
stefg!fixres | skulrid12:00
ubotuskulrid: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:00
JstnI've configured a lot of things on my laptop which is running feisty, I've just installed feisty on a desktop, is there a way I can transfer all my configuration files over to the desktop from the laptop?12:01
aliveriusbut, Jordan_U , my problem is the ethernet driver is missing ;)12:01
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Jack_SparrowJusti1: I use k3B12:01
Ominousin a .sh file how can i make it say Type PID: then the  next line use what you type in12:01
harmattanHi everybody :-)12:01
skulridstefg , ive tried to configure xorg plenty times, but either I choose a low resolution or ubuntu just wont start (gives me a xorg error). am i missing something??12:02
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iluwhen u do 'chamod +x' does that mean everyone can do anything with that file? execute write and change etc?12:02
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:02
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stefgskulrid: if you use the vesa driver there's of course limits... :-) happen to run an ati card?12:03
InYourBaseilu, cmmod +x lets you execute it, a+x lets everyone execute it12:03
iluwell ill be god damn i got google earth to work12:03
InYourBaseilu, chmod rather12:03
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skulridstefg yes ATI x80012:03
ilui just did chmod +x on tha phukker and then ./Google....12:03
stefg!ati | skulrid12:03
ubotuskulrid: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:03
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miguelitohey guys12:04
miguelitowhats up?12:04
gnealehello, i need some help automatically mounting a newly formatted drive12:04
miguelitothat's easy12:04
Jordan_Ualiverius, Do you know that support for it has been added in an update?12:04
Ominousin a .sh file how can i make it say Type PID: then the  next line use what you type in12:04
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ozzmanbluey: still with me?12:04
gnealeInYourBase: anyway not from the CLI12:04
miguelitoanyone want to edit a virus i created?12:04
cleai need some help with fixing my nforce4 optical output to work with surround and dts via spdif, it works perfectly with 2.0 but i can't get surround12:04
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aliveriusJordan_U, i didnt know12:05
ilu<miguelito> u disgusting filth... u make viruses for linux? die die die12:05
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stefgmiguelito: go away!12:05
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hikeque traza batitos12:05
InYourBaseOminous, do echo "PID=" on one line, and then read var1 on the second12:06
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=== ilu stabs miguelita
hikewrong channel12:06
bruenigmiguelito, what is it written in12:06
miguelitolol why do you want me to go?12:06
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gnealeok then. how do I determine the UUID of a newly formatted drive with only one partition?12:06
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JstnOn my laptop I was able to get my gnome panel to size 19, and I'm not sure how. I'd like to do the same on my desktop but the lowest it goes is 23.12:07
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rec0mshare the source miguelito so we can write a patch lol12:07
miguelitoIt's fun hacking.  That's the only reason you should want Linux.12:07
ozzmani have readonly files on my desktop which i can not remove? any one?12:07
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bruenigI don't know c++ well enough to be able to get it most likely12:07
miguelitolol recon try making your own.  google is a friend12:07
Jordan_U!uuid | gneale12:07
ubotugneale: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:07
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cerdeni need to join ubuntu ita12:07
bruenigI doubt it does much harm except to the home partition though12:07
InYourBaseozzman, try `rm -f` and if that doesn't work, use sudo12:07
l2sfor some reason when my ubuntu box rebooted it lost the network interface12:07
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l2si cant ping or anything out of it12:08
miguelitotry rm -rf12:08
cerdencome faccio12:08
Jordan_Ul2s, Wired or wireless?12:08
miguelitorm -rf12:08
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cerdenmi serve un italiano12:08
bruenigmiguelito, what does it do12:08
miguelitotry it12:08
cerdennessun' italiano?12:08
Lunar_LampIs there software that can be used to monitor the bandwidth usage of each of my users on my server?12:08
bruenigmiguelito, link?12:08
cerdenqualcuno che parla italianoooo12:08
miguelitotype that in a shell12:08
OminousInYourBase: how do i then do kill -HUP (what i typed in)12:08
cerdenche p12:09
bruenigmiguelito, no your virus, what does it do12:09
gnealeubotu: thx12:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:09
cerdenin questa cavolo12:09
l2sJordan could you help?12:09
cerdendi chat12:09
austin_I'm having trouble installing QT4, I keep getting a stupid error message, any solutions?12:09
aegildoesnt what rm -rf delete everything12:09
=== RkyRaccoon [n=sean@user-387go8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:09
cerdenio neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed italian channeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllll12:09
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InYourBaseOminous, its kill -HUP $var112:10
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l2sIs there a command to detect the network card12:10
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miguelitoit's not a bad virus.  It's a simple one.  once you open it, it shuts down your computer.  then, whenever you try to turn it on, it gives you all these BS errors.  That's the most simple one I have12:10
=== ibob63 [n=james@bb-87-82-25-114.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
InYourBaseOminous, and if that doesn't work, try "$var1"12:10
miguelitoyeah the command is rm -rf12:10
l2sThe default feisty install did detect it originally12:10
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l2smiguelito stop being a prick12:10
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Lunar_LampIs there software that can be used to monitor the bandwidth usage of each of my users on my server?12:10
l2si know what that does12:10
l2sand thats not funny12:10
miguelitohow am i being a prick?12:10
ozzmanInYourBass: i am getting Error moving12:10
bruenigmiguelito, does it need to be run as root? how does it get around permissions and such12:10
miguelitowhat does it do then?12:10
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nuno_stefg how do i know my CPU architecture ?12:10
miguelitoIt runs in windows.  It's an .exe12:11
bruenigmiguelito, oh I thought you said a linux virus12:11
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miguelitowell i'm working on one now12:11
rec0mlol for a second there I thought it was for linux too12:11
Pricey!offtopic | miguelito12:11
ubotumiguelito: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:11
miguelitothanks guys12:11
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miguelitothis is support12:11
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l2sCould anyone tell me how to make it redetect the network card12:12
miguelitoso what does rm -rf do?12:12
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nuno_hopw do i know wicth is my CPU architecture ??12:12
TaJMoXmiguelito: rm is the delete command12:12
Priceymiguelito, deletes without questioning12:12
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ilumiguelita stop talking abour viruses on linux u garbage12:12
rec0mremove recursively / folders12:12
harmattanSomebody please could tell me what are the advantages of changing /etc/inittab to /etc/event.d ?12:12
TaJMoXmiguelito: -r is recursive (include directories)   -f is force12:12
=== RkyRaccoon [n=sean@user-387go8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pricey!caps > miguelito (see the pm from ubotu)12:12
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.12:12
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iluthis chat is not about viruses btw12:12
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miguelitothanks TaJMoX12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
nuno_!CPU architecture12:13
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Picinuno_: what processor do you have?12:13
RkyRaccoonis installing pidgin in feisty a pain in the ass?12:13
stefgnuno_: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:13
Amaranthnuno_: dpkg --print-architecture12:13
alexIdoi1how can I test if a cd is mounted or not ?12:13
PriceyRkyRaccoon, why do you want to?12:13
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PriceyRkyRaccoon, gaim works perfectly well and there's hardly anything new in pidgin12:13
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tjmcRkyRaccoon, no its easy did it last night12:14
RkyRaccoonPricey, then i guess i dont want to12:14
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RkyRaccoontjmc, is it worth it?12:14
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PriceyRkyRaccoon, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"12:14
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RkyRaccoonPricey, if theres something better, why not try it out12:14
tjmcwell i was expecting more features, so i guess not12:14
nuno_its a  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz12:14
Orrajhello i am i need of emergency advice about drivers12:14
ozzmanshould i use Beryl anyone?12:15
Picinuno_: x8612:15
stefgozzman: no12:15
ibob63ozzman: probably not12:15
rec0mozzman: compiz fusion is prettymature atm12:15
nielsbosworthin firefox in ubuntu backspace no longer brings me backwards in my browser history. Is there a way to set this up?12:15
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ozzmanok...any alternative?12:15
Priceynielsbosworth, go to about:config12:15
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Priceynielsbosworth, then search for backspace, and double click the field12:15
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tuxixozzman> beryl or compiz fusion it's up to you12:16
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects12:16
nielsbosworthPricey: looking now12:16
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nielsbosworthPricey: :-)12:16
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Orraji am clueless on driver installation why isnt there software to install it .... what should I do12:16
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stefgnielsbosworth: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/21/fix-firefox-backspace-to-take-you-to-the-previous-page/12:16
Priceyno effects is <reply> For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects12:17
nielsbosworthstefg: thank you12:17
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@81-6-242-66.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ozzmanis compiz any good?12:17
u19809stew : I have upgraded all dependent linux-image packages but when finally configuring linux-image i get modinfo: invalid option -- F.  is that Bad ?12:17
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tuxixozzman> compiz fusion is more advanced than beryl since it's the fusion of both beryl and compiz12:18
Ind[y] The bad thing about Ubuntu is that the software you have with package manager is not always the latest releases.12:18
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tuxixbecause beryl is just a fork of compiz12:18
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stefg!latest | Ind[y] 12:18
ubotuInd[y] : Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:18
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PriceChildtuxix, that's not true... beryl was compiz originally... doesn't make either any more advanced... now please to -effects12:18
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Ind[y] Beacause it takes (sometimes a long) time for some program to get into the repos.12:18
GNUtoohello, what's the name of the ubuntu archiver?12:18
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Ind[y] stefg: hm... ok :/12:19
rec0mit's like file roller or something12:19
ieee802i've attached an external usb hdd i cannot write to it and cannot change permissions from the property tab how can i solve this?12:19
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GNUtoorec0m, thanks12:19
jimqodeGNUtoo, ubuntu uses file-roller. the gnome archiver12:19
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ieee802is mounted as /media/hdd12:19
stefg!info fileroller12:19
ubotuPackage fileroller does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:19
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facugaichDoes ubuntu play matroska files or do I have to download the libraries in www.matroska.org?12:19
jimqode!info file-roller12:19
ThanatosOff topic: I've been reading about parasites in humans. I think I'll go kill myself now.12:19
ubotufile-roller: an archive manager for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 588 kB, installed size 4508 kB12:19
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Chousukefacugaich: it will download needed codecs automatically12:20
tuxixPriceChild> i said that beryl is a fork of compiz12:20
stefguhoh.... that's inconsistent naming12:20
SquipHey Guys, Can anyone tell me.. is it VMWare Player I need to run XP?12:20
facugaichChousuke: When?12:20
Chousukefacugaich: when you try to play the file12:20
facugaichChousuke: Ok12:20
GNUtooubotu, ok but in 6.06 it was file-roller?12:20
jimqodewhat software can I use to record video from my webcam with sync audio from my sound card?12:20
tuxixand now that both a reunified compiz is more advanced than beryl that's a fact since compiz got the same feature plus some new ones12:20
Evanidussquip you need vmware server if you want to set up your own vmware instance of it12:20
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Orraji am clueless on driver installation why isn't there software to install it .... what should I do.12:20
Squipok thanks12:21
ieee802!info chmod12:21
ubotuPackage chmod does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:21
fuzzypigSquip: Use virtualbox instead.12:21
Squipvirtualbox easy to use and setup?12:21
jimqodeSquip, very easy12:21
fuzzypigsquip very easy to use12:21
tuxixSquip> yeah12:21
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Squipok thanks12:21
=== MrTsunami [n=mrtsunam@adsl-144-2-85.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
rec0mOrraj, what driver do you need to setup?12:21
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rec0mreason for no one-click driver setup is because most drivers are built into the kernel12:22
tuxixOrraj> linux is different from windows since generic drivers are provided by linux so linux can support many hardware12:22
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gnealeubotu: do I have to reboot after updating fstab with the new found UUID?12:23
Squipsorry to sound noobish.. but how do i get virtualbox?12:23
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PriceChildgneale, sudo mount -a12:23
PriceChildgneale, and ubotu is a bot.12:23
ubuntuce nesuno?12:23
unagii used gdmsetup to install a gdm splash but it didnt show up when i restarted12:23
PriceChildubotu, espanol?12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about espanol? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
nuno_i get this error: Failed to fetch http://ntfs-3g.sitesweetsite.info/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binar y-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found12:23
enviouzwould i be at risk if i ran msn messenger in a vm?12:23
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jimqodeSquip, System/Administration/Synaptic Package manages. search for virtualbox, check it, click apply12:23
GenNMXWhat's the maximum number of characters irc networks can handle in a single message?12:23
tuxixSquip> doc.ubuntu.org12:23
Orrajrec0m they are drivers for a old scanner12:23
PriceChildubuntu, espanol?12:23
ubuntuitalian people??12:23
ubuntuitalian people??12:24
jimqode!es | PriceChild12:24
Pici!it | ubuntu12:24
ubotuPriceChild: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:24
ubotuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:24
=== lontra [n=ubuntu@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgnuno_: 404 ... server down at the moment12:24
=== JuKen [n=JuKen@c-24-62-82-49.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuci sono italiani???12:24
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PriceChildubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it12:24
Piciubuntu: /j #ubuntu-it12:24
nuno_stefg oh... know when?12:24
InYourBase!it | ubuntu12:24
ubotuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:24
tuxixPriceChild> de donde eres?12:24
gnealePriceChild: jeez, got this error mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/6b2afb50-ffa3-4151-92cf-3d6ece036796 does not exist12:24
Squiptried searching for it.. cannot find virtualbox12:24
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Pirate_HunterGenNMX: your joking right, you dont expect an answer for that or do you?12:24
Squipit one word?12:24
PriceChildgneale, well then the uuid is wrong12:24
rec0mOrraj: sry bud I'm not an expert on scanners, try search your model and make on ubuntuforums.org or ask around in here12:24
PriceChildI'm english guys...12:25
fuzzypigSquip: get it here http://www.virtualbox.org/download/1.4.0/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb12:25
Orrajrec0m i found what i believe i downloaded the driver form a website but now need to install it12:25
jimqode!repos | Squip12:25
ubotuSquip: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:25
nuno_stefg I used sudo apt-get install linux-686, and now after restart I have no sound...12:25
PiciPriceChild: off to -es for you! now! ;) :p12:25
stefgnuno_: oh no... this repo isn't existing no more12:25
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GenNMXPirate_Hunter: Uhhh, why not? ^^;; I'm making a bot that responds to queries and want to give an option for a second line if needed...12:25
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stefg!sound | nuno_12:25
ubotununo_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:25
rec0mOrraj: usually drivers comes with a README or INSTALL file, open it with text editor and see what it says12:25
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nuno_stefg :S I was folowing a tutural...12:26
JuKenHow can I go about getting the gnome panel to a size 19 from a size 23? It won't go down any lower.12:26
Pirate_HunterGenNMX: I wouldnt know myself im guessing google is your best bet unless someone here knows12:26
stefgnuno_: seems outdated12:26
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Orrajrec0m it is only the one file and the test of it doesnt give instrutions is there a way to find the driver via package manager?12:26
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stefgOrraj: waht do you need a driver for?12:27
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Orrajstefg : a umax astra 1220p scanner12:27
stefg!hardware | Orraj12:28
ubotuOrraj: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:28
TypwnHello everyone12:28
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TypwnI'm trying to install Maya 8.5 but for some reason awcommon is corrupted. How do I uninstall things?12:28
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tjmchey guys, I have little anoying issue with my keyboard... when im in firefox, i try and press alt (the right one) and left arrow key to go back to my previous page, how it does not work, only the left alt and the left arrow will work? any ideas?12:28
unagican anyone help me.....i dont know how to turn on my computer12:29
nuno_stefg it sais: and make sure that under the "Device" section, the Driver is set to Driver "fglrx", but there are 2 Device sections one with Driver: VESA and the other FGTLRX. leave it that way or change VESA too?12:29
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stefgOrraj: http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-UMAX12:29
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jimqodenuno_, linux-686 package is obsolete12:29
Justi1When using WINE, is it better to install applications using their installers, or to copy files from another installation directly to the wine directory?12:29
Chousukeuse the installer if it works12:29
jimqodeJusti1, if installer runs fine use the installer12:29
fuzzypigunagi: ...12:29
Pirate_Hunterunagi: please explain cause you have just confused me12:29
InYourBasetjmc, www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/ 28017/Fix_your_right_Alt_key_in_Ubuntu12:30
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TypwnIs there a way to remove deb packets?12:30
Tlinkjusti1 : definately use the installer so it updates your user.reg files and whatnot12:30
TypwnLike...reverse install?12:30
Jordan_UTypwn, With apt or dpkg12:30
PriceChildTypwn, sudo apt-get remove packagename12:30
Justi1okay. Also, how do I add WINE apps to my Applications menu?12:30
TypwnPriceChild:Thanks =D12:30
nuno_jimqode so what should I use now?12:30
Jordan_UJusti1, I think they get added automagically12:31
tjmcthanks InYourBase12:31
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jimqodenuno_, linux-generic. It comes default with your distro.12:31
IndyGunFreakJusti1: i think Jordan_U is right, all the apps iv'e instaleld with Wine, always end up there automagically12:31
Justi1jordan_u Indyguyfreak: some of the ones I have installed haven't added or correctly added shortcuts to the menu12:31
TlinkJusti1, if they don't get added auotmagically, you can make a launcher script,... not on my ubuntu box atm, but you might try googling it12:32
nuno_then why cant I use something like 1024 resolution?? the icons have the size of houses! lol12:32
Jordan_U!fixres | nuno_12:32
ubotununo_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:32
IndyGunFreakJusti1: well, Wine isn't ever 100%12:32
nuno_jimqode xorg wont let me use high resolutions I used in windows12:32
Justi1indygunfreak: do you recommend any other windows emulators?12:32
Jordan_Ununo_, What GPU do you have?12:32
jimqodenuno_, resolution in X is not in anyway related to the kernel you use.12:32
TypwnI'm getting an error when using Apt-Get Remove. E: The package awcommon needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.12:33
IndyGunFreakJusti1: unless you want to pay, no.12:33
nuno_Jordan_U that think led me to linux-686 package withc, u have told me, is obsolete...12:33
Justi1indygunfreak: okay, thank you12:33
TaJMoXanyone else have problems extracting .ace files - even when unace is installed?12:33
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stefgOrraj: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39576112:33
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IndyGunFreakJusti1: try this.12:33
nuno_Jordan_U model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz12:33
Jordan_Ununo_, That link?12:33
whoniccawhat is a good easy to read font for linux? =\12:34
cmo-0is there any graphical font installer for ubuntu, or should i mock /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:34
nuno_jimqode then how do I fix this??12:34
Jordan_Ununo_, Nowhere in that link does it talk about linux-68612:34
__mikemHey, if I wanted to un-duelboot my laptop, how would I do that?12:34
Jordan_U!font | cmo-012:34
ubotucmo-0: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:34
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:34
IndyGunFreakJusti1: right click the menu, edit menu, tjhen go on the left, highlight wine, then New Item, and fill in the blanks12:34
jimqodenuno_, what make GPU do you have? nvidia? ati?12:34
=== pyrohotdog [n=aaron@pool-70-110-63-228.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagican anyone tell me why sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart doesnt work for me12:35
stefg!grub __mikem12:35
cmo-0Jordan_U: thanks, with the managed device my screen is good12:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub __mikem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:35
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nuno_jimqode model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz12:35
stefg!grub | __mikem12:35
ubotu__mikem: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:35
TaJMoXunagi: what is the error that shows when you type that?12:35
jimqodenuno_, that is your CPU. not your GPU.12:35
JayRoeI just updated feisty and now I can't do "make menuconfig" anymore. Can someone tell me what I need?12:35
unagino error.....the screen blanks and takes me to the initializing screen and sits there12:35
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nuno_jimqode with a Radeon x80012:35
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TaJMoXnuno_: lspci |grep VGA12:35
jimqodenuno_, you have an ATI then12:35
pyrohotdogCan someone tell me why ifconfig now reports eth0:avah with IP instead of a 192.168.0.x like the rest of the network?12:36
TaJMoXnuno_: X800 needs fglrx12:36
Jordan_Ununo_, Just like in windows you need to install the drivers for your card, in Ubuntu they are in System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager12:36
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nuno_0000:05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 554f12:36
jimqodenuno_, what Jordan_U told12:36
__mikemstefg, thats not what I asked. I got a devoted machine for ubuntu, and would like to remove the ubuntu partition from my laptop and resize the windows partition and remove grub12:36
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TaJMoXJordan_U: for a lot of ati mobility cards - restricted driver manager makes X not start12:36
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TaJMoXI have an ATI Mobility x130012:37
unagiTaJMoX: it takes me to the initializing screen and sits there12:37
jimqodewhat is a good software for recording video from webcam?12:37
Justi1indygunfreak: one of the auto-added ones has the shortcut set to12:37
Justi1env WINEPREFIX="/home/justin/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files/..."12:37
Justi1Do I need the 'env WINEPREFIX' etc. ?12:37
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AnObfuscatorHi, my ubuntu sound preference is givinv me "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open resource for writing.", what does that mean?12:37
stefg__mikem: ##windows12:37
__mikemokay, I will ask someone else then12:37
IndyGunFreakJusti1: no, just put the "wine C:/etc" in the command12:37
Jordan_UTaJMoX, You should file a bug with restricted manager, it shouldn't be hard for them to simply disable it on those cards as an interum fix12:37
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unagican anyone tell me why sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart doesnt work for me12:37
Ghazlike in vista, is there any way to display RSS feeds on the desktop?12:37
jimqodeAnObfuscator, probably your user is not in the audio group12:38
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Jordan_U__mikem, Just resize the partition and rewrite the windows mbr12:38
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Justi1indygunfreak: so I don't need /home/justin/.wine/drive_c/?12:38
__mikemJordan_U, how do I do that?12:38
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IndyGunFreakJusti1: well, you need the path to the file.12:38
TaJMoX__mikem: to remove the ubuntu partition - go into windows and run fixmbr and fixboot and then go into the disk manager and delete thge partition - for more help join ##windows12:38
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IndyGunFreakbut you shouldn't need home/justine/winedrive, etc.12:38
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Jordan_U__mikem, Gparted LiveCD12:39
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Justi1indygunfreak: okay12:39
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IndyGunFreakJusti1: for instance, my link to my poker client, is "wine C:/Programfiles/Pokerstars/Pokerstars.exe".. if that helps12:39
__mikemI think I wil go with TaJMoX's idea. Thanks TaJMoX12:39
infamouskidcan someone tell me the terminal command to edit a file?12:39
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afiefinfamouskid, nano, pico, vim... there are many12:40
BorzoIndyGunFreak : nano yourfile12:40
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unagii think ive stumped the ubuntu channel12:40
sivart0hello everyone12:40
TaJMoXunagi whats up12:40
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IndyGunFreakJusti1: i'd make sure you put "" around the path only, if you have spaces, or it won't work.12:40
IndyGunFreakBorzo: ?12:40
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TypwnHow do I remove awcommon? I keep getting this error12:40
TypwnE: The package awcommon needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.12:40
infamouskidafief well i tried to edit "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main"12:40
gordonjcpunagi: you haven't told us much about the problem12:40
TaJMoXunagi - you aren't providing enough information.   "doesnt work"   will not get an answer - we're not physhic12:40
Borzoerr sorry , stupid nick completion12:40
jimqode!private > AnObfuscator12:40
Polygon89hey, do you think that regular ubuntu would run fine on this computer?  1.4 ghz CPU, 256 mb of memory, riva TNT 64 mb video card.12:40
TaJMoXPolygon89: yes - try xubuntu for more speed12:41
infamouskidafief:i have to do the following steps...you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file12:41
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IndyGunFreakBorzo: ah ok, happens to the best of us.12:41
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bronze-Is there any way to set ubuntu to format the root partition without booting into gparted? E.g. "self-destruct on shutdown".12:41
infamouskidi tried txt editor12:41
TaJMoXPolygon89: Regular ubuntu will run just fine too12:41
pyrohotdogPolygon89: Yes, Xubuntu would be preferred.12:41
Tlinkpolygon89 : I imageine it would run just fine12:41
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Polygon89TaJMoX, k thx12:41
skulriddont know what i did but I know have HUGE resolutions :) but no sound lol12:41
Timmmhey guys, just wondering, i downloaded the ubuntu desktop version 7.04, I used Infra recorder to put the image on a cd and loaded it up etc on the pc, but as its loading my monitor suddenly goes blank and comes up with the message "not supported", however, i'm currently using an older version of ubuntu and im having no problems with it whatsoever12:41
eva[i] find more cheap ram12:41
Polygon89pyrohotdog, k thx12:41
eva[i] that will mean a lot12:41
Dusk_where are the .desktop files of programs on applications menu???12:41
unagican anyone try and help me figure out why sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart doesnt work for me12:41
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stefgPolygon89: ubuntu might be a bit sluggish, give xubuntu a try?12:42
Jkessleris there a website where i can get a list of packages that can be downloaded and installed by "sudo apt-get install"12:42
sivart0does the ubuntu server come with php 4 AND 5 or just 5?12:42
Jordan_U!doesn't work | unagi12:42
TaJMoXDusk_: in terminal type find |grep .desktop12:42
ubotuunagi: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:42
Polygon89stefg, yeah im thinking xubuntu as well12:42
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infamouskidtajmox thanks12:42
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unagican anyone try and help me figure out why sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart takes me to the initializing screen and sits there?12:42
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stefgPolygon89: and remember: you need nvidia-glx-*legacy* for that card12:43
=== B-777 [n=B-777@c-98-197-25-147.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
skulridstefg can u give me the NO SOUND solver  again plz12:43
infamouskidtajmox : how do i edit "/etc/apt/sources.list file" using terminal?12:43
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TaJMoXinfamouskid: any time?  =] 12:43
Polygon89Also one more question, Im running the xubuntu live cd on this computer, and when i go into terminal mode (ctrl_alt+f1), the kernel says messages like "dazed and confused! but trying to continue....." and some other errors, but it runs fine. is this bad?12:43
bartobonsoir tout le monde12:43
Polygon89stefg, thanks ill keep that in mind.12:43
barto je voudrais savoir12:43
pyrohotdogHow can I get my internet working again? It was working fine, then a restart and all is crap now.12:43
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Jordan_Uunagi, Are you running it from an xterm?12:43
TaJMoXinfamouskid: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list12:43
Dusk_TaJMoX, i want to add a desktop file to applications menu12:43
stefgskulrid just type /msg ubotu sound12:43
bartoqel et la difference entre une ubuntu edgy eft et un feisty ?12:43
unagiim running it from a script12:43
infamouskidtajmox:thanks again man. i have more questiosns soon12:43
TaJMoXDusk_: run alacarte12:43
TaJMoXinfamouskid: are you from DA ?12:43
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-13-147.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrcan anyone point me to a program thats a calendar to where you can schedule events?  Other than evolution?12:43
B-777Is there anyway to clear your browser cache in Firefox?12:44
=== drip [n=whorehey@c-71-233-108-143.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Uunagi, Still trying to change xorg.conf and restart X with a script?12:44
Timmmhey guys, just wondering, i downloaded the ubuntu desktop version 7.04, I used Infra recorder to put the image on a cd and loaded it up etc on the pc, but as its loading my monitor suddenly goes blank and comes up with the message "not supported", however, i'm currently using an older version of ubuntu and im having no problems with it whatsoever12:44
ilu<B-777> in settings12:44
stefg!fr | unagi12:44
ubotuunagi: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:44
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BobSappwow did you guys see that xfce4-terminal exploit?12:44
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Jordan_Uunagi, does sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart work from a terminal?12:44
stefgoh, that wasn't french ?12:44
=== JuKen [n=JuKen@c-24-62-82-49.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagi!german | stefg12:44
ubotustefg: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:44
ilu<BobSapp> whats up with that exploit dogg?12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
jimqodeAnObfuscator, do you get sound on login screen? The drum roll i mean.12:45
TaJMoXBobSapp: do it on me!  =] 12:45
sx66what is the wifi management tool for ubuntu called for gnome?12:45
FuMWhere can I get plugins for beryl?12:45
BobSappOK BABY12:45
B-777ilu, there is no "settings" menu in my firefox browser12:45
stefgunagi, sry... confused nicks/lines12:45
AnObfuscatorjimqode, no. Nothing.12:45
ecksx66: i think you are referring to network manager12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exploits - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
pyrohotdogAnyone here familiar with joy2key?12:45
PriceChildB-777, edit > preferences12:45
ilu<B-777> what version of ff are you on?12:45
infamouskidWOO HOOO12:45
fsckrB-777: edit preferences12:45
stefg!fr | barto12:45
sx66eck: yes, what is that called?12:45
ubotubarto: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:45
infamouskidTajmox:thanks alot man i finally got beryl working12:45
JuKenDoes anyone know how I can get my gnome panel to a size 19?12:45
jimqodeAnObfuscator, what does your mixer window say in the title bar?12:45
ecksx66: that is what it is called12:46
TaJMoXinfamouskid: JOY12:46
quaalanyone know about running bf2142 on ubuntu ?12:46
iluB-777 EDIT -> SETTINGS ->12:46
AnObfuscatorjimqode, I put in a new soundcard, it didn't play sound; so I tried my old previously functional onboard system, which didn't work. then I pulled out the card, and it still doesn't work.12:46
B-777Ilu, still don't see where it says to clear browser cache12:46
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unagiJordan_U:  no it doesnt12:46
BobSapphttp://www.ubuntu.org/$(xterm -e echo UR PWND)/12:46
BobSapptry that TaJMoX12:46
BobSappopen that link12:46
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BobSappoh wait it wont work12:46
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, mixer window?12:46
TaJMoXJuKen: open gconf-editor:  Apps -> Panel -> Toplevels -> Panel_0 -> [Size] 12:47
stefg!games | quaal12:47
ubotuquaal: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:47
ilu<B-777> EDIT -> SETTINGS -> SECRETESS -> clear now12:47
neverbluehow do I use java 1.5 instead of java 1.4 ?12:47
ilulook there12:47
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BobSappremote execution via clicking an open link12:47
stefgneverblue: sudo update-altenatives --config java12:47
stefgneverblue: sudo update-alternatives --config java12:48
BobSapponly for xfce4-terminal 2.612:48
TaJMoXbobsapp: The requested URL /$(xterm)/ was not found on this server.12:48
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unagiwow my desktop icons disappeared12:48
BobSappwhat version of xfce4-terminal do you have?12:48
strkis there a known bug in g++ (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4), or how can I check it out ?12:48
PriceChildBobSapp, it doesn't work, and please move to #ubuntu-offtopic12:48
TaJMoXunagi - gconf-editor    Apps->Nautilus->Desktop    change some options in there12:48
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BobSappPriceChild: seriously it works on mine12:49
BobSappyou need to be in a xfce4-terminal session12:49
BobSappthen you right click it and choose open link12:49
PriceChildBobSapp, #ubuntu-offtopic please.12:49
BobSappill update12:49
Dusk_TaJMoX, there's an icon of the game by default but when i try to add to applications menu there's no icon12:49
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unagihow very odd12:49
TaJMoXBobSapp: maybe its just you who's vunerable =] 12:50
unagiTaJMoX: i dont think thats the issue12:50
BobSapp maybe lol come talk in offtopic if thats the case12:50
skulridI have this problem, is it comum to anyone?? : http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do;jsessionid=79ae2411a8581819d01d662cf67b2?bug_id=655448912:50
TaJMoXDusk_:  in alacarte?12:50
BobSappi go there now lol12:50
Dusk_TaJMoX, yep12:50
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TaJMoXDusk_: do you have the little check box thingy checked?  =)12:50
TaJMoXDusk_: if you add an application in alacarte - it should show up on your gnome menu12:50
Dusk_TaJMoX, yes it is...but no icon12:51
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Dusk_TaJMoX, no png i mean12:51
Vanpriestsomeone can tell me how to do a custom script into the cacti. i am new cacti user and need few help12:51
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TypwnWhats the command to delete a file in a terminal?12:51
jimqodeAnObfuscator, right click the little speaker icon, open volume control12:51
Dusk_Typwn, rm12:51
skulridthe error I get is this one: no volume control gstreamer plugin and or devices found12:51
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TypwnIwas using chmod rm12:51
Ominousis a .sh file is there a way to read what dir you are in12:51
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TaJMoXDusk_ OHH so there is the menu entry just no graphical icon12:52
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Jordan_Uskulrid, Why are you asking about opensolaris on #ubuntu?12:52
AnObfuscatorjimqode, oh, that, it says NVidia CK8S Alsa Mixer12:52
flakecan i create another user on my box and cut down on all the services I don't need in order to make it a gaming rig, or are the services universal no matter who is logged in?12:52
Cristatusanybody here familiar with conky?12:52
Dusk_TaJMoX, yes graphical icon..but in the desktop icon there was a grap. icon12:52
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pyrohotdog0minous: pwd?12:52
skulridJordan_U I dont even now what open solaris is... lol12:52
unagiJordan_U: do you have any ideas now?12:52
rolfenanyone ever succeded in running mmc.exe through wine?12:52
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TaJMoXDusk_: maybe the png is not a valid format ?   try saving it as a jpg or something?   or re-save it in gimp?    does this happen with ANY icon you chose or just the one icon that you need?12:53
skulridJordan_U while trying to get high resolutions, after the reboot the sound is missing na di get that error...12:53
stefgflake: services (as the name suggests) are not run per user12:53
gordonjcpflake: in Linux, the "logging in" part is the very very last thing that happens12:53
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Jordan_Uunagi, What happens when you do stop then start instead of restart?12:53
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TaJMoXunagi - try sudo killall gdm12:53
eifzonIs it good using 64-bits on a Core 2 Duo?12:53
unagisame thing12:53
cdehaanHello! If I'm in OpenOffice Writer, and working on a table, and I want to insert a tab where I am writing, but Tab just moves me to the next cell, what can I do?12:53
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infamouskidTajmox : do you know how to get beryl to start in its default setup i accidently clicked xgl in the manager instead of nvidia. now when i load beryl my desktop freezes.12:53
jimqodeAnObfuscator, is that an onboard soundcard on an nvidia chipset board?12:53
AnObfuscatorjimqode, weird, the error message just... stopped. But still no sound.12:53
flakeok, is there a way to easily switch on and off the services, guess I could set up a shell job12:53
AnObfuscatorjimqode, yeah12:53
Dusk_TaJMoX, there's no png file of this icon..or i couldn't find..is it possible? an icon with no png file? or is it in some directory that i couldn't find?12:54
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Jordan_Ueifzon, If you only use OSS and or know what you are doing. Sort of :)12:54
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badkittymuahaha Im baaack12:54
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, I pulled out my new soundcard, so it's not even in the system, and it shows up fine under aplay -l12:54
infamouskiddoes anyone know how to get beryl to start in its default setup i accidently clicked xgl in the manager instead of nvidia. now when i load beryl my desktop freezes.12:54
TaJMoXinfamouskid: you can delete the config files - rm -rf ~/.beryl*12:54
Jordan_Ueifzon, If not then the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages12:54
Ominoushow can you look up what folder you are in, change to another pre defined one, run a few files and change back to origional at end in a .sh file ( i know how do to the run files part)12:55
TaJMoXDusk_ find the icon file that you want to set it to12:55
jimqodeAnObfuscator, are there any other devices detected? you can see from the volume control/file/change device12:55
unagithis is rather annoying12:55
infamouskidTajmox : do i type that in terminal?? sorry for all questions.. day 2 in linux.12:55
Dusk_TaJMoX, ok i found...thanks12:55
TaJMoXinfamouskid: yes in terminal12:55
unagictrl + alt + backspace will do it but the command wont....that makes no sense12:55
badkittystefg: I'm back, I am running feisty now12:55
infamouskidtajmox :  ok so i type "- rm -rf ~/.beryl*"12:55
randycould someone please tell me why im getting this error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl12:55
randy" while im trying to install xchat12:55
badkittystefg: first task, updates, then xchat, then beryl12:55
AnObfuscatorjimqode, yeah, it sees a realtek one,12:56
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badkittyrandy well... you probably need that file to run xchat???12:56
jimqodeAnObfuscator, which is the card that you want to use?12:56
Jordan_Uunagi, One kills X and gdm restarts it, the other restarts gdm, so they are not entirely the same though they should do the same thing12:56
Justi1How do I install a .deb12:56
stefgbadkitty: wrong :-) first get a decant sources.list at !easysource12:56
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Jordan_UJusti1, Double click it12:56
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, it's mono only, so I'm guessing that's the motherboard speaker. the nvidia one.12:56
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randybadkitty yeah but i cant seem to find it to download12:56
TaJMoXinfamous just rm -rf ~/.beryl*12:56
pyrohotdogJusti1: dpkg -i12:56
unagithen what command restarts X12:57
optimus55Jack_Sparrow: hey you there???12:57
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:57
stefg!easysource | badkitty12:57
ubotubadkitty: please see above12:57
flakestartx  ?12:57
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iluis there a opposite command to 'eject cdrom' so its sucked in again?12:57
Justi1jordan_u will it install with sudo privlages?12:57
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pyrohotdogoptimus55: control+alt+backspace?12:57
pike_unagi: all your services are in /etc/init.d  gdm is your login manager so sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    is one way12:57
TaJMoXunagi you're not using kubuntu ?12:57
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infamouskidTajmox :  i typed "- rm -rf ~/.beryl*" in terminal and i got Usage: command-not-found [options]  <command-name>12:57
stefg!w32codecs | badkitty12:58
ubotubadkitty: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs12:58
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TaJMoXunagi: have you tried ctrl-alt-backspace ??12:58
optimus55pyrohotdog: why ctrl alt back?12:58
Piciilu: try using the -T argument12:58
Jordan_Uunagi, sudo killall X12:58
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Dusk_TaJMoX, is there a way to delete desktop icons of my hdd partitions??12:58
Pirate_Hunterif i wanted to find out the name/manufacturer/etc of my hardware components i.e. graphics card or video card how can i do it in feisty?12:58
flakeseaveas is a slow repo12:58
jimqodeAnObfuscator, go to System/Preferences/Sound. choose Nvidia from the sound playback dropdowns (all 3 of them) then test them with the play button12:58
Jordan_UJusti1, Yes12:58
pyrohotdogoptimus55: I may have misunderstood, I just saw something about restarting X....12:58
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PriceChildflake, use its mirrors12:58
TaJMoXinfamous why the "-" in the beginngin?    you just want rm   ... rm is the delete command12:58
optimus55oh okay12:58
PriceChildDusk_, open up gconf-editor12:58
TaJMoX!cli | infamouskid12:58
ubotuinfamouskid: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:58
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Jordan_UPirate_Hunter, lspci12:58
stefg!medibuntu | badkitty12:58
ubotubadkitty: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:58
AnObfuscatorjimqode, yeah, that doesn't work. I've tried that with every possible option in the menus12:58
PriceChildDusk_, apps nautilus desktop, and uncheck show mounted volumes12:58
optimus55i'm looking for Jack_Sparrow, just want to tell him thanks for earlier12:58
iluPici gawd it worked... did not think that was possible.. thanx mate12:58
TaJMoXinfamouskid: .files are configuration files   you want to delete your beryl configuration files12:59
skulridppl when I rigth click an image and "Save image as" it doesent save that image, just does nothing. any1 knows wahta the problem?12:59
optimus55took me all afternoon but i finally got my evdo card working in ubuntu12:59
TaJMoXdusk_ that place in gconf-editor i told you to go to12:59
unagiTaJMoX: ctrl alt backspace restarts X........im looking for a command to restart DX12:59
jimqodeleave them at nvidia setting12:59
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pike_Pirate_Hunter: lspci -v | grep -i vga or sudo lshw  are two ways12:59
jimqodeAnObfuscator, leave them at nvidia. Close that window. at volume control window do you have a switched tab?12:59
skulridwell just fixed that by dragging the pic to desktop, but is it not saving the images??12:59
Jordan_Uunagi, Does killall X work?12:59
jimqodeAnObfuscator, switches i mean12:59
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Justi1When I start an application, the process shows up in system monitor, but the application doesn't open.12:59
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unagiunagi@unagi-laptop:~$ sudo killall X01:00
unagiX: no process killed01:00
AnObfuscatorjimqode, they're on the nvidia. Yeah, it switched back to nvidia in the volume control window01:00
Pirate_Hunterpike_: will try01:00
TaJMoXunagi: what's DX01:00
Enronstefg did I download the wrong kernel source if I have and I downloaded 2.6.1501:00
optimus55i have a ques. i'm new to linux. can anyone tell me what sudo is? and whats the difference between sudo and GKsudo?01:00
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jimqodeAnObfuscator, Is there a tab called Switches?01:00
Dusk_PriceChild, thanks..01:00
AnObfuscatorjimqode, no01:00
unagiTaJMoX: to restart X01:00
infamouskidtajmox : that is the part i am lost at. i dont know what to type or delete?01:00
pike_optimus55: sudo is for terminal gksu is for gui apps basically01:00
AnObfuscatorjimqode, just playback01:00
badkittystefg: so do I just save this over my sources.list, or is it better to add to it?01:00
Justi1When I start an application, the process shows up in system monitor, but the application doesn't open. Why is this?01:00
jimqodeAnObfuscator, go to edit/preferences01:00
stefgEnron: no... the .23 just indicates the build01:00
unagiJordan_U:  when i do killall X it tells me no process killed01:00
optimus55pike_: what exactly does that mean? sry, new here01:01
TaJMoXunagi: restart X is ctrl-alt-backspace.... if you want to STOP x its sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    then logout01:01
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Enronso then why is it giving me errors :(01:01
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unagiTaJMoX: im looking for a command to restart X01:01
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, ok. selecting tracks to be visible?01:01
jimqodeAnObfuscator, enable any shady looking channel. Especially anything with "3D" in it if you have.01:01
ztomicanyone having trouble hearing sound using Jackd01:01
TaJMoXinfamouskid: open a terminal.   type this:   rm -rf ~/.beryl*01:01
stefgbadkitty: full replace, not add You might end up with apt-errors if you have too many repos in your sources.list01:01
=== Yachi [n=yachi@86-41-166-30.b-ras1.chf.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_optimus55: occationally using sudo for a gui app like gedit can mess up permissions. its easy to fix so i never really use gksu but to avoid breakage gksu is recommmended. so if you wanted to open nano a command line text editor youd sudo nano  but for gedit youd gksu gedit01:02
jimqodeAnObfuscator, play with the mixer settings. many times its just a misconfigured mixer.01:02
TaJMoXunagi - you're looking for the same command that ctrl-alt-backspace does?01:02
anto9usztomic: only if something has taken control of alsa such as firefox01:02
infamouskidtajmox : trying now.. also is there like a page i can look at to learn basic terminal commands?01:02
Justi1When I start an application [armagetron advanced] , the process shows up in system monitor, but the application doesn't open. Why is this?01:02
badkittystefg: if I already did a apt-getupgrade, is that a big deal?01:02
jimqodeAnObfuscator, if that does not work i'm out of ideas.01:02
unagiTaJMoX:  yes01:02
TaJMoX!cli | infamouskid01:02
ubotuinfamouskid: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:02
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cyphasewow.. Apple bought CUPS..01:02
ztomicWhen I start Jack control and then Hydrogen or any other jack program, I hear no sound01:02
PriceChild!offtopic | cyphase01:02
ubotucyphase: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:02
ThanatosIs Compiz/Beryl more dependent on RAM, processor, or GPU?01:02
TaJMoXunagi - it should be the gdm restart thing... dunno why it's not working - you haven't told us what error it provides01:02
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ztomicanto9us: ~~^01:02
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, no luck :( Thanks for trying to help01:02
infamouskidtajmox : ok i put in the command i got no delete verification. juss empty command line.01:02
PriceChildThanatos, gpu, #ubuntu-effects please01:02
unagiTaJMoX: because it doesnt provide an error.....i told you what happens01:02
anto9usztomic: is firefox open?01:02
unagiover and over and over again01:03
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pike_cyphase: developer sold out. we're going to sneak over to his home. tar and feather him later01:03
pyrohotdogAnyone know how I can make my system get a REAL ip address from the DHCP? I don't even know where eth0:avah came from...01:03
optimus55okay thanks, i think i have some kind of idea01:03
TaJMoXinfamouskid: no error = everything went ok01:03
jimqodeAnObfuscator, sorry :( np.01:03
ThanatosPriceChild: Thanks, and sorry for the wrong channel01:03
optimus55i guess my problem was with permissions more than anything else then01:03
stefgbadkitty: no, the standard repos will just be the same. it's the extra repos for libdvdcss2, w32codecs and maybe wine that make the difference01:03
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TaJMoXinfamouskid: beryl was closed while you did this yes?01:03
Jordan_Uunagi, If you run it in a virtual terminal does it give any output?01:03
anto9usztomic: run patchage and check the outputs to the pcm device01:03
infamouskidyes beryl is closed01:03
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unagiwhat is a virtual terminal Jordan_U01:03
infamouskidtajmox : yes beryl was closed01:03
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AnObfuscatorjimqode, I'll just watch anime in windows. I'm not too worried about it, I'm building a new computer next week, anyway, so I'll worry about getting my soundcard working then.01:03
hachiokay, despite what is in the topic line... is there normally a place on the official ubuntu site that will tell me package versions, similar to www.debian.org/distrib/packages ?01:03
TaJMoXunagi: you told me once - you haven't told the channel.   you said it just sits and doesn't do anything right?01:04
cyphasePriceChild: is "Novell bought Gnome" offtopic as well?01:04
hachihypothetically speaking, even if it is down right now01:04
PriceChildcyphase, yes.01:04
pike_hachi: packages.ubuntu.com01:04
unagiat the initializing screen yes TaJMoX01:04
hachipike_: thanks01:04
Jordan_Uunagi, A terminal that does not require X to be running, ctrl+alt+F1 to get to one F7 to get back01:04
ztomicanto9us: Patchage looks like it's correct. all the links are there.01:04
infamouskidtajmox : should i try to start beryl now? or reboot into xscript or gnome then try?01:04
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Jordan_Uunagi, What happens when you do stop then start instead of restart?01:05
joshritgercan someone tell me how to get something that needs root privledges to start on startup, ie firestarter01:05
unagistop then start, restart gdm, restart X, all does the same thing01:05
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anto9usztomic: I find sometimes have to do; sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:05
Jordan_Uunagi, To be clear, when you ran stop then start you started from a virtual terminal correct?01:06
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unagiwhen the script runs i  have to use the virtual terminal to restart gdm Jordan_U01:06
anto9usztomic: also do; killall esd01:06
pike_joshritger: firestarter is run at bootup i think. there is a firestarter in /etc/init.d/ anyway. it only really sets your iptables rules so you can sudo iptables -L to make sure they are present. if they arent all youll get is like inbound outbound forward all set to ACCEPT. if they are youll get a ton of stuff01:06
EnronCan someone help I got an error when trying to build http://phpfi.com/24937201:06
Jordan_Uunagi, What output do you get if you just run: "sudo gdm" after stop ?01:07
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infamouskidtajmox : i am gonna reboot into xscript and come back01:07
hachigutsy is... the next release?01:07
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ztomicanto9us: esd isn't running... lemme try the other thing...01:07
unagiin the script?01:07
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joshritgerpike_: I only get 3 entries when I type that in.01:07
AwardDoes anyone know if a drive is marked as "an error occurred" and the array is "degraded" on an Intel ICH9 RAID controller if it means the dirive DEFINITELY failed, or if there could be something driver related causing it and a rebuild would fix it?01:08
Jordan_Uunagi, run sudo /etc/init.d stop then from the virtual terminal run sudo gdm01:08
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Jordan_Uunagi, /etc/init.d/gdm that is01:08
unagiid assume it would start gfm....01:08
pike_joshritger: just the 3 (policy ACCEPT) entries? thats odd01:08
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unagii dont understand why im having to type anything in after the restart01:08
ozzmanHello, i want to learn how to install compiz, what is my first step?01:08
Jordan_Uunagi, And if there are any errors you will see them in the terminal.01:08
pike_joshritger: ill be gone for a few min01:08
joshritgerpike_: yes, I do not have firestarter running rightnow, I am trying to figure out how to get it to run on startup01:09
ztomicanto9us: this is not good. I think it may be something muted on my soundcard but I can't find anything; Ive unmuted everything.01:09
DpaHi. I'm trying to install ubuntu on virtual PC 2007, but when I'm about to install the operating system it just asks for the driver cd. I hit enter, but then I'm asked to put in the installation-cd over again. Can anyone help me?01:09
unagithere were no errors01:09
Jordan_Uozzman, If you have anything but an ati card then just System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects01:09
anto9usjoshritger: it automatically installs as a service and starts on bootup, you have to run the gui manually though01:09
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Jordan_Uunagi, And it didn't start correctly?01:09
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unagiits not a matter of gdm not starting01:09
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joshritgerHMM, It isn't running on startup as far as I can tell01:10
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unagiits a matter of having to manually start gdm after stopping it01:10
unagii shouldnt have to do that01:10
anto9usztomic: you may find the folks in #ubuntustudio know more about this stuff01:10
stefgEnron: you might be missing autoconf , and you might not be in the right dir when trying to build the module. you have obviously no symlink from /usr/src/linux-2.6.15 to /usr/src/linux. and i think acronis should do the support for that01:10
TaJMoXunagi you still havent told us what output you get... and that's all we keep asking for01:10
unagieven if i do stop then start.........it doesnt start unless i type it in the virtual console01:10
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Jordan_Uunagi, But that does work ( for debugging not practical purposes ) ?01:10
unagiTaJMoX:  tell me where i can get this oputput01:10
ztomicanto9us: thanx!01:10
unagiTaJMoX: what output do you want....i told you what happens01:10
TaJMoXunagi: in the terminal - right after you type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:10
TaJMoXunagi: then what do you see???01:11
unagionce again01:11
unagifor the tenth time01:11
unagiit takes me to the virtual console01:11
unagiand sits there01:11
TaJMoXi havent heard that01:11
Jordan_Uunagi, But that does work ( for debugging not practical purposes ) ?01:11
TaJMoXyou said something about initialization which donesnt make sense01:11
ozzmanJordan_U: i'm getting " Composite extension is not available"01:11
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TaJMoXunagi:  it immediately takes you back to the $ prompt?01:11
joshritgeranto9us: I checked and there is nothing related to firestarter running on startup.01:11
unagiyou know the screen where it starts initializing different things and on the right of each line it says [ok] ?01:11
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Jordan_Uunagi, Then it may be that the script stops when the terminal that spawned it stops ( along with X )01:12
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unagiitll do it when i manually type restart Jordan_U01:12
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unagithe only time it doesnt stall at the prompt is when i do the keystroke01:12
Jordan_Uunagi, Try running it from screen or from a virtual terminal ( go to a terminal before stopping X and run the restart command )01:12
unagiwhich command01:13
anto9usjoshritger: no, it's embedded in the kernel and firestarter is just a configuration tool01:13
optimus55QUESTION: is it possible to get to root terminal from inside ubuntu 7.04 live cd?01:13
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unagior the other one01:13
kriticalI'm testing a transparent proxy on my ubuntu machine... can anyone tell me how to setup iptables to forward all tcp requests on port 80 to a different IP:Port?01:13
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:13
Jordan_Uunagi, Yes01:13
unagithat one?01:13
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infamouskidcan someone tell me how to get the toolbar at the bottom that displays what programs i have running..how to get it back?01:13
Jordan_Uunagi, init.d/gdm restart01:13
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TaJMoXunagi have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm force-reload01:13
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AnRkeyhow do i send a message to someone else logged in via ssh?01:13
Dackelcan I use OpenBSD for a desktop-experience?01:13
joshritgeranto9us: pike_: told me to look at the iptables and all I see are the policy accept enteries nothing else01:13
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mariocesar_boHi all, i want to configure ubuntu to support dual monitor, I want to know if it's posible to had my external video card and the crt conection of my mother board working together, it's posible?01:13
Jordan_UAnRkey, wall01:14
rubstyDoes anyone know of any good bluetooth device scanners out there that I can install via apt-get ?01:14
stefgDackel: this isn#t #openbsd01:14
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AnRkeyJordan_U, thanks will take a look01:14
joshritgeranto9us: Do you know of anyway for me to test it without putting my system in danger?01:14
Dpa<-- noobie need help installing ubuntu on VPC. MSG me plz, it you can help me01:14
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Jordan_UAnRkey, Also if you actually want to have a conversation you could start a screen session and both join it01:15
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slimil.anyone here on bitchx?01:15
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unagi_it just sits there01:15
TaJMoXunagi i guess that worked?01:15
unagi_says [ok] 01:15
unagi_it didnt01:15
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anto9usjoshritger: tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep eth0 (or your device name)01:15
raf256how to suspend to disk01:15
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ozzmanJordan_U: So my ATI x1900 GT is not supported by compiz01:15
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optimus55how do i get to root console (not sudo)01:16
TaJMoXunagi_ Sorry, we don't have a solution to your "problem" - try again later.   CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE seems to work for you01:16
slimilanyone here use bitchx irc client?01:16
WarboI can't work out how to use the find command, and the manual is a bit cryptic. Can I use it to output any paths that exist to files called 'foo.png' and nothing else?01:16
facugaichoptimus55: sudo -s01:16
KI4IKLI have a NVIDIA GeForce 6150...My mouse randomly locks up and the only way to get it to move again is to reboot.01:16
KI4IKLAnyone have any ideas?01:16
IndyLucianif i just want to download a package, what apt-get command would i use? the man page said i would use -d but it didn't tell me which command to use (i.e. apt-get install, apt-get download, etc)01:16
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infamouskidtajmox : how do i get my top and bottom panels back?01:16
TaJMoXKi4ikl - have you tried using the nv driver?01:16
Jordan_Uozzman, You can run Compiz but you need to install XGL ( which is a hack only needed for ati cards because ATI makes horrible linux drivers )01:16
mariocesar_boKI4IKL: your nvidia card has turbocache?01:17
optimus55facugaich: thanks a lot!01:17
WarboIndyLucian: sudo apt-get -d install packagename01:17
KI4IKLIt does it on the NV driver01:17
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KI4IKLit's me dummy01:17
pike_KI4IKL: grep -i xid /var/log/messages  or maybe dmesg | grep -i xid  do you get any lines?01:17
TaJMoXinfamouskid - they disapeared when you ran beryl??01:17
unagi_TaJMoX:  you dont have to patronize my situation01:17
KI4IKLI don't know if it does01:17
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KI4IKLpike_, do that when it freezees or now?01:17
mariocesar_boKI4IKL: i had an nvidia with turbocache, that has the same problem01:17
IndyLucianWarbo, thanks. . . now how can i specify a location to download? "use > location/name" at the end?01:17
ozzmanJordan_U: Recommended?01:17
AnRkeyJordan_U, thanks that worked well01:17
TaJMoXunagi_ then dont get upset at us for trying to help you01:17
joshritgeranto9us: that command does nothing as far as I can tell01:17
infamouskidtajmox :  well the top panel that one that says applications places systems is there. but the bottom one that displays my running programs and multi desktop manager is missing01:17
pike_KI4IKL: ive had a terrible time with the newer nvidia drivers. using nv right now. whenever you can get to a terminal01:17
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:18
Jordan_UAnRkey, Wall screen or both?01:18
WarboIndyLucian: I don't think you can. The packages all get downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives01:18
unagi_im not upset at anyone TaJMoX......im annoyed that you dont read the lines given to you01:18
AnRkeyJordan_U, the wall bit01:18
pike_KI4IKL: see if they are there then test and see if you have the problem with nv01:18
TaJMoXinfamous - you can make a new panel ... maybe it got deleted?01:18
mariocesar_boKI4IKL: on the bios you can check, if there is sharing ram.01:18
AnRkeyJordan_U, how would the screen thing work?01:18
KI4IKLyeah, didn't get any lines, pike_01:18
TaJMoXunagi_:  you pay me and i'll read faster01:18
AnRkeyJordan_U, echo msg or what?01:18
Jordan_Uozzman, I personally don't use Compiz because it would require me to use XGL, but many people do01:18
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anto9usjoshritger: should show a lot of packet activity, maybe your device isn't eth0, type ifconfig to see your network devices01:18
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KI4IKLmariocesar_bo, how did you fix the problem?01:18
mariocesar_boKI4IKL: i fix it, down the to 16MB the video ram01:19
unagi_or you could just not respond to anything i say TaJMoX since you have nothing constructive to say anyway01:19
joshritgerit is eth0 though I checked01:19
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LDZ420what do I need to do to make a cron job work?01:19
KI4IKLdown the what?01:19
Jordan_UAnRkey, No, you would just both be at the same Bash shell01:19
mariocesar_boKI4IKL: i don't "fix it", just it's less usual to freeze01:19
Jordan_UAnRkey, run "screen" then have him run "screen -x"01:19
LDZ420sorry chat01:19
infamouskidtajmox : no its there i can click and drag the icons of programs that are running up its like it went off screen?01:19
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joshritgeranto9us: it is eth0 I checked01:19
unagi_Jordan_U: is there any reason why the keystroke would work but the command wouldnt01:19
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm01:20
AnRkeyJordan_U, would using echo work for sending a msg?01:20
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AnRkeyJordan_U, in a screen that is01:20
rubstyDoes anyone know of any good bluetooth device scanners out there that I can install via apt-get ?01:20
AnRkeyJordan_U, this is cool, gotta try it01:20
Jordan_UAnRkey, In screen you wouldn't need to use echo, just try it, it will make sense when you do01:20
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AnRkeyJordan_U, it would solve some problems that i am having with techs not being able to colab01:20
Warbocan someone please give me a find command line which will give any paths to a specified filename? I can't work out how to use it01:20
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AnRkeyJordan_U, thanks very very much! :D01:21
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Jordan_UAnRkey, np :)01:21
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ozzmanJordan_U: I see...what would be the greatest benefit of using compiz?01:21
AnRkeyJordan_U, i love this #01:21
RGautierfind / -name (filename) -print01:21
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russe11screen question - if I'm running a screen session in SSH and I go to a different computer and want to connect to the same screen session, how can I? Do I have to disconnect the first one somehow? How?01:21
pike_Warbo: find <startdir> -name *.txt   to find from / youd do sudo find / -name *.txt01:21
FuMHow do I get win to run on Ubuntu?01:21
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anto9usjoshritger: that command should show something next time it sees traffic01:21
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WarboRGautier, pike_: Thank you :)01:22
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TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: how did you fix it ?01:22
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infamouskidtajmox : lol if i go to the lower left corner off screen i have a baloon that says click here to hide all windows from the desktop.. lol u know which panel i am talkin abour now?01:22
Jordan_Uozzman, There are some productivity features like an expose like effect but it's mostly useless eye candy01:22
joshritgeranto9us: is irc enough traffic?01:22
TaJMoXmariocesar_bo:  the mouse problem01:22
anto9usjoshritger: I'll try and ssh to you and see if it shows01:22
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mariocesar_boMario Csar: KI4IKL: i fix it, down the to 16MB the video ram01:22
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TaJMoXinfamouskid: maybe try killall gnome-panel      or editing the panel?01:22
Justi1How can I make Armagetron Advanced startup in ubuntu? I installed it and ran armagetronad, but nothing loads.01:22
mariocesar_bodown the ram on the bios01:22
Jordan_Uunagi, I believe that /etc/init.d/gdm start is run at boot so I have no idea why it wouldn't work if it works at boot01:23
infamouskidtajmox : i think linux is displaying a resolution not supported by my monitor how can i change this?01:23
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TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: lower the video ram ?01:23
codecaineis there a program to convert video files to .smv files?01:23
anto9usjoshritger: good news, it's not letting me in :)01:23
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joshritgerok, that is good01:23
stefg!fixres | infamouskid01:23
ubotuinfamouskid: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:23
mariocesar_boTaJMoX: yea on the bios01:23
ozzmanJordan_U: What would be a good software for editing DVI files01:23
TaJMoXinfamouskid: do you know your monitor's horizontal sync and vertical refresh rates?01:23
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Warboperfect thanks01:24
TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: lower the video ram by 16MB ?01:24
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joshritgeranto9us: that is good, I just don't understand why it seems like it isn't there01:24
infamouskidtajmox : well in windows i used 1280 x 768 and the refresh was 75hz01:24
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Justi1How can I make Armagetron Advanced startup in ubuntu? I installed it and ran armagetronad, but nothing loads.01:24
mariocesar_boTaJMoX: yes, there is a problem with the turbocache, it shares memorie of the video card with the ram of the motherboard01:24
mariocesar_boHoly Jesus !!!01:25
anto9usjoshritger: I suspect it is, firestarter will configure iptables for you which is built into the kernel01:25
mariocesar_boi erase the xorg.conf !01:25
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TaJMoXinfamouskid: ok so check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure the refresh is set to 75hz    and also check the mode lines to see if you have 1280x76801:25
joshritgeranto9us: would a router block you from acccessing me?01:25
TaJMoX!resolution | infamouskid01:25
ubotuinfamouskid: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:25
joshritgeranto9us: a wireless router01:25
mariocesar_boman ! help ! how can i get it back ... i delete him with rm :S:S:S01:25
anto9usjoshritger: yes, a router has a built in firewall01:25
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TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: you don't have a backup ?01:25
Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh01:25
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen01:25
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TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: there are probably backup xorg.conf files in the /etc/X11 directory01:26
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joshritgeranto9us: I am on a wireless router with firewall, but that might be why you couldn't get to me, I am still not sure if firestarter is working though01:26
mariocesar_bonooo, i don't have it ... i want to erase the backups files :S and erase by mistake all the files :'(01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hot-babe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
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badkittywhat is hot-babe?01:26
mariocesar_boi had a lot ! of configuration on that file !01:26
anto9usjoshritger: my best guess is that it's working so you're doubly protected01:26
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Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, The command I gave will recreate the file, without your customization though :(01:27
mariocesar_boit happend a second ago, can i recover it ? :(01:27
TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: you should sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh01:27
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joshritgeranto9us: ok, I just wanted to make sure it was working before I switch routers because the new one might not have a firewall as it is from our service provider and not somethign I purchased01:27
anto9usjoshritger: also of note is that ubuntu doesn't run any open network services by default01:27
Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, If the file is still actually being read by X then yes, but I doubt that it is and it would be hard to recover anyways01:27
mariocesar_bommm,  but, but ... the desktop it's still running ... it has to be a way to recover the settings, no?01:27
joshritgeranto9us: ok, that is good to know. I know it is more secure than windows, but I wasn't sure what I need to do for more protection01:28
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Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, What sort of customization did you have?01:28
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mariocesar_boJordan_U: yes ! it still being read it.01:28
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joshritgeranto9us: Thanks for the help01:28
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mariocesar_bofor my nvidia card, all the modelines, and the configuration of my monitor01:29
Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, Are you sure of that, just because X is still running doesn't mean that it still has the file open01:29
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VietnowI'm having a problem installing ubuntu ff, can anyone assist me with this??01:29
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mariocesar_boJordan_U: i am using the X, right now, it happend a two seconds ago01:29
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TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: cd / ; find |grep xorg.conf01:30
TaJMoXmariocesar_bo: or cd /tmp ; find |grep xorg.conf01:30
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infamouskid_tajmox : ok i was able to drag the panel to the right side of the screen i can see it now01:30
luisinWhat's the official name of the latest Ubuntu release?01:31
mariocesar_bonothing ... 001:31
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents01:31
infamouskid_tajmox : but it docks offscreen at the bottom how can i fix this?01:31
kristoferI've got a dell latitude d610. I'm trying to use 915resolution to get the native 1400x1050 resolution.  Any tips?01:31
adrianHELP!! i can't seem to make any of my archive managers to extract rar files, god, i must be incompetent!01:31
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unagi_what is the actual comand issued when you press ctrl + alt + backspace01:31
luisinthx, stefg.01:31
mariocesar_bothere is a file on the X11 directory, .xorg.conf.swp01:31
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anto9usadrian: sudo apt-get install unrar-free01:31
robbyunagi_:  restarts xserver01:31
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unagi_i know what it does im asking for the command that is issued01:32
mariocesar_bobut it's illegible01:32
infamouskid_tajmox : WBWBHAHAHA nevermind bud i fixed it01:32
TaJMoXinfamouskid: you can go into gconf-editor and in Apps->Panel->Toplevels->Panel_1 change the y to something like -40 or 40  to see where it goes  ...?01:32
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lnsDoes anyone know a ballpark estimate as to when the 2.6.22 kernel will hit Feisty?01:32
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timewriterhow do i install a startup manager on feisty ?01:32
TaJMoXinfamouskid: or various options like "orientation"01:32
Jordan_Ulns, Never01:32
adrianadrian@adrian-laptop:~$  sudo apt-get install unrar-free01:32
adrianE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:32
adrianE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:32
lnsJordan_U, well that answers my question. ;)01:32
infamouskid_tajmox : all i did was change the resolution to the one i listed and bam i was able to dock properly01:32
stefglns: never, 2.622 will be in !gutsy01:32
Jordan_Uadrian, Close synaptic01:33
timewriteradrian, there is another pat process running01:33
timewriterapt* i mean01:33
lnsSo how about a ballpark estimate as to when Gutsy will be declared stable?01:33
kristoferunagi_, it's not a command line application, it's a keyboard combination to kill X. kinda like ctrl-c kills command line apps01:33
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anto9usadrian: you're possibly running synaptic, you can install it from there too01:33
Jordan_Ulns, 7.10 :)01:33
infamouskid_tajmox :  is there a way i can update the linux driver for my monitor so i can get higher resolution?01:33
stefg!fixres | infamouskid01:33
ubotuinfamouskid: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:33
VietnowGuys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my sisters laptop, but after I click "run live cd or install" on the live disc, it starts to load up the os, the desktop wallpaper shows up aswell as a mouse icon  but then it does nothing else.. it just freezes from there, can anyone help??01:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sum - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
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TTT_Travishow do I completely remove a program with apt-get including configs etc.?01:34
adrianshould it work now?01:34
TaJMoX!nvidia | infamouskid01:34
ubotuinfamouskid: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:34
stefgVietnow: hardware specs ?01:34
jgoguenunagi_: are you using Gnome or KDE01:34
robbyunagi_:  im sure at some level of code there is a command but it most likely is noy a stand alone cmd01:34
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Jordan_Umariocesar_bo, run "lsof | grep xorg.conf" if you get no output then it is gone01:34
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anto9ustimewriter: bum is a graphical tool for init services01:34
TaJMoXTTT_Travis: apt-get remove --purge PACKAGENAME01:34
RkyRaccoonis there any supported resolution that doesnt look like crap on a widescreen monitor01:34
Vietnowhmmm PM me01:34
Jordan_UVietnow, How much RAM does it have?01:35
TTT_TravisTaJMoX thank you01:35
unagi_gnome jgoguen01:35
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timewriteri found this http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=110801:35
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TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: I like my 1680x105001:35
unagi_its rather annoying that i cant make a script that restarts X server01:35
Jordan_URkyRaccoon, Native resolution01:35
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tomcommatheHey All01:35
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: depends on your videocard and display too01:35
RkyRaccoontajmox, in order to do that i need to use the ati driver which messes stuff up01:35
anto9ustimewriter: bum is in the repos01:35
Taco`what does aoss do?01:35
luisinTaco`, frijoles?01:35
RkyRaccoonati radeon x1950pro and a dell 20.1 widescreen monitor01:35
jgoguenunagi_: there is no specific command sent by Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, but you can get the same effect by switching to another terminal, logging in, and giving the command 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'01:35
TaJMoXunagi_ well you obviously broke your gdm trying01:35
timewriterthanks anto9us01:35
Vietnowjust a second lemme check01:35
mariocesar_boJordan_U: ok, but the file .xorg.conf.swp, what it is ?01:35
Jordan_Uunagi, Why can't you have it run stop then start?01:35
kristoferI'm sure I'd like 1400x1050 if it would work. anyone use a dell d610 with 915resolution?01:35
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TaJMoXunagi_ try a forum or google01:36
gnychiscan someone explain these keyring errors to me: http://rafb.net/p/t11eXy88.html01:36
tomcommatheI am brand new to Ubuntu, and I am a question about copying files to the file system. For whatever reason, it won't allow me to do this... Why?01:36
VietnowI have 512 mb ram01:36
unagi_TaJMoX:  i asked you not to respond to me01:36
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon - there are 3 ATI drivers - fglrx - ati - radeon01:36
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unagi_is there a way to block users in irc?01:36
makairaI'm having trouble formatting my new external harddrive. I installed GParted and it won't give me the option to format, the option is just greyed out.01:36
jgoguenunagi_: You can have a script to restart X, simply have it give the command '/etc/init.d/gdm restart' and run it with sudo01:36
stefg!permissions | tomcommathe01:36
ubotutomcommathe: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:36
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TaJMoXunagi_ /ignore TaJMoX01:36
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Jordan_Uunagi, /ignore though he isn't being that bad01:36
timewriterill reboot and see what happens01:37
unagi_jgoguen the problem is that it doesnt actually01:37
RkyRaccoontajmox, is the radeon or ati from ati's site?01:37
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unagi_it hangs at the terminal and i have to restart it myself01:37
anto9ustomcommathe: yes, you don't have permissions, by default a user only has privilege to write to their home folder, the system is protecting you from yourself :)01:37
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: I beleive the "ati" driver is the official one from the amd/ati website - not sure.   fglrx always works for me01:37
Jordan_Uunagi, Why can't you have it run stop then start?01:37
unagi_because it hangs at the terminal01:37
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unagi_every command ive tried stops at the terminal01:37
RkyRaccoontajmox, im on fglrx but it doesnt support 1680x1050 does it?01:37
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jgoguenunagi_: probably because the command is run within the context of Gnome, which is killed on restart, which means the restart command is killed by restarting01:38
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: That's what I use01:38
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Jordan_Uunagi, If you can start it yourself then a script can do what you are doing01:38
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jgoguenunagi_: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace will do the trick01:38
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jgoguenunagi_: and is so much faster and better than a script01:38
unagi_thats why i dont understand why it isnt actually restarting01:38
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RkyRaccoontajmox, did you just add it to xorg.conf?01:38
jgoguenunagi_: I just told you why01:38
makairaDoes anybody know why GParted isn't giving me the option to format my external?01:38
Justi1When I open 'Services settings', a blank window opens and it just sits there. How can I fix this?01:38
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: After I installed fglrx - I got my 1680x1050 resolution automagically01:38
unagi_soso when gnome is killed the script is therefore killed after gnome is killed?01:39
Jordan_Uunagi, Try looking at the actual script and the difference between restart and stop and start01:39
jgoguenunagi_: exactly01:39
RkyRaccoontajmox, isnt fglrx the default ati driver for ubuntu?01:39
jgoguenunagi_: which is why it doesn't come up01:39
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robbyanyone write an algorithm for the folloeing 2 lines of code01:39
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unagi_that doesnt make sense actually because ubotu even says re01:39
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:39
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Jordan_Uunagi, That is what I said but you said that running it in screen didn't work either01:39
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Justi1When I open 'Services settings', a blank window opens and it just sits there. How can I fix this?01:39
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unagi_running it in script or in virtual terminal or in terminal just hangs at the virtual terminal01:40
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: no01:40
jgoguenunagi_: console, not terminal01:40
jgoguenunagi_: there's a difference01:40
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timewriteranto9us, does bum manage grub splash ?01:40
RkyRaccoontajmox, that could be where i went wrong01:40
Tu3sdaygreetings, my ubuntu just locked up and froze completely TWICE, anyway I can diagnose this problem?01:40
unagi_console....terminal.....doesnt work either way01:40
VietnowGuys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my sisters laptop, but after I click "run live cd or install" on the live disc, it starts to load up the os, the desktop wallpaper shows up aswell as a mouse icon  but then it does nothing else.. it just freezes from there, can someone Private message me, this room moves very quickly <<01:40
anto9ustimewriter: sorry, I don't know01:40
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timewriterits ok , its sorted anyway01:40
jgoguenunagi_: are you using Ubuntu?  I just tried it now on my laptop and from console, Gnome stopped and started again01:40
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timewriterhow do i change nautilus splash ?01:40
robbySession.TimeOut = x01:40
unagi_yes im using ubuntu01:40
FurryNemesishi all01:41
jgoguenunagi_: but from terminal, it stopped and stayed there01:41
RkyRaccoonanyone here tried kubuntu?01:41
Shadow_WarriorJusti1: Man were you with the nick Justi2 yesterday?01:41
Jack_Flash Vietnow What boot options have you tried?  Have you done the disk selftest for errors?01:41
unagi_from the terminal it stops X and takes me to the virtual terminal and stops01:41
Shadow_Warrioror two days ago...01:41
TaJMoXrkyraccoon - sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx ; sudo aticonfig --initial ; aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv01:41
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jgoguenunagi_: remember, console is accessed with Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, etc01:41
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unagi_and from the terminal or consol01:41
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Vietnowyes Jack_Flash, Everything is fine01:41
unagi_restarting X doesnt start it again01:41
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VietnowI've actually ran the live boot on another computer,01:41
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RkyRaccoontajmox, thanks01:42
Vietnowit stops just befor everything loads up01:42
gtroyanyone give recommendations for eye candy desktop things for a 8mb video card?01:42
Shadow_WarriorJusti1: if yes... the other guy that used an ATI card found a way to make it work if I remember well. If you remember his name he could help you.01:42
TaJMoXjgoguen - ask him to re-boot - it should work after that01:42
Jack_FlashPeople sorry for the nick changes... I messed up with the wheel mouse01:42
unagi_here i will run /etc/init.d/?dm restart from the terminal01:42
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mariocesar_bommm i want to know, why the new files i create with sudo has root:plugdev on the proporties insteed root:root, Why?01:42
jgoguenTaJMoX: gotta love the Windows solution :)01:42
Jack_Flash Vietnow What boot options have you tried?01:42
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jgoguenunagi_: no, not ?dm01:43
TaJMoXjgoguen - hes a windows user01:43
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VietnowLive cd, and I've tryed the safe graphics mode01:43
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robbyAlgorithim for - - - -lTimeOut=Session.Timeout01:43
robbySession.TimeOut = x01:43
Jordan_Uunagi, You don't happen to have kdm installed also do you01:43
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VietnowIs it possible for me to delete windows xp, and then install ubuntu01:43
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unagithat didnt work01:43
Jack_FlashVietnow: may I msg you?01:43
gnychiswhats the best way to get gnome-keyring-manager to start every boot?01:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:43
unaginot to my knowledge Jordan_U01:43
Vietnowstraight from the disc?01:43
FurryNemesisquick question : how do I manually insert icons (.png format) into the appropriate folder for them to appear as an icon set in the theme preferences?01:43
unagino it isnt01:44
coopsterI want to have 'umount /dev/usbkey' run a script before unmounting, is that possible?01:44
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gtroyunagi: use /etc/intt.d/gdm restart01:44
VietnowI think I need to register or something01:44
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Jordan_Ugnychis, Are you trying to keep network manager from asking for a passwd every login?01:44
jgoguenunagi_: ubotu says '?dm' since you could use gdm or kdm depending on what's there...in your case with Gnome, you would use '/etc/init.d/gdm restart' and NOT ?dm01:44
TaJMoXFurryNemesis: Look at /usr/share/icons01:44
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FurryNemesisTaJMoX, tried that, it doesn't seem to be it01:45
Jordan_Ujgoguen, Actually Bash interprets the ? as a wild card and it just works :)01:45
TaJMoXjgoguen: ?dm should do the same thing01:45
tomcommatheOkay, so I am still lost... Sorry, like I said, this is my first time using this OS (And haven't played in Linux for years) How do I gain write permissions into a File System folder?01:45
gtroyI want desktop candy for an old laptop01:45
gnychisJordan_U: right, nm-applet keeps asking me for a pass01:45
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TaJMoXFurryNemesis: that's where all your icon themes are.01:45
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:45
makairaI'm trying to format an external harddrive from the terminal and it is saying "No partition is defined yet!" when I type the "d," or delete, command.01:45
makairaAnybody know what's up?01:45
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VietnowJack_Sparrow it will not let me private message you because I'm not a registered user, just wait a little bit01:45
gravemindhey, how can I make my ubuntu startup as fast as my windows partition?01:46
Vietnowthen I'll message you01:46
Jack_SparrowVietnow:   /j #Vietnow01:46
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TaJMoXtomcommathe - EXAMPLE: sudo gedit /etc/filename01:46
unagii just dont get it01:46
Jordan_Ugnychis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager see automatic keyring01:46
unagigdm restart doesnt help because its not restarting x server01:46
TaJMoXgravemind: dont turn it off01:46
jgoguenTaJMoX: I see...guess I'm just too used to my days on earlier versions of OpenBSD where such a thing didn't always work01:46
unagignome lets me know there is already x server running01:46
FurryNemesisTaJMoX, I don't see some of them, not the actual desktop icons - is there another folder for ones that have been installed ?01:46
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nerdygirl_ellieHi everybody!01:46
jgoguenTaJMoX: thx for letting me know01:46
gtroytype ctrl alt backspace to restart X01:46
gravemindTaJMoX: loudish fan...01:46
unagithanks gtroy01:46
Hyarion2has anyone had issues with adding an mp3 profile to Sound Juicer? No matter how many times I try when I change the pipeline, the profile disappears from the list.01:46
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gravemindbright leds, etc.01:46
unagigtroy now tell me a command to do the same thing01:47
gnychisJordan_U: awesome, i'll check that out thanks01:47
RkyRaccoontajmox, is installing fglrx from the restricted drivers manager any different from doing it with your command line codes?01:47
TaJMoXjgoguen - well this is bash01:47
gtroyterminal command?01:47
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Jordan_Ugravemind, hibernate, make boot run scripts in parallel01:47
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: won't sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart do it?01:47
gtroywhy would you want that unagi ?01:47
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gtroyto stop it completely?01:47
unagiheres what id ultimately like to do.......write a script that switches my xorg.conf restarts x server kills avant window navigator and opens maya01:48
nerdygirl_ellieHow do I change my default runlevel from 5 to 3?01:48
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unagiis that possible?01:48
martosshi there01:49
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unagii didnt think this was really such a hard thing to do01:49
Jordan_Uunagi, Have it startx instead of gdm * be careful to su first if the script is run as root*01:49
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unagi/etc/init.d/X start?01:49
gtroy$sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:49
Jordan_Uunagi, It isn't when it works :)01:49
TaJMoXFurryNemesis: ~/.Icons or ~/.icons01:49
unagilol yea Jordan_U youre not kidding01:49
Jordan_Uunagi, No, just "startx"01:49
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nerdygirl_ellieDo you specify the window manager in the Xorg.conf?  I didn't know that.01:49
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martossi need a x86_64 opensuse in a ubuntu x86_64. Xen is not an option, since i need 2.6.22 from gutsy here.01:50
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martosswhat do you recommend?01:50
Jordan_Uunagi, But again, since your script is running as root and you DO NOT want to start x as root be carefull01:50
martossis there sth like debootstrap?01:50
gtroyunagi: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-desktop-x-windows/1250-stop-x.html01:50
TaJMoXRkyRaccoon: restricted drivers manager might work for you - try it - it didnt for me01:50
bulmernerdygirl_ellie: nope thats not where it is defined01:50
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Jordan_U!debootstrap | martoss01:51
ubotumartoss: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.01:51
=== Biteyni [i=LickMeSu@adsl-70-240-243-73.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:51
martossJordan_U, i know01:51
nerdygirl_ellieDidn't think so.  Is it in .xsession or something?01:51
martossjust was asking if sth similar exists for rpm based distros01:51
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bulmernerdygirl_ellie: something like that or maybe Xdefaults01:52
BiteyniHello all!01:52
Jordan_Umartoss, Why ask in #ubuntu?01:52
unagi_says something like unknown process X01:52
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martossthe problem is, that intel vtune and fortran compilers won't intall in ubuntu. So i just wanna install them in a changeroot.01:52
Jordan_Uunagi, just "startx" nothing else01:52
TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie: telinit01:52
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unagi_ok brb01:52
BiteyniI have a problem when trying to install ubuntu (first time) The CD is fine the iso image is fine burn was good01:52
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martossJordan_U, i was more asking for an xen alternative working with gutsy'S 2.6.22 kernel01:52
unagi_wait what kills x01:53
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Jordan_Uunagi, No01:53
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Stwangeive got trouble with my sound card, whenever i use it, it squeals, only happens with ubuntu, any suggestions?01:53
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unagi_whats the command for killing x01:53
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Biteynithe screen loads up to where i have to chose in safe graphics mode01:53
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Biteynii press enter to go to graphics mode01:53
TaJMoXunagi_ it is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    you already know this01:53
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vladuz976when I edit /etc/resolv.conf it doesn`t retain the changes after reboot? how can I make it keep the settings i want? I think "network manager" changes it01:53
shiester_miesterStwange, what sound card is it?01:53
mrochello.  i'm having two issues - one that's very important, the other is fairly minor.  Big issue:  i'm getting (seemingly) random glitches in the display and don't know where i should be looking to find error messages or how to begin troubleshooting.   Small issue:  i can see shared music in rhythmbox and amarok.  it plays fine in rhythmbox, but i get connection errors in amarok.  any help (with either issue) is very appreciated01:54
Biteynithe screen says loading kernel and then the screen stays black01:54
vladuz976unagi, cntr alt backspace01:54
Optimus55can anyone explain to me? i use a dial connection, but once i plug in my ethernet jack, my dial up connection breaks, any ideas?01:54
TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie: did that work ?01:54
nerdygirl_ellievladuz976: Hi.  Your dhcp agent is overwriting it.  one sec, I'll tell you how to change it.01:54
Stwangeshiester_miester, it's onboard with the A8V-VM01:54
makairaI need help with an external harddrive. The external has hidden partitions and fdisk isn't letting me format the harddrive. Any way I can fix this?!?01:54
glLoadIdentityhi all, i have a double click problem with my mouse.. i am using 6.10 and whenever i use the left button, it clicks 2 times.. and i dont have 2 mouse devices in my xorg.conf01:54
Biteyniif anybody can point me in the right direction to where i can solve my problem.. i'm thinking it has to do with graphics card but dunno01:55
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shiester_miesterOptimus55, its probably trying to change from one to the other, dropping the connection01:55
TaJMoXmakaira - have you tried gparted01:55
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unagi_i dont think gdm restart or stop stops x01:55
makairaTaJMoX: Yes, it doesn't even give me the option to format. The function is greyed out.01:55
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RkyRaccoontajmox, works like a charm thanks01:55
unagi_because startx gave a fatal server error for theres already x running on display 0 and gdm start tells me x is already running01:56
makairaTaJMoX: It does show me that there are about 10 partitions + 1 unallocated partition before the actual partition begins.01:56
TaJMoXmakaira: probably because the partition is mounted - umount it first01:56
Optimus55shiester_miester: any idea how to stop that. like stop the default gateway from changing or so?01:56
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rolfenmakaira: you have 10 partitions on your drive?01:56
nerdygirl_ellievladuz976: found it.  gksu gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and add prepend domain-name-servers x.x.x.x;01:56
shiester_miesterOptimus55, you can specify the gateway in the network settings01:56
unagi_no new ideas?01:56
makairarolfen: It's a brand new external with some proprietary stuff on it.01:57
shiester_miesterOptimus55, although that will probably mean that you also have to specify IP and subnet01:57
TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie: did you need to change runlevel?   did telinit work ?01:57
jgoguenunagi_: at this point, you're probably best to reboot and start trying what you've been told after a reboot...everything you've been told about /etc/init.d/gdm is correct01:57
timmanyone know how to play Videos on Ubuntu?01:57
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Tu3sdayhelp! my ubuntu keeps freezing over and over and over again!01:57
Tu3sdaymake it stop!01:57
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Biteynican anybody help with with my installation problem?01:57
shiester_miestertimm, i do it all the time01:57
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nerdygirl_elliemakaira: what command are you starting fdisk with?01:57
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TaJMoXunagi_ sudo killall Xorg01:57
rolfenTu3sday: it just freezes?01:57
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Justi1When I try to install/uninstall anything with synaptic, it freezes halfway through, saying it is trying to install flash player. How can I stop this?01:57
Tu3sdayrolfen: yes01:57
TaJMoXunagi_ sudo shutdown -r now01:57
rolfenTu3sday: mouse freezes too?01:58
Stwangeshiester_miester, any ideas? It's not even a little squeal I can put up with, it's louder than the music01:58
Tu3sdayrolfen: i'll be typing a command and everything locks up completely, yes01:58
openeduHi, i just upgraded from edgy to feisty and am having trouble getting my software RAID1 working again.01:58
jgoguenTaJMoX: he took my reboot idea already I think :)01:58
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Optimus55is there a cmd to set the default gateway in cli?01:58
jgoguenTaJMoX:  unagi_ has quit (Client Quit)01:58
Tu3sdayit could be 5 minutes after I reboot... or 20 minutes01:58
nerdygirl_ellieI know about telinit, is there a way I can change the default runlevel at boot?01:58
openeduIt was previously mounting on /mnt/backed just fine, but now nothing happens01:58
infamouskid_can someone tell me the command line to open a terminal window?01:58
rolfenTu3sday: could it be bad hardware?01:58
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shiester_miesterStwange, no idea.  if you turn down the volume in the volume control panel, does the sqeal get softer?01:58
Biteynican anybody be a good help and point at least somewhere that'll help me?01:58
makairanerdygirl_ellie: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb01:58
rolfenTu3sday: or maybe a bug in the drivers01:58
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Tu3sdayI don't think so01:58
shiester_miesterinfamouskid, thats a silly question01:58
Tu3sdayI just rolled back the kernel to a previous one01:59
Tu3sdaymaybe that will help01:59
rolfenTu3sday: sounds like a pretty low-level problem01:59
novato_brwhat s going on with this dude? http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=i3x4C1fJcUk&mode=related&search=01:59
makairaThen it says "No partition is defined yet!"01:59
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, thats a silly question (sorry got your name wrong)01:59
mujahidhi, i am running fiesty fawn - i need to upgrade gtk to 2.10.13 - how do i do that?01:59
timmshie mate Pm please01:59
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infamouskid_shiester : no it isnt i am a noob. day 2 linux for me01:59
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: route add netmask gw x.x.x.x01:59
Tu3sdayrolfen: i've used this system and it's hardware for a long period of time and have never had this issue01:59
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shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, oh sorry, i misread your question01:59
Tu3sdayrolfen: do you know if logs will shed any light on this, if so which ones?01:59
nerdygirl_ellieTaJMoX: yes, telinit works, I'm looking for the way to do it at every boot.02:00
infamouskid_shiester_miester :  i am trying to bind a keyboard shortcut but i do not know the command line to open a terminal window to the shoortcut02:00
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, "gnome-terminal" or "xterm" both work, although there are lots of others too02:00
infamouskid_shiester_miester : thanks you02:00
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rolfenTu3sday: well if if freezes like this then I'm assuming that there is no log entry02:00
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shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, i highly recommend that you install "tilda" its very useful terminal application02:00
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nerdygirl_elliemakaira: That's weird.  Could it be that the partition is mounted?  It is a shot in the dark.02:00
JFreakhello everybody02:00
Tu3sdayrolfen: :(02:00
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rolfenTu3sday: But I dont know... maybe someone else can help02:01
shiester_miestergday JFreak02:01
JFreakcan somebody help me? how make to beryl start automatic every time i login my session ??02:01
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infamouskid_man i dont understand why02:01
Stwangeshiester_miester, dunno, it's not making any sound now :S ah well ill come back next time it does :)02:01
makairanerdygirl_ellie: One sec, I may be making some progress.02:01
bulmernerdygirl_ellie: look at /etc/inittab02:01
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TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie: Ubuntu doesn't use the regular init - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel#Ubuntu_Linux02:01
shiester_miesterJFreak, menu -> system -> preferences -> sessions02:01
rolfenTu3sday: what I would have done is made sure all the drivers are up to date and maybe try to disable some hardware...02:01
nerdygirl_elliebulmer: thanks!  That's the file.02:01
infamouskid_so much you can do with linux.. i am starting to even wonder why linux is not in all office computers02:01
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: if its a dial connection, how do i set default gateway to be whatever dynamic gateway gets set on device ttyUSB0?02:02
TaJMoXubuntu doesnt use inittab02:02
rolfenTu3sday: sorry, I'm no big help02:02
shiester_miesterStwange, try playing with the volumes a bit, and some of the other settings in the volume control panel thingo02:02
bulmerTaJMoX: sure it does02:02
Tu3sdayrolfen: well i appreciate the input regardless02:02
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TaJMoXbulmer - nah =] 02:02
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Tu3sdayrolfen: I did a apt-get update and ugprade so i think everything is as up2date as it can  be02:02
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, theres nothing u can really do with linux that you can't do with other OSes, it just has some different functionality implemented02:02
JFreakshiester_miester what have to do in preferences ??02:02
infamouskid_tajmox shiester : thanks you both.. i learned a lot today. even as a noob.. btw tajmox i fixed the resolution prob i had to make a script02:03
shiester_miesterJFreak, i dont know, specifically, just have a fiddle with things02:03
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: instead of gw x.x.xx use dev ppp0 or whatever the name of the interface is.02:03
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, you dont have to thank me, i barely said anything02:03
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makairanerdygirl_ellie: K, I think I made progress clearing it out. Now I am trying to format it in GParted and I'm not sure what "labeltype" I should give it. I'm trying to format it as ext3.02:03
TaJMoXinfamouskid: no prob - congratz =] 02:03
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shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, and the reason it isnt in most offices is because nobody can be bothered to learn it.  m$ software is "good enough"02:03
infamouskid_shiester : you still asnwered me.. most ppl wont even help beginners lik eme02:03
rolfenTu3sday: did you check the smart status of you hard drives?02:03
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: man route has some examples.02:03
f00bar2kwhat do I need to add to my config files to get php handling .php files in apache?02:03
TaJMoXbulmer: mind showing me your /etc/inittab ?02:03
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, yeah pretty much everyone does...thats what this channel is for02:04
Tu3sdayrolfen: smart status, im afraid I don't know what that is, I do however have a Removable External USB 2.0 HDD02:04
TaJMoXbulmer: because none of my ubuntu computers have it.   ubuntu has 2 runlevels02:04
shiester_miesterf00bar2k, i would think that php handles .php files by default02:04
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shiester_miestertimm, i sent you a pm, why dont you reply?02:04
f00bar2kshiester_miester, i would have thought so too! :)02:04
shiester_miesterf00bar2k, :/02:04
infamouskid_shiester yajmos : to be honest the only reason i installed linux is becuase i got pissed off that i spent 900 bucks on an os 2 days ago only to see after the format that my hard ware was not compatible02:04
Tu3sdayrolfen: but it's been in use with this system long term - never had an issue really.... doesn't rule that device out02:04
makairanerdygirl_ellie: I think it's MSDOS labeltype. Any ideas as to why the partition shows up as 289GB rather than the full 320GB?02:04
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, vista?02:04
infamouskid_shiester : yah...02:04
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infamouskid_shiester : im pissed but happy now02:05
LucianIndyim using Tilda, and for some reason, the text in the terminal is formatted all weird. Example: the word Ghost. The G and h will be super close to each other, overlapping sometimes, but the the o and s will be spaced apart then the t will be right up on the s's butt02:05
robsomebodyhello #ubuntu02:05
LucianIndyits really annoying and hard to read. how do i fix this02:05
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=== shiester_miester wishes that operating systems had downloadable demos so that everyone could see why vista sucks without wasting their money
=== robsomebody aka bobsomebody ftr
rolfenTu3sday: yeah. smart is a technology to monitor the health of your hard drive.02:05
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shiester_miester!hi | robsomebody02:05
uboturobsomebody: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:05
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TaJMoXbulmer nerdygirlellie - Runlevel 1: Single User Mode - Runlevel 2: GDM boot02:05
nerdygirl_elliemakaira: not sure if this is much help, but "Labels" let you mount a partition without keeping track of the location.  i.e. Label="yadayada" in the /etc/fstab instead of /dev/sda102:05
Motorsport3Hello, I just installed feisty on a desktop w/ a SB Audigy card, but none of my sound works. How do I get this working?02:05
nerdygirl_ellieTaJMoX: Thanks.  I'm reading it now.02:05
=== Jsp [n=tnp@c-71-60-149-100.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kapacehello, how do i change file attributes?02:05
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: i keep getting unknown host02:05
infamouskid_shiester : could you believe this is the first time today i ever knew what irc was?02:05
loca|hostmy beryl is no more working after upgrading to feisty02:06
shiester_miesterinfamouskid_, irc is pretty obscure02:06
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shiester_miesterloca|host, reinstall beryl then02:06
Optimus55route add netmask dev ttyUSB0  --> unknown host02:06
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unagii restarted....i ran sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart......it blanks the screen.......takes me to a screen with a bunch of lines like starting bluetooth [ok]  and just sits there02:06
gravemin1Jordan_U: how do you make the boot scripts run in parallel02:06
robsomebodykapace, what do you mean file attribs? like read/write/xicute?02:06
unagiso where exactly did i go wrong02:06
Optimus55route add netmask dev ppp0 --> unknown host02:06
shiester_miesterloca|host, its not like beryl has a plethora of settings :P02:06
=== Elagic is now known as Goldie
gnychisis there a proper guide to follow for setting up XGL/Compiz or whatever the best/newest eye candy is?02:06
shiester_miesterMotorsport3, in the volume control panel, does it show your sound card at all?02:06
=== Goldie is now known as Elagic
LucianIndyany guesses?02:06
shiester_miestergnychis, yes there is02:06
TaJMoXnerdygirl_ellie to boot into single user mode just use the boot option singleuser (in grub)02:06
=== deshantm [n=deshantm@xenbert.sc.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu
robsomebodykapace: you will want to use the CHMOD command02:07
kapaceoo.. example?02:07
robsomebodykapace, you need to be root to use it, so you have to do like this02:07
kapacei tried chmod 777..02:07
unagino ides huh02:07
shiester_miestergnychis, we don't provide support for that here though.  you can google it, and you can also ask in #opencompositing02:07
kapacesudo chmod..02:07
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bulmerunagi: take a look at /etc/init.d/xdm  how it uses /usr/bin/X11/xdm02:07
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bobgillCan someone help me with a script: http://pastebin.ca/617046    I just want to kill conky before game starts, then when game exits conky runs again.. everything but last line to start conky again works02:07
oxeimon3does anyone know how to manage multiple monitors on ubuntu02:07
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robsomebodykapace, sudo 755 -R (DIR PATH)02:07
oxeimon3is there native support for that?02:07
Tama00how come my windows network browsing doesnt work anymore:(02:07
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oxeimon3I have 2 monitors02:07
=== John` [n=akira@149-88.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Motorsport3shiester_miester: If I open the volume control from the panel, the title of the window says, "Volume Control: Audigy 1 [SB0090]  (Alsa mixer)02:07
robsomebodywould change all directories about DIR PATH to chmod 75502:08
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robsomebodykapace, do this02:08
TaJMoXbulmer - he will think you literally mean "xdm"    he is using gdm02:08
robsomebodysudo chmod --help02:08
Tama00can someone please tell me the service that lets me browse windows networks02:08
John`how can i reinstall the regular compiz from ubuntu again?02:08
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: your interface may not be called ppp0.  run ifconfig to see what the name of the interface is.02:08
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robsomebodyman chmod02:08
unagibulmer how do i look at the gdm script02:08
shiester_miesterMotorsport3, ok so its obviously working02:08
kapaceor even man chmod.,.02:08
=== rocknroll [n=rocknrol@67.84-48-72.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
unagii swear to god TaJMoX you really know how to talk down on someone02:08
JspHey, i'm new to ubuntu, how can i install refit.deb before i install with the live cd?02:08
kapacethcxs man02:08
robsomebodykapace, be sure to read those or you can lock yourself out of your entire hard drive reallllllly easy02:08
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bulmerunagi use vim or emacs or nano02:08
oxeimon3how would I manage two monitors on ubuntu?02:09
Tu3sdayrolfen: under windows I had a program that could tell me temperature and other features of my hdds in the taskbar, if that's related to smart at all... heh <---newbie02:09
shiester_miesteroxeimon3, yes ubuntu can do dual-monitor setups02:09
Motorsport3shiester_miester: nope i can't hear anything, nothing is muted02:09
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bobgilloxeimon3: nVidia or ATI card ?02:09
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rolfenTu3sday: yeah it uses smart to get the temperature :)02:09
bobgillouch, then I'm not sure :/ I use nVidia02:09
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: yup ppp002:09
John`how can i reinstall ubuntu compiz, because i accidently uninstall it02:09
oxeimon3nvidia blows02:09
Optimus55Link encap Point to Point protocol02:09
oxeimon3shiester: how would I do that?02:09
dsgsdgwhen I browse my cd I get   8!;nR@m@;JNT@02:09
dsgsdg                           l@*=,GwZ`o"/G4nBIl2pXS=0?7X7F02:09
dsgsdg                                                                               +02:09
dsgsdg              D] hY] F?\4duBuZq4_qqy<q_EBN=J)`-U|\*%C02:09
bobgillthat's certainly not the case on linux ;)02:09
=== skippy [n=null@ip-58-28-130-137.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
TaJMoXunagi - you're annoying02:10
dsgsdg                                                  Tj<8 {?8~u<{nC")PDqC]    uL?] hu?:!02:10
shiester_miesteroxeimon3, its not much different to windows02:10
dsgsdg                       02:10
dsgsdg                         yy`vVKn*!z,eXR+@>GtsS70#kR=zgTjP(zuxmRJ^lZn&3jRmt[$?Nw~D?QmV02:10
jgoguenunagi: after the way you've replied to me, and the way I've seen you reply to him, I'd say his comments are deserved02:10
dsgsdgm8?>s&$U>M+/yV'7<O@k0c tVb ;hY=(dYa   *gK2F;S02:10
