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bronsonThe gutsy iso doesn't seem to boot under kvm...01:07
bronsonAnyone else notice this?01:07
bronsonDoesn't even make it to the boot loader screen.01:07
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crimsunbeing more precise about "the gutsy iso" would be a start.01:08
crimsune.g., Tribe 1?  Tribe 2?  daily?  which one?01:08
borschtyi have the problem of x using about 415mb of virtual memory, while according to xrestop there are only about 25mb used by applications01:15
crimsunthat's not a problem.  First, how much RAM is mapped for video?01:15
crimsuni.e., how much video RAM or shared RAM01:16
MugginsMplus applications tend to use X memory for storing images and stuff01:16
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borschtyMugginsM: thats what i checked with xrestop01:16
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borschtycrimsun: i had the problem with my radeon 9700 with 128mb internal ram, too... now it is on a intel 915... let me check how much shared memory it gets01:17
crimsun(II) intel(0): I830CheckAvailableMemory: 1455100 kB available01:18
crimsun(==) intel(0): VideoRam: 262144 KB01:18
borschty(II) I810(0): BIOS now sees 12288 kB VideoRAM01:20
borschty(--) I810(0): Pre-allocated VideoRAM: 7932 kByte01:20
borschty(==) I810(0): VideoRAM: 65536 kByte01:20
borschtythe problem is not caused by the videoram01:22
crimsunso at least 65 MB of it is mapped VRAM.01:22
crimsunignore 65 of the purported 415.01:22
borschtyand the 25 of the apps01:22
crimsunnext, you need to run xrestop on a _fresh_ X server start.01:23
borschtyhaven't tried  on this machine, on my desktop with the radeon the problem was present directly after starting x... but i will try on the laptop, now...01:24
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borschtyxrestop gives a total of 3mb now, Xorg takes 340mb of virtual memory according to top01:26
borschtystill way too much01:26
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borschtycrimsun: any ideas how to track the problem down?01:32
crimsunwell, is this a clean X session or one loaded with gnome-session, et al.?01:32
thullymine is taking 393MB on a clean Gutsy install, so this isn't isolated...01:33
borschtycrimsun: gnome, i think i'll test a completely clean server01:34
thullyspeaking of Gutsy installs, does anyone know the best way to go about setting up one's system for testing/triaging bugs?  I don't have a system I can dedicate completely to testing...01:35
crimsuneither chroot, or xen/vmware01:36
thullyI figured that may be a good idea, though I did have some tell me chroot was only good for running individual apps and not the whole system..01:37
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borschty338mb, and just some kb used by the xterm01:41
borschtyclearly an xorg problem01:41
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borschtyit has /dev/mem open, which takes 256mb, according to gnome-system-monitor01:44
kingrayrayhey anybody know of a gutsy-friendly E17 repo?01:45
pwnguinX holds the memory region for your video card01:45
pwnguinergo, it looks much bigger than it really "is"01:46
pwnguinand if you have a large agp aperature01:46
pwnguinclearly, process accounting on linux could be improved01:47
borschtypwnguin VideoRAM: 65536 kByte01:47
MugginsMif it's using 256M of video ram it *is* still using 256M of ram, should it pretend it isn't?  :)01:48
kingrayrayperhaps it should be more specific as to which ram it's using :P01:49
borschtyi still think ther has to be an bug01:49
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pwnguinborschty: you might start by reading what's already been written about X memory usage01:51
MugginsMi think the problem is that computers are complex, and a small group of generic numbers can't really describe the real details01:52
borschtypwnguin: my search on google lead to no usefull results01:53
pwnguinhere's a crappy start http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=88953401:55
kingrayraydoes anybody run E17 on gutsy? :o02:00
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ryanakcaWhy can I only have one reiserfs partition in my LVM? After create one, all the free space afterwards becomes 'unusable'... ... And I've been told that there should only be one device mapper, not two, as was created by the installer?02:59
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hwildeHow to force baud rate of mct u232 - serial convert?   dmesg shows this error:  [15308.548000]  drivers/usb/serial/mct_u232.c: MCT USB-RS232: unsupported baudrate request 0x1005, using default of B960003:33
