification date, not by name07:25
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ryukboot from harddisk.. choose that07:25
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LukeEkbla1dose anyone know of any widgets for ubuntu? ? ? ? anyone at all?07:25
towliebacode_eater, do you think this problem could affect me if i try to install ubuntu on the hard drive ?07:26
bruenigzedQ, what kind of prefix? like 01 02 03 in order like that or just prefix it with the date07:26
jonathan_I'm trying to installing tar.gz package07:26
jonathan_somebody help me07:26
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oxeimonryuk: "Booting from local disk... Error loading operating system_"07:26
MajorPayneLukeEkbla1: Widgets to do what?07:26
guesrhi everyone in ubuntu i found openoffice as alternative to ms office .. but still i am not convinced with its performance .. its changes some doc file format. is there any other alternate in linux the document of which is very much compatible with ms office07:26
ryukhmm.. so u got no boot loader.. intersting..07:26
zedQbruenig, like  20070712 (date) is good07:26
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code_eatertowlieba, i don't think so07:26
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oxeimonI can't even get onto the internet from the live-cd07:26
oxeimonshould I be able to??07:27
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ubuntuany suggestions on what to do since runnng sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work??07:27
towliebacode_eater, some of the post on that forum suggested it was a problem with the hard drive controller....07:27
bruenigzedQ, oh that should be pretty simple, are you doing it recursively or is there just a bunch of loose files in a directory?07:27
zedQbruenig, oh wait, sorry.  a simple replacing the whole name with a number is fine07:27
zedQbruenig, just in one directory07:27
ryuknot sure.. i havnt used one since 6.06 and that was on a non internet inabled comp07:27
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LukeEkbla1MajorPayne:    Um, anything?07:27
code_eaterjonathan_, ok, what about this07:27
zedQincrementing number07:27
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MajorPayneLukeEkbla1: There is lots of widgets for Gnome.07:28
TheNo1YetizedQ: I know how to do what you want but only to every file in a folder, not to just specific ones based on modification date.07:28
ryukif only i had my live cd here..07:28
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zedQTheNo1Yeti, all files in one folder07:28
code_eatertowlieba, yup is look like that, but i hope, that after installing on hd will be ok07:28
ryukwill brb.. gotta try somethin..07:28
LukeEkbla1MajorPayne:  ok, how do i get em?07:28
MajorPayneLukeEkbla1: Your volume control on the pannel is a widget.07:28
towliebacode_eater, i hope so... dammit i got the error again!!!!!!!07:28
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oxeimonkk thanks07:29
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bruenigzedQ, files right, no directories?07:29
zedQbruenig, right07:29
shiester_miestergday everyone07:29
MajorPayneLukeEkbla1: aptitude07:29
code_eatertowlieba, for you information, i had similarly problem when trying to install freebsd, was hard, :)07:29
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zedQbruenig, rename entire name of all files, in a simple ascending numeric value, sorted by modification date07:30
jonathan_installing file.tar.gz07:30
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LukeEkbla1MajorPayne:   no, i mean desktop widgets, like yahoo widgets, google gadgets, you know07:30
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MajorPayneLukeEkbla1: Ohh.  Sorry.  I don't know.07:30
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code_eaterjonathan_, ok, u want a compile source, where is problem07:30
bruenigzedQ, what about if any of the files have the same date?07:30
bruenigzedQ, then it will overwrite07:30
zedQbruenig, arent the files dated to the second07:31
robbyWell im going toask a question or small fav. (depends on how you look at it).  But if give a  line or 2 of ver easy code, could some make a small  z y z algorithm to repersent the the operations?07:31
jonathan_after tar -zxvf /home/jonathan/Desktop/file.tar.gz07:31
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ubuntucan anybody help me out07:31
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LukeEkbla1Anyone know if there are any widgets for ubuntu?07:31
bruenigzedQ, ok well you said date, so you want it to say date-time07:31
jonathan_what cd?07:31
shiester_miesterubuntu, probably07:31
bruenigor what is the format again07:31
ca1What are ways to increase the speed of a computer that runs ubuntu?07:31
zedQbruenig, no.  I just want to rename all files in a folder with a simple  0001.txt  ,   0002.txt,  etc  , but ordered by modificiation date07:32
shiester_miestercan the partition editor in the ubuntu feisty live cd resize existing ntfs partitions safely without loss of data, if the partitions have free space?07:32
TheNo1Yetibruenig: date-time is normal format.   But if you batch process it and then try to rebatch process it your going to have issues as it will have multiple files edited at the exact same time07:32
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LogicalDashI use the Dvorak keyboard and sometimes I like to play Flash games. Some games require me to switch to QWERTY to control, but doing that using the GNOME keyboard applet doesn't seem to affect Flash apps--they'll still assume the Dvorak layout, even though I changed the layout for all windows. Help?07:32
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bruenigzedQ, you just said a second ago that you wanted the filename to be the date07:32
LogicalDashca1: you could install Xubuntu.07:32
zedQbruenig, just number will be fine07:32
robbyAnyone understand Algorithms..?07:33
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ubuntushiester_miester --- i've done the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and setup everything like normal but when i go to login my taskbar and menues are all messed up im running in failsafe mode right now i have a radeon 9500 i tried reading installs on the newest drivers for it but i just upgraded to 7.04 from 6.10 hense the new problem07:33
BonzI have a graphics question if anyone can help me out...07:33
bruenigzedQ, ok so how many files are there then, how many 0's do you need before the number07:33
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peepsalotwhat should I do if a package can not be authenticated?07:33
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zedQbruenig, I guess 4 digits total07:33
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shiester_miesterubuntu, oh ok07:33
tbfhi, any idea when launchpad will be back?07:33
MajorPayneLogicalDash: I also use Dvorak but I don't play flash games.  Maybe if you try changing the layout before loading the game or before loading firefox.  That may work.07:33
=== LukeEkbla1 [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
jonathan_forget that!07:34
bruenigzedQ, ok my method will do it to the minute, are there any files that might have same date same minute?07:34
ubuntushiester_miester ---  and if i do isntall ati drivers in this failsafe mode will it care over to my  reg login?07:34
BonzCan someone answer a graphics question of mine, I just installed ubuntu for the very first time today and am new to Linux completely.  I think I did it right but there is a problem07:34
zedQbruenig, cant you do a simple sorting by modification date?  the date wont be in the filename.  they'll just be renamed in that order07:34
robbyman im screwed07:35
LukeEkbla1dose anyone know of any widgets for ubuntu?07:35
MajorPayneBonz: You have to discribe the problem.07:35
oxeimonhas anyone here installed Ubuntu 7.04?07:35
BonzI was going to, but it seemed no one was paying attention anyways07:35
code_eaterBonz, let me ask u, problem?07:35
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tbfah... duh... ok.... launchpad.net/ubuntu, not ubuntu.launchpad.net07:35
TheNo1Yetioxeimon: on several computers, why?07:35
oxeimonryuk: I sent you a private message btw07:35
tbfthe error message is confusing07:35
ubuntuoxeimon i did tyrin to get a driver problem fixed07:35
MajorPayne!ask | Bonz07:35
ubotuBonz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:35
bruenigzedQ, here is my idea, we use ls -l to figure out the date and time, we rename the files with the date and time, then we use the sort utility to name them in order so that the first date and time is moved to 0001 and so forth and so on07:35
oxeimonhave you had problems with not getting a boot loader?07:35
ryukdid ya.. i didnt get it..07:35
BonzI have an ATI x1900gt graphics card, and after going through the instructions to install the drivers...I restarted and I have a sort of....ghosting at the bottom of the screen07:36
ubuntui think i might get an answer though from07:36
BonzNot ghosting but...07:36
ubuntuBonz --- same prob here07:36
oxeimonI just tried installing ubuntu 7.04, and was never prompted for a boot loader07:36
BonzA copy of different images going on the screen07:36
ubuntuati 9500 thou07:36
ryuki did have problems wen i fiddled with debian for the first time.. but havnt really had problems in recent memory with ubuntu..07:36
BonzI'm at 1600x1200 resolution07:36
oxeimonnever asked whether or not I wanted to install the boot loader07:36
slackoramabruenig: doesn't ls -t sort by modification?07:36
LogicalDashMajorPayne: No luck, sorry. One thing that *does* work is to go into a terminal and type setxkbmap -layout en_US, but it's rather inconvenient.07:36
zedQbruenig, isnt there a simple command to sort by modification date, like sorting by filename ascending07:36
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oxeimonand now I can't boot either of my OS's07:36
LogicalDashMajorPayne: and also seems to kind of mess with the functionality of the applet.07:36
bruenigslackorama, ah much faster07:36
ryukoxeimon, there should of been something.. if u have time u can ty downloading the alternate iso..07:37
BonzSay I am in firefox, sometimes the ads in firefox show up at the bottom of the screen too07:37
TheNo1Yetioxeimon: grub by default is installed07:37
ubuntucan anyone help me07:37
oxeimonwhich alternate iso07:37
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oxeimonI think I might do that07:37
zedQbruenig, because many files have the same time to the minute07:37
MajorPayneLogicalDash: Ahh.  sorry I can't help you.  I really don't have a need to switch out of Dvorak.07:37
=== code_eater linux and ati cards ;(
ryukit is called the alternate iso.. will try to find it for u07:37
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LogicalDashMajorPayne, thanks anyway07:37
ca1how do you speed up computer that runs already on linux?07:37
LogicalDashca1: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will get you xubuntu with no need to reinstall07:37
MajorPaynecal: Upgrade, xbuntu desktop?07:38
TheNo1Yetica1: Install more ram/faster cpu with better front bus speed.07:38
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zedQbruenig, if there's no easy way, I guess I'll do research.  I dont want to waste your time if it's involved07:38
shiester_miestercal, remove every possible process that isnt absolutely essential07:38
Bandit09How come in konsole when i press the "up" key ^[[A shows up and it doesnt go back to the last line i executed?07:38
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shiester_miestercal, and optimize the ones that are07:38
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bruenigzedQ, alright with ls -t, it will actually be much easier, my only issue now is trying to get it to name it 0001 instead of 107:38
slackoramaca1: http://lifehacker.com/software/how-to/give-ubuntu-a-speed-boost-268325.php07:38
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bruenigzedQ, no spaces in the filenames right07:38
zedQbruenig, thats ok, just start at 100007:38
zedQbruenig, right07:38
Bandit09How come in konsole when i press the "up" key ^[[A shows up and it doesnt go back to the last line i executed?07:38
ca1TheNo1Yeti:  how do I get more RAM? I'm a computer n00b, sorry07:39
ryukscrool down and it is at the bottomish of the page..07:39
ubuntucan someone answer one questino for me please... if i install a driver in failsafe mode it should work for my reg login correct? im trying to fix my vid card prob but theres a lot of questions i guess....07:39
Bandit09ca1 it's a physical hardware piece inside your machine07:39
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MajorPaynecal: You have to buy it.07:39
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oxeimon4th item in the list?07:40
oxeimonubuntu-7.04-alternate amd64 install?07:40
ubuntucal == www.pricewatch.com07:40
BonzAnybody know why certain images appear in the bottom of my screen, say for example ads on webpages duplicate themselves at the bottom of my screen07:40
LogicalDashI'd like to write a shell script to switch back and forth between keyboard layouts using xkbmap instead of the GNOME keyboard layout. Should be simple I think, but how do I make it test which layout I'm already using?07:40
ca1slackorama:  will the tips on that link work when I use ubuntu studio?07:40
oxeimonryuk btw I sent you a private message, did you get it?07:40
ubuntu can someone answer one questino for me please... if i install a driver in failsafe mode it should work for my reg login correct? im trying to fix my vid card prob but theres a lot of questions i guess....07:40
ryukunless u want 64bit??07:40
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shiester_miestercan the partition editor in the ubuntu feisty live cd resize existing ntfs partitions safely without loss of data, if the partitions have free space?07:40
Bandit09How come in konsole when i press the "up" key ^[[A shows up and it doesnt go back to the last line i executed?07:41
BonzThere should be multiple irc channels, this one is out of control xD07:41
ryukthe i386 iso07:41
oxeimonbut my computer's an AMD6407:41
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oxeimonisn't i386 for intel cpus?07:41
nomicwhat is a way of getting the ip address of an ubuntu box for the purposes of FTP?07:41
ubuntui dl ati-driver-installer-8.38.6-x86.x86_64.run  what do i to do install it?07:41
code_eaterBonz, yup, true07:41
sumigamerguys is kiba dock in any repo??07:42
towliebais there a way to tell ubuntu not to use or ignore the floppy device?07:42
MajorPaynenomic: Are you behind a router?07:42
BonzIt seems to only be a problem in 1600x1200 resolution, but I don't want to downgrade my resolution on a 20" monitor07:42
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nomicwireless router majorpayne07:42
ryukmake that 8th.. yea.. there seems to be less support for packages with the a64 version... as it is a 64 bit os.. but thei386 iso tends to be reliable and have better support.. (in my findings anyway)07:42
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athonusquick question.  Trying to install vsftpd and when i /etc/vsftpd.conf i get permission denied. can anyone help?07:42
TheNo1YetiBandit09: Do you have keyboard layout set to xterm?07:42
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oxeimonah ok07:42
ryukbut as i said u cna use the 64 bit one if u want..07:43
oxeimonyou're sure that'll work on an amd machine?07:43
Bandit09TheNo1Yeti yes i do07:43
MajorPaynenomic: First you will have to set up port forwarding.  And then you will have to find out the ip of the router.  Best way to do it is just use one of the online sites that will give you your ip.07:43
nomicright thanks majorpayne07:43
MajorPaynenomic: Make sure you set up port forwarding or it will not work.  FTP works on port 21.07:43
sumigamerwhen i install the kiba dock deb package, it tells me to install the kiba plugins package. When i install the plugins package, it tells me to install the dock package!!!! What the heck is this??07:43
ryukyes.. i can guarantee u it does (it works on mine..)07:43
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ryukthink of it like this a64 is like xp64 and i386 is like XP usual..07:44
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oxeimonah kk07:44
TheNo1YetiBandit09: What shell is it executing.  Bash or something else?07:44
oxeimoncool I'll try that the07:44
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oxeimoncan you respond to my private message07:44
oxeimonit's easier to hold a conversation in there07:44
oxeimoninstead of in the general chat07:44
code_eatersumigamer, dependencies ?07:44
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ca1does deleting cache and cookies increase browser speed?07:44
ryuklol.. i could ever find them (kinda an irc noob)..07:45
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MajorPaynecal: dleting cache will slow down the browser.  That's why they have a cache, to speed it up.07:45
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oxeimonme too07:45
oxeimonI just dl'd irc today07:45
oxeimonjust for this channel07:45
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Tonesif i'm wanting to download drivers, which distro type do i download if they don't have an ubuntu one? like redhat or wah?07:45
MajorPayne!enter | oxeimon07:45
ubotuoxeimon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:45
ryuksame here07:46
LogicalDashTones: you want debian packages, they end in .deb07:46
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Tonesdamn.....hp don't do debian >.<07:46
=== entrega [n=gilbert@adsl-76-192-129-67.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryukso uhh how do i get private messages???07:46
Tonesi've got the choice of redhat or suse07:46
oxeimonanother question:07:46
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bruenigzedQ, ok switch into the directory and issue this command, this doesn't actually do anything, it should print a list though: NUM="1000" ; for file in $(ls -tl | awk '/r/ {print $8}') ; do echo "$file $NUM"; let "NUM++" ; done07:46
LogicalDashTones: there does exist a utility called alien which can convert between .rpm and .deb but it's not very reliable07:46
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oxeimonit's just under the menu bar07:47
ubuntucan someone please help me install a driver?07:47
ubuntui have it dl07:47
oxeimonthere should be a tab called "freenode ryuk"07:47
oxeimonand another called "#ubuntu"07:47
LogicalDashTones, might be worth the attempt anyway, sudo apt-get install alien if you want to07:47
zedQbruenig, ok, I'll try it07:47
oxeimonand another called "oxeimon"07:47
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varkaTones: driver for what kind of hardware=07:47
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oxeimonclick on the oxeimon07:47
MajorPayne!enter | oxeimon07:47
ubotuoxeimon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:47
ryukjust have freenode.. no other channels07:47
ubuntuwtf did i reach my question limit or somethin07:47
Toneshmmm might try that....need a raid driver otherwise i can't even install ubuntu on my server >.<07:47
=== nomic does the ubuntu dance
Tonesvarka for a scsi raid07:48
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zedQNUM="1000" ; for file in $(ls -tl | awk '/r/ {print $8}') ; do echo "$file $NUM"; let "NUM++" ; done07:48
oxeimonanother question though, and this might be of some interest. Right before I install(Im trying to install the amd64 version again, since it's taking time to download and install nero to burn the iso)...07:48
nomicare scsi drives still faster than ide drives?07:48
LogicalDashubuntu, you should present as much information as you think is relevant all in one line, that makes it easier for people to figure out if they can help you07:48
oxeimonthere's an advanced button that gives me a menu:07:48
oxeimon"Boot loader: Device for boot loader installaion:"07:48
disinterestedubuntu dud u extract the driver?07:49
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Toneswell....not in my case actually, ide works and scsi does not.....so that makes ide faster :P07:49
necrite_hi all07:49
oxeimonand then, it says(the default), "(hd0)"07:49
bruenigzedQ, does that look good?07:49
zedQbruenig, Oh, I see.  yes, except the order is backwards07:49
bruenigzedQ, really?07:49
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necrite_i have one server with load average "3" but when i run top.. i dont see any proccess using the cpu....do u have any way to know which proccess is using the cpu?07:49
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slackoramabruenig: mmm, awk07:50
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ryukhmm not really sure..07:50
TonesLogicalDash is there any specific rpm version i should look at? can choose redhat 7.1,7.2,7.3,8.007:50
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TheNo1YetiI so need to learn how to use awk.  Right now awk > me.07:50
slackoramazedQ: try ls -tlr instead07:50
ryukhow are your partions set up on your comp??07:50
oxeimonryuk: thing is, I don't know what hd0 is. My partitions are currently called /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2...etc07:50
zedQok, order is right now07:51
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MajorPayneTones: Red Hat 8.0 is quite old.  That was my first Linux distro (many years ago).07:51
LogicalDashTones, I have no idea, but you should look at the dependencies if they give you that information and choose the version that the Ubuntu repository contains packages for.07:51
sumigamer_when I install the kiba dock deb package, it tells me to first install  the kiba plugins palckage. when i install the kiba-plugins package, it tells me to install the kiba dock pakage!!! What the heck is this??07:51
zedQNUM="1000" ; for file in $(ls -tlr | awk '/r/ {print $8}') ; do echo "$file $NUM"; let "NUM++" ; done      looks good07:51
bruenigzedQ, ok so then do this: NUM="1001" ; for file in $(ls -tlr | awk '/r/ {print $8}') ; do mv $file $NUM.txt ; let "NUM++" ; done07:51
LogicalDashTones, that is, you want the .rpm to only have dependencies that you can satisfy.07:51
zedQbruenig, ok07:51
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oxeimonI have two main partitions, one for windows, another that's ext3 for ubuntu, and another swap partition that kinda came out of nowhere07:52
oxeimonand another one that's like 900mb, that also came out of nowhere07:52
ascAny of all y'all find that running winecfg crashes ubuntu? (or at least xorg?)07:52
zedQbruenig, that worked.  thanks!07:52
shiester_miesterbruenig, you seem to be in here a LOT07:52
bruenigzedQ, see now you could have done that07:52
shiester_miesterbruenig, do you ever do anything else? :P07:52
=== bruenig chuckles
zedQbruenig, um... I dont think so07:52
MajorPayneoxigen: The swap partition is for Ubuntu.  Kinda like a swap file for Windows.  When your computer gets low on ram it will swap out parts of memory to the swap partition.07:52
LogicalDashTones, I guess that the older version is more likely to have dependencies that are in the repositories.07:52
ryukhmm u should have the windows parition, the ubuntu partionand a swap partion (basically the swap file like the one in windows)07:53
shiester_miesterbruenig, do you have a job or other passtime?07:53
sumigamer_when I install the kiba dock deb package, it tells me to first install  the kiba plugins palckage. when i install the kiba-plugins package, it tells me to install the kiba dock pakage!!! What the heck is this??07:53
MajorPayneoxigen: I am not sure about the 900 mb, maybe /boot?07:53
bruenigshiester_miester, you are always in here when I am in here07:53
ryukdo u happen to have a copy of norton ghost??07:53
oxeimondont think soo07:53
shiester_miesterbruenig, true, true.  I'm usually paying attention between bursts of work07:53
MajorPayneoxigen: type df.07:53
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oxeimonryuk: Thing is, I still don't know what hd0 is07:54
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Tonessounds like hard work :P07:54
LogicalDashryuk and oxeimon, when I did something similar, gnome partition editor worked ok07:54
=== Tones starts reading
MajorPayneoxigen: In the shell.  That will tell you where it is being mounted.07:54
sumigamer_when I install the kiba dock deb package, it tells me to first install  the kiba plugins palckage. when i install the kiba-plugins package, it tells me to install the kiba dock pakage!!! What the heck is this??07:54
ryukthat just refs to the first partion on the hdd (the mbr)07:54
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bruenigshiester_miester, yeah that is true here too, I spend a lot of time working on zenwalk stuff07:54
shiester_miesterbruenig, working as in, employment working?07:54
bruenigshiester_miester, work as in volunteer07:55
shiester_miesterah ok07:55
oxeimonso hd0 is fine then?07:55
code_eatersumigamer, check version, maybe he is asking bout proper version of package07:55
shiester_miesteri meant employment :P07:55
ryuki think07:55
TheNo1Yetitripwire --check | cat >> ~/tripwire    <-- That should output the data that would be appended to my screen to the file tripwire instead right?07:55
bruenigshiester_miester, ha why would I do that07:55
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ryukif i could get vmware up and running properly i would tell ya..07:55
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shiester_miesterbruenig, lol!  to get money?  same reason i do it :P07:55
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bruenigshiester_miester, how old are you07:55
Toneswork is overated :P07:55
oxeimonwhat's vmware/how do I get it07:55
shiester_miesteralthough there isnt much money in what im doing at the moment07:55
=== shiester_miester is 21
oxeimonremember I don't have access to the internet on that computer lol07:56
TheNo1Yeti!vmware > oxeimon07:56
=== shiester_miester runs a SMALL web development business
oxeimonworld > oxeimon07:56
shiester_miesteremphasis on SMALL07:56
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:56
shiester_miesteratm its just me and a designer07:56
shiester_miestercos i cant design and he cant code :P07:56
TheNo1Yetilol.  That is a great setup then shiester.07:57
shiester_miesteri wouldnt mind a few more clients :(07:57
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bruenigshiester_miester, I am 18, I got a full ride to a mediocre university, so I am good to go for four years on money for the most part, so I try not to work seeing as the jobs I will be able to get are crap and I don't really need the money except to buy superfluous fun stuff07:57
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shiester_miesterbruenig, 18!?  you have way too much knowledge of linux to be 18, lol07:57
ryukjust a virtualisation program.. so i can run this stuff next to u with out any affects on my comp..07:57
shiester_miesteri thought you were like, 30 or something07:57
Frogzoomm.. if I make changes in /etc/event.d/* which daemon do I HUP to reread them ?07:57
shiester_miesteryou act very mature and whatnot07:57
bruenigshiester_miester, I have only been using linux for 13 months actually07:58
shiester_miesterholy crap07:58
TheNo1Yetibruenig: One benefit to working now though.  You get your trench work done so when you get out of college you can move straight to admin/ops/etc07:58
MajorPayneI have never not had a job since I was 16.07:58
shiester_miesterbruenig, yeah i went to uni, graduated from Bachelor of I.T in december last year :D07:58
Frogzooofftopic -> #ubuntu-offtopic07:58
shiester_miesterhasn't helped me find work much, though...07:58
shiester_miesteraww....fine, fine07:58
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TheNo1Yetishiester, offtopic channel is fun though. :)07:59
shiester_miesterim sure it is07:59
imbecilecan someone tell me how to install this? http://ipodlinux.org/Installer_2  i cant figure out how to run the file... please help07:59
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code_eaterimbecile, u don't know how to open tar.gz?08:01
LogicalDashimbecile, open a terminal, type "sudo apt-get install libpng3 libssl0.9.7", then navigate to the directory where you saved the install script and type "bash " followed by the name of the install script08:01
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imbecileLogicalDash,  thanks08:01
oxeimonshiester: a friend of mine (19 now), has been using linux ever since he was 1208:01
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code_eaterhehe, my first system was basic 1.1 ;)08:02
oxeimoncode_eater: lol what the hell is basic08:03
robbymine.  commador6408:03
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code_eateramstrad cpc46408:03
Orrajhey anyone know a good book to learn lunix networking and/or networking in general w/out become just numbers?08:03
shiester_miesterOrraj, just numbers?08:03
shiester_miesterwhat do u mean by that?08:03
MajorPayneOrraj: What do you mean "w/out become just numbers?"08:04
robby$ "-------| Welcom to my simple print random stuff program |------"08:04
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TheNo1YetiLike a stastic of the number of people who go insane when they try to understand the interwebs?08:04
bruenigrobby, judging from that line, it doesn't appear to be working08:04
Orraj<shiester_miester> stats a overly complicated book, id like one that maybe uses metaphors and something else i can relate to to learn.08:04
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Drew3bHi all,  how do yo setup a printer in cups (xubuntu)08:05
bruenigor super coincidence08:05
shiester_miesterOrraj, well you probably won't end up learning much about it if you don't want to get into the complicated stuff08:05
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LogicalDashDrew3b: System menu -> Administration -> Printing08:05
towliebancode_eater,  thanks but i looked at that and didnt find anything helpful. this happens when i try to boot from the livecd08:05
robbybruenig:  lol i was talking about my old Commador 64 computer i had long ago08:05
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bruenigDrew3b, you can use the web interface also which is the same across all distros and DEs, http://localhost:631/08:06
code_eatertowlieban, fu....08:06
Orraj<shiester_miester> well can you think of something i should read to familiarize myself w/ the terminal before jumping into networking?08:06
Orrajaww he left08:06
code_eatertowlieban, fas question, is was your first ubuntu install?08:06
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towliebancode_eater, sorry repaste08:07
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towliebancode_eater, no luck with those tips i still get the error08:07
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bruenigoh wait the web interface won't work on ubuntu because of the no root account08:07
Orrajcan you guys think of something i should read to familiarize myself w/ the terminal before jumping into networking?08:07
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towliebancode_eater, no but the first on this system08:07
LogicalDashOrraj, linuxcommand.org08:07
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LogicalDashoh um...08:08
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slackoramabruenig: what else runs on odd ports on localhost? (thanks for this one)08:08
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DyskWhen mplayer crashes and leaves the sound card in use, does one of you know how/if it's possible to get it back available without rebooting?08:08
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towliebancode_eater, ive installed ubuntu a few times, but under a VM08:08
Drew3bbruenig:  I have been looking for that for 90 minutes, I could not remember of find the 'url'08:08
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LogicalDashOrraj, I guess I misunderstood your question a tiny bit, that site only gives you the basics needed for shell scripting and maybe you wanted more depth than that if you're going to use the command line for networky stuff08:08
towliebanand once a while back on an older laptop08:08
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imbecileLogicalDash,  it says that it cant execute binary file08:09
bruenigslackorama, that's all I know of and only because that is how a lot of distros deal with cups, just drop you into web interface08:09
jouleshey everyone.. i am growing frustrated. i reinstalled my windows and resized that partition. then i rebooted and it only opened windows. i fixed grub or so i think .. so now it shows my ubuntu and windows. when i select ubuntu it gives me error 15. no data found or something like that. now when i run the live cd and look at the partition editor or the installer partition manager it tells me that there is a unallocated partition and nothing else. 08:09
LogicalDashimbecile, try ./<filename> then08:09
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ryukdoes anyone have any any ideas why vmware player is not working, when i run it i get this error "/usr/lib/vmware-player/bin/vmplayer: /usr/lib/vmware-player/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)08:09
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kristjan_how do I see such things in linux like my ram Hz or my harddrive rounds per minute?08:09
imbecileLogicalDash,  thanks again man08:09
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LogicalDashimbecile, no problem08:09
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code_eatertowlieban, hmm, so will be problem with hardware, my advice is to check this,08:10
Orrajlogicaldash, yea i would like to know everything i can about the cmds and distro sensitive items. if you catch my drift08:10
yehwehhello everyone, my applets have moved from the top panel and i cant figure out how to move them back. please look at the screenshot. http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/3653/screenshotco4.png08:10
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towliebancode i think it might be my ide controller08:10
the_padawanhi all, how can i change the screen resolution in tty1?08:10
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towliebancode_eater, i am starting to believe its my ide controller08:10
kristjan_the_padawan: with vga= line in boot menu08:10
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code_eatertowlieban, yup08:11
LogicalDashimbecile, for future reference, you use the "bash" command to run shell scripts and ./ to let the command line know that you're not trying to get it to search your $PATH for executables, but rather to run an executable *in this very folder*08:11
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joulesnobody has any ide :(08:11
kristjan_the_padawan: you get correct vga lines list with "sudo hwinfo --framebuffer"08:11
towliebancode_eater, i have an ata pci card.08:11
LogicalDashimbecile, the $PATH is the list of directories where the terminal looks for executable files08:11
oxeimon2man that iso downloads so08:11
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towliebancode_eater, is it possible to boot from it ?08:11
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code_eatertowlieban, lspci, check output08:11
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towliebancode_eater, i cant get to a cli08:11
Ashton_KWrong tab.08:11
Ashton_KI've got several devices mounted (partitions actually), but I find the hard drive icons on the desktop annoying.08:12
code_eatertowlieban, a, yes08:12
Ashton_KHow can I get rid of them?08:12
Orrajanyone know of a good graphical front in for automated start apps. order of operations would be nice08:12
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Ashton_K(I want the partitions still mounted, but I always access them through the places menu, and I want them off my desktop)08:12
kristjan_the_padawan: look for "# defoptions=quiet vga=" in /boot/grub/menu.lst08:12
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imbecileLogicalDash, thanks.. i like when people actually tell me what im doing rather than just giving me an answe.. thats the only way i'll learn08:12
oxeimon2ahh cool I got it from the ubuntu website. Its going a lot faster now :-D08:12
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towliebancode_eater, i tried putting both hard drive and cdrom but it wont boot from the cdrom. i tried putting the hd on the ata card and the cdrom on the mobo but i get the same error08:13
kristjan_the_padawan: btw, you have to install hwinfo with synaptics (not there by default)08:13
the_padawankristjan_, thanks a ton, i'm looking into it all08:13
the_padawanyep, got it =)08:13
code_eatertowlieban, is the same error?08:13
dawn`chorusAshton_K, alt-f2: gconf-editor.  apps> nautilus > desktop08:13
dawn`chorusAshton_K, you're welcome.08:13
towliebancode_eater, yes08:13
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LogicalDashimbecile, you might want to check out http://linuxcommand.org, it's a good intro to the command line08:14
kristjan_the_padawan: after you change the vga= to more appropriate value in /boot/grub/menu.lst you have to run "sudo update-grub"08:14
yehwehguys one of you want to take a look at my problem please right click and move doesnt work on this. Please look at the top center of the screensots there are 4 applets on the top panel.  http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/3653/screenshotco4.png08:14
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?08:14
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imbecileLogicalDash,  i just bookmarked it.. im installing linux on my ipod now08:15
kristjan_the_padawan: one thing more - I believe that only 16bit resos will show pretty splash screen.08:15
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LogicalDashimbecile, have fun08:15
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code_eatertowlieban, give me sek, i'll check something08:15
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the_padawankristjan_, you are certainly helpful and knowledgable. thank you kindly08:15
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joulesanyone wants to help me plizzzz08:17
jouleshey everyone.. i am growing frustrated. i reinstalled my windows and resized that partition. then i rebooted and it only opened windows. i fixed grub or so i think .. so now it shows my ubuntu and windows. when i select ubuntu it gives me error 15. no data found or something like that. now when i run the live cd and look at the partition editor or the installer partition manager it tells me that there is a unallocated partition and nothing else. 08:17
LukeEkbla1I need help.  I just downloaded an unsuported beryl plugin then after i installed it i couldent open Add/Remove.  This happened erlier today and somebody helped me with it and it worked, but i forgot how to fix it08:17
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=== bruenig reads the word unsupported and is baffled
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joulesi know that it might be easier to just reinstall ubuntu .. and thats why i have a fat32 partition so that i could share data with windows (and also a /home partition) but when i try to install ubuntu it only gives me the option to use the whole drive .. meaning that it would delete my other partitions .. and that cant happen!08:19
bruenigLukeEkbla1, you can use the two cop out commands, sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f08:19
towliebanthis is why i am trying (unsuccessfully) to install ubuntu on a seperate computer on an empty hard drive08:19
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Frogzoojoules: manual partitioning might be your best option08:19
LukeEkbla1Errors were encountered while processing:08:20
LukeEkbla1 /var/cache/apt/archives/beryl-plugins-unsupported_0.2.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb08:20
LukeEkbla1E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:20
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brueniguh no08:20
TheNo1YetiAnyone know what /proc/15090/fd/3 is normally?08:20
towliebanbah this sucks08:20
joulesFrogzoo:  yes i thought so but my other partitions dont come up on manual partition .. according to the live cd i have a blank drive08:20
bruenigLukeEkbla1, sudo apt-get remove beryl-plugins-unsupported08:20
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LukeEkbla1The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:21
LukeEkbla1  beryl-plugins-unsupported-data: Depends: beryl-plugins-unsupported but it is not going to be installed08:21
LukeEkbla1E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:21
joulesfrogzoo: but i know the other partitions are there because as i said my fat32 one comes up on windows .. plus i my windows partition.. and others08:21
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bruenigLukeEkbla1, sudo apt-get remove beryl-plugins-unsupported-data08:21
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varun0my mouse is acting funny on a fresh ubuntu install.........the cursor only moves around the edges, but disappears if I move it from the edges08:22
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LukeEkbla1bruenig:  Yayeee!08:23
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bruenigLukeEkbla1, oh wow I was certain that would fail08:23
joules!! uh.. this is so not fun08:23
LukeEkbla1bruenig:  You fixed it! and it dident tack a day and a night like last time08:24
oxeimon2ryuk: hey, I think I'm gonna call it a night. It's already 2:22am over here08:24
TaJMoXim having a blast - ubuntu is great after its all set up08:24
LukeEkbla1you get a medal  * Gives bruenig a Medal :)08:24
oxeimon2ryuk: but thank you so much for your help08:24
LukeEkbla1TaJMoX:  you got it man08:24
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oxeimon2ryuk: so yeah. night08:25
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towliebanwhats wrong with this ? mount /dev/fd0 fd08:26
Incandenziandoes anyone know how to remap keys?08:26
oxeimon2mount /08:26
towliebani get the error "invalid argument"08:26
IncandenzianI installed kbd but can't seem to figure it out.08:26
oxeimon2towlieban: make the mount: "/"08:26
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towliebani dont want to do that08:26
oxeimon2assuming you're trying to manually partition a disk to install ubuntu?08:26
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oxeimon2um, that's what you have to do08:26
towliebanoxeimon2, no i am not08:26
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oxeimon2ah nvm then08:27
towliebani cant install ubuntu08:27
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unagihello all08:27
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bruenig!hi | unagi08:28
ubotuunagi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:28
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:29
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towliebani give up08:31
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towliebanill never get ubuntu to work08:31
oxeimon2never give up08:31
code_eatertowlieban, never give up08:31
towliebanbeen trying for 2 hoursa08:32
oxeimon2I've been trying to install ubuntu for the last 8 hours08:32
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tuxixtowlieban: giving up is a windows user behaviour :)08:32
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oxeimon2I've also managed to almost break my windows XP installation08:32
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oxeimon2and possibly even lose all my data08:32
code_eateri'm traying to install blfs last 2 months08:32
towliebanive already got ubuntu installed in a vm on my macbook pro but i wanted to install it on my desktop08:32
oxeimon2but! giving up is for los0rz08:32
tuxixoxeimon2: still the same pb?08:33
unagitowlieban:  whats the problem08:33
towliebani think that the installer doesnt like my ide controller08:33
unagii say again towlieban whats the problem08:33
towliebanthe installer crashes with the error "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off "08:33
towliebanill try fedora. maybe ill have better luck08:34
unagitty is the terminal08:34
towliebanyea i know08:34
code_eatertowlieban, u use "Boot with Driver CD"08:35
towliebanit tries to read me floppy08:35
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towliebanthen gives me that error after a while08:35
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unagiwhered u get the drivers08:35
towliebani didnt08:35
tuxixtowlieban: the ubuntu-fr documentation says : use net-install08:35
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towliebantuxix, where do i enter that ?08:36
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joulesk .. im going with only one question... when i do sudo fdisk -l it gives me 5 partitions08:36
joules   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System08:36
joules/dev/sda1   *           1        1275    10241406    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)08:36
joules/dev/sda2            4479        4983     4056412+  83  Linux08:36
joules/dev/sda3            4984        7296    18579172+   5  Extended08:36
joules/dev/sda4            5352        7296    15623212+   b  W95 FAT3208:36
joules/dev/sda5            4984        5227     1959867   83  Linux08:36
joules/dev/sda6            5229        5350      979933+  82  Linux swap08:36
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joulesi know it looks weird but thats not the problem... when i run the partition manager or partition editor .. it says i have a undistributed drive ... does not recognize any of my drives..08:36
tuxixtowlieban: u have to download the net install iso08:36
towliebannah forget it08:36
tuxixit's the lightest08:36
towliebanits too much work to get it installed08:36
TaJMoXInternet is 1% done downloading!08:36
ryukoxeimon2, how far did u get in downloading the alternate iso08:37
code_eaterjoules, u use root for that ?08:37
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joulescode_eater: yeah08:37
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tuxixtowlieban: have you tried loading the live cd without the drivers? i think you have a boot option like "start or install ubuntu"08:37
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towliebantuxix, yep i did08:38
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mariachihi people!08:38
towliebansame error08:38
=== amidaniel watches the installer chug away ...
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mariachiis it just me or lately the compiz updates have been almost daily?08:38
amidanielFreaked me out .. it locked up for about 15 minutes during the filesystem time check .. was just about to pull the plug and then it woke back up08:38
joulescode_eater: this is what i used  sudo fdisk -l08:39
amidanielLikely because the comp I'm installing on is from the stone age though :)08:39
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tuxixtowlieban: the french forums seems to speculate on a hardware problem that can't be fixed, except by using the net install08:39
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towliebanforget it then08:39
towliebanbut thanks for your help08:39
code_eaterjoules, u want to resize, or format ?08:39
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tuxixtowlieban: or you can try the alternate CD, it worked as well08:40
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towliebanwhat alternate ? the net install ?08:40
code_eatertowlieban, no, other08:41
towliebanwhat are you talking about08:41
joulescode_eater: i have a bigger problem .. ubuntu wont start when using grub.. it gives me error 15 but even if i wanted to reinstall ubuntu i cant because manual install tells me i have no partitions08:41
happyfaceHow can I use the Firefox VLC Plugin instead of Totem by default?08:41
ari_stresshi I know sudo is more secure08:42
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tuxixtowlieban: yeah it's another install cd called "alternate" / or you can try to install a previous version of ubuntu like edgy08:42
[11_Touche] _happyface, I would like to know it too.. !!!08:42
ari_stressbut i'm facing a situation where I need to rsync to a host as root, how can I do that? the host is ubuntu too08:42
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towliebanwhats the diff between the usual cd and alternate?08:42
ryukhappyface, in firefox go edit->preferances08:42
towliebanmore drivers ?08:42
nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realiyed that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , anz ideas<08:42
tuxixtowlieban: dunno, i'm just giving you answers that worked for some other people, nothing more nothing less :)08:43
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?08:43
ari_stresssudo rsync -e ssh root@ /var/lib/samba08:43
nikintowlieban: it does not boot as a live CD but it has some options for recoverz and a text mode installer08:43
code_eatertowlieban, diff is a kernel on install cd, so drivers08:43
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ryukcancel that08:43
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code_eaterjoules, what fs u have?08:44
ari_stressshould i just activate the root account in
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oxeimon2code_eater: so the regular cd doesn't have drivers?08:44
CppIsWeirdi am trying to access files n my ubuntu computer from a windows PC. On the windows PC i see the workgroup that the ubuntu box is in and the ubuntu box. But when i double click on the ubuntu box i get that i dont have permissions to access this resource. I set this up so far using system > administration > shared folders. what do i need to do to have other users the ability to access my shares?08:45
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towliebancode_eater, nah its ok i am giving up on this computer08:45
ryukhappyface, go firefox -> edit -> prefernaces and in the content tab select the filetype button08:45
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relativeownershihey i'm having trouble with beryl. anybody familiar with it?08:45
tuxixtowlieban: alternate version is like desktop but with the old good linux installer08:45
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ryukselect the file type and selecet vlc plugin as the action08:45
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relativeownershifor some reason my beryl setup stopped working - titlebars and window edges are totally gone. its unusable.08:46
JosesordoI have a problem with the video :(, now I just have 800x600 resolution..and before I used 1024x768..maybe the nvidia drivers :s08:46
ryukrelativeownershi, what did u do before this happened??08:46
happyfacethank ryuk, il try that08:46
relativeownershiryuk: you know its been having problems for quite a while, i'm not entirely sure.08:47
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nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas?08:47
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code_eateroxeimon2, in my opinion, problem is with kernel version (2.6.20-15) on feisty 7.04, on standard  install cd08:47
amidaniel(I probably shouldn't congratulate until the install is finished, but ... ) props on the installer, guys, one of the most straightforward ones I've seen :)08:47
ryukrelativeownershi, kk.. wat vid card r u usin and what drivers are u usin for it..08:47
relativeownershiryuk: i've reinstalled the beryl packages, disabled and re-enabled "desktop effects", etc...08:47
relativeownershiryuk: Nvidia Geforce 4 MX440 64mb DDR08:48
relativeownershiryuk: Device driver "nvidia"08:48
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ryukrelativeownershi, are u using the prepritory nvidia drivers??08:48
relativeownershiryuk: it runs 3d stuff great, in fact i just finished playing descent rebirth08:48
relativeownershiryuk: yessir08:48
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ryukrelativeownershi, aare  usin emerald theme manager??08:49
relativeownershianybody else here a descent fan?08:49
relativeownershiryuk: yessir08:49
tuxixrelativeownershi: r u usin gnome desktop effects ?08:49
ryukyep.. not sure wat your probem may be..08:50
relativeownershituxix: i've tried it with and without...08:50
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relativeownershituxix: should i be using desktop-effects? in addition to beryl?08:50
ryukrelativeownershi, i gather it is off now??08:50
relativeownershiryuk: that's right08:50
ryukrelativeownershi,  it should not on.. dont use them together..08:51
tuxixrelativeownershi: do you start beryl on session start or after?08:51
relativeownershiryuk: ok i won't. starts during session startup.08:51
dodohi all! how can i get back the function-key "f11" for fullscreen view on "eye of gnome" ???08:51
tuxixwell beryl isn't stable yet so :)08:51
nikinrelativeownershi: i had that problem too, it mises a GL feature.. something like pixmaptotexture.. i go and loo around08:51
relativeownershituxix: yeah but it was working wonderfully earlier08:51
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relativeownershinikin: omg i totally forgot about that08:52
relativeownershinikin lol lemme see if that still in my device section...sure as hell, nope...arg. do you know the option?08:52
relativeownershinikin its like aarghpixxmapzzzzzz true08:52
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tuxixrelativeownershi: delete /home/xx/.beryl it will reset your settings08:53
relativeownershituxix: oh thats good to know. is there anyway to do that w/o a command line?08:53
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dodohi all! how can i get back the function-key "f11" for fullscreen view on "eye of gnome" ???08:53
relativeownershinikin do you know what that option is?08:53
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Spaceman3750Hey guys, I need to login to the root account, but it won't login from the regular screen.  How do I log into the root account?08:54
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nikinsomething like that08:54
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tuxixyeah sure, in your home dir > "display hidden files" or something like that (i'm french so i use the french version of ubuntu :))08:54
ascIntel Core 2 processors are 64-bit?08:54
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Spaceman3750Actually, all I think08:54
relativeownershinikin: tuxix sweet. i found the problem. the xorg.conf file was missing an option under the device section. in case you're interested the option is Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"08:54
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nikinrelativeownershi: i am searching for it...08:54
ascThat's interesting. Thanks.08:54
tuxixnice relativeownershi :)08:54
code_eaterdodo, system-preferences-key. short.?08:54
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Spaceman3750How do I log into the root account?08:54
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Spaceman3750I need it to configure some software that won't let a normal admin do it08:55
togrSpaceman3750, "sudo su -"08:55
Spaceman3750Yeah, Ubuntu noob, that's pig latin to me08:55
relativeownershianybody else here a descent fan?08:55
nikinrelativeownershi: so thats fixed >D08:55
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relativeownershinikin yes indeed. much thanks - i'd forgotten that option in device. der08:55
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togrSpaceman3750, open a shell, terminal -- you know how to do that?08:56
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relativeownershituxix nikin thanks guys, i'm outy08:56
nikinrelativeownershi: nm08:56
Spaceman3750That much I do know :P08:56
nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas?08:56
tuxixno pb08:56
togrSpaceman3750, type "sudo su -" (without the quotes) in that shell08:56
togruse your own passwd08:56
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Spaceman3750OK, so sudo su <password>?08:56
togr"sudo su -"08:56
tuxixsudo su -08:57
togryou'll be asked for a passwd08:57
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Spaceman3750OOOH, OK08:57
dodo<code_eater>: i can't add something on keyboard-shortcuts ...08:57
Spaceman3750Then I will have root privileges?08:57
togrbe careful08:57
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Spaceman3750Don't worry, just editing the conf file for Dansguardian08:57
togrthere'll be very few things you cannot do08:57
tuxixSpaceman3750: most of the config command only need a "sudo" beforeward08:57
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code_eaterdodo why? u must put combination, that is all08:58
togrSpaceman3750, what tuxix said08:58
nikinanyone using ubuntu on a dual PIII PC?08:58
mvsnim wondering if someone could help me out... my sound was working just fine.. then suddenly it stopped (Feisty) if i goto sound preferences, I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing."... haven't been successfull with google..08:58
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dodo<code_eater>: ?08:59
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nikinmvsn ? ALSA or OSS<08:59
mvsnits an audigy 2 zs08:59
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enycnikin: I do ;-)09:00
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mvsnis there a way to restart the driver?09:00
sasukechaoshey, im real new and having some errors with my tri-boot for a macbook intel core 2 duo. would anyone mind helping me?09:00
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mvsn(rebooting didnt help)09:00
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nikinenyc: and does cat /proc/cpuinfo tel zou about both cpus ?09:00
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enycnikin: 440BX with dual 550mhz pentium IIIs and 640mbram and 2 scsi controllers and 3 cd drcives and 2 floppy drives and 2 ethernet and 3 monitors and much else ;-)09:00
enycnikin: i think it does... im not at that machine now09:01
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nikinenyc: coz mine is just seeing one, but the BIOS sees both 899 Mhy CPU-s09:01
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enycnikin: alse ill be here in 40mins or so.... at that machine09:01
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ryuksasukechaos, yea.. just ask your q.. someone may no the answer09:02
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enycnikin: talk later ;-)09:02
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nikinenyc: sure.. then i stay here for that time09:02
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Spaceman3750OK, how do I figure out what my root password is, I set it to one thing and it keeps changing back09:02
nikinmvsn does the integrated sound work?09:03
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holymolywhy do you have a root pass? its disabled on ubuntu for a very good reason09:03
dodo<code_eater>: normally f11 is for fullscreen-view, but somehow i mixed it up or disabled it ... on keyboard-shortcuts isn't something like image-view & i don't know how to add it ...09:03
mvsnno.. none are detected.. although i did disable the onboard in the bios... I was using my audio about 20 mins ago.. then just stopped..09:03
=== Typwn [n=Typwned@ip24-252-111-177.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spaceman3750Because I need to edit the configuration for Dansguardian, and only root can do it09:03
Spaceman3750It's the way the stupid software is set up09:03
holymolyuh no09:03
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TypwnHelo all09:04
tuxixSpaceman3750: are you sure sudo isn't enough? try it !09:04
mvsnif I force run pulseaudio I get :failed to load  "module-hal-detect" (09:04
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:04
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togrSpaceman3750, you could do "sudo vi dansguardian.conf" or something similar09:04
TypwnHello all**09:04
TypwnI'm having a problem with my network card.09:04
varkaSpaceman3750: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:04
sasukechaosWell, I followed the basic triboot installation listed on the help forums. I now have all 3 running (osx, win xp, and 7.0.4) im using rEFIt as my boot loader. anywho. now that ubuntu is installed, OSX runs fine, but when i try to boot XP it starts ubuntu. I get operating system choices, but my up down arrow keys dont work. it then loads to the login screen of ubuntu09:05
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Spaceman3750So, "sudo vi /etc/dansguardian/file.conf" will do it?09:05
togrtry it09:05
nikinmvsn: hmm... try the integrated one so that we see that it is a HW/driver problem... no other iodeas yet09:05
togrdo you know how to use vi?09:05
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togrmaybe "gedit" instead of "vi" then09:05
holymolyof course09:06
tuxixSpaceman3750: use gedit instead09:06
code_eaterdodo, hmm, u want to fullscr, what? terminal window, movie player.....?09:06
Spaceman3750gedit works nicely09:06
varkaSpaceman3750: you can use "sudo nano" or "gksudo gedit" or "kdesu kate" instead09:06
holymolynow tha tyou enabled root you hosed the basic security principles around sudo09:06
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dodocode_eater: image view called "eye of gnome"09:06
Spaceman3750It prompts for pass...  Ubuntu keeps resetting it...09:06
Spaceman3750How do I figure it out?09:06
=== Batmannen [n=nisse@h135n1fls33o1017.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas?09:06
holymolygksudo gedit09:06
code_eaterdodo so option will be in program preferences09:07
holymolySpaceman3750, i'll be honest, you go back to windows09:07
Azulcan i bind a keyboard shortcut to xkill?09:07
togrholymoly, don't be so negative09:07
Spaceman3750My internet is spastic on Windows, I don't have much of a choice09:07
Spaceman3750Dude, I'm trying to learn09:07
Spaceman3750So shoot me09:07
holymolynaw i'm just buggin ya :)09:07
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nikinAzul: whz do zou need that mutch xkill?09:07
togrSpaceman3750, you have your own password right?09:07
varkaSpaceman3750: just type in the password you are login in with09:07
holymolythere are a couple of things to remember on ubuntu:09:07
togrand you can use it to log in to your system?09:08
holymolya) don't enable root on ubuntu, there is no point its for security reasons09:08
Spaceman3750Yeah, is that the one I use?09:08
togrfor sudo, yes09:08
Spaceman3750OK, thanks09:08
sasukechaosah it closed for some reason, if somone started explaining please start again :-\09:08
Spaceman3750Thank you thank you thank you :)09:08
Xsylottequestion: how to update clamav ? i need to be root or something ?09:08
Azulnikin: in case something hangs up.. sometimes it gets bad that i can't go to System Monitor09:08
nikinSpaceman3750: did you try to change your passwd with sudo? or without it?09:08
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=== code_eater is dreaming about su command
holymolyb) the first user you create during install is kind of like administrator in windows, its a restricted user with sudo priviledges09:08
=== ca1 [n=joshua@fl-71-0-175-124.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
holymolyif you are doing admin work you use that account and do things like gksudo gedit and type in that users pass to get sudo priviledges09:09
holymolyhowever what most ubuntu users aren't told09:09
holymolyis that you probably shouldn't be using that account regulrarly09:09
ca1how do you rip a video on a dvd to your computer to watch as a video there?09:09
tripppyim getting this error, i dont know whats wrong09:09
tripppywine wow -opengl09:09
tripppywine: could not load L"Z:\\media\\sdb4\\World of Warcraft\\wow.exe": Bad EXE format for09:09
asccode_eater: An easy way to get a root terminal is to do 'sudo bash'. There's also other ways.09:10
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holymolyc) all other accounts by default are restricted further and have no sudo priviledges, you would want to actually create that type of account for your self as a regular user, and only use the first account for admin stuff09:10
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code_eaterasc i'm thinking about compiling, using ubuntu as host, for example binutils, gcc09:10
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holymolythats the basic idea anyway, but yeah screwing up your os is part of the learning curve09:10
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tofaffy_I have a logitech trackballmouse...it keeps freezing up...anyone have any ideas?09:11
holymolyif you have the right attitude for learning you will be fine :)09:11
asccode_eater: Don't know anything about that.09:11
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ryuki second holymoly words.. have done that many installs of oses through screw ups..09:11
nikinAzul: make a louncher for it on the taskbar, thats the best i know >P09:11
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code_eaterasc no problem, security, is security, also, 5 scripts with eof , chroot, and i have su, so is no bog problem ;)09:12
Spaceman3750OK, holymoly, thanks :).  I don't have a whole lot to lose, there's no files on Ubuntu, it's all on the Windows partition, so I should be fine09:12
Spaceman3750Worst case I have to reinstall, and that's amazingly simple09:12
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holymolyah yes, okay your not alergic to that09:12
holymoly:) cool09:13
Xsylottequestion: how to update clamav ? i need to be root or something ? - anyone help pls ?09:13
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holymolyXsylotte, there is no root on ubuntu09:13
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:13
ca1how do you rip a video on a dvd to your computer to watch as a video there?09:13
varkaXsylotte: sudo freshclam09:13
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XsylotteWARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!09:14
sasukechaosso yeah. My problem is that on my newly installed Tri-boot Macbook using rEFIt as a boot loader, after installing ubuntu last, when i try to use the boot loader to run windows, it starts running ubuntu. i have a choice of operating systems from there, but since the up and down arrows dont work, it chooses ubuntu. it then loads to the login screen of ubuntu.09:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:14
Spaceman3750Dontcha love those messages?09:14
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ryukXsylotte, if u r desperate find out what the terminal command fot clamav and type sudo <command> into the terminal..09:14
TypwnMy NetWork Card was working fine, but then it stopped working. I've tried setting up a static IP to it, but it doesn't want to work with that. I have Windows Machines as well set up with Static IPs. Whats odd is when I set it to Automatic, it has a static IP set to it but like I said it's stopped working. When I try to edit the interface it says the interface isn't installed. Any ideas?09:14
=== code_eater ok, end of my vist, back to my tools, bye to all
tuxixtofaffy_:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29620/09:15
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code09:15
tofaffy_lookingnow tuxix09:15
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watiohi to all09:16
troopperi_!grub | sasukechaos09:16
ubotusasukechaos: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
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varkaXsylotte: http://www.clamav.net/support/faq09:16
tofaffy_tuxix, do I add thatamong the other things, or do I replace somethign with that?09:16
TypwnAnyone have any ideas?09:16
watioanyone know what's is the name of the applicaction is that a bar with apliccation like in mac?09:16
Xsylottethere isn't .deb 0.91?09:16
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tuxixtofaffy_: i guess you have to replace your mouse code by the one i gave you09:17
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tofaffy_Okay, I added it...09:17
tofaffy_Thanks :)09:17
nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas?09:17
troopperi_Typwn: perhaps your windows using it when machine start, so ubuntu cant use it....i dont know much about it09:17
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nikinits a dual PIII 899Mhz i840 chipset09:18
varkaXsylotte: you can use the debian repository or just wait until the ubuntu repository offers an update itself http://www.clamav.net/download/packages/packages-linux09:18
tuxixtofaffy_: if you have troubles with the previous/next button in firefox change the last line into #Option        "XAxisMapping"        "6 7"09:18
pppZeronikin: i dont know for sure, but the LiveCD may not be setup for duel cpus09:18
diamondcutterI've got some questions about modifying Gnome to looks like Mac OS X. Anyone help with this?09:18
Typwntroopperi: That's why I'm trying to set up the Static IP, but it won't work. *Sigh*09:18
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tuxixtofaffy_: just add a # before this line > Option "XAxisMapping" "6 7"09:19
tofaffy_I'm not having any issues with those buttons09:19
nikinpppZero: i see09:19
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tuxixtofaffy_: does that work?09:19
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tofaffy_well...it usually ahppens every so often, if it never happens again, then yes :)09:19
pppZerodiamondcutter: have a look at http://gnome-look.org/ theres bound to be at least 2 themes there that you like :)09:19
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tofaffy_tuxix, it jsut frozeagain09:20
Spaceman3750OH MY GOD, I hate parent filter thingies...  They let the bad in and keep the good out, I wouldn't have one if it wasn't to appease my frickin parents09:20
diamondcutterI've already got the T-ish theme with the OSX icon set and the window icons, it's some little things I can't seem to find anywhere else.09:20
MadpilotSpaceman3750, evidently what you need to do is filter your parents out. :)09:20
tuxixtofaffy_: shit, w809:20
ascSpaceman3750: You might be able to get somebody else to set up their system as a proxy09:20
TypwnIf anyone can help, please do. My NetWork Card was working fine, but then it stopped working. I've tried setting up a static IP to it, but it doesn't want to work with that. I have Windows Machines as well set up with Static IPs. Whats odd is when I set it to Automatic, it has a static IP set to it but like I said it's stopped working. When I try to edit the interface it says the interface isn't installed. Any ideas?09:21
tofaffy_would i have maybe needed to restart X after I set that change into place?09:21
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oxeimon2ryuk: so it finally works...lol09:21
ryukoxeimon2, lol.. was that with the live cd or the alternate??09:22
oxeimon2ryuk: I installed the old amd64 version again, and apparently this time it actually installed the bootloader09:22
ryukoxeimon2, dont u just love computers..09:22
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oxeimon2I think last time, it might have crashed in the middle, and since I was downstairs doing laundry, when I came back I assumed the installation was successful09:22
ryukthat would explain a lot..09:23
oxeimon2well, now XP at least boots09:23
oxeimon2I'm so happy09:23
ryukit is about time..09:23
oxeimon2I've been doing this since, what, 8pm?09:23
oxeimon2now it's 3:22am?09:23
diamondcutterSo, my first question, I'll just throw out there, is how to change the top panel logo from the ubuntu logo to the Mac OS X logo.09:23
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ryuklol.. i remember my first linuc instals.. very similar09:23
oxeimon2now I just gotta check to see if ubuntu will boot.09:23
ascSpaceman3750: Join #asc, I can't send PMs09:24
holymolydiamondcutter, good question, unfotunately you can't without compiling that component from what i understand09:24
diamondcutterReally. I know that with Edgy you could just change the icon in the hicolor icons directory.09:24
TypwnNo one has any ideas?09:24
diamondcutterHas it changed that much with Feisty?09:24
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holymolydiamondcutter, oh really? then i'm wrong *hmm*09:25
holymolyif that was so, i dont think it would have changed no09:25
diamondcutterLet me grab a link that described how to do it in Edgy.09:25
tzafrirhi, I'm trying to write a script that should hopefully work on Ubuntu as well as Debian, but don't have an Ubuntu system to check it right now09:25
Madpilotholymoly, diamondcutter - the Edgy method should still work - I think09:26
diamondcutterI gave it a shot with no result.09:26
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tzafrirWhat do different Ubuntu versions have in /etc/debian_version ?09:26
dissectionHello, how do I install ncurses-devel pacakge?09:26
diamondcutterPerhaps I did it wrong? Could you walk me through it?09:26
tuxixtzafrir: what's the script?09:26
oxeimon2oh shit ubuntu doesn't work09:26
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tzafrirtuxix, not something important09:27
oxeimon2Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)09:27
diamondcutterThis is where I found it for Dapper (sorry, not Edgy) sudo cp apple.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png09:27
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tzafrirThe debian/ubuntu parts are quite trivial09:27
diamondcuttererr, that was the command, this is the website http://www.taimila.com/ubuntuosx.php09:27
tuxixoxeimon2: i have to ask you : have you ever killed a penguin?09:27
tzafrirtuxix, what version of Ubuntu do you have and what do you have in that file?09:28
dissectionHow do I install the ncurses-devel  package? I don't know the correct name needed to install it using apt-get and didn't find anything in synaptic09:28
tzafrirdissection, you don't09:28
TypwnDoes anyone know anything about NetWorking in Ubuntu?09:28
tzafriryou install libncurses-dev09:28
diamondcutterBut I tried that method in its exactness and got no results. I've even deleted that file and still nothing seems to have changed.09:28
tuxixtzafrir: the last version feisty and which file?09:28
tzafrir /etc/debian_version09:29
ryukput in the live cd again and do a cd check.. make sure it isnt fucked..09:29
ryukor just go to bed..09:29
tzafrirWhat I generally need to know is if I should use kernel-headers or linux-headers09:29
tuxixoxeimon2:  let's face it, obviously the god of linux doesn't want you :)09:29
oxeimon2I've already checked the live cd09:29
oxeimon2it says its fine...09:30
tzafrirany recent Ubuntu uses linux-headers . I still want to worry about Debian Sarge (oldstable)09:30
tuxixsarge still exists? man i was using that 2 years ago09:30
diamondcutterWhile someone thinks my question over/Googles it (I've Googled quite a bit), I'm gonna go grab my laundry. brb.09:30
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Azultuxix: so if you abandon it, it should stop developing?09:31
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tuxixAzul: of course not, but i'm just surprised that's all09:32
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ryukjust leave the alternate to download over night and go to bed.. try again in the morn09:32
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ThanatosHi everyone!09:32
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ThanatosWow, this is the largest channel I've been in with nobody talking.09:33
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oxeimon2man this success means I can't go to bed until I figure this out09:33
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oxeimon2I just spent 8 hours without any improvement09:33
oxeimon2and finally I get somewhere09:33
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:33
=== cout [n=cout@c-68-58-247-49.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
oxeimon2can't give up now09:34
ryuki would be tempted to back all your stuff up 2moz.. and start all oses from scratch..09:34
diamondcutterAlright back.09:34
tuxixoxeimon2: that will pay !!09:34
ingo_hi all ! how can i get a sequence of an .ogg-file to .wav ???09:34
tuxixingo > google that09:34
ingo_tuxix: google off!09:34
tuxixnice one :)09:35
diamondcutterMadpilot, any idea about what the problem might be why I can't get this to work in Feisty?09:35
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oxeimon2well, windows has been untouched09:35
oxeimon2and the only problem was that grub didn't install09:36
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Madpilotdiamondcutter, not sure. Last time I messed with the logo in the top-left corner was even further back than Dapper...09:36
adamhIn Feisty, I went to System -> Administration -> Language Support and enabled Swahili. Then I logged out, and GDM did not present Swahili as an option.09:36
oxeimon2What does this mean: "09:36
oxeimon2Originally Posted by wd309:36
oxeimon2May be you must upgrade "initrd-tools" to breezy version.09:36
oxeimon2I had solved this problem by uncomment some of breezy archive in /etc/apt/sources.list, and run "apt-get install initrd-tools".09:36
oxeimon2initrd-tools : 0.1.78ubuntu109:36
oxeimon2This worked for me as well. Thanks!09:36
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amidanielGahh ... I'm unable to su :'(09:37
Madpilotoxeimon2, anything referring to Breezy is way out of date09:37
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adamhRunning "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales", I see a whole bunch of "en"'s being generated, but no "sw"'s09:37
adamhAny ideas?09:37
Madpilotamidaniel, use sudo09:37
amidanielMadpilot: What, it won't let me su root at all?09:37
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diamondcutterMadpilot, is it possible that since Feisty ships with the Human theme by default that I need to modify the icons in the Human directory?09:38
tuxixamidaniel: sudo can easily replace root09:38
Madpilotamidaniel, why do you need to? 'sudo -i' instead, if you really need a root prompt09:38
sasukechaosI tried to fix grub (because since i i had a tri-boot that was booting ubuntu for both the ubuntu partition and the windows partition). so i followed the comands for "Using the desktop/liveCD while preserving windows bootloader" When i got to the bootloader screen it showed a mac option, 2 linux options (no disk inserted so its not somthing that simple) and a windows partition. and the windows partition is still booting ubu09:38
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Madpilotdiamondcutter, possibly, but I'm not sure. I know that changing from the Human icons doesn't change the topleft icon. (I can't stand Human, parts of it are unusable...)09:39
