
adfa... so what i should do to run the xserver ??12:01
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dsgsdgnivekc1: in terminal type "wine /location/to/app.exe"12:01
tomijoin ubuntu-hu12:01
Desolatormake420: I opened it in Notepad++ (windows), where to add that # ?12:01
MajorPayneadfa: What does it say before no screens found.  It should have an error before that.12:01
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adfahem.. dont thing so...12:02
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sebastian__ok, here it is... i have a pc with ubuntu server 7.04 installed, the network interface eth0 is configured as static, i have all configured, gateway, dns, etc... BUT i cant ping outside that pc... actually SOMETIMES i can, like after some networking restarts it works... but then when i reboot it doesnt work12:02
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make420at the start of any line where you don't want that info/command to run12:02
adfai just replaced me video card to asus..12:02
MajorPayneadfa: No screens found is normaly a result of an error before that.12:02
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nivekc1dsgsdg: that will install the proram? and then how do i run it?12:02
adfasure irssi work without xserver im tired restart all the time to xp heh:X12:02
Brent_That site that was linked to doesn't seem to have anything to do with my problem, or at least I don't think so. I'm not using a pen drive along with my external drive12:02
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dsgsdgnivekc1: that is how you run executables in wine12:03
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MajorPayneadfa: Yea.  It will work.  Do "sudo aptitude install irssi" if it is not installed already.12:03
dsgsdgI'm not sure where C: maps to in wine, dpeends on your config12:03
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Desolatormake420: ok, but I somehow need to change something in order to be able to boot ubuntu again or I can simply trash the whole partition12:03
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Brent_I've googled dozens of terms for help, I've been in this chat room 15 times, and I'm still trying. I just can't seem to make this work. I think this is why many people won't tackle linux yet, IMO.12:03
Desolatorisn't there some kind of apt-del or something?12:04
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kshahnjdcan someone help me set up a static ip on ubuntu server?12:04
dsgsdgdesolator ...apt-get remove pkgname12:04
kshahnjdi read the man12:04
adfabrb then...12:04
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Desolatordsgsdg: I'll try12:04
Brent_Isn't there a way to just install GRUB on my main hard drive? Or is that not safe? I have no idea.12:04
TTT_Travismy user is a member of the video group but it still won't let me start x12:04
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MajorPayneTTT_Travis: You need to log out and in again after adding a user to a group.12:06
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Brent_Can the Super Grub Disk help me fix my problem?12:06
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keitarecan anyone help me install ndiswrapper12:07
joshritgercan someone help me figure out how to get the svideo out on my nvidia 6600 video card to work?12:07
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ompaul!grub | Brent_12:07
ubotuBrent_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:07
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TTT_TravisMajorPayne I did I even rebooted12:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:07
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keitarei have read the docs12:08
MajorPayneTTT_Travis: What error does it say when X tries to start?12:08
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TTT_TravisX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.12:08
keitarei get an error trying to make ndiswrapper12:08
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adfabah irssi suck! anyway befure no screens he says: no devices detected..x;12:08
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arpegiuswhen i installed ubuntu server, it went through a little walkthrough to configure my wireless network and everything Just Worked. i've since changed my router and with it the password. its wpa2 now, whereas it used to be wep. is there any way i can do the walkthrough again to reset the password?12:09
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adfaanyone ?12:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wise - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:10
joshritgercan someone tell me how to check if firestarter is running?12:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about say_something - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
sebastian__ok, here it is... i have a pc with ubuntu server 7.04 installed, the network interface eth0 is configured as static, i have all configured, gateway, dns, etc... BUT i cant ping outside that pc... actually SOMETIMES i can, like after some networking restarts it works... but then when i reboot it doesnt work12:10
adfahow do i fix this xserver shit?::\12:11
Brent_Oh well, sorry to bother you all12:11
nikinjoshritger: ps ax | grep firestarter12:11
dsgsdg!xserver |adfa12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
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nikinadfa: can you give a better description of your problem than "shit"12:11
nivekc1i am using wine to install Metal Gear Solid and it is workig beautifully but anyways MGS setup asks me if i want setup to create the folder C:/program files?metal gear solid should i press yes or no?12:11
adfayhea i allredy told i replaced my video card to asus12:12
nikinnivekc1: say yes12:12
adfanow xserver faild12:12
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Priceynivekc1, might be an idea if you want to install it...12:12
adfaand says no screens detected...12:12
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nikinadfa: did you reconfigure the xserver after changing the videocard?12:12
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adfaim a noob..;p12:13
nikinadfa: you should do that12:13
chris__how do I set my default sound card with alsa12:13
joshritgernikin: I input that command and I get 3 lines while I have firestarter running in the tray, and when I close it in the tray I only get one line back12:13
nikinadfa: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:13
adfasec ill try..12:13
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nikinjoshritger: that line is the grep command wich you issued, so if there is one line, then firestarter is not running12:14
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joshritgernikin: how do I get firestarter to run on startup?12:14
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:14
nikinjoshritger: are you using gnome?12:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about null - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
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[KaMuii] helo12:15
[KaMuii] hello12:15
joshritgernikin: I tried to follow a guide that I got a link to from the community documents and it wouldnt start right. Yes Gnome12:15
[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC12:15
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dsgsdgspongebob! :D12:16
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nikinjoshritger: gksudo gnome-session-properties12:16
nikinthere add a new line witch starts firestarter12:17
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[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC12:17
joshritgernikin: that command gave me an error12:17
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nikinjoshritger: what wersion of ubuntu are you using?12:18
Desolatoris there any way of 'nicely' uninstalling ubuntu? as i can simply format the partition but that's not nicely12:18
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joshritgernikin: 7.0412:18
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MajorPayneDesolator: What's not nice about it?  That's the only way to do it.12:18
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nikinjoshritger: run it without sudo12:19
=== Desolator stars the grill
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kane77why doesnt clicking while holding alt work? where can I set that up to click normally?12:19
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[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC12:19
Desolatorclean & tidy12:19
joshritgernikin: ok the sessions window popped up12:19
MajorPayneDesolator: Dual booting?12:19
DesolatorI guess I'll download feisty directly now12:19
AlessandroDI have Ubuntu 6.06 currenl installed, and I was wondering how can I upgrade to 7.0412:20
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chris__is there alsaconf for ubuntu?12:20
Pricey!upgrade AlessandroD12:20
Pricey!upgrade | AlessandroD12:20
Desolatori formatted the partition from windows12:20
ubotuAlessandroD: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:20
nikinkane77: clicking with alt would move windows..  no idea tho how to fix that12:20
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AlessandroDPricey: Thanks12:20
nikinjoshritger: you shol add a new item to the autostarting apps12:20
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MajorPayneDesolator: If you are only using Windows make sure the Windows boot loader is installed.12:20
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[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC12:21
kane77nikin, Ive managed to get diablo2 running and in that game holding alt would reveal the items on ground...12:21
joshritgernikin: I have tried adding firestarter to autostart, but it always doesn't start because it needs root priveledges12:21
Desolatorwindows boot loader?12:21
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adfadoesn't 'edit' work to edit files?:X12:21
kane77nikin, however I cant pick them up because clicking then does nothing... :/12:21
Desolatorthat is?12:21
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nikinkane77: tell ine not to let the windowmanager handle the windo.... untick that checkbox.. that would help12:21
dsgsdgadfa: no, you hae to choose a text editor, I like nano12:21
MajorPayneDesolator: Yea.  I'm almost certian grub will no longer work if you remove the menu.lst file.12:21
nikintell wine*....12:22
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kane77nikin, oh ok.. thx... (how would I do that?)12:22
MajorPayneDesolator: A boot loader is what loads the OS.12:22
Desolatorerm...I guess no Ubuntu works now if I turned the partition into clean FAT3212:22
nikinkane: run winecfg12:22
kane77nikin, oh.. sure :)12:22
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MajorPayneDesolator: If you formated the partition that Ubuntu is on, no it does not work any more.12:23
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kane77nikin, thanx a lot!12:23
AlessandroDPricey: Evertime I try to do that I get the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)12:23
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DesolatorI though it was gonig to affect windows12:23
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nikinjoshritger: you can write a scrit with sudo firestarter where the root password is included, but i dont remember how to give sudo the passwd12:23
AlessandroDPricey: I isn't the first time...12:23
MajorPayneDesolator: It doesn't affect Windows at all.  But it effects grub.12:23
PriceyAlessandroD, connection troubles...12:23
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[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC PLEASE12:23
PriceyAlessandroD, its fine here12:23
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Desolatorgrub = what?12:23
MajorPayne!grub | Desolator12:24
nikin!grub | Desolator12:24
ubotuDesolator: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:24
hachiwhat's the deal with ubuntu naming? debian's pattern is after toy story, right? I don't recognize ubuntu's naming scheme12:24
sdoubleI just spent about an hour trying to figure out why mysql wasn't working with my php.  Finally figured out I needed to get php5-mysql  =/12:24
AlessandroDPricey: What should I do?12:24
[KaMuii] i need the ati drivers for ubuntu PPC PLEASE12:24
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facugaichhachi: Animals?12:24
PriceyAlessandroD, try again12:24
hachianimals with adjectives, it seems12:24
MajorPayneDesolator: I hope someone else can tell you how to install the Windows boot loader.  I can't, I don't run the thing.12:24
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MajorPayneDesolator: Or you will have to use google.12:25
adfabah.. xorg.conf -> he found the asus but still startx-> the same error12:25
joshritgernikin: ok, I am too new at this to figure it out on my own, the script that is. THanks for your help anyway.12:25
Desolatorso you mean I can't boot up Windows anymore?12:25
hachibut it seems so cute that I would think it has more meaning behind it12:25
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MajorPayneDesolator: Nothing is wrong with Windows, just the thing that loads it.  You will need to fix it or Windows will not be able to boot (but it will still be there).12:25
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nikinjoshritger: if you stay here for some time, i will try to figure it out for you12:25
dsgsdgdesolator: in command prompt do fdisk /mbr12:25
MajorPayneDesolator: Not untill you fix the boot loader.12:25
dsgsdgfdisk /mbr replaces bootloader12:25
joshritgernikin: can you pm me if you figure it out. I have other work I have to do so I can't keep looking at the screen.12:26
nickrudjoshritger, you can run sudo visudo , and add a line like  <you>  ALL = /usr/bin/firestarter ; that would allow you to run firestarter without a password12:26
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Desolator'fdisk' is not recognizeable as an internal command, bla bla12:26
nikinDesolator: putting back the windows MBR.... insert the XP CD , choose Recovery there.. then issue the command : "fdisk /mbr" at the command line12:26
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Desolatorok brb12:27
nikinjoshritger: sure12:27
dsgsdgah yeah I was gonna say, most likely you will need to use the xp recovery console12:27
MajorPayneDesolator: GL.12:27
AlessandroDPricey: I am getting the same error again and again :(12:27
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DesolatorMajorPayne: thanks12:27
PriceyAlessandroD, i don't know how to help sorry12:27
nikinadfa: please put my name before lines sent to me... i just read those... else would be to much12:27
joshritgernickrud: I tried that with a guide and it didnt work. It messed it up and I had to revert it back to the original just to get firestarter to run12:27
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AlessandroDPricey: thanks :|12:27
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adfanikin: asus is know on xorg.conf but still startx doesn't work with the same error12:29
vexati0nok.. this is about to drive me insane.12:29
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VorondilGreetings all, this is probably a more general question than a ubuntu specific one, but since I'm using ubuntu, I'll ask you guys:  Do ext3 partitions need to be defragmented?  If so, what utilities exist to do so?  I've read in numerous places that ext2/3 don't need it, but I'm not entirely convinced yet.  :-P12:29
vexati0nWHY will Ubuntu not *leave* a device *unmounted* while i'm trying to use GParted?12:29
unagianyone here use apple shake?12:29
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MajorPayneVorondil: It does not need to be defragmented.12:29
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adfais  now*;x12:29
MajorPayneVorondil: It doesn't get degragmented.12:29
adfabtw in lspci -> i should see the asus card dont i ?12:30
MajorPayneVorondil: I mean, it doesn't get fragmented.12:30
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nikinadfa: ypu went throu the dpkg-reconfigure server-xorg  ... process ... what driver did you specify?12:30
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samuel-awaysup all12:30
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mhz`-is it possible to see my linux partitions/file system while in windows?12:30
=== ubunut buys samuel-away a /\/\ :)HappyMeal:) /\/\ ,but takes the toy!
adfai choose the nvidia -> asus wasn't there12:30
VorondilMajorPayne: I see.  How does allocation work such that everything stays reasonably contiguous (especially on full-ish partitions)?12:31
=== gpm [n=gpm@ALille-257-1-161-121.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
PresidentBushvoron: it starts overwritting files12:31
RedCorvettehey guys, i have a problem installing ubuntu linux on vnware workstation 6 via Windows xp12:31
adfanikin: its more simple just to change the exisiting conf...:\12:31
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adfanikin:  reconfigure is too slow;x12:31
nikinadfa: NO IT IS NOT12:31
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nickrudmhz`-, I use explore2fs for that12:31
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MajorPayneVorondil: I am no expert in file systems.  I read an article on it somewhere.  Can't remember too much about it.12:32
adfanikin: i did the reconfigure anyway...12:32
mhz`-ty nick12:32
PresidentBushit overwrites files12:32
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RedCorvettethe linux cd boots and gives me options to insatll, but when i select that option, nothing happens after that12:32
nikinadfa: and hat driver did you use?12:32
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VorondilMajorPayne: I gotcha.  I'll go do some google'ing.  Thanks. :)12:32
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adfanikin: sec.. i thing i need the reconfigure again but why i dont see the ASUS on lspci ?12:32
=== Ro [n=rohit@c-24-21-228-215.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ARM9Hey I need help restoring my ubuntu to like it was before I installed kubuntu-desktop (autoremove doesn't seem to do it).12:32
MetrolIs there some reason you fine folks may know about why I can't update from: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz12:32
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MetrolLoading on a web browser looks good, but Synaptic isn't updating properly12:33
PresidentBushLMAO wtf, I noticed uboto PM'd me: otu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:33
nikinadfa: maybe you see just a vendor ID.... and that just a number12:33
MajorPayneVorondil: Basicly it does a really good job of staying defragmented.12:33
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adfaso when im typing the driver just type ASUS ?12:34
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nikinadfa: NO.... hat kind of graphics car do you have? nvidia? ATI?12:35
samuelare there any deb packages for virtualbox add-ons when ubuntu is a guest os? or just use one that is provided with virtualbox as a cd that is mounted?12:35
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adfalspci says ATI:X12:35
nikinadfa: ok12:35
nikinadfa: first we set it up as a vesa card12:35
Closovvesa local bus12:36
unagianyone here use apple shake?12:36
nikinadfa: so run that dpkg-rec..... command and select VESA out of the first list12:36
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Closov<nikin> and it never fucking worked12:36
Pricey!ohmy | Closov12:36
ubotuClosov: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:36
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MetrolIs there some way to clear out the dpkg cache to get things to reload, or to reload the package file manually?12:36
dsgsdgWARNING: $ "dpkg-rec..... command"12:37
dsgsdgbash: dpkg-rec..... command: command not found12:37
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nikinClosov: if you are such a genius.. i ame looking forward to your solutio12:37
adfanikin: did it, now he asks for identifier...12:37
Desolatororked, but I used fixmbr, not fdisk /mbr12:37
=== truthfatal_ [n=truthfat@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu
Closovim just laffo because we had a server way back when... and the vesa controllers on it were horrid12:37
ztomicanyone know how to get realtime working in jack?12:37
Closovthat was 90s stuff tho12:37
nikinadfa: let it as default12:37
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Closovim sure its a lot better12:38
Closovalso this was novell12:38
blehterhi. I managed to screw up grub a little bit. It gives me a list of all the boot options but I only have Ubuntu installed. How can I fixi t?12:38
Desolatorthanks dsgsdg> and MajorPayne12:38
nikinClosov: ok, i ame realy intrested12:38
=== raj [n=raj@adsl-71-156-54-225.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
adfanikin: you mean in the editbox 'default' because in the last reconfigure i change it12:38
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MajorPayneDesolator: NP.  But no you no longer have Ubuntu :-(12:38
=== Markive [n=marky@85-211-119-3.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DesolatorI ordered Feistry12:39
nikinadfa: thats just a name.... just leave it as it is... it does not matter12:39
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Desolatorbut I won't wait and I'll download it...after I get some sleep12:39
adfaok.. ;p12:39
Desolator(it's 1:36 AM here)12:39
MajorPayneDesolator: Ohh.  No high speed connection?12:39
=== Catoptromancy [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPayneOhh.  Ok.12:39
DesolatorI do, but I'm too lazy to wait 4 weeks12:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:39
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MajorPayneDesolator: You could have done a net upgrade from 6.10.12:40
unagianyone know how to convert .mov to an image sequence?12:40
dsgsdgdesolator: it doesn't take 4 weeks to dl ubuntu on broadband12:40
DesolatorI had dapper12:40
blehtercan anyone help me with the problem i mentioned above?12:40
nikinunagi: hy again... is there a specific reason you are using .mov?12:40
Desolator[01:38]  <Desolator> I ordered Feistry12:40
=== Thaddeus [n=thaddeus@pool-72-86-46-230.clppva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Desolatorthat taked 4 weeks AFAIK12:40
unagibecause .mov is the format of the videos from gettyimages nikin12:40
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MajorPayneDesolator: Ahh.  But yes.  I think it is neat that Ubuntu will ship all over the place for free, but DLing is easier.12:41
ztomicblehter:  #nano /boot/grub/menu.lst12:41
Markivehi , just watching the room, how do i tell my ver?12:41
PriceyMarkive, version?12:41
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Pricey!version | Markive12:41
ubotuMarkive: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell12:41
nikinunagi: what does gettyimages do?12:41
dsgsdgmarkive: uname -v12:41
DesolatorI know, that's why I'll DL it, 'cuz I won't wait so much, better wait 1 hour12:41
unagiits my source of stock footage nikin12:41
Markivethanks i',ll try that12:41
pierhelp me!!!please12:41
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ztomicblehter: make that #sudo nano...12:42
Desolator(it's be better if softpedia hosted the iso, as I'd download it with 30mbps instead of 1mbps)12:42
MajorPayne!ask | pier12:42
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupier: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:42
nikinunagi: sorry i dont understand the word... "stock footage"12:42
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MajorPayneDesolator: I find the torrents for Ubuntu is super fast.12:42
redboxI'm at the command line, and the monitor keeps turning off every 5-10 min of inactivty, like going into sleep mode I think, how can I disable this?12:42
DesolatorMajorPayne: do you know why I can't play mp3s or wmas on Ubuntu?12:42
Josie1hey guys. I need a little help with something12:42
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blehterDesolator: Aw only 1mbps? I have a 384kbps connection :) South Africa...12:42
MarkiveRelease:        7.0412:43
MarkiveCodename:       feisty12:43
MajorPayneDesolator: 7.04 will fix that real easy.12:43
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Josie1I need to convert the root filesystem on kubuntu from ext2 to ext3, what's the best way?12:43
MajorPayneDesolator: It will install the codecs when you try to play them for the first time.12:43
DesolatorMajorPayne: I got 1mbps internet, and 30mbps when downlaoding directly from someone in my city on same isp (as the softpedia's mirror is)12:43
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DesolatorMajorPayne: it didn't, it said I can't open the file12:43
Markivethank pricey12:43
dsgsdgsoftpedia isn't soft, they're hard :((((12:43
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unagiit took me 2 hours to dl ubuntu.....who sayts its taking 4 weeks12:44
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PeloJosie1,  on a default instal the standard FS is ext3 for the / partition,  it does show as ext2 in fsck don'T worry if that is the case12:44
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Desolatordsgsdg: it comes from SoftwarePedia12:44
MajorPayneDesolator: If you know somenoe who has the cd you can make a copy (I love free software).12:44
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Markiveis there such thing as defrag in ubuntu?12:44
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Josie1Pelo, I'm damn sure it's ext212:44
DesolatorMajorPayne: well I don't12:44
unagianyone know how to convert .mov to an image sequence?12:44
Pricey!defrag | Markive12:44
ubotuMarkive: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.12:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bluescreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
Markivethanks again Pricey12:45
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MajorPayneDesolator: Ahh.  Ok.12:45
PeloMarkive, you don't need defrag on ext3 , only on fat and fat32   linux usualy runs on ext2 or ext312:45
PriceyMarkive, there is defrag tools for ext2... but not needed really12:45
amidanielunagi: Haha :)12:45
AlessandroDPricey: Just to let you know, I cleaned my /etc/apt/sources.list from unofficial repositories and local repositories that ubuntu automaticall added (Such as br.archive and au.archive) and now it seems to be working...12:45
DesolatorI guess when I get Feistry I'll order 20 or so CDs and give them to friends, but they're all n00bs12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about billgates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
ubotuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures12:45
=== titeuf_87 [n=titeuf@152.248-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
nikinunagi: what program do you use to play .mov-s?12:45
PriceyMarkive, ubuntu runs ext312:45
Josie1Pelo, so what would be the best way to do it?12:45
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Markivewhat a helpfull place12:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crashbandicoot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
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pierescuse me help12:45
Markivethanks for your help12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
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PeloJosie1,  chaning your the filesystem will whipe partition clean,   you would do better to back up your data and make a clean install12:46
VorondilMajorPayne: Awesome, I found http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting  :)12:46
Desolator[01:45]  <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about beer12:46
Lunar_LampI have a server on my network - is it possible to read the system mail for my user on that box from my desktop mail client (thunderbird)?12:46
Pelo!it | pier12:46
ubotupier: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:46
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pierjoin #ubuntu-it12:46
amidanielWell, I do have to say that this is first ditribution I've *ever* tried where my wireless worked out of the box :)12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mexican - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
Pelopier,   /join ....12:46
Pelo!ex | dsgsdg12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
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Pelo!es | dsgsdg12:46
ubotudsgsdg: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:46
IndyGunFreaklol, mexican?.lol12:47
pierjoin ubuntu-it12:47
Josie1Pelo, isn't ext3 the same as ext2 with journalising? so wouldn't it be as simple as enabling journalising and changing the fstab?12:47
MajorPaynepier: /join #ubuntu-it12:47
Pelopier,   /join #ubuntu-it12:47
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PeloJosie1, might be but I have my doubts12:47
=== adfa [n=ohad@bzq-88-154-218-27.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Desolatorok, 'ill go to bed, thanks guys (or gals?)12:47
nickrudJosie1, you can use tune2fs from a live disk12:47
Markiveall you helpers out there12:48
Josie1Pelo: but what what I'm worried about is if I have to redo initrds12:48
unagianyone here use apple shake?12:48
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PeloJosie1,  I honestly wouldn'T know12:48
=== Ulixes [n=ulixes@pool-70-107-176-136.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nikinunagi: i pm ed you12:48
Josie1nickrud: that's what I was gonna do but I was worried about the system not booting12:48
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unaginikin i replied12:48
Josie1It would suck to be in that situation12:48
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lan1g1r1would anyone be willing to help me install opera on feisty fawn?12:48
nickrudJosie1, read the man page for tune2fs, it explains how to go about it12:48
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nikinunagi: i didnt get your repli12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tune2fs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
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Josie1hmm.. I'll give it a once over12:49
=== knockturnx [n=scott@c-67-176-237-79.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloianmcorvidae,  I think there is a package in the repos,  search in synaptic12:49
=== exetico [n=exetico@185-103.dyn.nrdn.cust.ngdc.dk] has joined #ubuntu
adfanikin, thanx man the xserver is now on and i install the grahpic?spelling) card, but im trying now to use desktop effects and he says "is not available12:49
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsgsdgapt-cache search keyword is faster then synaptic12:49
=== Pheezlewhompers [n=Pheezlew@cpe-69-205-204-52.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ianmcorvidaePelo: You answered to the wrong person :P12:49
adfanikin, whats wrong.. ?12:49
=== holycow [n=hello@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloianmcorvidae, it happens12:50
nikinadfa: now you have basic stuf.. you have to install ATI drivers and stuff12:50
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nikin!ATI | adfa12:50
ubotuadfa: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uboto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
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sayersOn the Mother Board is the System Fan for the plug that comes from the PSU?12:51
Josie1So, it should be as simple as remounting read only, running tune2fs -j /dev/hda2 and then rebooting right?12:51
nikinadfa: nothing is wrong12:51
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Pelodsgsdg,  donT' play with the bot,  use /msg ubotu !whatever to query it in pm12:51
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Josie1It shouldn't complain about not being able to find initrd right?12:52
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botdrunk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:52
Lunar_LampI have a server on my network - is it possible to read the system mail(from things like cronjob) for my user on that box from my desktop mail client (thunderbird)?12:52
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MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: You would have to set up a MDA.12:52
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Lunar_LampMajorPayne, mail delivery agent?12:53
nickrudJosie1, no, can't do it on read only12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
=== Trixsey [n=Secret@c-119072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:53
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:53
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Josie1nickrud: probably a good idea to go into single-user mode?12:53
MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: Yea.  There may be another way, I'm not sure.12:53
unagisigh.....i just want to be able to convert movs to image sequences i didnt think this was such a hard task =(12:53
=== thespore [n=spore@66-189-255-101.dhcp.hsng.ne.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudJosie1, no, use a live disk.12:54
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MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: If there is a mda may be over kill.  But that would do it.12:54
adfanikin,  can you give me the url to install the ati ? i by mistake exit xchat;\12:54
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Josie1nickrud: why the hell would I wanna do that?12:54
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Lunar_LampMajorPayne, yeah, I was trying to avoid doing that :-(12:54
Greyscale_wrong button12:54
thesporehow can I set my LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanently?12:54
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dsgsdgthespore: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=something in ~/.bashrc12:55
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dsgsdglogout and in for it to take effect12:55
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dialntonei have a problem with the mv command12:55
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FusE-Whats the current ubuntu version, I havent booted to it for a while12:55
nickrudJosie1, because otherwise you end up with a .journal file in / ; immutable, but why not hide it completely?12:55
thesporedsgsdg, was looking for .login, my bad.. thanks!12:55
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MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: It might be just as easy to use ssh and mutt.12:55
Markivefuse 7.0412:55
FusE-Im still like 6.012:55
dsgsdgthespore: np12:55
FusE-Ill boot and upgrade12:55
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Lunar_LampMajorPayne, yeah, but I never remember to check the mail etc, that;s why I'd like to automate delivery to my normal client.12:56
nikin!ati | adfa12:56
ubotuadfa: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:56
rawkfistcould anybody help me with so HD optimization issues i am having?12:56
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dialntoneI am trying to replace a folder that is the same as another folder but it won't let me do it... can you guys help me...  I get this error12:56
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Josie1nickrud: you're right, just read the man, apparently e2fsck must be run from a rescue floppy (or live disc) in order for the inode to be placed.12:56
MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: Don't give up.  I am not all knowing, there may be something else you can do.12:56
dialntonemv: cannot move `usr' to a subdirectory of itself, `/usr'12:56
dsgsdgdialntone....mv -f /source /dest12:56
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MajorPayneLunar_Lamp: Not to say that you can.  I just mean that I do not know.12:56
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nickrudJosie1, there's an interesting paragraph there, the last one under -j.12:56
nickrudJosie1, not sure I'd trust it, I'm paranoid12:57
dialntonedoesn't work dsgsdg12:57
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dsgsdgdialntone: hmm, not sure then sorru12:57
Josie1nickrud: so do tune2fs and e2fsck from a live cd and reboot?12:57
rawkfistwhat does "Inappropriate ioctl for device" mean?12:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ioctl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:58
nickrudJosie1, yes. back when ext3 got stable, that's how I switched12:58
adfanikin, i already installed ati... im sure of that..12:58
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Josie1nickrud: so it's as simple as those two commands? just make sure that the fs is mounted r/w12:58
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InYourBaserawkfist, ioctl is how programs talk to drivers.12:58
nickrudJosie1, leave the partition unmounted12:59
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adfanikin, from system->administration->restricted drivers manager12:59
Josie1nickrud: alright, thanks for your help. didn't wanna do it wrong.12:59
nickrudJosie1, np.12:59
rawkfistInYourBase, so is it a driver issue with my IDE controller?01:00
Josie1nickrud: just for good measure, the Kubuntu live cd should have both of these right? if it doesn't what a shitty livecd01:00
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InYourBaserawkfist, It's possible, I don't really know enough to tell you more.01:00
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nickrudJosie1, I'd say that'd be a good description :)01:00
dialntoneHow do you select all file to be transferred and folders within a folder to go in a different directory using the terminal...01:00
dialntonei have this folder thats the same as the folder i am trying to overwrite somefiles and add in some new folders at the same time...01:01
Josie1Well take it easy guys, I'm burn this cd and try not to ruin my harddrive. might see you again if I have a bout of newbishness01:01
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pitecantropushow can I listen mms streaming?01:01
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feierfoxis there a way to get an encryption plug-in for pidgin?01:01
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nikinadfa: i never installed an ATI card, so i can not help you by that sorry....01:02
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mo0osahif i use live cd to make ubuntu partition smaller and windows partition bigger would it mess up my boot loader?01:02
theRealballchalkhello how do we know which application is listening on a tcp port?01:02
InYourBasefeierfox, I'm sure there is, just do a search for pidgin in synaptic.01:02
feierfoxi will try.. thanks!01:03
alcofibrasindependent electronic music, videogames, and stuff! www.netherself.net01:03
adfanikin, you sure the desktop effects says not available because ati is not install well ?01:03
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k8this is the :best, clever http://s10.bitefight.it/c.php?uid=3145801:03
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dsgsdg~spammer | alcofibras01:03
MeRodentAnyone know how to force a particular printer driver/01:03
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rawkfistwhere would be a good place to look for a new driver for this board?01:04
dialntonehow do i get a Newer Desktop Effects to do different tricks, like be on fire and things like that01:04
dialntoneis there some sort of template01:04
dialntonenew downloads and add-ons?01:04
feierfoxthanks InYourBase!!01:04
tckis there anyway to resize my ext3 so i can create a new dev say sdb (like the way partition magic does it in winblows)01:04
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preactiondialntone: #ubuntu-effects, ask them how to install Beryl01:04
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nikinadfa: it is couse you are using the VESA driver now.. not the ATI driver01:05
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adfanikin, how can i be sure im running throw vesa and not ati because i think i changed it... when i first run the xserver when it was vesa the ubuntu lookd all crapy then i told him to use the ati graphic card and now it looks realy nice...01:07
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nikinadfa: the you might be running ATI01:08
Netham45I have a drive that is bootable(has windows on it) and I want to boot it from Grub(on my master.) When I do root (hd1,0) \\ savedefault \\ makeactive \\ chainloader +1 it reboots. Does anyone have any ideas?01:08
nikin driver.. but i realy cant help... ask someone with an ATI card01:08
adfanikin, then* ?01:08
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lileiso if you have a bin file and you want to edit the code for it... what software do you use to convert a bin file into the source code?01:08
FusE"You can install 153 updates"01:09
adfanikin, so is there another thing that could make desktop effects failed ?01:09
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nickrudNetham45, I think you need use the map command, to convince windows it's on hd0,001:10
Netham45do I put that into the Grub?01:11
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Netham45and if so, where?01:11
mahrellonDo you guys know what the process called "dcpp" is?01:11
nikinadfa: about 20 other things01:11
Madpilotubotu, away > eXtasiz01:11
sysopis there a way to share internet connection without using firestarter?  this may be a secondary issue.  my wireless ethernet card shows up as "unknown device ath0")01:12
magnetronmahrellon: DC++01:12
nickrudNetham45, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/map.html01:12
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mahrellonmagnetron: Oh? Cheers m8. It's safe to kill it then. <301:12
Netham45times I wish I had a mouse on this PC01:12
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adfanikin, heh but when the vesa where configured the desktop effects didn't say any error..01:12
osxdude|desktopsysop: wireless ethernet card?01:12
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adfanikin, thats wired;\01:12
loxhi, im trying to compile the rt73 driver for my usb-wlan-adapter but i'm getting errors whith make: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/12679/ . Does anyone has an idea how to solve it?01:12
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lileihow do i see the source code for all stuff in linux?01:12
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JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> yeah, my wireless card01:12
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lileii want to tinker around and play around with the code01:13
preactionlilei: what specifically do you want to tinker with? apt-get source <package>01:13
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Netham45@ nickrud ty, it works now01:13
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop>... it shows up as unknown device ath0.  so when i try to start firestarter, an error occurs01:13
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nickrudNetham45, yw01:13
preactionlilei: but you'd need to enable the source repositories01:13
kravlinanyone know of a command to auto-detect hardware? I just rebuilt my computer and I already had ubuntu installed on it.01:13
preaction!repositories | lilei01:13
ubotulilei: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:13
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nikinadfa: i have a dual PIII server with a Matrox G200 ... desktop effects never worked by me. :D01:14
lilei<preaction> i went into the /bin and choose one of the *.bin files and opened it in a text editor but it says error. wtf?01:14
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ali1234kravlin: it should just work01:14
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kitchekravlin: you just boot it up it should detect all hardware it can by itself01:14
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: I'm gonna install firestarter and look at your problem.01:14
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why?01:14
kravlinali1234: Well my sound and settings all went to pot.01:14
adfanikin, desktop effects suck anyway i just wanna show it to someone...01:14
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JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> it actually says eth0 is not ready, even tho im trying to get the firewall running thru ath001:14
kravlinbut it worked. better than windows01:14
preactionlilei: uhm. there are .bin files in /bin? they're compiled, binary files. that's not source01:14
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nikinadfa: if you ant to show someone look for beryl :D:D:D01:14
adfanikin, but i wanna know why the error now.. because maybe it can effect other things...01:15
Markivegood night all , thanks for all your help01:15
lilei<preaction> so what software is used in order to convert a bin file back into the code?01:15
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preactionlilei: editing those files in a text editor will 99% of the time break it01:15
kravlini bet i have to disable the motherboard sound again.01:15
ali1234kravlin: first check the settings of the volume control applet01:15
nikinadfa: it can affect 3D games... maybe.. nothing else... AFAIK01:15
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why? help please :(01:15
preactionlilei: why decompile when you can get the source yourself?01:15
adfanikin beryl suck more then the desktop effects its slowing my computer like hell..01:15
preaction!repeat | iShock01:15
ubotuiShock: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:15
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ali1234kravlin: er, yeah first check you havnt disabled on board sound...01:15
MajorPaynelilei: You normaly don't go from the bin to the source.01:15
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: I'm under a wireless card too, so I will look01:15
nikinadfa: it is the best thing for showoffs... the only thing thats worth something is transparency :D01:16
lileiok so people use this : "sudo apt-get source "pack"" ?01:16
kravlinali1234: i want to use my card so i need to disable it. That makes much more sense than what i was trying to do.01:16
MajorPaynelilei: You have to download the source.  And you use a compiler to go from the source to the binary.01:16
lileii did that for elinks and it did not work01:16
lileigot some error shize01:16
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> oh okay cool!  just curious....do you prefer osx or ubuntu01:16
preactionlilei: as i said before, you have to enable the source repositories01:16
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preaction!prefix | lilei01:16
ubotulilei: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages01:16
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dsgsdglilei: this decompiler does a good job http://www.backerstreet.com/rec/rec.htm01:17
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why? help please :(01:17
preactionlilei: again decompiling is a bad idea for you01:17
adfanikin, heh beryl is only for shooff.. anyway... thanx for everytime... you realy secced helping me;p01:17
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MajorPaynedsgsdg: I think he would be better off downloading the source.01:17
lileiso for example i want the code for kernel... i should go to their website and get it therE?01:17
lileii want to see how this looks01:17
preactionlilei: you could do that, yes. but that's the stock kernel, not the ubuntu kernel.01:17
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MajorPaynelilei: You can if you want.01:17
lileipreaction um wtf? ubuntu uses 'another'? kernel?01:18
MajorPaynelilei: The Ubuntu kernel is patched.01:18
Niklas_Eis there any way to set the speed of ttyS0?01:18
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: My name came from Mac Emulation on windows...so I really don't know :P01:18
lileii thought all distros used same kernel01:18
nikinadfa: nm01:18
lilei<MajorPayne> for what purpose?01:18
preactionlilei: ubuntu uses the same base kernel and does its own thing with it, patches, bugfixes, different configurations01:18
MajorPaynelilei: No.  Since the kernel is open source a lot of distros will "patch" each kernel to make it work better with there distro.01:18
kbrookslilei, they do, Linux01:18
meme_Hello, how can i download Amarok and K3B without using add remove progs. Lats time i did it added KDE stuff and i had errors from Knotify popup.01:18
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why? help please :(01:18
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adfanikin, nm(=means?)01:18
purplestarhi all any body knows how i can have a duleboot for windows and ubuntu and what program to use for that ?01:19
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> ahh okay hehe01:19
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lileiso anyone can do anything with the code in kernel and any other software?01:19
gnomefreakmeme_: those are both kde apps so it will bring kde libs in with them01:19
lileilol poor microsoft01:19
lileithey are dead01:19
preactionlilei: that's the concept of Free / Open Source Software licenses01:19
kbrookslilei, not "anything", and not "any other software"01:19
gnomefreakmeme_: sudo apt-get install k3b amarok01:19
MajorPaynelilei: Not any other software.  Open / Free software.01:19
lileior maybe they have stolen alot of open code and made it closed lol01:19
dsgsdglilei: anything but use it for profit01:19
kbrooksdsgsdg, not true01:19
dsgsdgif it01:19
meme_cool thanks01:19
MajorPaynelilei: I doubt it.01:19
dsgsdgs gpl01:19
kbrooksdsgsdg, i can sell ubuntu01:20
preactionlilei: that's illegal, under the license provided01:20
kbrookspreaction, actually...01:20
MeRodentpurplestar: If you install ubuntu on a machine running windows it should install grub which does that for you.01:20
lileiwould not surprise me if microsoft have stolen all apache code01:20
meme_will that put Knotify on here?01:20
lileior something01:20
kbrookspreaction, stop it...01:20
MajorPaynedsgsdg: You can use Free software for profit.01:20
dsgsdgwhat license is the kernel under kbrooks01:20
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lilei<dsgsdg> so i cannot make profit from something i make in open software?01:20
kbrookspreaction, BSD license allows ms to use bsd socket code01:20
gnomefreakmeme_: not sure off hand. when you run that command it will show you what it will install01:20
kbrookslilei, it's a bit confusing01:20
MajorPaynelilei: You can.  You just have to releace it under the same licence.01:20
dsgsdgkbrooks: I thought the gpl license stated you could not sell stuff under the gpl license for profit if you are not the owner?01:20
meme_ok thanks ill give it a try01:20
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dsgsdgkbrooks: but bsd does??01:20
gnomefreakguys can you move the license topic to -offtopic please01:21
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MajorPaynelilei: You have to let other people have the same rights as you.01:21
kbrooksdsgsdg, it does not need to restrict that.01:21
rolfenlilei: if you want to sell open source you can sell something based on freebsd... that's what apple are doing anyway. their license is different than linux01:21
MajorPaynelilei: Even for the code that you change/add.01:21
lilei<MajorPayne> so any person who wants can edit what i have created? okey fair eough01:21
kbrooksdsgsdg, nor should it01:21
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MajorPayneYou can sell GPLed code.  You just have to give them the same rights you have.01:21
dsgsdgI'm gonna sell ubtuntu for $100 on ebay01:21
MajorPaynedsgsdg: Go ahead.01:21
rolfendsgsdg: ya sure :)01:21
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=== kitche steps out of the whole BSD vs GPL license which is offtopic
kbrooksMajorPayne, restricting sale of gpled code would kill the community01:22
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johnI need help with something. I'm reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave page and i'm at the step where i edit something and add the lines at the end of the file with the command 'sudo nano /etc/mozpluggerrc '. how do i save the file when i'm done editing>01:22
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ali1234plenty of people are already selling ubuntu cds on ebay. they dont usually sell for that much though01:22
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delmarIs there a way to set a certain debug level on mysql so that I can see what password is being attempted rather than the unhelpful (using password: YES) lines? :(01:22
MajorPaynekbrooks: I know.  I am saying you CAN sell GPLed code.01:22
lileii know some industrial manufaturers who have created some killer apps on open source that would probably be easy as hell to sell to china or something01:22
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rolfenjohn ctrl-x then yes01:22
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why? help please :(01:22
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kbrooksgnomefreak, oops? huh?01:22
larson9999is the shipping time better if you order by ebay than ship it?01:23
gnomefreakkbrooks: meme wasnt supposed to go01:23
magnetron!sound | iShock01:23
ubotuiShock: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:23
lileiso how much money have shuttleworth put into ubuntu anyway?01:23
Madpilotlarson9999, almost certainly. Keep in mind that ShipIt is free, buying on EBay is, well, buying...01:23
Biteyn-1ha now zero ops :-D01:23
lileii know he is loaded01:23
Biteyn-1time to spam JK01:23
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MadpilotBitEater, there are lots of ops lurking. Trust me.01:23
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kbrooksBitEater, Madpilot is one of them.01:24
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Biteyn-1i figured01:24
kbrooksBitEater, they're not opped.01:24
johnyay.. now i have shockwave on ubuntu.. i wish someone told me this before before i attempted to dual boot windows and screwed up01:24
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larson9999Madpilot, sure.  but for some, it might be worth it.  time it money.01:24
dsgsdgwhat is shuttleworth?01:24
gnomefreaklilei MajorPayne kbrooks and anyone else that is talking about mark or licenses move it to #ubuntu-offtopic (and yes im getting tired of repeating myself)01:25
iShockI hear no sound in totem, why? help please :(01:25
larson9999johns shockwave via wine+ff?01:25
Madpilotdsgsdg, Mark Shuttleworth is the inspiration & funding behind Ubuntu01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shuttleworth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
kbrooksgnomefreak, i did01:25
lilei<gnomefreak> sheesh dont give yourself a heart attack01:25
dsgsdg*oh lol01:25
gnomefreakkbrooks: i know you did01:25
smackus-maximusdoes anyone know how to set up an ubuntu box as a RIS server?01:25
kbrooksdsgsdg, go to #ubuntu-offtopic please01:25
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kbrooksgnomefreak, why do you go hilight crazy then? :-)01:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:26
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gnomefreakkbrooks: if i dont name everyone people think they are being singled out01:26
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kbrooksgnomefreak, ah. ok.01:26
taxmanhi all. managed to deluser the only user that had sudo priviledges. what's the best way to add admin rights to the new user I created?01:26
nikintaxman: add him to the admin grup01:26
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lilei<taxman> chmod01:27
kitchetaxman: well you can't now unless you use the livecd01:27
gnomefreaktaxman: livecd i think is about the best way01:27
kbrookslilei, please move it if you want to talk more about licensing.01:27
lileikbrooks wtf are you talking about?01:27
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kbrookslilei, nm01:27
MrElendigtaxman: boot a livecd and fix it01:27
dsgsdgI guess chmod is a license type XD01:27
lileihow in gods name is chmod licensing?01:27
taxmanright, but I have no root user, how would I have the livecd affect the installed system's users?01:27
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dsgsdgit's a new license, didn't you hear lilei? :D :P01:27
=== gnomefreak thinks its very hard to add a user to admin without an admin account
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> any luck?01:27
lileidsgsdg oh yeah ;)01:27
MrElendigtaxman: boot the livecd, mount / and edit /etc/group01:28
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nikintaxman: you can mount your hdd and then edit your sudoers file...01:28
lileidsgsdg this reminds me of the soup nazi in seinfeldt01:28
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taxmanwhere can I find what to add by hand. I don't want to screw them up :)01:28
nikintaxman: i mean using the livecd01:28
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teratomaI want to rip a DVD and create a compressed mpeg out of it01:28
teratomawhere would i ask about this?01:29
kbrooksteratoma, here.01:29
taxmannikin: do I just add the username to the sudoers file, or is there a format for it01:29
kbrookstaxman, dont.01:29
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nikintaxman: there is a format.... man sudoers will tell you01:29
gnomefreaktaxman: mount your partition from livecd01:29
BFGyou have to use visudo01:29
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kbrookstaxman, it's best to chroot and add the user to the admin group01:29
ubunutvisudo in the symnaptic manager?01:30
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nikinBFG: visudo doesnot work from liveCD... or am i rong?01:30
MrElendigkbrooks: why chroot when he can vim /mnt/etc/group01:30
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teratomaso what program can i use to rip from a dvd?  does it really matter which one i use ?01:30
gnomefreakubunut: its installed (its a command)01:30
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BFGhmm... that I am not sure of01:31
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gnomefreakubunut: if i remember correctly its part of the sudo package01:31
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Biteyn-1I tried installing ubuntu but i kept getting xserver errors when i did configure it the live cd would load only if i did cd check it would not do the check but it would boot the kernel and i would have to press alt f4 to get live cd to load and when it was loaded it would take forever..so im guessing i have to update ram on that computer it has (256MB) people said it should be fine but i dunno01:31
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taxmankbrooks: that sounds good, though now I've forgotten the format for chroot01:31
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taxmanhow do I chroot to the installed root partition from the livecd01:31
ubunuti believe i am running it on machines with that much ram01:32
ubunutif not less01:32
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Biteyn-1people told me to use the alternate cd on that computer but i want to keep the windows partition on it..01:32
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: I have no idea how to make the connection share work...but I can start the firewall.01:32
ztomicBiteyn-1: 256 was dog slow for me too.01:32
pi3is it normal that when I put the mouse on the right-up corner, compiz goes to the muliselect window? the one that has all the windows in one screen01:32
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nikinBiteyn: what kind of motherboard do you have?01:32
taxmanBiteyn-1: the alternate can keep your windows parition too01:33
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taxmanand 256 is enough ram01:33
Biteyn-1not sure what the motherboard is01:33
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dsgsdgis mark still alive?01:33
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Biteyn-1so i should just use alternate cd?01:34
gnomefreakdsgsdg: yes and join #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
dsgsdgjoin #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: if you are having graphics issues with livecd yes use alternate01:34
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JAyRULEosxdude|desktop>  so you went to firestarter > preferences > firewall > network settings, and clicked enable internet connection sharing?01:34
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> i wonder why i cant start my firewall01:34
Biteyn-1and live cd will do the same thing as live cd01:35
Biteyn-1alternate d *01:35
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: I changed them both to "Unknown device."01:35
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: yes except installing from alternate isnt as pretty01:35
nikini think thismutch wasenough of me for today... see you later01:35
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Biteyn-1but its still as easy though right?01:35
taxmanthanks nikin01:35
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gnomefreakBiteyn-1: yes for the most part01:35
Biteyn-1because i would have no idea what commands to press01:36
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: there isnt a point and click01:36
taxmanthanks guys, bbl01:36
Biteyn-1well thats ok i just use the keyboard01:36
Biteyn-1as long as i dont have to type in sudo whatever01:36
pi3Biteyn-1: why are you using the alternate?01:36
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> ahh... i can start it as well if i change them both to "unknown device ath0"01:36
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: than you should be fine01:36
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> but im trying to share the connection thru eth001:36
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: no no commands it gives you choices just as live does only cant point and click01:37
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Biteyn-1pi3: becuase the regular iso wont load the live cd it'll load up untill i get to the choose what i want to do but then when i chose "start or instal ubuntu in safe graphics mode" the screen stays black01:37
gnomefreakpi3: livecd and his graphics card dont seem to be gettnig along01:37
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Biteyn-1they only way to get live cd to work is when i would press alt f4 then everything loads01:38
Biteyn-1but then the live cd would run super slowwww01:38
ztomicBiteyn-1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(Linux_distribution)01:38
pi3gnomefreak: oh, and do you think that the install will? no offense01:38
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gnomefreakpi3: yes since ncurses uses a differnet gui01:38
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JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> hrmm... well, thanks for checking bro.  ill have to think of a different way to set up my network hehe01:39
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willyhow does one get outta here?01:39
gnomefreakpi3: if livecd doesnt load X its fairly useless :)01:39
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ozzmanWhats up, i just finished installing compiz fusion but cant get the cube to work. i am in comizconfig set manger....how do i make work?01:39
gnomefreakwilly: /wc01:39
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gnomefreakwilly: /quit01:39
pi3gnomefreak: I tried to install ubuntu on a friend's pc but it was sooo slow, I may give another chance with the alternate01:39
gnomefreakwilly: depedns what you mean by outta here01:40
osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: maybe a router?01:40
willymouse roller or hold down both mouse tabs01:40
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gnomefreakpi3: livecd needs alot of memory to run compared to alternate01:40
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pi3gnomefreak: it is basically the same as a debian netinstall right?01:40
gnomefreakpi3: no01:40
Biteyn-1gnomefreak: then thats the prob then the computer needs more ram01:40
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gnomefreakpi3: ubuntu has its own netinstall (prettty much same as debian)01:40
Biteyn-1so 256mb isn't enough..01:40
JAyRULEosxdude|desktop> yeah, i have a wireless router, to ubuntu.  then i was hoping to put my windows machine behind the ubuntu machine01:41
pi3gnomefreak: I mean the interface01:41
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: 256 for feisty livecd is minimum01:41
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Biteyn-1that computer meets the minimum01:41
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osxdude|desktopJAyRULE: I see.01:41
gnomefreakpi3: its the white on blue (i have debians netinstall and i thin its the same)01:41
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: that tells you it will run it not that it will run it good01:42
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: once installed you are fine with 25601:42
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Biteyn-1ah k so after its installed the ubuntu installation will run fine its just the installation01:43
VletCan anyone suggest a graphical disk i/o monitor?01:43
Biteyn-1so to spliting the partation will be easy on the alternate?01:43
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: yes the livecd has to load everything in memory without swap01:43
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: yes01:44
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ozzmanWhats up, i just finished installing compiz fusion but cant get the cube to work. i am in comizconfig set manger....how do i make work?01:44
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Biteyn-1gnomefreak: thanks for your help :)01:44
gnomefreakozzman: its known iirc check in #ubuntu-effects01:44
gnomefreakBiteyn-1: yw01:44
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CapaHIs there an easy way I can copy the entire image of a cd to disk so that when a certain game (starcraft) which loads and says "please insert your cd" --- it will just be on disk and I wont have to worry about it, anyone?01:46
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Tama00i got a laptop without a cdrom or floppy and i failed and trying to do a pxe install.. so i plugged in the laptop hard drive into my pc using this usb thing and im wondering what do i need to do to get it to boot?01:47
Tama00i read this thing where i made a parition then copied the cdrom contents to the disk01:48
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baikonurCapaH: cdrecord can probably create iso-images. iso images can be mounted with the -o loop option so you can use them as if the cd were inserted. just search the web for it01:48
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waynecHi all01:49
CapaHbaikonur so I create an iso image of the cd in question -- lets say I saved that iso image as /home/CapaH/cd.iso --- - what is the next step?01:49
CapaH(I can get that far)01:49
waynecCan I get help setting up Windows Vista?01:49
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Biteyn-1lol in the ubuntu support?01:49
Tama00waynec, f1 ?01:49
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Chousukewaynec: maybe from ##windows :P01:49
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waynecI lob Winders!01:49
waynecI think i need 8 gigs of RAM for it to work01:50
Biteyn-1you can install ubuntu and use virtualbox and then use vista :P01:50
waynecI tell people to not touch Vista for at least 6 months. or 1st service pack01:50
Biteyn-1and make vista full screen on virtualbox01:50
bronze-waynec, it's not hard to set up - and why are you using it?01:50
waynecAnd then i tell them that Ububtu dos anything they could want alot easier01:51
waynecI am NOT using Vista and plan on never touchingit01:51
Biteyn-1if your going to get windows get xp01:51
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Biteyn-1other than that use ubuntu01:51
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craigbass1976I've got a foot pedal here, plugs in usb.  It's supposed to work with some windows program; I guess you kick it to start and stop an mp3 player.  Any idea on how to get it to work, or even to check if it's sending any kind of signal to the computer?01:51
waynecAlso, I mention that the eye candy in Vista has been out for a year or so already01:51
cerdacan i dual boot xp and linux on my laptop using the alternative cd???????????????????????????????????01:52
bronze-Yeah I'm dualbooting windows and various distros. Works splendid. Only using windows for games though...01:52
waynecIn Linux01:52
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Priceycerda, yes01:52
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waynecI was thinking of keep ing a Win XP system around for Vanguard Saga of heros. But the game is way under develped on release01:52
baikonurCapaH: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop name.iso /mountpoint01:52
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waynecAnd still kinda sickly in the coding01:53
xpointbroedje, games ?01:53
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cerdalike with 20gb would be enough?01:53
Biteyn-1i gots to learn all these commands :-O01:53
bronze-waynec: I think vista is basically a bloated version of XP with eye-candy in focus, yet the eye-candy is miles behind ubuntu with some tweaking and beryl/compiz01:53
Biteyn-1cerda its more than enough01:53
ChousukeBiteyn-1: "man" helps01:53
cerdaok, is ther a tut or somthing?01:53
waynecI think I can be happy with Tremulous as a graphical based game to play01:53
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Chousukeapropos, too01:53
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Chousukesee man apropos01:53
waynecI agree Bronze01:53
bronze-But I'm sitting on XP now :)01:54
waynecAND you then need to upgrade just about every non MS app to work with it01:54
bronze-Going to install ubuntu, back in 40 minutes or so.01:54
evan_I'm having trouble fetching one of the Package files when I update. I get the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)01:54
taxmanhmm ok, how do I chroot to the ubuntu on sda2? Using livecd right now01:54
Biteyn-1cerda, you can try http://wiki.ubuntu.com or http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/01:54
dsgsdg         (oo)01:54
dsgsdg   /------\/01:54
dsgsdg  / |    ||01:54
dsgsdg *  /\---/\01:54
dsgsdg    ~~   ~~01:54
dsgsdg...."Have you mooed today?"...01:54
Chousukebronze-: you can use irc while installing Ubuntu01:54
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imbecilewhat reason would make conky run behind my wallpaper? i see it when i boot up but not when i'm fully booted01:54
cerdaThank you so much01:54
taxmanbronze-: good luck!01:54
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Priceydsgsdg, please don't do that again01:54
Chousukebronze-: just open firefox and point it to some web irc .901:54
kitchedsgsdg: wrong channel lol01:54
CapaHQuestion, cat /dev/cdrom > blah.iso *not working* --- apparently in ubuntu its not /dev/cdrom -- what is it?01:55
bronze-Chousuke, Oh yeah, forgot. I've tried installing debian these last days but I'm not satisfied. And btw, I can use gaim, so no need for webirc (gaim sux tho).01:55
waynecOne thing I have  an problem with is, I have tons of older video cards and they need the nVidia legacy drivers, which don't seem to come with a regualar disk01:55
Chousukebronze-: ah, right, I forgot gaim does irc.01:55
ztomicthat should be automatic kick.01:55
xpointdsgsdg, dont steel this cows :-)01:55
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waynecEnvy and Easy Ubuntu and Automatixs are hit and miss.01:55
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waynecOn older vido cARDS01:56
waynecAre 4 meg video cards all that antiquated?01:56
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waynecErr 64 Meg01:56
dsgsdg4meg?! YES!01:56
untruestorycould someone link me to a working "sources.list" that includes repositories for mplayer and w32codecs for 6.1001:56
Pricey!sourceomatic | untruestory01:56
ubotuuntruestory: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:56
taxmanthe chroot manpage is useless, sudo chroot /media/disk gives me a permission denied error01:56
ztomicNvidia MX works without Envy on fiesty.01:56
evan_If I download the Package.bz2 myself it gives me a data integrity error when I try to extract it.01:56
untruestorythanks a lot01:56
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waynecHaven't heard of nVidia MX.01:57
ztomicATI Radeon 7000 too01:57
calcnvidia mx is probably geforce 2 mx01:57
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aaronmis there a way to download an updated version of ubuntu with all the latest patches and what not? I have a slow internet connection at home but have a fast connection at work01:57
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calcwhich is roughly 5 years old i think01:57
ztomiccalc: yup01:57
ztomicGTS should work01:57
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ztomicall gf2 should work01:58
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Jordan_UI can't get dri with fglrx for some reason, the error I get in xorg.0.log is "(EE) fglrx(0): GART is not initialized, disabling DRI"01:58
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waynecI would like to see what 32 Meg video cards can do. I use the Block tube as a benchmark on whether the card has enough Ooomph.01:58
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nickrudaaronm, you can take a look at apt-zip, it's designed for that01:58
aaronmnickrud: is that a linux app? i run windows 2k at work01:59
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ztomicJordan_U: you shouldnt need DRI with fglrx.01:59
teratomaso what program can i use to rip from a dvd?  does it really matter which one i use ?01:59
waynecI have seen soem 16 Meg video cards do really good frame rates on the Block Tube screen saver. its a question of having the right module.01:59
Pricey!dvd | teratoma01:59
ubotuteratoma: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:59
=== martoss [n=martin@p549611F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
martosshi there02:00
Jordan_Uztomic, I am not getting 3D acceleration, what should I do?02:00
waynecPush the gas pedal harder?02:00
martosswhat can i do if alien tells me current build architecture amd64 does not appear in package's list (i386)02:00
ztomicJordan_U: did you try envy?02:00
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:01
waynecOr Easy Ubuntu?02:01
martosswhen i am trying to convert an x86_64 rpm on same arch?02:01
waynecEasy will install alot of things that you need.02:01
Jordan_Uztomic, No, why would I when the packaged drivers were working earlier02:01
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive02:01
nickrudaaronm, it creates a script that runs wget, and you can use cygwin  or modify for windows02:01
ztomicJordan_U: hmm. which card?02:01
Jordan_Uztomic, Don't know off hand, let me check02:02
waynecHow many penguins does it take to install Windows Vista?02:02
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waynecNone, penguins don't use computers02:02
ntemishello ppl02:02
ntemisneed some help02:02
ntemishi :)02:02
waynecTry Windows chat room.02:03
c2globalcomyou know MS has leaked vista ultimate download link02:03
ubuntu__kann mir jemand sagen wie ich nautilus finde auf ubuntu ?02:03
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baikonurubuntu: #ubuntu-de02:03
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ntemiswhat program to use to programm a pic 12f683?02:03
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killownsudo passwd + password user local "works"?02:03
ntemiswith a serial port programmer02:03
Jordan_Uztomic, Radeon Mobility X160002:03
=== tuliox [i=tulio@201-41-120-201.cpece700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Tama00whats a version of linux i can just copy to my hard drive and boot off of it02:03
ntemisanyone knows a good ones?02:03
magnetron!vista | c2globalcom02:03
ubotuc2globalcom: vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org02:04
killownsudo passwd + password user local "works"?02:04
tanathi don't get audio (only) when using the last.fm app. can anyone help?02:04
tulioxTama00 debian 4r002:04
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tulioxntemis stop using ubuntu, go debian02:04
ztomicJordan_U: which laptop?02:04
Jordan_UTama00, What are you trying to do?02:04
Jordan_Uztomic, macbook pro02:04
waynecI don't want to be a Debian Dork.02:04
Tama00Jordan_U, i want to boot linux on a laptop that has no cd rom/floppy and i dont wanna use pxe02:04
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ntemisy? tuliox02:05
Tama00Jordan_U, but thankfully i can plug this laptop into my pc using this usb thinggy02:05
craigbass1976ok cool...  Is there a way to make a few keyboard shortcuts that start, stop, rewind (a bit) and fast forward (a bit) in an mp3 player?02:05
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Tama00Jordan_U, also the laptop doesnt like booting from thumb drives either02:05
tulioxubuntu sux, it grew up too fast, and is going down as fast ;)02:05
Priceytuliox, please don't troll.02:05
LucianIndyis there a way to rebuild my accessories menu? i accidentally dragged it and it disappeared (not even recycle bin)02:05
craigbass1976mp3 palyer meaning xmms or something, not a stand alone mp3 player02:05
killownsudo passwd + password user local "works"?02:05
ntemiswindows grew up fast and still is growing02:05
tanathcraigbass1976, System > Prefs > KB shortcuts02:05
pi3msvc core dumps upon running02:06
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bronze-hi guys02:06
Jordan_UTama00, If you copy over an install from another computer using dd ( so you get the bootloader and all ) it should work with a little re-configuration02:06
Tama00Jordan_U, yeah so how can i boot linux or get into a linux installation?02:06
craigbass1976tanath, yeah, but can you get that specific with them?02:06
ntemisubuntu is easy and gets the work done02:06
waynecIf your hardware is new enough, you could creat an ISO on a thumbdrive and then boot from that.02:06
imbecilewhat reason would make conky run behind my wallpaper? i see it when i boot up but not when i'm fully booted02:06
Tama00Jordan_U, i see.. will i have to configure anything?02:06
killownsudo passwd + password user local "works"?02:06
tulioxif the ubuntu creators had the experience to make a system, they shouldnt use debian as base ; ), GO ORIGINAL, GET DEBIAN02:06
ntemisany pic programmer for ubuntu please02:06
tanathcraigbass1976, well, those are the defaults built in to gnome. doesn't work with every mp3 player, but worth a shot02:07
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osxdude|desktopHow do I access settings to LADSPA plugins?02:07
killownsudo passwd + password user local "works"?02:07
waynecI had considered giving Debian a retry, been a while since I used it02:07
ztomicJordan_U: I'm no expert... lemme say this: I havent had good luck with envy on 704. it also has given me some problems on 606 although it was best on 606. Lemme look at this for a minute.02:07
tanathcraigbass1976, the amount skipped when you ffw and rw is determined by the mp3 player02:07
waynecBut I would need to get familiar with all the optional things that need to be installed, codecs, etc.02:07
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ntemisi am not a power user and i prefer ubuntu for being simple02:07
Jordan_UTama00, Only your xorg.conf and fstab, if you delete your xorg.conf before you copy it over then it will probably still boot into X just fine though02:08
Tama00Jordan_U, whats stopping me from just installing ubuntu onto the hard drive:)02:08
bronze-What's the command to remove folders with content in?02:08
phpwnercan someone help me set up svn? i installed it, svnadmin create, svnserve -d, and port forwarded yet i can't connect even locally02:08
Jordan_UTama00, If you can do that, nothing :)02:08
taxmanbronze-: man mv :)02:08
waynecI tried installing FF 704 on a 1.8 Gig Athlon with usb keyboard\mouse. The isntall would not detect the USB keyboard and crashed02:08
astro76bronze-, rm -rf02:08
Tama00Jordan_U, maybe ishould just unplug all my hard drives boot off the live cd and install ubuntu onto it02:08
tanathi don't get audio when using the last.fm app. can anyone help?02:08
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Tama00that way it will all be pre configured;)02:09
taxmanastro76: no excuse to do that to newbies.02:09
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waynectanath, Do you have sound on the motherboard AND a sound card?02:09
SaegerGood night, i can't connect my internet at ubuntu. I make the process: "pon dsl-provider" but it don't connect... so, i tried to re-config my PPPoe ADSL typing: "sudo pppoeconf" to make a new configuration... but the config is not detecting the modem... so, i don't know what to do... can someone help me plz? i'm connected at my win XP...02:09
Priceytaxman, he said remove, not move02:09
taxmanahh my bad, sorry02:09
tanathwaynec, oy... i don't remember02:09
Priceytaxman, i read it the same as you the first time too :)02:09
Jordan_U!pppoe | Saeger02:09
ubotuSaeger: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:09
taxmanlater all02:09
Tama00im gonna try that while i get breakfast02:10
waynectanath, you might be plugged into the wrong sound device.02:10
waynechas happned to me often enough02:10
tanathwaynec, i don't think i have a soundcard.02:10
tanathwaynec, no, i get audio just fine. just not when using the last.fm app02:10
SaegerJordan_U thanks, i'l try read that02:10
ntemistuliox y you are against ubuntu so much?02:10
Priceyntemis, I removed the guy.02:10
waynecPlay some sound MP3 whatever, see if you have sound in the equalizer and try plugging into different jacks02:10
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waynecDunno then02:11
tanathwaynec, thx anyway02:11
martossis there any chance to get an virtualized opensuse or redhad running under ubuntu gutsy with 2.6.22?02:11
ztomicJordan_U: so if you open glxgears, it's slow?02:11
Jordan_Uztomic, Yes02:11
dsgsdg,artpss with vmware there02:11
waynecI have tried differnet distros and have had sound come out of different jacks. /bangs head against wall02:12
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Pricey!gutsy | martoss02:12
ubotumartoss: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+102:12
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bronze-Can I remove ".trash" from an unused home partition?02:13
martossPricey, i know, i am willed to try out really experimental stuff. I need 2.6.22 due to santa rosa.02:13
tanathwaynec, the last.fm app has options to configure the soundcard and audio system used, but they're drop-down lists each with only a single option02:13
Priceymartoss, #ubuntu+1 please02:13
astro76bronze-, yes02:13
tanathsays alsa, but should be esd, i believe02:13
martossPricey, ah, ok02:13
ztomicJordan_U: can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:13
waynecBill Gates is this guy, He holds Computers Hostage, His soul will rot soon02:14
blizzowIs there a default passwd associated with the root account in ubuntu?02:14
astro76!root | blizzow02:15
ubotublizzow: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:15
ntemisif i install new version of wine will it overwrite the old one?02:15
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ntemisor i will have both versions?02:15
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waynecBallmer dances bad, He looks like an ape on stage, His soul will rot too.02:15
Jordan_Uztomic, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29874/02:16
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waynecNo one else knows Haiku?02:16
bronze-does rm also work on files?02:16
Pricey!offtopic | waynec02:16
ubotuwaynec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:16
Priceybronze-, yes02:16
waynecIts the Ubuntu Haiku hour!02:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haiku - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
bronze-is there a command to delete all hidden (starting with .) files in a directory?02:17
cerdaso to dual boot i iput the alternative cd in and select manual?02:17
=== erstazi [n=erstazi@unaffiliated/erstazi] has joined #ubuntu
waynecOk I will go away and practice Haiku elsewhere02:17
dsgsdgbronze: rm -rfdv /02:17
ztomicgod! I hate this one. Ive seen this before.02:17
=== SourceContact__ [n=SourceCo@ip24-252-111-89.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro76bronze-, don't do that02:18
Jordan_Ubronze-,  Don't do that!02:18
Priceybronze-, don't do that!!!02:18
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Priceydsgsdg, I hope that was a typo.02:18
dsgsdgyeah it was02:18
erstaziI am desperate, my step children deleted my work and they deny it (over 1,000 scripts) I need to find the log for items deleted02:18
erstaziwhere is this found?02:18
dsgsdgyou're su[pposed to add the subdir after /02:18
Priceyerstazi, checked your .trash ?02:18
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erstaziPricey, yes02:18
erstazithere has to be a log02:18
dsgsdgas in rm-rfdv ~/.trash would work02:19
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blizzow!java | blizzow02:19
Priceyerstazi, well then unmount the drive, don't write anymore to it... and then either send it to a data recovery centre or do it yourself...02:19
erstazidsgsdg, what does that do?02:19
dsgsdgit removes all . files and the .folder02:19
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SourceContact__deletes without asking the directory02:19
ntemisre paidia kapoios na me voithisei sas parakalo!02:20
ztomicJordan_U: did you do an upgrade?02:20
Jordan_Uztomic, No02:20
astro76dsgsdg, no it doesn't02:20
ztomicok you said it worked before.02:20
SourceContact__it would if he put a space in between the cmd and options02:20
erstaziI don't want to do that, I would like to recover the files but find the *log*02:21
dsgsdgastro76: it doesn't, what does it do then?02:21
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ztomicJordan_U: you said it worked before. what did you do to make it stop working?02:21
erstazithis is essential, is there a log for items deleted, I want a time.02:21
erstaziany suggestions for a recover tool? that would help to, I am very fuming mad02:22
dsgsdg??/ astro7602:22
SourceContact__erstazi - not unless they used sudo in which case a log is kept02:22
astro76ntemis, man rm and look at the -d option02:22
astro76ntemis, sorry02:22
astro76dsgsdg, ^02:22
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erstaziSourceContact__, they are like 12 and 10, I never taught them super user, I think they just right click and remove to trash and emptied the trash02:22
SourceContact__erstazi - do you think they used the file manager and then emptied the trash?02:23
ntemiswhat do you mean rm?02:23
Jordan_Uztomic, I reconfigred my xorg.conf without dri ( temporarily ) because it was causing stability issues, I since then have restored it with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:23
erstaziSourceContact__, yes (: (fake smile)02:23
=== dawn`chorus [n=billy@c-68-62-197-16.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro76ntemis, that wasn't meant for you.... how did you install wine?02:23
=== milllmannn [n=millmann@pool-71-170-103-251.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsgsdg  -d, --directory02:23
dsgsdg              unlink FILE, even if it is  a  non-empty  directory  (super-user02:23
dsgsdg              only; this works only if your system02:23
dsgsdg              supports `unlink' for nonempty directories)02:23
dsgsdg ...it removes directories...sdo?02:23
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ntemisapt-get install wine02:23
SourceContact__erstazi: sorry :(02:23
ntemisi followed winehq guide02:23
ztomicJordan_U: pastebin your xorg.conf02:23
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astro76dsgsdg, don't paste in the channel02:23
erstaziSourceContact__, any suggestions on a data recover?02:23
SourceContact__erstazi: is it ext3 or ext2?02:24
astro76dsgsdg, it unlinks directories regardless of whether it contains files02:24
dsgsdgsorry, but it removes directories...don't you have to do -d so rm removes directories AND files?02:24
erstazihalf is ext3 and the other half is ntfg02:24
ntemisfrom here www.winehq.org/site/download-deb02:24
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dsgsdgso without -d it only deletes files and folders when emppty?02:24
ztomicdsgsdg: dont paste unless it's a single line.02:24
SourceContact__erstazi: where are the deleted files?02:25
astro76dsgsdg, it deletes a directory, with files still in it, hanging in limbo02:25
dsgsdgmk I see02:25
astro76dsgsdg, so it's dangerous, and you're giving dangerous advice to people02:25
dsgsdgsorry didn't know02:25
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
erstaziSourceContact__, where are the deleted files? they are not in the .trash nor where they are suppose to be. I have did a search on all partitions02:25
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erstaziSourceContact__, I did not find any of my files02:25
SourceContact__I mean are they on the ext2 partition02:26
erstaziSourceContact__, half on the ext3 partition and half on ntfg partition02:26
ztomicAnyone using a Macbook Pro? I could use some help with Jordan.02:26
SourceContact__estazi: give me a minute, I'm googling something for you02:27
erstaziSourceContact__, I appreciate it, normally I would google but I was on IRC02:27
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erstaziSourceContact__, and I am heated02:27
SourceContact__I'm installing recover from synaptic - see what that does02:27
SourceContact__erstazi: I believe you :)02:28
bronze-is there a terminal command to start "install ubuntu" won't do anything. I'm on the live cd02:28
PriceySourceContact__, i think that's only good for ext2...02:28
Priceybronze-, needs to be done in gui with ubiquity02:28
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ztomicJordan_U: I found this.. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=52661102:28
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kitchebronze-: the live cd can only do the gui installer02:28
SourceContact__that's what it says, but ext3 is ext2 with journaling02:28
PriceySourceContact__, but the journaling makes the difference ;)02:28
bronze-Pricey: Just something to LAUNCH it, not the install itself02:28
Jordan_Uztomic, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29875/02:28
Priceybronze-, to launch what?02:28
bronze-the install program02:29
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Priceybronze-, ubiquity02:29
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SourceContact__<erstazi>,<Pricey>: Yep, apparently it does - doesn't work on ext3 :(02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubiquity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
dsgsdgwhat's ubiquity?02:29
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Priceydsgsdg, the ubuntu installer02:29
Jordan_Ubronze-, You can't run it without X02:29
dsgsdgoh lol02:29
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erstazithis is going to put me behind for a week02:29
Jordan_Ubronze-, And if you have X it should just be on your desktop02:30
mhz`-to boot into ubuntu or stay in windows02:30
erstaziI think from now on I am going to put this box on lock when I am away02:30
SourceContact__erstazi: Has this happened before?02:30
osxdude|desktopI am trying to run Ardour, but I get the error message at this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29876/02:30
erstaziuntil now of course02:30
bronze-Jordan_U: When I'm double-clicking on "install" (live-cd, x, gnome) nothing happens, so I just wanted to know if I could type something in terminal to start the (GUIed) installer. But I can't even open terminal so I guess I have to reboot.02:30
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Jordan_Ubronze-, Try restarting X02:31
astro76osxdude|desktop, I believe you need to install jackd02:31
SourceContact__erstazi: I'm not sure that it can't be done, who knows, you might be able to get them back02:31
erstaziI hope02:31
osxdude|desktopastro76: I did.02:31
erstaziSourceContact__, I am going to take a few and google some02:31
SourceContact__erstazi: one way is to grep /dev/hda for the patterns, but that's a little to hard core maybe02:31
ztomicJordan_U: try a lower res.02:32
Jordan_Uztomic, It was working at full res before02:32
SourceContact__erstazi: http://recover.sourceforge.net/unix/02:32
ztomicJordan_U: ok02:32
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Jordan_Uztomic, I am going to try re-installing xserver-xorg and xorg-driver-fglrx02:33
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dsgsdgjoin #ubuntu02:34
ztomicJordan_U: Sorry I can't help.02:34
kitchedsgsdg: ?02:34
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erstaziSourceContact__, I appreciate your assistance, rarely do I come into #ubuntu and seek assistance, I normally come here to give assistance, but at the moment, I am not relaxed02:34
dsgsdgoops wrong window sorry kitche02:35
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Jordan_Uztomic, No go, I even tried using the backup xorg.conf that was working a few days ago02:37
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Jordan_Uztomic, Also for some reason fglrx isn't showing up in restricted manager02:37
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draeathubuntu archives still having issues, or is the topic outdated?02:38
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ztomicJordan_U: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide02:39
evan_I'm having trouble downloading the repositories. Several of them fail to extract. And I get mismatch on updates.02:39
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draeathevan_, topic...02:39
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draeathso i bet that means they ARE still down02:39
evan_sorry ;P02:39
draeathit's annoying, as I am waiting to install.02:40
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draeath90% of the stuff on the install CD i never use, and the rest of what I need is in the repos :(02:40
mhz`-oh well, make your own cd then?02:40
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draeathhard to do when the repo is down :P02:40
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mhz`-go out, its friday02:41
astro76draeath, the topic is 2 days old, they seem to be fine02:41
amidanielIs thunderbird 2 in any of the ubuntu repos?02:41
mhz`-go get drunk02:41
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mhz`-do something02:41
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draeathQuick question: are the ubuntu kernels patched?02:41
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mhz`-don't be a nerd on fridays02:41
gegenkidoes anyone know why the XGL session comes up as garbage on my ATI x1950 system? Is it a known problem or just me, running feisty02:41
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CybermattI'm having trouble getting ubuntu installed it seems to the video card02:42
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ztomicI hate when ugly video problems show up in linux02:42
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dsgsdgthat's because video cards themselves don't contain user wrtitable storage medium02:43
CybermattnVIDA Geforce 702502:43
petervkdraeath: Compared to the kernel.org kernels, yes. A lot of patches. Like every distro.02:43
dsgsdgyou can't install linux onto a video card02:43
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Jordan_Uztomic, Needed a depmod -a, no idea why it suddenly needed it but once I did it it worked02:43
gegenkiwhy would you want user space on your video card02:43
Cybermattno the video is the prob;em02:43
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archoniamHi, uh, is any help desk NOT preoccupied? XD02:44
jerwaredoes icewm exist for ubuntu?02:44
ztomicJordan_U: so it works now?!02:44
gegenkithere might be a way to install it in text mode, usually nvidea's work will with linux02:44
Jordan_Ujerkface03, Yes02:44
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Jordan_Uztomic, Yup :)02:44
archoniamI'll take that as a no. =(02:44
ztomicJordan_U: friggin kewl02:44
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Jordan_Uarchoniam, You have to actually ask a question02:44
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archoniamXD oki lol02:45
Cybermattah now i have to download the alt cd02:45
archoniamSo, umm, my Amarok is not working correctly with my iPod. It does mount, but it does not transfer songs. And i know it transfers an m4p file, but not oggs.02:46
archoniam(Wait a sec, ima ready my iPod)02:46
dsgsdgJordan_U: I thought ubuntu gave users psychic powers :o02:46
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=== dsgsdg is sad :(((
petervkamidaniel: Thunderbird 2 is in gusty02:47
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=== dsgsdg /me /me
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
ztomicJordan_U: put that in your bag of tricks. It only makes sense.02:47
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amidanielpetervk: ty02:48
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emmanuelun ptit vive ubuntu avant de se coucher02:51
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fogobogohuhu? can i ask something in english here?02:52
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astro76!fr | emmanuel02:52
ubotuemmanuel: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:52
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John`how do i mount a folder from another ubuntu computer that is using samba?  i keep getting access denied when i try mounting it with "smbfs"02:52
emmanuelsorry i havent seen02:52
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John`can someone help?02:53
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ozzmanI have an easy one.... i got a readonly file on my desktop and its locked. i want to trash it but i dont have permission02:54
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ozzmanowner is root02:55
Palimpsestu want to trash or delete?02:55
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fogobogo_HUHU!!! One thing! I own a japanese NEC laptop. How the %#%& can I teach X WHATEVER to accept the japanese laptop keyboard?02:55
Palimpsestozzman, console sudo rm - file patch02:56
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John`how do i mount a folder from another ubuntu computer that is using samba?  i keep getting access denied when i try mounting it with "smbfs"02:56
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XyhthyxJohn`: Try mounting it with cifs instead.02:57
Tanmanhi there...02:57
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mneptok] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patieont and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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John`Xyhthyx: where can i get that?02:58
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XyhthyxJohn`: sudo mount -t cifs -o user=<user_name>,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 //<computer>/<folder> /media/<mount-point>02:58
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:mneptok] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
gegenkiXgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer &02:59
gegenkidbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session                                                             Thats the content of my startxgl.sh - for my ATI on gnome. Its causing garbage on the whole screen02:59
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mneptokgegenki: please do not paste to the channel02:59
John`Xyhthyx: do i have to install cifs?02:59
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XyhthyxJohn`: Make a folder in /media to mount it in first of course.02:59
XyhthyxJohn`: No.02:59
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John`Xyhthyx: what if it has a password?02:59
rolfenhey why does ubuntu bundle with tracepath instead of the old traceroute02:59
Tanmani am wondering if there is any special way apart from useradd to add users to ubuntu server thatwill allow them to upload through ftp03:00
rolfenthey alwas want to do everything different?03:00
XyhthyxJohn`: The first password request you get is for using sudo, the second for accessing the folder.03:00
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Tanmanwith a ft;pd server like vsftpd03:00
Palimpsest --disable-libstdcxx-pch03:00
Palimpsestyyy, sr wrong windows03:00
kitcheTanman: check vsftpd website think it allows virtual users not sure though03:00
imbecileI have an urgent problem.. my ubuntu box wont boot up correctly.. my desktop icons dont show up and my takbar only is loading only part of the timeand not fully.. when i was booting i got fsck and it said /etc/inittab (no such file or dir and said it was trying tgo repair it.. how can i fix this?03:00
ozzmanpalimpsest: can not remove it .....03:00
mneptokrolfen: most Linux variants use tracepath03:00
Tanman@kitche can you explain further?03:01
Palimpsestozzman, output? if is no long03:01
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mneptokTanman: don't use FTP03:01
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mneptokTanman: SFTP is far easier to set up, and far more secure.03:01
fogobogo_HUHU!!! One thing! I own a japanese NEC laptop. How the %#%& can I teach X WHATEVER to accept the japanese laptop keyboard?03:01
imbecilebtw i am booted into my ubuntu box in live disk to fix right next to me03:01
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John`Xyhthyx: what is all this? iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077703:02
Tanman@mneptok ok will tat with Windows clients?03:02
cycomfogobogo: I'd say select the japanese keymap...03:02
Biteyn-1for booting can i set it to boot a certain os automaticly?03:02
Palimpsestozzman, is file or directory?03:02
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mneptokTanman: http://filezilla.sf.net03:02
Biteyn-1CAN GRUB be set to boot a certain one automaticly?03:02
ozzman~/Desktop$ sudo rm - jre1.6.0_0103:02
ozzmanrm: cannot remove `-': No such file or directory03:02
ozzmanrm: cannot remove `jre1.6.0_01': Is a directory03:02
archoniamWell this sucks. i cant find my iPod. XD03:02
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XyhthyxJohn`: Those are cifs options, iocharset for using UTF8 char set, dir mode and file mode set to read/write.03:02
Palimpsestozzman rm -rfv03:02
kitcheTanman: virtual users are users that don't exist on the system and vsftpd does support them so you can go that route03:03
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ozzmanthank you03:03
Biteyn-1Can GRUB be set to boot a certain OS automaticly so on next boot it'll load ubuntu or windows automaticly?03:03
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ozzmantime to learn the basics03:03
Palimpsestozzman, if u wan delete file use rm, if directory rm -r (f - force v - verbose)03:04
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Tanman@kitche thanks i might try that03:04
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mneptokTanman: trust me, you want to use SFTP ...03:04
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kitcheTanman: myself I use either ftp or scp but lately I have been using scp more03:04
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imbecileI have an urgent problem.. my ubuntu box wont boot up correctly.. my desktop icons dont show up and my takbar only is loading only part of the timeand not fully.. when i was booting i got fsck and it said /etc/inittab (no such file or dir and said it was trying tgo repair it.. how can i fix this?pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee03:05
Tanman@mnetptok ok, i'll look into that. does all Windows apps support sftp? if it does i would go that route03:05
mneptokTanman: the good ones do. Filezilla does.03:05
XyhthyxJohn`: btw I failed to mention that in the cifs command I gave you, //<computer>/<folder> should be //<ip-address>/folder03:05
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Tanmanmnetptok: i use it, but our clients may not03:06
John`i was gonna ask that03:06
mneptokTanman: well, they should. there's no reason to introduce massive security holes in your server just so that a few people can use the client software they want.03:06
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mneptokTanman: my experience running hosting businesses is that most people happily change tools when you tell them the trade-off is massively better security03:07
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imbecilecome on you guys, i really need you now03:07
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Palimpsestimbecile, u try boot a recovery mode03:08
John`Xyhthyx: it still say mount error 13 = Permission denied03:08
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r00tintheb0xHey guys, is there any way to switch a Fedora server to an Ubuntu server remotely?03:08
imbecilePalimpsest how do i do that?03:08
r00tintheb0xShould I just SCP all the directories over and reinstall grub?03:08
Palimpsestimbecile, reboot, and choice kernel with recovery in name03:09
Tanmanmnetpok: noted. i think i'll go ahead with that03:09
kitcher00tintheb0x: no such way really03:09
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r00tintheb0xkitche why would that not work?03:09
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r00tintheb0xif all the modules are loaded and a kernel is installed, it should work.03:09
Palimpsestimbecile, what u do, that u lose initab?03:10
kitcher00tintheb0x: umm you would have to reinstall the OS03:10
kitcher00tintheb0x: fedora uses rpm ubuntu uses deb03:10
imbecilePalimpsest, i think so03:10
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r00tintheb0xkitche i doubt that. Gentoo is installed from bootstrap. I think if i copy all directories over, reinstall grub, and ensure that all the correct modules are loaded on boot it'll work.03:10
Palimpsestimbecile, maybe is still there, maybe is backup with ~ on end, check it, if u can03:11
mneptokr00tintheb0x: it's not something i would recommend. and i looked into it a while ago for the GNOME servers.03:11
kitchewhere did gentoo come from?03:11
mneptokkitche: Hell.03:11
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kitchemneptok: well he brought up gentoo and din't say about it before he just said fedora to ubuntu03:11
MajorPayneCan someone suggest a iTunes like application for organizing music but with a curses interface?03:12
mneptokemerge something-to-tie-up-cpus-for-a-while-so-the-horned-master-my-begin-his-reign03:12
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larson9999gentoo came from the ashes of lsf03:12
illscihey what java packages have the libjavaplugin_oji file for j2se603:12
illscii jsut downloaded the packages from java.sun.com and the plugin isnt in the jre or sdk03:12
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Brent_Hello everyone03:13
mneptokillsci: sun-java6-plugin03:13
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illscithe ubuntu java packages java doesnt work correctly for teh page i need to view03:13
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illscithe sun downloads do though03:13
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mneptokillsci: URL?03:13
illsciit's not public03:13
lan1g1r0hi i need to install feisty fawn on a hp dv600003:13
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PalimpsestMajorPayne, gtkpod in my opinion, can load image cover to ipod ;)03:13
illscioh ok03:14
lan1g1r0is there a known problem?03:14
illsci64bit java doesnt that it03:14
illscithats why03:14
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ShackJackHI all - anywhere I can find a good soundcard diagnostic/troubleshooting guide? - A Sigmatel STAC 9200 sound card just will not work... tried the somewhat simpler guide over @ help.ubuntu...03:14
Brent_lan1g1r0, I have an hp dv6119us and I had a couple of problems03:14
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mneptokillsci: there is no 64-bit Java plugin from Sun. use the Blackdown JRE.03:14
MajorPaynePalimpsest: I need a iTunes like music player.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with iPod.  And I said curses, not gtk.03:14
Bored1edHELLO WORLD03:15
Tanman@mnetpok: i also use wa windows blogging tool that uses ftp to upload things03:15
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Tanmanso thats why i thought ftp is the way to go03:15
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PalimpsestMajorPayne, amaroc ?03:15
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Bored1edTanman, your still my friend its ok03:15
lan1g1r0Brent_:  does it give you a black screen when you boot from the live cd?03:15
PalimpsestMajorPayne, amarok03:16
Brent_Yes, it does03:16
lan1g1r0Brent_: How did you fix it?03:16
Brent_On the disk menu, hit F603:16
MajorPaynephpwner: curses is a API for applications that can run in a termenal emulator.  In other words, no GUI.03:16
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kitcheMajorPayne: no such program really03:16
imbecilePalimpsest, i friggin' love you man03:16
Brent_Then, enter the following: noapic irqpoll noirqdebug03:16
aidanHow can I enable FLV support with the FFMPEG package?03:16
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mneptokMajorPayne: playmp3list?03:17
MajorPaynekitche: Ahh.  Ok.  Thanks.  I was hopping to run it in GNU screen.03:17
Brent_Everything after the colon, enter it, then you can install or run03:17
kitcheMajorPayne: at least for what you want03:17
imbecilei would totally buy you a case of beers if i could03:17
mneptokMajorPayne: http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~urban/projects/playmp3list/03:17
lan1g1r0thanks so much03:17
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mneptokMajorPayne: gamp, too. but gamp is not in any repos.03:17
Brent_If you install it using that, then it will use that when you run it regularly as well, I believe. But I'm still having problems getting it running due to the way I installed it03:17
Brent_no problem03:17
MajorPayneAhh.  That may have to do.03:17
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Palimpsestimbecile, is working?03:18
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Brent_Which brings me to my problem: I just can't figure out why Grub doesn't seem to be able to load any OS on either drive I'm using03:18
CppIsWeirdhow come when im idle for like a minute or two, my laptop screen dims to a lower light level? I have it in power settings to do be at 100% and to do nothing no matter how long i sit here. No screensaver either.03:18
ShackJackAnywhere I can find a good soundcard diagnostic/troubleshooting guide? - A Sigmatel STAC 9200 sound card just will not work... tried the somewhat simpler guide over @ help.ubuntu...03:18
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EADG_MajorPayne: Cplay is a ncurses front end for mpg123. Might want to look at that also.03:19
Brent_Is anyone here experienced with troubleshooting grub?03:19
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IndyGunFreakis there a terminal command you can enter to determine the amount of memory in a PC?03:20
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facugaichIndyGunFreak: free03:20
MajorPayneIndyGunFreak: free -m if you want to see it in MB.03:20
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IndyGunFreakfacugaich: free?... hmm, never heard that one.. thanks.03:21
ShackJack!ask | Brent_03:21
ubotuBrent_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:21
IndyGunFreakMajorPayne: thank you...03:21
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rolfenIndyGunFreak: whenever you want to find a command use apropos, for example "apropos memory' will give you a list of commands pertaining to memory03:21
IndyGunFreakrolfen: ok,... hadn't heard that either, thanks03:21
Brent_I can't seem to get Grub to actually RUN any operating system. I get an error no matter what. So, on my main drive, if I get Windows loading as normal, does that mean that Grub is NOT installed on that drive?03:21
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ShackJackIndyGunFreak: or cat /proc/meminfo03:22
paroxysmhow can i list all of the files i have by file size, in descending order?03:22
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rolfenparoxysm: maybe you can use ls with custom output and pipe it to sort03:23
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rolfenor write a little perl or php script or something03:23
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rolfenparoxysm: actually you can sort them from within ls with the --sort option03:24
rolfenman ls03:24
bruenigparoxysm, ls -S03:24
Brent_I believe, from researching my drives, that Grub is pointing to the right disks, but I'm not sure still03:24
lan1g1r0Brent_:  I think I know the answer to your question03:24
lan1g1r0Because *I* had a similar problem.03:25
Brent_I would love to hear it, even if it's not right. I'm willing to try anything03:25
lan1g1r0Is Grub in the MBR?03:25
LaserLineI added http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net/lists as the list for the blocklist in Deluge realizing now that it should have been http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net/lists/blocklist.php, but now whenever I start Deluge it crashes.  I did check the download new list at startup.  Anyone know how to fix this?03:25
Brent_I'm running Ubuntu from an external drive03:25
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MajorPaynelan1g1r0: Grub can be in the MBR, but it doesn't have to be.03:25
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Brent_When my external drive is connected, Grub runs, but doesn't actually WORK03:25
lan1g1r0MajorPayne: I know, which is why I was asking.03:25
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Brent_When my external drive is not connected, Grub doesn't run, and Windows boots as normal03:25
lan1g1r0Did you make the drive with ubuntu Bootable?03:26
MajorPaynelan1g1r0: Ohh.  lol.  Sorry, I thought it was you who was asking a question.03:26
L3xanyone around with /dev/random experise?03:26
Brent_Yes, in my bios, it's bootable before the regular drive, but apart from that, I'm not sure03:26
Tanman@mneptok sorry about that03:26
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L3xor maybe gpg experts?03:26
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lan1g1r0Brent_: use gparted to make the partition with Ubuntu boot03:27
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CppIsWeirdhow come when im idle for like a minute or two, my laptop screen dims to a lower light level? I have it in power settings to do be at 100% and to do nothing no matter how long i sit here. No screensaver either.03:27
Brent_I don't remember seeing the option. Maybe I missed it?03:27
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lan1g1r0what os are you using right now?03:28
Brent_I BELIEVE that it's labeled as bootable03:28
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Brent_I'm using XP on my main laptop drive, and Ubuntu on my external03:28
L3xok here's my question, does anybody know how to improve the entropy and the speed at which /dev/random fills up?03:28
Brent_I don't know 100% if it's bootable, just going by a very vague memory03:28
lan1g1r0Ok, try to make a system rescue cd and use gparted to ensure it is boot03:28
Jordan_UBrent_, Well GRUB needs an ext3 partition with a menu.list to function, which is why it doesn't work with the drive not plugged in03:29
Brent_I can boot into the live distro and run GParted03:29
Brent_My external drive has an ext3 partition, and I know for a fact that that file is there03:29
lan1g1r0which file?03:29
ShackJackAnywhere I can find a good soundcard diagnostic/troubleshooting guide? - A Sigmatel STAC 9200 sound card just will not work... tried the somewhat simpler guide over @ help.ubuntu...03:29
Brent_Cause I've looked at it, and it seems to be pointing to all the right places03:29
Jordan_UBrent_, What you probably want to do is write grub to the external drive instead of the laptops MBR03:29
lan1g1r0i think that is what he has03:30
Brent_That's the problem, I can't tell which drive it's on, but I'm assuming it's on the external drive because it doesn't run when the drive is unplugged03:30
lan1g1r0run gparted on the laptop harddrive as well to see if it has a boot partition03:30
lan1g1r0*partition labeled as boot03:30
Brent_I know that the laptop drive has one labeled as boot03:31
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Jordan_UBrent_, Sorry I misread your earlier post, I thought you said without the drive grub loads but doesn't work, not with it03:31
lan1g1r0not bootable flag but labeled /boot03:31
Brent_it's alright03:31
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Jordan_U!sound | ShackJack03:31
ubotuShackJack: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:31
lan1g1r0are we talking about the same thing Brent_03:32
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Brent_Well, during install, I set the install drive to have "/" as the root file system03:32
Brent_Maybe I'm thinking of something different then you after all?03:32
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Jordan_UBrent_, What error do you get from GRUB, do you see the GRUB menu at all?03:33
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EADG_After running "du -h / |sort -n" and getting a couple permission denied errors I now have this problem; mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system. How to fix without a reboot?03:33
Brent_Yes, when my external is plugged in, I get a full Grub menu, with both Ubuntu AND XP options03:33
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lan1g1r0and file missing?03:34
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Brent_When I try to load Ubuntu, I get the error about "no such partition" or something like that03:34
lan1g1r0perhaps the ubuntu install is corrupt?03:34
L3xwow ubuntu really sucks03:34
CppIsWeirdhow come when im idle for like a minute or two, my laptop screen dims to a lower light level? I have it in power settings to do be at 100% and to do nothing no matter how long i sit here. No screensaver either.03:34
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r00tintheb0xBrent_ what does "fdisk -l" show?03:34
Brent_When I try to load XP, it says that NTLDR is missing03:34
rolfenBrent_ you get a kernel panic?03:34
bronze-Why can't I have nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings installed at the same time?03:34
Stwangewhy does terminal just hang whenever I type "hexdump"?03:34
Brent_I don't know about either question there03:34
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Jordan_Ubronze-, nvidia-glx contains nvidia-settings03:34
=== CharlesEdwardPax [n=charles@c-68-38-214-81.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:35
Jordan_Ubronze-, You don't need or want both packages03:35
Brent_I'm pretty much a newbie, so I don't understand kernel panic, and I don't know what the command shows03:35
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CharlesEdwardPaxThe gutsy daily-live iso image has not been updated in quite some time now. The dail iso image, however, has. For example; the daily iso has restricted-manager 0.23 while the daily-live has only restricted-manager 0.20.03:35
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jetolehey guys03:35
CharlesEdwardPaxDoes anyone know what is going on? When can I expect to see a daily-live iso image with the current packages. I would like a current build to test on my PowerBook. Thanks...03:35
bronze-Jordan_U, ok - I think it was different in debian (they use older nvidia version), so I had to install both. Now when I installed nvidia-settings, it removed nvidia-glx.03:35
lan1g1r0run the command Brent_03:35
Jordan_UCharlesEdwardPax, #ubuntu+103:35
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roger21where is inittab on ubuntu systems ?03:36
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jetoledoes anyone know where or how /dev/.static/dev is supposed to be created, it exists on one of my feisty boxes and not the other and it is required for me at the moment03:36
Brent_I ran it inside of the live distro, but don't remember what it said. Can I run it from somewhere else?03:36
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lan1g1r0a linux os03:36
atselbydoes anyone know if there is a way to hide the remote icon on the desktop?03:36
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CharlesEdwardPax#ubuntu+1 is the irc channel I should go to?03:36
solpexWill someone help me please :)03:36
Jordan_Ubronze-, Just install nvidia-glx, you will be able to run nvidia-settings from a terminal with "gksudo nvidia-settings"03:36
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Jordan_UCharlesEdwardPax, Yes03:37
Brent_I mean, from any command line outside of a distro? I guess I can load it back up and check, will take a while though03:37
CharlesEdwardPaxCool, thanks!03:37
Incandenziandoes anyone know how I can remap keyboard keys?03:37
Jordan_UBrent_, What are you trying to run?03:37
Brent_Should I have installed my Ubuntu to "/boot" instead of just03:37
EADG_After running "du -h / |sort -n" and getting a couple permission denied errors I now have this problem; mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system. How can that be fixed without a reboot?03:37
kairu0how do i get my gnome taskbar to pulsate (updated windows fade bright and darker endlessly)? i had this OOB in ubuntu, but i dont know where the gnome option is...03:37
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Brent_I'm trying to run Ubuntu on my external drive03:38
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jetoleEADG_, mount -o remount,rw /directory03:38
atselbyIncandenzian, depending on what you're wanting to remap you'll have a hard time. I think there is a good tool in the repositories somewhere. Sorry I can't help more.03:38
Jordan_UBrent_, You shouldn't have a /boot ( well you can but you don't need one and it sounds like you wouldn't know how to set it up )03:38
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atselby--be right back all--03:38
EADG_jetole: will do, thanks.03:38
Incandenzianthat's OK atselby, thanks anyway :)03:38
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Jordan_UBrent_, Rather, you shouldn't have a seperate /boot partition03:38
Brent_You're probably right. So it's ok that my Ubuntu ext3 drive root is "/"03:38
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jetoleEADG_, no prob03:39
Jordan_UBrent_, Yes03:39
solpexHi there im installing OpenSSH Server And im configuring the sshd_config whats the key to edit the config in "man" also the key to save the file after ive configured it ??03:39
Brent_How do I check to make sure? I don't remember seeing any "/boot" partition at all, IIRC03:39
pushpopHello all, I am new to Ubuntu and I want to manually partition my drive.  I have 1 160gb hd that i want to use as my main hd where the os is installed.  Then I have a 250gb I will be using for storage... Just wondering what would be the best way to partition the drives for maximum peformance?03:39
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Jordan_UBrent_, You shouldn't have, most people don't have one03:39
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kitchesolpex: umm depends how you want to edit it either gksu gedit /path/to//sshd_config or sudo nano /path/to/sshd_config03:40
Brent_Ok, I'm sure I don't then. So I guess I need to get together my steps to take now. I need to check a couple of things. So first, I need to run "fdisk -l"03:40
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solpexkitche: I'm useing man sshd_config03:41
kitchesolpex: man just gives you the man page03:41
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Jordan_UBrent_, Are you booted into a LiveCD right now?03:41
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kitchesolpex: you either hvae to edit it using gedit or a cli editor03:41
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solpexkitche: okay mabe i can use pico ?03:42
Brent_NO, I'm back in XP. Is there a chat client inside Ubuntu that I can use?03:42
Brent_On the live disk, that is03:42
younghackeri need help with postgresql is anyone familiar with the package?03:42
atru1I just installed Feisty and did all the updates and every time I open Open Office, when I move the mouse over any of the buttons it crashes. Where do I start to fix this?03:42
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Jordan_Usolpex, nano ( it's a Free version of pico )03:42
younghackeri like X Chat03:42
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kitchesolpex: yeah pico works it's pretty much the father of nano03:43
Jordan_UBrent_, Yes, there is gaim, you can also install xchat ( even while using the LiveCD )03:43
solpexJordan_U: okay thanks03:43
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Brent_If gaim works, I'll connect with that, and then maybe ya'll can kind of walk me through what I need to find?03:43
solpexthanks kitche03:43
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solpexim useing gaim03:43
LaserLineBrent_: XChat-GNOME IRC Chat03:43
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solpex=] 03:43
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roger21how may i say ubuntu to launch X on tty9 instead of 7 ?03:44
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Brent_Excellent, thanks. I'll be back in a bit.03:44
Jordan_UBrent_, Yes, boot the LiveCD on the laptop03:44
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younghackerhow do i start an instance in postgres, when i attempt to db_nmap i get an error implying there is no instance of the databse running03:44
ShackJackatru1: I might try a sudo aptitude -f install to fix and packages that maybe broken or reintall OO03:44
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Brent_Stay tuned, I'm going to load the live disk now03:44
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:44
CharlesEdwardPaxIt there a room specific to PPC?03:44
amidanielBrent_: That's the fun part :)03:44
Amaranthkitche: ?03:44
Jordan_Ukitche, ?03:44
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kitcheAmaranth: the bots are back03:44
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Brent_Why do you say that?03:44
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younghackeri went to a forum and i see to start the instance you do initdb, and pg_ctl -D but those commands aren't known to my machine03:45
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ShackJackThe bots are back and your gonna be in trouble - hey la hey la...03:45
pushpopHello all, I am new to Ubuntu and I want to manually partition my drive.  I have 1 160gb hd that i want to use as my main hd where the os is installed.  Then I have a 250gb I will be using for storage... Just wondering what would be the best way to partition the drives for maximum peformance?03:45
jetoledoes anyone know if there is a package that needs to be installed to populate /dev/.static/dev?03:45
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Jordan_UCharlesEdwardPax, No03:45
amidanielpushpop: Do you need the data drive to be shareable with windows or a different operating system?03:46
Brent_Ok, I'll be back03:46
solpexahhh nano cant read the config :(03:46
Jordan_Usolpex, What do you mean?03:46
JumpinJack1822I'd go with ReiserFS03:46
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pushpopadmidaniel, yes the storage drive must be sharable with windows and I want to read and write in windows to the drive03:46
atru1ShackJack: "sudo aptitude -f install"  didn't fix it and I used synaptic to mark openoffice for reinstallation, no luck :(03:46
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pushpopadmindanie: but the main drive I dont need to access03:46
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amidanielpushpop: Then you're going to have to do ntfs or fat. fat is slower, but ntfs support for linux is not as stable03:47
pushpopfrom windows that is03:47
atselbycan anyone tell me how to hide the remote computer/ftp icon on the desktop?03:47
solpexi do nano sshd_config03:47
solpexand it opens with nothing there03:47
kitchesolpex: are you in the directory that sshd_config is in if not it will show nothing03:47
Jordan_Upushpop, Like JumpinJack1822 suggested, ReiserFS is the fastest ( though at the cost of reliability )03:47
amidanielpushpop: So, I would recommend formatting the main drive as ext3 and the data drive as ntfs03:47
furenkudoes anybody know of a good source for information or a tutorial on how to use LASH?03:47
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amidanielpushpop: Or reiserfs -- it is probably daster03:47
kitchesolpex: do nano /path/to/sshd_config which I believe is /etc/ssh/sshd_config but I tend to not edit that file much03:48
pushpopadmindaniel: I plan on using my ubuntu box as a vmware_server03:48
pushpopso I want maximum performance03:48
solpexyes /etc/ssh/ssh_config03:48
pushpopdo you guys know a how to that would walk me through the partitioning03:48
solpexyay thanks kitche :P03:48
kitchesolpex: ssh_config != sshd_config03:48
amidanielpushpop: Alright, then probably ReiserFS and ntfs .. just be aware that both are slightly less reliable than their alternatives03:49
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dodo<atselby>: use "gconf-editor" -> apps - nautilus - desktop - computer-icon-visible.03:49
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JumpinJack1822ReiserFS is a journal file system...is it really that unreliable?03:49
Jordan_UJumpinJack1822, Yes, infamously so03:49
amidanielpushpop: It sounds like your partitioning is pretty standard -- not sure of a how-to, but you'll just want to select "manual" and then edit each of your two drives' partitions, opting to mount one as "/" and one as "/data" or the like03:50
amidanielthe ReiserFS one should be mounted as root03:50
hendrixskiI just bought an external hard-drive for backing up my data... it mounted but I can't drag and drop any files into it :-(03:50
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amidanielhendrixski: Is it formatted ntfs?03:50
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pushpopok how big should I make my root swap ect?03:50
pushpopi have 4gb of memory in this machine03:51
hendrixskiamidaniel, how can I find out what it's formatted to?03:51
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=== pal_ is noob
peepsalotwhats a good virtual machine or emulator for running DOS in linux?03:51
kitchepushpop: really 0 swap really for that much ram unless you want core dumps and such which most users don't want03:51
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kitchepeepsalot: dosbox is the only one really03:52
hendrixskipeepsalot, I've heard good things about DOSBOX03:52
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amidanielhendrixski: Enter "mount" to see what drives are mounted where and what filetype they are03:52
peepsalotok i will check that out, thx03:52
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FusE;'( upgrading to Edgy is going to take 2 hours more03:52
FusEthen I have to upgrade to Feisty03:52
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=== pal_ needs leads on what languages are good to start with so he can get a grip on software devel on Linux specially on Ubuntu.
