
=== persia [n=persia@ubuntu/member/persia] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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minghua@schedule Central12:53
ubotuSchedule for Canada/Central: 13 Jul 19:00: MOTU Team | 14 Jul 12:00: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 17:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 14:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu12:53
minghua@schedule Chicago12:53
ubotuSchedule for America/Chicago: 13 Jul 19:00: MOTU Team | 14 Jul 12:00: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 17:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 10:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 14:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 15:00: Edubuntu12:53
nixternalchicago FTW! :)12:54
=== minghua is glad that Canada/Central and US/Central is the same time zone.
nixternalCST == Chicago Standard Time :)12:57
minghua... or China Standard Time :-)  (And yes, that's the real official name.)12:59
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Toadstool@schedule Los_Angeles01:27
ubotuSchedule for America/Los_Angeles: 13 Jul 17:00: MOTU Team | 14 Jul 10:00: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 15:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 08:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 12:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 13:00: Edubuntu01:27
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zul@schedule montreal01:48
ubotuSchedule for America/Montreal: 13 Jul 20:00: MOTU Team | 14 Jul 13:00: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 18:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu01:48
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: MOTU Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jul 17:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 22:00 UTC: Forum Council | 17 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
zulim actually awake for a motu meeting exciting01:57
=== ajmitch isn't
calcmotu meeting? when is that?01:58
zul2 minutes01:58
ajmitchcalc: in about 1 minute01:58
persiacalc: About 100 seconds from now.01:58
Toadstoolcalc: now01:58
calcoh ok01:59
=== calc thinks he will skip it have to get up for a plane in about 6hr
TheMusocalc: THeres not much to be discussed.01:59
TheMusoJust our fixed agenda items.01:59
Toadstoolmeeting's over, thanks people :)01:59
calci applied for core-dev today! :)01:59
persiaWho's chairing the meeting today?02:00
ajmitchpersia: you just volunteered02:00
persiaOK.  Agenda is available from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings02:01
persiaFirst up: Other Business.  Anyone have any?02:01
TheMusoI just think we should start trying to make an effort to clear the remaining outstanding merges before UVF.02:01
TheMusoThat is all.02:01
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Nafallohi all02:02
TheMusoOnly then may we consider updated merges, IMO.02:02
minghuaI am worried some changes currently in unstable is too intrusive to be merged.02:03
TheMusominghua: What packages?02:03
minghuaMaybe only merging Debian revision updates, not new upstreams?02:03
persiaminghua: I think many new upstreams are probably good before UVF02:03
minghuaTheMuso: No concrete examples, just worrying.02:03
minghuaSuch things happened before, on dapper cycle IIRC.02:04
sistpotyjust a side issue: can you all give some feedback about bluekujava's motu application on the MC list? (as the one week delay is passed iirc)02:05
minghuaAn MOTU merged/synced a package from Debian according to user's request, and broke a package I care about.02:05
=== TheMuso has left feedback.
minghuaGranted, the Debian package didn't set strict enough Depends, but still.02:05
Nafallominghua: so you actually found a bug that way? ;-)02:05
sistpotyTheMuso: right, thanks!02:06
minghuaI'm not doing much merge work these days though, so I'm not trying to change the way other people work, just speaking out my concern.02:06
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zulpackages are going to get broken it is gutsy02:06
minghuaNafallo: About the dependency?  Yes.  But it's not my package anyway, and I don't use it, so I didn't report to Debian.02:07
Nafallominghua: hehe. that's one way to look at it :-)02:07
=== Nafallo isn't really active either. only has one package maintained in Ubuntu.
persiaAny additional other business, or shall we moved to fixed topics?02:09
AndyPi'm likey to do some more merging when i get the chance but could MOTUs who like to care for specific packages please flag merges they don't want other people to do using DaD or a bug? i don't want to step on toes02:09
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sistpotyas this topic came up on the MC list recently, does anyone think we need to clarify/extent/modify the current merge policy?02:10
FujitsuWhich merge policy?02:11
NafalloAndyP: I think I did already for gajim. could you please confirm that? :-)02:11
sistpotyFujitsu: the erm... inofficial one? *g*02:12
AndyPNafallo: yes, "DO NOT TOUCH!!!" is a good flag :)02:12
=== Fujitsu must look at merging mplayer soon.
