
Jester45i dont even use qemu so i cant be to much help12:31
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cheeseboyJester45, youve use it though right?12:33
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Jester45cheeseboy, a few times but i didnt do anything special12:42
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student1trying to use xboard to teach myself chess.  extends so far down the screen that 1/2 the pieces are covered by the panel(?) at the bottom.  anyone know how to resize it so the bottom rests above the panel?12:55
student1further note : half the pieces in the bottom row (rooks, knights, bishops, etc)12:56
Jester45student1, whats your screen resolution? and have you looked at man xboard to see is there is a flag for the board size12:57
TheSheepyou can resize the window with alt+shift+arrows, I think12:58
Jester45thats pretty cool TheSheep12:58
Jester45but the program might be stopping the window from being resized12:59
student1screen resolution : 1024 * 768 ... have to look at man xboard ... will do that right now ... tried alt+shift+arrows and no luck ... thanks12:59
Jester45TheSheep, do you know how find out a servers subnet?01:01
TheSheepJester45: sure, run ipconfig and look at its ip and mask01:02
Jester45im trying to setup bandwidthd but it wants my subnet. but i dont know it (vidd's server at work01:02
Jester45jester@vidd:~$  ipconfig01:04
Jester45-bash: ipconfig: command not found01:04
student1looks like the size of the board is controlled by the program ... still reading01:04
TheSheepmixed it up with windoiws :)01:04
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TheSheepstudent1: you can probably use --geometwy=widthxheight01:05
TheSheepJester45: het the ip and mask with ifconfig, then run ipcalc -n ip -m mask01:05
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student1xboard -size Medium ... yes !!!    thanks01:08
student1found it in the man page01:08
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KingPythonwhen i enter youtube ,open a login wiindow ,how can i solve this problem?01:29
TheSheepKingPython: what problem?01:30
KingPythonwhen i enter youtube,open a htaccess window like porn sites!01:30
KingPythonhow can i pass this window?01:30
KingPythonand windows text is "Webduex"01:31
TheSheepKingPython: what address do you visit exactly?01:31
KingPythonall routes of youtube01:31
BFTDI need a powerful CLI IDE01:31
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KingPythoni cant enter youtube01:31
BFTDother then vim01:31
BFTDI like nano01:31
BFTDso if it can be like that01:32
TheSheepBFTD: try emacs :)01:33
TheSheepKingPython: maybe your dns gives you a false ip number?01:33
KingPythonbut i try several dns01:34
TheSheepKingPython: try
KingPythonTheSheep: how can chance my dns ?01:34
KingPythonTheSheep: ohh thanx a lot01:34
KingPythonbut now how can i change my dns settings01:35
TheSheepdos that url work?01:35
TheSheepok, system->network01:35
TheSheepthere is a tab named 'dns'01:35
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TheSheepyou can enter the polish servers I use, and
TheSheepfor example01:36
KingPythonohh i understand when Turkey closed youtube,i had chanced domain01:36
KingPythonok thanx TheSheep01:36
TheSheepI'm sure you can find a lot of other dns servers around the world01:36
KingPythonTheSheep if i dont use dns,what will happen?01:38
Jester45TheSheep, on the bandwidthd config there is a line for mysql login stuff. but i dont understand whats they are asking01:38
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TheSheepJester45: no idea either01:38
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Jester45this is the line pgsql_connect_string "user = bwduser password = bwdpass dbname = bandwidthd host = localhost"01:38
TheSheepKingPython: dns (domain name server) is a service that translates names, like youtube.com, into ip numbers, like
KingPythonopps ,01:39
KingPython i understand01:39
TheSheepKingPython: the internet works with these numbers internally01:39
TheSheepKingPython: if you don't have a dns set up, you just can't use the 'human-friendly' names, you'd have to use the numbers directly01:39
KingPythonhmm ,if i use dns for some sites ,can i enter or walk in there faster?01:39
Jester45a bit01:40
TheSheepKingPython: you mean if you use the ip number directly?01:40
TheSheepKingPython: a split second, yes, but it won't work with all sites01:40
Jester45like google01:40
Jester45they have a lot of ips01:41
TheSheepKingPython: some servers will have multiple web pages on the same ip, and will serve different pages depending on the name you use01:41
KingPythonTheSheep : so thanx again01:41
Jester45like vidd.us :)01:41
