
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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MegaqwertyOkay, when trying to build a package with dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot , I get "gpg: [stdin] : clearsign failed: secret key not available" I do have a secret key, and I have already exported GPGKEY=39A34D3B (which is my key id)12:18
Megaqwertyany idea as to what I need to do to resolve this?12:18
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persiaI'm slow, but it's one of 1) GPG-agent not working due to missing variables, 2) incorrect email in key, 3) incorrect email in changelog, 4) incorrect email in DEBEMAIL, or 5) incorrect GPG configuration.  Perhaps the IRC log will be helpful to someone.12:40
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persiaMegaqwerty: Sorry: I answered whist you were away.12:55
Megaqwertyah, what was the answer?12:56
persiaMegaqwerty: First, are you building source in feisty or gutsy?  If feisty, you may need to set some variables to get your gpg-agent to work.12:56
crimsun18:40 < persia> I'm slow, but it's one of 1) GPG-agent not working due to missing variables, 2) incorrect email in key, 3) incorrect email in changelog, 4) incorrect email in DEBEMAIL, or 5) incorrect GPG configuration.  Perhaps the IRC log will be helpful to someone.12:56
persiaMegaqwerty: OK.  That's probably it then.  Are you using seahorse, or gpg-agent as a GPG Agent?12:57
gnomefreaki dont think its gpg-agent12:57
gnomefreaknor seahorse12:57
Megaqwertygnomefreak: is correct, I know not of either12:57
gnomefreaki have both both work fine feisty and gutsy12:57
persiagnomefreak: Really?  Do you have anything special in ~/.devscripts in feisty?12:57
gnomefreaki would make sure changelog is correct as set in your DEBEMAIL in ~/.bashrc12:57
gnomefreakpersia: no nothing i changed12:58
persiaMegaqwerty: OK.  Next, make sure that you have DEBEMAIL set, that it matches the last changelog entry, and that it matches one of the emails on your key.12:58
gnomefreakdidnt even know that was created12:58
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@unaffiliated/megaqwerty] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Megaqwertysorry about that12:58
persiaMegaqwerty: OK.  Next, make sure that you have DEBEMAIL set, that it matches the last changelog entry, and that it matches one of the emails on your key.12:58
Megaqwertyso... export DEBEMAIL=myemail in the end of .bashrc?12:59
persiaMegaqwerty: That could work, but for troubleshooting, try just running export DEBEMAIL=<your email> in the terminal first.  If it works, adding it to .bashrc makes sense.12:59
gnomefreakassuming your not using bzr bd01:00
gnomefreakexport GPGKEY=keyid would be helpful as well if its not already there01:00
persiagnomefreak: Already done :)01:01
gnomefreaki have 6 exports in ~/.bashrc and just going through them to make sure you have them :)01:01
=== persia has 0 exports in .bashrc, and everything works
gnomefreak1 is ther eby default01:02
gnomefreakyou better have 1;)01:02
gnomefreakexport HISTCONTROL=ignoredups01:02
MegaqwertyI have exported the correct key01:02
persiagnomefreak: mine's commented out :)01:02
=== gnomefreak wonders if DEBEMAIL takes full name as well as email
gnomefreakpersia: ah01:02
gnomefreakim gonna assume no since i have 2 lines01:03
Megaqwertywell...that didn't work01:03
Megaqwertyit is the same email in the changelog, and my gpg key01:04
gnomefreakpersia: maybe you had added an email to your key?01:04
crimsunpastebin the uids from your key and the complete top changelog entry.01:04
persiaMegaqwerty: Hmmm..  Could you try setting DEBEMAIL to be "Name in changelog <email>"?01:04
=== gnomefreak thinks that would have been to easy to ask :(
=== Pumpernickel [n=Pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-motu
gnomefreakhint dont put anything in that setting but email01:05
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MegaqwertyAh, man I hate to go when I'm getting so much support, but I have to...I'll be back later, hopefully I'll get as much help as I am having now then.01:05
persiaMegaqwerty: Good luck.01:05
gnomefreaki thought persia was having issues01:05
persiagnomefreak: Nope - things work great for me: I blame Mr. Kowalik :)01:06
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Megaqwertyokay, so I forgot I have another hour :-\01:11
MegaqwertySo, I had just tried exporting DEBEMAIL and GPGKEY variables to no avail.01:12
Megaqwertypersia, gnomefreak, you guys still here?01:13
crimsun19:04 < crimsun> pastebin the uids from your key and the complete top changelog entry.01:13
persiaMegaqwerty: Great.  Does it work with the expanded DEBEMAIL setting?  If not, could you please put the last changelog entry and the uuids from your key in a changelog entry for examination?01:13
Megaqwertypersia: expanded? Oh, add my full name and <email> to the variable?01:14
persiaMegaqwerty: Right.01:14
minghuaProbably a DEBFULLNAME thing.01:14
minghua(and comments in GPG key id)01:15
Megaqwertyminghua: oh, I should declare DEBFULLNAME? 01:15
persiaminghua: likely.  I always force that in DEBEMAIL, but that's just me.01:15
minghuaHello crimsun and persia BTW. :-)01:15
Megaqwertynope, I'll just pastebin the requested info.01:16
minghuaMegaqwerty: as crimsun said, paste your changelog entry and key uid in pastebin so that people can look.01:16
crimsunhello minghua 01:16
persiaminghua: Good evening01:16
EliasAmaralIn my computer /etc/init.d/rcS do not seem to be executed in initialization (it isn't in /etc/rc*.d), does anyone know why?01:17
minghuaMegaqwerty: The point is to make the changelog entry and your gpg key id match, there are multiple ways to achieve it, DEBFULLNAME is one of them.01:17
EliasAmaralI executed stat /etc/rc*.d/*|grep init.d/rcS , it returns nothing01:17
minghuapersia: Yeah, it always bother me that dpatch doesn't want to read DEBFULLNAME, maybe I should force it in DEBEMAIL, too.01:18
EliasAmaral(In contrast, stat /etc/rc*.d/*|grep init.d/urandom returns the correct links for urandom)01:18
persiaEliasAmaral: You likely want a support channel.  I'd suggest checking in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 (depending on which release you use)01:18
persiaminghua: Yep.  That was one of my motivations.01:19
EliasAmaralpersia, you are right, sorry. i am asking here because apparently #ubuntu is so hight-traffic that nobody could see my question01:19
persiaMegaqwerty: "(Repository Key" is missing in your changelog, or spuriously added to your key.01:19
Megaqwertypersia: what is the syntax for such?01:20
persiaUmm...  " (Repository Key) "01:20
MegaqwertyWell...I mean, could you give me an example entry01:20
minghuaMegaqwerty: As persia said.  Add "(Repository Key)" after your name in changelog can work around it.01:20
persiaMegaqwerty: You just need to make sure the name in the changelog (from DEBEMAIL when using dch) exactly matches the entire name in the gpg key.01:21
MegaqwertyI didn't realize you meant the comment01:21
minghuaMegaqwerty: if you want dch/debchange to automatically generate a correct changelog entry for you, you need to adjust some other things.01:21
EliasAmaralThere are a documentation about the inicialization of Ubuntu? I am reading http://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-system.en.html and it says /etc/init.d/rcS must be executed01:22
Megaqwertythat did it, thanks01:25
persiaMegaqwerty: Great.01:25
Megaqwertyminghua: how would I get dh_make to automatically do that for me?01:25
Megaqwertyminghua: or is that something I'll just have to change myself every time?01:25
minghuaMegaqwerty: Not sure.  I personally object using dh_make, and don't know much about it.01:25
Megaqwertyminghua: haha okay.01:26
minghuaMegaqwerty: for generate changelog entries after you've already done the initial packaging, you should use dch command.01:26
minghuaMegaqwerty: dh_make doesn't help you after the initial packaging anyway (AFAIK).01:26
Megaqwertyminghua: no, I don't believe it does.01:27
=== persia suggests that the contents of usr/share/debhelper/dh_make/debian/ can be useful reference even when not using dh_make to create a package, and that the result is sometimes easier to get clean than actually executing dh_make
crimsunEliasAmaral: lsb_release -r01:29
EliasAmaralcrimsun, Release:        7.0401:29
crimsunEliasAmaral: ok, so $EDITOR /etc/event.d/rcS01:29
crimsunHint: read the upstart documentation.01:30
EliasAmaralah. /etc/event.d is the config directory of upstart?01:30
minghuaYeah, and stop following everything on Debian Reference if you are using Ubuntu.01:31
=== persia thinks that the Debian Reference contains much useful information, even if not all is applicable to Ubuntu
crimsunit's absolutely useful if not absolutely relevant ;)01:32
EliasAmaralminghua, yeah, but.. i always installed / removed things in ubuntu initialization using the old initialization system. i don't know how to operate upstart (and never needed before today)01:32
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minghuaHmm, I didn't know upstart has such compatibility with the init system on Debian.01:34
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EliasAmaralupdate-rc.d and invoke-rc.d still works (ok, now you said that i am not sure..)01:34
minghuaWhich release did upstart become default?  Feisty?01:35
crimsunEliasAmaral: update-rc.d has nothing to do with it.  They manage sysvinit-style scripts.  Currently upstart provides sysvinit compatibility.01:37
EliasAmaralBut sysvinit-style scripts doesn't form the init system on Debian?01:37
crimsunAFAIK they still do, but I don't pretend to follow current *init* dev in Debian.01:38
minghuaI think sysvinit is still the default in unstable right now, but there are talks to change the init system.01:40
minghuaDebian is usually slow on such kind of changes.01:40
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crimsunright, I see http://wiki.debian.org/MetaInit, etc., from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-June/023910.html01:42
JazzvaHello... Do I need to provide the whole license (if it differs from GPL) in the debian/copyright, or just some part? This license in particular: http://www.statistica.unimib.it/utenti/dellavedova/software/artistic2.html01:48
JazzvaI see there is Artistic License in /usr/share/common-licenses, but this one is Clarified Artistic License :unsure:...01:50
geserJazzva: the complete license text should be included in debian/copyright01:51
persiaJazzva: The easiest way to check is to run diff between the license included in the source and the license included in /usr/share/common-licenses.  If there are any differences, you need to put it all in debian/copyright.01:52
=== vorlon proposes the Clarified Butter License
Jazzvageser, persia: Ok, thanks :).01:52
NafalloCBL :-)01:53
=== persia thinks the CBL would be extra free, mandating the removal of various otherwise interesting things
=== persia grumbles about native packages that are also distributed in fedora
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=== jdong grumbles about squid taking 30s to stop....
=== jdong adds a quick kill on squid when nobody's looking :D
FujitsuHi jdong.04:17
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jdonghi Fujitsu 04:25
jdonglong time no talk :)04:25
jdonghow's life been around here?04:26
FujitsuI've been rather busy with year 12 and work and various other things, so not as much Ubuntu time lately :(04:27
jdonglikewise; I've been pretty occupied with other stuff recently too04:29
jdongthough my schedule is starting to return to normal again04:29
jdongnot to mention I've started to Use The Dark Side (tm) more as I've been on the road...04:29
jdongit's still *nix though ;-)04:30
FujitsuOS X?04:30
jdongI will attempt a dual boot setup tomorrow for curiousity's sake, but initial research appears pretty iffy.04:30
jdongyeah, black macbook04:31
jdongit's an alright operating system04:31
FujitsuSo I've heard.04:31
jdongthe one thing I really appreciate is how well suspend/resume works04:31
jdongquite literally it's done resuming before I can get the lid back up.04:31
FujitsuThey can manage that fairly well with their incredibly restricted hardware.04:31
jdongyeah, and I have resumed/suspended in excess of 50 times once, before rebooting for an update04:31
jdongsadly Ubuntu can't do that yet on any of my systems :(04:32
jdongbut yeah, their full control over their hardware platform definitely makes this easy for them 04:32
jdongbut on a trip when my main usecase is mapping software, the macbook is a clear winner...04:33
FujitsuOn the latest kernel my laptop has no problems, but it still takes a few seconds. On older kernels there would occasionally be issues like the LCD not turning on, PS/2 stuff being missing, etc.04:33
jdongi.e. open up every 30 minutes to look at map for 5 minutes04:33
jdongah, that's very cool04:33
jdongmy Ubuntu lappie has an ATI GPU, which is a major PITA for suspend04:33
FujitsuAh, I'm all Intel.04:33
jdongit has like a 90% success rate, but when it fails it hardlocks on resume :(04:33
jdongwhich tends to make me not trust suspend at all04:34
jdongI really want to give Ubuntu a shot on this macbook04:34
jdongjust haven't found the time yet to deal with the install procedure04:34
jdongand also, OS X on this thing is Just Work (tm)ing , so I don't have terribly great motivation to change things radically04:35
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jdongI want to get MOTU-ship before summer ends though04:36
jdongif that's the only thing I accomplish this summer...04:36
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TheMusoStevenK: lol04:45
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TheMusoOh man. Managed to get myself shaped.05:01
Hobbseeoh dear05:02
TheMusoWell at least Ubuntu mirrors from my ISP are quota free, and hense at full speed.05:02
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HobbseeTheMuso: how big an allowance do you have?05:04
TheMusoHobbsee: 20GB05:04
TheMusoDropping to 10GB next month.05:04
Hobbseeand you managed to run thru that...05:05
TheMusoUnfortunately its not me who pays the biggest slice of the bill atm.05:05
TheMusoTwas CD images mostly. Gobuntu, and updating all other CD iages.05:05
TheMusoimages even05:05
Hobbseeusing rsync?05:05
TheMusoBut rsync doesn't magically make grabbing extra cds like the gobuntu cd, or the serveraddon cd for edubuntu smaller in download.05:06
FujitsuTheMuso: Wouldn't most of gobuntu be the same as ubuntu?05:06
TheMusoNot to mention getting those cds for both i386 and powerpc.05:06
TheMusoFujitsu: Yeah probably, I didn't think of that at the time however.05:07
HobbseeTheMuso: oh, true05:07
Hobbseealso, my ISP will tend to mirror the released cds, i fasked05:07
TheMusoWell thats alright for release CDs...05:08
TheMusobut dailies are another story.05:08
Hobbsee(and tribes)05:08
=== TheMuso requested that internode host tribes.
