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nagyv | skollie: could you please check this paste? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30049/ | 12:17 |
Biovore | that looks like its trying to tunnel over ssh... | 12:18 |
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skollie | nagyv: checking.. | 12:20 |
nassim | hi | 12:20 |
nassim | ya qqn ? | 12:21 |
skollie | nagyv: are the ports open? | 12:21 |
nagyv | !fr | 12:21 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:21 |
nassim | no no | 12:21 |
nassim | it's ok | 12:21 |
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nagyv | there is a router, and my brother forwarded them to his own computer | 12:22 |
nassim | where r u from nagyv ? | 12:22 |
nagyv | I don't know if the connecion refused comes from the router or the server | 12:22 |
skollie | nagyv: is ssh running? | 12:22 |
zarba | hey! | 12:22 |
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vzduch | nagyv: you're good, I wouldn't have recognized that as French ;) | 12:22 |
zarba | how R U | 12:22 |
zarba | ? | 12:23 |
nassim | fine thnx | 12:23 |
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nassim | and u zabra ? | 12:23 |
zarba | fine thx | 12:23 |
nassim | zarba * | 12:23 |
zarba | @nassim what? | 12:23 |
nassim | where r u from ? | 12:23 |
zarba | france | 12:23 |
zarba | and U | 12:23 |
zarba | ? | 12:23 |
nassim | i'm from algeria | 12:23 |
zarba | okay | 12:24 |
nassim | new in linux :p | 12:24 |
skollie | !offtopic | nassim | 12:24 |
ubotu | nassim: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 12:24 |
skollie | !offtopic | zarba | 12:24 |
ubotu | zarba: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 12:24 |
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nagyv | vzduch: I was living there for an year, and I know that they think it's fancy, am I right nassim? :) | 12:24 |
nassim | we can't talk on this chanel right ? | 12:25 |
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skollie | nassim: you can if it's related to ubuntu support | 12:25 |
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nassim | ok i have a question then he he he | 12:25 |
nick86 | ciao a tutti!!! | 12:25 |
skollie | go ahead nassim | 12:26 |
nassim | my microphone don't record any voice | 12:26 |
nassim | i can hear myself but nothing on skype | 12:26 |
vzduch | nassim: make sure it's not muted (KMix/alsamixer) | 12:26 |
nick86 | qualche ita??? | 12:26 |
nassim | no it's not | 12:26 |
nagyv | skollie: ssh is running | 12:26 |
vzduch | !it | nick86 | 12:27 |
ubotu | nick86: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:27 |
nick86 | ok grazie 1000 | 12:27 |
vzduch | nassim: in my experience there is a switch in KMix that says 'Mix', you need to activate it to be able to send anything | 12:27 |
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nassim | and in skype option there: it asks me to choose the input device " i have many choices," i tried them all but noone seem to work fine | 12:28 |
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skollie | nagyv: you are also using ports 5599 and 5900. Are they open and being forwarded? | 12:28 |
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nagyv | skollie: I tried ssh directly, connection is refused | 12:29 |
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skollie | nagyv: what OS is your brother running? | 12:30 |
nassim | ok i'll see | 12:30 |
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=== jabba [n=jabba@dslb-084-061-184-199.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jabba | hello | 12:31 |
jabba | i just switched from dbian to kubuntu | 12:31 |
jabba | *debian | 12:31 |
vzduch | jabba the *buntu-hutt :D | 12:32 |
nagyv | ubuntu dapper drake | 12:32 |
jabba | in debian i had my own self-baked kernel, but now it'd try to stick to a delivered kernel | 12:32 |
nagyv | skollie: ^^^ | 12:32 |
jabba | problem is, that my dm-crypt partition is now missing sth. | 12:32 |
skollie | nagyv: does he have a firewall sitting behind the router i.e. on his machine and is it allowing ssh connections? | 12:33 |
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nagyv | skollie: he just installed ubuntu | 12:33 |
nagyv | skollie: no firewall, but I think he has problems with setting up the router correctly :( | 12:34 |
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skollie | nagyv: the ssh 'connection refused' error usually means the server is not running or the port is not accessible | 12:34 |
nagyv | skollie: I know, I would like to find out where is this problem coming from, is it from the router or the server? | 12:35 |
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jabba | ok, forget it | 12:35 |
jabba | cryptsetup works | 12:35 |
jabba | :) | 12:35 |
jabba | must have mistyped my password | 12:35 |
skollie | nagyv: could be either - if the port is being correctly forwarded, most likely the server | 12:35 |
nagyv | should he able to ssh to himself? to check if it's running | 12:36 |
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skollie | nagyv: yes - ssh localhost | 12:37 |
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skollie | nagyv: but even if he can connect to ssh locally, does not mean it will accept remote connections | 12:38 |
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nagyv | skollie: yes, I know this. and it can not be checked from his own computer? | 12:41 |
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skollie | nagyv: yes - the 'ssh localhost' command | 12:42 |
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nagyv | :) | 12:42 |
gan|y|med | hi | 12:43 |
=== miles returns to his computer | ||
waylandbill | nagyv: you can check locally with local host. If it's not accepting remote connections, you can run sshd from a command line manually with -d (or more -d's for more info) and at some debug level it will tell why a remote connection was not allowed assuming the server can be accessed. | 12:44 |
luca | hi everyone | 12:45 |
luca | does anyone here have a Dell laptop with HDA intel board? | 12:45 |
evilmm | is there a reason i cant scan a mov file in mplayer? | 12:45 |
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miles | evilmm - there is no codec for quicktime on linux | 12:46 |
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skollie | nagyv: are you relaying to your brother? Would it not be easier if he joins the channel? | 12:46 |
evilmm | well, it runs | 12:47 |
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nagyv | skollie: hmm, not a bad idea! | 12:47 |
evilmm | i just cant scan /ff/rew | 12:47 |
miles | wait, .mov = quicktime format right? | 12:47 |
evilmm | yes | 12:47 |
miles | word...i always thought that didnt work on linux | 12:47 |
BluesKaj | !quicktime | 12:47 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:47 |
gan|y|med | i got a problem with video playback and beryl/xgl (fglrx drivers). in normal mode (without xgl) video playback takes around 30% cpu usage. with xgl it is ca 70%. the kaffeine gui is flickering and resizing (in general) is very slow | 12:47 |
gan|y|med | any ideas why? | 12:48 |
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Biovore | gan|y|med: sounds like you have an ATI card :-P | 12:49 |
vzduch | gan|y|med: perhaps because Beryl in itself is very processor-time-consuming? o0 | 12:49 |
Biovore | ATI's drivers do not support X-Render.. so the video has to be software rendered.... it sucks.. | 12:49 |
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gan|y|med | vzduch: this only happens when resizing or watching movies. otherwise xgl is surprisingly modest | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | miles, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Libraries/Quicktime-for-Linux-257.shtml | 12:51 |
gan|y|med | Biovore: yes, that's what i said. time that the amd collaboration finally pays off (if ever) | 12:51 |
evilmm | im just wodering why i cant scan | 12:52 |
gan|y|med | ok, i am not getting any input in ubuntu-effects, and my googling hasn't been that successful, yet. so has anybody got any ideas/related problems? | 12:52 |
miles | wow, i always wondered why they wouldnt release the codecs for linux | 12:52 |
gan|y|med | can it be that it is simply a bad time (clockwise) for asking in the channel? | 12:56 |
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chaotic | hey whats the most popular app for newsgroups in linux | 12:56 |
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login_ | hello , do you know where the kernel irc char is? | 12:56 |
BluesKaj | well, gan|y|med , running beryl in X and video simultaneously really taxes some ATI cards and the corresponding cpu dump ...I'm not surprised | 12:57 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | chaotic: I use Kontact with KNode installed. SeaMonkey Suite and Thunderbird are also good choices. | 12:57 |
vzduch | chaotic: nn, tin, slrn, Pan, KNode (and more).. choose one ;) | 12:58 |
chaotic | i use it to download does it use nzbs | 12:58 |
gan|y|med | BluesKaj: any idea, why? | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | not enuff cache on the graphics card for one and the linux drivers aren't exactly super efficient | 12:59 |
login_ | I have been compiling kernel 2.6.22 and have run across a dilemna. My compiled kernel weighs in at about 400-500 mb while the ubuntu kernel weighs about 100-200 mb. How did you guys get the kernel to be so thin?While i was uncompressing the kernel i saw it uncompress folders such as sparc so is it possible that my kernel installed all architectures? if so , how can i make it only use 1386? | 01:00 |
SlimeyPete | 100-200mb???? | 01:01 |
SlimeyPete | try 6 to 7 megabytes | 01:01 |
miles | uh | 01:01 |
gan|y|med | BluesKaj: ok, the efficiency of those drivers is out of question. or better, their non-efficiency. but not enough cache? | 01:01 |
BluesKaj | gan|y|med, a lot of ati owners grieve over the poor linux support so they buy nvidia or intel cards graphics cards for their linux boxes | 01:01 |
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gan|y|med | i know that. but i am using a notebook, so switching is not an option | 01:02 |
gan|y|med | it only appears in fullscreen. window mode is fine | 01:02 |
waylandbill | more stuff compiled into the kernel means a bigger footprint for one thing. Everything and the kitchen sink doesn't need to be installed into it. :-) | 01:02 |
login_ | could you suggest what i should uninstall? to closely match ubuntus kernel? | 01:03 |
waylandbill | I don't do anything amazing on my laptop with a ati 200m, so it doesn't bother me. The desktop has an nvidia 7900 though. What a difference. | 01:03 |
=== underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-211-248-112.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
underdog5004 | does tar automatically follow symlinks? | 01:04 |
Biovore | I think it does.. | 01:04 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | waylandbill: I have that same card. | 01:04 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | The ati one | 01:04 |
waylandbill | login_: you could examine the source of the kernel package. Should give you an idea of its configuration. | 01:04 |
miles | yea i got a 7900 gt, it runs beryl pretty smooth | 01:04 |
=== TooEarly [n=joshie@74-132-141-60.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | WhtWolfTeraDyne: the 200m isn't that great. The 7900 is rather fast for a card under 200 dollars (when I purchased it) | 01:05 |
Sanne | login_: your ubuntu kernel should have a file /boot/config-$(uname -r) where you can check what's enabled. | 01:06 |
waylandbill | beryl runs on the 200m, but it's rather choppy at best with a painful installation. | 01:06 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | waylandbill: Kinda hard to install a new card into an eMachines m2352 laptop, though. ;) | 01:06 |
TooEarly | i just bought an Acer 19inch Widescreen Monitor and I have an ATI 9200 graphics card with the radeon drivers. When I plugged it in (dvi port) it flickered every little movement i made. what could be the problem? | 01:06 |
waylandbill | WhtWolfTeraDyne: yeah same with my compaq laptop. You get what you get. :-) | 01:06 |
Biovore | TooEarly: sounds like an electrical problem.. | 01:07 |
TooEarly | Biovore: i changed the driver to the vesa driver, and it works fine. except i can't get the resolution over 1280x800 | 01:07 |
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chaotic | how do i run pl files | 01:08 |
Biovore | perl <filename.pl> | 01:08 |
waylandbill | chaotic: perl | 01:08 |
chaotic | ah | 01:08 |
Biovore | there text files.. | 01:08 |
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waylandbill | it should have the magic number shabang and the path to perl as the first line of the file when viewed in a text editor, then you can just execute it in a shell and it will run it with perl. | 01:09 |
waylandbill | #!/usr/bin/perl is usually specified. | 01:09 |
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TooEarly | Biovore: any other advice? | 01:10 |
trakinas | hey guys! | 01:10 |
trakinas | how do I download a package not from feisty faw? | 01:10 |
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TooEarly | sudo aptitude install | 01:10 |
Biovore | trakinas: is it a deb? | 01:10 |
chaotic | what are the perl libs called | 01:10 |
trakinas | Biovore: oficial one. linux-headers | 01:10 |
Biovore | perl modules? | 01:10 |
Biovore | trakinas: linux-headers is in the ubuntu repos.. | 01:11 |
waylandbill | chaotic: if you are curious about how a shell interprets script files, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29 | 01:11 |
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miles | if you guys dont like windows, i reccomend linux as an alternative | 01:14 |
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trakinas | Biovore: hence the question | 01:14 |
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Biovore | trakinas: sudo apt-get install linux-headers | 01:14 |
trakinas | Biovore: i need 2.6.17 | 01:14 |
trakinas | which isnt on feisty repos. | 01:14 |
Biovore | running dapper? | 01:15 |
trakinas | Biovore: no. feisty faw. | 01:15 |
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Biovore | the linux-headers for a target kernel.. | 01:15 |
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trakinas | i need it so my dvd drive will work. | 01:15 |
Biovore | if you need headers for 2.6.17 you have to run 2.6.17 | 01:15 |
CS5 | Can someone please help me mount my NTFS volume | 01:15 |
Biovore | !libdvdread | 01:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libdvdread - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:15 |
trakinas | Biovore: i know. | 01:15 |
trakinas | Biovore: no. | 01:15 |
miles | !ntfs | 01:15 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:15 |
trakinas | Biovore: DVD DATA | 01:15 |
miles | !bill gates | 01:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:16 |
miles | !folder | 01:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about folder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:16 |
Biovore | well, basicly.. you can't.. not with out a hell of alot of work.. | 01:16 |
Biovore | trakinas: Is it a one of those packet written DVD's your tring to read.. | 01:17 |
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trakinas | Biovore: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/118276 | 01:18 |
Biovore | is it a movie DVD? | 01:19 |
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Biovore | Buffer I/O error on device sr0 <-- generaly means the media is toast.. | 01:19 |
Biovore | unless its a movie DVD.. then its just encrypted | 01:19 |
trakinas | Biovore: it is not | 01:20 |
trakinas | belive me | 01:20 |
Biovore | then you disk has an error in it.. | 01:20 |
trakinas | ANY media DOES NOT WORK on UBUNTU. but DOES WORK on gentoo | 01:20 |
trakinas | Biovore: it does not. | 01:20 |
trakinas | Biovore: i can acess the disk on gentoo | 01:20 |
trakinas | no problem | 01:20 |
trakinas | ANY DISK | 01:20 |
Biovore | well its not a standard DVD FS.. must be some packet written format.. | 01:21 |
trakinas | but i cant on ubuntu. never could. which makes my dvd drive useless. | 01:21 |
Biovore | I have no problems with DVD on linux/window/solaris/BSD | 01:21 |
trakinas | Biovore: how can you explain it working on gentoo with kernel 2.6.17 and not on ubuntu with a newer kernel? | 01:21 |
Biovore | disto shouldn't mater.. | 01:21 |
trakinas | Biovore: I knoe! | 01:22 |
trakinas | *know | 01:22 |
Biovore | 2.6.17 on gentoo has all the same stuff in 2.6.20 | 01:22 |
trakinas | soooooo | 01:22 |
Biovore | the difference might be in what modules are loaded | 01:22 |
trakinas | how cant it not work? | 01:22 |
trakinas | see... my cd-rom drive works quite well. | 01:22 |
trakinas | but not my dvd drive. | 01:22 |
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trakinas | on ubuntu i mean. | 01:22 |
Biovore | gento might load a module for packet written CD's that on you ubuntu setup you assume ISO9660 | 01:22 |
trakinas | on gentoo, both works | 01:22 |
chaotic | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30057/ | 01:23 |
chaotic | i ge that error what should i do | 01:23 |
trakinas | Biovore: how can i fix that, then? | 01:23 |
Biovore | trakinas: I can tell you if you can tell me what FS format is being used on the DVD | 01:23 |
chaotic | it doesnt recognize perl | 01:23 |
trakinas | Biovore: on the disk/ | 01:23 |
Biovore | chaotic: you need to install the perl modules.. | 01:23 |
trakinas | how can I check that? | 01:23 |
Biovore | trakinas: like CD are ISO9660 | 01:24 |
chaotic | what are they called | 01:24 |
Biovore | if you still have gentoo.. have it mount the disk and they type mount to see what it mounted it as. | 01:24 |
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trakinas | Biovore: /dev/scd0 on /media/Disco de dados do GnomeBaker type iso9660 | 01:25 |
trakinas | Biovore: it does mount the media. but ubuntu CANT access it, | 01:25 |
trakinas | Biovore: any operation results on a I/O error. | 01:25 |
Biovore | pop open a shell.. | 01:25 |
trakinas | coping or opening the file | 01:25 |
=== bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trakinas | Biovore: that's the result for mount. | 01:26 |
Biovore | trakinas: you try mounting using the command line? | 01:26 |
trakinas | Biovore: yes. | 01:26 |
trakinas | but even if KDE auto-mounts it i get the same i/o error | 01:26 |
Biovore | cdrom a scsi cdrom it looks | 01:26 |
trakinas | Biovore: what? that is my dvd-drive. | 01:26 |
trakinas | and i isnt scsi. | 01:26 |
Biovore | scd0 is scsi | 01:27 |
trakinas | i dont know why the heck it is scsi in ubuntu | 01:27 |
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Biovore | this in a laptop? | 01:27 |
trakinas | no | 01:27 |
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Biovore | so a desktop cdrom then? | 01:27 |
trakinas | Biovore: desktop DVD-ROM | 01:27 |
Biovore | IDE parallel cable interface.. | 01:27 |
trakinas | yes | 01:27 |
waylandbill | chaotic: look at the script and find the uses keyword. Running a perl script, you should really know perl first... otherwise how do you know what it is going to do to your system? | 01:27 |
Biovore | hmm | 01:27 |
Biovore | try a dmesg | grep cdrom | 01:28 |
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trakinas | Biovore: nothing | 01:28 |
Biovore | or scroll though dmesg looking for where you cdrom should be.. /dev/hdb /dev/hdc or something like that.. | 01:28 |
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trakinas | Biovore: every device here is mounted as sc* | 01:29 |
waylandbill | chaotic: I could write a script to delete all your files starting with the letter W from your home directory. You can assume everything is safe just because the author claims it is. | 01:29 |
waylandbill | s/can/can't/ | 01:29 |
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salomon_ | hi | 01:30 |
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Biovore | trakinas: try mounted it as the UDF filesystem. | 01:30 |
login_ | ? | 01:31 |
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Biovore | mount /dev/scd0 -t UDF /media/cdrom <or something like that> | 01:31 |
chaotic | i know i got it from softpedia its a newsreader program | 01:31 |
trakinas | Biovore: [ 18.977600] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D 1.09 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 | 01:31 |
chaotic | softpedia is trustworthy | 01:31 |
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darkkish | hey guys | 01:31 |
Biovore | trakinas: might have something to do with the ide-scsi for cdrom burning. | 01:31 |
zarba | hey darkkish | 01:31 |
darkkish | um, i know this isn't the right channel at all | 01:32 |
zarba | R U jew? | 01:32 |
darkkish | but nobody is in the others, my mouse/keyboard isn't working in dsl | 01:32 |
darkkish | on livecd | 01:32 |
trakinas | Biovore: what you mean? | 01:32 |
Biovore | to make cdrom burning work, the emulated cdroms as scsi | 01:32 |
zarba | are some jews here | 01:33 |
zarba | ? | 01:33 |
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Schuenemann | why you want to know if there are jews here? | 01:33 |
erov | what does it matter | 01:33 |
Dragnslcr | zarba- no, we banned them all | 01:33 |
Darkrift | erm | 01:33 |
Biovore | darkkish: no clue.. probably something to do with your keyboard controller.. some of them are goofy.. | 01:33 |
Darkrift | and i get yelled at for saying a** in here | 01:33 |
darkkish | Biovore it works fine until after the bootscreen | 01:33 |
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zarba | @Dragnslcr : good so i'll stay here! | 01:34 |
darkkish | atleast the keyboard does, i have no way of testing the mouse after the bootscreen | 01:34 |
Biovore | yup.. sounds about right.. | 01:34 |
trakinas | why ubuntu uses scsi emularion? | 01:34 |
Darkrift | zarba, we would rather you leave | 01:34 |
Biovore | everyone uses it.. redhat/suse/gentoo/debian/ubuntu (otheres) | 01:34 |
zarba | why? | 01:34 |
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Biovore | bbl | 01:34 |
zarba | i'm a good aryan! | 01:34 |
Schuenemann | bah | 01:34 |
zarba | and U? | 01:34 |
Schuenemann | you're a moron | 01:34 |
trakinas | Biovore: so why it does not works on ubuntu? | 01:34 |
erov | what a joke | 01:34 |
Darkrift | because you have low intelligence | 01:34 |
Schuenemann | !ops | 01:35 |
ubotu | Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild! | 01:35 |
trakinas | that's driving me insane. | 01:35 |
nalioth | let us be civil, please | 01:35 |
Dragnslcr | I feel so guilty, but it's kinda fun feeding really bad trolls | 01:35 |
Darkrift | lol | 01:35 |
Dragnslcr | Aww, darn | 01:35 |
erov | dang gone :) | 01:35 |
nalioth | aww, he left | 01:35 |
Darkrift | pathetic sack of <censored> | 01:35 |
Dragnslcr | Cut him a little slack. Maybe he was just really, really drunk | 01:36 |
Darkrift | nah | 01:36 |
erov | they told mel gibson it didnt matter ;) | 01:36 |
Darkrift | maybe he was really really stupid | 01:36 |
ShockValue | man, klibido /almost/ does what i want.. there's some really annoying things though... | 01:37 |
Dragnslcr | That is a pretty unfortunate name, isn't it | 01:37 |
ShockValue | like, i resize a column, but if you minimize and then maximize, it resets the column width | 01:38 |
ShockValue | well, it probably appropriate in about 75% of the case >:) | 01:38 |
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Schuenemann | is there a tool or tutorial for configuring GRUB interface? Like using a GUI | 01:39 |
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draik | Hello all | 01:46 |
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BluesKaj | Schuenemann, why not DL and burn SupergrubDisk..it's a bootqable live cd that does restoration for windows and linux bootloaders | 01:48 |
darkkish | how do i make a dir in mount? | 01:49 |
Schuenemann | hmm... actually I'd like to change the boot window | 01:49 |
darkkish | in /mnt* | 01:49 |
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Schuenemann | darkkish, you have to be root | 01:49 |
Schuenemann | I mean, use sudo | 01:49 |
darkkish | oh of course | 01:49 |
darkkish | how do i mount a file to my new directory? | 01:52 |
darkkish | lol sorry, i've been away from linux for too long | 01:52 |
darkkish | i tried mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/disk1 | 01:52 |
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ardchoille | I'm surprised. There is a nice list of 3d games here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_first-person_shooters | 01:55 |
ardchoille | And many of them are in the repos | 01:55 |
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darkkish | Schuenemann can you help? | 01:57 |
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Sanne | darkkish: what's the error? | 01:59 |
darkkish | i forgot how to mount files | 02:00 |
darkkish | and DSL has no man | 02:00 |
darkkish | i tried sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk1 | 02:00 |
darkkish | i already have /mnt/disk1 created. | 02:00 |
darkkish | i just need to mount sda1 or some dev, i am not honestly sure which dev i want mounted | 02:00 |
darkkish | i want it to be readonly | 02:00 |
Sanne | what happens when you do: darkkish: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk1 | 02:01 |
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trakinas | Biovore: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30058/ --> modules output | 02:02 |
Sanne | darkkish: here's a mount manpage: http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount | 02:03 |
dbarcena | hey, all, where is gnome ubuntu's support channel? | 02:04 |
Sanne | dbarcena: #ubuntu | 02:04 |
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darkkish | couldn't someone just basically tell me how to mount something? | 02:04 |
dbarcena | thanks | 02:04 |
persen_ | !subversion | 02:04 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 02:04 |
Sanne | darkkish: your command should be correct, and also check the link I pisted to the online man page | 02:05 |
Sanne | haha s/pisted/posted | 02:05 |
vzduch | pisted.. ll | 02:05 |
trakinas | darkkish: it depends on. | 02:05 |
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trakinas | darkkish: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html | 02:05 |
trakinas | have fun | 02:05 |
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darkkish | how do i tell what the name of the device is i'm trying to mount? | 02:08 |
darkkish | i'm in live cd and i'm trying to mount my regular scsi harddrive | 02:08 |
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vzduch | darkkish: what filesystem? | 02:10 |
darkkish | ntfs | 02:10 |
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vzduch | darkkish: mount -o defaults,ro -t ntfs /dev/sda /mnt/disk1 | 02:11 |
darkkish | vzduch I'm not sure /dev/sda is the device i want | 02:12 |
vzduch | darkkish: make it /dev/sda1 | 02:12 |
vzduch | otherwise try sdb or so | 02:12 |
darkkish | o_O okay | 02:12 |
vzduch | but if it's your Winblows partition it should be sda1 | 02:13 |
wolferine | is there alot of issues with installing KDE on a Ubuntu system? | 02:13 |
darkkish | vzduch when i type that it just lists the help menu | 02:13 |
trakinas | wolferine: no. | 02:13 |
darkkish | the very limeted one | 02:13 |
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vzduch | darkkish: what did you type? | 02:13 |
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darkkish | exactally what you told me to | 02:14 |
darkkish | oh wait | 02:14 |
darkkish | i forgot the space between ro and -t | 02:14 |
darkkish | sorry | 02:14 |
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darkkish | it says | 02:14 |
ubuntu | can somebody tell me what type of wireless card I have, I am just trying to find the windows inf files for it .. and i cant figure it out | 02:14 |
wolferine | sorry, let me rephrase, is there uses while using KDE, when installed on a ubuntu box? | 02:14 |
darkkish | mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device | 02:14 |
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wolferine | s/uses/issues/ | 02:14 |
darkkish | i have a confession, I'm using Damn Small Linux right now | 02:14 |
darkkish | but nobody in DSL is alive. | 02:15 |
darkkish | and, it's mostly debian based.. | 02:15 |
darkkish | but i'm getting alot of damn small annoying errors. | 02:15 |
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Sanne | darkkish: you could list your partitions with: sudo fdisk -l | 02:15 |
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duanarchy | msg nickserv identify misfit69 | 02:15 |
duanarchy | oh shit | 02:15 |
duanarchy | LOL | 02:15 |
wolferine | nice | 02:16 |
vzduch | hrhr | 02:16 |
darkkish | Sanne nothing came up at all | 02:16 |
duanarchy | :-P | 02:16 |
wolferine | NEVER register when a channel is open | 02:16 |
Sanne | darkkish: must be different in DSL then | 02:16 |
vzduch | should I be mean? :D | 02:16 |
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trakinas | vzduch: heck yes! >=] | 02:16 |
vzduch | hrhr | 02:17 |
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vzduch | wb duanarchy | 02:17 |
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Sanne | darkkish: did you use sudo (or the DSL equivalent)? If I just use it without, it also comes up with nothing. | 02:18 |
vzduch | remember: after such accidents change your NickServ pwd IMMEDIATELY | 02:18 |
poopfaceme | vzduch: i don't really care ;-) lol | 02:18 |
nagyv | hello! I am helping my brother remotely with in his first Linux experience, and just realised that he installed edgy and I gave him a feisty sources.list file. I already started apt-get upgrade unfortunately. What could be the safest next step if I would like to avoid reinstalling? | 02:18 |
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persen_ | "No apache MPM package installed" i get this message when i try to restart apache2 | 02:24 |
persen_ | should i install all apache2-mpm packages? Its five and two of them states "transitional" | 02:25 |
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BluesKaj | nagyv, if he opens adept update , the update to edgy wizard may popup and he can run it to update to feisty with it ..I'm not totally sure that the wizard will actiuvate since his sources list already has the feisty repos | 02:26 |
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BluesKaj | !update | nagyv | 02:27 |
ubotu | nagyv: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 02:27 |
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chaotic | what command do i use to delete something thru sudo | 02:28 |
chaotic | need rights | 02:28 |
trakinas | chaotic: sudo rm | 02:29 |
trakinas | and the rest of your parameters | 02:29 |
BluesKaj | nagyv, he can always edit the sources list and change the "fesity" enties to edgy and then run the update in adept after doing the all important "sudo apt-get update" after he's finished editing and saving the sources list | 02:30 |
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chaotic | what about to move a folder for one place to another | 02:30 |
chaotic | basically i need access to .wine folder | 02:31 |
chaotic | to add maps to anarchy online | 02:31 |
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darkkish | so | 02:33 |
darkkish | if i started linux with the peram noacpi | 02:33 |
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darkkish | would that cause problems mounting harddrives and such, if it was livecd | 02:33 |
persen_ | is there a way i can list all deamons handling network traffic? | 02:34 |
persen_ | that listens on a port | 02:34 |
persen_ | need to kill a daemon that uses a port, but cant find it. | 02:34 |
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trakinas | chaotic: same thing | 02:38 |
trakinas | chaotic: with the command mv, insteed | 02:38 |
trakinas | for example, | 02:38 |
trakinas | sudo mv -rf /home/chaotic/.wine/path/to/anarchy /path/you/desire | 02:39 |
Sanne | persen_: I think you can list those with netstat, I can't remember the correct options though. man netstat should tell you. | 02:39 |
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Matic`Makovec | Hey there. I was woundering where does Kopete save files you transfer? | 02:40 |
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trakinas | Matic`Makovec: whatever you say it yo. | 02:41 |
trakinas | *to | 02:41 |
Sanne | persen_: 'netstat -l' gives interesting info | 02:41 |
Matic`Makovec | trakinas, what if I didn't say anything :X | 02:41 |
Matic`Makovec | It has to have a default place, doesn't it? | 02:41 |
trakinas | Matic`Makovec: it saved in the folder where it indicated when you were receiving the file. | 02:41 |
trakinas | probably, your home folder | 02:41 |
Matic`Makovec | I wish I'd remember that :) | 02:41 |
Matic`Makovec | Thanks! | 02:41 |
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persen_ | Sanne, Yep, but it doesnt say what daemon/program handles what port | 02:46 |
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Sanne | persen_: that's all I remember, for more info you would need to consult teh manpage, sorry. | 02:47 |
persen_ | anyways, trying to get subversion up, tried all night (3-4 hours) with no luck. | 02:47 |
persen_ | the bots !subversion recipe isnt doing it | 02:47 |
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BluesKaj | persen, what about system services in system settings/advanced ..it doesn't show the port but will show whether not a daemon is running. | 02:49 |
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BluesKaj | whether or not | 02:49 |
Darkrift | who here is good with the bcm43xx? | 02:49 |
chaotic | is there anyway to overwrite folders | 02:50 |
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chaotic | in .wine | 02:50 |
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chaotic | folders | 02:50 |
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persen_ | BluesKaj, where do i find "system settings" ? in kcontrol | 02:52 |
khaije1 | i need something to make quick'n'dirty technical instruction/documentation in the style of a flowchart | 02:52 |
khaije1 | whats the "best" app for this? | 02:52 |
BluesKaj | in the k-menu, persen | 02:52 |
Sanne | persen_: in kcontrol it's in System Adminitration->System Services | 02:53 |
persen_ | found it | 02:53 |
Sanne | :) | 02:53 |
chaotic | this is basically what i need to do delete .wine/program files/funcom/ anarchy online/cd_image/gui/default and move from desktop cd_image to .wine/c_drive/progam files/funcom/anarchy online | 02:54 |
chaotic | how would i do that | 02:54 |
BluesKaj | persen in kcontrol it's in system administration | 02:54 |
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persen_ | hm, trying to start apache2 and get: Syntax error on line 56 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf: | 02:55 |
persen_ | Unknown DAV provider: syn | 02:55 |
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persen_ | What is "syn" here? Subversion? | 02:55 |
chaotic | can someone help pls | 02:55 |
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frost0 | How Do I Install Flash And Java For Konqueror? | 02:56 |
persen_ | Flash worked like a charm for me (non amd 64) | 02:57 |
K-Ryan | !flash | 02:57 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 02:57 |
K-Ryan | !java | 02:57 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 02:57 |
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frost0 | persen_, flash? | 02:57 |
frost0 | persen_. how? | 02:58 |
trakinas | chaotic: first, remove the dir. you want to with "sudo rm -rf /the/path/ " (withou the quotes) | 02:58 |
persen_ | frost0, just pointing my konquerer to a page that uses flash makes the install routine popup. | 02:58 |
trakinas | then, mv -rf /the/file/you/want/to/ /the/destiny/ | 02:58 |
trakinas | with sudo in front of mv if you need it | 02:58 |
TooEarly | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3025697#post3025697 -- can anyone help me this problem | 02:59 |
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frost0 | persen_. what are you on (edgy, dapper, feisty)? | 02:59 |
Sanne | chaotic: be very careful you don't mistype! rm doesn't ask if you're sure. | 02:59 |
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persen_ | feisty | 02:59 |
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BluesKaj | frost0, use adept to install the flashplayer-non free and flashplugin-nonfree | 03:00 |
chaotic | so id do sudo rm -rf /home/chaotic/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Funcom/Anarchy Online/cd_image/gui/Default | 03:01 |
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persen_ | just rm your whole mmorpg games while at it, just consumes time. | 03:02 |
erov | hehe | 03:02 |
Sanne | chaotic: there's a space in that path. I guess you need to enclose the path with quotes. and usually you won't need sudo for folders in you rhome dir. | 03:02 |
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BluesKaj | doesn't konq come with java already installed ? | 03:04 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, even in dapper? | 03:05 |
BluesKaj | dunno about dapper frost0 | 03:05 |
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BluesKaj | frost0, in feisty in konq/tools/HTML settings/java&javascript options are listed | 03:08 |
trakinas | chaotic: yes | 03:09 |
trakinas | chaotic: if it complains, "home/chaotic/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Funcom/Anarchy Online/cd_image/gui/Default" | 03:09 |
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BluesKaj | frost0, in konq and most other browsers typing ' about:plugins ' in the addressbar will list the media codec plugins the browser is setup to use | 03:13 |
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frost0 | anyone know how to install flash in dapper? | 03:16 |
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BluesKaj | wow, you didn't read anything did you frost0 | 03:17 |
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HackSign | what is the X libraries ?? | 03:17 |
trakinas | !X | 03:17 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:17 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, sorry, i did about:plugins, didn't have it, tried konsole but it needs firefox to get the plugins off of | 03:18 |
HackSign | when i installed a software | 03:18 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, i remember it being much simpler | 03:18 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, :) | 03:18 |
trakinas | i have to go | 03:18 |
trakinas | cheers all | 03:18 |
HackSign | the output is :alsamixer | 03:18 |
HackSign | sorry~ | 03:18 |
BluesKaj | konq will display it if you type it in the adress bar | 03:19 |
HackSign | how can i download the x lib? | 03:19 |
Fragility | I cant seem to remember the command for editing xorg...need to enable shm for a synaptics | 03:19 |
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Fragility | for some rason i generally have a hell of a time getting access to the xorg config | 03:19 |
Fragility | *reason | 03:19 |
BluesKaj | editing or reconfiguring Fragility? | 03:20 |
HackSign | can u tell me the name if i want download it in console with the command of apt-get ? | 03:20 |
Fragility | I just need to turn the shm on to be able to edit the synaptics touchpad setting | 03:20 |
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Fragility | I thought it was gedit but command is not found | 03:21 |
HackSign | *.* | 03:21 |
BluesKaj | Fragility, kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf , in the run command box | 03:22 |
Fragility | its a blank file | 03:23 |
Fragility | I have had that problem multiple times, it's really hard for me to access xorg, I dont know why | 03:23 |
frost0 | Fragility, X11 not x11 i did that earlier :0 | 03:23 |
Fragility | oh | 03:23 |
Fragility | kk | 03:23 |
Fragility | it says "failed to open device" on almost all of them | 03:24 |
Fragility | then opens empty | 03:24 |
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BluesKaj | HackSign, xlib11-6 | 03:25 |
frost0 | Fragility, sudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:25 |
HackSign | tks BluesKaj :) | 03:25 |
frost0 | Fragility, copy and paste that | 03:25 |
Darkrift | Fragility, those "failed to open device" are beacuse some unused devices are in your config, you can ignore those | 03:25 |
Darkrift | those errors arent actually causing any problems, just annoyance | 03:26 |
BluesKaj | er HackSign libX11-6 | 03:26 |