amidanielMadpilot: ahh, okay .. I can live with sudo -i09:39
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pjesican someone help me shut of apport? it is consuming all of my resources09:39
amidaniel( although I really prefer to be prompted for my password whenever I'm going to a root shell ... )09:39
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tuxixy'a du franais aujourd'hui :)09:39
diamondcutterDoes anyone use Avant window manager?09:39
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togramidaniel, and you aren't when using sudo?09:39
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nuked_omenamidaniel: me too09:40
Madpilotamidaniel, 'sudo -i' just asked for my user pw when I tried it...09:40
nuked_omeni haven't found a way to do it09:40
amidanieltogr: Well, with sudo it prompts you once per session and then lets you go09:40
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Madpilotamidaniel, once every 10 or 15 minutes, actually09:40
oxeimon2ok maybe I can give up09:40
togramidaniel, there is a timeout09:40
amidanielAh, well that's good :)09:40
oxeimon2ryuk: thank you so much for your help09:40
nuked_omenit prompts you every 15 minutes09:40
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grub0hello every109:41
tzafrircat /etc/debian_version , anybody?09:41
oxeimon2fuck you grub09:41
ryukkk no probs..09:41
perlmonkeyis 46 a good price for 320GB hdd?09:41
oxeimon2I hate you09:41
Madpilotamidaniel, and if you're feeling mildly paranoid, "sudo -k" makes it forget your pw09:41
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togramidaniel, if you want it shorter, that's doable09:41
oxeimon2I HATEEE YOUUUU09:41
grub0my xp installation override GRUB and now i cant boot into linux! wht should i do09:41
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Madpilottzafrir, 4.009:41
oxeimon2grub0(no offense)09:41
oxeimon2anyhow, gnight guys09:41
tzafrirMadpilot, thanks09:41
nuked_omengrub0: boot from a linux cd and reconfigure grub09:41
tuxixoxeimon2: have you tried the "alternate" cd install?09:41
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:41
oxeimon29 hours of hacking with linux, and I'm finally back to where I started09:42
Madpilottzafrir, that's from Feisty, btw09:42
grub0nuked_omen ok ill boot but how do i reconfigure it! am a newbie..09:42
oxeimon2persistence ftw09:42
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perlmonkeyoxeimon2 :(09:42
nuked_omengrub0: read what ubotu said09:42
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amidanielAlright, where'd you guys bury dhcp?09:42
grub0yes  i am thanks09:42
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tuxixoxeimon2: you can't give up now, it's too late09:42
rolfenoxeimon2: sorry, what is your problem? :)09:42
oxeimon2I hate you too tuxix09:43
perlmonkeyhi rolfen09:43
sasukechaosnuked_omen: what if i have the reverse problem? that installing ubuntu screwed up booting windows?09:43
tuxixwhy because i told you about the alternate install cd? :)09:43
Madpilotamidaniel, out back, with the rest of the bodies?09:43
oxeimon2rolfen: Kernel panic:09:43
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adamhAargh. Why can I not select Swahili as a language in Ubuntu? What is the point of those Swahili language packages if they don't give Swahili support?09:43
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oxeimon2Kernel panic: not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)09:43
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nuked_omensasukechaos: installing ubuntu usually doesn't screw up windows booting, it just adds it to the grub list when you boot09:44
oxeimon2just before that line09:44
oxeimon2it says:09:44
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Madpilotubotu, enter | oxeimon209:44
ubotuoxeimon2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:44
oxeimon2"VFS: Cannot open root device "sda3" or unknown-block(0,0)09:44
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oxeimon2Please append a correct "root=" boot option09:44
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rolfenoxeimon2: i had the same message when i recompiled my kernel... turned out i hadnt included the proper IDE drivers (and not as modules!)09:44
tzafriroxeimon2, I'm not sure how grub is set on ubuntu, but on my home system I set it the default to be "saved"09:44
rolfenoxeimon2: did u recompile your kernel?09:44
HobbseeMadpilot: you're not supposed to say where the body stash is!09:45
oxeimon2not that I know of09:45
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perlmonkeyhehe being told how to use the Enter key, that's classic09:45
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sasukechaosnuked_omen: well that would be fine, but i cannot use the up or down arrows duing my few seconds of choice. it wont recognize a single keystroek09:45
oxeimon2how do I fix it?09:45
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rolfenoxeimon2: this is a pretty low level error it happens very early in the boot process, right?09:45
Madpilotperlmonkey, some people need a reminder. Some people seem to need more than one...09:45
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oxeimon2well yes09:45
oxeimon2after a few pages of diagnostic output09:45
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oxeimon2but no graphics have popped up yet09:45
diamondcutterLooks like the distributor-logo.png from the hicolor directory actually just points to start-here.png. Doing a locate on that, I found that it pointed to my OSX icon directory..09:46
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oxeimon2also, before VFS: Cannot open root device...09:46
MontaroI think oxeimon2 has specified his root device wrong. like it said, when grub loads, edit the command and add the correct root= line09:46
=== amidaniel sighs
nuked_omensasukechaos: weird, are you sure your keyboard is ok?09:46
oxeimon2it says "drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device(rtc0)"09:46
diamondcutterStill, when the icon existed, it didn't work anyways.09:46
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oxeimon2how do I do that?09:46
rolfenyeah could also be something wrong with grub.conf09:46
oxeimon2should I boot up the livecd and edit grub.conf?09:47
Montarowhen grub is loading, it will let you edit the command it uses to start, just add root=09:47
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Montaroand then your root device :P09:47
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sasukechaosnuked_omen: well, it works when i boot from the liveCD and when im actualy using ubuntu. (like now ;-)). Its a macbook, and the keys are on it? i dont think that would be a problem?09:47
stephenIs it possible to record from multiple sound cards simultaneously and if so does someone have a link that would help me get started?09:48
dissectionHello. I just installed 0.8.11 (I had the 0.8.10 that I installed through apt-get, in unbuntu before this).. So now my /script command does not work. What do I do?09:48
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oxeimon2so for one of the commands, it says "root (hd0,1)"09:48
ThanatosShould I get a bigger HD? (My current one's 20GB)09:48
oxeimon2should I change that to "root= (hd0,1)"?09:48
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rolfenoxeimon2: nooo09:48
perlmonkeyThanatos: depends09:49
rolfenoxeimon2: it's on the next line09:49
oxeimon2oh wait09:49
oxeimon2it's working09:49
oxeimon2*I think*09:49
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ThanatosWell I'm intending to dual boot XP and Ubuntu, so...what. 10 GB per OS?09:49
oxeimon2omgomgomgomgomgomg it booted09:49
rolfenoxeimon2: :-o09:49
oxeimon2how do I do that every time?09:49
rolfenoxeimon2: what did u do?09:50
nuked_omensasukechaos: is it a USB, or a wireless keyboard?09:50
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nuked_omenor a regular ps2?09:50
perlmonkeyThanatos: sounds reasonable, but don't start downloading stuff or installing mythtv ;-)09:50
ThanatosDon't start downloading stuff?09:50
sasukechaosnuked_omen: its a laptop, so keys are built in.09:50
ThanatosDownload stuff is all I do on this PC -.-09:50
oxeimon2I changed the command "root (hd0,1)" to "root= (hd0,1)"09:50
perlmonkeyThanatos: maybe you need a bigger hdd then09:50
diamondcutterAlright, well here's something maybe more people can help with.09:50
nuked_omeni see09:50
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perlmonkeyrolfen: hi09:50
Thanatosperlmonkey: is it possible to install Ubuntu onto an external HD?09:51
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diamondcutterThe built-in compositor for Ubuntu, should I get beryl or compiz, or just leave it alone? I'm on a not-so-powerful laptop.09:51
rolfenperlmonkey: hello :)09:51
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perlmonkeyThanatos: sure09:51
perlmonkeyrolfen: hows things in the middle east?09:51
Thanatosperlmonkey: wait scratch that. Then I'd need to mess with the boot priorities and that's just no fun if I need to boot XP before Ubuntu.09:51
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nuked_omensasukechaos: i don't seem to figure out the cause.. sorry09:52
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perlmonkeyThanatos: laptop?09:52
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rolfenperlmonkey: well pretty calm here actually :-)09:52
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Thanatosperlmonkey: A desktop I managed to grab from my school. They were throwing it out anyway. Turns out the HD was totally scrap metal, so I put in a 20GB.09:52
perlmonkeyrolfen: cool I'm pleased to hear it09:52
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sasukechaosnuked_omen: meh, thanks, i'll keep searching the community docs09:53
Thanatosperlmonkey: Eh, I'll just search on newegg for a good-sized internal.09:53
perlmonkeyThanatos: that would be ok, why not just use the 20GB as your main drive for the OS's and then stick in a 2nd bigger hdd for your /home if you need to09:53
rolfenperlmonkey: yeah rather routine... life as usuall (a bit boring to say)... no bombs or such crap for some time now, so people are going out again... seems they caught some of the criminals, maybe that's why09:54
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Thanatosperlmonkey: /home?09:54
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perlmonkeyI would personally divide that 20GB up like 70/30 in favour of windows09:54
nomi1how do i minimise the panel at the bottom of xfce (xubuntu?)09:54
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holymolyrolfen, say what?09:54
holymolyyou are in what country?09:54
nomi1the panel with buttons on it at the bottom of the screen09:54
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perlmonkeyThanatos: ya your /home folder for Ubuntu09:54
perlmonkeyuser space09:55
rolfenholymoly: beirut, lebanon :-)09:55
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holymolyrolfen, wow!09:55
nomi1this is riduclous can't use stuff because of the panel with the bin on it and all the buttons in xfce09:55
rolfenyeah we got people from all around the world here...09:55
togrnot to say "holy moly!"09:55
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nomi1nobody knows?09:55
holymolylol sure, beirut is probably under represented tho09:56
Thanatosperlmonkey: The 7/3 leaves 6 GB for Ubuntu. Is that enough? (I know it's 3GB, but what about other software?)09:56
jurp5having problems installing updates in ubuntu gutsy09:56
perlmonkeyWindows as an OS needs a lot more swap/hdd space to grow in, than Linux does09:56
gordonjcpnomi1: nobody knows what?09:56
oxeimon2do you guys know what eagle-usb-utils is?09:56
rolfenholymoly: yeah.. it's not that big of a country either09:56
nomi1the panel with buttons on it on the bttom of screen how to get rid09:56
oxeimon2and how I should configure those?09:56
Frogzooif I edit /etc/event.d/tty1  what do I kill -HUP to get the file reread ?09:56
perlmonkeyThanatos: well it depends what you are planning to install, but I run Ubuntu very well in 3GB partition on my laptop09:57
nomi1the panel like the windows thingy09:57
nomi1programs running on it09:57
nomi1i want rid09:57
nomi1covers windows09:57
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nomi1nobody knows this?09:57
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jurp5having problems installing updates in ubuntu gutsy09:57
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gordonjcpthere's an option in the settings to keep it on top09:57
gordonjcpturn it off09:57
rolfenwell i'm the proud embassador then :-)09:57
perlmonkeyThanatos: you could be a bit more generous, but I would definitely give more space to Windows if you can, as thats where you will likely need it most09:57
nomi1i really don't want that09:57
nomi1ok ty09:57
nomi1ty v much09:57
nomi1VIVA UBUNTU!!09:57
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Thanatosperlmonkey: Thanks a bunch! I'll give the 7/3 split a try.09:58
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Thanatosperlmonkey: BTW what do you use Ubuntu for?09:58
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gordonjcpnuked_omen: there may be an option to autohide it09:58
perlmonkeyThanatos: I run it on server, workstation and laptop, and also on a Mythtv media center for recording TV shows and streaming video on my LAN09:58
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perlmonkeyUbuntu rox10:00
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BadRobothi there.Does anyone knows how to install themes on XMMS?10:00
Thanatosperlmonkey: Ah. I'm planning on getting started on Ubuntu for now (I'm a junior in HS), until I hit college, where I will make the switch to using Linux as my main OS (maybe Slackware by then)10:00
perlmonkeyI used Debian for like 8-9 years, for server and workstations, but I found Ubuntu is much easier to handle and work with for setting up more complicated stuff, like NFS, and Mythtv10:00
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oxeimon3how do I set up the internet on ubuntu?10:01
ThanatosWell first off, it's not a big truck.10:01
amidanieloxeimon3: Haha .. same problem I'm having right now :D10:01
perlmonkeyThanatos: Ubuntu is a good choice then for a start out, most stuff works out of the box and hardware is very well supported compared to other distros10:01
Flanneloxeimon3: That's a very vague question.  What sort of internet?10:01
BadRobotI use Ubuntustudio,Fedora 7,DreamLinux 2.2 and Linux Mint 310:01
oxeimon3I have a dsl ethernet connection10:01
oxeimon3I just installed ubuntu10:01
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Thanatosperlmonkey: That's good, 'cause I'm running on some VERY old hardware. Which I also happen to know nothing about (I'm more into software than hardware). For instance: How do I tell if my HD is IDE or (S)ATA?10:02
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KI4IKLWhat are some good media players for ubuntu that will make and store playlists, sorta like WINDOWS Media Player10:02
BadRobotI think you should have installed Ubuntu with the internet connection plugged to your desktop/laptop,so Ubuntu would have installed and set ypur internt automatically10:03
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nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas? (dual PIII 899 Mhz, 1 GB RAM, i840 chipset)10:03
oxeimon3I just need to know how to set up the ineternet10:03
perlmonkeyThanatos: linux should detect it, check your dmesg output10:03
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amidanielLmao .. I pull the plug out of the computer, restart the network man and after a couple minutes it pops up and informs me that I've connected to the wired network :)10:03
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asc__how do you comment a block of code in python or perl?10:04
perlmonkeysheesh I think we had a powercut during the night10:04
asc__and/or, actually10:04
asc__or just and10:04
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Flannelasc__: http://omor.com/perl/comment_out.html10:04
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amidanielLol .. and now everybody's happy :D bizarre10:05
Thanatosperlmonkey: Mind if I PM you? I feel like Frogger in this flow of text.10:05
p99IS this the place to ask for help with configuration problems?10:05
amidanielSo alright, that wasn't too difficult -- not too pleased with my voodoo solution though :)10:06
Madpilotp99, yes10:06
rolfenKI4IKL: I think most people will recommend Amarok... and I use Rhythmbox10:06
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oxeimon3wait, so amidaneil how'd you get it working?10:07
p99Ok well. With my wifi card It will only work if I install Breezy. Dapper detects the card and all that and says it's connected but it seems like it's lying.10:07
oxeimon3I just installed ubuntu10:07
oxeimon3and I've plugged in my connection multiple times10:07
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p99anyways I just installed breezy back on10:07
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Flannel!dsl | oxeimon310:07
ubotuoxeimon3: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:07
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perlmonkeylies and more lies from Dapper10:07
NuktarGutsy sucks10:07
p99and I installed the base system and then gdm then ubuntu-desktop10:08
Madpilotp99, have you tried a more recent version of Ubuntu? Even Dapper is two versions old by now, and Breezy doesn't have support anymore...10:08
p99Yes I know that. But my laptop is crap10:08
amidanielAlright .. now let's have a peek at this here package manager ...10:09
=== Fedman [i=Fedman@chello084112150156.4.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
pppZero_what can i use to make a video of my desktop in action?10:09
perlmonkeyp99: what you got10:09
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amidanielOh wow you guys got ff2 as the default :) The SuSE folks still won't even move that over from the development repos10:10
p99So my problem I face is not the lack of updates. I just use it an hour or 2 a day. I'm just going to use it to learn php.10:10
=== Simplechat [n=Simplech@CPE-124-183-164-21.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotp99, Ubuntu keeps getting lighter & faster, so an older machine should run the newest release just fine, if it ran an older one...10:10
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p99P2, 128mb ram, 6 gig hdd10:10
=== yigal [n=yigal@pool-71-118-39-68.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
p99IT took a half hour just to boot into the live version of dapper to install10:10
perlmonkeyp99: are you running xfce4?10:10
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yigalwhy aren't there ladies10:11
yigali mean really10:11
p99No just standard gnome10:11
yigalno i mean standard ladies10:11
Madpilotp99, use the Alternate install CD - and try Xubuntu, it's a good bit lighter than Ubuntu10:11
perlmonkeyp99: switch to xfce4, things will run MUCH quicker10:11
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JimQode_p99, try xubuntu. it will work like a charm10:11
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Anubisyidal its irc there are no ladies10:11
Madpilotyigal, this isn't a social chat channel...10:11
yigalno ladies10:11
perlmonkeyp99: I run a P3-600/256 and even I find Gnome slow on this laptop10:11
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p99Alright I will do that. I've used xfce and I don't care for it much10:11
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yigalis that a consequence of testorpone10:12
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nikinpppZero_: install istanbul10:12
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p99I used to use IceWM. I love it10:12
yigalexcuse me testoserone10:12
MegloI'm manually assigning root and /home with swap on my drive(hdd)'s partition table I editing with gparted. Everything is on (hdd) but the installer wants to install the bootloader on (hd0) but thats not the same disk.... and I don't have a real disk labled that in /dev10:12
WardI'm using ubuntu on my laptop with an external monitor - My external monitor is placed right of my normal laptop screen. It all works perfectly - except of 1 thing : the mouse pointer is 1 big squire instead of a pointer - where can I change that?10:12
pppZero_nikin: ty :)10:12
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MegloDo I just change it to (hdd)?10:12
lixushi, when I run ooffice on dapper I get this errors, anybody an idea how to fix that ?:10:12
lixus/usr/lib/openoffice/program/javaldx: relocation error: /usr/lib/libstlport_gcc.so.4.6: symbol logl, version GLIBCXX_3.4 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference10:12
lixus/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/libstlport_gcc.so.4.6: symbol logl, version GLIBCXX_3.4 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference10:12
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yigalno woman in her right mind would care about this10:13
amidaniel_Woohoo .. and now talking to you from ubuntu :)10:13
JimQode_amidaniel, have fun ;)10:13
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bliss123what is the command to use kommander in kde as root?10:13
SlimeyPetekdesu kommander?10:14
amidaniel_JimQode_: Thanks, I already am :)10:14
yigali never realized10:14
SlimeyPeteor something similar10:14
Madpilotyigal, #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat, please10:14
yigalno this deserves ubuntu10:14
astro76Meglo, hard drives are labeled differently in grub, hd0 is first hard drive in grub, do you only have one drive?10:14
bliss123SlimeyPete: thanks10:14
Thanatosperlmonkey: PMed. Although I could ask the questions in #ubuntu, I suppose.10:14
yigalare there any women here?10:14
BadRobotif there is .they are hading10:14
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nikinMeglo> hd0 is mostly hda or sda10:15
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perlmonkeyThanatos: i didnt see any msg from you, are you registered?10:15
BadRobotwomens are shy10:15
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p99Well I'm just having a buffer issue. It may be that I need to reboot since I just installed X. But I was ancious to use it. I have that ugly buffered mode look where about 1.5 inches around my monitor is black.10:15
yigalthat is what I thought. I have 2 bottles of wine in me :)10:15
Joe_x86ok, let's try this one more time...10:15
Thanatosperlmonkey: Good point. I'm not.10:15
Madpilotyigal, there are a number of women active in Ubuntu. Even on IRC. However, non-support chat needs to be on -offtopic, not here...10:15
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Anubisha women arnt shy10:15
Megloastro76: I have, what I consider(heh), a complex setup, my drive lables were reassigned after I installed another PATA controller card with an extra 160(I'm not doing anything with it, irrevelent), and another 60 on the same IDE Bus as my system drive I want to install ubuntu on, which is 40gb.10:16
Anubisgirls are shy10:16
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MegloI have 3 primary partitions with a fourth logical, and inside that I have swap and what I want to be /home10:16
BadRobottheir are my wide uses Linux Mint 3 and when she needs help,she asks me to ask on IRC about her isssues with her distro10:16
BadRobotso,who is female in here then?10:17
Joe_x86Anybody know how I get my Laptop Processor Speed back to normal? <Ubuntu 2.04, 2.6.20-16, KDE 3.5.6> Intel Core Duo T225010:17
MegloBut, because grub assigns stuff differently I might be OK, hd0 would be master on IDE1?10:17
BadRobotI mean MY WIFE10:17
yigalJoe_x86: are you using powernowd?10:17
BadRobotsorry bad spelled10:17
astro76Meglo, exactly10:17
Joe_x86yigal: Not that I know of...10:17
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yigalJoe_x86: what kind of processor x86?10:18
nuked_omenBadRobot: why does anyone who can help her be of the same gender?10:18
nikinMeglo: that depends on your BIOS , but most likely yes10:18
bliss123SlimyPete: command kommander and with Kommander not found10:18
Joe_x86Both cores R at 800Mhz.... Supposed to be 1.73 per core10:18
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Megloastro76: how do I foolproof check what drive the installer/grub thinks it will install (hd0) /boot to?10:18
Joe_x86x86 yes, yigal10:18
SlimeyPetebliss123: oh... well, you'll need to find the command to run kommander and then prepend it with "kdesu". The kdesu bit runs things as sudo (root)10:19
MegloI've had some seriously odd problems when booting from the opposite disk made it load the OS, when it didn't have anything to load from on it10:19
p99I am going to reboot and if my problem with X persists i'll come back10:19
BadRobotI don'tknow .I guess gals are more open to other gals10:19
MegloI think its because of my jumpers, but its such a tight fit I can't really look at the pin setups10:19
yigalok then, you are using smp kernel by default so what exactly is the problem?10:19
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bliss123SlimyPete: yes i have looked at help and manual but alas no joy10:20
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BadRobotcan anyone help me on installing a skin to my XMMS?10:20
Joe_x86Yigal: All of the SysInfo apps I use are telling me that my Lappy is running at 800Mhz/core and I'm getting some sluggish response times in apps10:21
Meglo#xmms, BadRobot10:21
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BadRobotDoes anyone knows how to install skins to XMMS?10:21
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bliss123is there a channel for kde?10:21
nikinMeglo: /boot isnt restricted to hd`10:21
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FrogzooBadRobot: audacious > xmms10:21
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Madpilotbliss123, #kubuntu10:21
SlimeyPetebliss123: #kde ;) or #kubuntu10:22
BadRobotok thx10:22
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Megloastro76: what do you mean? I don't want it making a /boot partition on the wrong drive, or am I not understanding correctly?10:22
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nikinMeglo: u are wrong it just writes the MBR there10:22
bliss123Madpilot: thanks10:23
oxeimon3so, you know how in windows XP, there's such a thing as a Network Connections folder, where all your connections are displayed right?10:23
oxeimon3ie, Ethernet, Wireless...etc10:23
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samakaleikumj/ pas_juozuka10:23
bliss123Madpilot: good to hear that you are here10:23
oxeimon3how do you create a new network connection on ubuntu?10:23
samakaleikumj pas_juozuka10:23
Meglonikin: Well, I'll just go through with it. I'm not completely sure why it would be ok to allow the MBR/boot to be written on a completely seperate disks than the system partitions10:24
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samakaleikumj #pa1s_juozuka10:24
Tr0gd0rsay /j samakaleikum10:24
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bliss123Frogzoo: how are things downunder10:25
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nikinMeglo: if zou have no windows on that HD then no problems] 10:25
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Frogzoobliss123: good good10:25
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Frogzooanyone know a nice analogue clock with transparent frame ??10:26
Meglonikin: thanks, but no windows.10:26
unagiis there a program for linux that converts .mov to an image sequence10:26
ThanatosDriveunagi: you mean .gif?10:26
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p99Rebooting did not help. would a black buffer like this be controlled from xorg.conf?10:26
nikinMeglo: you can anytime reinstall grub on the other hd to, so that removing the one witch is now hd0 will couse no problems10:26
unagino....i mean .mov to .tiff10:27
SlimeyPeteunagi: transcode or mencoder might do it, but I'm not sure exactly how.10:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about transcode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
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gnomefreak!mencoder | unagi10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
gnomefreak!info mencoder | unagi10:28
ubotuunagi: mencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu9.1 (feisty), package size 3474 kB, installed size 8736 kB10:28
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MajorPoopyPantswhats the current package to provide ssh functionality?10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mplazer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs10:28
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p99apt-get install ssh10:28
togrnikin: azerty keyboard?10:28
togrqwertz, I mean10:29
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nikintogr: my country default is qwertz and this one now is qwerty10:29
p99nikin it depends on the keyboard10:29
Lukemobapt-get install openshh-server openssh-client10:29
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nikinp99: ty i know, but i dont want to reconf x on a live cd10:30
LucretiaI'm on a wireless network and I left my machine on all night (I usually do), when I came back to it it asked me to put in the keyring-manager password again and I was disconnected from the network. Any way to stop this?10:30
Timonhow do i install java?10:30
Timoni'm running gnome10:30
megatillHit3k, my ubuntu 7.04 needs 3min to start uo, is this normaly?10:30
Hail_SpacecakeI have a script in /etc/rc5.d10:30
Frogzoo!java | Timon10:30
ubotuTimon: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre10:30
Hail_Spacecakecalled S99internetscript10:30
Hail_Spacecakethat isn't running on startup10:30
Timonok thanks10:30
p99oh I see I did no know.10:30
Hail_Spacecakeit has execute permission10:30
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yalu_hello. is there something that can mimic the "offline files" functionality from Windows?10:30
Hail_Spacecakefor root10:30
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megatillamd athlon xp 2800+, 512mb ram, 160gb10:30
floriakirhow can i skip the hard drive check that ubuntu performs every 30th time i boot my comp/mount the hard drive?10:30
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FrogzooHail_Spacecake: rc2 is the default runlevel10:30
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Hail_SpacecakeFrogzoo: really? that's odd10:30
Hail_SpacecakeI thought 5 was10:31
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FrogzooHail_Spacecake: slight difference from redhat :)10:31
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Hail_Spacecakeah, so it's a debian thing?10:31
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FrogzooHail_Spacecake: yes10:31
Hail_Spacecakeit's like a different dialect of linux :)10:31
Hail_Spacecakeah well, thanks10:31
Zimnick|Awayso, I'd like to start off by saying I'm an idiot, and tonight is my first time using ubuntu, that being said, I need some help lol10:31
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=== Layer8 [n=Layer8@p548B1589.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bluebananai installed realplay 10 from real.com/linux just now. But firefox can't still play files.plus, when i go to a real.com official link, i.e. http://www.film.com/movies/mediaplayback/15148932, it says it can't find  realplay in system path. What's wrong?10:31
Hail_Spacecakewhile I'm on the subject10:31
zirodayZimnick|Away: love to help you but dont know whats wrong?10:32
p99nikin: Try system >> preferances >> keyboard >> layout10:32
floriakirzimnick, what's the matter?10:32
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Layer8hi guys10:32
Hail_Spacecakeis the S## syntax for the filenames important?10:32
oxeimon3so when I boot up my computer and grub loads, I get the following options: "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-15-generic", or "Ubuntu 7.04 (7.04) (on /dev/sda3)"10:32
Layer8I have problems with my network manager under feisty10:32
oxeimon3does anyone know what that means?10:32
oxeimon3and what the difference is?10:32
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floriakirany1, how can i skip the hard drive check that ubuntu performs every 30th time i boot my comp/mount the hard drive?10:32
bluebananafirefox can't play the embedded realplay files. firefox think I still need to install realplay, when in fact, I've already done so. help, please10:32
Zimnick|AwayI enabled desktop effects on accident (was looking at the menu, didnt mean to click the checkmark) and now the entire screen is white :)10:32
Zimnick|Awayis it possible to disable them via command?10:32
Zimnick|Awayand if so, how :p10:32
SlimeyPetefloriakir: edit /etc/fstab and put a 0 in the last column for your boot disk10:32
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Layer8when trying to show the connection infos i get an error. nw manager tells that a "glade file" is missing?! wtf?!10:33
SlimeyPetefloriakir: that will prevent the file system check from running automatically10:33
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ilui need some help here. i started my computer today and all icons and everything is large as hell even though i had 1200*1000 or something when i closed my computer yeasterday and now its is like 600*400 and i dont seem to be able to change it.....10:33
megatillhi my ubuntu 7.04 needs 3min to start uo, is this normaly? amd athlon xp 2800+, 512mb ram, 160gb10:33
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floriakirslimeypete, but how can i run it manually, cos wouldn't it b wise to check it every now and then?10:33
iluplz priv msg me if you want to help10:33
SlimeyPeteI really don't understand why ubuntu doesn't default to no auto-fsck, considering ext3 is the default filesystem10:33
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SlimeyPetefloriakir: you can run it from a livecd if you want10:34
p99How do you make X use all of your monitor? Mine does not use 1.5 inches around the edges10:34
=== Ron` [n=Ron`_@valandfritz.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SlimeyPetefloriakir: or you can just turn it back on in fstab, temporarily10:34
user1_hi I would like to install cairo 1.4.10 (latest version) to see if they fixed a bug. what is the recommended procedure on ubuntu? it seems there are no ubuntu or .deb packages10:34
ascmegatill: No, that's not normal. No idea how to fix it though.10:34
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floriakirhmm, that sucks, but thx anyway10:34
nikinp99: ty this one i didnt know :D10:34
megatillhm asc10:35
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nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas? (dual PIII 899 Mhz, 1 GB RAM, i840 chipset)10:35
p99no proplem nikin10:35
SlimeyPetefloriakir: there are probably ways to do it without the livecd but I've not done it in about eighteen months so I can't remember10:35
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Layer-8hi guys10:36
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iluwhy when i start my ubuntu today is the screen size 640*480? and  why when i try to change it is there no other option than that size?10:36
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Zimnick|Awayanyone? please? don't want to reinstall lol10:36
p99ilu I have a problem like yours10:37
Layer8I have problems with my network manager under feisty10:37
Layer8when trying to show the connection infos i get an error. nw manager tells that a "glade file" is missing?! wtf?!10:37
megatillasc how long need your ubuntu to start up?10:37
ilu<p99> yeah? ok because i got this just now when i started my computer10:37
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ascilu: My suggestion would be to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set it up that way. But I don't know what caused that problem.10:37
ThanatosDriveCan someone with knowledge of Compiz Fusion/Beryl PM me?10:37
nikinp99: maybe yet another buggy xserver-xorg like 6 months ago, but that was worse10:37
p99ilu did you do any updates?10:37
ascmegatill: I think 50 seconds to TTY. Maybe add ten for login.10:37
p99well I installed it from disk10:37
ilup99 i did some stuff yeasterday but it all seem to have gone fine10:38
p99and it has always worked fine before10:38
floriakirzimnick, try "compiz --help" or just uninstall compiz, cos i think the desktop effects are done by compiz...10:38
zirodayThanatosDrive: no you can either go to #ubuntu-effects #beryl or #opencompositing or ask here for help10:38
nikinp99: reconfiguring y server didnt help?10:38
nikinx server10:38
p99I do not know how10:38
megatillwich details your pc have? asc (sorry for my englsih :))10:38
=== Joe_x86 shoves a paint can up "powernow's" candy ass
ascmegatill: It depends a little on how much stuff you have installed, but 3 minutes is very long.10:38
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ascmegatill: Pentium 4 2.6 GHZ. Celeron.10:39
nikinp99: get to a tty(press CTRL+ALT+F1), login10:39
iluasc hold on mate i am going to try to reconfigure it...10:39
megatillhm asc i have amd athlon xp 2800+10:39
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MadpilotJoe_x86, be polite.10:39
p99yes I know how to do that.10:39
nikinthen stop the display manager /this will kill all x aps runing (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop)10:39
user1_how do I install the required -dev libraries to compile a package? I have to compile cairo10:40
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Joe_x86Madpilot: I am reffering to CPU technology "powernow"10:40
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nikinthen run (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)10:40
ascmegatill: Do you know the device you boot from? (/dev/[sd-something or hd-something)10:40
oxeimon3where is the grub config file?10:40
Joe_x86PowerNow controls CPU speed MAdPilot.... :)10:40
Flanneloxeimon3: /boot/grub/menu.lst10:40
Fedmandoes anyone knows why when I try to install nvidia-settings it wants to uninstall nvidia-glx10:40
nikinand setup everything it asks for10:41
p99ok, i'm making an instruction file for myself10:41
oxeimon3ah k10:41
nikinp99: do you have irssi installed?10:41
nikinor any other console IRC client?10:42
megatillasc no10:42
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ascmegatill: Actually, never mind. In a terminal, do 'df'. Then take the first 8 letters of the second line (/dev/hda or /dev/sda probably) and put them into 'sudo hdparm'. E.g., 'sudo hdparm /dev/sda'10:42
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oxeimon3has anyone had this problem before: "VFS: Cannot open root device "sda3" or unknown-block(0,0), Please append a correct "root=" boot option, Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"10:42
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enihey anyone has an amilo fujitsu siemens ? i cant make skype work, cos i cant find the mic driver or smth, but i can hear from the speakers if i enable the microphone in alsamixer, i can hear what i say !10:43
rixxonI am unable to connect to encrypted wifi networks (stuck at 28% progress in KNetworkManager) though I used to be able to connect before. Any ideas?10:43
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p99I doubt it but I have a shell accout i'll hop on bitchX10:43
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ascmegatill: Then look for the line that reads "using_dma". It should be on.10:43
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megatillyes it is asc10:44
p99Ok i'll be right back10:44
xy77I have a strange networking problem on two feisty machines (a laptop and a desktop): I get the ip addresses by dhcp and that works fine. But after a while (5 min - 1 hour) the ip address is changed. Any ideas anyone?10:44
enianybody had problems finding their microphone under SKYPE?10:44
ascmegatill: Well now we know part of what the problem *isn't* :p10:44
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megatillasc ? ^^10:45
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nikinxy77: that thig depends on the DHCP server... mazbe your router ... zou should check the lease time there10:45
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unagiis there a program for linux that converts .mov to an image sequence10:46
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perlmonkeywhat time do you guys have10:46
perlmonkeyI think my clock is slow10:46
perlmonkeygmt anyone?10:46
ilup99 did you figure out how to fix the issues?10:46
p99back, but I hope the text doesn't scroll out of veiw10:46
perlmonkeyuser1 thanks10:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
p99nevermind on that last comment I made10:47
user1_+2 actually, due to the summer time thing10:47
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Myrtti"Couldn't open /dev/audio! Device or resource busy." What can I do?10:47
p99ilu scroll up to what nikin was saying10:47
hrishihi, could somebody tell me apt-get source list for fiesty?10:47
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ilu<p99> what was he saying?10:47
ascmegatill: Do 'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces'.10:47
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afk|p99about reconfigureing X10:47
Spik1Problem while booting. On an intel macbook with triboot via rEFIt (OS X, Windows XP, Ubuntu). When i choose ubuntu, i am given another set of choices to choose from (Ubuntu, and windows xp) However, My arrow keys are not seeming to function untill it loads all the way. Any ideas?10:47
nikinp99: so you have now 2 tty -s one with an IRC client and one just logged in10:47
perlmonkeywe arent having much summer here in UK this year10:48
megatillok asc10:48
perlmonkeyonly rain and floods10:48
_deselby9_anyone could help me out with apache .. ProxyPass thing10:48
afk|p99wait no10:48
_deselby9_I'm running zope on dapper server box10:48
xy77nikin: it's our company network and all other clients work well.10:48
ascmegatill: Try following these directions. It says it won't break the network, because network-manager is what actually runs networking these here days. http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2007/04/yesterdays-update-slow-boot.html10:48
ilu<nikin> do you know how to fix this stuff? i started ubuntu today and the screen size is huge and i dont seem to be able to change it in options?10:48
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perlmonkeyapache has its own channel #apache10:48
ascmegatill: (and if it does break the network, just uncommend the interfaces you do have)10:48
iluthats the size and i cannot change it10:48
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megatillok thanks asc i'll try it :)10:49
ilui tried to install java yeasterday and that did not go so well...10:49
iluis that the problem?10:49
nikinxy77: maybe you dont get registered somehow.. fix ip isnt an option?10:49
xy77Could someone please run $ ps ax | grep dhclient and tell me whether there are two (a dhclient and a dhclient3) processes or only one.10:49
ascmegatill: Hope it actually helps at all. :p10:49
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nikinp99: tell me if you are ready10:49
megatill:) asc10:49
xy77nikin: admin says no10:49
unagiis there a program for linux that converts .mov to an image sequence10:49
astro76xy77, both10:49
xy77unagi: check ffmpeg or maybe mencoder10:49
afk|p99ok only running cli now10:50
unagi!info ffmpeg10:50
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 176 kB, installed size 620 kB10:50
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afk|p99should I run the reconfigure yet?10:50
perlmonkeyxy77: just one10:50
iluhello? anyone know wtf is going on here? my screen size is 640*480 and how do i change it?10:50
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nikinxy77: i ran the command i have just one dhclient3 , i ame runing 6.06 tho10:50
afk|p99ilu be patient10:50
megatillasc resart :) see you10:50
perlmonkeyilu: click on menu and settings10:51
nikinp99: first stop gdm10:51
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ascmegatill: Oh. When you're booting, if you hit 'esc' when it says grub is starting, select the default boot thing, press 'e' and remove the 'quiet splash' from the end of the line, then press 'b', it will give you a lot more information on boot, which might show you where it's slowing down.10:51
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nikinok the run reconfigure10:51
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ilu<perlmonkey> yeah and?10:51
ascmegatill: And doing that won't change anything permanently. It just does it for one boot.10:51
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perlmonkeyilu: display settings10:51
cryptofrink__: Hi !10:52
xy77nikin: seems to happen only on 7.0410:52
ingo_hi! (how) can i set a system-sound for droping a file into trash?10:52
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megatillokay asc see you10:52
ilu <perlmonkey> in the settings for screen size i have no other options than 640*480... really strange... i can also only choose 50hz.... something has happend...10:52
ascmgatill: good luck10:52
xy77perlmonkey 7.04 or 6.06?10:52
nikinxy77: no idea i dont use 7. couse an other problem10:52
cryptofrink__: Welcome to Ubuntu !10:52
afk|p99ok it is running. I have a neomagic video card so chould I just stick with vesa?10:52
perlmonkeyilu: sounds like your graphics card is not properly setup. you may need to reconfigure X10:52
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nikinp99: if no beter then yes10:52
frink__perlmonkey: Try reconfiguring X with dpkg-reconfigure10:53
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perlmonkeyxy77: 7.0410:53
iluperlmonkey ok... but is there a way just to go back to the settings i used to have because i am not good at reconfiguring x...10:53
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perlmonkeyilu: open a shell and do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:53
perlmonkeyilu: yes10:53
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ingo_how can i set a system-sound for droping a file into trash?10:54
p99And kb's for memory?10:54
perlmonkeyilu: if you go to your /etc/X11 directory, there should be a backup of your last working config10:54
nikinp99: it will ask for mouse and kezboard, but mostly the default values will be ok there10:54
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nikinp99: leave that blan10:54
ilu<perlmonkey> ok hold on one moment...10:54
Zimnick|Awayanyone know how to disable desktop effects in 7.04 through the cli?10:54
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p99kernal frame buffer? From it's description it appears to be trial and error10:55
nikinp99: i like to set it to yes10:55
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megatillasc it needs 1min 50sec10:56
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xy77perlmonkey: did you update or did you install 7.04 from scratch?10:56
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perlmonkeyxy77: installed from scratch10:56
JoseaaHello, I ws trying to reconfigure my xserver. Tried "/etc/init.d/gdm" stop and now I get text only screen with no command prompt. It is stuck on the statement "running local boot scripts(/etc/rc.local)"10:56
JoseaaIs there anyway to come out of it ?10:57
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nikinp99: the modules will be ok just accept defaults10:57
perlmonkeyjoseaa: CTRL + C doesn't do it?10:57
p99Haha was just typing a question about that thanks10:57
ingo_how can i set a system-sound for droping a file into trash?10:57
xy77perlmonkey: thanks for the info10:57
Joseaaperlmonkey: No efffect10:57
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nikinJoseaa: ctrl+alt+F2?10:58
ascmegatill: Hm. Well, it's an improvement at least.10:58
qwasthey . Please hel me what is the channel to Ubuntu swe?10:58
ilu<perlmonkey> ok i have gone to /etc/x11/xorg.config should i open these files and find where i can manualy type in the screen size?10:58
xy77astro76: did you install from scratch or update to 7.04?10:58
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ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:58
Joseaanikin: Yea. that take me to a login screen10:58
Joseaabut why did it get stuck earlier ?10:58
qwastTACk s mycket10:58
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perlmonkeyilu: manually typing in the screen size may not work and may cause X to crash if your card is not properly configured10:58
megatillhm asc10:59
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perlmonkeyilu: but you can true it yes10:59
nikinJoseaa: that was tty6 or 8 witch is the one for text messages on boot... thts no login console10:59
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megatillasc, filsystem checking ... but i had shutdown my pc normaly10:59
nikinbest use tty1 to 510:59
ALASKAMANcan some one show me what the forward line in named.conf.options should look like10:59
perlmonkeyilu: it's probably better to run dpkg-reconfigure on xorg and then enter in your sizes from there10:59
benilawl I'm installing ubuntu on my old box and the whole screen is full of "Killed" oO10:59
ascmegatill: Oh. It does that every so often.10:59
Zimnick|Awayanyone know how to disable desktop effects in 7.04 through the cli?10:59
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nikinp99: tell me if you get to the monitor conf11:00
ilu<perlmonkey> ok ill give it a try...11:00
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beniUbuntu Server of course...  the Setup config went good, but now only echo "Killed" is on the screen^^ all way down11:00
ascmegatill: If that was 1:50 *with* the checking, you're probably good to go. Boot again and see what happens?11:00
astro76xy77, 7.04 from scratch on this laptop, I have eth0 and eth1 is wireless though (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29623/)11:00
perlmonkeyilu: just find out what your graphics is and what driver is needs before you start11:00
oxeimon3I've having a lot of trouble with a Kernel panic, can anyone help?11:00
ascmegatill: Unless you didn't count the checking time. In which case it's slow.11:00
perlmonkeyilu: if you are not sure, try lspci or refer to dmesg11:00
p99yeah I just finished that part...11:01
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oxeimon3I've having a lot of trouble with a Kernel panic, can anyone help? Whole error is: Cannot open root device "sda3" or unknown-block(0,0), Please append a correct "root=" boot option.11:01
ascmegatill: One other thing you can do is install sysv-rc-conf and use it to turn of unecessary services. It helps boot time a little.11:01
nikinp99: you checked the desired resolutions?11:01
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megatillneed i unecessary service?11:01
nikinso the you finished configuring and see the promt11:01
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: your boot menu / grub is screwed, has wrong path?11:01
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p99resolution wasn't the problem11:02
p99I can test it now11:02
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p99same command for gdm stop but restart?11:02
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p99Or should I reboot first?11:02
nikinno restart but   start11:02
nikinno reboot11:02
oxeimon3where can I look at the path?11:03
megatillasc need i  unecessary services11:03
oxeimon3how would I know it's wrong?11:03
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perlmonkeyoxeimon3: when grub boot menu loads, press E button11:03
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perlmonkeyoxeimon3: will let you edit the menu paths11:03
p99ugh same as before11:03
unagiis there an adobe premiere program for linux?11:04
oxeimon3the thing is right11:04
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: be sure you know what you are doing tho11:04
ascmegatill: Ah, that is a good question. Probably the best idea is to google all the ones that are activated, and disable any you're *sure* you don't need.11:04
perlmonkeycould make things worse else11:04
KprofthreatHow do I give everyone access to modify a file/folder w/ chmod again?11:04
p99maybe my monitor is 15 inches and not 17.11:04
SlimeyPeteunagi: no, nothing as powerful as PRemiere11:04
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sacatacomo te llamas quien se ponga conmigo11:04
SlimeyPeteunagi: Cinelarra, kino and pitivi will edit video though11:04
unagiwell thats lame =(11:04
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nikinp99: hmmm.... what is the exact problem? maybe i misunderstood it...11:04
SlimeyPeteCinelarra is probably closest to Premiere11:04
oxeimon3there are two options: ubuntu kernel 2.6.20-15-generic, and Ubuntu 7.04 (7.04) (on /dev/sda3)11:04
oxeimon3the first one boots fine, and the second doesn't11:04
astro76!es | sacata11:05
ubotusacata: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:05
sacataestas  estas  estudiando11:05
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SlimeyPeteunagi: tricky things to program, unfortunately. Creating an OSS clone of Premiere would take a lot of time and effort, I should think.11:05
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oxeimon3do you know what could be the difference between the two?11:05
SlimeyPeteemail Adobe and ask them to port Premiere over :)11:05
KprofthreatHow do I give everyone access to modify a file/folder w/ chmod again?11:05
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unagiall i really need is an application similar to premiere where i can take a .mov and export it to a bunch of .iffs11:05
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p99ok, pretent that the small black border from the monitor got 2 inches larger shrinking the video output to the center of the screen so it wasn't utilizing all the monitor11:05
SlimeyPeteunagi: cinelarra reads .movs11:05
SlimeyPeteit might do what you want11:06
p99IF that makes sense11:06
sacatayo si estoy  estudiando primero  de eso11:06
astro76Kprofthreat, chmod 66611:06
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: basic kernel and configured kernerl?11:06
ascKprofthreat: 'chmod a+rw file'11:06
nikinp99: but the resolution is the same as before the problem?11:06
holymolyp99, just a wild stab i'm too tired to really dig ... but are you sure your monitor settings aren't causing that?11:06
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unagibut does it export to iffs11:06
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holymolyyou might haveto expand the monitor viewing area using the moni buttons?11:06
sacataespero que alguien me  conteste11:06
holymolyi've seen something like that sorta happen11:06
SlimeyPeteunagi: no idea, sorry. It might do...11:06
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perlmonkeyholymoly: how long you been awake11:07
oxeimon3the one that doesn't work has "root (hd0,2), and then, "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=/dev/sda3", and then "savedefault", "boot"11:07
p99I have an old dell laptop. I cannot change the monitor settings. But I thought that was it at first too.11:07
KprofthreatSacata, que estas estudiando?11:07
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holymolyrightnow about 28 hours11:07
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: the most common problem is this part (hd0,2)11:07
=== TheSystem [n=thesyste@nrbg-d9322cbc.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
sacatadame tu numero de telefono11:07
KprofthreatNumero de...?11:07
nikinp99: on laptops when it does not utilize the whole screen it means most time that the resolution is lower11:07
TheSystem/server -m irc.lusc.de11:08
oxeimon3the one that does work has same first line, but then "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=0262ab28-6f90-4239->", "initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic", "quiet", "savedefault"11:08
oxeimon3oh wait, the first line is different for the one that works11:08
holymolyp99, oh laptop! sorry11:08
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: make sure hdx,y  x= right hdd number, remember 0 = 1 in Linux... and y = partition, same applies..so 2 = 3rd partition11:08
sacatanumero de telefono11:08
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KprofthreatEstas buscando el numero de telefono para ayuda?11:08
astro76!es | sacata11:08
ubotusacata: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:08
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nikinp99: i dont know dell monitors but maybe there is a Fn button combo that stretches it to the whole screen but that will be ugly11:09
oxeimon3its "root (hd0,1)' for the one that works, and "root (hd0,2)" for the one that doesn't work.11:09
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sacataeso ya lo se11:09
KprofthreatAstro, he might already be in there and not getting results...11:09
KprofthreatHe said he already knows that11:09
p99so it would be setting it at 1024x### when the monitor only handles 600x800 or something11:09
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: change one that doesnt work to hd0,111:09
p99IT has fn keys but they don't do anything11:09
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:09
astro76Kprofthreat, that's unfortunate, this is english only however..11:09
oxeimon3even after I change it to 1, same error11:09
sacatapara que quieres el mio11:10
KprofthreatStop spamming please11:10
heatxsinkhello all, any idea how i could get the source to apache2 package?11:10
nikindid you try to change ther resolution in system > Prefs > screen resolution ?11:10
perlmonkeysounds like something else got screwed11:10
nikinand what options are there listed now?11:10
sacataque estas haciendo11:10
Myrtti!es | sacata11:10
ubotusacata: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:10
jetscreamerenable deb-src in sources11:10
p99hold on11:10
KprofthreatStop spamming that.11:10
Myrtti!english | sacata11:11
ubotusacata: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:11
perlmonkeywho is spamming11:11
KprofthreatSacata, ninguien es en #ubuntu-es?11:11
heatxsinkjetscreamer:  that to me?11:11
MyrttiKprofthreat: please, not you too11:11
sacatasoy de siles11:11
KprofthreatJust stop spamming the spanish thing.11:11
ilu<p99> did you fix your screen settings?11:11
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p99great the config froze11:11
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astro76Kprofthreat, communicating channel rules is not spamming11:11
p99not yet11:11
jetscreamerheatxsink: yeah11:11
perlmonkeysheesh my hand got infected11:11
sacataporque me lo pones en ingles11:12
heatxsinkjetscreamer:  thanks!11:12
KprofthreatFIVE people repeated the same thing in the last minute alone!11:12
nikinp99: what resolutions did you enable on reconfiguring?11:12
KprofthreatTHAT'S not spamming?11:12
KprofthreatOnce will suffice.11:12
jetscreamerno sabe por que tu eres aqui11:12
Myrttisacata, Kprofthreat: STICK to English or I'll be quite annoyed11:12
perlmonkeyKprofthreat has a point11:12
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sacatade donde eres tu11:12
jetscreamertu sabe necisita /join #ubuntu-es11:12
=== AndyM [n=amorris@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu
Myrttiannoyed --> kicks start to happen11:13
jetscreamerbuena suerta11:13
rglhi.  what are the permissions on your /aquota.user file?11:13
ieee802i've done a backup data dvd-r in windows but i have problems in reading it with linux someone have had the same problem and found a way to fix it? dvd mount only at the start of the system or with mount /dev/dvd but then it doesn't unmount until reboot11:13
sacatael que11:13
KprofthreatHe says, no one knows why you are here11:13
p99600*800, 1024*###, and one lower than 60011:13
jetscreamermy spanish sucks11:13
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perlmonkeyMyrtti like an angry bee that stings eh11:13
oxeimon3any ideas, perlmonkey?11:13
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PriceChildHis ip is troublesome.11:13
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MyrttiI prefer good hearty threats11:14
ieee802i've found in forums that several people have my same problem but no solutions11:14
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nikinp99 : are you sure your monitor is capabele of handeling 1024?11:14
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KprofthreatSacata, jetscreamer es correcto. Nosotros no hablamos espanol normalmente11:14
jetscreamer!info hwinfo11:14
ubotuhwinfo: Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.11-3 (feisty), package size 40 kB, installed size 108 kB11:14
MyrttiKprofthreat: he's not here anymmore11:14
perlmonkeyoxeimon3: i dunno what to suggest bud really, maybe boot up in your safe kernel, and then have a nosey around and see what happened to your kernel11:14
KprofthreatI lagged.11:14
p99yeah that's what I always have it at11:14
MyrttiKprofthreat: :-(11:14
KprofthreatThat actually was submitted a while ago.11:14
ALASKAMAN how do i fix this rndc: connect failed: connection refused11:14
p99I can reconfigure withought it and check though11:14
nikinp99: no need for that11:15
nikinwhat did you specify as color depth?11:15
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jetscreamertry not using uuid and see what happens11:15
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floriaki1i use KTorrent 2.1! yesterday it crashed once and since restarting it i don't see the "details"(progress bar, peers etc.) of every torrent in the lower half of the window anymore... i couldn't find a setting to display it, can u help me?11:15
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jetscreameror manually booting the kernel via grubshell even better11:15
perlmonkeyphew this channel could make ones head spin11:16
jetscreamerit's somewhere under ~/.kde floriaki111:16
nikinp99: try restart and open the config program again.. that should not freeze11:16
perlmonkeyUbuntu really is the busiest place11:16
nikini mean screen resolution11:16
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p99ok, I had left it for like 5 minutes and my laptop is prolly getting 'tired' from the heat11:17
unagihow do i change the splash screen?11:17
PriceChildunagi, which one?11:17
perlmonkeydoes anyone use aMule? do you find it incredibly CPU intensive?11:17
unagiafter u type ur name and  password11:17
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nikinp99: ok11:17
echosystmguys, at the moment i have a geforce 4 mx in my computer11:17
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echosystmi am planning on putting a geforce 4 ti i have lying around in there11:18
p99ok I restarted the config11:18
perlmonkeyI have geforce fx11:18
echosystmwill i need to reinstall the drivers?11:18
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echosystmor do anything like that?11:18
ilui am in /etc/x11/xorg.conf what should i change in order to fix the problem that the screen deapth is at 640*480?11:18
PriceChildunagi, /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png is the file i think11:18
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ALASKAMAN how do i fix this rndc: connect failed: connection refused11:18
echosystmboth cards should use the same driver11:18
nikinp99: what options are listed?11:18
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unagiPriceChild:  the one after u type ur name and pwd11:18
perlmonkeyilu: you are gonna screw that up, I just know it11:19
p99oh wait I didn't start it11:19
nikinp99 : ok11:19
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p99damn apt has it locked11:19
PriceChildunagi, yes its that one... that is a link which you just need to redirect to whatever image you want.11:19
heatxsinkis there a how-to on how apache modules are packaged?11:19
ilu<perlmonkey> but the problem is in that file though right?11:19
megatillasc another problem on sturup the spash -> into textmodus, firmeware_helper [3470]  main error why????11:19
p99ctrl-q unfroze it!11:19
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perlmonkeyilu: well if you dont specific a proper driver in X config for your graphix card, X will default to 640x48011:19
nikinp99 :P11:20
unagihow do u redirect11:20
perlmonkeyand if you try and force it higher, it will crash11:20
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oxeimon3whats the default password for root?11:20
PriceChild!sudo | oxeimon311:20
ubotuoxeimon3: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:20
ilu<perlmonkey> ah... and i choose 'nvidia' as driver...11:20
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:20
unagioxeimon3:  !root11:20
ascmegatill: That's not an error I'm familiar with. I'll so some looking.11:20
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perlmonkeyilu: but to answer your question anyway, look under the "Screen" section11:21
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nikinp99: ?11:21
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perlmonkeyilu: do you see a proper graphix card name, or just "Generic" ?11:21
unagiPriceChild:  how do i redirect it11:21
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p99ok got to monitor part again11:22
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p99i'll choose simple because I don't know the specs of my monitor11:22
nikincheck 1024x768 800x600 and 640x480  nothing else11:22
megatillis this perhaps the problem asc?11:22
nikinp99 : dont do that11:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:22
p99I actually unticked 102411:22
iluperlmonkey Screen"11:22
iluIdentifier"Default Screen"11:22
iluDevice"Club NVIDIA"11:22
perlmonkeyilu: under Screen, "SubSection Display" is where you set the resolution options11:23
iluthis is what it says under screen11:23
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ascmegatill: I don't know. Does it pause there at all? Also, how is your boot time without the disk check?11:23
perlmonkeyok that doesn't look too clever to me11:23
nikinp99: dont mind11:23
nikinlets try this way11:23
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oxeimon3so, in the command line, when I type cd ~/, it just sends me to my home, which has nothing11:23
megatilldiskcheck asc?11:23
iluperlmonkey but but there are many options here11:23
perlmonkeyilu: what do you have under Section Device11:23
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SlimeyPeteoxeimon3: that's normal, yes11:23
oxeimon3all the data is apparently on sda3, which is a disk11:23
oxeimon3how do I get there via the terminal11:24
megatilli havent disapled diskchech asc where can i do this?11:24
oxeimon3basically my home just has Desktop, which has nothing on it11:24
iluIdentifier"Default Screen"11:24
iluDevice"Club NVIDIA"11:24
SlimeyPeteoxeimon3: type "mount" to find out where sda3 has been mounted11:24
iluthats what i have11:24
SlimeyPeteoxeimon3: then CD to there11:24
ascmegatill: Oh, whoops. You meant the normal disk check didn't you, not one where there's a progress bar?11:24
iluthat was text i put in myself11:24
ilui did an edit earlier today11:24
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ilujust some randon text11:24
megatillyes asc but what do you mean?11:25
perlmonkeyyou cant put random shit in there11:25
perlmonkeylet X detect the card11:25
ilu<perlmonkey> HOW DO I FIX THIS PLZ GOD HELP11:25
ascmegatill: You can disable that by doing 'sudo touch /fastboot' but it's not recommended.11:25
PriceChild!ohmy | perlmonkey11:25
ubotuperlmonkey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:25
ilu<perlmonkey> how do i do that? reboot?11:25
oxeimon3ahh okay thanks11:25
perlmonkeyilu: right, backup that xorg.conf file, and then reconfigure11:25
megatillhm ok asc11:25
megatillthen i will doing this not11:26
ilu<perlmonkey> just copy and paste the file somewere else?11:26
nikinp99: any progress11:26
perlmonkeyilu: before you start, make sure/write down what your graphics card model is and what driver it needs11:26
ascmegatill: Not sure if that will work for just one boot or always. You can probable 'sudo chmod a-rwx /fastboot' to make it permanent.11:26
p99I thought you were typing something11:26
perlmonkeyilu: well just do from terminal cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak11:26
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p99cus you said 'let's try it this way'11:26
pepitohey, someboyd tell me why the video performance of my new Guadalinex (Ubuntu based) has dropped down for desktop tasks11:26
perlmonkeyPriceChild: apologies11:26
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megatillokay asc but the error firmeware_helper [3470]  main error, i think thats the reasen that the pc goes from the spash screen into textmode11:27
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nikinp99: i mean the easy config.. i mainly use advanced and then accept the defaults, that worked by me 99% of the times11:27
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ilu<perlmonkey> god cannot think with all this text i msg you11:27
nikinp99: and select 16 bit instead of 2411:28
=== perlmonkey is not too pleased with new XFX geoforce fx5200 card
dvmHowto define window size  in gtk?11:28
ascmegatill: I'm not finding any references to that problem. Are you running 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?11:28
p99ok i used medium, 800*600 @ 60hz. That's what it's usually at11:28
megatill32bit asc11:28
perlmonkeyanyone else had bad experiences with fx5200 cards made by manufacturers other than Nvidia?11:28
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ilu perlmonkey okey so i have this graphics card: nvidia agp 6200 club 256 ddr2 64bit11:29
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p99hmm. The color is better but that buffer remains intact11:29
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perlmonkeyilu: ok cool11:29
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
perlmonkeyilu: make sure you have the driver installed11:29
ilu perlmonkey so how do i find out the name of the driver and were it is at?11:29
ilu perlmonkey how do i do that?11:29
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perlmonkeyilu: its important to have the right driver installed before you begin X config11:29
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ilu<perlmonkey>  how do i do that?11:30
nikinp99: select system > preferencies > screen resolution from the menu11:30
nikindoes it show any other options than 640x480?11:30
ilu<nikin> no it does not11:30
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ilui got the same problem11:30
megatillasc i had to go eat see you later :) thanks11:30
ascmegatill: When it enters text mode, does it continue to boot normally to the login screen?11:30
megatillyou can go into my query asc *Smile*11:30
megatillyes asc11:31
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p99still loading11:31
perlmonkeyilu: you will have to search google to be sure, but I am thinking its probably nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new11:31
nikinp99: what kind of laptop do you have?11:31
ascmegatill: I actually can't find anything on it. You could disable the splash screen so it just boots in text mode until it starts the login screen, but you probably don't want that.11:31
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ilu<perlmonkey> and i fix that in synaptic?11:31
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megatillasc my feet; eat ... see you :)11:32
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ascmegatill: Right, later.11:32
p99dell p2 333mhz, 128mb ram, 6gig hdd11:32
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perlmonkeyilu: ya, or just do sudo apt-get install (driver-package)11:32
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perlmonkeyilu: do make sure you install the right driver tho, theres plenty of sites will tell you which driver to use11:32
p99naw video mode was all wong on that one11:33
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p99think it's cus it had frozen11:33
perlmonkeyilu: once the driver is installed, you should be able to reconfigure X and have it detect automatically the card11:33
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ilu<perlmonke i think i found some shit in synaptic now.. the nvidia driver is already installed and it is in red color... something happend here11:33
iluthis is were the problem is11:33
p99I have a newmagic card. should I configure it with neomagic drivers or the vesa?11:33
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perlmonkeyilu: if it cannot, a list of drivers will be presented, including the one for your card you installed, just select that, and all the resolution options will appear automatically11:34
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nikinp99: if there are newmagic driver then use themn11:34
perlmonkeyilu: be sure to select/put a star next to the all the resolutions you want available in X11:34
spaghettihey all- I installed my Nvidia card this orning and when I tried to enable desktop effects I lost my windows, including the buttons (maximise, minimise, etc..) any ideas?11:34
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SlimeyPetespaghetti: make sure that Emerald is installed and running.11:35
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perlmonkeyilu: is the driver correct one?11:35
PriceChildspaghetti, try #ubuntu-effects please.11:35
PriceChildSlimeyPete, emerald isn't used by desktop effects11:35
SlimeyPetespaghetti: or whatever the compiz equivalent is, I forget11:35
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SlimeyPetePriceChild: what does compiz use?11:35
perlmonkeywhat is compiz I keep hearing people refer to this today11:36
PriceChildSlimeyPete, gtk-window-decorator I think is the name..11:36
SlimeyPeteperlmonkey: desktop effects.11:36
PriceChildperlmonkey, #ubuntu-effects please.11:36
spaghettiPriceChild: there's no response there.11:36
perlmonkeyoh thanks11:36
PriceChildspaghetti, then be patient11:36
perlmonkeysounds like a load of memory-eating shit11:36
PriceChildperlmonkey, language11:36
perlmonkeyapologies *does fear grin*11:36
SlimeyPeteperlmonkey: it's a bit pointless, yes. But it's purty.11:36
spaghettiPriceChild: been wating for 30mins. Could you just tell me, what I need to be looking fore. Is it a Gnome thing?11:37
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perlmonkeypurty like the breasts on a cheerleader?11:37
=== perlmonkey picks his mind up outta the gutter
nikinspaghetti: it is a gl driver problem, look around on the forums, it was topic there numerous times11:38
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p99yes the black buffer is gone. Thank you so much11:38
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nikinp99: sorry for being slow11:38
p99Now I need to restart. My desktop isn't loading...11:38
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perlmonkeyrestarting is a windows solution, but on occasion it can solve problems quick in Linux too11:39
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p99Nikin this is a crowded irc i'm surprised you didn't forget me11:39
p99anyways brb11:39
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perlmonkeyi need coffee11:39
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b0hahow do i extract rar files?11:39
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perlmonkeyinstall unrar11:40
b0hais it possibile with tar ?11:40
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ilui fixed the problem11:40
iluwith screen size11:40
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iluits in synaptic11:40
perlmonkeyilu: good man11:40
iluthe driver was dissabled11:41
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perlmonkeythat explains why card was not detected in X11:41
ilugo to synaptic and just right click it and do something11:41
iluthanks for the help perl11:41
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amigravesince last upgrade (with kernel upgrade to Linux dev 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP), my first hardrive which was always named /dev/hda  has suddently become   /dev/sda  !!?? Does someone knows why this could happen ?11:41
nikinanyone has nice big screens :D11:41
ilulol but now i got another issue... when i played around in xorg.conf i changed my keyboard settings11:42
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perlmonkeysda = scsi hard drive11:42
nikinnow plz someone get me my second cpu :P11:42
ilui have changed into american layout and i need to change back to swedish11:42
SlimeyPeteperlmonkey: or ide, these days11:42
SlimeyPeteor sata11:42
iluis swedish=se11:42
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SlimeyPeteperlmonkey: yeah.11:42
perlmonkeyI have all scsi drives here11:42
nikini got mz hands on a Fujitsu siemens Celsius 650 workstation and i booted the live CD... then i realized that cpuinfo just tels me about one CPU, but i have 2 , any ideas? (dual PIII 899 Mhz, 1 GB RAM, i840 chipset)11:43
perlmonkeyexcept for 1 ide in my laptop11:43
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SlimeyPetenikin: feisty?11:43
perlmonkeynikin: why arent you asleep, its gone to 2am11:43
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nikinperlmonkey: here is 11:29 am11:43
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nikinSlimeyPete: Dapper11:44
perlmonkeynikin: oh sorry i confused you with someone else, you had the same speed CPU ;-)11:44
SlimeyPetenikin: ah. You need to install the smp kernel. There's a package for it in the repos, can'tremember what it's called.11:44
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perlmonkeyyeah Pete is right, was just about to say11:44
nikinSlimeyPete: that will be ok ty11:44
iludid the other guy fix his screen issues also?11:44
SlimeyPetenikin: feisty uses SMP by default btw, so if you can get hold of that it might be easier.11:44
perlmonkeyelse the system is treated as a single CPU eh11:44
iluor what his nick was?11:44
nikinilu : yep?11:45
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ilu<nikin> did he fix his screen size issues aswell?11:45
perlmonkeybugger it, i gotta start work :-/11:45
nikinilu: asfar as i know yes11:45
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nikinilu: he is rebooting11:45
ilunikin what was his problem?11:45
nikinilu: drivers to11:45
perlmonkey11.44am, must be continental europe?11:45
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ilushit i need to get to the store and shop11:45
heatxsinkanyone know what I need to install to get my bluetooth keyboard and mouse working properly in gnome?11:46
ilusee yall laters and thanks for all help11:46
nikinperlmonkey: Hungary11:46
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megatillasc i'm back :)11:46