=== |thunder [n=e@c-71-238-224-37.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsgsdg!w M6F|    aTy6pb,$++sqDwy,B02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w m6f - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
dsgsdg                                                       @MA;~:V@?9A.C6] @?2`?h_`02:10
SlimG2why does: sudo echo '<deb repos url>' >> /etc/apt/sources.list     give me "Permission denied" ?02:10
rolfen!pastebin | dsgsdg02:10
ubotudsgsdg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:10
dsgsdg why?02:10
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, dont do that02:10
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Jordan_Ugravemin1, gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc02:10
Jspuse the pastebin02:10
pi3please! ban dsgsdg02:10
=== FruitLoop [n=sutekh@ppp121-45-224-81.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagidont blame me because you dont know how to fix this problem TaJMoX02:10
jgoguenunagi: I work for a helpdesk and have never seen a user reply to someone giving them free help in this way02:10
unagijgoguen: how exactly have i replied to you02:10
TaJMoXunagi - how many hours is it going to take to realise we can't solve your problem without more information02:10
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: this works for me..  sudo route add netmask dev ppp002:11
unagiwhat information do you need.....02:11
unagiive told you exactly what happens02:11
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Jordan_Ugravemin1, change CONCURRENCY=none to "CONCURRENCY=shell"02:11
TaJMoX"nothing happens"02:11
shiester_miesterTaJMoX and unagi, stop bickering and realise the context in which you are interacting02:11
unagithats exactly what happens02:11
=== Omelete [n=fxd@201-41-79-248.bsace702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"]
unagiit sits there02:11
shiester_miesterthis is a support channel, not a public debate forum02:11
unagihow do you want me to word it02:11
compilerwriterunagi do you have a buddy anago?02:11
unagiplease tell me02:11
TaJMoXshiester_miester: he started it - i was helping him and he started insulting me02:11
unagiill reword it in anyway you need me to02:11
unagiwant me to spell it out?02:11
=== shiester_miester sighs
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: oh okay. i type sudo b4 and i think it went thro. no error msg02:11
unagii-t s-i-t-s t-h-e-r-e02:12
fxfitzI recently installed Windows Vista on a small partition on my Ubuntu laptop. However, grub no longer pops up to let me boot back in to Ubuntu. How can I fix that?02:12
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: route -n will print the route table02:12
shiester_miesterTaJMoX, does it matter?  when adults have conflicts they are generally worked out through patience, tolerance and compromise02:12
rolfenunagi what sits there?02:12
SlimG2why does: sudo echo '<deb repos url>' >> /etc/apt/sources.list     give me "Permission denied" ?02:12
=== Keith-BlindUser [n=keith@mmds-216-19-30-69.mm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #Ubuntu
unagiscreen blanks....takes me to where the services starts.......and sits there02:12
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unagidoesnt give me gdm back02:12
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unagistarting bluetooth [ok] 02:12
gravemin1Jordan_U: that's it? Cool, I'll try hibernating02:12
unagichecking batterystate [ok] 02:12
rolfenunagi last message on screen?02:12
Jordan_U!grub | fxfitz02:12
dsgsdguse ctrl+alt+fx and restart gdm in another terminal unagi02:12
unagineed more information?02:12
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: when i plug in the eth0 will that take over again?02:12
rolfenah on02:12
TaJMoXshiester_miester: it's been hours.  i guess i do need more patience - and probably a break from #ubuntu02:12
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ubotufxfitz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:13
unagiplease TaJMoX i really want to give you the information you want02:13
nerdygirl_elliefor me it's hit or miss.  usually network manager "just works" when I plug back in.  If not it does after a reboot.02:13
unagiyou just have to tell me what information youre looking for02:13
unagiwant an error message?02:13
unagithere isnt one02:13
shiester_miesterTaJMoX, nobody will be offended if you just take a break.  on the other hand, snapping and biting at someone can do irreperable damage02:13
unagisorry...but theres not02:13
rolfenunagi check battery state [ok]  is the last message?02:13
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unagii believe thats the last one in the line02:13
unagitheres a whole list of things there its nothing out of the ordinary02:14
dsgsdgunagi maybe if you 02:14
dsgsdg???????  he'll understand :)02:14
=== Evolution2 [n=Evolutio@unaffiliated/evolution2] has joined #ubuntu
rolfenunagi try booting in runlevel 1 and disabling that check battery service02:14
Jsphow can i install a program before i install, like refit.deb, if install reformats?02:14
unagiits just nothign happens until i ctrl alt f1 and login and start gdm02:14
unagirolfen that screen is normal when i press ctrl alt backspace02:14
dsgsdg???Linux ,????. ???????02:14
TaJMoXyou have too many X servers running...02:14
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unagithe problem is when ran by a command it doesnt go past that screen02:14
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Evolution2  hi guys. i have belarc advisor and it told me that iam missing 2 critical updates for office. i followed the link and downloaded the stuff but it told me that its already installed. i don't think belarc is wrong because before it said 4 updates missing and i updated 2 security updates down to 2 when i retested. windows xp. :(02:15
rolfenunagi it sits there.. .until you do what?02:15
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagictrl alt f1 and type /etc/init.d/gdm start02:15
nerdygirl_ellieEvolution2: I don't think you'll get much help for that here.02:15
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: hey it works thanks. plugged back in ethernet and still here. issue solved02:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:15
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nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: Yeah!02:15
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rolfenok unagi try to disable that battery chek service02:15
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: :)02:15
dsgsdgevolution2, simple...click Start>Run type cmd and click ok, then type format c: /x and press enter02:16
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nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: mine is wierd, I sometimes have to add it manually when I use my sprint wireless card.02:16
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le1Excuse me, Please have a look here,http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/2570, and tell me what's wrong with it?02:16
unagii really dont think the check battery service is the problem02:16
unagiwhen i ctrl alt backspace its there too02:16
unagibut at least the keystroke brings back the gui02:16
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TaJMoXgdm isnt starting because its already running in another VT02:16
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Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: that exactly it. im using evdo. had a long day tryin to get that to work :S02:17
nerdygirl_elliele1: If you look in /var/log/httpd/error.log you should get a real error message with "useful" information.02:17
Justi1I can hear sounds on the login screen, but after I sign in I can't hear any sounds.  when I go to sound settings and click Test, it freezes up. Can anyone help?02:17
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: mine works great, but I had to activate it in a windows pc.02:17
unagiOptimus55: are you trying to use dial up with bluetooth?02:17
le1nerdygirl_ellie: thank you02:17
unagiahhhh thank god for sprint evdo =)02:18
nerdygirl_elliele1: anytime.02:18
Optimus55unagi: no i'm using an evdo card02:18
unagipaying lots of money huh02:18
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: did you set the dialup connection up with network manager?02:18
=== squee [n=squee@ip72-208-132-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagii only pay 15 dollars for my internet02:18
nerdygirl_ellieverizon uses evdo doesn't it?02:18
Optimus55no i had to edit wvdial.conf02:18
LucianIndyJusti1, the only thing i can think of is something is loading (check system monitor->processes) that is screwing with your sounds02:18
rolfeni pay $ 160 :-p02:18
unagioptimus is it sprint or verizon02:18
Motorsport3shiester_miester: I got my sound working. I had to go into the mixer -> switches and disable "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack"02:18
squeeHow do I tell what speed I'm connected to my network at (eg 10/100/1000)02:18
=== skarface [i=antix@ip68-12-173-115.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FruitLoopwhen setting up a network computer to do DHCP for the purpose of net-booting another computer (as described in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot) Should I turn off the DHCP service on my router/gateway/modem thingy? Or will that not interfere with the process?02:19
Optimus55unagi: neither, i'm not from the states :P02:19
Justi1LucianIndy: What is 'esd'02:19
bruenigsquee, you could use ping maybe and do some math02:19
=== shiester_miester is back
Optimus55im just wondering if feisty comes with build in connection sharing now02:19
mrocretrying this question:  i'm getting strange glitches in my graphics, (seemingly) at random.  where should i be looking for errors or clues as to the problem?02:19
squeebruenig: There has to be an easier way than that... windows can tell right away02:19
Jordan_Ubruenig, Wouldn't that only show latency?02:19
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: I am so sorry.  For me, I had to set the device in network manager, give it a bogus username/password, and then edit the username password out.  no more vaugeries.02:19
FruitLoopelectro static discharge?02:19
shiester_miesterMotorsport3, thats great to hear :D02:19
unagican anyone help me try to figure out why sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart doesnt restart gdm?02:19
shiester_miesterlol, hear02:19
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: It does not, but firestarter makes it easy to setup.02:19
LucianIndyJusti1, dont know but its on my list too02:20
shiester_miesterunagi, thats an unusual problem02:20
bulmerFruitLoop: you only need one DHCP server on the subnet that and that server should point to your pxe where the boot stuff is02:20
LucianIndyso thats not it because i dont have the problem02:20
rolfensmartctl is telling me my drives do not support SMART when I know they do...02:20
unagiany ideas on how to fix it shiester_miester02:20
=== The [n=secret@port-83-236-55-149.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
squeeunagi: try force-reload instead of restart - not sure if it makes a difference but it's what I use and it couldn't hurt02:20
Optimus55how did you set it up in network manager and then edit out the username/pass?  the dialog box wouldnt let me save if i had no username02:20
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unagisudo /etc/init.d/gdm --force-reload?02:20
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Justi1LucianIndy: if I send links to screenshots of my list, can you look for anything that might interfere?02:21
squeeunagi: no, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm force-reload02:21
Jordan_Uunagi, No --02:21
unagik brb02:21
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, i dont thikn telling someone to format their hdd is good advice02:21
Optimus55erdygirl_ellie: whats firestarter?02:21
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: brb02:21
=== kr00lplatinum [n=kr00lpla@Wireless-Clients.metrostate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:21
Jordan_U!firestarter > Optimus5502:21
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le1nerdygirl_ellie: I'm newbie. I don't know how to view log. I run the 'Sys Log View in Ubuntu,I just see nothing without 'auth' 'daemon' 'debug' 'kem' 'messages' 'syslog' 'user'.log.02:22
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unagistill no02:22
=== EdLin [n=jlee@pool-70-23-90-174.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagithis is really annoying02:22
shiester_miesterlel, most people here would be classified as "newbies"02:22
FruitLoopbulmer: I'm new to this process, so I'm not really sure what you mean by the server pointing to the boot stuff... but I assume if I do everything on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot it will work, I just wanted to know if the router I have which is already offering DHCPO is going to cause a problem when I set up the server to offer DHCP for the purpose of netbooting..02:22
Optimus55Jordan_U: ?02:22
shiester_miesterlel, doesnt mean you dont deserve help :)02:22
unagii dont understand02:22
=== Biteyni [i=LickMeSu@adsl-70-240-228-31.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
FruitLoopbulmer: -O02:22
Jordan_UOptimus55, You asked what firestarter was02:22
=== bad [n=bad@c-67-187-240-197.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterunagi, yes it sounds annoying02:22
robsomebodylel, try this in command line02:22
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: firestarter is an iptables (firewall) configuration helper.  For internet connection sharing it's good.02:23
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Optimus55Jordan_U: yeh. whats the "!"02:23
robsomebodylel, tail -f | /var/log/kern.log02:23
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unagiif x was still running ctrl + alt + f7 would bring me back right?02:23
Jordan_U!ubotu > Optimus5502:23
robsomebodyalso, play with help02:23
bulmerFruitLoop: you need only one DHCP server on the subnet..dont have a router with dhcp server and then your boot server acting as dhcp server at same time..only need one02:23
shiester_miesterunagi, yes, i think so02:23
nerdygirl_elliele1: gksu gedit /var/log/httpd/error.log should do it.02:23
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Jordan_UOptimus55, :)02:23
=== Robotnik [n=Robotnik@bb-87-82-22-53.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:23
kr00lplatinumanyone a war driver?02:24
le1/quary nerdygirl_ellie:02:24
Jordan_UOptimus55, The > made it send you a private message02:24
unagiok so X is definately shutting off so that dude earlier was wrong02:24
nerdygirl_elliele1: I would open a terminal and do "tail -f /var/log/httpd/error.log" though, because then you could watch it in real time02:24
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, this really isnt the right place to be asking about that02:24
goldbondcan anyone recommend a smtp server for ubuntu?02:24
unagibut its not restarting automatically02:24
nerdygirl_elliegoldbond: postfix.02:24
rolfenlel: nerdygirl_ellie: that's gksudo not gksu02:24
Optimus55ohh okay02:24
Optimus55its a boy02:24
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rolfenlel: nerdygirl_ellie: oh sorry02:24
nerdygirl_elliegoldbond: human readable config file and scalable!02:24
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=== yUSiyEEE is now known as yUSiyE
unagii guess im going to reformat again02:25
rolfenlel: nerdygirl_ellie: actually gksu works too... sorry... need to sleep02:25
kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: I know but I was looking for someone that knows how to install software on ubuntu02:25
tomcommatheI am having trouble with a Buffalo wireless card and Ubuntu... lshw shows that i have a car inserted, but I cannot get any response from it.. any ideas?02:25
RobotnikDoes anyone know how to resize an ubuntu partition, I want to make some space (around 10gb) to make a partition for xp.02:25
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shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, there are plenty of those here02:25
cdehaanRobotnik: The best way, IMO, is to get the GParted bootable CD>02:25
Tu3sdayRobotnik: tried gparted?02:25
nerdygirl_ellieRobotnik: they say that gparted can do it, but I would make a backup first.02:25
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kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: Yes, that's why i'm here but i would like a wardriver to help me. Which is why i asked02:26
unagii like gparted02:26
shiester_miestergparted is the partition configuration thingo that comes up during installation with the live cd, correct?02:26
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astro76unagi, does X start properly the first time the computer boots?02:26
RobotnikOk, so its possible to rezise ext3 partition?02:26
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EdLinshiester_miester: no, it's a different resizing program. I wish it was part of the installer02:26
shiester_miesterRobotnik, yes, it is, afaik02:26
Robotnikmake it smaller, that is02:26
Jordan_URobotnik, You can only resize the tail though ( not sure if that is the correct terminology )02:26
unagix loads fine all the time it just wont restart properly unless i do the keystroke02:26
shiester_miesterEdLin, oh, so gparted isnt in the installer :/02:26
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Robotnikthe tail? what does that mean?02:27
shiester_miesterEdLin, can the one in the installer resize partitions too?02:27
codecaineanybody know if theres a program on linux that can convert video files to smv format?02:27
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nerdygirl_ellieRobotnik: you can definitely increase it, smaller depends on whether or not it is using the space at the end of the partition.02:27
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: nope.02:27
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shiester_miestercodecaine, smv?02:27
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: not after they are formatted.02:27
shiester_miesteroh ok02:27
bukGood day.02:27
Jordan_URobotnik, You can only change where it ends, not where it begins02:27
astro76unagi, oh, so with ctrl+alt+backspace it shuts down and restarts, but with gdm restart it shuts down and stays at console?02:27
shiester_miesterbut gparted can resize partitions?02:27
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cdehaanRobotnik: Yeah, If your partition currently takes up all of your hard drive, you can make the end of it smaller (I.e. the partition stays at the beginning of the HD) and make room at the end for Windows02:27
codecaineyes a recording file format02:27
mhz`question...i'm dual booting xp & ubuntu...xp was installed first and works fine..so far the 2 times i've booted into xp its asking to do a disk check02:27
shiester_miestergday buk02:27
unagicorrect astro76 you understand moer than anyone else really has02:27
shiester_miestercodecaine, what is it?02:27
mhz`question...i'm dual booting xp & ubuntu...xp was installed first and works fine..so far the 2 times i've booted into xp its asking to do a disk check, i skip it each time...should i let it do it's thing?02:27
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RobotnikThanks cdehaan, got it.02:28
EdLinshiester_miester: gparted's job is to resize partitions.02:28
nerdygirl_ellieto really resize an ext3 partition, you need something that moves all the crap to the beginning of the partition.02:28
cdehaanmhz`: THere is probably a way to tell it to stop and go away permanently, but if you let it do it's thing it shouldn't bother you again.02:28
codecaineits a format that my mp4 watch need to view movies on bit02:28
Jordan_Umhz`, Of course, but ##windows for windows support02:28
shiester_miesterEdLin, can it safely and reliably resize ntfs partitions with little to no risk of data loss?02:28
nerdygirl_elliebut it doesn't exist afaik.02:28
EdLinnerdygirl_ellie: not so, ext3 partitions are very well defragged automatically02:28
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mhz`cdehaan, i wasn't sure if was gonna go nuts about the partitions02:28
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mhz`and wanna fix it02:28
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mhz`then leading to messing up my ubuntu/partitons02:28
EdLinshiester_miester: if you have valuable data, always back up. Even if you don't resize partitions.02:29
unagiastro76: any ideas?02:29
tomcommatheI am having trouble with a Buffalo wireless card and Ubuntu... lshw shows that i have a card inserted, but I cannot get any response from it.. any ideas?02:29
shiester_miestercodecaine, you might be able to, but mp4 is a proprietary format so you might not find a whole lot of stuff for it02:29
shiester_miestercodecaine, but its definitely possible02:29
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astro76unagi, and you do gdm restart in gnome terminal, not console?02:29
RobotnikSo is it problematic to make smaller an ext3 partition?02:29
EdLinRobotnik: it depends upon which direction02:30
Jordan_Uunagi, Make a script that sends the ctrl+alt+backspace keys :)02:30
unagiastro76: if i do gdm restart in terminal i have to bring up the console and retype it to get it back02:30
cdehaanmhz`: I doubt it... it should prompt before it does anything, in any case... I don't think dskchk will mess with partitions anyways.02:30
unagiJordan_U: is that possible?02:30
EdLinRobotnik: simply making it smaller, keeping the beginning location identical, is no problem.02:30
astro76unagi, just tried on one of my PCs, it does the exact same thing, gdm restart from within gnome leaves it at the console02:30
Jordan_Uunagi, Yes, it is a little absurd though :)02:30
astro76unagi, but gdm restart from console works properly02:30
unagiits nice to no im not crazy02:30
nerdygirl_elliePoll:  How do you back up your system?02:30
shiester_miesterunagi, its definitely possible :P02:30
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Robotnik<EdLin>, ok, got it. That's what I;m looking to do. Thanks02:30
Jordan_Uastro76, No, neither work02:30
nerdygirl_ellieI rsync my home directory to my web server.02:30
unagiawesome so lets discuss how to do that Jordan_U shiester_miester02:30
RobotnikThanks for the help folks02:30
shiester_miesterunagi, i have no idea02:30
le1robsomebody: I could see nothing in tail -f /var/log/httpd/error.log02:30
nerdygirl_elliele1: keep it open and try to open your phpbb2 board.02:31
mroci don't mean to sound impatient, but if someone can at least point me in the right direction, i'd appreciate it:  i'm getting some strange display glitches (which seem to happen at random).  where should i be looking for errors / anything specific to look for?02:31
fxfitzI recently installed Windows Vista on a small partition on my Ubuntu laptop. However, grub no longer pops up to let me boot back in to Ubuntu. How can I fix that?02:31
shiester_miestermroc, what kind of glitches02:31
EdLin/etc/init.d/gdm stop - that would be canonical (no pun intended)02:31
pr4bhhi guys, a quick question: what tool do i use to mount iso files?02:31
nerdygirl_elliepr4bh: mount!02:32
EdLinpr4bh: mount can do it, "-o loop"02:32
le1robsomebody:I do it. But it still empty!02:32
pr4bhlol :)02:32
unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke>02:32
shiester_miesterpr4bh, or daemontools02:32
Jordan_Uunagi, Do you know any python?02:32
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badkittyfxfitz: you should have installed windows first and made life a whole lot easier02:32
shiester_miesterdaemontools works in linux too, you know02:32
nerdygirl_elliepr4bh: man mount has an example.02:32
le1robsomebody:here http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/257102:32
unagiwhat is python02:32
astro76fxfitz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:32
shiester_miesterunagi, a programming langauge02:32
Jordan_Uunagi, It is a programming language02:32
fxfitzbadkitty, Trust me, having windows is always the LAST option. :-P02:32
le1nerdygirl_ellie: why don't you /query ??02:32
shiester_miesteri win!02:32
nerdygirl_elliewhat's /query?02:33
mrocshiester_miester: strange blank spaces in the screens (login and at the desktop), display won't refesh until i move the mouse over parts02:33
fxfitzastro76, Thanks!02:33
badkittyfxfitz: haha true, but it is a good idea to have a tiny partition dualboot for those rare occaisions, or atleast use vmware02:33
le1nerdygirl_ellie: :here http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/257102:33
shiester_miestermroc, are you running any compositing software like beryl, compiz, desktop-effects etc?02:33
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le1nerdygirl_ellie: :I do it. But it still empty!02:33
le1nerdygirl_ellie: :I do it. But log still empty!02:33
FuMHow do I install wine on Ubuntu?02:33
shiester_miesterFuM, sudo apt-get install wine02:34
EdLin!wine | FuM02:34
ubotuFuM: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:34
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shiester_miesterwell, that installs the "wine" package...you might have to install others too02:34
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le1shiester_miester: here, http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/257102:34
mrocshiester_miester: yes, compiz with plenty of the unstable plugins and such, but i don't have those set to run at startup.  i launch manually when i want cool stuff.  the problem is happening when i'm not running compositing stuff02:34
shiester_miesterFuM, go to #winehq, you will probably have lots of questions for them once you get started02:34
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FuMShiester_miester, It's alread installed02:34
KI4IKLI downloaded a file that is .rar....is there something I can use to extract that in ubuntu?02:34
dsgsdgwhen I try to browse my cd I get: http://pastebin.com/f2992cf3c02:35
le1nerdygirl_ellie: ??02:35
dsgsdgplease helpy welpy02:35
unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke?02:35
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Drk_GuyHi guys!02:35
nerdygirl_elliele1: browse to /var/log and look for it...  it's probably called something different in ubuntu.  If you have ssh setup I'd be happy to take a look.02:35
Drk_GuyKI4IKL, WinRAR runs good in Wine02:35
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:35
shiester_miestermroc, type this at the command prompt: "metacity --replace &" and tell me if anything happens02:35
nerdygirl_ellieI have a us keyboard.02:35
shiester_miesterDrk_Guy, indeed it does02:36
le1nerdygirl_ellie: sure.02:36
Drk_GuyI am having several headaches with my Lexmark and Puppylinux02:36
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le1nerdygirl_ellie: sure. SSH02:36
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, thank you for using pastebin this time02:36
mrocshiester_miester: it's an old (5 years now) laptop and one of my first thoughts was that maybe the video ram is starting to go, but i have no idea how to determine that.               ok.  will do02:36
Drk_Guyshiester, althought im no Wine fan02:36
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Drk_Guymroc, Xorg config files might mess up with that02:37
john|gi had to do some asp.net today at work... want to see the equivalent function of php's md5() ?02:37
shiester_miesterDrk_Guy, if it works, its good enough for me ;)02:37
john|gFormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(plaintext, "md5").ToLower02:37
john|gawesomely named function, microsoft02:37
Drk_GuyIt doesn't emulate some apps i need02:37
mrocshiester_miester: well, the cool compositing stuff went away (of course), and the output is [1]  862202:37
shiester_miesterjohn|g, omg i HATE asp02:37
shiester_miesterasp has the most stupid syntax ever02:37
happyfaceHow do I make a link on my desktop to the place "Computer" where it links all of my hard drives?02:37
hsimah`outim having trouble installing adobe flash plugin for firefox on my ubuntu install02:37
astro76unagi, what are you trying to accomplish?02:37
Drk_GuyJohn, everybody here knows that MS engineers are LAMERS02:37
nerdygirl_ellieshiester_miester: has obviously never used cobol. ;)02:37
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orbisvicisi have this problem trying to format a floppy drive: sudo fdformat /dev/fd002:38
orbisvicis/dev/fd0: Read-only file system02:38
hsimah`outit goes through the motions of installing, but after it says its completed it comes up do i want to install it again02:38
unagiim trying to have a script restart x after replacing my xorg.comp02:38
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orbisvicismounting -o rw doesnt help though02:38
italianninja2hi can someone please advise me on something02:38
NemesisDdoes anyone know a way other than rhythmbox of indexing a music library that's stored on a windows network share without DAAP?02:38
Drk_GuyObiscsis, try using gksudo gparted02:38
astro76hsimah`out, have you done sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?02:38
Tama00okay i got a problem... i did the ubuntu updates and now the sh#t has offically hit the fan...02:38
happyfaceHow do I make a link on my desktop to the place "Computer" where it links all of my hard drives?02:38
Tama00i cant log in...02:38
shiester_miestermroc, what video card are you using?02:38
italianninja2when i boot ubuntu it goes straight into command line after a ubuntu splash screen02:38
italianninja2how do i load the gui?02:39
Tama00im 100% times 100% more that my password is correct02:39
hsimah`outastro76:  i cant say i have, ill do that now02:39
mrocshiester_miester:  nvidia geforce 4 440 Go02:39
Tama00i just cannot log in!02:39
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dsgsdgand sometimes I get this: http://pastebin.com/f532dbcac02:39
dsgsdgplease help02:39
Drk_Guyitalianinja, you're booting the recovery mode02:39
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start02:39
Tama00its driving me insane lol02:39
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Tama00also i noticed my resolution has changed and my hostname has also changed02:39
nelsonuwpwhere can i find some good panel background images?02:39
Tama00i could probably fix that myself but i just cant log in02:39
shiester_miestermroc, when did this problem start?  what did you do just before that02:39
Drk_Guyshiester, puppy makes that simpler, just type "xwin" and your chosen X server starts02:39
shiester_miesternelsonuwp, http://images.google.com02:39
orbisvicisDrk_Guy, gparted doesnt detect floppy drives: only ide drives02:40
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Tama00so i booted up the ubuntu live cd and tried to chroot into my exisiting ubuntu and then passd myusername and set up a new password02:40
Tama00but still doesnt work!!02:40
shiester_miesternelsonuwp, also on 4chan.org and 7chan.org (just stick to the wallpaper galleries - the other stuff is BAD)02:40
=== Typwn [n=typwn@ip24-252-111-177.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagianyone know that command to fix where desktop effects doesnt spin anymore?02:40
italianninja2shiester_miester: it says command not found02:40
dsgsdgplease help me02:40
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mrocshiester_miester: that's the problem...it seemed to begin at random, and it happens at random.  i'm not changing my xorg.conf at all and it'll happen occasionally, other times it'll be fine.02:40
Tama00i am offically stuck.02:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:40
astro76unagi, what change are you making to xorg.conf out of curiosity?02:40
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, which command not found :/02:40
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hsimah`outi get an md5 sum mismatch when i try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:40
italianninja2the one above u pasted02:40
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shiester_miestermroc, did it happen first when you installed ubuntu?02:40
bulmerTama00: you can delete the password ie leave it without and see if you can reboot then log on02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about attention - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about notice - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
TypwnDoes anyone know if Cedega has a localization command like wine does? (Wines being wineloc)02:41
unagibasically turning compositing off in ubuntu so i can run maya02:41
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, dont be annoying02:41
Tama00bulmer: how can i do this? whats the commands02:41
dsgsdgplease help02:41
italianninja2shiester_miester: the one you pasted02:41
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shiester_miesteritalianninja2, how can sudo not be found :/ that cant be right02:41
shiester_miesterits like a fundamental command02:41
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Tama00bulmer: ive chrooted into my ubuntu install02:41
shiester_miesteror maybe it means that /etc/init.d/gdm restart was not found02:41
italianninja2shiester_miester: /etc/init.d/gdm start02:41
unagianyone know that command to fix where desktop effects doesnt spin anymore?02:42
dsgsdgI don't understand what this is in particular:02:42
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, try it with "restart" instead of "start"02:42
bulmerTama00: try vim or nano to edit /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and remove the password field for the user02:42
Tama00bulmer: alright02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktopeffects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
Tama00 bulmer> Tama00: you can delete the password ie leave it without and see02:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktopfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
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nelsonuwpshiester_miester: you know i meant panel backgrounds right, not just wallpapers02:42
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, that pastebin is not useful at all02:42
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shiester_miesternelsonuwp, no i didnt know that02:42
italianninja2shiester_miester: no doesnt work02:42
BulliHello is here somebody who can help me to install a plug-in for gimp?02:42
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, what does it say02:42
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Tama00bulmer: should i remove the line of my user?02:42
italianninja2shiester_miester:command not found02:43
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Drk_GuyBulli, the #gimp channel can be more helpfull02:43
nelsonuwpshiester_miester: they do have some good wallpapers, but any idea where i can find just panel backgrounds?02:43
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, thats probably why you arent getting a gui02:43
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bulmerTama00: no, only the password field for that user02:43
mrocshiester_miester: probably began a couple weeks after a clean install of feisty.  i had dapper, upgraded to edgy, upgraded to early then final feisty.  it began on fiesty, and i did a clean install.  began happening again within a week or two of clean install.02:43
koisoooohi there02:43
shiester_miesternelsonuwp, nope, i have all my panels transparent anyway02:43
Tama00Tama00: /etc/passwd doesnt have a password field02:43
mrocshiester_miester: ignore my first sentence there...it makes no sense with the rest of the comment.02:43
happyfaceHow do I make a link on my desktop to the place "Computer" where it links all of my hard drives?02:43
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koisooooi installed beryl, but i don't have any window decoration. do someone knows what's happening?02:43
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:43
astro76dsgsdg, what are you using to "browse" the cd?02:43
orbisvicishow can i mount a floppy read/write ?02:43
italianninja2shiester_miester: and that means? sorry im new to linux02:43
shiester_miestermroc, could be a bug in feisty02:43
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bulmerTama00: it does have it..look at the man pages02:44
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, gdm = gnome display manager = ubuntu's default gui02:44
Drk_Guyhappyface, you can make some sort of symlink to...02:44
Drk_GuyMy computer?02:44
dsgsdgyou browse cd like cat /dev/cdrom right?02:44
shiester_miesteritalianninja2, if its not there, the gui doesnt exist at all, so it can't load02:44
italianninja2shiester_miester: so what do i do02:44
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, no!02:44
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shiester_miesterdsgsdg, that opens the WHOLE cd as a binary file02:44
happyfaceDrk_Guy: if you go to Places>Computer at the top bar on Ubuntu... I want that on my Desktop02:44
Tama00bulmer: i think i found it in /etc/shadow02:44
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, you open it the same way you open any directory02:45
dsgsdgoh ok02:45
Tama00bulmer: do i replace all the weird looking characters with a ! ?02:45
hsimah`outwhen i try and apt-get adobe flash player i get an error saying md5sum mismatch and it wont install.02:45
bulmerTama00: its the 2nd field of /etc/passwd02:45
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, cat is to read the contents of files02:45
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mrocshiester_miester: i guess, but where would this kind of error get reported?  in a logfile somewhere?    the age of the laptop made me think it was video ram dying, but i'd be much happier to find out it's a bug.02:45
Drk_Guyhappyface, Ubuntu automatically creates links to all mounted drives in your desktop02:45
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shiester_miesterdsgsdg, what its doing is outputting the contents of the entire CD as text :P02:45
bulmerTama00: leave it blank02:45
Drk_GuyWhy do you want such rhing?02:45
dsgsdglol oh oops02:45
shiester_miestermroc, if its a bug its not necessarily returning error messages at all02:45
dsgsdgthanks for clarifying02:45
Tama00bulmer: done but /etc/passwd doesnt have the same field in it02:45
astro76happyface, right click on desktop, select Creat Launcher...02:45
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bulmerTama00: its the 2nd field of /etc/passwd02:46
happyfaceDrk_Guy: Not all of them are there02:46
diamondcutterAlright, I just added a drive to my ubuntu box and formatted it using Partition Magic in DOS. Thing is, I don't have a copy of Windows any where and I'm getting mount errors about it needing a chkdsk. I ran ntfsfix, but apparently that tells it to run chkdsk.. Basically, I know the disk doesn't need checking and I just want to clear the stupid chkdsk flags so I can mount it without any trouble. Anyone help with this?02:46
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Tama00bulmer: yeah theres an x there02:46
Drk_GuyNot all of them?02:46
astro76happyface, for command, enter nautilus computer:///02:46
happyfaceastro76: what is the command then?02:46
happyfacethanks astro7602:46
mrocshiester_miester: ah, point taken.  anything i can do from here?  i don't know how to repeat it, and it seems way too vague to report as any kind of bug.02:46
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Drk_Guydiamond cutter, have you tried gparted?02:46
bulmerTama00: its the 2nd field of /etc/passwd <-- yes and it is x02:46
shiester_miesterdiamondcutter, why did you fomat it with partition magic in DOS :/ just use the partition editor on the ubuntu live cd, or gparted or something02:46
Tama00bulmer: okay i removed the x:P02:47
Tama00bulmer: that was ment to be a smiley face..02:47
Drk_Guyhappyface, you can make a symlink to the "computer:///" route02:47
shiester_miestermroc, i have no idea.  you can possibly fix it by removing your video drivers :P but who wants to do that02:47
Tama00bulmer: anyways so now i can log in password-less?02:47
BulliDrk_Guy havnt thought about, thx02:47
diamondcutterI was trying to find a good partitioner in ubuntu, but I couldn't find anything through Googling it.. Does the ubuntu live cd have a GUI partitioner?02:47
Tama00bulmer: can i try in my chrooted enviroment?02:47
happyfaceDrk_Guy: astro76 just told me that, thanks :)02:47
Drk_Guy4  nothin02:47
bulmerTama00: yes, sync and then reboot02:47
shiester_miestermroc, when it starts occurring, try that metacity --replace & command, and see if that helps02:47
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Tama00bulmer: how do you sync?02:47
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bulmerTama00: not from chrooted02:47
shiester_miesterdiamondcutter, yes it does02:48
astro76diamondcutter, run dosfsck on the partition02:48
bulmerman sync02:48
diamondcutterIs it something I can just apt-get shiester_miester ?02:48
Optimus55i'm using ubuntu live cd, can i get drop shadows without having to restart?02:48
Drk_Guydiamondcutter, Gparted!02:48
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:48
shiester_miesterdiamondcutter, you dont need to do that02:48
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shiester_miesterdiamondcutter, its ON the live cd02:48
BlendArtdoes anyone know a good encryption program?02:48
diamondcutterAlright, just wondering if I had to reboot or I could just dl it.02:48
Tama00bulmer: alright.. i hope this works cause it takes me like 5 mins to boot this ubuntu live cd for some reason02:48
Drk_Guy!gparted > diamondcutter02:48
shiester_miesterBlendArt, define "good"?02:48
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dsgsdguboto didn't work, ed@1[~] $  sudo apt-get install gparted 02:48
dsgsdgbash: : command not found02:48
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BlendArtshiester_miester: working.02:49
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diamondcutterSo I'll give those two things a shot then.02:49
mrocshiester_miester: ok, thanks for your input, esp. since you seem busy with many conversations.  i might try asking around again later, see if someone else has some other ideas.      thanks again.02:49
unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke?02:49
astro76diamondcutter, you can install it too, but note partitions have to be unmounted to operate on them02:49
bulmerTama00: well, you are attempting to recover a password.. :)02:49
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shiester_miesterdsgsdg, you dont need to install gparted, its part of ubuntu02:49
Drk_GuyWithout the stuff02:49
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Tama00bulmer: wish me luck lol02:49
shiester_miestermroc, unfortunately i have no idea of how to fix your problem02:49
Drk_Guydiamondcutter, just type: gparted02:49
koisoooohi there. i installed compiz, but when i use other window decoration rather than metacity, i have no window decoration. do someone have any clue on what's happening? thanks02:49
Drk_GuyGotta go02:49
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shiester_miesterBlendArt, how about: any02:49
bulmeri wish you02:49
shiester_miestergday sholeh02:49
BlendArtshiester_miester: yeah just any02:49
sholehgday too02:50
shiester_miesterkoisoooo, yeah thats a common problem02:50
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diamondcutterSays it's not installed. I'll apt-get in on the comp that needs it.02:50
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koisooooand what;s the solution? :p02:50
jrattnerQuestion: I just got home from college and my parents have set up a windows wireless printer using one of those linksys devices.  Is it possible for me to print on it from my ubuntu laptop wirelessly?02:50
shiester_miesterkoisoooo, except we dont provide support for that, so ask in #opencompositing, thats the channel for compiz02:50
BlendArtshiester_miester: are there any working ones?02:50
shiester_miesterjrattner, yes it is02:50
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diamondcutterDoes compiz come with Feisty Fawn btw or is it some other compisitor for the desktop effects?02:50
shiester_miesterBlendArt, of course there are02:50
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jrattnershiester_miester, can you point me to some documentatin or somethign02:50
shiester_miesterBlendArt, what particular type of encryption are you after02:50
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shiester_miesterjrattner, no, sorry, i dont know about it specifically02:51
BlendArtshiester_miester: super encryption02:51
mrocshiester_miester: yeah...me neither.  it's a tough one to describe and probably much harder to troubleshoot.  i appreciate the help though.  i'll try the metacity thing next time it happens, see what comes up.02:51
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BlendArtshiester_miester: 1024 bit?02:51
shiester_miesterBlendArt, thats unnecessary02:51
koisooooshiester_miester, it was working fine before. but i messed with some stuff and it stopped working :x02:51
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badkittydiamondcutter: not sure off hand, i know it has built in eye candy though.. are you looking at something like beryl???02:51
shiester_miesterBlendArt, 128bit is more than enough for anything02:51
shiester_miesterBlendArt, even then, its a little on the excessive side02:52
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astro76jrattner, have you tried adding a printer from system->administration->printing ?02:52
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badkittydiamondcutter: I think it is compiz, but don't quote me on that02:52
shiester_miesterkoisoooo, oh ok, well im not sure then.  did you try restarting the window decorator?02:52
diamondcutterI think beryl might be too intense for this laptop, I wanted to see if compiz was an option though since my custom window borders are having issues.02:52
astro76jrattner, most likely it will autodetect the printer on the network02:52
koisooooshiester_miester, yes, i did...02:52
jrattnerastro76, yeh it did not see it02:52
shiester_miesterbadkitty, yeah compiz/beryl/compiz-fusion are the main eye-candy apps02:52
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diamondcutterWhenever I maximize a window, the title bar becomes completely white.02:52
andre357Hey all, I need help with running an executable file in the terminal.  I used the "./example", "sudo ./example", and "sh ./example" command but, nothing seems to work.  What am I doing wrong?02:52
NemesisDhi all im trying to mount a windows network share with samba and i'm getting mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock02:52
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shiester_miesterdiamondcutter, yeah you need pretty good hardware to do the funky eye-candy stuff02:52
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BlendArtshiester_miester: 256 at least02:53
shiester_miesterBlendArt, what are you trying to do with the encryption?02:53
diamondcutterIt works fine when the window is unmaximized02:53
astro76andre357, need to make it executable with chmod +x02:53
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BlendArtshiester_miester: dont know testing reasons?02:53
shiester_miesterBlendArt, you dont know?02:53
badkittyshiester_miester: ok cool, i bet he might be able to do some minimal stuff with what comes with feisty??02:53
BlendArtshiester_miester: seeing how big the files would be..02:53
dsgsdgblendart is in the cia :o02:53
shiester_miesterBlendArt, much, much bigger02:53
badkittyshiester: do you know if the liveCD for feisty can do the eyecandy stuff? He could then try it out and see?02:53
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, obviously not, since he doesnt know much about encryption :P02:54
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andre357thanks astro76, can you give me an example. I am new to linux.02:54
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shiester_miesterbadkitty, no it doesnt, and it wouldnt work anyway because you need graphics drivers installed for it to work properly02:54
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BlendArtwhy would the CIA be here lol02:54
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astro76andre357, chmod +x example02:54
megloBlendArt: anti capitalist activities02:54
shiester_miesterBlendArt, there is an abundance of encryption software around02:54
koisooooshiester_miester, what was the compiz channel?02:54
italianninja2anyone help me find out why ubuntu doesnt boot gui02:54
badkittyshiester: oic... hope his laptop has an nvidia card02:54
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shiester_miesterkoisoooo, #opencompositing02:55
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TypwnDoes anyone know if Cedega has a localization command like wine does? (Wines being wineloc)?02:55
unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke?02:55
dsgsdgbadkitty, in terminal do lspci and paste output02:55
BlendArtshiester_miester: really do you know any?02:55
koisoooothanks :)02:55
shiester_miesterBlendArt, it really depends on what you want.  if you want pretty much unbreakable, use md5 or sha102:55
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badkittydsgsdg me? why?02:55
gholmhey all, when I type lspci, my vga card is unrecognised... it's a NVIDIA 8600GTS and I've install the latest drivers from nvidia site. Any suggestions? I'm on Feisty 7.04 AMD6402:55
shiester_miesterBlendArt, and those are REALLY easy to use too, and actually make a really tiny result02:55
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dsgsdgbadkittyy, it would tell us what card you have02:55
shiester_miesterBlendArt, md5 returns something like 32bits02:55
FruitLoopI tried to do "sudo invoke-rc.d inetd stop" but the result was "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/inetd not found." What have I forgotten/wasn't told to do?02:55
n3rrdI have MPD set up and running on port 6600.  I can't ocnnect to it from a computer behind the same router.  Does Ubuntu come with a firewall pre-installed?02:55
dsgsdgbut first paste it to pastebin.com and then link to the pastebin here02:56
JAyRULEhow do you enable connection sharing in ubuntu?  i have firestarter and dhcp installed.02:56
badkittydsgsdg, oh no Im good I have mine working and I know the card.. i was talking about the other guy diamond cutter02:56
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dsgsdgtoo many people...lol02:56
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shiester_miesterBlendArt, the only downside with those 2 are they are irreversible :P its impossible to get the data back, ever.  theyre called "one-way" encryption02:56
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BlendArtshiester_miester: awesome02:56
astro76jrattner, what model print server?02:56
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badkittydsgsdg: thanks though :-) actually I just got beryl and twinviw working about 10 mins ago02:56
shiester_miesterBlendArt, i assume you are after encryption where you can get the data back again? :P02:56
BlendArtshiester_miester: yep02:57
dsgsdgbadkitty: np :)02:57
shiester_miesterBlendArt, and unfortunately, that type is less secure02:57
BlendArtshiester_miester: what software do you know?02:57
dsgsdgshiester: you can crack md5 with a good rainbow table :)02:57
FruitLoopwhat am I missing/need to install?.. to avoid this - "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/inetd not found."02:57
mrocJAyRULE: if you go to preferences --> network settings you should see a check box for "Enable Internet connection sharing"02:57
italianninja2this channel sucks for help02:57
TypwnDoes anyone know if Cedega has a localization command like wine does? (Wines being wineloc). Please? Anyone?02:57
shiester_miesterdsgsdg, true, but thats a brute-force style of attack02:57
mrocJAyRULE: sorry, do that within the firestarter gui02:58
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koisoooobtw, how do i change my login screen? thanks02:58
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shiester_miesterdsgsdg, and also, you dont even know if what you got from it is the right result, because its possible for multiple different values to give the same md5 hash02:58
ant-koisoooo, are you running gnome?02:58
dsgsdgshiester:oh, didn't know that02:58
ant-koisoooo, gdmsetup02:58
shiester_miesterBlendArt, i dont know of any software02:58
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shiester_miesterBlendArt, but i know that there is a massive amount of it around02:58
shiester_miesterjust google it02:59
koisoooothanks :)02:59
jrattnerastro76, its a linksys printserver WPS54G hooked up to an HP printer02:59
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shiester_miesterBlendArt, also, your computer most likely wouldn't have the power to encrypt a useful amount of data beyond 128bit in a practical amount of time02:59
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FruitLoopto change your login screen, unplug screen from back of your computer, then plug a different monitor in, or if you have a laptop or other built-in screen, then buy a new computer.02:59
Optimus55how do i get firestarter? apt-get ends with "Couldn't find package firestarter"03:00
JAyRULEmroc> yeah i tried that but im getting another error.  i have the internet connect device set to "unknown device (wifi0) and the local network connected device set to eth0.  when i try to start it, it fails.  the device wifi0 is not ready03:00
shiester_miesterFruitLoop, hilarious03:00
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c2globalcomA kind of annoying thing that happens, if you map a network drive using smb, and then put your laptop to sleep, when it awakes, system gets really unstable.03:00
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unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke?03:00
dsgsdgoptimus55: try apt-cache search firestarter to find the package name,. it's likely slightly different then expected03:00
astro76jrattner, in add printer select Network Printer -> IPP Printer, for URI enter the following: ip_address:631/ipp/P103:00
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unagianyone know a camera tracking program for linux?03:00
Tama00bulmer: it didnt work :(:(:(03:00
astro76jrattner, where ip_address is the IP of the prnt server03:00
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jrattnerastro76, is that set up generally the same for kubuntu aswell?03:00
n3rrddoes ubuntu come with a pre-installed firewall?  I can't connect to MPD on my Ubuntu machine remotely.03:00
mrocJAyRULE: what else is in the list? (aside from wifi0)03:01
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shiester_miesterunagi, there are some open-source ones, i think, you can probably find them and compile them for ubuntu03:01
bspencer_I'm probably repeating something, but the flashplugin_nonfree package (adobe flash in gutsy multiverse) doesn't work.03:01
shiester_miestern3rrd, yes it does03:01
LucianIndyfor christ sake... thought something was messed up when i couldn't alt+f2 to run dialog and its the friggin F-Lock key.03:01
JAyRULEmroc> atho03:01
cafuegon3rrd: Yes, but there are no preloaded firewall rules. If you can't connect, in all likelyhood mpd isn't running.03:01
bspencer_perhaps adobe updated their download03:01
Tama00bspencer_: i found that too, fails on md5sum aye03:01
mrocJAyRULE:  try that.03:01
unagii used voodoo but the menus are hard to read and im not sure i can delete tracking points03:01
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unagii should look and see03:01
ag0g0girl any powerpc people in here?03:01
Optimus55dsgsdg: nothing happens03:01
bspencer_Tama00, who updates that?03:01
n3rrdcafuego, it is running bceause I can connect to it locally with ncmpc03:01
JAyRULEmroc> it does the same thing03:01
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astro76jrattner, I don't know, the URI will be the same however you add it03:01
Tama00bspencer_: not sure03:01
jrattnerastro76, great thanks03:02
shiester_miesterBlendArt, what about it?03:02
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cafuegon3rrd: Is it self to listen on the external network interface?03:02
FruitLoopI've got a cat on my lap? Is that going to affect the response time to my question?03:02
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JAyRULEthe device ___ is not ready.  please check your network device settings and make sure your internet connection is active03:02
n3rrdthat's a ogod question, cafuego.03:02
mrocJAyRULE: do you connect to the internet using the ath0 wireless card?  and does that work properly?03:02
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shiester_miesterFruitLoop, sometimes when my cat sits on my lap she interferes with my typing, so yes :P03:02
Tama00where does ubuntu keep the install default settings cause during an update i found some of the settings eg hostname n stuff have come back03:03
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unagiis there a linux program close to premiere?03:03
Optimus55is it even possible to run firestarter with the live CD?03:03
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FruitLoopAnyway.. what to I need to install to avoid this "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/inetd not found."?03:03
JAyRULEmroc> im connected via a wireless card, which i assume was wifi003:03
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WhoNeedszzzhello all, i mapped my drive to my lappy and i accidentally deleted my home directory's files, how do i set up the Desktop link?03:04
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astro76FruitLoop, are you sure inetd is installed?03:04
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ag0g0girlis there anyway I can find updates that didn't go well the first time?  I got some wierd messages but those updates are no longer in my update manager03:04
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n3rrdcafuego, would that be eth0?03:04
LucianIndyOptimus55, i dont think firestarter is included on the CD. It's something you have to install and im not sure if that is possible on a live cd since it 'doesn't effect your hard drive'03:04
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mrocJAyRULE: right click on the NetworkManager icon in the system tray area, choose connection information.   what does the Interface line say?03:04
FruitLoopastro76: um.. no.03:04
JAyRULEmroc> i just reinstalled the system and it acts strange.  i set up the resolution and it changes everytime i boot03:05
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FruitLoopastro76: stupid howto never mentioned anything about installing that....03:05
JAyRULEmroc> AHHHHHhhhhh.... yeah.  it is ath003:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:05
astro76FruitLoop, package name is xinetd03:05
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FruitLoopastro76: ok, thanks.03:05
ant-Optimus55, you can install anything from live cd, but when you restart your computer it wont be there03:05
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:06
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astro76FruitLoop, and then it's /etc/init.d/xinetd03:06
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WhoNeedszzzall my config files are gone from my home dir...03:06
WhoNeedszzzi need help people03:07
moroki_attWhen the new Ubuntu comes out...will the Updater take care of things?03:07
JAyRULEmroc> yeah.  i dont know why i cant start the firewall03:07
FlannelWhoNeedszzz: `mkdir ~/Desktop` will recreate your desktop directory03:07
JAyRULEmroc> ... when the connection is fine03:07
WhoNeedszzzand it knows what to do with that?03:07
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mrocJAyRULE: the wireless connection is up and running (and connected) just fine?03:07
Tama00moroki_att: lets just hope it does cause the updater just killed my ubuntu:(03:08
Optimus55ant-: ok. but to download it, it says to use sudo apt-get install firestarter. once i do that it bums out at "couldnt find package firestarter"03:08
unagianyone know how to make a script execute a keystroke?03:08
JAyRULEmroc> yeah.  thats how i am logged onto irc03:08
FlannelWhoNeedszzz: If you're worried about ~ being funky, `mkdir /home/username/Desktop`  (where username is your username)03:08
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WhoNeedszzzFlannel, not a problem03:08
moroki_attTama00: : hmmmm . that is unusual03:08
WhoNeedszzzbut i do have a problem that all my .* files are gone03:08
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Spaceman3750I'm finally getting used to the terminal03:08
Tama00moroki_att: yes now i cant log in for some reason:@:@03:08
Spaceman3750and apt-get03:09
RGautierWhats a good Media organizer for network filestore - I want something that will store its library file in the same network dir as the media and be loadable from any Linux box (and maybe even WIndows box) that I happen to load up03:09
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FlannelWhoNeedszzz: That's no problem.  They'll be recreated as they're used.03:09
doc_lollidayok, I'm having trouble streaming .mov files on feisty fawn.  VLC will start playing a URL, but then will immediately crash with no error message.  I have the gstreamer package installed.  any ideas?03:09
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FlannelWhoNeedszzz: of course, your configurations are gone, but the files themselves will regenerate03:09
ant-!repos | Optimus5503:09
ubotuOptimus55: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:09
Tama00doc_lolliday: fire up vlc from the command line and open the url then it will tell you why it crashed03:09
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doc_lollidayTama00: cool, I'll give it a shot03:10
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nerdygirl_ellieI'm back!  Did you miss me?03:10
WhoNeedszzzso much work....gone.....just gone03:10
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Tama00WhoNeedszzz: i know how you feel03:10
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Tama00so many password files just not accepting my password03:10
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Tama00so many lifes lost trying to recover my password03:10
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mrocJAyRULE: hm.  well, this may be beyond my rather limited linux abilities.  try setting the proper settings in firestarter and restarting it?  i don't know if that'll actually help or not.  (i know it's a frontend to iptables, and i don't know how to restart that specifically, so you might just need to restart the machine and see if that helps)03:10
cafuegon3rrd: usually ethX or athX... you can check with `netstat' - see if mpd is listening on
Tama00so many tears shed as i plowed through the file system to reset my password03:11
nerdygirl_ellieag0g0girl: Hi.  there should be an apt log in /var/log03:11
Tama00i understand brother... i understand03:11
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ztomichow do you load a module to replace an automatically loaded module? ex: I want to replace snd_ca0106 with snd_emu10k1.03:11
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JAyRULEmroc> oh .. aight.  thanks for your help. yeah this is the second time i came here for the same problem and i cant see to solve ti03:11
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BonzHey guys, I just installed xgl and beryl.  I have an x1900gt card and I know its not really supported.  I get everything to work fine but my window manager doesn't.  I get this message beryl-xgl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101103:12
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: are you still locked out?03:12
mrocJAyRULE: sorry i couldn't help more.    and it sounded like an easy question that i could actually answer.03:12
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nerdygirl_ellieJAyRULE: What's broke?03:12
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: you bet cha03:13
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WhoNeedszzzTama00, i hope to god you aren't being sarcastic03:13
unagianyone know how to convert .mov to image sequences?03:13
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: its like my pc doesnt know me anymore!03:13
leperkhanzI have two hard drives that are owned by root that are read only, and totally empty.03:13
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bulmerTama00: are you on the liveCd and chrooted?03:13
leperkhanzI need to change that.03:13
leperkhanzI have the root password.03:13
Tama00bulmer: yup03:13
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JAyRULEmroc> all good.  thanks for giving it a shot.  nerdygirl_ellie> i cant seem to start my firewall (firestarter). ultimately, im trying to get internet connection sharing enabled03:13
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: do you have a livecd or ?  what type of access do you have to the box?03:13
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Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: im on the live cd now03:14
nerdygirl_ellieJAyRULE: I won't even try. :)03:14
BonzCan anyone help me? I have beryl-xgl installed and my window manager doesn't work :x.  I keep getting this:  card and I know its not really supported.  I get everything to work fine but my window manager doesn't.  I get this message beryl-xgl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101103:14
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bulmerTama00: which user did you modify to remove that password?03:14
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astro76JAyRULE, try this: sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart03:14
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JAyRULEnerdygirl_ellie> wont even try to get firewall starter? or get internet connection sharing?03:14
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: does chroot mean anything to you?03:14
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Tama00bulmer: root03:14
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: im already chrooted into my ubuntu install03:14
JAyRULEastro76> that would kick me out of the channel, right?03:15
nerdygirl_ellieoh, cool.  are you the superuser?03:15
leperkhanzwhere is the gui to change rights to my hard drives?03:15
Jsp_A guide im using to triboot a macbook says    6.Bootoff live cd (ubuntu)   7.install refit.deb 8.install ubuntu    How do i Install refit.deb, and how do i do it while booting off the live cd?03:15
astro76JAyRULE, yes03:15
badkittyWhat is the best ftp client for ubuntu03:15
JAyRULEastro76> whats it supposed to do03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portugese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
ubunutftp://meklort.isa-geek.com user:star + pass:star03:15
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: Oh cool, are you a superuser or sudo-able account?03:15
gtrb8tI have a Dell C640 laptop with with Intel TrueMobile 1150 Wireless chipset.  It seems as though the driver doesn't support WPA encryption, could anyone point me in a direction to find information regarding this driver and 7.04?03:15
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: sure am and bulmer told me to remove my password so i did and i restarted and it didnt work03:15
bulmerTama00: yikes..well lets see, if you look at that /etc/passwd  root password field is empty?03:15
Peloanyone know how to reset that ******* autostart sessions thing , even after a reinstall it's completely out of wack03:15
BonzCan anyone help? I have beryl-xgl installed but my window manager doesn't work.  I've tried reloading it a few times but I just keep getting this message in the Terminal:  beryl-xgl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101103:15
leperkhanzI can right click select properties, but it's not letting me change the rights.03:15
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leperkhanzor giving me the option to enter my password.03:15
badkittyBonz: Pm me03:15
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astro76badkitty, you're probably fishing for a gui client, try gftp03:15
JAyRULEastro76> 'cause ive already tried to restart and tried again, with no such luck03:16
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:16
Tama00bulmer: root has an x in the 2nd field03:16
astro76JAyRULE, ok then that won't help either03:16
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bulmerTama00: i thought you said you removed it?03:16
badkittyastro: yah but i didn't like gftp cause i cant use hex to chmod its click for file permissions, i'd rather use 777, 755 etc03:16
bulmerwhy is it still x ?03:16
leperkhanzanyone got a link to a faq where this is addressed?03:16
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Tama00bulmer: i removed it for my user not the root user03:16
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nerdygirl_ellieTama00: If I were me, I would  sudo -i, and then chroot to the hard drive, then type passwd someuser where someuser is your normal 'buntu username03:16
Jsp_please anyone, A guide im using to triboot a macbook says    6.Bootoff live cd (ubuntu)  7.install refit.deb 8.install ubuntu    How do i Install refit.deb, and how do i do it while booting off the live cd?03:16
badkittyBonz: did you make sure you have windows decorating on in the beryl settings manager?03:17
nelsonuwpanyone know where there is a plethora of panel backgrounds?03:17
bulmerTama00: am getting confused..which user would you like to log on as?03:17
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: yeah i did that it didnt work..03:17
Tama00bulmer: my own lol03:17
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nerdygirl_ellieTama00: and the passwd utility would do all the fiddling in /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd.03:17
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: it seams to only do it in one of the two files i think03:17
nerdygirl_ellie... err shadow03:17
Pelonelsonuwp,  just make your own , it's just a bit of png file03:17
nerdygirl_ellieTama, new tack.. :)03:17
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nelsonuwpPelo- im terrible with gimp03:17
nerdygirl_ellieOn your prompt, does it end with # or >03:18
LucianIndydisable the root account03:18
__yuki__nerdygirl_ellie: I still need you help03:18
mrocJAyRULE: have you tried restarting the networking stuff since changing to the correct interface?03:18
unagiis it even possible to have a script run a keystroke?03:18
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Bonzbadkitty I can't find that anywhere :x03:18
JAyRULEmroc> oh yeah... i havent ill try it.  good thinkin03:18
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: On your prompt, does it end with # or >03:18
bulmerTama00: your own? okay whats the user name?  remove the password field for that user..2nd field on both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow03:18
Pelonelsonuwp, that's all I have for you,  it's too little a thing for ppl to make loads of them , but you can always load full gtk themes on www.gnome-look.org03:18
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: bulmer i think i got it working now..03:18
Optimus55firestarter doesnt even want to install, i cant find it03:18
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nelsonuwppelo: thanks03:19
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bulmerTama00: congrats03:19
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nerdygirl_ellieTama00: cool.  give it a test and let us know?03:19
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Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: im gonna go try this out ill be back in 5 if it fails lol03:19
badkittyBonz: beryl settings manager - visual effects - windows decoration (on left side)03:19
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie: bulmer thanks03:19
Lidowhy did my mouse stop working when I come out of suspend since I upgraded to Feisty?03:19
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nerdygirl_ellie__yuki__: hi!  welcome back.03:19
Optimus55i just edited sources.list and uncommented 2 lines to enable universal library but it still cant find firestarter03:19
LucianIndyTama00, what does removing the 'x' do?03:19
Optimus55am i missing something?03:19
Bonzbadkitty: Yes everything is checked there03:19
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: did you apt-get update afterwards?03:19
__yuki__nerdygirl_ellie: I still need you help03:19
JAyRULEmroc> didnt work. ill try to reboot03:20
=== ToastMaster [n=ToastMas@adsl-69-107-110-30.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonzbadkitty: I don't have any window manager right now.  I cannot move windows or anything03:20
ToastMasterHey guys03:20
ToastMasterI'm extremely new to Ubuntu03:20
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: no, trying that now03:20
ToastMasterI need some help installing. Can some one give me a couple minutes to ask basic install quesions?03:21
badkittyBonz: You dont have emerald installed?03:21
WarboToastMaster: Go ahead, I'll try03:21
PeloToastMaster,  just ask and if someone can anser they will try03:21
Bonzbadkitty: Yes I do...I do believe03:21
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astro76!install | ToastMaster ask away but you might want to read this first03:21
ubotuToastMaster ask away but you might want to read this first: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:21
ToastMasterAt Ubuntu.com and downloaded a ISO, burned it, and tried booting03:21
Bonzbadkitty: But when I reload the window manager it gives me that message saying the plugin is an older version or something03:21
badkittyBonz.. try this real quick: sudo apt-get install beryl-manager03:21
Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: well it started doing something.... whats that supposed to be??03:21
ToastMasterI tried thos places03:21
ToastMasterin fact...03:22
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FezzlerI was having trouble getting Firefox to work with Java and Flashplayer yesterday.  I figured part of it out but need some more gray matter for final push03:22
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ToastMasterI got this error  sh: can't access tty: job control turned off03:22
PeloToastMaster, did you burn the iso as data or did you burn "image to cd"03:22
Bonzbadkitty: Nothing, says I have the newest version03:22
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ToastMasterThe website said: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94250&highlight=job+control+turned03:22
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badkittyBonz: Do you have an nvidia card?03:22
sholehhow to run file .swf03:22
ToastMasterI got lost in the jargon03:22
Bonzbadkitty: Nope ATI...03:22
ToastMasterYa I burned it to a CD03:22
LucianIndyFezzler, open terminal and type-> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin03:22
badkittyBonz: ahh crap....03:22
PeloToastMaster, you need to burn "image"03:23
LucianIndythat will get java running in firefox03:23
Bonzbadkitty: I know there has been lots of problems I've read a lot about it.  But you see it all works...except this03:23
FezzlerI got it working by adding in the firefoxrc file FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"  I also reinstalled alsa-oss.  But what really seemed to make it work was issuing the command "killall esd"03:23
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Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: whats the apt-get update supposed to do?03:23
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Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: it looks like its downloading a bunch of stuff03:23
=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonzbadkitty, I'm sorry It's "window decorator" not window manager03:23
Pelolater dudes and dudettes03:23
Tama00bulmer, haha i know what happend!03:23
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FezzlerThe problem now is Firefox will play one clip and then freeze.  Getting closer but not sure what to do now.  Ideas?03:23
Bonzbadkitty: beryl-xgl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101103:24
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LucianIndyOptimus55, its checking the sources03:24
Bonzdecoration is the newest version but the decoration plugin isn't?03:24
badkittyBonz: try this in the terminal: emerald --replace03:24
leperkhan1How do I log into nautilus as root?03:24
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Tama00bulmer, when i installed ubuntu i installed it to an empty parition and then copied it to my software raid cause i was to lazy to get the alternative cd right03:24
BonzSame message badkitty03:24
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LucianIndyleperkhan1, alt+f2 and type gksudo nautilus03:24
facugaichleperkhan1: gksudo nautilus03:24
Flannelleperkhan1: `gksu nautilus` and close it as soon as you're done with admin stuffs03:24
JAyRULEmroc didnt work03:24
Tama00bulmer, and when i did the updates it changed my grub config and made it boot off the other drive instead of my software raid03:25
FezzlerIndy:  Thanks.  flashplayer and java seem to be working.  I think it is another setting.  Also notice sound and video is slighly out of sync03:25
Tama00which explains why my hostname and resolution changed lol03:25
nerdygirl_elliesholeh: that is a flash file.  you need flash03:25
Tama00hahah that was fun for a bit03:25
ToastMasterany ideas?03:25
mrocJAyRULE: sorry - i'm out of ideas.  maybe someone else can jump in and take over.   good luck03:25
badkittyBonz: hmm I wonder, when you open emerald, can you choose another theme, and another windows decorator?03:25
JAyRULEmroc> ehhe...coo thanks03:25
nerdygirl_ellieOptimus55: when it finishes, it should be apt-get firestarter able.03:25
astro76leperkhan1, even better, install nautilus-gksu, then you can right click in Nautilus and select Open as administrator03:25
badkittyBonz: I mean, I wonder if you use a different engine?03:26
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Bonzbadkitty: I can select different themes and such03:26
Bonzbadkitty: but nothing happens03:26
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Optimus55nerdygirl_ellie: hmm okay. its reached like the 9 package its downloading....03:27
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badkittybonz: and there is no decoration at all?03:27
Bonzbadkitty: No decoration at all around any windows, no matter what I choose03:27
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie, yup it was my own stupid fault as always03:27
Bonzbadkitty: how do I get a newer version I guess?03:27
badkittyBut only when beryl is ran correct?03:27
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BonzWell, yes I guess, I can go back to the metacity or something03:28
nerdygirl_elliehehe.  I always make a second account after I install.  Lesson learned the very very hard way.03:28
badkittybonz: I mean if you aren't running beryl, does the decorator work?03:28
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Bonzbadkitty: I don't know, I don't know much about this can I just close beryl and keep emerald?03:29
nerdygirl_ellieTama00: Right now you can't login to my server at work if ldap goes down.  anybody want to take a stab at that?  I'd like passwd authentication to backup ldap for ssh in pam.03:29
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FruitLoopis the full-stop required at the end of " Enable the tftpd server. Add the following as /etc/xinet.d/tftp." ...or is that just the end of the sentence and I should create file named just "tftp" instead, without a trailing "."?03:29
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JFreakhello everybody again03:29
Tama00nerdygirl_ellie, whatever that is lol03:29
badkittyBonz: You could do that, but you want beryl and cool eye andy yes?03:29
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nerdygirl_ellieFruitLoop: remove the trailing .03:29
Mike22hey, im on windows right now. switching from ubuntu. and i need to recover my files from the ext3 partition, any ideas how i can do this in windows?03:29
JFreakcan somebody tell me some page where can i put some screen shot to show some problem ?03:29
Bonzbadkitty: Yes.  Ok I selected Metacity from the window manager list.  I now have windows :P But still no decoration03:29
badkittyBonz: Plus you may have to reload X in order to get the decorator working w/o beryl03:29
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Bonzoktanouc, badkitty...I will be right back03:30
Bonzoktanouc, brb03:30
badkittyBonz: try this and see if it helpshttp://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_nVidia#My_windows_don.27t_have_any_decorations_.28title_bar.2C_resize_handles.2C_minimize.2Fmaximize.2Fclose_buttons.2903:30
leperkhan1now I can use those 150 gb hard drives.03:30
leperkhan1thanks guys.03:30
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nerdygirl_ellieMike22: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mount_your_Linux_partitions_under_windows_03:31
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Bonzbadkitty: How do I modify the xorg.conf  Everytime it says read only I can't do it...I know I'm a n00b03:31
nerdygirl_ellieBonz: make a backup.  then gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:31
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JFreakanybody know some page where i can put some screenshot to show a desktop problem ?03:32
badkittyBonz: np me too. first thing you want to do is make a copy: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup03:32
BonzThis is for nVidia >.>03:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:32
ztomicif snd_emu10k1 loads without errors, whats the easiest way to NOT load snd_ca0106 and load snd_emu10k1?03:32
facugaichJFreak: imageshack.us03:32
BonzI thought composite was supposed to be "disabled"?03:32
nerdygirl_ellieBonz: have you tried the linux-restricted-modules nvidia driver?03:32
badkittyBonz: Yah but the config probably has the same settings as nvidia, just with a different driver03:32
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Bonznerdygirl_ellie: I have ATI03:32
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badkittyBonz: After you do that you put in the root password and it should make a backup of your xorg.conf03:33
JFreakthks a lot facugaich03:33
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nerdygirl_ellieztomic: put snd_ca0106 in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and then create a file in there for snd_umu10k103:33
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nerdygirl_ellieBonz: sorry about that, I misread.  Good luck.03:33
badkittynerdygirl: he has an ATI card03:33
ssnis there a default firewall running in ubuntu-server?03:33
Flannel!firewall | ssn03:34
ubotussn: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:34
conorkirkpatrickIs ubuntu a good choice for an Open source game console?03:34
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nerdygirl_elliessn: the iptables module is usually, sometimes, loaded.  firestarter is a gui to configure it, and is available from apt.03:34
conorkirkpatrickIt won'03:34
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Mike22nerdygirl_ellie, hanks, works great.03:34
conorkirkpatricktot wont startup a desktop manager03:34
conorkirkpatrickjust a custom interface03:34
FruitLoopon this page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot - where it talks about enabling the tftpd server, is it supposed to have the "" where they have put ""? Or have they just pulled a new IP number out of thin air with no explanation?03:35
badkittyBonz: did you want to atleast look at your settings and see if things are as they should be according to the nvidia setup, or do you want to try and see if there is a way to update a plugin? Did you try the usual sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade?03:35
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nerdygirl_ellieconorkirkpatrick: Imho, yes.  Because you can throw a hundred games on it just from apt.03:35
KI4IKLWhen I'm doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (or w/e it is)...when it asks me to select the themouse source (like /dev/input/mouse) how do I find what woudl be a usb mouse?03:35
Bonzbadkitty: yes I did the usual update and upgrade a few times and its complete03:35
Bonzbadkitty: but its a plugin that is out of date.  It is dated 10/11/2006 but I guess thats emerald?03:35
badkittyBonz: do you have the beryl third party repositories added in your sources.list?03:35
milllmannn? anyone here gotten PHP5, Rails, Apache and Mongrell_Cluster setup on Dapper?03:35
Bonzbadkitty let me check03:36
badkittyBonz: if not, it could have an update that you aren't seeing03:36
nerdygirl_elliemilllmannn: Do you know anyone that's looking for a sysadmin that can do that in an afternoon?03:36
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Bonzbadkitty: I have ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ feisty main03:36
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badkittymilllman nope sorry.. setting up a lamp server is easy as pie if you download the iso03:36
deaincaelo nightstar03:37
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milllmannnnerdygirl_ellie: No, but im trying to setup my VPS like that03:37
ryanakcaHow do I fix this? : ls: reading directory /media/floppy0/: Input/output error03:37
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conorkirkpatricknerdygirl_ellie: we are running our own custom interface that we just started (http://weeflee.net) and we want to be able to optimize it to run and boot fairly fast03:37
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Bonzbadkitty: can you tell me where the sources.list is again? :x03:37
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fiXXXerMetI'm having some trouble installing gcc 4.2.0 (source) - getting errors.  Could anyone take a look?  http://www.ladyada.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=15508#1550803:37
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ztomicnerdygirl_ellie: ok, I blacklisted snd_ca0106. tell me the next step again,  "create a file.." be more specific.03:37
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badkittyBonz: I believe etc/apt ...03:38
milllmannnnerdygirl_ellie: do you know how?03:38
nerdygirl_ellieconorkirkpatrick: if you have control of the hardware, there is a linuxbios that will drop into an x session in 3 seconds.03:38
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badkittyBonz: yes /etc/apt/sources.list03:38
nerdygirl_elliemilllmannn: Except for mongrell.03:38
Bonzbadkitty: thx03:38
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spikebanyone know how to fix this: "current dist not found in meta-release file" when running update manager?03:38
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milllmannnnerdygirl_ellie: how do you serve rails apps?03:38
Flannelspikeb: For Feisty to gutsy?03:38
spikebyeah Flannel03:39
conorkirkpatricknerdygirl_ellie: so you could reflash it? I am a little weary about reflashing, but it is just an old computer03:39
badkittyBonz: You can always use the system-admin-software sources too .. but the text file is way better03:39
Flannelspikeb: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support (that'd be a gutsy based question)03:39
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ssnnerdygirl_ellie: i know, but i cannot connect to my ubuntu-server box via ssh and i dont know why :D03:39
FruitLoopUg! Ug! Grunt! Grunt! Ugh! on this page - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot - where it talks about enabling the tftpd server, is it supposed to have the "" where they have put ""? Or have they just pulled a new IP number out of thin air with no explanation? Snort! Snort! Grunt! Ug!03:39
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spikebgood point. heh.03:39
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Bonzbadkitty: Hmm, was that the right directory? That sources.list was empty03:40
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BonzI use gedit to open it right?03:40
nerdygirl_ellieyes, when you go into production.  then all you'd need on the drive is the apps.  with the bonus that the user couldn't break x!03:40
FlannelBonz: what command did you use?03:40
BonzSorry guys, sorry guys...angry windows user wanting to switch03:40
badkittyBonz: you probably mistyped it03:40
Bonzit opened in gedit03:40
ztomicnerdygirl_ellie: could I not put the module in an existing file in there?03:40
FlannelBonz: it's case sensitive.  However, once you opened gedit, you can just file > open and navigate to it03:41
nerdygirl_ellieztomic: sure.  pick one that looks appropriate,  :)03:41
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Bonzfedit etc/apt/sources.list03:41
conorkirkpatricknerdygirl_ellie: the problem is the first beta console is just an old Dell, and I don't think linuxbios would support a OEM board like that, would it? Oh, and we aren't planning anything big, not any real proudction03:41
astro76FruitLoop, it's .240 because that line specifies a whole subnet03:41
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FlannelBonz: /etc/apt/sources.list03:41
elidyrosI'm new Ubuntu user, and I got some problem with my keyboard, can someone give some help please ?03:41
nerdygirl_elliessn:  I lost you.03:41
nerdygirl_ellieelidyros: what type of problems?03:41
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:41
badkittyflannel: good observation03:41
nerdygirl_ellieelidyros: is it bluetooth, or one of those 200 button contraptions? :D03:42
badkittyelidyros just say what you need help with03:42
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Bonzbadkitty, I have deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ feisty main as a source, but thats it03:42
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ztomicnerdygirl_ellie: lets pick /etc/modprobe/alsa-base. Do you know what the line shoud read?03:42
Bonzbadkitty: do you know of another source I might need for the update?03:42
FlannelBonz: Which update?  (checks backlog)03:42
elidyrosIn fact I got a laptop, but I also use USB keyboard to type in Japanese, 109 keys Keyboard, and some of the keys does not work, I tried a lot of settings but still no change...03:43
BonzFlannel: beryl-xgl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20070319 and decoration plugin version is 2006101103:43
FruitLoopastro76: ok.. so in my case i would replace with ???? my network is 192.168.1.??? and what is the /28 at the end of the line for?03:43
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elidyrosIt is a japanese keyboard03:43
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nerdygirl_ellieztomic: it should be something like alias (your sound device) (the driver you want to use)03:43
BonzFlannel: beryl window manager works (as far as I know) but the decoration manager doesn't03:43
FlannelBonz: ah, I have no idea re: eye candy03:43
BonzFlannel yes xD03:44
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BonzFlannel, I don't need it but I kinda want it03:44
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astro76FruitLoop, it's the number of bits in the netmask (equivalent to
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FlannelBonz: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-effects? or #beryl?03:44
milllmannnDo i even need PHP installed on my VPS if im developing in rails?03:44
BonzHmm nope :x03:44
astro76FruitLoop, you can use
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nerdygirl_ellieztomic: another minute.03:44
philcis it possible to do a negative grep? e.g. "filter out everything that matches x"03:44
JFreakhello, i'm recently install beryl and works good for me, but for some reason just the main desktop, the other 3 sides of the cube i have problem with the windows, here is a image: http://img365.imageshack.us/my.php?image=berylproblemxz4.png maybe somebody can help me03:44
badkittyBonz: Im not sure if you have to have another repo...03:44
elidyrosI when I try to set new shortcuts in Anthy, the special keys make no effect03:45
astro76FruitLoop, that means to
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PurpZeYCan someone help me out, I am trying to compile a program and it is telling me No "OpenGL Library Could be found" by I am running beryl, so I have to have some sort of GL, don't I?03:45
Bonzbadkitty Ok, I shall go to #beryl and maybe be back :P03:45
nerdygirl_elliephilc: grep -v yada03:45
Flannelphilc: You can modify the regexp to just match everything else, or you can use -v03:45
ryanakcaHow do I fix this? : ls: reading directory /media/floppy0/: Input/output error03:45
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Bonzbadkitty, Flannel...Thanks for your help :)03:45
badkittyBonz: Ok, also check this repository it might have it? http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/dists/feisty/eyecandy/index.html03:45
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BonzAhh ok03:45
philcnerdygirl_ellie: thanks!03:45
nerdygirl_ellieztomic, I can't find what to alias that to.  sorry. :)03:45
badkittyBonz: No problem, the guys in #beryl may be able to help you too.. but try trevinos repository iff your still having problems03:46
Bonzbadkitty is that trevinos repository?03:46
ztomicnerdygirl_ellie: this is funny. I have snd_ca0106 loading but I see snd_emu10k1 in that file. problem is that I get no sound with jack.03:46
nerdygirl_ellieztomic: the other way to fix it is to add 'modprobe .... ' to your /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99local  where ... is the one you want to load.03:46
elidyrosI tried to find informations on the Japanese Ubuntu community website and I found nothing03:46
SlimG2how do I change a displays pictureplacement/picturewitdh/pictureheight/pictureshape of a CRT display that lacks OnScreenDisplay menu (apple studio display)?03:46
badkittyBonz: it is a link to his page and he has his repo's on there03:46
Bonzbadkitty thanks :)03:46
badkittyDoes anyone know a good GUI ftp program other than gftp for ubuntu? I want something where i can chmod using hex instead of clicking for the file permissions03:47
badkittyBonz: np :-)03:47
Flannelelidyros: You might also try #ubuntu-jp03:47
mhz`in hex?03:47
mhz`you're brave :/03:47
FruitLoopastro76: ok, but my network starts from, so I would put - is that right?03:47
mhz`why not do it the easy way?03:47
nerdygirl_elliemhz he means octal03:47
nerdygirl_elliemhz`: like 777 etc.03:48
elidyrosOK I'll do that03:48
badkittymhz: well octal I mean03:48
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mhz`hmm, trying to think03:48
badkittynerdygirl: yah you got it03:48
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mhz`google.com is your friend? :P03:48
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FruitLoopis google.com my friend too?03:48
mhz`only kitty's03:49
MrXorgCan anyone tell me where my fonts are stored?03:49
badkittymhz: yah just hoping for an off-hand recommendation... google cant give me that03:49
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nerdygirl_ellieMrXorg: on your hard drive.  Glad we could help. :)03:49
badkitty... I suppose it could if I willed it  enough....03:49
powergoalIs there a way for me to download the snd-intel-hda alsa module?  I need it for my card in kubuntu 7.04, and I can't modprobe it.03:49
nerdygirl_ellieMrXorg: Mine are in /usr/share/fonts03:49
FruitLoopWhy is there a crane across the road in my neighbour's yard?03:50
astro76FruitLoop, no, you could do .65 to .94 with a (but note .64 is not included in range).03:50
nerdygirl_ellieFruitLoop: because it was tired of flying.03:50
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mhz`badkitty, why do you need that so bad?03:50
astro76FruitLoop, or you could just allow through all of 192.168.1.x,03:50
elidyrosNo one on #ubuntu-jp...03:50
mhz`still working 2hrs...i just want to be done work & boot back into ubuntu03:51
mhz`this sucks03:51
FruitLoopCan everybody else smell that?03:51
mhz`was done at 8..its now 10 of 1003:51
MrXorgnerdygirl_ellie: thanks03:51
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nerdygirl_ellieMrXorg: anytime!03:51
smakdygood even all03:51
badkittymhz: because I suck thats why, I don't know of any better way to do it03:51
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ztomicnerdygirl_ellie: ehhh! I'm gonna try a new card. It works on other computers but this card (though SBL!) is a lot newer than the ones I'm used to. I just dont understand why, but it has to be a hardware issue.03:51
mhz`do you have shell access? i think you could do wine+flashfxp03:52
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mhz`i think most win32 clients let you send raw commands03:52
elidyrosNo one here use japanese 109 keys keyboard ?03:52
younghackerwhats the command to restart the postgresql server?03:52
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: I use ncftp (from source)  it is cli, but it is great.03:52
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mhz`younghacker, i think: /etc/rc.d/init.d/pg_ctl start03:53
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mhz`well, restart03:53
smakdyi'm trying to install the nvidia driver in ubuntu and i keep getting getting "error: nvidia-installer must be run as root" any body able to help me with this one?03:53
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JFreakis it possible to change the ubuntu language without re-install it ?03:53
younghackerthanks i'll try it03:53
Flannelyounghacker: /etc/init.d/postgres restart  or something like that.  (type postg and hit tab, it'll complete)03:53
mhz`younghacker, or try /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql restart03:53
mhz`i think the later03:53
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: do you want to try the linux-restricted-modules one first?03:53
Flannelmhz`: no rc.d just /etc/init.d03:53
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varun0how do I end an xsession? I want to use the CLI only (I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 when I logged into X, I want to use that terminal). Whenever I do a ctrl+alt+bksp, x just starts up again. I tried doing telinit 3, but that didn't work, either03:53
smakdyyes i do03:53
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Flannelvarun0: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:54
mhz`there ya go..i'll give 2/3's the answer everyone else is free to finish it off03:54
varun0Flannel: ah. much thanks!:)03:54
badkittynerdygirl: maybe you can help me... I have been playing around with a server install and have been using ftp to upload from my windows box to the server, and when I have to, I shell in with putty to do big recursive type file modding... is there a better way than what I am doing?03:54
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hangloseIs there a way to strip Ubuntu down a bit? It comes with so many programs that I will never want to use.03:54
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nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: one sec.03:54
Fezzlerfirefox freezes after playing one web-based video; sound and image very slightly out of sync.03:54
mhz`badkitty, you could share the linux using samba...03:54
SlimG2how do I change a displays pictureplacement/picturewitdh/pictureheight/pictureshape of a CRT display that lacks OnScreenDisplay menu (apple studio display)?03:54
hsimah`outwhen i try and apt-get adobe flash player i get an error saying md5sum mismatch and it wont install. how can i fix this?03:54
mhz`then mount it in windows and transfer that way03:55
younghackersmh, what happend i rebooted my machine and now i can't connect to my own server...wow.. those commands didn't work03:55
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: ask 'How do I install the restricted nvidia module'03:55
Fezzlersamba is cool.  I use it to share Ubuntu pc, iMacs and Vista pc03:55
badkittymhz: true ... but what If I am outside of the local network, ie upload some images from friends house?03:55
conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: drivers MB? the windows nvidia drivers have it, but idk about ubuntu03:55
mhz`younghacker, try /etc/init.d/postgresql restart or03:55
smakdyhow do i install the restricted nvidia module?03:55
mhz`then probably ftp, badkitty assuming you allow outside access03:55
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Flannelbadkitty: You want to look into default masks for the files you put (it's in the ftpd config)03:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:56
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younghackerit says no such file or directory03:56
mhz`unless you setup access for him to connect to your samba..i dunno if samba can only do local or can do wan03:56
gtrb8tI have Dell TrueMobile 1150 Wireless PC card, and I do not think the driver I am using supports WPA encryption, anyone have any ideas?03:56
badkittysmakdy: did you do sudo apt-get nvidia-glx (I think)03:56
mhz`hmm young, hang on03:56
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nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: there are a few options.  samba would let you access the files as a share on the windows box or .... do you want to sit at the windows box or the linux box?03:56
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: nope, nvidia-settings lacks that feature03:56
mhz`research time03:56
younghackerlol yea 4 me 203:56
smakdyno i did not bad kitty03:56
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badkittyFlannel: Yeah I was thinking there was a way to do something like that...03:56
astro76badkitty, if you're doing it remotely (through public internet) do not use ftp or telnet, install openssh-server then you can sftp and ssh03:56
astro76badkitty, ftp and telnet transmit your password in plain text03:57
FezzlerWith samba, I can sit at any of my computer and share files03:57
badkittynerdygirl: actually I was thinking of killing the windows box, and using my dualboot linux feisty desktop and installing a server on it so I could do everything locally03:57
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mhz`younghacker, i believe it should be: /etc/init.d/postgresql or /etc/init.d/postgresql803:57
conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: Sorry, then IDK ask again someone is bound to answer03:57
=== tristil [n=method@c-67-165-66-99.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MathmanHi.  I don't suppose anyone could recommend some software that would create a map of my network?  or perhaps something like traceroute but with switches?03:57
SlimG2how do I change a displays pictureplacement/picturewitdh/pictureheight/pictureshape of a CRT display that lacks OnScreenDisplay menu (apple studio display)?03:58
Flannelbadkitty: he's right.  You mightwant to think about using scp instead of ftp03:58
mhz`mathman, nagios is a network monitoring software that can i believe map it03:58
mhz`its more of a commercial/hosting tool03:58
ubotuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/03:58
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nerdygirl_elliesomething that sees the switches (a layer 2 device) will be more of a trick.03:58
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delpierrosalut tout le monde vous allez bien ? ;)03:58
Mathmanmhz`: yeah, I've heard of that.  I was hoping for something more standalone though03:58
astro76badkitty, yep scp comes with openssh-server too03:58
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JFreakcan somebody tell me if is possible to change the instalation language to Ubuntu please ?03:58
conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: You could call it "Screen alignment" not those pictureheight things03:59
alecwhI've heard from misc. people that the next release of Ubuntu will have great Duel Screen support, is this true? What sort of optimization can I look foward to? :)03:59
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mhz`younghacker, sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.1 restart03:59
smakdyits so easy!!!! ty nerdygirl03:59
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: thanks for the tip :)03:59
mhz`depending on the verision of postgres03:59
smakdyholy crap why isnt windows like that03:59
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mhz`because it's windows03:59
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: good luck.  hey, one sec...03:59
younghackerlol it says command not found04:00
conorkirkpatrickSLimG2: and you could try playing with the resolutions, maybe :D04:00
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mhz`and i of course, have employment with a large windows hosting company04:00
mhz`so yay! windows!!!04:00
badkittyastro76: ok... I'm guessing its not a good idea to install the server on my desktop installation then huh...04:00
astro76JFreak, did you try system->administration->language support?04:00
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: open the control panel and make sure there is a little checkmark next to nvidia in the restricted modules thingy.04:00
mhz`badkitty, why would you do that :)04:00
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astro76badkitty, openssh-server? that's safe04:00
smakdythere is indeed04:00
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smakdyhey i can change my res now04:00
badkittymhz: I dunno, I wanted to use my other box for something like say...mythtv or something?04:01
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: Just changes the screenalignment around a bit, never takes advantage of the entire display04:01
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JFreakthks astro76 i'm new in Ubuntu04:01
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: if this is on your local lan, don't stress about it.04:01
smakdysame here jfreak the commands are so alien to me thus far04:01
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: there is an apt package called nvidia settings that is cool as toast.04:01
conorkirkpatrickI am trying to isntall Ubuntu on an externel Hard drive, and I am not sure whether the setup is about to erase my internel drive or the externel (USB) one04:01
mhz`i should turn my "file server" into running ubuntu04:01
mhz`instead of xp04:01
badkittynerdy: it is on my local lan, but I do want to know and have experience doing things the right way04:01
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younghackerok this suX04:02
nerdygirl_elliesmakdy: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings04:02
JFreakyeah !!! but i'm relly hapy smakdy i love it !!!04:02
smakdymy neighbor is mhz thats how he got me hooked04:02
badkittyconorkirj: you better be sure! lol04:02
mhz`lol, i ain't your neighbor :)04:02
mhz`or am i..04:02
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: about 5% of hosts support secure ftp .  Maybe 10% webdav.  the rest are all ftp.  which is sad.04:02
mhz`if you see a dude dancing naked in the house next door then its me04:02
conorkirkpatrickIt says "SCSI (0,0,0)04:02
=== Bonz [n=Bonz@pool-70-106-169-35.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
badkittynerdy: thats lame isn't sSH free?04:03
SlimG2how do I change the screenalignment on a CRT display that lacks a OnScreenDisplay menu (apple studio display)?04:03
smakdylol mhz04:03
mhz`ssh is free04:03
badkittyso they do it for ease of use?04:03
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Bonzbadkitty, Flannel...the #beryl channel is pretty much empty.  You guys wouldn't have any idea about what I should do?04:03
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mhz`it comes with the distros04:03
badkittyBonz: did you try that repo?04:03
mhz`i'd just make sure you have the newest version04:03
Bonzbadkitty yes04:03
mhz`b/c of exploits/holes setc04:03
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Bonzbadkitty: I reinstalled the plugin pack and nothing04:04
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mhz`if you're gonna open your box up, granted you shouldn't be a huge target b/c you're a small time box probably on broadband04:04
mhz`but lock it down04:04
lesshasteanyone know of an app to configure your touchpad?04:04
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conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49783404:04
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=== Cerebro|out [n=jdcerebr@S010600184d1865ad.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
badkittyBonz... hmmm that sucks I had the same problem about an hour and a half ago (no decorations) and finally I installed the beryl-manager and everything worked.. maybe reinstall emerald???04:05
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Bonzbadkitty: How do I go about doing both of these things?04:05
badkittynerdy: do you think it would be possible to install the server in a vm appliance and keep it local?04:05
smakdy/chanlist wine04:05
astro76lesshaste, synclient04:05
=== Cerebro|out is now known as CerebroJD
JFreakcan somebody tell me what is the SUPER key in Beryl ???04:06
Flannelbadkitty: of course.  You cna also install a server on a normal install and keep it local (or subnet, whatever)04:06
Bonzbadkitty, I found them on that repo...be back with you in a min04:06
CerebroJDCan I boot into the 7.04 liveCD on a macbook?  or is there issues with that?04:06
nerdygirl_ellieJFreak: windows key, i think.04:06
lesshasteastro76, how do I know if I am using a synaptics touchpad?04:06
JFreaksorry if is a stupid question :)04:06
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conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: that page is a hint for editing /etc/x/org.conf04:06
conorkirkpatrickor something04:06
astro76lesshaste, not sure, I think 99% are synaptic04:06
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: with vmware server there is a thingy that will let you access drives inside the vm, but I haven't used it.04:06
conorkirkpatrickCerebroJD: MacBooks should boot any X86 liveCD04:06
badkittyflannel: Yah but can I allow access from the web or would that be insecure?04:06
lesshasteastro76, ok that sounds good...there is something called qsynaptics I notice04:07
mneptokianmcorvidae: stop syn/ack-ing ubotu, ravenboy ;)04:07
mhz`kitty, you can04:07
mhz`you can open your box to do whatever or close it down04:07
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know how I can determine which Hard disk Ubuntu is trying to install on?04:07
mhz`you can host games (counter-strike/quake/etc) host websites04:07
nerdygirl_ellielesshaste: The ubuntu touchpad apps don't seem to work right for me, let me know if you figure that out, k?04:07
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: I don't think I'll start testing out modelines, too many possibilities and too long time04:07
badkittyAll I want is to test out some web stuff, have easy access over the crap, and have it be secure, and not risk it screwing up my linux desktop04:07
astro76lesshaste, I was amazed to find out I have advanced features enabled on my laptop touchpad in feisty, like two finger and three finger tap for right and middle-click04:07
lesshastenerdygirl_ellie, ok04:08
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: but thanks for taking an interest :)04:08
FruitLoopWOoohoooooooo!! success!, the target idiot computer with non-bootable CD drive is now installing Ubuntu thanks to the miracle of network booting muahahahahhaahah!!! ntohing in the world can stop me now!04:08
conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: NP04:08
mhz`badkitty, well...if you wanna play with web hosting i'd install LAMP04:08
Flannelbadkitty: I'm not sure I understand.  Servers are designed to interface with the web (securely, ideally)04:08
lesshasteastro76, right..I need to disable the tapping/clicking as it is driving me mad04:08
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: then why not install apache on your desktop and access the share locally?04:08
FruitLoopexcept for maybe typos...04:08
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conorkirkpatrickSlimG2: I am new to this community, and trying to help out :D04:08
astro76lesshaste, haha ok04:08
badkittyconorkirk: you can look at the sizes of the disks, or look at their address before you go into the install and match it up04:08
nerdygirl_ellieconorkirkpatrick: what kind of drives?  one ide and one usb?04:09
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badkittynerdy: that is what I was planning on doing, but I have had many people tell me I shouldn't have a web server on a desktop install04:09
SlimG2conorkirkpatrick: with your attitude, spirit and involvement you'll get far ;)04:09
conorkirkpatrickNerdygirl_ellie: yes, one internel (laptop, not sure if it is IDE) and the other is USB04:09
conorkirkpatrickslimg2: thnx!04:09
lesshasteastro76, hmm...now I find tpconfig too04:09
lesshasteno idea which to use04:10
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CACHACAhow can i use kde on ubuntu?04:10
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lesshastewell...qsynaptics didn't work at all!04:10
nerdygirl_ellieCACHACA: apt-get install kde-desktop to switch to kubuntu04:10
lesshasteit didn't even find a synaptics driver04:10
MrXorgCACHACA: Konsole04:10
FlannelCACHACA: install kubuntu.  (If you already have an ubuntu installation, install the `kubuntu-desktop` package04:10
badkittyconor: did you look to see what drive was sda1 sda2, etc before you go into the install, and remember which one is your external, then make sure you install it on that one04:10
Doc_Bioget permission error with vmware server.....trying to run windows...help?04:10
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CACHACAMrXorg: Flannel: thank you, i fell very gay now04:11
gravemindhey, my hibernate doesn't work. It says there's some program accessing the hardware directly. Any ideas why that is?04:11
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conorkirkpatrickbadkitty: Well, I was going to use the mount command, but terminal wont open :(04:11
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astro76lesshaste, heh, there's tpcconfig, qsynaptics, gsynaptics, and ksynaptics04:11
Bonzbadkitty: get this...I just restarted my PC and when I logged in...the resolution was so messed up I couldn't see anything04:12
nerdygirl_ellieastro76: and a partridge in a pear tree? :)04:12
badkittynerdy: K, I think my battle was moving away from windows, I am in linux alot more now, so the server would be available a larger portion of the time04:12
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MrXorgCACHACA: You feel gay?04:12
badkittyBonz: I've had that happen, did you change anything in the xorg.conf?04:12
Doc_Bioanyone help with getting vmware server to run my existing windows xp?04:12
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Bonzbadkitty, just the "disabled" to "enable" like that page said at the very bottom04:13
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badkittyDoc:how did you get winxp in a vmware file?04:13
Bonzbadkitty could you once again show me how to get there again?04:13
Bonzto the xorg?04:13
Doc_Bioi didn't...trying with an existing install04:13
miguelitoType rm -rf in the terminal04:13
astro76lesshaste, I installed gsynaptics and get an entry in preferences->touchpad, according to the error message I have to set SHMConfig to 'true' in xorg.conf first04:13
badkittyBonz: This is where you are glad you had a backup04:13
Doc_Bioas per that guide04:13
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nerdygirl_elliemiguelito:  that's not nice04:13
mhz`finally done work04:13
mhz`time to eat dinner at 10:15pm04:14
BonzHow do I replace the new with the backup?04:14
miguelitowhy not haha?04:14
=== wydd [i=foobar@189-18-228-11.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
lesshasteI give up04:14
badkittyBonz: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:14
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badkittyBonz: Basically copies the backup over the existing bad one and overwrites it.04:15
Doc_Biobetter question...is there a good way to run windows apps in linux without all this vmware crap?04:15
badkittyDoc_Bio... have you heard of wine04:15
FezzlerFirefox "about:plugins" reports I have " Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0" installed.  Is that the latest?04:15
wyddlocale says I'm using "C" for all; how do I change to en_US_UTF8 for systemwide?04:15
Bonzbadkitty, I will restart once more xD04:15
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:15
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astro76lesshaste, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542104:15
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gravemindDoc_Bio: wine works for most things04:15
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badkittyDOc: you could try that04:15
SlimG2how do I change the screenalignment on a CRT display that lacks a OnScreenDisplay menu (apple studio display)?04:15
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: it depends on the application.  Wine emulates the essential parts of windows and can "run" many programs.04:15
lesshasteastro76, thanks04:16
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Justi1Has anyone here got beryl working on an ati X1400?04:16
Doc_Biowill that run java apps?04:16
gravemindDoc_Bio: winehq's appdb says whether it will work or not04:16
Doc_BioI've got beryl working on an ati 900004:16
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: Cedega/Crossover are commercial extensions built on wine.04:16
wyddhow to change systemwide locales (localeconf does not do it, right?)04:16
Justi1someone was in here the other day who got it to work on the x140004:16
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: Java is supported on ubuntu/linux, you shouldn't need to emulate it.  I'm running compeire, a big java accounting thing on a linux box now.04:17
conorkirkpatrickDoes anyone know why my terminal wont open off of a live CD?04:17
badkittydoc: did you use automatix to install vmware?04:17
nerdygirl_ellieconorkirkpatrick: it works for me.  That's odd.  can you run xterm from alt-f2?04:17
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nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: good question!04:17
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Doc_Biono....installed through ubuntu add/remove....04:17
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Doc_Bio....vmware server04:18
fiXXXerMetI'm having some trouble installing gcc 4.2.0 (source) - getting errors.  Could anyone take a look?  http://www.ladyada.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=15508#1550804:18
iMayKnowJusti1, i have compiz running on my x1100... the way i did it also worked for someone with a x1400... never could get beryl working though04:18
conorkirkpatricknerdygirl_ellie: thnx that worked04:18
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badkittyI HATE Automatix!04:18
miguelitoType rm -rf in a shell.04:18
conorkirkpatrickHeh, great! it doesn't even see my internal drive (really, that is actually good :D )04:18
=== nerdygirl_ellie uses automatix, but promised not to talk about it.
Doc_Bionerdygirl....not sure this app is fully java....science program for windows04:18
xpointbadkitty, hehe, ubuntu will happyli update your xorg.conf :)04:18
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nerdygirl_elliemod, can you "help" miguelito off the server?04:19
Bonzbadkitty, well nothing...resolution still messed up under xgl.  Just assure me that when I get finished I will be happier than with Windows XP04:19
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nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: what's the app do?04:19
Doc_Bioit looks like i have the vmware all set up...but when I try to lauch windows with it, it says I don't have permission to access the file04:19
Doc_Bioflow cytometry04:19
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badkittyBonz: I've been back and forth, but beryl is so cool, and linux is badass... its worth it04:19
soduer_does anyone happen to have 6.06 or 6.06 with update to 7.04 installed and openvpn running?04:20
badkittyBonz: maybe you should reconfigure xorg using dpkg04:20
=== Bianchi is away: Gone away for now.