TheMusoDOn't know if they will yet.05:08
Hobbseeno point in trying teh dailies yet anyway05:08
TheMusoI also requested they host the ports releases.05:08
TheMusoBut its good to keep up.05:09
FujitsuHobbsee: Who are you with?05:09
HobbseeFujitsu: hellstra05:10
TheMusoAt least the alternate CDs are usable.05:10
HobbseeTheMuso: not if they're not acutally building properly05:10
=== Hobbsee --> lunch
FujitsuHobbsee: Haha.05:10
=== Fujitsu generally only uses alternates, and has a local mirror, so ISOs don't require much bandwidth.
TheMusoIt would be nice to have a system to construct live CDs, like what jigdo does for alternates.05:11
FujitsuYou'd have to rebuild the squashfs locally.05:15
xchatAny MOTUs here willing to give some advice on modifications to a package on REVU?05:17
TheMusoFujitsu: Yeah I know05:17
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TheMusoHeya RAOF.05:43
RAOFHeya TheMuso 05:43
StevenKTheMuso: Whyfor laughing at me?05:58
TheMusoStevenK: Re-uploading those packages for the transition.05:58
StevenKYeah, well.05:58
Hobbseeit's for the karma boost05:59
=== Fujitsu wonders if he can find a new libgeda ABI to upload to irritate StevenK.
StevenKUploads are still karma-less, aren't they?06:00
StevenKFujitsu: Keep talking, I'm reloading.06:00
FujitsuStevenK: Correct.06:00
=== Fujitsu chats.
=== StevenK kicks Launchpad.
FujitsuWhat has it done now,?06:01
StevenKSurely stuff that I uploaded at 12:10 should have published by now06:01
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FujitsuIt'll be published in about 3 minutes, and head the mirrors by about 20 to.06:01
Fujitsu*head to06:01
StevenKBut it should have hit the 1:05 publisher run?06:01
HobbseeStevenK: i believe there's a spec on more karma for uploads :P06:01
FujitsuStevenK: Sssh, quiet you.06:02
StevenKHobbsee: And there has been for quite some time.06:02
Hobbseeneeds shoving06:02
FujitsuIt's high priority, I think, but...06:02
FujitsuLast action on it was "cprov 2006/06/22: issues clarified, back to 'review'"06:03
FujitsuIsn't the encouraging?06:03
Hobbseeprobably with the karma review?06:04
Hobbseethen again, i'd prefer him doing the ppa stuff than karma06:04
FujitsuStevenK: It was published about a minute ago now.06:05
FujitsuIt seems the 0303Z publisher didn't do much.06:05
StevenKI was hoping they'd publish and build while I was lunching. That didn't happen.06:06
FujitsuSoyuz is very reliable.06:06
FujitsuI wonder if you'll have the luxury of having the buildmaster queue some builds for you this round?06:06
FujitsuIf cron.daily stuffs up the buildmaster often seems to sit around doing nothing for a while.06:08
StevenKThat could be IPC screwing up.06:09
StevenK(I'm guessing)06:09
FujitsuI don't recall how they interact.06:09
=== Fujitsu loosk.
FujitsuHah, bug #5494606:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54946 in soyuz "buildd handling lives in ivory tower of perfect networks" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5494606:15
Hobbseehahahahaha nice06:16
ScottKGood $TIME_OF_DAY all.06:16
FujitsuHi ScottK.06:16
=== ScottK is back from an unexpected run to Hospital.
=== StevenK waves to ScottK
=== Hobbsee --> work
ScottK13 year old fell down the stairs and sprained her foot.06:17
ScottKCrutches for her now.06:17
FujitsuFun fun.06:17
StevenKScottK: How many stairs?06:17
ScottKShe leaves for a two week camp tomorrow, so I wanted to be sure we knew what it was before she left.06:18
StevenKLast time I fell down the stairs, I put my foot through a window.06:18
StevenK(I was about eight)06:18
ScottKStevenK: Not sure.  It's a full flight.  Dunno where she was when she lost it.06:18
StevenKScottK: She's okay aside from the sprain?06:18
StevenKSprained, and shaken, not stirred?06:19
ScottKShe handled it remarkable well.  Very mature and controlled.  Didn't freak out at all.06:19
StevenKCamp, with crutches. Fun.06:19
ScottKYep.  Maybe she'll learn something about running on the stairs....06:20
StevenKHeh, maybe.06:20
ScottKAlso, it's math/science camp.  It's more like going to University than camp.06:20
StevenKI'm bad when it comes to stairs. I will usually go up and down taking two at a time.06:21
ScottKYou're legally an adult and responsible for your own actions, so whatever works for you.06:21
ScottKShe's not, so ....06:21
=== Fujitsu wonders if the Soyuz guys have heard of AS in FROM clauses... the query in bug #62428 is rather unreadable.
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62428 in soyuz "can't remove packages any more" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6242806:21
=== Fujitsu does 2 or 3 most of the time, but is yet to do worse than hitting his head on the start of the ceiling and lieing down for a number of minutes.
StevenKScottK: You say that like you're sure. :-P06:23
=== ScottK is reasonably sure.
ScottKFujitsu: When I was in the Navy, I knew a guy that had done the same (hit is head) on a ship where the thing you hit is steel and been knocked unconcious with a concussion.06:25
FujitsuOw. This was just wood.06:25
StevenKOuch. Bulkhead's *hurt*06:26
ScottKYes.  I have hit my head on them, but not that hard.06:26
StevenKFujitsu: I don't see how AS helps that mess. Also, yay for the magic numbers...06:26
minghuaI think I fell down from stairs and was knocked unconscious once when I was very young, but I'm not so sure.06:27
FujitsuStevenK: it means you don't have a million and one BinaryPackagePublishings.06:27
=== StevenK tries to get his fuzzy brain to co-operate.
joejaxxgeser: i added the total number of uploaders06:28
joejaxxcurrently there have been 206 people06:29
joejaxxwho have uploaded to Gutsy06:29
FujitsuThat will be somewhat off due to multiple email addresses :(06:29
joejaxxFujitsu: yeah i will have to fix that06:30
joejaxxhold on06:30
FujitsuI know, you can use LP's excellent machine-parseable interface.06:30
joejaxxlet me try something06:30
FujitsuTo work out which email address is owned by who.06:30
joejaxxFujitsu: it is ok06:31
joejaxxi have a way :)06:31
jdongFujitsu: there's a machine parseable interface?06:32
Fujitsujdong: No, that would be too easy.06:32
jdongFujitsu: don't excite me like that!06:32
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StevenKjoejaxx: What about a top ten of who's uploaded?06:33
minghuaIt's probably a bit hard, if you count Changed-By, you count multiple addresses of the same person; if you count GPG keys, you miss sponsored uploads.06:33
joejaxxthe REAL number is 16206:33
joejaxxStevenK: that is already on there :P06:33
FujitsuStevenK: That's already there..06:33
StevenKWhat's the URL?06:33
StevenKI forgot.06:33
=== ScottK test builds qt4-qtruby (aka libqt4-ruby) AGAIN.
joejaxxlet me run it again with the updated code06:34
ScottKHeya jdong.06:34
StevenKHah! Number #4!06:34
jdonghowdy ScottK 06:34
=== ScottK has been busy on backports.
=== Fujitsu has only uploaded 34, but that doesn't count syncs.
ScottKArchive admins haven't groaned yet.06:34
jdongthanks ScottK for your help with backports :)06:34
joejaxxok updating06:34
jdongjust sit in -devel... you'll hear them groan on next archive day :D06:35
jdongI think my record is I pushed through like 30 in a week06:35
ScottKFunny thing I suddenly don't have any more backport requests pending.06:35
jdongand I got a good groan :D06:35
joejaxxjdong: :P06:35
jdongbut ScottK 's probably beaten that record already06:35
=== StevenK slammed the buildds with 70 uploads over a 24 hour period.
joejaxxtoo bad i will never be on that list :\06:36
jdonggood news is that my ruby-on-rails auto-triager is closer than ever to working06:36
joejaxxjdong: lol auto-triager?06:36
ScottKI may have done that many "Invalid - Backports is for feature requests.  Use the SRU process for bug fixing".06:36
=== Fujitsu has only uploaded/synced 59 packages this cycle :(
joejaxxjdong: you are wrecking lp with that?06:36
jdongjoejaxx: yeah, you fill out a simple form and the server attempts a build for you06:36
jdongjoejaxx: and if it succeeds, spits out an APT repo with binaries06:36
StevenKjdong: *Ouch* That's cool!06:37
joejaxxi thought you meant bug triager06:37
jdongit should filter out FTBFS and otherwise invalid backports06:37
jdongnot to mention cut down on the whining of "when are packages gonna arrive?"06:37
=== StevenK moves onto doing some *spit* Debian sponsoring work.
vorlonin Singapore, I understand that's a caning offense06:39
ScottKCareful, he might like that.06:39
joejaxxnixternal: when you get back ping me :)06:39
StevenKSingapore is a *fine* city.06:39
ScottKThey do do that there.06:39
StevenKjoejaxx: Thin rod they beat you with.06:39
joejaxxsomeone should come out with a book of rules for ever country06:40
joejaxxor that contains rules from every country rather06:40
joejaxxStevenK: oho k06:40
joejaxxoh ok*06:40
StevenKActually, I have a shirt from Singapore that shows some of the offenses and punishments.06:40
StevenKLike, no dancing in public.06:41
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=== jdong quibbles at ktorrent maintainer's response
Fujitsujdong: What was it?06:43
jdongMe: "What SVN revision did you fix the bug in?"06:43
jdongHim: "err.... idn too lazy to check :D"06:43
jdongupstream, rather.06:43
jdongyay, now I get the excitement of reading svn changelogs from ktorrent06:43
joejaxxthe stats now correctly display the right number06:43
joejaxxso we have 162 people who have uploaded to gutsy up until this point06:45
=== jdong built a gutsy-changes parser for the backports webui
jdongthough I am pretty sure I won't include it in the public version06:46
jdongit won't be long before people just click every single upload for backports triage :D06:46
joejaxxbackports webui?06:46
jdonga little thing in development :)06:47
joejaxxoh ok06:47
jdongone step closer to one-click backports06:48
ScottKjdong: We don't need MORE requests.  We need BETTER requests.06:49
jdongScottK: I understand; but at least this way we don't have to spend 15 minutes on a request only to find out they don't build06:49
=== Fujitsu writes a procmail rule to automatically create a backport bug for each gutsy-changes email :P
jdongFujitsu: LOL06:50
jdonghaha we could just have the buildd's do that :D06:50
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp59-167-16-86.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKMy favorite so far was the GCC 4.2 backport request.  No risk there.06:51
minghuaWhy?  Doesn't gcc-4.2 backport overwrites libgcc1 and libstdc++6?06:51
jdongif it didn't generate replacement library packages that weren't named -4.2, it would've worked :D06:51
jdongminghua: that's exactly what they do...06:51
=== ScottK just read the backports rules where compilers are listed as a strict no no and marked invalid.
