
=== neta3 [n=hoodw@ip72-193-12-130.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
clearzenThanatosDrive: np12:01
MajorPaynepaven: Did you try build-essentials or build-essential?  There is a differenc.12:01
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ThanatosDriveclearzen: That's odd. I still can't delete anything on the external.12:02
NigelSThanatosDrive: there's no need to also get ntfs-3g then because ntfs-config depends on it so should fetch it at the same time12:02
pavanno "s"12:02
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NigelSThanatosDrive: it's not odd, it needs remounting :)12:02
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ThanatosDriveNigelS: Ah, thanks.12:02
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nickrudpavan, that's pretty strange, since gutsy is at 1ubuntu6; have you made changes to your sources.list?12:02
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re5pektwho is speak czech ? pls i need help12:03
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pwuertzhi, I'm having trouble connecting to a wpa secured wlan network... when I select the network using the nm-applet, a password prompt appears, I enter the password, and for some minutes an animation occurs in the nm-applet... but connecting to the network does not work... what should I do?12:03
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nickrud!cz | re5pekt12:03
uboture5pekt: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:03
=== mangojambo [n=mangojam@r83-pw-sucuriu.ibys.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
chris__how can i stop it from asking for my password when i run commands as root???12:03
preactionchris__: you do not want to do that12:03
chris__yes i do :)12:03
pavannickrud: i have the gutsy CD & i think its part of the source list in my package manager.. now when i tried it in the terminal.. it appears to be installing...12:03
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Justi1how can I stop it for asking for the keyring password for my wireless WEP key?12:04
preactionchris__: more importantly: why are you running all these commands as root?12:04
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clearzenpwuertz: not all wireless drivers have support for wpa in linux. Do you know which drivers you are using?12:04
MajorPaynechris__: If you want you can type "sudo -i" and only type it in once.12:04
Andy_Anytime I try to install ubuntu it hangs. had kernal panic and it stopped at agp and a couple other places..12:04
NigelSchris__: you prob don't really want to - if you want a terminal with root privs use sudo -s12:04
=== FirstStrike [i=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDrive!it works!12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it works! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
nickrudpavan, not a good idea, mixing between feisty and gutsy, especially during development. You should pick one12:04
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chris__i know..., i just get tired of typing my password12:04
pwuertzclearzen: its an intel 3xxx chipset... afaik it should be supported12:04
FlannelJusti1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager#head-41669d33dd37ace3464ac217a60ffac444fff51412:04
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ZzzZZzzz  ?12:05
mangojamboI m having problem trying to install ANYthing!!! Error: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/automatix2_1.1-4.11-7.04feisty%5fi386_i386.deb: files list file for package `libxrender1' is missing final newline files list file for package `libxrender1' is missing final newline12:05
clearzenNigelS: what is the difference between interactive and single user mode?12:05
chris__so how can i use pam to do it 4 me?12:05
MajorPayne!automatix | mangojambo12:05
ubotumangojambo: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:05
Flannelmangojambo: Don't use automatix12:05
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ZzzZZzzz  ?12:06
pavannickrud: understood.. was trying to see if i can upgrade to gutsy... i am new to ubuntu.. but has been working with gentoo for a long time..12:06
stormy|Zzzzzzzzzif I want to change the port apache and sshd runs on... do I need to restart the services?12:06
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clearzenpwuertz: Have you tried to bring it online from a terminal?12:06
clearzenstormy|Zzzzzzzzz: yes12:06
matkixI need an expert on wireless! Please help!12:06
poningrujust ask your question12:06
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mangojamboMajorPayne: Flannel: it is not happening with automatix, but EVERYTHING!!12:06
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matkixI will, its a driver issue...  I think12:06
poningru!automatix | mangojambo12:06
MajorPaynemangojambo: Automatix breaks systems.12:06
ubotumangojambo: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:06
matkixIt never connects, but acts like connection12:06
Nylewhat does automatix do that you can not do yourself?12:06
pavannickrud: Can you suggest a good IDE for C++ dev .. i am using standard ubuntu install.. and i would like to avoid any Kde12:06
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RoC_MasterMindpavan, you can't upgrade to gutsy right now, you have to run a new install disc I think12:07
stormy|Zzzzzzzzzthanks clearzen12:07
RoC_MasterMindpavan, anjuta12:07
poningru!eclipse | pavan12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
clearzenstormy|Zzzzzzzzz: np12:07
poningru!info eclipse12:07
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 124 kB, installed size 412 kB12:07
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RoC_MasterMind!info anjuta12:07
ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.4a-5build1 (feisty), package size 913 kB, installed size 2144 kB12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about silverlight - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
pwuertzclearzen: I dont know anything about this wpa tools, I tried to use this wpa_supplicant tool... but I dont understand the meaning of all these messages12:07
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preactionpavan: vim is the be-all end-all of text editors.12:07
matkixI've got an averatec laptop, and well the wireless won't connect. It sees the card, and networks. It just never makes a connection.12:07
MajorPayne!hi | j4ne12:07
ubotuj4ne: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:07
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NigelSclearzen: single user mode? as in the runlevel12:07
pavanbad eclipse experience here.. would try out anjuta12:07
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ubotuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage12:08
poningrumatkix: whats wrong?12:08
Valuedany help wit grubbbbbbbbbb12:08
clearzenNigelS: that's what the sudo -s stand for from what I understand. Single User12:08
mangojambohmm .. thanks ...  and now what? Reinstalling ?12:08
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matkixIt won't connect.12:08
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:08
ZzzZZzzz  ?12:08
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chris__so no one will help me?12:08
poningrumatkix: ok what chipset is it?12:08
matkixIt shows all networks, then you can try to connect and it acts like its going to.12:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:08
matkixOne sec12:08
EliasAmaralI am having problems with my keyboard layout. If I run setupcon, my problem get fixed until reboot. There is a reason for setupcon do not start in boot?12:08
j4neanyone can help me for building iwlwifi-0.1.1 under ubuntu feisty ?12:08
poningrumatkix: what chipset?12:08
poningrumatkix: what kinda wifi card is it?12:08
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matkixponingru pm12:08
matkixi'm not authed...12:09
NigelSclearzen: -s == shell12:09
poningrudont pm just say it here12:09
Valuedhow to move grub from one drive to another. it works fine in my pata but bios wants to only boot sata12:09
matkixIts too hard to read over everyone else.12:09
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matkixCan you join #ubuntu-wifihelp realquick?12:09
pavanRoc_MasterMind: the installer of gutsy hangs with a blank X screen for gutsy Tribe212:09
stormy|Zzzzzzzzzwhere is the config file for sshd?12:09
nininaanyone know how to install a 6.0 or even 1.5.0 Java SDK?12:09
poningrumatkix: no just point it to me12:09
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poningruas in say my name12:09
clearzenpwuertz: open a terminal sudo ifdown <interface> ; sudo ifup <interface> does that work?12:09
poningru!grub | Valued12:09
Andy_is there some type of problem with trying to install ubuntu to sata hd? I can not get install to happen! I've googled it all and still can't get it12:09
ubotuValued: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:09
NigelSninina: yeah it's in the repositories12:10
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nickrudpavan, was away for a sec. Some people say anjuta, others like emacs, or even gedit. You might like to try eclipse if your machine is quick12:10
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clearzenstormy|Zzzzzzzzz: /etc/ssh12:10
mysqlchangei want to have mysql without utf812:10
poningruAndy_: no it should just work12:10
MajorPaynenickrud: vi is good.12:10
pavannickrud : thx12:10
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CVirusWhat is pts/0 ?12:10
pwuertzclearzen: the wireless interface works with unencrypted networks, if its that what you mean?12:10
MajorPayne!ask | mysqlchange12:10
nininaNigelS: Hmm I could only find 1.4, I guess I'll look again12:10
clearzenstormy|Zzzzzzzzz: /etc/ssh/sshd_config to be exact12:10
ZzzZZzzzblow job12:10
mysqlchangeMajorPayne, what?12:10
poningru!troll | ZzzZZzzz12:10
matkixponingru: Ralink is what it says in the driver hard ware manager.12:10
ubotumysqlchange: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:11
pavannickrud: build-essential would also install auto tools??12:11
matkixI'm on windows now... I will switch over when I have something to work with.12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
j4neAndy_: for my personnal installation on my laptop. i forced to use the version -alternate12:11
NigelSninina: what version are you using?12:11
Flannelmangojambo: `sudo apt-get update` see if that fixes things.12:11
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poningrumatkix: ok hold on12:11
Andy_poningru: I wish! LOL I have mandriva on my server, but wanted to test drive ubuntu out on my desktop, but I can't get it to install at all.. just hangs.. and I have this horrible vistaxp crap I HATE!12:11
pavanno worries.. i didn't..12:11
Justi1Flannel: thank you, it worked12:11
poningrumatkix: that should just work12:11
mysqlchangethe question is i want to remove from mysql utf8 collation12:11
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nickrudMajorPayne, I'd never used emacs until recently (I had to do some coding for the first time in like 20 years) and vim is/was my tool12:11
nininaNigelS: feisty12:11
mysqlchangehow to do it12:11
poningrumatkix: you say you can see the wifi networks?12:11
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clearzenpwuertz: no, I wanted to know if it actually will connect at all. I found the command line to be more reliable than the gui counterparts at times.12:11
j4neanyone can help me for building iwlwifi-0.1.1 under ubuntu feisty ?12:11
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pavangeneral question: .. does the init services @ boot time startup in parallel in ubuntu??12:12
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poningruAndy_: try using the alternate cd12:12
kinuswhats the problem j4ne?12:12
ZzzZZzzzblow job12:12
matkixponingru: yeah... just woundn't seem to connect to anything.12:12
poningru!op | zzco_12:12
ubotuzzco_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:12
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hinogiok maybe an old question but my keyboard layout is a really mess up currently12:12
nickrudpavan, a quick primer: apt-cache search <something> (like autotool) and apt-cache depends <package> (like build-essential)12:12
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poningruhinogi: system->pref->keyboard12:12
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hinogiand the system configuration for keyboard layout seemed to be messed as well12:12
Belthazarhi can some tell whe where to get driver for this Wireless G Plus Desktop Card F5D700112:12
MajorPaynenickrud: I use vi for all my coding.  You were listing them.  I just wanted to add that.12:12
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poningrumatkix: hmm that is weird12:12
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matkixponingru: yeah... just woundn't seem to connect to anything. Ideas? I only attemped one network...12:13
hinogibecause no changes apply if i do something in system - pref - keyboard12:13
nininanigels: I found it, Synaptic wasn't showing it, but the basic add/remove has it all easy to find...I feel silly12:13
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NigelSninina: sun-java6-jdk12:13
poningruand you are shure that you can connect to that particular networkwith a windows box?12:13
NigelSninina: cool :012:13
poningruor some other computer?12:13
amidanielReally odd problem here -- ubuntu just stopped responding to my right alt key12:13
NigelS:) even12:13
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nickrudMajorPayne, eh, my intent didn't go across, sorry. I love vim12:13
poningruBelthazar: need more info than that what brand is it?12:13
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hinogigot that too amidaniel12:13
matkixponingru: oh yeah... just not the other os. its a dual boot. Im in a new location and well I can try again to see if it was a wep security issue.12:13
amidanielI can still do alt+alt to change keyboard layout; however, alt+F10 and all other shortcuts work only with the left alt key12:13
Andy_thx.. I'll try the alternate cd12:13
amidanielhinogi: Oh? Did you find a solution?12:14
matkixponingru: Ill reboot in ubuntu, brb12:14
hinogino not yet12:14
pwuertzclearzen: I can't check right now, because I'm on another system... you have some "general" advice on wpa connections?12:14
poningrumatkix: what ubuntu are you using?12:14
BelthazarOkay can somebody tell me where I can get drivers for my wireless card12:14
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nininaNigelS: oh it has 5 too...which should I use...hmmm12:14
NigelSninina: also you can use the update-alternatives --config java command to switch between different versions if that's useful to you12:14
poningruBelthazar: answer my question12:14
unagianyone here good at scripting?12:14
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BelthazarSorry I did not see your question what wasn't12:14
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poningrumatkix: that should pop up with a dialog for wep security key prompting you12:14
hinogigot no super key or anything they stopped working as well12:14
poningruBelthazar: what brand12:14
Nutubuntuamidaniel,  hinogi - this might help: http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28017/Fix_your_right_Alt_key_in_Ubuntu12:14
BelthazarWireless G Plus Desktop Card F5D700112:14
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hinogii also got no preview in the keyboard layout12:14
amidanielNutubuntu: Ahh .. thank you :D12:15
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poningruBelthazar: that doesnt have the brand name in it12:15
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poningruok hold on12:15
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clearzenpwuertz: Check this out. It should be able to help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu.html12:15
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nininaNigelS: wow that is useful12:15
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poningruBelthazar: do a 'sudo lspci -vv | grep -i broadcom'12:15
pwuertzclearzen: thank you!12:15
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hinogiwell helps with the alt maybe but not for super/windows key12:16
NigelSninina: cool :)12:16
clearzenpwuertz: no problem12:16
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poningruBelthazar: whats the output of that?12:16
j4nekinus: i cannot build the mac80211 & iwlwifi-0.1.1 i've got many error message ... i can paste this on private session ?12:16
ZzzZZzzzblow job12:16
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BelthazarI can do that because I'm still on the windows system12:16
poningru!ops | ZzzZZzzz12:16
ubotuZzzZZzzz: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:16
j4neprivate session = query ?12:16
kinusj4ne, sure12:16
=== dec0de [n=decode@24-196-160-003.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jthomasHi, I had server-edition and installed ubuntu-desktop package, now I can't have transparency with gnome panels. Any Ideas?12:16
chris__so can i automate gksudo?12:16
Flannelchris__: automate it?12:17
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BelthazarI think it's a broadcom air force one driver12:17
chris__make it not ask for my password12:17
poningruchris__: automate?12:17
Amaranthchris__: no, that's the whole point12:17
Flannelchris__: It caches your password for 10 minutes12:17
amidanielNutubuntu: Hmm .. nope, that doesn't seem to be working12:17
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chris__i want it for ever :D12:18
MajorPaynechris__: That's a bad idea.12:18
preactionchris__: by removing that step, you open your system to hackers, idiots, viruses, and other malicious activities12:18
chris__not really :P12:18
nininaNigelS: It's telling me it can't be Authenticated is that ok?12:18
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BelthazarI agree with that think that's a very bad idea12:18
chris__i don't mind :D12:18
preactionchris__: then use windows12:18
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BelthazarYou're an idiot12:18
chris__i lost my windows cd :P12:18
unagianyone here good at scripting?12:18
Nutubuntu:(    amidaniel - not sure what to try then12:18
pwuertzclearzen: uhm... this one just explains how to install nm on edgy ^^12:18
MajorPaynechris__: Yes really.  If you want you can enable the root account and auto log in as root.  But that's a bad idea.12:18
Chousukechris__: don't do it ;/12:18
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BelthazarOK I will take it that you do not know the answer to that question in which I need help with12:19
kinusunagi: what you wanna script12:19
Chousukechris__: seriously, being logged in as root can even make things break12:19
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donna_For some reason the 'default' and 'savedefault' options in my grub menu.lst are being ignored ( or I am doing it incorrectly )12:19
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poningruunagi: just ask the question12:19
chris__i like breaking things :D12:19
Amaranthchris__: any random program on your computer could brick your machine12:19
Chousukeas in, programs will refuse to work because they're smarter than the user12:19
nininachris__: just say no!12:19
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Flannelchris__: You'll find that after the first week or so, you'll need it rarely.12:19
poningruBelthazar: just boot into ubuntu and get that output12:20
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chris__i use sudo everyday12:20
poningruI need to know which chipset it is12:20
chris__and i have been on linux for the last 8weeks12:20
preactionchris__: for what?12:20
Chousukechris__: if you really want, you can just set sudo to not ask for a password.12:20
chris__random things :D12:20
Belthazarwhy did I not think of that will be right back12:20
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Chousukedon't do random things.12:20
Chousukeyou're probably overusing sudo anyway12:20
preactionchris__: like what? it usually means that your system is not configured correctly if you have to keep using it12:20
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Chousukemany people seem to recommend sudo where you don't need it12:21
nininaI use sudo everyday, but only cause I have to manually connect to wireless because the wireless monitor hates my wireless card12:21
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JayRoehow do I access a network in the terminal?12:21
preactionchris__: it means that the program should either be setuid, or that the directory you're accessing should be owned by someone other than "root"12:21
chris__i install something new everyday :D12:21
unagiforgive me if this went through already but is anyone here good at scripting?12:21
MajorPayneJayRoe: What do you want to do on the network?12:21
|thunderanyone know what these icons are for ? /usr/share/app-install/icons12:21
Chousukechris__: well that is hardly an excuse to be logged in as root12:21
preactionchris__: you ... want ... that ... to ... require ... sudo12:21
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freebseO kind off dislike sudo anyway... su12:22
chris__can i check the status of my shipit cd's?12:22
JayRoemajorpayne, I want to access my vista pc, I can do it in nautilus, but I don't know how to do it through the terminal12:22
unagiis my connection funky or is no one talkign12:22
Chousukesudo is superior to su in every respect :)12:22
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preactionJayRoe: smb_client or smbclient (i forget which)12:22
amidanielunagi: Your connection must be funky :)12:22
Chousukenamely because it allows everything that su does, but is more flexible and more secure.12:22
amidanielAlright .. I'm gonna try a restart .. brb12:22
pwuertzis WPA supported using the wlan driver intel 3945 ?12:22
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preaction!samba | JayRoe (you can also mount the remote drives for easy use)12:22
ubotuJayRoe (you can also mount the remote drives for easy use): samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:22
chaotic um  its just thathow do i associate .torrents with ktorrent on firefox12:23
Geminiashey everybody12:23
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|thunderis there a directory somewhere where I can copy a game folder so any user can modify the files ?  i.e. the config file ?12:23
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Jordan_Upwuertz, intel's drivers are pretty good so I would assume so, is it not working for you?12:23
Geminiasspeaking of torrents... does anyone know a solution to rogers (canada) ISP packet throttling which essentially kills torrents?12:24
pwuertzJordan_U: no, I'm trying to connect, but nothing happens12:24
Jordan_UGeminias, Use encryption12:24
MajorPayne|thunder: Just chmod a+rwx filename12:24
preaction|thunder: you could change the permissions of the file to allow people to write to it12:24
NigelSchris__: if you really want to make sudo not time you out you need to edit the /etc/sudoers file and use the timestamp_timeout option - set it to a negative number in order for the to never time out.  you have to use visudo to edit it; I really wouldn't recommend doing this though12:24
|thunderGeminias; change ports  ?12:24
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preactionGeminias: changing ports will usually do it12:24
MajorPayne|thunder: You most likely don't need the x12:24
Geminiasfile header incryption doesn't seem to do it12:24
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NigelSninina: it should be ok - run apt-get update before running apt-get install12:24
|thunderok, thanks MajorPayne and preaction12:24
pwuertzJordan_U: I just see an animation in the nm-applet for 1-2 minutes12:25
chris__thanks :D12:25
Geminiasneither does changing ports :(12:25
preaction|thunder: not a+rw, it's o+rw (for others)12:25
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phoenixzk3b under kubuntu does not detect my DVD writer which k3b under Fedora did detect.. Anything to solve this one?12:25
NigelSninina: you ought to have the keys already unless you have a 3rd party repo there it's getting it from12:25
nickrud|thunder, those are used by the add/remove under applications12:25
vzduch!kubuntu | phoenixz12:25
ubotuphoenixz: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE12:25
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|thundernickrud; ahh, thanks. bunch of icons for apps i dont have installed, lol12:25
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arooni_how do i fix this error: configure: error: PAM header files not found12:26
nickrud|thunder, yeah, a bunch of icons you can scavenge for other things ;)12:26
Jordan_Uarooni, What are you trying to compile?12:26
arooni_Jordan_U, thinkfinger12:26
Geminiasdownload pam header files and make sure they are in the search lib dir of the configure12:26
arooni_Jordan_U, http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php12:26
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pwuertzJordan_U: by the way.. there is no way for configuring a static connection using WPA... when I enter manual configuration, only WEP is supported...12:27
preactionchris__: here's something for you: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_default_timeout_in_sudo12:27
pwuertzJordan_U: is this correct?12:27
arooni_what is the name of the pam devel package12:27
arooni_for ubuntu12:27
nickrudarooni, libpam0g-dev12:27
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Geminiaswep or wpa will support static connection...12:28
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Jordan_Upwuertz, I don't know, I don't use WPA ( or WEP :)12:28
poningrupwuertz: use wpa-supplicant through /etc/network/interfaces12:28
nickrudarooni, a generalized way to find out would be aptitude search <base lib name> | grep dev12:28
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:28
matkix001I'm back again, so here is my issue! I have an averatec laptop, the wireless card can see networks.. However it CANNOT connect to them, what should i do?12:29
Geminiaswhat is pam anyway?12:29
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nickrudan authentication method12:29
arooni_anyone know how to get the 'libsub' package? checking for USB... configure: error: libusb missing12:29
sivikmatkix001, what kind of card?12:29
matkix001poningru: still up for helpin?12:29
nickrudarooni, see above12:29
sivikarooni_, aptitude or apt-cache search libusb12:29
Geminiasi love ubuntu12:29
banlieueubuntu? sounds good12:30
poningrumatkix001: go to a terminal and do 'dmesg'12:30
sivikmatkix001, what kind of card12:30
vzduchdug: libpam-dev is empty12:30
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poningrumatkix001: do you see anythign about firmware or anything?12:30
sivikwhat kind of card matkix00112:30
matkix001Well... im in windows now12:30
unagianyone here good at scripting?12:30
ditoahi all.12:30
sivikis it broadcom 42xx by chance?12:30
matkix001How can I check there, I have to dual boot12:30
nickruddug, libpam-dev is a virtual package, not a real one. libpam0g-dev provides it12:30
matkix001So I wil need to get it working before I can be on irc and the ubuntu12:31
poningruunagi: what do you want dude?12:31
MajorPayneunagi: What do you want to know about scripting?12:31
dugyou are correct sirs12:31
pwuertzponingru: I've already seen this documents.. but they don't cover any troubleshooting... they assume it "just works"12:31
rob_punagi: You're more likely to get help if you just ask your question.12:31
poningrumatkix001: brand and model please12:31
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ditoai got a c++ related question, where is the best place to ask it?12:31
poningrupwuertz: sorry what are you reffering to?12:31
matkix001poningru: How do I get you detailed info from win?12:31
xipietotecditoa, #cpp12:31
poningrumatkix001: uh... you need to know what the model number and brand of your card is dude12:31
poningruor is it integrated?12:31
pwuertzponingru: you rtfmt me about wpa12:31
ditoaahh, tried #c++ instead. cpp doesnt exist. my bad :/12:31
Geminiasi can help12:32
matkix001Built in, laptop....12:32
unagii have a script that replaces my xorg.conf with another version then automatically restarts X server.....is there a way to either bypass having to log back in or for the script to kill a process and run another after logging back in12:32
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Geminiaswhat is question?12:32
KjellviZcan someone tell me what version of Wine thats in the official repos ?12:32
poningrumatkix001: then probably can be found at the laptop's website12:32
poningru!info wine12:32
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB12:32
KjellviZdang thats old ><12:33
poningrupwuertz: search around on how to do wpa-supplicant12:33
poningruin forums or wiki12:33
rob_punagi: Almost anything is possible with scripting.  So the answer is yes.  However, I question why you want to do what you've asked.12:33
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unagisigh everyone questions why i want to do anything in linux.....12:33
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pwuertzponingru: I did... but there is no troubleshooting section.... in the documentation it "just works"12:33
Geminiastrue unagi12:34
poningrupwuertz: again you are assuming the graphical way12:34
matkix001poningru: the site has nothing on the type of card. Its an Averatec 2200 Laptop12:34
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Geminiasppl are nosey12:34
vinnywhy you shouldnt use gutsy - get everything working, perfect, accidently update, nothing works12:34
arooni_why dont the commands: auth sufficient pam_thinkfinger.so || auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass nullok_secure  work?  (from http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#ThinkFinger)12:34
MajorPayneunagi: People in here question that?12:34
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unagiin order for maya to run i have to disable compositing with the xorg.conf......therefore avant window navigator is useless and id like to kill it and then automatically run maya12:34
poningrupwuertz: I am talking about wpa supplicant12:34
poningruunagi: killall maya12:34
vinnyi like supplicants12:35
tapashi, does ubuntu's rosegarden package feature dssi support?12:35
poningruor whatever12:35
unagipeople question alot of things i ask about....such as why id want to convert .mov to tga sequence12:35
unagiponingru: i dont think u get what im saying12:35
=== Klanticus [n=Klanticu@201-93-242-209.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Nyleany word on good 3d games in ubuntu?12:35
poningruunagi: see the or whatever comment12:35
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:35
Nyleany kind of 3d game with nice graphics12:35
AyarcyI'm working on preseed files for a custom Ubuntu install CD.  I can find example preseed files but no actual official documentation of what variables d-i can use or what format they should be in.  Where can I find the official specs?  (Specifically, right now I'm looking at pkgsel/install-pattern, but this issue isn't limited to that variable.)12:35
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vinnytry anything by id, or unreal12:35
SAVVYDKPXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"     <---is plauging me, help?12:35
IndyGunFreakNyle: tremulous is pretty cool, so is bzflag12:35
unagianyone have any ideas?12:36
pwuertzponingru: right... when talking about wpa_supplicant, they say "you should see somthing like...."    great.. but I don't! so what am I supposed to do?12:36
Nylewhen I start tremulous my monitor goes out of scan12:36
SAVVYDKPi can't play any games anymore12:36
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-320.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
NyleIndyGunFreak: how can I make tremulous open in window from command line instead of full screen12:36
TTT_Travishow do I put my computer in standby via terminal?12:36
NigelSunagi: people are naturally curious and very often people ask how to do something only because they didnt know enough to know there was a better way.  For that reason it's often necessary to ask for more details.  I personally would just run xorg permanently without compositing, AWN is very new software atm12:36
IndyGunFreakNyle: no clue12:36
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matkix001poningru: any ideas on how else to tell what wifi card you're running?12:36
poningruNyle: http://lwn.net/Articles/241332/12:36
poningrumatkix001: boot into ubuntu12:36
poningrupwuertz: be more detailed what doesnt work?12:36
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poningrumatkix001: lspci -vv12:37
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unagirunning xorg without compositing wouldnt make sense12:37
unagimost things in ubuntu wouldnt display right without it......12:37
unagicompiz wont work without it12:37
matkix001ill dump that to the shared drive then come back12:37
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poningruthat should have info about everything plugged into your pci bus12:37
Nylegood platform games?12:37
poningrumatkix001: good idea12:37
arielprogrammerCAn anybody help me I am from Argentine12:37
arooni_why dont the commands: auth sufficient pam_thinkfinger.so || auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass nullok_secure  work?  (from http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#ThinkFinger)12:37
Geminiasif you live there you are screwed12:37
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pwuertzponingru: will check command line for debugging messages... but as I said.. I dont understand that stuff printed there.... brb12:38
arielprogrammerI have a problem with Beryl, I have AMD 64 Architecture12:38
=== vinny troll time
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arielprogrammerand I can not run it12:38
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poningrupwuertz: seriously though let me know what you have attempted so far and what failed12:38
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poningruand what error messages came up12:38
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vinnyanyone ever wondered why apt doesnt support downgrading12:38
Jordan_Uarielprogrammer, Beryl should work on AMD 6412:39
archoniamhi, uh, how do you install the java VM for Ubuntu Fiesty?12:39
vinnyi thought feisty had java12:39
Jordan_U!java | archoniam12:39
ubotuarchoniam: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:39
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vinnytry apt-get install sun-java12:39
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vinnyoh tru12:39
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bronze-Is there a way to change the panel settings for the panel with "Applications, Places, System"? Because when I set transperancy on the middle part, the sides don't become transparent.12:39
SAVVYDKPXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"     <---is killing me, help? I have tried everything from reconfiguring the x-server..reinstalling nvidia drivers...checked my xorg.config file, depmod, nothing fixes, help?12:39
vinnyubotu is nice12:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is nice - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:39
Wardieis there a way to enable safe graphics mode on a ubuntu install?12:39
=== Tribes [n=Tribes@pD9E84A36.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
WardieFor some reason my Ubuntu install ALWAYS crashes randomly12:40
prodigy60anyone got a sec? had a question about getting slocate to scan ntfs partitions.12:40
TTT_Travishow do I put my computer in standby via terminal?12:40
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vinnyyou have a dual core cpu12:40
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ElfBoyOK I am looking for drivers for a broadcom bmc 802.11b.11/g wierless12:40
Wardieno, single core on a mini-itx C7 board12:40
dugarchoniam: go to system->administration->synaptics package manager and search for "java6"12:40
poningru!bcm43xx-fwcutter | ElfBoy12:40
Jordan_UTTT_Travis, pmi set suspend IIRC12:40
SlimeyPeteWardie: if you use alternate install CD there will be no graphics whatsoever12:40
NigelSSAVVYDKP: how did you install the nvidia drivers?12:41
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:41
ElfBoythanks sooo much12:41
Jordan_UElfBoy, install bcm43xx-fwcutter from universe12:41
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Wardiewell, i want GNOME, but for some reason the Ubuntu distro keeps crashing on me. unlike Debian12:41
SAVVYDKPnigels: well, fiesty did it for me, all I did was ask it to enable them thru the driver manager12:41
dugNigelS: go to system->administration->restricted drivers, see if that helps12:41
NigelSdug: yes, I know how to do it, I'm helping SAVVYDKP12:42
hinogiok here a possible solution for the one with the same keyboard problems i had12:42
SAVVYDKPnigels: but I reinstalled them thru synaptic12:42
hinogiOption "XkbOptions" "altwin:super_win"12:42
hinogiin the xorg.conf12:42
bronze-Wardie: Debian has gnome.12:42
poningruhinogi: are you in gnome?12:42
hinogiwell yes i guess12:42
poningruWardie: when does it crash?12:42
poningruhinogi: system->pref->keyboard and the third tab12:42
hinogistill get confused with the whole xgl compiz fusion stuff12:42
NigelSSAVVYDKP: ok, was just checking it was't done manually.  What does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file look like now? which nvidia model is it? and have you done anything else to the install or is it clean?12:42
hinogididn't work poningru12:43
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:43
hinogitried that already12:43
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poningruhinogi: how is it not working? what exactly is wrong?12:43
Wardieerrr, when i said unlike debian, i meant debian doesn't crash while ubuntu keeps crashing12:43
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prodigy60anyone got a sec? trying to figure out how to get slocate to build its database across mounted ntfs partitions as well as nix paritions, for some reason its only scanning nix and i cant figure out how to enable ntfs scanning as well12:43
poningruWardie: when does it crash?12:43
cougemcan you get folding@home using apt?12:43
poningru!folding cougem12:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about folding cougem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
intelikeysomebody know of a "dash like shell" that supports basic command line editing ?12:43
SAVVYDKPNigelS: it looks clean, I just did a reconfigure, it's an nvidia geforce2 gts/pro12:43
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WardieI'm not sure when it crashes. It just randomly crashes about 3-6 minutes after finishing booting12:43
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vinnywardie turn on kernel log12:44
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Jordan_UWardie, In what way? Does it freeze up? Does it give any errors?12:44
hinogiponingru: well its more or less like ubuntu totally ignores the settings from system - pref - keyboard12:44
poningrucougem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10181712:44
Wardiejust freezes up and everything stops12:44
bronze-Is there a way to change the panel settings for the panel with "Applications, Places, System"? Because when I set transperancy on the middle part, the sides don't become transparent.12:44
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NigelSSAVVYDKP: can you pastebin your xorg file?12:45
poningruhinogi: do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg-input12:45
SAVVYDKPnigelS: already working on it :)12:45
Jordan_Uhinogi, If it just ignored them why would it be there in the first place?12:45
bobert_1hello.  Does anyone have experience setting up a raid 5 with ubuntu?  I have a gigabyte GA-M57sli-s4 motherboard, and the raid 5 shows up in the bios, but Ubuntu does not register it12:45
poningruWardie: after booting?12:45
Wardiehow do i turn on kernel log and subsequently read it?12:45
poningruas in you are in the graphical env?12:45
KuHliihi anyone know how to activate a beryl theme? I can get into the emerald theme manager and beryl settings, but where is the option to activate a theme?12:45
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Wardieafter boot is completely finished (including Gnome)12:45
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO12:45
poningruWardie: hmm12:45
SAVVYDKPnigels: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29960/12:46
bronze-KuHlii: run "beryl-manager", and right click on the tray icon.12:46
poningruWardie: can you pastebin dmesg?12:46
intelikeynobody ?12:46
poningru!dmesg | Wardie12:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
poningruintelikey: sorry?12:46
hinogii have totally no idea Jordan_U but now its working with the adition12:46
intelikeysomebody know of a "dash like shell" that supports basic command line editing ?12:46
poningrudidnt catch your question12:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
poningruWardie: just type dmesg in your terminal12:47
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poningruor if you can read from windows12:47
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Wardiek, and paste it to pastebin.com?12:47
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Jordan_Uintelikey, What is wrong with BASH?12:47
poningruit should be in /var/log/dmesg12:47
IMYojimbohow do i disable 'Same Origin Policy' on firefox?12:47
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poningruIMYojimbo: same origin policy?12:47
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intelikeyJordan_U several things not the least of which is you can't use ! without the shell reading it12:48
alex_good evening12:48
Jordan_Uintelikey, By dash like do you mean POSIX compliant and not much more?12:48
IMYojimboponingru: yes. i have a GWT script wich needs requesting data from a remote location. firefox prevents it from running12:48
intelikeyJordan_U yes12:48
KuHliibronze- : yeah i have that menu up, but i can not find the option to actually use the theme i select in the window?12:48
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SAVVYDKPnigels: result of glxinfo ---->  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29961/12:48
alex_i have install kde4, but its not really good... how can i use kde3 now ?12:48
IMYojimboponingru: i wanna disable this restriction for debugging reasons until the app goes online12:48
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nickrudintelikey, why not escape the ! ? like \!12:49
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NigelSSAVVYDKP: turn off fbdev12:49
intelikeyJordan_U if dash simply had command line editing i'd love it.   but i have to have something that will allow using the arrow keys and editing12:49
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amidanie1Alright .. my keys are happy again :) Apparently setting the keyboard layout switcher to alt+alt screwed it up12:49
intelikeynickrud try it.    echo "this isn't a test!"12:49
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WisdomWlfI have a few questions so hopefuly someone here can help12:50
IMYojimbohow do i disable 'Same Origin Policy' on firefox? any idea?12:50
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nickrudintelikey, it's quoted, of course it does \!12:50
gregoroviusanybody using mldonkey on feisty? I can't get it to start using the init.d script12:50
poningruIMYojimbo: drat I knew this but I dont remember12:50
poningruI would go to #firefox in irc.mozilla.org12:50
Wardieponingru: http://pastebin.com/m29cff96212:50
IMYojimboponingru: is it settings?12:50
nickrudintelikey, nm, my bad12:50
poningruor kb.mozillazine.org12:50
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poningruIMYojimbo: iirc its an about:config thing12:50
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poningruWardie: looking12:50
untruestoryis there a directory somewhere of what the best module is for specific graphics cards?12:50
liorkamerhow i can do mount 4 my win partition 4ever?12:50
poningruIMYojimbo: if what I am thinking of is what you are saying12:51
WisdomWlfdoes anyone know how to turn off tap to click on a synaptic or ALPS touchpad?12:51
IMYojimboponingru: figures... ill search threr.12:51
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:51
WisdomWlfit's been driving me crazy12:51
nickrudliorkamer, add a line to fstab12:51
Jordan_Uintelikey, Possibly you could use dash from within vim or emacs12:51
alex_i have install kde4, but its not really good... how can i use kde3 now ?12:51
liorkamerits delere me all time12:51
ZombieI'm having an issue with the pam_ccreds module12:51
SAVVYDKPnigels: no prob, I just turned it on to see if it would help12:51
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Jordan_Ualex_, #kubuntu for KDE12:51
bronze-KuHlii: the theme should automatically change when you click on it. Are you sure that emerald is active? Right click on the tray icon --> Choose window decorator --> emerald.12:51
WisdomWlfI've read like 4 different forums all with different instructions regarding xorg.conf file and I always seem to screw up so I can't even login12:51
untruestoryI have an integrated ati rage xl but ubuntu is using a generic module and I think that's why I'm having vid problems12:51
ZombieAnyone here familiar with PAM?12:51
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ZombieI have an advanced Linux infrastructure composed of LDAP, Kerberized services such as Samba, FreeRadius, and IPSec.12:52
intelikeyJordan_U hmmm maybe.  i'll look into that.   i suppose the short answer is "not that you know of"   ;/12:52
untruestoryany ideas of how I find the right module to be loaded?12:52
Jordan_U!synaptics | WisdomWlf12:52
ubotuWisdomWlf: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad12:52
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poningruWardie: do you have bluetooth?12:52
dugWisdomWlf: yeah I tried changing xorg.conf to disable tap to click too, didn't work, i'll look again12:52
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poningruWardie: turn off bluetooth12:52
ZombieI'mm having a hard time getting my laptop to authorize Credentials.12:52
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Wardiek, ill give that a try. and no, i dont have bluetooth12:52
liorkamertnx i do that.. :)12:52
nickrudWisdomWlf, when all else fails, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg will get you the xorg.conf ubuntu thinks you need. It usually will at least work12:52
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n0ydalex_, uninstall the kde4 packages, and if you used a repository to install the packages, comment it out in sources.list, then reinstall old kde packages12:52
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KuHliibronze- : yes it says Standard Beryl Decorator (Emerald)12:52
Mongeyright i was using beryl and i uninstalled that, now when i login all i see is my wallpaper, no taskbars ect12:52
Jack_Sparrowuntruestory: what is the problem you are having with your ati card12:52
whiteboyhow do i rename a file via CLI? what do you guys use?12:52
Mongeyany ideas on how to fix it ?12:52
poningruWardie: go do sudo update-rc.d remove bluetooth12:52
Flannelwhiteboy: either mv or rename12:53
nickrudwhiteboy, mv12:53
mildnerany help why my dvd drive doesnt mount?12:53
poningru!ati | untruestory12:53
ubotuuntruestory: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:53
Jordan_Uintelikey, I try to solve peoples problems, not necessarily answer their questions :)12:53
bronze-KuHlii: and what theme do you have right now?12:53
NigelSSAVVYDKP: I think I know the problem12:53
intelikeynickrud the ! issue is one of several.     dash is what i want  but i "need" command line editing.   i'll look around some more.12:53
KuHliiIt looks no different to the normal ubuntu theme12:53
intelikeyJordan_U heh  k thanks.    ;/12:53
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nickrudintelikey, a specialized need, but I have a few of those myself. Luk12:54
poningruintelikey: ask in ##linux12:54
SAVVYDKPnigels: what do you got?12:54
intelikeyponingru started there12:54
mildnerdoes anybody know how  can force my CD to mount?12:54
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intelikeynickrud ty.12:54
bronze-KuHlii: then emerald is probably not working, because when it's active it sets the default emerald theme, which is red.12:54
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KuHliidamn :-(12:55
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WisdomWlfthanks for the help, can't believe all my googling didn't lead me to the official ubuntu page12:55
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mildnerdoes anybody know how  can force my CD to mount?12:56
WisdomWlfI'm sure I'll be back, going to read up in the forums a bit before asking more noobie questions12:56
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NigelSSAVVYDKP: your card isn't supported in the unified driver by nVidia, they stopped supporting the geForce 2 some time ago12:56
nickrudmildner, mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom0 /mnt12:56
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nickrudmildner, assuming /dev/cdrom0 exists12:56
SAVVYDKPNigelS: h'mm, well, it was working well for a few months?12:56
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:56
NigelSSAVVYDKP: they do a legacy release though but not sure how well it works with the latest kernel12:56
Mongeyright i was using beryl and i uninstalled that, now when i login all i see is my wallpaper, no taskbars ect12:57
Mongeyany ideas on how to fix it ?12:57
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SAVVYDKPNigelS: it's supposedly supported on the nvidia-glx-legacy driver12:57
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lunganAnyone good att security here? I have never used any firewall before and just installed firestarter, but need some help to get secure12:57
NigelSSAVVYDKP: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/appendix-a.html12:57
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:57
mildnernickrud:  doesnt exist12:57
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Ghazany ideas what i do with an .sh file?12:57
PriceChildGhaz, why do anything with it?12:58
whiteboyhow do I print the computer name I am on?12:58
Jack_Sparrowlungan: you are secure with the default setup12:58
PriceChildGhaz, would you like to use it?12:58
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nickrudmildner, sorry, try /dev/cdrom12:58
Ghazbasically ive been trying to get a game working, ive unzipped it and all i have is an sh file12:58
SAVVYDKPnigels: the 1.0-71xx driver supports me12:58
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Jordan_UGhaz, What game?12:59
arooni_how do i kill the ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use (snd_hda_intel)12:59
SAVVYDKPGeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro 0x015012:59
kalleballanyone know how to get ubuntu working on my raid setup? the live cd works fine but when i install it, i think it only installs on one of the drives, not the raid and thus won't boot...12:59
NigelSSAVVYDKP: yeah, that should be the case but I'm not sure it will have auto installed that one, so if not sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy12:59
arooni_how do i kill that module12:59
arooni_while its in use12:59
Ghazits called uplink, ive had it years12:59
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO12:59
SAVVYDKPah, it did, I checked :)12:59
Ghazi downloaded a linux version to try on my box12:59
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whiteboyhow do I print the copmuter name I am on?12:59
crimsunarooni_: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/*)12:59
JayRoecan anyone recommend a good codec or codec-pack for playing mpeg4?12:59
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:59
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:00
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ristohello :)01:00
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:00
NigelSSAVVYDKP: so dpkg -l \*nvidia\* shows what atm?01:00
maiden30403Hi, recently upgraded from 6.06 to 7.04 and am completely confused by what's wrong. First I no longer get a splash/boot screen, PC boots anyway. And now when I plug in my USB HDD it doesn't automaticly mount but appears on my device manager01:00
kalleballso you can't use the live cd to set up your raid...?01:00
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CInderellagood morning...01:00
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ristoit already morning :P01:00
lunganJack_sparrow thank u, feels good to know =)01:00
GhazJordan_U what do i do with my sh file then?01:00
Jordan_Ukalleball, No, you need to use the alternate CD to install to RAID01:00
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CInderellai can't install Xubuntu .... ...01:01
kalleballi'll give it a go then...thanks...01:01
liorkamerlol morning here 2 pm01:01
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Jordan_UGhaz, in a terminal cd to the folder and run "./whatever.sh"01:01
risto2 pm here too01:01
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whiteboyhow do i print the computer name i am on?01:01
Ghazrun is the command i need?01:01
liorkamerwhere u from ?01:01
duelbootwhiteboy, 'hostname'01:01
ristouname -r01:01
Ghazok cheers ill have a bash01:01
pwuertzponingru: chat?01:01
SAVVYDKPnigels: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29963/    line 701:01
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CInderella7 am here01:01
duelbootristo, ?01:01
Jack_Sparrowlungan: np... it is nice to have it secure from the start01:02
Jordan_UGhaz, No, just type "./whatever.sh"01:02
mildnernickrud: mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only01:02
craighi all01:02
TTT_Travisif I put my ubuntu box into stand-by how do I wake it up?01:02
ristosorry uname --all01:02
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Jordan_UGhaz, if that doesn't work then "chmod +x whatever.sh" first01:02
SAVVYDKPwtf is line 14?01:02
NigelSSAVVYDKP: also, /var/log/Xorg.0.log and is the module loading? i.e. lsmod | grep nvidia shows it? what does dmesg say about the loading of the driver?01:02
amidanielTTT_Travis: Hit your power button :)01:02
nickrudmildner, good, navigate to /mnt in your file manager & you should see it01:03
nixnoobanyone aware of any reason why dhclient would work on a eth0 and not wlan0?01:03
duelbootTTT_Travis, I think you just hit the power button...oops got beat01:03
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craighey guys can some 1 help me with myth tv01:03
ecknixnoob: check that wlan0 is up01:03
Jordan_Unixnoob, Only if you are not really connected on wlan001:03
nixnoobeck, its up and has a signal 98/10001:03
Jordan_Unixnoob, Can you ping anything through wlan0?01:03
maiden30403Hi, recently upgraded from 6.06 to 7.04 and am completely confused by what's wrong. First I no longer get a splash/boot screen, PC boots anyway. And now when I plug in my USB HDD it doesn't automaticly mount but appears on my device manager01:03
nixnoobJordan_U, no i have to set the ip subnet and default gw manually or else i cant ping.01:04
Jordan_Umaiden30403, How did you upgrade?01:04
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TTT_Travisamidaniel when I do that the system wakes up but then shuts down01:04
duelbootcraig, there is a #mythtv channel...just join it01:04
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CInderellai can't install xubuntu  say "Can't create XXX in XXX"what's wrong?01:04
maiden30403Jordan_U, Fresh install, ok used wrong term but I still upgraded if you get my drift01:04
SAVVYDKPnigels: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29964/01:04
amidanielTTT_Travis: Standby and hibernate are pretty unstable on all linux .. I've never been able to get them to work correctly01:04
nixnoobJordan_U, im trying to make it work with dhcp rather than manually config01:04
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lunganDoes anyone now how to change fontcolours? Just installed a new nice theme but some of the text on homepages are so lightgray that i barely can read it on the white background01:05
Jordan_UTTT_Travis, unstable with a lot of hardware that is01:05
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whiteboyIs there a "CCleaner" for ubuntu? clear all this command history and its counting of the commands I've used...etc???01:06
Jordan_UTTT_Travis, For me it works fine when I am not using ATI's sh*t drivers01:06
ecklungan: uh, you can edit the theme files. i believe you can find them under ~/.themes01:06
towliebanive got a problem in X. ive configured my trackpad mouse but when I right click nothing happens01:06
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody have any information on using an nVidia GeForce FX5200 on ubuntu01:06
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CInderellano need ccleaner01:06
SAVVYDKPnigels: 51.067989]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module  1.0-7184  Tue Aug  1 18:38:58 PDT 200601:07
TTT_TravisJordan_U I think it would work fine but I need to figure out how to change the power button01:07
TTT_Travissince it shuts off my pc when it comes out of standby01:07
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Have you tried Restricted Manager?01:07
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: what is that?01:07
whiteboyYes there is a need, linux is tracking my every move, from the commands I enter to how many times i've used them01:07
kalleballlungan: i think what you're looking for is in the firefox preferences, standard font size/color.01:07
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager and it will install the drivers you need01:08
lungankalleball, hmmm it changen now when i changed theme, if that make any sence?01:08
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I am stuck at the shell, X wont start01:08
nixnoobJordan_U, no ideas?01:08
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kalleballthat doesn't make any sense.01:08
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ecknixnoob: you should still try to ping out (like Jordan_U said) to make sure you have layer 3 connectivity01:08
kalleballa homepage (page rendered in browser) shouldn't change no matter what theme you have applied.01:09
nixnoobeck, you mean ping once associated?01:09
lungankalleball, i just unchecked "use system colours"01:09
ecknixnoob: yes, you should be able to ifconfig and grab an ip and ping out01:09
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" choose vesa as the driver01:09
lungankalleball thank u01:09
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nixnoobeck, if i set the ip/subnet and gw i can ping and surf01:10
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Then try starting X again with " sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"01:10
liorkamerhow i can chack my ip ?01:10
SAVVYDKPnigels: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29965/ this is weird at the end of the dmesg01:10
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vladuz976how can I use the gnome network manager when I wanna use a different wm ?01:10
Jordan_Ulionel, ifconfig01:10
liorkamerwich command in terminal?01:10
ecknixnoob: weird... i'm not sure what the problem is then01:10
IMYojimbohow do i disable 'Same Origin Policy' on firefox? any idea?01:10
tarzeauvladuz976: http://debian.ethz.ch/d-i/configs/etch/SITE/X11/Xsession.d/45xscreensaver01:10
yum_how do i configure ubuntu to use the kernel image for servers?01:10
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tarzeauvladuz976: put that file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xscreensaver01:10
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hashfreaki don't hav e-mail adresse any more ......... wich one is good ?01:10
tarzeauvladuz976: err /etc/X11/Xsession.d/44gnome-volume-manager01:11
liorkamerhe give me GW01:11
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tarzeauvladuz976: http://debian.ethz.ch/d-i/configs/etch/SITE/X11/Xsession.d/44gnome-volume-manager01:11
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towliebanive got a problem in X. ive configured my trackpad mouse but when I right click nothing happens. can anyone help me out ?01:11
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nixnoobeck, it seems that dhcp works for eth0 but not for wlan0 but setting a static address works... when dhclient wlan0 my router log even shows a dhcp lease being sent01:11
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: "Starting GNOME Display Manager...               [fail] 01:11
tarzeauvladuz976: and if you use wdm or something alike, it'll be started for you01:11
Jordan_Uvladuz976, There might be a better way but you could just use gnome-panel for a panel01:11
tarzeauvladuz976: if you don't use some *dm just start it with your .xsession01:11
ecknixnoob: i dunno... if you are feeling ambitious you can use tcpdump/wireshark to see what is going on01:11
nixnoobeck, tell me how?01:12
EliasAmaralHere /etc/init.d/rcS do not seem to be executed in initialization (it isn't in /etc/rc*.d), does anyone know why?01:12
vladuz976tarzeau, Jordan_U :thanks. I`ll stick to gdm but for wm i like e1701:12
bobert_1somewhat new to unix here, so if someone wants to pm that for an answer thats cool.  Anyways, I was reading through the page listed from the !raid command (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto) and it seems a little dated.  That said, the first thing I did was to download the file for the device mapper user space (ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/dm/ ) and tried to run it. ./configure sudo make install failed (machine s01:12
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh01:13
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vladuz976tarzeau, why gnome-volume-manager ? that the name of it?01:13
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tarzeauvladuz976: yeah pkg+bin name01:13
tarzeauvladuz976: don't worry you don't need gnome01:13
tarzeauvladuz976: works with any window manager01:14
bronze-Can anyone recommend me a torrent client for ubuntu? Gotta have gui and be rather advanced.01:14
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SlimeyPetebronze-: ktorrent01:14
SlimeyPeteor else there's always azureus01:14
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bronze-SlimeyPete: is azureus slow?01:14
kalleballwhy do i never get the proper resolution to show up by default in the resolution change drop menu?...on my 1680x1050 monitor i don't get 1680x1050 and now i tried installing on a computer with a 1368x768 monitor...doesn't show the correct resolution in the menu either.01:14
SlimeyPetebronze-: meh, it's alright once it gets going. It's a bit bloated though.01:15
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: It goes into a fake gui (text mode) with a dialog box that says it failed to start the xserver01:15
gerrobronze-: its a bit more bulkier client but as for download speeds I don't know01:15
Jordan_Ukalleball, Do you have the needed drivers installed?01:15
EADGbronze-: Not slow, but can be a real resource hog... java :/01:15
Wardieponingru: I removed the bluetooth but the OS still crashes fairly randomly01:15
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bronze-kalleball: you should be able to achieve any resolution with a little editing of xorg.conf, I think.01:15
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: It says it "cannot read V_BIOS"01:15
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nickrudkalleball, intel graphics?01:15
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kalleballJordan_U, no idea.01:15
SaitoHajimehi there01:15
Jordan_Ukalleball, What GPU ?01:16
kalleballbronze-, i know, i managed to do that once..then it fucked up.01:16
kalleballnickrud, no, ati on both.01:16
mc44!ohmy | kalleball01:16
ubotukalleball: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:16
kFjhi. is there any other program that i can use to controll my wireless usb stick installed with ndiswrapper?01:16
bronze-Well what's the alternatives then? I've used KTorrent in the past but I don't really like to use it in gnome. I'm just weird, I guess :))01:16
SaitoHajimeanyone know how I can set AltSendEscape for xterm?01:16
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Jordan_Ukalleball, Well first of all ATI makes horrible drivers for linux01:16
kalleballexcuse me mc44?01:16
kalleballi've noticed Jordan_U.01:16
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mc44kalleball: ... please don't swear01:17
kalleballi have one x600 card and one 9800xt.01:17
Jordan_Ukalleball, But try System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager anyways01:17
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kalleballoh...my bad mc44, i didn't realize.01:17
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kFji want it to work with the virtualbox on xp and the seamles setup http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=433359&highlight=virtualbox does not support network manager.01:17
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Ktravagliniumm...how well do ATI graphics cards work with ubuntu and for that matter how well do the latest nvidia work with it01:17
kalleballthanks Jordan_U...going to get this alternate cd first =p01:18
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vzduchKtravaglini: Nvidia > ATI01:18
Ktravaglinik but do they work well with ubuntu01:18
Jordan_Ukalleball, The alternate CD won't do anything to help resolution problems01:18
EADGbronze-: rtorrent is really slim, but it has no GUI, it's terminal only. "apt-cache search torrent" might narrow things down abit (or use Synaptic)01:18
ianmcorvidaeGetting no answer in #fluxbox: Not to interrupt, but does anyone here know of a visual workspace switcher for Fluxbox similar to GNOME's?01:18
nickrudKtravaglini, ati works just fine 2d, some cards (not mine) work ok with 3d01:18
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vladuz976tarzeau, gnome-volume-manager is like the name says to mount volumes automatically. what`s that gotta do with finding wireless networks?01:18
kalleballno, but it'll help me setup my raid Jordan_U =)01:18
Jordan_UKtravaglini, intel > *01:18
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emethow do I make my desktop rotate like on the internets01:19
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Ktravaglini:0 in my exp intel just sucks....which card in specific01:19
ahornerwhy cant i upgrade to 7.0401:19
tarzeauvladuz976: oh network manager.. sorry01:19
nickrudJordan_U, you foss freak :)01:19
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emethow do I make my desktop rotate like on the internets?01:19
vzduchahorner: from?01:19
Jordan_Uemet, System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects01:19
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ashui am having a problem with GRUB installation in ubuntu. can anyone help me?01:19
vladuz976tarzeau, I kept wondering01:19
PriceChildahorner, because the magic pixies say so.01:19
tarzeauemet: 3ddesktop?01:19
vzduch!upgrade | ahorner01:19
ubotuahorner: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:19
PriceChildahorner, can you give us a little more information?01:19
ahorneri dont have an option in the update manager01:20
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ahornereven after i did all the updates01:20
bronze-EADG: yeah, I'm considering. On a side note, do you think anyone will make a GUI front-end for it at some point?01:20
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ashutry ubuntu1501.blogger.com for desktop effects using breyl01:20
ashunice guide01:20
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rasputnikIs there a way to have automounting of USB sticks etc without GNOME?01:21
Jordan_Uashu, Blogs in general are worse than official documentation01:21
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kFjnoone knows?01:21
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alienseer23nigels: this is still savvydkp, just on a different machine01:21
amidanielrasptunik: Without gnome or without any desktop environment? Most support automounting01:21
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rasputnikamidaniel: with a window manager, not kde or gnome01:22
ashuyes but its worth a try, i have used it to enable same on my ubuntu01:22
larson9999oh lucky day! i just got an email from a lawyer of a dead, rich relative in africa i didn't even know i had.  i'm RICH!01:22
amidanielrasputnik: What window manager?01:22
TTT_Travisok this might sound a little crazy but - I want to modify the shutdown script so that after it kills all of the processes instead of powering off the system it waits like 5 minutes01:22
EADGbronze-: A GUI would be nice, but i don't know anything of the progject. It's pretty easy once you've run it a couple times. I like it 'cause it's super slim... ex I have ~ 33 torrents on the go using less than 2% cpu.01:22
NigelSalienseer23: so you had ubuntu working at some point with these drivers and GLX or you've never had acceleration going with this card in linux?01:22
TTT_Travisanyone know how I would do that?01:22
alienseer23nigels: I did have it working with full 3d up untill about a week ago01:23
ashuTTT, ps -aef ;-(01:23
rasputnikamidaniel: wmii. don't understand what mounting media has to do with a gui, that's all.01:23
ashuthen kill -901:23
EADGbbl dinner01:23
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Jordan_UTTT_Travis, I might be able to figure it out... but why?01:23
vladuz976anybody know how to use network manager in wm other than gnome?01:23
alienseer23\nigels: it just stopped, I have no idea why01:23
alienseer23it can 2d well enough01:23
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rasputnikvladuz976: I've had it working in fluxbox before now, kde too.01:24
TTT_TravisJordan_U wait nevermind it won't do what I want anyway01:24
RootyRootWootHi, how can I increase the size of my /tmp folder?01:24
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amidanielrasputnik: Erm .. it doesn't :) But the mounting is usually managed by the desktop; I've never tried doing it any other way01:24
vladuz976rasputnik, how?01:24
rasputnikvladuz976: just run nm-applet01:24
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gunny01Is linux support any good on the Thinkpad R-series?01:24
TTT_Travisok heres my dilemma I want my computer to go into standby at a certain time and then wake up at another time a few hours later01:24
TTT_Travisis that possible?01:24
vladuz976rasputnik, oh ok. thanks01:24
rasputnikamidaniel: i don't think there is another way, but thought I'd check.01:24
vzduchRootyRootWoot: increase the size of the partition /tmp resides on01:24
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: no idea?01:25
RootyRootWootvzduch: I do that thru gparted, right?01:25
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rasputnikRootyRootWoot: yeah, that'll work. but obviously you need space on the disk01:25
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vzduchRootyRootWoot: e.g. .. but NOT in the installed system, use a live CD for that01:26
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RootyRootWootvzduch: ah. thanks, I will give it a shot01:26
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Did you try installing nvidia-glx like I suggested?01:26
edsonhow to modify of kdm for gdm?01:26
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rubenbaehi how are you?01:27
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: And I reconfigured X with that command you gave me, but X wont start, and, the detailed info says it can't find a V_BIOS01:27
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Wardiebah, Ubuntu keeps randomly crashing on me01:27
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, And when you reconfigured you chose "nvidia" as the driver?01:27
LucianIndyWardie, try Windows XP. . . . . jk01:27
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Jordan_UWardie, What are you doing when it crashes?01:28
rasputnikWardie: what, totally random?01:28
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: oops, I choose VESA before, but this time I choose nVidia and "Starting Gnome display manager... [fail] "01:28
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bronze-Can anyone tell me why synaptic don't follow the Gtk+ 2 themes? Or is it because the themes is based on murrine?01:28
dieguitoany ubuntu kernel hacker around?01:29
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WardieI do all sorts of things. Sometimes Im browsing web. Sometimes I'm looking at system log viewer01:29
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rasputnikWardie: and it totally locks up, or powers off, or?01:29
WardieSometimes I'm removing/adding packages01:29
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, try running "sudo depmod -a" and starting GDM again01:29
vzduchomg, what an IP..01:29
LucianIndybronze-, i've noticed that whenever you have to use gksudo to open something, the window will not follow your theme01:29
WardieLocks up01:29
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bronze-LucianIndy: Ok, atleast I know WHY now :) Do you know how to fix this?01:30
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rasputnikWardie: maybe a graphics issue? try a different x driver maybe01:30
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scoobtitsyo guys how do i edit my resolution, i just installed the proprietary ati drivers using envy01:31
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edsonhow to modify of kdm for gdm?01:31
NanoerHi I'm trying to open /etc/apt/sources.list butu it always says permission denied even though I'm root.01:31
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ashucan anyone help me with grub installation on MBR?01:31
Jordan_Uscoobtits, Why did you use envy? Did Restricted manager not work?01:31
LucianIndybronze-, im not really sure. i haven't bothered looking it up. I kind of like it because if i have a few sudo windows up and a few non-sudo's, i will know which are which01:31
vzduchif it totally freezes, perhaps only w/ the mouse pointer able to be moved and no other reaction whatsoever, it's most likely a graphics driver issue01:31
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Jordan_UWardie, What GFX card do you have?01:32
rasputnikashu: 'sudo grub' then 'root (hd0,0) ' then 'setup hd0' (assuming your ubuntu slice is sda1)01:32
scoobtitshow do i edit my resolution>01:32
WardieIt's integrated video01:32
Jordan_Urasputnik, You must be a BSD user :)01:32
FlannelLucianIndy, bronze-, because when you run things with gksu, it uses the root account, and as such, the root home directory/config/etc, and not yours01:32
Wardieon a Jetway mini-itx board01:33
vzduchrasputnik: a 'slice' is a part of a partition in Solaris ;)01:33
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rasputnikJordan_U: among others, yes01:33
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LucianIndyFlannel, true but 'sudo' isn't actually using the root account, correct?01:33
scoobtitsanyone know how to change resolution>01:33
KingPythonwhen i enter youtube ,open a login wiindow ,how can i solve this problem?01:33
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Jordan_ULucianIndy, Yes it is01:33
ashurasputnik, done that already but error 17 cannot mount, as far as know it is bacause of not able to detect FS but I am able to log into this installation through the second installation of ubuntu01:34
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: same error message, "Failed to start X" detailed: "NVIDIA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:11:0) found01:34
bronze-Flannel: sounds like I can just use this theme on the root account and it will work... Is that possible, and how do I do it?01:34
rasputnikashu: are you sure it's the right partition?01:34
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Did it work on the LiveCD?01:35
NigelSalienseer23: the most logical reason for a change was an update.  if you ls -alt /var/cache/apt/archives/ | grep nvidia what do you see?01:35
Flannelbronze-: You could, sure.  Just put whatever files for the theme you need in /root/  which is root's homedir01:35
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rasputnikbronze-: you could enable the root account, log in as root, set the theme. seems like a lot of hassle thought.01:35
scoobtitscan anyody here change their resolutions in the terminal since my native ones dont show up?01:35
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I am using the LiveCD, since I have no way to install01:36
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LeChacalis this the right command to unmount a drive that was mounted with NTFS read/write with the NTFS-3g driver?01:36
LeChacalsudo umount /media/Local Disk01:36
bobsomebodyhello #ubuntu01:36
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rasputnikLeChacal: yes, that looks right01:36
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Ahh. There is also a text based CD01:36
NigelSLeChacal: yes, umount doesn't need to know the target fs to detach it from the filesystem01:36
FlannelLeChacal: you'll need to escape the space.  Local\ Disk.  Or just use tab complete01:36
wilberfanI'm trying to get feisty installed on a friends Dell Inspiron 1100...01:36
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: Wouldn't that also give me the same problem? Or should I burn it anyway?01:36
ashurasputnik, yes. actually i had 3 partitions winxp (10GB), 40 Gb NTFS, 20 (Reiserfs). After i a while i deleted 40 GB from windows so that i can merge it in ubuntu. so on next reboot GRUB gave me a erro01:37
Jordan_ULeChacal, Yes01:37
wilberfanI got it installed, but the desktop won't start up....  I just get a black screen....01:37
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|thunderLeChacal; sudo umount /media/Local\ Disk01:37
ashurasputnik, to fix it i have reinstalled ubuntu on 40 gb partition01:37
LeChacalok thanks all i didnt want to mess something up so i wanted to check first01:37
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, It probably would01:37
wilberfanany thoughts...?01:37
wilberfan(it's a laptop, btw)01:37
rasputnikashu: grub is hard to debug over IRC :)01:37
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: so I shouldn't the a text based CD?01:38
rasputnikwilberfan: try some other X drivers01:38
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, You have nothing to loose01:38
=== vamsi [n=vamsi@c-68-39-44-240.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vamsihey all01:39
wilberfanrasputnik, sorry...?  "other X drivers", like...?01:39
bobsomebodyi got a question, when ever i combine the audio streams from windows xp and my ubuntu desktop 7.04 i get a "hum"01:39
vamsican any1 tell me how to install mplayer essential code pack01:39
wilberfanIt's got an Intel video card...01:39
bobsomebodybut its only when and if i combine them, dosent matter if its line in or a physical jack input combination01:39
alienseer23nigels: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29966/01:39
rasputnikwilberfan: try 'vesa' for starters01:40
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: 'cept another CD :D01:40
rasputnikvamsi: http://number9.hellooperator.net/articles/2007/02/26/totem-the-have-a-go-hero01:40
NigelSalienseer23: would 2007-06-28 be about the time it stopped working?01:40
wilberfanrasputnik, you mean, edit the xorg.conf and change 'nv' to 'vesa'?  something like that?01:40
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, If you have another *NIX box and you want to be tricky about it you can still install from the LiveCD :)01:41
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vzduchNigelS: that's a date01:41
rasputnikwilberfan: yeah, do a 'rescue boot' or whatever it's called and edit xorg.conf01:41
alienseer23nigels: sounds about right01:41
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vamsican any1 tell me how to install mplayer essential code pack01:41
JasonMogevery smb.conf on my machine does not contain configuration about my shares. how do i find my active configuratioin file?01:41
bobsomebodyany ideas?01:41
NigelSvzduch: really? no kidding01:41
Jordan_Uvamsi, I think that is w32codecs01:41
Jordan_U!w32codecs | vamsi01:42
ubotuvamsi: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:42
rasputnikvamsi: read the link I sent you01:42
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: closes thing to a *nix box here is a Mac, and osx AFAIK is BSD01:42
wilberfanrasputnik, the driver now says "i810"01:42
ashurasputnik, my fstab says # /dev/sda301:42
ashuUUID=8e9272aa-f3e6-4919-81c4-57ba7d0c0709 /               reiserfs notail          0       101:42
wilberfanwhich worked when I selected that option under gparted...01:42
rasputnikashu: so it'd be hd0,301:42
scoobtitswhats the terminal command to change my resolution options01:42
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, If it is a Mac with X11 installed you can do it ( but this is more just for fun, it's probably easier to install from the alternate cd )01:42
rasputnikscoobtits: on the terminal? there's a zoom in/out menu option01:43
alienseer23nigels: so, what is that change?01:43
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:43
ashurasputnik, it worked thanks a ton01:43
rasputnikashu: cool01:43
duganyway to have windows remember where they were at last close, such as firefox, etc.?01:44
alienseer23nigels: that's some kernel update or something?01:44
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vamsiif im using a the x86 ubuntu on AMD 64.. then which achitecture BIN files do i download?01:44
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Wardieis there anyway to run terminal as root in ubuntu?01:45
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NigelSalienseer23: slghtly different kernel, I will see if I can see what changed01:45
rasputnikvamsi: 'Linux AMD64' on the mplayer site01:45
wilberfanwell, 'vesa' gives me a flickering 640x480 screen...which is better than blank, i guess..   is there another driver i could try?!01:45
alienseer23nigels: you rock01:45
thunderboltWardie: sudo or su will :)01:45
thullyWardie: you can just sudo su01:46
vamsirasputnik: thanks man01:46
rasputnikwilberfan: there are a sh-tload, keep going until you find the least crappy one :)01:46
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rasputnikvamsi: welcome01:46
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Wardienm, found it01:46
rasputnikthully: sudo su? that makes no sense at all01:46
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amidanielthully: I think you mean sudo -i01:47
wilberfanrasputnik, well...i'm not familiar with the others...   any you could offer?01:47
wilberfanis there a list somewhere?!01:47
thullysudo su works - just try it...01:47
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rasputnikwilberfan: i don't know your graphics card i810 sounds like it'd be worth a go? maybe at a lower resolution01:47
thullyor sudo bash, there's a bunch of ways to do it01:47
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rasputnikthully: I didn't say it didn't work, it just doesn't make any sense01:48
wilberfanrasputnik, actually the i810 is what it started with....01:48
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rasputnikwilberfan: ah. well, maybe at 800x600 or something? sorry, i tend to get there by trial and error in that sort of situation01:49
duganyway to have windows remember where they were at last close, such as firefox, etc.?01:49
=== ShockValue [n=shockval@c-71-227-142-84.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wilberfanrasputnik, what are some of the other drivers?01:49
rasputnikdug: not with metacity (the gnome window manager), no01:49
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rasputnikwilberfan: sorry, I don't have an ubuntu box to hand right now to check (dual booted into solaris at present)01:50
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ShackJackwilberfan: blank screne likey an issue with your refresh rate01:51
DARKGuyHey, could anybody help me into making my own session I can select in the session chooser in GDM?01:51
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wilberfanShackJack, tell me more, please??01:51
bronze-What's the terminal command to check what applications are using what network ports?01:51
ShackJackDARKGuy:  see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl?highlight=%28xgl%2901:51
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ShackJackwilberfan: You have an intel integrated chip?01:51
wilberfanShackJack, yes....01:52
DARKGuyShackJack: exactly what I was looking for! thanks a ton :D01:52
ShackJackwilberfan: I had an issue with my monitor (albiet with Nvidia) where the right refresh rate wasn't being detected, so I "forced" it via xorg.conf...01:52
wilberfanShackJack, you mean with, like, a modeline, or...??01:53
vamsiwhen i boot into ubuntu.. i get the error : rename_netif wlan0 to eth1 and it hangs there for a min.. i've tried all the solution offered in the ubuntuforums  any other ideas pls? (this is on broadcom 1390) using ndiswrapper01:53
ShackJackwilberfan: Nope - didn;t have to use modeline - can set Horiz, refresh etc...  gimmee one sec.. looking at what I put...01:53
=== scriptguy [n=scriptgu@pool-72-95-6-70.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: It says it can't find the V_BIOS, which actually would mean it is trying to use the wrong PCI card in my computer right?01:53
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wilberfanI haven't had an ubuntu yet detect my HP LCD correctly...01:53
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avisi am having some audio playback issues playing back mp3s on feisty.  i do not have very many windows at all, just xchat, terminal, mozilla thunderbird, nicotine, nautilus, and totem..  it seems as if my computer doesn't have enough resources to play it however i should be ok on resources given what i have running.  when i installed my gsteamer codecs i had did an apt-get install gstreamer0.10-* i am wondering if that is what is effecting playback01:53
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: It says it can't find the V_BIOS, which actually would mean it is trying to use the wrong PCI card in my computer right?01:53
wilberfanShackJack, thanks, dude...01:53
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I have the video card, sound card, then a network card01:54
dugbronze: maybe nmap?01:54
Jordan_U_conorkirkpatrick, Sorry, lost wireless, if you said anything to me in since I last commented I missed it01:54
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: It says it can't find the V_BIOS, which actually would mean it is trying to use the wrong PCI card in my computer right?01:54
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I have the video card, sound card, then a network card01:54
kalleballin the raid setup guide, the first images shows both hard drives as scsi1 but my hard drives shows up as scsi1 and scsi2, what am i doing wrong?01:55
Jordan_U_conorkirkpatrick, I don't know, do you have more than one card?01:55
ShackJackwilberfan: Under "Monitor" section, I put  -> HorizSync  80.0 - 80.0    and   VertRefresh 75.0 - 75.0  (each on their own line) ... I got the numbers from monitor docs... Also made sure "default" resolution matched those refresh rates (diff rates for sifferent rez)01:55
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I have 3 pci cards, one of which is a video card01:55
ShackJackwilberfan: What's the native resolution of your mointor?01:56
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wilberfan1024 x 768 @ 6001:56
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ShackJackwilberfan: Yeah, intel driver shouldn't have a problem with that (that the native res? What's it a 15 incher?)01:56
vamsiwhen i boot into ubuntu.. i get the error : rename_netif wlan0 to eth1 and it hangs there for a min.. i've tried all the solution offered in the ubuntuforums  any other ideas pls? (this is on broadcom 1390) using ndiswrapper01:56
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wilberfanShackJack, on the diagonal, measures at 14...01:57
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adrian_has anyone tried any of the open source web control panels?01:57
wilberfanShackJack, So you suggest going back to the i810 driver and putting in the HorizSync VertRefresh (or whatever)?01:57
ShackJackwilberfan: Eeeg  :)  Make sure in "Screen" section that 1024x768 is the first options...01:57
Jordan_U_vamsi, Is your card supported by bcm43xx ?01:57
ShackJackwilberfan: Yes, if you have an integrated intel video...01:57
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ShackJackwilberfan: You have manual or can look up specs for mointor, I trust...01:58
vamsijordan: yes01:58
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arooni_anyone know how to get thinkfinger working01:58
arooni_on a thinkpad?01:58
wilberfanno...  it's a friends laptop...  he's gotten sick of XP...told him i might be able to set him up with The Penguin...01:58
Jordan_U_wilberfan, If you weren't getting full res with i810 you probably just need 915resolution01:58
rasputnikarooni_: what's a thinkfinger?01:59
wilberfanI wasn't getting ANY rez...(Black screen)01:59
Umnganeanyone know how configure a stream radio with shoutcast and xmms?01:59
NigelSalienseer23: just out of interest - could you edit your xorg.conf and in the device section put Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" ?01:59
=== ketzerei [n=ketzerei@64-83-193-209.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
NigelSalienseer23: and then restart the x server of course01:59
arooni_rasputnik, its the biometric fingerprint reader for thinkpad laptops01:59
alienseer23yeah, hang on01:59
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wilberfanShackJack, i did a livechat with Dell...who told me that monitor could ONLY be set at 60hz...01:59
ShackJackJordan_U_ wilberfan - yeah was thinking of 915res too... It might be that intel driver trying to set to high a res, as well ... can try that too.. at any rate you should be using the intel driver...01:59
jga23I accidentally removed the launcher on the top of ubuntu, how do I get it back?01:59
=== PaulyHog [n=paul@cpc1-lich3-0-0-cust211.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rasputnikUmngane: there are good tutorials for icecast, that was easy to setup02:00
ketzereiHey, does ubuntu have a remote desktop program?02:00
rasputnikketzerei: yup02:00
PaulyHoghello, can anyone tell me how to mount a .bin file please02:00
DWRZCan anyone please help me cet my wireless [BCM4318]  set up? I just cant seem to get it to work and I'm just stuck. Just want to be told _what_ exactly I have to do next... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&page=16002:00
Jordan_U_ketzerei, Yes, multiple02:00
ketzereiOk, how do I connect to my comp then.02:00
ShackJack!vnc | ketzerei02:00
ubotuketzerei: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:00
wilberfanShack...ok, i'm installing all the updates now...  I'll try putting back the 'i810' and those two HorizSync and VertRefresh options?02:00
ketzereiOk, thanks02:00
dugPaulyHog: is it a movie file?02:00
Umnganerasputnik: yeah... but i can't make work.... give me error: source dropped connection. disconnecting... and the server is down02:01
Jordan_U_ketzerei, Though not really remote desktop I prefer ssh -X02:01
PaulyHogno its a cd image02:01
ShackJackwilberfan: Yep - and if that doesn't work try 915resolution to see if its picking up right rez..02:01
ketzereiWhat does terminal services then?02:01
wilberfanShackJack, I don't know what '915resolution' is...02:01
kalleballin the raid setup guide, the first images shows both hard drives as scsi1 but my hard drives shows up as scsi1 and scsi2, is my raid somehow setup the wrong way? how do i change it?02:01
Jordan_U_wilberfan, It's a package in universe02:01
vamsijordan: ya it is supported by bcm43xx02:01
ShackJack!915resolution | wilberfan02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 915resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
bronze-Can anyone recommend me a good MSN client for ubuntu? At this point I only care about design and usability.02:01
rasputnikketzerei: do you want to connect to ubuntu, or from ubuntu to something else?02:01
crimsun915resolution is largely obsoleted by xserver-xorg-video-intel.02:01
ShackJackwilberfan: see ubuntuguide.org02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
Jordan_U_vamsi, Then try bcm43xx-fwcutter instead of NDISwrapper02:02
wilberfanas in apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel ??02:02
eckcrimsun: that driver has a number of problems though, so i think the i810 driver will be around for a while02:02
vamsijordan: any step by step tutorial is there?02:02
rasputnikPaulyHog: if it's an iso , it'd be 'sudo mount -o loop /path/to/your.iso /mnt' to put it at /mnt02:02
dugPaulyHog: ok, i found this, maybe it will help: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_ISO_script02:02
ketzereiRasputnik, I want to do both.02:03
dugbut for movie .bin files, you can just open them with the vlc player02:03
DWRZanyone? i've scanned forums and manuals and not much is very relevant... just want a sense of direction02:03
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wilberfanokay, my updates are done...    lemme edit my xorg...02:03
kalleballstupid raid.02:03
Jordan_U_vamsi, uninstall NDISwrapper and sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter02:03
rasputnikketzerei: look in the menu, there's a remote desktop client there02:03
ketzerei...... ok02:03
vamsijordan: ok will try02:04
ketzereiIs there a guide anywhere on how remote desktop works?02:04
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cougemsudo apt-get install libdvdread02:04
ShackJack!vnc | ketzerei02:04
ubotuketzerei: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:04
dugDWRZ: are you trying to use ndiswrapper?02:04
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PaulyHogok thanks both ill have a go02:04
cougemhi i cant play dvds with totem and have been told to get libdvdread but when i try to apt-get it it doesn't work, it says it can't find the package. same with libdvdcss. how do i get it to find them?02:04
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Jordan_U_!dvd | cougem02:05
ubotucougem: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:05
Jordan_U_cougem, np02:05
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jga23how do I recover the top panel?02:05
Umnganeanyone know how configure a stream radio with shoutcast and xmms? give me an error... source dropped connection.02:05
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solveaiwhat is the easiest way to use the commandline to set my background to black?02:06
solveai(I'm running openbox)02:06
ShackJackjga23: Click on empty space in current panel and click New Panel..02:06
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kalleballraid-1 is striped, right?02:07
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rasputnikkalleball: yes02:07
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rasputnikkalleball: no, mirror02:07
rasputnikraid-0 is stripe, -1 is mirror02:07
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ahornerfor some reason i cannot upgrade to feisty02:07
NigelScougem: I think those guides are a bit out of date, most people get this from medibuntu now - follow this page for info https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu02:07
banlieueoh, does anyone know how to get the right ctrl/alt/shift keys working as well for the default keyboard shortcuts menu?02:08
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jga23ShackJack: I got the panel back, but how do I add all the drop down menus for the applications?02:08
anandanbuHow do i add an entry to the grub for fedora OS installed in another partition which doesn't show up02:08
NigelScougem: and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:08
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ShackJackjga23: Right click panel add to panel - right click is your friend :)02:08
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jga23ShackJack: so I have to add everything back manually?02:08
bronze-Jordan_U_: can you tell me how to set the same theme in both my account and root? (I don't have root account enabled atm).02:09
ShackJackjga23: Yep - once you nuke a panel it's gone for good... not too much work, though..02:09
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:09
kalleballi set the raid to striped and in the raid config it seems to be working just fine, i've set it to boot and it shows up as 2x the size of one of my hard drives yet the alternative ubuntu cd doesn't see it as a raid, it shows up as two hard drives named scsi1 and scsi2.02:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse02:09
ShackJackjga23: You just add the menu and everything;s there though..02:09
ahornerneed help with ati drivers02:09
DARKGuyWhee. In 1280x1024 stuff is still too big for my taste (using gnome) even though I've set all my fonts to size 8... Is there a way to make everything look smaller than it already is?02:09
alienseer23NIGELS: YOU ARE A SUPERSTAR!02:09
wilberfanShackJack, Well,  that didn't work...   I got a scrambled "Failed to start the X Server" screen02:09
ShackJackDARKGuy: Set pixels/inch under fonts...02:09
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alienseer23Thank you!02:09
DWRZanyone? ive been up half the day trying to get ubuntu networking :(02:09
alienseer23yes, that fixed theproblem02:10
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banlieueis there a way to change the file position nautilus chooses to make the thumbnails for video files?02:10
NigelSalienseer23: :) when trawling bugs I found that but it's not the optimal solution02:10
ShackJackwilberfan: post your xorg (to pastbin, not here) you made a syntax error..02:10
kalleballyou know rasputnik?02:10
DARKGuyShackJack: you mean DPI ?02:10
alienseer23right on,02:10
ShackJackDARKGuy: Yeah, that's it :)02:10
wilberfanokay... lemme see if i can manage that...   gimme a sec02:10
alienseer23nigels: i couldn't find that02:10
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ahorneri need help with ati drivers and resolution, and upgrading to 7.0402:10
rasputnikkalleball: no sorry, i don't do raid with ubuntu (use it on laptops mainly)02:10
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ShackJackahorner: Upgrade to 7.04 first then restricted drivers mgr will help with driver :)02:11
alienseer23and I know that option, too...doh!02:11
DARKGuyHaha, now it's all TINY xD... but it's cool, thanks ShackJack :)02:11
arooni_how can i make these commands work: auth sufficient pam_thinkfinger.so02:11
arooni_auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass nullok_secure02:11
ahornerit wont let me upgrade to 7.0402:11
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:11
dugDWRZ: you might post the problem you had and details about your system on the thread you mentioned, and/or here.  The instructions I used to get my bcm4310 (not 4318) card working are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709202:11
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ShackJackFeisty is da bomb!02:11
rasputnikahorner: have you tried 'sudo update-manager -d' in a terminal?02:11
Umnganeanyone know how configure a stream radio with shoutcast and xmms? give me an error... source dropped connection.02:12
ahornerok ill try02:12
alienseer23anyway, as long as it works, it's my daughter's comp and she will truely appreciate this fix, so thank you02:12
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betopode crer02:12
NigelSalienseer23: as the reason GLX gets turned off is because of problems atm with composite and glx in the legacy driver so the best way is to do this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29967/02:12
ahorner1 min02:12
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avisi am having some audio playback issues playing back mp3s on feisty.  i do not have very many windows at all, just xchat, terminal, mozilla thunderbird, nicotine, nautilus, and totem..  it seems as if my computer doesn't have enough resources to play it however i should be ok on resources given what i have running.  when i installed my gsteamer codecs i had did an apt-get install gstreamer0.10-* i am wondering if that is what is effecting playback02:13
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NigelSalienseer23: the section I added near the end turns composite off, having glx and composite on might casue problems with GLX using apps but might not so I guess you have a choice02:13
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ahorner:~$ sudo update-manager -d02:13
ahornerwarning: could not initiate dbus02:13
chaotic when u install a game with  wine where  does it put the exe at02:13
rasputnikahorner: does it open a new window?02:13
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alienseer23Nigels: 138 to 140?02:13
ShackJackahorner: See upgrade notes - have to change edgy to feisty in sources.lst then sudo aptitude -f dist-upgrade02:13
DWRZthese posts list all wy info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500964 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&page=16002:14
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ShackJackahorner: Erp... do update first :)02:14
ahornerdid it02:14
ahornerwell himmie a min02:14
rasputnikahorner: it should say there's a new distro available. If not, you'll need to edit sources.list as ShackJack said02:14
W1ZHey every1 im having a slight problem, i jsut did a clean install on 1 of my older dual p3 machines and ubuntu goes to the loading screen then it crashes , i get an error saying it failed to start the x server02:14
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DWRZi just want to knw what i need to do, the rest im fine weth working thsough02:14
NigelSalienseer23: ?02:14
ahornerwhats the command to find a file in terminal02:14
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rasputnikahorner: find02:15
ahornerlol ok02:15
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bronze-What's the terminal replacement for space? " "02:15
ahornerdont type find alone lmao02:15
ahorneryay ctrl c02:15
rasputnikahorner: what file?02:15
amidanielAnyone know a clever way to generate a list of all files matching *.wma for which a file of the same name but with a .mp3 extension exists?02:15
conorkirkpatrickAnybody had any succes with Ubuntu Feisty and an nVidia GeForce FX 5200?02:15
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DWRZthrough* do i need to install ndiswrapper rpom source? what is the exact errer im having?02:15
JayRoecan I get gedit to show what line I'm at?02:15
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WisdomWolfI'm back with more questions02:15
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ghatak_mobilei have installed a VM using XEN. when i try to login to the VM using ssh i get the error,02:15
ghatak_mobilei get the following eerror, stdin: is not a tty02:15
rasputnikahorner: /etc/apt/sources.list02:15
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bronze-what's the terminal replacement for space when using cp ?02:15
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alienseer23nigels: lines 138 to 140, section "extentions"02:16
ShackJackJayRoe: Yes - it's under prefs..02:16
nickrudbronze-, like ls this file?   ls this\ file or ls "this file"02:16
ghatak_mobilei have installed a VM using XEN. when i try to login to the VM using ssh i get the error,02:16
WisdomWolfI am attempting to dualboot Vista with ubuntu and want to make sure I don't screw up my current vista install02:16
NigelSalienseer23: yep02:16
conorkirkpatrickbronze- cp pathtofile/space\ space/02:16
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DWRZfrom* really sorry for typos recently switched to dvorak02:16
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ahornerdo i change edgy to feisty everywhere in sources.list02:16
rasputnikDWRZ: yay dvorak! saved me from RSI.02:16
rasputnikahorner: yes02:16
WisdomWolfI have read that Ubuntu should auto detect Vista and configure MBR accordingly, but it doens't show in the migration assistant02:16
conorkirkpatrickAnybody had any succes with Ubuntu Feisty and an nVidia GeForce FX 5200?02:16
towliebanhow do i search for a package with apt-get02:17
ahornerctyl r yay02:17
rasputniktowlieban: apt-cache search02:17
nickrudWisdomWlf, that's for transferring unix settings02:17
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bronze-nickrud: like this "space_bar" <-- except you remove the underline/score.02:17
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ahornerfiesty or feisty02:17
WisdomWolfanother option was to have boot manager installed to partition and use EasyBCD to add ubuntu02:17
ShackJackahorner: Then so sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ... I would do it again until it says everything installed before rebooting...02:17
rasputnikahorner: ei02:17
W1Zquestion im gettign an error when ubuntu is loading that the x server failed to start, i look i nthe log file thing and it has a warning that there is no screen ? how cna i fix this02:17
ahornerok lol02:17
NigelSalienseer23: I also removed fbdev but I think you said you didnt use that02:17
WisdomWolfthat faq shows Vista under Migration Assistant on the last page of install02:17
nickrudbronze-, space\ bar  (the '\ ' before the space is what does the trick)02:17
EADGbronze-: space\ bar02:17
ahorneri before e except after c... unless your running a linux distro yay02:17
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EADGbronze-: or just type the first couple charecters then hit tab.02:18
nickrudbronze-, try typing spa and then hitting the tab, it'll fill it out02:18
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nickrudEADG, ;P02:18
WisdomWolfso how do I know if it will properly recognize Vista?02:18
alienseer23nigels: correct02:18
=== duelboot hit tab tab tab tab tab
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nickrudWisdomWlf, it's not about settings, it's about recognizing it's there and setting it up for you to boot it02:19
ShackJackWisdomWolf: You see it when installing, the partition... GRUB should make an entry for it...02:19
nickrudWisdomWlf, that is, what ubuntu does02:19
WisdomWolfok, it just does? No confirmation or anything on the confirmation page before install?02:19
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akoshello! I just succeded in setting up an open w/less network, but i cant get wep working. is it a major security problem, if i installed mac filtering? Or what guides can you suggest, if i enable wep, i can't get a connection02:19
ShackJackWisdomWolf: On the other hand if you install Vita after Ubuntu, it's stomp all over the MBR02:19
nickrudWisdomWlf, you got it02:20
LiberCogitoAnyone know of any programs for Ubuntu 7.04 that will capture sound from webpages?02:20
rasputnikakos: wep is a waste of time security wise, so I wouldn't bother02:20
bronze-thanks EADG , nickrud and conorkirkpatrick :))02:20
astro76akos, mac filtering alone is no security, and WEP is quickly crackable, you really need WPA02:20
WisdomWolfok so I should be able to install to the unallocated space using guided setup largest freespace without issue02:20
banlieueoh, does anyone know how to get the right ctrl/alt/shift keys working as well for the default keyboard shortcuts menu?02:21
stmillerDoes anyone have an IBM Intellistation?02:21
ahornermac filtering should work.. right?02:21
ShackJackstmiller: What's an IBM :P02:21
alienseer23nigels: that is just for the composit out option on some cards, eh?02:21
akosastro76, why isnt mac filtering security? how could anyone find out my mac without getting into the network?02:21
Umnganeanyone know how configure a stream radio with shoutcast and xmms? give me an error... source dropped connection.... and server is down02:21
stmillerShackJack : heh02:21
rasputnikahorner: mac addresses are settable in software with most drivers02:21
dugDWRZ: sorry I can't help, the instructions I used required downloading some stuff using apt-get, but your ethernet card is broken02:21
ShackJackstmiller: If it's a X86 it'll be fine :) pop in the LIVE CD to see...02:21
akosastro76,  i heared wpa isn't quite supported yet...02:21
stmillerI see IBM Intellistations for sale cheap on ebay and such. Opteron and so forth. Seem like good machines if they are Ubuntu friendly02:22
rasputnikakos: wpa is fine, it's built into network manager02:22
WisdomWolfya wpa2 is even working nicely02:22
anandanbuHow do i add an entry to grub/menu.lst for another installed OS in Ubuntu 7.0402:22
ShackJackstmiller: They should be O.K... wireless is a little dicey but other than that...02:22
akosrasputnik, is it?02:23
rasputnikakos: yes02:23
W1Zany 1 know how 2 find this problem im getting a warning under vesa under the xserver that there r no matching devices02:23
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NigelSalienseer23: nope, composite is a new extension within xorg which allows for a composited display. iirc it writes to a pixmap as opposed to writing directly to the screen.  GLX in thelegacy driver doesnt understand that and tries to write directly to the screen hence why they opted to turn it off if composite was detected.  Composite allows for features such as transparency and 3d acceleration of desktop objects02:23
nickrudanandanbu, what os?02:23
akosrasputnik, oh, I can get a connection ONLY in roaming mode... why could that be? If I choose no security, and enter my ssid (actually it detects it and i choose from the dropdown list), i get no connection02:23
astro76akos, the MAC would be easily sniffed and spoofed02:24
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alienseer23nigels: so without composit, there is no desktop effects, beryl, etc...02:24
anandanbunickrud: I installed Fedora 702:24
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rasputnikakos: when is this? during the install, or on your desktop02:24
akosastro76,  oh02:24
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akoseven now02:24
NigelSanandanbu: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:24
rasputnikakos: are you running feisty?02:24
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akosrasputnik, its a laptop02:24
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NigelSalienseer23: correct02:24
akosrasputnik, yes of course02:24
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=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
alienseer23I think i "get it"02:25
akosthe 32bit version... i had to come back to 32 because the 64bit drivers didnt work :(02:25
nickrudanandanbu, I don't know how fedora lays out it's kernel, sorry02:25
anandanbuNigelS: But i restored the GRUB after ubuntu didn't show up and now fedora is not there02:25
NigelSalienseer23: ah, but do you grok it? :)02:25
ryanakcaWhy can I only have one reiserfs partition in my LVM? After create one, all the free space afterwards becomes 'unusable'...02:25
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alienseer23yes, I do believe I have groked you02:25
rasputnikakos: then up in the top-left you've got your network applet. that can do wpa, wep, open, whatever. don't use the networking prefs screens, they don't do wpa02:25
akosrasputnik, and there is only wep encryption integrated in the netwoek manager02:25
anandanbunickrud: Ok thanks02:25
NigelSanandanbu: explain what happened02:25
Jordan_Uakos, 64 bit drivers for what don't work?02:25
Szeraax is there a way to do a floppyless, cdless, networkless install of linux? i kinda doubt it, but Vista can write all the files it needs to from its iso to your hdd, and write your MBR to boot to them and finish the install. making it so you actually dont need to boot to any removable media02:26
rasputnikakos: no there isn't. i've been using wpa with network manager for 2 years02:26
dec0deakos: is it a older laptop?02:26
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LiberCogitoAnyone know of any programs for Ubuntu 7.04 that will capture sound from webpages?02:26
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Jordan_Uakos, No, network-manager can do WPA02:26
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NigelSalienseer23: really?! that's deep02:26
SzeraaxLiberCogito: Audacity02:26
rasputnikakos: what wireless nic do you have?02:26
akosdec0de,  brand new, asus f2sv02:26
akosintel 496502:26
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LiberCogitoSzeraax:  Really?  How?02:26
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akosrasputnik, the applet has the wpa...02:26
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Szeraaxhave you ever heard of audacity?02:26
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akosbut network manager doesnt... wierd02:26
WisdomWolfSzeraax: I know there is a way, I did an install direct from the hard drive on an old hd with FC3 or 402:27
alienseer23I was just thinking about micheal v.02:27
Zombielogin[11604] : Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.02:27
WisdomWolfI'm sure the same method can still be used02:27
NigelSanandanbu: describe what happened here, then others can help too02:27
akosok, lemme try wpa02:27
LiberCogitoSzeraax:  I'm listening to dark side of the moon on it right now.  >.<02:27
rasputnikakos: the applet is the frontend to networkmanager (a backend daemon)02:27
ShackJackSzeraax: USB key ?02:27
astro76akos, the applet is called Network Manager ;)02:27
LucianIndy!hi | IndyGunFreak02:27
ubotuIndyGunFreak: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:27
anandanbuNigelS: I had Ubuntu 7.04 and after that i installed Fedora in another partition and when the grub showed no entries for ubuntu i restore it using the Ubuntu live CD but now i am not able to get Fedora 7 in grub02:27
Jordan_UWisdomWlf, What are you trying to do?02:27
IndyGunFreakLucianIndy, whats up..02:27
wilberfanShackJack, http://pastebin.ca/61976202:27
Szeraaxi have xp on it right now02:27
wilberfansorry that took so long...02:27
Szeraaxwith 2 spare partitions02:27
WisdomWolfI was answering Szeraax question02:27
rasputnikanandanbu: you need to add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.lst for Fedora02:27
Szeraaxit doesnt have a cd drive02:27
akoswell the one in system -> admin .> network manager doesnt have wpa integration02:27
NigelSanandanbu: yeah because in both cases they wrote their own image over the top of the old one02:27
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alex_hi, I can't seem to get luabind development libraries to install under feisty (it complains about libc6, even though fesity is preinstalled with it)02:28
ryanakcaWhy can I only have one reiserfs partition in my LVM? After create one, all the free space afterwards becomes 'unusable'...02:28
NigelSanandanbu: if you edit the file I mentioned you will see entries there for each OS02:28
ShackJackwilberfan: Looking - and anyone else who wants to join in :)02:28
NigelSanandanbu: you need to write one for fedora also and then it will appear in the boot menu02:28
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: and i am very interested to hear your answer, however, no, this laptop cannot boot to usb02:28
LukeEkbladanyone know how to add this chatroom to amsn?02:28
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anandanbuNigelS: How do i do that02:28
rasputnikakos: the control panel (whatever it's called this week) doesn't no. don't use that, and you'll be fine.02:28
vzduchanandanbu: the Fedora / should have a folder /boot/grub/, look for the menu.lst there & use the entry to build one for your *buntu Grub02:28
akosrasputnik, i see no wpa2_02:28
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WisdomWolfgod I wish I used IRC more...this may be stupid, but how do you send a pm?02:28
anandanburasputnik: How do i do that fro fedora02:29
LucianIndy#ubuntu - I have a couple pda's and I was curious if it were possible to load them with ubuntu?02:29
JuhazWisdomWolf, /msg nick message02:29
akosrasputnik,  heh02:29
SzeraaxLiberCogito: well, sice it can capture sound from _any_ audio device you have, jsut channel it to your output and hit record02:29
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LucianIndyboth touch screen pda's02:29
Szeraaxthen go tothe webpage02:29
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JuhazWisdomWolf, though depends on client, but that works in most of them02:29
anandanbuvzduch: But im not able to boot to fedora02:29
akosrasputnik, i still see no wpa2 in the applet... ?02:29
Szeraaxsure, its not perfect, but hey, i grabs from napster alright02:29
DWRZhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&page=160 can anyone just tell me what error i am having?02:29
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vzduchanandanbu: no need to boot Fedora, you can mount the partition02:29
ShackJackwilberfan: Why do you have the refresh rates and drivers commented out?02:29
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IndyGunFreakWisdomWolf, well for one, your nick has to be registered02:29
LiberCogitoSzeraax:  Awesome, I feel like a total doofus for not realizing that.   Thank you :)02:29
wilberfanShack...cuz X wouldn't start (even with VESA) with 'em in there....02:30
SzeraaxLiberCogito: enjoy02:30
rasputnikanandanbu: an entry like 'root (hd0,0) <return> chainloader +1 <return> makeactive <return> boot ' should call grub in the fedora partition02:30
WisdomWolfah, I do remember reading that now02:30
IndyGunFreakLucianIndy, there's a program to sync pda's, but i can't remember the name of it.02:30
Jordan_UWisdomWlf, Is there a reason that you are using vesa?02:30
IndyGunFreak!pda | LucianIndy02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:30
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NigelSanandanbu: vzduch is right, if you do want to dual boot them then mount fedora from ubuntu now and examine its menu.lst then copy the option to your ubuntu one02:30
rasputnikanandanbu: assuming fedora has its grub in sda102:30
CerebroJDanyone know where I would go to find a linux firmware distro for my netgear router?02:30
vzduchrasputnik: that's possible too, but less elegant :)02:30
alex_anyone? I've been googling around and noticed that libluabind-dev is in the repositories, but apt-get doesn't see it and I can't just use the .deb because it complains about libc602:30
vzduchanandanbu: what partition is Fedora on?02:30
MSIGuy_Anyone know that popular Timberland song?02:30
rasputnikakos: you should see a list of wireless lans. you connect to one and it will sort out authentication for you02:31
Jordan_U!palm | LucianIndy02:31
ubotuLucianIndy: A good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB02:31
wilberfani810 by itself?  no X    vesa by itself, YES X...    either one with those Horiz and  Vert options?   X = no02:31
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NigelSvzduch: you shouldn't assume he doesn't have a user need to boot both seperately02:31
MSIGuy_The kinda techno one?  I know strange place to ask, but heck, this is the only active chan I'm connected to now...  lol02:31
CerebroJDMSIGuy_, this one?02:31
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: do you have any idea what they did for the hdd to hdd install?02:31
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CerebroJDNelly Furtado feat. Timbaland - Promiscuous (Loose [3/15] ) [4:02] 02:31
vzduchNigelS: ?02:31
akosuh ok...02:31
DWRZLog of rmmod ndiswrapper02:31
DWRZSat Jul 14 18:18:00 200702:31
DWRZERROR: Module ndiswrapper does not exist in /proc/modules02:31
DWRZrmmod died with exit status 102:31
ShackJackwilberfan: O.K. Well you have to have something in there for horiz/vert refresh...  And I'm almost certain you should be able to use intel driver.... Horiz sync is also 60 hz?02:31
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LukeEkbladanyone know how to add this chat room to amsn messenger?02:31
NigelSvzduch: there are plenty of reasons in development for example why he might want this or he might simply want to try both out before making a choice02:32
alex_I think it might want libc6 2.5-5, but feisty only has 2.5-0 now02:32
unagican anyone help me write a script to kill an app and start another app after restarting X?02:32
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad, i don't think amsn is an IRC client.02:32
rasputnikakos: I'm talking about the applet on the menubar in the top right, not the crap in admin->networking (which is rubbish)02:32
vzduchNigelS: I don't get your point..02:32
wilberfanShackJack,  I honestly have no idea...   livechatting with Mumbai was not especially productive, if you know what i mean....02:32
akosyes, i knwo02:32
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rasputnikakos: so until you enable wpa, it wont' show up as an option02:32
wilberfanall i could get out of him was that "60" was the only number that Dell screens could be set at....02:32
ShackJackwilberfan: Did you change BusID, or was it like that b4?02:32
nickrudalex_, try apt-cache search liblua ; it'll probably be one of those02:32
rasputnikakos: enable it in the access point, I mean02:33