Fragility | there are a lot of random things wrong with my computer that i cant figure out which may be why this isnt opening, but kwrite is empty also | 03:26 |
HackSign | ... ok i'll try ~ | 03:26 |
BluesKaj | try kdesu kate | 03:26 |
frost0 | Fragility, yeah kate. | 03:26 |
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frost0 | Fragility, beat me | 03:26 |
Darkrift | open the text editor (as root) and then browse and find the file | 03:27 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, beat me :) | 03:27 |
TooEarly | anyone know how to get a widescreen to not flicker because of the DDC | 03:27 |
HackSign | BluesKaj | 03:27 |
HackSign | i have installed the pkg already | 03:28 |
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Fragility | I finally got it open from one of the commands from earlier and and I dont know why, thank you | 03:29 |
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raylu | has anyone used mpd? my music sounds distorted | 03:31 |
BluesKaj | raylu open kmix and bring the input and output slider ctrls down to 70% or so | 03:34 |
raylu | eh... | 03:35 |
BluesKaj | ppl crank them up as if that's gonna give more volume all it does is overload the sound card | 03:35 |
raylu | no gui :P i suppose i have to dcop kmix | 03:35 |
raylu | and i didn't even touch it yet...because i can't :P | 03:35 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, uh where is the sources.list file located? | 03:35 |
raylu | wait a sec; i dont even have kde, lol | 03:35 |
raylu | !sources.list | 03:35 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 03:35 |
raylu | its /etc/apt, i think | 03:35 |
frost0 | k thx | 03:35 |
raylu | what is kmix a frontend for? | 03:36 |
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BluesKaj | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:36 |
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Darkrift | how do you change the size of icons on your desktop? | 03:37 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, thank you | 03:37 |
raylu | in other words, how would i access the mixes if I didn't have kmix? | 03:37 |
raylu | *mixers | 03:37 |
Darkrift | ive seen screenshots with some icons large, and some really small | 03:37 |
BluesKaj | alsa or whatever sound app you want o use in system settings/sound | 03:37 |
raylu | Darkrift, try alt+f2 > kcontrol > search | 03:37 |
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Biovore | raylu: aumix is a command line mixer.. or there is alsamixer from the command line.. | 03:38 |
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BluesKaj | alsamixer in the terminal | 03:38 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, What Is The Command To Install Flash From The Backports Via Terminal? | 03:39 |
raylu | thanks, Biovore | 03:39 |
yan_ | what is procedural paradigm?? | 03:39 |
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yan_ | anybody..help me... | 03:39 |
raylu | yan_,...why? | 03:39 |
yan_ | i just wanna tu know in more details | 03:40 |
yan_ | *to | 03:40 |
BluesKaj | dunno frost0 , i used adept for the flashplayer-nonfree and the flashplugin-nonfree | 03:40 |
raylu | how do I chmod a mounted drive? I mounted an ntfs partition with a gid, but the group access is 0 | 03:40 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, i tried adept but i type flash and nothing pops up :( | 03:40 |
raylu | yan_, procedural = "falling rock," as in not oo | 03:41 |
BluesKaj | you can try sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree && flashplugin-nonfree | 03:41 |
raylu | frost0, sounds like you need to update your repositories | 03:41 |
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frost0 | raylu, i added backports :( | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | frost0, you need to add the repositories for flash | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | !flash | 03:42 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:42 |
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BluesKaj | frost0, after adding them did you save the file and then do a sudo apt-get update ? | 03:43 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, no :( | 03:45 |
BluesKaj | ahh you must , otherwise the repos will fail to be added | 03:45 |
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yan_ | % | 03:46 |
Darkrift | im getting errors from X that say "Error - arsmessage" | 03:47 |
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Darkrift | "sound server fatal error: Error while initializing the sound driver. device: default cant be opened for playback (Operation not permitted)" | 03:48 |
Darkrift | anyone know what i can do to stop these? | 03:48 |
Darkrift | every time i close one, another pops up | 03:48 |
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BluesKaj | !cn | 03:49 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 03:49 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, not working, but i found another way...i can download the package manually, and install it to /usr/lib/mozilla...so i created that directory but it says enter valid directory :( | 03:50 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, wow that totally makes no sense, must be tired :) | 03:51 |
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raylu | uid=value, gid=value and umask=value | 03:52 |
raylu | Set the file permission on the filesystem. The umask value is given in octal. By default, the files are owned by root and not readable by somebody else. | 03:52 |
raylu | is there no gmask option? | 03:52 |
BluesKaj | frost0, it will create it's own default directory , what is the pkg file extension? | 03:52 |
frost0 | frost0, i'm using the link you gave me with an alternate tutorial ...the package is tar.gz | 03:52 |
frost0 | frost0, the installer initializes but can not find that directory :( | 03:53 |
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BluesKaj | did you do a : tar -xzvf filemane tar.gz then cd to the foldername and finmd the readme .. the install istructions will be in there...generally it will be a ./configure command at the filefoldername prompt | 03:55 |
dcosson | does anyone know of a way to manually edit, like, the text positions in kicker's clock applet? when it puts the text on more than 2 lines it is not vertically centred | 03:56 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, I installed flashplugin-nonfree now what? | 03:58 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, through adept | 03:58 |
BluesKaj | ok good | 03:58 |
BluesKaj | install the flashplayer-nonfree the same way | 03:58 |
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adminsd | ola | 03:59 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, all there is is flashplugin-nonfree... | 04:00 |
adminsd_ | ola | 04:00 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, is it possible that it downloaded the player also? | 04:00 |
BluesKaj | yes | 04:00 |
K-Ryan | Where's modules.conf ? | 04:02 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, can i restart and check somehow? | 04:02 |
BluesKaj | frost0, do a , sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree in the konsole | 04:02 |
ShockValue | why is that when im not playing some kind of mmorpg, i end up thinking of good character names? :) | 04:03 |
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frost0 | BluesKaj, did, nothing | 04:03 |
K-Ryan | modules.conf anyone? | 04:04 |
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BluesKaj | K-Ryan, etc/modules | 04:04 |
K-Ryan | BluesKaj: Thank you | 04:04 |
Jahooty | anyone have problems with amarok freezing when it starts? | 04:04 |
frost0 | BluesKaj, can't find package it says | 04:04 |
ShockValue | no, working ok for me.. Jahooty, sure its not just building your collection? | 04:05 |
BluesKaj | !flash | 04:05 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 04:05 |
Jahooty | actually no, but it's totally unresponsive | 04:05 |
Jahooty | and my collection is pretty small | 04:05 |
Jahooty | although i did just rip a new cd | 04:05 |
Jahooty | good thought tho, i'll just let it run then | 04:05 |
ShockValue | there should be a couple log files in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok | 04:05 |
BluesKaj | click on pl, Jahooty | 04:06 |
Jahooty | pl? | 04:06 |
BluesKaj | in the player | 04:06 |
Jahooty | the gui for amarok isn't loading, i get the outline but i'ts not filling in any details | 04:06 |
ShockValue | how's he supposed to click it when its totally unresponsive? | 04:06 |
raylu | so, can anyone help me mount an ntfs drive? | 04:07 |
Jahooty | hmm | 04:07 |
Jahooty | buy it dinner first raylu | 04:08 |
Jahooty | sorry, couldn't resist | 04:08 |
ShockValue | raylu: maybe... | 04:08 |
Jahooty | if amarok is trying to add a zip file to the collection, how would it handle it? | 04:08 |
ShockValue | errr.. you said ntfs.. nm.. thought you meant NFS | 04:08 |
BluesKaj | Jahooty, in the terminal : sudo dpkg --configure -a ...then relogin | 04:08 |
Jahooty | what's that do, btw? | 04:08 |
raylu | =\ | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | it releases any pending installs or removals | 04:09 |
raylu | i can't get the owner/group permissions to be what i want it to be | 04:09 |
raylu | setting the group is useless since it has 0 permissions | 04:09 |
ShockValue | just discovered this hellanzb program.. its pretty cool >:) | 04:09 |
raylu | !info hellanzb | 04:12 |
ubotu | hellanzb: Newzbin (nzb) & BinNews (bns) files downloader and post-processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 159 kB, installed size 720 kB | 04:12 |
raylu | eh?? what does that mean? | 04:12 |
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Jahooty | i think i may have fixed it | 04:13 |
Jahooty | we'll see | 04:13 |
Jahooty | thanks for the help | 04:13 |
ShockValue | you feed it NZB's from usenet, and it grabs and proccesses all the files for you automagically | 04:13 |
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BluesKaj | don't thank us til works Jahooty :) | 04:15 |
BluesKaj | oops | 04:15 |
juan_ | how safe is it to have port 631 open? | 04:15 |
raylu | ... | 04:15 |
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raylu | just as safe as any of the other 65534 ports | 04:15 |
raylu | *unsafe | 04:15 |
ShockValue | depends on whats listening on the port.... | 04:15 |
BluesKaj | not really , anything under 1064 or so is attackable , but being linux it's a tuff call | 04:16 |
juan_ | so, how can i network print safer? | 04:16 |
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BluesKaj | behind a router , juan_ ? | 04:17 |
raylu | the safest way is to unplug yourself and sudo shutdown ^^ | 04:17 |
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ShockValue | juan_: what we're trying to say is that it doesnt matter what port something is on, its just as vulnerable and/or safe as any other port. what matters is the security of the listening application and your firewall rules, etc | 04:17 |
BluesKaj | if so you're prolly ok | 04:18 |
miles | !mp3 | 04:18 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:18 |
juan_ | not really, i have a modem, connected to a port switch | 04:18 |
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ShockValue | hmm, yeah.. not so safe unless your modem has some kind of built in firewall. | 04:19 |
jerry | necesiti instar flash adobe | 04:19 |
jerry | pero em es imposible | 04:19 |
ShockValue | ideally you'll want some kind of firewall between the switch and the modem | 04:19 |
BluesKaj | well, not being windows , the under 1064 rule may not apply ... | 04:19 |
juan_ | should i configure my iptables? | 04:19 |
miles | !ogg_vorbis | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ogg_vorbis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
miles | !ogg vorbis | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ogg vorbis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
miles | !ogg-vorbis | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ogg-vorbis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
Daisuke-Ido | !ogg | 04:20 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:20 |
ShockValue | !miles_spam | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about miles_spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
miles | o thanks | 04:20 |
BluesKaj | !botabuse | 04:20 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:20 |
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juan_ | should i buy a firewall? it's only for my home network | 04:21 |
BluesKaj | !firewall | 04:21 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:21 |
=== joseph [n=joseph@c-76-27-121-246.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ShockValue | juan_: let me as you this, is your IP and the IP of your printer routable or non-routable? (does it start with 192?) | 04:22 |
joseph | Can someone tell me how to change the mouse cursors? | 04:22 |
raylu | juan_, iptables should be fine; but chances are, you're worrying too much | 04:22 |
miles | haha i just got mp3s to work | 04:22 |
K-Ryan | It's not that hard | 04:22 |
raylu | joseph, alt+f2 > kcontrol and alt+f1>system settings both have search | 04:22 |
miles | yea juan, unless u got some pr0n, no one is gonna want to hack u | 04:22 |
juan_ | starts with 190 | 04:22 |
raylu | joseph, if you happen to find a place to download more cursors though, please tell me ^^ | 04:22 |
BluesKaj | cool miles ,see linux works :) | 04:23 |
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miles | i never said it didnt...unless u got AMD and trying to get flashplayer.. | 04:23 |
raylu | BluesKaj, better is: "when linux doesn't wor, you're not fscked." | 04:23 |
miles | or ET | 04:23 |
K-Ryan | It's as simple as installing libxine-extracodecs isn't it? | 04:23 |
miles | yea | 04:23 |
miles | that + amarok | 04:23 |
raylu | yes, but the amaork script is what most people are using | 04:23 |
raylu | and, last time i checked, it wasn't too...nice | 04:23 |
miles | question -- how do you disable bouncing icons? | 04:24 |
BluesKaj | the libxine-extracodecs is the easiest way tho | 04:24 |
miles | example -- start firefox, the firefox logo bounces by the mouse | 04:24 |
miles | i hate that | 04:24 |
K-Ryan | Run stuff from konsole | 04:24 |
raylu | BluesKaj, but the amarok thing never mentions libxine-extracodecs :( | 04:24 |
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raylu | miles, the option is called "visual notification upon activation" i think | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | legally it's not supposed to , raylu | 04:25 |
raylu | and its in kcontrol/system settings...somewhere. maybe under mouse | 04:25 |
ShockValue | raylu: thats true, i had to do some reading to figure out how to play my flac files | 04:25 |
raylu | BluesKaj, but...that's what the script does anyway...im sure it's not illegal | 04:25 |
cerecedo | hello! | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | !soundkonvertor | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundkonvertor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
raylu | the legal issue should be raised when you try to install the codecs | 04:25 |
cerecedo | hola | 04:25 |
raylu | !hi | cerecedo | 04:25 |
ubotu | cerecedo: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 04:25 |
K-Ryan | Is it just me or is libxine-extracodecs not available? | 04:26 |
K-Ryan | In Dapper it seems | 04:26 |
BluesKaj | !soundkonverter | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundkonverter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:26 |
BluesKaj | ? | 04:26 |
cerecedo | ok, si soy nuevo / yes i am new.... | 04:26 |
BluesKaj | !soundKonverter | 04:26 |
K-Ryan | !es | cerecedo | 04:27 |
ubotu | cerecedo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:27 |
cerecedo | ok, gracias, | 04:27 |
K-Ryan | de nada | 04:27 |
cerecedo | como? | 04:27 |
ShockValue | BluesKaj: I had to install that package manually, its not in the standard list | 04:28 |
=== shane [n=shane@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | tu no necesitas ir | 04:28 |
miles | i cant find how to disable the bouncing, i hate it | 04:28 |
=== shane is now known as shane_ | ||
=== shane_ is now known as shane__ | ||
raylu | is ntfs-config a gui? | 04:28 |
joseph | I have another question. I have a USB hard drive and in gnome it shows fine but not in KDE anyone have any ideas? | 04:28 |
cerecedo | entre por accidente aqui, creo que ya vi como, gracias amigos | 04:29 |
K-Ryan | !info libxine-extracodecs | 04:29 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, transitional package. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 38 kB, installed size 68 kB | 04:29 |
K-Ryan | !mp3 | 04:29 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:29 |
BluesKaj | raylu, yes ntfs-config is a gtk gui | 04:33 |
raylu | =\ | 04:33 |
raylu | ok, any other ntfs mount config tools? | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | but it works in kde | 04:33 |
=== raylu isn't in kde | ||
BluesKaj | then you should be | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | this is Kubuntu chat | 04:33 |
=== miles thinks for a second... | ||
miles | does linus use kde? | 04:34 |
BluesKaj | who cares | 04:34 |
miles | or is he too leet, he just uses command line | 04:34 |
miles | bro, i gotta know what the man himself uses | 04:34 |
Darkrift | i wish there was a feature from windows that when you click close on a locked up app, after a min or so, it offers to kill the app for you | 04:34 |
miles | laff? | 04:34 |
Darkrift | so you dont have to then open the process list, or a console to kill the damned thing | 04:34 |
=== miles goes back to writing paper for school and listenin to gangster rap | ||
raylu | Darkrift, how many apps lock on you? | 04:36 |
raylu | BluesKaj, i know, but it doesn't make sense to ask in #ubuntu either :P | 04:36 |
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Darkrift | anything that uses video | 04:36 |
BluesKaj | purists are elitist jerks IMO , just come in here to brag about how great they are and contribute practically nothing to the real linux cause :) | 04:36 |
raylu | miles, I read something about how he didn't like gnome | 04:36 |
Darkrift | totem, kaffiene, vlc, firefox, konq, etc etc | 04:36 |
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Darkrift | mplayer, mediaplayer..... | 04:36 |
raylu | o.0 | 04:37 |
=== mignish [n=mignish@c-66-41-28-131.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | really? | 04:37 |
raylu | sounds like your video is misconfiged | 04:37 |
Darkrift | everything else works fine | 04:37 |
Darkrift | hell, beryl even works great | 04:37 |
Darkrift | lol | 04:37 |
mignish | Can someone tell me where the "httpd.conf" file is for Apache2? I'm having problems installing PHP | 04:38 |
raylu | o.0 | 04:38 |
=== raylu is too! | ||
ShockValue | mignish: not sure, but i'd start in /etc/apac.... someplace | 04:38 |
raylu | -/etc/apache2/httpd.conf | 04:38 |
mignish | great, thanks... i wasn't sure where Apache installed. | 04:38 |
raylu | "which apache2" | 04:39 |
mignish | yep | 04:39 |
mignish | apache2 | 04:39 |
=== Darkrift remembers the old DOS "dir /s /a /p" command to search for files :) | ||
ShockValue | they had files in dos? | 04:39 |
Darkrift | lol | 04:39 |
Darkrift | i used to be a guru in dos | 04:39 |
mignish | Dang, there is not httpd.conf file | 04:40 |
BluesKaj | well, sacktime for this old guy ... God willing I'll be back tomorrow and take care all . | 04:40 |
=== miles comes back to tell mignish something | ||
miles | mignish: check out xampp.org | 04:40 |
mignish | :-) | 04:40 |
miles | full lamp stack and it unzips to /opt | 04:40 |
mignish | will do thanks. | 04:40 |
=== miles goes back to paper for school | ||
raylu | mignish, there is also /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/examples/apache2/original/httpd.conf.gz | 04:41 |
ardchoille | !lamp | 04:41 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:41 |
chaotic | hey i found out uhave to get wines repositry to get the latest version | 04:41 |
=== draik [n=draik@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | ...no you don't | 04:41 |
draik | Does Kubuntu keep a log of all the logins? | 04:41 |
raylu | unless you mean of wine | 04:41 |
chaotic | they dont have it on the ubuntu repository | 04:41 |
chaotic | yeah u do | 04:42 |
ardchoille | draik: /var/log/auth.log ? | 04:42 |
draik | ardchoille: Thank you much. Sudo? | 04:42 |
draik | Wait, nevermind | 04:42 |
raylu | lol | 04:42 |
chaotic | ubuntu repo doesnt have the latest version | 04:42 |
chaotic | when u apt-get wine | 04:43 |
raylu | i think the repositories have the latest stable version | 04:43 |
chaotic | it tells u u have the latest version | 04:43 |
=== mignish [n=mignish@c-66-41-28-131.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic | then i went to wine site | 04:43 |
chaotic | i figured it couldnt be l the latest | 04:43 |
mignish | What was that website with LAMP info on it? | 04:43 |
mignish | i accidentally closed Konversation. | 04:44 |
K-Ryan | Anyone else on Dapper having a problem installing libxine-extracodecs? | 04:44 |
draik | ardchoille: Why does it state: "session opened for user root by (uid=0)" on my most recent login? I didn't login with root at all | 04:44 |
chaotic | sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 04:44 |
chaotic | i had to do that | 04:44 |
draik | K-Ryan: Your first question should be: Anyone still on Dapper? | 04:44 |
mignish | !lamp | 04:44 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:44 |
ardchoille | draik: Probably a cronjob or some such | 04:44 |
K-Ryan | draik: I'm sure people are on Dapper | 04:45 |
chaotic | then i ran apt-get then it uploaded | 04:45 |
chaotic | well downloaded the latest | 04:45 |
ardchoille | draik: I have that in my auth.log on a box that has never been connected so I don't think it's worth worrying over | 04:45 |
draik | ardchoille: Nothing I should worry about, huh? | 04:45 |
draik | Ok | 04:45 |
chaotic | then i ran aptget all theres like 4 other progs that updated | 04:46 |
draik | Answered my question before I asked you. I think I shall name you $DEITY | 04:46 |
raylu | mignish, I think /etc/apache2/apache2.conf was actually the config o.0 | 04:46 |
ardchoille | draik: lol | 04:46 |
ardchoille | raylu, mignish: that page that ubotu posted about lamp has that info | 04:47 |
ardchoille | Took me three minutes and one apt-get install to get lamp running | 04:48 |
mignish | thanks raylu. | 04:49 |
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=== raylu is using tasksel to reinstall lampm | ||
raylu | *lamp | 04:50 |
=== chaotic [n=chaotic@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic | hhey ddo i change my clock from military time to normal | 04:51 |
chaotic | how | 04:51 |
raylu | right-click... | 04:51 |
mignish | right click on it | 04:51 |
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=== raylu notices that it's the same in windows o.0 | ||
mignish | then under preferences | 04:51 |
mignish | you choose the display type | 04:51 |
mignish | hehe | 04:52 |
mignish | it is the same in windows. | 04:52 |
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ardchoille | chaotic: right click, Date & Time Format , Time & Dates tab, Time Format | 04:52 |
raylu | something is bound to :80; how do i find out what? | 04:52 |
=== HackSign [n=hacksign@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ardchoille | raylu: /etc/apache2/ports.conf ? | 04:53 |
ardchoille | Listen:80 ? | 04:53 |
raylu | i want to leave it on 80; apache2 can't bind to 80 because | 04:53 |
raylu | something is already bound there | 04:54 |
raylu | i want to know what | 04:54 |
ardchoille | Oh, ok | 04:54 |
draik | Port 80 is your browser, isn't it? | 04:54 |
miles | raylu - nmap localhost | 04:54 |
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | 80 = http | 04:54 |
chaotic | um nothing changes | 04:54 |
raylu | installing nmap :( | 04:54 |
raylu | chaotic, didn't you read the thing after you pressed ok? | 04:54 |
ardchoille | chaotic: I think that setting requires a logout/login | 04:54 |
raylu | oh yeah, how do i tell apt to stop using my cd? | 04:55 |
ardchoille | raylu: comment out those lines in sources.list | 04:55 |
raylu | o.0 | 04:55 |
draik | raylu: sudo umount /media/cdrom0 | 04:55 |
raylu | duh :( i thought i checked that already | 04:55 |
raylu | draik, that just tells me to insert the cd :P | 04:55 |
K-Ryan | Has anyone done a network install before? | 04:55 |
raylu | nmap says only 3306 is open for my mysql | 04:55 |
draik | raylu: No, you want umount to stop | 04:56 |
draik | mount will ask for a ced | 04:56 |
draik | *cd | 04:56 |
raylu | no, apt is asking for the cd | 04:56 |
=== chaotic [n=chaotic@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | and ardchoille, i already commented it out, but something added it back in | 04:56 |
chaotic | im good | 04:57 |
ardchoille | raylu: o.O | 04:57 |
K-Ryan | Anybody? Network install? | 04:57 |
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=== dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic | hey if it says unrar not in path what does that mean | 04:57 |
chaotic | i already installed unrar-free | 04:57 |
miles | export PATH = $PATH: <<path to unrar>> | 04:58 |
miles | is that right? | 04:58 |
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ardchoille | should be | 04:59 |
=== mike_ [n=mike@ppp-70-242-82-32.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mignish | are there any LAMP packages i can install via apt-get by default? | 04:59 |
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raylu | so, i don't understand the message i get when i use "sudo apache2ctl start": | 04:59 |
ardchoille | mignish: Did you read the page I posted twice now? | 04:59 |
chaotic | whats the default path to unrar | 04:59 |
raylu | (98) adress already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address | 04:59 |
ardchoille | !lamp | 04:59 |
mignish | ardchoille was it the one the bot posted? | 04:59 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:59 |
draik | ardchoille: I would love to run a server, but I feel as though I would not manage it properly. | 04:59 |
ardchoille | draik: It's not hard at all. my 8 year old niece runs lamp on her ubuntu box.. if she can do it, you can do it ;) | 05:00 |
raylu | draik, neither would i manage it properly...which is why i'm doing it ^^ | 05:00 |
mignish | ardchoille i didn't because it opened in quanta but i'll just copy and paste and see if it's helpful. i just figured i'd seen it already. the url looks familiar. | 05:00 |
ardchoille | mignish: That page has a lot of good info for running lamp | 05:01 |
=== depaboo [n=ubuntu@cpe-24-209-111-92.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | I want to have a server that I can use to backup my music, pictures and docs. I want it to be accessible through my laptop and desktop | 05:01 |
chaotic | export PATH = $PATH: /usr/bin | 05:01 |
miles | !traditional societies | 05:01 |
chaotic | that gave me an error | 05:01 |
ardchoille | chaotic: /usr/bin should already be in your $PATH | 05:01 |
ardchoille | chaotic: echo $PATH | 05:01 |
=== t_ [n=t@p5235-ipad01niigatani.niigata.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | yea | 05:02 |
mignish | ardchoille: i'm using tasksel to install it's doing it now. Thanks. | 05:02 |
miles | go to the directory where your unrar binary is and see if you can run it there | 05:02 |
dr_willis | draik, i got a ubuntu box set up as a samba server for that need. | 05:03 |
miles | samba pwnz | 05:03 |
draik | ardchoille: Would I be able to setup LAMP on my desktop install without messing anything up? | 05:03 |
miles | samba pwnz teh no0b haxz | 05:03 |
raylu | draik, yes | 05:03 |
ardchoille | chaotic: You have a space there, shouldn't have a space, export PATH = $PATH:/usr/bin | 05:03 |
draik | What's the diff between LAMP and SAMBA? I thought SAMBA was a bridge for Linux to win? | 05:04 |
ardchoille | draik: yes, see the page ubotu posted earlier. it's easy | 05:04 |
dr_willis | draik, you got a LOT of reading to do.. Lamp has nothing to do with samba | 05:04 |
miles | now that i think about it ardchoille, i dont think there is a space between the PATH=$PATH | 05:04 |
dr_willis | !lamp | 05:04 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:04 |
=== j1mc [n=jim@adsl-75-22-17-254.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | !samba | 05:04 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 05:04 |
=== Lopin [n=Lopin@cpe-24-210-123-68.ma.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ardchoille | miles: you're right, my bad. | 05:05 |
Lopin | I'm back, and I'm running Kubuntu! Finally... | 05:05 |
Lopin | However, I do have one question... | 05:05 |
j1mc | hi all - my font in my kdm screen is very small, any idea on how to correct that? | 05:05 |
ardchoille | I was talking about his space between PATH: and /usr/bin | 05:05 |
raylu | !modeline | j1mc | 05:05 |
ubotu | j1mc: A Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl | 05:05 |
=== strabes_ is now known as strabes | ||
raylu | so...anyone know why apache2 won't start? | 05:05 |
strabes | is there a way to prevent multiple instances of a program (gaim) | 05:05 |
chaotic | doesnt open | 05:05 |
j1mc | raylu: that was fast. is this a common problem? | 05:05 |
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ardchoille | raylu: Don't launch it multiple times? | 05:06 |
=== ardchoille ducks | ||
miles | laff | 05:06 |
miles | u silly | 05:06 |
raylu | ardchoille, it's not launched | 05:06 |
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-76-180-137-44.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | nmap localhost shows that nothing is bound to 80 | 05:06 |
dr_willis | makes sence to me.. | 05:06 |
chaotic | not valid identifier | 05:06 |
raylu | and using apache2ctl stop give sme | 05:06 |
raylu | *gives me httpd (no pid file) not running | 05:06 |
miles | i think there is an option in httpd.conf about pid files | 05:07 |
ardchoille | sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop ? | 05:07 |
raylu | same msg | 05:07 |
miles | raylu, are you trying to set up ssl? | 05:07 |
raylu | ...no | 05:07 |
miles | k nm | 05:07 |
chaotic | i just installed unrar works perfect | 05:08 |
chaotic | never installing unrar-free | 05:08 |
chaotic | again | 05:08 |
ardchoille | !info unrar | 05:08 |
ubotu | unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB | 05:08 |
Lopin | Anyone know how to get wifi up and running? | 05:08 |
ardchoille | !info unrar-free | 05:09 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 05:09 |
K-Ryan | Lopin: Depends on a lot of stuff | 05:09 |
K-Ryan | Start here though | 05:09 |
dr_willis | Lopin, with lots of luck and research.. depending on your wireless card | 05:09 |
chaotic | what do u mean non free | 05:09 |
K-Ryan | !wifi | 05:09 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:09 |
Lopin | Thank you! | 05:09 |
=== thunderbolt [n=Ryan@c-75-70-244-190.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | Lopin: Good luck | 05:09 |
ardchoille | chaotic: there are two versions, it seems | 05:09 |
ardchoille | free and non-free | 05:09 |
chaotic | i just got unrar without paying | 05:09 |
chaotic | so does that make it free | 05:10 |
dr_willis | the rar makers have released the unrar stuff , but licensing wont let someone make a free 'rar' utility that can make rars | 05:10 |
K-Ryan | !free | 05:10 |
ubotu | freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing | 05:10 |
dr_willis | !beer | 05:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:10 |
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K-Ryan | Free as in, you can look at the source and modify it | 05:10 |
ardchoille | dr_willis: Thank you :) | 05:10 |
K-Ryan | Not free as in "You don't have to pay" | 05:10 |
chaotic | !anarchy | 05:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about anarchy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:10 |
K-Ryan | !botabuse | 05:10 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:10 |
=== Lopin [n=Lopin@cpe-24-210-123-68.ma.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Tm_T | angry ops? who's those? | 05:11 |
intelikey | Tm_T hehhe | 05:11 |
ardchoille | Tm_T: lol | 05:11 |
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=== luvcomp_ is now known as ses59_ | ||
j1mc | raylu: should i paste the modeline information in the "Screen" portion of my xorg.conf file? | 05:12 |
=== Mr_Sonoma [n=chris@h92.169.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | lovely, it's raining | 05:12 |
draik | ardchoille: Ok... I installed LAMP | 05:12 |
dr_willis | You have a need for LAMP? | 05:12 |
=== dewitt [n=dewitt@75-120-11-167.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | It's not a need as it is curiosity for the near future | 05:13 |
thunderbolt | Where's it raining? | 05:13 |
=== kavit_ [n=kavit@ppp167-236-231.static.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | It's raining on Long Island, NY | 05:13 |
K-Ryan | That's for sure... | 05:13 |
intelikey | lol :) | 05:13 |
thunderbolt | Haha. | 05:13 |
dr_willis | The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain! | 05:14 |
=== doug_ [n=doug@pool-71-161-97-215.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | :) | 05:14 |
mignish | If i've installed LAMP have I insalled Apache and Mysql and all that because it's still not working... i'm going to have to mess quite a bit i think. | 05:14 |
ardchoille | draik: Cool, now bookmark this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP It'll come in handy | 05:14 |
ardchoille | mignish: What was your apt-get command? | 05:14 |
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-76-180-137-44.buffalo.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
draik | ardchoille: I already did when I was there from the link ubotu provided. | 05:14 |
ardchoille | :) | 05:14 |
mignish | ardchoille: i used tasksel and selected LAMP Server | 05:15 |
ardchoille | mignish: I've never used tasksel so I don't know.. I stick with apt-get | 05:15 |
miles | im telling u mignish, xampp | 05:15 |
miles | it works | 05:15 |
mignish | i'll give that ashot. i am downloading now... it's kind of a slow d/l | 05:16 |
=== blizzzky [n=blizzz@p57B51B2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | o | 05:16 |
miles | its great for dev work, they say on the site dont use it for production boxes | 05:16 |
mignish | miles: must be my connection though. | 05:16 |
miles | its a decent size... | 05:16 |
ardchoille | mignish: If yo had installed the way that docs page listed, you would know exactly what you have and how to use it. | 05:16 |
=== inteliwasp [n=inteliwa@cpe-76-189-94-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mignish | i read the page you linked me to but i just want to make sure i'm understanding it correctly. It sounds to me like LAMP is everything i need but then it goes on to tell you how to install Apache2 and PHP in the same page. | 05:17 |
ardchoille | mignish: lamp is a coolection of apps: Linux, Apache, MySQL, php.. you have to install them seperately and you have lamp | 05:18 |
draik | I know that I can do /list and get a list of all the channels. Is there a way to limit the search to "cars" or "tuners"? | 05:19 |
mignish | It sounds to me like using Tasksel it installs all of them for you. | 05:19 |
dr_willis | draik, depends on your ir5c client. and the list can get HUGE... | 05:19 |
dr_willis | /list PATTERN perhaps | 05:19 |
ardchoille | mignish: Well, you see the disadvantage of allowing an app to do all the work you should be doing yourself? You now don't know exactly what tasksel installed. | 05:20 |
draik | dr_willis: Yup, that did it | 05:20 |
draik | Too bad it didn't bring up anything... :( | 05:20 |
ardchoille | There's no substitution for learning how to do things yourself. | 05:20 |
dr_willis | ardchoille, or reading the docs. :) | 05:21 |
dr_willis | !irc | 05:21 |
ubotu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 05:21 |
ardchoille | dr_willis: exactly | 05:21 |
draik | Haha.. I was wondering why South CARolina was on the list. UbuntuSouthCarolina | 05:22 |
mignish | ardchoille: It seems to have done exactly what I had. Everything works the same way as when i installed everything manually. i think everything installed right but i need to figure out how to configure it. | 05:22 |
mignish | ardchoille: thanks for the links. | 05:22 |
ardchoille | You're welcome :) | 05:22 |
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ardchoille | eeewwww, tasksel is a gui. Why on earth would someone write a gui to install things when apt-get is so much faster and teaches you things? | 05:24 |
intelikey | ardchoille why would anyone write a gui ? | 05:26 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Good point | 05:26 |
dr_willis | down with interfaces! | 05:26 |
dr_willis | back to punchcards! | 05:26 |
ardchoille | hehe | 05:26 |
ardchoille | lolz! | 05:26 |
draik | ardchoille: I wondered the same thing. I just went with "Umm.. Ok. Just follow the instructions" | 05:26 |
intelikey | </carscasm> | 05:26 |
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hero | hey, i can't seem to get kdm to work | 05:27 |
intelikey | hero kdm or xorg ? | 05:28 |
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miles | !kdm | 05:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:28 |
hero | intelikey: what do you mean? | 05:28 |
draik | hero: Are you using kdm or gdm? | 05:28 |
ardchoille | Well, if I apt-get install app1 app2 app3, and app2 messes up, I know how to uninstall it, or purge it, or uninstall its deps and reinstall if need be. using tasksel I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. | 05:28 |
hero | well, i'm using gdm now because it's the only thing that will get me into kde | 05:28 |
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hero | gdm login, kde session | 05:28 |
draik | ardchoille: I felt the same way on that. I just waited for the bar | 05:28 |
mignish | xampp workes miles. going to mess with it tomorrow. Thank you :-) | 05:28 |
hero | if i run kdm, i just start into a black screen with a normal xterm and no window decs | 05:28 |
mignish | bye all thakns for the help :-) | 05:29 |
draik | hero: Then you have gdm, not kdm | 05:29 |
intelikey | hero been messing with /etc/kde*/kdm/* ??? | 05:29 |
hero | intelikey: no | 05:29 |
intelikey | hmmm | 05:29 |
hero | it's like if i don't use gdm then i get sort of a generic login, like xdm | 05:29 |
miles | no prob mignish | 05:29 |
miles | o dang, he already left | 05:29 |
dr_willis | xdm - the Classics! | 05:29 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:29 |
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ardchoille | hero: Did you stop gdm before starting kdm? | 05:30 |
hero | ardchoille: well i did dpkg-reconfigure gdm and then chose kdm | 05:30 |
hero | if i remove gdm, then i get the generic login | 05:30 |
ardchoille | Ah, ok | 05:30 |
dr_willis | did you 'dpkg-reconfigure kdm' yet? | 05:30 |
hero | i think so | 05:31 |
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hero | it's almost like kdm doesn't work right | 05:31 |
draik | hero: Restart. That will take care of it. It did for me when I installed ubuntu-desktop | 05:31 |
hero | draik: i've done that a bunch of times already | 05:31 |
hero | it doesn't help | 05:31 |
draik | hero: Are you sure you have kdm installed? | 05:31 |
ardchoille | reboots are for kernel/grub work | 05:31 |
hero | kdm is installed | 05:31 |
draik | reboots have done wonders for me. Usually when restarting X doesn't work, reboot will. | 05:32 |
hero | this time a reboot won't help | 05:32 |
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intelikey | kernel yes grub ? lilo maybe | 05:32 |
hero | i've attempted this a couple of times | 05:32 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Not needed for changes to grub? | 05:32 |
dr_willis | if KDM is not selected as the 'default' login manager with the 'dpkg-reconfigure kdm' then it WONT load from the xdm service. | 05:32 |
hero | and i wonder if it has something to do with starting with ubuntu and then having apt instal kubuntu-desktop | 05:33 |
intelikey | ardchoille not any that i know of | 05:33 |
dr_willis | the boot messages say so. :) 'not starting kdm since its not the default login manager' or similer | 05:33 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Oh, ok. | 05:33 |
dr_willis | hero, ive always started with ubuntu, and installed kubuntu-desktop dozens of times. | 05:33 |
dr_willis | never had issues. | 05:33 |
hero | alright | 05:33 |