minghuaGood rule.06:52
jdongit is a good general rule :006:52
StevenKScottK: But why won't you backport libc!?06:56
ScottKBecause Mithrandir would book a flight, come to my house and eat me.06:57
StevenKHeh, yeah well.06:57
ScottKself preservation is a good motivator.06:57
RAOFAww, crap.  Xgl FTBFS06:58
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ScottKjdong: Got a minute to discuss backports triage policy?07:04
jdongScottK: sure, go ahead07:04
ScottKI was thinking with the new bug status in LP...07:05
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ScottKWe could make Confirmed mean that the bug has the required information and meets the basic policy requirements - Is ready for testing.07:05
ScottKThen make Triaged mean that the bug has been tested and is thought to be ready to be ack'ed to the archive.07:06
ScottKDoes that make sense?07:06
jdongyeah, that makes sense07:06
StevenKMaybe the other way around?07:06
jdongthe other way is probably better07:06
StevenKTriaged is "I've looked at it, and it has my rubber stamp" ; Confirmed is "Boot it into the archive"07:06
jdongbecause people understand already "Confirmed" to mean a successful build attempt07:06
ScottKWell in the heirarchy of LP, Triaged comes after Confirmed.  So that would be backwards of the progression Ubuntu uses.07:08
ScottKI agree it makes sense though if you think of the semantics of the actual words.07:09
RAOFWhat do people think about a new Xgl git snapshot to fix the stuff the new mesa has broken?07:09
jdongRAOF: aww that happened again? :(07:09
ScottKRAOF: What's it going to break?07:09
jdongScottK: nothing07:09
jdongScottK: Xgl git snaps don't affect anything outside of them07:09
=== ScottK has heard that before.
jdongScottK: I was pushing that the last release cycle07:09
RAOFjdong: Xgl doesn't build, due to mesa changes07:10
jdongwhen Xorg 7.1 broke Xgl into freeze07:10
ScottKThen I'd say go for it.07:10
jdongRAOF: I'd fully support that07:10
jdongRAOF: and I don't think anyone else would object07:10
RAOFSo, git head, or cherry pick the minimal fix?07:10
jdonggit head07:10
jdongthere's usually enough merit in bugfixes to do that anyway07:11
ScottKlionel: Got time to do a test for backports?07:11
ScottKlionel: If you do, Bug #11645807:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 116458 in feisty-backports "Please backport gramps (2.2.8-1ubuntu1) from Gutsy to Feisty" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11645807:11
FujitsuIsn't Gutsy gramps broken at the moment?07:12
RAOFjdong: Can you remember offhand the git command to get _just_ Xgl from git?07:13
jdongRAOF: IIRC you needed to git clone git-clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver, then git checkout xgl-0-0-107:14
jdongRAOF: let me check on that...07:14
RAOFAaah, git checkout.  Of course07:16
jdongyeah, confirmed, clone all of xserver, then checkout xgl-0-0-107:16
ScottKFujitsu: That would be why I want someone to test it.07:16
StevenKHrm. Aren't we due a new release of Launchpad in a few days?07:19
Fujitsu17th or 18th, IIRC07:19
Fujitsu18th it is.07:20
FujitsuI see LP is getting mailing list support soon.07:20
ScottKAny idea awaits us with a new release of the management system the day before a Tribe release?07:21
FujitsuThere's a whole lot of mailing list specs targetted for 1.1.[78] 07:21
FujitsuScottK: Probably a lot of bug breakage.07:21
ScottKHandy having the bug system broken at release time.  Cuts down on the bugs we have to worry about.07:22
RAOFWhy must git be impenetrable!07:23
ScottKBecause Linus wrote it over a weekend when he was upset.07:24
jdonggit and I didn't get off to a good start either07:25
RAOFGah!  How am I supposed to check out xgl-0-0-1?  "git checkout xgl-0-0-1" in the xserver directory isnt the correct answer, apparently07:26
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ScottKBy doing it correctly comes to mind as an option ;-)07:29
ScottKSorry.  Couldn't help it.07:30
jdongRAOF: checkout -f?07:30
RAOFjdong: "Did you intend to checkout 'xgl-0-0-1' which can not be resolved as commit?"07:32
jdongRAOF: try typing "GET LINUS" :D07:34
jdongRAOF: maybe try runnign checkout from ../07:34
RAOF"Not a git repository"07:35
AmaranthFujitsu: arg, you got emerald removed07:38
FujitsuAmaranth: I didn't remove emerald.07:39
Amaranthit went away07:39
FujitsuThat was before me.07:39
FujitsuI don't recall who did it, though.07:39
Amaranthnow i'll have to get it through NEW again07:39
=== Fujitsu points at StevenK.
FujitsuBug #12438507:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124385 in emerald "Packages to remove from Gutsy" [Wishlist,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12438507:40
FujitsuWhy do we want emerald, though?07:40
RAOFBecause people can't be bothered trying to get engine support into metacity? :P07:41
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StevenKAmaranth: Why do we need emerald?07:47
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RAOFIt's shinier than g-w-d07:47
StevenKSurely the CompComm people renamed it? :-)07:47
AmaranthStevenK: nope :P07:48
Amaranthand afaik we're going to be using it by default07:48
StevenKI was just cleaning up NBS07:48
Amaranthso we can get more 'tasteful' transparency on inactive window borders07:48
RAOFWon't that break Gnome themes?07:48
Amaranthactually 'readable' is the word i'm looking for07:48
AmaranthRAOF: apparently not important07:48
Amaranthi dunno, i have to talk to seb about it07:49
jdongwhat a surprise, sparc build of tomboy failed in backports07:49
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StevenKError reading from server. Remote end closed connection [IP: 80] 07:50
Amaranthjdong: please backport compiz :)07:50
jdongsounds like fun07:51
Amaranthi'll help get it backportable if it's not now07:51
Amaranthi need to get people to stop using Trevinho's repos, they're crack07:51
jdonghmm what source packages are involved?07:51
RAOFAh, thank god.  "git checkout origin/xgl-0-0-1" is the magical incantaition.  Now, off to make dinner for a dinner party!07:54
Amaranthjdong: let me see07:54
Amaranthjdong: compiz, libcompizconfig, libcompizconfig-backend-gconf, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compizconfig-settings-manager07:56
Amaranthjdong: oh, and bcop07:56
FujitsuI've seen quite a few bugs from Treviolately :(07:56
jdongAmaranth: bleh, those are all source packages? :(07:57
Amaranthjdong: yeah07:57
=== Fujitsu prefers the beryl-settings* trinity.
Amaranththe compiz-fusion guys push the modular thing to an extreme07:57
ScottKjdong: I'll let you do that one.07:57
jdongAmaranth: mmmkie07:57
Amaranthjdong: oh, and compizconfig-python07:57
Amaranthall the compizconfig stuff is split up into different tarballs to make the build system easier to work with07:58
Amaranthso they can use GNOME and KDE specific build stuff with the different backends07:58
AmaranthFujitsu: ?07:59
minghuaFujitsu: Who is Trevio?07:59
RAOFBut that's only at autogen time, right?07:59
AmaranthRAOF: no, libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig uses a full KDE build system07:59
RAOFOh, right.08:00
=== jdong should change his prevu builders to gdebi
TheMusojdong: What about sbuild/LVM snapshots?08:00
jdongpbuilder-satisfydeps gets slower every release08:00
=== RAOF wonders vaguely what a KDE build system is.
jdongTheMuso: that works too08:00
AmaranthRAOF: it does lots of magic to find Qt and KDE stuff08:00
Amaranthbecause they don't use pkg-config and every distro puts it in a different place08:00
RAOFjdong: Does gdebi parse the versions on the build deps now?08:01
minghuaDoes KDE3 use cmake?08:01
jdongRAOF: I'd expect not, but the subsequent debuild invocation by pbuilder to bomb out08:01
RAOFAmaranth: Ah, of course.  Why use standard dev tools?08:01
jdongwhich serves the same purpose08:01
jdongwhich would mean it's not necessarily all that faster08:01
AmaranthRAOF: well, pkg-config didn't exist at the time08:01
jdongif it coudl potentially go unpack 300MB of packages then figure out one is not the right version!08:01
AmaranthRAOF: and only like 3 guys know how the whole damn KDE3 setup works08:02
Amaranthminghua: no, only KDE408:02
minghuaAmaranth: Thanks.08:02
jdongit seems to be building okay08:03
Amaranthyay the libwnck dependency was relaxed08:03
=== jdong wonders why kicker is needed to build this modular compiz :D
Amaranthjdong: compiz builds compiz, compiz-core, compiz-gnome, compiz-kde, and compiz-plugins08:04
jdongah, ok, that make sense08:04
Amaranthso it needs gconf and all it's deps and kdebase-dev08:04
jdongalright ,all you debian architects out there08:04
Amaranthwhich basically pulls in KDE08:05
jdongthe enxt thing we need are metasource packages :D08:05
jdongthat pull in a bunch of source packages for build :D08:05
FujitsuAmaranth: There is (well, was) beryl-settings, beryl-settings-simple, beryl-settings-bindings... I've got no idea why they were split.08:05
Fujitsuminghua: The creator of a legendary sources.list involved dozens of unofficial breakage-prone repositories.08:06
jdongFujitsu: doesn't he also maintain the automatic svnbuild repos of all the eyecandy?08:06
minghuaFujitsu: I see.  I still have that skull wallpaper. :-)08:06
AmaranthThe one that got lots of people mad when someone noticed their repo in there and locked you to a skull and crossbones wallpaper.08:06
Fujitsuminghua: That's the one.08:06
Amaranthjdong: yeah08:06
jdongthat was even incompatible with the other 3rd party eyecandy repos?08:07
jdongah, that one :)08:07
=== Fujitsu remembers the discussion that led to that wallpaper.
jdongI think he's in one of my sources.lists08:07
AmaranthHis compiz packages include wacky junk like making dropdowns translucent (which breaks java apps) and copy-mode rendering (which breaks ABI from upstream)08:07
FujitsuAnd then everybody said we should banish [owner of the skull wallpaper repo]  from the community for being evil.08:07
=== ScottK is probably going to get banished for being evil eventually.
=== Fujitsu banishes ScottK for good measure.
=== ScottK will get you for that.
jdongAmaranth: bad news on wnck :(08:12
Amaranthjdong: yeah, already saw08:12
Amaranthi wonder what trevinho does08:13
jdongAmaranth: err, IIRC he ships wnck08:13
Amaranththe wnck you'd need has a different ABI08:13
jdongAmaranth: has anyone told him that? :D08:13
Amaranthah, our old patch08:15
Amaranth#define wnck_window_get_geometry wnck_window_get_client_window_geometry08:15
Amaranthi guess i'll have to get mvo to stick that back into our package08:16
Amaranthunless i can find another core-dev to do it for me :)08:16
Amaranthwait, that's the wrong way around :P08:16
Amaranthhow the hell...08:16
Amaranth((type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Tooltip | Notification | Combo | Dnd | name=sun-awt-X11-XWindowPeer) | (type=Normal &amp; override_redirect=1)) &amp; !(name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer)08:17
ScottKFujitsu: Have you got a moment to look at a conflicting packages bug that has me stumped.08:18
ScottKNevermind.  I think I figured it out.08:21
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ScottKjdong: You still around?08:54
StevenKPlease don't suck up 1.3Gb of RAM, g++09:05
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ScottKWell, clamav 0.91 is uploaded.  Let's hope the didn't mess up the new release too badly...09:21
ScottKStevenK: Would you by chance be able to have a look at Bug #125865?  I thought I understood what was wrong, but I'm now totally confused and fried (it's gone 3AM here already).09:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125865 in qt4-qtruby "error when installing libqt0-ruby1.8-qt4 and libqt4-ruby at the same time" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12586509:23
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ScottKOK.  Well I guess not.09:34
ScottKGood night everyone (anyone).09:34
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=== Fujitsu decides a robots.txt to tell Google to keep away from debcheck might be a good idea, as it's making quite a lot of requests.
minghuaGood for bandwidth bill. :-)10:53
FujitsuUpstream isn't counted, fortunately.10:54
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persiaFujitsu: As a side thought, perhaps having only the main page be acceptable to index might be good: it would allow "Ubuntu QA Report" to likely show up well, without churning through all the links to the generated data.11:02
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Fujitsupersia: Right, I didn't exclude the root.11:05
=== persia apologises for incorrectly presuming such actions
minghuapersia is as polite as a Japanese. :-)11:07
=== persia looks out the window again, wondering why :)
Fujitsupersia: It was a fairly valid presumption, I almost didn't think of it.11:08
minghuapersia: You are not a native Japanese, aren't you?11:09
=== minghua thinks persia's name looks rather European.
persiaminghua: No, I just tend towards cultural flexibility, where feasible11:10
=== Fujitsu must go to Japan at some point.
