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hendrixskiwhy can't dpkg-buildpackage find configure-stamp when there's a patch system attached?12:15
hendrixski*sigh, umm... google has zero results for this so I'm asking here.. .. dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot gives me "make: configure-stamp: Command not found"12:19
hendrixskiwhat am I possibly doing wrong?12:19
Nafalloinstalled build-essential?12:20
Nafalloyou might want to look in debian/rules what configure-stamp is supposed to do as well12:20
hendrixskiyes, of course.... build-essential, debhelper, and dpatch... all there... all I did to debian/rules was add patch-stamp into build-stamp and unpatch into clean12:21
hendrixskiNafallo, configure stamp does the same thing it did when it was created by dh_make:  "dh_testdir" and "touch configure-stamp"12:22
Nafallotry tabbing those to see if they are installed.12:23
NafalloI would be surprised if they wasn't thou12:23
hendrixskiNafallo, they tab-completed in bash12:24
Nafalloweirdness then12:24
Nafalloyou might want to pastebin parts of that rules12:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:25
hendrixskioops... should've messaged ubotu for that :-( sorry12:26
Nafallono problem :-)12:26
geserhendrixski: re "patch-stamp": that makes sense as patch-stamp is an other target (and not a command) which you specify as a dependency for an other target12:27
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hendrixskigeser, ??? whoa what??  12:28
geserhendrixski: merge line 81 (from the paste) into line 8012:28
gesermake also know dependencies, which target (or file) must be run to be able to run this target12:29
hendrixskilike this:   build-stamp: patch-stamp configure-stamp12:30
hendrixskiooohhh, so the first line is the dependency for that rule?12:30
geserbuild-stamp get only run if patch-stamp (the file created by the target of the same name) and configure-stamp exist12:30
hendrixskithat definately explains a lot12:32
hendrixskiit's like the more of these mistakes I make the more small things I learn and eventually I'll be able to look at a debain/rules and understand what it does12:32
geserdpkg-buildpackage calls IIRC the binary target, for the binary target to run must first binary-indep and binary-arch be run12:33
geserfor binary-arch must the targets build and install be run 12:34
geserand so on12:34
geserin the end are configure, make, make install, etc. run in the right order to create a deb12:36
hendrixskiI see... I didn't catch that from reading any of the manuals...12:37
hendrixskiMan.. There is a TON of information I'd like to add to http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html   like that for example... or how to use diff12:39
hendrixskiYES!!!!! it worked!!!!!  and the program runs with my patch and all!!!12:40
=== hendrixski runs around the room yelling "hooray"
hendrixskigeser, Nafallo,  THANK YOU :-)12:41
Nafallono problem. I barely did anything :-)12:42
Nafallodon't accuse me! I'm innocent! :-)12:42
hendrixskiNafallo, you got the ball rolling, then handed it off the geser, who scored the goal... in most sports that counts as an "assist" (and helps the athletes sallary go up)12:44
Nafallosports. sounds... like something I should know about... I think. has it anything to do with murder? :-)12:45
hendrixskiNafallo, yup... feeding Christians to lions was a sport once12:47
Nafalloone of my names is Christian12:47
hendrixskiLOL:  one of my names is Ijustmademyfirstdebianpackagelastnight and another one is Ijustmademyfirstdpatchtoday12:49
Nafallohehe :-)12:49
Nafalloa bit to long for my taste.12:50
Nafalloshould be difficult enough to write your signature ;-)12:50
hendrixskiI could just scribble and draw a few lines the way I do for my regular signature12:51
hendrixskiI have two I's and an  in my last name.. so I just turn them into really long lines that hover above a squigle...12:52
hendrixskinow followup question...12:52
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hendrixskiadding a patch to a package generally means changing the name right? or are there some that just add patches but keep the same name?12:53
pygihendrixski, what do you mean?12:54
pygichanging the name of what?12:54
hendrixskilike if I add a patch to helloworld-0.2-1... does it have to turn turn into helloworld-0.2-2, or is that optional?12:56
hendrixskithe package... yes12:56
pygihendrixski, it has to turn into -2, yes12:56
pygiin reality you'd have for example:12:56
pygibrasero_0.6.0-0ubuntu1 --> brasero_0.6.0-0ubuntu212:57
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hendrixskipygi, I see... so do I just rename the .deb file or is there a tool that makes the name change for me?12:58
pygihendrixski, no, no!12:58
pygihendrixski, you do the change in debian/changelog12:58
pygiactually in some cases when you use "dch -i" it'll do that for you12:59
hendrixskioh... right... forgot about that12:59
=== hendrixski looks at man dch
hendrixskinice, it even drops me into my favorite editor :-)01:00
pygihehe :)01:00
pygivim, emacs, nano? :)01:01
pygihehe, nice :)01:01
hendrixskihhhmmmm... had a debian/menu this time... but it didn't appear in my applications menu01:04
hendrixskithe menu file looks right...  ?package(hellonurse):needs="X11|text|vc|wm" section="Apps/Accessories"  title="hellonurse" command="/usr/bin/hellonurse"01:10
hendrixskiis there something I need to put in debian/rules or something to access it?01:10
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Specdo i sign the .dsc file detached or attached?01:39
FujitsuSpec: You use debsign on the .changes01:42
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SpecFujitsu: i'm on a windows box01:45
SpecFujitsu: scp'd .dsc and .changes over here...and i was told i could just sign those two files...but i don't know if it's an attached sign or a detached sign01:45
FujitsuSpec: It's meant to be inline.01:49
Fujitsu(building packages on a Windows machine is *really* *really* wrong)01:50
Specerr, i built it on linux01:51
Specit's just the machine i built it is a shared machine, so i don't wanna put my gpg key on it01:51
Specas other people have root and i don't know them, therefore don't trust them01:51
Specand they've remotely "ifconfig eth0 down"'d remotely  before01:51
Specerr, s/remotely/moo/01:51
JazzvaUmm, I have a problem testing a package with pbuilder. This is the last part of the output -> http://www.pastebin.ca/61703101:53
JazzvaI guess the problem is at dh_installdocs. It asks for CHANGES~, but it isn't present. Does anyone know how can I fix that?01:54
FujitsuJazzva: Check debian/docs in the source package.01:55
JazzvaAha, I see... It lists README and CHANGES~ files. So, dh_installdocs trys to find CHANGES~, doesn't succed and then reports an error, right? Should I just remove CHANGES~ from debian/docs?01:56
ryanakcaJazzva: if CHANGES~ isn't in $(CURDIR) (the root of the sources), then remove it from debian/docs01:57
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Jazzvaryanakca: It isn't, but there is CHANGES, should I include that one in debian/docs? It documents upstream authors' changes from previous versions, so I think it would be useful to include it.02:00
ryanakcaI would substitute CHANGES~ with CHANGES in debian/doc02:01
ryanakcaif it's permissible to include an Upstream changelog in docs... dunno, check the Debian Policy Manual02:01
Jazzvaryanakca: That's what I meant :). Thanks for the help.02:01
ryanakcaJazzva: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s-changelogs02:03
Jazzvaryanakca: Thanks for the link.02:03
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ryanakcahmm. Any debian maintainers willing to take a quick look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5992 please?02:05
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Jazzvaryanakca: I'm not sure how am I supposed to install CHANGES as changelog.gz. Any hint?02:11
ryanakcaJazzva: I think it should get done automatically02:11
Jazzvaryanakca: Oh, ok. :)02:12
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martosshi guys02:37
martossi am trying to build an updated package of pymol.02:37
martossi started from the sources via "apt-get source pymol"02:37
martossthen i applied the patch, to a directory i checked out via svn, which created me the debian/*  and modified some stuff.02:38
martossdpkg-buildpackage: source version without epoch 0.98+0.99rc6-2ubuntu202:38
martoss fakeroot debian/rules clean02:38
martoss/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: debian/rules: Permission denied02:38
martossthis is where I got stuck.02:38
martossAny ideas?02:38
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martossargh, forgot to make it executable.02:41
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minghuamartoss: "applied the patch, to a directory i checked out via svn, which created me the debian/*" sounds very wrong.02:45
minghuamartoss: You should already have all debian/* stuff after you did "apt-get source pymol".02:46
martosshmm ok, maybe i didn't express correctly02:46
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martossminghua, yep, this produced me the old source with debian directory02:46
italianninja2hi can someone help me02:46
martossi tried to build a package from the svn directory.02:46
italianninja2ubuntu wont load gui?02:46
martossitalianninja2, load the gui? You mean the X-Server?02:47
minghuaitalianninja2: Please ask for support on #ubuntu, not here.02:47
italianninja2they are not answering me ther02:48
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martossminghua, ok maybe my question in a more general form: i wanna checkout sources from sourceforge of pymol. then build a debian package from it02:51
martossi got the sources with debian directory from feisty and now i need to modify the svn sources correspondingly. Or do I miss sth.02:52
minghuamartoss: That's not exactly an easy task.  And I don't have time to guide you though it, sorry.02:52
martossok, i play around a bit...02:53
martossit's not urgent02:53
minghuamartoss: However, I see that gutsy already has pymol 1.0-1, so you should try backporting the gutsy package first.02:53
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martossintroducing additional patches should be easy02:54
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persiaDarkMageZ: The Debian maintainer would be best.03:10
persiaScottK: I'm mostly interested in dumping wx2.4 (which is very broken).  2.6 is acceptable, but it's a loose Lenny target, so I don't really expect it until gutsy+2 or thereabouts03:11
persiapygi: Great.  Keep watching: it should be done soon.03:11
persiaryanacka: Hurrah!  That's easiest03:11
persiahendrixski: There are two menus.  Ideally, you want both a menu file and a .desktop file03:11
persiaTheMuso: My current ETU is about now+90 minutes.  If you get to it first, that'd be great.03:11
ajmitchFujitsu: where's your monotone sync bug?03:16
Fujitsuajmitch: I was test-building it and it failed right after I closed that. I'm looking at uploading it shortly.03:18
=== Fujitsu hits Debian maintainers that don't test-build.