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=== FusE thinks PHP is teh best
bruenigpal_, there is no specifically on ubuntu, linux is linux03:53
FusEFor web, php is teh best03:53
=== amidaniel smacks FusE for his bad taste in languages
kbrookspal_: Python is used in Ubuntu03:53
bruenigI would learn bash03:53
amidanielWell, for web, maybe .. but still03:53
TheNo1YetiAnyone have any idea why gaim will close to the taskbar on one desktop but not the other.  I have the notification area widget on the top taskbar on both screens and it will not minimize to taskbar on my larger screen, just the smaller one.03:53
=== FusE smaks amidaniel for losing his brain
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hendrixskiamidaniel,  I guess yeah... NTFS... /dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)03:53
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pal_kbrooks do you Python?03:54
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amidanielhendrixski: Okay, then you're either going to need to reformat the drive as something more unix-friendly, or install ntfs-3g and remount03:54
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pi3hendrixski: you can use GParted to reformat the drive, be careful03:54
FusEaww shiet03:54
FusEI forgot, that I have a dapper cd I think03:54
kbrookspal_: yes, /join #python03:54
FusEI mean edgy03:54
TheNo1Yetipal_: Are you wanting to learn to create programs specifically for ubuntu?03:54
FusEIf I have an edgy cd, can I cancel the currnet upgrade and upgrade from that03:54
amidanielhendrixski: You can find ntfs-3g in semantic03:54
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hendrixskipi3 what kinds of things would I have to be careful about in reformatting the drive?03:55
pi3synaptic you mean :P?03:55
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pal_TheNo1... yes.03:55
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FusEI use it03:55
kbrooksTheNo1Yeti, no such thing as "specifically for ubuntu"03:55
pi3hendrixski: formatting the one you want!03:55
Fragged\join #ComputerLinuxBoobs03:55
pal_I'm a developer on VB.NET (windows environment)03:55
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lightning18who are filipinos here03:55
pal_and I love Ubuntu.03:55
FusEAlthough for the second source.list entry, just comment it  as that site is not available03:55
hendrixskiamidaniel, right... so apt-get install ntfs-3g.. then umount -a then mount -a  right?03:55
TheNo1Yetikbrooks: I know that.  I mean more specifically things written for linux aimed at ubuntu users03:55
lightning18any FILIPINOS here03:55
mavsman4457is there any application that will allow me to access a linux or windows pc?03:55
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FusElighting no03:56
FusEmavsman, ummm yeah03:56
kbrooksFusE, there  are,03:56
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cwill2Anyone know if there's a fix for landscape pdf's not printing properly?03:56
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CarlozTheNo1Yeti:  u still dont get it ?03:56
kbrooks!samba | mavsman445703:56
ubotumavsman4457: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:56
hendrixskipi3, oh... yeah... good call... the whole point of having it is in case I do something stupid like that and delete all my data :-)  wouldn't want to delete it while setting it up :-)03:56
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amidanielhendrixski: Yes. Except umount -t ntfs-3g03:56
pi3hendrixski: if you'll be using the drive for linux, I suggest you to use ext3 instead of ntfs03:56
lightning18who requested Ubuntu in Ship-it03:56
amidanielerm, mount -t ntfs-3g*03:56
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solpexwhen editing the sshd_config i get [ Error writing /etc/ssh/ssh_config: Permission denied ] 03:56
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solpexdo i need su ?03:56
solpexor root ?03:56
pal_kbrooks it says I need to be identified to join???03:56
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FusEny no was revreing to the guy asking for fil...03:56
Jordan_Ulightning18, I have03:56
TheNo1YetiAnyone have any idea why gaim will close to the taskbar on one desktop but not the other.  I have the notification area widget on the top taskbar on both screens and it will not minimize to taskbar on my larger screen, just the smaller one.03:56
kbrooksamidaniel, ntfts-3g is not in Ubuntu03:56
kbrookspal_: /nick pal03:57
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:57
Carlozsolpex:  yes u need to sudo03:57
FusEkbrooks, http://ntfs-3g.com03:57
hendrixskiamidaniel, pi3,  I'll be using it for Linux, but may need to use to give some of my files to people who use a Mac... and possibly use Windows03:57
mavsman4457ubotu: well I can already access my files but isn't there a way to get full access like see the screen and control the mouse03:57
FusETheNo1Yeti: aMSN03:57
Jordan_Ukbrooks, It is in the repos and even on the LiveCD03:57
FusEkbrooks, http://ntfs-3g.com03:57
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TheNo1YetiFusE: Eh?03:57
pi3does mac read ext3?03:57
Carlozu weldome03:57
kbrookspal_: then /msg nickserv register <password>03:57
drcodehi all03:57
Jordan_Upi3, Not yet03:57
hendrixskiamidaniel, pi3, so  would Mac and Windows also be able to interact with EXT3 or should I use Fat32?03:57
mavsman4457kbrooks: well I can already access my files but isn't there a way to get full access like see the screen and control the mouse03:57
TheNo1Yetimavsman: Your talking more like RDP/VNC?03:58
Carlozhello drcode03:58
amidanielkbrooks: Oh? I haven't gotten to that step in my set up yet though :)03:58
drcodeI have ubuntu breezy has my server, It seems that I can't use source.list any more03:58
FusEmavsman, Im pretty sure you cant do that03:58
Darkynhow come when i get ubuntu running, it says im a root user but i cant even change the damn time. i dont have permissions.. any help03:58
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mavsman4457TheNo1Yeti: yes03:58
kbrooksfuse: you can03:58
amidanielhendrixski: No, windows can't talk to ext303:58
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:58
cwill2drcode: source.list or sources.list?03:58
kbrooksfuse: please leave.03:58
drcodeI got this error 404 Not Found [IP: 80] 03:58
drcodeany idea?03:58
Jordan_Uhendrixski, Windows can use ext3, TIger currently can't03:58
FusEerr stfu03:58
kbrooksamidaniel, it can03:58
FusEHe wants to use windows, via Linux03:58
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kbrooksfuse: he can, with vnx!!!!!!!!!03:58
kbrooksfuse: vnc*03:58
FusEokay calm down03:58
FusEStop having a cow03:58
hendrixskiJordan_U, I shake my fist at Mac... ultra ultra proprietary wankers.03:58
mavsman4457would there be lag in if i use vnc for two computers on the same network?03:59
amidanielkbrooks: It can? O.o03:59
kbrooksmavsman4457, no03:59
FusEWhy wouldnt there be03:59
FusEIf hes doing two computers03:59
kbrooksmavsman4457, erm, i mean not really03:59
cwill2mavsman4457: depends more on the server you run, but it's usually respectable03:59
hendrixskiJordan_U, amidaniel, pi3,  but all three of them can read/write FAT32 right?03:59
FusEWell, it depends on your Memory03:59
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mavsman4457kbrooks: so I could play a game through it?03:59
kbrooksmavsman4457, very little lag03:59
Jordan_Uhendrixski, Yes03:59
kbrooksmavsman4457, not typically, no03:59
kbrooksmavsman4457, but feel free to try03:59
FusESome games maybe03:59
arcusthe resource requirements for VNC are not very huge.03:59
hendrixskiFAT32 it shall be.03:59
drcodeany idea?04:00
kbrooksmavsman4457, however, i'll just say it isn't normally used for games.04:00
hendrixskiTHANKS :-)04:00
mavsman4457kbrooks: do I just install VNC on both computers?04:00
kbrooksmavsman4457, er, no04:00
arcusit's more the network bandwidth that's the problem.04:00
cwill2mavsman4457: if you install ultravnc on the windows machine including the display driver, or whatever the equivilent is for any other version, then it'll be very fast04:00
TheNo1Yetimavsman: Yes you could technically play a game on the windows computer you are vnc'd to.  Don't expect the best fps or latency though04:00
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kbrooksmavsman4457, you have to install a client.04:00
arcusit's a bit painful controlling computers across the internet, for example :] 04:00
kbrooksmavsman4457, but ubuntu has that04:01
FusEnot to mention insecure04:01
drcodeI can upgrade my server from breezy into new one?04:01
mavsman4457a client?04:01
TheNo1Yetiarcus: lol.  Tell me about it.  I work for a company that does alot of VPS hosting.04:01
kbrooksmavsman4457, the only hurdle is the server.04:01
mavsman4457what server?04:01
=== LeChacal [n=david@c-67-176-199-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksmavsman4457, which you can download.04:01
=== CineScope [n=the_road@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksmavsman4457, vnc server04:01
FusEThats why I dual boot04:01
mavsman4457ok and how do i make sure it is very secure04:01
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kbrooksmavsman4457, however, there is no such thing as "vnc". well, technically there is, as in the protocol04:02
lightning18who(people in the philippines) requested cds from ship-it04:02
TheNo1Yetimavsman: This might make life easier.  What version of windows is your machine running?04:02
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solpexit wont let me su :/ su: Authentication failure04:02
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kbrooksmavsman4457, other than that, there is no client named vnc literally04:02
solpexI used my password and it wont work :/04:02
mavsman4457and my linux is feisty04:02
solpexmabe i got to switch to root login ?04:02
arcussolpex: try sudo -su04:02
FusE"my linux is feisty" funny04:03
kbrooksfuse: dont be silly.04:03
lightning18who(people in the philippines) requested cds from ship-it04:03
FusEkbroos, do you own this channel04:03
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solpexsudo: please use single character options04:03
kbrooksfuse: fortunately not04:03
BrentRHello everyone04:03
FusEkbrooks, do you own this channel04:03
mavsman4457but how do i make sure that it is secure and can't be accessed by someone else04:03
FusEThen dont tell me what to do04:03
kbrooksfuse: i am not04:03
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Jordan_Usolpex, sudo -s04:03
FusE<kbrooks> fuse: dont be sill04:03
kbrooksfuse: i am advising you04:03
jga23how do I set the default python version to 2.5 instead of 2.4?04:03
FusEHow is that not telling me what to do04:03
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cwill2kbrooks: can I just call ops?  :p04:04
mavsman4457FusE: he was just joking, no big deal04:04
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BrentRIs this the same room that I was in a little bit ago asking about Grub?04:04
FusEMy suggestion: just dual boot04:04
=== LeChacal [n=david@c-67-176-199-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
TheNo1Yetimavsman: Nevermind then.  If you were using something like 2001/2003/2008 you could just enable terminal services.  I'm kinda sketchy on xp having a terminal services server built in even in pro.  Your best bet is like they are saying.04:04
kbrooksfuse: if you don't like me "telling you what to do", please use the ignore button.04:04
Jordan_UBrentR, Yes04:04
FusEThat way you don't have to worry about compatibility options04:04
BrentRI'm inside of Ubuntu live now, using xchat04:04
kbrooksTheNo1Yeti, actually, xp has remote desktop built in, but it sucks.04:04
mavsman4457FusE: that isn't an option since I am running Linux on my PS3 and that can't exactly run windwos04:04
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ccoffeydoes anyone have any expeirence of the ich7r and fakeraid? I can't get it to mount my root filesystem.04:04
=== Darkyn [n=root@ip4-97.tvmax-fiber-2.hou.ygnition.net] has joined #ubuntu
FusEyou can run windows on a ps3? cool04:05
Jordan_UBrentR, Plug in your external drive and mount it04:05
FusEI mean linux04:05
=== EADG [n=vader@d206-75-103-225.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
FusEummm, I cant help you there since I dont own a ps 304:05
RaidV92CHi everyone.  New to Linux, old to Windows and even DOS.  Does anyone have Networking expertise?  I have checked forums and FAQs but am having problems.04:05
kbrooksTheNo1Yeti, it's ok for ONE PERSON at a time.04:05
mavsman4457FusE: it's still the same linux04:05
Darkynim trying to use ubuntu as user not root and i dont know how to get to user. any help04:05
TheNo1Yetikbrooks: rdp is a terminal services client.  It is not the same thing as the terminal services service that is required to run the server.  But yea your right, rdp is not good for more than 2 concurrent connections to the same machine04:06
=== cwill2 [n=cwillu@s142-179-196-150.ab.hsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu []
Jordan_UDarkyn, What do you mean?04:06
LouisvilleLIPDarkyn: by default, Ubuntu makes you a user, not root04:06
Jordan_UDarkyn, log in?04:06
kbrooksLouisvilleLIP, also, root still exists04:06
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:06
kbrooksLouisvilleLIP, it has to be there anyway.04:06
Darkynwell how come when i go to room linux-noob it kicks me automaticly because im root04:06
=== ArtiFACT [n=toast@h17.28.17.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mavsman4457VNC costs money?04:06
=== deliciouscake [n=deliciou@cpe-70-125-140-22.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Darkyni dont understant04:07
=== milllmannn [n=millmann@pool-71-170-103-251.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksmavsman4457, don't search for vnc04:07
LouisvilleLIPyes, but a lot of people confuse the way it works04:07
sdoublemavsman4457: no, but there are versions that do04:07
BrentRJordan, I believe it was you trying to help me a bit ago? I don't remember exactly what was suggested though04:07
kbrooksmavsman4457, you will get realvnc04:07
mavsman4457kbrooks: yes04:07
arcusI've used tightVNC before.04:07
mavsman4457kbrooks: what do you suggest04:07
RaidV92CAny networking guru that can assist a noob?04:07
kbrooksmavsman4457, one is Free, the other is not free (as in, not gratis)04:07
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Darkynhow do i log in when there is no login and when i try to  switch users it says i dont have permission04:07
mavsman4457kbrooks: realVNC's free version is really crappy04:08
mavsman4457krbooks: what program is free that i can use04:08
Jordan_UDarkyn, What do you mean no login? What do you see now and how did you get there?04:08
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kbrooksmavsman4457, do you know why i capitalized Free? :-)04:08
astro76Darkyn, type who in a terminal if you want to see what user you are04:08
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Darkyni see a chat screen04:08
mavsman4457kbrooks: free of features?04:08
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LouisvilleLIPDarkyn: assuming you are root, you can go to gnome system>administration>Users and Groups and add a non-root user there04:09
Jordan_UDarkyn, Then you are logged in fine04:09
mavsman4457kbrooks: you mean I should torrent it?04:09
aro_ronhey, I need some help with a quirky issue with ubuntu04:09
kbrooksmavsman4457, With Ubuntu, you can sell it, modify it, redistribute it, use it, all of these for any purpose with _almost_ no restrictions whatsoever04:09
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-76-180-137-44.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UDarkyn, So what are you trying to do now?04:09
Darkynbut i cant get there it says i dont have permission04:09
aro_ronI need to opn the device manager window, but whenever Iclick on it in the menu, it opens for a split second, before closing out again04:09
kharnovI've got a quick question.04:09
aro_ronand its driving me nuts04:10
Darkynwhat do i do04:10
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sdoublekharnov: ask it04:10
kbrooksmavsman4457, i was talking about FOR windows.04:10
kbrooksmavsman4457, ubuntu has a vnc client built in.04:10
astro76Darkyn, Applications->Accessories->Terminal, and type who there04:10
mavsman4457kbrooks: ok but I still need a windows one04:10
LouisvilleLIPit says you don't have permission when trying to access linux-noob04:10
kharnovI used to use WinXP on my laptop, and now i'm running on Xubuntu. Everything works fine, except for my graphics card, which doesn't seem to be able to handle 3D anymore. Why is that? It worked fine under WinXP.04:10
solpexdoes commented out mean like take away the hash *#*04:10
BrentROk, so to solve my Grub problem, do you want me to re-explain, or do you remember what the problem was Jordan?04:10
Darkynok it says gdm is not running04:10
kbrooksmavsman4457, ah ok04:10
mavsman4457kbrooks: or would the free version do all that I want it to do?04:10
kbrooksmavsman4457, try that04:11
kyled185mavsman4457, I've heard many a great thing about ultraVNC for windows04:11
sdoublesolpex: # is commented out04:11
Darkynhow do i get gdm running04:11
kbrooksmavsman4457, it's simplistic enough that you can take it04:11
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arcusmavsman4457: I've used tightVNC with linux on one end and windows on the other.  seemed to work fine.04:11
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solpexk thanks04:11
mavsman4457kbrooks: nah, I'd rather install something else that I know will do what I want it to rather than installing something that I might not use04:11
kharnovWhy would my graphics card work worse under Xubuntu?04:11
kbrookskharnov, You got your laptop from a OEM that installed the drivers for you.04:12
Darkynwhen i go to system administration it says gdm is not running04:12
mavsman4457arcus: tightVNC is good?04:12
archoniamHi! Just a not-so-quick question.  My Amarok will not transfer oggs to my iPod. Amarok will not support mp3's either. When i try to play them there, it freezes and i have to do a force quit. Can you help me?04:12
solpexso if kthere is a # before the text its commented out ?04:12
kbrookskharnov, Under Xubuntu, you have to install the drivers.04:12
archoniamplay mp3s*04:12
BrentRWell, since Jordan left, I guess I'll ask others about my Grub problem. I hope I'm not bothering!04:12
kbrooks!nvidia | kharnov04:12
ubotukharnov: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:12
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jorgerosaCan anyone compile this for us, please, to .DEB file?04:12
jorgerosaand send back to me, please? We need it for some tests here. Thankyou!04:12
kharnovI've got a T23 with a S3 Supersavage, which is a pretty bad on its own.04:12
arcusmavsman4457: I've no idea how it compares to other VNC software, as I've never used anything else.  All I know is that it was pretty simple to set up and it worked.04:13
=== WoundedWing [n=grumbs@cpe-74-76-230-246.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookskharnov, follow that howto.04:13
BrentRAnyways, my Grub doesn't seem to work. It doesn't actually LOAD any operating systems04:13
kharnovI don't use Ati/NVidia, though.04:13
kharnovI've got a S3 Supersavage.04:13
mavsman4457arcus: ok thank you04:13
archoniamBusy? Oki... i'll wait...04:13
=== sybesis [n=sybesis@dsl9-211.express.oricom.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookskharnov, ah.04:13
Fraggedjorgerosa, learn how to compile you lazy ****04:13
LouisvilleLIPdarkyn: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:13
kbrooks!language | Fragged04:13
ubotuFragged: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:13
kbrooksFragged, may i query you?04:13
Fraggedwhat bad language did I use?04:13
mavsman4457arcus: but I've got a question, and this might be about VNC in general but I'm not sure04:13
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jorgerosaFragged: Sorry man, 20 years only in windows... :(04:14
kbrooksFragged, you censored out bad language. PM please.04:14
kharnovEverything works fine under Xubuntu, except when I try to use anything with 3D graphics. Then it gets REALLY choppy.04:14
FraggedI've spent 6 months in linux and I know how to compile, I lerant very quickly04:14
Fraggedyeah sure pm me04:14
kbrooksFragged, type /query kbrooks04:14
mavsman4457arcus: if I want to play a game through VNC can I use a joypad on either computer04:14
kitchejorgerosa: are you the one that emailed the freebsd mailing list :)04:14
kharnovIt kinda gets irritating how I can't run some of my old games because my graphics card doesn't work as well under Linux. :/04:15
jorgerosaFragged: can u help?04:15
mavsman4457arcus: or can it be only for the main computer that the stuff is being streamed from?04:15
sdoublemavsman4457: use it on the actual computer, not the vnc connected computer04:15
arcusmavsman4457: it really isn't going to be much fun playing a game that requires a joystick over VNC.04:15
=== LouisvilleLIP [n=jason@74-130-197-71.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
archoniam. .  .   .    .     .     .       .        .         .          .           .            .             .04:15
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sdoublearchoniam: Yeah, i was thinking the same thing.04:15
hendrixskijorgerosa, :-) the guys at #ubuntu-motu are the experts at making .debs  :-)04:15
kitchekharnov: ATI?04:15
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-168-162.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kharnovS3 Supersavage.04:15
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kitchekharnov: ah just as bad04:15
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archoniamsdouble: lol04:15
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mavsman4457sdouble: I can't use it on the VNC connected computer?04:15
younghackerwhat is the proper syntax to import nmap output to an XML file ?04:15
arcusmavsman4457: playing Solitaire might be fine.  Playing Doom3 would be virtually impossible.04:15
mhz`-somone buy me a new computer!!04:15
mhz`-a new lappy04:16
=== Selrach [n=james@CPE-75-81-39-145.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jorgerosahendrixski: Ok ill try also there. Thx04:16
kbrooksmavsman4457, you can. but lag is the problem.04:16
sdoublemavsman4457: doubtful.  Depends how it's all controlled.04:16
mavsman4457arcus: I am just curious to try out some emulators04:16
anandanbuwhere can i find info about the games for ubuntu 7.0404:16
kharnovIs it going to be possible to get my 3D capabilities back?04:16
sdoubleif it runs as key commands, you'd be fine04:16
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-24-189-197.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mavsman4457krbooks: that's why I asked earlier and that's what I was afraid of04:16
sdoublebut if it runs as an actual joypad, it won't work04:16
eifzonanyone here using a "AMILO SI 1520 C2D 2.0 2GB/160 DVDRW WLAN 12#VHP" and running ubuntu?04:16
Selrachexcuse me, if I run a windows OS under a virtualization utility like Qemu, do I need to bother with security updates since its a VM?04:16
younghackerdoes anyone know the proper syntax to import nmap output to an xml file04:16
MajorPayneSelrach: Yes.04:17
CppIsWeirdhow come when im idle for like a minute or two, my laptop screen dims to a lower light level? I have it in power settings to do be at 100% and to do nothing no matter how long i sit here. No screensaver either.04:17
LouisvilleLIPSelrach: yes04:17
mavsman4457can anyone here program for PPC?04:17
BrentRDoes anyone know how to check and see if Grub is set up properly? It is not working to launch any OS.04:17
archoniamanandan: Um, just run 'sudo aptitude' and search for the packages you want, and then just hit enter to see the details of the project.04:17
Selrachwell, when I try to install Servicepacks for windows 2000, higher than 1, it screws up the VM installation somehow04:17
arcusmavsman4457: emulators? did you have anything specific in mind?04:17
mavsman4457arcus: or could anyone optimixe something, Super Mario War, for PPC/PS3 Linux04:17
archoniamAnyone ready to answer my q yet? 0=)04:17
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kyled185mavsman4457, apt-cache search emulator04:18
DM|Anything new in the Ubuntu world ? ive been working my tail off and away from the Ubuntu scene for a while04:18
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sdoubleSelrach: find a windows 2000 download with the service packs already to the latest.  Then use your legal key04:18
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younghackeranyone know the proper syntax to output the nmap data to a xml file04:18
archoniamDM: Not much.04:18
mavsman4457arcus: I have some emulators and Super Mario War compiled on Ubuntu for my PS3 but they are slow and was hoping to find someone to optimize them04:18
Selrachisn't that illegal?04:18
archoniamDM: I'm just an ubuntu newbie though, what am I sayin'?04:18
younghacker::shaking head yes::04:19
bruenigDM|, nothing exciting, just newb tools04:19
sdoubleno, it's illegal to install something without having paid for the rights.04:19
mavsman4457arcus: I was at least hoping to find someone that could add in a resolution selection feature for super mario war04:19
FraggedIts legal if you download the same windows 2000 with added service packs04:19
kyled185emulation isn't illegal as long as you own the original game04:19
DM|bruenig what newb tools ? any links to info ?04:19
bruenigDM|, more python frontends and crap04:19
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
sdoublesince you have a legal key, you're just using someone else's copy04:19
Selrachsdouble: how about I install all the servicepacks on my physical machine and turn that into a virtual machine?04:19
yamandid any one ever tried to run the ubuntu on the vmware ? .. i think its work fine on core2duo cpu04:19
Fraggedso if you have 2000 pro, download 2000 pro sp 4, if you have enterprize, download 2000 enterprize sp 404:19
younghackeractually when you put windows inside a VM if its not a new copy it loses it's activation04:19
archoniamObvvvioussly not. *waits anxiously*04:20
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@cpe-65-26-159-83.cinci.res.rr.com] by mneptok
=== Vorian is now known as Vor
yamanwhat waz the best msn messenger on the ubuntu ?04:20
younghackerso literally for every VM you would have to have bought a copy of windows04:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by mneptok
arcusmavsman4457: I'm not sure whether you're still talking about VNC, but the reason VNC works marginally acceptably across even the internet is because if you're using a wordprocessor or configuring things in the operating system, not much of the screen is changing at any given time, so it doesn't have much data to transfer.04:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
yamanyeah you can have 100 os in the same time :D04:20
Darkynhow come do i get my gdm running. it says its not running04:21
Selrachmy win2k CD is old, it has no service packs with it initially...04:21
hendrixskiI just reformatted my new extrenal hard-drive to FAT32 but I still can't write to it... tells me that I don't have permission (same error I got when it was ntfs)04:21
=== DarkClown [n=darkclow@softbank221029251085.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu
younghackerI've got like a 16GB pen drive with a bunch of live .iso's i just load them into the VM from the pen drive04:21
sdoubleSelrach: yes, that's why I recommended the other entirely legal option04:21
arcusmavsman4457: with a video game, or playing a DVD or whatever, the screen is changing all the time, and even with a fast network it's difficult or impossible to get this data from one computer to another fast enough for the experience to be anything but torturous.04:21
mavsman4457arcus: I've moved away from VNC completely and was looking for someone to optimize Super Mario War for PPC/PS3 Linux and maybe add resolution selection04:21
Selrachso where do you find it? <_<04:21
=== lightning18 [i=lightnin@AP-] has joined #ubuntu
Darkynhow do i get my gdm running. it says its not running04:21
mavsman4457arcus: thanks for the VNC info though04:21
LouisvilleLIPdarkyn: /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:21
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lightning18who lives in philippines here04:22
Darkynok thanks04:22
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:22
=== archoniam is getting impatient, as if he was waiting at the AT&T store for one of those crappy iPhones.
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lightning18who lives in Philippines here04:22
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younghackernow does anyone know how to output the program nmap's data to an xml file?04:22
Pelolightning18,  this isnT' a pickup channel04:22
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Darkynit says command not found04:22
adamorjamesHey jorgerosa04:22
lekuI'm trying to connect to this hotel wireless network here and my bandwidth sucks when I connect using ubuntu, but with windows it is fine04:22
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kyled185is there anything announced that is going to use the ubuntu embedded or mobile editions?04:22
arcusmavsman4457: I think what you're asking there would be hours and hours of work, if it is possible at all.04:22
lekubandiwth not only sucks but pages only load like 1%04:22
ArchoniamOki, let me repeat my q.04:23
Chipi need help getting my lexmark 730 series printer working with ubuntu, i can't find drivers and the ones in ubuntu don't work for it04:23
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Darkynit says command not found04:23
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MajorPayne!attitude | Archoniam04:23
ubotuArchoniam: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:23
sdoubleyounghacker: You can have Nmap's output saved as XML by adding the -oX option to your Nmap command, as in: nmap -A -oX scanreport.xml www.yourorg.com To organize and ...04:23
sdoublesearchsecurity.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid14_gci1211775,00.html - 67k -04:23
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hendrixskikyled185, where can I read more about their mobile editions?04:23
Selrachsdouble: Where can I find an installer or other method to install with SP4 already in place?04:23
ArchoniamMy Amarok will not transfer oggs to my iPod. Amarok will not support mp3's either. When i try to play them there, it freezes and i have to do a force quit. Can you help me?04:23
sdoubleSelrach: I don't know.  I don't need to download software.  =] 04:23
mavsman4457arcus: I'm sure it is possible, but I think you are right and I was hoping that I might find someone that would be willing to do it and was interested in Super Mario War and PPC, even though the odds were slim :)04:24
Peloleku,  your in a hotel, I would rought it out and use windows,  but you can always try and search the forum for extra info04:24
LouisvilleLIPdarkyn: O04:24
mneptokArchoniam: the iPod does not play OGGs unless you install RockBox or something.04:24
Chipdoes anyone have a lexmark 730 series printer?04:24
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arcusmavsman4457: if it requires changing Super Mario Bros, then it's probably impossible as the source code is unlikely to be available.  If it just requires altering the emulator, then it would merely be extremely difficult :] 04:24
kyled185hendrixski, it's not out yet(planned for 7.10)04:24
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LouisvilleLIPdarkyn: I'm not 100% sure, but you might want to start with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=499798&highlight=gdm04:24
Pelo!mp3 | Archoniam  start with this for mp304:24
ubotuArchoniam  start with this for mp3: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:24
Selrachsdouble: perhaps qemu doesn't like my OS :o04:24
mneptokArchoniam: for help with KDE and its apps, please use #kubuntu04:24
arcusmavsman4457: you might have better luck on finding the people who work on the emulator.04:24
kyled185hendrixski, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded04:24
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hendrixskikyled185, oh man, 'cause that sounds like like somehing I'd like to play with04:24
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PeloArchoniam,  and you can use soundconverter to make your ogg into something else04:24
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sdoubleSelrach: Possibly.  I've never used it.  I've always used vmware04:25
=== hendrixski is all over that link like a fat kid on chocolate cake
solpexhow do i change my root pass people please?04:25
solpexwhats the command ?04:25
sdoublebut haven't since I've gone exclusively linux04:25
mavsman4457arcus: it is not an emulator, just a game that has identical characters and physics to mario, open source04:25
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mneptoksolpex: there is no root password04:25
kyled185hendrixski, yeah, same here. There is a linux phone(using openMoko framework), but it's not coming out for about 4 months04:25
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arcusmavsman4457: oh, it's an open source game.  Well, contact the developer community for that game, then.04:26
ArchoniamPelo: Thanks ^^04:26
solpexmy login password then plz04:26
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Pelosolpex,  you can change your user parssword in menu > system > admin > user,  ifyou have root priviledges it will follow04:26
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kyled185hendrixski, it's called the Neo197304:26
hendrixskikyled185, yeah, I'm gonna get the openmoko in October when they add things like wifi  I can't wait!04:26
arcuswhile we're on the subject of sound, I was wanting to record a few seconds of sound from a DVD.04:26
mavsman4457arcus: yah I kind of already have and he didn't sound too excited04:26
kbrooksEveryone here please...04:26
kbrooksThis is kind of an request.04:26
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip68-3-201-153.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelokbrooks,  what is the issue ?04:27
younghackerThanks i think it's working , that linked helped alot04:27
godtviskenDoes anyone know a program that takes a series of photos and turns it into a video?04:27
younghackerthat syntax was perfect04:27
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younghackeryour a ubuntu god04:27
kbrooksPlease be nice towards people who are newbies. Please don't swear at them and/or say the r word.04:27
arcusI was hoping that this might be as simple as pressing a 'record' button, or something like that.04:28
Pelogodtvisken, I think you can do that in avidemux but no garranties04:28
arcuswhile watching the DVD04:28
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kbrooksall right. bbl, bed.04:28
Chipwhere can i find linux drivers for a lexmark 730 series printer (i used google already)04:28
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=== Pelo would like to tell kbrooks where he can put those kinds of interruptions
godtviskenPelo: thanks04:28
Pelobut I am too polite04:28
younghackerby the way whats the latest version of nmap? or better question how can i update nmap? if possible04:28
kbrookspelo: where?04:28
arcussomeone suggested I might be able to get the sound from the soundcard using another application, that would also be cool.04:28
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arcusany ideas?04:28
iamchrisIs there a simple way to tell my IP address from console?04:28
lekuis there a tutorial on setting up a bluetooth phone to active/deactive your screensaver?04:29
lekuiamchris: ifconfig -a04:29
kyled185iamchris, ifconfig04:29
milllmannnhas anyone used this codefoo packport? http://www.kodefoo.com/2007/2/18/deploying-rails-on-ubuntu-dapper/04:29
kbrooksall right, I'm gone.04:29
hendrixskikyled185, cool... Intel is on board!!!  this already looks more promising than embedian  :-)04:29
iamchristhank you04:29
younghackerthanks again04:29
PeloChip,  you are out of luck with lexmark printers , they are not well supported in linux04:29
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Chipifconfig? why not ipconfig?04:29
jorgerosabye all04:29
mneptokChip: i have no experience with that model, but Lexmark has historically had *terrible* Linux support04:29
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=== kbrooks &
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ChipPelo: thx04:29
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lekuwindows copied *NIX :P04:29
kyled185hendrixski, yeah, if it shapes up(and I don't know why it wouldn't) it's gonna be pretty awesome04:29
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Chipyea but ifconfig04:29
kbrooksif = interface04:30
kbrooksok, again, bbl04:30
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=== kbrooks &; exit
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=== Pelo thinks lexmark printers are an abomination onto computing
LeChacalwhat is the name of the best drive for NTFS read/write support under ubuntu, can some one help?04:30
arcusPelo: isn't everything? :] 04:30
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astro76!ntfs-3g | LeChacal04:31
PeloLeChacal, I like ntfs-3g04:31
ubotuLeChacal: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:31
Chipthis 730 series barely worked on windows too04:31
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Chipit just sux04:31
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hendrixskikyled185, totally.  In 5 years nobody will remember what a computer was, but Linux will outshine OS X and Windows CE in the things that will replace computers.  :-)04:31
PeloChip,  if  you have a user manual , check it, there is often an emulation mode04:31
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LeChacalthat is the one that i was coming up with i just wanted to see if you there was a better one if anyone had had problems with it04:31
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younghackeroh boy that worked so well04:31
Chippelo: what's emulation mode?04:31
bruenigdoesn't the kernel have it native now04:31
younghackerim going to do it again04:31
bruenigntfs that is04:32
bruenigor is that still experimental04:32
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astro76bruenig, experimental for writing, it's essentially read-only04:32
PeloChip,  when a printer can use the drivers for another model, in dotmatrix  ibm proprinter and epson were commonly emulated04:32
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arcusso, no-one has any ideas about an easy way of recording a short snippet of audio from a playing DVD?04:33
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LeChacalok thanks04:33
kyled185arcus, not sure how easy it is, but check dvd::rip04:33
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Peloarcus,  there is a sound recorder somewhere it can probably be setup to pickup the audio from alsamixier04:33
=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tama00what group do i need to be in to sudo?04:34
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arcuskyled185: I had a look, and it seems rather complex, and also more set up for ripping an entire DVD.04:34
PeloTama00, it is't your comp you have sudo access04:34
Phrozen_Onewhats the "debian_chroot" variable mean in bash?04:34
Tama00Pelo, huh?04:35
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arooni_hey folks... anyone have the t61 with the new intel wireless card?  4609?  i'm having troubles with ndiswrappre04:35
Tama00hendrixski, damn i like dont have that group!04:35
PeloTama00, forget it , my typing is way off tonight04:35
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cotyrotheryCan i get some help with booting of usb04:35
hendrixskiTama00, oh... I *thought* that was the name of it... it's been a while since I tinkered with it... sorry :-(04:35
kyled185arcus, there is also ffmpeg which can rip music from movies and things, but I'm not sure how it'll work with an entire DVD.  Plus it's a command line tool04:35
astro76Tama00, it's admin group04:35
Tama00astro76, ok thanks:D04:35
dawn`chorusi thought it was the admin group that could sudo.04:35
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cotyrotheryHow can i boot of my psp04:36
arcuskyled185: command line tools do not scare me :] 04:36
cotyrotheryI need to boot ubuntu off my psp at start04:36
arooni_ndiswrapper stops working after a while04:36
arooni_any suggestions?04:36
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arcusthey scare me less than GUIs like dvd::rip's ones with thousands of buttons, scrollbars, tabs and other sundry widgets04:36
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kyled185arcus, hehe that's good, but from my limited experience with ffmpeg, it's one of the nastier tools to use04:36
ZombieI just bought a Dell Ubuntu Preload.04:37
drake4at the fake price or the good price?04:37
ZombieWhat is the Default root password set on those?04:37
kyled185!root | Zombie04:37
ubotuZombie: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:37
ZombieIt was $64504:37
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PeloZombie,  congradulation you just bought a crappy computer with a top of the line os04:37
Arrickhey all, can someone help me understand something?04:37
arooni_why does this fail: sudo echo options libata atapi_enabled=1>/etc/modprobe.d/atapienable && update-initramfs -u04:37
arooni_it says permission denied04:38
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PeloArrick,  not unless you tell us what04:38
h4ngedm4nhey i love my cheap ass $417 dell server, poweredge 440 ftw04:38
kyled185Pelo, hey I have a Dell laptop and it's actually very good04:38
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Peloaroo,  make sure you don'T have cap locks on04:38
Arrickwhy when I install LAMP on the new server distro, does it not install Apache, MySQL, or even PHP?04:38
PeloZombie,  your root password is your user password04:38
drake4My dell came with an Indian, I keep him in the closet04:38
astro76arooni_, quotes around the string your giving to echo maybe?04:38
Arrickyeah zhang04:38
drake4I had to buy the tech, too, so I could understand his English when I needed him 2 years down the road04:39
arooni_good call astro7604:39
Arrickeach time I have needed something for Moodle, it wasnt installed, although i used the LAMP install when I installed the OS04:39
PeloArrick,  if there is a lamp metapackage it probably would but I ahven't heard of such a thing , you may need to add them one by one04:39
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h4ngedm4nnah, for ubuntu-sever you have the option to install lamp04:39
Arrickit asks you when you install if you want to install LAMP04:39
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zhangArrick,Your os is ubuntu?04:39
h4ngedm4nit worked fine for me, i use the php and mysql part as well04:39
Arrickbut it doesnt install anything04:39
Arrickon the server yes04:40
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drake4I suppose I should not say things like that and apologize to anyone here who may be from India.04:40
astro76Arrick, I read someone say that lamp hasn't been right since 6.0604:40
PeloArrick, I realy don'T know,  maybe somene with server expereince will come in later,  ask again periodicaly or checkthe forum04:40
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h4ngedm4nit worked fine for me on 7.04.  how do you know its not installed?04:40
Arrickyeah, thats why im here, I asked the same thing last night, and dint get support then04:40
Arrickbecause it tells me, arrick@WebServer:~$ php04:41
ArrickThe program 'php' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:04:41
Arricksudo apt-get install php5-cli04:41
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kyled185Arrick, this might not be the most elegant solution but it worked for me.  Install the 6.06 LAMP then upgrade04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
PeloArrick, we can only help with what we know,  , different groups of ppl at different times, and so on04:41
Arrickcant be dumbed down much more than that lol04:41
Arrickyeah, i know Pelo04:41
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sdoubleArrick: You just trying to put on lamp?04:41
n30n1Anyone know a good program that will proxy all internet services on my computer? perphas a tor system04:41
h4ngedm4nArrick: mine says that too and php works04:42
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h4ngedm4nI have a blog software and webmail, both php based, both running on ubuntu server04:42
Arricksdouble, no, i thought that was done, however my Moodle install wont config until the crap is in ther correctly04:42
Pelon30n1,  search in synaptic for tor and see what comes up04:42
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h4ngedm4nbut it gives that same message for same command04:42
sdoubleArrick: just try going to
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sdoubledoes it show anything?04:43
Arricksdouble, cant, no gui, SERVER install, ssh04:43
sdoubleah, wget it then04:43
kyled185Arrick, install links04:43
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godtviskenIs there a linux equivalent to VirtualDub, something that allows me to take a mass amount of sequential photos and turn it into a video?04:43
Justi1Has anyone successfully launched Beryl with an ATI X1400?04:43
PeloJusti1,  ask in #beryl04:43
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n30n1Pelo: ... hundreds of packages come up... it finds hundreds of packages with discribtions containing the letters "tor"04:43
h4ngedm4ndont you have another machine to access your server?04:43
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h4ngedm4nthe apache should already be running04:43
Arrickkyled185, my point is, I am trying to keep my OS slim04:43
Justi1pelo: they don't answer me04:43
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Arrickh4ngedm4n, I have 4 20+ sites plain HTML on it04:44
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Pelon30n1, change the search settings to title only, or add extra keywords , like  tor proxy04:44
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clwaltersCan someone help me get my mic working with skype?04:44
PeloJusti1, bring them cookies04:44
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Arrickhow do I do a search for php.ini?04:44
h4ngedm4nArrick: ok, so pull up yourserver/server-info04:44
Justi1pelo: how's that04:44
h4ngedm4nand see if modphp5 is enabled04:44
usr123987how can i install multiple gui in one installation of ubuntu, enabling me to switch back and forth?04:44
=== Pelo has cookies for anyone in the channel willing to answer his question
sdoubleArrick: ck, sudo find / -name "php.ini"04:45
=== sboysel [n=sboysel@ip70-177-1-231.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdoubleminus the ck,04:45
Pelousr123987, sudo apt-get intall kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop  ....     you can pick which one  you want at login04:45
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sboyselanyone familiar with a good ubuntu object dock?04:45
Justi1how do I pm someone in irc04:46
sdoubleJusti1: /msg theirname text04:46
Arrickyeah, its in cli and in cgi04:46
PeloJusti1,  by asking them if you can first04:46
Arrickwhich shoudl I edit for http://docs.moodle.org/en/Installing_Moodle#Setting-up_your_system04:46
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clwaltersHow can i get my mic working with skype?04:46
clwaltersI can never get it to work04:46
ZombieHow well does Ubunto do in a Domain Capacity?04:46
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Peloclwalters,  does your mic work in other apps ?04:47
sdoubleclwalters: it should just work.  Go to your mixer settings and make sure the mic is set to record04:47
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clwaltersNo, i've never been able to get a mic to work in ubuntu04:47
ArrickZombie, as a server with samba or what?04:47
sdoublewhich is not on skype04:47
h4ngedm4nArrick: ive no idea what moodle is, but rest assured php and mysql should be installed and working fine on server install with lamp :)04:47
arooni_can someone please take a look at this problem i run into when i try to do sudo apt-get -t gutsy install xserver-xorg-video-intel ...04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
sdoubleclwalters: my mic came pre working.  It was annoying because it kept turning itself back on somehow04:47
Arrickh4ngedm4n, it wasnt04:47
arooni_thats where i have the issue04:47
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ArrickI had to install mysql last night04:47
Peloclwalters,  I would start with looking it up in the forum  but I beleive you might have to do someting in alsamixer,04:48
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ZombieAs a Client for an Open Directory, not Active Directory Domain04:48
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h4ngedm4nArrick: it was probably just not set up the way you are used to04:48
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solpexright people cheers for the help now im happy thanks :P ill pop here to see you lot again...04:48
solpexbed time :)04:48
Peloarooni_,   ask in #ubuntu+1  we only deal with feisty and prvious here04:48
arooni_i.e., how do i kill this:  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libI810XvMC.so.1.0.0', which is also in package xserver-xorg-video-i81004:48
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Pelolater folks04:49
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recoiledI did a LAMP install and then I installed the ubuntu desktop(gnome)... brought it up with startx of course... tried to check my login window setting and I get a "GDM is not running"04:49
zabinDoes anyone know how to get to this menu where you can control certain things about ubuntu for example to disable harddrive icons on destop?04:49
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zabinreconiled: there is no GDM insttalled when you do a lamp installl...04:50
ingo_zabin: use gconf-editor04:50
sdoubleArrick: can you connect to your mysql server with mysql?04:50
zabiningo_: thats it thanks!04:50
=== shigutso [n=dragon@201-43-70-153.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
recoiledzabin: is there any advantage to doing a LAMP install then? other than getting a quick console only web server.04:51
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Arricksdouble, now that I installed it yes04:51
zabinrecoiled: i believe you can get a gui doing apt-get isntall ubuntu-desktop04:51
arooni_does anyoone know how to overwrite something like this when doing an apt-get install? http://pastie.caboo.se/7877204:51
pal_why Gusty Gibbon changed gaim as instant messenger?04:51
arooni_oops i mean04:51
arooni_ trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libI810XvMC.so.1.0.0', which is also in package xserver-xorg-video-i81004:51
arooni_thats what i mean04:51
shigutsois it possible to run only ONE instance of mplayer? every new file I run, a new mplayer is opened :(04:51
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milllmannnwhat is the command to see what version of apache i am running?04:51
recoiledzabin: that's what i already did04:51
sdoublejust do another apt-get install php504:51
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recoiledzabin: that's why im surprised GDM wasn't installed04:51
sdoublesee if it installs it or not04:51
zabinrecoiled: it doesnt take much power to run and it gets a webserver up quick04:51
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zabinrecoiled: try apt-get install kubunt-desktop its not gnome but it might work04:52
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Lgndryhri am having difficulty getting my cell phone to be able to recieve files i'd like to send to it via bluetooth04:52
recoiledzabin: well, if I do a reg install, will it still install apache, mysql, php all ready to go?04:52
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sdoublerecoiled: no, but it takes like 10 minutes to get those going04:53
zabinrecoiled: no you have to install that stuff on its own04:53
sdoubleI just did it today04:53
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zabinrecoiled: just do   apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server build-essentials i think04:53
zabinrecoiled learn how to use apt-cache search04:53
sdoubleand php5-mysql04:54
jeff__im having trouble making wine see a .exe file on my desktop. any suggestions?04:54
sdoubleotherwise they won't talk to eachother04:54
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recoiledzabin: i tried apt-get for gdm... says its already installed!04:54
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zabiningo_: do you know where in the gconf-editor it is where you can disable internal hard drives that you have mounted from showing up on the desktop i cant find it at the moment/04:54
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zabinrecoiled: idk04:55
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pushpopIs there a way to verify if ubuntu sees yours NIC card as a 1gbps card?04:55
craigbass1976What's the tool for totally wiping a drive?  I've done fdisk and deleted a partition, but isn't there some low level (writes all zeros to the disk) app?04:55
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zabinDoes anyone know how to turn off hard drives that you have mounted like windows drives from showing up on your desktop i think the option is in gconf-editor but i cant find it at the moment?04:56
recoiledfigured it out04:57
Lgndryhri am having difficulty getting my cell phone to be able to recieve files i'd like to send to it via bluetooth04:57
Nutubuntucraigbass1976,  DBAN - Darik's Boot and Nuke04:57
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meme_Hello, i need to edit my  /boot/menu.lst . How do i do it?04:57
Lgndryhrmeme, open up terminal04:57
zabinmeme_ what do you want to change?04:57
Lgndryhrtype in sudo gedit /boot/menu.lst04:57
ascWhat problems are common when using 64-bit Ubuntu?04:57
meme_i need to add acpi=off apm=power_off04:58
jeff__ im having trouble making wine see a .exe file on my desktop. any suggestions?04:58
sdoubleasc: not being able to use flash04:58
zabin/boot/grub/menu.lst ?04:58
craigbass1976Nutubuntu, like the name.  Is that something I can instlal on the live cd long enough to "nuke" the drive?  I thought it was something like dd, but DBAN sounds promising04:58
zabinDoes anyone know how to get to this menu where you can control certain things about ubuntu for example to disable harddrive icons on destop?04:58
ascsdouble: I think I can live without that. Thanks.04:58
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sdoublewell, that's about it04:59
meme_im in there but its blank is that normal?04:59
sdoublemaybe a few more obscure programs, but that's the only mainstream that has problems04:59
bullgard4My computer stores about 40 files containing 'hwmon' in their names. What is the meaning of 'hwmon'?04:59
craigbass1976Nutubuntu, something like dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda, which I'm going to try first04:59
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Nutubuntucraigbass1976,  it installs on a bootable floppy - if I remember correctly - and I would guess you could use freedos - it's been awhile04:59
Lgndryhrmeme_, you want /boot/grub/menu.lst04:59
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Lgndryhrnot /boot/menu.lst04:59
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craigbass1976Nutubuntu, no floppies here04:59
Lgndryhrno such file exists05:00
meme_ok i see05:00
Arrickhow do I reload php?05:00
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Arrickas in restart it, or is it not necessary?05:00
meme_thats where i should put it05:00
sdoubleArrick: restart apache05:00
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Arrickok, thanks05:00
zabinArrick /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:00
sdoubleit'll reload php with it05:00
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ascsdouble: Hum, okay. Thanks. I just learned that the Core 2 processors are 64-bit and I'm trying to figure if I should go with 64-bit OS.05:00
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Lgndryhrdid you find what you were looking for meme_05:01
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Nutubuntucraigbass1976,  I'm not sure what is on the LiveCD ... I doubt DBAN is, but there may well be a live CD that incorporates it; it's a useful tool05:01
jeff__im having trouble making wine see a .exe file on my desktop. any suggestions?05:01
meme_yes but im not sure were to put it05:02
Lgndryhrwhat are you trying to do again05:02
meme_acpi=off apm=power_off05:02
sdoubleat the end of the line that says /kernel05:02
ZombieDoes ubuntu support pam_ccreds?05:02
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tech_hi every one05:03
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astro76jeff__, have you run winecfg ? if so... wine ~/Desktop/filename.exe05:03
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meme_after this one?  kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=cb2807a1-bef0-48d8-b8ea-9be7674d65c2 ro quiet splash05:03
Nutubuntucraigbass1976,  DBAN is available as a bootable CD image, apparently -- see http://dban.sourceforge.net/05:03
sdoublememe_: yes05:03
sdoubleI just opened mine to confirm05:03
meme_any spaces05:03
wersmy amarok does not load. When I ran it on the terminal and there was a long error message05:04
carlos34345hi, i was wondering if anybody knows how to network two computers with just a cross-over cable, let me know05:04
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wersbut according to htop and ksysguard, amarok is running05:04
Arrickwhats wrong with this line? GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,INDEX,ALTER ON moodle.*05:04
ArrickTO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';05:04
sdoublespace at the end of the line, and then exactly how you have it here05:04
meme_cool thanks05:04
sdoubleyou do have it opened as root correct?05:04
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Arrickyes sdouble05:04
Blue89where on the siet is the ubuntu livecd? a buddy of mine is having trouble finding it05:05
sdoublesorry Arrick , I meant meme_ .  Forgot to prefix05:05
jeff__astro76, already tried that. didn't work. ill try it again.05:05
Arrickwhat do i need to change there?05:05
Arrickoh ok05:05
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carlos34345i think the regular cd is a live cd05:05
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Lgndryhryea meme_ does05:05
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Nutubuntu"Desktop CD" = Live CD05:05
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Lgndryhri had meme_ type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:05
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ArrickI am getting the error ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,INDEX,ALTER ON moodle.* TO *****@' at line 105:06
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samuelsup all05:06
Arricksdouble, ^05:06
sdoubleyeah, I saw you say that.  But I've seen people not go 100% then wonder why it doesn't work right.05:06
Lgndryhryou talking to me sdouble?05:06
sdoubleArrick: I haven't changed privileges for a long time, it looked fine to me.  =/05:06
samuelwhere is the right place to put a command to be executed on boot?05:06
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wersmy amarok does not load05:07
usr123987i "installed" knewsticker, but i cannot run or find it05:07
werswhen I started it, according to htop, it is running05:07
wersbut it does not come out05:07
jasperhax0ranyone in here good with ubuntu powerpc05:07
jeff__thank you astro. mustve typed the command wrong before.05:08
jinx099wers, is it in the tray?05:08
Lgndryhrwers, what happens when you try to load it05:08
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wersnot in the tray05:08
wersit does not come out at all05:08
Arrick\j #mysql05:08
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wersi tired running it using the terminal05:08
astro76samuel, what kind of command?05:08
wersAmarok: [Loader]  Amarok is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong?05:08
jasperhax0ri need to get a wireless adapter to work on my mac but there is only windows drivers, any ideas what i can do05:08
wersthat is the end of the error message05:08
NutubuntuArrick,  dumb question but has the moodle database been created?05:08
Lgndryhrtype which Amarok05:08
Lgndryhrin terminal05:08
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samuelastro76: a mount command to mount virtualbox shares05:08
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meme_ok now i need to edit the  /etc/modules05:09
Lgndryhri mean05:09
samuelastro76: does not work in fstab05:09
ArrickNutubuntu, yeah, just did it05:09
Par-DueI'm looking for a guide or howto on how to setup a midi controller in ubuntu to use a software synth..Does anyone know anything about this?05:09
NutubuntuArrick,  weird - the syntax looked fine05:09
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sdoubleusr123987: alt + f2 then type knewsticker  ?05:10
usr123987does not exist as a command05:10
sdoubleNutubuntu: I thought so too.05:10
zabinHey does anyone know how to disable harddrives that are mounted from showing up on the desktop?05:10
astro76samuel, http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-customizing.en.html#s-custombootscripts05:10
arooni_help!  my t61's laptop can get up to 1440x900... but right now the max setting i see in system=>preferences=>screen resolution is 1280x80005:10
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Lgndryhrwers, type in terminal "which amarok"05:11
meme_ok i figured out the to edit an file you need to  sudo gedit and what one you want.05:11
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Lgndryhrand tell me the output05:11
sdoublememe_: depends on if it's a system file or not05:11
NutubuntuThe only thing I can think of, Arrick, and I don't know why it would be needed, would be to single-quote 'moodleuser' and 'localhost' in the GRANT statement05:11
zabinarroni_: you dont ahve the right ati drivers installed05:11
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Lgndryhrmeme_, sudo gedit is not the only way to edit files but the way i prefer usually05:12
Par-Duezabin, you'll want to get into gconf, are you aware of these settings?05:12
zabinarroni_ you can add that resuliton by doing dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:12
Justi1Has anyone managed to successfully launch Beryl with an ATI X1400?05:12
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sdoublememe_: it's always a safe bet.  I get mad when I have to type it twice because i didn't put sudo in front of it05:12
zabinJusti1: i ahve05:12
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wersLgndryhr, /usr/bin/amarok05:12
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meme_i like it now, ive been trying to figure out things like that in linux for a year now05:12
Justi1zabin: can you tell me the steps you took?05:12
Lgndryhrok now go to /usr/bin/, not in terminal but go there as if looking at a folder or whatever05:13
astro76arooni_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:13
meme_I have finally got rid of windows today and im going to stick with ubuntu05:13
zabinPar-Due: i know that they are in gconf-editor but i cant find for the life of me where that option is ive looked all over do you know where it is?05:13
ArrickNutubuntu, I got pissed last night and went to bed, and still cant get it to work (even though i have verified it is installed, operational and the database is created05:13
Nutubuntumeme_,  Lgndryhr et al ... for graphical apps, it would be a good idea to gksudo (when needed) rather than sudo05:13
Par-Duezabin, get into gconf and go to apps > nautilus > desktop05:13
zabinJusti1: Yea sure you have to install xgl first to do it. have you done thjat?05:13
sdoubleI use kdesu05:14
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astro76!gksudo | Lgndryhr05:14
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ubotuLgndryhr: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info05:14
Justi1zabin: no. I am rather new to linux; what is the difference between gl and xgl?05:14
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Lgndryhrseems i have it none the less lol05:14
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NutubuntuArrick,  it's been a long while ... but ... create <database>, use <database>, and grant the rights ..05:14
Par-DueI'm looking for a guide or howto on how to setup a midi controller in ubuntu to use a software synth..Does anyone know anything about this?05:14
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zabinJusti1: hold on a sec05:15
meme_thanks ubotu, added to my favorites05:15
bruenig!xgl | Justi105:15
ubotuJusti1: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:15
bruenig!thanks | meme_05:15
ubotumeme_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:15
samuelastro76: thanks for the link, so if i want to run a script almost at the end, say after gdm, update-rc.d foo defaults without the 19? so it does it at the end?05:15
Arrickyeah, I just typed in /h and it doesnt even have grant, nor create as a mysql command05:15
NutubuntuThe sudo vs. gksudo thing is only going to rarely bite, but when and if it bites, it bites bad05:15
jerr973hello board I am new so hope you don't mind me just watching for a bit05:15
sdoublebruenig sits here all day waiting for people to thank ubotu =P05:15
Par-Duejerr973 enjoy!05:15
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zabinPar-Due: what option is it in desktop? i dont see it.05:15
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Par-Duezabin, volumes visible05:15
jerr973thanks par-Due05:16
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zabinPar-Due: thanks lol...05:16
Par-Duezabin: you're welcome!05:16
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astro76samuel, you could use 99 to make it at the end05:16
zabinJusti1: hold on a sec more let me find the tutorials i used05:16
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samuelastro76: thanks, 0 is the lowest then and 99 is highest?05:17
sdoubleArrick: did you apt-get install the mysql-server or just mysql?05:17
Justi1If I install xgl, will my existing programs still work, and will I have to reconfigure anything?05:17
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sdoubletry mysqladmin05:17
Par-DueI'm trying to get a midi controller working in Ubuntu, anyone ever do that?05:17
astro76samuel, yes05:17
Lgndryhrubotu, thanks05:17
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:17
Arricksdouble, server05:17
Lgndryhrthat link was helpful05:17
samuelastro76: thanks05:17
NutubuntuArrick, could there be an issue with the rights on the directory that holds the moodle database? I"m scratching my head05:17
chris12349I just upgraded from edgy to feisty and my system won't boot.  Is there a way to downgrade?05:17
zabinJusti1: first you have to follow this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl05:18
ArrickI dont know, its owned by root and thats who is hitting it05:18
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NutubuntuArrick,  root in the OS and root in the db are different entities05:18
astro76samuel, look in /etc/rc2.d/ if you're interested to see how it looks05:18
zabinjusti1: it probably wont work you probably ahve to reinstall05:18
Arrickfor crying out loud, Im following their directions to the letter lol05:18
ArrickI understand that Nutubuntu05:18
Arrickroot in mysql is also the user05:18
Justi1zabin: reinstall ubuntu?05:18
Lgndryhri  am having difficulty getting my cell phone to be able to recieve files i'd like to send to it via bluetooth05:19
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zabinJusti1: then do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/BerylOnXgl?highlight=%28xgl%29%7C%28composite%2905:19
samuelastro76: i will, thx, thats where it puts the links and the number is the order of boot05:19
=== Nutubuntu shakes his head ...
zabinjusti1: no i though you were talking about beryl05:19
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Blue89does the 7.04 release use 3D X decoration and cube-style switching?05:19
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sdoubleBlue89: not by default05:19
NutubuntuArrick,  I'd be inclined to yank it and reinstall. No idea why it wouldn't let you execute a valid GRANT query05:19
Taco`what's the command to download things from svn?05:19
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zabinjusti: i ahve that same video card and i got it working with beryl %100 i just followed those two links exactly :)05:19
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Blue89sdouble, to use those, all my buddy would have to do is install xgl, right?05:20
Blue89(in the package manager)05:20
ingo_i heard about an offline-wiki for ubuntu-problems - how can i install this ??05:20
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sdoubleI messed around with it and it was a huge pain, but I have an ATI card and it seems to not be as easy to setup05:20
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Justi1zabin: so first install xgl, then install beryl on xgl?05:21
xpointsdouble, X -configure05:21
Justi1zabin: okay, thanks05:21
xpointsdouble, start with testing this config05:21
Elfboyhehe im  rying hat oo05:21
zabinJusti1: np05:22
ArrickNutubuntu, I did that just this evening05:22
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Lgndryhranywhere here had luck with a USB bluetooth dongle and their cellphone pairing correctly?05:22
AmaranthJusti1: beryl doesn't work with XGL05:22
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zabinAmaranth: yes it does.05:22
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Amaranthzabin: the packages in ubuntu don't05:23
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meme_I want to thank you guys for helping me edit those files. My problem is fixed! I have an old pchips board with an 1 gig duron and it was hanging at shutdown. After 10 hours of searching i finally got it figured out.05:23
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Amaranthzabin: they're missing the beryl-xgl binary05:23
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zabinAmaranth: it does there is a special package for it that gets aded by that tutrial i sent him05:23
Lgndryhrno problem meme_05:23
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BeOS_MrXall other linux channels no one helps me, i need help with LVM Im using mandriva05:23
zabinit adds to /etc/apt/sourceslist.conf05:23
meme_I just did not know how to edit05:23
NutubuntuArrick ... wish I could help better; I'm baffled. It might be that my MySQL knowledge just isn't there, I'm a novice with it05:23
sdoublememe_: Excellent.05:23
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AmaranthBeOS_MrX: That's a tough one to get help on IRC with, not many people use LVM05:23
meme_Now i will stay with ubuntu forever05:23
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zabinJusti1: they will work he is right but they do something in taht tutorial to fix that problem05:24
Arrickyou know what my problem is Nutubuntu ? I should have stuck with windows. I never have problems with configs on windows, i am only running this because I happen to have (however borked by now) already installed.05:24
Lgndryhri switched from windows to ubuntu last yr during august/september05:24
Lgndryhrbut kept my windows HD05:24
Justi1zabin: ok, thanks a bunch05:24
Newbie_DudeAnyone here use GNOME X-Chat for iRC?05:24
BeOS_MrXwell I need some help with it so if someone has experience with it help me05:24
willdBeOS_MrX: I used to mess w/ FC a bit (which was LVM by defualt) - what's the problem? Dunno if I can help, but eh.05:24
Lgndryhrso i have 2 HDD's05:24
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Lgndryhrone with ubuntu and one with windows xp05:24
Elfboycan some one ell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:24
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NutubuntuArrick, I had *hideous* problems getting MySQL happy under IIS 6 ... I know how you feel, sort of :)05:24
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BeOS_MrXI have 74GB empty and I want to expand my 112GB to the emppty space05:25
CppIsWeirdhow come when im idle for like a minute or two, my laptop screen dims to a lower light level? I have it in power settings to do be at 100% and to do nothing no matter how long i sit here. No screensaver either.05:25
sdoubleIIS makes me cry05:25
zabinElfBoy: search ati in wiki.ubuntu.com05:25
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meme_Ive tried all of the diferent distros but i think i found my new home05:25
willdBeOS_MrX: That should be pretty straight up.  The 74 gb is not partitioned?05:25
ArrickNutubuntu, I never had a problem with it, and i also have all the MSSQL stuff I would need.05:25
holycowLgndryhr, thats is the best setup.  right on dude.  i keep on telling noobs to do it that way but they insist on learning the hard way :)05:25
BeOS_MrXno, its 74 blank and empty05:25
Lgndryhryea ubuntu is pretty friendly and not too hard to use05:25
Lgndryhrholycow, thanks05:25
Lgndryhri did some research before doing that05:25
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BeOS_MrXi tried to use knoppix with gparted but i would not read my ext3 says unreadable or some error like that05:26
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unagihow do i keep alt + click from moving the window?05:26
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jeff__i got wine to start installing both joost and itunes from .exe files but halfway through the install it stops and says it needs xp to run. i thought that wine was supposed to run like xp cause i set it to in winecfg. help?05:26
willdBeOS_MrX: Okay, so it's currently free space in an ext3 filesystem?05:26
BeOS_MrXnot exactly05:26
xurichHello, I'm new to Ubuntu (and Linux in general). I'm running it from the install disc at the moment, though I'm currently attempting to install it.05:26
=== Par-Due [n=shane@c-24-2-2-251.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xurichHope I don't screw up my Windows partition.05:26
NutubuntuArrick, iirc in Win2k3 I needed to grant rights to the MySQL data directory; have you done the equivalent?05:26
arooni_i need to get screen horizontal & vertical refresh rates05:26
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsin<BeOS_MrX> why do you come here with knoppix questions?05:26
arooni_where can i get that05:26
meme_Now i can spend some $ on an new pc!05:26
xurichFoolishly, I haven't backed anything up.05:26
arooni_for my ibm t61 laptop05:26
unagixurich its best to use windows partitioner05:27
Par-DueCan someone help me use my midi controller with a softsynth?05:27
unagixurich use gparted to do it.....just shrink the windows partition05:27
Lgndryhrmeme_ yea but ubuntu can run on pretty much anything05:27
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unagihow do i keep alt + click from moving the window?05:27
xurichYeah, I think that I'm doing it right so far.05:27
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unagiwhat did you do xurich05:27
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meme_If it can run on this old beast it can run on anything05:27
BeOS_MrXit's showing as hda and it's 74GB empty . the other tab is VolGroup00 and its 155GB with an ext3 and swap05:27
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xurichI just shrunk the Windows partition by 20 gigs (which is pretty much all that's free on it).05:28
CThoso to let "limited" users play sound i have to manually edit /etc/group?05:28
xurichIt's doing it at the moment actually.05:28
Elfboyok try that olne agin05:28
willdBeOS_MrX: Cool.  Okay, so, it's not part of anything right now, then.  That's actually easier.05:28
unagiusing what utility xurich05:28
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premier_hi, how can I quickly free up some space on my root partition? (not my /home partition)05:28
Elfboycan some one ell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:28
Arrickyes Nutubuntu05:28
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unagihow do i keep alt + click from moving the window?....if anyone knows please help me...my ship is starting to sail so i wont have signal for long05:28
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BeOS_MrXand one more thing ' wild05:28
jsin<BeOS_MrX> there is #knoppix for knoppix questions, #linux for linux questions, I still do not see why you are here...05:28
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xurichunagi, whatever the default partitioning program is when you click the install icon. :P05:29
sdoublejsin: everyone likes to come here because of the high activity and 1000+ users05:29
unagii dont remember there being a partitioner when you click install05:29
meme_The best part of it is that my favorite game " Dominions 3" plays perfect on ubuntu.05:29
jsin#ubuntu == #help05:29
jeff__i'm still having problems with wine. i set it to xp in winecfg and i got it to open two different .exe files but it stops halfway through the installation and says it needs xp to run. i thought wine was supposed to be able to run like xp. help?05:29
Jareki just installed wine-doors and used it to install direct x drivers, now i can't uninstall the direct x drivers...anyone have an idea of how to do this?05:29
sdoublesees so05:29
sdoubleseems rather05:29
Elfboykick it05:29
xurichunagi, it's on here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall05:29
Lgndryhrthats good meme_05:30
BeOS_MrXthere is a 32MB empty partion next to the swap on VolGroup00 - I want to expand the swap file into that morsel of uselessness05:30
Elfboycan some one tell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:30
=== DvlDog [n=bnaranjo@c-66-176-88-41.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagidoes anyone know how to change alt + click as move windows.....please help me =(05:30
meme_Well thanks again and have a goodnight.05:30
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sdoublegn meme_05:30
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jeff__can you see this05:31
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sdoublejeff__: yep05:31
Par-DueI want to setup jack with a midi controller..any help?05:31
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unagiso no one knows how to change alt + click as move windows?05:31
Elfboysdouble, : can u help me05:31
nivekc1 i have feisty installes (not studio version) how do i install the studio packages from repository? i tried to follow the directions but im a de de de!05:31
younghackeris there a way that i can import an XML file into a database?05:31
=== DvlDog_ [n=DvlDog@c-66-176-88-41.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ZombieWhat do I do if Synaptic upgrades are throttling down?05:32
BeOS_MrXstill there, wild if I open a dialog with you it would help to eliminate some non-conversation that's in the way05:32
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willdBeOS_MrX: yeah, sure thing.05:32
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Par-Duenivekc1: have you gotten a midi controller working with ubuntu studio?05:32
unagiis it possible to change the move window shortcut?05:32
Elfboycan some one tell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:32
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jeff__during itunes install it says i need xp. but i set winecfg to run it like xp? what happened?05:32
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younghackerhow do i import an xml file into a database?05:33
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ingo__can i use an ipod-nano 4gb on ubuntu???05:33
nivekc1sorry dude he was taking it05:33
willdBeOSMrX: Ack, may not work, actually - I'm not registered here.  I can take care of that real quick, though, I think05:33
BeOSMrXhrm k05:33
skyfalcon866i think you can use a nano if it is formatted fat3205:33
Elfboyumm anyone05:33
Elfboycan some one tell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:34
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dissectionHi guys, I have a question. I had been using NTFS-c which I installed using "Add/Remove Programs", to read/write from my NTFS partitions because I was told that it was stable and safe to write to NTFS. According to the website, the stable version is 1.710 but I checked the version of the installation I have but its 0.5.5, do I need to remove this and install the latest one manually from the website?05:34
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younghackeranyone know how to import an xml file into a database?, the database has been formatted already and it's in postgresql05:34
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ingo__<skyfalcon866>: do you have a link on an howto?05:35
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SkryptHow do I disable Xinerama?05:35
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jeff__i set wine to run like xp but both itunes and joost said i needed xp to run them. isn't that wine's job?05:35
Elfboycan some one tell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 505:35
Arrickhey all05:35
astro76!info ntfs-3g05:35
skyfalcon866<ingo_>: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35599205:35
ubotuntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.328-1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 88 kB05:35
WannbaJoeive got Charter Cable, and for some resone, its wanting to grab a IPv6 address, and i have no access to the internet05:36
Arrickhow do i fix the following errror?05:36
Newbie_DudeI am trying to compile something, but I got an error "No package 'gtk+-2.0' found" --- I looked in the Synaptic repositories but there's a billion things with the name "GTK" can anyone point me to the right repository?05:36
=== ohzie [n=ohzie@c-76-105-243-156.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:36
astro76dissection, 0.5.5 is for ntfs-config only05:36
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ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI05:36
Elfboycan some one tell me where i can get driver for  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M05:36
ingo__<skyfalc: i try it - thanks!05:36
=== keegan [n=chatzill@oh-71-51-116-213.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZieenI enabled ATI drivers via the Ubuntu Restricted Driver manager, and now my computer boots to a black screen.  Could anyone help me with this?05:36
Glave2do you have to specify a size when making a swap partition? I keep getting an error that my swap area must be at least 40kb when I do mkswap /dev/md205:36
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:37
keeganare there bootsplash screens for gnome?  I didn't see them on gnome-look05:37
dissectionastro76: Oh? So which one should I use, ntfs-config, or ntfs-3g?05:37
usr123987is there a gparted equivalent for kubuntu?05:37
Arrickhttp://arrick.org/Moodle.ong is the error that I am getting05:37
Newbie_Dude!find GTK05:37
ubotuFound: compiz-gtk, evince-gtk, gcalctool-gtk, gftp-gtk, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon (and 365 others)05:37
Arrickon ubuntu server05:37
astro76dissection, ntfs-config is a configuration utility for ntfs-3g05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
keeganusr123987: yes, its called qtparted05:37
unagiwhat do u mean you didnt see them on gnome05:37
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:37
astro76usr123987, qtparted05:37
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Arricksdouble, I found my problem, the CREAT DATABASE moodle should have had ; at the end05:37
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:37
sdoubleah, you didn't have the actual database created?05:38
Elfboyi need  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE) driver05:38
skyfalcon866should i use JFS or XFS05:38
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unagignome look has plenty of splash screns keegan05:38
astro76!info libgtk2.0 | Newbie_Dude05:38
ubotunewbie_dude: Package libgtk2.0 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:38
dissectionastro76: Ah, I see. I just checked synaptic, and it says the installed version is 1:1.328-1, if I do an apt-get ntfs-3g, will it upgrade it to the latest stable one?05:38
WannbaJoeOn Ubuntu it is assigning a IPv6 Address to a IPv4 connection! (Chater.net Cable Internet) ive tried dhclient, but the dHCP server never responds05:39
keeganunagi: these are splash screens for gnome, I am talking about splash screens for when the kernel is loading05:39
astro76dissection, that is the latest in feisty05:39
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Newbie_Dudeastro76 - oh man, it doesn't exist in feisty >_< So I can't compile this, oh well...05:39
unagikeegan i am too05:39
dissectionastro76: So should I just leave it as it is, or is it recommended that I download it from the website and compile it?05:39
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astro76dissection, leave it it works fine05:39
zenmonkunagi: these are under the splash screens as well on gnome-look?05:39
sdoubleArrick: I get a 404 on that page05:39
Arrickyeah, it didnt creatre it05:39
Arrickwhich page?05:40
=== redDEAD [n=redDEAD@c-67-167-200-242.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdoubleyour error page05:40
Arrickoh wait05:40
Perdenteso question... can a partition be part of an extension?05:40
unagiyes zenmonk05:40
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-152-42-46.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
esaymok quick question.  I just added a wireless card to my serverbox.  It already had a nic in it.  Now everything wants to go through the wireless nic05:40
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SlimGHow do I save a mms:// videostream to file? possibly with CLI if possible05:40
sdoubleI can get to arrick.org, but that page doesn't exist05:40
dissectionastro76: Okay :), just needed to be sure that the one I have is stable too, so I can make sure I won't suffer any dataloss ;D~05:40
Arrickhttp://arrick.org/Moodle.png is the error that I am getting05:40
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Arricksorry, typo05:40
Perdentewhat I meant was can a swap partition be part of an extension05:40
Perdenteand still work?05:40
ZieenHow do I disable the ati accelerated drivers (that I enabled vai Restricted Drivers Manager) in command line?05:40
esaymSo how do i set the defualt gateway back to the wired nic?05:40
sdoubleah, typo.  Not sure why I didn't notice that.  =P05:40
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Arrickis curl a package?05:41
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astro76dissection, if you notice on the website 1.328 is only from this March, also any security or critical updates will be provided by apt-get update05:41
zenmonkunagi: how can you tell if they are kernel splash or gnome splash?05:41
NutubuntuArrick,  curl's a php 5 thingie05:41
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unagia kernel splash will have a status bar under it.....a gnome splash wont05:41
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Arrickok, how do i install it, i have php5 installed05:41
=== DvlDog__ [n=DvlDog@c-66-176-88-41.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Elfboy     /msg nickserv set unfiltered on05:41
stewlatinWhen ever I try playing a vob file in totem xine backend it tells me the audio device is busy can some one please help?05:42
Elfboyok some had to know thig05:42
=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@cpe-71-67-141-168.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Elfboyi need driver for  ATI Technologies Inc ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)05:42
Elfboyi lok twink and all the forams05:43
Elfboyno luck05:43
dissectionElfboy: What does the "unfiltered" option do? I haven't seen this option on other networks05:43
Elfboycan some one here help me05:43
sdoubleArrick: sudo apt-get isntall php5-curl05:43
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Elfboylet unreg user pm you05:43
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Elfboyi need driver for  ATI Technologies Inc ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)05:43
=== ingo__ is now known as dodo
sdoublethen restart apache again.  With any luck, it would have configured it for you.05:44
astro76!repeat | Elfboy05:44
ubotuElfboy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:44
Arrickthats install, not isntall right?05:44
sdoubleArrick: of course.  =]   Sorry05:44
ArrickI copied and pasted, and hit enter automatically lol05:44
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Elfboyhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com had nothing on drivers i need05:45
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stewlatinIs this where I get help with totem?05:45
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ZieenCan I disable the restricted driverts (ATI accelerated gfx card) via command prompt?  I get a black screen with starx05:45
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arooni_how do i get the horizontal & vertical refresh rates out from command line (googling doesnt work ... I have a ibtm t61 14.1" lcd05:45
nandituxi am inatalling feisty on my new pc05:45
Elfboyzien where did u get the ati driver05:45
sdoublestewlatin: possibly05:45
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Zieeni just did normal install with ubuntu 7.04 feisty05:46
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nandituxwhen it installs grub it gives a fatal error05:46
arooni_how do i get the horizontal & vertical refresh rates out from command line (googling doesnt work ... I have a ibtm t61 14.1" lcd05:46
nandituxand quits this is 94% complete installation05:46
Zieenif i can redo, i have a guide for latest drivers, but i can't get back into the desktop05:46
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nandituxhow to insatall grub on the 2nd hdd and not on MBR05:47
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Arricksdouble, thanks a bundle, it is finally working ;')05:47
nandituxpc has 2 SATA hdd of 80g each05:47
astro76Zieen, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, change line that says: Driver "fglrx"05:47
olskolirchey fallas i can't get a network connection on vista using virtualbox....I have ubuntu fiesty fawn.  any help?05:47
BeOSMrXarooni_: use gtf if you have it05:47
astro76Zieen, change it to Driver "ati"05:47
nandituxdenoted as sda and sdb05:47
sdoubleArrick: awesome.  glad to help.05:47
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arooni_BeOSMrX, how do i get results out of that05:48
mdurham/leave #ubuntu05:48
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nandituxcan someone help05:48
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Tanman i was wondering if anyone could help me set up or point me to set up instructions on ubuntu fiesty fawn server05:48
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milllmannnwhat is the command to restart apache?05:49
Tanman..foor sft[p05:49
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sdoublemilllmannn: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:49
braddcaddTanman, have you checked the Feisty guide?05:49
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ZombieWhat do I do if Synaptic upgrades are throttling down?05:49
Tanmanbraddcadd....i don't believe si05:49
Tanmani read the community docs05:50
nandituxhelp install GRUB05:50
braddcaddTanman: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty05:50
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olskolirchey fallas i can't get a network connection on vista using virtualbox....I have ubuntu fiesty fawn.  any help?05:50
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astro76Zieen, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:51
BeOSMrXarooni_: if you tell me your required x and y resolution, plus default refresh rate i'll paste your line for the xorg cfg file05:51
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arooni_BeOSMrX, i woul dlike 1440x900 ... and 1280x1024 ... but i have no idea what the 'default refresh rate' is05:52
olskolircc'mon bitches05:53
Zieenastro76, xorg.conf appears to be a blank file?05:53
Nutubuntunot from me, sorry.05:53
BeOSMrXwell somewhere in your laptop specs, it should say at least05:53
astro76Zieen, use the exact same letter case as I pasted05:53
astro76Zieen, unix is case sensitive05:53
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Zieenooooh ok thank you05:53
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devilsreject_is there a mp4 to mp3 converter for ubuntu?05:54
Zieenmuch better05:54
astro76!grub | nanditux05:54
ubotunanditux: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:54
pixelationEvery time I do an apt-get I get the error message: Could not connect to localhost:400105:54
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Zieeni have a lot to learn going from knowing a ton about windows to this05:54
ScoutHey guys, I just transferred from a year of Fedora.05:54
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cipherwizardcan someone point me to find information on how removable drives are automatically mounted on Feisty. I seem to have messed up one of the mount points for one of my removable drive.05:54
ascdevilsreject_: Mp4 is a container format, yes?05:54
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devilsreject_i have soundkonverter but it dosn't change mp4's05:54
Par-DueFor the life of me, I can't figure out how to use a midi controller with jack and ubuntu05:55
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devilsreject_asc -- i dunno i think hey man btw i never got that fixed with the taskbar bein all crazy05:55
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devilsreject_im still runnin in failsafe mode05:55
Tanma1@bradccadd i had a brief look05:55
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braddcaddTanma1: any luck?05:56
devilsreject_i think mp4 is like the ipod format05:56
pixelationEvery time I do an apt-get I get the error message: Could not connect to localhost:400105:56
devilsreject_.m4a files05:56
ascdevilsreject_: You could use 'mplayer -vo null -vo pcm:file=file.wav' to output a .wav, which can be converted to whatever. I'm sure there's a way to get it to mp3, but that would probably mean messing with mencoder.05:56
devilsreject_to mp305:56
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Tanma1bradcadd and they talk about client side but i am looking for setting up the server05:56
Tanma1@braddcadd they discussed about setting up  the client05:56
ascdevilsreject: Probably it wasn't me helping you with the taskbar.05:56
Tanma1oops sorry for the double posting05:56
devilsreject_id have to do it file by file?05:57
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devilsreject_what would the command be to do it on the destop in a folder labled m4a05:57
nandituxthanx but what should be the drive connotation for sdb the 2nd hdd05:57
Justi2If I selected XGL as my window manager rather than GNOME at the login screen, how can I tell if XGL started correctly?05:57
braddcaddTanma1, yes they have a server guide but it is not for s...ftp05:57
ascdevilsreject: Just a second, I'll try and work out a command.05:58
devilsreject_sweet thanx man05:58
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nandituxcan i do Grub-install /dev/sdb 0r /dev/sdb105:58
Zieenastro76, I changed driver to ati and now i get a fatal server error: no screens found05:59
Lgndryhranyone here had luck with getting their cell phone to pair correctly to their computer via USB bluetooth dongle05:59
Tanma1well i would like to give sftp a try. using vsftp, i can download but i can't uplooad locally even with the write enable and local user turned on. i have heard that sftp was a lot secure05:59
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Tanma1so i would like to give that a shot05:59
cipherwizardWill someone point me to information on how removable drives are automatically mounted on Feisty? Like where the settings are for mounting devices automatically.05:59
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clevercipherwizard: i think its hotplug06:00
Perdentehwo do I make a swap file so I don't need a seperate partition for one06:00
braddcaddTanma1: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/FTP_Server06:00
braddcaddTanma1: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/OpensshSFTP06:00
devilsreject_asc --- /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a  is the folder filled with .m4a files id like to convert to .wav06:00
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Perdentehow do I make a swap file so I don't have to have a swap partition?06:01
SkryptAnyone here using nVidia with dual-monitors and care to help me for a few minutes?06:01
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stormy|Is it hard to setup my box as a server that I can access through the web? ( I have a router)06:01
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ascdevilsreject: This isn't perfect, but it should do the whole folder at once. The output should be filename.mp4.wav. I could try working something out with mencoder, but it'll take a few more minutes.06:02
ascdevilsreject: " find  /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a -exec "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file={}.wav {} \;" "06:02
sdoublestormy|: just a web server?06:02
stormy|sdouble: basically, maybe SSH too... thing is, I dont have a domain I can point to my home IP06:02
asc(without the first or last quotes)06:02
asc(although I guess it would probably run if you leave them)06:03
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sdoublestormy|: get something like no-ip.org to configure your ip address06:03
Tanma1@braddcadd thanks06:04
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?06:04
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devilsreject_asc -- find: missing argument to `-exec'06:04
BrokenSegueI just downloaded an update which included a new version of flash, but now flash doesn't work in my browser. Is this a known issue?06:04
sdoublestormy|: also, portforward.com would be useful for forwarding your router.  What all do you want for your server?  ssh, php, mysql, apache2?06:04
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devilsreject_> find  /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a -exec "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file={}.wav06:05
devilsreject_find: missing argument to `-exec'06:05
stormy|sdouble: just SSH and apache2 for now (http)06:05
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ascdevilsreject_: Oh, my bad. find /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a -exec "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file={}.wav" {} \;06:05
ascThe quotes were in the wrong place.06:05
devilsreject_right on thanx a million man06:05
sdoubleokay, easy stuff  sudo apt-get install openssh-server apache206:05
asc'course, there might be any number of other problems with that. :p06:05
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sdoublestormy|: then make sure you forward ports 22 and 80 if you keep them on their standard ports06:05
devilsreject_asc --- it gave me one of these for every fiel : No such file or directory06:06
ascdevilsreject_: that's interesting. Give me a minute to test it. :p06:06
sdoublestormy|: and your http files will be located in /var/www/  It'll be root's so I recommend you chown it to your user06:07
stormy|sdouble: how can I have a login so you need a password to get access to the site?06:07
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sdoublestormy|: goolge -> authentication .htaccess06:08
sdoublegoogle too06:08
Lgndryhranyone here had luck with pairing a mobile phone via bluetooth using a USB bluetooth dongle06:08
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arooni_BeOSMrX, i woul dlike 1440x900 ... and 1280x1024 ... but i have no idea what the 'default refresh rate' is06:08
arooni_you there?06:08
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pixelationI need help, I have some kinda proxy that always gives apt-get error messages "Could not connect to localhost:4001".06:10
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skyfalcon866how can i convert ext3 to JFS06:13
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ZombieHow can I change Mirrors for my Online Installation media?06:14
ascdevilsreject_: This might take a little longer than I thought. Should be just another minute or so. :p06:14
sdoubleZombie: the repositories?06:14
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ZombieThe main mirror is timing out.06:14
Ravenndude`On my laptop, when I have it set to 'go to blank screen when lid is closed.' When I close the lid, I get the blank screen and when I open it, it is frozen. No mouse movement or keystroke unfreezes it and I can't restart gnome / go into a tty06:15
sdoublesudo edit your /etc//apt/sources.lst06:15
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sdoubleZombie: /etc/apt/sources.list rather06:15
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Nutubuntuskyfalcon866,  I don't believe you can convert ext3 to another fs, other than ext2. You'd have to create a new partition and format it with the fs of your choice, then cp your files from one to the other06:15
Justi1If I have something like "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ feisty main", how do I add it to apt sources?06:15
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Nutubuntuor tar or cpio etc.06:16
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sdoubleJusti1: sudo edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and add it to the end06:16
Justi1sdouble: thanks06:16
skyfalcon866ok next time i have to reinstall ubuntu i will format my root as JFS06:16
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sdoublethen don't forget to do an apt-get update06:16
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Newbie_DudeCan anyone suggest a good Ubuntu N.E.S. emulator?06:17
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astro76Newbie_Dude, fceu06:17
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Justi1what is the difference between sudo and gksudo?06:17
stormy|hey sdouble: What Host type should I pick at no-ip.com? Port 80 Redirect?06:17
astro76!gksudo | Justi106:18
sdoublestormy|: yes06:18
Newbie_Dude@astro76 : Thanks, I downloaded and compiled NEStopia but it runs way too fast, so I'll try FCEU. :) TY06:18
mhz`i wish there was a fancy bash scripting ide06:18
sdoubleNewbie_Dude: tuxnes06:18
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GigaClonis there a good database softwware like OO's database?06:18
MajorPayneJusti1: sudo gives you a prompt in a terminal emulator and gksudo gives you a GUI prompt.06:18
NutubuntuJusti1,  see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo06:18
sdoublemhz`: kate is as good as it gets06:18
mhz`kate..hmm let me see06:18
Justi1thank you06:18
ascdevilsreject_: Got it. find /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a -exec mplayer -vo null -ao pcm {} \; -exec mv /home/devilsreject/Desktop/m4a/audiodump.wav {}.wav \;06:18
Ravenndude`On my laptop, when I have it set to 'go to blank screen when lid is closed.' When I close the lid, I get the blank screen and when I open it, it is frozen. No mouse movement or keystroke unfreezes it and I can't restart gnome / go into a tty06:19
mhz`ironic the gf's name is kaitlyn...perhaps it won't be as difficult to use as she is06:19
Newbie_DudeWhen I compile something, does it always go into /bin/ or does it stay in the directory I compiled it from?06:19
sdoublemhz`: haha06:19
ascdevilsreject_: And I actually tested that one. :p06:19
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MajorPaynemhz`: I suggest vi.06:19
mhz`i'd rather do nano/pico06:19
Ravenndude`mhz`, personally I like vim =)06:19
NutubuntuMajorPayne,  vi is *my* gf's name ;p06:19
sybesisnobody like emac?06:20
willdsybesis: much love for emacs.06:20
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mhz`sdouble, kate..is that seperate from katewrite or is it all 1 package?06:20
Newbie_DudeAnyone here use X-Chat for IRC?06:21
sdoublethere is a kwrite and a kate06:21
NutubuntuNewbie_Dude,  sure06:21
sdoublethey are different06:21
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mhz`i'm using it now newbie06:21
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sdoubleNewbie_Dude: as am I06:21
Ravenndude`As am I Newbie_Dude06:21
Justi1is zabin here?06:21
towliebanis gparted included on the feisty live cd ?06:21
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sybesiswilld: Sorry  i prefer vim, it follow me anywhere :P06:21
burnertowlieban, yes06:21
Newbie_Dude@Nutubuntu, sdouble, Ravenndude` - I'm trying to turn off the 'xxx has quit' 'xxx has joined' -- Do you know if I can do that with X-Chat? If not, I'll go back to the other one I was using. :P06:21
sdoubletowlieban: yes if you're using ubuntu and not kubuntu06:22
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towliebando you guys know if i can use gpartewd on a macbook ? it doesnt use a typical bios06:22
NutubuntuNewbie_Dude,  right-click the #ubuntu tab06:22
Comrade-Sergeihow do i use the gnome-rdp to listen for connections from the outside?06:22
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Zieenfglrx installation failed and i attempted to revert to standard ati drivers by editing the driver line in xorg.conf.  Now the system tells me there are no screens found.  Am I missing steps?06:22
MajorPayne!hi | r33ddl3r06:23
r33ddl3rquestion... I booted off the live cd so I can install 7.04 but my Install icon is missing06:23
h1st0Zieen: is the module for the old driver loading?06:23
_ScoutHey, can someone walk me through installing something?06:23
_ScoutI am so used to Fedora and rpms.06:23
h1st0r33ddl3r: are you sure you booted off of live cd?06:23
willdsybesis: eh, I started w/ vi, so I can't complain either way.  They both get the job done.06:23
Comrade-Sergei_Scout, what?06:23
r33ddl3ryes I'm sure06:23
sdouble_Scout: what are you installing?06:23
h1st0_Scout: sudo apt-get install pidgin06:23
sdoublesudo apt-get install pidgin06:23
Comrade-Sergei_Scout, a .deb file?06:23
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ZieenI don't know how to tell if the module is loading h1st006:23
h1st0_Scout: or just use synaptic06:23
_Scout sudo apt-get install pidgin doesn't work.06:23
burnerpidgin isn't in the repositories06:24
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sdoublesudo apt-get update06:24
burnerwww.getdeb.net has a pidgin deb06:24
sdoublethen pidgin06:24
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mhz`actually gedit has some nice highlighting06:24
burneris it in backports?06:24
sybesis<r33ddl3r>: how is that possible no icon?06:24
Comrade-Sergeihow do i use the gnome-rdp to listen for connections from the outside?06:24
Ravenndude`On my laptop, when I have it set to 'go to blank screen when lid is closed.' When I close the lid, I get the blank screen and when I open it, it is frozen. No mouse movement or keystroke unfreezes it and I can't restart gnome / go into a tty06:24
h1st0_Scout: do they have a .deb availible?06:24
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sdoubleI don't recall.  I got mine from apt-get06:24
burnerComrade-Sergei, vnc connections?  just run "vncviewer -listen" from a term06:24
towliebando you guys know if i can use gparted to partition my macbook ? it doesnt use a typical bios06:24
r33ddl3rcan someone tell me where the icon/shortcat is pointing?06:24
Comrade-Sergeiburner, well no a rdp06:24
h1st0_Scout: any reason gaim isn't good enough?06:25
Comrade-Sergeiburner, vista likes rdps for some reason06:25
mhz`i like pidgin :)06:25
burnerComrade-Sergei, you can listen for rdp connections?!?06:25
h1st0_Scout: if you want to install it just use alien to install the rpm.06:25
Comrade-Sergeii loke kopete06:25
sybesis<r33ddl3r> are you in the live cd right now?06:25
h1st0!alien | _Scout06:25
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Comrade-Sergeiburner i can connect to my vista box with linux but not vice versa06:25
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sybesisyou could try locate install06:26
burnerComrade-Sergei, you can use Vino in linux to turn on the vnc server and use the ultravnc client in windows to connnect, or use NoMachine.com software06:26
h1st0_Scout: heres directions http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-pidgin-200-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-plugin-pack.html#more-20306:26
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MajorPayneComrade-Sergei: RDP, is that remote desktop?06:26
Comrade-Sergeiburner, id like to stick with one protocol06:26
sybesisyou may find the executable but i  don't know from memory where it point06:26
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Comrade-SergeiMajorPayne, yes06:26
burnerComrade-Sergei, there is no RDP server for linux... it doesn't exist06:27
MajorPayneAhh.  Ok.  They already told you you cant.06:27
Comrade-Sergeiburner, what?!? thats impossible06:27
r33ddl3ris that what its calling? "install"? ... cuz I have only one shot... switching my tv from the show my wife is watching to my mythtv box before she throws something at me :)06:27
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burnerComrade-Sergei, it's not... rdp is a closed protocol.  VNC is open, SSH is open, NX is somewhat open06:27
Zieenh1st0: Log says module version 6.6.3 of ati_drv.so is loading06:27
sybesisnot sure... lol06:27
Comrade-Sergeiburner, well nx work=s like crap here06:27
rorrocohi,i I realy need help with the update of ubuntu breezy06:28
burnerComrade-Sergei, use the full nomachine.com instead of freenx06:28
sybesislet me five min06:28
rorrococan some body hel me?06:28
Comrade-Sergeiburner i did it blows06:28
burnerit kicks arse here06:28
Comrade-Sergeiwe can try vnc i guess since i got tight vnc installed on my laptop06:28
Comrade-Sergeiit doesnt work here06:28
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burnerComrade-Sergei, system-prefs-remote desktop to turn on Vino (vnc server)06:28
burnerComrade-Sergei, feisty?06:29
Comrade-Sergeiburner, what els.. lol06:30
rorrocoHi there, can some body help me with ubuntu updating?06:30
Zieenshould the BusID for my display adapter appear exactly as it does in lspci?  in lspci it says 1:00.0, but xorg.conf says PCI:1:0:006:30
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r33ddl3r...  from NY?06:30
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burnerComrade-Sergei, out of curiousity sake, what were the problems with nomachine stuff?06:30
Tanma1@Comrade Sergei-is that vista box Home premium or professional?06:30
burnerI only just deployed NX06:31
polarisI've installed PHP5 and Apache 2 under Ubuntu 7 - can someone tell me what to add to httpd.conf so that Apache uses the PHP module?06:31
Comrade-SergeiTanma1, ultimate06:31
=== burner shudders at the thought of vista
Comrade-Sergeii know guys i dont like it eather06:31
burnerpolaris, use apt?  it just works if you do06:31
younghackeranybody know of any data importing tools for postgresql06:31
Comrade-Sergeii have a ubuntu desktop right next to my laptop06:31
Tanma1@Comrade ok, because there is a rdp in Vista and a RDP Client in Ubuntu06:31
younghackerDon't say the V word,,,, it's scary06:31
Comrade-SergeiTanma1, lol they just said it was impossible06:32
rorrocoplease some body help me06:32
burnerTanma1, he wants to do the other way... using the linux as a server and vista as the client06:32
purplestar_Hi all any body knows how i can install realplayer easily i am having difficulties.06:32
rorrocoI read and read and read06:32
Comrade-Sergeiyou gotta say it like vee stra06:32
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polarisburner, I got both of them the normal way, but putting a simple phpinfo(); in the home directory, trying to load that script in a browser is no dice06:32
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burnerComrade-Sergei, Tanma1; it is impossible, there is no rdp server on linux06:32
rorrocoand nothing worked for de update of breezy06:32
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rorrocoto edgy06:32
burnerpolaris, define "normal"  does "normal" entail apt-get install blahblah?06:32
rorrocorun out og X06:32
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Tanma1@burner thats true, must have read it wrong06:32
polarisburner, yes06:32
younghackerso anybody know of any data importing tools i can use with postgres sql to import an XML sheet into a data base ?06:32
Comrade-Sergeithat you know of burner, you may have to pay for it06:32
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SpaceGameris there anyway to install all of the .pc files so you can compile against the existing libraries.06:33
rorroco>:o help help help fellas06:33
Comrade-Sergeiah burner got it with VNC06:33
Comrade-Sergeithanks alot06:33
burnerpolaris, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP06:33
polarismuch appreciated, burner, thank you06:33
r33ddl3ryou have to create a symbolic link to the php5 modules from mods-available to mods-enabled06:33
burnerComrade-Sergei, so you know... vnc is not encrypted06:33
r33ddl3rrtfm .. its all over google06:33
Comrade-Sergeithis si awesome06:33
Tanma1@burner you can port forward with ssh?06:34
rorrocoi read many forums and documentation06:34
Tanma1@burner or tunnel with ssh?06:34
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Comrade-Sergeiburner, i got a lots of versions of vnc to play with that are a little more secure06:34
rorroconot a thing worked06:34
SpaceGameris there anyway to install all of the .pc files so you can compile against the existing libraries06:34
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dothanatwhat is the newest version of ubuntu 7.04, feisty fawn or feisty drapper ?06:34
Tanma1@dot feisty fawn i believe06:35
SpaceGamerfeisty fawn06:35
burnerComrade-Sergei, no matter what one you use, they're all unencrypted... tunnel it via ssh06:35
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sybesisArr i don't know, you may try to open a console and type locate install06:35
SpaceGamer@dot y/w06:35
Newbie_DudeI figured out the X-Chat problem. I was using the "GNOME" version which was really bad, so I am using the non-GNOME version now. :)06:35
sybesisi remember i done that but i cannot remember the whole name of the binary06:36
puttersoni installed apache2.2 but when I run /etc/init.d/apache2 start i get the error message No apache MPM package installed.....what is wrong?06:36
NutubuntuNewbie_Dude,  there you go :)06:36
BFGwhat don't you like about the xchat-gnome?06:36
BFGj/w, its what i am using right now and I kinda forgot what regular xchat looked like06:36
Newbie_DudeBFG - Not being able to turn off the join/leave messages. :P That's about it I guess - but that's the only feature I wanted.06:36
burnerComrade-Sergei, use putty as your ssh client in windows to tunnel port 590006:36
Comrade-Sergeiburner, i dont really care its on a secoure network anyways06:36
burnerComrade-Sergei, all good then :)  cheers06:36
ZieenHow do I disable dri?06:37
SpaceGameranybody have the answer to my problem?06:37
Comrade-Sergeithanks anyways!06:37
rorrocoPLEASE HELP with ubuntu breezy to uptade06:37
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BFGedit the xorg.conf and comment it out with a #06:37
BFGor just delete it06:37
Comrade-Sergeirorroco, !update06:37
SpaceGamer@rorroco use feisty06:37
Newbie_DudeI uninstalled X-Chat GNOME IRC from the Add/Remove Menu, but the "X-Chat Gnome" is still in my "Applications > Internet Menu" ... Is there a way to get rid of it? :( I uninstalled but link is still there.06:37
burner!upgrade | rorroco06:37
Comrade-Sergeithats what i meant06:37
BFGright click on the menus and click edit menus06:37
rorrocoyea comanre06:37
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rorroconeed help06:37
burnerubotu, wake up! :)06:37
Newbie_DudeBFG - right-click menu, I should have known :) thanks06:37
BFGno problemo06:38
Tanma1um guys i would lke to have a bit of advice regarding setting up a sftp server...i have been given this address: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/OpensshSFTP06:38
rorrocoi havent could06:38
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Zieeni can't get my desktop to boot again for anything06:38
burnerrorroco, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:38
MajorPayneTanma1: "sudo aptitude install sshd"06:38
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MajorPayneTanma1: That's basicly it.06:38
sybesisit may be openssh06:38
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Tanma1and then what about logging in from the windows sftp client?06:38
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burnerTanma1, use winscp :)06:39
MajorPayneTanma1: Use one of the user accounts on the computer.06:39
neonimrhow can i install ubuntu from an iso file without burning a cd06:39
burnerTanma1, and login with the same ssh credentials06:39
rorrocotanks burner Il try but i have to much already 3 day and nothing worked06:39
burnerneonimr, telekinesis06:39
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sybesis<neonimr>A virtual machine06:39
Tanma1i'll give it a shot06:39
burnerneonimr, if you can't do that, i'd just burn a cd ;)06:39
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Newbie_DudeWow, this X-Chat (non-GNOME) is a big improvement, BFG. You should switch over. :) Easier on the eyes at least. :D06:39
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Justi1how do I enable a theme from the emerald theme selector?06:40
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=== MajorPayne hugs irssi
Zieeni keep getting the following error on startup "(WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found06:40
sybesisYou could put it on a usb stick06:40
burnerrorroco, just download a feisty iso and backup your breezy install and install feisty from the iso06:40
BFGi think i will try it brb06:40
burnerrorroco, and keep upgrading so you dont' get so far behind :)06:40
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MajorPayneIf you don't like upgrading switch to LTS.06:41
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burnerJusti1, click it06:41
h1st0Justi1: just select it06:42
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burnerJusti1, if nothing ahppens, you sure you're running emerald?  alt+f2, emerald --replace06:42
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BFGi don't notice too much of a difference06:42
h1st0MajorPayne: like irssi also06:42
Newbie_Dudeare they keylogging me06:42
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BFGexcept i like being able to see everyone's nicks06:42
_ScoutI have theme questions.06:42
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Hobbseewrong key06:42
Justi1it takes like 30 seconds to enable the theme.. is that normal?06:43
Newbie_DudeBFG - the font is small and colors are nice :P I am easily content I guess.06:43
_ScoutHow would I install that?06:43
kkathmangreetings Hobbsee  :)06:43
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Hobbseehi kkathman06:43
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burnerJusti1, possibly if you have a sloooooooooooooow video card06:43
mohadfsorry i got disconnected06:43
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Justi1burner: its not the best, but its not slow06:43
orbnauticus/leave #ubuntu06:43
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h1st0Hobbsee: whats all the q60 garbage?06:44
Newbie_DudeThis is the most interesting thing I've seen in this channel all day.06:44
kkathmanscript kiddies I reckon06:44
Newbie_DudeI think they killed ubotu.06:44
dissectionI'd call them script kidiots06:44
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h1st0There at
YeTr2I think the people who diddn't secure their servers are even more of the idiots06:44
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stewlatinCan someone help me with totem-xixne please?06:45
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Comrade-Sergeisorry to bug again06:45
bur[n] erstewlatin, i'm guessing... sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs06:45
=== dissection blasts Blut Aus Nord - Procession Of The Dead Clowns - (MP3) - 9mins 56secs
rorrocook burner il follow that06:45
Comrade-Sergeibut how do you crank up screen brightness in 7.0406:45
Hobbseeh1st0: bot attack06:46
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bur[n] erComrade-Sergei, via buttons on your laptop keyboard or by buttons on your monitor06:46
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stewlatinbur[n] er: will this help me play vob files?06:46
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h1st0Hobbsee: why is he running winows though?06:46
Tanma1Thanks guys!06:46
bur[n] erstewlatin, nope... libdvdcss2 for that06:46
jetole_hey all, I don'r suppose anyone in here has ever seen => mount --move <= failing on your OS?06:46
Tanma1didn;t realise it was all set up already06:46
Hobbseeh1st0: no idea.  i want to know who the bot owner is06:47
h1st0Hobbsee: I told you06:47
bur[n] ercrap, ubotu is broke... i'm not sure the link stewlatin, but google for "medibuntu" and you'll find it06:47
stewlatinI installed that and it tells me that my audio device is busy06:47
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=== Newbie_Dude quietly mourns the death of ubotu.