=== hjmf_ [n=hjmf@186.Red-81-32-9.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== minghua grumbles at GCC developers who mark strings in dump-parse-tree.c translatable.
persiaFujitsu: If you do, take the Melbourne -> Tokyo flight, as the change in Sydney is really poorly managed (in my experience)11:15
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gnomefreakanyone know if our libpng... supports animated png images?11:38
Fujitsugnomefreak: You probably want libmng11:39
FujitsuAh, I see libpng has very basic mng support11:40
=== Fujitsu checks the builds logs
gnomefreakthat could be a problem but a good idea just hope -trunk likes it rather than using --enable-png11:40
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minghuaI doubt gnomefreak meant MNG.11:46
minghuaThe mozilla people are extending the PNG format for a new animated image format, APNG is the name I think.11:47
gnomefreakfirefox 3.0 enabled animated png and it FTB with our libpng package along with --enable-png11:47
gnomefreakminghua: that would be it11:47
gnomefreakbut we dont have APNG 11:47
gnomefreakbut i thought libpng supported APNG (maybe not enough for firefox11:48
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minghuagnomefreak: I doubt it.  Unless ubuntu is using a different libpng package than the Debian one.11:49
gnomefreakim looking at them now but i might have been mistaken11:50
minghuaI heard libpng people were not happy with the Mozilla people's change.11:50
=== gnomefreak not happy with it either atm
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gnomefreakit seems mozilla has changed alot in granparadiso that we cant use and its starting to get annoying11:52
gnomefreakwell if i get time maybe patching this to regress back to stable firefox as far as png and cairo is concered11:53
Kmospersia: bug 9939311:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99393 in vmware-player "Please update vmware-player to version 2" [Wishlist,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9939311:53
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persiaKmos: What about it?11:54
=== gnomefreak hates that word regress but i will ping asac about it tomorrow if hes around or if im around and see what we can do with it
Kmospersia: i don't think it's in progress11:55
Kmosi've subscribed mvo11:55
persiaKmos: OK.  #ubuntu-bugs is probably a better place to discuss bug status.  Why ask me?11:55
Kmosnothing in concrete11:56
Kmosyou're a motu, right11:56
Kmosmaybe you can package it :)11:56
persiaKmos: It's better to ask the channel in general, rather than a specific person, unless there is a concrete reason.  This improves your chances of getting the right person's attention.11:56
=== gnomefreak would find out who jay camp is and ask him since he packaged the pre release
Kmosi added a comment11:57
persiaKmos: With regards to vmware: it was waiting on updated kernel modules, which I haven't seen yet (although I hasn't looked in the last couple weeks).11:57
Kmoshe's from vmware :)11:58
gnomefreakKmos: i changed tag to get it more attention11:58
persiaKmos: Also, while MOTUs can package, most of us are very unlikely to respond to packaging requests in IRC, unless we have a specific interest in the package.  We also very much appreciate assistance: e.g. a sample (tested) upgrade package on REVU, etc.11:59
Kmospersia: ok12:00
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Kmosgnomefreak: nice12:01
gnomefreakalso asked if Jay was gonna package final 2.012:02
man-di_persia: status update: eclipse is progressing slowly12:02
=== gnomefreak will be leaving tomorrow somet ime nad i wont be back for atleast 4 days
persiaman-di_: Thanks.  Good luck with it.12:02
man-di_persia: I really need luck...12:02
persiaman-di_: Is it that broken?  Should we consider attempting to revert to the older version?12:03
man-di_its not that broken12:03
persiaAh, good :)12:03
man-di_its just that the latest ecj update broke another part...12:04
man-di_I expect to have a debdiff later today12:04
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man-di_persia: I would like to do an upload to debian and then merge this one to gutsy12:04
man-di_persia: as both distros are broken in the same way12:05
persiaman-di_: Can we do that?  I thought that the control file needed to be regenerated for Ubuntu.12:05
man-di_persia: that is why a merge is needed, and not a sync12:06
persiaman-di_: Ah.  Sorry: I misread "merge" as sync.  Sounds good.12:06
man-di_the whole problem began because I filed a sync request ... I dont wanna repeat this fault12:07
persiaman-di_: It's probably good in the long run: it's better to find the larger issue from the small mistake, as otherwise it just festers...12:11
man-di_the good thing is that I found the ecj build issue, otherweise eclipse would be NBS now (and I dont know if thats tested so often)12:14
persiaman-di_: I think the NBS reports are run every 6 hours or so, but I'm not absolutely sure.  Having eclipse NBS would be a little odd :)12:16
man-di_every six hours? eclipse alone takes 2 hours to build here12:17
man-di_aah, NBS is only checking build dependencies, not actively building packages12:18
persiaman-di_: Not even build-dependencies.  I think it's something similar to quinn-diff, but only seeking NBS (at least I've not heard about ARBA, etc. in Ubuntu).12:19
Kmospersia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipkungfu/0.6.1-412:20
Kmoscan i release a fix for the package with name 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 12:20
Kmosit doesn't use ubuntu name12:20
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man-di_persia: ah okay12:22
man-di_persia: thx12:22
persiaKmos: Firstly, as said before, you'll get better response (even from me) by asking the channel.  I'm likely to stop responding to specific requests soon :)  Secondly, without looking, I'd think that 0.6.1-4ubuntu1 would be a better choice.  You probably want to check with the defauly behaviour of dch -i (which you should be using for changelog updates), or perhaps dpkg --compare-versions.12:23
Kmospersia: ok :) thx12:23
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
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=== persia notices that it's Monday in Kiribati
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:persia] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | It's REVU Day. If you're a reviewer, please try to clear the queue. If you're an uploader, be sure to announce the status of your package to get attention
minghuaErr... It's not even Sunday morning here yet.12:41
TheMusoThats one thing about the world that I still find fascinating.12:42
persiaminghua: Not my fault if you live in an odd time zone :)  By my count, we've 49 hours until it's Tuesday in American Samoa12:43
=== persia heard that there were 49.5 hours in an international day, but hasn't been able to identify the right timezones, and usually misses the start and end times of REVU day by > 30 minutes anyway
minghuaFair enough.12:44
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuaLet those nice MOTUs at Kiribati go rolling, I'm going bed. :-P12:45
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
persiaFor those amused by such things, http://www.google.com/search?q=what+time+is+it+in+Niue%3F and http://www.google.com/search?q=what+time+is+it+in+Kiritimati%3F seem the easiest way to generate the appropriate times.12:50
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkibras1-ff55c300-121.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu decides he should probably do the hug day announcement tonight.
=== Lure [n=lure@89-212-19-55.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Q-FUNK hugs the announcement
=== StevenK decides to just upload quantlib-cruft given it has taken 2 and a half hours to grab all off my RAM and done nothing./
FujitsuAh, another one of mine.01:42
Fujitsu(no, I haven't uploaded the rest this time)01:42
=== StevenK is also sitting behind a laggy link.
StevenKIf quantlib-swig can take 2 and a half hours for one g++ command, I don't want to build it.01:44
StevenKAnd with g++ taking up 1.2Gb of RAM, too.01:45
TheMusoStevenK: ouch01:45
=== Kmos [n=gothicx@unaffiliated/kmos] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Hobbseepersia: oh no, revu day!01:58
persiaHobbsee: Yep.  Only 47 hours left, so hurry :)01:59
=== Hobbsee grumbles
=== Hobbsee will prefer to write a resume, and do release-type stuff.
man-di_when will be next MOTU Council meeting?02:00
TheMusoman-di_: THe motu council never meet.02:00
man-di_TheMuso: never?02:00
TheMusoman-di_: No.02:01
man-di_TheMuso: doesnt the motu concil decide about new motus?02:01
TheMusoman-di_: Yes.02:01
TheMusoVia email02:01
man-di_aah, I thought irc meeting02:01
TheMusoMainly due to the fact that they are all in different timezones, and meeting can be difficult.02:01
=== Jazzva [n=sasa@cable-89-216-184-157.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaTheMuso: There may be special, unofficial meetings, but nothing is ever officially decided in those.02:02
TheMusopersia: Right.02:03
=== guest [n=brendt@c-76-26-103-132.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== zch [n=manuel@chello084114173141.4.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Jazzva [n=sasa@cable-89-216-184-157.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@2002:cb36:1c96:4:216:6fff:fe39:ff6e] has joined #ubuntu-motu
JazzvaUmm, if I'm submitting a new package to REVU, and there is already an Ubuntu package somewhere out there, do I have to make it from source, or can I just submit the existing package with some corrections?02:29
JazzvaAlso, since it's REVU day, there is a package I submitted few days ago: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6010 :). Thanks for reviewing02:29
persiaJazzva: Are your changes a new upstream version, or just packaging changes (dependencies, patch, etc.)?02:29
Jazzvapersia: Packaging changes, just to make it ok with the policy :).02:30
persiaJazzva: In that case, you probably will get a faster response by attaching a debdiff to a bug.  See the "Preparing New Revisions" section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing for some guidelines, and an explanation of the process.  Ask here if you have any questions.02:32
Jazzvapersia: Hmm, but the package isn't in the repos yet. I meant there is already an Ubuntu package, but somewhere on the net.02:34
=== Hobbsee ponders making a package to review
=== TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaJazzva: Ah.  My misunderstanding then.  REVU is the way to go: I'd recommend getting in touch with the person who created that package, as they may be willing to help.02:35
persiaHobbsee: It's REVU day, so there's a good chance you can get it in if you do.02:35
Hobbseewell, i'd have to *create* one first.02:36
Hobbseeand it'd have to be a new package, as anything else i can just straight upload02:36
TheMusosomething weird just happened with my setup here...02:36
persiaTheMuso: ?02:36
KmosHobbsee: bug 2973302:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 29733 in flite "flite: upstream released 1.3-release 6 months ago" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/2973302:36
Kmostry this one :)02:36
TheMusopersia: Dunno. I just lost connectivity between all machines.02:36
Hobbseeno, no, me dumping stuff on REVU.  not taking stuff off it02:36
persiaTheMuso: Very odd.  Any recent updates?02:37
HobbseeKmos: besides, going thru your package would require a fine toothed comb, iirc.02:37
TheMusopersia: No. Anyway, back on now.02:37
persiaHobbsee: Right.  If you dump things, and annouce them, we're more likely to advocate today than other days :)02:37
Jazzvapersia: Did that. I'm already building it from source, but then I got a question am I using the package they provided. I think I read somewhere that if it's a new package then it has to be built from source (but maybe I just imagined that :)).02:37
Hobbseepersia: :P02:38
persiaJazzva: Yes.  Packages in the repositories must be built from source.02:38