LukeEkbladIndyGunFreak:   @$@$@#@!$%@#$02:33
wilberfanBusID was generated by install....02:33
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ShackJackWhat is error when Xorg starts?02:33
IndyGunFreakLukeEkblad, ?02:33
IndyGunFreakwhast the problem?02:33
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wilberfanShackJack, no error is displayed...02:33
wilberfanShackJack,  or, at least, it's not legible...02:34
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dragonhello , i have a problem with ubuntu 7.05 fulmar , exacly how open files .rmvb02:34
wilberfanShackJack, the text is all skewed on the blue screen o' death...02:34
vzduchLukeEkblad: amsn is an MSN client that (to my knowledge) doesn't speak the IRC protocol02:34
unagican anyone help me write a script that kills an app and starts another after restarting X?02:34
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ShackJackwilberfan: That seems to indicate a refresh issue...02:34
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MSIGuy_CerebroJD: I'll try it.02:34
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wilberfanwhere else could i get some specs on that monitor??02:34
vzduchanandanbu: you still alive? ;)02:34
demonsporkHow do I get a partition to mount automatically at boot time??02:35
Jordan_Uunagi, Still can't get X to restart?02:35
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Szeraaxdemonspork: /etc/fstab02:35
alex_nickrud: just tried that, it shows the same liblua entries as synaptic, doesn't show luabind02:35
unagireread the question jordan_U ;)02:35
WisdomWolfSzeraax I'm trying to pm you as soon as I figure out how...wow I feel stupid02:35
pchildsIs there an app for ubuntu that will allow encryption of files and folders?02:35
cocomielhow do i download the source of a package?02:35
demonsporkSzeraax how do I do it though02:35
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vzduch!fstab | demonspork02:35
ubotudemonspork: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:35
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ShackJackwilberfan: Maybe enable i810 driver... Set Vert refresh as is... Specify range for Horiz refresh 30.0 - 80.002:35
nickrudalex_, where'd you see the luabind02:35
IndyGunFreakpchilds: yuou don't need an app for that, just adjust the permissions int he permissions tab.02:35
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Jordan_Uunagi, So you can get X to restart with /etc/init.d/gdm restart?02:36
wilberfanShackJack, I could try that, yeah....02:36
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Szeraaxrepeat after me "sudo nano /etc/fstab" now, dont mess it up, or that could be very bad...02:36
ShackJackwilberfan: Everything else looks O.K. from a syntax P.O.V.02:36
alex_nickrud: it's in /ubuntu/pool/universe/l/luabind02:36
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anandanbuvzduch: yes02:36
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Szeraaxif you want, sudo vi /etc/fstab02:36
unagino.......the script replaces xorg and restarts x just fine02:36
IndyGunFreakpchilds: sorry, i thought you said permission, not encryption, my bad02:36
unaginow im trying to get it kill an app and start another after it restarts x02:36
wilberfanShackJack, 'preciate you lookin'...   shall i try your suggestion now...?02:36
nickrudalex_, what was the exact name again?02:36
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ShackJackwilberfan: One other thing you *might* try is setting default depth to 24, but try others first...02:36
vzduchanandanbu: do you know how to proceed?02:36
WisdomWolfbefore you sudo fstab you should cp fstab to a backup file02:36
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anandanbuvzduch: No i got problems with my net connection sorry02:37
wilberfanShackJack, 'kay...   don't wander off...  i'll be right back....02:37
anandanbuvzduch: but i dont know how to proceed02:37
unagiam i not making sense jordan_U02:37
vzduchanandanbu: question was: what partition do you have F7 on?02:37
Szeraaxdemonspork: yeah, be sure to back it up02:37
alex_nickrud: Iibluabind-dev_0.7.dfsg-1_i386.deb is the one I need, but it also needs libluabind0_0.7 from same folder02:37
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pchildsSetting permission works to keep my sons out of my stuff that I do not wish to turn up missing if you know what I mean. I was hoping for another way to lock the folder down further.02:37
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anandanbuvzduch: Fedora is in (hd0,0)02:38
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akos_hmmm, it won't connect02:38
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Jordan_Uunagi, You can either figure out how to export $DISPLAY in the scrip or set another script up to start at the beginning of a session02:38
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Szeraaxpchilds: rm the folder02:38
alex_nickrud: I'm basically trying to compile yake, and according to the latest error message, it doesnt have luabind libraries02:38
unagiyou say 'of A session' how do i identify which time to execute and which time not to02:38
nickrudalex_, those are all gutsy packages02:38
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vzduchanandanbu: what filesystem?02:38
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ShackJackpchilds: Why not just create another user for the kid?02:38
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alex_nickrud: is there any place where I can find the feisty version?02:39
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alex_nickrud: since I tried looking and keep ending up finding the gutsy package02:39
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anandanbuvzduch: it is also ext3 only02:39
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Jordan_Uunagi, Make a file like ~/starttheprogramifthisishere02:39
nickrudalex_, you'd probably have to make them yourself. You could try getting the source deb, and compiling it.02:39
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unagiim not sure i completely understand02:39
ryanakcaWhy can I only have one reiserfs partition in my LVM? After create one, all the free space afterwards becomes 'unusable'...02:40
nickrudalex_, or, not deb, but the source stuff.02:40
vzduchanandanbu: sudo mkdir /media/hda1 ; sudo mount -t ext3 -o defaults /dev/hda1 /media/hda102:40
WisdomWolfdo I need to change any of the settings on the ready to install page to make sure I can still get back to Vista?02:40
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WisdomWolfI am paranoid about losing the ability to boot into vista02:40
|thunderis there a way to request an update to a package in the official ubuntu repos ?02:40
alex_nickrud: ok, I'll try that, thank you02:40
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Jordan_Uunagi, then make the session script run something like: cat ~/runtheprogramifthisishere && programname02:40
vamsiunable to view videos from nba.com02:40
Szeraaxyou can always boot back into vista02:40
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pchildsThanks folks. This is what makes ubuntu rock. The people and of course the os. Have a great evening.02:40
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Szeraaxjust by editing your lilo or grub menu02:40
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|thunderWisdomWolf; just save your /boot/grub/grub.conf02:41
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Jordan_Uunagi, If the file doesn't exist cat will get an error and the second command won't be run02:41
vamsiunable to view videos from nba.com02:41
ShackJackWisdomWolf: losing Vista's no big loss :P02:41
unagiis there a command that says 'if /etc/X11/xorgorig.conf exists then'02:41
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SzeraaxShackJack: it is if you need it for work02:41
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unagiis that what cat ~/etc/X11/xorgorig.conf means?02:41
anandanbuvzduch: says "mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist"02:41
wilberfanShackJack, that didn't work...   but I may have to spend some time with this:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19002202:41
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Jordan_Uunagi, You could set up an if statement but just cat whatever && is easier and shorter02:41
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ShackJackwilberfan: what happened with it - no difference?02:42
WisdomWolfit could be, I really don't want to setup all that stuff again02:42
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vzduchanandanbu: hmm.. do you have SATA or something? perhaps try sda1 instead02:42
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vamsihelp with streaming mms videos embedded in firefox02:42
csatlosehi guys, can anyone help me with rescue cd parameters?  I'm trying to start linux from an external hd.02:42
johntheres a windows emulator who is able to bridge a video card?02:42
unagiso cat ~/etc/X11/xorgorig.conf yes?02:42
wilberfanShackJack, just the blank (illuminated, but blank) screen...02:42
WisdomWolfhopefully I'll be able to ignore Vista partition for the most part, but I still need it for WMDC02:42
unagiwhat does cat do anyway02:42
johnpreview a text file02:42
WisdomWolfunless someone has some kind of activesync replacement for Linux finally02:42
wilberfanShackJack, someone in that thread is saying i might need to upgrade my BIOS...02:42
ShackJackwilberfan: You mean blank when going into gdm?02:42
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Jordan_Uunagi, cat just means read this file to standard out, if the file does not exist then cat will not exit successfully02:42
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unagiok lemme try that02:43
wilberfanShackJack, yeah, i guess...   I got the spinning icon...but never got any kind of ubuntu startup screen, etc...02:43
vamsihelp with streaming mms videos embedded in firefox02:43
vzduchanandanbu: or you could pastebin your /etc/fstab for us to get some clues02:43
atlantisHad enough of this 64-bit ver. takes too long to startup numerous apps that won't run. DAMN, its the only ver. that will find all my memory.02:43
Szeraaxwilberfan: sounds like bad video driver choice to me02:43
anandanbuvzduch: says mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/sda1': File exists02:43
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Jordan_Uunagi,  command1 && command2 means do command2 if and only if command1 exits successfully02:43
WisdomWolfok here goes nothing02:43
trendcan someone help me with my sshd_config file setting it up for tunneling?02:43
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ahorneri can help people with (a few questions ) while im updating02:43
ShackJackwilberfan: You got spinning icon, but no startup screen?02:43
wilberfanShackJack, yeah...02:44
trendi want to be able to have Putty forward http connections through my ssh02:44
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wilberfanicon, just for a sec...02:44
Szeraaxwilberfan: oh, not video driver then02:44
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ShackJackwilberfan: You should be gold if you get spinning icon, hmmm...02:44
trendI have: AllowTcpForwarding yes02:44
atlantisYah, running a new shuttle xpc with 4 gb ram 320gb hd 22" samsung lcd and intel core 2 duo 2.13..... not to shabby.02:44
trendbut.. outside of that, it should be stock02:44
Szeraaxtry true02:44
ahornerwow nice setup02:44
wilberfanShackJack, let me try a couple of things from that thread....02:44
vamsiany idea how to view mms videos embedded in firefox02:44
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ShackJackwilberfan: I think Szeraax has idea...02:44
anandanbuvzduch: How do i pastebin02:44
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atlantisonly running ubuntu feisty 64-bit02:45
vzduch!pastebin | anandanbu02:45
ubotuanandanbu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:45
wilberfanShackJack, what idea is that?02:45
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SzeraaxShackJack: ha. and what idea was that?02:45
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ShackJackSzeraax: Oh, I dunno you said it wasn't video driver.. which it doesn't seem to be...02:45
ziggyHey I have a question. I have a game installed in the directory usr/local/games/ and To run it I have to go to the directory, click on the icon, and then click run in console. Is there a way where I can make ashortcut to this on my desktop?02:45
SzeraaxShackJack: i at first suggested a bad driver in the Xorg.conf, but if there is the spin, it couldn't be that02:46
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ShackJackSzeraax: thought you were following up.. :)02:46
ahorneri have 19", 512 mb ram, 200 hd (1 80gig 1 120gig), 1 dvd burner(cd part doesnt work) 1 cd/dvd combo 3.2 ghz02:46
atlantisno not stock running a nvidia 7200 I think maybe a 7600 whatever its a 256 pci-x kinda a waste on ubuntu but hey02:46
ShackJackSzeraax: Almost like wilberfan is missing gdm (!)02:46
ahornerziggy: you can make an alias02:46
WisdomWolfwhat is the .ICEauthority file?02:46
ziggyahorner: How?02:46
SzeraaxShackJack: i was thinking out loud, and hoping someone else is smarter :)02:46
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anandanbuvzduch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29968/02:46
ShackJackSzeraax: Gotta02:46
WisdomWolfall it seems to do is create headaches for me02:46
wilberfanShackJack, 'cept if i use vega driver...it DOES start...02:46
osklen`some brazilian here ?02:46
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ahornerziggy: right click create alias02:46
ahornerits like a shortcut02:47
Jordan_Uziggy, use alacarte to add a menu item with the command "gnome terminal /path/to/program"02:47
ShackJackwilberfan: Ah, O.K.  what's wrong with using VGA driver?02:47
ShackJacker... vesa02:47
ahorneraww :-(02:47
wilberfanShackJack, 640x480!02:47
ziggyahorner: Is that the same thing as "Launcher"?02:47
nickrud!pt | osklen`02:47
ubotuosklen`: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:47
ahornerziggy: i dont know02:47
Szeraaxwilberfan: that can be fixed02:47
scoobtitshow do i check if i got hardware ecceleration working/02:47
wilberfanShackJack, and strobe-y02:47
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Szeraaxwilberfan: i garentee it02:47
ShackJackwilberfan: did you try setting default depth to 24 instead of 16?02:47
wilberfanSzeraax, yeah...that makes sense, huh?02:47
ziggyJordan_U: Ok02:48
ahorneri still cant get my 1440x900 res to work02:48
atlantisanyone know if you can run xchat without a desktop (command-line) that would be cool02:48
wilberfanShackJack, not yet...   let me try some Horiz and Vert numbers from that thread, too...02:48
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nickrudatlantis, irssi02:48
Flannelatlantis: you want irssi02:48
vzduchanandanbu: according to your fstab, your (hd0,0) is an NTFS partition02:48
osklen`i have problems with my intel pro 3945abg! it's habilited but situation say "not is use"02:48
ShackJackwilberfan: Yeah I don't think that's the issue really if you're getting the icon...02:48
Jordan_Uahorner, What GPU?02:48
ahornerradeon x200 intregrated02:48
Szeraaxcan you post your xorg.conf file please wilberfan02:48
atlantisirssi k-thanks02:48
ziggyJordan_U: It worked, thank you for your help.02:48
ShackJackwilberfan: I might see if you can go in in "recovery mode" then try to manually start gdm    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:49
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vzduchanandanbu: please pastebin the output of 'fdisk -l /dev/sda'02:49
wilberfanshall we try to get vesa at the proper rez first...?02:49
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ahorneri did what i usually do to get the res working (ive reinstalled ubuntu a couple times[not at once] )02:49
Jordan_Uwilberfan, Not post, but pastbin ( just to be clear )02:49
anandanbuvzduch: says can't open02:49
wilberfanSzeraax, my pastebin is:   http://pastebin.ca/61976202:49
ahorneri installed the manufacturers driver02:49
Szeraaxwilberfan: at least pastebin the xorg.conf so we can pour over it while you reboot and such02:49
osklen`i have problems with my intel pro 3945abg! it's habilited but situation say "not is use"02:49
Szeraaxwilberfan: thanks02:49
vzduchanandanbu: then put sudo in front02:49
ahornerthat usually works but it didnt this time02:49
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Jordan_USzeraax, A lot of times when you ask someone to "post" something they will post it in the channel instead of using pastebin02:50
peepsalotanyone running tilda?02:50
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peepsalotit just crashes every time i try to run it02:50
Szeraaxwilberfan: ok02:50
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vzduchwilberfan: some ops don't like pastebin.ca because it has ads..02:50
SzeraaxJordan_U which is why i then state to pastbin it02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glutroot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:50
SzeraaxJordan_U and, wilberfan isnt' dumb like that02:51
ShackJackSzeraax: Jordan_U - I had recommended to wilberfan that he force the vert refresh because he said he was getting "blank screen"02:51
ahornerwhat all does greasemonkey extention do02:51
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wilberfanvzduch,  what's a better choice for pasting?02:51
Szeraaxwilberfan: yeah, i think i see your problem in the conf file02:51
wilberfanSzeraax, yeah??02:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:51
vzduch!pastebin | wilberfan02:51
ubotuwilberfan: please see above02:51
anandanbuvzduch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29969/02:51
PaulyHogare .sh files executables and how do i run them?02:51
ahornersudo sh filename.sh02:51
peepsalotahorner, it does whatever you want02:51
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wilberfanthat was the pastebin i used with OpenSuSE...sorry...   that's the only one i knew about...02:51
Jordan_UPaulyHog, chmod +x filename && ./filename02:52
tomerhi folks02:52
ShackJackPaulyHog: see above...02:52
=== rem [n=rem@gve-gix-bbcs-dynip-139-026.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
tomerhow do i change the timezone in ubuntu02:52
aztracker1Okay, took back the HP laptop... glad I did... Lenovo 3000 N100 works pretty much without issue now.. :)  Ubuntu 7.04-32bit02:52
wilberfanSzeraax, what do i need to change in my xorg...?02:52
tomerwithout gui02:52
tomercommand line only02:52
aztracker1smoothest Linux install yet..02:52
BeOSMrXis there someone here that knows LOTS about linux partitions and FS then contact me, I have a challenge for them :)02:52
peepsalotahorner, greasemonkey has the power to alter the appearance and functionality of websites on the client's computer02:52
wilberfanShackJack, and how do i set default depth?02:52
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ShackJackwilberfan: In screen section...02:53
vzduchanandanbu: looks like your fstab is defective.. can you access /media/hda1?02:53
Szeraaxwilberfan: with the "defaultdepth 24 #or whatever"02:53
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ShackJackwilberfan: And you should refresh your pastebin ;)02:53
PaulyHogthank you02:53
PaulyHogill try again02:53
wilberfanShackJack, ah...i see it's set to 16 now...02:53
wilberfanShackJack, refresh it because...02:53
ShackJackwilberfan: Just to see our changes and what you're actually trying to use to start X02:54
anandanbuvzduch: i not able to access it02:54
atlantisNah, just sitting here drinking some nasty Sparks.... a beer-of-sorts.02:54
Wizekshat should i do if my ubuntu live cd installer says there isn't any root-filesystem set? O.o02:54
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ahornercan i possibly use greasemonkey to set a timer on a webpage to 002:54
wilberfanShackJack, you can CHANGE my pastebin?     I didn't know that....02:54
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Szeraaxwilberfan: just hold on, i am working on it02:54
peepsalotanandanbu, is that that energy drink/beer stuff?02:54
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trendgreat got it guys... thanks02:54
mccdoBeOSMrX: what is your partition problem02:54
ShackJackwilberfan: Yeah, just scroll to bottom and paste in new stuff...02:54
PaulyHogJordan_U,  i did that but nothing hapened, im expecting it to run my game :(02:55
wilberfanShackJack, wow.  how cool is THAT?!02:55
anandanbupeepsalot: what are you asking about02:55
BeOSMrXtalk to me in a dialog02:55
ahornercool an icon 02:55
peepsalotlol, woops wrong nick02:55
ShackJackwilberfan: pastebin's majot strength is its a collabotration tool so anyone who visits can make changes, update, etc...02:55
=== andre_ [n=andre@c91110b6.rjo.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
WizekWhat should i do if my ubuntu live cd self-installer says there isn't any root-filesystem set? O.o02:55
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Jordan_UPaulyHog, Nothing at all? No output?02:55
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wilberfanShackJack, i didn't know that...  i though it was just like a picture-post place...02:55
wilberfanread-only, as it were...02:55
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andre_Hi, I'm looking for help. My tray on panel disapeared...02:55
ShackJackwilberfan: code-porn - YAY!02:56
andre_How do I recover it?02:56
Szeraaxwilberfan: ok, go look at your pastebin02:56
wilberfanShackJack, lol02:56
ahornerrm /db/var/.applesetupdone02:56
PeloWizek,  I assume you were making your own partitions manualy ?02:56
Jordan_UWizek, You need to mark a partition for /02:56
wilberfanSzeraax, ok... give me a sec...02:56
anandanbuvzduch: you there02:56
Szeraaxwilberfan: try the values i used for the hor refresh and vert refresh02:56
mccdoBeOSMrX: if we go away others can not see and also help; i cannot guarantee i can solve your issue02:56
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rasa$50 via paypal, if someone can help me get Kubuntu to use 1920x1200 on my inspiron 1705(9400) (I've spent *HOURS* and am ready to give up!)02:56
wilberfanSzeraax, ok... i found some in that thread, too....02:56
Szeraaxwilberfan: and also the default depth (which you already know about)02:56
vzduchanandanbu: I thought that.. I suggest you 'sudo umount /media/sda1', edit /etc/fstab in that you comment the "Entry for /dev/sda1" out (put a # in front of the 2 lines), then 'sudo mount -t ext3 -o defaults /dev/sda1 /media/sda1'.. then you can access your Fedora menu.lst by opening /media/sda1/boot/grub/menu.lst with a text editor02:56
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wilberfanSzeraax, just in general, what did you change....02:56
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PaulyHogJordan_U,  no output at all just went to the next line02:57
Szeraaxwilberfan: they should allow you to go to 2048x1536 if your monitor can handle it02:57
ShackJackSzeraax: I don't see changes to wilberfan 's pastbin.. Here? http://pastebin.ca/61976202:57
anandanbuvzduch: can you help me with thses step by step02:57
atlantiswhat is the command to change read/write file permissions always been use to chmod +x 777 or similar02:57
anandanbuvzduch: may i im you02:57
WizekPelo ---> yes, i wanted to set it by myself, because i want to delete my old partitions... can i do it anyway else?02:57
WisdomWolfubuntu is awesome...Vista still works!02:57
Szeraaxwilberfan: dang, i thought it would update yours...02:57
Jordan_UPaulyHog, Can you pastebin the .sh file?02:57
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: SWEET02:58
ShackJackatlantis: chmod +x filename (sudo as appropriate)02:58
andre_Hi, I'm looking for help. My tray on panel disappeared, how do I recover it? Thanks.02:58
wilberfanSzeraax, shall i paste it to the official place...?02:58
Szeraaxdid you go to my pastebin and look in there at the refresh rates?02:58
ShackJackandre_: right-click panel - add to panel..02:58
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PeloWizek,  like  jordan said you need to set one partition for /  (root,  whre the os and software is installed)02:58
atlantishmm tried that and failed a few times, doubt it was a keystroke error.....02:58
atlantiswill try again.... thx02:58
ShackJackatlantis: you might need to sudo depending on file owner...02:59
Jordan_Uandre_, Did they just disappear or did you accidentally delete them?02:59
PeloWizek,  I don'T allow /msg , you need to speak to me in the channel02:59
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PaulyHogJordan_U, what do you mean02:59
BeOSMrXwell my issue i that last night I successfully expanded my etx3 into an empty partition with logvol02:59
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atlantisyah trying to change a file with root priv. to usr priv. so it can be deleted or whatever without logging in under root02:59
Jordan_Uandre_, nvm I thought you said and not on02:59
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BeOSMrXbut now i have two partitions with LogVol00 but I want one partition with LogVol0002:59
akos_Hi there... I've got no sound at all... can you help me?03:00
andre_Jordan, yes I removed it. I think it happened when I've removed an applet that shows the battery status of my laptop.03:00
Szeraaxtry taking my pastebin and place it in your xorg.conf file03:00
Jordan_UPaulyHog, .sh files are text files, pastebin the contents03:00
Wizekpelo ---> is there any other kind of partition needed for install? like swap.03:00
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ShackJackatlantis: that's not chmod, that's chown... i.e. chown root:root filename03:00
wilberfanSzeraax, where do we stand now?03:00
atlantisyah the root:root was missing03:00
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andre_ShackJack, do you know the name of the applet?03:00
Szeraaxdid you see the differences in mine and yours?03:00
astro76atlantis, either way you have to sudo so just sudo rm it03:01
novato_brhow to create bootable linux pen driver on  ms windows  xp ?03:01
mccdowhat tool did you use to expand the partition03:01
Jordan_Uandre_, What do you mean by tray?03:01
atlantisoh did I type chmod.... see maybe it was a keystroke error.... huh :)03:01
Wizekpelo ---> is there any other kind of partition needed for install? like swap.03:01
WisdomWolfbefore installing beryl I should install nvidia drivers which I can do directly from synaptic, right?03:01
PeloWizek,  the basic you need are  /  and /swap ,  /home is nice to , it allows you to reinstall without whipping out your data and settings03:01
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SzeraaxWizek: how much ram?03:01
conorkirkpatrickSomeone said something to me a while ago and it dissapeared up my chat log, could they repeast it if they remember?03:01
PaulyHogJordan_U, when i try to open it, it says archive type not supported03:01
SzeraaxWizek: if 2 GB or over, then probly not03:01
PeloWizek,  it takes you over 3 minutes to come up with a question , can I have more then 10 sec to reply03:01
ShackJackandre_: notification area (under utilities)03:01
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WizekPelo i hav 2048MB :-D03:01
andre_Jordan_U, I mean the area where update notifications and icons for skype, amsn and Rhytmbox appears.03:01
ShackJackatlantis: man chown for details.... can do recursively for directiories, etc..03:02
wifenfefferHi, I want to install the most current version of gmpc, what's the best way to do that ?03:02
dxdemetriouhow can I define what plugin will be for each type in firefox? for ex. the ogg is with vlc, mplayer and totem, it works with totem but I want it to work with vlc03:02
andre_ShackJack, found it.03:02
PeloWizek,   5-10 gig for / ,  2x RAM for /swap , the rest for /home03:02
andre_Thankyou very much, fellows.03:02
wilberfanSzeraax, try this:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29970/03:02
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Wizekpelo, so 4GB is for swap, am i right?03:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se03:03
wilberfanShackJack, can i get to a command line from my blank screen?03:03
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atlantisanyone know any specific apps that won't run without swap.... I know some that will warn of low/no swap03:03
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PeloWizek,  sounds about right03:03
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ShackJackwilberfan: Yeah should be able to... ctrl-alt-f1?03:03
Jordan_Uwilberfan, try ctrl+alt+F103:03
wilberfanShackJack, nuthin'....03:04
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pablo_hi, does ubuntu installs private drivers although i dont add the multiverse repos?03:04
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ShackJackwilberfan: what about ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X03:04
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Jordan_UPablo, Private drivers?03:04
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wilberfanShackJack, i'll try that next time...   rebooting...03:04
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Szeraaxwilberfan: try ctrl+alt+f203:04
pablo_Jordan_U: closed source drivers i mean03:05
wifenfefferHi, I want to install the most current version of gmpc, what's the best way to do that ?03:05
wilberfanSzeraax, tried that too....   none of those worked....   machine unresponsive after the failure to start gdm...03:05
atlantisI want a text-based install with optional add/no-add app. (like fedora) I don't like this automatic add-everything means03:05
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Szeraaxwilberfan: go to your "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29970/"03:05
anachronikanyone with skype?03:05
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wilberfanSzeraax, what am i looking for when i get there?03:06
Szeraaxwilberfan: grab that whole paste, and replace what you have in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf with it03:06
=== pedro [n=pedro@65.Red-88-0-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Szeraaxwilberfan: ok?03:06
Jordan_UPablo, Proprietary drivers are in Restricted not multiverse generally03:06
pedroGood night03:06
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wilberfanSzeraax, i don't see that you've changed anything....03:06
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Wizekpelo, swap, ext3/, and home hav to be primary drives? or is it nvm?03:06
Szeraaxthe refresh rates03:06
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Szeraaxand defauly depth03:07
atlantisCan someone direct me to some decent themes. I would like a nice looking yet functional window border / controls03:07
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pedroI am trying to get Rosegarden to sound with General MIdi device but I can't03:07
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nickrudatlantis, get the server install then. it'll install the minimal, and you can then add whatever03:07
pedrocan anyone help me?03:07
Szeraaxwilberfan: hmm03:07
wilberfanSzeraax, what, specifically is different...just to make sure i'm looking at the right thing....?03:07
freebsedamn my system is shuting down every 1/2 hour03:07
Stormx2atlantis: gnome-look.org. Look under GTK+, sort by most downloaded03:07
Szeraaxwilberfan: lets try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29971/ then03:07
atlantisstill using CDE-Motif and Iris controls03:07
PeloWizek, you can only have 4 primary partitions on a hdd I beleive , so if your total exceeds some will need to be logical03:07
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Szeraaxwilberfan: my bad03:07
freebsetemperature is okay, guess the power thingi is broken03:07
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atlantisI did not finding anything good from the pics anyways03:08
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Jordan_Uatlantis, If you like orange: http://www.taimila.com/orange-look.php03:08
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wilberfanSzeraax, so i should try 29971?03:08
Szeraaxwilberfan: if you search it for " HorizSync" you will see what i changed03:08
atlantishold-shiit that's alot of orange03:09
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-29-252.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Szeraaxget the satanic ubuntu skinner then03:09
wilberfanSzeraax, yeah...  "31.5 - 150", right?03:09
Szeraaxand the 60-8503:09
atlantishold that's funny I meant holy-----03:09
Szeraaxand teh default depth to 2403:09
Szeraaxonly 3 i changed03:09
Wizekpelo: ok, i'm trying it again (4th times), jitter me :)03:09
ShackJackSzeraax: that sounds like a winner :)03:09
Szeraax(and uncommented the horiz and the hert too)03:10
atlantisI need a 64-bit ver of Pidgin / Limewire03:10
PeloWizek,  you'll be fine03:10
=== BeOSMrX [n=foo@S0106001921e885ce.va.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
SzeraaxShackJack: i got those numbers from my back|track live cd that seems to work on every monitor that i have ever seen. :)03:10
EliasAmaralMay someone answer a question about the 'setupcon' utility?03:10
wilberfanSzeraax, let's see what happens....03:10
=== Nutubuntu [n=Jay@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Szeraaxwilberfan: did you also uncomment too?03:10
=== ShackJack crosses fingers...
wilberfanSzeraax, I went  back to the vesa driver, yes?03:11
Stormx2atlantis: I use murrina-gilouche.03:11
=== Szeraax jumps for joy, since he has the force and can see the future
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Szeraaxwilberfan:  yes03:11
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Wizekpelo: i hope so, but i wasn't so lucky before...03:11
atlantisbesides simplicity of ubuntu anyone think that Fedora or Sun (totally different cat.) are better in stability and daily-usability03:11
SurfnKidcan anyone tell me how to re-write GRUB back to the MBR?03:11
SzeraaxSurfnKid: Hi03:11
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PeloWizek, luck is not involved here03:11
=== droosnoo [n=louis@224.130-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidI have installed WinXP/Ubuntu03:12
ShackJackatlantis: nope... Ubuntu stable and highly usable...03:12
wilberfanSzeraax,  nope.   back to the scrambled X FAILED TO START screen....03:12
novato_bressa comunidade eh uma bosta, mesmo03:12
novato_brki porra03:12
conorkirkpatrickAnybody had any succes with Ubuntu Feisty and an nVidia GeForce FX 5200?03:12
SurfnKidbut WinXP has written to the MBR and I have no menu, I'd like to use grub as the bootloader03:12
Pelo!grub | SurfnKid03:12
ubotuSurfnKid: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:12
Szeraaxok, what is the error it gives?03:12
arioxconorkirkpatrick, That's what I have.03:12
SurfnKidok thanks03:12
gumjohello, is there any app that will recognize multiple copies of same pictures and the delete them?03:12
Szeraaxwilberfan: it should say (EE) ___________________03:12
Stormx2atlantis: Sun is a company, I guess you mean solaris? Ubuntu is stable, unless you have some totally groovy hardware.03:12
conorkirkpatrickariox: Did you have to do anything special with Ubuntu03:12
novato_brhow can I make to mkfs.ext2  format on windows?03:12
conorkirkpatrickariox: because the livecd can't start X03:12
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novato_bris there utilitary ?03:12
wilberfanSzeraax, it's all scrambled... with non-english characters, etc...03:13
arioxI didn't have to do anything in particular.03:13
atlantisyah but they have so many now, solaris, sun-desktop, and something else I think03:13
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arioxBut if you want to use the card, you must install the drivers through synaptic.03:13
conorkirkpatrickariox: See, X wont even start03:13
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Stormx2atlantis: if you want to try solaris, be our guest.03:13
Szeraaxwilberfan: wtf...03:13
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atlantisI have tried it but about 2 years ago with antique hardware, never on new03:14
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conorkirkpatrickariox: Can you name the drivers so I can install them?03:14
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Stormx2wilberfan: In the X error dialog, or the log itself?03:14
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amidanielatlantis: Solaris is really much more a server OS than a desktop. They're trying to move into the desktop game, but it's still really only for servers IMO03:14
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W_l_c_eHi: a quick package question, I can't find a package I've been asked to install, and I believe I've enabled _everything_ in the list.  Where else can I look for packages?  google is petulantly refusing to be useful!03:15
wilberfanSzeraax,  all i get is a 640x480 blue screen..w.here the text isn't justified properly, and there are weird, non-english characters...03:15
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scoobtitswhich is the best media player for linux that handles huge amounts of music?03:15
conorkirkpatrickCan anybody list all the nVidia drivers that are required for Ubuntu to start X?03:15
atlantisXMMS - ha I love it03:15
wilberfanSzeraax, if you look closely, you can see it says "X Failed to start properly"..but the rest is almost unreadable...03:15
jammanscoobtits, AMAROK! i love it man!03:15
atlantisscrolling long lists is a pain in the ass though03:15
ShackJackscoobtits: What is huge?03:15
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Stormx2scoobtits: AmaroK seems the de-facto standard for tag-based stuff.03:16
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conorkirkpatrickCan anybody list all the nVidia drivers that are required for Ubuntu to start X?03:16
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/03:16
ShackJackscoobtits Stormx2 Exaile is worth a look - it's an up & comer...03:16
Stormx2scoobtits: You might want to check out Exaile, which is an AmaroK clone that uses GTK+ (GNOME's graphical toolkit)03:16
ShackJackEsp for GNOME..03:16
=== laultima [n=ubuntu@c-71-204-179-99.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devel-core - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
conorkirkpatrickCan anybody list all the nVidia drivers that are required for Ubuntu to start X?03:17
ShackJackStormx2: The SVN version is especially nice.03:17
Stormx2ShackJack: I mostly torrent my music, so tag editting isn't an option. So I use mpd and sonata...03:17
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scoobtitsamarok ?03:17
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wifenfefferHi, I want to install the most current version of gmpc, what's the best way to do that ?03:18
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: nvidia-glx03:18
Stormx2wifenfeffer: Find the site and download it? ;-)03:18
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Moridinamarok is a music player03:18
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: xorg.conf should have nvidia listed as the driver...03:18
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Guinness2702damn, why doesn't the internet have a pause option03:18
wifenfefferStormx2, it has a couple packages I'd need to update as well, plus, I'd rather install it from a repository.03:19
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jammanscoobtits, if you use gnome, itll take a while to load, but after that it is amazing. i have about 3000 tracks and it screems.03:19
atlantisBecause you haven't invented it yet. - Get to it.03:19
Stormx2wifenfeffer: By the looks of thing there isn't a repo. You can checkinstall it tho.03:19
scoobtitsi got about 34k songs03:19
SzeraaxGuinness2702: it does, its called time.freeze = 103:19
ShackJackjamman: I got 8,000 on Exaile :P03:19
laultimawhats an easy way to install ubuntu by floppy?03:19
wifenfefferStormx2, what's checkinstall ?03:19
amidanieljamman: What software is this?03:19
ShackJacklaultima: Floppy - ouch - does it have an Ethernet card?03:20
Guinness2702Szer: ahh, thanks - i can go and get a beer from the fridge without missing anything now03:20
SzeraaxGuinness2702: its just really hard to unfreeze time, when you have exactly .0000000 seconds to move you hand and change  the value back to 003:20
Stormx2wifenfeffer: Instead of ./configure && make && sudo make install             you do        ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall03:20
atlantisthat's sure RETRO of you03:20
Moridinby floppy?  hmmmm.  no cdrom?  I installed ubuntu with a crossover network cable and a vmware image03:20
laultimaShackjack: It does, would that be easier?03:20
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ShackJackwifenfeffer: checkinstall makes a .deb file instead of directly installing..03:20
wifenfefferStormx2, aah03:20
Stormx2wifenfeffer: It creates a .deb package and installs it, so it can be managed as if it came from a repo, and easily remove/upgraded03:20
wifenfefferShackJack, thanks :)03:21
Moridinyes much easier with a network card03:21
jammanShackJack, HOLY CRAP!! I don't like Exaile too much though. Until it will do everything my amarok can, ill stick to kde.03:21
laultimaMoridin: Know of a good tutorial for it?03:21
kbrooks_!language | jamman03:21
ubotujamman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:21
wifenfefferStormx2, so can I do that with all the libraries that gmpc 0.15 requires ?03:21
jammankbrooks_, my bad...03:21
alecw1a little bit of an exageration, kbrooks_?03:21
ShackJacklaultima: I think so, yeah... No CD, eh?03:21
kbrooks_alecw1, maybe03:22
Stormx2wifenfeffer: Just libmpd I thought?03:22
wifenfefferStormx2, a few others are outdated03:22
wifenfefferI think03:22
Stormx2wifenfeffer: You might want to check out sonata, gmpc is pretty awful.03:22
ShackJacklaultima: Yep - no CD?03:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:22
Zombieprboom is locking my box.03:22
laultimaMy situation: Laptop, broken cd drive, wont boot windows anymore, but has network card and floppy drive03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rythmbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
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ShackJacklaultima: got a USB port?03:22
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wifenfefferStormx2, I need profiles, I have a few mpd servers running here, and want this ubuntu machine to be able to use them all03:22
laultimaShackJack: Yes03:23
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Stormx2alecw1: Who's that for?03:23
atlantiswhat - exaile is a decent app03:23
wifenfefferStormx2, but I can do that with libraries too, right ?03:23
Szeraaxlaultima: ever heard of winner?03:23
Stormx2wifenfeffer: Correct.03:23
jammanatlantis, true, but amarok is better :)03:23
ShackJacklaultima: if you can get it to boot from USB, that would be best..03:23
SurfnKidI have a * on the wrong boot partition03:23
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Stormx2wifenfeffer: Again, I think you only need libmpd.03:23
wifenfefferStormx2, thanks :)03:23
SurfnKidseems like grub-install didnt change it03:23
wifenfefferStormx2, I'll try it and see03:23
wifenfefferStormx2, thanks :)03:23
laultimaShackJack: Know a good tutorial or walkthrough for it?03:23
ShackJacklaultima: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick?highlight=%28usb%29%7C%28install%2903:23
ZombieI need someone to tell me how to make a Deb of prboom 2.4.703:24
Stormx2alecw1: please /msg ubotu if it is for yourself.03:24
laultimaShackJack: Thanks, I'll give it a look03:24
vzduchquick question: after adding an entry to Grub by hand, is it necessary to run 'update-grub' or something?03:24
Stormx2Zombie: Is it not in the repos?03:24
Zombie2.4.6 is.03:24
Zombieand its locking X03:24
Stormx2!checkinstall | Zombie03:24
ubotuZombie: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:24
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conorkirkpatrickIs this good enough for Ubuntu? Pentium 3 800MHZ, 256MB ram, nVidia GeForce FX5200 (128MB)03:25
ZombieI'm accustomed to the RPM way of packaging.03:25
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: That'll do nicely - get more RAM if you can, otherwise I might suggest Xubuntu...03:25
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Stormx2conorkirkpatrick: Yeah, fine.03:25
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: RAM is uber-cheap...03:26
Stormx2conorkirkpatrick: You might want to consider getting more RAM and/or running xubuntu03:26
ShackJackStormx2: JINX!03:26
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kbrooksShackJack, ubuntu works on 256 mb of ram.03:26
bruenigI would use zenwalk, much lighter03:26
atlantisHell I install ubuntu on a Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz 100Mhz FSB Dell with 40 GB HD 7200 and 16MB ATI Graphics with 512 MB Ram..... and it runs slow-as-shit03:26
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: It should be, it is PC100 lawl. The main problem is X wont start.03:26
kbrooksShackJack, i have that setup03:26
Stormx2ShackJack: We keep saying the same stuff.03:26
ZombieI don't trust myself to do this.03:26
jammanconorkirkpatrick, yes you can. i have kubuntu installled on a sys a little worse than that but i have 512 megs of memeory.03:26
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ShackJackkbrooks: Oh, it does, but I find GNOME a little sluggish... 384MB is a good minimum03:26
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arooni_hey folks!03:26
=== Skrynesaver [n=philip@host-194-46-236-138.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZombieCould I have someone else build me a Deb?03:27
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piukehi guys03:27
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conorkirkpatrickJAmman: with the FX 5200?03:27
kbrooksShackJack, ah03:27
bruenig!hi | arooni03:27
ubotuarooni: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:27
jammanZombB, i could pull it off.03:27
Stormx2Zombie: From source?03:27
ZombieYeah. prhboom03:27
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ZombieYeah. prboom03:27
ShackJackkbrooks: Course I'm rockin' 1 GB :P03:27
arooni_i have a  Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100  ... and now i'm trying to figure out which driver to put in the xorg.conf (currently its vesa... i think i want mesa) ???03:27
arielprogrammerHey guys, do you suck?03:27
allbert#2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 200703:27
Nutubuntuapt-get and aptitude both now offer removal of orphaned support files, yes? so, do they use the same database? Would it create a problem to use both, or should I use only one and stay with it?03:27
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arooni_i have a  Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100  ... and now i'm trying to figure out which driver to put in the xorg.conf (currently its vesa... i think i want mesa) ??? (ubuntu 7.04 + ibm t61 laptop)03:27
jammanconorkirkpatrick, no, with a neo-geo on a laptop. 500mhz p3.03:27
FlannelZombie: prboom is in the repositories03:27
arooni_sorry for repost ;p03:27
allbertLinux linuxgeeks.us 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:27
kbrooksarielprogrammer, no! we rule!!!03:27
ShackJackNutubuntu: Yep - same DB - no problem... I like aptitude03:28
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conorkirkpatrickAnybody had any succes with Ubuntu Feisty and an nVidia GeForce FX 5200?03:28
atlantisTried to convert my mothers dell from xp to ubuntu gonna have to go back to xp her comp. temp is raising to meltdown levels trying to keep up with it03:28
ZombieFlannel: Its gor lockup issues.'03:28
Nutubuntut/y ShackJack :)03:28
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bruenigconorkirkpatrick, should be no problem03:28
ZombieFlannel: The version on my box will freeze X03:28
ZombieKnown bug.03:28
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Nvidia cards work great esp 5+ series...03:28
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: I know it should work, but X won't start03:28
bruenigatlantis, use a lighter distro03:28
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dwmyersIs there a channel for Ubuntu on the PS3?03:28
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, should03:28
conorkirkpatrickShackJack, My X won't start, I have no idea why03:28
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bruenigdwmyers, no03:28
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arioxconorkirk: I installed Ubuntu for my little brother on his P3 500 with 256.03:29
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: you have right driver specified in xorg?03:29
arioxRuns slowly, but it works.03:29
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bruenigconorkirkpatrick, checked to see that it is using the nv driver or you can switch it out for vesa if that doesn't go03:29
ariox256 MB RAM, that is.03:29
atlantis32-bit ver ubuntu..... only thing lighter is xubuntu and this is a 50-yr old women I'm talking about she would notice that dosen't work like xp03:29
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: In xorg I have nVidia set as the driver03:29
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: nuke the captial  "V"03:29
bruenigatlantis, there are lighter distros03:29
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atlantisI don't know of any lighter than xubuntu03:29
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: I have it like this: "nvidia" in xorg, I just say nVidia whenever I talk :D03:30
bruenigatlantis, zenwalk, dsl, puppy03:30
ShackJackatlantis: there's fluxbuntu,,,03:30
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: what does error say?03:30
atlantisflux can you imagine my mother (if you knew her) on flux-box03:30
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atlantislol :)03:30
ZombieI need help still03:30
bobsomebodyhow can i adjust the balance of my audio output?03:30
bobsomebody(left right balance)03:30
bruenigatlantis, zenwalk is nice, get that03:30
ShackJackatlantis: xubuntu is really minimum usability for most ppl :)03:30
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cyphaseInteresting.. the trailer butttons on apple.com work with firefox and totem03:31
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: Starting gnome display manager: ..... [fail] 03:31
=== ketzerei [n=ketzerei@64-83-193-209.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackbobsomebody: volume control or alsamixer03:31
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: then a dialog box (text mode) comes up saying that it failed to start X03:31
atlantismy mother likes her pogo (flash/java must work easily) and she pays her bills online and prints shit (so hp drivers are a must) ubuntu just seem to fit good03:31
bobsomebodyShackJack, i dont see balance in the VCM at all03:31
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: yes, but scroll down with keys - should be error message?03:31
ketzereiis there a daemon tools like program for linux/ubuntu?03:31
warjoCant i install beryl on ubuntu with my ATI graphic card?03:31
ShackJackbobsomebody: use alsamixer (run from terminal)03:32
Flannel!checkinstall | Zombie03:32
ubotuZombie: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:32
=== hwilde [n=hwilde@pool-71-245-176-227.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigatlantis, hp drivers are super easy, ubuntu hasn't done anything that any other distro hasn't done as far as that is concerned03:32
Stormx2Flannel: Already showed him that.03:32
=== ZombieCall [n=ZombieCa@76-200-115-44.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZombieI'm not willing to risk my box luike that03:32
ShackJackwarjo you can -- go to #ubuntu-effects for better help..03:32
ketzereiis there a daemon tools like program for linux/ubuntu?03:32
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: Undefined device, "Generic Video card" referenced by screen "default screen"03:32
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FlannelZombie: you alos might want to email the maintainer, and ask him to upgrade the one in gutsy, since it's still the same version03:32
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bruenigketzerei, mount03:32
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warjoThnx shackHack03:32
ketzereican you run a game that way?03:32
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Can you pastebin your xorg?03:32
ZombieWhose the maintainer?03:32
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hwildeHow to force baud rate of mct u232 - serial convert?   dmesg shows this error:  [15308.548000]  drivers/usb/serial/mct_u232.c: MCT USB-RS232: unsupported baudrate request 0x1005, using default of B960003:32
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atlantistried fedora core 6 (previously) and no dice on the hp printer. ubuntu right away no flaws print/scan/yada yah03:32
conorkirkpatrickShackJack: Can that be done from the shell? ;)03:32
jammanZombie, hey, I'm building the .deb now.03:33
bobsomebodyShackJack, ah, never knew this was there03:33
ubuntuDoes someone familiar with Ubuntu's Live persistence with USB and the UnionFS issues have a few minutes they can help me with something....03:33
anandanb1vzduch are you there03:33
bruenigatlantis, hplip and cups, that is the secret formula03:33
ketzereibruenig: can you run a program from an iso?03:33
vzduchanandanb1: here03:33
atlantisyah hplip....... was that included with fc6 I know its on 703:33
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Oh, right... hmm...03:33
bruenig!mountiso | ketzerei just mount it and do whatever03:33
ubotuketzerei just mount it and do whatever: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:33
jammanketzerei, just mount and then you can.03:33
ZombieThank you.03:33
bobsomebodyShackJack, i got into alsa mixer but i dont see how to adjust the balance, is it a specific key?03:34
conorkirkpatrickShackJack: Any way that I could use some sort of thing to send it from the console? Like a version of Wget that sends?03:34
bruenigatlantis, I know it is on zenwalk, zenwalk actually has better setup than zenwalk on printer because it uses the gnome-cups-add thing just like regular ubuntu03:34
arioxbobsomebody: try your arrow keys03:34
bruenigatlantis, than xubuntu*03:34
phreckanyone got a minute?03:34
conorkirkpatrickShackJack: I have a Mac (OSX) which is BSD on it's network03:34
Stormx2bobsomebody: Do you not have a GUI? Run gnome-volume-manager03:34
explorerWhat command do I run in shell window to find out what version linux I'm running - had it written down but can't find it. Thanks03:34
arooni_does anyone know how to install beryl03:34
bruenigexplorer, uname -a03:34
arooni_with a intel 3100 graphics card03:34
bobsomebodyariox, thats volume or switch to dif input03:34
vzduchanandanb1: if you're registered --> '/msg nickserv ghost anandanbu yourNickServPassword'; '/nick anandanbu', '/msg nickserv identify yourNickServPassword'03:34
atlantiswe all got minutes03:34
ubuntuoh, my user name is ubuntu when I use the live disc, hence why everyone's lines are showing up as red... lol03:34
bruenig!beryl | arooni_03:34
ubotuarooni_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:34
phreckarooni: go to #beryl03:34
atlantiswere on here03:34
=== ubuntu is now known as jimmygoon
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: the names don'[t line up in xorg...03:34
explorerthx bruenig03:34
bobsomebodyStormx2, i dont have a balance adjuster in VCM in Gnome03:35
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: huh?03:35
Stormx2bobsomebody: Can you not enable it under preferences?03:35
jimmygoonCan someone tell me which patched ISO I should use to use the Live USB Persitence with Feisty?03:35
=== anandanb1 is now known as anandanbu
ShackJackUnder Mointor and screen section of xorg - they should match... refer to each other best I cna explain..03:35
dissectionI want to be able to login to my PC in a shell when I'm away from home. What do I need to setup on my PC for that?03:35
=== MEEUH [i=SDF@modemcable024.68-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
-MEEUH:#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/03:35
Stormx2!ssh | dissection03:35
ubotudissection: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:35
-MEEUH:#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/03:35
jimmygoon!ssh | diseaser03:35
ubotudiseaser: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:35
bobsomebodyStormx2, preferences only allows me to add input src's03:35
-MEEUH:#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/03:35
atlantisoh yah btw: Finally bought my new car the other day 07'HondaCivic Si---- Love it. Hate it. Winter is going to be a bitch03:35
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:35
-MEEUH:#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/03:35
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astro76!ops | MEEUH03:35
ubotuMEEUH: please see above03:35
jimmygoonwoops, sorry diseaser, wrong person03:35
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dissectionStormx2: Thank! I wasn't sure what to google for :)03:36
explorerbruenig - is there anoter commd. i can run that gives me more info?03:36
bruenigexplorer, like what03:36
pal_gusty gibbon uses other chat client other than Gaim why?03:36
allbertLinux linuxgeeks.us 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:36
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Stormx2The ops are totally asleep03:36
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:36
alex_its not other chat client, aim sued gaim, they're pidgin now03:36
nikinhy. I mistyped the icon theme in xffm , and now i cant start it... any idea how to fix that? or where do i find the config file?03:36
bruenighe's gone03:36
hwildethey're not asleep they are just busy03:36
bobsomebodylol @ input from bots IP03:36
Nutubuntupal_,  same thing different name03:36
bobsomebodydid anyone else get scanned by him?03:37
naliothhwilde: yes?03:37
hwildenalioth, -MEEUH/#ubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/  is spam03:37
bruenignalioth, MEEUH was /noticing everyone but he left03:37
naliothhwilde: and meeuh is klined03:37
explorerummm think i'm running kde based on debian - but not sure - if so need to ask ? ? ?'s in rught forum as well03:37
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pal_Nutubuntu: It is developed by different people?03:37
bobsomebodyShackJack, did you get my last post @ u?03:37
bruenigexplorer, what information do you need to know03:37
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hwildenalioth, how to force baud rate of mct u232 - serial convert?   dmesg shows this error:  [15308.548000]  drivers/usb/serial/mct_u232.c: MCT USB-RS232: unsupported baudrate request 0x1005, using default of B960003:37
brunnerI've never owned a laptop that had an ATI video card. Can anyone tell me if the support is as good as it is for NVIDIA?03:37
bobsomebodyShackJack, i got into alsa mixer but i dont see how to adjust the balance, is it a specific key?03:37
FlannelZombie: looks like jon@alcopop.org, but you should double check to make sure.03:37
Nutubuntupal_,  gaim = pidgin03:37
alex_pal_ AOL sued gaim, they renamed themselves to avoid lawsuit03:37
conorkirkpatrickShackJack: I have SSH access into my mac03:38
brunnerI've always intentionally chosen NVIDIA03:38
naliothhwilde: i'm so far out of that loop, i couldn't tell ya  :(03:38
atlantisthe pidgin icon is sooooooooooooo GAYYYYYYYYYYYY03:38
Stormx2brunner: Not nearly as good, but okayish in places03:38
atlantiswho made that..... were they drunk03:38
brunnerStormx2: thanks03:38
jimmygoonWhich ISO should I use from this page:
nikinhy. I mistyped the icon theme in xffm , and now i cant start it... any idea how to fix that? or where do i find the config file?03:38
exploreris there command i can run that tells me more specifically if running debian with kde etc.?03:38
Stormx2atlantis: It's happy? It looks like one joyous bird03:38
supertoneswhat irc client do you guys find best i'm currently using bitchx but there is definitely a learning curve when compared to mIRC03:38
ShackJackbobsomebody: one sec03:38
bruenigatlantis, it's a pidgin so....?03:38
hwildenalioth,  lol me too03:38
Stormx2supertones: X-Chat.03:38
bobsomebodyShackJack, k, thanks man03:38
ZombieI lost you.03:38
conorkirkpatrickWhat command tells me my computers ip?03:39
atlantisI'm fine with a bird (kinda-sorta) but the design looks like my niece drew it DRUNK03:39
ZombieDoes someone have a03:39
ZombieDid the build succeed?03:39
Stormx2conorkirkpatrick: The fact that you can connect? o.O03:39
Nutubuntuconorkirkpatrick,  ifconfig03:39
naliothconorkirkpatrick: ifconfig03:39
ShackJackbobsomebody: run gnome-volume-control instead...03:39
brunnerhas anyone heard of a <15" laptop with resolution of 1400 x 1050 or better?03:39
Flannelexplorer: debian?  No. You could use lsb_release to find out what version/etc you're running, but that can still change (you can run Ubuntu but then install Kubuntu later, etc)03:39
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, inside your network or outside?03:39
phreckbrunner: mine did 1600x120003:39
hwildenalioth, I posted to the wiki.  tell your friends, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CarmenSickLaserS30003:39
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ShackJackbobsomebody: might be under sound video.. or you have to enable it under edit menu in panel..03:39
Flannelbrunner: 14" T60s have 1400x105003:39
atlantisIf you look at my penis from 500 yards it has a resolution of 1400 x 1050 some say better :) lol03:39
bobsomebodyhey, do you guys think I should offer a free onsite install of linux on any computer that has windows installed (overwrite windows, not share the drive)03:39
hwilde!coc | atlantis03:39
ubotuatlantis: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/03:39
Nyleatlantis: bad03:39
conorkirkpatrickhow can I allow SSH'ing into my linux box within the shell?03:40
tofaffyI have a 64 bit amd dual core processor...my mouse keeps freezing up. Do you think if I isntalled the 64 bit version of ubuntu, it would be better and maybe stop that issue, and make my hardware more efficient?03:40
explorerflannel - ahh - you're on the right track - that's the info i needed thx much...03:40
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, make sure the openssh-server is running03:40
Nutubuntutofaffy,  no03:40
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: install openssh-server03:40
tofaffyWhat could be the problem with my mouse?03:40
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tofaffyIt's a usb mouse.03:40
brunnerFlannel: wonderful!03:40
brunnerphreck: what is it?03:40
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atlantisno my mouse skipps around alot tried 2 of them but both were RF03:40
explorergottcha on the other desktop install - was considering that03:40
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bobsomebodyShackJack, ok, i got it figured out, it wasnt giving me 2 bars at all, but it just started doing that03:41
nikinbobsomebody: depends on what hardware... for average stuff.. yes.. fro special stuff... a google around could help.03:41
bobsomebodyso i can balance the output03:41
tofaffyIt randomly freezes up and unplugging and plugging back up doesn't fix it. I try and restart X and it freezes my whole computer. I've tried modprobing my usb port...it does nothing but freeze up my keyboard too.03:41
atlantisI have a kensington Pilot mouse it SUCKS-AS** (happy **)03:41
jammanZombB, do you still need it?03:41
conorkirkpatrickWhat is the Ubuntu LiveCD's default passwordf03:41
kyncanitofaffy: have you checked /var/log/syslog ?03:41
ShackJackbobsomebody: sweet!03:41
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, there isn't one03:41
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: there is none...03:41
jammanconorkirkpatrick, ubuntu i believe03:41
bobsomebodynikin, well of course there will be the liability waiver and unsupported hardware possibility notice in the service agreement03:41
jimmygoonwait, to log back into gnome, should be ubuntu/ubuntu I believe03:41
jammanconorkirkpatrick, looks like im wrong.03:41
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larson9999i swear i listen to more music now that the riaa made me seek out free music.03:42
ZombBjamman, are you talking to me?03:42
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: I am ssh'ing into my linux box, it needs a pass, and pushing enter doesn't work03:42
tofaffyi've checked /var/log/messages...i'll check it next time. This has been going on for a few days...it started when i first installed ubuntu on this new pc. (a few days ago :)) and yeah...it's really annoying cause I have to completely restart.03:42
bobsomebodybut this way i can help the Ethnical Cleansing of Windows from all HDD's03:42
jammanZombB, yea.03:42
atlantisMade you seek out ..... :( that is never a good thing03:42
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pal_I like how gusty gibbon looks I downloaded the test 203:42
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ZombBjamman, you mean Zombie03:42
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, you have to set a password than, why are you using openssh with the live disc :S03:42
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: then p/w should be your pw...?03:43
ZombBjamman, I am ZombB03:43
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jammanlooks like i do. ;)03:43
bobsomebodybut hey, if linux can run on 80% of my hardware that wont run windows that kinda makes it a plus to have someone install it for free on your old dead PC from 2k03:43
jkthecjerbah, my apt-get is being silly: The file /etc/vmware/vmnet8/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf that this program was about to install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes] 03:43
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conorkirkpatrickjimmygoon: because I can't get X to start, and shackjack wants my xorg.conf03:43
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bobsomebodythen sell support and training03:43
bobsomebodythen profit03:43
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: p/w nor pw work03:43
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, I think you may have to set the root pw03:43
jammanZombie, do you still need it?03:43
jkthecjerit asks this and similar questions 6 times during each install of new packages03:43
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conorkirkpatrickjimmygoon: how03:43
jimmygoonbut you should be able to log in as ubuntu@192.168.0.xxx   w/ pw of ubuntu03:44
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Names just have to match thats what error is... under screen device and monitor -- cross referene themmm.03:44
jimmygoonthen issue sudo commands, esp since ubuntu doesn't have a root user03:44
bobsomebodyalright #ubuntu, im out, qwerty on!03:44
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gnuvince_Can I install Feisty Fawn x86 on my AMD64?03:44
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atlantisme too ---- peace-out03:44
sdoublegnuvince_: yes03:44
kyncanitofaffy: yeah, really annoying, /var/log/syslog and google may give you some directions03:44
gnuvince_sdouble: thank you.03:44
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kyncanitofaffy: (hope)03:44
sdoubleI have it on mine03:44
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jimmygoonWhich ISO should I use from this page:
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conorkirkpatrickshackjack: how do you create the nvidia device files? (is it modprobe?)03:45
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jammanZombie, workin on it now.03:46
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: device files?03:46
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: your names just need to match up in X - in those sections i said...03:46
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arooni_how do i know if i have the mesa video driver installed?03:46
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: I did, screen says nvidia geforce fx5200 and the other section for device says nvidia geforce fx520003:47
brunnerFlannel: those T60's have ATI cards03:47
kiwiturnAUShow do i uninstall ubuntu (on a mates computer) ?03:47
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macabro22I changed the file permissions of my home folder in Nautilus and now I get an annoying message every login telling me only the user should be able to write home folder files. How can I undo what I did?03:47
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:47
tofaffyDid someone say somethign to me before I quit? My mouse froze up again and I didn't look...03:47
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jammanZombieCall, what was up with that?03:47
ZombieCallbot's gotta eat too03:47
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: yeah sorry it's an error in that I fogot your original error message but names don't match up...03:48
nj786hey is there a way i can install windows again without delteing ubuntu03:48
jimmygoontofaffy, not really03:48
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jimmygoonnj786, yeah but its not fun03:48
=== tofaffy sighs....I can't get this stupid problem fixed
nj786jimmygoon: meaning?03:48
jimmygoonnj786, you resize the ubuntu partition, reinstall windows and then reinstall grub03:48
arooni_anyone know how to get 3d mesa driver working on a t6103:48
astro76kiwiturnAUS, do you need to restore the windows bootloader?03:49
jimmygoonresizing is always a bit "touchy" supposedly, though i've never had a problem with it03:49
tomerwhere did the /etc/inittab go in 7.04???03:49
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nj786jimmygoon: um....how do i do that/?03:49
hwildetomer,  locate inittab03:49
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bastidraZor mount: mount point /media/iso does not exist   .. what am i doing wrong?03:49
tomerok thanks03:49
tomerany idea on how to change the time zone in 7.04?03:49
hwildetomer, oops it is not there!03:49
bastidraZoraren't i creating that mount point ?03:49
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conorkirkpatrickshackjack: Section "device" Identifier "nvidia geforce fx 5200" Section "screen" device "nvidia geforce fx5200"03:49
jimmygoonnj786 using a SysRescCd and then the ubuntu live disc, let me see if I can find an article, otherwise someone will have to walk you through it, I can't because I need to leave soon03:49
tomerhwilde: right where is it03:49
arooni_i see: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".03:49
astro76bastidraZor, mkdir /media/iso first03:49
sdoubletofaffy: is it just your mouse freezing?  Can you still use the keyboard?03:49
hwildetomer, /etc/timezone03:49
arooni_how can i fix this?03:49
conorkirkpatrickHow do you create a root password from the shell?03:50
DaveyJ_is there any reason i'm not getting sound to playback on my 3g2 files?03:50
tomerconorkirkpatric: passwd03:50
jimmygoonconorkirkpatrick, you have to activate the root account first, why don't you ssh as "ubuntu" and then use sudo03:50
tofaffyyes, I can still use the keyboard. If I unplug and plug back in, it still is frozen, and if It ry to restart X it freezes the computer.03:50
tofaffythey are both usb devices03:50
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nj786jimmygoon: pl03:50
WisdomWolfif I install nvidia-glx and then do nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite and then instlal beryl emerald-themes is that all I need to do to make Bery work?03:50
hwildetomer, http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/03/where-can-i-find-inittab-in-ubuntu-edgy-eft-or-feisty-fawn.html03:50
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Isn't there the command line reconfigure thing dpkg xorg-server --reconfigure or something, which will rebuild your xorg?03:50
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conorkirkpatrickshackjack: That has been suggested to me before, and when run, there was no change with the error03:51
hwilde!beryl | WisdomWlf03:51
ubotuWisdomWlf: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:51
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tofaffySD_, thats all it's doing...03:51
jimmygoonnj786, follow this loosely, interjecting modifications as necessary http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Windows_-_Add_MS_Windows_to_Your_System76_Machine03:51
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phreckany word on bisoncam drivers?03:51
nj786jimmygoon: how long does this take?03:51
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: K sorry I'm tapped if I can't see xorg (and might be even if I could ;))03:52
wizekdo someone know what to do with Error 21 during installion ubuntu 7.4???03:52
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jammanwizek, when do you get it?03:52
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jimmygoonnj786, depends, have you ever done this before? somewhere between an hour and two, though it could take 30 minutes (minus the time to install windows)03:52
wizekjamman, afther the restart03:52
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: YAY! I ssh'd into my linux box, and did cat on the xorg file, and copy and pasted it! http://pastebin.ca/61984903:52
nj786jimmygoon: ok03:52
ZombieCallif i install kde on my ubuntu installation, will gnome be over-written? if not, i hope they will not run at the same time? How do I choose which one runs, when?03:52
WisdomWolfhwilde, no one is responding in that channel03:52
jammanWizardo55, hmm... grub error?03:53
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: K I'll take a look..03:53
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kiwiturnAUSastro 76 : yes i do03:53
NutubuntuZombieCall,  no; they won't; you choose at login prompt (session options)03:53
kiwiturnAUSits using the grub boot loader at the moment03:53
jammanZombie, i cant get it to work.03:53
conorkirkpatrickjamman: gimme a random number, from 1-303:53
jammansorry man.03:53
Zombiecan't get what to work exactly?03:53
NutubuntuZombieCall,  you may have pretty cluttered menus though03:53
jammanconorkirkpatrick, what was that for?03:54
ZombieWho maintains prboom in Ubuntu?03:54
ZombieCallNutubuntu, thanks for the info! After, I assume, I do sudo apt-get install kde how can i keep my gnome apps and kde apps seperator from one another?03:54
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conorkirkpatrickjamman: bored, I put friends on thoose numbers of who to call :D03:54
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jammanZombie, make: *** [build-stamp]  Error, and a couple of others.03:54
wizekGRUB Loading stage1.5.03:54
wizekGRUB loading, please wait03:54
wizekError 2103:54
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jammanwizek, thats what i figured.03:54
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conorkirkpatrickjamman: also determining whether humans are allowed life, and you killed everyone :D03:54
jammanwizek, how old is your comp?03:54
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ZombieSo we need to speak to the maintainer.03:54
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ZombieWhose the mainatiner03:54
jammanconorkirkpatrick, NO!!!03:54
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: those two zeros shouldnt be after default screen in Server Layout section..03:54
ZombieCallNutubuntu, if i make another account, say, ZombieKDE and then i do apt-get install kde. . . will the kde apps only be shown on that account and not on, say ZombieGNOME account?03:54
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wizekjamman, i bought it some months ago03:55
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kbrooksum, question03:55
NutubuntuZombieCall, I don't know that one ... ask the chan generally :)03:55
nj786jimmygoon: can i use my ubuntu live cd instead of downloading this other 1 they r asking me?03:55
jammanwizek, remove any hard drives? also does it have sata drives?03:55
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kbrooksZombieCall, no03:55
telliottAny Wubi experts here?  I'm having trouble starting it up.03:55
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kbrooksZombieCall, apt-get install is global03:55
alecw1I'm just curious what people here prefer: Evolution or Thunderbird03:55
kbrookstelliott, wubi is unofficial03:55
jimmygoonnj786, gimme a sec03:56
ZombieCallis there a non-global installation command?03:56
ShackJackalecw1: T-Bird FTW03:56
jammanalecw1, thunderbird!03:56
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ZombieCalluser specific03:56
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: got rid of them, same error, it needs device files, and I think it is with modprobe, but i forget what to modprobe :D03:56
kbrooksZombieCall, no. well, you can hack it around, but think of it like this.03:56
alecw1I'm leaning towards evolution..03:56
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: What was error again?03:56
jimmygoonnj786, yes you can use your disc03:56
ZombieCallkbrooks, sorry about not doing the name thing . . . im new to the IRC thing03:56
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conorkirkpatrickShackJack: I can give you the log, if you know where the log for X is ;)03:56
jammanalecw1, thunderbird lets you do quite a bit more, man!03:56
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ShackJackNo just that error you said before..03:57
wizekjamman: well it is an old ide winchester which i want to install on my linux... but at all my pc is some months old...03:57
kbrooksZombieCall, it is easier to do it globally than it is to do it locally and have to edit files automatically, tell you to log out, etc03:57
WisdomWolfya I agree, use thunderbird03:57
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: ^03:57
tomerok so now with this upstart system03:57
ZombieWhat is Ubuntus Developer channel.03:57
ZombieCallah, ok03:57
jimmygoonalecw1, after using evolution for a while and then trying thunderbird, I'm sad that I used evolution for soo long, it was bad.03:57
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jammanwizek, ok. well... no hds removed?03:57
tomerhow do we make ubuntu not start the X system on boot up?03:57
kbrooksZombieCall, a installer SHOULD NOT edit files automatically. it should do its best task: install03:57
ZombieCallkbrooks, thanks for the insight03:57
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alecw1Anybody have a suggestion for a CSS/XHTML programming app (no wysiwyg)?03:57
tomerpreviously the inittab took care of it03:57
jimmygoonthough I like the column display that evolution has... but there's probably a thunderbird extension for that.03:57
bruenigalecw1, gedit is good03:58
bruenigalecw1, or vim03:58
conorkirkpatrickShackJack: (EE) NVIDIA(0): that the NVIDIA device files have been created properly03:58
alecw1I'd like automatic tabbing...03:58
Nutubuntualecw1,  I've gotten to like jEdit03:58
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alecw1jedit, vim?03:58
kbrooksZombieCall, this is my opinion, but other people are most likely to share my opinion, since no one likes change03:58
astro76tomer, /etc/event.d/rc-default03:58
nj786jimmygoon: im not going to bother using this becuase i know i am going to screw up03:58
wizekjamman: but yes, a sata2 winchester... it is newer... but i removed it because i would like to avoid conflicts... i have my win on it03:58
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code03:58
mrsselloutcould someone help me troubleshoot my wireless card: it works on the liveCD but not on the installed version03:58
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jimmygoonnj786, that is your only option03:58
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com03:58
nj786jimmygoon: i am going to need somebody walking me through this03:59
jimmygoonnj786, unless you install windows inside like vmware or parallels or virtualbox or qemu03:59
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jammanwizek, well, did you have the hd plugged in during the install?03:59
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jimmygoonnj786, that is what they will walk you through, unless you have specific questions about a step03:59
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XSignhi room03:59
C|icKhi evrybody03:59
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nj786kimmygooi understand but how will they walk me through when i am not in IRC03:59
nj786jimmygoon: *04:00
jimmygoonnj786, :P04:00
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jammanwizek, do you get to a selection screen?04:00
nj786jimmygoon: i understand but how will they walk me through when i am not in IRC04:01
jimmygoonnj786, I dunna :P04:01
mrsselloutI've tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide but haven't had any success04:01
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code04:01
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ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida04:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gvim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:01
astro76alecw1, you can /msg ubotu !whatever if it's for yourself04:02
nj786jimmygoon: thanks04:02
alecw1oh, ok.04:02
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jimmygoonnj786, sorry, I really don't know what to tell you, thats the only thing I can offer you, sorry :S04:02
bruenigyou don't need the ! when you /msg ubotu04:02
ferret_0567Any tips on how to get 32-bit programs working on 64-bit?04:02
bruenigferret, 32 bit will execute fine in 64 bit04:03
hwilde!64bit | ferret_056704:03
ubotuferret_0567: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.04:03
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ferret_0567bruenig: I know that04:03
mysqlchange cnfig.status: error:cannot find input file:04:03
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ferret_0567you need to configure stuff first though04:04
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bruenigferret_0567, ok so then my tip is to install the 32 bit programs and then launch them04:04
nopcodei'm trying to run enemy territory (a 32 bit executable) on my 64 bit xubuntu04:04
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kbrooksferret_0567, erm04:04
brunnerI wish there was a vmware product that would let me boot OS X in Linux04:04
kbrooksferret_0567, you can install 32 bit ubuntu on 64 bit04:04
nopcodeit is very sluggish at times and the reason seems to be a wrong /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.204:04
nopcodetheres no "nvidia" string in there04:04
brunnerI'm thinking about getting a mac, but I'd feel a little silly if I couldn't run OS X at all04:05
conorkirkpatrickshackjack: sorry it is so big :( http://pastebin.ca/61985404:05
kbrooksnopcode, no, not the reason.04:05
nopcodehow do i uninstall that libGL and install the right one? shouldn't envy take care of that?04:05
taxmanbrunner: there's a version of OS X that can be installed on any intel hardware isn't there?04:05
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bruenigbrunner, a mac? because you like overpriced hardware?04:05
kbrooksnopcode, it's not libgl04:05
taxmansomeone released a hack IIRC04:05
nopcodekbrooks: oh04:05
nopcodekbrooks: what then?04:05
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kbrooksnopcode, skip libgl, and look at04:05
brunnerbruenig: because venture capital is paying for it, so money is no object04:05
kbrooks!nvidia  | nopcode04:05
ubotunopcode: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:05
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nopcodekbrooks: my drivers are installed04:06
Wizekjammen: My linux freezed :/ could u repeat that if u said anything?04:06
ferret_0567kbrooks: yeah, I know that04:06
kbrooksnopcode, 100% sure?04:06
ferret_0567I'm not a newb04:06
phrecki cant move any of my windows around04:06
kbrooksferret_0567, why can't you do that then?04:06
bruenigbrunner, but what is the point, if you can get the same hardware for less money, I mean I will sell you one for 200,000 if you want04:06
brunnerbruenig: I doubt I'll actually get one. I'm having a hard enough time finding a laptop I like in the first place.04:06
nopcodekbrooks: 26000 fps in glxgears, direct rendering, loads of extensions...04:06
phreckwhat have i done wrong04:06
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arooni_when i run glxinfo i get this error: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". (ubuntu 7.04 + ibm thinkpad t61 + intel x 3100 card)  ... any ideas on how to fix?04:06
tomerhow to prevent starting X windows in 7.04 upon reboot?04:06
nopcodekbrooks: the 64 bit libGL mentions "nvidia"... the 32 bit libgl the game uses doesnt04:07
jimmygoonphreck, your windows? your MS Windows, your Pella Windows or your Metacity windows, or your Emerald windows?04:07
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)04:07
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alecw1What program can I make PDF with?04:07
kbrooksnopcode, ah, use preload, and it'll work then, albeit with some more fixes needed (in theory)04:07
jimmygoonI'm going to buy a IBM Thinkpad :)04:07
kbrooksalecw1, open office!04:07
Wizekjamman: My linux freezed :/ could u repeat that if u said anything?04:07
nopcodekbrooks: what should i preload?04:07
jimmygoonalecw1, most programs have a PDF printer, so you can "print" to PDF04:07
alecw1lol, thanks kbrooks. :)04:07
nopcodekbrooks: i dont seem to have the 32 bit nvidia opengl library04:07
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: Only odd thing I see is ServerLayout is at bottom of xorg when usuaslly at top dunno if that makes a difference..04:08
rickympllaunching anope irc services as normal user and when a user registers sendmail gives this error: can not chdir(/var/spool/mqueue-client/), but if i run anope with sudo all is well, how can i run it as normal user and not get this error, fresh install of ubuntu btw04:08
Stormx2Guys, umount says "device is busy". How can I find out what is using it?04:08
kbrooksnopcode, LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/64bitlibgl.so game04:08
Nutubuntualecw1, if you can't print directly to pdf you usually can print to ps and then run ps2pdf04:08
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jimmygoonrickympl, you can't. its meant to be run as sudo04:08
nopcodekbrooks: the 64 bit version wont work with the game04:08
kbrooksalecw1, better solution to ps2pdf: cups pdf04:08
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kbrooksnopcode, hm, ok. that is all.04:08
rickympljimmygoon:- anope says that running as superuser is not a good idea04:09
kbrooksjimmygoon, no, not by default04:09
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nopcodekbrooks: i suppose envy just forgot to install the 32 drivers04:09
Wizekjamman: My linux freezed :/ could u repeat that if u said anything?04:09
alecw1What is the command in the terminal that will replace my cursor with a "skeleton", and it will kill any app? Or, what is the linux equivelant to "Windows Task Manager"?04:09
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:09
kbrooksjimmygoon, you installed cups pdf04:09
jimmygoonyou probably need to configure sendmail for regular users04:09
kbrooks!envy | nopcode04:09
ubotunopcode: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!04:09
jimmygoonkbrooks, um not for gedit :S04:09
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RoC_MasterMindalecw1, xkill04:09
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kbrooksjimmygoon, ??04:09
Wizekjamman: are u here? please replly, i'm in big trouble!04:09
alecw1do I need to do a "sudo"?04:09
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jimmygoonkbrooks, I'm running off a live disc (nothing installed) and I can print to a pdf from gedit :S04:09
ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: You sure you have nvidia-glx installed? Maybe reinstall?04:09
RoC_MasterMindalecw1, you can type "ps fax" to see processes..or use a GUI app that does the same only slower.04:09
rickympljimmygoon:- ok thx, any suggestions?04:10
kbrooksWizek, ask here04:10
mysqlchangehey #mysql room are bastards where i can tell that they don't work good04:10
nopcodekbrooks: the last time i checked the official sources didn't have cutting-edge versions of the driver04:10
kbrooksjimmygoon, can or cant04:10
jimmygoonrickympl, nah, I've never used sendmail04:10
jimmygoonkbrooks, _can_04:10
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ShackJackconorkirkpatrick: You want to look for EE (error) or WW warning in xorg...04:10
alecw1what's a GUI app?04:10
kbrooksjimmygoon, ah ok. i cant help sorry04:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:10
Flannelbrunner: not if you get the Intel graphics04:10
alecw1Sorry, what GUI app can I use as task manager04:10
Wizekkbrooks: kk, do u know what to do with error 21?04:10
jimmygoonkbrooks, lol, I don't have a problem :P I'm just advising alecw104:10
kbrooksWizek, no, ask here generally04:10
hwildeAny help with this error from dmesg?   usb 3-1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ftdi_sio while 'brltty' sets config #104:10
CerebroJDI have no idea whats managing my wireless card right now04:10
jimmygoonCerebroJD, driver-wise or config-wise?04:11
CerebroJDndiswrapper is the driver for it04:11
ShackJackalecw1: system monitor... under admin..04:11
WizekDo someone what to do with ERROR 21 during installion, after the restart?04:11
CerebroJDand I know that *something* is working, cause I can see networks04:11
WizekDo someone know what to do with ERROR 21 during installion, after the restart?04:11
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CerebroJDand if the encryption is WEP, I can connect to networks04:11
jimmygoonCerebroJD, can "See" them with what?04:11
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CerebroJDNetwork Manager04:12
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jimmygoonthat is whats managing the config... what else do you mean04:12
CerebroJDthe problem is when I try to connect to my home WPA2 network04:12
mysqlchangedon't enter in #mysql room they are bastards04:12
taxmanWizek: search google for the error code you get04:12
CerebroJDit refuses to connect and I dont know why04:12
shadeofgreyhas anybody here had sucvcess with installing ubuntu on the new macbookpro'swith nvidia graphics cards04:12
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mysqlchangethey tell bad words.04:12
kbrooksmysqlchange, dont say that04:12
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jimmygoonCerebroJD, sorry, I dunna anything about the differnt securities04:12
kbrooksmysqlchange, you will most likely get kicked out04:13
mysqlchangekbrooks, why,now in the moment i'm thehre04:13
mrsselloutdoes anyone know why a wireless card would work on the live cd but not after installation?04:13
CerebroJDTo restate the problem:  Feisty will connect to my home network when I'm using WEP security, but not when I'm using WPA204:13
kbrooksCerebroJD, yup.04:13
mysqlchangekbrooks, lets the peoples know that #mysql room speak bad words,and are not kicked04:13
kbrooksCerebroJD, wpa2 isnt supported in ubuntu.04:13
kbrooksmysqlchange, it doesnt matter.04:13
taxmanmrssellout: no nut if you compare the dmesg from each boot it may help find out why04:13
CerebroJDkbrooks, wtf?!  how about in Gutsy?04:13
jimmygoonmrssellout, sometimes the restricted drivers get fscked up when you install a new kernel, make sure the restricted modules for your kernel is installed04:13
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mysqlchangekbrooks, it is matter04:13
kbrooksmysqlchange, you should not incite a fight04:13
kbrooksmysqlchange, in here04:14
alecw1I"m having a small problem; I can connect to my modem, but after about 10 minutes, it dies, and I try to reconnect, and eventually it will, but I can't access the internet. My Windows laptop can do it flawlessly... any ideas as to whats wrong?04:14
kbrooksor in #mysql04:14
mysqlchangekbrooks, hmmm,i have installed ubuntu04:14
jimmygoonalecw1, "connecting" to what modem? dsl? cable? etc?04:14
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mysqlchangekbrooks, i will not watch someone to say bad words04:14
Stormx2mysqlchange: Are you compiling mysql, or something?04:14
alecw1It's a DSL box with wireless built in, jimmygoon04:14
kbrooksmysqlchange, so? that does not give you the right to criticize a channel in here by simply announcing that they swear and to not go there.04:15
jimmygoonalecw1, I'm so sorry04:15
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mrsselloutThanks: I will check the dmesg and restricited modules04:15
kbrooksmysqlchange, well, you can criticize, but you cant start channel wars04:15
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jimmygoonmysqlchange, then install a plugin to censor "bad words" or leave the channel, this isn't the #criticize#mysqlroom04:15
mysqlchangekbrooks, this all right to say that mysql room04:16
alecw1jimmygoon, you're so sorry? :P04:16
kbrooksmysqlchange, no, it's not04:16
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mysqlchangelike you sucks i'm not sucks if he sucks then04:16
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jimmygoonalecw1, those integrated boxes are sometimes not so great :S wireless is left best to a wireless router, dsl modem-ing, left to dsl modems, etc04:16
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CerebroJDkbrooks, are you serious about WPA2 not being supported?  Is that just in Feisty, or in Gutsy etc. too?04:16
mysqlchangekbrooks, yes man yes that is.04:16
jimmygoonmysqlchange, what do you want us to say? we're sorry for their bad words, "ya they are bad" ... what?04:16
kbrooksmysqlchange, it's not allowed in here. it's not on topic. this is a ubuntu support channel, not a war channel.04:17
alecw1jimmygoon, it's not done me any harm so far, it's just my ubuntu machine that can't hold a connection....04:17
=== teratoma [n=teratoma@twinlark.arctic.org] has joined #ubuntu
mysqlchangekbrooks, this is not war channel,this is to peoples know04:17
teratomaso what's the cool iTunes clone for ubuntu these days ?04:17
jimmygoonmysqlchange, then create a #publicserviceannouncements channel04:17
kbrooksmysqlchange, people in here dont care about mysql04:17
preactionteratoma: rhythmbox04:17
shadeofgreynobody has installed ubunti on the new macbookpro's with nvidia chips?04:17
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jimmygoonalecw1, hm, not really sure, nothing should be causing that problem in ubuntu, it just sends packets like any other time/computer/os/etc04:18
taxmanteratoma: whatever comes up when you plug in your ipod? :)04:18
preactionshadeofgrey: mbps are using nvidia now? nice04:18
mysqlchangekbrooks, they care man04:18
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jimmygoonalecw1, check any logs you can find, see if ubuntu is doing something silly, etc04:18
kbrooksmysqlchange, or a "filled with curse words", you claim, channel like #mysql04:18
=== vzduch doesn't
mysqlchangekbrooks, from mysql say that is ubuntu04:18
shadeofgreypreaction, yeah -- 8600 nvidia mobile chipsets04:18
kbrooksmysqlchange, no, they do not. period. and i'm ending this discussion at this line.04:18
alecw1ok jimmygono04:19
alecw1thanks :()04:19
kbrooksmysqlchange, because it is offtopic, and we  both are not being civil.04:19
contradiction-pihow do i take off the delay when opening menus in kmenu, for example. i don't want to wait half a second after i mouse over System to see the stuff i have04:19
tomerthis inittab change is RETARTDED04:19
tomerso much more work now god damn it04:19
preactionshadeofgrey: sucks... my mbp has the ATI chip, making linux loading an effort in fun :( i imagine it would be the same thing as the ATI one, just less failure04:19
tomerwhose fucking idea was it04:19
kbrooksmysqlchange, i don't want this to escalate, so please stop tallking about the channel immediately and drop it.04:19
preaction!ohmy | Toma-04:19
WizekDo someone know what to do with ERROR 21 during installion, after the restart?04:19
ubotuToma-: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:19
Flannel!enter | tomer04:19
ubotutomer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:19
preactioner... tomer04:19
=== Dominicus [n=domaspau@c-71-231-188-225.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mysqlchangekbrooks, ok then but now peoples know that mysql are bad04:19
taxmanWizek: did you google for the error like I mentions?04:19
shadeofgreypreaction, well..  see - ive NEVER had issues installing ubuntuon anty computer with nvidia chips04:20
shadeofgreyive never had a single success with ati's04:20
Flanneltomer: upstart has it's benefits.  They didn't change inittab just for the fun of it afterall04:20
vzduchmysqlchange: cut the bull****04:20
kbrooksmysqlchange, you don't claim that mysql is bad. you claim the channel on here is bad. but anyway.04:20
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AlgorthmicControWhat x server driver does ubuntu use by default for ATI cards?04:20
Stormx2kbrooks: Are you in #ubuntu-uk? They gave him some pretty solid advice and he has ignored it.04:20
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tomerthats great... so the benefit for me is that i have to spend 3 hours figouring out how to make X not start on boot up04:20
kbrooksmysqlchange, drop it now.04:20
mysqlchangekbrooks,  didn't  you say that you will stop ?04:21
tomeri used to do it in 1 min04:21
mysqlchangekbrooks,  what to drop?04:21
contradiction-pitomer: isn't it rc-update del xdm default ?04:21
kbrooksmysqlchange, only if you stop04:21
jimmygoonStormx2, what he's doing this other places also? this is just spam.... can't he just be kicked o_004:21
tomeri have no idea04:21
preactiontomer: update-rc.d04:21
contradiction-pitry that04:21
Wizektaxman: i did, but they only wrote about raid things and just like tose... but i don't use raid HDDs...04:21
teratomatomer: i dont run X on startup, what problem are you having ?04:21
kbrooksmysqlchange, if you dont drop it, we both will bbe kicked for being offtopic and/or warned. so, your turn please first.04:21
taxmanWizek: I've never had the error, but some one yesterday asked and a gogole search found the answer04:21
taxmankbrooks: no not his turn first, be the bigger person and you stop too04:22
tomerthe system boots up with X running04:22
brunnerare there any laptops out there that have a screen smaller than 15", resolution better than 1400x1050, and NVIDIA graphics04:22
=== FirstStrike [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
alecw1In thunderbird, when viewing plain text messages, everything is light  grey, and it's driving me crazy.... is anybody else having this problem?04:22
tomeri want to change the runlevel to 3 where all is running but X04:22
teratomatomer: ubuntu?  kubuntu ?04:22
tomeri used to go to inittab04:22
kbrookstaxman, all right04:22
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tomerand change the 5 to a 304:22
Flannel!enter | tomer04:22
ubotutomer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:22
tomerit is ubuntu04:23
kbrookstomer, yes, but ubuntu isn't necessarily a standard linux.04:23
teratomatomer:  i think the way inittab is interpreted is different for each unix.04:23
mysqlchangekbrooks, i see that you leave?04:23
vzduchtomer: to my knowledge *buntu has changed the runlevels so that runlevels 2 - 5 are essentially the same04:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thunderbifd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:23
kbrookstomer, it has to change. or it doesn't.04:23
ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042704:23
teratomatomer: i think you should just update gdm with update-rc.d04:23
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tomerhow do i do that..?04:24
tomerby the way, change should also maintain backwards compatibility04:24
Stormx2alecw1: I've told you this earlier. /msg ubotu if it's for yourself.04:24
teratomatomer: update-rd.d gdm remove04:24
Stormx2alecw1: That's a final warning.04:24
kbrookstomer, upstart has started trying to, but it will be very temporary.04:24
kbrookstomer, but that is a guess04:24
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teratomatomer: i mean 'sudo update-rc.d gdm remove' .  like i said, the way inittab is intepreted is different in ubuntu / redhat / freebsd04:24
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tomerok thanx ill try that04:25
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mysqlchangekbrooks, you are in mysql,insist on op,bad person.04:25
kbrooksmysqlchange, dont start.04:25
Toma-!hello | preaction04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
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preactiontomer: sometimes change requires breaking backwards compat, that should not stop forward progress (you have to weigh the good with the bad). upstart replaces a bunch of system daemons and ensures that you can't mess up the order of init scripts04:25
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preactionToma-: i got careless with a tab-completion, many apologies04:26
mysqlchangei love ubuntu04:26
mysqlchangekisss kisss04:26
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Toma-preaction: no problem :)04:26
gnomefreakmysqlchange: join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything not related to support for ubuntu04:26
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tomerok fine.. i hope it will work out04:27
mysqlchangegnomefreak, look in up that insist on ubuntu04:27
choronzonhi. im using this guide to install ubuntu from hard drive, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Alternative-Installation-Methods-for-Feisty-53461.shtml. but i have a problem, my monitor only goes up to 800x600 and it seems the live desktop is in a higher resolution, any way to change it? thanks!04:27
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Stormx2!xorg | choronzon04:28
ubotuchoronzon: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:28
Dark-StarHey all I am having serious problem my browser is not openng many pages I install Opera but same  result:(04:28
mysqlchangeStormx2, the solution,man04:28
Wizekjammer, have i spore to u recently?04:28
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gnomefreakmysqlchange: nothing you stated in an hour had anything to do directly with support04:28
Wizekjammer, or to jammen?04:28
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Dark-Starplz help some 104:28
ziggyCan anyone tell me if there is any way to do a no cd crack for Battle field 2 using wine? My cd is cracked and scratched, and I dont wanna spend a week downloading an ISO. Is there any way to get a no cd patch?04:28
mysqlchangegnomefreak, it was that apt-get install fail to update04:28
supertonesi'm trying to get into high level scripting what language perl or python do you guys think is the best to start with?04:28
Flannelchoronzon: You might check out these howtos instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-b751f1c9b3b4e0c27d6bc8828a831de92eb57a7004:29
Dark-StarSome1  tell plz04:29
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taxmanziggy: get some brasso and use some elbow grease. you can fix most scratches that haven't hit the data layer04:29
vzduchDark-Star: details please04:29
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choronzonflamesrock, Stormx2 thanks04:30
Wizektaxman: i did, but they only wrote about raid things and just like tose... but i don't use raid HDDs...04:30
Wizektaxman: sorry, mistell04:30
ziggytasman: No dude, the cd is ruined, its cracked in half, and I tried that already.04:30
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WizekDo someone know what to do with ERROR 21 during installion, after the restart?04:30
gnomefreakmysqlchange: well it must have beena  while ago because you have been offtopic for a long time. either ask your question again if it was not answered or join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk to kbrooks on why he left or anything else that is non support related04:30
Dark-StarMy browser is not opening any page not even ggoogle except1  or like ubuntu forum. The problem happened after I cleard the history after lots of bulk in my history after that its not opening pages .. I thought installing other browser would do but same with opera :( But my net is fine04:30
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mysqlchangegnomefreak, who is kbrooks i don't know him04:30
nickrudum de dum de dum04:31
vzduchDark-Star: what's the error?04:31
gnomefreakmysqlchange: you have been talking to him. so you know enough to know who he is.04:31
Dark-Starno erro04:31
gnomefreakmysqlchange: this is not a debate04:31
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Dark-Startha pages did not show up04:31
Dark-Starsome hanged or some keeps on loading :(04:31
Dark-StarI am on 256 kbps net04:31
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mysqlchangegnomefreak, bah,i don't know this,is this animal04:32
kbrooksmysqlchange, i am not an animal.04:32
pavanubuntu / debian newbee question: How do i convert a software package release for i386 to work with x86_64??04:32
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teratomaDark-Star: you could delete your .opera folder and start over, if you don't have any bookmarks that you need04:32
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nickrudpavan, recompile04:32
vzduchDark-Star: sounds pretty slow.. ask your provider or try w/ another OS (live CD/Windows)04:32
pavanis there any documentation for this.. is this app specific??04:32
nebopolisAlgorthmicContro: at least for my ati card it used the open-source "ati" driver04:32
kbrooksgnomefreak, thank you04:32
nickrudpavan, what in particular04:32
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pavanhey nickrud.. so the idea is to get the source.. compile..04:32
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daverivera question, can the livecd read ntfs partition and am I able to move files from there to a fat32 partition?04:33
Dark-Starand how to over come this error in firefox04:33
nickrudpavan, yes, unless there's a package.04:33
Flannelpavan: or just download the 64bit dev04:33
Flannelpavan: deb, even.  If it's in the repos.04:33
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vzduchdaveriver: you won't be able to move, just copy.. move would require write access on the NTFS partition which is not possible w/ the live CD04:33
pavannickrud.. the last time i asked about C++ IDE.. ajuntha was specified.. so looked around for it.. and found a version 1.2.4 in ubuntu repo.. but ajuntha.org talked about 2.2.004:33
teratomawhat do i need to download to get rhythmbox to read m4a files ?04:33
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pavangoogling for 2.2.0 gives me a i386 version of deb files..04:34
daveriveroh ok but I can copy stuff from ntfs to fat32 correct04:34
taxmanteratoma: doesn't it read non DRM'd files by default?04:34
Dark-Starok I'll ask my ISP btw thanks :) How to overcome this error in Firefox.. My net seems to be fine while downloading updates only happen while browsing04:34
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SlimGLanguage question: what is the shortened version of longer series of words called? example of what i mean -> AMD = Advanced Micro Devices (then AMD would be a ... ?)04:34
nickrudpavan, that is old04:34
vzduchpavan: you mean anjuta?04:34
seanp2kdoes anyone have a default sources.list I can look at?04:35
pavanman...yes anjuta.. sorry04:35
vzduchSlimG: acronym?04:35
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gnomefreakSlimG: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:35
gnomefreakkbrooks: ?04:35
teratomataxman: I can read the m4a file in VLC, so I assume the file is not under DRM, unless VLC is more awesome than I thought04:35
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mysqlchangegnomefreak,  if you want to speak a offtopic go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:35
taxmanteratoma: I don't know I just thought it read them by default04:35
SlimGvzduch: I believe that's the one :) thank you :)04:35
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nickrudpavan, looks like anjuta is only now saying 2.x is stable, that's probably why ubuntu still has 1.x04:35
gnomefreakmysqlchange: what is your reason for being here exactly?04:36
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conorkirkpatrickDoes anybodys irc log go back a LONG way>04:36
seanp2kwhen i run apt-get it tells me it can't read my package lists04:36
daveriverty for the help vzduch04:36
mysqlchangegnomefreak, solution04:36
Flannel!logs | conorkirkpatrick04:36
ubotuconorkirkpatrick: Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs04:36
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gnomefreakmysqlchange: solution to your problem?04:36
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mysqlchangegnomefreak, hmm,for ubuntu04:37
gnomefreaka solution to ubuntu?04:37
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mysqlchangeapt-get not working04:38
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vzduchmysqlchange: error msg?04:38
mysqlchangeand then gaim fail and exit from ubuntu channel04:38
gnomefreakmysqlchange: well i suggest you put the full command and errors on pastebin04:38
nickrudseanp2k, apt-get update ?04:38
seanp2ksee topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50114304:38
conorkirkpatrickflannel: I was trying to find the last couple of times where shackjack addressed me, because I was away for a bit04:38
conorkirkpatrickAnd the online log doesn't have it04:38
mysqlchangegnomefreak, maybe someone hack04:39
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seanp2ktoo long to paste here, basically I get Reading package lists... Error! on apt-get update04:39
programme1hi.  i seem to have `lost` the bottom `bar` (the one like windows taskbar) on my gnome desktop (not sure what i did :o) ..  can anyone  tell me how to get it back?04:39
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vzduchgood night folks :)04:39
Flannelprogramme1: right click near the bottom of the screen, "add panel" and then right click the panel, "add to panel" to add things back to it04:40
nickrudseanp2k, not the problem, but you do need to uncomment the main lines04:40
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shane2peruhey my gaim is not working correctly04:40
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Stormx2Folks, what command is called to re-generate grub's menu.lst?04:40
gnomefreakmysqlchange: are you going to give us the errors or not? best to use pastebin04:40
seanp2knickrud: do you have a default sources.list?04:41
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Flannel!easysource | seanp2k04:41
ubotuseanp2k: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:41
mysqlchangegnomefreak, one moment04:41
gnomefreakFlannel: its outdated04:41
Flannelgnomefreak: oh?  fair enough04:41
gnomefreakFlannel: it hasnt been kept up04:41
scootermysqlchange: try http://pastebin.on.nimp.org/233fffg04:41
nickrudseanp2k, yeah, but you have something else wrong04:41
mysqlchangegnomefreak, i'm searching for it,04:41
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pavansorry.. something was up with my X.. it just froze.. i was just talking about converting a i386 release of anjuta to amd64 version...anjutha version i am talking about is 2.204:41
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mysqlchangegnomefreak, bah,i can't see the icons04:41
h1pp1esomebody help me!!!04:41
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conorkirkpatrick!hi | h1pp1e04:41
ubotuh1pp1e: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:41
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seanp2knickrud: i installed a beta (i think) of SQLite to support the dev version of aircrack-ng, maybe that has something to do with it?04:42
pavanshort of building the anjutha source.. is there any other way04:42
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shane2perugaim isn't working with yahoo for me, all I can see are squares when someone replies04:42
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h1pp1ewhat is the group of the user apache2 ??04:42
Flannelh1pp1e: www-data:www-data04:42
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h1pp1eFlannel, thanks04:43
Dark-StarHey The problem still is there04:43
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Dark-StarI deleted both .opera and .mozilla but still same error04:43
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Flannelh1pp1e: that's configurable in apache2.conf, by the way04:43
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programme1thanks flannel.04:43
shane2peruanyone out there use gaim?/???04:43
nickrudseanp2k, don't know, that is an odd one. Flannel gave you a good link, start there I'd guess04:44
Dark-StarThe browsing problem still there04:44
h1pp1eFlannel, what is the commad for view the users and groups exists in my computer...?04:44
wilberfanOh, man...who were the 2 dudes that were trying to help me with my screen rez on my Inspiron 1100?04:44
wifenfefferhelp, checkinstall is giving me an error:  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/crtbegin.o', which is also in package gcc-4.104:44
shane2peruany one use yahoo messenger?04:44
Dark-StarI deleted .opra and .mozilla folder but nothing happened04:44
wilberfanStarted with S's....04:44
wifenfefferbut my package doesn't even have that file :(04:44
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milllmannnanyone know what I can do to resolve these issues when compiling PHP5 from source?04:45
milllmannndouble to string conversion tests [Zend/tests/double_to_string.phpt] 04:45
milllmannnBug #16069 (ICONV transliteration failure) [ext/iconv/tests/bug16069.phpt] 04:45
milllmannniconv stream filter [ext/iconv/tests/iconv_stream_filter.phpt] 04:45
milllmannnXMLWriter: libxml2 XML Writer, Elements & Attributes [ext/xmlwriter/tests/007.phpt] 04:45
milllmannnXMLWriter: libxml2 XML Writer, Elements & Attributes [ext/xmlwriter/tests/OO_007.phpt] 04:45
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GenNMX!paste | milllmannn04:45
ubotumilllmannn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:45
cotyrotheryIs it possible to integrate ubuntu and xp04:46
milllmannni know...04:46
Flannelcotyrothery: define integrate04:46
gnomefreakthan use it milllmannn04:46
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GenNMX!flood | milllmannn04:46
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gnomefreakGenNMX: he knows already04:46
cotyrotheryFlannel: I heard of a seamless integration were they run at the same time04:47
Flannelcotyrothery: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization  Might be one solution to what you're looking for04:47
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artchydoes anyone know how i can switch from red hat 9 to Ubuntu 7?04:47
cotyrotheryFlannel: I'm on xp now04:47
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RoC_MasterMindartchy, sure...backup your stuff..then install Feisty!@04:47
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Flannelartchy: If you have a home partition, you can reinstall around that.04:48
gnomefreakartchy: download ubuntu install cd/dvd and install it04:48
teratomawhat's that goofy thing that lets you run unix on top of windows... no not vmware, it's acutally running it as a windows app.  i can't remember the name of it04:48
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Jack_Sparrowvirtual pc04:48
artchyI backed up my data (music, pictures, important files) already04:48
teratomano it's something else04:48
artchyso i download feisty?04:49
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Gamma-Xanyone know of a data forensics channel on any server? sorry to be off topic04:49
rcyteratoma: wine?04:49
h1pp1ei have a question04:49
Flannelartchy: right.  Desktop CD or Alternate CD, alt CD has support for things like LVM, if you're looking into that04:49
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h1pp1ewhere is the mysql.sock???04:49
programme1teratoma -- cygwin? or that mk thing (Cant remember name - think it begins with mk)04:50
artchyI have an Ubuntu 5 CD (installation CD and Live CD)04:50
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artchybut i want the latest one, ubuntu 704:50
artchyso i am currently downloading it off firefox04:51
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gnomefreakartchy: 7.0404:51
h1pp1ewhere is the file mysql.sock??04:51
h1pp1ewhat is the path of the socks ??04:51
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RoC_MasterMindWhy do people leave off the last part of the Ubuntu versio numbers?04:52
gnomefreakh1pp1e: did you look in /etc/.....04:52
nickrudh1pp1e, /var/run/mysqld04:52
h1pp1ethanks :D04:52
FlannelRoC_MasterMind: because they don't know any better.  They're used to one number versions.  instead of year.month04:52
artchyso what do i do after the download is 100%? do i burn it on a blank DVD and then rebot and install Ubuntu.04:52
Flannelartchy: right.  Burn on media at 4x, and reboot with it04:53
gnomefreakartchy: is it dvd or cd iso you downloaded?04:53
artchyok thanks a lot04:53
artchyi can do either04:53
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artchywhich ever is better04:53
gnomefreakburn as cd image if you downloading the cdrom version04:53
gnomefreakdvd as dvd image i assume04:53
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artchyI'm not sure what version i'm downloading, gnomefreak... I do know it's the desktop version04:54
seanp2kso i fixed my sources.list but aptitude still doesn't work as i suspected04:55
Flannelartchy: What's the file name?04:55
wifenfeffercan anyone help me fix  checkinstall problem ?  I'ts trying to install the file /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/crtbegin.o even though it's unrelated, and refusing to install04:55
=== premier_ [n=chatzill@adsl-67-36-178-45.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakthe version is on the page you got it from, this is handy to know becasue if you install the wrong version you could be unable to boot it04:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grubfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:55
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DrkCodemanthey ever port blindwrite to linux?04:56
artchyfile name is: ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso04:56
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gnomefreakartchy: than you are downloading 7.0404:56
Flannelartchy: that's the CD version04:56
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=== gnomefreak gone
sebas_artchy: are you doing a full install or dual boot?04:56
artchyoh ok, sorry04:56
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artchyI'm not really sure... just want Ubuntu. If it keeps redhat9 on a different partition or something i won't mind04:57
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sebas_well, good luck artchy04:58
supermatthewi need help, im getting an error on install(using Microsoft Virtural PC)04:58
pablassohow can i 'turn off' compiz fusion without uninstalling it?04:58
taxmansupermatthew: what's the error?04:58
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artchyI'm leaving for a week so I won't get to use Ubuntu for a while, i have only tonight to finish downloading and installing. So i really do need the luck, heh.04:59
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artchyone last question guys.05:00
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brunnerdoes anyone know if there's such thing as a modern laptop with a screen smaller than 15", resolution equal to or greater than 1400x1050, and with NVIDIA graphics?05:00
artchyWhen the download is complete, where can i find it, will it be under "/home/nick/Desktop"?05:01
wifenfefferbrunner, dell sells one05:01
CerebroJDHavent heard/seen of one05:01
CerebroJDorly?  MX 1210?05:01
pablassoi want to use metacity instead of compiz just for some minutes, before i just used beryl-manager, but how can i do it with compizfusion?05:01
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brunnerwifenfeffer: if they do, I haven't been able to find it05:01
wifenfefferbrunner, look at the 142105:01
supermatthewim having the folowing error when running "Check CD for defects" "could not find kernel image lesystem.manifest-desktopPX$"05:01
Flannelartchy: It'll be whereever your firefox downloads to05:02
taxmanpablasso: what version of ubuntu are you running?05:02
=== BlendArt [n=darren@cpe-76-88-133-64.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlendArthello I get this error "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave05:03
BlendArtopen /dev/[sound/] dsp: Device or resource busy"05:03
brunnerwifenfeffer: is that an Inspiron or XPS?05:03
artchyoh ok... that must be desktop. thanks. bye bye, gonna turn my PC on "lock screen" and wait for Ubuntu to finish downloading. thanks!05:03
taxmanpablasso: I don't have it running but it's possible System -> Preferences -> desktop effects would work to turn it off05:03
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wifenfefferbrunner, either should come with an nvidia card and a high res screen option05:03
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arooni_how can i tell what version of xorg i have installed?05:04