persiaAre there any volunteers to draft current merge practice into a policy doc, perhaps as part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Merging?02:13
NafalloFujitsu: I'll help by screaming at ya if you break something I use :-)02:13
FujitsuThat's what I thought, Nafallo.02:13
NafalloFujitsu: (just ask me and we can see if I have time left over :-))02:14
FujitsuWhat merge policy do we have, anyway>?02:14
zulyou merge it you break it you fix it? ;)02:15
sistpotyFujitsu: I didn't do a merge for gutsy (blame me), but it was s.th. like coordinate with the previous uploader eventually and merge02:15
persiaFujitsu: I think it's 1) all Outstanding merges should be done before DIF, 2) ping the last uploader before merging to make sure, 3) make sure the Debian changes are good between DIF & FF, 4) Be very careful after UVF.02:16
Fujitsupersia: That makes sense.02:17
FujitsuDebianImportFreeze, Nafallo.02:17
Nafalloaha. all those abbr. :-)02:17
sistpotywhoo new tla's :)02:17
persiaOK.  Any objections to deferring the merge policy debate to the next meeting, and creating a wiki page with one or more proposals to be discussed then?02:17
minghuapersia: Sounds good.  I especially like point (3).02:17
sistpotypersia: +102:17
AndyPthe policy is good but the blocking in 2 can take time, which could probably streamlined with a specific definition of "ping"02:18
persiaAny volunteers to draft proposals for the next meeting?02:18
NafalloI agree with AndyP here :-)02:18
sistpotyNafallo and AndyP: so you're volunteering? :P02:19
Nafallosistpoty: tss. new job, new life, no time.02:19
=== persia looks at AndyP, who might be able to define ping, and TheMuso who might want to document practices for Outstanding Merges
TheMusoNote that merges that were done by core devs are likely toucable, as they have more important thigns to do, with the exception of StevenK and Hobbsee.02:19
minghuaPoor LaserJock. :-P02:20
AndyPpersia: i'll give it a go02:20
TheMusopersia: I'll give it a shot.02:20
persiaAndyP: TheMuso: Thanks.02:20
FujitsuPeople competing to write documentation? I never thought I'd see the day.02:20
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AndyPTheMuso: ok you out rank me :)02:20
sistpotyNafallo: he, I've got a job for the first time in my life now... too few time for ubuntu left here as well :(02:21
TheMusoAndyP: You were asked to define ping02:21
persianext item: setting a time and date for the next MOTU meeting.  At out last meeting, ScottK suggested we should alternate by 12 hours for each meeting, making the next 27th July, 12:00 UTC.  Any thoughts?02:21
Nafallosistpoty: know the feeling.02:21
minghuaI don't know if alternate by 8 hours and have 3-meeting cycle makes more sense.  Just a thought.02:22
AndyPTheMuso: yes, i'll think and talk to you about it before the next meeting02:22
Nafallowhat does the other meetings use?02:22
TheMusopersia: +1 for time.02:24
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
persiaAnyone else want to propose a time/date?02:24
persiaOK.  The next meeting will be 27th July, 12:00 UTC.  Any volunteers to send the annoucements?02:25
TheMusoHow soon before the meeting should they go out?02:26
ajmitchat least a day or two02:26
persiaTheMuso: 1 week and 1 day, or so.02:26
TheMusoHmm ok.02:26
persiaTheMuso: Thanks.02:26
TheMusoI'll put my hand up.02:26
persiaNext Item: Setting a date for the next Universe HUG Day.02:27
=== BFTD [n=thomas@67-150-247-224.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ajmitchdo they work?02:27
=== Nafallo reads Universal
persiaI think they need more publicity, and perhaps a plan for things to do.  MOTU/TODO has a list, but it's huge.  Targets like those bdmurry puts together might increase participation.02:28
FujitsuHow much non-MOTU participation has there been on such days in the past?02:30
persiaI've not even seen much MOTU participation (see the #ubuntu-motu logs for 6th July for an example)02:32
minghuaI agree more specific goals probably provide more motivation.02:32
AndyPperhaps we could set a date, put some extra effort into announcing it where it matters (planet, forums, sounder, #ubuntu etc.) and really pay attention to how it performs to review it at the next meeting02:33
minghuaDebian's Bug Squash Party usually concentrate on RC bugs, I wish MOTU can have similar things.02:33
persiaAny volunteers to coordinate with BugSquad, prepare a list of goals, set a date, and make an announcement?  20th July seems a fair target (two weeks from the last)02:34
minghuaCore devs probably use milestones, but I don't think many universe packages use those.02:34
sistpotycan LP sort bugs according to number of subscriptions (to have some popcon like info)?02:35
Fujitsusistpoty: Not at the moment.02:35
FujitsuThere's meant to be a votingish feature coming soon.02:35
persiaIn the absence of such volunteers, any objections to having a Universe HUG day like the last on 20th July?02:37
FujitsuIf we can advertise enough, sounds good.02:38