=== firedrops [n=firedrop@a83-132-176-46.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
KmosHobbsee: toothed comb ?02:38
Kmoswhat's that02:38
HobbseeKmos: ie, i'd have to go through it very carefully02:38
Jazzvapersia: Thanks :D. That's what I needed...02:38
HobbseeScottK: and at the new LP the day before release?  nothing, i hope.02:39
TheMusoHobbsee: What are you wanting to get in?02:42
KmosHobbsee: just do it from scratch02:42
HobbseeTheMuso: nothing, i was joking :P02:42
TheMusoHobbsee: Oh ok.02:42
Hobbseestill, a package that will write my resume for me will be appreciated...02:43
Hobbseeand do any interviews...02:43
=== firedrops [n=firedrop@a83-132-176-46.cpe.netcabo.pt] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
persiaHobbsee: Don't we already have some chatbots in the archive for the interviews?  A tool to draft your CV probably needs a new package.02:44
Hobbseepersia: hmmm... :)02:44
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeKmos: true.  that's what i'd likely have to do.  and i'd prefer to do other things.02:47
=== Hobbsee starts reading the MOTU stuff, and hopes for the solution to drop from the air
KmosHobbsee: you can try to flite one from scratch.. i haven't created a package with sucess for it.. some errors on compile because of some PDA code02:52
HobbseeKmos: oh right, so it's not ready for sponsorship anyway02:52
TheMusoI'd be happy to lend a hand somewhere, as it is a package I care about somewhat.02:53
TheMusoEven though it does sound quite crap compared to other synths around.02:53
KmosTheMuso: bug 12610602:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126106 in ipkungfu "ipkungfu script uses wrong shell interpreter" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12610602:54
Kmosi've attached a debdiff02:54
TheMusoKmos: I am referring to flite.02:54
Kmosthis ipkungfu is easy one.. just a little patch02:56
Kmosto change /bin/sh to /bin/bash02:56
Hobbseewhy not just fix the bashisms?02:56
Hobbseethat's the usual protocol for such things02:56
Kmosit's in bash02:57
Kmosbut the author use /bin/sh on first line of init.d scirpt02:57
Hobbseeyes, i realise that, but why not change the bashisms so it actually runs wiht /bin/sh?02:57
ScottKHobbsee: I hope not too.  The last one doesn't encourage, but we'll see.02:57
HobbseeScottK: with any luck, the cds will be built before the rollout, and we wont have to respin.  but, we'll see02:58
KmosHobbsee: it's more easy to change all the code to work with sh or just change one line ?02:58
Kmosand the ipkungfu script is in bash02:58
man-di_Kmos: nobody said you should go the easiest way02:58
Kmosman-di_: yeah. but the standard author way =)02:59
Hobbseeer, i may be incorrect here....but, is that run during boot, where the only shell available is sh?03:00
Hobbseeor, possibly run during boot, where /bin/sh is the only script?03:00
persiaHobbsee: Depends on which runlevel: probably not.03:01
Hobbseei'm not sure where bash actually kicks in03:01
Hobbseepersia: right03:01
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-23-48.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaKmos: If I remember correctly, policy states that all init scripts must execute with /bin/sh03:01
Kmospersia: so why mysql uses bash at /etc/init.d ?03:03
persiaKmos: Perhaps it's not compliant with the latest policy?  Alternately, my memory could be incorrect.03:04
Kmosmost of them are sh03:05
Kmosbut mysql is bash03:05
Hobbseeor perhaps because it hastn been changed yet03:06
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@141.Red-88-14-83.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kmosi'm changing it to sh03:07
Kmosso will attach soon another debdiff03:07
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persiaJazzva: 6010 commented.03:15
Kmosthere is something to validate sh code of bash code ?03:15
persiaKmos: /bin/sh03:15
StevenKdash -n will give a pretty good idea.03:16
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TheMusoNight folks.03:16
StevenKThat won't catch everything, like bashism variable interpolation.03:17
Hobbseenight TheMuso 03:17
=== persia is intrigued by -n, and adds to list of useful information
StevenKpersia: Perl has similar, -c03:17
Kmospersia: if i do /bin/sh script.sh, it will give me errors if it has bash instructions ?03:19
persiaI've always used -w.  -c is much nicer.03:19
StevenK-w and -c do different things.03:19
persiaKmos: It should (/bin/sh should be a link to dash).  You can force /bin/dash if you like.03:19
persiaStevenK: Very much so :)03:20
StevenK-c only parses it.03:20
jpatrickraphink: ping03:20
Q-FUNKI was comparing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember/  but I'm confused as to which one I'm supposed to follow.03:21
Q-FUNKEspecially seeing as most of my work is doen on the Debian side of things.03:21
HobbseeQ-FUNK: is that ubuntu membership, vs motu?03:22
jpatrickQ-FUNK: you need to be a member first, in order to become an MOTU (iirc)03:22
persiajpatrick: No such restriction, although it's easier to become a member than a MOTU, and working with MOTU is a good way to show contributions towards membership.03:22
jpatrickpersia: ok, got it, haven't been around for a while :)03:23
Hobbseejpatrick: i believe it used to be that way :P03:24
persiajpatrick: No worries.  In practice, you're correct, as anyone who would be considered an acceptable MOTU must meet the requirements as an acceptable member as well.03:24
=== persia also understands it used to be that way
=== Hobbsee wonders if jpatrick will hold the record of being the youngest core dev too, at some point.
Q-FUNKI'm mainly wondering whether I need to show up at any IRC meeting.  oen metions that everything is done by e-mail, the other seems more involved.03:24
jpatrickHobbsee: I found something to do, but I need to earn my MOTU powers back03:24
Hobbseejpatrick: oh, you revoked them?  damn03:24
=== Fujitsu can't recall if he's younger than jpatrick.
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jpatrickHobbsee: No, I was considered "inactive"03:25
Hobbseejpatrick: darn.  there's a techboard meeting in a copule of days03:25
Hobbseebut they may require proof that you're the actual jpatrick, etc03:25
StevenKFujitsu: I think I have a cassette deck older than you. :-P03:25
jpatrickHobbsee: cloak? lol03:25
Hobbseejpatrick: probably an encrypted mail, etc.03:26
Hobbseejpatrick: anywya, if you need sponsorship, you're welcome to it03:26
StevenKSigned would do it, I think03:26
StevenKSince signing requires the private key03:26
HobbseeStevenK: then again, they were wanting \sh to actually present himself at a conference, when they were being very pedantic03:26
jpatrickHobbsee: first, I need to find a REVU admin that's still around03:26
Hobbseejpatrick: what for?03:26
Q-FUNKadding to the confusion, I already signed the code of conduct.  it's listed on my launchpad page.03:26
jpatrickHobbsee: forgot old key's pass :( made a new one03:27
persiaQ-FUNK: That's a good first step: you'd need to have done that for either application.03:27
Hobbseejpatrick: as in, new key?03:27
StevenKOh my stars! arb fails to build because our gcc is not one of x listed versions.03:27
persiajpatrick: Is your new key on LP Yet?03:27
jpatrickpersia: yep03:27
FujitsuStevenK: Niice!03:27
Hobbseejpatrick: throw it on revu, be in the ubuntu-universe-contributors team, and i'll resync.03:27
Hobbseei dont think that was there, during dapper...iirc, the keys were done manually03:27
Q-FUNKI think thereneeds to be a cleanup.  between ubuntero, member, core dev and motu - too many categories and a not so clear poitn of entry.03:28
jpatrickHobbsee: joined03:28
persiaHobbsee: Yep, it was manual then.03:28
Hobbseeoh yes, that's right, and ajmitch had a go at me for it.03:28
FujitsuQ-FUNK: They are all very well defined...03:28
eagles0513875persia: u identified dude cuz i got a question and i dont want to take the channel off topic03:28
Hobbseeeagles0513875: /whois him....03:28
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ?03:29
HobbseeQ-FUNK: shouldnt be that complicated, is all explained under !contribute03:29
persiaQ-FUNK: That's partially intentional.  The only restrictions in place are that you must be ubuntero to join most closed teams (code of conduct), and that you must be motu to be core-dev.  membership is parallel.03:29
Hobbseeeagles0513875: to see if he's identified or not03:29
Q-FUNKFujitsu: i don't think i would be asking for clarification if things were so well defined. :)03:29
eagles0513875ahhh ok  ty Hobbsee03:29
persiaeagles0513875: Are you sure it needs to be me?  For most things, asking in the channel would be better :)03:30
=== Hobbsee watches the keyring resync.
=== StevenK watches arb build. Again.
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKpersia: see, from the outside, the order appears to be ubunttero -> motu -> dev -> core-dev03:30
persiaQ-FUNK: That would be correct.03:30
HobbseeQ-FUNK: dev wasnt in your original lsit03:30
StevenKmotu and dev are the same03:30
StevenKmotu == ubuntu-dev03:31
Hobbseewhere motu also includes the core devs03:31
jpatrickHobbsee: I don't remember being a core dev..03:31
persiaQ-FUNK: Right.  Sorry.  Drop "dev".  ~ubuntu-dev ~ MOTU + core03:31
Hobbseei thought they were depreciating the term MOTU03:31
Hobbseejpatrick: no, i meant in the future03:31
persiaHobbsee: No, MOTU is still used, it's just not appropriate to describe developers, but rather the team that cooperates here.03:32
Hobbseeah right, so they're depreciating ubuntu-dev03:32
jpatrickHobbsee: well I have two months free for now, then I got "study, study, study" according to what everyone says03:32
eagles0513875persia: im afraid it would take the channel off topic03:32
Q-FUNKso, unclear entry point and unclear whether I need to show up for an IRC meeitng as per http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember/ or whetehr e-mail is enough as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment03:32
eagles0513875persia: but if u insist03:32
Hobbseejpatrick: heh.  they said that to me, too.  i'm not really following it though :P03:32
Hobbseejpatrick: but you should be good and study, yes03:32
HobbseeQ-FUNK: what are you tryign to go for?03:33
Q-FUNKplease bear in mind that i'm a regular so if I'm confused, think how others must see this03:33
HobbseeQ-FUNK: membership, or MOTU?03:33
persiaHobbsee: I didn't think that was the case either.  I think ubuntu-dev was intended to be used to describe the developers in general, without reference to universe vs. main.  Anyway, I'm confused.03:33
Hobbseeheh, right03:33
whiteHobbsee: so when can I expect you here in good old Melbourne? At least you could visit Melbourne this semester ... ;)03:34
Q-FUNKI think that simplifying this to dev=universe and core-deve=main might make this easier to grasp for everyone03:34
FujitsuQ-FUNK: We just moved away from dev=universe in February or so, AFAICR03:34
StevenKQ-FUNK: However, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember describes the Membership processes, where as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment talks about recruiting people into MOTU, which are two seperate and distinct processes03:34
Hobbseewhite: melbourne is cold, and i dislike it03:34
Q-FUNKgreat.  more confusion.03:35
persiaQ-FUNK: No: many core-devs also work in universe - we tried that, and it added to the confusion.03:35
whiteHobbsee: well yes, but we have some cool debian/ubuntu people here ;)03:35
HobbseeQ-FUNK: also, core devs are also devs, as in, people who can upload to main can also upload to universe...03:35
Hobbseewhite: maybe.  you guys should come up here03:35
whiteHobbsee: and i dislike cold as well. Now it is getting very hot back home :(03:35
Q-FUNKpersia: core-dev can work anywhere by definition, but have exclusive dibs over main, isn't it?03:35
=== iceman__ [n=iceman@cable-87-244-153-189.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKNo wonder arb lists support GCC versions, it uses GCC-isms everywhere.03:36
=== StevenK drops it, and washes his hands.