wifenfeffersupermatthew, don't bother asking, noone will answer05:04
brunnerwifenfeffer: I've looked at what they have but can't find anything with better than 12__ x ___ resolution on less than a 15" screen05:04
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wifenfefferbrunner, 2 questions..  1) what's wrong with a 15.4 ?  it's .4 inches over your requested size, and 2) why do you need the increased size ?05:05
cerealbrunner: Lenovo Thinkpad X60 or similar - their tablet should do that.05:06
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brunnercereal: thanks, I haven't looked at their tablet05:06
Flannelbrunner: the 14" T60s with Intel graphics do that.  I just bought myself one.05:06
cerealbrunner: my friend has one and pretty sure its at 1400 minimally05:06
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brunnerwifenfeffer: I could live with 15.4, I guess... I really wanted to keep it down to 14" though05:07
supermatthewill figure it out05:07
brunnerFlannel: I really desire NVIDIA graphics05:07
pimpster_mcgeei'm stumped and have searched everywhere, can someone point me in the right direction of scrolling animated desktop items05:07
pimpster_mcgeeicons that is05:07
wifenfefferbrunner, I've got a 1521 about to ship in a few days, and it's a very capable system worth looking into05:08
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-233-177.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
brunnerexcellent! the ThinkPad X60 Tablet has it!05:09
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brunnerbut I'm not sure about the graphics yet05:09
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brunnerI can't tell what graphics these ThinkPads ship with05:10
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cerealbrunner: They're all Intels / ATI chips.05:10
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cerealbrunner:  They dont do NVIDIA on the T60's I don't believe.05:11
Sam__Does anyone know how hard it is to change from KDE to gnome whitout reinstalling????05:11
WizekDo someone know what to do with GRUB ERROR 21 during installion, after the restart?05:11
brunnerso there's not a damn laptop in the world with the specs I want05:11
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teratomaHow do I determine what driver my wireless card is using ?05:11
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cerealbrunner: Not off the top of my mind.05:11
wifenfefferteratoma, lsmod05:11
CerebroJDteratoma, one second, I might know05:11
cerealbrunner:  Most companies screw the NVIDIA chips to save money on laptops where most of their users wont know the difference anyways.05:12
brunnerhow does compiz act on Intel graphics?05:12
Sam__teratoma, use fedora.  its really good with wireless stuff.. hehe05:12
taxmanWizek: asking the same question isn't likely to help. please read the FAQ about asking better questions05:12
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cerealbrunner:  I don't know at all...never done it.  My thinkpad is an ATI chipset - and my friend doesnt run linux.05:13
wifenfefferWizek, are you using sata ?05:13
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Sam__HAS anyone changed from KDE to gnome without reinstalling ???  how was it?05:13
brunnerthere's some bug with compiz that causes black windows on my current graphics chipset. I just want something with enough video RAM that I can run compiz05:13
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cerealSam__:  You should just need to install gnome via a package manager or apt-get install05:14
Sam__cereal  i know  im doing it now..05:14
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Sam__what im asking is how was it?  easy ?? hard???05:14
wifenfefferbrunner, intel chipsets will run compiz, nvidias will too, just much better.05:14
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cerealSam__:  I've done it before - nothing to it.05:14
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Sam__cereal  cool.05:14
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cerealSam__:  At least thats what I remember....what actually happened may be different lol.05:15
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Sam__cereal hehehe  isnt that always the case!!!hahaha05:15
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Sam__i HATE KDE!!!! its rather pants... i cant wait to get back onto Gnome.05:16
wifenfefferrather pants ?05:16
Optimus55rather pants.. lol05:16
Sam__wifenfeffer  good point... its totally pants.05:16
wifenfefferwhat the hell is pants ?05:17
Sam__are you guys american??05:17
wifenfefferonly pants I know are the ones I wear05:17
cereali dont wear pants.05:17
Optimus55yes but that doesnt make it good. its still pants05:17
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Sam__not those pants..in the UK we say pants  but it means crap05:17
wifenfeffer!language Sam__05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language sam__ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
Optimus55so can pants in my pants?05:18
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:18
wifenfeffer!language > Sam__05:18
brunnergraphics chipsets are usually built into laptop motherboards, right? I mean, it's not possible to transplant video chipsets, right?05:18
wifenfefferbrunner, it's possible in newer systems I think05:18
Sam__thanks for the warning but i hardly think thats bad language wifenfeffer!!!!05:18
cerealbrunner:  its plausable.05:18
cerealyou'd have to do some research.05:18
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xtknightbrunner: no, you can't really transplant them05:19
pimpster_mcgeeanyone know if there is a .ape plugin for amarok?05:19
xtknightnot without special equipment05:19
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cerealVideo cards are usually just that, cards in laptops now.  But every manufacturer can have different types.  I've done it on a laptop before but it would be VERY easy to get something that simply would not work.05:19
wifenfefferI pantsed myself :(05:20
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fajrohttp://www.iloveubuntu.com ???05:20
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cerealPlus taking apart the laptop could uhm...be a disaster.  Last time I saw someone open one up, they fried it as a pin landed on the motherboard right before they turned it on...bad news.  But its very plausable if you do your research.05:20
Optimus55mmm... i like pants05:21
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wifenfeffercereal, never had any problems opening laptops before, it's completely safe as long as you're cautious05:21
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cerealwifenfeffer:  Agreed - note I was not the one stupid enough to destroy it - just what i happened to observe at a LAN Party.05:22
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cerealwifenfeffer:  I've opened many laptops and such.05:22
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brunnerI've never had a problem opening up laptops before, aside from losing screws every now and then05:23
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brunnerI can't imagine why it'd be more risky than opening up a desktop05:23
hansin321Anyone know where I disable the system bell (at a lower level than in Gnome, as I am running XFCE)?  Speakers are fine, but the bell is killing me.  Thanks.05:23
hansin321Running 7.04 BTW05:24
cerealbrunner:  Because people just rip shit out like crazy and wonder why its broken.05:24
=== justMatt [n=matt@ppp121-45-44-171.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
wifenfefferhansin321, rmmod pcspkr, or some similarly-named module05:24
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hansin321wifenfeffer: Thank you much.  I suppose I can then add it to the blacklist so it doesn't reload at reboot.05:25
fajroanibody knows why www.iloveubuntu.com redirects to microsoft.com ??  :-P05:25
=== fm [n=fm@c-24-11-127-244.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wifenfefferokay, I am FED UP with checkinstall.  I've been adding files to --exclude for some time now, and it just keeps pulling in more.05:25
wifenfefferhansin321, the alternative is to open your case and just disconnect the jumper.05:25
=== justMatt [n=matt@ppp121-45-44-171.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
wifenfefferand now i've specified a file to exclude, and it refuses to exclude it05:26
=== justMatt [n=matt@ppp121-45-44-171.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
brunnerI really really dig the ThinkPad X60 Tablet, but I hate that it has an ATI card. I wonder how well it works under Linux. I've always made an effort to stick with NVIDIA in the past.05:26
hansin321wifenfeffer: But it is a laptop, and as the thread above is saying...  Well, you know...05:26
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hansin321But I found it, so thanks.  It was pcspkr.05:27
wifenfefferhansin321, as I was saying in the above thread, why not open laptops, it's perfectly safe :P05:27
DrkCodemandpkg-deb: `nerolinux-' is not a debian format archive05:27
Flannelbrunner: Have you checked out the 61s?  Theyve got nvidia available.05:27
wifenfefferDrkCodeman, alien05:28
brunnerFlannel: no high-resolution screen =/05:28
brunnerit's like you have to pick05:28
DrkCodemancody@drkcodeman:~$ rpm -i nerolinux-
DrkCodemanrpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.05:28
brunnermaybe I could buy two and swap screens LoL05:28
brunnerjust kidding.05:28
DrkCodemanno clue :(05:28
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Optimus55QUESTION: 7.04 live cd asks to restart b4 it enables nvidia desktop effects. is there a way to enable the effects without actually having to restart?05:28
=== LeChacal [n=david@c-67-176-199-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brunneror maybe more realistically, swap graphics cards05:29
FlannelOptimus55: just restarts the Xserver, not the liveCD05:29
Optimus55cus a restart would mean just booting the os all over again...05:29
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wifenfefferDrkCodeman, it's a program name05:29
Optimus55Flannel: how?05:29
FlannelDrkCodeman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto05:29
FlannelOptimus55: ctrl-alt-backspace05:29
DrkCodemanwhy doesnt dpkg work?05:29
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FlannelDrkCodeman: because dpkg only works with deb files05:29
DrkCodemanisn't that what it is?05:29
FlannelDrkCodeman: it's an rpm05:29
wifenfefferrpm != deb05:29
hansin321wifenfeffer: I just got on, so only caught the end of the thread.  But, knowing me I'd be the one just ripping the crap out ;)  Ok, not really.  But removing the k mod worked great.  I can figure enough to blacklist it for future.05:30
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DrkCodemanrpm -i should work then05:30
Optimus55Flannel: k thanks05:30
unagiJordan_U, thank you05:30
wifenfefferhehe, alright hansin32105:30
FlannelDrkCodeman: better to use alien and then dpkg05:30
unagiJordan_U while your suggestion didnt initially work i came up with a similar idea that does work05:30
unagisudo killall requires a password of course so there for it doesnt work well when ran at the start of the session......so i just took out awn and wrote the script to start awn if xorgorig.conf exists......that way when the composite is off awn wont load.......then a separate script to run maya05:31
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WizekDo someone know what to do with GRUB ERROR 21 during installion, during the restart? xD05:33
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SzeraaxWisdomWolf: Hi again, were you able to find help?05:33
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tofaffyHA! I FOUND THE FIX! Just one problem...the fix only runs on windows.05:34
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xhaanfix for what?05:34
LeChacaldoes anyone know much about Ubuntu Ultimate because i did the upgrade install thing that is on its desktop and i received an ton of errors and i dont think that everything installed it seemed like the install blew up part of the way through. What did get installed seems to work works.05:35
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tofaffyWell...ubuntu and the current bios for my dell pc don't work well with my usb hub...supposedly, if I flash to the new bios...it will fix that...only one problem...the bio flash program is only for windows...and I have no idea how to do this.05:35
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unagiim totally out of things to complain about05:35
unagilinux rocks my socks05:35
banlieueyou say that in here daily lol05:36
banlieuesee you tomorrow with your new problems ;P05:36
xhaantofaffy, you wouldnt happened to have windows installed as dual boot would you?05:36
unagii know05:36
unagilol i always find something to gripe about05:36
tofaffyxhaan, no05:36
unagibut this was a big thing for me........so anything from here on is probably  minor05:36
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dissection!seen dvd05:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen dvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:36
unagiim dual booting with vista....05:36
Optimus55i must say, support in this chan DEFINITELY beats windows...05:36
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:36
unagiwindows has support?05:37
FlannelLeChacal: Ubuntu Ultimate is a third party version that has a bunch of stupid things done to it.  You're better off getting an official version and then adding the stuff you want to it from the official repositories05:37
strabesOptimus55: that's because there is no windows support channel05:37
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Optimus55yeh.. "technet"05:37
WizekDo someone know what to do with GRUB ERROR 21 during installion, during the restart?05:37
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xhaantofaffy, you may be stuck... unless you want to take the chance of trying to run it with wine05:37
unagianyone here have a customized grub screen?05:37
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strabesWizek: http://www.mepis.org/node/733005:37
tofaffyand possibly kill my whole computer...HELL no05:37
ubotuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar05:37
John`Wizek: are you dual booting?05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdrip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd-rip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
strabesWizek: http://www.google.com/search?q=grub+error+2105:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd-ripper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
John`Wizek: with 2 or more hardrives05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdripper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
pi-mesonI'm looking to configure a new service to start/stop through an init script -- is there an ubuntu initscript template I should use?05:38
Flannel!fishing | dissection05:38
ubotudissection: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:38
xhaantofaffy, yeah i didnt think you would want to lol05:38
unagiam i the only one that doesnt like KDE?05:38
Szeraaxdissection: dude, its called "dd"\05:38
dissectionOh, okay05:38
tofaffyunagi, I dun like KDE05:38
Flannel!dvd | dissection05:38
ubotudissection: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:38
xhaantofaffy, though you could install windows and then flash it then reinstall ubuntu05:38
dissectionSzeraax: I didn't understand. What is that?05:38
tofaffytaht would take to long :P05:38
Szeraaxa tool to rip any dvd or cd05:38
unagitofaffy: what problem are u having?05:39
dissectionSzeraax: How do I run it?05:39
tofaffyI have the fix...05:39
tofaffyI need to install the new bios for my dell pc.05:39
dissectionI'm looking for converting them to XviD05:39
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Szeraaxdissection:  "dd if=/dev/cdrom/ of=/home/user/Desktop/blah.iso05:39
Szeraaxinput file05:39
Szeraaxand output file05:39
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unagioh oh oh avant window navigator is updated......sweet joy pops!05:39
Szeraaxthe in is the device to copy05:39
dissectionSzeraax: Does it convert them to XviD format?05:39
Optimus55oh pants!05:39
cafuegodissection: `tovid'05:39
cafuegodissection: or dvd:rip05:40
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Szeraaxbut it will take any copy protection05:40
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Szeraaxand you can use it to convert between many file types... (iso, .bin, .mds...)05:40
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Toma-dissection: k9copy is a fantastic app.05:40
unagignome or die!05:41
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LeChacalFlannel: I know that it is a third party thing i have regular Ubuntu also the Ultimate version was something that i was just playing with on a extra hard drive that i had i was just wondering if anyone out here had and experience with it.05:41
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PanzerMKZwhen you mount something it puts an icon on the desktop. How do stop it from putting the icon on the desktop05:41
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dissectionToma-: Okay, I'm checking it out.05:41
unagiwhy would you want to do that PanzerMKZ05:41
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PanzerMKZbecause I have alot of stuff mounted in the same spot. I don't need icons on all my desktops that basicly point to the same place05:42
FlannelLeChacal: we don't support it here (obviously, since we have no control over it), so you're best off asking... uh, whatever forums or whatnot whomever puts it out has.05:43
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SzeraaxPanzerMKZ: there is an option in somewhere...05:43
Szeraaxi think the control center type thing05:44
PanzerMKZI will look there05:44
LeChacalFlannel: i didnt really find an organized forum maybe i was looking in the wrong place05:44
unagiis there a way to add 'sort by type' to the desktop menu?05:44
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unagidid i scare everyone off?05:45
mememecan anyone tell me how to enable apport?...ive got a crashing app that id like to send in a report for.05:45
Chikubui just got here, you havent had time to scare me off yet05:46
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DarkGhostlol sup05:46
dsmithis desktop effect in fiesty essentially beryl?05:46
dsmithoh ok05:46
LiberCogitoPanzerMKZ: If you figure that out, lemme know?05:47
dissectionThese rippers doesn't say anything about the Xvid format.. I don't want mpg files05:47
LiberCogitodsmith: The Desktop effects are very, very basic compartively.05:47
dsmithI see that05:47
Optimus55can i test beryl in the livecd?05:47
dissectionToma-: It doesn't say anything about the XviD format05:47
LiberCogitoOptimus55:  No, because you cannot install to the livecd.05:47
crdlbLiberCogito, yes you can05:48
crdlbOptimus55, what video card do you have?05:48
LiberCogitoI stand gladly corrected.05:48
Optimus55geforce, 6600 gt05:48
crdlbOptimus55, well then not easily at least05:48
LiberCogitocrdlb: Multisession?05:48
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unagiberyl is really buggy05:48
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crdlbLiberCogito, no it would just be temporary05:48
unagii dun like bugs.....they bite05:48
unagiis there a way to add 'sort by type' to the desktop menu?05:49
dissectionI need a program to convert my DVDs to Xvid video files. Whats the best one to use?05:49
crdlbOptimus55, since you'd need to enable the nvidia restricted driver without rebooting05:49
Optimus55i see...05:49
unagior a way to have it so that the icons line up on the right side?05:49
Toma-dissection: mpeg4 not good enough?05:49
LiberCogitounagi: It works fine for me, on two PCs.05:49
Optimus55tell i was told i could simply restart the xserver05:49
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Optimus55ctrl alt backspace and... "booya!"05:49
crdlbyeah I haven't tried that though05:49
dissectionToma-: Emmmm I think XviD is better05:49
unagiyoure one of the few LiberCogito05:49
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LiberCogitounagi: Whats buggy about it for you?05:50
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Toma-dissection: well good luck encoding it05:50
unagiberyl locked me up to where i couldnt even restart x server05:50
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dissectionToma-: Why, aren't there any programs in linux to do it?05:50
Optimus55are there any stable releases?05:50
LiberCogitounagi:  The only thing I can't get to work is skydome on the older pc, but thats probably because it has an ancient video card.05:50
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Toma-dissection: sure there are. just not as easy to use as k9copy05:50
LiberCogitoOptimus55:  I believe Beryl is still in RC status.05:50
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Toma-dissection: another fantastic ripper is 'winki the ripper' thatll encode to a better format05:51
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LiberCogitoUnagi: Did you try to switch user when that happened?05:51
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unagianything i tried wouldnt work05:51
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braddcaddi broke dpkg, i installed a package that was broken or something05:51
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LiberCogitounagi: Specs?05:52
dissectionToma-: Okay let me check it out05:52
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braddcaddit is trying to re-install the package but it will never work due to a postinstall script05:52
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Toma-dissection: have a look into the MKV format.05:52
natedawghey all..05:52
braddcaddand dpkp --force-remove-instreq   doesn;t work either (due to same post install script)05:53
=== FuM-Lapto [n=FUMMOD@adsl-074-236-017-211.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
FuM-LaptoHelp, My ubuntu wont load.05:53
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dissectionToma-: MKV? Will that work in windows too?05:53
n00bmore info would hlep05:53
dissectionToma-: I'm ripping my DVD for my friend who uses only windows05:53
Toma-dissection: sure will. its an open format. you might need to download the codec pack, but thats no big problem05:53
FuMWhen my ubuntu loads uo it says Kernal Panic - Not syncing: Attempted to kill init05:53
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dissectionToma-: Ah okay05:53
Optimus55random: i wish i was a linux guru... i would make a lightweight distro that boots pc games using the cd only, just like a console05:54
Toma-dissection: MKV also supports dvd menus (apparently)05:54
lukillashi everybody05:54
lukillashow can i play vcd disc in totem? it says i need a enhancement and i don't know how to install05:54
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delfickhello, does anyone know where i can find the standalone flash player 9 for linux?05:55
FuMCan anyone help me?05:55
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FuMdefick : Try Sudo apt-get flashplayer-nonfree05:55
delfickwill do05:55
Toma-delfick: pretty sure there is no standalone for it yet05:56
delfickyep there is05:56
delficki had it, then i reinstalled feisty, now i can't find it05:56
bashbangthere's a standalone @ adobe.com05:56
FuMDid it work delfick?05:56
preactionFuM: uhm.. kernel panic is bad. has anything changed recently? have you run memtest for a while?05:56
FuMI'm not sure if it was flashplay or flashplayer05:56
FuMpreaction I changed the splash screen and no.05:57
jupengfeiTo install the standalone version, just try sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nofree  or  gflashplayer05:57
natedawgHey guys I need help on loading the live cd of ubuntu?   It loads up every thing fine but then it goes into these checks and right when it hits loading hardware drivers it stops and starts scrolling all this nonsense..  ( I'm pretty much a noob on this)    any one think they can help?   sorry for kinda abruptly saying this05:57
Optimus55hey question: i just downloaded songbird in a tar.gz file. inside is just a folder called "songbird" how do i actually install the program?05:57
preactionFuM: were you able to boot with the new splash screen?05:57
FuMI just tried to right now and that came out.05:57
delfickhmm, i can't find anything about flashplayer except for a plugin version, not even gflashplayer05:57
preactionFuM: more importantly, did you change it back?05:57
FuMNo I did not.05:57
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jupengfeiOptimus55: maybe you need complie and install it by yourself05:58
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preactionFuM: you can boot a liveCD, mount your hard drive, and chroot to your harddrive to get a working version of your system (kinda). enough to fix the splash screen back05:58
jupengfeidelfick: run syniptic and search for flashplayer  then you'll find05:58
preaction!universe | delfick05:59
ubotudelfick: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:59
natedawghey any one can help me on my problem?05:59
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preactiondelfick: if i'm not mistaken, you'll need multiverse enabled to get flashplayer-nonfree05:59
dissectionToma-: For Winki the ripper, it says the download for debian is 300+ MB. Is it better to compile it from source?05:59
Toma-dissection: lol... 300mb... use the ubuntu repo06:00
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delfickhmm, i thought i already had multiverse and universe, etc06:00
dissectionToma-: How?06:00
natedawgi just want to run ubuntu.. and that's all..  it should work but the live cd doesn't.. completely lost06:00
Toma-dissection: http://www.winki-the-ripper.de/openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/index/download.htm#feisty06:00
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delfickthat is my sources.list file06:01
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phreck_my sources are all jacked up06:01
phreck_how can i regenerate my list06:01
dissectionToma-: I'm there already, but it says under warning that the download is 300MB06:01
preaction!easysource | phreck_06:01
ubotuphreck_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:01
phreck_i get this error when i try to install libwnck-dev06:01
Toma-dissection: thats bizarre06:01
dissectionWARNING: The installation of the debian package will trigger big download ( > 300 MB) and heavy computation. For the installed data bases you will need more than 600 MB in /usr/share.06:01
=== jupengfei how many people still use dapper or edgy?
Flanneljupengfei: Lots of people06:02
FuMpreaction : Can you help me with one more quick thing?06:02
Optimus55 jupengfei: i have no idea. however i doubt tho, cus i didnt download the source06:02
preaction!ask | FuM06:02
ubotuFuM: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:02
FuM=] 06:02
natedawg... lol06:02
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FuMEver since I dual booted Ubuntu, when I load up windows my usb keyboard and usb mouse refuse to work. I can't even login to the desktop because they don't work.06:03
=== jupengfei I don't usr feisty , because my video card don't support 3D, and can't run beryl
preactionFuM: sounds like a windows problem06:03
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astro76delfick, your sources.list is fine, afaik there is no standalone player just the plugin06:03
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preactionjupengfei: feisty doesn't use beryl by default06:04
dissectionAnyone here who has used winki the ripper?06:04
jupengfeipreaction: I remember feisty comtained beryl by default.06:04
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natedawgany one can help me out on just loading the live cd...  i just want this to work and i kinda just want to throw my comp now..06:05
preactionjupengfei: it doesn't, composite-by-default was pushed to gutsy, and i'm not sure that it's making it into there even06:05
jupengfeipreaction: that's contained06:05
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stmillerHey has anyone installed Ubuntu on an Apple TV?06:05
jupengfeipreaction, oh.... now i think i should try feisty06:05
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natedawgany one plz?06:07
natedawgima cry06:07
delfickok then, on my old linux installation (haven't removed that partition yet) i have found this http://delfick.storage.googlepages.com/flashplayer but for some reason clicking anything doesn't work which i remember was a problem that was fixed by a different version of it ....but i can't find any version at all....06:07
preactionjupengfei: know, too, that ubuntu is not going to load something by default that doesn't support at least 90% of the systems out there. there's a fallback mechanism for cards that do not support compositing (there exists one in beryl already, so i assume compiz-fusion will have it)06:07
Chikubunatedawg, can't you get the live cd to boot?  did you change your BIOS settings to boot from CD?06:07
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natedawgyes.. i mean I got all the simple stuff down06:07
natedawgit loads the screen and what not and has the splash screen to come up06:07
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jupengfeipreaction: haa...06:07
Chikubu  ok whats the hang up06:07
delfickand i can't find any flashplayer-nonfree when looking on packages.ubuntu.com06:07
natedawgbut after that it goes into text06:07
natedawgand starts oking things06:07
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natedawgit gets to like hardware drivers and stops and starts throwing all this text at me06:08
Chikubuwhich cd image are you booting with?06:08
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Chikubuis it a server version?06:08
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ShockValuecan someone tell me what the line is supposed to look like at: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_nVidia#Kubuntu06:08
natedawgjust desktop edition06:08
Chikubudo you not get a desktop?06:09
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ShockValueecho "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main06:09
natedawgi don't even get to that part06:09
natedawgit just keeps scrolling text06:09
ShockValuethe "auto-linking" feature screwed up the syntax06:09
Chikubudoes it hang?06:09
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natedawgit does06:09
natedawgit does one of two things06:09
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natedawgor throws text at me at an unreadable speed06:09
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natedawgand starts counting up06:09
astro76!enter | natedawg06:09
ubotunatedawg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:09
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Chikubuhow much main memory do you have06:09
natedawggah sorry06:09
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natedawg1 gig ram, uh lots of open space, but i have two partitions06:10
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Chikubupartitions arent a problem just checking that you have enough for setup to make a ramdisk and sounds like you have plenty06:10
natedawgboth should have enough to support a full install of ubuntu in the first place06:10
LiberCogitoOptimus55: Open the folder, and click on the little blue dimond icon that says songbird06:10
Optimus55yeh got it. now have to get gstreamer06:11
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Chikubuwhen it hangs what is the last text message06:11
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natedawgits just confusing the hell out of me... every thing should work, I tested the cd to see if maybe it was the cd but it came out ok.06:12
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natedawguh.. when it hangs it has some number or it hangs on i kinda remember it but it says like need to reboot or something06:12
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natedawgid have to redo it and check the exact text06:12
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wizekHave anyone has GRUB ERROR 21 so far?06:12
edsonsomebody knows an alternator of wallpapers?06:13
wizekHave anyone had GRUB ERROR 21 so far?06:13
delfickahh, here we go, good old Trevino's repo http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/dapper/3v1n0/ flashplayer-nonfree can be found there :D06:13
=== Ghost_Printer [n=4Q2@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ant-Have anyone had GRUB ERROR 21 so far?06:13
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dissectionTomcat_: I got this error when I ran sudo apt-get update W: GPG error: http://www.winki-the-ripper.de feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 93694CB777FC3D4B06:14
LiberCogitoOptimus55: Pretty!  Thanks for having issues with it, never would have known it existed. :-p06:14
brunnerhow much does support for ATI suck versus nvidia?06:14
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unagiis it possible to flip the side the icons are on the desktop?06:14
LiberCogitobrunner:  In terms of linux support?  Tons.06:14
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brunnerLiberCogito: yes06:15
Jordan_Uunagi, What do you mean by flip?06:15
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brunnerwhich is worse, if NV isn't an option? Intel or ATI?06:15
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xtknightJordan_U, unagi: permanently right-align icons?  not sure..06:15
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Chikubuok one sec im looking up something, been awhile since i used the cd06:16
Jordan_Uunagi,  And out of curiosity how is the switch xorg.conf and start app script working?06:16
brunnerwhich generally has better linux support? Intel or ATI?06:16
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xtknightdissection: you need the encryption key for that repository that you added.  it's a third-party one.06:16
Jordan_Ubrunner, intel06:16
aubadeAnything tied in with ACPI other than CPU throttling and hibernation/suspend?06:16
Jordan_U brunner Hands down no question06:16
brunnerJordan_U: Intel has better support?06:16
xtknightaubade: "tied in"?  what do you mean?  are you disabling acpi and wondering about the implications?06:16
brunnerhow much does Intel suck compared to NV in terms of linux support?06:16
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SlickMcRunfastIs there a way to use .ogg for system sounds in gnome?06:17
aubadeYeah, xtknight.06:17
LiberCogitobrunner: Buying a video card, eh?06:17
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brunnerLiberCogito: buying a laptop06:17
xtknightaubade: hmm.  power button config, perhaps some laptop keys, maybe some IRQ/device detection.  but generally it's not a big problem06:17
ant-brunner, my intel worked out of the box06:17
Jordan_Ubrunner, intel has provided open source drivers for almost all their products, ATI has provided sh*t drivers for all of their products06:17
LiberCogitobrunner: I personally have an NVidia 7600 and it works wonderfully.  I've seen quite a few laptops with that card, too.06:18
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aubadeGoodie, so nothing dead essential.06:18
unagiJordan_U:  i guess you didnt get my message lol........ur suggestion didnt work as sudo killall doesnt prompt for password but i decided to not run AWN during start up and wrote a script if xorgcompoff.conf is present then run awn......if xorgorig.conf is present then run maya.....works very well06:18
dissectionxtknight: Okay it worked now. I had added the key before this but it hadn't worked, so I wasn't sure why the error was still showing up. I tried it again and it worked somehow.06:18
unagithank you Jordan_U06:18
LiberCogitobrunner: is there a particular company you're looking at buying a laptop from, or..?06:18
Jordan_Uunagi, np06:18
=== heruba [n=jearsh@adsl-156-147-240.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiis there a way to sit the icons on the right of the desktop and/or add a 'sort by type' option in the menu?06:19
dissectionI have a question. While in the middle of downloading something using apt-get, and I need to shut down the PC. Will there be any problems? Will it work fine after I re-run apt-get install once I start ubuntu again?06:19
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brunnerLiberCogito: I can't find a single laptop with a screen smaller than 15" with resolution greater than or equal to 1400x1050 that has NV video.06:19
unagidissection: yes it will redownload itll be fine06:19
Jordan_Udissection, If you arejust downloading then yes06:19
aubadedissection: Should just resume, package integrity is tested before installed.06:19
xtknightdissection: if it's during an install it's not so good but you can usually rebuild the Debian database so that it works again... downloads resume from the cache or restart06:20
unagianyone have problems with coming out of hibernation?06:20
LiberCogitoBrunner: Give me a few minutes to look.06:20
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xtknightunagi: lots of people i suspect, any specific problem?06:20
superid_is it possible to have something run automatically at startup if it has to be run with 'sudo'?06:20
brunnerLiberCogito: dude, I'll have my girlfriend give you a blowjob if you can find one06:20
dissectionJust making sure I won't have any problems cause its 50MB being downloaded06:20
unagiit comes to a blank screen with a cursor06:20
brunnerjust kidding.06:20
LiberCogitobrunner: I'm female.  :-p06:20
unagiwhen coming out of it xtknight06:20
Jordan_U brunner Find what?06:21
brunnerLiberCogito: even better. I'll bet she's game if you are06:21
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xtknightunagi: yeah, what happens when you come out of it?06:21
brunnerLiberCogito: kidding...06:21
unagixtknight: it comes to a black screen with a cursor06:21
brunnerwell, kind of06:21
brunnerJordan_U: laptop with a screen smaller than 15" with resolution greater than or equal to 1400x1050 that has NV video.06:21
unagifemales that are into pcs especially linux = hot06:21
xtknightsuperid_: hmm..via rc init scripts perhaps.  or you could give the user permissions to whatever you need to sudo..06:21
brunnerunagi: I had to settle for a Mac user =/ but I'm a Libertarian and so is she, so that counts for alot06:22
xtknightunagi: well i'm not sure..never had the trouble.  sorry06:22
Jordan_Ubrunner, Ron Paul 08 :)06:22
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unagidoes anyone have trouble cming out of hibernation?06:23
brunnerJordan_U: damn right =] 06:23
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brunnerJordan_U: my girlfriend has had dinner with Ron Paul, actually06:23
brunnerand my boss is his best friend06:23
ant-superid, there are some walk throughs of getting firestarter to startup without having to type a pw06:23
=== design [n=design@c-66-176-139-252.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
designcan someone help me plz ?06:23
brunnerdesign: ask a question06:23
LiberCogitobrunner: My flash is broken, so I can't check http://xoticpc.com/ go check their site.  I'm checking hypersonic-pc.com now06:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:23
stmillerdesign : just ask question06:24
aubadextknight: If I disable ACPI/2 in the BIOS would I still have to pass an argument at boot and edit menu.lst?06:24
superid_xtknight, thanks06:24
designi got a Toshiba laptop satellite using ubuntu 7.0.4 and when i try to turn off, i can't i have to force it pressing the button06:25
xtknightaubade: actually, generally not, from my experience.  best thing to do is give it a try without passing acpi=off and see if it works.  are you disabling APIC or ACPI?  there's quite a difference actually06:25
brunnerLiberCogito: you just might have something =D06:25
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superid_I'm trying to run a dynamic DNS client at startup (no-ip), and I'm able to run it as a regular user now that I've chmod'ed the conf file to 77706:25
stmillerdesign: might be a setting in the BIOS to change power management06:26
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LiberCogitobrunner: Hypersonic is negative.  is 15.4 too large?06:26
duelbootNeed assistance sharing files from my ubuntu box...have a freenas server that works, but need to format an external drive prior to hooking it up (vfat--will reformat to UFS)...anyway, my windows box can see and access the freenas server, but it can't see my ubuntu share...samba is installed...no luck...any help?06:26
brunnerLiberCogito: so close =/06:26
designstmiller: what do u recommend to do ?06:26
LiberCogitobrunner: http://www.emperorlinux.com/mfgr/lenovo/toucan/06:26
brunnerI can't believe there's nothing out there06:26
wizekHave anyone had GRUB ERROR 21 so far? What can i do to it? Or how can i write a root-owned file from live cd?06:26
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stmillerdesign: press del when booting (most likely) to get to the BIOS. Every computer is different. Poke around and try different power management options06:27
LiberCogitoBrunner: Found one, but it's a lenovo tablet.06:27
wizekHow can I write a root-owned file from Live CD?06:27
aubadextknight: Just APCI, had to use that 'acpi=off' flag to get into the installer on more recent builds of Ubuntu.06:27
LiberCogitoBrunner: http://www.emperorlinux.com/systems/small/raven/06:27
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xtknightwizek: sorry, i don't understand your question06:27
designok stmiller thx i will try06:27
Jordan_Ubrunner, I think that the new macbook pro's are at least 1440x900 @ 15''06:28
Jordan_Ubrunner, And they are Nvidia06:28
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duelbootwizek, presumably you can mount your drive then edit the file via sudo06:28
designstmiller: i also got windows, with windows i can turn it off normally... nothing to do with ubuntu ?06:28
xhaanwizek, what do you mean by write? what exactly are you trying to do there06:28
brunnerLiberCogito: are you sure? I already looked at those06:29
stmillerdesign: oh I see. Hmm BIOS settings are probably okay then06:29
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xhaanto modify it, use sudo before the command06:29
brunnerJordan_U: woah, really? I'll take a look. thanks!06:29
designstmiller: yes i think so... hum its weird my problem06:29
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CThoFlannel: so, the wiki doesnt seem to mention unpacking the kernel source06:29
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stmillerdesign: check this thread out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41704706:30
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designstmiller: ok06:30
wizeki want to modify my boot/grub/menu.lst, because i just can't run linux... i can only access my pc by this Live Cd...06:30
LiberCogitoBrunner: Nope, no nv.06:30
FlannelCTho: You use git to obtain the current kernel source06:31
Jordan_Ubrunner, Probably won't run well with Linux until at least Gutsy though06:31
xhaanwizek, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst06:31
CThoFlannel: i don' twant the current source, i want what shipped with eisty fawn06:31
=== Jordan_U hugs git
duelbootNeed assistance sharing files from my ubuntu box...my windows box can see and access my freenas server (so I don't think it's an issue with my windows box), but it can't see my ubuntu share...samba is installed on ubuntu...any help?06:31
Jordan_UCTho, packages.ubuntu.com06:31
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CThoFlannel: i want to minimize how much i break, so i'd like to stick as close as possible to what i have righ now06:31
CThoJordan_U: well, i installed the linux-source apcakage and in /usr/src it dropped a tarball06:32
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brunnerJordan_U: what won't run Linux well?06:32
Jordan_UCTho, I didn't realize you already had Feisty running06:32
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Jordan_Ubrunner, New macbook pro06:33
CThoJordan_U: sorry for not explaining what i was doing... flannel helped me out many hours ago06:33
CThoJordan_U: i'm running feisty and want to mess with cpufreq06:33
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brunnerJordan_U: why wouldn't it run linux?06:34
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brunnerit's just AMD64, right?06:34
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hmmmcan anybody point me to a RAD app similar to Visual Basic06:35
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Jordan_Ubrunner, Because Apple tends to do strange / proprietary configs06:35
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wizekxhaan, i don't think so it opened the good file... how can i open the good one? ^^06:36
LiberCogitobrunner:  Okay, this is gonna be sorta convluted.06:36
LiberCogitobrunner:  I found a specific model that appears to be less than 15, that can do that resolution.06:36
LiberCogitobrunner: Acer TravelMate 4654LMi06:37
=== untruestory [n=barb@pool-71-98-54-31.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiberCogitobrunner: thats according to an OpenBSD listing of laptop compatiblities. http://www.openbsd.org/i386-laptop.html06:37
duelbootfeeling....lonely.....:)....Need assistance sharing files from my ubuntu box...my windows box can see and access my freenas server (so I don't think it's an issue with my windows box), but it can't see my ubuntu share...samba is installed on ubuntu...any help?06:37
untruestoryanyone here familiar with old poweredges?06:37
=== unagi_ [n=unagi@016-040-087.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
untruestoryI'm having problems with one :(06:38
unagi_is it possible to have the desktop icons sit on the right06:38
Jordan_Ubrunner, Do you care about nvidia for the drivers or do you need to do serious 3D ( intel has better drivers and is more than enough for Compiz Fusion )06:38
=== Anthology [n=Fossil@cpe-70-115-248-194.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wizekhow can i open an exact file by his "sudo nano" command? O.o06:39
Flannelwizek: sudo nano /path/to/file06:39
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wizekwell it isn't ok... what sould be the 1st part of the "/path/to/file"?06:40
LadyNikonwhat Flannel said06:40
stevey__hi, does anyone know why steam keeps saying I have more than one open??06:40
Flannelwizek: No, the path.  What file are you editing?06:40
LadyNikonwizek:what are you trying to do?06:40
untruestoryanyone----> what does it mean when X fails with this error: "cannot read v_bios"06:40
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LiberCogitobrunner: just ctrl fyour way through this list: http://www.openbsd.org/i386-laptop.html for06:41
Jordan_Uwizek, What file are you trying to open?06:41
untruestorycan't get a video card to work here06:41
LiberCogitothe resolution you want, and then google the models. :-p06:41
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LadyNikonwizek: sudo nano -w /etc/make.conf  if i wanted to edit my make.conf06:41
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wizeka wanna open "/boot/grub/menu.lst" from an instaled ubuntu, but i'm on live cd now06:41
unagi_is it possible to add 'sort by type' to the desktop menu?06:41
wizekand it needs root access06:41
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Jordan_Uwizek, What is your Ubuntu partition mounted as?06:42
Flannelwizek: Ah, first you'd have to mount it somewhere.  But, you know you can make changes to the grub menu entries while at the grub menu, right?06:42
fallenedicti've been havining a problem running wine on Ubuntu 7.04, #winehq recommends asking here, everytime i run it i'm getting a total sytem freeze, any ideas ?06:42
Jordan_Uwizek, run "mount" to find out06:42
stevey__stupid steam isn't working die die die :p lol06:42
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Jordan_Ufallenedict, What GPU do you have?06:43
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kablamohow do i restart alsa/oss? my audio keeps dying, i don't know what's wrong, but i know it's related to totem06:43
wizekand what if it says "only root can do that"06:43
wizeki tried06:43
xp_prgmy apt-get is not working ever since I upgraded to ubuntustudio from ubuntu, can anyone help me:  http://pastebin.com/d1439467f06:43
wizekubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount -w disk/buut/grub06:43
wizekubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount -w disk/buut/grub06:43
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duelbootwizek, put sudo in front06:44
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kablamorestarting alsa? anyone?06:45
fallenedictJordan_U running a Nividia Geforce 7800 GT Oced, using nvidia-glx drivers06:45
wizekcan't find :S06:45
wizekubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -w disk/boot/grub06:45
wizekmount: can't find disk/boot/grub in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:45
machinarumany channel you recommend for ATI video card06:45
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Jordan_Ukablamo, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ?06:45
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Jordan_Umachinarum, Here, but I recommend getting a better card ;)06:46
unagi_ive stumped the ubuntu forum =(06:46
=== Comrade-Sergei [n=Sergei@74-33-224-193.br2.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Umachinarum, What problem are you having?06:46
tucciCan someone help me out with video codecs? I have kubuntu and I'm specifically needing help with realplayer and asf files06:46
kablamoJordan_U: bummer, didn't help anything.06:46
xp_prghow do I remove a package again?06:47
Comrade-Sergeihow can i transfer videos to a creative zen vision m06:47
kablamoJordan_U: but at least i know the command now. thanks, mate06:47
jupengfeitucci: install win32codecs06:47
Jordan_U!synaptic > xp_prg06:47
machinarumHumm.... it is on Vista though.... outch!06:47
Jordan_U!apt-get > xp_prg06:47
tuccijupengfei: I did, and kaffeine can open realplayer files but with no sound, nothing can open asf files (I'd rather use vlc for everything)06:48
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lashmoovegot updated kernal, now no video with any video player, and all audio players crash on launch?06:48
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wizekit is soo new to me... what sould me the first part? like in win cmd: "C:/boot/or/something/else" was enough.... why ius it much more harder in linux? if i only want to navigate my folders...06:48
machinarumAfter installing drivers from AMD. color faded...06:48
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machinarumnot as crisp06:49
bullgard4My computer has 40 files containing in their filenames the string 'hwmon'. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'? I found "hwmon.c - part of lm_sensors, Linux kernel modules for hardware monitoring." But I still do not understand what 'hwmon' is.06:49
jupengfeiI havn't use kaffeine, you can try open kaffeine's preference option, and maybe you can select the output drive06:49
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Jordan_Uwizek, I think remembering actual names is easier than remembering letters06:49
jupengfeitucci: I havn't use kaffeine, you can try open kaffeine's preference option, and maybe you can select the output drive06:49
tuccijupengfei: how would I know which output drive to use?06:49
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unagi_how do you unlink a file e.g. ln?06:49
jupengfeimplayer always usr x11/vo06:49
jupengfeitucci: mplayer always use x11/vo06:50
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machinarumJordan_u, I think I am in the wrong channel, thanks anyway...06:50
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jupengfeii suggest you try mplayer-nogui  it's very simple06:50
Comrade-Sergeihow can i transfer videos to a creative zen vision m06:50
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wizekjordan_U: what do u mean? what would be here the driver or the start part of it, like "C:/" in windows??06:50
jupengfeitucci: and mplayer open files very fast06:50
tuccijupengfei: okay, looking, thanks06:50
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jupengfeitucci: all right06:51
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Jordan_Uwizek, /media/whatevernameyouchosewhenyoumountedit06:51
unagi_anyone know how to unlink a file?06:51
_Codeman_is there anyway to change the color of the prompt in the console, or maybe a Konsole option or something?06:52
cerealunagi_: symbolic?06:52
astro76unagi_, unlink? as in remove a link made by ln?06:52
Jordan_Uunagi_, rm the link06:52
bruenigis it a bad idea to not run syslog06:52
cerealwhat he ^ said06:52
=== jupengfei unagi_ unlinl
=== jupengfei unagi_ unlink
wizekjordan_U: mount: "can't find /media in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" <--- what i do wrong?06:52
xp_prgJordan_U: I get this message:  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ardour_1%3a2.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo', which is also in package ardour-gtk06:52
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xp_prgwhat should I do?06:52
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astro76unlink is NOT the same as rm a link06:52
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wizeksudo mount /media/06:53
wizekmount: can't find /media in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:53
Jordan_Uxp_prg, I don't use ardur but try removing ardur-gtk06:53
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bruenigxp_prg, just delete that file06:53
fallenedicti've been havining a problem running wine on Ubuntu 7.04, #winehq recommends asking here, everytime i run it i'm getting a total sytem freeze, any ideas ?06:53
Comrade-Sergeianyone here have a creative zen vision m?06:53
_Codeman_Comrade-Sergei: What's your question?06:54
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Fezzlerbruenig: Got my Ubuntu PC going with YouTube.06:54
Jordan_Uwizek, Do you want to mount it through the GUI or through the terminal?06:54
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bruenigI have almost never looked a the logs, I don't guess that syslog really matters does it06:54
Moridin333Comrade-Sergei: I'm looking into it right now.06:54
xp_prgbruenig what file should I remove exactly?06:54
Comrade-SergeiMoridin333, thank you06:54
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Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, i need to sync videos to it06:54
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Jordan_Ubruenig, I don't know but it is possible that some programs will segfault if they try to write to it and it isn't there06:55
Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, i can do audio with amarok06:55
zedfloydhow do i run wine on 64bit ubuntu fiesty fawn.?06:55
aubadeComrade-Sergei: Tried gnomad2?06:55
bruenigJordan_U, hmmm, I sure hope not, I am trying to save some battery life and syslog keeps screwing with me06:55
Comrade-Sergeiaubade, never heard of it06:56
_Codeman_Comrade-Sergei: Your doing better than I am... Amarok froze when I tried synching some mp3's to my player this morning >.<06:56
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FezzlerIt was a sound issue.  I had to run killall esd06:56
Comrade-Sergeiaubade, doees it just sync videos?06:56
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FezzlerThen reinstall aoss06:56
Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, lol nice i had that happen so i wip[ed the config and it was good06:56
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aubadeNot sure, never had to use before.06:57
wizekJordan_U, i only want to edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst from an installed ubuntu, but i'm using Live CD, and it says i need premissions to modify that file... can u help me??06:57
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wizekJordan_U, i only want to edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst from an installed ubuntu, but i'm using Live CD, and it says i need premissions to modify that file... can u help me?06:57
wizekJordan_U, sorry for duplic :/06:57
Jordan_Uwizek, run gksudo gedit then open the file from gedit06:57
SeokeI tried buring the .iso for the live cd onto a cd with burnatonce and it didnt show up on the cd but I cant burn onto that cd and it wont boot at all... Anyone know what I should do I miss ubuntu >_<06:57
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xp_prgI removed both files bruenig and still get this error:  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ardour_1%3a2.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo', which is also in package ardour-gtk06:57
_Codeman_Comrade-Sergei: How'd you do that?06:57
xp_prgplease help me I beg of you06:57
Frogzoozedfloyd: 32bit chroot is the only way06:57
zedfloydim a newbie to ubuntu... can you tell me what chroot is?06:58
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Moridin333comrade-sergei unfortunatly the forums are down right now but this site might help when they're back up https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+question/295006:58
Jordan_Ubruenig, If you want to be tricky about it you could try making a small in RAM file system and have syslog write to that06:58
AkidiHi everyone!06:58
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Frogzoozedfloyd: reinstall & run 32 bit06:59
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bruenigxp_prg, oh it is probably looking into some cache06:59
bruenigxp_prg, some log I mean, not the actual disk06:59
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Moridin333zedfloyd: if you have questions about a command just type "man <command>"  also a great bood is Linux in a nutshell06:59
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xp_prgbruenig: but what do I do to fix it?06:59
SeokeAnyone think they can help me with getting a live CD working?06:59
unagisorry lost inet.....wouldnt rm remove the files?06:59
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Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, yea in the /home/<your name>/.kde/share/config and delete amarokkrc06:59
WetWiredhey all, can anyone tell me why my ubuntu server 7.04 hangs on boot after "running local boot scripts"?06:59
Moridin333Seoke: what's the problem?06:59
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_Codeman_Comrade-Sergei: Cool, I'm gonna try that07:00
SeokeMoridin333: I burned the .iso onto a CD with burnatonce and it didnt go onto the CD, the CD wont boot even know I went through boot menu and when I open it it says nothings on it... but it wont let me reburn on it07:00
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bruenigxp_prg, don't know07:00
xhaanchroot changes the working root directory... dont use it unless you know what youre doing, changing the root will also change all the tools you have access to unless there are copies of them in the new root07:00
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Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, there is another one to delete too but i forget07:00
Jordan_Uunagi, Files are only deleted when all of the hard links to it are gone, sort of like objects in languages with garbage collection07:00
Moridin333Seoke: is that a linux or a windows app?07:00
zedfloydMoridin, dont mean to ask a dumb question but do i type this in the terminal?07:00
Optimus55hey for the guy that i was talking to earlier.. i got the window effects to work on live cd07:01
Optimus55restarting the xserver works, thanks07:01
SeokeMoridin333: Windows I'm running windows XP07:01
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unagiim not sure i understand07:01
Moridin333zedfloyd: no question is dumb, yes type it in the terminal.  also to get a full screen terminal press alt F1, press alt F7 to go back to GUI07:01
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Optimus55how do i go about getting beryl?07:01
phreckhey when i logout07:01
unagi sudo ln -s firefox01_03.png gnome-stock-trash-full.png07:01
unagihow would i reverse that07:01
phreckit doent give me the login screen07:01
phreckjust black07:01
phreckhow might i fix this07:02
phreckit freezes07:02
phreckcant access any tty07:02
phrecknumlock wont even work07:02
astro76unagi, for symbolic links (ln -s) just rm the link, Jordan_U is referring to hard links (ln without -s)07:02
unagiso rm -s?07:02
SeokePhreck: Use some curtousy please that could have all fit into one message07:02
Moridin333Seoke:  Hmmm, it sounds like either a problem with the cd, the image or the software.  I would reccomend to download it again and burn it using different software.  CDBurnerXPPro is a freeware app that I've used before07:02
astro76unagi, just rm07:02
phreckseoke: sorry07:02
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tuccijupengfei: i installed mplayer-nogui but it still doesn't work07:03
unagiit said no such file or directory07:03
phreckSeoke: you know whats wrong with it?07:03
wizekJordan_U, I give it up :/ i just cannot lead this to that location :( it is harder than i thought... Let's go, reinstall Vista! :07:03
tuccijupengfei: it put kmplayer in my menu, which looked like it was going to open the asf file, but didn't07:03
unagiwhy would u install vista07:03
unagisome people just dont get it07:03
SeokePhreck: I had that problem on my laptop ubuntu didnt support the videocard >_< Couldnt use ubuntu on my laptop07:03
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SeokeMoridin333: Thanks I'll try that07:04
_Codeman_Comrade-Sergei: Your awesome, dude, thanks!07:04
bastidraZorVLC is the only way to go for watching video07:04
Optimus55can someone give me an idea how to install beryl?07:04
Jordan_Uwizek, How did you lead it there when you got the error that you couldn't save it without being root?07:04
Moridin333Seoke: good luck07:04
Comrade-Sergei_Codeman_, work now?07:04
Nylewell guys, I gave ubuntu a fair shot didn't like it, debian amd64 here i come07:04
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phreckSeoke: they have restricted drivers for it07:04
unagiOptimus55: why do you want beryl07:04
wizeki can't do anything in this os... it is so strange for me... :/07:04
Moridin333Dptimus55: it's in the repositories07:04
Jordan_Uwizek, I thought that you already knew where it was07:04
_Codeman_Yeah, thanks a bunch >.<07:04
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Jordan_U!caps | scotty07:04
Moridin333scorry_: what's the problem?07:04
Optimus55unagi: i want to test it out07:04
ubotuscotty: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:04
Moridin333no caps07:05
scottyJordan_U: I'm not scotty_07:05
scotty_caps lock07:05
Moridin333lol  np07:05
Optimus55Moridin333: the repositories? how do i access htat?07:05
scottyhe's on my nick though07:05
scottyby scotty_07:05
klfhow do you install the video codecs for ubuntu?07:05
Jordan_Uscotty, Sorry, tab completion07:05
klfubuntu feisty07:05
unagihave u tried sudo aptitude install beryl Optimus5507:05
scottyJordan_U: no worries07:05
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designcan i ask a question ??07:05
scottyI shall msg him next time07:05
xhaanyou just did07:05
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scottydesign: Don't ask to ask, just ask :D07:06
scottyscotty_ off my nick please :P07:06
Moridin333Optimes55:  open synaptic, search for beryl, there should be 2 things to install, I can't remember the names07:06
Jordan_Uscotty_, What GPU?07:06
designi got a Toshiba laptop satellite using ubuntu 7.0.4 and when i try to turn off, i can't i have to force it pressing the button07:06
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scottythank you07:06
wizekJordan_U, with "explorer"... i clicked places/copmputer/ "9,3GB Volume : disk"/boot/grub, and there was that file07:06
Moridin333design:  what's the model number?07:06
tuccibastidrazor: have you opened real player and/or asf files in vlc?07:06
scrubbai have a x1400 and i can only install the 64 bit version which doesnt support wine07:06
unagiwizek: what are u trying to do07:06
Optimus55okay just did sudo aptitude install beryl.... lost of gibberish goes up screen... yes or no (y) :)07:07
scrubbai want to install the 32bit version07:07
Optimus55i htink its downloading whatever now thanks07:07
unagioptimus55 are you new to linux?07:07
scrubbabut X fails when i try to run the live disk07:07
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designMoridin333: toshiba satellite laptp a130\a13507:07
wizekahh.... i have an erreor... Error 21 at startup07:07
klfi know there must be a canned answer to this question....how does one install all the video codecs (quicktime, real, xvid, ffmpeg, etc...) for ubuntu feisty?07:07
unagithen i wouldnt recommend trying to fight with beryl....especially if you called what popped up after aptitude install 'gibberish'07:07
wizekso i only can use live cd07:07
Optimus55unagi: yes just came to this chan a couple days ago07:07
Comrade-Sergeihow do i connect to a mtp device?07:07
wizekit says07:07
bastidraZorno, but i wouldn't doubt VLC would be able to without hunting up codecs07:07
unagi!codecs | klf07:08
ubotuklf: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:08
wizekGrub loading error 21....07:08
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scrubbacan anyone help me???07:08
klfthanks, unagi07:08
bastidraZori tend to avoid realplayer format07:08
unagithen i wouldnt recommend trying to fight with beryl....especially if you called what popped up after aptitude install 'gibberish' optimus5507:08
tuccibastidrazora: kay, thanks07:08
Optimus55still using live cd, need to test that stuff works b4 replacing doze. had some problems setting up an evdo card and still havent gotten firestarter07:08
Comrade-Sergeinvm i got it07:08
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Moridin333design: Hmmm, no idea.  Is this your first install?07:08
bastidraZortucci, good luck with VLC07:08
wizekunagi, ahh.... i have an erreor... Error 21 at startup07:08
Jordan_Uwizek, run "gksudo gedit " then drag the file you want into the terminal, then hit return07:08
scrubbais there a wine equivalent program for 64 bit ubuntu?07:09
designMoridin333: yes ... im newbie, can i show u a link i found ? maybe u can teach me07:09
Moridin333design: sure.07:09
Optimus55unagi: lol i know what it was, sry if i called it gibberish.. jus i dont need to read all of it07:09
Optimus55basically says "install? yes or no"07:09
unagiyou might07:09
unagithere might be an error07:09
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:09
Comrade-Sergeiaubade, wow this is made for another device but its working lol07:09
Jordan_Uscrubba, No, but you can run 32 bit wine in 64 bit Ubuntu07:09
unagiand youll be fighting with beryl for hours to find out one of the debs errored out07:09
Jordan_Uscrubba, But it is easier just to run 32bit Ubuntu if you are new07:10
design Moridin333 here is the link http://fjml.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/problema-con-shutdown-en-kubuntu-feisty-fawn-704/ ... it's in spanish but what i just need its the commands07:10
Moridin333I didn't notice any preformance increade from 32 bit to 64bit07:10
masterloki!ask | Jordan_U07:10
ubotuJordan_U: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:10
scrubbai was trying to install 32bit wine in 64 bit ubuntu and it wouldnt, it said its only for 32 bit ubuntu07:10
brunnerdammit.. even Toshiba doesn't make the equivalent of my tablet with NV graphics now07:10
Jordan_Umaster_o1_master, I assume that wasn't to me :)07:10
masterlokisorry I was just testing07:10
scrubbaand 32bit ubuntu wont even install i get a graphic error causeing X to not Load07:10
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Jordan_U!msgthebot > masterloki07:11
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wizekJordan_U, lol, it worked :D 100000 thx :D07:11
unagihow big is the HD wizek07:11
Jordan_Uwizek, np :)07:11
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MSIGuy_Holy shit, my laptop gets fucking warm.07:11
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astro76!ohmy | MSIGuy_07:11
ubotuMSIGuy_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:11
Moridin333design: go to terminal (alt f1) and type in sudo reboot and see what it says.07:11
scrubbaJordan_U, do you know why in 64bit i get a graphic error causing X to not load but no problems in 64 bit??07:11
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Jordan_Uscrubba, No, but I can try to get X started07:12
MSIGuy_Oops!  I'm sorry, I thought I was in another chan ...07:12
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brunneris anyone here running compiz with intel graphics?07:12
MSIGuy_My appologies.07:12
gsevilI do07:12
Optimus55just a question, does linux have the equivalent of xpthemes? customization kinda stuff?07:12
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wizekunagi, well, the full hd is 120GB (IDE), but it partitioned.... 10GB to /, 4GB to Swas (or something like that) and /home is the rest...07:13
brunnergsevil: how well does it work?07:13
gsevilI have problem with gxine07:13
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gsevilit crash with beryl07:13
wizekunagi, do u know what to do with Error 21?07:13
Jordan_Uscrubba, press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a terminal and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and for the driver choose "vesa"07:13
scrubbaok thnx ill give it a shot07:13
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Jordan_Uscrubba, Then to start X again run: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:14
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astro76Optimus55, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:14
wizekunagi, do u know what to do with Error 21?07:14
Moridin333design: while I'm not familure with the exact options in the code, that looks like a good try, just make sure you backup the original files first.07:14
gsevilbrunner, Desktop Effect is ok07:14
gsevilquite pretty07:14
btsdevfor RAID, i should probably be using software if i only have an on-board controller, right?07:14
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Jordan_Uscrubba, That won't get you full resolution though, so once it is actually installed run System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager to get the drivers for your card07:15
wizekunagi, plese reply, i'm goin to restart my comp, to check it is works or not...07:15
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designMoridin333: ok i tried that07:15
scrubbajordan_u, do you have aim or msn?07:15
Jordan_Uscrubba, No07:15
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scrubba ; (07:15
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designMoridin333: the laptop restarted07:15
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scrubbai figured out how to install the actual drivers and change my resolution on 64 bit version07:16
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scrubbajust tryign to gt the 32 bit version uning07:16
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wizekunagi, plese reply, i'm goin to restart my comp, to check it is works or not...07:16
wizekunagi, plese reply, :/07:16
btsdevAnyone here running a RAID array?07:16
aroonianyone know how to get the intel x3100 (965 chipset) working?07:16
Optimus55jeeez... i just ctrl alt f1 after i saw it post in this chan and i got stuck for a good while!07:16
Moridin333design:  that's a good sign.  honestly I was hoping for an error message.  try what the website said but backup the files first.07:16
astro76Optimus55, hehe did you find ctrl alt f7 then?07:17
designMoridin333: i can restart i saw a bug bios message07:17
Jordan_UOptimus55, Like the package gnome-art ?07:17
Moridin333design: ahh, that's good.  so no more problems now?07:17
Optimus55astro76: yeh. well i got scared but i heard music i had playing in the background still playing. so i pressed a buncha keys and alt an f keys, then got back07:17
designMoridin333:  the problem is when i turn it off07:18
Moridin333optimus55, lol I'm sure we've all been there07:18
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designMoridin333: want me to try turning it off ?07:18
Optimus55Jordan_U: lol07:18
btsdevI'm totally lost when it comes to RAID in linux.. can anyone help me with a question or two?07:19
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Moridin333design:  oh, then do sudo shutdown and see if you can find an error message.07:19
Optimus55yeah i didnt want to have to restart the live cd..... that woulda been... meh, pants07:19
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designyes.. i found an error message when ubuntu is starting07:19
Moridin333design:  do you remember what it was?07:19
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designMoridin333: yes.. i found an error message when ubuntu is starting .... bug bios.... but the weird part is that i got windows too and i don't have that problem with windows...07:20
scrubbaJordan_U, GNOME display manager still fails07:20
designMoridin333: i can turn off windows normally... the problem is with ubuntu07:20
designMoridin333: so i think the bios isn't the problem07:20
designdon't u think ?07:21
Jordan_Uscrubba, You can either install fglrx from the liveCD or use the alternate install CD07:21
Moridin333design:  have you changed any bios options?07:21
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Moridin333design:  I would open the bios and set it to default config.07:22
Jordan_Uscrubba, Try "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" then reconfigure X again but this time choose fglrx07:22
designMoridin333:  ok... but if the bios were the problem, didn't i have to have the bug with windows too ?07:23
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Moridin333design: you would think so, but it can't hurt to check.07:23
designMoridin333:  no no i know... i was just asking :)07:23
designMoridin333:  ok i will try and i come back... thx for ur time07:24
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Moridin333design:  :)  np I'll probably be here.07:24
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SerloWhats the best way to check if you have a keylogger?07:24
Moridin333in windows or ubuntu?07:25
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Moridin333hardware or software?07:25
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Serlonot sure whats the difference07:25
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frawgHello guys.  I have a little problem reading from an ntfs 160gb hdd I have leftover from my old windows install.  It tells me it is mounted as a read-only drive.  How do i change it so that i can write to it as well?07:26
Moridin333a hardware keylogger plugs in between your keyboard and comp, software whould show up as a running process.  do you think you have a keylogger?07:26
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Jordan_USerlo, A hardware key-logger is actually connected to the keyboard itself.07:26
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Moridin333frawg: find out where it mounted and run sudo chmod 777 /<folder of drive>07:27
btsdevRaid question.... if i'm going to use mdadm for a software raid1 config, i should disable onboard hardware raid, right?07:27
banlieuequick question... in a .py file (python script), is there a command to halt everything behind the command, such as 'halt' or similar?07:27
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Serlohow would you check for a software keylogger than?07:27
Jordan_USerlo, What did you install that would give you a key-logger?07:27
Serlonothing... just curious07:28
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banlieueperhaps return?07:28
bastidraZorright.. pr0n07:28
goofyis it possible to bond 2 wireless connections07:28
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Moridin333serlo: software should show in the running processes.  I can't think of any other way to check07:29
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Serlowhat would it show as?07:29
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Frogzoogoofy: with pppoe, should be possible07:29
Jordan_USerlo, Whatever the person that hacked into your computer decided to call it :)07:29
Moridin333it would depend on what the program is, google linux keylogger and see if any programs you find are running07:29
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bullgard4My computer has 40 files containing in their filenames the string 'hwmon'. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'? I found "hwmon.c - part of lm_sensors, Linux kernel modules for hardware monitoring." But I still do not understand what 'hwmon' is.07:30
frawgNow i'm getting, "Sorry, couldn't change permissions" and it is showing "unknown" as owner07:30
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Optimus55wow! i must say, beryl's effects.... niceee! :)07:30
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bruenig!ot | Optimus5507:30
ubotuOptimus55: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:30
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Moridin333frawg: then we need to change the ownership of the file, unfortunatly I can't remember the usage of the chown command, I'm sure someone else can help you.07:31
wizekAre there anyone here who know anything about GRUB?07:31
Moridin333wizek: what about it?07:31
banlieueno one have any idea then?07:31
Jordan_U!anyone | wizek07:31
ubotuwizek: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:31
Serlook thanks07:31
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frawgk, gonan try something, brb07:31
wizekGrub Loading stage1.5.07:32
wizekGRUB loading, please wait...07:32
wizekError 2107:32
wizekthats all what my pc writes...07:32
wizekwhen i boot from HD07:32
=== Ltar [n=chuck@c-24-22-250-171.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Moridin333wizek: when you try to load windows?07:32
jcasimirHi all.  I've been struggling with an install for several hours.  GRUB is installed on the MBR and I can't get it to run correctly.  Is there a way, using the ubuntu boot CD, that I can say "First, blow away all partitions AND the mbr, then install however you want"?  Doing a standard installation (allowing Ubuntu to create the partitions and such) isn't doing anything to get rid of GRUB.  Help?07:32
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Ltarmy top bar has rearranged itself. it used to go (pull-down menus) (app launchers) (space) (system stuff).07:33
wizekMoridin333, i don't have windows on this pc07:33
Moridin333jcasimir: you can run the cd recovery and reinstall grub.07:33
xhaanwizek, error 21 means it cant access the drive for one reason or another07:33
Ltarnow its (Space) (menus) (launchers) (system Stuff)07:33
Jordan_Ujcasimir, the MBR is re-written whenever you install GRUB07:33
Ltarhow do i move the space where i belongs?07:33
banlieueexit() it is :] 07:33
wizekBut why, and how can i solve it?07:33
skolliewizek: have a look here - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=39416507:34
Jordan_Ujcasimir, So what do you mean "get rid of grub" ?07:34
xhaanwizek, you need to find out why it cant access it and fix it07:34
Moridin333wizek: for some reason or another your comp can't use the hard drive, try booting live cd in recovery and reinstall grub07:34
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jcasimirJordan_U: So it should be replacing the GRUB in the MBR when I do a normal install?  I'm feeling like the grub config there isn't changing with the new install, but I could be wrong.07:34
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xhaanwizek, it could be a bios problem, a hardware problem, or a grub configuration problem07:35
Moridin333jcasimir: it is being replaced, but if the error has happened multiple times, then grub isn't the problem.07:35
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goofyis it possible to bond 2 wireless connections for load balancing07:35
jcasimirJordan_U: I've tried repairing with SuperGrub and going through different tutorials, but I'm not getting anywhere.07:35
goofysorry if someone already answered i got distracted07:36
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jcasimirMoridin333: When I reboot (after a fresh install) I just get "Error 22: No such partition".  Any suggestion?07:36
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Jordan_Ujcasimir, The GRUB config is mostly in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:36
Jordan_Ujcasimir, If you are seeing a menu at all when you boot then the problem is not the MBR07:36
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wizekMoridin333, I've tried install Linux to an absolutly clean HD, third times...07:37
wizekMoridin333, but still nothing07:37
jcasimirJordan_U: Ok, good to know.  I do have the menu, but choosing any option gives the "Error 22: No such partition".  So, could the problem be with the partition table or something?07:37
Moridin333jcasimir: it sound's like grub is looking for the partition in the wrong place or there is no partition.07:37
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wizekMoridin333, install finishes succesful, and at the restart there is that error07:38
sfreakusing xchat, how do I prevent seeing the admin messages when people join or leave?07:38
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wizekMoridin333, can  u help me?07:38
Moridin333wizek: wow, this is an odd one.  error 21 right?  what kind of drive is it ide or sata?07:38
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Samadanyone know if daemon tools works in Feisty?07:38
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Jordan_USamad, What does it do?07:39
wizekMoridin333, 120GB Samsung ide, about 1-2 yrs old07:39
Moridin333daemon tools mounts isos07:39
bruenigSamad, its called mount07:39
Jordan_U!iso | Moridin33307:39
ubotuMoridin333: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:39
bastidraZorwhy do you even need daemon tools?07:39
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bruenigexcuse him, he used windows07:39
bruenighe doesn't know any better07:39
Samadbruenig: what should I use?07:39
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bruenigSamad, mount07:40
bruenig!mountiso | Samad07:40
Jordan_USamad, Look at the message from ubotu07:40
matkixI'm having a driver issue with a wireless card. It will allow me to see networks, but not connect to them! Any one help?07:40
ubotuSamad: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:40
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wizekMoridin333, Do u hav any idea?07:40
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scotty_Jordan_U, that didnt work07:40
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scotty_and it said it couldnt retrieve the package07:40
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:41
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bruenigSamad, yeah where you want to mount it on the filesystem07:41
LukeEkbladI need help07:41
skolliematkix: what happens when you try to connect? Do you get an error message?07:41
Jordan_Ujcasimir, press "e" to edit the line and tell us what the "root" is ( you should see something like root (hd0,0)07:41
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matkixNo, just fails to connect.07:41
Moridin333wizek:  hmmm, to try and fix it I would boot live cd in recovery mode and reinstall grub.  I know it dounds dumb but it might help, also reset bios to default.  if that doesn't work you'll need to look at the grub config file to check the settings.07:41
Jordan_Ujcasimir, Or pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:41
matkixIve tested it on many networks.07:41
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LukeEkbladI wana know how to deleat my windows files from bubntu07:41
dsmithhow can I adjust the icons used for shortcuts on my desktop?07:41
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skolliematkix: and it does not work on any of them?07:41
jcasimirJordan_U: it says root (hd1, 0)07:41
bruenigdsmith, like what07:41
enixi know this is not a question relating to ubuntu but here goes: i have googled like crazy but i think i dont know the propper term. what do i need to see if other comps are trying to connect to my wifi?07:41
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Moridin333enix:  logs of your router07:42
matkixOther problem, I don't know how to tell what wireless card I have...07:42
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skolliematkix: have you checked that your secrity settings match those on your wireless router?07:42
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matkixSo no way to really fix it...07:42
Moridin333matkix: pcmcia?07:42
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wizekMoridin333, Tell me how can i chack the settings, and which settings are good or bad...07:42
Jordan_Uscotty_, What didn't?07:42
dsmithbruenig: icons on my desktop (firefox shortcuts) show w/ a question mark07:42
scotty_Jordan_U, that didnt work it said it couldnt retrieve the package, and therefore i wasnt able to select flgrx or w/e as the driver07:42
bruenigdsmith, how did they get there?07:42
matkixIve attempted to do both wep and open networks. No luck, onboard card.07:42
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Jordan_Ujcasimir, Press e again to edit it and choose (hd0,0)07:43
dsmithshortcuts I saved07:43
skolliematkix: but if you can see the networks, it means the card is working, right?07:43
arooniwhere is the xorg log file found?07:43
enixMoridin333: thanks, i will get digging07:43
scottyscotty_: off my nick please -- It pings me everytime you say something.07:43
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bruenigdsmith, how? did you write .desktop files07:43
scrubbaJordan_U, that was me it couldnt retreieve the package07:43
matkixSomewhat.... it however will not connect to them.... This system is a dual boot, and the card works and connects to all networks in windows.07:43
bruenigdsmith, ok, so change the Icon=07:43
Jordan_Uscotty, You need to be connected to the internet07:43
Moridin333wizek:  it all depends on what is actually on your hard drive, it would be a little different for most every computer.  if you have 1 ide hd is should be looking at hda*.  the * is a number defining what partition it should be loading07:43
jcasimirJordan_U: I think I owe you a beer or something07:43
LukeEkbladI need to know how to deleat my old windows files from ubuntu... Pleas help! :)07:43
skolliematkix: what drivers did you install?07:44
dsmithactuall there are called deskcut07:44
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Jordan_Uscrubba, You need to be connected to the internet07:44
jcasimirJordan_U: What's the quickest way to make that change permanent?  Look in /boot/ for the config file?07:44
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SzeraaxWisdomWolf: are you there?07:44
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dsmithI have tried, but when I changed one you would think they all would change07:44
dsmithnot the case here07:44
Jordan_Ujcasimir, Yes07:44
bruenigdsmith, here is probably the easiest way to do this, go into /usr/share/applications and move over whatever you want to ~/Desktop07:44
scrubbaJordan_U, I had my internet pluggeg in07:44
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scrubbashould i have rebooted first?07:44
scottyJordan_U: : What?07:44
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scottyI am connected to the internet, or I wouldn't be talking to you now.07:45
Jordan_Uscotty, tab again :)07:45
Moridin333reboot...in linux...perish the thought  :)07:45
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dsmiththese are url links07:45
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Jordan_Uscrubba, Try running "udo ifconfig eth0 && sudo dhclient etho"07:45
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=== bruenig is bored
LukeEkbladi really need help07:45
Jordan_Uscrubba, That's sudo at the begginging07:45
Moridin333what's the problem?07:45
Szeraaxbruenig: hey, you wanna do me a quick favor?07:45
John2what do I need to play windows media audio streaming from a site?07:45
LukeEkbladhold on07:45
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Szeraaxpastebin your menu.lst (do you use grub?)07:46
John2it uses windows media player07:46
bruenigdsmith, give a better description of what is going on, you said you created .desktop files, now you say they are descuts whatever that is and then url, I have no idea what is going on07:46
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LukeEkblad I need to know how to deleat my old windows files from ubuntu07:46
scrubbaJordan_U, okay, well i have to logg of the internet on this machine to get on the other one07:46
matkixskollie, none... just what ever the install put there.07:46
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bruenigSzeraax, lilo07:46
scrubbaJordan_U, anythign else i should know?07:46
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aroonii get  "(EE) GARTInit: Unable to open /dev/agpgart (No such file or directory)" ... does anyone know how i can get this? (feisty + intel x3100)07:46
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frawgAnyone else having troubles installing the nvidia drivers?07:46
Jordan_UJohn2, win32codecs and the plugin that lets gstreamer use it07:46
Moridin333lukekblad in the linux partition or windows partition?07:46
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John2I have those already07:47
LukeEkbladMoridin333:   Whats partition?07:47
skolliematkix: you probably have to install ndiswrapper07:47
bastidraZorfrawg, nvidia-new fixed my issues07:47
Jordan_Uscrubba, If it doesn't work the first time try running "sudo depmod -a" and try again07:47
bastidraZorglx-new i think07:47
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matkixskollie, use the repos?07:47
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Szeraaxdoes anyone who uses grub wanna do me a huge favor and pastebin their menu.kst real quick?07:47
frawgbastidraZor, I tried all 3 from the nvidia site, where'd you come across the nvidia-new?07:47
Moridin333lukekblad: is the windows drive showing up as a icon on your desktop?07:47
Samadif my filepath is to /home/samad/desktop/App/CD.iso     how would I enter that into terminal to mount?07:47
Szeraaxi just need an example, yes, i know all the other stuff to do, yes i know fixmbr07:48
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skolliematkix: you could, but that does not always work. Best is to google 'wireless ndiswrapper ubuntu' and get instructions on how to detect your device and what to do07:48
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newbie0034Is there a program to insert audio into a video file given a certain point in time?07:48
Szeraaxi just want to look at a working one right now07:48
bastidraZorfrawg, http://packages.ubuntu.com07:48
wizekMoridin333, well i can say it is a virgin hd now, after a total format and an ubuntu installed on it... i can't change it, i can't even boot up with my linux...07:48
LukeEkbladMoridin333:   Um, theres a thing that says hard drive. but when i had windows thats what i named my hard drive...Hard drive07:48
jcasimirJordan_U: I made the changes to the menu file, rebooted, and everything went great without intervention.  Thank You!!!07:49
frawgbastidraZor, thanks :)07:49
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WisdomWolfI need help with nvidia drivers on a laptop running ubuntu...I just installed nvidia and then beryl07:49
Jordan_Ujcasimir, Np :)07:49
bastidraZorfrawg i think it is nvidia-glx-new .. but i'm not 100%07:49
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rabidweezleif I got multiple programs for one thing, how do I set the default program in gnome?07:49
WisdomWolfwhen I restarted X I got a black screen07:49
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matkixThe common one okay?07:50
sniff_how to restore my /etc/mysql07:50
bullgard4My computer has 40 files containing in their filenames the string 'hwmon'. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'? I found "hwmon.c - part of lm_sensors, Linux kernel modules for hardware monitoring." But I still do not understand what 'hwmon' is.07:50
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matkixskollie, the common one okay?07:50
wizekHow can i turn off to show XXX logged in or out in Gaim IRC?07:50
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skolliematkix: common one what?07:50
LukeEkbladMoridin333:  u there?07:50
Moridin333lukekblad: ok, that means you have 2 partitions, 1 is for windows, and 1 is for linux (actually there's probably 3 but we won't get into that).  the problem is that you as a regular linux user don't have permision to delete the files.  to change this go to the command line or open a terminal and type "sudo chmod 777 /media/Hard Drive"  this will give you permission to delete files.07:50
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frawgWisdomWolf, i did some research before I tried installing some nvidia drivers, from what I read you dont need beryl. Also, I'm tryin the new package for nvidia from ubuntu's website right now, let you know in a minute if it works07:50
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wizekMoridin333, well i can say it is a virgin hd now, after a total format and an ubuntu installed on it... i can't change it, i can't even boot up with my linux...07:51
matkixskollie, ndiswrapper-common07:51
skollie!ndiswrapper | matkix07:51
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ubotumatkix: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:51
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: did your nvidia drivers work like suppoesd to before ytou installed beryl?07:51
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unagiis it possible to have the icons on the desktop sit on the right side and/or add 'arrange by type' to the menu?07:51
LukeEkbladMoridin333:  ok07:51
WisdomWolfnvidia and then beryl worked on my laptop (GeForce 7600), this is a different older laptop07:51
skolliematkix: ndiswrapper needs to use the driver specific to your card usually so the common one might not work07:52
btsdevDoes anyone know how to make larger-resolution framebuffers properly align to the screen? (my prompt is mostly off the screen with a 1280x1024 fb)07:52
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WisdomWolfgfx is a Gefore 4 series I believe07:52
Moridin333wizek: I'm out of ideas besides reinstalling GRUB or checking the settings and resetting the bios.07:52
WisdomWolfI don't know07:52
frawgbastidraZor, ahh, these may work just fine actually, the ones off of nvidia's website are legacy drivers, meant for older cards07:52
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: so you got the one laptop working?07:52
WisdomWolfinstalled one then the other then reset X07:52
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bastidraZorfrawg, i have a nVidia 5200.. which is ancient07:52
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matkixskollie,  So how will this work if I don't know anything about my card... as in what it is.07:52
wizekMoridin333: ok, 'll reinstll GRUB first07:52
WisdomWolfya, the compile didn't work ended up just install nvidia-glx07:52
bastidraZorit pushes dual monitors just fine though07:53
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frawgbastidraZor, im running a 7800 gs oc07:53
wizekMoridin333: how can i do that?07:53
WisdomWolfSzeraax, after you left it failed and I went with the only way I knew how07:53
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Szeraaxwhatever works07:53
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Szeraaxmakes me hapy07:53
sniff_i'm missing my /etc/mysql <-- help pls07:53
Szeraaxsorry i cause all the worthless crap then07:53
bastidraZorfrawg, next friday (possibly) i'm buying a PCI-E 7600GT07:53
unagisigh i guess its not possible to do this........i thought everything was possible in linux07:53
bruenigsniff_, make one?07:53
wenrenwhich version of ubuntu is most advanced?07:53
LukeEkbladMoridin333:   acctually, the hard drive is called "HardDrive 1"07:53
wizekMoridin333: do i have to do it from here or from somewhere else?07:53
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WisdomWolfbut now I have a second laptop that just has a black screen now07:53
skolliematkix: that's why I said to google - of ten you will find instructions to determine what card you have07:54
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bruenigwenren, feisty is the latest version, gutsy is in alpha07:54
LukeEkbladwenren:  the newest :P07:54
orbisviciswhere is the acpi folder w/ the events ?07:54
bruenigorbisvicis, /etc/acpi/events irrc07:54
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: ca you do me a quick favor with your good one? *is it using grub or lilo ) (the good one)07:54
frawgbastidraZor let me know how that goes, I would have pci-e now except im running dual xeons and the manuf's want outrageous money to upgrade motherboards07:54
WisdomWolfI can run a livecd to get into the files, but what do I need to edit07:54
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unagiwisdomWolf did u edt ur xorg?07:54
LukeEkbladMoridin333:    It dident work07:55
WisdomWolfI did07:55
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: can you pastebin your menu.lst?07:55
Moridin333wizek : this should tell you how https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:55
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bastidraZorfrawg, nice, i just built this box.. still building slowly as the money comes available07:55
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Szeraaxchances are its the video driver, WisdomWolf07:55
Moridin333lukeekblad: what error are you getting?07:55
WisdomWolfhow do I undo it to try again?07:55
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sniff_bruenig: missing my /etc/mysql07:55
WisdomWolfwhat's a good irc client for ubuntu so I can talk from their07:55
LukeEkbladluke@luke-laptop:~$ sudo chmod 777 /media/Hard Drive07:55
LukeEkbladchmod: cannot access `/media/Hard': No such file or directory07:55
LukeEkbladchmod: cannot access `Drive': No such file or directory07:55
WisdomWolfI'm on mIRC on a windows laptop right now07:56
Szeraaxi use gaim07:56
frawgbastidraZor, lol i know the feeling.  This thing is an HP xw6000 workstation that windows doesnt like so I wiped it and put something good on it07:56
bruenigsniff_, that is a config file right? just create it07:56
sniff_bruenig: how07:56
bruenigLukeEkblad, quotes07:56
matkixskollie, So this allows windows drivers to work?07:56
Moridin333LukeEkblad: make sure you're typing in the right drive name.  you can type the first letter or so and press TAB to see a list07:56
bruenigsniff_, um sudo gedit /etc/mysql07:56
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sniff_bruenig: how the config file in /etc/mysql/07:57
skolliematkix: yes, but it is linked to the .inf rather than the .exe file07:57
bruenig!english | sniff_07:57
ubotusniff_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:57
WisdomWolfI assume pidgin would work then?07:57
matkixSo once its installed how do I setup the driver for it?07:57
matkixI've got access to my windows partition and the driver from the ubuntu side.07:57
bastidraZorfrawg, so far i'm at a small 300$ MB Processor RAM and a case07:58
LukeEkbladMoridin333:   OK. THERE > sudo chmod 777 /media/HardDrive\ 1/07:58
Moridin333likeekblad: yep, that should give you access.07:58
LukeEkbladMoridin333:  it dident07:58
sniff_bruenig: how about config file in etc/mysql07:58
frawgbastidraZor bah that's 1/2 of what they want for just the motherboard for this thing.  I'm going to build a much much faster system later this year.  Getting married and whatnot so my cash is kinda tied up07:58
matkixskollie, humm. kk well I'm looking into how to set this up now07:59
Moridin333crap, now what does it say?07:59
bruenigsniff_, make it07:59
Ek0nomikQuestion:  Does anyone know of a command that can show me my external IP?07:59
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Ek0nomikifconfig simply gives my internal, 192. etc etc.08:00
arooniwhere should i add extra modules that i need to be loaded (before x starts) ?08:00
skolliematkix: this might help - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper08:00
bruenigEk0nomik, whatismyip.com08:00
LukeEkbladluke@luke-laptop:~$ > sudo chmod 777 /media/HardDrive\ 1/08:00
LukeEkbladchmod: changing permissions of `/media/HardDrive 1/': Read-only file system08:00
WisdomWol1ok got pidgin working08:00
Ek0nomikI want to do it in the terminal bruenig.08:00
Ek0nomiknot website.08:00
Moridin333lukeekblad:  one thing you can do is press alt f2 and type gksu nautilus.  this will open the file explorer with superuser acess.  you can delete the files from there08:00
bastidraZorfrawg, pentium D's 3.0 ghrz 1G ddr2.. not bad price08:00
frawgbastidraZor, ok, downloaded the nvidia-glx-new and it opened with the debian installer..now, i get Error: Conflicts with the installed package 'nvidia-glx'   ... how do i uninstall that one?08:00
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Moridin333lukeekblad: oh yea, put -R(must be capital) before the 777.08:00
bruenigEk0nomik, I have searched long for this, I do not think it is possible, if you do find it, tell me08:00
bastidraZorfrawg, portatech.com .. nice combo deals08:00
bruenigEk0nomik, as the ip is not registered with the system, it is registered with the router08:01
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frawgbastidraZor, im running dual xeon 2.8g HT's with 4gb of ECC at the moment08:01
Ek0nomikwell, I could just use a script I am sure.08:01
bastidraZorfrawg, apt-get remove nvidia-glx08:01
Ek0nomikyeah, but the router knows the external IP.08:01
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bruenigEk0nomik, but the only communications you have with the router is asking it to give you an ip, that is it08:01
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bruenigEk0nomik, there is no interaction where it tells you its ip08:01
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LukeEkbladMoridin333:  can you type it all down so i can copy it?08:02
frawgbastidraZor, do i need to reboot X? the installer still tells me same thing08:02
skolliematkix: the link I sent has instructions to determine type of wireless card, whether it is compatible, where to find the driver and how to install08:02
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n2diyI have a wifi router up and running, what software could I use to find hotspots?08:02
bastidraZorworth a try..08:02
Moridin333lukeekblad: sudo chmod -R 777 /media/HardDrive\ 1/08:02
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wenrenn2diy, wlassistant.08:02
bastidraZoris that the right driver for your card?08:02
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bruenign2diy, iwlist interface scan08:03
LukeEkbladYay, i think it worked!!! thanks! :)08:03
unagi_wow i royally messed up i really need some advice here........i was trying to get my hibernation working and was following a tutorial for s2disk or something like that and now my pc wont boot into the newest kernel of ubuntu08:03
unagi_but im able to boot into the 15 kernel08:03
unagi_it says something like cant find valid mount point or something08:04
unagi_is there a way to delete the 16 kernel and redownload the update or somethingh?08:04
i2eviellespeaking of wireless.. I am trying to get wireless working on my laptop with ububtu. put in the card and it picks it up from what I can tell.. I have wep on my wireless and when I click the network part up top and it tells me to enter in my passcode it just sits and says "Waiting for the network key for the wireless network..." any idea why it wont connect?08:04
n2diywenren: bruenig, thanks, will a hotspot talk to a router?08:04
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LukeEkbladAwww crap, nvm08:04
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bruenign2diy, not sure08:05
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LukeEkbladMoridin333:   I try to deleat somthing and it says i cant08:05
frawgbastidraZor, know the command to install a .deb package in case X doesnt start when i reboot?08:05
skolliei2evielle: did you enter the correct wep key? Seems that's what it's waiting for08:05
LyosNorezelya'll might wanna ban
=== wweasel [n=weasel@modemcable178.82-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
unagi_anyone know?08:06
bastidraZordpkg -i08:06
frawgthanks, hopefully i'l be back in a jiffy08:06
wenrenn2diy, you don't need a router to talk to a hotspot. all you need is a wireless client.08:06
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i2evielleyah, I did. checked it three times to make sure it was the right one and it was. in the router it has 4 different keys and I have tried all 4 and neither seem to work. all give me the same message08:06
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n2diywenren: bruenig, roger, all I have set up now is the router, so it is acting as a server. Can I bridge a Linksys BEFW11S4?08:07
unagi_what is the log path for shutdowns08:07
skolliei2evielle: are your keys in ascii/hex and have you checked that you have it correct08:07
wweaselHas anyone here installed the new version of flashplugin-nonfree (9.0.48) and had it not work (flash simply doesn't display)?08:08
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bruenign2diy, I just said I don't know08:08
unagi_can anyone please assist with this......im afraid ill have to reformat and id rather not08:08
crimsunwweasel: via feisty-proposed?08:08
LukeEkbladOk, i need help from someone elce08:08
wweaselcrimsun: Yep08:08
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wenrenn2diy, what is your router model?08:08
crimsunwweasel: that one's broken; the original uploader omitted my fixes.  I've uploaded a fixed source package that's awaiting admin moderation.08:09
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n2diybruenig: ok, I'll drop you from the replies.08:09
i2evielleskollie, to be honest I dont remember if they are ascii or hex.. im looking in the router settings and its just a long code like "33da8sdd7dad..." for example. and yah, the key is correct08:09
aroonifolks how do i switch my colors to 24bpp08:09
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LukeEkbladi need to be able to deleat my old windows files from ubuntu...08:09
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:09
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n2diywenren: a Linksys BEFW11S4?08:09
unagi_what do i do if i cant boot into the 16 kernel?08:09
AmaranthJordan_U: handled by staff08:09
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wenrenn2diy, checking it up.08:10
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | LukeEkblad08:10
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ubotuLukeEkblad: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:10
Jordan_UAmaranth, Thanks08:10
brunnerwhy does ATI have to suck so bad?08:10
skolliei2evielle: check in your client. Also, have you checked if it works with security disabled? Security settings is the most common problem08:10
unagi_Jordan_U: can u help me08:10
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wweaselcrimsun: Alright, good to know. Thanks :)08:10
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Newbie_DudeLukeEkblad - Do you want to delete everything or just some?08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
unagi_can anyone please help me08:11
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bruenigEk0nomik, here is what I have come up with, it is not a system thing but is a fast terminal way to get it from whatismyip.com: wget -q whatismyip.com -O- | sed 's|<| |g' | awk '/TITLE>What/ {print $3}'08:11
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unagi_i cannot boot into the newest kernel of my ubuntu.....what should i do08:11
LukeEkbladNewbie_Dude:    some08:11
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i2evielleI havent checked with it off. I remember I had to have wep working for something but for the life of me I cannot remember why I had to enable it, something only worked with wep on oddly enough, but ill try with it off really quick08:11
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proqesiunagi_: use the previous version08:11
Newbie_DudeLukeEkblad Try ntfs-3g like Jordan_U pointed out :)08:12
Ek0nomikthanks bruenig.08:12
Jordan_Uunagi_, What happens when you try to boot from it?08:12
Ek0nomikI was looking at things like that myself.08:12
liquiddoom<bruenig>: iconfig | grep "inet addr" perhaps?08:12
unagi_it says it cant find a valid boot point or moutn point or something08:12
Ek0nomikthat is local qiuid.08:12
unagi_i screwed it up08:12
bruenigliquiddoom, that is for local ip address08:12
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g > LukeEkblad08:12
unagi_is there a way to delete the new kernel and reload it?08:12
liquiddoom<bruenig>: D'oh... silly nats.08:12
skolliei2evielle: generally a good idea to have wep or wap enabled or to use mac address authentication, so disabling security is just to test08:12
proqesiunagi_: are you trying to build your own kernel?08:12
wenrenn2diy, that's a broadband router. one end is wired to your dsl link. then it can link up with your client pc wirelessly.08:12
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unagi_no....i broke the new kernel08:13
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Jordan_Uunagi, Yes, apt-get remove --purge it and re-install it ( and -generic so you still get updates )08:13
wenrenn2diy, and your client pc can surf the web wirelessly. you don't need to link to any hotspot.08:13
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unagi_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 18 not upgraded.08:14
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unagi_how do you remove the kernel08:14
unagi_apt-get remove what08:14
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n2diywenren: yep, but I don't have broadband, I'm hoping to access broadband over the air, I have local hotspots, just don' know how to find them?08:14
_tuzhilahi all08:14
azslandeHi, I'm new to Ubuntu (Linux in General), and I am trying to network to my wife's PC (which is windows), can anyone help me?08:14
unagi_Jordan_U: apt0get remove what08:14
sniff_i'm missing /etc/mysql <-- how to get back08:14
bruenig!samba | azslande08:14
ubotuazslande: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:14
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild08:14
Newbie_DudeWhat's the difference between an apt-get and an aptitude?08:15
wenrenn2diy, in that case you don't need a router. you need to set up your pc as a wireless client.08:15
Jordan_Uunagi_, The kernel08:15
unagi_aptitude dls dependancies for removal08:15
unagi_apt-get remove kernel 16?08:15
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, apparently aptitude handles dependencies better08:15
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unagi_whats the line Jordan_U08:15
Newbie_DudePaddy_EIRE, unagi_ : So should I always use aptitude?08:15
unagi_i would08:16
n2diywenren: Roger that, so I can't configure the BEFW11S4 to be a client?08:16
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Optimus55btw can anyone else get through to www.adobe.com  i'm getting time outs08:16
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jwtoddhey ... i used to run bum to manage services. is there something better these days? thx.08:16
Newbie_Dudeunagi_, thanks08:16
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, yeah, although there is nothing wrong with apt-get really08:16
unagi_Jordan_U: ?08:16
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Jordan_Uunagi_, sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic --purge08:16
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sniff_i'm missing /etc/mysql <-- how to get back /mysql08:16
SzeraaxWisdomWolf: well, good night08:16
wizekMoridin333: I'm reinstalling Grub right now... how can i chack it is working if it stopped at "Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time."?08:16
defryskNewbie_Dude, aptitude handles dependencies to the point of removeing a whole o.s. just to resolve it08:16
skollieOptimus55: I just did08:17
Newbie_Dudedefrysk, sounds efficient08:17
defryskNewbie_Dude, so be carefull08:17
Jordan_Uunagi_, Then sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic08:17
wenrenn2diy, it necessary at all. all you need is to know the wlan device you are using, get the right driver and set it up to connect to the hotspot or any reachable wlan.08:17
wenreni mean not necessary at all.08:17
Optimus55skollie: okay thanks.. i'm still getting a problem..08:17
wenrengotta go. bye.08:18
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Jordan_UPaddy_EIRE, When people talk about handling dependencies better they mean what apt-get can now also do with autoremove08:18
Optimus55gtg laters08:18
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Paddy_EIREJordan_U, oh, very good08:18
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slackoramadoes wicd work better than networkmanager for wireless?  right now my laptop can't find any networks after exiting hibernate unless i restart.  /etc/init.d/dbus restart doesn't even fix the problem.08:18
n2diywenren: Sorry, I don't understand. My understanding is two servers won't talk to each other? One needs to be "bridged" to act as a client?08:19
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Paddy_EIREslackorama, some laptops just dont handle hibernate all that well under linux08:19
tracker1I accidentally nuked the network applet in the top right corner, how do I get that back?08:19
i2evielleskollie, yah, looks like nothing works. even without wep08:19
Paddy_EIREtracker1, nm-applet08:19
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tracker1it doesn't seem to be in the add panel folder..08:19
LukeEkbladok, how do i deleat my windows partition?08:19
Jordan_ULukeEkblad, gparted08:20
bastidraZorgtparted or qtparted08:20
klockive got a question about xfce4. If a startup program requires root permissions to run, how do you give it them so you dont have to start in a terminal window and type in the password?08:20
Paddy_EIREtracker1, alt+f2 then nm-applet08:20
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liquiddoomLukeEkblad: sudo apt-get install gparted, then run gksudo gparted08:20
Jordan_ULukeEkblad, If it is on the same drive as you currently are booted from you will need to use it from a liveCD08:20
skolliei2evielle: did you completely disable security i.e. on the router side, set it up as an open network08:20
slackoramaPaddy_EIRE: so i would prolly have the same problem with wicd? *sigh*08:21
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i2evielleskollie, yah, in the wireless settings I disabled wireless security. wep, mac filtering, all is set to disable08:21
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Jordan_Uslackorama, Can you still connect with iwconfig ?08:21
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LukeEkbladJordan_U:  what do you mean "It"?08:21
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Paddy_EIREslackorama, there is a sure fire way of telling on the laptop testing team on ubuntus site08:21
skolliei2evielle: did it ever work?08:21
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tracker1Paddy_EIRE, not seeing it...08:22
Paddy_EIREslackorama, search for your model to see08:22
Jordan_ULukeEkblad, Your windows partition08:22
slackoramaJordan_U: nope.08:22
tracker1Paddy_EIRE, do I need any parameters?08:22
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LukeEkbladJordan_U:  ya, i cant boot up my windows anyway08:22
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slackoramaPaddy_EIRE: ok, thanks.  i'll go peck around there.08:22
i2evielleon other stuff its worked before. before I turned off wireless security I atleast had what looked like a signal strength.. now nothing.08:22
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Paddy_EIREtracker1, try doing it in a terminal nm-applet &&08:23
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Jordan_Utracker1, only one &08:23
Ek0nomikHow do you connect via SSH on the non default port?  I changed it, but ssh doesn't do the trick.08:23
Ek0nomikinstead I get this error:08:23
Ek0nomikssh: Name or service not known08:23
liquiddoomEk0nomik: ssh -p 200808:23
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skolliei2evielle: what do you mean other stuff?08:23
Ek0nomikliquid:  tricky.08:24
LukeEkbladliquiddoom:   luke@luke-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install gparted, then run gksudo gparted08:24
LukeEkbladReading package lists... Done08:24
LukeEkbladBuilding dependency tree08:24
LukeEkbladReading state information... Done08:24
LukeEkbladE: Couldn't find package gparted,08:24
i2eviellexbox, gf's laptop, other peoples laptops, etc.08:24
bullgard4My computer has 40 files containing in their filenames the string 'hwmon'. Can one explain to me the concept of 'hwmon'? I found "hwmon.c - part of lm_sensors, Linux kernel modules for hardware monitoring." But I still do not understand what 'hwmon' is.08:24
LukeEkblad is what happens08:24
Jordan_U!paste > LukeEkblad08:24
bruenig!pastebin | LukeEkblad stop that08:24
ubotuLukeEkblad stop that: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:24
Ek0nomikliquid:  I don't get the error...08:24
klockanybody know?08:24
Ek0nomikbut it just hangs.08:24
Ek0nomikit doesn't connect.08:24
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i2eviellethis is the first thing that wireless wont work on. wep atleast showed signal strength.. now it doesnt show that, but with wep on it just said it was waiting on network key and wouldnt connect08:25
n2diywenren: Roger that, so I can't configure the BEFW11S4 to be a client?08:25
Ek0nomikI have 3 computers on a local network, and I want to connect via SSH to all 3.08:25
tracker1Paddy_EIRE, Jordan_U, Okay, same result, nothing visual on screen...08:25
Ek0nomikbut from outside the network.08:25
klockive got a question about xfce4. If a startup program requires root permissions to run, how do you give it them so you dont have to start in a terminal window and type in the password?08:25
LukeEkbladJordan_U:   so what do i do now?08:25
skolliei2evielle: what I was asking was - were you ever able to connect to the router?08:25
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Jordan_ULukeEkblad, boot a liveCD with gparted on it ( The Ubuntu LiveCD does ) and run gparted from there08:26
i2evielleon the laptop with ubuntu, no. not with or without wep on.08:26
amidanielIs the source for ubotu available anywhere? He's a nifty lil thing I'd like to try out in some different channels08:26
skolliei2evielle: did you try to install ndiswrapper - required most times08:27
LukeEkbladJordan_U:  and what will it do?08:27
Jordan_U!ubotu | amidaniel08:27
ubotuamidaniel: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:27
jwtoddis there a better service manager (/etc/init.d stuff) these days other then bum?08:27
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amidanielJordan_U: Thanks :)08:27
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i2eviellenope, I sure havent. wouldnt have any idea on how to install anything. first time ever really using linux08:27
Jordan_ULukeEkblad, Delete your windows partition and replace it with something else ( that is what you want to do right? )08:27
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Paddy_EIREjwtodd, not sure what did you have in mind... I always found bum had plenty of options08:28
amidanielHmmm .. http://blackbird.kaarsemaker.net/code/ubotu/ is empty08:28
Paddy_EIREjwtodd, and there is already a few cli ways to interact with services and the like08:28
skolliei2evielle: ok - not to worry. All of us learn as we go along. Go have a look here and I'm sure it will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper08:28
LukeEkbladJordan_U:  i'm just trying to free up space cuz whenever i download anything on ubuntu now, it says that i dont have enough room08:28
sniff_how to restore /etc/mysql08:28
jwtoddi recall someone telling me about another service manager that i checked out and liked but i forgot the name08:29
klobsterLukeEkblad: sudo cfdisk /dev/hda (or whatever disk)08:29
jwtoddi'd prefer to go w/ gui08:29
Jordan_Ui2evielle, What chipset is the card you have?08:29
i2eviellealright, ill check that out and give it a read08:29
i2evielleits the gf's old card.. all I know is its a U.S. Robotics 5410 if that is of any help at all08:30
_tuzhilahow man russians here?08:30
MikeRotchis anyone here running compiz08:30
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frawgwhew, that was a nightmare08:30
n2diy! ru | _tuzhila08:30
ubotu_tuzhila:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:30
Jordan_UMikeRotch, I am sure a lot of people are, what is your question?08:30
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MikeRotchwell my desktop cube doesn't work?08:31
MikeRotchi am new and JUST got it to work with my ATI x160008:31