holymolyhide the sheep!11:46
perlmonkeyholymoly: are you Welsh11:46
astro76!ohmy | ilu11:46
ubotuilu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:46
holymolynaw, old joke11:46
nikin!seen p9911:46
Talaman72p99 was last seen Thu Jul 12 01:52:56 2007 changing nick from afk|p99 in #ubuntu11:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen p99 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
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Spaceman3750Eeew Myspace11:47
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perlmonkeyok guys I really must go work, have a good day all11:47
Spaceman3750See ya11:47
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Spaceman3750ChanServ change it's mind about oping PriceChild?11:47
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PriceChildSpaceman3750, no11:48
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Doel_Kenyoetada indonesian gak ??11:49
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astro76Doel_Kenyoet, #ubuntu-id11:52
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unagihello all11:52
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nikini like the ide of chating durning install with livecd :D11:52
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Spaceman3750Nikin: It's nice, ain't it?11:53
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Spaceman3750Live CD is good for me too, I'm an independent computer tech, and if I have to deal with a client w/ crashed Windows, I can still get to their files and back them up and reformat11:54
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megatillasc bye sse you later11:57
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meglothe nvidia xorg drivers need libc-headers to compile a kernel module, but I don't know what to apt-get, I had to do this before and I remember the required headers not named what you would think they would be12:02
PriceChildmeglo, why are you compiling it yourself?12:02
megloBecause I can :<12:02
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megloit works, all I had to do was stop x12:02
PriceChildmeglo, we have prebuilt packages for you... which are supported.12:02
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megloare they the proprietary drivers from nvidia?12:03
PriceChildmeglo, yes12:03
PriceChild!nvidia | meglo12:03
ubotumeglo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:03
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megloWell, I'm already knee deep in this, I just need to know the libc header filename, if that can't be provided then I'll look into that link12:03
PriceChildmeglo, I suggest you stop... and read that guide12:04
astro76meglo, linux-libc-dev ?12:04
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astro76meglo, and what PriceChild said12:04
PriceChildmeglo, the method you are using is not supported by ubuntu and may break if you don't know what you're doing...12:04
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Spaceman3750Something I noticed...  A lot of the programs in the repository start with the letter K...12:04
megloit seemed pretty straight forward the first time i did it and it worked, but if you insist12:04
Spaceman3750Meglo, why make life more difficult on yourself?12:04
megloit doesn't seem that difficult tho :/12:05
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meglounless I run into problem12:05
PriceChildmeglo, seriously.. do it the ubuntu way and read that guide12:05
Spaceman3750Dude, it's Linux...  Anything that doesn't have a UI is difficult :P12:05
astro76Spaceman3750, sadly most kde programs start with k12:05
PriceChildSpaceman3750, because kde apps like to start with k, and gnome apps like to start with g12:05
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nikinsee you all later...12:05
meglook, thanks12:05
Spaceman3750Astro, do KDE programs still run on Gnome, or do you have to be using Kbuntu?12:05
Spaceman3750I see12:05
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PriceChildSpaceman3750, they work fine12:06
astro76they will work12:06
PriceChildSpaceman3750, just not as much bling :)12:06
unagii love how customizable linux is12:06
Spaceman3750I hear KDE is more like the Windows enviornment, but I don't find the Windows enviornment and the Gnome enviornment much different12:06
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unagii dont like kde12:07
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:07
Spik1Problem. im tribooting on a intel macbook with rEFIt. Just installed 7.0.4. when i choose the mac partition, it boots mac. But when i choose the windows or the ubuntu partition, they both boot grep. furthermore my up and down arrows dont work so i cant choose the OS in grep either. it just goes with the first hilighted wich is Ubuntu's normal one. Is there any way to seperate the boot? or at least get it to recognize keystrokes?12:07
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PriceChildpberzosa, espanol?12:07
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pberzosade donde sois12:07
pberzosade donde eres12:07
PriceChildpberzosa, /join #ubuntu-es12:08
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Spaceman3750You know the thing I like best about Ubuntu?  Fewer security concerns and the updater doesn't bug you every 5 minutes to reboot :P12:09
unagiare there viruses for linux?12:09
PriceChild!virus | unagi12:09
ubotuunagi: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2112:09
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polarheathi, question: is there a "switchdesk" program for ubuntu (i'm using dapper)?12:10
Spaceman3750There are some in the wild, but not many because there is a very small userbase for Linux, therefore it is not much of a target.  My understanding anyways.12:10
polarheatSpaceman3750: what do you mean by "small user base" ?12:11
Olgem<120,000,000 users12:11
Spik1anyone at all? about my boot problem12:11
Spaceman3750Smaller than Windows12:11
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Olgemrestarting, brb12:11
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Spaceman3750When you could go after 90% of the market share much more easily than 5%, you're probably going with 90% (Windows) if you're a virus designer12:12
capiirai would say linux has no virus because most people just install stuff from original sources or from their distro repositories, they rarely/never have contain virus12:12
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lazz0hello, do you know why my brightness settings dont save after restart? i use nvidia-settings, i tried gksudo, sudo etc12:12
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togrcapiira, you're fairly new to the linux world then?12:13
unagiyay for no viruses!12:13
capiiraok soory mal ware then12:13
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capiiraits easy to incluse a .sh into a setup that destroys your whole system12:13
PriceChildcapiira, yes12:13
Tama00i need to do a network installation.. where can i find out how to do this12:13
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PriceChildcapiira, if you run it with sudo12:14
tarzeauTama00: look for pxe boot?12:14
Tama00there is no other way, this laptop has no cdrom drive no floppy and doesnt boot off flash12:14
Tama00tarzeau, yeah12:14
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capiiraany user would type the admin password if he try to install something12:14
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DBFT2i've just installed ubuntu on a laptop, and im having some problems12:14
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DBFT2i typed apt-get remove gaim, and i got a page full of "failed to write cache" on almost every action12:14
DBFT2dependency problems prevent configuration of openoffice.org-writer12:15
DBFT2any idea why? :|12:15
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koenhi, i have a strange thing. My disk partitions got messy names. My firts is sda2, the second sda1. Also, I have no sda4 (and no, that is not an extending partition or something..). Is there away to rename the devices (computer wide, so also for Grub and stuff)12:15
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Frogzookoen: yes - rearrange your hardware12:15
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capiirawhen linux become more used the malware will come12:16
unagianyone know how to get card readers to work in ubuntu?12:16
astro76koen, it doesn't really matter though, does it? ubuntu uses UUID anyway12:16
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koenFrogzoo, you mean: repartition the whole stuff?12:16
gcosminhow can i reconect my wireless from console12:16
DBFT2every time i try to use apt-get i get errors from openoffice? :(12:16
PriceChildDBFT2, feisty?12:17
PriceChildDBFT2, pastebin the errors please12:17
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DBFT2ok wait there12:17
DBFT2(different computer)12:17
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Frogzookoen: no - I mean where you plug in your harddrives is how the device name gets allocated12:17
koenastro76, i have device names manually set in my fstab. But indead, it doesnt matter for performance. But i just do not like it. So i wanted to know if i could change it back12:17
koenso you mean that unplugging it12:18
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koenload the system12:18
koenthen halt the pc agian12:18
unagiis there a site or something that explains linux file system such as what bin is and var and things like that12:18
koenand connecting it agian.. will rearrange all?12:18
unagii still dont know where 'program files' is12:18
SlimeyPeteunagi: /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin12:19
capiirahmmmm unagi yeah there is but you will learn it better while using let me search12:19
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PriceChildDBFT2, could you pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" please12:19
SlimeyPeteunagi: http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_03_01.html   <-- some info12:20
SlimeyPeteund3rB3ar: see section 3.212:20
SlimeyPetesorry, table 3-212:20
koenFrogzoo, just replug it will give my block devices logical names?12:20
SlimeyPeteund3rB3ar: ^^12:20
DBFT2ok, one second PriceChild12:20
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SlimeyPetehe's gorn12:20
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DBFT2ill run to the other computer :p12:20
SlimeyPetesorry, und3rB3ar12:20
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astro76koen, I'm not sure of a way besides creating them in that order12:20
gholmhey all wondeirng aboout "lspci" if I have an onboard video AND another PCI-E video card installed. How can I tell which is which?12:20
brainiac_ghostmy computer died, turn it on and it says fsck.ext3 failed, then when you boot up X doen't start and it comes up with12:21
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astro76koen, not sure what you mean about your extended partition12:21
SlimeyPetegholm: just look at the manufacturer name and model in lspci12:21
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brainiac_ghostapt-get: program apt is not installed, to install it type apt-get install apt12:21
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gholmSlimeyPete: both are nvidia chipsets12:21
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Spliffstervery strange. when i do "ssh -X host" the display variable id not set, X forwarding does not work. ssh -X -v gives no error. any idea what i am doing wrong ?12:22
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RienzillaSpliffster: do you use screen?12:22
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Spliffsternot in this xterm session, but i do use screen12:22
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SlimeyPetegholm: ah. you might need to find out which chipset each one uses, then, and look for that in lspci.12:22
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Rienzillaoh ok... then thats not it12:22
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gholmSlimeyPete: yeah....s'pose so.12:23
Rienzillasshd can obviously not set DISPLAY in all your virtual terminals, thats why I asked12:23
Spliffsteri see12:23
DBFT2any ideas PriceChild?12:23
SlimeyPeteSpliffster: is X-forwarding enabled on the machine you're logging in to?12:23
SpliffsterSlimeyPete: yes12:23
Rienzillaheh, that was question 2 :)12:23
Rienzilladoes it work if you set DISPLAY manually?12:23
gholmhey SlimeyPete I'm assuming the dpkg-reconfi blah process requires that I know the PCI address of the card I want, and that is shown in lspci?12:23
PriceChildDBFT2, hmm so you don't have any 3rd party repos... I'm not sure...12:24
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SpliffsterSlimeyPete: ssh -X -v does tell me that the server accepts x forwarding12:24
koenastro76. When you have have a extended partition that that one itself has a device name too, aswell as the logical partitions within it...12:24
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polarheatanyone here knows how to switch from gnome to xfce (both are installed) when gdm is not running (that is i'm logging in from text mode).12:24
DBFT2its basically the default12:24
DBFT2im confused :p12:24
astro76koen, I know how it works... I mean do you have one or not, what is your setup?12:24
astro76koen, or just paste the output of mount to pastebin12:25
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SpliffsterRienzilla: it seems pretty simmilar to problems i used to have with screen. ssh server accepts xforwarding but $DISPLAY is unset. when I set DISPLAY manually i get "cannot open display" errors. as if X forwarding would actually not work and the pakets go into nirvana12:25
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SpliffsterRienzilla: also, no X server running on target12:26
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Rienzillathat might be a reason maybe?12:27
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=== Spliffster scratches head
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RienzillaIf the target is not running X, maybe ssh will not create a tunnel?12:27
Rienzillaim not sure about that though12:27
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SpliffsterRienzilla: nae, i have no X server running except on my desktop. this might cause the problem but i have no problem with any other machine12:27
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=== Spliffster gngngngngngngngng
Rienzillaoh ok, your client runs an X server12:28
koen   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System12:28
koen/dev/sda1            6920       12663    46138680   af  Unknown12:28
koen/dev/sda2   *           1        6919    55576836    7  HPFS/NTFS12:28
koen/dev/sda3           12664       19457    54572805    5  Extended12:28
koen/dev/sda5           12664       16188    28314531   83  Linux12:28
koen/dev/sda6           16189       16384     1574338+  82  Linux swap / Solaris12:28
koen/dev/sda7           16385       19457    24683841   83  Linux12:28
Spliffsteryeah right Rienzilla12:28
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Rienzillathat should work out of the box12:28
astro76!pastebin | koen use this in the future12:28
ubotukoen use this in the future: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:28
Spliffsterwel... just tought it might be a know problem. thanks anyway Rienzilla12:28
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astro76koen, that's normal, you made two primaries, and three extended12:29
=== Spliffster goes back to checking logs
astro76koen, and you can still make a primary which will be sda412:29
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koenoh okay i understand now :)12:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:29
mvhomehow i can search feisty packeges using ubuntu site ? ( what is the URL)12:30
Rienzillabtw, any users with samba experience here? I tried to set up a samba server with vfs recycle module. I set recycle:keeptree to yes, but still the module does not create a directory structure beneath the recycle bin (It just stores all deleted files flat in the repository). Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?12:30
astro76mvhome, packages.ubuntu.com12:30
koenastro76. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29630/ is this good?12:30
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mvhomeastro76, thanx alooot that's it :)12:31
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astro76koen, yes, so basically you can have 4 primaries, sda1-4 and one can be an extended containing sda5 and up12:31
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SpliffsterRienzilla: oh .. wrong channel, this server runs debian 4 ;)12:32
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tograstro76,  is there an advantage to having several primaries over just making everything one big extended and defining all partitions inside this one?12:33
koenastro76. thanjks for the help12:33
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astro76togr, some OSs like older windows (not sure if it's true lately) would need a primary to be the boot paritition12:34
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togrright -- I seem to recall an older laptop needed the hibernation file to reside on a primary as well12:34
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astro76togr, maybe some older bios limitations too12:35
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tograstro76, exactly -- this was back in APM-time12:36
Spaceman3750What is the difference between suspending and hibernating?12:36
Spaceman3750While we're on the topic12:36
togrSpaceman3750, when suspending, your state is kept alive in RAM12:37
astro76Spaceman3750, suspend is to ram, hibernate saves ram to disk12:37
togrwhen hibernating, it is stored to disk12:37
astro76Spaceman3750, in linux you need a swap partition >= your ram size to use it12:37
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togrand IBM lets you do both12:37
Spaceman3750I see12:37
Spaceman3750Thanks :)12:38
togrrecover from RAM if it is still alive, and from disk otherwise12:38
togrvery useful12:38
DBFT2how do you set the default app to open dvds to vlc instead of totem?12:38
togrReadySafe I believe it was called12:38
Spaceman3750So is suspending like sleep mode in Windows?12:38
=== togr is ignorant of windows
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xoRockis there any software for mounting *.iso?12:41
togrxoRock, yes -- mount12:41
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Spaceman3750I was gonna say, Ubuntu will do it by default12:41
xoRocktogr, thx budy12:41
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SlimeyPetexoRock: http://thomer.com/howtos/mount_loopback.html12:42
togrxoRock, sure, any time!12:42
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togranyone know how to suppress join/leave messages in xchat?12:47
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askandSomeone else got problems with amsn today?12:48
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fiXXXerMetI'm trying to get one of my disks (/dev/sda1) to mount to /mount/disk/ on boot, but I can't figure it out.  Also, when i do it manually (double click on disk in My Computer), it asks me for a password (root).12:50
efaistos_trying to update a desktop to a feisty but git a lot of errors around python and aptitude doesnt really help12:50
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efaistos_any idea ?12:51
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dahmindHi, i just installed ubuntu on a hp and after a hard reset my computer doesn't boot anymore. Get error 17 from grub. anyone any ideas?12:51
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togrfiXXXerMet, can you edit /etc/fstab ?12:51
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Electronbeamhow is everyone12:51
fiXXXerMettogr: yes I can12:52
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Electronbeamive got a question12:52
togrfiXXXerMet, do you understand the format of that file?12:52
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fiXXXerMetI believe I do (though the options and type confuse me)12:52
fiXXXerMet(and dump and pass)12:52
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Electronbeamhow do i set the audio capture to what i hear (similar to stereo mix in windows012:53
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perlmonkeyhi guys12:53
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seb89Hi everyone12:53
togrfiXXXerMet, try using the options used for the filesystem which is most similar to the one you want to add12:53
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Homer_SimpsonHi my internet explorer will not install, can someone help?12:53
fiXXXerMettogr: I shall try.  That's all I need?  What about why it's asking me for a password when I open it the first time?12:53
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togr"type" is filesystem type, i.e. fat16, ext2, etc12:54
perlmonkeykmail is killin me! I'm having problems with it freezing every time it starts, just locks up after checking mail.. getting lots of weird msgs in terminal, not sure if its relevant: kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.  kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x8175d50 ): KAccel object already contains an action name "display_message"   /bin/sh: crm: not found12:54
togrthe system asks you for passwd because you try to mount it as an ordinary user at runtime12:54
Electronbeamhow do i set the audio capture to what i hear (similar to stereo mix in windows)12:54
Homer_Simpsonmy ie wont install, can anyone help?12:54
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Electronbeami need to be able to record my wave out12:54
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togrif it is listed in /etc/fstab with appropriate flags it should be mounted as part of bringing the system online12:55
fiXXXerMetHow is /dev/sdc1       /media/disk     reiserfs defaults       0       012:55
Homer_Simpsonnot sure12:55
Homer_Simpsonso i can find that where?12:55
togrfiXXXerMet, is this one you had before or the one you want to add?12:55
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fiXXXerMetUm, both.  Whenever I add it, I have to do so again at restart.12:56
Homer_Simpsonit doesnt ask me to restart!12:56
seb89hello I'm not american so excuse me if I don't speak very well. Can someone help me because I'have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200 for graphic card and I'm not sure it is compatible with ubuntu12:56
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: audicity?12:56
Homer_Simpsonits not my graphics, its ie12:56
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Electronbeamif i dl that it should work?12:56
Homer_Simpsonmy friend has that12:56
Homer_SimpsonI cant dl, i have no internet12:56
perlmonkeyI think it might12:56
Homer_Simpsoni cant12:57
Electronbeamthe thing is i dont just need to record my wav out mix12:57
Electronbeami need it to be a source12:57
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: just for fun you could try dd on audio device also?12:57
Electronbeamso i can use it on stickam12:57
Homer_Simpsoni dont want sound, just ie12:57
togrfiXXXerMet, are you saying your system is rewriting /etc/fstab for you?12:57
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askand Someone else got problems with amsn today?12:57
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Homer_Simpsonwhat? where do i find that?12:57
Homer_Simpsonim using irc not msn12:57
perlmonkeyman dd12:57
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Electronbeamsorry, im not a unix expert12:58
fiXXXerMettogr: I don't know (/dev/sdc1 wasn't in there before).  When I turn on the computer, I have to go to Places -> Computer and open the drive from there.  It asks me for a password, then mounts the drive for me.12:58
perlmonkeydd can write data from a device to a file12:58
Electronbeamlamens terms please12:58
fiXXXerMetI want to automate that.12:58
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perlmonkeyElectronbeam: that was lamens terms ;-)12:58
troopperi_Homer_Simpson: what are you installing and what system12:58
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ElectronbeamXD i get it now12:58
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togrfiXXXerMet, okay.  When you *have* added it manually, the line you pasted has been added to /etc/fstab, correct?12:59
Homer_Simpsoni got the mac version, it looks cooler12:59
Homer_Simpsonbut it wont install12:59
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fiXXXerMetWait,  no, not it hasn't12:59
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fiXXXerMetI did however just add that line to /etc/fstab by hand.12:59
togrwhere did you get that line then?12:59
Homer_Simpsoncan oyu help me?12:59
perlmonkey"I'm like you! we're the same you and I, we're the same! I wanna help you"12:59
Electronbeamits not going to work12:59
SlimeyPeteHomer_Simpson: using ies4linux?12:59
fiXXXerMettogr: I just wrote it into there.01:00
perlmonkeywho knows which movie that quote comes from01:00
troopperi_Homer_Simpson: i think you cant install m$ software without wine or vmplayer01:00
Homer_Simpsonswhat? i want the mac version01:00
Electronbeamthen get a mac XD01:00
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Homer_Simpsoni got ubuntu thoutgh01:00
SlimeyPeteHomer_Simpson: MacOS software won't run under Linux.01:00
Homer_Simpsonmacs dont have the cool features that like linux01:00
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Homer_Simpsonwhy not? can you make it work?01:00
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ostannardyou cant insatll mac software without a mac01:00
SlimeyPeteHomer_Simpson: you can use ies4linux (google it) to istall the Windows version under Linux01:00
fiXXXerMettogr: I guess this should work - I'll find out when I come home from work.  Thank you.01:00
Homer_Simpsonawww why not?01:00
togrfiXXXerMet, okay -- and you know that the partition and reiserfs is correct?01:01
Homer_Simpsoni dont haave lunux01:01
Electronbeambecause they are two different OS's01:01
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: I was able to record audio and video from my video capture device using dd if=/dev/video0 of=/home/file.mpg01:01
Homer_SimpsonI use ubuntu not linux01:01
fiXXXerMettogr: yes01:01
jurp5lol iemand op #ubuntu vraagt hou hij internet explorer kan installeren: 12:59 < Homer_Simpson> i got the mac version, it looks cooler01:01
SlimeyPeteHomer_Simpson: no, you can't make it work. MacOS is not Linux. They are different Operating Systems.01:01
Electronbeamubuntu IS linux01:01
Homer_Simpsonwhats an OS01:01
SlimeyPeteHomer_Simpson: ubuntu is linux01:01
fiXXXerMet(checked mount after manually mounting the drive)01:01
Electronbeamoperating system01:01
Homer_Simpsonwhats an operating system01:01
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Sjimmielol :)01:01
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: I'm wondering if the same could be done from soundcard device01:01
ElectronbeamUBUNTU is an operating system01:01
togrfiXXXerMet, then it should work -- it should mount by itself next time you boot01:01
Sjimmieadres   AMSTERDAM OOST - Eerste Oosterparkstraat 168 E01:01
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:01
=== togr calls Homer_Simpson a troll
fiXXXerMetthank you01:01
=== SlimeyPete smells a troll ;p
Electronbeamperlmonkey: could be but in sound devices i see nothing to fix01:01
Sjimmieadres   AMSTERDAM OOST - Eerste Oosterparkstraat 168 E01:01
PriceChildtogr, /me is watching01:02
SlimeyPetetrolls smell like 14-year-olds, y'know01:02
SlimeyPete14-year-olds with greasy hair.01:02
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system01:02
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Electronbeamperlmonkey:  in windows/recording properties/ it has wav out mix or steroe mix01:02
Sjimmieread it ;)01:02
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Electronbeamperlmonkey: but in ubuntu, i cant find anything of the sort01:02
Homer_Simpsonwe dont know what half this stuff is, we got a friend to install ubuntu and get it to work, i just want IE to wrok01:02
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: probably want /dev/audio01:03
ElectronbeamHomer_Simpson: use firefox, safer, more secure01:03
Spaceman3750Homer, I guess you're in a boat load of crap then01:03
Electronbeamperlmonkey: simplify01:03
Homer_SimpsonIE is so easy and fast and reliable to use, i really need it.01:03
perlmonkeythat is simple01:03
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: you can run IE in wine01:03
perlmonkeycan't get any simplier01:03
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Spaceman3750IE isn't fast and reliable01:03
Spaceman3750It's anything but01:03
Homer_SimpsonI dont like wine, i prefer beer01:03
Homer_Simpsonnd why would i place my pc in wine?01:03
=== asc__ points at the "Don't Feed The Troll" sign.
perlmonkeyiE is a major security risk to your system and piracy01:04
ElectronbeamHomer_Simpson: use firefox, that orange and blue thing, it runs like IE but its much more secure01:04
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer01:04
Electronbeamdeff a troll01:04
=== SlimeyPete shines a spotlight on said sign
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Homer_Simpsoni want ie01:04
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: just do what the website says01:04
Sjimmieand you get IE01:04
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=== Spaceman3750 thinks back to the Homer gets a computer episode...
SlimeyPetewhere's the any key?01:04
perlmonkeySpaceman: what happened01:04
Homer_Simpsonthat makes no sense01:04
togrfree as in wine01:05
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Homer_Simpsonthats an encyclopedia, i want ie01:05
ElectronbeamHomer, do what the website says01:05
perlmonkeywoohoo thanks01:05
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: my second link, this one http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_internet_explorer01:05
Electronbeamit will tell you how to get IE01:05
SjimmieHomer_Simpson: that will help you01:05
togrI think the troll has had enough fun01:05
Electronbeamperlmonkey: im in /dev/01:05
SlimeyPetehe doesn't want IE. He's a troll. Ignore him ;p01:05
perlmonkeyElectronbeam ok01:05
brainiac_ghostSlimeyPete, but proving him wrong is funny :P01:05
Homer_Simpsoni want 7, but oh well. thanks anyway01:05
Homer_Simpsonhave a nice time01:06
brainiac_ghostand you ^^01:06
Spaceman3750You too cartoon dude01:06
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SlimeyPeteyou can't prove a troll ong. They don't tend to accept defeat ;)01:06
Electronbeamperlmonkey: is it in /dev/snd?01:06
PlayMeNowhow big should I make the swap partition? I got 256 MB SDRAM (on WinXp it's 256, max: 512)01:06
perlmonkeyElectronbeam: either that one, or audio01:06
megatilldo somebody know how can i start eggdrop at strart up? also to creat a starter with a specific path?01:06
Electronbeami have no /dev/audio01:06
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Spaceman3750Hmm, while I'm thinking about it...  The sound that comes from all other software works, but I can't get the sound from Flash in FireFox to play01:07
Homer_Simpsoni'll be off now, i mite come back if i have more troubles, thanks very mcuh for all the help. your a nice bunch of people01:07
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Electronbeamsheesh all this spam01:07
Electronbeamperl, can we take this to IM01:07
perlmonkeyf'kin losers01:07
PlayMeNowhow big should I make the swap partition? I got 256 MB SDRAM (on WinXp it's 256, max: 512)01:07
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asc__PlayMeNow: I recommend 392. If you actually use 512 swap, it'll be unusable from constant paging.01:07
perlmonkeyPlayMeNow: generally speaking, 2x your physical memory01:07
stefgPlayMeNow: 256 to 384 MB01:07
PlayMeNowthanks asc_01:07
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Spaceman3750Is there some Ubuntu quirk with Flash and sound?01:08
blueyPlayMeNow: At least enough to fit the whole ram if you want to hibernate. Twice the ram is the usual, less common with the ram size increases.01:08
neonlinuxhey all, when browsing the net, where does the history/cache/ temp files get stored for firefox?01:08
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moDumasshey all, does anyone have any idea how to customise Ktorrent? mine doesnt show the files associated with a torrent anymore- ie a torrent may be 3 files, how do i get that back?01:08
asc__Or you can use other numbers. I actually meant 384. :p01:08
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SlimeyPeteneonlinux: ~/.mozilla01:08
PlayMeNowand the ext3 should be primary or extended? I'd guess primary01:08
perlmonkeymy kmail is really messed up :-/01:08
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Nightroad_Xspeak Spanish ?01:09
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neonlinuxSlimeyPete: rats.. is that the only place.. not in tm or anything?01:09
ilikec0ws!es | Nightroad_X01:09
ubotuNightroad_X: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:09
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SlimeyPeteneonlinux: it might shove some stuff in /tmp I guess01:09
Nightroad_Xthanks ^01:09
SlimeyPetebut I'm not aware of any other locatios01:09
asc__PlayMeNow: Probably. Only need to use extended if you have more than four or five partitions.01:09
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neonlinuxSlimeyPete: ok thanks01:09
PlayMeNowok thanks goodbye01:10
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megatilldo somebody know how can i start eggdrop at strart up? also to creat a starter with a specific path?01:11
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heatxsinkaw crap you guys are gonna hate me, I didn't bookmark that link to making debs! sorry, could someone hook that up?01:11
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SlartHello, If I use gnome/nautilus to copy/move a file/folder I can't use nautilus to while it's still copying, it just waits until the copy/move is finished until it lets me do anything.. is this a feature? annoying thing that might get fixed in the future? fixable by me with some kind of setting?01:11
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Slartmegatill: startup when computer boots up? or when you log in? in ubuntu you have system, proferences, sessions where you can put stuff that you want to run when you log on01:13
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megatillSlart: i know; when i log in; it'S for unreal for example; if i make that: home/megatill/Unreal3.2/unreal ./unreal start     that works not and i don'T know why01:14
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=== vrednas i xp!
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ilucan someone help me pwss01:15
Slartmegatill: hmm.. I use sessions to start pidgeon and do some network folder mapping and it seems to work..01:15
perlmonkeyilu: what happened? I thought you fixed it01:15
ghatakHi, i am trying to install NessusClient on my system, Edgy 6.10. I get the following error. nessusclient depends on libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8c-1); however: Version of libssl0.9.8 on system is 0.9.8b-2ubuntu2.01:15
megatillSlart: hm01:15
ghatakWhat can i do to fix it01:15
Slartmegatill: make sure you use absolute path names01:15
iluwhen i start something in a consol i always need to open another one because that one is used... is there a way to start several apps in the same concol?01:15
iluperlmonkey :))01:15
megatillits the real path to unreal3.201:15
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Slartmegatill: very odd.. nothing in the logs?01:16
megatillmoment please01:16
IdleOneilu, in terminal : click on file and open new tab01:16
perlmonkeyilu: are you using shells in X or outside X?01:16
perlmonkeyyeah open new tabs instead of terminals01:17
iluthanks mates01:17
=== ilu has a crush on linux
ilubtw i have a tip for yall.. try out 'elinks' url browser... lol its text based01:18
togrilu, shift-ctrl-T gives you a new tab01:18
perlmonkeyok kmail is really starting to get on my tits now01:18
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Slartmegatill: hmm.. looking at your command.. you have ./unreal start in there.. that might be the problem.. ./ would be some kind of current path thingy.. try making it into an absolute path01:18
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IdleOne!ohmy | perlmonkey01:18
ubotuperlmonkey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:18
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Slartilu: it's great when x won't start and you need to search teh web for how to fix it.. =)01:18
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perlmonkeyIdleOne: apologies01:18
megatillSlart: ok thanks i'll test it01:19
ilu<Slart> lol i use it for youtbue and everything... its neat01:19
togrtits is a family of birds01:19
ilui download flash movies to my computer and watch them there01:19
togrthe largest of which is called "great tit"01:19
iluvia 'save youtube movies'01:19
bastid_raZorIdleOne,  like tits is a bad word.. what a pansy01:19
Slartilu: hehe.. how do you watch flash movies in console? some kind of frame buffer player?01:19
perlmonkeylook at my great big tits01:19
togrI understand researchers who work with great tits have problems finding relevant material on the web01:20
ilu<Slart> i download stuff via elinks... then i use 'mplayer' that starts a little window for the movie file01:20
perlmonkeymaybe man tits are less offensive to IdleOne than the feathered tits01:20
moDumasshey all how do i get my ktorrent to show the "status"  and "files" tab in the bottom of the GUI like it used to?01:20
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:20
bastid_raZorperlmonkey, that would be teets?01:20
gnomefreakIdleOne: ?01:21
Slartilu: ah.. ok01:21
IdleOnebastid_raZor, and perlmonkey01:21
togror "teats"01:21
perlmonkeysorry, strayed in troll territory then01:21
perlmonkeybastid_raZor lol01:21
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gnomefreakbastid_raZor: perlmonkey stay on topic01:21
iluSlart> lol u thought i watched movies in zeros and onces? xD01:21
bastid_raZorperlmonkey, we've upset the tattle tail01:21
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perlmonkeythat's it done now01:21
Slartilu: hehe.. well there is an ascii output filter for vlc =)01:21
IdleOnety gnomefreak01:22
efaistos_do you know if beryl can run on a matrox millenium g450 dual ?01:22
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ilui think i will recommend some people i know to download ubuntu instead of upgrading to windows vista01:22
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iluvista costs alot and is no real change from xp... i mean the windows concept is already invented01:23
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perlmonkeyok, I'm having problems with my kmail..its gone teets up and I dunno why.01:23
Slartefaistos_: I think beryl runs on most graphics cards.. don't know if it can handle *all* the bling bling that beryl provides but I think it will run01:23
togranyone know how to suppress join/leave messages in xchat?01:23
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IdleOnetogr, in the preferrences01:23
venihi, hi, i have a very imp data in my harddisk which is lvm partition of my existing harddisk01:23
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ilikec0wsefaistos_, I thought beryl only supports nvidia ati and intels01:23
ilikec0wsefaistos_, Ask in #beryl01:23
Slartilu: I just got myself a small laptop with vista included..  it's pretty nice, but I don't think it's worth the money.. but it's still nice01:24
veninow I am not able to mount that particular harddisk partitiion01:24
efaistos_ilikec0ws: nodoby anszwering there01:24
togrIdleOne, I *have* looked there -- could you be more specific please?01:24
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perlmonkeynvidia are fine cards, but I dunno about these cheaper manufacturers using nvidia chipsets01:24
venineed help in recovering the data from that harddisk partition01:24
IdleOnetogr, let me look...01:24
ilikec0wsefaistos_, I think its only on them card though, but dont take that as  a certain :)01:24
perlmonkeyveni: testdisk is your friend01:24
veniperlmonkey, i dint get what u r saying01:25
ilu<Slart> dont know man i used it for a couple of months and i just switched to 'windows classic' mode in the end. and that got me thinking that microsoft has hit some kind of wall... i mean the concept is already invented... there is nothing more to do01:25
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perlmonkeyveni: try testdisk and photorec if you want to recover data from a borked parition, its not guaranteed, could be a last resort01:25
veniperlmonkey, i dont have any command like testdisk01:26
IdleOnetogr, I cant seem to find it either. try asking in #xchat01:26
ilikec0wsilu, I actually like the windows interface, its just a shame its like a memory hogger01:26
badkittyWow beryl with twinview rocks01:26
perlmonkeyveni: install it01:26
ilu<Slart> for example. i think alot of corporations will argue in the same way as me01:26
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iluthey will think like this "we can stay on xp with office 03'01:26
streatherhey guys01:26
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perlmonkeyopenoffice matches msoffice eh01:26
Slartilu: yes, I switched to classic mode too.. to save some battery time.. but not because I didn't like aero or anything... I can only compare it windows 2000.. but this is getting off topic.. back to ubuntu01:27
iluOOo rox... works for all my tasks...01:27
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asc__Anybody getting checksum mismatches on the flashplayer-nonfree package?01:27
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SlartOOo sucks at handling dates in charts.. just noticed =/01:27
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streathercan someone help me with an error i keep getting everytime i go to install something?01:27
ilu<Slart> yeah sorry i am not here to bash microsoft or anything...01:27
badkittyoff-hand... does anyone know the best way to make an appliance out of a windows xp environment01:28
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togrIdleOne, found it01:28
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Picibadkitty: ##windows ;)01:28
ilu<Slart> i use the calc all the time and thuss far i have had no issues... only some minor stuff...01:28
togrright-click on channel tab01:28
badkitty;-) pici01:28
Piciasc__: Yes, its a known error, afaik, its being looked at.01:28
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asc__Pici: Thanks.01:28
IdleOnetogr, ty good to know01:28
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IdleOnestreather, what is the error01:29
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iluwhat command do i use in the terminal to get a listing of all my hardware?01:29
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Slartilu: yes, same here.. I've used OOo for a year or two.. never ran into an big problems before.. but try making a chart with some dates on the x-axis.. my OOo started eating memory, almost crashed my box before I killed it... tried again and it just does all kinds of weird stuff with my dates..01:29
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Piciilu: lshw01:30
ilu<Slart> you need to install the new ooo... they have fixed alot of bugs01:30
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Ind[y] Can I install gnome-sudoku and glChess without installing the whole gnome-games package (I want to install these two through the package manager)?01:30
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ilu<Pici> thanks01:30
Slartilu: well.. I rarely include dates in my charts so i'll be fine with the repo-version for now... it's nice that they keep fixing things, improving it etc01:31
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IdleOneInd[y] , seems it is part of the package and wont let you install seperately01:31
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IdleOneInd[y] , but I might be wrong01:32
Ind[y] IdleOne: ok :/01:32
ilu<Slart> it would not surprise me that small and middle size corporations will switch to ooo in maybe three years when ooo is roughly as powerful as ms office 2003 witch is standard in all corporation work01:32
tmskeHi, anyone an idea what can be wrong with the powermanagement on my laptop, it's an easynote r1903 (Packard Bell), the powermanager can't see the cpu freq and screen dimming doesn't work either when I switch to battery01:32
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Slartilu: perhaps.. but OOo still has some way to go when it comes to the advanced stuff.. there are lots of office macros out there written for microsoft office01:33
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Slartilu: I just wish they would make calc include more math stuff.. so you can use it as a light mode replacement for ..ie.. matlab and such01:33
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askandI have a problem with vnc...when I connect to another uuntu computer with built in "remote desktop" and vncviewer I can see the screen on vncviewer but not changes(I close a folde on the other computer but it doesnt show on vncviewer) is that a bug?01:35
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blublobluHow can I restore all my wireless drivers, preferences, configuration, etc... to it's default state? I tried to get my Netgear WG111v2 working better my using ndiswrapper but now it just doesn't work. I'm using the live cd which works01:35
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snake_i can not run compiz fusion and i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29636/01:37
snake_can anyone help me please01:37
perlmonkeyblubloblu: i have Netgear WG511T01:37
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xoqawhat's the default graphics library used with ubuntu?01:37
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gnomefreakxoqa: gtk01:37
Ind[y] Can I download/install PyGTKGlExt through the package manager?01:38
venihi, my fdisk -l output is as per http://pastebin.ca/61595601:38
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Ind[y] I mean, is there a package on the repos?01:38
xoqagnomefreak: right, and gnome i presume.01:38
blublobluperlmonkey, is the chipset the same do you know?01:38
veninow i want to mount the sdb1 partition and get the data on it, how can I do that01:38
xoqagnomefreak: thanks01:38
venihelp needed please01:38
gnomefreakxoqa: yw01:38
perlmonkeyblubloblue: i will check for you, just a sec01:38
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: just booting it up, I got that card to work quite easily in Ubuntu using wpa_supplicant with ndiswrapper mode01:39
snake_can anyone help me please01:40
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blublobluperlmonkey, the wg111v2?01:40
gunfightersnake_, i guess01:40
perlmonkeyblubloblu: the WG511T01:40
Spaceman3750Anyone see ASC01:40
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asc__Spaceman3750: I saw him earlier.01:40
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blublobluperlmonkey, wpa isn't an issue for me, i have a nice and unsecured network because my other windoze box doesnt support encryption for some reason01:41
IdleOne!backports > IdleOne01:41
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: just checked, it the 511T has the Autheros chipset AR521201:41
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: ok should be even easier than01:42
perlmonkeyblubloblu: what prob you having?01:42
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snipexi installed kubuntu-desktop package from synaptic and then restarted comp it said kubuntu is loading but my desktop is still GNOME, whys that ?01:42
blublobluperlmonkey: it seems to disconnect from the network every 5mins01:42
Ind[y] Can I download/install PyGTKGlExt through the package manager?01:42
JayRoeis it possible to uninstall v4l-dvb?01:42
blublobluperlmonkey, i have to click on the network manager to reconnect, very annoying01:43
perlmonkeyI can imagine01:43
jdthey, does anyone know how to get a tail of messages onto the background of gnome display. I have played with root-portal applet but couldnt get it to work01:43
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xipietotecsnipex, change sessions in the options before you login, and set that as your default if you want kubuntu to be the default every time01:43
blublobluperlmonkey, i'm assuming it's a driver issue01:43
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rixonAny ideas why I can't suddenly connect encrypted wifi networks?01:43
snipexok ty for help ill try01:43
perlmonkeyanything in messages log?01:43
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blubloblui'm livecding right now01:44
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blublobluperlmonkey, what log should i look in?01:44
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n4tciao a tutti01:46
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LucianIndyi keep trying to update my clamav signatures but it keeps saying they are 91 days old. i used sudo clamav-getfiles and it said they were updated but when i load the gui 'clamtk' it says otherwise01:46
perlmonkeyblubloblu: tail -100 /var/log/messages should reveal something01:46
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n4thi all01:46
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n4thow can I avoid knit: no resume image doing normal boot???01:46
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perlmonkeyI have an annoying problem? with my wifi nic whereby it has to be manually taken down and brought up again before I can use it, doesnt seem to get started on boot up01:47
blublobluperlmonkey, a lot of gconfd stuff, and some message handler not found wlan001:47
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Tama00is it possible to have a PXE install server without running your own DHCP server on the same box01:48
Tama00because i already got a router that handles the DHCP01:48
perlmonkeyblubloblu: is your /etc/network/interfaces ok?01:48
stefgn4t: this is no error, but just an info, that it's not a resume from hibernation, but a normal boot. nothing to worry abut01:48
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RGautierDHCP should be independent of PXE01:49
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blublobluperlmonkey, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29637/01:50
n4tstefg: because it says trying to resume from image ....and after it says that no resume image... I would delete this sort of damaged image01:50
victimsoulhey people, i'm getting some constant network activity from an unidentiied program (ubuntu feisty 7.1) and i was hoping someone could tell me how to identify it?01:50
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KingGhostp seanw ?01:51
seanwCan I help?01:51
perlmonkeyphew you have dhcp assigned IP's eh01:51
t2__hi,  can someone tell me how to get the best drivers for old ATI Radeon 7200 ?   I want it to support 1440*900 resolution like it does in Windows.  thanks01:51
KingGhostwhois :)01:51
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: I wonder if it's a dhcp problem01:51
t2__i read online that fglrx is not supporting of this old card01:52
KingGhost^ ^01:52
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blublobluperlmonkey, i have a router at home. It seems to be configured right01:52
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Picivictimsoul: check out the output of `netstat -tanp`01:52
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stefgn4t: you're misunderstanding this. The kernel looks, if the swap space holds a hibernation image (trying to resume...) then finds there is  none, then just proceeds to boot ... everything is well01:52
victimsoulthanks pici01:52
gjohnwubi can install ubuntu server01:52
werscan I install gentoo ebuilds in ubuntu?01:52
perlmonkeyblubloblu: do you need dhcp option on wifi card?01:52
n4tstefg: ok thanks01:52
blublobluperlmonkey, what do you mean?01:53
gjohnwubi can install ubuntu server?01:53
perlmonkeyyou have dhcp in your interfaces01:53
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askandI have a problem with vnc...when I connect to another uuntu computer with built in "remote desktop" and vncviewer I can see the screen on vncviewer but not changes(I close a folde on the other computer but it doesnt show on vncviewer) is that a bug?01:54
eoshihey all01:54
blublobluperlmonkey, yes...01:54
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eoshiif youre have an secondhand laptop, and you're not use it. I want to get your laptop01:54
eoshiI need that laptop to learn more computer, because I'm dont have an computer01:55
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: all I can suggest is maybe commenting out dhcp and restarting wifi nic to see if card/connection to LAN remains stable?01:55
n4tdoes exist a simple package that allow to see the amount of traffic and to disconnect internet if it is bigger than for example 50 MB01:55
perlmonkeyblubloblu: need to try and narrow down the problem eh01:56
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perlmonkeyput in a static IP address01:56
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LucianIndyis it possible to take all the packages I have on my ubuntu and create a ubuntu os installation distro cd that includes those packages?01:56
asc__Anybody have problems with flash player sound not working?01:56
werscan gentoo ebuilds be installed on ubuntu?01:57
IdleOne!cloning | LucianIndy01:57
ubotuLucianIndy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate01:57
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perlmonkeyI dont use flash01:57
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asc__Good man.01:58
perlmonkeyeveryone nags me to install it, but i dont want commercial software tainting my system01:58
asc__There's a free version somewhere.01:58
stefg!info gnash01:58
ubotugnash: free Flash movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1build1 (feisty), package size 117 kB, installed size 216 kB01:58
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perlmonkeyI will get gnash01:58
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LucianIndyIdleOne, that creates a 32kb text file which will do no good to a computer that does not have an internet connection01:59
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TurboosterI have problems with evolution mail01:59
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perlmonkeyI have problems with kmail01:59
stefgwho desnt ? :-)01:59
perlmonkeyI stopped using evolution mail cuz it was so heavy and unstable01:59
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turboDoes evolution-alarm-notify work on a clean install?02:00
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perlmonkeynot sure but I see it running often02:00
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stefgugh, ubuntu might be buggy, but one would expect this to be working02:01
perlmonkeyI've tried to purge my system of evolution stuff but it always pops up in processes still02:01
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turboand has anybody experienced the problem:02:01
=== perlmonkey coughs up yucky green stuff onto evolution
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turboI cant receive mails from 2 different yahoo accounts at the same time02:02
turbobut I can't make them be recieved one after another02:02
stefgturbo: every now and then, i /really/ give evo a try. usually after new ubuntu releases. and *always after ten days or so, i can't stand it no longer and turn back to thunderbird02:03
turbobut thunderbird didn't work at all in ubuntu02:03
perlmonkeymaybe the remote server is only allowing one connection02:03
perlmonkeyto stop people overloading it02:03
turbotb used to get every mail EVERY time02:03
turbomeaning 500+ mails every 10 minutes...02:03
stefg!doesn't work | turbo02:03
ubotuturbo: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:03
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turbofunny the first time. But then...02:04
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asc__turbo: It's never done anything like that for me.02:04
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turboI love it in windows where it 'just works'02:04
Jack_Sparrowthunderbird has not given me any problems02:04
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turbo*tb I mean02:04
d1006Hey guys - im trying to set up one key on my keyboard to repeat itself until its toggeled off. ie press the key, it repeats the keystroke eveyr .2s or whatever until i press that key again - does anyone know of a way to do this? (basically setting up the key as a turbo key i guess)02:04
perlmonkeymail clients r a big mystery02:05
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stefgturbo: given the fact that you have problems with all the coomon e-mail clients i suspect your misconfiguring something02:05
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turboSo what mailclient do you suggest?02:05
blubloblu1perlmonkey, I'm back, i just disconnected for a sec there. It took ages to reconnect02:05
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turboconnectionwise I don't methinks02:05
n4thow can I see a version of a package with apt?02:05
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stefgturbo: thunderbird, for Joe Average (not needing exchange compatibility)02:05
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turbothanks I'm gonna try tb again then!02:06
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perlmonkeyblubloblu1: not sure if you saw my last msgs, I was suggesting perhaps see if dhcp is responsible for the problem somehow, try and isolate the problem? maybe comment out dhcp for the nic and assigned static IP and see if LAN access remains ok02:06
blublobluperlmonkey, ok, i'll try that02:07
alesanI have a  "ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] " card in my system. should I install some particular driver to be able to use it? right now I'm in vesa mode02:07
stefgturbo: some guy set up a thunderbird 2.0 repo for feisty. the standard repos still hold 1.502:07
perlmonkeycould be a way to rule out a driver problem eh02:07
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turboIs 2.0 stable?02:07
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blublobluperlmonkey, do i just put the static ip where dhcp used to be in /etc/network/interfaces?02:07
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scoldog_Can Rhythmbox be controlled over a network?02:08
stefgturbo, yes... no issues here (or no other issues then 1.5 :-) )02:08
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turbostefg:Thanks! I'm gonna startexperimenting then... ;)02:08
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perlmonkeyblubloblu: you want it looking like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29638/02:09
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stefgturbo, here's the repo for TB 2.0: deb http://ubuntu.iuculano.it feisty thunderbird02:09
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Belboz99Hey all, I've got a problem with my xserver, I'm trying to output to a TV and a TV only,  however, once booted the screen just remains black.  I can switch to a terminal session OK, and that displays fine.   gdm restarts without error, yet still my screen is black, ideas?02:11
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Nuktarhi! I was wondering if somebody knows a repository with games. Some games, like freecnc, warsow, UFO Alien Invansion aren't in standart Feisty repos. Thanks in advance.02:12
stefgBelboz99: the resolution might be set too high, so the TV dosn't sync02:12
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perlmonkeystefg: you're good02:13
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perlmonkeyI just got my TV out card working yesterday after much messing, and several hours02:13
perlmonkeyturns out I was using the wrong driver, needed nvidia-flx-new instead of nvidia-flx02:14
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Jack_SparrowBelboz99: has it worked before (even in windows) and at what res/sync02:14
stefgwhich is nvidia-glx, actually02:14
perlmonkeyI very nearly hacked up all my cables too, after seeing lots of posts on the subject advising to link wires up in the svideo/scart connectors02:14
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xizdaqrianAre you from p'cola?02:15
dev_0ola everybody02:15
perlmonkeystefg: that's odd then, I dunno why it suddenly started working when I upgraded to the new driver, all I got on the original driver was black & white picture and some interference02:15
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dev_0can you help me02:15
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Pensacolano I'm not :)02:15
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dev_0I've something problem here02:16
Jack_Sparrowdev_0: just ask02:16
IdleOnedev_0, describe issue and ask a question02:16
xizdaqrianwhat's the prob dev?02:16
perlmonkeystefg: do you use TV-out card? which card?02:16
dev_0there is something problem with my soundcard02:16
dev_0I've install all codec and driver but still no sound / mute02:16
IdleOne!sound | dev_002:17
stefgperlmonkey: tho i have an FX5200, i don't use TV out (don't own a TV anymore)02:17
perlmonkeystefg: ok, same card as me02:17
IdleOne!alsa | dev_002:17
xizdaqrianHave you checked your volume settings?02:17
IdleOneis ubotu not working?02:17
ubotudev_0: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:17
dev_0I've already check all02:17
xizdaqrianAlsa sometimes starts out mute after activating the drivers02:17
dev_0everything is good02:17
xizdaqrianhave you used lsmod to see if the drivers loaded?02:18
stefg!intelhda | xizdaqrian02:18
ubotuxizdaqrian: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:18
perlmonkeystefg: is that card you have made by Nvidia or some other firm using the fx5200 chipset? I got a card from XFX and I'm not too impressed by it I must say02:18
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dev_0no I haven't tried yet, but I will02:18
dev_0how to use lsmod02:18
perlmonkeyman lsmod02:19
xizdaqrianrun sudo lsmod | grep sound or maybe grep alsa02:19
stefgperlmonkey: some 'i don't remember'-brand. I don't care too much, my video needs are pretty basic02:19
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perlmonkeystefg: seems reasonable02:19
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mdmkolbe3Where can I find the tracker to download ubuntu with bittorent?02:20
perlmonkeyI'm just interested in comparing experiences of fx5200 cards to see if it's worth replacing mine02:20
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dev_0it is listed like this soundcore               8672  2 snd02:20
dev_0what is that02:20
IdleOnemdmkolbe, www.ubuntu.com02:20
perlmonkeythats the sound device02:20
Pici!torrents | mdmkolbe302:21
ubotumdmkolbe3: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)02:21
videnHow do i make metacity my default window manager?  When i do metacity --replace in a terminal it says : Window manager warning: "" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "toggle_shaded".  And when i close that terminal window metacity goes away.02:21
xizdaqrianmdmkolbe3 -> from ubuntu's website02:21
dev_0what is /dev/snd02:21
perlmonkeysoundcard device02:21
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Teres__i have an external hd that is in ntfs format and i need 2 use it with my linux machine...wat do i do?02:21
dev_0so, that the problem or nothing02:22
Belboz99hey, why does Xorg.0.log say this:02:22
Belboz99(WW) NVIDIA(0): Option "TVOutput" is not used02:22
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IdleOne!ntfs | Teres_02:22
ubotuTeres_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:22
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:22
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse02:22
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perlmonkeyBelboz99: what card do you have?02:22
mdmkolbe3Pici: thx02:23
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dev_0should I install again the driver02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:23
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Teres__wat is the correct filesystem 4 ubuntu?02:23
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mdmkolbe3xizdaqrian: I was not able to find it directly on the web site, maybe I just didn't happen to look in the right place02:24
Teres__so how do i make my drive ext3?02:24
videnbut you can use that ntfs drive just fine.  ntfs-3g will slow things down though .. just fyi from my experience.  You can read that drive out of the gate just do a sudo apt-get install ntfs-config02:24
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Belboz99perlmonkey: Nvidia 6200,  LE IIRC02:24
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videnTeres__:  sudo apt-get install gparted02:24
perlmonkeyBelboz99: cool02:24
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videnHow do i make metacity my default window manager?  When i do metacity --replace in a terminal it says : Window manager warning: "" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "toggle_shaded".  And when i close that terminal window metacity goes away.02:24
beniHey my ubuntu server installation is running into Problems, Intel i430vx Chipset, 200Mhz & 64MB ram, the setuproutine doesnt contienue and always restarts due to too few memory ("Swap 0MB, Total 0MB") How can I install Ubuntu anyway??02:24
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perlmonkeyBelboz99: do you have installed nvidia-settings?02:25
xizdaqrianmdm -> it should be right there in the d/l section, lemme' check for you02:25
mkultrixi had a disk fail on my software raid array, i replaced it, it seemed to boot up fine, how can i check the status of my software raid array?02:25
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mkultrixi have a /dev/md0 for my /home partition02:25
badkittybeni ... I'm not sure, but can you create a swap, sounds like that owuld help02:25
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Belboz99perlmonkey: installing now02:26
asc__viden: Uh, can you select metacity from the 'session' list in gdm?02:26
stefgbeni: what are you going to use that box for?02:26
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grim76mkultrix: try man mdadm02:26
perlmonkeymkultrix: cat /proc/mdstat02:26
benibadkitty: the setup didnt ask for this... i just set up my keyboard scheme and then it searched the hardware and then it loaded the installtion stuff and then it crashes, and showing only "Killed\nKilled\n[...] " on the screen02:26
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videnasc__:   you mean add it as a startup item ?02:26
benistefg: file server02:26
beniI just need SMB and sshd imho02:26
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KingGhostmr_sleeping >02:27
badkittybeni when you do the partitioning part of the drives (gparted) you should be able to set the  swap partition02:27
Belboz99perlmonkey: no change :(02:27
benibadkitty: i didnt reach this stage of setup02:27
Teres__i still cant paste files into the drive02:27
asc__viden: When the login screen comes up, there's usually a button that lets you select different WMs.02:27
perlmonkeyBelboz99: you want tv out?02:27
Teres__and i used the g3 thing02:27
whatspyhi, what is the name of the application that "serves" the ssh protocol ?02:27
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Belboz99perlmonkey: what good is a GUI app when I can't see the GUI?02:27
stefgbeni: although you could try to get along with a minimal install, you'll need more Ram for a fileserver anyway for reasonable performance02:27
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Belboz99perlmonkey: yes02:27
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Belboz99I'm configuring it from an SSH terminal02:28
asc__viden: Although I have to admit I have no idea how one starts metacity, since it's already installed and I don't think it appears in that list for me.02:28
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xizdaqrianmdmkolbe3 -> Look on this page http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/02:28
Teres__viden: the g3 thing never worked...i still cant paste files into the drive02:28
mkultrixah ok thanks i see active raid5 hdk1[0]  hdi1[4]  hdc[3]  hdg[1]  , so that means its using all 4 of my drives02:28
videnasc__:  you mean the options button .. yeah the options are gnome and gnome failsafe ... or run the script ... all do the same thing it appears.  Beryl some how screwed up things when i uninstalled it02:28
stefgbeni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:28
xizdaqrianYou'll find it there02:28
badkittybeni: are you installing with a cd /dvd?02:28
grim76whatspy: openssh-server02:28
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videnTeres__:  do you have ntfs-config installed ?02:28
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whatspygrim76: thx02:28
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benibadkitty: cd stefg: before it ran win95(!!!)02:28
Teres__i just did that02:28
asc__viden: Okay. How are you starting metacity?02:28
ffmasc__, metacity is gnome, it is selected from the options menu under sessions.02:28
videnTeres__:  start it and check the 2 boxes ... then you will have write02:28
perlmonkeyBelboz99: perhaps you have the wrong driver installed or selected in X config02:28
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ffmasc__, at the login dialog, that is.02:29
Belboz99perlmonkey: wouldn't I get an error output in that situation?02:29
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dev_0perlmonkey, how about my sound02:29
videnasc__:  well at the moment i have to start it from the terminal to get my window title bars .. but it has a failure of some sort and i cant close that terminal02:29
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perlmonkeyBelboz99: I have an nvidia card with TV out and without a hitch, I didnt need to do anything to get TV out02:29
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asc__ffm: Isn't it just the window manager for gnome? Or something.02:29
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Belboz99perlmonkey: I've got the xorg set to nvidia for the driver, I used the driver from Nvidia's website02:30
perlmonkeyBelboz99: maybe, maybe not tho.02:30
asc__viden: Is the terminal in X?02:30
badkittybeni: ok so you burned the server CD and your trying to install it via the CD and it freezes/crashes after you select your keyboard?02:30
perlmonkeyBelboz99: same as me02:30
videnasc__:  yes02:30
ffm!metacity | asc__02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:30
perlmonkeyBelboz99: I used the driver in Ubuntu tho02:30
videnTeres__:   so taht will be sudo ntfs-config02:30
ffmasc__, yes, it is02:30
badkittyBelboz99: Whats the problem?02:30
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Belboz99badkitty: black screen when GUI is loaded02:30
benibadkitty: it doesnt freeze its kinda infinite loop. the installer has too few memory, so it shuts down something and then tries to restart exactly the same program again, and exits it again...02:30
perlmonkeyand error msg about TV out02:31
videnasc__:  i have to leave the terminal window open because if i close it metacity dies with it02:31
Belboz99badkitty: it's running alright, but with no display output02:31
yoka1i need to format with vfat a partition with block size of 4096, i get a segmentation fault error. suggestions?02:31
benithe whole process is visible in the syslog (alt+f4 or f5 afaik)02:31
Teres__thats gr802:31
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videnTeres__:  np02:31
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perlmonkeyBelboz99: maybe the resolution is set too high? just a thought02:31
mdmkolbe3xizdaqrian: yes, that is one of the links that Pici gave me, and I'll use it.  But I didn't see that linked anywere from the main web page.  Was there a link from the main web page that I missed?  (If there isn't there ought to be.  Otherwise the only way to find it is to ask here ;-))02:31
Belboz99perlmonkey: 640x480 too high?02:31
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Belboz99I've also tried the next two up from there02:32
perlmonkeyshould be ok02:32
perlmonkeyunless your screen is like real tiny02:32
asc__viden: okay. This probably isn't what you want to do. But one thing you *can* do is disable GDM (install sysv-rc-conf and just uncheck its' little box). The make a file ~/.xsession containing the lines '#/bin/bash' and 'metacity'. At that point, it will boot to a terminal, you can log in, and running 'startx' should start metacity.02:32
Belboz99nah, it's like a 27" or so TV02:32
asc__viden: Another possibility is that I'm tripping hard.02:32
asc__The == Then02:32
videnasc__:  lmmfao02:32
badkittyBeni...wait... you want to run ubuntu server... there shouldn't be a gui02:32
perlmonkeyBelboz99: do you have AV channel selected on TV?02:32
stefgbeni: have you tried an expert install. you'll like to get rid of cups, acpi, and other useless stuff for that machine, which eats up memory. And i'd use 6.06 LTS server anyway, if all yu want is a stupid samba server02:32
Belboz99perlmonkey: the thing is the command line and everything else but the GUI display as normal02:33
videnasc__:  can i just go edit the xsession file to fix this ?02:33
benibadkitty: ubuntu server 7.04 downloaded yesterday. there is no real gui, just in the beginning ubuntu logo and small menu02:33
perlmonkeyBelboz99: I had the same problem sometimes with blank black screen on TV, restarting X solved it tho02:33
badkittywhat problem is belboz having?02:34
perlmonkeyso its an X problem for sure eh02:34
Belboz99perlmonkey: I've restarted X about 20 times now02:34
benistefg: isnt 7.04 better than 6.06? i always thought that way :-)02:34
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asc__viden: Well, the xsession file is useless if GDm is running. But that's basicly what I'm suggesting.02:34
perlmonkeybadkitty: he's got no X output to his TV screen on his TV-out nvidia card, but shell displays ok02:34
Belboz99badkitty: blank screen when GUI is loaded on Standard-Def TV02:34
asc__viden: Unless there's more xsession files somewhere that I don't know about. Which there probably are.02:34
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badkittybeni: 6.06 had long term support, I'd stick to that one02:34
videnasc__:  could i just go to term2 and kill gdm and then edit the file ?02:34
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videnasc__:  currently i dont have a file on my system called .xsession02:35
cr3do u kno xero brothers?02:35
videnat least that i can find02:35
stefgbeni: 'better' is a relative term. and most of the improvements tend to consume ram, and aren't noticable on a machine without a GUI02:35
perlmonkeyBelboz99: I would suspect it might be the driver you know, can you try the Ubuntu driver perhaps?02:35
Belboz99tried that too02:35
ascviden: Yeah, that would work. If you're just doing it once, you can probably just 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' and 'startx metacity'02:35
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badkittybelboz: hmm never connected a tv with ubuntu before....02:35
videnasc: cool02:36
Spaceman3750_Anyone else have any suggestions on how to get sound from flash working in FireFox?02:36
badkittybelboz: this is after you installed the nvidia driver?02:36
perlmonkeyBelboz99: I'm going to check my xorg.conf config to see if theres anything02:36
cr3do u kno xero brothers?02:36
Belboz99badkitty: it's an HTPC with MythTV02:36
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perlmonkeyBelboz99: there's nothing, all seems to be handled by the driver, and the settings for picture quality on TV are handled by nvidia-settings02:37
stefgSpaceman3750_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#head-f036b17c3150dd72f58d952a0e13094568c9f92e02:37
badkittyBelboz: Ahh nice.. did you try attaching a monitor instead of the TV to make sure it is an out-put problem rather than an X problem?02:37
ascSpaceman3750_:The last thing you might try that I know of is getting rid of ~/.mplayer/plugins/lib-whatever-so and installing gnash (which is apparently the open-source version of flash)02:37
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Belboz99badkitty: I suppose I could try that, I just hate lugging CRT's around the house :-P02:38
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y66hello at all02:38
perlmonkeyBelboz99: cool dude! you're running mythtv? I have just finishing setting up my dedicated master backend, I just installed the nvidia card yesterday, had some probs with the drivers and it took me 2 hours02:38
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Paul^help ! help ! I have an emergency! I'm installing ubuntu, and it's asking for a hostname now! and I can't think of an original hostname! help :(02:39
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badkittybelboz: haha true, but atleast you would be likely to know if it is an X thing or a difference between the x output and the tv02:39
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Paul^it's a server, dns/gateway/proxy/dhcp, btw02:39
stefgBelboz99: so try to 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and use *only* 640x480 at 50 Hz as reso. if that works, you're having a sync issue02:39
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ascPaul^: Mintaka02:40
FrogzooPaul^: abandon all hope - you're doomed02:40
perlmonkeyBelboz99: I got the geoforce fx5200 card (XFX make) I'm not that impressed by it I must say, would be interested to hear how you get on the card you bought later02:40
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ascActually, I like Frogzoo's answer better02:40
Paul^yeah, but can hostnames contain spaces? it's a tad long for a hostname02:40
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y66I have a problem with Ubuntu server Sparc version....02:41
ascYou can probably use hyphens as spaces. I do that for file names.02:41
perlmonkeyhostnames should not contain spaces02:41
y66who can contact me to help me?02:41
Paul^I'll go for asc's one then )02:41
perlmonkeywe have a sun user in our midst guys02:41
=== asc does a little dance.
