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bobert_1hey all01:18
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foxxbuntuOpenMediaSupport, you have many customers using Sat's with your boxes?06:40
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foxxbuntuare any of you guys in tonight?07:14
foxxbuntuhey, you heard much about using a Dish with Myth?07:17
foxxbuntuI am thinking about switching off my craptacular cable company to dish but wondering if anyone knows enough about it to say I am not gonna have a huge head ache from it07:18
=== tgm4883_laptop shrugs
tgm4883_laptopcable here07:20
tgm4883_laptopyou can't do HD07:20
tgm4883_laptopthats all i know07:20
foxxbuntuIm not going to HD though07:23
OpenMediaSupportfoxxbuntu:  What do you mean by Sats?07:23
foxxbuntuSat Dishs07:23
OpenMediaSupportI've also got a Diseqc on my for 4 sats07:24
foxxbuntuany big complaints to watch out for?07:24
OpenMediaSupportSorry on mine for 4 sats07:24
OpenMediaSupportfoxxbuntu: "complaints"?07:25
OpenMediaSupportHere we have two classes of Sat gear - Free To Air is currently MPEG2 standard DVB-S and pretty much just works.07:26
OpenMediaSupportSee http://openmedia.co.nz/openmedia/content/view/88/58/ for a setup guide07:26
foxxbuntuyea...any issues surrounding dish use I should watch out for...I have always been on cable and they jacked me around and my price is getting out of hand so I am going to switch07:26
OpenMediaSupportIts more fun when its an STB like Sky TV NZ. Trying to position an IRBlaster on an older STB is a real pain.07:27
foxxbuntuI have Stars movie channel and basic family cable..and they are jacking me for $73/month07:27
foxxbuntuplus taxes and fees07:27
OpenMediaSupportPlus the obvious quality drop when you are only recording off SVideo or composite.07:28
foxxbuntuwell I am on comps. right now07:28
foxxbuntuand on STBs from my cable providers07:28
foxxbuntubut I use serial cables07:29
OpenMediaSupportsvideo makes a huge difference. Appears lifeview now have a card with component based capture, but I don't know if it supported under linux yet.07:29
foxxbuntui dunno if my tuners support s-vid07:29
OpenMediaSupportWish we could access the serial interface on the boxes here in NZ. No one has worked out the Spec.07:29
tgm4883_laptopopenmediasupport, link to that card?07:30
foxxbuntuI should have just paid to go to Ubuntu Live07:31
=== foxxbuntu kicks self in head
foxxbuntuanywho...Thanks for the help guys07:33
foxxbuntuI am gonna kick the cable company to the curb07:33
OpenMediaSupporttgm4883_laptop: The Skystar2 cards?07:37
OpenMediaSupporttgm4883_laptop: I've lots of links, anything in particular you want.07:37
tgm4883_laptopi just didn't know they were making them again07:42
tgm4883_laptopideally, i'd like to see support for the hdmi capture cards07:42
tgm4883_laptopbut anything that will do HD over not firewire would work for me07:43
tgm4883_laptopwhat do they range in price?07:43
OpenMediaSupportAh you are taling about the lifeview card with component capture.07:47
OpenMediaSupportSorry its a leadtek card - http://www.leadtek.com.tw/eng/tv_tuner/overview.asp?lineid=6&pronameid=32207:49
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JackhammerI am having problems geeting EIT program info from DBS, can anyone help?06:19
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Kenzuhello... some news?09:20
tgm4883yes kenzu?09:55
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tgm4883_laptophow do you load the commerical flagging as a cutlist?12:16
tgm4883_laptopnm, i found it, it's z.  I must be blink cause it was stareing me in the face12:27

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