persiaFujitsu: Would you be willing to send announcements, get something in UMN, and on the fridge?02:38
FujitsuI've got no idea how to do the last two, but I can probably work it out.02:39
minghuaThe worst case would be just no participation.  So no objections.02:39
FujitsuUWN, you mean?02:39
persiaFujitsu: Thanks a lot (and yes, UWN - my frequency analysis seems to be broken)02:39
persiaOK.  Next item: setting dates for the next REVU days.  Are Mondays good?  Shall we do two again, or is one better?02:40
TheMusoTwo is good, and I think we need a list of packages that are close to being uploaded.02:41
TheMusoready for upload even.02:41
minghuaA wiki page that an MOTU can say "this looks good to me, asking for a second advocate?"02:42
minghuaOr is that already possible to filter on REVU page?02:42
persiaminghua: That's visible in REVU for any uploads with (1) in place.02:42
TheMusoBut I am thinking of packages that don't have an advocate yet, but could, with a little work from the uploader.02:43
minghuapersia: I see.02:43
minghuaWould be nice to have (0.5). :-P02:44
sistpotypatches are welcome :P (and an active maintainer replacing me as well *g*)02:44
persiaHow about a change to REVU practices, asking REVUers to report advocation on #ubuntu-motu?02:45
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@ubuntu/member/scottk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
TheMusoSounds ok to me.02:45
=== ScottK says hi.
=== persia volunteers to update the REVU wiki page to reflect that
sistpotyhi ScottK02:45
persiaOK.  Unless there is more discussion, we'll have REVU days on the 16th and 23rd.  Any volunteers to send an annoucement about them?02:47
=== sistpoty can do this
persiasistpoty: Thanks.02:48
persiaNext Item: Setting a time & date for MOTU Q&A sessions.02:48
=== TheMuso was around for a previous one, and didn't see any action.
TheMusoi.e one this last week.02:49
ajmitchagain, have these been useful?02:49
TheMusoajmitch: aye02:49
TheMusoas in, the same question.02:49
persiaShall we stop advertising special sessions, instead encouraging people to ask in #ubuntu-motu anytime?  Would announcing that the Q&A session is underway in #ubuntu-motu help?02:50
FujitsuShall we start running around and panicing because we have almost no new contributors?02:50
=== ajmitch tends not to visit Yet Another Channel
ajmitchFujitsu: yes02:50
TheMusoI think if people have a question, encourage them to ask it, and if they aren't going to be around, for them to possibly leave a mail address so somebody can contact them?02:51
persiaajmitch: We moved them to #ubuntu-motu in the last meeting.02:51
minghuaAnd worse, we are losing old ones.02:51
persiaFujitsu: I've seen a couple new names in the past month.  It's just slow, probably because of school schedules in much of the world.02:51
FujitsuRight, we're pretty much dead. Yay.02:51
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KioshenWell I thing you guys do a pretty good job already trying to bring new people in02:52
KioshenProdding people to go at #ubuntu-motu for questions should be enough, maybe do a special session at the start of a new cycle too02:53
sistpotyKioshen: sounds like a good idea to me02:54
KioshenI really liked the Open Week thingie too02:54
Kioshenmaybe not that big but at the start of a cycle it should be enough to kick start interest02:55
persiaOK.  Let's have a last session at 0:00 and 12:00 UTC for July, and create a proposal for active Q&A during the beginning of the cycle to be discussed at the next meeting, as I don't think stopping Q&A sessions should happen without an agenda item.02:55
Kioshenthe mentors program should keep people going02:55
persias/July/July 26/02:56
sistpotyright... have there been any ubuntu-school sessions lately (I guess I was thinking at these actually)02:56
Fujitsumotu-school? I haven't seen one of them this year.02:56
TheMusoMe neither.02:56
sistpotyha... even got the name wrong *g*02:56
Kioshenmaybe fleshing out more the recipe section should be better02:57
Kioshenpeople could look it up whenever they could02:57
minghuaRecipe is persia's recent work, right?02:57
persiaminghua: No, dholbach deserves credit for that.02:57
ajmitchFujitsu: other times that we've tried school sessions few people were interested02:58
Fujitsuajmitch: I noticed that :(02:59
TheMusoI wonder whether most people perceive the barrier of entry to doing MOTU work is way to high...02:59
sistpotyajmitch: I guess people would be interested if sessions were e.g. before merges on the topic how to merge etc.02:59
TheMuso...and that we don't use things like checkinstall *shudder*02:59
ajmitchTheMuso: good point, we should switch to checkinstall02:59
FujitsuTheMuso: I know, we need to accept checkinstalled packages.02:59
sistpoty(as in at the begining of a new work period of a cycle)02:59
TheMusoFujitsu, ajmitch, I just think people don't understand why we do it the supposed hard way.03:00
TheMusoAnd think its too hard in any case.03:00
=== Fujitsu wonders where Debian gets all its contributors.