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hwildeI posted to the wiki in case anybody can help with the baud rate03:40
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Stormx2hwilde: You know, the wiki isn't there for problem solving.03:43
Stormx2hwilde: I'd imagine that page will be deleted very quickly03:43
hwildeStormx2, it is part of a how to, and that is as far as i've got so far, so right now it is a bit problem solving03:45
hwildeas far as formatting and collaboration, it is great for problem solving.  anybody can post the solution there at anytime03:46
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starzhow can i get ubuntu to quit using uuid?03:54
hwilde!uuid | starz03:55
ubotustarz: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:55
starzo no it works great03:57
starzits when i format one of my partitions into something different -03:57
starzthen the uuid is new - changes with each format03:57
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starzsup masterloki :)03:58
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hwildeAny help with this error from dmesg?   usb 3-1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ftdi_sio while 'brltty' sets config #104:11
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shadeofgreyhas anybody here had experrience with installing ubuntu on macbookpro's with the new nvidia graphics chips04:11
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pimp31415no lm-sensors possible? @_@04:16
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sayersDoes AMD64 work well with Gusty?04:23
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:24
pimp31415sayers, its gutsy - experimental - beyond testing - but ive heard its ok?04:24
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RoC_MasterMindIf your OK with things that break regularly.04:46
RoC_MasterMindWait for it in October if your not.04:46
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emetI think I'm going to do gutsy on my test machine at work05:08
emetgood idea?05:08
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RoC_MasterMindit could use the testing05:15
RoC_MasterMindfile your bugs05:15
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xtknightis there a reason firefox is giving me trouble at bootup?  it asks me to create a profile, but when i try and do that i get a fairly obscure error05:18
xtknightgutsy livecd, that is05:18
xtknightnever mind it seems to have worked, although on the third try05:18
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DanaGc Odd, whenever I select a theme, it jumps to Custom.07:15
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HyperCityhy to all , when i try to use compiz-icon i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29981/ , can someone help me?07:27
DanaGIs there a plugin that will make everything less bright?07:31
DanaGLike, a removable color filter?07:31
DanaGI know there's a plugin, but how do you use it?07:31
DanaGoops, wrong channel for compiz questions.07:31
DanaGAnd why the heck to font-rendering changes no longer apply on the fly?07:33
RAOFBecause the new appearance panel is broke07:33
DanaGAny easy way to let the old ones coexist with it?07:45
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DanaGI wonder why compiz-fusion is so slow compared to Beryl...07:59
DanaGoops, /me remembers #ubuntu-effects07:59
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nysosymhi there10:56
nysosymi have installed the latest daily build of gutsy, but now the system, doesn't start, "no controller found", where is the problem and how can i solve this?10:57
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mboneuhm, I have a problem with ubuntu 7.04 :p12:45
mbonethat is my nvidia12:45
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gnomefreakmon^rch: #ubuntu is for support for 7.04 a;so maybe try #ubuntu-effects as its nvidia related.01:08
gnomefreakmbone: ^^^ that was for you01:08
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mon^rchhow are you guys liking gutsy? I tried an upgarde... borked some stuff... going to try a tribe 2 cd... and wth is gobuntu?01:10
mon^rchis there no theme changer in gutsy?01:24
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gnomefreakmon^rch: system>prefferences>apperance or use control center01:41
gnomefreakyou will notice alot of items now use apperance instead of having an extra menu entry01:42
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persiaI've a keymapping issue in X with jp106, and I wondered if anyone could help.  Everything works perfectly in the console, but under X the \(|) key has no response, and the ] (}) key is remapped to \(|).02:16