lesshasteI don't understand http://www.pastebin.ca/617174 ... what driver is it using for my touchpad04:20
Bonzbadkitty: I really wish I could get Beryl to work, and I really don't wanna go and buy another graphics card.  I bought this one for gaming04:20
Bonzbadkitty: How would I do that?04:20
lesshasteI seem to have loads listed04:20
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nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: this is completely off topic, but I saw a linux live cd built on knoppix that was chock-full of bio-apps,   Flow-cytometry was on the list, but I don't remember what the name of it was....04:20
badkittyBonz: I like nvidia better for gaming... anyhow.. ummm lemme think here04:20
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: Are you in geographic proximity to nashville, TN?04:20
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badkittyBonz: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:21
badkittymaybe need a sudo in front of that04:21
astro76lesshaste, the section that includes Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"04:21
soduer_does anybody happen to have pkitool for openvpn on 6.06?04:21
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: poo.  Let's start from the beginning.  where are your .vmx / vmdk files on your hard drive?04:21
Bonzxserver driver? badkitty04:21
lesshasteastro76, well qsynaptics says it can't find a synaptics driver04:21
Doc_Bioin my home directory04:21
badkittyBonz: eh?04:21
Doc_Bioon the linux partition04:22
fiXXXerMetor, does anyone know where I can find a  4.2.0 gcc-avr package for ubuntu?04:22
Bonzbadkitty: It wants to know which x server driver I should use :x04:22
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Doc_Bioand the same directory as the windowxp.mbr file04:22
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badkittyBonz: Oh umm Im guessing ATI?04:22
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Bonzbadkitty xD Ahh yes forgot04:22
astro76fiXXXerMet, it looks like your missing a header file somewhere, check your includes04:22
nerdygirl_ellieok.  can you drop to a prompt and ls -l the files to make sure you are the owner of them?04:22
younghackerwhy is my postgresql not accepting connections?04:22
soduer_does anybody happen to have pkitool for openvpn on 6.06?04:23
younghackeri just reinstalled the server and it still isn't accepting04:23
astro76lesshaste, is xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package installed?04:23
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nerdygirl_ellieyounghacker: did you tell it to listen on the ip and not the socket?04:23
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lesshasteastro76, sorry to be dumb but how do I check that?04:23
younghackerI didn't 5 hours ago at work and i was querying my databases04:23
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younghackerbut no i havn't04:23
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nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: can you drop to a prompt and ls -l the files to make sure you are the owner of them?04:23
soduer_sudo apt-cache search <packedge>04:23
younghackerit seems like a setting has changed04:23
nerdygirl_ellieyounghacker: do you have a different IP now?04:24
lesshastesoduer_, was that for me?04:24
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younghackeri do04:24
soduer_lesshate, yes...04:24
fiXXXerMetastro76: I don't really know what that means (well I do, but I don't know _what_ i'd be missing), as I'm following a tutorial.04:24
younghackeri had my internal ip at work04:24
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lesshastesoduer_, that doesn't tell me if it is already installed04:24
soduer_lesshaste, or try whick <packedge>04:24
soduer_lesshaste, or try whick <packedge>which04:24
nerdygirl_ellieyounghacker: so it could be that pg is listening on the old/ip?  a netstat -tunap would tell you for sure.04:24
soduer_ARG!!! lesshaste, or try which <packedge>04:24
younghackerok hold on04:25
lesshastesoduer_, that is for apps not packages04:25
Justi1if I have my sound drivers on auto detect, how can I determine which one ubuntu is using so I can use the same one in WINE?04:25
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astro76lesshaste, dpkg -l packagename(or search pattern)04:25
PatrickMay16I'm looking for help. I'd like to know why I can't choose a frequency to use in the cpu frequency scaling monitor in gnome, on ubuntu feisty 7.0404:25
astro76lesshaste, hmm, I think I would try gsynaptics first04:25
nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: I'm thinking that's your problem, another user, or you as root, created the vmware files and now you can't read/write them.  if that's it, you can chown them to your username.04:26
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soduer_does anybody happen to have pkitool for openvpn on 6.06?04:26
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PatrickMay16It supports cpu frequency scaling, but I can only choose out of two 'govenors'. Not different frequencies.04:26
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nerdygirl_ellieDoc_Bio: chown user:group *.vmdk  (repeat for mbr and .vmx files)04:26
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PatrickMay16Any help is appreciated.04:26
Justi1How can I determine what sound Drivers I should use in WINE?04:26
luisin_PatrickMay16, you should be able to choose the min freq, at least.04:27
ian_waxanyone know how to solve a network driver issue with feisty on a 64-bit ?04:27
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nerdygirl_ellieJusti1: I used the process of elimination trying them until I found that alsa worked..04:27
PatrickMay16I can't choose any frequency, because there is no menu to let me do that.04:27
lesshastewho just used my nick?04:27
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PatrickMay16When I click on it, it just gives a single list which has two items; 'ondemand' and 'performance'04:28
astro76lesshaste, hmm, I think I would try gsynaptics first04:28
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oxeimon3how do I expand my desktop over two monitors?04:28
younghackerok i see my running ports but i do see my work octets anywhere i do see a few 's could that be the IP's from work?04:28
siguelhay alguien que hable espaol?04:28
siguelnecesito ayuda04:28
luisin_PatrickMay16, I would say you have to go to a lower level here. You can write the desired frequency to a file, which is read by the kernel.04:28
ian_waxmy problem is that i cannot configure my wireless at home with my linksys router, nor am i sure that i have my rt61 driver working properly04:28
oxeimon3right now both monitors display the same thing04:28
nerdygirl_ellieoxeimon3: what kind of video card do you have?04:28
lesshasteastro76, I think I have to add SHMConfig to my xorg.conf first04:28
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younghacker] * i don't see my octets from work rather04:28
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nerdygirl_ellieoxeimon3: it is possible, but I can't help.  sorry.04:29
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:29
oxeimon3heh k04:29
Bonzbadkitty: In xorg I have 2 sections labeled "device" and also 2 labeled "screen"04:29
ian_waxsiguel si le puedo hablar04:29
Flannel!es | ian_wax04:29
ubotuian_wax: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:29
Bonzbadkitty: should I have both of each?04:29
luisin_PatrickMay16, I can't recall the name of the file right now, but let me google around...04:29
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younghackerhow can i configure the server to just listen to statically?04:29
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younghackerfor now04:29
cavalierprimeoxeimon3 do aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=above04:29
badkittyBonz: this is after you did the reconfigure?04:29
Flannelyounghacker: Which server?04:29
PatrickMay16The strange thing is, it works on my desktop machine running dapper, but not my laptop machine with feisty.04:29
Flannelyounghacker: You'd be looking for a "bind" option in your config files04:30
kbrooksgsynatics should be edited to add the line and restart X upon prompting.04:30
ian_waxoye, have you been on the spanish servers? there is no one there to help04:30
Bonzbadkitty, this is the backup and I have found a website that might have helped me...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=296330504:30
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PatrickMay16I can choose different frequencies from the cpufreq monitor applet in gnome just fine on my desktop.04:30
siguelian_wax tengo ubuntu 7.0704:30
nerdygirl_ellieyou'll need to hunt down the postgres config file and it's in there.  you can set it to localhost or for all ip's.04:30
weltschmerzcan anyone recommend a good command-line program to batch convert images from, say, bmp to png?04:30
younghackerwhere exactly is the file located if you know?04:30
siguelperdon 7.0404:30
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younghackeri definately don't04:30
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Bonzbadkitty: I just did what CaptainInsaneO said and it might work?04:30
JamesinatorHow do I apply changes to the Network Proxy settings without rebooting? sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't affect it.04:30
siguelian_wax y se me queda pegado en el gdm04:30
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younghackerbut would let anyone connect from IP right?04:31
siguelian_wax he intentado de todo04:31
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siguelian_wax y no me funciona04:31
ian_waxsiguel: no puedes salir de su gdm?04:31
younghackerhmm any idea where the config file is then?04:31
thompawhat do i use to convert my flac file to mp3 so i can listen on the phone04:31
Flannelyounghacker: a file in /etc/ or a file in a folder in etc (/etc/postgres)04:31
luisin_PatrickMay16, can you actually choose the freq. from the Gnome applet on Dapper?04:31
nerdygirl_elliehola siguel y ian-wax.  porfavor /join #ubuntu-es para espanol.04:31
siguelian_wax a modo consola?04:31
PatrickMay16Yes, I can actually choose the frequency to use.04:31
Bonzbadkitty: Another restart xD brb maybe04:31
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PanzerMKZhow do you install ubuntu server without APIC04:32
thompaneed to convert flac and stuff to mp3 for cell phone04:32
nerdygirl_elliePanzerMKZ: can you pass noapic as a kernel option?04:32
ian_waxsiguel: no s como le puedo ayudar en verdad no s de gdm04:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:32
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PatrickMay16On feisty (on my laptop), it only gives me a choice of two different 'govenors'. And the preferences dialogue doesn't have any option to display different frequencies.04:32
PanzerMKZnerdygirl_ellie: how?04:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:32
siguelian_wax en realidad creo que es el monitor04:32
CerebroJDwonder what channel OSX geeks hang out in...04:32
oxeimon3cavaliearprime: it says I need to install xorg-driver-fglrx04:32
thompaim on macbook04:32
badkittyBonz: it might, but you have a backup so it might be worth it to try right04:33
=== lesshaste [n=raph@bas1-kitchener06-1096764612.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
EADG_thompa: www.ubuntuessentials.net , there is a converter program a couple pages in iirc.04:33
oxeimon3and when I do "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx", it says, "E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx"04:33
CerebroJDthompa, I've got a friend that has had an hdd crash on her macbook04:33
lesshasteastro76, ok..all working04:33
CerebroJDI'd like to recover the stuff04:33
thompaCerebroJD: but i just deleted os x04:33
ian_waxsiguel: conoce alguien que le pueda ayudar en espaol?04:33
lesshastenerdygirl_ellie, got it working04:33
Jamesinator!es | ian_wax04:33
ubotuian_wax: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:33
CerebroJDhowever, its saying that access is restricted to the files04:33
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thompaCerebroJD: recover what?04:33
lesshasteastro76, thanks... the secret is the extra config option04:33
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CerebroJDthompa, user files04:33
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nerdygirl_ellielesshaste: yeah!  what was broke again? :)04:33
thompaCerebroJD: from linux or osx?04:33
cavalierprimeoxeimon3:  you can reinstall the driver then try the aticonfig thing04:34
CerebroJDfrom Linux, recovering OSX files04:34
MrXorgDoes anyone in here use fontforge?04:34
badkittyBonz: Although right now your X is briken right?04:34
lesshastenerdygirl_ellie, you have to add an SHMConfig  in xorg.conf04:34
oxeimon3cavalierprime: reinstall what driver?04:34
Jamesinator!anyone | MrXorg04:34
ubotuMrXorg: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:34
who_careswhen I try to open firefox it asks if I want to restore the session then it crashes and says "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"04:34
lesshastenerdygirl_ellie, and use gsynaptics as well as it seems to be more polished04:34
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
who_caresit wasn't doing that earlier today04:34
koisoooohi there. what do i have to do to have 32x32 icons on the gnome desktop? thanks04:34
younghackerok I'm in the file now what am i looking for04:34
=== Hamp [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-220-148.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cavalierprimeoxeimon3:  reinstall the ATI driver04:34
who_caresany idea how to fix it?04:34
nerdygirl_elliewho_cares: did you click start new session or restore?04:34
oxeimon3cavalierprime: I never installed it per se in the first place on my linux04:34
thompaCerebroJD: there is a way to access the partition. I just used my ipod04:34
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oxeimon3I guess I should do that04:34
Jamesinatorwho_cares: Try looking in your syslog for error messages, posting them here will help us in debugging your problem04:35
younghackeri see listen address it's set to local host but it seems like it's commented out with # in front04:35
Bonzbadkitty: Oh well, still can't log into it with xgl, at least I still have a working PC...right?04:35
nerdygirl_elliewho_cares: try to start a new session and not restore04:35
watch_share_locahow to install gnome 2.19.5 in ubuntu?04:35
thompathompa: cause i dont listen to music on the ipod its running linux04:35
cavalierprimeoxeimon3: maybe the problem?  d/l it from the ati web site and install then do the aticonfig thing04:35
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Justi1Has anyone successfully launched Beryl on a ATI X1400?04:35
CerebroJDI can access that partition (I'm booting to the LiveCD), the problem is that files in /Users/username are coming up as restricted04:35
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CerebroJDJusti1, I have04:35
luisin_PatrickMay16, I wonder why I can't get to choose the freq. on my laptop with Dapper...04:35
CerebroJDusing it right now04:35
unagianyone know how to execute a keystroke in the terminal?04:35
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lesshastenerdygirl_ellie, did you try that already?04:35
BonzJustil I have launched beryl on an x1900gt....but it doesn't work and I am having problems as we speak with it :(04:35
younghackershould i remove the # symbol from this line? or should i remove the # symbol and also change local host to
thompaCerebroJD: do you want to keep ox04:35
badkittyBonz: I only have one set of device and screen... do you have another graphics card perhaps enabled in bios?04:36
nerdygirl_elliepoor unagi, still trying unsuccessfully to kill off X. ;)04:36
JamesinatorHow do I apply changes to the Network Proxy settings without rebooting? sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't affect it.04:36
Bonzbadkitty: Nope...no onboard graphics04:36
unagiunfortunately nerdygirl_ellie04:36
PatrickMay16I think I'll try the dapper liveCD on my laptop, to see if the gnome cpufreq monitor will let me do it there.04:36
unaginerdygirl_ellie: its so annoying that this seems like an easy problem to fix04:36
PatrickMay16I mean, just to check.04:36
Justi1CerebroJD: do you remember how you did it? Mine says that I don't have a composite extension... when I add one, my 3d driver gets disabled04:36
thompanerdygirl_ellie: if you are running compiz remove it04:36
CerebroJDthompa, yes04:36
CerebroJDthis is just for file recovery04:36
cavalierprimeoxeimon3: once you d/l the driver, do a  ./driverfilename to install it and then do the aticonfig thing04:36
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badkittyBonz: Why do you have two screens and everything then..so when you reconfigured xorg, you saved it and everything and it is still broken? Did you restart x after that?04:36
Bonzbadkitty: I really don't wanna swap out my good card for a junk one just to run beryl...I guess I'll have to wait until something stable comes out04:36
thompaCerebroJD: ok i get it sorry04:36
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: I know you tried /etc/init.d/gdm stop.  what else?04:36
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unagigdm restart04:37
CerebroJDthompa, I followed a walkthrough04:37
Bonzbadkitty: GNOME works fine, GNOME with xgl doesn't04:37
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CerebroJDone sec, I'll see if I can track it down04:37
unagi?dm restart, stop start, killall x session04:37
CerebroJD(took like 4 tries)04:37
thompaCerebroJD: so just access the mac partition. I know it comes up read only04:37
nerdygirl_elliebrb.  I'm going to find a way to kill X.04:37
unagiif i run it from the terminal it doesnt bring back X04:37
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Bonzbadkitty: Yes I saved it and restarted my PC competely every time04:37
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: anything else I should know?04:37
badkittyBONZ: OH, ok.........04:37
unagikilling X isnt the problem its bringing it back automatically04:37
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younghackerok im in the file now04:37
Dennace_Whitelyluisin_: it's me, PatrickMay16. I've just changed my name.04:37
younghackerwhat should i be editing04:37
le1nerdygirl_ellie: he04:37
thompaCerebroJD: im running gutsy on macbook intel . its fantastic04:37
EADG_unagi: startx perhaps?04:37
Bonzbadkitty: Thanks for your help, one final question before I go :P04:37
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younghackeri see listening port and it's set to local host already04:38
luisin_Dennace_Whitely, ok.04:38
Bonzbadkitty: How do I uninstall all of this junk that does not work now xD04:38
unagii can manually start x no problem04:38
thompano more osx he he he04:38
badkittyBonz: no luck in #beryl04:38
unagii dont want to have to do that04:38
younghackerlistening address rather04:38
CerebroJDthompa, yeah we've got Feisty running on the macbook from the livecd right now04:38
nerdygirl_ellieEADG_: it is not an easy answer, don't try. :)04:38
Bonzbadkitty: Nope :(04:38
CerebroJDimproved performance in Gutsy?04:38
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Justi1CerebroJD: do you remember how you did it? Mine says that I don't have a composite extension... when I add one, my 3d driver gets disabled04:38
thompaCerebroJD: yes very04:38
ant-unagi, i thought we took care of this yesterday?04:38
badkittyBonz: haha, you could try another tutoial somewhere, not all are the same.04:38
unagilol  nerdygirl_ellie its so hard to explain why none of those solves the problem04:38
younghackercan someone help me with the postgres.config file04:38
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: I think it's that your script doesn't have the correct environment variables to restart the x session.04:38
thompaCerebroJD: I have only configured madwifi04:38
thompaCerebroJD: i removed osx04:39
CerebroJDdo you know if WPA2 encryption is supported?04:39
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badkittyBonz: You can use synaptic and uincheck the ones you don't want04:39
Bonzbadkitty: Oh well thanks anyways for everything...maybe I'll see ya around in here one day when I am stuck again xD04:39
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Bonzbadkitty Oh yes I could thx04:39
unaginerdygirl_ellie: thats a great hypothesis but even if i run it from the command prompt04:39
badkittyBonz: try aptitude from the terminal too04:39
unagiyea if i run it from the terminal it wont complete04:39
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thompaCerebroJD: i dont think isite works real well, but who cares I am too dumb for mac04:39
ant-unagi, killall -HUP, remember?04:39
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badkittyyou can mark for removal, and it has a retro feel to it that makes me happy04:40
nerdygirl_ellieyounghacker: I think you need to uncomment that listen line and then comment out another line that says something about the socket /var/run/something04:40
thompathompa: even dreamweaver did not work and too much crashing on web sites04:40
Justi1Has anyone successfully launched Beryl on a ATI X1400?04:40
masterloki<masterloki> amd 64 x2 4800+04:40
masterloki<masterloki> is it worth getting the 64bit os for04:40
younghackerlet me see04:40
unagiif i remember right ant- it didnt bring x back up04:40
ant-unagi, i remember you saying it did...04:40
cavalierprimei can't get beryl to work with my ati x1600pro04:40
thompaCerebroJD: on the mac forum intel it tells you how to access04:40
unagiwhats the whole command line again?04:40
ari_stresshi all, what menu can i use to change the authentication? i want to authenticate to samba server from the desktop04:40
ant-unagi, killall -HUP gdm04:41
dwxreaperanyway I can make ubuntu use much less memory, with VMWARE it uses 4oomegs04:41
nerdygirl_elliemasterloki: run 32 bit...  64 bit needs a few years yet..04:41
thompaCerebroJD: do you want the link?04:41
=== captainzerocool [n=tyler@c-71-207-226-131.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagithat kills gdm not x server right?04:41
CerebroJDyes please04:41
badkittythank goodness for nvidia04:41
JamesinatorHow do I apply changes to the Network Proxy settings without rebooting? sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't affect it.04:41
ant-unagi, it should restart X04:41
thompagive me minute got to take a wiz04:41
younghackeri see 3 socket entries here04:41
unagilet me try again04:41
younghackernone say /var the only one with a directory path has /tmp04:41
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nerdygirl_ellieyounghacker: want to drop that file to pastebin.ca?04:41
koisoooohi there. what do i have to do to have 32x32 icons on the gnome desktop? thanks04:41
younghackeri don't even know how to use that04:41
nerdygirl_elliebadkitty: all of the easy answers have been tried. ;)04:42
ant-badkitty, its a script04:42
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nerdygirl_elliekoisoooo: resize them.04:42
badkittyOh, my brain is afk sorry04:42
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unagi1 second im going to put it in the script and try it04:42
ant-i told you04:42
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koisooooi wanted them to be automatically resized04:42
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Arrickhey all04:42
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ArrickI am attempting to use Moodle with the LAMP install of server and it is giving an error04:42
MrXorgnerdygirl: nice to see some gender based diversity in the room04:43
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ArrickI will post the screenshot in a second04:43
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JamesinatorArrick: This is the ubuntu support channel. You should use Moodle's support services for that.04:43
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younghackeri give up04:43
thompaCerebroJD: for starters this is the best forum for you http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=21104:43
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ArrickJamesinator, its a ubuntu support question, thanks though04:44
younghackeri'll just reinstall the whole thing04:44
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younghackerf it04:44
yurimxpxmanwhat mail server would you guys recommend?04:44
Justi1Has anyone successfully launched Beryl on a ATI X1400?04:44
nickrudkoisoooo, the only control you have (automatically) is edit->preferences on a file manager windows, and change icon zoom. unfortuately, it does more than just the desktop04:44
ThanatosIs it possible to install Ubuntu by loading it with DaemonTools?04:44
=== unagi [n=unagi@rrcs-66-91-141-98.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
unagiant i friggen love you!04:44
luisin_Dennace_Whitely, are you still there?04:44
ant-you said the same thing yesterday...04:44
yurimxpxmanThanatos: no, but you can use a virtual machine04:44
Dennace_Whitely[Yeah, I'm here.04:44
ant-unagi, right it down this time04:44
koisooooi wanted them all to be 32x32, nickrud04:44
Thanatosyuri: Enlighten me?04:45
unagiant u have to understand i work on a cruise ship so i forget alot of things04:45
ant-unagi, write*04:45
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nickrudkoisoooo, you don't have that kind of control ;(04:45
yurimxpxmanThanatos: google qemu04:45
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo04:45
luisin_Dennace_Whitely[, you might want to take a look at this page: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/  .04:45
Golden_DennaceIt's me, Dennace Whitely. I just changed my name again.04:45
Arrickthe link to the error is at http://arrick.org/Moodle.png I am trying to figure out how to install the package it is asking for.04:45
unaginow ant- tell me its possible to have this script kill avant window navigator and start maya after i log back in04:45
thompaCerebroJD: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=23625835 more narrow04:45
nerdygirl_elliekoisoooo: sorry, I can't find it.  I wonder where that info is stored at.04:45
CerebroJDThank you thompa :D04:45
koisoooodamn, is there any other better alternative to nautilus?04:45
CerebroJDwe'll read some04:45
luisin_Golden_Dennace, stop hopping around different names!04:45
yurimxpxmankoisoooo: konqueror04:45
Golden_DennaceSorry. I'll stick with this one.04:46
koisooooi'll try04:46
thompaCerebroJD: there are a few posts there04:46
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nerdygirl_elliekoisoooo: bash?04:46
koisoooowill it work on gnome?04:46
koisoooolol nerdygirl_ellie04:46
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Golden_DennaceAnyway, thanks for this link. I'll BRB a minute, then try it out.04:46
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nerdygirl_elliekoisoooo: absolutely.04:46
ant-unagi, if you know the commands you can do anything that you could do from the command line i assume...04:46
thompaCerebroJD: why do you want osx?04:46
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thompajust ouscuri04:46
CerebroJDits not me, its her04:46
luisin_Golden_Dennace, ok.04:46
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Llama052I got it but I have some problems04:46
CerebroJDI'm working on converting her to Ubuntu ;-)04:46
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Llama052I got ubuntu working :)04:46
nerdygirl_elliekonquerer will runn under gnome, but it will load all the kde libraries, effectively doubling your ram usage.04:46
thompaso theres one more problem need to disable touchpad04:46
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ThanatosGuys, a kinda silly question, but...How does one go about pronouncing 'Ubuntu'?04:47
koisoooo137mb damn04:47
Llama052but I cant get my Wireless adapter working04:47
CerebroJDOoo-boooon-tooo <-- thats how I do it04:47
FezzlerYOU - BOON - TWO04:47
thompaCerebroJD: if its games thats not a big deal04:47
milllmannnhow do i figure out what version of apache im runnung?04:47
Llama052Im kinda newbie to installing drivers... how do you do it? lawl04:47
nerdygirl_ellieThanatos: the first and last u's are long, the middle u is soft.04:47
thompacompared to mac linux has as many good ones if not more04:47
Justi1llama052 do you have a dell04:47
Flannelmilllmannn: What version of Ubuntu are you using?04:47
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Llama052Custom built04:47
CerebroJDTheres games for OSX? ;-)04:47
ant-!wifi | Llama05204:47
ubotuLlama052: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:47
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Frogzoothompa: To disable the synaptics touchpad while typing, see: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/04:47
thompaim using flight sim X very cool04:48
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Llama052I have the drivers for linux04:48
nerdygirl_ellieThanks thompa!!!!!!!!04:48
Llama052just have no idea how to install04:48
Flannelmilllmannn: do you have apache or apache2 installed?04:48
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capWill mounting hard drives increase the speed of browsing on linux?04:48
ant-Llama052, read the docs04:48
milllmannnapache 2 i would hope04:48
Llama052:P Okay04:48
thompaFrogzoo: i did it before but I am getting better or its gotton better04:48
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thompaon gutsy anyway04:48
Fezzlerfirefox freezes after playing one Web stream04:48
ant-Llama052, they tell you how to get your card working, period.04:48
unagiant- well i guess what i mean is if i write && killall avant-window-navigator...........is it going to wait for me to log back in?04:48
Llama052its not a card.. usb04:48
thompaCerebroJD: battery power is better04:48
Fezzlermust be something at end of process04:49
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Paddy_EIREis it possible for me to make vlc the default embedded video player for divx on firefox?04:49
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thompaCerebroJD: also slicker but compiz needs to be disabled before reboot04:49
Justi1Has anyone successfully launched Beryl on a ATI X1400?04:49
thompaor your asking for it04:49
capwill mounting hard drives increase browsing speed?04:49
ant-unagi, i dont understand the question04:49
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CerebroJDJusti1, I'll try to find the walkthrough I used04:49
thompaCerebroJD: the easy way is to remove it at the command line04:50
Justi1cerebrojd: thanks04:50
unagi&& means 'when process completes do the next' right?04:50
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Spaceman3750I didn't think Beryl worked on 7.04?04:50
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ThanatosWait so, yoo-bun-too, or yoo-boon-too?04:50
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ant-unagi, IF process completes04:50
thompaCerebroJD: its really cool so much better than osx, there is also a sliding window pane effect by default04:50
cotyrotheryWhat is the terminal program called in bin04:50
jstarcherI'm trying to setup internet connection sharing. Internet is on eth0 and the sharing card is eth1. Why do I have a line on my iptables? http://pb.theoverclocked.com/6604:50
badkittyI say Ohh-bun-two04:50
unagiok well when is killall -hup gdm complete......when i get the login screen or after i log in?04:50
thompaCerebroJD: and I can edit web sites04:50
Paddy_EIRE!vlc | Paddy_EIRE04:50
nickrudThanatos, http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq04:50
nerdygirl_ellieThanatos: bun for me, but I'm from the south.04:50
Spaceman3750I say ooh-bun-too04:50
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ant-unagi, oh i see your delimma04:51
oxeimon3does anyone here have an AMD 64 x2 machine with an ATI graphics card?04:51
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: xterm04:51
thompaCerebroJD: the linux apps dont work well in osx for me04:51
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oxeimon3I need help installing the driver04:51
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ant-unagi, i dont know about that04:51
bkline_Hi, I was directed here as a good place to find out how the Ubuntu bug tracking system works.04:51
koisooooi've installed konqueror. how do i change nautilus to konqueror now?04:51
Llama052I have the Wireless setup , but its showing 0% and I dont think it detected the usb adapter04:51
ant-unagi, i would assume you'd have to log in first to kill the process04:51
Thanatosyuri: That was for installing Windows while on Linux. I'm wondering how to install Linux while on Windows.04:51
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bkline_Bug 30483 is marked "Fix Released / completed 2006-03-09" but it's still broken in the current release of Ubuntu.04:52
jscinozHey guys, this isn't specifically ubuntu but: is Dual Link DVI-I compatible with HDMI with an adaptor? my new laptop has HDMI out but not Dual-Link DVI (which my monitor requires)04:52
ant-Llama052, type lsusb04:52
nerdygirl_ellieHi bkline_:  Ubuntu bugs are tracked through launchpad.  What's your bug?04:52
cotyrotheryand how would i emulate running a win32 app in wine04:52
unagiso is there a way to have the script wait for login?04:52
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Llama052lsusb? where04:52
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ant-Llama052, in the terminal04:52
Llama052I knew that :P04:52
Llama052kk hang on04:52
bkline_Can anyone tell me what "Fix released" means in the context of the Ubuntu bug tracking system?04:52
=== JuKen [n=JuKen@c-24-62-82-49.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ant-Llama052, and then look to see if it detected your usb04:52
nerdygirl_elliebkline_: what release of Ubuntu are you running?04:52
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thompaitunes is really bad and the iphone is much worse than the nokia linux pda04:52
thompaive tested them all anyway04:53
ThanatosDoes anybody know? How to install Ubuntu while on WinXP? Using only the .iso (I have no CD-burner, but I do have an external drive, and an image mounter.)04:53
Llama052Okay... how do I open the terminal?04:53
JuKenI'd like to make my gnome panel size 19, but it won't go past 23 for some reason. I was able to do it on my laptop but I don't remember how, anyone know?04:53
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bkline_It's the current released version (Feisty Fawn I think).  With all the updates.04:53
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stealth17I'm trying to setup internet connection sharing. Internet is on eth0 and the sharing card is eth1. Why do I have a line on my iptables? http://pb.theoverclocked.com/6604:53
ant-Llama052, depends on your desktop i guess04:53
orbisvicisThanatos, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows04:53
thompawhats a good program for converting my cd to mp3?04:53
ant-unagi, you can use a sleep function or something04:53
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JuKenstealth17, often times means all.04:53
oxeimon3Can someone here help me install the display drivers for an ATI videocard on an AMD64 machine?04:53
bkline_The bug is the broken database forms wizard in OOo.04:53
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Golden_DennaceThanatos, can you tell me where you got your name from?04:54
astro76Thanatos, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows04:54
mneptokbkline_: that will only make it into Feisty as a backport04:54
ant-Llama052, i forget how to get to it in gnome04:54
nickrudJuKen, you can do it with gconf-editor, navigate to apps/panel/toplevels/panel_x04:54
ant-Llama052 , under one of the menus04:54
Llama052Im looking04:54
JuKennickrud, thanks.04:54
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Llama052its called Terminal?04:54
jstarcherJuKen, how can I tell if I have my NAT settings correct? I followed the guide and the internet wont share still http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137004:54
ant-or something of the sort04:54
SonnyJimhey folks... does anyone have a spare demonoid invite?04:54
ThanatosGolden_Dennace: Well, I first familiarized myself with the word/name while watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, but it specifically refers to the Greek God of Death04:55
mneptokSonnyJim: wrong channel for that04:55
thompaCerebroJD: sabayon worked well also04:55
Thanatosorb, astro: Thanks!04:55
bkline_mneptok: So "released" has two different meanings here?04:55
Golden_DennaceI understand. I was expecting you to name Neon Genesis Evangelion.04:55
lesshastewhat plays ogg files?04:55
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CerebroJDthompa, I was going to try that as well, but it wont get me around the permissions problem that we're having04:55
mneptokbkline_: it may be released into the Gutsy tree04:55
thompathere are some cool games and beryl by default04:55
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thompaCerebroJD: whats that04:56
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tom_would i see a noticeable hit in performance if i ran my main ubuntu off an ide drive instead of sata?04:56
ant-Llama052, it should be under accessories or something04:56
nerdygirl_elliebkline_: the note says that is fixed in dapper.  I think there is something else going on.04:56
LouisvilleLIPhas anyone tried the dev version of compiz fusion?  I just saw a crazy video of it on youtube04:56
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Llama052found it04:56
Llama052didnt look in there04:56
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thompaCerebroJD: try gutsy first04:56
oxeimon3Can someone here help me install the display drivers for an ATI videocard on an AMD64 machine?04:56
nerdygirl_ellietom_: the drive interface has minimal effect on the speed.  the drive is what matters.04:56
orbisvicisoxeimon3, #ubuntu-effects04:57
CerebroJDthomp, I'll burn that soon04:57
koisoooohow do i set konqueror as my default file browser and desktop in gnome?04:57
Llama052ant Im kinda newbie to installing drivers... how do you do it? lawl04:57
thompaCerebroJD: 50 percent improvement for macbook04:57
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Llama052I got soem code04:57
ant-Llama052, what kinda usb is it?04:57
Llama052Linksys USB Wireless adapter04:57
capwill mounting hard drives increase browsing speed?!04:57
Llama052want the modeL?04:57
tom_nerdygirl_ellie: hmmm how would i find out more about my drives to know if one would be faster are we talking rmp here04:57
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lesshastewhat do I need to play ogg files?04:57
ant-Llama052, sure04:57
unagihrm well.....&& didnt work04:57
oxeimon3orbisvicis: #ubuntu-effects.... what do you mean?04:57
Justi1lesshaste: rockbox04:57
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unagiwhat is this sleep function?04:57
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Llama052WUSB11 v2.804:57
ant-Llama052, does 'lsusb' show it?04:57
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Thanatosastro76: I'm on the site and downloading InstLux, but...which one do I get?04:58
nerdygirl_ellietom_: rpm, seek speed, cache amount.  the only real test is to try it.04:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
Hellevatorcan someone tell me how to resolve this error? "umount: /media/sda6 mount disagrees with the fstab"04:58
ant-unagi, i guess it depends on what your scripting it in04:58
tom_nerdygirl_ellie: cheers04:58
Llama052just some of my logitech stuff and apple04:58
unagitext editor04:58
lesshasteJusti1, is that in some nonstandard repo?04:58
ant-unagi, but usually 'sleep time'04:58
Thanatosastro76: I assume it's the Instlux Ubuntu version04:58
orbisvicisoxeimon3, i would help, but dont have ati, so why dont you try /join #ubuntu-effects ... (the channel)04:58
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koisoooohow do i set konqueror as my default file browser and desktop in gnome?? any clue?04:58
oxeimon3orbisvicis: ahh okay. didn't know ubuntu-effects is a channel :-D04:58
PhantasyHawkCan someone tell me really quick where the default htdocs folder is for apache 1.3?04:58
lesshasteJusti1, apt-cache search rockbox gives nothing04:58
Thanatosastro76: But then do I get  instluxCDROMUbuntu6_06english.exe, or  instluxNETUbuntu6_06english.exe04:58
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LouisvilleLIPPackage xmms-oggre04:59
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Thanatosorbisvicis: Same question?04:59
unagisleep time=10 or 10 seconds wait till the next command?04:59
happyfacewhen using Alien to convert RPM files: Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package crossover-pro: postinst postrm preinst prerm... Should I use --scripts???04:59
thompacd to mp3???04:59
nickrudPhantasyHawk, /var/www ?04:59
Llama052real quick how do I get my dual monitors not to mirror but to expand on to?04:59
=== Thanatos is now known as ThanatosDrive
ant-unagi, 'sleep 10'04:59
astro76Thanatos, guess it hasn't been updated, that's unfortunate04:59
thompasound converter i guess04:59
jstarcherwhy cant I start dhcp3-server??????04:59
ThanatosDriveastro76: ?04:59
ant-unagi, but i dont know04:59
ant-unagi, thats just a guess04:59
orbisvicisoxeimon3, maybe try envy ... it automates the process for complicated install, poor-hardware support04:59
lesshastewhat do I need to play ogg files?04:59
Hellevatorwhat does "mount disagrees with the fstab" mean?05:00
AngryElfhow can I count the number of lines in a file?05:00
unagiworked in the terminal05:00
unagii bet itll work here05:00
LouisvilleLIPlesshate: Package xmms-oggre05:00
Spaceman3750Lesshaste: the included media player will do it I believe05:00
ant-unagi, but you have to yourself enough time05:00
unagii type fast05:00
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astro76lesshaste, totem (included in ubuntu), audacious, xmms, many others05:00
lesshasteSpaceman3750, which included player??05:00
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astro76ThanatosDrive, I'm assuming you want to install 7.04 not 6.0605:00
nerdygirl_elliebkline_: do you have java installed?05:00
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PhantasyHawknickrud, thats it, thank you so much05:00
ThanatosDriveastro76: Yep.05:00
DanaGIs there any easy way to preview GDM themes?05:00
orbisvicisThanatos, never tried it ... why not ... install.exe (at the bottom)05:00
milllmannnhow do i get apache 2.2 on dapper?05:00
orbisvicisThanatosDrive, /|\05:01
HellevatorAngryElf, wc -l NameOfFile05:01
lesshasteastro76, thx...installed totem05:01
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Flannelmilllmannn: upgrade to feisty05:01
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milllmannncant.... my vps only offers dapper05:01
Llama052ant you have any idea?05:01
ant-Llama052, about what?05:01
DanaGvps?  What is vps?05:01
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Llama052my wireless05:01
nickrudDanaG, I'm not running it right at the moment, but I think system-admin-login manager shows them05:01
ant-Llama052, whats the model?05:02
Llama052WUSB11 v2.805:02
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AngryElfHellevator, ty05:02
nerdygirl_ellieAngryElf: cat filenamehere | wc05:02
DanaGI want a large preview, not a tiny one.  :(05:02
cougemhow do i tell what version of ubuntu i have?05:02
astro76ThanatosDrive, ahh you don't need instlux if you follow the Manual process instructions05:02
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milllmannnvirtual private server05:02
DanaGInstlux only installs Dapper.  :(05:03
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MrXorgAnyone know how to view websites captured in wireshark?05:03
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lesshasteis there a simple to use text to speech app>05:03
nerdygirl_ellieAngryElf: wc returns lines words and characters, though not necessarily in that order.05:03
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ant-Llama052, hold on05:03
tigrfireI've got a NTFS drive that I want to re-label, how do I do this?05:03
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rocketstigrfire, I have been asking that same question for like a year!05:03
bkline_mneptok: I thought "backport" meant porting from a more recent version to an older version; isn't Dapper (where the fix has been applied) older than Feisty (the version I'm running)?05:03
osxdude|laptoptigrfire: use windows :P05:04
cougemis there a command to show what version of ubuntu i have?05:04
Flannelcougem: lsb_release -a05:04
nerdygirl_ellietigrfire: ntfs label or disklabel?05:04
ThanatosDriveastro76: Thanks! I'll try that instead then.05:04
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tigrfireyeah I was thinking ntfslabel05:04
MrXorgcougem: name05:04
Llama052Roger ant :)05:04
nerdygirl_ellientfs label, go to windows and run label at the cli.  linux label, use fdisk.05:04
rocketscougem, no, but uname -a will give you the kernel version, and you can probably figure it out that way. as long as you didnt compile your own05:04
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kr00lplatinumanyone know a good wardriving channel for ubuntu linux?05:04
rocketscougem, actually go to system -> about ubuntu. its in there05:05
rocketscougem, so there ya go05:05
tigrfireI tried that and the error I got was.. Well, not really an error, but will it hurt to force ntfslabel on a disk that is mounted?05:05
LouisvilleLIPcougem, do you have gnome or KDE?05:05
Llama052anyone know how to make dual monitors not mirror but expand onto?????05:05
LouisvilleLIPdo what rockets said05:05
cougemhi i have dapper 6.06 but i want to upgrade to 7.04. is there any easy way to do this from within ubuntu? or do i have to burn a cd and all that stuff and reinstall over the top? will the automatic update thing do it for me or does that just upgrade programs but not ubuntu?05:05
=== unagi [n=unagi@rrcs-66-91-141-98.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
badkittyllama nvidia?05:05
unagiok so the sleep function isnt working in the script05:05
unagiim going to try it with && sleep05:05
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rocketscougem, yeah if you run the program that checks for updates, it will say a new distro is availible, use that05:05
osxdude|laptop!es | badkitty,05:06
ubotubadkitty,: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:06
ant-Llama052, nope no idea05:06
badkittyllama have you tried twinview?05:06
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Llama052I havent tried anything kitty05:06
osxdude|laptopdonde estas ubotu?05:06
rocketscougem, System -> Administration -> Update Manager05:06
Llama052ant you have no idea :( about the drivers?05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
rocketscougem, Glad I could help!05:06
badkittyosxdude: that was his name dude05:06
ste-foyNo I don't Llama05205:06
ant-Llama052, no idea about the drivers05:06
astro76!update | cougem you don't need a cd05:06
ubotucougem you don't need a cd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:06
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Hellevatoris there a way to check data integrity after I run cp? I want to be sure that cp made a perfect copy05:06
LouisvilleLIPalso System >About Ubuntu>Version and Release Numbers05:06
Golden_DennaceDoes anyone know if you will be able to upgrade straight from one LTS release to another?05:06
jstarchercan someone help me? I cannot start dhcp3-server!05:06
rocketsHellDragon, check md5 sums05:07
badkitty!twinview | Llama05205:07
tigrfireSo, will it hurt to use -f (force) with ntfslabel while a drive is mounted? If so, what command should I run with fdisk?05:07
ubotuLlama052: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:07
Llama052I found a linux driver online... how would I go about installing... lol theres like 15 different files05:07
rocketsHellDragon, the command is md5sum05:07
LouisvilleLIPllama, is this an ATI driver?05:07
badkittyYes Louis05:07
Golden_DennaceI heard that right now, you can't upgrade straight from dapper to 7.04. You have to go from 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04.05:07
Llama052but for some reason it shows in the restricted drivers list05:07
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LouisvilleLIPhave you checked the forums?  I've found tons of ATI stuff in there05:07
=== rockets hears the words ATI Driver and runs screaming from the room.
unagithat didnt work05:07
LouisvilleLIP15 files sounds odd05:07
tigrfireATI drivers.. fun.05:08
Llama052oh no thats for my wireless driver05:08
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LouisvilleLIPI have ATI, mine wasn't too bad05:08
badkittyLlama: try googling twinview ATI ubuntu05:08
unagianyone good at scripting?05:08
jstarcherwill someone PLEASE help me????05:08
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Llama052heh Im looking at that Xineramahowto05:08
Golden_Dennacejstarcher, what do you need help with?05:08
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Llama052What do you do with the code?05:08
rocketsLouisvilleLIP, yeah ati works fine. except in 7.04 when you log out it freezes, unless you set X to restart after every logout05:08
nerdygirl_ellieTo determine your Ubuntu version at the cli, cat /etc/lsb-release05:08
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rocketsLouisvilleLIP, not to mention, no composite extension, so AIGLX doesnt work05:08
gravemindwill someone help me with a hibernation issue?05:08
jstarcherGolden_Dennace, I am trying to get NAT to work and I can't get dhcp3-server to start05:08
unagidang it we are about to sail and my battery is about to die05:08
unagidoes anyone know how to convert .mov to image sequences?05:09
badkittyLlama: what code?05:09
Golden_DennaceOh my goodness. That's out of my league. Heh heh heh.05:09
Llama052The Xinerama code05:09
LouisvilleLIPyeah, I use XGL, but, it's not terrible05:09
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rocketsunagi, that would be a lot of freaking images05:09
unagii know05:09
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unagibut its neccesary05:09
gravemindunagi: I hope you like really large file sizes05:09
Golden_DennaceI would suggest posting on linuxquestions.org, someone there would probably know what to do05:09
rocketsLouisvilleLIP, XGL is fine, unless you want to run SOMETHING ELSE that's opengl on top of it. Like a game.05:09
rocketsLouisvilleLIP, Which I do CONSTANTLY05:09
unagiyou have no idea05:09
unagiif i decide to work with HD05:09
unagitheyll be HUGE!05:09
gravemindlol yeah05:09
rocketsunagi, out of curiosity, what are you trying to do?05:09
tigrfireSo.. anyone can help out then?05:09
LouisvilleLIPhow are you doing that?  You show up in red when you are talking to me05:10
unagiim an animator/compositor05:10
badkittyLlama: see if there is some sort of repository for your drivers that you can add and then update and apt-get install (drivers)05:10
unagitheyll really be big if i decide to use .tiff or .tga =)05:10
gravemindunagi: try zamzar though, choose to convert the video to an image format I think05:10
rocketsunagi, right . . . so why do you need individual images for each frame? (I know nothing about this subject)05:10
badkittyLouis: put a colon after their name05:10
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ThanatosDriveI'm a junior in high school aspiring to be a programmer; would you suggest server or desktop distribution of Ubuntu?05:10
LouisvilleLIPbadkitty: ty05:10
Llama052badkitty do you have msn? I cant filter these chats05:10
nerdygirl_ellieunagi:  I !think! imagemagick can do it, and I know mencoder can.05:10
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unagizamzar does it over the net..........correct?05:10
rocketsThanatosDrive, are you running it on your regular computer?05:10
unagimencoder definately can?05:10
nerdygirl_ellieThanatosDrive: desktop05:10
badkittyLlama: no05:10
rocketsThanatosDrive, and you want to surf the web with it and use aim?05:10
rocketsThanatosDrive, desktop05:10
Llama052Can someone get on msn and help me?05:11
gravemindunagi: yes. I've never tried mencoder05:11
ThanatosDriverockets; nerdygirl_ellie: Thanks!05:11
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: yes, it reads a movie in and outputs it however you say, in this case to a metric assload of jpgs.05:11
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nerdygirl_ellieunagi: it's part of the mplayer package on Redhat, I assume it is the same on Ubuntu05:12
unagirockets........3d tracking programs usually require images rather than a video file to track the sequence05:12
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rocketsThanatosDrive, the server edition is entire command-line based. its for SERVERS :-P05:12
Golden_DennaceDoes anyone here use Gens for linux?05:12
rocketsunagi, ah ok. interesting.05:12
Llama052when I download drivers just download them for linux?05:12
unagiits not included but im installing it now nerdygirl_ellie05:12
gravemindunagi: zamzar is probalby simpler than mencoder, but try a short movie first, cause zamzar's results have been interesting05:12
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lesshasteanyone here know how you choose british english in festival??05:12
FrogzooThanatosDrive: you want desktop05:12
unagidoes zamzar do it over the net?05:12
gravemindunagi: yes05:12
unagithat wouldnt work then05:13
tigrfireI just tried ntfslabel after I unmounted the volume and when I remounted it had the same label as before.05:13
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gravemindunagi: no internet access?05:13
tigrfireIs this because when I mount again using Terminal it just assigns it a label with the mount command (and I'm not specifying one?)05:13
=== Tama00_ [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tama00_linux doesnt use those thumb.db files aye05:13
Tama00_so is it safe to just remove them all05:13
Tama00_im thinking like maybe for slocate thumb.db do rm $x or however u do it05:13
=== Lgndryhr [n=lgndryhr@c-75-66-240-121.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiits not that....its just a 5 second file is 150 images at about a meg a piece05:13
Tama00_so how do you do it:P05:14
unaginerdygirl_ellie: do you know how to use mencoder?05:14
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nerdygirl_ellieTama00_: yes, and all of the desktop.ini files can go too.05:14
FrogzooTama00_: find /usb/mount -name thumb.db -exec rm {} \;05:14
rocketsin fact all the hidden files can go.05:14
gravemindunagi: yeah it would be a huge download. mencoder would be better05:14
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: I have to futz with it every time.05:14
rocketsfiles normally hidden under windows that is05:14
gravemindyawn, so can anyone help me with getting hibernate to work?05:14
bruenigFrogzoo, quotes around the {} right?05:14
Lgndryhrdoes anyone know how to get a bluetooth phone to connect to a belkin usb bluetooth adapter (model: F8T012)05:14
Lgndryhrand allow me to send files to the phone05:15
=== thinksInCode [n=jattardi@c-24-128-242-180.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinksInCodeHey all!05:15
Frogzoobruenig: it works as is05:15
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osxdude|lapto1technical diffs05:15
rocketsLgndryhr, its possible receiving files is locked on your phone05:15
bruenighave I been pointlessly using quotes05:15
Frogzoobruenig: lol05:15
thinksInCodei finally solved my bizarre external HD problem05:15
thinksInCodeif anyone was interested05:15
Lgndryhrright now i can get my belkin to see my phone05:15
nerdygirl_elliethinksInCode: what was it?05:15
Lgndryhrand the address05:15
bruenigtests indicates that I have05:15
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thinksInCodethe enclosure was junk05:15
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JspProblem/Question? Does anyone know how to install fiesty on a macbook for a triboot (osx windows xp) without messing up the MBR? if i install normaly i cant boot my windows partition05:15
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thinksInCodenerdygirl_ellie: were you here during my frantic requests for help the other night?05:16
badkittyLlam: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177362405:16
lesshasteanyone know of a system for text to speech for latex documents?05:16
rocketsJsp, yeah, you use bootcamp to like trick it into thinking its installing windows or something. if you google ubuntu macbook dual boot it should come up05:16
rocketsor tri-boot05:16
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Lgndryhrand when i type in sudo hidd --connect <my cell's address>05:16
nerdygirl_elliethinksInCode: nope, but there have been 3 or 4 of them today.:)05:16
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Lgndryhri dont get an error saying it couldnt connect05:16
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thinksInCodein summary, the problem was as described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2999433#post299943305:17
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nerdygirl_ellieLgndryhr: I'm going to try to get my usb headset to work with 'buntu tomorrow.05:17
gravemindjsp: I'd recommend against it. My friend had it for awhile but he went back to dual boot05:17
unaginerdygirl_ellie: can you give me an example of the command line its looking for05:17
Arrickhow do I get the blasted LAMP to install the mysql without having to manually install every blasted thing?>05:17
xerxes31415can someone help me with some basic questions about linux and Ubuntu and such?05:17
rocketsnerdygirl_ellie, asoundconf is your friend :-D05:17
jcbhmm just like a YM05:17
rocketsnerdygirl_ellie, thats how i got my usb headset working05:17
LouisvilleLIPxerxes31415: ask away05:17
Jspgravemind: just curious, why did he go back05:17
Lgndryhrim not worried about an usb headset i'm talking about a bluetooth phone05:17
rocketsMore specifically, asoundconf list and asoundconf set-default-card foobar05:17
nerdygirl_elliexerxes31415: sure.05:17
ThanatosDriveastro76: I've done what the Manual Install has told me to do, but where do I place the .iso of Ubuntu? Anywhere I like?05:18
Jsprockets: i did, and it had me use rEFIt, but when i used rEFIt to boot either the windows or ubuntu partition, they both started grub05:18
gravemindJsp: windows for games, mac for everything else. He just didn't need ubuntu on it, it just complicated things.05:18
nerdygirl_ellie!anyone | xerces3141505:18
ubotuxerces31415: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:18
rocketsJsp, I donnu man. Can't really help you. What I just told you is just what I've seen around on the net. I don't actually have a mac05:18
=== CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Arrickanyone have any idea?05:19
rocketsHey its good ol' arrick05:19
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:19
astro76ThanatosDrive, actually you don't need it, it's a netinstall05:19
Jsprockets, thanks anyway, and thanks for trying05:19
rocketsjsp sorry :(05:19
gravemindjsp: you can actually get lots of linux programs ported to mac, because mac is built on unix05:19
rocketsArrick, with the server install you can just choose LAMP installation. if thats what you're talking about05:19
Jspgravemind, it certainly does, hahah05:19
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nerdygirl_ellieArrick: I do.  I think a mailbox with a light inside would be neat, so you could see the mail inside.... But that's probably not the idea you are looking for.05:19
astro76ThanatosDrive, at the bottom of the page is CD instructions, but you need the Alternate CD05:19
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Llama052wow this is ooo so hard05:20
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rocketsArrick, but afaik there is no LAMP metapackage or anything05:20
cotyrotheryDoes world of warcraft run better on crossover pro than it does on wine?05:20
Arrickrockets, it doesnt install MySQL when you run the LAMP from server install, nor does it install Apache05:20
Jspgravemind, i've dabbled a little in osx's terminal (bourn again shell heh) just wanted to play some with it05:20
LouisvilleLIPhow do I get my menu bar back in xchat?05:20
xerxes31415Can anyone tell me why I can run KDE programs while I'm on a gnome system?  (It seems that those two are mutually exclusive, but I might be wrong)05:20
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rocketsArrick, huh . . . that makes no sense. I'm fairly certain it does . .05:20
LogicalDashHey guys, I've got this .xkb file that describes an alternate keyboard layout I want to use. How do I install it?05:20
Arrickyeah, the LTS does, but not the newer server distro, its broke05:20
Lgndryhri just got my phone to connect but i need a pin for my computer so my cell can connect05:20
rocketsArrick, last time I did it, it worked just fine. . . but I don't remember what version it was05:20
Lgndryhrand allow transfer05:21
rocketsArrick, so whats wrong with LTS?05:21
nerdygirl_elliexerxes31415: you can run them, but they will load all the kde libraries, which effectively doubles the memory usage.05:21
younghackerI have reinstalled postgresql now at the end of the process it gives me error messages while turning the server on05:21
gravemindJsp: I mostly use the command line for cdrdao : )05:21
ThanatosDriveastro76: netinstall? Does that mean it'll pull the files from online?05:21
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LogicalDashxerxes31415, both kde and gnome are variants of the X11 window system, the only difference is that they have different common libraries05:21
Lgndryhrmy cell is asking for a pin to connec to my comp05:21
cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: does world of warcraft run better on crossover pro than wine?05:21
Arrickrockets, I already have 20 webs running on the next distro, and now I need the blasted Mysql that should have installed with LAMP05:21
rocketsLgndryhr, try like 0000 or something05:21
rocketsArrick, heh.05:21
astro76ThanatosDrive, yes05:21
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ThanatosDriveastro76: Alright, rebooting my PC now. Wish me luck.05:21
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younghackersmh @ Arrick tell me about it05:22
xerxes31415ah ok, i got it05:22
Lgndryhr0000 didnt work05:22
Lgndryhrnor did 0000005:22
rocketsLgndryhr, thats the default for a lot of phones. idk man05:22
nerdygirl_elliecotyrothery: it worked so well under wine that I never tried crossover.  I keep meaning to install office, but openoffice keeps meeting my needs.05:22
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rocketsLgndryhr, there must be some bluetooth tool to let you set the pin05:22
Tama00_whats the command so i can see what servies are running from init.d?05:22
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Lgndryhri know my cell's is 000005:22
rocketsTama00_, ps -aef05:22
Lgndryhrbut i need to know my bluetooth's/comp's05:22
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nerdygirl_ellierockets: there is a tool to set the pin on the pc, but I can never find it.05:22
rocketsnerdygirl_ellie, thats what i just said :-D05:22
gravemindjsg: ubuntu does have better package management than windows and mac combined, so that would be a good reason to keep it05:22
cotyrotherynerdygirl_ellie: well i noticed when i ran one programe once in wine and once in crossover pro that it took 4 seconds for it to install in crossover and like 5 or more in wine05:23
nerdygirl_ellierockets: hidtool, hcitool, something?05:23
LouisvilleLIPI know ellie said she hadn't, but has anyone run Office in wine?05:23
rocketsnerdygirl_ellie, no idea.05:23
lesshastehmm... when trying to install the app detex I get05:23
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younghackerok someone help me figure out why my server is no longer running even after i completely removed and reinstalled the server the client and the admin gui and data ,, now at the end of installation the server never starts05:23
Tama00_rockets, that shows like every process05:23
lesshasteThe following packages have unmet dependencies.05:23
lesshaste  texlive-extra-utils: Depends: texlive-base but it is not going to be installed05:23
lesshasteE: Broken packages05:23
lesshasteany ideas?05:23
rocketsTama00_, yeah it does. what do you think services are?05:23
LouisvilleLIPI do a lot of work in Office, and OO doesn't seem to be able to do what I need05:23
Tama00_i would like to know the services that are started from init.d05:23
younghackerIs the server running locally and accepting05:23
younghackerconnections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?05:23
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rocketsTama00_, ooh05:23
Lgndryhrim tyring hcitool05:23
Lgndryhrto see if i can find it05:23
rocketsTama00_, the ones that run at boot?05:23
younghackerthats the question that they asked me05:23
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rocketsTama00_, sudo apt-get install rcconf05:23
Tama00_rockets, yup them ones05:23
rocketsthen run rcconf05:23
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Tama00_okay neat, thanks RoC_MasterMind05:24
nerdygirl_ellieLouisvilleLIP: really, what can't it do?  other than read data from a sql server with ms query analyzer?05:24
rocketslets you enable/disable services that run at boot, and therfore provides you with a list05:24
younghackercan someone please help me figure this out05:24
bkline_nerdygirl_ellie: Yes, I have Java installed (gij, the GNU version of the Java runtime interpreter).05:24
Tama00_rockets, thats exactly what im after;)05:24
nerdygirl_ellieLouisvilleLIP: Maybe I'll write a plugin. ;)05:24
cotyrotheryyounghacker: what is it you need help with?05:24
rocketsbkline_, its kinda substandard05:24
capdoes mounting hard drives speed browsing?>?05:24
LouisvilleLIPnerdygirl_ellie: I haven't actually tried, but my understanding is that VBA doesn't work the same05:24
rocketsTama00_, well there you go05:24
younghackerfiguring out what happend to postgresql and fixing it,, Is the server running locally and accepting05:24
younghackerconnections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?05:24
nerdygirl_elliebkline_: how would you feel about the sun JRE?05:24
younghackerthats my error message05:24
rocketsTama00_, after you install rcconf, do sudo update-rcconf-guide then do sudo rcconf05:25
bkline_rockets: Well, I guess that's what Ubuntu installed, either by default, or as an OOo dependency.05:25
Tama00_rockets, oh neato;)05:25
LouisvilleLIPnerdygirl_ellie: I wish it would work, it's the only reason I keep windows installed05:25
cotyrotheryyounghacker: Im not sure what that is05:25
unaginerdygirl_ellie:  can u give me an example of the command its looking for?05:25
Lgndryhrstill no luck05:25
Lgndryhrbrb some more work05:26
nerdygirl_elliecap you have to mount the to read any data off it.05:26
nerdygirl_ellieunagi: ?05:26
younghackerdoes anyone in here know what postgreql is05:26
rocketsI believe the bluetooth tool to set your pin is hcitool05:26
bkline_nerdygirl_ellie: Don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.  Are you thinking the bug is caused by the Java runtime implementation Ubuntu installed?05:26
rocketsyounghacker, postresql is a database05:26
rocketsor rather a database server05:26
younghackerok can u help me fix mine05:26
nerdygirl_ellieLouisvilleLIP: I've heard great things about Crossover pro, just have never need it.05:26
unagimencoder nerdygirl_ellie05:26
Lgndryhri know that much rocketx05:26
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rocketsyounghacker, nope. I know nothing about it :-D05:26
unagiits command line based right?05:26
rocketsLGKeiz, oh ok05:26
younghackerjeez luise05:26
bkline_nerdygirl_ellie: I've seen discussions that hint that it might be related to which Java compiler was used, but never anything about which interpreter.05:26
Lgndryhrim trying to fingure out what command should come next to set it05:27
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nerdygirl_elliebkline_: I think so.  OOo used to be all java, and I think you've hit a leftover.05:27
Lgndryhrb/c it lists commands i can use05:27
cougemhi i run the update manager and it says some updates require the removal of further software and that i should run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', but when i do it upgrades nothing, but says 2 aren't updated05:27
rocketsLGKeiz, default pin is 123405:27
rocketsLgndryhr, default pin is 123405:27
younghackerwhy would my server just go off and even after i reinstall everything it just gives the same error message as before05:27
rocketsLgndryhr, /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf05:27
cougemand the update manager also says it skips checkinstall and compiz-plugins05:27
Lgndryhrah k05:27
Lgndryhri shall check it out05:27
cougemwhy does it say this? i want to upgrade form 7.04 to 605:27
younghackerwhat is not being uninstalled or what happend to make the server not listen for connections?05:27
xerxes31415how do I get dalnet to let me connect? (it gets hung up at the checking ident portion, and says there's "No ident response")05:28
rocketsLgndryhr, if you do less /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf the pin si right there and you can change it05:28
younghackerwhy have the permissions changed on the server for the var/ directory05:28
rocketscougem, you cant upgrade to anything FROM 7.04, its the newest availible stable release05:28
astro76younghacker, did you use --purge with apt-get remove? otherwise the config files remain.05:28
younghackerdoes anyone know the answer to this05:28
rocketswell you could upgrade to gutsy I guess . . .05:28
younghackerTHANK YOU05:28
cougemi want to ipgrade TO 7.04 sorry05:28
Lgndryhryea it is05:28
younghackerhow do i use it05:28
Lgndryhri shall check to see if it will work05:28
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bkline_nerdygirl_ellie: Thanks, I'll install Sun's JRE and see if that helps.  Any tips on getting OOo to use a specific JRE (without messing up Ubuntu's ability to keep things updated)?05:28
astro76younghacker, 4th one down https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto05:28
MikehI got rid of Compiz05:28
rocketscougem, right, so use the upgrade to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10, and then upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04. Either that or reinstall from a 7.04 disk05:28
Flannelyounghacker: You might try #postgresql (or maybe the channel is #postgres, they both exist)05:29
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rocketscougem, upgrade manager rather05:29
MikehI got rid of Compiz, installed Beryl, and now I want compiz back, but the  "desktop effects" button is gone, how do I re-enable it?05:29
unagianyone know how to use mencoder?05:29
cougemhow do i do that? when i run the upgrade tool it doesn't do anything, just says run apt-get dist-upgrade, but that doesnt do anything05:29
LouisvilleLIPMikeh: why?05:29
cougemexcept bypass checkinstall upgrades05:29
Flannel!upgrade | cougem05:29
ubotucougem: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:29
rocketsthere ya go cougem05:29
rocketsFlannel, i always forget about ubotu05:30
Lgndryhrhmm odd they wont pair05:30
nerdygirl_ellieyour bluetooth pin should be in  /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf05:30
Lgndryhri know05:30
rocketsnerdygirl_ellie, told him that already05:30
Lgndryhrand i found it05:30
MikehLouisvilleLIP, because I messed up and pressed enter before I finished typing my question :)05:30
nickrudbkline_, tools->options->openoffice.org->java05:30
nerdygirl_ellieand bluetooth-applet should be able to change it.05:31
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LouisvilleLIPMikeh: I just realized that something wasn't quite right.  You are using Compiz Fusion?05:31
Mikeherm, whichever one is in synaptic LouisvilleLIP05:31
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Lgndryhrhmm belkin's site has linux drivers05:31
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nerdygirl_elliegoodnight all, I'm going to click Mom's morphine pump and go to sleep.05:31
bkline_nickrud, nerdygirl_ellie, et al.: thanks, all; off to try ellie's fix05:32
JuKenCan the ATI Rage 128 Ultra Pro use 1280x1024?05:32
Lgndryhrnight nerdygirl05:32
Lgndryhrthanks for ur help05:32
Lgndryhrwhile you were here05:32
conorkirkpatrickhelped me too :d05:32
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LouisvilleLIPMikeh: I'm not familiar with that button.  Was it a Compiz button?  It might be called something else now05:32
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cougemok i did 'gksu "update-manager -c"' like it said guys and it still says cannot install all available updates saying it'll skip checkinstall and compiz-plugins05:32
conorkirkpatrickWhy does my Ubuntu installer keep crashing?05:32
Mikehit said "enable desktop effects" under the preferences menu05:33
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LouisvilleLIPMikeh: It's called CompizConfig Settings Manager now05:33
nickrudcougem, upgrading your distribution?05:33
LouisvilleLIPMikeh: Do you have it?05:33
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cougemyes nick05:33
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nickrudcougem, simplest solution would be to remove them, do the upgrade, then reinstall them.05:34
cougemi looked at the webpage someone here gave me, im using 6.06, tried to upgrade to 6.10 using the command it said, but it isnt upgrading05:34
cougemok how do i remove them? checkinstall sounds important lol05:34
nickrudcougem, nah, it's for making down and dirty deb packages from source, if you don't know what it is, you don't need it ;)05:34
JuKenAnyone know if an ATI Rage 128 Ultra Pro supports the 1280x1024 resolution?05:35
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cougemso how do i get rid of them?05:35
cougemooo randomly it works! aha05:35
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nickrudcougem, sudo apt-get remove checkinstall compiz-plugins05:35
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Lgndryhrbrb laundry05:35
rocketsHas there been any news about how well, or how poorly, ubuntu dells have been selling?05:36
conorkirkpatrickJuKen: Max Res: 120 Hz @ 1600 x 120005:36
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conorkirkpatrickIt's edgy05:36
JuKenconorkirkpatrick, then I can't figure out why it won't allow me to put it on 1280x1024 with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.05:36
conorkirkpatrickBow down.05:37
nickrud!fixres | JuKen05:37
conorkirkpatrickJuKen: sorry, I don't know, does your monitor support that resolution?05:37
ubotuJuKen: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:37
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ubuntuEdgyhi i seem to have a problem with permissions , they wont change when i change them. i get because it is on a read-only disk05:37
LouisvilleLIPMikeh: what happens when you type in (exec compiz --replace &) in the terminal05:37
xerxes31415what's a program I can use to open .rpm files (running Ubuntu 7.04)?05:37
conorkirkpatrickJuKen: or push CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE05:37
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:38
JuKenYup, my monitor supports it.05:38
nickrudubuntuEdgy, seems likely05:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:38
aroonifolks, i'm trying to install ubuntu, but i can't on my ibm t61 laptop:  i get :  "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" ... how do i fix?05:38
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conorkirkpatrickI am cool05:38
JuKenconorkirkpatrick, I can use 1024x768 just fine.05:38
Mikehcompiz starts LouisvilleLIP05:38
conorkirkpatrickwhat am I?05:38
conorkirkpatrickJuKen: then whats the problem? ;)05:38
JuKenconorkirkpatrick, good question. ;)05:38
conorkirkpatrickJuKen: oh nvm05:38
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conorkirkpatrickJuKen: I thought you said 1280x102405:39
ubuntuEdgyi done chmod 775 (folder)05:39
arooniany ideas?05:39
LouisvilleLIPxerxes31415: convert to deb with Alien05:39
ubuntuEdgyRead-only file system05:39
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incousJuKen, pls try newer VGA driver05:39
JuKenincous, do you know what the package name is?05:39
incouscan you tell me your vga name?05:39
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JuKenATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF05:40
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incousJuken, and model?05:40
incousyou can check your X config05:40
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conorkirkpatrickMy Ubuntu install locked at %3605:40
JuKenincous, what would you like me to check it for?05:40
incousand make sure that it use ATI drive05:40
rocketsarooni, i can help you, ive installed ubuntu on a t6105:41
aroonirockets: awesome!!!!!!!!!105:41
incousJit's nearly end of that file05:41
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rocketsarooni, /msg me05:41
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incousabout the package's name05:41
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ubuntuEdgyi have done it05:41
incousit is xserver-xorg-video-ati05:41
incousI think so05:41
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LeChacalconorkirkpatrick, did you do a CD check and a MD5sum check because i had the same kind of problem and that is what it was or just restart the install and the check the disc for scratches05:42
incouscan you try it, Juken?05:42
cougemhi i managed to get as far as clicking the update button in the update manager and accepted the conditions, but then i get an error message saying it failed to fetch 6 .gz files, and that its usually a network problem, but most are 404 errors, and then it halts05:42
ubuntuEdgyturns out i sudo is not good enough i had to sudo su05:42
cougemhow could i fix that if it cant find the files it needs?05:42
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conorkirkpatrickLeChacal: I was being impatient, it jumped to %4105:42
ToastMasterWhat Is GRUB?05:42
dibblegowhen a user sets a crontab, where is it stored?05:42
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JuKenincous, sure, one sec.05:42
conorkirkpatrickToastMaster: GRUB is a bootloader05:42
FlannelubuntuEdgy: no, you don't.  What command were you doing?05:42
ubuntuEdgyseems i know more then the "linux gurus"05:42
n8of9I'd like to swap my left/right audio channels in Edgy.  I can't seem to find where to do that.  Any ideas?05:42
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:42
MrObviousToastMaster, The boot loader.05:42
JuKenincous, says it's already at it's newest.05:43
ubuntuEdgysudo chmod 777 didnt work05:43
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ToastMasterIt's showing me to use Linux commands to get it working.05:43
ubuntuEdgysudo su then  chmod 77705:43
ubuntuEdgydid work05:43
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mhz`hmm, some reason my d: isn't showing up05:43
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LouisvilleLIPMikeh: ok, I've been reading.  I would try adding the shortcut back to the menu05:43
LeChacalhas anyone used GRUB with and OSX x86, XP, Ubuntu tri boot05:43
ToastMasterWhere do I find it with my install?05:43
incousJuken, maybe you need to reconfigure X05:44
ToastMasterI have XP05:44
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JuKenincous, I just added it to the xorg.conf05:44
ubuntuEdgyspent an hour on this lol05:44
james296can anyone here PLZ help me solve this error problem I get after searching for anything?05:44
JuKenincous, gonna try to restart X.05:44
incousadd what?05:44
MikehWhat's the command for the compiz manager LouisvilleLIP ?05:44
james296crud, I cant copy and paste it...05:44
JuKen"1280x1024" to the correct section.05:44
Flanneljames296: pastebin it05:44
Flannel!paste | james29605:44
ubotujames296: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:44
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.static.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
james296its very short05:44
incousuhm, i don't think it's good05:44
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JuKenincous, we'll find out.05:44
incouslet's try05:45
incouslet me know if it works05:45
ubuntuEdgyshould ftp be faster then ssh ?05:45
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MrObviousGrub takes forever to boot. It's stuck at the screen that says "Grub loading Stage 1.5" and takes 20 seconds maybe to finish. I'm dual booting with Winblows but when I installed Linux before it never was a problem.05:45
=== JuKen [n=JuKen@c-24-62-82-49.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JuKenThat worked. :)05:45
ToastMasteris ubotu a bot?05:45
incousJuken, :o05:45
PhlostenToastMaster: yes05:46
FlannelubuntuEdgy: Usually, yes.05:46
JuKenhehe, not the first time I've done it. ;)05:46
JuKenthanks for the help05:46
ToastMasterwhat is ubutu?05:46
soduer_YES!!! finaly got openvpn working... ra 10 days of work now...05:46
MrObviousDoes anyone have any ideas?05:46
LouisvilleLIPMikeh: I'm looking, not sure05:46
ToastMasterblah didn't work05:46
incousit's lucky that refresh rate has already right05:46
ToastMasterHow do I get GRUB working?05:46
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xerxes31415can anyone point me to a good Ubuntu starters guide? (which includes command line syntax and explanations of the basics)05:46
JuKenincous, I know. =P05:46
bruenig!cli | xerxes3141505:46
ubotuxerxes31415: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:46
LouisvilleLIPMikeh: ccsm05:47
Flannelxerxes31415: https://help.ubuntu.com/05:47
bruenigoh no, not the wiki05:47
james296Filesystem loop detected; `/media/hda1' has the same device number and inode as a directory which is 2 levels higher in the filesystem hierarchy05:47
james296how do I solve that error?05:47
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Mikehthank you LouisvilleLIP05:47
MrObviousGrub takes forever to boot. It's stuck at the screen that says "Grub loading Stage 1.5" and takes 20 seconds maybe to finish. I'm dual booting with Winblows but when I installed Linux before it never was a problem. Does anyone have any ideas?05:47
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LouisvilleLIPMikeh: np05:47
Flanneljames296: Pastebin your fstab, did you do any manual mounting?05:47
LouisvilleLIPgoodnight everyone05:47
james296any ideas at all?05:48
james296no I dont believe I did05:48
Flanneljames296: pastebin your fstab (/etc/fstab)05:48
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ToastMasterdo I need to install Linux before I install Ubuntu?05:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:49
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FlannelToastMaster: Ubuntu is Linux05:49
james296ah HA! permission denied05:49
james296should I change the permissions to that?05:49
Flanneljames296: er, you shouldn't be getting a permission denied.05:49
ToastMasterthen how can I use GRUB if I don't have Linux?05:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x264 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
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Flanneljames296: open it in a text editor (it's a file)05:49
user1_grub doesn't need linux05:50
nickrudToastMaster, you probably need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:50
james296lol well, I did05:50
younghackerit works05:50
ToastMasterOkay... thanks.... I've never done a install.05:50
=== manimal [n=manimal@c-24-91-98-99.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToastMasteram I still okay to use that help?05:50
james296I did05:50
FlannelToastMaster: when you install Ubuntu, you'll install GRUB.  That's not your error, people are just solving problems you don't have05:51
nickrudToastMaster, if you've never done an install, then you don't have grub. (oh, you're the guy with no cd and trying from windows, right?)05:51
james296but it has only root permissions...05:51
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james296should they be?05:51
Flanneljames296: What?05:51
Flanneljames296: you won't be able to change it.  But you can read it05:51
=== echosystm [n=echosyst@ppp121-45-120-167.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
echosystmive got a 320gb hard drive05:51
echosystmhow should i partition it?05:51
echosystmjust let ubuntu do it automatically?05:51
ToastMasterno I made a CD from a Download nick05:51
echosystmi want home seperate from the rest05:52
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echosystmsort of like05:52
ToastMasterI have a ISO cd image I burned from Ubuntu.com05:52
james296yes I can change it, if I run sudo nautilus...05:52
echosystmOS on one partition, data on another05:52
aroonihow big should my swap parition be?  my main partiion for /, and my partition for /home ?05:52
ToastMasterand then I'm trying to BOOT my computer with it05:52
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Frogzoo_echosystm: depends on your needs really, but definately have a separate /home05:52
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conorkirkpatrickwoo %53 :D05:52
echosystmive not installed ubuntu for desktop before05:52
echosystmso i dont know how big to make /05:53
ToastMasterIt says loading Linux shell05:53
Frogzoo_echo separate /var is useful too if you run mysql/www05:53
echosystmi dont05:53
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james296so do you want me to pastebin the text in the file?05:53
echosystmthis is just desktop use :)05:53
MrObviousGrub takes forever to boot. It's stuck at the screen that says "Grub loading Stage 1.5" and takes 20 seconds maybe to finish. I'm dual booting with Winblows but when I installed Linux before it never was a problem. Does anyone have any ideas?05:53
n8of9I'd like to swap my left/right audio channels in Edgy.  I can't seem to find where to do that.  Any ideas?05:53
happyfaceWhat are the advantages of Siwftfox vs. Firefox?05:53
echosystmwould 20gb for / and 2gb for swap be ok?05:53
echosystmfor a typical user05:53
=== Assassin` [n=DarkAssa@206-248-223-183.wbo.dmt.ntelos.net] has joined #ubuntu
echosystmthe rest obviously for /home05:54
ToastMasterno ideas mr. obvious05:54
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.05:54
ToastMasterI don't think people are responding because they understand your question05:54
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echosystmpelase, cmon this is a simple question :D05:54
Frogzoo_echosystm: if you allocate 10 gig for / you'll never have to worry about space for the OS05:54
MrObviousToastMaster: thansk anyway05:54
echosystmeven with all programs? wow05:54
nickrudToastMaster, hard to say what's going on from what you've said; have you run the disk check yet?05:55
echosystmok i'll go 15 just to be sure05:55
echosystmthanks :D05:55
Flanneljames296: that all looks normal05:55
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james296doesnt make sense then...05:55
james296why am I gettin that message?05:56
james296whenever I type anything in the search box05:56
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knoppix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
echosystmis ext3 best for a desktop computer?05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urgay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:56
nickrudechosystm, sure05:56
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echosystmcool, thanks05:56
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outerhi everyone.05:56
=== priscila [n=priscila@20158207175.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
outerHas anyone had this problem? While running Beryl sometimes an application window will appear black?05:57
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:57
=== Keefu [n=Keefux@c-68-62-225-112.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
n8of9Does anyone here know how to swap audio channels in Edgy?05:57
nickrudjames296, it looks like you have hda1 listed twice in there; once as a uuid05:58
james296then thats the problem I dunno how that happened though05:58
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james296how can I fix that?05:58
nickrudjames296, put a # in front of line 12 and reboot05:58
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Doc_Bioanyone here got experience with vmware server running windows xp?05:59
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conorkirkpatrick%61 ^_^05:59
conorkirkpatrickDoes Ubuntu's install take this long for everyone?06:00
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astro76james296, that's ok the /dev entries that have corresponding UUIDs are commented out06:00
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nickrudastro76, he's got hda1 mounted in /media as well06:00
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astro76nickrud, ahh whoops06:01
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conorkirkpatrickDoc_Bio: search06:02
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:02
nickrudastro76, yeah, I had real problems with uuid's once when I cut and pasted from a amd64 menu.lst to my i386; they did not compute, I've become very wary of them ;)06:02
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:02
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.06:02
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echosystmwould a geforce 4 ti 4400 be in nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx ?06:03
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, stop spamming06:03
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: sorry06:03
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nickrudconorkirkpatrick, try /msg ubotu ###06:03
james296how come when I try to replace the system-upgrade icon in Synaptic, it still doesnt seem to change?06:03
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conorkirkpatrickechosystem: all nvidia cards are in nvidia-glx06:03
conorkirkpatricknickrud: thnx06:04
james296oh and btw Im still gettin that error message...06:04
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nickrudjames296, paste /etc/fstab and, what you get in a terminal when you type mount06:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15D6DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
conorkirkpatrickanybody: how long did your ubuntu install take?06:05
james296that was already accomplished, wheres Flannel?06:05
=== frijole_ [n=frijole@adsl-69-236-85-78.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudjames296, I mean the one you rebooted with06:05
Biteyni:( ubuntu does not want to be installed!06:05
Nutubuntuconorkirkpatrick, the *last* one took about 45min :)06:05
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james296it still says permission denied06:06
conorkirkpatrickNutubuntu: mine is been taking forever, or it could be my lack of pationce06:06
Frogzoo_conorkirkpatrick: 15-20min06:06
james296am I supposed to type that in with sudo?06:06
Flanneljames296: what does?06:06
nickrudjames296, what's it?06:06
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=== Lgndryhr [n=lgndryhr@c-75-66-240-121.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
james296when I paste /etc/fstab in the terminal06:06
frijole_has anyone here dual booted ubuntu and gentoo?06:06
conorkirkpatrickIf you look up the chat log, you can see me yelling out my %'age06:06
Biteyniha im still trying to get the cd to load install thing faster06:07
jwilesfrijole: i've got a triple boot, two of which are ubuntu and gentoo06:07
Nutubuntuconorkirkpatrick,  I used the Minimal CD and ignored the progress meter, which stuck at 6% and again at some much higher %, I forget what, for long periods of time, both06:07
Lgndryhri am back and now got my cell to pair with my comp but cant find the right processes or something06:07
Biteyniit takes forever for the cd to just open the install thing06:07
Biteynithen it freezes06:07
=== dsargeant [n=dsargean@cpe-70-124-62-6.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Biteyniso i cant install ubuntu06:07
frijole_im having trouble with the x server06:07
conorkirkpatricknutubuntu: Ok, Im just worried the installer will crash again :(06:07
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frijole_it wont let me install because x server is not configured correctly06:08
=== akk [n=akkana@adsl-69-105-235-1.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuBiteyni, is this the Desktop CD? If so I would recommend trying the alternate install or the minimal ... both are text based and both offer a few choices that aren't there in the Desktop install06:08
james296ok I guess it will just be faster if I do a reinstallation../06:08
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=== Llama052 [n=aaron@cpe-71-72-200-217.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
echosystmim doing an alt install06:08
jwilesfrijole: won't let you install ubuntu or something else?06:08
Llama052Hey guys im back06:08
nickrudjames296, no. I'll take a step back. Open a terminal06:08
echosystmive written out all the commands i need to run in notepad06:08
echosystmcan someone check them with me in pm?06:08
=== RoundyT1 [n=alex@c-71-195-222-165.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
james296I did06:08
echosystmjust so i dont do anything stupid06:08
Llama052I tried the xymo thing.. it ruined the os I had to reinstall06:08
echosystmthat would be great06:08
Llama052Can anyone help me out with Ubuntu on msn?06:08
nickrudjames296, ok, now type    cd /etc     in the terminal06:09
astro76!pastebin | echosystm paste it here06:09
ubotuechosystm paste it here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:09
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Nutubuntuconorkirkpatrick,   sorry 'bout that msg ... but I have no idea, I'm clueless about what you asked06:09
RoundyT1where can i find the theme ubuntu "studio" uses?06:09
conorkirkpatricknutubuntu: okay, if anybody doesn't like it, I will stop :D06:09
Llama052one question.. how do I install tar.gz files????06:09
=== maximande2 [n=ubuntu@dsl092-000-036.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:10
jwilestar zxvf foo.tar.gz06:10
nickrudjames296, now type     sudo cp fstab fstab.before-nickrud06:10
Llama052Once you open it then what?06:10
conorkirkpatrickLlama052: there you go06:10
RoundyT1Llama052, you'll want to use archive manager OR do a command in the terminal untar filename.06:10
nickrudjames296, making a safe copy there06:10
akkCan someone check something for me? I'm trying to aptitude install xprint, and it's telling me there's a conflict and x11-common is broken06:10
mhz`finally in ubuntu06:10
NutubuntuLlama052,  man tar to learn a bit about it06:10
akkI want to see if it's just me before filing a bug.06:10
RoundyT1where can i find the theme ubuntu "studio" uses?06:10
Frogzoo_what am I missing with nautilus? I find as a file manager it's pointless - what am I missing here?06:10
echosystmi just got an error on boot up06:10
echosystm"invalid pblk length [5] "06:10
Llama052I have some drivers... I untarred them and ran them.. it installed.. but the drivers havent worked.06:10
maximande2feisty install is refusing to resize NTFS06:11
akk(I'm hoping xprint might enable firefox to print in landscape mode, which it can't do as shipped)06:11
NutubuntuFrogzoo_, I don't think there's much to miss ;)06:11
nickrudjames, now type   gksudo gedit fstab06:11
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conorkirkpatrickmaximande2: I think Ubuntu can't write NTFS by default06:11
passbecan anyone help me with disappearing panel icons, azureus is the icon that disappears i believe its due to the icon being in .png format, i cant find a fix, any help would be appreciated ?06:11
nickrudjames296, ^^  sorry james06:11
Frogzoo_Nutubuntu: ok, back to mc I guess06:11
maximande2conorkirkpatrick: the installer has a resize built in06:11
Llama052How do you get Macromedia Flash player btw?06:11
james296lol ok that worked06:11
james296and its ok06:11
Frogzoo_!flash | Llama05206:11
ubotuLlama052: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:11
=== gunny01 [n=tom@ppp121-45-69-143.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuI installed 'vfu' Frogzoo_ and liked it ... kinda like the name too ;)06:11
echosystmanyone got any idea what this problem is? "invalid pblk length [5] "06:11
astro76maximande2, you sure you have enough free space? if so you might want to defragment it in windows06:11
echosystmon bootup06:11
Frogzoo_Nutubuntu: thx, I'll take a look06:12
nickrudjames296, ok, now go to the line that starts with    /dev/hda1    , and put a   #   at the beginning06:12
maximande2astro76: she says that there is plenty of freespace06:12
=== damageDOne [n=dave@prakiti-37.cablenet.com.ni] has joined #ubuntu
james296I already did that before I rebooted06:12
james296its still there06:12
astro76maximande2, probably need to defrag then06:12
DashmiSomething weird happened to me... OO.O was "upgrading" and I lost writer.  Tried to manually reinstall: no dice. and now I can't even dl it from synaptic... any ideas?06:12
NutubuntuFrogzoo_,  if you happen to have used Vern Buerg's 'List' utility back in MSDOS days, vfu is very familiar looking :)06:12
=== chris_ [n=chris@cpc3-harg1-0-0-cust521.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
james296wait, its showing 2 hda1's for some reason06:13
maximande2astro76: she formatted and installed win xp within the last week06:13
conorkirkpatrickdasgmi: try removing the whole thing then reinstall06:13
nickrudjames296, YESSS06:13
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damageDOneHi all, can someone tell me if it is possible to rip a .cue file rather than having to burn it and then rip it?06:13
Llama052How do I  Enable the Multiverse repository06:13
nickrudjames296, yeah, the one almost at the end. It's on line 12 in the pastebin06:13
maximande2astro76: so fragmentation should be a non issue, since a new install should have allocated from the first blocks06:13
cesar_hello world06:13
james296want me to take the # sign off the one I already have there?06:13
=== SoCo [n=SoCo@c-68-32-16-23.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro76maximande2, then I would probably exit out of the install and run System->Administration->Gnome Partition Editor06:14
conorkirkpatrickYay! Ubuntu is "creating user06:14
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nickrudjames296, if there's more than on on line 5, it's no big deal06:14
maximande2i've done at least 15 ubuntu installs and it's never choked here unless ntfs wasn't marked as clean06:14
astro76maximande2, see if you can resize in there06:14
RoundyT1i've done beryl before, but forget how to do iit....i have it and emerald installed but its not working...any ideas?06:14
Llama052Can someone help me in remote desktop? etc????06:14
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gunny01Llama052: What do you want?06:14
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pppZeroi cant find smbmount -- is the some other way i'm supposed to mount my windows shares? or am i just missing a package?06:14
maximande2astro76: i'm on the live CD now, so i'll give it a try...06:14
james296ok saved06:14
Llama052I need some help with some drivers06:14
james296gonna reboot and find out now06:15
james296I'll be back06:15
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nickrudjames296, be quick06:15
Llama052and some general know how.06:15
LittlegatorIf the install process on the ubuntu live cd is stuck at the time screen, how do I force it to quit?06:15
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:15
maximande2pppZero: mount -t cifs or mount -t smbfs06:15
Llama052I hate irc... i need to talk to someone on msn .06:15
pppZeromaximande2: why didnt i think of that? heh thanks :)06:15
conorkirkpatrickLlama052: conorpkirk@msn.com06:15
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maximande2pppZero: those may not be installed as kernal FS modules06:16
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sumigamerguys is there a setting in beryl that can allow me to use diff. wallpapers for diff. workspaces??06:16
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Frogzoo_damageDOne: what are you really trying to do?06:16
maximande2pppZero: gnome does it throung the vfs helper, so you'll need to install the kernel mods to actually use it06:16
Llama052Added you Conork06:16
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conorkirkpatrickLlama052: it might take a min, I have a slow msn client06:17
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Llama052sure np06:17
passbehttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/1 > how would i go about solving this problem ive tried to reinstall the librsvg ? any suggestions ?06:17
Perdentelaptop question, I have a laptop with a touchpad and its really not sensitive at all, how would I change it?06:17
pppZeromaximande2: i see that :) just got ye olde "bad superblock" error06:17
conorkirkpatrickPerdente: probably in system menu on the main ubuntu screen06:17
james296YES!!! it doesnt show the error anymore06:18
nickrudjames296, great.06:18
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james296one more question06:18
james296about Synaptic06:18
nickrudjames296, quicky I hope, I've already missed one ride06:19
james296I HATE the system upgrade icon...06:19
astro76Perdente, install gsynaptics, you'll get a preferences->touchpad entry then06:19
nickrudjames296, ah, synaptic. Never use it06:19
james296I already changed it in /usr/share/synaptic/glade, but it appears to not have changed...06:19
astro76Perdente, you also have to add "SHMConfig" "on" to your xorg.conf, see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97542106:19
james296if I cant use it then what can I use?06:19
conorkirkpatrickOMG Ubuntu %94 ^_^06:19
Frogzoo_pppZero: fix for that is fsck -b06:19
Perdenteastro76, ok I'll read it06:20
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Llama052conork still nothing :(06:20
damageDOneFrogzoo_:I have a cue file of a cd and I want to rip mp3s off it.06:20
nickrudjames296, there's several options, but you should stick with synaptic for a while yet, and squint when you need the upgrade button ;)06:20
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conorkirkpatrickLlama052: http://gabbly.com/Llama052 (it will give an error, but wait, a chat window will appear)06:20
sumigamerguys is there a setting in beryl that can allow me to use diff. wallpapers for diff. workspaces??06:20
OpenBoti already had it that way, sumigamer.06:20
maximande2damageDOne: google is your friend... mp3split used to be a program you could use06:20
james296I just want it changed to the icon recommended on that orange-look website...06:21
james296why cant I change it?06:21
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james296I want it changed06:21
damageDOneI tried google but found proprietary windows stuff06:21
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Frogzoo_damageDOne: mdf2iso06:21
damageDOnemaximande2: but I'll check that out. Is it in the repos06:21
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maximande2damageDOne: i think it is long ago abandoned... i couldn't find it last time i found a PROPER rip.06:22
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astro76damageDOne, try this http://www.google.com/linux06:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:22
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james296so how can I change it?06:22
LogicalDashI'm trying to use xkbcomp to make a usable keyboard layout out of this .xkb file I have. The command isn't giving any errors, it appears to exit successfully, but it doesn't actually generate any compiled file. Help, please?06:22
maximande2damageDOne: but try googling... you will find it06:22
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nickrudjames, you might find try /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/ , there's some synaptic icons there06:22
james296I changed those as well06:23
Kayef_does unbuntu support a resolution of 1680x1050 on an external monitor?06:23
james296still the same thing06:23
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MrObviousGrub takes forever to boot. It's stuck at the screen that says "Grub loading Stage 1.5" and takes 20 seconds maybe to finish. I'm dual booting with Winblows but when I installed Linux before it never was a problem. Does anyone have any ideas?06:23
maximande2uck, Gpartd couldn't resize the ntfs partition either...06:23
Frogzoo_MrObvious: 64bit?06:23
MrObviousFrogzoo_: 3206:23
maximande2told me top open details.... (non-existent)06:23
nickrudjames, then not a clue, you might have to ask on the synaptic developers mail list, whatever it is06:23
Frogzoo_MrObvious: try boot option 'acpi=off'06:23
MrObviousHmm. How do I do that?06:23
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n8of9Does anyone here know how to swap audio channels in Edgy?06:24
echosystmgod ubuntu is taking forever to boot06:24
MrObviousI've heard it suggested before but I can't remember where to go to do that. Can I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?06:24
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OpenBotwhat's up, failuree06:24
Frogzoo_MrObvious: from the grub prompt, hit e & add that param at the end of the kernel line06:24
failureeplease halp!!06:24
failureeI has a problem06:24
echosystmim getting nothing but acpi errors and "failed to set xfermode"06:24
echosystmcan someone help me out with this?06:25
echosystmi already added irqpoll to my menu/lst06:25
echosystmdidnt fix anything06:25
MrObviousFrogzoo_: So I just go to grub and type acpi=off?06:25
MrObviousAfter pushing e06:25
mhz`ok, ksirc is pissing me off06:25
maximande2Frogzoo_: if GRUB is taking forever to load stage 1.5, then acpi=off on the kernel line isn't going to help (kernel is after grub loads)06:25
failureeI am going trhough hell trying to run PPPOE06:25
failureeI get this error06:25
failureeCHAP FAILED06:25
failureepluz halp!!06:25
MrObviousIt means authentication error probably.06:26
failureebattling for two days now06:26
MrObviousCHAP is for authentication Fade06:26
nickrudfailuree, you've run pppoeconf ?06:26
Frogzoo_maximande2: true dat06:26
failureenickrud, yeah a thousand times06:26
LittlegatorHow do I end the installer process on the Live CD? It's only at the timezone part, but it's not responding so I want to close it...06:26
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failureeplog says  6731 unrecognized06:26
conorkirkpatrickLittlegator: ALT+f206:27
MrObviousfailuree: Then check your user/pass. It's probably wrong I'm guessing.06:27
conorkirkpatrickLittlegator: then type xterm, then type xkill and hit enter, then click on the window06:27
MrObviousnickrud: Any ideas why I can't get grub to work?06:27
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maximande2beh... screw this, i'm downloading gentoo's latest liveCD. At least ntfsresize works.06:28
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yrlnry_I have an old slackware system I'd like to turn into an ubuntu system.  If I just install FF from the install CD, will it wipe out my /home filesystem?06:28
nickrudMrObvious, I guess I've been incredibly lucky with my hardware, I've never had to do anything but update-grub and grub-install06:28
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Nutubuntuyrlnry_,  is /home on its own partition?06:29
maximande2yrlnry_: if it's on a different partition, just choose manual disk setup in the install and pick it as the /home mount06:29
bullgard4Calling the GNOME main menu item System > Preferences > 'Hardware Information' will open the window 'HAL Device Manager'. What is the equivalent command line command for this?06:29
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mhz`i think i broke the music player :/ only showing 736 songs when i got 1400+06:29
astro76bullgard4, hal-device-manager06:29
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mhz`wait, there we go..still trucking along06:30
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nickrudbullgard4, I usually use lshw and dmidecode for hardware info06:30
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yrlnry_/home is on a separate partition.06:30
yrlnry_Is the rule here that the install disk will only destroy stuff that was on the root partition?06:30
bullgard4astro76: Yes indeed. Thank you very much.06:30
conorkirkpatrickHow long should the copying installation logs step take on the ubuntu install?06:31
astro76yrlnry_, as maximande2 said then, just don't check format partition for /home06:31
yrlnry_Yes.  Now I am asking a slightly more general question.06:31
nickrudyrlnry_, formatting of partitions defaults off, always06:31
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Flannelyrlnry_: You can make it "use but not format" certain partitions.  /home is a good one to use but not format, and keep your old stuffs06:31
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yrlnry_Can I tell it not to format any of the partitions, including the root partition?06:31
Flannelyrlnry_: what's the point of reinstalling then?06:32
conorkirkpatrickHow long should the copying installation logs step take on the ubuntu install?06:32
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yrlnry_To copy the ubuntu stuff into the root partition without formatting it.06:32
astro76yrlnry_, the installer will tell you you have to format /, IIRC06:32
yrlnry_Okay, thanks.06:32
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Nutubuntuyrlnry_,  I *think* the installer will warn you about installing into existing stuff on / ... memory's not perfect though06:33
conorkirkpatrickHow long should the copying installation logs step take on the ubuntu install?06:33
yrlnry_I guess I'll just make a careful backup of the root partition before I proceed.06:33
yrlnry_Thanks again.06:33
bullgard4nickrud: Basically I know that the alternatives lshw and sudo dmidecode exist. But why do you prefoer them for hal-device-manager?06:34
Nutubuntubackups are good :) yrlnry_06:34
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FruitLoopOk, I've finished using this computer to set up a network install through netboot. How do I reverse all the changes I made in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot and return the DHCP control to my router? (I know how to enable DHCP on the router.. just want to know how to turn it off on this computer)????06:35
yrlnry_Nutubuntu: laziness is good too :)06:35
nickrudbullgard4, inertia, mostly I do most of my stuff on the terminal06:35
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nickruderm, period after mostly ;)06:35
LogicalDashHow do I refer to an X display from the command line? I'm trying to save a keyboard map that I modified with xmodmap.06:35
bullgard4nickrud: Ok, thank you very much.06:36
sean-Hi, anyone know why sudo would just stop working.  I was SSHed into my system and it was working fine then all of a sudden it wasn't working anymore.  Rebooted and it is still not working.  No errors just acts like it does nothing.06:36
nickrudLogicalDash, like DISPLAY=0:0 ?06:36
LogicalDashnickrud, I'll try it06:36
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FruitLoopHow do I return this computer to normal so it is not offering DHCP service to other computers on my network?06:37
n8of9Does anyone here know how to swap audio channels in Edgy?06:37
nickrudsean-, take a look at /var/log/authlog , sudo logs there06:37
pppZeroFruitLoop: from memory its "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpcd stop" ... that wont keep it stopped though a reboot though06:38
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astro76sean-, take a look...heh, lots of attempted logins in my authlog06:39
pppZeroFruitLoop: System -> Administration -> Services :)06:39
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sean-nickrud: I tried...but permission denied...and I can't sudo to look at it06:39
LogicalDashnickrud, how do I find out what my current display is?06:39
Biledog2Trying to install Ubuntu for the 1st time from the LIveCD and it seems to choke on the parition part.06:39
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Biledog2gparted stall too.06:40
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infamouskidhi can someone help me?06:40
n8of9infamouskid: ask your question06:40
nickrudsean-, type groups in a terminal; as the first system user you should be in the adm and admin groups (adm should let you see authlog, admin do sudo)06:40
conorkirkpatrickanyone: My ubuntu install locked up on "copying installation logs"06:40
astro76sean-, can you get into system->admin->users and groups ?06:41
infamouskidok well when i run beryl manager or compiz. i dont see the top bar of each windows where i can press minimize maximaize or close?06:41
Gun_SmokeAny suggestion on wiping a HD.  Found DBAN, anyone use it?  Better option out there?06:41
nickrudLogicalDash, in a terminal, type echo $DISPLAY06:41
NutubuntuGun_Smoke,  "better" depends heavily on what you want to do. DBAN works.06:41
n8of9Gun_Smoke: DBAN works wonders. I'm not sure about using it with SATA, but it should work.06:41
LogicalDashnickrud, thanks06:41
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n8of9Gun_Smoke: be warned; depending on the type of wipe you select, you could be looking at a long time before it's finished.06:42
pppZeroinfamouskid: using an nvidia card?06:42
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NutubuntuGun_Smoke,  ... and n8of9 's comment is why "better" is such a nebulous word06:42
FruitLooppppZero: ok, in services do I turn off xinetd?06:42
n8of9Gun_Smoke: I find 7 wipes (DoD default) works fine.06:42
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infamouskidpppzero : yes nvida 680006:42
FructoseHow do I play DVDs in Ubuntu?06:42
sean-ok so lets say I did something stupid and removed my main account from those groups...how would I add myself back.06:43
conorkirkpatrickHow long should the copying installation logs step take on the ubuntu install?06:43
astro76!medibuntu | Fructose install libdvdcss2 from here06:43
ubotuFructose install libdvdcss2 from here: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:43
Gun_SmokeI'm more less researching the possibilities of the most secure way to wipe a drive.06:43
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Flannelsean-: reboot into the Recovery console, then `usermod -G adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin -a username`06:43
sean-I did a usermod earlier today and must have (rather than add a nother group) replaced my secondary groups06:43
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NutubuntuGun_Smoke,  "secure" is also relative. If you want no one, ever, no matter who or how, to read it, melting it down would be okay :)06:44
sean-Thanks everyone, will do06:44
Flannelsean-: you forgot the -a, -G groups -a (for append)06:44
LogicalDashnickrud, its done, thanks06:44
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu: Of course.06:44
nickrudLogicalDash, yw06:44
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NutubuntuOTOH, Gun_Smoke, if all you want is to make sure that the person who buys your used computer doesn't also inherit your bank account access codes, DBAN is more than sufficient06:44
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pppZeroinfamouskid: check your PMs :)06:45
Biledog2may I ask a question?06:45
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu: That's more of what I am after.06:45
FruitLoopWhat about stuff I installed like dnsmasq, atftp, and atftpd ??? can I just uninstall them with apt or synaptic?06:45
conorkirkpatrick[ 1029]  feedback addressing from Gekkko06:45
infamouskidi dont have any?06:45
Gun_SmokeSo 7 pass is the norm?06:45
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pppZeroi hate xchat >< gimme a second06:45
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nickrud!ask | Biledog206:45
ubotuBiledog2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:45
infamouskidpppzero : :lemme join freenode brbr06:45
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n8of9Gun_Smoke: I believe "autonuke" with DBAN does 3 passes; which will probably do more damage than the next guy can recover from.  I feel better about 7, myself.06:46
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Biledog2Tying to install Ubuntu via the liveCD and it seems to stall out  on the disk setup part06:47
Biledog2any iders?06:47
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FruitLoopmmm..... tastes like chicken.06:47
Biledog2info: gparted won't work either06:47
FructoseOK, I installed libdvdcss2, but Totem still doesn't allow me to play DVDs. What do I do next?06:47
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Gun_Smoken8of9: Aside from DBAN and a massive google search, any other options come to mind you have used?06:48
Perdentehey thanks for the advice, got my touchpad really sensative just the way I like it!06:48
ubuntuEdgymy ssh wont work, i get the same error as this guy**:+cannot+open+display:&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=20&gl=uk06:48
shadeofgreyhey has anybody here had success running ubuntu on the new macbookpro's with the nvidia graphics cards?06:48
conorkirkpatrick[ 1029]  feedback addressing from Gekkko06:48
conorkirkpatrickMy ubuntu install locked up06:48
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NutubuntuBadness comes in waves06:49
infamouskidcan someone help?06:49
FruitLoopyes, they can!06:49
n8of9Gun_Smoke: monster electromagnet. blowtorch.  DBAN's the best (easiest, most efficient) software solution I've found.06:49
FruitLoopbut they just went out for a smoke.06:49
pppZero_infamouskid: in xorg.conf: under Section "Screen" add a line: Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"06:49
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n8of9Gun_Smoke: (big electromagnet will destroy the drive)06:50
infamouskidpppzero : the command to edit that is gksudo gedit <filename> ????06:50
Gun_Smoken8of9: Thanks.  Can I borrow yours? lol06:50
astro76Fructose, install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:50
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flimafirefox keeps crashing06:50
sumigamerguys when i configure akamaru, i get this error....configure: error: Package requirements ("glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 gobject-2.0") were not met: No package 'glib-2.0' found No package 'gobject-2.0' found06:50
mhz`could do gedit too i think06:50
NutubuntuGun_Smoke, if you're not defending against an attempt by a well-financed and technically savvy agency to read your discarded data ... DBAN's plenty. Maybe even if you are; who knows? Yeah them, but they're not saying ;)06:50
mhz`sumigamer, install the glib & gobject packages06:51
pppZeroinfamouskid: sorry :)  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:51
mhz`then install akamaru06:51
n8of9Gun_Smoke: heh... sadly, I no longer have access to the local university's "gausser".06:51
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kill-9i have a question anyone in here have try ubuntu with ppc?06:51
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kill-9that can give me some hints06:51
mhz`sumigamer, go to system > administration > synaptics06:51
infamouskidpppzero : ok i have several xorg files???06:51
n8of9flima: is it crashing on any particular site? does it happen when you try to load Flash content?06:51
mhz`sumigamer, once there...do a search for glib and check to install it and do the same for gobject06:52
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mhz`then hit apply06:52
conorkirkpatrickAnyone: My ubuntu install locked up con copying installation logs.06:52
sean-woohoo I can sudo again!  Thanks!06:52
sumigamermhz', how do i install these packages.......when i apt-get them it says that the packages dont exist.06:52
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mhz`sumigamer, read up06:52
pppZeroinfamouskid: possibly backups created with nvidia-settings or something, just go with xorg.conf :)06:52
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu: ha.. Isn't everyone hiding something now a days?06:52
mhz`conor, restart the install but before you begin it...test the cd first06:52
kill-9i have a question anyone in here have try ubuntu with ppc?06:52
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mhz`you might wanna be safe and burn another copy of it06:52
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Tanmanum i was wondering if i can support with setting vsftpd?06:52
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lipocsihey uguys06:53
Tanmanand upload issues06:53
infamouskidpppzero : there is already a option line.. do i just append to the line?06:53
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pppZeroinfamouskid: no, make a new line, you can have as many option lines as you need06:53
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infamouskidpppzero : thanks adding now06:54
lipocsihey wats that package for desktop widgets for gnome?06:54
FructoseI installed libdvdcss2 and have since tried to play a DVD with Totem, mplayer, and vlc, none of which work. Can anyone help me?06:54
lipocsican anyone tell me i want random stuff on my desktop lol06:54
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Tanmani seem to be getting 550 when a local user tries to upload to their home directory06:54
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astro76Fructose, install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:55
NutubuntuWell, sure, Gun_Smoke ... but in seriousness, security is *all* about balancing your risks against your defenses. If you're just defending against some random person who -- as far as you know -- is just trying to get a working computer from you, that's one thing. If you're being targeted by a serious and dedicated opponent, that's another. How much time, money, and effort you spend on security ought to be proportional to which it is ...06:55
Tanmani have allowed write enabled06:55
mhz`Tanman, 550 is permission denied06:55
frank__trying to get skype to load on dual core AMD and get message wrong architecture i386 any clues06:55
infamouskidpppzero : ok new screen section is as displayed06:55
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Tanman@mhz: how can i make that allowed06:55
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kill-9hey what's the link so i get get some ubuntu cds? by mail06:55
infamouskidpppzero : Section "Screen"06:55
infamouskid    Identifier     "Screen0"06:55
infamouskid    Device         "Videocard0"06:55
infamouskid    Monitor        "Monitor0"06:55
infamouskid    DefaultDepth    2406:55
infamouskid    Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"06:55
infamouskid    Option         "metamodes" "1280x1024_75 +0+0; 1400x1050 +0+0; 1280x1024 +0+0; 1280x960 +0+0; 1152x921 +0+0; 1152x864 +0+0; 1024x768 +0+0; 832x624 +0+0; 800x600 +0+0; 640x480 +0+0"06:55
infamouskid    SubSection     "Display"06:55
infamouskid        Depth       2406:55
infamouskid        Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"06:55
infamouskid    EndSubSection06:56
Fructoseastro76: OK, still not playing06:56
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:56
mhz`Tanman, is the user uploading to their /home dir?06:56
astro76kill-9, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/06:56
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Tanman@mhz: yes06:56
Tanman@i habve checked the permission06:56
FructoseWhen I try to open the disc, it says "Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.Please install the necessary plugins and restart Totem to be able to play this media."06:56
pppZeroinfamouskid: naughty :) put it all in pastebin :)06:56
sumigamermhz', the packages glib and gobject arent there in synaptic....06:56
neonimri have the ubuntu iso file on my windows root direcotory and wanna install it from there ,instead of burning it on a cd06:56
shiester_miesterneonimr, uhh...no06:57
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Tanman@mhz: its 770 on the home directory of that user06:57
infamouskidpppzero : zorry zero its my second day using linux.. im new to irc as well06:57
Nutubuntumebbe that's why he's so durned infamous ;)06:57
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu:  That is true.06:57
pppZeroinfamouskid: its ok, i've done it too :D06:57
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FructoseIf I open up a .vob file by itself, I get a couple moments of completely screwed up video and then it fails.06:57
mhz`sumigamer, search libglib06:57
infamouskidpppzero : so is the section correct now?06:57
shiester_miesterneonimr, you have to boot it from a cd :P ive never heard of a BIOS that can read iso files on a partition and mount them as bootable devices06:57
astro76Fructose, what happens in VLC?06:57
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mhz`if its the user's dir, i believe automatically they should be able to write06:58
pppZerolooked good to me :)06:58
n8of9shiester_miester: that would be... awesome :)06:58
infamouskidpppzero :  is the xorg file similiar to windows .ini file type?06:58
Fructoseastro76: It just fails immediately and exits06:58
mhz`Tanman, are they unable to connect or unable to upload?06:58
sumigamermhz", lots of glibs showed up.......06:58
shiester_miestern8of9, its entirely possible, the only reason why it doesnt exist is because it would be pretty redundant06:58
Tanmanmhz: unable to upload06:58
Tanmanmhz: thy can download fine06:58
Fructoseastro76: When I run from console, I get; libdvdnav: Suspected RCE Region Protection!!! libdvdnav: ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed - CRASHING06:58
n8of9shiester_miester: ooh! you could have an iso within an iso on a physical drive :)06:58
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NutubuntuGun_Smoke,  put it this way. If DBAN's possible shortcomings are your biggest worry, you must be pretty secure :)06:59
shiester_miesteryou know what would be truly awesome...if i could get M$ visual web developer to run in linux.  i cant even get it working in windows...06:59
pppZeroinfamouskid: kind of, but not really. :\06:59
shiester_miesterneonimr, are you there?06:59
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astro76Fructose, hmm that's the new type of protection06:59
n8of9infamouskid: same concept, different syntax and layout06:59
mhz`Tanman, what ftpd are you using again?06:59
Tanman@mhz vsftpd06:59
infamouskidpppzero : ok so the line added was correct ?? do i just alt ctrl backspace and login as norm?06:59
X3rusI have an application that works on windows systems. What I want to do is to share that same folder but on Ubuntu using samba. I share the folder and it open the aplication but only one person can view it at the time, cause it open the databases in exclusive mode. Is there a way to have a windows application on a server and that the client pcs can access it?06:59
fliman8of9, any site I guess07:00
pppZeroinfamouskid: log out and log in, same end result, nice on X :)07:00
frank__hi trying to get skype to load on dual core AMD running 7.04 and get message wrong architecture i386 any clues07:00
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infamouskidpppzero : thanks brb trying it out now07:00
mhz`Tanman, did you enable write in your conf?07:00
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shiester_miesterfrank_, are you running 64bit OS?07:00
shiester_miesterX3rus, yes there is07:00
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n8of9X3rus: That depends almost entirely on the application. What are you running?07:00
neonimri am here07:01
astro76Fructose, if you have an older dvd to try that will verify it, but that's the problem07:01
n8of9flima: what version of FF are you running?07:01
shiester_miesterno worries, neonimr07:01
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu: /or anyone; Is it worth the time to wipe a drive before doing a clean install of any flavor of Linux coming from another OS?07:01
frank__think I am how do I check07:01
X3russhiester_miester: Is an application written in Borland C++ and with EDBISAM databases, how can I do it?07:01
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shiester_miesterneonimr, what you are wanting to do is physically possible but its never been implemented07:01
shiester_miesterX3rus, thats extremely ambiguous information07:01
dvmhow can i run the glade-3 after adding all the widgets?07:01
Tanman@mhz: i have write_enable=YES07:01
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neonimr<shiester_miester>: why i thought grub can boot from an iso on the hdd07:01
n8of9Gun_Smoke: If you're just rebuilding the machine for yourself, wiping is not really necessary (unless you're really paranoid... then it wouldn't hurt anything)07:02
NutubuntuGun_Smoke,  honestly, no one knows the answer to that one except you07:02
Tanman@mhz i that what you mean?07:02
shiester_miesterneonimr, and where are you going to get grub from07:02
treehello, can anyone help me get my kde panel back it disappeared and even after a restart it is gone, how do I get it back07:02
shiester_miesterneonimr, grub is on the ISO :P07:02
neonimr<shiester_miester>i have grub for dos07:02
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X3russhiester_miester: what information do you need?07:02
neonimr<shiester_miester> no07:02
n8of9Gun_Smoke: as far as functionality of the system after rebuild, there should be no difference between formatting and wiping the drive.07:02
Fructoseastro76: Damn it. Well, then can you at least tell me where my remote control is? :-(07:02
mhz`Tanman, and 777 permissions set on the dir?07:02
shiester_miesterneonimr, oh ok07:02
shiester_miesterneonimr, well then, go for it.  you seem far more knowledgeable than I am07:02
shiester_miesterneonimr, you should have no problems07:02
LukeEkbladAnyone know how to install the latest version of the gimp. Version 4 i think07:02
Tanman@mhz not 77707:02
neonimr<shiester_miester> i have it installed on the windows partition07:02
Tanmanbut i will do that07:02
=== neozen grins as azureus starts downloading it
shiester_miesterneonimr, and?07:03
Tanman@mhz i have 77007:03
shiester_miesterX3rus, i have no idea how to do it, have you tried running it in a server on a virtual machine?07:03
neozen....isn't technology grand?07:03
mhz`try 77707:03
frank__<shiester_miester> frank_, are you running 64bit OS?  I think so How do I check07:03
neonimr<shiester_miester> but i dont recall how can grub load an iso07:03
n8of9flima:  do you have any extensions/plugins installed? do you have Flash/Shockwave installed?07:03
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shiester_miesterfrank_, did you install the 64bit version of ubuntu? :P07:03
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neonimris it like bootfrom=/blah/07:03
shiester_miesterneonimr, i dont know either07:03
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neasteflorini did07:03
Gun_Smoken8of9: I didn't think so.07:03
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fliman8of9, flash installed07:03
shiester_miesterneonimr, i thought grub just grabbed stuff from the boot partition :/07:03
neasteflorinskype doesn't work on AM6407:03
X3rusI don't want it on a virtual machine, the application will be on the server but the clients pc will access it07:04
kill-9i have a question anyone in here have try ubuntu with ppc?07:04
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, ah, thanks for letting me know07:04
flimai am thinking about switching back to IE7 :D07:04
Tanman@mhz still no go. i'll restart the server07:04
shiester_miesteryet another reason why not to use 64bit07:04
mhz`stick to firefox07:04
n8of9flima: I had a problem with FF crashing when trying to load a page with flash content; there's a very easy fix.  Give me a moment to find the URL.07:04
treeany takers on the "how to restore my panel" in kde ??? its vanished07:04
astro76Fructose, you have to install and run regionset to set your drive to your region: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-314380.html07:04
dvmhow can i run the glade-3 after adding all the widgets?07:04
neasteflorinIe& sucks man07:04
Tanmanftp server07:04
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Fructoseastro76: It's already set to region 107:04
neastefloringet firefox or flock07:04
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shiester_miesteryes, IE is pretty much the worst of the modern GUI-based browsers07:04
mhz`Tanman, once you make a change to the conf, it's probably a good idea to restart it07:04
Nutubuntuflima let me guess - firefox 2.0.4 and ... maybe ... an A64X207:04
infamouskidWOO HOO07:05
infamouskidim back in business07:05
neasteflorini starts very fast on a vista machine though07:05
infamouskidit worked07:05
flimaNutubuntu, yes07:05
neasteflorinbecause of the precaching stuff07:05
shiester_miesterfrank_, i would highly recommend that you not use 64bit architecture any time this year :P07:05
infamouskidpppzero : u there?07:05
n8of9flima: http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/10/ubuntu-firefox-flash-crash-this-fix.html07:05
Tanman@mhz the ubuntu server or just the ftp server?07:05
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, yeah and it also chews up all your ram07:05
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, prechaching is a 2-edged sword :P07:05
neasteflorinno, firefox chews your ram07:05
neasteflorinit takes 60-90 megs07:05
klobsterI thought chupacabre chewed my ram...07:06
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neasteflorinmy firefox07:06
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Optimus55neasteflorin: yes it does :(07:06
shiester_miesterklobster, chupacabra chews up sheep07:06
dvmhow can i run the glade-3 after adding all the widgets?07:06
frank__<shiester_miester> what hdtv tuner can we use with amd dual 64 if any07:06
shiester_miesterfrank_, absolutely no idea07:06
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neasteflorinanyone want an invite to Pownce07:06
Tanman@mhz still gives me the error. ...07:06
infamouskidneasterflorin : is firefox bad??07:06
shiester_miesterfrank_, as i said, i would highly recommend you use 32bit ubuntu07:06
klobsterfrank: ask in #mythtv07:06
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neasteflorinthe memory leakage07:06
neasteflorini hate07:06
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infamouskidneasterflorin : anything you recommend?07:07
neasteflorinfirefox is my favourite07:07
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neasteflorinthen flock07:07
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, firefox doesnt have memory leaks, it just uses more07:07
fliman8of9, thx07:07
neasteflorinthen safari07:07
astro76Fructose, are you positive? you can check it with regionset...07:07
n8of9it's not a memory "leak", per se. it just gobbles ram07:07
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n8of9flima: did it work?07:07
dvmhow can i run the glade-3 after adding all the widgets?07:07
infamouskidpppzero : thank you so much07:07
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shiester_miesterneasteflorin, learn what memory leaks are before you go accusing apps of having them ;)07:07
klobsterwish I had a better answer07:07
grazedif I installed ubuntu on my notebook, how do i avoid it defaulting to the vga output instead of the notebook's monitor? booting from cd works because i can set it that way, but when booted from hd, i get a blank screen.07:07
Optimus55bad firefox, bad bad firefox! put that ram down! :)07:08
fliman8of9, i am too lazy to try anything now.. i will though tomorrow :|07:08
n8of9flima: ok. good luck :)07:08
infamouskidso is tehre a browser that is very basic and light?07:08
neasteflorinshiester be nice07:08
Optimus55i still use it as my no1 tho. much better than ie, meh07:08
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, i wasnt being mean, just giving advice. im sorry if i caused you offense07:08
infamouskidi was lookin at opera07:08
n8of9infamouskid: 5 years ago, i would've answered "firefox" :P07:08
shiester_miesterfirefox has extremely high standards support, though, which in my opinion far outweighs any memory problems.  plus all the add-ons are absolutely fantastic07:08
shiester_miesterespecially if you are a web developer, the firebug and fireftp plugins kick ass07:09
varkainfamouskid: links2, lynx07:09
=== n8of9 nods in agreement.
shiester_miesterheh, lynx07:09
infamouskidthanks guys07:09
shiester_miesterlynx is like the ms-dos of web browsers07:09
infamouskidyou guys have a link to the deb?07:09
shiester_miesterwell, it works...but it leaves you wanting more :P07:09
n8of9lynx is great if you don't have access to a GUI terminal07:09
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shiester_miesteralthough it uses like 2kb of ram :P07:09
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shiester_miesterand starts up faster than the terminal that it runs in, probably07:10
neasteflorinit's about programming techniques, and i do code C++, just so you now, they could have made it occupy less memory if they dumped unncessary stuff and reload them07:10
varkainfamouskid: its in the standartrepositorys07:10
neasteflorinbut that would have used cpu cycles07:10
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infamouskidvarka : thanks ...07:10
neasteflorinso it's a compromise07:10
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shiester_miesterneasteflorin, well, its open source.  if you are a programmer, go and fix it ;)07:10
infamouskidhey u guys wanna know somethig funny??07:10
BlendArtanyone know how to use gnome-gpg?07:10
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infamouskidi didnt know what repositories was until today. hehehe07:10
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mhz`Tanman, only suggestion i got is to look in your logs07:10
neasteflorini'm in vacation now, plus i can always use IE.... :)07:10
Optimus55lol @ shiester_miester07:10
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, i code c++ too, but i would have a look at the code first before saying that its bad.  firefox does a LOT more than IE ever will, so obviously it uses more space07:10
mhz`i'm not sure what's going on07:10
Nutubuntuinfamouskid,  just pronounce them properly when you ask for them ;)07:10
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Tanman@ah ...yeah...is that in /var/logs/vsftpd07:11
shiester_miesterbesides, 60mb of ram is nothing these days07:11
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siduCan anyone help me with gedit: my gedit open file in utf8 by default - but one of my file, i guess is default english char ... (i do not know) , and gedit displayed as birdie language :( - help please07:11
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shiester_miesterbirdie language?07:11
Optimus55firefox is good bcus A) free, B) works, C) solid, D)plugins, E) portable ffox is nice :)07:11
shiester_miesterOptimus55, you forgot: standards support07:12
sidustrange str07:12
infamouskiddid they discontinue mozilla?07:12
mhz`Tanman, i believe so07:12
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Nutubuntuthe part about "works" is open to interpretation ... depending on how you define "crash" I suppose ;)07:12
shiester_miesterfirefox supports a significant amount of the w3c stuff07:12
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metbsdbut firefox is slow to start07:12
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shiester_miesterlol Nutubuntu , good point07:12
shiester_miesterbut then thats the same with every software, so i guess nothing truly "works"07:12
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Nutubuntulol true that, shiester_miester07:12
metbsdand some webpage don't work well in firefox, must use internet explorer07:12
=== shiester_miester wonders if its physically possible to write a useful app that is bug free...