hero | i'll try reconfiguring kdm just to be sure | 05:33 |
hero | bbiab | 05:34 |
draik | I went backwards. I started with Kubuntu and used "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop". I had GDM, but I later switched to KDM | 05:34 |
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draik | 'dpkg-reconfigure gdm' did the trick... followed by a reboot | 05:35 |
chaotic | hey how do i associate pan to nzbs | 05:35 |
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intelikey | chaotic right click one and "open with" then select the always use this app and the app you want to use ??? | 05:37 |
intelikey | just a guess | 05:37 |
chaotic | yeah it doesnt open it up | 05:38 |
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hero | yeah | 05:42 |
hero | that didn't do any good | 05:42 |
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hero | do xdm and the default kdm look the same? | 05:42 |
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dr_willis | hero, no | 05:42 |
intelikey | hero no | 05:42 |
nelson_ | boa noite | 05:42 |
hero | yeah | 05:42 |
hero | i think it's xdm | 05:42 |
dr_willis | hero, you did do a 'dpkg-reconfigure kdm' ? | 05:42 |
hero | dr_willis: i just did that. | 05:43 |
hero | it doesn't work | 05:43 |
dr_willis | hero, you did do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' I mean | 05:43 |
dr_willis | you selected kdm? | 05:43 |
hero | yes. | 05:43 |
hero | it's like kdm isn't working | 05:43 |
hero | although it installed via apt-get with no problems | 05:43 |
dr_willis | well ya could start 'kdm' from the console with 'sudo kdm' | 05:43 |
hero | yeah, i know | 05:43 |
hero | i'd rather have a login manager | 05:43 |
nelson_ | alguem do brasil? | 05:43 |
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intelikey | hero kdm is a login manager | 05:43 |
hero | !br | 05:43 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 05:43 |
dr_willis | if kdm starts from the console, then ya know its not a kdm issue.. its some other config ieeus | 05:44 |
dr_willis | issue | 05:44 |
hero | intelikey: yes, i know | 05:44 |
intelikey | hero so try was the good doctor is saying | 05:44 |
hero | ? | 05:44 |
dr_willis | hero, do a cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 05:44 |
hero | i'm going to try it | 05:44 |
dr_willis | see what its set to. | 05:44 |
dr_willis | cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 05:45 |
dr_willis | /usr/bin/kdm | 05:45 |
hero | it says gdm right now, but i had it where it said kdm and kdm still didn't work | 05:45 |
dr_willis | is mine. | 05:45 |
dr_willis | odd | 05:45 |
dr_willis | try killing X. and starting KDM from the console then with sudo kdm | 05:45 |
dr_willis | see if THAT works for kdm | 05:45 |
hero | alright | 05:45 |
dr_willis | quick lets all change Nicks! | 05:46 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:46 |
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intel_hidden | :) | 05:46 |
ardchoille | hahaha | 05:46 |
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intel_hidden | now he wont know me :) | 05:47 |
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Dr_Willis_Hidden | :) | 05:47 |
intel_hidden | :) | 05:47 |
hero | well, after looking at ps output, it is kdm_greet that is running | 05:47 |
hero | so maybe it *is* kdm after all | 05:47 |
hero | it just doesn't log you in to kde | 05:47 |
hero | i'm in no wm-land | 05:47 |
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hero | so why would under gdm i get a kde session, but not under kdm? | 05:48 |
=== hero scratches his head | ||
ardchoille | hero: kde is a desktop environment, not a window manager. kwin is the window manager used in kde | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | no idea. ive not dissected how the gdm/kdm stuff works. | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | gdm/kdm/xdm are the X login managers | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | theres others ya can play with also. ;) | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | !find xdm | 05:49 |
ubotu | Found: libxdmcp-dev, libxdmcp6, libxdmcp6-dbg, xdm, xdms (and 2 others) | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | !info wdm | 05:49 |
hero | alright | 05:49 |
ubotu | wdm: WINGs Display Manager - an xdm replacement with a WindowMaker look. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.28-2.2 (feisty), package size 398 kB, installed size 1256 kB | 05:49 |
pyrotix__ | My computer in windows won't recognize/doesn't have drivers for my ethernet port, so I cannot connect to the internet. How can I find what my ethernet port is and how would I get drivers for it? I presume I could find the former with linux which can connect to the internet. Help plz. | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | hero, not sure how ya got the system so confused. :) | 05:49 |
hero | so i screwed up in VOCABULARY. can you help me? | 05:49 |
pyrotix__ | Heh I have hardware that works on linux but not windows. Go figure | 05:49 |
ardchoille | pyrotix__: Now, if we can get the other hw vendors to start doing that.. | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | pyrotix__, seen hardware that works under windows and gets configured in such a way linux cant 'reconfogure' it. :) a hard reboot straight to linux lets it work right. | 05:50 |
hero | the desktop environment works, then, under gdm, but not under kdm. gdm and kdm are login managers. | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | pyrotix__, windows is very STUPID about network cards. it expects different drivers for my 3 identical chipset realtek nic's i have | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | linux uses the same modulke for them all. | 05:51 |
ardchoille | hero: You can also login at console and do: startx | 05:51 |
hero | well let me ask this. are the themes for gdm and kdm the same? | 05:51 |
ardchoille | hero: no | 05:51 |
intelikey | pyrotix__ yeah i was just admiring that.... anyway lshw | less | 05:51 |
hero | dang | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | hero, themes are not the same | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | themes are for the weak! | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | :) | 05:51 |
hero | not if you're creating a product | 05:51 |
miles | pwn | 05:51 |
=== miles cries | ||
intelikey | miles ? | 05:52 |
miles | yea | 05:52 |
hero | so would kdm work but kde would not? | 05:52 |
intelikey | hero root | 05:52 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | hero, does kdm work from the console with 'sudo kdm' ? i never saw that answered | 05:52 |
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intelikey | hero /root kdm writes there but gdm doesn't | 05:52 |
hero | i don't get any errors from sudo kdm | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | hero, so it works? or does it NOT work? | 05:53 |
hero | but i'm not sure of how to just stop x | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | *sigh* | 05:53 |
miles | laff out loud? | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | or was it kill? | 05:53 |
ardchoille | stop | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm (or gdm or xdm) | 05:53 |
hero | heh, it says kdm isn't running | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | that will KIll X dead. :) | 05:54 |
miles | personally sometimes i just restart x for the heck of it, ctrl+alt+backspace x2 | 05:54 |
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intelikey | and use ?dm get'em all | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | because you are using gdm, perhaps? | 05:54 |
intelikey | sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop | 05:54 |
intelikey | then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | also i notice that........... | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*dm | 05:55 |
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Dr_Willis_Hidden | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-04-18 10:07 /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-04-17 12:52 /etc/rc2.d/S99kdm -> ../init.d/kdm | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | Those 2 init scripts both read some config file to see if they should start kdm or gem. | 05:55 |
intelikey | heh yeah but the one not in /etc/X11 is ignored | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | Its interesting the gdm starts at S13, while kdm starts at S99 .... | 05:55 |
ardchoille | Dr_Willis_Hidden: /etc/X11/default-display-manager ? | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 05:56 |
hero | /usr/bin/kdm | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | yea - interesting | 05:56 |
pyrotix__ | intelikey: ty. | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | wonder what wouldhappen if ne removed the S13gdm script | 05:56 |
intelikey | welcome | 05:56 |
hero | i dunno | 05:56 |
pyrotix__ | guys if I have an ethernet port of specifications as read in linux as http://pastebin.com/d2e3dbf81, where would I find a windows driver? | 05:57 |
=== Dr_Willis_Hidden READS the file /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm | ||
Dr_Willis_Hidden | It has some neat comments. :) | 05:57 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | # To start gdm even if it is not the default display manager, change | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | # HEED_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MANAGER to "false." | 05:58 |
ardchoille | Dr_Willis_Hidden: what would happen if he: sudo sed -i 's/gdm/kdm/g' /etc/X11/default-display-manager and then ctrl+alt+backspace ? | 05:58 |
intelikey | oh nvidia nforce2 shouldn't be hard to find pyrotix__ msn search maybe ? | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ardchoille, he said earlier that he had kdm in the default-display-manager file | 05:59 |
ardchoille | Dr_Willis_Hidden: yes, but did he restart xorg? | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ardchoille, for all we know kdm has somthing broken.. im not sure he knows half of what hes doing. :) | 05:59 |
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intelikey | Dr_Willis_Hidden i thought he said it was gdm now but had been kdm | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | I think he is rebooting to test. :) | 05:59 |
ardchoille | ok | 05:59 |
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Dr_Willis_Hidden | im just exploring a bit. | 06:00 |
dani | anyone know how to install and run frostwire? | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | Odd that its S99 for KDM and S13 for Gdm | 06:00 |
intelikey | i told him to use <intelikey> sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop <intelikey> then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start meh | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | !frostwire | 06:00 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 06:00 |
dani | kthx | 06:00 |
raylu | can anyone help with eggdrop? | 06:00 |
pyrotix__ | intelikey: if it can be found with msn search it should be something that is indeed easy to find. I went to http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp, but their does not seem to be a network port listed under nforce | 06:00 |
ardchoille | Dr_Willis_Hidden: what do those numbers mean? (S99, S13) | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | thats how soon in the boot process it starts up | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | S13 is way high.. S99 is about the end.. i think it IS the end | 06:01 |
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ardchoille | ah | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ls /etc/rc2.d/ | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | and look at yours | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | thers some 'common' guidelines on what #'s are for what. | 06:02 |
intelikey | pyrotix__ hmmm well i haven't done windows in a long time now, so i'm prolly not the guy to advise you on that issue. maybe someone in ##windows | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | Like 80+ is for after networking is set up (i think) | 06:02 |
ardchoille | /etc/rc2.d/S99kdm | 06:02 |
ardchoille | There is no gdm | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | S10sysklogd - starts the logger stuff way early. | 06:03 |
intelikey | Dr_Willis_Hidden that would only apply in /etc/rc. | 06:03 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ardchoille, if you have gdm installed there is one. | 06:03 |
intelikey | S/ | 06:03 |
ardchoille | yeah | 06:03 |
pyrotix__ | ty, just the sort of channel I was looking for | 06:03 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ardchoille, yea. note the stuff in rc2.d is only LINKS to the actual scripts. :) | 06:03 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | the way the init system works.. is sort of nifty.. Simple.. yet .. well flexiable. | 06:03 |
ardchoille | oic | 06:03 |
chaotic | man i cant for the life of me get nzvbs to work | 06:03 |
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Dr_Willis_Hidden | This is still the SysV init suystem i think.. :) | 06:04 |
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chaotic | ive tried both knode annnd pan newsreaders | 06:04 |
dope | if you forgot your root password is there anyway to recover or change it? | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | dope, live cd, edit the passwd file, or chroot to the installed system and use passwd command | 06:04 |
ardchoille | dope: boot into recovery mode and change it | 06:04 |
chaotic | thats like forgetting a bios password | 06:04 |
intelikey | dope sure recovery mode | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | chaotic, not really.. rather trivial to set it. :) | 06:05 |
chaotic | donbt u type it in all the time | 06:05 |
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ardchoille | this is why security is out the window if someone has physical access to the machine | 06:05 |
intelikey | dope but are you talking about a root password or the password you use with "sudo" ? | 06:05 |
=== Diki [n=tyler@bas10-toronto12-1096758584.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis_Hidden | ardchoille, hit it right on the head.... | 06:06 |
chaotic | can anyone suggest a good newsreader with nzb support | 06:06 |
intelikey | dope ? | 06:06 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | No idea what nzb is | 06:06 |
Diki | hello peoples | 06:06 |
scotty | !dvd | 06:06 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 06:06 |
chaotic | !newsreader | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newsreader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
Diki | Is it possible to make Konversation use 12 hour time for it's timestamps? | 06:06 |
chaotic | !newsreaders | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newsreaders - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
ardchoille | chaotic: Does akregator have nzb support? | 06:07 |
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alakhia | !theora | 06:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about theora - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | for info on the Init system read the ---------- > /etc/init.d/README file. :) cool | 06:07 |
alakhia | !ogg | 06:07 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:07 |
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Dr_Willis_Hidden | well Hero never came back! | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | :) | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis_Hidden | night all. | 06:08 |
ardchoille | nn Dr_Willis_Hidden | 06:08 |
chaotic | hellanzb does | 06:09 |
alakhia | can anyone help me? I would like to watch an ogg file in mplayer. I can hear the audio but the video is a still picture ... | 06:09 |
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=== Diki [n=tyler@bas10-toronto12-1096758584.dsl.bell.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
intelikey | what's that media player for windows that's supposed to play like every known format ??? | 06:11 |
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NightBird | intelikey: vlc? | 06:12 |
intelikey | playall or some wacky name like that ???? | 06:12 |
miles | nokia n800 | 06:12 |
intelikey | NightBird windows port of vlc ? nice. but that's not what i was asking about tho | 06:13 |
NightBird | uh... ok... well, that's one of the better video players I've used... | 06:13 |
NightBird | most of the others use the windows codec, so it doesn't really matter | 06:14 |
intelikey | heard this guy talking about it, just wondered if it was very common. and yeah it's M$ junk | 06:14 |
miles | irc is so cool | 06:15 |
miles | i cant believe im just now finding it | 06:15 |
=== andrew_____ [n=andrew@cpe-071-068-126-128.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | :) | 06:15 |
=== miles goes back to writing paper for school | ||
andrew_____ | ey can someone help me w/ grub? | 06:15 |
=== niles_ [n=niles@114.sub-70-221-186.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | more specifically? | 06:15 |
miles | niles? | 06:15 |
andrew_____ | i need to know how to change the time it automatically selects a os to boot into | 06:16 |
intelikey | depends on the issue and your communication skills i suppose Andrew | 06:16 |
andrew_____ | oo srry im dualbooting between winxp and kubuntu is that better? | 06:16 |
intelikey | andrew_____ ok give me a second | 06:16 |
andrew_____ | k thank you | 06:17 |
andrew_____ | like the thing only gives you 9 seconds ot select so yea, I was wanting to change it to like 30 secs or maybe never if you can | 06:17 |
andrew_____ | to* | 06:17 |
intelikey | andrew_____ the line that says timeout= | 06:17 |
intelikey | the number is in seconds | 06:17 |
dasnipa | andrew_____: would be nice if you name didnt have 5 bloody _'s | 06:17 |
andrew_____ | lol i didnt do it | 06:18 |
intelikey | in the /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:18 |
andrew_____ | alright thankyou intelikey | 06:18 |
raylu | andrew_____, /nick andrew1 | 06:18 |
=== andrew_____ is now known as andrew1 | ||
raylu | can anyone recommend an irc bot? | 06:18 |
intelikey | andrew_____ welcome. and you'll hve to edit that as root | 06:18 |
andrew1 | oo alright the thing automatically checks though andrew_ then andrew__ ect.. | 06:18 |
andrew1 | alright thankyou | 06:18 |
=== raylu knows ^^ | ||
=== luke83 [n=lukas@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | raylu eggdrop ? | 06:19 |
raylu | eggdrop is way over-complicated | 06:19 |
raylu | and the docs are spread across like 5 domains | 06:19 |
raylu | the default config file has literally over 1000 lines and | 06:19 |
raylu | there are two "die" lines that you must remove before the bot works | 06:19 |
intelikey | there's a perl bot too but i make it a point not to reccoment perl | 06:19 |
intelikey | errrr python | 06:19 |
andrew1 | ok I havent been on kubuntu in a while, how do I edit menu.lst under root? | 06:20 |
inteliwasp | i just got 2 new monitors, what is the best way to get X to congigure them and use xinerama? also i am useing the nvidia binary | 06:20 |
raylu | how do i search package descriptions? | 06:20 |
andrew1 | i knwo you need to type like sudo but what else? | 06:20 |
luke83 | hi, i want to set up a feisty mirror for the offline installation of 60 computers, which repositories do i need in my mirrors.list? | 06:20 |
raylu | andrew1, kdesu kate | 06:20 |
intelikey | andrew1 sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:20 |
=== miles thinks nano > vi | ||
andrew1 | uh thanks whats kdesu kate? lol | 06:20 |
intelikey | take your pick one is a gui based editor the other console based | 06:20 |
andrew1 | oo well idc | 06:21 |
miles | kate has syntax highlighting!! omgz0rz! | 06:21 |
andrew1 | wichever one is faster and easier so im guessing console is | 06:21 |
intelikey | miles but he's only going to change a number in the timeout= line :) | 06:21 |
=== evaklo [n=evaklo@201-212-56-37.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | haha | 06:21 |
chaotic | im getiing sypnatic i heard u can get more packages with that | 06:21 |
raylu | also, how do you get nano to stop making backup files? | 06:21 |
miles | it only makes the file if u modify the original | 06:22 |
luke83 | nano -w | 06:22 |
=== quad [n=quad@24-119-93-40.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic | is it true not all debian pkgs work on kubuntu | 06:22 |
miles | sorry raylu | 06:22 |
miles | i just realized im mr obvious | 06:22 |
=== quad is now known as destynova | ||
evaklo | hello everyone | 06:22 |
intelikey | raylu it's a setting in the /etc/nanorc and i think there is a command line arg | 06:22 |
evaklo | How are your= | 06:22 |
andrew1 | uhh i think I did something wrong.... | 06:23 |
andrew1 | nano came up but its on a black screen... | 06:23 |
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miles | you might of typed the name of the file wrong | 06:23 |
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destynova | would someone like to help me configure my desktop resolution plz? | 06:23 |
miles | you need to do "nano /path/to/file" | 06:23 |
intelikey | close it andrew1 nd use [tab] key completion of the file name | 06:23 |
chaotic | how do u uninstall an apt-get program thats broken | 06:23 |
andrew1 | alrigh thanks | 06:24 |
intelikey | bash is really neet that way. checks spelling of path and filename | 06:24 |
andrew1 | sweet thanks it works now :) | 06:24 |
andrew1 | lol im retarded | 06:25 |
intelikey | :) | 06:25 |
intelikey | we're all slow in our own ways | 06:25 |
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luke83 | anyone who knows how to set up a mirror for feisty? | 06:25 |
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intelikey | luke83 no. but apt-mirror ??? | 06:26 |
luke83 | i'm trying with that already, but is 16gig not a bit small for the whole kubuntu? | 06:26 |
intelikey | no | 06:26 |
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luke83 | ok, thanks. | 06:27 |
intelikey | wait is that main restricted universe multiverse backports ? | 06:27 |
intelikey | might be small for all those... i don't know | 06:27 |
luke83 | do i need backports? i added medibuntu and left out the src reps | 06:28 |
intelikey | luke83 depends on the use of the mirror | 06:28 |
intelikey | will it be public ? | 06:28 |
luke83 | no just for some schools in africa | 06:28 |
luke83 | they don't have internet and i have to take along everything i need there... | 06:29 |
intelikey | then i souldn't think so but leaving out the source you need to link to some place that they can get the source else you violate the gnu-gpl | 06:29 |
intelikey | not that anyone will sue but i'm all for playing by the rules if posslbe | 06:30 |
intelikey | possable even | 06:30 |
ardchoille | s/possable/possible/ | 06:31 |
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intelikey | source code is the foundational eliment of gnu-gpl | 06:31 |
intelikey | keep it free | 06:31 |
luke83 | ok :) | 06:31 |
andrew1 | grrrr how do I save it in nano? | 06:31 |
andrew1 | when I edit menu.lst | 06:31 |
intelikey | ctrl+X | 06:32 |
luke83 | ctrl - w | 06:32 |
ardchoille | did you start nano with sudo? | 06:32 |
intelikey | read the bottom three lines | 06:32 |
andrew1 | yea | 06:32 |
intelikey | luke83 W or O ? | 06:32 |
andrew1 | well I typed ^X but nothing happend but I'll just pressed what yall said to... | 06:32 |
dope | what's the command to look at how much space is on the harddrive | 06:32 |
luke83 | oops, -O yes | 06:33 |
intelikey | andrew1 the carrot '^' means the control key | 06:33 |
andrew1 | ooooo ok | 06:33 |
andrew1 | well dawgon why cant they say ctrl | 06:33 |
intelikey | carrot or rafter what ever you call it... | 06:33 |
andrew1 | yea i kno what the carrot is | 06:34 |
miles | give the drummer something | 06:34 |
luke83 | ok, thanks and good night. | 06:34 |
luke83 | exit | 06:34 |
intelikey | andrew1 lol there are other oddities you'll have to get used too if you use linux much :) | 06:34 |
andrew1 | lol | 06:35 |
andrew1 | ok yea what button is M- | 06:35 |
=== Biovore notes most of these oddities existed before microsoft did.. | ||
andrew1 | shift or something? | 06:36 |
intelikey | heh ^M return key | 06:36 |
andrew1 | well i mean to backup file | 06:36 |
andrew1 | M-B | 06:36 |
miles | what i want to know is...in beryl, what is the <Super> key?! | 06:36 |
intelikey | meta alt | 06:36 |
andrew1 | what do I press for M-B... | 06:36 |
andrew1 | oo so press alt+B? | 06:36 |
Biovore | yeah.. windows does linefeed/carage return... Unix just does linefeed and mac does just CR.. (Man someone make up there mind!!) | 06:36 |
Daisuke-Ido | your "windows logo" key is <Super> | 06:37 |
intelikey | miles ctrl ? | 06:37 |
ShockValue | ok, xover question.. i used to use dvddecrypter to rip the VOB files (of movies I own) from the dvd's to my HD. what can do that in linux? | 06:37 |
intelikey | Daisuke-Ido hmmm depend on the mapping or is that default ? | 06:37 |
Biovore | ShockValue: yes | 06:37 |
Biovore | ShockValue: mplayer/mencoder can do it.. (all from the command line) | 06:37 |
Daisuke-Ido | intelikey: i *think* that's default but i won't swear to it | 06:38 |
andrew1 | grr im lost >.< whats the difference between Append and Prepend? lol isn't Append the oen I need to hit to write the backup file? | 06:38 |
raylu | append = at end, prepend = at beginning | 06:38 |
intelikey | k i'm not in a gui enough to know what default is... so i ws just asking | 06:38 |
=== BlindSide_ [n=halfdemo@125-238-247-27.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | append writes to the end, prepe... he got to it first | 06:38 |
raylu | lol :P | 06:38 |
intelikey | andrew1 a=after pre=before | 06:38 |
andrew1 | ... dang ok lol Im guessing "To Files" means to write the file? cuz there aint nothing else I can press... | 06:38 |
=== raylu crosses fingers, hoping fstab works... | ||
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andrew1 | grrr....how do I save it again? | 06:40 |
intelikey | ^X | 06:40 |
andrew1 | yea and after that | 06:40 |
andrew1 | i said y | 06:40 |
intelikey | and enter | 06:40 |
andrew1 | then it went to "File Name to Write: /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 06:41 |
intelikey | [return] | 06:41 |
intelikey | [enter] | 06:41 |
andrew1 | oo i never thought that would be so simple | 06:41 |
andrew1 | lol i figured id have to press something like ^write or something.... | 06:41 |
andrew1 | sweeet alright thanks for your help guys, even though that was such a simple task...XD | 06:42 |
intelikey | andrew1 welcome, come back when you have more interesting questions.. | 06:42 |
intelikey | late. | 06:42 |
intelikey | /nick .* | 06:43 |
miles | andrew1 loves non-gui text eds | 06:43 |
Daisuke-Ido | why not just kdesu into kate and do it the really easy way? :D | 06:43 |
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intelikey | he may not have been in a gui ? idk | 06:44 |
Daisuke-Ido | i understand the value in learning vi and/or emacs, but damn... | 06:44 |
epimeth | wow... I actually connected... yay! | 06:44 |
epimeth | ahoy! :-) | 06:44 |
=== taylor [n=taylor@adsl-146-32-198.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | he was presented with both options and chose the cli way | 06:44 |
intelikey | epimeth . | 06:44 |
epimeth | intelikey, Daisuke-Ido. | 06:45 |
Daisuke-Ido | epimeth: | 06:45 |
Daisuke-Ido | greetings and salutations | 06:45 |
epimeth | gmorning ;-) | 06:45 |
miles | is there a cli irc client for kde? | 06:45 |
miles | i wanna try it | 06:45 |
Daisuke-Ido | miles: irssi | 06:46 |
intelikey | heh that's non-sensical miles a cli anything wont be for kde heh | 06:46 |
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epimeth | miles: 'cli' and 'for kde' are opposites amigo... but yes, like Daisuke-Ido said... irssi | 06:46 |
miles | true... | 06:46 |
Daisuke-Ido | i took that as "for linux" | 06:46 |
lopin_ | Anyone know how to get the wifi working in kubuntu, cause I'm lost... | 06:46 |
miles | well...you know how konversation is native to kde | 06:46 |
Daisuke-Ido | miles: yeah, but it's a gui app | 06:46 |
miles | i didnt know if a cli component existed | 06:46 |
intelikey | miles bitchx irssi epic xchat-text and probably others | 06:46 |
miles | bitchx pwnz cuz of its name | 06:47 |
intelikey | well i don't like the name but that is what i use | 06:47 |
Daisuke-Ido | although using ncurses, irssi technically has a gui (i remember this argument from the other day with aptitude) but it's very very basic | 06:47 |
epimeth | tho I'm at a loss as to why anyone would want to use a cli irc client? If you *had* to then I can understand... but want? *shudder* | 06:48 |
epimeth | heh.... ncurses = gui, eh? | 06:48 |
intelikey | epimeth how about "i don't use a gui" | 06:48 |
Daisuke-Ido | epimeth: irssi is extremely flexible and infinitely extensible. there's no reason to NOT want to use it :D | 06:48 |
=== tommymann [n=tommyman@cpe-76-187-43-65.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | (disclaimer, i don't use it) | 06:48 |
epimeth | intelikey: in which case, you *have* to use the cli, so I'm okay with it! :-) | 06:48 |
Daisuke-Ido | epimeth: he doesn't have to, he could choose to use a gui and gui client :P | 06:49 |
Daisuke-Ido | he chooses not to :D | 06:49 |
tommymann | can someone help me with an external that's not automatically showing up | 06:49 |
intelikey | epimeth actually it choice. xorg is installed just not running | 06:49 |
intelikey | it si | 06:49 |
intelikey | it is | 06:49 |
tommymann | the fstab file is blank even | 06:49 |
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=== epimeth pokes intelikey... shhh! *he* doesn't know that! | ||
tommymann | mtab doesn't show /dev/sdb/ | 06:50 |
tommymann | anyone have any experience with externals | 06:50 |
tommymann | or where to go to learn how to add drive to fstab | 06:50 |
intelikey | tommymann mtab only shows what is mounted less a few things | 06:50 |
tommymann | oh well that's good to know | 06:50 |
intelikey | tommymann you want it by device or blkid ? | 06:50 |
tommymann | I don't know | 06:51 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@ip68-97-50-188.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tommymann | I can see sdb in the filesystem | 06:51 |
tommymann | but it won't mount with the mount command | 06:51 |
intelikey | tommymann issue command blkid | grep sdb | 06:52 |
intelikey | show output | 06:52 |
tommymann | I don't remember how to do the straight up and down symbol | 06:53 |
tommymann | in between blkid and grep | 06:53 |
tommymann | I'm working on my girlfriends laptop so I can't cut and paste | 06:54 |
intelikey | copy and paste it into the konsole | 06:54 |
intelikey | why not ? | 06:54 |
tommymann | I'm on two computers | 06:54 |
intelikey | oh. | 06:54 |
tommymann | it mounts automagically in mine | 06:54 |
intelikey | the pipe is normally shift of the back slash | 06:54 |
tommymann | got it | 06:54 |
tommymann | dev/sdb1/ type "ntfs" | 06:55 |
intelikey | and the blkid is ? | 06:55 |
tommymann | it gave me nothing | 06:55 |
tommymann | that's it | 06:55 |
intelikey | hmmm ok we'll have to use device. | 06:56 |
intelikey | sudo nano /etc/fstab | 06:56 |
intelikey | /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs-3g auto,fmask=111,dmask=000 0 0 | 06:57 |
tommymann | its only showing sda1 sda5 and scd0 | 06:57 |
tommymann | which is kub partition swap and cdrom | 06:58 |
intelikey | add that line ^ | 06:58 |
=== emily_ [n=emily@cpe-76-187-43-65.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | then save and exit then install ntfs-3g | 06:59 |
intelikey | !ntfs-3g | 06:59 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 06:59 |
intelikey | and you are all set. | 06:59 |
intelikey | we hope. | 06:59 |
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tommymann | /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs-3g auto,fmask=111,dmask=000 0 0 | 06:59 |
intelikey | yes add that in the fstab | 07:00 |
tommymann | how do you add a line in this thing | 07:00 |
jonathan_ | hello | 07:00 |
emily_ | intelikey this is tommymann on his girlfriends computer | 07:00 |
jonathan_ | kubuntu installed!! | 07:00 |
intelikey | tommymann possion the cursor and start typing ??? | 07:00 |
emily_ | this will probably be easier | 07:01 |
jonathan_ | but there's one prob, I can't access my data hdd | 07:01 |
intelikey | jonathan_ format ? | 07:01 |
intelikey | !ntfs | jonathan_ | 07:01 |
ubotu | jonathan_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:01 |
jonathan_ | nope | 07:01 |
jonathan_ | using apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:02 |
tommymann | how do you save this thing | 07:02 |
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tommymann | I normally edit in kate | 07:02 |
jonathan_ | yes, ntfs format | 07:02 |
intelikey | tommymann control + x | 07:02 |
jonathan_ | I have 3 hdd | 07:02 |
jonathan_ | 1 for ubuntu, 1 for xp, and one for data | 07:03 |
tommymann | awesp,e | 07:03 |
jonathan_ | both xp and data must be ntfs | 07:03 |
tommymann | awesome | 07:03 |
jonathan_ | I can't access my data hdd now | 07:03 |
intelikey | jonathan_ ok so read the link ubotu spit at you | 07:03 |
=== LeeMcC [n=lee@r74-193-42-54.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | ok | 07:05 |
jonathan_ | well than | 07:07 |
jonathan_ | I prob solved | 07:07 |
jonathan_ | all prob solved | 07:07 |
intelikey | good on ya then | 07:08 |
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tommymann | intelikey I still have got nothing | 07:08 |
tommymann | can't find /dev/sdb | 07:08 |
intelikey | tommymann did you install ntfs-3g ? | 07:08 |
tommymann | yes | 07:08 |
intelikey | tommymann dev/sdb ? it's dev/sdb1 | 07:09 |
=== roconnor_ [n=roconnor@vhe-540354.sshn.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | sudo mount /dev/sdb1 | 07:09 |
tommymann | ntfs logfile unclean | 07:10 |
joje | sudo bash diskmounter | 07:10 |
intelikey | ohhh yuch. get in windows and scandisk that bad boy | 07:10 |
emily_ | $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) | 07:10 |
emily_ | Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not supported | 07:10 |
emily_ | Mount is denied because NTFS logfile is unclean. Choose one action: | 07:10 |
emily_ | Boot Windows and shutdown it cleanly, or if you have a removable | 07:10 |
emily_ | device then click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows | 07:10 |
emily_ | taskbar notification area before disconnecting it. | 07:10 |
emily_ | Or | 07:10 |
emily_ | Run ntfsfix version 1.13.1 on Linux unless you have Vista. | 07:10 |
emily_ | Or | 07:10 |
emily_ | Mount the NTFS volume with the 'ro' option in read-only mode. | 07:10 |
intelikey | ohhh yuch. get in windows and scandisk that bad boy | 07:11 |
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tommymann | damn | 07:11 |
intelikey | emily_ get in windows and scandisk that bad boy fix errors then it should mount. | 07:11 |
tommymann | what is ntfsfix | 07:12 |
intelikey | yeh the newer scandisk | 07:12 |
=== manimal [n=manimal@c-24-91-98-99.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tommymann | shit | 07:12 |
intelikey | i think they went chkdisk scandisk chkdisk ntfsfix iirc | 07:13 |
intelikey | i haven't liked/used/tolerated windows in years | 07:13 |
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evilmm | i cut the cord on windows completely on windows with 6.06 | 07:15 |
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=== PatrickWst [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-186-85.w90-36.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | ok fellows that's all for me | 07:17 |
intelikey | gooday and god bless | 07:17 |
=== inteliwasp [n=inteliwa@cpe-76-189-94-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
inteliwasp | what is the command to reset xorg.conf? | 07:19 |
=== inteliwasp hears crickets chirping... | ||
=== t00na [n=tuna@ip68-3-51-213.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
t00na | i can't get my mic to work... | 07:21 |
t00na | it was working on Odeo a second ago, but when I tried messing with KMix, it stopped working! | 07:21 |
inteliwasp | t00na: is it muted? | 07:22 |
inteliwasp | t00na: check the status lights in kmix and unmute it, then it will work | 07:22 |
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t00na | i turned on the green lights for Line-in and Microphone | 07:24 |
t00na | niether seem to work | 07:24 |
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inteliwasp | well i am in console mode at the moment but anve you tried the red lights? | 07:25 |
t00na | yes, i tried one on Line-in and then on Microphone | 07:25 |
t00na | niether worked. | 07:25 |
inteliwasp | does it still work in that program you were useing? | 07:25 |
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t00na | it doesn't work in KRec, no | 07:26 |
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t00na | nor in Odeo | 07:27 |
ubunter | hello world | 07:27 |
t00na | the world greets you, ubunter | 07:27 |
internet24 | l | 07:28 |
internet24 | j[ | 07:28 |
ubunter | thanx you world | 07:28 |
=== K-Ryan is now known as world | ||
inteliwasp | t00na: well i cant think anymore and i think most of the others are asleep, you might want to ask again later | 07:28 |
world | You're welcome | 07:28 |
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t00na | inteliwasp: i was just told on #linuxactionshow that there's a nice Ubuntu Wiki article on this, so i'll look there | 07:29 |
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t00na | but thanks | 07:29 |
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Darkrift | what can i use to kill a ntfs partition, and if that was the main boot partition, will that kill grub? | 07:30 |
Darkrift | gparted wont touch it | 07:30 |
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dvm | Is it possible to use grid in GTK to display the datas from DB? | 07:30 |
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Banksey | Hi all, I have a problem with Juk, When I try to play a song, Nothing happens, I have all the Codecs, And songs play perfectly on Amarok, Any help would be much apprciated. | 07:36 |
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esteban_ | hola | 07:37 |
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Solifugus | Where is the printer queue utility? | 07:40 |
internet24_ | vta | 07:40 |
Solifugus | dont know what vta means | 07:40 |
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dionik | ciao a tutti | 07:48 |
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ciacon | Hi all... I havn't restarted my Computer in about 2 weeks by now... I was wondering why my BIOS-Clock has a fairly heavy skew (sometimes up to 15miinutes/day)... I first realised this after a few "ntpdate" calls.... How can this occure?? | 07:59 |
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K-Ryan | it's too fast or slow | 08:00 |
K-Ryan | i don't think there's much you could do about that | 08:00 |
miles | do you guys get paid to be here? | 08:01 |
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ciacon | it used to be like a minute per per week... now it is like 10 minutes to slow per day! | 08:01 |
miles | it loves life | 08:02 |
ciacon | what also worries me, as, it could be the BIOS-Battery - will my box reboot? | 08:02 |
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xero | how do i run "sudo martian_modem /dev/modem" then hide the shell? | 08:05 |
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Miltos01 | hi ppl:-) | 08:05 |
sonoftheclayr | xero: put & at the end of it | 08:06 |
xero | ok so & will hide the shell after execution? | 08:06 |
Miltos01 | i made a blundder! i reinstalled nvidia drivers (replacing new) and now kde can't start? pls help!!! | 08:06 |
sonoftheclayr | xero: it will bring the prompt up again so you can close it | 08:07 |
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xero | the process must contenue running... | 08:07 |
sonoftheclayr | xero: it will | 08:08 |
xero | sweet | 08:08 |
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xero | thanks | 08:08 |
sonoftheclayr | np | 08:08 |
=== Fragility [n=brad@c-24-18-57-20.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
xero | im gonna try it... but im gonna have to disconnect, so i will be back | 08:09 |
Fragility | does anyone know of a good program that could analyze as many things about my computer as possible | 08:09 |
Fragility | I'm having some complex problems and would love more data about the integrity of various devices | 08:10 |