TheSheepfor example, if you go to sheep.art.pl, you will end up on my blog, but if you go to gallery.sheep.art.pl, which technically points to the same ip, you will find my gallery01:41
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KingPythonsubdomain ha?01:42
Jester45hiya OGDA01:42
TheSheepKingPython: but it point to the same ip01:42
KingPythonyes i know01:42
TheSheepKingPython: this mechanism is called 'virtual host'01:42
TheSheepKingPython: if a server uses virtual hosts, you cannot use the ip alone to access it01:43
KingPythoni has made a lot of web site,i know a bit01:43
TheSheepKingPython: because it won't know which of the vhosts you mean01:43
TheSheepKingPython: ah, sorry then for my lenghty explanations :)01:43
KingPythoni use subdomain and virtual hosts and i configure apache for virtual hosts.. but i dont think a this about my  myotube problem01:44
KingPythonTheSheep: no need sorry,i like this subject01:45
=== cheeseboy [n=greg@68-186-255-102.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
KingPythonbut now i dont make any web site01:45
KingPythoni use java now01:46
cheeseboycan i resize my root partion?01:46
TheSheepcheeseboy: if there is space, yes01:46
cheeseboyTheSheep, how?01:46
TheSheepcheeseboy: what filesystem?01:46
TheSheephmm, I never done it with ext301:47
TheSheepbut it seems you can do it easily with gparted01:47
KingPythonyes gParted is seriously super program01:48
TheSheepbut you need to boot from livecd, so that your root partition is not being used at the time01:48
cheeseboyTheSheep, all options are greyed out01:48
cheeseboyi cant boot cd01:48
TheSheepcheeseboy: you wanted to enlarge or shrink it?01:48
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TheSheepcheeseboy: you can't boot a livecd?01:48
cheeseboyno cd drive01:49
cheeseboylost it :(01:49
TheSheephmm... you could probably boot a second linux from other partition01:49
TheSheepor from an usb drive01:49
TheSheepor usb pendrive01:50
cheeseboyother artitiom is my swap01:50
cheeseboyi have no usb stick01:50
TheSheepyou have any external storage?01:50
TheSheepyou can't rsize a partition that is being used :/01:50
TheSheepit's a laptop?01:50
TheSheepso you cannot remove the hard disk and put it into another computer temporarily?01:51
TheSheepI'm out of ideas :/01:51
cheeseboyTheSheep, you know acronis thing for windows?01:52
cheeseboyor partition magic01:52
cheeseboythey do it01:52
cheeseboywhen you reboot it does for you01:52
TheSheepcheeseboy: well, command to do it is 'resize2fs', see man resize2fs for details01:53
TheSheepcheeseboy: maybe it can work with the filesystem mounted read-only01:54
TheSheepcheeseboy: ah, it can only enlarge the partition if it's mounted :/01:54
TheSheep(actually only the filesystem, not the partition, but that's a detail)01:55
TheSheepcheeseboy: if you had any way to run a linux without using that disk01:55
cheeseboyTheSheep, can i resize my swap while in linux?01:56
TheSheepcheeseboy: yes01:56
cheeseboyits only 300mb tho01:56
TheSheepcheeseboy: you can do 'swapoff' to disable the swap01:56
cheeseboywat linux could i get on there01:56
cheeseboyto resize my root01:56
TheSheepdsl is about 50MB01:56
cheeseboycan i get it o n there w/o install?01:57
gerroyeah live cd01:57
cheeseboygerro, no cd01:57
gerrohmm usb then01:57
TheSheepcheeseboy: it's possible, but may be a little complicated01:57
gerrocheeseboy: are you having trouble installing xubuntu?01:57
cheeseboyTheSheep, can you help?01:58
cheeseboygerro, no im on ubuntu now01:58
gerrooh ok01:58
TheSheepcheeseboy: it's 2am here at the moment and I was going to bed :(01:58
gerroTheSheep: good night01:58
cheeseboyprentd its 8pm like it is here01:58
TheSheepcheeseboy: I'm sure there is a tutorial somewhere01:58
TheSheepgerro: thanks01:58
TheSheepcheeseboy: basically, you'd have to unpack the iso on that partition and add an option to grub pointing to the kernel image file02:01
cheeseboyTheSheep, id need a step by step :(02:01
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TheSheepcheeseboy: maybe tomorrow02:02
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BFTDis there a program that lets me monitor all the ports?02:22
gerroBFTD: umm wireshark or tcpdump?02:28
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phonoheadhow do you install icon themes? there is no "icons" folder to add them to03:02
Jester45phonohead, just a second there is one but i have to find it03:06
phonoheadok Jester45 :)03:06
Jester45its in ~/.icons03:07
Jester45at least for that user03:07
Jester45idk for a system wide install03:08
Jester45you make a folder for each theme03:08
Jester45or should03:08
Jester45like ~/.icons/glass-theme/otherfiles for glass-theme03:09
phonoheadlet me check03:10
Jester45i think a system wide install goes into /usr/share/icons/03:10