dissectionWon't ubotu connect back by itself?06:47
Zieenxorg is referring to my video card as a "Candidate "Device section "Generic Video Card"." and then says no devices detected06:47
bur[n] erstewlatin, use vlc ;)06:47
stewlatinthank you06:48
Tanma1@burner @majorpayne it is very brilliant06:48
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cleverTanma1: they dont have @ right now:P06:48
MajorPayneTanma1: ?06:49
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Zieeni really wish i would have read that my video card was unsupported before attempting to use feisty fglrx06:49
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Tanma1it has solved my uploading problem'06:49
Newbie_DudeIs there a way to make my default Volume Control to be "Speakers 1" ? When I hit the volume keys on my keyboard it changes the CD volume (not interested in CD volume, want Speakers 1) ... Also the volume bar in the taskbar is set to CD Audio for some reason.06:49
Zieeni saw my ubuntu desktop for about 20 minutes and now nothing for the last two hours06:49
Par-DueIt doesn't seem my midi controller wants to work with ubuntu (m-audio radium)06:50
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bur[n] erTanma1, winscp + putty + vncviewer get dropped in \windows with http://rmtechteam.com/tech/apps/LinuxClientToolz.exe so you just hit Win+r and type winscp or putty and you get the app06:50
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Ravenndude`Anyone know the command to start the screen saver? "xscreensaver-command -activate" doesn't work and gives me "xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0"06:50
Tanma1another question06:50
bur[n] erZieen, just switch back to ati driver until you fix it06:51
Tanma1what happens if i want to jailroot certain users/06:51
=== bur[n] er knows crap about jailing
Zieeni am switched back to the ati driver06:51
Zieenand it says no screen found06:51
Tanma1in WinSCP06:51
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Tanma1or using scp06:51
bur[n] erZieen, fix your options in there... you can also try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from a term06:52
seba_im having some trouble with my keyboard06:52
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Tanma1ah rssh06:52
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Tanma1heh this is going to be interesting06:53
Ravenndude`seba_, explain your problem a little more in depth.06:53
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seba_i cannot write the inverted commas06:53
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Ravenndude`apostrophes? Like '06:54
MajorPayneI think he means `06:54
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seba_i have a pc105 keyboard but the inverted commas doesnt work06:54
cimonhi all06:54
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Zieenbur[n] er, I tried that (twice now) and it still says no devices detected > no screens found06:55
h1st0seba_: do you have it sellected as a pc105 kb ?06:55
Justi1there is this random window on my desktop, about 30x40 pixels. its called Gnome-panel, and I can't do anything with it. How can I make it go away?06:55
seba_hlst0 where?06:55
h1st0seba_: System > preferences > keyboard06:55
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h1st0seba_: then click on layout06:55
cimonAny opinions on which of the moderately full featured window managers is least of a resource hog?06:55
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Zieendoes feisty create any automatic backups of /etc/X11/xorg.conf?06:56
cimonFor instance IceWM, Blackbox or Enlightenment?06:56
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BFGdepends on what utility you are using to edit xorg.conf06:56
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BFGif its the nvidia configurator then it will automatically back up the xorg.cong06:56
asccimon: Probably xfce. Haven't played about with the three you mention much, though.06:56
seba_hlst0 it doesnt work06:56
BFGbut if you are just editing it yourself no auto backup will be created06:56
cimonGigaClon:   you thin xfce, compared to the ones I mentioned?06:56
ZieenAll I did was  go into administrator > system > restricted device manager (or something like that) and enable/download/install ati drivers06:57
MajorPaynecimon: Xfce is the one included in Xubuntu.06:57
Zieenit was all automated, I never touched xorg.conf  But my display has been dead ever since06:57
ZieenI can't find an easy way to revert to the ati drivers06:57
cimonEnlightenment looks like one that should be resource hungry, it is so visually stunning, but experience has made me unsure...06:57
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cimonI don't know, but even with Xfce, my processor fan often starts revving up...06:58
Justi1how come when I click the title bar of a window, it selects that window, but doesn't bring it infront of the other windows?06:59
bur[n] erZieen, can you use 'vesa' ?06:59
cimon...not that there is nothing bad with taht , that is what the fan is tehre for, right.06:59
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asccimon: Tried any minimal WMs?06:59
seba_h1st0 it doesn't work06:59
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cimonasc twm is the only one I can get to work reliably...07:00
Zieenvesa worked07:00
Zieenit's ugly though07:00
VeganCheesesteakhi everyone...i have a drive mount question... is it possible to mount one partition to 2 directories?07:00
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asccimon: Weird.07:00
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cimonasc: i do like twm a lot though...07:00
Zieenapparently ubuntu hates ati x1800's07:00
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Ravenndude`Anyone know the command to start the screen saver? "xscreensaver-command -activate" doesn't work and gives me "xscreensaver-command: no screensaver is running on display :0.0"07:00
Zieeni tried mesa, but never vesa.  thanks burner07:00
cimonasc: what would you call a minimal WM?07:01
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cimonsome Minimal WMs I have downloaded, gdm refuses to offer as a startup option...07:01
asccimon: One that doesn't have a desktop environement or any slow graphics.07:01
cimonDon't know what I should replace gdm with though..07:02
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asccimon: I use ion3 and recommend it to everybody and their brother. But not everybody likes it. GDM does recognise it though.07:02
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KainIs there a way to make the mplayer progress bar in firefox/epiphany actually work?07:03
cimonAnd some minimal WM's I have I get working, but can't so much as open a terminal to hand start commands... something wrong with those, or they have a special way to launch programs that I just can't figure out, or I am missing some extra widgets that don't come with the main pacage.07:03
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Zieenok i have possibly the newbiest question ever... how do i open a terminal?07:04
cimonasc: you wouldn't know which repository it is in off the top off your head?07:04
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skollieZieen: Menu button, System, Terminal07:05
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TheNo1YetiZien: If your using gnome goto Applications->Accessories->Terminal or as skollie said07:05
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Zieenaha.  accessories. thank you07:05
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asccomon: Probably universe. Maybe multiverse.07:05
FrogzooZieen: alt f2 - gnome-terminal - or from the menu07:05
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cimonasc: I still have 6.06 though...07:06
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asccimon: Shouldn't be a problem, I've been using it since then.07:06
TheNo1YetiOr if you have it setup right Ctrl+F1 normally takes you to a terminal too07:06
cimonlet me check on synaptic, and get back to you...07:06
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asccimon: I've got a .deb if you want it... I've actually been using the same version since 6.06 because I don't like some of the changes is newer ones.07:06
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novato_brhi, how to make ubuntu instalation from pen driver ?07:10
kidbuntuhow do I install Feisty from update only?07:10
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skolliekidbuntu: what are you upgrading from?07:11
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skolliekidbuntu: easiest is to do online upgrade with adept07:12
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bur[n] erkidbuntu, you use kubuntu?07:12
cimonasc: just a moment... checking...07:12
kidbuntuno. the regular ubuntu07:12
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asccimon: No hurry.07:12
cimonasc: it's ok, synaptic found it okay...07:12
bur[n] erkidbuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:13
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networkgamerits funny cause im just now installing ubuntu on my ps307:13
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ant-that is real funny07:14
networkgamercause i could need your guys' help and not even know it yet07:14
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ant-that adds a lot of funny to it07:14
mhz`anyone got a nice faq on crons/crontab07:14
networkgamerbut i know my fair share of linux so its all good07:14
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cimonasc: heh, it is even written by a compatriot finn...07:15
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ant-mhz`, google knows a bunch07:16
asccimon: Small world eh?07:16
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mhz`i thought i had it setup... 60 0 0 0 * ./script.sh07:16
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mhz`for every 60mins07:16
ExistzI have a Geforce 8500 and I need to know how to install nvidia's 100.14.06 or later drivers07:16
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bur[n] erExistz, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new07:17
Existzthe 100.14.11 run package07:17
ExistzI did that07:17
ant-mhz`, www.linuxcompatible.org/Crontab_Guide_s31196.html07:17
mhz`actually think i messed that up07:17
Existzand nothing works07:17
Justi2when I try to switch users, it says "Starting a new login only works correctly on the console." how can I fix this?07:17
ExistzI get this horrible errors07:17
Existzlet me show you my log07:17
jetole_has anyone here had problems with mount --move or does anyone here have a empty /dev/.static/dev directory?07:17
bur[n] erExistz, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new07:17
cimonasc: indeed, but then, there is quite a bit of stuff that is programmed/created by finns. IRC for example... ;)07:17
Zieenis there a fast way to just restart? like a hotkey or terminal command?07:17
bur[n] er!enter07:17
Existzi've been working on this problem all day07:17
Existzand nothing07:17
Newbie_DudeDo you guys use both the top and bottom Panels or just one panel? I'm kinda not used to having bars on both sides of the screen. :P07:17
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Existzbeen on forums and irc07:17
astro76Zieen, sudo shutdown -r now07:17
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asccimon: Also the kernel, come to that.07:17
Existzso far the most useful advice came from irc07:18
Existzalot of crap info on alot of the forums07:18
ant-Existz, to restart X ctrl+alt+bkspce07:18
cimonasc: and apache07:18
Existzbut yeah take a look at my log will you07:18
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bur[n] erExistz, did you try nvidia-glx-new package in apt?07:18
ExistzI did07:18
bur[n] erand/07:18
Existzproblems with that07:18
Existzthe same problems07:18
bur[n] erthat's your best bet07:18
Existzwith this07:18
Existzthat's what i'm using right now07:18
bur[n] erthe .run is trouble07:18
Existzthis is it07:18
Existzrun is trouble07:18
Existzit's been hella trouble07:19
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ExistzI did it both ways and nothing's worked07:19
Zieeni manually installed the latest ati drivers and now fglrx appears to work07:19
defryskExistz, please dont use the spacebar as a punctuation07:19
FusEIm currently on another computer, but since I upgraded to Edgy on my other one, I cannot connect to anything (network problems)07:19
bur[n] erExistz, what error do you get with nvidia-glx-new?  does X load?07:19
FusECan anyone help?07:19
Existzno it doesn't07:19
Existzsays no screens found07:19
h1st0Existz: what are you trying to do use nvidia-glx?07:19
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Existzberyl 3d07:20
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bur[n] erExistz, did you try the "restricted driver manager"07:20
ExistzI have a geforce 8500, I want to use it07:20
Existzthe module thing?07:20
Existzthe restricted module crap?07:20
switchcathmmm my synaptic package manager seems to be stuck on an install.. it's been going.. quite a long time 'preconfiguring packages'...07:20
bur[n] erExistz, sounds like you really hosed it... paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin07:20
defryskExistz, please dont use the spacebar as a punctuation07:20
cotyrotherycan someone tell me how to edit the grub boot loader to put in it other = /dev/sdb1     label = win07:20
Existzk one min07:20
switchcatshould I kill the process?07:20
bur[n] erdefrysk, you mean "enter" not "spacebar" :P07:20
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h1st0Can't he just use the nvidia-glx package with the 8500?07:21
defryskjust woke up.07:21
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bur[n] erh1st0, you could, but that card can also use nvidia-glx-new07:21
kravlinanyone know where i could go to get help installing a Counter-Strike: Source dedicated server?07:21
FusEIm currently on another computer, but since I upgraded to Edgy on my other one, I cannot connect to anything (network problems).......07:21
skollieFusE: what actually happens07:21
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Existzthis things been such apain in the ass07:21
Existzgetting the conf copy07:21
Existzone min07:21
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bur[n] erFusE, i'm unsure where the question is... do you get an ip address?  is it a network manager problem?07:22
ZieenOK... one more roadblock.  "/etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common to include DISABLED_MODULES="somemodule2 fglrx" where somemodule2 is the old contents of that line."  Where do I find what somemodule2 is?07:22
FusEskollie, I try to use the internet, but nothing loads07:22
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h1st0kravlin: right from steam07:22
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FusEwhen I open network manager, it says its idle07:22
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h1st0kravlin: they should support hlds there07:22
bur[n] erExistz, it should be uber-easy with feisty... you install feisty, click restricted drivers manager, check the box that says nvidia, done07:22
FusEWhen I click support, theres only two lines07:22
cotyrotheryCans someone tell me how to edit grub to boot a diffrent partion07:22
Zieenor where do I find what modules are booting on startup?07:23
neolis their any extra softwares added in ubuntu 64 bit when compared to ubuntu 32 bit installation ??? :)07:23
kravlinh1st0: I was kinda hoping for a channel to talk to someone. I get this error that has a fix that does nothing.07:23
skollieFuse: are you on a LAN, do you have a DHCP server?07:23
h1st0bur[n] er: I don't believe it comes up untill after you install a restricted driver.07:23
cotyrotheryI'm tring to follow this guide http://wiki.lunar-linux.org/index.php/Installation:No_CD07:23
NanoerFUSE.. do make the guides for it?07:23
bur[n] erFusE, download feisty and upgrade it?  how's that for an option :)07:23
FusENo and yes, Im using wirelss07:23
h1st0kravlin: well what error are you getting?07:23
bur[n] erh1st0, then what you believe would be wrong ;)07:23
h1st0bur[n] er: his xorg.conf is just probably hosed07:23
kravlinh1st0: tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors07:23
kravlinupdate failed, please run "tar xzUf LinuxHldsUpdateTool_20.pkg" to install the latest steam binary07:23
FusEbur[n] er, that works, considering I upgraded without a cd.....07:23
bur[n] erh1st0, that's what I'm sayin07:23
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NanoerDoes ubuntu's live cd have an unattended install?07:24
bur[n] erh1st0, we're waiting on a pastebin of his xorg.conf07:24
kidbuntuwhats a good antivirus that i could use in Ubuntu07:24
cotyrotheryplease somone help me07:24
Existzcheck it07:24
FusEbur[n] er, that works, considering I upgraded without a cd.....07:24
neolare their any extra software in 64 bit when compared to 32 bit installation  ??? :)07:24
h1st0kravlin: you need an updated version of hlds aparently07:24
Nanoerkidbuntu: you don't need AV in Linux like ubuntu07:24
astro76!virus | kidbuntu07:24
bur[n] erkidbuntu, you don't need one... but clamwin is decent07:24
cotyrotheryok can anyone see what im typing07:24
kravlinh1st0: I tried the update tool package thing. It didn't work.07:24
bur[n] ercotyrothery, we can07:24
cotyrotherynow can somone help me07:24
NanoerWhat's the problem?07:25
MajorPayneThe only virus scanner I had was for emails that was being delivered to Windows PCs.07:25
bur[n] eronly if you just ask your question and dont' ask to ask07:25
h1st0kravlin: hrm.. well perhaps a post or search on their forums is in order.07:25
cotyrotheryim tring to follow this guide: http://wiki.lunar-linux.org/index.php/Installation:No_CD07:25
skollie!question | cotyrothery07:25
kravlinh1st0: I googled it.07:25
bur[n] erskollie, ubotu is dead tonight ;)07:25
Existzh1ist0 Burner07:25
cotyrotherybut it only shows how to edit the lilo booter07:25
Existzit's there07:25
cotyrotheryi need to know how to edit the grub one07:25
FusEbur[n] er, you still dont get it lol?07:25
kidbuntuthanks guys07:25
skolliebur[n] er: I see that07:25
bur[n] erExistz, a link would be good... and hold off on your enter key!07:25
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FusEYou asked me to upgrade to feisty.... and my network is not operating correctly...07:26
Existzyeah think you missed the link earlier07:26
FusEWell, ubuntu isnt07:26
bur[n] erExistz, that's the "nv" driver... first, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new" then change the driver to "nvidia" from "nv" and restart X with ctrl+alt+backspace after saving your xorg.conf changes07:26
bur[n] erExistz, that heppens when you have 30 lines of text to convey one sentence :P07:26
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ExistzI installed it07:27
bur[n] erFusE, download a feisty iso with another PC07:27
Existzmaybe this effn thing keeps recognizing it as nv07:27
bur[n] erExistz, it doesn't "recognize" it as anything, you tell it what it is by editing xorg.conf07:27
MajorPaynecotyrothery: I doubt that would be supported here.07:27
ExistzExistz, it should be uber-easy with feisty... you install feisty, click restricted drivers manager, check the box that says nvidia, done07:27
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Existzwhat's this about?07:28
bur[n] erthat's the idea, yes07:28
cimonasc: toodle-oo, off to install, ty for the recommendation.07:28
Existzhaven'tr tried this07:28
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Existzwhere is this?07:28
bur[n] erExistz, system->administration->restricted drivers manager07:28
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Existzwhere is that?07:29
asccimon: Righto. Hope it works okay. Hints: learn F3 instead of the menu to start programs, and you can run 'gnome-panel' for a friendly menu while you get used to the wm.07:29
ExistzI click the big K07:29
Existznothing of the sort07:29
bur[n] erExistz, aww, you haev kde07:29
Existzkubuntu 7.0407:29
ZombieWhat is the best means of adding KDE Support to Ubuntu?07:29
Existzget kubuntu 7.0407:29
amidanie1Zombie: See kubuntu07:29
NickGarveygot it!07:29
kravlinh1st0: unfortunately a search of their forums revealed nothing07:29
bur[n] erExistz, I'm not sure where it is in kubuntu, but open a term, type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"07:29
FusEbur[n] er, Or you could just help me fix my networking lol07:29
bur[n] erZombie, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
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ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 7.04 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
skollieFusE: I asked you a question earlier- if you respond maybe I can help07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crontab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
FusEI think I did07:30
bur[n] erFusE, sorry, try having skollie help :)07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus07:30
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:30
ant-hes just now catching up07:30
NickGarveyant-: I'd say so ;)07:30
ubotukidbuntu: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:30
ubotucotyrothery: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:30
FusEskollie, I said that when I attempt to connect to ANYTHING, it doesn't connect07:31
=== amidanie1 blinks
ant-i told him to say no to drugs07:31
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bur[n] erFusE, sudo dhclient eth0 at a term07:31
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Existzit says I already have it07:31
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bur[n] er!enter | Existz07:31
ubotuExistz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:31
skollieFusE: thn I asked if you were on a LAN and had a DHCP server07:31
=== ThePioneer [n=societym@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Existzso what now?07:31
bur[n] erExistz, edit your xorg.conf file and change "nv" to "nvidia"07:31
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Existzhow do I edit in console mode?07:31
NickGarveyExistz: back up your old xorg.conf!!07:31
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NickGarveynot one, but two !07:32
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ThePioneerIf I host an ip on port 80 over my wireless network and I get the page that says "It work!" how do I edit that? anyone?07:32
bur[n] erExistz, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:32
NanoerWould there be any conflict if I dual booted Ubuntu and Fedora?07:32
bur[n] erThePioneer, /var/www/index.html07:32
NickGarveyThePioneer: host an ip?07:32
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bur[n] erNickGarvey, don't poke fun, you know what he meant ;)07:32
NickGarveyNanoer: as long as grub knew where both were07:33
FusE2sorry, connection restarted07:33
Existzburner does it matter between nvidia or Nvidia?07:33
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NickGarveyExistz: "nvidia"07:33
bur[n] erExistz, "nvidia"07:33
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Existzk brb07:33
networkgameranyone know of any good virtual machines for linux?07:33
Zieensweet jesus it looks like i may have the latest ati drivers yet07:33
NickGarvey<- too fast07:33
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FusE2skollie, The computer that is having network problems is using wirelss07:33
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NickGarveynetworkgamer: vmware is good, although closed07:33
bur[n] ernetworkgamer, virtual machine runner? or virtual machines?07:33
networkgamersomething that does what qemu does kinda07:33
Frogzoonetworkgamer: vmware07:34
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bur[n] ernetworkgamer, if you want to run virtual machines, vmware or virtualbox are killer07:34
NickGarvey!vmware > networkgamer07:34
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networkgamerso itll work if i do apt-get install vmware07:34
skollieFuse2: see if your device has an ip address - at a terminal run ifconfig07:34
bur[n] erqemu is slow ;)07:34
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Frogzoonetworkgamer: kqemu is faster, still not as stable as vmware07:34
FusE2k sec07:34
NickGarveynetworkgamer: read the factoid07:34
bur[n] ernetworkgamer, you have to add the commercial repos to get vmware07:34
bur[n] ernetworkgamer, and virtualbox .debs are at virtualbox.org07:34
ZieenDoes anyone know if i need a vm to run Ventrilo?07:34
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Frogzoonetworkgamer: it's a bit more complicated07:34
NickGarveyZieen: no.. you can in wine, but it is a pain07:34
NickGarveyZieen: like real big pain07:34
FusE2skollie, eth1 shows no ip address07:35
NickGarveyZieen: and it is fuzzy and people in your guild will yell at you and tell you to fix your mic even though it isn't your mic07:35
Frogzoobur[n] er: those debs have .vmx?07:35
NickGarveynot that I learned that out the hard way or anything07:35
Zieenuh huh07:35
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skollieFuse2: bring up eth1 - sudo ifup eth1 - and see what happens07:35
bur[n] erFrogzoo, excuse me?07:35
Zieenlike prison sex pain or i stepped on a piece of glass pain?07:36
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networkgameranything i can just apt-get install for vm?07:36
FusE2k sec07:36
NickGarveyboth at the same time07:36
Frogzoonetworkgamer: nope07:36
Zieeni'll look into alternatives lol07:36
Zieeni need ventrilo pretty bad07:36
novato_bri'm on windows, i wanna make ubuntu instalation from USB, i have the iso ubuntu 7.04, what are utilities that I need?07:36
TheNo1Yetinetworkgamer: what you mean?  like vmserver or vmplayer?07:36
atrayoAny Gmail users? I cannot send attachments. I pick my file to attach, but when I try to send, it shows the load bar and "sending request..." but it never finishes. I use Feisty, FireFox I have tried disabling the firewall, I have tried the secure login site. Any ideas?07:36
bur[n] erFusE2, and if it does nothing... try "sudo dhclient eth1" to run a dhcp client to try to get an IP from your router07:36
FusE2skollie, it says eth1 is already configured07:36
NickGarveyatrayo: big attachment?07:36
=== bur[n] er uses gmail just fine
skolliefuse2: bring it down and then up again07:36
ZieenI now have the latest functional ati drivers... should i attempt to install beryl now? lol07:36
bur[n] eratrayo, you could configure thunderbird or evolution for gmail07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
kravlinI need a channel to talk about Counter-Strike: Source servers Any ideas?07:37
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bur[n] erZieen, or compiz fusion :)07:37
atrayoNickGarvey: no, its just an oog song, about 4megabytes07:37
FusE2k sec07:37
bur[n] erZieen, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion07:37
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NickGarveyatrayo: enable network monitoring (it is on the gnome panel), and watch to see if your network is being used while you are "uploading"07:37
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FusE2skollie, by bringing it down do you mean close the window and reopen it?07:38
FusE2If so, then done07:38
atrayobur[n] er: I might do that as a last resort, but I'd like to access it via the web if I can find a way07:38
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networkgamerall i want is something to let me use a livecd while still in linux07:38
skolliefuse2: no - sudo ifdown eth1 - followed by sudo ifup eth107:38
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FusE2okay thanks07:38
FusE2brb sec07:38
mhz`question..i'm piping the results from a find to a file07:38
atrayoNickGarvey: OK I will try that, brb thanks07:38
bur[n] ernetworkgamer, vmware or virtualbox :)07:38
mhz`question..i'm piping the results from a find to a file and when i go to ls the file its file.lst?07:38
Newbie_DudeDo you guys use two panels (one one top, one on the bottom [default] ) or just one panel?07:39
mhz`any ideas why the ? shows up?07:39
Zieeni'll beback switching to ubuntu pc07:39
FusE2k skollie done, in the terminal, Im getting alot of "DHCPDISCOVER" lines07:39
=== Scout [n=jeff@adsl-76-209-50-84.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
purplestarHi all anybody knows an easy way to install real-player i tried to install it but i am having difficulties any one please advice.07:39
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NickGarveypurplestar: could you be more specific please?07:39
networkgamernow im downloading virtualbox07:39
skolliefuse2: does it get an ip address in the end?07:39
ScoutI used .debs to install pidgin, and now it doesn't show up in "Applications"07:39
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bur[n] erScout, applications -> internet -> pidgin?07:40
FusE2Skollie, no, it says "No DHCPOFFERS"07:40
bur[n] erFusE2, restart your router?  sure dhcp server is on in your router?07:40
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Scoutbur[n] er: Nope.07:40
skolliefuse2: ok. check your security settings - WEP or WAP etc07:40
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Newbie_Dude!find dosbox07:40
ubotuFound: dosbox07:40
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bur[n] erScout, alt+f2, pidgin07:40
FusE2I know the key is correct07:40
bur[n] er Scout it's not installed then07:41
Newbie_Dudewelcome back, ubotu :P07:41
=== Existz [n=Exist@cpe-76-169-169-27.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FusE2bur[n] er, obviously there is a dhcp server considering it was working in dapper07:41
ScoutI am so used to .rpms07:41
bur[n] erFusE2, doesn't mean it's working07:41
FusE2its working07:41
bur[n] erFusE2, maybe there's a driver issue with your card and edgy07:41
FusE2skollie, should the actual key be set as hexidecimal or or ascii07:41
bur[n] erFusE2, can you set a static ip and try?07:42
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Existzdid that07:42
FusE2What do you mean set a static ip, I only have a dynamic ip07:42
Existzsame errors07:42
bur[n] erFusE2, system->administration->networking07:42
Ziee1wow i just locked up ubuntu07:42
skolliefuse2: whihcever, but should be the same on both sides07:42
Ziee1that doesn't quite seem right07:42
ShockValueok, ive mounted a nfs share as root, and that works fine, but my 'regular user' is getting access denied when i try and access it..   as root the files/dirs look like this (drw-rw-rw-   2 nobody nogroup 904 2006-10-14 23:15 Get Born)  what am i missing here?07:42
bur[n] erFusE2, you just set one to be on the same range that your router gives out07:42
FusE2first Ill try setting as ASCII07:42
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purplestarNick i am tiring to install real player i have downloaded it and tried to run in command window but nothing happened i do not know what to do i am new to Ubuntu07:42
bur[n] erFusE2, e.g. and as gateway and dns07:42
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:42
gladierhi guys - want to set up multiple secure wireless configs on a machine and have it auto select which one. any ideas?07:42
NickGarveypurplestar: when you try to run it in the command window, what happens?07:43
Existzburner it didn't work, here's the new xorg.conf07:43
bur[n] erExistz, are you using any custom kernel?07:43
atrayoNickGarvey: I'm sorry, I'm not seeing the option Enable Network Monitoring, do you mean Devices - Network Tools?07:43
bur[n] er!enter | Existz07:43
ubotuExistz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:43
Existzthat I know of now, how do I find out what kernel i'm using?07:43
peepsaloti can't figure out how to record audio on this computer07:43
Ziee1Is Evolution better than Thunderbird?07:43
bur[n] erExistz, where the heck did the boardname line come from?07:43
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Existzuname -r?07:43
ExistzI have no idea07:43
Existzit was just there07:43
bur[n] erremove it :)07:44
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Existzand try it again?07:44
bur[n] erand wtf, it got all messed up07:44
Existzhow did it get messed up?07:44
NickGarveyatrayo: right click the top panel, add to panel, system monitor, rightclick the new item on your panel, and enable the network monitor07:44
Ziee1I need a better IRC client that gaim.  Any suggestions?  (I've used HydraIRC for as long as I can remember... and I think it's windows only)07:44
purplestarNick nothing it just created that folder on my desktop but after that nothing.07:44
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NickGarveyZiee1: xchat is pretty good07:44
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TheNo1YetiZiee1: xchat is good07:44
ascShockValue: Most likely root has those permissions but the user doesn't. I don't know anything about NFS so I can't help much, but you might google 'linux nfs user write' or something.07:44
kidbuntuhelp please. I just installed frostwire and everytime i'm about to start it it automatically exits after a couple of seconds w/ or w/o doing anything07:44
=== Zdra [n=zdra@75.204-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] er!xorg.conf | Existz07:45
ubotuExistz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:45
atrayoNickGarvey: Oh cool! Thanks I will go try it out now and comeback with results07:45
TheNo1YetiZiee1: Also LostIRC07:45
ShockValueasc: thanks, doing that now :)07:45
NanoerDoes Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. all of them have Nautilus?07:45
FusE2skollie, so what should I do now....07:45
ascShockValue: Good luck.07:45
gsevilgxine crash when I use beryl07:45
Existzyeah I know this07:45
Existzbut what am I doing now?07:45
FusE2I pinged my router ip and it failed07:45
Newbie_Dude!find candycrisis07:45
ubotuPackage/file candycrisis does not exist in feisty07:45
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gsevilI have problem with gxine07:45
bur[n] erExistz, i have no idea, you hosed your xorg.conf file so bad... the changes in between what you had before and what you have now are so vast07:46
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gsevilI crash when I use beryl07:46
skolliefuse2: do you have admin rights to the wireless router?07:46
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Ziee1xchat isn't free?07:46
Existzwhat I had before was the nv setup07:46
Nanoergsevil: What's your video card?07:46
peepsaloti want to capture audio from playback, can anyone help me?07:46
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Existzthis is how nvidia drivers been running07:46
darkclown_anyone that could advice me about a good ftpserver program with gui available in the ubuntu repos?07:46
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bur[n] erExistz, and instead of changing one line, you changed the whole file!07:46
peepsalotnot able to get it working, i tried every single alsamixer combination07:46
gsevilIntel GMA07:46
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Existzto what?07:46
MegahackerHai,i'm agung from Indonesia,first i want to thanks ubuntu for the free CD07:46
NanoerHow many MB?07:46
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skollieFuse2: for a moment, make it open and see if you can connect07:47
kidbuntuhelp please. I just installed frostwire and everytime i'm about to start it it automatically exits after a couple of seconds w/ or w/o doing anything07:47
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TheNo1Yetidarkclown: Don't know if it is available in the ubuntu repos but proftp is fairly good and has a web based gui of sorts07:47
bur[n] erExistz, if you can get back to the file that had the "nv" driver, and only change that line in the file to say 'nvidia" it will work07:47
NanoerYou need Java runtime07:47
Nanoerkidbuntu: You need latest Java07:47
skolliefuse2: this is to see whether it has to do with your security settings07:47
mhz`i just rm -rf *?07:47
mhz`god damnit07:47
FusE2make what open07:47
ExistzI did and it did not work07:47
mhz`anyone know how to restore the home dir :/07:47
Existzis there anyone here running a geforce 8 series card?07:47
Existzon ubuntu07:48
=== FusE2 is now known as FusE[Edgy]
kidbuntubut i'm currently using 1.5 jre. is there any latest than that?07:48
MegahackerWhy i want to install ubuntu on virtual PC 2007 my pc always gets off????07:48
bur[n] erExistz, you want it exactly like http://pastebin.com/m7fe87fad but with nvidia instead of nv07:48
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:48
FusE[Edgy] skollie, make what open07:48
networkgameri dont think ive had anything higher than shared graphics07:48
thunderboltmhz`: if you did a rm -rf *, there's no easy way to get it back.07:48
zieenubuntu comes with gtk 2.0 right?07:48
networkgamerunless you count my ati rage mobile07:48
NanoerNo clue but that's what the problem was with mine07:48
gsevilmaybe virtual PC 2007 does not support ubuntu07:48
skolliefuse[Edgy] : just for a few mins while you test, disable security07:48
mhz`i thought rm -rf *?07:48
gsevilI get that problem too07:48
FusE[Edgy] >.< k07:48
mneptokkidbuntu: want the 1 minute fix? "sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella"07:48
mhz`would just del the shit07:48
gseviluse VMware07:48
MegahackerBut my friend can install it07:48
bur[n] ermhz`, restore from backup07:48
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towliebanwhen i boot the live cd if i make changes like installing video,wifi drivers, are all those changed saved if i install after that07:49
towliebanor should i install first then install the drivers07:49
bur[n] ertowlieban, install first07:49
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?07:49
mhz`i deleted my home dir07:49
mhz`i can't believe this shit07:49
ascmhz: If any of the files are open, they're easy to recover.07:49
Nanoerdid you perma delete or like trash delete?07:50
tritiummhz`: watch the language, please07:50
=== facugaich [n=facugaic@host78.201-252-131.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
MegahackerWhy no one in this channel want to help me07:50
bur[n] erNanoer, he perma deleted via term and rm-rf07:50
purplestarNick are you there ?07:50
=== bur[n] er has no hwmon module loaded
NickGarveyMegahacker: I can't understand you07:50
NanoerOh then I don't know about Ubuntu recovery if he did that07:50
NickGarveypurplestar: yes, use my full name ("NickGarvey") so it will highlight your message and alert me though07:50
mhz`asc, just mkdir brendan again?07:50
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thunderboltHmm, I wonder if anyone here has there home directory under revision control.07:50
bur[n] erMegahacker, because virtual pc 2007 is crap... see vmware or virtualbox07:51
towliebanrm -rf / the cause of and solution to all of life's problems (in unix/linux/bsd)07:51
FusE[Edgy] thanks skollie, now we know that security is the problem07:51
MegahackerARGHHHHHH what da shit....07:51
FusE[Edgy] I disabled security and it worked07:51
NickGarveypurplestar: you can probably type "nickg[tab] " and that'll do it (hit tab, don't type [tab] )07:51
mneptoktowlieban: don't, please07:51
NickGarvey!ohmy | Megahacker07:51
ubotuMegahacker: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:51
FusE[Edgy] now I need it anabled07:51
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towliebanmneptok i wasnt telling anyone to do it07:51
NickGarveytowlieban: never, ever ever give false commands that could cause damage07:51
skollieFusE[Edgy] : so go through your security settings and make sure it is set up as it should be07:51
Megahackerbut help me07:51
purplestarNickGarvey ok07:51
=== bur[n] er notes that it's friday night and puritans are still on patrol
FusE[Edgy] skollie, it works on windows still ( last time I checked )07:51
mneptoktowlieban: the words themselves make me panic07:51
bur[n] erMegahacker, vmware.com or virtualbox.org and download a decent virtual machine program07:51
towliebanso cat /dev/null > /dev/hda isnt a good thing to do ?07:52
ascmhz`: That won't do much. But for example, if you'd had a movie file or document or something open, it wouldn't actually be deleted until you closed it. Until then, it would be easy to recover.07:52
tritiumbur[n] er: we're trying to keep the channel appropriate for work and family07:52
mhz`someone mentioned a unix back up/recovery app here07:52
mhz` a sourceforge one07:52
Existzk brb07:52
mhz`anyone remember?07:52
facugaichHow come when I oggdec(ode) a 17 mb file I get a 7mb .wav?07:52
skollieFusE[Edgy] : probably because your settings are correct in windows07:52
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:52
mneptokkidbuntu: want the 1 minute fix? "sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella"07:52
kidbuntu1 minute fix did'nt work. after a couple of seconds still it exits07:52
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ozzmanHi, Using Thunderbird mail i cant seem to access my gmail account. i have activated pop but still nothing07:53
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mneptokkidbuntu: run the app GTK-Gnutella07:53
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bur[n] erozzman, make sure you use ssl and the correct ports07:53
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mneptokkidbuntu: it's in the Internet menu07:53
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kidbuntumneoptok: ok07:53
MegaIRCGuys. How do I get Java onto Ubuntu Feisty?07:53
bur[n] erozzman, login to gmail, click settings, go to pop and forwarding, then click the thing that shows you how to configure your mail client, and click thunderbird07:53
MegaIRCSo I can IRC chat in the browser.07:53
purplestarNickGarvey nothing it just created that folder on my desktop but after that nothing.07:53
NickGarvey!java | MegaIRC07:53
ubotuMegaIRC: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:53
tritium!java > MegaIRC07:53
bur[n] erMegaIRC, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:53
NickGarveypurplestar: you didn't notice any network spike?07:54
Elliot_MDoes ne1 know ne good firewall prgrams and securty programs for ubuntu 7.0407:54
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bur[n] erElliot_M, firestarter07:54
SeveredCrosschkrootkit, Firestarter, ClamAV.07:54
tritiumbur[n] er: "puritans" is an unfair characterization07:54
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tyloi apologize if this is in the wrong channel07:55
Elliot_Mdoes ne1 recommend a must have07:55
=== bur[n] er is unwilling to argue, but finds swearing inoffensive and unhurtful
skollie!firewall | ElliotM07:55
purplestarNickGarve what is that?07:55
tylobut can someone direct me to the help channel for wput?07:55
ubotuElliotM: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:55
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MegaIRCWhen I try to sudo, I get a password prompt but I can't type anything into mit.07:55
NickGarveypurplestar: a network spike? you enabled the network monitor right?07:55
bur[n] erElliot_M, nope, you're pretty secure without any of it07:55
bur[n] erMegaIRC, you can, it just doesn't give feedback to show that you are typing07:56
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Elliot_Mthnx guys07:56
NickGarveytylo: it is unlikely there will be a channel just for that command07:56
MegaIRCbur[n] er, thanks.07:56
tyloah shoot07:56
FusE[Edgy] skollie, now I have problems, I turned security back on, ifdown'ed, then ifup'ed and it ubuntu crashed. Then I rebooted and now ubuntu wont fully load07:56
NickGarveytylo: you could try asking in here, although the man page would probably be your best bet07:56
purplestarNickGarve do i need that for real-player07:56
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tyloI need to install wput, but im afraid of busting the box07:56
tyloim a newbie at this07:56
NickGarveypurplestar: I got you mixed up with someone else!07:56
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bur[n] erFusE[Edgy] , sure you got completely upgraded?  sounds like not everything was downloaded... can you boot an older kernel to get online again?07:57
skollieFusE[Edgy] : did you change anything else?07:57
NickGarveytylo: "sudo apt-get install wput" should do it, assuming you have the universe repository07:57
mneptoktylo: open a terminal. sudo apt-get install wput07:57
NickGarveymneptok: to slow07:57
NickGarvey!real > purplestar07:57
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FusE[Edgy] no thats all I changed. yes i completely upgraded. I just booted into recovery mode >.<07:57
=== bur[n] er can't wait till apt:// links are a reality
tyloin my /home folder?07:57
jayproheh...is this a competition?07:57
NickGarveytylo: doesn't matter where07:57
NickGarveyjaypro: always07:57
ZieenI keep locking up.  Is there a log file I should be looking at to find out why?07:57
bur[n] ertylo, you open a terminal and type that in07:57
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FusE[Edgy] crap07:58
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gsevilmy graphic is Intel GMA, gxine crash when I use beryl07:58
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NickGarveygsevil: #ubuntu-effects07:58
FusE[Edgy] while booting into recovery mode, it says "Kernel panic - failed ...."07:58
purplestarNickGarve yes i need to install realplayer07:58
skollieFusE[Edgy] : strange - not sure what happened there...07:58
FusE[Edgy] while booting into recovery mode, it says "Kernel panic - failed ...."07:58
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NickGarveypurplestar: read the links ubotu sent you07:58
Newbie_DudeDo any of you use 7ZIP, or is the basic compression software bundled with Ubuntu sufficient for compression and decompression?07:58
FusE[Edgy] should I try booting to a old version07:58
NickGarveyFusE[Edgy] : that is a very bad thing07:58
skollieFusE[Edgy] : yes, if you can07:58
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NickGarveyNewbie_Dude: I find "tar" does the job for just about everything, unrar for rar files, and unzip for zip files07:58
=== bur[n] er likes 7zip in addition to basic .zip capabilities
jayproNickGarvey> okay.  solve this one.  how do you enable internet sharing without using firestarter?07:58
purplestarNickGarve ok07:59
mneptokNewbie_Dude: i like tar + bzip207:59
NickGarveyjaypro: firestarter wouldn't be used to enable it, it would be used to block it ;)07:59
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bur[n] erjaypro, hacking .conf files07:59
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bur[n] erNickGarvey, liar, firestarter is a good way to enable it07:59
Newbie_Dudemneptok, NickGarvey, bur[n] er -- OK, I'll try "tar" :)07:59
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NickGarveybur[n] er: lemme check07:59
tyloNickGarvey: if you are into comic books at all, and ever need a comic, let me know07:59
bur[n] erNewbie_Dude, no matter what you use, file-roller can do them all07:59
FusE[Edgy] skollie, booting to an old version works07:59
jayproNickGarvey> what? 1st person out of 3 that said to not use firestarter07:59
thunderboltNewbie_Dude: It's a command line utility, FYI.07:59
tylothat's about all i can offer by way of thanks07:59
jayprobur[n] er> wheres that config?07:59
Newbie_Dudethunderbolt: (;@_@)08:00
NickGarveyjaypro: uhm..08:00
mneptokNewbie_Dude: tar does not compress. it only creates single files from multiple files/directories08:00
bur[n] erjaypro, just use firestarter08:00
skollieFusE[Edgy] : bootloader messed up, it seems.08:00
thunderboltthunderbolt: tar is, ark is the GUI that comes with ubuntu, it uses tar behind the scenes.08:00
NickGarveyyour call08:00
jayprobur[n] er> thats the problem... i cant seem to enable firestarter08:00
NickGarveyjaypro: wait, "internet sharing"08:00
thunderbolter, Newbie_Dude: tar is command line, ark comes with Ubuntu and uses tar, gzip, zip, bz2 behind the scenes.08:00
bur[n] erthunderbolt, ark is kubuntu and kde centric... fileroller is ubuntu adn gnome centric08:00
=== Existz [n=Exist@cpe-76-169-169-27.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyjaypro: as in.. nfs like? or like sharing the actual connection?08:01
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?08:01
Existzsame problem08:01
jayprobur[n] er> i mean, i can run the program, but i cant start the firewall08:01
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Existzdidn't fix anything at all08:01
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MegaIRCIf I switch out my Matrox Millenium 450 and put in an ATI Radeon 9300, will ubuntu automatically detect it and integrate finely with it?08:01
NickGarveyjaypro: if you want NAT, firestarter would be the way to go heh08:01
thunderboltbur[n] er: Thanks, my brain melted a little bit, been using KDE too much ;-)08:01
dissectionHello, I have the trash icon on the tasbkar but not on the desktop. How can I bring it onto the desktop?08:01
ExistzI did exactly as you said08:01
FusE[Edgy] err skollie, actually I booted to edgy, it seems the top entry and the one below it are edgy, but the top one doesnt work08:01
FusE[Edgy] what do i do08:01
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mneptokNewbie_Dude: right-click any file/folder you want to compress, and select "Create Archive." create a .tar.bz2 that way08:01
bur[n] erExistz, try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" instead, though I swear -new is what you want08:01
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skollieFusE[Edgy] : did you boot into edgy?08:02
jayproNickGarvey> i have 2 cards, a wireless and regular... i connect to the internet thru the wireless card, and i want to have a windows machine connected thru my ubuntu box08:02
Newbie_Dudemneptok : thanks, I'll just stick with the basic Ubuntu program then (archive creater or whatever it's called)08:02
FusE[Edgy] skollie, booting to 2.6.15-28-386 works08:02
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tyloone other question about wput: is it located in /bin/sh/home/users/USERNAME/wput?08:02
FusE[Edgy] and when I booted to it, it said edgy08:02
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NickGarveyjaypro: ah, like a cross over?08:02
mneptokNewbie_Dude: right-clicking *is* the basic. try it. :)08:02
skollieFusE[Edgy] : so make that your default boot08:02
FusE[Edgy] but when I booted into 2.6.17-11-386, it failed to boot08:02
ExistzI did new08:02
tofaffyWhen is a new version of ubunt uspposed to be released as stable?08:02
Existzbut ok08:02
jayproNickGarvey> i dont know what that is08:02
Existzwe'll try that08:02
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FusE[Edgy] my default boot is windows08:02
NickGarveyjaypro: well you will need one if you want to share network with windows through a single cable08:02
bur[n] ertofaffy, 7.10 is to be released in october of 200708:02
NickGarveyjaypro: cross over is for pc to pc networking, your standard cat5 is for router/modem to pc networking08:03
premier_Hi, X started crashing when I try to log in... this started rather suddenly, it worked well before.  I bring up kdm, and then log in, and the screen flashes (an X crash) and then I get kdm again... so I reconfigured to make gdm the default, and I could only login to a root session... so here I am... what the *** do I try to do?08:03
skollieFusE[Edgy] : default ubuntu08:03
Existzk brb08:03
Frogzootofaffy: 10/200708:03
Guest6666first time X Chat in Ubuntu :)08:03
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bur[n] erFusE[Edgy] , i'm tellin ya, just get feisty ;)  you'll be so much happier than with edgy08:03
NickGarveypremier_: I would do the following08:03
mneptokpremier_: /join #kubuntu08:03
purplestarNickGarve the links that you sent me dos not talk about how i can install realplayer please advice.08:03
FusE[Edgy] burner, im geting feisty, but I have to get network working first08:03
skollieFusE[Edgy] :  bur[n] er is correct08:03
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jayproNickGarvey> need one what?  it goes modem, wireless router, ubuntu box with 2 ethernet cards, then windows box...08:03
NickGarveypremier_: mv ~/.gnome2 ~/.gnome2bak && mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconfbak08:03
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ScoutWhen I try and use ./configure on my files I get "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"08:03
tofaffygah....soooooo long....I'm hoping a new version will fix my mouse. I'm doing something,a mdy mouse freezes, the only thign that will xi ti is so restart the pc. if I try and do CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE all I get is a frozen comptuer. Unplug and plug back up does ablsolutely nothing. I try and modprobe my usbhid and it still does nothing. I've tried somany solutions with none fixing it yet.08:04
MegaIRCFellows: Should I install Kubuntu, or just get KDE on my current Ubuntu?08:04
skollieFusE[Edgy] : when you get your connection working, do an oline upgrade to feisty08:04
DisabledDucki have a certain website that i have to go to for my job that requires internet explorer to go to, is there anything that emulates internet explorer that i can use?08:04
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bur[n] erMegaIRC, just get kde on your current :)08:04
FusE[Edgy] skollie, thats what Im trying to do08:04
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Existzfuck yeah!08:04
MegaIRCbur[n] er, thanks08:04
NickGarveypurplestar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods08:04
Existzit worked08:04
premier_NickGarvey: I doubt that would fix it since I can't run any window manager, even something like IceWM08:04
Existzthat finally worked08:04
NickGarvey!ohmy | Existz08:04
ubotuExistz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:04
FusE[Edgy] only thing I can do is disable security then upgrade, but that is very unsafe08:04
Existzwait a min08:04
bur[n] erExistz, don't be lame!08:04
gsevilnobody at #ubuntu-effect08:04
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NickGarveypremier_: oh? nothing?08:04
jayproNickGarvey> crossover is a program?08:04
tyloone other question about wput: is it located in /bin/sh/home/users/USERNAME/wput?08:04
skollieFusE[Edgy] : so let's see about your wireless08:04
Existzno nvidia logo08:04
NickGarveyjaypro: it is a cable08:04
tylosorry about the repeat08:04
Existzno nvidia logo showed up08:04
bur[n] erExistz, i really want to help you, but you're sucking a whole lot08:05
mneptokDisabledDuck: Opera can spoof as IE. so can Konqueror.08:05
FusE[Edgy] see what08:05
jayproNickGarvey> oh the cable... yeah i have the cat5 cable hooked up08:05
Existzman, i've done all i've could08:05
skollieif it works...08:05
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gsevilgxine crash when I use beryl, does anyone know how to fix08:05
premier_NickGarvey: no, nothing08:05
NickGarveyjaypro: is it a cross over though? it won't work otherwise08:05
tofaffydoes anyone have any ideas on how to fix my mosue problem?08:05
FusE[Edgy] it doesnt atm, with security on08:05
jayproNickGarvey> i just have trouble getting internet to the windows pc08:05
NickGarveypremier_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:05
ScoutWhen I try and use ./configure on my files I get "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" what do I do?08:05
bur[n] erExistz, i don't mean that you didn't get it to work, i mean the one word chats and the swearing08:05
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skollieFusE[Edgy] : security problems with wireless is usually on the client side, so double-check08:05
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NickGarveyScout: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:05
Existzwhat you got against swearing?08:05
=== ThanatosDrive [n=Thanatos@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScoutNickGarvey: Thanks.08:06
Existzit didn't work08:06
bur[n] erExistz, even though you don't have the nvidia logo does not mean it didn't work... did you change the Driver to "nvidia"08:06
NickGarveyExistz: read the code of conduct08:06
Existzyes I did08:06
bur[n] erExistz, open a term, type "glxinfo |grep direct"08:06
ExistzI just ran glxinfo | grep -i opengl08:06
NickGarveyExistz: this channel, and all channels that are offical ubuntu channels follow the CoC08:06
jayproNickGarvey> you lost me as to what it is exactly.  i have a cat5 cable that links the ubuntu and windows pc08:06
Existzlet me try08:06
atdt_I've just installed the glx legacy drivers for this laptop with a Geforce 2 Go and I can't remember how to edit xorg.conf right08:06
NickGarveyjaypro: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FCrossover_cable&ei=8GeYRrLyE4ygec6y2KgK&usg=AFQjCNFLQxyB7HZP30aKiZrGcZUWK49jcA&sig2=wD9r3zmMh9a8aQIWdHdacg08:06
NickGarveyjaypro: sorry08:06
atdt_I've been  using windows for too long08:06
NickGarveyjaypro: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossover_cable08:06
bur[n] erjaypro, you need a cat 5 crossover if no switch or router in between08:06
Existzsays GLX missing on display 008:07
h4ngedm4nExistz: use glxinfo to see if the hardware acceleration is on instead of looking for  a log08:07
bur[n] eratdt_, just change the Driver "nv" line to Driver "nvidia" and save it08:07
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Existzcouldn't find RGB GLX visual08:07
Existzthat's what it's giving me08:07
h4ngedm4nbleh sorry I see bur[n] er already said that08:07
bur[n] erExistz, edit your xorg.conf to really say "nvidia" instead of nv, you obviously didn't08:07
NickGarvey"glxinfo | grep dir" is usually better actually08:07
ExistzI swear I did08:07
Existzgrips and grips of times08:08
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bur[n] ercheck again ;)08:08
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tofaffyMy mouse, randomly freezes during me being logged it. Then only thing that will fix it is restarting my comptuer. If I try and restart X all I get is a frozen computer. I have treid unpluggina nd pluggingmy mouse bakc in, still no luck. I'm using a USB Logitech Marble Mouse. Does anyone ahve any idea how to fix my mosue problem?08:08
h4ngedm4nodd, i didnt have to edit anything, I just checked "restricted drivers" and it worked08:08
tofaffyand sorry for bad typing :)08:08
bur[n] erExistz, if you did, it would either work, or give you no X at all08:08
ThanatosDriveIs it possible to get Flash on Ubuntu?08:08
FusE[Edgy] oh yay its working now skollie08:08
FusE[Edgy] thanks08:08
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Existzthere's multiple .conf's08:08
Zieenchatzilla... interesting little bugger08:08
Existzcould those be affecting it?08:08
FusE[Edgy] I retyped the key >.<08:08
skollieFusE[Edgy] : np08:08
FusE[Edgy] thanks08:08
NickGarvey!flash > ThanatosDrive08:08
bur[n] er!flash | ThanatosDrive08:08
ubotuThanatosDrive: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:08
FusE[Edgy] ima upgrade to feisty08:08
NickGarvey<- faster08:08
atdt_there is no nv line08:08
=== ThanatosDrive [n=Thanatos@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
atdt_it already says nvidia08:08
Silvertofaffy: sounds like u need a new mouse bro... its dieing08:08
NickGarveyatdt_: and it works?08:09
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dissectionHello, I have the trash icon on the tasbkar but not on the desktop. How can I bring it onto the desktop?08:09
NickGarveyatdt_: X works?08:09
Zieenberyl or compix?08:09
atdt_no, it does not08:09
tofaffySilver, i've tried it on two different mouses, one a brand new mouse.08:09
tegowhat is better dillo or firefox and why?08:09
tyloNickGarvey: Sorry to ask again, but do you know where WPUT is installed: ie, /bin/wput08:09
atdt_doesn't even start KDE login08:09
tyloor something like that08:09
skollieFusE[Edgy] : good luck with Feisty. Don't forget to change your nick <smile>08:09
towliebanis 5GB enough for a basic install of feisty08:09
atdt_tego: for most people, firefox08:09
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NickGarveytylo: type "which wput"08:09
tofaffyI have noticed that every time it dies I check my /var/log/messages...and it says somethign abotu the gconf server not being needed and shutting down right at the time my mouse dies.08:09
jayproNickGarvey> bur[n] er> http://mikelin.ca/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/ethernet-crossover-cable.gif looks like a regular cat5 cable.  if you want to call it crossover, thats what i have =P08:09
bur[n] ertego, firefox is cooler, but dillo is fast on low spec machines08:09
FusE[Edgy] lol I wont08:09
FusE[Edgy] im on a dummy computer08:09
thunderboltI thought dillo was dead?08:09
NickGarveyjaypro: did you read the wikipedia article? they are not the same thing08:09
atdt_becuase using dillo for web browsing is like using a compaq 386 for watching movies08:10
NickGarveyatdt_: amen to that08:10
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bur[n] erjaypro, they are different... one will work, one will not08:10
Existzok brb08:10
NickGarveybur[n] er: well put ;)08:10
=== LukeEkblad [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
NanoerIs ubuntu an attended installation?08:10
bullgard4towlieban: Yes, but my Feisty is now 8 GB already.08:10
NickGarveyNanoer: yes08:10
atdt_ok, it said something about "No device instance for (PCI bus address was here) in xorg.conf08:10
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atdt_or something like that08:10
NanoerHow often?08:10
tofaffySilver, did you see what I said?08:10
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tofaffyI just can't stand thismouse dying at random times...sometimes it's lasted up to an hour...sometimes it dies right after login.08:11
NanoerAfter the beginning part of selecting partitions when do you next have to come back?08:11
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Zieendo i have to edit xorg.conf to get a resolution higher than 1024x768 and a depth greater than 24-bit?08:11
jayprobur[n] er> NickGarvey> ahhhhh interesting.... i had no idea i needed another type of cable08:11
NickGarveyNanoer: hm.. after it has copied all the files I assume08:11
skollietofaffy: maybe get a new mouse?08:11
atdt_can somebody help me08:11
tofaffyI've tried on two different mouses.08:11
atdt_I need a gui08:11
Silvertofaffy: did u try to unplug it and plug it back in? sometimes that works. maybe try reinstalling the drivers or use different drivers. if its a problem with the gconfig server i really dont know.08:11
tofaffyI have no ps/2 port so...yeah...and yes I tried doing that too.08:11
NanoerAh okay So I can leave it overnight and it'll just take a few minutes in the morning?08:11
NickGarveyatdt_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:11
bur[n] erjaypro, or a switch or router in between them08:11
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NickGarveyNanoer: more or less08:12
LukeEkbladHello, I need some help, I want to download wine on my ubuntu computer.  I was wondering how to make it so when I install it, ubuntu stays and I can use both wine and ubuntu.  Thanks.08:12
Nanoerokay thanks08:12
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atdt_NickGarvey , thanl you08:12
ascZieen: 32 bit == 24 bit. For resolution though, you can use what NickGarvey just said to reconfigure.08:12
ScoutNow I get: The msgfmt command is required to build libpurple.  If it is installed08:12
Scouton your system, ensure that it is in your path.  If it is not, install08:12
ScoutGNU gettext to continu.08:12
bur[n] eratdt_, might I suggest irssi over bitchx :)08:12
jayprobur[n] er> NickGarvey> but how come it works when i tied up to laptops with a regular cat5 cable08:12
ScoutWhat do I do? =D08:12
tofaffyLukeEkblad, you run wine IN ubuntu...08:12
NickGarveyjaypro: I doubt it did?08:12
atdt_LukeEkblad, wine is a linux program, not an OS08:12
kr00lplatinumCan someone help me with my audio?08:12
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h4ngedm4nyeah irssi is pretty good, xchat is also easy to use08:12
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atdt_when you install wine, it acts as part of Ubuntu08:12
bur[n] erjaypro, cause you had a crossover then?  or a router/switch in between :)08:12
LukeEkbladatdt_:  what???08:12
skolliekr00lplatinum: what's wrong?08:12
jayproNickGarvey> oh hrmm....weird08:12
bur[n] erScout, you need libpurple :)08:13
atdt_LukeEkblad, wine just makes it so ubunty can use windows programs08:13
Brent_Hello everyone08:13
LukeEkbladatdt_:  wow, cool, so its just a program?08:13
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NickGarvey!wine | LukeEkblad08:13
ubotuLukeEkblad: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:13
jayprobur[n] er> <NickGarvey> cool fellas!  thanks!08:13
bur[n] erScout, did you get pidgin .deb and pidgin-data .deb?08:13
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towliebanhow much swap space should i set up if i have 2GB of ram ?08:13
NickGarvey"Why think when you can link?" -- my motto08:13
purplestarNickGarve thanks08:13
LukeEkbladatdt_:  how big is it?08:13
NickGarveytowlieban: probably ~1-2G08:13
bur[n] erScout, both are here:  http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=104508:13
h4ngedm4nswap space depends on your application08:13
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Existzburner here's what is says08:14
h4ngedm4nthis double your ram rule is plain silly an obsolete08:14
kr00lplatinumskollie: i have 2 audio cars an onboard Nvida and a Creative. I want to get the Nvidia to work every time i log on but i'm not sure how to do that. I've selected Nvida and restarted the pc. Sometimes it will come on and i can hear audio most of the time i can't. Any suggestions?08:14
NickGarveytowlieban: there is no "right" answer to that08:14
tritiumtowlieban: go with 2 (the max) so you can suspend08:14
Brent_I have Ubuntu installed on an external HD, and Grub installed on my internal laptop drive(since it wouldn't work anywhere else). But when my external drive isn't attached, I get an error 21 in Grub. Is there any way to still boot to Windows when the drive isn't there?08:14
Zieeni just finally got my video drivers working... is that xserver-xorg reconf going to create new problems?08:14
andre357how do you run "install-sh" files in the terminal?08:14
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bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?08:14
mohammedwhy openoffice won't start when I enable the propriety driver for my ATI Radeon 9600 card ?08:14
LukeEkbladatdt_:   Is there any risk in installing it?08:14
atdt_LukeEkblad, some kilobytes08:14
atdt_it should work automagically08:14
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NickGarveyBrent_: chances are, grub is looking for config files on the external hard drive, you will need to reconfigure the boot loader08:14
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Existzapi mismatch: the nvidia driver components has the version 1.0-9755 but this x module has version 1.0-9631. pleasure make sure that the kernel module and all nvidia driver components have the same version.08:14
LukeEkbladatdt_:  not even a megabyte?08:14
skolliekr00lplatinum: not sure. no experience with Nvidia cards. Have you checked your mixer settings?08:15
Silvertofaffy: this might help you if you havnt read it already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8476208:15
NickGarveyBrent_: the way I did that, was I installed grub to the external HD, not the MBR, and then told the computer to boot from the external when it was plugged in08:15
Brent_I'm still new to this. I've been troubleshooting it for the last 48 hours, and finally got it to work. But I don't know how to reconfigure what I need08:15
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asctowlieban: Probably you don't need any unless you want to suspend. But 256 MB is probably a good idea, just to be safe.08:15
Brent_I already tried that, but then Grub wouldn't work08:15
Existzburner you still there?08:15
NickGarveyBrent_: step one would be to boot your windows recovery cd and run "fixmbr"08:15
atdt_I forget, sincfe this is a laptop should I enable the framebuffer interface or not08:15
bur[n] erExistz, awww... you need to reconfigure the kernel headers... one sec08:15
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kr00lplatinumskollie: yes it's selected, the nvidia but no audio08:15
kidbuntuwhere can i get the previous old version of frostwire. its much more stable08:15
tofaffycrap...brb, just froze up, Silver when i get back pleease give me the link again.08:16
atdt_kidbuntu: download it with Frostwire08:16
skolliekr00lplatinum: outputs and volumes ok?08:16
Brent_Yeah, I've had to do that a couple times already, but how can I go back and put Grub on my external drive again so it works? When it was there before, no OS would load08:16
Scout"You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build."08:16
ScoutWhere do I get that?08:16
kr00lplatinumskollie: yeah08:16
Silvertofaffy: ok bro08:16
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NickGarveyScout: "apt-cache search glib dev" should show you what you need08:16
atdt_With a laptop, do I enable the framebuffer interface or not08:16
skolliekr00lplatinum: you need someone with Nvidia to help- sorry08:16
dissectionHello. I have a problem. I sent a folder to the trash and when I try to delete it from there, it says that I don't have permissions to modify its parent folder. What do I need to do to get rid of those file?08:16
NickGarvey!info linux-libc-dev08:16
ubotulinux-libc-dev: Linux Kernel Headers for development. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.20-16.29 (feisty), package size 651 kB, installed size 3784 kB08:16
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bur[n] erExistz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kernel-headers-$(uname -r)08:17
NickGarveyScout: that one08:17
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ascBrent_: The problem is probably that GRUB loads its' configuration file from the Ubuntu drive.08:17
kr00lplatinumAnyone know NVIDIA AUDIO?08:17
atdt_dissection: move the folder back, open a terminal window, "sudo rm -rf folder" where folder is the name of the folder08:17
dropetyExistz: try switching to a tarminal, stoppoing gdm, rmmod nvidia and modprobe nvidia again, then starting gdm again08:17
Brent_Can I move the config files without changing anything else?08:17
=== bur[n] er can't wait for displayconfig-gtk in gutsy
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ThanatosDriveHow come when I hover over a favicon in FireFox, it produces this mess of black?08:17
andre357I am new to linux and I need help installing a program.  There is a "install-sh" file but I cant seem to make it work.  Can someone please help?08:17
bur[n] erExistz, listen to dropety, that sounds more right on ;)08:17
NickGarveyandre357: sure, what program?08:17
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atdt_ThanatosDrive, your favicons have gangrene08:17
dissectionatdt_: Okay, that makes sense :)08:17
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Existzhmm says not installed burner08:18
ThanatosDriveatdt_: Do you have an actual answer?08:18
dropetyExistz: well, appart from my typos08:18
atdt_not really08:18
ThanatosDriveDoes anyone know?08:18
bur[n] erExistz, yeah, just rmmod nvidia and modprobe it like dropety was saying08:18
Existztried to apt-get it and didn't find any08:18
NickGarveyExistz: you just want a cd burner?08:18
bur[n] erExistz, i was wrong about the kernel headers08:19
NickGarvey!info gnomebaker08:19
ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 995 kB, installed size 2972 kB08:19
bur[n] erNickGarvey, where the hell did that come from?08:19
ExistzI just want a cd burner?08:19
Brent_If I use fixmbr to remove Grub, can I then install grub on my external drive again by itself? Last time(well, actually, all FOUR times!) that didn't work08:19
andre357NickGarvey: the program is tile 0.7.8. I need it make one of my plugins for amsn to work08:19
NickGarveybur[n] er: <Existz> hmm says not installed burner08:19
Existzaight let me try that08:19
dissectionOkay, one more thing. When I add Linux DC++ to the menu using alacarte, it doesn't run. Why is that? My friend did the same thing on his computer and it works fine.08:19
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bur[n] erExistz, logout of X, sudo rmmod nvidia, sudo modprobe nvidia, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:19
ExistzI was refering to you08:19
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bur[n] erNickGarvey, he was talkingt o me ;)08:19
ascBrent_: I actually have no idea. Is formatting the internal drive an option?08:19
Existzyeah i'll try that08:20
Brent_Not really. Not enough space on it to put much08:20
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NickGarveybur[n] er: oooooh08:20
Existzgotta go back into .conf and change it to nvidia again08:20
Brent_Otherwise, i would08:20
NickGarveybur[n] er: ahah lets not talk about that08:20
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bur[n] erExistz, also, #ubuntu-effects is a good channel regardign video cards and cool stuff08:20
tofaffywhat was that link you gave me, Silver ?08:20
atdt_ok, init 6 time08:20
Silvertofaffy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8476208:20
atdt_who else restarts and shuts down with init08:20
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NickGarveyandre357: hm, let me look into this a bit more08:21
NickGarveyandre357: and have you tried gaim/pidgin?08:21
=== bur[n] er shuts down and restarts with "sudo shutdown now" and "sudo reboot"
TheNo1Yetire.........start?  Like the server?   What is that?08:21
Justi1WHy is there no shutdown option available when I click the power button thing?08:21
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ThanatosDriveDoes anyone know what version of pidgin I should get?08:21
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FusEeh, ever since I upgraded, my flash player died08:21
bur[n] erJusti1, because you're not an "administrator" and don't haev sudo power08:21
andre357NickGarvey: yeah and it doesn't have webcam support like amsn08:22
dissectionIs there anyone here who uses Linux DC++?08:22
Justi1bur[n] er: but I am the only user on my computer08:22
dhammaanyone know how to 'paint' a quickmask back on using gimp?  i erased too much08:22
bur[n] erFusE, feisty?  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:22
ascBrent_: Hm. It is *possible* to put the /boot directory on one partition and the rest of the OS on another (say, on the external drive). GRUB doesn't need much space (maybe, 64 MB to be safe), but it's probably not a process I could walk you through.08:22
NickGarveyandre357: there is a repository you might be able to use.. it is 3rd party but it is mentioned in the wiki article for compiz fusion08:22
FusEcurrently on edgy08:22
ThanatosDriveJusti1: Yeah but for what? Windows/Fedora Core/CentPS/RHEL/or get the source?08:22
FusEinstalling feisty right now08:22
bur[n] erJusti1, wow, you hosed it then :\  can you run sudo as your user?08:22
NickGarveyBrent_: I could.. but I would say.. installing grub to the external is so much easier..08:22
Brent_I don't know. I'm still new to this all.08:22
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Justi1it worked until I installed xgl?08:23
NickGarvey"easier" and "easy" are very different though :)08:23
bur[n] erFusE, flash is easy with feisty08:23
Brent_I can TRY putting it on the external again, but I've not been able to get that to work yet. I get errors08:23
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bur[n] erJusti1, aww, i have no idea... #ubuntu-effects maybe?08:23
atdt_damnit, nVidia08:23
FusEburner, thats great08:23
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FusEI just need to install it08:23
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NickGarveyandre357: 3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/08:23
FusE1 more hour to go08:23
ExistzBurner, same problem as mentioned08:23
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Existzit did nothing at all08:23
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atdt_you don't have to gloat about us being forced to use your driver with a huge fucking splash screen08:24
Existzwhen I typed rmmod said there was no module08:24
ThanatosDriveAnybody? How do I get a chat manager for Ubuntu...08:24
NickGarveyandre357: but, to install it, you should be able to cd into the directory, and run "sudo ./install-sh"08:24
NickGarvey!ohmy | atdt_08:24
ubotuatdt_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:24
bur[n] erExistz, how bout the modprobe?  did it load the module/08:24
bur[n] erExistz, reboot? :)08:24
ExistzI did reboot08:24
ExistzI killed xserver08:24
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skollieThanatosDrive: chat manager?08:24
bur[n] erkilling x server != reboot08:24
dhammaany gimp gurus, please pm me08:24
Existzwhen I typed modprobe nvidia it just went back to command prompt08:24
dropetyExistz: reboot shouldn't be needed. Did you sudo the rmmod?08:24
ascBrent_: Hum. I wonder why it won't boot from the external drive.08:24
atdt_ubotu, sorry (just trying not to hurt the bot08:24
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atdt_s fee;oimg08:24
bur[n] erExistz, lsmod |grep nvidia08:25
ThanatosDriveSorry can you repeat that?08:25
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bur[n] erit loaded?08:25
ThanatosDriveWhoever just talked to me about the chat manager.08:25
skollieThanatosDrive: what do you mean 'chat manager'?08:25
Existzcommand not found08:25
Brent_I don't know. It's possible that it just wasn't installed right. But I'm not really sure. Whenever I tried to load Ubuntu that way, I got an error 22, and with Windows, I got the NTLDR is Missing error08:25
ThanatosDriveOh; AIM/IRC/ICQ/MSN/etc.08:25
bur[n] erThanatosDrive, gaim comes with it08:25
Brent_Can I go back and install Grub without going through the entire install process again?08:25
bur[n] erThanatosDrive, applications -> internet -> gaim08:25
skollieThanatosDrive: use gaim or pidgin08:25
NickGarveyBrent_: yes, you need to reinstall a boot loader, and yes you can08:26
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ThanatosDriveAh. Thanks!08:26
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Brent_How do I do that then? I've only done it through the Ubuntu install so far08:26
bur[n] er!grub | brent08:26
ubotubrent: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:26
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NickGarveyBrent_: have the live ubuntu cd?08:26
Brent_By the way, I GREATLY appreciate the help. I'm a newbie, and most help sites just are all greek to me08:26
Darkyni cant boot in normal mode i can only boot in recovery08:26
Brent_Yes, I do08:26
Existzthe problem seems to be with the x module08:26
NickGarveyBrent_: boot it08:26
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Existzany idea how to fix that?08:26
Darkynthis sucks08:26
bur[n] erExistz, is the nvidia kernel module loaded?08:27
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bur[n] erlsmod  that's an "L" at the front08:27
Brent_I don't know where to install it though from there(please don't shoot me, I know it might sound stupid!) without installing the OS again08:27
andre357NickGarvey: I did the command you mentioned and it said "no input file specified"08:27
NickGarveyBrent_: yup, I know, I'm just saying one step at a time so your (any my) brain doesn't explode08:27
bur[n] erBrent_, you're cool man, ubuntu is a friendly community :)08:27
NanoerIs there pidgin for Ubuntu?08:27
Brent_Oh, ok! Just making sure08:28
bur[n] erNanoer, getdeb.net08:28
NickGarveyandre357: that wasn't a command, that was a url :)08:28
Nanoerk thanks08:28
Darkyni have been messing with ubuntu for so long and still cant get it to boot in normal mode08:28
skollieDarkyn: other than recovery, do you have another boot option?08:28
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Brent_So yes, I do have the disk, and I can boot from it. Next step!08:28
PurpZeYNanoer: getdeb.net or pidgin.im08:28
Darkynyes i do08:28
skollieDarkyn: try one of them08:28
Existzyes it is an L08:28
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bur[n] erlsmod is there, i swear08:29
NickGarveyBrent_: what is your hard drive called? and what do you want to do exactly?08:29
Darkynit boots and you see the little wait wheel then.. it loses the screen08:29
andre357NickGarvey: sudo ./install-sh?08:29
skollieDarkyn: on all of them?08:29
NickGarveyandre357: ah08:29
ExistzHow would I find out if the nvidia kernel mod is loaded? seems like it's loaded though08:29
Existzaccording the message the problem is the x module08:29
Brent_What do you mean "what is your hard drive called"? Are you talking Linux names? Or Grub name?08:29
FlannelExistz: lsmod08:29
Darkynyep except the recovery08:29
bur[n] erExistz, you run "lsmod" which lists all your loaded kernel modules, look for "nvidia"08:29
Brent_And I want to boot to Windows when no drive is attached. And boot to Ubuntu when the drive IS attached08:29
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dropetyExistz: "find / -name lsmod | grep bin"08:30
NickGarveyBrent_: /dev/hda or /dev/sda or /dev/sdb or such08:30
NickGarveyandre357: you typed it just like that?08:30
skollieDarkyn: seems like a display problem then. Have you changed your X config file before the problem?08:30
PurpZeYBrent_: Why not just dual boot it if you have two hds?08:30
Darkynit has something to do with the video driver... it took me forever just to get the right resolution08:30
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ascBrent_: Error 22 is "no such partition". It probably means that  there's something wrong with the configuration file.08:30
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Brent_The drive that it's on right now is /dev/sda and I want it to be on /dev/sdb08:30
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Existzmodule nvidia size 6837140 used by 008:30
bur[n] erBrent_, i'm with PurpZeY, it's easier to keep them both installed08:30
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Nanoergetdeb doesn't have it and pidgin.im doesn't have an ubuntu one08:30
skollieDarkyn: do you have a backed up version of xorg.conf08:31
Brent_I don't want to uninstall them. But I don't always want to have to attach my external drive to run windows08:31
bur[n] erNanoer, getdeb.net does have it.  http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=104508:31
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ascbur[n] er, PurpZeY: He has Ubuntu on a USB drive. It won't always be attached.08:31
PurpZeYNanoer: pidgin.im just get the linux version...you'll have to compile it. it's rather easy.08:31
andre357NickGarvey: yup copy and paste08:31
NanoerHow do I compile it?08:31
bur[n] erasc, PurpZeY, Brent_; oh... didn't realize USB, i'll sit quiet :)08:31
Brent_So I can't get Grub to run without an error unless my external drive is attached. It won't let me into Windows. I am using the Super Grub Disk to get into Windows right now08:31
Darkyni do but everytime i have tryed using it when the system failed alll together... it didnt work08:31
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Brent_It's cool! There is a lot to read(and easily miss) here08:32
NickGarveyBrent_: ok, so lets install grub on the external hard drive08:32
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bur[n] erPurpZeY, compiling is so hard for newbies!!!08:32
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PurpZeYNanoer: The instructions are in the compressed file. Three commands, you might need an extra package or two,,,08:32
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Darkyni would use the backup and it would still not boot altogether08:32
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Brent_Ok, one second. I'll have to write anything down since I'm in Windows right now08:32
Nanoerokay so just get the source?08:32
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NickGarveyBrent_: then, when you boot your computer, have the bios check for the external hard drive, and load the boot loader off it when you find it08:32
NickGarveyBrent_: that sound good?08:32
Darkynit sucks08:32
PurpZeYbur[n] er: I did it...it's not so bad...Now I know how to do it...I'm not looking to force anyone, but I think it's ok.08:32
bur[n] erNanoer, dude, don't you see the debs on getdeb?  i directly linked you to the pidgin page on getdeb.  http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=104508:32
Existzcompiling's pretty easy, just takes work and a bit of time08:33
NanoerYea but when I searched nothing came up I still wanted to know about compiling08:33
levanderIn the latest security upgrade, I'm having to download like every single openoffice and related package, I'm even having to download python-uno for an update.  How could what is most likely one change affect so many packages?08:33
ExistzI should say it's easy, it's moderate08:33
Brent_That's what I want to happen, yes. I just need to be able to install it onto the external drive, but I don't know how yet(I'm thinking that you know how though!)08:33
NickGarveylevander: read the change logs?08:33
dropetyExistz: try the sudo rmmod and the lsmod again to see if it is removed. Don't forget to shut down the gdm though. After that sudo modprobe nvidia08:33
levanderNickGarvey: how do I do that?08:33
NickGarveyExistz: okie, lets try it08:33
skollieDarkyn: you need to edit your xorg.conf to get the display settings right it seems08:33
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PurpZeYNanoer: If you want to compile, it shouldn't be too hard, I can help a bit...if not just get it from the link that bur[n] er provided..your call really.08:33
Flannellevander: packags.ubuntu.com has the changelogs at the bottom08:33
NickGarveylevander: I believe the update manager has them when you select them for upgrade08:34
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Existzaight, what's the shutdown command for gdm again?08:34
NickGarveylevander: his way is better though08:34
NickGarveyExistz: /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:34
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Existz /etc/init.d/kdm stop?08:34
NanoerI just want to know which I need to download to compile it. The source right?08:34
Darkyndo you know how many times i had to reinstall ubuntu because i changed it08:34
Existzcause i'm using       kde08:34
PurpZeYNanoer: Yes,08:34
NickGarveyBrent_: ok so the command would be..08:34
Darkynand then couldnt change it back08:34
NanoerOkay thanks08:34
bur[n] erNanoer, if you install from source, it's not easy to uninstall :\08:34
Mr_Sonomahow do i unlock the lock file for apt-get????08:34
NickGarveyBrent_: well.. first mount your ubuntu partition08:34
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Darkyni changed it back but it wouldnt work08:34
bur[n] erMr_Sonoma, close synaptic :)08:34
FlannelMr_Sonoma: close your package managers08:34
NanoerI'm never going to uninstall it08:35
skollieDarkyn: always make a backup copy of the working version, just in case08:35
towliebanMr_Sonoma is synaptic manager open ?08:35
Mr_Sonomawhen i run apt-get i get this error, and no synaptic is not running08:35
NickGarveyBrent_: to lets say "/mnt/root"08:35
NanoerSo it doesn't matter if I can't08:35
=== bur[n] er shrugs and always opts for .debs if possible
dropetyExistz: compiling your own is absolutely not needed anymore with the NVIDIA packages provided by nvidia - it is all done for you.08:35
Darkyni always do but when i put the original back it still wont work08:35
bur[n] erto each their own08:35
NickGarveyBrent_: then the command would be "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda", assuming that /dev/sda is your external drive08:35
ShockValueshouldnt a regular user be able to access this directory?   drw-rw-rw-   7 nobody nogroup  176 2007-07-13 17:22 NAS08:35
Darkyni am not being told something08:35
FlannelMr_Sonoma: do you have another apt-get running? or update-manager or anything else?08:35
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=== PurpZeY thinks he should have at least stayed in the channel while he compiled.
=== HHP2K [n=jesse@bas16-toronto12-1088898311.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skollieDarkyn: why do you want to change it when its working?08:36
Mr_Sonomanothing is running08:36
Darkyni cut and pasted this conf file and it still wont boot normally08:36
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Brent_So I would just use /dev/sdb since that is my external?08:36
NickGarveyBrent_: yes08:36
Existzok brb08:36
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NickGarveyBrent_: then use your windows recovery cd to "fixmbr"08:36
Darkynbecause it only boots in recovery08:36
Brent_I can do this straight from the terminal in the live distro?08:36
NickGarveyBrent_: yup08:37
NickGarveyBrent_: after you mount your ubuntu partition to /mnt/root08:37
Brent_I'll probably use the Super Grub Disk to fix my mbr, or is that bad?08:37
ThanatosDriveThis is MUCH better.08:37
levanderNickGarvey: I thought only security fixes went out until a new distribution came out.  These changes don't look like security fixes at all, but bug fixes.08:37
skollieDarkyn: do not cut & paste. Use the full original xorg.conf08:37
Brent_Oh, yeah, I'm not too "smart" on mounting yet08:37
NickGarveylevander: not at all..08:37
ThePioneerHow do I get permissions to a access a wireless ip
levanderNickGarvey: not at all what?08:38
HHP2KHey guys, has anyone ever had the problem where your mouse wheel acts as a back-forward button? How do I fix this?08:38
Darkyni did use the full original conf08:38
ThanatosDriveIs it possible for gaim to highlight my login name?08:38
NickGarveylevander: of course you would get bug upgrades too08:38
Brent_Is it easy to mount a drive?08:38
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NickGarveyBrent_: very08:38
TheNo1YetiHHP2K: Mine only does that when I hold it down and scroll.08:38
skollieDarkyn: the one that was there after your installation?08:38
NickGarveyBrent_: might be able to do it from the GUI even08:38
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Brent_Ok, I just want to get all the info I need before logging out, since it's on this system08:38
Darkynit never has booted normally08:39
levanderNickGarvey: That's not what I was told in the past.  I was told that after release, distributions are "static".  Meaning even the bugs stay the same.  This, so things don't keep changing on you on your system.08:39
NickGarveyBrent_: ah.. will you be able to get a network connection?08:39
Darkynalways had to use recovery08:39
bur[n] erThePioneer, i don't understand the question at all08:39
ThanatosDriveCan anyone see what I'm typing?08:39
HHP2KTheNo1Yeti: I had to reconfigure x-server after an error, and now it's doing this by default. The mouse properties thing doesn't address the third button, so I don't know how to fix it.08:39
levanderNickGarvey: Amaranth used to hang out in here, he told me that.08:39
Brent_I haven't gotten wireless to work yet, and that's what I have here at home.08:39
NickGarveyThaddeus: mhmm08:39
bur[n] erThanatosDrive, we see you08:39
Mr_Sonomaok got it........finally got dpkg --configure -a to run08:39
Darkynyes than08:39
NickGarveyBrent_: oh that is a pain08:39
Brent_Unless there is a chat program on my wife's ibook08:39
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ThePioneerBurner: I set this wireless ip on port 8008:39
mhz`ok, the world is safe08:39
Brent_Wait, I'll go to my desktop and install Chatzilla to firefox there, and talk while I'm doing it08:39
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Brent_Or do you mean that getting wireless to work is a pain?08:40
skollieDarkyn: seems like a video driver detect problem..08:40
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=== Existz [n=Exist@cpe-76-169-169-27.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hypatiaI'm trying to use Ubuntu on a system with the IDE Intel 82801GB SATA Storage Controller 27c0. Neither an installed Feisty system nor the Live CD can find the SATA drives. Any thoughts?08:40
NickGarveyBrent_: well that you don't have networking in general is08:40
Darkynyes it does08:40
bur[n] erThePioneer, your terminology is horribly wrong... you pointed port 80 to your computer with the wireless card, yes08:40
Brent_Cause I'm not looking forward to it. Regular LAN internet works fine08:40
ThePioneerI try says 403 permission denied08:40
ExistzBurner, nothing at all08:40
SySi hav a cuestion08:40
Existzit didn't do a thing08:40
PurpZeYBrent_: It really depends on the wireless card...08:40
skollieDarkyn: what display card do you have?08:40
bur[n] erThePioneer, is anything in your cgi-bin?  you can chmod it08:40
PurpZeY!ask | SyS08:40
ubotuSyS: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:40
Darkyni have the 82845g08:40
=== LiWei-Y [n=fm16538@61-229-137-241.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brent_It's just a stock HP wireless laptop thingy08:41
Darkyn intel graphics controller08:41
Existzthe nvidia driver components has the version 1.0-9755 but this x module has version 1.0-963108:41
xhaanThePioneer, if you're trying to access the cgi-bin directory itself you're not likely to get in08:41
atdt_that's odd, now all of the opengl screensavers just show blank screens after installing the nvidia driver08:41
bur[n] erThePioneer, typically cgi-bin is for binary files though08:41
Existzsame error08:41
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atdt_can somebody help me fix that08:41
NickGarveylevander: "The task bar contains an update area where we'll notify you when there are updates available for your system, from simple security fixes to a complete version upgrade. The update facility enables you to keep your system up-to-date with just a few clicks of your mouse."08:41
=== uub [n=uub@fw2-0-bs.broendbybredbaand.dk] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erExistz, google it :)08:41
Darkynpiece of shit video controller08:41
HHP2KCan anyone else help me fix this third button mouse issue?08:41
ExistzI have08:41
SyShaha ok08:41
ThePioneerits on my wireless ip no my local08:41
Existzno one has a solution08:41
hypatiaThe controller itself seems to be working because the SuSE Enterprise 10 install CD can find the drives no worries.08:41
=== uub is now known as Mikkel^
levanderNickGarvey: yeah, maybe that changed some time back and I never picked up on it.08:41
Existzeven at the latin america pages08:41
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ThanatosDriveHow can I find out what the maximum RAM upgradeability of my mobo is?08:42
Existzcause no one in english has asked this08:42
ThePioneermy ip on laptop is I need access to
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SySmy irc client is xchat08:42
levanderThanatosDrive: mobo manual08:42
Mikkel^Why can i not remove chmod.. i cant not copy one file i have MAKE!!! it is LOCKED how can i open it again??08:42
Mikkel^and copy?08:42
Darkyni have the 82845g intel graphics controller08:42
ThanatosDrivelevander: My PC isn't really08:42
NickGarveyThanatosDrive: google your modle I'd say08:42
xhaanThePioneer, the permissions on the directory probably need to be changed, but it isnt a good idea to do so08:42
SySi want away OFF08:42
levanderThanatosDrive: it's probably on the web08:42
=== LuxVoodoo [n=rich@c-69-136-191-173.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erExistz, try removing all nvidia kernels, rebooting and only getting nvidia-glx-new... first "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*"08:42
skollieDarkyn: not sure what to offer in terms of advice08:42
SyS/away not posible08:42
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ThePioneerchmod ??08:42
NickGarveySyS: /back ?08:42
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Darkynya i know thanks anyway08:43
NickGarveyThePioneer: I uh.. what08:43
dropetyExistz: go to /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and add "nv" to the file or de-install the linux-restricted-modules(-common) package. (If you do that you can use the SH NVIDIA.... as suggested by NVIDIA too)08:43
NickGarveyThePioneer: you can't.. chmod a computer..08:43
bur[n] erThePioneer, no no no... chmod is to change the permissions of a folder.  but you dont' want to chmod a cgi-bin dir08:43
SySim windows user08:43
Darkynthanks scollie08:43
ThePioneerI don't get how to change permissions for that cgi bin08:43
xhaanThePioneer, is it your server thats on that ip?08:43
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ExistzI tried that dropety08:43
bur[n] erxhaan, obviously ;)08:43
Existzno success08:43
skollieDarkyn: np - sorry I couldn't be of more help08:43
Mikkel^I need HELP08:43
Darkynyou did enough... thanks08:44
=== rafael [n=rafael@pl550.nas923.p-shizuoka.nttpc.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
skollieMikkel^: with what?08:44
xhaanThePioneer, then you need to go into that server and change the permissions on the directory itself08:44
bur[n] er!question | Mikkel^08:44
ubotuMikkel^: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:44
levanderSomeone needs to make the "don't ask to ask, just ask" bigger and bolder when people enter this room08:44
Mikkel^i have new problem..i cant NOT copy ONE FILE... My make name is: eggdrop <- It is LOCKED and i cant not remove Chmod and copy How?08:44
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ThePioneerI don't know how08:44
towliebanhow do i enable universe at the command shell ?08:44
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NickGarveytowlieban: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:44
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Existzdropety Burner08:44
xhaanThePioneer, you may also need to change your server config to allow you to view it08:44
NickGarveytowlieban: remove the # infront of the lines that have "universe" in them08:44
ThePioneerThat ip is set on my wireless routetr08:44
Existzgoing to paste my linux restricted mod08:44
h1st0Mikkel^: who owns the file?08:44
levanderMikkel^: paste the output of "ls -l" on the file to this channel.  It should only be one line.08:44
skollieMikkel^: have you tried to sudo it?08:45
Mikkel^invitefish.tcl <- It can i not Copy08:45
Mikkel^2 sek skollie08:45
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xhaanThePioneer, is it a vhost? port forwarded? or what?08:45
Mikkel^How copy from Terminal?08:45
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Existztake a look at it08:45
iambobhey is it possible to do  a network install08:45
h1st0Mikkel^: highlight then middle mouse in here.08:45
skollieMikkel^: cp08:45
Existzyes it is08:45
NickGarveyMikkel^: highlight.. rightclick.. copy...08:45
dropetyExistz: right. Sorry for asking but did you use nvidia's way to install the drivers?08:45
peepsalotanyone ever heard of a java sound editor?08:45
NickGarveyoh that kind of copy?08:46
ThePioneervirtual server on a belkin wireless router08:46
=== Enselic__ [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
ExistzI did08:46
Existzand I did other ways also08:46
Mikkel^wait skollie08:46
ThePioneerport forward I think08:46
bur[n] erExistz, try this... "sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-restricted-modules"08:46
towliebanNickGarvey ok i did that do i need to do anything else to apply those changes ?08:46
NickGarveytowlieban: sudo apt-get update08:46
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towliebanok thanks08:46
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Mikkel^root@mikkel-desktop:~# fisk.tcl mv eggdrop/scripts08:47
Mikkel^bash: fisk.tcl: command not found08:47
skollieMikkel^: yes?08:47
Existzhmm says not installed08:47
xhaanThePioneer, you need to get into the machine that the directory is actually on before forwarding, if thats in the router itself then you might not be able to do much08:47
=== Compaq_Administr is now known as BrentR
Existzshould I install it?08:47
bur[n] erthepioneer's router was there for all to see :\08:47
ThanatosDriveWOW. Never enabling desktop effects again. Any of you ever hear a graphics card whistling?08:47
BrentROk, I'm back08:47
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h1st0Mikkel^: ls -l invitefish.tcl08:47
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skollieMikkel^: what kind of copy do you want to do?08:47
Coweater`out of interest08:47
Mikkel^See i have try08:47
Existzwhat happened with your card?08:47
Mikkel^fisk.tcl mv eggderop/scripts08:47
Existzwhat kind of card?08:47
Existzshould I install it burner?08:48
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=== ermac0 [n=neutrali@adsl-074-236-068-119.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dissectionHello. I have a small problem with ubuntu. I added Linux DC++ to the menu using alacarte but it doesn't run. Its working only if I go manually to the folder and run from there. However, it worked fine for my friend who added it to his menu. We both installed it exactly the same way. Why isn't it working for me? What could I be doing wrong?08:48
ThanatosDriveExistz: It's a Matrox Millenium. Pretty bad.08:48
h1st0Mikkel^: mv fisk.tcl eggderop/scripts08:48
Mikkel^root@mikkel-desktop:~# fisk.tcl mv eggdrop/scripts08:48
Mikkel^bash: fisk.tcl: command not found08:48
=== supremesonic [n=blup@0x535ebdce.hsnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkel^root@mikkel-desktop:~# ls -l fisk.tcl08:48
Mikkel^-rw-r--r-- 1 mikkel mikkel 2072 2007-07-14 08:39 fisk.tcl08:48
dropetyExistz: I never reconfigure as it messes up the resolutions in xorg.conf08:48
NickGarveydissection: I suggest just using right click and "edit menus"08:48
h1st0Mikkel^: if you want to move it you need to put the mv first like I typed08:48
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Existzdropety did you look at it?08:48
skollieMikkel^: mv or cp first08:48
h1st0Mikkel^: if you want to copy you need to put the cp first08:48
dropetyExistz: Did the nvidia package install without warnings?08:48
Existzthe linux-restricted-module file08:48
=== bur[n] er is off to bed
Mikkel^Thx for the helping!08:49
Existzyeah it did08:49
bur[n] erExistz, if all else fails, you could install ubuntu-desktop and use the restricted drivers manager :)08:49
tjmchey everyone08:49
dissectionNickGarvey: I tried that and it says "Starting Main Menu..." in the taskbar (minimized) and it disappears. The menu editor doesn't show up.08:49
BrentRNickGarvey: Can I just use the installed Ubuntu to install Grub to the right place since I'm going to have the external drive attached anyways right now?08:49
Existzspent so much time on this too08:49
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ThanatosDriveExistz: Yeah I'm getting an ATI Radeon 9300 soon, which isn't as ancient. But then, I heard Compiz/Beryl isn't suporting ATI cards very well. So no good.08:49
dropetyExistz: no, i'm not using it. I removed it.08:49
NickGarveyBrentR: yup08:49
Existzwhat does the restricted drivers manager do?/08:49
Mikkel^can i play CS for Ubuntu?08:50
Existzdo you know if beryl's doing geforce 8 series of cards?08:50
bur[n] erExistz, it's a gui to install hte nvidia driver instead of all this "sudo blahblah" crap08:50
NickGarveyExistz: manages restricted drivers08:50
h1st0Mikkel^: yes08:50
tjmci seem to be having issues with Firefox, seems to keep crashing at random stages... anyone know of any error logs or anything i can check or have any ideas what the problem could be?08:50
ExistzI ran it and got the white screen of death08:50
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, cool. I'm rebooting right now on my laptop08:50
h1st0Mikkel^: with wine08:50
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bur[n] erExistz, beryl definitely works on 8 series08:50
Mikkel^h1st0 : i can not play it.. i can not see TEKST08:50
Existzwhat do you think of Envy?08:50
TheNo1YetiSo really rookie question but I'm having a brain fart.  Your router is normally what ip?