persiaThis is a continuous upgrade from long ago, but under Feisty, neither of the \(|) or \(_) keys worked at all, and the ] (}) key worked normally, so I'm guessing a recent update is responsible for the change.02:16
persiaIf anyone has any ideas as to how to determine which package is remapping these (I believe both X and GNOME have remapping agents), or would be able to replicate the issue on a similar keyboard, that would be greatly appreciated.02:16
telexiconWhere is the font configuration dialog, it seems to have disappeared from System > Preferences ?02:17
Trewastelexicon: font settings are in System / Preferences / Appearance now02:20
telexiconTrewas, ah, thanks02:20
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mon^rchwhat's the theme applet program name? I installed gutsy and the theme entry from my menu dissappeared02:24
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telexiconwhat on earth!?02:25
telexiconthey cant have 2 queens...02:25
telexiconin gnome chess the gnu chess opponent moved 2 pawns to the other end of the board and got a queen for each one...02:26
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elopsi'm using vmware in my windows. I'll try to installing ubuntu in my vmware. my computer is amd athlon xp with 256mb ram and 64mb vga. because i'm using vmware i shared my ram to 128. can u recommended me what ubuntu distro series i must use in my computer?02:31
telexiconelops, you would most likely want to try the alternate cd02:31
void^(you most likely don't want to use vmware on that system)02:33
telexiconvoid^, agreed02:33
variantelops: why are you asking here? this is the gutsy development channel02:33
variantand in #ubuntu i noticed02:34
telexiconthey also asked in main channel.. i wasnt paying attention02:34
variantchannel spam02:34
elopswhere should I ask?02:34
elopsok i did02:34
elopsand no answer02:34
varianti suggest you read the /topic when you join a channel02:34
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variant!patience | elops02:35
ubotuelops: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:35
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telexiconso should i report that chess bug to launchpad or directly to gnome, its not really distro related02:35
telexiconoh and baobab abort()s on the livecd02:36
Hobbseetelexicon: if it's not distro related, report it to gnome02:36
telexiconits a bug in the game logic.. ok.. ill do that02:36
Hobbseetelexicon: because ti wont be fixed at the distro level, or if it would be, that developer woudl commit ti straight to gnome, and would be seeing all the gnome bugmail, etc, anyway02:38
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mon^rchdoes the alternate installer install a gui?02:41
telexiconer, maybe i just dont know chess that well :)02:41
Hobbseemon^rch: yes02:42
mon^rchand compiz fusion is part of gutsy?02:44
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persiatelexicon: It depends on the ruleset.  Both pawn always promotes to queen and pawn only promotes to taken piece are played, but the former is more common (and standard for international tournaments, as far as I recall)02:46
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telexiconpersia, yea, i didnt realize that02:46
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assasukassei was wondering, is it true that tickless kernel will be on gutsy?02:49
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variantassasukasse: do you know what a tickless kernel is?03:01
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assasukassevariant: a tickless kernel is a kernel that doesn't have the "hz" internal clock..it is said it should save energy, and it could be nice for my lap.03:02
telexiconrecently there has been a lot of work going into saving power, using a tickless kernel is just part of it03:04
telexicona lot of programs poll things very frequently so those need to be patched to prevent them from waking up the processor all the time03:06
telexiconi think eventually linux is going to really shine in power management because the majority of programs are open source so they can all be checked to see if they do things in a way that minimizes wake-ups03:07
finalbetaBut the hardware isn't, so those drivers might drain too much resources anyway03:07
variantabsolutly, the whole free software development model is far superior in that way03:07
telexiconwell a lot of drivers are open03:08
telexiconthe graphics drivers are going to be a problem, and wireless03:08
telexiconbut there are projects to fix that03:08
finalbetaWow, allot of effort seems to be going into mobile ubuntu (Just reading ubuntu gusty specs)03:10