ajmitchbecause we're mean03:00
ajmitchdebian is known as a more technical distro03:01
KioshenFujitsu: because it's upstream for so many people ?03:01
minghuaTheMuso: I also feel the barrier of keep doing MOTU work is a bit high, as policies and procedures keep changing.03:01
TheMusominghua: Yeah, but with software evolution, and collaboration, things are always going to keep changing.03:02
minghuaFujitsu: Because Debian has "if you want to maintain this package, you'd better be using it and care about it a lot" policy.  I don't know how they got that many people either, though.03:03
persiaAny volunteers to draft a recruitment plan for discussion, perhaps including motu-school, Q&A sessions, Ubuntu Open Week, and MOTU/Recipes?03:03
minghuaProbably just because they have existed forever.03:03
minghuaTheMuso: I know there's not much can be done about it.  I am not complaining, either.03:04
sistpotyminghua: iirc debian wondered how ubuntu did get that much contributors not too long ago, right?03:04
Fujitsusistpoty: Debian is very deceived, then.03:05
sistpotyor we are as well? *g*03:05
minghuasistpoty: I don't recally such a thing. :-P03:05
KioshenProbably most distro is always looking for more people :)03:05
sistpotyok, back to topic, shall we?03:06
persiaOK.  Getting back to the agenda: Any objections to 0:00 and 12:00 UTC on 26th July (two weeks from the last)?  Any volunteers to draft a proposal to replace MOTU Q&A sessions?03:06
ScottKwe need a proposal to stop scheduling them?03:07
ScottKWhy not just stop.03:07
persiaScottK: Yes, or at least a non-fixed agenda item to remove them from the fixed agenda items.03:07
=== ScottK moves we just decide to do that now.
persiaScottK: It may be that someone not attending this meeting has an interest in the Q&A sessions.03:08
FujitsuRight, anybody have any objections to destroying MOTU Q&A sessions?03:08
sistpotyhow about raising the topic on the ML and setting it as topic for next meeting as well?03:08
persiasistpoty +103:08
Fujitsusistpoty: +103:08
ScottKWell I think the level of interest has been pretty well established by the lack of attendence.03:08
Kioshensistpoty: +103:08
ScottK-1: Bureacratic overkill.03:08
minghuaScottK: As long as you are not asked to write the mail to list, why object?  Maybe -0?03:09
persiasistpoty's suggestion passes, with four voting in favour, 1 voting against, and 85 abstentions03:09
ScottKWell I think one reason people are reluctant to contribute is to many rules and to much process.03:10
TheMusosistpoty: +103:10
FujitsuWoah, 90 with upload privileges...03:10
persiaFujitsu: No, just meeting attendees.03:10
minghuaScottK: I agree.  But I think without those rules and processes, things will get worse.03:11
Fujitsupersia: Yes, but I just noticed we had so many MOTU.03:11
ScottKIt's a balance.03:11
=== minghua doubts ubotu has voting right. :-P
sistpotyScottK: I don't mind a vote now... I just haven't made up my mind enough to even vote a clear +1 yet03:11
Fujitsuminghua: Worse?03:11
FujitsuHow can things get much worse?03:11
TheMusoFujitsu: no procedures/policies?03:11
KioshenFujitsu: QA seems relevant to me03:11
FujitsuSome of them are necessary.03:12
FujitsuKioshen: Q&A, not QA.03:12
minghuaFujitsu: You don't think that if we say "MOTU can upload however he/she likes, no policy at all", things won't get worse?03:12
KioshenFujitsu: QA as in Quality Assurance03:12
FujitsuKioshen: Right, but that's not what we're talking about here...03:12
Fujitsuminghua: We need some policy, sure.03:12
minghuaFujitsu: Yeah, so as ScottK said, it's a balance.03:13
=== Fujitsu has to run off and unload the dishwasher now, so brb.