Existzheard about Envy08:50
bur[n] erExistz, envy is crap!08:50
bur[n] erutter crap08:50
h1st0Mikkel^: you need to add the tahoma.ttf to your fonts directory08:50
=== ermac0 [n=neutrali@adsl-074-236-068-119.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Existzso in other words don't bother with it08:50
TheNo1YetiThanatos: Thanks08:50
bur[n] erExistz, #ubuntu-effects is usually full of people who know a lot about video cards and restricted drivers and all that jazz08:51
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Existzaight let me try08:51
Mikkel^h1st0 How?08:51
bur[n] erExistz, good luck... and don't get discouraged... gutsy in october will make it uber-uber-uber-easy08:51
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h1st0Mikkel^: put it in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/tahoma.ttf08:51
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h1st0Mikkel^: Yeah but first you need to find that font somehwere. Like a windows drive or the web.08:52
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Mikkel^where can i install tahoma.ttf08:52
BrentRNickGarvey: Well, I know that Grub works fine, since it's booting now. So that rules out a corrupted grub, I would assume08:52
Flannel!fonts | Mikkel^08:52
ubotuMikkel^: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:52
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NickGarveyBrentR: yeah, but the issue is where grub is - wait I thought you were using super boot disk or whatever08:52
ThanatosDriveWhy do all my IMs open up a new window? I never set the preference.08:52
h1st0Mikkel^: in the directory I told you.08:52
h1st0Mikkel^: then your text will show up in steam08:53
BrentRI was using Super Grub Disk to boot to Windows since Grub itself messed up08:53
Mikkel^h1st0: can i play CS for openGL?08:53
h1st0tjmc: you can launch firefox from a terminal and see the output when it crashes08:53
NickGarveyBrentR: from a live cd?08:53
BrentRIt's just basically an interface for the stuff that Grub can do, and it runs as a bootable disk08:53
h1st0Mikkel^: yeah you need a 3d video card.  If you have one you just need to install drivers08:53
BrentRIt's not part of any distro08:53
NickGarveyBrentR: ah ha08:53
h1st0Mikkel^: what kind of video card do you have?08:53
Mikkel^h1st0: i can not install08:53
Mikkel^NVIDIA GT 660008:53
NickGarveyBrentR: ok, so the issue is not if grub is corrupted, but _where_ it is installed08:53
BrentRVery nifty, and even lets you fix the MBR and TONS of other things08:53
Mikkel^i can not install Drivers :(08:53
h1st0Flannel: no he needs to install a font in wine08:53
Mikkel^i have error08:53
h1st0Mikkel^: what type of card do you have?08:54
BrentRYes, correct. By the way, I"m inside Ubuntu now. I'm running off of the drive I want to put Grub on08:54
Mikkel^Nvidia GT 660008:54
h1st0Mikkel^: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:54
h1st0Mikkel^: run that in a terminal08:54
Mikkel^i try08:54
Existzmeet me in the room08:55
Mikkel^i have installe it08:55
Existzi'm there08:55
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-320.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikkel^it is installed08:55
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tjmch1st0: When i run from terminal it just lauches firefox, and as firefix is still running it comes back to a terminal prompt to enter more command08:55
TTT_Travishow do I disable the fsk drive check at startup?08:55
h1st0Mikkel^: okay now restart X and you should be good to go.08:55
Mikkel^How restart X?08:55
NickGarveyMikkel^: ctrl alt backspace08:55
Mikkel^shutdown ?08:55
Existzctrl c08:55
Existzafter ctrl alt f208:55
tjmcI was not sure if that would display any erros08:55
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Existzoh my bad08:56
h1st0tjmc: yeah I dunno maybe someone else would know08:56
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uubI will now installed08:56
uubHow can i install Steam?08:56
tjmcyeah thanks heaps though h1st008:56
BrentROk, so do I have to worry about mounting any drive?08:56
Mikkel^h1st0: how can i install steaminstall.msi?08:57
h1st0Mikkel^: well first get the tahoma.ttf font.  Do you have a windows partition or somewhere you can get that?08:57
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RynooWhen trying to load network-admin, I'm getting an error message: The configuration could not be loaded  You are not allowed to access the system configuration.08:58
tjmcdoes anyone eslse have any ideas why Firefox would be crashing on me.... no visual errors produced, it just shuts down08:58
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RynooThats giving my proper root/administrator password, any ideas why its doing that?08:58
NickGarveytjmc: run from the command line for more verbose reasons08:58
Mikkel^h1st0:  .. where it copy to?08:58
h1st0Mikkel^: do you have wine installed?08:59
BrentRNickGarvey: Do I have to mount anything since I'm running from the installed drive?08:59
skollietjmc: sometimes a problem with java08:59
Mikkel^where tahoma.ttf copy to?08:59
NickGarveyBrentR: hm nope08:59
h1st0Mikkel^: then ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts08:59
Mikkel^Thx :)08:59
Mikkel^i will try and try08:59
h1st0Mikkel^: is where you want it.08:59
NickGarveyBrentR: shortens the command too08:59
xhaanfirefox always crashes for me... i just use something else08:59
NickGarveyBrentR: grub-install /dev/sdb08:59
tjmcNickGarvey: yeah h1st0 just suggested that, when i run firefox from terminal it just runs firefox and the terminal is ready for more commands, im not sure its going to show anything else?08:59
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, then I think I'm all ready. What's my new command officer?08:59
Mikkel^i will now find tahoma.ttf08:59
BrentROops, there it is!08:59
TheNo1YetiOkay so I have sshd running on my box and the port is open but when I try to ssh in from a remote connection it just hangs.  Anyone have any idea why?08:59
NickGarveytjmc: ah.. it releases from the terminal?09:00
mapezmy ntfs drive mounted fine and now after i rebooted it is not there.. halp?09:00
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NickGarveytjmc: close all instances of firefox first09:00
NickGarveytjmc: (killall firefox-bin)09:00
h1st0Mikkel^: wine msiexec /i path/to/Steaminstall.msi       In a terminal will start the steam install09:00
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BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, it gave me the following: rm: cannot remove '/boot/grub/stage1': Permission denied09:01
Mikkel^i have download tahoma.ttf09:01
h1st0Mikkel^: errr msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi   is the correct command09:01
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h1st0Mikkel^: okay click on places > Home09:01
Mikkel^can i copy it to C:\ for mv?09:01
ThanatosDriv1Everyone: I've just discovered the fact that I have TWO DESKTOPS.09:01
iambobcan someone tell me how i can install ubuntu or windows off my hard drive?09:01
h1st0Mikkel^: press Ctrl+h to show hidden folders09:01
iambobinstead of needing cd09:01
h1st0then just navigate to .wine  then drive_c  then windows then fonts09:01
NickGarveyBrentR: oh sorry, toss in a sudo09:01
tjmcNickGarvey, just tried that and opened firefox to do a little test and it did the same thing09:02
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Mikkel^i have found09:02
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Mikkel^hda1 -> WINDOWS -> Fonts?09:02
h1st0Mikkel^: okay put the tahoma.ttf in there.09:02
tjmchang a sec. sorry i did not run from terminal09:02
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NickGarveytjmc: you are sure you ran "killall firefox-bin" and then tried running firefox from the command line?09:02
Mikkel^lol i can not09:02
BrentRNickGarvey: Now, do I have to add anything for a partition since Ubuntu is on a specific partition?09:02
tjmcok now its producing output in the terminal09:02
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skollietjmc: I had the same problem and it was caused by a bad link to my java plugin09:02
h1st0Mikkel^: why not?09:03
iambobif i do cat filename.iso > /dev/sdb09:03
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Mikkel^dont no09:03
iambobhow do i then edit grub to load it09:03
NickGarveyBrentR: nope09:03
Mikkel^can i copy it file from terminal09:03
NickGarveyBrentR: but09:03
Dudemanhey guys09:03
NickGarveyBrentR: this did not solve the problem yet09:03
TheNo1YetiOkay so I have sshd running on my box and the port is open but when I try to ssh in from a remote connection it just hangs.  Anyone have any idea why?09:03
NickGarveyBrentR: this is step one of about 309:03
tjmcskollie: how did you end up fixing it? and how can i tell if i have the same proB?09:03
h1st0iambob: what os are you in right now?09:03
NickGarveyBrentR: so don't reboot and expect it to work just yet :)09:03
BrentROk, so if it asks for password, it's going well09:03
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DudemanCan anyone help me get my Airlink101 wireless adapter running on my machine?09:03
RynooWhen trying to load network-admin, I'm getting an error message: The configuration could not be loaded  You are not allowed to access the system configuration. Any ideas?09:03
iambobh1st0: ubuntu09:03
skollietjmc: I manually created the symbolic link to my java install09:04
h1st0Mikkel^: yeah cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahmo.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts09:04
NickGarveyBrentR: now, go into the bios and configure it to check the external hard drive BEFORE the internal hard drive in the boot order09:04
NickGarveyBrentR: know how to do that?09:04
BrentRNickGarvey: Yes, I know how to do that09:04
h1st0iambob: hrm... well you need someway of booting an installer09:04
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tjmcill keep trying to crahs firefox and see what it outputs09:04
NickGarveyBrentR: okie, do so, and then restore your windows boot loader using the recovery cd09:04
BrentRNickGarvey: Wait, it won't let me type in my password09:04
burnerxhow can i get capture the key i pressed in a script ?09:04
iambobh1st0: yea i read some were to point it to it in grub09:04
h1st0Mikkel^: but it would be easier just to do it by dragging it.09:04
BrentRNickGarvey: no text is popping up09:04
h1st0iambob: I'm sure there is a way to do that though.09:05
NickGarvey!spam | Mikkel^09:05
ubotuMikkel^: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)09:05
iambobh1st0: after i do cat filename.iso > /dev/hdd09:05
DudemanAnyone know about Airlink101?09:05
tjmcOk, it crashed and produced the following in terminal "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"09:05
TheNo1Yeti!ssh > TheNo1Yeti09:05
NickGarveyBrentR: what do you mean by that?09:05
h1st0Mikkel^: just drag it to the right folder instead of using terminal.09:05
Mikkel^See here09:05
Mikkel^root@mikkel-desktop:~/Desktop# cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahmo.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts09:05
Mikkel^cp: kan ikke udfre stat() '/media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahmo.ttf': No such file or directory09:05
iambobh1st0: so how would i?09:05
Mikkel^sorry it is Danish09:05
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h1st0Mikkel^: tahoma.ttf09:05
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BrentRNickGarvey: It has a cursor by the word "Password:" but when I try to type it, no text appears. The cursor stays in place and just keeps blinking09:05
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h1st0Mikkel^: and don't put the ~ in09:06
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ThanatosDriv1BrentR: It sees it, it just won't show up. Type as if it were there, and press enter when you're done.09:06
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h1st0Mikkel^: put /home/<yourusername>/.wine/blah/blah/blah09:06
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DudemanCan anyone help me get my Airlink 101 wireless adapter running on my machine????09:06
iambobdoes anyone know how i can point grub to boot09:06
iambobthe iso09:06
dude_how do i install xine on ubuntu 5.1009:06
h1st0Mikkel^: so ti would be like cp /media/hda1/windows/fonts/tahoma.ttf /home/mikkel/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts09:06
skollietjmc: I manually installed and configured java using these instructions, which solved ny problem, but might not work for you - http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting09:06
h1st0Mikkel^: or whatever your username is.09:07
BrentRNickGarvey: Oh, ok. I just did a bunch of backspaces to make sure I erased what I typed. Now, it's just giving me a message about if any lines are incorrect from the device.map file, then brings me back to the normal command line09:07
Mikkel^what is command to msiexec?09:07
DudemanCan anyone help me get my Airlink 101 wireless adapter running on my machine????09:07
h1st0Mikkel^: alright now go in to the folder where the Steaminstallmsi is09:07
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h1st0Mikkel^: in terminal and type msiexec /i Steaminstall.msi09:07
iambobSo does anone know how i can after doing : cat filename.iso > /dev/sdb09:07
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DudemanCan anyone help me get my Airlink 101 wireless adapter running on my machine????09:08
iambobhow i can point grub to the partion09:08
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dude_do u know how tyo install xine on 5.1009:08
TheDukeNYdude, have you tried googling it?09:08
skollietjmc: problem had to do with the ns7-gcc29 bit09:08
Mikkel^i try09:08
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h1st0!grub | iambob09:08
ubotuiambob: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:08
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BrentRNickGarvey: So, do I reboot once it's gotten back to the regular command line prompt?09:08
tjmcthanks heaps skollie09:08
h1st0iambob: there is some documentation there09:08
Frogzooiambob: ok so you've reimaged the entire disk - now, fdisk -l /dev/sdb09:08
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skollietjmc: thank me if it works <smile.09:08
dude_o yeah09:09
Dudemani dont think we would spend the time connecting to this site if we had found info on GOOGLE09:09
DudemanCan anyone help me get my Airlink 101 wireless adapter running on my machine????09:09
dude_but i am such a newbie to linux09:09
Frogzoo!docs | dude_09:09
ubotudude_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:09
dude_i jus want to play a stinkin dvd09:09
NickGarveyBrentR: yup09:09
towliebanwhat file do i edit to fchange the systems runlevel at startup ?09:09
towliebanisnt it /etc/inittab09:09
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Mikkel^h1st0: ?09:10
gdbI don't think it is anymore.09:10
h1st0Mikkel^: yes?09:10
towliebani do09:10
Mikkel^root@mikkel-desktop:~/Desktop# msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi09:10
Mikkel^Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:10
Mikkel^err:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo  couldn't initialize OpenGL, expect problems09:10
Mikkel^why error :S09:10
towliebanyou connect to the internet with them right ?09:10
skolliedudeman: what do you need help with?09:10
Mikkel^i can install steaminstall.msi now09:10
Dudemani mean how to get them running on ubuntu09:11
dude_What is the easiest dvd player to install in 5.10?09:11
h1st0Mikkel^: you can or can't?09:11
TheDukeNYdude_: MPlayer Movie Player can play dvds09:11
Mikkel^i can )09:11
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skolliedudeman: yes, but what exactly?09:11
h1st0Mikkel^: good09:11
Mikkel^i need help now09:11
Dudemanok heres my situation09:11
h1st0Mikkel^: what do you need help with?09:11
dude_i tried getting mplayer, but my repos are screwed up09:11
Mikkel^What Destianation folder it install to?09:11
Mikkel^C:\ or Z:\09:11
tjmcskollie, seems its a bug in ubuntu (or possibly firefox... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/7583309:11
Dudemani am on ethernet atm but this isnt perminent. i have airlink101 adapter and its not working on my ubuntu machine09:12
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Mikkel^What Destianation folder it install to? Is: c:\Program Files\Steam\09:12
Dudemanive tried google. and what i found did not work09:12
magnetron!easysource | dude_09:12
ubotudude_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:12
Mikkel^and i have steam for windows!09:12
BrentRNickGarvey: It's just "fixmbr" from the prompt, right?09:12
towliebanwhat file do i edit to change the systems runlevel at startup ?09:12
dude_thanx guys09:12
NickGarveyBrentR: from the windows prompt09:12
TheDukeNYdude_: have you tried marking for complete removal, then try and reinstalling?09:12
BrentRNickGarvey: Yes, in the recovery console09:12
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NickGarveyBrentR: yup09:12
h1st0Mikkel^: yes09:12
h1st0Mikkel^: just C09:13
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h1st0Mikkel^: c:\program files\Steam09:13
Mikkel^it is  done :)09:13
Mikkel^it updateing - 0%09:13
h1st0Mikkel^: it is actually going to be in /home/Mikkel/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam09:13
Mikkel^2 sek09:13
h1st0Mikkel^: but you should be doing this as your user instead of root09:13
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NickGarveyProgram\ Files*09:14
h1st0Mikkel^: That way it will be in your folders instead of roots09:14
skollietjmc: have you tried upgrading/reinstalling firefox?09:14
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?09:14
Mikkel^h1st0:  yes! it is09:14
Mikkel^now can it not start up :(09:15
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, first success is that I can get into WIndows. I'm going to restart with the drive attached and see what happens09:15
burnerxhow do i capture keystrokes ?09:15
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h1st0Mikkel^: get out of a root login and do the install as your user09:15
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NickGarveyBrentR: good luck09:15
Dudemananyone familiar with Airlink101 AWLL3026???09:16
Mikkel^see here09:16
Mikkel^mikkel@mikkel-desktop:~$ cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\Steam09:16
Mikkel^bash: cd: .wine/drive_c/Program FilesSteam: No such file or directory09:16
NickGarvey!anyone | Dudeman09:16
ubotuDudeman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:16
BrentRNickGarvey: Thanks. Is it possible that it didn't work before because I had the wrong partition as bootable?09:16
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NickGarveyMikkel^: the second \ should be a /09:16
h1st0Mikkel^: because you installed it as root09:16
h1st0NickGarvey: no its fine09:16
h1st0Mikkel^: install it as Mikkel^09:16
NickGarveyBrentR: it didn't work before because grub was looking for the configuration files on the external hard drive which was not attached09:16
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Mikkel^i have installed for root09:16
tjmcskollie, its currently at v2.0.0.4, so its already the latest, and by the looks of that bug report, a reinstall wont fix it09:16
Mikkel^for fx09:16
Mikkel^for Root09:17
tjmcim might just use opera or something09:17
h1st0Mikkel^: no09:17
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NickGarveyBrentR: what we did, was put the windows boot loader on the windows drive, and grub on the external, grub won't even be loaded if the external isn't plugged in09:17
h1st0Mikkel^: don't install it as root.  INSTALL IT AS mikkel09:17
Mikkel^it is09:17
h1st0Mikkel^: thats why its not in yoru folder09:17
DudemanHow do you get the Airlink101 AWLL3026 wireless adapter running?09:17
Mikkel^dont no :S09:17
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, no luck. When I select my Ubuntu installation, it gives me an error 22. WHen I try Windows, it gives me NTLDR is missing, just like before09:17
BrentRNickGarvey: I promise, I did everything exact09:18
h1st0Where is the Steaminstall.msi09:18
h1st0Mikkel^: ^09:18
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NickGarveyBrentR: let me think09:18
TheNo1YetiAnyone have any idea why when I try to log into my server via ssh it just hangs.  SSH Port is open and ssh server is running.  It just sits there at connecting and eventually times out though09:18
h1st0Mikkel^: okay open a terminal09:18
h1st0Mikkel^: cd Desktop09:18
skollietjmc: hmmm.09:18
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Mikkel^i will install it now09:18
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h1st0Mikkel^: then msiexec /i Steaminstall.msi09:18
Mikkel^mikkel@mikkel-desktop:~/Desktop$ msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi <-- It will installed now :)09:18
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magnetronTheNo1Yeti: maybe you have a firewall that blocks it?09:18
NickGarveyBrentR: you are getting the grub menu?09:18
h1st0Mikkel^: yes then it will work09:18
Mikkel^it installe to C:\09:19
NickGarveyBrentR: and this is only when the external is plugged in?09:19
BrentRNickGarvey: But when I select anything, I get an error09:19
DudemanHow do you get the Airlink101 AWLL3026 wireless adapter running?09:19
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BrentRNickGarvey: yes09:19
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BrentRNickGarvey: When it's not plugged in, Windows boots up perfectly. I just tried it09:19
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pc0What is the name of the non-smp kernel ?09:19
DudemanHow do you get the Airlink101 AWLL3026 wireless adapter running?09:20
NickGarveyBrentR: sounds like an incorrect menu.lst I believe..09:20
pc0for the AMD processors09:20
Mikkel^h1st0:  it install for C:\ again?09:20
skollieDudeman: can you see your adapter in ubuntu?09:20
h1st0Mikkel^: The default location09:20
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NickGarveyBrentR: it is odd.. that you are getting the NTLDR error though09:20
h1st0Mikkel^: just press next09:20
magnetronpc0: use the generic kernel09:20
NickGarveyBrentR: would you be able to paste bin it?09:20
skolliedudeman: do you have the necessary drivers?09:20
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NickGarveyBrentR: the menu.lst?09:20
h1st0Mikkel^: just leave it as defaults just like in windows09:20
Mikkel^it is installe09:21
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NickGarveyBrentR: and error 22 it was?09:21
BrentRNickGarvey: yes09:21
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burnerxwhat is the home key code in bash ??09:21
burnerx^[OH ???09:21
Mikkel^h1st0:  ERROR09:21
Dudemanskollie: i googled my problem and ended up getting zd1211-driver-r85.tgz09:21
pc0magnetron: isn't the generic .. the SMP one ?09:21
BrentRNickGarvey: I can't even get into Ubuntu now even WITH the super grub disk, although I can get into Windows through it(not needed though, since WIndows boots fine)09:22
TheNo1Yetimagnetron: No, I have opened up the firewall for port 22 for that box.09:22
NickGarveyBrentR: interesting, boot the live cd09:22
Dudemanskollie: i did what the howto at which i had to type "sudo make both" and that is where i run into errors09:22
jurp5my apt still cant find the good linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-genric09:22
magnetronpc0: the generic is the generic one. it is optimised for all types of architectures09:22
Dudemanskollie: "sudo make both" is suppose to make both my drivers i believe?09:23
skolliedudeman: what is the error?09:23
pc0magnetron: I want a kernel that doesn't have SMP support ... while my processor supports SMP09:23
jurp5it installs the 2.6.20-15 version09:23
Mikkel^Steam.exe (main exception): cannot open blob archive file: CMultiFieldBlob(mem-mapped file): Falied to open existing file, win32 Error 5 "Access denied"09:23
h1st0Mikkel^: what error?09:23
Dudemanskollie: many but ill do it again and show it to you09:23
BrentRNickGarvey: I"m putting in the live disk now, and I'll tell you when I'm booted up09:23
h1st0Mikkel^: thats wierd09:23
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h1st0Mikkel^: Applications > Wine > Steam > Programs > Steam09:24
h1st0Mikkel^: open it see if you get an error?09:24
skolliedudeman: don't post the errors here - use pastebin09:24
Mikkel^2 sek09:24
magnetronTheNo1Yeti: did you install the server package? it's called openssh-server, install it with Synaptic09:24
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Mikkel^NOT programs09:24
Dudemanskollie: ok the same thing did not happen but here is what happened this time "make: *** No rule to make target `both'.  Stop."09:24
Mikkel^not make programs09:24
jurp5linux-generic is also 2.6.20-15, but my kernel isn't09:25
skolliedudeman: you need to check for the makefiles - 'both' obviously does not exist09:25
h1st0Mikkel^: wine /home/mikkel/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe09:25
jurp5waht can i do?09:25
h1st0Mikkel^: try that in terminal09:25
Mikkel^It IS INSTALLED for C:\09:25
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Dudemanskollie: both is not a file i know. but the howto said type the command "sudo make both"09:26
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TheNo1Yetimagnetron: Yes, openssh-server is installed, sshd is running, port 22 is open on the firewall, nmap shows that port 22 is open on the box.  It does mention that it is being filtered though but probably because it is being forwarded to just that box not any of the other 5 on the network09:26
Dudemanskollie: i will put the link to the site im getting this info from09:26
h1st0Mikkel^: wine /home/mikkel/.wine/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe09:26
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skolliedudeman: I saw that - gimme a sec09:26
h1st0Mikkel^: wine /home/mikkel/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/Steam.exe09:26
Dudemanskollie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Airlink101_AWLL3026 This is where im coming from09:27
Mikkel^Steam.exe (main exception): cannot open blob archive file: CMultiFieldBlob(mem-mapped file): Falied to open existing file, win32 Error 5 "Access denied" <- It error AGAIN09:27
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pc0What is the name of the non-smp ?09:27
NickGarvey!spam | dskjdfdf09:27
ubotudskjdfdf: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)09:27
NickGarveypc0: the kernel?09:27
pc0NickGarvey: yes09:27
magnetronTheNo1Yeti: nmap listing the port as "filtered" indicates that the firewall is blocking the port, or redirecting it to a faulty target. you should check your firewall configuration09:28
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NickGarvey!info linux-image-38609:28
ubotulinux-image-386: Linux kernel image on 386.. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB09:28
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BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, I'm back in live disk09:28
NickGarveypc0: actually, 686 might be bettetr09:28
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NickGarveyBrentR: ok, go to a terminal, "sudo -i"09:28
Mikkel^h1st0: i will try and install steam4linux09:28
pc0NickGarvey: amd ?09:29
NickGarveypc0: amd 64?09:29
pc0NickGarvey: yes09:29
NickGarveypc0: ah09:29
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h1st0Mikkel^: thats wierd error haven't seen that one before09:29
TheNo1Yetimagnetron: I thought I forwarded it right but I will check again.  I didn't want to do a carte blanche opening of port 22.  But I will check again09:29
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NickGarveypc0: mm..09:29
BrentRNickGarvey: ok, I got root@ubuntu:~#09:29
Mikkel^h1st0:  its here!09:29
Mikkel^Steam.exe (main exception): cannot open blob archive file: CMultiFieldBlob(mem-mapped file): Falied to open existing file, win32 Error 5 "Access denied"09:29
Flannelpc0: Are you on dapper?09:29
NickGarveypc0: not sure.. if you need..09:29
NickGarveytake it away flannel09:29
skolliedudeman: did it actually download the file? I just tried and it did not work09:30
pc0Flannel: feist09:30
pc0Flannel: feisty*09:30
h1st0Mikkel^: yeah I saw but I don't know what it means.  I don't have that problem.  It just works for me.09:30
FusEYay, ~15 to Feisty09:30
Mikkel^i will install steam4linux09:30
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Dudemanskollie: no i too noticed the link was bad, or misdirected. i ended up finding the actual file on a different site. would you like to see that one?09:30
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Flannelpc0: You want the generic kernel.  And you'll just want to disable SMP.  Edgy (and Feisty) don't have separate SMP/UP kernels09:30
NickGarveyBrentR: type "grub"09:30
jurp5i want a working nvidia driver09:30
pc0Flannel: how can I disable SMP ?09:30
skolliedudeman: post the link yes - will try and replicate09:31
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BrentRNickGarvey:Ok, I got the whole "minimal bash........." message with a grub prompt09:31
Dudemanskollie: uno momento09:31
NickGarveyBrentR: ok.. let me think.. sdb..09:31
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FusEUmm, can someone help me identify which kernel versions belong to which ubuntu version so I can simplify my grub menu?09:32
FusEWhich one is Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-38609:32
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Dudemanskollie: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.ibiblio.org/gentoo/distfiles/%5Bpage=165%5D is the site and zd1211-driver-r85.tgz is what you will dl and work with09:32
NickGarveyBrentR: I'm sorry, get out of the grub shell (quit), and tell me the output of "grep sdb /boot/grub/device.map"09:32
skolliedudeman: ok. gimme a min09:32
pc0Flannel: any idea ?09:32
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Dudemanskollie: k09:32
Flannelpc0: Well, I'm not sure entirely, but I believe all that config is done via your config- files in /boot09:33
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Flannelpc0: Oh.  ACtually, better way.  Or, well, assuming it works.09:33
BrentRNickGarvey: I typed that in and it gave me "No such file or directory". Should I just navigate to it?09:34
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?09:34
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Dudemanskollie: the first time i tried this i got a bit more text with a lot more info but when i try it now it does the same error i just showed you09:34
NickGarveyBrentR: /boot/grub/device.map doesn't exist?09:34
ThanatosDriv1Man it's so odd having to look up to see the clock09:34
NickGarveyBrentR: could be because you are on the live cd09:34
NickGarveyBrentR: is your ubuntu partition mounted?09:34
BrentRNickGarvey: The file exists, I can see it in the file browser, but it gave me that error when typing in the terminal09:35
Flannelpc0: pass a 'nosmp' kernel parameter.  So, kopt= should include nosmp in your menu.lst, you can temporarily edit your kernel options in gRUB on the fly to make sure it works firs tthough09:35
pc0Flannel: I'm getting a soft lockup detected on CPU#0 with my wifi card .. that's why I need to disable the SMP kernel to see if it will work or not09:35
FusElol Thanatos same09:35
skolliedudeman: instead of 'make' both, just try 'make'09:35
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BrentRNickGarvey: But I can see the file and browse to it09:35
NickGarveyBrentR: typo perhaps?09:35
Dudemanskollie: alright one sec09:35
NickGarveymaybe my command was bad09:35
FusEWhich version is Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-38609:35
pc0Flannel: kopt ?09:35
BrentRNickGarvey: It's possible. I typed in "grep sdb /boot/grub/device.map"09:35
Flannelpc0: Alright, so to temporarily do it, stop the boot at the grub menu (you might need to hit escpe to get there, right after the POST screen), then highlight your kernel, hit 'e' and then go to the end of the kernel line, and add 'nosmp' then boot with that09:35
pc0Flannel: okay .. thanks09:36
BrentRNickGarvey: I'm on root@ubuntu09:36
NickGarveyBrentR: do you see it with ls /boot/grub ?09:36
jurp5the whole linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16 package is GONE, linux-generic is old, 2.6.20-15, but it wont update because apt dont find a new one09:36
BrentRNickGarvey: Do I need a "sudo" in there?09:36
NickGarveynope, you are root :)09:36
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?09:36
jurp5what's the problem09:36
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BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, then typing in ls /boot/grub gave me the same error09:36
Dudemanskollie: thank you. no errors. not sure if it will work yet but i am going to test it. i will be right back09:37
dibblegowhere can I find the mount point of a USB hard drive on ubuntu 7.04 server?09:37
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BrentRNickGarvey: But like I said, I can access the drive through the desktop AND I can see the file09:37
NickGarveyBrentR: ah, it is because you are on the live cd then09:37
skolliedudeman: now you need to do 'sudo make install'09:37
NickGarveyBrentR: well, open the file though the desktop if you can09:37
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BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, it's open09:37
Dudemanskollie: theres the errors lol09:38
NickGarveyBrentR: see the sdb line?09:38
bullgard4dibblego: Did you check fstab?09:38
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dibblegobullgard4, what do I check for?09:38
Dudemanskollie: these are the ones i was originally talking about. its a bit long to post here though09:38
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BrentRNickGarvey: I've opened this file before, I remember. The sdb line says "(hd1)     /dev/sdb09:38
bullgard4dibblego: For the mount moint.09:38
skollie!pastebin | Dudeman09:38
ubotuDudeman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:38
dibblegobullgard4, I only just plugged it in; why would that modify /etc/fstab?09:38
BrentRNickGarvey: without that quote mark, that's a typo09:38
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FusEWait, which kernel versions should I keep on my grub menu?09:38
NickGarveyBrentR: okie, now go back to the terminal, and type "grub"09:38
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Dudemanskollie: k one sec09:39
bullgard4dibblego: I did not say that your process changed the fstab.09:39
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FlannelFusE: You don't need to edit your grub menu, just remove the old kernels through package management09:39
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FusEWhich ones should I remove09:39
NickGarveyBrentR: it is installed on the first partition of the external yes?09:39
FusEbetter yet, which ones should I keep09:39
skolliedudeman: which ubuntu are you running?09:39
dibblegobullgard4, I don't see anything in /etc/fstab09:39
FlannelFusE: Old ones (lower numbers).  Usually a good idea to keep the current one, and one old (known good) one09:39
FusEIm tempted to keep the kernels, just edit them nue09:40
bullgard4dibblego: Do you mean that your fstab is empty?09:40
FlannelFusE: You'll get them back each time you upgrade to a new kernel09:40
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dibblegobullgard4, no, I'll paste it if you like09:40
hypertyperI appear to have lost my panels on my new 7.04 desktop install, when I switched to my second workspace. I think they're still on the first workspace, but I'm not sure how to get there from here. Anyone feel helpful?09:40
recoiledim having some trouble with virtual servers in apache209:40
FusEIm not sure which one I boot to LOL09:40
FusEThe top one09:40
FusEbut not sure which one that is09:40
BrentRNickGarvey: I'm not sure if it's considered the first or not. I exited out of the grub prompt, and did a quick fdisk -l and it shows my Linux partition as /dev/sdb209:40
Dudemanskollie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29885/09:40
bullgard4dibblego: Give it a try. may be I can help you.09:40
FusEUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386  and Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-386 I gues09:40
dibblegobullgard4, http://rafb.net/p/uKI8sO64.html09:41
NickGarveyBrentR: ok, second then09:41
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recoiledusing joomla... images don't display... and the root domain still goes to /var/www09:41
FusEflannel, does that look right?09:41
FlannelFusE: theyre in order in the menu.lst, but it'll be the newest one.  Or, you can type `uname -a` and get what kernel you're currently using09:41
NickGarveyBrentR: go to grub again09:41
BrentRNickGarvey: haha, I'm proud that I knew to do that!09:41
NickGarveyBrentR: root (hd1,1)09:41
FusEFlannel, keep Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386  and Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-386 I gues?09:41
NickGarveyBrentR: setup (hd1)09:41
BrentRNickGarvey: Type that in?09:41
NickGarveyBrentR: quit09:41
FusEyup its right09:41
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FlannelFusE: Right.  Those would be your most recent one.s09:42
NickGarveyBrentR: is there anyway to pastebin menu.lst?09:42
BrentRNickGarvey:Ok, I did all that09:42
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BrentRNickGarvey: I don't know how, and I'm on a different computer typing this09:42
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NickGarveyBrentR: usb drive maybe?09:42
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hypertyperOk, how about if i try asking like this: is there a keyboard shortcut i can use to get back to my first workspace?09:42
BrentRNickGarvey: I don't even know what pastebin is, so I'm not sure. I do know that when I did all that, everything said "yes" or succeeded"09:43
NickGarveyhypertyper: workspace as in.. console?09:43
Dudemanskollie: did the link work?09:43
skolliedudeman: having a look. one sec09:43
bullgard4dibblego: I understand that the mount point of /dev/hdc1 is /mnt/hdc1.09:43
NickGarvey!pastebin | BrentR09:43
ubotuBrentR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:43
Dudemanskollie: alright09:43
BrentRNickGarvey: But I don't know pastebin09:43
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dibblegobullgard4, yes, I put that in there myself09:43
FusEFlannel, just to be safe, remove all other entries in Package Manager claiming linux-image-09:43
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok09:43
hypertyperNickGarvey: no, as in multiple desktops.09:43
FlannelFusE: right, linux-image-[version] -38609:43
NickGarveyhypertyper: ah, ctrl alt left/right09:43
FusEcrap Ill wait till im done installing feisty09:44
FlannelFusE: not all linux-image (one of those is linux-image-386, don't remove that)09:44
bullgard4So /mnt/hdc1 is the mount point you asked for.09:44
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FlannelFusE: er... you're installing feisty?09:44
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FlannelFusE: Upgrading to feisty, I mean?09:44
Dudemanskollie: i will brb man. gonna check something out in another room09:44
FusE= 12 am09:44
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, give me a couple minutes. I'll go get my USB drive. Just mount it and copy the file there, then upload it to pastebin?09:44
FlannelFusE: You know you shouldn' upgrade from Dapper to Feisty09:44
NickGarveyBrentR: yup09:44
dibblegoBrentR, how do you mount it?09:44
FusEIm on Edgy09:44
FusEWhy do you think im on Dapper09:44
hypertyperNickGarvey: aha! thanks! now, do you have any idea why my panel is only on the first workspace, and not the second?09:44
skolliedudeman: looks like a problem with kernel headers/dirs09:44
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FlannelFusE: That's a dapper kernel.  Edgy kernels are 2.6.1709:45
FusEwoah shit09:45
NickGarveyhypertyper: like.. the panel at the top and bottom?09:45
FusEgiv eme a sec09:45
NickGarvey!language | FusE09:45
ubotuFusE: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:45
BrentRdibblego: What do you mean? The USB drive? I'm assuming that just inserting it will mount, at least in Ubuntu. BRB09:45
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FusEFlannel, I booted to 2.6.17 and it didnt boot right09:45
dibblegoBrentR, it does with the desktop version; I'm just wondering how you do it with the server version09:45
NickGarveydibblego: how would you mount a usb drive you are asking?09:46
hypertyperNickGarvey: yes, sir, the panel at the top and bottom of the screen. it appears when i go back to the first workspace, disappears if i move to the second.09:46
FlannelFusE: you've upgraded to edgy though?  even though you're still using Dapper kernels?09:46
dibblegoNickGarvey, correct, I have plugged it in (to a server), now I want to mount it09:46
FusEIm currently on dapper kernel09:46
NickGarveyhypertyper: this just started happening?09:46
NickGarveydibblego: well first, find out where it is using "dmesg", (what does linux think it is? /dev/sdb1?)09:46
bullgard4dibblego: So /mnt/hdc1 is the mount point you asked for.09:46
hypertyperNickGarveY: actually, now that i think about it... that'll prolly fix my Wow problem - the panel was appearing over the game screen, so if i move it to the second workspace....09:46
FlannelFusE: Well, we'll see how it works ;)  If you've upgraded to Edgy, you should have the proper transitional packages.  So I think you'll probably be alright.09:46
FusEI got a popup09:47
hypertyperNickGarvey: yes, just started happening, not sure why09:47
FusEConfiguring mdadm09:47
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FusEMD arrays needde for root filesystem:09:47
dibblegobullgard4, no, that's a IDE hard disk I use; I plugged in a USB hard disk09:47
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dibblegoNickGarvey, isn't that for SATA disks? I am using USB09:47
NickGarveydibblego: sdb was an example09:47
FusEFlannel, can you help me with this part? what do I put? all?09:47
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NickGarveydibblego: and most usb drives are sdsomething09:47
dibblegook thanks09:48
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FlannelFusE: I have no idea what it's asking you09:48
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FusEMD arrays needde for root filesystem:09:48
Nergarhello, how do i configure my wlan0 with ifconfig?09:48
dibblegoNickGarvey, bullgard4, thanks, it was /dev/sda109:48
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Dudemanok back09:48
diamondcutterHi, my window border buttons (maximize, minimize, etc..) disappear and the window border becomes all white whenever I maximize any window. Using Feisty Fawn with Desktop Effects enabled and looking to get my border buttons back. (Have tried multiple themes as well)09:48
BrentRNickGarvey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29886/09:48
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BrentRNickGarvey: I think that is how you do this. It's my first time!09:48
NickGarveyBrentR: hehe perfect09:49
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Dudemanskollie: so... what should i do?09:49
BrentRNickGarvey: Excellent. I'll wait for your diagnosis doctor!09:49
NickGarveyBrentR: looks good.. reboot and cross your fingers..09:49
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ThanatosDrive<--- Just discovered Ctrl+Alt+Bckspce09:49
BrentRNickGarvey: Oh, that was fast. Here goes nothing09:49
skolliedudeman: you'running Edgy, right?09:49
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NickGarveyBrentR: I don't believe this will do it though so don't get too optimistic09:49
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hypertyperHmm... not only are the panels not visible on the second workspace, but my desktop icons are also missing. huh?09:50
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atrayoNickGarvey: You were helping me with a problem sending attachments with Gmail before (I had a long D/C, unrelated, I think). Anyway, you told me to watch the network connection monitor while trying to attach/send, it didn't show megabytes worth of info being uploaded.09:50
BrentRNickGarvey: **trying to be negative, just in case**09:50
lordhelmetack. trying to get 2.6.22 running with wireless. can anybody throw any suggestions at me?09:50
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FusEflannel, its asking MD arrays needde for root filesystem:09:50
Dudemanskollie: 6.1009:50
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BrentRNickGarvey: Nope, didn't work09:51
NickGarveyok lets see09:51
NickGarveygrub IS loading? you are getting the menu?09:51
Dudemanskollie: edgy i believe. i used a dvd to install which i bought a few months back. it does not say which distro other than 6.10 which is edgy i think09:51
Nergarhow do i configure wlan0 with ifconfig?09:51
skolliedudeman: yah, that's Edgy. You may need a different version of the driver or update your kernel headers09:51
BrentRNickGarvey: Yes, I still get the menu. But nothing works. It also still has an old Ubuntu on the menu, but neither one works09:51
lordhelmetthe kernel compiles just fine, but there is nothing wireless works09:52
BrentRNickGarvey: I guess I didn't delete the menu item?09:52
FusEskollie: Can you help me? Upgrading to Feisty wants to configure mdadm. What should I put for MD arrays needed for the root filesystem?09:52
Dudemanskollie: how do i update them?09:52
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?09:52
NickGarveyBrentR: error 22?09:52
BrentRNickGarvey: Yep09:52
NickGarveyBrentR: what is the exact error message?09:52
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bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?09:52
BrentRNickGarvey: "Error 22: No such partition              Press any key to continue"09:52
dude_how do you create a temp directory ubuntu 5.1009:52
Dudemanskollie: i have an idea man. i will be right back09:52
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hypertyperNergar: have you tried looking at the help available for networking? i'm not being deliberately obtuse, i'm a newbie too, but it might be a good place to start. check out http://help.ubuntu.com09:53
seth1248How can I type Spanish accent marks? I have Spanish keyboard setup in gnome and I can type the , but I am unable to type accent marks.09:53
BrentRNickGarvey: Yeah, this is the headache I've been dealing with for two days now09:53
diamondcutterHi, my window border buttons (maximize, minimize, etc..) disappear and the window border becomes all white whenever I maximize any window. Using Feisty Fawn with Desktop Effects enabled and looking to get my border buttons back. (Have tried multiple themes as well)09:53
Nergarhypertyper, looking09:53
dude_how do you change to the temp dir that was created09:53
skollieFuse: don't really know what that means. Were you upgrading from Edgy?09:53
ThanatosDriveIs it possible to add things into 'Keyboard Shortcuts'?09:53
espen77are there a easy way to copy the boot image part of a bootable cd to a file?09:54
NickGarveyand the windows error message?09:54
dude_sorrry im a noobie09:54
skolliefuse: does it give you a default?09:54
hypertyperdiamondcutter: do they disappear, or become invisible? ie, if you click where the buttons ought to be, does it perform the requested function?09:54
FlannelFusE: I don't have any idea.  You've got a RAID?  Where's your root?09:54
FusEFlannel sec09:54
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BrentRNickGarvey: Windows has "Starting up ...       NTLDR is missing             Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"09:54
monkievoxhowdy all!  I am trying to install ubuntu OVER xp ... that's right, i don't want dual boot or anything ... i want to replace my xp install with ubuntu ... however, i can't get the machine to boot from CD ... even though i mess with the bios and have tried to mess up the partitions on which xp is installed by booting from xp install disk and attempting to format the parts, it still boots to xp!!!  how the hell do i nuke xp off the d09:54
FusEFlannel, http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/1972/screenshotcc4.png09:55
diamondcutterhypertyper, If i click where they were, they work, but the button is never visible09:55
dude_can some one help me plaease09:55
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Flannelmonkievox: You'll want to change the BIOS to boot off the CD, does that not work?09:55
FusEIm not sure >.<09:55
skolliemonkievox: are you selecting to boot from the CD?09:55
bullgard4Nergar: First step: read man ifconfig.09:55
hypertyperBrentR: you might look into "Super Grub Disk" - sorry, i don't have a URL, but it comes up well in google. That solved my problems earlier this evening (morning?) when i installed XP *after* installing ubuntu on a separate disk, and grub went away.09:56
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FlannelFusE: Did you install with LVM? or RAID? or what?09:56
monkievoxflannel: thanks, no i've done that and it doesn't do any good.  the mobo is asus p4c80009:56
monkievoxif that helps any09:56
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BrentRActually, I already have that, but not even that will load up my Ubuntu. It does let me boot WIndows though. But I don't need it for WIndows. Thanks anyways though09:56
NickGarveyBrentR: no such partition.. hmm, perhaps the root line is failing..09:56
Nergarbullgard4, i did, can't understand it very well09:56
FusEHonestly Flannel, I have no idea what LVM or RAID even is09:56
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FlannelFusE: just use 'all', it'll cover any of them that need to be done, and I don't think it'll hurt anything.09:56
hypertyperdiamondcutter: that sounds like an issue with your theme manager. of course, take my advice with a grain of salt, as i'm not exactly experienced, but i would check either themes or window management09:56
NickGarveyBrentR: wait, so selecting windows DOES work?09:56
dude_can someone help me?????09:56
NickGarveyBrentR: from grub?09:56
Flannel!ask | dude_09:57
ubotudude_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:57
hypertyperdiamondcutter: i experienced something similar when i was trying out sabayon09:57
BrentRNickGarvey:No, not from Grub, from the Super Boot Disk09:57
skolliewhat with dude_?09:57
FusEAll I know Flannel is I installed Linux on a partition on my second hard drive09:57
monkievoxflannel: i even told it to boot from floppy and put an old freebsd floppy in there and it STILL booted off drive (sata ide)09:57
atrayomonkievox: did you burn the CD as an ISO image?09:57
BrentRNickGarvey: Sorry, Super Grub Disk09:57
NickGarveyBrentR: that would have narrowed it down so much09:57
dude_i just need t know how to make a temp directory for mplayer09:57
NickGarveyBrentR: I am afraid, grub can't find itself09:57
monkievoxatrayo: yes, using uh ... infra recorder?09:57
NickGarveybut how can it find menu.lst is what I am wondering09:57
monkievoxatrayo: is good, no?09:57
ThanatosDriveIs it possible to add things into 'Keyboard Shortcuts'?09:57
bullgard4Nergar: yes, this is quite normal. So you better cite the place you did not understand in 'man ifconfig' so that one can help you more specifically.09:57
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BrentRNickGarvey:Yeah, there is a special menu item in the Super disk that lets you boot an OS directly. Still doesn't work for Ubuntu though09:57
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Flannelmonkievox: Uh, there's some new ... actually, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows  Try that.09:57
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skolliedude_: have you tried mkdir09:58
RamziHi. Let me ask a stupid question. Linux is open-source, yes?09:58
dude_i know its basic but im lost09:58
FlannelRamzi: yes09:58
atrayomonkievox: Oh sorry, all I know is that it has to be burned as an ISO image (it took me a bit to figure that out from Nero)09:58
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RamziWhere can I see said source?09:58
jattyou just said it09:58
monkievoxatrayo: ah, thanks tho ;)09:58
hypertyperBrentR and NickGarvey: i had wonderful results with "Super Grub Disk" earlier... it auto-magically (well, mostly) fixed my boot issues (triple-booting XP-Pro-64, XP-Home, and ubuntu 7.04)09:58
tarzeauRamzi: it's free software09:58
dude_yes but i dont know how to change to that directory to continue install09:58
tarzeauRamzi: www.kernel.org has it09:59
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diamondcutterhypertyper, when you mean check, what could I try? I know they're both up to date and I'm only using the Feisty installed themes and such apps.09:59
NickGarveyhypertyper: we are booting off an external hd though09:59
FlannelRamzi: for what?  kernel.org has the kernel source.  If oyu want specific Ubuntu sources, that's doable too.  But what exacty are you looking for?09:59
skolliedude_: cd /nameofdir09:59
BrentRhypertyper: I've used it, but it's not helping me to get this to work. What exactly did you do? And yeah, it's from an external drive09:59
slackoramadude_: type 'cd nameofdir'09:59
NickGarveyBrentR: does memtest work?09:59
RamziFlannel: I imagined that say, if I found a glitch, I could just open up something and tweak it.09:59
FusEFlannel, ... :(09:59
monkievoxflannel: interesting ink ... ok, grub it is09:59
hypertyperdiamondcutter: uhm, i meant "try checking the settings" when i said "try". again, i am a clueless newbie myself, so i may or may not be helpful at all ;)09:59
RamziBut what it looks like is I need to download the source independently, and compile it, and that doesn't seem pleasant.09:59
BrentRNickGarvey: Nope, same error 2210:00
NickGarveyBrentR: aaargh10:00
NickGarveyBrentR: ok so I know it isn't the root= line10:00
FlannelRamzi: You'll want to install the source from the repositories, which will be source packages.  Which you then can tweak, and then compile into debs, which you can then install through package management10:00
Nergarbullgard4, now i get it. I was trying to use ifconfig to configure a wireless network, i need iwconfig instead :P10:00
BrentRNickGarvey: Yeah, that's putting it nicely10:00
NickGarveybecause memtest+ doesn't have one..10:00
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FusEFlannel, http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/9959/screenshotxt2.png10:00
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dude_thanx skollie10:00
NickGarveyBrentR: guess it is the root(hd1,1) line10:00
NickGarveyBrentR: but.. we know that is the root10:01
hypertyperBrentR: wait a sec... you're just trying to get Windows to load again? i mean, does linux load, but windows doesn't?10:01
FlannelFusE: I told you.  Use all10:01
skollienp dude_10:01
dude_thank you so much!!!10:01
FusEcrap flannel10:01
Nergarbullgard4, thats why i couldn't find the answers i was looking for10:01
FusEwrong ss10:01
CVirusWhere is /etc/inittab in ubuntu ?10:01
FusEI did10:01
bullgard4Nergar: Ok. Good luck now!10:01
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FusEFlannel: http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2638/screenshot1gu7.png10:01
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RamziSo, like, all the games that come prepackaged in Ubuntu... That's the binaries. I have to hunt for the source on my own, yes?10:01
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NickGarveyBrentR: ok, at this point, I would just give up and make a small /boot partition on the internal hd10:01
FlannelRamzi: no, they have the source in the repoisotires too10:01
BrentRNickGarvey: No, neither of them load from Grub. And now, neither will load from the Super Grub disk10:01
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NickGarveyBrentR: would that be alright?  I mean time wise etc etc10:02
hypertyperBrentR: if that's the case, you might try booting from your windows install media, and using FIXMBR from the repair console (Press "R" when it asks you whether to repair or install)10:02
FlannelFusE: well, that might be caused because you're using dapper kernels10:02
RamziWhat are the respositories?10:02
Flannel!repositories | Ramzi10:02
ubotuRamzi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:02
NickGarveyBrentR: sorry, but I'm flat out of ideas10:02
RamziOkay. Thank you.10:02
FusEwell I tried booting to Edgy but I got the "Kernel panic" error10:02
FlannelRamzi: the stuff that you can install stuff from, using package management10:02
BrentRNickGarvey: Well, I don't have much space, and I do stuff professionally on my laptop, so I can't just wipe much of it out10:02
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hypertyperi'm a linux newbie, but i'm a windows tech ;)10:02
BrentRNickGarvey: It's ok10:02
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NickGarveyBrentR: small as in, 50MB10:02
RamziBye bye.10:02
skolliefuse: have never come across what I see in your screenshot10:02
NickGarveyBrentR: 27M     /boot/10:02
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FlannelRamzi: You can download binaries, or if you feel like it, source packages, which you then compile (with or without tweaking) into debs, which you then install (package management is wonderful).10:03
Dudemanskollie: im back10:03
NickGarveyBrentR: just be sure to delete old kernels when you upgrade10:03
tjmcwhats the best alternative to firefox in linux?10:03
BrentRhypertyper: I have already did fixmbr. I'm running Grub from an external drive10:03
NickGarveyBrentR: that sound good?10:03
Dudemanskollie: well i just updated my system and i thought i would try after the reboot. same thing10:03
bullgard4tjmc: Epiphany10:03
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hypertyperhas anyone ever experienced a vanishing desktop and panels on the second workspace? when i switch over, all i have is the desktop image; no icons, no panels...10:04
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NickGarveyBrentR: and - a reinstall of ubuntu is ok or not ok?10:04
Dudemanskollie: how do i update the headers10:04
dude__ do you extract files into a temp dir10:04
BrentRNickGarvey: Yeah, I might have to do that. I just have to say, that this is the kind of stuff that really just frustrates me. I'm great with windows and mac, but can't get this going10:04
h1st0hypertyper: are you using beryl or compiz or somethign?10:04
CVirusWhere is /etc/inittab in ubuntu ?10:04
skolliedudeman: should have done it with the system update10:04
NickGarveyBrentR: using the installer is easier, but you will get a reinstall, where as I can do it from the command line, but it won't be as easy10:04
HellevatorI have a second hard drive mounted on my computer but I am unable to write to it unless I am root.  How can I change that so my user can write to it?10:04
Dudemanskollie: thats what i thought...10:04
NickGarveyBrentR: but I can do it don't worry :)10:04
h1st0CVirus: what are you trying to do?10:04
NickGarveyBrentR: eh, well you don't see people running windows from an external hard drive :)10:04
BrentRNickGarvey: I just want to get more into LInux audio, but can't10:04
hypertyperh1st0: ubuntu 7.04 desktop, default install (other than updates and installing WoW with a howto)10:04
CVirush1st0: 2:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyS010:05
skolliedudeman: but if you look at the errors, it cannot find the files/drivers to install or the dirs in which they must go10:05
Dudemanskollie: says i am up to date10:05
skollieyes dude_?10:05
FusEFlannel, I removed Edgy from my grub menu because I got kernel panic, how do I get it back so I can see if I can goot to it10:05
BrentRNickGarvey: I know. But most people can't afford to TOTALLY switch yet. So that leaves linux out for some, I'm afraid.10:05
ThanatosDriveIs BitTorrent built-in to Ubuntu?10:05
Dudemanskollie: hmmm10:05
hypertyperBrentR:  sorry, i should have just shushed... i don't have enough information to help you out, and i just confused the situation by interrupting NickGarvey10:05
dude__i mad the dir and switched over to it, but how do i extract my files into that dir10:05
NickGarveyBrentR: yeah10:05
NickGarveyhypertyper: no problem at all10:05
BrentRNickGarvey: hypertyper: it's cool, you're just trying to help.10:05
h1st0hypertyper: hrm... thats wierd video driver issue maybe?10:05
h1st0CVirus: ?10:05
Dudemanskollie: im about to die lol im so frustrated10:05
skolliedudeman: go back to where you found the driver and try an earlier version if there is one. Also read the text that is available for the drivers10:06
NickGarveywow I have been looping the same song for the past two hours and didn't notice10:06
NickGarveytime for a change I think10:06
FusEI removed Edgy from my grub menu because I got kernel panic, how do I get it back so I can see if I can goot to it10:06
CVirush1st0: http://www.hylafax.org/content/Handbook:Basic_Server_Configuration:Starting_Inbound_Service10:06
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FlannelFusE: sudo update-grub10:06
ThanatosDriveCan anyone see what I type?10:06
skolliedude_: you can extract the files wherever you want10:06
atrayoThanatosDrive: Yes Bit Torrent is in my system10:06
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BrentRNickGarvey: I'm just wondering, HOW has anyone gotten this safe configuration working? I've read a couple places where people said they were running this way. SUrely it's got to be possible, no?10:07
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hypertyperh1st0: now that you mention it, the "restricted driver" icon is no longer visible... i had to install it to enable desktop effects, but then i took them off after i decided that the desktop effects available weren't quite enough eye-candy, compared to sabayon. think the disabling of desktop effects could have done something?10:07
dude__sorry im knew to this scen10:07
Dudemanskollie: ok heres some info i learned while googling. another ubuntu site/thing i read about was that i could use the windows 2000 driver. it says it would work. thing is... its an exe file10:07
dude__is there a certain command10:07
NickGarveyBrentR: I believe I did so at a friends house actually10:07
FusEFlannel it found 2.6.1710:07
dude__is it in archive manager?10:07
FusEIsnt that Feisty?10:07
FusEShould Itry booting to that?10:07
akiohow do i add an open in console context menu item?10:07
FlannelFusE: 2.6.17 is edgy, 2.6.20 is feisty10:07
Dudemanalso, ubuntu should already be able to work with my adapter... i just dont understand10:07
skolliedudeman: then you probably also have to run ndiswrapper10:07
NickGarveyBrentR: but there is a good chance I just made a /boot partition10:07
h1st0CVirus: doesn't use init system they updated to something else10:07
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FusEah k10:07
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Flannelakio: install nautilus-open-terminal10:07
FusEill boot to 1710:07
NickGarveyBrentR: I remembre things not going totally smoothly10:07
Dudemanwill the ndiswrapper allow me to use exe files?10:07
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Dudemanor what does it do10:07
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BrentRNickGarvey: Is it possible that my partitions just aren't set up right?10:08
NickGarveyBrentR: it didn't look like it10:08
atrayoThanatosDrive: Go into System>Preferences>Main Menu and add it to the Internet folder10:08
nahemadudeman: try wine10:08
jonathan_I got a problem with apt-get10:08
NickGarveyBrentR: (they looked right)10:08
jonathan_it broken10:08
skolliedudeman: not the exe, but the .inf will be used to install the driver10:08
h1st0CVirus: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/03/where-can-i-find-inittab-in-ubuntu-edgy-eft-or-feisty-fawn.html10:08
Dudemanskollie: ahh i will give this a try10:08
h1st0CVirus: there ya go.  check that out they are using upstart now10:08
jonathan_anybody can help me?10:08
hypertyperjonathan_: how is it broken?10:08
BrentRNickGarvey: Maybe I didn't set a boot flag or something?10:08
akioFlannel: Thanks...10:08
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NickGarveydoesn't matter in linux10:08
jonathan_terminal said:  apt-get install10:09
jonathan_E: Type 'deb' is not known on line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:09
jonathan_E: The list of sources could not be read.10:09
Dudemannahema: im dealing with drivers. wine would not allow the driver to be installed in the right place to get my adapter to work with linux10:09
NickGarveyjonathan_: drop the "10:09
hypertyperjonathan_: it's easier to help if we have a good description of the issue :)10:09
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skolliedudeman: make sure you read and follow ALL the instructions10:09
Dudemanskollie: will do. i will be right back to get this program and try this out10:09
NickGarveyjonathan_: your /etc/apt/sources.list file has an error on line 4410:09
jonathan_now I can't update anything10:09
nahemadudeman: i see that now but four exe programs try wine :)10:09
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NickGarveyjonathan_: open vi, and type the following EXACTLY10:09
skolliedudeman: btw - I managed to install the drivers you need with no problem, but then I run Feisty10:09
atrayoDoes anybody else here have any problems with attachments in Gmail?10:09
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=== hypertyper is thankful NickGarvey is present.
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jonathan_nope, can't either10:10
linuxorHi, I've tried to install f-prot for linux but I didn't success, after that, when I try to install any other software, it'll do but at the end I got a message telling me if I want to install f-prot. Please how to do ?10:10
hypertyperNickGarvey: you seem to have an answer for everything ;)10:10
Dudemanskollie: you installed the very same drivers i showed you?10:10
fatbrainHello, I manage to remove my gconf folders, so now when I login my "start-menu-bar" erm, looks super-fubar, is there anyway to recover my lost gnome settings?10:10
NickGarveyhypertyper: answer? yes, do they all work? apparently not ;)10:10
skolliedudeman: yes - not that I need it10:10
jonathan_synaptic also10:11
Dudemanskollie: yes i know lol but if i updated to 7.04 you think it would work?10:11
dude__how do extract files into dir of said choise10:11
skolliedudeman: either that or use an earlier version of the driver10:11
jonathan_E: Type 'deb' is not known on line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list10:11
jonathan_E: The list of sources could not be read.10:11
jonathan_Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem.10:11
jonathan_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.10:11
slackoramadude__: what type of files?10:11
Dudemanskollie: alright well im just assuming if i updated that it would do the same for me that it did for you10:11
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NickGarveyjonathan_: read what I said?10:11
levanderjonathan_: paste you sources.list to a pastebin10:11
Dudemanskollie: your system is 7.04?10:12
skolliedudeman: let's hope, but do an upgrade to 7.10 with adept10:12
NickGarveylevander: he has an error on line 44, he didn't drop the " when someone told him to add a line10:12
slackoramadude__: tar -xzvf nameoffile.tar.gz10:12
jonathan_what source?10:12
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NickGarveylevander: "deb whatever"10:12
NickGarveylevander: instead of just plain deb whatever10:12
Dudemanskollie: how do i do that? sorry im a lil new to ubuntu10:12
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atrayoNickGarvey: Sorry about the delay, I lost my internet connection for a while - anyway, I checked the Network Connection while I was trying to attach, like you said, and it didn't show it uploading 4 mb worth of info in packets sent (it showed Trasmitting/Recieving but it does that all the time anyway)10:13
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NickGarveyatrayo: do you have noscript or anything?10:13
hypertyperh1st0: can you give me a shove in the right direction for checking into the "weird driver issue" you think i might be experiencing? i just want my desktop back on workspace 2... *sob*10:13
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atrayoNo, not that I'm aware of (sorry new here)10:13
Dudemanskollie: is there a command?10:13
NickGarveyatrayo: disable extensions you are unsure of10:14
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skollieDudeman: in the System Menu, find Adept Package Manager, first tell it to 'fetch updates' and then do a 'full upgrade'. Will take a while10:14
h1st0hypertyper: what type of video card do you have?10:14
Dudemanskollie: alright10:14
BrentRNickGarvey: Just a quick thought. My boot flag is on a partition that I am not using for Ubuntu. Could that be the problem?10:14
FusEFlannel, skollie, now Im back to square one, booted on Edgy and Im recieving network problems. I cant connect to anything, and my DHCP server is apparently not assigning me a  IP address10:14
hypertyperh1st0: nvidia 6600 pci ex10:14
twagerI have just upgraded Gutsy but when I rebooted I got 2 beeps and the system reboots ad infinitum...Any Ideas ?10:14
NickGarveyBrentR: no, boot flags are ignored, you can switch it if you want though10:14
BrentRNickGarvey: I'm looking at it inside GParted10:14
NickGarveyBrentR: I could be wrong10:15
skollieFuse: with the wireless device again?10:15
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NickGarveytwager: hardware problem, not a software problem10:15
skolliefuse: do the security thing again and see if that works10:15
NickGarveytwager: are you getting to the bios?10:15
BrentRNickGarvey: So it doesn't matter then? I don't even remember putting it there, and actually at one point I took that OFF of all partitions10:15
hypertyperh1st0: when i enabled desktop effects (menu: system, preferences), it went out and got a driver all on its own, after asking permission10:15
FusEturn off security?10:15
Dudemanskollie: synaptic? i dont see adept10:15
NickGarveyBrentR: it shouldn't matter, I never bother with them, I think DOS needed them10:15
skolliefuse: yes10:15
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h1st0hypertyper: ahh.10:15
twagerNo because I am running this in Sidux from the same drive10:15
nahemafuse: did you try do install your drivers whit ndiswrapper?10:15
NickGarveyBrentR: needless to say, OS's have evolved a bit past DOS :)10:16
skolliedudeman: are you using gnome?10:16
h1st0hypertyper: well disable desktop effects and see if you still experience the problem.  Bet thats what it is.10:16
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, gotcha. So how do I get rid of Grub on this hard drive then?10:16
Dudemanskollie: yes10:16
NickGarveyBrentR: oh um10:16
FusEnahema, no I upgraded to edgy10:16
dude__that didnt seem to work10:16
ThanatosDriveatrayo: Thanks!10:16
hypertyperh1st0: however, i have since disabled desktop effects10:16
NickGarveyBrentR: do you.. really need to?10:16
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dude__i created a dir named test10:16
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sx66how do you slim down kde simliar to xfce?10:16
atrayoThanatosDrive: Sweet! I've helped my first person with Ubuntu :)10:16
CVirush1st0: thanks10:16
NickGarveyBrentR: because if you want to just wipe the mbr.. that means I need to figure out how many bytes it is and etc10:16
BrentRNickGarvey: Well, if I ever happen to do a restart while doing music(most of the use of this drive is for audio)10:16
skolliedudeman: I use KDE and mine is under Menu, System. Yours might be under Admin or something.10:16
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slackoramadude__: what happened?10:17
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NickGarveyBrentR: but I mean you would never boot from the external drive anyway10:17
NickGarveyBrentR: just use it for data10:17
h1st0CVirus: np10:17
_Codeman_What kind of joystick support does (K)ubuntu have?10:17
h1st0hypertyper: hrm...  Thats wierd.   What type of video card do you have?10:17
NickGarvey_Codeman_: try the live cd10:17
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h1st0hypertyper: lspci | grep VGA10:17
nahemafuse: i have 7.10 and it work whit ndiswrapper you will find it whit synaptic pakage manager after that select the .inf file10:17
BrentRNickGarvey: I don't HAVE to have it plugged in, I can just unplug it, but sometimes when beta testing stuff I restart. I think I deleted it before when I deleted the two partitions and resized the one I use for audio10:17
dude__i created a dir named test and went into that dir and typed as you said with the mplayer file name and it gave me a bash erro and child2 something10:17
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twagerNickGarvey: Not getting to the bios...Just reboots10:18
NickGarveyBrentR: remove the external drive from your boot order, that is all you need10:18
_Codeman_NickGarvey: Why?10:18
Dudemanskollie: hmmm still no adept... synaptic package manager is the only thing i can find10:18
BrentRNickGarvey: Although it probably didn't delete it. Oh, wait. I can just .......yep, you beat me to it!10:18
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NickGarveytwager: yes, it is a hardware error10:18
hypertyperh1st0: OMG! you were right. i checked the effects, and they were still turned on... just none of the eye-candy was on. disabling desktop effects (for really reals this time) fixed me right up10:18
NickGarveytwager: check the "beep codes" for your mother board10:18
dude__ tar -xzvf mplayer-1.Orc1.tar.gz10:18
dude__tar: mplayer-1.Orc1.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory10:18
dude__tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now10:18
dude__tar: Child returned status 210:18
dude__tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors10:18
dude__dude@66-233-149-221:~$ cd test10:18
NickGarvey_Codeman_: so.. rather than asking a bunch of people who don't know.. you can just try it?10:18
dude__dude@66-233-149-221:~/test$ test -xzvf mplayer-1.Orc1.tar.gz10:18
h1st0hypertyper: okay so its a driver issue then.10:18
dude__bash: test: -xzvf: unary operator expected10:18
NickGarvey!pastebin | dude_10:18
dude__dude@66-233-149-221:~/test$ -xzvf mplayer-1.Orc1.tar.gz10:18
ubotudude_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:18
dude__bash: -xzvf: command not found10:18
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BrentRNickGarvey: It's too bad I can't install just a general distro on my laptop drive and run programs from the external one, to save space10:18
h1st0!paste | dude__10:19
ubotudude__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:19
BrentRNickGarvey: I do that with audio stuff all the time, but not OS stuff10:19
waylandbilldude_:  tar zxvf mplayer...10:19
h1st0hypertyper: you probably just need more updated drivers for your card.10:19
_Codeman_NickGarvey: I have Kubuntu installed, just donno what joysticks are supported and what packages (if any) are neede10:19
skolliedudeman: at the command line, do 'sudo apt-get install adept'10:19
hypertyperh1st0: the result of the command you asked for:  05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 PCIe]  (rev a2)10:19
Dudemanskollie: k uno momento10:19
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twagerNickGarvey: I have and it tells me 2 beeps is a power problem but Sidux is working from hda210:19
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h1st0hypertyper: it may just be a bug in desktop effects also.10:19
skolliedude_: try doing tar -xavf and the rest of it10:19
h1st0hypertyper: what was the problem you where having exactly?10:19
slackoramadude__: is the mplayer tar.gz file in your test directory?10:20
CVirush1st0: there's tty* only ... no ttyS* !10:20
NickGarveytwager: "power problem"?10:20
skolliedude_: sorry - xzvf10:20
dude__i think10:20
hypertyperh1st0: yeah, i'm gonna chalk it up to some weird bug thing in an app i'm not going to be using, and call it good.10:20
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dude__not sure10:20
h1st0CVirus: I don't know much about  that stuff10:20
fatbrainHow do I restore gnome settings? (I removed my .gconfX .gnomeX folders and now it's all fubar)10:20
h1st0hypertyper: k.10:20
dude__this is kind of alien to me10:20
BrentRNickGarvey: So before I go, any other ideas about how to put Grub on the main drive without any errors, just able to start WIndows from the menu? Cause Ubuntu worked that way, and so did Windows, whenever I had the drive plugged in. Can I not make it load?10:20
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slackoramadude__: go into your test directory and type 'ls'10:20
CVirush1st0: okay .. thanks again10:20
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FusEerrr now my screen is frozen and I can move my mouse, but nothing is happening10:20
skollieyes FusE ?10:21
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FusEerrr now my screen is frozen and I can move my mouse, but nothing is happening10:21
waylandbilldude__: the first error suggests you didn't even have that tarball in the same directory10:21
hypertyperh1st0: on the other hand... do you know of a way to remove the panels on the second workspace *intentionally*, so i can play wow without the panels covering up part of the screen?10:21
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NickGarveyBrentR: to do that, I would suggest making a small 100MB partition, install /boot to that, and / to /deb/sdb210:21
NickGarveyBrentR: installer will handle the grub based details if you do that10:21
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BrentRNickGarvey: Hmmmmm, wait a minute. Can I put a very small linux distro on my main drive, and use that for Grub? And then will Grub recognize other distros on the external drive?10:21
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dude__i typed ls10:21
h1st0hypertyper: well now that desktop effects is disabled they panels won't be there when you play wow10:22
h1st0hypertyper: another bug from that package10:22
Dudemanskollie: ok i installed it. its not showing up on my menu though10:22
hypertyperoh, duh... lemme try that10:22
NickGarveyBrentR: I suppose, but that will just end up doing the exact same thing as I suggested, but waste space with an extra linux distro you aren't going to use10:22
_Codeman_BrentR: Doesn't grub get installed to your MBR?10:22
BrentRNickGarvey: Cause I can do that if that will work. Something like SLax or something?10:22
slackoramadude__: was the mplayer file name output?10:22
iambobcan i use a mp3 player to boot something to install it someone please help me10:22
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bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?10:22
FusEk skollie, with no key, I can connect to the internet10:22
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dude__it just went blank10:22
Dudemanskollie: eh i think i need kde for this. brb10:22
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BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, how do I just install /boot to that small partition?10:22
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dude__test is blank10:22
skolliedudeman: must be somewhere - check under syste, admin, accessories etc10:23
slackoramadude__: then the file sin't in test10:23
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?10:23
BrentRNickGarvey: I wouldn't mind having a small distro on the partition, but just for basic testing and learning so it won't take much space10:23
NickGarveyBrentR: I would suggest using gparted to make a 100MB ext2 partition, and then when installing, select "manual" for partitioning, and do the rest from there10:23
skollieFuse: same problem as before. Try a new key10:23
=== Spaceman3750 [n=ubuntu@64-199-238-87.ip.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
slackoramadude__: where did you download it to? Desktop?10:23
dude__how do i extract it to test dir10:23
FusEk ill use one of the other 4 KEYS10:23
waylandbillBrentR: by specifying that /boot gets mounted there during installation.10:23
Spaceman3750Guys, I have a major problem10:23
dude__mplayer site10:23
NickGarveyBrentR: the issue with that, is you would need to hack together a menu.lst yourself (or at least edit one)10:23
Spaceman3750My filesystem crashed, and fschk fails at boot10:23
Spaceman3750Can I recover this or do I have to reinstall?10:24
NickGarveySpaceman3750: use a boot cd and fsck it10:24
dude__they are tar.gz or bz2 files10:24
atrayoNickGarvey: I currently have only the default extensions in Firefox. The closest thread on the forums about the problem I am having mentions "gnutls" library, and the person updated the "libgnutls11" package and it fixed his problem. When I looked in Synaptic, it said I already had the libguntls13 package (the checkbox was green) the thread is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10487&highlight=gmail+attachments+firefox but it 10:24
NickGarveyaah.. always wanted to say that10:24
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BrentRNickGarvey: Oh, I'd need help with that for sure10:24
NickGarveyBrentR: yeah exactly10:24
bullgard4Spaceman3750: Report the error message that you obtained.10:24
Spaceman3750I'm on live CD now, so issue fsck?10:24
dustinHi all I'm trying to install GWiz (a remake of the old Wizardry game). The install script returns an error telling me "The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found" and suggesting that if it was installed that I should " set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable". Any ideas? I checked Synaptic and I see some SDL things installed. Just to be safe I added libsdl1.2debial-all, but I...10:24
dustin...still get the error.10:24
NickGarveySpaceman3750: yeah, fsck /broken/partition10:25
akioso i ./cofigure till all deps are met10:25
Spaceman3750It just sez that fsck failed and I need to run manually10:25
slackoramadude__: you need to find the file on your local system first.  Where did you download it TO (not from)?10:25
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Kai|iKeyI need to reset all network settings to install defaults. the etc/network/interface file does not fix my problem ... any ideas?10:25
dude__my desktiop10:25
akiothen i make10:25
akiothen i make --install?10:25
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hypertyperwoot! thanks, h1st0!10:25
NickGarveyakio: drop the --10:25
akioi dont see that in make10:25
iambobso can any1 help me please10:25
Spaceman3750How do I tell it which partition to check?10:25
waylandbilldude__: just specify the full path to the tarball while in your test dir.10:26
h1st0hypertyper: np10:26
BrentRNickGarvey:Ok, so if I installed a small linux distro to a small partition, OR used that partition JUST for the /boot, then it can put Grub there, and I can boot as normal? THen, Grub will work with my external drive Ubuntu installation when it's plugged in?10:26
akioNickGarvey: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.10:26
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NickGarveyBrentR: yes, all the config files will be on the /boot partition10:26
h1st0hypertyper: just fyi there is a way to get all that stuff working the right way if you want to in the future stop in #desktop-effects10:26
h1st0hypertyper: they can get you going with all the eye candy etc..10:26
BrentRNickGarvey: Will it be easy to edit the lst file?10:26
Spaceman3750NickGarvey: How do I specify the partition to check?10:26
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NickGarveyBrentR: you won't need to as long as you tell the installer where everything is10:27
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NickGarveySpaceman3750: fsck /dev/partition10:27
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slackoramadude__: type 'tar xzvf ~/Desktop/nameoffile.tar.gz' inside of your test directory10:27
NickGarveySpaceman3750: where "partition" is.. the partition10:27
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Spaceman3750By letter, by name, what?10:27
hypertyperh1st0: just hopped in, but there appear to only be 2 people, and i'm one of them :(10:27
dude__xzvfxzvfcd test10:27
waylandbillBrentR: it's no different than /boot being simply a directory on the / partition really.10:27
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Spaceman3750New to Ubuntu and it already has a major problem10:27
slackoramadude__: where nameoffile is the file you want to untar10:27
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, so installing the small linux may be the way to go?10:27
dude__crap sorry10:27
h1st0hypertyper: #desktop-effects10:27
_Codeman_Spaceman3750: something like "fsck /dev/hda1" or w/e yours is10:27
crolle17i installed vlc, but my firefox doesn't play mp3. what could be the reason? or better which other package would this job better?10:27
skollieFusE: any luck?10:27
h1st0hypertyper: err #ubuntu-effects10:27
iambobwill someone help me please10:28
BrentRSorry, I'm VERY new to all this, so I haven't totally wrapped my head around all the partitioning rules and stuff10:28
NickGarveyBrentR: erm, that is the one where you need to edit your menu.lst10:28
stefg!codecs crolle1710:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codecs crolle17 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
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stefg!codecs | crolle1710:28
ubotucrolle17: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:28
skollie!question | iambob10:28
ubotuiambob: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:28
atrayocrolle17: I used the Ubuntu Restricted Extras package10:28
h1st0hypertyper: but yeah there aren't too many people around at this hour10:28
Dudemanskollie: im in gnome, and without kde. when i try to start adept i get this. "Failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)"10:28
=== _barnie [i=barnie@dumme-menschen.haben-die.ubermacht.de] has joined #ubuntu
BrentROh, so if I reinstall Ubuntu on the external drive, and select the small partiton for "/boot" for the Ubuntu, then it should work?10:28
waylandbilldude__: tar zxvf /full/path/to/your/desktop/yourtarball.tar.gz  (obviously use the path to your desktop)10:28
NickGarveyBrentR: yup10:28
LukeEkbladAnyone know how to make Beryl come on when I start the computer?10:28
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skolliedudeman: just a sec10:29
BrentRNickGarvey: Installing the other small distro would be MORE work?10:29
Dudemanskollie: k10:29
NickGarveyBrentR: yup10:29
=== VanGTO [n=van@130.133.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Codeman_iambob: what exactly are you trying to do?10:29
iambobok im trying to install windows xp so i can play WoW but i need to know if i can boot it off of a mp3 player which is just like a flash drive10:29
Spaceman3750"WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause10:29
Spaceman3750SEVERE filesystem damage.10:29
NickGarveySpaceman3750: UNMOUNT IT!10:29
BrentRNickGarvey: Just for curiosity, would those changes to the lst file be to redirect to the proper hd?10:29
Spaceman3750I DON'T KNOW HOW10:29
dude__i did what you said slackorama and i just gave me a >10:29
crolle17atrayo, how is it named?10:29
RichiHSpaceman3750: umount /mnt/whatever10:29
stefgiambob: a lot of peaople run WoW in wine, as i hear10:30
_Codeman_iambob: Only if your bios sees it I suppose10:30
waylandbillSpaceman3750: if it's / the use a boot cd and then fsck it10:30
Spaceman3750I'm not even 100% sure hda2 is Linux...  I know hda1 is Windows10:30
NickGarveyBrentR: the changes to the .lst would specify where the kernel was (probably just the crap that is in there now, but that isn't working so I'm not sure)10:30
skolliedudeman: were you running adept from the command line10:30
Dudemanskollie: menu10:30
iambob_Codeman_: how do i make my bios see it10:30
RichiHSpaceman3750: type 'mount' and paste the results onto a paste site10:30
atrayocrolle17: go to Add/Remove, and select the All Available Software, and type in Ubuntu Restricted Extras, I believe it is in the Others category10:30
Dudemanskollie: the error popped up in a window10:30
NickGarveySpaceman3750: pastebin the output of "sudo mount" and "sudo fdisk -l"10:30
crolle17atrayo, ubuntu-restricted-extras?10:30
BrentRNickGarvey: Ok, well I'll work on that tomorrow I guess10:30
NickGarveyBrentR: good luck10:30
NickGarveyand good night I assume :)10:30
skolliedudeman: do you have kde installed and can you switch to it?10:30
atrayocrolle17: let me look at mine, hold on10:31
NickGarvey4:30 am here10:31
_Codeman_iambob: If my understanding of booting from a flash drive is correct your bios has to support that... as far as what to do from there, I donno... never done it10:31
Dudemanskollie: no and no10:31
Spaceman3750NickGarvey, how do I find out what partition Linux is on?10:31
NickGarveySpaceman3750: paste bin those and I'll tell you10:31
BrentRNickGarvey: Thanks, and thanks SOOOOOO much for your help. It's 3:30am here, and I gotta work at 10am, so I'm going to try and sleep now10:31
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Dudemanskollie: im on a clean install from dvd. updated though10:31
NickGarvey:) night10:31
iambob_Codeman_: kk thanks10:31
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Dudemanskollie: didnt come with kde10:31
atrayocrolle17: it is named Ubuntu restricted extras10:31
stefgSpaceman3750: simply type 'mount' in a terminal10:31
FusEskollie, no luck, I tried all four keys and I cannot even get a signal. Should I up down it?10:31
_Codeman_iambob: no problem10:31
slackoramadude__: if the command is short, paste it in here on one line.10:32
skollieDudeman: Now I'm as stuck as you are... try to google upgrading in synaptic10:32
crolle17atrayo, alright. i will install it... and see10:32
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iambob_Codeman_: what about trying to boot it from a second hardrive is that possible10:32
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Dudemanskollie: alrighty. so you are running 7.10 and it worked for you? if so ill just figure it out from there10:32
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atrayocrolle17: It worked for me for Mp3s10:32
Spaceman3750stefg: How do I tell which?10:32
skollieFuse: if no signal, the device is not working. Did you reinstall the driver?10:32
FusEno, how do I do that lol10:33
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FusEIve never done driver work on linux10:33
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stefgSpaceman3750: the one which is mounted on / (root)10:33
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skollieDudeman; the diver installation worked, but I cannot guarantee the dive will10:33
_Codeman_iambob: Yes, my ubuntu boots from my secondary drive10:33
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skolliedudeman: *device10:33
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LukeEkbladI need help, I want Beryl to run on startup, anyone know how I can do this?10:33
dude__ tar zxvf ~/Desktop/Mplayer-1.Orc1.tar.gz10:33
h1st0LukeEkblad: System > Preferences > Session10:34
Dudemanskollie: understandable. at this point i just want the damn driver installed lol cuz the device really wont work without it10:34
stefg!effcts | LukeEkblad10:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effcts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:34
h1st0LukeEkblad: add it there10:34
atrayoAny other Gmail users in here? I can't attach files to my mail - I click on send and it just keeps loading10:34
iambob_Codeman_: but can i install windows xp from a second hardrive to my first hard drive10:34
FusEskollie, wher do I reinstall the driver from10:34
stefg!effects | LukeEkblad10:34
ubotuLukeEkblad: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects10:34
Dudemanskollie: i will try and update to 7.10 and see if that will work10:34
skollieDudeman: Good luck!10:34
LukeEkbladno ones there10:34
_Codeman_iambob: I'm not sure I understand the question there10:34
Newbie_Dude@atrayo : I use GMail and do not have that problem. Are you running it through Firefox? Do you have any strange Firefox Addons installed?10:34
Dudemanskollie: thanks for all your help skollie. see you in the future. ill come back and let you know how it goes10:34
skollieFuse: I assume you can see the device?10:34
Spaceman3750stefg: I'm going to pastebin this10:34
stefgLukeEkblad: that's sad, but still no beryl in here10:34
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FusEskollie, yesw10:34
skolliedudeman: np10:34
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Dudemanskollie: later10:35
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vandli have a wireless connection my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:35
skolliefuse: and does it show it as enabled?10:35
LukeEkbladok, how to I make a "program" run on startup?   stefg?10:35
FusEWait where?10:35
FusEUnder networking?10:35
FusEYeah, eth1 is enabled10:35
akioFlannel: nautilus-open-terminal is installed but when i try to add it as a command in nautilus for open with it says its not there10:35
skolliefuse: yes10:35
LukeEkbladTotal_dumbass:   Hi10:35
atrayoNewbie_Dude: yes I am using Firefox, the default one that came with Feisty. I haven't added any extensions yet...I'm really at a loss, the closest reference I could find on the forums mentions libgnutls library10:36
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iambob_Codeman_: me and a friend of mine are trying to get windows xp installed on my hard drive so that we can play WoW the copy of it is on his second hard drive can i make his act like a cd or floppy10:36
stefgLukeEkblad: there's an extensive howto on beryl, which you shouldn't have probs locating by google10:36
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_Codeman_iambob: now that I think about it, what you really want to look into is how to configure grub... grub is the boot loader... no matter where your os's are located if you configure grub right and your bios can see each of these drives... you should be able to boot anything lol10:36
FusEYeah, eth1 is enabled skollie10:36
skolliefuse: but it cannot see your wireless router?10:36
LukeEkbladstefg:  whats Beryl?10:36
vandli have a wireless connection my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:36
Spaceman3750stefg: The results of my mount command are at http://pastebin.com/m1a8e73ed  I can't tell heads from tails :(10:36
hypertyperiambob: there is a better way... or rather, there is a way to play wow without installing xp10:36
FusEphysically I can see everything, on the computer, I guess the dhcp server is not setting a IP addr10:36
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natsumey_arghh stress, why when i ping my gateway always receive timeout ?10:37
dude__it says no such file or dir10:37
_Codeman_iambob: You might, that's something you would have to try and see, I've install Win98 from a hd before10:37
skolliefuse: in other words, it tries to connect but cannot?10:37
hypertyperiambob: use your browser to search for "howto wow <your distro here>"10:37
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dude__did u get my paste?10:37
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skolliefuse: and with no security it works?10:37
hypertyperiambob: for instance, i am running ubuntu, so i searched for "howto wow ubuntu"10:37
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iambobhypertyper: if it is using a windows emulator i have tried that it says cannot use 3d accelorator or something like that10:37
Newbie_Dude@atrayo: OK, gimme a sec, I'm gonna try attaching something to an eMail.10:37
vandli have a wireless connection on a feisty ubuntu my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:38
slackoramadude__: yeah...the file is located in ~/Desktop/ right?10:38
LukeEkbladAnyone know how to I make a "program" run on startup?10:38
hypertyperiambob: what video card do you have in the machine?10:38
FusEskollie, but booting to old kernel works with key10:38
Spaceman3750stefg: Did you get my paste?10:38
skolliefuse: again, check your security settings. Are you using WEP/WAP, is the key correct etc etc10:38
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aa^wayhey, when i do "Move to workspace right" where it goes?10:38
Nuktarhello ubuntu10:38
dude__its in home folder10:38
FusEwep and it is correct10:38
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_Codeman_iambob: As popular as WoW is, there's surely a howto for playing it on ANY distro lol10:38
dude__icon is on desktop10:38
stefgSpaceman3750: yup... funny that6 you don't appear to have a root mounted  :-\10:38
aa^wayi cant see anything where it moved.10:38
dude__is that the same10:38
skolliefuse: ascii/hex?10:39
Newbie_Dudeplease don't talk about WoW, I just quit :P10:39
Spaceman3750I'm on a Live CD...  I can get to the Linux partition from here...10:39
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FusEI think its set as ascii skollie10:39
slackoramadude__: so the file is located at ~/MPlayer-1.0rc1.tar.bz?10:39
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Spaceman3750But it doesn't show it?10:39
iambobhypertyper: its a i810 series10:39
dawn`chorusSpaceman3750, what do you mean "get to"?10:39
Spaceman3750What is the default for a standard installation next to Windows?10:39
Spaceman3750I can read it10:39
skolliefuse: try switching10:39
stefgSpaceman3750: are you sre you have pasted the complete output. i think the first line is missing10:39
iambobhypertyper: i have played wow on it before i installed ubuntu10:39
Total_dumbassGot a little problem here... Tried to install KDE on Ubuntu (aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, kde-desktop etc), seems that everything went fine, but now I lost my login screen (have to type startx to get into GUI), and there's no KDE, just good old Ubuntu Nautilus... How to get to KDE? Any ideas? Thanks.10:40
FusEskollie, right now its set to hexadecmial Il ltry ascii10:40
slackoramadude__: then type 'tar zxvf ~/MPlayer-1.0rc1.tar.gz'10:40
Spaceman3750stefg: The entire thing is there10:40
hypertyperiambob: check the wow website for system requirements. you may not be able to play wow with that video card. alternatively, someone else here may be able to help you get an updated driver10:40
Newbie_Dude@atrayo: Worked for me. I just installed Ubuntu for the first time three days ago. Also I did the updates through Update Manager. Perhaps it's the type of file you're trying to attach?10:40
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aa^wayhey, when i do "Move to workspace right" where it goes?10:40
stefgSpaceman3750: type 'sudo fdisk -l' and pastebin that output, plz10:40
FusEskollie, no matter the mode, no matter the key, it just does not connect10:40
hypertyperiambob: i know there are some video cards that do not work - particularly integrated video cards such as the intel chipset cards, and the chrome10:40
skollieaa^way: to the workspace on the right10:41
Spaceman3750stefg: That doesn't do the same as it does in Windows, does it?10:41
Nuktar<Total_dumbass>: Kubuntu still sucks... Maybe KDE4 will make it better.10:41
aa^wayskollie well its not there, should i see icon or something?10:41
iambobhypertyper: i have played wow with it i meet all requirments10:41
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akioi want a tutorial on how to handle tarballs10:41
vandli have a wireless connection on a feisty ubuntu my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:41
Newbie_Dude!find doomsday10:41
ubotuFound: kdoomsday10:41
stefgSpaceman3750: no, that lists your partitions10:41
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Spaceman3750stefg: OK, thanks10:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdoomsday - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
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dude__thanx for your patience10:41
slackoramadude__: is it a tar.gz or tar.bz2 file?10:41
Total_dumbassNuktar, I needed Creox tool, which is only in KDE...10:41
skollieaa^way: on your taskbar there should be the desktop switching tool10:41
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NuktarYea, such situation do suck.10:42
Newbie_DudeAnyone here use DOSBox -- the DOS Emulator -- in Ubuntu?10:42
atrayoNewbie_Dude: Thanks for checking, I appreciate it...I really am clueless, I installed about 5 days ago, I initially was trying to send an mp3, and now I've been trying to test with an .ogg file. I guess I will try Evolution, but I have my doubts that will get around this, I might try a new post at the forums too, I tried graduating from Beginner Talk to General, but I guess that gets a lot less help there :) Thanks for checking, at 10:42
akiodude: yeah10:42
skollieFuse: Have you tried regenrating the keys?10:42
Spaceman3750stefg: http://pastebin.com/m7bb4034f10:42
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FusEno because I use the same key on windowsw10:42
slackoramadude__: then type 'tar xjvf ~/file.tar.bz2'10:42
iambobi have gotten pretty far in installing Windows with the second hd but it says error 13 not a excuttable file10:42
hypertyperiambob: then it may be a driver issue, or you may need to install xp. if you are going to install xp, i recommend downloading the "Super Grub Disk" beforehand, as it will make reinstalling grub much simpler after xp cheerfully breaks it for you10:42
NuktarI tried Kubuntu and it seemed catastrophically integrated , i mean Ubuntu base with KDE.10:43
Newbie_Dude@atrayo: try compressing it.... Could be that GMail has a no-MP3 policy. I know that attachments can only be a maximum of 10 MB.10:43
vandli have a wireless connection on a feisty ubuntu my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:43
iambobhypertyper: were do i find that10:43
Newbie_DudeIf you use DOSBox -- Which front-end do you use for Ubuntu? Trying to find a decent GUI for DOSBox.10:43
Spaceman3750stefg: So "unmount /dev/hda3" followed by "fsck /dev/hda3" ?10:43
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stefgSpaceman3750: k, your ubuntu is on hda2 .... what ubuntu-version are you running? this looks suspicious10:43
skolliefuse: slowly work your way trhough your security settings. You should find what the problem is10:43
FusEeverything is verified it just doesnt work10:43
Spaceman3750stefg: 7.0410:43
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NuktarDoes anybody how can I get more game for Ubuntu? (except those in standart repos)10:43
Total_dumbassNuktar, that's the problem. Seems, that i Have to reinstall all only to get one piece of software...10:43
Spaceman3750Nuktar: Wine10:44
atrayoNewbie_Dude: Well, I know I was under the 10 mb limit, and I'm almost positive you can mail mp3, and I'm sure they wouldn't ban .ogg...O10:44
skolliefuse: but clearly, if it works with security disabled, that is where the problem lies, no?10:44
gnudles!ggl ubuntu games10:44
hypertyperiambob: use your favorite search engine, look for "super grub disk"10:44
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f4l3hello @ *10:44
iambobhypertyper: yea it broke my friends we think he has to reinstall ubuntu completly10:44
=== _barnie [i=barnie@dumme-menschen.haben-die.ubermacht.de] has joined #ubuntu
FusEskollie, is there any way to copy all the network info from another kernel10:44
vandli have a wireless connection on a feisty ubuntu my wifi card is recognized, but when i type pppoeconfig in terminal to enter my network username and password it doesn't work, can somebody help me?10:44
NuktarYea, yea, wine, cedega. Some native games?10:44
Newbie_Dude@atrayo : Try another web browser -- like Opera. Perhaps it is a Firefox problem. If it doesn't work in Opera then it is either Ubuntu or GMail. :P Sorry I can't help more.10:44
hypertyperiambob: you'll need a blank cd, and a way to put an iso on it. instructions are provided on the website for doing so in linux10:45
skolliefuse: probably, but generally not a good idea10:45
Spaceman3750stefg: What do you think?10:45
stefgSpaceman3750: hda3 is the extended partition (so this means it never got mounted anywhere, it's just a container. your boot-setup and/or /etc/fstab are wrong, that's the reason you get the error. hda3 does nt have any filesystem10:45
FusEit worked on 2.5.1510:45
NuktarFirefox @ Ubuntu totally sucks ! Opera sucks less.10:45
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications10:45
atrayoNewbie_Dude: oops - anyway I was going to say, I've been getting disconnects every once in a while, but when I'm connected the connection is fine. Maybe its related, I dunno / Yeah, I'll give Evolution or Thunderbird a try first, but then maybe I'll try another browser10:45
FusEbut its nto working on 2.5.1710:45
skollievandl: when you say 'doesn't work' what do you mean?10:45
xhaanyou can install windows on a second disk without ruining grub by doing a hardware swap... just hook up the disk you install windows to by itself and unplug the one that has grub on it.. then switch them back10:45
Spaceman3750stefg: OK, so "unmount /dev/hda2" followed by "fsck /dev/hda2"10:45
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Spaceman3750stefg: Correct?  Do they need to be run using sudo?10:46
vandli cannot introduce my user and password10:46
Newbie_Dude@Nuktar -- What's so bad about Firefox for Ubuntu? What do you suggest? I don't mind trying a new browser as long as I get an AdBlocker-type of plugin. :E10:46
reed026Do you think 128mb of Ram is not enough to run Kubuntu? I tried to install Xubuntu, however on every download I did ( Torrent and direct download) the cd would be defective. However, I was able to download / burn / install Kubuntu to my old Gateway E3000 with 128mb of Ram. It is kind of slow and was wondering what size I should get. I was thinking of just purchasing a 256mb or 512mb ram stick, though I am just trying to get the minimal spec as this is only goi10:46
hypertyperNuktar: what kind of games are you looking for?10:46
vandlfor network authorization10:46
Nuktartotal_dumbass : Maybe there is a replacement of creox in gnome10:46
stefgSpaceman3750: won't work, you can't unmount your root-partition, and you don't need to fsck, that's a bogus error10:46
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iambobhypertyper: can u tell me what i am doing wrong in installing windows xp i keep going to gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:46
Total_dumbassIs there any terminal command to switch from GNOME to KDE... Both are installed on my machine, but I got access only to Gnome...10:46
hypertyperreed026: in my experience, you'll want at least 256mb of ram to run any ubuntu distro10:46
FusEwhat if I turned off security and installed feisty10:46
crolle17atrayo, i installed, but this page doesn't play its mp3 with that package: http://www.soundquake.com10:46
Spaceman3750stefg: So what do I do?  I would rather not reinstall if I don't have to...10:46
skollieFuse: unlikely to be a kernel problem - has to do with your security settings for the device10:47
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stefgSpaceman3750: how did you install? and did you tinker after that?10:47
reed026thanks hypertyper. My current machine has 1GB and a crappy videocard, though it renders 3rd very well with the latest ATI drivers :)10:47
NuktarSee, It's not lightweight, it's messing my dependencies up, it's slow and the plugins are working weird/10:47
Newbie_DudeAre "Qt" versions of applications compatible with Ubuntu?10:47
slackoramadude__: nothing?  you are running it from the terminal right?10:47
FusE>.< where do I view the network settings on a previous kernel10:47
skollievandl: what happens exactly?10:47
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Spaceman3750stefg: I did a standard install.  No tinkering.  My bro said Ubuntu crashed on logout and he rebooted, and got the fsck screen when he booted back up10:47
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vandlskollie: so my wifi card is erconized10:47
reed026Oh and it runs straight Ubuntu, though I am starting to like Kubuntu.10:47
dude__i always get no such file or dir10:47
sx66I can not find the sudo apt-get install 915resolution in kubuntu...10:47
slackoramadude__: and no errors are output?  nothing is output?10:48
Spaceman3750stefg: Or whatever it does with a bad filesystem10:48
dude__thsi is the file as it appears as an icon on the desktop10:48
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hypertyperiambob: i'm not sure i understand your question... is xp already installed?10:48
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skollievandl: I thought your card was recognised?10:48
vandlin fact i don't know how to enable my network connection (the wireless)because i have a usernam and password10:48
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NuktarAbout games... See, games like Warzone 2100, Warsow, FreeCnc aren't in the standart repos. I still have problems compiling or installing something i downloaded.10:48
iambobhypertyper: no im trying to get it installed using the second hd as a disk instead of what it really is10:48
FusE>.< where do I view the network settings on a previous kernel10:48
Newbie_Dude@Nuktar - You're telling me, I've spent the past 30 minutes trying to compile Doomsday. >_<10:49
hypertyperiambob: then i'm not sure what grub has to do with it.10:49
slackoramadude__: ugh..i thought you said the file was in /home/dude/10:49
xhaaniambob, is it installed or youre in the process of doing it?10:49
dude__ive tried satndard dir and test dir to no avail10:49
skolliefuse: you would have to boot into that kernel10:49
vandlskollie: my question is: how do you enable a wireless connection after the card is well recognized10:49
stefgSpaceman3750: can you paste your /etc/fstab ? (and the ouptput of lspci, maybe) ?10:49
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hypertyperiambob: it might be best to acquire a windows xp install cd, and use that to install... there's something to be said for having legit software ;)10:49
xhaaniambob, windows doesnt like to be on a second disk btw, you may have to temporarily swap the disks10:49
dude__was i wrong10:49
NuktarHas anyone tried Fedora 7? I am downloading it now. Shall I try it? Or I leave my Ubuntu install?10:50
iambobhypertyper:  it sets it as something i boot from like a cd instead of hardrive10:50
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?10:50
FusEi dont get it, its the same settings10:50
hypertyperxhaan: i strongly disagree10:50
skollievandl: you would not do it via pppoe, that's for sure. You need to set it to connect to your wireless router10:50
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?10:50
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slackoramadude__: then type 'tar xjvf /home/dude/Desktop/Mpalyer-1.0rc1.tar.bz2'10:50
dude__in archive manager i extracted contents to home folder10:50
FusEoh wait skollie, thers a signal strength now10:50
iambobxhaan:  the other disk wont load ubuntu the kernel got messed up i think10:50
FusEjust cant connect10:50
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FusEto internet and stuff10:50
hypertyperxhaan: i am running xp pro 64 on drive 3, xp home on drive 4, and ubuntu on drive 2. my primary master is actually a cdrom10:50
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vandlskollie: and how to do that?10:51
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skollievandl: you would use your network settings to configure the wireless device10:51
Spaceman3750stefg: http://pastebin.com/m1abd251c10:51
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reed026Hmm I looked up specs for my E3000 and it says it supports up to 256mb of ram. There are two slots and I was wondering if it is better to purchase 1 256mb or 2 128mb10:51
xhaanhypertyper, thats fine, i run xp on drive 2, but people -have- had problems running it on slave drives10:51
skolliefuse: so it sees your router and now needs to connect to get an ip address10:51
slackoramadude__: archive manager works too.  so you have the files extracted now.10:52
crolle17atrayo, can you play mp3 of that page?10:52
NormaHey guys - I am trying to work out where the host myhost.lan information is stored - I have changed the /etc/hostname and this is reflected i my shell however when I ping somewhere it still sees me as myhost.lan10:52
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vandlskollie: but i cannot find a place where to enter my network username and password10:52
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hypertyperreed026: if the board supports a total of 256mb, then it won't recognize anything larger than 128 per slot, assuming 2 slots.10:52
skolliefuse: use your network settings to restart the device10:52
vandlskollie: in the network configuration utility10:52
FusEerr how10:52
stefgSpaceman3750: ok, looks sane... so i'd need a look at /boot/grub/menu.lst , too10:52
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Spaceman3750stefg: You got it boss :)10:52
skollievandl: what network name and password?10:52
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hypertyperreed026: on the other hand, you might check with the manufacturer to see if there's a bios update that allows it to address more memory. rare, but not unheard of10:52
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_Codeman_where/how do joysticks show up?10:53
slackoramadude__: so now just follow the directions for building it.10:53
vandlskollie:i have a wireless connection to the internet and i got a username and passwoed10:53
xhaanfor example, mine wont even boot up without the grub map commands10:53
xhaantricking it into thinking windows is the first disk10:53
Spaceman3750stefg: http://pastebin.com/d4c55abed10:53
vandland under XP it' configured like a pppoe connection10:53
reed026hmm The latest Bios update on their site addressed the Harddrive issues I had with it not recognizing my 40gb hd10:54
dude__i tried that last combo...ill try10:54
hypertyper_Codeman_: hey, i wanna know that, too!10:54
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FusEskollie how do I restart the device...10:54
dude__thanx for your help. if i have any more questions can i ask you?10:54
skollievandl: so what do you mean you cannot enter it?10:54
_Codeman_hypertyper: what kind do you have?10:54
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skolliefuse: disable and enable10:54
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reed026and hypertyper that was a hell of a ride to upgrade without an OS :) Had to do a lot of reading on making DOS bootdisks, which helped me a lot for future references.10:54
FusEk but IVe done that10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snowberry - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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slackoramadude__: i'm off to bed actually.10:55
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dude__you rock tho10:55
dude__thanx again10:55
slackoramadude__: you saw this right: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106110:55
shackHi there guys, how can I list my users/group their homedir etc in terminal?10:55
stefgSpaceman3750: looks sane, too ... strange... ok, so while we are at inspection you could paste 'dmesg', too10:55
shackor is there some file where this info is stored?10:55
dude__i know its probably hard dealin with newbies10:55
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Spaceman3750Is that a command?10:55
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skolliefuse: or command line - sudo ifdown eth1 and the sudo ifup eth110:55
slackoramadude__: no worries.10:55
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towliebanhow do i do apt-get in a way to get an older version of the beryl package (0.2.0 instead of 0.2.1) ?10:56
dude__right on ----PEACE!10:56
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crolle17can sonebody give an hint why my firefox doesn't play all online-mp3? it's curious to me.10:56
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gnomefreaktowlieban: sudo apt-get install beryl=fullversion you want10:56
vandlskollie: do u have an idea about what could i do?10:56
gnomefreaktowlieban: that is assuming its still in cache10:56
crolle17i mean the browser uses the same codec for all pages, right?10:56
Nuktarcrolle17: Sorry to say, but firefox sucks. Check the plugins.10:56
Spaceman3750stefg: http://pastebin.com/d6222dec310:57
crolle17Nuktar, which plugin?10:57
Nergaris there a setting so ubuntu boots only to a text login?10:57
stefgSpaceman3750: k, hold on a sec10:57
FusEskollie, I did what you said, still cant connect to internet10:57
gnomefreaktowlieban: if apt-cache show packagename shows the older version you want you can use the command i gave you. if not you cant10:57
skollievandl: is your wireless device used to connect to your ISP or is it to connect to a wireless router?10:57
crolle17Nuktar, i tried foxytunes. but that didn't help.10:57
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Spaceman3750stefg: No problem, I have awhile :)10:57
_Codeman_So, no one plays games with a joystick in ubuntu :P10:57
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FusEskollie, want a ss off the ifdown and ifup?10:58
Nuktar<crolle17> give me the Link i'll check it one some browsers.10:58
skolliefuse: your device is not being authenticated by your router, which as I've indicated before, is probably related to your security settings, because it works when your security is disabled10:58
crolle17Nuktar, http://www.soundquake.com/10:58
gordonjcpcrolle17: have you got mp3 support?10:58
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skolliefuse: what is ss?10:58
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crolle17gordonjcp, i installed lot of codecs. and the browser plays mp3 of other pages.10:59
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ari_stresshi a;;10:59
Ex-Cyber_Codeman_: i use a gamepad adapter... not quite a joystick but I don't think Linux really cares about the difference ;)10:59
ari_stressubuntu 7.10 has been released?10:59
gnomefreakcrolle17: what version of ubuntu?10:59
FusEskollie, screenshot, it says "NO DHCPOFFERS" then "no working leases"10:59
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vandlskollie: ISP10:59
skolliecrolle17: you sure the mp3 not playng is a valid file?10:59
stefgSpaceman3750: is this an AthlonXP/nforce2 system?10:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:59
crolle17gordonjcp, only some are avoided10:59
vandlskollie: i thin10:59
Spaceman3750stefg: That's correct10:59
gordonjcpcrolle17: can you paste a link to an example that doesn't work?10:59
gnomefreakcrolle17: what version of flash10:59
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crolle17skollie, yes i'm sure. i tried a lot of that page.11:00
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_Codeman_Well, mine is usb... I can't tell if it's showing up, I don't see it in lsusb :/ (I'm not entirely it even works lol )11:00
skollieFuse: it is the same problem you had earlier, so again - work your way through the security stuff. You might just be missing something...11:00
_Codeman_I never really got it to work in Windows, but Windows is ghey11:00
crolle17gnomefreak, no flash11:00
gnomefreakcrolle17: what version of ubuntu and what arch?11:01
netyirehello all, anyone know any good manuals on irc commands?11:01
Ex-Cyber_Codeman_: in any case, stuff is usually tested for Windows11:01
crolle17gnomefreak, it's a feisty one11:01
skollievandl: I'm still not sure what you mean when you say that you cannot enter your username and password.11:01
towliebancan anyone help me11:01
towliebani need to install beryl 0.2.011:01
netyire!irc commands11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc commands - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
stefgSpaceman3750: hehe, got the same. what boggles me is that it's not handled through libata (meaning your disk should actually be sda instead of hda). can you run 'sudo touch /forcefsk' without getting an error?11:01
towliebanand the newest is 0.2.111:01
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gnomefreakcrolle17: 386 64 ppc?11:01
gordonjcpcrolle17: I folloed the MP3 link at the top of the page, and every mp3 I tried works11:01
stefgSpaceman3750: hehe, got the same. what boggles me is that it's not handled through libata (meaning your disk should actually be sda instead of hda). can you run 'sudo touch /forcefsck' without getting an error?11:02
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crolle17gnomefreak, yes11:02
skolliecrolle17: and some work and others don't?11:02
gnomefreakyes all 3?11:02
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Spaceman3750stefg I will try11:02
PooriMooriHi how can i setup IIS on the Ubuntu ?11:02
Nuktar<towlieban>  ubuntuguide.org11:02
_Codeman_Right, but I still donno if it works or how to know if linux even sees it11:02
towliebani read that already11:02
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vandlskollie: so i cannot finde the place, the dialog window where i could enter the username and passw to enable the connection11:02
Spaceman3750stefg: It runs, but doesn't output anything11:02
NuktarYou need beryl? The last version?11:02
crolle17gordonjcp, yes. so i think it's a browser-problem.11:03
towliebanthe latest is 0.2.111:03
vandlskollie: in the network configuration utility the wireless care appears to work well11:03
stefgSpaceman3750: that's good... now reboot, this will trigger an fsck at reboot. if it runs ok, you're fixed11:03
crolle17gordonjcp, a problem of my browser...11:03
akiohow do i get gstreamer to play m4a's?11:03
vandlskollie: my question is where is the place to enter usr and passw11:03
Spaceman3750stefg: Roger, will try it out11:03
crolle17skollie, none of them work11:03
gnomefreakcrolle17: please feel free to join me in #ubuntu-mozillateam when you feel like answering questions and getting help.11:03
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Ex-Cyber_Codeman_: detach/reattach it and pastebin the output of: dmesg | tail11:03
gnomefreakcrolle17: more than likely its not a browser issue11:03
Newbie_DudeI'm trying to compile Doomsday (a DOOM frontend) and I installed all the needed packages but I get this weird error when I try to cmake (at the end of the pastebin) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29888/ Can anyone tell me what it is asking me to do?11:03
skollievandl: when you run pppoeconfig, minimise your windows. Perhaps the dialog window is hidden?11:03
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shackHow can I list all users/groups and their homedirs in terminal? help appriciated11:04
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skolliecrolle17: maybe it's a problem with the links?11:04
vandli have tryed with pppoeconfig and it said that it finds no device11:04
crolle17skollie, no. someone tried it too and it works.11:04
NuktarHow's Fedora 7? Does it rock or shall i leave ubuntu ? Advice needed!11:04
skollievandl: have you set up your card as a wireless device or adsl connection?11:05
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_Codeman_THANKS, there's an error!!!11:05
skollievandl: but it's used to connect to your ISP, right?11:05
vandlskollie: wireless11:05
vandlskollie: yes11:05
skollievandl: so it is a wireless modem connect to your computer via an ethernet cable?11:06
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skolliecrolle17: have you tried downloading any of the files?11:06
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NuktarDoes any body know a lightweight browser, mine is screwed.11:07
Frogzoo_Nuktar: links211:07
Newbie_DudeI'm trying to compile Doomsday (a DOOM frontend) and I installed all the needed packages but I get this weird error when I try to cmake (Line 38) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29888/ Can anyone tell me what it is asking me to do?11:07
Ex-CyberNuktar: depends on what you expect "lightweight" to be, but I was pretty impressed with Dillo11:07
_Codeman_Ex-Cyber: There's an error assigning an address or something lol, thanks :D11:07
Nuktarit's mozilla engine?11:07
vandlskollie: no, it's a wireless card on the pci slot11:07
Nuktarneither mozilla engine or qt11:08
vandlskollie: and an antenna cabel which goes up to the roof11:08
vandlskollie: so no ethernet cable11:08
crolle17skollie, no.11:08
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Ex-Cyber_Codeman_: I think I've seen something like that before, but AFAIK there's no simple fix for it, it's just the device misbehaving :(11:08
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skollievandl: try setting it up as an adsl connection rather than a wireless card11:09
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skolliecrolle17: try and see what happens11:09
AJ--hi guys. i just want to ask wat should i do so i can make my resolution 1440x900... coz its not in the menu in desktop resolution11:09
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stefgshack: !X | AJ--11:09
stefg!X | AJ--11:09