ajmitchit worked for me03:19
ajmitchI've been using it for a couple of days with no problems03:19
ajmitchwhat version did you grab?03:19
FujitsuIt works unless you're not building arch-all.03:19
FujitsuThe build-depends-indep stuff is needed for an arch: any build too.03:20
ajmitchobviously the debian maintainer did test-build, just not in the same way you did03:20
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FujitsuWell, I guess.03:20
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persiaTheMuso: My estimate was off.  I'll take care of ubuntustudio-sounds now (unless you're in the middle of it).03:56
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FujitsuHow often do DEPWAIT builds get retried?04:10
minghuaI suppose asking in -devel has a better chance to get an answer. ;-)04:12
FujitsuI thought someone in here might know.04:12
crimsunthey're retried automatically.04:14
crimsunI don't know offhand if they're immediate, however.04:15
StevenKpersia, TheMuso: It seems gimp-svg is not built from a source package any more and ubuntustudio-graphics depends on it. Are either of you able to investigate?04:17
persiaStevenK: I'll take a look.  Thanks for pointing this out.04:18
minghuapersia, StevenK: gimp-svg is built from gimp source package since
minghua(at least in Debian)04:19
persiaminghua: Not for the source that my gutsy apt-cache sees :)04:20
minghua!info gimp gutsy04:20
ubotugimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program - DEVELOPMENT VERSION. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.18-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 4413 kB, installed size 11172 kB04:20
minghuaHmm, I should have said "... if you use the 2.2.x stable branch".04:21
minghua!info gimp feisty04:21
ubotugimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.13-1ubuntu4.2 (feisty), package size 2899 kB, installed size 7920 kB04:21
minghuaI see.04:22
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persiaErm.  Germinate is interesting.04:39
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jdongtha'ts what she said?04:40
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persiaIs hppa 32-bit or 64-bit?04:52
StevenKMy hppa at home is 32-bit, but 64-bit one are around. I'm uncertain if userland changes from 32-bit, however.04:53
persiaStevenK: OK.  If an app has 32-bit assumptions in the code, should it be distributed by the Ubuntu hppa port?04:54
StevenKThe Ubuntu hppa port hasn't been touched since Dapper, by the way.04:55
persiaStevenK: Right.  I'll just leave it alone then.  Thanks.04:55
ajmitchpeople are still looking at hppa04:55
FujitsuIt's supposedly bootstrapping gutsy, though it was also supposedly bootstrapping feisty.04:55
StevenKYeah, it was bootstrapping feisty the entire time it was in development.04:56
FujitsuHow common is hppa, anyway? I've never seen such a machine.04:57
StevenKBecoming more uncommon, I think.04:59
superm1persia, in your comment to mythbuntu-live-autostart, you said that get-orig-source should be abel to be ran from any directory.  Are you meaning that it should be launchable from within debian/ (launched as ./ rules get-orig-source)?05:02
superm1because no rules work launching like that05:02
superm1everything wants to parse debian/control05:02
persiasuperm1: That, or able to be launched from within ~ when the source is in /usr/src/.  I'm not sure why that requirement is in place: perhaps you can get around it using ORIGDIR := $(shell pwd), and forcing the directory change before actually doing anything?05:04
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superm1but if you are starting from somewhere else, how are you supposed to find your way to the root of the directory?05:05
persiasuperm1: Perhaps you can do something with $$1?  I'm not sure.05:06
persia(or perhaps $$0, rather.  I'm not entirely sure)05:07
superm1well more particularly, does this need to be followed so strictly?  I've had several other packages uploaded with a rule that works from the root of the directory05:07
superm1thats the most logical place to do it anyhow05:07
superm1since it puts it in .. for you to be able to run debuild and such05:08
superm1which was my reason to write the rule this way05:08
persiasuperm1: It's a "must" in debian policy, which makes it mandatory.  On the other hand, not everything in the archive is compliant.05:08
superm1well the other problem then that comes up 05:09
superm1with cdbs05:09
superm1running things outside the directory, will include the first .mk files05:09
superm1so there is no way to get around that unless you can somehow reference where that directory05:09
superm1the way that policy is written, it makes more sense for static urls, rather than bzr or svn or cvs branches05:09
TheMusopersia: Thanks. THought I would get to it, but got called away.05:10
persiasuperm1: Hmm...  Interesting.  So the use of CDBS prevents compliance.  in that case, I wouldn't worry about it too much.05:10
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superm1i'll fix up the other issue regarding the version names, and reupload in that case05:10
persiaTheMuso: No problems.  I'm currently fussing with ubuntustudio-meta so it will install again (and the NBS stuff can be purged).05:10
persiasuperm1: Great.  Thanks.05:11
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StevenKpersia: Just out of interest, what are you replacing gimp-svg with?05:15
persiaStevenK: Nothing at all: the plugin is now included in the gimp package (since 2.3.18-1)05:16
persiaDoes anyone have any good suggestions for testing metapackages on foreign architectures?  I'd like to make sure that I'm not breaking things :)05:18
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superm1okay if anyone is able to take a look and do a revu on the package persia and I were discussion, mythbuntu-live-autostart, i'd appreciate it: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=599605:21
TheMusopersia: -sounds only has 1 advocate on REVU. How was there 2?05:23
ScottKpersia: My suggestion is to tom sawyer someone with the arch to test it for you.05:23
TheMusoIf it got uploaded?05:23
persiaTheMuso: For ubuntustudio-sounds?  Previous guidance indicated that 1 advocate was sufficient for reupload after archive-admin rejection.05:24
TheMusoOh ok.05:24
crimsunerr, it was rejected?05:24
persiaScottK: Great :)  You can take care of i386?05:25
persiacrimsun: Yep.  There were some leftover "No commercial use" bits in ./README, etc.05:25
crimsunhmph.  I wonder where the email went...05:25
TheMusopersia: If you want a non-supported arch tested, I'm happy to do ppc.05:25
persiacrimsun: The rejection email?  I think only tsmithe got it.05:25
persiaTheMuso: Thanks.  I'm testing locally now, and will stick the candidate somewhere when I'm done.05:26
ScottKpersia: What's the package?05:33
persiaScottK: On my machine.  I want to make sure it works locally before collecting extra bug reports :)05:33
persia(should be 15-20 minutes, max)05:33
ScottKOK.  I'll test, but I have Feisty, not Gutsy.  Is that a useful test for you?05:34
persiaScottK: Not really.  Do you have a gutsy chroot in which you could try installing it?05:36
ScottKNo.  Sorry.  I haven't needed one.05:36
FujitsuScottK: Don't you test-build packages?05:37
ScottKFujitsu: In pbuilder, yes.05:37
RAOFThen you've got a chroot available :)05:37
Fujitsupbuilder login05:37
ScottKAh. Yes, of course.05:37
=== ScottK always forgets about that.
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ScottKpersia: Yes, I have a chroot available.05:38
ScottKI don't know how long I'll be here tonight though.05:38
=== persia wonders about including qsampler when it doesn't actually do anything without other non-free software...
ScottKlionel: I see you touched tftpd last.  I thought you might be interested in looking at Bug #105863.  The last comment looks like it might be enough of a hint to do something with.05:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105863 in netkit-tftp "tftpd package broken" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10586305:41
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persiaScottK: TheMuso: http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/ubuntustudio-meta-0707122335/ubuntustudio-meta_0.2.dsc05:43
ScottKpersia: What's the upid?05:44
persiaScottK: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=599705:44
=== ajmitch wonders if a hard drive has finally died or something
persiaAnyone with ia64, sparc, or hppa is also welcome to test, but I'm really not sure it will work :)05:47
Fujitsupersia: You need to become a DD.05:48
persiaFujitsu: Why?05:48
FujitsuAccess to every imaginable arch.05:48
ajmitchsomething which we don't have for ubuntu05:48
persiaFujitsu: I'd be mostly abusing that for Ubuntu work, so I'm not sure I'd use it even if I was a DD.05:49
persia(Also, given the prevailing attitude around NMUs, I'd rather work with Debian teams)05:49
FujitsuI'd really think Canonical would be more capable of providing machines than Debian, as the former sort of has a fair bit of funding.05:49
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superm1well as ppas go active, that will at least help to make sure it builds on the other architectures05:51
persiasuperm1: Build, yes.  Install, not so much.05:51
ajmitchsuperm1: PPAs are limited to specific archs05:51
Fujitsusuperm1: They're only i386/amd64 at the moment.05:51
ajmitchlike i386 & amd6405:51
superm1oh didn't realize that05:51
FujitsuAnd I don't think that's changing soon.05:51
ajmitchnot until they have decent virtualisation on the others05:52
Fujitsupersia: I'm sure you can whip up a package to try to install things.05:52
persiaFujitsu: An install test in debian/rules?  That's an interesting idea.  I don't suppose you'd like to draft a spec?05:52
Fujitsupersia: No, as in you write a debian/rules specifically to try to install a package.05:53
persiaFujitsu: That sounds dangerous.  I'd think dh_installtest would be a safer solution, with the call being at the very end of install:05:54
=== persia notes that dh_installtest should definitely be implemented outside of debhelper, instead being in a separate dh-installtest package to avoid annoying Debian.
minghuaI'll just try building a package foo-test that build-depends on foo.05:57
persiaminghua: That could work, but wouldn't it clutter the archive namespace?05:57
Fujitsupersia: Not on PPA.05:57
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FujitsuIt is meant to be growing a UI soon.05:57
persiaFujitsu: Not even for one's own PPA archive namespace?05:57
Fujitsu(LP soon, however)05:58
minghuapersia: I don't really know how PPA works, so maybe that's a bad idea.05:58
FujitsuYou'll be able to fairly easily remove packages, AFAIK.05:58
minghuaLP soon, heh.05:58
=== ajmitch wonders why an installation test would be done from within the package system like that - we already have other solutions like autopkgtest
persiaminghua: Neither I, but if Fujitsu is correct, it would avoid a mess.  Also, one could just have a $lpname-test package that one refreshed with new build-deps for each upload.05:58
persiaajmitch: Does autopkgtest run across all the architectures for all of universe?  Is the output somewhere public?05:59
minghuaYeah, that would be more convenient.05:59
FujitsuBut we've got limited PPA archs for the foreseeable future anyway.05:59
ajmitchpersia: I don't know, why don't you fetch the package & see?05:59
=== man-di_ [n=mkoch@dyndsl-080-228-196-236.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKpersia: It built.  I dpkg -i *deb on the lot of them.  apt-get -f intall thought it could fix all the deps except *audio.  I'll let you know when I figure out what it didn't like.06:00
persiaajmitch: It's not the code - it's the infrastructure :)06:00
persiaScottK: It probably didn't like ardour (FTBFS due to scons)06:00
ScottKOK.  I'll check that.06:01
ScottK0 upgraded, 561 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:01
ajmitchpersia: I'm sure you could whip up something with it06:02
persiaajmitch: Ah.  It sounds like one just needs to feed something into debian/tests.  Thanks for the pointer :)06:02
ajmitchit's easier than hacking up debian/control & rules & .install files to clog the archive or to have a test fork of every package06:03
persiaajmitch: Much easier :)  One just build-depends on autopkgtest and applies some tests to the *installed* package, getting the install for free.06:04
ajmitchthere's a MIR underway for autopkgtest, and it should be used in debian at some point as well06:04
=== ScottK always processes MIR as Mail In Rebate when he first sees it.
=== persia thnks of vodka toasts
=== ScottK will now attempt the highly technical feat of ordering groceries online.
FujitsuScottK: Oh noes! Look out for all the evil hackers that my parents seem to be so scared of.06:06
persiaScottK: So it was ardour?06:06
ScottKDunno.  My little laptop is still cranking away on the 561 packages to install.06:07
=== Perdente [n=gabx84@75-132-33-28.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has left #ubuntu-motu []
ScottKQuestion for while I'm waiting...06:12
ScottKIn my pbuilder chroot I had to install devscripts to get dget.  06:13
ScottKAfter installing, dget complained that dget needed wget or curl installed or it couldn't work.  06:13
ScottKShould they be a | depends of devscripts?06:13
ajmitchwget is in Suggests06:14
minghuadevscripts's package description has a detailed list.06:16
minghua(of what package you need for each tool)06:17
ajmitchyay, my box at home is back06:17
ajmitchJul 13 16:17:16 augustine kernel: [627294.905882]  Out of memory: kill process 12597 (rhythmbox) score 178538 or a child06:17
ajmitchJul 13 16:17:16 augustine kernel: [627294.905929]  Killed process 12597 (rhythmbox)06:17
ajmitch4GB of RAM just isn't enough06:17
RAOFYay for the OOM killer06:18
persiaajmitch: Or rhythmbox has a leak?06:18
ajmitchpersia: no, rhythmbox was a victim, not a perpetrator06:18
ajmitchI was compiling stuff in the background, and my ssh connection started to get very slow, and then stopped06:20
ajmitchit must have been thrashing around for an hour or so06:20
Fujitsucompiz seems to break if I eat up too much swap, and it doesn't like me killing X remotely after that.06:21
ScottKOK.  Well it seems to me that stuff ought to work without suggests, but whatever.06:24
ajmitchScottK: if you had everything necessary in Depends, it would pull in a *lot*06:25
ajmitchlike emacs :)06:25
ScottKAh.  That makes sense.06:26
ajmitchhm, mutt06:26
=== ScottK is glad to avoid emacs.