persiaThat's it for our agenda.  Thanks for attending.  Anyone willing to draft the minutes?03:13
minghuaI agree the current policies/procedure is a bit higher than needed and scares away people, but I don't know where the balance it.03:13
=== ScottK thinks the less required structure (like mentors is not required) we have that doesn't affect package quality the better.
minghuaI volunteer for drafting minutes, if no one else does.03:14
ajmitchminghua: thanks03:14
persiaminghua: Thanks.03:14
sistpotythanks everyone and thanks persia for hosting and minghua for the minutes :=03:15
TheMusoThanks folks.03:15
TheMusoNow we return you to your scheduled programming...03:15
minghuaOkay.  But it will be my first minute, so I need you guys' help. :-)03:15
persiaminghua: I'd be happy to help.03:15
=== Jazzva [n=sasa@cable-89-216-184-157.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ScottKDid the clamav work come up at all before I got here?03:17
persiaminghua: First, grab the minutes from the last meeting (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/2007-06-30) and copy them into a new wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/2007-07-14).  Edit them to match the current meeting, etc.03:17
FujitsuScottK: No.03:17
persiaScottK: No (not on the agenda).  I think your email was really good, and sufficient without discussion.03:17
ScottKFujitsu: Thanks.  Just checking.  Just got back from going out to dinner.03:17
ScottKpersia: Thanks.03:17
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persiaminghua: Next, add your new minutes to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/Minutes, and annouce them to the mailing list (I recommend replying to the meeting announcement)03:18
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 14 Jul 17:00: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 22:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 19:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team02:41
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: July 14 2007, 12:41:55 - Next meeting: Xubuntu Developers in 4 hours 18 minutes02:41
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Jul 22:00 UTC: Forum Council | 17 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
j1mcany xubunteros here?07:02
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 22:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 19:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:02
j1mchiya BFTD, Knightlust07:02
BFTDthe others are coming07:02
=== TheSheep [n=sheep@atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
j1mchi all07:03
Knightlustgood evening, or morning07:03
j1mchi Knightlust07:03
j1mc12:00pm here07:04
j1mci think we only had one item on the agenda07:04
Knightlusthi j1mc: and it's 1am  here.. heh07:04
=== j1mc waves at the other side of the world
j1mc... we'll be quick then.07:04
vidd_laptop13:00 here07:04
j1mchi vidd_laptop and mr_pouit07:05
j1mcok... i think we'll make this quick.  thanks for showing up, everyone07:05
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j1mcwebsite stuff...07:06
j1mcit turns out that maxamillion is swamped with school07:06
j1mcand he won't have time for the website updates07:06
j1mcbut there's a person in the chicago-ubuntu loco team who's very good w/ drupal07:07
j1mcwould it be all right if he worked on updating the site?07:07
Knightlustj1mc; may we know who he/she is?07:07
j1mcyes, he goes by chadarius on IRC07:08
j1mci'm not sure if he has a launchpad page or wiki07:08
j1mche's very reliable, though - does IT for a bank.07:08
j1mcand is very trustworthy07:08
Knightlusthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chadarius | http://chadarius.com/07:09
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=== fijam is afk
=== j1mc looks at sites
Knightlusthis blog and site looks ok. and seems to be a very active fan of drupal. +1 from me.07:11
j1mcany others?07:12
BFTDhe's good07:12
j1mcTheSheep: what are your thoughts?07:12
BFTDI should say, he's good enough07:13
TheSheepj1mc: I don't feel like I have anything to say about this, I'll be happy to help if I can07:13
TheSheepj1mc: he looks very good07:14
j1mcok... fair enough07:14
TheSheepI mean his sites ;)07:14
j1mchaha... ok.  i'll put it out to the lists, just so people can have their say.07:14
j1mcplus, i think people like TheSheep and maxamillion at least need to be available to say, "this is what we'd like improved" and the like07:15
j1mcso that whoever takes this up isn't lost.07:15
TheSheepoh, you can get all the criticism you want from me :)07:15
j1mchahaha  :)07:15
j1mcanything else on the website?07:16
TheSheepI think we should design the actual content07:16
j1mc"we" meaning the xubuntu team?07:16
TheSheepwell, someone07:16
BFTDI could...do something, I've been into server/web design like crazy lately07:17