telexiconbut i suppose people using the close source graphics drivers (and then 3d graphics) should realize that they are going to end up using a lot of power so...03:10
sn0hopefully ubuntu will boot on the open moko neo1973 device03:12
telexiconsn0, why?03:13
sn0why not is the question i thought :D03:13
telexiconubuntu is a desktop oriented distro03:14
sn0and there are plans for a mobile edition03:14
finalbetaHopefully Gusty will boot on my Dell Inspiron without having yo remove the CD rom drive.03:14
sn0with a version out based on gutsy in oct03:15
telexiconoh, looks good03:15
sn0which coincides with the proper release of the treo1973 :D03:15
telexiconthe neo1973 runs linux already, it shouldnt be a problem03:15
assasukassebtw, does anyone know if and when an iceweasel package be included in ubuntu03:16
telexiconassasukasse, why?03:16
spikebperhaps as part of gobuntu assasukasse03:16
assasukassetelexicon: i've been comparing firefox and iceweasel on debian, but iw is faster and eats far less ram03:17
sn0i heard a while back that icedove would be synced from debian03:17
sn0but have heard nothing since03:17
telexiconassasukasse, that doesnt really make much sense..03:17
Hobbseeno, ice* will not be synced from debian, i'ts on the blacklist03:17
=== Hobbsee wonders where people hera all this crazy stuff
telexiconassasukasse, iceweasel is just a renamed firefox for license reasons03:17
=== spikeb grumbles
sn0okay thx Hobbsee03:18
assasukassetelexicon: for what i know is not only that..alot of stuffs have been removed03:18
spikebthen what does gobuntu plan on using for a browser? firefox doesn't fit the definition of free properly.03:18
assasukasseand toher changed03:18
Hobbseespikeb: i have no idea.  possibly epiphany?03:18
spikebthat would rock03:18
Hobbseewell, they may choose to unblacklist, and make it conflict with firefox and such03:18
spikebyeah that is what i was thinking.03:18
telexiconthe MPL is an OSI approved license03:19
sn0personally i would prefer icedove > ephiphany03:19
spikebtelexicon, firefox has other issues.03:19
sn0keep getting mixed up on those two :] 03:19
telexiconthey are on google's pay list?03:19
spikebtelexicon, no. read about the debian/firefox snafu. that should amply demonstrate the issue.. heh03:20
telexiconthe mozilla foundation is just trying to protect the reputation03:20
sn0the search revenue sure is interesting :)03:20
spikebdoesn't matter what or why they are doing it :)03:20
telexiconits theirs, they can do whatever, if they want people to rename it if they modify the code, thats fine by me03:21
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telexiconare there plans to use GPL'd java?03:32
=== spikeb upgrades and waits for everything to break
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shirishubotu gutsy03:44
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+103:44
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xtknightshirish: hey how's it goin03:47
xtknightlong time03:47
shirishxtknight: ah cool, been here & there03:48
shirishhave been on, but mostly on the mailing lists03:48
xtknightgutsy tribe 2 didnt boot for me but the latest daily is working good.  im on it right now, actually.  but fairly unstable :P03:49
xtknighta couple things are unstable.  some things seem fine03:49
spikebthat makes me nervous03:49
=== spikeb is in the process of upgrading
xtknighti wouldnt recommend it personally at this point03:49
xtknightand im somebody who does crazy stuff03:50
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shirishxtknight: I usually recommend alternate & till date it works fine, but then the machine I have (i845) is an ok stuff03:50
spikebthat's all i needed to hear03:50
=== spikeb cancells
xtknightearly alphas are always kind of unstable, nothing new really03:51
xtknightso i stick to the live03:51
xtknightdapper beta was great for me, but then again it was beta.03:51
shirishxtknight: any interesting app. which you are supporting (upstream) throughout the cycle?03:51
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xtknightshirish: well not yet at least, i did want to get in the gutsy dev cycle since i have all summer off03:52
telexiconim on tribe 2 and everything is fine03:52
xtknightshirish: for sure i'll be trying to fix more bugs, etc03:52
xtknightand reporting existing ones03:52
shirishsame here, tribe 2 + all updates, everything is cool03:52
xtknightive had about 10 error reports since i've started it.  tribe 2 didnt even start on my pc03:53
xtknightprobably just bad luck03:53
=== Vuen__ [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088838961.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu+1