man-di_Can someone point me at current multidistrotools bzr?06:31
man-di_the wikipage points to a non-existant repo06:31
minghuaHmm.  I wonder if devscripts really want to suggest ssh.  It may actually mean openssh-client.06:33
ajmitchfile a bug06:33
minghuaI know. :-)  But I'm not sure.06:35
ajmitchdoesn't seem to be filed in debian, at least06:35
Fujitsuman-di_: Try http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/multidistrotools/06:36
minghuadevscripts' suggests list also drag in ruby.06:36
minghuaStill much smaller compared with emacs, of course.06:37
man-di_Fujitsu: thanks, I had it already on some computer, I just dont remember on which one. I was not able to find it anymore.06:38
=== lifeless [n=robertc@ppp245-86.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKpersia: I don't think I'm going to finish investigating tonight.  I'll look into it in 8 to 10 hours.06:43
persiaScottK: That's fine.  Knowing that everything bug ubuntustudio-audio works, and given that things working on i386 tend to be a superset of things working on amd64, I'm pretty confident.  Thanks for the help.06:44
=== ajmitch is happy using an amd64, even if there are problems at times
ScottKOK.  Do you need me to keep looking?06:45
persiaScottK: No need.  I'm not surprised by the ubuntu-audio issue.  I was more concerned with the other packages.  Thanks again.06:46
ScottKOK.  Then I'll stop.  You're welcome.06:46
man-di_Who maintains multidistrotools for real? I just fixed a bug in it.06:48
FujitsuI think I've been touching it most lately, but that's not much.06:49
FujitsuIt hasn't had much maintenance at all, lately.06:49
ScottKAnyone feel up to reading a clamav stack trace?  It'd be nice to at least figure out if it's clamav, klamav, or some other package to blame.06:50
ScottKman-di_: Looks like you found your man.06:50
=== ajmitch hasn't been using mdt
ajmitchI still have my own code which predates mdt06:50
man-di_ScottK: hehe, thx06:50
ajmitchpart of that is used for the rc bugs list06:51
man-di_Fujitsu: http://paste.debian.net/3263006:51
persiaman-di_: What about "wontfix"?06:51
ScottKIt's not a bug, it's a feature request in any case.  06:52
man-di_persia: right, I missed that too because I dont saw bugs marked "wontfix" in my list06:53
StevenKman-di_: Any news on sear?06:53
man-di_ScottK: IMO feature request are bugs too, just wishlist bugs06:53
man-di_StevenK: Unfortunately not06:53
Fujitsuman-di_: I'll merge that into my branch (http://people.ubuntu.org.au/~fujitsu/multidistrotools) and ensure that's up-to-date with LaserJock's.06:53
man-di_Fujitsu: Cool, thank you very much06:54
ScottKTrue, but IMO arbitrary changes in proprietary tools don't cause bugs in open software.  It's more the other way around.06:54
man-di_Fujitsu: will you include "wontfix" too or should I write another patch?06:54
StevenKman-di_: You said it didn't build due to library transitions, they haven't progressed?06:54
Fujitsuman-di_: I'll add it myself.06:54
man-di_ScottK: is multidistrotools proprietary?06:54
man-di_Fujitsu: thanks06:54
ScottKNo, but Launchpad is.06:54
man-di_StevenK: I still wait for one library transition06:55
ScottKThe fact that $PROPRIETARY_TOOL changed doesn't make multidistro tool have a bug.  06:55
persiaScottK: I'd call this a special case, like code to read a DVD, or code to import MS Office documents: when the intent of the open software is to interoperate with the proproetary software, changes in the latter should be considered bugs in the former.06:55
ScottKSorry.  It's a bit of a sore point.06:55
man-di_ScottK: ah, now I understand06:55
ScottKSure.  I'm just bitter.  Don't worry.06:56
=== Fujitsu just bites his tongue nowadays.
ajmitchFujitsu: you've come a long way :)06:57
Fujitsuajmitch: Unfortunately.06:57
minghuaIndeed ScottK reminds me of Fujitsu in edgy cycle. :-P06:58
ScottKWell LP will be free "Real Soon Now" for how long?06:58
FujitsuScottK: About the same length of time that XML-RPC was coming soon.06:58
man-di_GRRR, just hit another issue06:59
ajmitchFujitsu: oh you mean since sydney when I first heard of it?06:59
man-di_Fujitsu: maybe next patch coming soon06:59
Fujitsuajmitch: UDU? Was that pre-Breezy or pre-Hoary?07:00
ScottKFor this particular situation, I think it's unfair for Canonical to drive work onto volunteer devs without consent.07:00
ajmitchScottK: I've never seen a "RSN" promise for lp freedom07:00
ajmitchFujitsu: pre-breezy07:00
FujitsuI've seen an `eventually' promise, `potentially years'.07:00
ajmitchwhich is quite different from 'RSN'07:01
ScottKThat's how I read sabdfl's comments on the LP should be Free bug in LP.  I'd have to look again to be sure.07:01
FujitsuI like it how they open-sourced a supposed part of Launchpad (ie. storm)... which isn't actually used in LP at the moment.07:01
=== ScottK is thinking that maybe there should be a list of Free tools that depend on the LP interfaces and that LP should provide patches of they change the interface. I'd call that fair.
ScottKSee, now there's a constructive suggestion that isn't just whining.07:02
Fujitsu... or just give some notice.07:02
ScottKSure.  But they gave us notice on this one (one day).07:02
ScottKGood night.  Going to bed.07:03
FujitsuNight ScottK.07:03
=== ajmitch is still waiting for the openmoko build
ajmitchI obviously need a much faster box07:03
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@CPE00e098558963-CM000a7363ecf6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsuman-di_: That patch (modified a little) is now in my branch.07:06
=== RAOF needs to rebuild his box. It got a little bit overwritten by an experimental mythbuntu install :)
man-di_Fujitsu: Cool, thx07:10
FujitsuThanks for noticing and fixing that.07:11
man-di_Fujitsu: now I fight with mtd versions2html -h ... failing when packages only in Debian exist yet07:12
Fujitsuman-di_: What's the error it gives?07:12
man-di_Fujitsu: http://paste.debian.net/3263207:13
man-di_Fujitsu: I think it misses to check for a 404 correctly07:14
=== minghua [n=minghua@ubuntu/member/minghua] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsuman-di_: Looks like it.07:15
man-di_Fujitsu: any idea how to solve this?07:18
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-52-79.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsu_Bah, it seems the 'net connection of the network my irssi session is running on has dropped out.07:19
man-di_Fujitsu: oh07:19
whiteman-di_: time to organise the svn? :)07:20
man-di_white: I just sent you a mail about this07:20
Fujitsu_Hi white.07:20
whitebah greylisting over @debian.org takes ages :(07:20
whitehi Fujitsu_ :)07:20
=== Fujitsu_ kicks Telstra.
man-di_white: disable greylisting /me hides07:21
vorlonembrace the spam07:21
whiteman-di_: nah, spam count explodes afterwards07:21
whiteman-di_: you do not understand. I intended to make sure you do the work and I just step in and commit, once everything is done ;)07:23
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man-di_white: hehe07:23
man-di_white: I would like to get my printer working first07:24
white. o O(and i would like to have an alternative working for foo2zjs ...) :)07:24
man-di_white: I still dont know if merging everything into one binary package is really a good idea07:24
man-di_white: lets discuss this later, I need to prepare for work07:25
whiteman-di_: ok07:25
=== Fujitsu_ wonders what exactly succeeded with that disconnection.
Fujitsu_Ah, the network came back up.07:26
whiteFujitsu_: do you think we get a BSP or just a nice debian/ubuntu meeting to work for the next mid-semester break?07:26
Fujitsu_white: I'm fine with either. I have no preference.07:27
whitewell I need to contact etbe anyway next week to bring his laptop back07:28
whiteRussell, sorry07:28
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuMuch better.07:29
whiteFujitsu: you are struggling :P07:29
whitebah it is raining here :(07:29
Fujitsuwhite: How?07:29
whiteI want to have at least *one* summer this year (it was raining in Germany and now it is raining here as well)07:30
FujitsuThat's Melbourne.07:30
whiteFujitsu: Melbourne's winter is like German autumn, it is just unfair :(07:31
=== vorlon sends white his 38 weather and claims the rain for himself
white38 degree sounds nice07:31
Fujitsu38 Fahrenheit is better.07:32
whiteFujitsu: btw how is NM going?07:33
FujitsuI'm sitting in the AM-assignment queue.07:33
FujitsuPassed the advocate check 3 months ago tomorrow.07:33
whitejust be patient, it will be a question of time ;)07:34
FujitsuSo I've heard.07:34
man-di_white: we will have 30 degrees here too, tomorrow and the day after07:37
whiteman-di_: just when i left the country ...07:38
man-di_white: the weather knows where to go07:38
whiteFujitsu: I am curious if there is the same discussion in ubuntu than in debian ... Right now debian thinks about a new contributor class, the so called Debian Maintainer (DM) class. Are you familiar with the discussion?07:39
FujitsuI am.07:39
whiteFujitsu: what is your opinion?07:39
FujitsuI think it makes sense.07:40
FujitsuPeople are likely to know their own packages, and the right to NMU is a much larger responsibility.07:40
FujitsuI believe it would be good idea to have a DM class.07:41
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whiteFujitsu: how is becoming MOTU implemented into ubuntu?07:42
persiawhite: I haven't seen any of the reverse discussion (allowing dedicated maintainers to upload without full access to the component), but the REVU process seems to be working for us (for now - it's definitely aging).07:42
FujitsuThere was a little bit of discussion on a DM-like thing in Ubuntu around The Beryl Incident.07:42
whitei know that i got some mails from the council asking me about a person's contributions to debian, but i do not what it requires to become a motu07:42
Fujitsuwhite: You work with existing MOTU for some time, getting sponsorship as with Debian. Once you've worked with enough packages and people, you go to the MOTU Council to get approved. There are no strict criteria that I know of.07:43
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whiteand are there people thinking about a NM process or stuff like that or is that a no go?07:43
persiawhite: We have an (optional) mentoring process to help people get familiar with the tools.07:44
whiteok, just two questions left :)07:44
FujitsuI think the consensus was that something like NM takes ages, and might turn people away. We need as many developers as we can get.07:44
persiawhite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring07:45
whiteFujitsu: 1. Would you personally consider leaving the NM process out of frustration, because it takes too long? 2. What would you like to be required for being a DM?07:45
whitenow i feel like conducting a survey :)07:45
Fujitsuwhite: 1) I wouldn't, personally. 2) That's one thing I'm very unsure of.07:47
whitehmm, thanks anyway. Interesting to get some other opinions07:48
persiawhite: Regarding #2, I'd suggest that anyone who can 1) demonstrate the ability to create a good package, and 2) demonstrate the commitment to fixing bugs for that package should be considered for DM (did it exist).07:49
=== minghua [n=minghua@ubuntu/member/minghua] has joined #ubuntu-motu
vorlononly committment to fixing bugs, not ability? :)07:49
whitepersia: there were several gr proposals, but they mainly differed in the way that they require different things in order to become one07:50
whitepersia: one was that it should only be for NMs after a certain stage07:50
persiavorlon: Yes.  If a maintainer has a good relationship with upstream, and is good at pulling sharply delimited fixes from VCS, should they be penalised for not writing code?07:50
whitepersia: another one was to fully connect it with the NM process and demand that process up to a certain point07:50
persiawhite: That makes sense as well: to demonstrate the knowledge of and commitment to Debian principles.07:51
whitepersia: and the (pretty much) first one was that it can be connected to the NM process, but does not need to.07:51
whitethe last one works with advocating people to become a DM07:51