BFTDbut I'm not sure what to do07:17
TheSheepif the new looks is going to be similar to ubuntu's site, then the current page structure doesn't fit07:17
TheSheepotoh it could be left to organically grow as the page is redesigned07:17
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TheSheepactually that might be better07:18
=== j1mc nods
TheSheepbut really Chadarius should decide :)07:18
j1mci'm trying to think how you could communicate these ideas to the folks who have time to put things together07:18
Knightlusti agree, a template would be nice, probably hosted on a sandbox like a free webhost, this way we can check on the progress real-time, before we give the thumbs up.07:18
j1mci (as i'm sure others probably do) have a spare box on which i could host something07:19
j1mcjust through dyn-dns, but it would work fine07:19
TheSheepKnightlust: it's not like we have any choice ;)07:19
BFTDI'm working on it07:19
Knightlustheh, yeah.07:20
BFTDI think I can get something set up if you want07:20
j1mcBFTD: what is vidd.us hosted on?07:21
BFTDXubuntu, Apache 2.207:21
j1mc400mhz celeron or... ?07:21
vidd_laptopj1mc, i have a colocated box07:22
BFTDdual Xeon07:22
BFTDvidd.us is running Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) DAV/2 PHP/5.2.1 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8c mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.807:22
BFTDor was the something else?07:22
j1mcok.  and you would be willing to host the test site?07:22
BFTDanyways, vidd should know07:22
vidd_laptopi think he wants to know what kind of power i have under the hood07:23
BFTDwhich to be honest I don't really know, I thought Jester said something like Xeons07:23
j1mcsorry, yes, just wanted to know if it was a decent machine07:23
j1mcbut that sounds like the best option...07:23
vidd_laptopi dont rightly recall.....but it is a headless server, without X07:24
BFTDI'll find out07:24
j1mcso... i think we just need to arrange a couple things:07:24
=== vidd_laptop sets up a vidd.us/~xubuntu
j1mc-- i need to confirm w/ chad all the way that he can do it07:24
j1mc-- we need a rundown of what we want changed (mailing list)07:25
j1mc-- he'd need access to vidd.us07:25
j1mc-- the template... we would need the template, too07:25
j1mcTheSheep: you still have the template?  :)07:25
BFTDits a Pentium III07:26
j1mcBFTD: that should be fine.  :)07:26
TheSheepj1mc: yes, the url is the same07:26
=== j1mc forgot the url
j1mcthanks, TheSheep :)07:27
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vidd_laptopj1mc, PM me the desired password07:28
j1mcok... thanks all... hopefully this will all work.  :)07:28
j1mcnot quite... two other really quick things07:29
TheSheepj1mc: there is also a trabla07:29
j1mccool.  :)  thanks.  :)07:29
BFTDum, what do you guys think of putting a large image link to the download on top of the page?07:30
j1mci'll remove references to those url's from the meeting archives, just to be safe07:30
BFTDkinda like ubuntu.com, or maybe something very noticeable alongt he side07:30
j1mcthat's not a bad idea, but ... do you think we should save it for the designers and the like?07:31
j1mclet them hash it out?07:31
BFTDI guess that is something they do07:31
BFTDany word of a shipit system?07:31
j1mca couple of other notes:  jmak is going to be posting drafts of the artwork he's been working on07:32
TheSheepj1mc: I don't mind the urls07:32
j1mche said that he might do so this weekend.07:32
TheSheepj1mc: the files were checked out form a public svn07:32
j1mcoh, ok07:32
j1mcBFTD: Mark Shuttleworth has indicated that there won't be a shipit for xubuntu.07:33
j1mche said so diplomatically, though.  it came up in ubuntu-open week.07:33
vidd_laptopok...how about an "unofficial" shipit-like program?07:34
Knightlustyeah, too bad, xubuntu would 'remain' a project.07:34
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j1mcvidd_laptop: what do you mean?07:35
vidd_laptoplike get shipping info and mail ppl disks07:35
vidd_laptopjust like shipit, but not from shipit07:36
j1mcif you'd want to make that happen, i don't think anyone would stop you.07:37
=== Knightlust is concerned about 'who will fund it'
BFTDI can like, cover the west cost...07:37
Knightlustbut it still is a great idea07:37
BFTDI need about $30-$40 and I can do it...07:37
=== vidd_laptop needs only to know shipping rates
BFTDI mean, I shouldn't be getting to much...07:38
j1mcBFTD: are you serious?07:38
BFTDwe would have to limit it to...07:38
BFTDj1mc somewhat, I'm not exactly sure on the price...07:38
BFTDI have like 600 CD-R's07:38
j1mcbrb (bathroom)  :)07:39
BFTDI'll just write Xubuntu on them...07:39
BFTDyeah brb07:39
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=== vidd_laptop can get a spool of disks reasonably cheep....
