
sbalneavAutologin working in ldm212:49
moquistsbalneav: I don't remember if I've already asked you...will there be a feature in ldm2 to specify an alternate greeter executable in lts.conf?12:59
moquist'cuz I want one. :)12:59
sbalneavWell, it'll be there, but your greeter's gonna have to behave a certain way.12:59
moquistBurgundavia: whiprush did a fantastic job @ FOSSED. thx for the recommendation.01:00
moquistsbalneav: as in, it'll have to pass back the same data on stdout that the stock greeter does? (4 params on 4 lines in feisty)01:00
sbalneavNope, nowhere near that now.01:00
moquistwhatcha mean?01:01
sbalneavYou're greeters going to have to be interactive01:01
moquistinteractive with ldm?01:01
moquiststdin/stdout interactive?01:01
=== moquist nods
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@pool-72-65-101-90.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
moquistdoesn't sound too painful01:01
sbalneavI'm finding it plenty painful :)01:01
moquistOH. 8-\01:02
sbalneavWhy, what do you want with a custom greeter?01:02
sbalneavYour own look and feel?01:02
sbalneavOr something else?01:03
moquistXdialog is very, very fast.01:03
moquistAlso, we run a training center where we want to be passwordless.01:04
moquistmaybe the latter reason won't be a reason once we're basking in the coolness of ldm201:04
sbalneavWell, the LDM_USERNAME and LDM_PASSWORD env variables should do for the latter.01:04
sbalneavAnd the new greeter in C only takes about a second to pop up.01:04
moquistbut we want people to be different users; how is it OK for the same user to be logged into every TC?01:05
sbalneav[] 01:05
sbalneav LDM_USERNAME=station101:05
sbalneav LDM_PASSWORD=donttellanyon01:05
moquistK. I remain hopeful that I won't have to mess around any to get the greeter to be fast fast fast. But it will still be a cool feature to be able to easily specify an alternate greeter executable. :)01:05
sbalneav[] 01:05
sbalneav LDM_USERNAME=station201:06
=== moquist nods
moquistlooks good.01:06
moquistwell, one tic in that scenario is that a user can't easily be the same user again, except by luck of the DHCP-draw01:06
sbalneavYeah, ldm2 and the greeter are way, WAY faster.  You'll be able to specify an alternate greeter, but it's going to have to be a more complicated program than before.01:07
sbalneav[00:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF] 01:07
sbalneavDo it by mac addr.01:07
moquistthat's why I decided against that scenario in my current hack-in feisty greeter. I just let the user specify a username, and I set all the passwords to 'secret', and had the greeter print <username>, 'secret', 'default', 'default' (or whatever)01:08
moquistsbalneav: yeah, I decided against mac addr specifically, as well. but it's dang cool that ldm2 will support either. :)01:08
moquistsbalneav: how about a feature to support allowing the user to specify the username, but always using a given default password? :)01:08
moquist[*] 01:08
moquist LDM_PASSWORD=secret01:09
sbalneavGadi had an idea about setting the username and password to be able to be scripted, by spevifying a | in front01:09
sbalneavSo, you could say LDM_USERNAME=|/path/to/my/function/returning/a/username01:09
moquistoh, and that could be (for example) an Xdialog that just asks for a username01:10
=== moquist nods
moquistforget ldm2, man. this sounds like ldm20.01:10
sbalneavNot sure if I'll have time to implement that this time around, as it complicates things quite a bit, but I'd like to get it in there eventually, as it's a great idea.01:10
moquistI think edubuntu has won at work. I'm so excited I kind of bounce when I think about it. :)01:10
moquistsbalneav: I've packaged the smbldap-configure script for Ubuntu.01:11
sbalneavah, nice.01:11
moquistsbalneav: I just need to get some feedback from a mentor now.01:11
=== moquist notes that he should chase down the moodle stuff again
moquistsbalneav: I talked with gadi about local apps @ FOSSED this week.01:12
Burgundaviamoquist: whiprush said he had tonnes of fun and really enjoyed it01:12
sbalneavI'd love to see moodle by default in edubuntu01:12
moquistsbalneav: he's convinced me that ssh is the right way to solve our problems.01:12
moquisti.e., the right way to implement it all.01:13