Optimus55metbsd: thats true. but id rather a little slow to start than browse with ie then have everything slow down with popups and malware later...07:13
PurpZeYDoes Gnome lock out my keyboard after a certain number of consecutive keystrokes in rapid succession from the same key or set of keys?07:13
siduhow to open file in english-european via gedit ?07:13
sumigamerguys is there a settting in beryl that allows to use diff. wallpapers for diff. workspaces??07:13
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@c-76-109-2-187.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterPurpZeY, nope07:13
shiester_miesterhi, conorkirkpatrick07:13
infamouskidsumigamer : yeah its called emerald07:13
shiester_miestersumigamer, yes07:13
neasteflorinOMG, Apple bought CUPS07:13
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Nutubuntushiester_miester,  the number of unknown bugs, it can be proved, is infinite07:13
sidumy dear - so many ppl talking07:13
shiester_miesterinfamouskid, emerald is for window decorations, not desktops07:13
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sumigamerwell, what is it??07:13
shiester_miestersidu, welcome to IRC :P07:13
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metbsdwe finally have decent support for cups07:13
Tanman@mhz its stange. because it only lists just the logins07:13
PurpZeYshiester_miester: I am experiencing a bizarre problem that I can only associate with software not supporting linux...07:13
infamouskidshiester :they have a desktop decorator too??07:14
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shiester_miestersumigamer, its called "multiple viewport support" and i dont think gnome does it07:14
neonimrit looks like grub can map disk images (.img) but i was wondering what about iso07:14
Tanman@mhz, i'll keep hunting....thanks for the help :)07:14
shadeofgreydies anyone here know where to get information about installing ubuntu on the new macbookpro laptops wuth the Nvidia 8600 grapgics chiops inthem?  the makeawish foiundation has granted my wish and is going to buy me a new laptop and 30" display07:14
shiester_miesterPurpZeY, lots of software doesnt support linux...07:14
conorkirkpatrickShiester_miester: I have been asking for a while :P glad you are here :D My ubuntu install has been locked up for an hour, on copying installiation logs07:14
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shiester_miestershadeofgrey, congratulations ;)07:14
sidushiester_miester : how can we open a private window to chat -- too busy here -- you know i m an old grandpa now :)07:14
shiester_miesterconorkirkpatrick, ouch07:14
conorkirkpatrickshiester_miester: do you have any idea what is wrong?07:15
shiester_miestersidu, register your nickname and then you can /msg me07:15
Nutubuntuconorkirkpatrick,  that rings a faint bell. How big a partition for / ?07:15
shadeofgreyshiester_miester  -- dude...  the makeawish foundation doesnt help anybody that isnt terminal07:15
shadeofgreyi have 5 years maybe less07:15
shiester_miesterconorkirkpatrick, nope, your problem could be caused by lots of differrent things07:15
mhz`hmm, can't find a good compiz theme :/07:15
sidushiester_miester : where to register ? i m totally newbie in ubuntu07:15
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, im aware of that07:15
varkashadeofgrey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47414407:15
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shiester_miestersidu, type /msg nickserv register [password] 07:15
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shadeofgreyand i just wqant tio help other disabled people by getting them off windows and onto linux as much as possible before i go07:16
shiester_miestersidu, obviously replace [password]  with whatever you want for a password07:16
shiester_miestersidu, and of course dont type that in the channel, or we will all see your password07:16
shiester_miesterwhich will be bad for you07:16
shadeofgreybut i cant do that until im running ubunytu again and i CANT do that until i get guidancve freom you guys'07:16
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, windows itself could be considered a disability :P07:16
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, thats what we're here for07:16
astro76!register | sidu07:16
ubotusidu: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:16
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sidushiester_miester : well i just registered or not ?07:16
shadeofgreywill ubuntu install easier on nvidia chipped macbookpros or what07:17
shiester_miestersidu, did you?  you tell me?07:17
shadeofgreysoemnbody has to know07:17
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, easier?  easier than what?07:17
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conorkirkpatrickShieset_miester: If I force shutdown the system, would it be installed?07:17
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, it will install, probably07:17
sidudear too busy07:17
aroonihow do i get the package07:17
shiester_miestersidu, yep...its even worse for me...everyone wants to talk to me for some reason! O_O07:17
shadeofgreyshiester_miester i cant ask the makeawish people to spend four grand on proibably07:17
aroonibuild essential07:17
=== shiester_miester bathes in the spot light of his 15 minutes of fame
shadeofgreyi need a definitive yes/no07:17
astro76arooni, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:18
shiester_miesteraroo, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:18
sidushiester_miester : you are pop star here - well chat later - bye07:18
shiester_miesterdamn!, you beat me astro7607:18
neasteflorini have issues with my X200M ATI graphics card... it won't do compositioning nor desktop effects using fglrx driver07:18
shadeofgreybewcause installing on macbookpro's with ATI grapghics chip;s has proven impossible07:18
HirvinenNutubuntu: I'd recommend having >= 10 gigs or so for all non-home. I thought some 6.6 gigs(what was left after swap and home) would have been enough, but when it came time to dist-upgrade, came the complaints of not having sufficient space(Of course solvable with temporarily uninstalling some rarely used stuff, but a nuisance none the less).07:18
=== Fujitsu_ [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-52-79.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
failureeshadeofgrey, get a Nvidia one07:18
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shadeofgreyokay next question07:19
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, ATI are well known for their crappy drivers (although the NVIDIA ones arent exactly wonderful...)07:19
neasteflorini have issues with my X200M ATI graphics card... it won't do compositioning nor desktop effects using fglrx driver... help07:19
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astro76Hirvinen, Nutubuntu it would be enough if not for /var and /tmp07:19
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, drivers installed?07:19
NutubuntuHirvinen,  I agree ... I think maybe conorkirkpatrick is having a problem related to a partition sized too small. I myself am okay :)07:19
shadeofgreyshiester_miesterthe nvisia drivers are far superior07:19
treeokay so i went to ksysguard and killed kicker...since it said it was already running. when i run kicker again after it stays for a second or 3 and dissapears, any suggestions as to why kicker keeps crashing or how to stop07:19
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, i agree07:19
Nutubuntuastro76,  ^07:19
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=== astro76 nods
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neasteflorindrivers installed07:19
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neasteflorinthe proprietary ones07:19
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, direct or indirect rendering? AIGLX? XGL?07:19
Hirvinenastro76: Yup.07:20
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neasteflorini' not sure07:20
shiester_miesterwell find out07:20
shadeofgreyscrew it.  im  hust going to posty on the forums and pray somebody answeers07:20
kapacehello, whats the safest way to use a usb external drive, to share files with windows?07:20
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, suit yourself07:20
varkashadeofgrey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474144 <- told you 5 minutes ago :P07:20
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, ok, good.  what compositing software are you trying to use?07:20
neasteflorinnormal one not fusipn07:20
shadeofgreyshiester_miester -- well?  are you saying you have a better idea?  are you saying someone hre knows the andswer im looking for?07:20
treemy kicker panel disappeared in kde and i cant get it back07:21
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shiester_miestershadeofgrey, someone definitely does, it just isnt me07:21
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shadeofgreyokay thgen what do you suggest i do07:21
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shiester_miestershadeofgrey, you were trying to install ubuntu on some laptops with nvidia chipsets, right?07:21
Llama052I just installed Kubuntu... and now it wont let me shutdown ;o07:21
=== varka gives up
shiester_miesterLlama052, have you tried the magic sysrq keys07:21
aroonihow do i get build-essential to install07:21
Llama052the what?07:21
arooniwhat do i need to add to my sources.list07:21
treein terminal i get the following errors  :  X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16707:22
tree  Major opcode:  14507:22
tree  Minor opcode:  307:22
Nutubuntushadeofgrey, why wouldn't we tell you if we knew? definitively? == I'd suggest asking Canonical, or asking the foundation to ask Canonical. That would be definitively yes-or-no ...07:22
=== varun00 [n=a@cpe-24-27-63-213.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Llama052sysrq keys?07:22
shiester_miesterLlama052, http://www.linuxhowtos.org/Tips%20and%20Tricks/sysrq.htm07:22
neasteflorini've sent an angry email to ATi  PR but no response07:22
shiester_miesterLlama052, print that out, its very very very useful07:22
=== LinuxProbie [n=brasskid@S01060016e34ca1e0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesteractually, EVERYBODY PRINT THIS OUT http://www.linuxhowtos.org/Tips%20and%20Tricks/sysrq.htm07:22
Llama052No its just I cant find the shutdown button :P07:22
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vip3rousmangolol alrighty then07:22
shiester_miesterLlama052, oh, thats a much simpler problem07:22
astro76arooni, hm shouldn't have to add anything unless you removed main, what is the error?07:22
neasteflorinok, i see everyone is helping me out07:23
varun00neasteflorin: what was the problem? I know someone who works for AMD/ATi07:23
Llama052There isnt one07:23
Llama052Its confusing07:23
LinuxProbiewhat would cause Ubuntu to firget how to be connected to the internet?07:23
shadeofgreyshiester_miester  -- no!  i want to definitively substantiate that installation of ubuntu on macbookpro's with nvidia graphics cards are suitable for ubuntu installs because any mac with ATI hardware is basically fucked.07:23
kapacewhats the safest way to use a usb external drive, to share files with windows?07:23
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neasteflorinno desktop effetcs  nor compositioning07:23
shiester_miestershadeofgrey, they should be.  you could always try it?07:23
grazedif I installed ubuntu on my notebook, how do i avoid it defaulting to the vga output instead of the notebook's monitor? booting from cd works because i can set it that way, but when booted from hd, i get a blank screen.07:23
Llama052I go to Quit>and all that shows is Standby and Hibernate? wtf07:23
shiester_miesterneasteflorin, have you tried compiz-fusion?07:23
neasteflorinno, it's not final07:23
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shiester_miesterLlama052, whaaaat...thats weird07:23
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shiester_miesterLlama052, looks like your computer doesnt support turning off :P you'll just have to leave it on forever07:24
Llama052after installing Kubuntu07:24
=== felix is away: buaaaahhhh
Llama052My power bill!07:24
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shiester_miesterLlama052, you can use the magic sysrq keys to force it to shutdown07:24
varkashiester_miester: just as im curious, can you read what im writing?07:24
neasteflorinwhat;s with your power bill07:24
vip3rousmangoanyone know how to convert .img files to .iso so i can burn them??07:24
Llama052Ive restarted like 4 times07:24
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shiester_miestervarka, nope, i cant read anything you say07:24
Llama052The shutoff button wont show07:24
vip3rousmangoor mount them so i can play in my PSX emu07:24
outerIs Thunderbird 2.0 not out for Ubuntu or something?07:24
neasteflorinyou can butn .img07:24
neastefloringet nero linux07:24
grazedanyone? =/07:24
varkashiester_miester: k ^^07:24
vip3rousmangonero linux!?07:24
shiester_miesterLlama052, try doing this in a terminal and tell me what happens; "shutdown 0"07:24
vip3rousmangooh snap.. brb07:25
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neasteflorinit's nero for linux07:25
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Llama052It will prolly shutdown07:25
shiester_miesternero for linux?07:25
shiester_miestersuch a thing exists?07:25
shiester_miesteryou lie!07:25
neastefloringo and search nero for linux07:25
Nutubuntuwhy would we need it?07:25
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neasteflorinin google07:25
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Llama052In the Konsole I get "shutdown: need to be root"07:25
=== shiester_miester covers his ears and whistles frantically
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grazeddoes anyone know if that is a common issue?07:25
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shiester_miestersorry everyone, i gotta go for a sec...brb07:25
=== shiester_miester will be back very soon
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Llama052I get "shutdown : need to be root"07:26
neasteflorinsomeone help please?07:26
varkashiester_miester: its just that i posted a link of a detailed forumthread about installation issues for macbook pro two times but he didnt pay attention and went on beggin for answers ;)07:26
n8of9grazed: you might want to verify which display is configured in your BIOS... Other than that, I'm not sure.07:26
neasteflorinwhat am i gonna do with this ati crap07:26
=== Zack [n=zack@ops-64-6-42-20.frontierbroadband.com] has joined #ubuntu
neasteflorini just bought it  i can't stick it in my ass07:26
Llama052Same here neasteflorin07:26
Optimus55quick question: how much space does ubuntu need to install07:26
grazedyeah, it is quite odd. i see the loading bar. then poof.07:26
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vip3rousmangoThere is a nero for linux!! http://www.nero.com/eng/NeroLINUX.html :: but it's $25 for the serial number thats stupid.. torrent time :D07:26
grazedi can boot live from the cd though07:27
neasteflorin2-3 gigs07:27
Nutubuntuhe who? varka ?07:27
neasteflorini guess07:27
Llama052Who told me to do shutdown 0 in console?07:27
Madpilotvip3rousmango, why bother with nero at all? There's lots of good burning apps in Linux already...07:27
ZackHi! I am not getting something on how to install adobe flash player. I have followed the instructions on the site  to install the .tar.gz but it doesnt seem to work.. heres the site.  http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW07:27
neasteflorinserial for nero linux at www.serials.ws07:27
outerIf Nero can make a paid official release for linux why can't Adobe...07:27
Llama052adobe should!07:27
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n8of9grazed: when you get to the blank screen, try ctrl-alt-f1.  See if that takes you to a console.  If it does, you probably need to do some tweaking in your X configuration.07:27
Madpilotneasteflorin, vip3rousmango - piracy is always offtopic here... thank you.07:28
Llama052kubuntu fucked up my system :(07:28
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:28
NutubuntuC'mon people07:28
grazedis that remotely possible for a new person to accomplish?07:28
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Llama052:P kinda annoyed07:28
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varkaNutubuntu: shadeofgrey07:28
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neasteflorini hate it when my X craches07:29
ZackHello, can someone tell me what i am doing wrong here??07:29
n8of9grazed: See if that key combo gets you to a console. We'll see from there.07:29
Nutubuntuvarka, thought that's who you meant = he was not paying attention was he.07:29
neasteflorin zack" no07:29
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-29-252.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
grazedok, i shall be back. thank you =)07:29
Madpilotubotu, flash | Zack07:29
ubotuZack: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:29
Newbie_DudeSo, I live in the stone-age and still use dialup modem. I ran a ScanModem and it says I have a Conexant modem. Also, it says I have to pay 19.95 to Linuxant, but I didn't realize a driver would cost money. >_< Does anyone know an alternative driver for Conexant Modem?07:29
=== conorkirkpatrick is now known as conorkirk
varkaNutubuntu: not really ... well, not my problem07:29
astro76vip3rousmango, k3b can burn .img07:29
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=== shiester_miester is back! sirens blare, and a troop of dancing girls herald his arrival
=== conorkirk is now known as conorkirkpatrick
neasteflorini use gnomebaker07:30
Nutubuntuvarka, it takes two, yes? one to send, one to receive.07:30
Zackmadpilot: i know that but im trying to install this .tar.gz file and it has always givin me problems i have never been able to install one.07:30
NutubuntuLlama052,  fixable?07:30
vip3rousmangoastro76: ok, i'll give it a shot..07:30
shiester_miesterok there is no way im reading back over all that07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conexant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
shiester_miesteranyone want to ask me all their questions again?  please keep it civil...07:30
MadpilotZack, if you want Flash, you don't have to mess with tar.gz...07:30
Llama052hmm what?07:30
n8of9shiester_miester: oh, come on... it'll only be triple the length by the time you're done reading up to this point ;)07:30
NutubuntuUm ... whatever kubuntu may have done, Llama05207:31
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h4lfl1ngtar xvf blah.tar.gz, cd blah/, ./configure, make, make install07:31
Zackmadpilot: well then wtf is this?? http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW07:31
shiester_miestern8of9, im the shiester_miester, not the reader_miester07:31
Llama052I dont know07:31
Llama052but its making me mad07:31
Llama052I have no sound now.07:31
bruenigyou don't install tar.gz, that is like saying you install .zip07:31
Markosanybody know if its possible to specifiy dcc ports in xchat-gnome? i dont see it07:31
LinuxProbievip3rousmango, try bchunk07:31
Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know where to get free dialup modem drivers (particularly for Conexant) I can't afford the 19.95 a year from Linuxant for a driver...07:31
shiester_miestergday bruenig07:31
shiester_miesterhow you doing?07:31
MadpilotZack, there are easier ways of installing Flash - see the blurb the bot dropped on you, please07:31
Llama052NO sound and when I type shutdown 0 in console I get "need to be root"07:31
brueniggees you are in here still07:31
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, you have to PAY for drivers!?07:31
NutubuntuLlama052,  you *do* need to be root to issue a shutdown cmd07:32
Zackmadpilot: i tried synaptic and it doesnt have this version07:32
Llama052I am root07:32
Zackubotu flash07:32
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:32
shiester_miesterbruenig, yes, i am the ghost of netsplits past!  wooooOOOOOoooo07:32
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shiester_miesterLlama052, try "sudo shutdown 0"07:32
Newbie_Dude@shiester_miester: Yah, this play "linuxant" is charging 19.95 for a dialup modem driver. Kinda upsetting, so I'm looking for an alternative.07:32
NutubuntuLlama052,  'sudo shutdown -r now' should reboot you ... "now" ...07:32
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, thats a pile of crap07:32
Llama052and how bout for me sound?07:32
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, he doesnt want to reboot, he wanted to shutdown :P07:32
NutubuntuAh, sorry, shiester_miester ... I'm reading uncarefully I guess07:33
Optimus55hey i tried ubuntu live cd, and its fairly decent speed. can anyone tell me if a fully installed ubuntu is faster than xp?07:33
astro76Llama052, shutdown 0, is 0 a valid option to shutdown? try shutdown -h now07:33
shiester_miesterOptimus55, in some ways, yes, and others, no07:33
Optimus55how so?07:33
shiester_miesterOptimus55, it has the potential to be faster because its more flexible07:33
MadpilotOptimus55, if you got good speed out of the LiveCD, you'll get even better speed out of the installed version07:33
shiester_miesterOptimus55, its faster to boot, for me anyway07:33
NutubuntuLlama052,  -r for restart and -h for halt (that is, stop)07:33
Optimus55the live cd take eons to boot tho... :(07:33
shiester_miesterOptimus55, yeah cos its a CD!07:34
Optimus55how long does the full install take?07:34
Optimus55t oboot07:34
shiester_miestermine takes something like 20 seconds07:34
LittlegatorSo my computer was powering down in windows and freezing on Ubuntu. I checked the heatsink on my CPU and it had 1/4 of an inch of dust caked on it. Could this have been the problem?07:34
Ayabaracan I add/sutract hex numbers in a shell?07:34
bruenigOptimus55, linux is faster than xp, what you put on top of it, all the applications and such will dictate just how much you damper its speed, gnome is on the higher end of speed destruction07:34
NutubuntuOptimus55,  booting from the HD is fast ... 15-20 sec maybe07:34
MadpilotOptimus55, mine boots in less than a minute - never bothered timing it07:34
conorkirkpatrickIf my unbuntu install locked up when copying the log file, does that mean I can just hard reboot it and it will have ubuntu?07:34
Newbie_Dude@Optimus55: I've been on the full install for about 12 hours now. Seems to run very fast. My only problem is sometimes I click on a menu and it doesn't respond, so I gotta click again. :P Might be poor depth perception but not sure yet. :)07:34
shiester_miesterOptimus55, also if you use 64bit ubuntu on 64bit architecture you can get extra speed, at the sacrifice of quite a bit of application compatibility07:35
Llama052Okay how do I restore to when I didnt have kubuntu07:35
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, i have a similar problem, but its not a speed issue07:35
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Optimus55does compiz fusion or any other nice graphics stuff affect the speed much?07:35
h4lfl1ngany ubuntu sound experts?07:35
shiester_miesterOptimus55, YES07:35
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Zackok i need to install adobe flash player. how to?07:35
n8of9Littlegator: I'm not sure what problem you were having, but I'm going to say yes.07:35
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shiester_miesterOptimus55, any high-end 3d graphics slows down the OS :P07:35
Newbie_Dude@shiester_miester: I just downgraded from AMD64 version to i386 because a lot of the programs I wanted didn't support AMD64.07:35
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Ayabarawhen I use the calculator in Scientific mode I want to use the letters to input hex values A-F. Can this be done?07:35
Optimus55shiester_miester: x_x07:35
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hsimahhello, i am having trouble installing adobe flash player07:36
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hsimahive used add/remove and apt-get to install it07:36
Optimus55is that a graphics card issue or just how linux is?07:36
ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".07:36
MadpilotOptimus55, 'slow down' is relative, of course...07:36
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bruenighsimah, do you use 64 bit?07:36
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sx66how do you stop the 'key ring manager' from popping up every time I connect to a wifi hotspot and asking for a passkey?07:36
hsimahim on feisty fawn07:36
bruenighsimah, do ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and pastebin the output07:36
shiester_miesterOptimus55, nothing to do with graphics card or ubuntu07:36
bruenig!paste | hsimah07:36
ubotuhsimah: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:36
MadpilotOptimus55, the alternative to 'graphics slow down your machine' is 'use only the command line' - which, let's face it, isn't that realistic an option...07:36
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ZackAdobe flash player install anyone.07:37
infamouskidDoes anyone knwo how to enable the snowfall effect in beryl??07:37
shiester_miesterOptimus55, its just caused by the amount of processing that has to be done to make it look really fancy07:37
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Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know what "kernel version" Ubuntu 7.06 uses?07:37
outerIt's amazing, I've never been on the Ubuntu channel before and it's so busy... A lot of other channels are like "Wait 10 minutes... Reply (maybe)"07:37
bruenigNewbie_Dude, no such thing as 7.0607:37
Llama052How do I restore to which a time I never had kunutu!?07:37
shiester_miesterOptimus55, thats like asking: why does playing games with high graphics requirements slow down the OS...its the same reason07:37
astro76sx66, read the Automatic Keyring section here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager07:37
Newbie_Dude@bruenig: whoops, i mean the version "Feisty" or whatever :P Just downloaded it from the Ubuntu page07:37
vip3rousmangoOK so my K3D isn't recognizing .img files..07:38
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LittlegatorWhat is Grub error 17?07:38
MadpilotNewbie_Dude, 7.04 uses 2.6.20-16-generic07:38
bruenig!prefix | hsimah07:38
ubotuhsimah: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages07:38
shiester_miesterouter, thats cos ubuntu kicks your asses!07:38
NutubuntuNewbie_Dude,  you can see the kernel version by opening a terminal and keying in 'uname -a'07:38
hsimahoh sorry07:38
shiester_miesterLlama052, hi!07:38
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shiester_miesterLlama052, format the drive its on?07:38
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Llama052I have to do that?07:38
shiester_miesterLlama052, if you format the drive, you wont have it anymore07:38
hsimahbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29760/ :)07:38
Optimus55ohhh i see what ur saying07:38
Llama052Neither will I have ubuntu07:38
shiester_miesterLlama052, maybe you should rephrase your question07:38
astro76sx66, your keyring password has to be the same as your user password, and apparently there is no way to change the keyring password yet besides deleting ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring07:38
Llama052I want to restore my ubuntu to a earlier time07:39
bruenighsimah, ok so what shows up in firefox when you put about:plugins in the address bar for flash07:39
shiester_miesterOptimus55, yeah, you need to consider how seriously tricked-out most of the effects are...they arent easy to do07:39
Optimus55well i guess once you have a decent gfx card and cpu then the "processing" shouldnt be too much of a hit07:39
astro76sx66, the 3rd line about changing keyring password did not work for me07:39
shiester_miesterOptimus55, yeah, i rarely see much impact on my processing because of it07:39
Optimus55k cool.07:39
Optimus55worth a try anyhow07:39
hsimahbruenig: there is nothing about flash in there07:39
shiester_miesterOptimus55, as long as you have a good graphics card, plenty of ram and a good cpu07:39
NutubuntuLlama052,  what did you do, that you want to  undo? what specific thing(s)?07:39
bruenighsimah, what version of ubuntu07:39
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MadpilotOpenBot, are you a bot?07:40
OpenBotno idea, madpilot07:40
hsimahfeisty fawn, 7.0407:40
shiester_miesterLlama052, you dont "undo" an operating system...did you install kubuntu over the top of vanilla ubuntu?07:40
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shiester_miestererr ok07:40
shiester_miesteryou could have always just installed KDE07:40
hsimahwhen i apt-get the plugin it says theres an md5sum mismatch, but it then says its at the latest version if i run it again07:40
shiester_miesterLlama052, in that case, you can just install gnome, since i believe the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is that the latter uses KDE and the former uses gnome07:41
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bruenighsimah, yeah there has been some weird stuff with flash as of late from the repos, I would just sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and then install from adobe07:41
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Llama052whats the cmd for that?07:41
shiester_miesterhsimah, yeah i hate it when the hash check fails, its so annoying07:41
NutubuntuLlama052,  you might be able to get back to "pure" Gnome Ubuntu by doing this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome07:41
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hsimahok, ill try that07:41
echosystmcan someone tell me where the x-config file is?07:41
echosystmgotta change res07:41
Llama052thats the longest cmd ive ever seen07:41
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astro76echosystm, /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:41
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hsimahit also fails when i use firefox to download the plugin. says its installed but then asks me to install it again07:41
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shiester_miesterechosystm, do you mean change your current res, or the list of resolutions?07:42
echosystmits not letting me run 1680x1050 @ 60hz for some reason07:42
echosystmhow do i fix that?07:42
shiester_miesterah ok07:42
NutubuntuOh dear me .. Llama052 that is not a command, it is the URI for a website that might tell you how to get out of the fix you're in07:42
shiester_miesterechosystm, yeah, edit your xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:42
echosystmwhat do i change in particular?07:42
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shiester_miesterechosystm, but make sure to back it up first! if you mess it up it can be very hard to fix if you arent comfortable with it07:42
astro76echosystm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:42
Llama052It has a link with a cmd07:42
NutubuntuI'm sorry that was unclear07:42
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Madpilotubotu, fixres | echosystm07:42
ubotuechosystm: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:42
bruenigLlama052, it is a quite stupid way to uninstall everything in the kubuntu-desktop metapackage07:42
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, lmao that command is colossal07:43
outerDoes anyone sometimes get a black screen when running applications while using Beryl?07:43
Llama052do what now?07:43
ZackCould somebody please tell me what i am doing wrong on installing adobe flash player!?07:43
NutubuntuOh! the command *on* the webpage07:43
NutubuntuGolly I am so dense tonight07:43
PurpZeYouter: Yes...Just do "reload window manager"07:43
Zackouter: you can change it to metacity and it should take care of that problem07:43
NutubuntuI hope it's just tonight ... :#07:43
bruenigsomeone should email him a way to do it with apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop followed by some clever sed and greps07:43
shiester_miesterZack, yeah but then you lose the compositing :P07:43
mdmkolbe|workHow do I figure out what package contains stdlib.h.  I'm compiling something that depends on it and it doesn't seem to be present.07:43
bruenigthat way he wouldn't have to update every release07:43
shiester_miesterthe better way is to set it to indirect rendering07:43
NutubuntuLlama052,  you can cut and paste, I think that's what it intends you to do07:44
Llama052Its loading07:44
shiester_miesterouter, just set your compositing software to use indirect rendering.  you will get a performance drop but you shouldn't get that black window bug07:44
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PurpZeYshiester_miester: I've relieved that problem myself by switching to metacity and switching back07:44
hsimahhooray, it installed from adobe07:44
ZackAdobe flash player! can someone help me install it?07:44
hsimahthanks bruenig :)07:44
shiester_miesterouter, the problem is due to a memory leak in nvidia's drivers07:44
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:44
bruenighsimah, k07:44
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outerI see.07:44
shiester_miesterPurpZeY, true, but using indirect rendering will mean it doesnt happen at all, ever07:44
ZackThat flash page Does NOT help07:44
PurpZeYshiester_miester: that sounds like work to me07:44
bruenigZack, apparently flash from the repos has been iffy of late, get the tarball from adobe, and move over libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:44
outerEh, I love the cube a lot though, I'd like to keep Beryl around if I can.07:45
shiester_miesterPurpZeY, huh?  its LESS work07:45
shiester_miesteryou just click one setting and thats it, forever07:45
PurpZeYshiester_miester: I don't experience the problem all that often07:45
_Codeman_Technical question: How does the "clipboard" work in Kubuntu?07:45
shiester_miesteroh ok07:45
Zackbruenig: i havent gotten that far!07:45
shiester_miester_Codeman_, data gets copied into a little spot in ram07:45
Zacki just downloaded the file and extracted it thats it07:45
PurpZeYshiester_miester: I was just being tired lazy and wiseguy07:45
shiester_miesteroh ok07:45
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bruenigZack, well like I said, move over libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:46
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shiester_miester_Codeman_, when you press "copy" the application probably tells the kernel to put some data into a shared area in ram that other apps can look at07:46
_Codeman_I'm writing a program that I would like to have parse data and put something in the clipboard... but I don't know how to access the buffer07:46
Zackbruenig: .so is the format after its extracted?07:46
Newbie_DudeIs Ubuntu a "non Plug-n-Play" OS? I ran a ScanModem and it says it can't use IRQ 0-255 and to turn off Plug-N-Play in my BIOS, but I'm afraid to turn that off without knowing if Ubuntu is a plug-n-play OS or not07:46
bruenigZack, move the file over07:46
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shiester_miester_Codeman_, download the source of some program that has copy/paste functionality and take a look07:47
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bruenigZack, inside that directory there is a file, it is called libflashplayer.so, you move that into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:47
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, yes it is07:47
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, afaik, anyway :/07:47
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shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, all my plug & play stuff works in ubuntu, so i guess it is07:47
Newbie_DudeOK well I turned off Plug-N-Play and my computer didn't blow up so I guess it's OK. :P07:48
grazedok, so i tried the ctl+alt+f1 thing you told me. although that just started a different boot process07:48
Zackbruenig: any idea why it is telling me i dont have permission to do what i want to my own freaking computer? i hate that.07:48
PurpZeY!sudo | Zack07:48
ubotuZack: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:48
bruenigZack, it is a security measure07:48
NutubuntuWhat could be causing disk activity every 6 seconds? AFAIK I am not reading or writing anything ..07:48
shiester_miestergrazed, what!?07:48
shiester_miestergrazed, ctrl+alt+f1 puts you into a terminal...not reboot07:48
bruenigZack, move it over using sudo07:48
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grazedok heres my problem07:49
Zackbruenig: how do i do that? do i have to use the terminal for that?07:49
bruenigZack, yes07:49
outerIs there no Thunderbird 2 for Ubuntu?07:49
shiester_miesterZack, if the user has permission, then EVERY SINGLE program on the computer has permission, which would be very very bad :P07:49
bruenigZack, sudo mv /path/to/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:49
Zackbruenig: oook i havent ever moved anything using the terminal07:49
shiester_miesterouter, yes there is, im using it right now07:49
bruenigZack, feel free to use tab to complete filenames07:49
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grazedinstallation went through perfect. i can boot from the cd live just fine. but when i try to boot from my hd, i get the ubuntu progress bar... then poof. it tries to use my vga output on my notebook instead of the built in monitor.07:50
outerIt's not coming up for me in add/remove (excuse my noobness)07:50
outerWhere would I find it?07:50
bruenig!info thunderbird07:50
ubotuPackage thunderbird does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:50
shiester_miesterouter, no its not in the repos07:50
shiester_miesterouter, you can install it yourself really easily though07:50
brueniganyone know why it isn't in the repos?07:50
vip3rousmangoanyone here use the PSX emulator PCSX?07:50
shiester_miesterbruenig, same reason pidgin isnt?07:50
shiester_miesterouter, just download it from the website, extract it into a directory and run it from there07:51
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bruenigshiester_miester, but that is just a new version, shouldn't they have old thunderbird07:51
outerAlright, thanks.07:51
bruenigshiester_miester, gaim for instance is in them07:51
shiester_miesterbruenig, :/ good point07:51
mdmkolbe|workHow do I figure out which package provides a particular file?  Such as stdlib.h.07:51
astro76thunderbird 1.5 is in feisty07:51
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bruenig!find stdlib.h07:51
varun00how do I make gnome scroll the desktop if it is larger than my screen?07:51
ubotuFile stdlib.h found in apcalc-dev, avr-libc, bash-builtins, brickos, cmix (and 37 others)07:51
cntrlxCould someone help me get xvid to work with mplayer for my .avi?07:51
bruenig!info apt-file | mdmkolbe07:51
ubotumdmkolbe: apt-file: APT package searching utility -- command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 96 kB07:51
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astro76!info mozilla-thunderbird07:51
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 10638 kB, installed size 29708 kB07:51
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shiester_miestervarun00, you should be able to do it by pushing against the edges of your screen with the mouse...or at least thats how it works on my system07:51
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varun00shiester_miester: yea I thought that would do it.......but the mouse just disappears instead of the desktop scrolling07:52
shiester_miestercntrlx, you need to get the codecs07:52
Newbie_DudeCan anyone recommend a good *low-resource* IRC program for Ubuntu that allows me to turn off the annoying "left the room" "entered the room" messages?07:52
shiester_miestervarun00, thats weird...07:52
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, that message has nothing to do with the client07:52
varkaNewbie_Dude: IRSSI07:52
cntrlxi cant do that with synaptic?07:52
preactionNewbie_Dude: irssi is quite configurable07:52
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, although some clients can hide it07:52
vip3rousmangoNewbie_Dude: Konverstation, X-Chat07:53
grazedi guess this is an issue that cant be resolved? no one responded on the forums either =/07:53
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Newbie_Dude@shiester_miester: So can I type something now to turn the messages off?07:53
vip3rousmangoNewbie_Dude: which IRC are u using?07:53
quaalanyone know of a book keeping program for gnu/linux similar to quickbooks, or if quickbooks somehow runs in it07:53
shiester_miesterNewbie_Dude, dunno07:53
shiester_miesteri dont really care, they dont bother me at all07:53
shiester_miestergrazed, of course it can be resolved07:53
mariocesar_bohello, how can i mount an .iso and emulate like it's same as a cdrom.07:53
shiester_miestergrazed, does your laptop have vga input?07:53
bruenig!mountiso | mariocesar_bo07:53
ubotumariocesar_bo: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:53
vip3rousmangomariocesar_bo: Gmount07:53
Newbie_Dude@vip3rousmango: I am using "GAIM" that came with Ubuntu. They just bother me cause it's hard to concentrate on what people are talkin' about. :P07:53
cntrlxwhat codec package should i get for mplayer07:53
grazedyep, i have a vga output07:53
shiester_miestergrazed, plug the vga output into the vga input and there you go07:54
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bruenigNewbie_Dude, gaim is weak, get xchat, you can do it07:54
preactionNewbie_Dude: use xchat instead? or irssi?07:54
NutubuntuWhat could be causing disk activity every 6 seconds? I am not intentionally reading or writing anything ... not logging IRC either07:54
grazedahah. well, i don't have a monitor handy.07:54
Zackbruenig: i did that command and pushed enter and it just went to another command line, does that mean it worked?07:54
bruenigZack, yes07:54
grazedi'm at school with just my laptop.07:54
outerAlright, another small noob question (thanks for your time and patients). I've downloaded Thunderbird, where should I extract it to?07:54
preactionNewbie_Dude: i do believe that by default xchat automatically connects to this network and this channel07:54
Newbie_DudeX-Chat, thanks.07:54
bruenigZack, it is installed now07:54
vip3rousmangoNewbie_Dude: I used Gaim starting out as well. Try an actuall IRC client, not one that just runs on the IRC protocall. I like Konversation, i find it has a whole wack of nice features and a pleasing colour scheme..07:54
shiester_miestergrazed, no no, not a monitor.  plug the laptops vga output INTO the laptops vga input07:54
shiester_miestergrazed, just get a vga cable :P07:54
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varkaZack: just open your firefox and type "about:plugins" into the adressfield07:54
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grazedohh, i got ya. no, i just have the output.07:55
shiester_miestergrazed, oh ok07:55
grazedno input, sorry, i misunderstood.07:55
Ademanis there any way to "isolate" an application? sort of like a sandbox deal, except more for the purpose of security?07:55
bruenigkonversation is kde, don't use it unless you are on kde especially since you request low resource07:55
shiester_miestergrazed, you can probably fix that by messing with xorg.conf07:55
shiester_miesterAdeman, yes there is07:55
preactionAdeman: it's called a "chroot jail"07:55
mariocesar_boubotu: it doesn't work for me, i explain myself. I am editing an ubuntu-installer and i want to mount the iso, and pop up the message to add the cdrom to synaptic07:55
grazedhow can i get to that?07:55
bruenig!opsnack | mariocesar_bo07:55
ubotumariocesar_bo: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!07:55
mdmkolbe|workbruenig: thanks.  I found it with apt-file after doing "sudo apt-file update"07:55
IndyGunFreakquaal: what version of quickbooks do you use?07:55
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quaalIndyGunFreak, not sure07:55
bruenigmdmkolbe, apt-file is good07:55
shiester_miestergrazed, you should be able to start it up in recovery mode and use it?07:55
vip3rousmangobruenig: I use konversation and im not running kubuntu.. why can't i use it?07:55
preactionAdeman: it is not a simple task, though. i'm not sure if there's an easy utility to do it07:55
Zackbruenig: YES! i hope someone put an idea into launchpad about being able to drag and drop system files , just being asked for a password!07:56
IndyGunFreakwel,l that would help a lot, but here's a start...  http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=12007:56
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grazedi'm assuming recovery mode gives just a command line?07:56
bruenigvip3rousmango, he said low resource, running a kde applications requires you to load tons more kde libs which would increase resource usage07:56
quaalIndyGunFreak, i just gave this guy an ubuntu7.04 cd because his windows is giving him shit freezing all the time07:56
quaaland he runs quickbooks on the windows07:56
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vip3rousmangobruenig: ohh ok. Gotcha.07:56
bruenigZack, command line is a good tool07:56
IndyGunFreakquaal: i see..,07:56
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Ademanpreaction: well alright i'm actually asking for a friend, but he was impressed with solaris' "containers"07:56
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bruenigZack, by the way I don't think that will happen because technically it would be difficult07:57
shiester_miesterwhy do you want a "low resource" IRC client?  its not like xchat uses a particularly large amount...07:57
IndyGunFreakquaal: doesn't look like it works w/ wine07:57
preactionAdeman: solaris' containers are most likely chroot jails. (solaris being built / forked from unix)07:57
dev_1how to read file *.chm in ubuntu07:57
shiester_miesterif you can run ubuntu, irc should be no problem, no matter what client it is07:57
HoxzerDOes somebody here know what should I do if amarok doesn't start (doesn't show any errors)07:57
varkaZack: gksudo nautilus would do the job but i highly recommend the command line interface07:57
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mariocesar_boso how can i emulate mounting an iso, to behave same as I insert a cd?07:57
bruenigHoxzer, running amarok from command line doesn't show any errors07:57
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bruenigmariocesar_bo, you can't, the latter is a hal event07:57
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pppZeroHoxzer: i get that sometimes, do a "killall amarokapp" and try again :)07:57
shiester_miestermariocesar_bo, we already told you07:58
bruenigmariocesar_bo, you can still do whatever you need to do though07:58
shiester_miester!mountiso | mariocesar_bo07:58
ubotumariocesar_bo: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:58
Zackvarka: what is gksudo nautilus07:58
HoxzerpppZero: that isn't running for me :(07:58
varkaZack: it runs nautilus with root privileges07:58
shiester_miestervarka, runs nautilus with super user privileges07:58
preactionAdeman: i lied, solaris containers are internally virtual machines. chroot jails just run a single program with a different root directory07:58
bruenigZack, nautilus is the name of the file manager07:58
shiester_miestervarka, sudo != root07:58
Hoxzercan I use Rhythmbox to move files ?07:58
shiester_miestervarka, sudo == super user07:58
grazedshiester_miester: does recovery mode give just a command line?07:58
Zackbruenig: so it does what i just described but it has security issues?07:58
bruenigHoxzer, don't think so, easytag is good though I assume for what you may be trying to do07:58
mariocesar_bobruenig: thanks, i think i keep using qemu to test my isos07:59
astro76shiester_miester, super user priveleges and root priveleges mean exactly the same thing07:59
shiester_miestergrazed, yup.  from there you can edit xorg.conf and see if u can fix it07:59
vip3rousmango!mountiso | vip3rousmango07:59
bruenigZack, no, it opens a file manager as root, there is a difference07:59
IndyGunFreakquaal: just doing some light googling, his best option might be to run WinXP in VMWare, and then install Quickboks there, and fire up Vmware when he needs to run Quickbook07:59
varkashiester_miester: i didnt say "it runs AS root" but with root priviliges!07:59
shiester_miesterastro76, they mean the same thing, but they arent the same thing07:59
shiester_miestervarka, oh ok, sorry07:59
outerWhen I download a package, where should I put it and how to I run it?07:59
Ademanpreaction: yeah i sort of knew about chroot jails (well i just really know chroot), but that's interesting, you'd think a platform like linux would have something equivalent07:59
IndyGunFreakquaal: doesn't look like it works under linux, and i can't find any real alternatives07:59
grazedso, just type xorg.conf at the command line to start it?07:59
Zackbruenig: as apposed to it opening as..07:59
bruenigouter, what is the name of the file?07:59
shiester_miestergrazed, no its a configuration file, you need to edit it07:59
astro76shiester_miester, sure they are, just because root account is disabled... sudo still gives you root priveleges07:59
quaalIndyGunFreak, yea i was thinking the same.08:00
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vip3rousmangowhen i'm trying to mount an image, which mountpoint do i use? cdrom0, or cdrom1?08:00
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shiester_miestergrazed, definitely make a backup of it first, and figure out the syntax that it uses08:00
outerIt's just the Thunderbird 2 folder08:00
outerTheres lots of files in it.08:00
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shiester_miestergrazed, figure out the xorg.conf syntax before you go messing with it :P08:00
preactionAdeman: theoretically you could make your own virtual machines using one of the VM packages available (which would be more in-line with solaris containers)08:00
grazedgot ya08:00
bruenigZack, you were talking about dragging and dropping files as a regular user and then have a password dialog come up offering you to switch to root, this is much more difficult because the gksudo setup is not universal across linux distros and so that sort of functionality would break different types of configuration that have root users and don't use sudo08:00
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shiester_miesterouter, yes, there are. one of them is a file that runs thunderbird08:00
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bruenigouter, move the entire directory to /opt08:01
shiester_miesterbruenig, why?08:01
ZackOk question! Does everybody else see a HUGE white box over almost all of www.toyota.com ?   bruenig i get it now08:01
bruenigshiester_miester, that is what the filesystem dictates08:01
Ademanpreaction: yeah true, so i guess it avoids bad code by virtue of being a virtual environment... i guess... probably in combination with a chroot i guess08:01
shiester_miesteri just shoved mine in the home directory :/08:01
james296I really would like to know what to do to change the System Update icon in Synaptic...08:01
IndyGunFreakquaal: or, leave Windows about 10-20gig partition, which is plenty for Quickbooks, IE, and Office(which quickbooks really needs), and then assign the rest of the hard drive to Ubuntu.., and dual boot xp and ubuntu.., and just boot XP when quickbooks is needed, but vmware is probably more practical.08:01
Newbie_DudeAnyone know where to get build-essential, linux-headers-ARCH, fakeroot" I checked Synaptic and didn't find any of those, this modem driver thing says I need those to build. :(08:01
bruenigZack, yeah bad flash08:02
james296because when I replaced the old icon, it still is not changed08:02
astro76vip3rousmango,  neither, mount it somewhere else like /mnt, or /media/whatever08:02
preactionAdeman: not exactly, there is no chroot because it's a different server (it's a Virtual machine)08:02
quaalIndyGunFreak, thanks08:02
quaaldont think i want a dual booting situation though08:02
kairu0mdadm question: my root partition is on hda1, and i have a software raid1 setup with /sda1+sdb1. if hda1 dies will i have trouble importing the raid into a new installation?08:02
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varkabruenig: since when are we talking about linux distros in common, i thought ubuntu is still the topic?!08:02
shiester_miesterquaal, yeah dual booting sucks08:02
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Ademanpreaction: ah08:02
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Zackbruenig: see thats what i was trying to fix! i have been following a bug report and someone said that when they installed this latest version of flash it was fixed!08:02
vip3rousmangoZack: I also see a massive white block, it seems their flash-header isn't loading like they'd want it too =b08:02
bruenigshiester_miester, technically stuff like firefox and thunderbird are supposed to be in /opt, I know other distros like arch actually have the package manager put them in there, most distros however try to fit it in to the /usr scheme of things with bin and lib and whatnot08:02
BrentHello everyone08:02
bruenigZack, you should be fine on other pages like youtube08:02
shiester_miestergday Brent08:02
DrkCodemanwhat is good software to capture applications?08:02
outerAbout OPT, apparently I don't have permission to write to that folder.08:02
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, .NET08:03
ZackThere are many flash websites like this, www.samsung.com  ect.08:03
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vip3rousmangoastro76: wait what, I can mount to any folder i want?!08:03
preactionAdeman: a chrooted program could still theoretically take up all the resources of the kernel, could crash things. the only thing it cannot do is access any files that exist outside of / (because to that program, they can not exist)08:03
IndyGunFreakquaal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18320908:03
DrkCodemansomething like fraps08:03
BrentI'm wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I'm having. It has to do with running Ubuntu on my laptop08:03
shiester_miester!justask | Brent08:03
ubotuBrent: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:03
vip3rousmangoBrent: just ask, if we can help we shall :)08:03
BrentI get a blank screen when I try to run it, no matter if it's a live boot or installed08:03
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bruenigouter, just don't worry about it, keep it in your home directory and run the thunderbird file inside the directory08:03
shiester_miesteri win!08:03
DrkCodemanshiester_miester, no like fraps but for linux08:03
Nutubuntutypester_meister ;)08:03
varun00is there some way to do a bare Ubuntu install? or at least choose what packages I want?08:03
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Brentubotu, sorry, I was trying to not "butt in"08:04
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, dunno08:04
preactionAdeman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot <- a good article about the limitations of chroot08:04
Ademanthanks preaction08:04
Zackbruenig: i know but i am a automotive columnist writer and many of the sites/sources i use have this problem and i mainly work with TOYOTA AND SCION!08:04
vip3rousmangoBrent: ubotu is a bot.. not human =b08:04
shiester_miestervarun00, ubuntu install is pretty minimalistic as it is...08:04
ZackScion wont even load08:04
BrentYeah, I just realized that, sorry!08:04
DrkCodemananyone here know decent software for linux like fraps for capturing game feeds?08:04
vip3rousmangoso are u trying to install ubuntu onto your laptop?08:04
astro76vip3rousmango, yes, by convention /mnt is used to temporarily mount things, and drives are mounted in subdirs under /media, technically it can be mounted to any empty directory08:04
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, what exactly are you trying to capture?08:04
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shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, audio? video? network traffic?08:04
ZackNobody can get www.scion.com to load either correct?08:04
BrentI have tried installing ubuntu on an external drive, and also running the live DVD08:04
varun00shiester_miester: oh. I didn't realize, I guess. I'm used to all the other distros where you can individually select packages08:04
outerThanks, do I run the "thunderbird" file through terminal?08:04
DrkCodemani host lan parties i like to capture in game gameplay08:04
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, code execution?08:04
Brentit's from a cover disk08:04
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, ah, so you mean video08:05
bruenigZack, send them an email telling them their site sucks, you can also get windows firefox going through wine and then install windows flash into that, that is a tad more involved though08:05
preactionAdeman: but, again, if your friend wants the exact functionality of Solaris Containers, your best bet would be a VM solution (qemu, vmware, etc...)08:05
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, yeah there is one or more08:05
BrentI am able to run other distros on this machine, but not Ubuntu based08:05
Brentor so it seems08:05
DrkCodemanwhat are good ones?08:05
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Zackbruenig: i have wine and i know how to use it i was just trying to avoid that because wine is unstable.08:05
vip3rousmangoastro76: so to mount massive.img all i'd have to do is:: sudo mount -o loop massive.img /mnt08:05
Ademanpreaction: yeah i dunno, he's a bit insane, he's insistent on hardening his computer which won't even be exposed to the WAN08:05
bruenigZack, no it isn't08:05
shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, i remember reading about them on the youtube videos about compositing software, where these apps were used to grab the video output of the compositing software like beryl and compiz08:06
DrkCodemanLives might support it hmm08:06
bruenigZack, wine is always running on my computer because utorrent sits in the tray so long as my computer is on08:06
preactionAdeman: i lied, here's an article about some other OS-level Virtualization solutions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system-level_virtualization08:06
bruenigand has been like that for a year or so08:06
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shiester_miesterDrkCodeman, i dunno what they are called though...ask someone else ;)08:06
Zackbruenig: iv had issues... utorrent? and www.scion.com isnt loadable correct? I just need to make sure im up to date and im not missing something.08:06
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BrentHas anyone else gotten an ubuntu distro working on an HP laptop?08:06
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astro76Brent, HP Pavillion zd821508:07
vip3rousmangoBrent: yes, Im using ubuntu on my HP Pavilion dv100008:07
varun00I'm having trouble getting sound to work......and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it. Is there a doc/wiki page for setting up sound?08:07
outerHm, I can't seem to figure out what command will run the Thunderbird file.08:07
BrentI'm using a dv6119us08:07
astro76outer, where did you untar it?08:07
bruenigZack, there is nothing you can do I assure you, I have flash java and the works going as far as plugins, the flash is just poor, I would just roll with windows firefox and windows flash through wine08:07
varun00It looks like it's detecting my sound card properly, I just can't hear any sounds08:07
vip3rousmangoBrent: does the liveCD not run?...08:07
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shiester_miesterZack, www.scion.com seems to load up to 80% and then stop :/08:07
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jd_hello all08:08
BrentIt starts to load, I get the menu and all, but after loading some stuff, it just goes to a blank screen. I have to restart the computer to get out of it08:08
shiester_miesterZack, this is such a crappy website that i cant even begin to describe how crappy it is08:08
shiester_miesterjd_, gday08:08
outerI extracted the entire folder into my Home Folder08:08
vip3rousmangoBrent: does that HP have a built in ATI/nVidia card?08:08
Zackwww.scion.com is actually using the latest in xml code...08:08
n8of9Does anyone here know how to swap audio channels in Edgy? (left <-> right)08:08
jd_i have a ? bout beryl08:08
BrentYes, it's a Geforce card08:08
quaalanyone run vmware08:08
shiester_miesterZack, yeah, except that all the content is in flash...08:08
Brent6150 Go I believe08:08
vip3rousmangoBrent: Geforce what?08:08
quaaland is there a apt-get for it08:08
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astro76outer, you can run it with ~/thunderbird/thunderbird08:08
Brentor Go 6150, something like that08:09
shiester_miesterZack, which completely eliminates all benefit you get from using the latest standards08:09
IndyGunFreakquaal: i'm pretty sure its in the repositories.08:09
jd_i cant get my skydome to work08:09
Nutubuntuquaal,  vmware-server in the commercial repos08:09
Zackit has been described as "internet 2.0 symbol of the future." as far as coding goes.08:09
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shiester_miesterZack, and also, they are missing an <XML> tag from the start :P08:09
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vip3rousmangoBrent: Most likely you're missing some graphic drivers if screen goes black but kernel and everything loads up fine..08:09
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makuseru hi, i have a question about mplayer, when you do 'mplayer -dumpaudio video.avi' it dumps the audio stram out for you, is there anyway to dump only a portion of it out? just like point a to point b, instead of dumping the entire stream?08:09
shiester_miesterso they arent quite as perfect as you say they are08:09
vip3rousmango!ati | Brent08:09
ubotuBrent: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:09
quaalNutubuntu, E: Couldn't find package vmware-server08:09
BrentHow can I fix that?08:09
bluestarhi all08:09
astro76outer, or if you want you can put a link in /usr/local/bin which is in your path, ln -s ~/thunderbird/thunderbird /usr/local/bin/thunderbird08:09
Nutubuntuquaal,  commercial repos08:09
BrentOops, sorry, cross post08:09
shiester_miesterZack, what a pile of crap...its in FLASH08:09
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Zacktag? im just telling what has been reported08:09
astro76outer, then you can just type thunderbird08:10
quaalNutubuntu, hmm08:10
jd_can anyone help with my beryl ?\08:10
IndyGunFreakNutubuntu: but it is still free isn't it?...08:10
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outerThank you so much, it works.08:10
bruenig!beryl | jd_08:10
ubotujd_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:10
BrentCould it be a Gnome issue?08:10
deaincaeloi'm a newbie here, i was wondering if someone could help me with xchat crashing when i try to pull up servers?08:10
shiester_miesterZack, obviously its not very good at all since it doesnt appear to work in ubuntu / firefox08:10
BrentI got PCLinuxOS working fine08:10
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BrentI think that runs, KDE, no?08:10
outerNow I know how to run progreams from just extracting them, thanks a lot, seriously.08:10
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Zackbut it works in others.08:10
NutubuntuIndyGunFreak,  yes, all they want from you is an E-addy08:10
shiester_miesterZack, on the other hand, my own website works in everything, so therefore it must be better than theirs :P08:10
jd_yes but i know this but my skydome does not work08:10
IndyGunFreakBrent: pretty sure, but i think there's a version that uses Gnome also.08:10
shiester_miesterZack, a real web developer is not content with his site working in "MOST" browsers...it should work in EVERYTHING08:11
Zackwell thats just depressing.08:11
vip3rousmangoBrent: i guess it's possible. I didn't have any issues installing linux over windows for this HP machine.. but then again your HP is much better than mine and has a lot more native drivers on it08:11
Nutubuntuquaal,  http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ I think will get you the commercial repository08:11
outerI'm going to go exploring for some software, thanks for the help everyone.08:11
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shiester_miesterits their own fault for using flash where its not necessary08:11
vip3rousmangoshiester_miester is right.08:11
klobstershout out: http:/firewater.tv best band ever.  give em your ears, then give em your money08:11
quaalNutubuntu, thanks bud08:11
shiester_miesterand not even having a html-based version08:11
Nutubuntuy/w quaal08:11
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ZackI seriously need these sites and they DONT WORK.08:11
necroAnyone have an idea why samba would stop working after a power outage?  I haven't changed any settings.  Any help would be appreciated.08:11
astro76Brent, and my HP has an ATI card... I doubt it's related to kde vs gnome08:11
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vip3rousmango.. and thats why no one buys a scion08:11
BrentI can't get Linux Mint or Ubuntu Studio running either, which is why I thought it was Ubuntu related. I'm looking at that site now. I hope I can understand it all! I'm still pretty much a newb08:12
Bijun hi08:12
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Zackoh well, ill try wine.08:12
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BrentOk, that's good news astro7608:12
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NutubuntuWell, that and the fact that they look like a shoebox08:12
jd_ok can any one help with skydomes in beryl08:12
vip3rousmangoBrent: everyone has to start somewhere =b08:12
deaincaeloi'm a newbie here, i was wondering if someone could help me with xchat crashing when i try to pull up servers?08:12
ZackBijun: need anything?08:12
shiester_miesterZack, it opens fine in internet explorer in ubuntu08:12
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bluestarany one knows a good anti-virus for ubuntu08:12
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shiester_miesterZack, oh wait...apparently not08:12
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shiester_miesterbluestar, www.avast.com08:12
BrentI'll read some on that site, and ask with the stuff I don't understand. BRB08:12
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vip3rousmangodeaincaelo: x-chat crashes when you try to bring up the sever list to connect to ubuntu server?08:12
IndyGunFreakbluestar: i think in addition to avast, there's clamav08:12
shiester_miesterZack, well, looks like it doesnt work in ubuntu at all08:12
Nutubuntubluestar,  clamav, avast08:12
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Zackshiester_miester: ah! seriously!08:12
IndyGunFreakwhich is more or less a suite08:13
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vip3rousmangoIndyGunFreak: you need anti-virus on linux!?08:13
shiester_miesterZack, yeah, i tried IE and it does the same thing08:13
IndyGunFreakvip3rousmango: i don't...lol, bluestar asked, so i told him08:13
shiester_miestervip3rousmango, better safe than sorry ;) there ARE viruses for linux, just less of them08:13
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astro76!virus | bluestar08:13
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ubotubluestar: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:13
deaincaelovip3rousmango: no, it crashes when i click irc, connect, then the server08:13
Bijun hi ppl08:13
kr00lplatinumanyone want to help me get beryl to run on boot so, I don't have to manually start it?08:13
Zackshiester_miester: what could we/ubuntu be missing?...... theres something that we dont have that IE has.08:13
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pondyBijun, hi08:13
Zackwell not IE08:13
vip3rousmangoshiester_miester: true. that would just suck so much though.. linux viruses :(08:13
Zackbut ubuntu08:14
xerxes31415Can anyone tell me if there's a way to get 32 bit programs and applications to run on my 64-bit system?08:14
shiester_miesterZack, its not our fault, its their own fault for making a non-compatible website08:14
IndyGunFreakZack: how about bloated code?08:14
BrentOk, first question. It seems like I have to be IN Linux to install these drivers?08:14
bluestardo i need a firewall?08:14
Bijun obviously08:14
shiester_miesterbluestar, ubuntu has a firewall08:14
ZackBloated code? Explain.08:14
astro76deaincaelo, you could try xchat instead of xchat-gnome08:14
shiester_miesterBrent, yes, you have to be in linux to install linux drivers ;)08:14
Newbie_DudeI can't believe Conexant drivers are free for Windows but 15 bucks on Linux, slap in the face!!!08:14
IndyGunFreakbluestar: its a good idea to have a hardware firewall, no matter what OS you run, but if you don't have one, then you should configure iptables08:14
kr00lplatinumAnyone want to help me with Beryl?08:14
bluestarwhere ?08:14
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IndyGunFreak!iptables | bluestar08:14
BrentThat's the problem. I can't get in to it08:14
ubotubluestar: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:14
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shiester_miesterxerxes31415, 32bit code can execute natively on a 64bit cpu08:14
BrentIt goes blank before I ever get a mouse cursor or anything08:15
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Zackshiester_miester: but we should be able to adapt well enough to take in those screw ups just as Windows and Mac does.08:15
shiester_miesterxerxes31415, but whether the program itself works or not is up to the program...sometimes they just WONT08:15
deaincaeloastro76: tried gnome first, then the regular. same thing. roommate suggested completely wiping it and re-installing.08:15
DribblyLungOozehow do I change the screen resolution of the login screen?08:15
Nutubuntubluestar,  you can build a fine firewall out of an old Pentium or even a 486 ... google  smoothwall or ipcop, for example08:15
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kr00lplatinumAny BERYL experts out there?08:15
bluestarthank you for your help08:15
IndyGunFreak!beryl | kr00lplatinum08:15
ubotukr00lplatinum: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:15
shiester_miesterZack, the problem is that they are designed FOR windows, since its the most popular, so you won't see any problems if you just use IE in windows since the whole web is pretty much made for it08:15
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Zackkr00lplatinum: i maybe able to help08:15
kairu0mdadm question: my root partition is on hda1, and i have a software raid1 setup with /sda1+sdb1. if hda1 dies will i have trouble importing the raid into a new installation?08:15
shiester_miestersomeone should change that link to #beryl08:15
Nutubuntukr00lplatinum,  likely theyd' be in #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion08:16
xerxes31415sheister_meister: that's what I keep reading, and there seem to be some major items out there that won't run08:16
necroneed help with samba suddenly not working.  Anyone?08:16
shiester_miesterxerxes31415, yep, thats why i run 32bit ubuntu on my 64bit cpu08:16
xerxes31415like boinc, skype, and flash08:16
kr00lplatinumZack: i need to know how to get Beryl to boot on the starup. I don't want to have to launch it every time.08:16
shiester_miesterxerxes31415, because the programmers just do NOT write the software to be compatible with the newer architecture08:16
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astro76deaincaelo, you could try deleting your .xchat2 directory (or mv it temporarily, mv ~/.xchat2 .xchat2-bak08:16
xerxes31415that's a real pity, I might just have to do that08:16
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: same here... much less hoop jumping, and there's not that much of an advantage to 64bit... but you know some people, they gotta have everything.08:16
wyrmhi guys, sign the petition08:17
Zacksheister_miester: too bad we dont all have more of a say in the internet code08:17
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, system -> preferences - > sessions08:17
astro76deaincaelo, I'm not sure what xchat-gnome uses08:17
bruenigkr00lplatinum, put it in the ~/.xinitirc08:17
bruenig!ot | wyrm08:17
ubotuwyrm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:17
Zackubotu startup08:17
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:17
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shiester_miesterZack, yes!  it pisses me off daily, as a web developer, having to design for IE08:17
deaincaeloastro76: thx08:17
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kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: what do i do then?08:17
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, add it to the list of things that start up :P08:17
xerxes31415now a different question, will I notice a change switching to 32-bit? (ignoring stuff I've installed, et al)08:18
crypticpenguineverytime i change the start up with sessions it never get saved, do i need to login under root for it to be permanent?08:18
BrentAny ideas as to why I can't even get into Linux to load my drivers?08:18
Zackkr00lplatinum l startup08:18
tupaeverytime I start session in KDE the apps from the previous session are re-opened08:18
IndyGunFreakxerxes31415: probably not.08:18
shiester_miesterxerxes31415, its exactly the same, but more stuff works and it will be slightly slower08:18
tupadoes anyone know where the applications session/log is saved?08:18
bruenigtupa, yeah you have it set to save the session08:18
Zackubotu l kr00lplatinum startup08:18
kr00lplatinumZach: how do i add it?08:18
bruenigtupa, in ~ somewhere08:18
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, its quite easy, seriously08:18
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BrentIsn't there like a safe mode in Grub or something that I can try? Maybe?08:18
DribblyLungOozei am using Edgy Eft 6.10, with the default gnome ubuntu login screen. It always loads at 1280x1024 which my monitor doesn't support properly so it looks corrupted. How do I change the login screen to 1024x768????08:18
bruenigtupa, ~/.cache makes sense as does ~/.config just go have a look08:18
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, you click the "new" button08:18
Zackkr00lplatinum: read these instructions.08:19
Zackubotu startup08:19
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:19
kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: I don't know linux.08:19
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, and then you type in the name of the app and then the command line for it08:19
IndyGunFreakBrent: you can google for the Super grub Disk, and use it to reinstall Grub.08:19
xerxes31415shiester_miester, may I PM?08:19
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, its not about knowing linux...please actually have a look at something and TRY it first, before saying "i dont know"08:19
kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: how do you get the command line for things08:19
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mhz`kr00lplatinum, what do you mean?08:19
BrentGrub loads fine and I can select the Ubuntu OS, but I think there might have been another option there. If it's like a safe mode, should that run enough for me to get the drivers?08:19
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shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, how do you launch beryl?08:19
Zackkr00lplatinum: applications > accessories > terminal08:20
astro76kr00lplatinum, Applications->Accessories->Terminal08:20
jd_can some please help me08:20
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kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: i've been on beryl home page for about a week and i don't get it. I'm a n00b to linux not to how computers work.08:20
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Zackkr00lplatinum: oh that command line08:20
Jordan_Ujd_, Ask your question, if someone can help they will08:20
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, most people in here are n00bs, including me :P08:20
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IndyGunFreakBrent: i think there's a recovery mode in your grub entries, but it will boot a command line...08:20
cotyrotheryguys how do i do a bios update with ubuntu08:20
shiester_miesterkr00lplatinum, so have you installed beryl yet?08:20
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jd_i need help making my skydome work in beryl08:20
Bijun u ppl should get on private chat08:20
bayu_krhelp me.. i have a dvd room but i can't open a cd, i'm running on feisty08:20
BrentYikes, I don't know my way around command line at all08:20
Bijun this is damn messy08:20
cotyrotheryI need to know08:20
IndyGunFreakBijun: what do you mean?08:21
shiester_miesterBijun, private chat wouldnt work at all08:21
MadpilotBijun, this is pretty standard for this channel08:21
DribblyLungOozeanyone know how to change the screen res of login screen? hello?08:21
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Zackshiester_miester: ill show you what he means, system>preferences>sessions> new08:21
kr00lplatinumshiester_miester: yes but i had to use automatix08:21
Bijun too many conversations running round08:21
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necroAnyone know why samba would just stop working?  I haven't changed anything?08:21
Nutubuntuactually Bijun this is a slow night :)08:21
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Bijun ppl are bound to get confused08:21
IndyGunFreakBijun: well, nobody said you had to read them all.08:21
Madpilotkr00lplatinum, autobreakitz is best avoided...08:21
shiester_miester!automatix | kr00lplatinum08:21
ubotukr00lplatinum: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:21
astro76cotyrothery, bios updates are done outside of your OS08:21
kr00lplatinumZach: do you know what command line i need for beryl?08:21
BrentI'm new here, and I'm not confused in the slightest08:21
IndyGunFreakBijun: thats why you put the persons name you're talking to, at the beginning, so it highlights and alerts the person you talk to.08:21
shiester_miesterBijun, occasionally they do, but thats what you get in IRC08:21
astro76cotyrothery, usually either a boot floppy or some bios setups have a bios upgrade utility built in08:21
BrentWell, about the chat, that is08:21
cotyrotheryastro76: i know but the scan said i need windows08:21
Bijun oh08:21
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Bijun i'm on trillian08:21
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MadpilotBrent, :D08:22
shiester_miesteryou just have to keep up :P08:22
Bijun so the highlighting thing doesn't work08:22
Zackkr00lplatinum: iv had to use command lines b4 with my ipod im just trying to remember how to use them08:22
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Zackubotu command line08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command line - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
astro76cotyrothery, is there a windows utility to do it for your mobo or something?08:22
jd_does anyone in here use beryl?08:22
IndyGunFreakBijun: just another reason to use an actual irc client i guess08:22
shiester_miesterBijun, how about you use a real irc client08:22
Jordan_U!terminal | Zack08:22
ubotuZack: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:22
Zackubotu command lines08:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command lines - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
shiester_miesterjd_, i used to, until recently08:22
Madpilotubotu, cli | Zack08:22
cotyrotheryastro76: ?08:22
BrentI'm using Chatzilla, if that helps anyone08:22
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alienseer23how do I mount an iso image AS a dvd? (not as a folder)08:22
Bijun k folks i'm running08:22
shiester_miesterjd_, skydomes are easy...just give it an image and it should work08:22
DribblyLungOozeDribblyLungOoze: your question was well structured. Congratulations. You win first prize.08:22
Zackubotu cli08:22
Bijun bye08:22
Bijun enjoy all08:22
shiester_miesterjd_, just make sure the image is in one of the formats it accepts08:22
cotyrotheryI really need a bios update08:22
jd_no not that easy it wont work08:22
shiester_miestercya Bijun08:22
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cotyrotherymine has not been updated since 0208:23
shiester_miesterjd_, why not?08:23
MadpilotZack, the bot seems to have some lag here08:23
cotyrotheryand i dont know how with ubuntu08:23
Nutubuntuthat was nice of him to come in just to tell us he's confused :)08:23
shiester_miesterive never updated mine :O08:23
Zackjordan_u: not that kind of command line,08:23
cotyrotheryits good to08:23
jd_when i try to use a pic it just turns the dome white08:23
IndyGunFreakNutubuntu: lol, kinda what i was thinking08:23
BrentI'm going to try a reboot and see what is available in my Grub, and I'll come back if/when I have problems. Thanks so much for helping me so far guys08:23
Jordan_UZack, What kind of command line?08:23
Brentand gals, if there are any,08:23
shiester_miesterjd_, is it in a format that beryl can open?08:23
shiester_miesterno worries, Brent08:23
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:23
NutubuntuI mean, in case I was wondering, now I know :)08:23
Madpilotubotu, cli | Zack08:23
ubotuZack: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:23
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shiester_miesterjd_, i think it opens that :/ try it in a different format08:23
DribblyLungOozeberyl sux anyhow.....08:24
shiester_miesterno way08:24
ZackTO ALL: we need to know how to get a command line to add a program to start up. System> preferences> sessions> nes08:24
shiester_miesterberyl kicks ass08:24
necroNeed some samba help when someone gets a chance.  Thanx.08:24
shiester_miestercompiz-fusion is better, though08:24
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IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: i'm pretty sure you update your bios in U buntu, the same way you do w/ windows, but 've not flashed my bios ever, in about 3yrs08:24
TiMiDohey i have a question im getting this error while running dpkg-reconfigure -a dpkg: ../../src/packages.c191 process_queue assertion dependtryB <=  4 failed any errors08:24
jd_is there a apt get thing for compiz08:24
DribblyLungOoze i am using Edgy Eft 6.10, with the default gnome ubuntu login screen. It always loads at 1280x1024 which my monitor doesn't support properly so it looks corrupted. How do I change the login screen to 1024x768????08:24
Pie-rateif i install Ubuntu on my external hard drive and move it to an entirely different system (still x86 though) will it still function properly?08:24
TiMiDoany ideas?08:24
shiester_miesterZack, well you figure out what it is from a shortcut, usually08:24
Jordan_UZack, What is the name of the command?08:24
cotyrotheryIndyGunFreak: so were and how would i do this08:24
shiester_miesterjd_, yes there is, i think08:24
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TiMiDohow can i fixed this problem08:24
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IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: well, first and foremost, why?... its a fairly risky procedure, so if you don't need to do it, i wouldn't bother08:25
jd_how do i go about finding this then08:25
Zackjordan_u: that is what were trying to figure out, were trying to get beryl to start on startup08:25
Jordan_UPie-rate, No, but the few problems can be fixed08:25
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Madpilotcotyrothery, a lot of motherboards have BIOS flashing independant of the OS - for my Asus board, you just have to dump the new bios file onto a floppy and restart the box08:25
Jordan_UZack, beryl-manager08:25
shiester_miesterjd_, ask them in #opencompositing, thats the compiz-fusion specific channel08:25
cotyrotheryMine is a phenox08:25
Pie-rateJordan_U: can it be made portable?08:25
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: thats how my MSI board is also.08:25
shiester_miesteras long as beryl-manager starts up on startup :P08:25
jd_thank you very much ill try that08:25
DribblyLungOozeyada yada yada... ?08:25
Newbie_DudeHow do I "Copy" something from the Terminal? Control-C doesn't work. :P08:25
IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: that really has nothing to do with it, you need the make/model # of your motherboard.08:26
TiMiDohey i have a question im getting this error while running dpkg-reconfigure -a dpkg: ../../src/packages.c191 process_queue assertion dependtryB <=  4 failed any ideas?08:26
NutubuntuBy the time my BIOS needed flashing I needed a new rig, the last two times :)08:26
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shiester_miesterblah blah blah...?08:26
Jordan_UPie-rate, Sort of, depends on what you need and how much time you are willing to spend08:26
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IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: why are you wanting to updating your BIOS?08:26
necroshiester: any idea why samba would just stop working?  I've restarted it and still no go.  Haven't changed any settings.08:26
arooniwhere is the sources.list file found?08:26
shiester_miesterhey, Guest2436208:26
Nutubuntuarooni,  /etc/apt08:26
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Jordan_Uarooni, /etc/apt/sources.list08:26
shiester_miester!hi | Guest2436208:26
ZackGuest24362: what do you need?08:26
ubotuGuest24362: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:26
Pie-rateJordan_U: i want to be able to take it with me, use it on arbitrary machines at school, use it at work, friend's house, etc.08:27
Newbie_DudeAnyone know how to "Copy" something from Terminal? Control-C and Control-Shift-C did something that was not copy...08:27
mhz`dallas is how many hours behind EST? 2?08:27
=== shiester_miester has a bad feeling about Guest24362
cotyrotheryIndyGunFreak: because im not able to boot from usb without it08:27
cotyrotheryplus my bios firmeware is old08:27
Zackmhz': yes08:27
TiMiDohey i have a question im getting this error while running dpkg-reconfigure -a dpkg: ../../src/packages.c191 process_queue assertion dependtryB <=  4 failed me salio este error08:27
Madpilotcotyrothery, that page specifically says that phoenix don't actually provide bios support, or actually make motherboards -so who made your actual mobo?08:27
mhz`ok, ty08:27
TiMiDoany ideas?08:27
IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: i'm just saying, flashing the bios, if something gos wrong, can be a gigantic pain the ass to fix, so if you don't absolutely have to do it, i wouldn't.08:27
Pie-rateJordan_U: if there's a good video card available i want the restricted drivers manager to see it and get the restricted drivers for it, and be able to play games08:27
=== shiester_miester has had enough of helping out for one day
ZackGuest24362: Any questions? do you need help with anything??08:27
Jordan_UPie-rate, Easiest way to make a portable system would be use the instructions for a persistent flash drive08:27
shiester_miestercya everyone!08:27
DribblyLungOozeTiMiDo: dribbbble...... dribble.....08:27
NutubuntuBe well, shiester_miester08:28
vip3rousmangolater shiester_miester08:28
IndyGunFreakshiester_miester: take care08:28
TiMiDoDribblyLungOoze: ?08:28
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:28
necroCan anyone give me a quick hand with samba plz!@08:28
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cotyrotheryIndyGunFreak: well either way i am planing on buying  a new mobo08:28
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DribblyLungOozeTiMiDo: .......blblbbbb.... dribbbbbble... ?08:28
IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: well, proceed at your own risk, but my guess is, they have fairly clear instructions on their site08:28
Jordan_UPie-rate, X is getting to the point where you can do that on most machines by simply not having an xorg.conf08:28
nixternalr0b-: ?08:28
TiMiDohow do i turn my root on08:29
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Pie-rateJordan_U: i know, but what other things might cause problems?08:29
ZackAnyone need help?08:29
Nutubuntu!root | TiMiDo08:29
ubotuTiMiDo: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:29
necroZack: yes!08:29
TiMiDoNutubuntu: im on terminal08:29
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Zacknecro: what do you need?08:29
r0b-hi nixternal08:29
necroZack: samba just stopped working.  No changes I made.08:29
vip3rousmangoTiMiDo: use sudo <command>08:29
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togrTiMiDo, sudo works in terminal08:29
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Zackubotu samba08:29
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:29
Jordan_UPie-rate, The fstab might have problems though it really shouldn't matter now that Ubuntu uses UUID's ( at least / will be mounted correctly )08:30
TiMiDotogr: what if  i want to set a password for root08:30
TiMiDohow would i do it?08:30
togrTiMiDo, you don't08:30
SlickMcRunfastDoes anyone know whats going to be new in tribe 3 next week?08:30
necroZack: it was working fine, then a power outage, and now, nuthin'.  I've restarted samba and still nothing.08:30
Jordan_UPie-rate, The think that I don't know how to make portable would be grub08:30
togrread what ubotu told you08:30
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Zackwhat kind of windows environment are you trying to use? connecting to another computer on the network?08:30
vip3rousmangoSlickMcRunfast: tribe 3 is out next week?!?!08:30
IndyGunFreakSlickMcRunfast: #ubuntu+108:30
necroZack: yes, an xp machine.08:30
DribblyLungOozeanyone been able to work out how to change login screen res yet?08:30
Jordan_UPie-rate, When creating a live flash drive you use syslinux instead08:30
Newbie_DudeWhat's easier to use, XChat IRC Client or XChat-GNOME IRC Chat?08:31
necroZack: like I said, I didn't change ANYTHING.08:31
Pie-rateJordan_U: when ubuntu is installed what is actually configured for the machine that it is installed on, apart from xorg/fstab?08:31
Pie-rateTiMiDo: its possible but i wouldn't recommend it.08:31
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vip3rousmangoNewbie_Dude: there pretty much the same client08:31
Zacknecro: ok that would be XP. your XP is booted right?08:31
MadpilotNewbie_Dude, XChat-gnome is the crippled, useless version; use XChat instead08:31
IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: did you see that warning in red letters on that site?08:31
cotyrotherythe only reason for me wanting to update my bios is because in hope of being able to boot image files from my usb flash at start08:31
necroZack: yes08:31
Zacknecro: signed in? and can it get on the internet?08:31
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Newbie_DudeThanks, I'll get X-Chat.08:31
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IndyGunFreakMadpilot: lol, not sure i'd call it crippled, but xchat is better(I actually prefer xchat-gnome's interface)08:31
necroZack: yep08:31
Pie-rateJordan_U: well i'm going to just change the bios on the machines i'm using to boot from my external hard drive, so it'll use GRUB on the external's boot sector, right?08:31
necroZack: I believe it's a permission problem, lemmie check..08:32
Newbie_DudeShould I pony up $15 to Linuxant to provide a Conexant dialup modem driver?08:32
Jordan_UPie-rate, grub.... /etc/networking/interfaces ( though that doesn't matter now with network manager )08:32
Spaceman3750xChat annoys me...  I use Chatzilla for FireFox08:32
Zacknecro: ok so when you start/ try to start samba what happens?08:32
IndyGunFreakchatzilla?..lol, talk about annoying08:32
vip3rousmangoKonversation with a custom colour scheme to make it easyer on the eyes.. works wonders08:32
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cotyrotheryIndyGunFreak: i know the risk08:32
necroZack: checking....08:32
Jordan_UPie-rate, Grub will load, whether it will actually boot is another question08:32
Zacknecro: ok08:32
IndyGunFreakcotyrothery: thatsn ot my point, its telling you to contact your computer or motherboard manufacturer.08:32
IndyGunFreakso thats who you need to call/who's site you need to go to.08:33
Pie-rateJordan_U: exactly, this is why i'm asking this. the addition of the restricted drivers manager and network manager and latest xorg theoretically makes a portable system possible08:33
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Pie-rateJordan_U: anyway, why wouldn't it boot?08:33
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DribblyLungOozehow I changen 'em screen rezzolooshun on loggin skreeeeen???08:33
Pie-rateJordan_U: is there any way i can just switch out the bootloader after installing?08:33
IndyGunFreakDribblyLungOoze: why don't you try speaking in english08:34
aroonihelp folks108:34
Jordan_UPie-rate, Because while the external drive may be (hd1) on your comp it could be (hd2) on another08:34
necroZack: it sez...."\blah\Music is not accessible.  You may not have permission blah blah.  Network access is denied."08:34
Spaceman3750Is there any way I can make it so limited users can access the Windows partition?  Right now only administrators can, and it's annoying...08:34
cotyrotheryThe only thing i want to really do is be able to start a iso image at boot off my psp flash08:34
aroonii get "E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header'" wheneve ri try to install something08:34
Pie-rateJordan_U: ok, so how do i change the boot loader out?08:34
DribblyLungOozeIndyGunFreak: english didn't work...08:34
Zacknecro: it says that on ur linux or windows?08:34
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vip3rousmangocotyrothery: your trying to intall linux on ur PSP?08:34
IndyGunFreakDribblyLungOoze: well, neither will sounding like an idiot, maybe nobody here knows.08:34
necroZack: on the xp machine when trying to connect to the samba shares.08:34
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: no08:34
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cotyrotheryi want to use my psp as a flash drive08:35
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Zacknecro: ok are you on a wireless network?08:35
necroZack: nawp08:35
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: it is a flash drive when on USB mode..08:35
DribblyLungOozeIndyGunFreak: true, but it was fun.08:35
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Zacknecro: ok you checked permissions on ubuntu?08:35
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Jordan_UPie-rate, That's the problem, the only way that I know of ( though I am sure it is also possible with GRUB somehow ) would be to use syslinux, which would require you to use a FAT32 partition08:35
necroZack: samba was setup for global read access.08:36
necroZack: which is all I want working now.08:36
necroZack: worked fine, both machines went down, come back up, and nothin'.08:36
abhi_can anyone help me with bind9?08:36
Zacknecro: can you access XP from ubuntu?08:36
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ArtesMagaeI am pretty new to IRC (I must live under a rock, eh?) and I am a bit confused. I used GAIM to connect to this chat. When I check the room list, this chat has the most users in it. Is this only true for chats on freenode's network?08:36
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: yes i know08:36
necroZack: I think so, lemmie check...08:36
cotyrotherybut i cant figure out how to get it to boot anything08:36
necroZack: yep08:37
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Jordan_UPie-rate, Try it though, see if it works on another comp, worst comes to worst you will have to get it to boot from the grub shell08:37
Zacknecro: it actually may be your router settings.08:37
MadpilotArtesMagae, yes - you're on Freenode's server network currently; there are lots of IRC servers out there.08:37
bruenig|laptopArtesMagae, what do you mean, the  number of people in this room is 102308:37
ZackI have had that problem kind of a one way street.08:37
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bruenig|laptoptechnically channel08:37
aroonii get "E: Invalid record in the preferences file, no Package header'" wheneve ri try to install something08:37
Jordan_UArtesMagae, GAIM is not great for IRC, try xchat08:37
necroZack: hmmm....cuz maybe the ip's changed?  I do use dhcp.08:37
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: thats because its only storage, there is no /boot section on the USB card08:37
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Pie-rateJordan_U: brb, i'm on a live cd. switching back to installed ubuntu and trying hdd on laptop08:38
necroZack: I thot samba was working using pc "names" tho'.08:38
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DribblyLungOozeAnyone worked out how to change screen res for login yet?08:38
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: someone tooled me they were able to do it on theres08:38
ArtesMagaeMadpilot: and I would have to switch to another network to view other channels, correct?08:38
=== IndyGunFreak has never understood why so many people use an IM client for IRC
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: psp boots from internal mem.. not usb card, that is just for temp ram08:38
ArtesMagaeJordan: Thanks, I will have to try it.08:38
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MadpilotArtesMagae, sure, if the couple of thousand channels Freenode hosts don't cover what you need.08:38
ArtesMagaeIndy: Because they have nothing else currently. :P08:38
aroonihey folks08:38
Zacknecro: i believe you should check your router for security settings and your IP, it may be set to allow only certain IPs to interact which wouldnt have anything to do with samba08:38
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: what PSP firmware are you running?08:38
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aroonican someone help me get my package manager working again08:38
MadpilotArtesMagae, most IRC clients can connect to more than one IRC server at once08:38
IndyGunFreakArtesMagae: well, xchat is installed with a base install.08:38
bruenig|laptopIndyGunFreak, I don't believe so08:39
bruenig|laptop!info xchat08:39
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB08:39
bruenig|laptopyeah optional08:39
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: im using 3.40 OE-A08:39
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, no it isn't - not anymore. Back in the good old days, it was.08:39
IndyGunFreakbruenig: you sure?.. maybe i'm thinking of Edgy,08:39
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bruenig|laptop!info xchat edgy08:39
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: ok..08:39
necroZack: both pc's can access the internet, and I can see the xp machine.  The router settings haven't changed either.  The only thing that may have changed are the pc's ip's, since I am using dhcp.08:39
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB08:39
bruenig|laptopoptional on edgy08:39
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: hmm.. ok well that does allow homebrew.. but are u trying to run a linux kernal on the psp??08:39
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: no08:39
bruenig|laptopmaybe breezy08:39
ArtesMagaeThanks for the help with that, Everyon!08:39
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, xchat hasn't been installed by default since Breezy :|08:40
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Zacknecro: when the computers lost power, vuwala new IP and the router had the same security permissions so it like banging your head on a brick wall... you know its there but u cant get through it!08:40
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: you sure?.. i could have sworn xchat-gnome was installed on Edgy by default.08:40
DribblyLungOozeIndyGunFreak: gaim is the IRC supporting IM client that comes with edgy08:40
IndyGunFreakDribblyLungOoze: i'm aware of that08:40
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MadpilotIndyGunFreak, maybe, but xchat-gnome != xchat08:40
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: all i want is for my mini xp usb to start at boot off of it08:40
Zacknecro: which could be why you can see your XP but cant access it.08:40
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bruenig|laptop!info xchat-gnome edgy08:40
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IndyGunFreakMadpilot: i know that, but xchat-gnome is still an IRC client, and not GAIM08:40
ubotuxchat-gnome: a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.13-0ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 296 kB, installed size 780 kB08:40
bruenig|laptopxchat-gnome was optional too08:40
necroZack: I CAN access the xp drives from ubuntu.08:40
bruenig|laptopit wasn't installed08:40
IndyGunFreakhmm, wierd.08:41
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: ok, one sec. I'm gonna browse around the PSP mod site.08:41
necroZack: and both pc's can access the internet.08:41
Taco`can someone help me with converting .wav files?08:41
IndyGunFreakbruenig|laptop: does Kubuntu have chatzilla installed by default?08:41
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, DribblyLungOoze is right - only GAIM, which can mostly do IRC. Badly.08:41
necroZack: I'm checking the router settings now.....08:41
Zacknecro: same goes for xp not accessing ubuntu.08:41
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: which one? pspupdates , psp-hacks , ?08:41
necroZack: so what's the solution?08:41
bruenig|laptopIndyGunFreak, that is a firefox extension?08:41
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: hmm, coudl have sworn it was default, obviously i was mistaken...08:41
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: pspmod.com08:41
IndyGunFreakbruenig|laptop: oh thats right.08:41
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peepsalotanyone here tried pidgin?  is it much different from the last release of gaim?08:42
Spaceman3750laptop, that's a FireFox plugin08:42
bruenig|laptoppeepsalot, not really08:42
Spaceman3750I'm using it now08:42
DribblyLungOozeI've always had to install xchat separately since dapper...08:42
LogicalDashpeepsalot, not much, a few UI fixes08:42
IndyGunFreakpeepsalot: its purple/grey instead of blue and yellow08:42
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LogicalDashpeepsalot, it has a different way of showing buddy status08:42
IndyGunFreakDribblyLungOoze: guess iv'e never paid attention when I installed it.08:42
peepsalothmm, new skin eh.  is the skin configurable?08:42
Zacki would say check security/sharing permissions with ubuntu. and check your router.08:42
Ravenndude`How can I have my terminal run a static command every time it opens?08:42
IndyGunFreakpeepsalot: not sure, i've not messed w/ trying to skin it.08:43
necroZack: I am still a bit of a linux newb.  I forgot where my samba config file is.08:43
necroZack: I checked the router.  No problems.08:43
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necroZack: the pc's are xx.1.66 and xx.1.10108:43
domsis their as software for ubuntu that something like a chikka08:43
Newbie_DudeSorry to ask again but no one answered. I have a Conexant Modem and the only driver I can find (for Feisty Fawn) is from Linuxant and they want 15 DOLLARS(!)... Is there some sort of generic modem driver I can use? I'm pretty desperate as modem is my only stable form of internet.08:44
peepsaloti never could get file transfers to work in gaim, is that my wrong settings, or is the program at fault?08:44
DribblyLungOozesurely someone must know where the info is stored which tells gnome to use 1280x1024 res for login screen?08:44
LogicalDash!ndiswrapper | Newbie_Dude08:44
ubotuNewbie_Dude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:44
Zacknecro: well then it must be linux permissions. but im in a different timezone and its 2 here. ask IndyGunFreak for any more help. He is a big help with networking. he helped me network my printers.08:44
necroZack: K.  Thanx.08:44
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ZackIndygunfreak: could you help my friend necro here?08:45
domssomething free SMS08:45
IndyGunFreakZack: then i got lucky...lol08:45
NutubuntuDribblyLungOoze,  http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/08/13/gdm-login-screen-resolution-too-big-to-fit-screen-try-this/08:45
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: any luck08:45
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domsis their a free SMS software for ubuntu like Chikka08:45
Ravenndude`How can I have my terminal run a static command every time it opens?08:45
domsis their a free SMS software for ubuntu like Chikka08:45
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=== bruenig|laptop accuses thansen|laptop of theft
Pie-rateJordan_U: booted fine on laptop. only way to really know is try it on a lot of different systems08:45
ZackIndygunfreak: could ya help him out for a lil while?08:45
Jordan_UPie-rate, Nice08:45
Newbie_Dude@LogicalDash: That's all WiFi, I'm using 56k modem :P08:45
IndyGunFreakZack: getting ready to go to bed.08:45
necroIndyGunFreak: samba kinda just stopped working.  I'm a bit of a linux newb.  But just a bit.  :)  Where is my samba config file?  Trying to troubleshoot.08:46
Pie-rateJordan_U: superblock last mount time is in the future. /dev/sda1 has gone 49709 days without being checked, check forced.08:46
IndyGunFreaknecro: no clue, i don't really mess with printers, I assume i was just giving Zack links, and he really figured it out.08:46
Jordan_UPie-rate, Did it use proprietary drivers by default?08:46
Pie-rateJordan_U: any way to stop it from forcing a check completely?08:46
Zackindygunfreak: who do you think knows networking well? its bedtime in my part of the hemisphere.08:46
Jordan_UPie-rate, It should only do it once08:46
imbecilegutsy id due out in october right/08:46
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IndyGunFreakZack: really no idea..08:46
Pie-rateJordan_U: uhh, wtf. it found errors.08:46
necroI have a feeling this is a pretty solvable problem.  :P08:47
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: try www.pspmod.com they have a lot of usefull information and tutorials. Here is for creating a boot on USB: http://www.psp411.com/show/guide/32/0/Make_your_PSP_a_Win_XP_boot_device.html08:47
Zacknecro: i think it is to08:47
Jordan_UPie-rate, Hopefully it will fix them08:47
Pie-rateJordan_U: that has to have been the built in hdd, i think its bad.08:47
Zacknecro: brb08:47
Spaceman3750Necro, all problems are solvable, some just require fun reformatting :P08:47
necroZack: ok, could you atleast tell me where my samba config file is usually stored.  I remember working on it, but forgot where it is.08:47
Pie-rateJordan_U: because windows on my laptop died too08:47
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necroZack: k08:47
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: thing is tho its an 32-bit XP boot.. but should give u an idea/start about booting for PSP.. carefull that you don't brick your system though..08:47
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Pie-rateJordan_U: failed to start x interface08:48
astro76necro, look under /etc (where all system configs are)08:48
Pie-rateJordan_U: i'm guessing delete the xorg.conf completely?08:48
DribblyLungOozeman the internet sucks. who's stupid idea was it anyway. I mean look at it - there aren't even any seats. where are we supposed to sit down?08:48
Jordan_UPie-rate, Yes08:48
Jordan_UPie-rate, I thought you already did that08:48
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: i cant get to the site it links to08:48
vip3rousmangocotyrothery: that is down temporaily.. =\ google boot off of PSP USB08:48
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NutubuntuNight all08:49
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Spaceman3750Anyone know how to make limited users able to access the Windows partition?08:49
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Pie-rateJordan_U: well, it might be ugly fixing it once in a while, but i'm confident i can fix it for any computer.08:49
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SpiderDanhello.  I would like to connect to a (recently reinstalled) feisty machine remotely... previously, I was able to setup and connect via VNC, but the problem with that is that I apparently have to be logged in to start that service08:49
necroastro76: thanx.  ->  /etc/samba/smb.conf08:49
DribblyLungOozei better leave now before anyone actually finds an answer to my question and ruins the fabric of space/time.08:50
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Jordan_UPie-rate, Does it start correctly without an xorg.conf?08:50
Spaceman3750Probably Dribbly :P08:50
Pie-rateJordan_U: yep08:50
Zacknecro: this page seems to be showing the same question you are asking about what xp is saying. an im sorry i dont know where the config file is. try the search. and heres the page.  http://www.samba.netfirms.com/faq.htm08:50
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Pie-rateJordan_U: came right up with restricted wifi drivers in use08:50
cotyrotheryvip3rousmango: i cant find a site that has a tut08:50
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domsis their a free SMS software for ubuntu like Chikka08:50
domsis their a free SMS software for ubuntu like Chikka08:50
Spaceman3750How many different conversations would you say go on at any one time in here?08:50
Pie-rateJordan_U: connected with wifi immediately08:51
necroZack: thanx so much.  Found the config file.  I will check that web page.  You can crash.  I'll see what I can do.  Thanx again for all your help.08:51
Pie-rateJordan_U: <3 feisty08:51
Jordan_UPie-rate, If you want to be tricky and be able to use legacy and current drivers for nvidia ( they can't both be installed since they conflict ) you could apt-get -d them so they are there ( no need to grab from the internet if not available ) but not actually installed.08:51
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Zacknecro: i am drooling on my keyboard, come back tomorrow around 3 that seemes to be when people get the most help. your welcome! ima go pass out now.08:51
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Jordan_UPie-rate, Also install bcm43xx-fwcutter and you will be able to use many broadcom cards08:51
necroZack: thanx again.  g'nite.08:51
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Pie-rateJordan_U: i don't plan to use it on random laptops.08:51
skiverhi all08:51
Jordan_UPie-rate, Why not ?:)08:52
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SpiderDanthis machine is not going to have keyb/mouse/video connected, and I need a way to be able to remotely log in to x/gnome08:52
Pie-rateJordan_U: but, if a good gaming PC comes into Computers Plus for spyware removal, i'm definitely going to stick it on there and play WoW.08:52
Jordan_USpiderDan, ssh -X then "gnome-session"08:52
SpiderDanis ssh a default service, or do I need to enable it?08:53
SpiderDanthis is a fresh install of feisty08:53
aroonifolks i am trying to get the new intel video card working via   http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T6108:53
astro76SpiderDan, install openssh-server08:53
Jordan_USpiderDan, That can be a little confusing if you are already using Gnome at the time though08:53
aroonibut i can't get the new video driver installed08:53
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Jordan_USpiderDan, No, sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:54
ramseizecan anyone give me the right directions on how to setup a wireless adhoc connection? :(08:54
astro76that was an English instruction not a command ;)08:54
Jordan_Uarooni, They should "just work" on an intel card, the only problem you should have if any would be resolution08:54
Pie-rateJordan_U: i'm probably going to have them check the hard drive in my laptop. i'm pretty sure its dead.08:54
SpiderDanok.  so after I install that, if I were to plug the machine into the network and ssh in08:55
Pie-rateJordan_U: hope its under warranty and installing ubuntu didn't void it.08:55
SpiderDanand I start gnome08:55
Spaceman3750Pie-rate, if it was dead, it should be fairly obvious...  Boot without the live CD and it should ask for a boot drive...08:55
arooniJordan_U: its the vesa driver :( no 3d support........ plust i cant get the 1440x960 resolution i know that the  lcd supportsw08:55
SpiderDando I then connect through VNC, or what?08:55
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Pie-rateSpaceman3750: not dead, just bad.08:55
SpiderDanit's my understanding that X will not display correctly through SSH08:55
Pie-rateSpaceman3750: not dead YET08:55
Ravenndude`How can I have my terminal run a certain command every time it opens?08:55
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alienseer23sudo mount '/home/alienseer23/Desktop/gnomebaker.iso' /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop    should mount an iso as a dvd, right? this gives me a folder, what am I doing wrong?08:56
n8of9Ravenndude`: put the command in your ~/.bashrc08:56
varun00when I use mplayer and use the "-ac hwac308:56
varun00"flag, I get no sound08:56
Jordan_UPie-rate, No company will void your warranty for installing Linux, some techs who don't know what it is might say that it does because they think you flashed your BIOS or something but just ask for a manager if they do08:56
varun00but when I use it without the flag, the sound plays fine08:56
Pie-rateJordan_U: yeah, i know.08:56
Ravenndude`n8of9, Just put the command at the bottom?08:56
Pie-rateJordan_U: if it did i'd vote against them with my wallet.08:57
n8of9Ravenndude`: that should work in most cases08:57
astro76alienseer23,  mount [-fnrsvw]  [-t vfstype]  [-o options]  device dir08:57
Ravenndude`Thank you08:57
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n8of9Ravenndude`: no prob :)08:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chuck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:57
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netyirehaving problems mounting a usb disk08:58
Jordan_UPie-rate, An apple tech tried to pull that on me, said that any other OS voided the warranty, the next day Boot Camp was released and he was eating his words :)08:58
Pie-rateJordan_U: rofl08:58
=== ToastGuy [n=ToastGuy@adsl-69-107-110-30.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToastGuyHey there guys08:59
ToastGuyI'm a newbie to Ubuntu08:59
ToastGuyI'm trying to get it installed.08:59
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alienseer23astro76: sudu mount /MY/File.iso -t iso9660 -o loop /dev/dvd/ ???08:59
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ToastGuyDo you need to install it on a freshly partitioned drive?08:59
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aroonican someone tell me whats wrong with this preferences file in /etc/apt/preferences:  http://pastie.caboo.se/7851609:00
cntrlxyou can dual boot09:00
TimonHow do I get Shockwave Player? I'm running Feisty on Gnome.09:00
aroonii get the error "E: Invalid record in preferences file, no Package header"09:00
ToastGuyYa, but I keep getting error. And everyone points me to using GRUB, but I don't know what that means09:00
bruenig|laptopTimon, you don't09:00
ToastGuyI only have 1 hard drive09:00
mister_e_auTimon: do you mean flash, or shockwave?09:00
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , do you have windows too ?09:01
ToastGuyya XP09:01
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , that's why they tell you about Grub09:01
holycowthere is no shockwave for linux09:01
MadpilotTimon, there is no Shockwave For Linux. Complain to Adobe.09:01
mister_e_auok, i don't think macromedia/adobe have released a plugin that works on linux09:01
cntrlxdual boot seperate partitions09:01
holycowthere is no shockwave for windows either09:01
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holycowthat has been killed long ago09:01
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ToastGuyright... I need to make another partition right?09:01
astro76alienseer23, you went from bad to worse :P   sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>09:01
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holycowyou can download it but there is going to be no more shocwave dev of any kind09:01
[11_Touche] it's a bootloader, which means an application that chooses which system you want to boot when you start your computer09:01
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TimonI can't even play Habbo anymore..09:02
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ToastGuybut... I try running the LIVE ubunto, with no success09:02
cntrlxhaha habbo09:02
alienseer23astro76, I don't need -t iso9660?09:02
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , absolutely. 2 systems cannot live on the same partition.. as you can't have Win98 + XP on the same partition09:02
holycowTimon, :/ sorry bro09:02
astro76alienseer23, so mount -o loop ~/Desktop/gnomebaker.iso /media/iso09:02
Timoni guess i'll have to dual-boot xp09:02
ToastGuythat makes sense.... okay09:02
astro76alienseer23, I don't think so09:02
holycowTimon, *nod*09:02
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , you can't even start the liveCD ?09:02
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ToastGuyNo I got the Live CD working09:03
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ToastGuyi'm okay there09:03
[11_Touche] ok, then ?09:03
Timonok then.. i'mma install xp bye09:03
[11_Touche] poor timon... lol09:03
aroonican someone tell me whats wrong with this preferences file in /etc/apt/preferences:  http://pastie.caboo.se/7851609:03
aroonii get the error "E: Invalid record in preferences file, no Package header"09:03
cntrlxflash components make my computer restart09:03
ToastGuyI'm just stuck with the Partitioning, I only have 1 Hard drive on this computer09:03
ToastGuySo it's hard to wipe things09:03
alienseer23still a directory09:03
cntrlxmake another seperate partition09:03
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , that's okay.. but do your windows partition take all the place on that disk ?09:03
cntrlxand one for swap space09:04
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[11_Touche] cntrlx is right09:04
ToastGuyI don't have a partition yet09:04
cntrlxbut start from a fresh blank disk09:04
ToastGuyya that's what I'm thinking09:04
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cntrlxi mean09:04
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ToastGuyYA wipe everything...09:04
alienseer23astro76, still shows up as a directory, not a device09:04
ToastGuyI got a backup disk09:04
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cntrlxthats what i do09:05
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ToastGuyI don't even mind making this a completely Linux machine09:05
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , if you plan to use BOTH windows AND ubuntu... you should install Windows first.09:05
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astro76alienseer23, it will be a directory, does ls /media/iso show files in the .iso ?09:05
Haulinor use vmware09:05
cntrlxi have debian and ubuntu09:05
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ToastGuyright, but How do I get a partition?09:05
ToastGuyWhen I first install Windows?09:05
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lionwho am i09:05
Haulindownload gparted and burn to a disk09:05
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy ,, ok !! right choice ;) ubuntu is soooo better than windows.09:05
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[11_Touche] hehe09:05
ToastGuyHow do I wipe the machine?09:06
cntrlxpartition your drive first09:06
Haulinanyways...how do I install a .tar.gz file?09:06
astro76ToastGuy, gparted is on the ubuntu livecd, do you have a windows install you want to keep?09:06
cntrlxwith a partitioner09:06
ToastGuyI have other windows machines09:06
liontar zxvf .tar.gz09:06
Haulinpackage sorry09:06
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , when you start the Ubuntu installation, you can tell him to take all the place on the disk09:06
alienseer23astro76, yeah, this is no problem, I can mount as a directory all day, I am, trying to get a dvd image .iso to mount as a dvd09:06
ramseizecan anyone help me how to setup a wireless adhoc connection?09:06
ToastGuyya I do want to keep it09:06
lionusing iwconfig09:06
Haulinthanks lion09:06
ToastGuybut it's not important right now for this machine09:06
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lionto see if your wlan is found and driven09:07
necroAnyone have any idea how a power-outage would rename my drive mount points?!@09:07
ToastGuyThere's no option to take over the disk09:07
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alienseer23astro76, it is theonly way I know of to be able to shrink it down to dvd5 and burn09:07
phoenixzAnybody who could help me with sound problems in kubuntu? The problem being.. eh.. that there is none, its quiet..09:07
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , ok.. so if you plan to install windows AFTER ubuntu, you might have big problems09:07
puffEvening, at some point I remember coming across a personal search engine package for your machine.09:07
astro76alienseer23, that's how mount works, whether a device or iso, they are mounted to directories09:07
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lionand iwconfig eth1 mode ad-hoc09:07
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puffAnyone know what this is called?  Beagle is one, but not the one I was thinking of.09:07
ToastGuyCan't I just Wipe the drive clean again?09:07
lioneth1 is your wlan0 card09:07
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Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know where I can get new mouse pointers for Ubuntu? I find the default ones to be not to my liking.09:07
bruenig|laptoplion, that sentence is boggling09:07
alienseer23astro76, you know of any way to get it to mount as a dvd?09:07
ToastGuyOr will ubuntu make it hard to wipe things clean?09:07
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , yes you can, but only if you want ONLY ubuntu on this machine09:07
Jordan_Uholycow, ?09:08
cntrlxmine is ra009:08
Haulin_Coalpuff: use google desktop09:08
bruenig|laptopNewbie_Dude, gnome-look.org09:08
necroastro76: fixed it.  My power-outage SOMEHOW renamed my drive mount points.  Edited my smb.conf and bingo, back in business.  Wierd 'eh?09:08
ToastGuyCan I ever go back to XP?09:08
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bruenig|laptoppuff, use find locate which and whereis09:08
ToastGuyI don't mind reinstalling things again09:08
holycowToastGuy, you can go back any time you want09:08
ToastGuyI want this more as a test for now....09:08
holycowno problem09:08
puffbruenig|laptop: Ah, I think it was slocate.09:08
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ToastGuythen no problem.... How do I wipe the drive?09:08
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netyireLooking for help with mounting a usb device (works 1st time, umount it and put it back 5 mins later and dmesg displays plenty of errors)09:08
ToastGuyI want a clean install on this hard drive09:08
holycowreinstalling win is easy, and in microsoft fashion they won't even recognize ubuntu was ever there, it will just go on as normal09:08
holycowToastGuy, for ubuntu or win?09:09
astro76necro, that's odd09:09
ramseizelion how can i config it09:09
Newbie_Dude@ToastGuy: I did the same thing. Put the Live CD in the CD drive, load it, then hit "Install" on the desktop, do "Full Disk" partitioning.09:09
ToastGuyI don't have Ubuntu yet.09:09
astro76alienseer23, don't know, sorry09:09
holycowoh what Newbie_Dude said09:09
alienseer23ok, thank you :)09:09
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cntrlxuse fdisk for first yoru windows partition. and limit its space on partition09:09
necroastro76: wierd 'eh?09:09
ToastGuyYA... but I get some errors09:09
puffHm, odd, I see beagled in my ps output, but I couldn't find it in the menus.  Where does it normally live?09:09
lionto config as ad-hoc mode, right?09:09
cntrlxleave space for your linux partitions09:09
=== necro pats himself on the back. :D
ramseizelion how can i config my wireless lan tobe an adhoc09:09
cntrlxinstall windows to it09:09
Sonicadvance1Is it possible to get a keyboard shortcut to run any program you choose?09:09
ToastGuywhen i hit Start or Install Ubuntu I get errors09:09
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , Newbie_Dude is right, that's all you need to do. Ubuntu for now will take all the place.. and you will never mind going back to windows anyways...09:09
[11_Touche] lol09:10
puffAh, Applicaitons/Accessories/Search.09:10
cntrlxthen use the other space to partition ext3 and a swap partition09:10
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lionI think the network-manager could do it for you if you dislike configuring it in command line.:)09:10
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lionFirst please left-click the network-manager tray-icon09:10
ramseizewhat should i do first lion09:10
Newbie_Dude@ToastGuy: That's not good. :P So you couldn't even install? What kind of errors?09:10
ToastGuy1 sec09:10
lionCan you see "wireless information"?09:11
bruenig|laptopnetwork manager is an applet09:11
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lionemmm...go to terminal09:11
ramseizeyep done09:11
Newbie_DudeAnyone know where I can get free Conexant modem drivers? I can't afford the $15 per kernel from Linuxant, I've already wiped Windows from my computer, and 56k modem is my main source of internet.09:11
ToastGuyit says: can't access tty: job control off09:11
cntrlxroute check if it is up09:11
lionsee any wireless found?09:11
ToastGuythen it gives me some error codes09:11
[11_Touche] ???09:11
ramseizeit saiz no wireless connection09:12
puffIs there any way with slocate/beagle to search inside a file?09:12
ToastGuyaction 0x2 frozen09:12
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lionThen your wireless card has not been driven properly?09:12
ToastGuyport failed to respond09:12
bruenig|laptoppuff, use grep09:12
puffI'm basically looking for a faster version of find ./ | xargs fgrep somestring09:12
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , whew... sounds bad..09:12
ToastGuyya no kidding09:12
ramseizenow what should i do , to be detected by ubuntu, yess im using a laptop09:12
ToastGuybad Live CD?09:12
Newbie_Dude@ToastGuy: Which version of Ubuntu did you download?09:12
liontype lspci09:12
ToastGuythe 7.0409:12
Newbie_Dude@ToastGuy: There's like an AMD64 version, an i386 version,09:12
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , did you burn it yourself?09:13
lionCould find your wireless card brand?09:13
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Newbie_Dude@ToastGuy: When the Live CD is put in there should be an option like "Check CD For Errors"09:13
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ramseizew8 lion ill check it out09:13
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ToastGuyI tried that.... same kind of error for me09:13
cntrlxget your router driver brad09:13
ToastGuyI got some forums that talked about this error....09:13
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ToastGuyevery single time this came back to  GRUB09:13
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Sonicadvance1using xbindkey, can it take multiple keys to initiate a command?09:14
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , maybe you don't have the good architecture, as said by Newbie_Dude09:14
tigrfireAlright, a bit of a noob question that I wouldn't normally ask. I formatted a 500GB drive today and it said afterwards 1KiB was being used. Normal, so I just formatted an 80GB and now it says 66.77MiB are in use. What the heck? Used gparted for both. Also rm -rf inside the mounted 80GB. Suggestions?09:14
h4lfl1ngsup guys09:14
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ramseizelion is this it?  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)09:14
ToastGuyIt's a Pentium 4 HP09:14
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astro76Newbie_Dude, sadly there are no other options right now for Conexant09:14
lionOh yes09:14
[11_Touche] And your liveCD ?09:14
UssRspeak russia?09:14
h4lfl1ngcan any1 see this?09:14
lionMy card is the same with you09:15
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cntrlxmines a Ralink rt2500, that was fun09:15
ToastGuytouche, talking to me?09:15
Newbie_Dude@astro76: Bummer, this poses a major problem for me and switching to Ubuntu. Hmm, 15 bucks to Linuxant or the same price for a new modem. :P09:15
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h4lfl1ngi speak russia tavarish09:15
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ToastGuyLive CD came from Ubunto.com09:15
ramseizewhat should i do next lion?09:15
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UssRh4lfl1ng: 09:15
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astro76!ru | UssR09:15
ubotuUssR:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:15
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tigrfireCan anyone help me out?09:15
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , yes... Is your live CD for i386 or 64 version?09:15
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.09:16
ToastGuyStandard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)09:16
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Jordan_U!anyone | tigrfire09:16
ubotutigrfire: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:16
lionsudo modprobe ipw210009:16
lionsudo modprobe ipw220009:16
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kr00lplatinumhow do i get permission to move pix in a folder that i do not have permission for?09:16
h4lfl1ngUssR, klas, ne mnoga ruskih09:16
ToastGuyI should have got   64bit AMD and Intel computers????09:16
[11_Touche] ToastGuy .. and it's an original cd ?09:16
astro76UssR,    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:16
tigrfireJordan_U: I did ask my question but had no response, look about a screen of text up.09:16
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tigrfireReasking: Alright, a bit of a noob question that I wouldn't normally ask. I formatted a 500GB drive today and it said afterwards 1KiB was being used. Normal, so I just formatted an 80GB and now it says 66.77MiB are in use. What the heck? Used gparted for both. Also rm -rf inside the mounted 80GB. Suggestions?09:16
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , is your processor 64bits ?09:17
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ToastGuyI don't know09:17
Newbie_Dude@kr00lplatinum: I'm just a noob but I am gonna try to answer. Are these pictures from an old Windows hard disk?09:17
h4lfl1ngany audio experts? sound wont work, and card and drivers are looking good09:17
ToastGuywill windows tell me that or BIOS?09:17
ramseizelion thenn09:17
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arooniwhy doesnt this work:09:17
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astro76tigrfire, what are the filesystems of the two?09:17
arooniPackage: *09:17
arooniPin: release a=feisty09:17
arooniPin-Priority: 70009:17
tigrfireBoth NTFS.09:17
arooniPackage: *09:17
arooniPin: release a=gutsy09:17
arooniPin-Priority: 20009:17
arooniin my /etc/apt/preferences file09:17
ramseizelion ,what?09:17
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Jordan_Utigrfire, A certain amount of space is required for the file system itself09:17
liontype dmesg09:17
tigrfireRight, but why the huge difference for the two drives?09:17
ramseizeok thenn09:17
kr00lplatinumNewbie_Dude did you get that?09:17
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , hit Winkey+Pause/break on your keyboard, and check your computers propreties09:17
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liondriven now?09:18
ramseizewhats driven?09:18
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liontype iwconfig09:18
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , WinKey, the key between CTRL and ALT09:18
lionwl card found?09:18
astro76tigrfire, the 66MB sounds right, the 1KB doesn't actually09:18
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , the windows key09:18
tigrfireI've written a couple hundred GBs to that drive without any problem since its formatting.09:19
ramseizelion ,w8 ill check it09:19
Newbie_Dudei didn't see anything man, lol09:19
ToastGuylemme pull up windows09:19
phoenixzHey all, how do I specify that a certain ALSA device must be used in for example amarok?09:19
ToastGuyokay done...09:19
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , are you on the liveCD right now ?09:19
ramseizelion, what should i look for the etho or etho109:19
Newbie_Dude@kr00lplatinum: I tried to drag files from an old WIndows-formatted hard drive to my new Ubuntu partitions and it didn't work. Turns out I have to use some program called umm... Gah, what's it called, to deal with partitions. :P09:20
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h4lfl1ngi have a gateway 453509:20
liondoes iwconfig report any wireless card found?09:20
ToastGuyno I'm in Windows Now09:20