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Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, search synaptic for gl-desktop08:31
MikeRotchbut it seems to do alright except the keys that shoudl make it do stuff don't really do it08:31
MikeRotchk thx08:31
conorkirkpatrickHas anybody had any problems with X on nVidia GeForce FX5200?08:31
Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, great interface for controlling a few elements of compiz08:31
Jordan_UMikeRotch, Check the key bindings in compiz-manager08:31
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MikeRotchi did the second08:32
MikeRotchthe search gor gl-dekstop brings nothing?08:32
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conorkirkpatrickHas anybody had any problems with X on nVidia GeForce FX5200?08:32
conorkirkpatrick05Has anybody had any problems with X on nVidia GeForce FX5200?08:33
WisdomWol1is there a way to add a right click option to send an app to a different workspace?08:33
MikeRotchmainly it's the cube though08:33
MikeRotchi can ctrl-alt right/left08:33
MikeRotchto switch windows.08:33
WisdomWol1I seem to remember this functionality in preivous/other distros08:33
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Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, gnome-compiz-manager08:34
frawgWisdonWol1, you can do it still if you right click the title bar of the app08:34
astro76WisdomWlf, right click on title bar, or click icon in top left corner08:34
MikeRotchyea i have that intalled Patty08:34
MikeRotchinstalled sorry08:34
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Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, open it up and make sure it has desktops set to 4 for the cube to work properly08:35
WisdomWol1ahh I see, it isn't available in Beryl08:35
MikeRotchhaha sorry to be new08:35
MikeRotchbut how do i open it up08:35
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Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, system > prefs > gl desktop08:36
WisdomWol1if I switch to metacity it works, but if I'm using beryl I don't get the workspace options08:36
WisdomWol1any idea why?08:36
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Paddy_EIREMikeRotch, there is also an option to add an icon to the sys tray so you can quickly enable/disable it08:37
_tuzhilawhat means last numbers in stdout for uptime command?08:37
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WisdomWol1o well I'll have to mess with it more tomorrow08:38
WisdomWol1it's late here08:38
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MikeRotchi think it works now08:38
astro76_tuzhila, http://www.teamquest.com/resources/gunther/display/5/index.htm08:38
MikeRotchi didn't know there were two settings deals08:38
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WisdomWol1does anyone else get screen flicker periodicallly when usign beryl?08:39
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brunnerI'm trying to decide if it's worth having a windows partition at all, as opposed to just installing windows in a vmware partition08:39
MikeRotchi do with compiz08:39
MikeRotchon  an ATI x160008:39
WisdomWol1I'm on nVidia 7600G08:39
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MikeRotchi think08:40
WisdomWol1it's not that big a deal, but can be a bit annoying08:40
Ratrophybrunner just have a 486 set aside for windows08:40
CppIsWeirdi need help IMMIDATELY: my laptop was feeling kinda hot, so i checked the cpu temp, and it was 85C.... i flipped the laptop over, and i hear no fan going... i blew into the fan system, and the thing dropped 15C... i found my fan in proc, and it says the fan is on... how to i manually turn the fan on in linux? I think the fan is off, never turned on, because i came from hibernation.08:40
brunnerI meant vmware image, btw08:40
Paddy_EIREWisdomWol1, turn the refresh rate in beryl manager up to max08:40
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WisdomWol1max? that's 20008:41
supermatthewwhy when ever i click "KDevelop: C/C++" in the add/remove programs it says "Enable the bla bla 'Universe' of the Ubuntu software bla bla "enable coponent" checking installed and avaliable readling list of avaliable applications, then back to the first one08:42
Paddy_EIREsupermatthew, and did you08:42
WisdomWol1I assume it won't refresh any more often then the display can anyways, just hopefully without hiccup this way08:42
WisdomWol1thanks for the tip08:42
Paddy_EIREno probs08:42
frawgwhat's a good ftp app?08:43
WisdomWol1you know how to fix the workspace problem too, paddy?08:43
bastidraZorfrawg, i see you're back.. all going well?08:43
RatrophyPalimpsest, using ubuntu?08:43
LukeEkbladhow do i deleat all my windows files and still keep ubuntu?08:43
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FlannelLukeEkblad: just take a partitioner, and remove your windows partition08:44
PalimpsestRatrophy, to play music and movies08:44
Paddy_EIREWisdomWol1, you need to tell beryl the same thing as compiz basically08:44
RatrophyPalimpsest, sounds like a great use for ubuntu08:44
LukeEkbladFlannel:   whats a partitioner?08:44
MikeRotchshould i use with compiz... the "copmpizConfig Settings Manager" or the "Compiz Settings Manager"08:44
frawgbastidraZor, lol nope, the glx-new drivers wouldnt let me boot gdm at all, took me a bit to get it uninstalled, had to reinstall the ones from nvidia's website jsut to get gdm started so i could download a different one to try out08:44
WisdomWol1meaning what?08:44
MikeRotchthey sounds the same but i don't know if one is better or something?08:44
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WisdomWol1Paddy, what do you mean tell it the same thing as compiz?08:45
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frawgbastidraZor, the installer tells me i am trying to use nvidia kernel 91**, so i removed that package, then it tells me i had 7*** installed, so i removed it also...nightmare :P08:45
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bastidraZorwell that isn't that fun..08:45
PalimpsestRatrophy, u think so, :)08:45
Paddy_EIREWisdomWol1, go in to beryl manager then to desktop tab08:45
frawgim tryin the 9631 set now, crossing my fingers all the while08:46
Paddy_EIREWisdomWol1, then make sure that the cube is enabled and that rotate is also08:46
LukeEkbladFlannel:  u there?08:46
DaveyboyI installed php5 from source but dpkg does not "see it", ??08:46
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Ratrophywhy would dpkg see it if you installed it from source?08:47
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Paddy_EIRE!ubuntu-effects | WisdomWol108:47
ubotuWisdomWol1: For help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions.08:47
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Paddy_EIREWisdomWol1, handy channel :D08:47
magnetronDaveyboy: dpkg will only keep a record of installed .deb files08:48
supermatthewforget it, ill just find another compiler08:48
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supermatthewO.o theres 1000 people here08:49
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LukeEkbladPleas, someone tell me how i can deleat  my windows files and keep my ubuntu08:49
C-{pR0Fwhere can i download a C++ compiler for ubuntu?08:49
DaveyboyI installed php5 from source but dpkg does not "see it", ?? when I install apache2 php extensions it tried to install the php5-common package (do not want that as I found bugs in the php5 package version of php5)08:49
thunderboltC-{pR0F: sudo apt-get install g++08:50
bastidraZortime for me to sleep08:50
preactionDaveyboy: if you use checkinstall you can get an uninstallable version of source builds08:50
preaction!checkinstall | Daveyboy08:50
ubotuDaveyboy: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!08:50
supermatthewTY also thunderbolt08:50
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bastidraZorfrawg, good luck.hope to you see you back around08:50
magnetronthunderbolt, C-{pR0F: install the package build-essential08:50
Daveyboypreaction, okay great08:50
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frawgbastidraZor, i'll be here quite often enough, problems arise once in awhile :)08:50
frawgthanks for the help by the way08:51
C-{pR0Fand then  use from the terminal as G++ <filename> ??08:51
FrogzooC-{pR0F: install build-essential08:51
bastidraZorglad i could help.08:51
thunderboltThanks, I forgot about that package :)08:51
fyrestrtrAmaranth: are you here?08:51
bastidraZoreven though my fixes failed you08:51
preactionDaveyboy: if you didn't "make clean" yet, you should be able to just "cd /your/source/directory" and "sudo checkinstall" (instead of having to rebuild)08:51
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Amaranthfyrestrtr: yep08:51
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magnetronLukeEkblad: you could use the software gparted to resize partions. i cannot give you more detailed instructions than that08:52
fyrestrtrmind a quick /msg ?08:52
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frawgyah but it pointed me in the right direction, or at least one I was unaware of :)  I'll let you know how it all turns out08:52
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Amaranthfyrestrtr: go ahead08:52
ThanatosDriveIs there a better BT client for Ubuntu?08:52
Paddy_EIREwhat could the possible problem be when my system completely hangs no mouse movement nothing not even ctrl+alt+backspace does a thing, I then have to turn off by holding the power button down and turning back on again08:52
Paddy_EIREwhat causes this normally08:52
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preactionPaddy_EIRE: beryl?08:52
LukeEkbladmagnetron:   ok, how do i get this?08:52
Jordan_UPaddy_EIRE, GFX driver issues08:52
Jordan_UPaddy_EIRE, Does alt+sysrq+k work? can you ssh in?08:53
magnetronLukeEkblad: with add/remove applications08:53
Paddy_EIREJordan_U, not tried that one08:53
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FrogzooThanatosDrive: azureus is very good if you have spare ram08:54
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bastidraZorThanatosDrive, i've come to like Transmission or kTorrent (even though kTorernt is a KDE app)08:54
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, Transmission rocks08:54
magnetronThanatosDrive: some recommend deluge08:54
C-{pR0Fi installed g++  , now , how do  i compiler ... g++ filename.cpp????08:54
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive,  or utorrent runs well in wine08:55
magnetronC-{pR0F: yep08:55
C-{pR0Fthat's not working , it output a file called a.out but that's not working08:55
C-{pR0Fnothing happen when i open it08:55
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: I'm used to a utorrent-based client, but not looking to install wine.08:55
magnetronC-{pR0F: then you made a programming error. a.out is the executable file08:55
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C-{pR0Fok i'll c what's wrong ,08:56
ThanatosDriveAny options? (I'm looking at Transmission right now and it looks...like I don't have enough control.)08:56
magnetronThanatosDrive: then go with deluge, transmission or ktorrent08:56
C-{pR0Fthank for helpong08:56
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Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, then its gota be transmission...great quick app08:56
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Jordan_UThanatosDrive, If you want really lightweight try rtorrent08:56
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C-{pR0Fcan i run the a.out from the terminal?08:58
alecw1How do I change the color of loading bars, highlighting, and select boxes in Ubuntu? It's all set to the classic orange, but I want to change it to another color.08:58
magnetronC-{pR0F: yes08:58
swiftlyDoes anyone know of a VB replacement for linux?08:58
SkryptHow do I add a program to start up?08:58
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preactionswiftly: what do you want it for?08:58
C-{pR0F magnetron  how??08:59
alecw1Drag the file into the terminal08:59
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swiftlypreaction : just simply RAD dev08:59
preaction!startup | Skrypt08:59
ubotuSkrypt: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:59
joranmy first time here.08:59
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supermatthewthere was one, envelop or something, win and linux vb complier08:59
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preactionswiftly: RAD?08:59
alecw1and press "enter"08:59
magnetronC-{pR0F: you need to cd to the directory where the file is located.08:59
swiftlyrapid app devel08:59
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LukeEkbladhow do i open gparted?08:59
C-{pR0Fahh , ok , that works08:59
magnetronC-{pR0F: then type ./a.out08:59
C-{pR0Fbut why it's working on the termianl ,but don't work under X08:59
alecw1Luke, sudo apt-get install gparted08:59
preactionswiftly: your best bets are either Perl or Python08:59
alecw1and run by typing "gparded"08:59
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:00
Paddy_EIREswiftly, I dunno, Maybe you should try mono09:00
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supermatthew"unable to lock administrator directory" - help plz09:00
dxdemetriouto install compiz-fusion on Feisty, what repos use the same names as gutsy?09:00
C-{pR0Fmy program works well on the terminal , but it don't work under X !!!09:00
preactionswiftly: if you want nice cross-system GUI-capable stuff, i'd go with Python (Perl's windows support is iffy at the best of times)09:00
magnetron!info gambas | swiftly09:00
preactionswiftly: correction: perl's GUI on windows support09:00
Paddy_EIREswiftly, or Eclipse09:00
ubotuswiftly: gambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1.2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 954 kB, installed size 2228 kB09:00
alecw1I'd recommend C. Small file-size, efficient...09:01
supermatthewYAY C09:01
preactionalecw1: he said "rapid" not "glacial"09:01
swiftlyC? *shudders*09:01
supermatthewits fun09:01
supermatthew"unable to lock administrator directory" - help plz, running "sudo apt-get install g++"09:01
swiftlySo lets see: gambas or mono or eclipse?09:01
swiftlyNOT C!!09:01
alecw1swiftly, Linux itself is in C. Don't underestimate the language. ;)09:01
swiftlyAware but its just not what im looking for...09:02
ThanatosDriveThat's odd. I don't see transmission under my Add/Remove09:02
preactionswiftly: python or perl. C# is not as "rapid" as python/perl09:02
supermatthewmicrosoft virtural PC is in C09:02
ThanatosDriveShould I try sudo apt-get install transmission09:02
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Paddy_EIRE!getdeb | ThanatosDrive09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getdeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
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alecw1How do I change the color of loading bars in Ubuntu? They are orange now, but I want to change them to blue.09:02
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, google for getdeb09:02
magnetronC-{pR0F: if you run a terminal command in X, you will not see the text output (unless you run it from a shortcut and edit the shortcut to run it in terminal)09:02
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, then search that site for transmission09:03
preaction!changethemes | alecw109:03
ubotualecw1: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.09:03
C-{pR0Fmagnetron : ok , Thankx09:03
swiftlydoes anyone know or a channel for software dev?09:03
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LukeEkbladhow do I "Open" gparted if i alredy have it installed?09:03
Paddy_EIREswiftly, loads09:03
alecw1preaction, is there a way to JUST change the loading bar color?09:03
preactionswiftly: most of the languages have their own channel on this network09:03
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alecw1I have a erally great theme right now...09:03
FlannelLukeEkblad: system > administration > gnome partition editor09:04
swiftlyPaddy : only new so give us a hint09:04
preactionalecw1: did you read those? try those first, they'll move you in the correct direction09:04
AkidiHey, any of you guys use simple64?09:04
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Paddy_EIREswiftly, which lingo09:04
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: Wow! This is a really handy site! Thanks!09:04
preactionalecw1: you're going to most likely have to edit your theme09:04
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, no probs09:04
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alecw1ok preaction, thanks.09:04
swiftlyPaddy_EIRE: well im just getting gambas09:04
swiftlybut mono seems the way to go09:04
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Paddy_EIREyeah mono is pretty popular09:05
alecw1preaction, I just skidded through that, and I don't see anything on theme editing...09:05
AkidiDoes XCHAT Gnome  do telnet?09:05
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Paddy_EIREalecw1, gnome-look has plenty of tutorials09:06
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Paddy_EIREalecw1, and art.gnome09:06
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ThanatosDriveWhat's a really lightweight yet powerful music player for GNOME?09:06
GenNMXThanatosDrive: XMMS09:06
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: Applications->Sound & Video->Music Player09:07
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ThanatosDriveAmaranth: RhythmBox seems bulky.09:07
CppIsWeirdi need to support a very important bug report, where do i go?09:07
swiftlyI'd stick with XMMS09:07
thunderboltI use Beep, personally.09:07
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Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, I love listen or Exaile or Banshee :D all great09:07
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: It's the ultimate in lightweight "just do it all for me" music playback09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
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ThanatosDriveAmaranth: Really? This is one of the least RAM-using players they have?09:08
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ThanatosDriveI really hafta get some 256MB RAM cards then -.-09:08
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:08
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: there are some winamp copycats that are more lightweight09:09
klobsterThanatosDrive: see MOC09:09
AmaranthThanatosDrive: but rhythmbox automatically adds music to your library and such so it's less work to use09:09
thunderboltbeep link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/sound/beep-media-player09:09
ThanatosDriveHahaha such choices!09:09
ThanatosDriveAmaranth: It does? I had to put it in myself...09:09
ThanatosDriveBTW I love the global keyboard shortcuts.09:10
klobsterThanatosDrive: http://moc.daper.net or just apt-get install moc09:10
ThanatosDriveFor RhythmBox. Do they work on all music players?09:10
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: those don't work with other players09:10
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: well, except banshee and amarok but those are heavier than rhythmbox09:10
ThanatosDriveAmaranth: Dangit! I might have to stick with RhythmBox then...09:10
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AmaranthThanatosDrive: if you tell rhythmbox your music is in /home/user/Music and to watch it for changes it'll add the music for you if you drop it in the Music dir09:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:11
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bitformWhere are icon files stored???09:12
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:12
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ThanatosDriveAmaranth: That's odd, I can't select the drive as a folder?09:12
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ThanatosDriveI'm trying to add it in Preferences but all it's giving me is "open"09:12
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AkidiIs there a quick way to install a debian package and if you are missing dependencies to download those automatically?09:15
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-68-160-236-146.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
defryskAkidi, use gedebi09:15
Paddy_EIREis there a list of system services that should/shouldn't be running on a laptop install09:15
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Akidigdebi <package name> then?09:15
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Newbie_DudeWhat applications do you guys recommend for MP3 playback and iPod management?09:16
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, banshee and gtkpod09:16
magnetronAkidi: or just double-click the .deb , it will run gdebi09:16
Paddy_EIRE!ipod | Newbie_Dude09:16
ubotuNewbie_Dude: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod09:16
sfreakgtkpod is good09:16
defryskAkidi, sudo gdebi blah.beb09:16
Newbie_DudePaddy_EIRE, thanks, I'll google those.09:16
incorrectim reading the docs, but i can't find package realplay09:16
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Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, use the wiki09:16
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rocketsNewbie_Dude, I like rhythmbox but if you wan't something more like amarok then exaile is good09:17
rocketsNewbie_Dude, or banshee09:17
short_range_comhey i was wondering any of you guys remember anything about these short range im radios09:17
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jwtoddi had to ctrl-c synaptic and it now won't restart as it complains about not being able to get a lock file. any idea as to where that lock file is stored?09:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:17
short_range_comthey never really caught on09:17
FrogzooNewbie_Dude: sounds like you want amarok09:17
short_range_comyou could im your friends at school09:17
Paddy_EIREincorrect, you really dont need to use that package09:17
short_range_comor use them to cheat at tests09:17
klobsterhow resource intensive would it be to create 25-30 links to the same file?  also, how much space does a directory take?09:17
Newbie_DudeFrogzoo, but isn't Amarok for Kubuntu? I'm supposed to use GNOME stuff, yah?09:17
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short_range_comthey were some kinda short range packet radio i think09:18
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, amarok is worth running on gnome aswell09:18
rocketsNewbie_Dude, amarok works fine on gnome but its a Qt interface. if you like Amarok, use Exaile, its GTK09:18
rocketsExaile is an amarok clone for gnome09:18
AkidiWhen I run gdebi it simply says "error dependency is not satisfiable : ia32-libs" Obviously I'm missing that dependency, but if I can download it + whatever else is required in one go that'd be great.09:18
FrogzooNewbie_Dude: most kde stuff runs on gnome, including amarok09:18
Newbie_DudeFrogzoo, rockets , Paddy_EIRE -- thanks for all the answers, will check them all out :)09:19
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, no probs09:19
Newbie_DudeWhat's the easiest way to go about installing the JAVA runtine environment? Should I do it through add/remove, apt-get, or download it from the java.com?09:19
magnetronAkidi: double-click the .deb and it will solve it09:19
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Paddy_EIRE!Java | Newbie_Dude09:19
ubotuNewbie_Dude: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:19
rocketsNewbie_Dude, use synaptic09:19
rocketsNewbie_Dude, install sun-java5 though not java6, some stuff doesnt work with 6 yet09:19
magnetron!java | Newbie_Dude09:19
Akidimagnetron - I did.09:20
AkidiThat's how I got the error09:20
Newbie_Duderockets, thanks. I saw both 5 and 6 in add/remove but was about to install 6.09:20
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rocketsNewbie_Dude, yeah well, logmein.com doesnt work with 6, so who knows what else doesnt09:20
sfreakjwtodd did you fix your synaptic problem yet?09:20
magnetronAkidi: then ia32-libs isn't in the repos09:21
jwtoddnot yet :(09:21
sfreakin a terminal, type pgrep synaptic09:21
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jwtoddi bet a logout/login will fix it but i'm just now getting fiesty up and would like to stick in session if possible :)09:21
=== Paddy_EIRE needs to stop playing with his feckin hair
sfreaknah, no logout necessary09:21
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Dark-StarThanks all finally solved my browsing problem :)09:21
jwtoddi didn't see a dot log fine in my ~09:22
Dark-StarTill then look at my blog.. U'll find a customization guide by me http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/09:22
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jwtoddso ... can i just remove the apt/synaptic lock file?09:22
sfreakit is possible that synaptic is still running in the background.  In a terminal, type "pgrep synaptic" without the quotes, if a number comes up, we know what the problem is09:22
jwtoddif so, where is it?09:22
magnetronklobster: creating links and directories take virtually no resources09:23
jwtoddahhh ... right09:23
ThanatosDrive:O Celestia for Linux (joy!)09:23
AkidiWow, ok, I went and attempted to backtrack through. I can't even download libc. Something conflicting with tzdata ( was hoping to back my way until I found a file I had to build on )09:23
jwtoddand yet is was09:23
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, yeah I love those apps09:23
jwtoddmy bad. thx :)09:23
sfreakdid you kill it?09:23
ThanatosDriveStargazing is basically one of my largest pasttimes.09:23
sfreaksweet, nice work09:23
=== geemy [n=againnun@adsl-70-128-155-102.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jwtoddummm ... celebrating too early me thinks09:24
klobstermagnetron: but what about accessing the linked file once it has 30 links attached to it?09:24
jwtodddoesn't seem to want to start backup09:24
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, too much light pollution where I am at the mo :(09:24
magnetronklobster: no difference from having just one file09:24
jwtoddahhh dpkg needs a bath looks like09:24
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: Same here but it's a passion.09:24
sfreakother programs will also block, like apt-get, or yeah, dpkg09:25
magnetronadd/remove apps will also block09:25
jwtoddahhh .. dpkg is picking up where synaptic left off.09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
jwtoddi did a "dpkg --configure -a"09:25
jwtoddper the error dialog09:25
jwtoddit seems the sun java doc packages, both 5 and 6, fail :(09:26
jwtoddi typically install java by hand anyways.09:26
Newbie_DudeThis community is incredible... Between detailed and simple wikipedias and this channel I haven't had anything stump me. :P09:26
DaveyboyI installed why is the php version on my phpinfo(); test page different than the 'php -v' version? It appears it is using the php5-common package version09:26
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jwtoddand now i have synaptic back :)09:26
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jwtoddmuch appreciated09:27
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, its essential if linux is to survive, great stuff09:27
AkidiSo wish more games came out for Linux :(09:27
Paddy_EIREAkidi, more and more are coming out including Quake Wars09:28
Happuyou will have to wait for it09:28
magnetronAkidi: if you like first person shooter, try nexuiz (add/remove apps)09:28
Happubut still... it takes a long time to get main gaming on linux09:28
=== Par-Due [n=shane@c-24-2-2-251.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudePaddy_EIRE, id Software is making a game with Linux support? :o that's good news09:28
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Par-DueI'm trying to get an M-audio Radium midi controller to be detected by alsa..anyone ever master that?09:29
astro76id has been making all their games for linux09:29
magnetronNewbie_Dude: all the quake games come in a linux version09:29
astro76they even gpl all their engines09:29
Frogzooid use opengl - so the linux ports are a doddle09:29
Newbie_Dudemagnetron, i got a copy of quake 2 as well as another copy of quake 2 from my quake 4 DVD, will try to install it now :)09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ccp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
magnetronNewbie_Dude: you will need the linux version09:30
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javy_19aca hablan espaol09:30
dsd./s -m irc.chatircvn.net 666709:30
Newbie_Dude!es | javy_1909:30
ubotujavy_19: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:30
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, or the linux installer to use with the windows game cd09:30
dsdwelcom to ser09:30
javy_19no yo no busco ayuda09:31
javy_19si yo se espaol09:31
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Ademananyone have some exact numbers for how large a fresh ubuntu install is?09:31
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:31
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javy_19ya te entendi eu09:32
liquiddoomMine installed to less then 3g09:32
ThanatosDriveI'm come to realize that Ubuntu is also about choices.09:32
Sevkhelp me09:32
Newbie_DudePaddy_EIRE, I think I actually downloaded that from the repository, but no icons showed up so I'm not quite sure where it went. :P09:32
astro76!english | javy_1909:32
ubotujavy_19: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:32
Ademanthanks liquiddoom09:32
AkidiPrefer RTS ( think star craft ), RPG ( LOVE RPG09:32
magnetronompaul: could you please move javy_19 to #ubuntu-es09:32
javy_19no no se ingles09:32
Sevkmplayer 1.ogg -ao: 1.wav       oog to wav!!! help09:32
javy_19mas o menos09:32
ThanatosDriveThey give you ten million applications which all rock hard, and you are forces to choose...09:32
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AkidiAnd games like Civilizations IV / Galactic Civilization09:32
Sevkhelp me  ,  mplayer 1.ogg -ao: 1.wav09:33
liquiddoomakidi, have you seen tremulous? It's rts/fps09:33
Paddy_EIRESevk, soundconverter fo gnome or soundkonverter for kde09:33
AkidiNot much a fan of FPS09:33
Newbie_DudeSevk, I believe Audacity will convert .ogg to .wav.09:33
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Antscapehelp me09:33
SevkAudacity  thank you09:33
AkidiThank you for the suggestion though ^_^09:33
Antscapehow do i put the panels back to normal09:34
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Paddy_EIRE!ask | Antscape09:34
ubotuAntscape: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:34
AdemanAntscape: what do you mean Antscape? whats wrong with them?09:34
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Jimmioanyone know of some good free multitrack audio editing software?09:34
Newbie_DudeAdeman : I'm assuming he/she was playing around with the panels and wants the default ones back.09:34
dsd./s -m irc.chatircvn.net 666709:34
JimmioI'm planing on using it for recording of songs09:34
magnetronJimmio: jokosher is good, integrates into ubuntu good09:34
Antscapelike the top panel with power is too much to left and time is too far to the left09:34
Paddy_EIREJimmio, ardour, beast, rosegarden09:35
Jimmiothanks guys09:35
SevkI'am replaceing the login.wav09:35
Jimmioanyone suggest using Audacity?09:35
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Newbie_DudeAntscape : right-click on the panel 'component' that you want to move. then in the menu select "move" :) then move your mouse.09:35
SevkAudacity ?09:35
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Antscapeits disable09:35
SevkAudacity , i'l try09:35
Newbie_DudeAntscape : If 'move' is greyed out in the menu, then just uncheck "Lock to Panel" then you should be able to move it.09:36
magnetronJimmio: audacity is good, but it doesn't integrate nicely with ubuntu. still works though09:36
Jimmiomagnetron: thanks09:36
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JimmioI'm used to audacity.. so I'll give it a shot09:36
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ThanatosDrivemagnetron: What d you mean doesn't integrate nicely? As in common crashes? Or what.09:37
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, interface wise09:37
ompaulmagnetron, read pm -- it might give you some ideas :-)09:37
Par-DueI can't even get my midi controller to work...i want to record songs too! haha09:37
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Newbie_DudePaddy_EIRE, You're right, the interface looks pretty hideous and doesn't use my theme. :P09:38
magnetronThanatosDrive: it has trouble choosing the right sound interface, not very automatic09:38
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gcarrilloman i finally got all the stuff working09:38
ThanatosDrivemangetron: Ah, thanks.09:38
gcarrilloits awesome09:38
NineTeen67CometWhoah nelly .. I updated (changed) the login and now gdm is very very angry at me. I aptitude'ed kdm as a crutch but it really doesn't look as nice .. help? I did both reinstall and dpkg-reconfigure gdm but it didn't help.09:39
ThanatosDriveI'm really starting to notice the lack of support for Linux, and how it really isn't as user-friendly.09:39
=== Apple [n=apple@cm-24-121-93-240.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
NineTeen67CometI've got another box with the same setup, can I copy/paste the correct file to fix it?09:39
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WhtigerI have some packages with unmet dependencies, and I'd like to remove them, but when I try with apt-get remove, it lists the packages that have unmet dependencies and it refuses to go on09:39
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, there is if you look right :)09:39
magnetronNineTeen67Comet: to try kde, you should install the package kubuntu-desktop09:40
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gcarrilloive always found whatever i need09:40
JimmioI need the JACK audio server, correct?09:40
Whtigerwait, got it09:40
Antscapesuck on my penis09:40
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AntscapeI BEG YOU09:40
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Newbie_DudeThanatosDrive, don't say that, man. :P I'm just starting to get excited about switching to Ubuntu/Linux. :P09:40
NineTeen67Cometmagnetron: naw, not a KDE fan anymore, I tossed kdm on there because what ever I did to gdm didn't allow login any more .. just the round icon and a black screen09:40
Antscapemy little brother09:40
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MaxRideHello all, I'm getting a blank screen (after the splash screen) on LiveCD boot. Anybody know any mystical command line switches that might help?09:41
gcarrillohi davina09:41
ThanatosDriveNewbie_Dude: Don't worry, I'm new to this too. I'm almost certain that this was the smarter choice (I'm going into programming. Ubuntu is probably better for that than Windows)09:41
davinamorning gcarrillo09:41
ThanatosDriveNewbie_Dude: And I haven't discovered everything there is to see. Oh yeah, and WINE helps a ton.09:41
gcarrillo3 in the morning :)09:41
JimmioHow do I start the jack server?09:41
davina8:41 am here09:42
gcarrillocool, europe?09:42
Newbie_DudeThanatosDrive, I just got WINE from the repository but haven't figured out how to use it. :) Gonna try to get my roommates "Snood" game to work before they kill me.09:42
AkidiRebooting, updated vid drivers. Be back shortly ^_^09:42
NineTeen67CometThanatosDrive: have you tried virtualbox? What doesn't work in wine often works in vm (although I'm still getting my butt handed to me with networking it)09:42
magnetronNewbie_Dude: open a terminal and type wine nameofexefile.exe09:42
FrogzooNewbie_Dude: -> appdb.winehq.org09:43
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astro76Newbie_Dude, if it doesn't work for you you can get the latest wine from their official repos http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb09:43
Newbie_DudeNineTeen67Comet, is it free? Can I run Windows XP in it? :P09:43
Newbie_Dudemagnetron, astro76 Frogzoo -- thanks again you guys. Will try the terminal thing now.09:43
=== Derek_ [n=viresic@adsl-3-168-12.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Par-Duei can't get jack to even see my radium midi controller09:44
liquiddoom!vitrualization | Newbie_Dude09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vitrualization - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
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NineTeen67CometNewbie_Dude: yeah it's free .. takes a little skill to get working if you don't use Autmatix2 (google "ubuntu starter guide) .. but after I messed with it I got dvd and usb sharing very well.09:44
liquiddoom!vmware | Newbie_Dude09:44
ubotuNewbie_Dude: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:44
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magnetron!automatix | NineTeen67Comet, Newbie_Dude09:44
ubotuNineTeen67Comet, Newbie_Dude: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:44
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Paddy_EIRE!virtualbox | Paddy_EIRE09:45
NineTeen67Cometmagnetron: I agree, it has handed me some crazy errors .. but it has also installed some things extreemly well09:45
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NineTeen67Cometanyone know how to re-install gdm or toss the borked config files and go back to default?09:45
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Frogzooanyone know how to check from the command line the state of cpu throttling?09:46
magnetronNineTeen67Comet: not just my personal opinion, official guideline too. don't recommend automatix here, please. installing automatix now may break your system later, when upgrading etc09:46
=== ubunut [n=againnun@adsl-70-128-155-102.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeGot this error trying to do the WINE thing on an .EXE, missing some .DLL. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29984/  ... But I assume I shouldn't ask WINE questions here. :P09:46
NineTeen67Cometno problem magnetron ..09:47
JimmioI can't figure out how to get JACK audio server running09:47
Jimmiocan anyone spare a helping hand?09:47
NineTeen67Cometsorry Jimmio never used it.09:47
Par-DueJimmio: do you have the jack control installed?09:48
Jimmiothat's why?09:48
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Par-DueJimmio: sudo aptitude install qjackctl09:49
Frogzoopeople are free to run automatix if they choose - but #automatix for support please09:49
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MaxRideQuick question: Anyone know how long I should give a LiveCD to boot before considering it a lost cause? It's a slightly older machine....09:49
ThanatosDriveFellows, big problem: When I hover over my favicons, a black block of messy jumblings appears.09:49
ThanatosDriveSame with when I run Celestia (that is, the Earth looks like a mess of blue lines)09:50
liquiddoomMaxRide: slowest I've seen is 15mins09:50
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ThanatosDriveWould this be a driver problem?09:50
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, gota be09:50
Par-DueMaxRide: Do you need the livecd or would a text-install be an alternative?09:50
WizekHow can i mount an .ISO CD image file on live cd? :D09:50
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Zemusquick question...09:51
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: Will Linux handle drive installation okay? I'm on a fairly out-dated graphics card09:51
Paddy_EIRE!mount | Wizek09:51
ubotuWizek: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:51
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ZemusI'm installing flash. It's about to put it in my home directory. Where should I generally install programs in linux? Under home?09:51
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, which card09:51
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ZemusThe "program files", if you will.09:51
MaxRidePar: I used an installer for windows that made a virtural file system under windows, but that install froze on "Installing software - WVDIAL"....09:51
JasonWoofhow do I get the desktop to display the contents of /home/jason instead of /home/jason/Desktop?09:51
Newbie_DudeWizek, you're trying to put the .ISO on a CD to make the LiveCD, or you're using Ubuntu already?09:51
JasonWoofI tried: ln -s . Desktop09:51
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Sevki have installed kdebase in my ubuntu,i found soundKonverter ,it's ok09:52
ZemusAnyone have the answer to my question?09:52
magnetronZemus: things like flash should not be installed manually, use synaptic for that. it will instal everything in th ecorrect directories09:52
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astro76Zemus, you can get flash from apt-get (sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree)09:52
Par-DueMaxRide: I would try downloading the "alternate cd" and checking for errors before installing it..there's an option for it on the boot screen09:52
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Par-DueMaxRide: It's good for older machines09:52
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ZemusOk, what I meant was where are programs generally installed in linux?09:53
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: It's an old Matrox, Device manager says G400/G45009:53
MaxRidePar: I guess I'll try that. I've tried ubuntu on 5 of my laptops and none worked...however booted fine on a newer laptop from work....so...09:53
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, one sec09:53
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Sevkmy ub is 7.0409:53
proqesiMaxRide: older versions might work on them09:53
Par-DueMaxRide: bummer..well, a lot of times it's a video driver issue when installing ubuntu09:53
magnetronZemus: under /usr09:54
Zemusmagnetron, thanks :)09:54
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MaxRidePar: -Nods- The first one was ACPI, then the others were just too old. Now I'm trying a Toughbook CF-28.09:54
Par-DueMaxRide: Good luck!09:54
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MaxRidePar:  Thanks for the help!, I'm out until this Alt CD download completes.09:55
=== raf [n=raf@dslb-082-083-042-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_Dudemagnetron, that's pretty confusing. There's a /bin/ in the File System, a /bin/ in the usr. :P Too many /bin/s09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
JasonWoofThanatosDrive, Paddy_EIRE I've got an old Matrox card. 3d accelleration worked with a bootable games cd, but not with ubuntu09:55
Wizeknewbie_dude: well actuallz im on live cd already, and i havent got any type of os on my pc, but this cd is buggy, so i want to download the iso file, mount it, to let the live cd work further, and than i want to burn it on a disc... i think this is my last chance.... i have only one CD/DVD writer in my pc...09:55
astro76Zemus, if you want to know where stuff goes: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lfhs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
ThanatosDriveJasonWoof: Did installing the driver help any bit?09:55
Paddy_EIREhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-mga/+bug/21750 JasonWoof  ThanatosDrive09:55
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:55
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ThanatosDriveJasonWoof, Paddy_EIRE: I guess I'll just wait for the ATI Radeon 9300? Although I've heard Beryl/Compiz Fusion doesn't support ATI very well.09:56
Newbie_Dudejatt, I learned yesterday that if you'd like to ask ubotu a lot of questions in private you can do "/msg ubotu !fhs" :)09:56
JasonWoofThanatosDrive: I installed what I could find. I'm starting to forget exactly what though09:56
AkidiWeird, I just realized I'm getting no sound from my SB Audigy Z2.09:56
Zemusthank you :)09:56
Par-DueAnyone ever get an M-audio Radium working in Ubuntu?09:56
strangkdajia hao09:56
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, that should be fine support for these things is always improving09:57
gcarrillowhat should Xkbvariant in xorg.conf be set to for a US keyboard?09:57
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Newbie_DudeWizek, might want to ask the question again, but I Think someone answered with !mount10:00
ZemusI can't find flash under synaptic. :|10:00
SevkAudacity so good10:00
=== Firsty [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: Do you think an old mobo can handle it? Also: will ubuntu detect the new card and adapt well?10:00
magnetron!flash | Zemus10:00
ubotuZemus: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:00
Par-DueZemus: If you are running 32-bit firefox, you can go to a flash website and install it through firefox's prompt10:00
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Newbie_DudeZemus, just open the terminal and type (sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree) (got that from astro76)10:01
astro76Zemus, flashplugin-nonfree10:01
Paddy_EIREThanatosDrive, yeah it should be fine, although afaik the card will only work at whatever through put the board can take10:01
ZemusI'm not, I'm running iceweasel, and from what I can tell, that just gives me rpm's and tar.gz's10:01
Zemusastro76, excellent, thank you10:01
rocketsanybody gotten Netbeans addons to install in ubuntu10:01
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ThanatosDrivePaddy_EIRE: I'm currently on this board, although I'm reading the manual to check it out. http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/d815eea2/sb/cs-013030.htm10:02
Par-DueZemus: I meant a website that uses flash..iceweasel should prompt also10:02
Newbie_DudeAkidi, check the volume control, for some reason Ubuntu seems to default with a lot of the volume controls to mute. :P10:02
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gcarrilloso for some keys i press them twice to get the character to appear, e.g. the ~ key10:02
gcarrilloanybody know what that might be?10:03
=== Seoke [i=IceChat7@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeokeCan someone help me run a livecd?10:03
Paddy_EIREgcarrillo, sounds like dead keys10:03
Newbie_DudeAkidi, also check the "System > Preferences > Sound" and try changing the "Sound Playback" device. For some reason I had to change mine to "USB Audio" to start hearing sound.10:03
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SeokeDo I just burn the .iso and then boot with the liveCD in my cd rom and boot from that drive?10:04
rocketsSeoke, yes10:05
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SeokeAlright I'm going to go try now then10:05
Newbie_DudeSeoke, if it doesn't boot to the CD first you might have to change the BIOS settings to boot from CD first before booting from Hard Disk =:-)10:05
SeokeWhen I open the cd in the file viewer in Windows xp should I see the .iso file or not? cause I can't and I know Newbie dude ^^ thanks for the tip anyhow10:06
Newbie_DudeSeoke, you should see the contents of the .ISO file, not a single .ISO file.10:06
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shackSeoke: Use Alcohol120% to burn your iso to dvd/cd10:07
SeokeIt doesnt show anything it shows a blank cd... on all three I tried10:07
SeokeI tried different programs each time10:07
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shackbut did you try alcohol120%?10:07
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triasnew user question;  I want to run the command java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar in a launcher problem is it runs it as though i'm in the desktop directory. I can put the path in but then the game can't find the data files.  how do i make it run as though it is in the correct directory?10:07
Paddy_EIRESeoke, i'd recommend a freeware app called imgburn for windows10:07
SeokeNope is it free shack?10:07
Newbie_DudeSeoke, shack, alcohol120% offers a 30-day free trial, is a small download, and allows the burning of .ISO images.10:08
shackSeoke: http://www.alcohol-soft.com/10:08
shackSeoke: Trial is free10:08
SeokeAlright thanks I'll stay logged into the IRC while I try it out hopefully I can find another blank cd10:08
shackLike Newbie_dude said ^^10:08
Zemusok, so I'm trying to look at my myspace profile, and the section where it plays my music? Instead of the music player, it says "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player."10:08
dominicushey guys, how can I chmod something?10:08
ZemusWhich is untrue. I have the latest flash player from aptitude. And javascript is enabled.10:08
shackSeoke: http://www.aprmedia.com/ ;)10:09
Enselic_dominicus: chmod +x a.sh10:09
Par-Duego to www.kcbt.org and see if iceweasel prompts you10:09
Newbie_DudeZemus, is Java installed?10:09
shackdominicus: type chmod help10:09
ZemusAny ideas? Perhaps the version in the repositories is outdated?10:09
dominicuswhat about the a.sh part?10:09
ZemusNewbie_Dude, perhaps that's it...10:09
Enselic_dominicus: the file chmod operates on10:09
dominicuschmod help10:09
ZemusNewbie_Dude, any idea what the name of the package in apt is?10:09
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Newbie_DudeZemus, I am downloading Java myself at this very moment. Someone suggested getting Runtime Environment 5 from the Add/Remove Menu. Supposedly 6 doesn't work as well.10:09
ZemusReally. Hmm.10:10
Par-DueZemus: search java10:10
Paddy_EIREZemus, must you use iceweasel on ubuntu10:10
shackdominicus: and you should be root to use it or10:10
Zemus(here's a secret... I'm running debian, but I ask you guys for help, because they're asshats in #debian) ;)10:10
Paddy_EIREdebian aint that bad10:10
Zemusno, it really isn't10:10
Zemusit's like ubuntu, only it hates you more :)10:10
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dominicusshack: so I would go "chmod +x a.sh".. and how would the terminal know which file i wanna chmod?10:11
SeokeSo what could be the problem if the files arent showing on the CD?10:11
ZemusSo anyway, there's no add/remove menu that I am aware of in this distribution. Haha.10:11
Paddy_EIREdominicus, a.sh is the file10:11
Newbie_DudeSeoke, the problem would be the way you're burning the CD, try Alcohol120% first, if that doesn't work then there are definitely other problems. :)10:11
shackdemonicus: like paddy said10:11
Paddy_EIREdominicus, name_of_file.sh10:12
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shackdominicus: check this: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/10:12
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Seoke(All windows versions10:12
Seokeexcept 98/ME)10:12
SeokexD thats great ^^ that just shows how bad they suck10:12
galalexhi all10:12
shackSeoke: so you have 98 or ME?10:12
SeokeNah just laughing at it10:13
shackok ;)10:13
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shackgalalex: hi10:13
crolle17i installed vmware-server. but that thing was not running. then made a apt-get remove for uninstalling it. now i try a apt-get install. but i get a strange message. can you help me?10:13
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anandanbuHelp needed to restore the GRUB in Ubuntu 7.0410:13
Newbie_DudeSeoke, you'll find that Ubuntu comes packaged with a free CD image burner, much easier to use. :)10:13
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shackcrolle17: what's the message?10:13
SeokeI used to have ubuntu >_<10:13
SeokeA long time ago10:14
galalexpo russki kto-nibud shprehaet ?10:14
SeokeAnd it was on my laptop10:14
Paddy_EIRESeoke, use imgburn if your on windows10:14
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crolle17shack,  A previous installation of a VMware product has been detected.            10:14
crolle17                                                                            10:14
crolle17  If you installed it from the VMware website, please remove it by running  10:14
crolle17  vmware-uninstall.pl before proceeding.                                    10:14
crolle17                                                                            10:14
crolle17  If it was installed through Ubuntu, you must purge (completely remove)    10:14
crolle17  the old package.10:14
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shackgalalex: I don't there's anyone who speaks russia10:14
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Paddy_EIREcrolle17, use pastebin10:14
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anandanbuNow im uisng the live cd for browsing10:14
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Paddy_EIRE!pastebin | crolle1710:14
ubotucrolle17: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:14
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crolle17shack, but there is no vmware-uninstakk.ol10:14
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anandanbu!grub | anandanbu10:15
crolle17Paddy_EIRE, sorry.10:15
gsevilSeoke, use cloneCD, UltraIso, anything else to burn your CD10:15
Paddy_EIREno probs10:15
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shackcrolle17 are you using terminal or gnome?10:15
triasnew user question;  I want to run the command java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar in a launcher problem is it runs it as though i'm in the desktop directory. I can put the path in but then the game can't find the data files.  how do i make it run as though it is in the correct directory?10:15
crolle17shack, terminal10:15
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JasonWoofPaddy_EIRE: thanks for the bug link, but it seems quite outdated. I installed ubuntu about a month ago and I've been updating everything10:15
dominicusso if I wanted to chmod a text file into an executable, I would go "chmod +x thefile.sh"?10:16
JasonWoofPaddy_EIRE: but perhaps the situation is changing10:16
Paddy_EIREJasonWoof, no problem, I think someone got it nailed on there10:16
JasonWoofPaddy_EIRE: this time when I ran glxgears it made the whole screen go wonky, flickery, speckly, etc.10:16
crolle17shack, the mentioned uninstall-file is not located on my machine.10:16
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JasonWoofPaddy_EIRE: in the past it would just freeze the display10:16
JasonWoofPaddy_EIRE: I'm installing ppracer in case it's just glxgears10:17
dominicusshack: so if I wanted to chmod a text file into an executable, I would go "chmod +x thefile.sh"?10:17
shackcrolle17: check from gnome if you'll find this software from there10:17
Paddy_EIREJasonWoof, you never know10:17
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bullgard4What is the essence of the 'hwmon' concept?10:17
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shackdominicus: sudo chmod a+x thefile10:17
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dominicusok thanks10:17
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silokoyone know how to reset your netstats?10:17
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DaveyJ_is there any reason i'm not getting sound to playback on my 3g2 files?10:18
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Jimmiohow do I play .avi files?10:18
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crolle17shack, how is this package called?10:18
silokowell actually my problem is with conky displaying wierd netstats after a resume from suspend - so i was trying to rest to see if it was a system problem10:18
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crolle17shack, have to install it...10:18
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shackdominicus: sudo chmod (a or u or g) + (x or r or w) so it means that first before the + you select priviliges either to user, group or all and after the + youll select what they can do, read, execute or write10:18
shackvmware i think10:19
shackcrolle17: you're searching from the packagemanager right?10:19
Jimmiois there a way to play .avi files?10:19
crolle17shack, or better what do you mean by gnome?10:19
dominicusno, jimmio, impossible10:19
crolle17shack, yes10:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:19
dominicusshack, thanks10:19
astro76bullgard4, why don't you read the kernel docs they pointed to you in #debian earlier?10:20
shackcrolle17: you're graphical interface10:20
triasnew user question;  I want to run the command java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar in a launcher problem is it runs it as though i'm in the desktop directory. I can put the path in but then the game can't find the data files.  how do i make it run as though it is in the correct directory?10:20
=== xhaan plays avi just fine by clicking on it
Ademanare there any restrictions on what characters can be in a user name? like are non alphanumeric characters allowed?10:20
SeokeOmg yay I just found my 6.06 CD10:20
shackcrolle17: http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-New-Ubuntu-User-Guide-Install-and-Uninstall-Software-49979.shtml10:20
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bullgard4astro76: Where do you know from that I did not?10:20
crolle17shack, how is this gi called (for installing it)10:20
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shackcrolle17: or in terminal http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26943610:21
crolle17shack, ah...10:21
Paddy_EIREAdeman, afaik A-Z 0-9 all lower case10:21
Sevki setup ub 7.04 with hd_iso file10:21
SeokeShake found my 6.06 CD just going to use taht10:21
AdemanPaddy_EIRE: thanks, i was afraid of that, but it's not so bad10:21
shackcrolle17: in terminal write sudo aptitude remove [package-name] 10:21
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crolle17shack, i made a apt-get remove.10:22
shackSeoke: good for you10:22
shackcrolle17: did it help?10:22
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crolle17shack, as i said that uninstalled it. but now i want to install it again, but get this message.10:22
SevkI use Gaim now ,how to hid other's quit message?10:22
crolle17shack, so maybe the apt-get remove didn't remove all or whatever.10:23
Sevklike : (162314) Kloeschen (quit: "Verlassend")10:23
Sevkhow to hide10:23
astro76bullgard4, <patrakov> bullgard4: please read Documentation/hwmon/userspace-tools in the kernel sources or in linux-doc-2.6.18 package10:23
Paddy_EIRESevk, you should use a better irc client than gaim, try xchat10:24
shackcrolle17: let's wait if some pro answers to your problem10:24
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Sevkxchat ,ok10:24
shackSevk, or if you're running linux use irssi10:24
shackSevk, in irssi you can do: /ignore #channel joins quits10:24
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shackSevk, and modes too10:24
bullgard4astro76: I did read that document. Can you answer the question I put?10:24
theeai have a question: i used wine to install yahoo messenger everithing is ok but when i want to start aplication i use the comand open with wine and nothing happend10:25
theeawhat should i do10:25
astro76bullgard4, not really, and it's kinda offtopic for this channel, which is for ubuntu support10:25
crolle17shack, what is a pro? professional?10:25
crolle17or professor?10:25
shackcrolle17: professional or advanced user10:25
Paddy_EIREtheea, thats not how it works10:25
crolle17or pro and contra?10:25
astro76bullgard4, try #linux maybe10:25
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shackcrolle17: or in the meantime you can paste your error message to google and see if that helps10:26
theeapaddy then teach me10:26
crolle17shack, ah10:26
Paddy_EIREtheea, try looking in your home dir for .wine then drive_c10:26
triasnew user question;  I want to run the command java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar in a launcher problem is it runs it as though i'm in the desktop directory. I can put the path in but then the game can't find the data files.  how do i make it run as though it is in the correct directory?10:26
crolle17shack, i'll do so.10:26
=== DanielH [n=danielh@ool-4351f427.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
shackcrolle17: it usually helps10:26
Newbie_DudeI'm trying to make a Link on my desktop that will open the directory "~.wine/drive_c" but the link doesn't work, any ideas?10:26
DanielHois DanielH10:26
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theeathere are installed all files i saw them10:26
bullgard4astro76: The question I put i not off-topic as 'hwmon' is used in Ubuntu 7.04.10:26
shackcrolle17: try to remove words from the error message if you don't get any results from google10:26
Paddy_EIREtheea, how you goin, and why use yahoo messenger on linux10:26
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, You forgot a /10:27
crolle17shack, yes ;)10:27
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, ~/.wine...10:27
Newbie_Dudethat doesnt work either, Jordan_U10:27
=== Pete_R [n=Peter_R@c58-109-119-93.lowrp2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
astro76bullgard4, are you having a problem with hwmon in ubuntu?10:27
Newbie_Duderight clicking on the desktop, create launcher, type: application, command ~/.wine/drive_c10:27
shackgotta go10:27
theeapaddy because i wan to comunicate with my baby boy 3 years old and to have voice and video in same system10:28
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, How did you make the link?10:28
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, use "ln"10:28
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Newbie_Dude"ln: `/home/christopher/.wine/drive_c': hard link not allowed for directory10:29
Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, You can either drag the folder to the desktop or run: ln ~/.wine/drive_c ~/Desktop/whatever10:29
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ShaffoxI have a external harddisk, and It's now read-only, how can I change this?10:29
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Jordan_UNewbie_Dude, ls -s10:29
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, put a / after drive_c10:29
Paddy_EIREor that ^^10:29
theeapaddy so i download last version install it using wine went in .wine/drive_c/program files/yahoo!/messenger and open with wine comand the yahoomessenger.exe10:30
Jordan_UShaffox, What File System?10:30
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Paddy_EIREtheea, why are you using yahoo messenger in linux10:30
ShaffoxOh yeah, probably the windows file system ..10:30
theeapaddy because i wan to comunicate with my baby boy 3 years old and to have voice and video in same system10:30
astro76Newbie_Dude, right click on desktop, create launcher and pick type File, put the directory in Location10:31
Paddy_EIREtheea, use gyachi although I dont know if you'll get voice10:31
theeado you have an alternative paddy i did not find one10:31
triasnew user question;  I want to run the command java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar in a launcher problem is it runs it as though i'm in the desktop directory. I can put the path in but then the game can't find the data files.  how do i make it run as though it is in the correct directory10:31
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theeagyachy is using yahoo accounts?10:32
theeagyachy is using yahoo accounts paddy?10:32
Newbie_Dudeastro76, that worked :)10:32
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Daveyboyinstalled php5 (5.2.3) from source with checkinstall, however, my phpinfo (); page shows php version 5.1.2, while php -v shows 5.2.3, please advise10:32
Paddy_EIREtheea, will that not work for you10:32
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Jordan_Utrias, You could try cd /path/to/game && command10:32
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theeain the other town where is my son paddy is windows not linux so please help with solutions10:33
Newbie_Dudeastro76, Paddy_EIRE Jordan_U - thanks guys, got Snood to work in WINE now, woot :)10:33
Paddy_EIREtheea, alright let me see10:33
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theeaok waiting reply since then i wil brb 5 min10:34
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Jordan_UDave123, Did you remove php 5.1.2 ?10:35
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moDumasshey all, i did a sys update and now x fails to start, i have a geforce fx5950ultra and its eating my brain, any love would be awesome10:35
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moDumassi redownloaded the driver10:35
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moDumassbut i dont think i reinstalled it10:36
Jordan_UmoDumass, Did you install the driver through nvidia.com instead of restricted manager?10:36
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moDumassnot too sure how to go about that10:36
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moDumassJordan_U yes yes i did10:36
Par-DuemoDumass: have you tried reconfiguring the driver? "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:36
moDumassand i understand that everytime i update kernel i need to reinstall the driver10:36
Jordan_UmoDumass, Then the driver will break with every kernel upgrade10:36
SeokeHey I started up on liveCD now could someone send me a link to dualboot?10:36
liquiddoom!dualboot | Seoke10:37
ubotuSeoke: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)10:37
moDumassPar-Due, no i didnt reconfig10:37
Jordan_UmoDumass, remove the nvidia driver from nvidia.com and install nvidia-glx from the repositories10:37
Jordan_UmoDumass, Reconfiguring X won't help10:37
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moDumassJordan_U i did do that last time10:37
Par-DuemoDumass: yeah ignore the reconfiguring..i wasn't aware you had a different video driver10:38
Paddy_EIREtheea, this seems ideal man really http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=431290 what would stop you from using this10:38
Par-DuemoDumass: do you have nvidia-glx installed?10:38
moDumassJordan_U but its mashed again for some twisted reason10:38
Paddy_EIREtheea, running yahoo messenger on wine is pretty lacking really10:38
moDumassPar-Due indeed i did10:38
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Par-DuemoDumass: sudo nvidia-xconfig10:38
Par-DuemoDumass: then reboot10:38
Jordan_UmoDumass, What do you mean you did that last time? Are you currently using the driver from nvidia.com or from the repos?10:39
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moDumassJordan_U it should be using the driver from the repos10:39
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moDumassJordan_U however last time i was given a random walkthrough and used some random app that sorted it all out10:40
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Jordan_UmoDumass, envy?10:40
Paddy_EIREhas linux sorted out the whole voice chat problem with IM's such as AIM, Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger10:41
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THE_SLIDERHi all!10:41
Zemuswow, I just got the best idea.10:41
dominicusHELP: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:41
dominicusE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:41
Zemushere's the idea10:41
bruenigdominicus, close synaptic10:41
Jordan_Udominicus, quit synaptic10:41
Zemuswe install windows live one care on linux10:41
dominicusdamn lol i figured it out as i posted it,10:41
moDumassJordan_U may have been, since im using command line i cant really tell what i used.10:41
Jordan_UmoDumass, That installs from nvidia.com10:42
bruenigthat is exactly the reason synaptic and add/remove should not be installed by default10:42
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Par-DuemoDumass: if you have nvidia-glx installed with the right nvidia modules, sudo nvidia-xconfig will fix you10:42
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moDumassJordan_U, cool, yeh im guessing i may have installed from nvidia then10:42
Jordan_UmoDumass, run envy again and remove the drivers it installed and install nvidia-glx from the repos10:42
moDumassPar-Due yeh i did that and rebooted, no love10:42
THE_SLIDERI've got a Multimedia Emergency! just got a Compaq Deskpro ( Oldschool pc // P2 ) and installed Breezy onit... got no internet on it... can anyone help me how i can put xmms onto it?10:42
bruenigTHE_SLIDER, breezy isn't supported get another version10:43
moDumassJordan_U can i run envy from cmdline10:43
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Jordan_UTHE_SLIDER, Why are you running Breezy ?10:43
THE_SLIDERi know breezy isn't supported.10:43
Jordan_UmoDumass, IIRC yes10:43
bruenigTHE_SLIDER, ok well this the support channel, so if it isn't supported....10:43
moDumassJordan_U "envy-t"10:43
THE_SLIDERfirst i tried the latest Xubuntu, but the installer died off10:43
rocketsThe latest ATI driver supports composite but desktop effects still don't work.10:43
THE_SLIDERthen i found the breezy cd so i gave it a try.10:43
rocketsMother *#$(@*er10:43
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Jordan_UTHE_SLIDER, Try the alternate install cd, it's the same interface as breezy10:44
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bruenigthe good ole days of alternate by default installer10:44
THE_SLIDERokay.. so that might work. :D10:44
Paddy_EIRErockets, yeah they do you need to install xgl and create an xgl session10:44
Jordan_U!alternate | THE_SLIDER10:44
ubotuTHE_SLIDER: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal10:44
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. anyone know if apt has Enemy Territory in the resources? If so what's it called?10:44
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rocketsPaddy_EIRE, I know that, with the old xgl drivers. but im saying the LATEST drivers support the composite extension10:44
moDumassJordan_U it seems envy is not what i used10:44
Paddy_EIRENineTeen67Comet, it aint10:44
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bruenigNineTeen67Comet, apt-cache search enemy10:44
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stefg!games | NineTeen67Comet10:45
ubotuNineTeen67Comet: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org10:45
NineTeen67CometPaddy_EIRE: bummer because the site download is basicly shot ..10:45
THE_SLIDERokay. so i only have to download the alternate install cd and burn it, eh? :D10:45
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stefgTHE_SLIDER: coreect10:45
Paddy_EIRENineTeen67Comet, try download.com10:45
NineTeen67CometThanks stefg N Paddy_EIRE10:45
Jinzanyone know of a guide to help me set up wifi using vmware running ubuntu?10:45
NineTeen67Cometthanks much10:45
THE_SLIDERokay. thanks!10:45
bruenigPaddy_EIRE, good point, NineTeen67Comet, you can get a link to it from internet.com10:45
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Jordan_UTHE_SLIDER, If you have another *nix box you can be tricky and still install from the LiveCD without X, but the alternate CD is easier10:46
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Paddy_EIREtheea, you there10:46
NineTeen67Cometbruenig: thanks .. lookin' roun' now ..10:46
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bruenigNineTeen67Comet, run that command, it will allow you to search for stuff which makes you self sufficient10:46
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theeayes i'm here10:46
brueniginstead of asking around for people to tell you exact names10:46
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theeayes i'm here Paddy_EIRE10:47
NineTeen67Cometbrunner: gotchya .. forgot all about searching apt10:47
stefgJinz: what is what? you're running ubuntu as guest or as host?10:47
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Paddy_EIREtheea, ok so, you cant get voice working using wine with yahoo messenger, although..10:47
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triasthanks Jordan_U however when i do cd ../home/aaron/games/freecol even in the terminal i am getting that it doesn't exist10:47
JinzI don't know. I'me running vmware on xp. Vm ware had ubuntu running on it10:47
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Jordan_Utrias, Are you typing it correctly? Try using tab completion and remember that *nix is case sensitive10:48
bruenigtrias, were you in /somethingelse10:48
gnomefreaktrias: cd ~/games/freecol10:48
Paddy_EIREtheea, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=431290 try this or consider getting a voip service up and running like skype or ekiga10:48
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moDumassJordan_U, and Par-Due what do you recommend i do, i just ran "sudo wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run10:49
dominicusany tutorials on configuring apache web server for ubuntu?10:49
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stefgJinz: ok, so you're running ubuntu as guest, this means XP has to deal with the Wifi-network, ubuntu will connect to the virtual vmware router and get  its network over this10:49
dominicuslol grios10:49
moDumassJordan_U, and Par-Due, but now im kinda stumped10:49
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dominicussaying out your name10:49
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Paddy_EIRE!apache | dominicus10:49
ubotudominicus: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:49
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Jordan_UmoDumass, I recommend you sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx instead10:50
theeathankx paddy10:50
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Paddy_EIREtheea, no probs10:50
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moDumassJordan_U, and I shal, I am open to suggenstions, thanks10:50
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Jinzstefg I can't connect to anything using ubuntu on vmware, while on xp my wireless is running fine10:51
Jordan_UmoDumass, But be sure to remove the old driver first10:51
Newbie_DudeHow do I kill a running process if it's not in the panel bar?10:51
moDumassJordan_U, how do i do that?10:51
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Jordan_UmoDumass, sudo apt-get remove nvidia* ?10:51
Daveyboyinstalled php5 (5.2.3) from source with checkinstall, however, my phpinfo (); page shows php version 5.1.2, while php -v shows 5.2.3, please advise10:52
triasthanks gnomefreak that worked in the terminal however when i run the whole thing (with the && bit) in the launcher i get ammessage that "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"10:52
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stefgJinz: this is more or less an issue of XP/vmware setup. If the off-the shelf ubuntu-vm is configured right, it should just connect if the host is set up right10:52
gnomefreaktrias: what exactly ar eyou running?10:52
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Jordan_UDave123, Did you remove php 5.1.2 ?10:52
triasi am running a game called freecol well trying to10:53
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mon^rchhow do you dist-upgrade with the package manager thingy again?10:53
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Jordan_Umon^rch, You are trying to upgrade to a new version of ubuntu?10:53
gnomefreaktrias: what is the full command you are using?10:53
mon^rchJordan_U: yeah10:54
Jordan_U!upgrade | mon^rch10:54
ubotumon^rch: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:54
Jinzstefg. ok. Why is it that the default set up which should otherwise work never works for me?10:54
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Paddy_EIREmaybe your a jinx Jinz :P10:54
Jinzgood one10:55
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yuanhi i get a question , i wanna set mark in Emacs23,but how to input C-@10:55
Jordan_UJinz, So to be clear ( maybe I missed when you answered this ) is Ubuntu the host or the guest OS10:55
yuanCtrl + shift +2?10:55
triasgnomefreak, cd ~/games/freecol && java -Xmx256M -jar FreeCol.jar10:55
Jinzguest JohanSalim10:55
gnomefreakyuan: emacs23?10:56
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gnomefreaktrias: can you run them separate?10:56
triasi will try it in terminal10:56
Jordan_UJinz, Then you don't connect wirelessly with Ubuntu10:56
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moDumassJordan_U, I did that it uninstalled a whole lotta stuff, then i ran the second cmd, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, now how do i restart x?10:56
Paddy_EIREmoDumass, ctrl+alt+backspace10:57
Jinzi can't connect anyway. Xp my connection is fine10:57
Jordan_UJinz, Ubuntu isn't accessing your wireless card, turn on internet sharing ( NAT ) in VMware10:57
mon^rchJordan_U: I want to upgrade to gutsy using the update manager10:57
gnomefreakyuan: you do know that emacs23 hasnt been released (not even sure if its been started)10:57
moDumassJordan_U and Par-Due thanks for all the help BTW10:57
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JinzJordan_U - I do that. with no luck10:57
triasgnomefreak, yes i can do that10:57
gnomefreakyuan: gutsy hasnt gotten latest stable yet 2210:57
Newbie_DudeIs there a way to kill processes by not using the terminal? Such as seeing a list of running processes similar to Windows' Control-Alt-Delete list? >_>10:57
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gnomefreaktrias: than im thinking java doesnt like the &&10:57
Jordan_UmoDumass, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:57
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, top10:58
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astro76!upgrade | mon^rch10:58
ubotumon^rch: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:58
yuan.... o , so how about in Emacs22? just Ctrl+shift+2?10:58
Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, or go to system > admin > system monitor10:58
bruenigNewbie_Dude, killall processname10:58
bruenigNewbie_Dude, kill -9 PID10:58
gnomefreakyuan: only one in feisty is 2110:58
gnomefreakyuan: what version are you on?10:58
Jordan_UmoDumass, To be sure it didn't remove anything important accidentally run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:58
Frogzoognomefreak: I'm running emacs 23 atm10:58
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triasgnomefreak, ok thanks does that mean a laucnher can't be made?10:59
yuanubuntu 7.04 ,but i get a emacs from cvs...10:59
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gnomefreaktrias: it would be better to write a script to launch it this way one command is cd ... than next command is java ...10:59
gnomefreakyuan: than ask in #emacs10:59
Newbie_Dudebruenig, Paddy_EIRE thanks11:00
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Paddy_EIRENewbie_Dude, no problem :D11:00
yuanok , thanks11:00
gnomefreaktrias: instead of && does ; work?11:00
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triasgnomefreak, no same error11:00
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Tron04Hello, is it possible to use the hardware capabilities of the SBlive sound card also in Kubuntu/Linux. I searched the available mixer applications, but did not find a suitable one. Especially I want to fiddle around with the hardware effects the emu10k1 processor provides (like parametric eq, reverb, chorus, distortion etc.). In Win there is the Creative Surround Mixer application or the kx project. Any tipps where to start to find my solu11:01
Tron04Linux / ubuntu?11:01
triasgnomefreak, is making a script difficult?11:01
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gnomefreaktrias: than java doesnt like being run that way11:01
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Paddy_EIRETron04, synaptic?11:01
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gnomefreaktrias: it shouldnt be too bad for that. i will come up with one real fast(couple minutes) and i will teel you what to do with it11:02
Tron04Paddy: Searched synaptic, but did not find a suitable package. Do you have any in mind?11:02
Paddy_EIRETron04, the names are evading me at the mo :S11:02
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Tron04Paddy: Are you sure there is such a Sblive Mixer for Linux that also provides adjustable hardware paramaters for these cards. I don't think so.11:03
Paddy_EIRETron04, I would be surprised if there werent11:04
Tron04Paddy: Googled a long time for it now, with no luck...11:04
Paddy_EIRETron04, 1 sec11:04
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Frogzoognomefreak: http://peadrop.com/blog/2007/01/06/pretty-emacs/ if you're interested in emacs 2311:05
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Paddy_EIRETron04, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=23736137 <--this may contain something useful11:06
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Newbie_DudeWow, I'm amazed, JAVA apps run so much smoother and faster in Ubuntu than in Windows XP :O11:08
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bruenigjava sucks, what are you talking about11:08
kameronwhat is the package name for opera browser?11:09
Newbie_Dudebruenig, well it sucks, but it sucked more in Windows XP from my comparison11:09
kameronyou're a dickhead.11:09
kameronPaddy_EIRE, try sudo apt-get install opera please11:09
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kameronPaddy_EIRE, Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:09
bruenigkameron, get it from the opera website dumbass, it is a commercial app11:09
Paddy_EIRE!oops | Kameron11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oops - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:09
kameronbruenig, oh it's not in any repos anymore?11:10
Paddy_EIRE!ops | Kameron11:10
ubotuKameron: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:10
gnomefreaktrias: in terminal from home dir. type wget http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/freecol.sh11:10
GirlRiverI am running Feisty which has worked well. my machine now fails to boot, giving only a BusyBox prompt with "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" (initramfs) ... can someone please help me ...11:10
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gnomefreakPaddy_EIRE: ?11:10
bruenigwhat an overreaction11:10
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crolle17i installed the vmware-server and tried to create a windows2000-vm. but trying to start it i get this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29988/11:10
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Newbie_DudeSo I assume if someone "ops" me that it's a bad thing.11:10
crolle17it's so funny...11:10
kameronbasically Newbie_Dude, i said a badword and he had a hissy fit about it so he wants an op to get me kicked out11:11
bruenigops that backfire are funny11:11
gnomefreaktrias: let me know onc eyou have it saved11:11
kameronanyways, thanks bruenig, for not being a douchebag, and for being helpful!11:11
gnomefreakbruenig: if only you knew the half of it wuth him11:11
ZemusI just changed from 1024 x 768 to 1280 x 102411:11
gnomefreakkameron: watch your language11:11
Zemusmy eyes11:11
Zemushahhhho hhhh11:11
Zemusand 60 hz refresh as a result D:11:11
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kamerongnomefreak, yes sir :)11:12
kameronLOFL FAG11:12
triasgnomefreak, i have it er somewhere11:12
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Assassin`when i install quake III i get jerky mouse movement and no sound anyone know a link to look at?11:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@S0106000129f5b884.vc.shawcable.net] by gnomefreak
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GirlRiverI am running Feisty which has worked well. my machine now fails to boot, giving only a BusyBox prompt with "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" (initramfs) ... can someone please help me ...11:13
crolle17has somebody here experiences with vmware-server?11:13
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stefgJinz: GirlRiver it seems that the kernel doesn't find the root filesystem anymore11:15
stefgGirlRiver it seems that the kernel doesn't find the root filesystem anymore11:15
GirlRiverstefg: is there a way to correct this ?11:15
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stefgGirlRiver: did anything unusual happen. Did you mess with settings, got an update, changed partitions?11:16
scoobtitsman i relaly suck at using wine11:16
gnomefreaktrias: run chmood +ax freecol.sh11:16
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lunargroveHey, I was wondering: do any of you have experience with the Dell machines that come with Ubuntu pre-installed? I'm in the market for a new computer and it'd be nice to have a Linux laptop with no compatibility issues...11:17
crolle17i installed the vmware-server and tried to create a windows2000-vm. but trying to start it i get this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29988/11:17
GirlRiverstefg: no, machine was running slowly then gui locked up so I rebooted from remote ssh session and failure occured11:17
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gnomefreaktrias: than sudo cp freecol.sh /usr/local/bin11:17
gnomefreaktrias: than try running it with freecol.sh11:17
stefgGirlRiver: hmmm.. can be harddsik failure. Are you able to run a Live CD on that machine and connect from there?11:18
gnomefreakif not you may need to use sh freecol.sh11:18
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triasgnomefreak, i tried it then it didn't know chmood so i changed to chmod and it said "chmod: invalid mode: `+ax'"11:19
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moDumassJordan_U, hmm, still "Failed to start X server"11:19
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gnomefreaktrias: chmod a+x11:19
scoobtitsJordan_U, I LOVE YOU11:20
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AdemanGirlRiver: did you use envy?11:20
gnomefreakthink i typoed that in script instrcutions11:20
moDumassJordan_U haha, it seems scoobumm yeh aha11:20
scoobtitsJordan_U, you here? im on 32bit it worked dawgg11:20
Jordan_Uscoobtits, :)11:20
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AdemanmoDumbass: installing nvidia drivers?11:20
akosHello! I have the next sound configuration:  http://pastebin.ca/620205     I might have some problem with the jack too, because If i insert halfly, i can heard the beeping sound, but the laptop speakers are not working if i take it w11:21
scoobtitsnow i just need to figure out ow to use wine11:21
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akosout.. any idead?11:21
akosany ideas?11:21
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Jordan_UmoDumass, Did you remove the nvidia.com drivers before installing the nvidia-glx drivers11:21
GirlRiverstefg: the ubuntu splash screen comes up before the error message and I am pretty sure that the kernel  and boot loader are on the same physical hdd so I am figuring that it is not hdd failure,11:21
echosystmdoes anyone know what versions of photoshop run best under wine?11:22
AdemanmoDumbass: edit your /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common   so that it reads DISABLED_MODULES=""11:22
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Jordan_U!appdb | echosystm11:22
ubotuechosystm: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org11:22
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GirlRiverstefg: if I boot from LiveCD, which should I use, Desktop or Alternate ?11:22
triasgnomefreak, thanks a heap it works11:22
AdemanmoDumass: that's assuming you're going from the nvidia drivers off the web, to the ones in the repositories11:22
GirlRiverademan: what is envy?11:22
Jordan_U!envy | GirlRiver11:23
ubotuGirlRiver: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:23
gnomefreaktrias: now use the command you ran the script with as the launcher command11:23
stefgGirlRiver: ok, but even the the filesystem might be corupt. the splash and stuff come all from the initrd, Use the Desktop CD, so we can run some diagnostics on the installed system11:23
FrogzooGirlRiver: are you running the live cd or installed? if installed, what's uname -a ?11:23
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triasgnomefreak, yes already tried it no worries works11:23
gnomefreaktrias: if you ran it with freecol.sh   make a launch with freecol.sh as command11:23
gnomefreakoh ok11:23
imrancan anybody help me? i am dual booting my pc with ubuntu and windows XP and i need to know how to make windows the default operating system11:23
AdemanGirlRiver: yeah, what ubotu said, it raped one of my machines i had to do a full reinstall, couldn't get to a tty just like you, so i was dead in the water, i even tried repairing things from a livecd, still no go11:23
moDumassAdeman, its been so many steps over the years i have no idea11:23
paycan any one tell me what??11:23
AdemanmoDumass: what are you trying to do at the moment?11:24
payUnable to mount the selected volume ??11:24
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joeybeeechosystm: photoshop 7 runs best. photoshop cs1 will also run perfectly but takes 2-3 minutes to boot and utilizes 100% cpu in doing so11:24
AdemanmoDumass: and sorry for making you repeat yourself :-p11:24
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proqesiAdeman: explain please how exactly a machine is raped11:24
burhanimran: you need to edit menu.lst and change the default entry there.11:24
moDumassAdeman,id a sys update, booted into win to do some well winwork, and now i cant start x11:24
burhanimran: if you need help with that, let me know.11:24
stefg!grub | imram11:24
ubotuimram: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:24
payUnable to mount the selected volume??11:24
echosystmcool, thanks joeybee11:24
moDumassAdeman, thats alright, your trying to help11:24
GirlRiverfrogzoo, stephg, ademan: I am talking here on a second machine ... will now boot the broken one with liveCD11:25
Jordan_UmoDumass, Like Ademan said "sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" and edit it so that it reads DISABLED_MODULES=""11:25
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imranburhan: i don't know how to do that11:25
GirlRiverademan: eeww .. not, not using envy11:26
FrogzooGirlRiver: seems the  2.6.20-13 kernel has this issue & 14 doesn't11:26
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burhanimran: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS11:26
AdemanmoDumass: ah, yeah your kernel was probably updated, which means you have to reinstall your nvidia drivers,  i'd reccomend just installing the nvidia-glx package found in the repositories, like i believe you were trying to do right?11:26
triasgnomefreak, i have another separate issue (hell i have plenty) in using openoffice i wanted to use the document converter wizard to convert my msoffice files and very old openoffice files to the new format when i do that  i get an error and a script pops up11:26
moDumassAdeman and Jordan_U it says Disabled_Modules="nv"11:26
AdemanmoDumass: change it to DISABLED_MODULES=""11:27
imranburhan, thanks11:27
moDumassAdeman, correct11:27
FrogzooGirlRiver: you booting a live DVD ?11:27
GirlRiverstephg: FrogZoo: I am on 2.6.20-1611:27
GirlRiverfrogzoo: liveCD desktop11:27
AdemanmoDumass: then reboot (or you could reload the nvidia driver and startx, your choice but it's probably worth it just to reboot11:27
moDumassok, um how do i make changes to this file11:27
Jordan_UmoDumass, That is completely bizarre, there is no good reason for that to be there ( nvidia would make sense ) but remove it11:27
gnomefreaktrias: im not all that great with OO.o but what is the error?11:27
stefgGirlRiver: please spell my nick right, so i get a highlight when you're talking to me :-).11:28
GirlRiverfrogzoo: stephg: when at menu on LiveCD do I boot into full ubuntu ?11:28
AdemanmoDumass:  sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common      and then it will prompt you for a password11:28
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gnomefreakst<tab> will fix it so you dont typo his nick11:28
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GirlRiverstefg: sorry11:28
moDumassAdeman, correct, i put it in, then cursored and cleared11:28
moDumassAdeman, now rebooting11:29
Ademank good luck11:29
stefgGirlRiver: yes... you need the running Desktop-CD live environment. we have to look at your installed system from a working environment11:29
dissectionHello. What can I use in Ubunty 7.04 (GNOME) that'll keep track of how much I upload/download daily, monthly, etc?11:29
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Jordan_UmoDumass, You might also try "sudo depmod -a" if you havn't already11:29
imranburhan: can you  tell me how to edit menu.lst please?11:29
moDumassAdeman, over the years i have followed a lot of "fixit" suggestions, and probably changed a whole lot of things along the way11:29
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AdemanJordan_U: well he's rebooting so would that still be necessary?11:30
AdemanmoDumass: well hopefully this will work11:30
triasgnomefreak, well when i run the wizard it doesn't start.  in openoffice i get a message "inadmissible value or data type. index out of defined range" a macros windows also pops up with a bunch of text  in it11:30
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Jordan_UAdeman, I meant instead of rebooting, but too late :)11:30
Ademanah :-p11:30
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ilovejumpgot a question about ubuntu11:30
imrancan anyone else tell me how to edit menu.lst11:30
Ademan!ask | ilovejump11:30
ubotuilovejump: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:31
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Frogzoodissection: darkstar11:31
ilovejumpis there something like control + alt + delete like in windows?11:31
Jordan_Uimran, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst11:31
thughow can i use my scsi host adapter ?11:31
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Frogzoodissection: darkstat - oops11:31
moDumassAdeman, reboot?11:31
Ademanilovejump: just for killing processes? system->administration->system monitor will do that11:31
imranJordan_U, thanks11:31
FrogzooDiki: toast11:31
thugi have it listed with all my other hardware but aint working ... i have a hdd attached to it11:31
Jordan_Uilovejump, There are a few things that you can do to get a locked system back if that is what you are asking11:31
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AdemanmoDumass: yeah reboot if you haven't already11:32
ilovejumpyes jordan?11:32
DikiHey now11:32
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DikiThat was a serious test11:32
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ilovejumpbecause somethimes woflenstein crashes and then i can't move my mouse11:32
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ilovejumpand i need to restart my computer; \11:32
Jordan_Uilovejump, First thing to try would be to press ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a terminal and kill wolfenstein11:32
thuganyone ?11:32
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Ademanilovejump: ah, ctrl+alt+f1 will get you a terminal where you can do lots of command line things11:32
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proqesiilovejump: you could unplug and replug your mouse if it's USB11:33
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ilovejumpthanks alot11:33
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Jordan_Uilovejump, If that doesn't work then ctrl+alt+backspace to forcably restart X11:33
ilovejumpand how can i stop my woflentein, kill it?11:33
moDumassAdeman, "Failed to start X"11:33
moDumassAdeman, is there some kind of return that might narrow our mission down a little?11:33
Jordan_Uilovejump, wolfenstein is a windows app right? ( not a gamer :)11:33
ilovejumpno you can use it on linux too;)11:34
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GirlRiverstefg: ok .. i am up on LiveCD11:34
Jordan_Uilovejump, If even that doesn't work try alt+sysrq+k to REALLY forcably restart X11:34
AdemanmoDumass: weak :-/  did you view your X error?11:34
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AdemanmoDumass: if you did can you give me the jist of it?11:35
Jordan_Uilovejump, then just "killall wolfenstein" should do it11:35
Ademankillall -9 if necessary11:35
ilovejumpso if i'm in the terminal i have to type killall wolfenstein?11:35
stefgGirlRiver: so do you know what partition your system is installed on (dev/sda? )11:35
ilovejumpnew here on linux;)11:35
Jordan_Uilovejump, You can also enable ssh and ssh in from another machine11:35
gnomefreakthats odd unless the file is messed up ill brb11:35
gnomefreaktrias: ^^11:35
moDumassAdeman, its the bloe screen with the grey box, saying X mashed do you want to view x server output?11:35
thughow do i enable scsi in my kernel ?11:35
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AdemanmoDumass: yeah, can you select yes?11:36
gnomefreaknot sure why it does that, have you tried multiple MS docs?11:36
Ademanand lemme know what it says, or at least the general text11:36
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GirlRiverstefg: no11:36
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stefgGirlRiver: ok, so get a terminal and enter sudo fdisk -l , pate the output to pastebin11:37
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stefg!paste | GirlRiver11:37
ubotuGirlRiver: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:37
GirlRiverstefg: ok11:37
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moDumassAdeman, haha, X Window Sys V7.2.0  current opsys 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP  (==) Log file "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" using config file "etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:37
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Ademani've always thought the ubuntu pastebin is slow   http://www.rafb.net/paste/  feels faster at least for me11:38
willskillsAdeman htere11:38
willskillsare many faster pastebins11:38
Frogzooilovejump: try 'wineserver -k'11:39
moDumassAdeman, yeh sorry its on another machine, so i cant copy and paste11:39
AdemanmoDumass: actually you COULD just run     grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log      that should get you the important sections11:39
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akosHello! I have the next sound configuration:  http://pastebin.ca/620205     I might have some problem with the jack too, because If i insert halfly, i can heard the beeping sound, but the laptop speakers are not working at all11:39
chaity0007can any one help me in installing wine on ubuntu 711:39
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moDumassAdeman, will do BRB11:39
AdemanmoDumass: and i don't really need the full thing, just like the general idea, like "mismatched kernel module" or something else11:40
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sa1nti've got a question. I've installes steam with wine and downloaded counter-strike and counter-strike condition zero. And only condition zero works properly. the normal cs crashes the complete system. Has anybody an idea what can be wrong with it?11:41
DikiWhere are "quick buttons" located in Konversation?11:41
moDumassAdeman, (EE) Nvidia(0): Falied toload the NVIDIA kernel module!11:41
moDumass(EE) Nvidia(0): ***Aborting***11:42
Jordan_UmoDumass, What happens when you run: sudo modprobe nvidia11:42
moDumass(EE) Screen(s) found but none have usable config11:42
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Ademansa1nt: you can ask in #winehq on this same server, although cs 1.6 and cs:s and just about everything i've tried work fine for me11:42
elsei've got a big problem booting into my debootstrapped ubuntu. grub does not find the kernel though i'm absolutely sure it exists.11:43
sa1ntok, thx11:43
elseanyone have an idea?11:43
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moDumassAdeman, FATAL" Error running install command for nvidia11:43
AdemanJordan_U: you catch that?11:43
Jordan_UmoDumass, try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx11:43
Jordan_UAdeman, Yes11:44
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AdemanmoDumass: i've actually got an essay i SHOULD be writing, i'm gonna have to take my leave, i hope it works out for you, and i'm sure Jordan_U can guide you through this11:44
axos88moDumass, wrong driver is used11:44
GirlRiverstefg: having trouble getting LiveCD machine onto the network11:44
axos88moDumass, oh sorry, my window got scrolled up, couldnt see the rest11:45
moDumassAdeman, thanks for all your help thus far, hope the essay goes well, if you need help, ok, il probably cause a system meltdown, I made optumus prime11:45
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stefgGirlRiver: is it a wired connection? what kind of machine is taht, btw?11:45
FrogzooGirlRiver: this may well help: http://blog.shevin.info/2007/04/how-did-i-fix-cant-acess-tty-in-feisty.html11:45
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Ademanhaha well thanks and good luck moDumass11:45
GirlRiverstefg: finally up ... pasting in 2 secs ...11:45
Nuktarhello ubuntu irc11:46
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GirlRiverstefg: pastebin 2998911:47
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tehdavidcan anyone help me with setting up WPA11:48
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stefgGirlRiver: for convenience you should use gaim from the LiveCD machine and join this channel with a second nick from there.11:48
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GirlRiverstefg: ok, I will change machines11:49
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Jordan_UmoDumass, Is it working after a reinstall ?11:49
moDumassJordan_U no its spazzing out again, i just rebooted after the reinstall11:50
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moDumassand im back to the "failed to start X server"11:50
Jordan_UmoDumass, Is this a new card?11:50
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moDumassJordan_U no its my goodold Geforce fx5950ultra11:52
stefgGirlRiver: hmm... you have installed the system to lvm. complicates things a bit. was there any particular reason to do so?11:52
primskihow can one sort collection by file path, rather than artist name in amarok? can it be done ?11:52
moDumassive had it for about 3 years, and I love it, it makes me warm inside11:52
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Jordan_UmoDumass, I don't think that is old enough to need nvidia-glx-legacy11:53
Frogzooprimski: you might like the amarok plugin for nautilus11:53
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primskifrogzoo, kk thanks, i'll check it out, didnt know about it11:54
NuktarIs there a install creator in Ubuntu, like clickteam install creator in windows ?11:54
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moDumassJordan_U no its not, its on the new list11:54
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Jordan_UmoDumass, not the list for needing nvidia-glx-new I assume?11:55
liquiddoomNuktar: check out the gnome packaging guide11:55
Frogzooprimski: you need to install 'nautilus-actions' then install the amarok plugin into that11:55
GirlRiverstefg: I have gaim on LiveCD but can not get onto this channel11:55
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moDumassJordan_U um, bot sure, i usually have beryl running, have my cube, have transparency, have a skydome, desktop effects the whole 9 yards... but i have always gone with the nvidia drivers andi cant remember if its that my card isnt supported11:56
Jordan_UGirlRiver, can't connect to the internet?11:56
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GirlRiverJordan_U: am on the internet fine, can't get the right chanel on gaim11:56
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primskia thanks frogzoo11:56
varkaNuktar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall11:57
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Jordan_UGirlRiver, install xchat it's easier and will bring you right here11:57
GirlRiverstefg: we thought it would make life easier when spanning hdd's11:57
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FrogzooGirlRiver: it sounds like the 'can't access tty' issue is solve, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421588&highlight=tty+job+control.11:57
Nuktarvarka and liquiddoom thanks, ill check it out11:57
stefgGirlRiver: you have to 'add an IRC-account' in gaim. but never mind... you have installed to lvm, this will get troublesome11:57
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ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs11:58
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GirlRiverFrogzoo: that looks good, will the LVM issue complicate it ?12:00
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primskifrogzoo, how exacty do i install amarok plugin (where do i get it? ) into nautilus-actions ?12:00
Nuktarshipit rocks! i just received 22 ubuntu cd's ! Thanks to the Shipit Team12:00
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RiverGirl_stefg: ok, nick reversed12:00
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RiverGirl_stefg: this is the broken machine, how does lvm complicate things ?12:01
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Jordan_UNuktar, For a local LUG?12:01
stefgRiverGirl_: ok :-) the challenge is now to sort out your root partition inside the lvm.12:01
moDumassJordan_U what is glx-new ?12:01
RiverGirl_stefg: have you seen the link from Frogzoo, whill that work with lvm ?12:02
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Jordan_UmoDumass, It is a newer driver that adds support for newer cards, don't know much more than that12:02
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NuktarYea, kinda. I give free cds to people in my small community... 'cause ubuntu really is cool and win sucks badly12:02
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stefgRiverGirl_: can you 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' . Frogzoo's link is worth a try, but we need to acces the initrd of the installed system, and need to mount your lvm partitions somewhere, t be able to actually do something12:03
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NorwegianBlue'allo 'allo12:03
LuitvDthis might be a stupid question, but how do I initialize hardware in ubuntu? ...12:03
=== Diki feels like testing his colours
moDumassJordan_U how would we jsut start from the beginning?12:04
Nuktarit's afternoon on my clock, still hello12:04
liquiddoomLuitvD: It's detected at boot.12:04
RiverGirl_stefg: ok done12:04
LuitvDI added a Wireless LAN card and a Gigabit LAN card to my PCI slots, and nothing happens... HAL doesn't see them12:04
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Jordan_UmoDumass, What do you mean?12:04
liquiddoomLuitvD: Have you looked at lspci?12:04
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stefgRiverGirl_: so what's in mount now? the kernel and initrd? (ls -ls /mnt)12:04
Nuktarsystem-preferences-hardware info12:05
stefgRiverGirl_: so what's in mount now? the kernel and initrd? (ls -la /mnt)12:05
LuitvDliquiddoom: I have... haven't seen both12:05
LuitvDhave seen one device...12:05
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liquiddoomLuitvD: Odd... see them in dmesg or ifconfig?12:05
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LuitvDliquiddoom: ifconfig and iwconfig are both still the same as before12:05
liquiddoomLuitvD: Hmm, I'm not sure then. Google the cards and see if it needs anything special12:06
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moDumassJordan_U imean and im not sure here, but im wondering if some of the "fixes" along the way are creating problems for some of the other "fixes"12:06
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Jordan_ULuitvD, Does a liveCD see them?12:06
LuitvDliquiddoom: that's a bit of a problem... I don't know any card type number or any chip type12:06
LuitvDJordan_U: haven't tried12:07
RiverGirl_stefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29991/12:07
Frogzooprimski: http://www.grumz.net/index.php?q=configlist  : and another thing, you also can configure nautilus to preview sounds files - just needs the right lib file installed12:07
vasilishello may I ask a question... I downloaded the ubuntu 7.04, and I started my pc using the CD. after the "installation" it asked me to login... but, under what user name and with which password should I use?12:07
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Jordan_UmoDumass, You could save your /home and re-install12:07
NuktarI think Add/Remove software is the best thing Ubuntu has !12:07
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liquiddoomLuitvD: Hmm.... take the cards out and see if you can find a model number or chipset on it, then look that up?12:08
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Nuktarvasilis, the username u entered during installation12:08
ratatapsafter i complete 1st install, it asks me to take out disk and hit enter. after i do so, it freezes (saying hit enter)12:08
stefgRiverGirl_: ok... that's you /boot partition... sudo umount /mnt . Can you paste 'ls -la /dev/evms/lvm2' ?12:08
Jordan_UmoDumass, Just as a last thing to try let's setup the drivers from nvidia.com12:08
vasilisthere was no installation... It looked like working with live cd12:08
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Jordan_UmoDumass, sudo whateveritis.run12:08
Nuktarafter u clicked on install12:09
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Nuktarinstall icon on desktop, vasilis12:09
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Jordan_Uvasilis, The installer asks you for a username and pass but if you have forgotten it you can reset your password12:10
RiverGirl_stefg: claims "no such file or directory"12:10
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ratatapsthe pc freezes after i take out live cd after 1st install. manually restart?12:10
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stefgRiverGirl_: hmmm. no lvm module...12:10
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PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:10
vasilisnote, that I install it directly from cd, while the startup of my pc.. no through any other OS12:11
Jordan_Uratataps, Is it frozen or is it just waiting for you to hit enter?12:11
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ratatapsi hit enter may times12:11
ratatapsthis happend twice12:11
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Jordan_Uvasilis, reboot and choose the recovery mode option from grub12:11
PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:11
ratatapsi guess it's 90% done shutting down, then prompts me to remove cd and close tray and Hit enter. then it freezes or waits forever12:11
Nuktarthen reboot manually12:12
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stefgRiverGirl_: you need to get access to the lvm. read  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery , section Finding your root-partition. and check wether you can identify your root12:12
Jordan_Uvasilis, then do "ls /home" to find the user name you created ( your home folder and user name are the same ) then run "passwd <username>"12:12
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PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:12
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sdlooguten morgen12:13
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DikiFOR ANYONE WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH KONVERSATION: Is there a way to have Konversation play a sound when receiving a PM?12:13
rohhywhat it the official language?12:13
Jordan_U!caps | DIki12:13
ubotuDIki: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:13
moDumassJordan_U um, whateveritis, yeh i r slower than that, but il give it a whirl12:13
LuitvDliquiddoom: had a hard time reading the type of the chip :) didn't have to shut down12:14
RiverGirl_stefg: installing lvm2 noqw12:14
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Jordan_Uvasilis, Did you get that?12:14
PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:14
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vasilisyes, I will try iit!12:14
vasilisthank you12:14
LuitvDliquiddoom: it's a Realtek 8169, so do I need to modprobe r8169 ?12:14
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shazbothi ! can somebody please tell me how i get the icons away from the desktop (the shortcuts to my hdd's)12:15
LuitvDliquiddoom: or is something else needed, something to point it to that device?12:15
PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:15
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rohhycan anyone help me with soud settings? I can not find "boost 20 db" option in the standard KMix12:16
kismetis there a tool like fsck for non ext file systems?12:16
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Jordan_Ushazbot, I think it's a nautilus preference in gconf-editor12:16
Jordan_Ukismet, fsck isn't ext3 specific12:16
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PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with partitioning on feisty?12:16
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shazbotk thx Jordan_U gonna lokk at this :)12:17
kismetJordan_U, okay is there another tool i could check windows file system with?12:17
lunganIs there any app to get soundeffects in ubuntu? like a beep when typing escape and open a new file etc. ?12:17
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Jordan_Ukismet, NTFS?12:17
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Jordan_Ukismet, Just use fsck12:17
mon^rchwhat's the command to tell whick version of ubuntu I'm running?12:18
SeokeHey can someone tell me how to install a file that I got that was in archive format?12:18
rohhycan anyone help me with sound settings? I can not find "boost 20 db" option in the standard KMix12:18
kismetmon^rch, uname -r in terminal12:18
Jordan_Umon^rch, lsb_release -a12:18
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SeokeCan someone tell me how to install a program that I got in archive format?12:19
Jordan_UmoDumass, I need to sleep, /msg me if you get it working12:19
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shazbotthx Jordan_U i found it :)12:19
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Jordan_USeoke, What are you trying to install?12:19
SeokeCan someone tell me how to install a program that I got in archive format?12:20
PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me where I should put the ext3 partition (primary, beginning or end), provided that I got a NTFS partition already?12:20
Jordan_USeoke, What are you trying to install?12:20
Newbie_DudeI'm back, hey Seoke did you ever get your ISO to burn?12:20
SeokeJoran_U, It's called xawtv12:20
SeokeJordan_U, Its so I can use my webcam >_<12:20
SeokeNewbie_Dude, I found my old ~ disc12:20
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Jordan_USeoke, sudo apt-get install xawtv12:20
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Jordan_USeoke, Always check the repositories first12:21
PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me where I should put the ext3 partition (primary, beginning or end), provided that I got a NTFS partition already?12:21
SeokeJordan_U, Couldnt find package12:21
defrysk!info xawtv12:21
SeokeJordan_U, the file came in an archive12:21
ubotuxawtv: X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 233 kB, installed size 668 kB12:21
Jordan_U!universe | Seoke12:21
ubotuSeoke: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:21
mon^rchhrmm I seemingly upgraded to gutsy fine enough :D12:22
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amazegthow can I reveal my NTFS disc so I can see it12:22
PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me where I should put the ext3 partition (primary, beginning or end), provided that I got a NTFS partition already?12:22
Newbie_DudeSeoke - Did you try opening the terminal and typing "sudo apt-get install xawtv" ??12:22
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:22
rohhycan anyone help me with sound settings? I can not find "boost 20 db" option in the standard KMix12:22
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Jordan_UPlayMeNow, I think that "beggining" will put it just after your NTFS partition12:22
PlayMeNowok i'll try12:23
SeokeNewbie_Dude, yup it said "E: Couldn't find packaged xawtv"12:23
Jordan_USeoke, Enable universe12:23
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stefgRiverGirl_: i'm just reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864/comments/13 . this might help to get the machine boot again, and then fix the issue from within the installed system12:23
SeokeJOrdan_U, how?12:23
Jordan_U!universe | Seoke12:23
ubotuSeoke: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:23
aleksanteri!package info gif2png12:23
PlayMeNowJordan_U: And the swap end?12:24
aleksanteri!package find gif2png12:24
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dissectionaleksanteri: You can do it in GIMP12:24
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Jordan_UPlayMeNow, Yes, now I need sleep :)12:24
PlayMeNowok thanks12:24
Newbie_DudeSeoke, you can try the System > Administrator > Synaptic Package Manager Menu ... Then click the "Search" button and type "xawtv" ... Three different things will appear: xawtv, xawtv-plugins, xawtv-tools ... Click the radio box next to each and hit "Apply" button.12:24
aleksanterioh yeah12:25
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keyesI'm lookiing for the gtk-dialog-authentication icon... (a lock). I've searched in /usr/share/icons/gnome but don't found it12:25
keyeswhat is the path for gtk default icons please ?12:25
defryskkeyes, /usr/share/pixmaps12:25
primskifrogzoo, aah got it (amarok nautius integration), thanks, had to reboot, wouldnt pop up the menu otherwise :)12:25
Newbie_Dude...and goodnight Jordan_U :)12:25
SeokeNewbie_dude, thanks working on it now12:25
keyesthanls defrysk12:26
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_tuzhilawhat is better, debian or ubuntu?12:26
Newbie_Dudeubuntu, rhetorical question? :P12:26
ascentthat's a stupid question12:26
PlayMeNow'cuz you are in #ubuntu12:26
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primskilol nub :P12:27
PlayMeNowthat's why :-P12:27
primskijk ;)12:27
moDumassJordan_U um, done i have run the new nvidia installer12:27
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_tuzhilathere are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers12:27
ompaul_tuzhila, here is a smart answer, you choose which one suits you.12:27
primskiyou shoud have taken the blue pill man ;)12:27
Newbie_Dudei have one computer for each linux distribution available, so i get the best of all worlds!12:28
_tuzhilaok, thanks, jerks12:28
primskitalk about waste of resources12:28
tarzeauNewbie_Dude: you've got 300 computers?12:28
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moDumassno, it spazzed out again, why will this machine not do this for me12:29
SeokeNewbie_Dude, Now how do I get this program to run?12:29
Newbie_Dudetarzeau, for the sake of imagination i'll say yes :) all in one room with different monitors12:29
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primskiyou also have your own powerplant ? :)12:29
tarzeauNewbie_Dude: i'm sure you don't have gnu/kfreebsd or other non-linux stuff, or livecd.gnustep.org ?12:29
moDumassis this SPARTA against my sweet little nvidia card!!?12:29
RiverGirl_stefg: I can now see my original hdd  ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29992/12:29
Newbie_DudeSeoke, try right-clicking on the "xawtv" name in the same Synaptic Package Manager and going to "properties"12:29
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stefgRiverGirl_: excellent... have you noticed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864/comments/13 ?12:30
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moDumassJordan_U i installed the driver from the nvidia site but no love x still fails to start12:31
moDumassJordan_U, is there a way to get x going with generic drivers, so that i use metacity inside and then try and fix it from within, not command line?12:32
RiverGirl_stefg: very interesting ... IO am very very pleased I have not lost it all and there is no hdd failure, but how do I work around this ?12:32
HEP85moDumass: yes, the generic driver is called "vesa"12:33
SeokeAnyone know of a way to get my IBM PC Camera working with linux?12:33
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RiverGirl_stefg: I am going to copy all important work off jic12:33
ompaul!webcam | Seoke12:33
ubotuSeoke: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:33
HEP85moDumass: add "xmodule=vesa" to the boot parameters12:34
RiverGirl_stefg: thank you a million times for yr help  ...12:34
rohhyI can't find the "boost 20 db" option in my KMix in kubuntu12:34
rohhycould you help me? please12:34
axos88Hello! I have a fresh ubuntu install, but no sound is coming out from the laptop speakers... can anyone help me please?12:34
ompaulrohhy, #kubuntu12:34
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stefgRiverGirl_: it's not granted that there is no hardware failure. and having a backup now is the smartest move you can do. The options are a.) mount the root, submount /boot  and fix initramfs from there. b.) try to boot into the installed system by issuing modprobe piix when at the busybox prompt. c.) reinstall without lvm and live a happier life after that :-)12:35
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song-birdiehello! :-P i'm just new here.  i have been having problems on how to install kde desktop into my ubuntu machine.  now that i don't have internet access,  i tried to use aptoncd.  but it worked only on some packages.12:36