Jester45.icons is a hidden directory all files//folders with . at the beginning are hidden if you didnt know that03:10
Jester45ctrl+h shows them in thunar03:11
phonoheadJester45, i am not a newbie, just new to adding icon themes to Xfce :):)03:11
phonoheadbut, there is no .icons folder in my home directory03:11
Jester45just telling03:11
phonoheadit's nice of you03:11
Jester45make it then03:12
Jester45you can put it into /usr/share/icons/ like the defualt ones03:12
Jester45if you put it in your home root will not have it03:13
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phonoheadi just need it for my own user, so i guess it will do just fine in my home03:14
phonoheadwhy not make it possible to just drag it in the icon theme list03:15
Jester45maybe the devels didnt want it03:17
phonoheadprobably, but it's easy to just make a .icon folder and add the files yourself :)03:19
Jester45and that would make xfce that much more bloated03:24
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Cruzerhow long does it take to partition a HDD?04:10
PumpernickelNot terribly long.04:11
PumpernickelUnless you hit bug 107259.04:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107259 in ubiquity "Xubuntu partitioning can fail because ubiquity does not prevent thunar from automounting new partitions" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10725904:11
Cruzermine has been partitioning to install for a while now04:12
Jester45is it a older computer or drive04:30
Jester45newer drives are much faster than older ones04:30
Cruzerits an older drive04:36
Cruzerseagate bought the company04:36
Jester45i have installed on a lot of diffrent drives even on the same computer and it can make a big diffrence04:37
Cruzerxubuntu deleted windows xp :D04:41
Cruzeron my HD04:41
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hansin321Hello.  I think I jacked my XFCE setup a little.  I just aquired a laptop (500Mhz/192Meg) and after install of Xubuntu 7.04, I was customizing options.  Under 'Window Manager Tweaks' (I think) I tried setting 'use composite'.  I should have know better given the age of the laptop.  XFCE locked up, and now I can't get into XFCE.  I can get to the DM, but after loging in I get the mouse pointer and a solid color screen, nothing else.  05:13
hansin321BTW, I tried fixing by removing the DRI section at the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but this didn't help anything.  It was more of a guess than anything.05:14
Jester45hansin321, do you know if your card hard direct rendering and what driver its using05:25
Jester45also have you tried using the recovery options when in grub05:26
Jester45option* its the same kernel but in single user mode05:26
hansin321Jester45: Not sure.  I'll try and figure it out.  I think I may have screwed up either the xorg configuration or I setting a configuration that hangs my laptop (composite; I should have known better 'cuz this laptop is too old for that sort of thing).05:31
hansin321An XFCE configuration that is...05:32
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Jester45hansin321, i ran beryl on a machine with  400mhz 256mb machine05:40
Jester45you dont need a new machine for that stuff only on Aero do you need a highend machine to do anything with some kind of speed05:41
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hansin321But I think the video chip I have is ultra low end, and that is an issue I think.  I found the config setting under (something like -- ~/.config/xfce4/msc_configure/wmtweaks.xml).  At least I am in again, so I am happy ;)05:53
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cellofellowyeah! I got my joystick working.06:49
cellofellownow, it doesn't work with gl-117 cause it needs 4 axis stick.06:50
maxamillionwhy you need a joystick on linux?06:52
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radioaktivstormhow would i delete unused sessions?08:25
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bitformwhere are icon files stored???09:11
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TheSheepbitform: in /usr/share/icons!!!09:38
bitformThank you!!!!!!!!!!10:11
TheSheepbitform: you are weolcome!!111!11!10:12
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bitformWhat's a good usenet program???10:44
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bart_17heya thesheep12:52
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:59
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:59
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viddok...this is annoying....05:23
=== vidd installed on a new (to him) machine, and accedentally forgot to remove the "Save Session" checkbox when rebooting....