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xero | no cigar... | 08:11 |
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Darkrift | anyone know how to get djvu support in firefox? | 08:12 |
xero | ok l guess ill explain more in detail. i have a shortcut on my desktop that runs this in a shell... it asks for the root passwd, then maps my modem to /dev/modem | 08:12 |
Darkrift | ive been going in circles for 35 mins | 08:12 |
Darkrift | firefox plugin for linux takes you to a lib page, that page has an instaler that doesnt install a firefox plugin, and so on.... | 08:13 |
sonoftheclayr | xero: try kdesu instead of sudo and don't run it in a shell | 08:13 |
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xero | ok | 08:13 |
xero | ill be back i guess... gotta test | 08:14 |
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xero | sonoftheclayr you are awesome! | 08:16 |
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xero | now... how do i get kppp to load after that | 08:16 |
xero | its gotta be oneclick... (for my grandmother) | 08:17 |
Fragility | for some reason things seem to take a long time to load on the command line | 08:17 |
Fragility | like when I open it up it takes a very long time for my name and computer to show | 08:17 |
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Fragility | what type of failure would cause that? | 08:18 |
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ciacon | can I use KPPP for ADSL? | 08:18 |
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Darkrift | i guess nobody knows | 08:20 |
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wepiha | hello. I have a network bridge script I want to be run (as root, or whatever) startup, where would I put said script? | 08:21 |
wepiha | *at startup | 08:21 |
xero | darkrift: im looking | 08:21 |
destynova | what part of the xorg.conf defines the resolution? | 08:22 |
Darkrift | normally the part at the bottom | 08:22 |
Darkrift | it will have a lsit of res's | 08:22 |
destynova | do i just retype the resolution? | 08:23 |
destynova | i need 1440X900 | 08:23 |
Darkrift | i added a new one because my widescreen res wasnt in there | 08:23 |
Darkrift | so i added one in the same format as the rest | 08:23 |
destynova | at the top? | 08:24 |
Darkrift | hold on | 08:24 |
xero | darkrift: what exactly have you installed for djvu? | 08:24 |
wepiha | destynova: you should be looking in the Section "Screen" | 08:24 |
destynova | okies i see that | 08:25 |
Darkrift | Modes"1024x768""800x600""640x480" | 08:25 |
Darkrift | thats how my old line was | 08:25 |
Darkrift | the new one is | 08:25 |
xero | destynova: at the top of xorg.conf theres a command to reconfigure your xorg.conf | 08:25 |
Darkrift | Modes"1280x800""1024x768""800x600""640x480" | 08:25 |
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xero | its safer | 08:25 |
Darkrift | mine didnt detect the widescreen res properly | 08:26 |
Darkrift | so someone in here told me how to edit it | 08:26 |
xero | ohi was told to usethe wizard... oh well its all the same | 08:27 |
=== luca [n=luca@host63-179-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
destynova | how do i get to the wizard? | 08:27 |
xero | its in the notes at tghe top | 08:27 |
xero | you know all of the #'s? | 08:27 |
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luca | hi everyone | 08:28 |
K-Ryan | hi luca | 08:28 |
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luca | does anyone here have very buggering issues with system tray and compiz fusion? :) | 08:28 |
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luca | (and maybe also with knetworkmanager) | 08:28 |
K-Ryan | You can try #ubuntu-effects | 08:28 |
K-Ryan | Your best bet is in there | 08:29 |
luca | same issues, but compiz fusion works better ;) | 08:29 |
destynova | how do i edit the xorg.conf? | 08:29 |
luca | oh sorry channel | 08:29 |
luca | thx :) | 08:29 |
K-Ryan | luca: You can ask in here | 08:29 |
destynova | buffer is readonly | 08:29 |
K-Ryan | You'll just get a better response in there | 08:29 |
luca | destynova: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf - but WHY? | 08:29 |
luca | K-Ryan ok thx :D | 08:29 |
Darkrift | xero, nevermind, i found a viewer that works good enough | 08:29 |
xero | ok | 08:30 |
destynova | i'm trying t change my default res in xorg.conf with emacs | 08:30 |
Darkrift | id use kate | 08:30 |
Darkrift | easier | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | default res can be set in system settings | 08:30 |
Darkrift | sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:30 |
xero | sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | Darkrift: Depends on the person, I like nano for instance | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | Dark: kdesu kate | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | !sudo | 08:31 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:31 |
Darkrift | but still, kate is easier tehn emacs | 08:31 |
K-Ryan | !kdesu | 08:31 |
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ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 08:31 |
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luca | btw, I have some issues with knetworkmanager | 08:31 |
K-Ryan | Darkrift: He might be used to it and or wants to use it | 08:31 |
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Darkrift | i c | 08:31 |
luca | often when I boot it crashes and I am forced to kill and reopen the application :( | 08:31 |
Darkrift | ok, sorry, destynova do as you wish, because yo might be used to doing it that way | 08:32 |
meuhlol | what application you need to reboot? | 08:32 |
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K-Ryan | Darkrift: If he were using nano, I could understand you saying that, but people usually don't use emacs by accident. | 08:32 |
luca | knetworkmanager | 08:32 |
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luca | sometimes it stops dead, does not even show in the tray | 08:33 |
luca | mostly when I boot | 08:33 |
Darkrift | K-Ryan, I installed emacs because i was told to use it due to the syntax highliting, then i found how much of a pita it is, and that kate supports syntax highliting too | 08:33 |
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Darkrift | so i sorta ended up using it by accident | 08:34 |
K-Ryan | Darkrift: Well that's good for coding | 08:34 |
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luca | kate is great IMHO :D not using any other text editor (and I am no programmer, but it's still great :) ) | 08:34 |
K-Ryan | But he's just modifying his xorg.conf, he just needs basic editing. | 08:34 |
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destynova | now everything is really huge! | 08:37 |
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Miltos01 | i made a blundder! i reinstalled nvidia drivers (replacing new) and now kde can't start? pls help!!! | 08:39 |
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destynova | yay now i'm stuck at 800x600! | 08:42 |
meuhlol | xorg.conf edited? | 08:43 |
destynova | nah from the system setting menu | 08:43 |
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meuhlol | what grafic card you are? nvidia? | 08:44 |
meuhlol | if so i maybe can help you, if ati i can't probably :/ | 08:44 |
destynova | nvidia | 08:45 |
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meuhlol | open an konsole | 08:46 |
meuhlol | and try that: sudo nvidia-settings | 08:46 |
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_Iamda | !list | 08:47 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 08:47 |
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destynova | ok a thingy popedup | 08:48 |
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meuhlol | destynova: can you change your res in nvidia-settings? | 08:48 |
destynova | and i got some errors | 08:48 |
destynova | nope | 08:48 |
meuhlol | reinstall drivers ;) | 08:49 |
destynova | i did it thru the add/remove programs thingy | 08:49 |
meuhlol | do it manually | 08:51 |
meuhlol | via a console | 08:51 |
destynova | itsa nvidia 6100 | 08:51 |
destynova | intigrated | 08:51 |
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destynova | does my processor effect my video drivers | 08:53 |
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destynova | i'm running a 32 bit os ona 64bit amd | 08:53 |
Darkrift | me too | 08:54 |
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Darkrift | seems to work fine | 08:54 |
destynova | so i get linux ia32? | 08:54 |
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meuhlol | destynova: proc not affect your grafik gard | 08:57 |
meuhlol | destynova: wait | 08:57 |
destynova | i got sumthin called .run | 08:57 |
meuhlol | destynova: you have amd 64? | 08:57 |
destynova | yeah | 08:57 |
meuhlol | okey, did you installed linux-k7 ? | 08:58 |
destynova | i dunno what that is | 08:58 |
destynova | i'm on kubuntu 32 bit | 08:58 |
meuhlol | oh | 08:58 |
meuhlol | do that (follow me) | 08:59 |
meuhlol | sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.backup | 08:59 |
Miltos01 | i made a blundder! i reinstalled nvidia drivers (replacing new) and now kde can't start? pls help!!! | 08:59 |
Darkrift | would if i could Miltos01 | 08:59 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx | 08:59 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 09:00 |
meuhlol | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 09:00 |
Miltos01 | meuhlol...thanks, i will try... | 09:00 |
meuhlol | destynova: and after restart | 09:00 |
vzduch | destynova: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -> pick the nvidia driver, choose the correct resolutions your monitor can handle and, preferrably, use the Advanced setting for your monitor frequencies, you can enter them directly there and all will be fine :) | 09:00 |
meuhlol | vzduch: nice too :) | 09:01 |
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meuhlol | !list | 09:04 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:04 |
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destynova | ok i did all that | 09:04 |
destynova | but havnt restarted yet | 09:04 |
vzduch | ok, then restart X | 09:05 |
Miltos01 | meuhlol...nothing... | 09:05 |
meuhlol | ctrl + alt + return | 09:05 |
meuhlol | Miltos01: restart xorg | 09:05 |
Miltos01 | meyhlol, how? | 09:05 |
vzduch | meuhlol: no.. either Ctrl + Alt + Backspace (kill) or 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart' (clean) | 09:06 |
meuhlol | Miltos01: ctrl + alt + <--- | 09:06 |
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Miltos01 | meuhlol, i the system freezes on kubuntu logo, i can't get to command line! | 09:07 |
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sonoftheclayr | i'm having some troubles with the nvidia drivers. Every now and again X will just restart, usually when i'm doing something. it just did it twice in about 10 minutes. can anyone help? | 09:07 |
meuhlol | ctrl + alt +f1 | 09:08 |
meuhlol | edit xorg.conf | 09:08 |
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meuhlol | in a safe mode | 09:08 |
meuhlol | i have to go, sorry | 09:08 |
vzduch | o0 | 09:08 |
Miltos01 | meyhlol, ok now i am on the command line, how to edit xorg.conf? | 09:09 |
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vzduch | Miltos01: e.g. 'sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 09:09 |
Miltos01 | vzduch ok...and thanks | 09:09 |
Ze_M | Riddell: ping | 09:09 |
destynova | ok i have restarted | 09:09 |
vzduch | destynova: now you should be able to properly adjust your resolution | 09:10 |
vzduch | if it doesn't already show, that is | 09:10 |
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shaneed | hai everybody | 09:11 |
destynova | how do i get back to that nvidia x config thingy? | 09:11 |
shaneed | join | 09:12 |
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vzduch | destynova: you mean 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' (iirc)? | 09:12 |
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Miltos01 | vzduch, what to edit? | 09:13 |
destynova | the little progy that poped up | 09:14 |
shaneed_ | jsdfk | 09:14 |
shaneed_ | hai anybody know how to install kde4 in feisty | 09:15 |
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destynova | damn... | 09:16 |
vzduch | Miltos01: compare your Device section w/ this --> http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/1755 - 'Identifier' is the name of your gfx card and can be set ad libitum | 09:16 |
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destynova | i got lost somehow | 09:17 |
Darkrift | same problem still destynova ? | 09:18 |
Miltos01 | vzduch, thank you very much, problem solved!!! i replaced nvidia with vesa, and now i now what should i do (i hope)!!! | 09:19 |
comodo | can someonee tell me how to check for direct rendering | 09:19 |
destynova | now i cant get to the window to change my res :( | 09:19 |
=== lee__ [n=lee@r74-193-42-54.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Darkrift | you added in the new res? | 09:19 |
Darkrift | as the first one on the line? | 09:19 |
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destynova | no i havnt edited the xorg.conf yet | 09:20 |
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Darkrift | for me, i edited the conf, then i restarted x (the sloppy way ctrl+alt+backspace) and it booted with the correct res | 09:21 |
Darkrift | thats how easy it was | 09:21 |
Darkrift | and someone in here told me how to do it, so i assume its somewhat safe if you do it properly | 09:21 |
destynova | i tried to edit it but it told me it was read only | 09:21 |
Darkrift | just add "****x****"tab | 09:21 |
Darkrift | yeah, yo have to open it as root | 09:21 |
Darkrift | kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:21 |
Darkrift | try that | 09:21 |
Darkrift | you should be able to save it as root | 09:22 |
Darkrift | and.... | 09:22 |
Darkrift | kate will make an automatic backup called xorg.conf~ ( i think ) | 09:22 |
Darkrift | so if you crash, use command line to fix it | 09:22 |
Darkrift | restore the backup and you can try again | 09:22 |
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destynova | my xorg.conf looks totally diff now | 09:24 |
destynova | :( | 09:24 |
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Darkrift | its ok | 09:24 |
Darkrift | just find the highest bit section | 09:24 |
=== LeeMcC [n=lee@r74-193-42-54.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Darkrift | Depth24 | 09:24 |
Darkrift | look for the line right under that | 09:24 |
Ze_M | to whos running kde-3.5.7, when running kcmshell clock doest it appear servers to sincronize the hour? | 09:25 |
Darkrift | because i think 24bit depth is the default | 09:25 |
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Darkrift | i am rnning 3.5.7 | 09:25 |
Darkrift | what is kcmshell? | 09:25 |
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=== zack is now known as destynova | ||
comodo | i have a small problem i have nvidia drivers working and beryl but when i start it up the bar on top of windows disapers the one that has minimize maxamize and everything | 09:26 |
Ze_M | run in konsole sudo kcmshell clock | 09:26 |
Darkrift | thats your windows decorations comodo | 09:26 |
Ze_M | darkkish: you do know whats konsole right? | 09:26 |
Darkrift | right click on the berl icon and try to "reload window decorator" | 09:26 |
Ze_M | mean Darkrift | 09:26 |
Darkrift | if that doesnt work, try to reload your window manager | 09:26 |
Darkrift | yes, lemme try Ze_M | 09:26 |
destynova | gonna reboot | 09:27 |
Darkrift | ok, ran it | 09:27 |
Darkrift | the clock config opened | 09:27 |
=== Diki [n=tyler@bas10-toronto12-1096758584.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Diki | Quick question: What is Konversation's default install path? | 09:27 |
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Darkrift | seems to work Ze_M | 09:28 |
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Ze_M | Darkrift: read what i asked | 09:28 |
Ze_M | [08:26:05] <Ze_M> to whos running kde-3.5.7, when running kcmshell clock doest it appear servers to sincronize the hour? | 09:28 |
Darkrift | i see it, but dont understnad the q | 09:29 |
Darkrift | when i resized the window, i see the "administrator mode" button | 09:29 |
Darkrift | if i click on that, i can "auto adjust time and date" | 09:29 |
Darkrift | then i can change servers to sync to | 09:29 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: do you see any options or fileds to select any servers? | 09:29 |
Darkrift | yes | 09:29 |
Darkrift | right above the clock | 09:29 |
Ze_M | ok | 09:29 |
Darkrift | but you need admin mode to do it | 09:29 |
vzduch | Ze_M: don't run X programs from terminal w/ sudo, it can mess up your permissions.. that's what kdesu is for | 09:29 |
Ze_M | at last | 09:29 |
Darkrift | yeah, i just learned that tonight | 09:29 |
Ze_M | vzduch: you can say that to newbies | 09:30 |
Darkrift | i didnt know kdesu worked in konsole | 09:30 |
Darkrift | so i always went to the stupid run dialog to do it | 09:30 |
Ze_M | run kdesu konqueror | 09:30 |
vzduch | [09:26:32] < Ze_M> run in konsole sudo kcmshell clock <-- I think it was you who said that ;) | 09:30 |
Ze_M | you can run it konsole or by clicking alt+f2 | 09:31 |
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Ze_M | vzduch: so? | 09:31 |
=== Darkrift is a n00b and will stay out of this debate | ||
Ze_M | better go packaging dkms alsa | 09:32 |
Ze_M | than enter in this discussion... | 09:32 |
=== Diki [n=tyler@bas10-toronto12-1096758584.dsl.bell.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Darkrift | how do i change the look of the bash prompt? | 09:33 |
Darkrift | i did it years ago on freebsd, but dont remember how | 09:34 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: change bashrc | 09:34 |
vzduch | Ze_M: you can package whatever you wish, if you give what I perceive to be bad advice to n00bs I can say that :) | 09:34 |
=== vzduch will now get out of the discussion, grab his bag and catch the bus to work | ||
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Darkrift | lol | 09:35 |
=== zack [n=zack@24-119-93-40.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ze_M | vzduch: as i said i will not discuss any with you but no one gaved any advice, just told Darkrift to try it | 09:35 |
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Ze_M | and newboes must start learning at some point, and many want to learn | 09:35 |
Darkrift | wb destynova, did it work? | 09:35 |
destynova | tnx for the help everyone | 09:35 |
destynova | nah | 09:36 |
destynova | still fecked up | 09:36 |
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Darkrift | damn | 09:36 |
Darkrift | that sucks | 09:36 |
Darkrift | worked great for me | 09:36 |
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Ze_M | Darkrift: you another way to change prompt | 09:37 |
destynova | agian, tnx for all your efforts i'm gonna call it a night and try agian tomorow | 09:37 |
Darkrift | good luck | 09:37 |
=== _Iamda [n=_Iamda@tx-76-6-81-107.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ze_M | Darkrift: create for example a file /etc/profile.d/newbash.sh | 09:37 |
destynova | tnx :) | 09:37 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: edit it, and enter; | 09:38 |
Ze_M | #!/bin/sh | 09:38 |
Ze_M | PS1="[\u@newbash \W] \\$ " | 09:38 |
Ze_M | than run konsole and there you have it | 09:38 |
Darkrift | cool | 09:39 |
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Darkrift | i wish i could scale my whole display to be smaller | 09:43 |
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Darkrift | like using a higher res would do | 09:43 |
=== stephen [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yeniklasor | Where can I see my 'cpu, ram..' (system hardware) ? | 09:43 |
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Ze_M | Darkrift: also easy | 09:44 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: enter /etc/X11 and edit xresources, search for a line that says some like this: Xft.dpi: 90 and then put comment it bu putting a ! in the begining | 09:45 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: or for example change the value 90 to 80 | 09:45 |
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Ze_M | and its /etc/X11/Xresources, then logout | 09:46 |
stephen | how do you see ram etc i wanna know too | 09:46 |
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Ze_M | stephen: run free in konsole | 09:46 |
grul | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:47 |
stephen | thx | 09:47 |
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yeniklasor | How can I check how much Ram and CPU I have? | 09:48 |
Ze_M | grul: thats only for cpu | 09:48 |
Darkrift | i dont have a file there, just a folder Ze_M | 09:48 |
Ze_M | yeniklasor: just read the 2 lines before | 09:48 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: where? | 09:48 |
Darkrift | . /etc/X11/Xresources/ | 09:48 |
Darkrift | its a folder | 09:49 |
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stephen | sorry, one more thing, how do you change the resolution | 09:49 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: show me the output of /etc/X11/ | 09:49 |
stephen | !pastebin | 09:49 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:49 |
Ze_M | stephen: run kcontrol and earch it | 09:49 |
grul | well, free for ram, cat /proc/cpuinfo for cpu, df for hdds, lspci for most other devices | 09:50 |
Ze_M | stephen: run kcontrol and search it | 09:50 |
grul | i don't know any more commands for this purpose, heh | 09:50 |
Darkrift | app-defaults default-display-manager rgb.txt xinit xorg1.conf xorg.conf~ xorg.conf.backup xserver Xsession.d XvMCConfig | 09:50 |
Darkrift | cursors fonts X xkb xorg.conf xorg.conf! Xresources Xsession Xsession.options Xwrapper.config | 09:50 |
Darkrift | was only 2 lines, figured pasting was safe | 09:50 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: of course isnt here, paste in pastbin | 09:50 |
stephen | what is kcontrol | 09:51 |
stephen | ? | 09:51 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: run ls -as /etc/X11 | 09:51 |
stephen | sorry ive only been on linux for 2 days | 09:51 |
Ze_M | stephen: fo read docs | 09:51 |
Ze_M | stephen: google is your friend | 09:51 |
yeniklasor | grul : you are brilliant | 09:51 |
yeniklasor | thanks | 09:51 |
Ze_M | stephen: sorry but your simply too much green, cant help in that level, google | 09:52 |
Darkrift | pastebin';d | 09:52 |
stephen | simply too much green lol | 09:53 |
stephen | ? | 09:53 |
Darkrift | green = new | 09:53 |
Darkrift | i believe | 09:53 |
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Ze_M | Darkrift: paste the output of ls -as /etc/X11 in pastebin.com | 09:54 |
Darkrift | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30076/ | 09:54 |
=== sercik [n=cac@host212-118-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stephen | oh i see | 09:55 |
stephen | lol | 09:55 |
yeniklasor | What is the meaning of i686, i3** for cpu, isn't all these 32 bit? | 09:55 |
grul | i686 is 64 bit if i'm not mistaken | 09:55 |
sercik | nono | 09:56 |
Darkrift | 586 was the first pentium i believe | 09:56 |
Ze_M | darkkish: sorry, i mean ls -als /etc/X11 | 09:56 |
yeniklasor | my cpu 32 bit but kubuntu says i686 | 09:56 |
sercik | i686 is not 64 bit | 09:56 |
grul | oh | 09:56 |
Ze_M | yeniklasor: yes | 09:56 |
sercik | i686 are the pentium 3 i think | 09:56 |
yeniklasor | mine p4 | 09:56 |
sercik | p4 is 686 | 09:56 |
Ze_M | sercik: not quite | 09:56 |
Darkrift | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30077/ | 09:57 |
Darkrift | no | 09:57 |
grul | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I686 | 09:57 |
Ze_M | 586, 686 are all for x86 that is 32 bit | 09:57 |
Ze_M | about being p3 or p4 or other is another issue | 09:57 |
Ze_M | darkkish: show me now ls -als /etc/X11/Xresources | 09:58 |
Darkrift | i did | 09:58 |
Darkrift | read up 5 lines | 09:58 |
Darkrift | oh | 09:58 |
Darkrift | i c | 09:58 |
Darkrift | theres only one file in there | 09:58 |
Ze_M | for example mandriva uses i586 for all 32bit | 09:59 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: you showed ls -als /etc/X11, now im asking ls -als /etc/X11/Xresources | 09:59 |
Darkrift | 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319 2007-02-13 03:02 x11-common | 09:59 |
Darkrift | thats the only file in that folder | 09:59 |
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Ze_M | darkkish: show me the output of: grep -r Xft.dpi /etc/X11 | 10:00 |
Darkrift | there is no output | 10:00 |
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Ze_M | and grep -r dpi /etc/X11 | 10:01 |
Darkrift | !pastebin | 10:01 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:01 |
waylandbill | x86 meant that the 32-bit instruction set was backwards compatible with the 8086's 16-bit instruction set. | 10:01 |
Darkrift | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30078/ | 10:01 |
yeniklasor | Now how can I check in which speed is working my ram (400, 333...)? | 10:01 |
stephen | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 10:03 |
stephen | thats what i did earlier | 10:03 |
stephen | it showed my ram and other stuff | 10:03 |
Ze_M | Darkrift: seams kubuntu uses another file, i dont use kubuntu, i use mandriva, kubuntu its nothing more than a medium distro | 10:03 |
grul | what do you mean by medium? | 10:04 |
=== roconnor_ [n=roconnor@n138136.science.ru.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ze_M | Darkrift: sorry that i cant help on this, maybe read some docs from kubuntu or ask some kubuntu developer | 10:04 |
yeniklasor | stephen | I didn't see there about ram | 10:04 |
stephen | :( | 10:04 |
waylandbill | medium? | 10:04 |
stephen | i cant remember what i did | 10:04 |
yeniklasor | I can copy-paste if you want :D | 10:04 |
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Ze_M | grul: for example kubuntu doesnt have a panel to configure all aspects of the distro, in that point even windows wins to ubuntu k/x | 10:05 |
waylandbill | If I count everything installable by apt, then I could say something about other distros not having the abiity to install as much. That seems a short fall in my book. | 10:05 |
=== dmbkiwi [n=dmbkiwi@125-238-35-229.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ze_M | grul: still some important things to kubuntu so that can be considered a good distro | 10:06 |
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grul | I see | 10:06 |
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Ze_M | kubuntu is very known due to have guys with money that do a lot of punlicity | 10:07 |
Ze_M | publicity* | 10:07 |
Ze_M | thats all | 10:07 |
yeniklasor | Kubuntu's file manager is not good (konqueror) :D | 10:08 |
grul | Well, so be it, but the more people migrating from windows to a linux based operating system the better, right? :) even if it's not the best distro | 10:08 |
Ze_M | yeniklasor: konqueror is a great browser | 10:08 |
stephen | i like the clean feel of linux | 10:08 |
Ze_M | i always use konqueror | 10:08 |
waylandbill | so. publicity is good. I like the fact that they didn't cower to microsoft's strong arm on the patent issue. | 10:08 |
yeniklasor | But not good file browser | 10:08 |
Ze_M | waylandbill: no one refered to that | 10:08 |
grul | in my opinion kubuntu's file manager is called konsole :D | 10:09 |
Ze_M | and that have to do with linux, not kubuntu itself | 10:09 |
stephen | i really want to change the god dam resolution but i cant | 10:09 |
stephen | i need a good guide on kubuntu | 10:09 |
Ze_M | and ubuntu is debian based | 10:09 |
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waylandbill | seeing as that's canonical's position, it is relevant to kubuntu. It was my opinion why I like *ubuntu. | 10:10 |
Ze_M | stephen: change to mandriva that you have a panel to configure everything | 10:10 |
stephen | wtf is that? | 10:10 |
stephen | lol | 10:10 |
Ze_M | *ubuntu have what all distros have | 10:10 |
Ze_M | stephen: one of the bests distros out there | 10:11 |
yeniklasor | stephen | I downloaded drivers from nvidia official site, then installed it from console. Now almost everything I have like windows's nvidia drivers :D | 10:11 |
Ze_M | well its time for me to go | 10:11 |
stephen | bye | 10:11 |
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=== Ze_M [n=kvirc@unaffiliated/zem/x-000001] has left #kubuntu ["Time] | ||
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waylandbill | not sure why someone is on this channel telling everyone to switch to their distro is beyond me. Probably trolling or something. sheesh. | 10:13 |
yeniklasor | Kubuntu don't have another file manager? kunqueror sucks. I can't change pictures' preview and file choosing with "hold ctrl and mouse" isn't good. | 10:14 |
Carnage\ | Try krusader | 10:14 |
=== busfahrer [i=cs21@unixboard/user/busfahrer] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yeniklasor | Downloading krusader | 10:15 |
stephen | WTF there is no WINE app for kubuntu | 10:15 |
stephen | onl ubuntu | 10:15 |
stephen | :( | 10:15 |
yeniklasor | wine can work with Kubuntu too :S | 10:16 |
stephen | oooh | 10:16 |
stephen | how? | 10:16 |
yeniklasor | just install it | 10:16 |
yeniklasor | sudo apt-get install wine | 10:16 |
Riyoxke | !wine | 10:16 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 10:16 |
yeniklasor | :D | 10:16 |
=== phimic [n=michels@skywalker.ruf.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | yeniklasor: there's tons of installable stuff. Just because it comes with one file manager or doesn't come with something doesn't mean it's not available. Just a couple clicks away. :-) | 10:18 |
stephen | yeniklasor: thanks | 10:18 |
waylandbill | that was intended for stephen btw. :-) | 10:18 |
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yeniklasor | waylandbill | I like ubuntu's file manager. Can I set it default? | 10:19 |
stephen | so this wine thing allows me to use windows applications? | 10:20 |
mbone | Can't read Jpg file on NTFS drive , why ? :P | 10:20 |
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mbone | Using Konqueror and the image can't show | 10:20 |
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mbone | also digiKam | 10:21 |
yeniklasor | stephen | Not all windows app | 10:21 |
waylandbill | stephen: yes, but usually it's best to find a native linux app. and... wine doesn't support all DX9 games. | 10:21 |
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stephen | im not interested in games lol | 10:22 |
stephen | i just want a few apps | 10:22 |
=== lunar-raven [n=lunar-ra@71-36-39-35.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yeniklasor | Which apps? :D | 10:23 |
waylandbill | yeniklasor: I don't think you can make Nautilus the default file manager, but you can run it as an app under KDE. | 10:23 |
lunar-raven | can anyone tell me how to make an ntfs partition in linux? is this possible? | 10:23 |
yeniklasor | yes possible | 10:24 |
waylandbill | lunar-raven: gparted should be able to make an ntfs partition IIRC | 10:24 |
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stephen | wtf how do i use this WINE thing? | 10:25 |
=== dotz [n=cvzcxvas@bb121-7-193-56.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | yeniklasor: I guess the other possibility is to run kde apps under a gnome desktop. :-) | 10:25 |
stephen | i tried to open a windows app and it didnt work | 10:25 |
waylandbill | stephen: wine application.exe | 10:25 |
waylandbill | stephen: which windows app? | 10:25 |
stephen | its a tv channel streamer | 10:25 |
dotz | hi how do i install the basic X11 libraries libXext, libX11, libXt, libSM, libICE ? or how do i check if it is installed already | 10:25 |
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yeniklasor | waylandbill | Nautilus says if I run it from console "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found" | 10:26 |
waylandbill | stephen: I'm sure an app that handes video streaming probably uses D | 10:26 |
waylandbill | stephen: I'm sure an app that handes video streaming probably uses Direct X | 10:26 |
stephen | :( | 10:27 |
yeniklasor | stephen : Me too couldn't get work my tvtuner | 10:27 |
waylandbill | yeniklasor: sounds like gnome uses the Enlightened Sound Daemon and you don't have it installed. | 10:27 |
yeniklasor | ok checking | 10:27 |
waylandbill | stephen: you probably could find an equivelant linux app though. | 10:28 |
stephen | yea | 10:28 |
stephen | linux is great | 10:28 |
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-81-25.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stephen | just hard to get used to | 10:28 |
yeniklasor | esound-common is installed already | 10:29 |
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yeniklasor | stephen : Use kdetv , but I couldn't find any channel from of these tvtuner apps. There was no my country's scan option. | 10:30 |
stephen | wwot | 10:31 |
stephen | woot | 10:31 |
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stephen | i installed it without help | 10:31 |
stephen | lol | 10:31 |
stephen | 1st time | 10:32 |
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waylandbill | yeniklasor: must be supplied by a different package. | 10:32 |
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yeniklasor | stephen what did you do :D | 10:32 |
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yeniklasor | waylandbill | I'm installing now all enlightened sound daemon packages :D | 10:33 |
stephen | sudo apt-get install kdetv | 10:33 |
grul | !openal | 10:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:33 |
yeniklasor | good :D | 10:33 |
stephen | but i cant get the app to run | 10:34 |
stephen | lol | 10:34 |
stephen | it has errors | 10:34 |
yeniklasor | :S | 10:34 |
stephen | how do i uninstall apps? | 10:35 |
yeniklasor | sudo apt-get remove kdetv | 10:35 |
stephen | sudo apt-get uninstall kdetv? | 10:35 |
yeniklasor | which errors? | 10:35 |
stephen | oh | 10:35 |
stephen | remove | 10:35 |
yeniklasor | yea | 10:35 |
t_maus | apt-get remove kdetc | 10:35 |
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stephen | VBI initialisation failed | 10:35 |
yeniklasor | wait | 10:36 |
yeniklasor | launch adept-manager | 10:37 |
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yeniklasor | search for vbi and install what you found :D | 10:37 |
yeniklasor | adept_manager | 10:38 |
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stephen | i cant be bothered lol | 10:40 |
stephen | i searched for it | 10:40 |
stephen | installed some stuff | 10:40 |
stephen | and it still dun work | 10:40 |
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yeniklasor | what is error again? | 10:41 |
yeniklasor | where are you from | 10:41 |
stephen | im from loondon | 10:42 |
stephen | london^ | 10:42 |
stephen | ooooooooooops | 10:42 |
yeniklasor | why | 10:43 |
stephen | i think i have it running | 10:43 |
stephen | but i see no channels | 10:43 |
yeniklasor | good | 10:43 |
yeniklasor | me too :D | 10:43 |
yeniklasor | but you can you are from England | 10:43 |
stephen | ok | 10:43 |
stephen | how? | 10:43 |
stephen | lol | 10:44 |
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yeniklasor | just scan channels :D A few noob it | 10:44 |
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stephen | i dont see scan channels | 10:44 |
yeniklasor | channels--> channel wisart | 10:45 |
stephen | its greyed out | 10:45 |
stephen | so i cant select it | 10:45 |
yeniklasor | omg :D | 10:46 |
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yeniklasor | remove it kdetv sucks | 10:46 |
yeniklasor | try xawtv | 10:47 |
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ausome | Has anyone successfully installed a wireless network card - had it working only to have it "Dissappear" on a new Power Up | 10:49 |
ausome | as in - it's not sticking | 10:49 |
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Loetmichel_CNC | moin! | 10:50 |
stephen | i couldnt get my wifi card to work | 10:52 |
stephen | so i just used ethernet :D | 10:52 |
ausome | Well I did get it going - I followed the destructions on someones page and it fired up - I'm missing something that'll make it see it again - I'm trying a few things now | 10:53 |
Loetmichel_CNC | hmmm... ist there a german channel for kubuntu? (installed it fresh, no idea where to get a channellist in konversation..) | 10:54 |
pag | !de | Loetmichel_CNC | 10:54 |
ubotu | Loetmichel_CNC: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:54 |
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Loetmichel_CNC | pag: thx | 10:56 |
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aznpridechinese | anyone know how to get world of warcraft running with wine? | 10:58 |
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pag | !wow | aznpridechinese | 11:00 |
ubotu | aznpridechinese: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 11:00 |
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pag | hmm... there *was* WoW-specific site.. | 11:00 |
netyire | hello all! can somebody help me with deluge torrent :D? | 11:01 |
netyire | it downloads fast, but sticks at 99.xx% | 11:01 |
netyire | any ideas? | 11:01 |
pag | aznpridechinese, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft | 11:01 |
pag | netyire, probably just not-working torrent. Those problems usually aren't depended on client you use | 11:02 |
netyire | :D, its from a private tracker quite well seeded | 11:02 |
netyire | deluge seems to be the problem though | 11:03 |
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netyire | some people on the deluge forums report the same thing or something similar if I'm not wrong... :( oh well | 11:03 |
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netyire | okay then back to ktorrent :D | 11:07 |
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netyire | thanks for the help! | 11:07 |
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Lopin | I'm having a bit of trouble with ndiswrapper... Anyone up to helping me? | 11:07 |
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Narada | hi all; my hard drive is full; how can i tell what is taking up all the space; how can i purge all of apt-get's files? | 11:08 |
Lopin | google jgoodies... They have a multiplatform disk mapper... | 11:09 |
Lopin | It'll show you what's taking up space, and how much... | 11:09 |
Lopin | Like, in a piegraph... | 11:09 |
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eagles0513875 | Narada: do sudo apt-get autoclean | 11:15 |
eagles0513875 | Narada: that will clean up any unused or no longer need archives that r left after install | 11:16 |
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Lopin | Anyone know anything about ndiswrapper? | 11:16 |
Narada | eagles0513875: done but still full; what commands can i use to find out what is taking up all the space? | 11:17 |
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Timsen | Narada: you can install filelight this is a nice graphical tool | 11:20 |
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wepiha | hey anyone know how I edit my network settings to enable a network bridge (br0) instead of vanilla eth0? | 11:20 |
Narada | Timsen: trying now | 11:21 |
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_4str1 | or change the view mode in konqueror | 11:21 |
Lopin | Can anyone help me with my wifi? | 11:22 |
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chaotic | hey is it wise to remove python if its broken to reinstall | 11:23 |
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Narada | Timsen: thanks that helped a lot | 11:27 |
Timsen | np Narada | 11:28 |
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Lopin | Anyone know about wifi? | 11:29 |
Timsen | !wifi | 11:31 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:31 |
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Lopin | Looked... I can't figure out how to use ndiswrapper, I'm new, I need help... | 11:31 |
ausome | Lopin - there are lots of helpful info on the ubuntu forums | 11:32 |
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Lopin | I hear you... | 11:33 |
Lopin | I'm just not able to use the scripts and such... | 11:33 |
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Lopin | I'm still too new to linux... | 11:33 |
Lopin | I don't understand what the heck I'm typing in the event something goes wrong, and I can't get it working... | 11:34 |