ubotuAJ--: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:09
vandlskollie: ok then my questio is to delet it and the ubuntu aftere erstart will reconize again my card?11:09
vandlskollie: thanx i'll try what you have told me11:10
shackstefg: thanks11:10
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Ex-CyberNewbie_Dude: do you have the libncurses5-dev package installed?11:10
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skollievandl: you don't want to delete the device- just to set it up as a different connection, but I'm still not sure what you use it for11:10
Newbie_DudeI dont think so Ex-Cyber11:10
stefgshack: sorry, my autocompletion ... wasn't for you :-\11:10
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_Codeman_Ex-Cyber: It's probably bad... like I said, it never really worked in Win either lol, but maybe I'll go to wal-mart sometime and get that usb adapter for the ps2 controller lol11:10
gordonjcpcrolle17: stupid question, but you *did* close all your browser windows and restart it after you installed the plugins?11:10
Newbie_Dudenetyire : I can hear you but I don't think you hear me in the private chat11:11
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shackstefg: just realised that11:11
ari_stressI LOVE UBUNTU!!! WOW! IT ROCKS!11:11
Newbie_Dude@ netyire : I'm unregistered so you can't hear me, sorry.11:11
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crolle17gordonjcp, yes i did.11:11
shackstefg: you don't happen to know answer to my question? how to list all users/group their information in terminal11:11
Nuktar I LOVE UBUNTU!!! WOW! IT ROCKS!  Yea, Canonical can award you..11:12
crolle17gordonjcp, although i didn't restart the system.11:12
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stefgshack: but you can run cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash as a temporar hack ... but that's not the proper way11:12
netyireNewbie_Dude, whoops sorry. Okay, edit the .bashrc file11:12
akosHello... I'm still struggling to make my WLAN work... any gurus that could help me? I need the iwl4965 driver, i've compiled the module, but when I load it, I get kernell OOPS-es, and now that kernel won't load...11:12
_Codeman_Nuktar: Excited?11:12
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Ex-CyberNuktar: Dillo is not based on any popular browser engine; it's an enhanced version of an engine from an older abandoned browser project... I think it uses GTK 1.2 as its toolkit11:12
Newbie_Dude@ Ex-Cyber - Do I need libncursesw5-dev as well as libncurses5-dev?11:12
shackstefg: I'll try thanks11:12
ari_stressNuktar: i'm a redhat/suse admin all these years. i've just exploring ubuntu for a month, and so far i loveeeeee it11:12
Newbie_Dude@netyire - OK, I'll edit it now, TY.11:12
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Ex-CyberNewbie_Dude: I'm not sure11:13
Newbie_Dude@Ex-Cyber - Guess it wouldn't hurt to grab both. :)11:13
xhaanstefg, theres another way to do it?11:13
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stefgxhaan: if i'd knew, i'd tell11:13
NuktarI do kinda like it, but i've tried so many distros i don't know what to choose>11:13
Newbie_Dude!register | Newbie_Dude11:13
shackstefg: that helped a little bit thanks again11:13
NuktarI'm burning a Fedora 7 LiveCD now..11:14
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ari_stressNuktar: so you're still haven;t make up your decision?11:14
xhaanstefg, i was going to say the same but i figured there was a better way lol11:14
netyire!register | netyire11:14
Spaceman3750stefg: fsck failed with an exit status of 411:14
_Codeman_!register | _Codeman_11:14
ari_stress!register | ari_stress11:14
akos!register |  axos8811:15
ubotuaxos88: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:15
Newbie_DudeWhy everyone registering all of a sudden? lol...11:15
shackstefg: what does that 100:105 mean?11:15
NuktarI don't know/ There are things I like in each distro... Still ubuntu does rock. I'll try something else and I'll return to ubuntu 7.1011:15
akoswell, i was curious what it was about :p11:15
ari_stressNewbie_Dude: i don't know :))11:15
stefgshack: looks like uid/gid11:15
netyireNuktar, what is Fedora 7 like?11:15
Newbie_Dude@akos - let's us private message other registered members11:15
ari_stressubuntu 7.10 has been released? wow so fast11:15
=== xhaan nods
_Codeman_I just wanted to know what it said about registering lol11:15
Nuktar !register | nuktar11:15
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shackwhat's gid?11:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
xhaangroup id11:15
stefgSpaceman3750: got you, let me look11:16
akosNewbie_Dude, ?11:16
shackthanks guys11:16
NuktarI don't know, i just downloaded it.11:16
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Spaceman3750stefg: Thanks :)11:16
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akosHello... I'm still struggling to make my WLAN work... any gurus that could help me? I need the iwl4965 driver, i've compiled the module, but when I load it, I get kernel OOPS-es, and now that kernel won't load... what can I do?11:16
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shackThat's all I needed to know, BIG hand to ya all!11:17
Newbie_Dude@akos - whoops i meant to type another name sorry :p11:17
skollieakos: seems like you hurt your kernel. Can you boot into an earlier version?11:17
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ari_stressakos: doesnt there;s a menu for loading windows driver from ubuntu?11:17
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Newbie_Dude@Ex-Cyber, netyire - I got Doomsday compiled, I had to get those "CURSE" libs. Thanks again both of you.11:17
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akoswell i am now under a newer kernel that they said they don't support here, luckily i didn't delete it11:17
emgeejayhi everyone..11:17
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Nuktar<ari_stress>, no, i'll try its october final release...11:17
stefgSpaceman3750: oh... you're running from CD now?11:18
xhaanit can be handy to have spare kernels lying around ;)11:18
akosskollie, i am now under a debian kernel 2.6.2111:18
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Spaceman3750stefg: Yes11:18
hypertyperhey, while i'm here... anyone know how to get my dell keyboard working properly? i'm typing on it, so it's not *broken*, but the volume knob doesn't do anything, and i miss it11:18
akosskollie, i should blacklist the module rihgt?11:18
skollieakos: is it installed in your current kernel?11:19
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akosskollie, no11:19
emgeejayanyone have luck getting native resolution to work via ubuntu on parallels?  fyi, i am on a mb pro 1711:19
akiohow do i get the gstrreamer to work with FAAD?11:19
skollieakos: so then no need to blacklist if it's not installed11:19
Nuktargoing to try Fedora 7 now.11:19
stefgSpaceman3750: ok... so i was misled to some extend. Now the missing root make sense11:19
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akosokay, but then how to I boot back to that kernel?11:19
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akosbecause system hangs if I try to boot11:20
stefgSpaceman3750: so get a terminal, and 'sudo -s#11:20
stefgSpaceman3750: so get a terminal, and 'sudo -s'11:20
Spaceman3750stefg: Sorry I wasn't clear enough11:20
skollieakos: the earlier one?11:20
Spaceman3750stefg: which one?11:20
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CVirusAnyone got hylafax working with ubuntu ?11:20
stefgSpaceman3750: Application-accessories-terminal11:20
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akosskollie, yes, but when I mentioned yesterday to guys here on ubuntu that I have a custom kernel, they stopped supporting me11:21
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Spaceman3750stefg: No, I mean which command11:21
netyirehmm, anyone know how to get a list of channels?11:21
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stefgSpaceman3750: sudo -s11:21
akosskollie, they said that unless I go back to the feistys kernel, they won't help me11:21
Spaceman3750stefg: K11:21
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stefgSpaceman3750: you're looking at a root prompt now, don't you?11:21
skollieakos: yes, because it's difficult to support custom kernels since we don't know how it has been customised11:21
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Spaceman3750stefg: Yes11:22
stefgSpaceman3750: umount /dev/hda211:22
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akosskollie, yea, and I totally understand that... Now I am under the custom kernel, and I would like to boot back to the standard one, but can't11:22
Spaceman3750stefg: Roger11:22
stefgSpaceman3750: fsck /dev/hda211:22
badkittysup stefg11:22
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Spaceman3750stefg: root@ubuntu:~# unmount /dev/hda211:23
Spaceman3750bash: unmount: command not found11:23
emgeejayanyone here using parallels on a mac?11:23
skollieakos: if the original feisty kernel is damaged and won't boot, you might have to reinstall11:23
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xhaanSpaceman3750, its umount, not unmount11:23
stefgSpaceman3750: not unmount , *umount*11:23
Newbie_DudeFigures, got the program compiled but can't find where the executable is. >_< hate being a newbie11:23
Spaceman3750stefg: Whoops, sorry :P11:23
akosskollie, i think it won't boot becuase it tries to load the kernel module at boot time... is there a way to prevent that?11:23
Spaceman3750stefg: umount: /dev/hda2: not mounted11:24
stefgunix' biggest quirk... naming that umount11:24
Frogzoo_akos: sudo apt-get install linux-generic11:24
Spaceman3750stefg: Is it safe to continue?11:24
skollieNewbie_Dude: try whereis program11:24
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akosFrogzoo_, if i'm using amd64 then linux-amd64?11:24
stefgSpaceman3750: yes... you can only fsck unmounted drives11:24
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Spaceman3750OK, fscking11:24
skollieakos: probably not, unless you can get to the kernel itself11:24
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akosskollie, for amd64 do I do an aptitude install linux-amd64?11:25
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Ex-Cyberstefg: well, there's also the creat() syscall as noted by the man himself :P11:25
Spaceman3750stefg: Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found.  Fix<y>?11:25
FMNHi. I have some problems with eclipse installation under ubuntu.11:25
FMNWhen I try to run the ./eclipse file the error is shown11:25
FMNmisha@test-suite:~$ eclipse11:25
FMNbash: /usr/local/bin/eclipse: No such file or directory11:25
FMNmisha@test-suite:~$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/eclipse11:25
FMNlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2007-07-14 12:15 /usr/local/bin/eclipse -> /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse11:25
FMNmisha@test-suite:~$ ls -l /usr/local/eclipse11:25
FMNtotal 43611:25
FMN-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  29128 2006-09-21 19:07 eclipse11:25
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?11:25
stefgSpaceman3750: y11:26
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skollieakos: not sure.11:26
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Spaceman3750stefg: Inode 4145159 was part of the orphaned inode list.  FIXED.11:26
Spaceman3750Inode 4145160 was part of the orphaned inode list.  FIXED.11:26
Spaceman3750Inode 4145161 was part of the orphaned inode list.  FIXED.11:26
akosno, aptitude search says it was obsoleted11:26
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skollie!install | akos11:26
ubotuakos: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:26
akoswait, I'll reboot now11:26
Spaceman3750stefg: Now it's just sitting there....11:26
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stefgSpaceman3750: might take some time, doing calculations. are you back to the prompt?11:27
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Spaceman3750stefg: Block bitmap differences:  -8308736 -8308744 -830875211:27
Spaceman3750stefg: It started going again11:27
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illriginalUh... DelugeTorrent will not load up.... how can I fix this?11:28
bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?11:28
stefgSpaceman3750: don't paste all the messages... and just say yes if you're asked to fix11:28
Spaceman3750stefg: OK11:28
stefgSpaceman3750: and a two pass run is normal in that situation11:29
skolliebullgard4: have you googled hwmon?11:29
Spaceman3750stefg: I'm back at the prompt11:29
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bullgard4skollie: Yes. And can you answer my question?11:29
stefgSpaceman3750: ok..now :  mount /dev/hda2 /mnt .. errors?11:29
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skolliebullgard4: no, that's why I asked if you googled it11:29
Spaceman3750stefg: Negative, no errors11:30
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stefgSpaceman3750: right, now let me have a look at the menu.lst and fstab /of the installed/ system ... this is pastebin the output of cat /mnt/etc/fstab and /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst11:31
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FusEskollie should I get ndiswrapper11:32
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cerdahelp i cant get back into ubuntu its at a  blue screen somthing about x server11:32
akiodoes gstreamer play mp4's?11:32
Spaceman3750stefg: Standby11:32
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skolliefuse: only if you need it for your device11:33
Spaceman3750stefg: My Linux partion isn't listed...11:33
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cerdacan anyone help11:33
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stefgSpaceman3750: listed where?11:33
skolliefuse: did you need ndiswrapper when running Edgy?11:33
akosOkay, I've rebooted to the old kernel11:33
jattcerda: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace11:33
Spaceman3750stefg: In my computer panel11:33
FusEwhen runninng dapper, no11:34
Spaceman3750stefg: I have my Windows partition, and the filesystem for the live CD11:34
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Spaceman3750stefg: But no hda211:34
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stefgSpaceman3750: that's normal... we're having it at /mnt now, so we're bypassing the gui11:34
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cerdajatt wats that do11:34
rajatcan any body help me in ssh forwarding11:35
Spaceman3750stefg: So then I need to pull up the files via the terminal11:35
jattcerda: restarts your X server11:35
stefgSpaceman3750: so you look at your linux partition when you open /mnt11:35
Spaceman3750stefg: gedit OK?11:35
akosskollie, I've read some doc about making an entry into  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklists, and it worked11:35
skollieakos ?11:35
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xhaancerda, what did you do before that happened? sounds like you broke xorg or xorg.conf11:35
NuktarAutologin root user, is that possible?11:35
skollieakos: in the old kernel, I assume?11:35
cerdasomthin for beryl11:35
NuktarI kinda need this!11:35
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hak5fanHi how can I reinstall grub to mbr.... I was unable to boot into xubuntu, grub error 17,but I managed to do it with a boot disk.... now how do I fix my problem11:35
stefgSpaceman3750: whatever floats your boat. so gedit /mnt/etc/fstab and gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst11:35
cerdacan it be fixed?11:35
akosskollie, it doesn't matter what kernel you are under when  editing files...11:35
FusEwhen runninng dapper, no skollie11:35
xhaanyour xorg conf likely has an error in it, did you make a backup of it?11:36
Spaceman3750stefg: K11:36
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towliebancan someone please help me11:36
cerdanot sure11:36
cerdai dont think so11:36
xhaancerda, yeah its fixable if you undo what you changed11:36
towliebani need to install a slightly older version of a package11:36
Mitchbbakeri am having a propblem installing ubuntu 7.04 its the first time i am trying linux11:37
cerdayea, but i needa get into it to do that first11:37
Spaceman3750stefg: fstab - http://pastebin.com/m2725fe3911:37
xhaancerda, or find why theres an error and correct it11:37
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stefg!pinning | towlieban11:37
ubotutowlieban: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:37
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xhaancerda, you could try recovery mode to edit your xorg.conf11:37
rajathey can someone help me with port forwarding11:37
Nuktar<Mitchbbaker> what kind of problem11:37
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sunriseshi all, are sd cards with all2usb adapter supported?11:38
cerdaxhaan ill try that11:38
rajatplzzz reply11:38
Mitchbbakerwhen i try to install it says it can't find tty and that job management is suspended11:38
Spaceman3750stefg: menu.lst - http://pastebin.com/d3738523a11:38
Mitchbbakerthein i am left in a propmt11:38
stefgSpaceman3750: k11:38
xhaancerda its non gui though, youll have to use command line til you fix xorg11:38
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Nuktarhow did you get the ubuntu cd11:38
Spaceman3750Can I get out of the root terminal yet?11:38
hypertyperrajat: are we talking ipchains, iptables, external router?11:38
skolliefuse: I thought you were running Edgy and then upgraded to Feisty?11:38
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Mitchbbakeri downloaded it from the first site from google11:38
Mitchbbakerand burnt the iso to disk11:38
cerdawell, it says mygraphical interface is not set up correctly11:39
Nuktardisk error11:39
stefgSpaceman3750: ok, looks good. try to boot the installed system11:39
Nuktartry "check cd for defects"11:39
Mitchbbakerit has happened before.. what do you reccomend?11:39
Spaceman3750stefg: Great, will let you know :)11:39
Mitchbbakerok ill give that a go11:39
Nuktarif errors, burn it again, at lower speed11:39
Mitchbbakerok will do11:39
xhaancerda, probably an error or wrong setting in xorg conf11:40
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Mitchbbakeri will have to go i am installing it on this machine on a second HDD11:40
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hypertyperMitchbbaker: i had the same issue. best bet is to download 3.4, instead of 3.311:40
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Mitchbbakeri have 7.04 according to the site11:40
xhaanthats easy to happen when trying to use compiz or beryl11:40
akosskollie, I tried following the instructions on the forums to the letter, and my wlan card doesn't work. It's an Intel 4965 abgn card11:40
hypertyperMitchbbaker: nm, sorry.. wrong os <sheepish grin>11:40
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Mitchbbakerhypertyper: lol ok11:40
Mitchbbakeri will come back after i have tried it ta11:40
akosskollie, 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)11:40
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Nuktara lightweight linux browser, again?11:41
skollieakos: post the link to the instructions, not the instructions themselves11:41
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stefg!info links2 | Nuktar11:41
ubotunuktar: links2: Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1pre26-4build1 (feisty), package size 2011 kB, installed size 3224 kB11:41
Nuktarnot mozilla based11:41
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hypertyperNuktar:  how lightweight do you want it? and what's wrong with lynx?11:41
akosskollie, wait, I'll have to search for them, as I did them last night11:41
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stefg!info dillo | Nuktar11:42
ubotunuktar: dillo: Small and fast web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.5-4.1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 354 kB, installed size 956 kB11:42
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recoy^i know this question may sound very n00b but is there some kind of keyboard command to switch between workspaces?11:43
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Nuktargiving a try to links2, then i'll try dillo11:43
MatthewVrecoy^, ctrl + alt + left or right11:43
Nuktarthanks !11:43
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recoy^MatthewV: thanks11:43
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Spaceman3750stefg: That worked, thanks! :D:D11:43
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stefgNuktar: but dillo can't handle js and frame support is flaky11:43
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recoy^MatthewV: omg that makes things so much better11:43
Nuktarno prob11:43
MatthewVrecoy^, :) no probs11:44
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Spaceman3750stefg: So if it happens in the future, boot to the live CD, get a root terminal, unmount the Linux partition, run fsck on it, and remount?11:44
stefgSpaceman3750: yeah, if you feel comfortable with a gui. the usual way is to boot to recovery mode11:45
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cerdahey xhaan if i give you the link to wat i did, can you help?11:45
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Spaceman3750stefg: I am more comfortable with a gui than with command-line11:46
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Spaceman3750I'm new to Ubuntu, coming from Windows, and as you probably know there is very little that you do from Windows that doesn't have a GUI11:46
stefgSpaceman3750: and to trigger a forced fsck all you need is to put an empty file called forcefsck in the root of that drive. 'sudo touch /forcefsck' does that for your root drive11:46
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xhaancerda, i duno if i can, but i can look anyways :011:46
akosskollie, I found them: http://kuscsik.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-install-intel-4965-wireless.html11:46
Spaceman3750stefg: It forced an fsck on bootup, but it failed11:46
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skollieakos: having a look now11:47
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akosskollie, ok, thanks11:48
lunganHello, is there any ircbased msn client for ubuntu?11:48
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ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:48
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lungangaim, i want that simple look like xchat, is that possible in gaim?11:49
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skollieakos: seems booting problems after following the instructions is a common problem, so maybe not such a good idea?11:49
akosyea, but it's the only one I found11:49
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akoseverything i found linked to this one11:50
Nuktarok, links2 is kinda hard or weird for me11:50
xhaancerda, your fglrx driver may not have installed correctly11:50
lunganAnother question i have, is that possible to get transparency in ubuntu feisty?11:50
tarzeauNuktar: why?11:50
tarzeauNuktar: tried it with -g ?11:50
cerdaxhaan, wat can i do?11:50
tarzeauNuktar: once you find the f9 menu and use the shortcut keys it's very effective11:50
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Nuktarhow can i run it alone, without the terminal11:50
xhaancerda, try going into xorg.conf and change fglrx back to what it was before and see if it works then11:50
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tarzeauNuktar: links2 -g11:51
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xhaanfglrx can be hard to get to work11:51
tarzeauxhaan: not really11:51
tarzeauxhaan: unless on non-i38611:51
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skollieakos: sorry, cannot be of more help11:51
akosskollie, do you know another way?11:51
akos:( ok11:52
NuktarAfter all that years spent on IE, Firefox or Opera I think i loose my skill :-()11:52
skollieakos: a new wireless device that you know will work?11:52
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xhaantarzeau, lots of people have had problems with it, myself included :011:52
akosdoes somebody else had any luck installing or could help me install an Intel 4965 AGN wirless carc?11:52
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akosskollie, laptop11:52
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tarzeauxhaan: i automated it, http://debian.ethz.ch/d-i/fglrx-driver11:52
skollieakos: aah! doesn't help, does it?11:53
Nuktarwhat about amaya? has anyone tried it?11:53
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ozzmanHi, which irc client is recommended for Ubuntu?11:53
tarzeauNuktar: yuck :)11:53
tarzeauNuktar: that's REALLY old, i dobut anyone uses it seriously11:53
lunganozzman , i think xchat is very nice11:53
tarzeauozzman: i like irssi-text a lot11:53
ingo_ozzman: your can try bitchx11:53
xhaantarzeau, cool script :011:53
akosskollie, :((11:53
LabThugdoes ubuntu offer daily snapshots for download?11:53
tarzeauxhaan: the nvidia-driver is much better11:53
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tarzeauxhaan: we've got like 50 nvidia cards on our workstations.11:54
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Nuktarit's updated on july 1011:54
tarzeauxhaan: the ati drivers/graphics cards are just not stable, or buggy11:54
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broedjewhat tool do i need to cycle through X windows with ALT-TAB like in Windows?11:54
skollieakos: maybe a new laptop? <smile>11:54
Nuktari think it's a new version11:54
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xhaantarzeau, yeah they are11:54
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akosskollie, sure, I'll buy one with my lunch money :)11:54
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cerdaxhaan, wen i checked wat you told me it was already ati, so i rebooted, and it works11:55
recoy^can someone help me with a workspace problem everytime i swap workspaces i get a blank wallpaper and i lock up11:55
tarzeauxhaan: you know what script is really cool? :)11:55
ozzmani need to fined a channel for GPS any one have an idea?11:55
lunganIs it any msn client or addon to xchat so i can get a irc lookalike msn?11:55
tarzeauxhaan: this http://www.linuks.mine.nu/ubuntu/uncurse11:55
xhaancerda, at least i was close lol11:55
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xhaancerda, glad it works now11:55
cerdathanks alot tho11:55
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cerdabtw, how can i install beryl11:55
Mitchbbakerok i did what you said11:55
Mitchbbakerand it came up with the same error11:56
sdlooso mal ne runde mit nem hund gehen baba11:56
Mitchbbakerso i am reburning11:56
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xhaantarzeau, whoa, nice11:56
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hypertyperwhat does "sk8135-pcm.c:34:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory" mean?11:57
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xhaancerda, i never installed beryl before, just compiz11:57
recoy^im sorry i got kicked did anyone answer my question?11:57
kuukkeliis there possibility to change from kubuntu to ubuntu?11:57
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hypertyperor rather, i know it means i don't have something.... but i don't know what, and i don't know what to do to get it11:58
kuukkelibecause i lost my ubuntu cd and ordered ubuntu then kubuntu but kubuntu came first. :-/11:58
recoy^im having problems swapping workspaces everytime i do i get a blank wallpaper with no icons and my compy locks up11:58
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kuukkelisoo... is there possibility to change from kubuntu to ubuntu?11:59
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hypertyperrecoy^: i just had that same problem!11:59
cerdaxhaan, i just checked that out right now, it looks tite11:59
Mitchbbakerhmm i see Nuktar is gone11:59
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recoy^hypertyper: really?11:59
tarzeaukuukkeli: yes11:59
hypertyperrecoy^: try disabling desktop effects11:59
hypertyperrecoy^: that worked for me11:59
recoy^hypertyper: but i want them arg11:59
AmakI'm trying to wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.350_all.deb, but it keeps timing out. However my ubuntu server is on the network and can ping out fine.11:59
CppIsWeirdif im in the middle of a full screen game, is there a way to minimize it? like when i used to play starcraft in windows i would just press the windows button on the keyboard or alt+tab.11:59
hypertyperyou might consider another effects package? beryl, or compiz...?11:59
Amakwas wondering if someone has some idea's?12:00
recoy^hypertyper: ya that fixed it but it was working fine12:00
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.12:00
Amakah my bad.12:00
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tarzeauCppIsWeird: some sdl games support alt-enter12:00
LabThugok, if there are no daily snapshots of ubuntu, where do I get the gibbon betas?12:00
CppIsWeirdbut if the game doesnt specifically support it?12:00
tarzeauCppIsWeird: bad luck, ctrl-alt-f112:00
AmakOk, is there an alternative to webmin?12:00
CppIsWeirdi tried the alt+crtl keys... they wont go anywhere12:00
flaccid_how to change jre/jvm used by system? update-alternatives or something. just installed sun java 612:00
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kuukkelitarzeau, how? =P12:01
recoy^hypertyper: ty12:01
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LabThughttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/  <-- nm, there are the daily builds12:01
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tarzeaukuukkeli: apt-get install kde?12:01
kuukkelitarzeau, did ubuntu use KDE?12:02
hypertyperanyone feel like helping me compile this app i downloaded to make my keyboard work properly? i'd be very grateful12:02
tarzeaukuukkeli: i'm not sure12:02
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kuukkelii thought i used gnome. :D12:02
tarzeaukuukkeli: debian has them all12:02
trekkmehow do i crate a .deb pacjage from a tar ball, so i can easily uninstall it to a leter time?12:02
tarzeaukuukkeli: they might have it in their extra repos or #kubuntu?12:02
tarzeautrekkme: www.linuks.mine.nu/irc/debian-packaging/12:02
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kuukkelitarzeau, yeah kubuntu uses KDE12:03
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kuukkeliso do i "sudo apt-get install gnome" ?12:03
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kuukkeliubuntu uses gnome12:03
hypertyperkuukkeli: out of curiosity, why do you want to switch?12:03
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BlackDesignHi, could someone please help me, I've got an error 21 while loading Grub12:04
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magnetronkuukkeli: to add gnome to a kubuntu install, install the package ubuntu-desktop12:04
BlackDesignI've had that in the past, and the strange thing was... when I just rebooted, it was gone12:04
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lunganHow do i get transparency in ubuntu? like n the terminals and so on12:04
BlackDesignnow it keeps saying this12:04
BlackDesignlungan, in the terminal its easy12:05
dawn`choruslungan, for terminal, edit> preferences.12:05
BlackDesignthere you go :p12:05
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BlackDesignbut anyone here who can help me with that grub prob?12:05
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dawn`chorusBlackDesign, what's the error?  sorry, i wasn't here.12:06
hypertyperBlackDesign: you might try "Super Grub Disk", it helped me out earlier when my grub got harfed by installing windows on another disk...12:06
lunganJust found it, i'm now searching for a irc lookalike client12:06
lunganfor msn12:06
BlackDesignyes, but I can't enter my linux now12:06
BlackDesignit doesn't load the grub so...12:06
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BlackDesignI read something about reinstalling the grub through Live cd12:07
akosYey, I just got ndiswrapper to install, but it says harsware present:no .... huh?12:07
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BlackDesignbut I don't know how12:07
BlackDesignThe strange thing is, I didn't reinstall windows or somehting...12:07
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BlackDesignsometimes it worked, other times it gave that error...12:07
BlackDesignso I used to reset the computer and it was gone12:07
BlackDesignnow it keeps appearing12:07
xhaanBlackDesign, did you do anything different between when it worked and when it didnt?12:08
cerdaxhaan, sorry for bothering you so much, but i downloaded the compiz, but idk much about ubuntu, wat do i use to install, like a exe or wat12:08
hypertyperBlackDesign: that's what i was referring to. "Super Grub Disk" is an iso image you can burn to cd. boot from it, and it automagically fixes grub.12:08
ozzmanoff the topics... i am looking for a GPS channel any one know of 1?12:08
BlackDesignthat sounds nice12:08
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xhaancerda, its similar to how you installed beryl, youll probably have to search for a howto12:09
akosHey, anyone who could help me with a problem with ndiswrapper? it cannot find my hardware12:09
cerdaxhaan, ok thx12:09
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:09
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lunganIS there any terminal app for msn?12:09
hypertyperuboto: or perhaps #beryl ?12:10
flaccid_!info tmsnc12:10
ubotutmsnc: textbased (console) MSN client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (feisty), package size 48 kB, installed size 148 kB12:10
lui4lungan you mean a text bassed messenger?12:10
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xhaanBlackDesign, it seems weird that it works and then doesnt... is the drive itself in good shape? did you try mounting it using a live cd to see if its working?12:10
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BlackDesignwell, it always worked so...12:10
BlackDesignhow do I mount it fast then?12:10
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BlackDesignI'm now in Live cd action :p12:11
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lui4BlackDesign sexy12:11
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BlackDesignwhen I open Nautilus, I can see both of my hard drives12:11
BlackDesignso, that seems ok... no?12:11
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xhaanopen a terminal and do: sudo mount /dev/hda /directory     change the hda to the name of the drive and /directory to where you want it mounted12:12
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pubo2Hi all12:12
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xhaanBlackDesign, oh, didnt see your message there12:13
cerdadoes ubuntu suport .exe?12:13
xhaancerda, not natively12:14
rymblockI need some assistance with my Cedega, when I install a game, it says about a winex3 startup script unable to find, and , installed, game dsnt work :(12:14
cerdawat kan  i use to make it suport it12:14
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hypertyperrymblock: have you tried cedega's support?12:14
xhaancerda, wine might work12:14
xhaanor cedega12:15
Newbie_DudeIs there a trial version of Cedega?12:15
rymblockyeah, tried a lot12:15
rymblockthats why im here, :/12:15
BlackDesignI'll try that super grub thing first... will be back in a jiffy12:15
hypertyperlol, understood12:15
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compengiif i want to connect to a computer through ssh that is on a network network under 1 real ip, is there a way i could connect to him specifying his real and virtual ip to be able to connect to his pc?12:15
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magnetronNewbie_Dude: in many cases, wine works better. try that12:15
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bullgard4My computer contains 40 files with 'hwmon' in its name but a kernel module 'hwmon' is not loaded. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'?12:15
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magnetronNewbie_Dude: if you are looking for support for cedega, ask the company that sell it12:16
rymblockI know, Im using wine, but Eve online only works in Cedega ( cpp gives me cedega support in game )12:16
Newbie_Dude@magnetron : OK... I'm hesitant about Cedega anyway, I haven't even tried the program yet and it is already asking me for money.12:16
shafirehi i installed ubungu today, it's very nice, but i don't like ubungu so much...:( the fonts are really ugly12:16
rymblockbut .. I have problems with instalation I think12:16
hypertypercerda: open synaptic (menu:System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager) and hit the search button on the right side after it loads. type in "wine" and hit enter, select the package when it appears12:16
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magnetronrymblock: eve online works in wine12:16
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rymblockyou sure? I only get the initial splash screem12:17
cerdahypertyper, thx12:17
bullgard4/usr/src/linux-source-source-2.6.20/Documentation/kobject.txt writes: "The kobject infrastructure performs basic object management that larger data  structures and subsystems can leverage, rather than reimplement similar functionality." For what stands 'k' in 'kobject'?12:17
pubo2Please, I need some help. I've been using Ubuntu since Hedgehog. Recently I tried to install install festy on an Acer Aspire 3000. When it starts the instalation in X-Window mode, everything goes perfect, but after the installation has finished, the mouse jumps each few seconds. It's very annoying12:17
=== hypertyper points out that cedega *is* wine
pubo2somebody can help me?12:17
shafirehi i installed ubungu today, it's very nice, but i don't like ubungu so much...:( the fonts are really ugly12:17
Frogzoo_shafire: so change the fonts - sys -> prefs -> fonts   also, on lcd, enable sub pixel rendering12:17
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rymblockhypertyper, I thouth about cedega is wine with directx support12:17
magnetronrymblock: it works in wine, but i'm not sure it works in cedega. http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=829112:17
shafireFrogzoo_: thx12:17
hypertyperrymblock: cedega is wine with some extra tweaks12:18
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magnetronrymblock: it isn't. cedega and wine are fundamentally different products, cedega lack a lot of the features of wine.12:18
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rymblockm... im reading the cedega game db and works, anyways, im trying simply wine too12:18
Newbie_DudeInstalling Wine now. :) I hope it runs my roommates "Snood" game, I've been getting a lot of hassle over it the past few days. :P12:19
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magnetronif you want to know if a game or app works in wine, see http://appdb.winehq.org12:19
rymblockok, starting wine now,12:19
Spaceman3750msg Newbie_Dude How was another day on Ubuntu? :P12:19
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cerdamust i wait for the update manager to finish in order to run synaptic package manager?12:19
rymblockjust .. splash screem .. and .. black window.12:19
hypertyperNewbie_Dude: snood rules!12:19
xhaancerda, yup12:19
magnetronrymblock: the link i gave you have a howto12:20
cerdaoic, well thx, ill be back tommorw for more help12:20
Newbie_Dudemsg Spaceman3750 Going good so far, I'm glad I made the switch to Ubuntu but I tear my hair out when it comes to compiling stuff.12:20
BlackDesignok, rebooting now... inserted that disk with super grub thingy on, hope it works12:20
rymblockok thanks, im trying12:20
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BlackDesignlol..., is it normal that now it loads my grub normal?12:20
xhaanBlackDesign, how do you mean?12:20
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hypertyperi was about to ask that myself12:21
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BlackDesignwell, now the grub loaded when I rebooted :p^12:21
magnetronBlackDesign: you are surprised that it works?12:21
BlackDesignyes... because that cd I just burned12:21
BlackDesignsuper grub12:21
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BlackDesignnever booted12:21
hypertyperBlackDesign: i think you may have a hardware issue. check to make sure your cables are fully inserted, and if your drive supports SMART, you may want to enable it12:21
BlackDesignand it showed my grub again12:21
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=== xhaan thought the same thing earlier
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BlackDesignis there any fix i can do to my grub file now I'm in?12:22
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HEP85BlackDesign: what is your problem?12:22
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hypertyperBlackDesign: also, check your bios to make sure you're set to boot from the cd first12:22
xhaanBlackDesign, if it's suddenly working then it likely isnt grub12:22
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BlackDesignwhat else?12:23
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xhaanBlackDesign, seems like either a hardware or bios thing to me12:23
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BlackDesignI never had it with edgy or dapper12:24
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xhaanBlackDesign, if it was grub itself it would seem that you'd get the problem every time12:25
BlackDesignyes, that's what I thought to12:25
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ivanHi All, i just tried to install ubuntu 7.04 on an asus laptop (f3ja), and X didn't start, the log says that no screens are found..12:26
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hypertypercan anyone help me with the following error: sk8135-pcm.c:34:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory ?12:27
ivanin xorg.conf the driver being used is vesa..12:27
ivanwhich one should i be using to get X started up?12:27
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BlackDesignI'll reinstall that grub anyway12:28
BlackDesignthat might do something12:29
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xhaanivan, vesa should work with most cards except super old ones...12:29
megatillHit3k, could someone explain me how can i start up unrealirc or eggdrop at login? runlevels... but i don't know how12:29
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ivani have a x160012:30
TraffAny ideas as to why my Ubuntu installer or Gparted on Live CD will not see my existing partitions?12:30
ivani checked the log once more and it is saying that hsync is out of range for all the modes12:30
ivanthen it said that: screens found, but none have a usable configuration12:30
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ivancan i install the the prop. driver from the live cd?12:31
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xhaanivan, im not sure if its on there, or if it would install properly if it were12:32
Mitchbbakeri am still having problems with my installation12:32
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xhaanivan, it sounds like you need to find the correct resolution and sync settings for your hardware12:33
ivanthats what i'm looking for right now in google, but alas, no success for now....12:33
Mitchbbakerwhen i try to install ubuntu 7.04 it says can't access tty job control turned off12:33
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Mitchbbakerand dumps me in a prompt12:33
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xhaanivan, do you know what the safe ranges are for your monitor?12:34
ivanno idea.....12:34
HEP85I got a problem with ntfs-3g. When I mount the partition manually it works okay. But with the automatic mount via /etc/fstab the user profile folder for example is missing.12:35
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xhaanivan, try to find the ones your monitor supports (mainly so you dont blow it up) and try putting in some different ones12:35
Mitchbbakerwhen i try to install ubuntu 7.04 it says can't access tty job control turned off12:35
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HEP85Does somebody know why?12:35
ivanso i should try just putting in some generic ones?12:36
ivancould you give any hints on which to start with???12:36
hypertyperHEP85: am i parsing this correctly? you're missing folders when you mount with fstab, but not when you mount the same drive manually?12:36
napsterhi. i have shared a folder on my network but all the other computers are running windows. they can c my computer but when they click on it they have to input a username and password so i put in mine but it doesnt work. wat do i have to do?12:36
xhaanivan, yeah, you can just dont exceed the max of your monitor12:36
hypertyperivan: you might try something sane, like 800x600 @ 60 hz12:36
HEP85hypertyper: exactly as you said12:36
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hypertyperHEP85: weird. i haven't a clue.12:37
HEP85hypertyper: the folder missing are those with special permissions I guess12:37
BlackDesignI reinstalled the grub... didn't have the problem12:37
stefg!samba | napster12:37
ubotunapster: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:37
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HEP85sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/disk212:37
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rymblockhey, xD you right, I can log in eve server with Wine12:37
hypertyperHEP85: yeah, i noticed you mentioning that. i'm a windows tech, and if that were happening on an xp box, i'd suggest looking at security12:37
Mitchbbakerwhen i try to install ubuntu 7.04 it says can't access tty job control turned off12:37
HEP85in /etc/fstab: /dev/sda2 /media/disk2 ntfs-3g defaults 0 012:38
skulridwhen installing a program I get this : /usr/bin/install: missing destination file operand after `/usr/local/share/man/man1'  , what is the problem here?12:38
LazyAngelHi! I have installed a new nvidia graphic card, but i cant get the driver and kernel to upgrade. So i cant start X with it. What do i have to do to reconfigure nvida to the new card? It seems like its stuck on the old settings12:38
stefgMitchbbaker: waht hardware?12:38
xhaanBlackDesign, i hope its fixed then, itd be weird if that fixed it though12:38
skulridfolowed by make: *** [install]  Error 112:38
Mitchbbakeruh which ones do you want?12:38
BlackDesignthink so too12:38
BlackDesignthx for the help guys!12:38
BlackDesignNow I just need to get that transparent menu in Beryl and I'm happy again :p12:39
BlackDesignAnyone who knows that?12:39
hypertyperHEP85: like i said... i'm a *windows* tech... i'm here for help too. your issue is a bit out of my league, sorry.12:39
stefgMitchbbaker: motherboard /disk controllers ... just give make/model of your bix12:39
HEP85hypertyper: the strange thing is that it works with manual mounting. maybe it works because my linux password is the same like in windows?12:39
Mitchbbakerok its a Dell optiplex gx24012:39
hypertyperBlackDesign: you might try asking for help in #beryl, if anyone's awake12:39
Mitchbbakerwith upgraded vram to 32mb same type of card12:39
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BlackDesignhypertyper, yeah, tried that yesterday... no one answered12:39
hypertyperHEP85: that may be a direction to look in, for sure12:39
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hypertyperBlackDesign: yeah, it's kinda quiet over there right now... i'm guessing that's because it's somewhere between 4 and 8 am in the US12:40
magnetronBlackDesign: check out #ubuntu-effects12:40
ivandarn, 800x600@60 didn't work.. still no matching modes...12:40
BlackDesignmagnetron, tried that one too yesterday... no one there :)12:40
hypertyperivan: you might check the manufacturer's website for the specs12:40
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BlackDesignwill try again though12:41
stefgMitchbbaker: have you checked the CD already?12:41
hypertyperBlackDesign: google?12:41
magnetronBlackDesign: 82 ppl there now12:41
ivanheh.. asus didn't put any good info for it... already checked that (actually first thing)12:41
stefg!verify | Mitchbbaker12:41
ubotuMitchbbaker: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:41
Mitchbbakersame thing came up so i reburnt12:41
BlackDesignmagnetron, yeah, there where people... but no one who answered :p12:41
Mitchbbakeroh ill give that a try12:41
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BlackDesignhypertyper, constantly googling after it... but it shows only for other menu's12:42
magnetronBlackDesign: you didn't ask question12:42
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BlackDesignI did yesterday... I will now again ;)12:42
xhaanivan, is it a widescreen or something?12:42
ivan15.4 wxga display12:42
stefgMitchbbaker: might be that the kernel doesn't like some components in that box. there are boot options to try12:42
stefg!boot | Mitchbbaker12:42
ubotuMitchbbaker: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:42
xhaanivan, then youll have to adjust for a different aspect ratio12:42
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ivanhow could i do that?12:42
BlackDesignmagnetron, now I did ;) haha :D12:43
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hypertyperivan: i assume the laptop came with windows installed on it?12:43
Mitchbbakerstefg: uh what do i do with the last bit?12:43
xhaanivan, im not sure on the specs since ive never used a widescreen :p12:43
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hypertyperivan: if so, then you might see what resolution it runs at when you restore to factory defaults with their "repair" disk12:43
magnetronBlackDesign: well waiting one minute for an answer isn't enough. this aint IM12:43
stefgMitchbbaker: ignore the stuff about startup servives for now.. just read the first link12:43
BlackDesignhehe, I know12:44
ivanyes, it has windows installed on it.12:44
Mitchbbakeroh btw i am a linux newb12:44
hypertyperxhaan: i've been using a widescreen since i got mine... it causes less issues for me than trying  to use multiple monitors does12:44
Mitchbbakerjust so we don't get confused12:44
BlackDesignbut most people don't go back in there chatlist to see questions12:44
BlackDesignI think12:44
ivanok, so i should reboot into windows, check out the resolution that it uses, then put that resolution in the modes listing?12:44
xhaanhypertyper, id like to have dual wides heh12:44
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skulrid/usr/bin/install: missing destination file operand after `/usr/local/share/man/man1'12:45
skulridwhy do I get this error?12:45
stefg!fixres | ivan12:45
ubotuivan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:45
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Mitchbbakerstefg: which option should i use?12:45
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magnetronsee, you got an answer BlackDesign12:45
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stefgMitchbbaker: you'll have to experiment a bit. acpi=off would be agood start12:45
Mitchbbakerok @.@12:46
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Mitchbbakeri am installing on this machine...12:46
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Mitchbbakerso i will have to restart but first i will checksum12:46
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Par-DueAnyone here ever get a midi controller working in ubuntu?12:47
skulridstefg im trying to install a program do you know why do I get this error::::  /usr/bin/install: missing destination file operand after `/usr/local/share/man/man1'12:47
Nuktarhello again12:47
skulridmake: *** [install]  Error 112:47
hypertyperoh, yeah... i'm in here to get help, too. can anyone help me get my keyboard working? i'm having an issue with compiling the software to  make it work12:47
Mitchbbaker@.@ the md5 look complicated i will try the acpi at boot thing12:47
stefgskulrid: no idea, maybe the tips at !build help you12:48
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Nuktar<Mitchbbaker> what about that ubuntu install?12:48
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:48
Par-Duehypertyper: When you say keyboard, do you mean like a midi controller?12:48
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kingrayrayhey, anybody got a helio ocean? hehe12:49
skulridkeeep asking myselfr why is it so difficult to install a program not found in synaptic....12:49
kingrayrayi want to mount it as mass storage like i do in windows, shouldnt be too hard.. just need to be pointed in the right direction :)12:49
hypertyperPar-Due: nope, sorry... i'm referring to a dell computer keyboard, it has a volume knob on it that doesn't work in linux, but cheerfully adjusts volume in windows12:49
stefgskulrid: because it takes some engineering skills to build software from source :-)12:49
kingrayray./autogen.sh && make && sudo make install12:50
hypertyperskulrid: we're in the same boat12:50
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xhaannot to mention getting the dependencies12:50
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:50
Par-Duehypertyper: Have you tried changing the keyboard layout?12:50
skulridbut why a different problem/error for each different program tryng to be installed...!12:50
Abhi123how to download files from internet by gving the link?12:50
Abhi123i am using ubuntu server12:50
firedropshas anyone tried to put portage runnning under ubuntu?12:50
stefgAbhi123: man wget12:50
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kingrayraysomething tells me that running Portage on ubuntu would be a less-than-great idea..12:51
stefgfiredrops: ubuntu is the african translation for 'i'm tired of compiling gentoo'12:51
kingrayraystefg: lmfao thats exactly why i switched :)12:51
hypertyperrofl @ stefg12:51
firedropsthough the idea looks nice12:51
xhaanskulrid, depends on the compiler, the set of tools on the system it was made with, compatibility, correct dependencies, and some things mutually exclude others... thats why synaptic exists12:52
magnetrondistcc ftw12:52
hypertyperto be honest, that's one of the reasons i ditched sabayon12:52
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firedropslol i am so going to mess up my perfect ubuntu installation12:52
Par-Duefiredrops: partimage it now!12:52
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firedropsPar-Due, nice idea12:53
skulridxhaan yah.... its a shame I fail to install 3/4 programs every week cause theres nothing on synaptic.. :\12:54
Paddy_EIREPar-Due, which app is best for that kind of backup? as I intend on getting a 500gb external drive soon12:54
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU12:54
gggggigare there any hope to fix this stuff? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Revolutionize_Your_Desktop12:55
xhaanskulrid, you might have better luck doing that with another distro, or build linux from scratch12:55
=== Noya [n=Noya@dslb-084-057-087-114.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ivanunfortunately, nothing in the fixvideo resolution howto helped me out...12:55
Par-DuePaddy_EIRE: well, to get an image of your whole setup, use partimage, but for backing up files, i really like unison12:55
ivanand ddcprobe | grep monitorrange didn't even give my my hoz and vert sync ranges....12:55
Enselic_skulrid: did you enable the multiverse and universe repos?12:55
ivani really want to get rid of windows on this laptop...12:55
Paddy_EIREPar-Due, thanks for the tips I will read into these12:55
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Par-DuePaddy_EIRE: unison with it's gui (unison-gtk)12:55
kingrayrayPlugging in a mass storage device (ie usb stick or similar) .. should it automount by default? and if not what steps should i take to mount it? im not sure how to mount stuff from usb :s12:56
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skulridEnselic_ yes12:56
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Enselic_skulrid: interesting, what programs do you not find then?12:56
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jonathan_somebody can help me to install tarballs?12:56
stefgkingrayray: should automount (unless you dared to use automatix, which often breaks this)12:56
rymblockI have a problem with my nvidia card ... wine games crashes when switch to full screem I think, somebody can give me assistance?12:56
kingrayraynah, i know the dangers of automatix12:57
jonathan_amateur in here now, plz help12:57
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kingrayraybut say it didnt automount (it doesnt seem to?) where in /dev/ do i look for it?12:57
Par-Duejonathan_: try this http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/12:57
replmanstrange thing: in feisty (kubuntu) you can go to system-settings -> display and (A) go to sysadmin mode and change resolution -> resolution is written into xorg.conf or (B) stay in user mode and change the resolution for your user. Where is this information stored? It's not in xorg.conf...12:57
nomicanyone know if there is a way to rollback recover (aka windows xt) as I have lost my network settings I think.12:57
jonathan_I'm confused12:58
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skulridEnselic_ last one was Power Tab Tools12:58
Par-Duejonathan_: click the link i sent12:58
jonathan_somebody said to untar first12:58
stefgkingrayray: sudo fdisk -l (ususally it gets /dev/sdb on machines with a single harddrive12:58
jonathan_somebody said to extract first12:58
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Par-Duejonathan_: Reach out and take the help you're asking for12:58
kingrayraystefg: cool, i'll take a look at that. thanks12:58
nomici mean 'restore points' and restore to restore point12:58
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nomicon ubuntu?12:58
nomicok if it ain;t12:59
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Enselic_jonathan_:  they are the same12:59
ivandoes anybody have any ideas on this?12:59
stefg!enter | nomic12:59
ubotunomic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:59
jonathan_oh.. ok12:59
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disposablei've intel GMA3000 graphics card (946gz chipset) and i'm trying to get 1440x900 resolution out of it. 915resolution doesn't seem to help (supports chipsets up to 945gm), xorg.conf doesn't react to my changes. any hints?12:59
Par-DueI'm trying to setup a midi controller, anyone ever master this?12:59
nomicpar=due i may be getting into that01:00
xhaantar -xvvf foo.tar or tar -xvvzf foo.tar.gz01:00
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nomicmidi is cool01:00
Enselic_jonathan_: a tar file is simply a way of keeping many files in one file01:00
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jonathan_what is the mean of tar-xvvf??01:00
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khermanshow can i add sources from apt.sources.d/* to unattended-upgrades ?01:00
jonathan_I donno what it mean01:00
Enselic_jonathan_: tar is a program01:00
xhaanjonathan_, thats the command to extract tar files01:00
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Par-Duenomic: It's been a pain for me..Reason made it real simple and I guess I'm a little spoiled, but I don't use windows anymore..I figured I should get back into the music now that ubuntu got a few apps worth looking into01:00
Enselic_jonathan_: xvf are flags01:01
Paddy_EIREjonathan_, type man tar into a terminal01:01
Enselic_jonathan_:    flags are given with -01:01
stefgdisposable: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting/+bug/9021301:01
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Enselic_jonathan_: so     tar   -z -x -v -f    give the tar program four flags      these flags can be put together, like this    tar -zxvf01:01
Par-Duejonathan_: you'll want to read the link i sent you if you're trying to install a program that came as a tar.gz file01:01
disposablestefg, thank you, i'll investigate01:02
Enselic_jonathan_: you usually also give a file to the tar program, like this    tar -zxvf somefile.tar.gz     which will make tar extract somefile.tar.gz01:02
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jonathan_I know now01:02
jonathan_tar -zxvf dreamchess.tar.gz01:02
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jonathan_next step?01:02
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Enselic_jonathan_: for the details of what the different flags do (they are different for each program)   do man tar01:02
Par-Duejonathan_: read the guide!! it will help you, i promise!01:02
jonathan_what is gzziped mean?01:03
Enselic_jonathan_: after you have issued that command, tar will extract the files01:03
xhaangzip is another form of archiving01:03
Enselic_jonathan_: a gzipped file is a file zipped with gzip01:03
Enselic_jonathan_: just like a .zip file on windows01:03
jonathan_yeah I know zip01:03
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kingrayraysweet. ubuntu automounts my helio!01:03
=== kingrayray formats his windows drive
xhaansome files are tar'd then gzipped... tar.gz files01:04
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jonathan_tar -zxvf apache.tar.gz01:04
Paddy_EIRExhaan, whats that like double compression01:04
Par-DueAnyone ever get a midi controller working in ubuntu?01:04
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jonathan_I find it01:04
xhaanbut tar will unzip both tar and tar.gz01:04
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LucianIndyis the compiz package being updated a lot or is there something wrong with my update manager01:04
Paddy_EIRExhaan, like zip 'ing a file then rar 'ing it01:05
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Enselic_jonathan_: if you don't want to use the command line, you can just doubleclick on a gzip file and Ubuntu will open up an extracter for you01:05
Par-DueLucianIndy: you probably got the compiz fusion repo and it is updating almost daily01:05
xhaanPaddy_EIRE, its mainly for convenient archiving, taring the files just puts them into one package that is then actually compressed with gz01:05
Paddy_EIRExhaan, or is that pointless01:05
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jonathan_I'm already know now01:05
Paddy_EIRExhaan, ahh, I see01:05
chowmeinedthe latest wine broke a bunch of stuff01:05
jonathan_I read the guide01:05
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jonathan_still installed01:05
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jonathan_tar -zxvf apache.tar.gz01:06
jonathan_cd installer.pl01:06
Paddy_EIREjonathan_, sounds good01:06
chowmeinedbecause that makes no sense01:06
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chowmeinedjason__: hi01:07
jason__You ok?01:07
jonathan_and now how can I install kubuntu on my ubuntu?01:07
jonathan_so I can pick my session01:07
jason__Just installed ubuntu on my laptop01:07
jonathan_using apt-get01:07
chowmeinedjonathan_: apt install KDE01:07
jason__had it a while ago but its alot better now01:07
Paddy_EIREjonathan_, sudo apt-get install kde01:07
hypertyperor synaptic, if you prefer a gui01:07
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chowmeinedjason__: good to hear it01:08
jason__need to learn how to use it properlyt01:08
Paddy_EIREwill kde 4 be shipping with gutsy01:08
chowmeinedPaddy_EIRE: it depends01:08
stefgPaddy_EIRE: kde4 only in gutsy+201:08
jonathan_downloading now, take a long time to 500mb01:09
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stefgPaddy_EIRE: go #kubuntu for that01:09
hypertyperwoot, the info at !build saved me01:09
Paddy_EIREstefg, ok, I love gnome but the new kde sounds amazing01:09
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Nuktar 01:10
zombie_hi crazyfool01:10
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Par-DueHas anyone used Jack Audio Server and successfully get a midi controller working with it?01:10
jonathan_I wonder where did synaptic files now01:10
chowmeinedcrazyfool: 01:10
Nuktar<Paddy_EIRE> with kubuntu, ubuntu uses GNOME01:11
jonathan_after synaptic download the files, when did they put those installer?01:11
Paddy_EIRENuktar, I know this01:11
replmanthe answer to my question (resolution) is: ~/.kde/share/config/displayconfigrc01:11
zombie_how did you enter chinese in ubuntu???????01:11
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Nuktar... no offence, just saying. Yes, Kubuntu will have KDE401:11
zombie_crazyfool, how did you enter chinese in ubuntu?????01:11
Paddy_EIRENuktar, ok01:12
chowmeinedcrazyfool:  #ubuntu-cn 01:12
Paddy_EIREwhats with the chinese01:12
xhaanjonathan_, you may have to read the description or even use whereis command to locate where synaptic puts things01:12
chowmeinedPaddy_EIRE: i am redirecting him towards #ubuntu-cn01:12
NuktarStie cineva romna pe aici?01:13
zombie_i am using feisty 7.04 not able to input chinese01:13
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jonathan_and the installer is located in where?01:13
chowmeinedcrazyfool: #ubuntu-cn01:14
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zombie_is there a 7.10 version of ubuntu???01:14
chowmeinedzombie_: its currently in testing01:14
xhaanjonathan_, usually there is no installer, most of the time when you install something with synaptic its ready to use... you just have to find where it is some times01:14
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chowmeinedzombie_: you can download 'tribe 2' which is the 'beta'01:15
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Nuktar<zombie>, yes, but developing. Gutsy Gibbon01:15
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zombie_nuktar ok, will find out more....01:15
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jonathan_that's ok01:16
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xhaanopen a terminal and type whereis followed by the name of the program youre trying to find01:16
NuktarDon't try it now, cause you'll mess up your PC01:16
gbutler288HOw do you fix a messed up xorg.conf file?  I'm not sure what is wrong with it.  It is unable to startx01:16
Nuktarsudo apt-dist upgrade01:16
jonathan_whereis synaptic01:16
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xhaanyoure looking for synaptic itself?01:16
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stefg!cn | crazyfool01:17
ubotucrazyfool: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk01:17
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chowmeinedcrazyfool: "/join #ubuntu-cn"... #ubuntu-cn01:17
gbutler288How do you fix a corrupted xorg.conf file?01:17
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Nuktarthere is a chinese ubuntu chat01:17
stefggbutler288: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:17
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Mitchbbakerwell it still isn't working01:18
gbutler288oops I see what i didn't do.  i didn't have the second - between xserver-xorg  thanks!  Now will this just fix the issue or ........01:18
Paddy_EIREI love chinese characters and really good caligraphy just have'nt a clue what it says01:18
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stefgMitchbbaker: while you were rebooting i read some forum posts about a bios update helping01:19
Nuktaryea, we all do01:19
Mitchbbakeroho k01:19
gbutler288stefg    will this fix the issue or will it ask me for additional info?01:19
Mitchbbaker*oh ok01:19
Nuktar<Mitchbbaker> what's up01:19
chowmeinedPaddy_EIRE: all i was saying is, please go to #ubuntu-cn.. they speak chinese there01:19
jonathan_ada orang yg bisa bahasa ini??01:19
Mitchbbakerstill thae same problem01:19
stefggbutler288: you'll be taken through a configuration routine01:19
Nuktarsorry, malay?01:19
jonathan_lebih baik memakai bahasa sebenarnya01:19
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Nuktarbahasa indonesia01:20
gbutler288thanks!   I'll be back in a bit!01:20
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Mitchbbakerhey wait i though of something i have a netinst debian that worked on VMWare would it works just normal?01:20
Nuktarno, I get stuck on wikiepedia01:20
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stefgMitchbbaker: debian != ubuntu01:20
Nuktarcine stie carte are patru ochi01:20
Mitchbbakerstefg: yeah i know01:21
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:21
CerebroJDthe time has come to beat my wireless card in my lappy into submission01:21
CerebroJDubuntu seems to have lost it (somehow... dunno how it managed it)01:21
Par-DueIt looks like linux has a lot of cool audio apps for recording music, but I can't get my midi controller rocking!01:21
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jonathan_ubuntu studio hah?01:21
stefgMitchbbaker: updating the bios never hurts. So i'd do that first, then see which problems remain01:21
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Mitchbbakerih i havn't done that on this machine where do i look?01:22
jonathan_I think ubuntu studio has a bug that I can't resize my resolutions01:22
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Mitchbbakeri havn't done it in quite a while01:22
stefgMitchbbaker: dell support pages01:22
Mitchbbakerok i'll look01:22
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Par-Duejonathan_: Ubuntu studio's got the apps, but i can't find any documentation for setting up midi controllers01:23
Mitchbbakerwait that will require a floppy... i don't have a floppy drive...01:23
stefgMitchbbaker: hope you still have a floppy drive01:23
Mitchbbakerwill a usb one do the trick?01:23
NuktarHow can i autologin root user?01:23
Paddy_EIREPar-Due, ubuntu-studio is more easily accessible for getting audio editing working well, I think it has a certain amount of those things pre-configured and uses a low latency kernel01:23
jonathan_I want to access some files01:23
stefgMitchbbaker: there's tricks, yeah... but i'd rather ask Dell about that01:23
jonathan_but they required a superuser01:23
zorglu_q. i want to do oprofile/sysprofile on the kernel on ubuntu feisty, can i do that without recompiling the kernel ? like by using existing packages ? if so wich one ?01:24
jonathan_how can I access those files? and how can I be the super user?01:24
Nuktarlogin as root01:24
lieterjonathaN, sudo01:24
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jonathan_at sudo -s -H01:24
stefg!root | Nuktar01:24
ubotuNuktar: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:24
Par-DuePaddy_EIRE: yeah, I've gotten into ubuntu-studio, but still no luck on the midi controller..I'll keep looking around for some documentation01:24
jonathan_already logged01:25
jonathan_but still can't01:25
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Nuktar!root | stefg01:25
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ubotustefg: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:25
jonathan_they still required superuser01:25
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Nuktarreg | Nuktar01:25
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xhaanjonathan_, whatever you're trying to do may not work then, some programs require root to actually exist, and it doesn't in ubuntu01:26
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primskithere is no root password :D01:26
primskiwhy oh why didnt i take the blue pill :P01:26
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Newbie_Dudei feel like i stepped into the Matrix movie01:26
jonathan_I tried gksudo and still can't01:26
primskihe yea me 201:26
jonathan_stupid folder01:27
Nuktarwhile entering as user, go to Administration- User and groups, select root, click proprieties, change the pass. Then go to login manager, set true the option " allow sys  administrator login"01:27
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xhaanjonathan_, what is it youre trying to do again?01:27
yo_anybody use testdisk???01:27
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stefg!anyone | yo_01:28
ubotuyo_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:28
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ConradKunzeCan anyone explain me how to boot from the CD on a HP NetServer 5/166 LS?01:28
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jonathan_Nuktar : are u malaysian?01:29
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yo_i have a problem with my ext3 parition, i resized with gparted, then lost data, aparently, but the data moves to lost+found directory, and the partition converted ext2, :-o, a user chat recommended me convert to ext3 whith mkfs, then lost all all data. Now i'm running testdisk for recovery data01:30
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yo_but files, are cutted and corrupted01:30
yo_sorry my bad english01:30
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NuktarI sometimes get stuck on wikipedia...01:30
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NuktarI am01:31
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Nuktarfrom Europe01:31
pp|PaulI don't suppose anyone has any experiance with nm-applet dissapearing from their system tray do they?01:31
tuxmanhi there01:31
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yo_i lost important files, docs, fotos....01:31
zombie_i think i was kicked out01:31
yo_i need help01:31
xhaanin the future always make backup before using gparted... it has bugs that can break stuff01:31
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Nuktaryou said smth. about help01:32
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matkixHey question. I have an nvidia card and want to use nvidia drivers so I can get the max res. Anyone know the best way to go about?01:32
erUSUL!nvidia | matkix01:33
ubotumatkix: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:33
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erUSUL!fixres | matkix01:33
ubotumatkix: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:33
Nuktargo to system ------ administration ------ restricted drivers01:33
ph8can anyone give me info about submitting patches for ubuntu-server? their channel's dead01:33
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pp|PaulI could do with some help01:33
erUSULph8: launchpad? file a bug report with the patch to the apropiate package01:34
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pp|PaulAnyone good with nm-applet?01:35
TraffWhy won't my Feisty install see my existing partitions?01:35
ph8erUSUL: I just attach the file to the bug report?01:35
ph8i assumed there'd be some sort of repository or something01:35
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erUSULph8: there is, but i guess that you do not have acces to it, do you? i think that a bug report in launchpad is the best aproach01:36
Nuktarsome good extra repoes? thanks in advance01:37
ph8i'm not sure, i'm in the server-team group but i joined yesterday and had no extra info :p01:37
ph8i'll attach it to the launchpad bug and see what happens01:37
matkixAlright, so I've installed the nvidia driver... Now how do I get x to use it? As well how do I get my res up?01:37
monteirois there any way in the live cd to write lilo again?01:37
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matkixAlright, so I've installed the nvidia driver... Now how do I get x to use it? As well how do I get my res up?01:38
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Nuktarsystem------preferences-----screen resolution01:38
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Gastenph8: There is a archive for attatchments on www.launchpadlibrarion.net/Bug#/attatchment name.01:41
Nuktarhow can i change my pass in irc01:41
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GastenNuktar: pass? for ickserv?01:41
primskican amarok play music from remote machine using ssh protocol ?01:41
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lieterprimski, nope, but you can mount a music directory via ssh01:42
primskilieter, ok i will use sshfs then01:42
GastenNuktar: see /nickserv help set password01:42
Nuktar /nickserv help set password01:42
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neohello people..01:43
neoi got ubuntu 5.0401:43
darknighthi there01:43
neobut wanna upgrade to  7.*01:43
Gastenneo: get the latest from the homepage and doa clean install.01:43
neoi burned the cd01:43
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neoi got the lates Gasten01:44
neoi burned it01:44
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neobut do i need to cd dirofcd?01:44
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GastenNuktar: write this: /nickserv set password yourpass newpass01:44
Gastenneo: no you just pop it into the cd-drive and reboot.01:44
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neono Gasten01:44
neothat dont work01:44
neoi tried01:44
Nuktar /nickserv set password <your-password> omastar01:45
Gastenoh? what happens?01:45
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neoit loads 5.0401:45
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neocan't i just do01:45
Nuktargasten thanks01:45
Gastenneo. no. dont think so.01:45
neocan i do there01:45
Gastenneo: have you burned the iso correctly?01:46
Gastenit dont seems like it.01:46
stefgneo: forget about updating... save your stuff, reinstall01:46
neowe unzipped :)01:46
Gastenneo: try configuring your bios so they search for a kernel in your drive first.01:46
neoi come in bios01:46
neobut i dunno01:46
neoto set :S01:46
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:46
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neohe search for floppy01:47
neonot for cd :S01:47
hak5fanHi I'm running xubuntu 7.04 and I've setup my printer using the cups webinterface everything seems fine, but nothing can be printed..... the printer job shows up as well01:47
pp|Paulhelp please01:47
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Gastenneo: when you restart your computer, press esc, f10, del, insert or whatever your bios-key is.01:47
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Gastenneo: f12, then.01:47
neoi know but i dont know how to set search cd01:47
stefg!enter | neo, please stop spamming the channel01:47
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ubotuneo, please stop spamming the channel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:48
Gastenneo: its diffrenent on every model and firmware. you have to search.01:48
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Gastenneo: how did you install 5.10, or whatever you have?01:48
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neoGasten my brother setted bios01:48
Gastenneo: cant you ask him to help you?01:49
neoi'll try01:49
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lieterneo, i know that with Asus mainboards you can press F8 or ESC to bring up a small menu with all possible boot devices01:50
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neolieter i know01:50
neotuxmaniac strange host u got01:50
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neoGasten i'll try........01:51
tuxmaniacneo, why?01:51
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orbital_foxim trying to setup my networking through a terminal01:51
tuxmaniacneo, thats not strange :-) its a cloak01:51
orbital_foxive got no X01:51
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stefgneo... however. don't install 5.04. it's outdated and no longer supported, and there's practically no way to upgrade to 7.04 from there01:52
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orbital_foxnow ive read a couple of tutos, but they had different methods01:52
neostefg then i need to set bootdevices01:52
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orbital_foxany suggestions as to what is the best way to setup my networking?01:52
neobut i know how01:52
neomy friend told me01:52
Gastenneo: the why dont you do that?01:53
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LogiI've somehow messed up my wifi config so knetworkmanager doesn't list any networks and I'm having to iwconfig and dhclient to connect. Is there a way for me to ask NetworkManager directly what it can see so I know whether the problem is above or below that? (and generally to diagnose this)01:54
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stefgneo: so get into the bios (usually <f2> or <del> at boot time) go to the advanced options and set the CD ROM as boot-device. Check your manufacturers site for instructions, this is not an ubuntu-issue01:54
Gastenstefg: he is gone :)01:54
stefgGasten: good to know :-)01:55
Gastenstefg: those kids are funny.01:55
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Paddy_EIREjeezee I hate big brother01:55
shafirecan anyone help me installung ubungu edgy on parallels??01:56
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hak5fanSince I can't get my printer working I deleted the printer and tried readding it lpt #1 doesn't show up in devices list what now01:56
stefgshafire: rather use 7.0401:56
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xipietotecdoes nm-applet handle wpa_supplicant automagically?01:57
shafireok thx01:57
Anlarxipietotec: yes01:57
hak5fanAny ideas?01:57
xipietotecAnlar, danke =)01:57
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b0haim having problems with gaim. If friend sends me a smily (not the default smily, but bigger one), gaim crashes01:58
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Gastenb0ha: had that tool01:58
Loginm-tool it is....01:58
kiasyn=] 01:58
b0haGasten, did you fix it ?01:58
Gastenb0ha: Nope.01:59
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b0haGasten, or do you changed to another msn client01:59
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Gastenb0ha: no. I learned to live with it.01:59
Gastenb0ha: try to turn smilies off.01:59
Gastenb0ha: i you can live with that, that is.01:59
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b0haGasten,  tnx anyway. I will try to live with that too :D02:00
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Gastenb0ha: but the best thing would be to file a bug on launchpad.02:01
enyookay im having a problem with apt-get02:01
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enyoE: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)02:01
enyoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:01
enyoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:01
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jmchaffieHey all, some little rat-fink, sent a pass-encrypted rar that's nothing more than a lie-advo, wondering if there is a good hex-editor for linux? I'd like to peel it apart just to see if a) what the heck is in it to make it the file size it is, and b) see if I CAN anpack it and find anything in it to nail the little bastard! lol02:02
stefgenyo: sudo apt-get update , then try again02:02
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enyotried that. all that really happens is it times out on wines gpg02:03
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enyowine.budgetdedicated etc that is next to impossible to connect to02:04
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stefgenyo: get a fresh sources.list at !easysource02:04
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jmchaffieAnyone know a good hex-editor for linux?02:04
rickymplany sendmail gurus here? i keep getting this error: can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue-client/): Permission denied02:04
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tarzeaujmchaffie: mcedit ?02:05
ubuntuhallol wie komme ich in den deutsche ubuntu irc channel ?02:05
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:05
Frogzoojmchaffie: emacs is good02:05
MetaMorfoziSHi all02:06
jmchaffiecool, thanks. Just haven't had to break out a hex-editor in linux yet all these years. gonna have to tear apart an archive. Thanks tons.02:06
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:06
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MetaMorfoziSCan anybody help me, how can i set up a simple internet sharing, with a machine "A" that have two ethernet cards (eth1->pppoe, and eth0 that connects to the other machine). I want to create a little network, that automatically adds an ipaddres and internet to the machine B02:06
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enyoooh i just got a new error message from apt-get02:07
enyodoing the update02:07
enyoE: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)02:07
enyoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.02:07
hak5fanwhat do I need to do to get lpt #1 to show up under the cups web interface's devices section?02:07
t2to config 2 graphic cards in xorg.conf does each one have its own separate "Section "Device" "   part ?02:07
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stefg!firestarter | MetaMorfoziS02:07
ubotuMetaMorfoziS: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:07
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MetaMorfoziSi need sharing, with dhcpd, not a firewall, or am i missunderstanding something stefg?02:08
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stefgMetaMorfoziS: iptables sets up ICS, too, and firstarter assists you in doing so02:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:09
rymblockhi !02:09
stefgMetaMorfoziS: http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/5/28/02:10
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enyoics = internet connection sharing?02:10
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stefgenyo: yup.... 99 points for using your brain :-)02:10
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enyois there a keyboard shortcut for pasting in cli?02:11
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SourceContactenyo: ctrl-shift-v02:12
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SourceContactstefg - I'll get you next time :)02:12
Anlarargh. the flashplayer update that came today broke it entirely02:12
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enyoalso is there any solution for gstreamer getting out of sync with video?02:13
stefgAnlar: which dark and unknown repos are you using?02:13
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dv_enyc, try disabling esd02:13
rymblocksomebody are playing eve online with wine?02:13
dv_esd is usually responsible for a/v sync trouble02:13
dv_a sound daemon02:14
enyorymblock, i got it working with .3602:14
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enyohow do i do that?02:14
dv_killall esd02:14
Anlarstefg: only the official ones. there was an update, which downloaded, removed the "old" version and started installing new version.. which failed for md5 sum mismatch02:14
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dv_then, change sound output to alsa02:14
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dv_I think there is an entry in the System menu for switching sound output02:14
stefgAnlar: huh?.... flash9 updated? not with me...02:14
dv_as said, call "killall esd" in a terminal as root02:15
pushpopHello all, I am new to Ubuntu and I want to manually partition my drive.  I have 1 160gb hd that i want to use as my main hd where the os is installed.  Then I have a 250gb I will be using for storage... Just wondering what would be the best way to partition the drives for maximum peformance?02:15
Anlarstefg: mirroring some non-critical updates might be slow02:15
tondarwhats comipz fusion chann name ?02:15
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enyohmm i think i was already set to use alsa02:15
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enyobut ill try that thanks02:15
lietertondar, #ubuntu-effects02:15
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tondarlieter: k02:16
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SourceContactpushpop: you mean where to mount /home and the like, or what filesystems?02:16
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pushpopSource Contact: both02:16
rymblockenyo, can you open me a private?02:17
pushpop my main drive is 160GB, I want to store the os and my Virtual Machines on this drive.  Soo I would like performance on this drive.02:17
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pushpopmy 2nd drive is 250 GB drive I will be storing MP3's important files applications.  That I will need to have access to from my windows machine02:17
Anlarstefg: indeed, adobe updated 4 days ago the player02:17
mbonehow to eject CD tray on Ubuntu ?02:17
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SourceContactpushpop: I would recommend a standard ext3 on the 160, and mount '/' on it - ext3 has no spectacular features, but is fast and solid02:18
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dv_and, data recovery is much easier with ext302:18
stefgpushpop: you should consider using two swaps (one on each drive). and you'll never need more than, say, 10 Gigs for the / (if you have /home separate) look at !lvm02:18
enyohmm i made a new sources.list and now when doing apt-get i get these errors :02:18
redbeard_Hi all02:18
enyoow when doing apt-get i get these errors :02:19
SourceContactpushpop: As for the data drive, I might have suggested XFS (which is what I use for my MythTV storage space), but if you need to get at it from windows, that limits your choices02:19
=== dooglus [n=dooglus@rincevent.net] has joined #ubuntu
rafgerman here?02:19
enyoThe following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available02:19
=== shadowhywind [n=shadowhy@user-0c93gca.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!de | raf02:19
uboturaf: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:19
enyoand then says i should do an apt-get update :D02:19
redbeard_Anyone know how to run  network manager?02:19
rymblockI need somebody with experience with wine and eve online, somebody?02:20
stefg!pm | pushpop02:20
ubotupushpop: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:20
=== Par-Due [n=shane@c-24-2-2-251.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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shadowhywindHi all, I am trying to use sshfs to mount a fat32 partition on a server. I can connect to it ok, but when i try to copy any files over, it comes up with Can't change file permissions. Anyone have any ideas?02:20
redbeard_As a noob, I find it hard to figure out how to run newly installed apps02:20
enyorymblock, whats wrong?02:20
Anlarrymblock: the best information you can find about eve&wine from the comments at wine's appdb...02:20
redbeard_It's not like they get listed in the Applications menu02:20
Gastenwhat gnome-version do you use in gutsy?02:20
Logishadowhywind: well, FAT doesn't have file permissions, so setting them fails...02:20
pushpopStefg: I have 4gb of memory in this machine is a swap partition still neccessary?02:21
Anlarrymblock: it usually works, until they update the client when it breaks.. then someone patches the wine again etc02:21
kbrooksLogi, it's hacked in i bet.02:21
Logipushpop: only if you leave firefox running for long periods :)02:21
rymblockI have some problems with entering game, and , already readed all from appdb02:21
shadowhywindLogi but when i go to the server i can change the file permissions02:21
SourceContactpushpop: Maybe not, but you should have one anyway02:21
shadowhywindLogi but in anycase, any ideas on how to get rid of those messages then?02:21
stefgpushpop: if you don't want to hibernate, you'll hardly need swap... just make 128MB on each drive for good measure02:21
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Anlarrymblock: then there's not much you can do.. except posting your experiences there02:22
rymblockerr:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Reset Cannot change the back buffer format yet02:22
rymblockerr:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Reset Cannot change the device window yet02:22
enyorymblock,  are you using .38 or .36 of wine?02:22
rymblockthats the problem02:22
SourceContactpushpop: Right, for hibernation, you'll need as much swap as you have memory02:22
=== cougem [n=kvirc@77-97-83-145.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
redbeard_The recommended  size for swap is twice your RAM, I believe02:22
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Par-Dueredbeard_: you mean half your ram?02:23
GastenPar-Due: no.02:23
stefgredbeard_: that's from 1995 ....02:23
Anlarrymblock: take the newest wine cvs version perhaps.. and fiddle with winecfg & graphics settings.. who knows, those things keep changing02:23
Par-Duetwice your ram is way too much if you're running 2gb or 4gb02:23
redbeard_In the install notes for Ubuntu it says you should have between your RAM and 2*RAM02:23
rymblockim not sure about how can I do that xD02:23
redbeard_stefg: And that's for the latest release02:23
redbeard_So  I'm fairly certain it's valid02:24
enyorymblock, the latest version of wine on the wine cvs doesn't work with eve i believe you have to use .3602:24
Par-DueWhen you have 2 or 4 gigs?! I don't see a reason for that02:24
stefgredbeard_: yeah, for those who want to hibernate02:24
redbeard_Anyways, can somebody please help a linux noob across the gap between INSTALLING and RUNNING?02:24
Anlarenyo: oh some of the eve specific patches didn't get in? they should still apply though02:24
=== yuck [n=tim@fl-69-68-23-166.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
yuckis sharpmusique unavailable?02:24
redbeard_stefg: Still, better to err on the side of caution, eh?02:25
Gastenredbeard_: type the name of the ap in a terminal.02:25
enyowell if you compiled your own .38 you should be okay if you used the patches02:25
redbeard_Gasten: Tried that02:25
=== dude_ [n=rob@82-169-139-15.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
enyobut i used .36 with the eve patches and it worked fine02:25
Gastenredbeard_: what app?02:25
redbeard_Gasten: I installed Network Manager from the Synaptic, and ran it by doubleclicking it in the popup - but after a logout, it's gone02:25
redbeard_Gasten: From the top panel,  I mean02:26
Anlarenyo: oh then rymblock should be poitned the the direction of ready compiled workign wine version.. :o02:26
Gastenredbeard_: It... just disapeared?02:26
redbeard_Gasten: It's probably still on the disk somewhere ;-) But where? How to run?02:26
Gastenredbeard_: have you searched all your menus?02:27
yuckis sharpmusique unavailable?02:27
=== keks_ [n=keks@pD9E3A26A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
redbeard_But does that mean that installing an app _should_ add it to a menu?02:27
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=banyourm@dsl51B69E88.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
rickymplany sendmail gurus here? i keep getting this error: can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue-client/): Permission denied02:28
redbeard_Gasten: That would  at least make things easier (when it works, that is)02:28
Anlarit's GOOD that my display adapter sucks so much, especially with wine, that I can't even dream of playing Eve :) I'd have battleships lvl5 ready by now, 250 millions of bounty and a few hangars full of T2 stuff and prohecies (I love that ship)02:28
MetaMorfoziSstefg: thanx, but i have a problem, my second card is black, nothing shines on it, the leds are off on it. I have ifup eth0 but... it's black.02:28
MetaMorfoziSWhat can cause this?02:28
=== xhaan just tried hibernating... that was crazy
redbeard_Gasten: But it didn't in this case - and I've tried doing a find for it, as well as looking manually in /usr/bin and  several others02:28
stefgMetaMorfoziS: this looks more like hardware failure02:29
MetaMorfoziSAnd, it isn't work if i do sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.(10|20) on the two machine02:29
Gastenredbeard_: bu you have run it from the menu once?02:29
MetaMorfoziSyeah, i think the same:(02:29
MetaMorfoziSbut i hoped anything else can cause this.02:29
redbeard_Gasten: No, from the popup in Synaptic02:29
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stefgMetaMorfoziS: pull the card out, put back to a different slot02:29
MetaMorfoziSbut it's an old card.02:29
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redbeard_Gasten: You know, when you add an app, it shows  a list of added apps, and allows you to doubleclick them in the popup02:29
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redbeard_Gasten: But I don't want to have to reinstall it every time I want to run it ;-)02:30
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redbeard_Gasten: Kinda bothersome :-)02:30
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=== screenname92834 [n=will9832@host81-157-72-65.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gastenredbeard_: Aha.... is there any way you can see which command got executed when you pressed the popup? Some apps dont make icons.02:31
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-109-10-51.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContacthey, stefg: why did you suggest two swaps?02:31
=== bassett [n=Bassetts@5ac2dd22.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
screenname92834hi folks I need some advice on anjuta please?02:31
redbeard_Gasten: See, if  I know how to answer that question, I'd just run it :-)02:31
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Gastenredbeard_: :)02:31
xhaanSourceContact, if you have two it can split the work in between them, faster swapping02:31
Gastenredbeard_: what's the package name, then?02:32
stefgSourceContact: the kernel cleverly uses striping (raid0) on the swap if you mount them with equal priority02:32
redbeard_Gasten: Good question - can I see that in Synaptic?02:32
screenname92834folks, I'm just trying to create a new project with anjuta, and clearly it's not fully installed as it produces a whole list of things I need.02:32
SourceContactxhaan, stefg: very cool :)02:32
screenname92834like glib etc.02:32
Gastenredbeard_: its probably the name you pressed install on.02:32
kbrooksredbeard_, um02:32
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kbrooksredbeard_, it's not that hard to find the package02:32
kbrooksredbeard_, in synaptic02:33
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redbeard_Gasten: It's just called Network Manager02:33
kbrooksredbeard_, start it, and then look at the name of the new program in add/remove02:33
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redbeard_Gasten: Don't see any other name there02:33
kbrooksredbeard_, search for that name in synaptic02:33
kbrooksredbeard_, tell me the packages that come up02:33
screenname92834so what else should I install to get anjuta operating?02:33
redbeard_kbrooks: I  installed it from there02:33
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xhaanstefg, would it still work between a swap partition and a swap file?02:34
getBoahi y'all, does anybody know how to remove the font shadow of Eterm  ???02:34
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stefgxhaan: no idea, think so. but swap files are baaaddd02:34
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redbeard_kbrooks: It's a supported ubuntu apap02:34
kbrooksstefg, in the sense of inefficiency02:34
xhaanstefg, any particular reason why theyre bad?02:35
kbrooksstefg, and swap files only work for windows02:35
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xhaankbrooks, you can make swap files on linux also02:35
kbrooksstefg, when its easier ... but they do have disadvantages there02:35
redbeard_kbrooks: But I guess the package name cannot be Network Manager? They all seem to be lowercase, with - inbetween02:35
kbrooksxhaan, by "work", i dont mean you cant make them there02:35
stefgxhaan: 1.) you go through the filesystem 2.) fragmentation (it get's in the way for normal fs-operations)02:35
kbrooksxhaan, you misunderstood02:36
screenname92834so once you've installed anjuta, what else do you need to get?02:36
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xhaanthey do work, ives used them before... unless you mean something else by 'work'02:36
kbrooksstefg, swap files are used in windows, and are bad for exactly these reasons you gave02:36
he11c0deHi, I just tried to compile python2.5 (to apply a patch) but when I did "sudo apt-get build-dep python2.5" apt-get said UBUNTU-DESKTOP was going to be removed! What do I have to do?02:36
=== raavi [n=raavi@dslb-088-070-020-083.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksxhaan, make sense there when they are "required", so as to bypass partitioning difficulties.02:37
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kbrooksxhaan, typically, there  is only one partition with windows when you install it.02:38
raaviCan anyone have some idea, how to separate gnome and kde items on gnome and kde menus respectively?02:38
kbrooksxhaan, and that "one partition" is the problem.02:38
stefgxhaan: but that's all academic mumbo-jumbo .. i have 512 MB, and never ever used more tha 32 MB of swap on that machine. Most of these considerations became irrelevant on todays hardware02:38
kbrooksxhaan, so microsoft has to put a swap file on there02:38
redbeard_Still stranded here02:38
=== Elbryan [n=syryda@S01060290f50d5129.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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defrysk!patience | redbeard_02:39
uboturedbeard_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:39
kbrooksredbeard_, what do you need help on?02:39
redbeard_Network Mananger02:39
redbeard_I just want  to run  it02:39
kbrooksredbeard_, why?02:39
redbeard_To use my WLAN card02:39
xhaani used a swap file in freebsd and also with debian... never had fragment problems, and i push my computers pretty hard02:39
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stefgredbeard_: first of all: Do you need network-manager (is it a laptop which roams between different nets)?02:40
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xhaanthough i do prefer a swap partition... but i already have a lot of partitions lol02:40
redbeard_stefg: Yep, It's a laptop - no, not much roaming,  but once in a while02:40
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redbeard_stefg: So I'd like a systray  tool to control it02:41
redbeard_stefg: Also, the standard network tool doesn't support WPA02:41
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.02:41
=== AccessExcess [n=axe@] has joined #ubuntu
akoshello! i think i might have accidently removed (deleted) the ndiswrapper kernel module... what can i do?02:41
stefgredbeard_: actually network manager poses more probs than it solves02:41
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ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com02:42
stefgredbeard_: have you been through !wifi already ?02:42
redbeard_stefg: As long as another GUI can help me, I don't care which it is02:42
stefg!wifi | redbeard_02:42
uboturedbeard_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:42
redbeard_Been there, yes02:43
Logiok, after a bunch of messing around, deconfiguring the wireless card in /etc/network/interfaces and rebooting brought it back in network manager02:43
xhaanooh, just discovered that i left 10gb free for more partitions... guess i can just make another one02:43
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redbeard_stefg: And I got the wpa supplicant as well as wpa gui02:43
=== aa^way [n=erti@213-35-167-139-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
getBoaim looking for a complete source.list ? can you guys show yours02:44
redbeard_stefg: But, wpa gui needs to connect to wpa supplicant, and it says no reply02:44
aa^wayhey, where is WINE font folder located? Ive searched forever but just cant find it02:44
stefg!easysource | getBoa02:44
ubotugetBoa: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:44
rambo3!source-o-matic | getBoa02:44
akosstefg, i'm having problems with wifi also... I've done all the docs you can  find around the internet, and none of them seem to work... Now I have accidently deleted the ndiswrapper kernel modules, what could I do?02:44
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enyowhy is desktop spelt with a capital D in ubuntu?02:45
stefgakos: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ndiswrapper02:45
t2i have two vga cards in my system one AGP one PCI...when ubuntu generates xorg.conf it somehow uses the APG card to drive the monitor that is connected to PCI card how is this possible ?02:45
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stefgenyo: becaus nOOb i spelled with two capital O#s02:45
Logican anyone recommend a web-controlled media player, preferably with ubuntu packages and running headless?02:45
timewritersomeone can give me a good link about how to compile a new kernel ?02:45
redbeard_stefg: "Could not get status from wpa supplicant"02:46
stefgredbeard_: what card is that?02:46
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redbeard_stefg: An  SMCWCB-G02:47
Frogzoo!compile | timewriter02:47
ubotutimewriter: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:47
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Frogzoo!kernel | timewriter02:47
ubotutimewriter: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:47
timewriterthank you02:47
redbeard_stefg: Wiki says I should do an update-pciids, so I did02:47
redbeard_stefg: But to use wpa-gui, apparently wpa supplicant  needs to be running02:47
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enyostefg, autosources worked but now i get an odd error message when i use apt-get update02:48
redbeard_stefg: And I'm not sure how to do that02:48
enyoThe following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available02:48
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_RolyI am having problems with an acer aspire 5633 using the intel wireless 3945 card.  I can see the networks in the available area.  It takes about 1 min to connect to a network and then the connection just drops and reconnects every 15 seconds or so.  The network icon show the signal drop from 90% to 0% and back again.  I am using ubuntu feisty.02:49
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SourceContacthas anyone here used TimeVault?02:51
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abelp good day for everyone02:51
abelp<abelp> I have 2 questions02:51
abelp<abelp> 1st where do I have/reach new linux icons?02:51
abelp<abelp> 2nd I have to monitors and I want to continue the desktop to the second monitor. How can I do that?02:51
magnetron_Roly: sounds like you may be to far from the network access points, or something is obstructing the path (metal, thick walls etc)02:51
kbrooksSourceContact, just ask02:52
stefgredbeard_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=242195 is all i can do for you atm. no idea why wpa doesn't work02:52
_Rolymagnetron: i am sure that this is not the case.  the signal is about 90%. other laptops can connect no problem at full speed.02:52
=== yagol666 [n=Derek@cs181064230.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContactthat's my question: Has anyone here used TimeVault?02:52
enyoanyone here play world of warcraft with wine?02:53
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rickympli get this error: can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue-client/): Permission denied, ls -la on /var/spool : drwxrws---  2 root smmsp 4096 2007-07-14 14:40 mqueue-client, what is wrong, what makes me get the error?02:53
SourceContactkbrooks: I want to see if people are using it for revision control of documents, etc.02:53
redbeard_stefg: Thanks for trying :-)02:53
magnetronenyo: appdb.winehq.org02:53
stefgenyo: you have to get the gpg keys of the repos and add them. this is nothing to be too worried about, but having the gpg-keys prevents spoofed packages to enter your system02:54
=== kuukkeli [n=kuukkeli@a88-114-43-31.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kuukkelihow to change my keyboard options?02:54
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kbrooksSourceContact, i haven't tried it, but maybe a search for "timevault ubuntu" on google will give us some results. hang on please'02:54
enyoah .. can't really be bothered with that02:54
jattkuukkeli: System->Preferences->Keyboard02:54
=== rusakko__ [n=rusakko@a91-154-160-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContactkbrooks: :) Thanks, but I know what it does - I'm the author and I was looking for feedback from non-beta-testers.02:55
kbrooksSourceContact, ahhh02:55
kbrooksSourceContact, okay...02:55
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=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
abelpwhere do I have/reach new linux icons?02:56
kbrooksSourceContact, can i help you with it, i mean code02:56
SourceContactthat would be extremely cool02:56
stefg!themes | abelp02:56
ubotuabelp: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:56
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Tanmanwhen a sftp server reads this: Server sent command exit status 5302:57
Tanmanwhat does it mean?02:57
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kbrooksSourceContact, okay...02:57
SourceContactkbrooks: we're having a meeting at 17:00 UTC: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3015008&postcount=16902:57
=== DGtlRift [n=DGtlRift@c-71-204-24-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContactto talk about future directions, etc.02:57
kbrooksSourceContact, after a quick (shocking eh? wait) peruse of the screenshots, it needs a quick fix02:57
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kbrooksSourceContact, for example02:58
=== alaQ [n=ckruse@cdu07b123.cncm.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContactkbrooks: ?02:58
=== techjim [n=iaintgot@c-68-80-48-38.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksSourceContact, having two buttons to launch snapshot browser may be unintutive02:58
=== dec0de [n=zack@24-196-160-003.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
SourceContactkbrooks: sure :)02:59
kbrooksSourceContact,  i can attend02:59
kbrooksSourceContact,  it's at 1 pm EDT here02:59
akosI'm trying to get my wifi work with ndiswrapper... but ndiswrapper says it is not a valid driver? netw4x64 : invalid driver! wtf?02:59
SourceContactkbrooks: excellent, yep 1PM eastern02:59
akosi should download the drivers for windows XP 64 bit right? (im running amd64)02:59
Tanmani get this from winscp as well: Cannot initialize SFTP protocol. Is the host running a SFTP server?03:00
SourceContactI was looking for user feedback to bring to the meeting03:00
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jattTanman: nmap the server and see03:00
redbeard_stefg: In caseu03:00
redbeard_stefg: In case you're curious, I found the name of Network Manager: it's nm-applet :-)03:01
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Tanmanit works ok with another user03:01
akosstefg, trying to get my wifi work with ndiswrapper... but ndiswrapper says it is not a valid driver? netw4x64 : invalid driver! wtf? i should download the drivers for windows XP 64 bit right? (im running amd64)03:01
jattTanman: then the host is running an sftp server03:02
Tanmanmust not be configured properly..03:02
abelpcan i change my regular icon for a PNG image?!03:02
magnetronabelp: yes03:02
Tanmani would like to jail a few users03:02
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Tanmanin sftp scp03:02
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JayRoeDoes ubuntu have a partition manager?03:03
Tanmanusing* so i used a tool called jailkit03:03
bronze-How do I install new murrine configurator in ubuntu?03:03
magnetron!info gparted | JayRoe03:03
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ubotujayroe: gparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 316 kB, installed size 1588 kB03:03
stefgakos: ndiswrapper in 64 bit is asking for trouble. you might get away with manually updating ndiswrapper to the latest version, but honestly i'd recommend sticking to 32 ubuntu anyway03:03
JayRoethanks magnetron03:03
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abelpif its a high res image will ubuntu resample ir for the icon? or is recommended to use an already resampled image?03:03
Tanmando i need a bash shell for scp and sftp to work?03:03
Tanmanor some shell?03:03
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magnetronabelp: try it03:03
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Tanmanand jailed as well..03:03
tomassomy Videocam Look webcam has integrated mic, it works, but the camera functionality doesnt :S Im a bit dissapointed03:04
pushpopQuestion: when I try to create a partition larger then 200gb I get an error "cant have the end before the start" when I make it smaller then 200gb the partition is created without a problem.  This is on DSB any ideas?03:04
akosstefg, so I'd need to reinstall the whole system once more? I could barely get half of my hardware to work, so here I go again? :((03:04
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abelpnice :D03:04
abelplinux rules :D03:05
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bronze-How do I install new murrine configurator in ubuntu?03:05
stefgakos: See what i mean? Reinstall 32bit and gat out of troubles way03:05
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akosstefg, yeah, that's what I asked, do I have to reinstall the whole system in 32 bit?03:05
pushpopstefg: when I try to create a partition larger then 200gb I get an error "cant have the end before the start" when I make it smaller then 200gb the partition is created without a problem.  This is on SDB my storage drive any ideas?03:05
magnetronwelcome, john__03:06
AbnaxosHi there!03:06
jattjohn__: you failed03:06
akosstefg,  that is... delete ubuntu amd64, install ubuntu i38603:06
stefgakos: yes. you can salvage your /home, your sources.list and see !clone how to quickly reinstall in 32bit03:06
AbnaxosI'm trying to install dapper on a dell PowerEdge 1900.03:06
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AbnaxosDoesn't seem too much of a problem ... ;)03:06
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate03:06
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AbnaxosHowever, it won't even reboot: ata_do_simple_cmd: ata command failed: 203:07
akosoh cool03:07
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ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:07
akoswhat is the newest ubuntu edition? fiesty 7.04?03:07
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GissehelHello, I would like to know if there is something to perform a network install of ubutu using a floppy instead of CD.03:08
AbnaxosWell, I *can* reset, but this is a *very* bad sign, IMO, not sure, whether I should continue under these circumstances ... :/03:08
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stefgpushpop: how old is your bios?03:08
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Spaceman3750Is openGL installed by default or do I need to get it from the repo?03:08
pushpopstefg: brand new AM2 board03:08
magnetron!install > Gissehel   (please read the private message from ubotu)03:08
abelpI have to monitors and I want to continue the desktop to the second monitor. How can I do that?03:09
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:09
=== rob_ [n=rob@cpc2-stkn1-0-0-cust237.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spaceman3750Is openGL installed by default or do I need to get it from the repository?03:09
lileiif i use linux can i be 100% sure i wont be sued for anything? because its a witch hunt in sweden after people who pirate these days so i switched to ubuntu...03:10
stefgpushpop: looks like some overflow in some counter.... but what i'd do is put swap and a 10 Gig / (root) on the bigger drive, and let the rest be handled through lvm. theis enable you to have the 160 Gigs and the rest of the 250 Gig drive as one big space03:10
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GissehelOk thanks (looked for "floppy" on web pages while it was "floppies" I needed to search) !03:11
stefg!lvm | pushpop03:11
ubotupushpop: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:11
pushpopthank you03:11
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead03:12
magnetronlilei: being a Swedish citizen myself, i share your concern. The packages that comes with Ubuntu by default specifically exclude any software that would get you in trouble in any way.03:12
abelpis this setting a hardcore thing to a newbie like me?03:12
enyohmm i think my wine install may be broken. and i need to reinstall the gecko engine inside wine.. any idea how?03:12
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lileimagnetron och tack gode gud.... vill inte ka fast fildelning. jag vill ga over helt till sadant som ar gratis03:13
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lileippna format ar nog bast03:14
magnetronlilei: /join ubuntu-se fr svenska03:14
magnetronska vara #ubuntu-se03:14
stefgpushpop: btw, you'll need the alternate installer to set that up03:14
pushpopugh, this is not noobie friendly03:15
pushpopjust a tad confused03:15
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HEP85is somebody here familiar with ntfs-3g?03:16
enyowine_0.9.41~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/wine/wininet.dll.so')03:16
john__how to connect to IRCHighway ?03:16
john__I can't find it on list of networks03:17
enyostefg, short read in buffer_copy ?03:17
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AbnaxosAh, sorry. It was really just the install. The system reboots just fine now. Thanks anyway. :)03:17
stefgpushpop: or you jsut create 128 MB of swap on each drive, and a 10G on the bigger one, leaving the rest unpartitioned. do a desktop install and prepare the lvm later from there03:17
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pushpopstefg: do I create a /home partition or just swap and /root and create home with the LVM03:17
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kiasynwhere did my sound go =[03:17
kyjawhere is the dvd images?03:18
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:18
pushpopStefg: so just create swap and root then install desktop03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about releases-dvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
john__he means DVD ISO images03:18
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stefgpushpop: good question... depends on your needs. but you can do a basic install first, and then change things later03:19
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john__try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/gutsy-dvd-i386.iso03:19
getBoaalguem sabe como tirar a sombra da font no Eterm03:19
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stefgpushpop: i personally prefer to have my /home with the OS-partition, so it gets backed up whenever i do a partition image. but my actual stuff (like media and documents) is physically on a different drive, just the folders are symlinked into my /home03:20
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:21
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jatt!pt | getBoa03:21
ubotugetBoa: please see above03:21
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Abhi123anybody configured postfix in ubuntu server?03:21
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto03:22
=== xevil [i=mageerc@host-209-214-148-186.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
getBoalol i didnt realize, i wrote in the wrong channel... sorry about it !!03:22
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:22
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leftStandinghi all, i'm trying to play a specific dvd which relies heavily on menus. i went through the steps on the restricted format page for dapper, but i can't access the menus03:25
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stefgleftStanding: try vlc03:26
zorlinleftStanding: What media player are you using?03:26
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kyjayes vlc03:26
leftStandingzorlin: i'm using mplayer03:26
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zorlinTry Totem or VLC.03:26
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leftStandingi've used vlc for windows and it rocks03:26
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zorlin:) glad to hear it.03:26
jamezhi i just want to ask how can i add 1440x990 resolution03:26
zorlinhave a go and see if it helps with the problem.03:26
stefg!fixres | jamez03:27
ubotujamez: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:27
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zorlinjamez, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:27
zorlinand follow the steps CAREFULLY until you get to the resolution section03:27
Puppy_how do I open an gedit file in the terminal?03:28
zorlinthen it should show up in the Screen Resolution tool03:28
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zorlinpuppy: Use "gedit /location/of/file.file"03:28
magnetronPuppy_: just type  gedit filename03:28
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Puppy_zorlin and magnetron: thanks!03:28
zorlinexample "gedit /home/zorlin/.example/text.readme03:28
zorlinPuppy_: You're welcome. If you get read-only errors, append "sudo" to the front03:29
mycelphi want to network my xbox what FTP client is best03:29
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enyocan anyone help me with me this error?03:29
enyoE: /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_0.9.41~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/wine/wininet.dll.so')03:29
Puppy_ok, thanks03:29
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magnetronmycelph: Gnome supports ftp, choose "connect to server" in the menu. or you could install filezilla03:30
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ppdhi. how can I tell my dvd drive to completely ignore non readable sectors and to just continue? (with dd)03:30
ppdconv=noerror does not work03:31
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stefg!info ddrescue03:31
ubotuddrescue: copies data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB03:31
john__anybody using vmware server ?03:31
john__does free vmware server also include vmware tools ?03:32
mycelphThanks Magnetron03:32
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ppdddrescue does the same. my drive just stops at the broken point and starts re reading that sector again and again03:33
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vader1102running Kubuntu Feisty, very slow dsl speed, anyone who can help, please chime in03:33
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kazim59chime in?03:33
leftStandingsexiness! vlc works wondefully thanks for the help03:33
stefg!ipv6 | vader110203:34
ubotuvader1102: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:34
meephi all, just a quick question, if you dual boot, can i run under my programs  on my mounted NTFS drive under WINE??03:34
vader1102stefg, ty03:34
kazim59I got 256 MB RAM... ubuntu seems slower... do I need more RAM?03:34
meepuse xubuntu03:34
Jack_Sparrowmeep: if you are trying to what I think.. no03:35
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stefgmeep: won#t work in the vast majority of cases03:35
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meepJack_Sparrow: why not :(03:35
magnetronmeep: depends. in most cases, no. it would work better if you reinstalled them in the ubuntu setup03:35
mycelphWhat program do you use to rip VCD's03:35
Jack_SparrowThey need to be installed into wine03:35
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meepokey dokey03:35
meepcheers guys03:35
Jack_Sparrowmeep: np03:35
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stefgkazim59: 512 MB won't hurt03:36
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john__kazim59: 512 MB is recommended03:37
=== Myrth [n=moshe@cpe-76-80-0-236.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kazim59stefg: I knew... silly question.. lol...03:37
Myrthhi, how can i make knetworkmanager not to update /etc/resolv.conf when connecting to vpn?03:37
Apollynis there a ipsec/racoon-specialist there?03:37
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Jack_Sparrowstefg: you seem to be here alot.. if you see a guy named vietnow or something xlose to that.. the fix for his install problem is to reduce the amount of shared video ram by adjusting the setting in the bios..03:37
kazim59john__: how much does it cost? gotta ask dad!!03:37
brainiac8008kazim59:  I use 512 MB and when I do multiple things on Ubuntu it still occasionally uses some swap03:37
john__lets see03:37
=== stefg scratches his head about that
mycelphJust crack 2GB into your computer03:37
john__should be less than $5003:38
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kazim59john__: really..?03:38
kiasynram is cheap enough to upgrade, and generally worth it03:38
Apollynor do you know a place to get support for ipsec-tools ?03:38
john__US $ that is03:38
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kazim59john__: ok... here I come dad03:38