y66it's better to talk in private02:41
ascI'll heat the tar. Pluck a chicken, perlmonkey!02:42
Solaris444speaking of server versions...02:42
perlmonkeyhaha asc02:42
stefg!pm | y6602:42
ubotuy66: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:42
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Solaris444hey guys, the server version...02:42
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y66yes solaris44402:42
Solaris444what configuration tools are included?02:42
Tama00i cant get pxe working! my computer gets the dhcp settings then tries to get the tfpt file. its looking for the correct file just the server wont send it!02:43
Tama00so the laptop keeps getting tftp time out02:43
ascSolaris444: nano and a lot of .confs I think02:43
FrogzooTama00: try tftp localhost & check your tftpd is serving02:43
SlimeyPeteSolaris444: just the usual debian set. Apt, ifconfig and a /etc full of configuration files.02:43
Solaris444what is nano?02:43
Tama00Frogzoo, okay hold on02:43
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mdmkolbe3Solaris444: nano is a text editor02:44
Solaris444I was wondering if there is a yast-type interface for ubuntu because I'm getting annoyed at SuSE02:44
y66solaris444: can you help me with sparc version?02:44
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FrogzooSolaris444: APT (advance package tool) - interfaces are apt-get & dpkg02:44
Tama00Frogzoo, yeah it seams to be working02:44
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Solaris444I'm afraid I know nothing about Sparc y6602:44
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badkittyBelboz: Myth TV eh, whats the best way to set up your media... NAS?02:44
y66oh ok thanks solaris44402:45
Solaris444Frogzoo: yeah I know about the package management tools.  thanks anyway02:45
Tama00Frogzoo, and i can fetch the file its after02:45
perlmonkeybadkitty: NFS02:45
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FrogzooTama00: well wireshark would show you what's happening on the wire02:45
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netyirehello all, been having some problems with mounting a usb device, anyone willing to help?02:45
perlmonkeybadkitty: soft-raid + nfs, never look back02:45
Spaceman3750_asc, I was gonna try to reinstall FireFox, but it won't let me02:45
jattyast is bad02:45
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:46
y66who can help me to install Ubuntu server sparc version????02:46
Tama00Frogzoo, how can i work out the problem using wireshark?02:46
ascSpaceman3750_: The problem probably isn't either firefox or flash. But at that point, I don't know what it could be.02:46
perlmonkeybadkitty: I'm using XFS for filesystem, very stable and fast02:46
FrogzooTama00: filter on 'tftp' & it will show the conversation02:46
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Tama00Frogzoo, i was using tcpdump -n to show the conversation beforea02:46
perlmonkeyXFS over NFS02:46
Tama00and it seams my pc is not sending it to the client02:46
Tama00i think..02:47
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perlmonkeybadkitty: are you thinking of running mythtv too dude?02:47
badkittyperlmonkey: So being mythTV and all I want LOTS of storage with redundancy.. yes I am going to build a pc for mythtv soon02:47
FrogzooTama00: wireshark will show filenames & stuff, it's a better chance at finding it02:47
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vikkuHi all02:48
perlmonkeybadkitty: lots of storage ya, that thing EATS up HDD space like nothing, 2GB per hour02:48
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Tama00Frogzoo, is there any common reasons why it wont send?02:48
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Tama00Frogzoo, ill have to disconnect of the net to try it02:48
netyireanyone can help with mounting a usb device?02:48
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Tama00Frogzoo, cause my router has a dhcp server and it conflicts with that if im on the net and trying to install02:48
Frogzoonetyire: plug it in :)02:48
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netyire:D, yup02:48
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perlmonkeybadkitty: have you got a card or decided on one for your frontend TV out?02:48
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badkittyperlmonkey: but from what I have heard you can have multiple servers and clients for mythtv to push from? so is it best to have a seperate storage with raid or have it attached to the pc02:48
netyireworks the first time, but on the second time it doesn't mount02:48
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videnacs:  that didnt work .. i cant edit those xsession or xclient files because they dont seem to exist anywhere on my machine.   Do you know where gnome stores its startup script for each user ?02:49
jabba_is it possible to "dist-upgrade" from lenny/sid debian to ubuntu?02:49
FrogzooTama00: I'm just saying02:49
netyiredmesg outputs some stuff, let me post a link02:49
badkittyperlmonkey: Haven't decided on a card yet... i hear there are a few good ones specifically for linux02:49
stefgjabba_: no02:49
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Tama00Frogzoo, yeah its cool i just wanna try a few things before i go disconnecting my net again02:49
perlmonkeybadkitty: indeed. I have my mythtv spread out on my LAN across 4 machines, (2 backends, one slave and one master, 3 frontends, one on wifi laptop and one under TV with TV-out card, and my storage and mysql db are on a dedicated server02:50
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Tama00Frogzoo, have a bit of a line up of problems to solve so i dont have to keep reconnecting and disconnecting..02:50
jabba_stefg, so best way is backing up the home-dir and reinstall the root?02:50
videnAnyone know where x stores its user startup scripts ?02:50
stefgjabba_: yes02:50
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badkittyperlmonkey: I'll have to get in touch with you when I set mine up then02:50
jabba_ok... then ubuntu has to wait... :(02:50
badkittyperlmonkey: Pm me your email?02:50
FrogzooTama00: use a fixed IP so you can disable the router's dhcp then02:50
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perlmonkeyi am always hear so you can always find me02:51
perlmonkeyalways same nick02:51
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Tama00Frogzoo, yeah i not actually allowed to touch the router its the next door neighbours lol02:51
perlmonkeyif you register for Freenode you can leave memo msgs02:51
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KuHliihey by default does ubuntu have an etc/rc.d directory?02:51
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Frogzooperlmonkey: have you compared the RH clustered file system & XFS ?02:51
Tama00yeah im so poor i leech the internet of my next door neighbour haha02:51
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badkittyok.. im out for the night, later02:52
perlmonkeyFrogzoo: I don't know nothing about RH, my back ground is really only Debian before Ubuntu02:52
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perlmonkeyI will tell you this tho guys, Ubuntu is the no1 best distro for setting up mythtv02:52
perlmonkeyits so much easier02:53
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minimecHi folks. I have a Motorola mobile phone that I can plug to the computer via USB. Shouldn't a device node like /dev/ttyACM0 be created when I plug in th USB Device?02:53
perlmonkeybah still cant access kmail02:53
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perlmonkeyminimec: it should ya02:54
perlmonkeybut only if the hardware is recognised02:54
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perlmonkeyelse your sys will just go "wtf is that...*shrug*" and ignore it02:55
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minimecperlmonkey: Fact is, that I have no /dev/ttyACM0 device in my /dev. I can plug the phone, dmesg shows me, that it is recognised properly...02:55
m1rminimec, try: moto4lin02:55
perlmonkeyare you sure that's what the device is called tho?02:55
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Spik1I have a problem. I'm Tribooting on an intel macbook with rEFIt. Just installed 7.0.4. When i choose the mac partition it boots mac just fine. However, when I choose the windows or the ubunty partition, they both boot grep. Furthermore my up and down arrows dont work during the initial stages of the boot, so i cant even select windows when presented with choices. (since i cant move, it goes with the first hilighted choice, Ubuntu02:56
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perlmonkeyI've noticed in past some weird device names02:56
saint-takeshihey, anyone know how to make wine use a better DirectX?02:56
minimecm1r: That's what I am trying ;) I want to connect my A780 with moto4lin.02:56
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perlmonkeyI gotta get my ass in gear and do some work02:57
perlmonkeyback laters guys, will have to manage without me for rest of the day02:57
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minimecm1r: Could there be a problem with the mass storage mode I have in the Motorola A780?02:57
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Belboz99perlmonkey: I got it running!02:57
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dondonganyone here play american army(AA)?03:00
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iluwhat that?03:01
dondonga 3d game03:01
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ilugames are boring03:01
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilubtw does it work to play pc games on linux?03:01
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:01
dondongiv download one pack,but dont  know how to install03:01
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ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents03:02
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iluuh i dont like games anyway so i wont go there03:02
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dondong'coz there is no .run files03:02
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SlimeyPetedondong: what files are there?03:03
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dondongsome folders03:03
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stefg!cedega | saint-takeshi03:03
ubotusaint-takeshi: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega03:03
SlimeyPeteerm, .ini is a text file. Not a game.03:03
SlimeyPeteyou sure you downloaded the right thing?03:03
dahmindI've installed ubuntu on an HP machine and after a reboot I got error 17 with grub. Anyone any idea's?03:03
minimecm1r: I had to switch from Mass Storage Mode to Modem Mode. I have my /dev/ttyACM0 now ;)03:04
stefgdahmind: have you installed to the internal disk?03:04
dahmindstefg: yes03:04
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stefgdahmind: running from Live CD now on that very machine?03:04
dahmindstefg: dual boot with windows XP pro sp203:04
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dahmindno, i'm at work03:05
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dahmindstefg: what's error 17?03:05
stefgdahmind: the problem is that grub doesn't find its config file ( /boot/grub/menu.lst)03:05
Spaceman3750_Why can't I uninstall FireFox?03:06
dondongiv install an old version of this game which was easy to install coz it has a .run file,but this one doesnt03:06
stefgdahmind: so if you run from Live CD you should be able to fix that... sometimes the BIOS juggles around drive numbers, so grub gets confused03:06
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Spaceman3750_It tells me something else is relying on it03:06
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Spaceman3750_But what?03:06
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dahmindstefg: Ok. live-cd and then?03:06
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gnomefreakSpaceman3750_: because of what depends on it.03:07
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iluhey mate03:07
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stefgdahmind: no use in expalining now, if you aren't at the machine.. it's a quick walkthrouh, but you won't remember. So come back from a Live CD session on that machine03:08
gnomefreakSpaceman3750_: yelp and alot of other gnome apps will be removed as well and most of them are needed. this will change in gutsy (we are working on it alteast)03:08
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dahmindstefg: thnx. I just noticed a post on gentoo forums. I must select the drive as first boot not my cd-rom.03:08
dahmindstefg: thnx03:08
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mattycoze1hay ppl, can someone help me get linblock to work?03:08
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z999I have a pretty old guide (I used it because it was in hebrew) and it shows a place called the repositories in the synaptic package manager... where do I find it in version 7.0403:09
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gnomefreakz999: i think its in the menu somewhere03:09
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stefg!repos | z99903:09
ubotuz999: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chuck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
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mattycoze1does anyone know how to use linblock?03:12
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Frogzoomattycoze1: what is that?03:13
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mattycoze1supposed to be an automatic script for downloading IP tables to be blocked03:13
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mattycoze1... http://dessent.net/linblock/03:13
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LucianIndymattycoze1, its a script so you have to download it and chmod it to 75503:15
LucianIndythen you just run it03:15
Frogzoomattycoze1: sounds interesting03:15
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Frogzoonot that I run any p2p03:16
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mattycoze1LucianIndy when i download it i can't see the script file anywhere, how come?03:16
LucianIndydid you download it to your desktop or /home/username_here/03:17
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mattycoze1... that's the default mozilla download directory03:17
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Naradahow do you put ftp in passive mode03:18
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LucianIndyopen a terminal and type navigate to your desktop then type ls -la03:18
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brokenthornNarada: You mean your ftp client?03:19
leperkhanzAnyone wanna help me help Feisty find my new SATA drive?03:19
LucianIndymattycoze1, if it has a ~ at the end of it just use this command 'mv filename~ filename' without the ' '03:19
leperkhanzThe bios sees it, but I don't know how to make Ubuntu see it.03:19
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stefgleperkhanz: type sudo fdsik -l in a terminal. is it listed there?03:20
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stefgsudo fdisk -l that is03:20
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afiefAnybody here who knows a good Streetfighter/Tekken/Mortal Kombat style game with online multiplayer?03:20
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LucianIndy!anyone | afief03:21
ubotuafief: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:21
mattycoze1LucianIndy, that's Odd the file isn't anywhere despite the fact that i downloaded it03:21
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stefg!games | afief03:21
ubotuafief: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:21
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LucianIndymattycoze1, you couldn't see it in the terminal?03:21
leperkhanzDunno, there's a lot listed there.03:21
mattycoze1LucianIndy nope03:21
jattnot sure is multiplayer though03:22
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leperkhanzI'm a little lost.03:22
LucianIndyi just downloaded it and i see it on my desktop03:22
PainAupleQuick question: Can Ubuntu be installed on a Mac relatively easily?03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aspergers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
wedontneedhi iam searching an app. like frontpage for ubuntu does anyone know that?03:22
ikoniaPainAuple: intel or power pc ?03:22
mattycoze1LucianIndy is there a command i could just use to search the drive for the file?03:22
mattycoze1like grep?03:22
stefg!paste | leperkhanz, so paste the output here->03:22
ikoniamattycoze1 find03:22
leperkhanzI already have 5 drives in there and multiple partitions....03:22
LucianIndysudo locate linblock.pl03:23
Frogzoomattycoze1: locate is way faster03:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:23
ikoniaLucianIndy: the desktop is in ~/Desktop03:23
Frogzoomattycoze1: oh my bad - yeah, just ls from a terminal will find it03:23
novell123i have a question... maybe little stupid... i want to know what ubuntu has more than debian? or what debian has more ubuntu?... scuse me for the language but i'm not english03:23
Naradabrokenthorn: what's a good graphical ftp client03:23
ikonianovell123: they are maintained by different people03:23
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ikonianovell123: so they are based on the same iniital programs just packaged together in different ways03:24
stefgleperkhanz: so if /you/ lost track of what's going on in your box, how could you expect anyone else on the other end of an IRC get it back for you ? :-)03:24
tanlaanhow do I do a distro upgrade from CL?03:24
brokenthornNarada: Everyone thinks it's gftp AFAIK03:24
wedontneedhi iam searching an app. like frontpage for ubuntu does anyone know that?03:24
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ikoniatanlaan: man apt-get03:24
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novell123ikonia, but why do you prefer ubuntu than debian?03:24
ikonianovell123: doesn't matter - its just my opinion03:24
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leperkhanzwell, I was hoping there was a "search for new hard drive" button some where.03:24
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ikonialeperkhanz: why do you need to search for a new harddisk ?03:25
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brokenthornNarada: But IMHO there's no better ftp client than a console client, like there is no better gui irc client like irssi or weechat, etc03:25
ikonialeperkhanz: do you not know if you've put one in or not ?03:25
leperkhanzI just put in a new SATA drive, and it's not showing up anywhere.03:25
tanlaanwell now, I have a problem03:25
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ikonialeperkhanz: have you put a file system on it ?03:25
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xyz123How do i set up mutt for sending email outside the localhost realm?03:25
ikonialeperkhanz: there you go then03:25
leperkhanzIt doesn't show up anywhere in Ubuntu.03:25
ikoniaxyz123: mutt isn't an smtp relay03:25
ikonialeperkhanz: because you've not put a file system on it03:25
tanlaanI am running 6.06 LTS, but I want to upgrade to 7.04, when I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it finds no packages to install03:26
leperkhanzIs there a wizard somewhere to do that?03:26
ikoniatanlaan: because you don't upgrade from 6.0.6 to 7.0403:26
stefgleperkhanz: it'03:26
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ikonia7.04 is a non LTS distro03:26
stefgleperkhanz: it's /dev/sdb03:26
leperkhanzI had that feeling.03:26
PainAupleikonia: A friend of mine wants to try putting a Linux partition on one of her machines. She has both and intel and a power pc03:26
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xyz123ikonia, ok how do i set up exim4/mutt for sending mail outside the localhost realm then?03:26
stefgleperkhanz: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb03:26
tanlaanikonia: So because I burned and installed 6.06 to my drive I'm fucked over for upgrading to 7.04?03:26
leperkhanzwill that make it a big fat32?03:27
ikoniaxyz123 you need to tell xime as an SMTP relay03:27
leperkhanzwhat will that do?03:27
ikoniatanlaan: there is no reason to use that language03:27
ikonia!language > tanlaan03:27
stefgleperkhanz: start the partitioner for the new drive03:27
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brokenthornleperkhanz: Try gparted, it's in a GUI03:27
ikoniaPainAuple its quite straight forward, although the PPC distro is now community maintained03:27
xyz123ikonia, would you care to explain it further, i would realy appriciate it03:27
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leperkhanzI like the sound of a GUI.03:27
Slarttanlaan: problems updating?03:27
tanlaanikonia: I apologize  for the language03:27
brokenthornleperkhanz: Hehe :)03:27
tanlaanslart: apparently?03:28
Slarttanlaan: can't upgrade using the update-manager?03:28
leperkhanzIs gparted in the system menu somewhere?03:28
ikoniaxyz123 you need to join an exim help channel or read the exim guide on https://help.ubuntu.com - you basiclly need to configure exim to act as an internet SMTP server then tell mutt to use that03:28
tanlaanslart: nvm03:28
tanlaanslart: apparently either I or the system was being ignorant03:28
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tanlaanslart: now that I retyped the same thing for the third time, it will allow me to upgrade03:29
CaptainMleperkhanz, nope, it is in the repo's though03:29
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tanlaanikonia: thank you for your time, I hope you have a great day =] 03:29
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ikoniatanlaan: welcome03:29
PainAupleikonia: Ok, thanks.03:29
brokenthornleperkhanz: Yes03:29
Slarttanlaan: hehe.. that's what I like about computers.. reliable and predictable =)03:29
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tanlaanslart: haha, well have a nice day =] 03:29
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ziBamMy keyboard doesnt work duing the first and second stages of grub. Any idea how to fix (Macbook intel)03:29
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ikoniagrub doesn't work on intel mac03:30
ziBamso what should i do?03:30
stefg!info elilo03:30
ubotuelilo: Bootloader for systems using EFI-based firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 120 kB, installed size 412 kB (Only available for i386 ia64)03:30
ikoniaziBam: use a compatible boot loader03:30
iluskype seems to work pretty fine for me03:30
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stefgziBam: see ubotus message for elilo03:30
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xyz123ikonia, thanks03:31
ziBamikonia: Well, im using rEFIt which is a bootloader that people have used for that, but grub boots when i choose windows too, how do i disable or switch grub?03:31
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ikoniaziBam: you shouldn't have installed grub03:32
videnwhere does gnome keep its startup script ie for normal and failsafe launch ?03:32
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mattycoze1kk i give up with that idea...03:32
ikoniaziBam: your not using erfit - or grub wouldn't be booting03:32
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leperkhanzwow gparted is sweet.03:33
ikoniawe know03:33
leperkhanzmuch better than any windows tool I've seen.03:33
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FuM-LaptoCan someone help me out real quick?03:34
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leperkhanzJust like that I got a 300gb Fat32 drive kickin' it gangster style.03:34
ziBamikonia: So im sorry to be bothersome, and not to knowledgable, but then how do i use erfit?03:34
mattycoze1how about with this - i'm having problems installing moblock; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29642/03:34
leperkhanzthanks guys!03:34
ikoniaziBam you've been sent a link from stefg detailing options and help urls03:34
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leperkhanzI'm going to be an EVEN MORE vocal Ubuntu fan now.  If that's possible.03:34
ikonialeperkhanz: probably best you keep quiet as it looks bad if you don't know what your doing and start spouting off stuff03:35
FurryNemesisFuM, what's up?03:35
Tama00whats the command to remove packages?03:35
LurkerXXX123Hi, I want to use Ubuntu server on my laptop, but it's got a Pentium M and so it hangs after install.  Is there an easy workaround?  ( this is the bug https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/71594 )03:35
ltibor65Hi guys! Do anyone use beryl? How can I set different wllpapers on the variing sides of the cube?03:35
ikoniaTama00: apt-get remove03:35
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PriceChildLurkerXXX123, does that bug mention a workaround in the comments?03:35
wzwHi, i have a Powerbook G4, i will install ubuntu 7.04, can i have the both two osx and ubuntu or just ubuntu?03:35
Tama00ikonia, yay03:35
leperkhanzikonia: I know enough.  I've spent years working on windows systems, which is hugely inferior I am rapidly coming to realize.03:35
FuMFurryNemesis, I disabled an Nvidia driver in my Ubuntu. Now I can't even login because a blackscreen popups up then it reverts back to the login scree.03:35
stefgIch murkse hier schon den ganzen Tag daran rum, auf einem AthlonXP/nForce2 system mit Nvidia FX5200 und Nvidia-glx 100.14.11 suspend to ram hinzukriegen (Desktop-Maschine) kein howto funzt. Noch jamnd 'ne Idee?03:35
Tama00do you know if i really need xinetd and inetd?03:35
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:35
Tama00cause i dont think i need them services03:35
LurkerXXX123PriceChild: only using an alternate CD to boot03:36
Tama00and would prefer not to have them03:36
ikonialeperkhanz: thats the sort of nonsense talk that sounds silly03:36
FurryNemesisFuM, the cli login screen?03:36
LurkerXXX123that didn't seem to work for some folks03:36
ascwzw: It's possibly to have both, but I couldn't tell you how to go about doing that.03:36
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PriceChildLurkerXXX123, well have you tried?03:36
FuMFurryNemesis, DI?03:36
LurkerXXX123yes, it didnt' work for me03:36
mattycoze1would anyone help me install Moblock??? please look at my paste  - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29642/03:36
videnwhere does gnome keep its startup script ie for normal and failsafe launch ?03:36
ikoniamattycoze1: what ubuntu version are you using03:36
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mattycoze1ikonia fiesty 7.0403:37
FurryNemesisFuM, can you login and get to a command prompt on that screen?03:37
stefgjatt: thanks, missed right channel03:37
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leperkhanzikonia: I'm going to have to disagree with you.  Ubuntu is vastly superior to Windows in a myriad of ways.  Most of them immediately obvious to me at least.03:37
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ikonialeperkhanz could you name three please03:37
wzwasc: ok, do ubuntu detect all mac hardware (wifi, bluetooth, mouse...)03:37
leperkhanzAnyway, thanks again.03:37
FuMFurryNemesis, No I cannot. I can't get into my Desktop at all.03:37
wzwasc: sound too03:37
leperkhanzBeryl, gparted, reliability.03:37
leperkhanzthat was easy.03:37
ikonialeperkhanz nope03:37
FurryNemesisFuM, that's ok, you don't need to get to it to re-enable the driver03:37
ikoniathat was pathetic03:37
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ikoniamattycoze1: what repo is mblock-nfq in03:38
FurryNemesisFuM, you just need to be logged in at that command line screen03:38
leperkhanzfree, foss, fast?03:38
ikoniamattycoze1: it looks like the version your getting has dependencies that are newer than fesity03:38
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ikonialeperkhanz again - just random words03:38
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leperkhanzno 3 specific ways that Ubuntu is pummeling Windows into the ground.03:38
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FuMFurryNemesis, The Recovery mode?03:38
onechardwzw sure does running just peachy on macbook pro 1703:38
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ikonialeperkhanz utter nonsense03:39
leperkhanzThat's a total of six.  I hope that's enough.03:39
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mattycoze1ikonia that sounds about right, the repository is an online one03:39
ikonialeperkhanz hence why you should not be advocating linux03:39
ikoniamattycoze1 spot on03:39
ikoniamattycoze1 that makes sense03:39
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ikoniamattycoze1 is the repo even an ubuntu one ?03:39
leperkhanzwhatever.  thanks again, I'm outta here, and putting Ubuntu on every machine I can find.03:39
ikoniamattycoze1 sorry even aimed at ubuntu users03:39
ikonialeperkhanz silly silly, but enjoy03:39
FurryNemesisyep, after it dumps you to that screen, login at the command prompt03:39
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capiirahmmm anyone know how to list dirs and sub dirs and sub files and save to txt from the shell ?03:39
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mattycoze1nah - i think Gentoo03:39
mattycoze1which sucks!03:40
ikoniacapiira ls -lR >file.txt03:40
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ikoniamattycoze1 gentoo releases are never going to work on ubuntu03:40
capiirathank you03:40
ikoniamattycoze1 use repos that point at ubuntu repo's03:40
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ascwzw: I've never tried installing it on one. To the best of my knowledge, PPC isn't as well supported as intel-32, if it's a PPC. Most things should work fine. I'm less sure about bluetooth - wireless has traditionally been a tricky issue.03:40
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ikoniamattycoze1 distributions are not interchangable03:41
mattycoze1ikonia - there is no such thing :(, the reason why i've been trying to get it to work is because i need an p2p IP blocker like peerguardian03:41
FuMFurryNemesis, I'm at the Terminal Emulator.03:41
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ikoniamattycoze1: contact the package maintainer and ask him to package it for ubuntu03:41
mattycoze1and i've been told that peerguardian had been outdated by this03:41
ikoniamattycoze1: no problem, just contact the maintainer03:41
xoqahow do you define which login manager to use? is there one specific file to edit?03:41
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mattycoze1ikonia - hay that sounds like a good idea!03:41
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FurryNemesisFuM, have you got something like FuM@MyComputer $    ?03:41
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mattycoze1lol what's the likelihood they'll do it though?03:42
FurryNemesisand then a prompt?03:42
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ikoniamattycoze1: simple ones are always the best - if something isn't meant to work, don't try to make it work. Ask the person to fix it03:42
ascxoqa: It's a startup task. If you install sysv-rc-conf, you can use it to enable/disable kdm/gdm/xdm/whatever.03:42
leperkhanzWait, I'm back, how do I mount said drive now?03:42
FuMFurryNemesis, Yes. fum@fumdesktop:~$03:42
=== leperkhanz flushes.
ikoniamattycoze1 depends what they are. I port all packages I maintain on request if I can, or I ask a collaberator to do it for me03:42
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xoqaasc: but is there a file to edit?03:42
ikonialeperkhanz: ubuntu is superior it should just work03:42
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ikonialeperkhanz: remember03:42
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FurryNemesisFuM, did you want that driver back?03:42
xoqaasc: which one if so?03:43
ikonialeperkhanz: go indtall it on every pc you can03:43
ascxoqa: There's at least one way to do it without sysv-rc-conf, but I have no idea how.03:43
leperkhanzit probably will on reboot. :P03:43
leperkhanzdoing that already. :D03:43
ikonialeperkhanz weak solution03:43
leperkhanzyeah, I know.03:43
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FuMFurryNemesis, I just want to be able to use my desktop lol.03:43
brokenthornleperkhanz: edit /etc/fstab03:43
leperkhanzthat's why I'm back here askin'.03:43
mattycoze1ikonia - i'll do it for the ubuntu community :p03:43
leperkhanzbrokenthorn: thnx.03:43
FurryNemesisFuM, what video card do you have?03:43
leperkhanzno GUI way?03:43
ikoniamattycoze1 are you confident packaging and maintaining it ?03:43
LurkerXXX123How do I generate a new kernal like the one on the DVD, but without  PAE support?03:43
brokenthornleperkhanz: Hmm03:44
FuMFurryNemesis, 7900gtx03:44
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=== leperkhanz rarely remembers arcane console commands.
FurryNemesisin that case, type  sudo apt-get nvidia-glx03:44
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mattycoze1ikonia nah i meant ask them nicely03:44
brokenthornleperkhanz: I don't know if there is a front end to /etc/fstab...03:44
ikonia14:44 < mattycoze1> ikonia nah i meant ask them nicely03:44
brokenthornleperkhanz: wait03:44
leperkhanzand I'll probably be doing this often.03:44
=== leperkhanz is waiting.
ikoniamattycoze1 good call, I'm sure they will be happy to port it if you are a little patient03:44
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brokenthornleperkhanz: the partition manager from the control panel gives you the option to select the mount point03:44
ikoniabrokenthorn there isn't03:44
brokenthornleperkhanz: That's where you can set it03:45
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FuMFurryNemesis, Invalid Operation "nvidia-glx"03:45
brokenthornikonia: No?03:45
brokenthornikonia: impossible03:45
ikoniabrokenthorn: fstab is just a file03:45
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FurryNemesisFuM, oopsy03:45
FurryNemesismy bad03:45
ascxoqa: It looks as though there's a symlink to gdm in /etc/X11. It's possible that's what it uses to start the login manager and you could just point it to the one you want to use.03:45
brokenthornikonia: I don't use GUI that much but I do remember what the partition manager offered03:45
FuMNo biggie03:45
sa3iidsalut j'ai un problme, comment je fais pour aller sur ubuntu-fr ? merci !03:45
ascxoqa: Or maybe it does nothing at all.03:45
onechardhttp://freeusenetnews.com/ google is your friend03:45
FurryNemesisFuM, I meant, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:45
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FuMsa3iid, /join #ubuntu-fr03:46
ikoniabrokenthorn the bottom line is a new disk should be detected by udev trigger a gnome-hal event and it get mounted if it has a usable file system on it03:46
ascxoqa: Uh, and I just looked in the file /etc/X11/default/display/manager and it appears to be exactly what you're looking for.03:46
sa3iiddmerci fum !03:46
brokenthornleperkhanz: Just edit the mount point on the new partition(s) you created on the new hard drive, enter something like '/media/sdb1' , "/media/sdb2' etc03:46
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ascxoqa: */etc/X11/default-display-manager03:46
FuM=] 03:46
ikonialeperkhanz have you put a file system on it ?03:46
brokenthornikonia: Which it doesn't ^^03:46
FuMje parle un poquite03:46
ikoniabrokenthorn I'll bet there is no file system on it03:47
brokenthornikonia: He did, didn't we tell him to do it before he came back? :)03:47
FuMFurryNemesis, It installed.03:47
brokenthornikonia:  there is! :)03:47
ikoniabrokenthorn ho ho ho and you think he listened03:47
brokenthornikonia: well he was away for a while ;)03:47
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ikoniabrokenthorn ha ha03:47
FuMCntrl alt backspace wooot03:47
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leperkhanzYeah, it's a big fat32 now.03:47
brokenthornikonia: it's not my problem if he didn't listen :)03:47
ikonialeperkhanz: what command did you use to put fat32 on it ?03:47
brokenthornleperkhanz: Great :)03:47
FurryNemesisnow reboot by typing sudo reboot03:47
leperkhanzI don't see the app to mount it in the system menu though.03:47
FurryNemesisand see what happens03:47
leperkhanzi used gparted.03:47
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ikoniadoes gparted put file systems on (I never use it03:48
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leperkhanzbut there was no "mount" icon in gparted.  Mores the pitty.03:48
brokenthornleperkhanz: not mount it now, just set where to be mounted on next reboot :)03:48
FurryNemesismight need to enable it after wards, not sure as I don't use that driver03:48
brokenthornleperkhanz: all you need to edit is the "mount point"03:48
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leperkhanzwell, won't it mount automatically if I reboot?03:48
floriakirdoes anyone know when adobe's going to release AIR (kind of a flash version for desktop applications) for linux?03:48
ikonialeperkhanz: sudo mkdir /mnt/test; sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/test03:48
brokenthornleperkhanz: if you have it set to a correct mount point and fstype, then yes03:49
leperkhanzI was just trying to find a way to mount without reboot.03:49
brokenthornikonia: don't just assume it's hdb1 :P03:49
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brokenthornikonia: you're the one not helping :)03:49
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ikoniabrokenthorn: it was hdb - he's put one big partition on - its hdb103:49
brokenthornikonia: didn't you hear it is a SATA drive? :D03:49
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ikoniabrokenthorn: then why did he say earlier it was hdb03:49
brokenthornikonia: It's a sdb1 :))03:49
leperkhanzyeah, jesus, I'm not going to remember any of those commands either, and I may need to do it again.03:49
ikoniafair enough - if its sata - its sdb103:49
ikonialeperkhanz do those commands as a one off to test it03:50
brokenthornleperkhanz: let's talk private and I'll help you, ok?03:50
roythe windows partition is not shown. does anybody know how to solve that?03:50
leperkhanzyeah it is sdb103:50
xoqaasc: i've already edited that file, but upon an X-Windows restart (ctrl-alt-backspace), gdm appeared again.03:50
brokenthornleperkhanz: I queryed you, why won't you respond?03:50
FuMFurryNemesis, Thank you. By any chance would you happen to know how to fix my beryl? It was working fine yesterday then it just stopped working.03:50
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leperkhanzi did respond.03:50
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brokenthornleperkhanz: nope :)03:51
brokenthornleperkhanz: let's try again :)03:51
gumpish=/ Anyone know if the xchat package for fiesty is supposed to have SSL support?03:51
leperkhanzsilly pidgin.03:51
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FurryNemesisFuM, what stopped working?>03:51
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ikoniagumpish I'm %90 certain it does03:51
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brokenthornleperkhanz: I sent another message.03:51
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leperkhanzgot it.03:51
leperkhanzyou aren't getting mine though.03:51
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brokenthornleperkhanz: Don't just /pm me, /query me :)03:51
FuMFurryNemesis, Desktop Effects. All the windows are messed up now, even though they weren't before.03:51
brokenthornleperkhanz: no :)03:51
elkbuntuxchat has had ssl support for like, forever now03:51
brokenthornleperkhanz: I ain't getting yours03:52
leperkhanzyes I can see that.03:52
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z999the sytnaptic manager lacks of several programs that I'm supposed to instal... where can I find it?03:52
=== leperkhanz gets sad.
FurryNemesismessed up how?03:52
brokenthornleperkhanz: why don't you use xchat? konversation, anything but pidgin :)03:52
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gumpish=/ anyone know of a network that implements SSL  so I can test it?03:52
leperkhanzmeh, this is the first thing it's been broken on.03:52
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mrjonesmy cd tray always ejects the cds after a few seconds... can you imagine why?03:52
leperkhanzAnd it's nice having all my irc, aim, msn, yahoo, icq, myspace, and etc. in one chat.03:52
brokenthornleperkhanz: Pidgin is not my favorite app :)03:52
leperkhanzit's getting better.03:53
leperkhanzbut it obviously still has some irc flaws.03:53
brokenthornand Miranda IM is getting even better :P03:53
FuMFurryNemesis, Like I cant explain it but the themes are messed up and like they don't show up.03:53
brokenthornleperkhanz: Do you have a Jabber ID? Yahoo ID?03:53
leperkhanzyahoo crhylove03:53
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z999I use pidgin on my winbd ows PC too03:54
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FuMFurryNemesis, My cube also stopped working as well.03:54
brokenthornleperkhanz: added03:54
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z999the synaptic manager lacks of several programs that I'm supposed to install... where can I find it?03:54
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CaptainMz999, are all the repo's enabled?03:55
Jack_Sparrowz999: you may need to add repos.. what are you trying to install03:55
FurryNemesisgot the beryl manager up?03:55
z999I tried but all the guides are for ver. 6.10-6.06 and it's different03:56
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CaptainMz999, in a terminal type: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:57
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z999and that's it?03:57
CaptainMz999, nope03:58
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CaptainMz999, and remove the "#" from the beginning of the lines ending in "main" "universe" and "multiverse"03:58
CaptainMz999, and that's it03:58
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A_New_GuyHello everyone. I'm new to Ubuntu (just installed it 3 minutes ago) and have a quick question if you have the time. :)03:59
Hirvinen!anyone | A_New_Guy04:00
ubotuA_New_Guy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:00
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mattycoze1ikonia hay i'm back - i was just rechecking to source of the repo packages for MoBlock and apparently they were in fact Debian04:00
CaptainMz999, than at a terminal type "sudo apt-get update" and  "sudo apt-get upgrade". after that it should find the packages you want to install04:00
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A_New_GuyI would like to delete some files from my old "C" drive, but when I go into "Places > Computer > C:" I try to delete and it says "Error: This is a read-only disk." Any ideas?04:01
W9ZEBI am connecting to an HP Laserjet 5 printer through the network, using Ubuntu 7.04.  Regardless of whether I use the Windows share, or print directly to the Jet-Direct port it keeps defaulting all jobs to the A4 paper size, regardless of what the paper setting is under the printer properties.  Help :(04:01
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b0hawhat is the best dvd/cd burner for ubuntu?04:02
CaptainMA_New_Guy, linux can't make changes to your windows disk, only read stuff04:02
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ramseizejust askin how can i set up an adhoc connection?04:02
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CaptainMA_New_Guy, if you want to be able to make changes take a look at ntfs-3g04:02
cheeseboyhow do i setup printer?04:03
CaptainM!ntfs-3g | A_New_Guy04:03
ubotuA_New_Guy: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:03
BevdizzleHi, i have a connection problem on my newly installed Laptop. Im using Dapper and what happens is i cannot connect to addresses for instance archive.ubuntu.com unless i ping it first, then it connects... the same with connecting to IRC.freenode.net or with limewire does anyone know what would cause this?04:03
A_New_Guy@CaptainM: Thank you, I will look at that. Also, I will try to completely delete Windows XP. :P04:03
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CaptainMA_New_Guy, that's an admirable goal ;)04:03
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:04
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sreeramHi, my ubuntu box does not have man pages for the Standard C Library, and for the POSIX API. Which package should I install to get them?04:04
Bevdizzlethis is frustrating for me esp when installing packages as apt cannot connect to the servers but as soon as i ping the address it connects04:04
A_New_GuyI am very excited about Ubuntu and thank you everyone for your answers. Seems like a very helpful community. Thanks again, see ya!04:04
ramseizecan anyone help me? how can i set up my ubuntu to create a adhoc wireless connection?04:04
ikoniasreeram I don't think glibc have man pages you have to man a function within the libary to get info04:04
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SlimeyPetesreeram: glibc-doc ?04:05
PriceChildsreeram,  libc-doc for the c library doc maybe04:05
sreeramikonia: `man fread' & `man select' => "No manual page"04:05
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ikoniasreeram nah - thats not what I mean04:06
Bevdizzleany ideas as to what would be causing my problem?04:06
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ramziesikonia can you help me?04:06
dbftis there a way to get a list of wireless networks in range?04:06
ikoniaramzies: with what ?04:06
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nightevilcan any one help me with the command of restarting KDE GUI?04:06
dbftthe network configuration thing doesnt seem to give you a list, you have to type it in04:06
ramziesabout how to create adhoc connection?04:06
cheeseboyhow so i open add printer thing??04:06
ikonianightevil crtl+alt+delete04:06
ikoniaramzies in what way04:07
b0hawhat is the best dvd/cd burner for ubuntu?04:07
ramziesok heres the situation04:07
ikoniab0ha thats personal opinion - search the repo's try some see which one YOU look04:07
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dbftgnomebaker b0ha04:07
fevelnightevil: ctrl alt backspace?04:07
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cheeseboyb08y, k3b04:07
sreeramikonia: What did you mean?04:07
ikoniasreeram: try "man socket" for an example04:07
dbftso how do i get a list of wireless networksi n range?04:07
ikoniasreeram: thats the best way to explain it04:07
b0hatnx for help guys04:07
urthmoverwhere do I configure my file associations in Feisty?  (example  *.pps = OpenOffice)04:07
cheeseboycan someone help i really need to get this printed now04:08
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feveldbft: dont know....would like to know the answer too...anyone?04:08
ramziesim using ubuntu, and my brother is using a windows xp , and he has no internet connection, and he wants to have conection with me via wireless lan, how can i do that ikonia04:08
sreeramikonia: `man socket' too says the same thing - "No manual entry for socket"04:08
ikoniasreeram, oh, you must be missing a lot of man pages. how about basics like "man kill"04:08
sreeramI just installed glibc-doc and that doesn't seem to have changed anything.04:08
ikoniaramzies just both set the same essid04:09
sreeramman kill works04:09
ramziesim using ubuntu, and my brother is using a windows xp , and he has no internet connection, and he wants to have conection with me via wireless lan, how can i do that ? can you help me out?04:09
W9ZEBFYI.....  for anyone printing to Letter size paper in ubuntu.....   please edit your /etc/papersize file to reflect it.04:09
ikoniasreeram I don't think glibc-doc is the man pages04:09
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W9ZEBchanging the setting on the printer properties didn't work, without also changing the setting on every print job.04:09
CaptainM!patience | ramzies04:09
uboturamzies: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:09
ALASKAMANwhat the command to delete my bind so i can start over04:09
ikoniaALASKAMAN delete your bind ?04:09
ramziessorry ikonia im not familiar with ubuntu terms you are using ,  im just new in ubuntu can you elaborate it more clearly? if you dont mind04:09
ALASKAMANi need to remove bind i mesdsed it up04:10
cheeseboyive got school in 10 minutes please  help04:10
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ikoniaramzies essid is nothing to do with ubuntu its your wirless network name. If both PC's have the same wirless network name they should be able to see each other04:10
ikoniaALASKAMAN bind as in dns service ?04:10
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ikoniaapt-get remove bind04:10
FuMDoes anyone know how to reset my Beryl?04:10
ALASKAMANdoes not work04:10
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ikoniaALASKAMAN what does it say04:10
fevelikonia: cant I see wich ones are in range??04:11
ALASKAMANtell me its not installed04:11
ikoniafevel see what ?04:11
ramziesikonia , how can i setup it?04:11
FurryNemesisFuM, did you get to the beryl-manager04:11
fevelikonia: wireless networks04:11
ikonia!wirless >ramzies04:11
cheeseboyhow so i open add printer thing??04:11
FuMFurryNemesis, Yes04:11
ikoniafevel how are you looking ?04:11
ALASKAMANso when i go to reinall it said it the current one installed04:11
KuHliihey if i try and remove gaim through synaptic pm i get a msg saying nautilus-sendto and ubuntu-desktop are to be removed? is this right?04:11
ikoniahost stop asking !04:11
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simon__Hi. I use a windows mobile 6 device and would very much like to synchronize it with thunderbird or another native Linux calendar. Is this possible? I have allready tried several wikis to synchronize my phone with my feisty computer but have failed. Maybe because i am to newbie. Can someone help me?04:11
ikoniaKuHlii yes they are linked04:11
ramzies!hmmm >ramzies04:11
KuHliiim trying to install pidgin btw04:11
ikoniaALASKAMAN what is the package name caled04:12
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ikoniaALASKAMAN is it something like bind-server04:12
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fevelikonia: Im not, when I try connecting to other wireless networks it asks for the name of the network04:12
FurryNemesisFuM, go to general options tab, select setting profile and desktop from side menu04:12
fevelikonia: I want to see the ones in range04:12
ikoniafevel you either need to know the name - or the wirless access point be set to broadcast04:12
JayRoeHi can someone help me set up an IR remote control Feisty?04:12
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CaptainMKuHlii, you can remove safely remove those04:12
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FuMFurryNemesis, Ok04:13
fevelikonia: it is set to broadcast, but wich ubuntu package shows the broadcasted networks?04:13
ikoniaALASKAMAN are you sure its called ibind9 ?04:13
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ikoniafevel are you certain its set to broadcast ?04:13
KuHliiok thanks04:13
FurryNemesishave you got a list of profiles in the right hand window?04:13
ALASKAMANoops bind904:13
ikoniafevel I believe network-manager shows wirless access lists04:13
ikoniaALASKAMAN sudo apt-get remove bind904:13
FuMJust One04:13
fevelikonia: yes, windows machine detects04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind9 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:13
Bevdizzlecan someone help me with a connection problem please04:13
The_Mastor!DCC SEND "string" 1 0 104:13
ikoniaPocketIRC I've tried for a while and never succeded04:14
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)04:14
ikoniaThe_Mastor what are you doing !04:14
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:14
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Hobbseeikonia: dammit, we know.  didnt you see the staff call?04:14
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ikoniaHobbsee no, I missed it04:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b arrummzen!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
=== arrummzen was kicked off #ubuntu by PriceChild (Please follow instructions in topic to fix router exploit.)
CaptainM!anyone | Bevdizzle04:14
ubotuBevdizzle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b opapo!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
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n4thi all04:14
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=== opapo was kicked off #ubuntu by PriceChild (Please follow instructions in topic to fix router exploit.)
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=== ariel_ was kicked off #ubuntu by PriceChild (Please follow instructions in topic to fix router exploit.)
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b CaptainM!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
=== CaptainM was kicked off #ubuntu by PriceChild (Please follow instructions in topic to fix router exploit.)
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b B|nTaRa[A] !*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
Hobbseeikonia: was right above yours statement....04:15
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fevelikonia: thanks04:15
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ALASKAMANit not removing it tho for some reason04:15
ikoniaHobbsee screens scrolling like mad due to attack04:15
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BevdizzleI have a problem where i cannot connect ot any update servers or irc servers or limewire etc04:15
Bevdizzlebut as soon as i ping the address say security.ubuntu.com orirc.freenode.net or whatever address im trying to connect to its ableto connect fine as soon as i've pinged it.04:15
feveldbft: got that??04:15
elkbuntuikonia, i did the staff call after the attack04:15
ikoniaelkbuntu apologies, totally missed it04:15
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n4tI have a problem with acpi ... and the pc turnoff in a wrong way , what can I do?04:15
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W9ZEBBevdizzle: that's an awesome problem....  I don't know a solution off the top of my head, but I'm curious now, and am going to have to go looking.04:16
FurryNemesisthat was worrying - anyway, FuM , is there a profiles list?04:16
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JayRoeHi can someone help me set up an IR remote control Feisty?04:16
FuMFurryNemesis, It only loads up one profile "Default"04:16
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FurryNemesisFuM, looks like you need to create some more04:16
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FuMFurryNemesis, May you please help me set them up so I can use Beryl?04:17
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vega-_wtf, inserting an usb stick gives me TWO mount points with DIFFERENT contents, very reliable04:17
FurryNemesisor try that page for some simple settings04:17
vega-_and different sizes04:17
FurryNemesissure, you wanted a desktop cube right?04:17
rolfenBevdizzle: have you tried disabling your firewall (if any)?04:17
ikoniavega-_ two partitions ?04:18
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vega-_ikonia: yes04:18
simon__Hi. I use a windows mobile 6 device and would very much like to synchronize it with thunderbird or another native Linux calendar. Is this possible? I have allready tried several wikis to synchronize my phone with my feisty computer but have failed. Maybe because i am to newbie. Can someone help me?04:18
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Bevdizzlei dont have one installed afaik04:18
ikoniavega-_: there you go then04:18
ikoniavega-_: its displaying th two partitions04:18
Bevdizzlehow can i check if there is one04:18
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vega-_ikonia: hmmmm04:18
SlimeyPetevega-_: seems like reasonable behaviour to me04:18
ikoniasimon__ I've been trying that for a long time04:18
FuMFurryNemesis, Yes. I had it before and it just stopped working along with Beryl alltogether.04:18
rolfensudo iptables-save04:18
ikoniasimon__ never quite got it working04:18
n4tsomeone can help me to solve a problem with acpi?04:18
vega-_ikonia: one is /dev/sdf and one /dev/sde104:18
ikoniaSlimeyPete very reasonable04:18
rolfenBevdizzle: if it shows nothing then there is no FW04:18
ikoniailu idiot04:18
FurryNemesisok, it probably got reset04:18
iluwoops sorry04:18
PriceChild!ohmy | ilu04:18
iluwrong chat04:18
ubotuilu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:18
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PriceChildikonia, please don't...04:18
ikoniaPriceChild: I know04:18
FurryNemesisgo to desktop tab04:18
=== ilu bows his head in shame
ikoniajust totally uncalled for04:18
simon__ikonia: to bad04:19
PriceChildikonia, as was yours04:19
FurryNemesishit the tick box marked cube on the left hand side04:19
ikoniaPriceChild: thats where we differ04:19
simon__it should be possible to do in some way04:19
FuMAll of them are Ticked.04:19
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Bevdizzlenothing came back from iptables-save04:19
ikoniasimon__: I had a "little" success with thunderbird - but to be honest it was a real struggle04:19
vega-_ikonia: then how come the devices are different04:19
ikoniavega-_: thats a reasonale question04:19
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satzzeichenHallo, jemand da?!?!04:19
rolfenBevdizzle: ok so you got no firewall at all... so the prob has got to be somewhere else04:19
ikoniavega-_: strange that your seeing /dev/sde1 and /dev/sdf which does look like two seperate devices04:19
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rolfen!de | satzzeichen04:20
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ubotusatzzeichen: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:20
satzzeichenSorry rolfen :-)04:20
ikoniavega-_: does the contents of the mount points look like the two partitions on the one device ?04:20
rolfensatzzeichen: kein problem ;)04:20
satzzeichenthanks then i will change now the channel.04:20
sreeramI got the man pages working! `manpages-dev' is the package!04:20
FurryNemesisgot it?04:20
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vega-_ikonia: actually afaik there should be only one partition on the usb disk04:20
vega-_ikonia: i misunderstood you before on that one04:20
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simon__Ikonia: hm. well support for windows mobile devices OR links to good alternative linux roms for the device should be supported04:20
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Frogzoowhat's the ubuntu way of modifying xmodmap ?04:21
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simon__its important for many people who work with linux04:21
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ikoniasimon__ I agree - but its not04:21
ikoniasimon__ I've spent a fair bit of time04:21
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simon__something for developpers04:21
dinochopinsanyone has canon pixma ip1200 ?04:21
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simon__ok. thanks for clearing that up. So i should better not try04:21
FurryNemesisFuM, once that box is ticked, you should have your cube back04:21
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simon__*making that clear...04:22
ikoniasimon__: no no, your welcome to try, and I'd appriciate knowing how you get on04:22
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ikoniasimon__: I'm just saying, I've put a reasonale ammount of effort in and had very poor results04:22
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FuMFurryNemesis, No dice.04:22
JayRoecan someone help me set up a hauppauge remote control. I've spent almost a week trying to get the remote to work and if I don't succed, I'll be forced to move back to Windows.04:22
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n4tis anyone available to help me to solve a problem with acpi?04:22
FurryNemesiswhat else is ticked in tht panel04:22
ikoniasimon__ thats not to say you won't have better fortune, but the actual lack of support is a real fight, let alone getting the actual weak support working04:22
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simon__Ikonia: since you're one of the people who know what they're doing and i'm not i think i'll trust you instead of complicating my life... and look for a revolutionary solution in som wiki04:23
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FuMFade to desktop04:24
Darteris there a way to add webcam capability to Giam?...or does it already have it and just need to be activated?04:24
ikoniasimon__ I've not given up - but its been a long old road04:24
FuMRotate Cube04:24
toedis it possible to set volume per-application?04:24
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ikoniasimon__: also thank you for the compliment04:24
simon__i understand04:24
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EsdiGood afternoon people04:24
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simon__Ikonia: merely a statement :)04:24
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ikoniasimon__: still, thank you04:24
FurryNemesisFuM, ok, is that it?04:24
gavintlgoldAny questions about compiz fusion, feel free to ask me!04:24
FuMFurryNemesis, Yes04:25
ikoniagavintlgold: this is an ubuntu support channel, you may be better touting your elite skills in a compiz based channel04:25
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gavintlgoldi'm already on #compiz-fusion and #compiz-fusion-dev04:25
JayRoeikonia, how do I find a lirc, hauppauge or v4l-dvb channel?04:25
erUSULDarter: gaim does not support webcams afaik amsn does for msn iirc04:25
FurryNemesisFuM, right, get out of the manager, then right click the gem icon and select reload window manager04:26
magnetrongavintlgold: plz join #ubuntu-effects04:26
Esdigoing from RH to LFS to Debian to Gentoo to Ubuntu (in a period of 9 years)... and I must say, I'm quite impressed with Ubuntu so far. Now to remove the auto logon from xchat and to move over to my old linux channel ;-) Keep up the good work people!04:26
ikoniaJayRoe: ooh, no idea, lirc has a forum and mailing list as I recall04:26
r_a_fgavintlgold: i wan to turn like beryl wheel mouse - it is possible in compiz -fusion?04:26
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simon__ikonia: you're welcome. Any way i can stay up to date on you hard efforts in the synchronization war without hanging out here and asking you every day?04:26
gavintlgoldr_a_f: install or enable the Viewport Mouse Switch plugin04:26
FuMFurryNemesis, I did.04:26
ikoniasimon__: I'll pm my email address now and I'd be happy for you to mail me and I'll put you on my "mail list" for "stuff"04:26
r_a_fgavintlgold: will try it thanks man ;)04:26
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ikoniasimon__: I'll also mail my blog url which will have information up oin the next 2 weeks on this project04:27
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JayRoeikonia, you know where I should look for channels? I don't know my way around irc to be honest.04:27
DartererUSUL: is there a program I can replace Giam with that does?04:27
FurryNemesisand still no dice04:27
gavintlgoldr_a_f: but right now, it only scrolls one viewport at a time... annoying, but it should get fixed eventually04:27
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ikoniasimon__: if you have rss enabled you'll get an update04:27
FuMNo dice whatsoever04:27
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FurryNemesisthen sorry, not sure what's going on04:27
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FuMFurryNemesis, For some reason it keeps selecting Metacity as the window manage even though I select Beryl to be the window manager.04:28
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erUSULDarter: i just told you "...amsn does for msn iirc" (iirc stands fo if i recall correctly)04:28
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ikoniasimon__: did you get the pm04:28
Protostarhey, does anyone know how to get amarok to stop rescanning my music folders everytime it starts04:28
FurryNemesisFuM, ah, old problem04:28
=== MrFeetio [n=david@c-71-230-5-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FurryNemesisFuM, go to session options and put beryl in there04:29
erUSUL!info amsn | Darter04:29
ubotudarter: amsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB04:29
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n4tpls ... I don't know how to do with a problem with acpi04:29
Stormx2amsn sucks :P04:29
MrFeetioi have alot of games installed, is there anyway to make it start a second row(rather then scrolling)04:29
ikoniaMrFeetio not sure I understand your question04:30
onechardpidgin will hndle msn won't it04:30
MrFeetioin the applications menu04:30
gavintlgoldikonia: he means like windows does when there are too many windows in the menu04:30
ikoniaahhh I see04:30
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ikoniaMrFeetio: you can use a menu editor app to re-arrange04:30
gavintlgoldi haven't heard of that MrFeetio04:30
FuMFurryNemesis, It keeps reverting back to Metacity04:31
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MrFeetiowell, i guess it should go in a suggestion box04:31
ikoniaMrFeetio I'm sure there is a menu editor for gnome in the repo04:31
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FurryNemesisFuM, then I'm not sure what it is04:32
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FurryNemesishave you tried the forums?04:32
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erUSULikonia: alacarte ?04:32
ikoniaerUSUL possibly04:32
ikoniaMrFeetio did you see erUSUL's suggestion of alacarte ?04:32
erUSULikonia: right click in the menu and choose edit menu04:32
ikoniaMrFeetio give that a go04:32
ikoniaerUSUL: good call04:33
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Protostardoes anyone know how to configure Kubuntu to burn m4a files?04:33
ikoniaProtostar m4a are normally just video files04:33
burnerxcan i import a script into another script ?04:33
ikoniaimport ?04:33
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ikoniawhat do you mean04:34
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Protostarwill i have several m4a audio files04:34
burnerxi dont want to clutter into one big script file04:34
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MrFeetioit just allows me to remove, rename, and rearrange. Not start a second column04:34
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burnerxso i separate it into smaller pieces and file04:34
erUSULburnerx: in bash just use 'source file.sh' or '. file.sh' note the dot04:34
ikoniaburnerx: ahhh you mean include yes04:34
RichterHi anybody of brasil...?04:34
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Protostarand I want to burn an album, but I cannot find the plugin for k3b that allows me to do so04:34
burnerxinclude ?04:34
ProtostarI wish Richter04:35
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ikoniaburnerx yes include a script in another script or "source" a script04:35
burnerxoh okay04:35
RichterAlguem fala portugues aqui...?04:35
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erUSUL!pt | Richter04:35
ubotuRichter: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:35
burnerxikonia: thank u04:35
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burnerxerUSUL: thank you04:35
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ikoniaburnerx welcome04:35
erUSULburnerx: no problem04:35
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ikoniaRichter: "/join #ubuntu-br"04:37
simon__Ikonia: I got the pm with info and sent you an e-mail. Thanks again and see you04:37
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ikoniasimon__ your welcome - I'll keep you updated04:38
RoundyT1what is VMware for?04:38
FuMTime to reinstall Ubuntu then04:38
ikoniaRoundyT1 running virtual machines04:38
FuMVMware is a OS Emulator for windows04:38
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ikoniaFuM no its not04:38
ikoniaFuM its not "for windows"04:38
RoundyT1it runs on linux too.04:38
fevelFuM:  for windows?04:38
FuMIT runs on windows04:38
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RoundyT1it runs on linux too04:38
ikoniaFuM IT runs on MULTIPLE platforms04:38
ikoniaFuM: yes04:38
RoundyT1yeah. downloading it now04:39
RoundyT1its in the repos.04:39
fevelyou mean it runs on windows too04:39
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications04:39
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RoundyT1sudo apt-get install vmware-server04:39
simon__and it works great. good to use to test out things on a virtual linux or windows machine without corrupting youre own file system04:39
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RichterThanks for help04:39
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RoundyT1i want to take a look at linux mint and knoppix and some other distro's of linux .... can i do that with VMware?04:40
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coopsterI'm on ubuntu feisty, trying to set up a mdadm-based RAID, and my system no longer boots, because during boot mdadm reports "WARNING /dev/mapper/pdc_gjdjgfahg4 and /dev/sdb4 appear to have very similar superblocks" and then repeats this warning endlessly04:40
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ikoniaRoundyT1 yes04:40
RoundyT1ikonia, what all do i need?04:40
ikoniacoopster looks like your raid config is borked04:40
bronzeI messed up xorg.conf but I made a backup (xorg.conf.bak). How do I get xorg.conf.bak to become xorg.conf?!04:40
burnerxcan i call a function from another file ?04:40
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coopsterI've tried everything to fix this, googled endlessly, I've tried specifying the specific drives in the DEVICE line of mdadm.conf, i've tried uninstalling DMRAID, i've tried blacklisting dm-mod04:41
burnerxor does it have to be in the same script ?04:41
coopsterikonia, any idea which part?04:41
coopsterconfig file, disk problems, etc04:41
ikoniacoopster your using lvm too04:41
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ikoniacoopster and your using dmraid ??04:41
coopsterikonia, i don't have any LVM volumes defined, and i'm not sure if it's even installed, but i plan to use it04:41
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ikoniacoopster your system is in a mess as volume mapper things it has control of those disks04:42
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:42
coopsterikonia, no, i am not using dmraid, though I do have a dmraid capable MB04:42
ikoniacoopster: mdadm should have control of the disks04:42
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coopsterikonia, i agree 100%.  How do i find out what is making this occur and fix it?04:42
ikoniacoopster: well your a bit stuck as your system won't boot04:42
simon__is cedega commercial?04:42
coopsteri want to _give_ the volumes to mdadm.  it won't accept my donation!04:42
ikoniacoopster: I think either dmraid or lvm has tried to take cntrol here04:43
coopsterikonia, I've been booting from liveCD, installing mdadm, and chrooting into the system04:43
fazerohi all, can somebody help me to tune-up apt to work through proxy with authentication?04:43
Blubloblusimon__: it's commercial04:43
ikoniacoopster: boot from the livecd - and recreate the mdadm volumes04:43
ikoniacoopster: don't chroot04:43
ikoniacoopster: just do the mdmadm commands outside the chroot04:43
bronzeI messed up xorg.conf but I made a backup (xorg.conf.bak). How do I get xorg.conf.bak to become xorg.conf?!04:43
ikoniabronze: sudo cp xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf04:44
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coopsterikonia, k, i'll try recreating all the volumes, i only chroot when i use apt-get or similar, i've been doing most commands from outside04:44
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ikoniacoopster good man04:44
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simon__whats best of: virtualbox and vmware?04:44
ikoniacoopster: remember -f for "force"04:44
ikoniasimon__ secrect option c - kvm ;)04:44
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ikoniasimon__: but thats only personal opinion04:44
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simon__huh? secret option c???04:45
fazeroor can somebody say where i can obtain some help?04:45
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ikoniasimon__ yes - neither, kvm is better ;)04:45
ikoniafazero I missed your question, sorry04:45
simon__ok i understand :)04:45
bronzeikonia, will it overwrite it with cp without any parameters?04:45
ikoniabronze yup04:45
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arangQuestion: how to import the FM stations from Gnomeradio, from an ubuntu computer into another? (what file is needed to be copied and where is it?)04:45
fazerothere are some troubles with apt throught proxy04:46
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coopsterikonia, i have 6 raids defined, do i need to initialize all of them, or just the one that sdb4 (reported in error) is in?04:46
ikoniafazero what sort of troubles04:46
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simon__where do i get kvm for ubuntu04:46
ikoniacoopster  start with just sdb4 as so far thats the only one causing an issue04:46
ikoniasimon__ I /think/ its installed by default on the server install, so it should be in the repos04:46
ikoniasimon__: I think its festiy or later only though04:46
ikoniasimon__: don't quote me on that though04:47
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coopsterarang, no clue about Gnomeradio in particular, but look at the directories in ~/  that start with . and see if there's maybe a .gnomeradio or similar04:47
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fazeroI've configured it with apt.conf as Acquire::http::proxy "http://ziganshin:ziganshin@";04:47
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Riot777what's the command for "Sound Record Level Monitor" from the menu (Applications > Sound and Video >  Recording Level Monitor) in Ubuntu (I'm on xubuntu so I can't check it)04:47
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simon__Quote "Ikonia says kvm is default in Feisty" ;)04:47
fazerobut it didn't use this login&pass combination04:47
ikoniasimon__ tut tut, I asked you not to04:47
coopstersimon__, ikonia, a kvm is a physical device that you plug into both computers and one set of keyboard monitor. (am i talking about the right 'kvm' ikonia?)04:48
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ikoniafazero that doesn't look like the correct format04:48
ikoniacoopster no04:48
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ikoniacoopster kernel virtual manager04:48
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coopstersimon__, nevermind :)04:48
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coopsterhermm, never heard that one before.  what's it do?04:48
fazeroikonia: why, i don't catch04:48
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ikoniacoopster: its a virtual manaager within the kernel04:48
ikoniafazero that format doesn't look right04:48
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Riot777what's the command for ubuntu menu entry Applications > Sound and Video >  Recording Level Monitor can somebody check for me ?04:49
coopsterikonia, does it have some particular added purpose, or is it one of the required components that usually just works?  (i.e. have I always had one and just not known it?)04:49
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ikoniacoopster it allows you to create and manager virtual machines04:49
soduer_I just can't seem to get my openvpn server running, could someone tell me where openvpn stores its error logs?04:50
ikoniacoopster: it makes use of virtualisation enabled cpu's04:50
mundungusam having a problem,since yesterday,when i isert my usb flash disk,i get an error msg that i cannot write onto the disk.i do not know where the issue came from and now i cannot copy anything to my disk,i can only edit it.someone pliz help me!04:50
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ikoniamundungus what file system is on it04:50
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fazeroikonia: in this way I didn't understand why synoptic don't work properly whith this options04:50
dodohas someone tried to install elisa on feisty?04:50
ikoniafazero show me your user/pass line again04:51
coopsterikonia, huh, good to know.  seeing as how i have one of those and virtualise things, i'll google it, tks04:51
fazerotouble is 407 proxy requires auth04:51
mundungusehhh! i dont know how to check,but i think its FAT04:51
fazeroAcquire::http::proxy "http://ziganshin:ziganshin@";04:51
VletIf I were to install a second drive in my system the same as my main one, is there a way to set up raid after the fact, or is it something I have to do when installing?04:51
ikoniamundungus check the mount options though04:51
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ikoniafazero I'm wrong - that looks fine04:51
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mundungusikonia: how can i do that,coz i tried changing properties but i don not evven have the permissions to do that04:52
coopsterVlet, do you have files on the drive you want to add to the raid? (either one)04:52
ikoniamundungus do a "mount" and see what the mount options are04:52
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fazeroikonia: I think so, therefore it's touble for me to understood thats wrong///04:52
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ikoniafazero whats the error04:52
Vletcoopster: yes, the system is running a postgres database on a single disk now.. I would like to get this thing raided to speed it up, and if I didn't have to reinstall everything it would be great04:52
mundungusikonia:lemmi try that now then itell u04:52
ikoniafazero: can you telnet to the ip address on port 808004:52
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=== alesan [n=alesan@pD9E5A79E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
alesanhow do In install the flash plugin? it seems they updated the package on the macromedia website and now apt-get won't recognize the md5sum04:53
bronzeDoes nvdia use AIGLX?04:53
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto04:54
fazeroikonia: no i can't04:54
mundungusikonia:k,ave checked.k,how do i change the access rights,is it normally like the way we do for files....chmod.....04:54
ermac0bronze, , yes04:54
coopsterVlet, you can copy all of the files from the live drive onto some backup medium, then add the two drives to a raid and copy them back, that's about it04:54
fazero3telnet: could not resolve Name or service not known04:54
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gbwhi, does anyone know which channel i should join to find some help about java? #java is restricted04:55
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mundungusikonia u there?04:55
alesangbw, ##java04:55
gbwalesan, need to be invited :(04:56
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alesangbw, are you a registered user?04:56
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alesangbw, I just joined ##java04:56
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alesanwithout being invited04:56
alesanmind the double ##04:56
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mundunguscan someone here help me on how to change access rights of mounted devices like usb flashdisks?04:57
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:57
Vletcoopster: not that big of a deal.. would I need to reinstall ubuntu, or is there a way to magically have them raid 0'd?04:57
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FeaT_LuCiaNahi all04:57
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mundunguscan someone here help me on how to change access rights of mounted devices like usb flashdisks?04:57
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coopsterVlet, if you're going the copy, raid, copy route?04:58
Vletcoopster: yeah04:58
mundunguscan someone here help me on how to change access rights of mounted devices like usb flashdisks?04:58
FeaT_LuCiaNai've ubuntu feisty, and trying to install madwifi drivers, i deleted the wifi modules originals in ubuntu.. how can i reinstall those?04:58
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JimQode!patience | mundungus04:59
ubotumundungus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:59
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FeaT_LuCiaNai've ubuntu feisty, and trying to install madwifi drivers, i deleted the wifi modules originals in ubuntu.. how can i reinstall those?04:59
=== Akifemre_ sorar aLyos'a...