sbalneavWhich, running an ssh server on the client?01:13
moquistsbalneav: that's the idea.01:13
moquistBurgundavia: great! He will *definitely* be invited back next year. (You're welcome, too, you know. :)01:13
sbalneavWell, it's certainly not a bad way to do it.  We need to get the ldap stuff going though.01:13
moquistsbalneav: Why? (for the TC, if ssh can get the info we need)01:14
Burgundaviamoquist: I would love to come next year. I will just need some money to do so :)01:14
moquistBurgundavia: that may be a possibility. I'll keep you in mind and we'll keep in touch.01:14
sbalneavssh user@term firefox01:14
sbalneavso, terminal is going to need to know:01:14
sbalneavwho user is01:14
sbalneavusers password01:14
Burgundaviamoquist: sounds good. Next year I shoudl be able to talk about GIS and geographic stuff01:15
moquist...a bunch of info it can get via ssh from the server01:15
moquistBurgundavia: k01:15
sbalneavssh talks to pam01:15
moquistsbalneav: rewrite /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow after initial authentication01:15
sbalneavugh ugh ugh ugh no way01:15
moquisthehe :)01:15
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sbalneavldap or nothing.01:16
sbalneavYou'll never EVER get something by the security team that dynamically re-writes /etc/shadow.01:17
moquisteven if the admin has to turn it on?01:17
moquistit's certainly not on by default.01:17
sbalneavAnd Debian, and any other serious distro will just p*ss themselves laughing.01:17
sbalneavWe need proper authentication.01:18
moquistyeah, in the sober light of day it doesn't seem like a good idea. I'm only giving this conversation half my brain right now, so I'm going to stop trying to make sense of it.01:19
sbalneavIt's not hard.  But, for some reason, we're constantly blocked by the server team.01:19
moquistwhich part isn't hard?01:20
moquistconfiguring and managing LDAP is still painful and not integrated.01:20
sbalneavSetting up ldap auth + nsswitch01:20
moquistconfiguring and managing LDAP on the server is still painful and not integrated.01:20
Burgundaviamoquist: did you see the emal that just came down?01:20
Burgundaviathey are going to work on it for gutsy01:20
Burgundaviaand of course, ebox just landed01:20
moquistBurgundavia: er, no01:20
sbalneavEither that, or we need something else.01:21
=== moquist googles ebox
sbalneava pam module that uses ssh or ssl to use the server's /etc/password and /etc/shadow01:21
moquistBurgundavia: interesting.01:22
moquistBurgundavia: it looks webmin-ish.01:23
=== moquist just added webmin autoconfiguration to smbldap-configure
moquistwe're going with webmin at work, instead of SUSE+YaST01:23
moquistBurgundavia: and who is the "they" who's going to work on "what"? (server team, working on easy and integrated ldap?)01:26
moquistsbalneav: or it could query the server dynamically with 'getent'; that way the server's nsswitch will be in effect, and you aren't making assumptions about the server's nsswitch conf01:28
moquistsbalneav: right; the module should be able to ssh to the server as the currently-logged-in-user and run 'getent'. it's perfect.01:30
moquistman, it's really appealing to try to write that module. maybe I"ll take a crack it, though I totally should work on other stuff.01:30
sbalneavYou won't be able to get a shadow entry though.01:30
moquistthe shadow of doubt has crept into our discussion, I see01:31
moquistor, the doubt of shadow, anyway01:31
sbalneavNo, not at all.01:31
sbalneavhere's how a pam module could work.01:32
sbalneavYou'd need to set up a userid on the server, that would be a member of the shadow group01:32
sbalneavAnd set up sshkeys so that that user could make passwordless logins from the client.01:33
sbalneavthen, the pam module, when handling the pam conversation01:33
sbalneavdoes a "ssh -l shadowuser server getent passwd" and ssh -l shadowuser server getent shadow01:34
sbalneavgets the info, and does a standard pam convo based on that.01:34
sbalneavhmm, how to handle password expires, I wonder.01:35
sbalneavYou'd need root for that.01:35
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=== moquist got kicked off of panera's wireless for a bit
moquistsbalneav: password expiration could be supported in v2...01:53