moDumassHEP85, how do i do that?12:36
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song-birdiecan anybody help me on this?12:36
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_tuzhilakill your computer12:37
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RiverGirl_stefg: happy to go without lvm after i get this fixed but is it possible to switch off lvm without re-installing and losing everything ?12:37
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HEP85moDumass: if you are in the grub menu you have to press F6, I think12:37
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RiverGirl_stefg: what about using chroot to mounted lvm ?12:38
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stefgRiverGirl_: no... you can only make a backup (image), then repartition, restore the image and correct /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst after taht12:38
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stefgRiverGirl_: chrooting is involved in option a.) .... but this will be a pita, you'll need /proc mounted to submount /boot in place12:39
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stefgRiverGirl_: honestly. take this as a warning shot, get your stuff backed up and reinstall without lvm12:40
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RiverGirl_stefg: will backup first...but to fix the boot problem, which of a,b,c would you recommend for this noob ?12:41
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moDumasscool thanks12:41
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stefgRiverGirl_: i made clear i'd prefer c.) :-)12:42
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mboneWhen is Ubuntu 7.10 released ?12:42
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ompaul_tuzhila, trolling will get you banned12:42
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+112:42
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:43
mboneand what is Tribe 1 ?12:43
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netyiretribe 1 is like release 1 or something12:43
ompaulmbone, join #ubuntu+112:43
netyiretheres also a tribe 212:43
netyirethe version name is something like : year.month12:44
_tuzhilawhat does in mean, trolling?12:44
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RiverGirl_stefg: :-) yes, howver would prefer to boot completely so as to ensure everything I need is backed up from the existing install, including Quasar accounting system on a Postgres DB etc12:44
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ompaul_tuzhila, annoying, unnecessary noise and so forth, use your imagination12:45
netyire:D go to #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
netyiretalk about Sushi there :D12:45
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r_rehashedhi all. how do i remove the icons of my hard disk partitions from desktop?12:45
moDumasshmm, yeh no its not working, still failed to launch x12:45
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netyireright-click -> unmount is the fastest I think12:46
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r_rehashednetyire: but i have to use the partitions. only don't want the icons12:46
stefgRiverGirl_: so trying b.) doesn't hurt any more than it might just not work. Then you can still repeat the procedure you've done now to get access and do a complete backup of /dev/Ubuntu/root12:46
ZemusFrom the terminal, how do I access my sound settings to make my microphone more sensitive?12:47
ZemusOr rather, just turn up mic volume?12:47
ompaulZemus, run "alsamixer"12:47
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=== Zemus hugs ompaul
Zemusperfect, I just couldn't remember. Thanks! :D12:48
r_rehashednetyire: unmounting the partitions won't allow me to use them right?12:48
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mboneI can't open the CD tray with Eject ... why ? ... maybe it's a silly question but I just switch to Ubuntu ^ ^12:48
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ZemusI'm trying to use skype12:49
r_rehashedmbone: are you running feisty? that used to happen to me in edgy12:49
ompaulmbone, you can't open the CD because it is locked and some process has not released it as yet, i.e. you have something trying to read it, so Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal in there type "sudo umount /media/cdrom"12:49
Zemusand I record my voice...12:49
Zemusbut it's SO QUIET! How can I make it louder? I turned up the mic volume in alsamixer, but it didn't help. Any ideas?12:49
stefgRiverGirl_: and you could have saved lots of trouble if you just split the basic install from your postgresql database. I'd recommend  having only a 8-10 Gigs root partition, and the rest as a separate partiton on /var/storage. you can then symlink folders from there in their appropriate locations. the you have everything nice, tidy and separated12:49
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HEP85mbone: this is to prevent you from ejecting while data is still read12:50
ompaulZemus, PCM and i/o etc12:50
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Zemusompaul, can you elaborate on that a little?12:50
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ompaulZemus, they are settings, just turn up stuff all over alsamixer12:50
ZemusPCM and i/o etc?12:50
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ZemusPCM is 10012:51
ZemusThere is no I/O.12:51
danyai need help when installing gdesklets12:51
ompaulZemus, i/ o input i.e. capture just go across the lot of them and be aware that some mics need to be in front of the mouth12:51
Zemusit works fine in windows, it's just settings that need adjusting12:52
RiverGirl_stefg: so when you said make a backup image, you mean I could copy the entire ~/chrootOriginal do a clean install without LVM and then copy and switch back to that copy12:52
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r_rehasheddanya: the gdesklets shell doesn't start on Feisty AMD64?12:52
danyar_rehashed : ..It doesn't ?12:52
ompaulZemus, just push your settings up and turn on stuff like mic boost and so forth12:53
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danyar_reshashed : yea whenever I open it it doesnt work :(12:53
Zemusdo I need to restart x after I make the changes in alsamixer?12:53
r_rehasheddanya: do u use 64-bit Ubuntu?12:53
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danyar_reshashed : yes12:53
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gsevilwhat kind of system do I have to use 64bit12:53
Zemusdo I need to restart x after I make the changes in alsamixer?12:54
Simplechati've got a question12:54
ompaulZemus, no12:54
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Simplechathow would i work out who owns a file?12:54
danyar_rehashed : yes12:54
Simplechati've got a very parculiar problem12:54
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ZemusThanks. Also, ompaul, micboost doesn't seem to change no matter what I do to it... it's just a little box, I can't turn it up or down. Or change it. In any way.12:54
stefgRiverGirl_: yeah... except, you won't have to reinstall. you do manual partitioning, extract the backup back to the manually created (non-lvm) partitions, edit /etc/fstab to reflect the new situation, and teh simply reboot to the (hopefully) rstored system12:54
Simplechati'm trying to host something, using mod_python, and i'm getting 404's12:54
Simplechateven though the file exists12:54
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Simplechatwhat would cause that?12:54
tehdavidcan anyone help setting up wpa_supplicant. I am getting no suitable AP found error12:55
ompaulZemus, type m12:55
Zemusthanks :)12:55
ompaulZemus, type oo is what you want to see12:55
ompaulZemus, type m, and  oo is what you want to see12:56
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HEP85Simple2: probably wrong permissions for the file12:56
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mattldoes anyone know if community versions of gobuntu will be released for ppc?12:57
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anachronikhow is the story with goobuntu?12:58
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anachronikmattl, come to #google12:58
ompaulmattl, I know colin runs on a ppc himself12:58
moDumassi updated my kernel and cant get x server to start regardless, any new ideas?12:58
ompaulanachronik, that not the internal version of ubuntu used by google12:59
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r_rehasheddanya: http://librarian.launchpad.net/7542161/gdesklets_0.35.4-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb    download and install this deb12:59
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martin007hi, I need create shortcut with sudo permission , how ? sudo "xxxx"  not found12:59
moDumassi created a nvidia-bug-report.sh though, how would i veiw it or use it to fix this prob?12:59
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mattlompaul: he does? cool. can you hook me up?12:59
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martin007I use KDE12:59
ompaulmattl, I'll ping him and revert to you12:59
r_rehasheddanya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423883&highlight=gdesklets01:00
r_rehashed            http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=259959101:00
r_rehashedthese forum posts should help01:00
ompaulmattl, pm me01:00
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HEP85moDumass: Didn't the vesa driver work?01:00
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aleksanterimartin007: in terminal, put: sudo ln -s <destination> <shortcut>01:01
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aleksanterifor example: ln -s /usr/bin /home/`whoami`/Desktop # create a link to /usr to the desktop01:01
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moDumassHEP85, i could get to it01:03
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moDumassHEP85, i shal try one more time01:03
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moDumassHEP85 yeh cant get to it01:04
HEP85then try dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:05
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kuukkelihow to install tahoma font on Linux?01:06
danya_r_rehashed : thank u :)01:06
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kuukkelii got Tahoma.ttf but dont know how to install it :D01:06
r_rehasheddanya_: anytime01:07
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moDumassxserver.org is not installed01:07
pcliphi, i'm trying to set up a shortcut on the desktop for an application01:07
HEP85moDumass: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:07
moDumassyeh i just saw the error, sorry01:07
r_rehasheddanya_: the deb can wipe out your mime settings. read the posts for more info01:08
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pclipin the application / command section, i'm puttini the path and the command i want to run, but when i click on hte shortcut, it doesn't seem to run01:08
HEP85moDumass: you don't even have the xserver installed? I just thought the driver was not working01:08
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HEP85"sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg"01:08
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pclipand i've just realised that as i'm using kde, i better ask this in kubuntu ;)01:08
kuukkelipclip, about what?01:08
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kuukkelihow to install tahoma font on Linux?01:09
kuukkelii got Tahoma.ttf but dont know how to install it :D01:09
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Anlarkuukkeli: how about just apt-get install msttcorefonts01:10
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kuukkeliAntar, does that have Tahoma? :O01:10
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kuukkelidoes that have Tahoma? :O01:10
screenname92834folks, I'm trying to install the latest libxml01:10
kuukkeliAnlar, will try that, I owe you a beer someday. xD01:10
moDumassHEP85 i have no idea why xserver would have been uninstalled01:11
aleksanterikuukkeli: are you on kde?01:11
danya_r_rehashed : posts  on ubuntu forums and stuff ? I'm a new user .. whats mime ?01:11
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elsecan anyone tell me the default groups the main user is in on feisty?01:11
moDumassi mean, i didnt uninstall it, unless someones "hint" was interpreted wrong01:11
Zemusum, ok, there's a place in linux where I can set permission for a user (me in this case) to hear sounds? Can someone refer me to that? And please don't say "you shouldn't need to go there."01:12
screenname92834I can go to ftp://ftp.xmlsoft.org/libxml2 and download a bin file, but what am I meant to do with it?01:12
aleksanteriZee1ot: sudo usermode --append audio `whoami`01:12
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aleksanteriZee1ot: sudo usermod --append audio `whoami` *01:13
thughow do i stop a hdd being checked for error on boot ?01:13
Zemusuh, you mean Zemus?01:13
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RiverGirl_stefg: hmm I still have lots to learn about the right and wrong ways to organize my systems......nonetheless I don't think we are out of the woods yet01:13
r_rehasheddanya_: check out the links i gave you. those are forum posts. mime packages are used to identify which app. should open a particular file, etc.01:13
aleksanteriZemus: yeah, sorry01:13
Zemusaleksanteri, np01:13
Zemusand thans01:13
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Zemususermode: command not found01:14
screenname92834 I can go to ftp://ftp.xmlsoft.org/libxml2 and download a bin file, but what am I meant to do with it?01:14
aleksanteriusermod *01:14
danya_r_rehashed : u only gave me the download link :) ..01:14
moDumassHEP85 ok, im in, how would i go about reinstalling x01:14
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elsecan anyone tell me the default groups the main user is in on feisty?01:15
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HEP85as I said: "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg"01:15
thugto stop the hdd being checked for error on boot i need to put " 0 0 " at the end of the entry in fstab ?01:15
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RiverGirl_stefg: just looking at the what I now have mounted and not everything seems to be available to copy  e.g. I go to home but not all subfolders can be accessed some have red [x]  on directory icon01:16
Frogzoothug: don't do that01:16
screenname92834what kind of file does apt-get use? is it deb files?01:16
aleksanteriscreenname92834: yep01:16
r_rehasheddanya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=423883&highlight=gdesklets      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2599591    these forum posts should help01:16
subversionEvening.  How would I go about changing the permissions given to removable devices?01:16
Frogzooscreenname92834: debs, yes01:16
HEP85moDumass: and "sudo apt-get install xorg" too, I think01:16
screenname92834does apt-get download via ftp?01:16
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aleksanteriscreenname92834: no, http01:16
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moDumassHEP85 haha, ok cool01:18
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RiverGirl_stefg: is that some rights issue or is that tell-tale signs of some deeper problem ?01:18
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moDumassHEP85 haha, ok coolok, done01:18
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scoobtitsi want winamp for linux ^_^01:19
stefgRiverGirl_: sorry, had a phone call... just reading up. what's the issue?01:19
moDumassi think, "0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 22 not upgraded01:19
thugFrogzoo please tell me how ... that hdd its not the main one ... there is no data i can loose01:19
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moDumassHEP85 after ive installed xorg should i update?01:20
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thugerr lose01:20
HEP85moDumass: it's always good to have the latest versions01:20
RiverGirl_stefg: np, Just trying to copy whatever I can off the mounted LVM dir, however I can't access my main home directory i.e. /home/Annie but others e.g. /home/Denis is ok.01:20
screenname92834what are all these: dapper edgy feisty and gutsy?01:20
HEP85moDumass: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"01:20
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kuukkeliAnlar, i owe you a beer! =D01:21
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moDumassHEP85 haha, i was about the say jsut that, but you would have had to correct me01:21
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HEP85moDumass: i'm away for lunch. be right back01:21
stefgRiverGirl_: looks like permission issues. get root by sudo -s (you are user 'ubuntu' not Annie on the Live CD)01:21
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screenname92834what is feisty?01:22
Frogzoothug: use 'tune2fs -c 30 /dev/##'01:22
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RiverGirl_stefg: ok will try howver, why can I see the others ?01:22
moDumassso after i have xorg installed should i reboot?01:22
liquiddoom!feisty | screenname9283401:22
ubotuscreenname92834: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents01:22
thugFrogzoo how do i know what /dev  will it be ? that hdd its not attached now01:22
Frogzoosubversion: in nautilus, go to 'computer' & right click the volume to set permissions01:23
stefgRiverGirl_: i guess b/c ubuntu is memeber of group admin01:23
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Frogzoothug: plug it in & see what mount reports01:23
Frogzoothug: if it's a removable drive, you don't need an fstab entry anyhow01:24
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thugFrogzoo its a fix one ... but i remove it from the ide cable ;)01:24
davetarmacHi folks01:24
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rob_hey there... i would like to have a very quick chat with anyone who has experience with debian or ubuntu on an ibm bladecenter (hs20)01:25
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davetarmacI'm just curious of which desktop environment is better (in your opinions), KDE or GNOME01:26
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rob_(or atleast.. read any info on the subject of using them together)01:26
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RiverGirl_stefg: 'sudo -s' done, however can't remember how to run the ui file browser from command line :-) total noob01:26
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screenname92834is there a different version of libxml for each version of ubuntu? you've got to be kidding01:27
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screenname92834surely gutsy is the latest version?01:28
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troopperi_7.04 Feisty fawn, is latest....newest is beta testing...01:30
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jacktr08hi guys.01:30
screenname92834so are there different versions of deb packages for different versions of linux?01:30
jacktr08 i've noticed when i run apt-get remove whatever traces of the file are left scattered across the system, anyway of preventing this automated?01:30
Frogzooscreenname92834: gutsy is alpha - stay away01:31
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screenname92834frogzoo: ??????what????????01:31
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Frogzooscreenname92834: it's a development version, if you use it, you will have huge problems01:31
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IndyGunFreakscreenname92834: sometimes there's updated packages., Ubuntu doesn't write the packages(well, alot of them), they write the OS.01:31
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screenname92834so it's in beta01:32
IndyGunFreakits up to maintainers to update packages01:32
Frogzooscreenname92834: alpha actually01:32
troopperi_my fault01:32
IndyGunFreakdon't use gutsy right now.01:32
IndyGunFreakunless you're dying for trouble.01:32
rob_can anyone suggest an irc channel or webpage with info on ibm bladecenters from a linux (.. but prefereably debian or ubuntu) point of view01:32
screenname92834alpha means its finished and complete01:32
IndyGunFreakwell then by all means, download and use it.01:33
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Frogzoorob_: contact ibm directly - see what they say - or you could go through canonical if willing to pay01:33
screenname92834if it's not alpha, then it's in beta. Sounds to me like gutsy is in beta01:33
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screenname92834how do I discover a) what version of ubuntu I have and b) what kind of processor it thinks I have?01:34
variantscreenname92834: lsb_release -a && cat /proc/cpuinfo01:35
variantscreenname92834: that will do both01:35
screenname92834ok thx for the info01:35
IndyGunFreakscreenname92834: apparently your confused...  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&defl=en&q=define:alpha+software&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title01:35
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=== Trevinho-{AwAy} tornato.
stefgRiverGirl_: get a filebrowser with root priv's by gksudo nautilus01:36
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Newbie_DudeAnyone here use X-Chat for Ubuntu? Trying to make it automatically connect to #ubuntu, #ubunto-offtopic, and #winehq when I open the program, but it only wants to connect to #ubuntu.01:36
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screenname92834yes, indeed. I thought alpha was more than beta, apparently it's less.01:36
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: its under server options.01:36
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variantNewbie_Dude: you using xchat-gnome or just xchat?01:36
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variantscreenname92834: it most certainly is01:36
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, thanks I'll check... variant - not Gnome01:37
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IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: well, you're using Xchat right?.01:37
variantNewbie_Dude: sorry, been so long since i used xchat01:37
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variantor xchat-gnome01:37
Newbie_Dudevariant, xchat, not xchat-gnome01:37
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variantNewbie_Dude: yeah, not used either for about 5 years.. i dont konw why i even answered your question :)01:38
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Newbie_Dudevariant, IndyGunFreak oh well no biggie :) guess i'll just manually connect to each channel. thanks anyway01:38
IndyGunFreakRight, Go to File/Network List... highlight Freenode, click the auto-connect option, if you have a nickserve/server password, enter it int he appropriate boxes, then in the channelboxes.. put the channel(s) you want, for instance, #ubuntu,#ubuntu-offtopic then save01:39
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RiverGirl_stefg: you were correct. now can see the contents.... but for some reason can't copy to second nautilus window open on ssh...should I just be using the command line ?01:39
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subversionHow can I set the owner of a device? I've tried setting the permissions in Nautilus, but a) I can't do it as a user, and b) It doesn't have an owner or group01:39
variantsubversion: user a udev rule01:39
stefgRiverGirl_: yes, would make things easier sudo  scp ....01:39
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: sorry, after highlighting on Freenode, you need to click edit.01:39
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variantstefg: why would he/she use sudo scp?01:40
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stefgssh connection, if i got it right01:40
subversionvariant: I'm not looking to change the permissions of the device node, but the permissions of the mounted directory.01:40
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: did it work?01:40
erago1Hello, i am new to ubuntu and tried to get beryl working...can anyone pls help01:41
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, not yet gonna try again, but i think i got it01:41
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variantsubversion: ah, you can do that with sudo chmod01:41
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:41
variantsubversion: what permissions do you want?01:41
moDumassand all of a sudden i do someting and its all back01:41
erago1yes beryl01:42
subversionI'm looking to set it 0770, but I was under the impression that if I chmodded it now, it would not be persistent across media changes.01:42
erago1all i get is black screens when i enable beryl01:42
IndyGunFreak!beryl | erago101:42
ubotuerago1: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:42
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orion2012Anyone remember the name of that new fancy shell interface that was mentioned on the Planet a while back?01:42
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variantsubversion: the contentsof teh directory won't change, particularly if it's a fat/vfat filesystem (fat does not support any kind of permissions)01:43
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, OK it didn't work. I did #ubuntu,#ubuntu-offtopic in the Channel section, maybe I should try #ubuntu,ubuntu-offtopic wiithout a 2nd #01:43
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orion2012I don't know how else to describe it01:43
RiverGirl_stefg: variant: yes I have used 'connect to server' to ssh connect to my other laptop to try and copy my broken system home stuff01:43
erago1ubotu : so do i need to go to a differnt irc channel ?01:43
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: no, you had it right the first time01:43
IndyGunFreakerago1: yes01:43
variantRiverGirl_: scp -r remoteusername@remotehost /local/path/01:43
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subversionvariant: I'm looking to change the permissions of the mounted directory.  Is there somewhere that I can specify mount options to supermount (or whatever ubuntu uses)?01:43
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: are you sure there's no space after the comma?... there should be no space there.01:44
variantsubversion: I have never done that with ubuntu, but i would generally just go for a udev rule as thats not just something that sets device permissions01:44
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variantIndyGunFreak: in xchat do you require the # ?01:44
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IndyGunFreakvariant: yes.01:45
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, it worked, thanks :)01:45
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: no prb.01:45
stefgRiverGirl_: i have to leave, but i think you'll get along for now.01:45
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: you have a space after the comma?01:45
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, i think i did something wrong cause now 2 #ubuntus are open :P no biggie i'll mess with the config, hope i'm not spammy loggin on and off01:45
subversionMy understanding was that udev will only set the permissions of the device node, and that the uid/gid/mode were specified as uid=,gid=,mode= (or similar) parameters.01:45
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RiverGirl_variant: I assume destination can be specified by remoteusername@remotehost/home/remoteusername/newcopiedfolder ?01:45
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, no space after the comma, it actually deleted the spacea fter i put it there01:45
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variantRiverGirl_: yes01:46
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variantRiverGirl_: but with a colon at the start of the location01:46
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: you're listed as in ubuntu twice?01:46
subversionRiverGirl_: remoteuser@host:/home/remoteusername/newcopied01:46
variantRiverGirl_: remoteuser@remotehost:/home/whatever/etcetc01:46
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Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, yah, it did Ubuntu Servers > #ubuntu, and Freenode > #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic01:46
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RiverGirl_subversion: variant: indeed thanks01:46
ZombieCallNewbie_Dude, Newbie_Dudee01:46
subversionyou may want "-r" as well01:46
IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: thats why, go back to your network list, highlight freenode, edit, and choose, "Connec tot this server only"01:46
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IndyGunFreakNewbie_Dude: or highlight the ubuntu channel, and choose not to connnect to it01:47
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persiaIs there a way to kill a specific firefox tab (not the current visible tab) from the commandline?01:47
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IndyGunFreakthat should have done it.01:47
Newbie_DudeIndyGunFreak, worked perfectly. Logged into #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic. Thanks for the step-by-step01:48
imunar_join #lug-bremen01:48
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IndyGunFreakno prob.01:48
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roachmmflhyrwhat does "proftpd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" this mean? I cant get my FTP server to start. :(01:50
Newbie_DudeNow the next hurdle I gotta jump is how to automatically turn off "Show join/part messages" when I log in. :P01:50
persiaroachmmflhyr: It's an installation issue.  Look further up in the output to see the error that caused that report.01:50
roachmmflhyrpersia: what the output be in /var01:51
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persiaroachmmflhyr The output is likely to be in the same place as the error message you quoted.01:51
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RiverGirl_variant: I have a few things I want to selectively copy across, is there an easy way to do in GUI mode01:52
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roachmmflhyrpersia: i received this error in Synaptic Package Manager01:52
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roachmmflhyrpersia: "gproftpd: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" is the only other error i receive01:53
RiverGirl_variant: or do I just ssh into this machine from the other ?01:53
persiaroachmmflhyr: OK.  In the window that shows the error (or perhaps using "View Full Output"), there should be additional information.  Scroll back in the view to find the specific error for proftpd.01:53
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persiaroachmmflhyr: That would be it :)  Which release are you running?01:53
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roachmmflhyrpersia: Feisty Fawn01:54
jasiucan u tell me how can i change my clock theme??01:54
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persiaroachmmflhyr: OK.  Hold on a bit whilst I investigate further.01:55
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roachmmflhyrpersia: thanks so much01:55
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RiverGirl_if I am trying to ssh into a livecd session, what is the username and password ?02:00
Newbie_DudeAm I gonna have to re-install the entire OS when Gutsy comes out, or is there like an 'upgrade' feature?02:00
ShaftoNewbie_Dude, Upgrade :)02:00
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PlayMeNowI install feisty, told the installer to import my FF profile but it's still the default one02:01
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Newbie_DudeShafto, ty02:01
RiverGirl_does anyone know the password for the ubuntu session on livecd ?02:02
IceLinkcan anyone tell me which advantages will i have when updateing from dapper to feisty02:02
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PlayMeNowIceLink: latest software, stabler, etc...02:02
ShaftoIceLink, Newer software versions, updated gnome, more features in gnome :)02:02
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PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me why my FF profile wasn't imported from windows?02:03
IceLinkand disadvantages?02:03
PlayMeNowneed to upgrade to edgy then to feisty02:03
Newbie_DudeCan you guys suggest a Download Resumer/Manager? Using WebDownloader for X now but don't like how it goes into both the taskbar and window list.02:03
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IceLinkPlayMeNow: two upgrades?02:04
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ShaftoIceLink, Yep,02:04
Newbie_DudePlayMeNow, nothing of mine was imported from windows, had to manually export then import the bookmarks.02:04
PlayMeNowwell it is02:04
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PlayMeNowbut FF still selects the default empty profile02:04
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PlayMeNowwhere are they stored so I can delete the old one?02:05
persiaroachmmflhyr: Unfortunately, it appears that you've encountered a bug (the package appears not to install under certain local network conditions).  Would you mind reporting it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd/+filebug?02:05
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ShaftoPlayMeNow, Probably ~/.mozilla02:05
FrogzooIceLink: firstly, you need to upgrade dapper -> edgy -> feisty, plus things will break in the process - but you will finish up with more up to date apps & a faster system02:05
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ZePhIrELu all02:05
roachmmflhyrpersia: sure do you know of an alternative that i may use?02:05
IceLinkFrogzoo: and.. where is the difference betwenn upgrading and installing a new feisty02:05
PlayMeNowand how do I access hidden directories?02:05
roachmmflhyrpersia: thanks for your help02:06
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ShaftoPlayMeNow, In nautilus press ctrl+h in your home directory02:06
FrogzooIceLink: fresh install will likely be at most as much trouble as upgrading02:06
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FrogzooIceLink: just be sure you backup your personal data first02:06
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IceLinkfrogger_: will i loose every programs and data instlaled when upgrading?02:06
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PlayMeNowIceLink: no02:07
PlayMeNowbut you might lose some02:07
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IceLinkit's important to me coz i have to use ndiswrapper and for reinstalling it i needf a lan cable02:07
PlayMeNowyou'd better end up keeping dapper for 3 years02:08
persiaroachmmflhyr: It very much depends on your application.  There are a few FTP servers (aptitude show ftp-server from the command line with give a full list), of which I've heard the most good things about vsftpd, but I'm not sure whether any of the others have an interface like gproftpd.02:08
FrogzooIceLink: you'll need to redo ndiswrapper whether you upgrade or fresh install02:08
variantIceLink: upgrading shouldn't cause you any problems at all, providing you follow the proper procedure and you havne't messed around with those stupid scripts such as envy etc02:08
IceLinkso i will have to have a lan cable...02:09
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roachmmflhyrpersia: ok i appreciate your help i am submitting that bug right now02:09
persiaroachmmflhyr: Thank you.02:09
variantIceLink: as long as all the files are still on your computer (windows drivers etc) you won't need to connect to the internet, ndiswrapper will not be uninstalled02:09
ubuntuRoxa lan cable is an ethernet cable, usually colored blue02:09
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screenname92834does someone want to explain a few things about writing C on ubuntu?02:09
variantIceLink: what wifi card do you have? many more are installed on feisty than edgy02:10
screenname92834or should I go to a different channel?02:10
variantscreenname92834: for example?02:10
ubuntuRoxgcc is the compiler02:10
ubuntuRoxman gcc for more info02:10
variantscreenname92834: it's a little offtopic, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:10
IceLinkvariant: i've got a D-Link DWL-122 USB-Thing with Prism chipset or so02:10
variantIceLink: hold on while i check02:10
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IceLinkprism charset or so was already supported in dapper i think but it didn'T work anyway, i needed 2 days for setting up wlan02:11
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variantIceLink: you shouldn't require ndiswrapper for that02:11
ubuntuRoxis it advisable to run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade when you first install ubuntu?02:11
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IceLinkvariant: well, after 2 days without seeing any goal i used ndis02:12
FrogzooubuntuRox: absolutely02:12
PlayMeNowbut it should detect updates itself02:12
variantIceLink: ok, aparrantly the native support is flaky under feisty anyway02:12
RiverGirl_does anyone know a GUI app for scp ?02:13
variantubuntuRox: that won't upgrade you from one release to the next, it won't make edgy into feisty for example, but will just install the latest packages available for edgy. yes it is advisable02:13
variantIceLink: not good, breaks a little02:13
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variantRiverGirl_: you are joking right?02:13
variantRiverGirl_: what is the problem? it is very easy02:13
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jorgerosaHello all, can anyone help here? Im in windows OS, i wanna compile (create an .exe file) - I have some files in .h and .cpp extensions, also have a makefile and run file there - is this hard to do?02:14
Frogzoojorgerosa: ask in ##c02:14
IndyGunFreakubuntuRox: i dont' know about upgrade, but apt-get update would be smart02:14
variantjorgerosa: that is way offtopic02:14
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variantIndyGunFreak: apt-get upgrade comes after apt-get update02:14
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RiverGirl_variant: ok so I deserve a smack, but I'm still linux newbie so yes selectively copying a number of directories from one machine to another seems cumbersome on the command line02:15
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variantRiverGirl_: it's simple02:15
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IndyGunFreakvariant: what does apt-get upgrade do?02:15
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jorgerosaFrogzoo and variant: Ops! ok, sorry guys02:15
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variantIndyGunFreak: upgrades the installed packages to the latest available versions for that release02:15
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PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me how to import my profile from windows? I got it on my desktop (i'm on feisty btw)02:16
IndyGunFreakvariant: oh ok.. iw as thinking that the distro upgrade command.02:16
variantRiverGirl_: do you just want to backup the home directory from the remote computer?02:16
variantIndyGunFreak: that would be apt-get dist-upgrade02:16
variantIndyGunFreak: but not reccomended02:16
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IndyGunFreakright, was just now realizin that.02:16
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RiverGirl_variant: e.g. I tried 'scp -r annie@ /home/ubuntu/chrootOriginal/home/annie/AquaCradle/' after having to create directory on other machine, and it returned quickly and copied nothing02:16
echosystmi just installed openoffice02:17
echosystmthe font is MASSIVE02:17
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echosystmlike all the menus'02:17
PlayMeNowechosystm: isn't OOo installed by default?02:17
IndyGunFreak!enter | echosystm02:17
echosystmtext is 4 times bigger than normal02:17
ubotuechosystm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:17
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echosystmno i have an alt install02:17
RiverGirl_variant: trying to selectively copy some home/Annie sub directories to the other machines /home/Annie02:17
ubuntuRoxhow can you check what distro of ubuntu you are using?02:17
ubuntuRoxex. fiesty or edgy02:17
FrogzooRiverGirl_: you have write perms to that local dir?02:17
IndyGunFreakubuntuRox: open a terminal and type lsb_release02:17
variantRiverGirl_: try this: scp -r annie@ ~/02:18
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matyseki'd like to install flock, and i dont have "/opt" directory in root. how can i make it?02:18
variantRiverGirl_: if the directory called AquaCradle on the remote machine contains any files it will be copied02:18
PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me how to import my profile from windows?02:18
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: you don't have an opt directory in root?02:19
PlayMeNow*FF profile02:19
variantmatysek: / is the root directory, /root is the root users home directory02:19
novato_brhow can I make the shot cut for my programs?02:19
novato_brshort cut02:19
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variant/opt is in the root of your filesystem02:19
PlayMeNownovato_br: right-click, create launcher02:19
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IndyGunFreakvariant: he says he doesn't have it.02:19
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variantPlayMeNow: firefox profile?02:20
novato_brPlayMeNow, but i make a launcher monitoring cpu02:20
variantIndyGunFreak: yes, i suspect that he is confusing /root with /02:20
novato_bri don't know where is it02:20
IndyGunFreakvariant: likely02:20
variantIndyGunFreak: perhaps looking for /root/opt which of course doesn't exist02:20
PlayMeNownovato_br: then I have no idea02:20
variantPlayMeNow: there is a command line option for firefox, something like "firefox -profile" and it starts with the profile manager02:21
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RiverGirl_variant: I'm confused, looks like I have got things back to front in that SCP, I'm trying to copy to annie@ /02:21
novato_brPlayMeNow, ok02:21
PlayMeNowvariant: thanks i'll try02:21
anandanbuI have problem with GRUB as it doesnt show up during the boot and the INTEL boot manager asks for the bootable device02:21
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: did you figure it out/02:21
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variantRiverGirl_: ok, so you have some files on your local computer (the one you are sitting at) to the remote computer ( right?02:21
matysekIndyGunFreak: NO, i dont have it02:21
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RiverGirl_variant: correct02:22
IndyGunFreakmatysek: ope a terminal, and type "gksudo nautilus"02:22
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IndyGunFreakthen clck on Filesystem02:22
variantRiverGirl_: some files that you want to put on the remote computer i mean02:22
novato_brbut i don't find where is monitoring cpu system02:22
variantRiverGirl_: well, it is like this: "scp source destination"02:22
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matysekIndyGunFreak: i did02:22
IndyGunFreakdo yuou see the opt folder?02:23
RiverGirl_variant: thought as much...switching it now02:23
matysekIndyGunFreak: its still on progress...02:23
variantRiverGirl_: scp -r ~/AquaCradle annie@
psyke83hi, I need to patch an alsa module in ubuntu but don't want to recompile everything again - is it possible to build just a single kernel module from the ubuntu kernel source and then manually drop in the resulting .ko file?02:23
variantRiverGirl_: the command I just told you will do it02:23
variantRiverGirl_: assuming AquaCradle actually exists ont he local computer02:23
matysekIndyGunFreak: i dont have opt yet02:23
mon^rchwhat's the theme applet program name? I installed gutsy and the theme entry from my menu dissappeared02:23
matysekIndyGunFreak: i cant see it there02:24
variantmatysek: run ls / | grep opt02:24
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: it should be there, click on Filesystem..02:24
variantmatysek: and paste what it outputs here in this channel02:24
matysekls /02:24
matyseksorry :D02:24
variantmatysek: gutsy is not ready for general use, if it doesn't work it's your own fault. ask in #ubuntu+102:24
RiverGirl_variant: howver what you probably missed prior to jumping in to assist is that I have mounted a failed to boot LVM root which is currently '/home/ubuntu/chrootOriginal/'02:24
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matysekbin    dev   initrd          lib         mnt   sbin  tmp  vmlinuz02:25
matysekboot   etc   initrd.img      lost+found  proc  srv   usr  vmlinuz.old02:25
matysekcdrom  home  initrd.img.old  media       root  sys   var02:25
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variantmatysek: you didn't enter the command i told you02:25
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: you don't listen very well02:25
matyseki typed grep opt02:25
variantmatysek: but never mind, run sudo mkdir /opt02:25
matysekand nothing happened02:25
anandanbuI have problem with GRUB as it doesnt show up during the boot and the INTEL boot manager asks for the bootable device02:25
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variantmatysek: run "ls / | grep opt"02:25
variantmatysek: everything between the ""02:26
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variantRiverGirl_: yes, i missed that02:26
matyseknow it says "opt"02:26
RiverGirl_variant: so full path is /home/ubuntu/chrootOriginal/home/annie/AquaCradle in that example..you can see it can get cumbersome specifying such long paths in terminal02:26
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: so the directory exists, you're just not finding it.02:26
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matysekIndyGunFreak: because i typed mkdir /opt02:26
variantRiverGirl_: not really, there are bash shortcuts that are indespensible for this02:26
mon^rchwhat's the theme applet program name? I installed gutsy and the theme entry from my system-->preferences menu dissappeared02:26
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IndyGunFreakmatysek: i sincerely doubt that..., i suspect it was there before.02:26
variantRiverGirl_: for example, type /h and press the tab key in bash02:26
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variantRiverGirl_: then press it again and it will list all the possible contents02:27
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variantRiverGirl_: in reality, when you have learned the _many_ shortcuts, bash and other shells are generally much faster and nicer to work in that GUI file managers or the like02:28
RiverGirl_variant: yes I know of the tab completion in bash... but specifying the remote host directory (which doesn't exist) is also a pain02:28
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RiverGirl_variant: I'm sure I have much to learn and certainly don't wish to go againast the grain here :-)02:29
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variantRiverGirl_: the remote path in the example you gave was only ":"02:29
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RiverGirl_variant: ":" ? please xplain02:29
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variantRiverGirl_: the default "working directory" for the user specified in user@host is the home directory, you still need the : though02:31
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elopsi'm using vmware in my windows. I'll try to installing ubuntu in my vmware. my computer is amd athlon xp with 256mb ram and 64mb vga. because i'm using vmware i shared my ram to 128. can u recommended me what ubuntu distro series i must use in my computer?02:31
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variantelops: xubuntu02:31
echosystmelops, fluxbuntu or xubuntu02:31
echosystmi would recommend upgrading your ram though,256mb is not much02:32
variantRiverGirl_: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html take a look at that, a lot of reading but you can scan through it pretty fast, i found "linux reference" book by orielly to be very good too, very consice02:32
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elopsxubuntu? why?02:32
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telexiconelops, it has lower memory requirements02:33
variantelops: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:33
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danshtr|workhi all, since enabling/disabling desktop effect, my lcd flickers02:33
danshtr|workwhat files does desktop-effects touches?02:33
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jonathan_hello, I'm already installed kde dekstop, but how to go there?02:35
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danshtr|workjonathan_: logoff and choose diferent desktop when you relogin02:35
variantjonathan_: select it under session when you login02:35
jonathan_I'll try02:35
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RiverGirl_variant: thanks I'll read that02:36
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jonathan_there nothing02:36
PlayMeNowvariant: there's no option in the FF profile manager to import a profile02:36
jonathan_there's nothing02:37
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variantRiverGirl_: np, the book is great, i have passed it around a few people and they all agree too :)02:37
jonathan_only gnome, no kde02:37
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PlayMeNownor does it work after copying it to the folder and setting it in the ini file02:37
variantPlayMeNow: sorry, don't know then.02:37
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variantPlayMeNow: just import your bookmarks, thats simple enough02:37
PlayMeNowand my 200+ passwords? :(02:37
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variantPlayMeNow: you can probably import the password file too02:37
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PlayMeNowwhich is?02:38
variantPlayMeNow: by just placing it in the default profile dir02:38
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variantPlayMeNow: unless it is in some windows text format02:38
variantPlayMeNow: no idea02:38
WizekWhat can I do if I can't do anything with f***ing ERROR 21??!!02:38
variantPlayMeNow: look in .mozilla02:38
jermstoneHello everyone!02:38
jonathan_somebody help me with my kde, already downloaded with apt-get install kde, but how to apply it??02:38
variantWizek: remain calm is generaly a good start02:38
variantjonathan_: we just told you02:38
jermstoneI just now got chat, but I just converted over to Linux about 2 weeks ago.02:39
variantjonathan_: how did you install it?02:39
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variantjonathan_: lo02:39
jermstoneUbuntu is the shit!02:39
mon^rchdoes the alternate installer install a gui?02:39
Wizekvariant: but nobody can help!02:39
variantjermstone: lo02:39
jonathan_already log out02:39
jonathan_and pick my session02:39
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variantWizek: i don't even know what your problem is02:39
jonathan_but there is nothing, only gnome02:39
variantjonathan_: how did you install it02:40
jonathan_only using apt-get install kde02:40
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variantjonathan_: it should be in the session list then02:40
ShaftoWizek, Is that a GRUB error 21?02:40
bejayhi. i've got a laptop here. after dist-upgrade i can't control the display backlight anymore. can anyone tell me which program should do that normally, so i know where to start fixing it?02:40
jonathan_nope, only gnome and x script02:40
jermstoneI'm having problems with Compiz02:40
jermstoneOh well02:40
variantbejay: don't use dist-upgrade, use the update manager as it is much more sane02:40
WizekShafto, yes it is unfortunately...02:40
Shaftojermstone, #ubuntu-effects :)02:40
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HEP85jonathan: install also kdm02:40
variantbejay: i know thats not a direct answer to your question though, sorry :)02:41
variantHEP85: he doesn't need kdm02:41
elmo40kdm should auto install when you apt-get kde02:41
jacktr08 i've noticed when i run apt-get remove whatever traces of the file are left scattered across the system, anyway of preventing this automated?02:41
bejaynp :)02:41
variantjermstone: did you apt-get install kde-desktop?02:41
WizekShafto, u can help me, can't u?02:41
elmo40jacktr08, apt-get remove --purge [package] 02:41
HEP85no he installed kde02:41
ShaftoWizek, Nope, all i know is it has something to do with the selected disk not existing02:41
okamijacktr08: try using aptitude... it does a better job of removing remains02:42
jermstoneWhen I installed02:42
elmo40jacktr08, that usually gets rid of all the files... unless you have 'special' files in places like /home02:42
variantWizek: yes, give the alternative cd a shot02:42
jermstoneIt kinda worked02:42
jermstoneI had to login under something other that Gnome...02:42
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jermstoneCant remember what it was called02:42
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jacktr08thanks elmo40, okami. :)02:43
sadhello ppl02:43
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elmo40jermstone, what else do you have installed?02:43
jermstoneI just wish I was a little better in the linux world...02:43
elmo40shar0n, in Ontario?02:43
jermstoneMicrosoft f'ed me up.02:43
sadhow can  install GKISMET???????? i cant find on synaptics02:44
elmo40jermstone, keep learning, every day :)02:44
jermstoneI'm just using Ubuntu.02:44
jermstoneYeah I know!02:44
elmo40shar0n, me too ;) Oshawa, actually02:44
jermstoneIt's awesome!02:44
okami<- Toronto02:44
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Wizekvariant, could u explain me step by step, and exactly what should i do? i have just started using linux, but i'm starting to hate it... it has this error, and simply nobody can help me!!02:44
RiverGirl_variant: so can scp also create the destination directory on the fly ?02:44
shar0nup early02:44
jermstone<<<USA Oklahoma02:45
elmo40jermstone, Linux is excellent, sometimes tricky, very customizable, but will do pretty much anything you want it to do.02:45
shar0nRiverGirl_, is from australia :P02:45
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elmo40assasukasse, italy?02:45
jermstoneIt's 7:45 AM here and I havent been asleep yet!02:45
assasukasseelmo40: yes02:45
elmo408:47 here02:45
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jermstoneLinux is a little hard to learn BUT it's fun02:45
jonathan_maybe I should install with kubuntu-dektop02:46
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elmo40soweto76, cogeco cable? you in Canada?02:46
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shar0n8:46 :P02:46
jermstoneI have a beautiful desktop background!02:46
jermstoneIt's sweet!02:46
tarzeaujacktr08: show me02:46
jonathan_7:46 :P02:46
shar0nits not a picture of a girl is it :P02:46
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jermstoneIt's a zippo lighter02:46
jermstonewater not fire02:46
elmo40be... what is be? belgium?02:46
Wizekvariant, could u explain me step by step, and exactly what should i do? i have just started using linux, but i'm starting to hate it... it has this error, and simply nobody can help me!!02:47
jermstoneHold on I'll get the link02:47
elmo40Wizek, Grub error?02:47
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RiverGirl_shar0n: and the fascination with Aus is ?02:47
MrStonedOneanyone know why even after reinstall with --purge and recompile of video drivers, beryl wont work, emerald fails to load, i used to have it working tell i did some updating02:47
shar0nI love you the accent02:47
elmo40Wizek, explain the error.02:47
Wizekelmo40, ahh, yes it is...02:47
elmo40which one? what number?02:48
shar0nI love your* accent02:48
Wizekelmo40, when i restarted my pc after the succesful installion02:48
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elmo40but i need the number, to help you.02:48
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WizekUbuntu 7.0402:48
elmo40withought it, i can only speculate... wrong /root, wrong vmlinuz...02:48
MrStonedOnethe error number,02:49
jermstoneGo to that for a COOL pic02:49
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MrStonedOneold pic is old02:49
elmo40http://fortey.net/images/desktop.png <-- mine :)02:49
elmo401440x900, though02:49
Wizekelmo40: Ubuntu 7.0402:49
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elmo40Wizek, not that number, the Grub error number :)02:50
Wizekelmo40: and it writes out:02:50
jonathan_elmo40, your desktop is cool02:50
shar0nahh you are one of those ppl elmo....borderless windows02:50
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MrStonedOneWizek, the error number,02:50
Wizekelmo40: 2102:50
spikebheh my desktop is kind of plain02:50
jermstoneI like it02:50
jonathan_are u using icewm?02:50
elmo40shar0n, borderless everything :) they take up too much space!02:50
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elmo40jonathan_, E1702:50
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jonathan_oh... yes I donno about it, he302:51
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jonathan_is that easy using E17?02:51
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elmo40E17 rocks!02:51
elmo40simple, clean, elegant02:51
MrStonedOne21 : Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.02:51
elmo40Wizek, what else do you have on that machine? windoze? another distro?02:51
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jonathan_and it seems there is a widgets in there, is that fresh from E17?02:51
shar0nonly ubuntu02:52
Wizekelmo40: nothing, absolutelly nothing02:52
jermstoneI have a question02:52
jacktr08tarzeau: for example when i apt-get remove irssi i noticed that the config file was still in /etc.02:52
elmo40Wizek, use pastebin.ca and show us your /boot/grub/menu.lst02:52
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jonathan_yes, http://pastebin.ca02:52
jermstoneWould anyone want to but Vista when Ubuntu is so much better??????????02:52
jonathan_upload it02:52
Shaftojacktr08, To get rid of config files you use sudo apt-get --purge remove :)02:52
tarzeaujacktr08: did you --purge ?02:52
MrStonedOnejacktr08, use --purge, so u get apt-get --purge remove ...02:52
elmo40this is what i told him to do! ;)02:52
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Wizekelmo40: how do i use that "pastebin.ca"?02:53
jacktr08tarzeau: no i didn't but now i know, thanks again all.02:53
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shar0nI find font's take up took much space on ubuntu02:53
shar0nscreen space*02:53
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MrStonedOneits a site02:53
elmo40Wizek, use your liveCD, mount your drive, and copy/paste the /boot/grub/menu.lst02:53
jonathan_it's same02:53
shar0nfor some reason they tend to be bigger than window's02:53
jonathan_sudo apt-get -f02:53
jonathan_apt-get install -f02:53
jermstoneI need a new monitor....02:54
elmo40jermstone, go widescreen02:54
raichoohi i have a problem encrypting my root partition. cryptsetup always complains : cryptsetup: source device /dev/hda3 not found. any advice?02:54
jermstoneI KNOW!02:54
shackCan some of you help me with irssi?02:54
jermstoneI so want to!02:54
Wizekelmo40: is it good?02:54
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jonathan_btw somebody works as a volunteer at free software foundation ???02:54
shackHow can I change nicks different colour than regular text?02:54
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elmo40Wizek, hold on, let me read02:55
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Wizekelmo40: ok, i meaned at the file sending..., that did i do it good or not...02:55
jermstoneMy computer is so old it has RDRAM!!!!02:55
Shaftoshar0n, You can alter font sizes you do know that dont you? I always thought the same :)02:55
jermstone640MS of RDRAM02:55
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elmo40here is Wizek's menu.lst   http://pastebin.ca/62035702:56
shar0nShafto, then they become too small :S02:56
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Shaftoshar0n, Guess your kinda stuck then :)02:56
elmo40Wizek, does it matter what option you select, you still get that error?02:56
elmo40you only have one hdd installed on the computer?02:56
Wizekelmo40: which options do u mean?02:57
elmo40shack, what do you need help with in irssi?02:57
raichoohi i have a problem encrypting my root partition. cryptsetup always complains : cryptsetup: source device /dev/hda3 not found. any advice?02:57
jermstoneAre there any drivers for Creative Audio Sound Cards for Ubuntu?02:57
elmo40Wizek, when grub loads, you have three options02:57
elmo40regular, recover, memtest02:57
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elmo40shack, /nick changes your nick, /highlite (sp) adds a highlight to words/nicks.02:58
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elmo40Wizek, you there?02:59
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jermstoneWish I could sleep02:59
Wizekelmo40: i don't have any options.. it says:Grub loading stage1.5. <newline> GRUB loading, please wait <newline> Error 2102:59
jermstoneMaybe one more smoke02:59
Wizeki wrote02:59
elmo40oh... that is different :/02:59
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elmo40you need to reinstall grub then.02:59
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shackelmo40: so if I wan't to hilight all nicks on channel I'll type what?03:00
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shackelmo40: and thanks for your help03:00
elmo40because it cant find the drive that the menu.lst is on.03:00
jermstoneIs there anyway to add chat servers as favs on here?03:00
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elmo40shack, all the nicks? dont do that, get a different theme  http://irssi.org/themes03:00
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elmo40jermstone, on here? where is here? xchat? irssi? bitchX ?03:01
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shackelmo40: what I'm trying to do is that I want nicks be different color than text. So it would be more easy to read03:01
elmo40jermstone, you can have it auto-login to a server, and channels, sure. But as for favourites? dont think it does that03:01
Wizekelmo40: i thought this is diferent... nobody could help me so far.. and i get this error all time if i reinstalled my ubuntu or not...03:02
shackelmo40: Actually nick doesnt have to be hilighted but different color than written text03:02
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elmo40shack, ya, either edit your existing theme, or get a new one that does it already. Simple enough.03:02
shackelmo40: And btw. I'm using my irssi throught putty does that change things?03:02
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shackelmo40: have to try and find new theme03:02
elmo40shack, that may change things03:02
shackelmo40: Coz I've noticed that putty has some own colors03:03
elmo40Wizek, then try a different distro! Something like MEPIS, or Elive ;) They are also liveCD's, so you can test them out03:03
shackelmo40: and they sometimes replace my irssi colors03:03
elmo40there is a list here  http://irssi.org/themes03:03
shackelmo40: thanks, I've already checked those but I think that it might be my puttys fault03:04
variantRiverGirl_: no, but if you copy a directory (and/or it's contents with scp -r) then it will create that directory, not the directory structure03:04
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Wizekelmo40: well i'm in trouble... i don't have any os on my pc... and don't u think there is any solution for this?03:04
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jermstoneI'm so bored.03:04
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variantjermstone: talk randomly in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here03:04
Wizekelmo40: anything...03:04
elmo40Wizek, you can try to use the ubuntu liveCD, and re-install Grub03:04
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variantWizek: doesthe live cd boot correctly?03:05
Wizekyes, i'm on it at the moment too03:05
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RiverGirl_variant: yip busy copying across now... many thanks for your help so far03:05
variantWizek: and no matter how many times you have reinstalled you allways get that error?03:05
variantRiverGirl_: np03:05
HEP85Wizek: You could try to change the boot order03:05
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variantWizek: if you want, I  can ssh into your machine and take a look. /query me if you want to do that03:06
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nicknamehello all..03:07
RiverGirl_variant: When I finish copying I will try and recover this mounted LVM 'chrootOriginal' to see if can get it t to boot again according to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864/comments/13 which I think is my problem03:07
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shackelmo40: so for example should this theme: http://irssi.org/themefiles/madcow.png03:08
variantRiverGirl_: do you get that error during boot?03:08
shacklook exatly same like in screenshot03:09
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Wizekvariant, why don't u reply, i'm on /query with u03:09
variantRiverGirl_: I have to vacate this computer shortly i think03:09
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variantWizek: you are not, you have to be registered on freenode to use /query03:09
elmo40shack, nice theme :)03:09
linux_user400354whats the current version of the linux kernel in the ubuntu feisty packages? could someone who has an updated feisty system give me uname -r output?03:09
shackelmo40: it is but not working for me03:09
shackelmo40: i think it's because of putty03:09
elmo40then it is putty03:09
Wizekvariant, :/03:09
shackelmo40: -(03:09
variant!register | Wizek03:09
ubotuWizek: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:09
RiverGirl_variant: thanks again03:10
variantWizek: it's easy enough03:10
shackelmo40: is there anything I can do?03:10
variantRiverGirl_: np03:10
Newbie_DudeI put my Quake 4 DVD into the CD-ROM and I got an error that says "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "cdrom0" ???03:10
elmo40try nutty! i think it has better colours. fortey.net/leo/aps/nutty.exe03:10
shackelmo40: thank I'll try that03:10
elmo40it also has 'link clicking' capabilities :)03:10
linux_user400354whats the current version of the linux kernel in the ubuntu feisty packages? could someone who has an updated feisty system give me uname -r output?03:10
elmo40if it sees http or ftp, it will make them clickable03:10
variantNewbie_Dude: please supply more information, what ubuntu release, how old is the sytem and have u ever run envy or automatix etc03:10
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variant!repeat | linux_user40035403:11
ubotulinux_user400354: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:11
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Newbie_Dudevariant: 7.04, fairly new system, never run either of those03:11
linux_user400354variant: you could be nice and give me your uname -r output03:11
shackelmo40: thank you again03:11
elmo40shack, no problem03:11
variantNewbie_Dude: ok, the user you are logged in as probably doesnt have rights to use the cdrom, are you in the admin group?03:12
variantNewbie_Dude: ie, can you run sudo -i and become root03:12
Newbie_Dudevariant: how do i check if i'm in the admin group?03:12
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Newbie_Dudeyes it wokred :)03:12
variantNewbie_Dude: can you become root?03:12
elmo40variant, that is lame, eh? have to be in admin group to read a cd/dvd? how am i supposed to listen to music then?03:12
variantNewbie_Dude: ok03:12
variantelmo40: no, you have to be in the cdrom group or whatever it's called03:13
Shaftoelmo40, If you use the main account you created during install you dont have to touch anything it generally works out of the box03:13
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elmo40just making sure ;)03:13
variantelmo40: if he is not in it (which is likely) then he needs to be in the admin group to be able to fix it03:13
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Newbie_Dudevariant: yes i became root03:14
elmo40variant, ok, so that is the direction you were going... not only the cdrom group, but admin group to repair ;)03:14
Shaftoelmo40, Other than that you just add yourself to the group which is simple enough :)03:14
variantNewbie_Dude: click system > administration > users and groups03:14
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HEP85Newie_Dude: System-->Administrations-->User and Groups-->'Your User Name'-->Properties-->User Rights/Permissions-->Use CDROM03:14
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Newbie_DudeHEP85: variant it's workign now :) can see the CD contents, thanks :D03:15
shackelmo40: seems to be same with nutty like it was with putty03:15
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HEP85you're welcome03:16
variantNewbie_Dude: good job, your welcome03:16
elmo40shack, rough... but highlight should still work.03:16
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shackelmo40: it does thanks03:18
MrStonedOnelinux_user400354, by my list03:19
elmo40when you changed themes, are you sure it really changed? did it look different (format)?03:19
linux_user400354MrStonedOne: yes?03:19
elmo40MrStonedOne, a lot of dots, eh?03:19
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MrStonedOnei have issues with the latest update, so im using the synaptic package man's list of up-datable packages03:20
MrStonedOneissues being wont boot03:20
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elmo40MrStonedOne, wont boot is a pretty large issue!03:23
MrStonedOnei dont care, i just go with what works, kernel updates are important to me atm,03:24
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MrStonedOneunless it fixes a bug i am dealing with03:24
silver2bye all, I gotta go.03:24
Dante123Hi all....just got a new mobo/Amd Sempron 3400+ cpu and wondering if I should go with the 64 bit version of ubuntu or stick with regular flavour of feisty......any suggestions?03:25
MrStonedOneit dont hurt to try,03:25
willskillshi guys - I am trying to get picasa running - and it isn't giving any errors - where would I check for this, /var/log/???03:25
spikebDante123, stick with regular for now03:25
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MrStonedOnewillskills, not sure, but maybe03:25
Dante123The machine in question is currently RAM starved with only 384 mb of ram03:26
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Dante123spikeb any particular reason....just easier and avoids headaches?03:26
ShackJackDante123: I'd pop the live cd in for 64 and see how well the drivers, etc... mesh... It's mostly o.k. execpt for some things like drivers, plugins (Flash, etc..)03:26
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voicihow can i get speech synthesis on ubuntu-server? (no gui)03:26
Dante123I had it in earlier...and to be honest it seemed to run VERY slow.......03:26
spikebDante123, well, about the last remaining issue is no 64bit flash, but that will be negated in gutsy with the inclusion of gnash 0.803:26
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ShackJackDante123: Well, yeah, the live CD would be slow -- esp with a slow cd, low ram ;)03:27
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spikebthe livecd is slow for me too and i have lots of ram heh03:27
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Dante123so if installed to HD....the system could be peppier....03:27
sn0ShackJack 'gnash' flash supports youtube videos now so it might be less of an issue (not sure)03:27
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ShackJacksn0: 'Tis true, and you can always frun the 32-bit firefox on 64-bit...03:28
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spikebDante123, it should be a lot peppier03:28
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spikebsn0, not the version in feisty03:28
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sn0ShackJack indeed there are work arounds03:28
Dante123okay....well....I can try it....and if there is a problem....always go back to regular feisty03:28
spikebDante123, that'd work :)03:28
sn0spikeb oh i see03:29
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ShackJackI'm on gutsy - it rocks :P (for the most part)03:29
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spikebshack, cool03:29
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spikeber, ShackJack03:29
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sn0same to a certain extent :)03:29
Dante123this mobo came with cd for via raid stuff for windows.......is there anything special to configure for ubuntu....or the system adapts itself to the hardware without much tweaking needed in terms of basic stuff like hdd03:29
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sn0Dante123 many "raid" chipsets are fake raid, please see http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html to see which yours is03:30
spikebheh my chipset is fake raid!03:30
sn0you could use linux software raid as an option03:30
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sn0zfs! ;] 03:31
=== sn0 wishes
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Jack_SparrowMorning all If my niece wants to try out the kde desktop does she jus type in a terminal apt-get install kde-desktop   ?03:31
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ShackJackJack_Sparrow: yep.... Then select is from sessions in login screen...03:32
spikebi think the package is kde, not kde-desktop03:32
archoniam!shockwave | Archoniam03:32
ShackJackJack_Sparrow: Or you can use a kubunut live CS03:32
Jack_SparrowThanks, just wanted to double check as I didnt see it in synaptic03:32
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archoniamwell 'at suckz.03:32
ShackJackspikeb: Jack_Sparrow - actually the package is kubuntu-destop03:33
xRaich[o] 2xhi i have a problem encrypting my root partition. cryptsetup always complains : cryptsetup: source device /dev/hda3 not found. any advice?03:33
ShackJackerr... desktop03:33
aleksanteriarchoniam: /msg ubotu !shockwave :)03:33
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Jack_Sparrowapt get install kubuntu-desktop  ?03:33
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ShackJackspikeb: Jack_Sparrow - if you want the full experience - but if you want to rey it out I might suggest using the live cd...03:33
flakewhy is my trash icon not showing anything moved to my .Trash folder?03:33
archoniamI know. It seriously sucks.03:34
ShackJackJack_Sparrow, yes, but I use aptitude instead of apt-get (better at dependency removing if tou decide to uninstlal)03:34
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HEP85Dante123: How come you think 64 bit would run slower?03:34
Jack_Sparrowwhat is the systax for aptitude?03:34
elmo40Jack_Sparrow, morning. Good sunset last night?03:34
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ShackJackJack_Sparrow: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop   --03:34
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ShackJackJack_Sparrow: syntax is the same but aptitude I think is better at clearing out the cruft if you decide to uninstall... sudo aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop :)03:35
Jack_SparrowHEy elmo, was nice watching the sun over the lake with family here.. Shackjack.. thanks so much.. still not awake.. and a little hung over  :)03:35
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=== ShackJack likes GNOME
=== spikeb <3 gnome
Dante123The K8M800-M2 motherboard is based on the Via K8M800 Northbridge chipset, and Via VT8237 Southbridge chipset. It supports AMD K8 Processors, with 200/400/600/800MHz Front Side Bus support.<-------------------------------------- is this fake raid?03:36
aaronjsis the local wireless expert around today?   I could use some help with a stubborn PCMIA card. :(03:36
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spikebthe extent of my wireless expertise is "airport on ppc works" and "use ralink"03:36
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Dante123HEP85 it isn't that I think 64 bit is slower.....but the livecd seemed really slow on the system I was trying it out on.....I suspect low ram at the moment is part of the problem.....plus I get this message about needing to use an 80 wire cable or something for IDE03:37
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aaronjsspikeb: thanks....     I'm actually usein ralink, (RT2500)03:37
spikebaaragon, weird03:38
ShackJackDante123: Plus if CD is older and has lower transfer rate - that of course is an issue...03:38
Dante123what exactly is that message about.....80 wire ide cable or something......cd is about 4 years old......03:38
aaronjsspikeb: can you suggest a better location to find help?03:38
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spikebaaragon, maybe the forums03:38
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HEP85Dante123: as already been said: LiveCD is always slow. It is right that you have little RAM which slows down your system, but it won't ever get that bad like with LiveCD03:39
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aaronjsspikeb: Heh.  Thanks, i've scoured the forums and the information is all stale for this.  Thanks for your help though.  It is greatly appreciated.   Have a great day!03:39
spikebaaronjs, you too. good luck03:40
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MortarMani want to execute this command : sudo echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss03:40
MortarManbut it writes : permission denied03:40
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Dante123its just that the 64bit livecd seemed slower on the same machine than the regular feisty livecd....I'm not sure why03:40
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emmeracWhen is the next version expected to be released?03:41
Jaymac19th October03:41
ShackJackemmerac: Not soon enough :)03:42
HEP85Dante123: strange. I have no clue neither03:42
mbonewhat are major changes in 7.10 ?03:42
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IdleOnembone, ubuntu+1 fo Ubuntu7.10 help03:42
JaymacCompiz Fusion enabled by default (if supported)03:42
xtknightMortarMan: you may need to do this.  sudo sh -c "sudo echo \"et.x86 0 0 direct\" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss"03:42
ShackJackmbone: Newer kernel, newer GNOME, pidgin, compiz fusion...03:42
JaymacGnome 2.2003:42
spikebnew gnome, new kernel, compiz fusion on by default, and gnash support :)03:42
mbonesound good :)03:43
emmeracWhat is Compiz Fusion?03:43
hak5fa1What do I need to do to get g15composer working with feisty it's installed it's installed, but I'm missing something the g15composer daemon is not running or something....03:43
xtknightMortarMan: what is happening is it is sending 'sudo' to the echo command, which does no good.  it is not sending sudo to the file redirector ( > ) and a normal user has no permission to that file.  when you use sudo sh -c it encloses the whole command.03:43
spikebemmerac, desktop effects on steroids!03:43
ShackJackemmerac: Remerge of Compiz and Beryl -- eye candy!03:43
JayRoehow do I check the dimensions of a video in ubuntu?  nautilus shows 0x0.03:43
spikebheh JayRoe03:43
emmeracOh, Beryl, now that I am familiar with03:43
xtknightJayRoe: mplayer <file> and control C to stop playback.. it should be listed there.03:43
spikeboh and bulletproof X03:43
spikeb(which is great)03:44
JaymacBeryl was a fork of Compiz emmerac03:44
Baitmancompiz hates my system :(03:44
Jaymacthe two projects have re-merged03:44
BaitmanNever buying ati again03:44
ShackJackJayRoe: Screen shot and open in GIMP? Or open in Totem?03:44
emmeracI see...03:44
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ShackJackBaitman: You running Compiz under XGL?03:44
BaitmanI have trouble setting up an xgl session03:44
xtknightgutsy will have improved restricted drivers, a GTK display manager (X config) hopefully, better multimedia support yet, better flash support, better bug reporting03:44
spikebi refuse to buy another video card until somebody makes a free one.03:44
Baitmanand when i do it crashes badly03:44
JayRoethat all sounds relatively complicated, considering the task. Can you get gspot for ubuntu?03:44
BaitmanI'm going to have a tinker later03:44
spikebsystem-config-x11 could have been imported into ubuntu a long time ago yanno03:45
ShackJackBaitman: What card?03:45
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svilen570ciao a tutti03:45
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:45
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MortarManit always replies : bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
ffmhelp! When I sudo apt-get update, it hangs on 99% [Connecting to download.tuxfamily.org (] 03:46
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spikebffm, sounds like that server is overloaded03:46
xtknightMortarMan: sudo sh -c... didnt fix it?03:46
ffmspikeb, so what do I do?03:46
ShackJackffm: You can uncheck temporarily in your software sources and run update again..03:46
Jaymacffm, go into Software Sources and temporarily disable that source03:46
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xtknightMortarMan: it really should have.  oh well.  or maybe i gave you the syntax wrong but here's something else that will work.  type "sudo -i".  after that, enter your user's password and then type the echo command.  after the echo command type "exit" to get out of root03:47
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bohi, all03:47
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ffmJaymac, ShackJack , do I uncheck tthe sourcecode repo fot yhsy aswell?03:47
ShackJack!hi | bo03:47
ubotubo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:47
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MortarManxtknight:is whole command good ? : sudo sh -c echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss03:48
MortarMancause it always writes : bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied03:48
boI new to ubuntu03:48
ShackJackffm: Just the once for tuxfamily..03:48
boand need help here03:48
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ShackJack!enter | bo03:48
ubotubo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:48
Jaymacffm, yes03:48
HEP85I just tried compiz-fusion and I am disappointed. Still running beryl now03:48
xtknightMortarMan: no it should be:   sudo sh -c "echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss"03:48
kbrooks!hi | bo03:48
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ubotubo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:48
Dante123bo...what is your problem?03:48
kbrooks!ask | bo03:48
ubotubo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:48
HEP85The installation broke my apt-get and beryl seemed to run much smoother with the default settings03:48
kbrooksShackJack, he wasnt breaking the enter rule03:49
Dante123Go ahead and ask your question.03:49
MortarManxtknight: thanks it should work now03:49
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ShackJackkbrooks: Check the tape...03:49
kbrooksShackJack, a violation would be if i did something like say a many times03:49
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Dante123bo are you there?03:50
kbrooksDante123, Please type the nickname before your statement if you are intending to direct the statement to that person.03:50
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Otacon22how can i repeat a bash command every 10 seconds?03:50
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ffmwhat does this mean when I sudo apt-get update? The following packages have been kept back:03:50
ffm  spamassassin03:50
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=== Dante123 looks under the carpet for bo
ShackJackffm: Means can't update yet because other dependecy packages for it have not yet been updated03:51
Jaymacffm, it means it depends on something that isn't available for upgrade yet.. once that package becomes available it will be upgraded03:51
urakaipahi there, i'm trying to use the latest alpha of firefox (5 and 6 too) which it should have Places enabled, but in fact I can only use the old bookmarking system. any idea?03:51
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kbrooksOtacon22, "while true; command; sleep 10; done" without the quotes. bash is offtopic herre, please use #bash03:52
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macabro22Sometimes Ubuntu wont automount my external HD03:53
Jaymac!hi | macabro2203:53
ubotumacabro22: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:53
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macabro22How to manually  mount it?03:53
Kjellvizhi there, im running kubuntu but can i still ask for help here ?03:54
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Kjellviznot sure if my problem is kde related03:54
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JaymacKjellviz, ask, and we shall find out03:54
Kjellvizanyways, i installed Kubuntu just now. so a fresh install with nothing special or added03:55
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Kjellvizthen i ran updates03:55
Kjellvizabout 80 updates i think03:55
Tonehi there ppl03:55
Kjellvizwhen i rebooted i could no longer use my bluetooth keyboard03:55
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Kjellvizsame error has occured 3 times today (yes ive installed 3 times ><), and is related to the updates somehow03:55
HEP85macabro22: what device name and partition type?03:55
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JaymacKjellviz, do you have all of the bluetooth programs installed?03:56
tehdavidim having problems using ndiswrapper with the DWL-520+ windows driver. The driver is installed and the card found. however i can't connect to any networks or even see my access point. anyone have any suggestions?03:56
HEP85tehdavid: what's the output from iwconfig?03:57
KjellvizJaymac: no idea, ive got what was installed by default, and it was working fine until reboot after udate03:57
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Tohow do I open "terminal" in Ubuntu 5.1003:58
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JaymacKjellviz, maybe you need bluez-gnome package03:59
JaymacKjellviz, I'm not sure - haven't got a bluetooth keyboard03:59
Kjellvizbut when i restart the bluetooth service, i get an error stating "failed to connect to the SDP server"03:59
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tehdavidHEP85: semms like the card has gone from iwconfig, however this is the ndiswrapper -l output - airplus : driver installed04:00
tehdavid        device (104C:8400) present (alternate driver: acx)04:00
swmiller6I am having a problem with my Internet connection on a fresh install of Feisty can anyone here help?04:00
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regishello, i have a big problem with flash:md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz04:00
monoswmiller6: just ask04:01
KjellvizJaymac: well you think the updates uninstalled something?  (and why would i need a gnome app on kde?)04:01
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swmiller6It is not a conection problem I can connect but I top out at around 60kB/s04:01
JaymacKjellviz, oh, didn't see you're on kde04:01
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JaymacKjellviz, the updates might have disabled or broken something you require04:01
regisand i've tried to install flash 2 times04:01
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JaymacKjellviz, try and reinstall your bluetooth packages04:01
HEP85tehdavid: ndiswrapper kernel module is loaded?04:02
monoswmiller6: hmmm..04:02
swmiller6@mono what information d you need04:02
swmiller6I am a slow typer04:02
tehdavidHEP85: yes and i did rmmod on the acx module and acx is definetly not loaded04:02
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Yukinorohanyone alive?04:03
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monoswmiller6: I dont know where to start... check you router configuration04:03
swmiller6last week I had the same motherboard in a different case dual booting windows and ubuntu04:03
KjellvizJaymac: ok, ill try reinstalling those packages04:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:03
swmiller6not the router the other computers are fast04:03
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kidbuntuwhats wrong with my python if everytime i'm using synaptic or installed a new application i always get this message "E: python-setuptools: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 104:03
kidbuntuE: python-paste: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:03
kidbuntuE: python-pastedeploy: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:03
regisYukinoroh, yes what's  your problem04:03
HEP85tehdavid: please post output from: "cat /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper"04:04
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swmiller6same setup only a differnet case last week and no problems at all04:04
Torigis how you install flash?04:04
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monoswmiller6: It can happen that the first computer becomes more band width in the router settings04:05
tehdavidHEP85: alias wlan0 ndiswrapper04:05
Kjellvizbrb reboot04:05
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monoswmiller6: thats my guess04:05
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regisTo, i did install it with  apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:05
Yukinorohregis, not a problem actually, I'm a Second Life user and I would like to know if the new version is reported to work on Ubuntu. It does not on Mandriva :(04:06
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swmiller6I have 4 computers connected and this is the only one I am having problems with04:06
Yukinorohso I'm thinking about switching distro04:06
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HEP85tehdavid: so everything seems okay. strange04:06
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regisYukinoroh, i do not have second life so i can't tell04:06
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swmiller62 of the 4 are laptops that are on and off the network frequently.04:06
tehdavidHEP85: ill try a reboot and see if i get anywhere, i expect ill be back in a couple of minutes04:06
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Yukinorohregis : do you know what encoding ubuntu uses as the default ?04:07
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Yukinorohcharacter coding04:07
regisTo, but after the download it says Download done.;md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz;The Flash plugin is NOT installed.04:07
regisYukinoroh, utf804:07
regisYukinoroh, type locale to see what's your encodingf04:07
regisYukinoroh, type locale to see what's your encoding04:08
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Toregis: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=YWebMsgr04:08
Johtoregis: uhm, if you go to example www.youtube.com, it should atomaticly install the plugin yes?04:08
Yukinorohregis : I'm using ja_JP.UTF-804:08
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Gringo2k7Good day everyone.  How can I make Nautilus confirm when I hit delete and delete something??  Confirm Trash is set to true in the Gconf.  But yet, if I hilight a file and hit delete, it goes to the trash no confirmation.   Thanks in advance.04:08
Yukinorohutf8 is critical for me, it's the only encoding that supports both French and Japanese04:08
HEP85tehdavid: brb04:08
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ToJohto, I'll try04:08
Dante123Hi all......i have just installed a new mobo/cpu.....ECS K8M800-M2 Via Socket 754 MicroATX Motherboard and an AMD Sempron 3400+ Socket 754 OEM Processor in a case from around 2003 that had CD-R/RW Model GCE-8400B from Hitachi and a Samsung DVD Master 16E Model SD-616 in it. The HD is a Western Digital 80 gb IDE drive. It is connected as Primary IDE. How should I connect these two other drives? Should one be slave of Primary IDE and the other on04:08
Dante123its own cable to Secondary IDE on mobo? Suggestions and advice are welcome.04:08
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regisYukinoroh, ok so that's utf8...if you have any problem with encoding tell me because i did have some problem04:09
Yukinorohregis : if it does like displaying a bunch of ??????? like when I use KDE in Mandriva then I should stay away from ubuntu :(04:09
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Dante123My previous setup might explain why the 64 bit ubuntu livecd was running so slow04:09
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Yukinorohregis : you did ? (;_;)04:09
_Lucretia_just been reading this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo) and it states a note to 64-bit users, do they mean people who want to install a 64-bit OS on qemu or people who are using 64-bit ubuntu?04:09
jas4711is there support for any touch screens?  i have a hp pavillion tx1128 notebook with a stylus04:09
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Yukinorohmandriva and gnome are very good for utf-8, I have no problem.. but hm..04:09
Johtomy friend installed fresh ubuntu, and even if he installed thhe flash-nonfree via synaptic, hes browser did not use flash, only after he "installed" it using the firefox "manual plugin install" it started to work...04:09
regisYukinoroh, yes i had to convert iso8859-15* to utf804:09
pchomeHello I'm spanish and I have a big problem with Linux's Instalation, I have a SATA's disk in AMD, but when I'll go to install in my computer don't found, please answer me. Thank you04:09
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regisYukinoroh, that's because windows is not utf804:10
Yukinorohregis, yeah I know... well I don't use windows anymore, all my file system is utf-8 now04:10
Yukinorohso as I said, critical... folder names will be garbled if I don't use utf-8 anywhere04:10
sebajihow can i open a corel document ?04:11
urakaipahi there, i'm trying to use the latest alpha of firefox (5 and 6 too) which it should have Places enabled, but in fact I can only use the old bookmarking system. any idea?04:11
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Yukinorohregis : do you know if it's possible to install rpm archives in ubuntu ? my printer drivers are not open source but I would like to use my printer :(04:11
_Lucretia_sn0: you there?04:11
sn0_Lucretia_ and many others yep04:12
regisYukinoroh, search for alien or rpm04:12
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Yukinorohregis : my printer's drivers come from the turbolinux distribution04:12
_Lucretia_you know about qemu?04:12
sn0Yukinoroh what printer? maybe you don't have to use the rpm04:12
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pchomesomeone can help me? please04:12
_Lucretia_I've used it before but not on 64-bit OS and not with kqemu04:12
regisYukinoroh, usualy you just need a ppd file04:12
Yukinorohsn0 : I have a Canon i850 (Pixus 850i)04:12
JohtoYukinoroh: in debian distros like ubuntu, you can try to convert .rpm files to .deb packages using program named "alien"04:12
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_Lucretia_sn0: just been reading this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo) and it states a note to 64-bit users, do they mean people who want to install a 64-bit OS on qemu or people who are using 64-bit ubuntu?04:12
sn0_Lucretia_ same for me, im currently using vmware for 64bit hosts04:12
IdleOne!alien | Yukinoroh04:13
ubotuYukinoroh: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:13
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Yukinorohah :(04:13
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sn0_Lucretia_ that is for people who have a 64bit installation, which qemu is installed to04:13
Yukinorohso basically my printer is not supported ?04:13
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sn032bit users use qemu, 64bit users use qemu-system-x86_6404:13
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_Lucretia_sn0: right, that doesn't seem to make sense though as this is an emulation??04:13
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=== _Lucretia_ is confused
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pchomeHow I can install Guadalinex in SATA's disk on my computer? (AMD) thx04:14
regisTo is there any way to install it with the package manager(i fear upgrade problems)04:14
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sn0_Lucretia_ if you installed 64bit ubuntu, you would use qemu-system-x86_64 command :)04:14
Johtohi :)04:14
_Lucretia_sn0: yeah, I'm on 64-bit ubuntu04:14
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tehdavidHEP85: it has found my wireless card again, however im still having problems connecting04:14
Yukinorohanyone can check if the Canon i850 (Pixus 850i) printer is supported in ubuntu ?04:14
sn0Yukinoroh https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon says that printer works04:14
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sn0using the drivers from http://www.turboprint.de/04:15
JohtoYukinoroh: what stops you to using google?04:15
witekthis is my first visit here04:15
JohtoYukinoroh: like "Canon i850 ubuntu" in google? :D04:15
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witeksorry for my english04:15
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Yukinoroh"Not detected during installation, no borderless and low photo quality with open driver - works flawlessly with www.turboprint.de non-free"04:16
Yukinorohthey say use the "bjc-7004" driver, I used to do that with mandriva, but it prints out stuff really weird04:16
Yukinorohlike it takes the sheet and crops it to fit in half of the sheet04:16
HEP85tehdavid: is it already configured?04:16
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YukinorohI never had any good printing with that driver until I found the driver that canon produced for turbolinux04:16
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tehdavidHEP85: no, however, wpasupplicant is installed and im trying to use the gnome network applet to connect04:17
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_Lucretia_sn0: how can I tell (if at all) if qemu is using the kernel module?04:18
regisYukinoroh, why not using windows's driver04:18
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siskelhi , i just made a new swap partition and i can't get ubuntu to recognise it , how do i do that?04:18
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sn0_Lucretia_ it will become apparant when you run an install :)04:18
Yukinorohregis : I think that the windows driver is a .exe04:18
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sn0i found that if it wasn't using kqemu things went very slow04:18
_Lucretia_sn0: on a new faster machine, so not sure ;)04:18
Yukinorohyou need to install it, in windows04:18
regis_Lucretia_, if it doesn't it tell you and you can also see the speed difference04:18
regisYukinoroh, extract it04:19
_Lucretia_regis: haven't tried it without on this macine, but seems nice n fast ;D04:19
trekkmeis there a mirror for "deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy" i wanna install compiz-fusion and cant update my packages from there04:19
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sn0_Lucretia_ it should say something like Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated if its not loaded or you aren't in the correct group04:19
sn0as the page says04:19
regisYukinoroh, try to unzip it or unrar it or run it04:19
HEP85tehdavid: you could still try a "sudo ifup wlan0" just to be on the safe side04:19
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_Lucretia_sn0: k, must be working then04:19
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sn0an xp install took hours without the kqemu module on my a64 so yea it should be apparent or error04:20
Yukinorohit seems that other people have trouble with this pritner in ubuntu :(04:20
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Yukinorohit took me so much time to figure how to use it in mandriva (-_-,04:20
tehdavidHEP85: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.04:20
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JasperxASSIST: What are the ubuntu repositories, like the URLs, so I can add them to apt?04:20
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hinogi_got a problem with grub somewhow, i have a dual boot with vista but as soon as i select vista in grub it says "starting up" and then immidiatly reboots04:20
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hinogi_recovery dvd says vista is a ok04:21
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regisTo i want to tell the dev the flash has a probmem, how do i do that04:21
HEP85tehdavid: hmm. you said the interface was found, but it is still not listed04:21
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_joeyI have recommended Ubuntu several times. What is so special about this distribution?04:21
Tosimple question here, how do we open "terminal" in Ubuntu 5.1004:21
_joeyhave been...04:21
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sn0_joey boot the livecd and find out :-)04:21
Anlar_joey: nothing, there are just a lot of fanboys and zealots04:21
tehdavidi can ifconfig wlan0 up04:22
regis_joey, easy of use and install04:22
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_joeysn0 what should I be looking for?04:22
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xRaich[o] 2xaaaaaaaaaaaaarg. langsam kotzt mich das an mit dem cryptsetup04:22
CerebroJDWhere does Network Manager store its 'saved' wireless connection info?04:22
defrysk!de | xRaich[o] 2x04:22
ubotuxRaich[o] 2x: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:22
_joeyis wifi easy to configure on ubuntu?04:22
HEP85tehdavid: unfortunately I don't know how to configure wpasupplicant04:22
Gringo2k7Anyone know how to get confirmations working in Nautilus ???04:23
sn0_joey please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions04:23
Toma-_joey, its not rocket science. also, its windows. so easy can go alot of ways04:23
regis_joey yes in the 7.0404:23
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_joeysn0 thanks04:23
magnetron_joey: if there is a linux driver availible, it's often easy04:23
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tehdavidHEP85: dont worry, im not sure if wpasupplicant is the problem, as im using the same config as my gentoo box which succesfully connects to this network04:23
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KjellvizJaymac: i did a reinstall of all bluetooth packages, to no avail =(04:23
magnetron!hardware | _joey04:24
ubotu_joey: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport04:24
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regis_joey you have an applet named network manager that is in top right of the screen and that is also on the livecd04:24
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regis_joey, it support wep and wpa04:24
HEP85tehdavid: the next thing I would do is take a look at the system logs04:24
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regis_joey, and when you plug a cable it dhclient automaticaly04:25
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slyngelanyone care to help me a little?04:25
regisslyngel, what's the problem04:26
regisTo i want to tell the dev the flash has a probmem, how do i do that04:26
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slyngeli can't get my sound card to work with the alsadrivers on feisty fawn04:26
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Toregis, how can I open "terminal" in Ubutu 5.1004:26
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aubadecentericq isn't so bad.04:27
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regisTo don't know...i don't have 5.10 but you could do ctrl+alt+F104:27
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HEP85tehdavid: I read that one should use the wext driver for ndiswrapper version > 1.1604:27
akosHi there! any graphical ssh clients that support sftp?04:27
cougemis there a keyboard shortcut to bring up the shutdown/logoff window?04:27
ScorpKingTo: ctrl+alt+f104:27
Anlartehdavid: the nm/wpa_supplicant that comes with ubuntu has a little bit problems at least with aps that are not broadcasting... no idea why04:27
=== CerebroJD [n=jdcerebr@S010600184d1865ad.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
_joeyokay, I will try the livecd first04:28
ScorpKingTo: i think it's called console in the menu.04:28
regisakos, nautilus your file explorer04:28
akosregis really?04:28
CerebroJDif anyone responded to my Q, I apologized for dropping... router config's reset it04:28
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akosregis, kewl04:29
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Torigis, it work thanks. what OS are you using04:29
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regisakos, yes04:29
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regisTo ubuntu 7.04 and gentoo04:30
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akosregis, what about SSH terminal support?04:30
tehdavidHEP85: what should i be looking for in the syslogs?04:30
justin420hi, can anybody help with my Seagate 500GB external hd not automounting on feisty? I have tried the usb connection and firewire connection, both times syslog shows that the drive is there and everything was "ok" but no little icon popped up? I have another Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500GB that does mount properly using firewire, and that includes the little icon on the desktop.04:30
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HEP85tehdavid: anything that has to do with wlan and ndiswrapper04:30
_Lucretia_sn0: the copying of files is taking it's time...04:30
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Anlarjustin420: plug it in, "sudo lsusb" and create a bug report at launchpad.net and include that information04:31
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Jerome_Hey, reinstalled ubuntu, trying to install an amd64 package, and it says wrong arch... but I have an AMD64 system?04:31
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regisakos, http://blog.chris.tylers.info/index.php?/archives/25-Nautilus-and-SSH.html04:32
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justin420Anlar: ok ill do that, but nobody knows any temporary work arounds? Im willing to get my hands dirty to make this work04:32
HEP85Jerome_: did you installl the 64 bit ubuntu?04:32
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Anlarjustin420: well, just look at dmesg when you plug it in and mount it manually... "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/blabla"04:33
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Jerome_well, my system is showing two processors04:33
asdfI just installed PCMan File Manager and would like to make it the default manager instead of nautilus.  Anyone know how to do this?04:33
Anlarjustin420: likely the hotplug scripts or seomthing are lacking the usb id of the device so they don't know it is a usb mass device properly04:33
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Jerome_So I assume yes?04:33
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HEP85Jerome_: two processors has nothing to do with the CPU architecture which has nothing to do with the OS04:34
HEP85Jerome_: Please post output from "uname -a"04:34
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_joeyexcuse my ignorance I can't find the livecd image under pub/ubuntu04:34
_joeywhat is the name of the file?04:34
sn0_joey www.ubuntu.com04:34
justin420Anlar: ok thanks allot! what would output should i post for the firewire connection on the drive that doesnt show up on the desktop?04:34
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sn0then click on the download picture04:34
Jerome_jeremy@ubuntu-desktop:~$ uname -a04:34
Jerome_Linux ubuntu-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux04:34
_joeysn0 traffic is counted on my isp, unless I use their mirror04:35
HEP85Jerome_: Your kernel support two processors. this is what I see because of the "SMP"04:35
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asdfI just installed PCMan File Manager and would like to make it the default manager instead of nautilus.  Anyone know how to do this?04:35
HEP85Jerome_: But since I see "i686" you installed the 32 bit version of ubuntu04:35
sn0_joey http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/releases/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso04:35
sn0for 32bit version04:35
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sn0http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/releases/7.04/MD5SUMS for the md5sum (to check before burning the iso)04:36
HEP85Jerome_: If you want to use 64 bit packages and the 64 bit features of your CPU(s) you have to install the 64 bit version of Ubuntu04:36
_joeysn0 thanks04:36
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Jerome_Thats weird, I know I had 64bit installed before... I must have multiple install disks.04:36
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aubadeMD5 compromises my security.04:36
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_joeysn0 and for 64 bit version duo core, not amd?04:36
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sn0it has the side effect of checking if isos could be intact too aubade :)04:37
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sn0_joey amd64 is for core 2 duo as well04:37
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HEP85Jerome_: if you had 64 bit version installed it would be "x86_64" instead of "i686"04:37
nexousHow do I check my graphics driver that is installed in 7.04?04:37
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buzz99867/who #ubuntu04:38
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Jerome_Thanks, I'll have to reinstall in a minute04:38
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asdfI just installed PCMan File Manager and would like to make it the default manager instead of nautilus.  Anyone know how to do this?04:38
regisi have to reboot04:38
HEP85Jerome_: You're welcome.04:39
ochahello all, anywho, my firefox is acting so wired. i got interneting (thats how im on irc) but firefox gets stuck at loading any webpage, it just can't loading it up.  any ideas on how to fix this?04:39
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aubadeasdf: 'd be a bit messy.04:40
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asdfaubade: do you have a link I can reference?04:41
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pixelPOEThello all!04:42
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aubadeNah, just google it. Pleny of people like to use Thunar as a drop-in replacement.04:42
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hak5fa1I'm trying to compile the xmms plugin for the g15 lcd display I'm getting theese errors ./configure: line 4739: syntax error near unexpected token `1.2.2,,'04:43
hak5fa1./configure: line 4739: `AM_PATH_GLIB(1.2.2,,)'04:43
aubadeWhy would you want to replace Nautilus though? Only thing I remember pcmanfm having over it was a tabbed UI.04:43
forestHi folks -- what is the easiest way to setup permanent filesharing between two Ubuntu machines on the same network? They both connect to the network with DHCP each day04:43
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steve99_HI i need some ati help =)04:45
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=== steve99_ hehe
Anlarforest: nfs04:45
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linux_hi there04:46
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steve99_help me04:46
linux_someone here/04:46
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whatspyhi, the ubuntu install program failed at like 96%, mentionning a fatal GRUB installation error. how could I setup GRUB without reinstalling the whole thing ?04:46
linux_yno help me first004:46
steve99_ati + linux = wtf004:46
forestAnlar -- do you know of a guide to setup nfs? I will search help.ubuntu.com now04:46
steve99_linux_,  im a noob :P04:46
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:46
Baitmansteve99: I'm ati + linux, its a pin in the arse04:46
linux_can i disable on board devices through ubuntu with out bios04:46
steve99_why the hell do i get a fglX locate bs message with every game!?04:46
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:47
Anlarwhatspy: the installation is fine except for the grub. just "sudo grub", then "root (hd0,0) where the first number is the hdd the /boot/ resides at and the second the partition, counting from 0.. then "setup (hd0)" to install grub on that hdd04:47
BaitmanI gave up on gaming :P04:47
steve99_linux_,  prob not04:47
BaitmanDual monitor made it near impossible04:47
linux_how can i ugprade bios?04:47
Baitmani just use a windows partition for gaming now04:47
linux_because i dont got such a noption in my bios04:47
Anlarforest: I've just used this http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_NFSv4 as v4 is better and it's not outdated like most of the instructions04:47
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whatspyAnlar: now that's interesting, I didn't know grub was something we could actually "talk" with via a command line04:47
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steve99_linux_,  u have to go to ur mobo manufacters website, downloading the update for ur motherboard04:48
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linux_which site is that/04:48
forestAnlar -- thanks04:48
steve99_well wat motherboard do u have04:48
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Anlarwhatspy: yeah and you had to select likely something else besides ext3. :) ubuntu's installer is piece of crap :)04:49
steve99_more info04:49
PlayMeNowhow can I see how much free space I have (on my main partition)?04:49
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linux_4P800-x motherboard asus04:49
steve99_go to asus wesbite and search04:49
AnlarPlayMeNow: "df"04:49
ompaulPlayMeNow, in a terminal: df  or df -h04:50
linux_sorry my keyboard is broken04:50
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steve99_linux_,  np04:50
mbonehow to install Nvidia driver get from Nvidia website ?04:50
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whatspyAnlar: I am looking forward to learning to install ubuntu in a more "console-like" way, but how is ext3 a bad choice ?04:50
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steve99_linux_,  i ddont think u can run the biios update in Ubuntu, do u have a ***dow partition?04:50
Anlarlinux_: you have to boot to dos (freedos for instance), use the utility from Asus to flash with the newest bios file..04:50
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buzz99867hi, what is the best way to get my "shutdown" and "reboot" buttons in xgl?04:50
mboneI receive a *.run file and dunno how to open04:50
linux_no( im a poor bastard for windows004:50
linux_can i run it in a vm machine?04:51
Syntuxguys, I got hundreds of unauthenticated user, any idea?04:51
FrogzooSyntux: oh dear..04:51
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steve99_Frogzoo,  fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!04:51
xRaich[o] 2xsomeone can helt me? cryptsetup is complaining : source device /dev/hda3 not found04:51
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mbonehey,  how to install Nvidia driver get from Nvidia website ?04:52
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SyntuxFrogzoo, thanks for the feeling, any rehab ? :P04:52
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FrogzooSyntux: how did this happen?04:52
pixelPOETi just had all my wisdom teeth ripped out! anything ubuntu can do for the pain?! =] 04:52
linux_wich is the most newest update for other board asus/04:53
tom_vanyone able to help me out with a ubuntu wiki problem?04:53
dr_willismbone,  thers a web site/nvidia wiki page  i think that covers thatn. or a script called 'envy' I belive that can do it.04:53
steve99_linux_, ??04:53
dr_willismbone,  the !nvidia wiki page may have links to the other info.04:53
SyntuxFrogzoo, I don't know else I'd google the solution04:53
FrogzoopixelPOET: install darkstat & skippy04:53
linux_mey keyb is broken00000 what vers of upgrade for windows i most to download to upgrade my bios04:53
buzz99867i dont know about doing it frm the nvidia website... but "envy" installs just about every nvidia driver just fine..04:53
elmo40pixelPOET, try chewing on the cd04:53
FrogzooSyntux: if you've been compromised, you'll be root kitted & back doored to hell & back - nothing to do but clean reinstall04:54
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mboneokey, I'll check it :P and ijust how to open *.RUN file ?04:54
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elmo40mbone, sh name.run04:54
HEP85forest: in ubuntu you can setup NFS much easier via System-->Administration-->... Folders04:54
primskiguys, which package contains string 'Lock to panel' used to locking applets to panels, obvisously. found a bug in one of the translations, would like to fix it.04:54
dr_willismbone,  you run it as you would a script.  make it excec utable and ./whatever it04:54
pixelPOETelmo....tried it...didn't work out to well...now i have a bloody cd and even more aggravated mouth.04:54
alecjwhi. how can i make ls print relative paths when im using -R ?04:54
dr_willisalecjw,  check the large man page for ls yet? it may not  do that. Never noticed. :)04:54
forestHEP85 -- Ah, I will take a look. The Help document has something much more difficult in it04:55
mbone@ elmo40 : thank ya04:55
linux_i know your hostnames0004:55
elmo40pixelPOET, grind up the disc, and smoke it... numbs a LOT of pain that way O_o04:55
alecjwdr_willis, ok. ill ahve a look04:55
dr_willisalecjw,  'man ls'04:55
dr_willis:) ls is amaxing in how much options it has04:55
kuukkelihow i can get my usb microphone work?04:55
buzz99867is there any way i can get my "shutdown" and "reboot" buttons back in xgl?04:55
pixelPOETelmo40: lmao! might as well smoke something else in that case...04:55
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elmo40sure, why not04:55
elmo40what is stopping ya?04:55
alecjwdr_willis, actually the manpage is cut down. it lokes info ls instead04:55
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elmo40dr_willis, what do you want ls to do?04:56
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alecjwelmo40, its  me whos trying to get ls to do something. i want it to print reltive paths when using -R04:56
elmo40kuukkeli, that is a tricky one... need the module loaded for the kernel. Good Luck!04:56
buzz99867i guess its beacuse xgl is not started up right in the startup script.04:56
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kuukkelielmo40, could you help me? =D04:57
dr_willisbuzz99867,  i recall someone having to do some ODD export/link/fix to get that going the other week.. but i cant rember how/why/who.   So cant help ya muich more then say... its odd. :04:58
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lashmooveI've never had this happen before, I updated kernels, and now all my apps are almost unusable, in the past I would just select the older kernel in at  grub list, but now that doesn't even work, it just gives me wifi back, what can I do to get audio, video playback back?04:58
z999can I ask a question about GAIM?04:58
pixelPOETz999: absolutely not.04:59
dr_willisdepends on the question...04:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:59
z999is there a channel for GAIM?04:59
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pixelPOETlmao i was kidding...go for it. ask away kiddo!04:59
buzz99867thanks dr_willis04:59
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z999ah ok... *imbararced*04:59
t2hi, i have PCI VGA (Rage 128) + AGP VGA (Radeon 7200) cards... the PCI card connected to a 15" LCD and AGP connected to 19" Widescreen LCD... the strange thing is when the widescreen 19" is turning on it breifly says "Rage6 ...." at the top of the screen,  how can that be if the monitor is connected to the radeon 7200 card ???04:59
Sam_jonesHi, is there anyone here who can help me out with a GENERAL problem....I have been using Fedora 7 KDE but want to change to ubuntu ~ only thing is i find Ubuntu (forgive me for saying this) inferior to Fedora....  Anyone up for a general discussion about this....? not ment as a dig  ive used ubuntu before and was please, Very pleased, but now my needs have changed....  i dont think ubuntu has...05:00
SyntuxFrogzoo, it's total new setup , that's why I don't think it's rootkit or anything05:00
rolfenSam_jones: what are your needs?05:00
FrogzooSyntux: what are these unauthenticated users?05:01
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=== pixelPOET is still waiting for z999 to finish writing his or her book about gaim.