coopsterVlet, 2 options.  1 is use dd and copy the entire partition (using dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/mnt/backup_medium/hda1.contents), then create the raid, use dd with the if=backup_file and of=/dev/md0, then use resize2fs to expand /dev/md0 to take up the whole raid05:00
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mundungusi wish  got help...am stuck05:00
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coopsterVlet, 2 is just copy the files (with cp-r *) and then make the raid, use mkfs.ext2 (or whatever) to create a filesystem on it, then copy them back05:00
MikeCamelhi - I'm looking for a bunch of crypto modules, which, according to the stock .config file, are compiled in, but which don't seem to be in /lib/modules/2.6.20-*05:00
MikeCamelany ideas?05:01
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Vletcoopster: cool - I think I can handle this - time to go install some hardware. thanks a lot05:01
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coopsterVlet, with both of them you don't need to reinstall, but you do need to edit anything that referenced the old /dev/hda1 device and change it to the new /dev/md0 device05:01
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coopsterVlet, no problem, best of luck05:01
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novais there a gui for archives in gnome? like ark in kde?05:03
MikeCamelnova: synaptic05:03
novabut that's package management :/05:03
MikeCamelah - fileroller, then.05:03
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Dante123hi all.....running feisty on a pIII from IBM.....screen resolution goes to max of 800 x 600......graphics chipset is 82815 CGC05:03
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Dante123how can I up the resolution....?05:04
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novasynaptic is the gnome pendant to adept. i want a pendant to ark.05:04
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novadante123: check your xorg.conf05:05
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Dante123okay....what do I need to do to enable more res05:05
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Pici!fixres > Dante123 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)05:05
MikeCamelnova - it's file-roller you want, if you want to play with  tars, etc.05:05
Dante123okay thanks05:06
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AnRkeywho works on the ubuntu network installer?05:06
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witlessthe time on my PC loses as much as 20 minutes over 8 hours.  any ideas what the problem might be?  unfortunately i'm using my PC as an alarm clock...05:06
MikeCamelanyone have any idea where I can get some crypto modules which are allegedly in the stock kernel - but aren't shipped...05:06
MikeCamelwitless - I suspect the battery on your motherboard needs replacing.05:06
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coopsterwitless, don't know about the cause, but you can change the clock preferences to sync it online05:07
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FeaT_LuCiaNai've ubuntu feisty, and trying to install madwifi drivers, i deleted the wifi modules originals in ubuntu.. how can i reinstall those?05:07
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witlessMikeCamel: why would that matter if the mother board is not powered off?  also, i bought this motherboard new a month ago.05:07
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witlesscoopster: that does not work for me either.05:07
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:08
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witlesscoopster: i have ntpdate in /etc/cron.hourly05:08
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coopsterikonia, grr, so I did that, and now it's changed to /dev/sdc3 and /dev/mapper/fdasdajdsf3 as the cause.  any ideas other than re-initializing all of em?05:08
MikeCamelwitless - dunno, sorry.05:08
coopsterwitless, huh.  well, i have no idea.  if you run ntp update in the terminal does it update the clock or give an error or ?05:09
witlessok, thx05:09
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witlessi get:  ntpdate[30464] : the NTP socket is in use, exiting   -  maybe because i turned on ntpd last night ...?05:09
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mrabbithello, how can i stop mount points showing up on my desktop?05:10
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coopsterwitless, i'd try doing ps -A |grep ntp and seeing what is running, then killing all of those processes and doing sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart05:10
Axiamspeakin spanish ?05:11
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Pici!es | Axiam05:11
ubotuAxiam: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:11
incorrecthow can i generate a volume id for a new partition05:11
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neverbluehow do I install previous versions of .debs ?05:12
neverbluenot the latest05:12
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incorrectneverblue, you will have to port it over i guess to be sure05:12
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neverbluei was looking more for a key stroke in synaptic05:13
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varkaneverblue: google for "apt" and "pinning"05:13
cslaterapt-get install package=version05:13
incorrectwell you see apps are compiled against versions of libs05:14
cslaterThat's the syntax for apt-get05:14
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incorrecti would be very nervous about running a deb from a 5.10 on 7.0405:14
ciaconHi all. I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 server on my box. There ist nothing special about it. it's final task is fairly simple, but I'm not quite sure howto go about this. I want to have a typical Server installed on it (Apache+PHP+MySQL), the one Ethernet is connected to my ADSL-connection and the other to a switch. The server should act as an Internet Gateway, but be acessable from the outside like a normal server... What is the best way of05:14
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jugheadMy friend just set up a ubuntu box running freenx.  I am able to connect, but I don't know how to copy files from my laptop to the remote computer.  How can I do this?05:15
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flux__i just installed ubuntu but im ending up with nothing but a black screen when booting it, is there a way to reach the terminal?05:16
varkaciacon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing05:16
neverblueflux__, just black?05:16
jhaigjughead: One way is via scp.05:16
flux__neverblue yes05:16
neverblueturn your monitor on05:16
flux__:] 05:16
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neverbluectrl-alt-f1 will give you a terminal05:16
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neverbluethen ctrl-alt-f7 should take you back to X05:17
jhaigjughead: scp local_file username@remote_machine:/path/to/location/on/remote/machine05:17
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flux__neverblue thx05:17
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scrantI'm rather new, how do i install elilo?05:17
neverbluesudo aptitude install package05:17
neverblueu should also update your sources.list05:18
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jhaigjughead: Does that help you at all?  It might be a bit cryptic.05:18
Romeo5kQUESTION:: Okay... im kinda confused here.. I think i got everything set up but nothing is going together....... First of all, FTP is working, but when i log in to it, there is no folders.. no nothing... theres nothing there.. I was thinking i would at least have a www file so i can insert my php. Secondly.I have webmin installed all with LAMP, and when i go to my url, it is directing to apache's default page saying it works. Whe05:18
jugheadjhaig, yes I understand the syntax; I'm trying it now.  thanks05:18
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scrantneverblue: was that for me, or were you still talking to the other?05:19
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chris_leehello, what is the best codec for running mp3?05:19
ciaconvarka: thanks05:19
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jhaigjughead: Also works for copying from the remote machine to local, and multiple files (using a wildcard).05:19
SlimGIf fstab has mounted a ext3 partition on ex.: /media/ext3disk  ,Is it possible to run: sudo chown $USER:$USER -R /media/ext3disk   (after it's mounted) to make him able to write to the disk?05:20
Frogzooanyone managed to get an xmodmap to run on login on feisty ?05:20
dxdtSlimG: I want to say yes.  I want to say that I have done this actually... but I can't recall for sure.05:21
jugheadthanks jhaig is the s in scp for secure?  Is it safe?05:21
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SlimGdxdt: I want to believe you, so I'll do :) thank you05:21
chris_leewhat codec do you prefer for playing mp3?05:21
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jhaigjughead: Yes, secure, like ssh is 'secure shell'.  It copies over ssh.05:21
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Pici!mp3 > chris_lee (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)05:22
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jhaigjughead: There is also rcp which copies over telnet (insecure)05:22
wesley_ipplease where a find a help channel in portuguese?05:22
Pici!br | wesley_ip05:22
ubotuwesley_ip: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:22
djcabzWhat does this mean: " Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason b0 on CPU 0."05:22
djcabzxubuntu 7.0405:22
djcabzDell Inspiron 600005:22
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scrantwell, since neverblue's not awnsering, could anyone please tell me how to instal elilo?05:23
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randywhy dont u use the package manager05:23
scrantfor the reason that i dont know how :-\05:24
Pici!info elilo05:24
ubotuelilo: Bootloader for systems using EFI-based firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 120 kB, installed size 412 kB (Only available for i386 ia64)05:24
dxdtdjcabz: whoa whoa whoa..... you got that too?  I have a dell inspiron that got that message as well.05:24
Piciscrant: sudo apt-get install elilo05:24
dxdtdxdt: it must be like a kernel bug then or something.05:24
MikeCamelhi - I'm looking for a bunch of crypto modules, which, according to the stock .config file, are compiled in, but which don't seem to be in /lib/modules/2.6.20-*05:24
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wesley_ipPici- pode me ajudar?05:24
witlesshow could you tell if you were running on a virtual server?05:24
randyscrant user the package manager05:24
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Piciwesley_ip: /j #ubuntu-pt05:24
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wesley_ipninguem responde l05:25
wesley_ipja tentei05:25
silver_j #graffiti05:25
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silver_join #Graffiti05:25
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Picisilver_: /j #graffiti05:25
byzzybhello everyone05:25
silver_jo thx05:25
orangefly_can someone help me get sound working in vmware on feisty....???....05:26
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wesley_ipalguem pode me ajudar a resonver problemas com pen drive e midias removiveis no linux?05:26
EightElevenorangefly_: Is vmware giving trouble or the OS in the Virtual Machine?05:26
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Tomcat_!es | wesley_ip05:27
ubotuwesley_ip: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:27
byzzybI have a question: I have an ASROCK 939A8X-M motherboard and the s-ata controller was causing problems when I was installing Fedora Linux v7 ... now my question is will ubuntu work with my S-ata?05:27
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Tomcat_Mh... is that even Spanish?05:27
Piciwesley_ip: 98569 /usr/share/dict/words05:27
abhi_i'm having problems configuring my dns05:27
abhi_any useful guides?05:27
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orangefly_it's xp....unfortunately i need it for work....i have no flags in the device manager of xp though....05:27
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Piciwesley_ip: ingls somente aqui. /j #ubuntu-pt05:28
chris_leePici, now i know i better should play OggVorbis (although the tunes are mp3) and there is a lib 'libxine1-ffmpeg' existing. but what do you use for playing mp3?05:28
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orangefly_EightEleven: it's xp....unfortunately i need it for work....i have no flags in the device manager of xp though....05:28
Picichris_lee: I dont know, and I'm not on a computer where I can check.05:28
GreyscaleHow can I get nm-applet to stop nagging me for a password?05:29
abhi_can i give port numbers along with my ip address when i'm configuring DNS?05:29
chris_leesomebody ther05:29
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chris_leesomebody there, who plays mp3? which codec do you use?05:29
EightElevenorangefly_: Sound in other virtual machines is working?05:29
craigbass1976What are peoples' experience with ubuntu and blue tooth?  Tends to work, or not?05:29
Frogzoo!codecs | chris_lee05:29
ubotuchris_lee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:29
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tuna-fish_I want to share my internet connection to 2 machines, both running ubuntu. I've ran the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 on the computer connected to the web, how should I set up the other computer?05:30
EightElevenorangefly_: I never ran XP in a virtual machine, so I have little experience with XP specific problems.05:30
chris_leeFrogzoo, i know these pages. but i would like to get an advise, which one to install?05:30
orangefly_EightEleven: it's the only one i have at the moment but vista did the same thing before....it says permission denied....05:30
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neverbluehow can I change to java 1.5 from a system currently using java 1.405:31
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IntuitiveNippleAny kernel SMP CPU-resume experts about want a brain-twister problem?05:31
wesley_ipI use the edubuntu in a telecenter05:31
abhi_i didn't get any errors in bind905:31
abhi_yet my pages don't load05:31
abhi_my forwarding seems to be working05:32
EightElevenorangefly_: I sometimes tested Knoppix in a virtual machine and there I had to enable sound from the VMWare taskbar.05:32
EightElevenAnd it sometimes didn't work if I had other audio programs running on the host.05:32
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wesley_ipwhen i use the pen drive or cd rom, he apears in aleator mode05:32
silver_anybody here speak germany05:32
orangefly_EightEleven: i tried....it says failed to open dev/dsp05:32
silver_speak german*05:32
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EightElevenOrangefly: That really sounds like a Linux-specific problem, not an XP problem.05:32
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orangefly_EightEleven: sound works fine with ubuntu though....05:33
randyi need a good download manager for linux05:33
EightElevenOrangefly_: You could check with lsof if another program is using /dev/dsp05:33
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A_New_GuyHi, I was here a few hours ago and someone gave me this link --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions ...I'm trying to mount my NTFS windows partition so I can just delete it all, I got the ntfs-config tool but it won't let me enable "Enable write support for internal device," it's greyed out... Any ideas? I just want to get rid of my windows partitions entirely.05:33
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Pici!de | silver_05:33
ubotusilver_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:33
chris_leeo.k. i ask in another way. my totem-gstreamer doesn't play mp3. what to do now?05:33
EightElevenOrangefly: Errormessages that contain /dev are Linux-specific.05:34
CapaHIs there a reason why my laptop battery only stays charged for like 5 minutes on Ubuntu before I have to plug it in? This is a new development, before I installed Feisty this was not the case. Any suggestions?05:34
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SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: you've installed ntfs-3g?05:34
EightElevenOrangefly_: You know how to open a terminal?05:34
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A_New_GuySlimeyPete: I don't think so, I just installed NTFS-Config, like from the Wiki...05:34
jvaichris_lee,  sudo apt-get install totem-xine05:34
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SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: you need to use synaptic/apt to install ntfs-3g first05:34
SlimeyPetethen the config tool should work (you may need to reboot)05:35
varka!codecs | chris_lee05:35
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ubotuchris_lee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:35
user_hey what comad to delete some pack?05:35
EightElevenOrangefly: Open a terminal and type "lsof | grep dsp"05:35
SlimeyPete!ntfs-3g | A_New_Guy05:35
ubotuA_New_Guy: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:35
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SlimeyPeteoh... same page ;)05:35
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A_New_Guy@SlimeyPete: OK... So I gotta install NTFS-3g and not only NTFS-config. I see... synaptic/apt... Hmm, sounds complicated, I'll try to find synaptic/apt :) Thanks.05:36
orangefly_it didn't seem to do anything....05:36
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SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: synaptic is in the system admin menu at the top05:36
EightElevenOrangefly_: That is supposed to be good. :)05:36
EightElevenMeans nobody is using your soundcard.05:36
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SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: it's a good idea to learn to find your way around synaptic - it's one of the main ways of installing software on Ubuntu05:37
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EightElevenOrangefly_: try lsof | grep snd05:37
randySlimeyPete how i am not see fonts on my desktop but instead im seeing square boxes05:37
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user_when I type in terminal " apt-get remove beryl" beryl will be remove?05:37
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jwickardwhen you connect to a server through the places dialog, is there anyway to get that mounted / linked to a directory on the filesystem?05:37
SlimeyPeterandy: I don't know, sorry, but maybe someone else here does05:37
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orangefly_EightEleven: this is exactly what vmware says"Failed to open sound device /dev/dsp: Permission denied05:37
orangefly_Virtual device sound will start disconnected.05:37
SlimeyPeteuser_: "sudo apt-get remove beryl", but yes05:38
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A_New_Guy@SlimeyPete: Thank you. One more question... Can I completely get rid of my NTFS partitions if I want to exclusively use Ubuntu? (I just want to get rid of all my old WIndows-related stuff entirely)05:38
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EightElevenOrangefly_: I had this problem before if other programs were using the soundcard.05:38
orangefly_ok....i did that....05:38
EightElevenOrangefly_: I usually had to shutdown xmms.05:38
SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: sure. You can use gparted or fdisk to do so.05:38
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vladuz976hi, i am running 7.04 on a sony vaio type c, everything works fine at home, but at work i cannot connect to the internet. it says there is a connection but i cannot reach any site.05:38
francis_could someone please help me set up my wireless network05:38
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EightElevenOrangefly_: Did "lsof | grep snd" give you any program names?05:39
neverbluehow can I change to java 1.5 from a system currently using java 1.405:39
dhammawhy can't i delete files when i search for them in nautilus?  the delete option is greyed out?05:39
m1rfrancis_ , yes , can try05:39
chris_leejvai, first i have to thank you for your answer. but unfortunately that lib doesn't help. totem still can't play mp3.05:39
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orangefly_EightEleven: mixer app and firefox05:39
francis_m1r: i have the card set up05:39
varka!java | neverblue05:39
m1rfrancis_ ; what card u got ?05:39
ubotuneverblue: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:39
A_New_Guy@SlimeyPete: Thanks again, you are awesome. I will try gparted now (from the synbian or syndicate or whatever it's called xD)05:39
user_SlimeyPete: of course sudo. I didn't type it because i thought it's normal thing05:39
BelleGHello i have a problem with  Query  for  ODBC   in MSSQL05:39
vladuz976i`ve tried to get help on the forum but no luck so far here is the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3005698#post300569805:39
neverbluevarka, that doesnt help05:39
EightElevenOrangefly_: Try running XP in VMWare with Firefox closed.05:39
francis_m1r: give me a movement05:40
jvaiwaitamin, chris_lee i'll do some googling05:40
BelleGsorry  for my english05:40
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varkaneverblue: why not?05:40
SlimeyPeteA_New_Guy: synaptic :) and... no problem :)05:40
EightElevenAnd then try it with both Firefox and mixer closed. :)05:40
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BelleGmy problem is OpenOffice Base05:40
dhammanobody knows?05:40
orangefly_EightEleven: same thing....do i need the mixer app running....???....05:40
SlimGWhen will tribe3 be released?05:40
mrabbithello, how can i stop mount points appearing on the desktop in 6.10?05:41
SlimeyPetedhamma: are they your files?05:41
EightElevenOrangefly_: Nope, you can also shut that one down.05:41
SlimeyPetedhamma: or are they system files (owned by root)05:41
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francis_m1r: i have the bcm431005:41
A_New_GuyDumb but necessary question: How do I turn off the "entered room" "leaves the room" messages? It's driving me nuts.05:42
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francis_i got it working05:42
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varkaneverblue: you can install several versions of java and decide which one to use by executing: "sudo update-alternatives --config java"05:42
m1rfrancis_ wait 1 min please05:42
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dhammaSlimeyPete: yes...they're just user files...i searched for avi files to free up space on my hd...the results came up, i selected the ones i wanted to get rid of but the delete option is disabled05:42
blublobluA_New_Guy: should be in your client's preferences05:42
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m1rfrancis_ what is output of iwlist scan ?05:42
jvaichris_lee,  you're on fiesty correct?05:42
orangefly_EightEleven: no dice....guess i'm screwed....retried lsof | grep dsp and got nothing this time but still the same message in vmware....05:42
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EightElevenOrangefly_: Try "lsof | grep snd"05:43
SlimeyPetedhamma: ah. Not sure then... try doing it via a terminal?05:43
chris_leejvai, right. it's a feisty05:43
francis_m1r: wlan0 : no such reports05:43
EightElevenOrangefly_: My sound-card uses /dev/snd05:43
m1rfrancis_ , ifconfig ?05:43
neverbluevarka, i cannot keep Netbeans happy05:43
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orangefly_EightEleven: that's what i meant....sorry....05:43
dhammaSlimeyPete: yeah, but the files are scattered all over the place...that's why i searched for them05:43
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dhammathanks anyway05:43
m1rput in pastebin francis_05:43
francis_m1r: there is no entry for wlan005:43
vladuz976what does roaming mode stand for in the network settings?05:43
TuxRoxHello. I am running Evolution 2.10.1 on Ubuntu 7.04. I am using the Exchange plugin for our corporate email. I am seeing something odd that maybe someone here might have a fix or work around for. I had attempted to add my manager's calendar to see how that works, but now I can not get rid of it. If I delete it, the next time I start Evolution it is there again. I went on to a Windows box and removed it from Outlook, yet it still shows up in Evolution. Is05:43
TuxRox there a place in the .evoultion directory or in GConf that would eliminate that? I have searched high and low to no avail... :-(05:43
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m1rfrancis_ wifi0 ?05:43
EightElevenOrangefly_: When you do "lsof | grep snd" no other programs show up?05:43
jvaichris_lee,  look what i found - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mp3 , i cant help on experience, i'm on dapper 6.06 still05:44
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francis_m1r: nope05:44
orangefly_EightEleven: correct....05:44
francis_i have to go activate it for the network manager05:44
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m1rfrancis_ , internal card ?05:44
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NigelSTuxRox: you might be best asking in the evolution channel if you haven't already05:45
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EightElevenOrangefly_: Try "lsof | grep alsa" and try "lsof | grep arts"05:45
francis_m1r: yea on a hp tx1003au laptop05:45
lazz0somebody willing to help me set up lampp autostart on ubuntu ?05:45
jvaichris_lee,  from the link read, you need to adjust your repos05:45
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m1rfrancis_ , lspci, then drop me here output for card please05:45
chris_leejvai, thank you. i will read it.05:45
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TuxRoxNigelS, I have. It has been about an hour and no response yet, so I figured I would try here.05:46
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EightElevenOrangefly_: You could also check if sound is set to auto-detect in your vmx file.05:46
jvaichris_lee,  add the restricted in the repos, i think community-maintained05:46
francis_m1r: 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 UART (rev 01)05:46
orangefly_EightEleven:  alsa gave me an arrow> arts gave me nothing....05:46
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orangefly_EightEleven: it is....05:46
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vladuz976can anybody help me with my network problem please. i posted the link the forum already05:47
GreyscaleHow can I get nm-applet to stop nagging me for a password?05:47
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francis_m1r: i am quite sure i have the card working .. but how do i set it up to connect to my AR , i have never used a wifi network before05:47
m1rfrancis_ , i think u will have to build driver yourself , are u familiar with compiling ?05:47
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fpenahay alguien que hable espaol05:47
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m1rfrancis_ , do iwconfig please05:47
EightElevenOrangefly_: When you start XP in a virtual machine, you usually click on a vmx file.05:48
cotyrotheryCan someone tell me how i would get 3D acceleration on my i810 gfx card?05:48
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francis_wlan0     IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:off/any  Nickname:"Broadcom 4311"05:48
francis_          Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.437 GHz  Access Point: Invalid05:48
francis_          Bit Rate=1 Mb/s05:48
francis_          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off05:48
francis_          Link Quality=0/100  Signal level=-256 dBm  Noise level=-256 dBm05:48
francis_          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:005:48
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francis_          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:005:48
EightElevenOrangefly_: If you open it in a text editor, then you can see the contents.05:48
orangefly_EightEleven: yes....05:48
m1rfrancis_ use pastebin please05:48
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A_New_GuyOK, I just got GParted, it's open, I have two NTFS partitions "/dev/sda1" and "/dev/sda5" that I want to get rid of. I am not interested in using Windows (and I assume NTFS) anymore. What should I "Format To >" ? ext3? I am not familiar with partitioning and don't care if I lose anything, I already backed up.05:48
m1r!pastebin > francis_05:49
EightElevenOrangefly_: Somewhere in this file it should say "sound.autodetect = "TRUE"05:49
FrogzooGreyscale: google "wifi feisty keyring manager"05:49
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mrabbithello, can anybody help me stop mount points appearing on my desktop in ubuntu 6.10?05:49
cotyrotheryCan someone please tell me how to enable 3d acceleration05:49
djcabzWhat does this mean: " Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason b0 on CPU 0."  I am on xubuntu 7.04, using a Dell Inspiron 600005:49
t2_hi,  can someone please tell me which driver is best for old radeon 7000 and 7200 cards for ubuntu feisty.   When i run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"  i get many choices for drivers including VESA, FBDEV and ATI... which one should i choose as i want my 1440*900 monitor to work properly  ?05:49
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m1rfrancis_ , /etc/network/interfaces and do pastebin please05:50
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t2_i read on the net that fglrx does not work for my old card... then whats the diff between FBDEV and ATI ?05:50
IceLinkhey there, i've got a split rar-archive, how can i extract it?05:50
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Frogzoomrabbit: under nautilus settings config editor05:50
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praveenheh how to force mount usb disks05:50
FrogzooIceLink: point unrar at the first file05:50
cotyrotheryI need to know how to turn on my 3D accleration can someone please tell me how?05:51
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orangefly_EightEleven: got it....05:51
IceLinkFrogzoo: afterwards?05:51
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mrabbitFrogzoo:please elaborate05:51
EightElevenOrangefly_: So sound is indeed set to autodetect?05:51
orangefly_EightEleven: yep....i don't get it....05:52
IceLinkFrogzoo: well, there's just extract here05:52
t2_when i first installed fesity xorg.conf shows "generic graphic card"  shouldnt it say Radeon 7000 ?05:52
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EightElevenOrangefly_: I don't really understand the arrow when you did "lsof | grep alsa"05:52
praveenheh how to force mount usb disks05:52
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A_New_GuyYaaay, I turned all my NTFS into EXT3. :D So, EXT3 is like hard disk for Ubuntu? I don't need to use NTFS again?05:53
monocotyrothery: go System>Administration>Restricted Drivers and install the driver for you GC05:53
orangefly_EightEleven: line went to05:53
FrogzooIceLink: unrar -e rar_file05:53
m1ra_new_guy , never again ;)05:53
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mrabbitFrogzoo:please elaborate. i dont know what you mean. i see nothing in nautilus preferences05:53
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IceLink-e ?05:53
m1rfrancis_ ?05:53
francis_apologies I got dc05:53
m1rnot here man :)05:54
m1ruse pastebin francis_05:54
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Frogzoomrabbit: you need the gnome configuration editor - then under nautilus settings05:54
m1r!pastebin > francis_05:54
EightElevenOrangefly_: Are you sure you did not forget a quote?  (")05:54
A_New_GuyI'm looking at my partitions... One of them says "Flags: lba" and "Flags: boot" ...Any ideas? Just trying to learn a little.05:54
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cotyrotherymono: it says my hardware does not need any restriced drivers05:54
m1ra_new_guy , use automatic partitioning if is your 1st install imho05:55
mrabbitFrogzoo:and i assume said config editor is in synaptic05:55
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EightElevenOrangefly: You should have typed it without the quotes (")05:55
orangefly_EightEleven: yes....05:55
monocotyrothery: What is your GC chip? Why you think it isnt installed?05:55
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cotyrotheryits an onboard i81005:55
EightElevenOrangefly: Typing lsof | grep alsa should give you a list or empty list.05:55
francis_m1r: give me a movement05:55
A_New_Guy@M1r: I chose automatic partition when I first installed Ubuntu, but for some reason it didn't delete my NTFS (windows) partitions. Now I finally turned them into EXT3, so should I reinstall Ubuntu in-order to repartition everything?05:56
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IceLinkwell Frogzoo, when executing 'unrar -e "CrisisGeneralMidi1.8(OfficialPack).part1.rar"' i just get a list of commands and usage and so on05:56
cotyrotherymono: its an onboard i81005:56
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incorrectis it possible to configure pam to only auth users of a certain group?05:56
shadowhywindHi all, werid problem here. I can not ping from one linux box to the other. I get a unknown host error anyone have any problems?05:57
m1ra_new_guy , no , but i would since i am not that familiar with repartitiong :/05:57
FrogzooIceLink: is there a previous file before part1?05:57
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IceLinkFrogzoo: i've got just part 1 & 205:57
francis_m1r: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29661/05:57
_ArchAngelwhat, please, is the commands to rename a file ?05:57
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m1ra_new_guy , if u go again install , go for : use entire disk option05:57
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_ArchAngelrv or rm or something05:57
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A_New_Guy@mlr: OK, I will "use entire disk" option! THANKS! Err, how do I install Ubuntu if I already have Ubuntu installed? *lol* I'll do that ASAP once i figure it out.05:58
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mzanfardinoaside from memory addressing capabilities, what advantage does installing the AMD64 have over x86?05:58
m1rfrancis_ , ifup wlan0 ?05:58
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byzzybits faster05:58
byzzyba lot faster05:58
byzzybbut only if u have x64 system05:58
ibtin ubuntu, i've got a device like eth0:avah, is there a reason for this? if not, how can i disable it from being created05:58
Adamhello. where is the # for developers?05:58
m1ra_new_guy , just restart whole proces from booting over CD05:58
_ArchAngelwhat, please, is the commands to rename a file ?05:58
shadowhywindmzandardino you will be able to use your processor to what it should05:59
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francis_m1r: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.05:59
Borzo_ArchAngel: : mv05:59
A_New_Guy@m1r: Great idea... OK, see you guys after I reinstall! :D Thanks *excited noises*05:59
Frogzoomzanfardino: nothing really - for desktop use, stick with 32 bit05:59
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m1rfrancis_ , ifdown wlan0 ?05:59
IceLinkFrogzoo: ah,. not -e but e05:59
markrianIs there a supported (recommended) way of upgrading a system without having X installed? i.e., a server. I don't want to have to install X just to upgrade the system.05:59
m1rah sry francis05:59
funkyHatHow can I set the default permissions for a file to be saved with?06:00
Anlaribt: it is used by avahi, which you might need for some things.. and harmless06:00
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francis_interfave not configured06:00
m1rfrancis_ is your wlan card turned on ?06:00
m1rfrancis_ does light blinks for it ?06:00
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Adamwhat is the name of channel for Ubuntu developers?06:00
mzanfardinohmmm... mixes response... faster, CPU utilization aer pros - sticking with x86 why?  save the obvious (all apps in 32 bit and not yet ported to 64)...06:00
cotyrotheryso can someone tell me how i would enable 3D acceleration06:00
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francis_m1r: how do i check that06:00
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m1rfrancis_, u must have some light on your laptop for wlan06:01
m1rto turn on or off06:01
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erUSULcotyrothery: which hardware?06:01
francis_yea its on blue06:01
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m1rok francis_06:01
cotyrotheryits an onboard i81006:01
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YANIXhi there06:02
francis_maybe i need a restart06:02
m1rfrancis_ ; iwconfig wlan0 essid "name of your AP"06:02
monocotyrothery: try to install libgl1-mesa-dri06:02
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monosudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri06:02
m1rfrancis_ , iwconfig wlan0 mode managed06:03
monocotyrothery:  sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri06:03
cotyrotherymono: it says i have the latest06:03
cotyrotherymono: i just installed that a few mins ago06:03
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cotyrotherymono: should have i restarted for it to work06:03
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francis_m1r: for some reason i can't see the wireless interface06:03
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate06:03
francis_let me try rebooting06:03
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YANIXi`ve downloaded the ubuntu 7.04 cd form the site . somebody help me on installing please06:04
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JayRoecan someone tell me how I select a certain remote control in ir-keymaps.c when I compile v4l-dvb?06:04
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cotyrotherymono: should i reboot my computer?06:04
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m1rfrancis_ ifconfig pastebin06:04
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francis_m1r: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29662/06:05
IceLinkthanks Frogzoo although i didn'T get that what i wanted to06:05
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m1rfrancis_ , check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-434946.html06:05
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m1rfrancis_ i think u will have to compile driver06:06
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francis_m1r: hold on . will go through it06:06
m1rwill take some time m806:06
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m1rjust go thru every step slowly and carefully06:06
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funkyHatwhich bash settings file is read by an SSH session?06:07
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funkyHatI have a user account set up for allowing people to send me files via SSH/SCP, and I want the files to be created with group write permissions06:07
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funkyHatSo I can delete them without switching user06:07
francis_m1r: hold on will get back to ya06:07
NotAmethystHow do I register an IRC Channel?06:07
m1rk np06:07
abhi_how do i specify a port for an IP address in bind9's namedconf?06:07
cotyrotherymono: are you there06:08
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monocotyrothery: restart the x server06:08
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user_Hi, can you propose any C++ compiler for ubuntu 7.0506:08
cotyrotherymono: ok06:08
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grim76NotAmethyst: Try looking up that information at http://freenode.net/06:09
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user_And if it able that compiler must be cheap in CPU use as possibility06:09
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dropetyquick question - are there any visual programming languages for linux like Visual Basic or VisualC++06:10
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cotyrotherymono: ok i restarted06:10
Jaymacuser_, what's wrong with gcc?06:10
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OldPink256Mb RAM, 700Mhz processor. How will Ubuntu run?06:11
user_Jaymac:  what is gcc?06:11
monocotyrothery: does it work now?06:11
mrsno__quite good OldPink06:11
AnlarOldPink: how do you expect it to run on that?06:11
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cotyrotheryOldPink: i had on one of my older computrs a 600 mhz processor and 128 mb of rm06:11
dropety... commercial perhaps?06:11
cotyrotheryOldPink: and it ran Ok06:11
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cotyrotherymono: no it doesn't06:11
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OldPinkAnlar I've got no experience outside my 3Ghz 768Mb, so no idea06:12
Jaymacuser_, GCC = Gnu Compiler Collection06:12
FrogzooOldPink: didn't you ask this yesterday?06:12
OldPinkmrsno__, thanks :)06:12
xml-bloghi all, quick question. I've installed ircd on fiesty and can connect locally, but get connection refused from other boxes on my lan. i've googled this and found lots of how-tos on ssh+port forwarding but no clear indication of why the port is not open and how to open it. would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction? TIA.06:12
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monocotyrothery: you wanna run compiz?06:12
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Jaymacuser_: it contains compiler frontends for lots of languages, including c and c++06:12
OldPinkcotyrothery: Really? That's reassuring06:12
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cotyrotheryMono: no i need it for wow06:12
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user_OldPink:  slow but everything will depend for what envoironment you use06:12
cotyrotherymono: i have direct rendering working06:12
Romeo5kQUESTION:: Okay... im kinda confused here.. I think i got everything set up but nothing is going together....... First of all, FTP is working, but when i log in to it, there is no folders.. no nothing... theres nothing there.. I was thinking i would at least have a www file so i can insert my php. Secondly.I have webmin installed all with LAMP, and when i go to my url, it is directing to apache's default page saying it works. Whe06:12
Jaymacuser_, run: sudo aptitude install build-essential06:13
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kbrooks_xml-blog, how do you connect?06:13
OldPinkFrogzoo: Sort of. The spec changes each time I ask. I'm trying to buy a laptop, you see, and come on here for advice when I find a new potential buy. Sorry06:13
monocotyrothery: sorry, I think I cannot help you.. I dont even know what wow is06:13
Jaymacuser_, it will install the basic tools for compiling a lot of languages06:13
xml-blogkbrooks_: irssi then /connect [ip-address] 06:13
cotyrotherymono: world of warcraft06:13
monocotyrothery: ah06:13
kbrooks_xml-blog, uh, lan ip?06:13
user_Jaymac: GCC is default in Ubuntu?06:13
xml-blogkbrooks_: correct06:13
Jaymacuser_, yes, but it isn't installed by default (AFAIK)06:13
Anlaruser_: you might want to take a look at (google for instance) kdevelop, and anjuta06:14
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Anlaruser_: and monodevelop, and netbeans. (:06:14
kbrooks_xml-blog, port forwarding.06:14
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kbrooks_xml-blog, er, no. don't06:14
JaymacOldPink, ubuntu.com suggests minimum requirements as being 256MB RAM and 4GB hard drive space06:14
cotyrotherymono: im doing the 3d acceleration test from cedega and it says 3d accleration fails06:14
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russe11cotyrothery: graphics card, etc?06:14
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russe11cotyrothery: sorry, nvm06:15
cotyrotheryrusse11: onboard i81006:15
jurgenenige vlamingen of belgen hier op de chat06:15
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JaymacOldPink: anything that meets those should run without problems, and I've heard of people running Ubuntu on less06:15
danfgi don't get it, why is XDMCPing into ubuntu is so horribly slow? both X client + server on the same machine06:15
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danfgam i missing something?06:16
Romeo5kIn ProFTPD/./.. wehn i log into it.. isnt it supposed to have like my www folder and stuff like that in it already??06:16
user_Anlar: but it's only one question..........and look how fast we get answer:D06:16
kbrooks_what is a good irc server that is simple06:16
m1roldpink , take alternate install cd and should work06:16
xml-blogkbrooks_: any idea what i should look for to educate myself on how to generically add new tcp/udp services to an ubuntu box?06:16
xml-blogkbrooks_: I've installed ircd-hybrid06:16
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kbrooks_xml-blog, no.06:16
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muszekhi... baobab tells me that my /home has 11.9GB of data, however df tells me I'm using 25776656 1k blocks... any clue what's going on?  I'm losing ~13GB out of 35 on this partition.06:16
Romeo5kpls help06:16
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verbatimcan anyone help me setup an irc server?06:17
Romeo5kIn ProFTPD/./.. wehn i log into it.. isnt it supposed to have like my www folder and stuff like that in it already??06:17
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OldPinkJaymac, thanks :)06:17
OldPinkm1r, as Jaymac said, the listed requirements are 256Mb of RAM and 2GB minimum hard drive space. Are the requirements for Live CD vs Alternate CD different? I thought anything that met those would support the liveCD06:17
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grim76Romeo5k: Depends on where you set the default path in the configuration file to drop people that login..... Also wait for people to answer your question...there are many people in here asking for help just like yourself.06:17
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verbatimhi can ne1 help me set up an irc server?06:17
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kbrooks_OldPink, livecd / alt cd is different, but livecd seems to need 256 mb of ram and optional swap06:18
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muszekRomeo5k: I've never used ProFTP, but in any client I used you had your "local" window and "remote" one... in either you just browse to the directory you want to operate on06:18
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verbatimim trying to setup an irc server for my website can ne1 point me in the rite direction i have noo idea06:18
m1roldpink , dont waste time on live cd, u wont get there ;)06:18
verbatimim trying to setup an irc server for my website can ne1 point me in the rite direction i have noo idea06:18
verbatimim trying to setup an irc server for my website can ne1 point me in the rite direction i have noo idea06:18
Jaymacthe alt cd is the old install method that debian uses, and ubuntu used up to 5.10, right?06:18
xml-blogverbatim: we're in the same boat. I installed ircd-hybrid but my issue is connecting from other boxes06:19
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kbrooks_!repeat | verbatim06:19
ubotuverbatim: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:19
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kbrooks_!patience | verbatim06:19
ubotuverbatim: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:19
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verbatimo ok thanks sorry im new06:19
verbatimi thought these places were just spam fests06:19
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iluhow do i setup a ftp with ubuntu?06:19
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:20
kbrooks_ilu: don't.06:20
xoqahello. i'm dying to use directfb, but i'm having a tough time finding resources for getting it to run.06:20
ilu<kbrooks_> ?06:20
russe11ilu: scroll up. He's been told.06:20
verbatimyeh i've read teh documentation thingy theres nothing about setting up an irc server06:20
kbrooks_ilu: setup sftp with ssh: install the package openssh-server06:20
danfgwhat is the name of the application that shows the menus/taskbar in ubuntu?06:20
xoqahow does one go about installing and setting it as the primary graphics library to use.06:20
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kbrooks_ilu: and it is easy.06:20
ilukbrooks its that hard huh?06:21
kbrooks_ilu: just give them the ip of the ssh server06:21
Jaymacverbatim, here is a thread on your issue:06:21
OldPinkm1r, what makes you think that?06:21
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m1rverbatim , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer?highlight=%28server%29 ok ?06:21
kbrooks_ilu: and they'll be able to use sftp or a gui client to download06:21
verbatimthanks jaymac06:21
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verbatimthanks m1r06:21
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m1roldpink , have several machines , lowest is 500mhz 128 ram :)06:22
kbrooks_<russe11> ilu: scroll up. He's been told. # ?06:22
xml-blogyou will still need to figure out how to connect from other boxes06:22
xml-blogif I find the answer i'll share it06:22
m1roldpink, had damn hard time to get it up , then finaly i used alternate and managed to install06:22
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xml-blogverbatim: trying a few things now06:22
Jaymacverbatim, here is a guide written for Fedora and SUSE, but might be a good read: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_irc_server_anope_services06:22
kbrooks_xml-blog, do you have a router? and define "other".06:23
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iluits strange i did 'sudo apt-get install java' and still java does not work06:23
Jaymacilu,  in firefox?06:23
Anlarilu: sun-java6-plugin06:23
verbatimthansk jaymac06:23
xml-blogkbrooks_: i'm on the same hub as the box, other things trying now includes inspecting /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf06:23
Jaymacilu, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts06:23
xml-bloglooking for information scent :)06:24
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ilu<Jaymac>yeah im trying to loginto hushmail via firefox and it still complaints about some java shite06:24
ilu<Jaymac> oh thanks man ill try that06:24
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kbrooks_ilu: you need the firefox plugin06:24
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Anlarilu: oh did you know that you need the firefox plugin!06:25
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Jaymacilu, also worth going to Edit>Preferences inside Firefox, and going to the Content tab and making sure "Enable Java" is ticked06:25
kbrooks_ilu; the jre is just the jre.06:25
IceLinkadis ihros06:26
ilu<Jaymac> i did your apt-get and lets try now to fix the ff settings06:26
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OldPinkThanks alot m1r06:26
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xml-bloghmm as a general rule, are ports open/closed in ubuntu?06:26
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PriceChildxml-blog, closed06:27
OldPinkJust waiting to hear back about the battery life, and should have bought myself a $150 legacy laptop ;)06:27
PriceChildxml-blog, unless you install something that opens them06:27
xml-blogPriceChild: thx06:27
Anlarxml-blog: technically, all the ports that exist, are open :) :D06:27
ilumy java is ticked but still this shite does not work06:27
xml-blogPriceChild: by opens do you mean listens06:27
ilumaybe i need the plugin06:27
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xml-blogso if i run something that listens on a port that *should* be it right?06:28
PriceChildxml-blog, ubuntu is shipped with all closed ports by default... but if you install something that opens a port or makes it listen or whatever than that's up to you06:28
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Jaymacilu - you did restart firefox didn't you?06:29
xml-blogPriceChild: i guess what i mean is, assuming i write a custom little script in ruby for example to listen on some arbitraty port is that now available? or is there some additional configuration required?06:29
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PriceChildxml-blog, choose a high port, above 1500 to be sure06:29
Anlarxml-blog: sure it is06:29
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neocortexHello ALL! Please, help me: what would be the best smartphone to bye, for the reasonable price and easy to sync with Ubuntu (6.06)???06:29
iluok lets try restarting06:30
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xml-blogcool ok so it's not like there's some firewall "on" by default that would block access in spite of me listening on the port06:30
vdjosede donde sois?06:30
PriceChild!es | vdjose06:30
xml-blogthat helps much. thx PriceChild, Anlar06:30
ubotuvdjose: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:30
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Jaymacneocortex, not sure you'll get an answer to that question here06:30
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Anlarxml-blog: only completely incompetent people set those firewalls up like that06:30
PriceChildneocortex, try #ubuntu-offtopic06:30
ilustill same shite hushmail does not load the window box for the passwd when the java stuff is not working properly06:30
PriceChildxml-blog, nope06:31
Jaymacwhat is hushmail?06:31
neocortexJaymac, please, where to ask??? I am quite hectic - out of ideas ...06:31
Jaymacis there a website i can go to to test it here?06:31
ilu<Jaymac> www.hushmail.com anonymous email06:31
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Jaymacis there any way to test your problem without logging in?06:31
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xml-blogAnlar, PriceChild: thx again. I will check elsewhere then for my ircd issue. if it's listening i should be able to get to it06:31
Jaymacany other pages that don't work as they should?06:31
user_so...I install GCC but where can I find it?06:32
XtypeWriter74i have an Acer travelmate 2303WLMi laptop and would like to install the latest ubuntu on it... where can i findout if all hardware as in Wlan ... is supported for it?06:32
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Jaymacuser_, sudo aptitude install build-essential06:32
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m1rxtypewriter74, run livecd06:32
JaymacXtypeWriter74, why don't you just run the LiveCD?06:32
user_Jaymac: I do like that..and reboot06:32
xml-blogunless.. hmm perhaps it's config'd to listen on versus the public IP06:32
hrasthi people,, I need help.. I cannot mout a hd I've connected to my desktop.. It was from my old system and it is formatted with reiserfs..06:32
Jaymacyou don't need to reboot user_06:32
xml-blogthat seems promising06:33
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hrastWhat can I do? I use Kubuntu..06:33
BorzoXteven : yes run the liveCD, BTW my Acer 2490 works like a charm06:33
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user_Jaymac: but I want:D....so where?06:33
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Borzoerr XtypeWriter74 that was :) sorry06:33
Jaymacuser_,  what are you asking?06:33
XtypeWriter74i have an kubuntu 6.06.1 version live at the moment on it but it doesnt reconize the Wlan06:33
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ilumaybe i need to fix some java stuff in synaptic?06:33
PriceChildXtypeWriter74, i'd suggest trying the feisty live cd06:33
BorzoXtypeWriter74: what's your wireless chipset?06:34
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user_I install GCC because someone told me that I need for C++ compiler06:34
user_And where is that compiler?06:34
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Jaymacuser_, it is part of the build-essential collection06:34
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Jaymacuser_, to run gcc: type gcc and it will give you usage options06:35
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blublobluHi all, my wireless card doesn't work after I made a mess of every configuration possible :P ndiswrapper, /etc/network/interfaces, drivers etc... It works well on the live cd. How might I restore all my wireless configuration to its original state?06:35
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XtypeWriter74Linksys cisco systems aircon06:35
BorzoXtypeWriter74 : is this PCMCIA?06:36
user_Jaymac:  gcc: no input files06:36
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XtypeWriter74no onboard laptop06:36
Jaymactype man gcc to see the help06:36
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rafaelscjCan anyone help me to install the Realtek High Definition Audio's driver?06:36
user_Jaymac: but I install it06:36
iluok i am installing some java stuff plugin for firefox in synaptic lets see if this wojks06:36
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BorzoXtypeWriter74: check the chipset type with lspci ( ethernet controllers)06:36
iluoi oboy i hope this works06:36
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Skwid_how can i sync folders with a server on ssh ? i can't get unison to work06:37
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XtypeWriter74i did06:37
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XtypeWriter74cisco systems   INPROCOMM06:37
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rafaelscjCan anyone help me to install the Realtek High Definition Audio's driver?06:37
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rocketsAnybody know how to change bugzilla entry dates06:38
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ubuntu-catzHALP! mah bryl it crashded! I gotz dis eror, butz I forgotz it! :( HALP MAH PLZ!!!06:38
SlimG2Is there a way to temporarily make ubuntu stay on the lan but make it unable to see a internet connection? removing/disabling the gateway address or something like that?06:38
Jaymacilu, i created a hushmail account and it works fine for me in FF, I guess you haven't installed the required plugin06:38
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ilu<Jaymac> but in my settings i marked all the java stuff06:38
iluwhat is this plugin i neeD? were can i find it?06:39
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XtypeWriter74srry i busted my achillis the otherday and have to move around and its a pain in the foot!!:P06:39
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BorzoXtypeWriter74 : check on the madwifi site if yor chipset is supported06:39
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Jaymacilu, are you on 64bit?06:40
XtypeWriter74yoo, thanx ;)06:40
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ilu<Jaymac> no man just a regular intel cpu 32bit i think06:40
ilunot double cpu core06:40
tschakalowbee merc avi.06:40
Jaymacilu, you have installed these packages?06:41
Jaymacsun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts06:41
iluyes sir06:41
Jaymacand you have accepted the license terms?06:41
iluall of em06:41
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iluwell what do you mean accepted tearms?06:42
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rafaelscjCan anyone help me to install the Realtek High Definition Audio's driver?06:42
danfguh guys, does the update manager suggest installation of packages that are "NOT AUTHENTICATED"? is that normal/ok?06:42
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Jordan_Udanfg, Either get the pgp key you are missing from a repository you added or run: sudo apt-get update06:43
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Romeo5kCan somone guide me as to where i edit the default folder in ProFtpD... I looked at proftpd.conf, and on there,,, there is no default location for when users log in.. And i want to redirect where im logging int to.06:43
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user_Jaymac: hou can I use GCC to write C++ programs?06:44
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Jaymacuser_, gcc is a compiler06:44
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MajorPayneuser_: Use g++ to compile.06:44
Jaymacit compiles your C++ programs to make them executable, nothing more06:44
Anlaruser_: "anjuta" or "kdevelop" for c++06:44
danfgJordan_U: will do, thanks :)06:44
iluomg now i know w the problem is java is not enabled.... but in my settings i have marked all thouse java things06:44
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ilu"ERROR! Java, which is required, is not currently enabled in your browser. Click here for more information. >>"06:45
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Jaymacyou need to download an IDE if you want help writing C++ programs06:45
user_Anlar: thanks:D06:45
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AnlarJaymac: he ASKED for ide in the first place and then some idiot started talking about gcc to him06:45
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user_Anlar: which program need less CPU ?06:45
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Jordan_Udanfg, np06:46
blublobluHi all, my wireless card doesn't work after I made a mess of every configuration possible :P ndiswrapper, /etc/network/interfaces, drivers etc... It works well on the live cd. How might I restore all my wireless configuration to its original state?06:46
Anlaruser_: anjuta is very light, and simple, but lacks some more advanced features..  it's aok though, just try it out06:46
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JaymacAnlar, the first thing I saw was someone asking for a compiler06:47
rafaelscjHow can I change the resolution to 1024x800?06:47
Dusk_how to run .bin files???06:47
JaymacAnlar, hence I suggested gcc06:47
Romeo5kanyone in here uses ProFtpd??06:47
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AnlarJaymac: learn how to read06:47
PriceChildDusk_, what kind of bin file is it?06:47
PriceChildDusk_, a cd image? an executable?06:47
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Dusk_a poker game with the lastname bin06:47
PriceChildDusk_, where's it from?06:47
Anlarrafaelscj: if your display adapter is intel, "apt-get install 915resolution" and reboot. I don't know about nvidia/ati06:47
PriceChildDusk_, /path/to/file.bni06:47
Anlarrafaelscj: add "sudo" before the command naturally06:48
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huythhow can I ping a computer by its name, right now I get "ping: unknown host name", ip works fine06:48
Dusk_just the name?06:48
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afiefDusk_, if they are executable just set the executable(right click->properties->permissions->allow to execute) and double click it(or ./file-name.bin in the command line)06:48
JaymacAnlar, I can read perfectly well, thank you06:48
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rafaelscjYes, It's Intel06:48
Dusk_ok thanks guyz06:48
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blublobluhuyth: is your dns ok?06:48
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huythblubloblu, I have no idea, how do I check?06:49
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JaymacAnlar, I answered the question I was asked.  Perhaps he asked about an IDE  before I entered - not a lot I can do in that case.06:49
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SlimG2Is there a way to temporarily make ubuntu stay on the lan but make it unable to see a internet connection? removing/disabling the gateway address or something like that?06:49
blublobluhuyth: open firefox go to www.ubuntu.com06:49
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FrogzooSlimG2: iptables06:49
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huythblubloblu, that works fine06:50
m1ryes francis_ ?06:50
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francis_i jsut got the .21 kernel will be compling it06:50
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francis_also any idea as to why suspend does'nt work ??06:50
blublobluhuyth: are you ping locally or internet?06:50
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SlimG2Frogzoo: can i just delete the gateway with iptables, and it will reappear when i run dhclient3 ?06:50
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m1rfrancis_ did u compile driver ?06:51
huythblubloblu, locally06:51
Jaymachuyth, if you are pinging locally, try pinging:  computername.domain06:51
Jaymacfor example: laptop.home06:51
francis_i need the kernel sources for that06:51
francis_i just got the sources for a friend06:51
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francis_gonna sit and compile it now06:51
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lontrawhat does ubuntu use for gnome-power-manager?  powersaved?06:51
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blublobluMy wireless card doesn't work after I made a mess of every configuration possible :P ndiswrapper, /etc/network/interfaces, drivers etc... It works well on the live cd. How might I restore all my wireless configuration to its original state?06:52
huythJayman, problem is, I cannot connect to the domain from the other computers as I get a dns-error message06:52
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lontrafrancis_, but isn't there a backend to gnome-power-manager like powersaved?06:52
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Jaymachuyth, perhaps check the settings on your router?06:53
m1rfrancis_ i dont think u need to compile kernel , just update to newest ubuntu06:53
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oxeimon3so, I've just installed ubuntu...where do I get the drivers for all my hardware?06:53
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Jaymacoxeimon3, what drivers do you need?06:54
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huythJaymac, didn't find anything about dns there06:54
FuMHow Do I install flash on Ubuntu? Anyone?06:54
oxeimon3jaymac: network card drivers, for one, I think06:54
francis_m1r: i am  on 7.0406:54
oxeimon3I can't seem to connect to the internet06:54
JaymacFuM: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree06:54
powergoalDo I have to manually add a network interface for my wireless card in kubuntu 7.04?  Or is it automatic?06:54
Jaymacoxemon3, try System>Advanced> restricted driver manager06:54
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erUSUL!wifi | powergoal06:55
ubotupowergoal: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:55
m1rfrancis_ u have  latest kernel update ?06:55
powergoalerUSUL: thankyou.06:55
francis_no gonna get the update now06:55
FuMJaymac, Still isnt working.06:55
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francis_i got a sound card whose drivers  are in the 2.1 too06:55
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randomseed!record tv06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about record tv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
m1rok then06:55
Jaymacdid that script download and install the flash player?06:56
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berentdoes ubuntu have drivers for 8500 GTS nvidia card?06:56
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ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out06:56
FuMIt did not find the package06:56
John`where can you download MergedFB?06:56
ilui thought linux did not have drivers?06:56
iehovaHi everyone. I recently developed a problem with (I assume) Gnome Power Manager. Basically, when I close my laptop lid, nothing happens, whether I set it to go to blank screen, hibernate, suspend or whatever. This happens whether on AC or battery power, and I can't seem to fix it06:56
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iehovaIf anyone could help that would be awesome. =] 06:56
oxeimon3Jaymac: System>Advanced>restricted driver manager...how do I get there?06:56
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PriceChildilu, if it didn't, how would it drive devices? :)06:56
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ilu<PriceChild> :) true06:56
PriceChildilu, most drivers are in the kernel06:56
Jaymacoxeimon3, are you on KDE or GNOME?06:56
iluah thats the diffrence06:57
PriceChildilu, that's why you don't have to do them manually yourself06:57
iluits baked into the kernel06:57
JaymacFuM, you need to enable extra repositories06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mach64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
John`where can you download MergeFB for ubuntu?06:57
PriceChildilu, however for example, i'm having to compile modules for my wireless and nvidia card.06:57
iluPRiceCHild gotcha :)06:57
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FuMHow do I do that?06:57
oxeimon3Jaymac: I dont know. It's whatever ubuntu 7.04's default is06:57
JaymacFuM, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:57
m1r!ati mach6406:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati mach64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
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The-KMThello everybody06:57
dang`r`uswhy does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot say it's better to install debootstrap manually?06:57
PriceChildJaymac, FuM system > admin > software sources is an easier place to configure that06:57
Jaymacoxeimon3, do you have a bar at the top of your screen with Applications | Places | System?06:57
oxeimon3the 'desktop' icon is on the bottom left, menus are on the top left06:57
The-KMTdo you know a program like download accelerator plus for ubuntu ?06:58
berentdoes ubuntu have drivers for 8500 GTS nvidia card?06:58
Jaymacoxeimon3, click on System, then Administration06:58
blublobluoxeimon3: you are using GNOME06:58
PriceChildberent, there's an 8500?06:58
ilu<PriceChild> when i do 'kernelversion' in a konsol it says i have 2.6 but i herd there is a newer one... how do i upgrade? i only use apt-get install.... ?06:58
oxeimon3ah wait I see it06:58
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FuMJaymac, I'm in software sources.06:58
FuMWhat now?06:58
Jaymacberent, you can either use Envy or try the Restricted Manager to install the nvidia driver06:58
PriceChildberent, i thought it was just 8800 and 8600.... but no we don't "yet". You'll have to use the drivers from nvidia.com06:58
Jordan_U!kernel | ilu06:58
ubotuilu: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:58
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PriceChildilu, Newer does NOT mean better. Stick with what works.06:59
El_Burroim just about to install feisty, my XP install is on sda, do i need to set the boot loader to point to (sd0) (its the disk that is set in bios to boot from)?06:59
ilu<PriceChild> but... but... i love tinckering around ;)06:59
oxeimon3Jaymac: there is only 1 driver in the list, which iss an ATI accelerated graphics driver06:59
Jordan_Uilu, If you want a newer kernel than Ubuntu comes with you have to compile from source, you probably don't really want wither though06:59
PriceChildilu, we can't support kernel tinkering.... very random problems etc.06:59
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oxeimon3Jaymac: the checkbox is unchecked, and in Status, there is a red circle saying, Not in use06:59
Jordan_Uilu, ( a new kernel or to compile from source that is )06:59
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berentPriceChild : yes there is . 8500 GT NVIDIA with PCIe06:59
ilumaybe out of my leuge :P06:59
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iluok i will not fix a problem that does not exist06:59
oxeimon3what are restricted drivers?06:59
PriceChildberent, meh, i must be out of the loop :)06:59
JaymacFuM enable the multiverse repositories06:59
John`where can you download MergeFB for ubuntu?07:00
Jaymacoxeimon3, that will give you proprietary ATI graphics drivers07:00
Jordan_Uoxeimon3, Proprietary binary drivers07:00
berentJaymac: you mean there are drivers right07:00
FuMJaymac, How?07:00
Jaymacberent, I mean there are nvidia drivers available for ubuntu, which may or may not work with your particular card07:00
oxeimon3Jaymac: even after I click on it and say "enable driver", the checkbox remains unchecked07:00
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berentJaymac : why so much of unreliability.07:01
JaymacFuM tick all of the boxes on the first section07:01
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:02
Jaymacand you can't find flashplugin-nonfree07:02
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:02
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armyriadPhotoshop in Ubuntu?07:02
Jordan_UFuM, Have you enabled Universe and Multiverse ?07:02
PriceChildarmyriad, the gimp ?07:02
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ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.07:03
Jordan_U!appdb | armyriad07:03
ubotuarmyriad: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org07:03
iluwhats the command to see the computers hardware?07:03
Jordan_U!msgthebot > ilu07:03
Jordan_Uilu, lspci ?07:03
ilunha its another one i think07:03
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francis_m1r: any idea about suspend07:03
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Jordan_Uilu, What hardware info are you looking for?07:04
m1rfrancis_ second07:04
oxeimon3how can I tell if my network drivers are correctly installed?07:04
JaymacFuM: go here:07:04
ilu<Jordan_U> there is like a command in the konsol that lists all the hardware you got in your computer... like graphics card... sound card... hdds... ram... etc07:04
Jaymac(in Firefox)07:05
Jaymacit will prompt you to download and install the plugin07:05
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FuMYou have to install it manually thought.07:05
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FuMAnd I don't know how to navigate to the folder using the terminal.07:05
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{CotA}FrostbCan Someone Tell Me The Difference Between VMware Server ,Tools, And Player?07:05
JaymacFuM... you don't07:05
savetheWorldFuM: use the cd command07:06
m1rfrancis_ i had to put install some package to get it working, but cant recall :/07:06
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FuMCan you run me through the install please ,Jaymac?07:06
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JaymacFuM if you go to that website: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/07:06
Griferumm.. how do I list all users on channel in irssi07:07
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Jaymacthat is a test site to show you which version of Flash player you have installed07:07
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Jordan_U{CotA}Frostb, VMware player is like VMware server with less features :) And VMware tools is what you install on the Guest OS07:07
oxeimon3is my ethernet card called a "Networking Interface?"07:07
Jaymacif you click where it says Download plugin (or something) Firefox will search for the plugin, find it, and install it07:07
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oxeimon3I'm just confused because on XP, it's called a "Gigabit Ethernet Controller" or something07:07
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FuMI have no flash installed whatsoever.07:08
godofredoJordan_U: If I wanted To Install Another Operating System On The Same Box As Ubuntu, would i make the server on the same computer?07:08
francis_m1r:  have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47185507:08
francis_is that it07:08
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FuMFirefox can't install it, you need to manually download it.07:08
godofredoJordan_U: I changed my name btw. I was {CotA}07:08
darwin81What's the best way to back up 15GBs of data onto DVDs?07:08
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, What do you mean "make the server" you would install VMware server07:09
JaymacFuM: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_1550707:09
godofredoJordan_U: Yes, Install The Server.07:09
godofredoJordan_U: I'm Using A Howtoforge.com Tutorial For It.07:10
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, You can install VMware Server from Ubuntu's Universe repository07:10
godofredoJordan_U: Really?07:10
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godofredoJordan_U: Does It Matter Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu?07:10
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godofredoJordan_U: Or Does It Apply to all?07:11
Romeo5kDoes anyone in here use ProFTPd ??07:11
FuMJaymac, nothing07:11
Jordan_Ugodofredo, No, they all use the same repositories07:11
El_Burroif i set my bootloader (grub) to install on sd0 instead of hd0 will it bugger the xp install on sda?07:11