ausome | Lopin - I hear that too - it's a good way to get your feet wet - most of those postings have LOTS of new commands to play with | 11:34 |
ausome | Lopin - Just remember - Never give up :) | 11:34 |
ausome | Lopin - My sons PC has had his wireless network card running - but it's not being remembered. Just working out how to mkae it stick | 11:35 |
Lopin | It's 535 in the morning... I've been up for a day and a half working on this so I think I'm just gonna take a nap, and call linksys in the morning... Er... Afternoon... | 11:36 |
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ausome | Lopin - do a lspci in a command screen - that'll show you what your network card is - then chase it from there | 11:37 |
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Lopin | Problems with the driver... It's installing, but not recognizing the card... | 11:37 |
Lopin | Am I doing something wrong? | 11:37 |
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Lopin | I have to use ndiswrapper... And I can't figure out why my driver isn't working... | 11:38 |
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HackSign | i want download a file with fire .what plugin should i download ? | 11:44 |
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HackSign | er.. a flv file | 11:45 |
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HackSign | anybody here ? | 11:47 |
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Lynoure | HackSign: yes. | 11:48 |
Lynoure | HackSign: no idea what 'fire' is in this context. | 11:49 |
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eagles0513875 | anyone fmailiar with xine | 11:49 |
eagles0513875 | HackSign: google what programs can play fire | 11:49 |
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HackSign | ok any way thanxs | 11:51 |
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eagles0513875 | anyone know much about xine and debugging it | 11:54 |
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arun | i dont know if this is offtopic, but how easy would it be to convert my pc into a public facing server | 11:57 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 11:57 |
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kraut | moin | 12:07 |
danya | hello :) .. I'm trying to install wine but I keep getting the error that there's no installation candidate .. and all repo are enabled .. | 12:07 |
pag | danya, enable wine's own repo | 12:08 |
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pag | danya, although it *should* work from default ones too | 12:09 |
danya | pag : how to enable wine's own repo ? | 12:09 |
pag | danya, are you using 64-bit? | 12:09 |
danya | pag : yes | 12:09 |
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pag | ooh... I'm not even sure if Wine runs on 64bit... | 12:10 |
danya | pag : ( god every problem I'm facing on ubuntu is because I'm using a 64-bit ! | 12:10 |
pag | danya, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb here are some instructions.. | 12:10 |
danya | I can't even work flash player ! | 12:11 |
pag | danya, yup... 64bit can be problematic | 12:11 |
pag | !flash64 | danya | 12:11 |
ubotu | danya: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 12:11 |
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danya | pag : thanks .. | 12:12 |
afd_ | I'm trying to install ubuntu feisty on a ext3 partition on which I have a /home folder which I don't want erased. I can't do this because when I try to configure the partition as / (root) the installer tells me that it needs to format the partition. are there any options to force the install not to format the partition? | 12:12 |
pag | danya, you could also try Gnash, I've heard it works pretty well.. you'll need version 0.8.x though | 12:12 |
danya | pag : I tried gnash ..also having problems with it lol | 12:12 |
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danya | pag : I know this might be a lame Q .. but if I'm using a gnome desktop and when start up I get the kubuntu logo .. that means I'm using Kubuntu ? | 12:13 |
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Narada | what's the default apache web root on kubuntu by default | 12:13 |
zorglu_ | q. i would like to change the mimetype handling in kde, where should i look ? like to play this kind of movie, launch this player and not this one | 12:13 |
pag | danya, startup logo = the one with progress bar right after the boot? | 12:14 |
danya | pag : yes | 12:14 |
zorglu_ | Narada: out of the blue, it seems /var/www/apache2-default/ | 12:14 |
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pag | danya, it only means that you have configured (usually done automatically) it that way... if you want I can look up the command that can change it back to Ubuntu's | 12:15 |
pag | zorglu_, kcontrol -> KDE Components -> File Associations | 12:16 |
danya | pag : I don't mind kubuntu .. I get to choose to use kde or gnome I like that .. I'm just asking if this means I'm on kubunu even if I'm on a gnome desktop look .. | 12:16 |
zorglu_ | pag: thankslooking | 12:16 |
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pag | danya, all *buntus have the same base, the only differences are DEs and default apps | 12:17 |
danya | pag : so whenever I install something and says ( for kubuntu or ubuntu ) my choice wont effect the installation ? | 12:18 |
pag | danya, hmm.. what do you mean? usually thos differences are in the way the programms are configured to ie. Autostart | 12:19 |
danya | pag : I got it :) .. thanks :) .. I'm doing the steps to install wine if I have any problems I'll get back here :) | 12:20 |
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pvandewyngaerde | what's the default mail client in kubuntu ? | 12:21 |
pag | pvandewyngaerde, kmail | 12:21 |
pvandewyngaerde | how do i start it ? | 12:22 |
danya | pag : I still get the same error :( | 12:22 |
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pag | pvandewyngaerde, alt+f2 and type: kmail | 12:22 |
pag | pvandewyngaerde, or just open Kontact from the menus | 12:22 |
zorglu_ | pag: hmm isnt there another 'database' which overwrite the one shown in kcontrol ? or do i have to reboot/relog ? i did put the apps,smplayer, i want at the highest order of preference, but still kaffeine is launch when i click on the file | 12:22 |
pag | danya, did you read the instructions for 64-bit users? | 12:23 |
pvandewyngaerde | pag i dont see it | 12:23 |
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zorglu_ | pag: and quitting/relaunch kcontrol do show the modified database, so it clearly has been saved | 12:23 |
danya | pag : yes | 12:23 |
pag | danya, http://wiki.winehq.org/UbuntuAMD64 <- those instructions | 12:23 |
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pag | zorglu_, I never tried myself.. so I'm not quite sure | 12:24 |
pag | pvandewyngaerde, you don't see what? | 12:24 |
zorglu_ | pag: ok i will try reboot | 12:24 |
danya | pag : If I'm on feisty does that mean I'm running on a new 64-bit ? | 12:24 |
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pag | danya, hmm? all *buntu releases are offered in both 32 and 64bit versions.. | 12:25 |
stdin | pvandewyngaerde: KMenu -> Office -> Kontact | 12:26 |
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danya | pag : .. the last link u gave me said that If I'm on feisty I don't have to do those steps since I'm not in an older version | 12:26 |
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pag | danya, hmm.. have you already tried adding wine's repos and trying to install from there? | 12:29 |
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danya | pag : hold on I just checked the source list after entering the commands and I didnt find them .. | 12:30 |
pag | danya, iirc wine doesn't add the to sources.list, but somewhere else in /etc/apt/ | 12:30 |
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danya | pag : lol ok | 12:31 |
arun | i have installed LAMP on my PC.. i can test php files locally. what would i have to do to make it a public server? | 12:32 |
stdin | in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ probably | 12:32 |
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zorglu_ | pag: my bad, the update worked immediatly, it was me changing video/avi instead of video/x-msvideo | 12:33 |
pag | zorglu_, ok. :) | 12:33 |
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stdin | arun: make apache listen to your public address | 12:34 |
arun | stdin: is there any proper guide for doing this? sorry for the trouble | 12:34 |
stdin | !LAMP | 12:34 |
stdin | ...waits... | 12:34 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:35 |
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stdin | arun: that's the guide | 12:35 |
arun | thanks stdin.. really appreciate it | 12:35 |
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stdin | :) | 12:35 |
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starter | hello friends, please PLEASE tell me how to re-enable the file menu in Kopete (I disabled it by accident) | 12:49 |
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stdin | starter: Ctrl-M ? | 12:50 |
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starter | stdin: THANK YOU :) | 12:51 |
stdin | no problem | 12:51 |
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Narada | how can i set /tmp default permissions | 12:57 |
Narada | it says root 30 2007-02-14 10:09 vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-generic | 12:57 |
Narada | sorry i mean: drwxrwxrwt (what is the 't' in this) | 12:58 |
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stdin | !permissions | 12:58 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 12:58 |
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stdin | Narada: and that is the default permissions for /tmp | 12:59 |
Narada | stdin: i know i am trying to create a second directory with same permissions as tmp so i need to know how to recreate it | 12:59 |
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Narada | never mind it is just 777 and sticky i guess | 01:01 |
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stdin | Narada: ahh, you can do something like "chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwxt dir" | 01:02 |
stdin | Narada: there is a number for it, it'll be like 1777, but I'm not sure what it is | 01:02 |
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Narada | stdin: yeah i jsut did chmod 777 and then chmod +t | 01:07 |
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Narada | stdin: hmm i wonder what channel i should ask about the number :) | 01:07 |
Mark17 | hello is there a good vnc viewer available on kubuntu 7.04? | 01:07 |
wepiha | !info krdc | Mark17 | 01:08 |
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ubotu | mark17: krdc: Remote Desktop Connection for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 503 kB, installed size 972 kB | 01:09 |
stdin | Narada: it may have it on wikipedia | 01:10 |
Mark17 | with that programm i can connect to an external vnc server? | 01:10 |
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Narada | does the server install of kubuntu have a graphical or a console install? | 01:11 |
stdin | Narada: server install doesn't install a gui | 01:12 |
stdin | Narada: and if you mean the actual install disk, that's text mode too | 01:13 |
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Mark17 | wepiha: i can't find how i can start using it with an allready installed vnc server | 01:16 |
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wepiha | Mark17: krdc should work on any rdp or vnc server you can access over the inter or intranet | 01:18 |
Mark17 | wepiha: i can't find a way to connect to the vnc server | 01:18 |
wepiha | try vnc:/ | 01:18 |
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wepiha | or something that matches your IP address or fqdn | 01:19 |
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Mark17 | ok | 01:19 |
Mark17 | thank you, it works | 01:20 |
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wepiha | anytime | 01:21 |
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yeniklasor | How can I install to firefox, adobe reader addon? | 01:41 |
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pag | yeniklasor, either acroread-plugins or mozilla-acroread I'm not quite sure which | 01:42 |
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yeniklasor | E: Couldn't find package acroread-plugins | 01:42 |
yeniklasor | either of them gives same | 01:43 |
yeniklasor | Couldn't find package | 01:43 |
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pag | yeniklasor, they're probably in Canonicals Commercial repos | 01:43 |
pag | yeniklasor, deb http://archive.canonical.com feisty-commercial main | 01:43 |
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yeniklasor | ok | 01:44 |
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alx_ | hi | 01:45 |
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stephen | what does no outside nmessgaes meaqn? | 01:45 |
pag | yeniklasor, or medibuntu... | 01:45 |
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pag | stephen, that you cannot send messages to chan, if you're not joined to it | 01:46 |
stephen | wth how would you do that? | 01:46 |
assairo | a little cuestion; i have upgraded my kubuntu and linux kernel too, and now when grub is launched i have two kubuntu's with both linux kernel( the old and the upgraded) | 01:46 |
yeniklasor | not working | 01:46 |
yeniklasor | deb http://archive.medubuntu.com feisty-commercial main ? | 01:46 |
assairo | there's any problem having both kernels? | 01:46 |
pag | stephen, never tried.. and most channels have the protection for those. ie. /say #channel something might work... | 01:47 |
stephen | how do you update tghe kernals? | 01:47 |
titanix88 | hello!! | 01:47 |
pag | assairo, 'both'? | 01:47 |
yeniklasor | pag | Can't I download it as a deb ? | 01:47 |
stephen | #kubuntu lol | 01:47 |
assairo | yes, at the grub now i have 2 kubuntus | 01:47 |
pag | yeniklasor, it might be in medibuntu | 01:48 |
pag | !medibuntu | yeniklasor | 01:48 |
ubotu | yeniklasor: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 01:48 |
assairo | one with the old kernel (2.63.11?) and the upgraded (2.63.18?) | 01:48 |
stephen | how did you update your kernal? | 01:48 |
pag | assairo, oh... that's how it should be with default settings. so no worries :) | 01:48 |
assairo | stephen: with update manager i upgrade to kubuntu 7.04 | 01:49 |
stephen | oh | 01:49 |
assairo | pag: ok, thx :) | 01:49 |
stephen | i did already ^^ | 01:49 |
pag | stephen, or meybe /msg #channel instead of /say.. as I said; never tried | 01:49 |
stephen | hmmm | 01:49 |
stephen | i think thats right | 01:49 |
yeniklasor | pag | Thank you a lot | 01:49 |
pag | np. | 01:49 |
stephen | let me try it on my ds | 01:49 |
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stephen | and its not from outside cos im joined already ^^ | 01:50 |
stephen | hmmm how do i install .deb files on kubuntu? | 01:51 |
stephen | !deb | 01:51 |
ubotu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 01:51 |
stephen | hmmm | 01:51 |
stephen | solution :) | 01:51 |
stephen | one problem :( i dont see install | 01:52 |
stephen | oops | 01:52 |
stephen | found it | 01:52 |
stephen | wow linux is so simple | 01:52 |
stephen | when you get used to it | 01:53 |
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stevo111 | omg | 01:58 |
stevo111 | so many ppl | 01:58 |
pag | stevo111, #ubuntu has even more. | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | In here? | 01:59 |
Dragnslcr | ~350 isn't that large of an IRC channel | 02:00 |
Dragnslcr | #ubuntu has over 1000 | 02:00 |
stephen | :O | 02:00 |
stephen | does anyone know about tinyXP? | 02:00 |
stephen | can you dual boot? | 02:01 |
stephen | to that | 02:01 |
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Dragnslcr | Most IRC channels for anything relatively popular have 300-500 users | 02:01 |
meuhlol | plop all | 02:01 |
=== stephen slaps meuhlol | ||
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meuhlol | !beer stephen | 02:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer stephen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:02 |
meuhlol | xD | 02:02 |
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stephen | !your mum stephen | 02:02 |
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meuhlol | someone knows how to became a Domain Name extension property? Sounds like: I want create .kaka extension and have my website adress like www.mysite.kaka who I have to contact? | 02:03 |
stephen | dammit | 02:03 |
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stephen | whats jfgi? | 02:03 |
pag | !jfgi | stephen | 02:04 |
ubotu | stephen: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 02:04 |
stephen | i know | 02:04 |
meuhlol | cus after that i will be happy to transform my second PC to an server station (what i have bough for gaming with watercooling etc, but now i don't play xD) | 02:04 |
Dragnslcr | meuhlol- um, ICANN doesn't create new top-level domains just because someone (with less than $100 million) asks them | 02:04 |
pag | stephen, it stands for "Just f****** Google it" | 02:05 |
meuhlol | rofl Dragnslcr, i know... i have read them yesterday | 02:05 |
Dragnslcr | So what exactly is your question then? | 02:06 |
meuhlol | Dragnslcr: but maybe an another company do that? | 02:06 |
Dragnslcr | Huh? | 02:06 |
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Dragnslcr | ICANN is the only organization that creates top-level domains | 02:06 |
titanix88 | any diggers here?? | 02:06 |
stephen | O_o | 02:07 |
titanix88 | stephen: ._O | 02:07 |
meuhlol | Dragnslcr: or maybe there are is an "unofficial" way to do that? Cus really, I don't want to pay "third party services" to have my domain and after "gestionning" a subdomains for my friends... just want to have my proper domain extension and offer my services... however I don't have 100m $... | 02:07 |
Dragnslcr | I'm sure you can put any TLD you want in your DNS server's configuration, but nobody that serves more than 10 users would bother | 02:07 |
Dragnslcr | You can register domain names for $10/year' | 02:08 |
Dragnslcr | Probably cheaper if you shop around a bit | 02:08 |
meuhlol | Dragnslcr: so if for exemple i will install bind (dns server) and make like www.mysite.lol it will work? no, really? | 02:08 |
Dragnslcr | For anyone using your server as their DNS server, sure | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | But only an idiot would use someone else's home computer as their DNS server | 02:09 |
meuhlol | ahahahaha | 02:09 |
meuhlol | sounds like an "home network" ahahahaha | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | And only people using your DNS server could resolve that domain name | 02:09 |
meuhlol | but with that i don't want to transform my ISP to public ISP lol | 02:09 |
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titanix88 | why everyone have to register to a american org for a domain??? | 02:10 |
stephen | !tar.gz | 02:10 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 02:11 |
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freemason | hello I need help | 02:11 |
pag | !ask | freemason | 02:11 |
ubotu | freemason: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:11 |
titanix88 | ark is something as stupid as anyone can imagine | 02:11 |
Dragnslcr | titanix88- only if it's a domain that only American companies are registrars for | 02:11 |
titanix88 | pag acing like some irc cop. | 02:12 |
Dragnslcr | Every country has their own top-level domain that they administrate themselves | 02:12 |
freemason | I am running ubuntu and want to install acrobat reader, I tried to write sudo apt-get install acroread but it didn't work | 02:12 |
pag | !medibuntu | freemason | 02:12 |
freemason | ubuntu7.04 | 02:12 |
ubotu | freemason: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 02:12 |
pag | titanix88, pardon? | 02:12 |
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meuhlol | freemason: KPDF | 02:12 |
freemason | but the version ago it worked | 02:12 |
freemason | I mean 6.10 | 02:13 |
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meuhlol | freemason: acrobat reader of adobe is only for windows | 02:13 |
meuhlol | i think* | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | meuhlol: it's on linux, too. | 02:13 |
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freemason | they do it for linux too | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | meuhlol: however, it's not in the repositories - you'll have to get it off the adobe site | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | Why you'd want to use it on either system, though | 02:13 |
pag | meuhlol, there's version in medibuntu / Canonical Commercial not sure which | 02:13 |
Dragnslcr | I don't even use Acrobat on Windows | 02:13 |
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freemason | ok I use it because I am used to it | 02:14 |
titanix88 | if someone asks help u(i know it should be you) should help him/her.Not redirect to ubotu. | 02:14 |
stephen | whats a good game for linux | 02:14 |
stephen | ? | 02:14 |
freemason | I don't play games | 02:14 |
freemason | :-) | 02:14 |
stephen | i played monopoly and won 3500 | 02:14 |
stephen | :) | 02:15 |
titanix88 | stephan: nexuiz, xmoto | 02:15 |
freemason | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tag/acrobat-reader-feisty/ | 02:15 |
stephen | !xmoto | 02:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xmoto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:15 |
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freemason | ok thanks | 02:15 |
meuhlol | stephen: what type of game you want? if an FPS -> Open Arena is great! Based on QuakeIII engine :) | 02:16 |
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stephen | oooh | 02:16 |
=== stephen downloads open arena | ||
titanix88 | meuhlol why not nexuiz?? | 02:16 |
meuhlol | stephen: if an game like "Worms Armagedon" you have "Wormux" | 02:16 |
freemason | well I will give it a try | 02:16 |
Hobbsee | pag: medibuntu that will be - the commercial repo doesnt have things that are illegal to host. | 02:16 |
titanix88 | meuhlol i bet nexuiz is far better than open arena. | 02:16 |
pag | titanix88, prsonally I don't see any reason, why should I type something, that has already been added to ubotu.. Bot's here, so we can use it ;) If you have something to add, then please, let's move this discussion to -offtopic, since it doesn't belong here | 02:17 |
stephen | do alot of players play open arena and wormux? | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | unless they have na agreement, which i dont think they would | 02:17 |
meuhlol | titanix88: nice one too, but i prefer OpenArena playing online! Really hardcore gaming sometimes, and try to be 1st or 2nd at match finals :p | 02:17 |
pag | Hobbsee, ok :) | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | [22:14] <titanix88> if someone asks help u(i know it should be you) should help him/her.Not redirect to ubotu. | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | titanix88: please, the bot is there for a reason. most of the time, you could have got an answer by searching in the first place | 02:18 |
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stephen | ubotu is helpful | 02:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is helpful - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:18 |
stephen | i got an aswer just by typing !deb | 02:18 |
pag | !botsnack | 02:18 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:18 |
meuhlol | stephen: for games like "Heroes 3" with "step by step" you have Wesnoth... for strategy with magic you have "Glest", for racing... ouf... many games are available :) many portals too... | 02:18 |
stephen | omg | 02:18 |
stephen | glest was good | 02:19 |
titanix88 | pag<->hobsee<->titanix88<->ubotu.....??!!!!??/ | 02:19 |
Hobbsee | !autocomplete | titanix88 | 02:19 |
ubotu | titanix88: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 02:19 |
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titanix88 | Hobbsee: thnx :)) | 02:20 |
dps | Can anyone please tell me how to put java on konqueror? | 02:20 |
stephen | i just recently got ecsma on my elbow lol | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | titanix88: no problem | 02:20 |
dps | I have it on firefox | 02:20 |
dps | but i can't install in onKonqueror | 02:20 |
tmske | Hi, I'm looking for a music player that can easly handle 20000 songs | 02:20 |
dps | I install sunjava6-bin and jre and plugin | 02:20 |
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titanix88 | tmske: amarok | 02:21 |
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stephen | 20000???????? :O | 02:21 |
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tmske | titanix88: amarok doesn't work any more for some reason, it crashes on startup | 02:22 |
stephen | try updating or removing and reinstalling | 02:22 |
pag | dps, you might need konqueror-nsplugins | 02:22 |
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titanix88 | tmske: Are u the modern blackBeard or bought everyone of them? | 02:23 |
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tmske | stephen: have tried a lot (deleting config and database files, different user..) but removing amarok will also remove kubuntu-desktop | 02:23 |
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tmske | titanix88: I own most of the songs, but not all of them | 02:24 |
titanix88 | tmske: kubuntu-desktop is nothing but a meta package.remove it. | 02:24 |
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tmske | titanix88: ok, will try to remove amarok and put it back then | 02:25 |
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juan | i've installed firestarter to configure my iptables, but everytime i reboot my iptables rules are empty again | 02:26 |
juan | how can i save the iptables rules so that when i reboot into ubuntu they're there | 02:27 |
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tmske | titanix88: that doens't work either, it starts till it shows the screen and then crashes without any useful debug info | 02:27 |
esa-petri | Is there any hope to get paltalk working on linuxs (I dont like thease wind*ws only programs) | 02:28 |
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titanix88 | tmske: did u completely removed it(including configurations)? | 02:29 |
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tmske | you mean delete amarokrc and remove the amarok folder under .kde/share/... | 02:29 |
titanix88 | tmske: if u want dibug info, start from cli. | 02:29 |
tmske | titanix88: doens't show anything useful | 02:30 |
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titanix88 | tmske: try remove all configurations as u mentioned. | 02:30 |
tmske | I'll try that | 02:31 |
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tmske | titanix88: it still crashes | 02:32 |
MaTiAz | Anyone have any recommendations for a WLAN card which works fine in Linux? | 02:32 |
titanix88 | tmske: since when it started to crash? | 02:33 |
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tmske | titanix88: I have no idea what I changed when it started to crash, I didn't think I updated anything necessary for amarok | 02:34 |
titanix88 | tmske: 7.04? | 02:35 |
tmske | yes and amarok 1.4.6 | 02:35 |
titanix88 | i saw a new version in the backport.try it. | 02:35 |
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pag | titanix88, hmm? 1.4.6 is newest stable | 02:36 |
stephen | where can a get deb apps? | 02:36 |
erik_ | Guys, I need your help. I installed Timidity on my Ubuntu Feisty and frequently have error messages. | 02:37 |
stephen | !screen | 02:37 |
pag | stephen, getdeb.org iirc. and of cource repos :) | 02:37 |
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stephen | !resolution | 02:37 |
ubotu | screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen | 02:37 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:37 |
tmske | titanix88: it's the on from the backport | 02:38 |
ERIK_LIMA | I need help to configure Timidity | 02:38 |
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ERIK_LIMA | Frequently I put to play a MIDI file from the game "Shinobi III - Return Of Ninja Master" and I can't listen to all instruments on the music | 02:39 |
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pag | tmske, I'd suggest you try removing amarok, commenting out backports and trying to install 1.4.5 from official repos. Downgrading isn't really supported, but you could try.. | 02:39 |
tmske | pag: ok, I'll try that | 02:39 |
ERIK_LIMA | When I listen to MIDI in Windows XP it's works fine | 02:39 |
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ERIK_LIMA | Anyone could help me how to solve my problem with Timidity? | 02:40 |
titanix88 | anyone used compiz fusion? It's beautiful but no window decorator works :( | 02:40 |
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ERIK_LIMA | I need help to use Timidity! Please! | 02:41 |
pag | titanix88, something like compiz --replace might do the trick.. you should also install compiz-kde (or something like that) | 02:42 |
titanix88 | ERIK_LIMA: i think there r thousands of midi players in linux. try something else. | 02:42 |
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titanix88 | pag:i installed compiz-kde,compiz-gnome...even tried with kde-window-decorator --replace but nothing works :( | 02:43 |
ERIK_LIMA | titanix, do you know a MIDI Player that is better than Timidity? What you suggest? :/ | 02:43 |
pag | titanix88, well... kwin --replace should at least give you your defaul-ones back | 02:44 |
ERIK_LIMA | I can only play MIDI via software | 02:44 |
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pag | titanix88, also, if you have beryl still installed, you can also try emerald --replace | 02:45 |
ERIK_LIMA | Timidity works on my Ubuntu, but I always receive an output message like "No instrument mapped. This instrument will not be heard" | 02:45 |
sedir | ubuntubrasil-orkut | 02:45 |
sedir | ops | 02:45 |
ERIK_LIMA | And I can't listen to all instruments in this file taken fro vgmusic.com --> InnerDarkside.mid | 02:45 |
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meuhlol | someone use usenet there? | 02:46 |
titanix88 | pag: nice idea. btw why compiz fusion does not have the idea of diff window decorator like beryl?? | 02:46 |
pag | titanix88, I don't know, I don't even use any of 3d accelerated desktops. | 02:46 |
ERIK_LIMA | Yes! It's a music from the Sega Genesis game "Shinobi III". When I play this file on Windows XP, it's plays well. | 02:47 |
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meuhlol | ERIK_LIMA: what is file format you want to play correctly at nux? | 02:47 |
ERIK_LIMA | MIDI | 02:47 |
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meuhlol | ERIK_LIMA: try timidity++ ;) i use that to play midi files, it's sounds good! | 02:48 |
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titanix88 | ERIK_LIMA: try something from add/remove programs audio section.. | 02:48 |
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ERIK_LIMA | meuhlol, well.... right now I'm running a script to download and install it. Let me see if Timidity++ works... | 02:49 |
nuxil | is there any other docker which is better than kooldock ? one with true transparent ? | 02:49 |
tmske | pag: it still crashes the same way | 02:49 |
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tmske | pag: maybe it's because of xine, can I chose a different engine? | 02:50 |
titanix88 | tmske: if i were u i would reinstall my ubuntu just for amarok...REALLY! | 02:50 |
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tmske | titanix88: perhaps I will but I don't have the time right now, so if I could get it working, that would be better | 02:51 |
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tmske | tag, titanix88: if I run amarok as a different user, it doens't crash, it just doesn't respond any more | 02:53 |
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ERIK_LIMA | Anyone know a good repository to download Tiidity++ via apt-get?? | 02:54 |
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ERIK_LIMA | ops! It's Timidity++ | 02:54 |
Narada | hi all do you have an official link on how to upgrade from edgy to feisty | 02:55 |
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titanix88 | Narada: just click on the update manager and select update!!!i guess!!! | 02:57 |
Narada | hehe :) | 02:57 |
vit_ | hola | 02:58 |
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nuxil | http://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2007/05/23/upgrade-from-ubuntu-dapper-or-edgy-to-feisty-fawn | 02:58 |
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tmske | tag, titanix88: I can run amarok as root, so maybe my user isn't a member of the correct group, to wich groups should I belong for amarok? | 03:00 |
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titanix88 | tmske: the"admin" | 03:01 |
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titanix88 | tmske: just a guess. | 03:01 |
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tmske | titanix88: I'm a member of it | 03:01 |
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nuxil | tmske, have you tried removing you ~/.kde dir ? | 03:01 |
tmske | nuxil, I don't think that will change anything, I made a new user and it doens't work for that user with a completly fresh .kde | 03:02 |
nuxil | tmske, audio is the group your user need to be in | 03:03 |
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nuxil | tmske, grep audio /etc/group | 03:03 |
tmske | nuxil: also member of that group, so maybe it's something else | 03:03 |
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nuxil | tmske, what errors do you get?+++ | 03:04 |
tmske | nuxil: my groups: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin powerdev scanner fuse admin | 03:04 |
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tmske | nuxil: No errors, some warnings: like KAccel object already contains an action name "play_pause" | 03:05 |
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nuxil | tmske, i guess you are using xine engine for amarok? | 03:05 |
tmske | nuxil: yes, can I use a different one on kubuntu? | 03:06 |
nuxil | try apt-get install amarok-engines | 03:06 |
meuhlol | nuxil: for what is 'amarok-engines? | 03:07 |
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tmske | nuxil: have installed those, but how do I load amarok with a different engine? | 03:07 |
titanix88 | guys try this interesting article: http://scitech.teambio.org/2007/07/14/windows-guy-tries-ubuntu-704/ | 03:07 |
nuxil | tmske install gstreamer for example | 03:07 |
bentob0x | what's a good image viewer for KDE? | 03:08 |
titanix88 | nuxil:i would like gsteamer too, but is it available? | 03:08 |
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rjune | I have a standard 104 key US keyboard. When I try to login, GDM works fine. but after I login, the system treats my keyboard differently. hitting the 's' key produces a 'b', hitting the 't' key produces an 'n' Has anybody seen this behaviour before? fresh install of ubuntu | 03:08 |
daftman | hi, can someone show me how to retrieve video properties from a video file using the command line? | 03:09 |
rjune | daftman: which properties do you want? | 03:09 |
nuxil | titanix88, tmske https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GstreamerAudioBackend?highlight=%28gstreamer%29 | 03:09 |
daftman | bitrate | 03:09 |
daftman | heightxwidth | 03:09 |
titanix88 | rjune: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:09 |
rjune | daftman: try file. | 03:09 |
daftman | and audio sample rate | 03:09 |
daftman | oh | 03:09 |
rjune | titanix88: does that assume an X problem? | 03:10 |
daftman | what is file? | 03:10 |
rjune | daftman: it may not be what you want though. | 03:10 |
rjune | it's a program to tell you a bit about a given file. | 03:10 |
rjune | file <FILENAME> | 03:10 |
tmske | nuxil: gstreamer0.10? | 03:10 |
rjune | man file will tell you more. | 03:10 |
rjune | if that's not what you want, I've got a script somewhere. | 03:10 |
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daftman | yea it doesn't help j | 03:10 |
nuxil | hey you could always compile amarok from source :p enable alot of stuff there | 03:10 |
titanix88 | rjune: it is a problem of xkeyboard. | 03:10 |
daftman | I can use ffmpeg | 03:11 |
titanix88 | or whatever they say it. | 03:11 |
daftman | but it only spit out those info on error | 03:11 |
daftman | which is kinda stupid | 03:11 |
nuxil | tmske, yes i think that one will work.. | 03:11 |
titanix88 | rjune: there is definitly a option of selecting keybard types when u try that command. | 03:12 |
nuxil | tmske, but have you tried installing xine extra codecs ? | 03:12 |
justin6891 | :p | 03:12 |
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daftman | i'm trying to convert flv file to mpg or avi | 03:12 |
tmske | nuxil: libxine-extracodecs? yes | 03:12 |
nuxil | ok | 03:12 |
daftman | but i want to maintain the bitrate and size | 03:13 |
tmske | nuxil: if I have gstreamer installed, will amarok use it automaticly or do I have to tell amarok (and how can I do that?) | 03:14 |
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nuxil | tmske, you have to tell amarok to use it | 03:14 |
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tmske | amarok --engine gstreamer | 03:15 |
nuxil | in settings or amarok -engine something like that | 03:15 |
nuxil | yes | 03:15 |
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rjune | daftman: http://home.bravegnuworld.com/~rjune/midentify.txt | 03:15 |
tmske | nuxil: still crashes, and I'm positive it uses gstreamer as engine, because it show in the debug mail | 03:16 |
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rjune | titanix88: no luck. | 03:16 |
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nuxil | tmske, i think you should move on to #amarok you got something strange there | 03:17 |
titanix88 | rjune: restarted X? | 03:17 |
rjune | yup | 03:17 |
nuxil | tmske are you sure its not just complaining about no mp3 support ? | 03:17 |
rjune | instead of 'qwerty', I get 'c.gvn ' | 03:18 |
tmske | nuxil: it doens't say anything about mp3, and it doesn't have anything in the collection nor playlist | 03:18 |
titanix88 | rjune: maybe u r using dvrok keybard layout instead of qwerty | 03:18 |
rjune | it's a fresh install. | 03:18 |
rjune | and the keyboard works fine at the login prompt. | 03:19 |
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rjune | that's the goofy bit. | 03:19 |
titanix88 | rjune: look at ur keyboard layout. | 03:19 |
tmske | nuxil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30099/ (terminal output) | 03:19 |
rjune | in the control panel? or in xorg.conf? | 03:20 |
nuxil | tmske, try this and see if it help... go to kcontrol --> sound & multimedia --> sound system and disable it | 03:20 |
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titanix88 | rjune: in the control panel. | 03:20 |
nuxil | tmske, it looks like it cant open you soundcard | 03:21 |
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nuxil | tmske, lsof /dev/snd/timer | 03:22 |
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nuxil | and lsof /dev/snd/controlC0 | 03:22 |
titanix88 | rjune: ?? | 03:22 |
tmske | nuxil: timer -> empy | 03:23 |
rjune | don't see keyboard layout in the control panel | 03:23 |
nuxil | ok | 03:23 |
nuxil | the other one ? | 03:23 |
tmske | nuxil: controlC0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30102/ (at the bottom) | 03:24 |
titanix88 | rjune: 'regional &...' | 03:24 |
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nuxil | aha | 03:24 |
tmske | nuxil: I have amarok running as root | 03:24 |
nuxil | amarok runs as root yes | 03:24 |
nuxil | why? | 03:24 |
nuxil | sudo killall amarokapp | 03:24 |
tmske | I tried it to see if that worked | 03:24 |
rjune | US English | 03:24 |
nuxil | then start it as a user | 03:24 |
tmske | nuxil: crashes | 03:25 |
titanix88 | rjune: look beneath to see some variations(like dvrok) | 03:25 |
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sa | hey everyone | 03:25 |
nuxil | tmske, try to remove it.. and then reinstall it.. using adept | 03:25 |
sa | anybody familiar with dc_gui or valknut? | 03:25 |
nuxil | but clear your cache first | 03:26 |
titanix88 | tmske: did u try anyother audio app?i guess they will crash too. | 03:26 |
tmske | nuxil: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30104/ (mail debug info) | 03:26 |