viddhow do I stop that session from restarting every time? where is it stored @?05:25
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viddanyone have any ideas?05:29
TheSheepvidd: ~/.cache/sessions/05:29
vidddelete the one that says -session? or can i safely delete them all?05:30
TheSheepyou can delet them all05:31
viddty again....brb to test05:31
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viddty TheSheep05:34
viddworked like a champ05:35
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cheeseboycan i get my motherboard type without opening the pc?06:03
PumpernickelYou can check the documentation that came with the machine.06:05
cheeseboydont have that06:05
PumpernickelYou can check the manufacturer's website.06:05
cheeseboyhas anyone tried linux bios?06:08
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vidd*wave* maxamillion06:20
maxamillionhiya vidd06:20
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Apsentihello. could anyone tell me how to add a "create folder" option in xfce's menu?07:41
viddApsenti, create folder?07:41
viddwhat do you mean?07:41
Apsentiby right-clicking on the xfdesktop, I want to have an option in the menu of creating a new folder (on the desktop or elsewhere).07:42
ApsentiI can edit the menu, but don't know which command to use (looking for some sort of a graphical mkdir)07:43
viddApsenti, right-clicking on the desktop DOES give you the option to create a folder there07:44
ApsentiI just get the xfce menu07:44
Apsentihow do I do it?07:44
viddah...you changed the default right-click option....07:45
Apsentiyes, I think so... can't remember :) ... how do I reset that back?07:46
viddgot to the settings>desktopsettings07:46
viddthen the behavior tab07:47
viddremove the check from "show menu"07:47
Apsentiwell, it says about enabling the window list by middle click there07:47
Apsentithere's no option for creating a folder in there07:48
viddremove the check from "show menu"07:48
Apsentiok. I did.07:49
viddclose the window and right-click on your desktop07:49
Apsentinothing happens...07:49
Apsentino menu appears07:50
Apsentino window... etc07:50
viddyou dont get a menu at all?07:51
Apsentino menu...07:51
viddgo back to the desktop preferences....07:51
viddgot to the settings>desktopsettings07:51
Apsentisee, that's why I was thinking of adding a command for creating a folder by editing the menu...07:51
viddon the "appearences" tab.....07:52
Apsentiok. I'm there07:52
viddis "allow xfce to manage your desktop" checked?07:52
vidddid you install from an upgrade, or a live cd?07:53
Apsentiare you able of creating a folder this way?07:53
Apsentia cd07:53
ApsentiI use dapper btw07:53
viddTHAT explains everything07:54
Apsentihad some video-card problems with feisty07:54
viddto the best of my knowledge, you cant right-click to make folders on the desktop in dapper07:54
viddget edgy07:55
vidd=] 07:55
Apsentionly when on a folder07:55
Apsenti+the mouse-pointer is07:55
ApsentiI had the same v-card trouble with edgy as well07:55
Apsentiif I click on say a folder I get the create new folder... but that folder will be _inside_ the one I've clicked on07:56
Pabloand how would you expect it to work?07:57
Apsentiwell it created it on the desktop!07:57
Apsentiat last!07:57
ApsentiI had the idea that it would create the folder _inside_ the folder the pointer was over... when I click on clean desktop I don't get that menu... anyhow...07:58
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5DE13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
Apsentianother thing, it appears that thunar and nautilus are both running. how do I disable nautilus?07:59
viddso Apsenti ya good then?07:59
Apsentiyes, thanks for the help07:59
viddnautilus???? that is a gnome app07:59
Apsentihehe I know07:59
ApsentiI have gnome installed too08:00
viddsudo apt-get remove nautilus08:00
viddoh...then not that.....08:00
viddmenu>system>process manager08:00
viddfind the app and KILL IT!!!!!08:01
vidd=] 08:01
viddthere is also the CLI method....but i assume you want the graphical way08:01