persiaQ-FUNK: Somewhat, although non-core can also be sponsored.03:36
Q-FUNKHobbsee: i'm mainly trying to untie the confusion between motu (simple e-mail request as admission process) and dev (mail, plus IRC session and then some as admission process).03:36
persiaQ-FUNK: Admission to dev and admission to MOTU are identical.03:37
HobbseeQ-FUNK: but http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember has nothing to do with neither motu nor dev...03:37
Q-FUNKpersia: not accoridng to the baove pages I found, hence why  I asked.03:37
=== bluekuja [n=andrea@ubuntu/member/bluekuja] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKHobbsee: which further adds to the confusion03:37
ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:38
StevenKMembership is seperate from becoming a developer.03:38
Q-FUNKtoo many notes, Mozart, too many notes.03:38
persiaQ-FUNK: I've just looked at the pages, and I can't find "developer" in the membership page, nor references to membership in the recruitment page (which needs a serious appointment with an aestheticist)03:38
StevenKI quite like the distinction between member and developer.03:39
StevenKIf I can pick on elkbuntu, she is a member, and is recognized for her contribution, but isn't a developer.03:39
Hobbseei wonder why http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate doesnt mention membership at all03:39
elkbuntuwho's picking on me?03:39
=== persia further appreciates the distinction between ubuntero and member (although I still don't like the term)
Hobbseeelkbuntu: everyone03:40
StevenKelkbuntu: In a good way03:40
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember03:40
=== elkbuntu pouts
=== Hobbsee huggles elkbuntu
Q-FUNKpersia: there is a link to the member page from the motu page I showed, suggesting that general crieteria apply.  and yet joining motu only requires an e-mail, while becoming a membe ris a more elaborate process.03:40
StevenKelkbuntu: Sorry, you're the first person I thought of that's a member but not a developer. :-)03:40
elkbuntuStevenK, no prob :)03:40
HobbseeQ-FUNK: you've showed many pages - which page were you referring to?03:40
persiaHobbsee: There's no reason why non-members shouldn't contribute, and there's no restriction on membership for any teams.  I don't see how it's relevant.03:40
elkbuntuim just going insane trying to join some avi's together03:41
persiaQ-FUNK: Which page?03:41
Hobbseepersia: true - i just note that it's not there, when it used to be03:41
StevenKelkbuntu: Is transcoding them to mpg an option?03:41
=== persia thinks the removal was a good idea
StevenKelkbuntu: If so, there's a tool called mpgcat03:41
Q-FUNKpersia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment03:41
Hobbseepersia: probably.  clearly i havent looked at the page in that long :P03:41
Hobbseeneither my wiki page03:41
elkbuntuStevenK, the problem isnt the joining them, it is the getting them all the same fps, size, audio etc03:41
StevenKHeh, my wiki page is also collecting lots of dust.03:41
StevenKelkbuntu: Eww03:42
persiaHobbsee: I'm probably biased though, given the nature of my participation in ~ubuntu-members03:42
elkbuntuStevenK, yeah03:42
StevenKIt's ~ubuntumembers, actually03:42
HobbseeQ-FUNK:  oh, member of the motu team, that bit is03:42
StevenKYay for consistancy03:42
persiaQ-FUNK: That's a use/mention distinction.  In that context "membership" refers to membership in the MOTU team, not Ubuntu membership.03:42
Hobbseewell, it's otherwise referenced as "team member", whihc, although it's an evil workism, is reasonably clear03:43
Q-FUNKhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment links to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember as general criteria to meet before applying to motu03:43
persiaQ-FUNK: Yes.  If you don't meet the criteria for membership, you cannot be a MOTU, as being a MOTU automatically grants membership if it was not previously granted.03:44
Q-FUNKpersia: again, that doesn't answer my question.  do I just need to update my wiki page and send an -email to the address mentioned there for motu or must I also show up for an IRC meeting of the comunity council as mentioned in newmember?03:45
Hobbseethere we go, clearer now03:45
HobbseeQ-FUNK: you have to do membership first.03:45
Hobbseeif you're not already a member03:45
Hobbseewhich is the irc meeting with the CC, etc03:45
=== Vorian [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaQ-FUNK: Depends on what you want.  If you want to join MOTU, you'll want to have several MOTUs tell you to apply first: if that has happened, sending the mail is fine.  If you want membership, or haven't yet met all the criteria for MOTU, the CC meeting is the way to go.03:46
persiaHobbsee: Not true.  One can go from non-member to MOTU, if one works with MOTU enough.03:46
FujitsuWas the MOTU Council granted that right? I don't recall.03:47
Hobbseepersia: that sounds...very racy.03:47
Hobbseei didnt think it was03:47
persiaFujitsu: Yes.03:47
FujitsuIt was going to be granted after a trial period, I thought.03:47
Q-FUNKgetting back to the specifics of my case, I mention packages in Debian and also track bugs on Ubuntu for them.  I run a mixture of Debian and Ubuntu on my cluster.03:47
Hobbseeare you a DD?03:48
Q-FUNKI haven't bothered applying for NM for a long time03:48
persiaQ-FUNK: OK.  Have a couple MOTUs given you unsolicited advice to apply to MOTU?03:49
Q-FUNKI have already been maintianing packages in Debian since late2003, early-2004 or so.03:49
Q-FUNKpersia: yup03:49
StevenK-rw-r--r-- 1 steven users  19M 2007-07-10 19:22 epydoc_3.0~beta1-1.patch03:49
StevenKOuch! Bad MoM!03:49
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-23-48.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKor actually, I think the advice came from a core-dev who presumed that I was already DD, until I had asked him to sponsor an upload to debian thatmerged ubuntu fixes.03:50
persiaQ-FUNK: You could apply, but generally the preference is for those working directly on Ubuntu.  Membership is one of the ways to show this, and would help your application.03:51
=== Hobbsee notes that people will tend to veto if they're not sure of a person's ability for uploading, and understanding the ways MOTU works.
Q-FUNKpersia: I work on both. i just merge the fixes directly into Debian.03:52
persiaQ-FUNK: My apologies: I mean no offense.  I'm not familiar with your work, so I'm just spewing generalities in hopes that it will help you make a decision.03:53
StevenKWhich, strictly speaking, isn't contributing directly to Ubuntu ...03:54
Q-FUNKStevenK: my activity level on launchpad speaks for itself.03:54
FujitsuUpload privileges are granted to those who need to upload. Merging fixes into Debian doesn't require that, I don't think.03:55
persiaQ-FUNK: Be careful: defensiveness about one's readiness has previously been raised as grounds for delaying approval to MOTU.03:55
HobbseeQ-FUNK: got anything that you currently need reviewing?03:56
Q-FUNKHobbsee: nope.03:57
Hobbseethat's helpful.03:57
Q-FUNKpersia: I'm ok with that. 03:58
Q-FUNKHobbsee: :)03:59
Q-FUNKHobbsee: why did you ask?04:00
HobbseeQ-FUNK: was looking to sponsor some of your stuff, so then i could put in a more concrete opinion, if/when you apply for MOTU.04:01
=== elektranox [n=elektran@p5481E4B1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Q-FUNKHobbsee: mpitt is my usual sponsor for Ubuntu-specific uploads. we co-maintian packages in both distros.04:02
elektranoxcan somebody review my package? (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5902)04:02
HobbseeQ-FUNK: right04:02
Q-FUNKHobbsee: I had a fairly extensive discussion of NM vs MOTU and DD vs UD issues with him.  you're welcome to ask him for a sumary of my views and for his appreciation of my packages.04:04
persiaQ-FUNK: The key is that you want to get as many MOTUs as possible to sponsor you, and say good things.  One person with excellent opinions won't help as much.04:04
HobbseeQ-FUNK: oh, i will be, if you put in an application04:05
Hobbseeas will i be mentioning how much you tend to work with others, and the MOTU team.04:05
Q-FUNKpersia: as I do most of my uploads via Debian to avoid deltas, that would require other MOTU members who also sponsor my packages on Debian to vouch for me.04:07
StevenKThere aren't many MOTU who can do that.04:08
Q-FUNKThe glass is at least half-full.  there _are_ some. :)04:09
persiaQ-FUNK: Hmm..  Yes, it would.  That makes it hard for you to get the community support required for MOTU.  I'd suggest applying for membership, with a good Future Plans, and demonstrating implementation.  You might also try to get a couple specs in for gutsy+1, and get them implemented.  That might make up for the lack of direct uploads to Ubuntu.04:09
Hobbseesounds like you need to go thru NM and such, and get to DD, more than getting MOTU, imo.  i may be wrong.04:09
StevenKDiscounting core-devs, I can't think of any.04:10
persiaQ-FUNK: Separately, if you're uploading to Debian, rather than Ubuntu, how would MOTU help?04:10
Hobbseei cant see how having upload rights to universe here, will actually help you with what you do04:10
Q-FUNKthere's occasional forks I need to manage, whenever Debian practices differ from Ubuntu.04:14
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-23-48.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaQ-FUNK: About how many packages?  Also, does the sponsors queue not work well for you?04:15
Q-FUNKlikewise when a fix won't make it to Debian because of a freeze, but would still have time to make it to Ubuntu.04:15
Q-FUNKpersia: point taken.  I could try REVU whenever I have Ubuntu-specific fixes.04:16
persiaQ-FUNK: Alternately, if it's small, just attach a debdiff against the Debian package to a bug, and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.  If it's only Ubuntu, attach a debdiff against the latest Ubuntu package, and subscribe the same team.  If it's a main package, you'll want ubuntu-main-sponsors instead.04:17
blueCommandHello, I'm trying to build a package from REVU, but pbuilder says "E: Couldn't find package wine-dev". That package is installed, but I guess I need to do something else since it uses a fakeroot, correct?04:20
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geserblueCommand: what arch are you on?04:20
Q-FUNKpersia: the only process I haven't got much experience with is dput'ing. I wouldn't mind uploading via REVU, from that perspective.04:20
Q-FUNKblueCommand: is it in your build-depends?04:21
geserblueCommand: is universe enabled in your pbuilder?04:21
persiaQ-FUNK: You're welcome to do that, but there's only intensive effort to upload from REVU once a week.  You'll get a faster response from bugs (and it's easier for us to review, which makes us happy).04:21
blueCommandQ-FUNK, Bear with me, you mean for the package?04:22
blueCommandgeser, Probably not04:22
Q-FUNKblueCommand: for the source control file04:22
blueCommandQ-FUNK, Mean this "Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), wine-dev, libsocket++-dev"?04:22
blueCommandgeser, Where can I set that?04:23
geserblueCommand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#head-5e61fa0f52f7f2442fb20f074813bd691744460b04:23
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blueCommandMust have missed that section04:25
AnAntScottK: Hello04:26
AnAntScottK: regarding your comments on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5910, in what section in the manpage should I refer to the actual help ?04:27
persiaAnAnt: Sometimes people are away.  You'll always get a better response asking the channel generally (although mentioning the reviewer's name is handy, in case they are around (as this one may be)04:30
=== matysek [n=matysek@4.Red-88-14-186.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AnAntHello, regarding the comments on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5910, in what section in the manpage should I refer to the actual help ?04:30
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AnAntpersia: thanks04:30
persiaAnAnt: I'm looking, but I haven't been able to determine enough about what the package does to understand why there is that manpage, or how it helps the user.  I suspect the comment was a request to make the man page a little more of a manual, explaining how to use the software, which command-line switches were available, where to find installed data files, etc.04:38
persiaAnAnt: Hmm..  I'm really not finding enough information to guide you further.  Sorry.04:42
persiaAnAnt: Also, your package was mentioned in the reviews for the zekr package.  I'm not sure what the thwab-lib library would contain, but we like to avoid duplication of data, so you may want to coordinate with that packaging team to ensure that the systems can work together if required.04:44
davromaniakapacheLAGger2, are you here ?04:56
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man-dilionel: regarding #126089 and #126090,: Whyt are sync bugs that make a package buildable again marked "Wishlist"?05:11
persiaman-di: For sponsored bugs, without already set Importance, the guidance is to use "Wishlist" unless you really want to investigate.  Don't worry about it - it doesn't affect the further processing.05:12
man-dipersia: thanks for the explanation05:13
jpatrickcan someone please look at my upload: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6019 ?05:14
persiaMore generally, a sync bug ACK'd by a developer will be sync'd regardless of priority unless it breaks a freeze.05:14
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geserjpatrick: done, see my comment05:34
=== jpatrick looks
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persiaelektranox: 5902 commented05:35
Babypersia: hex-a-hop has finally entered debian, I'll try to find out how to trigger it entering into Ubuntu as soon as I finish reading mail and so on :)05:39
persiaBaby: Great.  The easiest trigger is to report a bug against Ubuntu (no package) with content that matches the bugs for snowballz and whichwayisup.  Once reported, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors (with subscribe someone else) to get it in queue for sponsorship.  Also, if you don't mind, could you subscribe both nightrose and I?05:42
jpatrickgeser: I include them ALL?05:43
=== Hobbsee ponders just requesting a sync from here
Babyof course :)05:43
=== Hobbsee hugs Baby
BabyHobbsee: hi!!!! :))))05:44
persiaHobbsee: Certain far northern interests have expressed grave displeasure at syncs without bugs.05:44