Sam_jonesRolfen,  wireless access mainly05:01
z999sometimes messages in gaim don't get sent, and the app says there was a timeout... what can I do????? P.S. it happens while sending messages to MSN messenger.05:01
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donvideo problem. when i try to play video with any player i get black screen for video.  Sound works fine.  I have downloaded every player and all the codecs i can find. I have an ATI Radeon 7000 video card. I'm running ubuntu 7.04. I have even done a complete reload of the machine and got the same result. Any ideas?05:01
xRaich[o] 2xsomeone can helt me? cryptsetup is complaining : source device /dev/hda3 not found05:01
rolfenSam_jones: mmm... dont know about that...05:01
t2z999: gaim is outdated...get pidgin05:01
dr_willisSam_jones,  wireless access is not the 'defacto' standard. :) - wireless in general is such a crapshoot. its scary.05:01
Sam_jonesrolfen i also find that Fedora looks nice and it interacts nice ~~~05:01
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sstewartSAM_Jones: My suggestion is that if you want great community support and a more stable platform, ubuntu is the way to go. Fedora, keep in mind, is considered bleeding edge, especially with version 705:01
dr_willis"Wireless Networking, the new generation of WinModem Fiasco!"05:02
z999I got the same message using pidgin on windows05:02
rolfenSam_jones: you're right it looks great05:02
elmo40ubotu, date05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about date - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
Sam_jonesdr_willis.. i know  but when i install FC7 it just finds my wireless at home work and playing area...05:02
elmo40wow, fast bot!05:02
NigelSdr_willis: the odd thing being that people don't seem to have got annoyed about that as much as they did with winmodems05:02
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dr_willisNigelS,  ive converted my whole house back to wired.. i got sick of all the wireless problems i was having. Even with windows.05:02
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sstewartI use both myself, ubuntu  - laptop, fedora --many servers. Both have great package managers that will generally leave your system in tact on updates05:03
Sam_jonessstewart  your right   i love the ubuntu community  i have always thought ubuntu users are nice and ready to help...unlike their fedora counterparts... how ever i find less issues in fedora.05:03
mbonesorry but I type sh filename.run in the Terminal and it says "can't open ..."05:03
dr_willisIf only the wireless makers would all get together and start doing things the same way05:03
Sam_jonessstewart....  i love beryl too and thats standard on Fedora...05:03
sstewartas for look and feel...thats totally up to the window manager. you can always skin your ubuntu to look like fedora05:03
dr_willismbone,  chmod +x whatever.run ./whatever.run05:03
NigelSSam_jones: I'm a long term debian user and although I've played with fedora and before that rpm distros I just find them to be a pain in the ass. Looks etc are easily changeable by anyone, they're just a theme.  Wireless stuff once set up should just work - maybe fedora has done some extra work in this area05:03
Sam_jonesdr_willis...  i have no problem with using wifi on Fedora  just cant on ubuntu.05:03
dr_willismbone,  and logicially to install stuff SYSTEM WIDE, one must be root.05:03
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RootyRootWootHi, how can I get shockwave to work in firefox?05:04
NigelSdr_willis: the d80211 stack has been reimplemented now in the kernel so we can at least all start standardising on one stack instead of there being loads floating about all with their own bugs05:04
Sam_jonesnigelS   possibly....   i love ubuntu   (hate the looks tho)  but i find fedora just works better....05:04
dr_willisSam_jones,  figure out what they are doing.  do same thing in ubuntu.. i guess.. or check the many ubuntu wireless docs/guides.  Different cards have different 'tricks' often. W=hich is the core of the problem.05:04
NigelSSam_jones: it's just a theme, if you don't like the human theme change it05:04
dr_willisNigelS,  Yes.. things are looking up.05:04
Sam_jonesyeah  i hate this whole wireless thing.... !!!05:04
elmo40RootyRootWoot, it should already work. If not, go to adobe.com and find shockwave.05:04
ShaftoSam_jones, Fedora is abit heavy on system resources05:04
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Sam_jonesshafto  it is   but my computer can deal with it! :-*05:05
dr_willisLooks? whats this looks? am i the only one that totally changes the themes/color/icons/whatever... :)05:05
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rolfenShafto: what if you use xfce of xubuntu05:05
RootyRootWootelmo40: i assume that shockwave is the problem, I am constantly finding web pages that don't render correctly, didn't have that problem in windows xp05:05
RootyRootWootelmo40: any ideas?05:05
dr_willisOf course ya get a disrto that you like the looks.. then Bam! next release they totally change it...05:05
Shaftorolfen, I dont run anything like that, arch all the way for me :)05:05
pixelPOETSam_jones...everyone hates ubuntus default looks. but after beryl/compiz fusion and some simple gtk changes..it can look 100 times better than fedora.05:05
lashmoovewhat do I need to recompile to get video playback again after a kernel update?05:05
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Sam_jonesyeah ?05:06
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=== dr_willis wonders if hes the only one that HATES Compwiz/fusion/Beryl also....
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NigelSdr_willis: when winmodems were the issue people considered a consumer rights concept - "you sold me hardware but now I find out that you're leaching off my CPU to actually make it work?" but that just doesn't seem to have been the case with wireless. We retreated into our shell and bleated meekly about manufacturers not offering support05:06
Sam_jonessend me a lik to see your desktop....05:06
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=== dr_willis is just Old-skoop-hardcore.
justin420Anlar: I filed a bug report on launchpad.net, and was just wondering if I included enough information to help get this problem solved? If you wouldnt mind taking a look https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12615205:06
ShaftopixelPOET, I actually like ubuntu's default gtk theme :-\05:06
elmo40RootyRootWoot, i gave you an idea. Maybe it is a flash problem? if that is the case, open Synaptic, and install mozilla-flash (or whatever *buntu calls it)05:06
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rick_2047do i have to recompile the kernel everytime i chage my hardware05:06
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sstewartsam_jones...I will agree that beryl is nice - but you can apply this to ubuntu/debian as well - this just depends on how much effort you want to put it tweaking your system05:06
Sam_jonesi think   (in all honesty) that if you get ubuntu looking nicer  i e  beryl as standard with nice effects   (like the glass ones!!!) then MAYBE more windows and mac users will come over....05:06
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dr_willisNigelS,  sort of like the Video cards slurping system ram, or Companies like Dell, and otherw taking 20+% of the HD for a rescue partition, so they dont have to include a restore cd... :)05:07
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Shaftodr_willis, I think without the eye candy, linux maybe wouldnt have been adopted as good as it is today,05:07
RootyRootWootelmo40 thanks, i'm on it05:07
Sam_jonessstewart  tweeeking my computer is my fave hobby!!!!05:07
Shaftodr_willis, Just my opnion though ^^05:07
NigelSSam_jones: there's no point implementing something as standard that is that unstable at this point05:07
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Sam_jonesnigel  what about compiz?05:07
user_Hi.....I'm using anjuta but I really don't like it...can you propose something else for C++05:07
dr_willisShafto,  I disagree. :) its more 'flexiable' thats its   end-all-killer-app :)05:07
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ShaftoNigelS, They are unstable....but once you get them running fine ive never had a problem05:07
NigelSSam_jones: compiz has issues too, that's why only a tiny subset of features can be turned on by default05:07
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NigelSShafto: they're not stable enough accross an entire user base though anecdotally people can get them working well enough05:08
dr_willisDoes Compiz/Beryl/Fusion (what is it called this week?) seem to totally reinvent itself every month?05:08
NigelSnot enough usability work has been done either05:08
pixelPOETsam_jones: im uploading a screenshot right now.05:08
sstewartsam_jones: I agree with you comment about the effects -> but I see windows users only moving to something like fedora over ubuntu...since Ive found that ubuntu still requires a little more linux know-how than fedora05:08
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Shaftodr_willis, Maybe its just me then :)05:08
Sam_jonespixel  ~~ thanks05:08
sstewart-->and try to get a die-hard windows user to figure out a linux command prompt<- ;-P05:08
dr_willisShafto,  i got a GPx2 hand held thats also running linux. :)05:09
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NigelSsstewart: in a word, "yum" - possibly one of the worst attempts at a package manager05:09
Shaftodr_willis, cool :)05:09
elmo40sstewart, not going to happen! die-hard windoze users dont know what typing is!05:09
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Sam_jonessstewart.... maybe one day  you wont need to use terminal...  i have to be honest i cant even install a package with terminal   so im a good one to talk...05:09
mbonehmm, I can open that Nvidia package now, but how to set Root for it ?05:09
cyberphazlong as i cant play the games i want 100% the same on linux, i wont be switching my workstation...sadly05:09
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Swamp_Donkeysstewart: True, I have ubuntu, and the userface etc is just not cool. Plus i dont know enough about linux to even lan or play windows games on it :/ Then again, I blame myself. To lazy to learn05:09
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NigelSyou don't really need to use the terminal now in ubuntu05:09
dr_willisShafto,  so with a little work. I can compile any linux app and run it on there. :) even if it is using an ARM processor.05:09
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dr_williscyberphaz,  IRC is the Ultimate MMORPG. :)05:10
sstewartNigelS  -> this is true, until your wireless or tv-out doesnt work05:10
cyberphazright :P05:10
Frogzoodr_willis: who's winning?05:10
NigelSsstewart: yep :)05:10
cyberphazi been on irc too long to have fun on it much05:10
optimusrexHi all. I have a root password and I think i am entering it well but I fail to get authentication05:10
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Shaftodr_willis,  I tried convicing people i know to move to linux, just doesnt work, they are scared of like the terminal or having to do work for themselves :)05:10
optimusrexcan anyone help me05:10
dr_willisFrogzoo,  well people seem to think im a real doctor.. now if i can just start charging!05:10
cyberphazircnet is winning05:10
NigelSdr_willis: when I first played an MMORPG I remember thinking, "this is just like IRC with graphics!"05:10
Sam_jonesthe reason i love linux....(Fedora and or Ubuntu) is because i get less problems with it   ~ go figure.. i find windows really difficult.  when i got this computer i took gr8 pleasure in wiping off vista.....!!!!  but i think linux needs to lok a little better..... :)  give it that edge!05:10
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NigelSSam_jones: how long have you been using linux?05:11
sstewartNigelS -> YUM was BAD at one point, but I run a bunch of virtualized Fedora environments over xen...and yum has worked well on a per-install basis05:11
dr_willisNigelS,  a "mud' with animation!05:11
sstewartjust dont use YUM to do automated updates05:11
cyberphazwell for gaming, sadly linux isnt the first OS id think about05:11
Sam_jonesNigel  about a year and 4 months...05:11
cyberphazand cedega works sorta, but they dont run as well as in windows05:11
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FrogzooSam_jones: you just need to find a good theme05:11
Sam_jonesstarted off with suse  but hated  it then onto ubuntu   been with Fedora now for 1 month....05:11
mbonehmm, how to set root for a file05:11
Frogzoo!themes | Sam_jones05:11
cyberphazso i dual boot my work station05:11
ubotuSam_jones: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:11
NigelSsstewart: it's still fairly dire, it's so unbelievably slow to perform trivial actions and can't resolve dependencies elegantly05:11
dr_williscyberphaz,  Games are not the end-all for most people - luckly.. :)05:12
NigelSdr_willis: indeed, the MUD was daoc :)05:12
Sam_jonesfrogzoo ~~ i know where to get the themes from   i use beryl now   and it looks nice..05:12
NigelSSam_jones: you should have seen the state of affairs in the mid 90s!05:12
cyberphazbut many people play games..05:12
rolfenthis is funny05:12
BrokenSegueWhat is the system called that allows default programs to be selected and managed? For example I have two versions of ruby installed and I want to select the one that the command "ruby" executes.05:12
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NigelSSam_jones: linux today is incredible compared to that, and we are so so close now to making it idiot proof05:12
Sam_jonesnigel hahhaha  i bet.05:12
dr_willis'latest game - a new rehash of an old idea that was done better on the C64 30+ years ago'05:12
Sam_jonesNigelS  I love linux.....05:12
sstewartNigelS-> thats a fair comment -> being that I use it in server environments...I try to keep my software packeges only to the essentials, and haven't tried to use it as a consumer deskop05:12
Sam_jonesLOVE IT!05:13
FrogzooBrokenSegue: update-alternates05:13
sstewartNigelS - but apt-get..is awesome...no doubt about it05:13
cyberphazc64 isnt 30 years old05:13
BrokenSegueFrogzoo: thanks man05:13
JayRoehow do I tell a program to start on a specific screen?05:13
NigelStbh if people wnat to help that happen the best thing to do is pester your friends, your elected representatives, everyone you know until we change the attitude of the govt/companies to open source and open source drivers become the norm05:13
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Sam_jonesi love how Linux  is MINE  not anyone elses.. i can have any icon and style  anything... and im really happy that there are people there to help me when i have a problem (Thats almost everyday!!!)05:13
osxdude|laptopanyone know about a lunix-wide equalizer05:13
FrogzooJayRoe: only way I've found is devilspie which is a pretty ugly hack05:13
Anlarosxdude|laptop: then it'd be some alsa plugin if you wanted it really to be ... wide. I doubt.05:14
pixelPOETsam_jones: screenshot... http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c122/jrgotti/?action=view&current=screen.jpg05:14
NigelSsstewart: yeah, I think they didn't go with apt as at the time there was no crypto check on the packages but it would have been quicker to implement that than make something from scratch.  Yum is written in python with elements in C whereas apt-get is entirely in C.  I still don't know why they didn't use it as the standard05:14
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Sam_jonespixel  hang on   downloading...05:14
Sam_jonespixel.... im impressed!!05:14
JayRoefrogzoo do you know if there's a better way to start the mythfrontend on the second screen (TV) with a remote control.05:15
Sam_jonesthats a handsome desktop!   :)05:15
pixelPOETthanks =] 05:15
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Sam_joneswhat you using    compiz or beryl?05:15
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NigelSSam_jones: yeah, I was at a talk which Chris Dibona gave in brum last weekend and one of the main reasons that google is such a huge open source fan is because it gives them control of their own destiny05:15
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NigelSand I think that's the big thing with us, we can control the system and where we go with it exactly05:15
sstewartNigelS -> despite how linux users are all friendly, distro-creators are not so much. They all want their's to be better than the rest, and adopted by everyone. This leaves many incompatible versions of software that is used for the same purpose05:15
pixelPOETsam_jones: compiz fusion05:15
Sam_jonespixel  cool...05:16
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Sam_jonesnigelS   yeah i love my linux.....  its amazing  and all my mates think it looks nice too    nicer than windows by far.. just need to get a good dock on it and then im OK!05:16
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NigelSsstewart: yeah true. Though I would say that despite its negative elements competition between different flavours has really help drive us forwards.  Sometimes it's a friendly rivalry, sometimes it's a bit more acrimonious I guess :)05:16
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pixelPOETSam_jones: try avant-window-navigator for a dock.05:17
primskiguys, which package contains string 'Lock to panel' used to locking applets to panels, obvisously. found a bug in one of the translations, would like to fix it.05:17
Sam_jonespixel   do they have a website?05:17
sstewartNigelS -> you are right here, and the real fuel behind it all, is to build better software than microsoft forces down your throat...so In all this, the competition is nice05:17
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pixelPOETsam...gimme a second05:17
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NigelSprimski: isn't it just in the panel app?05:18
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illusoryhi, is there a way i can create a partition from free space in / (without wiping my system)?05:18
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FrogzooSam_jones: which font is that for the menus?05:18
primskii dunno, nigelS, i'l check, launchpad has poor search function :s05:18
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Sam_jonesfrogzoo?  what?05:19
pixelPOETsam_jones: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385981 <-- that shows how to set it up. however it looks like it needs a compositor to function correctly, sooo im not sure how youd do that on fedora...05:19
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HEP85illusory: open up gparted select your current  partition and shrink it. then you can add another one behind it05:19
ciaconHi there. I have a Q. For some Reason my IPS has this Idea of having to diconnect me every 24 Hours. I semi-depend on my Box being on 24/7. A small interuption would not be the problem... How can I have my Ubuntu Reconect upon disconnect...05:19
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dr_willisciacon,  how are you connected.. would be a nice fact to know... :)05:20
FrogzooSam_jones: oops, my bad05:20
illusorydont i have to unmount my root directory?05:20
FrogzoopixelPOET: which font is that for the menus?05:20
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HEP85illusory: yeah. you should use a livecd to do this05:20
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dr_willisillusory,  i always use a live cd, with gparted for my resizeing needs.  Works Much bettererer05:21
ciacondr_willis: I use ADSL and have my Ubuntu-Box directly plugged into that05:21
pixelPOETFrogzoo: URW_Chancery i believe...or something like that...its installed by defualt. =] 05:21
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illusoryah, good idea.05:21
rog-mahaldoes feisty come with a firewall of some sort built in?05:21
illusorythanks alot!05:21
illusorygood day05:21
LuitvDhow do I tell modprobe NOT to load a certain module?05:21
dr_willisciacon,  could make up a script that chedks for network connection, and if its down, restart the networking.  Depending on what you actually run to connect..05:21
Enselic_rog-mahal: yes05:21
NigelSrog-mahal: linux uses iptables, there's an app called firestarter which will help you configure it05:21
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 05:21
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dr_willisLuitvD,  blacklist its name.05:22
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LuitvDdr_willis: blacklisting doesn't work...05:22
optimusrexcan anyone guess why I cannot get authentication even after using what I believe is my correct passworkd at root05:22
FrogzoopixelPOET: thankee05:22
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bluefox83whats the command that will return your kernel version?05:22
LuitvDdr_willis: it seems like some program loads it anyways05:22
rog-mahalEnselic_: NigelS: Thanks05:22
dr_willisLuitvD,  gee.. ya could of mentioned that earlier.. :) that totally changes the question.05:22
Enselic_!root | optimusrex05:22
ubotuoptimusrex: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:22
HEP85optimusrex: in ubuntu there is no password for root05:22
dr_willisLuitvD,  could be some other module is depending on it.. whats the module you dont want to load..05:22
LuitvDdr_willis: I know :)05:22
pixelPOETbluefox83: uname -r ... i believe05:22
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user_Hi.....I'm using anjuta but I really don't like it...can you propose something else for C++05:22
NigelSbluefox83: uname05:22
ciacondr_willis: I configured the connection using "pppeo-conf" and connect using "pon dsl-provider"05:23
optimusrexI will try it again05:23
Enselic_user_: I recomend Emacs    it takes a great while to master, but it's worth it05:23
LuitvDdr_willis: rmmodding works perfectly, so I don't think it's a dependency problem05:23
HEP85optimusrex: type "sudo -s"05:23
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dr_willisLuitvD,  get medival and rename the module? :) heh.. thats hardkore.05:23
LuitvDdr_willis: though I guess HAL loads it... coz it's my Gbit LAN chip.. r816905:23
optimusrexok. I'm trying to install java05:23
ciaconLuitvD: is there an X-based version of Emacs?05:23
LuitvDdr_willis: could it be hald loading it automatically?05:24
Enselic_ciacon: yes, GTK based even05:24
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dr_willisLuitvD,  i cant recall hald ever loading the networkign stuff.. normally those get loaded befor X even loads up.05:24
NigelSoptimusrex: it's in the repos, different vesions, inc 5 and 605:24
ciaconEnselic_: What's the Packet's name?05:24
dr_willisLuitvD,  ive blacklisted my nic cards befor   wheni have more then 1 however.05:24
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Enselic_ciacon: emacs-snapshot-gtk05:24
LuitvDdr_willis: then what load load the blacklisted module?05:24
dr_willisLuitvD,  could disable it in the bios?05:24
dr_willisLuitvD,  not sure. :) try booting just to the console. see if its loaded then?05:25
LuitvDdr_willis: not really... couldn't find any bios settings for my NIC05:25
lashmooveFailed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)05:25
LuitvDdr_willis: because it's a PCIe NIC05:25
lashmooveafter "remove gstreamer*" "install gstreamer*"05:25
Enselic_ciacon: 22.1 is released, but the Ubuntu repos don't have it yet, snapshot will get you a version that practictly is 22.105:25
dr_willisLuitvD,  Hmm.. cant recall seeing any PCIE nic's befor. I got old box's05:25
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jmchaffie_The site and a reference site says ubuntu packages are broken... what is the best way to install tovid in ubuntu feisty then?05:25
LuitvDdr_willis: built-in into my lappie :)05:26
Newbie_DudeAnyone ever gotten Quake 2 to work for Ubuntu? I downloaded the files from repository but not sure where to put the original game files from my CD.05:26
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LuitvDdr_willis: it tells me it's PCIe05:26
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LuitvDdr_willis: let's check again...05:26
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Enselic_ciacon: if this is the first time you try it, you're going to think (what the crap is this, it's useless)     the next time you give it a go, and put effort in learning it, you're soon gonna find it impossible to live without05:26
Enselic_() -> ""05:26
NigelSNewbie_Dude: don't you just need to copy the pak files into the game dir within the quake2 root dir?05:26
NigelSNewbie_Dude: or something like that05:26
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LuitvDdr_willis: lspci tells me: "04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)"05:27
dr_willisLuitvD,  built in to laptop.. could be anything. heh..05:27
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Newbie_DudeNigelS: I'll try that. I got my original CD in and there's a folder called "baseq2" with "pak0.pak" in it, is that the stuff to move?05:27
ciaconEnselic_: I love the commandline and it's features... I am not a big gui-guy... I have heard of emacs before... Heard only the best... I thought that might be for me...05:27
optimusrexNigelS. How do I get it to install then since firefox is asking for it05:27
LuitvDdr_willis: so it's PCIe05:27
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dr_willisLuitvD,  spiffy. dare i ask why you need to disable it?05:27
HEP85Newbie_Dude: if you need an installer: http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=5505:27
NigelSNewbie_Dude: the pak files contain all the game data so they should be what you need yep05:28
LuitvDdr_willis: well... it's an attention-whore :P05:28
Enselic_ciacon: you want the X (GTK) versino of Emacs because of better keystroke support for example05:28
ciacondr_willis: I did some more examination... I downloaded aprox 1GB off my connection last night... after that my box disconnected and was not reachable (I use "ddclient" allong with a dyndns-address).... My box seemingly then had two ppp connections... both aparently active...05:28
DrkCodemanwhat is the package name for 32bit firefox?05:28
Newbie_DudeNigelS: HEP85 thanks guys :P woot Quake2... heheh05:28
dr_willisLuitvD,  sounds like my Dog...05:28
_tuzhilavim is rulezz05:28
LuitvDdr_willis: when the module is loaded at boot-time, my wireless won't work. rmmod and my wireless works again05:28
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dr_willisLuitvD,  thats intereszting..05:28
ciaconEnselic_: that's why I askec ;-)05:28
kyjawhat could posibly be slowing my startup? I reach the gnome splash screen with very faded icons it takes a lengthy amount of time before everything is good.05:28
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NigelSoptimusrex: in the same way you install anything; use synaptic for example and search for java05:28
LuitvDdr_willis: and if I modprobe it again after that, my wireless still works05:28
Newbie_DudeHEP85: I don't get it, what does the installer do? Do I need that?05:28
dr_willisLuitvD,  just rmmod the module in the rc.local script? :)05:28
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dr_willisLuitvD,  then have a 2 min wait.. then load it.05:29
HEP85Newbie_Dude: no just use it as a last resort, if you don't get it manually to work05:29
Enselic_!de | kraut05:29
ubotukraut: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:29
rolfen_tuzhila: vim? we're in 2007 :)05:29
LuitvDdr_willis: 1 second wait is sufficient  I guess05:29
[CSS] I have an important question: Does ECC Enabled Ram work on Ubuntu with ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe motherboards again???? The last time I had ubuntu it, beeped during the whole installation..05:29
rolfenwhat's so good about vim? never got myself to learn it.05:29
krautEnselic_: did i asked for support?05:29
Enselic_kraut: just fooling around, sorry :)05:30
LuitvDdr_willis: stupid question: how do I call for a 1 second pause? :P05:30
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dr_willisrolfen,  it often boils down to.. 'you are rescueing a system' and vi is the ONLY editor there.. So its worth learning the basics of .05:30
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krautthis bot function could be annoying...05:30
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optimusrexThanks NigelS05:30
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dr_willisLuitvD, 'sleep' command i think.05:30
rolfendr_willis: usually there is nano around...05:30
Enselic_LuitvD: sleep 1      # sleep one second05:30
dr_willisrolfen,  dont BET on that.05:31
Anlar[CSS] : if it beeped, it did that for some other reason05:31
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dr_willisrolfen,  all it takes is once.. :) and there ya are staring at a  ~ ~ ~ :)05:31
LuitvDEnselic_: thankyou05:31
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ciaconEnselic_: Is Emacs laguage-specific??? I was planning to start up a pretty big php project... just like a smmoth editor to do the job...05:31
_tuzhila<rolfen>, vim is powerful, what do you offer?05:31
dr_willis!find vimtutor05:31
ubotuFile vimtutor found in vim-runtime05:31
dr_willisvim has a tutor program also.05:31
HEP85ciacon: no05:31
Enselic_ciacon: emacs support writing code for any language you could possibly want05:31
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Enselic_ciacon: I recomend #emacs on irc.freenode.net05:32
optimusrexLet me try it05:32
LuitvDdr_willis: right... but putting that in rc.local doesn't make it run upon resuming from suspending right?05:32
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dr_willisLuitvD,  all bets are off with suspend. :)05:32
ciaconEnselic_: thanks...05:32
dr_willisLuitvD,  i never use that feature.. it can really really really confuse things ive found.05:32
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rolfen_tuzhila: personally i never needed the power of vim. I use nano, and if i need to something complex i write a PHP script... or you could write a perl script too05:33
LuitvDdr_willis: right,... gotta try what happens upon suspending ...05:33
whatspyhi, some partition is not seen anymore by the system and I would of course like to recover the files that are in it before I mess it up even more05:33
rolfenhey why is there an SCIM bar popping up from time to time while i'm writing?05:33
LuitvDdr_willis: thanks a bunch, I'm gonna reboot and suspend and resume for a bit now, try some things...05:33
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LuitvDbye all05:33
dr_williswell bbl ya all.05:33
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whatspywhat kind of tool can read & interpret stuff from a disk that (most likely) has something wrong with it's partition table ?05:34
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rolfenwhatspy: i use rstudio but it's a commercial win32 app05:34
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whatspyrolfen: in such cases, anything would do !!05:35
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Justi1How can I make ubuntu recognize my memory card reader?05:35
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astro76rolfen, check the SCIM control panel, you might be hitting one of the trigger key-combos05:35
user_Enselic_: You say Emcs? But I can't find it.05:35
Enselic_user_: Emacs05:36
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Enselic_user_: sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot-gtk05:36
rolfenastro76: thanks. what's scim for anyways?05:36
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Newbie_DudeHEP85: NigelS ::: Gah, i put the data in the folder but now i have no idea where the executable is... This is all so confusing >_<05:36
[CSS] hey don't tell me anything! I know that Ubuntu has problems with This series of motherboards with enabled ecc ram. It is absolutely not my or the rams fault. it is just ubuntu. AND I just wanted to know if it is fixed in the latest alpha05:36
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Enselic_user_: if this is the first time you try it, you're going to think (what the crap is this, it's useless)     the next time you give it a go, and put effort in learning it, you're soon gonna find it impossible to live without05:36
ciaconEnselic_: I just went through the typical "sudo aptitude install emacs-snapshot-gtk"-thing... when executed (from Terminal - as I can't find it in my start-menu) it says -> Fatal error (11)Segmentation fault (core dumped)05:36
Enselic_ciacon: are you on Feisty?05:37
astro76rolfen, input methods for other languages05:37
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HEP85Newbie_Dude: just try  typing "quake2"05:37
ciaconEnselic_: Kubuntu Feisty05:37
rolfenastro76: ah ok thanks05:38
Newbie_DudeHEP85: it worked, but how do I find that executable for example if i wanted to make a link to it and put an icon on my desktop?05:38
forestEasiest way to permanently mount an NTFS  partition, when dual booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 7.04? I have read the manual, but am not sure what to follow05:38
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Enselic_ciacon: mightfor some reason be problems if you run in in KDE, I run it in GNOME     ciacon: try snapshot-nox instead05:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
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Kjellvizok contiune =)05:39
NigelSNewbie_Dude: have you installed quake2 from the ubuntu repo? the quake2-data package should get the files for you05:39
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NigelSNewbie_Dude: as for which is the exe, there should be a script inthe directory or a file with execute permissions05:39
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HEP85Newbie_Dude: should be in /usr/bin normally05:39
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SFaolDunHi all, I'm having a little problem with my sound. I have 2 sound cards, one emu10k1, one nforce2, and neither want to give me any sound. I've checked the levels, and am using alsa.05:40
JayRoecan someone help me make the mythfrontend start on boot?05:40
SFaolDun(I've also checked the forums, but the guide i found unfortunaely didn't work)05:40
Justi1what can I type after 'lspci' in terminal to find out more info about my hardware?05:41
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Newbie_DudeNigelS: Yes, i got quake2-data... i'll try to find that05:41
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NigelSforest: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config05:42
tom_Hi, im having some trouble with apt. It crashed installing a java plugin for firefox and now whenever i run it it thinks theres another apt process running. How can i fix this?05:42
NigelSforest: that will get ntfs-3g and allow read/write support05:42
forestNigelS - thanks05:42
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ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.05:42
astro76tom_, try sudo killall apt-get05:42
NigelSforest: you can mount drives automatically at boot by adding a line to /etc/fstab if you want to do it manually05:43
tom_I have reset since then.05:43
tom_I was wondring if there was some file lock that wasnt deleted correctly05:44
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bluefox83whats ntfs-3g?05:44
bluefox83the vista fs?05:44
tom_read/write ntfs driver05:44
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bluefox83vista uses ntfs right?05:44
osxdude|laptopWhy wond ardour record?05:44
tom_and xp can05:44
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:44
bluefox83NTFS is XP's native FS05:44
NigelSNewbie_Dude: looking at the quake2 package it puts a file in /usr/games/ so if you right click to create a shortcut in the panel/menu the exe is /usr/games/quake205:45
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tom_Yeah, can also use fat3205:45
Newbie_DudeNigelS: :: I read the README for quake2-data and it says that quake2-data helps me by installing the data and that I should put the CD-ROM in, but it doesn't say how to start quake2-data05:45
NigelSbluefox83: no, Vista uses WinFS05:45
osxdude|laptopI have an input and everything and now all I need to to is record, but pressing record does nothing05:45
=== NigelS falls about laughing uncontrollably
user_Enselic_: I will work at gnome?05:45
Enselic_user_: ?05:45
HEP85NigelS: Not true. They didn't get it ready yet05:45
bluefox83NigelS, whats the difference between winfs and ntfs?05:45
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NigelSHEP85: bluefox83  - please note my laughing uncontrollably ;)05:46
tom_ My vista partition is NTFS05:46
bluefox83NigelS, ah05:46
Newbie_DudeNigelS: I have no idea how but it worked. :P thanks05:46
HEP85bluefox83: winfs is not yet done05:46
tom_Ne1 know why my apt is still blocked05:46
bluefox83does vista use the NT kernel too?05:46
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SFaolDunAnyone got any ideas?05:46
bluefox83tom_, are you running synaptic or something?05:46
HEP85bluefox83: I think so. They definately use NTFS as file system05:47
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tom_no, ive reset an still have the same problem05:47
_joeydownloaded ubuntu 7.04 livecd...disappointed :(05:47
user_Enselic_:  emacs is a program ?05:47
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_joeywpa is not working as suspected05:47
tom_it crashed during an install and that seems to have caused it05:47
bluefox83if it uses the NT kernel that means it it susceptible to the same virii as XP lol05:47
Enselic_user_: Yes, GNU Emacs is a program, it's an editor05:47
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_joeythe wifi adaptor, however, is supported05:47
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telexiconNigelS, vista doesnt use winfs05:47
telexiconwinfs was cancelled05:48
NigelStelexicon: does no one get sarcasm? please note my laughing uncontrollably etc ec05:48
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user_Enselic_: 3min to go:D05:48
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bluefox83_joey, feisty livecd didn't work correctly? that's odd O.o05:48
astro76tom_, I think if you delete /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:48
_joeybluefox83 what's feisty?05:48
NigelSWinFS was indeed one of biggest pieces of vapourware to emerge from Longhorn development05:48
_joeydesktop 7.0405:48
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telexiconNigelS, it gets lost in the binary translation05:48
bluefox83_joey, ubuntu 7.0405:48
_joeyno wpa05:48
_joeystupid wep05:49
bluefox83_joey, i've had freinds tell me that if they reboot with the livecd in the drive it sometimes works the next go-round05:49
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astro76_joey, wpa works in Feisty, don't use the Network Tools under administration, use the network manager applet in your tray05:50
bluefox83and i've had instances where a livecd wouldn't work the first time, so i reboot and the next time it works fine05:50
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wepeelHi all, I'm playing a game running under wine...it wants to run fullscreen. Is there a way I can port it to another terminal window or force it to run not fullscreen?05:50
_joeyastro in which tray?05:50
telexiconbluefox83, thats non-deterministic... :-/05:50
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astro76_joey, system tray, default in upper right next to your clock05:50
tom_astro76: no joy it keeps saying another process is using the package system database..05:50
telexiconwepeel, run it using a wine desktop05:50
_joeybe back05:50
HEP85wepeel: you can run winecfg and activate virtual desktop05:50
astro76tom_, there must be another lock file05:50
bluefox83telexicon, dunno what to tell you...except that sometimes things don't get loaded into memory like they should..so a reboot helps in some instances05:50
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wepeelthanks telexicon, HEP85, I'll give it a shot05:51
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Newbie_Dudeomg it's working perfectly, thanks NigelS xD WOOT Ubuntu05:51
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NigelSNewbie_Dude: :) the engine is updated since the original release too I think05:51
astro76tom_, look at (locate lock | grep apt) there's two more, maybe that'll help05:51
bluefox83tom_, you must be running synaptic, or some other package management tool at the same time as trying to run apt-get in terminal..that will block it..nothing else gives that error05:51
Newbie_DudeNigelS: it looks so good, i'm crying05:52
telexiconits probably the update-manager updating the package lists05:52
JivedueI've installed the ATI drivers for my Radeon 9600 card, and "apt-get install xserver-xgl" according to the Ubuntu tutorial and then installed compiz-fusion according to the ubuntu tutorial. At one point everything worked great (including CS) but now CS is giving me "ChoosePixelFormat" errors whenever CS is run on OpenGL.05:52
NigelSNewbie_Dude: hehe :) quakewars will have a linux version and that looks good.  I've been playing the beta05:52
telexiconit does that right when you install05:52
azslandeHi, Can someone possibly help me setup Samba? I am pretty new to Linux and am having trouble networking to my wife's windows PC....05:52
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wepeeltelexicon, HEP85: thanks! works great now05:53
telexiconazslande, do you need to share files or just access hers?05:53
NigelSazslande: the problem is you->wife's PC; wPC -> you or both?05:53
azslandeShare preferably..05:53
bluefox83azslande, the best place to go for samba help is #samba, they are way better at it than we are05:53
azslandeahh ok05:53
Newbie_DudeNigelS: Look forward to playing it myself then. :) Hmm, now I gotta figure out how to install the Quake 2 expansions. :P Maybe another day.05:53
tom_bluefox83: well unless its somehow being run invisibly at boot the thats not the case05:53
telexiconexcept nobody responds there05:53
azslandeDidn't realise there was a specific room05:53
JivedueI'm not sure what I did wrong, but when I "glxinfo | grep render" it says "direct rendering: No."05:53
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NigelSazslande: the simplest way to share files is with simple file sharing stylee like in windows; for that you can set security = share in /etc/samba/smb.conf05:53
bluefox83tom_, do ps x | grep apt05:54
telexiconazslande, try using: System > Administration > Shared Folders05:54
bluefox83tom_, show me any output05:54
NigelSazslande: you can use the gnome shared folders tool or right click on a folder to share05:54
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telexiconazslande, if you want to access her files you can open your file manager and do smb://computername/share05:54
shackazslande: theres good hoqto samba at ubuntuforums05:54
JivedueAlso, I was wondering about there being two xorg.conf files, one at "/usr/share/xresprobe/xorg.conf05:54
Jivedue" and one at "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and that their contents differ.05:54
HEP85azslande: normally connecting to other shares it is as simple as: Places --> Network05:54
tom_bluefox83: nothing05:54
NigelSNewbie_Dude: also checkout Savage - old school RTS/FPS multiplayer - nice game and savage 2 is out soon(tm)05:54
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bluefox83tom_, ok do ps x | grep synaptic05:54
azslandeYea, I can see the "Windows Network" in the network folder, when I open it though its blank05:55
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tom_bluefox83: nope05:55
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bluefox83tom_, last thing i can think of is... ps x05:55
NigelSHEP85: have you tried out fuse-smb yet? I seriously think it should be the default mechanism for browsing windows networks going forwards05:55
Newbie_DudeNigelS: I'll add that of my list of stuff to get, grabbing Open Arena now (I wonder how it compares to Quake 3?)05:55
bluefox83tom_, look for anything with aptitude, synaptic, apt-get or add/remove05:55
JayRoecan someone help me create a script in /etc/init.d that will run 'DISPLAY=":0.1" mythfrontend'.05:56
franky_hey, i'm using xubuntu dapper and when i try to apt get xfce4-xfapplet-plugin it says it cant find the package. i cant find the right deb on the web either, all the ones i find need more current lib versions ...05:56
NigelSHEP85: gets over so many of the limitations of gnome app file handling for instance05:56
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HEP85NigelS: I haven't tried it, because Places-->Network worked out-of-the-box for me05:56
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telexiconazslande, could you try this... open your filemanager and type smb://wifescompname05:56
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tom_bluefox83: nope, im pretty sure theres not process runing that would block it.05:56
NigelSNewbie_Dude: I've not tried it yet but hopefully its good05:56
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NigelSHEP85: yeah the ordinary browser works for me too but it's just so slow compared to the caching that fuse-smb manages05:57
HEP85azslande: maybe you need to add the hostname to /etc/hosts. or try with the IP telexicon's hint05:57
osxdude|laptopI am having trouble recording in ardour. I'm doing a test to make sure it works and so far I have got the inputs and outputs right, but I cant record! I want  to record NOW!Any help?05:57
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NigelSHEP85: I'd say fuse-smb makes browsing windows networks better than on windows05:57
bluefox83tom_, only reason it would ever give that is if some sort of package management tool is running, if there's nothign running that means one of them crashed at some point and you have a file someplace saying it's still running...05:57
Sasha_Hi, all. I'm having trouble getting my Feisty server working on my wired network. Checked the cables, etc. If I use DHCP, then the MAC address of the NIC shows up on my router's configuration page, but the hostname doesn't.05:57
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HEP85NigelS: That is not very hard^^05:57
azslandelol so many suggestions, right now I am working with that shared solder suggestion, which seems to have installed something05:57
NigelSHEP85: true ;)05:57
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telexiconazslande, yes, it installed support for you sharing folders05:58
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Sasha_It can ping localhost,, or its own statically-assigned 192.168.2.x IP.05:58
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Sasha_Can't ping the gateway, or ping the server from anywhere else.05:58
azslandeyea, I see I can now share folders, which is good... now I just gota get into her folders05:58
tom_bluefox83: yes I said it did crash and that i thought it was a file lock..05:58
NigelSazslande: ah so samba wasn't installed perhaps; did it just grab that?05:58
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telexiconNigelS, samba client is installed by default, that installed samba server05:58
azslandeI think so... I tried to install it last night via a terminal05:58
bluefox83tom_, ah, well i don't remember the name of the file it creates or where it puts it...let me google it real fast05:58
NigelStelexicon: well yes, and he wanted to share his folders05:59
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azslandemoreso at the moment I am concerned about pulling stuff from her folders, Before I reformatted and installed linux I transferred all my non replaceable data to her PC via our network.05:59
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HEP85azslande: Try Places-->Connect to Server and use her IP instead of her hostname06:00
tom_bluefox83: thx06:00
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Sasha_Can anyone give me any advice?06:00
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FuMI have a problem.  When I boot up Ubuntu it says Kernal Panic - not syncing: Attemped to kill init!06:01
bluefox83tom_, show me your error from apt please06:01
_joeyI've got the wireless running on livecd06:01
_joeythanks guys06:01
xtknighthow do i find and mount raid drives when im on a livecd?  for example to grab a file off a raid0 volume?06:02
savetheWorldFuM: try running the memory test on the PC.06:02
HEP85Sasha_: have you activated the network interface? the icon is in the tray06:02
_joeyI am thinking about installing ubuntu on my computer now06:02
FuMI did savetheWorld, It did nothing.06:02
Sasha_Server. No UI.06:02
azslandelol HEP, I did that but for some reason now I cant access my bar at the bottom, its froze06:02
telexiconFuM, what does it say before that?06:02
ElazarHave a Dell laptop with a Linksys wireless card that Feisty isn't seeing by default. Wiki material on wireless is taking me all over the place. Can anyone help?06:02
savetheWorldFuM: Which memory test did yoou tun?06:02
HEP85Sasha_: or type "sudo ifup eth0" in the terminal06:02
azslandebrb gonna reboot06:02
FuMTelexicon, "Loading please wait"06:02
tom_bluefox83: Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.06:02
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HEP85Sasha_: maybe it has no IP assigned06:02
Sasha_HEP85: it's definitely up :/.06:02
FuMsavetheWorld, The only memory test in the list.06:02
osxdude|laptopHello all, I am unable to record in Ardour. I am testing internal recording first, and plainly cannot record. Pressing "Record" does nothing. Any help?06:03
osxdude|laptopI have all the inputs ready.06:03
savetheWorldFuM: the Grub boot list?06:03
telexiconElazar, linksys cards dont have good linux drivers, look for ubuntu howtos on ndiswrapper06:03
Sasha_HEP85: it's a valid static IP at the mo'. When I use DHCP, it gets assigned an IP from the pool, according to the router, which shows the NIC's MAC address but not the hostname of the server.06:03
HEP85Sasha_: maybe it has no IP assigned, or wrong subnet06:03
FuMsavetheWorld, Yeah06:03
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Elazartelexicon: I'll do that, thanks.06:03
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FuMsavetheWorld, "Ubuntu, memtestt86+"06:04
NigelSSasha_: starting from 1st principles here; can you ping the gateway when you have an IP assigned statically?06:04
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tom_bluefox83: this fixed it sudo dpkg --configure -a06:04
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NigelSSasha_: there's one NIC in this box?06:04
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bluefox83tom_, LOL that's exactly what i was about to tell you to try :D06:04
Sasha_NigelS: there's a wireless NIC, which is unconfigured in /etc/network/interfaces, and down, and there's the wired one, which is configured and up.06:05
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azslandehuh... well that didn't seem helpful HEP.... But I do see my computer now when I goto Place-Network06:05
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tom_bluefox83: google 4tw :D06:06
NigelSSasha_: can you show us the result of ifconfig eth0?06:06
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HEP85azslande: can you ping her at least?06:06
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bluefox83tom_, let me guess...you foind it on a kde forum?06:06
FuMsavetheWorld, ?06:06
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Sasha_NigelS: The wired one is eth1, so you want that, right? Just to check I'm not being stupid and making assumptions.06:06
_joeywhat's better? ubuntu or kubuntu?06:06
HEP85azslande: maybe a firewall issue?06:07
azslande1 second, I think this might be an issue of setting up the network on her end now06:07
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NigelSSasha_: well actually just the result of ifconfig in this case06:07
somedudeis ubuntu gud06:07
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azslandeNaa, we are networking right from a router06:07
savetheWorldFuM: sorry - in other channel.06:07
Sasha_NigelS: of course. One sec...06:07
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FuMsavetheWorld, No problem. Just thought you forgot about me lol.06:07
tom_bluefox83: yup you got it :p06:07
savetheWorldFuM: sounds like either a corrupted disc, or a bad disc or an error on the mainboard.06:07
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Sasha_NigelS: Want anything else while I'm chucking stuff across with the USB drive?06:07
tom_bluefox83: th for helping :)06:07
bluefox83tom_, no problem06:08
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telexiconazslande, it could be a firewall issue06:08
FuMIt occured right after I installed a custom Splash Screen. -.-06:08
bluefox83tom_, that's what the ubuntu community is here for :)06:08
HEP85azslande: no software firewall?06:08
azslandeI might have solved it by re-setting up the network on her end06:08
tom_bluefox83: appreciated :)06:08
savetheWorldFuM: 1 way to test- put drive in another (working ) machine and see if it boots there. if it doesn't its the drice (either bad drive or ciorrupted data)06:08
azslandeI realised when I originally setup the network I changed the name06:08
savetheWorlddang typos06:08
NigelSSasha_: yeah maybe the output of route06:09
azslandeso I am setting up her computer right now, hopfully that works06:09
Sasha_NigelS: right. Ta.06:09
LordMarshalanyone know how i could get a 100% working copy of ubuntu fast?06:09
FuMsavetheWorld, The drive boots because I have Windows Xp also on it and it works fine except when I get to the boot screen my Usb keyboard and mouse get disabled lol.06:09
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_joeywhat looks cooler ubuntu with gnome or kubuntu?06:11
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crdlb!better | _joey06:11
ubotu_joey: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:11
crdlbtry both :)06:11
Newbie_DudeNigelS: sorry to bother you again. so the game is working fine, but the shortcut/link is acting strangely. The executable runs a script that asks me to enter the letter "y" then it runs the program. I linked to that as "Application in Terminal" but through the link I created in the menu after I hit y it doesn't open the program -- but when i double-click the executable in the directory it runs the script then goes to the game. if that makes sense :p06:11
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azslandeWoot! Thanks to whomever System->Admin->Shared Folders06:12
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ochafirefox aint working for me, but i got internet. firefox won't load up webpages, but it use to.  :( any ideas on how to fix this?06:12
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azslandeI just had to resetup the network on her end as well06:12
azslandewhom ever suggested*06:12
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forestEasiest way to share a printer between two Ubuntu machines on a network?06:13
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HEP85forest: Browse to localhost:631/printers on the machine where the printer is connected to06:14
steve99_I have a error with fglrx,06:14
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HEP85forest: remember the printer URL06:15
savetheWorldFuM: corrupted data or possibly a bad field on the drive. re-install.?06:15
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_joeyare there differences between kubuntu and ubuntu other than in desktop?06:15
brainiac8008you know how ubuntu remembers your password when doing administrative tasks for a short period of time?  well, couldn't this pose a threat to ubuntu if someone were to try to hack my computer because they would not have to enter my password to do administrative things?06:15
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_joeyand what is a cool password manager available for linux?06:15
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Newbie_DudeFor some reason the "link" I made to an executable does not do the same thing as double-clicking the executable, does that make sense?06:15
xtknight_joey: hmm keyring doesnt do it for ya?06:15
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HEP85forest: on the other computer go to System-->Admin-->Printers-->New Printer06:15
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_joeyI am new06:15
forestHEP85 -- printer URL?06:15
astro76forest, in system>admin>printing click global settings and share printers, which will open up port 631 for you06:16
HEP85http://your.ip:631/printers/... and so on06:16
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astro76forest, then follow HEP85's advice06:16
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_joeyxtknight nahh, it's crap06:16
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sdoubleforest: do what astro76 said06:17
_joeyI need to be able to import and export the passwords06:17
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HEP85forest: select Network printer, IPP, and enter the URI06:17
xtknight_joey: oh im not really sure06:17
_joeyin an external file etc06:17
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HEP85astro76: thanks. I forgot this step06:17
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=== <taslayer!i=loolz@adsl-69-224-39-122.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net> requested unknown ctcp PAGE hey help me out vote for my site at http://www.piratelist.net/in.php?site=1176168344 from #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeHow can I modify this line and use it as a command in the terminal to execute "quake2.real" ? "y*) exec /usr/lib/games/quake2/quake2.real "$@" ;;"06:18
NigelSNewbie_Dude: I just took a look at it and it seems it's a script because they are worried about the security of it on the net.  Well poop to that06:18
NigelSNewbie_Dude: just shortcut to the actual binary06:18
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aleksanteritaslayer: i'm not interested in your site, thanks06:18
Newbie_DudeNigelS: I've read the script as well, it links to "quake2.real" but double-clicking that does not do anything. :)06:18
taslayeri just need to get my site ranked higher lol06:19
xtknightNewbie_Dude: i'm sorta confused..  what's that line do?06:19
xtknightNewbie_Dude: all the exec $@ stuff?06:19
Sasha_NigelS: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30017/plain/ , and thanks again.06:19
xtknightNewbie_Dude: you can alias "quake2.real" to run that long command if that's what you mean.  it's a bash feature06:19
xtknighti guess probably what you want to do is be able to type quake2.real <args> and have it pass the args over to the long one06:20
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Newbie_DudeXtknight ok i'll try that, this should be fun06:21
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osxdude|laptopwhat is signal 1106:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about signal11 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 11 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about signal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
xtknightosxdude|laptop: SEGV segmentation fault w/ core dump06:21
xtknightpleaes don't spam it like 10 times06:21
xtknightbut "man kill" for more info06:21
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steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!06:21
taslayerwheat da latest ver of ubuntu? im using my own distro i made called icantbeliveitsnotwindows06:21
steve99_any ideas? fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!?06:21
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compilerhi    @ all . i need help with an Atheros 5007eg wlancard, anybody can help?06:22
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Newbie_Dudextknight: The problem is that Quake2 will not open unless some script is run first. In the script it opens the terminal and asks me to hit "y" and "enter." After I hit those keys it then runs quake2.real. And quake2.real does not open on it's own, so something from the script is feeding into quake2.real to make it open. :)06:23
xtknight!wireless | compiler06:23
ubotucompiler: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:23
xtknighti dont know anything about the card specifically, sorry06:23
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compilerthats not the prob, i have driver probs06:23
xtknightNewbie_Dude: hmm odd i did not have that problem when i ran quake206:23
HEP85Newbie_Dude: can you post the script code?06:23
Newbie_Dudextknight: the game runs fine but making a link does not06:23
Newbie_DudeHEP85: ok one sec i'll pastebin06:24
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compilermy card doenst work with madwifi06:24
compilerndiswrapper also wont work06:24
_joeyon livecd how do I access root?06:24
xtknightcompiler: what about madwifi-ng?06:24
_joeywhat is the password?06:24
HEP85_joey: sudo -s06:24
xtknight_joey: there is none, instead you just use sudo06:24
compilerdoenst work also06:24
compilerar2425 is the chip, which is not supported06:25
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xtknightcompiler there's also the linuxant thing06:25
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brainiac8008you know how ubuntu remembers your password when doing administrative tasks for a short period of time?  well, couldn't this pose a threat to ubuntu if someone were to try to hack my computer because they would not have to enter my password to do administrative things?06:25
compilerxtknight, ?06:25
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whatspy...Okay ! I found out with "testdisk" that the data is still there, now, how could I extract that data to another drive ?06:25
NigelSNewbie_Dude: change your shortcut to put a y after the exe I think06:25
xtknightcompiler: this?  perhaps http://www.linuxant.com/driverloader/06:26
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Sasha_brainiac8008: that's why it only does it for a very short period of time.06:26
crimsunbrainiac8008: sure.  Then again, if they can crack your password, you have larger issues to worry about.06:26
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xtknightcompiler sadly it's not open source06:26
whatspyeven after repairing the fat32 partition, it's listed as OK but still not accessible in Windows06:26
astro76brainiac8008, also that's configurable06:26
Sasha_NigelS: I've got that networking stuff for you, if you want?06:26
telexiconbrainiac8008, it only remembers for designated administrative applications, only for a short period of time, and your standard programs (web browser, email client) dont get the privileges06:26
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Newbie_DudeNigelS: i was thinking that as well, lemme try06:26
forest_HEP85 -- so the URI I have to enter includes the IP address of the computer that owns the printer? That will be a problem, because it connects to the network via DHCP. IP changes each time.06:26
brainiac8008astro76, how?06:26
telexicontelexicon, you can disable it if it bothers you06:27
xtknightcompiler i think it's also only a trial version until you buy it.  so hardly linux, but if you just want it to work.  well i'd recommend buying a supported card instead of buying that emulation software.06:27
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xtknightor you can wait for support06:27
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HEP85forest_: then use the host name instead. but you have to add it to the file /etc/hosts06:27
xtknightcompiler, gutsy may have support as they have revamped the wireless stack very recently06:27
compilerright xtknight , thx i will read that stuff06:27
xtknightcustom 2.6.22 kernel may do it, im not relaly sure of the implications06:27
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!! any ideas on a solution?06:27
HEP85forest_: well forget it06:27
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HEP85forest_: this won't be much better I'm afraid06:28
xtknightcompiler what's the PCI Id again?06:28
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HEP85forest_: you have to use either static IPs or DNS06:28
LordMarshalanyone know how long it takes to get the ubuntu discs sent to u?06:28
xtknightcompiler that's the bus location . after that there should be another hex code06:28
forest_HEP85 - Oh. What about Samba?06:28
compiler02:00.0 0200: 168c:001c (rev 01)06:28
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astro76forest_, or static dhcp if your router (or whatever is runnig dhcp) supports it06:28
Newbie_DudeNigelS, HEP85, xtknight : Here is the script that is run... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30018/  Also, I tried doing the command "/usr/lib/games/quake2/quake2.real y" and that didn't work. Link as "Application"06:28
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JayRoewhat is a good folder for storing scripts?06:29
CaspeR-BzHello! I want to install VMware workstation 6.0, but gives me an error: unable to load vmmon module :( what can I do ?06:29
btsdevquestion... i know it doesn't *really* matter, but if i have a storage drive, for consistency's sake with the "Ubuntu Way," should i put it at /media/storage or /mnt/storage?06:29
HEP85forest_: no. same problem there. well just do as I said, but use the hostname instead of the IP in the URL06:29
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forest_HEP85 -- right. Not sure how exactly to add the hostname to /etc/hosts though06:29
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astro76btsdev, /media/storage, officially (fhs) /mnt has no subfolders and is for temporary mounting06:29
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btsdevastro76: thanks :D06:30
rcbaxter_Does anyone have any suggestions for a NAS device?06:30
HEP85forest_: well. leave that part.06:30
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forest_HEP85 -- okay, lets see06:30
HEP85forest_: if you do that you would have to change the IP there everytime06:30
whatspyhow do we copy files from a partition that is apparently, even if the file listings is still available through testdisk ?06:30
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Busatawhat log should I check to see what crashes cause? I'm getting hardlocks at random periods, think it's my graphical card06:30
CaspeR-Bzdoes anyone know ? :(06:30
whatspy*apparently Broken06:30
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astro76rcbaxter_, freeNAS ?06:31
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whatspyI'm trying to do some kind of backup of that partition06:31
forest_HEP85 -- I'm just not sure what the URL to the printer with the hostname would look like06:31
HEP85forest_: you can try to ping the hostname from the other computer to see if the hostname lookup works06:31
Sasha_CaspeR-Bz: I think that's something to ask the VMWare people, probably.06:31
bluefox83should Places->Network show an NFS network?06:31
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rcbaxter_astro76: Thanks... I'll check it out.06:31
HEP85forest_: for example: http//ubuntu-desktop:631/printers/deskjet98006:31
LordMarshalHEP85 could u check ur pm plz?06:31
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nikosaeican anyone help me ?06:32
brainiac8008astro76, how do you change the time period for which ubuntu remembers your password for administrative tasks?06:32
HEP85LordMarshal: No queries. Maybe you are not registered?06:32
rcbaxter_I'm looking for something that I can just plug in and it works...06:32
telexiconwhere did apport save my crash information to?06:32
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nikosaeii want to know if someone had ever install ubuntu on cf06:32
nikosaeicompact flash06:32
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xtknightcompiler i don't see support in the Gutsy livecd as of yesterday06:32
LordMarshalwhat do u mean?06:32
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astro76brainiac8008, not sure I'd have to google it, it's a sudo setting06:33
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forest_HEP85 -- no good, it's just trying to go to www.hostname.com06:33
JayRoedoes ubuntu have a default scripts folder?06:33
brainiac8008astro76, ok06:33
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compilerim very glad with that NIC06:33
xtknightcompiler you'd do this to check.  "sudo update-pciids" then " cat /usr/share/misc/pci.ids|grep -i 168c" and search for your device id06:33
brainiac8008astro76, im looking it up now06:33
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HEP85LordMarshal: What do you mean with check your PM? What PM?06:33
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xtknightcompiler but that's if you're on the gutsy livecd already06:33
forest_HEP85 -- ping gives unknown host06:33
fallenedictgetting a total system freeze when running Wine on Ubuntu 7.04, can anybody give me a hand ?06:33
xtknightbesides they dont have 2.6.22 final in here yet06:33
LordMarshalprivate message06:33
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HEP85forest_: can't you configure your router to give the same IP to the same MAC?06:34
kapteinnikosaei: That should be doable as long as your computer can boot from it. Take a look at this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:34
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compilerlspci also sai its 5006EG06:34
forest_HEP85 -- I don't control the router, unfortunately06:34
NigelSSasha_: I don't think there's an error there - what happens when you try to ping, what's the error?06:34
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compilerbut its a 5007EG06:34
elvirolo2hi everyone06:35
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Surbwhat command would i run to reinstall a package that dpkg is telling me is half-installed?06:35
meme_heelo, how can i turn up the brightness, gamma on my desktop? I have brightness and contrast set to max on monitor ajustment.06:35
elvirolo2gmail is extremely slow under firefox (uses up 90% CPU) ... why is that ?06:35
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NigelSSurb: install --reinstall reinstalls06:35
Sasha_NigelS: "From imcp_seq=xx Destination Host Unreachable".06:36
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HEP85forest_: then you need to setup a DNA server somehow. Because you have no chance to set anything up with either CUPS or Samba if the IP changes and the hostname cannot be resolved06:36
Wizardo55I'm a total linux newbie, and I just finished installing Ubuntu via the alternate CD on my laptop (Dell Inspiron 6400), and the X Screen system tells me that there are no screens available after I start the OS, and kicks me back into a terminal.06:36
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Wizardo55Is there any way I can get it to recognize my laptop screen?06:36
Ek0nomikIs anyone here familiar with assigning the same internal IP to the same computer?  Currently, my computers just assign their own internal IP it seems by talking with the router, but I want each computer to have the same internal IP on every boot.06:36
act1v8How do I convert a FLV video to a ISO MPEG-4 video codec version 1.0 or to Microsoft MPEG-4 codec version 2.0 and 3.0 ?06:36
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mc44Wizardo55: what graphics card?06:37
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Justi1wizardo55: I'll try to find the tutorial I used to fix that on my 640006:37
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Wizardo55mc44: ATI Mobility Radeon X130006:37
Savengerhi every106:37
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mc44!ati | Wizardo5506:37
ubotuWizardo55: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:37
astro76Ek0nomik, the best/easiest way is to set static dhcp on the router, where the router always gives the same IP to a particular MAC address via dhcp06:37
Newbie_DudeHEP85: can you look at that script when you are not busy - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30018/06:37
KarthikI have dapper in my system...recently i have installed windowsxp...since then the grub doesn't appear...how to get it back?06:37
forest_HEP85 -- thanks for all the help. Gonna give up for now06:37
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compilerxtknight,  so no chance to bring this nic up06:38
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brainiac8008astro76, i think it has to do with /etc/sudoers06:38
Ek0nomikastro76:  may I PM you?06:38
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FlannelEk0nomik: you want static IP, not dynamic IP.  You can set it on the networking config thing, or you can do it on the command line here: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/network-configuration.html06:38
Flannel!grub | Karthik06:38
ubotuKarthik: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:38
bluefox83why does Places->Network not show my NFS server?06:38
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astro76Ek0nomik, keep it in channel please06:39
mysticaloneI've compiled Mesa 7 and drm and it seems to compile fine but after $sudo make install, I try $glxinfo|grep info and it still shows Mesa 6.5.2, bad compile?06:39
meme_what is the FN key?06:39
FlannelKarthik: first link there, XP overwrote grub, you'll need to reinstall grub (not Ubuntu, it's quick)06:39
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Ek0nomikSo, Flannel's suggestion is changing Ubuntu system files.06:39
HEP85Newbie_Dude: Try to delete the whole script except the first line and exec /usr/lib/games/quake2/quake2.real "$@"06:39
Ek0nomikwhile yours (astro) is doing it in the router06:39
astro76bluefox83, I'm not sure that it will, I think you have to mount it and/or add it to fstab06:39
Savengercan u help me fixing my sound card problem? when i play ut2003 or diablo2@wine i have a kind of scratiching in the sounds.06:39
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Karthikthanx flannel06:40
Savengerevery other app (mplayer/rhythmbox) are working well06:40
bluefox83astro76, i did..i'm just wondering why i even have a Places->Network if i don't have smb installed and all i use is NFS06:40
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astro76bluefox83, it's always there, places that are connected with Connect to Server... will also show up there06:41
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duelbootcan't see my "shared" folders using either smb or nfs on my ubuntu box...can see my freenas share from all computers so I think this is linked to my ubuntu box...any assistance?06:41
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SurbNigelS, --reinstall isn't working. can you tell me tell me the whole command you had in mind?06:41
astro76Ek0nomik, either static IP on your pc as Flannel suggested, where you set the desired IP on each indiv. computer06:41
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astro76Ek0nomik, but if you can do static dhcp, you can do it all from one place (router), and not worry about configurig the PCs06:42
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Ek0nomikalright thanks.06:43
compilerit works06:43
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compiler1 week i searched that F**** driver06:43
LordMarshalcan anyone help me out with how to get a working ubuntu installation file?06:43
dantalizingastro76: "static" dhcp? ;)06:43
mysticaloneWhat could be wrong if it seems like Mesa 7 is installing but my version is still 6.5.2, maybe a restart?06:44
archis there a way to prevent the Super key from opening the applications menu?  I am unable to use it as a shortcut for anything else (compiz-fusion namely).06:44
astro76dantalizing, it's where the dhcp server always gives a particular IP to a particular MAC address06:44
astro76dantalizing, very handy06:44
osxdude|laptopthere is no such thing as static dhcp06:44
dantalizingastro76: i know...jus sounds funny06:44
brainiac8008for editing /etc/sudoers, do i use sudo /etc/sudoers, visudo /etc/sudoers, or sudo visudo /etc/sudoers?06:44
compilerxtknight, ?06:44
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Flannelbrainiac8008: sudo visudo /etc/sudoers06:44
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Flannelbrainiac8008: visudo is the editor06:45
ZambeziIs there a packages in the repos which can measure my bandwidth?06:45
HEP85duelboot: how would you "see" the nfs folders? you have to mount them first06:45
brainiac8008Flannel, okay.  I think I talked to you quite a while ago about something.  can't remember what it was tho.  :)06:45
duelbootHEP85, can I pm you?06:45
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astro76osxdude|laptop, static mapping, whatever, different devices call it different things06:45
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mysticaloneAnyone recommend restarting after attempting to install Mesa 7 altho glxinfo says 6.5.2 ?06:46
HEP85duelboot: it only works if you are registered. but yes06:46
brainiac8008Flannel, I got this:  usage: visudo [-c]  [-f sudoers]  [-q]  [-s]  [-V] 06:46
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duelbootHEP85, I am...here it comes06:46
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NigelSSurb: for apt-get it's apt-get install --reinstall <pkg> for dpkg -i and force it to go over or if what you mean is that it installed but didn't configure then you ca dpkg --configure -a06:46
gerrotrying to install ubuntu server x86 6.06 and after I select install it gives a says uncompressing then starting system loggers and screen goes blank for about an hour then computer restarts06:46
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astro76osxdude|laptop, funny google seems to think static dhcp exists06:47
Wizardo55mc44: The ATI tutorial you linked me to wants me to enable several repositories which apparently require me to actually have the OS started up: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-5bbef89639d9a7d93fe38f6356dc17847d37309606:47
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arsalanwhat is recommended swap space required for ubuntu 6.1006:47
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NigelSSasha_: can you ping yourself on 127etc etc and also on your static ip also what is the network card?06:47
mc44Wizardo55: no you shouldn't need to do that06:47
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trippndariftIs there a program that will allow me to record what I am doing on my computer for later use in my classroom?06:47
gerroastro76: it does06:47
astro76arsalan, how much ram do you have?06:48
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bjuptonhave 3 computers, one to be server, so I set up SAMBA on it.  I can see the share over the network from Windows box, but I cannot see it from another Ubuntu machine06:48
Flannelbrainiac8008: I'm sorry.  It's just "sudo visudo", no path06:48
xet7How do I install newest Sun Java 6u2 ? Just from binary file, or is there ubuntu package repository for it?06:48
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Sasha_NigelS: both, yes. It's a... Realtek Semiconductor Co., Lt. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (r10).06:48
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brainiac8008flannel, got it, ty06:49
astro76arsalan, you probably should use 1GB (but at least 512MB)06:49
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NigelSxet7: 'tis in the repos if you search for java - sun java 6 jdk is there06:49
arsalanastro76,  512 I have and I want to know how much space should I give to swap drive06:49
daddydocI have a question06:49
bluefox83just ask06:49
astro76arsalan, see my reply ^06:49
bluefox83don't ask to ask06:49
brainiac8008flannel, also, if I add an entry to /etc/sudoers, do I need the # sign and the correct spacing as the other entries?06:49
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bjuptonarsalan, 2X ram is the standard06:49
osxdude|desktopokay...for some reason I can't go on the internet, but I can go on IRC. That's not right.06:49
daddydochow do I turn off entrance and exits from this formu?06:49
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gerroarsalan: if your not running some form of database server then no reason to ever have over 100mb swap06:50
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samwizeosxdude|desktop: its happened to me06:50
osxdude|desktophuh. it's kinda weird.06:50
bluefox83osxdude|desktop, make sure your browser isn't set to use a proxy or something06:50
samwizei think its a port issue, unless your browser is messed up, which im sure you have checked06:50
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Flannelbrainiac8008: # lines are comments, spacing is just for readability.06:51
osxdude|desktopsamwize: the internet is not working today :P06:51
bluefox83i had trouble one time with my system...all the browsers were set to use a proxy and i don't use a proxy...so it didn't connect to anything06:51
samwizeare u on a mac?06:51
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daddydocanyone know how to access your linux samba drive from windows?06:51
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astro76osxdude|desktop, often that indicates your dns isn't working, but since you're already connected to IRC...06:52
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arsalanthanx all, I got what I was looking for: I need atleast 150MB swap space and 2 GB of hard drive for ubuntu 6.106:52
samwizei would cycle the modem06:52
brainiac8008Flannel, so I don't need the # if I change, say, the timestamp_timeout (i.e. how long sudo remembers my password for administrative tasks)?06:52
osxdude|desktopsamwize: no I'm in ubuntu (recovery mode) ( :P ) and ELinks, a text based web browser, didn't connect to adobe.com.06:52
daddydocI can find the linux machine in my mshome neighborhood folder in my windowsxp machine06:52
osxdude|desktophere...let me restart in normal mode.06:52
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brainiac8008flannel, if i add an entry about the timestamp_timeout06:52
xet7NigelS: but is it the newest version? it says java version "1.6.0" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105) and I'd like to install 6u206:52
daddydocbut I cant access the linux box06:53
Flannelbrainiac8008: Everything on a line after a # is ignored as a comment06:53
samwizeadobe ._. beautiful yet difficult06:53
daddydocit keeps asking for a login and password06:53
HEP85daddydoc: you need to set the right permissions06:53
daddydocsudo something?06:53
osxdude|laptopOMG Elinks was still running06:53
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HEP85daddydoc: use the username and password of your linux box06:53
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brainiac8008flannel, huh?06:53
daddydocI did in windows, so maybe it is permissions in linux06:53
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HEP85daddydoc: how did you set it up?06:54
daddydocdo I use the chown command in linux for a particular folder?06:54
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Flannelbrainiac8008: everyone after a # is ignored06:55
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osxdude|desktopokay I'm in normal mode now06:55
daddydocI have shared a couple of linux folders already06:55
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dantalizingdaddydoc: did you use the Shared Folders applet in "System..Adminitration...Shared Folders"?06:56
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osxdude|desktopokay internet is working now :P06:56
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NigelSxet7: not sure, you'll have to compare with the sun web site06:56
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Anomynousis it possible to merge some partitions to my root partition with gparted?06:56
daddydocsystem/administration/shared folders/add06:56
daddydocin linux06:57
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brainiac8008so if I create an entry that doesn't have a # before it, then it won't be ignored (it will be effective)?06:57
duelbootcan anyone help me with correctly setting up an smb share...used the gui, but other computers don't see it..any assistance?06:57
daddydocdomain is mshome06:57
samwizeosxdude|desktop: restarting did the trick?06:57
osxdude|desktopI guess so. I did 2 restarts even...06:57
brainiac8008flannel, so if I create an entry that doesn't have a # before it, then it won't be ignored (it will be effective)?06:57
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dantalizingdaddydoc: so the share properties for "Share through" is "Windows networks"06:57
samwizeosxdude|desktop: always works, especially with ethernet06:58
daddydocshare through smb windows network06:58
kapteinbrainiac8008: yes06:58
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brainiac8008captainm, ok06:58
osxdude|desktopsamwize: yup, and I'm on wireless.06:58
dantalizingdaddydoc: path?06:58
samwizeah that too06:58
Flannelbrainiac8008: No.  Everything with a # infront of it is ignored.  Everything without isnt06:58
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Flannelbrainiac8008: er, yes to what you said.  You just said it in a roundabout way06:58
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brainiac8008flannel, ya06:58
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bluefox83ok, for some reason my girlfreind's machine is getting a segmentation fault when she loads gxine06:59
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daddydoc it is /home/daddydoc/pictures06:59
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hypertyperok, i have a slightly complex (for  my newbie self) issue. i have a small script that needs to be run when i log in to x (it allows my keyboard's extra buttons to function). how do i make it run when i log in, so i can stop running it manually?06:59
xet7NigelS: Newest Java is not in Ubuntu repository, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49440306:59
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astro76hypertyper, system>preferences>sessions07:00
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hypertyperastro76: aha! thanks, i'll see if i can figure it out from here07:00
duelbootcan anyone help me with correctly setting up an smb share...used the gui (system -> admin -> Shared Folders), but other computers don't see it and it's been over 12 hours..any assistance?07:01
gnomefreakxet7: sun-java6-plugin for feisty is atm just java1.6 we are working on getting update1 maybe if update2 came out that in feisty07:01
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dantalizingdadddydoc....from a terminal type "ls -la /home/daddydoc | grep pictures"07:01
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dantalizingdaddydoc: and tell us what the first column has07:01
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duelbootdantalizing, can help me with correctly setting up an smb share...used the gui (system -> admin -> Shared Folders), but other computers don't see it and it's been over 12 hours..any assistance?07:02
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HEP85duelboot: just got an idea. does your firewall block port 139?07:02
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mysticaloneSo after installing Mesa 7, glxinfo reports version 6.5.2 still, what did I do wrong?07:02
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duelbootHEP85, don't think so, but let me check...I allowed the box to come through it...07:02
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Savengeri have scratching sound when playing ut2003 or diablo2@wine. can any1 help me out?07:03
RainCTIf I've a user called nobody that's used when accessing the computer trought the network, is it save to remove it and create a group with the same name instead?07:03
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steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!! <-- I get that with native linux games and games using wine, what do i do!?07:03
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thoreauputicRainCT: the user "nobody" is a bad choice - quite a few system functions run as "nobody"07:03
daddydocdrwxr-xr-x  7 daddydoc daddydoc     4096 2007-07-08 14:24 pictures07:03
samwizesteve99_: what games?07:03
azslandeExcuse me, I forget the command to access my /ect/apt/sources.list file... I cant remember what I need to type to get permission to edit07:04
Flannelazslande: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
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eighty4azslande, "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"07:04
eighty4or what Flannel said07:04
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steve99_samwize, all07:04
dantalizingdaddydoc: so I'm assuming you're using username 'daddydoc' and your linux password?07:04
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steve99_samwize, its freaken annoying07:05
dantalizingdaddydoc: i mean when you try to connect from the windows machines...you're connecting with username 'daddydoc' nd password the same as your linux password07:06
Savengerhey pplz. i have scratching sound when playing ut2003 or diablo2@wine. can any1 help me out?07:06
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bluefox83Savenger, that's a wine problem, not a ubuntu problem07:06
daddydoci use daddydoc and gasman and it doesnt connect07:06
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Savengerno, ut2003 runs direclty in ubuntu not in wine07:07
juanhello all, i have a small question07:07
AnlarSavenger: disable esd for sure07:07
Newbie_DudeSavenger: does regular UT work as well? (not 2003)07:07
steve99_samwize, ideas??07:07
daddydocI can see windows drives and shared drives from linux07:07
juani used to be able to clean my printer cartridges and do all sort of maintenance to my hp under ubuntu,07:07
Newbie_Dudeby the way, i gave up on the quake2 cause it was so frustrating and just deleted the files :P07:07
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hinogii still can't keep my vista bootloader from rebooting immidiatly after selecting it in grub GRRR07:08
SavengerAnlar: how can i disable it?07:08
daddydocand have successfully copied from windows to linux in linux07:08
Agiphi I have a problem vista the desktop effects07:08
SavengerNewbie_Dude: i havent' tried it07:08
juandoes anyone know the package necessary?07:08
daddydocbut I cant move files from linux to windows from either windows or linux07:08
dantalizingdaddydoc: well it doestn look like a permissions issue07:08
daddydocit is just a one way trip07:08
AnlarSavenger: preferences -> sound. then use "winecfg" to select alsa as sound device.. and I don't know about UT but perhaps it just auto-detects things07:08
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daddydocI am trying to move files back to windows.07:08
daddydocfrom linux07:09
dantalizingdaddydoc: thought you were trying to move files to linux07:09
imunar_try with sudo07:09
Agipeverytime I activate the desktop effects the upper bat of the window disappears, any suggestions?07:09
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IndyGunFreakAgip: what type of video card?07:10
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daddydocI can move files from windows to linux in the linux box,07:10
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SavengerAnlar: i have already alsa as sound device07:10
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JayRoe create a boot script with root privileges?07:10
daddydocbut I cant move files to windows from linux in either box, and I cant access linux from windows07:10
AgipIndyGunFreaK: nvidia mx 44007:10
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JayRoeoops. How do I create a boot script that has root privileges?07:10
xet7gnomefreak: is it possible to install java manually from sun's .bin file? And how to install Firefox plugin? On Feisty?07:10
IndyGunFreakAgip: i had the same problem, so i installed beryl, and had the same problem, then someone showed me a script that fixes it.07:11
IndyGunFreaknot really a script, but a terminal command07:11
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AgipIndyGunFreaK: do you know it?07:11
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_joeyThere are proofing tools for MS Office. Is there anything similar for Open Office?07:11
gnomefreakxet7: its possible but its more work than you relize to keep it up to date, there are instruction on suns site on how to install it07:12
IndyGunFreakyeah,l but i don't know if it will work w/ ubuntu effects, to my knowledge, it only works w/ Beryl(as it writes options in beryl)07:12
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IndyGunFreakAgip: actually, i feel almost 100% confident it won't work w/ desktop effects07:12
daddydocI just tried to access linux box from 2 different windowsxp boxes, and cannot connect07:12
AgipIndyGunFreaK: ok I'll install beryl07:12
_joeyyes, no, may be? :)07:12
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AgipIndyGunFreaK: which is the command?07:13
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tehdarkllamajoin #dsp07:13
IndyGunFreakhol on07:13
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seidrenhi there07:14
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seidreni am having problems with my Xserver resolution07:14
daddydocany other thoughts?07:14
IndyGunFreakAgip: you should have gotten a PM w/ the command07:14
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seidrengdm starts in 1440x900 but when i login i get frequency out of range07:15
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AgipIndyGunFreaK: got it07:15
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EightElevenSeidren: Are you logging in to a KDE or Gnome session?07:16
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seidreni am installing kubuntu right now.. i was gonna give kdm a shot07:17
JayRoecan someone recommend a GUI for the bootmanager?07:17
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EightElevenIt could be a tool that sets your resolution after login.07:17
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EightElevenSeidren: Does it happen to all users?07:17
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ShaftoJayRoe, A GUI for it? To edit GRUB?07:18
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seidrenEightEleven: I only have one user... also.. i just installed kdm and same story07:18
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daddydochow do I turn off notifications of people entering and leaving this forum?07:18
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seidrenthe login screen is fine but as soon as i login i get frequency out of range07:18
IndyGunFreakdaddydoc: its in options i think.07:18
linuxgeekerydaddydoc: what IRC client are you using?07:18
EightElevenSeidren: And you are now logging in to kde?07:19
seidrenlet me check07:19
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osxdude|desktopI'm gonna shut down. I still have my laptop...07:19
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south01hi i cannot install my bluetooth to the ubuntu, i am using a laptop and it is internal drive07:20
Newbie_Dudedaddydoc: what IRC client are you using07:20
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seidrenoh yeah.. gnome is the problem07:20
seidrenkde started fine07:20
EightElevenJayRoe: Does Grub not have some GUI?07:20
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EightElevenSeidren: Then gnome must be starting some resolution setting tool.07:20
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seidreneighteleven: yeah i have noticed this before.. its something to do with setting the dpi and stuff..07:21
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seidrenthis was a fresh install of ubuntu on a new machine07:22
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seidreni'll stick to kde.. but someone needs to find out what the deal is with gnome07:22
south01hi i cannot install my bluetooth to the ubuntu, i am using a laptop and it is internal drive07:22
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HairyDudeI've set up an email account in Evolution, using password auth for IMAP. When I click "Send/Receive", it tries to connect and fails... which isn't surprising because it never asks me for a password!07:23
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seidrenthanks eighteleven07:23
EightElevenSeidren: Maybe you could file a bug-report and specifially mention your monitor and graphical card in it.07:23
HairyDudeSo how do I tell it the password?07:23
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seidrenyeah i'll do that07:23
EightElevenI also run Gnome on 1400x900, but in my case the default install gave no problems.07:23
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JayRoewhat are the different run levels for in boot-up manager?07:24
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CairnaQuick question? Anyone got the time?07:25
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications07:25
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lufisCairna: the time? :p07:25
captainm!anyone | Cairna07:26
ubotuCairna: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about d-bus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
EightElevenJayRoe: Runlevels are for start to multi-user, text-only or single user modes.07:26
lufisCairna: it's 12:24 here in my time zone07:26
eighty4Cairna, timezone? ;-)07:26
CairnaEST! ;)07:26
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CairnaIf I set ubuntu to in CFDISK to non bootable... I assume that means I can't boot to it after I restart?07:26
eighty4sorry, i'm in the UK. google might now ;-)07:27
PriceChild@now est | Cairna07:27
un4gethey, i was just wondering, im using firefox and there are some bidding site i cant watch the auction, it doesnt show the whole details of the website, like counter for the ending of the bid etc... any idea why???07:27
EightElevenIt's 19:27 in my timezone.07:27
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lufisun4get: have you tried another browser?07:27
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un4getwell, opera isnt working, i dont know why but it just doesnt show any webpages at all07:28
un4getand some other browser that comes with ubuntu does the same thing...07:28
EightElevenCairna: Maybe, some bootloaders just ignore that flag.07:28
Newbie_Dudehow do I mount a CD ISO in ubuntu?07:28
lufisun4get: epiphany?07:28
un4getyes something like that07:28
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un4getyou got any other suggestions?07:29
lufisun4get: are you sure it isn't an issue with your connection? they show no pages at all?07:29
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un4getopera doesnt show but at the same time firefox and the other epienphy thing is working but not proper on the specific website07:29
JayRoeEightEleven is the value  Sxx the point at which the script should be loaded? So it would load S11 before S12 and so on.07:29
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lufisun4get: ebay?07:29
CairnaAnyone have an idea? :/07:29
hinogiis there a physical adresse extension option for ubuntu to adress 4gb of ram?07:30
un4getnop, its an israeli site called p1000.co.il07:30
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lufisun4get: oh, i don't know... you could try spoofing your user agent in case it's ie-only or something07:30
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Spaceman3750How do I install the visor kernel?07:30
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Spaceman3750Can I get it using APT?07:30
EightElevenJayRoe: During boot, S11 is indeed run before S12 is.07:30
un4getwhat do you mean?07:30
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lufisun4get: go to https://addons.mozilla.org and search for "user agent switcher"... it's an extension that makes sites look like you're using another browser07:31
sercanUbuntu did't auto mount my Philips GoGear when plug in. How can I get work it?07:31
un4getok, thank you...07:31
lufisun4get: some sites have poor usability standards and make things ie-only07:31
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steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!07:31
steve99_any ideas?07:31
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hak5fa1Newbie_Dude:  mount -t iso9660 -o loop war3ft1.iso /tmp07:31
JayRoeEightEleven thanks for the help, I'll give it a shot07:31
hak5fa1sudo  mount -t iso9660 -o loop war3ft1.iso /tmp07:31
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Spaceman3750sercan: I believe "sudo mount /dev/[device] ", but double-check it with someone else07:32
EightElevenSteve99_: Did you google for it?07:32
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steve99_EightEleven,  ya07:32
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sercanSpaceman3750 : How can I know what is mount point of my philips?07:33
Johtow00t, my old debian box just had its uptime record of 100 days :)07:33
un4getnop, doesnt help...07:33
BigLhey guys07:33
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Sasha_Hi, BigL.07:34
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BigLi have a few internal hard disks lying around, for now nad for future use, is there some cable/etc i can get that can lets say hookup to my laptop via usb or something while other side can connect to internal hard disk and kinda make a drive i can go browse in the internal?07:34
zedfloydhow do i run wine on 64bit ubuntu feisty fawn?  I am a ubuntu newbie...07:34
Spaceman3750sercan: Good question, I can't remember what command lists the inserted drives...07:34
Spaceman3750sercan: Standby07:34
Newbie_Dudehak5fa1: ok i did that, but where did it go? :P07:34
mon^rchmy windows decorations dissappear when I enable desktop effects. whats the fix please?07:34
eighty4sercan, just tryping "mount" into a console will list all currently mounted drives07:35
lufismon^rch: window decorations? what do you mean?07:35
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mon^rchwindow borders07:35
CairnaHow do I know what the (hd0,#) of my partitions are? In CFDISK, it says Recovery is sda2, but in Grub file it says that Ubuntu is 02, and it works...07:35
Johtohe means the window borders07:35
lufismon^rch: run "metacity"07:35
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Johtomojojojo_: when that "desktop effect" is compiz, and compiz is "not stable"07:35
Johtomojojojo_: i ment for mon^rch07:36
sharkyhi there any ideas y skype has no sound i have just installed it and there seems to be no sound and it wont let me connect to any calls ive played around with all the sound devices but no luck any ideas?? thanx :)07:36
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jsestri2sharky: do the rest of your programs have sound?07:36
mon^rchI want the desktop effects to work... beryl decorations dont work either07:36
Newbie_Dudehak5fa1: nevermind i found it :) linux is so weird07:36
EightElevenSteve99_: What is the problem that comes with that message?07:36
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lufis!es > mribas07:36
Johtomon^rch: you have something "weird" if neither works07:36
sharkyjsestri2: yep07:36
BigLanyone know anything07:36
mribashi lufis07:37
steve99_EightEleven, games 2 slolw07:37
EightElevensercan: with the mount command you can list which drives are inserted.07:37
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mon^rchsupport for desktop effects WAS awesome when I had this problem before...07:37
jsestri2sharky: have you looked into what skyp uses for a sound driver?07:37
metguruHas anyone here installed google earth in ubuntu? please PM me cause this room is insanely huge07:37
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Jerome_I have a slight issue, when I boot, it says something like DMI_String: out of memory07:37
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south01hi i cannot install my bluetooth to the ubuntu, i am using a laptop and it is internal drive07:37
Jerome_any ideas?07:37
lufismon^rch: effects aren't totally stable yet, you could try re-enabling them07:37
sharkyjsestri2: no were do u suggest looking?? just google for it??07:37
CairnaHow do I know what the (hd0,#) of my partitions are? In CFDISK, it says Recovery is sda2, but in Grub file it says that Ubuntu is 02, and it works...07:38
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Savengerdoes anyone know how to change the buffer size for my sound card?07:38
eighty4metguru, i believe google runs its own respositories for linux. will look and get back to you if they include google earth, but stay in the channel07:38
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jsestri2sharky: google would be one way...there may be sound settings for skyp as well07:38
JohtoCairna: in grub 0 is 107:38
JohtoCairna: and 1 is 207:38
mon^rchthere was a simple console fix for no decorations....07:38
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JohtoCairna: and so on07:38
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CairnaGotcha. Thanks.07:39
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jsestri2Does anyone know what sort of programs keep the screen saver from running?07:39
Spaceman3750sercan: I can't remember how to list your mountable drives...  I'm looking and can't find it.  I just used it yesterday, but it has slipped my mind.  Try opening the /dev folder and see if anything looks like the camera in there07:39
sharkyjsestri2: yeh i have messed around with all the skype sound settings to but no luck il have a look on google :)07:39
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boodleGreetings peeps. Quick strange question.. can someone direct me to a basic howto/software/method to setup a user on an ubuntu box that does NOT have any networking access (for children)07:39
jsestri2sharky: in all likelyhood your problem isn't that uncommon, so google should have some answers, let me know if you can find anything and i'll give it a try07:40
CairnaOff I go to try again....07:40
boodleMeaning the computer does but the user doesn't07:40