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tmske | titanix88: mplayer works, vlc works, xine works | 03:27 |
jgoss | tmske, have you tried mving temporarily .kde/share/amarok/ and .kde/share/config/amarokrc to see if it works? | 03:27 |
tmske | jgoss: yes, doesn't work | 03:27 |
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titanix88 | tmske: guessed wrong!!!:) | 03:27 |
nuxil | tmske, did you try to reinstall it? | 03:28 |
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nuxil | tmske, redownloade it i mean.. | 03:28 |
nuxil | by clearing it from your cache | 03:28 |
sa | anybody familiar with dc_gui or valknut? | 03:28 |
tmske | nuxil: I have with apt-get, I even downgraded it from 1.4.6, to 1.4.5 (this was a redownload) | 03:28 |
titanix88 | rjune: any luck? | 03:28 |
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mm260865 | hi ppl:-) | 03:29 |
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nuxil | tmske, it doesnt redownloade if its the same version online that you got in your cache, | 03:29 |
mm260865 | how to enable compiz? | 03:29 |
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rjune | titanix88: no | 03:29 |
SlimeyPete | !compiz | mm260865 | 03:29 |
ubotu | mm260865: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:29 |
rjune | titanix88: thanks though. This is a goofy problem. | 03:30 |
tmske | nuxil: I know, but it redownloaded 1.4.5, so this was a fresh install and it just crashed the same way | 03:30 |
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titanix88 | rjune: np. | 03:30 |
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tmske | nuxil: it strange that it crashes for my user, for a new user, it doesn't crash but just hangs (maybe because kde is running as my user) | 03:31 |
sa | anybody familiar with dc_gui or valknut? | 03:31 |
nuxil | tmske, strange,, | 03:31 |
tmske | nuxil: yeah, I know | 03:31 |
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ksivaji | is there any command to see packages that i have installed so far | 03:31 |
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miles | hello? | 03:32 |
nuxil | tmske, did you try to make a tmp user and login with that user ? | 03:32 |
jgoss | ksivaji, dpkg -l might help you | 03:32 |
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icecruncher | ksivaji: dpkg -l | 03:32 |
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ksivaji | jgoss ok | 03:32 |
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tmske | I'll try that, can I start a second x? | 03:32 |
miles | !subversion | 03:32 |
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ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 03:32 |
tmske | nuxil: never mind, trying to log in as a different user and see what this gives | 03:33 |
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nuxil | yes do that | 03:33 |
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ksivaji | icecruncher jgoss ho i get too many packages is there any command to fine unused or useless package ? | 03:35 |
ksivaji | fine* | 03:35 |
ksivaji | find* | 03:35 |
ggarlic | *haha | 03:35 |
tmske | nuxil: it also hangs, doesn't crash (maybe because kmail isn't configured?) | 03:35 |
mm260865 | anyone with a greek GUI knows how to enable desktop effects? | 03:36 |
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sa | anybody familiar with dc_gui or valknut? | 03:36 |
miles | no | 03:36 |
miles | Sysinfo for 'mac': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Core2CPUT5200@1.60GHz at 800 MHz (3193 bogomips), , RAM: 702/1002MB, 128 proc's, 9.38min up | 03:36 |
miles | has anyone successfuly installed subversion on kubuntu? | 03:37 |
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tmske | nuxil: I got to go, thank you very much, and I'll look further for a solution | 03:37 |
nuxil | tmske, naah.. kmail is just for sending error reports | 03:37 |
ksivaji | turning on and turning off pc frequently will reduce its life time is it so? | 03:37 |
nuxil | ok cya | 03:37 |
Lynoure | ksivaji: yes, same goes for any electronics | 03:38 |
ksivaji | ho thank you Lynoure | 03:39 |
ksivaji | ok friend meet you later bye | 03:39 |
miles | so you guys hate subversion or not? | 03:39 |
Lynoure | ksivaji: I would not worry about turning off a pc twice a day or so | 03:39 |
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Lynoure | miles: What a loaded question... No, I don't. | 03:40 |
miles | haha | 03:40 |
miles | sorry | 03:40 |
miles | i have never successfuly installed it | 03:40 |
miles | im about to try again though | 03:40 |
Lynoure | miles: the installing on ubuntu is simple... | 03:41 |
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Lynoure | miles: sudo aptitude install subversion | 03:41 |
mm260865 | how to enable compiz in kubuntu? | 03:42 |
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Lynoure | miles: if it finishes without errors, you have successfully installed subversion. | 03:42 |
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Lynoure | miles: if you have any further questions after that, you can ask about them too, or further problems with installing | 03:44 |
miles | thanks, but i can do that part easy | 03:45 |
miles | im talking about configuring it | 03:45 |
miles | i always screw up at that point | 03:45 |
miles | i need to install openssh on the server, 1 sec | 03:46 |
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Lynoure | miles: are you moving from other version control system or starting afresh? | 03:47 |
stephen | hi | 03:48 |
stephen | i cant get open arena to run | 03:48 |
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imslow357 | did you try double clicking? | 03:49 |
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imslow357 | just unzipp the files and double click worked for me | 03:50 |
wers | I'm relatively new with linux. I want the best KDE distro that willl let me run synce-kde...synce-kde does not work in feisty.. Do you think debian will be a good distro for me? | 03:50 |
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miles | lynoure - no i am not | 03:53 |
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Lynoure | miles: not moving or not starting afresh? | 03:54 |
andy_ | any one in here able to help with synce | 03:54 |
andy_ | brb | 03:54 |
Lynoure | miles: If not moving, then that's a lot less hassle :) | 03:54 |
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miles | not moving | 03:55 |
miles | no previous vcs | 03:55 |
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tmske_ | nuxil: I'm back if you still have ideas, let them come, now amarok doesn't work as root, it also just hangs | 03:56 |
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nuxil | heh | 03:57 |
miles | im about to throw the server out the window, i love it! | 03:57 |
nuxil | only idea i have is go to #amarok and consult with them | 03:57 |
miles | amarok is aight | 03:57 |
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tmske_ | nuxil: yeah, tried it, they didn't have much ideas, but can try it again | 04:01 |
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miles | wow...finally connected to server | 04:03 |
miles | that was a joke | 04:03 |
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Narada | hi; how long does edgy to feisty take rougly speaking | 04:04 |
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stephen | i just downloaded the open arena thing | 04:05 |
rumba | df | 04:05 |
stephen | and i click on the exe | 04:05 |
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stephen | and it dun work | 04:05 |
stephen | says cant find cfg file | 04:05 |
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miles | what is the command to check disk space on a partition? | 04:06 |
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miles | i cant think of it right now | 04:06 |
SlimeyPete | df -h | 04:06 |
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miles | thank you slimeypete | 04:07 |
SlimeyPete | np | 04:07 |
andy_ | any one know anything about synce | 04:08 |
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CapCom[Whisky] | hey there.... i have a problem with my soundcard... it don't work.. and google....i find nothing on google:-( i have a 939dual-vsta Asrock with onboard..and alsa... can't find my hardware... | 04:11 |
gesture | try the asrock homepage , usualy you can find there the drivers , on windowns / linux versions | 04:12 |
CapCom[Whisky] | k.. hmm didn't thought of that | 04:12 |
CapCom[Whisky] | ^ | 04:12 |
CapCom[Whisky] | ^^ i'll try | 04:12 |
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SatanClaus | heyho! I'm trying to use feisty's kopete with the cryptographic plugin, and I'm able to send encrypted messages, just that I can only read them in encrypted form + I can't read the answers, as they're encrypted as well. | 04:15 |
miles | is there a subversion irc channel? | 04:15 |
sa | anybody familiar with dc_gui or valknut? | 04:15 |
SatanClaus | i found a bugreport with the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/63221 | 04:15 |
SatanClaus | and it states, that the problem is solved in the "feisty 3.5.7 packages." | 04:16 |
CapCom[Whisky] | hmmm lol asrock site is down :-( | 04:16 |
SatanClaus | I searched for a while now, but can't figure out how to install those packages... perhaps someone can give me a hint on what to read? | 04:17 |
BluesKaj | SatanClaus, that would be KDE 3.5.7 version | 04:17 |
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BluesKaj | !kde | 04:17 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 04:17 |
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SatanClaus | BluesKaj: thx, will have a look... | 04:18 |
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CapCom[Whisky] | no sound driver at asrock | 04:18 |
BluesKaj | miles , yes | 04:19 |
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BluesKaj | CapCom[Whisky] , what soundcard ? | 04:21 |
CapCom[Whisky] | one from the asrock 939dual-vsta | 04:21 |
CapCom[Whisky] | i don't no more | 04:21 |
CapCom[Whisky] | ;-) | 04:21 |
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SatanClaus | BluesKaj: so that means i'd need the whole kde3.5.7 for the problem with kopete? | 04:21 |
SatanClaus | or is it possible to just update kopete? | 04:21 |
CapCom[Whisky] | -Media CM6501 7.1 channel audio compliant with UAA architecture | 04:21 |
spawn57 | Capcom, the ac97 driver didn't work for you? | 04:23 |
CapCom[Whisky] | don't know....... | 04:23 |
stephen | same for me | 04:23 |
BluesKaj | SatanClaus, yeah I think so , since kopete is part of the kde pkg...you can try to update kopete but it will prolly try to update the whole desktop | 04:23 |
CapCom[Whisky] | i use the ubuntu feisty.. in the newest version | 04:23 |
stephen | is ubuntu better than kubuntu? | 04:23 |
meuhlol | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30110/ lol | 04:24 |
SlimeyPete | depends whether you prefer KDE or Gnome | 04:24 |
BluesKaj | stephen, don't ask that question here ..this is a kubuntu chat :) | 04:24 |
meuhlol | stephen: huh ubuntu is GNOME based desktop, kubuntu is KDE based... so question of preferences | 04:24 |
miles | !apache | 04:25 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:25 |
stephen | whats the difference between kde and knome | 04:25 |
stephen | gnome* | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | err support chat | 04:25 |
miles | laff, what is knome | 04:25 |
meuhlol | me i prefer KDE for params, and don't like a gnome xD | 04:25 |
miles | o | 04:25 |
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miles | linus hates gnome | 04:25 |
SlimeyPete | stephen: the look different and the utilities are different | 04:25 |
stephen | im trrying to get open arena to work on kubuntu but its not working | 04:25 |
SlimeyPete | they do essentially the same thing, though | 04:25 |
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stephen | the screen flashes black | 04:25 |
meuhlol | stephen: all works grat for me | 04:25 |
stephen | and then exits | 04:25 |
BluesKaj | miles, how do you know that ? | 04:25 |
SlimeyPete | if it doesn't work on kubuntu then it probably won't work on ubuntu for you either | 04:26 |
stephen | lol | 04:26 |
CapCom[Whisky] | ok note : It does not support my soundcard :-)..... that's what the internet says :-) | 04:26 |
stephen | could it be my graphics card? | 04:26 |
SlimeyPete | could be | 04:26 |
SlimeyPete | or your drivers | 04:26 |
stephen | i have an xradeon 200 | 04:26 |
stephen | :O i updated everything though | 04:26 |
meuhlol | stephen: | 04:26 |
meuhlol | mkdir OpenArena | 04:26 |
meuhlol | cd OpenArena | 04:26 |
meuhlol | wget http://download.tuxfamily.net/cooker/openarena/rel070/oa070.zip | 04:26 |
meuhlol | tar xvf oa070.tar.gz | 04:26 |
meuhlol | rm oa070.tar.gz | 04:26 |
SlimeyPete | are you using fglrx? | 04:26 |
BluesKaj | stephen, which graphics card do you have ? | 04:27 |
stephen | ATI XRADEON 200 | 04:27 |
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meuhlol | stephen: did you activated 3D Acceleration? | 04:27 |
SlimeyPete | or the built-in drivers (these won't do 3D) | 04:27 |
stephen | no | 04:27 |
stephen | i dunno how | 04:27 |
SlimeyPete | !fglrx | 04:27 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:27 |
meuhlol | stephen: need activate 3D acceleration :) | 04:27 |
stephen | how do i activate 3d accel | 04:27 |
SlimeyPete | ^^ follow that guide, stephen | 04:27 |
meuhlol | SlimeyPete: ahaha xD | 04:27 |
SlimeyPete | you need to install the fglrx drivers. | 04:27 |
meuhlol | great :p | 04:27 |
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BluesKaj | the X200 ATI card actually needs the modded and patched driver on this site , but the tutorial is a bit involved for ppl new to Linux . http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty | 04:29 |
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stephen | Open the restricted drivers manager included in 7.04 "System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager" | 04:30 |
stephen | there is no adminstration thing | 04:31 |
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meuhlol | on kubuntu there are not "restricted module manager" you have to install it manually | 04:31 |
Azzco | Is there somewhere that I can get stable nvidia drivers (not nv)? | 04:31 |
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ijk | there is the package restricted-manager | 04:31 |
stephen | so whats the command for that then? | 04:31 |
jhutchins | !nvidia | Azzco | 04:32 |
ubotu | Azzco: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:32 |
gnomefreak | Azzco: install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new | 04:32 |
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meuhlol | Azzco: what geforce you have? | 04:32 |
stephen | whats the command to manually install the restricted module manager? | 04:32 |
meuhlol | Azzco: but before do an: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.backup in konsole :p | 04:32 |
Azzco | I've experienced not being able to get a graphical enviroment lots of times, because of nvidia drivers =/ | 04:33 |
jhutchins | stephen: sudo apt-get install restricted-manager | 04:33 |
stephen | thx | 04:33 |
meuhlol | Azzco: and this | 04:33 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx | 04:33 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 04:33 |
meuhlol | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 04:33 |
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meuhlol | Azzco: copy/paste is simple xD | 04:33 |
miles | hey | 04:34 |
jhutchins | meuhlol: Not when you have to reboot. | 04:34 |
miles | i was in #svn, that irc channel is weak | 04:34 |
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meuhlol | xD | 04:34 |
Azzco | Yeah but I'm on a live cd and I'm going to reinstall kubuntu after some distro adventure ;) | 04:34 |
stephen | well it said that that package manager is installed :O | 04:34 |
meuhlol | oh okey Azzco, so no problem =) | 04:34 |
stephen | how would i enable the 3d manually? | 04:35 |
BluesKaj | no that's for Ubuntu/gnome , stephen , you can do the same thing in adept by opening it and /manage repositories/Kubuntu software and checking all four boxes , then close it and do a sudo apt-get update. | 04:35 |
ijk | How come every time I download an archive - say tar.gz - all it's contents is owned by root? it produces a kind of strange error in Ark - but even though that is the case the files gets extracted. | 04:36 |
meuhlol | stephen: do that | 04:36 |
stephen | ok | 04:36 |
stephen | thx | 04:36 |
Azzco | CAn I install kubuntu with a different kernel than that on disc? | 04:36 |
meuhlol | in konsole: | 04:36 |
Banksey | Hey guys, Anyone know how to get Gdesklets working, I have everything downloaded, And run I run them I just get a shell program or something :/ Help would be much appricated | 04:36 |
meuhlol | stephen: sudo apt-get install linux-686 | 04:36 |
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meuhlol | or sudo apt-get install linux-image-k7 | 04:36 |
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TuxOtaku | hey, I'm having trouble getting amarok to copy podcasts onto my iPod, the files copy over fine....but they aren't being recognized as podcasts. | 04:37 |
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SatanClaus | BluesKaj: hmm, i can use aptitude to just upgrade kopete, but when trying to start, it states: "kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkopete.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent" | 04:37 |
meuhlol | after you reboot and at boot press ESCAPE to be in grub menu, after choose new kernel image | 04:37 |
meuhlol | after do that sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 04:37 |
SatanClaus | sonoftheclayr: how safe is it to upgrade to kde3.5.7 on a production system? | 04:37 |
BluesKaj | sorry SatanClaus, i have no idea :( | 04:37 |
stephen | ok i did that meuhlol | 04:37 |
SatanClaus | sonoftheclayr: sorry, that meant "so" | 04:37 |
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meuhlol | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-control libqt3-mt | 04:38 |
meuhlol | sudo aticonfig --initial | 04:38 |
meuhlol | sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 04:38 |
TuxOtaku | any ideas on my problem? | 04:38 |
stephen | meuthlol is that for me? | 04:38 |
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tmske_ | nuxil: I have tried mpd but this doesn't play either, it just stays at 0:00 | 04:39 |
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meuhlol | and reboot | 04:39 |
stephen | is that for me? | 04:39 |
langdon | hi folks | 04:39 |
meuhlol | stephen: yes | 04:39 |
stephen | lol | 04:39 |
stephen | thx | 04:39 |
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langdon | how to add more fonts to konsole and where can i download the fonts | 04:39 |
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maexdaking | moin | 04:40 |
nuxil | tmske_, I amm out of ideas.. try remove it compleatly and install it from source | 04:40 |
stephen | brb | 04:40 |
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miles | is there such a thing as ubuntu server edition? | 04:41 |
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miles | i cant find the download anywhere | 04:41 |
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gesture | can anyone link a "how to" for installing a ati video card ? | 04:42 |
metro-polisie | !info ntfs-3g | 04:42 |
nuxil | !ati | 04:42 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.328-1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 88 kB | 04:42 |
BluesKaj | SatanClaus, are you trying to set up IM , AMSN works well | 04:42 |
wnuqui | hi guys | 04:42 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:42 |
meuhlol | !fgrlx | gesture | 04:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fgrlx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:42 |
meuhlol | gesture: | 04:43 |
meuhlol | [16:37] <meuhlol> sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-control libqt3-mt | 04:43 |
meuhlol | [16:37] <meuhlol> sudo aticonfig --initial | 04:43 |
meuhlol | [16:37] <meuhlol> sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 04:43 |
Lynoure | gesture: mine did not really take any installing, worked fine with free drivers | 04:43 |
wnuqui | i am trying to install java but i can't | 04:43 |
SatanClaus | BluesKaj: well, I'm trying to setup kopete with jabber + icq + aim... and for safeties sake I'd like to use encryption whenever the other side supports it ;) | 04:43 |
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wnuqui | it's not successfull | 04:43 |
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stephen | right i restarted | 04:43 |
meuhlol | Lynoure: but with free drivers by default you don't have a 3D Acceleration ;) | 04:43 |
SatanClaus | s/safeties/safety's/ | 04:43 |
meuhlol | stephen: try no< | 04:43 |
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meuhlol | now* | 04:43 |
stephen | nope | 04:44 |
stephen | still the same | 04:44 |
Lynoure | meuhlol: I think for some cards you do. Not for the newest, though. | 04:44 |
meuhlol | not at all | 04:44 |
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meuhlol | !ati | stephen | 04:44 |
ubotu | stephen: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:44 |
meuhlol | just follow this tutorial so... | 04:44 |
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meuhlol | stephen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto#head-8055f455b66a39399b91db278f9a12b91a5b123c | 04:45 |
BluesKaj | ok, SatanClaus that's somewhat beyond my scope ..it's the 2nd time I've heard that request(about encryption)here in about 6 mos and it may take some time to get an answer | 04:45 |
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meuhlol | stephen: exactly here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 04:46 |
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SatanClaus | BluesKaj: ok, still: thx a lot | 04:46 |
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stephen | !pasebin | 04:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pasebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:47 |
stephen | !pastebin | 04:47 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 04:47 |
meuhlol | pastebin.com | 04:47 |
meuhlol | xD | 04:47 |
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stephen | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30114/ | 04:48 |
Banksey | Anyone help me out with Gdesklets? | 04:48 |
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micman | !sourceomatic | 04:48 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:48 |
stephen | there the output when i type in fglrxinfo | 04:48 |
BluesKaj | meuhlol, are you using an ATI lower end graphics onboard card ? | 04:48 |
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meuhlol | BluesKaj: i hate ATI :p i use nvidia on my stationary PC, at my server station - Intel, at my laptop - ATI xD but laptop is with windows xD | 04:49 |
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meuhlol | but procedure is cute the same for 3D Acceleration | 04:50 |
stephen | meuhlol did you see the output | 04:50 |
stephen | XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0" | 04:50 |
meuhlol | huh | 04:51 |
meuhlol | stephen: sudo apt-get install fglrx-control | 04:51 |
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meuhlol | and after: sudo fglrx-control | 04:52 |
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BluesKaj | well, meuhlol , those tutorial sites that you suggest work , giving reolution options etc but not 3D and DRI . They do for the higher end radeons but not the X200, ...take it from me I have one. | 04:52 |
The_Machine | my local USB drive isn't being automatically detected/mounted. It was working so nicely when i first installed Feisty, now it's all crapped out. I have an ext3 formatted drive i want it to recognize.. can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this issue (once and for all, so it automatically recognizes these drives in the future?) | 04:53 |
meuhlol | and | 04:53 |
meuhlol | sudo aticonfig --initial | 04:53 |
meuhlol | sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 04:53 |
meuhlol | * | 04:53 |
stephen | bluesKaj how would i enable 3d accelleration then? | 04:53 |
stephen | sudo apt-get install fglrx-control doesnt work | 04:53 |
BluesKaj | here try this site http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty | 04:53 |
Gote | !german | 04:54 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:54 |
meuhlol | BluesKaj: in french documentation its working for all i suppose xD | 04:54 |
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stephen | ffs | 04:55 |
stephen | ill try to install a dual boot and run that game on windows | 04:56 |
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BluesKaj | stephen, which game? | 04:56 |
stephen | open arena | 04:56 |
stephen | its not working GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!1 | 04:56 |
stephen | i click on it | 04:56 |
BluesKaj | does it work in windows ? | 04:56 |
stephen | yes | 04:57 |
stephen | it opens to a black screen and then exits | 04:57 |
BluesKaj | did you check the site i posted ? | 04:57 |
stephen | yes | 04:57 |
stephen | but thats a bit complex | 04:57 |
BluesKaj | well sometimes getting stuff to work on linux is a bit complex , but it's worth it | 04:58 |
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BluesKaj | what pc do you have , stephen ? | 04:59 |
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stephen | its a esystem | 04:59 |
stephen | made bu pc world | 04:59 |
stephen | it has intel pentuim 4 | 04:59 |
stephen | xp | 04:59 |
stephen | and radeon X200 | 05:00 |
stephen | 1gb ram | 05:00 |
BluesKaj | did you pastebin you xorg.conf earlier? | 05:00 |
Azzco | Can one have a account name with a capital character? | 05:00 |
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stephen | nope BluesKaj | 05:00 |
kaslepro | My wireless card doesn't work. It's a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller | 05:00 |
kaslepro | What do I do? | 05:01 |
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BluesKaj | !wireless | kaslepro | 05:01 |
ubotu | kaslepro: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:01 |
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imagine | I'm looking for the htmerge and htsearch package... and I can't get them through aptitude | 05:03 |
Azzco | My home folder has set permissions for the user and group Azzco, I can only create a user called azzco? | 05:03 |
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The_Machine | I'm using Kubuntu - My local USB drive isn't being automatically detected/mounted. It was working so nicely when i first installed Feisty, now it's all crapped out. I have an ext3 formatted drive i want it to recognize.. can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this issue (once and for all, so it automatically recognizes these drives in the future?) | 05:07 |
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The_Machine | :) | 05:07 |
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The_Machine | anyone? Bueller? | 05:09 |
stephen | do a fresh install | 05:10 |
The_Machine | hah | 05:10 |
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The_Machine | This isn't #Windows95, is it? | 05:10 |
miles | LOL | 05:10 |
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The_Machine | hehe | 05:11 |
BluesKaj | The_Machine, are you using KDE 357 ? | 05:11 |
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The_Machine | I believe so; if that's what the distros official repos would have.. | 05:12 |
BluesKaj | open konq,/help/about kde | 05:12 |
miles | Sysinfo for 'mac': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Core2CPUT5200@1.60GHz at 800 MHz (3193 bogomips), , RAM: 979/1002MB, 131 proc's, 1.46h up | 05:13 |
The_Machine | 3.5.6 | 05:13 |
miles | yea you can type "sysinfo" and it says what version u got | 05:13 |
Lynoure | miles: did your configuration problem get solved? What kind of setup were you hoping for? | 05:14 |
imagine | what;s universe? apparently htmerge and search are on universe... any idea ? | 05:14 |
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BluesKaj | The_Machine, i believe the USB recognition issue is fixed in KDE 3.5.7 | 05:14 |
=== The_Machine nods | ||
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pag | !universe | imagine | 05:15 |
ubotu | imagine: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 05:15 |
The_Machine | What do you recommend as the best method of upgrading KDE, BluesKaj? | 05:15 |
miles | im downloading ubuntu server edition | 05:15 |
miles | im going to try on that | 05:15 |
BluesKaj | imagine, it's a repository that can enable in adept/ manage repositories | 05:15 |
miles | kinda silly running a server with a desktop env | 05:15 |
BluesKaj | !kde | The_Machine | 05:15 |
ubotu | The_Machine: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 05:15 |
Lynoure | miles: subversion will be same on both, I'm sure | 05:15 |
imagine | BluesKaj: thank you | 05:15 |
The_Machine | odd, i ran update/upgrade this morning.. | 05:16 |
Lynoure | miles: unless you use some kde specific client for it :) | 05:16 |
The_Machine | shouldn't it have found it? | 05:16 |
miles | no | 05:16 |
miles | im in the #svn channel, but they dont like to help there | 05:16 |
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Lynoure | miles: I have been offering to help you here, but you don't seem to want it. | 05:16 |
miles | im not ready for it | 05:16 |
miles | i appreciate it though | 05:17 |
BluesKaj | update and upgrade are 2 different actions , The_Machine | 05:17 |
miles | i need like 30 minutes | 05:17 |
The_Machine | i know. you update before you upgrade.. | 05:17 |
Lynoure | Should I go to #svn to help? =) | 05:17 |
miles | haha, its kinda dead in there | 05:17 |
=== genii sips a coffee | ||
miles | im just reading up on it before i start asking questions | 05:18 |
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The_Machine | question is: wouldn't the update have found the newest KDE version and upgrade installed it? :) (I could have been using apt wrong all of this time, maybe!) | 05:18 |
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mm260865 | how you enable Restricted Driver Manager in kubuntu? | 05:19 |
sorin7486 | I have just installed kubuntu on my brand new Dell Inspiron 6400 with an ati card | 05:20 |
sorin7486 | and I get really bleak colors... | 05:20 |
BluesKaj | genii howdy ... how goes it ? | 05:20 |
sorin7486 | how can I fix this | 05:20 |
Lynoure | The_Machine: yes and no. The newest one in official kubuntu. But there is a newer kdes available in less official repos | 05:20 |
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BluesKaj | mm260865, in adept /manage repositories | 05:21 |
stephen | how often are the kubuntu updated? | 05:21 |
The_Machine | Lynoure, hmm. How did you update to 3.5.7? | 05:21 |
genii | BluesKaj: Not bad :) Back from vacation and hangin out | 05:21 |
BluesKaj | cool genii :) | 05:21 |
Lynoure | The_Machine: I did not, I chose not to, so far | 05:22 |
=== The_Machine nods | ||
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The_Machine | I see. | 05:22 |
BluesKaj | genii, what browser do you use ? | 05:22 |
Lynoure | The_Machine: but I can try to look it up for you | 05:22 |
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genii | BluesKaj: Generally Firefox but occasionally Konqueror | 05:22 |
sorin7486 | any ideas anybody??? | 05:22 |
Lynoure | The_Machine: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 05:23 |
The_Machine | Lynoure, i would appreciate the assistance, as I know that some repos aren't good to screw around with, and some are reliable. The problem is this. Let's say i enable the repo just for the KDE upgrade and then I take it off. When the *official* repo rolls out it's official 3.5.7, could it be any different? | 05:23 |
Azzco | sorin7486: is it a laptop or stationary computer? | 05:23 |
sorin7486 | laptop | 05:23 |
The_Machine | er... | 05:23 |
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sorin7486 | Azzco: Inspiron 6400 | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | trying to get Konq to save my font settings in config konq , but it doesn't ...any suggestions | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | ? | 05:23 |
The_Machine | nevermind. | 05:23 |
Azzco | I've got no experience with laptops :( | 05:23 |
The_Machine | haha. | 05:23 |
Lynoure | The_Machine: Not much difference, maybe more attention to security bugs, perhaps. | 05:24 |
genii | BluesKaj: Nah I haven't messed with Konqueror settings much, no help here :( | 05:24 |
The_Machine | right | 05:24 |
sorin7486 | Azzco: I think it's the driver's fault... have you ever seen this kind of problem because I didn't | 05:24 |
The_Machine | i just noticed that. | 05:24 |
genii | work, AFK | 05:24 |
BluesKaj | ok genii | 05:24 |
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Azzco | sorin7486: From what I've heard laptop screens can be tricky sometimes, a freind of mine had a similar problem for some time then it didn't start at all | 05:25 |
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Azzco | There's got to be someone here with more experience on laptops ;) | 05:25 |
imagine | apparently htmerge htdig are in universe... but I can't find them | 05:25 |
Azzco | Reboot time! | 05:25 |
gesture | can i get a link for configurating ati video cards ? | 05:25 |
sorin7486 | ok Azzco tnx | 05:25 |
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stephen | !ati | 05:27 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:27 |
stephen | there ya go | 05:27 |
=== Dragon_1212 [n=daniel@cpe-76-166-150-209.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stephen | gesture https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:27 |
gesture | thanks :) | 05:28 |
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Dragon_1212 | yo hi all | 05:28 |
Dragon_1212 | how is everybody doing | 05:28 |
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BluesKaj | imagine, you try to look for " ht " , to se what comes up | 05:29 |
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BluesKaj | you might try | 05:29 |
imagine | BluesKaj: yes I did.. Ht comes up.. donno if it's a bundle of all of them tho | 05:29 |
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BluesKaj | there are several under ht | 05:29 |
brendan__ | Hello, does anyone know where the config file that tells knetworkmanager and adept_notifier to start? | 05:29 |
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imagine | BluesKaj: several I know.. but htsearch and htmerge is not amongst them | 05:30 |
genii | BluesKaj: Found something may help, bottom link at this page http://www.kde-forum.org/drucken/9784/1/konqueror-use-always-my-fonts.html | 05:30 |
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Tm_T | Dragon_1212: err? | 05:31 |
stephen | im too sexy for my dig | 05:31 |
stephen | dog* | 05:31 |
stephen | teenage mutant ninja turtles | 05:32 |
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lynoure | stephen: ? | 05:33 |
stephen | hmmm | 05:33 |
stephen | how could i set up a java VNC for my linux | 05:33 |
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stephen | i wanna connect from school | 05:33 |
Lynoure | stephen: why java vnc? Kubuntu comes with a vnc installed already. | 05:34 |
BluesKaj | thx genii , it wasn't exactly what i wnated but it gave me the right options to look under :) | 05:34 |
stephen | i know but you cant install apps in school | 05:34 |
stephen | and java can be online | 05:34 |
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genii | BluesKaj: Cool, so long as it was informative :) | 05:34 |
stephen | !vnc | 05:34 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 05:34 |
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Lynoure | stephen: so, you want to find java vnc client? | 05:35 |
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stephen | i dunno | 05:35 |
stephen | i want to set up my computer to be able to recieve connections | 05:35 |
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=== Dragon_1212 was kicked off #kubuntu by Tm_T (nice advertising, but no thank you) | ||
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stephen | lol @ dragon | 05:36 |
stephen | what a tard | 05:36 |
Tm_T | stephen: should not say that | 05:36 |
stephen | why? | 05:36 |
Tm_T | because it's not nice | 05:36 |
stephen | oh | 05:36 |
Lynoure | stephen: because people like me will stop helping you | 05:36 |
stephen | hehe | 05:37 |
Graham | Could anybody name a Linux program I can use to check the tempreture/fan speed of my cpu? | 05:37 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by Tm_T | ||
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Tm_T | Graham: ksensors | 05:37 |
stephen | Tm_T why are you camouflaged? | 05:37 |
Graham | Tm_T: Cheers. | 05:38 |
Tm_T | stephen: I'm not | 05:38 |
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stephen | but you are hiding the fact you are an op | 05:38 |
Tm_T | Graham: actually, any app that can output some text can be used to show temps | 05:39 |
Tm_T | stephen: I'm not | 05:39 |
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stephen | oh | 05:39 |
stephen | :( | 05:39 |
=== stephen is confused | ||
Graham | Are the tempretures listed somewhere like /proc/fan or something? | 05:39 |
Tm_T | Graham: yes, or should | 05:39 |
Tm_T | somewhere there (: | 05:39 |
The_Machine | hey BluesKaj, after i upgrade to 3.5.7, and i restart KDE.. if it doesn't come up, how do I roll back? | 05:40 |
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stephen | linux is so much easier to use in terms of hardware, my dvd drive and ethernet/wifi stopped working on windows | 05:43 |
stephen | now they are all fixed :) | 05:43 |
The_Machine | stephen - :) | 05:43 |
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=== stephen wonders if you can view ip cams on linux | ||
The_Machine | through a web browser | 05:44 |
The_Machine | just like normal | 05:45 |
The_Machine | hopefully they don't require ActiveX | 05:45 |
stephen | they do | 05:45 |
stephen | :( | 05:45 |
stephen | ooooooooohhhhhhh | 05:46 |
stephen | they work on firefox | 05:46 |
Graham | Tm_T: I duno If I'll be too impressed with this. | 05:46 |
stephen | with what? | 05:46 |
stephen | oops | 05:46 |
Graham | Can I dock it to my panel? | 05:46 |
=== Briareos1 [n=madcrax@83-64-38-97.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Briareos1 | konqueror (file-management-mode) needs about 1,5 minutes to bring up the menu, when i right-click on a file - why is that? | 05:49 |
stephen | inurl:view/index.shtml to view ip cams - some actually allow you to control them | 05:49 |
Briareos1 | it works for some time then it happens and from that moment on its like this until i restart the system | 05:49 |
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Dragon_1212 | uhhh this sux i got kicked for advertising some avtivirus software gee ty | 05:50 |
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stephen | well its a kubuntu chat room | 05:51 |
stephen | not a place to make money | 05:51 |
=== CapaH [i=CapaH@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
CapaH | Question, how can I specify what I want my sound device to be? I went to system preferences | sound -- and I set it to "USB Sound" -- (for my headset) -- but even after I click close, the speakers and not the headset continue to make the noise.. ? | 05:52 |
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stephen | :O try restarting | 05:52 |
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CapaH | stephen: After I set the sound device? | 05:53 |
stephen | yes | 05:53 |
stephen | but i dunno | 05:53 |
CapaH | just tried, no success | 05:53 |
CapaH | restarted X | 05:53 |
stephen | :( | 05:53 |
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linoux | ubuntu fr | 05:53 |
Darkrift411 | !fr | 05:53 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 05:53 |
Darkrift411 | lol | 05:53 |
linoux | can i have the ubuntu fr chan svp | 05:53 |
CapaH | I went to system preferences sonud -- and I set the device on all the options to be the USB sound, I hit 'test' and it worked fine (came out of my headset) --- but all applications producing sound still produce it from the speakers | 05:53 |
stephen | did you take the speakers out? | 05:54 |
stdin | CapaH: asoundconf set-default-card CARD-NAME (use asoundconf list to get it's name) | 05:55 |