Babybtw, I'm uploading a new game today XD05:44
persiaWhich game?05:44
BabyI'll write about it in my weblog soon i guess :)05:44
Hobbseepersia: no, i meant using requestsync, so Baby didnt have to request the sync from here05:44
BabyI finally solved that double free() problem I was having with it :)05:44
Hobbseepersia: i dont have archive access, anyway05:44
Babywhat's  requestsync?05:45
persiaHobbsee: If you like.  Given the number of games that Baby watches, I'd think practice with the process would be good, but that's just me (and I really should go stick dh_icons in a bunch of places and request syncs).05:45
HobbseeBaby: a script that requests a sync of ubuntu packages05:45
persiaBaby: It's a command line interface to report a sync bug.05:45
Babyaps! cool!05:45
Hobbseepersia: true05:45
Nafallohi Baby :-)05:46
HobbseeBaby: it's in our devscripts.  make sure, if you use it, that you specify with -s, which means you need a sponsor05:46
=== persia thinks using Ubuntu devscripts anywhere near a Debian machine can be dangerous
Hobbseewell, i wasnt thinking of *all* of them05:47
Baby48 comments marked as spam  .... having a weblog is a pain in the ass sometimes05:47
Babysorry for the language :P05:47
elkbuntuhehe... do you use akismet?05:47
persiaBaby: I've not been following dh_icons discussion closely.  Would it make sense to push back all the Ubuntu dh_iconcache calls, or should there be some discussion on the list?05:47
Babynope, but i know i should :)05:48
Babydh_iconcache does not exist in debian, does it?05:48
elkbuntuyep, you should05:48
Babyso we should need to add it conditionally05:48
Babyif dh_iconcache exists then call it, or something like that, so it's compatible with both05:48
persiaBaby: No, but dh_icons does (as I understand it), and Ubuntu dh_iconcache has been rewritten to call dh_icons.05:48
Babycool :)05:49
BabyI want to make packages the most compatible the possible between both05:49
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Babyin any case it makes sense writing about it in the list05:49
Babyif you prefer me to bring in the topic in the list, just tell me :)05:50
persiaBaby: Thanks.  I'll do that.05:50
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Toma-Is anyone working on getting gimpshop into the repos?05:54
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Babygimpshop was that fork of gimp making it similar to photoshop?05:55
Babyit was too hacky :(05:55
Babythey changed all the text messages directly05:56
Babyso i guess translations won't work any more05:56
Toma-oh i see05:56
BabyI had a look at it some time ago, unless they fixed it05:56
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Babybut have a look at it carefully, because it'llprobably be ahell to maintain05:56
Toma-ill see what the website says about intl support05:56
Babywhat i did was getting the original gimp version that was referred as the point of the fork05:57
Babyand made a diff against it05:57
Babyand the diff was too hacky to be considered seriously05:57
Babyeven though some parts of it made sense, like the new XML trees and so05:58
Babywhat scared me was all the changes inside the _("") gettext lines05:58
Babyinstead of making them in the .po05:58
persiaUmm..  That's an interesting way to do it.05:59
Toma-well, the site even quotes "Gimpshop: a GIMP hack"05:59
Toma-theres an ubuntu deb available from them anyway05:59
BabyXD yup05:59
Babyare they actively maintainig the fork?06:00
Babyor is it just a one-time fork?06:00
Toma-looks a little behind06:00
persiaToma-: I think we're at 2.3.1806:00
Babyi told you, it would be a hell to maintain, even for them06:01
Toma-2.2.13 here :o06:01
Babythe patch can be adapted to be properly done anyway, if there's interest06:01
Babyit shouldn't be too difficult, I just wonder if it makes sense06:01
Toma-just sick of people whining about photoshop :S06:02
Babyyup, people complain about everything06:02
Toma-oh well. thanks :D06:02
Babynational sport i guess06:02
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geserjpatrick: everyone who is mentioned in the source files to have a copyright should be mentioned in debian/copyright06:08
sacateris it possible for me to use my @ubuntu.com account for jabber.06:18
=== Hobbsee looks strangely at Fujitsu
=== persia grumbles about the definition of community participation and a cooperative work ethic, but refuses to have a meaningful discussion on these issues at this time of day
crimsunsomething bothering you?06:29
Babypersia: what time of the day is there? :)06:32
persiaBaby: 01:32.06:33
BabyXD yup then I agree06:33
=== persia sleeps, hoping for for a different opinion later
Baby18:30 here06:33
=== persia [n=persia@ubuntu/member/persia] has left #ubuntu-motu []
Nafallo18:33 < Baby> 18:30 here06:34
NafalloBaby: so. how are you? :-)06:35
sommerHey all, I have a quick question about package control files that's probably a noob question but:06:36
sommerwhat does the (= ${Source-Version}) part mean?06:36
sommerthe package's source?06:37
guestI'm having problems with a package currently on REVU for comments. Anyone here prepared to give some advice?06:37
Hobbseesommer: means the same as the source version of the package06:38
Hobbseeso, say the source package is 3.2-0ubuntu1, then that will depend on app with the version of 3.2-0ubuntu106:39
Hobbseeand break on any other versino06:39
sommerHobbsee: that's sort of what I was thinking, but wanted to make sure.  Thanks for the info06:39
Hobbseesommer: no problem :)06:39
guestThe problem is that I'm packaging my own source, so it's a native package with no diff file. Based on the comments on previous versions of the package, there seem to be some concerns with this approach, but I'm not sure exactly what they are.06:44
Babyis the code ubuntu-specific?06:45
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DktrKranzcould you please have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6020? it's a new upstream release of oggconvert06:47
guestBaby: I assume that question directed to me. No, the source is not Ubuntu-specific, but the debian directory in the package is specifically for Ubuntu.06:48
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Babythen you should better release a .tgz and make the package non-native06:51
Babyi can go through the pros and cons if you want, you might already know anyway06:52
guestCan you please explain why the package should not be native? It's a pain to move the debian dir into a diff, and I don't understand why it's necessary.06:54
BabyHobbsee: do you have some time to teach me how to ask for the sync? :)06:54
HobbseeBaby: using the requestsync script?06:54
Hobbseeor by hand?06:54
Babythe easiest way :)06:54
Babyguest: well the main pros will be that other distributions will be able to use it without being bothered with ubuntu-specific stuff, especially debian-derivatives, ....06:55
Baby.diff changes over debian/ are a pain in the ass....06:56
Babythen, if you change something in the packaging, you won't need to make a new release...06:56
HobbseeBaby: grab the requestsync out of the source at http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/devel/devscripts06:56
HobbseeBaby: chmod +x it, run requestsync for syntax options06:57
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Babyyou just change the packaging stuff... in fact if other distros use it, upgrading the version for something specific of the packageing can be annoying06:57
Babygoing there :)06:57
HobbseeBaby: you'll end up needing requestsync -ns packagename gutsy06:57
Babyaha, i need to install that? :)06:57
guestThanks, I suppose that does make sense.06:57
Hobbseewell, i wouldnt install all of devscripts, seeing as some of it is ubuntu specific06:57
Babythis is the easy way, isn't it? ;)06:58
Hobbsee-n means new package, -s means that you need sponsorship for it, so it will subscribe the universe-sponsors, instead of the archive06:58
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Babyoki, i'll extract the contents of that... i hope they don't have any dependency I need :)06:59
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HobbseeBaby: it's just a script.  apt-cache...oh wait06:59
Babyscripts have dependencies too, you know :)07:00
Hobbseeoh, no, you should be rigth.  apt-cache rmadison -u ubuntu will work on a debian system07:00
HobbseeBaby: it used to use the local apt-cache, in whcih case you would have had a problem, obviously07:00
Babyok, we go for the difficult way then? :)07:01
Hobbseebut you should have apt-cache rmadison on your debian system07:01
guestTwo additional questions. (1) Could someone knowledgeable please take a look at my package "imageinfo"  on REVU to see if there are any other issues that need to be addressed other than the native/non-native package matter? (2) Once all packaging issues are resolved, do I need to do anything to find a MOTU to advocate the package?07:01
Hobbseei said that's the way it *used* to be - not the way it is now07:01
Babycool :)07:01
Babywe need a GUI for all that stuff :P07:02
HobbseeBaby: have a look at the script if you like..07:02
=== Hobbsee notes that assuming that a package never syncs to ubuntu main is actually right, and is not a bug.
Babyheh, it's python :)07:03
HobbseeBaby: oh, you will need to have specified DEBEMAIL, and actually have a launchpad account07:03
Hobbsee(which is connected to the account at DEBEMAIL)07:04
Hobbseeelse they wont know it's you07:04
BabyI'll check if I have one, I really don't know07:04
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Hobbseeotherwise i can just file it from here07:04
Babyin any case i guess it would be problematic from here, i don'T have mail properly configured07:05
Hobbseeit doesnt use a MTA07:05
Babyyup, i guess it will be the best, can you do it for me?07:05
HobbseeBaby: otherwise, you just use the content of that, and file the bug with it07:05
Hobbseewhich package names?07:05
Babyplease CC persia and nightrose too?07:06
Babywait a second. i'll check07:06
Hobbseesays it's not in debian yet07:06
Hobbseermadison doesnt find it07:06
Babynop, not yet in the mirrors07:06
Babywe'll have to wait until tomorrow07:07
Babyit's in incoming yet07:07
=== Hobbsee ponders filing manually
BabyI just noticed07:07
=== Hobbsee submits a crappy bug report, then
=== tuxmaniac [n=tuxmania@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Babyyou can wait until tomorrow07:09
Babyit will be in the mirrors by then :)07:09
HobbseeBaby: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12617007:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126170 in Ubuntu "Please sync hex-a-hop from Debian Incomming" [Undecided,Confirmed]  07:09
Hobbseei dont think they'll reject that07:09
Babythanks!! :)07:09
Hobbseeas in, it doesnt say "no ubuntu changes", but it does say "new package to ubuntu" which syas the same thing07:10
Hobbseesays the component to sync from07:10
Babycan we subscribe persia and nightrose to that bug report too?07:10
Babythanks!!! :))))))))))07:10
Hobbseesee the left hand pane, about half way down07:10
Hobbseeno problem :)07:11
=== Hobbsee prefers to just be lasy and use requestsync :P
Hobbseehmmm..     should teach requestsync about incomming too, maybe07:12
Babyheh, I'm subscribed twice in lanuchpad :P07:12
tuxmaniacw00t! Intel joins the OLPC project07:12
Hobbseeask them to merge the accounts, if you want07:12
Babyonce with my yahoo mail and once with my gmail one :P07:12
Hobbseeoh, you can merge them yourself then07:12
Hobbseeif you have access to both07:12
Babythat would be great :)07:13
HobbseeBaby: login to teh one that you want to kepe, go to the other one, and there should be something about "this is me, merge my account"07:13
Hobbseei wonder if that's only for uploads to debian, where phantom people have been created07:13
Hobbseeoh, ick.  teaching it about incomming would be kinda hard, as you cant just use rmadison for that07:14
BabyI'm still deciding which one I want to be my master account07:15
BabyI guess it makes more sense that it is yahoo's, as it is the one I sign my packages with07:15
Babyeven though gmail is much better07:16
Hobbseewell, you can add multiple addresses to your key too, you know...07:16
Babyyup... sometime I'll find out how anyway ;)07:16
Hobbseegpg --edit-key <yourkeyid>07:16
Hobbseethen adduid07:16
Babywait wait.. cannot do all at once :)07:16
Hobbseestick your name, comment, email07:16
Hobbsee"exit", say yes you want to save.  done.  resend key to keyservers.07:17
BabyI'll use yahoo's07:17
Hobbseeyou can change the primary mail on it anyway07:17
BabyOK, I'm in :)07:17
Hobbseeafter you merge accounts.07:17
Babynow what? :)07:17
Hobbseewhich is the account you want to merge into yours?07:17
Babymy master one is little_miry@yahoo.es , and the one I want to merge is little.miry@gmail.com07:18
Hobbseewhich is the launchpad ID of the latter one?07:19
Hobbseeoh, found it07:19
Hobbseeoh darn.  because you've actually registered both yourself, you cant magically merge them, i dont think07:19
BabyIt's ok anyway07:19
HobbseeBaby: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion07:20
BabyI get lost in this environment :)07:20
tuxmaniacHobbsee, did you attend the Classmate PC discussion in Sevilla this year?07:20
Hobbseetuxmaniac: no - although there was some discussion in the lightning talks about it07:20
HobbseeBaby: hehe, it gets less confusing after a while07:20
tuxmaniacHobbsee, thanks07:20
HobbseeBaby: say teh summary as being "please merge the little-miry-gmail account into little-miry"07:21
BabyI'm still trying to find out :)07:22
Babyit's quite strange, maybe they're already merged?07:24
Hobbseedoesnt look like it07:24
Hobbseeas in, they're showing separately07:24
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Hobbseeas you'll find if you use launchpad.net/~<lpid>07:24
Babyguess I found it07:25
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BabyI'm changing the icons, photos and so :P XD07:33
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guest[Trying again]  (1) Could someone knowledgeable please take a look at my package "imageinfo"  on REVU to see if there are any other issues that need to be addressed other than the native/non-native package matter? (2) Once all packaging issues are resolved, do I need to do anything to find a MOTU to advocate the package?07:41
BabyI don't have the answers, sorry :(07:42
guestBaby: Understood. Thanks for your help though.07:42
guestAnyone else?07:42
elektranoxcan somebody review 6021?07:45
PhinnForthttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5913 while we're at it07:47
Q-FUNKanybody who happens to be both a DD and a MOTU?07:47
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regishello, can anyone tell me how to warn the maintainer of flash that their package has a problem(md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz)07:58
Q-FUNKregis: file a bug in launchpad. it's probably related to the recently released upstream security fix.07:59
PhinnFortregis: try downloading the file again...07:59
regisPhinnFort, i ve tried that several times08:00
man-diregis: macromedia changed did a new release with the same name/version of the old release08:02
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man-diregis: your version of the package migth check for the old md5sum value08:02
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PhinnFort...that's why you should include full version in the name of source packages, kids08:03
PhinnFortlike flash-9.23.tar.gz instead of install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz, which must qualify for some naming stupidity prize08:04
man-diPhinnFort: tell that Macromedia08:08
PhinnFortI will08:08
PhinnFortone day08:08
PhinnFortwhen I'm rich and famous08:10
man-diPhinnFort: you need to be rich and famous to write a mail to stupid@macromedia.com ?08:12
PhinnFortman-di: I need to be rich and famous to get adobe to give a sh*t08:13
PhinnFortthey haven't even made a 64-but version, ffs08:13
mattva01does anyone know if the  sobby 0.4 backport for dapper is available anywhere? this is urgent!08:17
Flannelmattva01: I've backported it myself with prevu08:20
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Flannelmattva01: Prevu debs aren't industrial strength, but I'd be willing to let you have mine if you feel like trying them.  Since you've gotta do some version munging to get prevu to cooperate08:24
mattva01if you do that it would save me a heart attack08:25
mattva01where would they be available?08:28
Flannelmattva01: http://neal.bussett.com/ubuntu/08:29
Flannelmattva01: I'm not sure if all of those are required.  In fact, I'm pretty sure only a few of them are.  the one's without the dev or dbg, but just inc ase, I put them up08:30
mattva01thank you so much08:30
FlannelI believe it's just the three.  libnet, libobby and then sobby.  wihout the dev and the dbg08:30
mattva01hmm im getting "address family not supported"08:36
mattva01ah i see, i need ipv6 support08:38
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mattva01hmm even with the latest net6 ( the one on your site) it still gives me that error08:46
FlannelDid you disable ipv6 on Ubuntu?08:48
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FlannelI don't know then.  you might save time ultimately by backporting it yourself.  OR, you can, as I found out after backporting sobby, just use one gobby (from your machine) as a host08:49
Flannelsince gobby <-> gobby works as well as gobby <-> sobby <-> gobby08:50
mattva01well thanks for your help08:50
Flannelsorry I couldn't be more helpful08:51
regisman-di, ok so i'll bugreport08:53
blueCommandIf I have all files (dsc, orig, changes etc), is there an easy way to extract this so I can make changes to it?08:54
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jekilanyone know what can cause this? http://rafb.net/p/Qln0nv60.html rules is: http://rafb.net/p/NZQZHv21.html08:59
elektranoxcan somebody review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6021 ?09:06
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blueCommandHow can I clean my tree and revert to whatever my .diff.gz and orig says? Extracting and applying patches normal is starting to be a hassle09:09
geserjekil: have you tried to comment out lines 8 and 9 and only use debhelper.mk and python-distutils.mk?09:10
jekilyes, same error09:10
blueCommandAt the moment I start revu-build and abort it, but that couldn't be the only way?09:11
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zorglu_q. what is the name of the feisty feature which intercept command line error in case of 'missing executable' to determine which package need to be installed to get the executable ?09:19
geserjekil: than you need an cdbs expert09:20
blueCommandzorglu_, "command-not-found"09:20
jekilgeser: yes :( i am searching it :(09:21
blueCommandAre there any explict rules from running autogen in the rules file?09:21
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broonieblueCommand: It's a Good Thing to make sure all the files it produces are cleaned up so that they don't pollute the diff.09:23
blueCommandbroonie, will it really if I run it first in the rules file? isn't the diff to preserve the ideal state of the sourcetree when building?09:24
geserjekil: try contacting the Debian maintainers for cdbs: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/build-common-hackers09:24
broonieblueCommand: Consider what happens if someone builds the package twice in a row without using a chroot.09:24
jekilgeser: thanks09:25
blueCommandYeah, I thought of that09:25
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blueCommandI will see what I can do then09:26
leonelhello  everyone !09:28
leonelScottK: do you need the debian/changelog  for squirrelmail  since dapper to gutsy ?  I don't really understand  what you need 09:29
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blueCommandbroonie, if I don't run autogen, I get these annoying errors http://rafb.net/p/IeBxac87.html09:34
blueCommandI suspect I need to remove or add something, but I have no idea of what09:34
AmaranthblueCommand: run it as a patch09:35
blueCommandAmaranth, run what?09:35
blueCommandBear with me, I'm new at this. I'm guessing this would produce a patch what autogen does? How do I do that?09:35
broonieblueCommand: Delete them in the clean target.09:36
Amaranthyou make a copy of the dir, run autogen in one, and diff the two dirs09:36
blueCommandThe clean target doesn't have them09:36
blueCommandOh it has09:37
blueCommandSince it needs to have09:37
broonieAmaranth: But note that that has gotchas with timestamp issues.09:37
blueCommandI get "could not find" errors if I doesn't have09:37
broonierm -r09:37
broonie-f even09:37
blueCommandStart over? :)09:37
broonieNo. rm -f doesn't error if the file isn't present.09:38
blueCommandOh no not that09:38
blueCommandYou see, those files are needed, that's why they are there :)09:38
blueCommandIf I remove them, I _have_ to run autogen09:38
blueCommandOtherwise configure is going harikari09:39
=== broonie thought that was the goal, sorry.
blueCommandThe goal is to make autogen unnessecary :\09:39
=== broonie completely misunderstood
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blueCommandbroonie, Thanks anyway :)09:40
blueCommandBut this makes me really irritated none the less09:40
blueCommandCan I make it update the diff or something?09:40
blueCommandhttp://rafb.net/p/IeBxac87.html looks like it simply can't find that there is supposed to be a symlink09:41
broonieCopying the real file in place of the symlink should make diff happy.09:41
blueCommandthen I will do that, brb09:42
blueCommandSeems to be working09:44
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broonieNote that there can be problems when unpacking the diff since you can end up with timestamps that tell auto* it needs to rebuild some of the generated files. In practice this mostly only happens on slow architectures that Ubuntu doesn't support.09:45
blueCommanddpkg-source: warning: executable mode 0755 of 'configure' will not be represented in diff09:46
blueCommandThat _WILL_ make a hassle09:46
brooniechmod before running it or just invoke it with sh explicitly.09:46
blueCommandThat sounded like that is an everyday hack :)09:47
broonieI've done this before - and decided that I much prefer running auto* during the build. :P09:48
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blueCommandI wanted to do that too :) And you told me not to! (Well, you made me do this!! :D)09:49
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blueCommand configure-generated-file-in-source config.log, I don't have a config.log09:51
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elektranoxcan somebody please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6021 ?09:57
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blueCommandAre there any extra steps required to make it copy files fromdebian/tmp needed than $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install? Becaue I notice that there is a folder named debian/package too. My debs only contain the files from debian/package :(10:01
blueCommandah, dh_install was commented10:06
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blueCommandIf I have a REVU package that got turned down due to missing dependencies, do I need to resubmit it, or just poke somebody?10:47
gnomefreakblueCommand: resubmit it10:51
gnomefreakit will overwrite the existing one10:52
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blueCommandbad-distribution-in-changes-file gutsy10:58
blueCommandIsn't gutsy the right tag?10:59
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blueCommandAnybody with REVU access that can see what happend with winekeyd and libsocket++ ?11:40
blueCommandNot seeing them in revu11:40
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ajmitchblueCommand: when were they uploaded?11:44
blueCommand15 min ago or so11:44
ajmitchare you sure they went to the right host?11:44
blueCommandhm, did like last time, but I will check11:45
blueCommand[revu] 11:45
blueCommandfqdn = revu.tauware.de11:45
blueCommandincoming = /incoming11:45
blueCommandlogin = anonymous11:45
ajmitchdon't count on 'revu' being default11:45
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blueCommandI did dput revu *.changes11:45
=== ajmitch can see that they're not there, and unless they were manually removed in the last 15 minutes, they never got there
blueCommandNow I can resubmit them11:46
ajmitchah no11:46
blueCommandI couldn't back then11:46
ajmitchthey were removed by a cron job11:46
ajmitchthe mail just took its time to get here11:46
blueCommandHehe, ok :)11:46
ajmitchplease make sure you upload source-only packages11:46
blueCommandi.e no debs?11:47
ajmitchnever upload an i386.changes file, there's a cron job that will just kill those11:47
blueCommandgotcha, you will probably have one other "binary" package soon though, since I did a re-submit :)11:47
ajmitchremoved it11:48
blueCommandthere we go11:51
elektranoxstill nobody who would review my package?11:52
=== Jazzva [n=sasa@cable-89-216-184-157.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
blueCommandYou need to be a "reviewer" for that right?11:52
blueCommandOtherwise I would gladly do it11:52
ScottKblueCommand: If you know enough about packaging, feel free to offer unofficial suggestions.  Just make clear you are not a MOTU when you do it.11:53
blueCommandScottK, Ah what the hell, there is no better way to learn than by doing, right? :)11:53
ScottKJust don't over-reach.  If you aren't sure, let them know and don't lead them in the wrong direction.11:54
blueCommandScottK, Nono, I will just try to review it. Don't worry :)11:55
elektranoxok this way the final reviewers have less work :)11:55
blueCommandelektranox, already building :)11:56
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blueCommandOh right. If somebody could review:12:04
blueCommandand http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=602412:04
blueCommandelektranox, You're looking fine so far, atleast through this reviewing guide ;-D12:04
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xtknightso if i wanted to make an app for Gutsy, this would be the right channel to be in?12:05
Burgundavia_xtknight: sort of12:06
xtknighti was thinking of implenting an idea in the IdeaPool 12:06
Burgundavia_xtknight: which one?12:06
xtknightBurgundavia_, a hardware advisor that lets you know if your hardware is supported on ubuntu.  it would be a C/C++ windows program that could run on 2000/xp/vista12:06
blueCommandelektranox, Did you change the orig?12:06
Burgundavia_that would be an interesting challenge12:07
blueCommandelektranox, I get diffrent MD5sums from the SF.net one and yours12:07
ScottKBut this probably isn't the place to get Windows programming help.12:07
xtknightactually if you just grab the pci ids from windows and then compare them against the ubuntu pciids youve basiccally got it12:07
xtknightah no im good with the win32 api12:07
Burgundavia_another way you could do it would be to build it into the installer12:08
elektranoxmh I'm not sure - I think I'll just download the SF.net ones12:08
xtknighti'd actually rather it be separate (i bet they would too)12:08
xtknightmaybe it could be on the autorun.exe for the ubuntu cd12:08
Burgundavia_xtknight: for that kind of stuff, I recommend you chat with colin watson or evan dandrea12:08
blueCommandelektranox, I will see if I can get a diff12:08
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Burgundavia_xtknight: they are cjwatson and evand on irc12:09
xtknightso you stick in the ubuntu cd in windows and it brings it up, but it doesnt interfere with install or anytihng12:09
xtknightBurgundavia_, okay thanks12:09
xtknightill prolly have to do this later, just wanted to check 12:09
Burgundavia_xtknight: another good way is to start the spec process12:09
Burgundavia_xtknight: are you familiar with that?12:09
xtknightBurgundavia_, not too much but i know about launchpad12:09
Burgundavia_basically, the idea behind a spec is to lay out exactly what you are going to do12:09
xtknightkinda confused what the difference is between a spec, a blueprint, and the other things they have there12:09
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Burgundavia_blueprint == spec12:10
Burgundavia_but first chat with them, see what works best12:10
xtknightcool thx12:10
Burgundavia_I know there is a talk of a windows installer as well12:10
Burgundavia_but no real work yet12:10
xtknightfigured since im not very adept with linux api i'd put my win32 api skills to work12:10
blueCommandScottK, Do you know if renaming the directory "gafix-0.9.1" to "gafix-0.9.1.orig" is valid?12:10
xtknightand this is the perfect opportunity really12:10
xtknighthelp ubuntu by using win32api, couldnt get any better ;)12:10
xtknightanyhoo be back in a bit12:11
Burgundavia_tag me if you have any questions12:11

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