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ToastGuylol... do I need to be in Live CD?09:20
n8of9*yawn* later, all.09:20
liongoto this site09:20
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , no!! in windows09:20
interfearwhat does it mean to install ubuntu and use LVM during the partition portion of the install?09:20
ramseizewhats the site?09:20
ToastGuyya I'm in windows09:20
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vip3rousmang0anyone know a program similar to Sony's SoundForge 7? Or know if SF7 can run in wine?09:20
tigrfireHmm, now that I review the drive though, I've copied just slightly less to it than what's being used by it [the 500GB] . It definitely said 1KiB free after formatting but perhaps after I rebooted or refreshed gparted, this changed..09:20
ToastGuyI follow09:20
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , so the key combination did pull out a properties window ?09:20
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , ok so, for you processor, what is wrote?09:21
ramseizeok lion illl check it out09:21
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lionGood luck09:21
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astro76interfear, http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/whatisvolman.html09:21
tigrfireToastGuy, It will be the first entry under the Computer: section09:21
kr00lplatinumNewbie_Dude i'm trying to get a pic i dl to go into beryl09:21
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ToastGuyIt say 256 RAM, 1.79 GHz, Pentium 4 CPU 1.80 GHz,09:22
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[11_Touche] ok so you should have the right CD ... kinda weird09:22
tigrfireToastGuy, with the same window open, can you go to the hardware tab, then click Device Manager09:22
CodeMagicI need a howto for making knetworkmanager to auto connect to my wifi network via wap connections. Anyone?09:22
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tigrfireAlthough I don't think there09:22
domsis their chikka for linuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx09:22
tigrfireis a 64-bit 1.80 P4..09:22
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tigrfireIn that window, expand the processors section09:23
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happyfaceSound isn't working in wine... Is there a way to set wine's default sound card?09:23
tigrfireAny more specific there?09:23
domsis their chikka for linuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx09:23
Flannel!repeat | doms09:23
ubotudoms: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:23
ToastGuywhat next?09:23
astro76doms, first result in google http://www.chikka.com/java.html09:23
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , what's there?09:23
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ToastGuyI'm in the device manager09:24
Newbie_Dude1OK, I finally downloaded "Konversation," anyone know how to gag the "left the channel" "enters the room" messages?09:24
Flanneldoms: chikka is apparently interoperable with Google Talk.09:24
tigrfireIn that window, expand the processors section09:24
Rat409tigrfire: winecfg iirc09:24
ToastGuylist of everything09:24
tigrfireRat409, ?09:24
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , ok then click on the processor section09:24
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , and tell me what's in there09:24
Rat409open gnome-terminal type winecfg09:24
ToastGuySays Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.8009:24
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[11_Touche] No 64 mentionned?09:25
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tigrfire[11_Touche] , There's not a 64-bit 1.80 GHz P4, I'm almost certain.09:25
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[11_Touche] tigrfire , I would agree with you.. but it wasn't a worth to check out to be sure09:25
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happyfaceSound isn't working in wine... Is there a way to set wine's default sound card?09:25
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , well, you have a hell of a problem here09:26
ToastGuyYou think?09:26
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banlieuewb banlieue09:26
ToastGuyI should just try the other install09:26
astro76happyface, run winecfg and set it to alsa09:26
astro76happyface, in the audio tab09:26
Rat409happyface: open gnome-terminal type winecfg09:26
happyfaceastro76: but Steam games wont run in alsa09:26
tigrfire[11_Touche] , Plus, probably, any 64 bit chip would be more explanative in the System Properties window, now that I think of it.09:26
meglowine -x setarch i38609:27
varun00anyone know where I can download mplayer-custom from?09:27
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Newbie_Dude1Anyone familiar with Konversation (The IRC client)?09:27
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , if you have an original CD, and it isn't working with your system... your kinda.. fisted ;)09:27
varun00or what I have to add to my sources.list?09:27
ToastGuyit's what I downloaded from Ubuntu.com09:27
Newbie_Dude1@ToastGuy: Did you download the AMD64 version or the i386 version?09:27
[11_Touche] Okay... well, you should try to burn it back again..09:28
ToastGuyStandard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM) 64bit AMD and Intel computers Sun UltraSPARC based09:28
ToastGuyStandard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)09:28
[11_Touche] and get sure that it's really an i386 version09:28
astro76varun00, what is mplayer-custom?09:28
[11_Touche] Maybe it's only an burning bug..09:29
Newbie_Dude1I love Ubuntu but this modem driver thing makes me so frustrated. >_<09:29
ToastGuyhahaha... I don;t know09:29
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ToastGuyI should try this again09:29
[11_Touche] well when it says x86, it should work on yours09:29
varun00astro76: supposed to be a precompiled version of mplayer, with support for a lot of other codecs09:29
ToastGuyI downloaded the x8609:29
ToastGuywhy not the 64?09:30
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , that's what I would do... I had a similar problem with an installation CD for mandriva 200709:30
ToastGuyWhat about Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?09:30
Newbie_Dude1Anyone ever had a problem with getting no sound out of onboard ASUS motherboard? Worked fine in windows, it's not my volume sliders.09:30
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CodeMagicNewbie_Dude1, what KIND of sound card?09:30
Newbie_Dude1@ToastGuy: The 64 is for AMD processors (You have Intel, not AMD)09:30
domsFlannel: can i download google talk to ubuntu09:30
Rat409ToastGuy: coulda been a corrupt download or a bad burn also09:30
FlannelToastGuy: Get the alternate CD, it's more robust09:30
[11_Touche] but.. I couldn't even get it to run... because it wasn't the LiveCD.. and the installation was crashing every since I tried to boot it09:30
ToastGuyit's a little older09:30
Newbie_Dude1@CodeMagic: Errr, onboard ASUS... Used to use a program suite called "CMEDIA" on Windows.09:31
ToastGuyWhat about wiping my computer clean?09:31
ToastGuyWhat will happen on install?09:31
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CodeMagicNewbie_Dude1, from terminal window type: sudo lspci  and tell me what if any, it says for sound card09:31
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , maybe the same problem..09:31
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Rat409ToastGuy: best to use a checksum, meaning md5sum tool,theres free ones for windows09:31
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , or maybe success...09:31
[11_Touche] lol09:32
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ToastGuybut the problem I'm getting has nothing to do with my current OS?09:32
Flanneldoms: google talk uses jabber, and there are a plethora of jabber clients for linux.  So, while you won't have actual google talk, You can still talk with them without a hitch09:32
ToastGuyThe install should help me determine where I want it?09:32
Rat409ToastGuy: you can't run it from within windows,put it in try and reboot09:32
ToastGuyie, partition09:32
ToastGuyNah, I haven't done htat09:32
Newbie_Dude1CodeMagic: It doesn't say anything about sound. It says about memory controllers, NVidia PCIE bridges, ethernet controller, AMD64 processor, nothing about sound.09:33
ToastGuyYa, I've done all that09:33
ToastGuyI'm just getting a nasty error09:33
domsFlannel: is jabber has a room list like gaim09:33
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , I tried a fresh install, and an install over XP, and an install BESIDE XP, and never got any problems... AND Ubuntu searches for your DocumentsAndSettings folder, and proposes you to import it in your home directory on Ubuntu.. really great thing09:33
Newbie_Dude1@ToastGuy: Dude just download the program and try to burn it again. :P When you restart do a "Check CD Integrity"09:33
astro76Flannel, Gaim does Jabber09:33
astro76Gaim does everything09:33
Flanneldoms: Jabber is a protocol.  GAIM does jabber, like astro76 just said.  And so do many other things.09:33
ToastGuyYa... I can't even check CD Integrity on my Current Download.....09:34
ToastGuyThanks Guys!!!09:34
ToastGuyI really appreciate this help!!!!!09:34
Rat409Newbie_Dude1: try in terminal cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#*09:34
Newbie_Dude1@ToastGuy: Don't give up, this Ubuntu thing is fun and challenging. :P09:34
[11_Touche] ToastGuy , we really like to help people out;)09:34
ToastGuyI'm already hooked on the open source stuff!!!!09:34
astro76Flannel, sorry meant for doms09:34
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CodeMagicNewbie_Dude1, from terminal window type: lspci | grep Audio09:35
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[11_Touche] ToastGuy , you'll find a bunch of it in Ubuntu, I can assure you lots of pleasure09:35
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:35
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[11_Touche] can someone kick that arsehole?09:35
[11_Touche] thanx.09:35
Newbie_Dude1@CodeMagic: Typed that (lspci | grep Audio) and nothing showed up. :O09:35
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astro76Newbie_Dude1, grep audio09:36
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ToastGuyI'll be around here, again.. hopefull I'll run into you.... I'm usually ToastGuy, ToastMaster or something to do with Toast09:36
Newbie_Dude1@CodeMagic: Could it be because I turned off Plug-N-Play devices in my BIOS? My botched modem driver installation told me to do that.09:36
[11_Touche] Well I have a question for my own here... How to kill AutoIgnore on flood in BitchX ???09:36
ToastGuythat's my deal09:36
ToastGuylater guys....09:36
astro76Newbie_Dude1, lowercase a09:36
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Newbie_Dude1@astro76: Wow, still nothing, it just gives me another terminal prompt.09:37
ToastGuyThanks Touche & Newbie_Dude, and everyone else that chimed in.09:37
astro76Newbie_Dude1, or grep -i09:37
CodeMagicNewbie_Dude1, It should say something like: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)09:37
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astro76sometimes it's like Multimedia audio controller09:37
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sx66how do you get the wifi icon in xfce ubuntu (xubuntu)?09:38
Newbie_Dude1I did lspci | grep audio, lspci | grep Audio, lspci | grep -i Audio, lspci | grep -i audio, and nothing shows up. Maybe it's not recognizing it or somethin somethin. :P09:38
Tanmanwas just wondering...09:38
Tanmani uninistalled Vsftpd09:38
CodeMagicI'm guessing its probably Yamaha AC97 or something like that. Thats what my old asus board had on it.09:38
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Tanmanand then removed the conf manually...09:38
astro76Newbie_Dude1, fyi grep -i makes it case insensitive09:38
FlannelTanman: why didn't you just purge it?09:38
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CodeMagic<-- makes note of the -i switch09:39
Tanmannot sure09:39
knoppixDoes anyone know why Xorg would stop working after updateing 5.10 in synaptic?09:39
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Tanmancan i still purge it now?09:39
Newbie_Dude1@astro76: Hope I can remember that :) ... Also, in my volume meter in devices it says "PnP Audio Device," but in my BIOS PnP is turned off. Should I turn it on in BIOS?09:39
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Tanmanhow does the syntax go?09:39
astro76Newbie_Dude1, CodeMagic checking the man pages before you run commands is a good habit to get into09:40
FlannelTanman: apt-get remove --purge package, or via synaptic "complete removal"09:40
knoppixanyone at all?09:41
foyle_Guys I'am new (as in very new)in Ubuntu. I have a problem and I hope someone could help me09:41
Flannelknoppix: 5.10 isn't supported anymore, you're encouraged to upgrade to 6.06 (which has the benefit of being LTS).  Being no longer maintained might be the reason for it, although that seems far fetched09:41
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Flannel!ask | foyle_09:41
ubotufoyle_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:41
Newbie_Dude1@astro76: Oh, you mean googling first? :P Guess I can try that.09:41
foyle_how can I share my  printer to xp users09:42
astro76Newbie_Dude1, no no, just type man command in the terminal09:42
knoppixFlannel How can just simply updating my packs ruin xorg becuase 5.10 isntsupported when it wouldnt install any packs not 5.10 compatible tho09:42
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bruenig|laptopI prefer command --help09:42
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TanmanFlannel: thanks a million!09:42
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astro76sometimes there's --help and no man09:42
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Flannelknoppix: well, it did install compatable packages, it installed the last 5.10 ones, which should work (but of course, may have bugs)09:42
Tanmannow i gotta get back to this uploading issue *grins*09:43
heatxsinkhi all, I'm on a windows box, and I have a samba share on a linux box, I was wondering if it's possible to not show the "Printers and Faxes" node under the samba share, or is that something inhereit to windows?09:43
Newbie_Dude1How do I access something as root, I wanna type "hsfconfig --country" but it keeps saying access denied.09:43
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knoppixFlannel how would i Fix xorg09:43
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bruenig|laptop!sudo | Newbie_Dude109:43
ubotuNewbie_Dude1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:43
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Flannelknoppix: Well, you could pin it back down to your last known working version.09:43
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Flannel!pinning | knoppix09:43
ubotuknoppix: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:43
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foyle_how can I share my  printer to xp users? can anyone help me on this. thanx09:44
bruenig|laptop!repeat | foyle_09:44
ubotufoyle_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:44
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knoppixFlannel i updated 610 packs09:44
Flannelfoyle_: You'd be using samba, if it's doable (I have no experience with it)09:44
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Flannelknoppix: Right, you'd only have to pin your xserver.09:44
astro76foyle, go to System->Administration->Printing09:45
foyle_sorry, I told you Im just new here. dont kdow the rules yet. anyways thanx09:45
astro76foyle, Global Settings -> Share Printers09:45
Flannelknoppix: but, I highly recommend upgrading to 6.0609:45
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knoppixFlannel i just wanna get Xorg working09:45
Newbie_Dude1@bruenig|laptop: Thank you, I will have to remember "sudo"09:45
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astro76foyle, on windows you'll connect the printer with IPP I believe on port 63109:46
Newbie_Dude1Anyone familiar with the IRC program "Konversation?"09:46
astro76foyle, Internet Printing Protocol09:46
foyle_thanx astro! already did it. I was able to share folders though but cant share printer09:46
Costelhi.how can i resize a partition?09:46
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astro76foyle, you tried IPP ?09:46
foyle_no? not yet09:46
[11touche] Costel: System, Administration, GNOME Partition Editor09:47
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Costelqtparted give an error and i dont want to erase ubuntu09:47
astro76foyle, when you add the printer in windows, you should be able to select IPP somehow09:47
foyle_ok il try that09:47
foyle_thanx astro09:47
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Costel[11touche] : i dont have that09:47
aroonianyone using the ndiswrappers for the intel wifi card in the t61?  after 5 minutes, the driver stops working09:47
arooniand i cant acess the interwebs09:47
mx544are there any ubuntu apps that can completely wipe my hard drive?09:48
[11touche] Costel,  well, install it ;)09:48
bruenig|laptoparooni, which card09:48
Costelname o package?09:48
Flannelmx544: shred, it's already installed09:48
IndyGunFreakmx544: gparted?09:48
bruenig|laptopmx544, ubuntu doesn't make very many apps09:48
mx544Where is shred?09:48
aroonibruenig|laptop: intel i496509:48
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bruenig|laptoparooni, ah one version too far for native support, bad decision09:49
Flannelmx544: In linux, you don't need to worry about "where" things are.  shred is in your path, it works from whereever.  `man shred` for all the option-y goodness.09:49
knoppixXorg spits out cannot start modules like keyboard and mouse when trying to boot how can i fix it09:49
bruenig|laptoparooni, I made sure to avoid that when buying mine, got ipw394509:49
mx544What? How do I open Shred in Ubuntu?09:49
aroonioh noes :(09:49
aroonii didnt know any better09:49
astro76foyle, http://www.owlfish.com/thoughts/winipp-cups-2003-07-20.html09:49
bruenig|laptopmx544, shred is a command line app09:49
Flannelmx544: you type `shred` at a console.  But it doesn't work on it's own, you'll need to pass arguments to it09:49
IndyGunFreakmx544: just open a terminal and t ype man shred09:50
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mx544How do I open a terminal09:50
bruenig|laptopuh oh09:50
IndyGunFreakoh boy.09:50
[11touche] Costel, in Add/remove programs, type "gnome partition"09:50
[11touche] it should appear09:50
aroonibruenig|laptop: any suggestions?09:50
Flannelmx544: programs > accessories > terminal09:50
bruenig|laptoparooni, got to research these things beforehand09:50
Costelthanks touche`09:50
bruenig|laptoparooni, oh no idea on ndiswrapper09:50
aroonidamn it09:50
Haulin_Coalanyone have a vmware serial number?09:50
aroonilinux should just work09:50
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mx544Now what I have three options09:50
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bruenig|laptoparooni, you should have at the very least checked to see that graphics and wireless worked on your laptop before you bought it09:51
IndyGunFreakarooni: it would if developers would give you a linux driver cd, like they do w/ windows09:51
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[11touche] Costel, I just resized a partition to clean off Windows definitely, and it worked great09:51
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IndyGunFreakso when you think about it, Windows doens't "just work" either09:51
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Flannelmx544: read the man page.  It'll explain what you do.  It depends on what you want to do with it.  The default options are probably what you want. so you just need to specify a file/partition09:51
zvtralhlow all09:51
bruenig|laptoparooni, I bet the specs on that card is open if you know how to write a driver, they opened all the ones before it09:51
Costelfound it ...its installing09:52
aroonibruenig|laptop: i only know how to write silly web apps like http://phonemyphone.com ;p09:52
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zvtrali need help about share file09:52
zvtrali want my os can read ini windows share09:52
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[11touche] Costel, it's really simple... reminds me of the Mac partition editor09:52
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zvtralwhat must i do now09:53
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zvtralor any can give me tutorial about that09:53
ThanatosI tried to install Ubuntu via Manual Setup in WinXP (The netinstall)09:53
Costelogh the partitions are LOCKED no erase no resize09:54
zzuh!samba | zvtral09:54
ubotuzvtral: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:54
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ThanatosManaged to erase my Windows partition, and then I get a 'failed to boot Operating Sister'09:54
Haulin_Coalok...how do I uninstall vmware?09:54
ThanatosSo, no XP, no ubuntu. The last hour was incredibly eventful, watching XP reinstall.09:54
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Newbie_DudeMy Ubuntu just froze while I tried to restart it, I had to hold down the power button. :( In the future, is there a key combo (similar to control-alt delete) that I can press to try to aleviate the freeze? My mouse pointer worked but I couldn't click anything.09:54
KI4IKLI have a problem with my mouse losing sync...does anyone know how to fix it?09:54
Haulin_Coalin terminal?09:55
zvtralooo ...i see09:55
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zirodayNewbie_Dude: you could try ctrl alt bkspace09:55
Costelapt-get isntall automatix209:55
Flannel!automatix | Costel, Haulin_Coal09:55
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:55
ubotuCostel, Haulin_Coal: please see above09:55
kismetNewbie_Dude, did you try cltrl + alt + backspace ? that restarts x.09:55
zvtrali must be configure samba09:55
hegemonhow to i rename or append additional text to all the files within a directory?09:55
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astro76Newbie_Dude, http://snafu.freedom.org/linux2.2/docs/sysrq.txt09:55
Newbie_Dude*LOL* Control-Alt-Backspace worked, I just tried it. >_<09:56
zvtralthx | ubotu | : )09:56
hegemonfor instance you have 4 files named foo1, foo2, etc.. and would like to add "copy" to the names of those files how would I go about doing that?09:56
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astro76Newbie_Dude, yeah that's the first one to try, after that the magic sysrq key might help save data and shutdown09:57
togrhegemon, for file in foo*; do mv $file ${file}copy; done09:57
kismetNewbie_Dude, it just exits you from your current session and restarts x.09:57
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KI4IKLI have an issue with my mouse losing sync, and the only way to fix it is to restart the computer. Does anyone know how to fix it?09:57
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Haulin_Coalctrl+alt+backspace really does work09:58
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NeedAlittleHelpCan anyone help me Fix this Xorg Error>? http://pastebin.com/d6e79d81309:59
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Newbie_DudeThanks for the answers, hope I didn't screw up my install when I had to hit the power off button. :(09:59
bruenig|laptopkismet, you suck, you hardly ever find hidden ssids even after deauthentication attacks using aireplay09:59
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foyleAstro? can you post again the url?09:59
astro76for magic sysrq? http://snafu.freedom.org/linux2.2/docs/sysrq.txt10:00
astro76foyle, http://www.owlfish.com/thoughts/winipp-cups-2003-07-20.html10:00
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astro76you probably mean that10:00
foylethanx again astro10:00
kismetbruenig :p10:00
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phoenixzHi there, I am using Kubuntu and I just got ALSA to work correctly, so I have sound all over except for firefox, which has no audio.. How do I fix this?10:01
Newbie_DudeAnyone else have a problem where you click on the "System" or "Places" menu at the top and it doesn't respond to the click?10:01
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Hyarion2hi, has anyone ever had their external hard drive start mounting with an underscore on the end of the name?10:01
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kismetNeedAlittleHelp, from first look all i see is a problem with your mouse and keyboard, i suggest you try to reconfigure x10:01
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foylenot that one I guess. about Printer sharing with XP10:01
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aroonibruenig|laptop: if i run ping yahoo.com -i 10 ... i dont seem to have my connection dropped.  is there a way to get that to happen automatically10:01
aroonias a rake task or something?10:01
bruenig|laptoparooni, I assure you that has nothing to do with it10:02
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bruenig|laptoppost hoc ergo propter hoc10:02
astro76anyone know a way to set a key combo to lock/unlock the keyboard? I have two cats...10:02
Thanatosbruenig: That was in my friend's econ paper.10:02
ThanatosWhat's it mean again?10:02
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bruenig|laptopbefore this therefore because of this10:03
Thanatosastro76: You could always try unplugging it.10:03
ThanatosThat's what I would do...10:03
ThanatosCats are computer destroyers though.10:03
astro76Thanatos, I have a laptop, and no usb keyboards for my other system10:03
ari_stresshi guys, how to prevent networkmanager from replacing my /etc/resolv.conf? i'm using static ip10:03
Newbie_DudeDo I need to download an antivirus program for Ubuntu? If so, which do you recommend?10:03
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bruenig|laptopNewbie_Dude, no10:04
kismetNewbie_Dude, no you don't but you could check out clamav10:04
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MarkoKaaI need bit help with my server! I can't login via ssh, putty says this when I'm entering pass & username -> Using keyboard-interactive authentication.10:04
bruenig|laptopyou don't want that, it is pointless10:04
NeedAlittleHelpkismet tryed10:04
astro76!virus | Newbie_Dude10:04
ubotuNewbie_Dude: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:04
ILONAwhat is a polish channel of ubuntu??10:04
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:04
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ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi10:05
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk10:05
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ThanatosNewbie_Dude: I'm compelled to send this to you. http://xkcd.com/c272.html10:05
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foyleAstro about Printer sharing with XP. Can you give me the URL again?10:06
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Thanatosastro76: Hey you there?10:06
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astro76ThanatosDrive, yes10:06
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togr!zh | fgm10:07
ubotufgm: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk10:07
ThanatosDriveastro76: I tried out Manual Install. Not good.10:07
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bruenig|laptopjust !ops him next time10:07
ThanatosDriveI managed to erase my CP partition, and then Ubuntu wouldn't boot up.10:07
ThanatosDriveXP* partition,10:07
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FlannelThanatosDrive: You probably wiped your MBR with your XP partition.  Simply reinstalling GRUB to the MBR (first link of !grub) should fix it10:07
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ThanatosDriveFlannel: I'm kinda worried right now. Another hour staring at the lame XP setup screen makes me wary of trying it out again.10:08
Newbie_DudeHow do I make a link of my "Home" directory on my desktop? I can link everything else but not my Home directory.10:08
ThanatosDriveI'll just wait till I get the LiveCD10:08
kismetNewbie_Dude, put in nautilus /home/"name.here" (without quotes)10:09
kismetNewbie_Dude, in the command line for the link10:09
kismetmy moms giving me missed calls from the hall :/10:09
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Newbie_Dude@kismet: Thanks10:10
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Newbie_DudeAre there alternative mouse cursors besides the default ones? I find the shadow underneath the "white glass" unnecessary, as well as the transparency effects.10:11
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kismetNewbie_Dude, click on System -> Preferences -> Mouse, click on Pointers Tab, change as you will :/10:12
Newbie_Dude@kismet: Those are the only ones? :P Ah well, they're all transparent. Thanks anyway. :)10:13
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kismetNewbie_Dude, you can probably add more, have look at gnome-look.org10:13
Newbie_Dude@kismet: thanks again10:14
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vip3rousmang0anyone have experiance with Sony SoundForge 9? It's asking me to install MS .NET Framework 2.0.. and Some MS MSV Runtime Redist. Can I do this? Can Wine handle somehting like that?10:15
zvtralany know how to setting Nessus10:16
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Newbie_Dude@vip3rousmang0: Have you tried Audacity? :P Not as complex as SoundForge but pretty good for audio manipulation. :)10:17
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vip3rousmang0wicked.. that apt-get-able?10:17
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MarkoKaaI can't access to my server via ssh?10:18
metbsdi don't think you can10:18
Newbie_Dude@vip3rousmang0: Yah I think so, Audacity, open source... Umm, can find it in the Synaptic Add/Remove I believe.10:18
MarkoKaalogin as: root10:19
MarkoKaaUsing keyboard-interactive authentication.10:19
MarkoKaaAccess denied10:19
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vip3rousmang0Newbie_Dude: wicked. i'll snag it right now10:19
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Newbie_Dude@vip3rousmang0: Hope it fits your needs, it's not quite SoundForge but I've used it to splice audio together and add basic effects.10:20
vip3rousmang0well i was looking for more sound-wave manipulation10:20
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Newbie_DudeI think it does that too. :P10:21
daedalus__anyone know where i can find a good guide on scripting in linux?10:21
vip3rousmang0for what distrobution?10:21
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daedalus__ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn10:21
vip3rousmang0try google :P10:21
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vip3rousmang0development forums10:22
daedalus__i have sources, i was hoping for some recommendations from people who script10:22
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vip3rousmang0ahh well im not one of those people :( im still new and learning10:22
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ThanatosDriveI've managed to put everything I need onto my external.10:23
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daedalus__i've become fairly comfortable in linux - i love the CLI, and figure i could through together a c program quickly to perform some standard calculations10:23
ramseizeif may ubuntu user dito pasok ka #panabo10:23
foyle_Help! Ubuntu Printer to share with XP10:23
daedalus__although i think it would be fun to write a few scripts to output some calculations to a file10:23
daedalus__should i just use c?10:24
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daedalus__through = throw in my fantasy world10:24
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vip3rousmang0or python10:24
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vip3rousmang0lots of python apps out there for ubuntu10:24
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daedalus__yeah, of course - python's pretty good, for an interpreted language10:25
daedalus__oh well, i'll figure it out10:25
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foyleCan you give me a url with (guides to follow) in sharing an Ubuntu printer to XP machines. Thanx10:26
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Stakeholderim from poland10:27
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Stakeholderany body?10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:28
Newbie_DudeThanks Togr :P10:28
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togrnp, Newbie_Dude10:28
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foyleHelp! Need help in sharing my Ubuntu printer to XP users10:29
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Stakeholderjestem po raz pierwszy, ktos pomoze ?10:30
JimQodefoyle, system/administration/printing10:30
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JimQodefoyle, right click the printer. there is an option for sharing10:31
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JimQodefoyle, it seems it's not related. sorry10:32
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larsemili am trying to get mergedfb with laptop and a crt to work. http://www.pastebin.ca/617471 there is my xorg.conf the error i am getting is:(EE) RADEON(0): Failed to parse MetaModes or no modes found. MergeFB mode disabled.10:32
Newbie_Dude!pl | Stakeholder10:32
ubotuStakeholder: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:32
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beniUbuntu Server Installation, Problems with first reboot. My Box gets to the grub menu and then Shows the initrd and kernel commands and then just reboots. Memtest Works, Recovery Mode NOT. Any advices how to fix this?10:33
foylejim, there's no Sharing option when i right click the printer10:33
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Newbie_DudeI downloaded an X11 Mouse Theme from gnome-look.org -- but surprisingly there is no documentation on how to install and can't find anything doing a search.10:33
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beniIts rebooting in an infinite loop10:33
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rolfenbeni: can u see where the reboot is starting... at what point is it rebooting10:34
benirolfen: at the boot command10:34
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beniroot( ); kernel; initrd; savedefault; boot -> and box reboots10:35
benikinda crazy10:35
rolfenbeni: ah ok10:35
yeniklasorHow can I connect internet with Zoom ADSL USB Modem?10:35
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benirolfen: Do you have any clue how to fix this?10:36
Pie-ratehmm, could i put my xorg.conf on a ramdrive or something so its just deleted when the system is turned off? i'm trying to do a portable install of ubuntu and i'd prefer not to manually delete it if i had switched to a restricted driver and then moved the hard drive to a different system with a different video card10:37
rolfenbeni:  i dont know... what was the last thing you did when it was working properly? did you recompile the kernel?10:37
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beniI just installed Ubuntu Server 6.0610:37
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benithe 7.04 installation didnt even work. its an very old box 200mhz 64MB Ram 8GB10:37
rolfenbeni: ah ok... let me do a quick google10:37
Newbie_DudeI'm trying to copy a folder full of cursors into the /usr/share/icons directory but I get "don't have permission." How do I get permission? >_<10:37
benirolfen: okay thanks10:38
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SlimeyPete!sudo | Newbie_Dude10:38
ubotuNewbie_Dude: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:38
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Newbie_Dude@SlimeyPete: I was hoping to avoid using the terminal :P10:38
SlimeyPeteNewbie_Dude: you could try "gksu nautilus"10:38
SlimeyPeteAFAIK that should load the file manager with superuser priveliges.10:39
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Pie-rateNewbie_Dude has a point, you should not HAVE to use a terminal to get root privileges in nautilus.10:39
SlimeyPetebut I wouldn't avoid the terminal if I were you... you'll need to ge sed to using it if you're planning to use Linux regularly :)10:39
SlimeyPete*get used10:39
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SlimeyPetePie-rate: well yeah, I agree10:39
smahowto merge "places & system" menu into "applications" menu? :)10:40
Pie-rateSlimeyPete: its not that necessary for ubuntu10:40
Newbie_DudeWow, gksu nautilus worked. :) I'm gonna have to remember that.10:40
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rolfenbeni: try booting the kernel with debug option... maybe you'll get more info10:40
Pie-rateSlimeyPete: i just sent a laptop with ubuntu to my grandmother.10:40
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benirolfen: param?10:41
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benirolfen: adding debug at the end of kernel ... foo10:41
SlimeyPetePie-rate: I don't agree. The Ubuntu GUI tools are immature and don't always work properly. Penty of general stuff can be done using the GUI bt system administration ften involves use of the terminal.10:41
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Newbie_DudeI could not imagine trying to teach this to my Dad, he has a hard enough time clicking.10:41
rolfenbeni: when you get the grub menu you can edit entries, add the option debug10:41
rolfenafter kernel name10:41
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benirolfen: i did. before it was "ro quiet splash" changed to "rw debug" , but no change..10:42
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benirolfen: Only restarting :-(10:43
rolfenbeni: i guess your problem happens before the kernel loads10:43
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demesneIf there a fix the non-functioning middle click.10:44
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yeniklasorHow can I connect internet with Zoom ADSL USB Modem :(10:47
towliebahey guys if i boot ubuntu form the live cd and install ati drivers, is there a way i can reinit x without rebooting?10:47
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benirolfen: okay..10:49
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rolfenbeni: i am researching about initrd... but i dont guarantee anything :-)10:49
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benirolfen: wow thanks a lot :) giveme some keywords i'll have a look, too if you wish10:50
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:50
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rolfenbeni: here i'm looking at the wikipedia entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initrd10:50
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alesanwhat about the flash plugin?10:51
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alesanwill there be an update?10:51
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alesanmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz10:52
alesanThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.10:52
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gnomefreakalesan: its known10:53
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gnomefreakalesan: its being worked on give a few weeks10:53
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user101hey guyz...10:53
rolfenbeni: pretty complicated10:54
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alesangnomefreak, few weeks? to update a md5sum the ubuntu database? I mean how can I force the installation then10:54
user101i have a problem with neverwinter nights... the sound stutters... i dunno what to do... anyone know of this issue?10:54
towliebanif i boot from the livecd is it possible to restart the X server without rebooting if i install ATI drivers ?10:54
gnomefreakalesan: if thats all it was that would have been done already10:54
Newbie_DudeI sear sometimes I click my mouse but nothing happens on my screen. Is this a typical Ubuntu problem? It doesn't happen every click, but once in a while.10:54
alesangnomefreak, I see, sorry. do you know a way to install an old version?10:55
alesanmaybe somebody could send me the two files?10:55
gnomefreakalesan: newest version of flash had tons of regressions we need to look into them see if fixed before we can give new version since adobe screwed up10:55
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FrogzooNewbie_Dude: perfectly possible your mouse is malfunctioning10:55
alesangnomefreak, I understand. in the meanwhile do you think it's possible to catch the old version from somewhere10:55
FrogzooNewbie_Dude: would be the first time I've seen linux miss mouse clicks10:55
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gnomefreakalesan: cd /var/cache/apt/archives/ and see if you can dpkg -i it from there. other than that there is no way10:56
Newbie_Dude@Frogzoo: Can't be, I need a scapegoat, it has to be Ubuntu!10:56
baconbaconHi, I have an ... interesting ... question (probably) concerning `tar`. Anyone have some tips on how to archive files using multiple block devices (hard disks) of different sizes?10:56
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alesangnomefreak, somebody could send me the two files10:56
benirolfen: okay i inserted a pause, i'll give you the full text which is on the screen before the boot command is executed and the box restarts10:56
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alesanI mean the plugin files10:56
Newbie_Dude@Frogzoo: Actually you're right, it might be coincidence I am running out of battery so I'll restock on battery now.10:56
gnomefreakalesan: its nonfree so we dont have source package we have scripts that download it from adobe10:56
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rolfenbeni: okay10:57
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Newbie_DudeIs there a way to drag directly from a compressed (.GZ) file into the directory? I usually double-click the compressed file, then just drag the contents to another folder, but can't seem to do it in Ubuntu.10:57
alesangnomefreak, ok but could somebody send me, by email or DCC, the two flash files that are symlinked in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins10:58
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gnomefreakalesan: install it like i said it might work if not hte files wont do you much good since its borked for everyone. the flashplugin-nonfree.deb is the package that grabs from adobe10:58
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demesneIf there a fix for a non-functioning middle click.10:58
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gnomefreakalesan: maybe this weekend ill see if the fix i think i have will work but the files wont do you much good since you will need to install them anyway and that would entail downloading it again. search launchpad for the bug (its already been filed a few times) and comment on it11:00
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demesneIf there a fix for a non-functioning mouse middle button11:01
Spaceman3750Hey guys, I want to chmod my Windows partition to 777 so I can get to it from any account, how would I do that?11:01
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alesangnomefreak, I think the issue is the following. If I try to install the flashplugin-nonfree, it does not install flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so, but11:02
Frogzoodemesne: which mouse?11:02
alesanit creates the symlinks in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.11:03
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alesannow if I copy those files from an old installtion it should work.11:03
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gnomefreakalesan: its not installing because teh tarball that the package grabs no longer has 9.0.31 it has been upgraded11:03
benirolfen: http://nopaste.php-q.net/31130311:03
demesneFrogzoo, generic usb optical mouse11:03
gnomefreakalesan: there is no 9.0.31 anymore files will not help you11:03
alesangnomefreak, we are talking in circles11:03
Spaceman3750What is gnomefreak's issue?11:04
gnomefreakSpaceman3750: i dont have one11:04
Spaceman3750I know Flash for Ubuntu is bugged...11:04
Spaceman3750Oh, OK11:04
gnomefreakSpaceman3750: yes and if i get time in next few days i will fix it11:04
rolfenbeni: ok thank11:04
benirolfen: does it help?11:04
FrogzooSpaceman3750: google 'linux fat mount umask'11:05
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rolfenbeni: well... looks like a tough one :-)11:05
ThanatosDriveTo the channel: You guys are great. Rock on.11:05
alesangnomefreak, ok I got flash working copying those files from another machine11:05
benirolfen: hehe :)11:05
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gnomefreakalesan: they shouldnt have fixed that atleast now you need to make sure you dont upgrade as it will ask you to upgrade.11:06
alesanwhy it should ask me to upgrade I don't get it11:06
gnomefreakalesan: seeing as those files aare in /var/cache/apt/archives/ as i said to begin with you could have gotten them from there11:06
benirolfen: its grub stage 1.5 whatever that means11:06
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rolfenbeni: i think the precompiled initrd is somehow incompatible with your hardware11:07
alesangnomefreak, those files in /var are the *new* version, aren't they?11:07
benirolfen: setup never told me about this... and i plugged of the scsi card i used during the setup11:07
gnomefreakalesan: because the tarball that flash used for 9.0.31 is the exact same name of the tarball they are using for newest version. the script to get flash only grabs that tarball but the script thinks its 9.0.31 and its not11:07
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benirolfen: I needed it in order to get a bootable CDRom drive11:07
gnomefreakalesan: no since it doesnt install them11:07
demesneFrogzoo: generic usb optical mouse11:08
alesanthat's why I took the files from another computer that still had the old version installed11:08
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CppIsWeirdi am having trouble make'ing the alsa drivers, i get this error (which they say is unique to ubuntu) : ln: creating symbolic link `include/sound' to `../alsa-kernel/include': Permission denied11:08
gnomefreakalesan: best bet is to disable backport repos now11:08
gnomefreakthat may or maynnot stop it from trying to upgrade11:08
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ny00123Wine + CompizFusion in fullscreen without gnome bars and AWN (Avant Window Navigator, similar to that Dock from Mac OS X)?11:10
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ToastGuywhat are gnomes?11:11
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qwerty/stats u11:11
ny00123the gnome bar11:11
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ny00123I mean, the top one with "Applications Places System"11:11
ny00123as well as the bottom one which is a taskbar, let's you minimize all windows and switch between workspaces.11:12
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ny00123How can they be hidden in a fullscreen Wine app (and possibly other apps) when using Compiz-Fusion?11:12
MajorPayneny00123: They are called panels.11:12
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kunalhello... I am facing funny problem related to System Time11:13
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kunalat bootup.. the time shown is different..11:13
kunaland after few minuted the time appears local.11:14
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Ap4ch3I having trouble installing dapper server on a sata HP dl360 server, no built in cdrom, using usb dvdrom, boots kernel asks for language but then will not get past that, kernel does not seem to able to use a usb mass storage device. Anyone know a switch i can give the kernel to do this?11:14
kunalwhat could be the solution for the problem11:14
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gdbkunal: sounds like the time in your bios is wrong and after your system has been running for a bit, ntpd sets the correct local time11:14
milestonehi all11:14
kunalnope.. the BIOS time is correct11:14
kunalI checked that..11:15
milestoneis there a way to do a batch conversion of files from iso-8859-1 to utf-8?11:15
milestoneiconv only print s the to stdout11:15
rolfenbeni: could it be because you removed the scsi device?11:15
milestonei want to convert them all permanently11:15
benihm i dont think so i could plug it in again11:15
MajorPayneMaybe your BIOS time is set to local time or UTC when it should be set to the other?11:15
ny00123milestone, do those filse contain only ASCII characters11:15
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ny00123(e.g. not above character no. 127?)11:15
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milestoneny00123: yes they are html files11:15
kunalBIOS time is set to local.. and UTC is set to IST..11:16
Frogzoomilestone: something like: for x in * ; do iconv $x > $x.out ; done11:16
milestoneny00123: no they do contain german umlauts11:16
ny00123If they're English and don't use the unique Western-European characters from ISO-8859-1, then no conversion should be required.11:16
kunalafter some minutes.. the time sets to ITC11:16
ny00123milestone, using ubuntu or kubuntu, or another variant?11:16
kunalsorry.. IST11:16
milestoneubuntu feisty fawn11:16
milestoneserver distrib11:16
MajorPaynekunal: Try right clicking on the clock and then preferences, make sure the UTC/local is set properly.11:16
ny00123ok milestone...so you don't have gedit, I guess11:16
kunalyep.. I did that..11:17
rolfenbeni: maybe you're right... i shouldnt be the scsi device11:17
kunalUTC/Local is set properly.11:17
ny00123milestone, if you do...11:17
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ny00123or not. milestone got GNOME?11:17
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milestoneny00123: nope11:18
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ny00123hmm...I know how can the conversion be made using gedit11:18
Newbie_DudeAre all programs downloaded with Synaptic updated via the 'update' tool, or do I need to keep an eye on new versions?11:18
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gdbNewbie_Dude: once you install something, update-notifier will tell you if there's a new package you need to install11:19
Newbie_Dudegdb: thanks11:20
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milestoneny00123: i have an vmware image i can start11:20
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gdbNewbie_Dude: sure thing, basically it just does and apt-get update and checks to see if anything has changed, if so, it does that little orange square notifier i'm sure you've seen before11:20
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ny00123milestone, that could possibly be done with a command, or vi or nano11:21
jorge_hello, I have a problem. I can not open http://www.terra.es/chat/salas/sala_23_128.htm11:21
ny00123but the way I know it is to load Applications --> Accessories --> Text Editor11:21
demesneIs there a fix for a non-functioning mouse middle button11:21
ny00123open the file in ISO-8859-1 mode, and save in UTF-8.11:21
jorge_how can I open http://www.terra.es/chat/salas/sala_23_128.htm?11:21
rolfenbeni: i got to go... good luck! if it doesnt work you could consider installing an older distribution then manually updating and recompiling the kernel ...11:21
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xstI have a problem with the simpleviewer export plugin in gwenview: EXIF-rotated images are displayed correctly in both konqueror and gwenview but when I export them to simpleviewer they loose their rotation. It is like simpeviewer ignores exif rotation. Is that correct?11:21
jattjorge_: you need FLASH11:22
benirolfen: okay thank you a lot!! have a nice day, i'll keep working on this bitch ;)11:22
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jorge_jatt I have flash11:22
jattjorge_: Me too and I cannot open the page either, so probably the page is just crap11:22
jattjorge_: youtube uses FLASH and works for me11:23
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jorge_I can open youtube11:23
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jorge_but I can not open http://www.terra.es/chat/salas/sala_23_128.htm but I can open youtube11:23
jattjorge_: there is nothing you can do then11:24
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CppIsWeirdcan anyone help me resolve this make error when trying to make alsa drivers: http://pastebin.com/m2aa0ff11:24
jattjorge_: ask the people who maintain that page that they should fix it11:24
towliebanhey guys i am following a tutorial on installing xgl and it says to do sudo apt-get install xserer-xgl but it says couldnt find package xserver-xgl11:24
towliebananyone know whats wrong ?11:24
Spaceman3750Jorge, Flash is bugged out, it may be related to that11:24
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rohananyone has an idea how to concurrently run debian and ubuntu (or any other debian based distro) ? both want control of /boot and want to automatically update menu.lst as new kernels are added, but they both can't do it.. atleast one of the OS needs to be added outside the dpkg auto config area .. is it possible to have both of them update menu.lst automatically ?11:24
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Jordan_Utowlieban, Do you have universe enabled?11:25
jorge_I have flash11:25
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towliebanJordan_U no how do i enable it11:25
Jordan_Urohan, They don't just see and add each other's kernels?11:25
Jordan_U!universe | towlieban11:25
ubotutowlieban: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:25
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rancidlmhey all is there a command to see what app has open what port11:26
MarcoPauhello, my ubuntu freezes pretty often, and all I can do is reboot the computer. what logs should I check in order to detect the problem? windoze won't do anything like that11:26
Jordan_Utowlieban, What guide are you following, there are a lot of bad guides out there, *especially* for XGL11:26
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jattMarcoPau: check your RAM11:26
Jordan_UMarcoPau, You hardly ever *need* to reboot11:27
jattMarcoPau: with memtest86+11:27
Rienzillarancidlm: netstat -tapn | grep LISTEN11:27
MarcoPauJordan_U: heh, but if it freezes... neither keyboard nor mouse respond11:27
jattJordan_U: did you read what he wrote? His computer freezes, so he MUST reboot!11:27
MarcoPaujatt: oki11:27
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Jordan_UMarcoPau, Does ssh work ( If you have openssh-server installed ) or alt+sysrq+k ?11:27
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towliebanJordan_U http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Xgl-Compiz-Dapper11:27
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demesneIs there a fix for a non-functioning mouse middle button11:28
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fbcDoes anyone know when the new kernel will appear in the ubuntu?11:28
Jordan_Utowlieban, What GFX card do you have?11:28
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Jordan_Ufbc, Gutsy11:28
fbcJordan_U,  thx11:28
Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know any alternative drivers for Conexant 56k Modems, particularly not $15 driverse from Linuxant?11:28
towliebanati x1600 on my macbook pro11:28
Jordan_Ufbc, np11:28
MarcoPauJordan_U: I can't really try ssh, having only this computer...11:28
Jordan_Utowlieban, Why are you running dapper?11:29
MarcoPauJordan_U: and what's sysrq?11:29
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jattMarcoPau: check your hardware first. You can also take a look at the logs in /var/log to see if the kernel logs something special before freezing11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sysrq - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
FruitieXtowlieban: why XGL?11:29
towliebanJordan_U whats dapper ?11:29
Jordan_UMarcoPau, usually your printscreen key11:29
fbcNewbie_Dude, I heard there is a patch for those drivers, whos knows if it's true or not.11:29
Newbie_DudeDapper is an old version of Ubuntu I believe11:29
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Jordan_Utowlieban, The version of Ubuntu that guide is made for, released in 2006 :)11:29
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MarcoPauJordan_U: you mean the one on top of "ins"?11:30
Newbie_Dude@fbc: Oh well, thanks. I know there's a work-around for Conexant modem driver for Dapper but none for Feisty. I might just give in and send Linuxant the $15 for the drivers. >_< meh11:30
CasullOkay, quick check: How many people here have had problems with external hard drives not mounting in Ubuntu 7.04?11:30
Jordan_UMarcoPau, Depends on your keyboard11:30
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rohanJordan_U: no, unfortunately not .. they both want to keep the other outside the autoconfig are11:30
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rancidlmRienzilla: thnx!11:31
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BevDizzleI have a problem where i cannot connect ot any update servers or irc servers or limewire etc11:31
BevDizzlebut as soon as i ping the address say security.ubuntu.com or irc.freenode.net or whatever address im trying to connect to its able to connect fine as soon as i've pinged it.11:31
BevDizzleIm using Dapper and i dont have a firewall11:31
fbcCasull, what filesystem?11:31
Casulleither vfat or FAT32, most likely the latter.11:31
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CasullIt was mounting just fine a few hours ago, then I shut down the laptop and the external to save power.11:32
jattBevDizzle: what does traceroute say before and after ping?11:32
fbcCasull,  you may have to do an fsck11:32
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BevDizzlelemme see.11:32
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fbcBevDizzle,  you may have a dns issue. check your network settings.11:33
CasullFor the record, the drive is readable under Windows 2000, I'm using a dual boot machine.11:33
demesneIs there a fix for a non-functioning mouse middle button11:33
Polis_tttanyone using gproftpd?11:33
Jordan_UCasull, Do you have ntfs-config installed?11:33
Frogzoo!anyone | Polis_ttt11:33
ubotuPolis_ttt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:33
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fbcdemesne, the middle finger? :-)11:33
towliebanJordan_U do what tutorial should i use ? i cant find one for a macbook thats current11:33
CasullDo I need that installed for an external hard drive that's using FAT32?11:34
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jattdemesne: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:34
jattdemesne: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:34
demesnejatt: Still doesn't work11:34
Jordan_U!xgl | towlieban11:35
ubotutowlieban: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:35
BevDizzleJatt the result is much the same11:35
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BevDizzlefbc what must I look for.....11:35
Jordan_UCasull, no11:35
jattdemesne: Option"Emulate3Buttons""true" and Option"ZAxisMapping""4 5" in xorg.conf works for me I am using the wheel right now.11:35
BevDizzlethe DNS has the address of my ADSL Router11:35
CasullWell, at any rate, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have ntfs config here.11:36
demesnejatt: Scrolling works fine, can't midde click. Tried both false and true to Emulate3Buttons.11:36
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CasullAllow me to show you some interesting readout...11:36
CasullJul 13 02:18:48 jules kernel: [  445.224000]  usb 5-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9211:36
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fbcBevDizzle, the you definitely hare having issues with the os. probably going to be somethign in the /etc/network settings.11:37
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CasullNow, repeat that line every few seconds, with the address and the [xxx] numbers changing11:37
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jattdemesne: start xev and then click with the middle button in the xev window: does xev get the click?11:37
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demesnejatt: Doesn't get the click.11:37
CasullMy external's read light is also pulsing...11:37
=== Casull strokes beard
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jattdemesne: I am out of ideas then, indeed very strange11:38
demesnejatt: Thank you for the help anyway.11:38
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Greatmetalitsa _TomB D:11:41
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Newbie_DudeIs the program "Wine" in Synaptic Add/Remove any good? I thought that program was no longer developed -- now called Cedega or something.11:41
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jattNewbie_Dude: I would avoid wine11:42
CasullNewbie: Cedega is a different fork for Wine; right now, they're two separate projects11:42
demesneIs there a fix for a non-functioning mouse middle button, after trying 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', Emulate3Buttons, ZAxisMapping 4 5, xev receives button 1 3 4 5.11:42
GreatmetalWine is still being actively developed11:42
Greatmetaljatt why?11:42
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Greatmetalit works great11:42
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outerHey there everyone. I'm having trouble installing flash player for firefox in ubuntu. It basically goes through the motions but everytime I go back to youtube or google video it asks me to install it again. Any one else had this issue?11:43
Newbie_DudeOK, let's say I already installed Wine and want to uninstall it. Is Ubuntu like Windows, where I uninstall something but there are little pieces of the program left in registries and directories, like bread crumbs in a keyboard?11:43
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cotyrotheryis a pentium 4 intell processor good11:43
bevanl_i cant see anything wrong in the etc/network/interfaces :( im completly lost as to why it wont work11:43
lkgnfmanyone here tight on bitchx?11:43
GreatmetalNewbie_Dude, open terminal and do rm -rf ./.wine/11:43
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CasullBah, that does it.  Restart, if the drive doesn't show up again, I'm reinstalling Ubuntu...God knows it's been a royal pain for a while.11:43
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CasullGood night, all~11:43
jattNewbie_Dude: haha nooo ubuntu is not like windows!11:43
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jattNewbie_Dude: the ubuntu package system allows you to remove programs cleanly11:44
Greatmetaljatt, not all the way11:44
I_Have_No_IdeaHow do i multiboot with Ubuntu being the first OS11:44
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jattGreatmetal: OK11:44
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Newbie_DudeOK thanks. This is only my 2nd day of Ubuntu so I'll probably end up downloading a lot of programs I won't use.11:44
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Greatmetaljatt, alot of them still keep their config directorys11:44
jattGreatmetal: OK11:45
Newbie_Dude@I_Have_No_Idea: You have two OSs on your computer i assume?11:45
BevDizzle_Does anyone know what my problem would be why i cant connect to servers unless i ping them in which case i can then connect to them im completely lost11:46
I_Have_No_IdeaNewbie_Dude I have Ubuntu 5.10 and want to Install 6.06 LTS and multiboot with other linux distros11:46
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I_Have_No_IdeaI dont wanna keep the 5.10 installation11:46
lui4anyone here know bitchx well?11:46
I_Have_No_Idea<--messed it up badly11:46
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Newbie_DudeI have no idea, I_Have_No_Idea :P SUre someone else could tell ya, but they're all quiet today. ;)11:48
lui4anyone know how to get a channel list in bitchx?11:48
Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, Why 6.06?11:49
shapermechanistlui4 /list11:49
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lui4shapermechanist thanx mate11:49
I_Have_No_IdeaWhy not?11:49
dayaraphink, hi11:49
Newbie_DudeGood question, I always wondered why anyone would install an old version of something. :P11:49
dvmWhen i use the libmtp functions in glade2 , it shows "undefined reference to `LIBMTP_Get_Connected_Devices'", Is there anything to specify in linker options?11:49
Jordan_Ului4, That is the same in all clients11:49
r4663ris there a way, to mark text in different apps, then pressing a key ( for example strg+super ), after that there runs another command with the marked text as parameter?11:49
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raphinkhi daya11:49
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dayaraphink, do u have any idea about tux typing tutor,11:50
Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, It is harder to set up and has older applications11:50
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dayaraphink, actually we want to localise it, so that it can be the tying tutor in nepali langs.11:50
I_Have_No_IdeaSo go with 7.04?11:50
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Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, Yes11:50
I_Have_No_Idea Awwz11:50
I_Have_No_Ideanow im sad11:50
Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, Why ? :)11:51
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I_Have_No_IdeaCuz well11:51
I_Have_No_IdeaI like older OS's11:51
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DBLueHow can i change the text in terminal, when i log in terminal there is a text that says on the bottom "use Ubuntu without no" and something, where that text can be changed?11:51
rico__lui4, try /list11:51
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Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, Then by all means use Dapper11:51
towliebanJordan_U can i pm you i have made good progress but i am stuck at what i think is the last step to getting it working11:51
antodonaque psa11:51
Jordan_UI_Have_No_Idea, I don't really get it though11:51
Jordan_Utowlieban, I am not sure how much longer I am going to be awake11:52
cotyrotheryCan somone tell me how i would share my wired connection with my wifi ouput11:52
Newbie_DudeYou're weird man, lol.11:52
=== slash [n=slash@87-205-232-251.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
I_Have_No_IdeaJordan_U Right now I really just wanna Get a system with Ubuntu Knoppix Artist X and Sabayon going11:52
Jordan_Utowlieban, Someone in #ubuntu-effects can help you I am sure11:52
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lui4how do i format a hdd that is ntsf? i installed the ext file system on hdd c but i got this other hdd that is not the master that still has the windows file shit on it11:52
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towliebanJordan_U i am idling there but no one in there seems to be talking11:53
cotyrotheryI need to know how to get wifimax to work on ubuntu11:53
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Jordan_Ului4, gparted11:53
cotyrotheryall it does is take the wired internet connection and broadcast it11:53
Newbie_Dude@lui4: If you wanna get rid of all the old NTFS garbage, what I did was reinstall Ubuntu with the "Full Disk Partition" option. It made the entire disk all EXT3, got rid of the NTFS (windows) garbage. :) Clean hard disk!11:53
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vpallehi, could anyone recommend a lightweight cms?11:53
antodonaola habla algien espaol11:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:54
sscotti have a question about the powerbutton on my laptop..  how can I link pressing that to the logout menu11:54
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cotyrotheryvpalle: php-fusion is good im using joomla though11:54
lui4Newbie_Duede i hear yah but i dont want to reinstall the whole ubuntu....11:54
sscottpressing my power button now on the laptop does nothing.. i want it to bring up that menu11:54
Jordan_U!es | antodona11:54
ubotuantodona: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:54
Newbie_Dude@lui4: Or jsut try what jordan said, gparted :p11:54
vpallecotyrothery: thx, joomla is not lightweight?11:54
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lui4Newbie Dude yeah ill give that quparted shite a try :)11:55
cotyrotheryvpalle: well i think so but people say it uses a lot of cpu power on the servers11:55
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DBLueIn sudoers file there is a command insult, where is the file with the list of insults?11:55
MarcoPau_Jordan_U: just froze... alt sysrq k didn't work. not even num lock is responding11:55
sscotti just need to know how i can get the power button on my laptop to do something11:55
sscottcan anyone help11:55
cotyrotheryvpalle: I promise though that php-fusion is like super light weight and is a great cms11:55
vpallecotyrothery: ok, guess ill try them both.. thx again11:55
jatt!anyone | sscott11:55
ubotusscott: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:55
uxunxuGreetings. I am upgrading from Dapper to Edgy and have a custom initrd initial ramdisk filesystem image specified in /etc/lilo.conf. My special initrd boot image does some non-standard hardware initialization at boot time. My question: what does update-manager do when updating, with regard to lilo.conf and initrd files?11:55
vpallecotyrothery: sweet11:55
rico__Joomla is giagantic, and often too feature-bloated for those looking for something simple11:56
sscotti just need to know how i can get the power button on my laptop to do something11:56
SlimeyPetejatt: erm, he asked his question11:56
lui4umm there is no qparted in my box11:56
MarcoPau_jatt: and /var/log/messages doesn't log anything at the time of the freezing11:56
Jordan_UMarcoPau, Sometimes you need to use function for printscreen to act as sysrq.11:56
cotyrotheryso does anyone know how i could get wifimax to work11:56
jattSlimeyPete: OK11:56
SlimeyPetelui4: gparted. 'g' not 'q'.11:56
lui4and i did a sudo apt-get install qparted and got nothing either11:56
sscottcotyrothery: Are you in hamilton? hahaha11:56
Newbie_Dude@lui4 ---> G geeeee parted :) lol11:56
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cotyrotherysscott: who?11:56
Jordan_UMarcoPau, Try fn+alt+sysrq+k11:56
sscottcotyrothery: I applied for wifimax free trial here.. didn't get accepted yet ;P11:57
cotyrotherysscott: I dont think so why11:57
lui4ok niggaz this works11:57
MarcoPauJordan_U: I don't have fn... that is a laptop key I suppose11:57
uxunxuMore succinctly: will update-manager, when upgrading from one release to another, wipe out an existing lilo.conf?11:57
cotyrotheryI dont know how to get wifimax to work on linux11:57
Newbie_Dude@sscott: Just a shot in the dark, I'm a noob, but try System Menu > Prefrences > "Power Management Preferences" > General Tab11:57
sscottit adds to it11:57
sscottNewbie_Dude: Will try, thx11:57
cotyrotheryAll i need to do is get my wired connection to share with it11:57
cotyrotheryanyone now how i can do this11:58
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Jordan_UMarcoPau, Next time you get it working close anything important and see if alt+sysrq+k works normally11:58
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lui4ok yall this is nice... its graphical (gparted)11:58
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lui4and i who even do the urls in text mode11:58
sscottIt's like my power button isn't linked as the power button11:59
sscotthow can i find out what key my power button is to link it to powerbtn11:59
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Jordan_Usscott, xev possibly?11:59
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gnomefreakanyone having the flashplugin md5sum error it should be fixed within next 7days or so for feisty12:00
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sscottJordan_U: Ha neat12:00
MarcoPauJordan_U: worked. it rebooted X12:00
Newbie_DudeWhat font you guys use for this IRC thing? This default Sans Serif is hideous.12:00
Jordan_UMarcoPau, After restarting or from the freeze?12:00
sscottserial 3012:00
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lui4so um the master hdd is ext3 should this slave hdd also be in ext3?12:00
SlimeyPeteNewbie_Dude: monospace regular 9 point12:01
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sscottwhen i pressed the power button i used to get a list of things i could do. now i get nothing12:01
SlimeyPetebut I'm on KDE, in a terminal, not in xchat or anything12:01
Newbie_Dude@lui4: I believe EXT3 is for Ubuntu, and if you don't plan on using Windows again, make it EXT3. :) No more NTFS, I did that yesterday myself. xD12:01
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cotyrotherycan someone please tell me how to get my wired connection to share the connection with my wifi max12:02
lui4ewbie_Dude sounds awwrite ... ill do ext3 then12:02
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sscottkeycode 22212:02
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sscottwhat command pulls up the logout/shutdown menu12:03
cotyrotheryall i need to do to get it work is share my internet connection its easy to do in windows i just dont know how in ubuntu12:03
Hobbseerico__: please dont do that12:03
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Spaceman3750If I install KDE using apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, do I uninstall it by issuing apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, and it will go back to Gnome?12:03
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, So you have everything but the internet sharing working?12:04
lui4newbie dude should this be a primary partition or extended... (its extended right?)12:04
cotyrotheryJordan_U: yes12:04
cotyrotheryJordan_U: i dont know what programe to use to share it12:04
SlimeyPeteSpaceman3750: just do an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:04
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, Try Firestarter for internet sharing12:04
SlimeyPetethat should replace kde with gnome12:04
Newbie_Dude@lui4: no idea12:04
MarcoPauJordan_U: no, it wasn't frozen12:04
cotyrotheryJordan_U: Im not sure how to configure it12:04
lui4JOrdan primary or extended? (this is the slave hdd!!)12:05
cotyrotherynever mind12:05
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, It is pretty easy, try it and ask questions if you don't understand a part of it12:05
jattNewbie_Dude: I do use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-1212:05
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cotyrotheryok should i do the firewall12:05
cotyrotheryand or the ip assign to dhcp12:05
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Newbie_Dudejatt: Oo, that seems alright. :) Nice and big for my aging eyes.12:05
Jordan_Ului4, Doesn't matter, if it is the only partition on the drive then primary12:06
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lui4well i got two hdds in my computer.... and the one with ntsf was the one that was slave and not had anything on it12:06
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, Assigning via DHCP will make connecting to your comp easier12:06
MarcoPauJordan_U: so the combination is working, but not responding when it freezes... thus, ram test or?12:06
cotyrotheryI'm not sure which device to choose for sharing12:07
jattMarcoPau: Test your RAM12:07
cotyrotheryit has vmnet08 and vmnet0912:07
Jordan_UMarcoPau, What GFX card do you have?12:07
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cotyrotherythen it has eth0 eth1 and eth212:07
jattMarcoPau: memtest86+12:07
Newbie_DudeWhat's that command again... "lspi | grep -audio" ? Trying to get my audio to work.12:07
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, it is going to be either eth1 or 212:07
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Jordan_Ucotyrothery, vmnet is for VMware12:08
MarcoPauS3 Inc. Trio 64 3D12:08
MarcoPauJordan_U: I'm on a super old machine12:08
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cotyrotheryJordan_U: but my wifi max is usb12:09
Jordan_UMarcoPau, With my card ( crappy ATI drivers ) I have to disable DRI to keep it from crashing12:09
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MarcoPauJordan_U: that's from xorg.conf?12:09
Jordan_Ucotyrothery, I don't know how to setup your wifi max, that is why I asked if it was just the internet sharing that you needed to get working12:10
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lui4what is the command to check the total hdd space?12:10
Jordan_UMarcoPau, Yes, it basically disables 3D acceleration12:10
Jordan_Ului4, df12:10
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Jordan_Ului4, df -h for human readable output :)12:11
fblade1987hey guys just a quick question is there a live cd that has java installed?12:11
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axos88Hi guys... I've just installed Debian-amd64 from a netinst HD-MEDIA. the installer didn't reckognize my NIC (i have both LAN and WLAN), so installed only the minimal system... But still no NIC (well no wonder)... What can I do? I have a brand new ASUS F3SV laptop12:11
Jordan_Ufblade1987, You can install applications from the LiveCD12:11
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Newbie_DudeThe screensavers alone make me feel good about my switch to Ubuntu, lol. They really rock.12:11
lui4Jordan_U i did df -a (all)12:11
jattaxos88: what does that have to do with ubuntu?12:11
cotyrotheryJordan_U: if it helps my wifimax uses ZyDAS ZD1211 driver12:11
Frogzoowhile writing to a pcmcia inserted CF card, the rest of the machine is horribly unresponsive; vmstat shows interupts goes up to 8000 and load=20 - is this due to having a crappy 16bit pcmcia/cf converter?12:11
Spaceman3750Can the Ubuntu Certified Professional course be taken long-distance?12:11
leon_pegghi all I have a problem I just went to install a package on my server and found the breezy repos are no longer avalible what do I do12:11
Jordan_Uaxos88, This is #ubuntu12:12
Jordan_Uleon_pegg, Upgrade to Dapper12:12
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leon_peggwhats the easyest way?12:12
Jordan_U!upgrade | leon_pegg12:12
ubotuleon_pegg: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:12
fblade1987Jordan_u : yeah i know i just would like one with it already on so i can demonstrate on someone else's computer to allow a newbie to see what linux is like12:12
axos88yeah, but Ubuntu is actually an offspring of debian... and this is actually not tied to any distro12:12
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losinmenow my laptop is reaching critical temperature12:12
losinmebut it's not really12:12
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losinmebut kubuntu thinks it is12:12
losinmehas somebody joined the ubuntu development specifically to break things12:13
Jordan_Ufblade1987, Why not show them how easy it is to install apps through Applications -> Add/Remove :)12:13
leon_peggthanks Jordan_U12:13
Frogzooleon_pegg: upgrade to dapper or feisty12:13
lui4ok so i formated this hdd and put ext3 on it... do i need to mount it or something? because it does not show up when im looking for it... the name for it is "hdb1"12:13
Jordan_Uleon_pegg, np12:14
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leon_peggI am upgrading to dapper12:14
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losinmedon't upgrade to feisty12:14
losinmeit breaks everything12:14
fblade1987the thing is i'm not going to be there to show them, so i would like for them to have java just to help things along12:14
fblade1987is there a way i can make a live cd with java on?12:14
Frogzooleon_pegg: I don't mean upgrade, but rather 'install from scratch'12:14
losinme6.06 is the only stable version where things work.. but that's because they don't let you have new programs like firefox 2.0+12:14
losinmeubuntu is slowly losing me12:15
rico__hey guys, i just connected my iPod on my ubuntu setup... i noticed it got mounted automatically. what does this? :)12:15
Frogzoolosinme: from a fresh install of edgy, I upgraded to feisty no probs12:15
rico__I mean, how does that happen... I didn't have to mount it manually12:15
leon_peggIts server so I dont have firefox etc12:15
losinmeFrogzoo:  From fresh installs of fesity, i have had nothing but problems12:15
losinmeFrogzoo: From the uuid way of labling disks12:15
Jordan_Ulosinme, You might like debian12:15
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losinmeJordan_U: Yeah12:15
dawn`chorusrico__, i think it's hal + gnome volume manager.12:15
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antodonaque pasa12:16
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Jordan_U!es > antodona12:16
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antodonawenass jordan12:16
antodonaque pasa como te va12:16
Jordan_Uantodona, I don't know spanish :)12:17
antodonano spk ingkins12:17
losinmeI will deal with the OSS issues by using debian .. but i'd really like to get this power button issue sorted on the laptop12:17
lui4how do i mount the hdd i just formated?12:17
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rico__dawn`chorus, hmm so if I plug in a USB key drive, will it auto-mount too?12:18
losinmeit should be a no brainer12:18
losinmerico__: Yep12:18
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Jordan_Ului4, What's the device name?12:18
rico__losinme, what would be responsible for that behavior?12:18
losinme losinme: hal?12:18
mrabbithello, can anybody recommend a good mac os x style dock for ubuntu12:18
lui4jordan /dev/hdb112:18
Newbie_DudeHave you guys seen the "Lattice" screensaver? It's so amazing. :P12:18
lui4or just hdb12:18
dawn`chorusrico__, sure will.  ain't that cool!  :)12:18
CppIsWeirdim having trouble running the alsa make file, i keep getting permission errors, and im running the make as sudo, the last error was: rm: cannot remove directory `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied12:18
CppIsWeirdinstall: cannot change owner and/or group of `/usr/include/sound': Operation not permitted12:18
CppIsWeirdinstall: cannot change ownership of `/usr/include/sound/version.h': Operation not permitted12:18
rico__hmm, okay12:18
Jordan_Ului4, sudo mkdir /media/hdb1 && sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb112:19
losinmeCppIsWeird:  run as root12:19
CppIsWeirdsudo is root, is it not?12:19
rico__what's hal? haha, pardon the ignorance. Hardware abstraction layer?12:19
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dawn`chorusrico__, correct.12:19
losinmeyou are installing something aren't you?12:19
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Jordan_UCppIsWeird, It's like you'r in a fakeroot12:19
rico__dawn`chorus,  and it's part of the kernel?12:19
CppIsWeirdthats strange... how do i run as root then? su is disabled in feisty12:20
losinmeCppIsWeird: sudo su12:20
dawn`chorusrico__, it interacts with the kernel, yes, so in that sense it's "part" of it.  but, really, it's its own daemon/program thingy.12:20
Jordan_UCppIsWeird, I don't mean that you are, it is just similar12:20
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rico__ahh, I see.12:20
CppIsWeirdomg, thats funny.12:20
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lui4jordan the first command works the second it complaints that i must give the filetype system12:20
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Jordan_Ului4, Then: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb112:21
Spaceman3750CppIsWeird, you could try running from a root terminal12:21
towliebanif i install ubuntu on a system with 2GB ram, do i have to have a swap ?12:21
dawn`chorustowlieban, not really, but I wou.d.12:21
cotyrotheryJordan_U: i cant seem to find my wifi max in the settings12:21
CppIsWeirdno... im getting a new error, not related to permissions.12:21
losinmetowlieban: listen to dawn .. you really probably won't, but just in case12:22
lui4jordan em it gives some error12:22
ramseizecan anyone help me? how will i know if any wireless lan is detected on my  ubuntu , coz in my network settings it has wireless lan, how  can i configure it to use adhoc connection to share internet connection with other laptop12:22
lui4it complaints the flag type is not correct12:22
Jordan_Ului4, Can you pastebin the error?12:22
lui4the -t part12:22
rico__and hmm, anyone here know where i can get help setting up vmware? #vmware seems mostly idle today.12:23
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losinmerico__:  use innotek virutal pc12:24
lui4jordan i got my ubuntu in the swedish language so i dont know how useful it would be for me to paste it12:24
losinmerico__:  it's so much easier/faster/nicer12:24
Jordan_Urico__, You can get VMware server from Ubuntu-commercial12:24
ramseizecan anyone help me12:24
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losinmerico__:  Sec12:24
lui4error superblock and /dev/hdb codepack missing12:24
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JayRoecan someone tell me what I need to install in order to do a "make menuconfig"?12:25
Jordan_Uramseize, "Connect to other wireless network"12:25
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losinmerico__:  http://www.virtualbox.org/12:25
bullgard4What is a 'key combo'? (e. g. in the sentence: "SysRq key is a 'magical' key combo you can hit which the kernel will respond to regardless of whatever else it is doing, unless it is completely locked up.)12:25
rico__losinme, can it access raw partitions, too?12:25
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ramseizejordan_U  , im the server, how cani share internet conneection , i have no router so i must use adhoc, how will i do that12:25
rico__Jordan_U, yep, I tried that. I got vmware installed already. :)12:26
losinmerico__:  not a clue but it installs in 2 seconds so you could look12:26
losinmerico__:  are you running feisty/12:26
rico__yep, feisty.12:26
CppIsWeirdanyone know where to go with this: http://pastebin.com/m76c7f1d    its a make error from alsa.12:26
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adrian_u hago?12:26
losinmerico__:  sec12:26
Newbie_Dudebullgard4: a key combo is hitting a few keys at the same time12:27
losinmerico__:  http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_fawn_vmware_server_howto12:27
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dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, just a wild stab, but you may need the -dev package for alsa.12:27
Newbie_Dudebullgard4: for example CONTROL-C for copy is a key combo12:27
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adrian_could somebody help with a DVD-TV card?12:27
losinmerico__:  Sweet tutorial12:27
anggaanybody here familiar with wifidog?12:27
bullgard4Newbie_Dude: Isn't  such a procedure called a 'key combination'?12:27
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adrian_I don't known what model i should buy12:28
Newbie_Dudebullgard4: Yes, but "combo" is short for "combination"12:28
anggaanybody here familiar with wifidog?12:28
Jordan_UCppIsWeird, Why are you compiling from source?12:28
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bullgard4Newbie_Dude: Thank you very much for explaining.12:28
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rico__losinme, hehe I found that guide, I had it installed already thanks to that one and other similar guides. my "problem" (but not really) is that I want to use my NTFS volumes (mounted in Ubuntu) from within the XP Pro guest os.12:28
adrian_Kworld tdt+analog. pci dvbt22012:28
Newbie_DudeIs there a way to add more workspaces? I'm addicted to this feature.12:28
Jordan_UCppIsWeird, And did you apt-get build-dep alsa?12:28
adrian_or a zappa card very very cheap12:28
adrian_zaapa, sorry12:29
angganeed guidence with wifidog please12:29
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Of course :)12:29
losinmerico__:  Good luck12:29
losinmerico__:  :D12:29
CppIsWeirddawn, i dont see any alsa-dev12:29
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Right click the workspace manager at the bottom right12:29
losinme i just need to get my laptops power button to bring up the shutdown menu again12:29
CppIsWeirdJordan_U, because the current drivers arnt working, so im getting the latest.12:29
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Newbie_DudeBetween workspaces, stability, trippy screensavers, learning new things, and free applications, I am becoming an Ubuntu addict.12:29
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CppIsWeirdJordan_U, no to the apt-get build-dep alsa12:30
Newbie_DudeOh, and a friendly and helpful community, forgot that part. :)12:30
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Jordan_UCppIsWeird, That will grab what you need for it to compile12:30
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, libasound2-dev12:30
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losinmelike how is this not a common problem12:30
anggaanyone knows knows how to assigning custom login page for different nodes under wifidog?12:30
rico__haha, same here.12:31
anggau do?12:31
rico__I should actually be booting to Windows now to use Photoshop, but I'm too engrossed in setting up my new Ubuntu installation. :P12:31
FrogzooNewbie_Dude: add a workspace switcher to your toolbar, then right click - have as many ws's as you like12:31
cougemhi i managed to get as far as clicking the update button in the update manager and accepted the conditions, but then i get an error message saying it failed to fetch 6 .gz files, and that its usually a network problem, but most are 404 errors, and then it halts.12:32
losinmeangga:  HOW on earth to you think that is related to this channel?  Go look for help on WIFI DOG somewhere else12:32
losinmeat least i'm asking channel related questions12:32
adrian_somebody wanna help me?12:32
losinmetoo bad nobody knows how to get a friggin power button to work12:32
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Newbie_Dude@frogzoo, Jordan_U: thanks again12:32
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anggayeah well the WIFI DOGs team didn't respond so came here to ask for some expertise12:32
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, np, if you don't have an ati card and need to get more addicted try Compiz :)12:32
bluestarhi all12:33
dawn`choruscougem, i believe the servers are having issues.  hence the 404's.  perhaps try a mirror.12:33
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CppIsWeirdso which do i do ? one or both?12:33
cougemhow do i do that?12:33
Newbie_DudeJordan_U: Compiz? Hmm, I'll google that now, and yes I don't have an ATI card. :) I'm going through the screensavers right now and tripping out, the fireworks one "Skyrocket" is amazing, lol.12:34
losinmeokay i found where it links ctrl-alt-delete to log out menu12:34
losinmebut i can't switch it to my power button12:34
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, You think that is amazing :)12:34
losinmeit just flashes at me12:34
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CppIsWeirdapt-get build-dep alsa fails.12:34
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Go to System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects12:34
Newbie_DudeJordan_U: I'm easily entertained, and don't burst my bubble I'm trying to get myself psyched for deleting Windows XP. xD12:34
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Jordan_UCppIsWeird, It's probably just a meta-package then, try things like alsa-base12:35
dawn`choruscougem, well, i guess we'd have to access ubuntu.com to find a mirror, too.  sorry.  :(12:35
Newbie_Dude@Jordan_U: Is that Desktop Effects thing safe? I keep seeing people coming in here and talking about how their computer exploded after turning it on.12:35
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, what sort of trouble you having w/ alsa?  sorry, didn't catch your problem.12:35
cougemoh ok, thanks12:35
bluestari installed avast and i can see it installed in package manger but i do not know where i can start the program any idea?12:35
losinmewhere do i fnd the shortcut scheme file12:35
adrian_could somebody help with a DVD-TV card?????12:35
losinmewhere it stores the scheme12:35
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, It depends on the system, I havn't had any problems with it on intel cards12:35
dawn`choruscougem, it's a temporary thing. probably all good in a few days.12:36
cougemok thanks!12:36
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adrian_could somebody help with a DVD-TV card compatible with Feisty?????12:36
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CppIsWeirdJordan_U, alsa-base is already installed. got libasound2-dev, same make error.12:36
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user101guyz... where do i get gcc 4.2? it's not listed in synaptic :(12:36
dawn`chorusbluestar, try alt-f2: avast (or the program name, if you know it.)12:36
Newbie_Dude@Spaceman3750: Thank you, I can't respond because I am not registered.12:36
losinmewhy doesn't anybody here have a link to how to fix this problem12:36
losinmehow is it not common12:36
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losinmelaptop-powerbutton not showing menu12:37
Jordan_UCppIsWeird, I meant build-dep alsa-base ( and any other packages that the drivers you are compiling might replace )12:37
losinmeand for some reason keyboardshortcuts won't take my powerbutton as a key... it's looking at it like a special key like alt or osmething12:37
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:37
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CppIsWeirdJordan_U, yeah, i just figured that out, installing...12:37
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losinmei'm gonna snap12:38
CppIsWeirdJordan_U, same make error. :(12:38
user101guyz... where do i get gcc 4.2? it's not listed in synaptic :(12:38
Newbie_Dudelosinme: This channel is very helpful, try back in an hour or so and maybe someone will know the answer to your question.12:38
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Try desktop effects, I want to be here when your windows start wobbl'n12:38
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dawn`chorususer101, build-essential, i believe.12:39
Newbie_DudeAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jell-O12:39
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Now enable the cube and press ctrl+alt+ drag your cursor12:40
doublemintwould anyone be able to tell me how to remove the 'open with' entries, because I got rid of SciTE but it's still showing up there?12:40
Newbie_DudeHoly  cow12:40
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adhanhow to detect usb flashdrive ?12:40
banlieueI am quite holy12:40
user101btw... how can you be that stupid to remove libstdc6 ...12:40
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, :)12:40
user101it autodetects, adhan12:40
=== Spaceman3750 [n=chatzill@64-199-238-87.ip.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_Dude@Spaceman3750: It says "no such nick/channel"12:41
Newbie_DudeJordan_U: I love the effects but I just got really dizzy. >_<12:41
Spaceman3750Newbie_Dude: What does?12:41
Newbie_DudeSpaceman3750: [Error]  NickServe: No such nick/channel.12:42
banlieuetry -e12:42
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, Just wait for the next version of Ubuntu ;)12:42
Spaceman3750Newbie_Dude: Hmm....12:42
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Spaceman3750Yeah, its NickServ, not NickServe12:42
banlieueit's not a serve, it's a serv(ice)12:42
losinmemenu effects are for noobs12:42
user101umm... guyz.. i just accidentally removed libstdc6... how can i get it back... it seems to have deleted every package manager in my system12:42
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Newbie_Dudethe menu effects made me nauseous so I had to turn them off, hehe12:43
banlieuethe word noob is arguably for 'noobs'12:43
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Spaceman3750I tried turning them on, they crashed FireFox :(12:43
Newbie_DudeOK I will try to register that way, if it doesn't work I'll just use the URL the bot gave me12:43
losinmei was downloading at 300cps12:43
losinmebefore you knew what CLI was12:43
user101umm... guyz.. i just accidentally removed libstdc6... how can i get it back... it seems to have deleted every package manager in my system12:43
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, And with that I bid you good night12:43
Spaceman3750I think my vid card could probably handle them, but I don't really wanna bother :P12:43
losinmeuser101: You're screwed, re install12:43
dudubsI want a new menu as OpenSuSE menu in gnome... where i can get one for ubuntu ?12:43
ny00123Anyone who's tried Anjuta?12:43
banlieuelosinme: you might want to behave while in here12:44
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Jordan_Uuser101, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:44
losinmebanlieue:  Oh yah?12:44
losinmebanlieue:  why/12:44
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banlieuelosinme: because the channel seems to be without supervision, but it in fact is not12:44
Newbie_DudeI'm registered now, weird it didn't work the first time. Thanks guys.12:44
rico__hey, how do file associations work in Gnome? what if, say, I want .txt files to open with a certain app, how do I change that?12:44
losinmebanlieue: What's your point?12:44
banlieueand misbehaving in the way you seem to be doing is hardly constructive, and surely will not go unnoticed12:44
losinmebanlieue: wtf are you?12:44
berenthow do you mount a usb disk12:44
dudubsWhere i can download menu as novell in suse?12:44
ny00123In Anjuta, I've added cpp as source and h as headers to to a wxWidgets project, but it seems like the headers can't be found while compiling (everything managed by Anjuta).12:44
dawn`chorusrico__, open File Browser and right click on one of the file types you want to change > properties > opens with.12:45
losinmebanlieue: huh?12:45
rico__hmm, thank you. :)12:45
dawn`chorusberent, should do it automatically.  is it not?12:45
losinmebanlieue: seriously stfu12:45
berentdawn`chorus : not doing12:45
adhandawn chorus : i need your help please12:45
[phear] 6stringknthere a  compiz fusion channel?12:46
dawn`chorusberent, plug it in and check dmesg for it's partition label.12:46
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dawn`chorusadhan, just ask your question into the channel.  :)12:46
berentdawn`chorus : not appearing in dmesg12:46
user101k... still got dpkg... can i do anything? :D12:46
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losinmelooks like most of the #ubuntu support left to go work for canonical12:46
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losinmejust a few followers left12:46
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banlieue_6StringKng_: should be #compiz-fusion12:46
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losinmei had real hope12:47
adhanhow to detect usb flashdrive ?12:47
jeremyoutmanhi everyone.12:47
Jordan_Uuser101, Do you have the command "locate" ?12:47
_6StringKng_k, thanks banlieue12:47
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adhanusually my flashdrive mount automatically12:47
losinmeshit sht fuck12:47
jeremyoutmanIf you don't have permission to write to a certain file or folder on ubuntu how would you change it?12:47
dawn`chorusberent, could be wrong, but most times that means that your peice of hardware isnt' supported.12:47
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user101yep. got locate12:48
rico__oh and does anyone know of an app I can use to play mp3 cue sheets? aside from xmms and amarok.12:48
netyireCan somebody please help me with some usb mount problems12:48
berentdawn`chorus : how do i test it if it's not damaged12:48
Newbie_DudeOK, I'll try to help you google the problem losinme. Lemme google around a little, I'm sure someone has had the same problem.12:48
CppIsWeirdanyone know where to go with this: http://pastebin.com/m76c7f1d    its a make error from alsa.12:48
dawn`chorusberent, the only way I know of is too .... try it in Windows.  :(12:48
Jordan_Uuser101, OK, you need to find the apt .deb from your apt-cache12:48
jattCppIsWeird: download alsa from the repos12:48
adhanCan somebody please help me with some usb mount problem12:48
losinmeNewbie_Dude:  it's okay, i just wanted to see if there was actually anyone maintaining this channel, it's just full of noobs now, seriously, anyone who was help and made this channel work all work for canonical, and have sold out12:48
losinmeubuntu is dead to me12:49
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, what's going on w/ alsa?  why you need to compile?12:49
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device12:49
user101eh... reinstall... cya guyz12:49
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device : why?12:49
Spaceman3750losinme: You seem very angry...12:49
netyireThere is this USB card reader that works like a usb thumb drive. When it works, and is unmounted, it fails after that12:49
CppIsWeirddawn, i've been asking that in this room for two weeks... i really dont care to waste my time explaining it again.12:50
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Jordan_Uuser101, You can recover!12:50
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, i understand.12:50
jattCppIsWeird: 2 weeks! It is easier to install alsa from the repos.12:50
adhannetyire, can you solve the problem ?12:50
Newbie_DudeOn some computers the power key is controlled through the BIOS...12:50
jattCppIsWeird: alsa works out of the box12:50
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CppIsWeirdjatt, apparently not.12:50
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device : why?12:50
jattCppIsWeird: it is, try it12:51
tuxubhi, i need to install the pks server on ubuntu feisty but it is gone since warthy? what's up with this?12:51
netyireadhan, pmount does not work, dmesg outputs plenty of errors and fdisk -l does not throw anything out. (:D)12:51
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:51
SlimeyPetejatt: not always. Doesn't work for me, or at least not properly12:51
berentcan't send file on skype . why?12:51
CppIsWeirdjatt, ok, my computer magically has sound i cant hear.12:51
Spaceman3750berent, do you have your sound device configured correctly in Ubuntu?12:51
SlimeyPetedependson your hardware.12:51
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jattSlimeyPete: OK12:51
ramseizehelp : how can i setup adhoc connectin to share my internet connection via wireless to other laptop? :help12:51
berentSpaceman3750 ; it plays all music files12:51
Jordan_Uuser101, All you need is the .deb for apt which you can find on your system or download from packages.ubuntu.com12:51
adhannetyire, do you have any idea ?12:51
robsomebodyanyone got a mac? with some time to kill?12:51
Newbie_DudeMy sound hasn't worked since I installed Ubuntu. :P12:51
berentSpaceman3750 ; i can even hear ringing sound while calling12:51
Spaceman3750berent: Then I guess that's a yess :P12:51
adhanmy flashdrive doesnt detect too12:52
SlimeyPeteUbuntu's version of ALSA doesn't play nicely with a lot of "HD audio" stuff, eg realtek HDA or intel HDA.12:52
robsomebody(like 5 min's)12:52
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, what sound card?12:52
netyireadhan, well restarting may not fix the problem, the thing may be like a work now don't work latter kind of situation :)12:52
robsomebodyALSA works fine w/ realtek12:52
Jordan_Uuser101, Then dpkg -i whatever.deb && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:52
jeremyoutmanHey, how would you right to a file or folder on ubuntu if you don't have permission.12:52
berentSpaceman3750 ; what?12:52
Jordan_Uuser101, Your system will be back just like it was12:52
Newbie_DudeI have an ASUS board with "NVIDIA" stuffs on it. Haven't had sound since I installed Ubuntu.12:52
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CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Intel&card=ICH+southbridge+HD-audio+and+modem.&chip=ICH6%2C+ICH6M%2C+ICH7%2C+ESB2&module=hda-intel12:52
Jordan_Urobsomebody, I am using a mac now... why?12:53
Spaceman3750berent: I guess that is a yes that the sound device is configured correctly :P12:53
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SlimeyPeterobsomebody: doesn't work for me with my realtek HDA. The latest ALSA migt, but I've not got around to trying it.12:53
robsomebodyJordan_U, can you go to for me12:53
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ramseizehelp : how can i setup adhoc connectin to share my internet connection via wireless to other laptop? :help12:53
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adhannetyire, what is your type ubuntu ?12:53
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robsomebodySlimeyPete, what kind of board from realtec? Integrated or PCI?12:53
netyireadhan, feisty fawn12:53
Spaceman3750ubotu wifi12:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:54
Jordan_Urobsomebody, OK, you realize that I am on a mac running Ubuntu :)12:54
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, echo "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 model=3stack" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base12:54
mathI don't understand i m lost12:54
SlimeyPeterobsomebody: integrated. It's called a "ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)12:54
robsomebodyJordan_U, lol12:54
robsomebodyJordan_U, yes, i do now12:54
SlimeyPetebut googling suggests it is a realtek chipset12:54
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netyireadhan, manual mounting states that the device is already mounted on /. umount fails due to device being busy. dmesg has lots of errors. :(12:54
robsomebodyJordan_U, using firefox too12:54
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, try that.  and reboot.12:54
Jordan_Urobsomebody, :)12:54
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robsomebody@ 1680 x whatever12:54
jattCppIsWeird: I would buy an external USB sound card and get over it. I mean you already wasted two (2) weeks building the thing!12:54
adhannetyire, try to click system-setting-removable media12:55
robsomebody(checking devLogs for site)12:55
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device : why?12:55
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berentcan't send file on skype . why?12:55
robsomebodyJordan_U, how did the site look?12:55
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adhanmy flash drive has succesfully mounted12:55
robsomebodyJordan_U, 800px width?12:55
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xstDoes anyone know approximately when xorg7.3 is implemented into gutsy?12:55
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, what exactly does that do?12:55
Newbie_Dude*lol* I went into Sound Preference, next to Sound playback: it says "Autodetect" I hit the "Test" button and the Sound Preference panel crashed!12:55
n3ohey / SALUT12:55
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axos88does the ubuntu installer include the atl1 driver?12:56
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, sounds like problem12:56
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, what kind of sound chipset?12:56
adhannetyire ?12:56
Jordan_Urobsomebody, The flash animation overlaps badly but I am using beta flash player12:56
Spaceman3750Newbie_Dude: That's better than wearing a headset and then having a very loud beeping noise in your ear ;)12:56
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: Errr, CMEDIA I think(?) -- ASUS board, NVIDIA chipset12:56
Spaceman3750Newbie_Dude: I had that happen to me :P12:56
netyireadhan, hold on...12:56
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, it's the magic.  :)  no.  it just adds an option to your alsa configuration that may fix it.  it's helped me in the past.  i have one other thing you can try, if that doesn't work.12:56
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robsomebodyJordan_U, yeah, flash is still being "possitioned" its supposed to overlap in some areas12:56
foofAnyone know what package otool is in?12:57
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robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, did you check forums? the come in handy for specific hardware issues12:57
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, okie dokie... if this works, im gonna be kinda pissed at the 300megs of crap i just installed trying to compile the drivers. :P12:57
jattfoof: packages.ubuntu.com12:57
adhannetyire, okay ?12:57
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dawn`chorus!find otool | foof12:57
robsomebodyhttp://forums.ubuntu.com or some crap like that12:57
ubotufoof: Found: autotools-dev, potool12:57
robsomebody#mac sucks12:57
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netyireadhan, okay its open :D, any ideas?12:58
robsomebodynot a single stoner in there could click my link12:58
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: OK, I made progress. I switched one of the options to "USB Audio" and it blasted my ears with a loud tone12:58
=== HEP85 [n=philipp@p50896690.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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HEP85 hi @ all12:58
HEP85 I got some problem with Beryl. Could somebody please help me?12:58
HEP85 The problem is that beryl hangs at "Reloading options"12:58
HEP85 This means wobbly windows and window borders are working, but no rotating cube for example12:58
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, you have usb audio?12:58
adhannetyire, at the tab storage12:58
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: I don't think I do, but it was the only option that blasted me with a loud tone.12:58
robsomebodydoes anyone know if i can run beryl on dual head?12:58
netyireadhan, okay12:59
adhannetiire remark the sign12:59
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netyireadhan, the sign?12:59
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, does alsa load fine?12:59
adhanmount removable drives when pulled out12:59
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: how do i check? :P I am copying an MP3 off my iPod right now and gonna try to play it12:59
rambo3robsomebody, as in twinview or 2 separate desktops . anyway i think it works for both01:00
HEP85@robsomebodo: there is an option for dual-head. so it should work01:00
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Jordan_Urobsomebody, I normally wouldn't trust a random link to an ip addy, but I am tired and un-paranoid at the moment01:00
robsomebodyrambo3, actuall, xinerma or whatever its called, 1 desktop 2 screens, 2 cards01:00
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Newbie_DudeWeird, I tried to import an MP3 and I got the error "The GStreamer plugin to decode "MP3" files cannot be found01:00
eifzonhow shall i install ubuntu as alternate cd?01:00
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eifzonhow shall i format the disks01:01
robsomebodyJordan_U, yeah, but still, they didnt even port scan to check me out or anything01:01
Jordan_Urobsomebody, I even sent that info to you :)01:01
rambo3!restricted | Newbie_Dude01:01
ubotuNewbie_Dude: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:01
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device : why? can't send file on skype . why?01:01
berentcan't talk on skype : says problem with sound device : why? can't send file on skype . why?01:01
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dawn`choruseifzon, ext301:01
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, that made it worse... my computer doesnt even pretend to have sound anymore. i click on the sound icon at the top and get a huge error message about how i dont have GStreamer01:01
eifzondawn`chorus: okok, i tried LVM, it seems wierd01:01
eifzonbrb, need to reinstall then :<z01:01
robsomebodyJordan_U, i only log arbitrary data, the ip is just to seperate stuff so i can do statistics later01:01
foofthanks guys, but none of the searches seem to turn up anything... neither in packages or forums01:01
BlendArtanyone use gpg?01:01
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robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, i would say restart the alsa daemon01:02
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, most likely that's come about via your compiling adventures, not a simple options appendage.01:02
gerroI'm trying to install ubuntu server 6.06 and after I configure keyboard type it says it can't mount the cdrom?01:02
foofbut ldd on amd64 is just a script that calls otool01:02
foof... which isn't even installed01:02
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, but you can always remove it.  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and delte the last line.01:02
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, nothing successfully compiled, so how?01:03
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robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, ok, double check everything is hooked up right, (humor me, check the plugs and all)01:03
gerroCppIsWeird: so install gstreamer?01:03
adhan gerro, try to shutdown your PC for 5 minutes and try to install again01:03
robsomebodyBE SURE01:03
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gerroadhan: what will that do?01:03
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Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: A loud tone came out, so I assume that it is plugged in OK, and yes I checked the plugs again.01:03
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, have you tried this howto?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:03
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CppIsWeirdi've tried about 1501:04
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robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, ok, loud tones can come from power cables too, so u never know01:04
CppIsWeirdi have sounds (well not anymore, thanks) when i first boot up, they just stop working very shortly afterwards.01:04
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, u did put it back to auto detect right?01:04
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: No, I left it on USB Audio01:05
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Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: I just need to find a sound now to test if real sound comes out or not :P01:05
HEP85I just figured out that when I start Beryl using sudo it works right01:05
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adhanbye all01:05
HEP85When I start it with user permissions it hangs a reloading options01:05
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, you should have heard sounds @ startup unless you changed it01:05
dawnhow do i improve my screen resolution in ubuntu 7.04?01:06
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, i told you how to remove that little option.  so stop complaining.  perhaps try out a livecd of another distro, to see if any distro supports your sound card.01:06
rambo3HEP85, as user , did you check errors in syslog or dmesg ?01:06
redhat9is there any virtual appliances for the latest ubuntu version??01:06
rambo3HEP85, as user , did you check errors in some beryl log01:06
robsomebodydawn, in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:06
HEP85no. I will take a look at it now01:06
JimQode!resolution | dawn01:06
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ubotudawn: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:06
robsomebodyNewbie_Dude, go to command line01:06
berentCppIsWeird : have you tried logging as root and checking01:06
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: I have no idea why, but USB Audio worked, I put Beastie Boys - License to Ill in and I'm getting sound now.01:06
gerrodawn: ctrl alt backspace restarts X as well :)01:06
CppIsWeirdberent, no, and you cant.01:07
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robsomebodyok then01:07
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CppIsWeirdthat im aware of01:07
Newbie_DudeThank you robsomebody :) I don't have USB Audio but it worked so I won't ask any questions, lol.01:07
berentCppIsWeird : try opening a player as root on terminal and tell me what happens01:07
robsomebodydanw, BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR XORG.CONF01:07
robsomebodydawn, ^ sorry typo01:07
redhat9is there any virtual appliances for the latest ubuntu version??01:07
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gerroCppIsWeird: I had this one error where sound wouldn't come out and I disabled a checkmark under the sound applet then it started working01:07
robsomebodydawn, i see way to many people mess up X trying to change screen resolution01:08
CppIsWeirdno sound.01:08
rambo3redhat9, what's that ?01:08
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gerroCppIsWeird: play with the checkmarks and use Default01:08
bluestarThanks it worked01:08
robsomebodyredhat9 is Win01:08
berentCppIsWeird : open alsamixer on ur terminal01:08
CppIsWeirdgerro: nothing is muted, checked.01:08
feeshhey guys, how do I get synaptic to list everything I've got installed?01:08
robsomebodypure WIN01:08
Newbie_Dude@robsomebody: Strangely, in the volume control panel none of the volume sliders work except for the "Speaker 1" sliders.01:08
robsomebody(not windows, actuall WIN)01:08
gerroCppIsWeird: turn up pcm and master01:08
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HEP85hmm. it segfaults. but only after I kill it with ctrl+c01:08
dawn`chorusfeesh, should be a "filter" for it.01:08
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CppIsWeirdoh, well for one i have to remove that setting.01:09
HEP85no other log messages. just hanging at "Reloading options"01:09
CppIsWeirdhow do i do that dawn`chorus ?01:09
feeshdawn`chorus: under custom filters?01:09
dawn`chorusfeesh, shouldn't be "custom" no.01:09
feeshoh ... bugger01:09
BlendArtanyone use gpg?01:09
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dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.  it'll be the very last line.01:09
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feeshdawn`chorus: cheers dude, just needed to make one of my own, thanks alot!01:09
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dawn`chorusfeesh, you're welcome.01:10
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HEP85maybe there is a faulty option. where are the beryl settings saved?01:11
_6StringKng_anyone using AWM?01:11
gerroHEP85: you still use beryl?01:11
HEP85@gerro: what else? compiz?01:12
BlendArtanyone use gpg?01:12
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_6StringKng_yeah, could someon tellme whats so much better about compiz fusion, does it run better, etc?01:12
gerroHEP85: beryl remerged with compiz, the latest svn has all the beryl stuff01:12
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redhat9rambo3 : im using vmware (virtual machines) to run linux in window vista. i just want to know if there is latest version of ubuntu virtual appliances01:12
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SlimeyPete_6StringKng_: what's better is that it's not a dead project ;)01:13
gerro_6StringKng: well I noticed I could run all applications on compiz without that xgl server and weird configuration files. no odd shading glitches too01:13
_6StringKng_well thats true01:13
SlimeyPetethough I still use beryl at the moment01:13
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gerro_6StringKng: but perhaps I setup beryl wrong :/01:13
_6StringKng_I use beryl just for the themes01:13
gerro_6StringKng: I never tried compiz because it wouldn't work01:13
_6StringKng_what video card you have?01:13
rambo3redhat9, ok like ubuntu vmware image. no i don't know .01:13
gerro_6StringKng: some new nvidia one, the compiz-fusion works though01:14
SlimeyPetethere might be an image on freeoszoo ?01:14
HEP85I can switch to compiz using beryl-manager01:14
_6StringKng_yeah compiz fusion is pretty cool01:14
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Newbie_DudeHave you guys seen the screensavers? :P Lattice is pretty awesome... Flying through an infinite ring of sprinkled doughnuts.01:15
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gerroso anyone know why my computer fails to mount the cdrom during ubuntu install?01:15
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berentNewbie_Dude: what's your age?01:15
usuariok tal01:15
redhat9rambo3 : i only could find virtual appliances of ubuntu 7.04 server edition, but is there any difference between the server edition comparing with the desktop edition?01:15
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usuarioage yes01:15
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gerrostrange every debian based distro fails to mount cdrom during install but every other distro works :(01:15
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Newbie_Dude@berent: ......No matter what I answer I'll get dissed for enjoying screensavers. >_<01:15
dawn`chorusCppIsWeird, behaving?01:16
berentNewbie_Dude: that wasn't my intention01:16
jattNewbie_Dude: usually I don't see the screensavers because they are activated when I am not near the computer and when I come back there is lots to do so I don't pay attention to them :)01:16
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rambo3redhat9, no desktop meta package. only ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard01:16
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus, minor, one i had options before that, and i was booting in kernel 386 (i was reaching) your option may have fixed it... so far so good, but i've had it last for quite some time once before.01:16
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Newbie_DudeSorry it's just I'm excited about all these new Ubuntu things and my gf doesn't care about it so I have to bounce it off someone.01:16
dawn`chorusgerro, arch linux gives me mad stress over sr0.  :/01:16
CppIsWeirddawn`chorus,  not to mention it sounds alot better then when it was working before. so my fingers are crossed. Thanks.01:17
redhat9rambo3 : sorry, im new, what the difference between the minimal and standard?01:17
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berentNewbie_Dude: gf is not the only best thing to discuss in the world . Just a misnomer which every 20-30 guy has to take01:17
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CppIsWeirdwhile im at it, is there any advantage to using the 386 kernel over generic?01:18
gerrodawn`chorus: does that have anything to do with my mounting problem? sorry hard to keep up using mIRC my main comp (xubuntu) died I think01:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:18
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rambo3redhat9, its minimal install without desktop environemnt ,  you can ask ubotu with "!info ubuntu-minimal"01:19
markvandenborreI'm looking to buy a dvb-t usb stick that works well with ubuntu01:19
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markvandenborreany suggestions?01:19
dawn`chorusgerro, not sure why you're not able to mount cdrom.01:19
dawn`chorusgerro, i think my problem is the cdrom itself.01:20
gerrodawn`chorus: oh its not me that's unable to mount it, its the ubuntu-server 6.06 install cd that is unable to01:20
gerrodawn`chorus: if I can get it installed don't really care if cdrom doesn't work :)01:20
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dawn`chorusgerro, you should try 6.10, if not 7.04.  why 6.06?01:21
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linggahow do I activated 3d desktop in ubuntu 7.0401:21
gerrodawn`chorus: well its a really old comp so I thought 6.06 for stability seeing as most hardware probably already supported01:22
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gerrodawn`chorus: its also trying to install in low memory mode with 60.5mb ram01:22
miguelitois there a way to see a list of all people in here?01:22
linggasomeone help me please01:22
recoy^does anyone know anything about wine for amd64?01:22
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HEP85@lingga: System-->Settings-->Desktop Effects01:22
SlimeyPetemiguelito:  type /names01:22
gerrodawn`chorus: I think I tried 7.04 alternate cd and it had same issue01:23
linggaI got error msg that composition not available01:23
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SlimeyPetelingga: ask in #ubuntu-effects01:23
HEP85@lingga: but if you want all effects you should install beryl or compiz fusion packages01:23
dawn`chorusgerro, so you can't install from a cdrom?  is that right?01:23
gerrolingga: add Option Composition "1" to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think... might want to look up exactly what to put01:24
cdiddyi had the same problem01:24
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redhat9rambo3 : where do i find drivers and software for ubuntu?01:24
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dawn`chorus!hi | eboxnet01:24
ubotueboxnet: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:24
gerrodawn`chorus: it boots the cd but somewhere into the install it says it can't mount the cdrom01:24
SlimeyPeteredhat9: use Add/REove Programs or go to System -> Administrion -> Synaptic01:24
linggawhat should I put on "Driver" directive01:24
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Newbie_DudeTo play MP3s I need the "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" from Symantic?01:24
gerrodawn`chorus: I don't think my bios supports a usb install01:25
redhat9SlimeyPete: Thank you.01:25
gerrodawn`chorus: I've managed to install damnsmall linux on that computer however I really really like ubuntu :)01:25
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dawn`chorusgerro, you should look into ftp install.  does your comp give a more specific error?  sometimes they'll print on tty4.  press alt-f4 while installing.  maybe you'll get a clue.01:26
SlimeyPeteNewbie_Dude: yeah. Load Synaptic, enable all of the repositories in the preferences menus, and then reload your package lists. You should find that the mp3 codecs are available in the list.01:26
miguelitoWhat is easier to do in Linux than in Windows?01:26
dawn`chorusRule the world.01:26
gerrodawn`chorus: ooh thanks will try that, what do you mean ftp install? like network or tftp?01:26
dawn`chorusgerro, yes. network install.01:27
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gerrodawn`chorus: I was going to try ubuntu 6.06 instlux install however running it on damnsmall linux proved to be difficult some python errors01:27
gerrodawn`chorus: how would I do that? I tried a guide before but it didn't work01:27
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dawn`chorusgerro, pull out the hdd and install ubuntu in it from the comp that works.  :)01:29
miguelitoHow much better or fuller is Red Hat?01:30
dawn`chorusmiguelito, like ... ZERO01:30
skolliemiguelito: what do you mean?01:30
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miguelitoI heard Red Hat comes with more features.01:31
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gerrodawn`chorus: I was thinking about trying that, but its so damned dusty!!!01:32
skolliemiguelito: perhaps RHE does, but are you looking for anything in particular?01:32
BlendArtanyone use gpg?01:32
gerrodawn`chorus: that and my desktop comp broke I think01:32
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gerrodawn`chorus: it gives this rapid series of beeps, and I can't use mouse or keyboard even to get at bios or login01:33
mrabbitdoes anybody have the gtk+ 2.1.x mac menubar patch?01:33
eifzonWhat linux-headers shall i use? i did install ubuntu from alternate cd01:33
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dawn`chorusgerro, sounds like your motherboard is frizzly fried.01:33
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gerroeifzon: first run update manager then get linux headers because it will get newer kernel01:33
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skolliemiguelito: not sure how using RH will help you with programming any more than any other distro01:34
gerrodawn`chorus: zomg don't say that!! ;_;01:34
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HEP85w00t! Deleted the beryl settings file and it's working again!01:34
dawn`chorusgerro, hope not.  take it to a shop and have them test it.01:34
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miguelitoOh ok thanks.  I am asking because my cousin was telling me about some stuff.  He has a degree in computer technology.01:35
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gerrodawn`chorus: I'm going to try resetting bios by removing cmos first, maybe that will fix peripheral detection in bios..01:35
eifzonWhen i am trying to install linux-kernel-headers i get E: Package linux-kernel-headers has no installation candidate01:35
eifzonmaybe the ubuntu updater installed that?01:35
miguelitoHow do you talk to one person?01:35
kbrooksmiguelito, in private?01:36
dawn`chorusmiguelito, /msg person message01:36
Newbie_Dude@miguelito You need to register first. !register01:36
skolliemiguelito: you have to register first01:36
Newbie_Dude!register | miguelito01:36
ubotumiguelito: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:36
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, skollie: no01:36
miguelitoHow do I register?01:36
kbrooksstop lying01:36
gerrodawn`chorus: its so strange though I was using it then went to bathroom and came back little bro had comp all locked up :(01:36
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kbrooksmiguelito, you can communicate to nonregisterred users if you arent registered01:36
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dawn`chorusgerro, it making noises is a good sign.  little brothers are good at tearing stuff up.  much better than little sisters.01:37
fuerteola a todos01:37
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kbrooksmiguelito, but if a registered user does not set things up you cant pm them01:37
eifzonE: Package libqt3-dev has no installation candidate01:37
HendriXXXDoes anybody  have problems with nautillus (edgy), I have kind of strange problem with nautilus.. when I started nautilus it sometimes opens 2-4 windows. can anybody help me..?01:37
eifzonhow can i fix this? :S01:37
fuertek sois ingleses01:37
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kbrooks!es | fuerte01:37
ubotufuerte: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:37
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dawn`chorusi'm out!01:37
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kbrooks!es | fuerte01:38
Picifuerte: escribe /j #ubuntu-es01:38
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kbrookspici: escribe = type?01:38
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fuertesi soy fuerte y tengo ...aos01:39
Picikbrooks: I think its write, but its close enough for me ;)01:39
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IdleOnemeans to write but gets point accross01:39
VSpikeI'm trying to use X11 forwarding via SSH, and I can't get it to work.  I'm coming from a WIndows machine, and I know things are basically good.  I'm using XMing X server. If I use XMings XLaunch and let it start ssh itself, then it works fine.  But when I try to use my own ssh line, it fails with "connect /tmp/.X11-unix/X0: Connection refused" and then "X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)."01:39
fuertedo you spit inglis01:39
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Pici!english > fuerte (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)01:40
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IdleOnefuerte, por favor no mames! si queires ablar in espanol escribes /j #ubuntu-es01:40
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eddy1991hello all!01:40
fuertepici esque no se ablar ingles01:41
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iacopophi, i have a problem with rhythmbox. When i try to play shared music rhythmbox show this dialog error: Couldn't start playback, unknown error01:41
iacopopdo you know something about that?01:41
Picifuerte: No halba espanol, si queres ablar in espanol escribes /j #ubuntu-es01:41
iacopopi'm using feisty01:42
HEP85@VSpike: I don't know what you mean with your own ssh line01:42
VSpikeThe line I'm using is "ssh -Y -C -L 25: -L 993: user@host"01:42
fuertevale ok01:42
VSpikeHEP85: I mean starting ssh myself in a terminal rather than letting the XLaunch program start it for me01:42
HEP85you need to add X as options for X11 forwarding01:42
VSpikeHEP85: I thought -Y did the same only morse so?01:43
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fuerteno se pici a si k ablo con tigo a una cosa tu eres espaola o inglesa01:43
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kbrookspici: ?01:43
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VSpikeHEP85: same result with -X01:44
HEP85Did you try out putty? It is easier to use than these command lines01:44