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godofredoJordan_U: How Would I Access That Repository?07:11
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FuMJaymac, I don't have any flash installed on my computer, I want to get it.07:11
JaymacI know that FuM07:11
Jordan_U!repos | godofredo07:11
ubotugodofredo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:11
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godofredoJordan_U: I was going to use Automatix :(07:12
danielbwhey does anyone know of a good place to get flash games that I can host?07:12
Jaymacthe Flash download page will realise you have no Flash and prompt you to download it07:12
Jordan_U!automatix | godofredo07:12
ubotugodofredo: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:12
BigMacIs there anyway to use xorgc.conf to make the side buttons on my mouse work07:12
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BigMacOnly left click and right click work currently07:12
godofredoJordan_U, What Exactly Would I Type In The Terminal?07:12
armyriadHow do I add more repositories to the Synaptic Package Manager?07:12
FuMFirefox will tell me you can't install it and you need to manually go to adobe to download it and install it manually.07:12
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Jaymacwhat version of Firefox?07:13
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JaymacI  have
godofredoJordan_U, I have the tutorial using source rather than a repository07:13
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darkramonhello... is there any program for linux to send the same email to different accounts at the same time?07:13
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Just follow the directions @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-b75a0c6c7e357640731529980d3f3ad3614b9a7607:13
Jaymacclick on the "Additional Plugins are Required to Display the Media on this page"07:13
FuMI have aswell07:14
rafaelscjWho know how to install Realtek High Definition Sond Card?07:14
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Romeo5kCan anyone tell em how to cheange the deafault folder to where ProFTPd login takes me to???07:14
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godofredoJordan_U, oh so i used synaptic? Then how to i actually run it after its installed. I 'm sure it won't make any icons or shortcuts :(07:14
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, It will make icons and shortcuts :)07:15
FuM"No suitable plugins were found.....Unknown Plugin ( Application/x-director )"   "Manual Install"07:15
Jaymacthat is the shockwave plugin07:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:15
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Applications -> System Tools ->VMware Server Console07:15
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darkramonhello? is there any program to send the same email to a list of customers?07:15
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darkramoni have the list in spreadsheet format07:16
godofredoJordan_U, I'm used to Ubuntu, But This Machine Has Kubuntu, How Would I access the packages in kubuntu?07:16
m11spam :)07:16
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darkramonnope m11... not spam those are my customers....07:16
Jaymacgodofredo it will be somewhere in your list07:16
darkramonthe thing is that i switch from windows to ubuntu.. and i cant find any program to do that07:16
darkramonit is for my photographic stock...07:16
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Jaymacall right, FuM:07:17
Jaymacdownload the flash player in tar.gz format07:17
mhz`install it from synaptics?07:17
FuMDone, Jaymac07:17
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xvts <darkramon> you can use sendmail07:17
Jaymacdo you see it on your desktop?07:17
godofredoJordan_U, After Looking Through The Menu's All I Find Is Adept Package Manager07:17
darkramonsendmail but sendmail is an smtp server07:18
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xvtsalso a clint07:18
FuMYes, It's been on there for a while now.07:18
Jordan_UJaymac, FuM Why not install with apt / Synaptic ?07:18
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darkramoni need a program to connect to my server and import html from website in order to send news to my customer about the latest photographs i have on my stock07:18
Jaymacbecause he hasn't been able to find it07:18
Jaymacand I've tried explaining how07:18
Jaymacit is in the multiverse repository07:18
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xvtshow did you do this in w3207:19
godofredoJordan_U, It wasn't installed. So I added It In The Adept Installer. Never Heard Of Synaptic Not Being There :(07:19
Jordan_Ugodofredo, I don't know how to add repositories through adept package manager, I can either tell you what to manually add to your sources.list or you can install synaptic07:19
Jaymacgodofredo - Synaptic is the Ubuntu frontend of apt07:19
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JaymacAdept is the Kubuntu frontend of apt07:19
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Jaymacyou don't need Synaptic if you run Kubuntu07:19
darkramonxvts: i used mach mailer to connect to my provider's smtp and from there i sent the emails..... it had the options to import a list of emails from an excel file...07:19
John`how do you extend your desktop to a tv in ubuntu?07:19
JaymacFuM: cd Desktop/07:19
godofredoJordan_U, I'm in synaptic so what is the package called: VMware server?07:20
darkramonxvts: and it had another option to import html code07:20
xvtsprogram in perl07:20
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes, but you have to enable the ubuntu-commercial repository first07:20
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Jaymacthen: sudo tar -zxvf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz07:20
gnychisis it possible that when one person logs in it loads gnome, and when another person logs in it loads fvwm ?07:20
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darkramonxvts: i cannot program.. Im a photographer07:20
Jordan_UJaymac, Why sudo?07:20
godofredoJordan_U, uh, how (wince)?07:21
Jaymacoops, Jordan_U - didn't mean to write sudo :)07:21
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Do you have Synaptic installed or should I tell you how to edit your sources.list ?07:21
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:21
pacmaneatsmynuclhow do i compile/install xmms plug ins?07:21
godofredoJordan_U, Synaptic IS installed and i'm looking at it right now07:21
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John`does anyone know?07:22
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-b75a0c6c7e357640731529980d3f3ad3614b9a7607:22
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FuMJaymac, Error07:22
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mhz`time to watch planet earth07:22
Jaymacwhat is the error07:22
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FuMCannot open file07:22
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baghyay i  have that when i do '' apt-get update "        <<W: GPG error: http://ma.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates Release: Les signatures suivantes ne sont pas valables: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:23
fevelhey...anyone run vmware on ubuntu, iget this error message when I try to boot a vm i just created 'Unable to change virtual machine power state: Failed to connect to peer process.'07:23
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FuMJaymac, Now its working07:23
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FuMJaymac, It lists all the files inside the folder07:23
megatillasc hi =) you said this afternoon, if i disable checkdisk it would be boot faster, and its not good to disable it, why is it not good?07:23
fevelmaybe it has something to do with the fact that i set my vm folders on a ntfs partition07:24
JaymacFuM: ./install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer-installer07:24
darkramonxvts: do you know about a good program to do it?07:24
Jaymacfollow the instructions07:24
fevelI have full read write ntfs partitions though07:24
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godofredoJordan_U, All I see is : Up, Down, Okay, Cancel. No, Oppurtunity To Add07:24
Dylnugefevel-What VMware Product are you using? Server, Player?07:24
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godofredoJordan_U, Found It07:24
fevelDylnuge: workstation 6, i just installed it, my ubuntu is amd6407:24
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xvtsnot off the shelf... i would just program it... but that my profession07:25
FuMMy architecture x86_64 is not supported by the Adobe Flash Player Installer07:25
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engagedI login to my plesk server and it says a ton of ram is being used, i type 'top' in shell and nothing really shows up using that much RAM... anything else I can investigate?07:25
baghyay GPG error: http://ma.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates Release: Les signatures suivantes ne sont pas valables: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B507:25
darkramonxvts: yeah, but im just a photographer hehe dont have any idea on how to program my own07:25
JaymacFuM, there is your problem07:25
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xcocoxHey, I am trying to set up a samba share on my machine, and I have it working. But when I add it to fstab, i.e. "//windows/share /mnt/samba smbfs username=blah,password=blahblah 0 0", It will free when entering the folder, and if I use "ls" in it, I get "input/output error.". When I do it manually, it doesn't ask for a username, just for a password, and that works. Should I remove "username=blah" from the /etc/fstab file?07:25
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pushpopwould vmware-server perform better on 64bit ubuntu or 32bit?07:25
FuMJaymac, Now what?07:25
xvtsits not that hard you would be suprised07:25
XimDevpeople we should sue microsoft07:25
Dylnugeok. If possible, I would try running it from an ext2/3 file system to see if thats the problem.07:25
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XimDevi am not kidding, i just received a silly email07:26
darkramoncan someone please tell me if there's a program to send massive mails (and no, not for spamming)... i switched from windows to ubuntu and i cannot send news to my customers they are 2000 customers07:26
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godofredoJordan_U, Is The URL http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu?07:26
iluhow much market share does linux have anyway?07:26
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes07:26
iluor is it impossible to measure that07:26
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XimDevwe should sue microsoft07:26
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XimDevubuntu should sue microsoft07:26
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, But that is not the apt line07:26
ilumark shuttleworth07:26
JaymacFuM: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924&highlight=flash+player+amd6407:26
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godofredoJordan_U, ?07:27
ilumark shuttleworth the man who came from space and gave ubuntu to earthlings07:27
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godofredoJordan_U, For The URL do i add dapper on the end or something?07:27
DylnugePushpop-since vmware server supports 64-bit processors, I would say that if you have a 64-bir processor,  VMWare would run best with the 64 bit version on 64 bit Ubuntu. Of course, the same does not go for all programs, so you might want to consider the tradeoffs07:27
Jordan_Ugodofredo,  "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main" If you are using Feisty07:27
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XimDevah question, ubuntu fiesty-fawn live CD doesn't see the 4GB RAM!!07:28
randycould someone help me? i just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 7 and the package manager is saying that bottorrent is installed. could someone please tell me how to start the software because im not seeing it under the internet tab07:28
Jordan_UXimDev, What does it do exactly?07:29
DylnugeThe same goes for the guest OS you want to install-I don't have a 64-bit processor, so I am not sure if you can install a 64-bit edition of an OS as a guest if the host version is a 32-bit, but either way, a guest system would function better with a 64-bit host system.07:29
XimDevjust sees 307:29
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pushpopDylnuge: I am going to be using the box for the soul purpose of vm's.  So 64bit is the way to go?07:29
Jaymacrandy> System>Preferences>Main Menu07:29
XimDevrandy: open the terminal and type bittorrent07:29
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darkramonhello who can help me... I really need an alternative for linux...07:29
ozzmanQ: just installed ubuntu X86_64 can seem to be able to install plug-ins for firefox any advise?07:29
DylnugeIn that case, yes07:29
godofredoJordan_U, I have dapper07:30
pushpopok thank you07:30
xcocoxHmm, lets try this question. What should the line for fstab look like using a samba share? (smbfs)07:30
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Jordan_Udarkramon, FreeBSD07:30
Dylnuge(Assuming, of course, you have a 64-bit processor)07:30
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erUSUL!bittorrent | randy07:30
Jordan_Udarkramon, :)07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bittorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
erUSUL!torrent | randy07:30
uboturandy: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html07:30
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godofredoJordan_U, And It Says It could Not Download All Repository Indexes07:30
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Jaymacrandy: click on Internet and tick the box beside BitTorrent07:30
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Then add dapper instead of Feisty07:30
ozzmanQ: just installed ubuntu X86_64 can seem to be able to install plug-ins for firefox any advise?07:30
Jaymacnow you can see it in Applications>Internet07:30
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Jaymacozzman, to install the Flash plugin for firefox go here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924&highlight=flash+player+amd6407:31
darkramonjordan_U:   what I need is a program to send mails to all my customers.... a program to use a database in excel in order to send the same email to all of them07:31
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godofredoJordan_U: I Did. And I Get The Error Mention Earlier: Could Not download All Repository Indexes07:31
zxul767Recently I have noticed that my swap partition is not activated upon boot up. As far as I can recall, this didn't happen before, is there any way to activate it back?07:31
DylnugeIt takes full advantage of the features your processor provides. The guest systems can be 64-bit or 32-bit as well, so you can still run a 32-bit guest on a 64-bit host, if you want to.07:31
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Jaymacozzman, see this thread too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20253707:31
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Wat did you enter exactly?07:32
erUSULdarkramon: you can set up mailing list software like majordomo or mailman or just use an alias in your Mail transfer agent (postfix) other option is to jus make a little script to do it for you07:32
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darkramoni mean but I need to send them from my company email07:32
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randyjaymac im sry but im not seeing bittorrent in internet07:32
darkramonnot from another email because my customers will delete it thinking it is spam07:32
pushpopDylunge: Yes, amd 4400" AM207:32
godofredoJordan_U, URI: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/       Distribution: dapper-commercial    Section(s): main dapper07:32
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Jaymacrandy, you are in the Main Menu application?07:33
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godofredoJordan_U, For Binary I Selected .deb07:33
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randyim using gnome07:33
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randyjaymc yes07:33
videnAnyone know if there is a fix for the gnome bug where the gnome panel launches in the wrong location?07:34
Jaymacand in Main Menu you clicked on the Internet on the left side?07:34
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randyjaymac yes07:34
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Oh, I forgot it did it differently in Dapper, that should work but open up your sources.list just to be sure07:34
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Jaymacand BitTorrent isn't near the top in italics?07:34
darkramonerUSUL: I cannot send from another email i can create using sendmail or anything ... i need to send the emails from my company's email07:34
godofredoJordan_U, K, Now What07:34
mweviden: I guess I haven't noticed that bug. did you search the bug database?07:34
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videnmwe:  yes its listed as a known bug, but there is no information beyond that07:34
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, what line does it have for ubuntu-commercial ?07:34
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SAVVYDKPtrying to run an open gl game (pad man) gets this error lately "SDL_SetVideoMode failed: Couldn't find matching GLX visual" To fix this I tried to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to no avail, anyone able to help?07:34
erUSULdarkramon: chances are that the software you used in windows works in wine07:34
erUSUL!wine | darkramon07:35
ubotudarkramon: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:35
oxeimon3are hardware drivers automatically installed when you install ubuntu?07:35
Dylnugepushpop: Good luck with whatever you are trying to do with your system.07:35
randyjaymac no u think i will have to reinstall it?07:35
videnmwe:  seems to happen when wine crashs running something a different resoution than the actual x session07:35
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erUSULdarkramon: also you can configure postfix to relay all email to your company mta07:35
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fevelhey, does anyone have a canon i320 printer07:35
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Now that I think of it there may not be an ubuntu-commercial for Dapper, sorry about all that :(07:35
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fevelI cant install it in ubuntu07:35
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godofredoJordan_U, So Then No Hope On Dapper?07:36
darkramonso there's no program to connect to my smtp server (the one on my hosting provider) ? and send all the mails07:36
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Jaymacrandy, install azureus07:36
Jaymacsudo aptitude install azureus07:36
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mhz`utorrent :)07:37
Jordan_Ugodofredo, You just have to install it manually07:37
mhz`or rtorrent07:37
godofredoJordan_U, Should I Just Continue Using HowToForge.com Tutorial?07:37
randyjaymac ok thanks for your help07:37
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godofredoJordan_U, Which I Believe Is Manually (Cuz It Has Tar.bz?)07:37
mhz`wine + utorrent07:37
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes07:37
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randycould someone please tell me what is the X11 driver?07:38
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godofredoJordan_U, So Once I Install Vmware Server, Do I Use Vmware Player To Access That Virtual OS?07:38
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ubunuthi again07:38
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ozzmanJaymac: i still could not find  a solution.07:38
Jordan_Udarkramon, There is a library for ( libmail-bulkmail-perl ) it so there is probably an application to do it.07:38
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anto9usrandy: it's the underlying graphics driver on Linux based systems07:39
darkramonthank you jordan07:39
Jordan_Ugodofredo, You can either use VMware Server or VMware player07:39
darkramoni appreciate it07:39
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ubunutwuts the offtopic chan name again plz07:39
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Which is why I think that the player is mostly pointless :)07:39
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oxeimon3are hardware drivers automatically installed when you install ubuntu?07:40
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Since VMware Server does everything it does and more, and is also free :)07:40
randyanto9us ok well i guess i will have to install the graphics driver07:40
anto9usubunut: #ubuntu-offtopic07:40
godofredoJordan_U, Sounds Like It, Once Last Question, Registration For VMWare?07:40
ubunutThank You07:40
godofredoJordan_U, Neccessary ?07:40
Jaymacgodofredo, you need to go to their website to register07:40
Jaymacit's free07:40
Borzooxeimon3 : that depends07:40
=== ubunut grants anto9us 8 hundred wishes!
Jordan_Ugodofredo, For VMware Server, yes07:40
ilui sure could use a couple of wishes07:41
godofredoJordan_U, Okay Still Free Though..So No Worries :) Thank You For Your Help07:41
Sno0pygot a bind_udevd_init problem when trying to run the ubuntu livecd    then goes to INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes / INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel and gets stuck there07:41
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, You don't need to use your real email address though :)07:41
web_knowsis there anyone using palm and ubuntu? to sync, etc07:41
Jordan_Ugodofredo, np07:41
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ilupalm is pas07:41
iluiphone baby07:41
iluthats tha future07:41
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rico_hey guys, would anyone know if there's some IRC channel where I can ask for help in installing Compiz-fusion?07:41
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Priceyrico_, #ubuntu-effects07:42
Priceyrico_, #compiz-fusion07:42
ozzmanAny one know if their is a set of ATI drivers for X86_6407:42
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oxeimon3Borzo: How can I tell if the drivers have been installed correctly for a certain device?07:42
rico_ooh, thanks Pricey. :)07:42
zwoepi'm trying to install vista (iso file) with virtual box on feisty but at beginning i get his error: no device drivers were found07:42
ubunutif they work07:42
rotmanhi, I was wondering: Is it possible to get in grub menu when booting from CD?07:42
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dromerhi all, how can I see which ftpd I am running and how can I add users to that ftpd?07:42
oxeimon3well, I'm having trouble connecting to the internet07:42
anto9usrico_: type /msg chanserv list *compiz*07:42
rotmanand use the CD as a recovery disk?07:43
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oxeimon3and I dont know if it's my settings, or if the driver hasn't been installed07:43
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web_knowsilu, yeah, iphone seems to be cool07:43
Borzooxeimon3: : well, if it works it means they are installed07:43
ozzmanRunning ATI X1900 GT07:43
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web_knowsand apple is going to put in the market an iphone based on ipod nano07:43
ubunuthey dromer: try typing this into terminal sudo initd/vsftpd/restart07:44
Borzooxeimon3 : you have anything in particular in mind?07:44
ilu<web_knows> its hacked pretty good by now aswell07:44
ubunutis that correct?07:44
Jkesslerwhat's the names of some programs that let you manipulate your desktop and layout07:44
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vermoosis Dell going ahead with pre-packaging ubuntu on their laptops, anyone?07:44
oxeimon3well, it's called an ET-131x PCI-E Ethernet Controll, by Agere Systems07:44
dromerubunut: sudo: initd/vsftpd/restart: command not found07:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:44
ubunutif it restrts then thats what u have there is a #vsftpd room07:44
Priceyvermoos, in the us yes07:44
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kupesoftWhere is the umask for bash set?07:44
Jordan_Uvermoos, Yup dell.com/ubuntu07:45
kupesofthow about for sftp?07:45
ilu<vermoos> they have started to sell dells with ubuntus here in sweden but for some reason its more expensive than with windows on them...07:45
amidanielkupesoft: ~/.bashrc07:45
oxeimon3and under the Device manager, it says: "Device Type: Unknown, Capabilities: Unknown"07:45
vermoosPricey ironic, since they manufacture their units in ireland07:45
kupesoftamidaniel: I mean system-wide07:45
vermoosilu :( bummer07:45
erUSULkupesoft: your .bashrc or .bash_profile files07:45
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Sno0pygot a bind_udevd_init problem when trying to run the ubuntu livecd    then goes to INIT: ID "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes / INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel and gets stuck there  help?07:45
Priceyvermoos, where'd you hear that?07:45
EnronI booted up and the command dkms is no longer available? does dkms not work in ubuntu?07:45
kupesofterUSUL: What about system-wide?07:45
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Jkessleri've seen some screenshots of people who have really cool desktops..  they must be using a different program to do all of those different effects..  could someone give me some names of programs that do things like that?07:45
Borzooxeimon3 it sounds like it's a networking card, if so are you able to use the local network?07:45
amidanielkupesoft: Oh :) ... not sure; I think in /usr/local07:45
ilu<vermoos> well in given time ubuntu will take over more and more... both from other linux distros and windows07:45
vermoosPricey when i bought my dell inspiron a couple of years ago07:45
felixhummelis it possible to use my cups printer in wine?07:45
kupesoftamidaniel: /usr/local?07:46
Daveyboyi tried to uninstall apache2 via apt-get remove --purge apache2 , but it is still running??, eben after reboot07:46
Priceyvermoos, they have a production line in america, where trucks drive in, components go together, and at the end of the line get put into the truck at the end of the line and get driven off.07:46
Jordan_UJkessler, Compiz / Beryl ?07:46
oxeimon3I'm pretty sure it's my ethernet card07:46
oxeimon3I am unable to use the local network07:46
Jkesslerahhh thanks..  beryl is what i was thinking of07:46
vermoosilu yeah apparantly there will be more linux boxes than microsoft in a few years, due to china, s america, etc07:46
erUSULkupesoft: system wide? each user (process) has her umask no system wide umask07:46
JkesslerJordan_U, does that come standard with the latest ubuntu release?07:46
oxeimon3ie, I can't connect to google07:46
amidanielkupesoft: Well, what do you mean by system-wide umask? Every user has a unique umask07:46
ilu<vermoos> it seems poor people (like myself) sucks up these open source technologies more than the western world07:47
Jordan_UJkessler, A stripped down version of Compiz does, enable it in System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects07:47
iluall my cash has to go to food... i could never affoard windows vista07:47
EnronDoes Ubuntu come with DKMS it says command not found for me...07:47
Jkesslerok, thanks07:47
PriceyEnron, dkms?07:47
skollieoxeimon3: run ifconfig at the console and see if your card has  valid ip address07:47
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oxeimon3I don't have that command07:48
Daveyboyi tried to uninstall apache2 via apt-get remove --purge apache2 , but it is still running??, even after reboot, installed it as a package07:48
oxeimon3I'm on ubuntu linux07:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
Enrondynamic kernel module somthing07:48
erUSUL!info xine-ui | troopperi_07:48
ubotutroopperi_: xine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4+dfsg+cvs20061111-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1483 kB, installed size 3532 kB07:48
skollieoxeimon3: have you tried?07:48
vermoosilu yup and the west should too - never good to be dependent on one form of technology07:48
Enronfor snapapi07:48
oxeimon3I just did07:48
oxeimon3bash: ipconfig: command not found07:48
erUSULoxeimon3: ifconfig with f07:48
PiciDaveyboy: you installed it from a .deb or from the ubuntu repos?07:48
ilu<vermoos> well thouse who go with linux knows more07:48
skollieoxeimon3: look closely - iFconfig07:48
Daveyboypici, repos07:49
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troopperi_erUSUL: is that integated in amarok?07:49
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oxeimon3what should I be looking for?07:49
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skolliethe ip address of yor card07:49
amidanieloxeimon3: IP addy on your ethernet device07:49
vermoosilu more importantly we know what we don't know... known unknowns and all that07:49
erUSULtroopperi_: nope, amarok can use *libxine* as backend instead of gstreamer07:49
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EnronAnyone know Why Dkms is missing from ubuntu or how I can install it07:49
erUSUL!info libxine > troopperi_07:50
troopperi_erUSUL: ok, thnx07:50
oxeimon3well, there's something thats like: "HWaddr 00:19:21:63:3A:C5"07:50
oxeimon3that sounds like my mac address07:50
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ilu<vermoos> well i just think 'open' is the way of the future....07:50
Borzooxeimon3 : it is07:50
amidanieloxeimon3: And the line after that?07:50
umwStudentI have the dumbest possible Ubuntu question: how do you know what version you're on? (Dapper, Edgy, etc.) Is there some command that does this?07:50
amidanielShould be "inet addr ..."07:50
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BorzoUmngane : use the uname command07:50
oxeimon3well, there are two sections: "eth0", and "eth0:avah", both sections have that first line07:50
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kbrooks_lsb_release -a07:50
amidanieloxeimon3: And what's the second line on eth0?07:51
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kbrooks_Borzo, no.07:51
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oxeimon3for "eth0", the line after is: "UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1"07:51
umwStudentmany thanks, kbrooks!07:51
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darwin81How can I rar a folder into different files of specific size?07:51
PiciDaveyboy: hmm .Does it show up as installed in `dpkg -s apache2`07:51
umwStudentfollow-up question: is it true that I can't run Firefox 2 on Dapper?07:51
kbrooks_Borzo, uname -a doesn't work as expected. it shows kernel07:51
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oxeimon3for "eth0:avah", the line after is "inet addr: Bcast: Mask:"07:51
amidanieloxeimon3: Alright, so it sounds like you're not getting an IP address. Click on the network manager on your taskbar and click "Manual configuration"07:51
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PriceyumwStudent, you can but shouldn't... what's wrong with 1.5 ?07:51
kbrooks_umwStudent, no. you can install it in your home directory.07:51
erUSULumwStudent: you can if you manually install it07:52
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erUSUL!firefox | umwStudent07:52
ubotuumwStudent: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:52
Borzo: kbrooks_ i could be wrong :)07:52
kbrooks_Pricey, he doesn't have to install 2.0 globally07:52
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Daveyboypici, yes it does07:52
metbsdkde has no sound07:52
erUSULumwStudent: check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion07:52
kbrooks_Borzo, but that is all it shows.07:52
umwStudentI'm trying to use a web application that requires firefox 2 (the web page explicitly says "this does not work with earlier versions of firefox")07:52
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PiciDaveyboy: sounds like you didnt remove it then07:52
erUSULumwStudent: upgrade to edgy then07:52
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Zach42Hey, ive got a problem with my screen blanking after 10 minutes, despite changeing the setting in preferences > power management.  Any suggestions?07:53
amidanielomeimon3: Or go to Desktop / Preferences / Network connections07:53
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ny00123For using Wine fullscreen in Compiz-Fusion, extrawm plugin with fullscreen key = the solution?07:53
kbrooks_amidaniel, and erm07:53
Daveyboypici, what commnad should I use then?07:53
Jordan_UumwStudent, lsb_release -a07:53
oxeimon3alright I've done that07:53
kbrooks_amidaniel, eth0:avahi is not eth007:53
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skollieZach42: Have you disabled your screensaver?07:53
oxeimon3There are 4 tabs, Connections, General, DNS, and Hosts07:53
amidanielkbrooks_: I'm aware :)07:53
ny00123(doesn't work with the Prey demo for me; but the game works very well, high sound quality; and no 'gnome bars' if not using Compiz)07:53
PiciDaveyboy: apt-get remove apache207:53
kbrooks_amidaniel,  he (and you) need to look at eth0, not eth0:avahi07:53
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Zach42skollie:  I have a different screen saver set, one that isnt a blank screen.07:54
Daveyboypici, thats what i did with the --purge option07:54
amidanielkbrooks_: That's why I told him to look at eth0, which is not getting an IP addy assigned ;)07:54
umwStudentIs upgrading from Dapper->Edgy a Major Big Deal(tm)? (Like, it will take the entire day or more, and at least three annoying things are bound to go wrong?)07:54
kbrooks_amidaniel, also, he needs to copy and paste the full ifconfig output for eth007:54
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kbrooks_amidaniel, read: all of it07:54
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ny00123umwStudent, you could have a few problems07:54
umwStudentor is it a slam dunk, like using Synaptic Package Manager to stay up to date?07:54
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ny00123the download highly time depends on what you have installed07:54
amidanielkbrooks_: Why are you talking to me and not him? O.o07:54
oxeimon3kbrookes are you talking to me?07:54
ny00123The more (DEB) packages you have installed, the more the upgrade size and time.07:54
amidanielI can tell from the first too lines that no IP address has been assigned, so it's likely a dhcp problem07:54
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oxeimon3I can't copy paste it, since I'm on different computers.07:55
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Picioxeimon3: use the pastebin.07:55
amidanielPici: He doesn't have internet on that computer :D07:55
oxeimon3but the rest of the eth0 section says "RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0", and a similar line beginning with "TX packets"07:55
oxeimon3it also has "collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000"07:55
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kbrooks_oxeimon3, ah k, listen to amidaniel then07:56
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oxeimon3then, "RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:) (0.0 b)"07:56
oxeimon3and "Interrupt:22 Base address:0x2000"07:56
erUSUL!upgrade | umwStudent07:56
ubotuumwStudent: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:56
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amidanieloxeimon3: Okay, two things -- one: go to your network settings. Two: Go to Desktop / Preferences / System Log07:56
francis_hey i am trying to make menuconfig07:56
oxeimon3I don't have that directory07:56
oxeimon3Desktop has nothing in it07:57
francis_but i  seem to hit a wall as soon at it starts07:57
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metbsdunix_connect: can't connect to server (unix:/tmp/ksocket-necro/-435a-4696d8c6)07:57
amidanieloxeimon3: The menu, not the actual desktop :)07:57
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oxeimon3There's no System Log under Preferences07:57
skolliefrancis: what are you wanting to do?07:57
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oxeimon3in Administration07:57
oxeimon3I'm there07:57
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oxeimon3I have both windows open(System Log and network settings)07:58
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skolliefrancis_: what are you wanting to do?07:58
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bliffledid I finally get into the ubuntu IRC?07:59
erUSULbliffle: wellcome! XD08:00
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francis_i need to compile the kernel [the new one .21]  sk08:00
francis_i need to compile the kernel [the new one .21]  skollie08:00
Jaymacno... this is Microsoft's anti-linux chatroom08:00
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oxeimon3amidaniel: I have both windows open. What should I do now08:00
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skolliefrancis_: what happens whyen you enter make menuconfig?08:01
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Maximanderjust installed fiesty on laptop last night (was running gentoo bfore) and gdm just killed itself...  syslog says gdm cannot safely open /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth... any ideas?08:01
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francis_skollie: give me a minutw08:01
oxeimon3amidaniel: I have both windows open. What should I do now08:01
EnronAnyone know Why Dkms is missing from ubuntu or how I can install it08:01
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randycould someone please tell me why i am getting error 1273 when im installing intel grpahics driver08:02
FuMHow do I get a custom login screen?08:02
amidanieloxeimon3: Woa, sorry .. my battery just died on me. Back now :)08:02
KI4IKLThere is a program, I can't think of the name of it...It monitors like your processor usage, disk usage, etc...anyone know then ame of it?08:02
SleepingSlothhello all... I've got a (potentially silly) question..... can I run an ATi (AGP) card alongside an nvidia (PCI) card ?08:02
bliffleI've had feisty 7.04 up about a month on IBM Thinkpad T40, but I have no sound. It failed before but fiddling and resarting fixed it. not now.08:02
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oxeimon3amidaniel: can you see my private message08:02
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erUSULEnron: why do you need it?08:03
JaymacFuM - System - Administration - Login Window08:03
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GreenJello^Workok...  i just turned on desktop effects and i get a blank white screen, can't see anything08:03
Daveyboyanyone know why after installing apache2 with apt-get and then removing apache2 with 'apt-get remove --purge apache2' and rebooting it is still running?08:03
amidanieloxeimon3: You need to register and ident to send pms on freenode08:03
Enronbecause I need it to install the acronis agent I need to update snapapi08:03
GreenJello^Workis there a hotkey to get out?08:03
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FuMWhere do I go to get new ones? And Thank you for helping me with Flash Jaymac.08:03
Enronwhy do I get a question as an answer lol08:03
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oxeimon3alright anyway08:03
oxeimon3so I have both windows open08:03
oxeimon3System LOg Viewer, and Network settings08:04
JaymacFuM - try here: http://gnomelook.org/08:04
oxeimon3vaat now?08:04
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amidanieloxeimon3: Okay, under system log you need to look for DHCP_REQUEST messages08:04
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VletKI4IKL: If you right click on your top bar and click 'add item to panel' you can add the system monitor08:04
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amidanielShould be under .. Network log or the like (not sure what the log is called on ubuntu)08:04
SleepingSlothanyone got any idea if I can run an ATi card *and* an nvidia card at the same time?08:04
FuMThank you.08:04
skolliefrancis_: I have to go. Will be back later, but perhaps someone else can help you in the meantime08:04
Daveyboyanyone know why after installing apache2 with apt-get and then removing apache2 with 'apt-get remove --purge apache2' and rebooting it is still running?08:04
erUSULEnron: ubuntu does no come with dkms afaik so you will have to install it by hand i'm afraid08:05
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JaymacFuM - welcome08:05
chrisjs169how can i remount my usb drive as read only?08:05
oxeimon3amidaniel: no network log section, but there is a syslog, with a lot of DCHPDISCOVER messages08:05
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amidanieloceimon3: Ah, alright, that's what you want :)08:06
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JaymacFuM - it is GDM themes you want by the way :)08:06
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Maximanderchrisjs169: umount /<mountpoint> && mount -o ro /dev/sd<number> /<mountpoint>08:06
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FuMHaha, Jaymac you mind reader =] 08:06
LurkerXXX123dumb question: is the "servers are having issues" in the topic why I can't find the linux-tree source in the repository?08:06
amidanieloxeimon3: And are you getting back DHCP failures?08:06
KI4IKLI want one you install...I just can't think of the name of it, I think it starts with a G or something.08:06
smooth_penguinwhat package does ncurses come in for ubuntu?08:06
oxeimon3and some things that say: "No DHCPOFFERS received"08:06
FuMRight when I turn around to type on my laptop, you already answered my question =] 08:06
FlimFlamManthe Window Selector provides a drop-down list of window titles.  is there a way to "annotate" the window titles, so i can distinguish between two windows that have the same title?08:06
StucKmansmooth_penguin: libncurses508:06
amidanieloxeimon3: Alrighty .. that's what I figured :)08:06
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rico_hey what mp3 player would you guys recommend, by the way?08:07
amidanielAre you using DHCP on your network?08:07
amidanielI.e., dynamic address allocation08:07
Maximanderchrisjs169: or try the properties in whatever desktop enviornment you use08:07
FuMJaymac, One last question.08:07
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Jaymacrico_ banshee is my favourite :)08:07
oxeimon3basically, on this computer(the one that works), everything is set to automatic08:07
JaymacFuM... ?08:07
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oxeimon3"automatically obtain ip address...automatically find dns server...etc08:07
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wabashI'm using Ubuntu 7. It mounts data CDs properly, and assigns them a device of /dev/scd0. But when I put in an audio cd, /dev/scd0 is connected to nothing. Has anyone else ever seen this problem? Anyone know where to find the device for an audio cd?08:07
amidanieloxeimon3: Wired network?08:07
FuMI have this Suite Installer that includes splash screen and everything. I run it and it extracts but nothing changes.08:07
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:08
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rico_thanks, will try Jaymac :)08:08
Jaymacafter you extract it you have to install it08:08
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Jaymacrico... when you try to play an mp3 you will be told mp3 support is not enabled, but it will download and install the correct codec for you :)08:08
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FuMI ran the installer and it extracts the files.08:08
SleepingSlothanyone got any idea if I can run an ATi card *and* an nvidia card at the same time?08:08
oxeimon3I just got two more messages: dhclient: No DHCOFFERS received.08:08
Jaymacno SleepingSloth08:08
oxeimon3No working leases in persistent databse - sleeping."08:08
FuMIt installs the Package08:08
soneilDaveyboy: apache2 is a mess of metapackages.  apache2 is a convenience to install one of the thread models of apache2 ... which all require apache2.2-common.  If you wish to remove apache2, remove apache2.2-common, and it should take away anything that depends on it too08:09
amidanieloxeimon3: Okay, try one really simple thing (this is what worked for me =D) ... unplug the ethernet cable from your computer08:09
Jaymacwell, then I guess you will have to go to the themer and select the new themes08:09
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SleepingSlothJaymac - is that "no, you cant run to together" ?08:09
JaymacSleepingSloth, I VERY much doubt it08:09
amidanieloxeimon3: And then once your network manager has realized it's disconnected, plug it back in08:09
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chrisjs169Maximander: it worked - thank you very much08:09
MaximanderSleepingSloth: does the ATI require it;s drivers08:09
SleepingSlothMaximander - yes... but maybe i could use one of them with vga drivers...?08:10
oxeimon3what will happen when it realises its not connected?08:10
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oxeimon3there's no response so far08:10
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell08:10
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MaximanderSleepingSloth: if Xorg/kernel supports the ATI with the built in drivers (my X600 does) then i see no reason you couldn't have fglrx in there too08:10
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Maximanderfor the nvidia08:10
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wabashAnyone know where to find the dev for an audio cd?08:10
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amidanieloxeimon3: Under your network settings, select your wired network, go to preferences, change the value of the dropdown to something else and then change it back to DHCP. Then hit okay08:11
KI4IKLI have a Logitech Trackball mouse...every once in a while, the cursor locks up and wont move, and I have to restart to get it to work again.08:11
MaximanderSleepingSloth: but you certainly can't (easily) have both of the propriatary drivers loaded08:11
SleepingSlothMaximander - the AGP card is a 9700 pro, and the PCI card is a 5500 fx, so it would seem to make more sense to use the ATI card if only one of them can have the prop drivers08:11
amidaniel( really hackish .. but it wakes things up :D )08:11
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KI4IKLI've already added "sw_cursor" "true" to my xorg.conf file...that was supposed to fix it.08:11
SleepingSlothMaximander - my ATi card is using fglrx at the moment.....08:12
=== cuco [n=cuco@bzq-88-153-200-227.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maximanderanyone here experienced with GDM? i'm kinda stuck...08:12
randycould someone please tell me why i am getting error 1273 when im installing intel grpahics driver08:12
benilmao why does ubntu server 6.06 installation need alsa drivers? :P08:12
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=== amidaniel is not sure why these rather illogical solutions work, but they seem to .. at least for me :)
=== u^B [n=allberto@] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeOK, so I downloaded a program for Ubuntu off the internet... blah151src.tar.bz2... I then extracted it. But I open it and it's full of stuff I have no idea how to install with. :P There's a "src" folder, do I have to like... Compile it or something? (;>_<)08:12
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tarzeaubeni: acoustic signals can be important, even on servers08:13
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MaximanderSleepingSloth: i'd try the built in radeon drivers, they're working well for me at the moment (even if for un-related reasons, gdm hit the fan)08:13
oxeimon3alright, I've changed it back to dhcp now08:13
oxeimon3now I'll plus back in the cable?08:13
tarzeaubeni: my firewall plays the national anthem if someone logs in08:13
kapteinNewbie_Dude: probabely ;)08:13
amidanielNewbie_Dude: ./configure followed by make and make install08:13
KI4IKLNewbie_Dude, read the readme :)08:13
amidanieloxeimon3: Give er a try :)08:13
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kaptein!compile | Newbie_Dude08:13
ubotuNewbie_Dude: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:13
SleepingSlothMaximander - what is the name o the driver?08:13
=== richdurhm [n=richdurh@c-68-45-227-124.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benitarzeau: haha :) but my box wont have any output devices except the "beep-one"08:13
erUSULNewbie_Dude: you shouldn't be compiling from sources if you are new to all of this... are you sure the programs isn't in the repositories?08:14
SleepingSlothmaximander - I mean so i can make the approriate change in xorg08:14
tarzeaubeni: pc speaker sucks08:14
SleepingSlothmaximander *xorg.conf08:14
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tarzeaubeni: you can remove alsa stuff08:14
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amidanielerUSUL: Aww .. it's a good learning experience for everyone :)08:14
Newbie_Dude@Everyone: OK, I'll try to find a "in the repositories" version. If not then I'll read the readme and try to compile. xD thanks for the links too. Be back in a bit.08:14
benitarzeau: I know, I just wondered why it's included ;)08:14
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MaximanderSleepingSloth: my conf for "Device" is Driver "ati"08:14
tarzeaubeni: ask its developers08:14
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erUSULNewbie_Dude: what program are you trying to install?08:15
oxeimon3alright, so I've got a lot of new messages now08:15
KI4IKLHow do I make a copy of a file via xterm?08:15
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Newbie_Dude@erUSUL: ZSNES, open source off source forge08:15
tarzeauKI4IKL: cp src dst08:15
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erUSUL!info zsnes | Newbie_Dude08:15
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ubotunewbie_dude: zsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2.1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)08:15
amidanieloxeimon: Anything to the extent of DHCP_SUCCESS ?08:16
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hyperactivecronddoes sound owrk in ubuntu for ps3?08:16
t2hi, can anyone here help me with getting 1440*900 widescreen LCD to work on my ATI 7200 card ?08:16
erUSULNewbie_Dude: there you are just enable multiverse and install it with synaptic or Aplications>Add remove08:16
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Maximanderanyone have any ideas about gdm not starting? "Cannot safely open /var/lib/gdm/:0/Xauth"08:16
SleepingSlothMaximander - I have a feeling desktop-effects and beryl etc didnt like the 9700pro with the built in driver, if i remember right... i dont think its as well supported as the X range - but I could try that, alongside the 5500 with nvidia-glx and see where that takes me - I'm not really a gamer any more....08:16
erUSUL!repos | Newbie_Dude08:16
ubotuNewbie_Dude: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:16
=== candyman50 [n=mdecandi@pool69-59-255-2.kewr1.s.vonagenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
oxeimon3DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 Interval 508:17
oxeimon3then 1108:17
oxeimon3then 1308:17
oxeimon3then, Going to sleep08:17
oxeimon3Waking up from sleep08:17
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MaximanderSleepingSloth: yeah, i think you're right. Good luck.08:17
amidanieloxeimon3: Hmm .. alright, so that didn't work :)08:17
oxeimon3No DHCPOFFERS received08:17
Newbie_Dude@erUSUL Wow, that bot is amazing. :) Thanks, I'll read those two links and try to find "multiverse"08:17
amidaniel!dhcp | amidaniel08:17
candyman50Hey all, anyone know how to add a new piece of software to the multiverse or universe apt repositories?08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
oxeimon3Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address 169.254...08:17
t2!ati | t208:17
SleepingSlothMaximander - thanks for the advice, I'll report back ;)08:17
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oxeimon3New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS08:18
oxeimon3Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv408:18
oxeimon3Successfully claimed IP address
oxeimon3fopen() failed: Permission denied08:18
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oxeimon3can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com08:18
oxeimon3no servers can be used, exiting.08:18
amidanieloxeimon3: Yeah, that's not your eth008:18
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amidanieloxeimon3: An sudo ifconfig still gives you no inet addr for eth0?08:19
erUSUL!paste | oxeimon308:19
ubotuoxeimon3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:19
EnronWhat package does DKMS come in apt-get install dkms can't find anything08:20
danielbwhey does anyone know of a good place to get flash games that I can host?08:20
oxeimon3I can't...Im on two different computers08:20
oxeimon3one of which doesn't have internet08:20
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oxeimon3amidaniel: what's inet addr?08:20
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amidanieloxeimon3: What you're trying to obtain -- an IP address :)08:20
amidaniel!ip | oxeimon308:21
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
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oxeimon3well, eth0 just says: "Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:19:21:63:3A:C5"08:21
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John`how do you extend desktop in ubuntu using ati open source driver?08:21
oxeimon3and then some UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:108:21
Maximandermeh, could someone please help me fix gdm?08:21
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oxeimon30 packets, 0 errors, 0 dropped, 0 overruns...etc08:22
candyman50I don't want to install new software, I want to add a new .deb that I created to the repository08:22
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oxeimon3oh wait08:22
amidanieloxeimon3: Okay, when you look at where your ethernet cable is plugged into your computer do you see green flashing lights?08:22
candyman50how do I go about doing that?08:22
oxeimon3inet addr:, Mask:
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:22
oxeimon3inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host08:22
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Shin_Goukihello i want to isntall my wlan  how do i do that? i plugged it in but network conf seems not working?08:22
oxeimon3stable green light, flashing yellow light08:23
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ozzmanI want to install drivers fro my ATI X1900 GT08:24
ozzmanany advise?08:24
oxeimon3amidaniel: so this isn't a problem with my driver?08:24
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amidanieloxeimon3: Hmmm ... no, I don't think so08:25
GreenJello^Worki enabled desktop effects and now my screen is blank white.   how do i get back into the normal mode?08:25
Newbie_DudeI checked the online Ubuntu documentation, it tells me what Multiverse is but not how to turn it on... How do I turn Multiverse on? >_<;;08:25
GreenJello^Worki tried rebooting and it booted to the same white screen08:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:25
glencoreozzman: try the wiki guild: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI?highlight=%28driver%2908:26
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freebsein #ubuntu-de08:26
freebsejoin #ubuntu-de08:26
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:26
Slasher`type /join #ubuntu-de08:26
amidanieloxeimon3: Well, I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas, and I gotta get to class. Hopefully someone else here can provide you more insight than I :)08:26
oxeimon3amidaniel: bah. Well, I really appreciate your help :-D08:27
=== Maximander wants help with gdm...
amidanielThis is, in any case, a quite common problem -- I was able to fix it for myself, but the way I fixed it didn't work for you apparently :)08:27
amidanielSorry :)08:27
amidanielAnd good luck08:27
=== user_ [n=user@host-81-190-182-87.gorzow.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu
skollieoxeimon3: not sure how far you got with amidaniel, but have you determibed whether you have an ip address?08:27
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glencoreMaximander: say the problem ;)08:28
oxeimon3well, I don't really know what you mean by an ip address... ifconfig gives me an "HWaddr 00:19:21:64:3A:C5"08:28
oxeimon3now that's my mac address right?08:28
Shin_GoukiHOW do i install WLaN drivers?08:28
Maximandergdm "cannot safely open /var/lib/gdm/:0.Zauth"08:28
oxeimon3it also gives: "inet addr: Mask:"08:28
John`does any one know how to extend desktop using ati open source driver?08:28
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skollieoxeimon3: yes. it would be the line syarting with 'inet address' and will ususally be something like 192.168...08:28
user_for C++ programing I use anjuta but I don't know how to bite it...may you propose any other program?08:29
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oxeimon3oh wait08:29
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oxeimon3for "eth0:avah", I have inet addr: Bcast: Mask:"08:29
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skollieoxeimon3: what about for just the eth0 ?08:30
oxeimon3though, there's no such line under "eth0"08:30
HausbergI have problem evdev loading modules for my dvb cards in haphazard order - how can I change this08:30
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oxeimon3what is "eth0:avah"?08:30
user_Jaymac:  for C++ programing I use anjuta but I don't know how to bite it...may you propose any other program?08:30
doodoowith which software it is is possible to configure my cisco router?08:30
=== glencore [n=glencore@88-107-2-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jaymacyou don't know how to "bite" it?08:30
skollieoxeimon3: looks like a virtual device of some sort. Do you have a DHCP server?08:30
Maximanderglencore: actually, the full line is gdm_auth_secure_display: Cannot safely open /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth08:30
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-29-252.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pi3hilltop, I have an error while trying to install something from apt-get: Errors were encountered while processing:08:31
pi3 /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-common_2.2.0-1ubuntu4_all.deb08:31
pi3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:31
oxeimon3yes. I'm on a campus network, and on the computer that works, all internet settings are set to automatically detect etc08:31
pi3who can help me, please?08:31
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oxeimon3and ipconfig on this computer says that it is DHCP enabled08:31
user_Jaymac: I don't know how to make new file to program08:31
skollieoxeimon3: can you go have a look at your /etc/resolv.conf file08:31
bruenigpi3, sudo dpkg -r --force-all openoffice.org-common08:31
systemd0wnQUESTION, how does ubuntu go about connecting to WIFI networks?  Besides the network manager applet?08:32
=== Zach42 [n=zjwagner@ip72-211-139-28.tc.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
bruenigoxeimon3, ifconfig you mean08:32
doodooi find an "hyper terminal" for ubuntu?08:32
randyjaymac could u help me install my intel drivers08:32
systemd0wni should say automatically connecting08:32
oxeimon3it just says "domain dartmouth.edu"08:32
pi3bruenig: what's happening?08:32
oxeimon3I meant ipconfig, since I'm currently using mIRC on an XP computer08:32
skollieoxeimon3; gimme a sec08:32
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saxinlooking for a program to record my desktop.. any suggestions?08:32
user_Jaymac: I have tutorial only for Visual C++ microsoft program to programing in C++08:33
bruenigpi3, the reason it  wouldn't remove I because a prerm or postrm script failed. What that command does is say to ignore whether those scripts failed and keep going08:33
pi3bruenig: I still have the problem, let me pastebin it08:33
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glencoreMaximander: what are you trying to do?08:33
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bruenigsystemd0wn, I would imagine it uses iwconfig to determine the ssid, then iwconfig to configure the card and then dhclient to acquire an ip, that is how I would do it at least. I know that is how wifi-radar does it, I have never used nm-applet though08:34
=== neo2k__ [n=neo2k@p509232DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
skollieoxeimon3: try adding the following line at the end of /etc/resolv.conf nameserver
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pi3bruenig: I've done apt-get -f install, apt-get install --fix-broken but the problem is still there08:34
saxinlooking for a program to record my desktop.. any suggestions?08:34
user_I need something like Microsoft Visual C++08:34
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bruenigsystemd0wn, the first one should say iwlist to determine the ssid08:34
Dr_willisuser_,   you mean a C+ IDE that is similer to MS Visual C++ ?08:35
systemd0wnbruenig, i figured something like that.  But my problem is whats running in the background and auto-connecting so that i can stop it. :P08:35
=== liorkamer [n=lior@89-138-188-53.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigsystemd0wn, kill it08:35
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glencoreuser_: for gnome?08:35
user_Dr_willis:  yea08:35
systemd0wnbruenig, whats IT?08:35
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liorkamerwich client irc u use in ubento ?08:35
systemd0wnbruenig, you mean nm-applet?08:35
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user_glencore: that's right08:35
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bruenigsystemd0wn, I don't know, see ps -A and see if any of the names look right, it may be nm-applet, I think that is what ubuntu goes with08:36
Dr_willisliorkamer,  i use xchat08:36
liorkameri new in irc08:36
oxeimon3skollie: alright done that08:36
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:36
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bruenigliorkamer, xchat generally for graphical clients08:36
skollieoxeimon3: can you connect to any other computer on your network?08:36
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oxeimon3skollie: is that domain line correct?08:36
[Hyarion] hm, all of a sudden when I insert a CD I get "Cannot eject volume" and the CD does not display, anyone have this issue?08:36
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user_so what you propose?08:36
glencoreuser_: can't think of anything like that of the top of my head08:36
younghackerying to install the postgresql latest version and configure proper permissions for my account08:36
younghackercan someone help08:36
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glencoreuser_: for gtk+ that is08:36
younghackerying = trying08:37
oxeimon3now can I connect to another computer?08:37
liorkamero.k tnx08:37
GSMXhi, i just installed ubuntu, but it seems ubuntu doesn't see that my monitor can handle a 1280x1024 screen resolution, how can i solve this?08:37
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Maximanderoooooookey... my gdm issue is (sorta) solved... now i have a directory (/var/lib/gdm-corrupted) which I cannot delete..08:37
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skollieoxeimon3: while you are having this problem, because it is either a DNS or a DHCP problem, I think08:37
RkyRaccoonanyone know how to change touchpad settings?08:37
systemd0wnbruenig, good idea.  there is "NetworkManager" , "NetworkManagerD", and "nm-applet" the last probably just being the GUI front-end08:37
Jaymacuser_, Anjuta is the best GTK C++ IDE08:38
oxeimon3btw, when firefox opens, it now tries to find google for about 20 sec before saying "Server not found"08:38
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randybruenig could u help me install my intel drivers08:38
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glencoreuser_: have you tried glade?08:38
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bruenigsystemd0wn, the second one would be the daemon and the first one is likely the actual thing located at /usr/sbin/networkmanager, you could probably kill the first two08:38
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Maximanderroot@seawolf  : /var/lib/ # rm -rf gdm-corrupted... cannot lstat gdm-corrupted/.gdminfo : permission denied.08:39
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user_Jaymac: yea but when I click RMB I don't know what new file I must create to make new program08:39
systemd0wnbruenig, i like that idea.  if it breaks i will just re-start them08:39
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glencoreMaximander: you using sudo?08:39
Jaymacuser read a bit about anjuta08:39
skollieoxeimon3: have you tried restarting your network?08:39
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KI4IKLWhat is a good program for media and having large playlists that I can save?08:40
Maximanderglencore : *root*@seawolf <path> #08:40
GSMXhi, i just installed ubuntu, but it seems ubuntu doesn't see that my monitor can handle a 1280x1024 screen resolution, how can i solve this? (1280x1024 doesn't show up at the preferences/screen resolution)08:40
Maximandernot user@seawolf $08:40
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kc5goiHas anyone here worked with getting the ATI ES1000 RN50 to get to full resolution?  I am trying to get it to 1280x1024.  xresprode says the display is capable and Dell did too?08:40
skollieKI4IKL: have you tried amarok?08:40
oxeimon3I've unplugged and replugged the cable...08:40
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KI4IKLnahkiss, i'll try it...also, where can I get the mp3 codecs, skollie ?08:40
kc5goiGSMX, what video card do you have, I have the same issue.  Best I get is 1024x76808:40
younghackercan someone help me configure access permissions on postgresql08:40
oxeimon3I've changed the connection from DHCP to something else, and then changed it back08:40
kapteinGSMX, in a terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change all the entries saying 11024x768 to 1280x102408:41
skollieKI4IKL: when you try to play mp3's, amarok will ask if you want to install support for it. say yes08:41
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skollieoxeimon3: do this - sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:41
systemd0wnbruenig, for the record they both have man pages, NetworkManager and NetworkManagerDispatcher08:41
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Maximanderyounghacker: i just setup postgresql on ubuntu over the weekend... http://bioinformaticsonline.co.uk/2007/02/26/postgresql_on_ubuntu_linux_how_to is a good guide08:42
bruenigI have never used it like I said, I always used cli to connect until just a few days ago when I found wifi-radar which is nice08:42
younghackerthanks a lot08:42
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systemd0wnbruenig, ya i used wifi-radar for a bit, but i guess im getting used to networkmanager08:42
mhz`young, use mysql!08:42
Maximanderyounghacker: just be warned though, if running headless and using phppgadmin, the port is wrong...08:43
godofredoWhy Does VmWare Want All The Info When I Register?08:43
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Maximanderyounghacker: ubuntu pushes it up one to 5433 instead of 543208:43
t2when feisty is logging in... just before it displays KDE splash screen, my monitor goes black and gives a prompt that the resolution is not right... then after few seconds it logs in an all is normal ?   i just got things working with xorg.conf and widescreen anyone know why this could be happening ?08:43
oxeimonsame problem08:43
mhz`mysql + phpmyadmin w/ apache08:43
godofredoHas Anyone Registered With Them Before?08:43
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mhz`LAMP stack08:43
Maximandermhz`: WHY?!08:43
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pderdoes anyone know if ubuntu has support for input devices such as keyboards and a mouse?  i wish to use a keyboard to enter text into my computer system.  i would also like to use a mouse to point at various objects on the screen and perform operations using the mouse buttons.  is this possible?08:43
oxeimonDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7...08:43
mhz`LAMP stack!!08:43
bruenigsystemd0wn, I like that you can launch it with sudo therefore meaning no password, I know networkmanager requires keyring, and that it is standalone so I can shortcut with keyboard seeing as its only use is on a laptop and all08:43
younghackerso is that a config change i hae to make08:43
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oxeimon3 of those, and then, "No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent databse - sleeping."08:44
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Maximandermhz`: triggers, constraints, etc... mySQL and postgresql are different things for different jobs08:44
pi3someone had problems with updating openoffice.org-core 2.2.0?08:44
t2i had to boot PCLinuxOS 2007 live CD and look at its xorg.conf then copy things from there into ubuntu. thanks to the excellent hardware detection in PCLOS200708:44
mhz`true, i just like mysql :/08:44
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mhz`don't hate me because i'm beautiful :)08:44
Optimus55does anyone know how to setup an EVDO card to automatically authenticate without entering username and password?08:44
Maximandermhz`: when you need postgres (or db2, or oracle) you really do, and mySQL won't cut it.08:44
skollieoxeimon: problem with your device not being able to get an address from your DHCP server08:44
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mhz`yeah i'm mostly stuck with access/mssql since i work for a windows hosting company08:45
godofredoJordan_U, Are You There?08:45
Maximandermhz`: don't get me wrong, I like mySQL too, but telling people to use it over postgres typically looks uninformed, since when people move towards postgres, then tend to know they that they need it08:45
skollieoxeimon: try rebooting, but if that does not work, you'll have to speak to your admin people, I think08:45
oxeimonskollie: what could be causing that?08:45
Newbie_DudeOK, so I finally figured out that Multiverse was already enabled by default. I tried reading the README file and still can't figure out to compile. Is there another way to go about this? I couldn't find ZSNES in the Synaptic, which is the only way I know how to install something.08:45
Maximandermysql is nice and fast though.08:46
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes ( I was away but I'm back )08:46
systemd0wnbruenig, dont think i ever used the shortcut08:46
Pricey!find zsnes08:46
ubotuFound: zsnes08:46
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Pricey!info | zsnes | Newbie_Dude08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
Pricey!info zsnes | Newbie_Dude08:46
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ubotunewbie_dude: zsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2.1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)08:46
Optimus55i'm trying to get my evdo card to connect with wvdial but it says cant authenticate with username/pword. in Windows i dont have to enter any username or pass08:46
PriceyNewbie_Dude, were you using capital letters?08:46
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Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  Linux is case senestive. :)08:46
systemd0wnQUESTION, anyone know of a way i can flash a compact flash card while im in ubuntu?08:46
Newbie_Dude@Pricey: I'm not sure, I'll open Add/Remove again and search for "zsnes" in "all available"08:46
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systemd0wni have always used little windows apps08:47
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PriceyNewbie_Dude, do "sudo apt-get install zsnes" in a terminal08:47
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Maximander@anyone: any ideas to delete a corrupted folder which even root is getting lstat permission denied?08:47
pderdoes ubuntu have support for storage devices?  i have a hard disk i would like to use with my personal computer system.08:47
godofredoJordan_U, I Am To The Part In The Installation Of VmWare Server Where It Wants The Serial #. I'm Really Not Comfortable Inputing The Info THe Registration Requires, Any Ideas?08:47
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  using 'which zsnes' sshows it installed in  /usr/bin/zsnes08:47
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systemd0wnpder, just a regular IDE drive?08:47
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Dr_willispder,  care to clarify that?08:47
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UbuzyHi :|08:47
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Dr_willispder,   i use external usb/firewire/ whatever disks/drives/thumgdrives all the time08:48
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UbuzyHi, some knows where is the mod_security in Feisty? it is not in the repos...08:48
santimsis there a default firewall set up or built into Ubuntu?????08:48
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Make a free gmail account, register with it with no identifiable info, use the registration :)08:48
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Anlarsantims: thank god no08:48
Dr_willissantims,  not enabled by default.. but its installed08:48
Jordan_U!firewall | santims08:48
ubotusantims: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:48
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godofredoJordan_U, Like Make Up A Name?08:48
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Optimus55has anyone gotten PPP to dial evdo in Ubuntu????08:48
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Sure, don't see why it wouldn't work08:48
Priceygodofredo, there are disposable email addresses availiable on the net08:48
godofredoJordan_U, Will They Hunt Me Down For It? I Guess I Could Use 2prong.com Also08:48
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Newbie_DudeOK I typed "sudo apt-get install zsnes" and got this E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:48
santimsthank you all, i guess i am just having troubles with my airport08:48
Maximandersantims: also might look into shorewall.08:49
PriceyNewbie_Dude, close add/remove programs08:49
PriceyNewbie_Dude, or synaptic08:49
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Why would they?08:49
PriceyNewbie_Dude, and synaptic sorry08:49
skollieNewbie_Dude: close any other package manager you have open08:49
godofredoJordan_U, No Clue.08:49
godofredoJordan_U, What About Phone #?08:49
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, They only care about whether or not you use it in a commercial setting08:49
Ubuzysome knows where is the mod_security (modesurity.org) in Feisty? it is not in the repos...08:49
godofredoJordan_U, How Would I Let Them Know I Don't?08:49
Jordan_Ugodofredo, You don't need to, just don't :)08:50
mhz`i cannot wait to boot back into ubunutu08:50
mhz`this blows08:50
godofredoJordan_U, K Thx.08:50
Optimus55im in xp now... cus ubuntu doesnt want to authenticate my evdo connection :(08:50
Jordan_Ugodofredo, If I can remember what account I used I think it gave me two registration numbers08:50
mhz`i'm in xp now b/c i'm working08:50
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godofredoJordan_U, Good Idea! But, Can You Find IT?08:51
Optimus55i'm in xp now, cus it lets me get online into ubuntu irc chans08:51
stefg!dialup | Optimus5508:51
ubotuOptimus55: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto08:51
godofredoJordan_U, Did You Use Your Info? Or Did You Make It Up Like You Suggested?08:51
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Optimus55i have no problem getting it to recognise the modem. thats cool. it just asks for username/pass08:52
Newbie_DudeI'm gonna kill this GAIM program, can't figure out how to turn off the "xxx left the room" "xxx entered the room" messages >_<08:52
Optimus55its an evdo card, so i dont have one. supposed to be automatic. doesnt ask for one in xp08:52
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bruenigNewbie_Dude, guifications plugin probably08:52
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stefgOptimus55: so what authenmtication uses that ISP? pap, chap, some proprietary crap?08:53
=== Dr_willis wonders what an evdo card even is...