white(though the advocate can also be the AM during the NM process)07:51
=== persia has only read early pre-GR blog posting about DM
vorlonpersia: what ability to fix bugs in the Debian packaging?07:52
whitepersia: i also entered the discussion pretty late and had to catch up on a nearly endless thread07:52
persiavorlon: Ah.  Yes.  That is required.  I've assumed anyone who can create a good package can probably fix those :)07:52
whitethat is the third one i explaint: http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2007/06/msg00199.html07:53
whitethe one only for NMs: http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2007/07/msg00008.html07:53
whiteand the one only connected with the NM process, but still with DMs: http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2007/07/msg00002.html07:53
whiteit seems that the third one (first one posted in the list above, oh my god i am confusing) will be open for a vote07:55
persiawhite: personally, I think I like the first of those, although I'm unsure about source NEW vs. binary NEW, and the interactions with experimental from the text.  Primary reasoning being that many upstreams provide Debian-format packages, and it would be nice to have those be checked by someone without requiring NM.07:56
persia(first posted, #3)07:56
whitepersia: that seems to be the general opinion of the people reading -vote07:57
man-di_persia: the problem with "many upstreams provide Debian-format packages" is that most upstreams have no real clue about packaging at all07:58
=== persia relaxes, knowing that nothing need be done for Debian to act as desired
man-di_persia: I have seen upstreams putting jars directly into /usr07:59
persiaman-di_: Right.  That's where the initial sponsor/advocate comes into play.  If I made a lousy package, and asked you to sponsor, would you?  I suspect you'd tell me what I needed to fix, etc.07:59
whitepersia: i am curious, did it ever happen that MOTUs got their rights revoked or that they were absolutely not ready, although approved by the council?07:59
man-di_persia: thats right07:59
man-di_persia: but I still see a problem with people having upload rigths and dont need a sponsor anymore07:59
Fujitsuwhite: The former has never happened, but I'd say the latter has on a couple of occasions.07:59
man-di_persia: I also question the quality of some DDs...08:00
man-di_perhaps I'm too much of a perfectionist08:00
whiteat least i have to say that i very much like the "DM-Allow" field. I think nobody will come to me for sponsoring anymore, because I would not really consider it after one or two uploads08:00
persiawhite: For the first case, only for expiration or voluntary removal (as far as I know), although some people don't upload anymore.  For the second case, it's really hard to say: there've not been many new MOTUs since MOTU Council was approving.  For earlier MOTUs, peer pressure has been enough to get everyone up to speed (and they probably were beforehand anyway)08:00
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp59-167-16-86.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
vorlonwhite: you wouldn't consider sponsoring after one or two uploads, or they wouldn't need to because you would give them DM rights after just one or two uploads?08:01
persiaman-di_: Perhaps.  Most of the new upstreams I sponsor for Ubuntu are rather straightforward.  I see about as many issues from new upstreams in Debian (e.g. not updating debian/copyright when upstream changes their website, not updating to latest standards, etc.)08:02
whitevorlon: no, i would not give them DM rights, because i do not feel that i can trust them after 1 or 2 uploads. And i personally think that the sponsoree expects the sponsor to set the field to yes08:02
whiteat least they will probably be dissapointed, when they do not get that right from a sponsor08:03
vorlonsome might, I guess08:03
vorlonbut I guess they might be even more disappointed if someone complains about their package quality and their DM status is revoked08:03
persiawhite: I think that's a cultural thing.  If most sponsors were stricter, or it worked more like some of the teams that are open to non-DDs, it wouldn't be that bad: DM-Allow could be set after someone demonstrated appropriate responsibility.08:03
whitevorlon: true, but i also think that there will be DDs giving this right pretty early and they will be the favoured target for (totally new) sponsorees08:04
persiawhite: Perhaps not: if people who get DM-Allow too easily lose DM status regularly, either the easy DDs will get stricter, or the DMs will be happier to wait (losing DM status presumably means it's harder to find any sponsor).08:06
vorlonwell, the only people who can be given that right, under the proposal, are people who already have their keys in the DM keyring08:06
minghuaPersonally I've seen some quite careless sponsored packages, but I won't point fingers on exact package.  I do think if DM process is established, there should be better QA and peer-review than current sponsoring.08:06
vorlonand the proposal has provisions for blocking people from advocating folks if they show they have a history of poor judgement08:06
=== persia thinks someone porting something like REVU for use by Debian Mentors might help
Burgundaviapersia: doesn't something like that already exist?08:07
vorlonpersia: mentors.debian.net...?08:07
persiawhere DM keyring ~ ubuntu-universe-contributors keyring08:07
whitepersia: mentors.debian.net is free for everyone to upload08:08
persiaBurgundavia: Yes,  It exists, but 1) it doesn't have automated checks, 2) there isn't a collaborative sponsorship policy with public comments, and 3) it's not keyring restricted.08:08
minghuavorlon: mentors.d.n doesn't have comment system, and relies on -mentors list, AFAIK?08:08
=== persia thinks a lot of discussion about packages on mentors happens off-list
minghuapersia: I won't consider REVU keyring-restricted either.08:09
vorlonminghua: true08:09
whitevorlon: maybe i should just wait and after DM is in place for a while, we'll see if it was good or bad08:09
persiaminghua: It is: uploads are rejected for non-members (not that it's really hard to get in the keyring or anything).08:09
vorlonwhite: well, presumably you should also vote your conscience in the GR on the question first08:09
whitetrue :)08:10
minghuavorlon: I consider the biggest advantage of REVU is the comment system, so that you see the history of the package, other people's comments, and debdiffs easily.08:10
minghuapersia: Has anybody's REVU key been revoked or refused to be added?08:10
FujitsuIt's an open team.08:11
persiaminghua: Nope.  Never.  Still, the code's there, and it could be used for web-of-trust analysis, if one chose.08:11
FujitsuWhat web-of-trust?08:12
minghuapersia: Speaking of that, is there an easy way to get the REVU keying now?08:12
FujitsuI'm pretty sure most of those keys won't have any sigs.08:12
Fujitsuminghua: You just join ubuntu-universe-contributors, and wait for the key to be synced.08:12
Fujitsu*keyring to be synced08:12
persiaFujitsu: Um.  There's a "strong set" of people with GPG keys, for whom there are at least two trust paths to everyone else in the "strong set".  These people are members of the web-of-trust.  Others just have some collections of random bits that look like keys.08:13
minghuaFujitsu: no, not "get into", but "get", i.e., export all the public keys in the keyring so I can check the package signatures on my computer.08:13
persiaminghua: I don't know of it: check the revu code (branch is in LP).08:13
vorlonminghua: for my part, grabbing the current version of the package from the archive with apt-get source for debdiff before sponsoring isn't too much of an obstacle, I find that careful review *of* the debdiff takes much longer08:13
Fujitsuminghua: Oh, right, oops.08:13
minghuavorlon: REVU are mostly for NEW packages only right now.08:14
=== Lure [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsupersia: Right, most of the members of the REVU keyring will not have any sigs, so there's very little WOT to analyse.08:14
vorlonminghua: then I don't see how debdiffs are of significant benefit to a reviewer, personally :)08:14
persiavorlon: Agreed: the debdiff review is the hard part, but for new upstreams, or new packages, having something like REVU is much easier.08:14
minghuavorlon: But I agree on your point about careful review.08:14
Fujitsuvorlon: Differences between different revisions of new packages/08:14
persiaFujitsu: True, but if the code was ported for use with the DM keyring (which requires at least one DD signature), it would be useful.08:15
minghuavorlon: Useful when you are not the only reviewer.08:15
persiavorlon: REVU also allows multiple uploads with the same revision, so the revision included in the archive includes all the fixes, rather than the history of the reviewing.08:15
vorlonfair enough08:16
minghuavorlon: MOTU atmosphere basically encourage a hopeful (i.e. NM counterpart) to jump into IRC channel or list and say "I have a new version that addressed the previous comments, can anyone review again?"08:17
=== StevenK sighs.
StevenKOgre has a M4 configure check that checks for SSE.08:18
ajmitchthat's annoying08:18
StevenKIt turns it off for PPC, and sets it to yes for every other arch.08:18
ajmitchit'd be much nicer to check at runtime08:18
ajmitchhello vorlon 08:18
StevenKSo that's going to work on Sparc, m68k ...08:18
=== StevenK waves to vorlon
minghuaAnd it actually works better for Ubuntu IMO, because the most knowledgeable people usually don't have much time doing reviews.  So multiple reviewers catch more problems.08:19
StevenKvorlon: Are you jumping ship and working here instead? :-)08:19
whiteStevenK: go away ;)08:19
ajmitchStevenK: do you think the MC would approve him?08:19
vorlonStevenK: just spying for the enemy08:19
whiteajmitch StevenK: he is not shareable08:19
ajmitchvorlon: redhat?08:20
vorlonajmitch: there are so many rejoinders that I can't bring myself to pick08:20
=== minghua is glad ajmitch didn't think of microsoft.
vorlonStevenK: so is this the same ogre in unstable?08:21
vorlon(where it's built on 7 archs -- 5 of those should fail to compile any SSE code thrown at them)08:22
StevenKvorlon: Yu08:22
StevenKYup, even08:22
vorlonso something must work around it elsewhere?08:23
StevenKIt failed on ia64 and sparc here.08:23
StevenKActually, no it isn't.08:24
vorlonthen I guess it's not the same as in unstable, because ia64 and sparc both built :)08:24
StevenK1.4.3-1 is in unstable, 1.4.2-2 is in Gutsy08:24
vorlon   * Added proper check for determining whether to use SSE.08:24
StevenKAh ha.08:24
=== StevenK requests a sync and stops caring.
persiaStevenK: Always remember to check debian first :)  Lots of these are already fixed.08:25
vorlonthere ya go, now you have free time to help me unbreak qt4's atomic operations code on alpha08:25
StevenKBut Ubuntu doesn't support Alpha ....08:25
=== vorlon makes a note in his spy journal
=== minghua knows another package that builds on Ubuntu/ia64 but not on Debian/ia64.
=== StevenK sighs at packages.debian.org
vorlonminghua: that's not a fair trade, though, I can just guilt lamont for those anyway08:27
FujitsuWhy does it manage to lag behind so much?08:27
StevenKI have a few suggestions, the first few being unprintable.08:28
minghuavorlon: I know.  And ia64 is essentially abandoned in Ubuntu anyway.08:28
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=== ajmitch knows of another package that doesn't build on ubuntu or debian, and has a patch to file
lucasvorlon is everywhere, pff :)08:35
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ajmitchit's like debian people are taking over08:36
ajmitchhello Hobbsee 08:36
vorlonlucas: I don't know what you're talking about; I have always been here08:37
Hobbseehi ajmitch 08:38
FujitsuMorning Hobbsee.08:38
Hobbseehi Fujitsu 08:38
lucasvorlon: yeah, but I never noticed. that's what makes you a good spy ;)08:38
=== lucas is disappointed by the amount of feedback on his "usertagging debian bugs" proposal on ubuntu-devel@ ...