Picifuerte: es inglesa.01:44
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eifzonhmm, when I am trying to uninstall gaim, it want to uninstall ubuntu-desktop tp01:44
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spikebeifzon, that's normal01:44
VSpikeHEP85: I know putty yeah... i've just got used to using cygwin + rxvt01:44
erUSULfuerte: te han dicho varias veces que si quieres hablar espaol pases a #ubuntu-es escribiendo '/j #ubuntu-es' en tu cliente irc01:44
eifzonahh spikeb01:45
iacopop hi, i have a problem with rhythmbox. When i try to play shared music rhythmbox show this dialog error: Couldn't start playback, unknown error01:45
fuerteok pici vale was is or name01:45
VSpikeHEP85: I use the other port forwarding for routing IMAPSSL and SMTP and that works great01:45
VSpikeHEP85: I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing01:45
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jawesno ingili01:46
Picijawes: language?01:46
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IdleOnefuerte, in este canal platicamos de Ubuntu i ayudamos con problemas de Ubuntu si quieres ablar de otra cosas por favor vas por #ubuntu-es01:46
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fuertevale erUSUL01:46
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Pici!tr | jawes01:47
ubotujawes: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:47
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HEP85@Vspike: I am not of too much help I guess, but don't you need to ssh lines? one for tunneling and one for connecting?01:48
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Newbie_DudeCan anyone recommend a great download manager/resumer for Ubuntu?01:49
jawespici tenkyou01:49
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erUSULNewbie_Dude: downloader for x01:50
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IdleOnePici, you gotta appreciate it when a person who doesnt really understand what you are trying to tell them figures it out and tries to thank you in your own language :)01:50
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Newbie_DudeerUSUL: Thank you01:51
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kbrooksbtw, X tunneling with SSH is very convenient, but let's say I operate the server which you are X tunneling. If I ever had malicious intent, I could ... (continuing)01:51
rico__hey, I'm trying to compile something and it complains with an error, "gcc cannot create executables." what gives?01:51
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Ace2016Hi all01:51
erUSULrico__: install build-essentials01:51
Ace2016anyone know an app which can do find and replace in multiple files???01:52
kbrookssudo <your username> xauth01:52
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casual_moronhi, im fairly new to linux, so please forgive me if im overly retarded, but i've just upgraded from the lts to the current version (on a fairly elderly laptop i've been using to try out ubuntu with) and it looks like the wifi drivers for it arnt included in the new version any more (the device driver its showing up says prism 2.5 wavelan, but in the networking section it lists it as a wired connection rather than a wireless one)01:52
IdleOnerico__, sudo apt-get build-essential    no s01:52
erUSULAce2016: a combination of grep and sed with a little shell script to glue it all?? or an awk script01:52
casual_moroni've looked up what im fairly sure is the right chipset, and im reading through the readme on it, but the make command it says isn't listed01:53
kbrookscasual_moron, uh. yes, it shows up, also. it is a wireless one, but network manager sees a wired connection only01:53
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erUSULAce2016: sed -e 's/find/replace/' file1 > file2  will replace all instances of find with replace in file1 and store the resulting file in file201:54
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casual_moronis it just using the wrong drivers or something and i need to just reinstall the right ones, or is it perhaps something more borked?01:54
Ace2016oh cool01:54
bobsomebody"Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read! "  (Any ideas)01:54
bobsomebodysamba error01:54
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erUSULAce2016: with a little shell scripting-foo you can traverse all the files you are interested and aply the sed to each one01:55
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togranyone with samba experience here?02:00
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Borzotogr: : #samba02:00
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mrspinxHi,  does anyone know of a site that give you a guide for dvd playback?02:02
squirrelHi. Is there anyone around that can help me with creating pppoe connections?02:02
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:02
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Matthaihi people, I have HP Compaq desktop machine, and only built-in speaker is working, external speaketrs are silent.. how to change that?02:03
spikebmrspinx, you're welcome02:03
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sanraghi, need a little help02:03
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sanrageven after connecting headphones my laptop speakers continue to gunction02:04
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sanraghow do i stop this02:04
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RGautierCan someone send me a PM (testing)02:05
LucianIndyare there any terminals like kuake that are designed for gnome rather than kde02:05
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skolliesanrag: I think if you mute, your speakers will be quiet but the headphones will work. That's what it does on my HP Compaq anyway02:05
LucianIndyexcluding Tilda02:05
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DJ-_-how do I recover deleted files in ubuntu? any GUI?02:05
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sanragskollie: it does not eork02:05
LucianIndyDJ-_-, you could search System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager for Data Recovery Utilities02:06
DJ-_-ok gimme a sex02:06
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skolliesanrag: have you checked your mixer settings?02:06
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LucianIndyDJ-_-, unless of coarse you haven't removed them from the recycle bin, in that case, you could simply restore them from the bin02:06
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DJ-_-LucianIndy: na, just making myself ready incase i do something like that02:07
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bobsomebodysoooo #ubuntu, tell me, how do i send arbitrary packets to an ip from and to specific port(s)?02:07
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jattFragged: #computerlinuxboobs ?02:07
sanragskollie, mixer settings are alright02:07
Fraggedquite obviously02:07
ferretbobsomebody: netcat I guess?02:07
wagner_BR_SEhi, the installation and configuration of ntfs-3g is easy?02:08
bobsomebodyferret, ok, makeing sure i didnt miss something :)02:08
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ferretwagner_BR_SE: Very.02:08
bobsomebodysomeone nmaped me @ port 311702:08
wagner_BR_SEok, thanks02:08
bobsomebodyand i lol'ed02:08
LucianIndywhats ntfs-3g02:08
DJ-_-LucianIndy: i did not get anything for the topic i was looking for? any GUI tools you may know of?02:08
LucianIndyDJ-_-, not off the top of my head02:08
ferretwagner_BR_SE: basically install, add '-3g' to the end of your ntfs entries in fstab.02:08
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bobsomebodywell, i guess nmap, dport was 8002:09
DJ-_-LucianIndy: ah k02:09
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ferretwagner_BR_SE: (or something like that... check the docs.  There shouldn't be more steps than that though)02:09
LucianIndyDJ-_-, do this search in the terminal             apt-cache search data | grep recovery02:09
LucianIndythe MONDO package is what you may be looking for02:09
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LucianIndyor the package gddrescue (more info about it at apt-cache show gddrescue)02:10
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xy77Has anybody a working 56k PCI modem in his/her machine? What model is it?02:11
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bobsomebody1992 called02:12
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bobsomebodythey want there 56k modem back02:12
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bobsomebodyi kinda miss the sign-on screach sometimes02:12
LucianIndyi dont. . . haven't heard that for about 7 years02:13
PriceChild!offtopic | bobsomebody02:13
ubotubobsomebody: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fngay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
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rohani have a usb adsl router - this is the lsusb -v output - http://rafb.net/p/0ocueH71.html .. it is attached to computer using usb, but it is not detected as a network device. how can i make sure that it works as a network device and i can connect to the net using it ? it provides no drivers for linux02:17
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casual_moroner, another retarded question for you folks, how to i run a makefile? the readme i've got just says type % make in the appropiate directory, but that dosnt seam to do anything02:20
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rohancasual_moron: just type "make"02:20
casual_morontryed that aswell, no dice02:20
rohancasual_moron: can you paste the makefile ?02:20
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casual_moronits on a laptop (the wifi drivers have packed up when i upgraded from lts) and im using my windoze desktop02:21
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casual_moronhttp://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=944&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go%21 is where i got the file from though02:21
skollierohan: have you seen this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem02:21
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rohanskollie: thanks, checking it out :)02:22
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sdfsdhi.print u"blahblah" works. how can i do that when i have a="blahblah" ?thank you02:22
Picisdfsd: sounds like you might want the #python channel, not #ubuntu02:22
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sdfsdyes i am not indetified02:23
xy77Does anyone use a dial-up connection with a 56k PCI modem? What kind of modem do you use?02:23
sdfsdhow will be?02:23
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kaushal_are there terminal software for ubuntu02:24
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PirateLeChuckwhat command can i use to see the partitions on my hard disk?02:26
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PirateLeChuckubuntu doesn't appear to include fdisk?02:26
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ferretPirateLeChuck: fdisk -l02:27
fuzzy76I've got a gameserver (CoD:UO) for 32bit that I want to try get up and running on AMD64. How are ia32-libs supposed to work, do I just install them and try to run the executable as normal?02:27
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ferretPirateLeChuck: try /sbin/fdisk -l02:27
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rohanskollie: any idea where the "list of USB ADSL modems" is, which they refer to in italics ?02:27
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sharkywhat is a gentle newsgroup reader I can start out with?02:28
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ferretPirateLeChuck: I can't really check, but maybe you have cfdisk installed instead.  cfdisk -P /dev/sda or whichever02:29
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zaggynlhttp://blogs.ittoolbox.com/security/investigator/archives/im-in-your-leenucks-box-changing-your-password-17600 <= one funny teacher :D02:29
grim76sharky: try pan that is a good place to start for a NNTP reader02:29
skollierohan: nope, but try and google it02:29
rohanskollie: ok, thanks02:29
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sharkygrim76: thanks trying it out02:30
mdmkolbe|ubuntuDoes ubuntu support papi?  (apt-file isn't turning anything up for papi.h, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place.)02:31
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rajathow to get bluetooth working in feisty02:32
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rohan!tell rajat about bluetooth02:33
rohan!bluetooth > rajat02:33
rajatits not able to scan any device02:33
rohanrajat: dunno if ubotu told you .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:33
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mdmkolbe|ubunturohan: I think the syntax you wanted was "!bluetooth | rohan"02:35
mdmkolbe|ubuntus/| rohan/| rajat/02:35
TerabyteHello, I am having problems triple booting XP, Vista, Ubuntu 704. The order of instalation was XP, Vista, Ubuntu. I have reached 94% of the instalation of ubuntu, and it says "executing grub failed, this is a fatal error" Can anybody help me here?02:35
rohanmdmkolbe|ubuntu: ah, ok .. thanks02:36
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rohanTerabyte: just ignore the error and let the installation complete .. after that we'll walk through the grub configuration02:36
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rohanTerabyte: but _dont_ restart your computer02:37
rajatbut it is not present in init.d02:37
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TerabyteThankyou rohan, I shall reattempt the installation now. :)02:37
rohanTerabyte: ouch, no don't do that ..02:37
rohanTerabyte: the installation is complete, it's ok ..02:38
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xy77Who is using a dial-up connection via 56k modem?02:38
TerabyteSorry, I was already half way, it's ok I've already done it twice now :)02:38
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rohanTerabyte: lol02:38
rohanTerabyte: i guess the vista bootloader confuses grub .02:38
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rohanand as it is, grub installation from within the installer is BORKED for many people02:39
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Terabyterohan: Heh, perhaps, Although when I have existed the failed ubuntu installation, my vista and XP installs were still intact (using vista bootloader)02:39
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rohanTerabyte: basically you need to chroot into it and setup grub02:41
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mdmkolbe|ubuntuDoes Ubuntu have support for PAPI?02:41
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eifzonWhy wont my X start? can anyone take alook at my Xorg conf! http://pastebin.ca/61767202:42
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CHTboyi have the live cd feisty: but i have error xfer mode (err_mask=0x4)02:42
rohanCHTboy: the cd is not burnt properly02:42
Terabyterohan: I see, I will be back in 10 minutes when this installation finishes :) Thanks for your help so far.02:43
rohanCHTboy: that's one of the diagnoses02:43
rohanTerabyte: no problem :)02:43
CHTboyrohan the cd work on my virtual pc02:43
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rohanCHTboy: oh .. then on startup pass the parameter "apic=off" ?02:44
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ryukkk i seem to be getting a problem with playback of avi files in both totem-gstreamer and vlc, i have uploaded the nice pretty images of the output im gettin here http://imagestore.ugbox.net/image/Screenshot_ebb046fc922ed.jpg and here http://imagestore.ugbox.net/image/Screenshot_6db28a.jpg the first one is totem, the other is VLC. what i want to know is does anyone have any ideas why this may be happeing and how it could be fixed?? thanks a02:44
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rohaneifzon: why did you use nvidia-settings ? you could've used ubuntu restricted manager !02:44
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PirateLeChuckwhoops, i just kileld my ubuntu install ;(02:44
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CHTboyi gonna try,02:45
eifzonrohan: i wanted the newest drivers02:45
rohaneifzon: can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:45
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xy77C'mon, who knows someone who's using a 56k modem with ubuntu?02:45
eifzonrohan: 1min02:45
PirateLeChucki ran fsck and it complained about this being seriously hazardous to the health of my system so i did it anyway of course and now i get an error 17 when trying to boot02:45
PyroKayhey y'all02:45
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ryukxy77, i tried it in 6.06.. it was horrible.. really really horrible.. unless u can keep up to date02:46
PirateLeChuckanyone know how to resolve this?02:46
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xy77ryuk up to date with what?02:46
ryukxy77, 'the distribution updates02:46
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ryukxy77, so things like application updates etc.. it was evil having 200mb up updates appearing to download02:47
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eifzonrohan: http://pastebin.ca/61767702:48
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xy77ryuk: won't be necessary. It's for a friend of mine who's got no broadband connection but I can update his pc once in a while, since he lives next door. I'm just trying to find a working modem.02:48
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rohaneifzon: is the nvidia kernel module loaded ?02:49
ryukthen yea.. if u set it up on your comp (ie updates drivers if needed etc) then it should be fine for most things, i cant rem how i set up the modem, but it was reasonably easy from memory..02:49
eifzonrohan: how do i se02:49
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xy77ryuk do you remember which model it was?02:49
rohaneifzon: paste the output of lsmod02:49
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eifzonrohan: ok02:50
=== vrednas sveiki visi :)
eifzonrohan: do i have to have the "nvidia" on?02:50
ryukxy77, i think i used a few different models (my comp was goin from house to house) ad yea they all seemed to work. the modem drivers seemed pretty generic so they should recognise most modems02:50
tyn0rhi, can i paste folders in fonts:/// ? or just ttf workz ?02:51
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rohaneifzon: err.. can you just try "sudo modprobe nvidia" ? does that give an error ?02:51
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eifzonrohan: it do not do an error02:51
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rohaneifzon: can you see if "dmesg | tail" gives an error ?02:51
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eifzonno error02:51
xy77ryuk: this might be true for non-softmodems, but I couldn't find a list of working ones. Trying to make smartlink modems or the like work is just evil.02:52
eifzonlook, i installed ubuntu just from the alt cd, then i download the nvidia driver from nvidia.com, then it worked until i rebooted02:52
ikoniaeifzon why are you using the driver from nvidia.com ?02:52
rohaneifzon: oh, after rebooting it doesn't work ?02:52
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eifzonikonia: yes02:53
ikoniaeifzon "why" are you using the driver from nvidia.com ?02:53
eifzonrohan: i did try using compiz-fusion02:53
ryukxy77, lol.. yea never tried for soft modems.. i found my standard one just fine.. but that was a while ago..02:53
eifzonikonia: its newest?02:53
ikoniaeifzon its also not supported02:53
ikoniaeifzon newest is also not the best02:53
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=== casual__moron seams to have got his wifi to work again although im not exsactly sure how, one thing i was wondering, is there any way of having it search for ap's like in windoze xp? atm it works but i have to type the exact ap name into it
eifzonI am using a GeForce 7950GT 512MB card02:53
rohaneifzon: you should use the desktop cd, and the driver that's included in there02:53
ikoniaeifzon that should be supported under the driver in the ubuntu repo02:54
eifzonsoo ikonia, shall i get the: "apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"?02:54
ikoniaeifzon well you'll have to remove the junk you've installed first02:54
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ikoniaeifzon use rm - you should have thought about that before putting random things on your system02:54
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kbrookscasual__moron, yes. you can do that on the command line. GUI works but it's not like press search and get a list.02:54
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eifzongah ill reinstall comp02:55
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casual__moronah right, thanks kbrooks02:55
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kbrookscasual__moron, do you know the command?02:55
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casual__moronno, i dont suppose you have it do you (im only just starting out with ubuntu im afraid)02:56
CHTboythe command apic=off not work02:56
kbrookscasual__moron, well, first you use iwconfig to find the interface that has wireless extensions02:57
TerabyteRohan: I have reached the error message, what should I do now?02:57
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kbrookscasual__moron, and then you key that interface into iwlist <interface> scanning02:57
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rohanTerabyte: is there any option to ignore, or just move past it ?02:57
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TerabyteNo just "OK"02:58
rohanTerabyte: click on ok then :)02:58
kbrookscasual__moron, when you can find that access point (if you can't, hold on), you then type02:58
Terabyterohan: clicked ok, progress bar has gone now looking at ubuntu desktop.02:58
kbrookscasual__moron, sudo iwconfig eth1 essid <access point>02:58
moggio_anyone using gutsy?02:58
rohanTerabyte: ouch .. nothing further ? the installer just quit ?02:59
Picimoggio_: Yes. #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support/discussion02:59
kbrookscasual__moron, and then, sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth102:59
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Terabytelooks like it, though it didn't roll back or anything.02:59
casual__moroni just got an error mesage come up when i tryed iwlist eth1 scanning (for some reason the wireless has renamed itself eth1)02:59
rohanTerabyte: ok, just open up a terminal02:59
casual__moron"eth1      Failed to read scan data : No data available02:59
rohanTerabyte: type "sudo -i"02:59
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Terabyterohan: typed03:00
kbrookscasual__moron, ah. hmm. can't help here.03:00
rohanTerabyte: ok, sudo mkdir /mnt/buntu03:00
kbrooksrohan, no, you can give him the command w/o sudo03:00
casual__moronoh well, not to worry, im only tinkering at home anyway, so i know what the ap's are called so its not the end of the world03:00
casual__moronthanks for your help though03:00
rohankbrooks: no, i'll need to chroot03:00
Terabyterohan done03:00
kbrookscasual__moron, ah, well then essid to that ap03:01
rohankbrooks: ouch, i am sorry .. my mistake03:01
rohankbrooks: you were right :)03:01
ryukkk i seem to be getting a problem with playback of avi files in both totem-gstreamer and vlc, i have uploaded the nice pretty images of the output im gettin here http://imagestore.ugbox.net/image/Screenshot_ebb046fc922ed.jpg and here http://imagestore.ugbox.net/image/Screenshot_6db28a.jpg the first one is totem, the other is VLC. what i want to know is does anyone have any ideas why this may be happeing and how it could be fixed??03:01
kbrookscasual__moron, and do the ifdown/ifup magic03:01
rohanTerabyte: mount /dev/<ubuntu_install_partition> /mnt/buntu03:01
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tonytuxhey my swap seems to get eaten up quickly and if forces me to hard boot03:02
Piciryuk: I dont have an xwindows session in front of me, but I have had that issue before. I was able to fix it by changing the output from/to XV to something else.  I cant remember off the top of my head.03:02
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Terabyterohan: how can I find out the install partition?03:02
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rohanTerabyte: the one which you just chose during the install procedure /03:03
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ryukPici, ahh i think i kinda know wat u r talkin bout.. but i cant rem wat the command it03:03
TerabyteSorry to be a pain, I've forgotten, Can I do something to find out?03:03
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kbrooksTerabyte, rohan told you03:04
ikoniaTerabyte yes - mount and unmount each parition until you find it03:04
TerabyteI see a 10.9gb volume called /target03:04
rohanTerabyte: well, there'll just be one linuxpartition right ?03:04
Terabyte(that should be where it is installed03:04
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silvertip257I'm trying to install True Combat:  Elite ... I've got Wolfenstein ET installed correctly, can someone help me get TC: E installed properly?03:05
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rohanTerabyte: ok, mount will show mount point03:05
tonytuxdoes anyone have problems with vanishing swap syndrome?03:05
gordonjcp"vanishing swap syndrome"?03:05
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TerabyteRohan: I still don't understand what i'm looking for though, can you give me an example..?03:05
Terabytemount /dev/???? /mnt/buntu03:06
tonytuxwell my swap is eaten up by various programs and I can't figure out how to quell this03:06
rohanTerabyte: you are looking for the place where ubuntu was partially installed .. in another terminal typing "mount" should help03:06
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rohanTerabyte: you should then mount that partition to /mnt/buntu03:06
rohanTerabyte: what i want you to do is, chroot into that unfinished install03:06
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tonytuxhey I needed to catch someones attention03:06
rohanTerabyte: but before you chroot, i want you to do something more ..03:06
kbrooks!ask | tonytux03:07
ubotutonytux: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:07
ikoniatonytux people can see you03:07
danya_have anyone here downloaded ubuntustudio ?03:07
ikoniatonytux yes03:07
ikoniadanya_ yes03:07
Terabyteso /dev/sda7 of type ext3... thats the one... so I should write "mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/buntu" ?03:07
danya_ikonia : I'm having a problem with the installation03:07
tonytuxmy swap seems to dissapear and it forces me to hard boot03:07
danya_ikonia can u help me :) ?03:07
rohanTerabyte: yes, exactly :)03:07
ikoniatonytux ok - how much ram have you got ?03:07
ikoniadanya_ whats the problem03:07
tonytux256 ddr03:07
ikoniatonytux ok - so your not exactly ram heavy. What version of ubuntu are you using ?03:08
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Terabyterohan: done03:08
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tonytux!ask | ikonia03:08
ubotuikonia: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:08
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ikoniatonytux I'm not asking a quesiton03:08
danya_ikonia I've added the and repos to the source list and I found the packages in the synaptic but I cant seem to install them :S03:08
rohanTerabyte: ok, now type "mount /dev --bind /mnt/buntu/dev"03:08
ikoniatonytux what are you doing on the box ? using beryl that sort of thing03:08
ikoniadanya_ you don't add ubuntustudio package to ubuntu - you install the ubuntustudio distro03:09
Terabyterohan: done03:09
tonytuxikonia mostly bt xmms and bluefish03:09
rohanTerabyte: now type chroot /mnt/buntu03:09
danya_ikonia I'm just doing what I'm seeing on the site03:09
ikoniadanya_ what site ?03:09
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rohanTerabyte: it should log you into that unfinished install as root03:09
Terabyterohan: done03:09
ikoniatonytux  open a terminal and do "sudo top" and see whats eating up memory and cpu03:09
rohanTerabyte: type "apt-get install -f"03:10
kbrooksrohan, can i say something, by default the 7.04 livecd mounts ext3 partitions as noexec03:10
ikoniadanya_ have you downloaded the dvd - burnt it and installed ubuntu studio ?03:10
tonytuxikonia-usually when it's too late, I can't even close a window or switch to a terminal03:10
rohankbrooks: by all means .. i am no expert, if i make some mistake, please tell03:10
kbrooksrohan, so, you can't simply chroot when you have an _already mounted_ by livecd partition03:10
ikoniatonytux do it the first thing you do when yo login03:10
kbrooksrohan, but it is okay03:10
danya_ikonia : .. umm .. no03:11
Terabyterohan: reading pacakge lists.. done building dependency tree, reading state information, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 0 not upgraded. root@ubuntu:/#03:11
kbrooksrohan, since it is mounted by the user right now03:11
rohankbrooks: well, if it already worked for him , it's great ;)03:11
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ikoniadanya_ there you go then - as I said - you install ubuntustudop as  a distro - not just add the repos to uuntu03:11
rohanTerabyte: now type "update-grub"03:11
danya_ikonia : thank u :)03:11
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Terabytesearching for grub installtion difrectory found: /boot/grub, findfs unable to resolve UUID=eei1a00fe-7950-4002-b053-597c40a2c808 cannot determine root device assuming /dev/hda1 this error is probably cause by an invalid etcfstab testing for an existing grub menu.lst file, could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. would you like it generated tfor you? Y/N03:13
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tonytuxikonia-nothing on "top" really eating memory when I log in, is it just an overload I'm putting my box into? I run like 2-3 Btornados at a time usually03:13
rohankbrooks: any ideas ? the /etc/fstab won't be generated by this time, right /03:13
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rohankbrooks: or the UUID will be different because it's bind mounted /dev ?03:13
ikoniatonytux leave top running while you do your day to day usage and just keep an eye on it03:13
rohanTerabyte: hang on for a sec .. lemme consult kbrooks :)03:14
kbrooksrohan, hmm.03:14
Terabyterohan: thanks:)03:14
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kbrooksrohan, that's a good question.03:14
rohanTerabyte: or just press CTRL-C and paste the output of "cat /etc/fstab" somewhere03:14
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kbrooksrohan, thee is /etc in the chroot03:14
rohankbrooks: and a show stopping one atm :(03:14
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kbrooksrohan, since this is a chroot, umm03:14
tonytuxikonia-ok, i'll do that03:14
kbrooksrohan, the uuid isnt known in /dev at all from the livecd03:15
rohankbrooks: right, and by default ubuntu lists the partition's normal /dev/sdX name in comments in the fstab file03:15
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kbrooksrohan, see above03:15
rohankbrooks: dang ..03:15
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kbrooksrohan, i mean, the uuid in fstab of the chroot03:15
rohankbrooks: he'll need to edit the fstab then .. atleast for onw !03:15
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tonytuxikonia-one more thing my terminal, when I switch with ctrl-alt-f1 is oversized and I only get like 1/4 of the screen03:15
rohankbrooks: which makes it 10 times more confusing :-/03:15
rohanTerabyte: can you paste the output of "cat /etc/fstab" somewhere ?03:16
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Terabyterohan: sure03:16
ikonia<tonytux> ikonia-one more thing my terminal, when I switch with ctrl-alt-f1 is03:16
ikonia<tonytux> ikonia-one more thing my terminal, when I switch with ctrl-alt-f1 is03:16
ikoniatonytux is it an xterm or a gnome terminal - if so just resize the terminal03:16
tonytuxs ok03:16
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Terabyterohan paste in PM03:17
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rohanTerabyte: fine03:17
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rohanTerabyte: waiting ..03:17
Tha-Foxcould someone help me with Beryl. I installed it and now I have American layout in my keyboard. I need to get it to Finnish03:17
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videnDoes anyone have working knowledge of a package called spong ?03:17
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tonytuxikonia-no the gui is fine, but when I first boot I have no ubuntu progress bar and then the gui login comes on fine and the gnome desktop is fine, but if I go totty1 I get big words and can't see all the screen03:18
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ikoniatonytux sounds like your framebuffer resolution is messed up03:18
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tonytuxikonia-I'm running off the onboard vid, HP03:19
rohantonytux: which video card do you have ?03:19
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rohantonytux: are you done ?03:19
mdmkolbe|ubuntuIs there some prefered method of editing Xorg.conf other than just just using a text editor?  E.g. a GUI.  (I can use a text editor, but I like to know what my options are.)03:19
rohanTerabyte: are you done ?03:19
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t325Hello, how to be sure which /dev/... has been assigned to an usb hard drive?03:20
rohanmdmkolbe|ubuntu: the best way would be "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:20
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mdmkolbe|ubunturohan: thx03:20
rustalotWhat does "Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest?" mean?03:20
rohanmdmkolbe|ubuntu: or if you want even more control "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:20
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rohanmdmkolbe|ubuntu: or if you want even more control "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow" i mean ..03:21
tonytuxikonia,rohan-vid is integrated03:21
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SlimeyPeterustalot: if you say ys, you'll be sent one big email per day withall of the list's messages in it03:21
SlimeyPeteas oposed to multiple seperate emails03:21
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=== _Lucretia_ honestly doesn't see the point in the keyring-manager
Newbie_DudeOK, I'm trying to compile ZSNES and in the readme it says I need "the standard development tools are installed (gcc, make, ...)" Does anyone know if there's a compilation of all these tools that I can download, or can I get it through the Add/Remove?03:22
PyroKayget build-essential03:22
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PyroKaysudoa apt-get install build-essential03:22
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PyroKayand that gets you gcc etc.03:23
t325(I need to format an USB harddrive from ssh; I umounted it, but now I'm not sure which /dev it has been assigned, how to know this?)03:23
tonytuxi had switched motherboards and already knew that this vid driver had issues, and I had to dpkg xserver-xorg to get gui up in the first place03:23
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PyroKayt325, sudo apt-get install gparted and do it from there03:24
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tonytuxis there a diff driver or a way to alter tty's resolution?03:24
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kbrooksPyroKay, no03:24
axos88what kernel does the ubuntu installer use_03:24
PyroKayit'll say dev/hda1 etc, why not?03:24
SlimeyPeteaxos88: 2.6.2003:25
Terabyterohan: sent03:25
Newbie_Dude@PyroKay: Amazing, thanks so much.03:25
SlimeyPeteaxos88: assuming you're installing feisty (7.04)03:25
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axos88that doesn't include the atl1 driver, does it?03:25
SlimeyPeteno idea, sorry03:25
PyroKayyou can get envy and install the ati driver, or do it in restricted modules03:25
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kbrooksPyroKay, it won't. also, he may have more than two drives. dmesg helps.03:26
mdmkolbe|ubunturohan: how do I stop dpkg-reconfigure, ^C doesn't seem to work03:26
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Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know an alternative driver for Conexant 56k modem besides the $15 Linuxant driver?03:26
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PyroKaykbrooks, i'll bear that in mind03:27
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kbrooksPyroKay, in the sense that the most recent log entry involves the detection of USB03:27
kbrooksPyroKay, and np03:27
PyroKaywell what about lsusb?03:27
puffMorning, I have a laptop running feisty.  I have a lexmark optra s 1625 networked printer.  I'm trying to get it working with CUPS.  However, CUPS has no lexmark 1625 entry.03:28
Terabyterohan: did you receive the paste? :)03:28
PyroKaypuff, you've googled?03:28
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kbrookswhat is a usb bus?03:29
gordonjcpa misnomer03:29
PyroKayuniversal serial bus...?03:29
gordonjcpUSB isn't really a bus at all03:29
kbrooksgordonjcp, i see 4 usb ports03:30
kbrooksbut 5 usb buses in lsusb03:30
Newbie_DudeA bus is like a pathway that connects different I/O modules and the memory and processor.03:30
kbrooksso, where's the 5th?03:30
PyroKaykbrooks, no idea03:30
SlimeyPetekbrooks: it' the device that your usb ports are connected to internally.03:30
SlimeyPetekbrooks: extra one on the motherboard for use with a front-connector panel?03:30
erUSULDarter: no that i know of, sorry03:30
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puffPyroKay: Yeah, it's not too clear.03:30
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kbrooksso, when i plug in my usb thumbdrive, what happens?03:30
puffPyroKay: There's this: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-Optra_S_162503:31
gordonjcpkbrooks: what do you mean, "what happens"?03:31
Darterthanks erUSUL03:31
Newbie_DudeWhen I plug my USB thumbdrive into a USB port it brings up a little icon on the desktop that allows me to access what is inside of it.03:31
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kbrooksNewbie_Dude, yes. Iknow. but what's the process leading up to that?03:31
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grifewhere I can see what model my ethernet card is?03:32
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Newbie_DudeI'd have to grab my Computer System Concepts book to explain it. :P kbrooks03:32
kajeHow do I configure sudo user rights at the command line or in conf files?03:32
grifekaje with chmod03:33
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, why don't you want to?003:33
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kajegrife: What files amd I chmodding?03:33
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grifekaje what you want, if I understood you correctly. chmod changes user permissions, yes03:34
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kajeno, I have added a user to my system, but they can't sudo synaptic like I can03:35
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kajeI figured that there was a config file saying what users can sudo which commands... no?03:35
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danya_when choosing a code to add to the source I'm not sure what to choose ( for i386 or amd64 ) .. I kind of forgot if I downloaded 32 bit or 64 bit .. how can I find out ?03:36
erUSULkaje: only maembers of the admiin group can sudo by default. if you want you can add them to that group03:36
erUSULkaje: just use System>Admin>users and groups03:36
ikoniadanya_ what are you doing ?03:36
michiel_danya_: uname -a should do the trick03:36
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Newbie_Dudeikonia : danya_ doesn't know, so there must be a way to check whether she downloaded the AMD64 or i386 version?03:37
ikoniaNewbie_Dude yes of rcose uname -a shows the arch03:37
kajeerUSUL: thanks, that's a big part of what I was looking for... however, lets say I want to create new group that only allows members to sudo on a few commands... how can I do that?03:37
ikoniadanya_ what are you trying to do though03:37
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danya_ikonia : installing fusion03:37
PyroKaykaje; maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo is useful to you03:37
ikoniadanya_ so why are you editing the source code ?03:37
erUSULkaje: man sudoers03:37
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Newbie_DudeHow did you guys learn the terminal so well?03:38
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danya_ikonia : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131403:38
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ikoniadanya_ <quote> Compiz Fuzion is NOT for Beginners </quote>03:39
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danya_ikonia : I've installed it before and used it :) .. since beryl isn't working anymore with me ..03:40
grifeNewbie_Dude: prepackaged BwstLinux 2000 with manual, back in 2001 when command line was necessity to everything03:40
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Newbie_Dudegrife: impressive :) maybe i can find a book or something03:40
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danya_ikonia : and I was just wondering about 64amd and i386 .. because I have intel drivers03:40
danya_intel vcard03:40
Journeymanwhat is a good guide to install beryl for feisty03:41
ikoniadanya_ what does the drivers matter for amd64 or i38603:41
grifeNewbie_Dude: you wanna learn cli, then better get a book yea03:41
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tn3270Newbie_Dude : install a "masochistic" distro03:41
troopperi_Journeyman: do it in console03:41
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:41
Terabyte2rohan you there? sorry i'm not registered so the PM didn't get through03:41
Newbie_Dudetn3270 : no better way than complete immersion :P03:41
danya_ikonia : .. okay whats the difference ?03:41
ikoniadanya_ one is a 32bit operating system, the other is a 64bit operating system03:42
tn3270books help a lot too03:42
Newbie_Dudedanya_ : don't make the same mistake i made, grab the i386 version... Not many programs support AMD64 version.03:42
grifeNewbie_Dude: also, go to /bin and man everything you see there to get a grip what very  basic apps can  do03:42
younghackerI want to completely remove apache2 and reinstall again how do i remove all the dependencies because i think i forgot the seperate packages i loaded03:42
ikoniadanya_ as the guide says "this is not for beginners" and you are certainly coming across as a beginner03:42
PyroKaytry synaptic03:42
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danya_ikonia : but when I picked the i386 it didn't work had problems with the installation03:43
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ikoniadanya_ "its not for beginners"03:43
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PyroKaydanya_, just what are you installing? an .. ?03:43
danya_ikonia : beryl isn't working with me .. what should I do ?03:43
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ikoniadanya_ fix beryl03:43
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danya_ikonia : I tried and asked around03:43
jamiejcumbriaAny on tell me how to find out weather my nic is running at 1000baset?03:43
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ikoniajamiejcumbria ethtool or mii-tool03:44
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Terabyte2rohan: I've pasted it here: http://darkdayssoftware.com/fstab.txt03:44
Newbie_Dudegrife : I'm looking in /bin, so those are all different commands?03:44
PyroKayjamiejcumbria, move a file about and see =P03:44
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tn3270jamiejcumbria : ifconfig -a03:44
PyroKayls /bin/03:44
Q-FUNKis there any way to positively verify whether wireless-tools/wpasupplicant is at fault when connection fails to an AP where it used to work?03:44
malmeni have a asus f3jc, and my ethernet network not work, i was google for that, and install the driver r1000, and it say to i put driver r8169 on blacklist too, ut i dont know do that03:44
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ikoniatn3270 ifconfig doesn't show speed/duplex03:45
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PyroKaydanya_, have you tried beryl? it's easier to install.03:45
ikoniaPyroKay opening a can of worms03:46
PyroKayoops envy03:46
PyroKayi should talk less03:46
cyberphazthe beryl website has a howto on installing on ubuntu03:46
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jamiejcumbriathanks I was using mii-tool and reported 100 but ethtool says 1000baset. mii-tool is wrong.03:46
younghackerwhy hasn't apache completely uninstalled from my box,, i did apt-get --purge remove and I can still browse to my site with the browser03:46
ikoniajamiejcumbria make sure they are both referencing the same device03:46
gholmhow can I force my X to start at a higher resolution? It defaults to 1024x768 but I have no other option to go higher. I'm using the NV driver03:46
ikoniayounghacker stop the apache service03:46
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JimQodeyounghacker, you didn't stop the service03:46
JimQodeyounghacker, /etc/init.d/apache2 stop03:46
ikoniagholm reconfigure xorg - or use the nvidia glx driver03:46
Newbie_DudeCan anyone recommend a good Address Book program? Just need basic stuff like name, adress, phone, eMail. :)03:47
castjamiejcumbria: also the nic and switch lights may indicate whether its at 100 or 1000mbps03:47
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PyroKaydanya_, still there?03:47
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tn3270ikonia: my bad sorry03:47
gholmikonia: get a black screen upon startx. My gfx card is a 8600gts which has had lotsa troubles.03:47
ikoniaPyroKay why would he need envy - he's using intel drivers that don't need any 3rd party drivers03:47
brizihow do i find out the source build directory for the kernel i am running?03:47
ikoniagholm yes, lots of support issues there03:47
jamiejcumbriayea the switch say 1000base and so does ethtool thanks. mii-tool is wrong thanks.03:47
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gholmcan't I force nv to a higher res?03:48
ikoniabrizi do you have the source code install from the deb03:48
younghackerit told me permission denied then it stopped it03:48
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ikoniagholm you'll need to use a better driver03:48
briziim not sure...how do i find out?03:48
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ikoniabrizi why do you need to know ?03:48
gholmikonia: where from ? if nvidia can't release a bettr drvr then I'm stuck03:48
brizii am installing the linuxant HSF drivers for my modem03:48
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ikoniagholm your not using the nvidia driver03:49
ikoniagholm your using the nv driver03:49
gholmikonia: yes03:49
briziit said i needed the kernel headers which i just downloaded using apt-get03:49
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ikoniagholm the nv driver is not nvidia03:49
gholmI know03:49
gholmit's the opensource community one03:49
ikoniabrizi ahh I see you'll need the kernel source code then03:49
brizithen the hsf installer began automatically saying i needed a c-commpiler and the location03:49
dadan_xmy ubuntu 7.04 suddenly goes very slow, when it starts the ubuntu flash screen stays a lot, is there any testing program for package integrity or something?03:49
ikoniagholm ok so ?03:49
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Amy_Lynnhow do I ask nickserv for help to register my nick03:49
briziok so where do i get that info?03:49
castAmy_Lynn: /quote nickserv help03:49
cyberphazerr /msg nickserv help03:49
gholmikonia: are there better versions of nv03:49
ikoniabrizi install gcc and the kernel source packages03:49
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ikoniabrizi they are in the epo03:50
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ikoniagholm no - nv is weak full stop03:50
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mdmkolbe|ubuntuCan I use synaptic to reconfigure a package?03:50
lekuI have a vmware question03:50
lekui know this isn't #vmware but everyhone in there is sleeping still03:50
brizii have gcc4 installed already i believe03:50
gholmikonia: OK are there alterantives to nv then?03:50
ikonialeku so don't ask here03:50
ikoniagholm the nvidia drivers03:50
lekuwell you guys are pretty smart03:50
lekuthought i'd ask anyways03:50
ikonia<leku> well you guys are pretty smart03:50
ikonialeku this is ubuntu support03:50
lekui understand03:50
ikonialeku not vmware support03:50
lekuand i'm running ubuntu03:50
PyroKaygholm, the restricted source drivers03:50
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ikonialeku so don't ask03:50
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gholmPyroKay: the ones I can download from nvidia website?03:51
danya_pyrokay : yea I've tried beryl for a day the next day it just didn't work ..03:51
briziso if i use synatpics i should search for kernel-source?03:51
ikoniagholm I'd try the nvidia-glx pakages first, then the nvidia ones as a last resort, although I don't think the ubuntu packages drivers will support your card03:51
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PyroKaygholm, if you're thinking of installing proprietary drivers, get envy from the alberto milone website03:52
t2im planning to buy a DVI capable PCI graphics card to ADD a second monitor (1440*900) to my machine... would you guys recommend ATI,NVidia or other for best ubuntu compatibility ?03:52
ikoniat2 nvidia all the way03:52
lekuI tried to increase the size of my disc in vmware using vmware-vdisk or wahtever, in the vmware server console it says the disc is 10g, but in the guest os (winxp) it still says its 4g03:52
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t2my current card is AGP old ATI 720003:52
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ikonialeku this is ubuntu support - not vmware support03:52
castt2: this 7600GT has worked flawlessly for me03:52
lekuyou already said that03:52
grifewhere in ubuntu I can see what is my ethernet card?03:52
ikonialeku so don't take it off topic03:52
ikoniagrife you mean what make or model03:52
t2ikonia:  so drivers for nvidia are are not a a problem like with ATI ?03:52
grifeikonia model03:52
pmjdebruijnwhen I make changes to "# kopt=root=' and I rerun 'sudo update-grub' my changes are lost03:52
nohurgexdmcp connection works well on local clients  but  on other clients they get "xdm too many retransmissions" error. i googled but i couldnt get a satisfactory solution, any suggestions?03:52
ikoniat2 they are better - not not at problem03:52
ikoniagrife lspci03:53
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grifeikonia oh yeah... thanks a million.03:53
ikoniagrife no pro blem03:53
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briziikonia how should i go about getting my kernl source?03:53
younghackerok i have stopped the service and i have gotten rid of apache2 and i am still seeing the site in the browser window,, is this a cached version or something, should i restart mozilla or should i reboot?03:53
t2ikonia:  ok great... one more thing when i add this nvidia to my system i will have 2 graphic cards and two monitors... so which one will do the image prcoessiong in games and videos ?03:53
ikoniabrizi download it from the repo03:54
ikoniat2 depends how you configure it03:54
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castyounghacker: ps aux|grep apache, you can delete a program and it continues to run :)03:54
Frogzoobrizi: sudo apt-get kernel-source ?03:54
t2ikonia: ok but eventually they should work well so i can have extended desktop like in windows ?03:54
ikoniaxavier_ what ?03:54
ikoniat2 that is possible ?03:55
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ikoniaxavier_ what are you trying to do  ?03:55
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Piciikonia: i dont think hes here anymore03:55
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younghackerok so does that just show me that it is still running?03:55
dadan_xmy ubuntu 7.04 suddenly goes very slow, when it starts the ubuntu flash screen stays a lot, is there any testing program for package integrity or something?03:55
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ikoniaPici ahhh yes, well spotted03:55
ikoniayounghacker yes03:55
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younghackerso how do i stop them now03:55
ikoniadadan_x give us the exact message03:55
Frogzoobrizi: soz - linux-source03:55
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younghackeror is that just something i have to deal with03:56
ikoniayounghacker man kill03:56
dadan_xthere is not any message03:56
younghackerman kill?03:56
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ikoniadadan_x you just told us there is a message03:56
dadan_xjust every program starts very slow03:56
t2also im worred about resolutions someone told me it is annoying from a usage point of view to have 2 monitors in front of you that have different resolutions.  has anyone found this setup annoying ?03:56
PyroKayyounghacker, why not just reboot, or pstree then killall ?03:56
ToastGuyI finally got Ubuntu working.03:56
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ikoniat2 thats just personal opinion03:56
JayRoeCan someone tell me what I need to do a "make menuconfig"?03:56
dadan_xthe usual ubuntu flash screen at the startup of the computer03:56
ToastGuynow I need to figure out how to bridge a network connection03:56
ikoniaJayRoe if you tell me why you need to do that03:56
Newbie_DudeHey ToastGuy, nice to see you back. :) You had to redownload?03:56
younghackerlisten i am learning linux as i go03:56
castyounghacker: pkill apache, or apache2 if thats what its called, as root03:57
younghackerso you should tell me what to do03:57
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ToastGuyI got it working with a earlier version03:57
ikoniayounghacker whoaaaa nice attitude03:57
JayRoeikonia: v4l-dvb03:57
ikoniayounghacker we don't have to tell you anything03:57
ToastGuythe Ubuntu 6.XX03:57
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t2ikonia: ye i mean does it hurt your eyes on extended periods since you have diff res and maybe even diff refresh rate on each LCD ?03:57
Newbie_DudeToastGuy, you runnin' off LiveCD or install?03:57
ikoniaJayRoe the driver for that03:57
powergoalI want to change the resolution of my laptop screen to the maximum that is permitted by my screen/video card (1280 x 800)  but when I attempt to do it through the monitor & display options menu, it says that the card configuration can not be tested on this machine.  Should I do it anyway?  The specs of the machine say it is supported.03:57
castyounghacker: linux is just a kernel, btw.03:57
ikoniat2 thats personal opinion03:57
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Newbie_DudeToastGuy : Better than nothing I guess. :) It's still Ubuntu03:57
Amy_Lynnwhat program will let me work with music on my ipod?03:57
younghackeri just want to get rid of this and reinstall it03:57
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ToastGuyYa, is there an upgrade package?03:57
dadan_xis there an ubuntu 7.04 alternate iso? maybe i should reinstall ubuntu without losing my data03:57
t2ikonia:  ok i'd like to hear your opinion please :)03:58
ikoniayounghacker and ?03:58
JayRoeikonia: I was able to do a make menuconfig until I updated or upgraded Feisty03:58
powergoalAmy_Lynn: amarok03:58
ikoniayounghacker people have told you what to do03:58
Rugpowergoal: yeah sure go for it03:58
Amy_Lynnthank you03:58
ikoniaJayRoe what happens when you try03:58
castAmy_Lynn: a few, gtkpod is another03:58
younghackerlol ok buddy03:58
ikoniat2 doesn't matter - its your opinion that counts03:58
powergoalRug: What are the consequences if it doesnt work?  I get no screen?03:58
Newbie_Dudepowergoal : That Amarok any good? I used to use Winamp/Foobar2000 on Windows so I don't know any good music players for Ubuntu. :P03:58
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younghackermy keyboard has no face or emotions so if you took something the wrong way ... =(03:58
t2ikonia:  i haven't purchased a second monitor yet ... im still asking people so i can decide to get the same one or a different one ?03:59
castNewbie_Dude: in my opinion i want a music player not a music playing database, but lots of people like it. i just use xmms03:59
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ikoniat2 what other people think doesn't matter though03:59
powergoalNewbie_Dude: I like it...  I havnt had the best experiencing it with my ipod but I havn't done much of that03:59
ikoniat2 its up to you03:59
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JayRoeikonia where do I upload the text?03:59
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malmenhello, anyone here have a asus f3jc ?03:59
ikoniaJayRoe any pastebin03:59
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powergoalRug: also, does it just modify my xorg.conf?03:59
t2ikonia:  ok thanks for the help03:59
younghacker"you should tell me what to do" = is not a form of disrespect, often people make assumptions you obviously assumed i was a more advanced user than i am03:59
ToastGuyWhere's a good place to talk about networking stuff?03:59
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ToastGuyMaybe on IRC?04:00
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ikoniaToastGuy in a networking channel04:00
ge2xhow to setup my ubuntu machine to act as a pxe server?04:00
briziok one last question...is there a way to make a perl program run on my computer?04:00
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ikoniage2x quite a long processes there is a guide on the ubuntu help forums and wiki04:00
ToastGuyhahaha that worked04:00
SlimeyPetebrizi: yes. Install perl.04:00
Rugpowergoal: yupp04:00
PyroKayyounghacker, please, this is free support, just say what you want to achieve and someone might be able to help04:00
ikoniabrizi install perl04:00
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JayRoeikonia http://pastebin.com/m1537ec4404:00
malmenanyone can help me to put my realtekt ethernet work with r1000 driver please ?04:00
powergoalRug: ok, thankyou!04:00
shar0ndoes anyone here know how to install GAUL ?04:00
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Rugpowergoal: np04:01
shar0nor can you help me install GAUL :(? ?04:01
ikoniaJayRoe your missing headers04:01
ge2xikonia: maybe u could throw a link?:)04:01
JayRoeikonia what's a header? :-s04:01
ikoniage2x maybe you could search the wiki yourself04:01
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ikoniaJayRoe file that tells a program what it can do with other programs once its built04:01
ikoniaJayRoe try installing the build-essentials package04:02
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luk3hi fellow ubuntu fans, can anyne help me with a problem i am having with anyremote, i and using a belkin usb dongle with feisty, i have downloaded the kanyremore package and have run .configure04:02
JayRoeikonia is that the reason I can do a "make config" but not a "make menuconfig"?04:02
ikoniaJayRoe what version of ubuntu are you using - I didn't think fesity came with gcc 4.1.204:02
briziok synaptics is showing that i have perl installed04:02
PyroKayluk3, what's the problem you're having?04:02
luk3however when i run make i get alot or errors04:02
ikoniaJayRoe menuconfig requires ncuses libs/headers04:02
brizii have a file i am trying to get to run so....04:02
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luk3bt_comm.cpp:28:33: error: bluetooth/bluetooth.h: No such file or directory04:03
luk3thats one of them04:03
ikonialuk3 your missing the bluetooth headers04:03
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JayRoeikonia, I just installed a clean feisty. Before I update Feisty I can do menuconfig, after the update I can't.04:03
luk3 am not 100% sure how this setup works so am finding it hard to debug04:03
luk3how do i et the headers up?04:03
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ikoniaJayRoe install the build-essentials package04:03
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luk3am i missing a lib?04:03
ikoniaJayRoe I'm wondering if this is anything to do with gcc 4.1.2 - I don't have a fesity box on hand to check04:04
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ikonialuk3 no - your missing headers as I've just said04:04
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luk3how do i go about fixing this?04:04
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ikonialuk3 install the bluetooth package with the bluetooth headers - normally the dev package04:04
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bullgard4My computer stores about 40 files containing 'hwmon' in their names. What is the meaning of 'hwmon'?04:05
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Newbie_Dudecast, powergoal : thanks for your opinions, sorry i was afk, hehe04:05
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ikoniale1 why are you showing us that ?04:06
abliHi! I have an older installation of ubuntu on a reiserfs partition. I want to re-install ubuntu, on that partition, without losing my data. Can I do this? (i.e. can the ubuntu installer used to install to a partition without formatting it?) also: is there a documentation of the installin process somewhere (a walkthrough, or something like that)?04:06
le1ikonia: please visit it04:06
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JourneymanI can't get beryl to work04:06
ikoniale1 why ?04:06
JayRoeikonia I installed build-essential and now I get this http://pastebin.com/m7ab5f657 not sure if it's the same as before04:06
ikoniale1 why are you showing us that link04:06
Journeymani followed http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-beryl-with-latest-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html04:07
Journeymanbut nothing happens04:07
le1thereis something wrong with it04:07
ikoniale1 no there isn't - and this is ubuntu support not phpbb04:07
le1ikonia: there is something wrong with it04:07
ikoniale1 we don't support phpbb here04:07
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le1ikonia: you could help me04:07
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le1ikonia: I see.but you could help me04:07
ikoniale1 no - we don't support phpbb here04:08
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JayRoeikonia I installed build-essential and now I get this http://pastebin.com/m7ab5f657 not sure if it's the same as before04:08
ikoniaJayRoe it looks like a gcc update has made a few incompatbilities, but I don't have a box to check04:08
ikoniaI can't work it through without a box04:08
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JayRoeikonia, okay do you know if there's something I can do?04:08
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Haza1Hello folks, can anyone tell me where the default mysql bin directory is in Ubuntu? its driving me crazy looking for it =)04:09
ikoniaJayRoe you can try down grading gcc04:09
Stormx2Firefox has died badly, and is listed in gnome-system-monitor as "uninteruptable" Ending/killing it does nothing. Is there anything I can do, short of a reboot?04:09
alesanhi in my openoffice there are no icons, all the buttons have text labels which is very annoying.04:09
ikoniaHaza1 /usr/bin04:09
JayRoeikonia, how do I do that?04:09
ikoniaJayRoe use synaptic04:09
Haza1ikonia: cheers , i will take a look04:09
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alesanhow can I put icons? I read I should install some package maybe...04:09
JayRoeikonia, uninstall and then reinstall an earlier version?04:09
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ikoniaJayRoe pretty much04:09
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=== eboxnet hello..
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ramseizehow can i activate my ubuntu desktop effects, it said composite not available.. helppppppppppp04:10
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Stormx2ramseize: #ubuntu-effects please.04:10
Haza1ikonia: found it cheers! =D04:10
ikoniaramseize just say "help" not helllllllp04:10
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ikoniaHaza1 well done04:10
Terabyte2does a bootloader (grub) (when dealing with triple boot xp, vista and ubuntu on the same drive), HAVE to be installed on HD0?04:10
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ramseizeanyway, my speaker doesnt work? how can i fix it?04:11
ikoniaTerabyte2 it makes sense to do that04:11
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Terabyte2Its just I cant get grub to install, I keep getting this fatal error04:11
Terabyte2gets to 94% and then fails04:11
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abliStormx2, I would try loggin out then logging back in04:14
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Stormx2abli: Yeah could do.04:14
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JayRoeikonia can I ask you what line in the pastebin that gave away the error?04:14
ikoniaJayRoe the includes from the gcc headers04:15
axos887.04 == feisty right?04:15
Piciaxos88: yes.04:15
ikoniaJayRoe its not fact - just an assumption as I don't have a 7.04 box04:15
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byzzybhello everybody04:15
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shar0n** is there a GAUL port for ubuntu?04:16
ikoniashar0n look in the repo04:16
shar0nnone ikonia04:16
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ikoniashar0n there is your answer then04:16
byzzybcan u help me in installing cedega? when I execute dpkg from the terminal it says that it requires superuser privileges04:16
ikoniabyzzyb use sudo04:17
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sx66what is the volume app for kde ubuntu called?04:17
rootI have windows xp on sdb and my primary drive is sda, what should i put in grub configuration file?04:17
ikoniasx66 kmixer I think04:17
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ikoniaroot grub is setup for your when you install ubuntu04:17
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roothd1,0 boots from sda and that's not what i want04:17
axos88for a laptop Is there a special flavour of ubuntu, or just "desktop"?04:17
ikoniaroot although windows normally likes being on the primary partition on the primary disk04:18
ikoniaroot hd0 then04:18
byzzybikonia, sudo: cedega-small_6.0.2_all.deb: command not found04:18
ikoniaaxos88 desktop04:18
ikoniabyzzyb sudo dpkg04:18
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byzzybahh ok :) thanx04:18
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ikoniabyzzyb sudo gives you super user privileges04:18
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axos88does the ubuntu installer need to connect to the internet?04:19
ikoniaaxos88 no04:19
axos88I have a NIC that has driver only in kernel 2.6.21,...04:19
byzzybikonia, thank you it works04:19
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ikoniabyzzyb ok04:20
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bullgard4My computer stores about 40 files containing 'hwmon' in their names. What is the meaning of 'hwmon'?04:20
ikoniabullgard4 at a guess "hardware monitor" logs04:20
lui4omg i hate xchat time to switch to tha bijatchx04:20
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bullgard4ikonia: What do you mean with 'hardware monitor logs'?04:20
axos88I heared the ubuntu installer is very "moron-proof"... But there still is an option for more expert users, isn't there?04:21
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CapaHQuestion, maybe someone here can answer this -- why is it not possible to play starcraft full screen on Ubuntu? The closest I can come is to have a top-left quadrant with starcraft and the rest of the screen black. Anyone know?04:21
Rugaxos88: yupp, get the alternate install CD for best control04:21
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axos88Rug: dammit... I just downloaded the desktop edition04:21
ikoniaaxos88 why is that a problem04:21
Rugaxos88: time to annoy a few more electrons04:21
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axos88ikonia: I wanted more control over the install04:22
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ikoniaaxos88 how do you expect to get more control04:22
abliDoes the desktop edition installer allow one to install to a partition without formatting it first?04:22
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ikoniaabli ye04:22
ikoniaabli yes04:22
Amy_Lynnhow can i place an application on my start bar?04:22
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abliok, thanks04:22
jurp5why is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic gone?04:22
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axos88well I heared that the installer is very "moron-proof"... So a lot of more advanced options are filled out by default04:23
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axos88like partitioning, etc04:23
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el_tacanogdmflexiserver --xnest errors out with a "Cannot start new display.  The X server failed.  Perhaps it is not configured well" Anyone else had this problem?04:24
Jack_SparrowAmy_Lynn: go to the applications menu right click on the application you want on the menu and click on add this launcher to taskbar04:24
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Rugaxos88: you can still manually controll the partitioning via the 'noob-installer' but the alternate offers a lot more fine-grain control04:24
gdbNo it doesn't.04:24
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byzzybhow can I enable 3D acceleration iif I have a Radeon 9600?04:25
gdbThe alternate CD allows 2 things the desktop CD doesn't -- a text installer and an upgrade in place option, that's it.04:25
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gberardiI just upgraded to Feisty, only to find that I can't boot into Ubuntu. At the splash screen, it waits for a long time, then I get the message: Check root= botarg cat /proc/cmdline04:26
gberardior missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev04:27
person51090I want a composite manager (and an X Server). Do I want Xgl or AIGLX, and do I want Compiz or Beryl?04:27
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gberardiALERT! /dev/disk/b-uuid/[the uuid which as I understand is unique]  does not exist. Dropping to a shell04:27
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jurp5why is linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic gone?04:28
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gberardiI'm having trouble finding information on how to boot back into Ubuntu. I believe it has to do with the way Ubuntu now uses UUID instead of device names, but being in BusyBox, I don't know how to proceed.04:29
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gdbperson51090: In feisty, you want Administration > Desktop Effects > Enable Desktop Effects04:29
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SlimGMy server with 1Gbit nic is locked on "10Mbit mode, what might the reasons for this be? and is there a way to force the nic into one of the other modes thru terminal?04:29
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incorrect /j #redhat04:30
ikoniaSlimG your networm may be poor at a cable or switch level04:30
ikoniaSlimG or auto neg may be on04:30
liu4anyone here tight on bitchx?04:30
gdbjurp5: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic - Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_64 --- shows up in my apt-cache04:30
ikonialiu4 yes04:30
person51090gdb: that's not nearly as configurable as compiz or beryl, right?04:30
liu4how do i access settings in bitchx? for dcc/network etc04:30
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erUSULSlimG: you can try ethtool04:31
ikonialiu4 its in your .bitchxrcc file04:31
gdbperson51090: it is compiz or beryl (i forget which)04:31
jurp5gdb: i cant download it04:31
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liu4ikonia k thankx man04:31
jurp5gdb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic&version=feisty&arch=i38604:31
ge2xhow to set ubuntu to act as proxy server?04:31
ikoniage2x install proxy software like squid04:31
byzzybPlease some1 help me in enabling 3d acceleration of my graphics card04:31
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person51090gdb: i'm pretty sure that it's just xgl with a few extras thrown in04:31
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liu4ikonia were is this file?04:32
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jurp5gdb: its gone :S04:32
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Jack_Sparrowcan I run Itunes software in wine?04:32
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Pelobyzzyb,  so you can use compiz/beryl ?04:32
erUSUL!info squid | ge2x04:32
ikonialiu4 in your home dir  you have to create it04:32
SlimGikonia: Does the nic detect the resistance of the connection and determin the mode according to that?04:32
gdbperson51090: is it? hrm04:32
ubotuge2x: squid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 625 kB, installed size 1600 kB04:32
ikoniaSlimG or it negotiates with the switch the best speed04:33
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liu4ikonia um what?04:33
PeloJack_Sparrow,  you can ask in #winehq or consider using amarok or gtkpod04:33
jurp5gdb: doesnt show up in my apt-cache04:33
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ikonialiu4 its normally in your home dir - you have to create the file yourself04:33
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gdbNope, it's there.  Still shoes for me after an apt-get update.04:33
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jurp5gdb: not here, weird04:34
liu4ikonia ok..04:34
SlimGikonia: Then I guess it's a poor cabeling as I've just moved to server further away but still connected to the same Gbit switch, thanks alot for your help and knowlege!04:34
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Jack_SparrowPelo: thanks04:34
ikoniaSlimG try forcing the conection with ethtool04:34
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jurp5gdb: rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* ?04:34
gberardiDoes anyone know how to get access to the drives from initramfs?04:35
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=== Pelo tries giving gberardi a noob answer hoping it will work
SlimGikonia: no need to, I've changed the cable and now it works again :)04:36
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gdbjurp5: I'm looking at the file on ftp.archive.ubuntu.com right now.04:36
Pelogberardi,   make a mount point and then mount it ?04:36
ikoniaSlimG well done04:36
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t2i just read the following about Xinerama in the "Known Problems" section of wikipedia:   "There is currently no way to add or remove physical screens, and there is no way to change the resolution of a screen. (The XRandR feature is disabled when Xinerama is used)"....is this saying that with 2 monitors that have diff resolutions that i cannot set their resolutions ???04:36
VletmixAnyone know how to get the restricted ATI driver installed on the server?04:36
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gberardiPelo: /dev doesn't show any devices that look like drives. I don't have /dev/sda or /dev/hda04:36
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ikoniat2 no thats not what its saying its saying for a spanned desktop the overall resolution must be one big screen - not two different resolutions04:37
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:37
gberardiPelo: Sorry, I should have been more specific04:37
Pelogberardi, try with the uuid   ,  blkid is the command to display04:37
gberardiPelo: Ok, but blkid isn't available in initramfs, and so I have no way of accessing a decent shell, it seems.04:38
gdbjurp5: ftp://ftp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/ -- what's actually downloaded will be one of those.04:38
=== Pelo is just grasping at straws here he doesn't know what he's talking about realy
t2ikonia:  what is  meant by one big screen  ?   im really confused by this.   i want to have both screens function just like Extended Desktop in windows XP... is that what you mean by spanned desktop ?04:38
ikoniat2 yes04:38
gberardiPelo: Well, thanks anyway. At least that link can explain why there was a move to UUID anyway04:38
Pelogberardi, maybe the ppl in ##linux might know ,  slightly  1337er channel04:39
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gberardiPelo: Ah hah!04:40
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gberardiPelo: Boot loaders need to update their configurations so that they pass root=UUID=$UUID to the kernel for the root filesystem, which initramfs-tools supports. They may also need to update the install device if they require such things, as noted below:04:40
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gberardiSo there we go. It apparently is a problem with grub.04:40
gberardiOr rather, grub not updating correctly.04:40
Pelogberardi, would you like a grub manual link ?04:40
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gdbchannel progression: newbes and nice but not very helpful ~~> pretty nice and fairly helpful ~~> pretty leet and very helpful ~~> somewhat hostile and not very helpful ~~> extremely hostile and not helpful at all ~~> #debian04:41
gberardiI need to go to the day job, so I can't deal with it now, but this is very helpful04:41
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gberardiPelo: Sure. B-)04:41
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Pelogberardi, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html04:41
gdbgberardi: don't commute, telecommute!04:41
gdber :-D04:42
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joumetalI am trying to get HP laserjet 1200 work with pictures. It horribly slow. Ideas?04:42
Pelogdb,  you need to put #ubuntu at the beginning of that list04:42
gberardigdb: Heh, when I quit my day job in a few months, my commute will be a couple of seconds. B-)04:42
gberardiThanks for your help, all04:42
Ruggdb: that describes #fluxbox nicely04:42
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byzzybnobody has any ideas on that 3d acceleration stuff?04:43
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shar0nfolks how do I remove a library that I installed? :|04:44
Pelobyzzyb, if you want to enable 3d for beryl / compiz,  you can try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects,  they probably know how to do it04:44
shar0ninstalled without using the package manager04:44
Peloshar0n, did you compile it ?04:44
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byzzybthank you really much, Pelo will do that :)04:45
mbeierlshar0n, how did you install it?04:45
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devilsrejecthey whats up all04:45
Peloshar0n, redo the ./configure , make ,  when you get to the last part ,   make uninstall04:45
shar0n./configure && make then make install04:45
shar0noh ok04:45
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Ace2016then sudo make uninstall should uninstal it04:45
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devilsrejectanybody konw how i can unmute the pcm out path volume?? it wont let me do it with alsa or gnome alsa any suggestions?04:46
Biteyn-1my xserver is having problems so i does not want to let me install ubuntu anybody know what i can do?>04:46
Ace2016but you should have used sudo checkinstall -D its easier to uninstall it, you can remove it directly from the package manager04:46
mbeierlsay, anyone know of a way to stop Evolution from putting signature below quoted replies?04:46
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fevelwich ftp client comes with ubuntu feisty??04:46
neverblueBiteyn-1, be more specific04:46
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neverblueor choose a channel in your language04:46
Pelodevilsreject,   sudo alsamixer should take care of any permission problems04:46
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Frogzoofevel: apt-cache search ftp04:47
Pelofevel, gftp04:47
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sx66how do you sudo uninstall apps from ubuntu?04:47
Ace2016Biteyn-1: use the alternative install cd if you can't run xorg from the livecd to install stuff04:47
devilsrejectpelo thanx man let me try that right quick04:47
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fevelPelo: does any come installed by default??04:47
shar0nsx66, sudo apt-get remove <app_name>04:47
shar0nthats with the packamanger04:47
PeloBiteyn-1,   ati or nvidia video card ?   you will need to use the alternate install cd04:47
Ace2016sx66: sudo apt-get install synaptic, then run synaptic, you can then search and uninstall whatever you want04:48
Pelofevel,  no ,  menu > applications > add/remove , search for ftp , you'll get a nice selection04:48
ferronicahow to decrease avant window navigator height ?04:48
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Biteyn-1well ive been trying to install ubuntu on a computer that has windows and xorg is messed up and the live cd only loads when i do the cd test it'll load linux kernel then i press alt f4 and it'll load stuff and the live cd loads and when  i click install on desktop everything gets super slooowww and then it freezes..04:48
shar0nPelo, it says: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.04:49
Peloferronica, I assume there is a properties menu  in the right click04:49
devilsrejectpelo - its not lettin me do it in command iether04:49
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Chuothelp me !04:49
Chuot#4vn ##4vn Forwarding to another channel04:49
Chuot##4vn ##4vn-public Forwarding to another channel04:49
ChuotYou need to be identified to join that channel04:49
ferronicaPelo: let me check04:49
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Pelodevilsreject, I'm stumpped04:49
devilsrejectwhere it says item it says item: pcm out path & mute then i can shoose from pre 3d or post 3d04:49
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Biteyn-1so where do i get alternate install?04:49
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sx66Ace2016, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:49
Peloshar0n, you need a make to make uninstall04:49
devilsrejectjust tryin to get microphone recording over mp3 playback...04:49
devilsrejectthe mp3 playback isnt coming through04:50
Chuotun suppen . thanks u04:50
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ferronicaPelo: you mean font size under preferences ?04:50
hungry_eyeshello all04:50
Biteyn-1the computer im trying to install does not have nvida or amd i think it has intel or something04:50
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shar0nPelo, I configured and maked it04:50
hungry_eyesa new member of ubuntu family is here04:50
shar0nlol maked*04:50
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Peloshar0n, ie if you got rid of the source folder  and all the stuff you use to compile it , you 'll need to do it again04:50
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shar0nyes I did that04:50
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Peloferronica,  this isn't an avant channel,  I was just giving you the usual leads,    if that doesn'T work look in gconf-editor, or search for an avant configuration files04:51
Peloshar0n, that was my best guess, you'll just have to live with it04:51
ferronicaPelo: okay04:51
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shar0nlol damn04:51
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Biteyn-1pelo so if that computer doesn't have amd or nvida and it has intel gfx card i use alternate cd?04:51
mirza___How should I go from 7.04 Desk to gutsy tribe 2?04:51
Peloshar0n,  is the lib in question giving you problems ?04:51
shar0nno, but I'd like it off my system04:52
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sx66shar0n, , E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:52
t2what happens when you place a window split across/between two different resolution monitors  (using 2 graphic cards (PCI+AGP) and Xinerama)... would each side of the application window have diff resolution ?  if so both graphic cards would be working together to render that single application window ?04:52
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terlmannI need some help with ircd-hybrid04:53
PeloBiteyn-1, usualy the xserver error are caused by nvidia or ati video card,   intel card should be able to install with no problems,   but the alternate install cd will work with all video cards regardless04:53
shar0nsx66 what are you installing?04:53
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Biteyn-1ok the alternate is nothing less right same ubuntu ?04:53
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Peloterlmann, I'm sure they have a channel you can ask them in04:53
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PeloBiteyn-1, same ubuntu , different installer   it is text based04:54
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sx66shar0n, vmware, but it failed, now I want to un-install it, how do I do that?04:54
terlmannI know it is an ubuntu package04:54
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shar0nyeah it is an ubuntu04:54
terlmannI am having trouble setting it up04:54
miguelaqui no hay nadie que hable o escriba espaol??04:54
Biteyn-1pelo where do i download it?04:54
erUSUL!es | miguel04:54
ubotumiguel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:54
terlmanndoes anyone have a premade conf I can use ?04:54
bobbob1016_miguel, ubuntu-es04:54
shar0nsx66 run: sudo synaptic04:54
plagerismHow would I go about install samba packages from gutsy?04:54
Pelo!donwload | Biteyn-1  you'll need to look around a bit but it is there04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about donwload - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
plagerismShort of Downloading them manually04:55
Pelo!donwloads | Biteyn-1  you'll need to look around a bit but it is there04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about donwloads - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
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Pelo!downloads | Biteyn-1  you'll need to look around a bit but it is there04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about downloads - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
Pelo!download | Biteyn-1  you'll need to look around a bit but it is there04:55
ubotuBiteyn-1  you'll need to look around a bit but it is there: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:55
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Pelothere we go04:55
erUSULPelo: o_O04:55
SlimeyPeteplagerism: the packages are samba and smbfs iirc04:55
Biteyn-1i downloaded the x86 version is what i used..04:56
PeloerUSUL, you do better with a hangover04:56
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bobbob1016_anyone know how to get quicktime working in swiftfox?04:56
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Biteyn-1Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)04:56
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PeloBiteyn-1,  yes but you need  x86 alternate04:56
plagerismSlimeyPete, I was actually hoping that someone good point me towards the documentation on pinning04:56
Biteyn-164bit AMD and Intel computers04:56
sx66shar0n, I can not: I get this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:56
Biteyn-1so i use 64bit AMD and Intel computers04:56
Pelobobbob1016_, mplayer pluggin will play mov04:56
shar0nok run that :)04:56
PeloBiteyn-1,  use the archive link, it might be eaiser to find04:57
shar0nwhat are you waiting for sx66:P --- dpkg --configure -a04:57
cougemi was told earlier today that there were problems with some of the update sites with 404s etc (im trying to update from 6.06 to 6.10 and i get errors saying stuff can't be found), any idea when it'll be fixed?04:57
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bobbob1016_Pelo, the mplayer plugin works with swiftfox?04:57
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sx66I can not, it will not let me, it probs for devices and fails..04:57
Pelobobbob1016_,  swiffox is just based on ff  right ?  shoudl work I think04:57
sx66shar0n, aboce04:57
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shar0nsx66, sudo dpkg --configure -a     fails?04:58
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bobbob1016_Pelo, the reason I'm asking, is I have them playing in totem in FF, but it doesn't work in swiftfox04:58
PiciWhat does a p signify in this ls -l output: prw-rw---- ?04:58
Pelocougem, upgrading from the alternate install cd would probably be quicker and less troublesome,04:58
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timewriterhow do i know if X uses the video drivers i installed ?04:58
nnyis there a channel for developer related questions, such as hosting your own personal repository04:58
Pelobobbob1016_,  the totem-mozilla pluggin never worked well for me,  I alsways go for the mplayer one now, , just a suggestion04:59
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Pelotimewriter,  reading the xorg.conf files could give you a clue04:59
nevermindhi all04:59
sx66shar0n, I try to overwrite it, it fails and keeps cycling...over and over04:59
nevermind :p05:00
bellboyhi all...05:00
Pelonny, ubuntu-dev I think ,  but there are instructions on that in the site, in the contributors section I think05:00
Pelobellboy,    /join #ubuntu-es05:00
timewriterSection "Device"05:00
timewriter        Identifier      "X800XL"05:00
timewriter        Driver          "fglrx"05:00
timewriteris this ok ?05:00
Pelotimewriter,  is that the one you wanted ?05:00
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Pelothen is it probably ok05:01
timewriteri have ati x800xl as videocard05:01
bellboyPelo, thanks man05:01
timewriterbut i cant enable desktop effects still05:01
neverblue!pastebin | timewriter05:01
ubotutimewriter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:01
bellboyPelo, years and years without irc05:01
nnyPelo, will continue to look through their site as well, thanks05:01
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axos88I am trying to install ubuntu feisty... I set the kb layout to Hungarian, and VGA mode to 1280x800x32 (laptop wide screen), and select install or run ubuntu. afterwards the kernel gets loaded but I get presented with a busybox shell... wtf?05:01
Pelotimewriter, try asking in #ubuntu-effects, they are more versed in this eyecandy related stuff05:01
neverbluetimewriter, #ubuntu-effects05:01
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ubuntu__i am trying this05:01
Pelobellboy,  how did you ever manage ?05:01
bellboyPelo, coming back..... because ubuntu channels.... :)05:01
ubuntu__for a long time now05:02
roachmmflhyrwow i cant install an ftp server. Ive been trying and trying and trying with gproftpd. I am behind a router. the port has been forwarded on my router and through firestarter. here is what my /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf looks like:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29794/05:02
ubuntu__and i can't find05:02
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ubuntu__the way to mount my hard disk partition05:02
neverblueroachmmflhyr, gproftpd ?05:02
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ubuntu__anybody that could help ?05:02
Peloubuntu, just boot up the live cd,   backup any important data you have , and reinstall ubuntu05:02
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tuna-fishhi, I'm trying to setup internet sharing with firestarter, but when I run trough the wizard it just says it didn't work and tells me to look in syslog. Last entry in syslog is "Jul 13 18:00:56 localhost dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth2 (
tuna-fish||Jul 13 18:00:56 localhost dhcpd: Please write a subnet declaration in your dhcpd.conf file for the" But I have no idea what a subnet delaration is. Please help!05:02
shar0nsx66, try dpkg --configure -a --force05:02
roachmmflhyrneverblue: ftp server05:02
axos88I am trying to install ubuntu feisty... I set the kb layout to Hungarian, and VGA mode to 1280x800x32 (laptop wide screen), and select install or run ubuntu. afterwards the kernel gets loaded but I get presented with a busybox shell... what am I doing wrong? /:)05:02
neverblueroachmmflhyr, I use proftpd05:02
bellboyPelo, manage what?05:03
neverbluedidnt realize there was a gproftpd05:03
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CppIsWeirdi remember some tool for alsa launched in a terminal window that was for volumes and stuff, what was the command to get it?05:03
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Pelobellboy, manage to survive without irc for many years05:03
roachmmflhyrneverblue: gproftpd uses proftpd its just a graphical interface05:03
bronze-I'm using KDE, and I want to uninstall alot of applications, e.g. all applications under "games". What's the fastest way to do this?05:03
neverbluethats probably your problem right there05:03
neverbluei doubt the #proftpd ppl will help you out with that :)05:04
Peloaxos88, when you boot up the live cd,  try just changing your language and keyboard, leave the resolution as is05:04
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axos88Pelo: ok05:04
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shar0nsx66, if that doesnt work try dpkg --remove <packagename>05:04
bellboyPelo, hehehee.... well man... skype, gaim and forum05:04
PeloCppIsWeird,  alsamixer05:04
Pelobronze-, ask in #kubuntu05:04
roachmmflhyrneverblue: i keep getting the error:   - IPv4 getaddrinfo 'ubuntu-box' error: No address associated with hostname05:04
roachmmflhyr - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'ubuntu-box'05:04
roachmmflhyr - error: no valid servers configured05:04
roachmmflhyr - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'05:04
bellboyPelo, sorry. for my english... please :)05:05
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Pelobellboy, gaim ?? ewwww05:05
shar0nwhat do you use Pelo ?05:05
Montaroroachmmflhyr: add ubuntu-box to /etc/hosts05:05
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.05:05
bellboyPelo, I use gaim for windows..... a lot05:05
neverblueroachmmflhyr, use pastebin please05:05
axos88hmm, seems it was working, then my screen went blank (blank as in turned off completely, not displaying black pixels)... the same thing happened when I tried to start the xorg server while having debian05:05
bellboyPelo, but not more....05:05
Peloshar0n, I don'T do instant msg,  I haven'T since getting flodded with crap in ICQ in 199905:05
roachmmflhyrneverblue: could you look at my /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf05:05
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bellboyPelo, no more windows in my life....05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpackage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
neverbluei already am05:06
shar0nlol @ pelo05:06
neverbluebut I am also installing gproftpd :)05:06
roachmmflhyrneverblue: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29794/05:06
roachmmflhyrneverblue: thanks05:06
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liu4whats the name of the partition app? g something?05:06
Peloaxos88,  what videocard ? ati and nvidia you will need to use the alternate install cd, it is text based05:06
axos88nvidia geforce 860005:06
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bellboyPelo, I am in a Toshiba, this is not my.... but I install Ubuntu into this too... and no more windows too, to a friend05:06
bellboyPelo, bu he have some problems to mount a external drive in ext305:07
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axos88Pelo: why's that? why couldn't the ubuntu guys include the drivers in the cd?05:07
Pelobellboy, I envy you,  I still have one app I need to run on windows,  and I haven'T managed to get it working properly in wine or vmware yes05:07
bellboyPelo, you no something aout this?05:07
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:07
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Pelobellboy,  not realy,  usb external hdd should automount automaticaly05:07
sx66shar0n, what is the pakagename for vmware?05:07
neverblueroachmmflhyr, did you check your logs?05:08
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bellboyPelo, well, I am thinking in make a small partiton, for Operation Flashpoint.... I like this old game05:08
shar0nI guess so05:08
shar0ntry it05:08
deefzigimp shows font "monospace" but openoffice doesn't - what to do?05:08
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Pelodeefzi, ask in #openoffice.org05:08
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bellboyPelo, yeap.... and this work properly a few days... he say05:08
roachmmflhyrneverblue: let me check05:08
neverbluethats going to be the best place to troubleshoot05:09
axos88Pelo: what's the update driver CD for/05:09
bellboyPelo, I have a 500GB and a 120Gb external usb in my dell.... and no problem05:09
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Peloaxos88,  I have no idea what you just asked05:09
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bellboybut this ext3 have some problem... I cant understand this05:09
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bellboyPelo, but this ext3 have some problem... I cant understand this05:09
axos88Pelo: what's the update driver CD for? in the installation menu....05:09
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roachmmflhyrneverblue: theres nothing in /var/ftp/05:10
Newbie_DudeOh noes, my apt-get from terminal timed out, how do I continue where I left off? >_<05:10
Peloaxos88, I have no idea, I haven't explored the cd boot menu in some time,  I just usualy go straight for what I need05:10
axos88ah ok05:10
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axos88Pelo: so for the geforce 8600m i'll need to download the alternate install?05:11
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Peloaxos88, yes,  unless you have the dvd which has the txt installer on it05:11
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Newbie_Dudewhat is the syntax for fixing a timed out apt-get download? it says to try "--fix-missing" but I don't know how to do it. :P05:11
beatnikhello, should i upgrade recently kernel, update manager notificated me05:12
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bellboyPelo, well.. you know something about a problem with automount? this sounds like this05:12
OldPinkHi All. About to buy a laptop with no CD drive. Installation can be done via a tested PCMCIA CD drive, but just trying to think, is there any reason I'll need one in future? I hardly ever use the one in this PC since getting Ubuntu, apart from audio CDs?05:12
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roachmmflhyr_neverblue: I do not know how to setup up the servers IP address and NAT routing IP address05:12
shar0nNewbie_Dude, just add --fix-missing05:12
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ninnghizidhahow do i create an xfs-partition?05:12
Newbie_Dudesudo apt-get install build-essential --fix-ming ?05:12
neverblueyou dont know how to setup the IP ?05:12
ninnghizidhai am missing the right command :-/05:12
hungry_eyessalut HABIB05:12
Pelobeatnik, yes, but if you have a problem you can always boot the previous kernel from grub boot menu05:12
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neverbluetime to read I think05:12
roachmmflhyr_neverblue: is NAT routing the ip address of my router or the ip address my router assigned to my machine?05:12
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Pelobellboy,  I don'T sorry05:12
bellboyPelo, Its ok05:13
bellboyPelo, craz problem05:13
liu4how do i mount a hdd?05:13
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Peloninnghizidha,  menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor, if not there sudo apt-get install gparted05:13
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Pelobellboy,  the forum is your freind05:13
bellboyPelo, :)05:13
PureEvilGeekI am having a problem setting up my tv to work off of my laptop. cloning won't display all the information on the screen (tv) and every time i try to do the new x window thing it doesn't apply the setting. what might i be doing wrong?05:13
Pelobellboy, ie this as been mentionned before,  search the forum there is aprobably a fix in there05:13
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Newbie_Dudeshar0n: OK, it worked, phew :) thanks05:14
shar0nnp :)05:14
bellboyPelo, thanks.... for your attention ... a lot05:14
liu4how in gods name do i mount the hdd i just formated into ext305:14
=== jack_ [n=acormier@dsl195-38-97-132.pool.tvnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
liu4sudo mount /dev/hdb ?05:14
=== Pelo doesn'T want gratitude, he wants ca$h
ninnghizidhathanks a lot! :)05:14
PureEvilGeekliu4 /mount -t ext3 /dev/hd /mountpoint05:14
Chousukeliu4: hdb is the drive.05:14
Newbie_DudeYou can mount through Ubuntu... Open umm... Places > Computer05:14
Newbie_Dude^ ^ liu405:14
Chousukeliu4: you need to mount the partition05:14
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bellboyPelo, Im making this [Spanish keyboard] 05:15
Chousukewhich is hdbN, where n is a number05:15
shar0nNewbie_Dude, use the command line :P05:15
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Peloluisbg,   sudo mkdir /mountpoint , then   sudo mount /dev/hdb# /mountpoint       where  # is the partition number05:15
Newbie_Dudeshar0n : Can't mounting be done through "Places > Computer" then right-clicking the drive then "Mount" ? :P05:15
bellboyPelo, see you05:15
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PureEvilGeekno on e here uses there tv with ubuntu?05:15
shar0nNewbie_Dude,  I don't know...:P05:15
Pelobellboy, later dude05:16
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xisxonaha... tv tunner ?05:16
liu4pelo what should i choose as mountpoint?05:16
PeloPureEvilGeek, try searching in the forum05:16
shar0nNewbie_Dude, use the mount command to mount lol05:16
PureEvilGeekxisxon: : no tv out05:16
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Peloliu4, standard is  someting in eitehr  /mnt or /media ,    /mnt/drivename would do nicely05:16
PureEvilGeekcan i restart x without restarting the system?05:16
Newbie_Dudeshar0n : ok ok, i'll learn the command prompt :P so hard to remember though05:16
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xisxoni dont get it, PureEvilGeek.05:16
liu4ah yes i take media05:16
PeloPureEvilGeek, ctrl _ alt  _ backspace05:16
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PureEvilGeekxisxon: tv out where you send your computer signal out to the tv05:17
PureEvilGeekok brb05:17
js_i find that gui applications render very slowly in ubuntu.. does anybody have an idea on speeding that up or something?05:17
Pie-rateyay my laptop's usb is fucked now! i left it running my external hard drive overnight and now it reads at about 800KB/sec from it, main box reads 20MB/sec05:17
Pelome need to go, later folks05:17
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shar0nNewbie_Dude, lol I know I dont know the command either Hahah...man mount05:17
Newbie_DudePie-rate : Why would leaving a hard drive plugged in be damaging?05:18
Pie-rateNewbie_Dude: you tell me!05:18
Pie-rateNewbie_Dude: its probably drawing too much power from the usb ports.05:18
shar0nNewbie_Dude, its working overtime05:18
neverblueroachmmflhyr, try both?05:18
Newbie_Dudeshar0n, Pie-rate : Uh oh, I told my Dad to leave his USB hard drive plugged in, and that was 4 months ago...05:18
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neverbluebetter yet, try your WAN IP05:19
Pie-rateNewbie_Dude: does yours have external power?05:19
Newbie_DudePie-rate : USB-powa05:19
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shar0nnot good05:19
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shar0nwell it doesnt really matter if you are not striving for speed05:20
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sn0js_ are you using an accelerated driver for your graphics card?05:21
sn0js_ if you are using vesa/non accelerated that would explain slow window redraws05:21
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js_sn0: i'm using nvidias drivers and 3d acceleration works fine05:21
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js_sn0: i just generally find it that applications render slowly and have been doing so for a few years05:22
js_sn0: at least gtk apps05:22
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sn0js_ maybe your refresh rate ?05:22
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js_sn0: i think it wasnt as bad when i tried fedora05:22
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jurp5still doesnt work05:22
js_perhaps theyve patched something05:22
js_but i dont want to use fedora :(05:22
js_sn0: its 60hz on a tft05:22
Hyarion2hi, all of a sudden my external hard drive is mounting with an underscore on the end and when I plug it in it gives me the error "mount point can not contain G_DIR_SEPARATOR" anyone have this happen before?05:22
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ne0futurhi all, the lines I put in /etc/hosts are not used by my ubuntu, but ihave the good config in /etc/nsswitch ( hosts:          files dns )05:22
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sn0js_ hmm not sure, dont notice any slowness here :< using nvidia05:23
ne0futuris there something i should do with ubuntu to have my /etc/hosts be used ?05:23
js_sn0: also, i often miss the window edges when resizing/moving windows05:23
js_which is quite annoying05:23
sn0js_ using desktop effects or beryl?05:23
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js_sn0: nope, though that actually seems to make things more accurate05:24
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sn0js_ any possibility of uploading a picture/animated picture of what is happening?05:26
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js_sn0: im at work right now, but perhaps when i get back home.. i think its the usual behaviour just that it annoys me05:26
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js_sn0: its the same no matter what computer im on05:27
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sn0js_ not sure really, as you say maybe its gtk ;)05:27
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:27
Newbie_Dudeubotu : thank you :)05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
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js_sn0: i thought it might have been kernel responsiveness that caused it, but using a -lowlatency kernel didn't change things05:28
OldPinklol Newbie_Dude, ubotu is a bot ;)05:28
mariocesar_boHi, anyone use compiz-fussion with dual monitor? i just get to work two monitors on ubuntu, but i cant launch compiz05:28
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OldPinkmariocesar_bo: Run compiz --replace && sleep 20 && metacity --replace ?05:29
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byzzybdoes anyone know how can I mount images to virtual 'roms?05:30
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OldPinkThat will run it for 20 seconds, then replace metacity back in incase anything went wrong05:30
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mariocesar_boOldPink: didn't work05:30
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:31
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OldPinkmariocesar_bo output/error?05:31
mariocesar_boOldPink: I use,  compiz --fast-filter --replace -c emerald05:31
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mariocesar_bosorry it is on spanish ^_^ /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No RandR extension05:31
mariocesar_boAdvertencia del gestor de ventanas:  encontrado en la base de datos de configuracin no es un valor vlido para la combinacin de teclas toggle_shaded05:31
mariocesar_boAdvertencia del gestor de ventanas: La ventana 0 en la pantalla :0.0 ya tiene un gestor de ventanas, intente usar la opcin --replace para reemplazar el gestor de ventanas activo.05:31
mariocesar_boFatal: Can't run metacity05:31
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shar0nahh man I cant decide what to use c++ or another scripting language05:31
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OldPinkhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2995129 - mariocesar_bo05:32
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EvilDennisRHow can I get gnome-btdownload to download more than one torrent at a time? If I try and open a 2nd torrent file it says can't open socket. It works with btdownloadgui05:32
abliIm trying to install ubuntu using the 7.04 desktop livecd-installer CD. I want to install to an existing partition without formatting it. Can I do that? I get a "System partition not formatted" error dialog if I choose manual partitioning, and set that partition to be mounted as /, and dont check the format column. Why does the installer demand system partitions to be formatted?05:32
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robert__hello to every one05:32
robert__I have a problem05:32
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OldPinkabli - reformat the partition to ext2 or ext3 using the partitioner given to you05:32
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mariocesar_boOldPink: tanks i would read it05:32
abliOldPink, thats what I _dont_ want to do.05:33
OldPinkabli, why?05:33
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abliOldPink, to keep my data, why else?05:33
OldPinkabli, what partition type is the one you're trying to install to?05:33
ge2xwhat do i need to add to the squid config file to make it act just as a proxy05:33
OldPinkabli, you can't install to a partition with stuff already on it, you need to install to an empty one05:33
ubuntuEdgyi want to use pxe with live cd sort of like a pxe live ? can it be done ?05:33
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abliOldPink, yeah. I noticed. But that limitation doesnt make sense. Why can't I install to an exsisting partition?05:34
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OldPinkabli, if you want to install on an existing partition and keep your data, try Wubi05:34
Hyarion2hi, all of a sudden my external hard drive isn't mounting and is giving me the error: mount_point can not contain newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /), has anyone received this? I haven't changed anything...05:34
OldPink!wubi | abli05:34
ubotuabli: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html05:34
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abliOldPink, I'm not a windows user, and the partition in question is a reiserfs partition with an exsisting, older ubuntu on it.05:34
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OldPinkabli, Ah, I understand now05:35
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z3r0ph3wlhej, i have ubuntu on my pc but now i want also install as second OS windows xp on pc but not using wmware or virtualbox. i have empty NTFS partition and how later after install XP set back grub that i could choose what OS to boot?05:35
OldPinkSo you just want a base install with the data you already have?05:35
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abliOldPink, so, any idea why I can't do what I want?05:35
OldPinkIsn't that what you already have?05:35
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OldPinkI suggest mounting your /home folder to a seperate partition, formatting the other partition, installing there and keeping the /home intact05:36
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dr_willisi keep /home on its own hard drive. :)05:36
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abliOldPink, I have one partition with / and /home and everything else on it.05:36
erl_hi, is there anyone out there who can help me with some linux-header issue?05:36
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MrElendigerl_: install the devel and build-essensial05:37
OldPinkabli, yes, installing to that partition will result in a fresh install, with nothing saved from last time05:37
abliOldPink, no, its not what I already have, because it was installed with and older (2 versions earlier) ubuntu05:37
mariocesar_boOldPink: i read the post on ubuntu forums, i merge the xorg.conf it didn't work05:37
erl_MrElendig, i have it updated already05:37
WaxyFreshwhere can i download images for innotek virtualbox?05:37
OldPinkabli, ah! Well you can't upgrade two versions at a time05:37
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mariocesar_bothe two monitors are working, i don't know why compiz don't start :(05:38
OldPinkabli, insert the CD in from the next version up when you're running your ubuntu install, and it'll ask you to upgrade05:38
z3r0ph3wlhej, i have ubuntu on my pc but now i want also install as second OS windows xp on pc but not using wmware or virtualbox. i have empty NTFS partition and how later after install XP set back grub that i could choose what OS to boot?05:38
dr_willisWaxyFresh,  they can use/convet vmware images i do belive.05:38
OldPinkYou'll need to do that twice, albi05:38
OldPinkalbi, I guess you're going from 6.06 to 7.04?05:38
nikinhy i installed ubuntu on my dual PIII PC, on a SCSI drive... , but for some reason the HDD got real hot, so hot, i couldnt tuch it. is that normal? the drive is a 17 Gig Fujitsu.05:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:38
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abliOldPink, yeah, but I deliberately want to reinstall, not upgrade.05:38
erl_MrElendig, when i try to install linux-headers package, i was prompted to choose between 6 other options05:39
OldPinkabli, the only way is to backup and fresh install, then restore what you want from the backup05:39
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MrElendigz3r0ph3wl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phbc50/howtos/how-to_reinstall_grub05:39
OldPinkShrink your current partition, make a new one, install there, boot into that, mount the old one, transfer whatever you want and then delete the old one, abli05:39
pdroyI think ubuntu default CD should have more bluetooth stuffs, kubuntu s packed well in this front05:40
dr_willisone mans needed stuff..is anothers cruft05:40
z3r0ph3wlMrElendig: thanks05:40
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abliOldPink, so. Any idea _why_ the installer demands formatting before install?05:40
MrElendigabli: because you shoud reformat / ?05:41
OldPinkabli installing over an original install would leave lots of uneeded files, lots of missing dependencies, and a generally unstable, unbootable mess05:41
OldPinkabli, you'd risk your current data05:41
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OldPinkabli, the operating system is the very base of a partition. of course it needs a format to be installed05:41
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abliOldPink, no I dont, because I moved all my data to an old_data/ directory. So if the installer would be willing to do what i want, I would simply end up with a fresh install, and with my data in /old_data/ .Thats all05:42
MrElendig/home and /var are the only things that's generaly safe to keep (if you know what you do)05:42
dr_willisabli,  it would of been safest to move it to another filesystem, or drive...05:42
MrElendigabli: that's why you shoud use a seperate /home partion05:43
abliOldPink, no it doesnt. The "operating system" is just files. there is nothing magic about it05:43
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ramseizehelp, when my login the system sound works , when im about to play mp3 music, thres no sound05:43
OldPinkabli, well there you go. Shrink the current partition down, create a new one, install there, mount the old one to /old_data and have a browse, restoring what you want05:43
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OldPinkit's the only way05:43
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OldPinkPidgin 2.1.0 is 12 hours late now, and only 44% developed... lol!05:43
abliOldPink, ok. I already gave up trying to do what I originally wanted. Now Im just trying to understand why this limitation exsists.05:44
roachmmflhyr_i cant get proftpd server up and running at all. I followed this exactly http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39566&highlight=proftp+nat05:44
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nikinabli: i think it demands so, that the system folders stay clean. coz if there are initscripts or anything else for programs that arent installed that can couse lot of error messages, and maybe crashes also05:44
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BobsentmeOk, trying to download Ubuntu. Got the ISO, but it won't boot. Possibly a bad download, from what I've been told.  Is there a program to check the download?05:45
MrElendigBobsentme: md5sum05:45
BobsentmeCool, thanks.05:45
ablinikin, so? this is "expert mode" already. If it wants to keep the system folders clean, just "rm -rf" those directories, that already exist and clash with a system directory name.05:45
nikinbobsentme, you should check the md5 sum of the cd image.... you can download that at the same place, you got the cd from05:45
roachmmflhyr_i keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29802/05:45
OldPinkabli it exists because it exists. It's like saying, why can't I just install firefox 3 on top of firefox 2 and hope it'll work? You need to remove the second first, then install the third. 6.06 and 7.04 are very different, you could extract the CD image, extract that and paste the contents into / if you're really bored and wanting to fight against the right way of doing things, but it's just easier, safer, more stable and dam05:46
OldPinkabli, ask at Ubuntuforums if it really matters to you05:46
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abliOldPink, "extracting the cd image and pasting the contents to /" is exactly what the installer does. What do you think, how do the files get there?05:47
nikinabli: i understand your problem, and it would be nice, if one could choose not to format that drive, and get an unclean system at his own risk.05:47
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nikinabli: did you try the alternate CD?05:48
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mluserHello.. Can someone please recommend a HOWTO on install nxserver for ubuntu feisty?05:48
robert__This is fun : )05:48
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX05:49
Newbie_DudeI installed build-essentials via apt-get, tried to do a make on the ZSNES source and at the end it said "bash: gmake: command not found" :(05:49
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ablinikin, no. Does it have a different installer?05:50
erl_Newbie_dude, you need to install gmake also...05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nasm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
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Newbie_Dudeerl_ so like... sudo apt-get gmake install ?05:50
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erl_Newbie_Dude, perhaps, i'm note sure if that's the right package name ;)05:51
nikinabli: AFAIK yes.05:51
roachmmflhyr_do anyone use proftpd? ive been reading and trying everything for 2 days now. i keep receiving this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29802/05:51
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ramseizeyun gusto ka?05:51
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Newbie_Dude!ph | ramseize05:51
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uboturamseize: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog05:51
erl_ramseize, tagalog?05:51
nikinabli: you can step forward and backward throu the installer and step over the parts you dont want to do... i dont know if you can step  over the format part, but i gues05:51
ramseizedami pala noypi05:52
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ramseizeNoypi rockssss05:52
qawsIs there any soft for Ubuntu to change x-sensitivity and y-sensitivity for mouse separately?05:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gmake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
nikinhy i installed ubuntu on my dual PIII PC, on a SCSI drive... , but for some reason the HDD got real hot, so hot, i couldnt tuch it. is that normal? the drive is a 17 Gig Fujitsu.05:53
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qaws!mouse sensitivity05:53
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dr_willisnikin,  it was proberly giving the drive a bit of a workout...05:54
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axos88the ubuntu alternate installer provides the nvidia drivers, right/>05:54
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dr_willisaxos88,  nope.05:54
axos88on a laptop, i'll need the 1280x768 resolution, right?05:54
madsenDoes anyone know where I can get hold of libc5 for Ubuntu? I tried packages.ubuntu.com, but all the mirrors returned 404 on the deb.05:54
xBillroachmmflhyr_: you have to replace "ubuntu-box" with your IP address05:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mouseyaxis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
nikindr_willis: not that mutch... i did some net brosing.... and ith 1 G RA no swapping took place05:54
dr_willisaxos88,  to get proper res with nvidia chipsets.. i often have to use the nvidia drivers.. Yes.05:54
ramseizecan anyone help me, when  i login, it prompts the system sound, but when im about to play music, theres no sound? what seems to be the problem?05:54
=== RachelLane [n=aurelie@sfo69-1-82-235-155-103.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nikinGig RAM*05:55
dr_willisnikin,   if you are worried about heat.. well.. get a fan for it?05:55
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axos88dr_willis: ?!!!! then what? X server won't start for me without those drivers... the screen simply shuts off05:55
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axos88Can ubuntu log into text mode so that I can install the drivers05:55
qawsIs there any soft for Ubuntu to change x-sensitivity and y-sensitivity for mouse separately please?05:55
dr_willisaxos88,  install them from the console,  - Odd that it 'shuts' off.. that may be more of a wrong res/screen not gettting displayed..05:55
securebootanyone know an easy way to check the hashes of files that will be installed by a given package?05:55
roachmmflhyr_xBill: which ip address? the one assigned by my ISP, my routers IP, or my LAN IP assigned by my router?05:55
Newbie_DudeI love Ubuntu, I finally solve one problem than another problem comes up... lol05:56
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dr_willisaxos88,  the system should be using the failsafe nv, or vesa drivers. Its possible X is startring.. and just isent getting displayed properly05:56
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MrElendigqaws: if it's a synaptics, I think you can do it by hand in xorg.conf05:56
ramseizecan anyone help me, when  i login, it prompts the system sound, but when im about to play music, theres no sound? what seems to be the problem?05:56
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axos88dr_willis: on a laptop wide screen, i'll be needing the 1280x768 resolution, right?05:56
xBilldepends on where you want to acces the ftp server from05:56
madsenaxos88: Ctrl-Alt-F2 will give you text-mode.05:56
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dr_willisaxos88,  i use whatever default res. the laptops lcd handles.05:56
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madsenaxos88: Ctrl-Alt-F7 will take you back to the X session.05:56
roachmmflhyr_xBill: ubuntu-box is no where in my /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf05:56
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eifzonwhy does the ubuntu alternate cd got a newer kernel then the livecd?05:57
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nikindr_willis: i know, but i just want to kno if that is normal for a scsi drive.. if its normal, i rip of some helicompter rotors, and hammer it in my case:D but i dont want to spend 5-6 hours of ork to realize that the hdd s are broken.05:57
axos88madsen: right, thanks05:57
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dr_willisnikin,  it may be the drive isent spinning down.. but if its in use. it will make heat..its amazing how hot some parts get..05:58
axos88but after I start the X server, it totally freezes (that's what happened on debian and the ubuntu gui installer) no response to alt+ctrl+f1 , or alt+ctrl+backspc05:58
eifzonso what cd shall i use to install ubuntu05:58
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dr_willisnikin,  i alwatys put fans on all my hds05:58
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nikindr_willis: yep i realized that with my IDE drives before... but these ones get real hot... i am afraid that they melt tha cables05:58
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madsenaxos88: I guess you could boot in single user mode from grub.05:59
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Tamalei lost my terminal history... help?05:59
axos88madsen ok05:59
madsenaxos88: that shouldn't start X05:59
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dr_willisnikin,  i cant think of a reason they would get hoter under linux, then windows.  never heard of anyone else mention hard drives doing that.05:59
xBillroachmmflhyr_: what 's the "ServerName"-line in the config file ?05:59
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madsenNo one knows where to get a usable libc5 for feisty?06:00
roachmmflhyr_xBill: here is my conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29794/06:00
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jaguarquick question the picture in my vlc playr while wathcing .avi files is laggy, but the sound isnt.how can i fix that issue06:00
madsen... or will I be able to use the Debian libc5?06:00
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nikindr_willis: never tested them under windows... i dont use windows, for some time now, but this is my first SCSI system, so i dont know what are the normal working temperatures for those drives06:00
madsenjaguar: You're probably better off asing on a VLC related channel.06:01
nikinjaguar: choose a diferent videout plugin06:01
axos88jaguar: codecs?06:01
nikinvideo out06:01
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dr_willisnikin,  i always though scsi drives ran faster, and hotter.. but ive never had one. s0 :)06:02
nikinjaguar: what kind of Videocard do you have?06:02
Newbie_Dudejaguar : i used to turn the priority up higher in the preferences, but that was in windows xp :p06:02
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nikindr_willis: these are pretty old driver... 7200rpm... but then i give it a try... ty06:02
xBillroachmmflhyr_: try adding " ubuntu-box" to /etc/hosts06:03
jaguarnikin,  an ATI something R350 chip06:03
dseomnthis is probably a stupid question, but does ubuntu work with sata hard drive on a mobo raid controller if the raid is turned off?06:03
dr_willisnikin,  they may be more power hungry also. Newer drives are more engery efficnet i hear.06:03
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rolfenis there any way to minimize rhythmbox to the tray?06:03
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nikinjaguar: did you install the drivers for it06:03
axos88why aren't nvidia and ati drivers supported by default? I don't think it's that uncommon....06:03
dseomnrolfen: click on the tray button06:03
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jaguarnikin,  not that i know i just installed ubuntu studio06:04
dr_willisaxos88,  one word... LEGAL RESONS06:04
jaguarand thats pretty much it06:04
dr_willisaxos88,  oh wait.. thats 2 words. :)06:04
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rolfendseomn: thanks... lol06:04
dseomnrolfen: no prob06:04
nikindr_willis: maybe i will buy a new one, for that time i installed a 120 G IDE drive..06:04
dr_willisaxos88,  nvidia and ati wont let the disrto makers include them.  Those disrtos that are doing so.. sort of do it  in a round about way.06:04
CapaHCan someone explain this to me please... I have edited xorg.conf in each of the depth sections under "Display" and I have added modes: 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1152x864, 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480 --- and when I restart X, and I try to change my screen resolution, ONLY 1280x800 and 1024x768 are available options. Can anyone tell me why?06:04
rolfenaxos88: i think it has got something to do with licensing issues06:04
nikinjaguar: you should install video drivers, ... that will fix the problem.06:04
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nikin!ati | jaguar06:05
ubotujaguar: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:05
dr_willisaxos88,  lets look it at this way.. I insstall XP  - and i have to go download the nvidia drivers also.06:05
rolfenaxos88: the reason why nvidia and ati drivers are not included by default06:05
axos88what do ati and nvidia gain by this?06:05
CapaH"Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller" "Generic Monitor" Default Depth: 24 <-- if helpful06:05
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dr_willisaxos88,  go ask them.. come back if they give you a good answer.. :) they never have so far.06:05
axos88dr_willis: only difference: windows XP actually starts without them06:05
rolfenaxos88: no idea...06:05
Newbie_DudeI thought the NVIDIA drivers were automatically downloaded when you go to System > Preferences > Restricted Drivers?06:05
dr_willisaxos88,  my sustem starts with the 'nvidia' drivers.. your system is not the norm.06:06
nickrudCapaH, iirc, installing 915resolution will fix that06:06
madman91does anyone want a moolah invite?06:06
dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  thats not the same as being included on the cd.. thats the 'catch 22'06:06
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Pici!offtopic | madman9106:06
ubotumadman91: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:06
rolfenmadman91: a mullah invite?06:06
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cotyrotherycan somone help me with getting my wifimax working06:06
nikinaxos88: about a 10000 more visitors on a average day at their webpage :D06:06
madman91rolfen: its an online game.. but it is offtopic :-)06:06
nickrudCapaH, read usr/share/doc/915resolution/README.Debian after you install it06:06
CapaHinteresting -- thanks nickrud06:07
cotyrotheryit connects through usb and it shares the internet06:07
Newbie_Dudedr_willis: I wish they'd also include a 56k modem driver for my Conexant, instead of having some company (Linuxant) that wants to charge me $15 for a driver !!!!06:07
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axos88nikin: i don't think so... don't you just do aptitude install nvidia-drivers-package-with-some-wierd-name?06:07
rafaelscjI installed 915resolution...06:07
CapaHOn another matter, does *anyone* know why my battery suddenly lasts 5 minutes when unplugged on Ubuntu, but no such problems before I installed Ubuntu Feisty (from Edgy) ?06:07
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nikinaxos88: thats true for Linux users, but the windows dudes have to go to the webpage06:08
cotyrotheryDoes anyone know how i would set up the wifi max under ubuntu06:08
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:08
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Cy3berPeaceHi guys - I can't get any sound out of my gateway with SigmaTel STAC9200...Tried the troubleshooting option @ help.ubuntu... any suggestions from anyone?06:08
dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  Modems? egads....06:09
Newbie_Dudedr_willis: I know, I live in the stone-age (still using 56k modem, third world country) but they don't have to charge $15 bucks for the driver. :P06:09
nikinaxos88: people using Linux are a small minority, and if you just lokk at the desktop users... even more a minority... they dont realy care... and thats sometimes visible in the quality of the drivers06:09
n0ydCy3berPeace, by chance is there a external amplifier switch in alsamixer?06:10
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dr_willisPlus the companies only have limited amount of $$ for programers for the drivers....06:10
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axos88But I do think linux is climbing up the ladder... it's true that it's a slow process, but I can feel it happening06:10
axos88don't you?06:10
=== dr_willis wonders if the Xi-Fi Drivers have been released out.