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mycelphWhats a good Audio Visual channel for ubuntu03:39
Puppy_does anyone know what this does: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -03:39
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stefgPuppy_: add the rpo key to your pat-keyring03:39
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stefgPuppy_: adds the repo key to your apt-keyring03:39
kazim59Puppy_: weird things... adds gpg key to ur apt repos list03:39
Jerome_Does anyone know if this RAID Controller is true hardware Raid, and if its supported by ubuntu? -> American Megatrends 428 Rev D1 RAID controller w/128MB cache03:39
FreeFullHello, my wireless card stopped working03:40
Puppy_oh, when I put it in the terminal it does nothing. Let me try again.03:40
kazim59FreeFull: sorry to hear that03:40
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kazim59Puppy_: are you following some tutorial?03:40
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xhaanPuppy_, you dont see it do anything because you have -q on it03:41
xhaanthat means its set to quiet03:41
FreeFullI have already made a thread on Ubuntu forums but the problem is still not solved03:41
kazim59Puppy_: remove the -q ... and the server seems down for me03:42
FreeFullhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=497644 - please help me...03:42
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pushpopstefg: is there a ubuntu lvm how to?03:42
Puppy_Thanks everyone! I got it. :)03:42
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kiasynifup wlan003:42
silviasichigohow's it going03:43
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FreeFullkiasyn, try to read the thread first.03:43
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silviasichigoI just loaded up Ubuntu on my Toshiba satellite well My graphics card is not running optimally (xpress 200M) any ideas?03:44
novato_bri wanna link to download good ubuntu version03:44
Spaceman3750Anyone know off the top of their head the package name for Apache?03:44
=== Logi isntalls mpd and a couple of clients to solve his central music player "problem"
kiasyni dunno freefull03:45
=== pq_ [n=pq@ip-88-207-204-224.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu
kiasynhave u changed anything03:45
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:45
=== ferret [i=worc1588@gentoo/user/ferret] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive03:45
novato_br!ubuntu download03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu download - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronnovato_br: go to http://releases.ubuntu.com03:45
FreeFullkiasyn, only thing I done was installing AVG so that I won't send windows viruses to people without knowing about it.(now unistalled and user AVG removed)03:46
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jattsilviasichigo: I do have the same card,03:46
jatt(**) |   |-->Device "ATI Technologies Inc ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)"03:46
jattand it works fine, no 3D acceleration though.03:46
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:46
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Frogzoonovato_br: get the iso/dvd torrent @  http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/feisty/release/ubuntu-7.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent03:46
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:46
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ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html please see above03:46
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banlieueis there a reason I get kicked out of gnome when pressing ctrl+alt+shift+f8?03:47
mycelphHow do you rip VCD's03:47
JayRoehow do I change the user rights for a partition?03:47
silviasichigothanks Jatt have you tried anything to get it to work?03:47
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Frogzoobanlieue: it's switch to tty8 when you do that03:47
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ubotuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar03:47
HEP85banlieue: try ctrl+alt+f7 then you're back03:48
banlieueFrogzoo: oh... :o03:48
banlieueFrogzoo: that's kind of obvious actually lol, ty03:48
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kazim59mycelph: vcd://mpegav/*.dat are mpeg files... you have them03:48
stefgpushpop: seems there's no specific ubuntu lvm howto ... sudo apt-get install lvm2 will certainly be the first step :-)03:48
=== jack [n=holo@host81-157-173-156.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
akosI am struggling with ndiswrapper... I am running a 64 bit feisty. I downloaded the windows drivers, it downloaded 3 INF files: NETw4k32.INF  NETw4x32.INF  NETw4x64.INF. I i03:49
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berentwhat is raid. why are people beyond it when they can simply use simple LVM -mounted disk drives03:49
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jackbeing really silly i "sudo rm -fr all of /var/log and now mysqld won't start03:49
jattsilviasichigo: I tried several things (latest proprietary drivers, etc.) but never got 3D acceleration to work. I am using currently the xorg driver.03:49
akosIf I load the 64bit drivers, it sais invalid driver. I tried the other two, NET24x32 is reported as invalid also, but Netw4k32.INF loads correctly, and says that a board has been found03:50
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berentraid makes life tougher03:50
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jackmysqld: File '/var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.index' not found (Errcode: 13)03:50
Frogzooberent: lvm doesn't provide either speed or reliability hence lvm on top of raid03:50
silviasichigowhat kind or FPS are you getting out of GXLGEARS?03:50
jacki touched that file but it still complains03:50
kitchejack: you lost /var/log if you did rm -rf /var/log/03:50
akosbut there is no wlan interface coming up... any ideas? is usgin that driver okay?03:50
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kitchejack: which is very bad03:50
jacki've remade the mysql dir03:50
jackand touched the log file03:51
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kitchejack anyways I have to restart dwm so I'll be right back03:51
jackok kitche03:51
akosI am struggling with ndiswrapper... I am running a 64 bit feisty. I downloaded the windows drivers, it downloaded 3 INF files: NETw4k32.INF  NETw4x32.INF  NETw4x64.INF. If I load the 64bit drivers, it sais invalid driver. I tried the other two, NET24x32 is reported as invalid also, but Netw4k32.INF loads correctly, and says that a board has been found, even reports that there is an alternate driver (that is unloaded at the moment, because it make the system f03:51
akosreeze) but there is no wlan interface coming up... any ideas? is usgin that driver okay?03:51
skulridwhenever I need to do something in windows, is there a way to go tehre (like emulation) without having to restar my pc?03:51
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HEP85akos: did you take a look at the logs?03:51
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jackskulrid: try virtualbox03:51
_Lucretia_well, I just had my first ubuntu crash/hang03:51
skulridjack have u tried?03:52
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berentFrogzoo : you mean i can raid now03:52
kyjaskulrid, look into qemu03:52
jackskulrid: i use it regulary03:52
magnetron!virtualizers | skulrid03:52
ubotuskulrid: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:52
jackit wont work with games though03:52
akosHEP85, yeah.... it isn't loaded :(03:52
VoXakos: you're trying trying to use 32-bit drivers with a 64-bit operating system.03:52
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Frogzooberent: nope - you need to setup raid on physical partitions, then put lvm on top of that03:52
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HEP85no error messages from ndiswrapper? is ndiswrapper itself loaded?03:53
silviasichigoThanks for the Restricted Driver pages I will hit that up laters thanks Jatt03:53
Beatbreakerhey i'm having a problem with my NVIDIA driver and compiz fusion03:53
berentFrogzoo : what do you mean by physical partition - that which we do using parted?03:53
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo03:53
Beatbreakercompiz --replace03:53
BeatbreakerFatal: Failed test: texture_from_pixmap support03:53
BeatbreakerChecks indicate that it's impossible to start compiz on your system.03:53
Frogzoo!raid | berent03:53
ubotuberent: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:53
akosVoX, i know... the 64 bits didnt work, and i thought id give it a shot, but no errors were reported... but dmesg says that ndiswrapper couldnt prepare the drivers, and they werent actually loaded03:53
Newbie_DudeHey guys, anyone know a (free) SQL program? I used to use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 before I made the switch. I'm just using it for educational purposes.03:53
stefgpushpop: are you running from the installed system already now?03:53
jacknewbie: mysql03:54
akosNewbie_Dude, mysql03:54
Beatbreakershould i ask another forum or something03:54
Newbie_Dude!find mysql03:54
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libdbd-mysql-perl, libmysql-java, libmysqlclient15-dev, libmysqlclient15off (and 82 others)03:54
VoXakos: of course not. ndis cant use 32-bit drivers in a 64bit operating environment03:54
kitcheNewbie_Dude: postegres if you want something more SQL like03:54
getBoa!find eterm03:54
ubotuFound: eterm, eterm-themes03:54
Newbie_Dude!find postgresql03:54
ubotuFound: postgresql-client-common, postgresql-common, cl-sql-postgresql, cl-sql-postgresql-socket, courier-authlib-postgresql (and 41 others)03:54
jacknewbie dude you want the package mysql-server03:54
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getBoafind eterm-themes03:54
HEP85Beatbreaker: if your video card does not support that extension you need xgl03:54
Newbie_Dudejack, kitche, akos: thanks guys... mysql-server or postgresql? :P hehe.03:55
akosVoX, ok, i thought so... what could I do? why arent my drivers loading? do you need more info? it's a intel pro 4965 agn card03:55
jackits personal choice03:55
_Lucretia_Left the machine running over night, the only apps running were terminal, synaptic, xchat2 and ff, woke up and it had hung03:55
JayRoecan someone tell me how I rename a drive?03:55
Beatbreaker<HEP85> it's weird - i had Compiz fusion working perfectly before - then some dude told me to reinstall my NVIDIA drivers, now it's not working03:55
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Newbie_DudeThanks, will download it later.03:55
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akosVoX, HEP85,  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)03:55
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Newbie_DudeI recently discovered how customizable the panels are. Ubuntu is really amazing!03:56
Beatbreaker<HEP85> what's XGL? can i get it from synaptec database?03:56
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Beatbreaker...or do you have a guide of how to install it?03:56
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:56
skulridone qstion: why everytime (most of them) I install a program with synaptic (like I just did with qemu) why doesnt it go to the Applications menu and why cant I find it anywhere?03:56
VoXakos: i'ver never looked at ndis before - havent needed to. ndis isnt always going to work 100% with all cards/drivers. you may need to trying running fiesty3203:56
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HEP85yes. the package is xserver-xgl. but if it worked before without it then maybe the newly installed driver is wrong03:56
akosVoX, damn03:56
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akos /j #ndiswrapper03:57
HEP85could it be that you installed an older one. texture_from_pixmap support is quiet new03:57
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xhaanskulrid, not all are meant to go there, youll have to find it manually... using whereis helps03:57
Beatbreakeri think i've already got xserver-xgl03:57
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VoXakos: realisticly, there isnt a _huge_ performance advantage running the 64bit version, unless you're doing massively-computational work03:57
kitcheskulrid: qemu is a cli program03:57
HEP85then it is probably not starting. i mean xgl03:58
skulridwhat is that man?03:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:58
xhaanskulrid, or if the program is added to the path you just have to know the name of it03:58
=== Soulmage [n=denkishi@cpe-065-191-053-040.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kitche!cli | skulrid03:58
ubotuskulrid: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:58
=== timstokman [n=timstokm@s5591fe03.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
magnetron!info qemu-launcher03:58
ubotuqemu-launcher: GTK+ front-end to QEMU computer emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.2-1 (feisty), package size 53 kB, installed size 440 kB03:58
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Beatbreakerhumm hold on i don't have xserver-xgl03:58
magnetron!info qemu-launcher > skulrid03:58
Beatbreakeri'll give it a try and get back to you if it dosne't work03:58
timstokmanhey, is there any way to install php4 from repo? can't seem to find it03:58
johan_ the gnome File Browser doesn't show me PDF previews on a smb mounted volume. I have changed the preferences (Preview, Show thumbnails -> "Always") so ... am I doing something wrong?03:58
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skulridas I say, sometimes linux can be a real pain :)03:58
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Beatbreakeris there anyting else i should try to install while i'm in the synaptec?03:59
Frogzoois there anything like enlightenment's floating application switcher for gnome?03:59
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berentBeatbreaker : what's your age?03:59
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xhaanjohan_, did you change it from local files only?03:59
Beatbreaker24 - why should it matter?04:00
kiasynhmm, my sound disappears everytime i touch the volume control, ive been able to fix it a couple of times using aslamixer and alsactl but its not coming back this time, any ideas anyone? =)04:00
berentBeatbreaker : nothing specific04:00
johan_xhaan: yes, i changed it to "Always"04:00
aa^wayhey, trying to set up a Mozilla Control with WINE, it tells me i gotta select Mozilla location but i cant select it because i cant select hidden files in that list. how??04:00
=== SeXXXmachine is now known as SmoothOp
Beatbreaker<berent> ok well ok then04:00
berentBeatbreaker : you can install anything you want depending on your needs04:00
xhaanjohan_, oh yeah, i misread sorry04:00
enyoFailed to check for installed and available applications04:01
enyoThis is a major failure of your software management system.04:01
Beatbreaker<berent> i meant "should i install anything more than xserver-xgl to get my compiz-fusion working" hoping that the context would imply itself04:01
enyostefg, that problem came back again04:02
stefgenyo: what was it?04:02
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HEP85akos: are you using the XP drivers? I guess Vista drivers won't work04:02
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Beatbreakeranyway i'm giving it a shot - thanks all for your help, i'll be back!04:02
akosHEP85, yeah04:02
enyoapt-get breaking04:02
enyoi replaced the source list using autolists04:03
HEP85hmm. no clue04:03
skulridqemu: /usr/bin/qemu /usr/bin/X11/qemu /usr/share/qemu /usr/share/man/man1/qemu.1.gz -------> know there I know where it is how do I load it correctly?04:03
enyoit worked for a while then broke again04:03
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enyoE: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)04:03
enyoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.04:03
akosHEP85, the inf has windows xp all over the place04:03
stefgenyo: did you use automatix?04:03
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Beatbreakerok i'm still getting this with compiz fusion - "compiz --replace04:04
BeatbreakerFatal: Failed test: texture_from_pixmap support04:04
BeatbreakerChecks indicate that it's impossible to start compiz on your system.04:04
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Beatbreakershould i try to reinstall it completely?04:04
stefg!glx | Beatbreaker04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
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stefg!effects | Beatbreaker04:04
ubotuBeatbreaker: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects04:04
HEP85akos: what does iwconfig print out?04:04
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bronze-Which external harddrive is better? Western Digital My Book Essential Edition 500GB USB2.0   _ OR _   Seagate FreeAgent 500GB USB2.0  ?04:05
Beatbreaker<stefg> what do you mean !glx?04:05
kiasynhmm, my sound disappears everytime i touch the volume control, ive been able to fix it a couple of times using aslamixer and alsactl but its not coming back this time, any ideas anyone? =)04:05
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enyobronze-,  seagate generally are better and usualy have better warranities04:05
HEP85Beatbreaker: you have to start xgl first. only installing does not do the trick04:05
ZombieIs anyone else experiencing a whole bunch of disconnects with the Security Updates?04:05
pushpopstefg: what is the alternative to pvcreate with lvm204:05
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stefgBeatbreaker: i was using an outdated trigger for the bot to make you aware that compiz support is in #ubuntu-effects04:06
enyo:S stefg  i can't even open sources.list now04:06
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Frogzoopushpop: would you believe... pvcreate???04:06
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stefgpushpop: what do you mean by alternative to pvcreate?04:06
enyoits causing nautilus to freeze04:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:07
pushpopim trying to add the 2 lvm partitions together04:07
pushpopthe how to i was following told me to use pvcreate, but there is not pvcreate with the version oflvm im using04:07
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Beatbreaker_bash: xgl: command not found04:07
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stefgpushpop: hold on a sec... did you sudo apt-get lvm2 ?04:08
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HEP85i think it is Xgl --> uppercase04:08
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rambo3Beatbreaker_ folow the howto04:08
Dark-Magicianis it possible to install Ubuntu on one computer, then move it it another computer?04:08
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Beatbreaker_i don't understand what you guys mean by !xgl etc.... i tryied it in the terminal but wouldn't reposnd04:08
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enyookay this is pretty bad. i can no longer open sources.list and when i do attempt gnome freezes04:08
pushpopstefg yes04:08
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t2hi can someone help... i have two graphic cards one PCI one AGP and a proper xorg.conf... but KDE always completeley freezes the system if i make the widescreen monitor my main display... it works fine if i use the other display... XFCE does not crash why why ???04:08
francis_Could some one please tell me how to I reinstall the nvidia drivers . It was working fine till i recompiled my Kernel to .6.2104:09
=== Masura [n=lihamyll@dsl-kvlbrasgw1-feafc000-107.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
HEP85!xgl lets the ubotu bot print out the link to the howto04:09
jackcan anyone help me with a mysql server error please?04:09
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eifzon_Hmm, i wonder how i shall partitionate my disk, i have choosen LVM, and wonder if its good to use "reiserfs" on a "Seagate 500GB Sataii 16MB Cache"04:10
HEP85francis_: try sudo depmod -a04:10
stefgpushpop: hold on a sec... ther's some symlink which must be created to work around some bug04:10
pushpopstefg: check this www.pastebin.ca/61913804:10
kiasynits not good to use a seagate 500gb sataii 16mb cache, you better give it to me =[04:10
francis_one movement04:10
eifzon_kiasyn, you know what filesystem to use? for desktop use04:10
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stefgpushpop: oops.... where had your (non-lvm'd) root gone?04:11
francis_HEP85: is there a newer driver for the .2104:11
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pushpoproot is there no?04:12
kyjaomg virtualbox rawks04:12
aa^wayHow i could see version what im running? Ubuntu04:12
HEP85if you use a new kernel you also need a new driver, because it is a kernel module04:12
pushpopstefg: /dev/sdb2   *        1216       14590   107421875+  83  Linux04:12
pushpopstefg: i made root 100gb04:12
stefgpushpop: yeah, now i see it... temporary blindness attack :-)04:12
HEP85well not exactly new driver, but rather recompile the old driver with the new kernel headers04:12
francis_HEP85: depmod -a gives no output04:13
pushpopstefg: = )04:13
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stefgpushpop: whta the hell are you going to do with a 100 GB root?04:13
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francis_HEP85: how do I recompile it with the new kernel ?04:13
pushpopstefg: =) good questions, at first i thought id be storing my virtual machines on root04:13
HEP85where did you get your driver?04:14
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stefgpushpop: stupid idea04:14
pushpopstefg: to late to resize?04:14
pushpopstefg: well im a noob so its understandable = )04:14
eifzon_pushpop, like 30GB is enough :P04:14
Beatbreaker_<rambo3> where is the how to? are you suggesting that i reinstall my compiz fusion?04:14
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francis_i got it for apt-get last time04:15
eifzon_pushpop, 30GB /, 2GB swap, rest on home04:15
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BREAKShablan espaol?04:15
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jasiuhello i`ve got a quesion. how can i change icon of my menu??04:15
sdfrhi all04:15
eifzon_BREAKS, #ubuntu-es04:15
Frogzoo!themes | jasiu04:15
ubotujasiu: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:15
HEP85ok. you can only use the driver from apt-get with the kernel from apt-get04:15
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stefgpushpop: and there's an odd thing, with the root being inside the sun disk-label. you're going to use dos-partition tables, so i'd rather start over04:16
francis_humm .. i got this kernel for kernel.org04:16
HEP85if you compile the kernel yourself, like you did. you will need the driver install files from the nvidia page04:16
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_Lucretia_Left the machine running over night, the only apps running were terminal, synaptic, xchat2 and ff, woke up and it had hung, CRASHED THE MACHINE04:16
francis_its 2.6.2104:16
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sdfrcan someone tell me how remove an application that was installed without a .deb pack.? tnx04:16
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pushpopstefg: reinstall?04:16
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francis_HEP85: will look up the nvidia page04:16
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akosroot@akos:/home/akos/Desktop# ndiswrapper -v     \n     utils version: 1.9     \n   driver modinfo: could not open ndiswrapper: No such device04:17
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Beatbreaker_<ubotu> i've tried the #ubuntu-effects server but nobody is replying04:17
akosthis sounds fishy04:17
stefgpushpop: yeah, for good measure... and i'd recommend using the alternate installer. Will make things easier04:17
pushpopstefg: what do you mean by alt. installer04:17
jasiuvan u write me thet addresses of themes??04:17
Beatbreaker_<HEP85> how do i restart xgl?04:17
pushpopnon graphic mode?04:17
stefg!alternate | pushpop04:17
ubotupushpop: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal04:17
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HEP85Beatbreaker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl04:17
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pushpopstefg: so im just making a smaller root partition? anything thing else I should do?04:18
ZombieHey Folks.04:18
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Beatbreaker_<HEP85> cool i'll give it a go04:18
ZombieI am having trouble installing keys.04:18
sdfrsorry if i repeat my quwstion;  can someone tell me how remove an application that was installed without a .deb pack.?  (dictconv)04:18
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ccoffeywhat's the link for browsing throught the repositories online?04:19
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jasiuhow can i install the new theme??04:19
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bronze-Can anyone recommend me a good audio-player for ubuntu? I've been using Amarok so I have high standards, yet I don't want to use KDE apps.04:19
t2sdfr:  i repeated a question for 3 days several times and got no reply this is normal for ubuntu irc room... sorry i can't help.  i'm going back to PCLOS 2007 distro cos it just works04:20
HEP85jasiu: System-->Settings-->Theme-->Install Theme04:20
defrysk!exail | bronze-04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
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eifzon_I suppose I am going for ext3 then :\04:20
stefgpushpop: so roughly skimming what you'll have to do. leave the two small swaps, create a 10 GB (or even 20) partition on sdb  to hold the OS. then make  the rest of sda one big part, and the rest of sdb one big part. You're going to use these as PEs for lvm then04:20
zabinHow should I install the drivers for my nvidia card? If i use the restricted ubuntu drive install method my max resolution is 800X600 and doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt fix that.04:20
defrysk!exaile | bronze-04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exaile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
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sdfrt2, it is not a problem waitning me or repeating a question, but i was afraid to be annoing04:21
pushpopok stefg: ill be back when thats complete = )04:21
compengiccoffey, http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:21
jasiuHEP85: i know that but there i ve got to select somethig04:21
wershow do I set PCManFM the default file browser?04:21
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MrTsunamibronze-: exaile.org04:21
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HEP85you need to select the archive you downloaded for the theme04:22
ccoffeycompengi: thanks04:22
stefgpushpop: and don't rely on gParted on the live CD... it's pretty flaky. do the partitioning of the two big PE partitons from the installed system,04:22
compengiccoffey, np ;)04:22
HEP85don't extract it before04:22
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stormy|i'm trying to access my linux box over the web using apache and ssh... I've forwarded the ports necessary to the box, but it does not work (I cannot ping the hostname that i'm using)04:22
zabinHow should I install the drivers for my nvidia card? If i use the restricted ubuntu drive install method my max resolution is 800X600 and doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt fix that.04:22
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SlimeyPetestormy|: hostname?04:22
sdfrsorry if i repeat my quwstion;  can someone tell me how remove an application that was installed without a .deb pack.?  (dictconv)04:22
hammedhaaretHi.  how do i install a .bin file? ... apart from just running it in terminal... cause nothing really happens when i do that04:22
zabinstormy: did you apt-get isntall ssh on the server?04:22
SlimeyPetestormy|: you mean you've set up DNS etc? because otherwise you need to use the ip04:22
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zabinHow should I install the drivers for my nvidia card?04:23
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ilikec0wszabin, Restricted drivers manager?04:23
francis_HEP85: i am downloading the driver as we speek04:23
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kitchehammedhaaret: exactly run it in the terminal what is this bin for ?04:24
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zabinikikec0w: If i use the restricted ubuntu drive install method my max resolution is 800X600 and doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt fix that.04:24
francis_is it a driver that isatalls out of the box ?04:24
ilikec0wszabin, Strange, did you try manually editing your xorg.conf?04:24
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zabinilikec0ws: do you mean adding the right resulotions what i want?04:25
ilikec0ws!fixres | zabin04:25
ubotuzabin: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:25
hammedhaaretkitche: it should be an installer for a game... soulfu to be specific, found it here http://http://www.soulfu.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57www.soulfu.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5704:25
berentcan i raid/lvm my existing partition of useless disks04:25
bronze-MrTsunami and defrysk : Thanks for the tip!04:25
ilikec0wszabin, Basically yes, on the Modes line of your default depth?04:25
faemirdoes anyone know which compression is best out of zip,rar,7z,bz2,gz?04:25
HEP85francis_: it contains a script with either a graphical and a text based menu04:25
yrthhello :) can anybody help me out? none of my video players will open any video files04:25
faemiryrjan, what type04:26
zabinikiec0ws: do you think it could ahve to do with my monitor?04:26
zabinits a 19 inch crt..04:26
Kajafaemir, afaik 1. 7z 2. bz204:26
berentyrth : well are you a movie freak?04:26
ilikec0wszabin, Shouldnt think so nope04:26
yrjanfaemir: wrong person :P04:26
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hammedhaaretkitche: but nothing really happens when i run it...  nothing appears anywhere in the menus..should i log out and restart x?04:26
yrthhehehe berent :) sort of04:26
kitchehammedhaaret: no you most likely have to enter the command each time you want to run the game04:27
zabinilikec0ws: im thinking of getting a new card do you think ati or nvida works best with linux?04:27
berentyrth : are you adult04:27
kitchehammedhaaret: sometiems the .bin file will ask you if you want to put a menu entry though04:27
faemiryrjan, no, what type of video files04:27
sdfrhi all, i ve installed dictconv, now i d like remove it. it was not in reository so i downloaded from website and just installed (/configure...make all install). now i d like knowing how remove it (ubuntu 6.06, acer laptop)04:27
ilikec0wszabin, personal choice, afaik the nvidia drivers are alot better though :P04:27
skulridwhy did WINE load and isntall a prgoram (with double clicking) and know it wont load the SAME file again??04:27
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yrthberent, I believe that on my other computer it works fine (same ubuntu) and I think it was working on here as well... I dont know when it went wrong, yes I am an adult04:27
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zabinthanks for yuor help04:28
yrjanfaemir: no, you're talking to the wrong person ;)04:28
kitchesdfer: you could try sudo make uninstall sometimes they have uninstall scripts04:28
faemiryrjan, agh dang xD04:28
yrjanfaemir: you're trying to talk to yrth ;)04:28
francis_HEP85: lspci | grep Audio tells me that i have a nVidia Cprp. MCP51 High Definiation Audio >> Though i cant get the sound to work04:28
sdfrfaemir, tnx, i ll try immediatly04:28
hammedhaaretkitche: ok.. what command? the bin one? tried just soulfu... but nothing works... where does it install it to? guess it's the path i should use right?04:28
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faemirsdfr, wrong person xD04:28
Beatbreakerwell i tried that xgl guide and that didn't work - it put me on the log in screen and i chose to boot with xgl - it would give me a blank screen for a second then put me back on the log in screen04:28
berentyrth : there is an adult filter which you have to turn off recently introduced in ubuntu submitting age proof. have u done that?04:28
kitchehammedhaaret: most likely /usr/local but unless you changed it it should be in /usr/local04:28
sdfr:) ops04:29
yrthnope, berent04:29
yrthberent, where is it?04:29
ptn107can anyone offer a good accounting software alternative for ubuntu (currently using quicken and office accounting on windows part)??04:29
sdfrkitche , tnx, i ll try immediatly04:29
leftStandingptn107: did you try gnucash?04:29
HEP85lspci output does not mean that you have a driver for it04:29
berentyrth : :-) was kidding man.04:29
ptn107leftStanding: didnt try anything yet, just wondering what my options were04:29
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berentyrth : any errors u r getting04:30
skulridnuno@ubuntu:~$ sudo killall Firefox04:30
skulridFirefox: no process killed04:30
skulridwhy is this wrong?!04:30
hammedhaaretkitche: ok (: thx.... there are probably a bunch installed from .bin files that i never knew where went ;D04:30
leftStandingptn107: http://www.gnucash.org/04:30
yrthberent, only Mplayer returns me an error04:30
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ptn107leftStanding: ill check that out, thanks04:30
berentyrth : what error?04:30
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Newbie_DudeIs there a such thing as Ubuntu t-shirts? :P04:30
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sudobashim sure04:30
sudobashthe question is are there Sudo Bash shirts???? there should be04:31
skulridhow do I kill Firefox by command-???04:31
sudobashps aux04:31
francis_HEP85: yea I was telling ya abt the hardware I have . Any idea how i could get it working04:31
sudobashfind the pid number of firefox and do kill pid#04:31
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:31
skulridwith the KILLALL camonad04:31
Bassettsis there a way to make thunderbird group mailing list posts together?04:31
yrthberent: Error opening/initialazing the selected video_out (-vo) device04:32
rob_pskulrid: killall firefox-bin04:32
sudobashthat works better04:32
skulridand WINE?04:32
sudobashkillall wine04:32
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skulridnuno@ubuntu:~$ killall wine04:32
skulridwine: no process killed04:32
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sudobashdo a ps aux04:33
sudobashand find wines pid number04:33
sudobashprocess id04:33
compengiskulrid, why don't you just do "ps aux | grep program" take the pid number then "sudo kill -9 pid"04:33
HEP85francis_: I have no clue04:33
francis_oo okkk04:33
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Newbie_DudeHow exactly does the Synaptic software repository work? Particularly, do the developers of each piece of software update the repository with newer versions? I noticed things like ScummVM are on version 1.0.0 now, but in the Add/Remove it is still only v0.9.1.04:33
skulridbut why all that work if theres killall?04:33
=== Dark-Magician [n=DarkMage@75-120-169-121.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilikec0wsNewbie_Dude, Ubuntu has a 6 month release cycle04:34
SlimeyPeteNewbie_Dude: volunteer package-maintainers update/fix packages04:34
blastthisinfernois there a way to check for a package before you install through the command line?04:34
skulridi realy think  linux is getting more n more complicated and useless...04:34
SlimeyPeteNewbie_Dude: so sometimes the packaged version is behind the latest official version04:34
yrthberent.. any ideas?04:34
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akosinstalling windows drivers using ndiswrapper: installing netw4x64 ...     \n        couldn't find models section "Device" -               \n              installation may be incomplete04:34
Newbie_Dudeilikec0ws, SlimeyPete : I see, so new programs and newer versions come every six months. Very cool, I wish it was October already. xD04:34
kitcheNewbie_Dude: pakcage versions don't update until next release of ubuntu04:34
akosnoew what?04:34
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compengiskulrid, because with killall you need to know the exact name of the program but with "ps aux | grep program" you would be actually searching for the program's processes then kill it using "kill -9 pid"04:35
stefg!apt | blastthisinferno04:35
ubotublastthisinferno: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:35
HEP85francis_: try "sudo modprobe nvsound"04:35
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ilikec0wsNewbie_Dude, Its generally that, updates are brought out to patch bugs/security flaws04:35
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HEP85francis_: if it does not work, there is another: "sudo modprobe intel8x0"04:35
berentyrth : wait a min04:35
francis_HEP85: nvsound is not a module04:35
Newbie_Dudeilikec0ws, SlimeyPete : I hope the developers of my favorite software packages decide to make use of the repository. It makes installation so much easier than compiling.04:36
compengiskulrid, that's the best way of doing things04:36
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HEP85francis_: maybe it is "sudo modprobe snd_intel8x0"04:36
yrthbtw, berent, the thumbnail shows an actual frame from that video04:36
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francis_HEP85: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2622017 check the post by farbird on the 9th of may04:36
stefg!intelhda | francis_04:36
ubotufrancis_: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:36
compengiskulrid, nothing is going complicated it just the matter of habit and how you are used to do04:36
m1rfrancis_ ; u managed to fix wlan ?04:37
francis_ubotu: even though lspci lists it as nVidia how come i have to use a intel driver04:37
Dark-MagicianI installed Ubuntu for my laptop, by installing it thru my desktop PC, Is there anyway to make Ubuntu reconfigure for the Laptop?04:37
ArchoniamHi, uh, is there a way for the 'alien' program to convert .tar.gzs to .debs? If so, then how and if not then what will it convert?04:37
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francis_m1r: hey was looking for ya04:37
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francis_i am on a day off today so i am working on it04:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rmp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:38
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:38
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skulridcompengi we need to spend a weekend to know how to install a program, another to know how to find and load that program, another to close it..... man im on ubuntu for a long time now but I feell like going back cause I just dont have the time to learn all this complicated things.....04:38
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hammedhaaretkitche: ok... nothing... even tried to do a search for it in the whole /usr folder.   I probably installed it wrong or something.   when i run the install command in terminal, is nothing supposed to happen? like not even a hint whether it installed or anything?04:38
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HEP85francis_: did modprobe find the intel module?04:39
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=== Archoniam waits patiently for the mod...helper...guys to finish...
francis_the one on the post i showed ya04:39
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francis_i cant test it till i have my X running04:39
Jack_SparrowArchoniam: do you still need some help with that question04:39
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AndyCRhi, im having issues with the ipw3945 driver with an intel pro/wireless 3945abg. it disconnects from the base station CONSTANTLY (every few seconds). if I use a different adapter, from the same exact location, it stays connected for days.04:40
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francis_oo sweet thats exacty the one i have04:40
francis_will read through it04:40
ArchoniamJack_Sparrow: No, i switched to Rhythmbox and it works fine now.04:40
berentyrth : Log in as root. Browse to / etc / mplayer and dou ble click mplayer.conf. Make the changes shown in the pictures :04:40
berentIn video settings, gift = libfac04:40
berentIn audio settings, ao = sdl (Scroll down)04:40
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yrthberent ok04:41
hammedhaaretkitche: ok, i found a logfile.txt.... it says that "DATAFILE.SDF not open".... ?04:41
kefas_help me plis04:41
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kbrooks!root | berent04:42
ubotuberent: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:42
kbrooks!root | yrth04:42
ubotuyrth: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:42
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magnetron!welcome and please ask your question, kefas_04:42
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yrthI knew that kbrooks04:43
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ubuntuEdgycan someone please have a look at my fstab its complaining about line  5 http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/1807/untitledcr3.png04:43
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HEP85francis_: type "cp /dev/urandom /dev/dsp" you should hear noise, if you got sound working04:43
kefas_tanks magnetron04:43
berentkbrooks: what have you done04:43
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astro76ubuntuEdgy, you have to specify a device, it says /dev/04:44
francis_Wowww it works HEP8504:44
NutubuntuubuntuEdgy,  /dev/fd0 or something like that should be in 504:44
kbrooksberent, i have told you (via ubotu) that you can't login as root from the GUI, nor should you, ever04:44
francis_finally i can hear noise04:44
Phuhelp! S.O.S...    what's the default name of evolutions folder?  is it '.evolution'  or '.Evolution' !?!04:44
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berentkbrooks : i meant to open a file as root to edit04:45
Nutubuntu.evolution, Phu04:45
stefgubuntuEdgy: you either mount by /dev or by UUID , not both at the same time04:45
HEP85francis_: if you want to test it further, there is a command line mp3 player named mpg32104:45
francis_HEP85: i currently have this module for the sound card loaded04:45
francis_snd-hda-intel model=3stack04:45
ilikec0wsberent, sudo nano or gksudo gedit04:45
PhuNatubuntu... thanks!04:45
ubuntuEdgyNutubuntu: i see04:45
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ubuntuEdgyi like dev04:45
compengiskulrid, well let me tell you something, i was using windows for 7 years and that's my first year using linux. at first i had the same feeling, that things are complicated and such, but when i went through several stages, i found out that it's the matter of habit. know i can't imagine my self clicking next, next, then finish. i feel like someone is laughing at me, because i want to know what i'm doing, not just see how installing application process ru04:45
=== Archoniam stares at everyone with 'ubuntu' in their name waiting
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stefg!fstab | ubuntuEdgy04:46
ubotuubuntuEdgy: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:46
stefg!uuid | ubuntuEdgy04:46
ubotuubuntuEdgy: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:46
Dark-MagicianI installed Ubuntu for my laptop, by installing it thru my desktop PC with a IDE Adapter for the laptop 2.5 drive (which Ubuntu configured to), Is there anyway to make Ubuntu reconfigure for the Laptop?04:46
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francis_line mp3 player named mpg321 >> Silence  HEP8504:46
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ubuntuEdgywhats this defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:46
Archoniamis there a way for the 'alien' program to convert .tar.gzs to .debs? If so, then how and if not then what will it convert?04:47
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kefas_magnetron  Install the Apache and all good install php and of equal it(he,she) forms(trains) all good but when he(she) installs mysql and on having wanted to enter from the terminus mysql - or root-p mistake goes out for me 200204:47
kitcheArchoniam: it only does binary packages not source packages04:47
kbrooksubuntuEdgy, on hard drive errors, remount partition ro (read only). defaults, i don't know04:47
novato_brhow can I make ubuntu disk install on my pendrive?04:47
francis_cp  /dev/urandom /dev/dsp now gives me device or resourve busy04:47
HEP85francis_: hmm. maybe it uses another driver. at least /dev/dsp works04:47
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NutubuntuArchoniam,  alien converts rpms ... I think that's their name. To turn a .tar.gz source file into a .deb you would compile a package04:47
jattArchoniam: it should be able to convert .tgz to .deb, see the man page04:47
novato_brim on windows04:47
kitchefrancis_: umm why are you using cp instead of cat?04:48
novato_bri cant run ubuntu, now04:48
yrthberent, I can't find gift in video settings, and actually all the lines in video settings are commented out. audio, there was ao=alsa, but then there is also ao=sdl:esd that is commented out at the moment. Do you want me to uncomment it and delete that ":esd" bit?04:48
Archoniamjatt: Okay if it does im in good shape04:48
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astro76Archoniam, you use checkinstall to compile tarballs (.tar.gz) to .debs04:48
stefgDark-Magician: can you get it to boot?04:48
kitchefrancis_: sicne you over rode your /dev/dsp when you cp /dev/random to /dev/dsp04:48
astro76Archoniam, replacing the make install step with checkinstall04:48
francis_kitche: , HEP85 cat works04:48
magnetron!sudo | kefas_04:48
ubotukefas_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:48
Dark-Magicianit loads to X server doesnt find display04:48
stefgDark-Magician: so what does not work?04:49
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ubuntuEdgy kbrooks: how can my / be read only ?04:49
HEP85kitche: how can it be without root permissions?04:49
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kitcheHEP85: just saying04:49
kbrooksubuntuEdgy, it is not. only on hard drive errors will it ever be.04:49
stefgDark-Magician: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:49
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Dark-Magiciank ill try that04:49
ubuntuEdgyok i kind of get it04:49
francis_aa guys i su'ed04:49
kbrooksastro76, and erm, checkinstall does not do any compilation.04:49
Cristatusi'm having troubling start my desktop manager04:49
francis_so iguess it did cp04:49
kefas_Ok thank you stop Czech04:49
kbrooksastro76, so please dont mislead04:50
berentyrth : leave it04:50
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berentyrth : try with this option on a terminal "gmplayer - vo sdl"04:50
astro76kbrooks, mislead, I said you replace the make install step with checkinstall04:50
kbrooksastro76, it learns the files copied, and moves them to a temporary directory04:50
HEP85kitche: I thought it would send random noise to the sound output, so that he can test his sound driver from the console. he currently has no x server04:50
kbrooksastro76, you said it "compiles" tarballs to .debs04:50
yrthso not to change anything?04:51
kbrooksastro76, which is not true04:51
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ubuntuEdgykbrooks: i hope im safe to remove the "/dev/sad" and leave the uuid04:51
astro76kbrooks, lol, and then clarified in my next statement04:51
berentyrth : dont change04:51
Cristatusis anybody here familiar with runlevels?04:51
berentyrth : try with this option on a terminal "gmplayer - vo sdl"04:51
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kbrooksubuntuEdgy, it's only a comment.04:51
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stefgCristatus: that's pretty simple in ubuntu... it just got runlevels 2 and S04:52
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francis_HEP85: kitche , i just got the nvdia video driver downloaded , will have to pull it off my desk top04:52
francis_be right back04:52
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yrthberent: error: Failed to open /etc/mplayer/sdl04:52
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Jerome_Does anyone know if this RAID Controller is true hardware Raid, and if its supported by ubuntu? -> American Megatrends 428 Rev D1 RAID controller w/128MB cache04:52
Dark-Magicianwhere do i use that command, im in the "grub>" command line?04:53
Cristatusnobody here is familiar with runlevels?04:53
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:53
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bulmerCristatus: your question is?04:53
stefgDark-Magician: no, boot to recovery... when you are at the command prompt04:53
berentyrth : what is your video out device04:53
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Cristatusbulmer: basically; when i start the computer; it doesn't go into the default window manager; it goes into the command prompt04:54
_Lucretia_Left the machine running over night, the only apps running were terminal, synaptic, xchat2 and ff, woke up and it had hung. is it known whether this combination causes any hangs?04:54
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Cristatusi think i screwed around with runlevels when i was trying to set up my nvidia go 620004:54
yrthberent, are you asking me about my graphics card?04:54
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NutubuntuJerome_,  I don't know the answers but iirc the card was branded "Megaraid" and a google search might turn up the info you need ... maybe ?04:55
bulmerCristatus: it meant your X server was not started correctly04:55
LuitvDstrange, I need to rmmod my r8169 module to make my wireless internet work04:55
Cristatusbulmer: would you mind if we went to PM?04:55
bulmerCristatus: im not registered, no pm for me04:55
Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  can you say more about how the computer hung? Was it at a login prompt in the morning? A terminal session?04:55
sr`I have 2 sata drives, first sda is 300, second sdb 80gb. I'm installing ubuntu on sdb and I want the boot loader (advanced options in the install wizard from live cd) to be installed on sdb. How do i do that? What does (hd0) stand for04:55
=== Lihuu takes another sip of his open cola
Cristatusi didn't know you had to be registered on this irc network for pming04:56
_Lucretia_nutu: it was in a gdm session04:56
Dark-Magiciani opened recovery and its at a point where it is "spamming" D, normal?04:56
_Lucretia_nutub: it was in a gdm session04:56
Cristatusi can start my desktop manager fine if i type startx at the prompt04:56
stefg!grub | sr`04:56
ubotusr`: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:56
_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: it was in a gdm session04:56
yrthlol _locretia_04:56
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_Lucretia_yrth: copied over my settings, and the auto nick complete aint working04:57
Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  if you type "Nutu" and hit the tab key it will complete the nick ... I'm experiencing similar problems and I think they have to do with power management and the screensaver04:57
_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: yeah I know04:57
stefgCristatus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:58
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yrth_lucretia_ I'm a newbie lol I've got no clue what you just said to me lol04:58
Cristatusstefg: i've done that multiple times; but i'll try it again04:58
sr`stefg: so if I have sda and sdb and I want the loader to be on sdb, I type (hd1) ?04:58
bulmerCristatus: try and see if anything on the /var/log/gdm/04:58
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Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  a couple of days ago after a couple of weeks of that kind of problem, I set power management to "Never" for both the computer and the monitor. So far, no repetition of the problem.04:58
_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: right. the xchat icon in the panel was flashing (not the notification one), but I couldn't get anywhere, changed screens a few times and then a few windows stopped updating, then it hung the machine, leds on keyboard wouldn't work, etc. reboot timr04:59
Newbie_DudeNutubuntu, wow, i never knew that... I've been manually typing it out the whole time. >_<04:59
Cristatusstefg: right now i'm in my GDM, so should i type it in that prompt, or the one that comes up when the computer starts?04:59
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stefgsr`: right... sda is (hd0) in grub speak, sdb is (hd1)... but are you sure your bios will find grub there?04:59
Dark-Magicianits just displaying DDD line after line :x04:59
NutubuntuNewbie_Dude ... sometimes stuff like that is all I can help with ... so I'm glad it helps :)04:59
Cristatusstefg: there are 5 log files04:59
_Lucretia_yrth: in xchat you can set up a character that will automatically complete the nick you want in the text, I set mine to ':' but it04:59
kefas_magnetro ubotu Already I could solve the problem it was necessary to me to install the mysql server thank you04:59
_Lucretia_s not working04:59
=== OuterBody [n=OuterBod@host86-152-86-190.range86-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
OuterBodyhi all05:00
sr`stefg: I set bios to boot from the second drive, I think that's ok05:00
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_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: ok, thanks, i'll see how it goes05:00
yrthoh I see _lucretia_05:00
Nutubuntu_Lucretia_, hm ... that sounds as if it's not the same as what I was seeing. Have you run a check on RAM?05:00
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_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: not yet05:00
yrthberent are you still there?05:01
stefgDark-Magician: so you are not able to boot?05:01
_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: it's new, I just built the machine05:01
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Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  I know the ram tests take forever but I'd be inclined to make sure the hardware was all OK05:01
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OuterBodyjust a quick summary to see if i have my head straight: Emerald runs on Compiz which runs on XGL (Xglx) which runs on X which is powered on an ATI card by either AIGLX or FGLRX05:01
OuterBodyis that right?05:01
Dark-Magicianits just displaying D when i hit recovery int he esc menu05:01
_Lucretia_Nutubuntu: memtest86+ it?05:01
kefas_hi Outerbody05:01
ubuntuEdgycan any one post their fstab for me ?05:01
Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  I'd ask if the logs show you anything but I don't understand them myself05:01
Dark-Magicianafter a bunch of other lines it just stoped on D05:02
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Nutubuntu_Lucretia_,  memtest86+, yes05:02
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Dark-MagicianDroot@username :~# DDDD....05:02
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stefgDark-Magician: : but normal boot works? so let it boot to normal and hit the blue screen05:02
Dark-Magiciando i reboot then?05:02
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ZombieAnyone here familiar with Secure Shell and Kerberos?05:03
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stefgDark-Magician: yes.... if you cant get to a command prompt you're fsck'd05:03
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OuterBodycan anyone verify if what i said makes sense?05:03
Megatroni need help05:03
astro76ubuntuEdgy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29913/05:03
compwiz18Megatron, state your problem please :)05:03
Megatroni need help installing the gnome dock05:03
Cristatus1stefg: do you have any further advice?05:03
SlimeyPeteOuterBody: I think emerald runs on beryl, not compiz05:03
Megatroni read the thread on the forum but i am stuck at a certain step05:03
Megatronanyone willing to help?05:04
Newbie_DudeMegatron is floating at the bottom of the pacific, but unfortunately that is not covered in the #ubuntu channel.05:04
SlimeyPeteand fglrx is the graphics driver. aiglx is an alternative to xgl.05:04
Enselic_!ask | Megatron05:04
ubotuMegatron: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:04
kitche HEP85 cat does that cp means copy sorry went for a small walk :)05:04
OuterBodySlimeyPete: beryl dosnt exist anymore (well, not supported) its all compiz-fusion now05:04
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stefgCristatus1: it's hard to find out what you might have screwed...05:04
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:04
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HEP85kitche: but "cat /dev/urandom /dev/dsp" only prints garbage into my console and not to /dev/dsp05:04
Cristatus1well i think it has to do with runlevels05:05
Cristatus1but i could be mistaken05:05
stefgCristatus1: see the line about update-rc.d on how to add gdm to startup services05:05
zabinDoes anyone know how to use the remote management on a linksys routeR?05:05
=== Cristatus1 is now known as Cristatus
ZombieWhat is up with Ubuntu's Mirroring system?05:05
ShackJackubuntuEdgy: here's my Fstab: http://www.pastebin.ca/61919905:05
jackHEP85, cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp05:05
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Jerome_Can anyone here point me in the right direct towards a hardware raid controller?05:05
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AncientPCHow do I renew IP through command line?05:05
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Cristatusilikec0ws: i have 5 different logs in /var/log/gdm05:05
ubuntuEdgyi have 1 thanks05:05
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compwiz18AncientPC: sudo dhclient05:05
getBoa!find wallpaper05:06
ubotuFound: feisty-wallpapers, kdewallpapers, blubuntu-wallpapers, edgy-community-wallpapers, edgy-wallpapers (and 5 others)05:06
AncientPCcompwiz18: thx05:06
SlimeyPeteOuterBody: yeah, I know. But I assumed you meant old compiz as you didn't say compiz-fusion :)05:06
HEP85jack: I see. but I don't think I understand the difference  between it and copy in this special case05:06
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getBoa!find feisty-wallpapers05:06
ubotuFound: feisty-wallpapers05:06
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ilikec0wsCristatus, tbh id maybe look at your xorg log first.... /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:06
Newbie_Dude!find MAME05:06
ubotuFound: kxmame, xmame-common, xmame-gl, xmame-sdl, xmame-svga (and 2 others)05:06
jackhep, ">" ridirects output to a file, remember in linux, everythign is a file05:06
OuterBodyso, for an ATI user, you HAVE to install FGLRX, then you have the option of XGL or AIGLX?05:06
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OuterBodythis whole XGL, GLX acronym thing is a pain05:06
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zabinDoes anyone know what I would have to do to log in to my router remotely to change ports on a linksys router?05:07
Dark-Magiciani booted it normal and it displays "failed to start X Server (your graphical interface), it is likly that it is not set up correctly, would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?05:07
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francis__HEP85: the driver could not built a kernel module for me05:07
ShackJackOuterBody: Yep, more or less... and you have to use fglrx with XGL - you might want to go to the #ubuntu-effects channel for Compiz/XGL questions...05:07
OuterBodyzabin: you'd probably have to log in locally to enable remote logins05:07
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=== Bogaurd [n=rootkit@122-49-167-163.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HEP85francis_: what error?05:07
OuterBodyok, thanks05:07
SlimeyPeteOuterBody: you have to install fglrx, then you use either xgl or aiglx - last time I checked, only one of those worked, but I can't remember which.05:07
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stefgDark-Magician: ok... so just press enter to be dropped back to cli05:07
astro76zabin, just point your web browser towards it's IP address (e.g. default should be
zabinOuterBody: i know that but then how to you accecess it remotely05:07
HEP85jack: I know what you want to say, but I mean the result will be the same.05:07
Nutubuntuzabin,  IDK linksys but generally, you'd have to enable telnet on the router, and to do that you'd have to login locally (e.g,. direct cable to the router)05:07
ubuntuEdgyever seen any thing like this before ? http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/4540/untitled3dt4.png05:07
Cristatusilikec0ws: what kind of error am i looking for in the xorg.005:08
ShackJackOuterBody: ATI - is teh sux - have to deal with it on my notebook :(  -- My six year old nvidia desktop works flawlessly...05:08
jackare you doing the command as root?05:08
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zabinNutubuntu: i think it would be something like IPADDRESS:Port number for linksys admin display?05:08
Stwangesudo op me05:08
Dark-Magiciannow it shows stuff like "X window system Version 7.2.0"05:08
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ilikec0wsCristatus, Check at the very bottom, thats where you'll find any errors05:08
HEP85jack: no05:08
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jackyou prob need root perms to access stuff in /dev05:08
Newbie_DudeubuntuEdgy, seems your hard disk is full :p05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autolist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
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francis__nvidia + GPL - incompatible module nvidia.ko uses gpl -only symbol 'paravirt-ops' HEP8505:09
Cristatusilikec0ws: i'm going to PM you if that's ok05:09
ArchoniamWhat the crap? Oki, my computer says i have perm denied. I used sudo and fakeroot, too. What the heck is going on?05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autosources - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
Nutubuntuzabin,  sounds reasonable but I'm *guessing* .. isn't there documentation? IDK Linksys :(05:09
StwangeI've done a TCP dump, how do I get the mac address from that? I can paste a listing if you want05:09
ilikec0wsCristatus, Sure05:09
novato_bris there one windows software to format my pen driver in ext3 ?05:09
Newbie_Dude!find auto | Enyo_05:09
ubotuenyo_: Found: autoconf, autoconf-doc, autoconf2.13, autofs, autogen (and 50 others)05:09
ilikec0ws!automatix | Enyo_05:09
ubotuEnyo_: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:09
HEP85francis__: did you choose the right kernel-headers?05:09
ArchoniamBetter yet the code (Sorry for kinda flooding)05:09
zabinNutubuntu: no not really because its sorta a security flaw they dont have it up there lol05:09
ilikec0wsEnyo_, Thats a guess :)05:09
Enyo_im looking for that sources generateing page05:10
Enyo_for making a sources.list05:10
francis__what kernel headers .. it did not ask me for any ?05:10
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:10
Enyo_for aptget05:10
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ilikec0wsEnyo_, Sorry :)05:10
Enyo_thats it05:10
=== Newbie_Dude applauds stefg.
Cristatusilikec0ws: you have to PM me first05:10
Stwangehow do I get a MAC address for this: 16:04:34.382795 IP ubuntu-desktop.local.mdns >  0 PTR? (42)05:10
Stwange ?05:10
Enyo_stefg, i the reason for my apt-get messing up is probably due to the formatting05:10
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Dark-Magicianat the bottom it says "fatal server error no screens found"05:10
ilikec0wsCristatus, You are registered on freenode?05:11
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Enyo_so i reformatted05:11
ubuntuEdgymy fstab is truly fu*ked05:11
Cristatusi might as well register05:11
ilikec0ws!register | Cristatus05:11
ubotuCristatus: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration05:11
astro76!ohmy | ubuntuEdgy05:11
ubotuubuntuEdgy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:11
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HEP85francis__: there should be a different install option which you could try? isn't there?05:11
ArchoniamNo, if anyone wants the code in term for wut happened just PM me05:11
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stefgDark-Magician: sure, it doesn't have the right driver yet. just get through this to reach a command prompt finally05:11
Lumiere!paste | Archoniam05:11
ubotuArchoniam: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:11
Cristatusilikec0ws: thanks05:11
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Cristatus /msg nickserv register tiger05:12
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NutubuntuStwange,  the MAC is only going to be useful for you if you're on the same local link. If so, you can ARP for it05:12
LumiereCristatus: nice password...05:12
Lumieretry again05:12
Lumiereand change it ;)05:12
francis__it tryes to get me a module for my kernel for the nvidia ftp but fails and trys to compile one for me05:12
=== Silva [i=Silva@bzq-82-81-68-61.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArchoniamUbotu: Thanks05:12
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:12
Cristatusdamn spacebar!!05:12
Dark-Magiciank i think im at the command prompt05:12
astro76Cristatus, tip, do stuff like that in server window, not channel window ;)05:12
Cristatusi know, i usually do05:12
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Cristatusbut this installation has got my head whacked!05:13
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Newbie_DudeCristatus, I'm always afraid of accidently doing something like that... You've confirmed my fear.05:13
ubuntuEdgyhow di i find out the uuid of /dev/sda205:13
Dark-Magicianit says login incorrect, Username Login:05:13
HEP85francis__: yes. but it should aks which kernel-headers to use. if it does not, there is probably a command line option for it05:13
pushpopwhen doiung an alt install what kernel do you install?05:13
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:13
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Newbie_Dude!find SMS05:13
ubotuFound: gnokii-smsd, gnokii-smsd-mysql, gnokii-smsd-pgsql, prismstumbler, sms-pl (and 4 others)05:13
NutubuntuStwange,  pull up a terminal and enter 'arp -a' to display the arp cache05:13
stefgDark-Magician: use the username and pass that you set during install05:13
francis__i can see its useing the correct kernel sources i.e. .2105:13
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ArchoniamThe pastebin url is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29917/05:14
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snake_can anyone help me with this error ? i get this when i run compiz --replace http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29914/05:14
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nivekc1hey guys, i have ubuntu feisty installed and want to install the audio packages from ubuntu studio, but im having no luck adding there repository can some help me please05:14
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francis__HEP85: http://www.debianhelp.org/node/869105:14
stefg!effects | snake_05:15
ubotusnake_: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects05:15
Newbie_Dude!find MEKA05:15
HEP85francis__: if it's using the right sources it shouldn't say wrong module. I have no clue what's going on05:15
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ubotuPackage/file meka does not exist in feisty05:15
stefg!botabuse | Newbie_Dude05:15
ubotuNewbie_Dude: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:15
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HEP85francis__: what does "sudo modprobe nvidia" say?05:15
pushpopwhen doing an alt install what kernel do you install?05:15
pushpopor choose05:15
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astro76Archoniam, you need to read the readme in your tar.gz and learn how to compile it, the last step in compilation is typically make install, you replace this step with checkinstall05:15
Newbie_Dudestefg, didn't know I could /msg ubotu, thanks.05:15
=== adam [n=adam18@metarb3-pool1-26.mtco.com] has left #ubuntu ["..."]
Archoniamokiii astro...05:16
pushpopstefg: what kernel do you choose when doing an alt. install?05:16
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francis__it says not loading nvidia module : no used in xorg05:16
StwangeNutubuntu, does arp -a work better if I do a TCPDump first? To get these MACs into the cache05:16
stefgpushpop: there's ususally only one option. if in doubt use *-server kernel for a 4GB ram machine05:16
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francis__HEP85: thats because i am currently using the vesa driver05:16
snake_stefg: just tried in ubuntu-effects but i didnt get a response05:17
francis__do you think that if i try nvidia it woudl help ?05:17
n0ydArchoniam, may I suggest to just use the binary?05:17
pushpopstefg: thats not an option just says linux generic05:17
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n0ydProbably a bit easier to use. :)05:17
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pushpoplinux-image generic05:17
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pushpoplinux-image 2.605:17
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HEP85francis__: first answer in the link you gave me is probably your problem. the error message had something to do with paravirt05:17
=== Holty101 [n=daniel@host217-43-197-171.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefgsnake_: that's sad, but beryl isn't support here to avoid overflooding the channel with support requests for alpha software05:18
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Archoniamn0yd: I am. It's not working for some reason, so i'm installing it as a .deb05:18
Archoniamtrial and error man05:18
NutubuntuStwange,  if you're not seeing the specific MAC(s?) you want, ping the IP of the box(es) you're curious about, then check the arp cache05:18
DarkMagicianI hate the PPPoE system, it lists video drivers, should i assume ATI is what i want to use for my ATI video chip?05:18
StwangeNutubuntu, thanks :)05:18
stefgpushpop: don't worry too much... generic is fine, if you feel like using -server you can add it after install05:18
francis__HEP85: i reconfigured the xserver to use the nvidia driver05:18
francis__and it workedddddd05:19
=== monk [n=monk@adsl-068-209-071-237.sip.sav.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilikec0wsWhere does ubuntu keep its equivalent of /etc/rc.conf?05:19
francis__so WhAt is the difference between the one in the kernel and the one supplied by nvidia05:19
francis__are they different05:19
francis__which one is better05:19
francis__ /05:19
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snake_stefg: ok sorry for that05:20
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stefgfrancis__: if you don't use the driver from the repos, every kernel-update will break your X05:20
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francis__stefg: i tryed the driver in the repo but it did not work as i have a kernel that was not for the repo05:21
DarkMagicianStefg: Should i assume to use the video driver marked "ATI" for the Xserver for use with my ATI video chip?05:21
Nutubuntuy/w Stwange05:21
HEP85francis__: I don't think there is a difference. I just thought you needed to reinstall the driver. Didn't know it was still there but not configures05:21
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Cristatusdoes anyone know where ubuntu keeps the equivalent of /etc/rc.conf ?05:21
stefgDarkMagician: that depends... what make is it exactly? ('lspci' gives a list)05:21
=== IanL [n=ian@p1056-ipbf608marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
ArchoniamCristatus: Be patient. Even I don't repeat my question that quickly.05:22
francis__oo so the newer kernel has the proprietary driver built it ?05:22
kbrooksfrancis__, no05:22
=== foucinhas [n=fouce@151.Red-80-32-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:22
DarkMagicianATI mobile radeon 7500 C is the chip05:22
francis__kbrooks: then what module is loaded in and how does it fair with the proprietary module ?05:22
nivekc1hey guys, i have ubuntu feisty installed and want to install the audio packages from ubuntu studio, but im having no luck adding there repository.05:23
=== IanL [n=ian@p1056-ipbf608marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"]
stefgDark-Magician: not sure, but try the ati driver05:23
kbrooksfrancis__, please don't ask me05:23
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=== Trevinho assente: Pero ora assente.
ArchoniamWait, what is the command in sudo to become root w/o fakeroot?05:24
n0ydCristatus, ubuntu uses a different type of init system, there really isn't a equivalent that I know of to Gentoo or ArchLinux for examples, rc.conf05:24
HEP85Archoniam: sudo -s05:24
=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-71-205-77-31.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArchoniamThanks Hep!05:24
astro76nivekc1, the stuff is in the regular repos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList05:24
stefgDark-Magician: wait, is there a 'radeon' option?05:24
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=== Trevinho assente: Pero ora assente.
francis__would anyone know the difference between the nvidia module in the kernel and the proprietary one ??05:24
stefg!away | Trevinho05:24
ubotuTrevinho: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines05:24
=== CodeMonk_ [n=monk@adsl-068-209-071-237.sip.sav.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
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stefgDarkMagician: so try ati ... to get at least a gui (hopefully) you can deal with the details later05:26
_Rolyis it possible to change the default video player in feisty.  I want to use mplayer as default instead of totem.  I know that I can go to each file type and right-click and select open with to set the association, but is there a way to do it once for all video files?05:26
=== fred [n=fred@evr91-3-82-241-115-137.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Cristatusthank you n0yd05:27
=== Brent_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
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DarkMagicianShould i use the Kernel framebuffer device interface?05:27
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArchoniamIsn't there an unofficial stepmania .deb somewhere?05:27
akoshello. I'm trying to compile the iwl4965 drvers for the intel pro 4965 agn wlan card. build and install is fine, but when i modprobe - even though i have the ieee80211 module loaded - i get  iwl4965: Unknown symbol ieee80211_start_BA_session. Any smart ideas? :(05:27
=== adrian [n=adrian@sos1-1x-dhcp408.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu
n0ydCristatus, just curious.  What distro are you coming from that uses rc.conf?05:27
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stefgDarkMagician: no05:28
Brent_Hello everyone05:28
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Anlarakos: you remembered to do depmod -a ?05:28
Abhi123pls. help me to run apache cgi on ubuntu05:28
ArchoniamWhat am i talking about, obviously theres gotta be05:28
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kitchen0yd: there is archlinux that uses it05:28
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n0ydKitar|st, no shit....05:28
Anlarakos: it looks like if some kernel interface would havve changed then, you should switch to older or newer kernel.. :)05:28
akosoh heres a paste: http://www.pastebin.ca/61920505:28
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adrianhi, what comand do you use in ubuntu in stead of chmod05:28
n0ydI was using arch as an example.05:28
kitche!language | n0yd05:28
ubotun0yd: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:28
=== Shiverz [n=arjen@cp708387-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Lihuuchmod +x05:29
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Lihuuchmod +x <filename>05:29
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anandanbuHelp needed in restoring the GRUB in ubuntu 7.04 after installing fedora 705:29
nivekc1astro76: how do i install the audio package05:29
Abhi123pls. help me to run apache cgi on ubuntu05:29
Cristatusn0yd: i' wasn't asking05:29
stefg!grub | anandanbu05:29
ubotuanandanbu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:29
Anlarakos: because some kernel develoeprs wage personal vendetta against FCC and the binary blobs, they like fucking the kernel interfaces up every once in a while. I thik for .20 or so they revamped a lot again and the vendors can't keep up05:29
Cristatusn0yd: i was just asking on behalf of someone else that wanted to help me05:29
n0ydah ok05:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:30
astro76nivekc1, sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio05:30
stefg!pm | anandanbu05:30
ubotuanandanbu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:30
akosAnlar, so I should install 19?05:30
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Cristatusn0yd: do you have any idea of how runlevels work on ubuntu?05:30
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Anlarakos: try it out :/05:30
adrianadrian@adrian-laptop:/media$ cdmod 777 disk/05:30
adrianbash: cdmod: command not found05:30
akosoh ok05:30
nivekc1thanks astro7605:30
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astro76adrian, chmod not cdmod05:31
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n0ydCristatus, Not really, I don't use Ubuntu.05:31
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akosAnlar, anyhow, that source isnt a binary blob I did the compiling!05:31
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Cristatusdamn it05:31
anandanbuI installed Fedora 7 in a Ubuntu 7.04 system and after that the Ubuntu doesn't show up in the GRUB how do i restore it05:31
Anlarakos: yeah but intel made the driver, for older kernel likely.. and just as I said, kernel developers like changing things just to break things intentionally for the drivers that are not in main tree05:32
adrianadrian@adrian-laptop:/media$ chmod 777 disk/05:32
adrianchmod: changing permissions of `disk/': Read-only file system05:32
mneresonI have svn on my ubuntu box. I need to expose the repos to my windows network, anyone know of the resource on this??05:32
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stefganandanbu: either you restore from fedora, or use the live CD05:32
nitro4cewill compiz-fusion be in the compiz package?05:32
akosAnlar, how nice of them.... *shrug*05:32
akosAnlar, thx05:32
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n0ydkitche, omg! Cristatus swore, you better send ubotu after him also. :-P05:32
nitro4cewill compiz-fusion be in the compiz package?05:32
anandanbuHow do i restore it using the Live CD since i am using the live cd  now to browse05:33
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Anlar[nitro] : no, compiz is the older compiz05:34
adrianhow does one change ownership of hardware, my portable disk seems to have the root as owner05:34
stefganandanbu: open a terminal and enter 'sudo grub'05:34
adrianso i cant write to it05:34
bulmeradrian chown05:34
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n0ydCristatus, You may want to take a look here. http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:34
adrianbulmer ??05:34
n0ydThat explains ubuntu's new init system in depth05:34
CodeMonk_Anyone having any luck with rhytmbox?05:34
anandanbustefg: yeah i have done that05:35
bulmeradrian: log in as root and change the ownership of those files05:35
akosAnlar,  how do i install an older kernel? aptitude seems to be able to d/l only .20 ones05:35
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Cristatusn0yd: how would that help me?05:35
bulmeradrian man chown05:35
adrianhow do i do that?05:35
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NutubuntuCodeMonk_,  yes, rhythmbox works fine ... what's it doing for / to you?05:35
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stefganandanbu: so you have a grub prompt now. enter ' find /boot/grub/stage1'05:35
Anlarakos: good question :D I'd do it old fashioned way, but you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and see the edgy's repositories and download from there05:35
Cristatusn0yd: *groan* that means i have to read!05:35
schroederquestion about amarok: anybody else having problems when editing bookmarks? when i click on edit boomarks nothing happens05:35
CodeMonk_cant find any channels, plays for a min or two, then quits - dunno05:35
amee2khow can i set the label of a vfat partition?05:36
adriani will read tha man bulmer, and come back if i don't understand05:36
mneresonHi. I just installed SVN on my ubuntu box, created a repo that is now empty. is there some setting I need to create or change to show the repo to a windows box on my network? I created /var/svn/projectname on my ubuntu box at -- however, using tortoisesvn I can not get to svn:// - says ' actively refused connection'05:36
Cristatusthanks though05:36
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anandanbustefg: Yeah it shows two options05:36
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stefganandanbu: so which one is your ubuntu?05:36
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n0ydCristatus, Generally learning, does take some reading. ;)05:36
Nutubuntu:/ CodeMonk_ I haven't tried it on anything except local files; maybe I spoke too soon05:36
CodeMonk_no problem :)  -  thx05:37
n0ydamee2k, Isn't that done upon (re)format of the volume?05:37
CairnaHullo...any chance of a leetle help? :)05:37
anandanbustefg: I have no idea about that it shows (hd0,0) and (hd0,7)05:37
amee2kno idea. that's why i'm asking05:37
akosAnlar, ok05:37
ftirai need help05:37
stefganandanbu: so where did you install ubuntu? i'm no psychic reader05:37
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=banyourm@dsl51B69EAF.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
n0ydamee2k, try mtools (just a hunch)05:37
akoswhat is the latest version of ubuntu? feisty 704?05:38
skolliecairna: what with?05:38
fredany one can help me plz05:38
amee2kwill try. tyvm :)05:38
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents05:38
fredhow to install wifi05:38
MrTsunami!feisty | akos05:38
ubotuakos: please see above05:38
MetaMorfoziSstefg: are you here?05:38
anandanbustefg: actually i installed fedora in the windows partition which may be (hd0,0) is there anyway to find it out05:38
ubotuwarty was the first release of Ubuntu. Version 4.10, codename "Warty Warthog"05:38
Cristatusn0yd: thanks for your help though05:38
ftiraki parle francai ici05:38
akosand what is guitsy?05:38
n0ydamee2k, a google search suggested that may do it.  Although someone said the app is a bit of a "kludge"05:38
CairnaWell... This is the second time I set up a dual-boot. Last time I had a problem with using my windows side. It would show up in Grub, and I selected it but it wouldn't work. I fixed this, I believe, by mounting it.05:38
CairnaThis time, it doesn't show up in Grub at all. Just ubuntu05:39
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n0ydCristatus, I try. :-/05:39
MetaMorfoziSakos: that is the next release of ubuntu.05:39
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stefganandanbu: yeah, let's assume that ubuntu is on hd0,705:39
akosand it's not yet stable?05:39
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MetaMorfoziSIt's comes in october, if i knows good05:39
stefganandanbu: so type ' root (hd0,7)'05:39
schroederso anybody use amarok?05:39
CairnaAnd I ah, forgot what command  I used to mount, or whatever I did05:39
MrTsunami!Gutsy | akos05:39
ubotuakos: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+105:39
MetaMorfoziSschroeder: yes, i am05:39
schroedercan you edit your bookmarks?05:39
MetaMorfoziSbut  think the #kubuntu or the #amarok is the better chanel for asking it05:40
MetaMorfoziSi didn't uses bookmarks.05:40
anandanbustefg: I have typed it and nothing happened05:40
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stefganandanbu: now type ' setup (hd0)'05:40
martosshi there05:40
schroederMetaMorfoziS, thanks05:40
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martosshow can one install ubuntu feisty via a usb-stick and network connection?05:40
adrianhow do i log in as root?05:40
Anlaradrian: don't log in. just "sudo <command>"05:41
skollie!root | adrian05:41
ubotuadrian: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:41
MetaMorfoziSAnybody have knowledge in dhcpd3-server?05:41
amee2kn0yd: its `mlabel` and part of mtools. thank you :)05:41
Brent_Ok, after several long talks on here with some knowledgeable people, I have discovered that installing Ubuntu to an external drive that isn't always attached isn't going to work for me. Grub just doesn't seem to want to work in that situation05:41
martossthere's a mini iso in main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/05:41
n0ydamee2k, right.  I was just typing that. ;)05:41
AnlarBrent_: it's not grub's fault.05:41
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martosscan I use this on an usb stick?05:41
anandanbustefg: it shows some info and says installation succeeded will both the OS would show up now05:41
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DarkMagicianStefg: I thank you its into the desktop now05:41
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stefgDarkMagician: to get the real driver running now see !ati05:42
whoniccaok question guys, what are the advantages of having /home on its own partition?05:42
Brent_Anlar: I'm not saying it was, but I've been walked through trying to fix it several times, with no luck. It just won't load any OS, no matter what MBR it is on. I'm always open to ideas, but I tried for over two days straight, very frustrating05:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:42
anandanbustefg: thanks for your help05:42
imbecile hey guys, i have kiba-dock stuck in my trash.. how can i delete it? I know i have to set to recursive.. here is what i have so far             sudo cd /home/imbecile/.trash;  chmod 777 kiba-dock; rm kiba-dock05:42
Anlarwhonicca: easy to reinstall/change operating system, dont have to worry about moving stuff etc05:42
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MetaMorfoziSAnybody have knowledge in dhcpd3-server? I need a little help, please msg on me if you have a little time.05:42
stefganandanbu: no, you won't have fdora listed now... read the grub-howto on how write a mneu.lst05:42
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stefganandanbu: no, you won't have fdora listed now... read the grub-howto on how write a menu.lst05:43
imbecileand how do i set to recursive?05:43
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ben_xarchhi, im trying to get firefox (bon echo) to launch an external application (audacious) whenever i try to play an mp3. right now mp3s play using the mplayer plugin. This doesnt seem like it would be difficult to do but i have searched everywhere and have not found a solution05:43
skollieMetaMorfoziS: what do you need to do?05:43
kitcheimbecile: you could do cd /home/imbecile/.trash sudo rm kiba-dock05:43
whoniccaAnlar: change operating system, as a whole other distro? or u mean upgrading/downgrading to diff versions of ubuntu?05:43
anandanbustefg: where would it be05:43
kitcheimbecile: or add the -f switch to rm05:43
MetaMorfoziScan i msg on you?05:43
n0ydadrian, the easy answer would really be just to type "sudo passwd root" into a shell/console/terminal, make the password, and you'll  have root access05:43
stefg!grub | anandanbu05:43
ubotuanandanbu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
skollieMetaMorfoziS: yes05:43
AnlarBrent_: it's the bios' responsibility to start it up.. and offer the boot device as 0,0.. your computer is just broken05:43
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Brent_So someone suggested to me last night that I could make a small partition on my main drive for /boot and I could install Grub to the main drive then, and it wouldn't need the external drive to be installed, right?05:43
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Anlarwhonicca: yeah, you don't have to worry about that, just keep the partition intact.. and mount it again when you have changed :)05:44
Brent_Anlar: No, sorry. My computer is NOT broken05:44
AnlarBrent_: it's likely just piss-poor quality trash05:44
Brent_Oh, I get it. You're a troll.05:44
n0ydBrent_, It's not broken.  It sounds like a PEBKAC. :-P05:44
whoniccaAnlar: is there a recommended partition size?05:44
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imbecilekitche,  its telling me no such file or directory05:44
Brent_n0yd: what is that?05:44
Anlarwhonicca: for linux, 10 gigs is plenty already. 1-2 for swap partition.. rest for your home :)05:44
astro76ben_xarch, in firefox options-> Content tab->click Manage... in File Types section05:45
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kitcheimbecile: for what rm?05:45
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astro76ben_xarch, firefox preferences05:45
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whoniccaAnlar: sounds good, thanks05:45
n0ydBrent_, Pebkac = Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. :-P05:45
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Brent_Anlar: What's with the attitude towards me man?05:45
ben_xarchastro76, i have tried. the problem is that no filetypes show up there and there is no option to add any05:45
imbecilecd /home/imbecile/.trash sudo rm -f  kiba-dock05:45
pushpopstefg: during alt install i created lvm partitions but it didnt ask me to link the 2 partitions together to create a phuysical disk... How do I do that when im in the desktop05:45
Anlarwhonicca: the default ubuntu installation will take roughly 4 gigs, leaving some 6 for extra software.. which should be enough for all your needs :)05:45
Brent_Man, what is wrong with this place. What did I say to deserve being blamed like that from a couple people? What the?05:46
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imbecileoops kitche, cd /home/imbecile/.trash sudo rm -f kiba-dock05:46
ben_xarchastro76, wow never mind. if i double click it lets me add some05:46
kitcheimnrvile and is kiba-dock still there?05:46
adriani did not get ownership of my disk adrian@adrian-laptop:/media$ sudo chown adrian disk/05:46
adrianchown: changing ownership of `disk/': Read-only file system05:46
n0ydBrent_, I was joking.05:46
NallemanHello, I would like to know if its possible to install a pdf printer easy?05:46
AnlarBrent_: the grub doesn't fail, except in case of user error (installing improperly) or extremely crappy hardware, with the usb use cases05:46
stefgpushpop: i *guess* it already took the to PE's to make a volume... see haow it works out05:46
ben_xarchthanks alot, ive been trying to figure this out for as long as i can remember05:46
n0ydBrent_, Give me a second, I'm looking for a guide to install ubuntu to a external volume.05:46
imbecilekitche,  yeah05:46
Brent_n0yd: it's cool man, it's just odd. I'm VERY frustrated at all of this, and my sense of humor is lacking after very little sleep the past couple days.05:46
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kitcheimbecile: try sudo /bin/rm -f kiba-dock might need the path to rm05:47
zmeiat_joroI want to install the nvidia drivers (nvidia-glx) from synaptic and also nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig, but apparently nvidia-glx conflicts with them? Why's that?05:47
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Brent_Anlar: I can assure you, my computer is not "broken". There could very well be user error, but several people have tried to help me fix it very thouroughly, and not been able to get it working right. I take very good care of my system, and it's pretty new.05:47
n0ydBrent_, I assume it's a usb drive?05:47
kitchezmeiat_joro: nvidia-glx has settins and xconfig most likely05:47
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cyb3rpeaceHI - I can't get my sound card working - HDA ATI SB with Sigmatel Chipset...  I thinks its setting the modem as default soundcard? Does anyone know how to force it to select sound as default?05:48
Brent_n0yd: Yes sir05:48
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Anlarbrent: you have to use --device-map when installing grub manually, and install to 0 (NOT the place without the mapping!) for it to work05:48
ben_xarchastro76, actually that still doesnt work05:48
n0ydOk, one sec05:48
Spaceman3750Can anyone tell me what I would do to see the installed hardware on my computer?05:48
ben_xarchi am not able to add a new type05:48
StwangeI've managed to login as root on ubuntu - I thought it wasn't possible?05:48
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Bassettshow can I remove a key from the key server that I no longer have access to05:48
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Anlarbrent: but if you did that part correct, installing it to (hd0), it WILL be able to find the /boot/grub/ and the rest05:48
whiz2can i get a lil help? I'm having a major network/internet issue with latest version of kubuntu (LiveCD)05:48
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imbecilekitche,  it didnt worki managed to drag it to the desktop05:49
stefgSpaceman3750: lspci , lshw there's even a gui applet in the system menu05:49
pushpopstefg: lol how do I verify if it worked05:49
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Anlarbrent: if you install grub without doing the device mapping, it will always search when booting from that hard-bolted place where it is not as it is 0(,0) always thanks to bios05:49
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stefgpushpop: just issue 'mount' in a term and see what got mounted where05:49
Brent_Anlar: Can you give more details? I know that so far I've made sure to use device.map and also an fdisk -l command and made sure that everything lined up. I also did a paste of my menu.lst file for others to look at05:49
stefg!pm Spaceman375005:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pm spaceman3750 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
DJ-_-hi, is there anyway to send offline messages to msn ppl using pidgin?05:49
stefg!pm | Spaceman375005:49
ubotuSpaceman3750: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:49
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AnlarDJ-_-: no.05:50
DJ-_-Anlar: ah k05:50
DJ-_-Anlar: any other messenger?05:50
SzeraaxBrentwanna give link to the paste once more?05:50
Spaceman3750Sorry, I thought you PMed me, sometimes I get confused with the interface05:50
DJ-_-Anlar: which allows to do so?05:50
AnlarDJ-_-: no.05:50
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AnlarDJ-_-: which, I know, sucks.05:51
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DJ-_-Anlar: ah well....k? u talking of amsn?05:51
AnlarDJ-_-: doesn't do that.05:51
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DJ-_-Anlar: which one u talking of then?05:51
Spaceman3750Found it...  Thanks for your help earlier too stefg :)05:51
SzeraaxBrent_: what's the link for the paste of your menu.lst?05:51
n0ydBrent_, Take a look here? http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/06/17/ubuntu-feisty-on-your-usb-drive-finally/05:51
AnlarDJ-_-: all. forget about that. linux im applications are all trash05:51
stefgSpaceman3750: you're welcome05:51
DJ-_-Anlar: ok...05:51
Stwangewhy have I been told that it's not possible to login as root in ubuntu since I got the distro? Just because I shouldn't?05:52
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AnlarBrent_: sounds like to me as you seemed to recognize what I was talking about that you had tried it the correct way already05:52
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whoniccaAnlar: is 6 gigs really enough for additional programs?  never experimented with this kind of partitioning before05:52
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Brent_I'm trying to find the link05:52
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astro76!root | Stwange05:52
ubotuStwange: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:52
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Szeraaxsudo passwd, ftw!05:52
DJ-_-Stwange: cuz u switched from windows?05:52
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n0ydBrent_, there are a million guides for doing it.05:52
CairnaEr, how do I run cfdisk?05:52
FFForeverhow do i stop it from asking for my password when i need to do something as "root", also can i stop it from asking my password for my wifi everytime i boot???05:52
nlionok, i'm running ubuntu off of a liveCD and I didn't expect it to write to my macbook's EFI. Now every time I try to boot my computer without the ubuntu CD in the drive I get a flashing underscore in the top left corner over a black screen05:52
nlioncan anyone help me05:52
Stwangeastro76 - System - Administration -  root - properties - set password by hand - confirm05:52
kbrooksSzeraax, do not suggest that.05:52
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Stwangethen you can login as root05:53
Anlarwhonicca: I installed bunch (quite many applications) and managed to use in total only 6 gigs for now.. :)05:53
tgm4883_laptopare there any known problems running more than 1 NFS server on a network?05:53
DJ-_-Stwange: pm05:53
Brent_BTW, what is the address for the paste. I can't find the link for some reason05:53
kbrooksSzeraax, sudo passwd is bad. very bad :-)05:53
whoniccaok =)05:53
astro76Stwange, if you want to risk your system do whatever you want, but read that link if you want to know the philosophy05:53
Szeraaxkbrooks: haha, absolutely horrible practice, i know05:53
Spaceman3750Stwange, that doesn't work, it resets the password after you set it by hand ;)05:53
kitchenlion: umm sounds like you messed up your macbook pretty bad05:53
kbrooksSzeraax, but?05:53
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kbrooksSpaceman3750, no not really05:53
kitchenlion: did you use bootcamp to install ubuntu?05:53
StwangeSpaceman3750, it doesn't, several reboots later I did ctrl + alt + f2, logged in using that password and it worked05:53
Spaceman3750kbrooks: It did for me anyways05:53
nlionno, i didn't even install it05:54
kbrooksSpaceman3750, your fault05:54
astro76Stwange, if you really want a root shell use sudo -i05:54
Szeraaxkbrooks: funny to tell others to use, when jokes since they forgot their / password05:54
nlionkitche: I just downloaded the CD and rebooted it with it in the drive05:54
kbrooksSzeraax, / == root of filesystem05:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:54
kitchenlion: well you must of sicne the live cd doesn't the system05:54
Szeraax/ is also the root user05:54
LumiereDaniel2: lets not send CTCP to channels05:54
kbrooksDaniel2, dont ping the channel05:54
kbrooksSzeraax, no05:54
nlioncan i select my boot device from ubuntu?05:54
Szeraaxshorthand for the lazy people typing05:54
nlionis that possible?05:54
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kbrooksSzeraax, / == root of filesystem.05:54
kbrooksSzeraax, period.05:54
yellowdartanybody run into this problem when installing flashplugin-nonfree? "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz"05:55
pushpopstefg: please take a look www.pastebin.ca/61924205:55
kbrooksSzeraax, "root" is the root user.05:55
=== lontra [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CairnaHow do I unhide a partition using cfdisk?05:55
Spaceman3750yellowdart: I have had it before05:55
DJ-_-yellowdart: try downloading the file again and then retry the install05:55
Szeraaxkbrooks: to each his own, and yes, i know. Some use them interchangably05:55
Stwangeastro76, I know why you SHOULDN'T login as root, I just want to know why everyone says it's not possible05:55
SzeraaxBrent_: did you find the link yet?05:55
AnlarBrent_: yeah, I for instance have done usb stick installations many times.. just find some pastebin system and show us what you have done.. I'll take a look05:55
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astro76Stwange, of course it's possible05:56
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kbrooksStwange, IT'S POSSIBLE, but you SHOULD NEVER05:56
Brent_I just made another one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29924/05:56
yellowdartDJ-_-:  ok, just wasnt sure if i had to go into the deb file and change the md5sum05:56
DJ-_-Stwange: to stop ppl from asking and falling into mess05:56
pushpopstefg: still there?05:56
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Szeraaxkbrooks: except when use are using apt-get to get sudo for the first time...05:56
stefgpushpop: ok, looks good so far, except that the lvm volume does not have a mountpoint yet. so it's there, but not assigned yet05:56
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Stwangeok fair enough05:57
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Brent_For the record though, I have had to fix the MBR since I had to access Windows today. So I'll have to do it all again. But it would be the same situation as before05:57
pushpopstefg: ok good, how do we mount them.05:57
kitcheSzeraax: if you installed ubuntu you should have sudo automatically05:57
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CairnaThink that did it...05:57
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Szeraaxkbrooks: true true05:57
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Brent_Oh, and as you will probably notice, I installed on the second partition of the drive.05:58
DeviantintegralI've got a strnage problem with ubuntu installed on a usb on my macbook. For some reason, sdb1 isn't created, but appears if I manually try to mount sdb. Any suggestions?05:58
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Szeraaxyou mean third?05:58
yellowdartDJ-_-: still no luck..05:59
DJ-_-yellowdart: hmm...u just want to install flash right?05:59
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SzeraaxBrent_: is your trouble that you cant get it to boot the flashdrive? (right?)05:59
AnlarBrent_: your linux on usb is always on 0, not for instance on 1,105:59
Brent_Hmmm, I believe it was the second. It was listed as /dev/sdb1 as the partition on (hd1)05:59
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yellowdartDJ-_-:  yeah.. i can probably just do the adobe way. i was just trying to use apt06:00
DJ-_-yellowdart: a sec..06:00
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SzeraaxBrent_: is what it should be, i think06:00
Brent_Anlar: Oh, really? So is my lst file not right?06:00
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AnlarBrent_: when the grub is on usb stick's mbr, bios makes that to become hd0, and the first partition will be 0,106:00
DJ-_-yellowdart: get dis file: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz06:00
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AnlarBrent_: yes, you screwed up. :)06:00
pushpopstefg: ok good, how do we mount them.06:00
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crimsun(Flash 9.0.48 is already in gutsy.)06:00
AnlarBrent_: the device the bios boots from shall be 006:00
SzeraaxAnlar: ohhh. my bad then06:00
stefgpushpop: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-64964.html06:00
Brent_Anlar: I've screwed up a LOT the past couple days. Imagine my first reaction when I didn't know you could fix the MBR!06:00
mribasbusco una chica que hable espaol06:01
mribassoy de venezuela06:01
Szeraaxyay, never mind, i was right...,06:01
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Spaceman3750!es | mribas06:01
ubotumribas: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:01
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Brent_Ok, so if I'm going to reinstall, I can make the same partitions as before, which will be two and three on the external drive, then install the Grub to (hd1,0)?06:01
AnlarBrent_: put the grub to the usb stick, not on hdd.. and point everything to hd0, which it isn't when you install (that's what you need device mapping for!)06:01
yellowdartDJ-_-: same thing06:01
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SzeraaxBrent_: did you manually add the flashdrive to that grub list?06:02
pushpopi got to boot to a disk and what not?06:02
=== Archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-76-180-137-44.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DJ-_-yellowdart: ok now u must have extracted it..06:02
AnlarBrent_: no, you install grub to hd0,0, which you will make possible with the device mapping.06:02
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DJ-_-yellowdart: there must be a exectuable file inside the package?06:02
yellowdartDJ-_-: nope.. it's still tar.gz06:02
AnlarBrent_: if you write anywhere for once hd1, you're srewed06:02
DJ-_-yellowdart: extract it06:02
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FFForeverhow come i cant mount a ssh folder?06:02
Brent_Oh, ok. Forgive me, but my brain is fried, and I AM still a newbie at this(not at computers though, just this process)06:02
CairnaAny chance of some aid in a Query?06:02
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yellowdartDJ-_-: yeah, i know how to install it the adobe way.. i was just trying to get apt to work06:02
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SzeraaxBrent_: grub cant see you flashdrive, it needs to be _on_ your flash drive, and looking at hard drives06:03
DJ-_-yellowdart: i dont think there is an apt way06:03
AnlarBrent_: you have to fool when installing that it is alraedy and always hd0, your stick I mean. that is what you use the device mapping file for when installing grub06:03
Brent_Ok, so in the 'advanced' screen on ubuntu install, I put (hd0,0)06:03
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AnlarBrent_: you have to do it really manually, to fix the grub06:03
DJ-_-yellowdart: btw what do u mean by the apt way?06:03
yellowdartDJ-_-: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:03
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gharzguys, everytime i run apt-get update i always receive a msg "Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025) edgy/main Translation-en_US06:03
gharzIgn cdrom://Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025) edgy/restricted Translation-en_US06:03
ArchoniamOki, i'm confused. My computer will not allow Stepmania to run, it cannnot be converted from tarball to deb package, and make install will not work either. error with make install is: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.06:03
gharzwhat is the meaning of this?06:03
SkryptWhats the "super" key?06:04
Brent_I DID have Grub installed on my external drive, but last night ended up putting it back on my main drive because of help here in this chat06:04
bronze-Is there a way to get nautilus in super-user mode?06:04
BeatbreakerHi I'm having some shocking problems with my nvidia drivers - ENVI stuffed everything up - can anyone help me with this one?06:04
DJ-_-yellowdart: ok, but use the way that works, why go into other stuff?06:04
SzeraaxBrent_: ha, dang06:04
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Brent_Well, I'm going to have to start over, since I've wiped things. So I guess, I'm on a clean slate and won't be fixing anything, but starting from scratch06:04
SzeraaxBrent_: not only do you need it on your flashdrive, you need a system device map too06:05
jattbronze-: gksudo06:05
Frogzoobronze-: don't do that06:05
yellowdartDJ-_-: because i like to make things work like they should.. so i'm just wondering what file might have the old md5sum so i can change it06:05
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SzeraaxAnlar: i believe that is right. is that right oh wise one?06:05
jattFrogzoo: ? gksudo nautilus is a valid command. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.06:05
SzeraaxAnlar: i dont have so much exp with flashdrive\grub06:06
DJ-_-yellowdart: ok, but then use aptitiude instead of apt-get06:06
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stefgpushpop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpLVM-WithoutACleanInstall06:06
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AnlarBrent_: just umm.. install using the installation cd, and don't worry about the grub. then do the device mapping file that points hd0 == /dev/sdb or whatever your usb stick is so that grub thinks your usb stick is 0. then run grub with that parameter and root(hd0,x) where x is the root partition on usb stick and setup(hd0) and voila. then go to your menu.lst on stick and fix it to point to hd0 as well06:06
=== andre_pl [n=andre@bas8-london14-1242504415.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
yellowdartDJ-_-: i've done both.. it still uses the same config for dpkg06:06
pushpopthank you06:06
explorerHi All - Trying to edit and add a line to my < etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base > to get my sound working. But permission is denied to edit file. Any suggestions?06:06
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DJ-_-yellowdart: no, apt-get does not remove all the packages that get installed, but aptitude does06:07
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imbecileim trying to delete kiba-dock off my desktop is there anyway  i can change permissions so it doesnt get stuck in my trash again?06:07
SzeraaxAnlar: does make sence yes.06:07
Archoniamexplorer: Perm denied? Use sudo before command06:07
DJ-_-yellowdart: aptitude does it only when a package has been installed using the aptitude cmd06:07
DJ-_-yellowdart: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude06:07
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yellowdartDJ-_-: i'm using dpkg-reconfigure now.. it "installs" fine.. it just wont set it up because of the md5sum06:08
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explorerso run sudo in konsole then I can use konquer to get to file and change?06:08
Archoniamexplorer: Or become root using either fakeroot or 'sudo -s'06:08
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Brent_Ok, so install Ubuntu to the external as usual, and don't worry about changing Grub. Then, open the device.map file and change the two drives around. Then I didn't get that next part06:08
Archoniamsudo -s stongly reccomended.06:08
yellowdartDJ-_-: basically adobe updated the installer package.. so it doesnt match the apt repository now06:08
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DJ-_-yellowdart: ok, well md5sum...i think the file has been downloaded already...why dont you try downloading it again after removing the file in the cache06:08
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explorerarchonian - thks06:09
astro76Archoniam, do not recommend becoming root06:09
Brent_What should I do for "x" in the above description?06:09
CokeNCodewhenever i listen to virginradio.co.uk in firefox it crashes firefox ... can anyone help ?06:09
astro76!sudo | explorer06:09
ubotuexplorer: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:09
DJ-_-yellowdart: the file in the cache might be having problems..06:09
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=== seth [n=seth@c-71-195-254-138.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Archoniamubotu: I already helped him.06:09
exploreryup - thks06:09
AnlarBrent_: well, depends on how you make partitions for ubuntu installation...06:09
CokeNCodelol, Archoniam uboto  is a bot06:09
=== raf [n=raf@dslb-082-083-042-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnlarBrent_: if you make just one huge partition the first and correct one is 0, etc06:09
astro76Archoniam, with dangerous advice06:09
Archoniamlol woops06:09
yellowdartDJ-_-: i have cleared the cache.. plus it even prompts me to where i d/l the file06:09
r0b-whats a good remote management program for Ubuntu Server?06:09
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sethIs there a good place to ask about suspend/resume bugs06:09
DJ-_-yellowdart: oh ok..06:10
Brent_Ok, well what is recommended? I have a partition that has other stuff on it. So the main partition will be the second one. Then what other partitions SHOULD I have?06:10
AnlarBrent_: then you sudo grub --device-map=mapfile.txt and do stuff like root(hd0,0) setup (hd0) :)06:10
BeatbreakerHi - ENVY has runied ny NVIDIA drivers - can anyone help with this ?06:10
yellowdartDJ-_-: basically it wont ever work until the dpkg configure file is updated with the new md5sum06:10
SzeraaxBrent_: after you swap the two around in the device map, you change them in the grub menu.lst too06:10
DJ-_-yellowdart: gotcha06:10
ArchoniamOki, me repeat me question... ugga ugga...06:11
jattr0b-: ssh06:11
AnlarBrent_: oh, hd0,1 then if the first one is reserved already :) and setup(hd0)06:11
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AnlarBrent_: so you tell grub where the /boot/ is with the root command and with setup you slap that on the mbr of the usb stick06:11
ArchoniamMy computer will not allow Stepmania to run, it cannnot be converted from tarball to deb package, and make install will not work either. error with make install is: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.06:11
Brent_Wow, I'm trying to keep track here, so forgive me.06:11
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r0b-jatt i want something web based06:11
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n0ydr0b-, webmin'06:11
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AnlarBrent_: it's saturday, get drunk06:12
SzeraaxBrent_: it is hard with all the other stuff being ut up...06:12
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n0yd!find webmin06:12
ubotuFile webmin found in debian-edu-config, insserv, logcheck-database06:12
Brent_I'm at work all day, and I work at a Christian radio station. I don't think that will work!06:12
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imbecileSR71-Blackbird,  my dad helped make that06:12
astro76Archoniam, have you extracted the tarball and read the README ?06:12
n0ydI don't know how to work the bot06:12
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.06:12
BeatbreakerHi - ENVY has runied ny NVIDIA drivers - can anyone help with this ?06:12
jattwebmin? HAHAHA06:12
zmeiat_joroSo I installed nvidia-glx and then did "nvidia-glx-config enable" and duly saved the adress of the backup, and good thing I did, because X couldn't start06:12
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:12
n0yduse it anyway, who cares if its insecure06:12
AnlarBrent_: don't they have some bread and wine then :)06:12
Brent_Szeraax: Yeah, I'm just having trouble keeping up for some reason. Again, my brain is fried06:12
n0ydHe said he wanted something web based06:12
SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, wow06:13
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Archoniamastro: There IS no readme, at least not for linux XD(It came with the windows one:-X)06:13
Brent_Anlar: that's better, but I don't drink wine!06:13
zabinzmeiat_joro: what card are you useing?06:13
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zmeiat_jorobut the drivers seem to be working anyway06:13
jattn0yd: and?06:13
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=== SR71-Blackbird is amazed
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zmeiat_joroNV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] 06:13
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zabinzmeiat: just use the ubuntu restricted drivers after that isnstalls then type nvidia-settings06:13
imbecileSR71-Blackbird,  he is an engineer06:13
zabinzmeiat: i had that same problem for ever06:13
n0ydjatt, webmin is good enough, he is probably running a server out of his house, on a residential connection. ;)06:13
Brent_I'm just trying to wrap my head around this, as I've went through the process several times and I don't even fully understand it. Like with the terminal, I'm lost there every time I go in.06:13
Beatbreaker<ubotu> is there a guide anywhere on how to fix it when it stuffs an instillation?06:13
SzeraaxBrent_: first, do you have kwrite open that you can c/p stuff into? second, are you going to do a full clean kill all install, or a kill ubuntu and reinstall it, or just deal with the device map\grub?06:14
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SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, just cool man.. and over that it was classified06:14
sethI have a thinkpad r60 with suspend issues.when it resumes there are two lines on the screen that wont go away even with a ctrl-alt-backspace06:14
jattn0yd: it isn't "good enough". It is outdated and unmaintained. It should not be used.06:14
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AnlarBrent_: what you don't get is..06:14
astro76Archoniam, in StepMania-3.9-src.tar.gz there IS a README-FIRST.html file06:14
Brent_I'm on Windows right now, and I'll have to reboot into the live disk to start over. So I will surely need to write down a full list in order of what to do. Or at least copy and paste then I'll print it06:14
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n0ydjatt, It works, therefore it's good enough.06:15
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astro76Archoniam, you also need to extract the whole thing to a folder (tar xvzf)06:15
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Brent_Ok, so step one!06:15
Szeraaxmake sure you have notepad open then06:15
matt_____I have tried making flightgear (fgfs) fullscren by launching fgfs --enable-game-mode, but it strips the window (exit, minimize, maxmize, title) and puts it to the top left, but only about 1/4th the screen. how can i make it fullscreen?06:15
jattn0yd: ok, use it06:15
n0ydIt shouldn't be used in a production enviroment.  But I doubt thats what he was looking for there...06:15
Brent_(sorry, I know it's been said already, but I appreciate it)06:15
Beatbreakeris there a way to undo the damage that ENVY causes?06:15
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imbecileSR71-Blackbird,  yeah he has worked on alot of crazy projects, he's making gyroscope thingies for submarines and he helped with the evil "starwars project"06:15
zmeiat_jorozabin: well it generated some errors but started anyway: ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display. ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display. ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.06:15
Szeraaxyou aren't putting ubuntu on the hard drive at all, right?06:15
n0ydjatt, I have no use for it. Sorry.06:15
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astro76Archoniam, also have you tried their binary package?06:15
n0ydSsh does fine for me.06:15
imbecileim trying to delete kiba-dock off my desktop is there anyway  i can change permissions so it doesnt get stuck in my trash again?06:16
Szeraaxjust on the flashdrive?06:16
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n0ydI don't need an web interface...06:16
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Brent_I'm putting it on the external drive. If I NEED a local small partition, I can, but there's not much space there06:16
matt_____imbecile: what is it, an icon?06:16
AnlarBrent_: that every time the computer boots up the hardware sets up the order of devices for the first software commands.. and when you are installing now, the devices are in different order than when you would be booting that setup up. and, grub "hard bolts down" the settings from where it continues reading stuff like your menu.lst .. so in order to be able to hard bolt down values that are valid later when booting up.. you have to lie to it with that de06:16
zabinzmelat_joro: perhaps try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and select the nvidia stuff06:16
SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, haha... but looking now.. most of the things in "starwars project" exist..06:16
imbecilematt_____,  its the whole folder06:17
matt_____imbecile: here is what you should do, are you familar with terminal?06:17
sethIs there anybody that can help with suspend issues?06:17
imbecileSR71-Blackbird, it is a real defense thing from space06:17
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Brent_Anlar: Gotcha. See, nobody has explained that to me yet. Thanks06:17
imbecilematt_____,  somewhat06:17
n0ydBrent_, there are a million and one guides to doing the exact same thing you are trying to do.  They explain everything step by step.  Google is your friend.06:17
matt_____imbecile: open a new terminal06:17
imbecilematt_____,  done06:18
matt_____imbecile: "sudo apt-get install wipe"06:18
AnlarBrent_: so, for instance teh ubuntu instalelr will be able to copy ubuntu to the usb stick properly. but the grub installation will likely fail. you have to do that part yourself with the lie :)06:18
matt_____imbecile: install wipe...06:18
Brent_n0yd: Trust me, I've googled my tail off. It all starts to run together and gets very confusing for me06:18
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SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, yeah... really interesting ... so many interesting people come on irc06:18
CokeNCodecan't anyone help ?06:18
Brent_Anlar: Excellent! That's what I need to do then. So, the first step in all this is to install like normal? I can have the /boot on the external along with everything else, right?06:18
skollieCokeNCode: with what?06:19
zmeiat_jorozabin: I went through that configuration but on exit I got "xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been customized; xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070714191759". Not a problem, probably.06:19
matt_____imbecile: how are you coming along installing wipe?06:19
SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, i'm from Nepal tho... we don't even have a freakin fighter06:19
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SzeraaxBrent_: yes06:19
zabinzmeiat_joro: are you able to get a gui at all?06:19
imbecileSR71-Blackbird,  I envy you then06:19
AnlarBrent_: yes, just install it like that. when it asks about grub, say hd1 and whatever from there. it does its best, you will fix that later06:19
imbecilematt_____, installed06:19
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zabinzmeiat_joro: pm me theres to many people talking here. for me to find all your meessages to me06:20
Brent_Do I NEED a swap partition? Or can I just use a single partition?06:20
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SzeraaxBrent_: how much ram do you have?06:20
SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, envy.. i envy you guys .. haha.. that's why i'm coming to US for studies...06:20
Szeraax2GB? 4GB?06:20
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matt_____imbecile: run this in terminal... (without the quotes) "sudo wipe -r /home/YOURNAME/Desktop/kibadock folder whatever here)06:20
tyronanyone managed to get Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN working?06:20
SzeraaxSR71-Blackbird: coem stay at my house then!06:20
matt_____imbecile: that will totally make it dissapear, without going to trash06:20
AnlarBrent_: ok you don't need swap06:20
AnlarBrent_: just make one huge partition for everything06:21
Brent_So install to just one partition.06:21
nivekc1in windows i can turn up the amount of virtual memory y system uses to make my PC faster is this possible in ubuntu?06:21
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Brent_Ok, step two!06:21
SR71-BlackbirdSzeraax, haha... ubuntuism?06:21
SzeraaxSR71-Blackbird: i was going to go with "humane" but what ever...06:21
n0ydtyron, I believe it works using the newest ipw3945 drivers, from what I have heard.06:21
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crimsuntyron: you need the intellinuxwireless firmware and iwl*06:21
AnlarBrent_: then, umm.. your stick is at /dev/sdb right? and the partitions on the stick are like something you wanted to spare, then the linux?06:22
crimsuntyron: it should be merged into gutsy shortly06:22
SR71-BlackbirdSzeraax, hah... maybe if someone is around connecticut.. maybe i can join their LUG from here itself..06:22
AnlarBrent_: you create a text file with "(hd0) /dev/sdb" and nothing else, and start sudo grub --device-map=thatfile.txt06:22
inAbsurdumnivekc1 that's the swap06:22
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nivekc1oh ok so its already pretty substantial the06:22
inAbsurdumdepends on how muc ram you have.06:22
