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nysosymhi there12:16
nysosymdoes gutsy use the madwifi driver from svn out of the box actually?12:16
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crimsunpong.  I saw your update for flashplugin-nonfree (please remember to update debian/config, too), thanks!12:29
crimsunerr, asac ^12:29
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Arcerhi al is there someone?01:17
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ubotuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.01:19
Arceri work every day also in the weekend01:20
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ion_I wonder whether it would be feasible to use the graphics card memory as swap space?01:26
persiaion_: http://hedera.linuxnews.pl/_news/2002/09/03/_long/1445.html (and many others)01:27
ion_persia: Thanks :-)01:28
minghuaWow, I thought it's just a crazy idea.01:30
ion_Well, the video RAM is obviously faster than HDDs.01:30
ion_And with recent GPUs, theres a *lot* of it.01:31
persiaminghua: It's arguably not very useful, as there's only a little VRAM, but with the right priority settings for swap, and limited texture usage, it can certainly improve performance for low-memory situations.01:31
minghuapersia: I am not expecting it to be very userful.  I just appreciate the hack value. :-)01:33
minghuaI'll by more RAM (or a new computer, for that matter) if I really encounter low-memory situations too frequently.01:34
ion_For instance, i only have 384 MiB of memory in my desktop box, and rather than buying expensive DIMM, ill try to save for a completely new computer. However, my GPU has 128 MiB of memory. I could envision using 64 MiB of that as fast swap space, which would already make a nice difference.01:34
persiaion_: Just don't try for a full immersive 3D environment while you've got the swap on :)01:34
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jetolehey guys, I know this is may not be the right room but developers always know more, I myself am I light weight C guy, and typical #ubuntu room seems full of simple questions and no one who has answered yet, I have two ubuntu feisty x86_64 machines, I am trying to do luks based encryption on my laptop and after many errors + wen searching + trial and error I found that /dev/.static/dev was empty where on my other ubuntu box it had 1962 entries, r03:42
jetoleight now I only need /dev/.static/dev/mapper but as a tmpfs file system I know it will be gone after each reboot, is there a package I need to install or an error I need to file because this has seemed a little difficult to google03:42
jetolealso if there is a man page I sure as hell don't know where it is03:44
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AggieSawDustcan anyone point me to some good docs on setting up a cross-compiling env in Ubuntu?04:51
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Hobbsee***anyone who is bored, please fix stuff on http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/gutsy_probs.html - there are various main people around who can sponsor changes ***06:20
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jetole_hey guys, I hate to ask, but I asked a question earlier that no one responded to, long story short I solved it to the next level but I am a little confused, /dev/.static/dev didn't exist on my computer because basically I have traced it down to mount --move was failing with the "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock" etc error, now I have tried it with several different test directories and I cannot get --move to work howev06:33
jetole_er I tested it with test directories on another computer, bith x64, both 7.04 and it works fine, does anyone know what cause mount --move to fail or how I may be able to fix it?06:33
jetole_again, I don't typically ask questions in this room and rarely in any room but #ubuntu seldom seems to have any answers and I seldom seem to have any questions06:34
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Hobbseehi seb12810:37
seb128hey Hobbsee10:38
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StevenKseb128: Back home again?10:43
seb128StevenK: no, going to GUADEC today, still in London10:43
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Hobbseeseb128: i suppose it's technically the weekend, but do you have a list of highlights for ubuntu, for tribe 3?10:51
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seb128Hobbsee: "highlights"? you mean what's new since tribe-2?10:53
Hobbseeseb128: yes10:54
Hobbseeseb128: i dont really follow ubuntu that much, you see :)10:54
seb128GNOME 2.19.510:54
=== Hobbsee has just been asked to go pick up dinner, but will read the scrollbakc
seb128I don't think so much changed this week10:55
seb128there is the new GNOME10:55
seb128Hobbsee: enjoy10:55
Hobbseewill do :)10:57
Hobbseenew kde packages, too10:57
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Hobbseeseb128: thanks :)10:58
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calci'm stuck in gatwick, flight delayed 2.5hr :(12:04
Hobbseecalc: oh dear :(12:06
Hobbseecalc: you didnt want to go anywhere, did you?12:06
=== Hobbsee --> Dr Who
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calcHobbsee: heh, home would be nice12:11
calcby the time i get home i will have been up ~ 19hr12:12
calcon ~ 5hr sleep, not enough for me :\12:12
calci wish i knew the flight was delayed before i went to the airport12:13
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ion_Using video RAM as swap space seems to work fine. :-)01:07
persiaion_: Now launch vegastrike :)01:09
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TheMusoVideo ram as swap space? Never thought that could be done.01:27
persiaTheMuso: It's been an experimental feature for a few years now, but it requires careful balance, and a good reason (VRAM is typically more expensive than DRAM)01:28
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ion_My servers VRAM only gives FFFFFFFF, even if i try to write stuff there.01:46