ApsentiI can do that with xkill too, but... when I logout and then login, nautilus is still there08:02
Apsentithere's no other way, right?08:02
=== vidd does not know if that (annoying as all get-out) save session option is available on the quit menu in dapper
viddthen...ummm....i dont think there is any other way.....08:05
Apsentiok. thanks for all. bye.08:05
viddunless you make a custom script to auto-kill nautilus on load08:05
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Nergari have gnome and compiz fusion as default session, and i installed xfce, but now every time i start xfce, compiz is also started, how do i stop it from starting?08:37
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=== vidd_ is now known as vidd
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viddanyone have any recomended reading for dial-up in (*)buntu?10:02
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts] has joined #xubuntu
Bassettshi, the live cd seems to be hanging on the partitioner10:03
BassettsI have 1.8Ghz and 768MB RAM10:04
BassettsI just cancelled and re-run the install program and it hangs at 46% now10:06
viddBassetts, this may sound like a silly question....10:06
viddhow big is the HD?10:06
Bassetts60GB I believe10:06
BassettsI will check10:06
Bassettsam I just being impatient because I am used to sata?10:07
=== vidd always uses the alt cd to install....
viddthis way i KNOW what is going on....10:07
BassettsI forgot about using it I am used to faster systems these days10:07
viddits not like im NOT going to install....=] 10:08
viddBassetts, you might want to get the network installer10:08
Bassettsthere is one?10:08
viddits only 8.8 meg.....and gets everything from the internet10:08
Bassettsit is definatly hanging on 46%10:09
viddsure....check out my downloads page:10:09
Bassettsmini.iso vidd ?10:09
viddthe REALLY cool thing about the mini iso (yes)10:09
viddis that you can install ANY official flavor from it10:10
Bassettsyou made it?10:10
viddpluss the LAMP....DNS server....10:10
viddno...i just dug it out of the official archives and made it easier for ppl to find10:10
Bassettsit is official?10:11
Bassettsnever knew that10:11
viddyeah....you can see how much press it gets.....10:11
vidd=] 10:11
Bassettswhat do you use for your downloads vidd? looks nice10:12
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viddwant the code?10:13
Bassettssure =)10:13
Bassettswill help me with my learning10:13
viddgimme a sec....10:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:14
viddBassetts, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30035/10:15
viddjester45 is the actual individual that made it for me10:16
=== vidd wont take someone else's credit
Bassettscool, thanks10:17
Bassettsvidd, do I want to just press enter to boot the default on the mini iso10:17
viddunless you need to do strange stuff like turn off acpi10:18
=== maximilian1st [n=maximili@212-41-101-139.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #xubuntu
viddi dont suppose you know anything about dial-up in linux....do ya?10:18
Bassettsvidd, nope, never tried it10:19
Bassettsvidd, when will it ask me if I want xubuntu10:19
viddat the VERY end10:19
BassettsOK, just worried I have missed it =)10:20
Bassettsso this will install server, (k)(x)ubuntu?10:20
viddyep...and MORE10:20
viddwait till you see the list10:20
Bassettsthat makes all my previous cds so useless10:20
Bassettstechnicians dream right here10:20
Bassettsvidd, what like ubuntu studio?10:21
=== vidd always does the base install and does sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install xubuntu-desktop
Bassettsbase = server?10:21
viddno...base as in base10:21
Bassetts=s it seems to be hanging10:22
viddCLI only10:22
viddat the partioning?10:22
Bassettsafter loading the modules10:22
Bassettsjust the blue screen with grey bar at the bottom10:22
BassettsHD activity is constant10:22
viddit is working on identifying your network card10:23
maximilian1stHi folks, I am looking for some page that helps on troubleshooting the computer when it hangs after some suspend or resume action. My toshiba notebook just freezes after 5 or 10 minutes of inactivity!!!10:23