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CapaH | stephen: Built in laptop :) | 05:55 |
stephen | lol | 05:55 |
CapaH | I could do that... :P | 05:56 |
wers | guys, are there packages that I can play with since synce-kde works in edgy but not in feisty? | 05:56 |
CapaH | stdin: After I do that, do I have to reboot? | 05:56 |
CapaH | ah nm I got it | 05:57 |
CapaH | thakns | 05:57 |
stdin | CapaH: you shouldn't have to, but you can try | 05:57 |
stephen | !bot sex | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bot sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:57 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ | ||
stdin | !botabuse | 05:57 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:57 |
The_Machine | i just plugged in a usb 2.0 drive (ext3 formatted) into my kubuntu box and I'm not sure where to look to view the files. It didn't seem to automount... | 05:57 |
The_Machine | little help? | 05:57 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by Tm_T | ||
stdin | The_Machine: anything in /media (or maybe in media:/ ) | 05:58 |
CapaH | stdin: Ok that worked for *some* applicaitons | 05:58 |
CapaH | applications | 05:58 |
CapaH | the ubuntu start sound came out of the headset, but it did not work for other applications which are still using the laptop speakers | 05:58 |
stdin | CapaH: it should work with all apps that use ALSA, some apps will need to be restarted to work with it | 05:59 |
CapaH | stdin: I restarted X | 05:59 |
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stdin | CapaH: what apps don't work? | 05:59 |
CapaH | stdin: wine applications | 05:59 |
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CapaH | ah wait | 05:59 |
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CapaH | (winecfg..) | 05:59 |
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james101 | sorry | 06:00 |
=== james101 is now known as stephen | ||
stdin | CapaH: yeah, make sure they aren't using OSS | 06:00 |
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stephen | i get too excited sometimes | 06:00 |
stdin | stephen: if you want to play with the bot, use /msg ubotu | 06:00 |
CapaH | stdin: Ok they are using ALSA --- but still no success | 06:00 |
CapaH | under "Wave Out Devices" I have two listed: dmix:0 and USB Audio ---- I dont see a way to force one or the other | 06:01 |
stdin | hmm | 06:01 |
The_Machine | stdin, i'm not seeing anything in /media, no | 06:01 |
The_Machine | thanks for responding | 06:01 |
The_Machine | :) | 06:02 |
stdin | The_Machine: try in media:/ it will probably show in there | 06:02 |
The_Machine | interesting. it isn't in there either.. | 06:02 |
stdin | CapaH: try in wineconfig | 06:02 |
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stdin | The_Machine: next thing to check is the output of "dmesg | tail" after you have plugged it in | 06:03 |
tomas | hola | 06:03 |
tomas | ooooooooooooooo | 06:03 |
stephen | is there a windows emulator that doesnt need xp installed already? | 06:03 |
tomas | gays | 06:03 |
CapaH | stdin: I tried in winecfg I dont see any way to force one or the other of the two output devices | 06:03 |
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stdin | CapaH: no, wineconfig <- different command | 06:04 |
tomas | hablen espaol cooooooooooooo | 06:04 |
stdin | CapaH: make that set to ALSA, and it should use the default | 06:04 |
stdin | !es | tomas | 06:04 |
ubotu | tomas: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:04 |
The_Machine | i see nothing pertaining to a drive being plugged in. Interesting. I'm starting to think it's the device. | 06:04 |
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CapaH | no success | 06:05 |
CapaH | stdin: I have it set to ALSA | 06:05 |
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stdin | The_Machine: if it shows nothing to do with the device in dmesg, then the system can't "see" it for some reason | 06:05 |
The_Machine | looking into this | 06:06 |
The_Machine | :) thanks stdin | 06:06 |
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stephen | Tm_T: does tinyXP allow WINE to work? | 06:07 |
CapaH | stdin: Wine Configuration: "Audio Driver: ALSA; Hardware Acceleration: Full" --- now the thing is, both my laptop speaker and the USB Headset are "ALSA" --- how can I specify which I want? | 06:08 |
stephen | !wine | 06:08 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 06:08 |
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stdin | CapaH: hmm, not sure actually. best place to ask would be #winehq , they'd know more | 06:09 |
stephen | OMG | 06:09 |
stephen | suddenly a new window has appeared | 06:09 |
stephen | lol | 06:09 |
stephen | says ATI control | 06:09 |
Dragon_1212 | lol | 06:10 |
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miles | hey i got a real good question for you guys, i am running xubuntu right now (im at work on my work laptop) | 06:12 |
miles | now watch what happens when i type /sysinfo | 06:12 |
miles | Sysinfo for 'mac': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Core2CPUT5200@1.60GHz at 800 MHz (3193 bogomips), , RAM: 956/1002MB, 125 proc's, 2.45h up | 06:12 |
miles | see? it says im running kde 3.5.6 | 06:12 |
miles | is there some kind of secret connection between kde and xfce? | 06:12 |
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Tm_T | miles: Konversation? | 06:13 |
genii | miles if you had some KDE app you installed it may have installed all of KDE to go with it | 06:13 |
Tm_T | genii: doesn't matter | 06:13 |
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stdin | miles: you have the kdelibs installed, it gets that version info from "kde-config --version", or "any-kde-app --version" actially | 06:15 |
genii | Tm_T: I agree | 06:15 |
Tm_T | it's just if he uses KDE app, it gives KDE info too | 06:16 |
Tm_T | as stdin says | 06:16 |
genii | Interesting | 06:16 |
stephen | so any suggestions for good apps? | 06:17 |
genii | stdin So just kdelibs and not entire kde3 will show it is on KDE ? | 06:18 |
stdin | genii: yeah | 06:18 |
stephen | !kate | 06:18 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 06:18 |
sorin7486 | I have a problem with my dell laptop display.. it shows some bad looking colours | 06:19 |
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sorin7486 | I don't know the word for it | 06:19 |
sorin7486 | but it looks quite bad | 06:19 |
genii | sorin7486: Is this with it plugged into the wall or on battery? | 06:19 |
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miles | take a screen shot | 06:19 |
sorin7486 | genii: yes... plugged in | 06:20 |
sorin7486 | looks like somebody took the life out of it | 06:20 |
sorin7486 | :) | 06:20 |
sorin7486 | and it's brand new.. I just got it today | 06:20 |
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genii | sorin7486: I would suspect that it is using power-saving features, but how to fix, no idea | 06:22 |
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randominity | I' | 06:22 |
randominity | I'm having a lot of trouble with display drivers on kubuntu | 06:22 |
sorin7486 | I am suspecting the driver | 06:23 |
sorin7486 | because it's an ati | 06:23 |
sorin7486 | but I downloaded the latest driver and it's the same | 06:23 |
sorin7486 | maybe it's just an ugly looking display ? | 06:23 |
stephen | hmmm does linux handle exe files? | 06:23 |
stdin | stephen: wine | 06:23 |
sorin7486 | stephen: only if you have wine | 06:23 |
sorin7486 | installed | 06:23 |
stephen | i got that | 06:24 |
stephen | lol | 06:24 |
genii | sorin7486: Did you look for a slider switch or other display adjustment on the laptop itself? (hardware switch, etc) | 06:24 |
stephen | do you need xp to run it properly? | 06:24 |
stdin | stephen: then you'd run "wine file.exe" | 06:24 |
stephen | is it dependant on xp? | 06:24 |
pag | stephen, nope. | 06:24 |
stdin | stephen: no, WineIsNot(an)Emulator < W.I.N.E | 06:24 |
stephen | oooh | 06:24 |
stephen | thx | 06:24 |
genii | stdin :) | 06:25 |
=== stdin should make a script alias for that one day :) | ||
Darkrift411 | heh | 06:25 |
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Darkrift411 | i always thought it was WinE(mulator) | 06:25 |
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sorin7486 | genii: there is no switch | 06:26 |
sorin7486 | anywhere ... | 06:26 |
gumjo | !grub | 06:26 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:26 |
stdin | nope, it's a "Windows Compatibility Layer", or that's what it says in the site | 06:26 |
sorin7486 | and it's odd because the login screen sems ok | 06:26 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-129-249-57.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mzanfardino | I've got a workstation that when I boot now starts up a series of programs that I can't seem to supress. I've checked my .kde/Autostart path and find no applications there. How do I control what applications get started at login? | 06:26 |
stdin | or rather, an API compatibility layer | 06:26 |
genii | sorin7486: OK. Usually in the file /etc/default/acpid are the modules it loads for power saving on laptops. You could edit the last line to read "ac" instead of "all" (with sudo privelege) and then see if it is a power thing or not | 06:28 |
=== Cursed_6_ds [n=Shoaibi@mbl-99-53-164.dsl.net.pk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | mzanfardino: by default kde starts the apps you had open at logout, so you can either close the apps before logout. or go to System Settings -> Advanced -> Session manager | 06:28 |
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mzanfardino | stdin: brilliant! That's what I was looking for. I recall having seen it somewhere but couldn't recall where. Thank you | 06:29 |
stdin | no problem | 06:29 |
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randominity | I'm having a lot of trouble getting the drivers set up for my video card on my laptop. Its a dell laptop with an nvidia geforce go 7300 card. I've tried everything I could thing of, manual install, using the stuff in the repositories, envy. I just can't get it to work. And envy just wouldn't work at all | 06:31 |
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genii | sorin7486: Then you restart it with: sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart if it doesn't know "restart" then do same command but use stop then same command again but start | 06:33 |
juan | randominity: what exactly is the prlem? | 06:33 |
genii | (this from a console) | 06:33 |
randominity | juan: I'm not sure what you mean | 06:33 |
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juan | randominity: do you have any problems using the live cd? | 06:34 |
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x89x | can anyone help me ?? | 06:36 |
x89x | hello | 06:36 |
randominity | Juan: I'm trying to get my nvidia drivers up an running to have graphinc acceleration and everything. I dont think I have drivers on the live CD, but I run everything at the propper resolution on both the live and the HDD install. I can't however run any decent games or beryl. | 06:36 |
juan | what's the matter <x89x>? | 06:36 |
x89x | i want my ASUS A*V-VM drivers | 06:37 |
x89x | A8V-VM | 06:37 |
x89x | video | 06:37 |
x89x | CGA drivers | 06:37 |
x89x | VGA | 06:37 |
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x89x | can anyone help ? | 06:38 |
=== plukin [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-210-118.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | please | 06:38 |
sorin7486 | genii: same thing.. I think maybe I got used to my other display wich looks way better... | 06:39 |
sorin7486 | and the one on the laptop is just crapy ... | 06:39 |
sorin7486 | thank you for the help | 06:39 |
x89x | where do i find the drivers !! | 06:39 |
ARM9 | I'm on ubuntu and I should use aptitude to install kubuntu-desktop right? | 06:39 |
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genii | sorin7486: Sorry your issue was not resolved :( | 06:39 |
juan | randominity: remember that graphic acceleration is still not very solid, if i were you i would visit http://www.beryl-project.org/ | 06:40 |
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juan | <x89>:are you using a laptop or a desktop? | 06:40 |
x89x | desktop | 06:40 |
genii | sorin7486: You may want to reverse the change back to "all" so that it is in the same state as before. | 06:40 |
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randominity | juan: I've been to the beryl website, they have no information regarding my card | 06:40 |
randominity | juan: I | 06:41 |
chris122380 | is there a debain repository for ubuntu 7.04? | 06:41 |
sorin7486 | genii: allready done that | 06:41 |
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juan | motherboard? | 06:41 |
x89x | A8V-VM | 06:41 |
x89x | ASUS | 06:41 |
ARM9 | I'm on ubuntu and I should use aptitude to install kubuntu-desktop right? | 06:41 |
randominity | juan: I've just had these problems w/ kubuntu, everything worked well in linux mint | 06:41 |
genii | sorin7486: Well, at least it looks like not a power-save feature dimming it, anyhow | 06:41 |
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chris122380 | is there a debain repository for ubuntu 7.04? | 06:42 |
genii | chris122380: Since ubuntu is a derivative of debian but not debian itself, best to use the default repositories for ubuntu and not stock debian repos | 06:42 |
x89x | juan | 06:43 |
hasan | how can i test whether or not my printer has been installed correctly and ? | 06:43 |
hasan | under kubuntu? | 06:43 |
x89x | can u help me ? | 06:43 |
juan | i am trying | 06:43 |
chris122380 | problum with that is restricted to few programs only listed in the ubuntu repositories. | 06:43 |
x89x | thanks :) | 06:44 |
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genii | chris122380: There are additional repositories which can be added | 06:44 |
genii | !repos | chris122380 | 06:44 |
ubotu | chris122380: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:44 |
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juan | didi you have any problems installing from the live cvd? | 06:44 |
genii | chris122380: Also perhaps google seveas repos | 06:45 |
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pag | ARM9, you can use both aptitude and apt-get, but with aptitude you might have less problems removing it afterward | 06:45 |
x89x | juan. | 06:45 |
x89x | i cant change the refdresh rate of my PC | 06:45 |
x89x | refresh ** | 06:45 |
ARM9 | ye | 06:45 |
chris122380 | I have looked | 06:45 |
chris122380 | it makes no difrance | 06:45 |
juan | <x89> ok | 06:45 |
x89x | its fixed to 61 Hz | 06:45 |
x89x | my GPU is a VIA/S3G DeltaChrome IGP | 06:46 |
genii | chris122380: Was there some specific programs you are missing from debian? | 06:47 |
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chris122380 | ubuntu is just so behind and out dated on updates | 06:47 |
arunkale | what updates? | 06:47 |
chris122380 | I have all the repositories turned on | 06:47 |
chris122380 | nevermind | 06:47 |
chris122380 | close minded | 06:48 |
juan | x89x: in the terminal sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:48 |
chris122380 | winetools | 06:48 |
chris122380 | openoffice base dosen't work | 06:48 |
chris122380 | the form wizzards don't work in base | 06:48 |
x89x | then juan | 06:48 |
x89x | ?? | 06:48 |
genii | chris122380: You CAN add the stock debian repos lists into your sources.list file but i would not reccomend it. Most will run OK but the ones that do not cause major headaches | 06:48 |
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juan | x89x: look for SECTION MONITOR | 06:49 |
x89x | i see it | 06:49 |
chris122380 | what should drive c:\ be for wine? | 06:50 |
ARM9 | What the heck | 06:50 |
x89x | now ? | 06:50 |
juan | do you know the refresh rate for your monitor? | 06:50 |
ARM9 | I didn't have to configure postfix last time I installed kubuntu-desktop :S | 06:50 |
pag | chris122380, ~/.wine/drive_c/ iirc. | 06:50 |
ARM9 | Why do I have to do it now?? | 06:50 |
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genii | ARM9: Likely because it used exim4 previously :) | 06:50 |
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x89x | it support 85 Hz at 1024 X 768 juan | 06:50 |
ARM9 | genii: ???? | 06:51 |
stephen | my wine works perfectly | 06:51 |
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genii | ARM9: exim4 is the default mail program ubuntu wants to use. Postfix is another mail transport program for larger installations like on servers | 06:51 |
ARM9 | Ok, so I don't need to do anything for it?? | 06:52 |
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juan | x89x: this is mine VertRefresh 43-60 | 06:52 |
genii | ARM9: Nah you should be fine. smtp mail will get delivered no matter if postfix is setup or no | 06:52 |
x89x | VertRefresh 43-60 | 06:53 |
x89x | same in mine | 06:53 |
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juan | you might want to modify it and intead of 60 put 85 | 06:53 |
genii | work, AFK 3-5 mins | 06:53 |
ARM9 | Ok so I chose no settup | 06:53 |
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x89x | ya | 06:53 |
x89x | but 70 is fine imo | 06:54 |
x89x | or 75 | 06:54 |
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x89x | juan | 06:54 |
x89x | how do i save it afer changing to 75 ?? | 06:54 |
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juan | control +o | 06:55 |
juan | x89x: control + o | 06:55 |
x89x | and whats vertical sync ?? | 06:55 |
x89x | not | 06:55 |
x89x | horizontal sync | 06:55 |
x89x | whats horizontal sync ? | 06:56 |
juan | x89x: there is another way of doing it, in the terminal : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 06:56 |
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x89x | whats that juan ? | 06:56 |
The_Machine | using Kubuntu, trying to share *any* directory to a windows network. I believe i've done everything right, but I am not able to log in using the credentials I'm supplying. I know i'm missing something - little help? When I go to Properties of the "Share" folder, and go to Sharing, applet status says "Failed to start" | 06:57 |
=== Cursed_6_ds needs help: what's the official support channel of OO.o? | ||
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stephen | you dont need to share | 06:57 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, just a guess: #openoffice.org ? | 06:57 |
stephen | just install the apss to c:/program files etc etc | 06:58 |
juan | x89x: that is an application that goes step by step , it will ask you questions and re-configure you xorg.conf | 06:58 |
stephen | oops | 06:58 |
stephen | im talking rubbish | 06:58 |
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x89x | ok. ill try that | 06:59 |
pag | juan, it's not so step-by-step with -phigh.. ie. It doesn't even ask about kb-layout, but assumes en_US | 06:59 |
Cursed_6_ds | pad: Thanks | 06:59 |
juan | pag: thanks for clearing that up | 06:59 |
pag | np :) | 07:00 |
x89x | juan | 07:00 |
x89x | it doesnt ask about refresh rate | 07:00 |
juan | x89x: yes? | 07:01 |
x89x | juan: it doesnt ask about refresh rate !! | 07:01 |
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x89x | juan: only resolution | 07:02 |
pag | x89x, drop the -phigh then it'll ask lots of questions refresh rate abong them | 07:02 |
ARM9 | done | 07:02 |
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juan | x89x: can you describe in detail the problem with your monitor | 07:02 |
pag | x89x, in fact not the refresh rate, but V-Sync and H-Sync iirc. | 07:02 |
x89x | in scrren resolution theres an option of refresh rate | 07:03 |
x89x | i can change it. it is set to 61 | 07:03 |
x89x | cant | 07:03 |
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hasan | how can i list line printers from command line? | 07:03 |
Cursed_6_ds | Cursed_6_ds needs help: can i download the OO.O 2.2 Splash screen? i need to include it in a presentation of promotion of Free Softwtares | 07:03 |
juan | and when you scroll down what happens? | 07:03 |
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doug_ | hey i can't install java. it fails everytime | 07:04 |
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juan | x89x: and what happens when you scroll down? | 07:04 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, you can.. iirc the licence allows it.. | 07:04 |
pag | doug_, how does it fail? | 07:05 |
shadowhywind | hay all, I have a problem and i have no idea where to start to troubleshoot it. When i installed kubuntu, my mouse side scrolls would control my volumn, For some odd reason, it don't do it anymore.. any ideas? | 07:05 |
Cursed_6_ds | pag: so where to download it? i searched on google for it, but couldn't found any :( | 07:05 |
doug_ | pag: let me try running through the add remove programs and i'll tell you specifically | 07:05 |
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doug_ | i get to the license agreement, hit next and... | 07:06 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, I know just one place, but I guess it isn't good enough :) it's called "OO.o source code" | 07:06 |
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pag | Cursed_6_ds, but if you can allow yourself to download ~300MBs of data just to get one .bmp, then be my guest :P | 07:07 |
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doug_ | pag: it pops up an error saying " There was an error committing changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." | 07:07 |
x89x | juan | 07:07 |
Cursed_6_ds | :( | 07:07 |
doug_ | that was for 1.6 runtime | 07:07 |
Cursed_6_ds | pag: :( :'( | 07:07 |
x89x | i cant select that option !! | 07:07 |
x89x | its fixed ! can only change the resoultion option | 07:07 |
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pag | doug_, try installing from the commandline sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 07:08 |
doug_ | pag: ok | 07:08 |
evilmm | hey all | 07:08 |
doug_ | as super user, right? | 07:08 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, but as said: it's only me who doesn't know more places.. | 07:09 |
pag | doug_, yup. | 07:09 |
juan | ok, then go back to sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf and modify the section monitor so that the vertrefresh reads 43-85 | 07:09 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, do you currently have OO.o 2.2 installed? | 07:10 |
=== ToyMan [n=Stuart@74-32-28-49.dsl1.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
juan | save it with control + o | 07:10 |
juan | and reboot | 07:10 |
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Cursed_6_ds | damn good idea :P but for that i gotta shift to linux | 07:10 |
doug_ | how do i click ok in the command prompt after license? | 07:10 |
pag | doug_, enter | 07:10 |
doug_ | pag: not working | 07:11 |
pag | doug_, use tab to get the 'cursor' there | 07:11 |
doug_ | pag: thanks | 07:11 |
doug_ | pag: nice it went through | 07:12 |
x89x | juan | 07:12 |
doug_ | anything else i need to configure? | 07:12 |
x89x | but what about the video driver ????? | 07:12 |
pag | Cursed_6_ds, on linux (at least Suse, iirc *buntu has the same) it's located @ /opt/openoffice.org2.2/program/intro.bmp | 07:12 |
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x89x | juan: but what about the video driver ????? | 07:13 |
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pag | doug_, you should have a working java now... most people want to also configure flash, repos, codecs etc. | 07:13 |
juan | x89x: do you have any actualproblems with the video appart from the one you specified before? | 07:14 |
doug_ | pag: how would i do that stuff? | 07:14 |
pag | !repos | doug_ | 07:14 |
ubotu | doug_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:14 |
x89x | juan: when i scroll the window, its choppy ! | 07:14 |
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x89x | like WinXP without a video driver | 07:14 |
doug_ | pag: thanks | 07:15 |
juan | x89x: that is the refresh rate, | 07:15 |
juan | cange it, save it,reboot | 07:15 |
x89x | juan: i even cant find my Creative SB Live 5.1 Sound Card Driver | 07:15 |
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x89x | ok | 07:15 |
x89x | but i even cant find my Creative SB Live 5.1 Sound Card Driver | 07:15 |
juan | one thing at a time | 07:16 |
x89x | resstarting PC now | 07:16 |
x89x | :) | 07:16 |
x89x | brb | 07:16 |
juan | ok | 07:16 |
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stdin | Cursed_6_ds: http://ploum.frimouvy.org/images/ooo_splash.png | 07:17 |
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stdin | Cursed_6_ds: or the local file /usr/lib/openoffice/program/intro.bmp | 07:17 |
genii | stdin Nice :) I was trying to find it in the OOo CVS without luck | 07:18 |
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stdin | genii: dpkg -S intro.bmp :) | 07:18 |
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The_Machine | can I get help? I've been trying to get 1 folder shared for a few WEEKS | 07:19 |
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The_Machine | and i haven't been able to have anyone give me the help i need to get it running | 07:19 |
The_Machine | I'd really appreciate it.. | 07:19 |
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stdin | The_Machine: there is a built in sharing applet in KDE called "Public File Server" | 07:20 |
The_Machine | okay | 07:20 |
stdin | The_Machine: just add it to your panel and choose the dir to share | 07:20 |
The_Machine | got warnings about zeroconf | 07:21 |
The_Machine | i really wanted to do it via samba | 07:21 |
The_Machine | this seems to be chincy | 07:21 |
The_Machine | heh | 07:21 |
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stdin | The_Machine: the other machiene should be able to see it at http://your-ip-address:8001/ | 07:23 |
The_Machine | i don't want to do it through a web browser | 07:23 |
The_Machine | i need to do it through netbios shares | 07:23 |
stdin | !samba | 07:23 |
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The_Machine | \\ | 07:23 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:23 |
The_Machine | man | 07:23 |
The_Machine | i've tried all of this stuff | 07:23 |
The_Machine | like i said, i've been trying this for weeks. | 07:23 |
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stdin | The_Machine: I think there is a tool in system settigs too | 07:24 |
stdin | System Settings -> Sharing | 07:24 |
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The_Machine | yeah | 07:25 |
The_Machine | isn't working. | 07:25 |
The_Machine | :/ | 07:25 |
The_Machine | because i have all of the right stuff specified | 07:25 |
doug_ | pag: java can't run in konqueror? because i tried to open yahoo games which is java and it couldn't open | 07:25 |
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afd_ | hi! on a new ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop install, I'm trying to arrange a second panel, at the top, but on the configure panel window, in the arrangement tab there's no combo box to select which panel to configure | 07:25 |
arunkale | gmail doesnt work in konqueror either | 07:26 |
arunkale | only the basic html view works | 07:26 |
pag | doug_, I'm not sure if this'll help, but you could try installing konqueror-nsplugins | 07:26 |
afd_ | I know for sure that I have used this before to select the panel to configure, and the handbook also says about that | 07:26 |
afd_ | is there a regression error here? | 07:26 |
afd_ | /s/error/bug | 07:26 |
doug_ | oh ok would i do that by sudo apt-get install konqueror-nsplugins? | 07:26 |
pag | afd_, it doesn't update immediatly; you'll have to either relogin or just rearrange the panel via kcontrol | 07:27 |
pag | doug_, yup. | 07:27 |
doug_ | pag: thanks | 07:27 |
afd_ | pag: thanks, trying | 07:28 |
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zorglu_ | q. i would like to reduce the amount of data swapped ? current doing a disk transfert swap all my apps to the point it slow down my typing in a text editor. i heard about swappiness, but what is the meaning of this word ?should i put a high number to reduce swap or a low nunber | 07:30 |
zorglu_ | !swappiness | 07:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about swappiness - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:30 |
zorglu_ | !swap | 07:30 |
ubotu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 07:30 |
zorglu_ | btw this swap issue appeared with feisty, edgy was swapping much less, i dunno if it is usefull info | 07:31 |
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m4v3r1ck | arunkale: gmail works for me, is the browser identifier set correctly? | 07:31 |
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arunkale | m4v3r1ck: i can view basic html with default identification. if i change it to anything else, all it outputs is plain text (no layout, just words) | 07:33 |
doug_ | i'm a newb to linux, so in browsers do i have to tell them via commands to run java when they encounter a page with java? | 07:33 |
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zorglu_ | maouaoua come on doing a file transfert swap my apps, i mean those data should not even be cached | 07:34 |
juan | doug_: no | 07:34 |
zorglu_ | this is a clear cache wiping case | 07:34 |
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afd_ | pag: it worked, thanks | 07:34 |
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fakhrij | viva! | 07:34 |
fakhrij | anyone from indonesia? | 07:34 |
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Syntux | Good evening. | 07:40 |
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trakinas | !libata | 07:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:41 |
trakinas | !ata | 07:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:41 |
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genii | !info libata | 07:43 |
ubotu | Package libata does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:43 |
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pag | isn't libata kernel-module? if so, it doesn't exist in repos as independed part | 07:45 |
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vit_ | WHAT SPEAK SPANISH??? | 07:47 |
SlimeyPete | !spanish | 07:48 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:48 |
ARM9 | !swedish | 07:49 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 07:49 |
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Syntux | guys, I have "stupid" question, Does ubuntu and Kubuntu uses the same core and they diff only in desktop environment ? | 07:51 |
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pag | Syntux, yup. | 07:52 |
pag | Syntux, well... also the default apps are different :P | 07:52 |
Syntux | pag, then for holy cow sake why ubuntu cannot detect my sound/video/card-reader and bluetooth while kubuntu can ? | 07:52 |
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pag | Syntux, hmm; just guessing; some of the default apps pull needed drivers as a depencies? | 07:53 |
jhutchins | Syntux: user-controlled devices like card readers and bluetooth are handled more by GUI utilities, which are different between the two. | 07:53 |
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jhutchins | Syntux: Kubuntu's bluetooth support, for instance, is better than Gnome's. | 07:53 |
jhutchins | Syntux: Sound & Video should be the same components though. | 07:54 |
jhutchins | Syntux: You sure it's the same version of each? | 07:54 |
Syntux | jhutchins, I was able to get bluetooth working on gnome but not sound/video/card-reader properly | 07:54 |
jhutchins | Syntux: For video, are you talking about basic functions or 3D acceleration not working? | 07:55 |
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Syntux | jhutchins, same version of what ? | 07:55 |
jhutchins | Syntux: kubuntu & ubuntu | 07:55 |
Syntux | jhutchins, yeah and I installed open suse on vmware just to verify if it's by chance or what, and everything was detected with kde open suse heh | 07:56 |
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Syntux | jhutchins, acceleration + resolution | 07:56 |
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arunkale | opensuse requires 6 cds to install | 07:56 |
vzduch | the Spaniards have the right approach to things.. in #kubuntu-es's topic it reads, 'Ask directly, BUT SEARCH GOOGLE FIRST!' :) | 07:56 |
jhutchins | Syntux: If you're working within vmware all bets are off. | 07:56 |
vzduch | arunkale: for me it was enough to have 1 DVD to install openSUSE ;) | 07:57 |
arunkale | vzduch: i didn't like opensuse very much, i'm afraid | 07:57 |
Syntux | jhutchins, no, normal install on my laptop, opensuse is on vmware and even sound is working despite they said it's not supported yet lol | 07:57 |
vzduch | arunkale: well, I did.. until I found Kubuntu Feisty :) | 07:57 |
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pafnutiy | please help! how to close vi in terminal so to exit&save modified text (what combination of keys)? | 07:58 |
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arunkale | i dont like to badmouth any distro, but my experience with opensuse was quite bad.. especially font rendering | 07:58 |
jhutchins | pafnutiy: esc, :wq<enter> | 07:58 |
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pafnutiy | thanks! | 07:58 |
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dewey | Hey | 07:58 |
vzduch | arunkale: font rendering is normally one of SUSE's strong points.. you must have had something b0rked I guess.. | 07:59 |
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dewey | Could someone give me a hand? | 07:59 |
arunkale | vzduch: i had used it three years ago, i think.. maybe they've improved it since then | 07:59 |
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vzduch | !ask | dewey | 07:59 |
ubotu | dewey: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:59 |
arunkale | http://themasterplan.in/2007/07/15/sexy-smooth-fonts-on-kubuntu/ <-- now my fonts look like this | 07:59 |
Syntux | jhutchins, pag so do you think if I install some KDE packages that installs and identify hardware while using gnome would solve my problem ? | 07:59 |
jhutchins | Syntux: No. | 08:00 |
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vzduch | arunkale: 3 years ago must have been 8.2 or 9.0 | 08:00 |
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vzduch | it was already very refined in 9.3 | 08:00 |
jhutchins | Syntux: If anything, that would be LESS likely to work. | 08:00 |
Syntux | jhutchins, oh and why so ? | 08:00 |
dewey | !ask How does one download and install additional packages in Ubuntu. Such as GParted, etc. Is there a list of software packages available to linux that I can go through and install from within Ubuntu? | 08:00 |
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vzduch | dewey: in Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 08:01 |
jhutchins | Syntux: Because hardware/configuration level stuff relies on working within the desktop environment. | 08:01 |
yeniklasor | I'm searching a rss feed application, that must work like this > I will type some keywords, when feed arrived, if feed's topic has my keywords, warn me, if don't have my keywords then don't warn me. Do you know an application like this? | 08:01 |
dewey | In Ubuntu (is this the wrong room?) | 08:01 |
vzduch | dewey: --> /join #ubuntu | 08:01 |
jhutchins | Syntux: A stand-alone kde app will run fine on gnome, but they approach system configuration differently. | 08:01 |
dewey | vzdulch: Thank you! | 08:01 |
Syntux | jhutchins, hmm, in term of performance are there any trusted benchmarks between gnome and kde ? | 08:01 |
miles | hello | 08:02 |
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jhutchins | Syntux: No, they are different. | 08:02 |
jhutchins | Syntux: Apples and oranges, they are different fruit. | 08:02 |
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Syntux | jhutchins, true but you got to compare then in order to differentiate and that benchmark would start by eating :p | 08:03 |
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MasterKzuy | hola | 08:06 |
MasterKzuy | p | 08:06 |
root__ | hi | 08:06 |
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MasterKzuy | speak spanish??? | 08:06 |
SlimeyPete | !spanish | 08:06 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:06 |
vzduch | root__: NEVER go online as root! | 08:06 |
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=== miles thinks | ||
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in10city | seems kind of quiet in here. | 08:13 |
in10city | I was needing some help but wasnt sure if i should just blurt out a question or what... | 08:14 |
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vzduch | !ask | in10city | 08:15 |
ubotu | in10city: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:15 |
m4v3r1ck | blurt it away! | 08:15 |
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PhinnFort | fscking k3b and his friend wodim has just ruined 4 perfectly good cd-rs for me | 08:16 |
PhinnFort | and counting | 08:16 |
in10city | it is about mounting partions | 08:16 |
in10city | i found this in your faq https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 08:16 |
in10city | will that let me see all my partions from the live cd? I want copy data over to a usb drive before installing | 08:17 |
vzduch | to my knowledge that howto is for the installed system | 08:18 |
in10city | ouch | 08:19 |
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in10city | is there a way to do it from the live CD? | 08:19 |
vzduch | of course you can use e.g. the script on the live CD.. question is whether it's feasible; I guess you don't plan on using the live CD for a longer period of time :> | 08:20 |
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vzduch | PhinnFort: what's the matter? | 08:20 |
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PhinnFort | vzduch: I think it's my burner, but K3B has all sorts of excuses | 08:21 |
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vzduch | o0 | 08:21 |
PhinnFort | "Try TAO", "Try a new disc", etc. | 08:21 |
PhinnFort | now I'm trying with a dvd | 08:21 |
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vzduch | well, that's the usual way of troubleshooting | 08:21 |
PhinnFort | ;) | 08:21 |
in10city | I just wnat to use the live cd to move the information | 08:22 |
in10city | then i want to do a full install | 08:22 |
vzduch | so don't blame K3b and its underlying programs if your burner is giving off its soul ;) | 08:22 |
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vzduch | in10city: I never used the script; I'd be able to mount my hdds by hand if necessary.. but you can try it; you won't lose any data | 08:23 |
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in10city | can you point me to a how to | 08:23 |
yeniklasor | How can I install BlogBridge ? | 08:23 |
PhinnFort | vzduch: :P | 08:23 |
vzduch | the one you posted above :) | 08:23 |
vzduch | wth is BlogBridge? | 08:24 |
lx401396 | ciao | 08:24 |
in10city | duhhhhhhhh | 08:24 |
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in10city | lol guess i should read past the script part | 08:24 |
lx401396 | qualcuno sa dirmi come si usa il comando silent | 08:24 |
vzduch | !it | lx401396 | 08:24 |
ubotu | lx401396: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 08:24 |
PhinnFort | vzduch: I just suspected the kernel would complain in dmesg if the burner was acting up, but dmesg doesn't mention anything other than the kernel not recognising any tracks on the disc (naturally, since it's empty) | 08:24 |
lx401396 | sorry | 08:25 |
miles | get out of town | 08:25 |
vzduch | in10city: if you just need temporary access to your drives, you don't have to alter the fstab in the live system.. just mount the partitions :) | 08:26 |
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x89x | juan: | 08:26 |
miles | but wat if i want a live system | 08:26 |
x89x | i have messed up my xorg.conf. What do i do ?? ANYONE ! | 08:26 |
vzduch | define 'messed up' | 08:27 |
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in10city | vzduch what if your IDE drives dont show up when you do a sudo fdisk -l ? | 08:27 |
x89x | someone here told me to edit it to change the refresh rate of monitor | 08:27 |
x89x | but when i start the PC, it gives an error ! | 08:27 |
vzduch | in10city: did you indicate the disk device? e.g. /dev/hda | 08:28 |
x89x | some video display error | 08:28 |
x89x | vzduch: What do i do ? | 08:28 |
in10city | no i didnt | 08:28 |
vzduch | then it can't find anything :) | 08:28 |