Hobbseelucas: maybe people are thinking?  who knows08:42
persialucas: At least for my part, I'm sufficiently of two minds not to have a real response.  It might help for general publicity, but it doesn't really help me get my patches applied: either the DD is Ubuntu-freindly, in which case it usually gets applied in the next update, or they aren't, and I need to convince them that the fix would benefit Debian (or get it applied upstream first).08:44
minghualucas: I proposed the same thing for MOTU science group about a year ago, didn't work out.08:44
lucaspersia: by advertising the list of patches, it could help a bit, I think08:46
lucasor help others second the patch08:46
lucasbut I agree that it's not going to make a huge difference08:46
persialucas: Perhaps.  I'm not familiar enough with Debian peer practices to understand how that works: hence not sending a response.08:46
lucasminghua: why didn't it work out?08:46
lucasa year ago, usertags were harder to use (you couldn't add them when submitting a bug, you add to do it later)08:47
minghualucas: No response what-so-ever.  I didn't have time to do it myself.08:48
minghualucas: Yes, I agree the timing is probably better now.08:48
lucasyou wanted to usertag old bugs? or just new ones?08:49
minghualucas: The ones that have a corresponding bug in LP.  Either we reported it back to Debian, or we found it's already reported in Debian.08:50
minghualucas: Basically I wanted a way to show Debian that MOTU science team is helping Debian.08:51
lucasyeah, that's my goal as well08:51
persiaPersonally, I think it works better for collaboratively maintained packages, as the culture is closer.  Debian-Python and Debian-Games are good examples of groups that welcome and encourage MOTU involvement (which means, most of those packages are just syncs (excepting dh_iconcache)).08:53
StevenKThat will change, now that dh_icons is taking over.08:54
persiaStevenK: Yep.  DebianImportFreeze hadn't already passed, I'd be chasing that right now :)08:55
minghualucas: Also, I think another reason it didn't work out is I didn't propose good tags.  It probably would work better if I had a concrete plan.08:55
lucasminghua: do you have any URL for your proposal? was it on IRC or by mail?08:58
minghualucas: http://lists.tauware.de/pipermail/ubuntu-science/2006-November/001965.html09:02
minghualucas: I'll eventually write a reply to your proposal, but I need time to think (and perhaps more research on usertags).09:03
minghuaUsertags doesn't have the best documentation. :-(09:04
StevenKpersia: Anything happening with ubuntustudio-meta?09:04
persiaStevenK: I'm waiting for TheMuso to report on powerpc.  I'm likely to upload in the next hour or so if I don't hear anything...09:04
lucasminghua: I've documented what looks needed on the wiki pag09:05
StevenKpersia: Fair enough, thanks.09:05
minghualucas: Thanks, I'll definitely read the wiki page.09:05
=== StevenK ponders stealing a merge from dktrkranz
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superm1could someone archive this upload that's on revu, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=599509:14
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TheMusopersia: SOrry, this has been a full on day for me, will do now.09:16
persiaTheMuso: No worries.  StevenK wants there to be no cruft, but I'd prefer that ubuntustudio-meta generated packages that could be installed :)09:16
persiaTheMuso: Just a note: you'll need to manually install the ardour package before installing ubuntustudio-audio, or it breaks.09:17
minghuasuperm1: Done.09:17
superm1thx minghua 09:17
StevenKpersia: Not none, just less. :-)09:17
persiaStevenK: Really?  I thought your goal was none, and that this was just today's item.09:17
TheMusopersia: Do you mean the binary package of ardour in the archive?09:18
TheMusoi.e not ardour 2?09:18
StevenKpersia: Well, none is the ultimate goal, but may not happen. :-)09:18
Hobbseehi TheMuso 09:18
persiaTheMuso: No, the new source package.  I've migrated ardour-gtk to ardour, under the assumption that this will be fixed soon.09:18
TheMusoHey Hobbsee 09:18
Hobbseesuperm1: done09:18
superm1hmm doubly archived :)09:18
TheMusopersia: So I need to build a copy of ardour before I install audio?09:19
persiaTheMuso: Either a real copy or install "ardour" rather than "ardour-gtk" from the current set (which isn't as nice, etc.).09:19
=== TheMuso is confused
persiaTheMuso: nevermind.  The "ardour" binary was apparently dropped long, long ago.  You can either build the current sources, use your old ardour2 package, or install a fake package named "ardour" for testing.09:21
TheMusopersia: Give me 45 mins or so to build ardou2 ppc, and I'll have an answer for you.09:22
persiaTheMuso: Sure.  Thanks.09:22
Hobbseeyay, no more packages held back09:22
StevenKHobbsee: That's the end of curl?09:23
Hobbseewell, ooo works on kde09:24
StevenKpersia: Why does ubuntustudio-meta need ardour?09:25
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persiaStevenK: Because it's a metapackage, and apt is set to require Recommends from meta-packages on install (although they can later be removed).09:26
Fujitsuapt installs recommends on everything, doesn't it?09:26
persiaFujitsu: Nope, only for meta-packages (unless the user configured it differently).  Perhaps you're thinking of synaptic, adept, or aptitude?09:27
FujitsuHow does it identify metapackages? Section?09:27
Hobbseepersia: only metapackages in main09:27
HobbseeFujitsu: yes09:27
persiaHobbsee: Are you sure?  I thought I saw a changelog indicating you fixed that.09:27
Hobbseepersia: yeah, but it didnt work.09:28
Hobbseepersia: that part of the code doesnt seem to do wildcards09:28
persiaHobbsee: Ah.  Right then.  Still, it's probably best practice for metapackages to verify that Recommends can be satisfied before committing.09:28
Hobbseepersia: sorry?  i dont understand you09:29
persiaHobbsee: I've made changes to ubuntustudio-meta, and TheMuso is building ardour to verify installation on powerpc, and StevenK wondered why it needed ardour, and I think it's good to verify the recommends are satisfied before I commit the changes to the repository.09:30
Hobbseepersia: ah right.  is it in universe, or main?09:30
persiaHobbsee: universe09:30
Hobbseethe ubuntustudio-meta?09:30
Hobbseepersia: right, then it will not install recommends by default09:30
TheMusoHobbsee: universe09:30
Hobbseepersia: it's to do with component overrides, if you were wondering.09:31
persiaHobbsee: I see.  Looking again, that would explain why joejaxx made everything a dependency.  I should really learn more about germinate before making another metapackage change.09:32
Hobbseepersia: as in, a metapackage in universe will be overridden, to have Section: universe/metapackages, which does nto fit metapackages09:32
Hobbseepersia: learning about everything would help, yes.  if that's actually possible :)09:32
persiaHobbsee: Right.  Which means it doesn't quite have the desired affect.09:33
Hobbseepersia: exactly09:33
persiaRegarding learning about everything: I firmly believe that Aristotle was the last person for whom that was possible.09:33
Hobbseepersia: and you cant just feed it a wildcard, so that the code will match *metapackages09:33
TheMusoI'm sure you people saw the ubuntustudio cd building thread, I actually agree with Colin, and I am sure some of you would as well./09:34
=== persia looks again
TheMusore canonical building ubuntustudio cds, and packages having to be in main.09:34
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TheMusoHobbsee: ??09:35
Hobbseeit all depends.  otherwise, tehy tend to keep separate archives, and we can never merge changes across all flavours09:35
lifelesshiya all09:35
Hobbseewell, not as easily09:35
Hobbseehiya lifeless 09:35
minghuaColin is on the side that build shouldn't know about universe?  I am on that side.09:36
TheMusominghua: Same.09:36
minghuas/build/build script/09:36
persiaTheMuso: With the current archives, I'd have to agree as well.  Getting everything into main isn't going to happen (jack didn't make it during UDS), so external building probably continues to make sense.09:36
Hobbseeall that makes sense, yet they are duplicating a lot of effort there.  i dont know.09:37
minghuaBut I do think it would be nice for Canonical to have a separate instance of script running which know universe, to help building semi-official CDs.09:37
minghuaHaving everything needed in main is not practical IMO.09:37
=== persia thinks that derivatives have a hard time of it: either it's entirely separate, in which case it's a heap of work to keep in sync, or it's supported, which means getting Canonical buy-in or otherwise staffing support.
Hobbseepersia: xubuntu is "supported" as in, on canonical hradware, abut has no canonical employees on that team09:38
Hobbseeerk.  i can spell, i really can!09:39
persiaHobbsee: True.  That falls under "otherwise staffing support".  It helps that most of the necessary components are well supported upstream, and that there's a lot of overlap with Ubuntu.09:39
FujitsuXubuntu is all in main, and never had completely unsupportable stuff such that it couldn't be moved to main.09:39
persiaThere's probably a subset of audio things that could be in main, but it's not enough to do much (most musicians aren't programmers).  The same is currently true for video editing.  ubuntustudio-graphics might make it, but it's just a collection of tools.09:40
whiteFujitsu: say something cool and fancy about a new release09:41
=== nickgsm [i=gururaj@nat/yahoo/x-5b6193c0c23d4e87] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whiteanyone here, give me some fancy sentences ...09:42
minghuaI was also thinking of building localized remix/derivative CDs on canonical servers.09:42
Hobbseewhite: "this is a fancy sentence"09:42
minghuaAnd it would be hard to push all needed stuff to main there as well.09:43
persiaminghua: For now, unless nearly everything you want is in main, you'll do better with an external build.09:43
minghuapersia: I know.  That's one of the reason I never tried to start a Chinese remix.09:43
TheMusoIf canonical would disclose a little more on how they build CDs...09:45
whiteHobbsee: bah09:45
whiteHobbsee: i am not much of a press person, so i never know what to answer these guys09:45
FujitsuTheMuso: Aren't the instructions public?09:46
TheMusoFujitsu: To modify yes.09:46
Fujitsu(I admit I've never had cause to look, but I presumed they were)09:46
TheMusojoejaxx had to figure out how to do CD builds for UbuntuStudio mostly by trial and error.09:46
FujitsuWhat fun!09:47
TheMusoAd even then, there were little things that still weren't quite right, which we had to use dirty hacks to get around.09:47
minghuaTheMuso: So has the decision about building from universe been made?  I didn't follow that thread.09:48
TheMusoActually, repos of the cd build scripts are available, but you have to know how to put it all together.09:48
TheMusominghua: afaik no.09:48
TheMusoThe last thing was Colin saying "I'll do it if I have to"09:49
=== persia thinks it depends on the shape and polish of UbuntuStudio as the release nears
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Hobbseewhite: we definetly dont seem to have a process for revoking MOTU rights.10:48
Hobbseewhite: i didnt get much traction with creating one at UDS, either.10:49
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persiaHobbsee: Are social pressures not enough?  I would think that repeatedly having ones uploads reverted would lead to improved behaviour.10:50
Hobbseepersia: ahhh...so we can revert dodgy uploads too, with a nice changelog message....10:50
whitepersia: revert in terms of uploading a higher version with revoking the change?10:50
StevenKIt's hard to revert an upload that's hit the archive.10:50
persiawhite: Yes.10:50
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Hobbseepersia: the trouble is *finding* the dodgy uploads, too10:50
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Hobbseeas in, as quickly as possible, before things break too much10:50
persiaHobbsee: Ah.  True.  Perhaps we do need a removal policy then.10:51
whitedoes a MOTU have access to vital libraries?10:51
Hobbseewhite: define "vital libraries" please?10:51
persiawhite: Define vital.  Anything not required for main is MOTU managed, and some of those libraries might be considered vital for some applications (e.g. libjack)10:51
whiteHobbsee: a library were more than 2 other applications depend on, for instance10:51
persiaCertainly that.  There are lots of cases with more than 10 rdepends.10:52
StevenKThere is plently of those in univer.10:52
=== StevenK sighs, and gives up on typing.
whiteso there is no restriction for universe uploads done by MOTUs?10:52
Hobbseewhite: MOTU can upload to anything in universe and multiverse.10:52
Hobbseewhite: correct10:52
whiteah ok10:53
Hobbseewhite: apart from social ones, which people will tend to growl at you, if you upload a section that you shouldnt10:53
persiawhite: Exactly.  It's somewhat like a continuous 0-day BSP, without NMU considerations.10:53
Hobbsee(like, i will tend to whinge at you if you upload something to do with kde, without going thru the debian QT KDE team)10:53
persiaHobbsee: You don't always though, as long as it doesn't directly impact kubuntu10:54
Hobbseepersia: true, i dont have the time to do all of them10:54
Hobbseepersia: i do want to look at shoving more of our changes back into debian though, for all MOTU, not just the debian qt kde team.10:56
persiaHobbsee: I think that's a great idea.  beuno has been reviving DCT, and I'm seeing a lot more syncs recently.  Perhaps we can make it all the way: there's not very many changes in universe that are ubuntu-specific.10:57
Hobbseepersia: that'd be teh long term goal, yes.10:57
Hobbseepersia: bring it up at the meeting tonight, please10:57
StevenKWhat time is the meeting?10:57
persiaStevenK: Tomorrow morning (I think 9:00 in Sydney)10:58
persiaHobbsee: You won't be there?  It's your agenda item :)10:58
StevenKHrm. I'm usually sleeping at 9am on a Saturday.10:58
Hobbseei'll likely be asleep10:59
Hobbseewho put it at that time?10:59
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persiaThe time was discussed at the last meeting: I believe the idea was to encourage attendance from people in other timezones.11:01
=== persia feigns innocence harder
FujitsuIsn't it 0000Z?11:02
ajmitchStevenK: how about 10am?11:02
StevenKStill sleeping. :-)11:03
persiaFujitsu: Yes.  Did I do my math wrong?11:03
FujitsuThat's 1000 AEST.11:03
StevenKajmitch: I get up at 0730 every week day, so I like to sleep in on weekends.11:03
FujitsuWe're +10, except when we're +11.11:03
FujitsuI get up at 0700 every day. I just can't sleep in.11:03
HobbseeFujitsu: yes, but you're insaen11:04
StevenKFujitsu: It's a remarkably easy skill to pick up.11:04
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FujitsuHobbsee: True, true.11:05
FujitsuStevenK: Doubtful.11:05
persiaStevenK: It depends.  If you've never slept in, you can develop the skill, but once you've forgotten how, it becomes difficult to return.11:06
=== Hobbsee has nothing concrete to add, anyway
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persiaHobbsee: Right.  I'm not sure it would get more than nods anyway - I think most people who would attend the meetings agree.  beuno's work to organise sending patches and opening ITPs is probably a better focus for interested parties anyway.11:08
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=== persia adds DCT to the list of things to tell Contributors to do once more freezes set in...