Bassettsvidd, I really think its hanging, might try the gparted live cd to just wipe all ntfs off this hdd10:24
=== jasdasdsa [n=jay@c210-49-198-39.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
viddBassetts, good idea10:25
Bassettsif I can find it10:25
jasdasdsadoes anyone know the command the install Open Office ?10:25
jasdasdsaunder xubuntu10:25
jasdasdsausing 6.10 atm10:25
jasdasdsaat the moment10:26
viddjasdasdsa, sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install openoffice.org10:26
jasdasdsacheers vidd10:27
viddmaximilian1st, thry this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/553710:27
jasdasdsait says10:28
jasdasdsainvaild operation10:28
jasdasdsawhen I try apt-get10:28
Bassettsjasdasdsa, did you put install before openoffice.org10:28
jasdasdsaoh no10:29
jasdasdsaI forgot10:29
=== Bassetts always makes that mistake
viddBassetts, did you get gparted to wipe that drive?10:30
Bassettsvidd, its loading10:30
Bassettslooks like that is going to hang on scanning devices too10:31
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Bassettsif ultimate boot cd doesnt work i give up10:31
viddhow old is the comp?10:32
Bassettsgood few years10:32
Bassettsits had xubuntu on before10:32
Bassettsill get ubcd to check the hdd10:33
viddand format it to a decent file system?10:33
Bassettsill just wipe it10:33
=== vidd always liked DOS's fdisk
Bassettslet xubuntu format10:34
viddBassetts, you might want to pre-partition the drive....10:34
viddunless you want to use the entire drive in one partion for the install10:35
viddie / and /home on the same partition10:35
=== vidd never recomends that...but does it all the time!
Bassettswell i might not10:36
viddmight not?10:36
viddmight not what?10:36
Bassettsput them on the same partition10:37
=== vidd wants to build a live "CLI Only" cd
TheSheepvidd: lots of them already10:38
TheSheepvidd: usually called rescue cd10:38
=== Bassetts runs seatools from ultimate boot c
viddTheSheep, can you point me to a deb - based one that you would recomend?10:39
TheSheepvidd: sorry, I wasn't into deb-based distros before ubuntu10:39
viddBassetts, is that a "live CLI"?10:41
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RedimereWell we're a chatty bunch11:25
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RedimereAnybody know anything about sound and sound drivers?11:26
PumpernickelMany people do.11:28
phonohead<Redimere> what about it?11:33
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Redimerephonohead: my sound won't play music without the vocals being echoey and quit11:36
phonoheadyou got a plugin activated11:36
Redimerephonohead: A what?11:40
phonoheadsome sort of "effect" that adds echo and removes the vocals, if i'm not wrong that's the cause of your sound problem11:41
Redimerephonohead: How do I turn it off then11:41
phonoheadwhat program are you playing your music with?11:41
phonoheadhmm, go to preferences and look for "plugins"11:43
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RedimereI found the plugins11:48
Redimerebut they'11:48
Redimerethey're not enabled11:48
phonoheaddo you have any surround settings on?11:51
Redimerehow do I check11:52
phonoheadcheck your amp, if you have an external amplifier unless you run the sound from the default computer speakers11:53
RedimereI run headphones diret11:53
phonoheadok, check if XMMS has some surround settings on11:53
phonoheadcheck the "output" channel11:54
phonoheadit should be stereo 2.1, not 5.1 or 7.111:54
Redimerehow do I check that11:57
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phonoheadpreferences again12:02
Redimerebeen through that, nuffin to check on stereo settings12:02
=== gothenburg [n=gothenbu@c-43afe655.118-10-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu
gothenburgHow can i get the standard xfce options?12:14
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gothenburgfound the xfce menu12:18
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