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Nafallohi elmo :-)12:46
Nafalloelmo: hows life?12:47
elmoNafallo: not bad thanks - you?12:47
Nafalloelmo: well. can't complain :-).12:48
Nafalloif things will continue as planned I will be living in London in a month :-)12:49
Nafallo+/- a few days12:49
elmoso I hear12:52
Nafallowill be great :-)12:53
Nafalloso Karl have gossiped then? ;-)12:54
elmocould have been karl, could have been someone else - but we should probably take this to #u-m or priv msg ;-)12:55
Nafallohehe. sure :-(12:55
Nafallooops :-)12:55
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aa_hi, can I get rss of my bugs?01:43
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aa_that would be really nice01:45
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kiko-afkaa_, RSN.02:03
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ryanakcais there any plan on redirecting beta team members to Edge again some time soon?02:17
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ErkkimonHow can I make my sound juicer choose the bitrate on the fly when encoding the track?03:30
ErkkimonI didn't know the exact term to google with.03:30
thumperErkkimon: you might get more help from an appropriate channel03:31
Erkkimonthumper: Yeah but on the site of sound juicer people seem to be direted on this channel.03:32
thumperErkkimon: eh?03:33
spivErkkimon: where does the sound juicer site say that?03:33
spivErkkimon: because this channel really isn't the right place to get help with sound juicer.03:33
spivErkkimon: launchpad itself is a place to ask that sort of question, but this is a channel for talking about launchpad, not about projects that use launchpad.03:34
spivErkkimon: https://answers.launchpad.net/sound-juicer03:35
ErkkimonOh, okay.03:35
spivErkkimon: that's ok, we just want make sure you ask your question where someone will be able to answer it :)03:36
ErkkimonYeah. :)03:36
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jtvhey stub07:37
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stubjtv: morning08:07
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mdkespiv: not sure that is a place where someone will answer his question though - there are no answer contacts for Sound Juicer, I get the feeling they don't use Launchpad for support09:13
Hobbseehi mdke 09:13
mdkehi there Hobbsee 09:13
spivmdke: well, a couple of questions there already got answered, I didn't look any closer than that though...09:15
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mdkespiv: there is nothing there at all, afaics09:16
mdkeoh, there are. They just don't show up on the "Answered questions" page09:16
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Hobbseemorning carlos, cprov 10:00
cprovHobbsee: good morning !10:01
Hobbseecprov: :)10:04
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Hobbseemorning mrevell!10:11
mrevellmorning Hobbsee! :)10:11
FujitsuHi mrevell.10:12
mrevellhowdy Fujitsu10:12
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Hobbseecprov: greetings03:45
cprovHobbsee: hi03:45
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ubotuNew bug: #125783 in malone "Make it more visible that a bug is private" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12578304:15
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ubotuNew bug: #125788 in malone "Add link to bugs needing forwarding upstream for a product" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12578804:20
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kikothanks BjornT 04:30
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ubotuNew bug: #125803 in malone "product +review needs to check for bug contact to prevent triggering private_bugs_need_contact constraint" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12580305:25
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ubotuNew bug: #125804 in soyuz "Do not use 'glob' to check files on unpacked source" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12580405:30
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ubotuNew bug: #125818 in launchpad "Wishlist-intelligent sort (and complexity rating)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12581806:36
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SteveAjordi: hi!07:44
Hobbseehey SteveA!07:46
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ubotuNew bug: #125836 in rosetta "Don't use a checkbox when you can't change it in translation-credits implementation" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12583608:30
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duluuis there someone from Launchpad admin group?11:14
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mthaddonduluu: what's up?11:19
duluuI just found that I've duplicate account on Launchpad 11:19
duluubut it uses my very old, domain expired email address11:20
carlosduluu: please, file a request on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad to get it merged manually11:20
carlosduluu: also, you should provide as much information as possible to justify that you are indeed the owner of the old account11:21
mthaddonduluu: what carlos said :)11:21
duluuI haven't contacted anyone before 11:22
mthaddonduluu: not sure I understand you - how do you mean you haven't contacted anyone before?11:24
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