nickruddr_willis, useful for faxing, still ;)06:10
Newbie_DudeAnd with Vista being as hot as it is (lol) they got their best teams working on Vista drivers06:10
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rafaelscjWho know how to instal texas instruments card reader?06:10
_Lucretia_hi, I just tried to play a vid through totem and it said I needed to install some codecs, fine. It bought up a list of 3 options, so I picked the ones that didn't say "no encryption" (the 0.10.2-0ubuntu4 version), got no sound though. Yes sound plays through the prefs fine06:10
dr_willisNewbie_Dude,  i think thats EXACTLY why the XiFi Drivers for linus are not out yet.06:10
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Newbie_DudeAnyone know if I can do an apt-get on SDL? If so, what is the keyword?06:11
nikindr_willis: making the drivers open source, doesnt cost a $ , but they dont do that.... its not about money, or if it is, then it is becouse of the agrement ith OS developres... not just MS but Apple also.06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
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axos88nikin: they could also do something like... ooops we suddenly had a security breach, and we gave out all the specs for writing drivers for our boards :P06:12
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axos88ok, ubuntu instal lfinished... fingers crossed....06:13
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Hyarion2has anyone here used gtkpod with an external hard drive?06:13
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nikinaxos88: doing that every 6 months would be a litle bit..hmmm... lets say it ould look as strenge as a camel in the midel of NY in pink panties06:13
axos88well yeah, but at least the boards until NOW would be supported...06:14
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nickrudNewbie_Dude, libsdl1.2debian ; you'll probably want libsdl1.2debian-alsa as well. aptitude search sdl will give you ore options06:14
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axos88ubuntu installer resembles debian installer... hmmm06:14
Newbie_Dudeaptitude, never heard of it nickrud, but i'll figure it out :)06:15
axos88dammit... dead screen06:15
dr_willisnikin,  Unless they have other stuff licensed where they ant release the drivers.. However they COULD release the specs for the hardware for free.. (perhaps) thats almost as good.06:15
nikinaxos88: that isnt hat the companies want..,. they dont get money if you buy a 2 years old card now.. they want you to buy the newest stuff and the most expensive :D06:15
nickrudNewbie_Dude, a different package manager, that's all. a lot like synaptic, but text and more geeky06:15
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Jack_Sparrowcan I play m4a in Ubuntu or do I need to convert them first06:15
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axos88nikin: yeah... let's face the facts :(06:16
nikindr_willis: and almost as bad for the propertary OS developers... if there is such an agrement...06:16
r0b-is Ubuntu Server good for a Virtual Server?06:16
Cy3berPeacen0yd: Sorry - didn't catch your response (no beep ;) -- I do't see an ext amplifier06:16
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Newbie_Dude@nickrud OK, I might need that then. Because I believe there are a lot of packages not showing up when I do synaptic search.06:16
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kevinl--r0b: you mean is it good to make a virtual machine for microsoft virtual server?06:16
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kevinl--or vmware?06:16
axos88ok, so I booted up my great new ubuntu in single user mode (GUI won't work)... how do I install the nvidia drivers?06:17
n0ydCy3berPeace, ok.  Just checking, it usually all the way towards the right.  Not sure what your problem might be.06:17
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nikinaxos88: hy the gui wont work?06:17
Cy3berPeacen0yd: I've got something that say's "Off-hook" - with MM above it...06:17
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n0ydNo idea what that might be...06:18
n0ydMM is mute06:18
n0ydof off06:18
_Lucretia_flash worked, but now it doesn't after a reboot (amd64)06:18
n0ydyou can try toggling it06:18
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erizzlewhat package provides the X dev headers? I am trying to compile the latest fluxbox06:18
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axos88screen-turns-off thing06:18
bronze-How do I run (via terminal) an executable textfile?06:18
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Cy3berPeacen0yd: I can't seem to - what keys would I use - arrow keys, right?06:18
axos88bronze-: ./myscript.sh06:19
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nikinaxos88: did you try to reconfigure the xserver to use vesa drivers and a lower resolution for that time?06:19
erizzlebronze-: ./textfile ?06:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:19
Newbie_Dudenickrud : I think I found them... in the Synaptic Package Manager06:19
axos88nikin: not yet06:19
axos88lemme try that06:19
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n0ydcyberphaz, hit "M"06:20
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n0ydCy3berPeace, ^^^^^^^^06:20
nickrudNewbie_Dude, figured you could. Like I said, synaptic and aptitude are verrry similar06:20
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toocrazy-ptI have some problems with my ethernet card, someone can help ??06:21
nickrudNewbie_Dude, I keep forgetting about a lot of the newer graphical tools. Gotta remember to mention them06:21
Cy3berPeacen0yd: Got it - I should have to restart or anything to take effct, no?06:21
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erizzlehas anyone compiled fluxbox from source?? could anyone enlighten me to the package name for the X headers?06:21
Newbie_Dude@nickrud : is that "Synaptic Package Manger" the same as Aptitude? It definitely seemed more "texty and geeky" :)06:21
Manowarrrhow to forward 29900 port to , a little help with iptables please ?06:21
n0ydYou never need to restart Linux, except to change kernels.06:21
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n0ydEven when ubuntus little update alert thing tells you restart, usually its wrong in telling you to do so.06:22
nickrudNewbie_Dude, not the same, but a lot of the backend code from aptitude seemed to have made it into synaptic. In earlier incarnations, it even used a lot of the same terminology.06:22
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Newbie_DudeI don't get it, why don't these developers (like the ZSNES developer) just give us an already-compiled version? Why we gotta go searching for 20 different components to compile it. >_<06:22
xfuserI use a lenovo 3000 N100 laptop and I unable to get a 1280x1028 resolution06:22
toocrazy-ptmay I give some more info??06:22
stefgerizzle: why not just sudo apt-get build-dep fluxbox (and let apt sort it out)06:22
xfuserI don`t know the exact refresh rates.. thats what the problem06:23
erizzlestefg: I'll give it a shot, thx06:23
Newbie_Dude!anyone | toocrazy-pt06:23
ubotutoocrazy-pt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:23
rafaelscjHow do I to install Texas Instruments Card Reader' driver?06:23
BadRobotHi there could anyone give me some help to recover a broken system?06:23
toocrazy-ptthe last time I update the kernel, the eth0 (Intel PRO/100 VE) have gone06:23
dr_willisrafaelscj,  built into a laptop? a 15 in one media reader?06:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
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illriginalhow do you kill all firefox?06:24
toocrazy-ptwhen I try to click on the NetworkManager, i get No SIOCGIFFLAGS: no such device06:24
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erizzlestefg: now will that work considering ubuntu ver of flux is like 0.95 and I'm trying to compile 1.0rc3?06:24
rafaelscjdr_willis: Acer travelmate laptop06:24
=== axos88 woohoo, X started
toocrazy-ptbut with lspci, i get the card06:24
Hrenohello, I really need help; I've installed nvidia drivers via envy and I still can't get higher resolution than 1024*786 and 75Hz, which is killing my eyes06:24
nickrudNewbie_Dude, another useful trick: find zsnes package in ubuntu, and install it :)  or, if you still want to build it, try apt-get build-dep <package>06:24
nikinaxos88: :D:D its better that way not?06:24
xfusershall I post my xorg.conf file ?06:25
BadRobotI am having problems with GRUB and HDD .I am getting GRUB ERROR 17 after the install of Ubuntu Feisty06:25
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axos88with X? welll.. umm yeah :D06:25
illriginalhow do you kill all firefox?06:25
toocrazy-ptI already check the foruns but no solutions06:25
dr_willisrafaelscj,  ive had very little luck gettting some of those going. From what last i noticed SOME of the media slots work..but not all of them06:25
Piciillriginal: killall firefox-bin06:25
Cy3berPeacen0yd: Yeah, I  figured...No love on the Off-hook thing...  Anyone out there have experience with the STAC9000 soundcard - can't get any sound out of it...06:25
illriginalthank you pici06:25
mariocesar_bohello, i just enable two displays on ubuntu, now i can't get compiz-fussion to start ... i get this error: /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No RandR extension06:25
axos88now... lemme install the 2.6.21 kernel so that I will have networking :P06:25
erUSULillriginal: killall -9 firefox-bin06:25
BadRobotYou are better off using Opera or Iceweasel06:25
dr_willisrafaelscj,  the drivers were included in the kernel. i didenthave to do anything to get my SD cards working.06:25
Newbie_Dude@nickrud : I checked the Synaptic for "ZSNES" and it wasn't there -- is there another place to look besides in the GUI Synaptic "Add/Remove?"06:25
dr_willis!find zsnes06:25
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stefgerizzle: it will puill all the *-dev packs that fluxbox needs. if you run into lib-version problems then i'd recommend not building it. But that's not likely on such a compact thing06:26
ubotuFound: zsnes06:26
nickrudNewbie_Dude, try control-f in synaptic, and search there06:26
erUSULdr_willis: multiverse06:26
Newbie_Dudedr_willis: I've been tracking down the different components so I can compile ZSNES for the past like 4 hours.06:26
rafaelscjdr_willis, What?06:26
MajorPayneBadRobot: Iceweasel is firefox re-branded.06:26
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illriginalIt says no processes killed...06:26
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illriginalim gonna restart06:26
nickrudNewbie_Dude, ah. Try System->Admin->Synaptics06:26
n0ydCy3berPeace, just curious, type this into a shell/terminal "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" and make sure your speakers are on, and up (but not to much)06:27
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Cy3berPeacen0yd: Device or resource busy06:27
Newbie_Dude@nickrud : holy crap, it's there... So, Synaptics in Admin Menu is better than Add/Remove !!! WOOOOOOOO06:27
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Hrenois there any program to set resolution except built-in?06:28
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CapaHHreno: I am suffering with the same dilemna06:28
n0ydthat doesn't make much sense...06:28
artabrahaoHi, how can I see/change the date/time?06:28
rafaelscjdr_willis, I knew that the module is included but modprobe don't find it06:28
CapaHI installed 915resolution and it didn't fix a thing06:28
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stefgNewbie_Dude: so you earned your first l33t points on linux :-)06:28
nickrudNewbie_Dude, add/remove isn't synaptics, :)06:28
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Cy3berPeacen0yd: What should it say/do when you type that?06:28
n0ydCy3berPeace, In this case, go ahead and just reboot.  Come back and try it again. :)06:28
Newbie_Dude@nickrud, dr_willis: Thanks so much guys. I was literally trying all day to compile. I thought I had to go into add/remove for everything06:28
nickrudCapaH, did you read the docs I pointed you at?06:28
n0ydCy3berPeace, put static through the speakers06:28
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sq89hi! I want to use both my laptop monitor and a 20" lcd one with my intel 950 graphics card. I'm configuring xorg.conf now, but I have no clue about what the different MonitorLayout settings mean. any idea?06:29
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CapaHnickrud: Yes, and I still have the same choices I had before --- also, curiously, when I do: 915resolution -l --- it *does* list the modes I want to use, but when I try to use those modes, it just does nothing06:29
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Newbie_DudeSo, it seems a good part about Ubuntu is that if I want any of the programs I can get it all through Synaptic Package Manager, I don't have to go trekking through the internet and compiling things ??06:29
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cyberphazmost distros have a manager like that06:29
n0ydCy3berPeace, It sonds like a process is choking your sound card06:29
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cyberphazbut yes06:29
CapaHsq89: You are in for a *WORLD* of frustration, I feel bad for ya :)06:29
PriceChildNewbie_Dude, yes06:29
CapaHsq89: But yes it is possible :)06:29
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:29
nickrudCapaH, when we first talked about this, rafaelscj mentioned he'd used 915res successfully06:30
sq89CapaH: thanks :-)06:30
CapaHI think rafaelscj is not here unfortunately06:30
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CapaHthen again06:30
Newbie_DudeI hope Ubuntu never dies or goes out of development, I'm really enjoying all of this. >_<06:30
CapaHrafaelscj: Help!! :) --- how do I get 915resolution to work? I do 915resolution -l --- and it lists the modes I want, but when I edit that one etc file with the mode/res --- and I restart X, its just as though I did nothing.. ideas?06:30
rafaelscjI am using 915resolution here06:31
axos88Could someone please guide me through setting up network? Installer couldn't do it because kernel 2.6.20 didn't have the drivers, I just installed 2.6.2106:31
PriceChildaxos88, 2.6.21 is not supported here.06:31
sq89CapaH: have you tried restarting the pc? it seems 915resolution loads into the kernel or something06:31
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rafaelscjCapaH, Do you have a Intel card?06:31
sq89CapaH: I've used 915resolution with success too, until I wanted to use two monitors...06:31
PriceChildaxos88, custom kernels are not supported here. They cause a multitude of problems if you don't know what you're doing when compiling, and can be hard to track down.06:31
stefgaxos88: what kind of network? wired or wlan? and where did you get the 2.6.21 kernel?06:31
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axos88stefg: from the debian repository06:32
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PriceChildaxos88, debian is not ubuntu....06:32
stefgaxos88: very bad idea06:32
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PriceChildaxos88, don't use debian packages on ubuntu and expect support.06:32
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CapaHwell, I am *trying* to use 915resolution, I have it installed, I followed the instructions, I edited xorg.conf making sure that i810 and the proper modes are there --- and I restarted xwin and nothing new happened. ideas?06:32
axos88the kernel is the same06:32
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Fe2Cl3Hello! I have an ubuntu server that have an ntfs partition configured in fstab to use ntfs-3g with utf8 as its encoding. when ubuntu starts and mounts the drive i can't see the non-english files (they are just not there when I ls), but after I umount the drive and do mount -a all the encodings work fine. It seems that when it boots it mounts not by my fstab. What should I do?06:32
CapaHwhen I go to the screen resolution option under preferences, it lists only two: 1280x800 and 1024x768 --- it does not list the modes I actually support06:33
=== nickrud considers foreign kernels, and shudders
sq89CapaH: try doing a hard reboot06:33
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CapaHsq89: I did shutdown -r now06:33
axos88kernel is kernel.. kernel is not debian kernel, or not ubuntu kernel06:33
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PriceChildaxos88, if its not ubuntu... then we don't support it here.06:33
nikini have found a nice and fat installer bug :D in 6.06 :D06:33
rafaelscjCapaH, I installed and Restarted...06:33
nickrudaxos88, options, patches, etc. initramfs, the list is nearly endless06:33
CapaHI do lsmod -- and I see it there06:33
erUSULaxos88: well the ubuntu kernel is heavily patched with respect to vanilla06:33
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MrXorgI'm trying to set a mountpoint for my localhost and it says localhost is not in /etc/fstab06:34
MrXorgAny help?06:34
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CapaHdrm i915 <-- both there06:34
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CapaHis there something else that should be visible in lsmod ?06:34
stefgaxos88: it's not.... so first step would be identifying your hardware. lshw or lspci would show what you got. If your running kernel doesn't have the drivers, you're on your own, unless you go back to the ubuntu-kernel06:34
artabrahaoHi, how can I see/change the date/time?06:34
artabrahaoHi, how can I see/change the date/time?06:34
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Fe2Cl3help would be highly appriciated guys :)06:34
nickrudMrXorg, localhost is a networking term, meaning your machine. it's not something to mount06:34
MrXorgSo how would I mount my ip?06:35
axos88stefg: atl1 driver is what I need06:35
CapaHwhen I do this: /etc/init.d/915resolution start -- I get: "Patch mode 50 to resolution 640x480 complete" --- but nothing actually changes on my screen.. ?06:35
axos88stefg: that06:35
Newbie_Dude@artabrahao : It should be in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. If you see it there, right-click on it and click "Adjust Date & Time"06:35
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axos88stefg: that's why I installed this kernel, i knew that I needed this one06:35
SunmanXIIhey guys - I have a problem - I have an ethernet based Brother 5250DN printer attached to my wireless router. How can I set it up so I can print to it from my Ubuntu computer?06:35
PriceChildaxos88, This is _very_ clear. We do NOT support kernels outside of the ubuntu repositories. You are on your own unless you decide to switch back. (stefg)06:35
rafaelscjCapaH, There is a module in lsmod : i91506:35
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PriceChildaxos88, anything could have broken.06:36
nickrudMrXorg, take a look at /etc/hosts , it should be listed there. And ifconfig will tell you about localhost06:36
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axos88PriceChild: keep whinning around, if YOU don't wnat to help, shut up. I didn't ask for YOU to help.06:36
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SunmanXIIapparently its supposed to work on feisty but I dont know how to set it up06:36
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artabrahao<Newbie_Dude> I'm not using the x06:36
CapaHrafaelscj: I see i915 in lsmod06:36
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=== Newbie_Dude grabs some popcorn.
nickrudMrXorg, ubuntu nearly doesn't work when localhost isn't already defined; it's so fundamental to nearly everything06:36
axos88PriceChild:  thank you.06:36
CapaHrafaelscj: I have my driver in xorg.conf set to: i810 --- is this correct?06:36
MrXorgnickrud: I'm trying to network both of my ubuntu computers to share files between them06:36
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mhz`its too earlier06:37
axos88Can anyone tell me if there is any utility to configure the network, or do I have to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file manually?06:37
JourneymanI installed beryl and it only works when I run beryl-manager as root06:37
mhz`axos, install network manager06:37
Journeymanhow can I get it to work as just a user?06:37
stefgaxos88: gimme a link on the info source that told you you need 2.6.21. And don't yell at the seniors, might be bad for your reputation06:37
MrXorgaxos88: sudo gedit /etc/netowrk/interfaces06:38
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rafaelscjCapaH, Yes i81006:38
mhz`its a package..search for it in synaptics06:38
nickrudMrXorg, ah. Different question. I'm no expert on networking.06:38
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Newbie_DudeWhy do you guys use Ubuntu and not Kubuntu or Pubuntu, or whatever the other ones are?06:38
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mhz`newbie0034, kubuntu = ubuntu running w/ kde06:38
PriceChildNewbie_Dude, personal preference, choose what works for you.06:38
MajorPayneNewbie_Dude: KDE sucks.06:38
mhz`ubuntu = ubuntu w/ gnome06:39
axos88it was when I was trying to install Debian. they said that the 2.6.20 kernel didn't have the atl1 drivers as module, so I have to get the 2.6.21, because these ones included it06:39
twosouls82it does not :)06:39
Newbie_DudePriceChild, MajorPayne: OK I'll just stick with Ubuntu then.06:39
axos88it was from the #debian channel06:39
erUSULaxos88: System>admin>network06:39
MajorPayneNewbie_Dude: But choose what you want.  That's why I don't use Kubunut.06:39
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Newbie_Dudekubunut LOL06:39
rafaelscjCapaH, Did you try System > Preferences > Screen Resolution?06:39
CapaHrafaelscj: Yes06:39
mhz`Newbie_Dude, try both...install kde and see which you like better06:39
PriceChildaxos88, are you running ubuntu or debian?06:39
CapaHit only lists two optionsL: 1280x800 and 1024x76806:39
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dxdtNewbie_Dude: I slowly fell in love with Kubuntu so I switched after a while.  Still ubuntu, just kinda a different front end if you will.  You can have both installed at the same time too if you want.  THen you can choose at login whether you want KDE or Gnome or XFCE or whatever.06:39
stefgaxos88: you're overlooking the fact that ubuntu 2.6.20 might have a patch already06:40
axos88anyhow... it magically worked... I've got no idea how it can work, as I haven't configured anything... just did a modprobe atl1, and voila, it came on (I have DHCP, but I thought i will have to do some config before it comes online)06:40
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Newbie_Dudemhz` : Just looking for somethign simple. I am completely new to all of this, just installed it yesterday and have not looked back. I need something simple.06:40
axos88stefg: does it?06:40
nikinNewbie_Dude: i use Xubuntu most the times, if i use ubuntu, thats becouse Gnome is far the most user friendly of them.06:40
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CapaHwhen I use 915resolution to set the default to mode 30 640x480 and I restart, instead of restarting in that mode it just restarts in 1280x800 and then in screen resolution the options are still between just those two choices06:41
mhz`Newbie_Dude, i like gnome..i installed kde, but ehh..wasn't for me. it doesn't hurt to install it and see06:41
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dxdtI agree Gnome is more user friendly.  That is still what I start peopple on who are newbies.  I let them move to whatever they want later on their own.  KDE can be confusing and such.(Though I feel it liberates me personally more)06:41
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Newbie_Dudenikin : I see.. Gnome + Ubuntu. Didn't realize that.06:41
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PriceChildaxos88, are you running ubuntu or debian?06:41
stefgaxos88: i don't know yet waht atl1 is for. Why not simply telling us make and model of your wlan(ethernet cards ?06:41
PriceChildaxos88, stefg - find that with a "lspci" in terminal.06:41
axos88on the laptop that I am trying to set up, I am running ubuntu... On this machine, from which I am talking to you, i am using debian06:41
ubuntuEdgyany one use pxe ?06:41
nikinNewbie_Dude: and if i want anything other its just a mather of downloading time, and i can have all of them at the same time... i just install the Kubuntu-desktop or the xubuntu-desktop package06:42
PriceChildaxos88, don't get ubuntu support in #debian06:42
axos88PriceChild: at the time I was trying to get Debian to run on the machine06:42
artabrahaoHi, how can I see/change the date/time?06:42
Newbie_DudeI can't believe all this existed, I was stuck in Windows XP-land.06:42
axos88PriceChild: I couldn't get it to install proprely, so I changed to ubuntu06:42
xpointartabrahao, date06:42
liu4someone know how much market share ubuntu has taken when it comes to linux?06:42
erUSULPriceChild: he is using a debian kernel in ubuntu afaics06:42
MrElendigliu4: imposible to find out exactly06:43
axos88lspci | grep eth returns nothing06:43
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tarzeauliu4: popcon.debian.org vs popcon.ubuntu.com06:43
axos88lspci | grep nic returns nothing06:43
Newbie_Dudeliu4 : I actually found Ubuntu from Slashdot.org News. They did an article on Ubuntu market share, then I impulsively made the switch and deleted Windows.06:43
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rafaelscjCapaH, try to add to xorg.conf a new screen...06:43
stefgaxos88: see !pastebin and paste the lspci output there06:43
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artabrahao<xpoint> thanks, but whenI type time other thinks appears, not the date of the server06:43
stefgaxos88: oh, and while you're at it paste dmesg there, too06:44
liu4newbie but would you say that ubuntu is used by 40% of all linux folk?06:44
erUSULaxos88: 2.6.20 from feisty comes with the atl1.ko driver/module06:44
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axos88stefg: wait, let me log in from ubuntu06:44
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axos88btw, the wired LAN card is 969  Attansic Technology Corp. --> 1048  L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter06:44
axos88btw, the wired LAN card is 1969  Attansic Technology Corp. --> 1048  L1 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter06:44
nikinliu4: i think it is about 20% maybe 30% at home users06:44
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CapaHrafaelscj: Explain ?06:45
PriceChilderUSUL, i know... which is annoying :)06:45
erUSULaxos88:  /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/ubuntu/net/atl1/atl1.ko06:45
Newbie_Dudenikin : I'd try to get my dad on Ubuntu, but he'd miss all his pinball games.06:45
PriceChilderUSUL, and makes it near impossible to support06:45
axos88Newbie_Dude: KDE has some nice pinball game :)06:45
liu4nikin is it fair to say that ubuntu will get more uses with the vista debacle and all?06:45
rafaelscjCapaH, Add a new SubSection "Dysplay"06:45
nikinNewbie_Dude: there is a program called wine... maybe you should take a look at winehq.org06:45
erUSULPriceChild: right (althought i use a custom kernel too ;P)06:46
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Newbie_Dudenikin : will do, thanks :)06:46
liu4nikin microsoft has hit a wall.. the windows concept is already invented so there is nothing more for microsoft to do other than bells and wistles06:46
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stefgaxos88: found this for you : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2452875&postcount=106:46
Newbie_DudeThere should be an Ubuntu - Aero Edition xD06:46
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CapaHrafaelscj: Ok done, now what?06:47
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CapaHrafaelscj: I add this under "Screen" right?06:47
CapaHrafaelscj: Ok now what?06:48
nikinliu4: only if it can get more user friendly... but yes, the most average Office tasks are already easyily done using ubuntu. but Gaming is a serious problem. i think Ubuntu can rise share in the home-office, internet-user, and smallbuisnes segment06:48
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tckanyone use evolution pop3 with gmail ?06:48
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LittlegatorI'm trying to install Ubuntu and the installer is saying I have no root filesystem, but I have the mount point as "/" on a 4GB partition...06:48
rafaelscjI would try to restart and after, Try to System > Pre... >Scree...06:48
liu4nikin i know many small business owners who have switched from xp/ms office to ubuntu and open office to save cash...06:49
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axos88_ok, i'm from the laptop with ubutnu now06:49
erUSULtck: yes06:49
CapaHrafaelscj: Do I leave the other sub-sections called "Display" ?06:49
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nikinliu4: but bells and wistless are the strong part of Microsoft... i think they could sell a bottle of water, as the newest and greatest, industry leading stuff. for 500$ a bottle06:49
tckerUSUL, do you find it slow the last while?06:50
stefgaxos88_: did you get the forum-link? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2452875&postcount=106:50
MajorPayneNot only that but most game makers are concentrating on the console now and less on the Windows PC.06:50
rafaelscjYou would backp-up this and del06:50
tckerUSUL, when logging in via web gmail its fine, but pulling data via pop3 in evloution is taking its time06:50
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erUSULtck: no specially06:50
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CapaHrafaelscj: Back this up and delete all "Display" except "Dysplay" ?06:50
Newbie_DudeMajorPayne : I actually made the switch to Ubuntu after I found out about "Cedega" and being able to (supposedly) play some of my games -- haven't tried it yet though.06:50
tckerUSUL, send yourself an email from evolution to your gmail and see how fast it is will you?06:51
liu4nikin but at some point people see thrue that lie.... and i think vista is that point... i have herd many people question why they need to upgrade to vista and office 2007 when xp and office 2003 works fine06:51
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tcksee if the pop pulls it down instantly06:51
axos88_i am reading it right now06:51
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nikinliu4: Microsofts strongest card in small buisness, is compatibility, and as they say a lot of time Total Cost of Ownership. But as more and more IT guys learn to administer Linux systems, TCO will decrase fast.06:51
rafaelscjCapaH, Del all others SubSection "Dysplay"06:51
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stefgaxos88_: reading through it i'd recommend to switch back to the ubuntu-kernel and use module-assistant to build and install that driver06:51
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dxdtliu4: I actually was just surveyed about that.  Whether or not my organization plans to update to them and why.  It included possible answers like "No reasonto upgrade" and such.  I found it interesting.  I think they know there isn't a good reason and are surveying to find out how to market around that.06:52
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axos88_yeah, i'll probably do that06:52
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axos88_but one thing bothers me...06:52
liu4nikin well i am not out to get microsoft in anyway... i am only saying that open office is good enough to change from office 2003 just to save money06:52
stefgaxos88_ : you know what module assistant is?06:52
axos88_if the nic is working, how come lspci doesn't list it?06:52
Enronstefg how can I download linux-source-2.6.15-23-server ?06:52
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nikinliu4: no they dont. If your boss uses Office2007 and sends you Office2007 files, you better get a program capable to decipher them... or you get fired... :(06:52
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axos88_stefg, no... but i guessed that if i read through that doc, i'll find out06:53
erUSULtck: doing it atm...06:53
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liu4dxdt correct.... there is like nothing more to squeese out of the windows concept06:53
PriceChildaxos88_, when in the ubuntu kernel, sudo apt-get install module-assistant and use that to build and install the driver06:53
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tckerUSUL, thanks, looking to see the response times06:53
nikinliu4: yep, it is good... but migrating is not an easy task. It is worth the time and money.06:53
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CapaHrafaelscj: I am confused, before my xorg.conf had a variety of "Display" subsections, you told me to add one called "Dysplay" (with a "Y") --- now I delete the others which say "Display" ?06:54
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rolfendoes banshee supports skinning?06:54
stefgaxos88: no, they are redhat centric, and the debian/ubuntu-way is using module assistant. if you're lucky all you have to do is putting the driver source in place, sudo apt-get module-assistant and then sudo m-a a-i atl1 :-)06:54
erUSULtck: you mean the time from i sent the email till it arrives to my inbox?06:54
tckerUSUL, yes06:55
LittlegatorI'm trying to install Ubuntu and the installer is saying I have no root filesystem, but I have the mount point as "/" on a 4GB partition...06:55
tckbefore it was instant for me, today im getting nothing, hotmail > gmail works fine06:55
dxdtCapaH: should not have one with a Y.'06:55
tckbut gmail > gmail there's nothing for me06:55
nikingtg brb06:55
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axos88_PriceChild, ubuntu installer mentioned something about this oem user.... to finish some preparations (like what?) and then run some command to delete this user, and finish the installation... what was it again, don't you know by chance?06:55
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erUSULtck: i can tell that it is not instant06:56
gumjoI want to compile somthing and it says I need a package called  libstdc++-dev, I've installed it from synaptic but I still get this message06:56
PriceChildaxos88_, why'd you do the oem install? :s06:56
rafaelscjCapaH, In Section "Screen" there is SubSection "Dysplay"...06:56
rafaelscjCreate a new SubSection "Dysplay"06:56
tckerUSUL, ok must be something up then06:56
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CapaHdxdt: Here is what I did. I deleted all "Display" options from xorg.conf -- created a new "Display" option set to the resolution I am trying to achieve, then I restarte X --- what happened is everything is *exactly the same*06:56
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:56
CapaHI still have two video modes to choose from: 1280x800 and 1024x768 --- it is as though I did not even edit xorg.conf06:56
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tckerUSUL, when i log into gmail via web ; my two test messages are sitting in the inbox06:56
axos88_PriceChild, I shouldn't have right? :-s06:56
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CapaHIt is as though xorg.conf is not even being USED06:57
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stefgEnron: we were through this yesterday. the -23is a build nimber, and the only way to have the exact source from which the kernel is build  is pulling the git-tree ( as described in the kernel howto)06:57
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PriceChildaxos88_, i "think" it is oem-config-prepare in a terminal06:57
PriceChildaxos88_, type oem- into a terminal and then tab-complete it to make sure06:57
axos88_yeah it was something like that06:57
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axos88_yes of course06:57
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Enronstefg I tried to follow along the guide but I didn't get it to work.06:58
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axos88_but what does this oem install differ from the normal install? I just thought it will offer more advanced options06:58
erUSULtck: i have send another email from other gmail account and it arraived in no time. i gues that emails to yourself are somehow "hold" or discarted (it makes not much sense to mail to yourself after all)06:58
rafaelscjCapaH, If you have been deleted all other SubSection, so...06:58
mhz`i mail myself often because i don't have friends :(06:58
CapaHrafaelscj: Yes, and everything is identical06:58
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
PriceChildaxos88_, its for people selling machines, they do the oem install, make their own changes and then do that command. Next time it is booted (with new owners) they get to see a nice wizard to set up their users and passwords06:59
CapaHnow I am growing massively frustrated, how can I remove all the "Display" sections in xorg.conf -- restart the whole computer (hard-reboot) --- and STILL it loads 1280x800 and gives me TWO choices in screen resolution: 1280x800 and 1024x768 --- what is going on?06:59
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tckerUSUL, it was never like this ; recently06:59
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axos88_So I guess I just type that command and reboot... to the old kernel06:59
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axos88_ok... brb... booting back to 2.6.2007:01
axos88_init 607:01
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erUSULtck: the behavior is not a problem for me as i said why would i mail myself?07:01
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tckerUSUL, reminders ;)07:01
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smylanakishey guys07:01
smylanakisi need help07:01
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smylanakisai anybody awailable?07:02
c0386407alright guys?07:02
smylanakisavailable ?07:02
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=== dxdt hurt his finger :-/
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erUSULtck: :)07:02
dxdtask the question and if anyone can help they will try smylanakis :)07:02
Pie-rat1I installed ubuntu on my external hard drive, but i forgot to do a /boot partition. is there an easy way to just add one or do i need to reformat again?07:02
smylanakisthanx !07:02
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c0386407i have a question: is divx vids normally choppy when running on fullscreen or is it just me? im on 915gm, using intel drivers 1280 x 800 resolution07:02
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smylanakiswell something went wrong with the permissions of my partition where i had installed my kubuntu before installing windows to another partition07:03
smylanakisin the start i could not login07:03
KI4IKLI have a logitech tackball and it keeps losing sync (it's wired, but it keeps freezing up) and the only way to fix it is to restart my computer, if I try to restart just X the whole computer freezes.07:03
smylanakiscause i could not see when i was rebooting th choose option boot menu07:03
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c0386407it goes choppy when the 'camera' moves quickly,is it normal? as far as i remember, i never noticed this problem in windows07:03
smylanakisit just would login to windows07:04
Oni-Dracula|lappcan anyone link me to some kind of instruction for sharing a printer across a windows smb network? or help me to do so?07:04
dxdtsmylanakis: you installed windows after kubunt and now you have no choice of windows or linux?07:04
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smylanakisafter that i tried a helping page that i think was at the ubuntu help pages .. something like that07:04
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dxdtsmylanakis: windows is mean and will destroy the boot records of other OS's.  Best bet is to install Windows then Kubuntu.  There is probably a way to fix it as is, but I'm not sure what it is.  Maybe someone else here knows07:04
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CapaH... Anyone? How is it I edit xorg.conf -- remove all "Display" sections except one (set to a resolution of 640x480) -- I reboot, and everything is as though I did nothing. The resolution is STILL 1280x800 and my choices are still between 1280x800 and 1024x768 -- any ideas?07:05
smylanakisyeah this is the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:05
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smylanakisi have the choice of both07:05
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smylanakisbut when i try to log in07:05
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smylanakisto kubuntu07:06
MrElendigCapaH: try a modeline07:06
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c0386407guess nobody knows the answer here:(07:06
smylanakisthere is a problem07:06
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smylanakisit says07:06
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smylanakiscannot mount selected partition07:06
CapaHMrElendig: What is that? please explkain07:06
smylanakisi really need help.. to login i have other partitions as well07:06
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smylanakisshould i install again kubuntu ? am i going to be able to see the partitions07:07
smylanakisafter that?07:07
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rafaelscjCapaH, Try to uninstall 915resolution...07:09
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Zac1whered everyone go?07:09
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akosok, I'm back... and under 2.6.20.... but this is a generic kernel... shouldn't I download one for amd64?07:10
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PriceChildakos, ?07:11
akosoh sorry07:11
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Zac1Where is everyone?07:12
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PriceChildaxos88_, if you did an i386 install then you don't get 64bit kernels. They work just fine.07:12
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c0386407guys, a quick one: seems like intel 915gm is not really suitable for watching divx n stuff, or is it just ubuntu that doesnt use it optimaly? im on 1280 x800, intel drivers07:12
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axos88_PriceChild, but I did a 64bit install07:12
PriceChildaxos88_, well then its a 64bit kernel07:12
PriceChild*doesn't use 64bit*07:12
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axos88_the image i installed was ubuntu-7.04-alternate-amd64.iso07:13
axos88_uh ok...07:13
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logd hi, some1 ever managed to get tv-out work ? (i'm using ati radeon 9250 as video card)07:13
axos88_Can you help me set up my nvidia drivers & wireless lan?07:13
jcoleanyone here own a gps device and use it on linux? is there any drive by turn gps software in ubuntu?07:13
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rafaelscj0386407, i have a intel card too, but i didn't try to see divx07:14
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CapaHrafaelscj: I did07:14
c0386407rafaelscj: it runs choppy on my system :(07:14
CapaHMy entire goal here, is to get a program that will only run at 640x480 to work full screen07:14
CapaHHow can I use "LCD Stretch" to accomplish this?07:14
celestehhey, i've got a question: i'm doing xconfig of a tablet PC.  It does WACOM emulation ok, except the pointer is offset from where i'm actually touching.  Does anybody have advice about what to put in the X config?07:14
MrElendigjcole: any gps that use the standard serial or usb comm works07:14
c0386407CapaH: Could it be because of running at 1280x800?07:15
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jcoleMrElendig: drive by turn gps software?07:15
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NekoKunYo folks! Im helping out the setup of a webserver. We're testing the vulnerabilities and we're failing in the SPF Record test... but... What the hell is it? My friend didn't found a good link about this, can someone help with this?07:15
MrElendigjcole: not sure, look at GpsDrive07:15
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MrElendigjcole: thos "turn left" thingys are "dangerous" anyway07:16
MrElendigbetter to use it as a normal map07:16
dr_evilNekoKun http://old.openspf.org/wizard.html read this07:16
axos88_PriceChild, Can you pls help me set up my nvidia drivers & wireless lan?07:17
PriceChild!nvidia | axos88_07:17
ubotuaxos88_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:17
jcoleMrElendig: been there done that with gpsdrive07:17
dr_evilNekoKun if you don't understand, consider not to help anymore setting that thing up07:17
NekoKundr_evil: hahahahahaahahha07:17
axos88_why is this a https site?07:17
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jcoleMrElendig: the windows software is not win98 compatible (only 2000/xp) so its a pain to get working in wine07:18
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dr_evilbtw, you don't need SPF, it's not a security problem07:18
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tuxisti have problem to install feisty server07:18
dr_evilNekoKun haha? stupid jerk07:18
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tuxistthey cant read libc6-udeb07:18
Big_LesHey, I'm trying to configure the X server on an HP Pavillion tabley PC07:18
Big_Lestablet PC, I mean07:19
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Big_LesSpecifically, I'm trying to configure the tablet input device07:19
=== theRealballchalk [n=theRealb@c-68-80-140-248.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
theRealballchalkhi all07:19
malmenanyone know how to play dreambox stream on ubuntu ? any player or codec working please07:19
NekoKundr_evil: I was laughing cause in Brazil the expression used is many times used as a joke...07:19
jcolemalmen: what is the url07:19
Newbie_DudeSo I finally got ZSNES installed via the Synaptic Package Manager, but can't seem to find where it downloaded to or how to open it ?_?07:19
Big_LesWhen I touch the screen, the pointer is transposed, but not by a constant07:19
tuxisthave anyone sollution for this problem07:19
theRealballchalki set up anonmous ftp and i can't see any contents when i ftp in.  what could be the problem?07:19
Big_Lesit seems to be using wacom driver07:20
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axos88_PriceChild, what is my root password? I don't remember setting that07:20
theRealballchalki can log in as anon to ftp07:20
jcolemalmen: um, thats your network07:20
Flannelaxos88_: There is no root password, Ubuntu uses sudo instead of the root account07:20
PriceChild!sudo | axos88_07:20
ubotuaxos88_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:20
Big_Lesdoes anyonw know how i can configure wacom drivers to work with an HP pavillion tablet PC for the built-in input?07:20
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axos88_PriceChild, yeah, but what if I want to log in as root?07:20
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axos88_and do several tasks as root07:21
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PriceChildaxos88_, don't.07:21
jcolemalmen: i'll need an external url07:21
PriceChildaxos88_, just like you don't install debian kernels.07:21
Big_Lesaxos_88, you can type sudo passwd root to reset the root password07:21
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malmennot have external url07:21
Piciaxos88_: you could use `sudo -i` if you want an interactive sudo session.07:21
r0b-how much ram does Ubuntu Server need?07:21
xpointtheRealballchalk, sudo sh, then cd ~ftp and finaly ls -l07:21
PiciBig_Les: Please dont advocate that in this channel.07:21
PriceChildaxos88_, read the guide i sent you to as it explains why you shouldn't... and how to do things like you want07:21
Flannelaxos88_, Big_Les: but, there's no reason to set a root password.07:21
=== Rod [n=Rod@cm1034809-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
malmenim play that stream on windows using http://www.bitcontrol.com/download/download.shtml07:21
MrElendigr0b-: depends on what services you are going to run07:21
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mhz`r0b-, depends what you plan on doing with it07:22
CapaHIs there anyone here who can tell me how I can get a 640x480 resolution to work on my LCD laptop monitor? Before I had ubuntu installed, I had windows, and it *worked fine* --- anyone?07:22
r0b-just Apache07:22
axos88_PriceChild,  Admin -> restricted driver manager says my system doesnt need any resttricted drivers....07:22
r0b-and maybe MySQL07:22
xpointtheRealballchalk, some users need to put som files there07:22
roro_I'm having trouble with my X-session starting... how do I check disk usage?07:22
Pici!enter | r0b-07:22
ubotur0b-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:22
theRealballchalkxpoint: through a browser?07:22
PriceChildaxos88_, waht card?07:22
theRealballchalkhaha no07:22
Flannelr0b-: How much RAM you planning on running it on?07:22
mhz`r0b-, how big/intensive are the going sites going to be07:22
mhz`Flannel, he's asking that07:22
theRealballchalkxpoint: ya i was looking which libs were missing07:22
r0b-not to intensive and 64MB07:23
=== roro_ this is xipietotec on his wife's computer
CapaHNo matter what I do it *ALWAYS* goes to the native 1280x800 resolution07:23
axos88_geforce 8600m07:23
xpointtheRealballchalk, browser hell no07:23
Flannelroro_: 64 should be fine07:23
jcolemalmen: what does "mplayer -identify,ffffffff,ffffffff,32b3daa0" show?07:23
Big_Lesum, so, setting the root password is forbidden knowledge?  Does ubuntu not trust people with their own machines?07:23
mhz`r0b-, what about the database use?07:23
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theRealballchalkxpoint: ya htat was a joke07:23
PriceChild!sudo | Big_Les07:23
ubotuBig_Les: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:23
roro_Flannel: 64 doesn't check disk usage =P07:23
Rodi'd like some help with my wireless network... Under windows i can set it up just fine (wap personal, password is all). Ubuntu finds the wireless network, asks me for a wap personal key, i enter that key and 10 seconds later it asks again for the key (i dont get connected). Somebody knows what can go wrong here?07:23
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r0b-the database is just gonna be for MythTV07:23
PriceChildBig_Les, ready that guide.07:23
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NekoKundr_evil: We thank a lot for your help07:24
mhz`r0b-, ram is cheap now, i'd say at least 512-1gb just to be safe07:24
xpointtheRealballchalk, you can put any file ther as ROOT, but dont do it with FTP user !07:24
axos88_PriceChild, Nvidia GeForce 8600m07:24
malmenjcole, http://monoport.com/364807:24
r0b-mhz` thanks07:24
Rodjoin #ubuntu-help07:24
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jcoleRod: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces07:24
PriceChildaxos88_, that card was released after feisty's release and will require you install the drivers manually07:24
mhz`r0b-, no problemo07:24
[11_Touche] Hey guys, how do I add an alias, or a custom command, in Xchat ?? I tried to look in the help files, but no topic on that??07:24
Flannelroro_: it might be sluggish if you do anything intensive, ... hmm, I believe the server CD checks for a minimum of 32 to install (but that might be different now)07:24
theRealballchalkxpoint: thanks07:24
PriceChildaxos88_, from nvidia.com07:24
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Rodwhat do you want out of that file jcole ?07:24
Flannelrob: too07:24
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axos88_uh oh...07:24
roro_what's the command to daemonize something running in terminal07:24
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Rodjcole, well good idea to look there for the sets, ill be right back!  thx and laters07:25
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roro_Flannel: uh, you're talking to someone else, but referencing me, I'm not asking about memory usage.07:25
mhz`Flannel, ram is cheap though..so be safe and go 512MB-1GB07:25
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malmenjcole, bcmsdb:// on windows work07:25
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malmeni need the bitcontrol codec to play that on windows07:25
CapaHfinally I got it --- I am done, never mind, I got it07:25
liu4i currently have the newest ubuntu feasty... what will happen when a new comes out? will i need to download. burn. and install all over again?07:25
jcolemalmen: can you "ping" ?07:25
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malmeni can07:25
xpointtheRealballchalk, you ftp server can be setup to allow anon ftp uploads that needs to be verify by ROOT to be downloaded, dont just make you ftp into a open gate for parate software and porn :-)07:25
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roro_liu4: no, you just need to backup your user data, and then update your sources.list, and then run update-manager07:26
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liu4roro k07:26
Flannelliu4: you upgrade to the new one.  Just like upgrading your packages day to day.  Don't use automatix, and keep your third party repos to a minimum (none is best) and you'll upgrade fine07:26
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liu4flannel third parties? do you mean like skype etc?07:27
axos88_PriceChild, lspci | grep nvidia outputs nothing... is that normal in this case?07:27
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dr_evilxpoint the fastest way to get porn and warez is to open an unsecured ftp ;)07:27
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CapaHWhat do I hit in order to type in the name of a program -- its like ctrl+alt+f1 or something... anyone?07:27
jcolemalmen: http:// is not how you want to access that url... i'm not sure what protocol to use either07:27
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rafaelscjI found at Google that Texas Instruments Card Reader is native on Ubuntu, but I can't load the module, modprobe says: can't faind module07:27
liu4flannel i have installed ALOT of apps07:27
CapaHlike to run an application07:27
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j0nas`CapaH, alt-f207:27
xpointdr_evil, hehe yes more or less07:27
malmenjcole, bitcontrol codec :x07:27
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r0b-how do i select options in the ubuntu server installer07:28
xpointdr_evil, next best thing is gtk-gnutella :-)07:28
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j0nas`anybody know how to get the built in mic working on a sony fe690?07:28
jcolemalmen: "The bitcontrol DreamBox Receiver is a supplement to the DreamBox. The DreamBox is a Set Top Box (STB) running under Linux, for further information please visit www.dream-multimedia-tv.de."07:28
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j0nas`lol... "dream" box?  could you be any LESS creative?07:29
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Flannelliu4: things from the normal Ubuntu repositories are fine.  Everything in there will upgrade.  If you use non-official repositories, you sometimes can run into trouble.  Skype would be part of a third party repos.  But I don't think (since it's not an integral component) it'll affect your upgrade.  You might have problems with skype itself not upgrading (might have to do some stuff manually) though07:29
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jcolemalmen: ironically, that device runs on linux07:29
liu4flannel gotcha07:30
malmeni know07:30
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malmeni was configured that07:30
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malmenbut is fuckuble07:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:30
malmeni cant play the stream on linux07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
rafaelscjAnybody know how to install Texas Instruments Card Reader? (Laptop Acer TravelMate)07:30
mneptokmalmen: surely you know better adjectives. and some real ones.07:30
mneptokBig_Les: you never know when the 6 year old genius kid's around.07:31
LumiereBig_Les: not wanting to hear cursing does not make someone a prude07:31
roro_what's the command to daemonize a running app in the terminal?07:31
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Big_Lesand his ears will fall off if he hears a naughty word or fracks up his computer in a root shell?07:31
jcoleroro_: something like "find / &"07:31
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Lumiereroro_: ctrl-z bg works too07:32
ramseizehelp ! : i want to setup a wireless connection, via adhoc and  i tried to use this command " sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc " then it shows "Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device." how can i fix this?07:32
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Big_Lesreals hackers curse07:32
LumiereBig_Les: how about you just leave if you don't like the way this channel/network operates07:32
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=== dr_evil saw "Das Model und der Freak" (the model and the freak) yesterday on tv. they had two freaks, on was a Linux admin
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Big_Lesit's just like . . . apple in the old days, you know.  When you couldn't touch the bare metal.07:33
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FlannelBig_Les: Using profanity doesn't add anything to the conversation, and it can make some people uncomfortable (some people here are young, etc).07:33
Lumierehi Spec07:33
mneptokhow about we drop channel policy as a conversation topic07:33
bizinichiI'll think about it07:33
=== jintxo [n=jintxo@68.Red-88-22-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizecan anyone help me07:33
roro_thankyou =) now that I don't have to wory about destroying xterm... how do I see my disk usage?07:33
Big_Lesramseize: depends on your problem07:34
Newbie_DudeAnyone here ever able to set up a Joystick to work in Linux? I got the buttons to work but it doesn't seem to read the directional pad.07:34
ramseizehelp ! : i want to setup a wireless connection, via adhoc and  i tried to use this command " sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc " then it shows "Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device." how can i fix this?07:34
roro_I have a feeling I have a log file that thinks its infinitely long07:34
Big_Lesn00b: did you install the HID modules?07:34
ramseizewhats that?07:34
mhz`brb booting into windows07:34
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ramseizewher can i find  it?07:34
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Specheya Lumiere07:35
SpecLumiere: what're you doing here?07:35
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SpecLumiere: your kind aren't welcome07:35
Big_Lesrameseize: sorry, was talking to newbie_dude07:35
ramseizeits ok07:35
ramseizedo you guys have any solution?07:35
soothsayerHow can I determine what is writing (heavily) to the disk?07:35
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bultomlsof |grep /dev/hda07:36
axos88_how can I test if my sound is working?07:36
ramseizedo you guys have any solution regarding about my problem?07:36
axos88_i just read Ubuntu should play some drumming sounds during startup... and it didn't07:36
Big_Lesaxos88_ try playing a sound file?  make sure you turn up the volume first07:36
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soothsayerMy computer is getting killed by heavy IO07:36
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Newbie_DudeBig_Les : HID modules, don't think so. I only installed "Jscalibrator"07:36
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Big_Lesthere's a volume control on the player and also in one of the coerners of your X windows07:37
axos88_Big_Les, where do I find sound files?07:37
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ramseizecan you help me?07:37
bultomaxos88_ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp , if you ear some noise , you can be sure your sound is working ;D07:37
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
Lumiereon my way to yhs07:37
Big_Lesnewbie_dude, you probably need HID stuff to run a joystick.  I don't know if it's included by default.  Try searching the packages to see what's there07:37
Big_LesAll joysticks use the same drivers, more or less07:37
rafaelscjHow can I install synaptics on my laptop?07:38
axos88_bultom, thx07:38
ramseizehelp ! : i want to setup a wireless connection, via adhoc and  i tried to use this command " sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc " then it shows "Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device." how can i fix this? >>> is there a good hearted person, pls help me07:38
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axos88_bultom, I can hear none :(07:39
Big_Lesn00b, it's a USB joystick or bluetooth?07:39
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erizzleramseize: your trying to set a device that doesn't exist, type "iwconfig" by itself to see what devices have wireless extensions then plug that interface into your command07:39
bultomaxos88_ look like you sound system doesn't work07:40
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ramseizetnx ill try it out07:40
Big_Lesnewbie_dude: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/libs/libhid007:40
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kupesoftWhat's the cheapest CA for ssl certs that works with major browsers07:40
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Big_Lesarg, sorry, that was for hoary07:41
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cellofellowcan I use Xinerama with different cards (totally different brands. One NVidia and another S3) or does it only work for identical cards (or cards with dual outputs.)07:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sysrq - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
jaguaris it possible to empty the cache or something?i have ubuntu on a older notebook, and after 45 minutes the system gets incredible slow07:42
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cellofellowjaguar: system stats?07:42
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jaguargood question next question...07:43
jaguari know its a pentirum 407:43
jaguarand a ati graphic card07:43
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cellofellowjaguar: run top in a console and see.07:44
bultomcat /proc/meminfo07:44
cellofellowor that07:44
ramseizeerizzle , you know the solution?07:44
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gingerjhi all I'm trying to play an MP3 in rhythembox but when I import my file it says import error "the gstreamer plugins to decode "mp3" files cannot be found07:45
gingerjwhat do i look for to fix this error in synaptic?07:45
jaguarMemTotal:       450408 kB07:45
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cellofellowsmall, but not very small07:46
cellofellowbigger than mine07:46
Pici!codec > gingerj (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)07:46
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sx66what was the sound app for kubuntu?07:47
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sx66bultom: for audi sound...07:47
bultomoh wait , for configuring sound ?07:47
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cellofellowfor Ubuntu or Xubuntu I'd recommend Exaile.07:47
jaguarcellofellow, i dont really know whats wrong, and i dont have any "big" apps open. firefox xchat and vlc07:47
mneptokgingerj: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3" (no quotes)07:47
liu4i gots a problem yall. when i push the button to turn OFF the computer it loads down ubuntu and all and then like halts so i have to hold in the power button for like 20 secs before it turns OFF for real. How can i change settings so it turns off for real without me having to push tha button?07:47
jaguarbut when i switch from on app to the other it sucks07:47
jaguarand its freakin slow07:47
ramseizewhat do you mean?07:48
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GenomsarenI want to know is there any good antivirus for linux?07:48
x_orCan anyone tell me if there is a good way to get firefox to let go of the sound card after it has used it for a flash video, for example.  I am consistently running into a problem where I need another app to use the sound card and it is locked, so I have to shutdown firefox.  Anyone have suggestions?  I am using KDE, can firefox and other apps use artsd properly?07:48
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RodHow to autore-generate my /etc/network/network file?07:48
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lekuhow do I increase the speed of my trackpad on a dell d620?07:48
mneptokGenomsaren: ClamAV?07:48
lekuwhen I change the mouse settings in gnome it really only works for an external mouse07:48
mneptokGenomsaren: if you're worried about Linux viruses, don't be.07:49
tsmitheleku, use the "synaptics" driver in xorg.conf, and look through "man synaptics" (the manpage of the driver)07:49
sstrezamneptok: that's no reason not to use antivirus07:49
lekuthere are free AV programs for linux07:49
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lekutsmithe: thx07:49
ramseizecan you help me?07:49
jaguarcellofellow,  ?ny ideas?07:49
tsmitheleku, also, there's quite a good guide for getting it set up on the gentoo wiki i recall07:49
mneptoksstreza: right. you don't want to pass infections from Windows people to Windows people.07:49
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Newbie_DudeOK getting pretty frustrated... Been working like 8 hours to get ZSNES to work. Finally got the program, it recognizes the buttons of my gamepad but won't recognize the directional keys. Anyone know what i need to download or ?07:50
tsmitheand leku, i think there's a gui configuration program for it somewhere in the repository. have a search for "synaptics"07:50
lekutsmithe cool thx07:50
Genomsarenmneptok:  Im not worried but security is important...07:50
liu4i gots a problem yall. when i push the button to turn OFF the computer it loads down ubuntu and all and then like halts so i have to hold in the power button for like 20 secs before it turns OFF for real. How can i change settings so it turns off for real without me having to push tha button?07:50
jaguarhmmmm is it possible to get xfce on ubuntustudio and kick the current one?07:50
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stmillerx_or : uncheck arts in the prefs. Don't use arts server07:50
erizzleliu4: sounds like an acpi or apm problem07:50
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liu4erizzle do you know were i can find the settings in ubuntu for that? so i can fix it07:51
Frogzoox_or: well what worked for me was to upgrade from edgy to feisty07:51
dxdtliu4: ummmm you don't really want to do that.  That's a feature not a bug.  But I trust you know what you are doing.  You should chould be able to kill the soft power off option in the bios, right?  Though this will be bad news for ubuntu.07:51
rafaelscjHow can I install a SSH Server?07:51
mneptokGenomsaren: Linux virus scanning is mostly in consderation of Windows users. other than that if you're careful and don't play with tools you haven't learned, you should be OK.07:51
erizzleliu4: check out the acpi and apm howto's on ubuntuguide.org07:51
ianmcorvidaerafaelscj: sudo apt-get install openssh-server07:51
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RezzieHow can I force locate to update its database (i.e. reindex the filesystem)?07:51
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rafaelscjianmcorvidae, thanks07:51
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erizzleRezzie: updatedb as root07:52
sebastian__hello.. i have a problem with my ethernet card...07:52
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FrogzooRezzie: man slocate07:52
Rezzieerizzle: thanks07:52
sebastian__i installed Ubuntu Server, the latest07:52
ramseizeerizzle : can you help me out/07:52
axos88_akos@akos:~$ lspci | grep -i nvidia07:52
axos88_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0425 (rev a1)07:52
Genomsarenmneptok: im learnning wit trying and I was a windows user and I was a little bit expert on security in windows. Now I feel unprotected in linux.07:52
sebastian__and i configured it to be static07:52
axos88_i did the update-pciids07:53
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sebastian__some day it worked07:53
erizzleramseize: your wifi card is eth1, try your commands with eth1 instead of wlan007:53
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sebastian__but i think after a reboot it broke07:53
sebastian__now i cant ping outside07:53
ramseizehow?  erizzle07:53
Roderizzle, you know how to regenerate my interfaces file?07:53
roro_I looked in my /var/logs and there didn't seem to be any runaway log files, my xses file from my xession crash isn't very helpful07:53
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roro_it says: /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/X11R6/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "roro"07:53
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roro_du did not seem to indicate that I had any insane log files07:54
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RezzieHow can I delete all files/directories found when searching using [s] locate?07:54
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tretle_Can anyone tell me how Rhythmbox authenticates whether a device is compatible or not?07:54
tretle_mp3 player device that is07:54
sebastian__how can i get my ethernet to work07:55
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erizzleGenomsaren: linux is unaffected by windows viruses, virus protect on linux is just to keep from spreading windows viruses, linux can be a carrier for viruses but there are extremely few and rare viruses that can affect linux users, unless your worried about spreading viruses to win users 99% of linux users don't need antivirus07:55
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assasukassehi all, i need to disable desktop effects from the terminal, how can i do it?? i can't log in to disable them..07:55
ramseizeerrizle : what should i do next ...07:55
roro_I looked in my /var/logs and there didn't seem to be any runaway log files, my xses file from my xession crash isn't very helpful07:55
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roro_du did not seem to indicate that I had any insane log files07:55
roro_it says: /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/X11R6/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "roro"07:55
sstrezayou should always have AV installed, whether you're on linux or mac or windows07:55
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roro_sstreza: not really, it only makes sense in linux if you're running a mail server07:56
ramseizeerizzle : ive done what you said? what should i do next...07:56
roro_you should have ckroot installed though07:56
sebastian__hello... what should i do to ask a question here07:56
sstrezaroro_: assuming there will never be a linux virus is simply dumb07:56
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Genomsarenerizzle: I know that windows viruses are not affecting linux but, there are linux viruses too... And it can be very simple. For example a keylogger application would be very simple and if I dont have an AV they can easily infect my machine...07:57
erizzleramseize: have you read the howto's on ubuntuguide.org? they would help you understand the process a lot better07:57
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kebanyone know how can i migrate users' crontabs from one system to another?  where can i find the files, if the old system is not running anymore?07:57
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ramseizewhats the link erizzle?07:57
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roro_sstreza: linux has several innate security features that make an honest-to-goodness virus, extremely unlikely. Namely, it's nearly impossible to "spread", especially in Ubuntu, with it not having a default root account, Ergo, far more likely is a rootkit07:58
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erizzleGenomsaren: the problem is for the virus to install a keylogger it has to have root privelages so unless you have a very crappy root password you really don't have to worry, user accounts don't have full admin rights in linux like they can in windows, that's why you have to use sudo to do certain things so you can temporarily attain root rights07:58
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Newbie_DudeCan anyone help me set up my gamepad. The programs all recognize the button-presses but won't recognize the analog or digital directional pad. I ran a joystick calibrator and it picked up the direction pad but ZSNES isn't recognizing it, Tux Racer as well.07:58
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sstrezaroro_: sure, i don't disagree with you, but if someone really wanted to, they could write a Linux virus07:58
efect1speak polish07:59
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roro_sstreza: linux viruses have been written, they don't spread.07:59
kevinl--roro_:  not entirely true07:59
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kebwhat about infecting a linux system through a mozilla xpi07:59
zeldafan500LOL i sniff perminent markers.07:59
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GenomsarenDo I need a root privelage for running a simple binary file? or for a process which wants to attempt internet?07:59
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Genomsarenerizzle: Do I need a root privelage for running a simple binary file? or for a process which wants to attempt internet?08:00
r0b-r the ubuntu rootkit checkers even effective08:00
erizzleRod: from what I can see there isn't any package that provides /etc/network/interfaces so it's not as simple as re-installing a package, in the future make backups of files your going to change08:00
sstrezaroro_: if you want to run your own box w/o AV, that's your perogative.  but to say that Linux is "secure enough" to warrant not having AV - especially to someone who had to ask about it - seems irresponsible IMO08:01
Roderizzle, well the file wasnt setup right anyways... I can see the wireless networks, just cant connect to them08:01
sebastian__cant connect to internet in ubuntu server08:01
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roro_sstreza: linux makes up 70+% of the internet backbones. Viruses are pathetic for linux, however rootkits are not. Hence rootkit + shell scripts + windows viruses. Actually works. The type of escalation needed to get root outside of password cracking, is just not feasible with a small arbitrary binary.08:01
r0b-can ubuntu get virus08:01
zeldafan500unlike windows08:02
roro_r0b-: theoretically yes, anything can catch a virus, practically no, unless you're running a mail server.08:02
erizzlelook if your paranoid about viruses and are worried about getting one of the less than 500 viruses existing for linux, compared to the 100,000+ viruses for windows then install clamav08:02
roro_in which case, you can get rootkitted, and then used to spam windows viruses08:02
r0b-so i dont need AV08:02
r0b-since i use it for a desktop08:02
=== tont [n=tont@host13-193-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
erizzler0b-: I've ran linux for 10 years without AV and have never had a single virus08:02
=== tont hello at all
r0b-ever been hacker erizzle08:03
tarzeaur0b-: http://virus.enemy.org/virus-writing-HOWTO/_html/index.html08:03
liu4freenode is the best network out there. seriously it is. the channels are active and full of people who knows their shit.08:03
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axos88_erm... how do you set up a wireless nic?08:03
zeldafan500by using iwndows08:03
tarzeauliu4: ircnet is older and has good people too08:03
roro_anyone want to help me with my xsession problem?08:03
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roro_as in X is refusing to start08:03
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zeldafan500axos88: by using windows08:03
liu4tarzeau well i particalarly like freenode...08:04
tarzeauroro_: do you want to bake a cake for me?08:04
tarzeauliu4: i prefer it over oftc too08:04
erizzler0b-: you have better odds of winning the lottery then getting a virus on linux, yes I've been hacked when I first started with linux and I didn't use very good passwords, but linux has changed a lot since then. just use good passwords not dictionary words and try to mix in numbers and punctuation if you can08:04
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Optimus55actually there are less than 100 viruses for linux08:04
zeldafan500windows pwnz, lol i sniff markers.08:04
RezzieHow can I delete all files/directories found when searching using [s] locate?08:04
OmegaCentiYeah... my harddrive was fscked after 30 boots. and fsck went crazy.. I cannot boot, I am running a live CD on the same computer. I REALLY need help.08:04
Optimus55i was reading last night... theres a page on wikipedia for it somewhere...08:04
r0b-so line 123-45608:04
axos88_zeldafan500, huh?08:04
kshahnjdI'm new to linux, I've installed Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server, need help with the server, if there is a manual of just basic commands for this shell, can someone point me to it?08:05
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roro_OmegaCenti: chroot into it and run fsck...something or other. I forgot08:05
r0b-kshahnjd ill find u the link08:05
kshahnjdthank you08:05
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erizzleOptimus55: I figured as much but I wanted to exaggerate so no one called bullshit08:05
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tontblank. .la my audio card does not come more found if but within with root it works. how I can make them to work also from normal user?08:06
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c0re9xconnect irc.dal.net08:06
MrElendigtont: add yourself to audio group?08:06
kebhow can i migrate users' crontabs from one system to another?08:06
erizzleI'm basically trying to say there is a better chance of me getting head from all the FHM 100 hottest women then me getting a linux virus08:06
DJ-_-hi, i got sun-java6-jre installed, but i want to be able to use it with mozilla and it does not work with it, any help?08:06
sebastian__in ubuntu server i cant connect to internet08:07
r0b-kshahnjd go to that link and it will help08:07
zeldafan500try using iwndows08:07
=== JayRoe [n=JayRoe@] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjdfantastic, thanks08:07
r0b-no prob08:07
OmegaCentiYeah... my harddrive was fscked after 30 boots. and fsck went crazy.. I cannot boot, I am running a live CD on the same computer. I REALLY need help.08:07
MrElendigsebastian__: set up your network08:07
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erizzlesebastian__: check ubuntuguide.org08:07
zeldafan500sebastian__ try using windows08:07
zeldafan500its better08:07
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radioman;] 08:07
erizzleok now that I've helped for a while can anyone help me? I'm trying to get a new version of fluxbox then the one that comes with feisty, anyone have ideas?08:08
DJ-_-zeldafan500: what makes you think windows is better?08:08
spensergillilandhello where should I go for server questions08:08
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zeldafan500idk, it looks beter08:08
erizzlezeldafan500: troll much?08:08
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sebastian__its strange cause it says that my eth0 is configured and all ready08:08
DJ-_-zeldafan500: just the funky looking stuff or those lame graphics?08:08
nickrudDJ-_-, did you install sun-java6-plugin?08:08
zeldafan500the graphics are nice08:08
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DJ-_-nickrud: no08:08
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nickrudDJ-_-, that's the ticket then08:08
pi3spensergilliland: #ubuntu-server08:08
DJ-_-nickrud: gimme a sec08:08
DJ-_-nickrud: tx08:09
cmo-0I've been using debian 4 with X and a modified .xmodmap file. At the time of switch to Ubuntu 7, i thought it would be a matter of adding 'xmodmap .xmodmap' to .xsession file, however gnome went crazy and i couldn't fix the modification. except deleting it while mounting Ubuntu volume from debian 408:09
DJ-_-zeldafan500: just dont talk about closed source will ya08:09
pi3change your nick, please!08:09
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OmegaCentiYeah... my harddrive was fscked after 30 boots. and fsck went crazy.. I cannot boot, I am running a live CD on the same computer. I REALLY need help.08:09
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zeldafan500im using windows with 16 bit color it looks nice.08:09
ceil420is there a free flash editor for gnome? i don't need something like, Adobe Flash MX complicated; i just wanna do basic stuph right now :x08:09
tontMrElendig: yes...if I make useradd -G audio tont is said to me : useradd: user tont exists08:10
cmo-0is there a way to modify keyboard keys location (i.e caps, alt, super, hyper, ctrl)?08:10
=== kbrooks_ is now known as kbrooks
pi3zeldafan500: please, go to #fuck-you08:10
cmo-0reliable way!?08:10
kbrookspi3, be nice08:10
kbrooks!language | pi308:10
ubotupi3: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:10
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DJ-_-faggz come in here...windoze ppl lol08:10
erizzleOmegaCenti: umount whatever drive your ubuntu partition is then run fsck -f /dev/hd??08:10
kbrookspi3, may i talk to you in a query?08:10
mhz`DJ, i assume you were using windows before linux08:10
pi3kbrooks: it's just the name of a channel08:10
mhz`so what does that make you?08:10
kbrooksDJ-_-, you too08:10
pi3yes, sure08:10
wolflordI just untar VNC, how do I install it08:11
zxul767Hi, I have a problem starting the X session in gnome. I can start it, but only after a second attempt. my .xsessions-errors file reads like this:08:11
DJ-_-mhz`: but dont do now08:11
Wanderer!dpkg build kernel08:11
MrElendigtont: oposite08:11
zxul767/usr/X11R6/bin/xsetroot:  unable to open display ':0'08:11
zxul767/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp08:11
zxul767/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/X11R6/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "zxul767"08:11
zxul767/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...08:11
zxul767xrdb: Connection refused08:11
DJ-_-kbrooks: k soz lol08:11
zxul767xrdb: Can't open display ':0'08:11
zxul767Setting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US.08:11
zxul767Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default.08:11
MrElendigtont: -Ga08:11
mhz`but you did, so therefore...you're in the same boat as them08:11
zxul767/usr/bin/xmodmap:  unable to open display ':0'08:11
zxul767(gnome-session:5264): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:08:11
MrElendigtont: or use gpasswd08:11
xipietotecsomeone wanna help me? I'm on my wife's computer and her X refuses to start, and I can't figure out what's wrong, doesn't seem to be a run-away log file, and the error report dumped out into /tmp/ is useless.08:11
Newbie_DudeAnyone ever been able to get a joystick to work in Ubuntu? I read a HowTo and it says a ".joystick" file will be saved to /home/user, but I don't see it there.08:11
kbrooksDJ-_-, pm please08:11
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DJ-_-mhz`: aint now, but atleast when i used to i did not go into rooms and say windoze was good08:11
MrElendigNewbie_Dude: . files are hidden08:11
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ianmcorvidaeNewbie_Dude: In a terminal, try ls -la in a terminal.08:12
nickrudxipietotec, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:12
ceil420is there a free flash editor for gnome? i don't need something like, Adobe Flash MX complicated; i just wanna do basic stuph right now :x08:12
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ianmcorvidaeYou can then see .-prefixed files.08:12
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xipietotecnickrud: I did...all I see is a repeated error that it can't load some fonts right08:12
Newbie_Dude@ianmcorvidae, MrElendig : omg, hidden files... thanks. this is getting so complicated08:12
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mhz`ceil, i remember an older windows app...swish08:13
wolflordisent there a channel for beginners somewhere ??08:13
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wolflordif so what is it08:13
ianmcorvidaewolflord: Not that I know of.08:13
nickrudxipietotec, could you put it on a pastebin? (pastebinit is a package for pasting from a console)08:13
erizzlewolflord: have you read ubuntuguide.org? it has tons of newbie info08:13
mneptokNewbie_Dude: press CTL-H in Nautilus (the GNOME file browser) to see hidden files08:13
ceil420mhz`, exactly, it's a Windows app :x08:13
=== jdr [n=jdr@dib.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
ceil420(one i used briefly a year or two ago)08:13
=== vice [n=vice@cpk213.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
MrElendigwiki.ubuntu.com is also nice08:13
Newbie_Dudewow, thanks mneptok, gonna write that down08:14
mhz`ceil...try it with wine08:14
erizzleceil420: wine swish.exe, problem solved08:14
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ceil420yall know if it works groovie like that? cos wine can't even handle mIRC properly :x08:14
mhz`that's why i'm in windows now08:15
tontMrElendig: ok it has worked08:15
mhz`plus i start work in 15mins08:15
=== valroadie [n=Valroadi@adsl-75-14-216-74.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokfor mIRC?!08:15
ceil420my need of flash is recent08:15
erizzlemIRC roflmao08:15
ceil420mneptok, helping a friend write a script08:15
ceil420wtf would i run an IRC client in wine for?08:15
xipietotecnickrud: http://pastebin.ca/61803408:15
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=== mneptok *really* needs to package jIRCii
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ceil420(besides the aforementioned reason)08:16
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kshahnjdr0b - can you explain to me the directory structure? why for instance is the Apache install in /etc, is there a specific reason? do files there and below have special priviledges?08:16
kbrooksceil420, no other reason.08:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
tontMrElendig: now...I try to start one new session.08:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:16
=== liorkamer [n=lior@89-138-188-53.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookskshahnjd, the apache install is not in /etc.08:16
valroadiewhat does this mean...Kernel panic! - not syncing IO-APIC + timer doesnt work. Boot with apic-debug then try booting with the noapic option....could someone pm me and help me out please?08:16
=== Zta [n=stephan@port572.ds1-arc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
kbrookskshahnjd, the apache configuration files are in /etc08:16
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kbrooksvalroadie, no. it is better if they help you out here.08:17
=== jis [n=janko@um-sd04-913.uni-mb.si] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjdI see08:17
xipietoteckshahnjd: the apache configuration files are in /etc/ because /etc/ is the system configuration dir08:17
valroadiewell all the regular text just gets oin  the way08:17
valroadiebut alright08:17
valroadieso can someone help me?08:17
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nickrudxipietotec, ok, I see the same you do, X seems to be starting. What exactly happens?08:17
erizzlevalroadie: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add noapic to the line that boots your kernel08:17
kshahnjdso all config files for any daemon are going to be placed in /etc by the OS or by the program?08:17
valroadieerizzle thank you! ill try it08:18
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erizzlevalroadie: np make a backup of menu.lst before you edit it in cawse you mess it up08:18
xipietotecnickrud: it loads the splash page, plays the opening sound, and then pops up with "Your X session lasted less than 10 seconds."08:18
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xipietotecand spits out an error log... hold on08:18
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OmegaCentierizzle: what do you mean by fsck -f? I read the man page, and there is no f option.08:18
Newbie_DudeI'm trying to set the value of gameport to "usbhid" by typing "sudo modprobe usbhid" but I accidently already put two other values in there "2 analog,adi" How do I get analog,adi out of the values of gameport in modprobe?08:18
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nickrudxipietotec, this is after you log into gdm, right?08:19
xipietotecnickrud: yep08:19
valroadieerizzle: will do :)08:19
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, uhh...08:19
erizzleOmegaCenti: fsck --help shows the -f option, it is to force a check even if the filesystem is marked clean08:19
trekkmewith  "xset dpms force standby" i put both of my two connected montoors to stanby. which identifier(XXX) do i need if i wanna put only one of them to stanby using "xset -display XXX dpms force standby". i tried screen/monitor/server identifier from my xorg.conf, they wouldnt work...08:19
xipietotechere's the error log it spits out: http://pastebin.ca/61803908:19
=== erizzle questions OmegaCenti's reading skills
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ZtaHi.  I just tried to install Ubuntu on my laptop.  It has no cdrom so I setup af PXE environment with the netboot images which works fine.  But during installation, specifically after I've selected "Ubuntu Desktop" for installation, the installation halts and fails.  Any idea why?08:19
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OmegaCentierizzle: thats not the issue, fsck is breaking. Trying it exits with status 408:19
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Newbie_Dudekbrooks: Like I thought I needed to do "sudo modprobe analog" then I thought I needed "sudo modprobe adi" Now both values are in there, I only need one.08:20
=== beni [n=beni@p54ABC351.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
OmegaCentiscked after 30 boots. and fsck went crazy.. I cannot boot, I am running a live CD on the same computer. I REALLY need help. Fsck keeps exiting with exit status 4 and not resolving any issues08:20
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, just use rmmod.08:20
benihow can i watch a freakin dvd movie with ubuntu?!08:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, that'll unload08:20
axos88_!wireless lan08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireless lan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
=== Cy3berPeace [n=chris@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
erizzleOmegaCenti: try gnome partition editor, see if that lists your filesystem correctly, if not you have larger problems08:20
axos88_does anyone know some docs on setting up wlan?08:20
pi3why does ubuntu use wav format for some sounds? It's been developed by ms08:20
kbrooks!wireless | axos88_08:21
ubotuaxos88_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:21
erizzleaxos88_: ubuntuguide.org08:21
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nickrudxipietotec, does ~/.xsession-errors have anything more?08:21
erizzleaxos88_: or what obutu said08:21
kbrookserizzle, please do not over recommend the ubuntu guide ;-)08:21
sebastian__for setting wlan, u can use a wrapper, and use the windows drivers.. that worked for me08:21
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:21
sebastian__pain in the ass though08:21
mneptokOmegaCenti: boot to recovery mode and "fsck -yf"08:21
Newbie_Dudekbrooks : it says "ERROR:  Module gameport is in use by analog,adi"08:21
valroadieerizzle: the boot is a folder? because all i found was an info file that i cant open...08:21
Cy3berPeaceHi - having trouble getting sound out of my Sigmatel STAC9200...   cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp says "device or resource usy"... tried tips in help.... for troubleshooting... sny tips...08:21
OmegaCentierizzle: fdisk -l shows my partion fine.08:21
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, then rmmod those inuse modules one by one08:22
xipietotecnickrud: yes it does, hold on...08:22
=== Tlink [i=nova@static-71-121-254-63.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
OmegaCentimneptok: can I do it from the live cd? just terminal fsck -yf /dev/sda4?08:22
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, e.g. don't type rmmod analog,adi08:22
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kbrooksNewbie_Dude, type rmmod analog08:22
axos88_erizzle, yep thx08:22
kbrooksNewbie_Dude, then type rmmod adi08:22
Newbie_Dudethank you :) kbrooks08:22
kshahnjdwireless for ubuntu server?08:22
Mathmancould someone recommend some software that would create a map of my network?  or perhaps something like traceroute but to show me which switches the packets are going through?08:23
valroadieerizzle: the boot is a folder? because all i found was an info file that i cant open...08:23
kshahnjdifconfig brings up my current connections, how can I get up the wireless08:23
kbrookskshahnjd, on the command line?08:23
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ZtaThis channel is chaos =)08:23
=== original2_ [n=mike@c-69-255-41-93.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
valroadieZta welcome to #ubuntu08:23
PiciChaos? This is Ubuntu!!08:23
xipietotecnickrud: http://pastebin.ca/61804308:23
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sebastian__oh ... it was the cable08:24
sebastian__i moved it and it worked08:24
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kshahnjdim sorry if im asking ridiculous questions kbrooks ive programmed for years on windows environments and have never had to actually administrate or work on linux, only upload to it08:24
rafaelscjCan I see what users conected to my ssh server are doing?08:24
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kbrookskshahnjd, i'm typing, patience08:24
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_Lucretia_hmmm, anyone know which packages to install to compile opengl progs? Using an ATi card via fglrx08:24
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vbanaiti nstalled ubuntu 7.XX on desktop. Ethercard is not recognised08:25
kbrookskshahnjd, well, you do, iwlist <interface> scanning, where interface can be found by using iwconfig to find the one interface that has wireless extensions08:25
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wolflordok I have a windows box that has vncserver on it, and I want to use my ubuntu to connect to it, now I am trying vncviewer localhost: then the IP ( thats on my local network ) but I get an error08:25
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kbrookskshahnjd, and don't type, <interface-name-here> with the < and > included08:25
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vbanaitThere is no entry for ethernet card/wired network08:25
kshahnjdhehe of course not08:25
=== savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-237-120.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wolflordvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused08:25
wolflordUnable to connect to VNC server08:25
napster_hi. i need 2 pair my fone with my pc using bluetooth but the pc never asks for a password...wat do i do?08:25
kbrookswolflord, wrong :-)08:26
wolflordam i missing something08:26
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
kbrookswolflord, yes08:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b d2dchat!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
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kshahnjdso for instance like iwlist eth1 scanning08:26
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rafaelscjr0b, ...08:26
kbrookskshahnjd, yes08:26
r0b-theres a watch command08:26
=== dario [n=dario@83-103-44-60.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
skirk!ubot pastebin08:26
skirk!ubotu pastebin08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot pastebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:26
darioehm hell08:26
valroadieis the boot a folder? because all i found was an info file that i cant open...08:26
=== skirk_ [n=skirk@host-84-220-89-150.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookswolflord, uhm, IP:0 is the correct way.08:27
rafaelscjCan I see what uses conected in my ssh server are doing?08:27
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dariodo you know how i can connect to #wiili via irc. .net from ubuntu feisty's irc08:27
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:27
kbrookswolflord, where IP is the IP of the windows pc08:27
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kbrooksrafaelscj, yes, just use w08:27
wolflordok let me try that08:27
nickrudxipietotec, was gone for a sec. Everything with X seems copacetic; have you tried creating a new user (to isolate out ~/.*)08:27
=== skirk [n=skirk@host-84-220-89-150.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
valroadiewhere is this08:27
valroadieedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add noapic to the line that boots your kernel08:27
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xipietotecnickrud: will do now08:28
r0b-yes rafaelscj08:28
valroadiecause the boot is an info file i cvant open08:28
kbrookswolflord, you might want to encrypt things with ssh if you need to, e.g. over the internet08:28
wolflordyou guys are AWSOME08:28
wolflordthat worked08:28
wolflordthank you08:28
kshahnjdkbrooks it claims no scan results, but the laptop i'm working on now is connected to the wireless, is it possible that the device is disabled?08:28
kbrookskshahnjd, check to make sure wireless is actually on08:28
Cy3berPeaceAnyone have experience getting a cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp sound card to work?08:28
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu 7.xx but eth0 not listed in connection. what to do08:28
r0b-no problem08:28
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xipietotecnickrud: wait....how do I create a new user in the command line?08:29
Cy3berPeaceErpp... a Sigmatel STAC920 card to work - anyone have any experience?08:29
kbrookswolflord, well, uhm, here's my email i guess anotequaltob@gmail.com08:29
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kshahnjdhow do i check if the device is enabled?08:29
kbrooksxipietotec, adduser <username>08:29
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bultomkshahnjd lspci ?08:29
nickrudxipietotec, adduser <user>08:29
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=== nickrud slowww
kbrookskshahnjd, lspci is for seeing whether it shows, not whether its enabled08:29
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kshahnjdyeah i was about to say that hehe, then how?>08:30
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu 7.xx but eth0 not listed in connection. what to do08:30
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bultomlshw so , it will say you if device is requested by a driver or not08:30
xipietotecokay, brb08:30
valroadieedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add noapic to the line that boots your kernel08:30
valroadiewhere is that08:30
kbrookskshahnjd, do you have a wifi light on your laptop?08:30
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kbrooksvalroadie, type alt+f208:30
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abliHi! I have ubuntu 7.04 installed on my laptop, and I want to connect it through another debian computer to the internet. What do I need to install on the debian machine to be able to connect to it using that avahi-network-autoconfiguration stuff ubuntu uses?08:30
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kbrooksvalroadie, yes. type that.08:30
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jamiejcumbriaAny one know how to get flash player 9 work with pulse audio. When the sound is running pulse audio volume control shows several source but know sound.08:31
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudvalroadie, press the alt and f2 keys ;P08:31
kbrooksvalroadie, use your keyboard. press alt, then f2 at the same time.08:31
valroadiei did08:31
valroadieits not doing anything08:31
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjdvalroadie: no its an older laptop, built in wireless, lshw says '*-communication UNCLAIMED'08:31
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Casabli: avahi is normally used in local networks, not internet08:31
kbrooksvalroadie, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst in terminal then.08:32
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu 7.xx but eth0 not listed in connection. what to do08:32
Casabli: what about the openssh-server?08:32
kbrooksvalroadie: to get to terminal, applications > accessories > terminal08:32
abliCas, Yes. I want to local network between my desktop computer (with debian) and laptop (which has ubuntu)08:32
valroadiemy ubuntu wont even open08:32
valroadiethis is before boot08:32
abliCas, I assume I need to install some sort of avahi server on my desktop, but what?08:32
valroadieim in the disk files08:32
kbrooksvalroadie, uhm, does grub show then?08:32
valroadienot in ubuntu08:32
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kbrooksvalroadie, when you reboot08:33
Casabli: what exactly do you want? share files?08:33
=== mafu_ [n=mafu@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjdif the wifi has a key, do i have to specify the key before the scan?08:33
r0b-heh im ssh'd into my Ubuntu Server VM08:33
r0b-from windows08:33
kbrooksvalroadie, if so, follow the directions at the bottom of it to get to the  command menu in grub08:33
sebastian__when i reboot the lan doesnt work08:33
kbrookskshahnjd, no08:33
mafu_hey nickrud, creating a new user worked, but I still have no idea what's causing an immediate logout on the main user08:34
OmegaCentimneptok: can I do it from the live cd? just terminal fsck -yf /dev/sda4?08:34
=== JoshVAL [n=Valroadi@adsl-75-14-216-74.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
abliCas, first, i would like to be able to ping the desktop machine from the laptop, then be able to ping outside internet from the laptop.08:34
PiciOmegaCenti: you should be able to.08:34
JoshVALsorry internet sucks08:34
rafaelscjkbrooks, $ watch tty2 ?08:34
kbrooksrafaelscj, no08:34
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JoshVALso im not in ubuntu im looking at the disk files on the disk08:34
kbrooksrafaelscj, you want w08:35
Casabli: ping should be possible if you are the in same subnet08:35
rafaelscjonly w?08:35
cougemi was told earlier today that there were problems with some of the update sites with 404s etc (im trying to update from 6.06 to 6.10 and i get errors saying stuff can't be found), any idea when it'll be fixed?08:35
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Casabli: if you want a remote desktop I would recommand tightVNC08:35
kbrooksrafaelscj, yes, but you need to find the user. then you can08:35
nickrudmafu_, there's a problem in one of ~/.gnome2  , .gconf  , .gonfd , .gnome , or .gnome2_private most likely. You can move those out of the way (rename) and try again. You'll loose any customization to the desktop, though08:35
jdrhey, what do I have to do to make Ubuntu read my LVM LVs on a second disk again when I reinstall it on the first disk (not in LVM,regular ext3)08:35
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kbrooksrafaelscj, sudo cat /home/username/.bash_history08:36
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abliCas, Right now, if I select "wired network interface" in the default-installed applet, it starts to look for the network, then claims it is connected, but at "connection information" it shows all IP adresses as
r0b_Virtual Machine's FTW!08:36
OmegaCentiI get the strangest errors from fsck08:36
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OmegaCentieven with -yf08:36
r0b_i love this stuff08:36
kbrooksrafaelscj, where username is the desired username you want08:36
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Casabli: your network is not configured like it should08:36
abliCas, I now ping should work, if the network is configured. My problem is configuring the network08:36
kbrooksabli: that's a nm bug08:36
ge2xhow can i test if my pxe server is set up correctly?08:36
mig5hi, is there anyone here who knows anything about getting sound to work in java?08:36
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kshahnjdaccording to man iwlist i should be root to scan08:37
abliCas, I now its not configured. Thats what i am working on.08:37
abliCas, so what should I do to get it configured08:37
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nickrudkshahnjd, sudo iwlist08:37
kbrookskshahnjd, then do that with sudo command08:37
ablikbrooks, you mean its already known bug? with a bug number in the BTS?08:37
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kbrooksnickrud, that isnt the full command i gave him.08:37
ge2xhow can i test if my pxe server is set up correctly?08:37
r0b-Virtual PC's are fun08:37
kbrooksr0b-, what is fun? :-)08:38
nickrudkbrooks, missed the previous, sorry08:38
OmegaCentiI would really like to get back to using my harddrive. Please, someone help08:38
ihate88i am totally going nuts - switched to ubuntu from debian(nice work) - but i don't get 5.1 sound via alsa. i turned down aRts via gui and get out sound using alsa output. when i modify/create an .asoundrc the newly defined devices get applied(as aplay -L shows) - but when I define ch51dup and use it via vlc/amarok there is no music. via default device there comes out some pain-in-the-*** high pitched music without the subwoofer. heeeelp :(08:38
=== Styrbjorn [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Casabli: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/internet/C/networking.html08:38
jdranyone an answer on my lvm problemen?08:38
ihate88i installed debian a whole bunch of times so i should know what i am doing :/ never had problems regarding this08:38
rafaelscjkbrooks: the user's name is rafael08:38
kbrooksabli: maybe already known, search launchpad. and i was referring to the bug that it goes through dhclient but somehow fails. however. nm says success08:39
kshahnjdstrange, when i do it with sudo not it claims interface doesn't support scanning: no suchd evice08:39
liu4is it okey to idle in here without getting +k or +b ?08:39
abliCas, everything on that page assumes I _have_ a network, ie, ping works08:39
ubunuti do08:39
ablikbrooks, I _dont_ have a dhcp server on that local network!08:39
kbrooksliu4, we all do.08:39
nickrudliu4, you think 1126 people are talking at once ;)08:39
OmegaCentiliu4: there are how many people in this room? lol08:39
liu4kbrooks okey cool mate08:39
=== Llama052 [n=aaron@cpe-71-72-200-217.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Llama052Hey guys08:39
ablikbrooks, thats what I was asking: what do I need to do to the other machine to be able to magically connect to it.08:39
kbrooksliu4, it is stupid to do that (kick ppl for idling)08:40
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kbrooksliu4, and i don't see why i would want to08:40
liu4kbrooks well... i was banned in one channel because they though i was going to haxxor them or log their conversation so...08:40
OmegaCentiI would really like to get back to using my harddrive. Please, someone help08:40
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu 7.xx but eth0 not listed in connection. what to do08:41
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kshahnjdis this the proper command to turn it on? iwconfig eth1 essid on08:42
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kbrookskshahnjd, try that08:43
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_Lucretia_am I right in saying that the ATi OpenGL stuff works via the Mesa library?08:43
kbrookslastelement0, ask08:43
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lastelement0lol sorry i had mistyped08:44
chadeldridgeI am having an issue with my swap partition, it doesnt seem that it is getting mounted, but ubuntu is working just fine.  How do i manually tell ubuntu where the swap partition is:  Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  1282264k cach08:44
ozzmanHello, could any one direct me to a good guide on installing XGL for Ubuntu on a X86_64 ATI x1900 gt system08:44
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kshahnjddidn't work, when i put sudo in front it, no response even08:44
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lastelement0luckily tho i managed to finally get up and running with ubuntu studio08:44
kshahnjdstill says interface doesn't support scanning no such device08:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bitchx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
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ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:44
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cmo-0I've been using debian 4 with X and a modified .xmodmap file. At the time of switch to Ubuntu 7, i thought it would be a matter of adding 'xmodmap .xmodmap' to .xsession file, however gnome went crazy and i couldn't fix the modification. except deleting it while mounting Ubuntu volume from debian 408:45
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lastelement0anyone else running studio?08:45
ubunutnot i08:45
PriceChildlastelement0, #ubuntustudio08:45
nickrud!info bitchx > liu4 (see private message)08:45
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ozzmanHello, could any one direct me to a good guide on installing XGL for Ubuntu on a X86_64 ATI x1900 gt system08:45
=== Newbie_Dude [n=christop@] has joined #ubuntu
cougemi was told earlier today that there were problems with some of the update sites with 404s etc (im trying to update from 6.06 to 6.10 and i get errors saying stuff can't be found), any idea when it'll be fixed?08:46
lastelement0thanks PriceChild, but i was just asking to see who has it08:46
_Lucretia_am I right in saying that the ATi OpenGL stuff works via the Mesa library?08:46
=== MTeck_ [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
lastelement0i finally got mine up and running on my external08:46
Newbie_DudeI finally figured out my USB gamepad problem if anyone cares. It turns out all the "HowTo" and instructions were counter-productive. jscalibrater package and joystick package actually made the things not work. Removing them made all my gamepads work perfectly.08:46
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akos_I've read the howto on wlan, but kinda got lost... lspci identifies my card as  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61) . Is this compatible with the ipw2200 based cards?08:46
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akos_because in ifconfig -a wlan0 doesn't get listed08:47
Jordanhatchhey everyone! join http://www.kidchat.org.uk/ if u wanna chat to coders like u!08:47
nickrudozzman, you can try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl08:47
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chadeldridgeMy swap space is not turned on for some reason, the swap partition is at /dev/sda2 but it is not being used ... how do i fix this?08:48
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Newbie_DudeIt feels so good to fix something, even though trying to fix it was what broke it in the first place !!!!!08:48
=== MrGlass [n=max@resnet-130-184-85-97.uark.edu] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgeis the command sudo mkswap /dev/sda2 ?08:48
fernandezque pasa que nadie ablas espaol08:49
captainm!es | fernandez08:49
ubotufernandez: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:49
sebastian__my network doesnt work08:49
=== sidlet [n=chuck@mo-71-1-105-102.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebastian__already went to the site and did that08:49
Jordanhatchtry mkswap svchost.exe08:49
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ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:49
lastelement0can someone help connect my pocket pc to ubuntu?08:49
sidletI'm not trying to instigate anything, but are there any decent p2p apps for linux that would compare to say Ares?08:49
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sidletI've tried amule and all i get as a result is hanging file transfers that never start.08:50
nickrudchadeldridge, do you have the swap partition defined in /etc/fstab?08:50
chadeldridgenickrud: looking08:50
lastelement0!pocket pc08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pocket pc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
lastelement0!dell axim08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dell axim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pocket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
chadeldridgenickrud:  nope08:50
ramseizewhat are the things needed to windows under ubuntu?08:50
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MrElendigramseize: a virtual machine08:50
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ramseizewhat kind of virtaul machine08:51
ramseizecan you be more specific?08:51
chadeldridgenickrud:  how do i add it?08:51
ramseizelike what software?08:51
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nickrudchadeldridge, add this to it, modifying for your location:   /dev/hda2  none            swap    sw              0       008:51
MTecknologyI have phpmyadmin installed on a system. I'm trying to set up a user to be able to do JUST mysqldump, what permissions does the user need to be able to do do this command?08:51
Newbie_Dudelastelement0 what company makes the pocketpc08:51
nickrudchadeldridge, then sudo swapon should bring it on line08:51
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chadeldridgetrying now08:51
lastelement0Newbie_Dude: its a dell axim x3008:51
captainmramseize: vmware or virtualbox both work great08:51
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ZtaIs it possible to specify a webserver on your LAN for package pool when net-installing Ubuntu?08:52
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ZtaOr can I only choose between predefined pools?08:52
=== sidlet [n=chuck@mo-71-1-105-102.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ramseizebut whuch one is good for me , im using a laptop 1.66 intel core 2 duo, 1 gig memory , video card : ati catalyst radeon x2300?08:52
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chadeldridgenickrud:  i do have this ... should i remove it first:  UUID=2f281a5d-eec1-46ae-bf29-93f60f2a65fc none swap sw 0 008:53
chadeldridgeseems its not working08:53
nickrudMTecknology, you'd probably have better luck with that on #mysql08:53
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nickrudchadeldridge, I ended up removing it myself ....08:53
=== rockets [n=rockets@w098.z064000226.nyc-ny.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu
captainmramseize: both do essentially the same thing. I'm using virtualbox but there's no real reason to choose one above the other08:54
Newbie_Dudelastelement0 - I did a quick search for "pocket" in the Synaptic Package Manager and a few utilities came up. Maybe they will help?08:54
kshahnjdi still can't get the wireless up from the command line, why does it list an interface, eth1, and then say 'no such device'08:54
=== L0cKn Sleep..