=== Fujitsu must do some DCTing again soon.
StevenKCan anyone expand that?11:10
Hobbseei'm assuming it's distro common tools, but no one's told me11:10
persiaStevenK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCT11:10
FujitsuDebian Collaboration Team.11:10
FujitsuDistro common tools!?11:10
persiaHobbsee: From where do you get that expansion?11:11
Hobbseepersia: oh, im' thinking of a rename of MDT.11:11
Hobbseepersia: guessing, because no one had actually expanded it when i asked before, so i guessed on context11:11
ajmitchyay, freezes11:11
StevenKpersia: You tell lies, there's no ubuntustudio-meta upload. :-)11:11
=== ajmitch wonders who'll get onto the motu-uvf team
Hobbseeajmitch: you11:12
FujitsuNot me.11:12
ajmitchHobbsee: no, I won't11:12
Fujitsuajmitch: Definitely.11:12
ajmitchno, because I haven't nominated myself11:13
persiaStevenK: "(17:22:13) TheMuso: persia: Give me 45 mins or so to build ardou2 ppc, and I'll have an answer for you.".  It's an extended definition of the minute :)11:13
=== man-di just applied to become member of DCT
cromoso, what about his bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/12513111:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125131 in flashplugin-nonfree "Need to be updated for new stable version (9,0,48,0)" [Undecided,New]  11:16
cromoit affects a lot of people...11:16
whiteFujitsu: DCT -> tell me more11:16
=== Fujitsu -> dinner.
persiacromo: If you're preparing a package, you'll want to request sponsorship by subscribing the sponsors team.  If you want to discuss the bug, you'll want to do so in #ubuntu-bugs.11:18
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gnomefreakpersia: i tested upstream flash new version seems to work fine. i was worried about the regresstions they had but looks good to me11:19
Hobbseecromo: asac and someone else were looking into that for gutsy last night11:20
Hobbseecalc: your connection isnt behaving today, is it?11:20
persiagnomefreak: Great.  Are you prepping something for review?11:21
gnomefreakshould be as simple as changing the md5sums since its still the same named tarball upstream11:21
gnomefreakpersia: i dont know flash/bash that well or i would11:21
=== persia thought there was a problem with md5sums due to upstream geodistribution of varying files
cromoHobbsee: thanks for notice11:21
gnomefreaki have source just need to figure it out11:21
cromopersia: I am actually not using ubuntu, though my friends do and so I _do_ care about this bug as they do ;-)11:22
Hobbseegnomefreak: it's not - the md5sum changes, depending on which mirror it is, iirc11:22
Hobbseegnomefreak: at least, that's what we were finding last night11:22
gnomefreakpersia: 9.0.31 and 9.0.48 tarballs are same name like they removed 9.0.31 from the tar and added 9.0.48 instead11:22
cromonot a good explainaiton, excuse me that ;-)11:22
persiacromo: Understood.  It's just that this channel is good for work-in-process, whereas setting the relative priority of bugs and discussing them is better done in #ubuntu-bugs11:22
cromoI see, didn't know that11:23
gnomefreakso the scripts are looking for md5sum of 9.0.31 but 9.0.48 is there instead11:23
cromognomefreak is right though, they updated the package an left it at the same URL11:23
cromo*and left11:23
persiagnomefreak: I remember seeing reports of 3 or 4 different md5ums from the upstream servers, depending on the location from which it was downloaded.11:23
gnomefreakour script should only have to change md5sums since everything else is same11:23
gnomefreakthats adobes screw up i thin its thier problem from beginning11:24
gnomefreakbut they wont fix it im sure11:24
persiagnomefreak: Perhaps not, but if we could get a list of the 3 or 4 acceptable md5sums, and verify that they were all the right package, perhaps we could work around their breakage (with slightly less security).  Check the #ubuntu-devel log from about 20 hours ago for some background.11:25
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asacpersia: can someone give me the new md5sum of flashplugin?11:27
asaci still get the old one here11:27
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cromoI was actually thinking about including the plugins inside the deb file instead of scripting the downloading process? Please note, that as for very recent version Adobe also provides rpm packages for RH.11:27
persiaasac: URL?11:27
cromoso they'd probabaly agree on that11:27
asacpersia: i don't have it11:27
asacwould have to use google :)11:27
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persiacromo: That's the download site?11:28
cromoit's adobe's bloag about linux flash plugin development11:28
cromothey just introduced a rpm package with flash11:28
persiaThere's a link to the tar.gz.  checking...11:29
cromoso what I suggest is to contact them and cooperate on creating a deb package for flash11:29
persiaasac: I get 821cc72359a937caef85bb4cc74ef5cd11:29
gnomefreakwhy not grab tarball and host it on one of our servers (will stop this issue now and in future)11:30
persiagnomefreak: No license for redistribution?11:30
gnomefreaki thought that was for changing it11:30
cromoI am pretty sure adobe will introduce their deb package soon - it's been requested in comments 11:31
gnomefreakiw ill have to read thier license11:31
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persiagnomefreak: It might be: I didn't check, but rather am remembering old discussions.11:31
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persiaTheMuso: Are you still building or testing?  My enter key is looking really tempting :)11:38
pygimorning folks11:38
pygipersia, thanks, it built11:38
persiapygi: Great.  Don't forget to update the bug.11:39
pygipersia, yup, going after it now11:39
TheMusopersia: SOrry, dinner called me away.11:41
persiaTheMuso: That's OK.  How's it looking?11:41
StevenKUh, dinner is supposed to be dead, which means it *can't* call out...11:41
TheMusowell the build was going when I left, so just getting things installed now.11:41
=== StevenK smirks
TheMusoin a gutsy ppc chroot.11:41
TheMusoStevenK: hardy hardy har.11:41
persiaStevenK: Many people eat live food.  It's considered a delicacy :P11:42
StevenKTheMuso: Oh, you secretly like my bad puns. :-P11:42
StevenKpersia: I'd rather not think about that ...11:42
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TheMusopersia: Looking good so far, but I need to work out how to install recommended packages11:51
HobbseeTheMuso: you cant, unless you fix apt11:51
TheMusoHobbsee: Right.11:51
persiaTheMuso: There shouldn't be any - all of *recommends* are 0-byte files.11:52
TheMusoWell packages are listed as recommends.11:53
HobbseeTheMuso: ah right, then that's a bug in your package11:53
=== persia looks again, even more confused about germinate
TheMusoi haven't touched meta11:53
Hobbseepersia: it's not germinate that you're looking in, i think11:54
Hobbseeer, that you awnt to11:54
HobbseeTheMuso: oh, the packages *are* listed as recommends11:54
persiaHobbsee: ubuntustudio-meta uses germinate to populate Depends: and Recommends: for the binaries.11:55
TheMusoyes there are some packages listed under recommends yes11:55
Hobbseepersia: oh good.11:55
TheMusoouch 370mb11:55
TheMuso380 even11:55
TheMusoPumpernickel: Well its not complaining about missing deps at least.11:56
persiaTheMuso: I can't find any recommendations with dpkg -e and looking at the control files.  Are you perhaps thinking of packages recommended by the dependencies of the metapackages?11:56
TheMusough persia ^^11:56
TheMusopersia: Ah of course.11:57
StevenKpersia: There's a new germinate going to be published in ~ 5 minutes11:57
StevenKTheMuso: That's what a local mirror is for. :-)11:57
persiaTheMuso: That's my key concern.  At this point, I don't mean to change the installed list really, just to update for all the cruft.11:57
TheMusopersia: Right, looks like there shouldn't be a problem, minus binary ardour packages.11:58
persiaStevenK: Hmmm..  I think I'd rather build-test against the new one than try to beat it: otherwise the package might not behave properly for the next person to touch it.11:58
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persiaTheMuso: Great.  Now I just need to test against 0.31, and it's all good.11:58
TheMusopersia: I'll leave the download/install running, just to be safe.11:58
persiaTheMuso: Thanks.11:59
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gnomefreakpersia: i tried to upgrade flash and built debs once i get ff installed in chroot ill test it and ill beablet o tell asac (who is working on it) if it works12:22
persiagnomefreak: Great.  Thanks for helping.12:22
gnomefreakyw we will see if my fix fixed it (it built) :)12:22
gnomefreakthats not it12:29
=== persia wonders how long it usually takes between an upload and the source being available in the repositories.
gnomefreakcouple of hours if the archive team pushes it to buildd than hits repo12:30
persiagnomefreak: I'm not waiting for build, just for it to go from queue:done to sources.gz12:31
gnomefreakah shouldnt be that long than i wouldnt think12:31
Fujitsupersia: The publisher runs hourly, at 3 minutes past the hour. It takes about 40 minutes to run.12:33
persiaFujitsu: Ah.  Do the packages live somewhere else public prior to the publisher run?12:33
Fujitsupersia: They do not.12:33
gnomefreak    File name: libflashplayer.so12:34
gnomefreak    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r4812:34
=== persia prepares to wait another 10 minutes
gnomefreakit plays12:34
FujitsuI believe they're attempting to speed it up so we can have half-hour days soon.12:34
gnomefreakits installed12:34
Fujitsugnomefreak: Yay :)12:34
gnomefreakFujitsu: not yay :(12:34
gnomefreakDownload done.12:35
gnomefreakplugin changed, not trusted12:35
gnomefreakThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.12:35
gnomefreakthat needs to be fixed than12:35
FujitsuAh, lovely.12:35
gnomefreakbut it did install and it works12:35
persiaFujitsu: half-hour days?  I thought a "day" was two runs.12:35
Fujitsucron.daily runs hourly at the moment.12:35
Fujitsucron.daily is the publisher.12:35
persiaAh.  Amusing that :)12:35
FujitsuI was somewhat confused when I first saw that.12:36
asacgnomefreak: just update the md5sum which is in flashplugin-nonfree debian/postinst12:36
=== gnomefreak wonders if that is because i needed to change somehting else
gnomefreakasac: i did12:36
asacgnomefreak: if you want to test the packaging as well12:36
persiaI suspect there's probably also a cron.24hours or something, as I wouldn't imagine all the daily scripts should run that often.12:36
gnomefreakboth of them12:36
asacgnomefreak: ah cool12:36
gnomefreakasac: it built and installed but dpkg said it didnt install12:37
gnomefreakoh and works12:37
asacgnomefreak: if it works, report a bug with with debdiff and subscribe universe-sponsors i guess12:37
asacdpkgsaid it didn't install?12:37
asacsounds wrong12:38
gnomefreaksee MT channel for the 3 lines12:38
asacwhat do you mean by that?12:38
TheMusopersia: At installing phase, still looks good. Don't expect there to be problems.12:39
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FujitsuQ-FUNK: Filing sync bugs without subscribing anybody is fairly useless.12:39
joejaxxsomeone pinged me in here?12:40
persiaTheMuso: Great.  The new germinate just published, so I'm preparing another test build now.  If the debs end up the same, I'll upload.12:40
persiajoejaxx: I'm updating ubuntustudio-meta, and your name came up when we were talking about all the trouble you had building the CDs for ubuntustudio.12:40
joejaxxyou are updating it?12:41
persiajoejaxx: Yep.  Dropping gimp-svg, migrating ardour, cleaning up the vcs and dssi plugins, etc.  No real changes, just cruft cleanup to help drop some of the old NBS packages.12:43
persiajoejaxx: Changelog entry is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29771/12:47
persiaExcellent.  There's no changes from the new germinate.12:52
Q-FUNKFujitsu: the maintainer is already subscribed.12:53
Q-FUNKi.e. bryce is the main guy that needs to know.12:53
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bryce_Q-FUNK, Fujitsu, which needs sync'd?01:30
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Fujitsu-amd, I believe.01:34
FujitsuBug #12511601:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125116 in xserver-xorg-video-amd "please sync from Debian unstable to Gutsy (universe)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12511601:34
Q-FUNKbryce_: yes, amd01:38
sorenAnyone with shell access to revu? I need something removed from incoming..01:40
persiasoren: Sure.  Which package?01:40
sorenpersia: storm_*01:40
sorenpersia: There should be a file and a half there :)01:40
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persiasoren: two and a half actually.  manually rejected.01:41
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sorenpersia: Super. Thanks.01:41
mruizhi all01:41
=== soren -> lunch
mruizIs it possible to add a debdiff to REVU? 01:44
Fujitsumruiz: What do you mean?01:45
FujitsuREVU is for new packages...01:45
mruizand upgrades 01:46
man-dimruiz: file a bug in launchpad and include your debdiff01:46
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mruizthanks man-di 01:46
DarkSun88Hi all01:47
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mruizhi DarkSun88 01:53
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Hobbseehi dholbach 02:04
dholbachhey Hobbsee02:07
ScottKGood morning all.  Interesting backscroll today.02:07
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ScottKFWIW (from the overnight - for me) discussion, Debian Python Modules Team seems to work very well with Ubuntu.02:25
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persiaScottK: I'd say that most of the teams do, even.02:28
ScottKThat's the only one I have any experience with.02:28
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xxxxx1hello all02:31
persiaStevenK: Any objections to me chasing libsilc?02:33
persiaStevenK: nevermind.  I can't read.02:33
StevenKAlthough the ABI/API and include files have all changed.02:36
persiaStevenK: No worries.  I just had some time and felt like processing something painless.  I'll go back to looking at RC bugs :)02:40
StevenKSILC isn't looking painless anymore. :-)02:40
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persiaPerhaps that needs a definition then..  "painless" as in: I don't need to think about whether it's a good idea, or what the feature should be, but rather just keep compiling it until the patch finally works, and the binaries run.02:42
persia(with bonus painlessless when it's in a language I've previously used)02:42
StevenKAhh, painless, as in grunt work02:42
persiaSyncs are painless, and useful, but don't come with the same sense of satisfaction that comes from a good patch.02:43
=== StevenK checkouts ggz-grubby SVN so he can cobble a patch together.