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matt_____inAbsurdum: if you need help, or further uses of wipe, check this tutorial out. http://www.techystuff.info/?m=2007041606:22
imbecilematt_____,  you are the man.. tyvm06:22
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SzeraaxBrent_: is it installing right now?06:22
astro76nivekc1, the equivalent is making the swap partition bigger, but on either system if you're swapping to disk it makes it SLOWER, only solution is always more real RAM06:22
inAbsurdumuhm... me? =)06:22
n0ydtyron, this page should help.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel_4965_AGN_WiFi_Driver/Fiesty06:22
Brent_No, I'm writing this all down. I have to reboot to install.06:23
Zombiedoes Ubuntu support pam_ccreds?06:23
SR71-Blackbirdanyone tried Gobuntu?06:23
matt_____imbecile: wipe overwrites things 35 times, making them gone forever, explanation here. http://www.techystuff.info/?m=20070416 np06:23
Brent_Yes, that's correct Anlar06:23
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manachi all06:23
imbecilematt_____,  can i clean slackspace with it?06:23
SzeraaxBrent_: ah, right...06:23
tyronthank you.. all06:23
matt_____imbecile: what is slackspace06:23
Brent_Ok, so I got Anlar's post as my step two, right?06:23
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sethIs there sombody that can help with suspend/resume issues?06:24
AnlarBrent_: then you do umm.. root(hd0,1) if that partition order was correct. and setup(hd0). root(hd0,1) tells grub to carry on booting from that "hd0" and the 2nd partition.. it will seek for the /boot/grub/ from there06:24
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klobsteris there some sort of daemon or such that will make accessing a compressed file transparant (maybe treat it as a folder?)06:24
imbecilematt_____,  empty space on a harddrive06:24
Szeraaxdoent ubuntu have gaim, or some other irc client on it? Brent_ could be using that as installing06:24
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AnlarBrent_: and setup(hd0) will ultimately write that down and install grub itself on your stick, hard bolting down that the stick "is" hd006:24
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matt_____imbecile: you mean space that had stuff, but then was deleted...right?06:24
fryguy_server irc.okit.se06:24
Brent_Yes, that's true. Actually, I can use XChat. Will that be easier?06:24
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Brent_If so, then I'll boot to the live disk and it will be easier I would assume06:25
Hacim07Szeraax yes it has gaim and XChat.06:25
matt_____imbecile: and you don't want any traces there anymore right?06:25
whoniccawhats the proper default permissions your home directory should have?06:25
whoniccaand what group should it be owned by06:25
AnlarBrent_: then you can "quit" grub and mount it, and go to /boot/grub/ and edit menu.lst so that all the root's are at hd0,1 properly.06:25
scuciattoAnyone having problems with powernowd on a Pavilion DV6000 an feisty ?06:25
AnlarBrent_: and that should do it unless if there are some ubuntu specific tweaks06:25
scuciattoAnyone can help ?06:25
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keitarechecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:26
keitare i get this error when trying to ./configure a eggdrop bot06:26
Anlarscuciatto: sometimes the kernel module acpi-cpufreq does not get loaded automatically06:26
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astro76whonicca, , 755, group name same as user name06:26
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Brent_Hmmm, I've got that all down. Just let me reboot into the live distro and I'll go through it while on chat06:27
whoniccaastro76: thanks, had mistakenly put down the wrong username during installation06:27
matt_____imbecile: you still with me?06:27
dividedHello. Recently I deleted Network Manager from Ubuntu cause I prefer to use pon directly and after reboot when I log in the desktop starts very slowly. Then I commented lines in my /etc/network/interfaces file and reboot again. And this time all worked properly (but of course my network interfaces didn't loaded  ). Can anyone tell me - what's the problem? Where should I dig?06:27
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LadyNikonif i wanted to update ubuntu from console .. how would I go about doing that?06:27
imbecilematt_____,  yeah Im going to donate this pc and i want to clear private data06:27
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imbecilewithout taking out the hd06:28
matt_____imbecile: um...the place that you want to wipe, same disk your ubuntu is installed on?06:28
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imbecilematt_____,  yeah06:28
johng_ladynikon: something like sudo apt-get update06:28
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matt_____imbecile: when you donate...you going to have ubuntu on it?06:28
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cyb3rpeaceHI - can some help with sound issue - have sigmatel chip - maybe it's getting confused with modem?06:29
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imbecilematt_____,  yeah, im donating to anarchist library so I plan on having linux on it for obvious reasons06:29
cyb3rpeaceTried the usual check volume, etc... etc... Some driver is detected cause media player "plays" music - i.e. doesn't say no sound driver, etc...06:29
SR71-Blackbirdimbecile, anarchisy library?06:30
LadyNikonjohng_: that just updates the files.. but doesnt update the system06:30
LadyNikonjohng_: that updates the file tree i mean.06:30
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Frogzooimbecile: boot the live cd & '# cat  /dev/zero /dev/##'06:30
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slackoramaIs there a way to stop my wireless connection from getting dropped when my machine hibernates?  the only way to re-connect is to restart.06:30
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imbecileSR71-Blackbird,  yeah, i'm donating it to an independant library06:31
kicker8Hello guys.. I need help! I am runing the latest version of Ubuntu. and I parition my drive. I have a FAT32 partition to share with windows XP. however, I had a problem with creating file on VFAT/FAT32. When I create file called HELLO (in all capital) ubuntu create hello (in small letters) I need to create filename on BIG letters... Here's my fat32 line on fstab  UUID=447B-0C43 /media/data vfat06:31
kicker8user,auto,gid=100,uid=1000,umask=002,iocharset=utf8,codepage=850 0 006:31
cyb3rpeaceslackorama: You can revive the connection comtimes via /etc/init.d/dbus restart06:31
robdemanhi grouppp. anybody here that can assist me getting my Linux printer shared for WinXP clients using Webmin?06:31
matt_____imbecile: lol, yeah. ok, so what you'll need to do, i think this will work...boot from a live ubuntu cd...install wipe (i think that will work on live..) then run sudo wipe /dev/whatever your drive is right here man. that will take a while, depending on the size, but it will overwrite the entire disk 35 times...that will work for sure, install ubuntu again.06:31
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imbecileFrogzoo,  that wont mess up my install that i already have?06:31
slackoramacyb3rpeace: yeah, tried that.  the network doesn't show up after I do that.06:31
cyb3rpeaceAny help on my sound issue - I'm desperate and have tried numerous things...06:32
matt_____imbecile: does all that make sense to you?06:32
imbecilematt_____,  anyway to do it without junking my settings?06:32
johng_LadyNikon: Sorry, you're right, update updates the package lists, and then UPGRADE installs the latest06:32
imbecilematt_____,  yeah it makes sence.. I was kinda looking to keep this install though06:32
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Stwangeif I don't have KDE or Gnome, can I still run programs with a GUI? eg. a java program with a GUI06:33
danyahello .. I'm having problems installing gdesklets .. I'm on feisty ..06:33
matt_____imbecile: well, there is, but it won't work fully, as it may leave some space...you would do it though like this: creating you a dir somewhere, filling it with files untill it can't get any fuller. i mean, down to the MB. basically, you'll need to fill up your drive. then wipe the dir.06:33
devyllhello. Can anybody please tell me how can I install some fonts ? (i'm using ubuntu festy with gniome)06:33
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matt_____imbecile: or you may want to try this, it'd be faster. installing truecrypt, creating you a "volume" the size of the remaining free space on your drive, then wipe the file.06:34
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skolliedevyll: any fonts in particular?06:34
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imbecilematt_____,  that sounds like it would work perfectly06:34
matt_____basically, anyway that you can fill up the drive quickly, then wipe that dir/file will work, for the most part.06:34
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Frogzooimbecile: you want to erase the disk or keep your install??06:34
kr00lplatinumCan anyone help me with my audio not working?06:34
ccoffeyI basically have the exact same issue as https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/grub/+bug/106887/comments/6, basically, my fakeraid is not detected before the / FS tries to load, but after dropping to busybox i can run dmraid -ay, ctrl d, and my system starts as it should on fakeraid. Does anyone have a resolution to this?06:34
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skolliedevyll: you could install msttcorefonts06:34
matt_____imbecile: fill me in on anarchists library? i've never heard of it.06:34
devyllskollie: is that an app with wich you can install fonts ?06:35
devyllI have some custom fonts I need to install .. don't tell me it's not possible06:35
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skolliedevyll: that will install the fonts06:35
devyllskollie: thanks06:36
matt_____devyll: it will install the microsoft fonts, but not the custom fonts you want installed06:36
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skolliedevyll: np06:36
matt_____devyll: for that, just copy the fonts to the fonts folder06:36
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BrentROk, I'm back06:36
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SkryptWhat are Dbus and GLib?06:36
Skryptin the CCSM that is06:36
imbecilematt_____,  I helped build it.. its a library with green anarcho books and some banned ones.. basically its just a independant library that has no government backing06:36
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ryanandheatherhi everyone, i rebooted my machine and now im only getting command line, i tried sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start but it said kde was already running06:37
matt_____imbecile: hmmm....sounds cool.06:37
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ccoffeyryanandheather: ctrl alt f7 ?06:37
devyllmatt_____:  .. what would be the fonts folder ?06:37
AnlarBrentR: okay, hit the installation and partition & point at the usb stick :)06:38
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matt_____devyll: /usr/share/fonts/06:38
imbecileFrogzoo,  yeah i want to keep the install but i want to prevent someone in the library from accessing deleted stuff (a few hackers/crackers involved in it)06:38
devyllmatt_____: do I still need msttcorefonts ?06:38
ryanandheatherccoffey: i tried that and it just sits at a blinking cursor06:38
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matt_____devyll: i've never done it, but i should think it will work06:38
imbecilejust trying to keep my info safe06:38
BrentROk, give me a second. I'm making the partition now06:38
Stwangecan you install xubuntu without a desktop environment?06:38
matt_____devyll: if you want the microsoft fonts (new times roman..etc)06:38
neonimri installed kubuntu from the alternate cd ,and it never asked me to setup a passowrd,but now when i try to loging to it of course it is asking for a username/password06:38
ccoffeyryanandheather: did you try stopping kdm?06:38
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CrakeHunterhello! im trying to get "vpnc" to work - it says: no response from target (im sure tho my entered information is correctly)06:39
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keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c complier to compile eggdrop06:39
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imbecilematt_____,  we also run a local "food not bombs" chapter out of there as well06:39
sdoubleneonimr: it asks you for a password when you install06:40
CrakeHunterdoes anyone have a clue?06:40
kr00lplatinumanyone know how to fix an audio problem?06:40
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neonimrsdouble: it never did06:40
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sdoubledid for me, I just installed it twice last night06:40
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neonimrsdouble: i used the alternate cd as an iso on my hard drive when i was installing it06:40
sdoubleasks for your user name, user's name, password, confirm password06:41
BrentRWhat is the best file system to use for my installation?06:41
sdoublemine was not an iso, but I use the alternate cd for everything06:41
AnlarBrentR: the best for flash devices are not available in ubuntu installer.. just pick ext3 :)06:41
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler06:41
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-24-189-197.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
neonimrit is really confusing06:42
BrentREven though this is a regular external hard drive? It's not a flash drive06:42
neonimri cant get into the system i installed06:42
sdoubleneonimr: it also asks for your host name in the same few steps.06:42
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DM|Anyone else having problems accessing YouTube with swiftfox?06:42
Frogzooimbecile: well it's not fully secure, but if you 'cat /dev/zero' into a file you can fill up each file system, erasing any data that's on the partition06:42
robdemanno Samba experts here?06:42
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Frogzoo!anyone | robdeman06:42
uboturobdeman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:42
SeveredCrosskeitare: sudo apt-get install gcc06:42
AnlarBrentR: oh, then ext3 is just fine06:42
skollierobdeman: not an 'expert' but may be able to help06:42
neonimrsdouble: i never did06:43
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BrentROk, thanks06:43
imbecileFrogzoo,  eight times is DoD standard right?06:43
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neonimrsdouble: it never did06:43
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UbuntuNDISwrappeI am having trouble getting NDISwrapper 1.47 to work on 7.04 can anyone tell me how im screwing this up or any common problems people have,06:43
Frogzooimbecile: *laugh*06:43
SeveredCrossDoes DoD have you write random data or 0's?06:43
sdoubleneonimr: odd, sounds like you should reinstall it.  Because it WILL ask you those questions I just said.  If it did not, there may have been some problem during the install06:43
robdemanskollie: nice. Basically I have my Laserjet 1100 running on my Ubuntubox. Now I want to sahre the printer to the Windows clients using samba. Im stuck with the configuration for that. Im using Webmin. Filesharing works fine, network neighborhood, etc.. but no printers06:44
ahornerquick question, whats the command to update to 7.0406:44
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Frogzoo!upgrade | ahorner06:44
ubotuahorner: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:44
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neonimrsdouble: what i do is boat from a flash drive06:44
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skollierobdeman: have you tried installing a network printer in XP?06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
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neonimrand let search for an kubuntu.iso that i have on my hd06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
enihey, what do i need to link my laptop to the computer, i have the card and the cable and the TV ! do i need any application, by the way i use amilo m1451g [fujitsu siemens]  thanks everyone !06:44
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imbecileSeveredCross,  they vary through passes.. one random one zeros06:44
sdoubleneonimr: regardless.  If you install from an iso that is downloaded from ubuntu, it will go through the exact process06:45
ryanandheatherhi anagin everyone, i tried turning off kde and it brought me to the blinking cursor, everything takes me to that dang cursor06:45
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler06:45
Frogzookeitare: install build-essential06:45
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pushpophow does 1 do this: Install "system-config-lvm" from the repositories.06:45
pushpopThis packages does not exist in the repos -Derick_eisenhardt@13:21CDT-2007-07-0906:45
BrentRAnlar: Am I right with just using / as the mount point?06:45
AnlarBrentR: yeah06:45
pushpopstefg: still there?06:45
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neonimrsduble: i know it is supposed to06:45
keitaredoesn't work Frogzoo06:45
BrentRAnlar: Ok, just making sure. Thanks. And then for Grub, just leave it as whatever it is? Or should I change it during install for any reason?06:46
robdemanskollie: well the printer does not show up in the network neighborhood.. the 'Ubuntubox' is there, with a couple of file shares, and the 'Printers and Faxes' share folder.. but there is no laserjet 1100 in it06:46
ryanandheatherwhy do i have no gui!06:46
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keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc06:46
enican someone answer my question ????  what do i need to link my laptop to the computer, i have the card and the cable and the TV ! do i need any application, by the way i use amilo m1451g [fujitsu siemens]  thanks everyone !06:46
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webheadjunkyhi does anyone know where to get webcam drivers for a crappy mikomi webcam???06:46
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skollierobdeman: in your ubuntu printer config - do you have the printer set as shared?06:46
sdoublekeitare: do you have some hatred towards gcc?06:46
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akosI have to compile a non-mainstream module , and I suspect it is not compatible with the new .20 kernel. How could I get an older one?06:47
keitareit dosen't work sdouble thats why i am looking for a different one06:47
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HEP85robdeman: are you using cups?06:47
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aa^way Does anyone have glue why Steam + Linux + WineHQ + CounterStrike FPS is 4.0, in windows i had 8006:47
AnlarBrentR: just select the hd106:47
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imbecileSeveredCross,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shredding06:47
robdemanskollie: yes it is shared06:48
ryanandheatheraa^way cuz your running it in wine?06:48
robdemanHEP85: How can I tell?06:48
BrentRAnlar: Ok, so (hd1) in the box06:48
HEP85robdeman: with cups you can add a network printer in XP with this URL: http//your.linux.ip:631/printers/yourprintername06:48
akosI have to compile a non-mainstream module (iwl4965), and I suspect it is not compatible with the new .20 kernel. How could I get an older one?06:48
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aa^waywell ryanandbeather it should run nicely..06:48
skollierobdeman: and manually specifying the network and share name in XP?06:48
eniANYONE linked UBUNTU to a TELEVISION please ?!06:48
=== runkidrun [n=runkidru@c-71-205-157-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:49
Frogzoo!caps | eni:06:49
ubotueni:: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:49
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ryanandheathercan anyone help me figure out why i have no gui? i rebooted my machine now i have only command line cntrl + alt + f7 just gives me a blinking cursor06:49
eniFrogzoo, but i dont really think noone has tried that, and it's weired no one is answering :S06:49
phi, have installed beryl on my ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn but i cant download the updates any one to rescue please?06:49
robdemanok hold: so CUPS and Samba-printer sharing is 2 different things?06:49
Anlarrobdeman: correct06:50
skollierobdeman: yes06:50
SeveredCrossryanandheather, what's your graphics card?06:50
ahornerryanandheater: type startx fromt that command06:50
CairnaWho wants to help me rescue my vista partition?06:50
SeveredCrossATI something by any chance?06:50
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SeveredCrossCairna: Why the hell would anyone in #ubuntu help you rescue Vista?06:50
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kr00lplatinumanyone know a good wireless card for gaming?06:50
CairnaPure good heartedness?06:50
robdemanOK: so I have found my CUPS printer .. CUPS has a webserver running or something at port 63106:50
ryanandheatherserveredcross: nvidia tnt, its always worked great on linux06:50
robdemanhow do I tell WinXP to use the CUPS printer?06:51
CairnaI have certain... *ahem* files that need...rescuing06:51
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SlimeyPeterobdeman: yes, that's the web interface. You can point your browser at localhost:631 to see cups info and add printers.06:51
akosrobdeman, IPP://url06:51
HEP85robdeman:  you have to add a networkj printer and somewhere you can specify the URL06:51
ahornerryanandheather: startx should work06:51
AnlarCairna: rescueing? what happened?06:51
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keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:51
runkidrunanyone familiar with tvtime? I would really like to get it runing06:51
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robdemanyeah teh printer is running06:51
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HEP85robdeman: like in my example06:51
CairnaInstalled ubuntu, gparted made a new partition. Now I can't boot to windows.06:51
ryanandheatherahorner, so i just type startx ?06:52
ubotuaa^way: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:52
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CairnaFirst it didn't show up in Grub, then I followed a guide to make it show up...Now it just keeps saying it's loaded.06:52
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:52
ahornerryanandheather: yes that should work06:52
HEP85robdeman: you can find out the URL when you browse to http://localhost:631/printers/ on your linux box06:52
aa^waythanks ScarFreewill ill give a shot06:52
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keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:52
ryanandheatherahorner: i'll give it a try, thanks06:52
ahornerryanandheather: no problem06:53
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robdemanHEP85: I found it. Does WinXP 'add printer' understand this URL?06:53
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runkidrunanyone know how to get a tv tuner working in linux?06:53
HEP85robdeman: yes it does. I also have this configuration06:53
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keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:53
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HEP85Cairna: What keeps saying that it's loaded? Vista?06:54
pcould anyone help me with my problem06:54
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:54
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ompaulrunkidrun, ask in #ubuntu-mythtv06:54
keitaredoes anyone know where i can get a working c compiler besides gcc that will actually compile an eggdrop bot06:54
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runkidrunompaul, what about tvtime, it looks nicer06:54
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danya_hello ?06:55
runkidrunompaul, or am i thinking of the wrong one?06:55
sdoubledanya: hi06:55
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BrentRAnlar: Just so I know, I'm installing Grub to (hd1) because that is my external drive, and that's where I WANT Grub to be, and not on the system drive, right?06:55
erUSUL!repeat | keitare06:55
ubotukeitare: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:55
ryanandheatherhello again, i tried startx and i get this error: virtural width (2048) is to large for the hardware06:55
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danya_sdouble : I'm having problems installing gdesklets on ubuntu feisty gnome06:55
ompaulrunkidrun, no idea06:56
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AnlarBrentR: yes06:56
ahornerryanandheather: there is a command. it reconfigures your xserver but i cant exactly remember what it is06:56
erUSULkeitare: also you will not find any compiler better than gcc i'm afraid. maybe eggdropp needs a specific (older) version? aleso eggdropp is aviable in the repos06:56
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danya_anyone ?06:56
erUSUL!info eggdrop | keitare06:57
ubotukeitare: eggdrop: Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.18-1 (feisty), package size 461 kB, installed size 1132 kB06:57
ryanandheatherahorner: im wonder why it got messed up in the first place06:57
runkidrunompaul, how would i change the resolution of the kubuntu kdm menu?06:57
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runkidrunompaul, wait, is there a kubunt channel?06:57
ahornerryanandheather: it looks like a resolution problem06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.06:57
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ompaulrunkidrun, #kubuntu06:57
BrentRAnlar: Ok, it's still installing. Sorry it's taking some time. I'm at work and have to do little things here and there. When installation completes, should I NOT restart? I am assuming that I have to change the stuff before doing so, right?06:57
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ryanandheatherso can someone give me the cmd to reconfig xserver so i can adjust my resolution?06:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:58
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AnlarBrentR: don't restart. then it's time to fix the grub :)06:58
ompaulsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:58
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erUSUL!fixres | ryanandheather06:58
uboturyanandheather: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:58
keitareerUSUL: I can't find it in the repos06:59
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:59
=== akos_ is now known as axos88
axos88I have to compile a non-mainstream module (iwl4965), and I suspect it is not compatible with the new .20 kernel. How could I get an older one?06:59
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erUSULkeitare: which version of ubuntu? also; do you have all repos enabled?06:59
Happuaxos88: did you remember to load it to kernel?06:59
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keitareerUSUL: 7.04 and yes06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:59
BrentRAnlar: Ok, I'll let you know when it's done installing. By the way, I do appreciate the help greatly07:00
Lihuuis there a way with a simple command to make all files and everything i have on my hdd to get a permission so nobody outside the computer can execute or write to it?07:00
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:00
axos88Happu, not a moron. It doesnt find some symbols07:00
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erUSULkeitare: well it is there as pointed by ubotu and i searched it here and it is there (in fact i have it instaled)07:00
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dhammaanyone know if i can left click on the gnome desktop and have the applications menu pop up?07:01
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Happuaxos88: http://kuscsik.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-install-intel-4965-wireless.html I got mine to work with this guide07:01
keitareerUSUL: i have sreached eggdrop and irc and nothing about an eggdrop shows up07:01
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erUSULkeitare: make sure you have universe enabled07:01
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:01
theshadowWhat is the package with all the g++ tools and compiler?07:02
robdemanok so my WinXP client prints straight to CUPS now07:02
keitareerUSUL: what is universe07:02
robdemanim pretty impressed by CUPS07:02
robdemanand im not using Samba here07:02
minimen_hi. I have a problem starting xsane. It gives me an error, because the software can't access /dev/video0 . Is there a way to ignore /dev/video0 when I start xsane?07:02
robdemanSamba just for filesharing07:02
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axos88Happu, what kernel are you on?07:02
FrogzooLihuu: experts can do that but you can't, things will break07:03
skollierobdeman: and printer, but I had the same problem even in ubuntu and just manually configured the share address and name and it worked07:03
Happuaxos88 I have gutsy so probably newer than yours07:03
Happumy laptop is shutdown at the moment so I can't check07:03
erUSULkeitare: a repositorie of software... you said that you have all repositories enabled when i asked07:03
HEP85robdeman: congrat!^07:03
Lihuufrogzoo you wont make a great carrer as a comedian07:03
erUSUL!repos | keitare07:03
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Happuaxos88 if I remember correctly 2.6.22-807:04
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ubotukeitare: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:04
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axos88Happu, uname -a07:04
robdemanskollie: well when I add a printer share to Samba, it doe snot show up in teh 'Printers and Faxes' folder. It does at a strange hask-key as share something like {33:de:2f ... } etc etc07:04
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tretle_I was wondering if it was possible to attach an icon to a removavble drive?07:04
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RynooWhen trying to load network-admin, I'm getting an error message:  The configuration could not be loaded You are not allowed to access the system configuration.07:04
=== banlieue [n=spiderma@j244099.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Happuaxos88 the laptop is shutdown. I07:04
Happu'm on desktop at the moment07:05
axos88Happu, oh i see07:05
skollierobdeman: but it works now so you can ignore that <smile>07:05
ahornerhow do u run a .run07:05
banlieueis there a way to change the file position nautilus chooses to make the thumbnails for video files?07:05
banlieueit seems to be approximately in the middle by default, but i'm not too sure07:05
Happuaxos88 but I'm pretty sure it's 2.6.22-8-generic07:05
SkryptI just downloaded an icon package which requires me to run a buildset. How do I do that?07:05
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axos88yeah ok07:05
surviveri've got little problem , on my ubuntu(this one) i have set up samba , so i can see my other pc (windows xp) on the network hangs a printer , but when i give him a print job (from ubuntu) he doesnt react...07:05
ahornerhow do you use a .run07:05
HEP85robdeman: I think M$  screwed up the whole network neighbourhood stuff. It never works right for me. Either it is incredibly slow or clients don't show up07:05
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RynooWhen trying to load network-admin, I'm getting an error message:  The configuration could not be loaded You are not allowed to access the system configuration. Anyone know how to fix that?07:06
axos88happu: someon suggested installing an older kernel, as it may be out of sync due to redesigns in the 2.6.20 but i guess that wasnt the problem07:06
skolliesurviver: did you install it in ubuntu?07:06
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Happuaxos88 at least try that guide which I gave you, it's a bit different from intels own. :)07:06
skollieRynoo: have you tried sudo?07:06
surviverskollie, i set up as good as possible i didnt install printer drivers .. cause its an network one07:06
Rynooskollie: yes.07:06
axos88Happu, ok07:07
=== zekopeko_ [n=zekopeko@89-172-39-150.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
axos88Happu, i'm getting this: [ 1339.966475]  iwl4965: Unknown symbol ieee80211_stop_BA_session07:07
axos88[ 1339.966580]  iwl4965: Unknown symbol ieee80211_start_BA_session07:07
=== sprash [n=sprash@e180254162.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
surviverskollie, i can see evryone in network but also cant access them for shares ... i think sonthing is blocking but dont know what07:07
Happuaxos88 do you have macprobe80211 installed and loaded?07:07
skolliesurviver: so how does it know what kind of printer to print to?07:07
robdemanI am suprised that Microsoft understands CUPS then07:07
BrentRAnlar: So wait, the reason it all messed up before is because after I unplug the drive and plug it back in, it is a different number then?07:07
robdemanso my WinXP machine has a Cups driver by default humm intresting07:07
skolliesurviver: you're sharing from xp to ubuntu?07:07
axos88not mac8021107:08
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Happuaxos88 oh, sorry mac8021107:08
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axos88Happu, yes07:08
=== Greyscale [n=Grey@host86-131-35-137.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Happuaxos88 did you link it like the guide tells?07:08
surviverskollie, i set it up from wizard in ubuntu , i pick my printer printer i go to finish he says active and when i print it aint working, yes i share from xp and ubuntu stuff07:08
AnlarBrentR: not exactly.. it's now constantly "wrong" no matter what..07:08
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axos88Happu, yes, exactly07:08
adubI am using xchat how can i get up a user list menu of the people who are in a channel07:09
HEP85robdeman: well CUPS uses IPP and this protocal is an industry standard07:09
skolliesurviver: I assume ubuntu sees it as a network printer?07:09
keitareerUSUL i installed it from repos so where do i go to start and configure it07:09
morganMy vidwrong?eo playback has been really poor quality since I installed ubuntu, anyone have an I dea whats07:09
BrentRAnlar: Ok, it's installed and I stayed in the live disc. I'm ready whenever you are!07:09
Happuaxos88 cp iwlwifi-4965.ucode /lib/firmware/`uname -r` I though you could have forgotten this but if you did it your problem sounds strange07:09
surviverskollie, yes cause it is ...07:09
SkryptHow do I do a buildscript?07:09
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Happuaxos88 lsmod shows that mac80211 is loaded?07:09
AnlarBrentR: fire up text editor from the menus..07:10
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BrentRAnlar: Ok, it's open07:10
AnlarBrentR: and also, just to make sure, pastebin me what "cat /proc/partitions" says.. and what "mount" says07:10
skolliesurviver: just checking07:10
adubcan someone tell me how to view users that are in an irc channel using xchat07:10
surviverskollie, k :)07:10
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BrentRAnlar: Do I put that into the terminal?07:10
axos88Happu, yepp07:10
AnlarBrentR: yeah. well, at least the cat one. the mount is useless to think of it actually07:11
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caveman24what program do I use to transfer my system to new hard drives when I get them?07:11
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axos88Happu, and i did that step once more07:11
axos88Happu, no change07:11
morganVideo playback is poor quality after installing Ubuntu, anyone have an idea what I should do? Driver? Codecs?07:11
pricechild!clone | caveman2407:11
ubotucaveman24: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate07:11
=== aa^way [n=erti@217-159-133-191-dsl.kvm.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
surviverskollie, i also set up this auto detect lan printer but he cant find either ..07:11
teknoflowerio sono italiano07:11
sdoubleadub: drag the bar on the right of the chat window to the left07:11
savvasI have an ext3 partition where I copied all my windows files (/dev/sda1). How do I make it writeable using a normal user (no sudo) and make it send files to trash can?07:11
=== Catoptromancy__ [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
banlieueis there a way to change the file position nautilus chooses to make the thumbnails for video files?07:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:12
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:12
Happuaxos88 do you use newest drivers? Mine works only with the once on the guide. Newer versions freezes my system.07:12
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skolliesurviver: yes, clearly related to networking, but I cannot quite work it out07:12
sdoubleadub: not the border of the window, but inside of it.  between the border of the chat window and the border of xchat07:12
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Enselic_How would I get GIMP to open images maximized?07:12
surviverskollie, then were with 2 :)07:12
axos88Happu, I started the script from zoltan, let me see, but i tried this one already yesterday07:12
adubthanks sdouble it was hidden been a while07:12
SkryptHow do I run a buildset? :) I'll give someone a cookie for their help.07:12
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axos88Happu, shit, Kernel OOPS!07:13
Happuaxos88 I would try different driver version also (the older one)07:13
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skolliesurviver: in ubuntu, can you see other stuff on your xp machine07:13
axos88Happu, what do I do now?07:13
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=== troopperi__ [n=antti@dsl-mlibrasgw1-febcc000-95.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Commander-Apeis there a screensaver which displays rss feeds? like the "rss visualizer"  on a mac?07:13
BrentRAnlar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29927/07:14
adubsdouble how do i change the color of the inside of that window the users window07:14
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BrentRAnlar: I used sdb2 for install07:14
Happuaxos88 remove the new drivers, those which you installed, and install the old ones? (modprobe -r removes the module)07:14
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erUSULkeitare: i have it instaled but i do not use it :P it has documentation in his web page07:14
adubi would also like to totally delete my left window to not show up anymore that has the servers listed07:14
sdoubleadub: not sure, I don't really mess with colors of things07:14
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piranesiI'm getting this error while installing vmware-player un uubuntu feisty.... Module vmnet is not loaded.  Please verify that it is loaded before running this script why?07:14
surviverskollie, when i go to network i see 2 places : linux (this one i can access my own shares) and i see windows network07:14
Happuaxos88 you can't loose anything by trying, can you :)07:14
axos88Happu, it froze07:15
surviverskollie, when i go farther on windows network i see mshome07:15
skolliesurviver: but can you access files on the xp machine?07:15
sdoubleadub: I moved my left bar to the bottom under View>Layout>tabs07:15
Happuaxos88 froze when you removed the modules+S07:15
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axos88yeah... after hitting enter, it just got into a new line, and froze07:15
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surviverskollie, i cant see my ubuntu at my xp so i cant really access them :p07:15
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AnlarBrentR: okay, seems fine. using text editor, make a file that contains the line "(hd0) /dev/sdb" and save it using some name.. say map.txt for instance07:15
surviverskollie, but ubuntu see the network but cant see any shares from xp07:16
AnlarBrentR: just save it on your home directory, which should be the default.. and then in the terminal..07:16
Happuaxos88 ok, so they are at least removed. You should also remove the mac80211 IMO. I'm afaird you have to push the reset button :/07:16
AnlarBrentR: sudo grub --device-map=map.txt07:16
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skolliesurviver: do you have sharing enabled on the xp side <if there is such a thing on xp>07:16
Happuaxos88 those new drivers freezed my laptop many times too :P07:16
axos88only the terminal froze07:16
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surviverskollie, there is but and its on07:16
axos88everything else is working07:16
morganplease, looking for help on video quality, it has suffered dearly since moving over to ubuntu07:17
surviverskollie, and its on*07:17
=== DAVID__ [n=chatzill@ip68-8-143-120.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Happuaxos88 oh. Check from other terminal with lsmod if the iwl4965 is removed?07:17
axos88but from experience, I should go and blacklist the modules, or else it wont reboot07:17
=== Doc_Bio [n=chatzill@cpe-76-190-205-81.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
axos88Happu, they're not07:17
BrentROk, since I'm on a live distro, where would the home directory be? Or should I save it somewhere else?07:17
AnlarBrentR: you have to be in correct directory, before grub command "ls -lF" should show your text file!07:17
Happuaxos88 mine laptop was OK with modprobe -r, but don't know about yours.07:17
skolliesurviver: then you should be able to see AND access dirs and files on the xp machine from the ubuntu machine07:17
Doc_Biohey guys...has anyone tried to get vmware-server running windows xP?07:18
axos88Happu, how do I upgrade to gutsy?07:18
dxdemetriouI tried to switch to swiftfox, then to swiftweasel, and after to mozilla's build firefox because the ubuntu's build is very slow to me. the problem is when the totem trying to play ogg theora it crashed the whole pc, but not with ubuntu's build. I wrote a thread at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1774739&forum_id=69229907:18
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Justi1what is the terminal command for switching users?07:18
surviverskollie, mzz its prob. that xp only recorgnize windows an no linux .... i taught..07:18
=== NimRod [n=nimrod@cpe-74-79-30-251.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BrentRAnlar: Ok, but what directory should I use on here? At first, I tried saving to desktop(before you said where to save it), but it's not there. So I'm not sure where I can save it07:18
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Happuaxos88 you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list . Change all feisty words to gusty. Then sudo aptitude update, sudo aptitude dist-upgrade07:19
r0b-anyone here good with webmin?07:19
pricechild!gutsy | axos8807:19
ubotuaxos88: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+107:19
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AnlarBrentR: okay, just type in to the file name field /tmp/map.txt :) that's nice. then you can "cd /tmp/" and "ls -lF" and you should see it there07:19
skolliesurviver: don't think that's the problem, but since I have not used xp for a long time, wouldn't really know07:19
Justi1what is the terminal command for switching users?07:19
Doc_Bioso I'm tryin' to get vmware-server to run windows xp...it works...but it triggers product activation every time I load it...anyone else got this?07:19
Happuaxos88 but remember, gusty is development version. Might not be stable.07:19
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francis_i got the sound working goonna work on the wlan07:19
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adubdoes anyone know how to change the users list colors in xchat07:20
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surviverskollie, well i try to start over delete all networks and retry it :) anyway thx for r time07:20
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skolliesurviver: have you googled sharing xp files with ubuntu?07:20
axos88better as not stable  than not working :)07:20
surviverskollie, iam on it right now ;)07:20
Happuaxos88 I though so too when I upgraded :) And to be honest, this is quite stable.07:20
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axos88Happu, yeah, I know, I had debian that way07:20
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pricechildaxos88 happu, gutsy in #ubuntu+1 please,07:21
BrentRAnlar: Ok, I see it in there07:21
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axos88Happu, i can see that iwl4965 was blacklisted, does that make any difference?07:21
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Happuaxos88 I guess not if it's running07:21
Happupricechild: sure07:21
skolliesurviver: good luck!07:21
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AnlarBrentR: ok, then "sudo grub --device-map=map.txt" :)07:21
surviverskollie, ty07:21
neo2k_hello! I wanted to install Windows XP via VirtualBox on my Ubuntu Feisty Fawn machine. When i'm going to accept the Licences, in the screen with the blue background, i have to push F8. But it does't work!07:21
=== _protest| [n=fabio@84-74-82-130.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
axos88oh well... i'm going to reboot now, and upgrade to gutsy after that... wish me luck...07:22
TrezkerI just installed ubuntu and discovered I can't watch youtubes, macromedia flash plugin says it doesn't support amd64. What to do?07:22
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.07:22
BrentRAnlar: Ok, I did that and it gave me the grub prompt07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
AnlarBrentR: "root (hd0,1)"07:22
Frogzooaxisys: gutsy is NOT an upgrade07:23
ShackJackHi - having some "exotic" no-sound issue.. Have an ATI chipset with integrated sound and I can't get it going - Sigmatel STAC9200 chip...  And modem shows up as possibel choice in sound config? Tried all the volume/mute stuff and thing to load in modprobe.conf, etc... ANyone have any experience getting these cards/chipsets to work...07:23
=== sorriso [n=alenis@adsl-ull-69-77.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
AnlarBrentR: and umm "setup (hd0)" :)07:23
dxdemetrioucan I disable totem from firefox?07:23
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adubdoes anyone know how to change the user list colors in xchat?07:23
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bjuptonshackkjack: can you get any sound, or is it just really really low?07:24
BrentRAnlar: Ok, I did those two things. Got the "successful" message on the second one07:24
ShackJackbjupton: No sound whatsoever - tried adjusting, mixers, etc...07:24
AnlarBrentR: okay. now it should be 100% properly installed. you can "quit", and we have to still fix the menu.lst :)07:24
=== Commander-Ape [n=bastiani@p508F19CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu []
BrentRAnlar: Ok, so just type "quit" then wait for the next step :)07:25
ShackJackMy media players act like they're plaing something --- visualizations bounce around, etc... but nada...07:25
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AnlarBrentR: quick and dirty, you can do "sudo mkdir /blabla" "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /blabla" "sudo gedit /blabla/boot/grub/menu.lst" and where ever you see hd1 change it to hd0 and save and exit the text editor, "sudo umount /blabla"07:26
=== teratoma [n=teratoma@twinlark.arctic.org] has joined #ubuntu
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teratomaso when you use aptitude or apt and it says "The following packages have been kept back:" , what does that mean?07:26
xurichI'm completely new to Ubuntu (and Linux in general), so forgive my gross ignorance: why can't I see any of the icons on my desktop? Nor do I get a menu when I right click it.07:26
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.07:26
=== aa^way [n=erti@217-159-133-192-dsl.kvm.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
ghatak_mobileHi, what is diff between ubuntu-xen-server and ubuntu-xen-desktop package ?07:26
BrentRAnlar: haha, what should "blablabla" be?07:26
m1ranyone got answer to webmin ?07:26
pricechildxurich how odd... make sure nautilus is started by doing "alt+f2", then typing nautilus into the box and pressing ok07:27
bjuptonShackjack, have you checked alsamixer?07:27
m1rwhy is not supported anymore i mean '07:27
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tritiumThe recent update to flashplugin-nonfree actually _removed_ flash support in mozilla, it seems.07:27
ShackJackbjupton: Yes, I have...07:27
Zyndromesince I am kinda newbish to Linux ... where is the emulated c_drive for Wine :/07:27
AnlarBrentR: blabla!07:27
Frogzooxurich: nautilus isn't running, but why?07:27
bbryant_ghatak_mobile, the -desktop package is just a client for xen i assume07:27
BrentRAnlar: So it really doesn't matter?07:27
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PHI've been trying to get Apache w/ PHP working for days now, and I just removed all apache/PHP packages and used tasksel to do an install of LAMP.  Starting apache gives me "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName07:27
banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar07:27
PHAny idea whats wrong, anyone/07:27
xurichFrogzoo, I have no idea.07:27
pricechildm1r, I have no idea, search the debian mailing lists07:27
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ghatak_mobilebbryant_: so i need both to run xen guests on my system ?07:27
m1rty pricechild07:27
pricechildxurich does starting nautilus fix it?07:27
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adubhow can i change the user list colors in xchat07:27
pricechilddropety_ don't irc as root.07:28
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:28
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xurichpricechild, nope. I still don't see anything.07:28
Lihuuberyl works fine on ubuntu?07:28
Happusure it does07:28
xurichI've probably broken something already.07:28
pricechildlihuu very fine, support in #ubuntu-effects07:28
bbryant_ghatak_mobile, no, if you only want to run guests i'd think you only need -desktop07:28
pricechildxurich when did they stop appearing?07:28
bbryant_unless you want to be serving the guests too07:28
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xurichI noticed it when I woke up a short while ago, but it could very well have been like that last night as well.07:29
Zyndromeso I've installed Steam with Wine, and now I need to locate the fonts folder ... thing is I am totally lost :(07:29
xurichI only just installed Ubuntu yesterday, so I may have missed it in my confusion with other things.07:29
ghatak_mobilebbryant_: right, and what would a server version do? just curious to know :)07:29
Frogzooxurich: any disks full?07:29
PHI've been trying to get Apache w/ PHP working for days now, and I just removed all apache/PHP packages and used tasksel to do an install of LAMP.  Starting apache gives me "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" - anyone have an idea whats wrong?07:29
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teratomaPH: stick a name for your machine in /etc/hosts07:29
adubdoes anyone know how i can edit user list colors in xchat07:29
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xurichI haven't tried rebooting yet, which may fix it. I just thought that I may be missing something a lot simpler.07:29
bbryant_ghatak_mobile, it would act as a server, and allow people to ocnnect to virtual machines07:29
BrentRAnlar: Do I have to change the (hd0) to a 1 also? Like the one that points to Windows?07:30
teratomaPH: there might be something next to the "" line07:30
PHZyndrome: its in your home folder, its just hidden.  Browse to /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c07:30
xurichSo I'll go try that now.07:30
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PHand from there it navigates like windows07:30
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AnlarBrentR: oh, that. yes!07:30
xurichThanks for the assistance, bbiab07:30
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BrentRAnlar: So basically, switch them all to the opposite!07:30
banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar07:30
ShackJackAnyone have experience getting the Sigmatel STAC9200 integrated ATI sound working?07:30
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eifzonWhat kernel shall i use if i got a Intel Core 2 duo? I am using 2.6.20-16-generic atm07:31
pricechildeifzon that's fine07:31
BrentRAnlar: Ok, dumb question. The format is (hd0,0) Do I change it just to (hd1,0)?07:31
ghatak_mobilebbryant_: right, I only want to run Xen machines on my system, but i want to be able to communicate with those machines from anywhere i-e networking setup in them. Would i need xen-server in that case ?07:31
brunnerwould someone be willing to help me with my wireless connection?  My AP works fine, and it seems like my NIC associates, but I can't pass packets.07:31
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AnlarBrentR: yes, touch just the first number07:31
pricechildeifzon optimisations are loaded on the fly... no need for different kernels07:31
brunnerit's just WPA Personal07:31
PHteratoma: ive got hosts open right now, it shows localhost and my machine name, what do I need to change?07:31
eifzonpricechild, ok07:31
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AnlarPH: likely /etc/hostname at least, also /etc/domainname or something like that.07:32
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adubhow do i get rid of the red line in xchat07:32
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baikonurbrunner: does it work without encryption?07:33
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brunnerbaikonur: I haven't tried on this AP because there are other users, but it works fine on other unencrypted APs, yes07:33
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BrentRAnlar: Ok, I've unmounted, and everything07:34
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baikonurbrunner: you're sure you have the right key and there is no mac filter enabled on the AP?07:34
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baikonurbrunner: you can debug the authentication process if you use wpa_supplicant with -d option07:34
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brunnerbaikonur: no mac filter, and to enter the key I'm using iwconfig eth1 key s:<ascii key>07:34
m1rpricechild ; http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=34389707:34
PHAnlar, teratoma: apparently apache is starting and stopping correctly, as it seems to be working fine - im still getting that message though - all im using this server for is previewing PHP web pages, should I even worry about it?07:34
AnlarBrentR: ok, that should be it if my memory serves right. when you reboot your computer might insist on booting fromthe internal hdd.. there should be a bios setting for that, or some button like F8 F10 F12 or similar will give you a menu for selecting from which device to boot07:35
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onGino_BayHey everybody ... hey to be so n00berish but ... long story short I have no 'make' command.  "bash: make: command not found"07:35
AnlarPH: relax. :)07:35
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banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar07:35
PHAnlar - haha, I figured.  Thank you for your help and patience.07:35
brunnerbaikonur: so I'm assuming that it generates the correct hex key07:35
BrentRAnlar: Yeah, I DO know how to change boot order. I've used the bios for plenty of stuff over the years. So that's one thing I can do!07:35
PHonGino_Bay: sudo apt-get install make07:35
baikonurbrunner: do you know for sure that WPA-PSK works that way with iwconfig? do you connect that way to other wpa encrypted networks? if not try using wpa_supplicant07:35
AnlarBrentR: okay, then.. go test it out :)07:35
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danya_how do I use the cache command ?07:35
BrentRAnlar: Well, if it works, I'll be back. If not, I'll boot into live distro again and THEN I'll be back!07:36
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nisku86Hey there, I have a problem, Ubuntu 7.04 blocks my Fujistu Siemens Laptop without any signs beforehand07:36
onGino_BayPH - thanks!07:36
PHonGino_Bay - no worries, mate07:36
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GaryParrinstalled feisty using alternate CD to use LVM... was wondering what the "lvm" service was under system > admin > services. IT isn't "activated"... so what is this "service" ???07:36
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brunnerbaikonur: no, I haven't tried getting it to work with other WPA-PSK APs07:37
brunnerbaikonur: I will look into wpa_supplicant07:37
ConnyHey guys. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on a HP NetServer LS and have at the moment problems with configuring the SCSI CD ROM device, he does not want to boot from it. Anyone an idea?07:38
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baikonurbrunner: aptitude install wpasupplicant07:38
ConnyI can get to the SCSI setup by pressing Ctrl + A07:38
Connybut then I have no idea how to go on07:38
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baikonurbrunner: you find example configuration files under /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant you can call wpa_supplicant via /etc/network/interfaces later, but at first I would try it on the commandline07:39
brunnerbaikonur: it's already installed07:39
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Connywhen I put in the Edubuntu CD (which continues the server edition, right?) he shows me he has an bootable CD ROM on the Thoshiba CD ROM device, but after showing "Bios sucessfully installed" he holds and the keyboard is dead.07:40
Zyndromewell then, have anyone got the ATI driver to work with Radeon X850XT cards on Ubuntu? ;/07:40
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GaryParranyone know what the lvm "service" is in system > admin > services ?07:41
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z3r0xhi guys07:41
brunnerbaikonur: Ideally, this would work using the NetworkManager applet, but I thought I'd try getting it working at the command line first.  This all works fine when I boot from the Live CD, btw, and it worked fine after I installed ubuntu, but stopped some time after a big apt-get upgrade07:41
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z3r0xdoes anybody know how gnome terminal does change the title dynamically? i want to use it with eterm07:42
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baikonurbrunner: I don't use NetworkManager, so all I can tell you is configuration via the command line07:42
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baikonurbrunner: now you have to create your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and then run wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf with the -D and -i option adapted to your setting07:43
mylo__any tips on getting sound to work one the windows virtual machine?  when i start it i get "vmware failed to open sound device /dev/dsp device or resource busy".  i found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=331175&page=3 based on that i installed alsa-oss, but i'm still getting the same error when i power on the virtual machine07:43
zmeiat_joromy problem with nvidia-glx: apaprently I had to use nvidia-xconfig because I use 6.10 and to only thing it did seems to be replacing "nv" with "nvidia" in xorg.conf07:43
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brunnerbaikonur: thanks, I'm working on the config07:44
weboidezmeiat_joro  you should use envy to set up your nvidia card drivers, it's easy and clear07:44
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banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar07:44
ZombieWhere do I go to talk to Packagers?07:44
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AnlarZombie: you saw "300" ? the priests? they are a bit like that.. how much gold do you have with you?07:45
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brunnerbaikonur: wait, I'm supposed to be adjusting /etc/wpa or wpa_supplicant.conf ?07:45
baikonurbrunner: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/wpa-psk-tkip.conf is probably what you can use as a start if you use WPA-TKIP and SSID broadcasting is enabled07:45
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brunnernever mind07:45
zmeiat_joroit wasn't mentioned anywhere in what i found07:45
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weboideyep, it's called envy07:45
baikonurbrunner: /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf don't know what /etc/wpa is07:46
ZombieNone, but I do have SRPMs of applications that they need./07:46
PHAnlar, teratoma: Apache is now running fine with PHP/MySQL - thanks for your help :D07:46
rogue780Do more people use Mac OS, or Linux?07:46
weboidei've tried it and it worked perfect07:46
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BrentRAnlar: It worked! I went through and made sure that Windows would boot when the drive wasn't plugged in, and even tried unplugging and plugging back in. It booted perfectly, and I'm now doing this from inside the installation!07:46
baikonurbrunner: normally you have to create it yourself based on the example configuration I just linked you to07:46
zmeiat_jororofue780: it's about equal, i think07:46
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rogue780zmeiat_joro, thanks07:46
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AnlarBrentR: you realize that in some parallel universe you likely just paid 500 dollars for the consultation?07:47
BrentRAnlar: you've just helped me fix something that NOBODY has been able to figure out, so I GREATLY appreciate it07:47
BrentRAnlar: haha, probably!07:47
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AnlarBrentR: :P I don't do this often, my head just explodes usually07:47
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AnlarBrentR: if you spend a few minutes/hours pondering what you just did, you will understand it all..07:47
brunnerbaikonur: alright, the config is saved07:48
BrentRAnlar: I'd say that I hope I can help down the road, but you likely know more then I will for a long while about this. I've been stuck to Windows for my whole life due to my profession07:48
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AnlarBrentR: professions suck. :)07:48
BrentRAnlar: yes, I am doing some reading, and going to learn the terminal and such. There are a couple of good websites that I'm going to read through. And I'm at Barnes and Noble all the time07:48
Doc_BioI'm stuck with windows for work too....07:48
Otacon22wich signal i have to send to a process to close it immediatly?07:48
Doc_Bio...would like to break free... 'cause ubuntu just looks cool.07:49
BrentRAnlar: I actually love my profession. I have a REAL job here at a radio station network, and then I work in audio production elsewhere too07:49
baikonurbrunner: you have to find out which driver you have to use. see the output of wpa_supplicant when you start it without any options07:49
AnlarOtacon22: -9 is the most brutal one07:49
burnerDoc_Bio, ther'es alwyas vmware virtualbox for the rare programs you "need"07:49
Otacon22Anlar, don't kill it :/07:49
BrentRAnlar: So I wouldn't trade this profession for anything. I used to be a waiter for 8 years. Now THAT sucked07:49
softnoelIs there a way to use a customized xconfig with the liveCD? It needs a special option to prevent garbage on my monitor.07:49
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burnerDoc_Bio, virtualbox.org07:49
weboideive been trying for hours to get ubuntu working with dual-screen at work, but no success,  it was something dealing with frequencies07:49
baikonurbrunner: what wlan device are you using and which driver?07:49
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MrKeunerhi, why does firefox recently began showing up in local or obsolote packages part in synaptic?07:50
AnlarBrentR: ahh. yeah. well, I'm more like in CIO line and such.. and it blows imho chunks07:50
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brunnerbaikonur: ipw is for me07:50
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brunnerbaikonur: I'm running ipw220007:50
teratomaso when you use aptitude or apt and it says "The following packages have been kept back:" , what does that mean?07:50
Doc_Biocan it run windows programs that require USB hardware keys?07:50
BrentRAnlar: Anyways, I'm going to go get some work done that I've put off for two days while figuring this out. Do know that your help is appreciated! And yeah, I can understand what you're saying about your job. I'm blessed, IMO to have the job I have07:50
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weboidehi fevel07:51
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baikonurbrunner: well then it's wpa_supplicant -d -Dipw -iNameofInterface -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf07:51
fevelI set up mu wificard with ndswrapper07:52
BrentRAnlar: Thanks again man, and I'll probably see you in here again sometime! Cheers!07:52
baikonurbrunner: -d is for debugging. -dd adds verbosity07:52
brunnerbaikonur: will this create a new interface, or do I specify the interface of my wireless nic?07:52
fevelbut how do I disconnect from a wifi network??07:52
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kr00lplatinumanyone know a great wireless card for gaming?07:52
baikonurbrunner: you specfiy the interface of you wireless nic. that what ifconfig or iwconfig shows07:52
brunnerbaikonur: thanks07:52
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BrentRAnlar: Next step after I get some work done- get my wireless networking to work! Woohoo!07:52
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raf256each time I have to do rmmod foo ; modprobe foo model=bar   how to do it automaticly on boot? Debian. Its a sound card07:52
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bl84teratoma: i think it means that there are missing dependencies needed to upgrade07:53
BrentRAnlar: Ok, see ya later07:53
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brunnerbaikonur: good lord, that's alot of output. should I be piping this somewhere?07:53
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baikonurbrunner: no, you can remove the -d option if you don't want to se the output. but then you don't know what's going on if it's not working already07:54
savvasdoes anyone remember what is the option that is supposed to be off/disabled for nvidia agp cards to show correctly the resolution in gnome? something with TwinView.. ?07:54
Connyanyone an idea about my scsi problem?07:54
brunnerbaikonur: I meant that it scrolls too quickly07:54
brunnerbaikonur: is this stdout or stderr?07:55
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brunneror maybe it's both07:55
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weboidesavvas: you can use the nvidia settings program instead07:55
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teratomabl84: so i can manually install those without destroying my system?07:55
baikonurbrunner: if it is working it should come to an end07:55
alexitohi i want to install ubuntu.. on my pc i got installed windows already i want to have both os07:56
savvasweboide: negative, it usually breaks my configuration :\07:56
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alexitoi have one hard drive with 20gb free how i make a partition in that hd with the ubuntu cd?07:56
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baikonurbrunner: you should see something about a successfull association and 4-way handshake07:57
brunnerbaikonur: it doesn't. I keep getting "ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported"07:57
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weboidesavvas: you can "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"  and edit the Modes in the Section "Screen" in it,  ive done that and it worked fine07:57
baikonurbrunner: try -wext as the driver07:57
brunneris there any way to pipe stdout AND stderr to the same file?07:57
bl84teratoma: yes if apt will let you, but it has been a while since i dealt with that07:57
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baikonurbrunner: -Dwext07:57
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baikonurbrunner: isn't that something like &> or &&>?07:58
brunnerI think so07:58
brunnerI'm not really sure07:58
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Nickebrunner: command > file 2>&1   (iirc)07:59
brunnerbaikonur: is the process supposed to come to and end, or is it supposed to just chill with a cursor when it calms down?07:59
brunnerNicke: thanks!07:59
rbs-titoI'm having some trouble opening Open Office in Feisty, it says it has an internal error07:59
Nickebrunner: np :)08:00
baikonurbrunner: chill with a cursor. it's just for testing that you call wpa_supplicant that way08:00
un4gethey, right now im working with the LIve CD, after I installed the nVidia drivers via restricted driver manager my screen got black after the restart and now i cant do nuttin08:00
weboiderbs-tito: have you tried reinstall with synaptic ?08:00
un4getis there a way for me to unable what i did?08:00
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rbs-titoweboide: Yes, and there has also been an update since then but it still doesn't work.08:01
brunnerbaikonur: iwconfig shows a MUCH longer hex key now, which is what I expected08:01
brunnerwould expect08:01
weboiderbs-tito: and deleting and installing again, maybe ?08:01
brunnerrather, I couldn't figure out why iwconfig eth1 key s:blahblah would yield such a short key08:01
brunnerfor WPA08:01
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brunnerbaikonur: should I client getting a dhcp lease now?08:01
rbs-titoIf I try to start it from the terminal I get this http://pastebin.ca/61937808:02
un4getI have ubuntu installed on my system, but after i installed the GEforce drivers my screen turned black and now i need to remove the option i did (Restricted Driver manager)08:02
baikonurbrunner: yeah, probably08:02
brunnerSweet! It works!08:02
brunnerbaikonur is my hero!08:02
ladislaiothere is a missmatch with the nvidia drivres right now un4get08:03
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brunnerbaikonur: thank you so much08:03
un4getok, but how can i undo what i did?08:03
brunnerthat had been a pain in my ass for over a week now08:03
un4getor i have to reinstall again?!08:03
ladislaioun4get, do you have a terminal?08:03
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enihow do u play music from my laptop to my TV speakers, what kind of connection shouold i do? i thought that the coax would work, but its for display only, as i can see ! ?!08:03
un4getonly if i press "0" at start and use recovery mod08:03
un4getbut i dont know what to do there08:04
banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar08:04
ladislaioun4get, you said you were using a live cd?08:04
un4getnow i am yes08:04
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tepossinohi there im a newbie , i have a probl with screen resolution configuration08:04
ladislaioun4get, can you open the root folder of your installed system?08:04
baikonurbrunner: you're welcome. you should configure it via /etc/network/interfaces now. "view /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz" will show you the available options08:04
tepossinoby default i get 800x60008:05
un4getlemme check, sec08:05
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magnetroneni: that's not really a Ubuntu question, but i will give you a hint. You will have to connect the sound card of the computer to the TV sound input somehow.08:05
un4getthe root dir?08:05
un4getor somethin else?08:05
weboiderbs-tito: ive found something telling to remove the point of this directory ~/.openoffice.org2  (so it should be ~/openoffice.org2)  or sthg like that08:05
tepossinoi have booted into recovery mode08:05
ladislaioun4get, no just the drive you installed to08:05
un4geti dont know where is it...08:05
enimagnetron, its not that i have to put a connector at the headphone thing ?08:05
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un4getit was from the driver manager thing08:05
baikonurbrunner: but basically all you need is wpa-driver wext (if that is what you were using when it was successful) and wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf in the section for your wlan interface08:06
tepossinothe ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:06
bl84tepossino: what graphics card do you have08:06
tepossinothat took me into the screen resolution config utility08:06
ladislaioun4get, you should have a /media/sdaX (or more) icons on your desktop08:06
magnetroneni: maybe, it's impossible for me to answer that without knowing how your system looks like.08:06
joshritgercan anyone help me with ripping a cd to mp3 format with sound juicer? I have it working, but it wont let me edit the profiles oh and this is on ubuntu 7.0408:06
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tepossinoi selected a vesa and 1280 etc.08:06
un4getok, where to go there?08:07
tepossinothen rebooted08:07
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tepossinoand that worked08:07
ladislaioopen these until you get one that has folders such as /home /etc /usr and such in it un4get08:07
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ladislaioun4get, if that is the only one, open it08:07
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enimagnetron, what do you want to know ?08:07
tepossinoif i reboot a second time my settings are lost08:07
baikonurbrunner: if you are using dhcp and not static ip addresses then you probably need to start the wpa_supplicant before the dhcp request is started. I'm not sure how do that. You probably need to ask someone else or search the web for an answer08:07
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enimagnetron, thats my laptop : http://www.notebookcheck.net/Short_Presentation_Fujitsu-Siemens.280.0.html08:07
killazhi ubuntu I have a question about the Feisty+MythTV installation manual..08:07
tepossinoi guest the system does some automatic reconfig of the x window08:07
un4getok , and which folder inside?08:07
killazI have chosen the part..08:07
enimagnetron, i configured xorg.conf so i can see whats happening at my screen through the TV, but not hear !08:07
tepossinooh its a SIS08:08
ladislaioun4get, you want to go to etc08:08
killazsudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules-source08:08
tepossinorelatively old box08:08
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Aggort_Can anyone here help me with getting Azureus to run without NAT errors since the support in the Azureus channel is lacking08:08
un4getok and..08:08
magnetroneni: try connecting to the headphone connector08:08
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ladislaioun4get, and from etc you want to click on X1108:08
enimagnetron, yeah, but which kind of cable?08:08
killazbut still I'm not gettin the chance to choose for Install the package maintainer's version.08:08
ladislaioun4get, so you should be at /media/sda1/etc/X11/08:08
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killazis there a way to force this?08:09
larson9999that stupid keyring message i get on one of my machines is ticking me off.08:09
ladislaioun4get, or something like that08:09
cyanacthello, what model is dell's next-gen-n wifi card? does it need ndiswrapper or that crap or does it work nicely natively?08:09
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kitcheAggort_: opne the ports on your router that it needs if you have a router08:09
ladislaioun4get, open up the file xorg.conf08:09
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bl84tepossino: ubuntu doesn't automatically reconfigure xorg, so that isn't it i don't think08:09
tomassohello, I have a /dev/video0 device but the webcam software I tried eriga and some others show video but its grey, and i can see like the shape of my face08:09
Aggort_kitche: Hey man, you helped me out a great bit before!08:09
magnetroneni: an audio cable, ask in your local electrical shop. they will be able to help you.08:09
tepossinohmmm what can it be then_08:09
tomassoany ideas on how to fix it?08:09
ladislaioun4get, find the section labled 'device'08:09
enimagnetron, i have one of the IPOD08:09
killazanyone can help me here with MythTV08:09
Aggort_kitche: Hey i tried that in the terminal got a syntax error, so i am confused about the whole thing08:09
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magnetroneni: i cannot help you more than that08:10
ladislaioun4get, or you could dump the entire thing into the pastebin and i would fix it08:10
enimagnetron, its like one cable in one side, that splits into 3 others, 2 sound left right, and a video !08:10
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ladislaioun4get, xorg.conf that is08:10
enimagnetron,  ok thanks a lot08:10
ralphohow come ubuntu still uses ndiswrapper when everyone else have native working suse sabayon lots08:10
cyanacthello, what model is dell's next-gen-n wifi card? does it need ndiswrapper or that crap or does it work nicely natively?08:10
un4getthank u08:10
tepossinobasically after a reboot it goes back to the original confg that is 800x60008:10
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un4geti dont have premission from here to do that08:11
un4geti cant delete it08:11
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bl84tepossino: when you go to adjust the screen resolution in gnome does it have higher resolutions?08:11
ladislaioralpho, partly because ndiswrapper is how you get some wifi cards to work.  it maters on the chipset.  for suse and sabayon i still have to use the wrapper08:11
magnetronralpho: Ubuntu has native for many cards... when else, they try with ndiswrapper too. i use madwifi-ng myself08:11
ladislaioun4get, then you need to log in as root.08:11
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ladislaioun4get, open a terminal08:11
osotogariHi all, Does anyone know how to find out my SATA hard drive info, model, manufacturer etc on Ubuntu 7.0408:11
ralphoi have bcm43xx works fine in those not here08:11
un4getwhats the "delete" command called?08:11
kitcheAggort_: what do you mean you tried in the terminala nd it failed?08:11
matt_____un4get: rm08:11
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ConnyHow can I jumper a scsi CD ROM drive a zero?08:11
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matt_____un4get: as well as rmdir, rm -r08:12
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Aggort_kitche: I found commands at the Azureus wiki and when I did what the wiki said it failed08:12
weboidetepossino:  have you tried changing manually the xorg.conf file ?08:12
Aggort_witha  syntax erroe08:12
osotogariHi all, Does anyone know how to find out my SATA hard drive info, model, manufacturer etc on Ubuntu 7.0408:12
Nickeosotogari: sudo hdparm -I /dev/hdX08:12
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tepossinoif after a the reboot my screen resol is 1280x760 my option are 1280x760 and 800x60008:12
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enimagnetron, i think that the S-VIDEO transfers the audio too, maybe i have just to configure smth in my ubuntu08:12
Nickeosotogari: And no need to repeat the question :)08:13
osotogarithanks Nicke08:13
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kitcheAggort_: do you have a router?08:13
Nickeosotogari: You're welcome08:13
osotogarigot ya ;)08:13
ladislaioun4get, type 'gksu <what the file mananger you use is>'08:13
magnetroneni: SVIDEO only transfers video08:13
enimagnetron, ugh :(08:13
tepossinoif after the reboot the screen goes back to 800x600 my options become 800x600 640x...08:13
weboidetepossino:  have you tried changing manually the xorg.conf file ?08:13
Aggort_kitche: Yes, and the PC I am running Ubuntu off of is the one that the router gets it's signal from to send out through my place08:13
Wizardo55I'm a total linux newbie, but I am trying to install ubuntu on my laptop (dell inspiron 6400), and I chose install with driver CD, but ran into a fatal error: "no screens found"08:13
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Wizardo55is there anything I can do about that?08:14
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kitcheAggort_: so your saying the router is really acting as a switch since routers can give you NAT errors also if the ports are opened08:14
danny3793im having a problem with updating/installing anything with Synaptic, its telling me the connection is refused and i dont know why, im able to surf the internet just fine08:14
kitchedanny3793: read the topic08:15
magnetronWizardo55: you could try to do an "alternate" install, using the alternate cd instead. that's the common solution to graphics problems during install08:15
akioi have a question about how to change the number of vieworts in ubuntu08:15
DM|Anyone know how to play SWF videos ? waht codec?08:15
tepossinoyes i have tried that . that was my first attempt. no success at all with that, so i thought of going into recovery mode and run the dpkg-reconfigure and as i said that works but the setting remains for just one session , if i reboot a second time it goes back to 800x60008:15
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danny3793kitche: what topic..08:15
magnetronDM| it's flash08:15
kitchedanny3793: nvm it seems to be removed lol the repos were haven't trouble before08:15
Aggort_kitche: Sorry should have said it was a wireless router08:15
ksivajihow to change screen resolution08:15
Wizardo55thanks magnetron: I'll try that08:15
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DM|magnetron well i have a swf video and vnc nor totem will play it08:15
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akiosudo nvidia-settings08:16
weboideksivaji: sudo nvidia-settings08:16
danny3793im able to do scans and such with my network tools, surf the internet, use GAIM, everything but update/install new software08:16
akiothen save to xorg.conf08:16
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MrKeunerhi, why did firefox recently begin showing up in local or obsolote packages part in synaptic?08:16
kitchedanny3793: as I said the repos might be still acting up in the topic they said that the servers were down but they removed it08:16
danny3793W: Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.41~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb   Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)08:16
MrKeunerdoes it depend on the repository mirror I am using?08:17
trakieI would like to make my ext3 partition bigger, can this be done?08:17
ksivajisudo: nvidia-settings: command not found08:17
kitchedanny3793: ok that seems like your using a proxy :)08:17
akiocan you change the nuber of viewports easily?08:17
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DM|Cancel that, Anyone know a Fraps equivilent ?08:17
danny3793kitche: how do i get rid of it? i installed one the other day (didnt think it was going to run without me telling it to)08:17
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weboideksivaji: try  "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and there in the screen section, you add resolution modes08:18
jerbearcan someone help me regarding alsa?08:18
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ksivajiweboide ya i got thank you for help08:18
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kitchedanny3793: remove it however you installed it or stop it from running since usually if you see in a connection thing that means your most likely using a proxy that is not configured corrrectly08:18
weboidelol that was quick08:18
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tepossinoi cannot believe this thing does not do some sort of automated video card or screen resolution recognition at startup, how would it change then, something must be changing the settings in the xorg.conf08:19
akoshello! partition manager under linux?08:19
danny3793kitche: i installed it through synaptic, ima have to find it in there >.<08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpartman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
MrKeunerakos: gparted08:19
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bl84tepossino: it could be a bug08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about viewports - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
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akosHeh... "since gparted can be a weapon of mass destruction, only root can run it" :))08:20
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jerbeari'm using feisty on a dell dimension xps with an audigy sound card. when i plug headphones into the front jack, sound comes through them, but sound still comes out of the speakers. anyone have any ideas?08:20
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tepossinou can download the iso of the gparted live cd08:21
tepossinoand use that08:21
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akromykcan anyone point me to a server/channel where I can get info on volt-ohm meter settings for computer repair?08:22
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jerbeari'm using feisty on a dell dimension xps with an audigy sound card. when i plug headphones into the front jack, sound comes through them, but sound still comes out of the speakers. anyone have any ideas?08:22
tepossinooh btw what is feisty08:22
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matt_____when is pidgin going to hit the repos?08:23
trakiefeisty is ubuntu 7.0408:23
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kitchematt_____: when gutsy comes out08:23
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tepossinoah ok thats the codename for the release?08:23
matt_____kitche: which is soon, isn't it? october, i should think???08:23
JRWRive got a HD, that is on a IDE controller that my bios wont boot off of, and ive got a windows HD on the BIOS controller, how would i go about booting the HD on the IDE controller (ITE8212)08:23
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jerbeari've been trying to figure out this problem since breezy... i really need some help :(08:24
kitchematt_____: correct hich is couple of months away08:24
matt_____kitche: well, not too much longer :)08:24
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AdamantinusHi folks. I need help regarding an Asus WL138G V2 wireless PCI card. I've followed the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=6e5e6ae1852312a13555fc18705a344d&t=288341&highlight=wl-138g and it sees the hardware fune, but if I do an iwconfig, says my access point is invalid and has nothing in the ESSID field.08:25
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danny3793kitche: i think i installed an anonymous proxy, but i cant seem to find it now....:(08:25
osotogaridoes anyone know of some hard drive diagnostic apps?08:25
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matt_____danny3793: you talking about tor and privoxy?08:25
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EnquestI'm having problems with sdpif iec958 the sound is distorted can somebody help?08:26
kitcheAdamantinus: you have to configure everything either though network-manager or iwconfig man iwconfig will tell you the way to do it for iwconfig08:26
clopis there some program i can get so i can switch xmms to the next song on my gnome panel?08:26
hammedhaaretHi. what is the copy command? like.... copying a file from one place to another08:26
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Aggort_Kitche: any ideas about ym NAT error08:26
kitchelop there is a plugin for it but don't know it's name since I kinda left xmms1 behind08:26
AdamantinusHmmk kitche, will check it out08:26
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danny3793matt: no, im trying to fix my package manager/update manager/add and remove app, i cant install/update any apps through those programs, its saying its failing to connect to or w.e08:26
baikonurbrunner: what you need is probably "pre-up": "pre-up wpa-driver wext" etc. in your /etc/network/interfaces08:27
trakiehammedhaaret: cp08:27
kitcheclop that one message for you :)08:27
baikonurbrunner: what's your status on that?08:27
kitcheAggort_: so your modem is connected right to your computer with ubuntu on it?08:27
jerbeardo i have to beg? :(08:27
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Aggort_and then of course from there into my wireless router08:27
banlieueis there a way to replace the function of the icons in Nautilus? more specifically, I want the "Search" icon to trigger something other than changing the address bar to a search bar08:27
hammedhaarettrakie: thx... cp and then the path to the file i wanna copy and then path to where it's pasted right?08:27
weboidei can't remember the command line to run a program with alsa-oss ... -_-08:27
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kitcheAggort_: ah ok you might have to login to the modem to configure it depending if it's a modem/router and not just a router since the wireless router shouldn't matter08:28
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AmericanweinerHello all08:28
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trakiehammedhaaret: yes thats right08:28
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danny3793is localhost/ supposed to be in 'Network Proxy Preferences' -> Advanced Configuration -> Ignore host list?08:28
Aggort_kitche: Alright08:28
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Dj-avuhow to install openvpn with apt-get in ubuntu?08:28
matt_____danny3793: huh, don't ask me then :) I have no clue. but i can tell you that ip address is your own, when it should probably be the update server08:28
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jerbeari'm using feisty on a dell dimension xps with an audigy sound card. when i plug headphones into the front jack, sound comes through them, but sound still comes out of the speakers. anyone have any ideas?08:28
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matt_____danny3793: maybe make sure port 4001 is open in your router/ubuntu?08:29
kitcheAggort_: I disabled my firewall on my dsl modem since it's a pain but it's connected to a router directly instead08:29
Adamantinuskitche, I change the essid in iwconfig and it makes zero difference, even though it gives no error08:29
baikonurjerbear: you just have to come back when there is somebody that knows an answer to your question. you probably could reach more people if you post your question in a specific forum on e.g. ubuntuforums.org08:29
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danny3793matt: it is trying to connect to the update server, lemme get you the error lol08:29
bl84tepossino: you could try renaming xorg.conf and regenerating it with dpkg-reconfigure maybe08:29
matt_____danny3793: ok08:29
danny3793W: Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.41~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb08:29
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)08:29
kitcheAdamantinus: what does your ap say in iwconfig though?08:29
kitcheAdamantinus: if you wanted you could do iwlist scan08:29
Aggort_kitche: Really, if I could just disable the firewall and install my own, that would be great, but I'd like to get this NAT error fixed first obviously.08:30
AdamantinusIt says no scan results for iwlist scan... as for the first question, what do you mean by ap?08:30
kitcheAggort_: yeah but check the modem first since it might be setup as a router also08:30
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kitcheAggort_: many modems are actually modem/router08:30
Aggort_kitche: How do I check that08:30
AmericanweinerDoes anyone know why I don't have sound except for internal synth sound (beeps). My soundcard is listed in the hardware and I've checked alsamixer, but Volume Monitor isn't moving. this has happened on two different computers08:30
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Aggort_kitche: This modem is old, I really doubt it's a router08:31
Americanweineror where to begin looking08:31
danny3793matt: it worked fine until today when i tried to update wine, i think i installed an anon proxy yesterday, and now i cant find it to uninstall it08:31
AdamantinusIf you mean access point, it says "Invalid" and ESSID is blank.08:31
tepossinojoin #italia08:31
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ferronicahow do i print photo ,i have 4 x 6 postcard size paper for printing photo ?08:31
CTho$ uname -a08:31
CThoLinux chris-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 19:00:28 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:31
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kitcheAggort_: you go to the ip of the router and should take you to a web interface08:31
CThowhich package has the source & config for my kernel?08:31
Aggort_kitche: It's from 2002 I believe, but how do i check it anyway08:31
IceLinkdoes anybody know the package-name of "opengl developer package" if existing?08:31
Aggort_kitche: lol sorry bout that08:31
CTholinux-source-2.6.20 ?08:32
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kitcheAggort_: 2002 isn't that old :)08:32
cleverCTho: i beleive the config is at /proc/config area08:32
CThowill it have a corresponding .config?08:32
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CThoclever: i don't have a /proc/config :-\08:32
cleveror somewhere near that08:32
Aggort_Old enough considering how advanced routers and modems have gotten ^_~08:32
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kitcheAdamantinus: do this sudo iwconfig <device> ap any08:32
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kitcheAdamantinus: it should use the best ap near you08:33
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Aggort_kitche: I;m at the interface, hell I have the ip of my router bookmarked lol08:33
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AdamantinusIt can't find my access point. I know the access point is on and working because I'm using wired on it right now, and I know it's in range because in Windows, it picks it up with plenty of reception.08:34
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AdamantinusIt seems like the card just can't find the access point.08:34
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Aggort_kitcheL should I ahve it running as an access point08:34
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kitcheAggort_: are you in the router or the modem lol08:35
kitcheAggort_: since if your directly connected to the modem you don't have to touch the wireless router08:35
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CThoclever: I can't find any file like that ;(08:35
Aggort_Well i don;t know how to access my modem08:35
CThohopefully linux-source-2.6.20 will have what i need08:35
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cleverCTho: yeah i cant find it on my end either:S08:35
clevermight also be under /boot/08:35
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Flannel!kernel | CTho08:36
ubotuCTho: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild08:36
cleverCTho: yeah i see several config's there08:36
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FlannelThat's the best way to get the source08:36
kitcheAggort_: lol if your router is try
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Aggort_kitche: D'OH08:36
CThoFlannel: and that'll give me an identical kernel (and initrd, if applicable) to what i'm currently using?08:36
cleverkitche: i come across alot too08:36
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roger21hello, my windows machine ask me for a login/password when i try to access shared folders on my ubuntu machine, why is that ?08:36
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FlannelCTho: right08:37
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CThoFlannel: excellent, thanks08:37
kitcheclever: seems odd how
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kitcheclever: bah hit enter to soon08:37
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digitsI have a problem, i get horrendous errors in X if i set vga=normal and remove splash from grub - but i get the correct colors in console if i do, not if i have them there... any suggestions?08:37
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frost0how do i change my kdm resolution for the login menu?08:37
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frost0my desktop is fine, just kdm08:38
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Aggort_kitche: I did just read a setting in my router though. NAT is enabled, but UPNP is disabled08:38
CTholooks like this is going to take a few hours to download :(08:38
CThotime warner gives me 384Kbps to bandwidth test sites, and ~80Kbps to the rest of the web08:38
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Aggort_kitche: shouldn't I enable UPNP?08:39
kitcheAggort_: well you need NAT if your serving a lot of computers or more then one :) and uPNP is no good anyhow08:39
IceLinkanyone here using Irrlicht?08:39
BlackAnthraxCTho: ha, of course! hmm...well, what are you trying to download? it may be the site, but im sure you have tested everything08:39
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Aggort_kitche: Just making sure, I just remembered reading it from the Wiki about UPNP08:39
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vantskerf a new exploit for linux kernel 2.6.21 : http://www.idpz.net/ares/sploit_linux2.6.21-2 :'(08:39
Aggort_kitche: I tried going to my modem it's still loading08:40
CThoBlackAnt1rax: i've tried a bunch of sites; right now i'm waiting for 48MB of kernel source from security.ubuntu.com08:40
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BlackAnthraxCTho: well that sucks...any availible other isps?08:40
Nylehas anyone managed to get the mana world game compiled under feisty?  I recieve this error:  gui/gui.cpp:202: error: class gcn::FocusHandler has no member named applyChanges | make[2] : *** [tmw-gui.o]  Error 1.08:40
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CThocompetition in the ISP market?  that's a funny idea! ;)08:40
Nyledoes this mean that the problem is with the upstream release of tmw?08:41
atdt_After installing GLX, OpenGl things don't work. They just have a blank screen. How do I fix this?08:41
CThoBlackAnt1rax: it's only been bad for the past couple days.  usually it's fast... i'll give it some more time before i look at switching to DSL08:41
frost0how can i adjust the resolution of my kdm login screen08:41
Aggort_kitch: it's not working any other ideas08:41
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Nylefrost0: /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the screen section under the line mode, the first one listed will be used by X08:42
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gnomefreakatdt_: please dont use caps08:42
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BlackAnthraxCTho: ahh, dsl would a little faster, but try contacting them, and explain to them how (if they are advertising a certain speed, but not giving it to them) is wrong and you are going to switch. it's worth a try08:42
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b matt____!n=matt@*] by gnomefreak
atdt_!info glx08:42
frost0Nyle, just to let you know, my desktop res is fine, but not kdm08:42
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ubotuPackage glx does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:42
kitcheAggort_: you could try
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CThoBlackAnt1rax: i get 4+ megabits down normally08:42
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gnomefreakBlackAnthrax: please try to join as matt____08:42
aa^wayhello, after installing nvidia drivers my resolution is abit wrong, how i can fix it? By that i mean there is black spot right of side about 0.5mm and i cant see some things on left side, example left side has scrollbar but im having probs to see it correctly08:42
Aggort_kitche: same problem08:42
mike_can you install windows program  with linux08:42
Flannel!wine | mike_08:43
ubotumike_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:43
CThoaa^way: are you using a VGA cable or DVI cable to connect your computer to your monitor?08:43
Nylefrost0: yes, do as I suggested.08:43
atdt_I just installed kubuntu, and I then installed the package nvidia-glx and now opengl doesn08:43
atdt_'t work08:43
aa^wayCTho its VGA08:43
Aggort_kitche: in case it matters this modem is USB08:43
kitcheAggort_: lol ok well NAT's not a real big problem but look up your modem online to see how to access it that's how I had to find out08:43
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Adamantinuskitche: I can't input an essid manually or get it to search for an access point. It always says invalid for access point and essid is always blank. I've tried everything you've said above, no go.08:43
Aggort_kitche: I still have the packaging lol08:43
frost0Nyle, MY Xorg.conf IS EMPTY!08:43
Nylehas anyone been able to get 'the mana world' game compiled on ubuntu 708:43
Nylefrost0: xorg.conf08:43
Aggort_kitche: brb08:43
kitcheAggort_: ah yeah look up on the net how to access it since some use usb over ethernet yours might just be usb :)08:43
hugheautomatix2 has win32 codecs08:43
warjoHello, firstly i installed ubuntu today just to feel this dekstop ultimate experience and now i get some strange error regarding to my Graphics Card which is not supported, how that could be possible? My graphic card is not old -.-08:43
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Nylehughe: automatix is horrible08:44
frost0frost0: It's EMPTY!08:44
frost0Nyle: It's Empty!08:44
ferronicahow do i print photo ,i have 4 x 6 postcard size paper for printing photo ?08:44
recoiledcan anybody help me with this? -> http://www.gamehound.net/~hldstart/hldstart2_install.php08:44
kitchewarjo: what is your graphics card?08:44
frost0Nyle: What Do I Do?!08:44
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warjoAti Radeon x180008:44
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Nylehughe: just download the codecs tarball from mplayer hq and unpack to /usr/lib/codecs08:44
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magnetronhughe: regular ubuntu has win32 codecs too08:44
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recoiledim a little confused as to where I can setup stuff in apache and have it actually show up08:44
getoocan ubuntu be installed in top of a diff linux distro08:44
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Nylefrost0: lowercase xorg.conf please08:44
getooand totally erase the other one08:44
hugheyou could be right...08:44
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getooi have no cdrom08:45
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Nylefrost0: /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:45
frost0Nyle, that is what i did08:45
F4l3someone know if Mark Shuttleworth will arrive in this chat?08:45
Aggort_kitche: this is it http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/products/sb4200/08:45
Nylefrost0: then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:45
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frost0Nyle, nvm i got it open08:45
frost0Nyle, what now?08:46
Nylefrost0: i'm not going to repeat myself.08:46
frost0Nyle, just kdm res08:46
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frost0Nyle, sry08:46
MegaqwertyIs there a command that prints the ip address for the computer? (just the ip, I'm writing a bash script that requires it)08:46
kitcheAggort_: ok hang on a sec08:46
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Adamantinuskitche: Got it to say my SSID in the SSID field now, but still can't get an ap.08:46
matt____gnomefreak: this work?08:46
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magnetronMegaqwerty: i could craft a little script for it. wait08:47
gnomefreakmatt____: looks like it08:47
frost0Nyle, Can I Remove All Other Resolutions, So That It Only Has One To Go By?08:47
Megaqwertymagnetron: thanks08:47
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Nylefrost0: sure08:47
matt____gnomefreak: so now am i free to use whatever name?08:47
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magnetronMegaqwerty: what's the name of your network interface?08:47
Nylefrost0: the first resolution listed will be used first08:47
Megaqwertymagnetron: eth108:47
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kitcheAggort_: yeah for pdf manuals I don't have reader installed on here lol hang on ok08:48
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Megaqwertymagnetron: however, if it's possible for that to be auto-detected, that would be even better.08:48
Nylefrost0: just change the order, no need to remove them.  or comment that line out and make a new modes line and specify your res there08:48
warjoam i getting a reply on this anytime soon ? :S08:48
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Aggort_kitche: it's cool tahke your time08:48
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diamondcutterI've been playing around with startupmanager and usplash-switcher, unsuccessfully, and now I can't boot into the latest kernel version for Feisty that's listed in Grub. How can I either, fix this, or remove that kernel and perhaps reinstall it?08:48
Megaqwertymagnetron: as I'm not sure if the people I'm writing the script for are using eth0, or wlan0, etc.08:48
frost0Nyle, Like This? #modeline "640 blah blah08:48
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jerbeardoes anyone know if alsa 1.0.14 will be backported to feisty?08:49
axos88hi! dvd burning software?08:49
Nylehas anyone been able to compile the mana world on ubuntu fiesty?  I get compile time error in the source file gui/gui.cpp:202: error: class gcn::FocusHandler has no member named applyChanges make[2] : *** [tmw-gui.o]  Error 108:49
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frost0Nyle, or am in the completely wrong location on the .conf08:49
frost0Nyle, ?08:49
Nylefrost0: no like modes "1600x1200@75"08:49
ZombieWhere is KDM wallpaper information stored?08:49
hugheThis is handy when I get a problem I can try to get help in here...08:49
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Nylefrost0: do not touch the modelines, in fact, for a faster X startup, remove all the modelines08:50
crsd36does anyone use the awn plugin for pidgin?08:50
danny3793can someone help me fix my package manager08:50
=== anto9us [n=anthony@cpc3-ptal1-0-0-cust220.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nylefrost0: you only need to modify the 'modes' line under the 'screen' section08:50
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warjoGuys i am so disappointed, tell me what's wrong here so i can fix this. I've reached a dead end.08:50
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Za----Hello I was wondering if there is a program that allows you to control your cursor with a game pad. I found a program for windows called Joy to key but nothing Linux compatable08:50
frost0Nyle, Do I Put The # Inside Or Outside Of the quotations08:50
axos88hi! dvd burning software?08:50
Flannel!burn | axos8808:50
ubotuaxos88: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:50
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yrthhello, can anybody help my with playing movies on my ubuntu? none of my players will play any video files08:51
Nylefrost0: dude you are joking?08:51
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ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.08:51
=== Busata [n=Busata@d54C4433F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
frost0Nyle, sorry pretty n00b08:51
Za----yrth use VLC08:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:51
Nylefrost0: hmm ok08:51
frost0Nyle, just making sure cuz i messed up previous install here in xorg.conf08:51
banlieuehey, I think I had a relationship with that woman as well, ubotu08:51
yrthza---- what is VLC?08:51
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rolfenhow do you configure dnsmask dhcp to serve more then one IP for DNS servers08:51
warjoubotu that goes to me?08:51
Nylefrost0: ok, paste your xorg conf on pastebin08:51
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rolfenubuntu is buggy08:51
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Nylefrost0: I will have to point this out to you08:52
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Megaqwertyyrth: Video Lan Client. It's a media player08:52
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|SlicerDicer|anybody familar with "Router <--> WAP54G <--> WAP54G <--> Computer" using the WAP54G as a wireless ethernet?08:52
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Za----yrth, it's a video player that doesn't need a codec to play a movie. I just starts playing it. If you Google it you should be able to find one.08:52
danny3793roflen: i havent had any problems with Ubuntu, only problems i have had were caused by myself, and not the system08:52
getoohow do i install ubuntu on a computer that is already connected to the net , i have an older version of redhat on it , but i wanna have08:52
Za----Hello I was wondering if there is a program that allows you to control your cursor with a game pad. I found a program for windows called Joy to key but nothing Linux compatible.08:52
getoono cdrom08:52
|SlicerDicer|I get it to connect but for some reason the computer keeps kicking in and out I am wondering if its a problem with the way I setup the dhcp or something?08:52
atdt_ignore what I have said, if I have said anything08:52
yrthmegaqwerty, za---- thanks :)08:53
Aggort_kitche: I am viewing the PDF, but it's not much help anywayy08:53
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frost0Nyle, the res that i'm looking for is: 1280x1024 pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29933/08:53
aroonifolks!  how do i install java08:53
Nylefrost0: modes "1600x1200@75" <-- see something like this in the Screen section of xorg.conf?08:53
rolfenand by the way what is this stupid vmnet1 (and 8) interface that keeps messing up my resolv.conf08:53
aroonithe real java from sun.... not the emulatoin stuff08:53
diamondcutterI've been playing around with startupmanager and usplash-switcher, unsuccessfully, and now I can't boot into the latest kernel version for Feisty that's listed in Grub. How can I either, fix this, or remove that kernel and perhaps reinstall it?08:53
frost0Nyle, yes.08:53
kitcherolfen: you installed vmware?08:53
rolfenkitche: wmware player08:53
Nylemodes "1400x1050@75"08:53
Nylefrost0: change the first listed resolution to the one you want08:53
rolfenbut why is it messing with my dns >-[08:53
kitcherolfen: that is what the vmnet's are for08:53
Za----Hello I was wondering if there is a program that allows you to control your cursor with a game pad. I found a program for windows called Joy to key but nothing Linux compatible.08:53
Nylefrost0: the first res appearing after the word 'modes' is the one used by X08:54
rolfenkitche: messing with dns? :)08:54
jerbeardoes anyone know if alsa 1.0.14 will be backported to feisty?08:54
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aroonihow do i install java (real one from sun) on ubuntu 7.04 ?08:54
gnomefreakjerbear: very doubtful08:54
frost0Nyle, sorry to be n00bish but could you please edit the pastebin, i'm quite concerned about modifying this again :(08:54
danny3793kitche: i have VMWare to run windows XP (to work on my websites) could that perhaps have anything to do with my net problem? i looked through my installed apps and i didnt find a proxy, so im guessing i didnt install one08:54
axos88can ubuntu be installed without a CD? e.g. from an ISO, or from a USB key?08:54
Nylefrost0: sure, but don't get spoonfed. Understand how this works.08:54
Flannelaxos88: yep08:54
Flannel!install | axos8808:54
ubotuaxos88: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:54
frost0frost0, k08:54
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rolfenkitche: just kidding. I'll uninstall wmware08:54
Za----Hello I was wondering if there is a program that allows you to control your cursor with a game pad. I found a program for windows called Joy to key but nothing Linux compatible.08:54
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gnomefreakarooni: install the .bin file there should be instructions but you get the same package installing sun-java6-plugin08:55
jerbeargnomefreak: why is that? is there a way for me to build my own package?08:55
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gnomefreakarooni: from multiverse08:55
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rolfenbut it doesnt make any sense that wmware would mess up your networking08:55
Frogzoo_Za----: we can read08:55
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gnomefreakjerbear: it uss the kernel08:55
frost0frost0, i'm usually off adventuring in a .cfg or something, but that x crash was pretty messy08:55
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Za----Frogzoo_, ok well your the first to even respond to me at all08:55
frost0Nyles, i'm usually off advernturing in a .cfg or something, but that x crash was pretty nasty08:55
ahorner b gdef Rv4g5nytek8t'-08:55
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jerbeargnomefreak: if i build from source... is that problematic?08:55
gnomefreakjerbear: and ubuntu doesnt backport kernels because than EVERYTHING that depends on libc6 or the alike would have to be rebuilt08:56
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FlannelZa----: you're just looking to control stuff with the gamepad?08:56
ahornerwhats the command to stop xserver08:56
Za----Flannel, yes08:56
jerbeargnomefreak: alsa is a kernel module, they wouldn't have to release a new kernel for it08:56
ahorneror the key comination08:56
danny3793ahorner, then nothing will display o.o08:56
gnomefreakjerbear: i cant say yes or no for sure but as long as you build that the kernel modules and maybe the kernel on your existing libc6 you should be ok08:56
danny3793ahorner, you can restart x with CTRL-ALT-Backspace08:57
Aggort_kitche: Still looking08:57
FlannelZa----: There's probably a kernel module for it.  You might try the joystick one: xserver-xorg-input-joystick08:57
danny3793can someone help me figure out what the heck happened to my net on my package manager? The network tab is fine, i can surf the internet, use GAIM, everything but install/update through the package manager08:57
FlannelZa----: er, not a kernel module.  and xorg thing.08:58
Nylefrost0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29934/08:58
gnomefreakdanny3793: sudo apt-get update08:58
Flanneldanny3793: What does `sudo apt-get update` give you?08:58
Nylefrost0: READ this CAREFULLY08:58
rolfendanny3793: you mean synaptic?08:58
gnomefreakdanny3793: any errors when you run that08:58
Nyleemphasis on careful reading08:58
Nylefrost0: notice the differences and comments08:58
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kitcheAggort_: just installed the reader :)08:58
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danny3793gnomefreak: lemme try that real quick and check, Flannel: havent tried that yet :P, roflen: yes, package manager, add/remove, and update manager will not work08:59
Aggort_kitche: though you died on me there08:59
frost0Nyle, The default res is set a?t08:59
=== arooni_ [n=arooni@c-67-183-136-186.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nylefrost0: you tell me08:59
frost0Nyle, the default res is set at 1400?08:59
NixMandanny3793: i've heard of a simular problem, but the only way he could fix it was with a frest install..08:59
kitcheAggort_: well it keeps freezing my firefox up08:59
NixMandanny3793: thats all i know08:59
Nylefrost0: you got it08:59
=== compengi back
danny3793NixMan: DONT SAY THAT!08:59
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NixMandanny3793: ok08:59
frost0Nyle, So I Edit That And I'm Good To Go?08:59
arooni_how do i install java (real one from sun) .... so i can run eclipse?08:59
Nylefrost0: yes08:59
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martosshow can i install grub on a system which boots from symbios scsi?09:00
frost0Nyle, Thank You For Your Help09:00
NixManarooni_: i think maybe sudo apt-get install java-jre~~~~09:00
Nylefrost0: don't just copy paste my stuff, do what you want.  I was just showing you09:00
gnomefreakdanny3793: close synaptic first09:00
arooni_NixMan, couldnt find that package09:00
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Aggort_kitche: Well i jsut found the config ip09:00
frost0Nyle, But Can I Copy And Paste Yours And Base Mine Off Of That?09:00
=== danny3793 [n=daniel@adsl-144-87-87.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nylehas anyone been able to compile the mana world on ubuntu fiesty?  I get compile time error in the source file gui/gui.cpp:202: error: class gcn::FocusHandler has no member named applyChanges make[2] : *** [tmw-gui.o]  Error 109:00
NixManarooni_: not a real package, it is like java-jre-sun2.5 something like that, install the plugin as well09:01
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Nylethis is an upstream problem?09:01
kitcheAggort_: and acroread doesn't work on my system lol09:01
astro76arooni, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre (or sun-java6-plugin if you want the firefox plugin too)09:01
NixManarooni_: hold on, i'll find what you need09:01
frost0Nyle, is that okay?09:01
rolfenok anyonw here knows about dnsmasq dhcp configuration?09:01
danny3793i accidentally closed IRC, lol, what should i try to update? im not sure what command i should use, i know Wine has to be updated, how would i tell it to update that?09:01
Nylefrost0: yes but you shouldn't.  You should make your own changes09:01
arooni_thanks NixMan !09:01
SkryptHow do I unrar a segemented rar? (ie. .r00, .r01, .r02... etc)09:01
=== freebse2nd [n=freebse@e182125162.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
danny3793i know i have to use sudo apt-get update, just not what to use to try and update Wine09:01
IceLinkSkrypt: do you have "unrar" installed?09:01
Flanneldanny3793: `sudo apt-get update` first, and close all other package managers first.09:01
frost0Nyle, you removed all modelines and such correct?09:01
Flanneldanny3793: did that work?  the update?09:01
danny3793flannel: nope, bunch of errors09:02
kitcheAggort_: but go to that config ip and should give you a web interface for the router09:02
NixManarooni_: try this in terminal sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin09:02
Flanneldanny3793: pastebin the output09:02
arooni_NixMan, do i want Sun Java6: sun-java6-bin,  OR sun-java6-jre09:02
Aggort_Well what do I need to look for in the config09:02
frost0Nyle, if i really wanted to all i had to do was edit modes to one res and one res only?09:02
SkryptIceLink: Yes. I think I figured it out. How would I do it from the terminal though?09:02
kitcheAggort_: router/modem :)09:02
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IceLinkSkrypt: i had the same prob before, i used "unrar -e part1" or so09:02
Aggort_kitche: modem and yes I am there09:02
Nylefrost0: I find that having all the modelines specified, even for resolution one never uses, tends to slow down the X startup process.  I removed those from your xorg.conf.  I also commented out your entire 'modes' line in Screen section and added one with only 1 resolution.  if you want only one resoution, change this to whatever you want.09:02
IceLinkit automatically unrared the other parts09:02
Aggort_kitche: just like the rotuer except since it's from 2002 it's ugly09:02
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SkryptIceLink: ok, cheers.09:03
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Nylefrost0: line # 133 on my paste09:03
danny3793Flannel: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty Release.gpg09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Translation-en_US09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/restricted Translation-en_US09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Translation-en_US09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Translation-en_US09:03
Flanneldanny3793: stop pasting09:03
Nylewhoah hey09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates Release.gpg09:03
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danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
Flannelgnomefreak, ping.09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates/main Translation-en_US09:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
danny3793Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates/restricted Translation-en_US09:03
danny3793  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)09:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak
gnomefreakFlannel: btw when he gets back tell him to use gb. instead of us.09:03
NixManNyle: !paste09:03
=== danny3793 [n=daniel@adsl-144-87-87.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakFlannel: us repos have been having issues the past few days09:04
NixMan!paste Nyle09:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste nyle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
Flannel!paste | danny379309:04
ubotudanny3793: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:04
=== adub [n=adub@adsl-074-171-207-022.sip.owb.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
NyleNixMan: why are you telling me about paste?09:04
frost0Nyle, the res i like has only one hz option09:04
axos88Flannel: is there something like debians netinst? minimalist CD / USB KEY, and then download everything else from the net? My USB key is only 512 MB, the CD doesn't fit09:04
Aggort_kitche: what now09:04
danny3793ok, stop with the pastebin...i know what it is, i tried to tell you what happened...09:04
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Flannel!minimal | axos8809:04
ubotuaxos88: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:04
ompaulgnomefreak, .ie is blindingly fast you should play with them09:04
kitcheAggort_: see if it has anything for ports in there09:04
Flannelaxos88: is 8mb small enough? ;)09:04
NixManNyle: because instead of pasting all those resuts here, paste them to pastebin09:04
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axos88Flannel: now I want a floppy :P09:04
danny3793i copied the address : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29936/ and it didnt freaking copy, i pasted and it pasted ALL the errors i put into pastebin...thank you09:04
NyleNixMan: dude what the freaking shizboo are you on about?09:05
NyleI didn't paste anything.09:05
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axos88Flannel: even though I don't have a floppy drive :D09:05
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NixManNyle: sorry, i saw the wrong name...i messed up09:05
adubmy ubuntu has full access to my ntfs partition and full rights and what not09:05
adubis this normal09:05
NyleNixMan: its alright09:05
Flanneldanny3793: apparently you need to change to the gb archive.  I'm not sure why us, if down, would be redirecting you to localhost though09:05
sn0danny3793 what does ping us.archive.ubuntu.com say ?09:05
NixMandanny3793: ok09:05
recoiledyo.... does this mean I should chown www-root /var/www ? -> The webserver home directory should be owned and writeable by the webserver user.09:05
danny3793Flannel: i tried to explain but i got booted by gnome...09:05
MrKeunerhi, why did firefox recently begin showing up in local or obsolote packages part in synaptic?09:05
gerroadub: I would more worry about your ntfs having access to your ext3 :P09:06
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Aggort_Kitche: nothing but adresses and the config really doesn't allowe me to do anytihng but reset the damn thing09:06
Nylehas anyone been able to compile the mana world on ubuntu fiesty?  I get compile time error in the source file gui/gui.cpp:202: error: class gcn::FocusHandler has no member named applyChanges make[2] : *** [tmw-gui.o]  Error 1.  I want to play this game can anyone help mle09:06
frost0Nyle, Gracias Amigo.09:06
Flanneldanny3793: Right, because you pasted in the channel.  You should use the pastebin09:06
Nylefrost0: sure09:06
=== dimeotane [n=dimeotan@node-1990.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aggort_it just tells me the LAN allwos 32 suers and what ip's theya re allowed to be asigend09:06
danny3793Flannel: i did use pastebin, it just didnt copy the addy, i thought it di09:06
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adubgerro i have covered that so linux will access ntfs and have full rights over it right?09:06