ramseizeahh ok08:54
=== hnsn [i=jh83@c83-255-136-12.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizedo i only need a virtual machine to run it,?08:54
=== Catoptromancy [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
lastelement0Newbie_Dude: im willing to give them a shot08:54
chadeldridgenickrud:  this look ok?  http://www.pastebin.ca/61807908:54
akos_I've read the howto on wlan, but kinda got lost... lspci identifies my card as  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61) . Is this compatible with the ipw2200 based cards?     because in ifconfig -a wlan0 doesn't get listed, and it's supposed to work out of the box08:54
ramseizeany thing else?08:54
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captainmramseize: well that and a coppy of windows08:54
ramseizeis that all?08:54
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captainmramseize: yup08:55
ramseizewhats the site of vmware08:55
nickrudchadeldridge, looks good from here08:55
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Newbie_Dude!find pocketpc08:55
ubotuFound: pocketpc-binutils, pocketpc-cab, pocketpc-g++, pocketpc-gas, pocketpc-gcc (and 1 others)08:55
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Newbie_Dudelastelement0 - maybe it's one of those? :P I dunno.08:55
nickrudNewbie_Dude, you're learning the tricks fast08:55
Newbie_Dudelol, thanks nickrud. I learn from the best ;)08:56
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ctothejim using pulseaudio and trying to get all the configuration options right. what is the difference between the "### Load audio drivers statically" section and the "### Load audio drivers automatically on access" section in the daemon.conf file?08:56
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captainmramseize: http://www.vmware.com/ but I think it's in the repos to. Try googling for a howto.08:56
ozzmanWhen installing Xgl (X86_64 ATI x1900 gt) would it be better to replace Xorg or as a login option?08:56
akosI've read the howto on wlan, but kinda got lost... lspci identifies my card as  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61) . Is this compatible with the ipw2200 based cards?     because in ifconfig -a wlan0 doesn't get listed, and it's supposed to work out of the box08:56
=== ubunut googles' "the best"
=== masterloki [n=mloki@] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgenickrud:  i have this now on top - Swap: 11229424k total,        0k used, 11229424k free,  1302036k cached08:56
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ozzmanWhen installing Xgl (X86_64 ATI x1900 gt) would it be better to replace Xorg or install it as a login option?08:56
chadeldridgenickrud:  i assume rebooting it will cause ubuntu to start using the swap08:57
=== assasukasse [n=agostino@host-84-223-201-245.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pocketpc-cab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:57
kbrookschadeldridge, no08:57
VoXramseize: vmware is in the repos08:57
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgekbrooks:  whats wrong ?08:57
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Picijeeze zenoss is taking a long time to compile.08:58
ZtaIs it possible to specify a webserver on your LAN for use as package pool when net-installing Ubuntu?  Or is it only possible to use the predefined pools?  I was thinking of downloading the ISO and mounting it somewhere smart on the webserver for a smoother install on multiple machines.08:58
ozzmanWhen installing Xgl (X86_64 ATI x1900 gt) would it be better to replace Xorg or install it as a login option?08:58
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nickrudchadeldridge, as long as it's in fstab you'll be fine08:58
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akos_can anyone help me with that wlan thing? :((08:58
=== bradley [n=bradley@vc-196-207-32-232.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
chadeldridgemachine isnt using it though .. its just piling up in cached08:59
nickrudozzman, login option, that way you're not locked into alpha software08:59
MrElendigakos_: what wlan thing08:59
chadeldridge0k used08:59
ramseizevox what type of vvmware should i download in the repos08:59
akos_MrElendig, I've read the howto on wlan, but kinda got lost... lspci identifies my card as  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61) . Is this compatible with the ipw2200 based cards?     because in ifconfig -a wlan0 doesn't get listed, and it's supposed to work out of the box08:59
ozzmanOk cool thanks08:59
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxorr@] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudchadeldridge, open a bunch of apps, like openoffice & eclipse & firefox08:59
MrElendigakos_: you can't use the ipw2200 driver with it, ofcause09:00
chadeldridgei have like 10 things open right now ... including 4 windows xp vms09:00
ramseizeguys what type of vmware should i download in the repos, theres too many which one should i choose?09:00
akos_MrElendig, so what should i use?09:00
chadeldridgeif its not in swap already .. its not going there09:00
akos_any howtos to aid my setup?09:00
VoXramseize: vmware-server09:00
ramseizeis that only09:00
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h4ngedm4nis there a proper way to add nfs exports to ubuntu, or do i just edit /etc/fstab accordingly?09:00
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VoXramseize: i think that's all i installed. i'll check in a minute09:01
nickrudchadeldridge, don't have a real clue on how linux decides to swa myself. I just had your issue a while back, and I'm using swap now. Don't remember if it took a reboot or not09:01
ramseizeill be waiting09:01
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MrElendigakos_: you need to put the firmware for it in /lib/firmware/09:01
chadeldridgek thanks all09:01
chadeldridgesee ya09:01
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Frogzooh4ngedm4n: unless you want to play with automounts09:02
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MrElendigakos_: and get the ipw4965 driver09:02
akos_MrElendig, huh?09:02
akos_MrElendig,  how to get the firmware?09:02
h4ngedm4nFrogzoo: nah i just want to have home and media directories from my nfs server mounted at start09:03
=== eboxnet [n=eboxnet@ppp255-093.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizedo i only need to dowbload the vmware-server? is there any thing else? in the repos that is needed in running the vmware...09:03
=== ToruX [n=torux@dslb-088-077-226-051.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
crolle17i have vm-server installed and created a windows2000 virtual machine. but wsitching to state power on i get this message:Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:09:03
crolle17End of error message.09:03
=== eboxnet hello ppl
crolle17this message is not very helpful. what can i do?09:03
=== mimilus [n=papa@ADijon-257-1-131-79.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
captainmramseize: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18320909:04
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nickrudZta, you can take a look at apt-cacher & apt-mirror for local repos; there are others as well09:04
=== Depressure [n=kristian@ti311110a080-8219.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
VoXramseize: grab vmware-server, apt/synaptic will grab a few other things aswell09:04
VoXramseize: but that's all you need09:04
Depressurehi, anybody knows the app "httrack"09:04
SuperkuhDepressure: I've used it for a while.09:04
crolle17is somebody here who has experiences with vm-server?09:05
tretle_Can anyone tell me how Rhythmbox authenticates whether a device is compatible or not?09:05
=== kbrooks_ [n=kbrooks@d235-141-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
crolle17maybe runs his own vm?09:05
MrElendigakos_: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_(Gutsy_Gibbon)_Tribe_2_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Wireless:09:05
Ztanickrud, but I need to do it from the net-installer.  Not after installation.09:05
tretle_wheres the config file for the list of music devices/players09:05
MrElendigread the part about the 4965 card09:06
kbrooks_ TEST.09:06
Ztanickrud, but thanks, I'll look at those to make a mirror.09:06
Depressuresuperkuh: apt-get install httrack ??09:06
Picikbrooks_: failed.09:06
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SuperkuhDepressure: I use used synaptic.09:06
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Depressurekk, thanx!09:06
RoundyT1_I need some major help...how do i sort by color in Open Office Spreadsheet????09:06
kshahnjdif i run a command line lsmod and the contents it spits back out at me are too big for the screen to display, how can i scroll?09:06
=== texjoachim [n=texjoach@p508BC7BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizevox what version will work on fiesty?09:07
KI4IKLMy mouse randomly loses sync (I assume that is what it is called)...it's a usb corded mouse and it just freezes...I have to completely restart the computer to get it to work, does anyone know how to fix it?09:07
ramseizevox , what vmware server version willl i download ?09:07
nickrudZta, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has links to a lot of methods, including network. One of those would probably work for you09:07
RoundyT1_I need some major help...how do i sort by color in Open Office Spreadsheet????09:07
Ztanickrud, but..  nevermind09:07
VoXramseize: there should only be one version in the fiesty repos09:08
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kshahnjdhow can i scroll through the command line if it returns too much info09:08
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rocketskshahnjd, pipe the output to less09:08
MrElendigkshahnjd: shift-pgup/down09:08
rocketse.g. do this:09:08
rocketsor do what MrElendig says :-D09:08
MrElendigor pipe to less or >> to a file09:08
kshahnjdyeah, it worked, thanks09:09
=== limetang [n=ircwhore@80-45-90-17.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaiti installed ubuntu 7 on my celeron. etho not listed in network09:09
Holty101hi guys whats a good equivilant of grabit and quickpar for fiesty09:09
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MrElendigwth is grabit and wuickpar?09:09
crolle17please help me with my vm-server-problem.09:09
=== zyxel [n=zyxel@cpe-69-201-152-163.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaitinstalled ubuntu 7 on my celeron. etho not listed in network09:09
vbanaitinstalled ubuntu 7 on my celeron. etho not listed in network09:09
vbanaitinstalled ubuntu 7 on my celeron. etho not listed in network09:09
rocketsgrabit is for newsgroup filesharing09:09
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rocketsvbanait, we heard you09:10
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaitpl hlp09:10
rocketsare you sure you *have* an ethernet card09:10
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MrElendigvalehru: soamming dosn't work09:10
nickrudZta, like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet ?09:10
MrElendigvalehru: this is irc09:10
MrElendignot a mmorpg09:10
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vbanaitrocket: yes it worked with windows xp before i replaced it with ubuntu09:10
rocketsWTS 200 ROUGH LEATHER SKINS 50g!!!!!!!**************************809:10
rocketsWTS 200 ROUGH LEATHER SKINS 50g!!!!!!!**************************809:11
Zoroxeushey everyone... sorry09:11
rocketsvbanait, what kind of ethernet card09:11
Priceyrockets, not needed.09:11
Zoroxeusit's not a spam... just a little request... :)09:11
Newbie_Dudewhy you gotta remind me of WoW, I just quit again for the 4th time >_<09:11
Priceyvbanait, please type lspci in the terminal to tell the good people what your card is.09:11
=== philth [n=philth@U193.LoyalistC.ON.CA] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsNewbie_Dude, im bored of it now09:11
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-29-252.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zoroxeusdo you guys mind voting for a project ?09:11
h4x0rhello people... I install ubuntu , then beryl... but how to get effects?09:11
vbanaiti did. return is "Chinghou Microelectronics etc09:12
Priceyh4x0r, #ubuntu-effects please09:12
bruenig!beryl | h4x0r09:12
ubotuh4x0r: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:12
ozzmanHI, to install compiz (X86_64 ATI X1900 GT) should i use ubuntu official package or Gandalfn?09:12
Zoroxeusit has not much to do with Ubuntu , but it's a bit related... so that's why i thought i would come on ubuntu :)09:12
bruenig!compiz | ozzman09:12
ubotuozzman: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:12
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Priceyozzman, official packages. go to #ubuntu-effects09:12
crolle17i got a vmware-server problem and need a helping hand.09:12
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Zoroxeusthe project is related to africa... but it's more for bikes :)09:13
Newbie_Dude!anyone | Zoroxeus09:13
ubotuZoroxeus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:13
=== vbanait [n=vbanait@] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaithi again09:13
=== pder [n=pder@cpe-65-29-102-56.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Biteyn-1I was wondering if there was a way to have a script check 200+ links that redirect to other links and save the link that it redirects to09:14
=== Miyumiyu [n=miyuki@dyn-83-156-237-19.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaithi rocket09:14
vbanaityou there?09:14
=== owahab [n=owahab@] has joined #ubuntu
Zoroxeusok do you WANT to vote : http://www.givemeaning.com/proposal/Russiacrossing (all you have to do is to enter name and email and confirm the email) it's "vote now" link top left  ... it's to enter for a chance to raise money for a project that will give bikes to AIDS worker in africa... (sorry i really don't want to spam... but i think it's a community thing :)09:14
=== Olgem [n=Meglo@host-69-145-97-137.bln-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
owahabanyone can help me install gutsy's kernel on Feisty?09:14
pderzoroxeus: stop spamming09:14
Priceyowahab, no. Why?09:14
PriceyZoroxeus, please don't spam.09:14
W8TAHcan someone please tell me were ubuntu server hides the web root for apache and also apache.conf or httpd.conf -- which ever it calls it - -im comming from gentoo and finding stuff is driving me nuts09:14
PriceyW8TAH, /var/www09:14
owahabPricey: what's the problem with that?09:14
nickrudW8TAH, and /etc/apache209:15
W8TAHoh dear09:15
pderpricey: please dont spam09:15
owahabI need to install kernel 2.6.2209:15
kshahnjdlshw tells me that my wireless is disabled, how do i enable it? the documentation says to ask people09:15
vbanaitanybody using gnumed09:15
Zoroxeushow is that spamming ?09:15
Priceypder, please don't try to be funny.09:15
PriceyZoroxeus, it is offtopic.09:15
=== Lupus_Lupus [n=lupu@a88-115-219-85.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Priceyowahab, because it could break your system.09:15
Newbie_DudeIs it normal for the versions of the packages in the Add/Remove Applications Menu to be pretty behind the actual versions available?09:15
Priceyowahab, it is a really really bad idea.09:15
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rocketskshahnjd, what kinda wifi card09:15
owahabPricey: thanks for the advise09:15
pderpricey: if im being funny its not intentional09:16
owahabPricey: stfu n00b09:16
Zoroxeuswell it is a community thing... and i thought that what the linux world was about...09:16
Pricey!stfu | owahab09:16
ubotuowahab: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:16
nickrudNewbie_Dude, what do you mean, different how?09:16
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owahabubotu: sorry09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
Priceyowahab, ubotu is a bot,.09:16
pi3rythmbox crashes when trying to play a song, just a second and crashes09:16
ubunuta very sexy bot09:16
owahabPricey: once again, stu09:16
Newbie_Dudenickrud : Well, for example ScummVM (the monkey island emulator) is at version in the Add/Remove Apps Menu -- but on sourceforge it's at version
kshahnjdrockets: Broadcom09:16
=== Avrh [n=darkvalm@ABordeaux-256-1-136-185.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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vbanaitUbotu: i love you09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i love you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
rocketskshahnjd, you need ndiswrapper09:17
pderpricey: i asked you to stop spamming the room. please.09:17
=== yeagerrobber [n=yeager@c-212-031-191-240.cust.broadway.se] has joined #ubuntu
pi3what are the minimum requirements for xubuntu?09:17
nickrudNewbie_Dude, newer versions are in gutsy. Fiesty is frozen with these versions09:17
vbanaitubotu: ethernet card not listed in network09:17
Priceypder, I am not spamming. Please /msg ubotu guidelines09:17
rocketskshahnjd, forget ndiswrapper just do this09:17
IndyGunFreakpi3: its on xubuntu's homepage.. i think its 64mb of Ram.., 128mb to run the live CD09:17
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rocketskshahnjd, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter09:17
Priceyowahab, one of the problems with gutsy's kernel right now is that it has several regressions. What is the real problem?09:17
IndyGunFreakpi3: http://www.xubuntu.org09:17
ubotuIt is spelt guTSy :)09:17
Newbie_Dudenickrud : Gutsy is the version after Fiesty?09:17
nickrudNewbie_Dude, yes09:17
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owahabPricey: I tested it on some other machines and it's fine09:18
vbanaitubotu: help09:18
IndyGunFreakpi3: whats your current PC hardware?09:18
Newbie_DudeI got owned by the bot.09:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:18
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=== C-{pR0F [n=oem@a16-5.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
bsheephi everybody !09:18
=== pder [n=pder@cpe-65-29-102-56.twmi.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
vbanaiteth not listed09:18
pi3IndyGunFreak: I'm using ubuntu, but xubuntu is for a friend of mine that is coming to this world09:18
C-{pR0FHi everybody09:18
vbanaitubotu: etho09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etho - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
Newbie_Dudenickrud : interesting, can't wait for Gutsy then :)09:18
IndyGunFreakpi3: what are the specs of the PC?09:19
vbanaitubotu: gnumed09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnumed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
pi3IndyGunFreak: he has an old pc, 192 mb RAM I think09:19
vbanaituseless bot is ubotu09:19
Zoroxeusmmm well ... no one seems to be willing to vote...09:19
PriceyZoroxeus, this channel is ubuntu support only, try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps...09:19
nickrudNewbie_Dude, I've stopped worrying about recent stuff; after using debian's unstable for a few years, it's nice to have a _stable_ platform with recent packages09:19
IndyGunFreakpi3: that will probably run Gnome, but xubuntu will be more efficient...  1st paragraph says it all..  http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/xubuntu/7.04/release/09:19
Zoroxeusthx pricey...09:19
kshahnjdrockets: i'm about to do it, i have to restart, my ethernet was not in, and i don't know how to bring it up unless it is in from the very start09:19
=== arpa [n=arpa@ner-as23353.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
rocketskshahnjd, ifup eth009:20
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vbanaitwhat is difference between kubuntu, ubuntu and xubu09:20
pi3IndyGunFreak: I prefer him to start with xubuntu, because a first slow experience would be bad09:20
Anlarnickrud: that's silly as debian's unstable is more outdated than "stable" than the stables of most of the other distros :D09:20
kshahnjdthank you09:20
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=== seuaniu [n=seuaniu@mail.richardmrogerspc.com] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaitwhich is better09:20
=== Ranpha1 [n=Ranpha@h74112.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakpi3: i like xubuntu, no argument from me... I run it on a Pc that is more than capable fo running Ubuntu.09:20
IndyGunFreakpi3: i think 64mb is required for an installed system, 128mb to install from the Live CD.09:21
arpahi , How can I download and stup MySQL on ubuntu ?09:21
rocketsIndyGunFreak,  I like how fast everything goes on xubuntu, but I just like having ubuntu's polish09:21
pi3arpa: apt-get install mysql-server09:21
captainmvbanait: the debate about that still isn't settled :P09:21
IndyGunFreakrockets: yeah, nothing at all wrong with xubuntu, its great on slower hardware09:21
nickrudAnlar, I liked it because it because it was generally more stable than the other stable releases, and recent enough. When I was really interested, I used experimental09:21
vbanaitoh god. then what should i install.09:21
=== sudobash [n=dsfglkjs@adsl-234-194-100.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaitmandriva and ubuntu which is better09:22
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IndyGunFreakvbanait: what are your current system specs?09:22
rocketsvbanait, thats funny.09:22
MrElendigsadly to say so, mandriva has gone way downhill09:22
rocketsWho uses mandriva anymore?09:22
IndyGunFreakvbanait: mandriva couldn't carry ubuntu's jockstrap.09:22
Newbie_DudeHow do I make a "link" on my desktop of the "Computer?"09:22
vbanaitbut it does not recognise my eth card09:22
MrElendigit was realy good back in the day it was named mandrake09:23
sephlairehow can I set key bindings to my mouse buttons? for instance going back and forth through pages in a web browser09:23
nickrudNewbie_Dude, run gconf-editor, and navigate to apps/nautilus/desktop09:23
captainmvbanait: xubuntu is great for older hardware KDE and Gnome is really a matter of preference. I would start with ubuntu and (It's easy to install kde and switch between them)09:23
rocketsvbanait, what kind of ethernet card is it09:23
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bsheeparpa: to setup just run mysql_secure_install09:23
IndyGunFreakMrElendig: i agree, it was one of the first distros i got up and running pretty good(Mandrake 10.0 Official, IIRC)09:23
=== Fred [n=eric@cpe-72-224-166-64.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arpahey , now I installed ubuntu , 10 min ago , I didn't set any pwd for root | whats my root's pwd ?09:23
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sebastian__my ethernet connection doesnt start in the boot09:23
Pricey!sudo | arpa09:23
ubotuarpa: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:23
vbanaiti donot know.09:23
sebastian__i have to connect it manually09:23
tecHello everyone09:23
MrElendigarpa: ther isn't one09:23
IndyGunFreakvbanait: then the ideal thing to do, is figure out how to configure your ethernet card, and correct the problem09:24
vbanaiti am using laptop now09:24
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rocketsvbanait, does mandriva recognize it?09:24
Biteyn-1I was wondering if there was a way to have a script check 200+ links that redirect to other links and save the link that it redirects to09:24
tecanyone here familiar with setting up ubuntu server?09:24
akos_ummm what is Message from syslogd@akos at Fri Jul 13 22:22:43 2007 ...09:24
akos_akos kernel: [ 8099.564301]  Oops: 0002 [1]  SMP09:24
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Biteyn-1like if i had blah.com/blah1 and it redirects to blah23232.com/newblah1 i want it to save all the newlinks09:24
IndyGunFreakvbanait: open a terminal, and type lspci, then hit enter, and look through the output, and find your ethernet device, and tell us what ti is.09:24
Newbie_Dude@nickrud - thanks, worked perfectly09:24
vbanaitwindows recognise it09:24
arpaohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks09:24
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nickrudNewbie_Dude, yw09:24
sephlairehow can I set key bindings to my mouse buttons? for instance going back and forth through pages in a web browser09:24
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rocketsvbanait, windows is windows09:24
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rocketsvbanait, paste the output of lspci on pastebin.com09:25
vbanaiti am on laptop. the problem is with desktop at office09:25
rocketsand give me the link09:25
bruenigsephlaire, mouse gestures extension in firefox, if you want to set universal mouse bindings, xbindkeys is good09:25
=== GoddamnDevil [n=GoddamnD@cs78217095.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakso why ar eyou here asking?09:25
tecI'm having trouble setting up an email server, had a linux pro come in and install qmail on top of postfix / exim4 and now nothing is working09:25
bruenigsephlaire, xbindkeys will only bind them to commands though09:25
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=== bruenig chuckles at linux pro
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vbanaitcan you suggest some way to recognise the problem09:26
IndyGunFreaklinux pro?09:26
stmillerLinux XP pro?09:26
kshahnjdrockets: installed, what next?09:26
IndyGunFreakvbanait: even if we could, are you gonna remember till you get to the office?09:26
vbanaiti will print it09:26
amitesyeah, he seemed to know enough to get in the door, once here I became much less confident09:26
=== gabelohr [i=14VdfzDw@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakvbanait: way to many variables, we need to know the device09:26
rocketskshahnjd, modprobe bcm43xx09:26
rocketssudo modprobe bcm43xx rather09:27
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amitesbut my experience with Linux extends to my laptop, never had to deal with servers09:27
amites = tec09:27
vbanaitokay. i will have to take laptop to office and then chat with you09:27
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rocketskshahnjd, i assume you chose yes to extract the firmware09:27
kshahnjdrockets: done, but with no response from the command line09:27
rocketsthere isnt supposed to be any response09:28
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rocketsthe wifi light, if you have one, should be on now09:28
vbanaitbut it had recognised the hardware. command lspi09:28
rocketsclick on the network manager to see if it detects any networks09:28
IndyGunFreakvbanait: its lspci09:28
vbanaitonly modem09:28
amiteswhat kind of laptop? I remebmer having a very similiar problem09:28
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vbanaitceleron desktop09:29
nickrudvbanait, lspci just reads what the card/device says about itself; doesn't mean the kernel knows how to use it09:29
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vbanaithow can i teach the kernel09:29
kshahnjdthere is no light on the laptop, let me try iwlist now09:29
IndyGunFreakvbanait: wed need to know the type of card to tell you that, thats what i told you09:29
nickrudvbanait, depends on what lspci says ;)09:29
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=== Redhammer [n=Red@79-65-28-44.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
amitessorry to jump in, don't think I'd be much help there09:30
IndyGunFreakvbanait: if you'd like me to just piss in the wind and tell you something, i can, but theres a 99.9% chance it won't work09:30
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RedhammerI have a question how do I get java 1.5 installed09:30
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kshahnjdrockets: lshw still says networK:1 DISABLED09:30
Redhammerthe repo's and easyubuntu, automatix etc all only have 1.609:30
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:30
nickrud!java > Redhammer  (see pm)09:30
vbanaitoh god. i will be back with you once in office, or i will switch over to windows09:30
rocketskshahnjd, dont worry about it09:30
Redhammerdoh I could have thought of that09:30
rocketskshahnjd, left click on the network manager09:30
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kshahnjdi'm using ubuntu server09:31
AnlarRedhammer: why on earth you would install 1.5 ?09:31
kshahnjdno gui09:31
rocketskshahnjd, you want wifi on ubuntu server?09:31
=== BlendArt [n=darren@cpe-76-88-133-64.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rocketskshahnjd, what the hell are you doing09:31
henn_techHey guys. I've got a really old laptop here.  I need to install linux on it.  It's got 32mb RAM, 1.4GB of storage, and Intel Pentium 150mhz.  I've been having difficulty thus far getting anything to install, can anyone give me some suggestions?09:31
crolle17hey guys i need help with vmware-server. i get an error-message: Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error:09:31
crolle17End of error message.09:31
rocketskshahnjd, anyway ok, do sudo iwlist scanning09:31
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kshahnjdi did, it still claims 'interface doesn't support scanning: no such device"09:31
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amitesanyone here know how I could disable qmail and get postfix working? or disable postfix and get qmail working, just need to get the mail server up09:31
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: you'r e gonna want to look at ultra light distros for that, slackware, dsl, puppy09:32
OmegaCentiI really, truly, desperately, supremely, ultimately, need help. Can't boot, fsck fails, life sucks. Help!!!!09:32
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rocketskshahnjd, well then, sudo apt-get remove bcmfwcutterwhateveritscalled09:32
rocketskshahnjd, apt-get install build-essential09:32
rocketsdownload the source code to ndiswrapper, and download the windows XP driver for that wireless card09:32
rocketsndiswrapper lets you use windows drivers for wifi under linux09:32
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kshahnjdgot it09:33
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amiteskshahnjd: if it's supported, check against the list at the ndiswrapper site09:33
arpanow I just installed MySQL , and MySQL Administrator tools , how can I login to mysql administration interface09:33
henn_techIndyGunFreak: slackware has given me troubles so far. I havent tried dsl or puppy yet09:33
OmegaCentiI really, truly, desperately, supremely, ultimately, need help. Can't boot, fsck fails, life sucks. Help!!!!09:33
rocketskshahnjd, even if its not supported it often works09:33
MARJAN-MAKEDONIcan somebody tell me how can i run mp3 on ubuntu?09:33
IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: if those dont do it, look at Vector09:33
rocketsMARJAN-MAKEDONI, are you running ubuntu 7.0409:33
=== Brent_ [n=chatzill@adsl-32-206-194.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
crolle17i created a virtual machine with vm-ware-server. but that thing is not running.09:33
Brent_Hello everyone09:33
IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: personally, of the 4, i'd probably want DSL, but thats just opinion(DSL stands for Damn Small Linux)09:34
MARJAN-MAKEDONIyes i run the newest ubuntu09:34
rocketscrolle17, #vmware09:34
XomboXanyone know how to completly (not only the bookmarks) edit menu Places on gnome panel?09:34
Pricey!mp3 | MARJAN-MAKEDONI09:34
ubotuMARJAN-MAKEDONI: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:34
rocketsMARJAN-MAKEDONI, then if you just double click on the MP3, ubuntu will prompt you to install the mp3 codecs automatically09:34
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Brent_Does anyone here have experience with GRUB, like fixing, deleting, etc?(dumb question, maybe?)09:34
henn_techIndyGunFreak: I've tried Vector and Slackware, both have given me problems.  I'll try dsl next.  thanks for the tips09:34
MARJAN-MAKEDONIbut i dont have internet at home09:34
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Pricey!anyone | Brent_09:34
ubotuBrent_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:34
rocketsMARJAN-MAKEDONI, why . . . . ?09:35
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: no prob, if Dsl or Puppy doesn't go, maybe that one that starst with a Z.. can't remember the name of it.09:35
OmegaCentiI really, truly, desperately, supremely, ultimately, need help. Can't boot, fsck fails, life sucks. Help!!!!09:35
IndyGunFreaksupposed to be really light09:35
rocketsMARJAN-MAKEDONI, ok go to packages.ubuntu.com and download all the gstreamer0.10 packages09:35
Brent_Pricey, I'm sorry but I don't get what you mean there09:35
rocketsMARJAN-MAKEDONI, and bring them home with you on a disk09:35
PriceyBrent_, what's your real question? :)09:35
arpaMarjan r u persian?09:35
IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: zenwalk, thats it.09:35
XomboXanyone know how to completly (not only the bookmarks) edit menu Places on gnome panel?09:35
IndyGunFreaki think its built around slack, so you might have probs with it alos.09:35
arpanow I just installed MySQL , and MySQL Administrator tools , how can I login to mysql administration interface09:35
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henn_techIndyGunFreak: k, thanks again.09:36
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kshahnjdrockets: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper ?09:36
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: no prob, good luck....09:36
rocketskshahnjd, NO!09:36
Brent_Well, I installed Ubuntu on an external drive. I had Grub installed from when I installed it before(I think). If I don't have the external drive plugged in, it goes to Windows just fine, but if it's plugged in, I get a NTLDR is Missing error09:36
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rocketskshahnjd, prepackedged ndiswraper is useless09:36
Brent_And I can't get Ubuntu to boot09:36
rocketskshahnjd, download the sourcecode09:36
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rocketskshahnjd, /msg me09:36
Brent_I do have it set to boot from external disk first, right after CD boot09:36
captainmhenn_tech: what about feather linux? Don't know anything about it but it's also small ;)09:37
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memeHello, can anyone tell me whats on the ubuntu 7.04 dvd. Im running live from it now and am going to install to hard drive.09:37
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blublobl1meme: basically the full OS09:37
arpain ubuntu I installed MySQL and MySQL Administrator , but how can i Login to that?09:37
memeIt has the repositorys?09:38
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: i actually forgot about fluxbuntu, if you're wanting to try an ubuntu derivative09:38
axos88_MrElendig: That script isn't working... I had to remove on # at a copy statement, and after that it compiles, but modprobe ilw4965 will hang09:38
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blublobl1meme: to install extra software you need to download it09:38
IndyGunFreakit would run on that machine09:38
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Brent_By the way, I wasn't even able to run Windows at one point, but I did the fixmbr in the recovery on the boot disk. Now, Windows starts fine with no external drive connected, but when it is, I get the errors. Is there any way to fix GRUB?09:38
bulmermeme can you type mount  and see which devices are mounted?09:38
memeOk, it seems to run faster from dvd than from the cd in live mode.09:39
OmegaCentiI really, truly, desperately, supremely, ultimately, need help. Can't boot, fsck fails, life sucks. Help!!!!09:39
=== C-{pR0F [n=oem@a16-5.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brent_I have the Super Grub Disk, if that helps, or makes it easier09:39
henn_techIndyGunFreak: i've been trying fluxbuntu, but it appears it only comes in Live CD? and it won't load on the laptop09:39
amitesarpa take a look at http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+mysql&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a09:39
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: no, it should have an alternate install cd, i'm pretty sure, hang on09:39
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capHow can you find out how much RAM you have on your computer on ubuntu?09:40
henn_techIndyGunFreak: k09:40
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C-{pR0FHey guys , why i can't play my mp3's and videos !!09:40
memeproc on /proc type proc (rw)09:40
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C-{pR0Fi keep having this message You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins.09:40
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bulmermeme is that all?09:40
memesysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) and a bunch of others like that09:40
amitesI had a "LInux Pro" come in here to complete a configuration of an Ubuntu Server, he installed qmail on top of postfix / exim4 anyone know how I coudl disable one to get the other to work, right now nothing is running and is VERY bad09:40
blublobl1C-{pR0F: you need to enable multimedia codes from the Add/Remove menu09:40
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: sorry, i thought it dd, guess it doesn09:41
sudobashit should count it up when your computer starts unless you disabled cmos startup diagnostics09:41
memetmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)09:41
sudobashram that is09:41
IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: you could install ubuntu server edition(which is a CLi system), then install flux ontop of it.09:41
akos__anyone knows what drivers are to be used and how to install  them for this Wless NIC? Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)09:41
meme/dev/bus/usb on /proc/bus/usb type none (rw,bind)09:41
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sudobashprobably use ndiswrapper09:41
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akos__oh... ok09:42
bulmermeme anymore? i was looking for /  to which device it is mounted09:42
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henn_techIndyGunFreak: k, i will try that as well09:42
memefusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)09:42
IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: thats the direction i'd go, ease of ubuntu, light weight of flux.09:42
memevarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)09:42
memevarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)09:42
memeudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)09:42
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IndyGunFreakhenn_tech: once you get the cli system installed, all you'd have to do is sudo apt-get install fluxbox(i think), and it would provide you with the fluxbox gui09:42
BaD_CrCis there a way to format a ext2fs with no access permissions or file ownership?09:42
Baarhisveikianyone here having trouble with "playing " flight gear"?09:42
memeevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)09:43
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memedevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)09:43
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memetmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)09:43
bulmermeme anymore? i was looking for /  to which device it is mounted09:43
memebinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)09:43
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memethats all of them09:43
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arpaI downloaded one rpm file on ubuntu how can I open it?09:44
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OmegaCentiAlright, holy $%^& I need help. My partitions are unbootable, and fsck had something to do with it. this has completely STOPPED me from using my computer. this isnt a cosmetic issue. This is an absolute priority for me.09:44
sudobashrpm is redhat package manager09:44
bulmermeme i was going to suggest to chroot and then mount the dvd drive, but i cant tell which File system you should be chrooting to09:44
MrElendigarpa: rpmextract09:44
=== Mikeh [n=chatzill@static-64-223-190-202.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomici want all windows to go over the bottom tawsk bar or bar with open windows buttons on it09:44
Brent_No luck on my problem, eh?09:44
BaD_CrCarpa: file roller should be able to open it. alien to convert it to deb.09:44
GizDrak_I am looking for a backup/archive package that is easy to search when restoring files any suggestions09:44
nomicit covers some of my windwos at the bottom09:44
=== DanteTHB [n=dantethb@Me29f.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
memeIm just going to let it install to drive09:44
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MrElendigarpa: have yous  seen if you can get the app with apt-get instead?09:44
KI4IKLMy gconf server randomly shuts down...coudl that be the reason my mouse stops working at random times?09:45
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memeIv had enough of micro$09:45
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nomicim running xfce09:45
OmegaCentiAlright, holy $%^& I need help. My partitions are unbootable, and fsck had something to do with it. this has completely STOPPED me from using my computer. this isnt a cosmetic issue. This is an absolute priority for me.09:45
nomicomegacenti i think there is a bootdisk?09:46
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OmegaCentinomic: I am running the live cd right now.09:46
nomicif your boot sector or bootup is fsck***d09:46
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OmegaCentinomic: only way I am talking.09:46
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R0B`i love the power of ubuntu09:46
nomicyou maybe able to mount the drive for your system using lite cd09:46
nomiclive cd09:46
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nomicthats as far as I at least can help you09:46
sudobashyou boot sector might be bad09:46
OmegaCentiI don't want to mount it with errors on it.09:46
KI4IKLDoes gconf server have anything to do with my mouse09:47
pyrohotdogAnybody know how to fix my ethernet/internet? All of a sudden I've got "eth0:avah" and I don't get a 192.168.0.x IP like the rest of the network.09:47
nomicyou maybe need to mount it to fix it omega09:47
sudobashi have a 60 gig with a bad boot sector and i just use it for storage09:47
nomicmounting it won't wreck anything09:47
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bulmerpyrohotdog: you're connected via ethernet cable?09:47
Brent_I don't mean to nag, but I'm banging my head on the wall here trying to figure this out. This kind of stuff seems to be what keeps many people away from Linux. Very frustrating09:48
pyrohotdogbulmer: Yes. One minute it was working, then a restart and it wasn't.09:48
OmegaCentinomic: would rather not with the insane amount of info coming back from fsck09:48
capi'm a computer n00b. Anyone help me interpret my output from the free command in the terminal? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29829/plain/09:48
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nomickeep asking omega09:48
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sudobashBrent... not frustrating... fun....09:48
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bulmerpyrohotdog: if you type ip link show all   what do you get?09:48
Brent_It would be fun if I could get Ubuntu running. But I can't get past grub, so frustrating09:48
Big_Lesbrent_ what's your problem with grub?09:49
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bulmerpyrohotdog: rather just ip link show09:49
GizDrak_I need to backup 2TBs of data every week and keep the backups for 5 years and also have easy access to restore files. any ideas on a good software package to take care of this?09:49
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sudobashgizdrak... wow...09:49
bulmerGizDrak_: umm wasnt Amanda was designed for that kind of thing?09:49
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pyrohotdogthe loopback back and the eth009:50
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pyrohotdogWhat am I looking for?09:50
sudobash2 TB a week?09:50
Brent_I'll try to say it all again real quick. Basically, I have Ubuntu on a partition on an external drive. Windows XP is on my main laptop drive. When no external drive is plugged in, Windows boots fine. But when it's plugged in, I get the NTLDR is Missing error, and can't boot09:50
GizDrak_yup 2tb a week09:50
noelferreirahow can i recover a file shift deleted?09:50
bulmerpyrohotdog: is the interface you're interested in showing up?09:50
sudobashBrent_ usb 2?09:50
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blublobl1noelferreira: with difficulty09:50
sudobashok check your bios settings09:50
Big_Lesbrent_ i'm going to make some wild guesses:09:50
Brent_I'm willing to listen to anything09:51
sudobashmight be bad cable09:51
Big_Lessee which disk drive is given priority09:51
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sudobashbut more likely its bios09:51
pyrohotdogYes, eth0 is what I use. It says NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP.... etc09:51
Big_Leslike does the external one get a lower scsi id number?09:51
Brent_Nope, brand new cable and the drive works perfectly for everything else. Also, my bios is set to boot from CD, then USB hard drive, THEN the main drive09:51
preactionGizDrak_: you have half a petabyte of available storage somewhere? are you using removable media?09:51
bulmerbrent: why not boot on your XP then plug in the USB device after booting?09:51
Brent_I don't know about id numbers, I'm still new at this stuff(linux, that is)09:51
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sudobashcheck the IRQ numbers is what they are saying09:51
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pyrohotdogifconfig shows an eth0:avah that's getting an IP, but it's
Big_Leswhat happens if you plug in the drive after booting?09:52
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pyrohotdogit's not a network ip09:52
OmegaCentiAlright, holy $%^& I need help. My partitions are unbootable, and fsck had something to do with it. this has completely STOPPED me from using my computer. this isnt a cosmetic issue. This is an absolute priority for me.09:52
Big_Leswell, a usb device is not a scsi device, so don't worry about it09:52
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Brent_Well, it goes to Windows if it's not plugged in. In Windows, the drive shows up fine, or at least the partition that I have set to NTFS09:52
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Big_Lesso you installed linux only on the external drive?09:52
OmegaCentisudobash: yes?09:52
GizDrak_<preaction> 4 500gb External Hard Drives09:52
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Brent_Yes, Linux, but on a partition, not the whole drive09:53
OmegaCentisudobash: #$%^ no....09:53
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bulmerGizDrak_:  have a look at Amanda09:53
Brent_Is there any way to just get rid of Grub all together and have the bios just detect the drive and boot to it? Or do I HAVE to use Grub?09:53
noelferreirahow can i recover a file shift deleted?09:53
preactionGizDrak_: that's 2tb, not 520tb. you said you need to keep weekly backups for five years09:53
Big_Lesunder linux, there's a file called something like /boot/m[something] .list09:53
pyrohotdogI just don't get why it'd break after a restart.09:53
Big_Lesyou need a boot loader, but it doesn't have to be grub09:54
GizDrak_<preaction> we buy new drives weekly09:54
AnlarBrent_: yes you CAN remove boot loader but it's the most stupid thing you can do09:54
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itch^Hello guys09:54
Brent_Well, I don't mind using Grub if I can get it working. I also have the Super Grub Disk if that can help09:54
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Comrade-Sergeihow do i use Gnome-rdp to connect to a vista machine on my netwrok?.09:54
Big_Lesgo look in /boot09:54
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Big_Lesi'm blanking on the name of the file you want to examine09:54
bulmerBrent_: you have not said what do you want done ...you want to boot from the USB?09:54
Newbie_DudeWhat's better for Windows XP games in Ubuntu -- Wine or Cedega?09:55
Big_Lesi'm guessing that it's pointing at the wrong device09:55
Brent_I want to have Windows boot in most situations, but Ubuntu when I have the external drive plugged in09:55
preactionGizDrak_: good god are you made of money? wait. don't answer that. your best bet is to simply copy the data over on backup day, as long as the data does not consist of files that can be written to while the backup is being performed09:55
Big_Lessomething like hd0, when it needs to be pointing at the usb drive09:55
C-{pR0Fdoes ubuntu play Mp3 and video files????09:55
preactionC-{pR0F: yes09:55
Brent_Big_Les, how do I access this file?09:55
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GizDrak_<preaction> I am not made of money the company I work for is lol09:55
Comrade-SergeiC-{pR0F, yes09:55
Big_Lesopen an xterm09:55
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Big_Lescd / boot09:56
Brent_Can I access it using the live disk?09:56
preaction!enter | Big_Les09:56
ubotuBig_Les: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:56
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Newbie_DudeC-{pR0F - Yah, someone answered this a while ago for you. Download the codecs for MP3 from Applications > Add/Remove Menu09:56
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Brent_Cause I can access the external drive's partitions from within the Ubuntu live disk09:56
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C-{pR0Fpreaction : can u tell me how , i've this message You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins.09:56
MrElendigC-{pR0F: with the correct codecs installed, yes09:56
preaction!mp3 | C-{pR0F09:56
ubotuC-{pR0F: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:56
MrElendig!restricted | C-{pR0F09:56
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Big_Lesyou can do that on any unix command line09:56
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Brent_Sorry, I'm just not too familiar with command line yet. So I can do this in a terminal in the live disk, maybe?09:57
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GizDrak_<preaction> I need a way to search the archives for non-linux people to restore files. We are backup job data that may be reused in the future so it has to be easy for someone to pull a drive and restore the files they need.09:57
Comrade-Sergeihow do i use Gnome-rdp to connect to a vista machine on my netwrok?.09:57
Big_Lesyes, aboslutely, except that the path will be somewhat different because the /boot you want isn't on the root drive, it's on the external drive09:57
Ranpha1i have a sshfs mount but evertime i want to delete a file it isn't allowed. Making files is however no problem what could this be?09:57
itch^I`m having a bit of trouble with Azureus. Immediately after I start it, it crashes. Here`s the output: http://pastebin.com/d2bd0bb2e . Can somebody please take a look and gimme a hint about what it`s wrong. Thanks.09:58
Brent_I did find a file in my boot directory on the drive where Ubuntu is installed. It's boot/grub/menu.lst09:58
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Brent_Could that be the one I need?09:58
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preactionGizDrak_: so they'll have to connect all four drives and search. this is an adminstrative process that you should not be having "non-linux people" doing.09:58
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Newbie_DudeCan anyone suggest a good, basic, clean Address Book program for Ubuntu?09:59
Big_Lesbrent_ yeah that's it09:59
Brent_Or something like that09:59
dxdtitch^: what java are you using?  Th Sun java or the other one?09:59
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Brent_Cool. So what do I do with that file?09:59
Big_Lesit has the config for your grub09:59
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Big_Lesso, it could be pointing the wrong place09:59
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jamiejcumbriaI used a prog to remove thing of gnome panel can't remember what it was called anyone tell me?10:00
Big_Lesgrub shows you a list of things that you can boot, right?  or does it not even get that far?10:00
preactionGizDrak_: teach them how to use "find" from the command-line. or perhaps the generic ubuntu "search" will work (and find the ones on the backup not the main system)10:00
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Brent_No, it doesn't even get that far. It USED to, but nothing would boot. Ubuntu would get a "22" error, and windows wouldn't load either, NTLDR is Missing error. So I used fixmbr to get Windows working again, but now I don't even get into the OS list10:01
Newbie_DudeAddress Book program -- Anyone know a good one?10:01
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preactionGizDrak_: in Places > Search for Files -- you can specify a place to start from. have your external disks when connected be automounted (which should by default)10:01
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z3r0ph3wlhej, im playing with grub and i need to know how is named NTFS partition (hd0,1 or other) cuz i want to make that partition bootable10:01
preactionBrent_: fixmbr is for windows, windows cannot boot linux (normally)10:01
Big_Lesbrent_ does it need to installed in a special place, like the first sector on the internal drive or something?10:01
Brent_I'm not sure, this is all new to me10:01
captainmNewbie_Dude: evolution has one I think10:02
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z3r0ph3wlhej, im playing with grub and i need to know how is named NTFS partition (hd0,1 or other) cuz i want to make that partition bootable. what command i could use to find out it?10:02
preactionBrent_: you removed grub entirely, you're using the windows bootloaded now10:02
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preaction!repeat | z3r0ph3wl10:02
ubotuz3r0ph3wl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:02
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Newbie_Dudecaptainm : OK I'll check it out, thanks.10:02
Brent_I have reinstalled Ubuntu since then. Shouldn't it have put Grub back in again?10:02
Big_Leswhat did you say your boot order was?10:02
bulmerComrade-Sergei: you have used Applications ->Internet -> terminal server client?10:02
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preaction!caps | Brent_10:03
ubotuBrent_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:03
Comrade-Sergeibulmer, hold on im trying to be fancy here'10:03
Big_Lesok, so if it's on the first sector of the usb, that should be ok10:03
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JayRoecan someone tell me how I make Feisty boot this: "compiz --replace --only-current-screen -c emerald"10:03
Big_Lesbut it works from the CD . . .10:03
sudobashyour usb drives partition is messed up some how10:03
Brent_I don't know if it is. The MAIN part of the drive is just Windows storage10:03
preactionBrent_: you installed grub to the USB drive's MBR?10:03
Brent_I don't know10:03
Big_Lespreaction asks a good question10:03
preaction!startup | JayRoe10:03
ubotuJayRoe: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:03
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bulmerBrent_: you have to realized, USB is a bit slower, so you have to keep it trying until it can boot off of it10:03
grogoreousing avidemuxI saved an avi video to jpegs, edited about half of them but when I try to put them back into avidemux with: $ avidemux *   I can only open the files that I edited. All the others it says that they are garbage10:03
GizDrak_preaction: thanks for the advice. I think I got a good starting point to work out a system. 90% of the time a administrator will be handling the restoring of files. just that other 10% of the time I worried about10:04
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Big_LesBoot loaders MUST be in the MBR10:04
Brent_I installed Ubuntu, and it did whatever it did10:04
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Brent_I don't know how to put the boot loader in the MBR10:04
JayRoepreaction how about a modprobe?10:04
Big_Leshave you ever been able to boot any OS from the usb drive?10:04
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Brent_This is a new drive, and it's the first Linux that I've ever installed on an external drive10:04
preactionGizDrak_: good luck. next thing you know a user's going to call you at 4am saying "something's wrong, i was just walking past and everything stopped working." ;)10:05
Brent_So no I guess10:05
MajorPayneBrent_: Does your Bios let you boot from USB?10:05
preactionJayRoe: uhm... what does modprobe have to do with this?10:05
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GizDrak_preaction: that already do that. Normally they just forgot to click the right script :-/10:05
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JayRoepreaction I want compiz and my remote control to work at boot10:06
Brent_I'm not a computer newbie, just a linux newbie. So that's why I'm just not used to all this, it's never been needed before10:06
Comrade-Sergeibulmer, how do i set the gnome client to listen?10:06
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preactionJayRoe: you want that run when you login, you do not want it run at boot. that command will replace your window manager (which doesn't exist until you login)10:06
sudobashactually i think you need to install the boot loader on the main drive10:06
captainmBrent_ Isn't using syslinux an option?10:06
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Big_Lesbrent_, i would try putting GRUB on the internal drive and always booting through it.10:06
sudobashand have the option in GRUB or LILO to boot to usb or HD10:06
bulmerComrade-Sergei: huh? client to listen? its the server that listens not the client10:06
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Brent_How do I go back and put GRUB on the main drive?10:06
Brent_without breaking things, that is10:06
Comrade-Sergeibulmer ok what...?10:06
preactionGizDrak_: i'm tempted to advise you go BOFH on the users... you actually let them touch your servers? </offtopic>10:06
Newbie_Dudecaptainm - The Evolution Address Book is awesome, thanks again. Just what I needed.10:06
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Big_Lesdoes the rescue disk offer the option of installing grub?10:07
Brent_Are you talking about the Super Grub Disk?10:07
Comrade-Sergeibulmer, ok i wanna do it all wioth tightvnc10:07
bulmerComrade-Sergei: you have used Applications ->Internet -> terminal server client? use this to connect to a windows xp or 200310:07
captainmNewbie_Dude: Evolution is awesome10:07
Brent_It has a ton of options, but I'm not sure what they all are yet10:07
preactionBig_Les: yes. you can use a terminal to grub-install /dev/hda (or something like that)10:07
Comrade-Sergeibulmer, this is vista10:07
axos88_Can someone pleeease help me with starting my wlan?10:07
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axos88_i just can't install the drivers... i'd need iwl4965 i gues10:07
sudobashcomrade why?10:07
Brent_Any time I've ever tried to type anything suggested into a terminal, it never works. I always get errors10:07
MrElendigaxos88_: iwconfig wlan0 essid some_metwork && dhclient wlan010:08
Comrade-Sergeisudobash, thats all hp offers anymore10:08
bulmerComrade-Sergei: vista too, i prefer to use NXMachine client than VNC10:08
GizDrak_preaction: No they do not have direct access to the servers some of them have limited remote access.10:08
sudobashBrent_ then you havent installed anything then10:08
mneptokBrent_: is the keyboard right side up?10:08
sudobashor much10:08
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, ok is there a gui to NXMachine?10:08
Brent_Errr, I think(LOL!)10:08
akos__MrElendig, wlan0 no such device10:08
bulmerComrade-Sergei: yes, its fast10:08
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, in the repos i assume?10:08
Big_Lesok, so if it were me, i would try putting a linux-friendly boot loader on the internal drive and putting it in the boot order before the usb drive.  However, I would be certain to have a windows rescue disk on hand before trying this, because if it doesn't work, your computer will not boot at all without intervention.10:08
sudobashBrent_ install all updates and then some10:09
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bulmerComrade-Sergei: sorry i got it confused..NXMAchine is for X server as client10:09
Brent_I don't know how to install JUST the boot loader, and what updates would those be?10:09
sudobashmainly you should read10:09
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MrElendigakos__: iwconfig to find the real name10:09
eifzonWhen I am trying to remove gaim and like bittorrent, gnome-btdownload and ubuntu-desktop is also wanted to get unistalled, why? is that bad?10:09
MrElendigiwconfig without an option10:09
Big_Lesit should be an option on one of the disks you have.  i'm guessing, but i would be really surprised if it wasn't.10:10
sudobashif you are saying that the commands that are given through this channel are not working you may be missing updates/binaries....10:10
dxdteifzon: it is ok it is just a metapackage.10:10
akos__MrElendig, i don't have the wlan driver loaded10:10
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, im not seeing it in the repos...10:10
eifzondxdt: same with gaim10:10
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r0b-how do i do the watch command in ubuntu10:10
Brent_I guess I can try using the Super Grub Disk to see if it has the option to reinstall it, maybe?10:10
bulmerComrade-Sergei: its not from the repos..its from its own site10:10
Big_Lessounds like a good place to start10:10
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dxdteifzon: it sounds really scary but it is just basically telling the system that you are removing some of the basic components that came with teh install is all.  It doesn't actually uninstall the desktop.  It just sounds scary.10:10
akos__MrElendig, i tried doing that script you gave me, but modprobe iwl4965 hangs10:11
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bulmerComrade-Sergei: ..NXMAchine is for X server as client and not for rdp (windows)10:11
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captainmeifzon: It's a metapackage. A way for synaptic to install multiple packages at once iirc10:11
Brent_Once installed, should it detect the OS properly? As long as I select the proper order?10:11
eifzondxdt: good :}10:11
grogoreothough, if I manually open some of the 'garbage' files then it works ok10:11
akos__MrElendig, this is an amd64 machine10:11
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eifzonjust wanted to be sure10:11
Comrade-Sergeibulmer i wanna use vnc10:11
Comrade-Sergeibulmer, i got tight vnc on my vista laptop10:11
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer,  i cant stand wmp 11 and i really want amarok omn it10:11
bulmerComrade-Sergei: you want from linux to vista or vista to linux?10:11
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, linux to vista10:12
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Brent_I'm going to go try the SGD and I'll come back if/when it doesn't work10:12
bulmerComrade-Sergei: tightvnc is okay10:12
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Brent_Just warning you though. I really don't know what I'm doing!10:12
Big_Lesmy question: I am trying to config X on a tablet PC: an HP Pavillion.  the x config files lists wacom tablets in it.  surprisingly, this works to move the pointer around when you use the stylus on the screen, but the pointer is transposed to the wrong location.  I think that i probably need to reassign the top_left, bottom_right sort of numbers.  Does anybody know what sort of syntax i would use to do that or if there's software to let you figure out scr10:12
Big_Leseen coordinates on the fly?10:12
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AnlarComrade-Sergei: windows comes with good technology on its own, it was actually developed by the best (Citrix) and just rocks if you know how to use it properly10:12
Comrade-Sergeibulmer,  this website http://www.nomachine.com/index.php10:13
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Comrade-Sergeianlar whaere is it?10:13
bulmerComrade-Sergei: yes thats for NXMachine client10:13
bulmeror server10:13
mhz`-someone buy me a new laptop10:13
Big_Lesbrent_ if it gets fracked up and you have a windows rescue disk, you just put the windows boot loader back on and you're not any worse off than you were before.10:13
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, i want the server right?10:14
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Big_Lesok, is there an irc channel for ubuntu or debian that tends to get tablet oc users?10:14
r0b-can someone help me10:14
bulmerComrade-Sergei: both really10:14
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Big_Lesi meant to say "tablet pc"10:15
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Newbie_DudeIf a program was made for KDE - like "KTurtle" from the Add/Remove Apps - does that mean I shouldn't use it in Ubuntu?10:15
preactionNewbie_Dude: no, you can use it just fine10:15
bulmerComrade-Sergei: but this product is more for X server than rtp on windows10:15
PriceyBig_Les, not really sorry10:15
eifzonI just installed ubuntu from alternate cd, what driver's is the best for: "Asus GeForce 7950GT" ?10:15
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WarboHave there been any updates to Epiphany within the past few days? The page rendering has become terrible, it is mangling blogger.com, slashdot, linux.com and others10:15
burnerNewbie_Dude, you may use it, but it will use a few more resources if kde libs aren't loaded for any other reason10:15
t2hi,  i'm following ubuntuguide.org in a section called " How to have Firestarter start without the root password".  It says that this is not secure can anyone tell me why ?   (i will be doing on this on my home machine)10:16
Anlarwarbo: no10:16
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer maybe i can use the memote desktop connection thingy in vista10:16
Big_Lesshoot, man, almost everything works even though it's a weird-ass hp thing10:16
MTecknologyCan anybody help me? I just want to insert the date into the filename10:16
Newbie_Dudeburner, preaction : thanks10:16
burnerWarbo, probably your profile... ~/.gconf somewhere10:16
t2currently everytime firestarter starts up i have to enter sudo password10:16
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Warboburner: I'll have a look10:16
Big_LesMTech: into the file name of what?10:16
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preactiont2: if you allow it, you allow anyone at all to mess with your iptables. if there are holes in firestarter, users may use it to achieve a root shell.10:16
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preactiont2: you only need to run firestarter to actually change your iptables, you don't need it running all the time10:17
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Big_LesMTecknology in a script or what?10:17
MTecknologyBig_Les, ya10:17
axos88MrElendig, ?...10:17
t2preaction:  are you refering to users over the internet who gain access to my machine or people using my machine locally ?    i want to see icon gui so i can see whats going on...10:17
Big_LesIn bash?  In perl?  What language are you using?10:17
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Comrade-Sergeibulmer, dling10:18
Big_LesAlso worth noting that "Prgramming Perl" is great as is the o'reilley book on bash10:18
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bulmerComrade-Sergei: good luck10:18
MTecknologyBig_Les, bash10:18
preactiont2: users using your machine locally. it's possible to achieve knowledge of what's going on w/o root access (by parsing /var/log/messages)10:18
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Darkynhow do i change users in ubuntu10:18
Comrade-Sergeiill need it10:18
sayersMy motherboard can't detect my CD Driver for some reason?10:19
Newbie_Dudeburner - so if it might use more resources, does that mean I'm better off with a GNOME-based IRC client instead of a KDE one? I'm using Konversation (KDE) IRC client now...10:19
t2preaction: so if i am the only user of this machine at home... then removing startup password will be safe ?10:19
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WarboDarkyn: Change some user preferences, or switch to a different user?10:19
noelferreirahow can i recover a file shift deleted?10:19
Darkynevery time i go to switch users it says i dont have permission and i am logged being root10:19
noelferreirahow can i undelet a file shift deleted?10:19
MTecknologyBig_Les, found it, thganks10:19
Darkyni dont want to be root10:19
burnerNewbie_Dude, take a look at your ram usage and stuff and you tell me ;)  gnome-system-monitor will enlighten a little bit of the situation.  I'd say if you like so many KDE apps, just go KDE :)10:19
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Anlarnoelferreira: buh-bye file :) deleting means deleting.10:20
WarboDarkyn: Are you using su? You need to call it with sudo su10:20
jamiejcumbriaany on know how to disable the log out button on gnome10:20
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Big_Leswell, you can do something like touch foo`date`, but you need to first get the dates out of the date command output10:20
Newbie_Dudego KDE... omg10:20
noelferreirahow Warbo?10:20
burnerjamiejcumbria, sabayon?10:20
preactiont2: again, same thing. firestarter must run as root. running things as root for extended periods of time is not good.10:20
preaction!caps | osxdude|lapto110:20
noelferreirahow can i call it?10:20
ubotuosxdude|lapto1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:20
Darkyni tryed that i think10:20
preaction!root | osxdude|lapto110:20
ubotuosxdude|lapto1: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:20
Comrade-Sergeibulmer,  it syas i cant install it because depeindency not satifiyible "nxserver"10:20
Darkynlet me see10:20
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sudobashosxdude change the root password by using the root password or by some other manner?10:20
sam123!dstats feisty10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dstats feisty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dstats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
sudobashdoes anyone know if i decide to put ubuntu on an iMac to see how it works... will i be able to put Mac OS X back onto the iMac if I decide to?10:21
bulmerComrade-Sergei: you may have to google for the help on installing it10:21
Warbonoelferreira: run "sudo su"10:21
jamiejcumbriaburner: Thanks10:21
osxdude|lapto1sudobash: no, using user  settings :P10:21
Darkyni cant do it10:21
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sudobashwow your cool osxdude10:21
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WarboDarkyn: Try running "sudo -s -H" then running su from there10:21
t2preaction:  yes i understand the risks of root it's  just that since this risk only affects local physical users of the machine (and not those on the internet) then since i am the only user i shouldn't have to worry about this10:21
Big_LesMTek, you could do seconds from the grand epoch, it you're just looking for unique IDs10:22
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Darkynwhat do i enter10:22
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sam123how do i find out the package information?10:22
Darkynsays enter new linux password10:22
Comrade-Sergeilol bulmer im dumb i eed the client10:22
sam123!dstats feisty fawn10:22
noelferreiraand then Warbo?10:22
Warbonoelferreira: And then what? That is it10:23
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WarboDarkyn, it should ask for your normal user password10:23
sam123!dstats 7.0410:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dstats 7.04 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
Warbo(the user you are at the moment)10:23
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sudobashDead as dead can be is what the doctor tells me10:23
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sam123how do i find out the package stats?10:24
Darkynhow do i start ubuntu under regular user10:24
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Darkyni cant use startx10:24
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ge2xhow can i determine if i have installed pxe server correctly? what port does it use?10:24
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sudobashwhat happens when you try startx10:25
WarboDarkyn, usually the graphics are started with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:25
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nickroosterHi all - has anyone had an issue with a forcedeth network card dropping packets randomly? Mine is sometimes dropping as much as 50% in Feisty10:26
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akioim having a segfault when trying to load compiz-core, where should i go for info?10:27
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WarboThese webpages are completely unusable in Epiphany :( I don't know what's caused it10:28
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akiothere are only 28 people in there?10:28
akiosudobash: ?10:28
sdoubleit's all about quality, not quantity10:28
sdouble28 people that know about compiz, or 1111 people that don't.  You decide.  =] 10:29
captainmakio, #ubuntu-effects10:29
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Brent_I'm back. And more frustrated then ever10:29
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akiocaptainm: that looks good10:30
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r0b-hey is openssh exploitable10:30
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:30
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kismetFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-backports/universe/source/Sources.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch < solutions / suggestions ?10:30
anywherehi folks...10:30
anywherei'm using ubuntu 7.04 and switched to xfce because my computer is very slow. i'm very satisfied with it but one problem is the menu. most applications are shown in the menu, but not all... kdevelop for instance, is not in it. in the gnome menu however, it seems to be. alacarte shows every application. does anybody know how to add applications to the menu?10:30
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neozenthe I think the appfinder can do that10:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptinfo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
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Brent_I'm having troubles getting GRUB to work. I can't seem to get it to actually boot any operating systems10:31
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:31
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osxdude|laptop!grub | Brent_10:31
Ranpha1if i mount a hdd and want to have acces for everboy how can i do this?10:31
ubotuBrent_: please see above10:31
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nickroosteranywhere: edit ~/.xfce4/menu.xml10:32
neozenanywhere: unfortunately... they removed that from the menu since dapper... so I'll look up the name of the executable for ye10:32
bobbob1016I have a few computers I'm hoping to sell in a garage sale tomorrow, I was thinking of putting edubuntu or something on them, any ideas for a distro, or programs to put on it, to sell the computers as kid friendly?10:32
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bobbob1016such as parental controls, and things like that10:32
neozenanywhere: or you could do as nickrooster recommends..... (probably easier)10:32
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osxdude|laptopbobbob1016:  use windows :P10:32
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disinterestedhahaha bill gates isnt the richest man anymore10:32
sdoubledisinterested: is it that mexican man?10:32
sam123how do i find out the package stats for ubuntu?10:32
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anywherenickrooster, this files doesn't handle apps, it "includes" an external menu for this10:33
dxdtdisinterested: welcome to weeks ago.10:33
Anlardisinterested: hahaha he is still richer than 99% of the countries of the world10:33
bobbob1016osxdude|laptop, they are old, they could do 9810:33
sdoublewow, he was far behind still last I knew10:33
Warbodisinterested: He was overtaken though, he hasn't gone down. Shame10:33
Brent_I'm sorry, but that page that was linked to is just plain confusing to me10:33
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nickroosteranywhere: - I'm sorry, I didn't understand that10:33
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Brent_Grub loads, but doesn't work at all10:33
disinterestedyeah but it will eventually hapen10:33
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disinterestedif windows users quit bowing to their masters10:34
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neozennickrooster: the actual applications are included in from a different file....10:34
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sn0wjoin #ubuntu-effects10:34
nickroosterneozen: ah, sorry - I've actually never used XFCE, I just googled for that answer real quick10:35
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Brunhow i can see video 1024x768? i nned codecs?10:35
neozennickrooster: heh... no problem10:35
Brent_How can I get GRUB loaded on my main partition? It seems to be loaded on my external drive, but I don't know why10:35
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neozenanywhere: scope out #xubuntu they'll have real answers for you10:35
Brent_And will it damage Windows or the main hard drive if I install it there?10:35
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osxdude|laptopBrent_: Move it.10:35
SurfnKidhi guys, could someone help me format a new hard drive?10:35
C-{pR0FThank guys ,,, the video is working !10:35
Brent_I don't know how10:35
MrElendigBrent_: because you installed it on the external?10:35
nickroosterBrent_: Without doing a reinstall?10:35
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SurfnKidI loaded the ubnutu live CD10:35
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zaggynlAnyone knows what to do against frequent usb resets? they are driving me insane10:35
SurfnKidIm on the desktop now using Gparted10:35
kismetFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-backports/universe/source/Sources.bz2  MD5Sum mismatch, *sorry for repeating*10:35
zaggynlboth usb devices operate normally in windows :(10:35
SurfnKidand I see the USB hard drive10:36
anywherenickrooster, ~.xfce4/menu.xml doesn't define the application section of the menu, instead it says: <include type="system" style="simple" unique="true" legacy="true"/>. which may me that the app menu is included from another file.10:36
Brent_I installed it from Ubuntu, I'm assuming. It didn't ask me10:36
MrElendigSurfnKid: cfdisk and mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index10:36
SurfnKidhow can I format it for ext3?10:36
Pie-rateI forgot to put /boot on a different partition on my external hard drive's ubuntu install, so when i tried to boot it on a piece of shit it gave me grub error 13. what's the simplest way to fix this? i'm not too far into customizing it, so if there's no easy way to change it reinstalling would be acceptable.10:36
SurfnKidMrElendig: cfdisk?10:36
anywhereneozen: okay, i'll try that. thanks10:36
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SurfnKideven though its a USB IDE hard drive?10:36
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AnlarPie-rate: having to be on separate partition is not a real requirement, there has not been such need in years anymore.. something else is wrong10:36
MrElendigSurfnKid: chdisk is a command line tool for setting up partions10:36
nickroosteranywhere: I'm assuming that you can overload the standard sections in your home directory's menu.xml to include your own custom entries - that is how blackbox, for example works10:36
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SurfnKidMrElendig: gotcha10:37
Brent_I'm willing to start over. What is the best way to COMPLETELY remove Ubuntu and it's partitions, along with GRUB, and start over?10:37
Brent_Or will that even do any good?10:37
nickroosterBrent_: I would just reinstall10:37
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zaggynlAnyone knows what to do against frequent usb resets? they are driving me insane10:37
SurfnKidMrElendig:  let me ask, will it set it up the same way as an internal hard drive, lets say i.e. a new linux partiton running ubuntu?10:37
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MrElendigSurfnKid: exact same way10:38
nickroosterBrent_: On the last page of the installer, there are advanced options that say which drive you want to install the bootloader on10:38
Brent_I have already tried deleting partitions, remaking them, and reinstalling Ubuntu10:38
SurfnKidok cool let me try it10:38
Anlarzaggynl: kernel bug likely, you should report it at launchpad10:38
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GizDrak_Brent_ just run the live cd and then use gparted to repartition and format the drive10:38
Brunhow can i see video 1024x768? avi files. i need codecs or players?10:38
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Pie-rateAnlar: hmm10:38
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zaggynlAnlar, done that, a few weeks ago10:38
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nickroosterBrent_: By default it should install on (0,0), which is just the first hard drive in the hierarchy10:38
Brent_Ok, One more question. Since I THINK that Grub is on my external instead of my main drive, how do I get rid of it?10:38
MrElendigBrent_: depends on what codec that is used on the movie10:38
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Pie-rateAnlar: ok i'm guessing grub doesn't know which hard drive to boot from because its been moved to a different system.10:38
Pie-rateAnlar: is there a better boot loader?10:38
SurfnKidMrElendig:  how do i specify where the device is?10:38
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MrElendigcfdisk /dev/something10:39
nickroosterAnlar: I prefer grub, but you can try LILO10:39
AnlarPie-rate: grub can handle the drive moving also, because your bios sets it always as 0,0 when you boot from usb.. something entirely else is wrong10:39
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eifzonwhy do i get this when i am trying to mount my other hdd? http://pastebin.ca/618218 and http://pastebin.ca/61822110:39
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Pie-rateAnlar: it boots from my main box, and my laptop.10:39
Brent_If I select where to install Grub during the reinstall, will it then load from the new location instead?10:40
Pie-rateAnlar: let me test my laptop again right now10:40
AnlarPie-rate: if it doesn't boot somewhere the bios of that computer is severely broken10:40
nickroosterBrent_: Yes, it should, but only if that drive is the first one it hits when doing the boot after the POST10:40
sam123How do i find out useful package information like i can by typing in '!dstats' in #Debian?10:40
Pie-rateAnlar: its an older computer, and it boots windows fine. its one of the ones where i work10:40
Brent_Am I right in assuming that since Windows loads just fine when my external drive isn't plugged in, that Grub isn't on that drive?10:40
preactionsam123: !info <package>10:40
nickroosterBrent_: You want grub on whatever drive you normally boot from10:41
preactionsam123: but it might be best to private message ubotu with that sort of thing, or use google10:41
osxdude|desktopPie-rate: keep windows on it :P10:41
nickroosterBrent_: Could be? That would be weird....10:41
Pie-rateosxdude|desktop: fuck windows10:41
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Brent_So it would come up regardless of having the external drive plugged in10:41
BaD_CrCi wonder if i should try writing a little gui interface for moblock-deb10:41
nickroosterBrent_: Was the external drive plugged in when you did the install?10:41
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TchakaHello, on my disk; I have one NTFS partition for Windows, one unused partition, one SWAP and finally one EXT3 partition for Ubuntu. I would like to install another distribution on my unused partition, is it possible?10:41
sam123preaction i want to know information about all the software on the repositories10:41
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ompaul!ohmy | Pie-rate10:41
ubotuPie-rate: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:41
AnlarPie-rate: ok then.. well, if grub fails like that it is likely otheres will as well.. but you can set up lilo as well, then you need that small boot partition at the beginning of desk10:41
Brent_Right now, Windows loads WITHOUT any loader. It just boots as normal. When I plug in my external drive, Grub runs, but none of the items work10:41
Pie-rateompaul: fuck windows10:42
Pie-rateubotu: fuck windows10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck windows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
Pie-rateno really10:42
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Brent_Yes, the drive was plugged in during install. It's the drive I put Ubuntu on10:42
PriceyPie-rate, please watch your language.10:42
Pie-rateyes, yes. i'm sorry.10:42
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tomekshi all, can anyone help me with a wifi card?10:42
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BaD_CrCmy my such language10:42
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Brunhow can i see video 1024x768? avi files. i need codecs or players?10:42
BaD_CrCi hope my kids didn't see that10:42
nickroosterBrent_: Oh, well, so you want to intall ubuntu to the usb drive, but you want grub on your main drive?10:42
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Pie-rateAnlar: why is syslinux used instead of grub for usb flash drives?10:43
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sdoubleBaD_CrC: might be a good idea that they do since that's the way the world is headed  =/10:43
preactionsam123: use apt-cache, apt-file, use google. i don't know what !dstats in #Debian does so i don't know what kind of info you're looking for10:43
Brent_I guess so. That's what somebody told me here last time I was in(about an hour ago). They said it needs installed on the main drive10:43
AnlarPie-rate: there's no real reason. it's just yet another project for re-inventing wheel.10:43
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Brent_Right now, grub doesn't run unless I have my external drive plugged in(which is where Ubuntu is installed)10:43
sam123preaction i want to know the installed size, compressed size and amount of packages10:44
tomeksI have a big problem with d-link dwl 520 E110:44
nickroosterBrent_: well, hmmm - if you do a reinstall and format the drive, but change the option to install grub onto the other drive (which I think should be (1,0)), you should be fine10:44
SurfnKidMrElendig: ok this is funny i just loaded cfdisk, silly question. is this as similar as the msdos fdisk?10:44
tomekstried to google it but nothing helped10:44
Brent_Well, I'll try doing all that with the Ubuntu live disk, and I'll come back if/when I have problems10:45
Brent_I don't know what else to try10:45
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Pie-rateAnlar: laptop booted fine. so its just a problem with the system?10:45
nickroosterBrent_: Good luck! You should be fine10:45
BaD_CrChmmm, i'm at a bit of a toss up... i wonder which toolkit i should build my moblock-deb gui under. gtk or qt or what...10:45
Brent_Thanks for the help guys. I'll probably be back!10:45
preactionsam123: try apt-cache stats <packagename>?10:45
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AnlarPie-rate: older systems have generally problems sometimes with booting from usb.. shouldn't but the bios emulation for the beginning of booting up can be buggy...10:46
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Pie-rateAnlar: oh10:46
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captainmSurfnKid: yup10:46
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disinterestedfor lunch my iguanas get cantalope i get soup10:47
ianmcorvidaesam123: You want to open up a terminal and type 'sudo apt-cache stats'10:47
osxdude|laptopOh no...the apt-get is locked to something else...and I can't do anything with synaptic... any help?10:47
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Pie-rateAnlar: when i was talking about doing this someone mentioned using a floppy to make it boot from usb properly10:47
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ianmcorvidaesam123: There is not currently a bot that will do that, however.10:47
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preactionianmcorvidae: you don't need sudo for apt-cache last i knew10:47
ianmcorvidaepreaction: Ah. Never been sure.10:47
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BaD_CrCapt-cache works fine w/o sudo10:47
SurfnKidcaptainm: I loaded cfdisk and Im following the screen steps, I chose new physical partition, and then type.. what do I chose for linux ext3?10:47
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captainmisn't there a command to see all the codes?10:48
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sam123im still not told the information i need but i must go now10:48
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r0b-webmin is being a pain10:49
Filmmy heart bleeds10:49
r0b-i cant connect to my vmware server of Ubuntu10:49
BaD_CrCwebmin... *shudder*10:49
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kbrookshi everyone10:49
SurfnKidcaptainm: the closest i see is '82 Linux swap / Solaris' or '81 Minix / old linux'10:49
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SurfnKidoh wait there's more10:50
lui4shalom peeps10:50
Abhi123how can i update and install apache2??10:50
lui4ops wrong chan10:50
SurfnKidlui4: shalom10:50
Abhi123which is the command?10:50
lui4surfnkid :)10:50
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captainmSurfnKid: I'm formatting my pendrive now ;)10:50
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Abhi123apt-get update apache2 ??10:50
napster_hi. i have plugged my phone into my computer with a cable and now i need 2 know wat port it is on 4 multisync. how do i find out the port?10:50
sdoublesudo apt-get install apache210:50
SurfnKidcaptainm: to linux ext3? what code did you use10:50
Abhi123once i update will it automatically install?10:50
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sdoublefunny, I just did it 5 minutes ago10:51
Abhi123sdouble, i already have apache.. now i want update the installation10:51
captainmSurfnKid: I'm checking it out now, normally I use fdisk (didn't even know cfdisk exists)10:51
zaggynlAnyone knows what to do against frequent usb resets? they are driving me insane10:51
ANTDx1does anybody here know anything about irssi?10:51
sdoubleAbhi123: did you just install it?10:51
Pie-ratehow would i make a script that runs as root when the system boots before X starts? i want to delete xorg.conf10:51
Abhi123sdouble, i have older version10:52
Pie-rateor replace xorg.conf with something very generic10:52
Ranpha1evertime i want to delete something with sshfs it denies acces . copy works only delete not. how can i fix this?10:52
SurfnKidwell MrElendig threw in a hint. I was using Gparted, but it asks to set a label, 'msdos,amiga,bsd...'  I dont know what that is or what to chose10:52
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Abhi123now i want to update that without overwriting the config files10:52
osxdude|desktopoh no...Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)...and no other synaptics are opened. Help?10:52
sdoubleAbhi123: do you at least have 2?10:52
napster_so can any1 help me find out which port my fone is plyugged into?10:52
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Abhi123sdouble, i have only 110:52
SurfnKidcaptainm: and he suggested cfdisk which is a bit more handy, except it manages a lot of formats10:52
SurfnKidI chose 8310:53
sdoublehmmm, you should really do a fresh install since there will be different options and some older settings may no longer be valid10:53
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall10:53
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ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).10:53
captainmSurfnKid: that's 'linux' right?10:53
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SurfnKidcaptainm: yeah10:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/ttys1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
captainmSurfnKid: then you're alright10:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttys1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ttysx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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NewGuynapster_  check your pm's10:54
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napster_i dnt have any10:54
zaggynlAnyone knows what to do against frequent usb resets? they are driving me insane10:54
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osxdude|desktopwhoo, 23 updates10:55
napster_NewGuy: can u help me?10:55
Drk_Guynapster, what's your prob?10:55
NewGuynapster_:  try typing    lsusb   and see what that gives ya10:55
SurfnKidcaptainm: ah yes, its to linux, then you can format whatever type you want10:55
kr00lplatinumAnyone know how to get Kismet installed on ubuntu?10:55
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Drk_Guykr00l, have you tried sudo apt-get install kismet?10:56
napster_i get this: Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000010:56
napster_Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)10:56
napster_Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0fce:d038 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB10:56
napster_Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000010:56
napster_Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000010:56
MajorPayne!paste | napster_10:56
ubotunapster_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:56
kr00lplatinumDrk_Guy: do you have kismet?10:56
SurfnKidMrElendig:  thanks i did cfdisk manually, chose physical partition, then linux type 83, then wrote, and exited10:56
Drk_GuyI use Puppylinux10:56
SurfnKidand with Gparted I formatted to ext310:56
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captainmSurfnKid: yup: mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index10:57
napster_so NewGuy: which port is it on?10:57
neverbluetrying to get RealPlayer to stream music, how do I see which device realplayer is actually using?10:57
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napster_i need the ttySx10:57
captainmSurfnKid: that works fine too10:57
SurfnKidcaptainm: and where do you point to /dev/sdb at?10:57
kr00lplatinumDrk_Guy: I've done that but i can't see it10:57
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SurfnKidmkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb dir_index ?10:57
r0b-does anyone know how to do the watch command in ubuntu to watch logins10:57
Drk_Guytry executing it from terminal, kr00l10:57
zaggynlI feel like batting a penguin10:57
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SurfnKidzaggynl: there's a lot of them at the White House10:58
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captainmSurfnKid: if /dev/sdb is the drive you want to format then: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb10:58
SurfnKidcaptainm: pffft that was easy10:58
Drk_Guykr00l, you there??10:58
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Drk_GuyI love the Puppy's Axel feature10:59
zaggynlfrequent usb resets: http://pastebin.ca/61825310:59
zaggynlanyone knows a remedy, please?10:59
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captainmSurfnKid: It is from now on ;) in the 6 months i've used linux I've learned more than in the 10 previous years with windows10:59
blubloblur0b-, try "w"10:59
SurfnKidcaptainm: ok its formatting now10:59
r0b-i want it to constantly check though10:59
SurfnKidcaptainm: yeah same here, and formatting is one that has to be concrete in me, but i hardly format anything these days10:59
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Drk_Guyzaggynl, it seems that the port is damaged11:00
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blubloblur0b-, and do what? alert you if someone else connects?11:00
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Drk_GuyTry using other oprt11:00
napster_can any1 help me sync a fone with multisync. I need 2 do it with a cable but i cant find out how 2 get the serial port number11:00
zaggynlDrk_Guy, works fine in windows11:00
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Drk_Guyleme think11:00
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blubloblur0b-, I can't think of anything off the top of my head. You could probably do it with a simple bash script11:01
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Drk_Guyyour device wasn't made to comply with Linux krnl?11:01
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SurfnKidcaptainm: lol Im actually watching Gparted do mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 on the details page, (and its done now)11:01
crolle17is there a nice firefox-plugin for playing mp3?11:01
blubloblucrolle17, foxytunes11:01
Drk_GuyCrolle, Foxytunes lets you control your mp3 player from your FF11:02
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rizhunis Ubuntu supposed to do a full fsck on EVERY boot ?11:02
rizhunit takes ages.11:02
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captainmSurfnKid: nice one, I'm not the best at this stuff so I'm glad it worked out11:02
rizhunPie-rate: you know where something like that would be set?11:02
SurfnKidcaptainm: it did, thanks for the help11:02
SurfnKidMrElendig: thanks again :) its done11:02
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Pie-ratenope, but mine doesn't. what's it say before it runs fsck?11:02
Drk_Guyrizhun, maybe messing up with boot-scripts11:02
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bronze--I need some help with GRUB. I need to boot up linux using the GRUB terminal, because the menu is not "installed"/ set up. I have windows xp on sda1, linux on sda2. How can this be done?11:03
tckwhats a good screen recorder to make vids in ubuntu?11:03
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Drk_GuyI only use static Ip, so i had to comment some lines to avoid checking for dchp at boot-up11:03
Drk_Guybronze, edit your menu.lst11:03
blublobluI need somebody to explain how I can reset ALL my wireless networking settings and configuration to their defaults: ndiswrapper, drivers, /etc/interfaces...11:03
und3rB3armmmMMmm grubs11:04
rizhunit doesn't actually say anything. It just sits on the start-up splash screen for ages, then goes to a black screen saying it has successfully fsck'd all the disks11:04
Ranpha1When i mount a encrypted Hdd with sshfs i can't delete files. If i connect over ssh with buildin gnome app it works . What has to be extra in sshfs?11:04
=== w4ett [n=chatzill@24-159-74-250.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Drk_Guyyou with me?11:04
Peloblubloblu, off the top of my head I would suggest you look arounf for related .conf files and delete them11:04
=== Clark_Kent [n=dakovici@mnch-4db00480.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
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Drk_GuyPelo, remember me?11:04
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PeloDrk_Guy,  you smell familiar11:05
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Drk_GuyThe menu.lst11:05
PeloDrk_Guy,  what can'T I help you with today11:05
bronze--Drk_Guy: yeah, but I don't know what to add to it.11:05
Drk_GuyNot so much, i moved on to PuppyLinux now11:05
blublobluPelo: is there anywhere that will provide default config files for ubuntu?11:05
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collinI am having a problem with my display settings can anyone help11:05
PeloDrk_Guy,  that's like going to a hospital and askign if they remember you because you were injured11:05
bronze--Drk_Guy: And I have to log on using chroot. Just a sec, finding my tutorial :)11:05
Drk_Guybronze, i think this should help: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:06
Drk_GuyPelo, LOL11:06
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueaudio issues, can someone help, trying to get RealPlayer working11:06
Drk_GuyBronze is having the same prob as the one you helped me out with11:06
Peloblubloblu, not that I know of , but if you find the conf files related to those apps,  ndswrapper etc removing them will force them to create new ones which should be blank or at least default11:06
=== joshritger [n=josh@adsl-76-229-195-161.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluethe audio is streaming in RealPlayer, but I hear nothing11:06
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blublobluPelo: k thanks11:07
collinI can not change my screen resolution past 800x60011:07
kr00lplatinumAnyone know how to install kismet?11:07
Drk_GuyPelo, ldconfig should force Ubuntu to refresh, avoiding the need of blubloblu to re-boot11:07
neverbluesudo aptitude install kismet ?11:07
=== Sch0rSch [n=schorsch@i577B5947.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
joshritgercan someone tell if there is a good software title for syncing two drives. I have tried unison and it didn't work to great11:07
Drk_Guykr00l, you ran it from terminal?11:07
Drk_Guyneverblue, he already has it11:07
Pelocollin,  you need to edit the xorg.conf file to add the extra resolutions manual,    gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:07
Drk_GuyHe doesn't know how to configure it11:07
Peloblubloblu,  did you get that ?11:08
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Sch0rSchhello together11:08
neverblueinstall/configure are two different things11:08
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Drk_GuyCollin, i advice you to make a backup11:08
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=== Pelo highly recommends the movie "the number 23" to anyone who hasn'T seen it already
bronze--Drk_Guy: who helped you with this problem?11:08
Drk_GuyPelo helped me out11:08
sdoublePelo: good tip, I forgot all about that movie11:09
blublobluPelo, yeah, I'll try that soon. LiveCDing is the only way to use internet at the moment. I messed up my settings because I thought the driver was buggy, turns out I was in a spot of my house with patchy Wifi coverage! ;)11:09
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neverblueaudio issues, can someone help, trying to get RealPlayer working :: the audio is streaming in RealPlayer, but I hear nothing11:09
=== Pelo gives Drk_Guy a dirty look, : " snitch"
bronze--because I could sure need some help in this thread: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?p=86693#8669311:09
bronze--haha, you11:09
bronze--are a snith11:09
=== Drk_Guy gives a mean look to Pelo
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip72-210-64-240.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
collinits listed with 1024x728--800x600--680x48011:09
bronze--damn fucking live cd11:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:09
Peloblubloblu, fair enough11:09
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
neverblue!language | bronze--11:09
ubotubronze--: please see above11:09
Priceybronze--, that's a debian forum....?11:09
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sdoublehaha, ubotu is smart11:10
neverbluenot really11:10
Priceysdouble, no11:10
Priceysdouble, just taught well11:10
Drk_GuyBronze, go to the Ubuntu's mother, #Debian channel11:10
neverbluehe just appears to be smart11:10
Drk_GuyThey can help you out better there11:10
Pelocollin, you need to have it for all colour depts, and you might need to change your horiz-refresh setting ,  or horiz sync, I donT' recall the exact name11:10
Drk_GuyAxel did it!11:10
bronze--Pricey: I'm installing debian, I asked here because GRUB isn't dependent on distro and there's more people in here, so it really doesn't matter.11:10
Redhammerback again with a lovely question11:10
bruenig!offtopic | bronze--11:10
Priceybronze--, debian support in #debian11:10
ubotubronze--: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:10
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RedhammerI am trying to record things11:10
Pelobronze--,  what is your issue, I'll see if I can help11:11
Redhammerand I get this message ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave11:11
bruenig!ot | Pelo11:11
ubotuPelo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:11
=== utopia [n=utopia@3-133.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueRedhammer, can u keep it all in one line :)11:11
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axos88_i think my iwl4965 mod is making ubuntu not bood... how can I "blacklist" it?11:11
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NET||abuseoh I really hate ntfs,, ok, i have a few movies I want to deposit on this usb drive, big 300GBdrive, but it's ntfs, can't write to it... :( is there anyway using ubuntu to write to ntfs?11:11
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Peloaxos88_,  man modeprobe  it's in there somewhere11:12
NET||abuseaxos88_, i think you just remove the module from modprobe11:12
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banlieueanyone have any idea how to get the right shift, ctrl and alt keys working in keyboard shortcuts?11:12
blublobluNET||abuse, yeah there is search www.ubuntuforums.org for NTFS 3G or something like that11:12
bruenig!info xbindkeys | banlieue11:12
ubotubanlieue: xbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB11:12
Pelo!ntfs-3g | NET||abuse11:12
ubotuNET||abuse: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:12
collinPelo--how do i do that11:12
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-225-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!thanks | banlieue11:13
ubotubanlieue: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:13
neverblueaudio issues, can someone help, trying to get RealPlayer working :: the audio is streaming in RealPlayer, but I hear nothing11:13
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banlieuebruenig: that was so fruity though ;P11:13
bruenigreaplayer, ewww11:13
=== francois_fon [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocollin,  pastebin your xorg.conf file and let us have a look11:13
blublobluneverblue, why are you using RealPlayer?11:13
Pelocollin,  you are not running the live cd are you ?11:13
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Pelo!pastebin | collin11:13
ubotucollin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:13
neverblueblubloblu, because I want to11:13
=== Apple [n=apple@71-37-219-140.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
collinjust paste it in here11:14
Redhammerok one liner: I am trying to record and I keep getting this error message: ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave11:14
Pelocollin,  nio11:14
neverblueblubloblu, have any positive input into my question?11:14
Pelocollin,  do not paste to the channel yuu'll get banned11:14
neverblueRedhammer, in?11:14
Pelocollin,  use the pastebin11:14
blublobluneverblue, I don't have any experience with RP for linux, so no11:14
osxdude|desktopI setup front-panel-audio, and now I get sound only out of the left speaker or headphone. I was messing with the plug one day...11:14
neverblue'the' pastebin11:14
crolle17blubloblu, after adding this plugin (foxytunes) the standard video player tries to open the file instead of the plugin11:14
Redhammer@neverblue anyting: skype, arecord ....11:14
collinim very new to this--whats pastebin11:14
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neverblueblubloblu, then, why ask me a question?11:14
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Pelo!pastebin | collin11:14
ubotucollin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:14
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saxinAny "addon" or program I can install to see how fast I copy files from one computer to another?11:15
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bronze--Pelo , Drk_Guy : There was no menu.lst in /boot/grub/. If I make one and enter the correct entries, will it automatically be enabled/used?11:15
neverblueRedhammer, you cannot record into skype?11:15
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neverblueRedhammer, device setup properly?11:15
Drk_Guyno menu.lst?11:15
bruenigneverblue, your problems are frankly offtopic, your questions are about the failure of an application not of ubuntu and of an application that ubuntu does not have in its repo but a third party application that you got on your own11:15
Drk_GuyGRUB directly depends on it11:15
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Drk_GuyThis is crazy11:15
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Pelobronze--,  there is a way to reinstall grub that should take care of it11:16
=== Shiverz [n=arjen@cp708387-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Pelo!grub | bronze--11:16
ubotubronze--: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:16
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neverbluebruenig, my 'problems', I would suggest if you dont have anything positive to add, you stay outta the convo, im not sure why your insulted11:16
bruenig!ot | neverblue11:16
ubotuneverblue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:16
neverblueoh wow11:16
=== spikeb [n=spikeb@71-83-32-155.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelohold on collin  let me have a look11:16
neverbluethe bot is talking to me11:16
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neverblueyour a masta11:16
munckfishHow do gnome apps resolve URL protocol ids to the right app to handler them? e.g. http should be handled by FF11:17
Redhammer@neverblue: I have hp laptop with nvidia mcp, I can playback fine on the device - I did a fresh install three days ago and now it does not work anymore, I am using exactly the same setup as on previous install, I can start a recorder (any skype, arecord, gnome record but nothing works) always ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave11:17
=== brl4n [n=nonme@m810f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
banlieuebruenig: would it be a possibility to get the right shift/ctrl/alt keys working in the default keyboard shortcuts menu?11:17
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neverbluewhat hardware are you using to record?11:17
bruenigbanlieue, I don't know, I hate that thing, it is weak, I don't use it11:17
=== oojah [n=roger@cpc1-nott6-0-0-cust436.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocollin,  I see you have a nvidia video card,  I'm not too familiar with those,  I suggest to do a search in the forum for  "nvidia resolution"  that might help11:17
=== Lounge [n=Groove@adsl-75-50-146-84.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulbanlieue, system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts11:18
banlieuei don't really need anything more than that menu right now, i'm not big on keyboard shortcuts anyway11:18
brl4ncould anyone recommend a decent media manager program?  I mainly just need an mp3 file manager + podcast manager.  Rhythmbox doesn't seem to work properly.11:18
bronze--Pelo: Thanks - menu.lst is generated now :)11:18
collinwhere is the forum?11:18
banlieueompaul: I figured out that much, but using shift, ctrl or alt in that dialog does not make it work with the right keys, only with the left ones11:18
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Redhammer@brl4n AMAROK11:18
neverbluebrl4n, use amarok?11:18
Pelobronze--, excelent ,  see how it goes for you11:18
sdoubleyeah, I'm a big fan of amarok11:18
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bruenigneverblue, offtopic questions spam up the channel and make it hard for people with real problems to get answers11:18
brl4nRedhammer:will it work okay with GNOME11:18
brl4ni figured it was kde only11:19
ompaul!codecs | brl4n11:19
ubotubrl4n: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:19
neverblueaudio issues, can someone help, trying to get RealPlayer working :: the audio is streaming in RealPlayer, but I hear nothing11:19
Redhammer@brl4n yes no problem, a few error is all I have encountered but really nothing11:19
Pelolater folks11:19
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brl4nsok.  Rythymnbox has a weird issue where it downloads the podcast and then can't play them.  Says a bug11:19
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
blubloblubrl4n, if you have a lot of video podcasts Democracy Player is a good choice11:20
bronze--Pelo: I can see that Windows XP was not added to the list, but I know it's bootable and I know it's installed first, lies on sda1 and is set to "boot" The ubuntu tutorials do not provide this info.11:20
bruenigneverblue, email real player and request that they kindly fix their application11:20
=== chuk [n=chuk@c-71-234-253-19.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiwhat is the command in the terminal to remove a compiled program?11:21
brl4nvideo no.  I just need a decent media organizer that doesn't crash.  Seems like most of them are just OK.  Not a lot of features.  I need to learn some gtk so I can contribute.11:21
crolle17how to play avi-files?11:21
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bruenigcompengi, easiest way is to get the source recompile and then make uninstall11:21
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chukI was wondering if someone could help me with an ubuntu feisty install on a ECS AMD690GM-M2 motherboard?11:21
bruenig!codecs | crolle17 avi is a container which can hold many formats11:21
ubotucrolle17 avi is a container which can hold many formats: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:21
compengibruenig, with sudo?11:21
blubloblucrolle17: a good player that will play almost any format is VLC www.videolan.org11:22
bruenigcompengi, same way you installed, but use uninstall instead of install11:22
sebastian__hi guys... im having a really bad time with the ethernet in a ubuntu server pc11:22
neverbluechuk, the motherboard will probably have nothing to do with your install11:22
sebastian__everything seems to be ok11:22
compengibruenig, okay thanks11:22
chuknever, it has an integrated video card11:22
crolle17bruenig, true. i need DivX 5-codec11:22
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sdoubleunless of course it has onboard video that won't load11:22
chukwhich isn't supported out of the box AFAIK11:22
sebastian__i restarted the network, ifup the eth0, etc, etc11:22
=== corsinux_ [n=corsinux@d213-103-199-107.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bronze--Pelo and Drk_Guy - rebooting, cya.11:22
sebastian__actually sometimes it works11:22
MrElendigcompengi: mplayer-svn + ffmpeg + w32 codecs11:23
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebastian__but its not stable11:23
chukis there a way to just get it install with some generic video driver?11:23
neverbluewhat type of video card is it?11:23
sebastian__i mean, if i reboot, the conection loses11:23
chukati X125011:23
neverblueall video cards have a generic driver11:23
chuk609G chipset11:23
MrElendigchuk: alternat cd11:23
neverbluechuk use ati11:23
=== shurbann [n=shurbann@5354A183.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sebastian__i can only do a ping to the same pc11:23
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shurbannhi ubuntu11:23
neverbluesebastian__, port scan it?11:23
sebastian__it has a static ip11:23
shurbannwhere can I found out if an known bug was solved?11:23
neverblueshurbann, google11:24
chuknever, how can I tell it to use ATI driver?11:24
chukduring the install11:24
chukwhen booting from the live CD11:24
Pricey!bugs | shurbann11:24
ubotushurbann: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:24
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu
Priceyshurbann, launchpad is the ubuntu bug tracker, you'll find it there :)11:24
neverbluechuk, setup your xorg.conf to use the ati driver11:24
sdoublechuk: I overcame my issue by installing with the alternate cd rather than the livecd11:24
shurbannneverblue, uhmm that is a very general answer for everything I guess..11:24
=== nolo [n=bruce@kntpin04-nas-03-s92.cinergycom.net] has joined #ubuntu
chukits this motherboard for what its worth:  http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Products/ProductsDetail.aspx?detailid=789&DetailName=Specification&MenuID=46&LanID=911:24
neverblueyou can use lspci to list the 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)11:25
chuksdouble, then how did you install the driver after?11:25
sdoubleshurbann: it depends on the program and the bug.  So google is the best answer you could have gotten without more details11:25
neverbluethat will show up in the xorg.conf as located at 0:2:011:25
neverblueshurbann, it will work for your situation11:25
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chuknever, how can I setup the xorg.conf if I get get it installed?11:25
sebastian__neverblue: the port scan for port 80 says connection refused11:25
chukcan't get11:25
banlieuewhat's the moment nautilus chooses in video files for the image previewing? and more importantly, can I change the setting?11:25
sebastian__i scanned the local ip11:25
neverbluechuk, I thought you wanted to setup the xorg.conf BEFORE you install11:26
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akos /j #aaa11:26
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neverblueso you can get your desktop up, with the Live CD11:26
chukall I have is a blank hard drive and the install CD11:26
chukand I can't get anywhere...11:26
shurbannPricey, oh yeah I remember launchpad now. Thanks, cause I'm wondring if the int10 bug issue (nvidia driver) is resolved.11:26
neverbluechuk, your point?11:26
sdoublechuk: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide11:26
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chukI think I must be missing something11:26
neverbluechuk, insert CD, turn on system11:26
Priceyshurbann, binary nvidia?11:26
sdoublealso, don't use the livecd.  Get the alternate cd11:26
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neverbluethere, thats your starting point11:27
chukgot it sdouble11:27
chukright, when I do that, I get "no valid screens"11:27
neverbluechuk, live CD is fine11:27
chukduring the install11:27
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neverbluechuk, thats why you edit your xorg.conf11:27
sebastian__i really dont know what could be grong.. i triple checked everything11:27
=== neverblue is going in circles
plagerismWho here is very familiar with the network-manager?  I would like to be able to configure a virtual interface with it.  How would I go about doing that?11:27
sebastian__the network just works sometimes11:27
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chuksorry for being thick, but where is "my" xorg.conf11:27
chukif it hasn't been installed11:27
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sdoubleinstall with the alternate cd11:28
shurbannPricey, uhm it wasn't clear if it was a nvidia driver bug or a kernel issue. Bt i couldnt use dual screen. It was filed on launchpad.11:28
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neverbluesebastian__, your whole definition of 'network' is probably different everytime you say it11:28
Priceychuk, /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:28
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sdoubletake your livecd and break it in half11:28
chukha, will do11:28
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sebastian__internet connection11:28
neverbluechuk, the Live CD, writes to RAM11:28
Priceyshurbann, well good luck... its closed source'edness doesn't bode well for its fixing :)11:28
sebastian__the eth0 interface seems to be ok11:28
sebastian__actually it works sometimes11:28
shurbannso I'm gonna take a look now if I can find it and see if it is solved11:28
neverblueyour OS is located in your RAM, so you can do the install11:28
chukit wouldn't let me save the file11:28
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chukis there a default root password?11:28
neverbluechuk, sudo?11:28
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sdoublethen download and burn the alternate cd.  install with that.  Then follow the instructions at that link to update your drivers11:28
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chukwasn't sure if that was gonna ask me for a password11:29
chukwhen I sudo'd11:29
neverbluechuk, think you really need to do some reading11:29
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shurbannPricey, but the drivers didnt changed. In the version previous then 7.10 it worked like a charm.11:29
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Priceyshurbann, there is no 7.1011:29
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sdoublelivecd boots up as "ubuntu" user and there is no root/password11:29
shurbannI mean 7.0411:29
osxdude|laptopat least not yet11:29
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Priceysdouble, there is root, if you use sudo11:30
MTecknologyI'm using this /mnt/mantis/backups/DB_$(date "+%m_%d_%y").bak    in a script. Is there any way to use a variable in the directory name? like this   /mnt/mantis/backups/%1/DB_$(date "+%m_%d_%y").bak11:30
r0b-why is ubuntu 7.10 gonna be called gutsy11:30
sebastian__ok... i have the ubuntu 7.4 server version... my ethernet works fine sometimes... i dont know why... everything looks ok, but sometimes i can ping to say google.com and sometimes no... when its working and i reboot, it gets screwed11:30
Priceyr0b-, because sabdfl said so.11:30
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collinI can not figure out how to change my monitor resolution11:30
sdoublePricey: when booting the live cd, what's the password for sudo?11:30
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shurbannPricey, so if the drivers didnt change then the only reason it could break down if 7.04 introduced something that is not working with the drivers11:30
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Priceysdouble, there is none11:30
MTecknologygusty what?11:30
PriceyMTecknology, gutsy gibbon11:30
blubloblur0b-, it's the codename for development like 7.04 was code-named Feisty-Fawn11:30
Priceyshurbann, I haven't a clue... sorry.11:31
kkathmanr0b-: cuz gooey didnt sound good ?11:31
MTecknologywhat's a gibbon?11:31
collinwould anyone be willing to log on to my remote desktop and take a look11:31
PriceyMTecknology, google image it ;)11:31
blublobluMTecknology, a type of monkey11:31
chukgibbon = ape11:31
kkathmangibbon - ape11:31
shurbannnp... I'm just gonna take alook11:31
blubloblucollin, be careful!11:31
chukgibbon - ape = ?11:31
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collinI need help11:31
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Pricey!fixres | collin11:31
ubotucollin: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:31
nickrudsebastian__, have you checked it's route when it fails? (just something I had issues with once)11:31
sdoublePricey: that was my point.  He was asking about the root password and neverblue told him to use sudo so I combined the two in the answer.  "no root/password"11:31
sdoubleThank you though.11:31
alexIdoiahi I am writting in differente languages and I found the solution of going from one keybard layout to the other slowing me down, I only need a few chars so I was thinking putting them on functions keys, how can I do this11:32
Priceysdouble, ah gotcha, sorry :)11:32
kshahnjdthe server guide tells me to add lines to /etc/network/interfaces11:32
Pricey!away > voidmage-away11:32
kshahnjdwhat is the editor command?11:32
sdoubleno problem, I just didn't want him to get confused.11:32
kshahnjddo i have to use something like vi?11:32
nickrudkshahnjd, nano is easiest11:32
kkathmanafter gutsy - are they skipping "H" cuz they already had hoary ??11:32
chukoh, I'm confused all right...11:32
alexIdoiaso that when I push a function key it is like if I pushed a special key in another layout ?11:32
Priceykshahnjd, you could use gedit, vi, nano, w/e11:32
alexIdoiaI guess I would need to set a special keyboard layout ?11:32
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blubloblu!offtopic | kkathman11:33
ubotukkathman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:33
chukediting xorg.conf didn't do me any good11:33
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chukI still can't startx11:33
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kkathmanblah blah11:33
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BlackDesigncould anyone tell me how I can get the main menu transparent?11:33
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sdoublechuk: there is more to it than just editting your xorg.conf file.  You have to edit it as well as install the drivers and enable them11:34
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captainmBlackDesign: I don't think that's possible with gnome (at least not without additional software)11:34
chukwell, off to the alternate cd11:34
r0b-where do the ubuntu free CDs shit from?11:34
blublobluBlackDesign, you'd probably need something like Beryl or Compiz11:34
adfa[00:32:11]  <adfa> Hi, i got replaced my nvidia card with asus, now x-server faild.11:34
adfa[00:32:20]  <adfa> what should i do ?11:34
BlackDesignI have beryl11:34
blubloblur0b-, ship?11:34
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BlackDesignbut don't seem to find the option there11:34
CaesarHey, how do you change the default locale in Ubuntu (Dapper)? It seems to be different to Debian (reconfiguring the locales package)11:34
r0b-the Ship It11:35
Priceyr0b-, uk I think11:35
blubloblur0b-, i'm in ireland and I got mine from Switzerland11:35
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neverblueaudio issues, can someone help, trying to get RealPlayer working :: the audio is streaming in RealPlayer, but I hear nothing11:35
r0b-im from the USA11:35
sdoubleadfa: asus is not a chipset.  Did you replace your nvidia card with another nvidia?11:35
banlieuewhat's the moment nautilus chooses in video files for the image previewing? and more importantly, can I change the setting?11:35
PurpZeY_Are RARs supported by archive manager?11:35
BlackDesignblubloblu, is it possible with Beryl?11:35
LucianIndyhow would i go about installing ubuntu on my thumbdrive11:36
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adfai replaced my video card to ASUS11:36
blublobluBlackDesign, i don't know, ask someone who knows more about it. I'd imagine it is11:36
Madpilotbanlieue, it seems to be the mid-point of the file - but not always...11:36
r0b-and the nearest group to me is in ann arbor11:36
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sdoubleno, you replaced your existing card with an asus brand card.  but is it an nvidia chipset?11:36
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captainmLucianIndy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:36
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banlieueMadpilot: it doesn't seem to make utter sense11:36
unix4medoes anyone know of a free isp?11:36
LucianIndycaptainm, thank you very much!11:36
neverblue!pastebin | adfa11:36
ubotuadfa: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:36
adfayeha i thing so...11:36
Madpilotr0b-, the ShipIt CDs come from the Netherlands11:37
BlackDesignso anyone who knows if the main menu could be transparent with Beryl?11:37
neverblueadfa lspci <-- in a shell, and pastebin the output11:37
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my_key!ubotu rar | PurpZeY_11:37
ubotuPurpZeY_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:37
=== badkitty [n=badkitty@c-67-187-240-197.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unix4meBlackDesign: try #beryl11:37
neverbluedont use unrar-free11:37
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BlackDesignok will do11:37
neverbluePurpZeY, sudo aptitude install unrar11:37
BlackDesignthx unix4me11:37
adfai have to restart then:X (im throu xp now)11:37
captainmBlackDesign: in KDE it is definitly possible, not in gnome I think. But try #beryl or #ubuntu-effects11:37
unix4medoes anyone know of a free isp?11:37
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=== collin [n=collin@c-24-11-83-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpZeYneverblue: That easier then setting up archive manager to do it?11:38
unix4mei know they have them in brazil....11:38
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peepsis anyone using a svn gui that they would recommend?11:38
BlackDesigncaptainm, Thx, will try those11:38
Priceyunix4me, offtopic11:38
MadpilotPurpZeY, installing unrar should get the archive manager talking to rars11:38
tarzeaupeeps: i would wipe out all SVN software if i could11:38
collinCan anyone help me with a screen resolution problem11:38
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adfabrb then.11:38
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neverbluePurpZeY, yes11:38
unix4mecollin: i think  it's under system>admin>display or monitor or something like that11:38
peepstarzeau, ? what's wrong with svn?11:38
sayersDoes amd64 have the suspend feature?11:39
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Quiznosany Brits present for OT query?11:39
neverbluePurpZeY, I use the archive man. to extract, then unrar can piece it all back together11:39
collinI only have the one option of 800x600 I want it to be bigger11:39
PriceyQuiznos, #ubuntu-offtopic and me11:39
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tarzeaupeeps: too hard11:39
QuiznosPricey joime ##linux?11:39
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peepstarzeau, compared to CVS, it's a godsend11:40
ZieenI don't suppose there are any kind souls around here that would be willing to discuss my possible switch to Ubuntu (or another distro)???11:40
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Madpilotubotu, fixres | collin11:40
tarzeaupeeps: i'd also wipe out all cvs :)11:40
ubotucollin: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:40
tarzeaupeeps: and rcs, and bzr and anything like it11:40
peepstarzeau, and wtf would you use for version control?11:40
crolle17bruenig, which lib to install for divX5 ?11:40
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tarzeaupeeps: tarballs11:40
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lui4whats the best news url for linux news?11:41
peepstarzeau, that's idiotic, i don't think you know how version control works.11:41
lui4excluding digg and slashdot11:41
tarzeaului4: osnews.com, lkml, lwn, kernel.org?11:41
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tarzeaupeeps: i know how it works, i just don't like it11:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:41
peepstarzeau, are you a software developer?11:42
tarzeaupeeps: yes11:42
Desolatorhi. can I upgrade to 6.10 with the desktop CD?11:42
tarzeaupeeps: and i know a few other software developers without svn/cvs...11:42
sdoublesvn is awesome for java.  But setting it up made me cry a little11:42
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tarzeaupeeps: so you think someone can't develop software without those version control systems?11:42
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peepstarzeau, they can, it's just not very smart, if they need to track revisions11:43
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make420i want a spades game :)11:43
Desolatorcan i upgrade to edgy using a desktop cd?11:43
my_keycan someone tell me if it's an easy upgrade from dapper to feisty? or do i need to upgrade to edgy first?11:43
tarzeaupeeps: one can track revisions perfectly fine without cvs/svn...11:43
Desolatoryeah u need11:43
tarzeaupeeps: and it has nothing to do with smart or not11:43
kshahnjdafter I configure static ip in network/interfaces11:43
kshahnjdhow do i restart?11:44
tarzeaupeeps: or how they do is smart or not11:44
kshahnjdrather, turn off and on eth011:44
kshahnjdto grab the new ip11:44
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crolle17does somebody know which lib to install for running divX5-files?11:44
sdoublekshahnjd: I'm not sure, but would pump work for that as well?11:44
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kshahnjdi just need to refresh my ip, i don't know how11:44
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Desolatorcan anyone tell me if I can upgrade from dapper to edgy using the desktop cd?11:45
EmiliusDoes anyone know of a way to reverse stereo channels?11:45
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collinwhat should I set the horizontal sync rate as11:45
MadsyDesolator: Have you allready installed dapper?11:45
make420be one with the monitor specs11:45
MadsyThen you don't even need a CD.11:46
sdoublepump doesn't come packaged anyway11:46
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my_keyDesolator, you can insert the edgy cd in dapper and the update manager will prompt you to upgrade...11:46
Desolatorwell if I upgrade using the manager it says there's not enough space... there's 733 free and 1.5 GB on the win partition11:47
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zockyi know this isn't the right place to report a bug, but it's a bug that's particularly annoying in xchat: tooltips should disappear when the user starts typing. otherwise e.g. taskbar tooltips cover the input line in xchat11:47
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Desolatormy_key: it'd be nice if it won't wait 3 years to load the kernel11:47
Madpilotzocky, launchpad.net is the right place for bug reports11:47
make42060hz is vert ... horiz would be in the 15 to 60khz range ... all depends on the specs for that specific monitor11:47
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-141-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjdhow do i renew my IP at the command line?11:47
Desolatori'll try again though11:47
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Priceykshahnjd, sudo dhclient <interface>11:47
adfabahh i can't remmber the nick for that one who tried help me, but the chip is NVIDIA and the card is ASUS11:47
fsckrwhat is ubuntus default font dir?11:47
kbrookskshahnjd, sudo ifdown <interface> && sudo ifup <interface>11:48
kshahnjdsays eth0 is not configured if I do that11:48
Madpilotfsckr, for user fonts, ~/.fonts11:48
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kshahnjdi just edited /network/interfaces to make it a static ip11:48
fsckrty Madpilot11:49
kshahnjdmaybe i'm missing a step11:49
kbrookskshahnjd, copy and paste the entire line11:49
adfabah.. i replace my video card to asus and now x-server faild... what can i do ?11:49
kbrookskshahnjd, sudo ifdown <interface> && sudo ifup <interface>11:49
ompaul!resolution | adfa11:49
ubotuadfa: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:49
sdoubleadfa have you told us if you have an nvidia card or not?11:49
fsckrMadpilot: i dont have the directory11:50
chukadfa: did you try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?11:50
chukback up your xorg.conf first11:50
fsckrall i have is ~/.fontconfig11:50
=== DeeEss [n=tb@c-66-41-112-39.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kshahnjd"ifdown: interface eth0 not configured Don't seem to have all the variabls for eth0/inet failed to bring up eth0"11:50
adfano im a noob thats why im here;x11:50
my_keyis there an upgrade path from dapper to feisty or need i first install edgy eft?11:50
Madpilotfsckr, odd - just create it, then11:50
chukthat should get you in with basic vesa driver11:50
sdoublefsckr: try /usr/local/share/fonts11:50
sebastian__what should be a "good" output from the command route?11:50
kbrookskshahnjd, so, what interface did you change?11:50
=== collin [n=collin@c-24-11-83-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebastian__it takes some time11:51
kshahnjdi changed eth0 to statuc11:51
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chukthen use this:11:51
kbrookskshahnjd, ah.11:51
make420why not let the box take a dymanic address and then set it static at the router?11:51
=== trippndarift [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
chukI'm guessing you might have had an older nvidia card that used legacy driver11:51
Pricey!envy | chuk11:51
ubotuchuk: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:51
=== DarkArbiter [n=damian@70-135-70-2.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
trippndariftIs there a way to control such things as the font size for the desktop icons?11:51
kbrooksPricey, haha.11:52
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=== RedCorvette [n=z0mg@adsl-75-61-89-80.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdoublehehe, there's also the automatix one11:52
collinI can not change my screen resolution higher than 800x600 anyone have any ideas11:52
kbrooksPreZ, "envy" "envious" funny11:52
chukwell, thats why he has the disclaimer11:52
make420trippndarift: control center >> look and feel >> font :)11:52
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-320.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
gaston_anyone was used reconstructor11:52
chukbut it has worked well for me, your mileage may vary of course11:52
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TTT_TravisX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.11:52
TTT_TravisX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.11:52
kshahnjdkbrooks: does it sound like I improperly changed my /etc/network/interfaces ?11:52
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=== Brent_ [n=chatzill@adsl-32-206-194.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
TTT_Travishow do I authorize a user to run X?11:53
kbrookskshahnjd, pastebin it11:53
kshahnjdtwo separate computers11:53
=== major_payne is now known as MajorPayne
PriceyTTT_Travis, put them in the group "video"11:53
kshahnjdunless I can pastebin from the command line11:53
TTT_Travishappen to know off hand how to add a user to a group in text mode?11:53
TTT_TravisI always forget11:53
kshahnjdwhich, incidently, would be sweet11:53
gaston_sudo groupadd11:54
MajorPayneTTT_Travis: You can edit /etc/group directly if you want.11:54
kbrooksTTT_Travis, adduser <username> <group> or gpasswd11:54
kbrooksMajorPayne, dont suggest that11:54
Brent_Hello to everyone again. I am back from trying to figure out how to get my external drive to boot up Ubuntu using Grub. It still doesn't work. I tried installing Grub to two different locations, (hd0) and (hd1), but it still only runs with my external drive set to boot. Yet, it won't load any OS11:54
dsgsdgyeah thanks, I just finished eating dinner and will be doing homework soon11:54
=== Shadowpillar [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksMajorPayne, he could break his system11:54
kbrooksdsgsdg, wrong chan11:54
sebastian__anyone can help?11:54
MajorPaynekbrooks: Break his system or break a group?11:54
kbrooksMajorPayne, both11:55
ubunutsebastian state your problem11:55
=== justin__ [n=justin@adsl-75-5-6-66.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPayneUnless he does something really bad to the file I doubt it.  But ok.11:55
napster_synchronising phones and linux is such a hassle11:55
napster_im so disappointed11:55
=== Trixsey [n=Secret@c-119072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
sebastian__i have a pc with ubuntu server 7.04 installed....11:55
gaston_anyone knows reconstructor11:55
sdoubleblame the consumers11:55
trippndariftCan anyone recommend a program that allows a user to edit video? I need to rotate video 90 degrees counter clockwise because of the way the camera was help to film it.11:55
sebastian__the problem is11:55
kshahnjdkbrooks: if I can't pastebin, can i message u the change i made?11:55
sebastian__that i cant get internet to work11:55
kbrookskshahnjd, go on11:55
sebastian__i mean11:55
sebastian__i cant ping outside that pc11:56
kbrooks!enter | sebastian__11:56
=== raul [n=raul@201-3-201-154.jvece702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusebastian__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:56
=== ski309 [n=mike@c-76-100-88-139.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
make420trippndarift:  GOPchop11:56
Brent_I am so desperate to get Ubuntu working, but I've worked ALL night last night and all day today but still nothing11:56
saxinwhat is not working?11:56
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trippndariftThanks make42011:56
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-225-91.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Brent_Grub doesn't seem to be working right. I'll explain..........11:57
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trippndariftOne last thing. Is there a GNOME theme that will enable me to not only minimize a window but to shade it like in KDE?11:57
kbrooks!enter Brent_11:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter brent_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
dogmeathow do i update my name server cache?11:57
kbrooks!enter | Brent_11:57
ubotuBrent_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:57
captainmBrent_: You just don't give up doe you? maybe you should try this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent It'll give you the same result. Otherwise I can't help you11:57
=== shagggy [i=shaggy@nat/ibm/x-ef166487912d63c0] has joined #ubuntu
Desolatorneed some help with xorg-driver-fglrx on dapper11:57
Desolatori misconfigured it and can't boot except in console11:58
=== aguaithefreak [n=aguaithe@125-225-105-235.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro76trippndarift, system->preferences->windows and change the title bar action11:58
sebastian__ok, here it is... i have a pc with ubuntu server 7.04 installed, the network interface eth0 is configured as static, i have all configured, gateway, dns, etc... BUT i cant ping outside that pc... actually SOMETIMES i can, like after some networking restarts it works... but then when i reboot it doesnt work11:58
YulquenIm new at linux shell: I have made a script that propduced a desirable directory listing to a file.I need to make a new script, which makes a big script with this listing, changing the dir string and adds a few command lines for each original one.which shell commands should I check out for this? on the Amiga we had AREXX and list LFORMAT, what is the most powerful in Linux?11:58
make420trippndarift: yes check out art.gnome.org11:58
banlieuewhat's the moment nautilus chooses in video files for the image previewing? and more importantly, can I change the setting?11:58
=== adfa [n=abc@bzq-88-154-218-27.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
adfabah... its not possible run xchat without xserver right?:X11:58
Brent_I installed Ubuntu to an external USB hard drive. I then proceeded to restart the system. When Grub comes up, I select Ubuntu to run, but then it says that there is no such partition. When I try to select Windows, it says NTLDR is Missing11:59
kshahnjdkbrooks: thats all11:59
kshahnjdi did11:59
kbrooksadfa, yeah11:59
Desolatorcan anyone tell me how to get rid of xorg-driver-fglrx?11:59
MajorPayneadfa: irssi is a good client that you can use if you don't have the xserver running.11:59
kbrooksadfa, you can run irssi11:59
=== creadorcreativo [n=paranoia@as5300-s07-120.cnt.entelchile.net] has joined #ubuntu
adfaanyway.. run the /etc/init.d/?dm restart -> didn't work the same error after startx11:59
Desolatorcan anyone tell me how to get rid of xorg-driver-fglrx?11:59
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adfathe error is: no screens found11:59
dsgsdgBrent_: You need ntldr to run windows, don't delete it12:00
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make420Desolator: yes open /etc/X11/xorg.conf with nano and add a # at the start of that line save and exit12:00
Brent_I didn't. When my external drive(where Ubuntu is installed) is not plugged in, Windows boots up as normal12:00
Brent_When the external is plugged in, it goes to Grub, but nothing works there12:00
=== nivekc1 [n=nivek@cpe-71-64-105-61.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nivekc1hello everyone i installed the latest version of wine yesterday in hopes to run a windows program but i cant figure out how to do it any help would be greatly appreciated12:01
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