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mjrbah, there were old, old patches to swap onto a gravis ultrasound in circulation in the mid-90s already, similar stuff :] 01:52
ion_The nice thing is that this worked with the default Ubuntu kernel image+modules. :-)01:52
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jbaileyWhere is the Ubuntu package policy kept?  I remember that I'm supposed to twiddle the maintainer field when uploading a -ubuntu version, but I can't for the life of me remember what I'm supposed to do.03:53
Hobbseejbailey: w.u.c/DebianMaintainerField? looking03:53
jbaileyIs there some sort of a unified policy document like Debian's where I can find all the things that I'm supposed to remember in one place?03:55
Hobbseejbailey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField03:58
Hobbseebut the mailing list post says it more clearly than that, i'll have to find it03:58
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Hobbseejbailey: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-February/000249.html04:06
jbaileyHobbsee: Thanks!04:09
Hobbseejbailey: no problem :)04:10
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Mithrandirdesrt: you at guadec yet?05:26
pittihi Mithrandir05:26
Mithrandirhiya Martin05:27
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=== Hobbsee waves to Mithrandir and pitti
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti
=== simira waves from Birmingham
pittisimira: have fun at guadec!05:38
Hobbseehi simira05:39
simirapitti: I won't attend guadec, actually, just dropping by here as well :)05:39
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Hobbseei dont suppose anyone around here has moderation rights to ubuntu-devel-announce?06:22
MithrandirHobbsee: you're wrong. :-P06:23
HobbseeMithrandir: oh good.  please approve my post then06:23
=== Hobbsee was vaguely hoping that she was wrong
Hobbseethanks :)06:24
=== Hobbsee hugs Mithrandir
Mithrandirnp :-P06:25
=== Hobbsee decides to poke about the greasemonkey scripts from UDS later, it being a sunday and all
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main will freeze on Tuesday for Tribe 3
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main will freeze on Tuesday for Tribe 3 preparations
Hobbseeoh $%&&*06:31
HobbseeMithrandir: okay, can you approve the new mail please?06:34
=== gouki [n=gouki@ubuntu/member/gouki] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee notes that writing important mailing list posts at 2.30am isnt the smartest idea in the world!
MithrandirHobbsee: *cough*. :-P  Will do06:38
Mithrandirwould you care to strip out the bits you're not correcting there?06:38
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HobbseeMithrandir: was wondering about that.  figured people would want to read the entire mail in one hit.  *shrugs06:41
HobbseeMithrandir: and :P back to you.06:41
HobbseeMithrandir: not sure on mailing list protocol there - i just went on the basis that i'd find it helpful to have the entire mail in one place, so that people could use it for reference06:42
Hobbseeer, *and* so that....06:42
Hobbseeze brain is gone.  who stole my brain!06:43
=== Mithrandir munches on Hobbsee's brain
=== Hobbsee goes on a hunt for the brainstealer.
=== Hobbsee pokes Mithrandir
MithrandirI'm innocent!06:43
Hobbseeno you're not.06:43
MithrandirI found it lying about, all by itself06:43
Hobbseewhy dont i beleive you?06:43
Hobbseesure sure...06:43
Mithrandirpeople have traditionally done otherwise, but *shrug*; since you want it that way. :-P06:44
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HobbseeMithrandir: next time i'll get the link right, first time :P06:45
MithrandirHobbsee: sure, no worries.06:46
HobbseeMithrandir: thankyou again.  i hope to find no more errors in them :)06:46
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kylemis dh_iconcache/dh_icons still broken?07:10
ScottKIt's supposed to be fixed.07:24
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ion_Why was dh_iconcache replaced with dh_icons?07:30
tritiumThe recent upgrade on flashplugin-nonfree ( actually _removed_ flash support for me, as an md5sum mismatch occurred, the plugin did not install.07:35
ScottKtritium: Known issue that's being worked.07:36
tritiumScottK: okay, thanks07:38
tritiumDidn't see indication on that on Launchpad, but good.07:38
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gnomefreaktritium: i have it fixed07:47
gnomefreaktritium: should be in feisty soon07:48
gnomefreaki hope07:48
gnomefreaktritium: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/12598607:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125986 in firefox "No flash after update of flashplugin-nonfree" [Undecided,In progress] 07:49
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aquoi use feisty and have a question08:10
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-7-140.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
aquomy syslogd has a pid of over 400008:10
aquoi am just asking myself if everthing is right with the boot process of my machine, or if any of the inital scripts eats my pids08:11
mjg59A lot of processes get run in the initramfs08:14
aquomore than 3000? i think kernel reserves pid under 1000, but and then they go up step by step ...08:18
mjg59Why's it a problem?08:19
tritiumnice, gnomefreak ;)08:20
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gnomefreaktritium: :)08:20
aquomjg59: it is no problem, i'm just analyzing the bootup process08:35
aquomjg59: i am curious which process are getting started08:35
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ijuz__there is some tool that can produce graphs of the boot process and shows what process runs when08:38
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aquoijuz__: i know, i am consultant for embedded linux and and used that for performance analysis08:44
aquoijuz__: it is bootchart08:44
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