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, I don't remember, I did it a while ago, I am not very paranoid about VMware having publicly available info on me though ( although I can see why some people would be )08:53
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AnlarNewbie_Dude: you can't. gaim is piece of s..08:53
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bruenigAnlar, you are wrong08:53
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Optimus55oh evdo, its like.. i guess yall have verizon wireless high speed cards08:53
maximanderDr_willis: 3g wireless broadband from verizon08:53
systemd0wnquestion, anyone know of a physical write program ? for writing images to CF cards?08:53
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Dr_willismaximander,  eww... Im too poor to afford those.08:54
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stefgOptimus55: chap so looking at the logs to see where it fails would be interesting. Sure you have the right credentials served?08:54
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askandI am using BUM to disable services I dont need..what does these services do? postfix, xinetd, inetutils-inetd? Can I disable some of them?08:54
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assasukassehi, someone uses openvpn?08:54
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beniI got an Linux-only (Ubuntu-only) network, how can i share files?08:54
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Optimus55well when i wvdial, everything goes through, then it says "authentication failed" some error code "due to incorrect username/password"08:55
Newbie_DudeAnyone know a good SNES emulator for Ubuntu? I gave up on ZSNES, hehe.08:55
Dr_willisaskand,   google is a good place to start. :) but most of those - you proberly want to leave running. (well perhaps not postfix)08:55
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b0nebeni: http://google.com/search?q=nfs08:55
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  i use zsnes all the time. it works fine for me.08:55
maximanderbeni: you could use samba, or nfs08:55
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amrhey i have a problem with samba on ubuntu 7.04 and vista08:55
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  do a 'apt-cache search nes'08:55
stefgbeni: the meanest, leanest way is using ssh (sshfs,sftp)08:55
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maximanderstefg: lean?08:55
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: I know nothing about evdo but this might help..  http://dryicezero.blogspot.com/2005/12/sprint-sierra-580-evdo-card-linux.html08:55
uberushaximusis there a workaround to get the pixma ip1600 (ip2200) printer drivers in X86_64?08:55
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PriceyNewbie_Dude, snes9x?08:56
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stefgcompared to samba or nfs08:56
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Dr_willisuberushaximus,  you mean ya got it working under 32bit linux?08:56
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b0nesomeone ban that guy08:56
benistefg: thats kinda too uberleet ;)08:56
maximanderstefg: 1024bit encryption != lean08:56
Newbie_Dude@Dr_willis I typed that in a terminal and got spammed xD08:56
uberushaximusDr_willis: no, but I've read about it08:56
amrhey please help me i can't share files between vista and ubuntu08:56
kevinl--is there a way to browse ubuntu packages and download them via http without installing them?08:56
benib0ne: need for speed? kewl :)08:56
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  time to learn to use apt.08:56
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stefgmaximander: ok, not cpu wise, but protocol wise08:56
Optimus55okay thanks.08:56
b0neyes !08:56
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tarzeaukevinl--: packages.ubuntu.com ?08:56
Dr_willisuberushaximus,  I got one of those.. would be nice to get it going under linux. last i looked the support well.. wasent there. :)08:57
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b0nerace cars drive your files around, it's pretty neat08:57
amrplease i can't share files between vista and ubuntu08:57
maximanderstefg: umm.. ssh still has overhead, on par with nfs.08:57
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amrbut i can share between vista and xp08:57
Optimus55i saw that blog but same problem, it asks u to enter ur verizon number? i dont hav1, not in verizon, or have any kind of username/pass08:57
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stefgmaximander: but ssh works :-)08:57
Optimus55http://samat.org/weblog/20070128-sprints-evdo-mobile-broadband-on-ubuntu-linux.html this guide has great details08:57
maximanderstefg: you want lean, look into kernel level ATA over Ethernet08:57
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Item 5 in particular08:57
Dr_willisamr,  ive noticed that vista is a real PAIN with the samba stuff.. not sure whats going on with it all. As  a eay way to get files around. ya could install ssh on linux, and use winscp on windows.08:57
Optimus55but i'm not sure what to make of it, looks like gibberish to me08:57
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stefgmaximander: iScsi?08:57
oxeimonskollie you still there08:58
HHP2KHey guys, why does my mouse wheel act as a back/forward button when I spin it? How do I fix this?08:58
skollieoxeimon: yes08:58
amrok but i am new to linux08:58
godofredoJordan_U, Thx08:58
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amrand installed ssh before but couldn't  use itr08:58
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oxeimonskollie: I just booted to my XP install08:58
Optimus55yeah i checked item 5, but in xp its automatic, like i just press connect and the modem automatically authenticates, i dont enter any details, so i dont have any08:58
Dr_willisamr,  thats why theres dozens of starter guides out there. :)08:58
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oxeimonand it turns out I have two hardware mac addresses08:58
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Dr_willisamr,  and this channel of course.08:58
amrthank u08:59
Hoxzerhi, amarok hangs at start is it a bug ?08:59
berentopera is getting closed due to segmentation fault. what to do08:59
oxeimonthe one I gave you corresponds to an unconnected piece of hardware or something08:59
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: try the login as your phone number and pass as the last 4 digits of your number08:59
amrbut is there a work around vista to share, MAC OS X did it08:59
godofredoJordan_U, Is The Info I Put In To VmWare.com Publicly Viewable?08:59
oxeimonEthernet adapter Local Area Connection:08:59
oxeimon        Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected08:59
oxeimon        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Et08:59
oxeimonernet NIC08:59
oxeimon        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-19-21-63-3A-C508:59
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oxeimonthat's the one I gave you I think.08:59
godofredoJordan_U, Or Is It Just In Their Database?08:59
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ndoyleconnect irc.limebrokerage.com08:59
GSMXMy new ubuntu can't see that i have a 1280x1024 monitor, the resolution stays on 1024x768. How can i solve this???08:59
GenNMX!tell paste | oxeimon09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell paste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, I doubt it, check the privacy policy ( I seriously do when I am giving my info )09:00
oxeimonthere's another onoe that starts out like:09:00
oxeimonEthernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:09:00
oxeimon        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : Dartmouth.EDU09:00
oxeimon        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Agere Systems ET-131x PCI-E Gigabit09:00
oxeimonEthernet Controller09:00
oxeimon        Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-19-21-67-30-6D09:00
oxeimon        Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes09:00
oxeimon        Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes09:00
godofredoJordan_U, K09:00
grim76oxeimon: use pastebin09:00
captainm!paste | oxeimon09:00
ubotuoxeimon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:00
Jordan_U!paste | oxeimon09:00
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Optimus55jack_sparrow: any phone number?09:00
Dr_willisamr,  ive only played with vista a bit.. and ms has changed somthing in how it accesss and allows shares.. I cant really tell ya more then  otehrs have been having issues with vista and the shares also.09:00
stefgoxeimon: please use pastebin09:00
GSMXMy new ubuntu can't see that i have a 1280x1024 monitor, the resolution stays on 1024x768. How can i solve this???09:00
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: should be the number assigned to your phone09:00
maximander@anyone, i'm having issues deleting a (corrupted?) directory:   root@seawolf:~# rm -rf /var/lib/gdm-corrupt/ ...rm: cannot lstat `/var/lib/gdm-orig//.gdmfifo': Permission denied09:00
Optimus55i didnt get any details with the card, no number, pass, anything.09:00
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: including the area code09:00
amrok thank u again09:00
Optimus55just the card and cd09:00
Jordan_U!fixres | GSMX09:01
ubotuGSMX: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:01
amrmay i ask a new q?09:01
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paolinohi, which is the way to clone the ubuntu distribution cd ?09:01
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skollieoxeimon: looks like you might have a hardware problem which is why you cannot get an address09:02
mhz`just keep burning cd's with the .iso09:02
paolinoyes copy09:02
mhz`you can use k3b09:02
mrochi, i'm getting some very strange graphical glitches.  is there a log file i should be looking at for errors?09:02
mhz`burn the image file (.iso)09:02
ny00123Fullscreen Wine with Compiz-Fusion, hiding those GNOME bars?09:02
magnetronpaolino: you download the iso... and make a new copy with a CD burner09:02
oxeimonI think I just have 2 pieces of ethernet hardware09:02
oxeimonand ubuntu was using the wrong one09:02
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ny00123(yes, tried Googling for a solution)09:02
paolinohow I get the iso from cd ?09:02
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdeutsche da?09:03
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Pricey!de | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx09:03
ubotuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:03
ny00123dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/file.iso09:03
ny00123and optionaly another parameter: bs=2k09:03
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skollieoxeimon: are you able to get ubuntu to use the other one?09:03
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amrplease may i ask , i wanna buy a new laptop but i want it to run beryl and windows vista home premium and with high performance to use it dual boot vista and ubuntu what are the recommendations ... models that will be compatible with both vista and ubuntu09:04
mhz`psoline, you can download the iso from the site09:04
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paolino4 kb/s band here09:04
captainm!hardware | amr09:04
ubotuamr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:04
mhz`then burn as many cds as you need either in windows or ubuntu09:04
mhz`paolino, you might want to look at getting the cds mailed to you then09:04
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maximanderAnyone?      root@seawolf:~# rm -rf /var/lib/gdm-corrupt/ ... rm: cannot lstat `/var/lib/gdm-corrupt//.gdmfifo': Permission denied09:04
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oxeimonskollie: hold on, im trying to boot into ubuntu again09:04
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ny00123It's recommended that the CD-ROM wouldn't be mounted (certain music/video CDs shoudn't be)09:04
ny00123though possibly not a must.09:04
ny00123I've just been talking to paolino, sry for not mentioning.09:04
amris there laptops there especially wireless lan09:04
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HausbergHow can I get evdev to assign dvb cards always on the same device nodes? They seem to switch places09:05
MonsieurBongood evening (or whatever daytime it is, where you're writing from)09:05
maximanderamr: intel ipw cards are great09:05
amri heared not all wireless cards supported in linux09:05
szedlacsekhello german hear?09:05
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Jordan_Uamr, Configure the same model Dell for Ubuntu then for vista and see if you can get the same harware09:05
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pi4I have a problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29684/, who can help me?09:05
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amrok thanks alot09:05
MonsieurBonhow do I get LyX to display things like \alpha with the right symbols? I mean not only in the preview PDF09:05
Jordan_Uamr, dell.com/ubuntu09:05
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captainm!de | szedlacsek09:06
amrthank u09:06
paolinois bs=2k, or 4k , I have a memory leak in my brain09:06
Jordan_Uamr, np09:06
ubotuszedlacsek: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:06
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=== maximander wants to know if anyone knows why this happens: root@seawolf:~# rm -rf /var/lib/gdm-corrupt/ ... rm: cannot lstat `/var/lib/gdm-corrupt//.gdmfifo': Permission denied
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ny00123paolino, if you can't find the text I've typed above09:07
ny00123dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/file.iso bs=2k09:07
ny00123;] 09:07
b0nemaximander: maybe you aren't the owner of that file ?09:07
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Jordan_Ub0ne, He's root :)09:07
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Optimus55http://samat.org/weblog/20070128-sprints-evdo-mobile-broadband-on-ubuntu-linux.html    <--- can someone make any sense of  this?09:08
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Jordan_UOptimus55, I am not seeing anything at that link09:09
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lnxmomohi, can anyone recommend me a text based cpu and memory monitor for the desktop?09:10
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Dr_willislnxmomo,  i tend to use 'htop'09:10
Optimus55oh, server went down or something09:10
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Optimus55i cant get it back either09:10
stefgamr: maybe you find this interesting http://www.ideastorm.com/article/show/66879/Implemented_Ubuntu_Dell_is_50_Less_Than_Windows_Dell09:10
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Dr_willislnxmomo,  'conky' i think can also do similer task09:10
captainmlnxmomo, conky is really cool. can be a pain to set up though09:10
mav_endlich hab ich den chan gefunden :D09:10
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maximanderb0ne: root shouldn't have that issue, right?09:11
pi4I can't solve the following errror "Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org-common_2.2.0-1ubuntu4_all.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)", what can I do?09:11
lnxmomothans Dr_willis and captainm09:11
stefg!de | mav_ , na dran, aber nicht genau :-)09:11
ubotumav_ , na dran, aber nicht genau :-): Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:11
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mav_ubotu: kensnte ubuntuusers.de ?? die mssten doch auch nen chan haben09:12
oxeimonskollie: how do I change which network card it uses?09:12
stefgmav_: /j #ubuntu-de09:12
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Jordan_Umav_, ubotu ist ein bot :)09:12
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Vletwhat does the 'network' clause in the interfaces file referr to?09:13
skollieoxeimon: when you looked at your network settings, did it show you two devices?09:13
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oxeimonit shows two connections...09:13
oxeimona wired connection, and an 'unconfigured' modem connection09:14
Optimus55okay i had the page still open, i took a screen grab and uploading to flikr09:14
WhositsMy CD's seem unable to pass integrity tests - is there a way to ensure more reliable burns?09:14
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Priceymav_, /join #ubuntu-de09:14
systemd0wnQuestion, I need to write a image to my compact flash card.  What application should i use to raw write?09:14
captainmWhosits, try to burn at a lower speed09:14
skollieoxeimon: I assume the wired connection is your network card?09:14
pi4bruenig: how did you tell me to solve the problem?09:14
Whositsokay, I thought lower would probably help09:14
mav_okok i will09:14
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godofredoJordan_U, Will You Give Me The URL To Register For VMWare Server Please?09:15
oxeimonprobably, though there is only 109:15
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Sorry to bother you but did you create those files as they say on that page?09:15
skollieoxeimon: and it is configured to get its ip address via DHCP?09:15
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verydeepHi, was anyone successful to activate the NOKIA D211 under ubuntu?09:16
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, http://register.vmware.com/content/registration.html09:16
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oxeimonskollie: okay, I think the problem is here09:16
oxeimonskollie: under device manager, I see both of my network cards09:16
skollieoxeimon: tell me...?09:16
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: which page is that?09:16
maximander@Anyone?         root@seawolf:~# rm -rf /var/lib/gdm-corrupt/ ... rm: cannot lstat `/var/lib/gdm-corrupt//.gdmfifo': Permission denied   (persists across reboots, pkill -9'ed everything in lsof)09:16
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: the one you lonked09:16
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oxeimonthe mac address that is given in the system log corresponds to the one that the XP install says is disconnected09:17
Optimus55oh okay the servers back up09:17
Newbie_DudeAnyone know where I can get the "GDK Development Package" ?09:17
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Optimus55no, im not sure what i'm supposed to do there actually09:17
oxeimonthat card is the Realtek card09:17
pi4I'm stuck in an aptitude trap!09:17
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Optimus55"To get things working, we only need to create several different files (as superuser). The first, /etc/ppp/peers/sprint:"09:17
mx-zoomis firestarter still working in gutsy? I heard it had problems with kernels +2.6.2109:17
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, What are you trying to do?09:17
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Easy to do...  whould you like me to help or let you continue with someone esle09:17
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canabuhello world09:18
Jordan_Umx-zoom, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy09:18
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godofredoJordan_U, Done Registering..Thank You For Your Help....Again :)09:18
oxeimonit's listed under SB600 PCI to PCI Bridge -> RTL-8139/... -> Networking Interface09:18
skollieoxeimon: but you only have one card, right?09:18
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: sure, i'd appreciate it09:18
oxeimonno, I have two09:18
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, np09:18
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RkyRaccoonim thinking of trying a different distro of ubuntu which would you recommend? Kubuntu, Xubuntu?09:18
skollieoxeimon: have you tried connecting the cable to the other card?09:18
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oxeimonbecause, there's another one, that's listed under RS480 PCI Bridge -> ET-131x PCI-E Ethernet Controller09:18
Newbie_Dude@Jordan_U: I'm trying to compile something, and on the website it says I should have the "GDK+ 2.4 or later development package, the ALSA library and it's development package, and SDL 1.2.11 and it's development package"09:18
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: We are going to edit or create the first file from a terminal gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/sprint09:19
pi4apt-get tells me to apt-get -f install to correct the problem, but apt-get -f install doesn't correct it :(09:19
ChrisFI just installed Internet Explorer 6 (ack) and it has a desktop shortcut.  I want to add it to my Applications menu.  How do I do that?09:19
magnetronwelcome canabu09:19
oxeimonthat's the one that the XP install has been using, and I know works09:19
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, What are you trying to compile?09:19
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oxeimonI haven't, but ideally, I'd like to have both OS's run on the same network card if possible09:19
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Newbie_Dude@Jordan_U: NEStopia, an emulator. :P09:19
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skolliethey should, but I'm very confused now09:19
StwangeI changed the access of my home directory, and now it won't load my personal settings eg. wallpaper. I want to do something like: chgpermission -R /home/james 644(orwhateveritshouldbe) how do I do this?09:19
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naylorhi guys i can't get glxgears working with nvidia legacy driver, it says that my xlib extension glx is missing but it's there in the xorg.conf modules section... can anyone please help? google earth also complains it doesnt recognise my graphics driver09:19
ny00123I mean...09:19
crolle17my totem doesn't play mp3. what can i do?09:19
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citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:20
ny00123verydeep, you want to at least save a backup of the "phones book"(My English..heh)?09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nestopia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
ny00123if not more09:20
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: okay i'm booting into ubuntu on my laptop, 1 min09:20
ny00123(You might be able to save, say, SMSes)09:20
pi4!mp3 | crolle1709:20
ubotucrolle17: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
magnetron!mp3 | crolle1709:20
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, It is probably a typo and they meant GTK+09:20
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ny00123verydeep, try Wammu (sudo apt-get install wammu)09:20
crolle17i tried to play mp3-files with the totem gstreamer, but that doesn't work.09:20
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pi4crolle17, I think that if you try to open a mp3 file, ubuntu offers you to download the codecs09:21
crolle17pi4, magnetron why not mp3?09:21
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Newbie_Dude@Jordan_U: OK, so I'll check for "GTK" in the Synaptic Add/Remove09:21
Jordan_Ucrolle17, It should offer to install the codecs for you on Feisty09:21
coopsterhas anyone else ever run into an issue where mdadm insists on marking a partition as a spare in a raid?  i have 2 logical partitions on /dev/sdc, and they both fark-up the RAID they are in, because they both get treated as spares09:21
skollieoxeimon: looks like ubuntu is getting an ip address for your eth0.avahi )or whatever) but then trying to use eth0 as your default device09:21
crolle17Jordan_U, right. i have a feisty-system09:21
maximanderhow do i change the mount params of a mounted drive without unmounting ?09:21
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:21
bruenigmaximander, you don't09:21
oxeimonoh wow that's amazing09:21
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, And the package you want will end in -dev09:21
maximanderi need to switch / to ro09:21
pi4crolle17, why why not mp3? do you mean the "!"09:22
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oxeimonyeah, I connected it to the other ethernet slot09:22
oxeimonand I'm online now09:22
crolle17pi4, yes09:22
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bruenigmaximander, umount it09:22
skollieoxeimon: try it is XP and see if it also works09:22
bruenigmaximander, then mount with -o ro09:22
magnetroncrolle17: read the message from ubotu09:22
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maximanderbruenig: unmount / ?09:22
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Jordan_Umaximander, You might be able to do that with sysrq, why do you need / ro ?09:22
Newbie_DudeThis Ubuntu thing seems pretty tough to learn, you guys think the benefits of Ubuntu are worth learning all this stuff? :P09:22
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pi4crolle17, I thought the same thing, like in C.. but it's the way to tell ubotu to tell you something09:22
coopsterNewbie_Dude, depends on your motivation.09:23
MrTsunamiNewbie_Dude: yes. :D09:23
crolle17pi4, ah.09:23
JuhazNewbie_Dude, you need libgtk2.0-dev09:23
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citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:23
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pi4bruenig: I still have the problem :s09:23
maximanderfsck can't fix the corrupted files while mounted, so I wanted to remount it ro and then run fsck -f09:23
JuhazNewbie_Dude, and compiling things is hard everywhere.09:23
bruenigmaximander, change the fstab entry and reboot09:23
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captainmNewbie_Dude, you'll pick it up, it looks harder than it thus. Plus you'll learn something about how your computer works along the way :)09:23
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Newbie_Dude@Juhaz: Thanks, I won't give up. :) I already uninstalled Windows XP so there's no going back. xD09:23
maximanderbeh, i don't wanna reboot...09:23
magnetronNewbie_Dude: i personally think that Ubuntu with Gnome is easier to learn, if you don't have any previous computer experience09:23
Jordan_Umaximander, run "sudo touch /forcefsck" then reboot09:23
bruenigmaximander, it is a bad idea by the way to mount it as ro, unless you have /var on another partition09:23
coopstermaximander, fsck can't fix the file system if the drive is ro, can it?09:24
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godofredoJordan_U, Is There A Need For The VMWare Web Administrator GUI If I Don't Plan On Having Anyone Outside My Network Use The Virtual Machine?09:24
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bruenigfsck doesn't work on mounted drives coopster09:24
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pi4how do I correct Unmet dependencies?09:24
coopsterbruenig, right, so, mounted ro counts as not mounted, or it won't work?09:24
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:25
crolle17Jordan_U, no. totem doesn't lead me to install the missing codec. which package to install?09:25
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Don't see why you would.09:25
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bruenigcoopster, it won't work regardless of how it is mounted,09:25
crolle17Jordan_U, i would do by hand then.09:25
amrmay i ask if there a nother program can be used instead of samba and give support for vista09:25
lnxmomohi again, conky didnt work with me and compiz, can anyone recommend another text based system monitor?09:25
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Look at the guide ubotu gave09:25
magnetronamr: what do you want to do with the system09:25
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coopsteramr, it depends on what support you want to give09:25
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tarzeaulnxmomo: monitor what kind of stuff?09:25
IndyLucianhow do i pull up a list of all installed packages on my distro09:26
Jordan_Upi4, What are you trying to install?09:26
amri have lan between my pc running ubuntu and my fathers running vita09:26
coopsterlnxmomo, cat | less ?09:26
VletIs there an apt command that will list available packages like 'yum list available'?09:26
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Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: okay sry for the delay. using live cd. ubuntu loaded and in cli09:26
Newbie_DudeNo wonder I couldn't get ZSNES to compile or whatever earlier, it says "i386" only, and I have AMD64. >_<09:26
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brueniglnxmomo, conky is all there is in that arena and it should work, it is probably an error on your end, try setting use_own_window 1 or whatever that one is09:26
IndyLucianvlet, just open add/remove programs under Applications or Synaptics under System->Adminstration09:26
godofredoJordan_U, Are You AFK Again :) ?09:26
pi4Jordan_U, I'm trying to install sshfs, but apt-get doesn't allow me because it says "E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f."09:26
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Are you trying to do this running live?09:26
ubotujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Gaim (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org09:26
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:26
captainmlnxmomo, in a terminal type: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:26
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:26
VletIndyLucian: on using server - no gui at the moment :)09:27
lnxmomomonitor cpu and memory for instance tarzeau09:27
crolle17Jordan_U, i know theses pages. i have installed the libxine1-ffmpeg yet, but his seems to be not enough.09:27
amrso i want to make share but samba have problems with vista i tried all what was there in ubuntuforums.org and ubuntuguide but no improvment09:27
pi4Jordan_U, and sudo apt-get -f install doesn't correct the problems09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jabberd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
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DaH-RaTis there a way to install beryl-project on an amd64 ATI radeon X1950XTX  setup? or is it unsolved ?09:27
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IndyLucian!apt | Vlet09:27
ubotuVlet: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:27
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Sorry, AFK?09:27
oxeimonoh sweet I have a connection on this one too09:27
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tarzeaulnxmomo: htop09:27
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: yes. well the pc that i actually want to do it on, i'm using now to get online in xp to talk to you guys :)09:27
captainmlnxmomo, and add this under section "modules": Load "dbe"09:27
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Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: so i'm going to save the docs/script and run it when i'm able to switch09:27
oxeimonthis is really weird09:27
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Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  you realize that there is proberly no real reason for you to be runnint a 64bit disrto.. and Correct.. ZSNES is 32bit ONLY... you cant compile it to be 64bit.09:28
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, Why are you installing libxine1-ffmpeg, that is not what the instructions say09:28
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: is it possible to do ith live09:28
godofredoJordan_U, In VMWare It Asks Me To Choose A Network Connection, If I Only Want The Host Computer To Access It Can I Say No Network Connection?09:28
skollieoxeimon: what's happening?09:28
lnxmomoi did that before i installed conky captainm09:28
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Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  if you had mentioned that earlier i would of told ya. :) heh heh.09:28
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:28
oxeimonwhy does my computer have two network cards lol09:28
crolle17Jordan_U, your linke led to this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3#head-eea6f341d3c611167270106a187907c2a23e08e209:28
godofredoJordan_U, When Creating A New Virtual Server.09:28
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes09:28
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crolle17and at the bottom there is this lib mentioned.09:28
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: I think so but you would not want to do it other than just to test it09:28
Newbie_Dude@DR_willis: (;>_<) So, should I Download a different (non-64bit) distro? >_<09:28
skollieoxeimon: but iot's all good and working under both ubuntu and xp?09:29
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  I use the 32bit Ubuntu on all my amd64 based machiens just fine.09:29
godofredoJordan_U, If I Hope To Run iTunes Off Of This XP Installation How Many Gigs Would Be A Safe Zone?09:29
Jordan_Ucrolle17, That is for Amerok09:29
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  people tent to think they MUST use 64bit disrtos on them.. wich is not true at all.09:29
captainmlnxmomo, hmm, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=492762&highlight=conky+beryl09:29
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: bring up a terminal screen09:29
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, No idea, I don't use windows09:29
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  so yes.. i would advise getting the 32bit ubuntu and using that instead of 64bit.09:29
oxeimonI'm just curious now as to whcih is the better one09:29
coopstergodofredo, if you want to dual boot like that, you may do well to have a windows partition, linux partition, and one big partition that's FAT32 to store files09:29
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: exactly. i need to test it first. once i know it works i can get rid of xp. but if i installed ubuntu and it didnt work i would be in a lotta @#$%09:29
Jordan_Ugodofredo, What do you need itunes for?09:29
crolle17Jordan_U, right. but that is the only codec for feisty mentioned. btw. which player do you advise?09:30
skollieoxeimon: so no need to worry about the 2nd card ;)09:30
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: We are going to edit or create the first file from a terminal gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/sprint09:30
VletWill installing ubuntu-desktop install and configure gdm automatically?09:30
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: I have been dual booting xp and linux for a long time09:30
alexouhello, ati 9200/9250 driver fglrx : log -> (EE) fglrx(0): === [R200DALSetDisplayConfig]  === CWDDC DisplaySetConfig failed: 609:30
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oxeimondo you guys know if Agere Systems is better than Realtek?09:30
godofredoJordan_U, My Sis Has An iPod And Wants To Use iTunes, So I Decided To Add VMware on The Linux Installation So She Can Buys Songs And Such09:30
Jordan_Ucrolle17, I don't have a preference other than totem, I though that was what you were trying to play it in09:30
Newbie_Dude@Dr_willis: If I was to stay with 64-bit distro, would I just be missing out on 32-bit programs? What would be the disadvantage of staying with my 64-bit? :P Hehe... 700 Megabytes would take me like 2 days to download on my 56k modem...09:30
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:30
DaH-RaTdoes anyone know why i cannot use my Desktop EffectS? im using the generic ATI drivers from the OS, it was found and also i get a good "Yes" from glxnfo command09:30
alexouhello, ati 9200/9250 driver fglrx : log -> (EE) fglrx(0): === [R200DALSetDisplayConfig]  === CWDDC DisplaySetConfig failed: 609:30
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godofredoJordan_U, And Then Put A Virtual Installation Of XP On It09:31
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skollieoxeimon: can't really help you on that one09:31
crolle17Jordan_U, yes. but my totem seems to be quite dead.09:31
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: okay. a window opened09:31
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Let me know when you have opened the terminal and are in the editor09:31
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oxeimonskollie: thanks for all your help anyway :-D09:31
oxeimonskollie I really appreciate it09:31
Jordan_Ugodofredo, I know there are ways to sync an ipod in Linux, I don't know if you can buy from the itunes store though09:31
skollieoxeimon: np09:31
crolle17Jordan_U, means the codecs are missing...09:31
Jack_SparrowOptimus55:  type      gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/sprint09:31
coopster Newbie_Dude, generally 64-bit OS's are a pain to run.  I use ubuntu 64-bit, I have yet to get around to making java work in a web browser, or flash, or most windows media player videos.... etc09:31
snipexi got 2 mobile phones and my comp has got bluetooth, konquer detects phones but when i want to share files09:31
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Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: yeh the editor opened title "sprint"09:31
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xmanhey guys, what does this error mean when i start a program from cli  Fontconfig warning: line 32: unknown element "cachedir"09:31
xman ?09:31
snipexmy mobile phones ask for permission, i click yes and then they demand password09:32
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: COpy the info from that page you linked earlier..09:32
benihey i just finished my ubuntu server installation, and now it always restarts.  Normal grub settings (kernel foo ; initrd /boot/blub; savedefault; boot) and it is just restarting, for 10 minutes now. what the heck? :P09:32
coopsterNewbie_Dude, 64 bit systems are liable to run into problems when they need to interact with things made for 32bit systems, like flash or some video codecs09:32
snipexwhat do i do now09:32
bagualasthe x11vnc shutdowns after someone access the machine, is that a bug? Or it simples doesn't run as service?09:32
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alexou_hello, ati 9200/9250 driver fglrx : log -> (EE) fglrx(0): === [R200DALSetDisplayConfig]  === CWDDC DisplaySetConfig failed: 609:32
Dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  you aint going to be missing much if anything.. order the free cd's or find some at the bookstore/magazine rack if ya want.09:32
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Jordan_Ucrolle17, I think that you want gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp309:32
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Just the text from the first light grey box..09:33
NemesisDis there a way to prevent sounds from playing at the login screen or when i log in?09:33
Vletxman: does the application run correctly? sometimes graphical applications, when run from the commandline, spit out debug messages that are basically meaningless09:33
Newbie_DudeOK, I'll start the 32-bit download then go out to 7-11 for another bottle of Tylenol.09:33
coopsterNewbie_Dude, unless you need 8 gigs of ram or quick number calculations (dividing decimals, etc), you're better w/ 3209:33
citroniocannot mount my cd-dvd drive. problems with SATA hard drive??? any help???09:33
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Jordan_UNemesisD, Yes09:33
beniNemesisD: Cut the Wires on the Soundcard09:33
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Dr_williscitronio,  perhaps clarify the problem, not just repeating it..you are not very clear.09:33
xmanVlet, yes it does. it's just i wonder what those are09:33
NemesisDbeni, laptop :O09:33
=== Fred [n=eric@cpe-72-224-166-64.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NemesisDJordan_U, do tell09:33
coopsterNewbie_Dude, unless of course you're like me and just have to run 64bit even in the face of overwhelming hassle w/ no benefits09:33
Jordan_UNemesisD, System -> Administration -> Login Window09:34
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bronze-Can anyone paste an at sign.09:34
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: when done save that file and exit the editor09:34
crolle17Jordan_U, my sources.list doesn't know that package (i only have standard-url in the list)09:34
ozzmanI am having a hard time installing Flash Plug-ins for Firefox (X86_64) Help?09:34
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: copy exactly as it is right?09:34
Jack_SparrowOptimus55:  type      gksudo gedit /etc/chatscripts/sprint-connect                and do the same for that09:34
stefg!flash64 | ozzman09:35
ubotuozzman: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:35
fsckrwhat is the correct syntax if I want to change a folder that belongs to root to make it belong to me the user?09:35
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Jack_SparrowOptimus55: yes copy what they say to use09:35
snipexi got 2 mobile phones and my comp has got bluetooth, konquer detects phones but when i want to share files my mobile phones ask for permission, i click yes and then they demand password09:35
NemesisDJordan_U, ok i disabled the sound in accessability now where do i get rid of that short jingle when you actually log in? it's showing login successful as empty so that can't be it09:35
Fredcan anyone recommend a nice light-weight dos emulator for xubuntu?09:35
citroniothx Dr_willis, i cannot mount the cd drive, it is not recognized anywhere, and I read it may be because of a conflict between IDE and SATA. apparently changing the BIOS config would help, but I cannot find an option to do so, and I read if I could load first the IDE driver and then the SATA may solve the problem, but I don't have a clue about how to do that...09:35
crolle17Jordan_U, sorry. now i found it.09:35
stefgfsckr: sudo chown <username> /foo/bar09:35
fsckrty stefg09:36
xmanFred, dosbox ?09:36
magnetronFred: dosbox or dosemu09:36
Jordan_UNemesisD, System -> Preferences -> Sound09:36
Fredxman that is what i was thinking09:36
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fsckrstefg: i just did that command and I guess root is the group now how do i change that?09:37
godofredoJordan_U, Should I Be Able To Run All Non-3D Applications On VMWARE?09:37
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younghackernow that postgres works so well i want to rid myslef of mysql09:37
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes09:38
stefgfsckr: sudo chown <username>:<groupname> /foo/bar ... man chaown is nice to read, btw09:38
bonyis it possible to link evolution to a database for storing and retrieving data from different mail id's?09:38
younghackeri tried to apt-get remove it but,, it says no package named mysql exists09:38
younghackeris there something im missing?09:38
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: okay did both of them09:38
oxeimonis it possible to restart a computer via the command line?09:38
WhositsI'm back. I tried turning my burn speed down to the lowest supported speed by my drive (8x) and the CD's integrity check still comes back bad09:38
crolle17Jordan_U, it's curious the totem can't open that mp3-file, but the rhythm-box-music-player can do. but i still have problem to get something out...09:38
Newbie_DudeSince I installed Ubuntu I haven't been able to get any sound out of my computer, is that normal? :P09:38
Jordan_Ugodofredo, But now that I think of it how are you going to buy stuff from iTunes without a network connection :)09:38
Dr_willisoxeimon,  of course. 'sudo reboot' or 'sudo halt'09:38
oxeimonah kk09:38
Tlinkoxeimon shutdown -r NOW09:38
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xmanNewbie_Dude, play around with the volume control, it happens09:39
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oxeimonk thanks09:39
oxeimonsudo reboot worked09:39
fsckrstefg: ty i have read it just didn't quite understand the syntax thats all09:39
godofredoJordan_U, After The Disk Is Done Being Created, Can I Edit That?09:39
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: now try                   sudo ifup ppp009:39
WhositsIs there anything aside from turning burn speed down that will increase the likeliness of the integrity check passing?09:39
captainmWhosits, try downloading the file again. Maybe your download is corrupted? this isn't a great ubuntu start ;)09:39
=== stefg thought seeing is believing ....
younghackeru could just get idump sofware and steal all the songs off everyones ipod09:39
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes, you just can't change it while the virtual machine is running09:39
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Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: how do you bring up the connection tho. how to initiate the dial up?09:39
WhositsI've done 2 different downloads and I MD5'd them both09:39
godofredoJordan_U, I Thought That Question Was Referring To Others Using That VMWare Installation?09:39
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: then     sudo pon sprint09:39
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younghackercan someone help me uninstall mysql09:40
Whositsthey came up as fine09:40
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crolle17Jordan_U, maybe a driver-problem? the player is running, but no sound (i got new hardware).09:40
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WhositsI'm trying the LiveCD instead of the Alternate this time09:40
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Does it give an error?09:40
Fredyounghacker, why would you want to do that?09:40
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Whosits(this third time)09:40
captainmWhosits, I can't think if anything else to try either09:40
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stefgfsckr: and if there's files in it that you'll want the -R switch09:40
WhositsYeah. I mean, they're verbatim discs, it's not a shoddy brand09:40
crolle17Jordan_U, no. simply no sound. i use an onboard-soundcard of asus...09:41
younghackeri just set up postgres and i want to use my db as a backend app,, postgres is working a lot better,, unless i need mysql09:41
fsckrty stefg09:41
younghackerid want my diskspace back cause this is a VM I am on09:41
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: Do you see any errors09:41
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EnronHow do I install rpm on ubuntu without alien09:41
Newbie_Dude@Crolle17: I'm using ASUS onboard too and am getting no sound at all. xD09:41
tayknightdoes anyone know if munin needs to have a cron entry (munin doesn't seem to be doing anything, but munin-node is running).09:41
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GSMXi have problems with terminal, every 'sudo' i type, it asks for a password, but i can't type anything09:41
Comrade-Sergeican some one walk me through this - http://www.joachim-gehweiler.de/en/software/andlinux.php09:41
Enroncan't I install rpm ?09:41
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)09:42
stefg!alien | Enron09:42
ubotuEnron: please see above09:42
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: well i'm going to test it now09:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:42
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: good luck09:42
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sparklinghi all09:42
EnronWithout Alien09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
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GreenJello^Workis there a default password for ubuntu?  i need to log in as root and when installed they never asked me if i wanted to set a root password09:42
pi4oh yes! I solved my problem, the openoffice.org file in /var/cache was corrupted, I don't know why aptitude didn't notice but well09:42
Jordan_Ucrolle17, Do any applications give sound?09:42
crolle17Newbie_Dude, true? what did you do?09:42
Optimus55the pc with the evdo card is the one i'm on now, so i'm going to reboot into ubuntu and try it09:42
godofredoJordan_U, How To I Change Those Settings Back....? ? ? ??09:42
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sparklingis it possible to load mirc script into Xchat?09:42
Optimus55Jack_Sparrow: Thanks a lot09:42
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younghackerjeez luise @ WindoZe breaking through my VM session to tell me to restart for updates to take effect09:42
maximandermeh, fsck died with exit status 1 (after touching /forcefsck and rebooting)09:42
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: I did my best on something I know nothing about09:42
stefg!root | Greenj09:42
ubotuGreenj: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:42
stefg!root | GreenJello^Work09:42
ubotuGreenJello^Work: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:42
crolle17Jordan_U, none does. even the drums of ubuntu are quit.09:42
stefg!faq | GreenJello^Work09:43
ubotuGreenJello^Work: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage09:43
younghackerhelp i want mysql gone09:43
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GreenJello^Workubotu: i messed up my account and need to fix it.. i turned on desktop effects and now the screen went blank white and i can't do anything09:43
GreenJello^Worki tried restarting X and relogging in, same thing09:43
Jordan_U!sound | crolle1709:43
ubotucrolle17: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:43
younghackerDesktop effects suk09:44
SlimeyPeteuboto is a computer program (a bot), not a person09:44
GreenJello^Worki know that now09:44
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crolle17Jordan_U, there somebody in this # who has the same problem (Newbie_Dude)09:44
GreenJello^Workyeah, it just told me that09:44
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Newbie_DudeAt my school the teacher has been teaching us SQL with a program called "SQL Server 2005 Express," I used to use that on Windows XP, but now obviously I am an Ubuntu user, is there an equivelant to SQL Server 2005 Express? Primarily for education.09:44
GreenJello^Workso any suggestions on fixing my desktop?09:44
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Whositslol, The first time I didn't actually do a CD integrity check _before_ the install, so it installed, and didn't let me choose packages, but everything else was fine. So it booted into GRUP, went into ubuntu, I logged in, and (me being pretty much brand new to linux command line stuff) I type man sudo - "man is not a recognised command" - it was disconcerting to say the least.09:44
GreenJello^Worksince i can't log in as root09:44
HOTNewbie_Dude: MySql ?09:44
Comrade-Sergeican some one walk me through this - http://www.joachim-gehweiler.de/en/software/andlinux.php09:44
Newbie_Dude@crolle17: I dunno man, maybe our ASUS onboard isn't supported by Ubuntu? I'm gonna go out and grab a 20 dollar SoundBlaster and try it next week.09:45
John`hey scott09:45
younghackerit looks like postgres is the same09:45
LinuxProbieI'm actually looking for a good PHP development program that has syntax highlighting and such.09:45
John`you there?09:45
maximanderNewbie_Dude: postgresql09:45
GreenJello^Worki'd hate to have to reinstall ubuntu over a broken desktop09:45
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younghackerwith the pgadmin GUI like maximander said09:45
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younghackerthis rocks @ maximander09:45
maximanderLinuxProbie: eclipse09:45
crolle17Newbie_Dude, i have one (very old) at home and will try it too.09:45
stefgGreenJello^Work: i see... sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz (in the hope that gnome falls back to sane defaults)09:45
Jordan_UGreenJello^Work, Log in to a failsafe gnome session09:45
Jordan_UGreenJello^Work, It's in the session menu at the login screen09:46
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GreenJello^Workhow do you do that?09:46
Newbie_Dude@crolle17: Of course if someone here can get our sound to work it would be awesome. :) But, I read the Ubuntu hardware compability wiki and it said that the highest compatibility for sound was from Creative (sound blaster)09:46
maximanderLinuxProbie: I use eclipse with php ide and subversion at work and at home, moving between ubuntu (home) and XP (work) all with the same IDE, try it09:46
Jack_SparrowOptimus55: You still here?09:46
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citronioalthough i installed ubuntu from a cd-dvd drive, the drive is not available anymore. it is not recognized and is nowhere to be seen in the hardware manager. any ideas?09:46
Newbie_Dude@Everyone: Thanks for all the answers, showertime. :)09:46
GreenJello^Workstefg:  i can't get to a terminal09:46
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Have you tried making sure that all the channels are turned up and unmuted in alsamixer?09:47
photo_nutdoes anyone know if the AMD sempron mobile is a 32 or 64 bit processor09:47
stefgGreenJello^Work: ctrl-alt-F1 ?09:47
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maximanderGreenJello^Work: boot into single user mode?09:47
GreenJello^Worki'll try..  booting up again.. i was about ready to just reinstall..  this is a fresh install09:47
LinuxProbiemaximander: would it move from eclipse to zend fairly easily?09:47
Newbie_Dude@Jordan_U: I've tried that, but maybe I plugged it into the wrong jack... There's like 6 different sound jacks in the back and one in the front. I'll experiment after my shower. xD09:47
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maximanderZend being the ide, the framework or the platform?09:48
godofredoJordan_U AFK Again :)?09:48
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, Sure :)09:48
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godofredoJordan_U, How Can I Make My Virtual Operating System Boot From A CD In The Host's CDROM Drive09:48
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coopsterhas anyone else ever run into an issue where mdadm insists on marking a partition as a spare in a raid?  i have 2 logical partitions on /dev/sdc, and they both fark-up the RAID they are in, because they both get treated as spares09:49
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Go to the vm -> settings09:49
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stefgGreenJello^Work: don't panic.... catch the grub menu at boot, go to single mode. this will bring you to a root terminal console. apt-get remove --purge compiz (or just add another user with adduser)09:49
godofredoJordan_U, K09:49
ilucan someone explain what happens to installed apps in linux? were do the installed files end up?09:49
godofredoJordan_U, Then What?09:49
stefg!apt | ilu09:50
ubotuilu: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:50
maximanderwhat's the difference between adduser and useradd -m ?09:50
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tupain your experience, what is the most compressing algorithm?, I need to send big files to a friend over internet09:50
GenNMX!man | maximander09:50
ubotumaximander: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:50
stefgnicer dialogs09:50
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Go to the cdrom drive, it is pretty self explanatory from there09:50
photo_nutIs there a 64 bit version of Ubuntu?09:50
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captainmilu, type "man hier " (without the quotes) in a terminal09:50
xoqa_dpkg: error processing openoffice.org-evolution (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured09:50
GenNMXphoto_nut: Yep, there are even non-x86 versions09:50
Enroni'm trying to use dkms build --kernelsource but I don't know where the source build is, I can't locate the build Please help09:50
SlimeyPeteit's available from the download page on the website.09:50
xoqa_how can i get rid of that?09:50
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xoqa_it's driving me crazy,the error keeps getting longer and longer everytime i try to install something.09:51
photo_nutIf I installed a 64 bit version on a 32 bit processor what happens?09:51
ilu<captainm> thanks sir09:51
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stefgxoqa_: sudo apt-get -f install09:51
Dr_willisphoto_nut,  what processor? the amd64 cpus can handle both.09:51
GenNMXphoto_nut: It won't work, period ;)09:51
Jordan_Ugodofredo, If there isn't a cdrom drive add it ( you can also add a virtual ethernet controller so the vm can connect to the internet )09:51
i9does anybody know of a device or software that records the phone numbers on a land line that are dialed?09:51
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photo_nutI have a AMD Sempron Mobile and it says on one of the product sheets 64 bit and 32 bit09:52
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neverbluecan I port scan a specific port?09:52
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EnronWheres the Ubuntu server room09:52
neverblueto see what service is running on it?09:52
photo_nutSo i am confused and was wondering if there is an advantage to the 64 bit one?09:52
godofredoJordan_U, It's Not Booting From My CD-Rom Drive :(09:52
stefgphoto_nut: you'll want the 32bit edititon anyway09:52
Thanatosneverblue: Yes, I believe nmap has that function.09:52
Dr_willisphoto_nut,  theres no real need for most peopel to use 64bit09:52
Jack_Sparrowneverblue: I use grc.com for checking my security09:52
godofredoJordan_U, That May Foil My Plan :(09:52
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Is it set to?09:52
photo_nutWhat is the advantage of the 64 bit edition?09:52
godofredoJordan_U, /dev/cdrom09:53
maximanderbeing able to use ram09:53
photo_nutWhy is that stefg?09:53
GenNMXphoto_nut: Depends on what you use it for -- 64-bit is only good for very intensive tasks optimized for 64-bit, like video rendering, stressful algorithms such as in physics, etc.09:53
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, You may need to hit escape at boot to choose to boot from CD09:53
Vassilihttp://pastebin.com/m399b2795 Can someone help me with this script?09:53
photo_nutMostly I use the laptop to manage my video and edit the video and store images09:53
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neverblueor is telnet used to check the port, for the service running on it?09:53
ny00123photo_nut, IF you're gonna develop...oh09:53
stefgphoto_nut: some important codecs and packages don't run on 64bit libs.... endless trouble for negligible performance gains in 64bit mode09:53
xoqa_stefg: that didn't work.09:54
ny0012364-bit may be good for development (e.g. in C/C++) as you'd find errors which are 'invisible' in 32-bit.09:54
maximanderphoto_nut: i accedentally install ubuntu-server i386 on my dual xeon-emt64 and now that i put another 2gb of ram in it, i still can't let mysql use it all since i didn't install x6409:54
godofredoJordan_U, So Far It Is Working :) Gracias Amigo.09:54
mortuis99is 64 bit good for running servers?09:54
ny00123(e.g. assuming that sizeof(int)=sizeof(long))09:54
stefgxoqa_: what error?09:54
Jordan_Ugodofredo, de nothing :)09:54
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xoqa_stefg: same09:54
godofredoJordan_U, :)09:54
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photo_nutI see.09:54
photo_nutThank you guys.09:54
beni!grub > beni09:55
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stefgxoqa_: openoffice got updated yesterday, might be that the evo-package isn't updated yet09:55
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maximanderstefg: umm, not everyone cares about codecs more than being able to use >3.2G ram at a time09:55
citronioi cannot mount my cd-dvd drive. it is not recognized anywhere, although I installed ubuntu from it!!!! any ideas?09:55
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Thanatoscitronio: did you check the cables?09:55
photo_nutThe other thing I was wondering is this. I wanted to install Ubuntu but frankly without all the crap that comes with it. I have a laptop that has wireless on it that works fine with ubuntu LTS 6.06 but the wireless doesnt work on the higher versions any ideas why?09:55
Jordan_Umaximander, Save all of the relevant config files and re-install 64 bit ?09:56
xoqa_stefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29696/09:56
godofredoJordan_U, I Like The Idea Of A Virtual OS, If There Ever Was A Virus, It Wouldn't Corrupt My Linux Install Or Boot09:56
cmo-0i'm trying to change screen resolution. i've tried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add 1280x1024 res. but it does not appear in the droplist of System>Preferences>Screen Resolution09:56
p99citonio: make sure you cd drive is closed and then reboot.09:56
maximanderJordan_U: i don't have serial console09:56
Jordan_Umaximander, What do you have?09:56
citroniothx, Thanatos... it is built in the laptop. when I insert a cd it spins etc but does not mount, and I do not have access to the cd inserted after finished09:56
user101guyz... doesn't the ubuntu repository have gcc?09:56
captainmcmo-0, did you restart x-server?09:57
godofredoJordan_U, Now Once You Are Done With That Other Dude, How Do I Allow This Install To Access The Internet?09:57
maximanderJordan_U: now that it's racked and I am on the west cost for the next 4 months? SSH and not rebooting it09:57
Thanatoscitronio: But it recognizes the drive, just that fact that nothing is in it?09:57
Jordan_Uphoto_nut, What chipset is your card?09:57
LinuxProbieis eclipse also a good testing platform? Can you debug and view code output or so you need to upload to a server for it?09:57
stefgxoqa_: hmmm, did you mess with your /etc/apt/sources.list ? used automatix?09:57
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cmo-0yes -09:57
photo_nutJordan_U how would I find out?09:57
EnronHow do I download Kernel source for Ubuntu, I Need it for DKMS09:57
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p99citonio: I have a laptop too. It will only reconize the cd drive if it is closed when I boot. Try booting with a cd to check it still works properly09:57
HHP2KDoes anyone here have VisualBoyAdvance?09:58
citronioThanatos, no I don't think so, it does not appear in the hardware manager...09:58
Jordan_Uphoto_nut, lspci09:58
cmo-0does Ubuntu saves screen res. preferences into another file?09:58
Thanatoscitronio: Hrm. No clue =/09:58
mhz`maxim, have them ship it back, fix it and mail it back to the colo09:58
captainm!fixres | cmo-009:58
ubotucmo-0: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:58
ScorpKingcirtonio:  is your cd-rom listed in /etc/fstab?09:58
Jordan_U!kernel | Enron09:58
ubotuEnron: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:58
citronioThanatos thx anyway09:58
p99cmo-0: you can run a utility to reconfigure xorg09:58
Jordan_Ucmo-0, Resolution problems are almost always driver problems09:58
ScorpKingcitronio:  is your cd-rom listed in /etc/fstab?09:58
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photo_nut Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)09:58
cmo-0captainm: i've also restarted the PC!!!09:58
xoqa_stefg: i upgraded to gutsy gibbon09:59
HHP2KDoes anyone have VisualBoyAdvance working on ubuntu?09:59
captainmcmo-0, if you use a intel graphics chip you can download 915 resolution, otherwise listen to the other guys :P09:59
cmo-0Jordan_U: under Debian 4, this works perfectly09:59
PriceyHHP2K, #ubuntu+109:59
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Jordan_Ucmo-0, Adding a resolution to your xorg.conf won't help if the driver you are using doesn't support it09:59
PriceyHHP2K, gutsy is not supported in this channel09:59
Jordan_Ucmo-0, What GFX card?09:59
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cmo-0Ati 955009:59
user101hey... where do i find ubuntu kernel sources?09:59
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citronioScorpKing, this is what I found in the fstab: /dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       010:00
alexIdoiasay I have done a python script that I have put on a shortcut key, where do I put this script to keep an OS tidy ?10:00
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Priceyuser101, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:00
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p99ati has the propper drivers on there website10:00
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Jordan_Ucmo-0, Have you tried Restricted Manager?10:00
user101thx pricey10:00
LinuxProbieI also need a good GUI Ftp client, what's good?10:00
maximandermhz`: that's a alot of downtime to cross the country, and expensive... it'd be cheaper to pay them to roll a crash cart over and do the install... but i don't trust them. and since it's in production and can't afford downtime of shipping, it's just gonna leave the ram empty10:00
stefgxoqa_: ok, then this is completly /your/ problem... gutsy is alpha, support is in #ubuntu+1 and it's promised to break at some point. reinstall feisty10:00
Newbie_DudeWhat are some of the advantages of switching to Ubuntu from Windows XP? So far I'm enjoying it but I'm afraid the scope of benefits surpass my current perception.10:00
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Priceyuser101, they will then be in /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:00
cmo-0i'm using sudo10:00
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alexIdoiaanyone ?10:00
godofredoLinuxProbie, gFTP10:00
gatenhow can you blacklist updates? such as I don't want nvidia=glx to update itself, how can i stop the update manager from checking for an update to it10:00
HHP2KPricey: what do you mean? I'm not talking about gutsy, just visual boy advance.. what does that have to do with gutsy?10:00
Jordan_Ucmo-0, Does your card work better with fglrx?10:00
godofredoLinuxProbie, Or If You Have Firefox Installed, Use The Extension, FireFtp10:00
xoqa_stefg: k. :C10:00
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Jordan_Ucmo-0, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager10:01
PriceyHHP2K, using anything on gutsy doesn't go in this channel.10:01
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ScorpKingcitronio: looks ok and should work. tried to mount in manualy?10:01
xoqa_stefg: thanks for sticking with me :)10:01
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HHP2KPricey: I'm on Fiesty though.10:01
cmo-0okay: i'm enabling it right now ..........10:01
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markrianHow do you search through ubuntu mailing list archives?10:01
citronioScorpKing, I tried... no joy...10:01
maximandermhz`: i suppose i could basically create a 64bit libs dir, install 64bit mysql, install a 64 bit kernel, reboot and hope10:01
GSMXif i execute a 'sudo' command, terminal asks for a password, but terminal doesn't let me typ anything (the keyboard seems stuck, but i still can typ in other programs)10:01
PriceyHHP2K, ok :)10:01
Jordan_Ucmo-0, It will tell you that you need to restart, all you really need to do is restart X10:01
citronioScorpKing, any suggestion to mount? (maybe I am not using the right command...)10:02
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maximandermhz`: but being remote makes that too risky10:02
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cmo-0/etc/init.d/ ..... restart10:02
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HHP2KGSMX: Type your password even if the keyboard seems stuck, that's just how the terminal acts.10:02
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ScorpKingcitronio: sudo mount /dev/hda .no massage/ error when mounting from console?10:02
Jordan_UGSMX, It won't show anything but just type your password and hit return10:02
cmo-0or in nephew terms logout10:02
rolfenwhat's the executable to the "volume manager"?10:02
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Jordan_Ucmo-0, Yes, or ctrl+alt+backspace10:02
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photo_nutDoes the  Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01) work with the new Ubuntu?10:03
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alexou ati 9200 driver fglrx with overlay / video is cut10:03
user101ok... next issue.... why does the nvidia driver installer tell me that i haven't got libc... when i got gcc.. which i think should come along with libc?10:03
GSMXit works10:03
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alexou_ ati 9200 driver fglrx with overlay / video is cut10:03
stefgphoto_nut: with ndiswrapper10:03
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photo_nutOh because it worked no issues with 6.0610:03
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ozzmanHello, i want to install drivers fro my ATI X1900 GT10:04
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HHP2KSo since I've established that I'm not on Gutsy, is -anyone- familiar with the installation of Visual Boy Advance on Ubuntu Fiesty?10:04
citronioScorpKing, there is an error with the command: mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist. Could it be sda5 instead? (it still does not work though)10:04
ScorpKinguser101: i think a gcc-dev package or something is missing.10:04
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stefgphoto_nut: did it? then try again if it works out of the box10:05
ScorpKingcitronio: ls /dev/ | less and see if it is there.10:05
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Pirate_HunterHHP2K: just a thought have you tried installing it through synaptic cause i know its there10:05
photo_nutIve tried several editions but only the 6.06 LTS works native10:05
user101ScorpKing: didn't find it on apt-get... dunno where i could find it...10:05
ozzmanHello, i want to install drivers fro my ATI X1900 GT10:05
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HHP2KPirate_Hunter: I never thought of that. Thanks!10:05
maximanderhmm... are there any registery hive editors for linux (ala regedit?)10:05
Jordan_UHHP2K,  sudo apt-get install vbaexpress ?10:06
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pyros_pyroticamaximander: I know trk includes one10:06
zuHi !10:06
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kacI could use some help.10:06
stefgphoto_nut: so what? ndiswrapper isn't such a pita...10:06
HHP2KJordan_U: I'll try that quickly. Thanks!10:06
Jordan_UHHP2K, np10:06
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zuHow can I change my address on shipit ?10:06
citronioScorpKing: nothing like a cd or dvd drive in ls /dev/ no... :(10:07
ScorpKinguser101: sorry, i'm on a windows box. :-( but it's needed to compile packages.10:07
kacI set my hostname to null and now my GUI admin utilities don't work because they can't resolve the name of the computer.10:07
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maximanderphoto_nut: pain in the a**10:07
photo_nutstefg is ndiswrapper in synaptic?10:07
kacI can't figure out how to manually set the hostname and have it stick.10:07
photo_nutOhhh PITA10:07
ozzmanHello, i want to install drivers fro my ATI X1900 GT (86_64) Help10:07
stefgphoto_nut: pita : turkish kind of bread (which doesnt relate to pain in the *ss) :-)10:07
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kacOzzman, they made a suggestion10:07
photo_nutI just dont get why the wireless works in only the 6.06 LTS version of Ubuntu but not the 7.+ versions10:08
maximanderkac: use `hostname` and edit your hostfile,10:08
kac sudo apt-get install vbaexpress ?10:08
Newbie_DudeWell it looks like I gotta download the 32-bit Ubuntu version, seems Wine and a few other programs don't like AMD64... So I should get the "standard personal computer" version?10:08
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ScorpKingcitronio: i think it would be /dev/hda - primary master, /dev/hdb - primary slave, /dev/hdc - secondary master or /dev/hdd - secondary slave.10:08
kacWhere do I find and how do I edit my hostfile?10:08
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maximandersudo nano -w /etc/hosts10:08
iluanyone here hot on elinks?10:09
kacsudo won't work.10:09
ozzmanWho made?10:09
ozzmancan see it10:09
GSMXhow can i change my screen resolution to 1280x1024?? i really tried everything i could find in the documentation10:09
kacIn order to use the root privillages I have to go into recovery mode.10:09
kacat boot up10:09
ScorpKingkac: sudo vi /etc/hostname or edit as root.10:09
stefgkac: man hostname10:09
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maximanderkac: sudo doesn't work?10:10
ScorpKingkac: or /etc/hosts10:10
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GSMXeven in the nvidea x-config screen, it only went till 1280x80010:10
photo_nutIs there a way to install Ubuntu without all the extra crap like openoffice?10:10
Newbie_Dude@GSMX: System Menu > Preferences > Screen Resolution ?10:10
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crolle17how to check whether10:10
EnronHow do I locate Ubuntu's Kernel Source DIR10:10
stefg!fixres | GSMX10:10
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ubotuGSMX: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:10
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stefgEnron: /usr/src10:10
iluif i have a url with a list of *.mp3s. is there some kind of command in elinks so it downloads everything automaticaly?10:10
citronioScorpKing: can't find it... there is a "disk", but no hda, hdb....10:10
IndyLucianphoto_nut, you can download Reconstructor and create your own distro from the ubuntu iso you download (add and remove packages)10:10
kacwhen I use terminal it gives me "unable to lookup via gethostbyname()"10:10
richdurhmGSMX,  hey paste ur xorg.conf10:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:10
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crolle17how to check whether the audiodriver is o.k. or is not.10:10
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kacThough I'll see what I can do with the hostfile10:11
richdurhm!paste | GSMX10:11
ubotuGSMX: please see above10:11
ozzmananyone?, i want to install drivers fro my ATI X1900 GT (86_64) Help10:11
Newbie_DudeIs "-i386" the 32-bit version of Ubuntu?10:11
photo_nutIndyLucian is that in synaptic?10:11
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ScorpKingcitronio: sda and sdb maybe. what is your hd?10:11
GSMXi tried all that10:11
GSMXnothing helps10:11
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IndyLucianim not sure if its in synaptic. . i got it straight from the web site in a DEB package10:11
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Yes10:11
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stefgcrolle17: put headphones on, put volume to max and issue dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/dsp (NO, DON'T... JOKE!)10:12
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photo_nutWell thanks guys I think it is time to redo this machine10:12
citronioScorpKing: there are 4 of those (sda, sda1, sda2, sda5) but I am pretty sure those are the hard drive..10:12
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IndyLucianphoto_nut, http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/10:12
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GSMX:'( nothing helps... this machine is doomed to have 1024x768..10:12
photo_nutOne last thing. Is gnome really that much more of a drain on the CPU and RAM than XFCE?10:12
stefg!pm | Enron10:12
ubotuEnron: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:12
kacDo I want to edit the Hostname file in Etc?10:12
citronioScorpKing: thanks a lot for your help, i am lost here, not an expert at all...10:12
IndyLucianphoto_nut, im actually building my own i386 ubuntu distro with all the stuff i want pre-installed10:13
crolle17stefg, seriousoly. i have a problem.10:13
crolle17stefg, seriously. i have a problem.10:13
stefg!sound | crolle1710:13
ubotucrolle17: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:13
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Enronok i'll ask again10:13
stefg!intelhda | crolle1710:13
ubotucrolle17: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:13
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Enroni'm trying to use dkms build --kernelsource but I don't know where the source build is, I can't locate the build Please help10:13
f00bar2kanyone know of any good guides for getting windows file sharing working on ubuntu10:14
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:14
ScorpKingcitronio: unlikely, unless you have 4 hd's in your comp. try to mount it from the command line with the options like in fstab.10:14
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godofredoJordan_U, Hello?10:14
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Hi10:14