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StevenKWoot, ggz-grubby uses CDBS.02:54
azeemoh, is this the CDBS-haters party here now as well?02:55
azeemor are you really delighted? :)02:55
Hobbseeazeem: no, we like cdbs here :)02:55
StevenKazeem: It means adding a patch system to debian/rules is one whole line.02:56
elmargoldpkg-source: error: source package has two conflicting values02:56
elmargolit can't find the error02:56
persiaelmargol: Could you paste your command and the output to a pastebin?  The guidance you receive will require knowledge of the affected package and the arguments you used.02:56
StevenKNo, the error is in debian/control.02:57
StevenKelmargol: Can you pastebin your debian/control?02:57
StevenKIt isn't jumping out at me, sorry03:00
=== Fujitsu can't see it either.
elmargoldpkg-source: error: source package has two conflicting values - miro and democracyplayer03:00
elmargolthats the error message03:00
=== persia still wants to see the command and the error message in context
StevenKOh, I know that is.03:01
StevenKelmargol: Okay, your debian/control says 'miro' is the Source, but the latest entry in debian/changelog says 'democracyplayer03:02
StevenK' is.03:02
elmargolpersia: i just to dpkg-buildpackage03:02
elmargolStevenK: ahh cool03:02
=== StevenK sighs at cdbs. Yay for it wanting patches to have extensions.
elmargolit works now thx03:05
elmargolHow can I restore a deleted file using svn?03:09
Fujitsuelmargol: svn revert filename03:10
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mruizScottK: I read your last comment about u-u-s. I subscribed them because dholbach said me. But, anyway I won't do it again.03:15
ScottKOK.  Not a big deal.  It just means people end up looking at stuff twice.03:16
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ScottKpersia is the MOTU process guru...  persia, is there any reason in our process to subscribe UUS to a bug about a new upstream that's already uploaded to REVU?03:17
mruizScottK, thanks ;-)03:17
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persiaScottK: Mostly because it only requires one advocate, and it's not new, so U-U-S is presumably interested.  The old process used to be to attach the .dsc, diff.gz, and URL to orig.tar.gz to the bug, but I think REVU is easier.03:18
elmargolsvn diff shows the revision numbers compared. is it possible to have the dates of the files?03:18
elmargolI see most patches have the dates03:19
StevenKsvn log will tell you the date of the revision numbers03:19
elmargolhaving --- platform/gtk-x11/platformcfg.py.orig2007-02-03 21:43:13.000000000 +0100 in stead of --- platform/gtk-x11/platformcfg.py     (Revision 4869)03:19
StevenKUgh. silky's upstream haven't updated it for the new SILC API.03:22
mruizbye all!03:31
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CrummyGummyHi all, Can I build a feisty package on a edgy box? It says there's no script. Can I download it somewhere?04:14
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persiaCrummyGummy: The easiest way is to prepare an edgy chroot, and run aptitude dist-upgrade to get feisty.  If you want to be extra clean, build a new feisty chroot in the upgraded chroot.  Alternately, you could try downloading the feisty debootstrap, but I'm not sure that works properly (it did for me, but that's no guarantee).04:16
CrummyGummypersia, Thanks, I'll start at option 3.04:18
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ryanakcaIt's possible to request a sync while a package is still in Debian NEW?04:21
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persiaryanakca: Yes, but it's not likely to be processed until after Debian NEW is done, and it makes life easier for the archive-admins to wait until after that before filing the bug.04:22
=== ryanakca will wait :)
ryanakcapersia: can you archive aoeui in REVU please?04:23
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persiaryanakca: For future reference, about the only time that's a good idea is when it's two days until the new packages freeze, and the new package is required to meet a feature goal for the current release.04:23
persiaryanakca: Sure.04:24
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persiaryanakca: 5992 archived.04:24
calcso anyone here have moderator access on motu-council that could let my email through i forgot to post it with my subscribed email04:24
=== ryanakca sets out to find a new package
=== ryanakca thinks mailing lists should let email threw based on GPG signature, instead of email address alone
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xxxxx1some MOTU on?04:31
xxxxx1i need a sponsor for: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=600404:32
xxxxx1I just removed the PDF based on pitti's request and you need a reupload04:32
xxxxx1I just removed the PDF based on pitti's request and I need a reupload04:32
bryce_Q-FUNK, Fujitsu, still waiting on the -amd sync, bug 12575904:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125759 in xserver-xorg-video-amd "Please sync xserver-xorg-video-amd (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12575904:34
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Q-FUNKbryce_: waiting for...?04:34
bryce_...it to be sync'd04:34
Q-FUNKthanks for that04:35
=== calc has applied for core-dev now
=== calc hopes StevenK doesn't hold his ooo comments against him ;)
Hobbseecalc: argh!!!!04:35
Hobbseecalc: try having an openoffice that builds every time...04:35
calcHobbsee: it seems to at least partially be the buildds fault04:36
Hobbseecalc: sure sure04:36
calcit keeps failing on ppc for example due to timeout04:36
StevenKcalc: I am, and will.04:36
calcStevenK: heh04:36
calcthey are moving it to build on a different ppc04:36
Q-FUNKbryce_: unauthenticated connection?04:36
calcHobbsee: the first build 5ubuntu1 was by doko04:37
calcHobbsee: 5ubuntu2 was good but debhelper was fubar04:37
calcHobbsee: 5ubuntu3 is fine now04:37
bryce_Q-FUNK: huh?04:37
Hobbseecalc: sure sure.  you just keep breaking it04:37
calcof course the build failure, retry work thing is very annoying and i have no idea what causes it04:37
Q-FUNKbryce_: do you see my incoming query?04:37
calci've only uploaded two versions of ooo to main so far and only one was broken and it was debhelpers fault :P04:38
dokoHobbsee: don't complain, fix it ;-P04:38
Hobbseedoko: i dont have the bandwidth, nor the machine for that.  and i'm still somewhat sane04:38
=== doko doesn't believe the latter ... *duck and run*
calci wish i could replicate the build failures, it always builds fine for me04:38
calcseems the retry work failures tend to be the 65280 failures04:39
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=== ScottK wonders if calc waiting until he made OOO build might not have been a better plan...
xxxxx1ScottK, PM04:40
ScottKNot now.  Busy with other stuff.  Thanks for checking first.04:40
calcScottK: it does build04:40
calcScottK: it appears to be buildd issues or very tricky timing issues of some sort04:40
calcScottK: since it builds on the same buildd fine after a retry04:40
ScottKvery tricky and OOO do seem to go together.04:41
xxxxx1i need a sponsor for: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6004 can some MOTU upload for me?04:41
calcand the issue existed apparently long before i took over ooo04:41
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ScottKcalc: Don't confuse me with facts.04:43
calchmm some people having similar issue claim increasing the ram in the system helped04:43
=== calc logs into buildd to see how much it has
DarkMageZhow would one go about generating a ddeb?04:43
calcif ronne runs out of memory something is wrong04:44
calcit has 4GB ram and 6GB swap04:44
geser10 GB is not enough to build OOo?04:45
geserDarkMageZ: look at pkg-create-dbgsym04:46
DarkMageZgeser, thanks.04:47
calcgeser: no it doesn't use that much04:47
calcgeser: somewhere < 1GB is plenty04:48
calcgeser: i build it on my laptop just fine04:48
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ScottKxxxxx1: PM?05:11
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AndyPbuild depending on imagemagick in an architecture: all package gives "build-depends-without-arch-dep" - do i need to fix that? if so, what's the best way?05:25
man-diAndyP: put imagemage inot Build-Depends-Indep instead of Build-Depends05:26
AndyPman-di: thanks05:26
JazzvaHello... I'm having a problem with testing the package under pbuilder. First I compiled it in feisty and everything was ok. Now I'm trying to compile it in gutsy and the pbuilder says it can't locate package qca-dev. I checked at packages.ubuntu.com and qca-dev is there... Does anyone know how to fix this?05:27
azeemmaybe your chroot doesn't include universe in sources.list?05:28
azeemeh, base-tarball05:28
Jazzvaazeem: How can I check that?05:28
azeemmaybe with pbuilder login05:29
azeemI'm not using pbuilder, sorry05:29
Jazzvaazeem: Ok, I'll give it a try.05:29
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doctormohello everyone05:36
doctormoI have a project I need to package up as a deb, with dependancies; it's originaly a dist-utils python install but that no longer works since I can't install the full rpm database under ubuntu.05:37
ryanakcahow do you enable universe in pbuilder?05:37
doctormoSo I need advice and help on getting a new install script made specificly for deb05:37
doctormoit has no configure file, or makefile05:37
Jazzvaryanakca: I would like to know that to...05:41
ryanakcaJazzva: nevermind, found it :)      pbuilder-gutsy update --override-config --othermirror "deb http://archives.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe"05:41
ScottKdoctormo: Does it have a setup.py?05:41
doctormoScottK: yes05:42
ScottKThen it's easy.05:42
Jazzvaryanakca: Great :D... That's exactly what I needed. :)05:42
doctormoScottK: I may be able to predict what you about to say...05:42
=== ScottK waits to see.