eighty4metguru, http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ - not sure if the repo carries Google Earth though :\07:40
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un4getis there any problem with drivers for nVidia FX5200? cause i tried to install them last time and it worked for a day or two an then my computer screen went black and i had to reinstall ubuntu...07:40
sharkyjsestri2: kk cool cheers07:40
jsestri2boodle: don't give them access?07:40
metgurueighty4, there is a download available for google earth, but it comes in a bin file07:40
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Johtoboodle: dunno how to disable tcp/ip on user bases, what if you just dont enable them to run any network apps?07:41
metgurueighty4, i have no idea what to do with it07:41
Flannel!earth | metguru07:41
ubotumetguru: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository07:41
Flannelmetguru: it's in medibuntu as a package07:41
un4getis there any problem with drivers for nVidia FX5200? cause i tried to install them last time and it worked for a day or two an then my computer screen went black and i had to reinstall ubuntu...07:41
boodleJohto, any decent interface to remove network app access (per user) ?07:41
jsestri2boodle: don't give them access to the network driver...07:41
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eighty4metguru, http://earth.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=44713&topic=113507:42
Johtoboodle: dunno, the whole idea sounds funky, because, linux(unix) without network access is like..er...fish without water ? :D07:42
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boodlejsestri2, ummm ok snds great but I thought that wasn't file based... is it 'dev' driver?07:42
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Spaceman3750sercan: Find anything?07:42
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metgurueighty4, thanks07:42
EightElevenBoodle: You could install a firewall that blocks everything except what your computer needs.07:42
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eighty4metguru, no probs07:42
boodlejsestri2, or is that /proc restricted07:42
milllmannnanyone know of a good resource for setting up postfix on dapper?07:43
brainiac8008hi.  i'm really panicked.  I added timout_timestamp=0 to my /etc/sudoers file and now nothing that requires admin. tasks will work07:43
EightElevenSpaceman3750: Is the mount command not suitable?07:43
jsestri2jsestri2 drivers are filebased...07:43
steve99_ fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!?07:43
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boodleEightEleven, I know but frankly then it's into admin-ing that and I'd rather (if easier) just say this user can't get out of localhost07:43
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Spaceman3750EightEleven: He doesn't know the mount point of the camera07:43
jsestri2boodle: let me think on it a minute, i have a couple of ideas to try also07:43
Johtoboodle: yeah, you could build a iptables filter script(firewall) which is ran when the user logs in..and use that to block stuff07:43
Spaceman3750I can't remember the command to list the mount points07:43
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prooghow come webmin isn't in the feisty packages? is there a better alternative for feisty?07:43
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mon^rchhelp please... I need the console fix for having no decorations after enabling desktop effects07:43
Spaceman3750EightEleven: Your help would be appreciated :)07:43
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Johtoboodle: or, do a script that simply puts the network interface down while they use the account? :D07:43
Sasha_Thanks for your help earlier, NigelS.07:44
brainiac8008 hi.  i'm really panicked.  I added timeout_timestamp=0 to my /etc/sudoers file and now nothing that requires admin. tasks will work07:44
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boodleJohto, been awhile fooling with iptables...can these be setup on a per user basis?07:44
EightElevenSpaceman3750: If you type "mount" on a terminal, it just lists all mount points.07:44
boodleJohto, hehe could work07:44
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Spaceman3750EightEleven: I didn't know that :)07:44
Spaceman3750EightEleven: You learn something new every day :P07:44
finalbetabrainiac8008: boot from the live CD, mount the partition, check it back.07:44
lafayettehey i am having trouble sshing into my server. when i was on the local network i was able to, but now that i am away i cannot07:44
lafayetteports 80 and 22 are forwarded07:44
Johtoboodle: like simples way i can think of is to run usign root in some script "ifdown eth0" :D07:44
lafayetteand apache is working07:45
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bulmerlafayette: do you have a firewall?07:45
lafayettebut i get the error: ssh: connect to host chicago.dsndojo.com port 22: Connection refused07:45
brainiac8008finalbeta, you mean that I should go and use the live cd and erase that entry from the file?07:45
Johtoboodle: and then in the logout script via root "ifup eth0"07:45
Spaceman3750sercan: Type "mount" and pastebin the output07:45
Johtocrude but should work :D07:45
boodleJohto, yep...sudo script to take it down would work07:45
finalbetalafayette: does your ISP block those incoming ports? Mine does.07:45
lafayettewell i didn't install one07:45
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lafayettei don't know07:45
joey__kubuntu looks cool07:45
lafayetteit doesn't block 8007:45
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finalbetabrainiac8008: yes,.07:45
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:45
joey__looks better than ubuntu07:45
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brainiac8008finalbeta, ty so much!  why didn't I think of that?07:46
joey__I wonder how xubuntu looks like07:46
proogis there an alternative to webmin since webmin isn't in the feisty packages?07:46
bulmeriptables is installed by default, but may have empty rules07:46
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brainiac8008finalbeta, I'll try it07:46
metgurueighty4, i got an error when i trtied that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30025/07:46
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lafayettei was able to ssh locally, would ssh block over the internet?07:46
milllmannnanyone know a good walkthrough on setting up Postfix on Dapper?07:46
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joey__anyone would like to comment?07:46
lafayettewould ssh be blocked over the internet?07:46
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jsestri2boodle: iptables are a solution but will be significant work. I'm wondering if you couldnt get firestarter to do it for you07:46
finalbetalafayette: locally, you don't mean locally right?07:46
lafayettei mean07:46
bulmerlafayette: nope07:47
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sercanI couldn't07:47
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Spaceman3750joey__: www.xfce.org07:47
Johtojsestri2: but wouldnt it be easier to kill the network interface :D07:47
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boodlejsestri2, having a look now07:47
sercanseeing "USB Vendor Specific Interface"07:47
eighty4metguru, yikes. no idea.07:47
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:47
lafayettei was able to access the computer by ssh using the dnsdojo.com url yesterday when i was on the same router07:47
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Spaceman3750sercan: Try to mount that07:47
lafayettenow i am in another state and trying to use it, but i get the connection refused error07:47
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regishello, can anyone tell me how to warn the maintainer of flash that their package has a problem(md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz)07:47
metgurueighty4, I guess Ill just try to install that07:48
eighty4metguru, try http://www.medibuntu.org07:48
teethdoodI'm looking for a movie catalog app, can anyone recommend one?07:48
finalbetalafayette: then the isp blocks.07:48
bulmerlafayette: what is the ip address of your box? can we test it?07:48
lafayettecould iptables be the problem?07:48
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registeethdood, gc films or gc star07:48
Newbie_DudeAnyone know a good DOSBox frontend?07:48
lafayettehow would that help?07:48
jsestri2Johto: boodle: I wanted to address that he wants the machine to still have access to the internet. boodle, do you care if the computer has access while one of the non-priv users is logged in?07:48
Newbie_Dudeor an IRC channel for Ubuntu gaming?07:48
sercanmedia:/camera ?07:48
teethdoodregis, good deal will try them07:48
bulmerlafayette: what is the ip address of your box? can we test it? <-- see the 2nd07:49
Spaceman3750sercan: Type mount into the terminal and pastebin the output07:49
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Spaceman3750sercan: it would be /dev/<device>07:49
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regisis there any devs here?07:49
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Johtojsestri2: boodle: yes if you dont care that the machine has working networking while the non priv user is logged, then the killing of interface will be the easiest way :)07:50
bulmerlafayette: how do you know your ip address has not changed? and that chicago.dnsdojo.com has been re-assigned to someone else?07:50
Newbie_DudeDo I always have to mount an ISO into "/tmp" for the programs to recognize it or can i mount it anywhere07:50
Wizekare there any ways to burn a cd from Live CD if i have only 1 cd/dvd drive?07:50
sercanMy output http://rafb.net/p/9aRQCW94.html07:50
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lafayettebulmer: well i can access my web pages07:50
JohtoNewbie_Dude: no need to use /tmp07:50
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Newbie_DudeJohto: thanks07:51
banlieueI can't for the life of me seem to be able to change the icon for "Volume Applet".. anyone think they could point me in the right direction?07:51
bulmerlafayette: okay and thats from same box you're trying to ssh into right?07:51
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voraistoshi. this is not ubuntu-support related, but i presume someone here will know :P . Main problem with linux - especially on not-so-fast machines - is gaming. So while mom likes linux, my sisters like directX. I was wondering if, somehow, there is a gnu/Windows kernel out there, so i could run everything (gnome, bash, and tuxracer) on top of a windows kernel, while taking care of the wasted hdd space (IE, wmp, security holes r07:51
voraistoselated to the mouse cursor, etc). I know it should be possible, i just would like to know if there is a project  or something to make that easy.07:51
JohtoNewbie_Dude: for example i use /media/iso directory...07:51
jsestri2boodle: johto: you can make iptable rules that specify the owner of the packet, so if blocking outbound tcp/udp packets given a user is fine, then johto's solution could be best07:51
lafayette80 and 22 are forwarded to the same box and apache is working over 8007:51
banlieueI added a /status/audio-volume-high.png etc to my theme directory, but it's refusing to use it, it seems07:51
lafayetteand 22 worked with ssh when i was behind the same router07:52
Newbie_DudeJohto: good place, i'll try that.07:52
boodlejsestri2, cool07:52
eighty4voraistos, have you looked at Cygwin?07:52
voraistosnope :P07:52
lafayettecould any of you guess what could be going wrong?07:52
voraistosmost of the time when i see winsomething i dont look :P07:52
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bulmerlafayette: what kind of router/dsl modem is it?07:53
samwizecygwin is unix emulator07:53
lafayettelinksys something07:53
trakievoraisos: i suggest looking into cedega07:53
boodleJohto, hrm... don't see any user-specific config offerings for policy editing in firestarter.. well can read up on it..07:53
voraistoscedega is slow, too slow07:53
lafayettei don't know how to access that remotely07:53
bulmerlafayette: you also need to respond with a prefix nick or else i will miss your responses07:53
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Spaceman3750sercan: Is "/proc/bus/usb" what you described as the camera?07:53
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lafayettebulmer: okay. i don't know what port to try to access the router on.07:54
Spaceman3750Or did you get that description from the main "Computer" page?07:54
tim167hi, is there something like camstudio ( http://www.camstudio.org/ ) for ubuntu ?07:54
boodleJohto, well will just do your idea :) thank you07:54
voraistosthe idea is no emulation, i mean i am sure i saw xorg running on windows before.07:54
lafayettebulmer: but i do know the ports are both forwarded to the same machine07:54
brainiac8008finalbeta:  I am running the live cd and mounted my ubuntu partition.  now what07:54
bulmerlafayette: usually its a web enabled router/dsl modem..port 8007:54
sercanNo it is in Desktop07:54
eighty4lafayette, most routers are at
Spaceman3750sercan: Did you just try to double-click it?07:55
lafayetteyeah but i am running apache on that port07:55
Spaceman3750sercan: It might mount it automatically07:55
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finalbetabrainiac8008: use sude gedit /pathtofileyoumessedup07:55
teethdoodI need an app like a media center that would list all movie files that I have so I can click on it to play07:55
bulmerlafayette: but it has to be configure to be accessable from the internet side07:55
banlieueah I was wrong...... ONLY the stock_volume-max icon seems the work, the other (min, med, mute) do not07:55
trakietim167: look into gtk-recordmydesktop07:55
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bulmerlafayette: you are running an apache on your router/dsl modem? how did you do that?07:55
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tim167trakie, cool thanks!07:56
sercanWhen I click it says "unknown error unknown model"07:56
brainiac8008finalbeta, it is /etc/sudoers.  i used the command sudo visudo to edit it.  it said that I had to use visudo07:56
banlieuebrb i mightve fixed it07:56
Anlartim167: "wink" is the best07:56
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lafayettebulmer: no i am running a development server behind the router. the router is forwarding 22 and 80 to the server.07:56
Abhi123how can i open port 8080 in ubuntu??07:56
voraistosuh ? cygwin doesnt seem to be an emulator to me ?!!!07:56
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lafayettebulmer: yesterday i was able to ssh to the server, but today i cannot07:56
telexiconAbhi123, ubuntu doesn't run a firewall by default07:56
Spaceman3750sercan: Do you have anything else plugged into your USB ports?07:56
eighty4it's not an emulator, it provides a POSIX-compliant set of GNU tools within windows07:57
Wizekare there any ways to burn a cd from Live CD if i have only 1 cd/dvd drive?07:57
mattva01does anyone know if the  sobby 0.4 backport for dapper is available anywhere?07:57
bulmerlafayette: am a bit confused of your setup..can you elaborate? ie which physical device is which and connected to which?07:57
Abhi123i mean ubuntu server07:57
steve99_how can i enable shm?07:57
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Spaceman3750sercan: Type "sudo mount /proc/bus/usb" into a terminal07:57
Abhi123telexicon, this is ubuntu server07:57
tim167Anlar, do you have a link to ubuntu version of Wink ?07:57
telexiconAbhi123, im not sure of the 'right way'07:58
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lafayettebulmer: the server is connected to the router which is connected to the modem07:58
Anlartim167: http://www.debugmode.com/wink/07:58
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telexiconAbhi123, if you wanted to use iptables directly you could do something like, iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT07:58
Anlartim167: you have to follow the instructions but it is FAR ahead the other applications07:58
bulmerWizek: i have not tried this yet..but maybe you can chroot, then mount the hd and copy the iso to the hd, then burn from within chroot?07:58
FlannelAbhi123: You don't open the port, you just make something listen to it.  What program are you trying tohave listen?07:58
jdavis__how do I used emerald with compiz?07:58
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eighty4lafayette, have you tried ?? that is what most routers respond on07:58
Abhi123Flannel, jboss07:58
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FlannelAbhi123: so, configure jboss to listen on port 8080, and it will.  No firewall mucking necessary07:58
osotogariHello, does anyone know how to reset the visualisation options in rythmbox? It keeps crashing when i try to enable them07:58
tim167Alnar thanks i'll have a look07:59
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SeokeHow do I upgrade my ubuntu version from 6.06 to 7.04?07:59
FlannelSeoke: you upgrade to 6.10 and then to 7.0407:59
Flannel!upgrade | Seoke07:59
ubotuSeoke: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:59
Abhi123but when i scan using nmap the port is not open07:59
bulmerlafayette you have your router directly forwarding to your linux box? ie like perhaps configured the router  as DMZ'd ?07:59
lafayetteeighty4: thank you, but i am not on the same local network as the router so that address is not helpful07:59
trakiewizek: have you tried inserting the cd and then when its automatically mounted right clicj the desktop icon and copy disc?07:59
Abhi123i cant access 8080 from other machine07:59
Spaceman3750Sercan, how goes it?07:59
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SeokeFlannel, It only tells me how to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 how do I upgarde to 6.10 from 6.0407:59
FlannelAbhi123: then you must not have properly configured jboss to listen on it (and restarted jboss after changing config files)07:59
lafayettebulmer: no, only the two ports 80 and 2207:59
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Abhi123jboss is fine08:00
supertonesso are the changes from kde 3.5 to 4 going to be anything that special?08:00
Abhi123it is running08:00
borysDoes any have experience accessing a partition on a Promise Fasttrak133 Raid-0 stripe under Feisty? The volume shows up under File Browser, but I'm unable to access it.08:00
FlannelAbhi123: but it's not listening on 8080.08:00
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FlannelSeoke: It tells you how to do that too, further down.  it's 6.06 not 6.04: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:00
Abhi123nmap doesnt show any other port08:00
bulmerlafayette I can ssh to your machine I think, it is responding, but off course since i dont have a user account on it, i dont know hwat to use08:00
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FlannelSeoke: ack, sorry, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades08:00
localwhat option to aptitude will tell it to overwrite the /etc config files that were previously installed... i tried --reinstall however that says "not overwritting deleted /etc... file"08:01
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Abhi123Flannel, 23:26:42,281 INFO  [Http11Protocol]  Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
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lafayettebulmer: you do not get an error? you get a password request?08:01
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FlannelAbhi123: Looks like that's bound to localhost08:01
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bulmerlafayette: it prompts me for a password08:01
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Newbie_DudeIs there an Ubuntu-gamers type of #channel?08:01
Abhi123do i need to give my nat ip?08:02
lafayettehm it prompts me too now08:02
lafayettei don't know wtf happened08:02
lafayettebut thanks for your help08:02
FlannelAbhi123: You probably don't want to bind it to any specific IP08:02
bulmerlafayette: no sweat..sometimes it just needs another pair of eyes :)08:02
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Spaceman3750Newbie_Dude: You could try irc.ubuntu.com08:02
rkglhi, I am using a feisty fawn and x hangs when I play mp4 or any video...08:02
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xipietotecquestion: I'm editing the file /etc/default/acpi-support and there's a section with STOP_SERVICES="mysql " to add more services to stop, do I add another STOP_SERVICES="" line, or just add more to the string?08:02
baikonurlocal: you can delete --purge the configuration files08:02
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bulmerAbhi123: you're attempting to hit your jboss server from a valid internet ip address?08:03
Wizekhow can i have premissions out of terminal? i mean in the GUI.08:03
FlannelSpaceman3750, Newbie_Dude, irc.ubuntu.com is this server (it redirects to freenode)08:03
xipietotecWizek, gksudo / kdesu08:03
Abhi123from my lan08:03
Spaceman3750Flannel: Didn't know that, thanks08:03
Abhi123bulmer, frommy lan08:03
localbaikonur, the package was removed with "remove --purge" already08:03
bulmerAbhi123: and the ip address of your jboss is?08:03
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Spaceman3750sercan, any luck?08:04
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!08:04
baikonurlocal: purge should delete the configuration files08:04
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Abhi123192.168.1.3 LAN IP08:04
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rkglhi, my x hangs when I play mp4 or any video... Can any one help08:04
bulmerAbhi123: how would you like to hit your jboss as? a name or an ipaddress?08:04
xipietotecquestion: I'm editing the file /etc/default/acpi-support and there's a section with STOP_SERVICES="mysql " to add more services to stop, do I add another STOP_SERVICES="" line, or just add more to the string?08:04
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joey__people, true fonts can be installed on kubuntu?08:04
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localbaikonur,  someone had manually deleted them before the aptitude purge....08:04
baikonurlocal: maybe there is a file you created that wasn't in the package originally. dpkg -L packagename shows the content of an installed package08:04
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xipietotecjoey__, yes create a .fonts folder drop them in there08:05
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bulmerAbhi123: and what happens when you do that?08:05
baikonurlocal: it's the other way round? and install does not install them again?08:05
tbamris it possible to restore default files in /etc/pam.d/ ? someone here deleted the whole /etc/pam.d by mistake08:05
joey__xipietotec: in $home ?08:05
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about topix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
Abhi123bulmer, no page08:05
xipietotecjoey__, yep08:05
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bulmerAbhi123: is that from same box as the jboss or another puter?08:05
joey__xipietotec:  how about installing them system wide?08:05
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steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!??08:05
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localbaikonur,  something tracked that the file was manually deleted nad now aptitude is so dam smart it wont do what i want.. which is to put in the file form the package :(08:05
Abhi123bulmer, from another machine08:06
localbaikonur,  nope.. doesnt isntall htem again08:06
tbamris it possible to restore default files in /etc/pam.d/ ? someone here deleted the whole /etc/pam.d by mistake08:06
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bulmerAbhi123: from another machine, can you ping that ?08:06
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Abhi123yes ofcourse08:06
Abhi123apache is running on 8008:06
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Abhi123i can access that08:06
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xipietotecjoey__, /usr/share/fonts/08:06
bulmerAbhi123: i dont know so i have to ask :)08:06
aa^wayhello, how to check or install FireWire? Ive plugged it to computer with hands now id like to install it or something.08:07
joey__xipietotec: is there a package perhaps?08:07
FlannelAbhi123: I imagine JBoss is bound to localhost.  Check the config file for a bind directive08:07
bulmerAbhi123: from same box as the jboss, can you hit that same ip address port 8080 ?08:07
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!08:07
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Abhi123it is ubuntu server , how can i acesses webpages?08:07
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localbaikonur,  http://ocaoimh.ie/2005/04/14/debian-sarge-php4-and-apache2-why-do-you-persecute-me     but that doesnt help.. just shows the issue08:07
xipietotecjoey__, I dunno, I don't think so, but if you want fonts to be universal, you just move the font into /usr/share/fonts/08:07
Abhi123which command bulmer?08:07
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bulmerAbhi123: does your ubuntu have a web browser or lynx?08:08
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Justi1if I delete all my desktop panels, how do I add another08:08
bulmerAbhi123: no? no what?08:08
xipietotecwell, /fonts/truetype or /type1 or /X1108:08
Abhi123no lynx08:08
Abhi123i will install lynx08:08
bulmerAbhi123: what about a web browser?08:08
mhz`lynx is awesome!08:08
xipietotecAbhi123, links2 is better08:08
Abhi123nope.. it is command line08:08
samwizelynx ftw08:08
bulmerAbhi123: also a telnet to port 8080 will at least give you some indications08:09
xipietoteclinks2 > lynx08:09
Justi1if I delete all my desktop panels, how do I add another one?08:09
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FlannelJusti1: go to the top/bottom of the screen, right click, "add panel"08:09
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baikonurlocal: did you try his solution? apt-get remove purge. he uses apt-get not aptitude?08:09
bulmerAbhi123: you have no X server on that server?08:09
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xipietotecquestion: I'm editing the file /etc/default/acpi-support and there's a section with STOP_SERVICES="mysql " to add more services to stop, do I add another STOP_SERVICES="" line, or just add more to the string?08:09
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localbaikonur,  tried them both... no use08:10
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localbaikonur,  also tried dpkg-reconfigure --force package08:10
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rkglhi, my x hangs when I play mp4 or any video... Can any one help08:10
Abhi123bulmer, NO X08:10
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borysquestion: Does any have experience accessing a partition on a Promise Fasttrak133 Raid-0 stripe under Feisty? The volume shows up under File Browser, but I'm unable to access it. Not quite understanding what dmraid is telling me either.08:11
Wizekhow can i have premissions to edit or copy files out of terminal? i mean in the GUI.08:11
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bulmerAbhi123: also a telnet to port 8080 will at least give you some indications <-- try this08:11
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mhz`anyone happen to know the link to the site regarding storing the wireless WPA/WEP key?08:11
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Spaceman3750Wizek, you can open a file with root permissions in gedit by typing "sudo gedit <file>"08:11
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aa^wayhello, how to check or install FireWire? Ive plugged it to computer with hands now id like to install it or something.08:12
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baikonurlocal: what about downloading the package from packages.ubuntu.com and doing dpkg -i packagename?08:12
brainiac8008finalbeta, I got it working.  I had to do some crafty stuff of my own but I did it, with your help.  ty08:12
WizekSpaceman3750, I want to copy a file from Live CD's desktop, to a real HD...08:12
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!08:12
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bulmeraa^way: iptables is installed by default, but by default has no rules08:13
localbaikonur,  the files are in the package.. but nto being installed because the system knows they were manually deleted and thinks thats what i want!08:13
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Abhi123bulmer, localmachine it is working08:13
baikonurlocal: you could ask in #debian :-)08:13
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finalbetabrainiac8008: glad you figured it out. It's always the best way, get some pointers, figure out part of it yourself. That way you don't forget it ;)08:14
WizekI would like to copy a file from Live CD's desktop, to a real HD... How is it possible?08:14
mon^rchokay... so I got my windows decorations back via beryl... compiz no work-ey08:14
locallol baikonur  just did08:14
bulmerAbhi123: come again?08:14
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
brainiac8008finalbeta, thanks again08:14
WizekI would like to copy a file from Live CD's desktop, to a real HD... How is it possible?08:14
Jack_SparrowWizek: what format is the hd you want to write to.08:14
nikinWikek: mount the HD08:15
_joeyI am not trying to start a flaming discussion here. How would you rate SuSE distribution?08:15
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Anlar_joey: the best.08:15
nikinor compy the files to pendrive08:15
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mattva01does anyone know if the  sobby 0.4 backport for dapper is available anywhere?08:15
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WizekJack_Sparrow, ntfs i think08:15
bulmer_joey: i like it myself, thats prior to 10.x ..i have not fiddle with 10.x or opensuse08:15
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Jack_SparrowWizek: if ntfs you will need ntfs-3g08:15
Anlar_joey: it has een selected for use by several agencies and large corporations, and it contains features geared towards larger environments. it is well finished all the way and just absolutely fabulous.08:16
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bulmeri cannot dis-agree with Anlar08:16
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Spaceman3750Wizek: Just e-mail it to yourself, then boot into whatever OS can access the regular HDD, and copy it there08:16
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Abhi123bulmer, from local machine i tried to access through lynx i can see the pages08:16
Anlar_joey: there are lots of suse/novell specific tiny tweaks in it, and they just make you happy daily :)08:16
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Jack_SparrowWizek: Do you have a usb flash drive available?08:16
Justi1spaceman3750: good solution :)08:16
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_joeyAnlar do you if open suse offers livecd to check it out?08:17
Spaceman3750Justi1: Thanks :P08:17
Jack_SparrowWizek: PErhaps if you tell us the reason we might have a better soultion08:17
Abhi123bulmer, http://localhost:8080/application08:17
Wizekit is 650MB :DDD08:17
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bulmerAbhi123: okay, cool..now from another puter, do the same telnet'ing on port 808008:17
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Jack_SparrowWizek: iso?08:17
Spaceman3750Wizek: Thumb drive?08:17
Anlar_joey: umm, I'm not sure. there supposedly is one, but they haven't done those a lot so it is likely it's not the same quality as the installed version in case it exists08:17
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Spaceman3750Wizek: I mean, do you have a thumb drive you can put it on?08:17
Abhi123bulmer, will putty work on 8080?08:17
Wizekwhat is thumb drive?08:18
Spaceman3750Wizek: Nevermind :P08:18
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Jack_SparrowWizek: flash drive.. memory stick etc08:18
bulmerAbhi123: maybe, i dont remember how to configure putty to use port 808008:18
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Wizeki don't have that big08:18
Spaceman3750Wizek: Yeah, a memory stick would work, got one of those?08:18
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!08:18
steve99_how do fix that?08:18
Jimbobyes putty will work on 8080 long as you config ssh to use 8080 ;p08:18
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baikonurAbhi123: you can set the port that's going to be used in putty08:19
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Jack_SparrowWizek: else follow the ntfs-3g info then write it to your ntfs08:19
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:19
Spaceman3750Wizek: Do you have a CD burner and reader, or a combo?08:19
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jdavis__can anyone tell me why 'compiz -c emerald &' gives me only the top left corner of the emerald theme and all the buttons work as if they're there but are invisible along with the rest of the decoration?08:19
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Abhi123baikonur, i dont have sshd in server08:20
Wizekyes i have one, but i have Live CD running in it ;)08:20
Spaceman3750Wizek: Or another computer on the network?08:20
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baikonurAbhi123: what do you mean?08:20
Wizeknetwork is a good way08:21
ralphiusanyone any idea how to play wma in amarok?08:21
Wizekthx u all! :D08:21
Spaceman3750Wizek: It looks like your best option right now :)08:21
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Justi1How can I stop tooltips from poping up when I place the cursor over a window in the 'taskbar'08:21
Spaceman3750No problem :08:21
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_joeyAnlar there's live dvd however; the size of its image is 1.7G08:21
conorkirkpatrickI *would* flood this with happiness, but I will get banned08:21
conorkirkpatrickX STARTED ON MY COMP! YAHOO!08:22
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Justi1I feel your joy08:22
=== savetheWorld hands conorkirkpatrick some "X" vaccine...
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:22
=== conorkirkpatrick feels calmer
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conorkirkpatrickWell, were you in the channel yesterday?08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botlotomy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
aztracker1anyone know when/if alsa 1.0.14 will make it into feisty repos?08:23
JayRoeis it possible to vouch for a script as root?08:23
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:23
nikinJayPe: what do you want to achive08:23
ralphiusOk thanks! ;-)08:23
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jetscreamerspeaking of, any links on getting the livecd to work on an old thinkpad with a savage gpu?08:23
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!08:24
jetscreamerw/o using 'safe mode'08:24
conorkirkpatrickjetscreamer: Look at the boot options08:24
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jetscreameryeah but which one08:24
Newbie_DudeHow come it seems I don't have any privelages to do anything. I insert CDs and it won't let me access the contents (sometimes), I just put my thumbdrive in and it said I didn't have permission to delete something out of it !!!!08:24
conorkirkpatrickjetscreamer: It should be something about a framebuffer08:24
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aztracker1jetscreamer, try:  noapic nolapic  ...boot options08:24
un4getis there any problem with drivers for nVidia FX5200? cause i tried to install them last time and it worked for a day or two an then my computer screen went black and i had to reinstall ubuntu...08:24
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jetscreamerconorkirkpatrick: i booted with vga=normal08:24
JayRoenikin, I've installed mythtv and the media library is on a Vista machine. I'd like it to mount the folders, but fstab won't load them at boot. I can though get fstab to load them manually with fstab -a.08:25
Justi1How can I stop tooltips from poping up when I place the cursor over a window in the 'taskbar'08:25
conorkirkpatrickun4get: I have that GPU, and I spent forever fixiing it, just got it working08:25
conorkirkpatrickun4get: with that being said08:25
Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: Have you used sudo much, have you installed things with scripts instead of manually?08:25
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jetscreamerJayRoe: try using old style /dev/sda1 et al instead of uuid in fstab08:25
conorkirkpatrickun4get: Is there anything wrong right now?08:25
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Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: What is the format on the pendrive08:25
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:26
JayRoejetscreamer, sorry but I don't I follow.08:26
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: not sure i think i formatted it in windows08:26
=== Valued_Customer [n=chatzill@pool-72-95-199-9.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tooltip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
ahornerso should i get automatix08:26
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: i use sudo a lot, whenver people in this channel tell me to08:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tooltips - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:26
nikinJayRoe : maybe you could write a script with is nor Readble by anyone else, and put there   echo "password" | sudo -R fstab -a08:26
Newbie_DudeJusti1: what tooltips do you want to get rid of08:26
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Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: It could be ntfs... or fat32.. or ug.. fat1608:26
JayRoenikin, how would I do that?08:27
samwizefat16 is for cavemen08:27
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: but that doesnt explain why half the CDs i put in the computer i dont have privelages to view.08:27
Justi1newbie_dude: when I put the cursor over a window in the 'taskbar'08:27
nikinjust write a script....08:27
jetscreamerJayRoe: by default ubuntu creates an fstab that uses uuid to mound partitions, instead of /dev/sda1 for instance... i've had the automount problem like that, and it 'seems' to only be the windows/(ntfs?) drives.08:27
Newbie_DudeJusti1: oh the taskbar, no idea :P08:27
Justi1newbie_dude: I have a window preview thing, but the tooltip gets in the way08:27
surviverhello , can anyone help me? in tty 1 (i think its called like that  (ctrl+alt+f1)) i want to change colors like background and stuff just for fun anyone know the commands?08:27
jetscreamerchanging to /dev/sda? works for me on_boot08:27
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Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: No it dosent, but we are talking about possibly different issues.. Have you used automatix or envy scripts ?  Very bad idea by tht way08:28
Newbie_DudeJusti1: if you figure it out let me know, i find all the tooltips on the panels to be annoying :p08:28
JayRoejetscreamer, my local drives are mounted with /dev/sdx08:28
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JayRoejetscreamer, but how would I mount a share that way?08:28
jetscreamerJayRoe: even in the fstab?08:28
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: never08:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:28
jetscreamerJayRoe: are you trying to mount a share or a local partition08:28
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Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: what is on the cd's that dont show up?08:29
JayRoejetscreamer, a several shares from my Vista pc08:29
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ferronicaIf any one who have downloaded GTK-2 theme please tell me :(08:29
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Jack_Sparrowferr yes08:29
Newbie_DudeAlso it gets kinda annoying when I'm going into the /usr/ directory trying to delete something and i have to "gksu nautilus" each time :p08:29
jetscreamerJayRoe: ah, nevermind... i thought you were dual booting and the partition was local08:29
ferronicahow to make my pannel black and character in white ?08:29
milllmannn* anyone know a good resource for installing Postfix on dapper?08:29
conorkirkpatrickI wish my old Dell didn't have such a slow HD, Ubuntu has been booting for 10 minutes :D Oh, there are the icons... *awaits menu bar*08:29
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: well my own burnt CDs showed up fine, but when I put in both of my Quake 4 DVDs (from windows) it said i didnt have permission to view and i had to gksu nautilus08:29
jetscreamerif by panel you mean xterm just edit the default profile (for gnome-terminal)08:30
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abuhasantrying to UNINSTALL realplayer....any help?08:30
ochafirefox won08:30
survivercan anyone help me? in tty 1 (i think its called like that  (ctrl+alt+f1)) i want to change colors like background and stuff just for fun anyone know the commands?08:30
ochafirefox won'08:30
ferronicaIf any one who have downloaded GTK-2 theme please tell me :(08:30
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conorkirkpatricksurviver: I think you can only do that in Xterm08:30
jetscreamersurviver: look at (edit) ~/.bashrc08:30
aztracker1Newbie_Dude, you can use gksu as the command line (similar to sudo) start for a shortcut in the menu.. I usually do this to add a gksu gedit and gksu nautilus so they're easier to get to..08:30
conorkirkpatricksurviver: or not :D08:30
jamyskisdoes anyone know anything about automount problems beyond fstab?08:31
nikinferronica: you had problems installing it?08:31
ochafirefox won't load up webpages, but i got internet working.  it won't load up webpages like it's no internet, but im on irc.08:31
surviverconorkirkpatrick, hehe08:31
bulmersurviver: look into tput08:31
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Newbie_Dudeaztracker1: great idea, i'll make a shortcut that automatically runs gksu nautilus, good thinking :)08:31
jetscreameredit it for colorocity08:31
bulmersurviver: and maybe stty08:31
jamyskismy dvd-rom drive refuses to automount, the fstab is correct, the automount is set in the config but dvds refuse to automount08:31
=== conorkirkpatrick waits for 4x CD drive to load installer... ouch
=== varioust [n=varioust@CPE-72-133-56-132.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jamyskisand permissions for the /dev/hdc and /dev/cdrom are correct too08:31
surviverbulmer, thx ill take a look08:31
jetscreamersee also ~/.bash_profile08:31
JayRoenikin you still here?08:31
surviverjetscreamer, ill take a look :08:31
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jetscreamertry mine first08:31
samwizeconorkirkpatrick: i remember using 4x speed08:31
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nikinJayRoe: sure08:32
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conorkirkpatricksamwize: SLOOOOOOW right?08:32
samwizemore than08:32
samwizei once had a 2x drive though08:32
=== Commander-Ape [n=bastiani@p508F140D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
conorkirkpatricksamwize: Installer still loading08:32
Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: THe one problem.. the flash drive is probably ntfs which can be fixed with ntfs-3g.. the other issue the cd's you will need to ask someone that plays quake..08:32
conorkirkpatrickThats even worse!08:32
jetscreamerdvd's won't automount if you don't have libdvdcss2 probably08:32
samwizeback in like 1997 :P08:32
jetscreameret al08:32
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: i jsut checked my thumbdrive, it is FAT3208:32
Commander-Apehow do i delete all folders in a directory without touching the files, in a shell?08:32
ferronicanikin: nope, i wanna use its pannel theme only08:32
jetscreamerif a video dvd08:32
conorkirkpatricksamwize: Don't know the date, but this is a Dell Dimension L800R08:33
jetscreamera data dvd nm08:33
JayRoenikin, how should I write the script? at the moment it says "sudo mount //host/share /var/lib/mythtv/vidoes/movies"08:33
ferronicanikin: just gnome-pannel theme08:33
un4getconokirkpatrick: now im not working with the drivers, im working with the defult ubuntu settings so i can use the screen, but if i install the drivers via restrict drive manager i wont be able to see nothing (black screen)08:33
nikinJayRoe:  pm me08:33
Newbie_DudeJack_Sparrow: i use my thumbdrive to transfer files from my ubuntu machine to windows machine at school, should I keep FAT32 or reformat?08:33
bulmerCommander-Ape: try rm -rf /directory/to/erase08:33
nikinferronica: i ame afraid i cant help.. i use Xfce408:33
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Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: keep fat3208:33
conorkirkpatrickun4get: Have you tried sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-net (Thats what just made my card start working)08:33
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bulmerCommander-Ape: oopps.that includes all files..hang on..08:33
Commander-Apebulmer: i tried to walk around this, because i dont know the names of the folders which are created by a script08:33
un4getnop should i try it now?08:33
=== mom [n=martin@pool-141-158-125-82.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
samwizei still have a dell dimension from 1995 locked up somewhere, its cd drive was replaced but it had a driver conflict and it only accepts floppy now08:33
=== peanutman [n=eddy@100.96-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeIs there a way to mount ISOs that's easier than using terminal? Perhaps like a program that lets the CD show up on the desktop like a normal CD does?08:34
jetscreamerwhat's ubuntu for !pdo08:34
serenityNewbie_Dude:  yes Q4 cds >1 are known to be set to root permissions it's a bug08:34
ferronicanikin: oh okay08:34
conorkirkpatrickun4get: You could, worst comes to worst, you get thrown to a Shell with no GUI, which is where I was, but you could just reinstall default drivers08:34
serenityDVD is ok08:34
bulmerCommander-Ape: it may take me a while to search the man pages..or google..08:34
aztracker1JayRoe, look into smbfs package...08:34
=== RedBull73 [n=redbull7@AAnnecy-152-1-91-240.w86-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
elmo40Jack_Sparrow, was it digital, or darth that have a copy of tiny?08:34
Jack_SparrowNewbie_Dude: If that problem with the falsh continues it might be corrupt format and need to be reformatted and or checked... but I would stick to fat32 for the flash drive08:34
Newbie_Dudeserenity: Interesting, so it's a Quake4 CD thing, how weird!08:35
un4getit said "couldnt find package"08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about puo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
HEP85Newbie_Dude: gisomount08:35
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conorkirkpatricksamwize: YES! the outline of the installer window just drew!08:35
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Jack_Sparrowelmo40: darth08:35
JayRoeaztracker1 what do you mean?08:35
aztracker1JayRoe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba08:35
serenityNewbie_Dude:  DVD is OK08:35
HEP85Newbie_Dude: is your user account in the cdrom system group?08:35
un4getconorkirkpatrick: it said "couldnt find package"08:35
aztracker1will give you smbmount for mounting smb shares08:35
Newbie_DudeHEP85: we found the problem it's that Quake4 CDs are knwon to be set to root permission :P according to serenity08:36
momXfce is less cpu-intensive than gnome, meaning it will run better on this piece-of-crap computer, correct?08:36
conorkirkpatrickun4get: I forgot, first do "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx"08:36
conorkirkpatricknoquotes :D08:36
IndyGunFreakmom: yes, thats correct08:36
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Newbie_DudeHEP85: i've only had the problem with the Quake 4 CD, but also the Quake 4 CD was the first non-burnt CD i put in, so it was just coincidence and i thought it was all non-burnt CDs08:36
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HEP85Newbie_Dude: I see08:36
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un4getconorkirkpatrick: it said "package not installed so not removed"08:36
mrsnoNewbie_Dude whilst im not sure about your cd problems, you can copy your q4 directory across from windows, then use the linux patch to patch it for gaming in linux08:37
Newbie_DudeHEP85: thanks for gisomount, will download that soon08:37
conorkirkpatrickun4get: Okay, thats good, we didn't want it anyway :D Now be sure you type this exactly (without the quotes) "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"08:37
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peanutmani am trying to compile something by letting ./configure make me a makefile, but it complains it can not find any MD5 function, what do i need to install to get md5 functionality.08:37
peanutmanChecking for MD5... no08:37
peanutmanChecking for library containing MD5... no08:37
peanutmanconfigure: error: need MD5 function08:37
=== zabovo [n=mcogoni@abo-218-81-68.mrs.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_Dudemrsno: i heard about that :) gonna try that, but wanna get quake2 working first (Quake2 is better IMO) :P08:37
akosWhat can I use to format a partition as fat32?08:37
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HEP85akos: gparted08:37
un4getinstalling now08:37
mrsnoNewbie_Dude  quake4 is to quake2 that quake 3 is to quakeworld ;] 08:37
elmo40peanutman, interesting... maybe apt-get install md5?08:38
jetscreamersudo mount -t auto -o loop /path/to/blah.iso /mntpoint  what could be easier, esp since you can alias it in .bashrc and it would also be in your history08:38
un4getconorkirkpatrick: its installing now08:38
peanutmanelmo40: no such package08:38
aleksanteriwhat package gnome uses as the sound mixer?08:38
conorkirkpatrickun4get: oh, ok :D08:38
Newbie_Dudemrsno: Have you tried Open Arena yet? I heard it's better than Quake Arena, downloading it now :)08:38
=== weissjo [n=weissjo@85-127-225-147.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
un4getconorkirkpatrick: downloading and installing now... after that just do a restart and thats it?08:38
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conorkirkpatrickNot yet08:38
gnomefreakaleksanteri: alsamixer08:38
elmo40apt-cache search md5 | grep md5 , then see which app looks closer to the md5 app :P08:38
conorkirkpatrickun4get: there is another command08:38
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conorkirkpatrickun4get: I need to remember it, but don't restart08:38
un4getok, im gonna tell you after its done installing...08:38
akoselmo40, its md5sum08:39
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un4getok no problem...08:39
mrsnoNewbie_Dude im a long time q3'r so i would have to disagree :p but yea its great fun, really looking forward to ET quakewars when its released + native client comes for linux08:39
=== Andy80 [n=dfgsdfg@host154-207-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie_DudeDoes anyone know what "alacarte" is? SOmeone said it could help me with my compiling and installation problems.08:39
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gnomefreakNewbie_Dude: its menu editor08:39
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gnomefreakMerijn: system>prefferences> main menu or menu editor depending what version of ubuntu you are on08:39
Newbie_Dudegnomefreak: oh ok, well the menu seems pretty editable as it is, i just right-click :p08:40
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gnomefreakdapper may still have alacarte in menu08:40
gnomefreakNewbie_Dude: same thing08:40
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Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate than default?08:40
aleksanterignomefreak: yeah, but where kde uses kmix, what gnome uses?08:40
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gnomefreakNewbie_Dude: it opens alacarte08:40
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Newbie_Dudegnomefreak: oh ok :) that is alacarte, cool08:40
gnomefreakaleksanteri: alsamixer08:40
serenityaleksanteri: gnome-volume-manager i think?08:40
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serenityalsamixer is cli08:40
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elmo40peanutman, got that? apt-get install md5sum08:41
aleksanterinow i see... i was wondering why i didn't hear any sound :P08:41
aleksanterialsamixer has everything in 008:41
gnomefreakserenity: for the most part but it allows you to do things that gnome-volume-control diesnt08:41
Newbie_DudeAnyone ever gotten Unreal Tournament (the original) to work with the Loki installer? That's my current project.08:41
un4getconorkirkpatrick: ok, done... installed, what now?08:41
=== |Mafioso| [n=Miranda@p548707B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakaleksanteri: than you need to find the right one to enable08:41
conorkirkpatrickCan someone remember the command to have the nvidia-glx-new drivers make a new xorg.conf?08:41
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peanutmanelmo40: no suck package :(08:41
conorkirkpatrickCan someone remember the command to have the nvidia-glx-new drivers make a new xorg.conf?08:41
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d1gita1i am failing to resize the windows partition on my laptop... is there a way to correct this without wiping the whole thing/08:41
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aleksanterihow to enable?08:41
gnomefreakconorkirkpatrick: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:41
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starshineI have a question about fiesty for sparc, is this the right room?08:42
|Mafioso|i lost my ubuntu pw, how to change it?08:42
erUSULconorkirkpatrick: nvidia-xconfig enable?08:42
erUSUL!nvidia | conorkirkpatrick08:42
gnomefreakconorkirkpatrick: ther eis also nivida-xconfig08:42
ubotuconorkirkpatrick: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:42
conorkirkpatrickefUSL: thnx08:42
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aleksanteriwhat key to enable?08:42
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conorkirkpatrickun4get: nvidia-xconfig enable08:42
un4getwe have a winner?08:42
jmwI just upgraded a box from dapper -> edgy -> feisty.  Everything went pretty well, the only thing I'm having is a little apache weirdness.  So I'm trying to uninstall all the apache packages.  when I do dpkg -l  I can see apache packages, but if I try apt-get remove <package> it says they aren't installed.08:42
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bobonthenetcan anyone recommend a specific tutorial for creating scripts for running terminal applications?  I've never done this before but I'd really like to learn.08:42
gnomefreakaleksanteri: what is your problem08:42
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aleksanterignomefreak: can't hear sound08:42
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rehsifttamAnyone having Geforce 8500GT issues?08:42
chaotichey when  installing kubuntu  as dual boot my linux drive is set to mount /media/hda1 do i leave it there or mount to /08:43
un4getit said: invalid command line08:43
JayRoenikin I keep getting errors. It doesn't want the -R in there and without it, it doesn't work either08:43
conorkirkpatrickerUSUL: Do you remember a command to make a new xorg.conf, but one that was really long?08:43
gnomefreakaleksanteri: what is master set at?08:43
conorkirkpatrickun4get: Yeah, that wasn't the right one08:43
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
un4getlol, ok08:43
aleksanteriset it to 10008:43
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gnomefreakaleksanteri: move it to say 8008:43
aleksanteribut it says it's still off08:43
ant30hi all08:43
starshinefeisty/sparc is having trouble honouring my sun4 keyboard :( dpkg-reconfigure console-setup spouts about sun_vndr/us08:43
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gnomefreakaleksanteri: your not done with just one08:43
aleksanteriyeah i know08:43
aleksanterii know PCM needs to be set too08:43
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gnomefreakaleksanteri: base and treble up to 50ish08:44
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aleksanteribut i don't know how to enable it08:44
un4getanybody.... ?08:44
gnomefreakpcm around the same as master08:44
aleksanteri"Item: Master [Off] "08:44
aleksanterihow i take that [Off]  out08:44
gnomefreakaleksanteri: the up arrow08:44
starshineI *really* want to be able to work with my ultrasparc at console in an emergency, having to ssh in is a serious weakness08:44
=== scott [n=scott@adsl-065-012-199-190.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ant30Does somebody know how to create a new action for gnome direct access keys ?08:44
akosWhat can I use to have /etc/fstab rebuilt automatically? gparted doesnt have the feature, does it?08:44
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aleksanteriit doesn't take the [Off]  away08:44
d1gita1 i am failing to resize the windows partition on my laptop... is there a way to correct this without wiping the whole thing08:45
starshineesp as one of the keys that refuses to work is 'r' so I cannot type 'root' in answer to 'Login:'08:45
nocturne_what is the theme in KDE that has like a round oval at the top with shiny buttons08:45
ninixhi, anyone know the package for allow k3b to burn mp3 audio cd ?08:45
un4getconorkirkpatrick: should i wait for somethin... ?08:45
serenityrehsifttam: my 8800gts works great but I use drivers from nvidia website not ubuntu drivers08:45
conorkirkpatrickun4get: sudo nvidia-xconfig08:45
chaotichey when  installing kubuntu  as dual boot my linux drive is set to mount /media/hda1 do i leave it there or mount to /08:45
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gnomefreakaleksanteri: makes me think you have something else like the card and drivers enabled08:45
erUSULconorkirkpatrick: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ??08:45
un4getcommand not found08:45
un4getoh ok08:46
gnomefreakun4get: add enable to the end of that command08:46
gnomefreakerUSUL: dont use the '08:46
serenityrehsifttam:  if you do try make sure u uninstall ubuntu restricted drivers first08:46
un4getnew x configuration file is written.....08:46
aleksanteriaye now i hit some key and the Off went away08:46
starshineoh yeah and it's ubuntu-server so I don't intend to have X11 present. it probably is anyway... but...08:46
pushpopwhat would be the comand I would use to uninstall vmware-server08:46
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un4getwhen i add enable = invalid command, but without that sudo nvidia-xconfig said: "new x configuration file written to........."08:47
akosWhat can I use to have /etc/fstab rebuilt automatically? gparted doesnt have the feature, does it?08:47
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=== starshine hates whispering into silences :(
bobonthenetCan anyone recommend a specific tutorial for creating scripts for running terminal applications?  I've never done this before and I'd really like to learn.08:47
aleksanteriwell. it still works :D08:47
erUSULgnomefreak: ?? i use it to quote the actual command why is it wrong?08:47
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conorkirkpatrickun4get: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose nvidia as the driver08:47
aleksanterita gnomefreak08:47
gnomefreakerUSUL: just incase he went to type the '08:47
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un4getnow it says: identify your video card08:48
gnomefreakerUSUL: wasnt for you spiecificly08:48
serenitystarshine: i use server on my laptop its only 500mb no X unless you apt-get it.  you learn alot from command line08:48
conorkirkpatrickun4get: "nvidia"08:48
starshine.o( is anyone in here enough of a console-keyboard techie to help me?08:48
nocturne_can someone running kubuntu tell me the themes that come with it08:48
=== surviver [n=alex@cust-83-35.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate for audio than default?08:48
un4getit says: "Generic video card" should i delete it and write nvidia ?08:48
starshineserenity: I already have it installed. ultrasparcs arent laptops. I need the sun4 kbd to work.08:48
erUSULgnomefreak: fair enough ;)08:48
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=== gnomefreak confused now. conorkirkpatrick why are you going throught eh sudo dpkg-=reconfigure i fyou ran sudo nvidia-config enable?
cerealstarshine: what do you want to do?08:49
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conorkirkpatrickgnomefreak: IDK, In fact, I am at a loss of what to do, can you help out un4get?08:49
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un4getplease... :)08:49
surviverhello can anyone help me farther? i just tested xterm, so i can change it in console but i cant change in tty1... anyone know how to do there?08:49
gnomefreakconorkirkpatrick: finish runnign through dpkg and ill be right back08:49
conorkirkpatrickgnomefreak: k08:50
starshinecereal: I'd like to see the correct letters types when I use the sun native (type4) keyboard on my ultrasparc. so far it's a lose. I tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup about a half dozen times so far experimenting.08:50
conorkirkpatrickun4get: wait for gnomefreak's help :D08:50
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un4getso for now not to do anything?08:50
conorkirkpatrickun4get: He has this down more than mo08:50
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starshinecereal: of course I ran this while ssh'd in, sudo'd to root, and running the command from a pc08:50
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cerealstarshine: oh, I've never needed to customize that...sorry I cant help there :(08:50
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starshineas my ultra5 has no usb interface I have no means to force it onto a pc keyboard :(08:51
=== conorkirkpatrick ssh's into
starshineand I would have hoped the sparc distro would default to one or the other sun native keyboard?08:51
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localdoes the java package work on 64bit?08:51
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localdoes the flash package work on 64bit?08:52
Hellfishanyone experienced the error 21 when loading GRUB ?08:52
JayRoecan someone tell me why 'echo "password" | sudo -S mycommand' doesn't work?08:52
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surviverlocal, flash over here works (feisty)08:52
=== conorkirkpatrick :installer has been loading for 10 minutes :D
localthanks.. how bout jagva>08:52
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surviverlocal, didnt test that one had some troubles with it ..08:52
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gnomefreakun4get: ok you out of dpkg-reconfigure?08:52
locali do alot of java08:53
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surviverlocal, are u programmer?08:53
localso what does 64bit ubuntu buy me on a owrkstation?08:53
starshineif anyone knows how I can *undo* its attempted keyboard setting I'd gladly enjoy whatever is built into the kernel, since that's probably correct...08:53
localsurviver, programer.. architect and PM08:53
elmo40local, java should work in any 'bit' system.08:53
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un4getwhat now...08:53
surviverlocal, lol nice i program in free time :p08:53
gnomefreakelmo40: java for 64 isnt avilable atm08:53
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tom_Anyone know what library i need to get X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h?08:53
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localelmo40,  java from sun is a diff exe for 64 vs 32 bit os's08:54
gnomefreakun4get: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file please08:54
mhz`anyone know how to store wireless key so that it doesn't need to be entered every time you connect?08:54
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un4getgnomefreak: what do you mean?08:54
pushpopwhat would be the comand I would use to uninstall vmware-server08:54
localsurviver, what do u do full time08:54
gnomefreakun4get: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:54
surviverlocal, still at school08:54
Nutubuntu!pastebin | un4get08:54
ubotuun4get: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:54
=== HOT [n=olid@82-69-88-239.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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gnomefreakun4get: once thats open let me know08:54
localmsg if uyou need me08:54
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gnomefreakpushpop: sudo apt-get remove --purge vnc....08:55
survivercan anyone help? i just tested xterm, so i can change colors in console but i cant change in tty1... anyone know how to do there?08:55
Bosambo@ Mhz: http://lifehacker.com/software/networking/stop-nm+applet-from-authenticating-with-the-keyring-276986.php08:55
gnomefreakoops vmware-server08:55
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Neil-checking for sdl-config... no08:55
Neil-checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no08:55
=== Batfinks [n=alex@cpc2-birk1-0-0-cust627.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Neil-what packages do i need for this?08:55
starshineI'm even willing to steal parts frm plain ancient debian if I knew what would make the da* console work :(08:55
gnomefreakNeil-: are you building something that is in repos?08:56
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starshinefoudn website mention of console-setup-sun4-ekmap but it got me a udeb and no extra commands that I can spot08:56
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gnomefreakNeil-: something like libsdl1.2-dev08:56
serenityNeil: try typing sdl-config it will tell you which package to install08:57
gnomefreakNeil-: depends what ubuntu what version of that package and what you are building08:57
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starshineI probably need its enhanced keyboards values though :'(08:57
Neil-gnomefreak: Building zsnes.. Its ubuntu 7.0408:57
Justi1what is better to install with- tar.bz2 or tar.gz08:57
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gnomefreakNeil-: install the package i gave above it should be in feisty08:57
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:57
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Neil-gnomefreak: thankyou :)08:57
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gnomefreakun4get: ok give me a minute08:57
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un4getok, thank u!!!08:57
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gnomefreakun4get: type lspci in a new termmial08:58
serenitybz2 usually little bit smaller i think08:58
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un4getok and...08:58
zeelothey, does anyone know how I can make the menu items start a 2nd row for extra items instead of making me scroll down? I dont see anything for that in the alacarte08:58
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survivercan anyone help? i just tested xterm, so i can change colors in console but i cant change in tty1... anyone know how to do there?08:58
starshineI need my sparc operational so I'm reluctant to wipe it out, but I dunno what to do to make it safe if it ends up in its environment alone08:58
gnomefreakun4get: you see a line like 02:09.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] 08:58
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un4getin what i typed?08:59
gnomefreakun4get: yes08:59
un4geti see ity08:59
BosamboDid you get that mhz?08:59
mhz`yea, not what i was looking for08:59
gnomefreakun4get: what is the numberse at the start of that line08:59
mhz`that's having you set your login passwd to the wifi passwd08:59
mhz`and shit08:59
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gnomefreakmhz`: watch your lanuage please08:59
gnomefreakun4get: look in your gedit window08:59
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elmo40gnomefreak, what you mean java64 is not available...09:00
d1gita1I am trying to install fiesty on my laptop. I have 2 identical dell laptops, one of which i have already installed it successfully, so hardware compatibility is not an issue.  I reach the partitioning step during installation, and whether i use guided or manual partitioning, it says that it failed to resize my windows partition.  Is there a way to fix this without deleting the partition altogether?09:00
=== starshine attempts to find a ps2 connector on her ultra5
gnomefreakun4get: you see "PCI:1:0:0" in the device section09:00
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jamyskiscan anyone lend a hand with my automount problem?09:00
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gnomefreakelmo40: in ubuntu packages java 1.4blackdown is the only thing you can get for 64bit09:00
zeelotsomething like how it is in XP09:00
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gnomefreakelmo40: and you get lots of issues09:00
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anixhkrwhat's new?09:00
starshineif the only answer to keyboard on sparc is 'use a pc keyboard' I've no idea what I'll do..09:00
skollied1gita1: have you done the defrag thing on the windows drive?09:00
un4getgnomefreak: yes i see it09:00
sotec_prodquestion: does anyone have a fully functional Logitech G5 under Ubuntu?09:01
gnomefreakelmo40: thats why we build nspluginwrapper for gutsy09:01
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survivergnomefreak, i found somewhere to fix flash for 64 bit...09:01
gnomefreakun4get: what are the numbers there?09:01
starshineI don't even know where to file a bug that anyone would actually fix :(09:01
gnomefreaksurviver: gnash09:01
gnomefreakgnash 0.8.009:01
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gnomefreakun4get: ok good09:01
d1gita1skollie: no, i didnt even think of that. i will try that now.09:01
gnomefreakun4get: close geidt09:01
starshinebrb checking other room..09:01
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torsanFor some reason grub isnt installin when I install ubuntu09:02
elmo40gnomefreak, who would install java32 from ubuntu when java64 from java.com is available?09:02
gnomefreakun4get: what nvidia package did you install?09:02
HEP85_jamyskis: what's your problem?09:02
scoobtitsanyone want to help me getting wine setup and working?09:02
sotec_prodor a working tutorial for a Logitech G5 under ubuntu?09:02
survivercan anyone help? i just tested xterm, so i can change colors in console but i cant change in tty1... anyone know how to do there?09:02
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un4getwhat conorkirkpatrick told me to ...09:02
un4getglx-nvidia-new something like that09:02
gnomefreakelmo40: big differnece on what is supported and what is not supported09:02
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Miranda32 I disabled wireless encryption and enabled SSDI, there is a Unknown WLAN client showing up right now. What is it? Where is it from?09:02
gnomefreakun4get: ok 5200 good move09:02
HellfishI hope someone can help I have a little problem with ubuntu. When I have installed it I get a error 21 when loading ubuntu. I think it has something to do with Im using RAID09:02
skollied1gita1: if that does not fix your problem, you need to get the System Rescue CD and use qtparted09:02
HEP85_scoobtits: ok09:02
gnomefreakun4get: now reboot :)09:02
un4getit should work?09:02
gnomefreakun4get: if you see nvidia splash screen you are good09:02
sotec_prodlogitech doesn't have an irc channel...09:03
elmo40what goes wrong with java.com version? i dont see why the 'official' product would be problematic. has not been for me.09:03
gnomefreakun4get: yep looks it to me09:03
un4geti hope i wont see black...09:03
un4getthank u09:03
jamyskisHEP85_: my DVD automount doesn't work anymore...the permissions on /dev/hdc and /dev/cdrom are correct, the fstab is correct, automount is checked in the removable media applet, and I'm at a loss to know what to do09:03
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jamyskisHEP85_: i've been posting this around at least once a week for the past two months with no answer09:03
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gnomefreakelmo40: any bugs you have with firefox or any other browser any java package and eclipse or anything else that is java related will now be sent to javva09:03
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elmo40gnomefreak, problems with java, now you are pulling my leg :P09:04
scoobtitsHEP85_, you there>09:04
gnomefreakelmo40: if that is something new users should have to deal with than fine but please dont suggest grabbing no official packages09:04
HEP85_jamyskis: very strange. I don't think I can help you09:04
torsanGrub isnt installing when I install ubuntu :(09:04
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gnomefreaktorsan: wait til its done09:04
torsanfind /boot/grub/stage1 returns nothing09:04
HEP85_scoobtits: have you already installed the wine package?09:04
starshinepressing q on sun4 keyboard produces [18~09:04
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torsanI've done this 3 times09:05
scoobtitsi installed wine via add/remove programs09:05
scoobtitsand that is all09:05
PurpZeYtorsan: Are you installing over vista?09:05
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gnomefreak!grub | torsan09:05
ubotutorsan: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:05
LukeIn sreen, my backspace doesn't work. I have to use ctrl+h. Does anyone know how to fix this?09:05
milllmannnwhat is ISPConfig09:05
HEP85_scoobtits: can you run winecfg?09:05
torsanI've read through all of that09:05
torsannone of it works09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
elmo40ok, so java.com is not an official package? I guess not official from ubuntu repo... but THE official java package.     I understand, though, ubuntu wants to keep things 'tight' and control versions... no biggie to me. I keep my 'thinking outside of the box' ideas to myself. Sorry for the confusion. :/09:05
scoobtitsyou see i dont even know what that is......should i?09:05
starshineit was so easy during install :'(09:05
elmo40ubotu, java09:05
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:05
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scoobtitsHEP85_, i need to configure wine with winecfg?09:06
torsanfor some reason grub is just not worrying about installing09:06
HEP85_scoobtits: it's the configuration program for wine. just type it in the terminal09:06
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PurpZeYtorsan: Are you installing over vista?09:06
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scoobtitsHEP85_, ok09:06
elmo40wow, looks like a sun-java version to me.09:06
marldoes anyone know if there is a way to map data on one server on another, but using usernames rather than user id? eg. server 1 user marl has an id of 505 and on server 2 user marl has an id of 565, im trying to find a way of allowing data acceess but that will work by user name rather than UID, like NFS (but so far i have hit problems with UIDs on NFS)09:06
torsanim on a separate hard drive, the other 1 has xp09:06
survivercan anyone help? i just tested xterm, so i can change colors in console but i cant change in tty1... anyone know how to do there?09:06
gnomefreaktorsan: what install command are you runing and is this from a chroot or from another os?09:06
rolfenjamyskis: do you see the DVD in the left pane of the file manager when you insert a dvd?09:06
HawdyI have a simulare problem as torsan09:07
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gnomefreaksurviver: you cant change colors in tty09:07
starshineunplugging and unplugging the sun4 -> no joy. there *is no* ps2 connector on this model.09:07
trippndariftAre there any file shredding utilities on linux like on MS windows?09:07
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scoobtitsHEP85_, k i got the window open, now what should i configure anything specific??09:07
BillyI need to convert my m4a to mp3...  my box will play the m4a but not my car cd player so I need to convert them to mp3... can any one help me with this?09:07
elmo40marl, dont think this room will help on that one.09:07
HEP85_scoobtits: normally everything should be configured okay, except the cdrom09:07
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marlthank elmo4009:07
torsanI dunno what that means grub just wont install09:07
marlspeek u guys later09:07
torsanim on a live cd09:07
gnomefreaksurviver: tty is there as a last resort it is not configurible (atleast easly)09:07
survivergnomefreak, how? in gui i can change them but in tty 1 etc i cant when i try xterm..09:07
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elmo40marl good luck!09:07
jeroenlabassHi ya all i'm trying out Ruby.TK but when i start irb require"tk" i cant make  a window it says syntax error near token'(" orso can someone help09:07
starshinemarl: try samba.09:07
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skolliebillybob: google for a converter. I found one a while back but cannot remember where09:07
rolfenjamyskis: if not try to reinstall gnome-volume-manager09:07
Newbie_Dudewhy did my X-Chat system tray icon suddenly appear floating in the upper-left corner of my screen, in a little box?09:07
HEP85_scoobtits: open the "Drives" tab and add a new drive09:07
djm62Billy: SoundConverter will do it, I think09:07
survivergnomefreak, ok :)09:07
HOTmarl: cant you use NIS to unify UID's?09:08
gnomefreaksurviver: tty is system terminal not meant to be used by average user09:08
scoobtitsHEP85_, k09:08
PurpZeYNewbie_Dude: You running beryl?09:08
djm62Billy: use Synaptic search to find it09:08
torsanI have 1 harddrive with xp, and this hard drive with ubuntu09:08
skolliebillybob:  [oops]  google for a converter. I found one a while back but cannot remember where09:08
survivergnomefreak, ok :) iam quiet new to all linux stuff iam on it like 2 weeks now :d09:08
Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate for audio than default?09:08
gnomefreaktorsan: it makes me think you havent tried it since you still havent given me a command that you ran09:08
HEP85_scoobtits: select the newly created drive (should be D:) and at path type "/media/cdrom/" without the quotes. then click on "Show advanced" and set type to "CDROM"09:08
r0b-how do i make it so anyone can use a file?09:08
torsanwhat command am I supposed to run? :S09:08
marlhot, old server isnt using NIS and cant rsk changing the configs on it to much, trrying to bring a new server on line, the old one is almost dead :(09:09
HawdyTorsan, maybe it has something to do with the live disc09:09
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Billydjm62:  thank you for telling me about synaptic, now how do i get to that?09:09
gnomefreaktorsan: read the grub docs on your error please09:09
starshinein current conditions if userland fails for some reason there is no ability to come into my sparc via console.  any sparc keyboard experts pls help09:09
scoobtitsit only has c and z09:09
torsanive read plenty of docs09:09
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scoobtitsHEP85_, it only has c and z09:09
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Hawdycos when I install mine with one harddisk (xp and another with ubuntu) it install GRUB09:09
gnomefreaktorsan: or on how to reover after windows install09:09
elmo40r0b-, chmod it, so everyone can see it09:09
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torsanthe docs are on restoring grub. i dont have grub09:09
djm62Billy: oh, sorry, System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager so that you can install SoundConverter09:09
starshineweirdly enough oot works, but r doesn't..09:09
HOTmarl: tell me one more time exactly what you want to acheive09:09
HEP85_scoobtits: therefore you have to click on "Add..." first09:09
jamyskisrolfen: strange...it's there, and it automounts if i select it from nautilus09:09
btsdevHey guys i am trying to use a higher resolution framebuffer before I type 'startx' to go into GNOME... so in /boot/grub/menu.list i changed the vga parameter to be 0x31a for 1280x1024 but now my framebuffer is misaligned with my monitor edges.. anyone know how i can have both my framebuffer and X server aligned correctly with my monitor?09:09
scoobtitsHEP85_, oh k lmao09:10
Newbie_DudePurpZeY: nope. sometimes out of nowhere one of the items in my system tray appears somewhere else in a little box that i can minimize, maximize, and close09:10
HawdyHave someone experienced error 21 ?09:10
Billydjm62:  awsome thank you so much... moving right now.09:10
gnomefreaktorsan: do you not have grub or is it not where it should be. apt-cache policy grub09:10
HEP85_scoobtits: you can then leave the configuration program with "OK" button09:10
torsanits not here09:10
gnomefreaktorsan: what does that say on the installed line09:10
anixhkrtorsan: you are wanting to install grub, but you don't know if it's on the cd?09:10
torsanthat's my problem09:10
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djm62can anyone tell me how I can put my computer to sleep, but get it to wake up at a specified time and make a loud noise?09:10
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r0b-what permissions do i use?09:10
rolfenjamyskis: if it is there what exactly is your problem?09:10
un4getgnomefreak: thats gonna be a NO....09:10
elmo40r0b-, you can make it chmod 666 for everyone to read/write to it. 777 makes all variable, including execute09:10
djm62the computer sleeps fine, all the ACPI stuff is good09:10
HOTdjm62: probly best using the bios for that09:10
PurpZeYNewbie_Dude: Well, I've had that happen, I always thought it was b/c of beryl, but what I do is, force-quit that box...then remove my panel notification app and re-add it...and restart nm-applet09:10
HEP85_scoobtits: your windows drive is located at ~/.wine/drive_c09:10
brittany x60'ers in here?09:10
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un4getim using the LIveCD now, i saw a blackscreen on my sys09:10
gnomefreaktorsan: than you need to get a new ISO and start all iver or check the md5sum of the iso you already downloaded if you still have that partition09:10
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HEP85_scoobtits: do you have a windows application to test?09:11
jamyskisrolfen: when i put the cd or dvd in the icon doesn't show up straight away on the desktop as an icon09:11
jamyskisrolfen: and cd'ing to the /media/cdrom shows it hasn't been automounted09:11
gnomefreaktorsan: iso or burn was bad most likely md5sum was off09:11
scoobtitsHEp85_, yea i got steam but i need to install a font first09:11
torsanwell it shows it's installed, but when i enter grub and find /boot/grub/stage1 or root (hd0) any of that says grub isnt there09:11
gnomefreaktorsan: than its there09:11
anixhkrtorsan: yep, when you boot the cd, select check cd for errors, and see if you have any errors. if so, re-download and burn the iso image09:11
r0b-i tried it wont work09:11
=== mattva01 [n=matthew@c-69-143-121-184.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hawdytorsan: try using alternate desktop CD (text based) it works for me09:11
rolfenjamyskis: did you configure your system to show removable devices on the desktop?09:11
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elmo40you need to be root to do that, if you dont own the file09:11
un4getgnomefreak: Didnt work, i saw a black screen and now im using the LiveCD....09:11
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HEP85_scoobtits: yes you need tahoma.ttf and put it in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts09:11
torsanive used this cd before is the thing... should work09:12
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gnomefreaktorsan: notice i said is it not there ir is it where you cant find it09:12
jamyskisrolfen: it appears when i double click in nautilus on the desktop09:12
djm62HOT: I thought that suspend-to-ram (?) was inherently using the BIOS - what do you mean, specifically?09:12
jamyskisrolfen: but wont mount automatically09:12
torsanwell  i said find /boot/grub/stage1 doesnt show anything09:12
zorglu_q. there is a kindof script which is launched each time i run a command, the stuff supposed to detect which package i need to install to launch a given command, that i dont have available, what is the name of this feature/script ? sorry for the poor explaination09:12
=== ShackJack [n=ShackJac@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
torsanso linux cant find it either09:12
rolfenjamyskis: ah ok09:12
scoobtitsHEP_85, where is ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts09:12
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scoobtitswhere is ~09:12
JayRoecan someone tell how I can create a script that has root privileges?09:12
HOTdjm62: sorry, i thought you just wanted your laptop to wake up at a set time each day, your bios will have an option to do that...probly09:12
scoobtitsmore importantly09:12
=== O_FeeL [n=marc@ALyon-156-1-153-157.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
anixhkrtorsan: so ...you are in a live cd right now, correct? and you are looking on your drive for grub to configure it?09:12
jamyskisrolfen: ill give it a try with gnome-volume-manager reinstall09:12
gnomefreaktorsan: and grub is installed just not correctly. follow the guide for restaoring grub after windows install use the livecd to do this09:12
ShackJackJayRoe: Just run script as root :)09:12
PurpZeYscoobtits: That should be your home dir09:12
=== hume [n=magnus@h47n2c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate for audio than default?09:13
torsanok let me explain09:13
WatchManwhat "kernel" is the last ubuntu using ?09:13
un4getgnomefreak: Didnt work, i saw a black screen and now im using the LiveCD....09:13
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djm62HOT: I'm more wanting to use it as an intelligent alarm clock - wake me up and tell me what I'm meant to be doing today...09:13
PurpZeYscoobtits: In order to see /.wine/ you'll have to go to view-->show hidden files09:13
=== Justi1 [n=Justi1@97-81-34-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakun4get: what errors did it giv09:13
HEP85_it is hidden. you have to setup the file manager to show hidden folders09:13
un4getnothing just a black screen09:13
Justi1can I view a folder of pictures as thumbnails?09:13
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torsani bought a new hard drive. my main hard drive has xp on it, and has had it on there for like a year. now I installed ubuntu on the 2nd hard drive and it wont install grub so I can only boot up in xp becaues there's no boot loader09:13
JayRoeshackjack, I want it to mount shares whenever mythtv is started and I'd like it to do it without forcing me to manually type the password everytime09:13
eifzonhow do i change name on a file from like, .irssi to irssi09:13
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torsanthere is not "recover grub/restore grub" crap because it's not or was never existant09:13
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HEP85_scoobtits: then you will see the ".wine" folder in your personal directory09:14
gnomefreakun4get: ok go back and boot to that black screen again and sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set driver to nv than save and restart X09:14
anixhkrtorsan: so you chose not to install grub during the install?09:14
gnomefreakun4get: that will get you a GUI09:14
torsanthere was nothing that asked me to install grub09:14
PurpZeYtorsan: Sounds like you are not configuring the setup right somehow09:14
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HOTdjm62: if your laptop is off, you can have it wake up using either BIOS timer or magic packets on your NIC,then maybe auto logon? > play noise.wav and start your manager program...just one way of doing it09:14
skollieeifzon: mv file1 file209:14
ShackJackJayRoe: You have to be root to mount shares? I wasn't aware...09:14
torsanI thought it was supposed to ask me as well09:14
marlhot, am trying to configure a new server to take over from the old samba server, cant do the entire shift in one lot, as am changing a LOT of settings on the new samba server, so wanted to allow one mahcine to use ata from the other for network users, but without having to try and configure UID&GID's to match each server, if that makes any sence!09:14
un4geti cant write nothing and i cant see nothing... so how am i gonna write what you want me to write?09:14
torsanbut I havent seen a screen, and I did the install 3 times09:14
Justi1how do I view pictures in a network folder as thumbnails?09:14
scoobtitsHEP85_, okay thnx i found it09:14
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un4geti need to use recovery mode?09:14
scoobtitsHEP85_, i am installing the font09:15
WatchManwhat kernel is ubuntu using? what version so to speak (last version)09:15
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gnomefreaktorsan: if feisty livecd it asks you but its very easy to miss09:15
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anixhkrtorsan: if you walk through the install, the last screen that shows the summary before doing anything, it will have where you can select grub and configure it from there.09:15
gnomefreakWatchMan: 2.6.20 ion feisty09:15
torsanI'll try once more09:15
PurpZeY!dualboot | torsan09:15
ubotutorsan: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)09:15
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un4getGnomefreak: i cant write nothing and i cant see nothing... so how am i gonna write what you want me to write? should i use recovery mode?09:15
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scoobtitsHEP85_, okay i got the font installed now how do i launch steam?09:15
gnomefreakun4get: the back screen doesnt have a terminal prompt?09:16
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PurpZeYscoobtits: Should be just wine program09:16
gnomefreakun4get: it will say tty or somehting like that09:16
un4getjust black like the mode isn right09:16
un4getnop nothing just black09:16
gnomefreakun4get: hmmmm09:16
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eifzonskollie: if i move a file from like my home folder, and want it up on my ftp, how do i do? from the terminal09:16
anixhkrWatchMan: anixhkr@anixhkr:~$ uname -r09:16
djm62also, is anyone using org-mode on emacs-snapshot on Feisty?  I'm trying to make repeated appointments work, and I enter it exactly as in the manual, but the Agenda shows one week only.  if anyone can confirm or deny this it would be helpful09:16
scoobtitsPurpZey, but how do i launch steam via wine?09:16
gnomefreakun4get: thats not good. do you have beryl/compiz installed?09:16
HEP85_scoobtits: doubleclick on Steam.exe. if it asks for a command to open enter wine09:17
humesomeone can recommend me a wifi pc-card that works well with ubuntu?09:17
un4gethmmm huh?!?!?!09:17
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elmo40r0b-, have it working?09:17
ShackJackWatchMan: I don't know about Feisty, but you can look at your system monitor to see or type  cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease in a terminal ... I think it's 2.6.16.x09:17
PurpZeYscoobtits: run the command wine <insertnameofprogram> without <>s09:17
gnomefreakun4get: im gonna guess no09:17
rolfenjamyskis: also try opening gconf-editor and navicating to desktop->gnome->volume_manager and editing the options09:17
skollieeifzon: does your ftp server allow local users to log in?09:17
survivergnomefreak, u seems some smart i got question, i saw somewhere a guy entering a code after he pressed enter it gone to check evry file or it is complete and stuff, do u know how? or what i mean :D09:17
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un4gethow do i undo or something?09:17
HOTmarl: sadly the best "fix" i know for that situation is NIS, make the new box a nis slave , copy over the auto.x files and autofs the clients, are you sure thats not an option?09:17
gnomefreakun4get: you need to be on that full screen terminal09:17
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scoobtitspurpZey, just type the command how it should be09:17
eifzonskollie: no, just me09:17
un4getgnomefreak: i cant, maybe in recovery mode09:17
gnomefreakun4get: you can try to chroot in from livecd but i would rather not go that way with it09:17
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gnomefreakun4get: try using reovery kernel09:18
PurpZeYscoobtits: Let's say I want to run the program purpzey123 I run "wine purpzey123"09:18
gnomefreakor whatever its called09:18
skollieeifzon: then it should be available to you when you log into your ftp server i.e. in your home dir09:18
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un4getand what should i do there?09:18
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eifzonskollie: but cant i like move the file to /var/ftp ?09:18
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skollieeifzon: why?09:18
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un4getgnomefreak: and what should i do there? do i need to undo or somethin like that?09:19
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scoobtitspurpZey,  L"Z:\\home\\scotty\\Steaminstall.msi": Bad EXE format for09:19
marlhot, will have a good read up on nis again, not used it for quite a while, so will re-read the docs and see if i can crowbar nis into the old system :)09:19
jamyskisrolfen: ok ill give it a go thanks09:19
marlthanks hot :)09:19
gnomefreakun4get: remove cd and boot that kernel if you get a full screen black with a command prompt log in at it and than sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set driver to nv or vesa whatever one you want i would go with vesa09:19
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HEP85_scoobtits: "wine /home/scotty/Steaminstall.msi"09:20
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PurpZeYscoobtits: Just go to applications--> Wine File --> Then click on c:\ and select the program you want to run09:20
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djm62HEP85_: start with this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported09:20
HOTmarl: i am trying to save you heartache on this, setting NIS up wont be to hard, and it will happily unify your UID's and GUID's for you, you seem to have NFS already in place so half the work is done09:20
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jermstoneHello everyone.09:20
HawdyCan anyone help me with error 21 when loading GRUB ?09:20
djm62HEP85_: my personal experience with Linksys cards has been good, YMMV09:20
localrunning autofs ... it fails to mount or even hit the nfs fileserver....09:21
scoobtitsHEP85_, thnx09:21
localhow can i configure it to hit hte filesever?09:21
scoobtitsPurPzey, thnx09:21
anixhkryeah, seems the linksys cards are fine, now their routers .....09:21
marlok, just grabbed the nis howto will sit and read that and jump back in if i hit problems and see if someone can point me i the rite direction09:21
=== Ronald [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
skolliehawdy: errot 21 means grub cannot access the drive from which you are trying to boot09:21
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HOTmarl: sure09:21
marlthanks again09:21
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HOTlocal: little more info? have you checked all the services are running?09:22
djm62HEP85__: did you get that link? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported09:22
ShackJackHawdy: Could be something simple as a loose wire ;)09:22
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HEP85__djm62: can it be that you are confusing me?09:22
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akosnautilus is not connecting to my other machine through SSH... what could I do?09:22
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Hawdyskollie: Yes I know, but how do I fix it ?09:22
HOTlocal: you exported your auto.foo's ?09:22
HEP85__djm62: I got the link, but not your problem09:22
HawdyShackJack: think not ^^09:22
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Jeroenlabass i want to ask about tk  if i started tk and i root = Tkroot.new() it returns an error near token '('09:23
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skolliehawdy: make sure that you are booting from/have access to the drive where the bootloader is and/or that the boot loader is installed in the correct place09:23
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NotLarryOk, I just did a lamps install and have a system that seems to have no software installed or running.  Other than being an complete idiot, what am I missing?09:23
locali can even change to the directories on the server by the /net directory09:23
Jeroenlabasscan someone help?09:23
Hawdyskollie: The problem is most likely because Im using raid09:23
HOTJeroenlabass: ask your question chappy09:24
NutubuntuI've seen Error 21 two or three times, and just like you, Hawdy, I'm using RAID; /boot is part of the RAID09:24
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kravlinis there a way to get /lib/ld-linux.so.2 on the Amd64 version of Ubuntu?09:24
skolliehawdy: could be - in which case I cannot help you further09:24
localjsut that automount doesnt work when i go to a directory configured by the auto.master09:24
scoobtitsk guys steam just installed  ; )09:24
Jeroenlabass i want to ask about tk  if i started tk and i root = Tkroot.new() it returns an error near token '('09:24
kravlinI need it to execute a file09:24
TheNo1YetiAnyone know of a way to find your internal network ip on a computer without me going through and rebooting each server on the network one by one in a specific order?09:24
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djm62HEP85__: then I am indeed confusing you, but it was someone else's problem09:24
mrsnoTheNo1Yeti tried ifconfig?09:24
Hawdyskollie: ok, but thanks any09:24
HOTlocal: i cant remember the command off the top of my head, but you have tried something like "service restart autofs" ?09:24
HEP85__djm62: never mind09:24
anixhkrHawdy: what type of raid setup?09:24
JeroenlabassHot i cant start a window from my irb shell09:25
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djm62dam saccades09:25
HEP85__kravlin: what exactly are you trying to achieve?09:25
localHOT been done.. even rebooted.. its the same config files as from prior ot a reinstall.. i backed upt he /etc dir09:25
TheNo1Yetimrsno: Ahahaha!  Thank you.   Well that tells me that I'm a retard and trying to open ssh ports to a freaking xbox09:25
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swmiller6I have a weird problem with my Internet connection on a fresh install of feisty.. I can not seem to get more then around 60 kB/s out of the connection no matter which nic card I use... I have 3 other computers connected to the same router one with feisty (besides the one I'm referring to) and 2 with windows xp, so I do not think it is a router problem..09:25
mrsnoTheNo1Yeti maybe set a static ip :)09:25
JeroenlabassHOT do u know RUBYTK?09:25
HEP85__scoobtits: glad to hear this09:25
anixhkrHawdy: is it software raid or hardware raid?09:26
HOTlocal: check your hosts file, make sure the NIS master is specified , it might be that simple09:26
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scoobtitsHEP85_, yeaaaaaassSSSSssssssssssss    1.6 is installing09:26
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localNIS?  i dont use that09:26
TheNo1Yetimrsno: I wish I could on this linksys.  But it likes to assign ip addresses by boot order no matter what I do09:26
HEP85__scoobtits: you might run into an error with a "bin/vgui2" or similar when starting the second time09:26
HOTJeroenlabass: sorry no i dont09:26
kravlinHEP85__: The Source Dedicated Server Update tool (For games from Steam/Valve) Wants a file that is at /lib/ld-linux.so.2. I have the AMD64 arcatecture so i don't have that file09:26
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Jeroenlabassaww but if u open a shell09:26
HEP85__scoobtits: then simply start the command from the steam directory09:26
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mrsnoTheNo1Yeti you could just set the machine to a static ip , outside the scope of the dhcp server running on the linksys09:27
HOTlocal: sorry , im thinking of the someone else, do check your host file anyway, i have seen weirder things09:27
telexiconkravlin, wine doesnt work on amd6409:27
localI just have this in my autofs conf file...    -fstype=nfs,rw fileserver-01:/storage/data-01/iso/&09:27
mrsnonothing worse than having to try to figure out what ip is what :-)09:27
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Jeroenlabassand u type and it turns out an syntax error near token '(" what does that mean HOT?09:27
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scoobtitsHEP85_, start what command from the steam dir?09:27
HEP85__telexicon: it does work very good. you want a picture?09:27
skollieTheNo1Yeti: can linksys assign hard-coded ip's based on mac address?09:27
telexiconHEP85_, ok09:27
kravlintelexicon: Its not wine. Its a dedicated server that's built to run on linux09:27
localJul 15 15:27:36 desktop automount[12544] : lookup(program): lookup for me failed09:27
Nutubuntuanixhkr,  Hawdy - same problem, Error 21 intermittently - on software RAID1. Could it be that grub exists on only one disk of the RAIDed /boot partition?09:28
HEP85__telexicon: gimme some time09:28
HOTlocal: for starters stick fileserver-01 into hosts09:28
TheNo1Yetiskollie: Checking it now actually09:28
telexiconkravlin, its not 64bit?09:28
Dav2wondering if someone can help me i am haveing issues running my windows xp after installing ubuntu09:28
localHOT i tried that.. and it looks up in dns fine w/o being in the hosts file09:28
skolliedav2: what issues?09:28
telexiconDav2, what happens?09:29
HOTlocal: obvious question, you can ping it?09:29
anixhkrNutubuntu: Hawdy - grub doesn't handle raid setups well out of the box...you gotta change some stuff first.09:29
Dav2get an error miessange wehn botting from the partition 2 secs09:29
kravlintelexicon: I don't think that the dedicated server is because of what it's looking for.  I can't get it to run in the 64bit Arcatecture. I was wondering if there's a way to get it to work without reinstalling ubuntu again.09:29
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Dav2<windows root> \system32\hal.dll file is missing or curupt09:29
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TheNo1YetiHA! Woot! I finally got it to accept remote connections to that box.  Now, anyone know what port # vnc works off of?09:29
localHOT.. the HOST IS UP!  i said that.  i can even cd into the fileserver on the /net direcotry.. just not those from the auto.master config09:29
=== LinuxProbie [n=brasskid@S01060016e34ca1e0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxProbieCan anyone help me use VNC to view my windows machine from Feisty?09:30
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telexiconLinuxProbie, remote desktop would work better09:30
mhz`applications > internet > terminal services09:30
HEP85__telexicon: do you know where I could quickly upload my screenshot for you?09:30
anixhkrNutubuntu: Hawdy - i would recommend reading this: http://www.gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Gentoo_Install_on_Software_RAID ...this should help you get it set up correctly (note: this is for gentoo, but gives you the idea of what needs to be done)09:30
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telexiconHEP85_, imageshack?09:30
LinuxProbietelexicon, I don't wanna have to log out the current session09:30
Nutubuntut/y anixhkr ... reading ...09:31
mrsnoTheNo1Yeti if you are using vnc remotely over the internet, i would recommend about thinking about putting it over the ssh port, so its encrypted09:31
telexiconLinuxProbie, oh ok09:31
mrsnoor alternatively you could use something like freenx09:31
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HOTlocal: i hear you, i just like to work from the physical layer upwards, anyway....when you did a make on auto.master did it throw up any messages?09:31
TheNo1Yetimrsno: Ahhh, okay.  Thanks09:31
=== ubuntuserver [n=ubuntuse@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
m1ron fresh install and update/upgrade my box pops error : cant write to cache09:31
localHOT ok09:31
LinuxProbieI'm just using VNC on my local network09:31
ubuntuserverhow to compile09:31
ubuntuservermysql on ubuntu09:32
HEP85__telexicon: http://www.imagehoop.com/view_thumb/8eef31457/capture.png09:32
LinuxProbieI can view my Ubuntu computer from xp just fine, but not vice versa.09:32
mrsnoTheNo1Yeti searching for vnc + ssh on ubuntuforums shall explain the steps required, security steps always need to be taken :)09:32
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localHOT no make.. just the feisty package install09:32
ubuntuserveri want to intall mysql like mysql .deb package09:32
ubuntuserversomeo help09:32
ShackJackubuntuserver: No need to... plenty of ready made packages...09:32
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kravlinlinuxprobie: Do you have a server running on your windows machine?09:32
HEP85__telexicon: http://www.imagehoop.com/view_image/8eef31457/capture.png09:32
m1rubuntuserver , apt-get install mysql09:32
LinuxProbiekravlin, Nope, just XP Pro09:32
variant!mysql | ubuntuserver09:32
ubuntuserverShackJack, i want to compile becouse i want no to install some collation09:32
ubotuubuntuserver: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:32
TheNo1Yetimrsno: Oh I understand.  Work hates it when I setup a server because I am a paranoid freak and change the ssh port. :)09:32
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kravlinlinuxprobie: I meant a server for VNC.09:33