citronioScorpKing: ok, I'll try...10:14
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GSMXcan anybody help me with my resolution problem?10:14
ny00123Enron, location of kernel sources? Should be found at /usr/src10:14
Enronstefg I followed those steps but I don't see Build10:14
ScorpKingcitronio: just replace the /dev/hd* with sd*10:14
godofredoJordan_U, You Said You Knew How To Allow This New Installation Of WIndoze XP To Access The Internet10:14
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Enronny00123 Only snapapi module dirs in there10:15
Jordan_U!fixres | GSMX10:15
ubotuGSMX: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:15
EnronNo build dir for kernel10:15
kacMaximander, Do I want to edit the Hostname file located in the etc directory?10:15
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soccaGSMX: what do you exyctly need?10:15
GSMXjordan_u: already tried, and failed10:15
iluwhere in the world is linux mostly used?10:15
maximanderkac: edit /etc/hosts10:15
ny00123Enron, sure you installed the full kernel sources, not just the headers? (should be found in /usr/include/linux)10:15
stefgEnron: so what are you trying to do (why do you need the kernel source)?10:15
GSMXsocca: a 1280x1024 resolution instead of 1024x76810:15
Jordan_Ugodofredo, In the virtual machine preferences add new hardware, ethernet controller, use NAT10:15
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maximanderkac: also edit /etc/hostname i guess10:15
Jordan_UGSMX, What GPU?10:15
godofredoJordan_U, SWEET!10:16
GSMXgraphical processing unit10:16
bonzAnyone know why after I install the ati drivers and set my resolution 1600x1200, I have pieces of my screen also displaying at the bottom of the screen.10:16
younghackeru should use nat in the VM10:16
user101uhh... guyz... are the 100.14.11 nvidia drivers compatible with feisty? (Linux x86)10:16
kacmaximander, Alright what do I put into the hosts file?10:16
GSMXnvidea geforce something10:16
Jordan_UGSMX, Have you tried Restricted Manager ?10:16
stefguser101: if you are ready to reinstall it after each kernel-update, then yes10:16
Thanatos13:12 <photo_nut> One last thing. Is gnome really that much more of a drain on the CPU and RAM than XFCE?10:16
ThanatosI too, would like to know the answer to this.10:17
GSMXjordan_u: yes10:17
maximanderfind the line with your hostname (mine looks like127.0.1.1       seawolf.maximander.com seawolf )10:17
GSMXnvidea geforce 6100 btw10:17
user101i just installed the drivers and got an error..10:17
user101i reinstalled them and seems to be working fine now10:17
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user101or... lol...10:17
kacmaximander, the line that looks like this?10:17
kac127.0.0.1 localhost.localdomain localhost10:18
Jordan_Uuser101, Why didn't you use Restricted Manager, did it not work?10:18
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Enronstefg inorder to install acronis backup agent, I need to update snapapi module. I need to issue the command dkms build -m snapapi26 -v 0.7.19 \ -k <KERNEL_VERSRION> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \ --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES> # dkms install -m snapapi26 -v 0.7.19 \ -k <KERNEL_VERSRION> --config <CONFIG_FILE> --arch <KERNEL_ARCH> \ --kernelsourcedir <PATH_TO_KERNEL_SOURCES>10:18
photo_nutThanatos: I like both Desktops but if there was a real advantage to one over the other on my system I might think differently.10:18
GSMXi did use restricted manager: failed10:18
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younghackerwhy can't i see my ftp site in my browser?, on my logging screen i get an accurate entry for everytime i enter my ftp site in the browser window however, i never get there it just keeps loading10:18
Jordan_UGSMX, That wasn't to you10:18
user101nope... i think i didn't restart after a kernel update... and i installed the driver on the old kernel... and then it tried to boot from the new one and it went nuts10:18
citronioScorpKing: no joy... I keep on making a mistake and the help on mount appears...10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about elinks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
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citronioScorpKing: I tried: mount /dev/sda /media/cdrom0 and says I need to specify a file system10:19
LinuxProbiemaximander, One last question, I have eclipse installed, how to I get it to speak PHP?10:19
Fedmanhow can I reconfigure ubuntu after I changed ubuntu10:19
Fedmanoops I ment my sound card10:19
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maximanderkac: usually right below that line is the one with your machine's name10:19
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ny00123citronio, sure that /dev/sda is the cdrom?10:19
ScorpKingcitronio: mount /dev/sda -t ISO9660 /media/cdrom010:19
citronioScorpKing: but where??!?!?! I tried iso9660 evrywhere but it does not work...10:19
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maximanderotherwise, you can easily just put your machine name *before* the word localhost, then insert a space10:20
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ScorpKingcitronio: then try the next one - sdb10:20
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Jordan_UFedman, asoundconf list10:20
FedmanI changed a cmedia one which got broke with a realtek one and now only right channel is working and alsamixer is crashing10:20
citronioScorpKing: I'll try with the other sda's...10:20
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ny00123citronio first, done as root with sudo? ;]  secondly10:20
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FedmanJordan_U: thx10:20
ny00123tried /dev/cdrom instead?10:20
kacmaximander, My file looks like this: localhost.localdomain localhost10:20
kac# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts10:20
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Jordan_UFedman, then asoundconf set10:20
citronioScorpKing: ok, thx a lot!!! (yes... i typed the sudo thing... ;) )10:20
maximanderkac: so a good line might look like "             seawolf localhost.localdomain localhost"10:21
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ScorpKingcitronio: does it work? change the hda to the correct sd* in /etc/fstab10:21
ned__whenever i try to make a partition on my blank drive with gparted, the drive somehow gets mounted right before it creates the partition and fails10:21
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kacmaximander, like I said I did something stupid that a windows machine, surprisingly wouldn't let me do. I set my hostname to an empty string. I believe it's called a null string.10:21
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maximanderLinuxProbie: look up the PHP IDE Feature10:21
citronioScorpKing: I am on it... not yet10:21
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stefgEnron: ok, i see.... this will be a pita. the trouble is that /theoretically/ the kernel source in the repos is the one of which the kernel is build. In practice it's always outdated, and you have to draw the source from git10:22
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maximanderkac: first thing first: run hostname <newname>10:22
rafaelscjWhat should I do to play .mpeg files?10:22
voidmagethey should play automatically10:23
Jordan_Ustefg, Really? That is pretty bad practice.10:23
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Jordan_Urafaelscj, Double click them10:23
maximanderthen go edit the hosts file, putting the primary name of your machine before localhost on the line10:23
LinuxProbiemaximander, How?10:23
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ScorpKingkac: if you open /etc/hostname you'll see the current hostname in there. change it if you dont like it.10:23
Orrajhow do you install scanner drivers10:23
stefgEnron: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48571310:23
Enronstefg I've done this before a long time ago we had the build dir I believe10:23
soccaanyone to help me with Beryl -i have small quastion about drivers10:23
kacHostname is an empty file10:24
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crolle17hey guys. had problems with my onboard-sound. the i installed another soundcard and turned the onboard-sound off in the bios. now i have sound but the second hd is not mounted any more. wjhat could be the reason and how to solve it?10:24
maximanderLinuxProbie: the built in update manager... lookup php ide feature install somewhere10:24
ScorpKingkac: then put your hostname in there.10:24
Jordan_Usocca, #ubuntu-effects10:24
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ned__HELP --> whenever i try to make a partition on my blank drive with gparted, the drive somehow gets mounted right before it creates the partition and fails10:24
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maximanderkac: sudo bash -c "echo \"newname\" > /etc/hosts "10:24
citronioScorpKing: :( it didn't work. not with /dev/sda, sdb or /media/cdrom0 or /media/cdrom10:24
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Orrajhow do you install scanner drivers10:24
LinuxProbiemaximander, Yah, I'm rummaging through that currently, nit having much luck...10:24
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IndyLucianmy System Monitor shows i have ssh-agent running so how do i configure it so i can connect to this computer from my other linux box10:24
stefgEnron: sudo apt-get install linux-source ... then you find a bz2 archive in /usr/src, which you'll have to unpack10:25
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kacI'm trying, it's a restricted file so I need to set it's permissions. Or edit it in commandline (something I don't know how to do exactly at this moment.10:25
rafaelscjI have been installed Intel High Definition Audio. Thank you10:25
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eBoxNetIndyLucian ssh ip10:25
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maximanderkac: 1) open a terminal 2) sudo su -10:25
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mystix_2004Is this motherboard and all its onboard features a good choice for a linux compatible system: ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe? I've read some problems people had experienced with using it on the forums, and would like some opinions on it.10:25
soccaJordan_U: i think ATI drivers,is default ubuntu drivers enough or i must installl XGL?10:25
ScorpKingcitronio: ok. can you mount it from the console and what is the command that you type to do that?10:25
IndyLuciancouldn't connect to hose: connection refused10:26
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kacok I got the Sudo su to work10:26
eBoxNetssh localhost (any firewall on?)10:26
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kacI set my hostname10:26
Jordan_Usocca, If your card is supported by the open source drivers then you can just turn on desktop effects10:26
kacI just did the echo10:26
Jordan_Usocca, If you need fglrx then you need to use XGL10:26
IndyLucianoh, connect to the computer im on... i thought you meant to type the computer i wanted to connect to10:26
maximandertry running "hostname"10:26
ned__forget this... :(10:26
ozzmanHI, i am installing ATI drivers and i encountered a problem at this step sudo m-a build,install fglrx-kernel10:26
citronioScorpKing: ??? not sure what you ask for... I tried: sudo /dev/sda -t iso9660 /media/cdrom010:27
IndyLucianthat blocked too10:27
IndyLucianssh localhost did10:27
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eBoxNetconnect to the computer running the ssh server10:27
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ozzmanKernel failed to build10:27
citronioScorpKing: then tried the same with sda1, sda2, sda5 and sdb10:27
IndyLucian'connection refused' i only have the default iptables in play10:27
AndehHi. Is it possible to send messages to offline people in GAIM? Cause my friend's "invisible" but he's sending me messages, and I cant send him messages!!!!!10:27
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IndyLucianthey are both running the server by default (been running since ubuntu install)10:27
IndyLucianbut i have never configured it because i dont know how10:27
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citronioScorpKing: then changed /media/cdrom0 with /media/cdrom, and still did not work...10:27
maximanderkac: what does "hostname" output ?10:28
AndehIt just saves them as a pounce to send when he gets online!10:28
creditshi. could anyone help me?10:28
eBoxNetr u sure?10:28
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maximandercredits: ?10:28
IndyLuciani see the process 'ssh-agent'10:28
ScorpKingcitronio: what are the error messages?10:28
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kacwhich is technically right10:28
citroniothe answer is /dev/sda is already mounted or cdrom busy...10:28
Orrajhow do you install scanner drivers if i have the driver file... do I have to run it through the terminal to compile it or do i  just place it into a directory? I'm at a loss10:28
kacbut it gets reset when I start the computer again10:28
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:28
soccaJordan_U: hm ati X2300 i didnt see it in the list,Beryl is instaled ok, Compiz works but Beryl flash and go bact to Metacity10:28
ScorpKingcitronio: type mount10:28
eBoxNeti don't think thats the ssh server (i am not so sure but..)10:28
ozzmanHI, i am installing ATI drivers and i encountered a problem at this step sudo m-a build,install fglrx-kernel10:28
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kacI think though that the echo thing you told me to do worked10:28
maximanderkac: ok, now, go edit the /etc/hosts file10:28
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ScorpKingcitronio: is the cd mounted?10:29
maximanderkac: nano -w /etc/hosts10:29
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ozzmanI tried to force it with module-assistant -f10:29
Jordan_Usocca, Use compiz then, there really isn't that big of a difference10:29
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rafaelscjI can't play .mpeg file, help...10:29
creditsi got a problem with my feisty, after the login it appears only grey window in the left top corner...10:30
mwe!mp3 | rafaelscj10:30
uboturafaelscj: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:30
eBoxNeti sent u a link10:30
IndyLucianso i should do apt-get install openssh-server10:30
kacso it should be [NewName]  localhost.localdomain [newName] ?10:30
Jordan_Urafaelscj, What happens when you try to play it in totem ( movie player ) ?10:30
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ScorpKingcitronio: if you just type mount it will show a list of the mounted devices.10:30
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maximanderkac: the newname at the end is unneeded, but yes10:30
eBoxNetand then u can connect using ssh ip10:30
maximandersave that by hitting ctrl-o10:30
soccaJordan_U: compiz run but i dont see any freature od 3D desktop,looks like standart,beril manager shows compiz runing,keys dont work10:31
ozzmansimple q... how come when  su in terminal and then entering my pass does not allow me root access10:31
citronioScorpKing: it is not listed no...10:31
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photo_nutI have a USB external drive attached to my laptop. Is there a way to check it for errors before storing data on it?10:31
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rafaelscjTotem... There isn't decod...10:31
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kacmaximander, alright I wrote that in, now how do I save?10:31
ScorpKingkac: after you can specify more than one hostname with a space between them. i suggest you leave one of them on localhost10:32
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Jordan_Usocca, Have you installed all of the compiz packages for the settings manager and extra plugins?10:32
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stefgphoto_nut: man badblocks10:32
ScorpKingcitronio: what are the hd's mounted as?10:32
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maximanderkac: ^^ "(01:30:56 PM) maximander: save that by hitting ctrl-o"10:32
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ozzmancan any one help?10:32
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photo_nutThanks stefg10:32
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rafaelscjstandard instalation10:32
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Jordan_Urafaelscj, Are you using 7.04 ?10:32
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:33
SlimeyPeteozzman: ^^... su doesn't work in ubuntu by default10:33
SlimeyPeteuse sudo instead10:33
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cleaI have a nForce4 board with spdif optical out that works well with 2.0 but it dosen't want to work with surround. is there any settings to fix this?10:33
squarebottleI'm using an Ubuntu LiveCD to get some files from a non-booting Windows system onto an external HD, but it didn't mount the external HD as writable. How do I make it writable?10:33
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rafaelscjI am using 6.0610:33
ScorpKingozzman: su username and then type the password of the username. sudo su fr root.10:33
citronioScorpKing: I am pretty sure they are the sda, sda1, sda2 and sda5... although I don't know why there are  4...10:33
stefg!ntfs-3g | squarebottle10:33
ubotusquarebottle: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:33
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badkittyquick question: if I can't get my external hard drive to mount in ubuntu (it is all gravy in windows) and it worked last night, how do I get it to mount?10:33
Jordan_Usquarebottle, It should mount rw by default from the LiveCD10:33
soccaJordan_U: i just look and its instaled ok,Apt have no problem10:33
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citronioScorpKing: I should only have 2... 2 partitions for one hd...10:34
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ozzmanThank you new to linux10:34
maximanderkac: you get that to save?10:34
Jordan_Usocca, And do you have the cube enabled in compiz-settings ?10:34
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Greyscalemm, compiz10:34
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badkitty<-- beryl and twinview is SWEET10:35
stefgbadkitty: try a different usb-port first10:35
squarebottleJordan_U: It didn't. :P stefg and ubotu: And I can install and use the ntfs3g from the LiveCD?10:35
rafaelscjJordan_U: I am using 6.0610:35
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badkittystefg: ok I will, its just weird because it worked last night10:35
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kacMaximander, I got it to save10:35
ScorpKingcitronio: if you type mount you should see something like '/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)10:35
deathangelAnyone know if your mac address changes automatically when you reformat ur hd?10:35
ThanatosLooks like Cmpiz/Beryl is the reason many people start using Ubuntu10:35
maximanderkac, you should be done now10:35
Jordan_Usquarebottle, It should be there by default, how did you mount it?10:35
soccaJordan_U: yes: cube enabled and bindind assumed,but dont work,thank for time i go search the problem10:35
badkittystefg: didn't mount10:35
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stefgbadkitty: does it show up in sudo fdisk -l ?10:36
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ScorpKingcitronio: default is two, one for / and one for swap10:36
citronioScorpKing: yes there is a: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)10:36
squarebottleJordan_U: It mounted itself. It mounted the Windows partition just fine, it's the external USB hard drive that it mounted as ro.10:36
ozzmanHI, i am installing ATI drivers and i encountered a problem at this step sudo m-a build,install fglrx-kernel10:36
kaclooks like I am going to need to reset for the changes to take affect.10:36
Jordan_Uozzman, Did restricted manager not work?10:36
ScorpKingcitronio: then your cd-rom should be sdb10:36
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SlimeyPeteozzman: why are you doing it that way? you can install the drivers using the Restricted Hardware Manager or Synaptic.10:37
kacThank you, all.10:37
SlimeyPetethat is the "official" Ubuntu way of doing things.10:37
godofredoJordan_U, It's Me Again :)10:37
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photo_nutI have a USB drive on my laptop. When I try to paste something into the drive I am told that I do not have permission. Can anyone tell me how to get permission?10:37
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Jordan_Uozzman, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager10:37
ozzmani dont know my self10:37
citronioScorpKing: this is the mount result: http://pastebin.com/d1f9d5c7d10:37
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SlimeyPeteozzman: check out the Restricted Hardware Manager in the System menu first10:38
SlimeyPeteif that doesn't work, try using Synaptic from the System menu10:38
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Oh, and add a virtual USB controller so the VM can connect to the ipod10:38
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SlimeyPeteif that also doesn't work then try to do things manually :)10:38
badkittystefg: I don't think so.. i have a lot of drives, but I don't think any of these match10:38
ozzmanwell, are they the same drivers as on ATI amd site?10:38
godofredoJordan_U, that is what i was going to ask :)10:38
godofredoJordan_U, So select usb controller?10:38
SlimeyPeteozzman: more or less. A little older, but still fairly up-to-date.10:38
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Yes10:39
godofredoJordan_U, where do i point it to on the host computer?10:39
stefgbadkitty: then it's hardware failure (bad cable, worn out connectors)10:39
mhz`hmm, i wonder if my usb thumb drive is automatically picked up in ubuntu10:39
mhz`i'll have to try that out10:39
Jordan_Ugodofredo, I don't know, keep the default10:39
badkittystefg: It works in windows though I have dual boot10:39
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ScorpKingcitronio: no cd-rom! have you tried booting from a live cd and checking what it gets mounted as?10:39
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stefgbadkitty: plug it in, then inspect dmesg if there's any sign that it got recognized10:40
citronioScorpKing: i'll try, yes... thx... but i have the feeling I'll be back... ;)10:40
citronioScorpKing: thx a lot man!10:40
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ScorpKingcitronio: good luck. i have to go now, sorry. hope you come right. cheers10:40
ozzmanWhat is the next step?10:40
citronioScorpKing: no bother... thx a lot!10:40
Jordan_Uozzman, There is no second step :)10:40
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ScorpKingcitronio: np10:41
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Jordan_Uozzman, Well, you have to restart X for it to take effect10:41
ozzmanhow do i install the drivers? lol10:41
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Jordan_Uozzman, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager10:41
badkittystefg: Ok it looks as if there were no errors... now what?10:41
coopsterIs there a way to tell Ubuntu to run a certain command before unmounting a drive?10:42
badkittyozzman, what are you trying to install?10:42
IndyGunFreakdid xchat freeze up?10:42
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badkittycd /mnt10:42
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ozzmanDrivers for my ATI x1900 GT (X86_64)10:43
IndyGunFreakguess not.. never saw it so quiet here..lol10:43
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ceil420what's a good (free) flash editor program thing? :o10:43
stefgbadkitty: no errors? or no message (which means: not recognized) ?10:43
mhz`flash editor?10:43
mhz`like macromedia flash?10:43
ozzmanI only have package manager10:43
ceil420yeah that one10:43
badkittystefg: It looks as if there were no errors, however the drive did not show up on my desktop as it usually does10:43
mhz`dunno if there is a free thing10:43
=== ceil420 has game-making aspirations
badkittyozzman: what are you trying to install10:44
ceil420i've been all over google ;x10:44
rec0mozzman: I think the package you want is xorg-driver-fglrx10:44
ceil420and sourceforge10:44
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Jordan_Uozzman, Are the drivers listed in Restricted Manager?10:44
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ozzmanbadkitty: Drivers for my ATI x1900 GT (X86_64)10:44
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stefgbadkitty: pastebin your dmesg10:44
ceil420i tried open office's presentation thing (which can make .swf files), but it's horrible tbh :x10:44
stefg!paste | badkitty10:44
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ubotubadkitty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:44
badkittyi know k.. 1 sec10:45
ozzmani cant find restricted manager i only see package manager10:45
badkittywhat is ozz trying to do?10:45
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Jordan_Uozzman, Are you using Ubuntu 7.04 ?10:45
Jordan_Ubadkitty, He is trying to install fglrx10:45
kacHello, again everyone. Turns out I could still use some help.10:45
mhz`ceil420, my only suggestion would be to try wine + flash mx10:45
godofredoJordan_U, Is It Necessary To Have Anti-Virus For My Virtual Installation Of Windows XP?10:45
SORMANOVhello all10:45
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ceil420wine can't even handle mIRC right, but i'm startin' to think i don't really have a choice :x10:46
ceil420cheers o/10:46
mhz`you're virtually installing xp?10:46
Jordan_Ugodofredo, If it is going to be connected to the internet :)10:46
iluanyone know the irc command to get the name of all channels in a network?10:46
ozzmanJordan_U: yes, 7.04 X86_6410:46
mhz`ceil, i know the feeling10:46
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mhz`i'm in xp b/c i'm working..but once work is done..booting into ubuntu10:46
kacHere is the problem so far.10:46
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mhz`i wish there was a *nix port of mirc10:46
SORMANOVi want to get my ubuntu booting and staying on console without starting X automaticaly, to start it, user shoul login and execute startx10:46
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mhz`i'm mixed on xchat10:46
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stefg!info ksirc | mhz`10:46
kacI have edited both /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname10:46
Jordan_Uozzman, And there is no "Restricted Driver Manager" in the System -> Administration menu?10:47
ubotumhz`: ksirc: IRC client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 731 kB, installed size 2440 kB10:47
ceil420yeah, the main thing i miss about windows is mIRC and it's very easy scripting language :x10:47
Grub21i just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on hdb3 , i also have Mepis on hda1. After the installation i rebooted and received this error : Grup loading: error 21, what should i do?10:47
mhz`ooh, i forgot about ksirc10:47
cleaI have a nForce4 board with spdif optical out that works well with 2.0 but it dosen't want to work with surround. is there any settings to fix this?10:47
kacThe changes I made remained after the system restart10:47
=== ceil420 's written 10s of 1000s of lines in mIRCscript
JayRoeis it possible to create a restore point in Feisty?10:47
Enronstefg Done downloading do I need to extract the linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz2?10:47
LucretiaMy ATi graphics card wouldn't use direct rendering and showed that it was using Mesa. I've searched around and only found 1 way to fix it, the chmod 666 /dev/dri/*, is there a more permanent way to fix it?10:47
Enroneven when I ran apt-get install linux-source10:47
mhz`lol, i do my special alias and tiny scripts10:47
stefgEnron: yes10:47
ozzmanJordan_U: No, the closest to it is Synaptic package manager10:47
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mhz`w/ basic mirc10:47
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kachowever the hostname I set by commandline didn't stick and once again my admin GUI utilities are failing10:47
rec0mJayRoe: you can try TimeVault, but it's like alpha atm10:48
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stefgEnron: so that the linux-2.6.20-foo.bar dir is in /usr/src10:48
guardiandoes ubuntu run on the new santa rosa mac book pros ?10:48
JayRoerec0m, thanks for the advice :)10:48
squarebottleChanged external HD format to FAT32, and it mounted as rw without any problems. Thanks.10:48
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kacMaximander, any ideas?10:48
ceil420i had a full featured stereo, a groovie quote script (with alias, popup, and dialog triggers), and a theme script (not using MTS) as part of my 'basic package' :p10:48
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mwekac: don't know about GUI but hostname 'blah' is temp. you need to change /etc/hosts for a permanent change10:48
ceil420i also had a metronome and guitar chord lister10:48
kacI did10:48
Jordan_Uozzman, That is odd, try:  sudo apt-get install restricted-manager10:48
kacit currently looks like this:10:49
joulesso take this question funny one... i thought i was somewhat experienced with the ubuntu OS... right getting acquainted with the terminal .. gone through 1/2 video players finally getting to VLS and so on ... however just now i decided to stop playing with the big toys and play with the little ones.. like my panels .. so i changed names on my work spaces.... (i am using beryl)10:49
joulesanyhow question is when you move the beryl cube arent you switching spaces? however when i click on the spaces panel .. it shows me a blank workspace... does this mean that i actually have 4x4 spaces? or what?10:49
keitarocan somebody help me with a problem with wine?10:49
ceil420(plus countless little utilities, like $rn for a random nick, and /gmsg to send a message across all networks, and a clone scanner, etc etc)10:49
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kacMaximander, Nainet localhost.localdomain localhost10:49
badkittystefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29706/10:49
ozzmannow i see it10:49
maximanderkac: what is the output of hostname and hostname -f when executed on cmdline?10:49
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stefgbadkitty: k, sec10:49
mwekac: I see10:49
kacthe output of hostname is10:49
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ozzmanit tells me i need to install it?10:50
mwekac: I think two IPs in the 127.*.*.* domain is default10:50
godofredoJordan_U, If I Have 512mb Of RAM Is It Okay To Dedicate 256mb To The Virtual Installation?10:50
Jordan_Uozzman, Say yes10:50
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SORMANOVi want to get my ubuntu booting and staying on console without starting X automaticaly, to start it, user shoul login and execute startx10:50
Jordan_Ugodofredo, I would say so10:50
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kachostname -f results in unknown host10:50
godofredoJordan_U, May I Ask Why ? :)10:50
AmyRoseAre there any good reasons to use the generic kernel instead of the lowlatency one?10:51
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Because Windows needs it more than Ubuntu :)10:51
Pirate_Hunteris possible to run xp inside Feisty with only 224 Ram, I know thats quite low but i need to use it on this PC for testing purpose before transferring to the main comp?10:51
guardiandoes ubuntu run on the new santa rosa mac book pros ?10:51
rolfenSORMANOV: I'm not sure but i think you should disable the gdm service in all runlevels to have that result10:51
maximanderSORMANOV:  disable gdm10:51
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rec0mguardian: I hear the graphics card driver sucks10:51
godofredoJordan_U, How Much Should I Dedicate to Windows Then?10:51
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godofredoJordan_U, Windoze Is Virtual10:51
Grub21i just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on hdb3 , i also have Mepis on hda1. After the installation i rebooted and received this error : Grub loading: error 21, what should i do?10:51
Jordan_Uguardian, I don't think it runs well yet10:52
ozzmanJordan_U: it installed it but when i open it it pops an error box "you must install the package"10:52
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guardianrec0m: oh :( however it's an nvidia, and nvidia+linux==great most of the time :(10:52
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, Yes, that is more than enough10:52
rolfenSORMANOV: by using update-rc.d10:52
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rec0mguarndian: yeah but they don't have official support for the 8*** series yet I think10:52
badkittyspeaking  of running windows xp inside of linux, is there an appliance for winxp pro I can download or do I have to make my own out of my installation?10:52
kacmaximander, hostname -f results in the line reading : "hostname: Unknown host"10:52
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ozzmanJordan_U: this is the file it tells me to install10:53
ozzman  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic10:53
Jordan_Uozzman, What package does it say you need? ( this should all have come by default BTW )10:53
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maximanderkac: edit hosts again, make it read     newhost.localdomain newhost localhost localhost.localdomain10:53
deathangeldoes anyone know why starting programs in a term window causes errors to be displayed in the window? ex. konqueror?10:53
stefgbadkitty: looks fine so far... so the drive got /dev/sdc afaics. does sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt work ?10:53
SORMANOVrolfen, how to know the current working init of ubuntu ?10:53
Pirate_HunterJordan_U, nice very nice. Which app would you advise me to use for virtualisation at the moment im thinking of Virtual box but is that really stable and simple to use?10:53
younghackerI've set up pure ftp and I have one item on my site,,, I can't seem to browse to their from mozilla on the local box ,, any ideas why?10:53
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rolfenSORMANOV: you mean /etc/init.d ?10:53
Jordan_Uozzman, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic10:54
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zoidberg_hey guys i have a question10:54
SORMANOVrolfen, wich runlevel its working ?10:54
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maximanderSORMANOV: `runlevel`10:54
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, Oh, sorry I misread that, I didn't see the part about "xp inside of" :(10:55
younghackercan someone help me configure pure ftp server ?10:55
zoidberg_i have theis cheap concord eye-Q go lcd digital camera that i use as a webcam on windows....can i get it to work on ubuntu?10:55
rec0mguardian: mmm I guess some ppl got beta drivers to work, see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=279148010:55
ozzmanJordan_U: cool, thanks allot10:55
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rolfenSORMANOV: type runlevel in your terminal to get the current runlevel10:55
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, I don't know how well windows will run on low RAM, I use VMware Server but I havn't tried virtual box yet10:55
SORMANOVthanks rolfen maximander10:55
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Jordan_Uozzman, np10:56
SORMANOVwhat is rcS.d for ?10:56
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rolfenbtw i'm really surprised... why is my runlevel 2 and i'm running x and all... on fedora it was like 510:56
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tondarhey all10:56
kacso it goes: Nainet.localdomain Nainet localhost.localdomain localhost10:56
zoidberg_can anyone help me?10:56
zoidberg_i have theis cheap concord eye-Q go lcd digital camera that i use as a webcam on windows....can i get it to work on ubuntu?10:56
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rolfenSORMANOV: i dont know10:56
stefgrolfen: ubunbtu is different :-)10:56
IndyLucianwhy the heck wont my recycle bin show there is trash in it10:56
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mwerolfen: because it's default in ubuntu and runlevels don't differ much by default10:56
maximanderkac: save and try hostname and hostname -f again10:56
tondarok got compiz fusion started but how come some of the effects wont work??!!10:56
IndyLucianthere is 54 files in there10:56
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: lol i found it strange but still im guessing not, well just wanted to test some aps that dont run on wine or even crossover. I guess I have to run it on windows which will be a problem in Feisty and yeah the low ram thing on this comp is a bugger but i just cant be bothered upgrading it10:56
tondarplease guide10:56
rolfenSORMANOV: but you should better use update-rc.d to disable gdm10:57
godofredoIndyLucian, X not refreshing ?10:57
badkittystefg: there wasn't any errors in bash when I didn that but I dont see the drive10:57
badkittycd /10:57
kachostname gives a blank line10:57
IndyLuciangodofredo, how do i test if that's the cash and if it is, how do i fix it10:57
Stufkanhello people10:57
kacand hostname -f gives "hostname: Unknown host"10:57
mweupdate-rc.d forgets the order of the disabled service10:57
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, Out of curiosity what app?10:57
mwercconf or bum10:57
younghackeris there a an online site for configuring pure ftp server ?10:57
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tondarcompiz fusion > some effects wont work, any ideas? (cube)10:57
stefgbadkitty: inspect /mnt (there will be no icon on desktop, b/c we mounted in a non-standard dir)10:58
maximanderkac: umm...  that's not right...10:58
godofredoIndyLucian, honestly, I don't know. It was an idea, you should bring that idea to someone more experienced in ubuntu...sorry :(10:58
tondargot beryl installed10:58
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badkittytondar: twinview and beryl...ROCKS10:58
IndyLuciani did F5 for a desktop refresh but that didn't do anything10:58
Enronstefg I got an error when trying to build http://phpfi.com/24937210:58
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: m,obile connection apps, i need to use my fones with the PC and there CDs dotn run well or at all with wine10:58
mwetondar: good, now go to #ubuntu-effects to get support ;)10:58
tondarbadkitty: i already have beryl10:58
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kacMaximander, I think what happened is when I erased my hostname and saved it using the GUI admin Networking tool, what I did was passed it a null pointer.10:58
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: also there are a few other apps I have to run which require a windows environment like VB10:59
IndyLucianubuntu - recycle bin isn't showing there is trash in there when there is. how do i fix?10:59
rolfenSORMANOV: I'm not sure but i thing "update-rc.d -f gdm remove" should do it10:59
badkittystefg: but I cannot browse to the /mnt directory it says permission denied and I can't sudo my way into it10:59
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maximanderkac: does the GUI System -> admin ->network -> General work?10:59
tondarbadkitty: twinview?10:59
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, eww, VB10:59
kacMaximander, as I said no.10:59
badkittytondar: dual monitors10:59
mwesometimes dhcp screws with the hostname10:59
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maximanderkac, ok, let's run this from the top10:59
stefgbadkitty: does ls -la /mnt show anything in the term?10:59
maximanderkac: terminal, sudo su -10:59
mwepoking in /etc/dhcp3/* can fix that11:00
badkittypermission denied11:00
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: ... heh? i guess you dont like Visual Basic?11:00
badkittystefg: permission denied11:00
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, Not at all :)11:00
kacMaximander, when I go to run it the box pops up along the bottom of the screen, it sits for a few seconds and then simply fails.11:00
YasumotoIndyLucian: can you try removing then re-inserting the bin into the panel?11:00
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IndyLucianlet me do that right quick11:00
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Enronstefg I got an error when trying to build http://phpfi.com/24937211:01
tondarbadkitty: oh man11:01
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: dont blame you but than python/ruby etc are all messed up for me its like chinese in my point of view which I cnat speak :(11:01
tondarlucky you11:01
stefgEnron: put a symlink 'linux' to the source dir you just unpacked, like ln -s linux-2.6.15 linux11:01
IndyLucianYasumoto, no luck11:01
kacMaximander, I am in terminal I have ran sudo su It gave "sudo: unable to lookup  via gethostbyname()11:01
kac" as my prompt11:01
m1rwhere can i remove gnome-splash screen in gconf-editor11:01
kacI input password it dropped me into root.11:01
maximanderkac: on your root prompt: echo "nainet" > /etc/hostname && nano -w /etc/hosts11:02
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Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, Have you read dive into python? ( sorry to go off topic )11:02
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stefgEnron: although that's he convention, i'm afraid it will not mak it build11:02
Enronsame error11:02
badkittytondar: yah it is sweet... the cube is REALLY BIG and the windows maximize per monitor so an app is full screen per each monitor... of course I can stretch accross both if I want to be ridiculous11:02
LeftmostI'd like to upgrade a Feisty install to Gutsy but I'm not entirely clear on the procedure for this. I have update-manager 0.59.23 installed and I've done update-manager -d, but nothing shows. How might I go about fixing this?11:02
stefgbadkitty: huh? ... that's funny ... sudo ls -la /mnt ?11:02
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badkittystefg: yah11:02
Pirate_HunterJordan_U: nope not really just looked at some of the codes and texts but haven't put my head into it11:02
badkittystefg: ok it did a bunch of crazy stuff11:03
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Enronstefg it's the same error, am I typing in the wrong syntax or am I missing something11:03
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Jordan_ULeftmost, Are you prepared for package breakage and possible loss of all your data?11:03
maximanderkac, now, inside nano make try making the line read " <tab> nainet nainet.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain"11:03
SlimG2Is there a way to convert a filename to lowercase?11:03
tarzeauSlimG2: using rename11:04
LeftmostJordan_U, my Ubuntu partition isn't my main install, so yes.11:04
badkittystefg: It is showing me a bunch of files with their permissions now... don't see the external drive...11:04
Jordan_ULeftmost, #ubuntu+111:04
maximanderkac: if there is a line below which starts, make it read "<tab>nainet"11:04
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stefgEnron: no, i promised it to be a pita... the source isn't just exactly the same as the running kernel11:04
maximanderkac: obviously, replace those "<tab>" things with real tabs11:04
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LeftmostThank you, Jordan_U.11:05
Jordan_ULeftmost, np11:05
stefgbadkitty: so this should be the contents of the drive, not the itself . so what does mount (no arguments tell you about /dev/sdc ?11:05
maximanderkac: then try hostname and hostname -f again... they should return "nainet" and "nainet.localdomain"11:05
badkittystefg: oh... ok that makes sense11:06
zoidberg_i have theis cheap concord eye-Q go lcd digital camera that i use as a webcam on windows....can i get it to work on ubuntu?11:06
mhz`i wanna get a new computer :/11:06
badkittycan't find /dev/sdc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:06
kacSame output for hostname and hostname -f11:06
ThanatosDon't we all, mhz'11:06
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stefgbadkitty: so is this the content of the drive you are expecting ?11:06
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badkittystefg: yah it is11:07
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maximanderkac: prolly because i had you put the short name "nainet" before the fully qualified "Nainet.localdomain"... but that's OK11:07
badkittystefg: yah it is11:07
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maximanderkac: at least they both have output11:07
mwechanging /etc/hosts /etc/hostname doesn't have any immediate effect here11:07
mweI think it used to11:07
stefgbadkitty: ok, so we have a readable filesystem... good. sudo umount /mnt11:07
kacwell I mean, they both output what they have output before.11:07
maximanderkac: Oh....11:07
Enronstefg so what do I do11:08
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kacan empty line for hostname and "hostname: Unknown hostname" for hostname -f11:08
mwekac: changing /etc/hosts /etc/hostname doesn't have any immediate effect here11:08
maximandermwe: why's that?11:08
mwemaximander: I have no idea I think it used to11:09
mwemaximander: before feisty11:09
kacI would think so. When I reset the hostname with the Admin tool it required me to shutdown the computer and restart for it to have affect.11:09
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emixamhi everybody11:09
stefgEnron: follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild to get the proper source (and consider you've spent some bucks on acronis, so ask their support)11:09
badkittystefg: yes done. So it is requiring that a root user only can mount that drive, but then I cannot access the /mnt dir cause I am not root11:09
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mwemaximander: and for the last several years on other boxes as well11:09
badkittystefg: would it just have to be mounted to a different directory?11:10
kaccertain apps, like the admins tools themselves, rely somehow on the hostname of the computer to function.11:10
stefgbadkitty: this was a test to verify the hardware and the filesystem11:10
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kacI think it has to do with access privileges.11:10
stefgbadkitty: is your user member of group 'plugdev' ?11:10
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zoidberg_can someone please help me get a webcam to work?11:10
badkittystefg: true, but I did say it JUST worked in winxp, so I knew it was working11:10
stefgbadkitty: that's not a reference :-)11:10
badkittystefg: Well I am on the admin account right now so it should be. (ok reference)11:11
kacmve, maximander, should I restart and see what happens?11:11
mwekac: supposing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are correct now I think it will work if you set the hostname with the hostname command or reboot. I don't know why it doesn't work immediatly after changing the hosts file anymore11:11
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mwekac: I thought it should work right away but it doesn't seem to be the case11:11
psusidoes anyone know how to configure fetchmail to NOT validate the server's certificate?11:12
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psusithere is an option TO check, but I can't figure out how to tell it NOT to11:12
stefgbadkitty: what's in your /media -dir?11:12
maximandermwe: Where does it cache it?11:12
kacok I used cmdline: hostname Nainet11:12
kacnow hostname outputs Nainet and hostname -f outputs -f11:12
mwemaximander: I have no idea. I just found out it doesn't work anymore. it used to for several years on sevaral boxes on varios distros11:12
kacerr: Nainet11:13
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badkittysorry beryl crashed11:13
maximandermwe: yeah... i had no clue it didn't work... been using it on gentoo and production (dapper) ubuntu servers11:13
kacmve, maximander, I am going to restart I'll see you two in a few minutes.11:13
Orrajhow do you install scanner drivers if i have the driver file... do I have to run it through the terminal to compile it or do i  just place it into a directory? I'm at a loss11:13
cleaI have a nForce4 board with spdif optical out that works well with 2.0 but it dosen't want to work with surround. is there any settings to fix this?11:13
mwemaximander: yeah it's odd11:14
badkittystefg: so what was the group again?11:14
stefgbadkitty: plugdev11:14
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badkittyI dont see that group11:14
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Pirate_HunterIs there a way for me to listen to my backed up musci which the format is .wma and is licenced protected without me having to download WM player?11:15
Jack_SparrowMy mouse wheel randomly dies.. I can get it to work by  sudo modprobe -r psmouse then sudo modprobe psmouse  any way to fix the random death of my mouse?11:15
stefg!w32codecs | Pirate_Hunter11:15
ubotuPirate_Hunter: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:15
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zyxelcant play avi on movieplayer11:15
stefg!codecs | zyxel11:16
ubotuzyxel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:16
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badkittystefg: yah... Im in user management-manage groups, and I dont see a plugdev group11:16
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MFenis anyone familiar enough with adobe connect and/or gotomeeting to tell me whether there is something similar that runs on ubuntu?11:16
MFenessentially, screencast your desktop online11:16
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MFen(and easy enough to use that business dummies can figure out how to connect to it)11:17
mwemaximander: changing the hosts file doesn't work immediatly for you either in feisty?11:17
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godofredoJordan_U, Is It Possible To Use A TV Tuner In Ubuntu? :)11:17
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Serious`hi all11:17
badkittygodofredo: yes it is, look into mythtv while your at it!11:17
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stefgbadkitty: just checked... it's disguised in some common speech name like 'automatically access external drives' ...(back translated from german)11:17
badkittygodofredo: they actually have cards just for linux too11:17
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badkittystefg: the group name?11:18
kacMaximander, mve. Thanks guys. I'm back in business.11:18
godofredobadkitty, I was able to watch television on xp media center edition, now that i've ditched XP how do i get that feature in ubuntu?11:18
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stefgbadkitty: why not just run sudo adduser <username> plugdev ... you'll get an response if you were already a member11:19
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coopstergodofredo, use MythTV11:19
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iluwhy in f gods name does not firefox accept that i have enabled all god damn javas and installed it? it still comblaints that i have not enabled it11:19
Jordan_U!tv | godofredo11:19
ubotugodofredo: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out11:19
badkittygodofredo: You'll want to look  into mythtv and democracy player.. never used them but I am setting up a system for it11:19
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badkittystefg: already a member11:20
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Justi1Why don't screen savers work when the computer is on battery power?11:21
cleaI have a nForce4 board with spdif optical out that works well with 2.0 but it dosen't want to work with surround. is there any settings to fix this?11:21
=== Lucretia cannot believe the size of the kernels and ramdisks
=== Lucretia used to have 32Mb for /boot and that was adequate, 2 kernels installed and 97% used
rec0mJustil: probably because the timer to blackout screen is shorter than screensaver timer11:21
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DaH-RaT32bit ditro but i have an AMD64 cpou, so i would get i386 packs or amd64 packs?11:22
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Justi1rec0m: I put it into lock screen by pressing ctrl alt L11:22
stefgbadkitty: ok... so these were the standard checks. somehow hal or gnome-vfs or udev or whoever is responsible for automounting got a cold. sometimes the issue is related to a mountpoint in /media not being available because of a previously existing one with the same name11:22
afiefLucretia, they include everything, even the kitchen sink as loadable modules(diskspace is cheap, ram is still costs a bit)11:22
Lucretiajust surprised11:23
stefgbadkitty: i tend to suggset a reboot and see if that changes anything11:23
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Lucretiaafi: any idea about my ati prob?11:23
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badkittystefg: I have rebooted to no avail, but for good measure I will reboot again, brb k?11:23
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stefgbadkitty: no much use if you already checked that11:23
Justi1are there any power management settings other than those listed in System>Preferences>Power Management?11:23
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cg0defcan someone help me with alsa? oss works but alsa does not ...11:24
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bliss123want to know how this instruction would look on the command line  copy /boot/config-$(uname -r) to /usr/src/linux/.config and the symlink /usr/src/linux pointing to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.1811:24
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nouriHi!  I just upgraded to 6.10 and now my system stops rebooting at /scripts/init-bottom11:25
Taco`can someone help me with user accounts? i can't login with my other username, it says something about an xsession error11:25
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nouriI'd like to try out 7.04 and its kernel -- however, not being able to boot, what are my options to install it, and not replace the existing install?11:25
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Lucretiaafief: any idea about my ati prob?11:25
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Serious`hi can i install ubuntu from boot ?11:25
Lucretiaafief: also, can the older kernels be removed? if so, how?11:25
badkittystefg: Do you think I should try to mount the drive into /media instead of /mnt?11:25
m1rwhere can i disable gnome-splash in gconf-editor ?11:26
afiefLucretia, well, I don't know what your prob is(and i'm not an expert) but if you tell me i can give it a shot11:26
iluhow to i install a file with the ending *.bin?11:26
mweanyone know what changed in feisty since editing /etc/hosts doesn't change the hostname anymore?11:26
badkittydah_rat: I would suggest the i38611:26
iluits realplayer and google earth11:26
mweit seems you need to edit /etc/hostname now11:26
Lucretiaafief: My ATi graphics card wouldn't use direct rendering and showed that it was using Mesa. I've searched around and only found 1 way to fix it, the chmod 666 /dev/dri/*, is there a more permanent way to fix it?11:26
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afiefLucretia, you can remove them in synaptic, search for linux and remove what you don't need(this often includes meta-packages and dependencies such as the restrictied drivers or stuff)11:27
stefgbadkitty: /media is the standard locaton for external media (Duh!) /mnt is just a temporary mountpoint for the sysadmin11:27
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stefgbadkitty: have you done anything in /etc/fstab .... maybe assigned /dev/sdc to something else?11:27
esun819hi for realplayer for linux (in the canonical commercial repo) has anyone else noticed the issue with not being able to play other media/sound files simoultaneously?11:27
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iluhow do i install a *.bin file?11:28
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toedis there a way to restart all the sound stuff without rebooting?11:28
toedfirefox crashed and now I'm not getting any sound in anything11:28
mweilu: chmod +x it then run it as root11:28
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mweilu: take care, though11:28
Taco`can someone help me with my xsession problem? :(11:28
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mweilu: don't run random binaries11:28
badkittystefg: Not that I am aware of, I installed a few things last night using automatix (hangs head in shame) but other than that I cant think of any reason it would stop mounting11:28
Serious`can i install ubuntu from boot ?11:28
ilu<mwe> k11:29
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godofredobadkitty, how do i install democracy player?11:29
Lucretiaafief: nah, cannot see the kernels11:29
js_when i want to move/resize windows i have to target exactly on the window title/edges, and i miss it a lot.. is there any way to change that? i believe its different in fedora11:29
stefgbadkitty: automatix is pretty much a reason why it stopped automounting11:29
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nouriIs there a way to install 7.04 on top of 6.10 without booting into the 6.10 system?11:29
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stefg!automatix | badkitty11:29
ubotubadkitty: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:29
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afiefLucretia, you'll see something called Linux 2.6.x.y11:30
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mwenouri: just install over it from the CD11:30
badkittystefg: haha... figures.. i got lazy and this is what I get...11:30
goldbondis there an easy way to download an image from the web from the commandline?11:30
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Taco`goldbond, wget ?11:30
nourimwe: "on top" meaning it shouldn't erase the 6.10 installation11:30
badkittystefg: I have had problems with it before...but figured it may have been something i did wrong... now Im sure it wasn't11:30
afiefLucretia, sorry can't help with your ATI problem as i never faced it and don't even know what DRI is(told you not an expert... yet)11:30
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nourimwe: i.e. upgrade11:30
goldbondtaco`: it works thanks11:30
ilu<mwe> after i have done the chmod +x <filename> what should i do? just type the name to execute it?11:30
mwenouri: I think you need to boot the system then11:30
mweilu: sudo file.bin11:31
nourimwe: Crap... I can't :(11:31
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mweilu: probably11:31
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mweilu: depending on what it is and where it want to install11:31
mwenouri: why not?11:31
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ilu<mwe> RealPlayer/Google earth. your tip did not work btw11:31
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nourimwe: It stops booting at a seemingly unrelated message: Running /scripts/init-bottom (or some such)11:32
badkittygodofredo: try this  http://www.getdemocracy.com/downloads/ubuntu.php11:32
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IndyGunFreakilu: your'e trying to install realplayer and google earth?11:32
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stefgbadkitty: so yor options are a.) reinstall b.) go to #automatix and shout at /them/ :-)11:32
mwenouri: in that case back up important stuff from a live CD and reinstall might be easiest if you can mange to fix the boot issue11:32
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badkittystefg: so you recommend starting over...11:32
ilu<IndyGunFreak> well i downloaded realplayer because i wanted to install it and it was this bin file11:32
nourimwe: I see; thanks11:32
ilui have no clue how to get it to work11:32
IndyGunFreakilu: ok, hang on11:32
ilui thought bin file was binary and readdy to execute11:32
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badkittystefg: Ok if I have to start over, then it's fine cause I just installed yesterday... no biggie11:33
mweilu: google earth can install to your homedir I think. personally I installed it with sudo to do it system wide, though.11:33
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stefgbadkitty: as mentioned in the factoid... automatix makes errors untraceable... better start over11:33
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rec0milu: should be like ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin to execute it11:33
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IndyGunFreakilu: type this.. w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"11:33
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badkittystefg: Ok never again shall I use automatix... see people don't try to cut corners!11:33
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ilu<IndyGunFreak> funny man11:33
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IndyGunFreakilu: why is that funny?11:34
Lucretiaefief: I thought the update manager was the same app as synaptic ;) doh!11:34
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badkittystefg: do you recommend edgy over fiesty? I probably want to install lapache mysql and php5 as well11:34
ilu<rec0m> thanks man it worked... it installed itself11:34
Enronstefg i'm using 2.6.15-23-server11:34
mweilu: just sudo file.bin for google earth is what I did11:34
daveydoes anyone know off the top of their head the binary that is used to set the timezone and current time in Gnome? I need to do it over ssh -X :)11:34
stefgbadkitty: (tongue in cheek) skip edgy ..... brrrr11:34
IndyGunFreakbadkitty: automatix isn't that bad, i don't recommend it, but its not that bad.. biggest problem seems to come when updating.11:34
mwedavey: date11:35
daveymwe: I want the UI version :)11:35
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mwedavey: I don't know such fancy things, sorry11:35
Jordan_Udavey, gnome-session ;)11:35
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cntrlxdo you have to have gaim uninstalled before make pidgin11:35
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badkittyIndygunfreak: I actually had automatix try to install an UPGRADE that had already been upgraded, which crashed the system nonetheless11:35
daveyholy bejesus Jordan_U11:36
IndyGunFreakbadkitty: hmm, bad luck i guess..11:36
rloAnyone know if the 64 bit version will run on a Turion?11:36
rocketsrlo, a Turion 64? Yes it will.11:36
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ilu<rec0m> when i have installed it how do i execute it?11:36
Jordan_Udavey, Never done that before eh? :)11:36
rlothanks rockets11:36
mwerlo: it should I think. be prepared to deal with issues in the 64 bit version, though.11:36
rocketsrlo, thats why it has "64" in the name11:36
IndyGunFreakonly thing i've ever used it for, is to install the Nvidia drivers, and i probably wouldn't use it for that again, i just didn't know how to do it.11:36
badkittystefg: so... you don't like edgy? I'm not sure what you meant11:36
KI4IKLMy usb mouse keeps freezing up, at random intervals, unplugging and plugging back in doesn't work...I have to reboot.Anyone have any ideas?11:36
broedje cntrlx: i didnt, i think11:36
rec0milu: google earth should have a shortcut under Applications/Internet11:36
=== Jordan_U hugs the concept of modularity
samwizeKI4IKL: check your driver11:37
broedje#cuz i wanted it to stay gaim :-P11:37
ilu<rec0m> what about realplayer?11:37
broedjebut it didnt worked11:37
=== JanngoT [n=sB@pD9E30F8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
KI4IKLsamiam, it's done it on two completely different mie.11:37
mwerlo: a lot of closed source crap don't play well with the 64 bit version11:37
badkittyKI4IKL: try a new mouse it could be going bad. Mine was doing that for a while, and it ended up being the mouse11:37
IndyGunFreakGoogle Earth is crazy.. in a great way11:37
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rec0milu: probably under Applications/Sound&Video11:37
KI4IKLbadkitty, two mice :011:37
stefgbadkitty... edgy is the most bug ridden ubuntu-release imho... use feisty, far better (or dapper if you are conservative)11:37
KI4IKLI've tried two different mice.11:37
rocketsmwe, well I didn't say I reccomended running 64 bit :-P11:37
rocketsmwe, I said it would run.11:37
mwerockets: yeah11:37
IndyGunFreakstefg: bug ridden?.. hmm11:37
samwizethe usb driver must be corrupted11:37
rocketsGood luck spending the entire weekend getting flash to work on 64 bit11:38
godofredobadkitty, i had many issues with edgy, feisty is definitely more features, and stability11:38
KI4IKLHow do I reinstall the usb drivers?11:38
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Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, There is a reason why it is called "edgy" :)11:38
mwerockets: if you run a server or oss only it should be fine11:38
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: lol11:38
rocketsmwe, yup.11:38
samwizego to device manager and check the usb driver section11:38
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rocketsmwe, but its a bad idea on the desktop. at least for now11:38
samwizeto get there right-click on my computer11:38
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: i guess the thing is, i didn't have a single issue with Dapper, edgy, or as of yet, Feisty11:38
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badkittymwe: Yeah even if you have 64 bit processor- use i386 to make your life livable11:38
cntrlxi keep getting a core not found whe nit starts to fu11:38
rocketsmwe, Only reason I'd run 64 bit on a workstation is if I were constantly compiling things11:38
mwebadkitty: right11:39
mwehopefully it will change soon11:39
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mwebeen waiting for years already, though.11:39
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badkittymwe: I made the same mistake a long time ago, actually went back to windows for a while...11:39
KI4IKLumm....samwize, where is the device manage,r it doesn't show up under system>preferences or system>administration11:39
lufisIs there an image manipulation app which will let me crop a JPEG losslessly?11:39
mwebadkitty: yesh11:40
=== chemisus [n=chemisus@c-67-162-170-13.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilu<rec0m> hey man i remade the realplayer installation... to what folder should i install it?11:40
samwizeKI4IKL: right click my computer and hit manage11:40
ilu.. /bin/ ?11:40
rec0milu: I usually install misc apps under /usr/local/11:41
KI4IKLsamiam, where the hell is my computer on linux???11:41
cleaI have a nForce4 board with spdif optical out that works well with 2.0 but it dosen't want to work with surround. is there any settings to fix this?11:41
badkittybbl.. reinstalling EVERYTHING11:41
ilu<rec0m> k11:41
=== trias [n=aaron@ppp121-45-15-178.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
rec0milu: just do something like /usr/local/real11:41
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IndyGunFreaksounds like badkitty has had some issues.11:41
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Lucretiaanybody running an ati card via fglrx here?11:42
mweIndyGunFreak: appearently ;)11:42
samwizeKI4IKL: oh damn, i didnt know you were using linux...11:42
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ilu<rec0m> permission denied11:42
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ozzmanHello, i have a readonly file on my desktop that i want to remove of relocate how do i do so?11:42
=== Greyscale [n=Grey@host86-131-35-137.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
rec0milu: it's under /usr, so you gotta use sudo before your commands11:42
ilu<rec0m> i dont know how to sudo that because it was in the middle of the installation process11:42
=== IndyGunFreak isn't realplayer in the Medibuntu repo?
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mweilu: initiate it with sudo11:43
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iluomg now i did that and it complaints there is no such directory11:43
mweilu: you can't change to root after it's started11:43
=== Jordan_U thinks it's strange when people like IndyGunFreak use /me when not talking about themselves
=== barto [n=barto@140.241.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweilu: just /usr/local or sudo mkdir /usr/local/real first11:44
=== IndyGunFreak has no problem that Jordan_U thinks he's strange.. ;)
mweilu: or better yet install to /opt then create a symlink11:44
blueyozzman: Is your user the owner of the file? If so change it's permissions on the file properties dialog to read write.11:44
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IndyGunFreakJordan_U: but i rarely use /me, so you just caught jme in a moment i guess...lol11:45
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ozzmanbluey: owner is root11:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sli - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
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blueyozzman: how did it end there?11:46
bizinichiI'll soon find out11:46
cleais there anyone that has got nforce4 optical spdif to work with surround?11:46
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blueyozzman: is it important or you just want to get rid of it?11:47
ozzmani was installing plug-ins for firefox (i am using X86_64)11:47
ilu<mwe> anyway that did not work but it did create a new folder 'real' with alot of files in it...11:47
dbfthey, i've had my sd card working before, but now when i try to mount it (by going to Computer) it says it cannot mount11:47
iluBin     common  install.log  LICENSE  plugins   README    realplay.bak  share11:47
ilucodecs  doc     lib          mozilla  postinst  realplay  realplay.bin11:47
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dbftany idea why? :S11:47
rec0milu: if you still have problem just ctrl+c outta that installation and open a command prompt and install it with sudo apt-get install realplayer11:47
mweilu: what didn't work?11:47
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rec0milu: I think it's in the repos11:47
iluapt-get does not seem to work for realplayer. it claims there is not package for it11:48
mweilu: hell if it's in the repos remove the crap it left and install from there instead11:48
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TaJMoXilu realplay not realplayer11:49
blueyozzman: you can delete it with $ sudo rm ~/Desktop/file11:49
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rec0milu: oh yeah it's realplay, good call Tajmox11:49
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rec0milu: sudo apt-get install realplay11:49
iluum does not find any package for realplay either11:49
rec0milu: mmm11:49
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TaJMoXrec0m - ilu - apt-cache search KEYWORD11:50
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TaJMoX!info realplay11:50
ubotuPackage realplay does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:50
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rec0mTajMox: I see it under my synaptic manager, dunno why ilu can't find it11:50
TaJMoXoh - its in the automatix repositories11:50
iluBin     common  install.log  LICENSE  plugins   README    realplay.bak  share11:50
ilucodecs  doc     lib          mozilla  postinst  realplay  realplay.bin11:50
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aliveriuscan someone explain me or direct me to info, regarding using an update-cd during installation?11:51
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aliveriushow do i make one11:51
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Jordan_Ualiverius, What are you trying to do?11:51
ilugod damn its hard to install if it does not work with apt-get or in synaptic11:51
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stefgilu: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2911:51
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aliveriusi have an unsupported ethernet card (agere 131x)11:52
mweilu: it seems to have installed11:52
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TaJMoXilu - it will become easy with time - for me its easy to install tgz files11:52
aliveriusand i wanted to load the module during installation11:52
mweilu: where did you install it?11:52
munckfishHi, does anyone know what improvements are being made to network-manager integration in Gutsy?11:52
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Jack_Sparrowaliverius: Not that hard, I copy my var/cache/apt/archive to a cd after every major update, you should be able to drop it in after an install and have synaptic see it or copy it back to that folder11:52
ilu<mwe> well it seems it only extracted alot of files no installation11:52
Jordan_Umunckfish, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy11:52
ozzmanbluey: i'm getting command not found11:53
mweilu: where did you tell it to install?11:53
munckfishJordan_U: ok, will ask there, thx11:53
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Jordan_Umunckfish, np11:53
ilu<mwe> /usr/local/real11:53
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ilui mkdir that first11:53
Jack_Sparrowaliverius: Sorry, was thinking something different than what you want to do11:53
b0hahow do i mount .img file11:53
b0hamount <filename> ?11:54
mweilu: so ls /usr/local/real?11:54
mweilu: is realplay there?11:54
ilui have this fiesty fawn btw11:54
ilunope its not because it did not get access to the folder i created11:54
mweilu: why?11:54
=== aegil [n=aegil@80-44-97-45.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
aliveriusJack_Sparrow, at least you tought me something so thx for that ;)11:54
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Jack_Sparrowaliverius: I hate redownloading the same thing twice11:55
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Justi1how do I erase a rewriteable cd?11:55
rec0milu mwe: I found the problem, the .bin installer file gotta be executed with sudo first11:55
mwerec0m: yes11:55
rec0muse sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin11:55
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mweyeah normal users don't have access to write to /usr/local11:55
mwethus sudo is needed11:56
aliveriusJack_Sparrow, my problem is i want it to work during the installation, to get the updates automatically11:56
mwewell good night all11:56
cntrlxred sparowes w0011:56
aliveriusbut i guess i can live without doing that11:56
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aliveriusi will download the source for the driver11:56
Jack_Sparrowaliverius: I think you are going to have to finish the install then make your change..11:56
=== davey [n=davey@149-225.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aliveriusin windows11:56
aliveriusthen compile it in my new linux11:57
aliveriusetc etc11:57
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Jack_Sparrowaliverius: DOnt be a stranger, everyone is here to help and learn11:57
=== Theox26 [n=aaron@c-71-58-60-219.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blueyozzman: where are you running the command Terminal or 'Run command...'/Alt+F2?11:57
rec0manyone know if madwifi is down or something? can't update svn11:58
Jordan_Ualiverius, I think that if you are connected to the net when you install it automatically downloads updates11:58
ilu<rec0m> thanx mate your solution was the one that worked11:58
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cerdeni need to join in ubuntu ita11:58
rec0milu: np glad could be of help11:58
Justi1how do I erase a rewriteable cd?11:58
Jordan_Ualiverius, It certainly will if you use the netinstall CD11:58
ilui guess its the same on the google earth bin11:58
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Jack_SparrowJordan_U: It seems his problem is no drivers for his network hardware...11:59
rec0mgoogle earth installs directly to your home folder so probably don't need sudo for that one11:59
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ozzmanthrough accessories11:59
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ozzmanbluey: Through accessories12:00
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Justi1how do I erase a rewriteable cd?12:00
skulridppl back in windows I got used to a high resolution, but why does ubuntu keep me stuck to a resolution of about 600*800 ??12:00
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