ScottKdoctormo: What version of Ubuntu are you running?05:43
doctormoScottK: 7.0405:43
Jazzvaryanakca: Just add sudo :).05:43
=== ScottK still waits to see what your guess was.
ryanakcaScottK: don't need to...05:43
ryanakcaScottK: oops, wrong person05:43
ryanakcaJazzva: ^^05:43
=== doctormo considers that he created the setup.py and knows about creating rpms and using alien
=== ScottK shudders
=== ScottK doesn't know doctormo and so doesn't dislike him sufficiently to recommend alien.
doctormoI'm all ears05:45
man-didoctormo: there are a lot of upstreams using setup.py and a lot of the debian packages packaging them05:45
ScottKNo, what I would suggest is start with a simple python package that's already done05:45
Jazzvaryanakca: Hmm, really :unsure:? I just tried without sudo and it said " cannot create directory `/var/cache/pbuilder/build//934': Permission denied".05:45
man-didoctormo: there are ways to just use the setup.py from debian package05:45
ScottKdoctormo: You might apt-get source pyyaml and have a look at that.05:45
ryanakcaJazzva: you have a different setup than I do. Try finding the old pbuilder howto on the wiki05:45
doctormoman-di: yes an interesting idea since a standard rpm or deb will die on having the wrong version of python than that which created them05:46
ScottKdoctormo: Actually the Debian packaging tools support packaging for multiple versions.05:46
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Jazzvaryanakca: Ok. Is it better then the new one?05:47
ryanakcaJazzva: I have a pbuilder-dapper, pbuilder-edgy, pbuilder-feisty, -gutsy and -sit05:47
ryanakcaJazzva: umm, well, it has the scripts to set up individual pbuilders for each distro/version05:47
ScottKdoctormo: I'd suggest that between the packaging-guide and looking at how I did pyyaml, you'll be able to get most of it figured out.05:47
Jazzvaryanakca: Yeah, I see that's only mentioned here. Guess I'm gonna take a look at that howto :).05:48
man-didoctormo: please read also the new python packaging policy05:48
ryanakcaJazzva: hunt around for a pbuilder-distribution.sh05:49
Jazzvaryanakca: Found it :)05:49
ScottKman-di: The package I pointed him at uses the new policy, so if he uses that as a guide, he should be OK.05:49
doctormoman-di: do you have a link to the new python packaging polocy?05:49
ScottKhttp://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy is also useful.05:51
doctormoScottK: so PKG-INFO, debian/* are all a part of the wrapper?05:51
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man-diScottK: the policy might contain additional infos for him05:52
ScottKYou'll also want https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml05:52
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=== ScottK had thought the Ubuntu Packaging Guide covered Pyhon policy, but it appears I was wrong.
doctormoI'm so glad you guys know what your doing with dist-utils, I've been pulling my hair out05:55
doctormook so another question: the program on install creates copies of dmi info, it's a little script which is currently done by setup.py this won't be effected right?05:56
ScottKYou will need to make sure it gets installed in the right place.  Usually it does, but you'll need to check.05:57
doctormoany rules for /var/local files and /etc files?05:58
ScottKCDBS will install files where setup.py says they go.  05:59
ScottKThe simplest thing to do if setup.py points the file to the wrong place is patch setup.py.06:00
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ScottKdoctormo: You'll want http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html to know where files are supposed to be installed.06:01
doctormoScottK: yep they go there, just confirmed it with that link above. thanks06:02
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doctormoAny info on how to fill out the classifier info? it seems like it's not arbitaryu06:09
ryanakca"pbuilder-gutsy update --override-config --othermirror "deb http://archives.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe" should enable universe in a pbuilder, right?06:11
Hobbseeryanakca: should do..06:12
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zachtibhey guys, I'm one of the lead devs of Deluge, and we're working on our new release, 0.5.3, now.  UVF for gutsy is 8/16.  What's roughly the latest we can get out a new release and still be fairly assured that it will make it into gutsy?06:28
bluekujazachtib, deluge-torrent uses libtorrent rasterbar, if Im right06:30
zachtibbluekuja, yes06:30
bluekujazachtib, is it included into deluge source?06:30
bluekujathat's really bad06:31
bluekujafor security issues06:31
zachtibi know, but we only do that b/c the rasterbar lt isn't in ubuntu's repo06:31
bluekujaI know06:31
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bluekujaI lead motu-torrent team06:31
bluekujaand I'm working on that06:31
zachtibtrust me, i'd love to get LT out of our source tarball and use the system one, burt first, libtorrent needs to make it into ubuntu06:31
bluekujazachtib, yeah06:32
bluekujaI've talked with rasterbar devels06:32
bluekujaand they dont want to change lib name06:32
bluekujae.g soname and so on06:32
zachtibplus, at the moment, we're using an unstable version of LT .13 that we've added our own patches and modifications to06:32
zachtibdebian was planning to package it as libtorrent-rasterbar06:32
bluekujazachtib, as I said I'm working on that06:33
bluekujafor debian too06:33
bluekujawith some other guys06:33
zachtibanyways, as far as my original question, when should we have the new release ready to be safe getting it into gutsy06:33
man-dizachtib: now06:33
=== man-di hides
zachtibman-di, lol, yeah, we're looking at an RC this upcoming week, and we're working as fast as we can06:34
zachtibbut 0.5 just missed it's chance to make it into feisty, and so I don't want the same thing to happen with this release06:35
=== Hobbsee ponders getting onto the uvf team.
zachtibthis new release doesn't add any new features, but we've made some good progress on performance, and cpu usage is much improved, so obviously I'd like this to be in the repos06:35
Hobbseezachtib: are you pushing this into debian, and syncing?06:35
Hobbseeor is this going directly into ubuntu?06:36
man-diHobbsee: what does "uvf" means?06:36
Hobbseeman-di: upstream version freeze06:36
Hobbseeman-di: ie, the exception team06:36
man-diHobbsee: ah, thx06:36
Hobbseeman-di: :)06:37
bluekujazachtib, anyway I'll let you know06:37
bluekujajoin #ubuntu-motu-torrent when you want06:37
bluekujafor more infos06:37
zachtibbluekuja, ok... if we have our release out before the end of July, are we pretty much good?06:37
zachtibcause i think that's very possible06:37
bluekujazachtib, getting rasterbar in will take months06:38
bluekujaI'll open a security bug for deluge06:39
zachtibbluekuja, but our current package doesn't need it.  the deluge pkg in universe now builds against our internal LT06:39
bluekujaI don't know who accepted it in06:39
xxxxx1ScottK, PM?06:39
bluekujawith a lib shipped06:39
bluekujazachtib, oh k then06:39
zachtibit's been in for a while06:39
bluekujaI know06:39
bluekujathe sponsor did not check06:39
bluekujaalso for debian06:40
zachtibwell, as i said, i'd love to do it the real way, but for that to happen we'd need libtorrent 0.13 released and packaged06:40
zachtibbut until then, this is the only way to get deluge included06:40
bluekujawe'll see then06:41
bluekujawe are stoned now06:41
doctormoScottK, man-di: I must have missed something, I can't find how you compile it into a deb now06:51
man-dirun the 'debuild' command06:53
man-di(from package devscripts)06:53
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doctormoah there must be a specific format for changelogs06:55
man-didoctormo: yes06:56
man-didoctormo: use the 'dch' tool to create new entries more easily06:56
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Q-FUNKis there an established method for grepping PACKAGE_VERSION and PACKAGE_TARNAME out of ./configure ?07:09
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doctormomake: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk'.  Stop.07:14
doctormoman-di: I reformed the existing changelog into the right format07:14
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doctormodebuild is asking me for clearsign gpg keys... I'm sure I have them when I signed up for ubuntu launchpad; the question is how to tie them up to debuild?07:35
gnomefreakdoctormo: you can pass -k(keyid)07:36
gnomefreakyou can also add a line to ~/.bashrc give me a minute ill see if i have it set on htis pc07:37
gnomefreakexport GPGKEY=3C1C3C2A07:37
gnomefreakreplace mine with yours ofcourse07:37
doctormoremind me where I would find my key stored on my machine?07:40
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gnomefreakdoctormo: ~/gnupg but if you added it to your LP page it will be there(easier to locate) try running gpg --list-keys <your email with key>07:41
gnomefreakdoctormo: example gpg --list-keys gnomefreak@bleh.com07:41
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gnomefreakthat is usful if you have a bunch of keys saved but you can use gpg --list-keys and it will list all keys you have saved07:42
gesergpg --list-secret-keys will list all keys where you have also the private key07:44
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts07:45
gnomefreak^^ good document07:45
gnomefreakthe first one.07:45
=== gnomefreak hasnt seen the classroom one in a while
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norsettopersia:  hi Emmet, how is it?07:48
AndyPhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6005 is ripe and juicy now, criticise/advocate at your convenience07:49
norsettoI have the usual newbie question = whats the best way to include a change in a config.in file: generate a patch with changes to the whole chain or include automake etc. in rules?07:53
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martosshi folks,07:58
martossi try to build konsole from sources07:58
martossmake: *** obj-x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory.07:58
martosswhat's missing there?07:58
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imbrandonsudo apt-get build-dep konsole08:00
imbrandonlooks like08:00
doctormocool it built, thank you guyws08:04
martossimbrandon, ok everything should be there08:05
martosscan i just build konsole and not entire kdebase?08:05
martossi am doing dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc 08:05
JazzvaUmm, I08:10
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JazzvaUmm, I'm having a problem with pbuilder. I added manually the universe repo to sources.list and it still can't find the qca-dev package.08:11
imbrandonmartoss, no08:11
imbrandonnot easily08:12
JazzvaThe pbuilder is set for gutsy. In pbuilder set for feisty the package built with no sources.list changes.08:12
JazzvaAny ideas?08:12
AndyPJazzva: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#head-5e61fa0f52f7f2442fb20f074813bd691744460b08:12
JazzvaAndyP: thanks08:14
=== AndyP grumbles at the crazy random anchor names on the wiki
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KmosJazzva: you need to save the session08:20
Kmospbuilder login --save-after-login08:21
JazzvaKmos: Yeah, did that.08:27
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xxxxx1ScottK, PM?08:30
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Q-FUNKis there any way to make 'git' display commit dates as CCYY-MM-DD ?08:57
ScottKxxxxx1: Fine08:58
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qballSeveas still mia09:09
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ScottKCan mpeg encoder firmware be packaged separately or does it have to go in the kernel package?10:05
ryanakcahmm.. does 'developpers' on https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel mean 'Ubuntu Developers' or 'Ubuntu Developers and Members' ?10:06
ScottKIt means MOTU and core-dev.10:07
ScottKThere is devel-discuss where everyone can post.10:07
superm1_ScottK, out of curiosity, what mpeg firmware are you speaking to?10:08
ryanakcaScottK: ok10:08
ScottK bug 9910710:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99107 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Feisty ships with OLD cx2341x mpeg encoder firmware" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9910710:08
ScottKsuperm1_: ^^^10:09
Q-FUNKcan anyone think of a tool to convert a date from time_t to iso8601 ?10:09
ScottKOops.  Not that one.10:09
ScottKThis one bug 9072310:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90723 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Please include bluebird firmware for dvb-usb devices" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9072310:09
ScottKSo it wasn't a mpeg encoder.10:09
superm1_ScottK, it should go into the newly formed linux-ubuntu-modules I would say10:10
superm1_that's used in gutsy10:10
ScottKsuperm1_: Could you come over to #ubuntu-bugs.10:10
ScottKThe author of it is one there now.10:10
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xxxxx1bye all10:19
superm1_ScottK, you doing revu's this afternoon?10:20
ScottKNot particularly.  10:20
ScottKI may have time if you have something easy.10:20
superm1_well i think it's something, easy, you can look and see though :P10:21
superm1_oh and ScottK, should mention to you the ubotu magic you can do with pipes, rather than triggering a bot command, and then mentioning someones name afterwards.  you can do something like this instead:10:23
superm1_bug 99107 | ScottK 10:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99107 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Feisty ships with OLD cx2341x mpeg encoder firmware" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9910710:23
superm1_well that didn't work as it was supposed to... it works with the ! commands at least10:23
ScottKsuperm1_: Personally, I'd Not advocate based on lack of debian/README.Debian-source (looking at persia's comments).  I think you ought to fix that.10:24
ScottKsuperm1_: I think you meant to do that on #ubuntu-bugs anyway.10:24
superm1_i'll have to read up on policy to double check on that10:25
superm1_as persia mentions that he couldnt find a reference to it10:25
superm1_no other big standout things though, right?10:25
ScottKThe Developers Reference having it is good enough for me.10:28
=== ScottK quit looking (my time is limited, and so if I know going in I'm not going to advocate ...)
superm1_ah okay10:28
superm1_thanks ScottK :)10:28
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superm1_actually i don't even see that section persia was pointing out about a README.Debian-source in section of the developer's reference, http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-best-pkging-practices.en.html#s-repackagedorigtargz10:35
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ScottKI remember it being there too.  I also note  the Developers reference is ver. 3.3.9, 16 June, 2007 - The requirement may have been recently deleted.10:37
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