LinuxProbiekravlin, Yes09:33
ubuntuservermlr pfuuu09:33
NotLarryI just installed ubuntu server to a box last night, used the LAMP install option, it finished, rebooted, now when I log into the console I nothing (LAMP related) is running, I can't even find apt or sshd installed09:33
ubuntuservermlr without collation?09:33
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mrsnoTheNo1Yeti security through obsurity is not greater security, but it is one of the many things you can do :)09:33
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telexiconHEP85_, cool, steam is fun09:34
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NotLarryI was looking but found nothing about post install configuration, just references to "up and running in the 15 minutes it takes to install the server"09:34
ubuntuserversomone here?09:34
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telexiconubuntuserver, nope09:34
Dav2is anyone able to help me with this error?09:34
HEP85__telexicon: I was so glad they at last have wine packages for 64 bit since feisty09:34
telexiconubuntuserver, there are not 1116 people here09:34
ubuntuservertelexicon, can ytou help to compile mysql09:34
swmiller6Dav2 can you boot into windows?09:35
telexiconDav2, can you paste it?09:35
Dav2<windows root> \system32\hal.dll file is missing or curupt09:35
localHOT, ???09:35
Dav2cant boot into windows09:35
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max01hi all, im thinking of getting two 500gig sata disks for a raid 1 and would like an encyrpted file system for secuirty will ubuntu support this?09:35
telexiconubuntuserver, use the package manager09:35
Dav2get that error when i try09:35
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ubuntuservertelexicon, i don't want to install much colation09:35
telexiconDav2, oh, hmm..09:35
rolfenDav2: what ver of windows do you have?09:35
telexiconubuntuserver, use mysql's prebuilt packages?09:35
swmiller6can you mount the windows partition in ubuntu09:36
TheNo1Yetimrsno: Oh I understand.  But working in an enviroment that is well known by hackers and attempted frequently doing something as simple as changing the ssh port has thwarted countless hacking attempts on our server.  Plus we run nessa & tripwire as well as several other things09:36
Dav2xp pro09:36
localdoes the ubuntu  2.6.20-16-server come compiled for nfs 3 and nfs 4 and tcp?09:36
telexiconlocal, yes09:36
ubuntuservertelexicon, where t odownload ?09:36
rolfenDav2: want me to send you my hal.dll?09:36
telexiconubuntuserver, http://mysql.org/downloads/09:36
mrsnoTheNo1Yeti may i suggest the package "fail2ban" , as changing the port just means that their port scan will take longer to complete, its still visible, fail2ban works by minimising the dictionary attacks you always see in auth.log09:36
rolfenDav2: that is if it missing of course09:36
HOTlocal: just for kicks try to go into the directory that should be mounted#09:36
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Dav2i got a hal.dll i red on some tech forams its more about boot.ini09:36
mrsnoit supports mail/httpd as well as ssh09:37
anixhkrDav2: can you use the rescue mode on xp and replace the current hal.dll with the one from cd?09:37
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ubuntuservertelexicon, but i use ubuntu feisty?09:37
telexiconTheNo1Yeti, you could also try knockd09:37
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localHOT that dir doesnt exist.. i tried...09:37
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rolfenDav2: by the way also try posting in that channel: #windows09:37
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localHOT it should automount but I get... "Jul 15 15:37:12 desktop automount[14018] : failed to mount /iso/me09:37
TheNo1Yetitelexicon: Actually, I just looked into port knocking on friday.  But it is not feasible for our enviroment09:37
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telexiconubuntuserver, the ubuntu LTS deb should work09:38
Dav2hmm i'll see if i can get it sorted with the windows disc tryed oncealredy guess i'll make another attempt :P09:38
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HOTlocal: the target , you have the correct permissions?09:38
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ubuntuservertelexicon, and how to compile with much collation09:38
telexiconubuntuserver, what does that mean?09:38
ubuntuservertelexicon, and how to compile with much collation09:39
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ubuntuserverthat is withoutf utf809:39
localwhat do you mean HOT the correct permissions?09:39
telexiconubuntuserver, you want to sort papers?09:39
swmiller6I have a weird problem with my Internet connection on a fresh install of feisty.. I can not seem to get more then around 60 kB/s out of the connection no matter which nic card I use... I have 3 other computers connected to the same router one with feisty (besides the one I'm referring to) and 2 with windows xp, so I do not think it is a router problem..09:39
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ubuntuserverfor example i don't want to use serbian langauges09:39
telexiconubuntulog, filter them when you input data09:39
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JayRoecan I make a script that has root rights?09:40
telexiconubuntuserver, filter them when you input data09:40
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stefg!ipv6 | swmiller609:40
ubotuswmiller6: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:40
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HEP85Dav2: what did you do before this error? what did you change?09:40
telexiconJayRoe, you can, but generally you dont want to09:40
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swmiller6Tried that09:40
cerealJayRoe: Yes.09:40
swmiller6no difference09:40
recoy^i need some help creating a dual boot. linux is the master and windows xp is the slave can  anyone help me get a boot menu?09:40
cerealJayRoe: Lookup setuid09:40
Nutubuntut/y anixhkr for a very interesting article on grub & software RAID ...09:41
telexiconrecoy^, when you boot it says "grub starting" press a key.. a menu will come up09:41
swmiller6the web browsing is not slow09:41
recoy^telexicon: thats it?09:41
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swmiller6the download speed is slow09:41
telexiconrecoy^, yes09:41
HOTlocal: can you try two things for me , " tail -100 /var/log/messages" on the the fileserver and look for anything odd, an also "cat /etc/mtab" and look for anything weird09:41
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recoy^telexicon:  thanks09:41
Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate for audio than default?09:41
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telexiconthey really need to fix that...09:41
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telexiconcause if someone installs it, they think ubuntu killed their windows.. and it gives linux a bad rep09:42
localhot just this.. automount[14018] : lookup(program): lookup for me failed09:42
JayRoetelexicon, I do in this case. I have a script to start mythtv and I want the script to mount some shares on the network when myth is started, so it has access to the files on the  media server.09:42
telexiconcause they cant find the boot menu09:42
telexiconJayRoe, what about mounting the shares on boot?09:42
swmiller6Thought it was the sis900 driver so I tried a pci nic card and got the same problem there09:42
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telexiconJayRoe, the other thing, is if you put it in /etc/fstab with user option, regular users can mount it09:43
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reesehazelAnyone here good with WiFi?09:43
JayRoetelexicon, can I add it to fstab without mounting it at boot? Cause that kind of hangs the system09:43
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telexiconJayRoe, with the noauto option09:44
anixhkrNutubuntu: here is a guide using the alternate ubuntu cd and setting up raid: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html09:44
JayRoetelexicon thanks :D09:44
telexiconJayRoe, no problem09:44
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HOTlocal: you mentioned this is a new machine i think? has auto.net changed?09:44
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swmiller6@reesehazel what is your wifi problem09:45
telexiconrecoy^, did it work?09:45
anixhkrNutubuntu: now, that's for 6.06, but should also be the same (i would suppose) for 7.0409:45
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xeroanyone here have any agere modem experience?09:45
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JayRoetelexicon, like this?; //host/share /var/lib/mythtv/music  smbfsuser/noauto09:45
localHOT i can get to stuff if i go from the /net dir.. thats fine.. and the /iso dir from the autofs.iso file is fine.. just no mounting "(09:45
reesehazelswmiller6: We have a lot of free wifi hotspots here in HOuston09:45
JayRoetelexicon, meant user,noaudio09:46
starshinedoes ubuntu use termcap or only terminfo?09:46
recoy^telexicon:  yes the menu popped up but there is no selection for windows09:46
reesehazelsometimes when I can get on the web fine and sometimes I cannot at all09:46
HOTlocal: can you just paste the mount line one more time, i lost it09:46
Nutubuntuanixhkr,  that's the guide I followed, I think ... the gentoo article you cited pointed to another article that suggests a possible kernel bug resulting in data corruption when software RAID is run with a journaling fs (e.g., ext3, reiserfs ...) Do you know anything further about that? It was the first I'd heard of it.09:46
reesehazeleven when I have the signal09:46
telexiconJayRoe, yes that works09:46
telexiconrecoy^, was there a selection for 'Other'?09:46
stefg!dialup | xero09:46
ubotuxero: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto09:46
JayRoetelexicon, thanks again, I'm going to give it a try.09:46
swmiller6is there an error message09:46
local* -fstype=nfs,rw,tcp,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nfsvers=3 fileserver-01:/storage/data-01/iso/&09:46
xeroiv got martian running09:46
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recoy^telexicon: i just saw many other ubuntu selections09:47
HOTlocal: is -soft telling you anything at boot?09:47
anixhkrNutubuntu: no, since i haven't myself had difficulties (i use hard raid).09:47
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xerowhat i need is to have the shell window hidden after i connect09:47
localHOT no it doesnt....09:47
Nutubuntut/y anixhkr09:47
reesehazelWhswmiller6: Sometimes I'm in a free WiFi zone and I get on the signal, it says, "Connection Established"... but I cannot connect to the Internet09:47
localHOT i tried ith w/o soft09:47
telexiconrecoy^, but not 'Other'?09:47
reesehazelThere is no error message09:47
recoy^telexicon:  no "other"09:47
telexiconrecoy^, can you pastebin this file: /boot/grub/menu.lst09:47
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swmiller6next time try running your network manager through a terminal so you can see the errors if any09:48
HOTlocal: cant we strip it back a bit ? just get the basics and test with them maybe just "nfs,rw" for now?09:48
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anixhkrNutubuntu: have you read the FakeRaidHowto for ubuntu?09:48
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reesehazelswmiller6: the other day, I was on a signal that I had been on before (at the community college), the computer said, "Connection established" but I could not get on the web.  So as I was working on something offline, all of the sudden, I sad (about 5 or 7 minutes later) that I had just then connected.09:49
Nutubuntuanixhkr,  not sure. Probably ... I read a lot about RAID before setting mine up09:49
anixhkrNutubuntu: that seems to have some tips and workarounds09:49
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anixhkrNutubuntu: here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto09:49
Nutubuntut/y again :) anixhkr09:49
j1ttershey all. got a weird quirk im trying to get rid of.  im running twinview with a nvidia 7300..  dual 1600x1200 dislpays. runs fine. but. for some reason. when i move my mouse to the bottem of the screen it scrolls up like 2 inches.09:49
recoy^telexicon: check pm please09:49
telexiconrecoy^, i cant pm09:50
localHOT .. same failure09:50
j1ttersits showing my display dimensions as 3200x1440 for some reason. but both displays are set to 1600x1200.. any ideas on how to fix this. its really annoying09:50
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reesehazelswmiller6: by the way, I'm running cassandra-linuxmint (gnome)09:50
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telexiconrecoy^, open the file with Text Editor, its at /boot/grub/menu.lst09:50
HOTlocal: just a quick sanity check thats actually "-fstype=nfs,rw,tcp,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nfsvers=3 fileserver-01:/storage/data-01/iso/&"09:50
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HOTlocal: notice the -09:50
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brunnerhow can I figure out what driver I'm using to mount NTFS partitions and whether or not it's safe to write to it09:51
telexiconrecoy^, open a terminal and type "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"09:51
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recoy^telexicon: got it09:51
HOTlocal: just for kicks try using a static ip rather than hostname ie ""09:51
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localHOT .. that didnt work either :(09:52
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HOTlocal: static?09:52
brunnerI mean, would it be a bad idea to download torrents to an NTFS partition, or is NTFS too unstable to do that safely?09:52
un4getgnomefreak: is there a way for me to undo everything i did and get the video settings to the original ubuntu settings?09:52
jwtoddhey ... is anyone familiar with brightside? the edge flipping utility?09:52
recoy^telexicon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30032/09:52
un4getgnomefreak: cause its not working and i keep getting a black screen09:52
HOTbrunner: ntsf is very stable09:52
anixhkrNutubuntu: a post about soft raid howto using ubuntu installer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46475809:52
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localHOT i used the IP>... same failure09:53
gnomefreakun4get: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set driver to vesa or nv09:53
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recoy^telexicon: ok its open in terminal09:53
localHOT.. and if that were the issue.. then the /net dir wouldnt work either....09:53
un4getgnomefreak: did that, still i cant see nothing but i can hear him login to ubuntu09:53
HOTlocal: well bugger me, can you do "df" just to make sure the mount point isnt in use from prior experimentaton09:53
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localHOT  its not...09:54
telexiconrecoy^, can you open another terminal and type: sudo fdisk -l     and paste that?09:54
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gnomefreakun4get: than im not sure i dont think its your drivers than it may be a problem with gnome09:54
tininHi, is there a graphical tool to manage mountpoints, filesystems and permissions of th HD?09:54
Nutubuntut/y anixhkr - I'm bookmarking these as I go ... trying to figure out now exactly what grub is currently doing, and then what it *should* be doing, to avoid those Error 2109:54
un4getgnomefreak: i setted it to NV and to Nvidia and to VEsa and to VGA, nothing works09:54
nibblesmxdoes anyone know why my Quit Dialog doesn't show shutdown nor restart??09:54
thugrenE: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 10209:54
thugrenHey does anyone know how to fix this problem?09:54
un4getmeaning... ?09:54
brunnerHOT: Thanks!09:54
NutubuntuI have not worked "inside" grub before, anixhkr, so I am just reading and thinking a.t.m.09:54
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gnomefreakun4get: than run it and dont change anything, use detect automaticly09:55
recoy^telexicon: only 1 is coming up for some reason.... i have the Os's on 2 separate drives09:55
HOTbrunner: np09:55
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tininnibblesmx same problem here09:55
recoy^telexicon: Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes09:55
recoy^255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders09:55
recoy^Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes09:55
recoy^   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:55
recoy^/dev/hda1   *           1        4660    37431418+  83  Linux09:55
recoy^/dev/hda2            4661        4865     1646662+   5  Extended09:55
recoy^/dev/hda5            4661        4865     1646631   82  Linux swap / Solaris09:55
un4getgnomefreak: how do i do that??09:55
telexiconrecoy^, please use pastebin09:55
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gnomefreakun4get: try that ill be back in an hour or so09:55
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ShackJack!pastebin | recoy^09:55
uboturecoy^: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:55
gnomefreakun4get: run the command i gave you you will see what i mean09:55
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un4geti did that already09:55
gnomefreakun4get: but you need to run it in the installed ubuntu partition09:55
un4getsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:55
telexiconrecoy^, is the other hard drive plugged in?09:55
jwtoddi can't seem to get access to the client/ui part of brightside?09:56
gnomefreakun4get: than either you are doing it from livecd or its something else that is the issue09:56
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younghacker possible to import an XML document into a postgresql database that was created to hold the data in the XML document already?09:56
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un4getnop im going that from "Root"09:56
recoy^telexicon: im going to check theconnections right now09:56
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jwtoddand finding the brightside homepage/docs is turning up empty09:56
HOTlocal: im running out of ideas here, the mount point exists on the local device?09:56
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un4getgnomefreak: doing that via Root09:56
gnomefreakun4get: but i have to go its important. un4get try setting the driver from gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg09:56
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gnomefreakits /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:56
tininIs there a gui to use with fstab and mtab?09:57
un4getX(ONE ONE or L L) ?09:57
recoy^telexicon: yes it is09:57
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gnomefreakchange driver to vesa and make sure yout busid is right09:57
younghackeris it possible to import an XML document into postgres as data in a database (already created)09:58
telexiconrecoy^, what kind of drive is it?09:58
telexiconrecoy^, i dont really know what to do to help you.. if you really must get back into windows, unplug the drive with linux on it09:58
k31thwhats the equiv to ctrl-a for vim ? so  can select all text and copy it ?09:58
anixhkrugh, gotta go work. bbl09:58
recoy^telexicon:  windows xp09:59
Optimus55hey how do you uninstall a package from the cli09:59
Optimus55hey how do you uninstall a package from the cli?09:59
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younghackerapt-get remove09:59
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IndyGunFreakOptimus55: sudo apt-get remove packagename09:59
younghackeruse --purge to get rid of the configuration files as well09:59
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puppy-user-06somli want to install the newest nvidia drivers, but i don't know how to quit X into a terminal10:00
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rolfenpuppy-user-06som: what?10:00
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puppy-user-06somhow do you quit X10:00
TheNo1YetiIn ubuntu, is there a color correction wizard at all to help with adjusting monitor gamma levels and such?10:00
tarzeaupuppy-user-06som: ctrl-alt-backspace10:00
younghacker apt-get --purge remove10:00
rolfenpuppy-user-06som: what for?10:00
teethdoodis there a media center app that would list all movie files that I have in a nice ready to play fashion?10:00
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tarzeaupuppy-user-06som: if it restarts stop all display managers10:00
puppy-user-06sombut X restarts after thhat10:01
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scoobtitsHEP85_ you still here?10:01
rolfenpuppy-user-06som: no ctr-alt-backspace is restart10:01
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tarzeaupuppy-user-06som: so you got some display manager. stop that first10:01
HOTtarzeau: no that restarts the x server, he wants to stop it10:01
HEP85scoobtits: yes10:01
recoy^telexicon: i wouldnt have to if "wine" was for 64amd10:01
tarzeaurolfen: no it's not restart10:01
jmchaffieI installed and am using Xvid. woks great, but doesn't give me good framerates like I've seen on Youtube. Any suggestions? (yes, good card and system)10:01
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Nutubuntuanixhkr,  be well - t/y again10:01
tarzeaurolfen: it's kill x session, something else starts it again10:01
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scoobtitsHEP85, whats the easiest way to launch steam after i close it?10:01
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cerealteethdood:  I dont know of an app, but a starting point might be looking at what Linux MCE uses.  Google it and it'll show you a linux based media center edition.10:01
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ttshi can you guys help me with a system that is stuck on "verifying dmi pool data"10:01
tarzeauHOT: no c-a-backpsace doesn't restart the x server10:01
HEP85recoy^: I am running wine on amd6410:01
younghackerdoes anyone know if it is possible to import an XML document into a postgreSQL database that was made to hold the data in the document10:01
tarzeauHOT: it really only kills it10:01
IndyGunFreakrecoy^: why not just use 32bit ubuntu?10:01
tarzeauHOT: please read man xorg.conf10:01
recoy^HEP85: really how?10:02
ttsits due to my ubuntu had drive10:02
puppy-user-06somwhats the display manager?10:02
HEP85scoobtits: I think it would be the best to make a script10:02
Nickerecoy^: Wine even has a repository for 64bit ubuntu now..10:02
rolfentarzeau: ok10:02
scoobtitsHEP85, whats the normal way to open it? is there a command>10:02
rolfendo you need to kill x to install the nvidia driver?10:02
HOT?tarzeau: sorry , are you saying if i hit ctrl+alt+backspace X wont restart10:02
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HEP85recoy^: they habe 64 bit packages since feisty: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb10:02
tarzeauHOT: exactly10:03
recoy^Nicke: in add/remove it says i cant add package wine10:03
TheNo1YetiIn ubuntu, is there a color correction wizard at all to help with adjusting monitor gamma levels and such?10:03
tarzeauHOT: it only kills x10:03
Nickerecoy^: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb10:03
tarzeauHOT: something else restarts it10:03
HEP85scoobtits: you have to give me the complete path to the Steam.exe10:03
Nickerecoy^: You have to add some addition repositories10:03
tarzeauHOT: you can read the whole detail at man xorg.conf10:03
Nickerecoy^: (they are not part of ubuntu)10:03
HOTtarzeau: i see...and how does that stop him being back in X?10:03
Nickerecoy^: additional*10:03
tarzeauHOT: he first needs to stop whatever restarts his x session10:03
recoy^Nicke: doesnt anyone mind to walk me through it since im new?10:03
tarzeauHOT: probably gdm, i don't know10:03
scoobtitsHEP85, never mind i think i got this one under control10:03
jwtodddoes anyone know how to configure brightside?10:03
younghackeris there a postgres channel?10:04
tarzeauHOT: some people start it with inittab, others with gdm/wdm. i use startx10:04
Nickerecoy^: The page I posted listes the command you need to run10:04
HOTtarzeau: i know, and he was told ctrl+alt+backspace, and that will restart X10:04
recoy^Nicke: alright ill give it a shot10:04
tarzeauHOT: no ctrl-alt-backspace will only kill x10:04
recoy^ty everyone10:04
tarzeauHOT: it will not restart x10:04
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tarzeauHOT: what you say is technically wrong10:04
jmchaffierecoy^: the page gives you step-by-step instructions.. simple10:04
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rolfentarzeau: well the end result will be that x will restart10:04
Nickerecoy^: Good luck.. it has worked for me atleast :) Ask here again if it doesn't work10:04
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HEP85recoy^: you're welcome10:04
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tarzeaurolfen: only if he uses a displaymanager10:05
jmchaffierecoy^: It's how I learned not too long ago actually :)10:05
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tarzeaurolfen: do we know how he configured his system?10:05
HOTtarzeau: i think your missing the point, technically wrong or not, it doesnt give the bloke what he wants, do you see that?10:05
rolfentarzeau: i'm assuming he's using the distro out of the box10:05
tarzeauHOT: well if you read further what i said it gives the bloke what he wants10:05
puppy-user-06somi'm using the preconfigured ubuntu feisty10:05
recoy^be right back10:05
xevilpuppy-user-06som: kill gdm...10:05
tarzeaurolfen: assumptions like that often lead to disasters, but i was just saying the zap option really only kills x10:06
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rolfentarzeau: anyways...  :)10:07
HOTtarzeau: anyway i was hoping to lead him to  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and explain how to ctrl+alt+fX to switch consoles, hes gone now anyway10:07
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rolfenhe probably killed x10:07
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skrypt i'm running dual heads with TwinView and am trying to get the panels to center in the middle of each screen... Anyone think they can help?10:08
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nickkkkknameafter killing gdm, there was no terminal10:08
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nickkkkknamei'm pup-user-something10:08
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HOTnickkkkkname: ctrl + alt + f8, will get you to a tty10:09
HOTwas trying to catch you before you went10:09
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TheNo1YetiHot: How do you get back from the tty though.  It always tells me there is no recover image or some such10:09
HOTactually ctrl + alt + f510:10
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nickkkkknamei think i tried ctrl+alt+F510:10
CerebroJDif I'm using WPA2 encryption, does wpa_passphrase still generate the correct PSK?10:10
nickkkkknameall the alt keys maybe10:10
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sniper89hey there :]  I've got a question on init.d scripts10:11
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sniper89I've made a script that should start a Counter-Strike (HLDS) server on system startup and it does, but it doesn't start anything else10:12
sniper89this is the script:10:12
sniper89su - cs -c "./hlds_run -game cstrike +maxplayers 10 +map de_rats_2001 +rcon_password \"onodadoeo\""10:12
nickkkkknameok it worked10:12
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sniper89cs is the user that has the server in his home dir10:12
HOTnickkkkkname: yup10:12
HEP85sniper89: append " &"10:12
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sniper89hmm :>10:12
banlieueis there a way to enlarge the icons/items in the ubuntu main menu?10:12
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mysticaloneI'm having problems installing Mesa 7 on Feisty, $glxinfo | grep version shows 6.5.210:13
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idiotsniper89?: use screen10:13
sniper89I did10:13
sniper89and it didn't work10:13
sniper89I even did screen -dmS hlds THECOMMANDTHATIVEPASTEDHERE to daemonize it10:13
sniper89and it still didn't do it!10:13
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sniper89I even had to start samba, sshd and no-ip daemon manually10:13
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sniper89and since I'm administrating the machine REMOTELY it's a pain, you can imagine :)10:14
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pal_how do I detect on the places window a MacBook nearby using wireless network?10:14
shackHi guys, can someone help with basic question about IRSSI.10:14
mysticaloneAnyone touched Mesa 7?10:14
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sniper89I can, shack10:14
sniper89what is it?10:14
shackI have alignet all my text lines to same point, but if someone write more that one line the other line starts under nicks10:14
shackI would like it to start at the same point like the first line10:15
nickkkkknameit says that i need libc header files10:15
nickkkkknamei mean, the Nvidia installer10:15
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sniper89oh, I can't really help you with that10:15
sniper89don't know whether it's possible, sorry10:15
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shackshame on you ;)10:15
sniper89maybe with Perl scripts?10:15
sniper89yeah :(10:15
saschahlwhat exactly is the difference between the gnome session and the gnome failsafe session? the failsafe works, the normal "hangs".10:15
outerHi everyone.10:15
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shackI'm using that format "script" and it's working fine10:15
sniper89saschahl: failsafe doesn't run all the services, it's like that mode in Windows10:15
outerI've been playing around with Ubuntu as I am a fairly new user to it.10:16
sniper89so guys, anybody?10:16
outerI think I've messed with it too much though.10:16
shackBut like I said more than one line and the other line is at the "wrong" place10:16
HOTnickkkkkname: if you are very knew to this (and im sure this is going to get me bood at) why not just use automatix and save some hair10:16
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TheNo1YetiAnyone know of a good dyndns update script thingstuff for ubuntu10:16
saschahlsniper89: But I want to fix it. Where to I find what exactly it does not start?10:16
IndyGunFreak!automatix | HOT10:16
ubotuHOT: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:16
outerFor example, when I'm using Beryl now I can't rotate the cube with the multiple desktop panel10:16
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skollieTheNo1Yeti: ddclient10:16
HOTsee told you :)10:16
TheNo1Yetiskollie: ty10:16
dougskosniper89: so youre saying the script runs fine, but it stops there and doesnt execute any of your other init.d scripts?10:16
sniper89also the system didn't want to reboot with that counter-strike server being set up so I just added the symlinks to rc2-3-4-5.d10:17
sniper89dougsko: extacly10:17
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HOTwell despite what ubotu has to say, its a way to get the nvidia drivers working if your new to this10:17
un4getlemme ask you, i dont know why but (alt shift) for changing language isnt workin, anyone knows why?10:17
nickkkkknameeh, does it install it from the ubuntu repository?10:17
rolfenwhen i switch to tty using ctrl-alt-F1, and then try to switch back to x using ctrl-alt-F7, the screen will become blue and flicker, and i will not be able to use x until i restart the pc. I tryed restarting gdm but it didnt help.10:17
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Savengercan i tell a program to use a different sampling rate for audio than default?10:17
IndyGunFreakHOT: why not just follow the instructions, and install them properly?10:17
dougskosniper89: add a & on the end of the command like HEP85 said10:17
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outerI was wondering if there was a way I could return software to it's default state on ubuntu.10:17
sniper89what will that do?10:17
un4getlemme ask you, i dont know why but (alt shift) for changing language isnt workin, anyone knows why?10:17
rolfenrolfen: any ideas?10:17
HOTIndyGunFreak: they instructions tell him, he needs libc headers10:17
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IndyGunFreakHOT: ok, so install them.10:18
nickkkkknameis that in the ubuntu rep?10:18
rolfensniper89: is failsafe actually a runlevel?10:18
dougskosniper89: it makes the process go the background so the othr stuff can continue executing10:18
HOTIndyGunFreak: ok you talk him through it :)10:18
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sniper89rolfen: no10:18
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | nickkkkkname10:18
ubotunickkkkkname: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:18
HEP85outer: I know the option to get the cube rotating again10:18
xeroso... how do you run a command from a shell as root... then hide the shell but do all of this from a shortcut on the desktop?10:18
sniper89dougsko: OH, I get you10:18
outerWhat is it HEP85?10:18
sniper89OK will try that, will respond once I did that10:19
outer(thank you)10:19
IndyGunFreakHOT: wasn't saying i was gonna help him with it, i'm just not gonna give him bad/dangerous info either.10:19
IndyGunFreakif you don't know, say you don't know, don't just pull somethin out of your backside.10:19
dougskoxero: use gksudo <command>10:19
HEP85outer: under general options: number of desktops = 1. horizontal size = 410:19
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dougskoxero: thatll bring up a GUI password box, let you put in the root pass, then do the command10:19
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HOTIndyGunFreak: from a distro that abuses su so much i think "dangerous" is relative :)10:19
outerI already did that HEP85?10:20
rolfenxero you still will have to input a password :)10:20
IndyGunFreakHOT: whatever, why are you here then?10:20
m13hi guys, i instaled ubuntu 7.04 today and somthing gone wrong in update&upgrade process, anz one have clue how to fix this > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30036/10:20
xerothats finer10:20
nickkkkknamethe drivers in there are kinda old10:20
HEP85outer: if it still does not work you can delete the beryl settings with "rm ~/.beryl/settings"10:20
nickkkkknameanyway, i'll just try to find the libc headers10:20
HOTIndyGunFreak: to help if i can, to put something back to the community10:20
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HOTIndyGunFreak: you?10:20
jwtoddahha ... % brightside-properties10:20
HEP85outer: then restart beryl and the default settings are rebuilt10:21
IndyGunFreakHOT: not to recommend dangerous and stupid ideas.10:21
gordHOT and IndyGunFreak, not really a conversation for in here :)10:21
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IndyGunFreakgord: it doesn't concern you10:21
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jmchaffieAnyone else have issues with XvidCap not getting smooth captures? Did you find a way to solve it and how?10:21
michal_wow I don't speak english10:22
gordno IndyGunFreak, one of the reasons why its not a coversation for in here10:22
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HOTIndyGunFreak: i think the idea of open source is one of freedom and in price but more importantly as in thought, i have an opinion, you have yours, neither are stupid10:22
IndyGunFreakgord: do you know how to use ignore?...10:22
mon^rchwhat do I install to get JUST KDE... not kubuntu?10:22
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outerThat you very much HEP85, it totally worked.10:22
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IndyGunFreakHOT: i can agree with that, but that doesn't justify giving bad info.., and thats really where i'm gonna leave it.10:22
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gordofftopic conversations should be taken to offtopic IndyGunFreak, not left to dangle in a support channel10:23
HEP85outer: you're welcome10:23
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IndyGunFreakgord: really?... geez, get off your high horse10:23
skolliemichal_: what language do you speak?10:23
m13hi guys, i instaled ubuntu 7.04 today and somthing gone wrong in update&upgrade process, anz one have clue how to fix this > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30036/10:23
HOTIndyGunFreak: great, i will agree to agree you have an opinion, but it doesnt make it right, so we are done.10:23
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user_Ubuntu as a company broke me today....10:23
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m13hot , indygunfreak , hi guys, i instaled ubuntu 7.04 today and somthing gone wrong in update&upgrade process, anz one have clue how to fix this > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30036/ , rather help out :)10:24
jmchaffieuser_: What? how?10:24
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HOTm13: im reading your paste now10:24
m13ty m810:24
m13i never had this problem10:24
m13till today10:24
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IndyGunFreakm13: ther ewere a lot of problems with the open office upgrade the other day, several were having problems with it, i eventually got it installed, but it took like 2hrs10:25
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sniper89holy shizcakes! it's working!10:25
mon^rchwhat do I install to get JUST KDE... not kubuntu?10:25
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m13what u recomend guys , this is fresh install ?10:25
sniper89sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:26
IndyGunFreaksniper89: what is10:26
HEP85m13: does synaptic show broken packages?10:26
Enselic_mon^rch: kubuntu-desktop10:26
Flannelmon^rch: there's a kde package in universe10:26
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IndyGunFreakm13: no... thats probably not necessary10:26
m13i didnt touch synaptic10:26
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sniper89so, if a script is on runlevel 0 or 6, can't really remember, it's executed as-is on reboot/halt, right?10:26
sniper89or maybe rc1.d10:26
sniper89doesn't matter10:26
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m13and this is 1h fresh installation and already got broken packages :(10:26
mon^rchFlannel: thanks for pointing me in the right direction.... can you tell me which package?10:26
HEP85m13: when I had a similar problem I removed all broken packages with synaptic, then did the upgrade and afterwards reinstalled them10:27
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nickkkkknameok, i'm installing libc6-dev10:27
m13rgr hep85 i go try10:27
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user_jmchaffie: I order form Ubuntu CD's with ubuntu and...when I plugin it to my laptop...10:27
nickkkkknameand linux-libc-dev10:27
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Flannelmon^rch: 'kde'10:27
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user_jmchaffie: there was so may errors that I can't install it xD10:27
boltI'm having a problem with proftpd on ubuntu 7.04. I put ServerIdent on "hey there" in the config file, but it doesn't change anything. The server still greets me as before. How come? Every other option I've put in there takes effect.10:27
mon^rchFlannel: lol10:27
NixManhttp://www.press.redhat.com/2007/05/09/liberation-fonts/ I downloaded the tar.gz, extracted it, but where do I put it for the fonts to work? I cp it to /usr/share/fonts, but that didn't work (the cp did, but the fonts didn't install)10:27
mon^rchFlannel: lol ty10:28
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sniper89well anyway, if I put my script at runlevels 0 to 6 system executes what's in it when the system is rebooted/starts/halts, correct?10:28
outerOk, my second question. I've messed with wine a lot and when I unintalled it I noticed it left a lot behind, how can I remove the wine directory to get a fresh start?10:28
m13hep85 , broken packages 010:28
arsalanmy firefox automatically shutdown while I am browsing. Any clue?10:28
IndyGunFreakwhat about completely uninstalling open office, and reinstalling from source?10:28
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jmchaffieuser_: If I understand you, you put in the CD and when it tried to boot up it wouldn't finish loading because of too many errors then?10:28
LeChacalok i have tried to figure this out myself but i am left with confusion. I have installed Ubuntu several times using different methods (text manufacture mode, graphical, normal text) and only under the one that i load with text manufacture mode i get an ubuntu splash screen (the screen that says ubuntu and has the load bar showing start-up progress) for the rest the screen is black until the log in screen comes up. this black screen is10:28
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dougskosniper89: dont manually put it at any runlevel, use update-rc.d10:28
Flannelouter: wine is all (well, all the config and programs and stuff) in your homedir.  Just removing ~/.wine will remove all stuff you've done to it, and give you a fresh start10:28
sniper89dougsko: I do so, but with update-rc.d cs defaults it puts it in all runlevels10:29
m13indygunfreak , but i have also some font error, should i remove all fonts too then ?10:29
HEP85m13: you could also try the -f option for apt-get10:29
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sniper89dougsko: so it actually STARTS the CS server when the system reboots/halts, right?10:29
ShaftoLeChacal, does the login screen showup?10:29
m13hep85 will try , sec10:29
LeChacalShafto: yes10:29
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BorbusDoes anyone know if it's possibile to use beryl on a ati x1800?10:29
capohey, can anyone help me install beryl or compiz with my ATI Radeon x1950 Pro?10:29
user_jmchaffie: yea fucking lost words10:29
IndyGunFreakm13: if it were me, I'd completely uninstall open office, then download the source from openoffice.org, and compile it.., but thats me, YMMV, and i'm sure several here will disagree.10:29
dougskosniper89: itll start it on startup, and stop it on halt. theres no need to make it any more complicated10:29
IndyGunFreak!language | user_10:29
ubotuuser_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:29
ShaftoLeChacal, Are you using VESA driver?10:30
IndyGunFreak!beryl | Borbus10:30
ubotuBorbus: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects10:30
sniper89dougsko: so even if the script doesn't have any "halt it if the system is halted and the script is in runlevels 0 1 6" instructions it will still halt it?10:30
HEP85m13: ttf-opensymbol seems to be the problem10:30
LeChacalumm i am new i dont know what that is exactly is that some kind of video driver10:30
m13hep85 , seems -f fixing10:30
dougskosniper89: yep, thats the magic of init.d :)10:30
jmchaffieuser_: well, no need to use profanity in here... family channel so to speak... but not all proprietary hardware like laptops will be compatible... even with a system like Ubuntu.10:30
ShaftoBorbus, capo compiz-fusion is the way :) and it should run on them both yes10:30
user_IndyGunFreak: sorry....but I'm so angry10:30
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ShaftoLeChacal, Are you on your ubuntu box now?10:31
IndyGunFreakuser_: your point?.. i get pretty mad at times, i generally don't come in here flying off with F this, F that10:31
sniper89dougsko: awesome, I thought the scripts are halted because of case "$1" and the "stop" instruction block!10:31
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m13hep85 -f done the job10:31
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m13tnx m8 :)10:31
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m13tnx all10:31
dougskosniper89: well, thats just so you can manually stop/start a daemon through the same script10:31
HEP85m13: great10:31
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sniper89dougsko: so if I'd remove the init.d script from runlevels 0 1 and 6 it would NOT halt it when the system will be rebooted, right?10:31
m13yes :)10:31
IndyGunFreakm13: i wonder if all those fonts are missing from your install now.10:31
sniper89dougsko: yeah, I guess :)10:31
kbrooks_user_: there is no warranty that ubuntu will be actually functional at all.10:31
nickkkkknameok, it worked, as far as compiling10:32
ShaftoLeChacal, I just know i have the same problem on my laptop, it takes a while to get the login screen because I use the VESA driver10:32
rolfen"Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it." any idea? i just played that same dvd this earlyer this afternoon... and now suddently that doesnt work!10:32
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user_IndyGunFreak: ok again sorry. I don't do this mistake again ok?10:32
m13i will update-upgrade again indygunfreak10:32
jmchaffieuser_: I had the same problem w/ Vista on my brothers brand spankin new HP laptop... it didn't like half of his hardware and wouldn't install. On the other hand... Ubuntu went in flawlessly, so you just never know. Sorry man.10:32
kbrooks_user_: therefore, you cannot sue for redress.10:32
nonyohey does anyone know how to get java to work10:32
IndyGunFreakm13: probably will fix it i imagine.10:32
BorbusShafto: is compiz fusion the other fork?10:32
sniper89nonyo: one sec10:32
ShaftoBorbus, They have merged to compiz-fusion10:32
LeChacalShafto, is VESA driver a video driver then10:32
sniper89nonyo: try sudo apt-get install jre[press TAB here twice] 10:32
IndyGunFreaknickkkkkname: did you get the driver installed?10:32
ShaftoLeChacal, Yeah, what card you got?10:32
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ShaftoBorbus, Still #ubuntu-effects :)10:33
dougskosniper89: to be honest, im not totally up on my runlevels. but why would you disable it on 0, 1, and 6? if it runs on 0, btw, the one on 1 doesnt really do anything10:33
BorbusShafto: yeah.. I'm there10:33
IndyGunFreakthey aren't a very chatty bunch10:33
sniper89dougsko: I just dunno which one is "reboot", 6 I believe10:33
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m13all fixed , hep85 , indygunfreak tnx10:33
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user_jmchaffie: but Now I have ubuntu on my laptop.... version 7.05 but I must download.10:33
ShaftoBorbus, Or you can try #compiz-fusion10:33
sniper89dougsko: but still, if I'd to that it would just reboot the system on "sudo reboot" without halting the script gently, correct?10:33
surviveroke my question: i found this i eyecandy : compiz/xgl, now i just want one thing (and this is that i can set a page on to to screen split in 2) what do i need for that? compiz or glx? i dont want the animated windows etc10:34
dougskosniper89: right, it would just kill the process ungracefuly10:34
HEP85m13: you're welcome10:34
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dougskosniper89: also, as a tip, check out /etc/init.d/skeleton. that file is meant to be used as a template for init.d scripts10:34
mon^rchin synaptic it says all my packages are "not authenticated", does that mean I have to re-import my gpg keys? (or whatever)10:34
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sniper89dougsko: how does the script determine how to kill it anyway? I mean, what parameter does the script get to be killed? it's it just err... "killall" or something10:34
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jmchaffieuser_: Ok, so it doesn't recognize your ethernet card then? is that the problem? Or does it just not boot? I'm having trouble understanding your problem.10:35
LeChacalShafto: i have been trying to figure that out. i am using mismatch built desktop pc the mother board has integrated graphics and i think it came out of a Gateway (yes i know that Gateways aren't great but it was free and for play pc it works fine) is there a way to find out exactly what video card is on the board with out know the model of the pc the board came out of10:35
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ShaftoLeChacal, Thanks for the essay <310:36
surviveroke my question: what function do i need for taking this effect? http://gormful.com/images/2006/12/xgl-teh-pwn3.jpg   i dont want the animated windows just the split??10:36
dougskosniper89: im not totally sure, but i think it runs the init.d script with 'stop' as the argument. if that doesnt exist, it probly just sends a TERM signal10:36
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LeChacalshafto: lol sorry10:36
mon^rchin synaptic it says all my packages are "not authenticated", does that mean I have to re-import my gpg keys? (or whatever)10:36
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ShaftoLeChacal, You can find out graphically using the hardware information usually, its in either preferebnces/administration10:37
sniper89dougsko: kewl, many guides however tell to do sysv-rc-conf and turn an action on for runlevels 2 3 4 and 5 for custom scripts...10:37
HEP85surviver: the "Desktop effects" in feisty should do the trick10:37
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surviverhep85, oke10:37
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sniper89dougsko: or some other tool to do so, the runlevels are my point10:37
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LeChacalshafto: yea i have looked through there and couldnt find but ill look again, thanks10:38
user_jmchaffie: my problem is that I can't boot ubuntu from CD. I want do that because my present ubuntu is broke I think10:38
dougskosniper89: yeah i mean, like with anything, you can get more complicated with it, but for most stuff, its not really necessary10:38
skollieuser_: can you boot from another CD?10:38
user_jmchaffie: this10:38
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jmchaffieuser_: yeah...what skollie said... can you boot from any other CD's?10:39
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user_skollie: I have 3 CD's....3 are broke10:39
IndyGunFreakhmm, that sounds like a drive issue.10:39
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sniper89dougsko: OK then, long live update-rc.d defaults!10:39
IndyGunFreakunless you know all 3 disks are bad10:39
sniper89dougsko: thanks :)10:39
dougskosniper89: np10:39
jmchaffieuser_: Get into BIOS and make sure it is the FIRST boot device and try it again10:39
x__hello everybody :-)10:39
HEP85surviver: just don't select wobbly windows10:39
ShaftoI doubt many of the CDs that are order are bad :)10:39
sniper89dougsko: I just like to know how things work you see, not only make them work10:39
IndyGunFreaki dont' know why anyone orders the CDs, unless they dont' hae High SPeed.10:40
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user_jmchaffie: when live CD is starting...then shows many error10:41
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dougskosniper89: i definitely know what you mean, and runlevels and stuff are important to understand, but when it just comes down to making somehting work, like you said, "long live the defaults" :)10:41
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x__i need some information ........... what size is ubuntu ????  is that 1 CD or 1 DVD ????10:41
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skollieuser_: so the live CD boots but then you get errors?10:41
IndyGunFreakx__: 1 cd10:41
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ChrisF_greetings.  How do I change the font color of my dock?  I want the Applications, Places and System to all be white font10:41
IndyGunFreakx__: i thinkt he standard download is around 675mb10:42
jmchaffieuser_: Ok, what kind of errors? are you sure the CD is booting? Or is it skipping on to the hard drive?10:42
user_skollie: before ubuntu start10:42
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ramiubuntu has been starting a HTTP-cache remover since a drivecleaner ad popped up, should i be worried?10:42
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x__INDY..................... i got 1 DVD Kubuntu ... is that right about size on Kubuntu ????10:42
user_jmchaffie: like " [200,100] ....... someting"10:42
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IndyGunFreakx__: well, you can download the DVD if you want(i think only kubuntu has one), but the CD should do just fine.10:43
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rolfen"Could not apply changes!Fix broken packages first." in synaptic. what does it mean and how do i resolve it?10:43
IndyGunFreakx__: where did you get this DVD?10:44
jmchaffieuser_: well... that doesn't help me much... perhaps someone else could glean more from that small amount of info...10:44
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skollierolfen: in synaptic - 'edit' 'fix broken packages'10:44
rolfenskollie: ok thanks :)10:44
skollierolfen: np10:44
user_jmchaffie: ok then I will try edubuntu10:44
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LeChacalIndyGunFreak: that it matters but for your info there is a DVD for Ubuntu but i have yet to figure out the different between it and the CD, that you got from torrent and i got the torrent file form the Ubuntu site10:45
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skollieuser_: not sure its the actual CD's that's the problem. Sounds like drive errors10:45
jmchaffieuser_: Doesn't hurt to try a different bootable CD to be double sure it's not a hardware issue first.10:45
x__INDY .... i got some gift from friends10:45
IndyGunFreakLeChacal: really?.. only one i've saw, is the ubuntu ultimate, which i think is a DVD.., but i've never saw a ubuntu dvd....10:45
user_jmchaffie: bye then10:45
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user_jmchaffie: or wait10:46
ChrisF_gpg keyserver subkeys.pgp.net recv-keys 81836EBFgpg export armor 81836EBF | sudo apt-key add -10:46
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Sonicadvance1I seem to have broken Alsa in some way that I don't know how to fix. No audio comes from my speakers10:46
user_jmchaffie:  may you can help me with acctuall10:46
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jmchaffieuser_: with what?10:46
simplyw00xis there any form of handwriting recognition for tablet pcs that works on linux?10:46
LeChacalIndyGunFreak: if you google Ubuntu torrent you come up with this page on the Ubunut site with all the torrent files to dl , some where on this page http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/10:46
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ChrisF_greetings.  How do I change the font color of my dock?  I want the Applications, Places and System to all be white font10:47
IndyGunFreakLeChacal: hmm, never saw that one..10:47
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bur[n] erChrisF_: it's related to your gtk theme10:47
user_jmchaffie: my resolv.conf reset when I shut down my system....clock too...10:47
ChrisF_oh ok.  THanks bur[n] er10:47
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TheNo1YetiAnyone know what the default firewall program ubuntu uses is?10:48
LeChacalIndyGunFreak i dont think that it is well publicized because google is the only way i could find it10:48
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IndyGunFreakLeChacal: if i had to guess, i'd say its got a crapload of packages on disk, so if you have a slow connection, you can pretty much use synaptic to install off the disk, instead of spending days downloading.10:48
ariksxrandr "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". Where was the core dumped to?10:48
simplyw00xTheNo1Yeti: Iptables. You configure it with firestarter10:48
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x__INDY... <-----------------------> can u tell me how we can install RealPlayer on Ubuntu ??? i need it for some Radio Stations10:48
simplyw00xChrisF_: You can configure it individually with .gtkrc-2.010:48
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TheNo1Yetisimply: thanks.  I am guessing firestarter is available in the universe packages?10:48
jmchaffieuser_: if your clock is resetting... it sounds to mee like you may be having some hardware glitches possibly. Also if you are able to look at your resolve.conf ... hold on.. .brb10:48
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LeChacalIndyGunFreak: then i must have pick the wrong packages to install because it still wanted the internet the one time i tried that10:49
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IndyGunFreak!realplayer | x__10:49
Gargoyledoes anyone know if there is a channel for gutsy?10:49
ubotux__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:49
IndyGunFreak!gutsy | Gargoyle10:49
ubotuGargoyle: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+110:49
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simplyw00xTheNo1Yeti: I believe so, yes10:49
Gargoylethx IndyGunFreak10:49
TheNo1Yetisimply: yea, I found it 4 seconds after I asked.  THanks10:49
scorp123hi all ...10:50
simplyw00xscorp123: hi10:50
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x__INDY...<---------> yeah i need it for radio stations10:51
zlihomeHello. Can anyone with Edgy tell me if they can cycle through resolutions with ctrl+alt++ (+ on numpad)?10:51
x__UBUNTU<---------> thanks10:51
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rolfenwhenever i try press the eject button on my USB DVD-R i get this popup message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30040/10:51
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ysthanybody know if a gutsy tribe 3 is coming in the next week or so?10:51
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astro76ysth, in 3 or 4 days10:52
rolfenzlihome: i cant10:52
rolfenzlihome: oh wait i can with the numpad10:52
ysthastro76: thanks10:52
gnomefreakysth: join #ubuntu+1 and read topic10:52
zlihomerolfen: Do you know if you used a fresh install or upgrade?10:52
rolfenzlihome: but the results arent great10:52
rolfenzlihome: fresh install10:52
capohey, i cant save my sources.list.  it says i dont have permission.  im logged in as admin, so why cant i save it with gedit?10:52
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TheNo1YetiAm I safe to assume then that by default iptables is set to accept everything and block nothing?10:53
zlihomerolfen: I just "upgrade-manage" upgraded to Edgy and can't seem to get it to work anymore.10:53
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skolliecapo: you have to use sudo to edit and save it10:53
gregorygregwhat's up guys10:53
gregorygregwhere can I get some cool llooking desklets?10:53
gregorygregfor GDESKLETS10:53
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caposkollie: so what would that command be?  im still new to the terminal10:54
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skolliecapo: sudo gedit ...10:54
zlihomerolfen: Can you tell me what the Screen section of your "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" says?10:54
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rolfenzlihome: okay hold on10:54
x__anyone using REAL PLAYER on UBUNTU ?????10:55
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Flannel!caps | x__10:55
ubotux__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:55
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caposkollie: thanks ;)10:55
gregorygreghey guys10:55
gregorygreggdesklets vs adesklets?10:56
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TheNo1YetiRDP only works to connect to other windows machines right?  So if I want to be able to connect to a remote linux x11 session I would need a vnc viewer yes?10:56
x__UBUNTU ..... sorry i using laptop ... sorry10:56
cBauI avoid Real Player on any OS10:56
user_hi  gregorygreg10:56
skolliecapo: np10:56
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gregorygregsup user10:56
hak5fa1skollie: isn't gedit a gui program in that case the comand gksudo gedit10:56
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rolfenzlihome: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30041/10:56
cBautoo bloated and crappy10:57
cBaujust my opinion10:57
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eboyjrCan Desktop Effects be enabled from the Live CD?10:57
gnomefreakeboyjr: no10:57
skolliehak5fa1: yes, but it seems sudo works just as well... capo seems happy10:57
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nj786i havnt gotten a system update notification i na while is there a way i can get an update?10:57
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eboyjrgnomefreak, ok10:57
capoi am indeed10:57
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nibblesmxdoes anyone know why my Quit Dialog doesn't show shutdown nor restart??10:57
caposudo worked great10:57
hak5fa1skollie: I was told that using sudo gui app will muck up some permission file10:58
x__what sudo stand for ??10:58
hak5fa1super user do10:58
rolfenx__: super user do10:58
zlihomerolfen: Thanks10:58
cBaunj786: You can always go to System~~>Administration~~~>Update Manager10:58
gregorygregyo does anyone wanna talk about desklets or nah10:58
cBauto check10:58
skolliehak5fa1: yes, it could, but in this case, sudo was just used to open gedit10:58
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cBaunj786: Otherwise, you can... sudo apt-get update in terminal10:59
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nj786cBau: no not that the actual UPDATE like that orange looking icon that pops up once in a while10:59
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hak5fa1yep.... just wanted to say it because best practise is important10:59
x__i'm new in linux ... just tried 6 hours .... that's verry better and cool than windows :-)10:59
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hak5fa1x__:  I see11:00
hak5fa1yes linux is nice11:00
cBaunj786: Right, so you want the orange icon to show, or are you concerned that you are not updated? I may be confused.11:00
skolliehak5fa1: for sure11:00
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gordonjcpnj786: if there aren't any updates, the icon won't show11:00
nj786cBau: yes i want that orange icon to appear and get an update but the thing is i havnt seen it for like 3-4 months11:00
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jmchaffieuser_: have you checked to see if your laptop is losing time in CMOS or in BIOS?11:01
conorkirkpatrickHow do you reconfigure X after installing nvidia-glx-new?11:01
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cBaunj786: Odd, but have you used the Update Manager and checked?11:01
zlihome<conorkirkpatrick: You mean "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?11:01
nj786it works11:01
nj786i got updates from that11:01
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scottyhey guys i was launching a game and it froze, whats the best way to get to the desktop11:01
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scottykinda liek the cntrl alt del on windows, what do i do for ubuntu11:02
cBaunj786: I don't know then...11:02
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astro76scott, try alt+tab first11:02
scottyi did11:02
astro76sorry, scotty11:02
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astro76you could go to a console ctrl+alt+f1, and try and kill the game11:03
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ditoahey all11:03
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scottyhmmm console wont even open11:03
n2diyscotty: switch to another desktop?11:03
zlihomeHello. Anyone know why I can't cycle though resolutions (after upgrading from Dapper to Edgy) using ctrl+alt++ or ctrl+alt+-? My xorg.conf is posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30042/11:03
nibblesmxdoes anyone know why my Quit Dialog doesn't show shutdown nor restart??11:03
astro76scotty, try ctrl+alt+backspace to kill x11:03
linkinTry ctrl alt backspace11:03
scottythe game froze when loading11:03
ditoawhat would be the most sensible programming language to start with if wanting to learn how to program with ubuntu as your operating system?11:03
scottynone of those are wokring11:04
rolfenscotty: the game probably captures all key combinations11:04
x__which format is for ubuntu ?? tar ? gz ?? bin ??? it's too many file format here :-s11:04
user_jmchaffie Yea I think about it but why resolv reset?11:04
nj786gordonjcp: i am talking about this icon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=update-notification.png11:04
NigelSditoa: if you don't know any languages then you can't go far wrong with learning C11:04
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NigelSditoa: from that you can recognise the syntax of the more modern languages11:05
n2diyscotty: can you get to a terminal with ctrl + alt + F2?11:05
skolliex__: what are you wanting to download?11:05
ditoaNigelS: I was wondering if learning C might be a bad idea for a n00b like myself?11:05
NigelSditoa: why?11:05
NigelSditoa: you only stop being a noob when you have learned something new :)11:05
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gordonjcpnj786: yes, and what I'm saying is that if you're all up to date, you won't see it11:05
scottyi had to just shut it down, hopefulyl everythigns fine11:05
x__skollie <---------> flash player for Opera browser11:05
ditoaNigelS: just that it is a difficult language in that it is much lower levels than languages such as java or python11:05
hak5fa1Anyone have any exprerince with the logitech g15 keyboard lcd display and the xmms plugin i'm having problems compiling it11:05
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astro76scott, if you can't get to a console or kill x you could use magic sysrq keys to gracefully reboot, maybe... http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=78711:06
conorkirkpatrickWhat command do you use to restart GDM?11:06
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ditoai have pretty much zero programming history11:06
scottyk thnx astro7611:06
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ditoabatch files and vbscript is basically it11:06
astro76conorkirkpatrick, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart11:06
conorkirkpatrickditoa: C for Dummies, the best book :D11:06
NigelSditoa: it's not more difficult really - you just have to do more things without the oo model abstracting it away.  If you learn C then you understand to a finer level the benefit of OO and will appreciate Java/C# etc more11:06
ditoaa tiny bit of C# a couple of years ago11:06
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skolliex__: have you tried installing it using synaptic?11:06
ditoaok cool11:07
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ilovejumphello ppl are there some good games for linux?11:07
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gordonjcpilovejump: yes loads11:07
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conorkirkpatrickilovejump: sauerbraten.org11:07
ditoawill have a look around on some C websites and see how i get on :)11:07
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astro76!games | ilovejump11:07
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ubotuilovejump: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org11:07
gordonjcpoooh, sauerbraten, I haven't played that in years11:07
NigelSditoa: you don't have to go deep into C either really11:07
zerokill88does anybody know if Ubuntu comes with the International kernel ptch11:07
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con_goneIt is way bettrer not11:07
con_goneEVERYONE who plays sauerbraten, get the latest CVS, it owns11:08
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x__skollie<--------> i tried  like this in terminal :  sudo apt-get install flashplugun          and more commands ... didn't worked  :-(11:08
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bricoWhat is the firefox plugin that allows wmv videos to be streamed in the browser?11:08
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tabris|awayx__: uhhh. 'plugun' should be 'plugin'11:08
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x__tabris..<--------->yeah but didn't worked11:09
scottyoops, i accidently removed the trashcan from the panel how do i get it back there???11:09
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NigelSscotty: its just another panel applet, right click and choose it from the menu11:09
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bricoscotty: right click the panel your can add it back no problem11:09
NigelSscotty: if in doubt, right click - gnome is intuitive11:09
anixhkrright-click on panel, select add, select trash11:09
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p47What is the type when I mount a hs with ntfd... is mount -t ???11:10
p47what should I do ?11:10
phreckis SLI supported in linux?11:10
skolliex__: I think its called flashplugin-nonfree, but I'm not sure it will work wirh opera11:10
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FunnyLookinHatAnyone know how I can deny access to a specific file in /usr/bin for a group that I create?11:11
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markdragoanyone else seen problems with banshee not loading the daap plugin in feisty?11:11
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n2diyFunnyLookinHat: remove their read permissions.11:11
x__skollie <----->  thanks ....   i use some program like real player for stream *.rm files11:11
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x__skollie <--> sorry .. i need some program :-)11:12
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NigelSx__: mozilla-mplayer will stream just about anything though its interface is somewhat imperfect11:12
NixManI created this tuturial, can a few people tell me if it is easy to follow and understandable? http://techystuff.info/?p=6211:13
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skolliex__: to use in opera?11:13
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x__Nigles<----> how i can find it ??11:13
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NigelSx__: how do you find any package?11:13
x__skolie <---> yeah .. i using opera11:13
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x__nigels <---> donno .. i tried linux for 6 hour11:14
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BaD_CrChow do i fix a "too many open files" error that programs are dishing at me?11:14
skolliex__: for your flash player issue, look at this- http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_Flash_Player_in_Opera11:14
BaD_CrCespecially azureus11:15
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NigelSx__: for opera, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:15
NixManI created this tuturial, can a few people tell me if it is easy to follow and understandable? http://techystuff.info/?p=6211:15
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zlihomeHello. Anyone know why I can't cycle though resolutions anymore(after upgrading from Dapper to Edgy) using ctrl+alt++ or ctrl+alt+-? My xorg.conf is posted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30042/ (it used to not have the "virtual ..." line but it didn't work then either.)11:15
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NigelSx__: you can add programs from the add/remove program option on the apps menu but for more detail - go to admin and select synaptic; then search for the package mozilla-mplayer and install it.  Alternatively, in a terminal type sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer11:16
x__skollie<---> thanks ... u r verry good help :-)11:16
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skolliex__: you're welcome11:16
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x__nigels<-----> thanks ... i tried in terminal ... didn't worked :-(11:16
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anixhkrNixMan: looks fine to me11:16
Outriderevening folk11:16
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NixMananixhkr: THANKS.11:17
skollienixman: I could follow it with no problem... perfectly understandable11:17
capoim a bit of a noob to ubuntu.  how do you install proprietary ati video card drivers?11:17
NigelSx__: did you go to the page I sent you about opera?11:17
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NixManskollie: and how experienced with linux/ubuntu are you?11:17
ShackJackNixMan: Personally, on a single user system, I like to create a .fonts directory in my home folder ... then fc-cache -v /home/username/.fonts  -- that way they're there if I ever wip my root partition to reinstall...11:17
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x__nigles <__> yeah ... i try too open it :-)11:17
skollienixman: been using it for some years - four to be exact11:17
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NixManShackJack: so your home dir isn't on the same partition? i was looking to do that, how can i?11:18
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mysticaloneNeed help with video settings on Feisty, it's real bad11:18
NixManskollie: ok, i've been using it for about 6 months, i like it. i was just wondering what a noob would think of the tutorial11:18
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FunnyLookinHatn2diy, but how do I remove read permissions on a file for a specific user?  Rather than just all "users"   root/group/user doesn't really allow for that does it?11:18
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salehhello guys, i need tips for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me?11:18
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ShackJackNixMan: No I never put it on the same partition... If you've already installed Ubuntu, etc.. there a tutorial somewhere... lemme look real quick..11:18
Sonicadvance1How do you make it so Terminal starts in your working directory?11:19
n2diyFunnyLookinHat: remove the user from the group.11:19
skollienixman: the only thing I would change is where to extract the files - as you have it, it will cause some desktop clutter11:19
BaD_CrCis there a .MKV plugin for gstreamer?11:19
astro76FunnyLookinHat, you change the group from root to a group you create, and you add the group to users you want to ALLOW access11:19
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astro76FunnyLookinHat, need to remove others permissions too, obviously11:19
ShackJackSonicadvance1: There's a couple nifty nautilus add-ons for that - to open terminal in selected dir, run as superuser, resize, etc...11:20
BaD_CrCoh that's oldschool11:20
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salehi need help for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me???11:20
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NixManShackJack: ok, sounds good,11:21
ShackJackNixMan: Bah can't find it, but if you google around there's a tutorial to do if you've already have one partition..11:21
Sammyhellsyeaso this is where i get help??11:21
NixManskollie: it will just extract it to your home dir, in a folder, wouldn't it? i tried it...11:22
ShackJackSammyhellsyea: If you ask nice :)11:22
Sammyhellsyeaplease oh please can i have help11:22
ShackJack!ask | Sammyhellsyea11:22
ubotuSammyhellsyea: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:22
bizwarkdoes anyone know how I can get the universe repository on CD or something? I need to get the bcm43xx-fwcutter...and I have no network connection.11:22
FunnyLookinHatastro76, ahhh right.  See that's what I thought (create a unique group for access)     Thanks  : )11:23
NixManShackJack: ok, what i've done is encrypted my entire 200gb as a data drive, i'd like my profile to be there..could i do that? my 80gb is the one with ubuntu installed...only problem would be booting, the partition wouldn't be mounted, so i probably couldn't do it could i11:23
skollienixman: the way I read it, the archive will be on the Desktop, so that it where it will be extracted unless you specify otherwise11:23
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Sammyhellsyealol ok...uhm im a hardcore windows fan...like ive never used linux11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptoncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
salehi need help for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me???11:23
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NixManNigelS: nah, i don't think so. when you open terminal, you run it from home, try it, i did, so they were extracted to home11:23
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ShackJackNixMan: I don't see why not, but unfortunately, I'm not an expert on that...11:23
Sammyhellsyeaand now windows is going reallly crappy on my desktop so i decided to give ubunt a try but idk how to install it11:23
NixManShackJack: its because you didn't specify where to extract them, and terminal starts in your home11:24
ShackJackSammyhellsyea: Ez - just pop in Live CD and get computer to boot from CD11:24
Sammyhellsyeai did.11:24
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ShackJackSammyhellsyea: What are you stuck on specifically?11:24
ShackJackNixMan: Eh?11:24
salehi need help for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me???11:25
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NixManShackJack: never mind...11:25
Geminiasis there a way to adjust monitor brightness?11:25
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NixManShackJack: wrong name...11:25
Sammyhellsyeawell it started running through a list of numbers. and after about 4 hours it got up to about 11000 and i quit11:25
Geminiasmy laptop needs dim display for longer lasting battery life11:25
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skollienixman: my mistake. You were in your home dir and just pointing the file on the desktop. It will be extracted to a folder in your home dir. Comes from when one speedreads...11:25
Geminiascurrently windows vista outlasts ubuntu11:25
NixManskollie: its because you didn't specify where to extract  them, and terminal starts in your home11:25
Sammyhellsyeaand then i finally used the text instaler and it worked but when i start the computer it goes to the loading screen and just hangs forever11:25
NixManskollie: ok, got it11:25
scoobydoo28139:-[ can some one help with a boot up problem? I installed drivers for my nvidia 8500gt but now i can't boot cause of driver problem. what do i do?11:26
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NixManskollie: i figured that would be the easiest way to put it, instead of explaining cd and home an dall11:26
LukeIn sreen, my backspace doesn't work. I have to use ctrl+h. Does anyone know how to fix this?11:26
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bluefox83scoobydoo28139, did you update your xorg.conf to use "nvidia" instead of "nv"?11:26
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bluefox83that might help..11:27
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scoobydoo28139and now i can't boot11:27
salehi need help for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me???11:27
bluefox83how did you install your video card drivers, did you let the "restricted drivers manager" do it?11:27
TheoryCan someone point me in the right direction to create a NetworkManager package with debugging symbols included?11:27
NixManShackJack: i don't think it would work, because when you booted, the 200gb wouldn't be mounted, you have to mount it manually with the password, so ubuntu wouldn't be able to use some necesary files (themes, icons, etc)11:27
skollienixman: for sure. Does make it easier for new users, but then you may also want to advise the removal of the archive afterwards11:27
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scoobydoo28139blue fox83: i am a registered user can you pm me ?11:27
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capohow do i install my ATI linux driver?  it always tries to open in gedit11:28
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bluefox83scoobydoo28139, no thanks, i'm eating dinner...shouldn't be here anyways11:28
ShackJackNixMan: O.K... Like I said, I'm no expert - though one thing I've learned about linux is there's a way to do everything :_11:28
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bluefox83scoobydoo28139, sorry i gotta go eat11:28
NixManskollie: so i could add in another script thing...11:28
ShackJackSammyhellsyea: Curious, what are specs on system?  Processor, mem, video?11:28
marco__hey guys .. im having troubles installing ubuntu 7.04 can anyone help me out please ?11:28
scoobydoo28139ok < i installed it through package manager11:28
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ShackJack!ask | marco__11:29
ubotumarco__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:29
n2diyShackJack: at least two ways to do anything! :)11:29
Sammyhellsyeaits a dell dimension 235011:29
scottyoh, do you have to keep open wine when running a program through it???11:29
oscuro_ I'm trying to download feisty from ubuntu site.11:29
oscuro_it's my second attempt.11:29
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oscuro_and it's annoying coz at some point, it stops.11:29
x__hi again11:29
oscuro_it doesn't continue d'ling.11:29
ShackJackSammyhellsyea: Mmm... that doesn't say a lot -- processor? memory? video?11:29
Sammyhellsyeaim not sure what kinda processor...i know it has a 30 gb hard drve and like 768 of memory11:29
Stormx2oscuro_: Use torrents?11:29
salehi need help for installing "allegro lisp". anyone can help me???11:29
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oscuro_no, the direct ftp from the sith stormx2.11:29
skollienixman: or just the instruction rm ./Desktop/archive-name assuming the user is still in home dir11:29
x__skollie <---> r u here ??11:30
capohow do I install my proprietary ATI linux driver?  it always opens in gedit11:30
ShackJackSammyhellsyea: Have you tried booting in recovery mode (command line only - select from GRUB scrren?)11:30
skolliex__: yes, I am11:30
Stormx2oscuro_: Uhg. No, I meant - Use torrents!!11:30
oscuro_I'm very disapointed :(11:30
savetheWorldsaleh: apt doesn't do it all by itself?11:30
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Sammyhellsyeaand its got like a $125 vid card i put in myself cuz games wont run with an onboard one11:30
erUSULsaleh: i'm sure there are instructions in the allegro website for instalation11:30
marco__i download it the i386.iso file from the net ... copy to the CD .. it opens but doesn't start the installing... message says ... Error reding boot device I/011:30
NixManskollie: thats exactly what i meant...becauese i never had them cd anywhere..11:30
oscuro_where can I get a reliable torrent friend?11:30
Stormx2oscuro_: That'll ensure it will get there, completely intact.11:30
erUSUL!iso | marco__11:30
ubotumarco__: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:30
skollienixman: you said script - that is just a command, but yes, it is that11:31
oscuro_I'll see what I can get, thank you very much.11:31
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Sammyhellsyeano i havent11:31
oscuro_mmh I suppose there's an official torrent?11:31
x__skollie <---> i read that page ... can u help me and tell me wich format i should downloading from http://www.real.com/linux?pcode=rn&src=freeplayer_partner&opage=freeplayer_partner11:31
Stormx2erUSUL: You sure that's the factoid he needs? Wouldn't it be !verify?11:31
PriceChild!torents | oscuro_11:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about torents - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:31
Sammyhellsyeahow do i do that11:31
PriceChild!torrents | oscuro_11:31
ubotuoscuro_: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)11:31
salehsavetheworld : i tried to install every packages that i found appropriate for it, but i got othing11:31
marco__sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> where do i write this ?11:31
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ShackJackSammyhellsyea: See if you can boot into command line, at the very least, you can see where it's getting stuck...  Just select from GRUB screen - recovery mode...11:31
NixManskollie: yeah, i meant command, but i'm thinking about writing some scripts for some of my advanced tutorials :)11:31
oscuro_Thanks a lot guys!11:31
bizwarkaptoncd is not helping me...and my other box is windows, so is there a place I can just get isos that I can use or something?11:31
vecinaHow come my graphics have been bad since the last time i upgraded?11:32
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capohow do I install my proprietary ATI linux driver?  it always opens in gedit11:32
PriceChild!ati | capo11:32
ubotucapo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:32
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sniper89guys, just one more question regarding my startup script11:32
vecinawhen i double click an icon its little blow-up animation is really slow, and in Blender everything is choppy11:32
ShackJackcapo: Have you tried restricted driver manager under Admin?11:32
vecinathis seems to happen a lot when i upgrade.11:32
x__skollie <----> did u get that link ??11:32
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sniper89does su - cs -c "./hlds_run -game cstrike +maxplayers 10 +map de_rats_2001 +rcon_password \"onodadoeo\"" & actually execute the & as a command for user "cs" or as a command for the root user11:33
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skolliex__: gimme a sec. looking at it11:33
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ShackJackvecina: You'd need to provide more info - i.e. kind of graphics board, driver, are you using Compiz/XGL, etc...11:33
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astro76sniper89, use sudo to run commands as root11:34
Sammyhellsyeaok....it stopped at "[   33.97250]  ========================="11:34
vecinavecina: Im in plain KDM, and I have an ATI Radeon x700 series11:34
Theorysniper89: it will apply to the 'su' command11:34
x__skollie<----> ok .. thanks ... i got this link from that link u gave me :-)11:34
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ShackJackvecina: ATI - bleech... which driver you using?11:34
scoobydoo28139any one can explain how to fix my ubuntu so i can boot to it?11:34
sniper89Theory: so not to what user 'cs' runs but to what the script runs, right? it's an init.d script, astro7611:34
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vecinaShackJack: Proprietary, i think. I used "envy". Its worked fine until the upgrade11:35
skolliex__: do you want to install flashplayer or realplayer?11:35
astro76sniper89, then you don't need sudo11:35
sniper89astro76: it's su USER11:35
sniper89it runs a command as another user11:35
Theorysniper89: I think you want start-stop-daemon11:35
x__skollie <---> both ,-)11:35
sniper89not as root11:35
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sniper89Theory: nah, nvm that11:35
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CrashandDiehey guys, a friend of mine just isntalled ubuntu, when he tries to access the update manager or anything that requires the root password, it doesn't accept the password, we did change the password with sudo passwd root11:35
ShackJackvecina: Personall, I would stick with radeon/ati driver that comes in repos...11:36
PriceChildCrashandDie, its using the users password11:36
skolliex__: ok. it is probably wise to do one at a time..11:36
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TheNo1YetiIt's not asking for the root password11:36
astro76sniper89, right sorry11:36
sniper89Theory: I'm just curious whether it's putting the & in the command executed by user root as user CS or root himself11:36
PriceChildCrashandDie, not the root password11:36
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: When you say "boot into it" -- you mean the GUI?11:36
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vecinaShackJack: That usually has really bad effects llike these11:36
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Sammyhellsyeaok....it stopped at "[   33.97250]  ========================="11:36
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x__skollie <--> ok .. then Real first  ... plz :-)11:36
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Theorysniper89: the & is interpreted by the shell, which treats su just as any other command11:36
scoobydoo28139yes boot to the os through grub11:36
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ShackJackvecina: Maybe try tweaking KDE special effects -- turn off etc... driver might not support alpha blending, etc...11:37
scoobydoo28139os start to boot but then says x bad11:37
vecinaShackJack: okay ill try that... tnx11:37
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: does it offer any more info... scroll down - error message11:37
skolliex__: for the realplayer download you have a choice between the .bin file and the .bz2. Both will work, but not sure which is easier, but you will also need to look for the install instructions somewhere. The .bin file might be an installer rather than the archive11:37
marco__hey.. i download the file .. but i cant install ubuntu 7.0411:37
marco__help please11:37
sniper89Theory: oh, lawl, I put " there anyway11:37
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skolliemarco__: which file did you download?11:38
Theorybut really, you want start-stop-daemon11:38
vbI have a question about VNC and GDM. I've gotten it working just fine (shared session with currently logged-in user). However, I want to make the VNC server throw the user to a login screen to start a new session and that doesn't seem to be working. I've read a tutorial that is supposed to do that, but it doesn't work. I'm missing something..11:38
=== pm2 [n=pmcdonne@c-71-201-76-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pm2Can anyone recommend any software for making a simple slideshow?  ie, just taking a bunch of JPEG photos, displaying each for a few seconds, and putting in a soundtrack?  I'd like to be able to export it as an mpeg or any other kind of movie file.11:38
x__skollie <--> yeah .. i got *.bin and *.rpm ... i donno how i can install them and wich one :-(11:38
sniper89Theory: to close the command sent to the cs user shell... but what if the "s weren't put there to indicate which part is the actual command, would that & be sent as the CS user's command part or as a part of the SU command11:38
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vbpm2: ffmpeg?11:38
vbpm2: rather, dvd-slideshow with ffmpeg11:39
clevervb: 'vncserver' starts its own vnc private server which you can shove a second gdm into11:39
pm2vb, I'll take a look at that, thanks11:39
skolliex__: rpm is tricky and very involved. Go look on that site and see if they have install instructions11:39
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marco__skollie i've downloaded the file for intel systems .. it says ubuntu-7.04-desktop.i386.iso .... but it downloaded two files .. one it the same name .. but says .part11:39
clevervb: x0vncserver and some others ocnnect to an existing x server11:39
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Theorysniper89: su will continue to be running as long as the command you pass to it does11:40
skolliemarco__: if you have the full iso, you have to burn it to a CD to be used for installation11:40
vbclever: I'm connecting to :1 and the xinetd conf is set to use :1 which *should* be different than the physical login on :0 though, right?11:40
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scoobydoo28139shackjack:yes it says x or drivers are wrong for my card. Its a nvidia 8500gt, i downloaded from nvdia glx package, then i ran in terminal" sudo nvivia-xconfig -add-argb-glx-visuals" and restarted, now it won't work11:40
ShackJackmarco__: Sounds ike CD is defective? Did you check for errors?11:40
PriceChildmarco__, using firefox.. that looks like it only half downloaded maybe?11:40
clevervb: yes normaly :0 and :1 are fully seperate11:40
marco__it has 693 MB i think11:40
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: are you in command line now?11:40
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x__skollie <----> i fond some terminal command but didn't worked for me :-( ... thanks for help :-)11:41
=== LordMarshal [n=dahlenat@69-179-109-126.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
clevervb: but the 'vncserver' i have which has yet to work on ubuntu makes its own which for you may wind up as :211:41
sniper89Theory: I know, I know, my point is whether that & will be a part of the command assigned to the -c parameter or an argument sent to the su command11:41
skolliex__: let me look...11:41
x__skollie <-->and sorry for disturbing u :-)11:41
clevervb: which has no moniter or keyboard attached and the vnc may perform better in it11:41
vbclever: see, then I don't understand why it's not working. :p my current session is :0.0 and the vnc server is running on :1.... hmm.. I'll try :211:41
sniper89Theory: like eg. - is11:41
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un4getlemme ask you, i dont know why but (alt shift) for changing language isnt workin, anyone knows why?11:41
ShackJackmarco__: See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192689 dunno if it'll help...11:41
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feldare there any 7.04.1 alternative install amd64 images ANYWHERE that I can get my hands on? even if it's not final?11:41
clevervb: something usefull is to run stuff like 'DISPLAY=:2 xlsclients'11:41
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scoobydoo28139shackjack: no i am using live cd11:42
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clevervb: if your xauth file has the cookies you can spy into other X servers or inject programs11:42
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Sammyhellsyeadoes anyone know how to help me??11:42
clevervb: ive used it to get gedit open at the gdm login screen:P11:42
marco__skollie i did that.. i burn it the the cd .. but doesn't work ... the setup starts but when it starts to install... it stop and says .. error on boot device ... and something like I/o11:42
vbclever: as I run vncserver? I'm using xinetd to start it..11:42
vbclever: haha11:42
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: I don't understand - you haven't installed ubuntu yet - are trying or what?11:42
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clevervb: lol11:42
skolliemarco__: my iso is 697.9 MB11:42
Theorysniper89: & is purely a shell feature, it is never sent to a command11:42
sniper89Amaranth: how can I assign myself to the ubuntu freenode group (or are you an active member of the ubuntu dev team itself :>)?11:42
Theory(unless quoted etc)11:42
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Theoryit is different to - in this respect11:43
marco__mine its 631 MB just check it11:43
Drk_GuyHow can i extract files from the Ubuntu cd11:43
sniper89Theory: hmm hmm hmm I can't really present this to be clear enough :D11:43
skolliemarco__: yeah, looks like a faulty CD11:43
Drk_GuyMore exactly. all the OO files11:43
scoobydoo28139shack: yes i installed it but i can't get into it now cause of bad video, so i am using live cd now11:43
marco__how do i do then ?11:43
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Drk_Guyscoobydoo, try re-configuring X11:43
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: Do you know what string you have set for driver in your xorg.conf?11:44
scoobydoo28139i would if i knew how:)11:44
Drk_GuyGo into the recovery mode, then type "sudo dpkg re-configure xorgxorgconf"11:44
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: You can boot into your real system and exit to command line...11:44
Drk_GuyOr something like that11:44
Sammyhellsyeaok well then ill find someone else...'11:44
marco__skollie i have to download the file again ? and how do i burn it right to the CD11:44
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Drk_GuyIt helped me one time, but i forgot the command11:44
scoobydoo28139then what do i type in comand line?11:44
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: In your xorg.conf you should have driver "nvidia" in there... You can type cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver to see....11:45
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skolliemarco__: it does look like you only have part of the file, so yes, it looks like you need to download again11:45
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pm2vb, you wouldn't happen to know if there's a gui for dvd-slideshow?11:45
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Drk_GuyShackJack, he needs to mount the REAL Ubuntu drive to do that11:45
ShackJackscoobydoo28139: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf will let you edit it.... Ctrl+Key let you save, etc...11:45
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marco__:( skollie how do i burn it properly ?11:45
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ShackJackDrk_Guy: Yes, that's what I told him to do ...11:46
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Drk_GuyScoobyDoo, fstab -l11:46
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skolliemarco__: do you have k3b?11:46
emprogHi room, I would like to check my hard drive without smartmontools, anyone know of a good application for this? My hard drive has been making some noise lately (faint) but I would still like to check the hard drive out.11:46
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Drk_GuyThen pastebin the output11:46
vbpm2: http://download.videohelp.com/tin2tin/ I think11:46
scoobydoo28139can i get to it through the live cd?11:46
marco__no.... nothing ,... just the basic Ubuntu 5.0411:46
vbpm2: hmm, that looks win32 now..11:46
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Drk_GuyJust type the command i told ya11:46
Drk_GuyTrust me scoobydoo11:47
pm2vb, oh well, I'll look around, thanks11:47
pm2maybe linux picasa can do this11:47
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marco__ no.... nothing ,... just the basic Ubuntu 5.04 skollie11:47
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emprogany hard drive testing tools?11:47
M3t0ris it possbile to mount a internal hdd with a live ubuntu 6.06?11:47
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skolliemarco__: can be dome from command line, but I cannot remember how - try to google it. You planning a clean install?11:48
Stormx2M3t0r: Yeah.11:48
Drk_GuyM3t0r, yes11:48
sniper89Theory: allright, my point is... imagine I remove the quote signs from the command11:48
xp_prghow do I tell if I have a dvd burner on my laptop?11:48
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Stormx2M3t0r: mount /dev/hdxx /mnt/point.11:48
Drk_GuyMount and Umount11:48
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marco__skollie yeah11:48
sniper89Theory: not all of them, just the ones between -c and &11:48
skolliex_: what was the command line thing that you talked about?11:48
M3t0rand with wich application:11:48
SlimeyPetexp_prg: look t the outside of the drive. It'll probably have a label on it.11:48
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Drk_GuyMonut for mounting, Umount for unmounting11:48
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xp_prgok it does :)11:49
M3t0rvia terminal?11:49
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marco__skollie thanks11:49
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sniper89Theory: would & act as a part of the command that's currently in the quotation marks or still will the command line that's in the quotation marks end where it ends ATM and would the & be parsed as a separate part11:49
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wit_273How do I get my system to see my digital video camera?  What program do I need for this.  I have a JVC GR-DV500U11:49
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Drk_GuyFor example, if you want to mount /dev/hdb in /mnt/tmp, you must do this, 1) mkdir /mnt/tmp (To create the mnt point), 2) mount /dev/hdb /mnt/tmp11:49
skolliemarco_: np11:50
Drk_GuyIn a terminal11:50
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sniper89oi tharr11:50
Drk_GuyBut if you want to unmount it, you just have to type: umount /mnt/tmp11:50
M3t0rStormx2: i have only one hd with only one partition, but hda1 is not found11:51
Drk_GuyOr if you want to mount an iso...11:51
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sniper89Drk_Guy: I hate that umount thing, it should be unmount, darn it11:51
Drk_Guy!iso | M3t0r11:51
ubotuM3t0r: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:51
sniper89Drk_Guy: I spent much time trying to unmount a NTFS partition, lawl :P11:51
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Stormx2M3t0r: Do a sudo fdisk -l11:51
Drk_GuySniper, read a Unix manual and your ready to go!11:51
sniper89Drk_Guy: heh :11:52
M3t0ri do not understand what you mean11:52
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sniper89Drk_Guy: check this out: type sni[press TAB]  :)11:52
Drk_GuyHey guys!11:52
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Drk_Guysniper, i don't use Ubuntu11:52
Drk_GuyI use PuppyLinux11:52
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M3t0rDrk_Guy: i wont mount an iso11:52
sniper89Drk_Guy: that works in most IRC clients though11:53
fredorbacksalut les linuxien11:53
PriceChild!tab | sniper8911:53
ubotusniper89: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:53
sniper89Drk_Guy: it's not distro-conditioned11:53
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PriceChild!fr | fredorback11:53
AlethesI've got an NEC USB Controller that is recognized by lspci, but doesn't recognize any of the devices attached through it11:53
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mc44!fr | fredorback11:53
ubotufredorback: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:53
sniper89ubotu: are you a bot? :P11:53
Alethesanybody know what module I need to load to get the card to be recognized?11:53
mc44!bot > sniper8911:53
PriceChild!away > TheNo1Yeti_Away11:53
skolliemarco_: this is how to burn the cd from the command line - 'cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom driveropts=burnfree -v -data cd_image.iso'11:53
Drk_GuySo cool sni+TAB, sorry sniper8911:53
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sniper89it msg'ed me anyway, mc44 :)11:53
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saxonjfHey, why isn't Pidgin in the repositories yet?11:54
elandAnyone know how to get genisoimage to keep directory structure? i.e., if I tell I do 'genisoimage -dry-run -d /dev/cdrom folder1 folder2 file1 file2' it strips the leading directory for the folders. It copies only their contents11:54
sniper89right, I'm off, I hate an IRC window going 'active' all the time11:54
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eland^ growsisofs11:54
saxonjfOr in Synaptic yet?11:54
ShackJacksaxonjf: goto getdeb.net they have a handy deb install file...11:54
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PriceChildsaxonjf, ubuntu is frozen at release and only major bug fixes and security patches get in.11:54
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John`for this script: DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -vo gl -ao alsa $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS , how do I make it so that it read file names with space in between?11:54
saxonjfShack, does it replace the old Gaim?11:54
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Drk_GuyHow can i extract the OO files from the Ubuntu's LiveCD??????11:55
ShackJacksaxonjf: No - you can have both running but it picks up settings...11:55
DjViperweird question: where can I find ubuntu-balloons? ie. balloons with ubuntu logo..11:55
ShackJacksaxonjf: Course you'll want to remove GAIM :P11:55
PriceChildShackJack, not needed11:55
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saxonjfSo I would need to remove Gaim using add/remove11:55
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raphaHi all!11:56
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ShackJackDjViper: You'll have to make those yourself...11:56
ShackJackPriceChild: What's not needed?11:56
xp_prgwhat device does ubuntu assign to the dvd writer?11:56
raphaDo I have to include a texture for a map with my .pk3 even when it is from the 'common' set?11:56
John`for this script: DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -vo gl -ao alsa $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS , how do I make it so that it read file names with space in between?11:56
DjViperShackJack: okay :(11:56
raphawrong chan11:56
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ShackJackPriceChild: If you mean with deb install, I'm pretty sure you'll have to remove GAIM - well, not *have* to but there's no point in having it around :)11:56
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PriceChildShackJack, indeed11:57
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ShackJacksaxonjf: I had it on Fesity installed that way and worked great - I'm on Gutsy now...11:57
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John`anyone know?11:57
Drk_Gu1How can i extract the OO files from the Ubuntu's LiveCD??????11:58
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Drk_Gu1How can i extract the OO files from the Ubuntu's LiveCD??????11:58
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Alethescan somebody give me an idea of what module needs to be loaded to suport an NEC usb pci card?11:58
saxonjfSince I am here, I can't get desktop effects to work well at all.11:59
vbclever: seem to have it sort of working, except now it wants to open twm instead of gdm for some reason. :p11:59
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ShackJacksaxonjf: check out #ubuntu-effects for that...11:59
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clevervb: you can change that in the startup scripts11:59
saxonjfI wonder if anyone is there11:59
clevervb: not shure where they are but it can be changed11:59
vbclever: yeah, I know.. but that was totally random because it *was* using gdm. :)12:00
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:00
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