shirishxtknight: I do report bugs, what I meant was helping with some project (like I have been trying to play with deluge - a torrent client) and seeing how it fits with python 2.503:53
telexiconxtknight, if it didnt boot it was probably a hardware issue, do you have any weird hardware?03:53
Vuen__hey guys, i'm gonna upgrade to gutsy03:54
Vuen__wish me luck03:54
xtknightshirish: nope but i really hope to make some GUI stuff in the future.  the only package i was involved with was bip (bug fix).  havent done any gui or other packages yet03:54
shirishxtknight: you were using daily or alternate, somehow I feel alternate gives more debug messages03:54
xtknightshirish: daily livecd03:54
telexiconshirish, i use deluge on feisty, will it be added to the repos?03:54
xtknighttelexicon: well the core 2 duo is hard on linux sometimes03:54
shirishxtknight: ah good, if you do make some python based GUI stuff, lemme know I can always test it out03:54
xtknightand intel i965 chipset/etc03:55
telexiconxtknight, yea, ive had some issues with those03:55
xtknightnothing too weird03:55
shirishtelexicon: deluge is there on gutsy03:55
sn0Vuen__ gl :)03:55
shirishtelexicon: 0.5.203:55
telexiconshirish, excellent03:55
xtknightshirish: ah awesome03:55
xtknightwell i've gotta head out, be back later03:55
xtknightheh k.03:55
telexiconi was looking for something besides azureus because its so big and ive had trouble getting it to run properly03:56
shirishxtknight: there is a bug about i965 chipsets, maybe that is the issue. lemme track it down03:56
shirishsaw it about an 1/2 hr. ago.03:56
xtknightshirish: hey thanks, i'll have to check when i get back though (only be an hour or two)03:56
xtknighti'll be around here a lot more often now03:56
telexiconwhats the story on all these ***MEMORY-WARNING*** g_thread_init() messages?03:57
xtknighti got those too03:57
shirishbug 12288603:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122886 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intel mobile graphics controller not detected on GMCHB0ICHB0" [Medium,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12288603:57
telexiconalmost every program i run has them03:57
xtknightwhen i did universal access something03:57
shirishbug 11937003:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119370 in discover-data "Intel Xorg driver not detected when installing Gutsy Tribe-1 on an Intel GMCHB0ICHB0 motherboard" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11937003:58
xtknightah i think that's mobile intle graphics.  i have a card thankfully03:58
shirishas well as bug 11936203:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119362 in discover-data "Unknown Intel graphics controller on Intel D63578-200 motherboard" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11936203:58
telexiconwill bullet-proof-x help with things like that?03:58
xtknight<-- bbiab03:58
shirishubotu bullet-proof-x03:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bullet-proof-x - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:58
telexiconi was reading the blueprint on it03:59
shirishtelexicon: is that a package bullet-proof-x03:59
shirishoh ok, a link would be helpful03:59
telexiconbasically if the xorg.conf file is bad or missing, or it cant figure things out.. it defaults to 640x480 using vesa and pops up a screen resolution dialog03:59
shirishtelexicon: 640*480 :( but I guess thats good if you have ancient hardware like p3,celeron, athlon, sempron etc.04:00
telexiconwell it pops up a screen resolution box so you can fix it04:01
telexiconand tell it what you have maybe04:01
telexiconoh, they are going with 800x60004:01
telexiconand if VESA isnt supported, 640x480/16 VGA04:02
shirishtht's good, have subscribed to the blueprint, will read the wiki entry later.04:02
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ShackJackGutsy is really rough on my year-old notebook (fglrx/ATI) at times -- XGL & GNOME startup failures, gnome-panel, terminal, gedit, lockups, etc... But on my 5 year old desktop (Nvidia), it runs like a champ!04:14
telexiconfglrx arent the greatest drivers,04:16
ShackJacktelexicon: That's an understatement, though I never had much trouble on Feisty... Guessing it's some combo of the two... I hate having to use XGL...04:16
ShackJackAnd fusion works good when it is running -- it's the starting up in GNOME and other things that's the problem...04:17
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ShackJackWithout rebooting entirely, is there another way to refresh things? I always thought dropping to a runlevel 1 does the trick, but it doesn't make any improvment (i.e. XGL/GNOME still lock up unless I reboot)04:18