TheSheepit's better to press them07:40
j1mci agree with TheSheep.  any CD's sent out by any "shipit" type function should be pressed07:41
TheSheepthe difference in price is like 10x07:41
j1mcif anything like this were to be done, i would suggest that it only be done for LTS releases07:42
j1mcbut ... :)  if others disagree, it's ok.  :)  because they would be doing it.07:43
vidd_laptophow do you "press" cd's?07:43
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Knightlustif that's the case then, will canonical fund an LTS pressed cd?07:44
j1mcnot sure...07:44
TheSheepvidd_laptop: you go to a company that does that and order 6k pressed cds for $0.01 a piece ;)07:44
BFTDI'd have to get a printer that'll do CD pressing, or get litescribe07:45
=== fijam is back here
fijamhello everyone07:45
TheSheepBFTD: I think you're talking about printing the pictures on top of the cds?07:45
j1mci think that if people are interested in this, they can pursue it, but... i don't want to have the group dwell on it07:46
=== vidd_laptop will look into that.... TheSheep ....think we can get a live/alt combo dvd iso?
j1mcseeing as fijam is here, i'll just say that we're plugging along on xubuntu-docs07:46
TheSheepBFTD: I was rather thinking of pressing the cds themselves, so that you don't have to buy cd-rs and burn them07:47
BFTDI see07:47
j1mcif you want to see our status / you can see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Documentation/Assignments07:47
j1mcit's a bit slow, yes, but we are picking up speed07:47
j1mci'll be submitting some patches early next week07:48
j1mc(mon / tues)07:48
j1mcanything else from anyone?07:49
BFTDXubuntu doesn't have any games....07:49
TheSheepBFTD: that's afeature, not bug :)07:50
BFTDwe should have some added for Gusty07:50
BFTDchess, sudoku, monjong07:50
j1mcBFTD: that would be worth bringing up with maxamillion and cody somerville.07:50
BFTDj1mc games is something I can do07:50
j1mcwe've discussed games in xubuntu at length in prior meetings (even for gutsy) and on the ML07:50
BFTDin a way07:50
vidd_laptopBFTD, the games chosen will need to be light and already in main07:51
BFTDright...chess, sudoku, monjong07:51
fijamfortune :)07:52
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BFTDso I guess that means I have to get gusty :P07:52
j1mcseriously, i'm not against including games in xubuntu, but we've gone over it before - even recently.07:52
vidd_laptopj1mc, did you get my PM about the vidd.us/~xubuntu?07:52
j1mcvidd_laptop: yes!  sorry i need to /msg nickserv to be able to respond, though07:53
vidd_laptopthat is ok...just wanted to make sure you got it....07:53
vidd_laptopftp, ssh, and httpd are all set up07:53
BFTDwell then, along with that I'll take the games section on the docs07:54
j1mcBFTD: would you be able to get games included in xubuntu?07:54
TheSheepBFTD: don't forget comprehensive guides for Rogue and Adventure ;)07:55
j1mcok... any other topics?07:56
BFTDyeah I might07:57
BFTDI have to go and get gutsy07:57
BFTDand I need to install it onto an old system07:57
BFTDso that I'll know it'll be low-end machine friendly07:57
j1mcanything else?07:58
j1mcthanks for your time today, everyone07:58
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BFTDalright, good meeting everyone07:58
Knightlustalright, have a nice day to everyone.07:58
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Kmoswhen there is the meeting to approve new ubuntu members?08:47
BFTDits the CC meeting08:48
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers | 16 Jul 22:00: Forum Council | 17 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 19:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team08:50
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Kmoswhere's the CC one ?08:52
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BFTDKmos the date isn't set yet08:55
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