sbalneavactually we don't need to handle expiry01:54
sbalneavbecause that would have been handles on the login01:54
moquistonly if the whole auth stack is local01:54
sbalneavWell, that would work.01:55
moquistthat's diskless fat client, but is there really a reason to go that far?01:55
=== moquist isn't sure
sbalneavSo, we need a pam + nsswitch module.01:55
sbalneavThat's pretty easy.01:55
moquistsbalneav: especially if you've done it before. ;)01:56
sbalneavYou done a pam module before?01:59
sbalneavThis, actually, solves a HUGE number of problems.02:01
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Burgundaviamoquist: they are indeed the server team, canonicals03:10
Burgundaviabasically webmin, but done right03:11
=== moquist nods
moquistBurgundavia: sounds great03:23
=== moquist isn't thrilled about using webmin, but Ubuntu+webmin is preferable to SUSE+YaST
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svenstaroHello everybody04:44
svenstaroI'm trying to run edubuntu in an vmware to test its thinclient capabilities04:45
svenstaroNow, I don't know how to do the network configuration and the edubuntu page is kinda outdated04:45
svenstaroI'm using vmnet1 for the internal net between edubuntu and thinclient04:46
svenstaronevermind just figured it out05:03
svenstarobut man, the 33 of you arent too word-happy :/05:04
sbalneavI was away :)05:12
svenstaroWell you can help me nontheless if you want05:14
svenstaroI get dumped to busy box after about 3 minutes of waiting after receiving the PXE bootroom05:14
sbalneavWhich version of edubuntu?05:16
sbalneavSounds like the NFS root dir isn't getting mounted.05:17
svenstarois it a serverside problem?05:18
svenstaroor something caused by vmware?05:18
sbalneavI'd guess vmware05:18
sbalneavI don't know anything about vmware, personally05:19
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svenstarohow would I go about checking if the server is all ok setup?05:20
sbalneavwell, showmount -a should show you what the server thinks it's exporting.05:22
svenstaronothing listed05:23
svenstarodoes this one have to do with sudo ltsp-build-client?05:23
sbalneavDid you install edubuntu server, or edubuntu workstation?05:24
sbalneavThe server install sets up the ltsp chroot as part of the install.05:25
sbalneavdo you have an /opt/ltsp/i386 directory?05:25
svenstarojust deleted it in order to perform the sudo ltsp-build-client command05:25
svenstaronow it says it cant reach the archive though networking is setup correctly05:25
svenstarooh wait  a sec please05:26
sbalneavWhy'd you delete it, as opposed to just renaming it?05:26
svenstaroThat's what I'm asking myself right now, anyway, it's retrieving itself again05:28
sbalneavIt'll take a while05:29
svenstarostill no mounts05:38
svenstarobut its working :D05:43
svenstarothanks mate05:43
svenstaroStill there, sbalneav ?06:24
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svenstaroHow do I go about configuring users for edubuntu? Do I configure one for every student?06:46
sbalneavsvenstaro: Yeah, you'll want to create a userid for every student.07:01
svenstaroIs it somehow possible to always load a default image for every student which resets after every logout?07:01
sbalneavI wrote something for that, a patch to pam_mkhomedir.07:02
sbalneavYou could put the default home dir into /etc/skel, and the users home dir would get created from there every login, and removed on logout.07:03
sbalneavSo, yes, it's possible.07:03
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svenstaroSounds good.07:04
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Burgundaviamoquist: ebox isn't even based on webmin08:37
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ksivajimay i know what is the difference between edubuntu and kubuntu10:01
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gnomefreakgnome vs kde is the biggest11:37
Kamping_kaisergnomefreak: funny that ;)11:56
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Hobbsee*** Main will freeze on Tuesday for Tribe 3 preparations, cd preparations will commence in a couple of days ***05:40
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Burgundaviahello timma10:47
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