telexiconctrl+alt+backspace will kill the xserver and restart it04:19
telexiconrunlevel usually does the trick, sometimes some apps arent killed04:19
telexiconif you do a ps aux, there may be a few things still running from your standard user account04:20
telexiconthe other option is, the ati driver is messing something up in the kernel04:20
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ShackJacktelexicon: Yep...  Anyone else here having issues with Terminal or Gedit not starting, or crashing gnome-panel/nautilus?04:21
=== ShackJack is almost tempted to sell his notebook and get one with Nvidia :)
telexiconintel's graphics drivers are open source04:23
telexiconbut i dunno if they would be powerful enough for what you want04:23
ShackJacktelexicon: True, though I like the extra ooomph Nvidia provides for Compiz, etc...04:23
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telexiconShackJack, well they did have to make them powerful enough for Vista's 3d.. so04:52
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ShackJacktelexicon: THat's true - you mean the X3100 or whatever they're called? Was trying to google around for specs...04:53
ShackJackI just want Fusion with my Gutsy and play DVD's movies occassionally - nothin' fancy...04:53
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darnelllast time i tried updating to gusty I didnt get any sound07:17
darnellsame thing now?07:17
gnomefreakdarnell: did you make sure its on in alsamixer? what kernel are you using as it was down during migration of new kernel07:21
gnomefreakoh and btw its not supposed to work anyway07:21
telexiconWhen reporting a bug in a gnome program should I also report the bug in ubuntu with a link to the gnome bug report, so if other people report the same bug the bug people dont have to go re-find it?07:21
Hobbseetelexicon: could be smart07:21
darnellwhy isnt it suppose to work?07:21
gnomefreakdarnell: its in early development07:22
gnomefreakgutsy has a few 3 months or so before its stable07:22
gnomefreakthats half the time of the ful devel period07:22
gnomefreaktelexicon: file it under the package that the bug is in07:23
gnomefreakadd the link to upstream bug if you have it or you can add it after clicking on upstream07:23
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telexiconwhat are the other -dbgsym packages i need to make things like 0xb7f47410 in __kernel_vsyscall (), show up07:56
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teethdoodI'm looking for an app that lists all my movie files (like a media center app). can anyone recommend me one?07:59
telexiconteethdood, you probably want to ask in #ubuntu07:59
telexiconthis is a development channel07:59
teethdoodI did but my question got drowned out :P just curious if anyone's willing to answer that's all08:00
telexiconi dont know08:00
telexiconi dont know of any app that does that, i dont use those kinds of things08:01
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DanaGSomething new in 2.6.22-git5:08:06
DanaG    libata: add FUJITSU MHV2080BH to NCQ blacklist          Please warmly welcome the first member from FUJITSU to the prestigious     NCQ spurious completion club.08:06
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DanaGI have that hard drive, but with a different firmware revision, and I don't have that problem.08:06
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DanaGI found something interesting in pavucontrol:09:37
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DanaGIf you grab a volume slider and move your mouse around rapidly, you can end up with the sliders saying 100% but the volume not at 100%.09:37
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variantDanaG: file a bug09:50
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LattyHey all, trying to upgrade to gusty in Kubuntu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/119664/ < but getting that.11:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119664 in kdepim "Kubuntu upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy failed due to conflicting file in kdepimlibs" [High,Confirmed] 11:43
Lattyhow can work around this?11:43
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LattyAh, appeared to have got it working.11:48
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mrsnoLatty please post a workaround if you indeed found one :-)11:54
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arpuhi @all12:07
arpucan somebody help me to install the icam on a macbook ?12:07
arpudoi need install the driver ? too in gutsy ?12:07
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