NixManFlannel: he was going to, but failed to copy the url, and instead copied what he pasted in pastebin09:06
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adubthe reason why i ask is i am going to buy another hard drive and use it as a storage drive09:06
danny3793NixMan: thank you, lol09:07
kitcheAggort_: yeha that pdf they give you is garbage lol09:07
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gerroadub: you will need the ntfs driver for linux to access it09:07
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danny3793sn0: that works fine09:07
NixMandanny3793: L)09:07
gerroadub: and ext3 driver to access the linux partition09:07
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adubgerro i am able to access my ntfs filesystem now so i am assuming i have it working09:07
gerroadub: don't try using old faulty file systems, that is bad technique09:07
Megaqwertyhow's it coming magnetron?09:07
gerroadub: yeah most likely09:07
Flanneldanny3793: fair enough.  No harm, what's the URL? and then also please pastebin your sources.list (and sn0 wants to know what you get when you ping)09:07
Aggort_kitche: This is still a 2001 modem, back when they still expected you to know nothing and for you to have some one do everything for you, even the config is terrible09:08
sn0danny3793 check system > preferences > network proxy09:08
sn0to make sure you haven't proxied yourself09:08
adubgerro so your saying use ext309:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ur - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
magnetronMegaqwerty: i am on my way, implementing it as a perl script. do you have time to wait?09:08
chris__hello I am having problems where half my sounds play through integrated sound card, the others play through PCI card09:08
z999I'm looking for good ubuntu/linux optimization guides, bu I want those who actually work.09:08
Nyleis there an urdu speaking channel for ubuntu?09:08
danny3793sn0: i did, i have it set as Direct internet connection09:08
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Megaqwertymagnetron: yeah, just wanted a sit-rep09:08
Aggort_Kitche: no where are ports listed just MAC and IP addresses and the ip addresses for what's connected to me.09:08
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danny3793Flannel: the url for the update cmd i used in terminal?09:09
adubthe drivers for windows though that i have found only allow read rights to ext filesystems09:09
Nyleadub: you don't want to do rw on ext3 under linux09:09
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Nyleer.. windows I mean09:09
Flanneldanny3793: the URL for the pastebin of the update, and also one for your sources.list, yes09:09
adubnyle what do you mean09:09
danny3793Flannel: where can i find sources.list?09:09
sn0try disabling the proxy temporarily danny3793 to test09:09
sn0are you using anonimity or anything similar ?09:09
bronze-Can anyone recommend me a good movie player for ubuntu?09:09
=== frost0 [n=pam@c-71-205-157-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
adubi do not want to do read write under ext309:09
mc44Nyle: ubuntu-in maybe?09:09
danny3793Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29936/ is for the update09:09
Flanneldanny3793: /etc/apt/sources.list09:09
Nyleadub: don't mount ext3 disks as read write in windows09:09
rolfenbronze-: vlc09:09
sn0bronze- ubuntu comes with "totem" but vlc is good too09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
adubnyle i have it as read only09:10
arooni__omg help!  ndiswrapper with winxp drivers for the Intel 4965  on ubuntu 7.04 ..... (on my t61 ;p) ... stops working after like 5-10 minutes!  help!09:10
Nyleadub: good man09:10
sn0hmm there are many really :) mplayer also rocks09:10
frost0Nyle, The Refresh Rate Isn't Right, Could I Change It From 60hz to 75hz ? ?09:10
adubthat is what the driver has it set as09:10
Nylefrost0: of course09:10
gtwilliamshow do i kill gnome-panel without it restarting? I use gnome-session-remove gnome-panel, but it restarts the panel...09:10
z999I'm looking for good ubuntu/linux optimization guides, bu I want those who actually work.09:10
bronze-sn0: totem doesn't support .vob, and it doesn't give me the choice to download the codecs either :E09:10
frost0Nyle, cool09:10
Nylefrost0: does your monitor support it?09:10
adubthe driver i use automatically sets that up for me09:10
Nylefrost0: I can do 1600x1200@85Hz max09:10
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TheNo1Yetigtwilliams: As in you don't want the panel anymore at all?09:10
hugheWell that was interesting but I,m off...only to come back some time in the future.09:11
danny3793Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29938/ - sources.list (made sure i got it that time, Lol)09:11
danny3793sn0: gonna do what you said to try right now09:11
gtwilliamstheno1yeti - as in i want to kill it to use wine fullscreen, then afterward restart it09:11
sn0bronze- see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:11
adubis there a partition merging software that can wipe my ntfs and put it with my current ext309:11
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yrthhey guys, I don't think that was the problem... vlc does the exact thing as the rest of them09:12
frost0Nyle,is 1280x1024 save at 75hz?09:12
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_Codeman_Any good media players for KDE thats not Amarok?09:12
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danny3793sn0: how should i disable it?09:12
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GerritWhere is the dir_colors configuration file located on a fresh Ubuntu installation?09:12
Nylefrost0: I don't know09:12
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_Codeman_er I mean with media device synching09:12
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z999I'm looking for good ubuntu/linux optimization guides, bu I want those who actually work.09:12
Aggort_kitche: what now09:12
frost0Nyle, that is what i have the desktop res set to, but in the xorg.conf it was not a preset option09:12
Flanneldanny3793: ctrl-c to stop it, if that's what youre asking09:12
chris__ubuntu is still seeing and using my integrated sound card even though it is disabled in the bios09:13
Nylefrost0: if your monitor supports it sure09:13
Flanneladub: any partitioner will be able to repartition (although depending on your situation, you may or may not be able to merge them in one step)09:13
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kitcheAggort_: restart Azerus if you opened the ports for it on your modem09:13
danny3793Flannel: thanks, sn0: that didnt help, still fails09:13
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Flanneldanny3793: the ping fails?09:13
yrthcan't open any video files, can anybody help?09:13
PovAddictI'm doing an Edgy -> Feisty upgrade from the command line09:13
Aggort_kitche: That just the problem I have no clue how to open them since I can't in that config09:13
Lihuuyrth install mplayer09:13
danny3793Flannel: no the update, lemme try the ping, how do i make sure the proxy is disabled though?09:13
Lihuuyrth "sudo apt-get install mplayer"09:14
astro76yrth, what kind of video?09:14
axos88Flannel: i need the atl1 module for LAN support... Is it possible to include that on the minimal USB disk?09:14
adubis there something that comes already installed on ubuntu 6.1009:14
frost0Nyle, it'll tell me if it doesn't support it so, i'll know i guess09:14
PovAddictlittle issue: python-id3lib and python-parted depend on python < 2.5, and python is getting upgraded to 2.5.something, so they show broken09:14
Flanneladub: gparted, or "gnome partition manager", you might need to install it (it's in main though)09:14
PovAddictany ideas?09:14
yrthLihuu, mplayer doesn't work, vlc doesn't work... xine doesn't work... etc09:14
Lihuuyrth have you installed them?09:15
Nyle  modeline  "1280x1024@75" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync09:15
yrthastro76, any video file, dvd, avi, etc09:15
PovAddictyrth: explain "doesn't work"09:15
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yrthlihuu, yes, I've got them all09:15
astro76!restricted | yrth09:15
ubotuyrth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:15
Lihuuhave you installed thhouse apps and they dont work? or is it that you just havent installed them?09:15
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axos88Flannel: i need the atl1 module for LAN support... Is it possible to include that on the minimal USB disk?09:15
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astro76yrth, you need ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 for dvds09:16
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danny3793sn0: oh, nevermind found out what you were talking about by reading the help file, my network proxy has always been disabled (using the Direct internet connection, tells it i dont want to connect through a proxy)09:16
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astro76yrth, also get w32codecs, from same place as libdvdcss2, read that page09:16
yrthPovaddict, when I try to open, it shuts down the program... only mplayer returns an error, others don't09:16
Aggort_kitche: any ideas how since I get that syntax error09:16
sn0danny3793 so its not enabled in gnome, what about dpkg -l | grep proxy ?09:16
yrthastro76, I've got it all09:16
danny3793sn0: lemme see09:16
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PovAddicthmm, uninstalling python-id3lib and python-parted leaves me with 0 broken packages09:17
rolfenkz bubuy gonna rest my immune system09:17
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PovAddictI might do that, I don't think I need those09:17
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Flannelaxos88: I'm not sure.  What you could do is use the server ISO, which will fit entirely on your thumbdrive, and then also sneakernet in the LAN driver.  And then install it after installation, and then once you've got that working, install the GUI09:17
danny3793ok it says smproxy (x client - smproxy), and sqlrelay (database connection pooling, proxying and lo, ends there) thats all09:17
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yrththe thumbnail is showing me a frame from that file, so it seems like linux knows what's in it, just can't open it09:18
Aggort_kitche: ?09:18
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sn0sounds like that could be it danny379309:18
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sn0try removing it and see09:18
kitcheAggort_: I thought of everything that I know but I really don't use azerus anymore since I found a better application for myself but your problem has to deal with firewall/modem/router though09:18
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danny3793sn0: which, the smproxy? or both09:18
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sn0not sure danny3793  but it could be09:19
sn0sqlrelay sounds database'y09:19
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Aggort_kitche: ok then I;ll jsut aks it this way lol iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport <your_port_number> -j ACCEPT    that is the command the wiki says to use, but whenever I put a port number in a get a syntax error in terminal09:19
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GerritWhere can I find the dircolors configuration file, where the colouring for directories, executables,images etc. is defined? Presumeably it's somewhere in /etc, but where is it exactly? On my previous (Fedora) installation, it was in /etc/DIR_COLORS. Of course, I can simply redirect dircolors -p to a file, change the file and input it in my bashrc, but somehow I feel like if I do that, I am doing something double.09:20
dk0rDoes anyone know how to find the ubuntu hardware compatibility list? I cannot find it.09:20
danny3793sn0: it is, its for connecting to databases, im gonna go ahead and uninstall that, and leave smproxy, if uninstalling sqlrelay does work im gonna uninstall smproxy too to see if that does anything09:20
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Frogzoo_!hardware | dk0r09:20
ubotudk0r: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:20
dk0rthats it! ty09:20
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sn0sounds good danny379309:20
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bronze-How can I play a .iso from a DVD on my PC?09:20
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bronze-in ubuntu..09:21
sn0bronze- you can mount the iso, or use an application that can read the iso as a file09:21
cimonHi, It seems I am going to have to buy a new mouse... Any reccomedations on how advanced a mouse is it worthwhile to get? What bells and whistles do 6.06 drivers support on a mouse driver?09:21
Zyndromewhen I follow the instructions to install the ATI driver, the xorg.conf file remains empty, no matter what09:21
danny3793sn0: removing sqlrelay didnt help, gonna try to remove smproxy now09:21
Zyndromethis is really bothersome09:21
Nylebronze-: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop blah.iso /mount/point/here09:21
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:21
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bronze-Nyle: thanks.09:21
bronze-and you too sno009:21
Aggort_kitche: any dieas why09:21
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danny3793sn0: complete removal wants to remove almost everything, Lol09:21
cimonbasic three button mouse with a wheel, or something more fancy?09:22
sn0danny3793 i wouldn't remove everything obviously :)09:22
yrthcan anybody help me out with my video files? "browser" shows the thumbnail icon with an actual frame from the file, but can't open it with any players, they all close up as soon as they try to open it09:22
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bronze-Nyle: what should I replace /point/here with?09:22
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kitcheAggort_: not really but the command that they gave you is only if itables is running which on ubuntu it doesn't block anything really unless you setup a firewall yourself09:22
danny3793sn0: even regular removal wants to remove almost everything on here, obviously :P, now what Lol09:22
Nylebronze-: where do you want the iso file to be mounted09:22
sn0danny3793 pastebin the output of sudo apt-get remove smproxy09:22
Aggort_kitche: thanks for the help09:23
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danny3793sn0: my terminal still shows the sqlrelay running09:23
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SkellingtonHi everybody...09:23
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Nylebronze-: mount to /mnt/iso or something09:23
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sn0danny3793 also check the contents of /etc/environment09:23
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Nylebronze-: create sudo mkdir /mnt/iso if you don't have it09:24
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kitcheAggort_: not a problem sorry couldn't help you really09:24
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Zyndromehas anyone even got the ATI display driver (latest ofc) to work on Ubuntu , all I get is an empty xorg.conf and acceleration out the window (like, can't enable desktop effects and windows are sluggish sometimes)09:24
Franciscahi hula hello hola hulas oas09:24
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yrthcan anybody help me out with my video files? "browser" shows the thumbnail icon with an actual frame from the file, but can't open it with any players, they all close up as soon as they try to open it09:25
NyleZyndrome: try to disable AIGLX in xorg.conf09:25
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NyleZyndrome: also disable composite09:25
sn0Zyndrome if you are not using the ubuntu repositories to install fglrx driver, then maybe use "envy" to set up and install the latest ati.com drivers09:25
danny3793sn0: im gonna post up the contents of enviroment along with what sudo apt-get remove smproxy say, hold on09:25
oxeimon3does anyone know how to set up dual monitors on an ATI machine?09:25
NyleZyndrome: if you are not using ubuntu packages, see #ati09:25
Zyndrome*skips and jumps*09:26
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oxeimon3I've already installed the fglrx driver09:26
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jaywunhello all09:26
oxeimon3how do I get dual monitor support?09:26
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Nylebuy a dual monitor video card09:26
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cs02rm0what are the main advantages of zsh over bash?09:26
oxeimon3I have a dual monitor video card...09:26
oxeimon3how do I set it up?09:27
jaywunanyone have experience with fiesty fawn on a Thinkbook T4009:27
danny3793sn0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29943/09:27
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Skellingtonan issue: after upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 (amd64) I can't access to "gnome-appearance-properties". Might it be a known issue?09:27
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yrthhello nickrud :) do you have a sec?09:27
RopechoborraWhere should i report a bug in a program donwladed form the repositories ?09:27
nickrudyrth, sure. Haven't started work yet09:27
sn0danny3793 that is a bit strange hmm09:27
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yrthnickrud ????09:28
jaywunany truth to the rumour that the next release will be called 'hairy beaver'?09:28
danny3793sn0: yeah, told you it wanted to remove almost everything :P09:28
magnetronMegaqwerty: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29944/09:28
nickrudyrth, just sat down at my desk09:28
=== LordMarshal [n=dahlenat@69-179-109-126.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lihuuwere is the hairy beaver?09:28
yrthwhere do you work? nickrud?09:28
LordMarshalhello everyone09:28
jaywundang rumours09:28
Megaqwertythanks magnetron!09:28
Nylethats inappropriate09:28
nickrudyrth, I'm in la, work for a nonprofit09:28
jaywuni knew it wasn't true09:28
Lihuujaywun i want a hairy beaver to put my peni* into :P09:28
=== frost0 [n=pam@c-71-205-157-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sn0danny3793 and doing the same removal through synaptic wants to remove everything too ?09:29
frost0Nyle, It HAS AN ERROR :(09:29
magnetron!ops | Lihuu09:29
ubotuLihuu: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:29
oxeimon3does anyone know how to set up dual monitors w/ an ati videocard? I have the latest drivers and everything09:29
magnetron!dualhead | oxeimon309:29
ubotuoxeimon3: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama09:29
Cryptic1911hey guys, is there a decent file manager sorta like nautilus that doesnt include a graphical shell?09:29
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nickrudCryptic1911, mc is very good09:29
RopechoborraWhere should i report a bug in a program donwladed form the repositories ?09:29
jaywuni just ordered a thinkpad t40 from tigerdirect and i plan to make it an 'ubuntu only' machine09:29
magnetronty ompaul09:29
Nylefrost0: what09:29
john|gi am a spy09:30
=== LGKeiz [i=LGKeiz@74-134-200-84.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
yrthI see, nickrud :) well I've got several problems with my ubuntu... however I just want to sort this one out first... can't open any video files, I can see a frame of it as a thumbnail but no program can open it, they all close up as soon as they try to open it09:30
LordMarshalcould someone give me a little help on how to get to the installation of ubuntu ?09:30
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NyleLordMarshal: read the installation manual09:31
danny3793sn0: yep, i dont know whats wrong, it was working the other day and now it stopped09:31
LordMarshalit goes straight to the login and i dont know the password or user09:31
magnetronLordMarshal: did you boot from the Ubuntu desktop CD?09:31
ZombieWhere is KDM wallpaper information stored?09:31
FlannelLordMarshal: Is this an official Ubuntu CD? or some third party variant?09:31
frost0Nyle, Out Of Range, H Freq: 81.1 khz V Freq 64.9 Hz09:31
magnetronLordMarshal: do you see the desktop?09:31
LordMarshali downloaded it and burned an image onto a cd09:31
ZombieAnd how can I get a backport of wireshark 0.99.6?09:31
LordMarshalit goes to the login...cant get past that09:31
Nylefrost0: so dont use that refresh rate09:31
nickrudyrth, that is so vague; you can't play an mpg, a wmv, even an ogg with any player at all?09:31
frost0Nyle, It happened for all 309:32
Nylefrost0: your monitor does not support it09:32
magnetronLordMarshal: hit "enter"09:32
LordMarshaloh thats it? lol09:32
Nylefrost0: ok do this09:32
sn0danny3793 im not sure why the proxy wants to remove everything, but it could well be that is what is causing the problem, as your error states its trying to connect to localhost, is there anything strange listed in /etc/hosts ?09:32
bsdunixZombie: kdm and wallpapers are both extraneous fat, not required for optimal linux experience09:32
Nylefrost0: on the top of your xorg.conf09:32
yrthnope, nickrud, none of them, not even regular dvd09:32
LordMarshalhahaha never thought of that thanks09:32
magnetronLordMarshal: i am not sure, try it09:32
Nylefrost0: it tell you how to reset the md5sum of the file09:32
FlannelLordMarshal: Sounds like a bad burn.  When you get to the boot menu, try checking the CD for defects.  The liveCD shouldn't ask for a password (it should just take you straight to the desktop, no login)09:32
Nylefrost0: do what it says in the top of your xorg.conf09:32
LordMarshalhmm k09:32
Nylefrost0: then while x is being reconfigured, just chose the resolutios that you like09:33
Nyleand disable the ones you don't want09:33
danny3793sn0: lemme check09:33
bsdunixZombie: really... my best attempt to help you would be to point you to wmaker or sapphire09:33
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sn0danny3793 also check .bashrc in your home folder, it can be used as well as /etc/environment for such things09:33
frost0Nyle, brb09:33
ZombieI have a uniform I'm trying to setup a uniform Standardized Linux LDAP/Kerberos network with standardized desktops and wallpapers.09:33
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:33
yrthnickrud, I've got mplayer, VLC, xine, and some other player and they all close up... only mplayer returns me an error message09:33
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nickrudyrth, show me the full output of mplayer on a pastebin, then. Maybe ....09:34
r0b-what is dovecot email server for?09:34
jaywunyrth, maybe you don't have a working sound device?09:34
yrthsound is fine, jaywun09:34
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yrthhow can I get that output message, nickrud?09:35
danny3793sn0: you mean my hosts.conf right? if so i have order hosts,bind and multi on09:35
TeMpEsTahi all09:35
bsdunixi had a working sound device, installed and ran compiz, had to kill a few processes before i got my sound server back09:35
sn0danny3793 the only other thing i would check is maybe your dns isn't set in network settings09:35
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sn0otherwise check http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=23711007 as many users have reported something similar happening with proxy09:35
sn0danny3793 /etc/hosts09:35
sn0not .conf09:35
=== EselTheo [n=teubner@ool-182cb00a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeAnyone recommend a good Download Resumer for Ubuntu?09:36
danny3793sn0: my DNS is set as my routers IP09:36
oxeimon3Im having trouble with setting up dual head on ATI: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29945/09:36
oxeimon3please help?09:36
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sn0danny3793 just as a test try your ISP dns address, not the router09:36
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jaywunmust go bye all09:36
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frost0Nyle, how would i reconfigure it?/09:36
danny3793sn0: wouldnt that affect my ability to be on here right now though? im talking to you from the same computer as im trying to fix09:36
sn0i don't think its going to be dns, but worth a try09:36
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Nylefrost0: it tells you exactly what to do in top of xorg.conf09:36
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Nylefrost0: first you rest md5sum and then you reconfigure09:36
sn0danny3793 it shouldn't no, you can always set it back to your routers ip if so09:36
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nickrudyrth, cut and paste from the terminal09:37
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bsdunixoxeimon3: seems nvidia is the way to go09:37
sn0oxeimon3 you need to use "sudo"09:37
yrthhm... I don't run it in the terminal... you know me, I like my windows :)09:37
sn0as it cannot write to the xorg.conf as normal user09:37
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OskarL_dhclient3 segfaults for me... Clean 7.04 installation.  Found some references on that on google, but nothing related to ubuntu... any ideas?09:38
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danny3793sn0: ok go here, i have my bashrc file on that and my hosts file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29946/09:38
nickrudyrth, mplayer <file> , it gives all kinds of nice diagnostic messages09:38
yrthhold on nickrud, I just launched it from the terminal :)09:38
sn0danny3793 ok so nothing the proxy has done is in either of those 2 files09:38
tekniBL0Bwhat are terminal commands to quickly configure network? there was one, but i forgot what it was09:38
oxeimon3sn0: do I have to restart?09:38
danny3793sn0 i dont think so no09:38
OskarL_Is it a kernel bug?...09:38
sn0oxeimon3 restart X yes by logging out , or press ctrl+alt+backspace to force X to restart09:39
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Smirnovshould i be running pbuilder as root?09:39
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sn0danny3793 i cant think of anything else then :/ it must be that proxy app but check the forum link i pasted above09:39
yrthok nickrud... it gave me this error message: MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: unknown09:39
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danny3793sn0: adding the 2 (primary and secondary) DNS addresses i found on my router did nothing09:39
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tekniBL0Bdhclient? is that it?09:39
yrthnickrud, and another message about MPplayer crashing and that is shouldn't have happened lol09:40
danny3793sn0: what forum link? i dont see one up above09:40
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zabinDoes anyone know where the rules that you create are stored in evolution mail?09:40
LordMarshalanyone know where i could find some information to install beryl ?09:40
sn0danny3793 http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=2371100709:40
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danny3793sn0: thanks :P09:41
sn0yw :-)09:41
mc44!beryl | LordMarshal09:41
ubotuLordMarshal: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:41
OskarL_tekniBL0B: yeah... dmesg  says dhclient3[6135] : segfault at 0000000000000002 rip 0000000000405567 rsp 00007fff13f3ff48 error 609:41
Flannelzabin: probably ~/.evolution or something like that09:41
nickrudyrth, not a clue, sorry. My strengths lie mostly in packages and system configs, not in video.09:41
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danny3793sn0: wow, someone has the EXACT same problem i am having! no responses though, :(09:41
Jameshello! can someone please tell me how to use unrar?09:41
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:41
sn0many people seem to have had similar09:41
danny3793sn0: perhaps its a package manager problem? and not something i have done?09:41
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bbryant_James, type "man unrar" in the terminal09:42
LordMarshalis there a place where i could find out how to install beryl?09:42
Flanneldanny3793: Try switching to gb.archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com,see if that helps09:42
yrthnickrud, here: http://pastebin.com/d71a6f44c09:42
tom_vcan anyone help with a quick mounting question?09:42
Jamesbbryant will do.  I thought the man pages were only for commands though.  Isn't unrar a package?09:42
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danny3793Flannel/sn0: it seems anon-proxy could cause the problem, i installed that the other day and then uninstalled it, perhaps i should reinstall it and do a complete removal??09:43
bbryant_James, unrar is a command, that comes from a package :-p09:43
yrthbut you're the only one that doesn't ditch me so quickly, nickrud09:43
oxeimon3sn0: after doing "aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=left", why can't I move windows from one monitor to the next?09:43
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Jamesbbryant: yeah, uh, well, i just tried it and it said no manual entry for unrar09:43
sn0danny3793 it sounds exactly like a proxy at work09:43
sn0oxeimon3 i dont use ati sorry :)09:43
sn0<3 twinview on nvidia09:43
danny3793sn0: lemme try to completely remove it09:43
sn0oxeimon3 maybe you can use the ati gui control panel thing to fiddle with dual monitor settings09:44
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sn0danny3793 thats one option, be sure to keep a list of what is removed, so you can install again09:44
sn0even though those apps will be removed, they are not being purged so the configs will be left behind09:44
oxeimon3sn0: where's the ati gui control panel?09:44
sn0oxeimon3 i don't know sorry09:44
bbryant_James, that's odd. "unrar e filename.rar" should extract files then09:44
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bbryant_or unrar -x filename.rar09:45
bbryant_i can't remember09:45
zmeiat_jorox to extract them with path09:45
zmeiat_joroe without09:45
sn0danny3793 oh you mentioned anon-proxy09:45
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danny3793sn0: ohh man, this is what messed up my internet! i remember the config dialog it just gave me, yes i did09:45
astro76James, have you installed unrar package? the command is unrar and the manpage is also unrar09:45
mon^rchhow can i NOT mount any volumes and go straight to a console...09:45
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bbryant_ah, thanks09:45
Jameswhat do you mean "with path"?09:45
santimshello, how would i use Wine to install Windows xp?09:45
Jamesi installed unrar-free with synaptic09:45
Jamesbut not nonfree09:45
elandAnyone know how to use mkisofs to create data DVD images?09:45
zmeiat_joroin the appropriate subdirectories09:45
sn0danny3793 that sounds suspect then, lots of people with that error used that anon-proxy app09:45
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astro76James, then it's man unrar-free, command is unrar-free09:45
zmeiat_joronot all files in the same one09:45
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danny3793ima do a complete removal right now09:46
nickrudyrth, you on a i386 install?09:46
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Jamesoh. I'll try that.09:46
Jamesthanks all09:46
yrthI think so, nickrud09:46
santimsor, does anybody know of an iTunes equivalent that is going to support the iPhone?09:46
yrthnot sure now though, nickrud... it may be i58609:46
danny3793sn0: still messed up, how the heck did that app make it into the repository?? lol09:46
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mon^rchhow can i NOT mount any volumes and go straight to a console from boot09:46
sn0danny3793 i don't use it so im not sure of its workings really09:46
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nickrudyrth, what does uname -m say?09:47
danny3793sn0: its so you can surf the internet anonymously09:47
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sn0danny3793 'tor' is useful09:47
yrthwow, it says i686, nickrud09:47
pr4bhhi, my external mp3 player is not being recognised by ubuntu.. everytime i plug any usb based drive to the system, the icon appears for a moment in my computer, after that it disappears :(09:47
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danny3793sn0: no more proxies for me, ;P09:47
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nixnoobwhere is the alias file stored for network interfaces?09:48
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SalquimbambiUbuntu is nothing but a piece of old shit.09:48
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nickrudyrth, ok, what i'd do is sudo aptitude reinstall libc6-i686  .09:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:48
_Lucretia_anybody installed vmware workstation demo 6 on their machine?09:48
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mc44Salquimbambi: please don't troll09:48
sn0_Lucretia_ yes but there are many options for virtualisation09:49
pr4bhhi, my external mp3 player is not being recognised by ubuntu.. everytime i plug any usb based drive to the system, the icon appears for a moment in my computer, after that it disappears09:49
SalquimbambiI speak however I like, you submissive moron.09:49
danny3793sn0: supposedly this kid rebooted and it worked, ima try that, wish me luck Lol09:49
_Lucretia_sn0: k, like?09:49
sn0_Lucretia_ virtualbox is okay, qemu , xen , vmware and kvm are others09:49
yrthok nickrud... :)09:49
SalquimbambiThis is a fucking dictatorship.09:49
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holycowhttp://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/4072/microsoft_surface_watch  <-- cool little feature that we might get in xorg at some point in time09:49
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mc44!ops | Salquimbambi09:49
ubotuSalquimbambi: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:49
_Lucretia_yeah, played with qemu, not tried the kernel module though09:49
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pr4bhhelp me here guys09:49
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pr4bhhi, my external mp3 player is not being recognised by ubuntu.. everytime i plug any usb based drive to the system, the icon appears for a moment in my computer, after that it disappears09:49
yrthdone, nickrud09:49
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=== mc44 hugs ompaul
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_Lucretia_sn0: is xen any good? i.e. can it provide a usual winxp system?09:50
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MisterNanybody got non-ascii character input working in opera on feisty? how to do that?09:50
nickrudyrth, give it a try, crossing your fingers09:50
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Raiders32has anyone had problems with their keyboard not working correctly.  sometimes there is a long delay between pressing a letter and what appears on the screen.  sometimes the letters don't show up at all09:50
sn0_Lucretia_ xen requires a cpu that supports hardware virtualisation to handle winxp i believe, but i use virtualbox for xp and it works great (at least for me)09:50
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yrthwithout restarting??? nickrud09:50
witlessis adobe's non-free flash player the only viable plugin for firefox?09:51
ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:51
sn0witless there is also 'gnash'09:51
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sn0i believe it has a plugin also09:51
milllmannnwhat is the command to rename a file?09:51
witlessany good?09:51
sn0its coming along :-)09:51
pushpop-How does 1 make there ubuntu machine part of a Active directory Domain?09:51
sn0milllmannn mv file file209:51
Raiders32millmann:  mv file newfilename09:51
santimsis there any talk about ubuntu having iPhone support?09:51
nickrudyrth, without. If it works, good. Otherwise, reboot. I personally don't know how to unload libraries, and the offending one may still be in use (most likely, considering)09:52
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w30sn0: Do you know if gnash is available as a 64 bit compile?09:52
yrthnope, nickrud, still not working... it says (and it was saying it before as welll) Error openin/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device09:52
_Lucretia_sn0: so, no 64-bit ubuntu for virtualbox then? :(09:52
astro76w30, I assume, it's open source09:52
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_Lucretia_sn0: just seen in the faq09:52
sn0_Lucretia_ indeed at the time being09:53
sn0w30 gnash already compiles + runs on 64bit09:53
_Lucretia_sn0: in the faq it says as of 1.4.0 it does09:53
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nickrudyrth, reboot, lets get that out of the way. (that's why I asked for all the output, by the way :)09:53
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holycoweven better view --> http://wearables.unisa.edu.au/mpx/?q=node/8609:53
pushpop-How does 1 make there ubuntu machine part of a Active directory Domain?09:53
danny3793sn0: it worked, woot thanks for helping me man, whatever we did worked :P09:53
w30sn0: wonderfull, thanks09:54
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yrthI knew you had your reasons, nickrud :)09:54
pr4bhFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Invalid argument09:54
pr4bhThe device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.09:54
pr4bhMaybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a09:54
pr4bhpartition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?09:54
=== bford16 [n=hawkmoon@cpe-69-203-7-235.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
danny3793Flannel: thanks for your help also :)09:54
pr4bhwhy is that? :(09:54
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sn0danny3793 glad you got there in the end :)09:54
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danny3793sn0: me too, didnt want to have to reinstall linux :P, is there anyway i can increase my hardrives performance with Linux? I read in this Linux E-Book i got that Linux doesnt use your hdd to the max, i was wanting to optimize it, anyway i can do that, even a tut would help09:55
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pr4bhwhat happened to the good ppl who used to be willing to help :s09:55
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danny3793sn0: i read it in 'Linux Desktop Hacks'09:56
milllmannnanyone have PHP setup on their machine?09:56
milllmannnim having trouble getting it to work09:56
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sn0danny3793 ext3 defaults to safe-defaults which do not give the highest performance, its set that way for a reason (incase power goes out mid write)09:56
zabinmillmann: i do09:56
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erUSUL!lamp | milllmannn09:56
ubotumilllmannn: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:56
=== Zooby [n=ben@ACaen-151-1-1-244.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
sn0danny3793 i would not recommend fiddling with the filesystem options :)09:56
hackobhi, I have a problem every time I turn on my computer, I'm getting "ohci1394: fw-host0: SelfID is inconsistent", any idea?09:56
milllmannnyeah, i am setting up a rails stack09:57
danny3793sn0: ohhh :), so should i just leave it there? oh, ok, nevermind then :P09:57
zabinmillman: apt-get install libapache2-mod-php509:57
holycowdanny3793, there are a few tutorials online that show you how to increase performance BUT by definition because you are asking the question it means you are not the kind of user that will  notice the difference09:57
milllmannnso i install without the LAMP setup09:57
=== Ronald [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Zoobyi didn't resolve yesterday's problem09:57
unagianyone here use maya or shake for linux?09:57
rcbaxter_Does anyone have any suggestions for a NAS solution?09:57
Zoobyabout knowing the curently played file in mplayer09:57
Zoobywithin a python script09:57
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milllmannnwhen i go to navigate to a PHP file on my server, it try's to download it09:57
danny3793holycow: its ok, i dont want to have a hdd failure or OS failure because of a missed write09:57
erUSULhackob: some problem with hardwarre or with kernel driver... try other kernel if you can09:57
milllmannninstad of serving it09:57
Zoobyi tried -input but doesn't seems to work09:57
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erUSULhackob: XD09:57
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holycowperformance tweaks have a whole slew of risks associated on a range between utility and performance and unless you really have a low level understanding of whats going on, i would recommend you stick with the defaults, its as fast as its really going to get09:57
danny3793thanks all for your help :D!09:58
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holycowinstead, go out and get faster drivers say 15k scsi's if you want to actually se a performance increase09:58
pr4bhwhys is my fat16 based drive not being mounted? :((09:58
sebhughesI just installed linus, how do i find my system stats using terminal09:58
hackoberUSUL, with all 2.6 I have the same ...09:58
mon^rchhow can I unmount volumes please09:58
unagianyone here good with scripting?09:58
bford16I have a weird error message: "hdc: status error: status=0x58.  Can anyone help?09:59
nickrudmilllmannn, are php5.load and php5.conf linked in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ?09:59
astro76mon^rch, sudo umount /mount/point09:59
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holycowholy crap, well i guess mpx is already available as a patch to xorg09:59
sn0bford16 that looks quite bad :< is /dev/hdc your cdrom or a hard disk?09:59
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sebhugheshow do i find my system spec info using terminal?10:00
sn0usually its a cable / controller / cd / disk issue10:00
milllmannnim using a compiled version of apache10:00
bford16cdrom, but I don't actually have a disk in the drive10:00
Smirnovhow do i launch apache 1.3 once i install it10:00
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milllmannnnickrud: where would i put it since i am using a compiled version of apache?10:00
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sn0bford16 maybe check the cable is correctly in, but i would try the drive in another pc (if possible)10:00
yrthnickrud!!!! it worked :)10:00
yrthnickrud, but I messed up another thing while I was at it lol10:01
manawyddanhas anyone been able to use gnash with firefox?10:01
sn0sebhughes there are a few ways really, cat /proc/cpuinfo , free -m , lspci , lsusb and so on10:01
bford16sn0, the drive works when I put a cd in.10:01
manawyddanis any configuration required?10:01
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bford16The error comes (I think) when I play some kinds of streaming media.10:01
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nickrudmilllmannn, don't really know. I quit compiling years ago10:01
nickrudyrth, one up, one down10:02
bford16and the error keeps going until I reboot.10:02
sn0bford16 it could be a dma/pio mode setting, but personally everytime i see that error = hardware fault10:02
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sn0bford16 check with hdparm -I /dev/hdc to check status10:02
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thullyhi - does anyone know how to use LVM snapshots to keep a "last known good" configuration of my system that I can easily revert to?10:03
unagiis there a mass file renamer for linux?10:03
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sn0bford16 while errors can mean the drive still works, i suspect if you try to copy the contents of a cd onto your ubuntu, it may fail / go very slowly10:03
unagilast known good configuration???? that sounds like windows talk to me10:03
bbryant_unagi, mass file renamer?10:03
bford16crap. my account doesn't have required permissions...10:03
oxeimon3how do you set up commands in the terminal that will be executed every time the system loads? Like, I want certain permanent aliases..10:03
unagito rename a large number of files bbryant_10:03
nickrudmilllmannn, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29950/ <-- that's the contents, they'd just go into your apache conf file10:03
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bbryant_unagi, i was wondering what you needed it for10:03
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bbryant_you could probably use bash and the mv command10:03
astro76oxeimon3, you can put bash aliases in ~/.bashrc10:04
unagia bunch of .tga's bbryant_10:04
manawyddanhas anyone been able to use gnash with firefox? is any configuration required?10:04
bford16sn0, if that was a lowercase i, then I got an answer10:04
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nickrudyrth, bbl10:04
sn0bford16 yes it was10:04
thullyyes, it my be windows talk, but I'm not talking about Windows.  I basically mean a state I can roll back to if I bork something up10:04
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manawyddan has anyone been able to use gnash with firefox? is any configuration required?10:04
unagimv command wouldnt change one specific part of the filename10:05
bford16sn0, I got a lot of information; it does seem to be the cdrom drive in question10:05
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thullyI pretty much want to do something like VMware's snapshots, except with LVM and on a real physical machine10:05
sn0bford16 please pastebin the text it says10:05
bford16is there a command to reset the drive?10:05
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unagisuch as if i have files named hurricane 001.tga and hurricane 002.tga and i want to rename them to hurrican.001.tga and hurricane.002.tga bbryant_10:05
astro76manawyddan, did you install mozilla-plugin-gnash ?10:05
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mon^rchwould it be a bad idea to use evms?10:06
bford16sn0, here is the text:10:06
gumjohello, is there some app I can use to set password for wifi?10:06
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sn0thully seen http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/snapshots_backup.html ? also zfs makes snapshots very easy10:06
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bford16 Model=HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GWA-4165B, FwRev=DG01, SerialNo=B75B1935084810:06
bford16 Config={ Fixed Removeable DTR<=5Mbs DTR>10Mbs nonMagnetic }10:06
bford16 RawCHS=0/0/0, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=010:06
bford16 BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=010:06
bford16 (maybe): CurCHS=0/0/0, CurSects=0, LBA=yes, LBAsects=010:06
bford16 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}10:06
bford16 PIO modes:  pio0 pio3 pio410:06
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bford16 DMA modes:  mdma0 mdma1 mdma210:06
sn0bford16 please dont paste in the channel10:06
bford16 UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4 udma3 udma410:06
bford16 AdvancedPM=no10:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:06
bford16 Drive conforms to: Unspecified:  ATA/ATAPI-2 ATA/ATAPI-3 ATA/ATAPI-4 ATA/ATAPI-510:06
bford16 * signifies the current active mode10:06
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frost0Nyle, are you still here?10:07
bbryant_unagi, for file in `find . -name "*.tga"`; do NEWFILE=`echo $file | sed 's/ /./'`; mv "$file" "$NEWFILE"; done10:07
thullysn0: no ZFS on Ubuntu.  I WISH there was...10:07
MrKeunerhi, why did firefox recently begin showing up in local or obsolote packages part in synaptic?10:07
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sn0thully zfs is on linux now i believe, i haven't used it but i remember hearing something recently10:07
ompaulbford16, put that information in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and I'll unmute you in a min or so10:07
unagiwhat the crap is all that?!10:07
Nylefrost0: yes10:07
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sn0as zfs is open sourced, there is a spec on launchpad for zfs addition10:07
bbryant_unagi, a bash command to rename the files :p10:08
bbryant_run it in the directory you have those files in10:08
sn0thully http://zfs-on-fuse.blogspot.com/ (haven't used)10:08
thullysn0: I know of the FUSE module, but didn't think it was in a very usable state10:08
oxeimon3does anyone have an ATI dual monitor setup?10:08
astro76MrKeuner, maybe because the name was changed from mozilla-firefox to firefox ?10:08
Nylefrost0: I am in pain.  My back hurts very much.10:08
unagiyea but i dont understand the line....10:08
MrKeunerastro76: I have some 90 packages like that10:08
frost0Nyle, I Just Changed The First Resolution in the default xorg.conf to the resolution i wanted and swapped the two is that okay10:08
manawyddanastro76 - i'm installing right now, don't know how i missed it!!!10:08
bbryant_unagi, it finds every file with a ".tga" extension and replaces any space in the name with a .10:09
Nylefrost0: why don't you find out10:09
unagii dont see that lol10:09
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manawyddanis that all that is necessary, no config?10:09
Mongeyright i was using beryl and i uninstalled that, now when i login all i see is my wallpaper, no taskbars ect10:09
frost0Nyle, it works, but the resolutions go down in size and my modified config doesn't..10:09
unagibash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'10:09
Mongeyany ideas on how to fix it ?10:09
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frost0Nyle, still works though10:09
Nylefrost0: I don't understand10:09
sn0Mongey it seems you removed beryl with the window manager still set to use beryl and not metacity10:10
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unagibbryant_: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'10:10
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Mongeysn0: seems bout right :P10:10
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astro76manawyddan, I would think but I haven't used it10:10
sebhughesanybody know a site where a n00b can learn bash10:10
Mongeysn0: do you know how to fix it ?10:10
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frost0Nyle, in the modes i just changed the order10:11
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yrthhey nickrud, my ubuntu crashed :(10:11
yrthback on again10:11
frost0Nyle, not on your config but the default xorg.conf10:11
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sn0Mongey im not sure of the one liner command to replace/fix the desktop but you could install beryl again, then right click the icon > choose window manager > metacity10:11
sn0then remove beryl10:11
Nylefrost0: I have been trying to tell you to do that but you were unable to understand me so I told you to comment out the line. Either one works.  Whats the problem now?10:11
sn0hopefully someone else knows the command :)10:11
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yrthnickrud, I installed beryl and got rid of compiz... now no 3d effects.. not sure I know how to configure beryl10:11
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mon^rchwhats the command to invoke evms-gui?10:12
unagibbryant_: u still here?10:12
Frogzoo_!docs | sebhughes also 'man bash'10:12
ubotusebhughes also 'man bash': documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:12
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manawyddanastro76 - Ok thanks, i'll look into it.10:13
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frost0IndyGunFreak, is it okay if i change the order of the modes in the xorg.conf so the default is changed?10:14
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: i would'nt think so..10:14
frost0Nyle, Sorry didn't see your response10:14
Nylefrost0: paste your xorg.conf somewhere and let me see10:14
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frost0Nyle, is there anyway to open it read only?10:14
frost0Nyle, so i don't mess it up?10:14
Nylefrost0: yeh, don'nt access it as root10:14
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nickrudyrth, don't use beryl, it's too unstable on my ati10:15
NyleIndyGunFreak: don't laugh.  he is new to this10:15
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IndyGunFreakNyle: your response just tickled me, i'm sympathetic to new people.10:15
mo0osahI have a file in the lost and found menu under Kde, how do i move it to where it belongs10:15
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IndyGunFreaki never laugh at newbies, i just remember when I was so totally lost in Linux, and sometimes i realize how far i've come.. and i'm still not where i want to be10:16
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Nylesame here10:16
frost0same :)10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
NyleI've put close to 12 years into linux and I'm still not where I could be.  I have a job too you know :)10:16
yrthlol nickrud... I wish I wasn't so impulsive lol10:16
Dr_Willis_Nyle,  and a life? :)10:16
=== Warhol [i=wop@75-134-188-174.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZambeziI can't have a separate router so I'm looking into shorewall. Is that something good? I need to run it on my fileserver.10:16
NyleDr_Willis_: my job is my life10:17
IndyGunFreakNyle: wow, only 2-3 for me...10:17
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jdm59anybody know anything about a lexmark 7000 series printer and Ubuntu?10:17
unagianyone know how to mass rename in linux?10:17
arevanshow do i have wirelees internet10:17
IndyGunFreak!cups | jdm5910:17
ubotujdm59: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:17
nickrudZambezi, it's the only firewall frontend that ubuntu put in main, for what that's worth10:17
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IndyGunFreak!wireless | arevans10:17
ubotuarevans: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:17
itisihas anyone ever gotten a program called soulseek working in ubuntu?10:17
Zambezijdm59, Have a look a www.ubuntuforums.org there are some tutorials for printers.10:17
jdm59I've got it all set up through CUPS, but it still will not print10:17
IndyGunFreakjdm59: then you've done something wrong.10:18
Frogzoo_unagi: cut/paste/run the command you were given already10:18
Dr_Willis_unagi,  from the shell? or with a gui? theres several front end/renamer tools.. or i  think theres the 'rename' command.. or some fancy scripting - depends on your needs10:18
Nylei am a long time debian user.  I have given previous ubuntu versions a shot, and didn't care for them at all.  It seems 7.04 is very much improved10:18
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nickrudjdm59, /var/log/cups/error_log might have something10:18
Nyle7.04 doesn't tick me off as much, and doesn't crash much.  There are many thigns different from debian, and I still don't know them10:18
frost0IndyGunFreak, I Wanted To Install MythTV But Was A Little Worried With Illegal Codecs Coming Pre-packaged...What Should I Do? I <3 My TV Tuner Card :)10:18
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Zambezinickrud, I need a frontend until I know how to setup Iptables, but I might start with a separate computer temporary.10:18
Nyleso its kinda hard for me too right now10:18
IndyGunFreakfrost0: what type of tuner card10:18
ianmcorvidaeZambezi: firestarter is pretty good, in my experience.10:19
Nylewhat illegal codecs10:19
frost0frost0: conexant i believe with mpeg-210:19
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frost0Nyle, liblame10:19
IndyGunFreaki personally dont like mythtv10:19
Nylelame is illegal?10:19
Zambeziianmcorvidae, It on a Ubuntu server so no X.10:19
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ianmcorvidaeZambezi: Oh. FireHOL is also supposedly good10:19
ianmcorvidaeZambezi: Haven't used it, but heard good things about it.10:19
IndyGunFreakfrost0: coudl you use it with either Tvtime/Xawtv?.. or if it requires ivtv modules, vlc?10:19
ianmcorvidaeZambezi: And, it's not GUI, so.10:20
nickrudI like firewall also, but shorewall is a lot more flexible. Zambezi you might want to look into ipmasq & dnsmasq as well, if you're setting up a comp as a router10:20
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frost0IndyGunFreak, I Looked Into TvTime, It Looked Great, But No Real HowTo10:20
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: hmm... whats the exact make/model of your card?10:20
IndyGunFreakmy PVR150 runs awesome with vlc10:20
JimmySkulli'm seeking for a donut10:21
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IndyGunFreakonly thing that doesn't work is the remote.10:21
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Zambezinickrud, It's a computer as a router, but it's going to have other services too cause I'm paying for the electricity myself now so three computers is too much.10:21
frost0IndyGunFreak, 0000:01:01.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC15 MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)10:21
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nickrudZambezi, I think you'd like ipmasq & dnsmasq then.10:22
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: hmm, i wonder if that card would work w/ VLC10:23
unagianyone know how to mass rename files in ubuntu?10:23
gumjohello, is there some app I can use to set password for wifi?10:23
=== John` [n=akira@149-88.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frost0IndyGunFreak, Aren't Those Codecs Illegal Though, The decoding mpeg-2 ones?10:23
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unagiu dont need an app gumjo10:23
IndyGunFreakfrost0: i don't think so...10:23
unagiwhat brand router is it gumjo10:23
blubloblugumjo, you need to set that on your wireless router10:23
frost0IndyGunFreak, it has to be10:24
IndyGunFreaki never coudl get mythtv to work right.10:24
sbalneavgumjo: Depends on how you want to rename them.10:24
John`I was able to extend the desktop to both side fine with dual view using xgl session with the fgrlx driver, but it just that when I want to play a video and maximize it, it would just do it to both side of monitor and cut it in half, how do I make it just one side?10:24
gumjohow do I do it? its a trendnet router10:24
frost0IndyGunFreak, how is that possible then isn't mpeg-2 patented?10:24
IndyGunFreakfrost0: it might be, but unless you plan to run some sort of illlegal multimedia shop out on your distro, i don't see it as a huge issue.10:24
Zambezinickrud, I made a note and I'll have a look next week. I have some other things to do first. Thanks for help.10:24
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unagicheck trendnet's site gumjo but for linksys its
IndyGunFreakfrost0: i have no idea, but mine works fine.10:24
IndyGunFreaki don't worry about codecs10:24
unagisbalneav: what do you mean10:24
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John`anyone know how to fix that?10:24
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gumjooh thats a lot10:24
frost0IndyGunFreak, I Do Have A Windows XP License And Such, Could I Extract The Codecs Off Of There?10:25
sbalneavunagi: Well, how do you want to rename the files?10:25
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: i think you're worrying about this to much10:25
frost0IndyGunFreak, XP CD10:25
sbalneavunagi: A simple shell script may do what you want.10:25
IndyGunFreaknot to my knowledge, you're worry about this way way way to much10:25
frost0IndyGunFreak, Is TVTime Easy To Install?10:25
gumjobtw unagi you might want to look into installing thunar (it comes with file renaming utility)10:25
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: sudo apt-get install tvtime10:25
unagiim looking to change hurricane 001.tga etc to hurricane.001.tga10:26
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frost0IndyGunFreak, That10:26
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erUSUL!info mmv | unagi10:26
jedixis there a way to use LVMs in the ubuntu installer?10:26
ubotuunagi: mmv: Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01b-14 (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB10:26
frost0IndyGunFreak, That's IT?10:26
IndyGunFreakfrost0: but if you're card requires ivtv, it won't work10:26
IndyGunFreakfrost0: yes, thats it.10:26
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erUSUL!lvm | jedix10:26
ubotujedix: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:26
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frost0IndyGunFreak, I'm Just Really Concered With Codec's and Patents10:26
jedixerUSUL: thanks10:26
akosIs there a way to do something like this: copy the installation ISO to an empty hdd partition, boot from it and install? i'd do the usb-install, but i don't have enought space on it to copy the whole cd, and i don't have internet during install due to the fact that i need the atl1 drivers...10:26
sbalneavunagi: Just remove spaces from filenames? Substitute with spaces?10:26
IndyGunFreakfrost0: well, i can't help you there, as i could care less, ...10:27
sbalneavSorry, periods?10:27
IndyGunFreakfrost0: why the concern?10:27
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unagiin all 157 files sbalneav?10:27
kevinl--anyone recommend a really good webmail app ?10:27
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frost0IndyGunFreak, The Term Illegal Isn't Neccessarily Comforting :)10:27
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sbalneavunagi: one sec.10:27
John`I was able to extend the desktop to both side fine with dual view using xgl session with the fgrlx driver, but it just that when I want to play a video and maximize it, it would just do it to both side of monitor and cut it in half, how do I make it just one side?10:27
Dr_Willis_!info  prefixsuffix10:27
ubotuprefixsuffix: gui application that renames batches of files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0+cvs.2005.06.18-0ubuntu6 (feisty), package size 59 kB, installed size 280 kB10:27
kevinl--isnt evolution standalone?10:27
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: this is slightly offtopic, i've worked in a maximum security prison for about 7-8yrs, and i've never ever saw someone booked in for "instaling illegal multimedia codecs"10:27
Dr_Willis_I use  prefixsuffix  unagi  it can do what you want10:27
IndyGunFreakfrost0: maybe that will comfort you..lol10:28
ZombieI require help.10:28
jedixerUSUL: neither of those are for during an install :/10:28
ZombieI cannot get my LDAP portion of Ubuntu working correctly.10:28
frost0IndyGunFreak, Does Windows Use Those Codecs?10:28
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daveriverI have a question I am using debian etch and I asked this on the debian chat but no answer,how do I access my floppy drive to save on it10:28
erUSULjedix: :S10:28
IndyGunFreakfrost0: yes10:28
daveriverI get this mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified10:28
frost0IndyGunFreak, I Have That10:28
IndyGunFreakfrost0: doesn't matter10:29
vzduchdaveriver: specify the fs type10:29
frost0IndyGunFreak, ?10:29
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IndyGunFreakit doesn't matter you have windows.10:29
erUSULdaveriver: mount it with -t <fstype> (vfat or fat)10:29
daveriverI tried even under su with -vfat and could not10:29
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akosIs there a way to do something like this: copy the installation ISO to an empty hdd partition, boot from it and install? i'd do the usb-install, but i don't have enought space on it to copy the whole cd, and i don't have internet during install due to the fact that i need the atl1 drivers...10:29
daveriverok let my try again 1 min10:29
JayRoeis there a program in ubuntu that can add a harddrive to fstab for me or do I have to do it manually?10:29
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=== IndyGunFreak plays an AVI file, and an mp3, while watching a DVD
unagity dr_Willis10:30
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frost0IndyGunFreak, :)10:30
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sn0ompaul bford16 is pm'n asking to be unmuted please :)10:30
swooneryhey everyone, i added a fat32 partition to fstab and it works except that it seems to be read only even though i specified rw. any ideas?10:30
IndyGunFreakfrost0: you're really blowing this out of proportion.10:30
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daveriver mount -vfat /dev/fd010:30
daverivernothing was mounted10:30
daveriver  I got this10:30
vzduchdaveriver: mount -t vfat10:31
IndyGunFreakfrost0: install tvtime, start it up, and see if it recognizes your card10:31
ananaboogieIs this the proper channel to post networking questions?10:31
unagiprefixsuffix doesnt seem to want to rename them....says they dont have that prefix....10:31
unagii guess it doesnt like spaces10:31
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erUSULananaboogie: yep10:31
daveriverwhen I do that I get the mount help file10:31
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sn0try pasting the url now bford16 :)10:32
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schasiHi there10:32
matkixI'm having an issue... My wireless card is showing up, but anytime I attempt to connect to a network it acts like its going to connect then never connects... any ideas...10:32
sensaeIs it easy / possible without being a nightmare to set up a softRAID 1 on an already running ubuntu server?10:33
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: did it work?10:33
Pirate_Hunterhi people10:33
itisiwhat is a good media server app (for uPnP devices) to use with ubuntu?10:33
sbalneavunagi: OK10:33
ananaboogieWhen Firestarter is installed danguardian stops filtering, Has anyone encountered this problem?10:33
frost0IndyGunFreak, Still Mowing It Over :(10:33
sbalneavunagi: BACK UP THE DIRECTORY FIRST, I've only quickly tested this.10:33
matkixAnyone help with a wifi card issue?10:33
Pirate_Hunteris there a script to make my HD get mounted on startup without me having to put password?10:33
sbalneavunagi: for F in *; do  NEW=$(echo $F | tr ' ' '.'); [ "$F" != "$NEW" ]  && mv "$F" "$NEW"; done10:33
frost0IndyGunFreak, How Would I Remove It?10:34
IndyGunFreakfrost0: remove what?10:34
bford16sn0, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29952/10:34
frost0IndyGunFreak, If I Don't Like TVtime10:34
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sbalneavunagi: run that in the dir with the files.10:34
IndyGunFreaksudo apt-get remove tvtime10:34
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about softraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:34
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sbalneavunagi: it translates all filenames turning spaces into .10:34
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:35
IndyGunFreakfrost0: how do you answer these questions, 1.  have you legally obtained your card, 2. have you legally obtained your OS, 3.  are you watching/listening to media you legally own10:35
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akosIs there a way to do something like this: copy the installation ISO to an empty hdd partition, boot from it and install? i'd do the usb-install, but i don't have enought space on it to copy the whole cd, and i don't have internet during install due to the fact that i need the atl1 drivers...10:35
IndyGunFreak4. or in the case of TV, legally have access to10:35
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frost0IndyGunFreak, Yes,Yes,Yes10:35
IndyGunFreakok then, why do you feel youre doing something illegal?10:35
unagii wish i understood that line10:35
iMaxhi...anyone seen that problem in X? my mouse and keyboard input experiences slight delays every few seconds. I do not really know what the problem could be, any help appreciated, thanks10:35
Pirate_Hunter is there a script to make my HD get mounted on startup without me having to put password?10:36
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bford16akos, it is possible to do exactly what you said.10:36
Forgott3n_I'm getting DoSed! (Possibily DDoSed) I need some help trying to figure out whats going on10:36
akosbford16, how?10:36
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frost0IndyGunFreak, Wait, Can You Answer My Question, Is What You Want Me To Do Legal In The United States?10:36
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: installing TVTime, yeah, installing TVtime is legal....10:36
IndyGunFreakfrost0: how you use it, now thats the question.10:37
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frost0IndyGunFreak, How About This, How COULD it be illegal?10:37
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sbalneavunagi: Learning shell scripting is a worthwhile investment.  It makes all sorts of things way easier.10:38
IndyGunFreakfrost0: i'm not a lawyer, i don't know..., i just know i've installed non-free codecs on every single Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora/Mandrake/Other installs of Linux I've ever done, and i see now black choppers outside10:38
Pirate_Hunter is there a script to make my HD get mounted on startup without me having to put password?10:38
unagiwheres a good place to learn that sort of thing10:38
DWRZHey everyone. Forum topic here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500964 Basically I have to set up Ubuntu's wireless but I have no LAN connection. Would the following work?10:38
DWRZHere's what I'm thinking:10:38
DWRZ1. Use WinXP SP2 to download drivers, software, anything Ubuntu needs to set wireless up.10:38
DWRZ2. Transfer to USB stick.10:38
DWRZ3. Boot Ubuntu, transfer files and proceed to set up wireless as if I had just downloaded the same files straight through LAN.10:38
DWRZ4. Wireless works in Ubuntu.10:38
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unagilol IndyGunFreak10:38
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IndyGunFreakunagi: i don't know how to set his mind at ease, i've tried.10:38
Pirate_HunterDWRZ: please use pastebin next time10:39
JayRoecan I reload fstab?10:39
unagilol IndyGunFreak10:39
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ZombieGot it.10:39
aroonihow long does it take to compile the linux kernal ( on a 2.0 ghz centrino duo w/ 2gb of ram?10:39
bbryant_DWRZ, yes10:39
unagijust explain to him that theyre not going to spend the money to come after one person10:39
arooniits been going aobut 20 min so far10:39
bbryant_that sounds about right10:39
bbryant_give it time10:39
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John`I was able to extend the desktop to both side fine with dual view using xgl session with the fgrlx driver, but it just that when I want to play a video and maximize it, it would just do it to both side of monitor and cut it in half, how do I make it just one side?10:39
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akosbford16, how?10:39
sbalneavunagi: http://tldp.org/guides.html10:39
vzducharooni: why not take the :)10:39
banlieueis there a way to change the file position nautilus chooses to make the thumbnails for video files?10:39
pricechildrooni "as long as it takes... "10:40
IndyGunFreakunagi: i've tried, he's really hung up on this "illegal" issue though10:40
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sbalneavunagi: introductory bash guide, and advanced bash scripting guide10:40
aroonivzduch: cuz i'm trying to follow instructions here; http://forums.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15955010:40
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aroonivzduch: and not change anything10:40
Pirate_Hunteris there a script to make my HD get mounted on startup without me having to put password?10:40
pricechild!mount | pirate_hunter10:40
ubotupirate_hunter: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:40
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pricechild!fstab | pirate_hunter10:41
ubotupirate_hunter: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:41
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frost0IndyGunFreak, Patents B!te10:41
vzducharooni: don't you consider it a bit 'unsafe' to follow directions for compiling a kernel written for another distro?10:41
IndyGunFreakfrost0: i agree..10:41
sbalneavfrost0: If  you're worried, you can BUY legal copies of the codecs from fluendo.com, that work fine with Ubuntu.10:41
francis__Could someone please tell me how to set up the Dlink DL 524's wireless router . I have my  ubuntu laptop showing me that the signal strength is 100% but I cant seem to ping the router , ethernet Interface WOrkss10:41
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bford16akos, I'm still looking for the URL10:41
Pirate_Hunterpricechild: im using Feisty the partition only gets mounted once i click on it and use root password but i want it to get mounted on startup without the password, is there a way?10:41
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akosbford16, ok10:41
sbalneavfrost0: A complete codec set will cost you about $40.10:42
IndyGunFreakfrost0: if its any consolation, i just reinstalled Ubuntu on my laptop, and i'll be installing Codecs in about 5min, i'll let you know how it goes.10:42
akosbford16, as am I10:42
aroonivzduch: the original po st was on an ubuntu forum... forma  guy who posts a lot there... and says go do this10:42
pricechildpirate_hunter read the line ubotu sent you about fstab10:42
vzducharooni: uh-huh10:42
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akosbford16, I found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies10:42
dk0rI could of swore I found a list of compatible M-Audio hardware at the following link but I cant seem to find anything. Can someone help?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards10:42
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NixManwhat happens if you symlink something, but it isn't there when booted. example, i symlink .firefox to a location, but on boot the location isn't mounted, does that delete the symlink?10:42
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imbecilehey guys, I'm having a problem and i dont know what to do.. when booting my  icons dont show up and my taskbar only the bar shows up (no dropdown menues etc) any suggestions on how to fix this or what it could be?10:42
akosbford16, now, If I already have grub installed, I don't need the floppies right?10:42
bbryant_NixMan, no10:43
aroonivzduch: and i'm at my wits end trying to get my wirelss card to work.. if everythign blows up, i can  just reinstall... i just got this laptoppy a day ago10:43
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Pirate_Hunterpricechild: ive used fstab in the sense that I can use it to check my partitions and if there are any problems but I stil dont know how to make it mount automatically without being asked for password10:43
frost0IndyGunFreak, It's just morals...woud i be stealing from that developer or company10:43
vzducharooni: but fwiw, you could as well use the :)10:43
NixManbbryant_: can you explain the difference between a hard symlink and the other? can you refresh me on the commands?10:43
vzduchshouldn't be too much of a difference building it10:43
IndyGunFreakfrost0: did you steal the material that you're going to be watching/listening to?10:43
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aroonivzduch: well the is newer than what i have currently.... I THINK ?10:44
frost0IndyGunFreak, No, But It's The Codec That Is Shaky Right?10:44
aroonivzduch: how do i get current kernal version?10:44
Pirate_Hunterpricechild: thanx for the link it seems to go in the direction i wnat will give it a read now :)10:44
IndyGunFreakfrost0: my point is, you've legally obtained whatever material you're gonna watch/listen to, so whats the issue?10:44
sbalneavfrost0: No need to steal: just pony up $40 at Fluendo.com10:44
gumjofrost0, the less you concern yourself with patent issues, the better it is. The whole system was made to screw the consumer for every dollar you have. If you bought a DVD legally, then you have every right to do with it what you want10:44
vzducharooni: to my knowledge there are no development kernels for *buntu apart from those in Gutsy10:44
bbryant_NixMan, a symlink is just a path given for the symlink so that the operating system can try to find the file10:44
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bbryant_a hardlink is like a filename and it's data10:44
IndyGunFreakfrost0: i can't really say anything more than what i've said, if you don't want to do it, then you don't.., if you do, i'll try to help you.\10:44
dudemanfrost0: is your x working now10:45
bbryant_"ln" is the command you want to look up for links10:45
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r0b-what is the difference in the Command Shells10:45
r0b-like bash and stuff10:45
vzducharooni: iirc the mentioned in the article is the one that comes w/ Fedora 7 by default10:45
aroonivzduch: well what version is used?10:45
[M] Foxarpa_, are you here ?!10:45
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NixManbbryant_: i understand that, but i've forgotton the command for making one. is it ln? ln -s what is the difference?10:45
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vzduchLinux zalle 2.6.20-16-lowlatency #2 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 7 20:23:03 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:45
aroonivzduch: what version of kernal is used in feisty & gutsy?10:45
sbalneavfrost0: https://shop.fluendo.com/, complete codec set is 28 Euros.10:45
bbryant_NixMan, yes, it's ln10:45
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vzducharooni: the above is what I use in Feisty10:45
frost0dudeman, yes at first i didn't understand you instruction, but then it clicked, i modified the config and now i'm good to go....thank yuo10:46
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aroonivzduch: well i have to have my wireless card working10:46
NixManbbryant_: difference between ln and ln -s?10:46
dudemanfrost0: cool10:46
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aroonivzduch: and with ndiswrapper... it stops working after like 5 min10:46
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NixManbbryant_: one of them is a hard link, right. but i don't know what that means10:46
bford16akos, OK, but that requires a floppy...10:46
vzducharooni: you might want to try recompiling the kernel you got on your machine including the driver10:46
bford16and it applies to an older version of ubuntu10:46
thorbbyrant, hard links are dangerous, use soft links10:46
akosbford16, i already have grub on the computer.... do I still need it?10:46
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vzducharooni: sudo aptitude install linux-source10:47
IndyGunFreaki'd be more afraid to use that fluendo site, than iw oudl be to use the non-free codecs..lol10:47
bbryant_NixMan, a hardlink points to where the data is stored on disk10:47
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sbalneavIndyGunFreak: Why?  I'm using them, and they work great.10:47
bbryant_and a symlink points to a path where the operating can find the filename that is associated with a hardlink to the actual data10:47
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asturwenas noches10:48
NixManbruenig: what i am wanting to do...is store all my app settings (.mozilla, . thunderbird, etc ) instead of /home/matt/, i want it /home/matt/Data/Settings/10:48
sbalneavAs well, I know 2 of the developers.  Fluendo contributes hugely to the gstreamer stack.10:48
NixManbbryant_: which would i use for that?10:48
aroonivzduch: huh?10:48
IndyGunFreaksbalneav: i just don't liek giving my creditcard number to someone overseas, thats all.10:48
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bbryant_NixMan, sym links10:48
bbryant_"ln -s target symlink"10:48
aroonivzduch: i dont know how to do that ;(10:48
dk0rI could of swore I found a list of compatible M-Audio hardware at the following link but I cant seem to find anything. Can someone help?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards10:48
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NixManbbryant_: ok, thats what i thought, but could you give me and example of a hard link?10:48
vzducharooni: install the kernel source to your current kernel and rebuild that following the directions10:48
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IndyGunFreaksbalneav: so why did you buy the codecs?.. just curious.10:48
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sebhughesin terminal how do i find my pc specs10:49
IndyGunFreaksebhughes: what do you mean pc specs?10:49
frost0IndyGunFreak, Sorry For My n00bish way of thinking, but if i have this running on a windows box,  can't i extract these "codecs" somehow ?10:49
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IndyGunFreakfrost0: no10:49
sebhughesamaount of ram, what kinda cpu i have etc10:49
frost0IndyGunFreak, argh10:50
IndyGunFreaksebhughes: open a terminal and type "lspci" that may show you want you want10:50
sbalneavIndyGunFreak: Specifically, because it allows me to have legal copies of codecs, and to support an Free Software friendly company.10:50
IndyGunFreaksbalneav: ok, no prob.. i was just curious.10:50
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imbecilehey guys, I'm having a problem and i dont know what to do.. when booting my  icons dont show up and my taskbar only the bar shows up (no dropdown menues etc) any suggestions on how to fix this or what it could be?10:50
emetis there any way to crack Apple DRM on Ubuntu?10:51
pricechildimbecile using any desktop effects like compiz or beryl?10:51
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frost0Anyone Know How To Install Warsow?10:51
IndyGunFreakfrost0: you could pony up the 30-40 i gues, but thats my only suggestion, if you truly feel like a thief for viewing/listening to things you've legally obtained10:51
Pirate_Hunterif i use command su on its own what does it do in terminal?10:51
pricechildemet that is illegal and so should not be discussed in this channel.10:51
imbecilepricechild,  i was running compiz-fusion I just deleted it though10:51
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emetpricechild, it's not illegal10:51
NixManbbryant_: ???10:51
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pricechildemet It will not be discussed in this channel10:52
Flannelemet: if it's your music, you can use something like Hymn (formerly PlayFair) to de-DRM it10:52
sebhugheswhen i type in Ispci it says command not found10:52
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emetFlannel, thank you10:52
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pricechildsebhughes little L10:52
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frost0IndyGunFreak, Ever Heard Of Warsow?10:52
Pirate_Hunterif i use command 'su' on its own what does it do in terminal?10:52
IndyGunFreakfrost0: no10:52
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pricechildpirate_hunter nothing by default10:52
sdoublePirate_Hunter: it sets it up so you are running as root until the terminal is closed10:53
FlannelPirate_Hunter: nothing.  'su' won't work without a root password.  But, whta it does is open a root shell, akin to `sudo -i`10:53
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frost0IndyGunFreak, Any Good FPS shooters for linux?10:53
yrthnickrud, are you still here?10:53
IndyGunFreakdon't know.10:53
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bford16akos, when you install ubuntu, it will take care of grub for you.  I wouldn't mess with it unless you need to.10:53
sebhughesanyway to get more info?10:53
frost0IndyGunFreak, np10:53
NixManfrost0: you wanting linux games?10:53
LordMarshalis there a forum or some website with step by step instructions on how to install beryl on ubuntu 7.04?10:53
kravlinfrost0: There was one that i dont remember the name for. let me see if i can find it10:53
sdoubleso su [enter password} will make it so you won't need to sudo in front of each command requiring root10:53
frost0NixMan, yep10:53
pricechildlordmarshal #ubuntu-effects10:53
frost0kravlin, sweet10:53
sdoublefor that session10:53
frost0NixMan, Ever Heard Of Warsow?10:53
LordMarshali enter that in a search engine?10:54
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nickrudyrth, yes10:54
mc44pricechild: has someone stolen all your capitals? :)10:54
Pirate_HunterFlannel, sdouble, pricechild: so if i wanted to gain root access for what im planning to do what command do i use liek i want to gain complete root access without being asked for pass for this session?10:54
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frost0NixMan, It Is Sweet, But Now Idea How To Install :(10:54
FlannelPirate_Hunter: `sudo -i`10:54
sebhughessudo -i10:54
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pricechildlordmarshal, no "/join #ubuntu-effects" and ask there, that's our bling channel :)10:54
frost0NixMan, www.warsow.net10:54
sebhughesargh i keep using the wrong keyboard10:54
pricechildmc44 no, i'm on ircatwork and have lost my tab completion :) (its there but broken...)10:54
ormandjI'm looking to get a laptop to run Ubuntu on. What's everybody's suggestion? I've heard the Lenovo T61p is good, but was curious for more opinions. :)10:54
NixManfrost0: check out my lists: http://techystuff.info/?p=57 http://techystuff.info/?p=54 warsow is ok, but not that great. better games on my site there.10:55
yrthnickrud, I think it's time for me to divorce ubuntu on this machine... what other distribution would you recommend? I was thinking of gentoo10:55
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Pirate_HunterFlannel: so that command on its own will let me ahve full root access to all my hds, folders etc wihtout having to be asked for password... is that right?10:55
kravlinfrost0: http://www.alientrap.org/nexuiz/10:55
JayRoecan someone tell me what's wrong with this line "/dev/sda4/media/RecDiskvfatrw,user,auto00". For some reason I don't have write access to the partition.10:55
kravlinfrost0: Great game10:55
sbalneavormandj: I run a System76 laptop.  Which has the added advantage that Ubuntu comes pre-installed.10:55
ramza3with gnome and the file manager, if I make a link to a folder, I get the link but with the "symlink" path is there a way to convert that to the hard path10:55
ormandjyrth: what kind of person are you? a waste time == fun person or a computer is a tool == smart person?10:55
ormandjsbalneav: who is system76?10:55
kravlinfrost0: it feels like unreal tournament10:55
ormandji've never heard of that company10:56
pricechildpirate_hunter don't use sudo/root willy-nilly... be very careful what you do with root access as you _will_ break your computer if you are not careful10:56
nickrudyrth, I used suse redhat and mandrake years ago, then settled on debian and now ubuntu for my desktop. I'm not a distro aware dude10:56
arbeck23i'm having a problem where putting a samba share in my fstab fails on boot... but if I do a umount and then a mount -a, it works10:56
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sbalneavormandj: A small company that specializes in distributing ubuntu-ready laptops10:56
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FlannelPirate_Hunter: that command opens a root shell.  So more or less, yes.10:56
sbalneavormandj: www.system76.com10:56
Pirate_Hunterpricechild: I understand that but i needed to know it cause after im done reading and sure of all the steps i may require sudo granetd access10:56
NixManfrost0: those look good any helping you any?10:56
frost0NixMan, Does Frets On Fire Come With Legal Free Songs?10:56
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ormandjsbalneav: i'll go have a peek.10:57
ormandjthank you10:57
imbecilepricechild,  so you think the failure to load stuff is due to compiz-fusion?10:57
NixManfrost0: i believe so...10:57
pricechildarbeck23 wild stab in the dark and I don't really know... but I guess because that stuff is mounted before samba or networking daemons come up?10:57
pricechildimbecile if its still running... just be sure ;)10:57
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pricechildpirate_hunter "may require"...... be careful and good luck :)10:57
frost0NixMan, I Have Guitar Hero 2 But, I Have A PS2 To USB Cord, I COULD USE MY GUITAR!10:57
yrthnickrud, I can't install suse or ubuntu on this machine without tricking it to not load some LAN drivers... so my network card doesn't work.. I've got on my other laptop ubuntu and it works great so I've got a place to work... maybe it's time for some fun :)10:57
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arbeck23pricechild, how can i make sure that samba loads first?10:58
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Pirate_Hunterpricechild: thanks hopefully i wont need to use it10:58
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pricechildarbeck23 not a clue :) as i say i'm probably very wrong, it just makes sense to me as drives are mounted before anything else...10:59
arbeck23it seemed to work in the last version of ubuntu i was running, but when i installed 7.04 it stopped10:59
frost0NixMan, Can You Help Me Install Warsow?10:59
kravlinfrost0: You may want to take a look at this site. http://rangit.com/software/top-8-linux-games-of-2007/10:59
arbeck23i guess i could take it out of fstab and run a script that mounts it manually on startup11:00
ZombieIs there a channel for Ubuntu Super Users?11:00
pricechildzombie this one's good11:01
banlieueis there a reason synaptic insists on also removing ubuntu-desktop when trying to remove the 'compiz' package?11:01
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AnlarZombie: what makes you think you would belong into such? :D11:01
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pricechildarbeck23 i'd try that... or just never reboot? :P11:01
ZombieI'm having some Kerberos issues.11:01
IndyGunFreaklol, super users?11:01
Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d23411:01
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NixManfrost0: umm...i can..11:01
NixManfrost0: it is actually very easy11:01
pricechild!ubuntu-desktop | banlieue11:01
ubotubanlieue: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.11:01
frost0NixMan, How?11:01
ZombieUp until this point, my experience has been Fedora and Mandriva Centric.11:02
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NixManfrost0: hold on..11:02
banlieueI know that11:02
banlieuebut that does suggest I want to keep it11:02
arbeck23pricechild, my house gets too hot if i leave all the computers on all the time!11:02
ZombieThis Laptop is my first Ubuntu node.11:02
banlieueand doesnt explain why synaptic would want to uninstall it automatically along with compiz11:02
sebhughessI just plugged my ubuntu pc into my network but it says it cant get a connection11:02
pricechildarbeck23 well then that leaves you with only one option :D11:02
NixManfrost0: got here http://games.internode.on.net/filelist.php?filedetails=9685 and save to your desktop11:02
ZombieI have an advanced Linux infrastructure composed of LDAP, Kerberized services such as Samba, FreeRadius, and IPSec11:03
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NixManfrost0: if i leave and become unreponsive, i'll be back in a few momments. i'm not sure if i willl11:03
AnlarZombie: yes, just as you should. :)11:03
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emiddoes anyone know why when I empty my trash it hangs until I hit the cancel button?11:03
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ZombieI have Everything is all changed around.11:03
pricechildemid how do you know that it hangs?11:04
Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d23411:04
ZombieIts like trying to play the second Quest of Zelda 1.11:04
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emidthe window that shows you tings being deleted hangs11:04
emidit does actually delete everything though11:04
frost0NixMan, Then What?11:04
banlieuepricechild: could you explain to me? because I still don't get why synaptic insists on removing it along with compiz11:04
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frost0NixMan, When It Is On My Desktop?11:04
AnlarZombie: but I think you will hate Ubuntu in the long run if you try to have it as client in all that.. as Ubuntu developers couldn't care less about that stuff, we've seen it quite clearly in the way they handle those blueprints etc11:04
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HorizonXPhey, i can't seem to play DVDs11:05
ZombieWell, I paid alot for this Laptop.11:05
|Mafioso|is this german or english channel?11:05
HorizonXPit gets to the title menu, i select a chapter, and then ntohing happens11:05
Flannel|Mafioso|: this is english, german would be #ubuntu-de11:05
pricechildbanlieue ubuntu-desktop is a package with nothing in it that you need to have when doing distribution upgrades. when going from for example 6.10 to 7.04 you _NEED_ that package installed to make sure everything goes smoothly and that you end up with the correct end point11:05
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|Mafioso|ok im able to speak english^11:05
NixManfrost0: ok, it is a tar.gz file right?11:05
|Mafioso|i post my problem11:05
ZombieIt seems Ubuntu has all the same software, its just all switched around.11:05
banlieuepricechild: right.. so why would synaptic want to remove it, if it's useful to keep?11:05
banlieuepricechild: it has nothing to do with compiz specifically, does it?11:06
frost0NixMan, Right11:06
|Mafioso|got a little problem11:06
pricechildbanlieue if you didn't, then you could miss out on some new packages in the next version that "should" be in a default install11:06
IndyGunFreak!dvd | HorizonXP11:06
ubotuHorizonXP: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:06
EliasAmaralHello! I am looking for how to change (permanently, for all user accounts) the default keyboard layout for text mode (Ctrl+alt+f1 - f6), because currently it accepts the input as if my keyboard was american. Also, I want to change the font of text mode, maybe using framebuffer. Any tips?11:06
|Mafioso|how2 tell grub to install on another hdd?11:06
pricechildbanlieue because compiz is a part of the standard ubuntu-desktop11:06
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|Mafioso|it recognized my data partition (sda) for installing grub11:06
banlieueit is?11:06
NixManfrost0: double click on it...and extract it to your desktop...11:06
|Mafioso|but grub has to be installed on sdc6 to get ubuntu booted11:06
banlieuedidnt know that11:06
banlieueexplains it :)11:06
frost0NixMan, I Did All That Earlier...so yep11:06
pricechildbanlieue as of feisty anyway :)11:06
banlieuepricechild: ty.. explains the new desktop-effects added to feisty11:06
pricechildbanlieue you can find compiz in system > preferences > desktop effects11:06
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pricechildyeah :)11:07
banlieuenever realised as much as the desktop effects dont work for me anyway (ati+3d acceleration=hell)11:07
NixManfrost0: basically, it is installed, but not nice and tidy..so have you yet used terminal?11:07
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HorizonXPIndyGunFreak: Thanks, but I got that far, I have libdvdcss installed, since it can parts of the DVD like the initial title screens11:07
pricechild*huggles his nvidia*11:07
ShackJackbanlieue: You can run compiz with XGL...11:07
frost0NixMan, I Am Familiar With The Terminal Yes.11:07
IndyGunFreakHorizonXP: not necessarily.11:07
banlieuei actually did have 3d acceleration working on edgy11:07
banlieuebut it all reverted when upgrading to feisty11:07
HorizonXPIndyGunFreak: But when I go to select an episode on the DVD, that's when it doesn't play11:07
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banlieueironically, as feisty introduced the desktop effects requiring 3d acceleration11:07
emidno thoughts on my trash? =(11:07
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IndyGunFreakHorizonXP: some dvd's, i've personally experienced being able to view the menu, but not the movie, because of a codec issue.11:08
ShackJackbanlieue: You just need to create an XGL session, then you should be able to use Compiz..11:08
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banlieuei'm not big on desktop effects11:08
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xarushi there.11:08
ShackJackbanlieue: But yeah, ATI does kind of bite it...11:08
banlieueit's general 3d acceleration I hope to get working properly again11:08
Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d23411:08
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banlieuetook me about 7 hours to get working last time, lol11:08
NixManfrost0: ok, run this sudo cp -r /home/YOURNAME/Desktop/Warsow /opt/11:08
xarusdid any of you experience some strange problems with compiz-fusion since last dist-upgrade @ gutsy?11:08
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xarussegmentation faults ?11:09
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frost0NixMan, K Writing This Down, Cuz I'm On Someone Elses PC11:09
frost0NixMan, NExt?11:09
xarusunable to start? [at nvidia drivers] 11:09
NixManfrost0: folder warsow may be named a little differently11:09
frost0NixMan, K11:09
Flannelxarus: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks11:09
xarusFlannel: thank you11:09
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NixManfrost0: ok, basically, once you unzipped it it was installed. actually, you can put it wherever you want /home/yourname/Games/ would work. to play the game, go into the folder, find a .sh file, (should be a .sh) named warsow, run, runwarsow, something like that. double click on it, and click run. it should work11:10
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NixManfrost0: /opt/ is just the place most people put these things...11:10
frost0NixMan, Same With Frets On Fire?11:11
NixManfrost0: yes11:11
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Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d23411:11
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EliasAmaralI think I can change the keyboard layout in text mode changing the file /etc/default/console-setup. But the settings there seems right11:11
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NixManfrost0: actually, i think i should put a post on my blog about how to intall things...you'll find a buncha games on their11:11
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NixManfrost0: gotta go, be back in a few...11:11
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frost0NixMan, DO IT! :)11:11
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Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d234 - cna someone tell me if there is somehting wrong with my fstab and why isnt hdd1 showing11:13
nixnoobwhere is the alias file stored for network interfaces?11:13
banlieueoh, does anyone know how to get the right ctrl/alt/shift keys working as well for the default keyboard shortcuts menu?11:13
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benihey! is init 0 == shutdown ?11:14
jevangelohas anyone setup ntlm auth with squid?11:14
vzduchbeni: yes.. and 'init 6' == reboot11:14
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whiteboyHi, does this guide (http://lifehacker.com/software/top/turbocharge-your-terminal-274317.php) work for SSH???11:15
pushpophey all after restarting my ubuntu box after install it seems to be very slow.... I have 4gb of ram and a dual core cpu... it was running great before reboot any ideas?11:15
NixManfraco: so did you run it? also, for me, when i ran frets of fire...i changed the graphics settings, it froze. but i hit control alt backspace, restarted xserver, and then logged in, started again, and the settings had changed...11:15
IndyGunFreakdon't reboot?11:15
NixManfraco: never mind, wrong name11:15
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pushpopi'm looking for serious answers thank you11:15
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benivzduch: but my comp didnt switch off automatically, so there is no problem if i just press the button on the front to make it switch off, right? :)11:16
IndyGunFreakwell, i was serious11:16
vzduchbeni: if it says that the shutdown process is finished, then yes11:16
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benipushpop: examined the bootlog?11:16
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benivzduch: "System Halted"11:16
whiteboyhttp://lifehacker.com/software/top/turbocharge-your-terminal-274317.php DOES this work for an ssh terminal through putty?11:16
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vzduchthen you can safely turn it off11:16
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benivzduch: okay thank you :) i just wasnt sure )11:17
Kloeschenhuhu, wie kan man die Farbe der Mens die auf diesem Scrrenshoot makiert sind ndern? http://www.spongedpics.com/upload/WQ1184446311W4699376791d42-Men.png11:17
killazI need some help with lirc11:17
vzduch!de | Kloeschen11:17
ubotuKloeschen: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:17
beniKloeschen: qry mich mal11:17
whiteboy!question | killaz11:18
ubotukillaz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:18
killazeverytime I start the lirc I get this:11:18
beni!beryl | Kloeschen11:18
ubotuKloeschen: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects11:18
beni!emerald | Kloeschen11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
killazI couldn't load the required kernel modules11:18
beni!emerald-theme-manager | Kloeschen11:18
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killazwhiteboy: I will if you give me a chance to ask ;-)11:18
beniKloeschen: guck dich mal nach beryl um, installiere das (das is der 3d-desktop)11:18
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sebhughessin ff im trying to play a .wmv but it dont work11:19
=== yfhahn [n=yfhahn@c-68-33-47-76.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebhughesshow can i get it to work11:19
killazI followed the instruction but still I get this message...11:19
killazwhat am I doing wrong?11:19
beniKloeschen: Danach guckst du nach "emerald" ein theme-manager. da kann man dann auch einstellen wie die themes sein sollen, also die farben modfizieren usw11:19
vzduchbeni, Kloeschen: #ubuntu-de existiert ;)11:19
benivzduch: shit ;)11:19
yfhahni am having a strange problem with mod_rewrite in feisty...11:19
whiteboyANYBODY know if http://lifehacker.com/software/top/turbocharge-your-terminal-274317.php works while running ssh through putty? Or is that just for built in terminal?11:19
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ianmcorvidaewhiteboy: Lemme fire up FF and check.11:20
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Kloeschenok, danke, oich werde mein Glck versuchen11:20
sebhughesshow can i get a .wmv to play in ff11:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
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IndyGunFreaksebhughess: you'll probably have to play it in totem or mplayer11:21
ianmcorvidaewhiteboy: .bashrc works through ssh, too.11:21
whiteboyianmcorvidae thank you very much!!!11:21
ianmcorvidaewhiteboy: yw11:21
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yfhahnso mod_rewrite is working, but a lot of files (images, css, etc.) return a 403 access denied page11:22
Pirate_Hunterplease look at my paste bin, it is either my impression but sda2 seems to have a problem and my other hd is not shown in fstab yet i cna access it and it has been mounted through gparted - http://pastebin.com/d4773d234 - cna someone tell me if there is somehting wrong with my fstab and why isnt hdd1 showing?11:22
=== mr_daniel [n=sysrq@e177149217.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
garCan I boot ubuntu from an external usb drive? I boot from the live cd and nothing happens :(11:22
yfhahnany thoughts on this one?11:23
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killazI need someone to help me figure out what is wrong with my lirc.11:23
killazirw is telling me connect: connection refused11:24
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alindemanIs it possible to tell an already running program to use a different $DISPLAY (so it "moves" to another x session) ?11:24
FlannelPirate_Hunter: What is hdd1?  Why are you expecting something to be there?11:24
vzduchgar: if your BIOS supports booting from external USB devices you can11:24
garwhy won't it boot from the live cd?11:24
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IndyGunFreakgar: could be any number of reasons.11:25
vzduchgar: could it be that you need to set the boot device in the BIOS?11:25
garNo, it loads - it just never finishes loading ;(11:25
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IndyGunFreakgar: well, if you're wanting to install, use the alternate Install CD... its textbased, and should get you installed.11:26
IndyGunFreakgar: are you sure your burns are good?11:26
=== blow_fish [n=xacier@adsl-69-228-202-73.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
blow_fishhow do i run googleearth-package?11:27
garit seems fine.11:27
vzduchblow_fish: ?11:27
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository11:27
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
garWhat's the best way to load it on an external hdd?11:27
=== Avantasia [n=fido@48.Red-88-14-214.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonihow do i set the $SHELL variable to bash11:27
Pirate_HunterFlannelhdd1 is my other HD which is not showing in fstab and doesnt get mounted on startup "which is what i want", i cna access it only ehn i double click on it and use the password which mounts it for the rest of my session11:27
=== tony_ [n=tony@pool-71-168-227-99.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
blow_fishbash: googleearth-package: command not found11:27
IndyGunFreakgar: seems fine... well, that tells me you don't know.   i'd try burning it again, and burn it SLOW.. like around 2-4x11:27
IndyGunFreakgar: are you wanting to install Ubuntu to an external drive?11:28
garnoo - it works fine on the other computers.11:28
IndyGunFreakgar: then for whatgever reason, you PC is goofed up on it.11:28
=== josh_ [n=josh@S0106000625c39a3e.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pirate_HunterFlannel: hdd1 is my other HD which is not showing in fstab and doesnt get mounted on startup "which is what i want", i cna access it only when i double click on it and use the password which mounts it for the rest of my session11:28
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garknoppix works well11:28
IndyGunFreakgar: well, if you're installing to an external USB drive, i'd HIGHLY recommend the alternate install CD.. ive never had luck with using the live CD to install to a usb drive11:28
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IndyGunFreakgar: well, ubuntu isn't knoppix11:29
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Shaftogar, Try booting it but this time hit the advanced options in the initial menu...i think its f6 and remove the quiet and splash i think it is11:29
garok, shafto  thanks11:29
tony_trying to get radio audio streaming to work and the streamers are also sending video but the video is not playing or is disrupted. any ideas of what I can do to fix this?11:29
Shaftogar, Could give you an idea where its hanging11:29
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garWhen it gets to the staging menu (when it loads the various settings).. I can see the screen.11:30
tony_trying to get KFI listen live. you might have to google for the link.11:30
=== Tinned_Tuna [n=Daniel@adsl-87-102-68-57.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
Shaftostaging menu means nothing to me :)11:31
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garme either11:31
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garis fedora any good?11:32
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Tinned_Tunaheya, upon logging into my ubuntu machine, I'm only shown the background, and no panels11:32
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chaotichow come when i test my gfx   card  i keep goingto that grey scree n with the black x11:32
vzduchgar: wrong place to ask :>11:32
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und3rB3arthis channel might be a bit bias to that question11:32
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Shaftogar, try the alternate cd?11:33
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nivekc1i installed lmms onto my computer and it didnt put an icon ANYwhere so the only way i can run it is to type it into terminal how do i make an icon for it?11:33
Pirate_HunterFlannel: hdd1 is my other HD which is not showing in fstab and doesnt get mounted on startup "which is what i want", i cna access it only when i double click on it and use the password which mounts it for the rest of my session11:33
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@e182027236.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
Pirate_HunterFlannel you around?11:33
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und3rB3aranyone try to run windows dvr software in wine ?11:33
und3rB3arhavent been able to get any linux ones to work11:33
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
garthe text based doesn't have a gui?11:34
IndyGunFreakgar: no.. but its still quite easy11:34
IndyGunFreakits strictly an installer11:34
SAVVYDKPwhen i try to play full screen 3d games I keep getting the error "SDL_SetVideoMode failed: couldn't find matching GLX visual" I have no idea why this just started...help?11:34
=== bse [n=bse@dslb-088-076-227-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
garthe internal hdd is busted11:34
garI can only use the external hdd or the cdrom11:34
vzduchI remember having used the Debian installer when installing Hoary 2 years ago.. pretty straightforward11:34
jevangelothere should be an international no GUI day11:34
IndyGunFreakgar: that doesn't matter11:34
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IndyGunFreakgar: you're wanting to install Ubuntu, correct?11:35
nivekc1how can i talk to uboto?11:35
freebsejevangelo: I'm for a whole week11:35
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fblade1987hey guys does anyone know if photoshop works through wine?11:35
freebsenivekc1: just say something :)11:35
vzduch!bot | nivekc111:35
ubotunivekc1: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:35
RoC_MasterMindnivekc1, /msg ubotu !mp311:36
RoC_MasterMindnivekc1, /msg ubotu !list11:36
judycHi, I've set my mouse lefthanded. But how can I change the pointer orientation?11:36
MajorPayneIs there a Rhythmbox like music player with a curses interface?11:36
judycAnyone knows this? I'm using gnome11:36
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:36
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=== Kalisto [n=Kaliso@dslb-088-065-238-150.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
SAVVYDKPI should be able to modprobe glx, yes?11:36
freebsefblade1987: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=1711:36
RoC_MasterMindMajorPayne, it's not curses, but when I want to play on the commandline I use mpg123 or ogg123....although there are undoubtably curses based CLI mp3 players11:36
=== sivik [n=cstrong@corp.external.dfw02.800hosting.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveHow can I play Diablo II on Ubuntu?11:37
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Simplementeme confundi de canal11:37
SAVVYDKP! glx11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
fblade1987thanks freebse!11:37
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sivikhow do i fix an issue with permissions and the user:group for a folder set as ? and when i try to change it, it says permissions denied (i keep using sudo)11:37
axos88 Hello! After doing an USB-key install, how do I recover my USB-key? I did a partitioning made fat16 parition on it, but there is no /dev/sdb1 to mount...11:37
MajorPayneRoC_MasterMind: Yea.  I want to play music over ssh (without -X) in screen.  But I like how a music player like Rhythmbox organizes the music.  You can't get that with mpg123 or ogg123.11:37
freebseThanatosDrive: wine11:37
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RoC_MasterMindTrue MajorPayne11:38
freebseThanatosDrive: but don't know if it works, google might help11:38
axos88sivik: sudo chown myself.mygroup whatever11:38
sivikthat doesn't work, it says permission denied11:38
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axos88sivik: huh?11:38
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sivikthe permissions and user:group are currently set as ? and when i try to chown or chmod it says permissions denied11:38
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MajorPayneRoC_MasterMind: I am having a hard time find out the best way to play music on another computer from a different room (network connection).  I would like it to be able to run is screen because this computer is a laptop and will only be active when it really has to be.11:39
fblade1987whats a good mmorpg to play on linux thats free?11:39
=== Redhammer_the_Ol [n=Red@80-47-247-122.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
sivikfblade1987, go look on google and pick one11:39
fblade1987sorry was only asking advice11:40
axos88 Hello! After doing an USB-key install, how do I recover my USB-key? I did a partitioning made fat16 parition on it, but there is no /dev/sdb1 to mount...11:40
=== russe11 [n=russ@71-32-71-183.cdrr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMindMajorPayne, you can't do that with any media player, the sound will always play on the box the program is running on...however, you could NFS or SMB network mount the music and then play it locally....also ALSA I hear can send sound to remote machines.11:40
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russe11I installed compiz-fusion, but now when compiz is NOT running, I alt-tab doesn't work.11:41
RoC_MasterMindrusse11, you may want to ask on #compiz-fusion11:41
freebsefblade1987: http://www.planeshift.it/ it is free11:41
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MajorPayneRoC_MasterMind: Yea.  The music player is playing on the computer across the room.11:41
sivikhas anyone seen when permissions and user:group set as ?, if so, how do i get around fixing it, and don't tell me to try chown or chmod because it says permission denied11:41
MajorPayneRoC_MasterMind: Via ssh.11:41
fblade1987thanks again freebse :P11:41
MajorPayneRoC_MasterMind: But you can't run that in screen.11:41
russe11RoC_MasterMind, but I'm talking about when I'm NOT using compiz. Compiz alt-tab is working fine.11:41
=== John` [n=akira@149-88.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
freebsefblade1987: no prob, but maybe it is not the best11:42
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RoC_MasterMindrusse11, yes, but alt+tab normally works, therefore compiz-fusion caused this problem...therefore it's a #compiz-fusion question11:42
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russe11RoC_MasterMind I asked there11:42
=== ragnarokk [n=ragnarok@c-71-193-238-252.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ragnarokk\server irc.thundercity.net11:43
und3rB3arwhats the working linux dvr program called ?11:43
RoC_MasterMindund3rB3ar, mythtv11:43
towliebansnd-hda-intel is loaded but i cant hear any sounds. can anyone help me troubleshoot ?11:43
=== tehdavid [n=david@88-111-37-23.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shafto!intel-hda | towlieban11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel-hda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:44
banlieuehey, ubuntu has xkill ^_^11:44
=== colfax [n=colfax@cbl-dhcp-7-141.machlink.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== banlieue clicks Shafto with the skull
banlieuesorry, bit offtopic *disappears again*11:44
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Shaftobanlieue, thanks ^^, tired though so cut me some slack, i can barely read xchat :)11:45
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towliebani dont need something specifically for hda-intel11:45
=== Greyscale_ [n=Grey@host86-131-35-181.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
tehdavidi am installing xubuntu, and it said it was doing something to the filesystem. then a windows popped up showing the contents of my windows partition. after this is exited the windows and was left with absolutely nothing. anyone know what went wrong?11:45
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JayRoeCan someone tell me how I connect to Vista?11:48
=== TexMex657 [n=ivan@c-76-17-104-25.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
schasiJayRoe: What do you mean by "connect"?11:48
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vinnyif i change my apt/sources to feisty, from gutsy, and do a dist-upgrade, will it "downgrade" me11:49
vinnyim sick of things breakingevermetacity --replace11:49
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179144012.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveScratch that; How do I dual boot? That is, install Windows XP onto Ubuntu? (I just learned the game I play 24/7 doesn't work in WINE)11:49
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clearzenThanatosDrive: what game do you play?11:50
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jafnoobanyone know where to find usplash themes (except *look.org) ?11:50
=== rcbaxter_ [n=ryan@pool-71-162-41-127.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenCedega is a program to run games in linux that runs much better than wine and has good support11:50
freebseThanatosDrive: just install and reinstall grub after WinDOS installation11:50
=== vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-164-85-238.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mysqlchangecedega is shit11:50
JayRoeschasi; I'm able to access my Vista PC, but the network seems very unstable. Opening a folder on Vista from Ubuntu is roulette and I'm never able to open or copy the files.11:50
Wylder how i can repair one deleted file im my system?11:51
mysqlchangei have the latest version and it say game problems11:51
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Wyldersome one can help me?11:51
mysqlchangei wnt to remove mysql charset11:51
bbryant_Wylder, how did you delete it?11:51
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vbabiyWylder: there are tools but not sure whats the name11:51
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vinnystuff it, im just going to do it11:52
vinnyand see what happens11:52
Wylderbbryant_ i dont know.. one user deleted it11:52
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adelieis it possible to make desktop icons unique to a workspace?11:52
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rcbaxter_Any suggestions for a NAS solution?  I've been looking at the WD MyBook.11:52
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clearzenThanatosDrive: Failing that you could use vmware to run xp in windows but mind you it will eat *a lot* of system resources to run a game like that and you would most likely get a bad frame rate11:52
JayRoeschasi sometimes I can access the subfolders on the network and then maybe a later it wants login details for the same folder.11:52
clearzenvinny: you should let me know what happens I'm curious11:52
schasiJayRoe: Timeout maybe?11:53
donvitoi have ubuntu 7.04 but i cant setup the internet conection i have broadband internet connection that i must dial, i dont have a router.11:53
Zyndromeright, seem to got 3D-acceleration working (Painkiller ran until a checkpoint, playing it from an NTFS disc :P)11:53
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:53
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NigelSWylder: on most filesystems used in linux the info isn't preserved, the inodes are reset so file recovery is non-trivial. which fs was the file deleted from?11:53
ThanatosDriveclearzen: Diablo II11:53
schasiJayRoe: To be hones, i don't know a fuck about vista, only that it's very slow on my machine11:53
Justi1What command do I type in terminal to switch to a different window manager?11:53
arooni_help!  i can't get eclipse to run>  i see chasetoys@LilArooni:~$ searching for compatible vm...11:53
Zyndromenow, how do I make Linux automount other drives I have (NTFS) when it boots?11:54
arooni_but it doesnt find one11:54
tritium!ohmy > schasi11:54
clearzenThanatosDrive: Just use Cedega. It will run that flawlessly11:54
John`I was able to extend the desktop to both side fine with dual view using xgl session with the fgrlx driver, but it just that when I want to play a video and maximize it, it would just do it to both side of monitor and cut it in half, how do I make it just one side?11:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:54
ThanatosDriveclearzen: Including the Loader I use to load it with? Because I never install Diablo II. I run it straight of my external.11:54
=== pavan [n=pavan@c-68-36-126-187.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveclearzen: That is, I use D2Loader so I can play anywhere without having the CDs to install it.11:54
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clearzenThanatosDrive: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount/point11:55
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ThanatosDriveclearzen: Not an .iso11:55
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ThanatosDriveclearzen: I'll try out Cedega anyway though. Although somehow I doubt it'll work. Not at running the game, but because of this: I seem to not be able to edit files on my external. it gives me the 'read-only' error.11:56
NigelSThanatosDrive: what exactly does this program do? is the data on an external drive?11:56
ThanatosDriveNigelS: Yes.11:56
NigelSThanatosDrive: is your external NTFS? install ntfs-fuse11:56
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ThanatosDriveNigelS: Thanks!11:57
clearzenThanatosDrive: What file system is it? fat32?11:57
pavanhey all having this error when trying to install g++ or build-essentials11:57
pavan  Depends: cpp (>=4:4.1.2-1ubuntu4) but 4:4.1.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed11:57
pavan  Depends: gcc (>=4:4.1.2-1ubuntu4) but 4:4.1.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed11:57
pavan Depends: g++-4.1 but it is not going to be installed11:57
ThanatosDriveclearzen: NTFS11:57
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MajorPayne!paste | pavan11:57
ubotupavan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:57
clearzenThanatosDrive: Do you have 3g-ntfs installed?11:57
tritiumpavan: it's build-essential, with no trailing "s"11:57
NigelSThanatosDrive: get the ntfs 3g config tool and that will get ntfs-3g then you can write to ntfs11:57
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ThanatosDriveNigelS; clearzen: Would that be sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g11:58
stefg!info cpp feisty11:58
ubotucpp: The GNU C preprocessor (cpp). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 96 kB11:58
clearzenThanatosDrive: That will do it11:58
stefgpavan: you shouldn't use gutsy11:58
=== raul [n=raul@201-3-201-154.jvece702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
NigelSThanatosDrive: if you apt-cache search ntfs 3g you shall spot it, but get the config tool for ease of use11:58
pavannot sure of pastebin.. never used it.. sorry about pasting contents...11:59
ThanatosDriveNigelS: apt-cache? Sorry, I'm relatively new to Ubuntu (started yesterday)11:59
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=== Andy_ [n=Andyho@6532214hfc20.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenThanatosDrive: then sudo apt-get install ntfs-config; gksu ntfs-config11:59
pavani am trying to get a dev env so as to build some C++ apps.. i am using 7.04 ubuntu11:59
=== Valued [n=chatzill@pool-72-95-203-53.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Valuedi haf a computer and it has pata and sata.  i cannot change boot order in bios but it only has grub in pata.  how can i move grub to sata?12:00
MajorPaynepavan: Just do hat tritium said.  "sudo aptitude install build-essential"12:00
pavanwhat packages would i need to build a C++ app on ubuntu??12:00
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ThanatosDriveclearzen: Should I also sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g?12:00
preactionpavan: build-essential12:00
Andy_Hi! Just wondering if someone might be able to help me figure out why  ubuntu keeps locking up on install? I can wait my turn :)12:00
aroonidoes anyone know how to get ndiswrapper to keep working?  it stops after awhile12:00
pavani tried that with synaptic package manager.. but i got the error i posted before..12:00
arooniwith ubuntu 7.0412:01
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clearzenThanatosDrive: yeah, the other commands are to download and run the config tool12:01
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