
=== orethrius [n=robert@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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johnc4510beuno: greetings02:42
beunohey johnc4510!02:42
beunohow's it going?02:43
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johnc4510i've been hard at work02:43
johnc4510beuno: please look over what i have done so far and let me know if ok or not thanks02:45
beunojohnc4510, sure, I've been following it anyway by mail02:45
beunobut I'll take a look in general02:45
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johnc4510the windows grouping is nice too03:51
johnc4510sorry, learning irssi and not always tabbing correctly03:52
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beunojohnc4510: great job on the UWN!  :D09:18
=== johnc4511 [n=johnc@ip68-231-136-42.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunojohnc4511: great job on the UWN!  :D09:23
johnc4511beuno: ty, did you get my email?09:23
johnc4511i wasn't sure if i could just take that one out09:24
beunojohnc4511: just did right now, sounds good09:24
beunoif you se it's not worth summarizing, don't09:24
johnc4511thanks   i will keep that in mind   anything else you need done09:25
beunojohnc4511: there are 2 things that are easy enough, "In The Blogosphere", and "Meetings and Events"09:26
beunoif you edit the wiki, I think it's fairly well explained09:27
beunobut I'm here if you have any questions09:27
=== johnc4511 goes to look at wiki
johnc4511beuno: ok the meetings and events is not problem, but where do I draw the blogs from?09:31
beunojohnc4511: I believe technorati is the best tool09:32
johnc4511beuno: i will check out technorati  ty09:33
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johnc4511beuno: you around11:12
Burgundavia_johnc4511: I am, if you have any questions11:14
johnc4511beuno: i put the meeting info from the fridge in, i also put in a couple of instructionals from blogs of ubuntu members that i know. I would have done more blog research, but i am running short of time today. By next week i will have more blog info for readers.  :)11:14
johnc4511Burgundavia_: howdy11:14
johnc4511just leaving a note for beuno  on UWN 11:15
johnc4511i'm a new working on newsletter11:15
Burgundavia_I will poke at it myself11:15
johnc4511Burgundavia_: ty11:15
johnc4511going to quit and rejoin to see if that does it11:46
johnc4511wrong channel   sorry11:46
=== johnc4512 [n=johnc@ip68-231-136-42.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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