
duluucontacted anyone before about this issue01:04
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Fujitsumpt: Heheh.01:44
FujitsuFlickr feels slashdotted of late.01:44
mptIt reminded me of Launchpad01:47
FujitsuIt does somewhat, yes.01:50
FujitsuIs there any easy way to mass-reject bugs yet, other than an email with a lot of To/CCs?01:50
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mptnot yet01:58
mptwhy would you want to mass-reject bugs?01:58
mptThat would suggest you were rejecting them without reading them01:58
FujitsuRight. beryl* was just removed from Gutsy.02:03
Fujitsumpt: ^^02:03
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FujitsuSo that's about 185 bugs that are no longer valid.02:31
NafalloFujitsu: you should find an SQL-master ;-)02:32
FujitsuIf Malone had a searchable +bugs-text, this would be fairly easy... but it doesn't.02:33
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somerville32What happened to the automatic redirection to edge?03:50
Fujitsusomerville32: It was only to be turned on for one day.03:50
somerville32I thought it was pretty neat.03:50
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kiko-fudFujitsu, there's some bugs to iron out but it should be all go a few days after the next rollout04:57
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Fujitsukiko-zzz: What is this?04:58
kiko-zzzfor edge.04:58
=== kiko-zzz waves
FujitsuOh, right.04:59
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mptGooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!06:00
Hobbseehi mpt!06:01
mpthello hello06:03
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ubotuNew bug: #125920 in malone "Down arrows in Affects table should become up arrows when row is expanded" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12592006:42
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ubotuNew bug: #125927 in launchpad-answers ""Required input is missing" is unfriendly" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12592708:31
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Kmosany soyuz member ?01:17
FujitsuKmos: For what do you wish?01:22
Kmosbug 12429801:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124298 in soyuz "Changelog link at (source) to check last modifications" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12429801:22
Kmossomeone from the team look at this one, it's easy to fix01:22
FujitsuAsking in here is unlikely to do much good.01:23
Kmoswhy? because it's weekend01:23
kiko-zzzcprov might be around later01:24
kiko-zzzotherwise on monday01:24
Kmoskiko-zzz: thx01:24
kiko-zzzKmos, I don't know if it's actually possible to merge changelogs together though01:25
Kmosyes, it is.. but only from active packages, not removed ones01:25
Kmosthis one01:26
kiko-zzzI don't think it's possible to merge changelogs for the entire distro.01:29
Fujitsukiko-zzz: Why not just display the changelog for the latest distrorelease, which should pretty much be a superset?01:29
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-soya - OOPS-560E215201:30
Kmoswhy i can't open this package ?01:31
kiko-zzzFujitsu, you could suggest that on the bug01:31
Kmos$ rmadison -u ubuntu -s gutsy python-soya01:31
Kmospython-soya | 0.13.1-0ubuntu1 | gutsy/universe | amd64, i386, powerpc01:31
kiko-zzzsounds sane enough to me01:31
kiko-zzzanyway, off to the airport01:31
kiko-zzzsee you guys later01:31
Kmoscya :)01:32
FujitsuKmos: That's a binary package. You want the soya source.01:33
Kmosthis one01:35
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kbrooksum, you do bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~teamname/product/branchname 03:40
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kbrooksto push to a lp project03:40
Hobbseekbrooks: yes, or bzr push sftp://yourlpid@bazaar.launchpad.net/~teamname/product/branchname03:40
kbrooksHobbsee, lp id meaning?03:41
Fujitsukbrooks: You Launchpad username.03:41
kbrooksSourceContact, ok, see above03:41
Hobbseekbrooks: launchpad username03:41
SourceContactkbrooks: yep, so I have to create a team then03:41
kbrooksSourceContact, yeah 03:41
kbrooksHobbsee, which is?03:42
kbrooksis it your e-mail address?03:42
Hobbseekbrooks: how would *i* know what your launchpad username is?03:42
Hobbseewell, for mine, it's hobbsee, and is seen at launchpad.net/~hobbsee03:42
kbrooksi get it03:42
FujitsuYou don't have to create a team; you can just use your username instead of teamname if only you want upload rights.03:42
kbrooksSourceContact, it's not your e-mail address, it's just the LP ID on your homepage03:43
kbrooksSourceContact, lp homepage03:43
kbrookshow do you create a LP team?03:45
kbrooksand thanks!03:45
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ubotuNew bug: #125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598704:01
ubotuNew bug: #125994 in malone "Privileges required for release nomination approval/declination are relaxed to those of the lowest involved component" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12599404:15
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ryanakcaI suppose Ubuntu's buildd is still 'proprietary'?04:56
Hobbseeryanakca: which bit of it?  soyuz is, yes.  sbuild is not04:56
ryanakcaHobbsee: the part for dputting it, and then having it built, with the logs outputted in a file04:57
=== ryanakca has one 3/4 written in python, but then I figured, if there's one already written, why not just use it
Hobbseeparts of that will be, yes04:58
ryanakcahmm... shucks04:58
=== ryanakca wonders what debian uses
Hobbseeactually, i'm not sure how much of it is04:58
Hobbseeas in, revu would do a fair bit of the same04:58
Hobbseeand you can pipe outputs wherever you like04:58
ryanakcaHobbsee: http://pastebin.ca/61919304:59
Hobbseeryanakca: cool05:00
ryanakcait sets up a queue, and then builds them, puts the log on my webserver, and then has libnotify popup on my desktop with a link to it, telling me failed or built (that's the server side script)05:00
ryanakcaoh, and did I mention it sticks the debs in a falcon repo?05:00
Hobbsee* :)05:00
=== ryanakca grins at the fact that he's a professional over engineer-er
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alefterisHi all! What I have to do in order to get a team deleted or (even better) merged with another team?05:31
Hobbseealefteris: file a question on launchpad, iirc05:32
alefteristhanks Hobbsee 05:34
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ubotuNew bug: #126014 in launchpad "buildd status page reports a pointer instead of current build log info" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12601406:40
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jhnet3how do you change the display name of an account? thx07:36
ubotuNew bug: #126025 in malone "Launchpad lost track of Feisty libqt4-ruby" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12602507:55
gnomefreakjhnet3: in change details07:57
jhnet3great! thank you very much :)08:01
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ubotuNew bug: #126032 in malone "Change LP/lintian to invalid package when LP#number in changelog/.changes is used" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12603208:35
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