x89x | vzduch: HELP ! | 08:29 |
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x89x | vzduch: Where do i find my VIA deltachrome IGP drivers ?? | 08:30 |
vzduch | x89x: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --> choose the correct driver for your gfx card, configure keyboard/mouse, configure monitor --> after the resolutions choose Advanced for the monitor frequencies and enter those directly (be sure you have them at hand first) | 08:30 |
vzduch | !patience | x89x | 08:30 |
ubotu | x89x: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:30 |
x89x | Sorry :) | 08:31 |
x89x | but | 08:31 |
=== Jonty [n=jadh@82-41-207-227.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | i'm running from the live CD now | 08:31 |
PhinnFort | ok, that does it, it ruined a dvd-r | 08:31 |
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vzduch | x89x: then find a spec sheet of your monitor first & write down the frequency ranges | 08:32 |
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PhinnFort | :-[ READ DISC INFORMATION failed with SK=4h/ASC=08h/ACQ=01h] : Input/output error | 08:32 |
vzduch | then reboot and execute the above command | 08:32 |
x89x | it supports 85 Hz at 1024 X 764 | 08:32 |
in10city | vzduch when i do a sudo fdisk /dev/hda i get Unable to open /dev/hda | 08:32 |
x89x | well i just want 75 Hz at 1024 X 768 | 08:32 |
vzduch | in10city: don't forget the -l, you just want an overview of your partitions, not format them :) | 08:33 |
x89x | can i edit it w/o restarting ?? | 08:33 |
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vzduch | x89x: you can mount your / & edit xorg.conf by hand.. if you know what to look for/change, that is | 08:33 |
in10city | vzduch i did that but got nothing at all sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda that is | 08:33 |
in10city | vzduch so i went on to try hdb and hdc and still got nothing | 08:34 |
x89x | how vz ? | 08:34 |
vzduch | in10city: try sda | 08:34 |
in10city | i get that | 08:34 |
in10city | i have one sata and two ide drives | 08:35 |
vzduch | it's kind-of a guessing game if you don't know the device names of your hdds | 08:36 |
vzduch | in that case I'd suggest using a live CD/DVD at first that can mount the partitions automagically, e.g. Knoppix | 08:37 |
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vzduch | it's good to have one of those at hand anyway :) | 08:37 |
x89x | vzduch: how do i mount xorg.conf ?? | 08:37 |
in10city | vzduch thanks, i was considering that also | 08:37 |
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in10city | i will see you again i am sure thanks again vzduch | 08:38 |
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vzduch | in10city: you're welcome | 08:38 |
x89x | vzduch: of that installed version in this live CD version > | 08:38 |
viki2000 | i have k800i and i connected to the internet but it is very slow in suse 10.2 | 08:38 |
viki2000 | any info | 08:38 |
viki2000 | please | 08:38 |
vzduch | viki2000: /join #suse | 08:38 |
viki2000 | no body help thir | 08:38 |
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viki2000 | i friend told me to go to your chanel | 08:39 |
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vzduch | x89x: what partition is your / on, and what filesystem does it have? | 08:39 |
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stephen | hi | 08:40 |
x89x | its on disk-2 and is ext3 | 08:40 |
x89x | sorry | 08:40 |
vzduch | what is 'disk-2'? | 08:40 |
x89x | its on disk-1 | 08:40 |
vzduch | in terms of a /dev name | 08:40 |
x89x | partiotion 2 | 08:40 |
x89x | how can i know that ? | 08:40 |
stephen | do i have to install linux on partition #1 if i want to have a dual boot? | 08:41 |
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x89x | no. XP on 1 and linux on 2 | 08:41 |
stdin | stephen: no, just make sure grub is installed on the MBR | 08:41 |
stephen | MBR? | 08:41 |
vzduch | stephen: it can reside anywhere.. only prerequisite is that the partition where /boot is on is in the range of the first 128 GB on the disk, otherwise GRUB won't find it | 08:41 |
stephen | hmmm | 08:42 |
stephen | i have a 80bg HDD | 08:42 |
stdin | stephen: Master Boot Record, it's the default. it will show as "(hd0)" | 08:42 |
x89x | vzduxk: i'm sorry but can you help me know the partition ? | 08:42 |
vzduch | stephen: then it doesn't matter | 08:42 |
stdin | vzduch: that's not true anymore | 08:42 |
stephen | so i can just put it in any partition? | 08:42 |
vzduch | stdin: I believe I just read of such a case for Feisty yesterday | 08:42 |
stdin | vzduch: assuming you mean MB, not GB | 08:42 |
vzduch | stdin: I mean GB | 08:43 |
stdin | vzduch: don't see why, as long as grub can see the partition | 08:43 |
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x89x | vzduch: i'm sorry but can you help me know the partition ? | 08:43 |
stephen | ive already installed linux on partition 1 i think | 08:43 |
stdin | stephen: yeah, any partition you want. you can even spread it about a bit | 08:43 |
stephen | how would i find out in terminal? | 08:43 |
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stdin | stephen: sudo fdisk -l | 08:44 |
stephen | thx | 08:44 |
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vzduch | stdin: at least this problem existed 2 years ago.. I had tried to install a beta of SUSE 10.0 to a 10 GB partition at the end of my 160 GB disk (~139 GB thus), and Grub didn't find the partition | 08:44 |
x89x | vzduch: its /dev/hda3 | 08:45 |
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stephen | !pastebin | 08:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:45 |
vzduch | x89x: 'sudo mount -t ext3 -o defaults /dev/hda3 /media' | 08:45 |
stdin | vzduch: strange, grub should just read the partition table and boot to whatever. the only limit I know is that /boot can't be in LVM | 08:45 |
stephen | stdin can you look at this please? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30136/ | 08:45 |
x89x | vzduch: then ? | 08:46 |
login_ | guys , do you know if the gutsy kernel has any type of stamp or something on it saying it is a gusty kernel | 08:46 |
login_ | i am remastering ubuntu and want to know | 08:46 |
vzduch | x89x: then access the partition at /media | 08:46 |
lunar-raven | ugh :(. I reinstalled windows (on a seperate partition) because i wanted to try a program in it..however, without even asking me, it deleted ALL of my partiitions on BOTH harddrive :(..is there ANY way to get data back?..i swear im never touching windows again | 08:46 |
vzduch | i.e. /media/etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:46 |
stdin | stephen: /dev/hda1 is the root, /dev/hda5 is swap which is inside of /dev/hda2 (extended partition) | 08:46 |
login_ | anyone? | 08:46 |
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stephen | so what partition do i need to install xp in? | 08:47 |
vzduch | login_: for Gutsy questions /join #ubuntu+1 | 08:47 |
stdin | login_: only the version number | 08:47 |
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vzduch | stephen: XP likes to be in the 1st partition of the 1st disk, but it can be installed in other partitions | 08:48 |
stephen | hmmm | 08:48 |
stdin | you can kinda "trick" XP in grub too | 08:48 |
stephen | how would i set up XP through linux? | 08:48 |
vzduch | stephen: ? | 08:48 |
stephen | i have tinyXP btwe | 08:48 |
vzduch | never heard of | 08:49 |
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stdin | you don't, you install XP from the disk | 08:49 |
stephen | lol | 08:49 |
stephen | ok | 08:49 |
stephen | i think tinyXP can run on linux | 08:49 |
stdin | maybe in vmware | 08:49 |
vzduch | in a VM perhaps.. the 'big' XP can too :> | 08:49 |
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stephen | what is VM and do i need to buy it? | 08:50 |
SlimeyPete | stephen: check out virtualbox and vmware | 08:50 |
stdin | !vm | 08:50 |
ubotu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 08:50 |
lunar-raven | if i were you id not install xp | 08:50 |
lunar-raven | ;[ | 08:50 |
lunar-raven | lol | 08:50 |
vzduch | !virtualbox | 08:50 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 08:51 |
stdin | VBox is nice, not quite as many features as VMware, but very good | 08:51 |
stephen | how do i edit the /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:52 |
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vzduch | very concrete specs for running VirtualBox.. 'Reasonably powerful x86 hardware'.. | 08:52 |
stdin | stephen: kdesu kate /etx/apt/sources.list | 08:52 |
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vzduch | e.g. | 08:52 |
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SlimeyPete | vzduch: well, it all depends what you want to run in it ;) | 08:53 |
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vzduch | SlimeyPete: say, I'd like to run a virtual XP.. would my K7-900 w/ 768 MB RAM be enough for decent performance? | 08:54 |
linouxxx | ubuntu-fr plz, a link | 08:54 |
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m4v3r1ck | lunar-raven:i'm not sure if you can recover anything from a format, i know there are some programs for recovering but is for deleted files, not after format. | 08:54 |
stdin | !fr | linouxxx | 08:54 |
ubotu | linouxxx: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:54 |
SlimeyPete | vzduch: that's a bit low, but you'd probablybe OK if you onlywant to run basic stuff | 08:54 |
linouxxx | thx | 08:54 |
yurimxpxman | In ktorrent, I used to be able to double-click a torrent to view the files, but it doesn't do that now.. any ideas? | 08:54 |
lunar-raven | yeah | 08:54 |
lunar-raven | i think i cant recover | 08:54 |
lunar-raven | this really sucks | 08:54 |
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m4v3r1ck | :( | 08:55 |
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vzduch | lunar-raven: what did you install anyway? | 08:55 |
lunar-raven | Windows. | 08:55 |
vzduch | no, what ruined your hdds? | 08:56 |
lunar-raven | It reformated everything without even asking | 08:56 |
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lunar-raven | I was going to install it onto a seperate partition, i loaded the recovery CD, it went into setup, and formatted | 08:56 |
lunar-raven | never even asked | 08:56 |
m4v3r1ck | yurimxpxman: check if your complements are loaded look at preferences > config ktorrent | 08:56 |
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vzduch | lunar-raven: OEM recovery? then it'd probably just put the disk in the state it was when you bought the computer (or the person who originally did, if you bought it used) | 08:57 |
yurimxpxman | m4v3r1ck: I can't find anything about it | 08:57 |
vzduch | lunar-raven: an installation CD won't do that, that's the difference between installation and recovery CDs | 08:58 |
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lunar-raven | yes a recovery cd =\ | 08:59 |
lunar-raven | came with my pc | 08:59 |
lunar-raven | first time i used it | 08:59 |
lunar-raven | ah well. | 08:59 |
vzduch | lunar-raven: in other words: that was to be expected | 08:59 |
lcoccato | okidoki | 08:59 |
lcoccato | exit | 08:59 |
lunar-raven | I've used recovery CD's in the past and they always asked you first and allowed you to choose a partition | 08:59 |
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vzduch | lunar-raven: the only chance you'd have is if there was no manual for using the recovery CD that could have warned you of that behaviour.. then you can perhaps sue your PC dealer.. :< | 09:00 |
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yeniklasor | What is the best RSS Feed application? | 09:02 |
ardchoille | What is the approved website IDE for kubuntu? | 09:02 |
ardchoille | I didn't see nvu in the repos | 09:02 |
justin6891 | yeniklasor: rssowl is pretty good | 09:02 |
ardchoille | !info nvu | 09:02 |
ubotu | Package nvu does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:02 |
justin6891 | yeniklasor: the in-built feeds itself, is pretty good | 09:03 |
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yeniklasor | I didn't like akregator | 09:04 |
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vzduch | getting pretty dark.. but I'd prefer it if we got some rain later tonight.. | 09:04 |
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justin6891 | yeniklasor: check out www.rssowl.org/ for more | 09:05 |
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yeniklasor | ok | 09:05 |
yeniklasor | thanks | 09:05 |
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M4x | for the french? | 09:06 |
justin6891 | welcome | 09:06 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | M4x: You say you need the french support channel? | 09:11 |
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jhutchins | !fr | M4x | 09:14 |
ubotu | M4x: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:14 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Imagine running what you asked him through babelfish into french. Would _you_ know what you were asking? | 09:14 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: No. Not really. | 09:15 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Vous vous dites le besoin le canal franais de soutien ? | 09:15 |
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jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: I'll bet it's hardly even coherent, and might not mean what it's supposed to mean. | 09:16 |
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jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: WHich I just find amusing, but it's my rule of thumb: only assume as much literacy as they demonstrate. | 09:16 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | I'm still excited. I got my first package that I ordered, then I find my Kubuntu 7.04 CDs, and finally, underneath those, I find a letter saying that I've been accepted for the college I applied for. It's a good day. | 09:16 |
jhutchins | w00t! | 09:17 |
jhutchins | Congrats! Where are you headed? | 09:17 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: No where. Since I have to help my parents so much, I applied for an online college. Baker College Online. I've heard plenty of good things about them. | 09:18 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Oh, I've looked at Baker, pretty good. I was leaning toward Ottowa myself, but I'm not a traditional student. | 09:19 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: Heh. I just hope I can get through this one. The last college course I had was a failure. They wanted me to buy all my apps, and many of them cost $300+ USD. | 09:21 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Yeah, it used to be books at $50/$90 per class. | 09:22 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: With software it tends to be Microsoft-only too. | 09:22 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: There are usually educational pricing avaible though. | 09:22 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: That wouldn't have bothered me too much. But the pricing was killer, even with discount. Well... killer for someone with a part-time job, anyway. | 09:23 |
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vzduch | could it be that the largest other-than-English *buntu channel is #ubuntu-de? | 09:26 |
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jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Not easy for a working guy to pay for college these days. | 09:31 |
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jenea | hola | 09:35 |
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jenea | hola | 09:36 |
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jhutchins | jenea: Hola, no hablo Espaol aqui. | 09:37 |
jhutchins | !es | 09:37 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:37 |
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jenea | si | 09:37 |
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miles | s | 09:38 |
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sorin7486 | hello everybody... | 09:43 |
sorin7486 | I have a really stupid problem here | 09:43 |
miles | ok | 09:43 |
miles | what is it | 09:43 |
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sorin7486 | just installed kubuntu on my brand new laptop and I can't get writing acces for users on the mounting points | 09:43 |
sorin7486 | it's driving me nuts | 09:44 |
sorin7486 | i have 2 ext3 partitions | 09:44 |
sorin7486 | /media/BigDady and /media/LittleDady | 09:44 |
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stevo111 | hmmm | 09:44 |
stevo111 | i mucked up | 09:44 |
sorin7486 | and I'm owner of both folders | 09:44 |
sorin7486 | before mount | 09:44 |
login_ | anyone know if ther eis some type of stamp on the kubuntu kernel saying that it is kubuntu | 09:44 |
login_ | not any other OS | 09:44 |
stevo111 | i tried to install xp in a partition but it overwrite the kubuntu :O | 09:45 |
sorin7486 | is there any sure way of doing this | 09:45 |
sorin7486 | because I tried to edit fstab myself | 09:45 |
login_ | anyone? | 09:45 |
sorin7486 | didn['t work | 09:45 |
miles | :-/ sorry sorin, mounting is one of my weak points | 09:46 |
sorin7486 | tried using the gui frontend from System Settings | 09:46 |
sorin7486 | didn't work | 09:46 |
sorin7486 | btw ... that tool has some serious bugs | 09:46 |
sorin7486 | ok.. tnx miles.. anybody else ?????????/ | 09:46 |
stdin | login_: no, there isn't | 09:47 |
login_ | great thank you :D | 09:47 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | stevo111: You lost the grub bootloader? | 09:47 |
stdin | sorin7486: what's the problem? | 09:48 |
stevo111 | i lost kubuntu | 09:48 |
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stevo111 | i didnt know how to recover it | 09:48 |
sorin7486 | stdin: mounting points | 09:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | stevo111: As in you wrote over the partition that had kubuntu in it? | 09:48 |
stdin | !grub | stevo111 | 09:48 |
ubotu | stevo111: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:48 |
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login_ | what do oyu mean? was it compeltely partioned or did windows overwrite the mbr? | 09:48 |
stdin | sorin7486: so what are you trying/need to do? | 09:49 |
stevo111 | i made a partition usin xp | 09:49 |
stevo111 | and i lost the grub | 09:49 |
sorin7486 | stdin: I just installed kubuntu and I've set 2 mounting points | 09:49 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !grub | stevo111 | 09:49 |
ubotu | stevo111: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:49 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Use the first link. | 09:49 |
stevo111 | i dunno how to boot the partition of my choice | 09:49 |
sorin7486 | stdin: and for some reason I don't have write permission alldough those are ext3 partitions | 09:49 |
sorin7486 | and I can't get writing permissions | 09:50 |
stevo111 | i cant use it cos im on my ds and the tinyXP is mucked up | 09:50 |
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sorin7486 | I have tried chaging permissions to the folders where the partitions are mounted | 09:50 |
rile | sorin7486: Did you try to edit mtab file? | 09:50 |
sorin7486 | and changing options in fstab | 09:50 |
sorin7486 | rile: i think you mean fstab .. right ? | 09:51 |
stdin | sorin7486: by default only root has write permission to the partition. so you have 2 choices, either make a directory in the root of the partition and make it writable for the user(s), or change the permissions/owner of the partition | 09:51 |
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sorin7486 | stdin: of course.. one question dough: by changing the permission of the partition what do you mean exactly ? | 09:52 |
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rile | No, there is mtab file which contain rw permissions... | 09:52 |
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rile | "/etc/mtab" | 09:52 |
stdin | rile: mtab is written to by mount, changing it dosen't change the options | 09:53 |
sorin7486 | rile: do I have to change the permissions on the device ? | 09:53 |
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genii | rile mtab Is a file which just holds a record of what filesystems are currently mounted. It is dynamic. fstab is the file which has permanent things | 09:53 |
stdin | sorin7486: well the root of the partition is a directory like any other, so you can do something like "sudo chown myuser: /media/mountpoint" | 09:53 |
stevo111 | how exactly do i create a dual boot? | 09:54 |
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rile | to stdin & genii: ok, my mistake... | 09:54 |
sorin7486 | stdin: I tried that and it doesn't work... | 09:54 |
sorin7486 | that's what's driving me mad | 09:54 |
stdin | sorin7486: it's ext3? | 09:54 |
sorin7486 | yes | 09:54 |
sorin7486 | I tried it from konqueror | 09:54 |
stdin | sorin7486: then it does work, I've done it :) | 09:54 |
genii | stdin Perhaps overdue fsck? | 09:54 |
stdin | sorin7486: no, not from konq | 09:54 |
sorin7486 | oook | 09:55 |
stdin | genii: hmm, possible | 09:55 |
sorin7486 | I just installed today | 09:55 |
stdin | sorin7486: unless you run konq as root | 09:55 |
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sorin7486 | well I ran konq as root... of course... | 09:55 |
sorin7486 | otherwise you can't change the rights | 09:56 |
stdin | sorin7486: then it *should* work, but I always run the commands | 09:56 |
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sorin7486 | ok... | 09:56 |
sorin7486 | let me try something ... | 09:56 |
stevo111 | how do i delete all partitions on a HDD without xp or kubuntu? | 09:56 |
rustalot | I'm having trouble installing this kdm theme: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=26718 . It tells me it's not a valid theme archive. | 09:56 |
vzduch | sorin7486: sudo chown -R yourUserName:plugdev /media/BigDady | 09:56 |
stdin | sorin7486: make sure it takes effect with "ls -ld /media/MountPoint" (changing the directory) | 09:56 |
sorin7486 | ok | 09:57 |
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sorin7486 | one question | 09:57 |
sorin7486 | should I be doing this with the partition mounted ? | 09:57 |
sorin7486 | or unmounted ? | 09:57 |
stdin | yes, mounted | 09:57 |
vzduch | sorin7486: of course mounted | 09:57 |
sorin7486 | oook | 09:57 |
sorin7486 | I've been doing it with the partition unmounted | 09:57 |
sorin7486 | my bad ... | 09:57 |
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stdin | sorin7486: that's the problem then :p | 09:57 |
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sorin7486 | it works ... thanks guys... | 09:58 |
viki2000 | sonyericsson k800i 3g i have googled so much with now results i connect to the internet throw the mobile usb connection it work fine under suse linux 10.2 but its slow can som body help please | 09:58 |
whippy | does someone know how tu unzip 7z files? | 09:58 |
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whippy | in console? | 09:58 |
viki2000 | it work with windows very fast | 09:58 |
sorin7486 | I'll have to write this one down | 09:58 |
genii | !helpercookie |stdin | 09:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about helpercookie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:58 |
sorin7486 | cuz I think I ran into it before | 09:58 |
viki2000 | can some body help | 09:58 |
whippy | 7zip is only for zipping? | 09:58 |
genii | hmm | 09:58 |
whippy | or? | 09:58 |
stdin | Yum, err I mean APT! | 09:58 |
stdin | :p | 09:58 |
vzduch | !botsnack | 09:58 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 09:58 |
viki2000 | whippy,no | 09:59 |
stevo111 | how do i tottaly format a HDD? | 09:59 |
whippy | do you know how to unzip? | 09:59 |
whippy | ;) | 09:59 |
Mungallo | whippy p7zip | 09:59 |
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viki2000 | whippy,i try once its ok | 09:59 |
viki2000 | moment | 09:59 |
whippy | no | 09:59 |
viki2000 | i will help you | 09:59 |
whippy | p7zip filearchiv.7z | 09:59 |
whippy | does compress the file twice to | 10:00 |
Mungallo | -d | 10:00 |
stdin | stevo111: you use "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" (changing hda for the actual device) and press "o" then "w" | 10:00 |
whippy | ok, i try | 10:00 |
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genii | !helpersnack | 10:00 |
ubotu | Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 10:00 |
stevo111 | no stdin without an os | 10:00 |
genii | That was it :) | 10:00 |
stdin | stevo111: then just use the live CD | 10:00 |
stevo111 | lol | 10:01 |
stevo111 | ok | 10:01 |
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ardchoille | Wow, talk about use4less factoids, lol | 10:01 |
=== stdin takes the cookie from ubotu | ||
stevo111 | i used it but it crashed :( | 10:01 |
stdin | stevo111: use the command line tools on the cd, the GUI can be a bit buggy (IMO) | 10:01 |
=== stevo111 tries again | ||
genii | stevo111: You can also use Toms boot disk | 10:01 |
vzduch | you can also use Knoppix | 10:02 |
whippy | is not supported archive? | 10:02 |
=== eric__ [n=eric@nr27-66-161-166-36.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whippy | perhaps compressed on win | 10:02 |
viki2000 | whippy,p7zip | 10:02 |
stevo111 | i dunno how to use all them things | 10:02 |
=== stevo111 cries | ||
=== bia [n=bia@p54BE5456.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | stevo111: I just told you | 10:03 |
=== vzduch slaps stevo111 | ||
genii | stevo111: You can find that at http://www.toms.net/rb/ | 10:03 |
vzduch | be a man! read the man pages! :> | 10:03 |
=== intelikey runs down the stairs with a butcher knife in each hand while wondering "who has the last word on what 'sane' really is?" | ||
eric__ | I accidently hid the menu (file, tools, etc) and now I can figure out how to get it back | 10:03 |
stdin | stevo111: and you can come back in here on the live cd if you need help | 10:03 |
genii | vzduch: LOL | 10:03 |
stdin | eric__: Ctrl+M | 10:03 |
eric__ | thanks | 10:03 |
vzduch | eric__: if you can, why do you ask? :D | 10:03 |
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x89x | hello. can anyone help me mount my unmounted partition?? | 10:04 |
=== _Extrapan [n=Extrapan@aakb18.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== stevo111 boots up live cd for the 4th time | ||
intelikey | !ntfs | x89x | 10:05 |
ubotu | x89x: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:05 |
x89x | no | 10:05 |
x89x | its an FAT 32 | 10:05 |
intelikey | ^ | 10:05 |
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stdin | x89x: use System Settings -> Advanced -> Disk & Filesystems | 10:06 |
=== angry is now known as stephen_ | ||
x89x | stdin: in ubuntu 7.04 ! | 10:06 |
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@mst45-2-82-242-83-37.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | x89x for a one off mount sudo mount /dev/<device> /media/<mountpoint> -o umaks=000 | 10:07 |
stdin | yes ! | 10:07 |
stephen_ | hmmm | 10:07 |
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=== stephen_ prays that kubuntu will install | ||
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | intelikey: s/umaks/umask/ | 10:07 |
stdin | x89x: for Ubuntu (not Kubuntu), ask in #ubuntu | 10:07 |
x89x | stdin: theres no System Settings ! | 10:07 |
intelikey | x89x for a one off mount sudo mount /dev/<device> /media/<mountpoint> -o umask=000 | 10:08 |
genii | stevo111: There is also a useful cdrom that boots with many tools on it. Ultimate Boot CD, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ It has many tools including partitioners and disk wipers etc etc | 10:08 |
intelikey | :) | 10:08 |
stdin | like I said, #ubuntu | 10:08 |
stdin | !mount | 10:08 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 10:08 |
stdin | !mount-#ubuntu | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mount-#ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
stdin | ugg | 10:08 |
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ARM9 | !helpersnack | 10:09 |
ubotu | Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 10:09 |
x89x | intellikey: whats mountpoint ? | 10:09 |
stdin | x89x: is there a System -> Administration -> Disks ? | 10:09 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | stdin: You're trying to mount #ubuntu ? That's going to take a lot of gear... | 10:09 |
x89x | stdin: nope ~ | 10:09 |
stephen_ | hmmm i think its gonna install now | 10:09 |
vzduch | WhtWolfTeraDyne: lol | 10:09 |
=== snookum [n=snookum@63-231-72-74.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
whippy | i solved the problem, | 10:09 |
intelikey | x89x any empty dirrectory | 10:09 |
stephen_ | wd | 10:09 |
whippy | the archive was corrupt, | 10:09 |
whippy | thanks for helping me | 10:10 |
x89x | no | 10:10 |
whippy | with the command pzip -d | 10:10 |
=== virgil [n=virgil@sek76-2-82-245-144-84.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | ther were files | 10:10 |
stdin | WhtWolfTeraDyne: not if you have ubuntu on a different partition :) | 10:10 |
whippy | p7zip -d | 10:10 |
gesture | on kubuntu, how do i extract an .ace archive? i tried UNACE but it just doesnt do anything | 10:10 |
waylandbill | goodness. just sudo mount <device> <mountpoint> in a konsole. No need to be complicated. :-) | 10:10 |
intelikey | NO! <x89x> intellikey: whats mountpoint ? x89x any empty dirrectory | 10:10 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | stdin: XD | 10:10 |
stephen_ | stdin: why is setup extremely slow? | 10:11 |
rustalot | how do I install a bootsplash? | 10:11 |
stdin | stephen_: on a live cd? | 10:11 |
stdin | !splash | 10:11 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 10:11 |
stdin | !usplash | 10:11 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 10:11 |
stdin | ahh, rustalot ^ | 10:11 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Here's a good question. Why don't they ship Kubuntu with KOffice? It's faster, leaner, and can still save any pretty much any format. | 10:12 |
stdin | stephen_: on the liveCD? | 10:12 |
stephen_ | yes stdin | 10:12 |
stdin | stephen_: because it's running from a CD | 10:12 |
stephen_ | lol | 10:12 |
gesture | on kubuntu, how do i extract an .ace archive? i tried UNACE but it just doesnt do anything | 10:12 |
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stephen_ | it crashed on 21% before | 10:12 |
stdin | gesture: tried in ark ? | 10:12 |
stdin | stephen_: you can always try the alternate cd | 10:13 |
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stephen_ | the first install worked :S | 10:13 |
Mungallo | I believe you need a thirdparty app for ace archives. | 10:13 |
vzduch | gesture: did you use it correctly? or does it just not show anything because it'd need a -v switch or similar for that? | 10:13 |
x89x | vzduch: can u help me ? | 10:13 |
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vzduch | Mungallo: unace exists | 10:13 |
Mungallo | unace -e | 10:13 |
stdin | gesture: you may also need unace-nonfree for ace version > 1.0 | 10:14 |
gesture | ok but nothing happens....doesnt it extract the files automatically in the same dir?\\\ | 10:14 |
intelikey | Mungallo ? third party app ??? | 10:14 |
x89x | vzduch: ??? Mounting unmounted FAT 32 Partition ?? | 10:14 |
Mungallo | I understand that, I just wasn't sure if it's part of the standard dist. | 10:14 |
stephen_ | i think my partitions are screwed up | 10:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | who the heck uses ace anymore? | 10:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | :D | 10:14 |
Mungallo | agreed. | 10:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | that's like... arj! | 10:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | or lzh | 10:14 |
Mungallo | ewwww | 10:15 |
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x89x | stdin: what do i choose as my mount point ? | 10:15 |
Mungallo | any regular file. | 10:15 |
Mungallo | */mountpoint | 10:15 |
stdin | x89x: any empty directory, like /mnt for example | 10:15 |
rustalot | stdin: right. Now how do I get the one I dl'd (from here http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29662 ) to appear on that list? | 10:15 |
vzduch | x89x: choose any directory you wish | 10:15 |
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stephen_ | i might just forget about pcs lol | 10:15 |
vzduch | if it's empty, of course | 10:15 |
x89x | vzduch: where do i create a directory ? | 10:15 |
stephen_ | just leave the world of technoland | 10:16 |
vzduch | sigh.. | 10:16 |
waylandbill | it doesn't need to be empty. | 10:16 |
vzduch | x89x: are you retarded? (sorry for being unfriendly, but you've been told at least 4 times now..) | 10:16 |
intelikey | waylandbill but it does need to NOT be a system dir | 10:16 |
x89x | vzduch: where ? | 10:16 |
x89x | i didnt get it ! | 10:16 |
x89x | i lost 1 partition ! | 10:17 |
Mungallo | X86 | 10:17 |
Mungallo | You can mount a partition or an image to any regular file. | 10:17 |
stdin | rustalot: try looking at http://bootsplash.org/ | 10:17 |
Mungallo | everything in *nix is a file. | 10:17 |
waylandbill | x89x: where ever you like. Maybe you need to learn how linux works... like linuxbasics.org course or the like. | 10:17 |
Mungallo | therefore anything preceded by / is part of the filesysytem. | 10:17 |
=== mahdi [n=mahdi@c-24-147-12-73.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mungallo | So, if you want to mount something to the filesystem, /anymountpoint, is a good place to start. | 10:18 |
Daisuke-Ido | everything in plan 9 is a file | 10:18 |
x89x | waylandbill: means in an another drive too ? | 10:18 |
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about converting to Ludditism | ||
intelikey | well everything is an inode inode ~= file | 10:18 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-129-249-57.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mungallo | keeping it simple m8. | 10:18 |
Mungallo | x86 your drive have little to nothing to do with this. | 10:19 |
Schuenemann | what is the syntax for creating a symlink to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so to ~./mozilla/plugins ? | 10:19 |
Daisuke-Ido | all files are inodes, not all inodes are files, if i understand correctly | 10:19 |
x89x | well. my i have three drives. 1 is NTFS. 1 FileSystem and the third is the FAT 32 which is lost !! | 10:19 |
Daisuke-Ido | ln -s <original> <link location and name> | 10:19 |
stdin | Schuenemann: ln -s /target linkname | 10:19 |
Mungallo | Ok, thats fine. | 10:19 |
waylandbill | x89x: mounting makes a drive partition reside at the mountpoint directory. Doing anything to the entries in that directory affects that mounted partition. | 10:19 |
intelikey | yeah i'm just not sure that trying to understand a "folder" or "socket" as being a "file" is simple. | 10:20 |
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Mungallo | And you're trying to mount these drive under kubuntu? | 10:20 |
BluesKaj | vzduch, no need to insult ppl who are new to linux , but general descriptions like /mnt are totally new to some and insults are uncalled for no matter frustrated you become . | 10:20 |
Daisuke-Ido | intelikey: that's hardly simple | 10:20 |
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=== stavros [n=stavros@ppp189-229.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Daisuke-Ido glad you concur | 10:20 |
Daisuke-Ido | it's easier to keep the directory/file concept, as it works on the basic level | 10:20 |
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=== stavros is now known as stavros_ | ||
waylandbill | Daisuke-Ido: I agree. The 'file' concept is a good fundamental starting place. It's not like a newbie is going to start hacking the kernel right off. | 10:21 |
Daisuke-Ido | stavros_: pick a nick already. | 10:21 |
x89x | waylandbill: well. my i have three drives. 1 is NTFS. 1 FileSystem and the third is the FAT 32 which is lost !! | 10:22 |
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Mungallo | right, we gathered. | 10:22 |
waylandbill | x89x: I read that. | 10:22 |
rustalot | stdin: Anywhere else? | 10:22 |
Mungallo | You're trying to mount them, right? Under kubuntu? | 10:22 |
Daisuke-Ido | x89x: unless you took that drive out, hid it, and forgot where you hid it, it is NOT LOST. | 10:22 |
=== McBee [n=Brian@5-42-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | it's not mounted. | 10:22 |
stdin | rustalot: not that I know of | 10:23 |
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=== stdin thinks there should be a !patronise factoid for some people | ||
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intelikey | x89x issue this command in konsole: sudo fdisk -l | 10:24 |
intelikey | x89x see is you can identify the "lost drive" | 10:24 |
Schuenemann | stdin, Daisuke-Ido, thanks | 10:25 |
stdin | np :) | 10:25 |
x89x | intelikey: | 10:25 |
x89x | /dev/hda1 * 1 1305 10482381 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 10:25 |
x89x | /dev/hda2 3049 9728 53657100 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) | 10:25 |
x89x | /dev/hda3 1306 3048 14000647+ 83 Linux | 10:25 |
x89x | /dev/hda5 3264 9728 51930081 7 HPFS/NTFS | 10:25 |
x89x | /dev/hda6 3049 3263 1726924+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 10:25 |
=== alex_ [n=alex@host86-128-192-33.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | i got a 80GB HDD | 10:26 |
intelikey | looks like one drive to me. | 10:26 |
x89x | ya] | 10:26 |
x89x | its 1 drive only | 10:26 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-60-6.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | !paste | 10:26 |
intelikey | at any rate sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media | 10:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:27 |
intelikey | x89x sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media -o umask=000 | 10:27 |
intelikey | that should mount it and give full read write access | 10:27 |
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waylandbill | (and you'd access the files on that partition under /media of course) | 10:28 |
miles | is there an IRC channel for ubuntu server? | 10:28 |
x89x | intellikey | 10:28 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media -o umask=000 | 10:28 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 10:28 |
x89x | doesnt do anything ! | 10:28 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | x89x: There isn't supposed to be any output for "mount" | 10:28 |
vzduch | x89x: if there is no return msg it usually means that it did what you wanted | 10:28 |
waylandbill | x89x: just because it didn't output anything to stdout doesn't mean it didn't succeed. | 10:29 |
Mungallo | df -h | 10:29 |
x89x | but still its not showing in the computer | 10:29 |
Mungallo | should show you if it mounted. | 10:29 |
vzduch | x89x: ls -la /media/ | 10:29 |
waylandbill | just type mount without any arguments. | 10:29 |
stdin | miles: #ubuntu-server | 10:29 |
intelikey | x89x for your benifit, the device node /dev/hda1 is the first partition on the primary master ide disk and /media is the mountpoint (empty dirrectory) that the filesystem on hda1 is now mounted on. and the umask sets psuido permissions for the M$ file system which does not have file permissions | 10:29 |
miles | thanks | 10:29 |
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intelikey | x89x not showing is irrelevent. open konqueror and navigate to file:///media | 10:30 |
Mungallo | don't they automount under /dev/sd* now? | 10:30 |
vzduch | Mungallo: ? | 10:30 |
intelikey | x89x and you're welcome. | 10:30 |
Mungallo | 7.0 | 10:30 |
Mungallo | 7.04 | 10:30 |
Mungallo | due to SATA and kernel rev. | 10:31 |
stdin | Mungallo: 1 nothing mounts to /dev/sd*, and 2, only in 2.6.20+ are IDE disks represented as sd* | 10:31 |
x89x | intelikey: konqueror isnt the in my system | 10:31 |
x89x | BTW i used | 10:31 |
x89x | sudo umount /media/hda1 | 10:31 |
x89x | sudo mv /media/hda1 /media/newname | 10:31 |
x89x | these commands | 10:31 |
stdin | intelikey: ubuntu | 10:31 |
intelikey | x89x nautilus | 10:31 |
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | x89x: what's that supposed to do according to you? | 10:32 |
Mungallo | */dev/sd* refers to any SATA or SCSI drive. | 10:32 |
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@nat-88-212-20-36.antik.sk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | vzduch: rename the drive | 10:32 |
intelikey | x89x nautilus hell firefox if you wish just navigte to the mountpoint with something | 10:32 |
stdin | s/drive/mountpoint/ | 10:32 |
patrick_ | serus.. | 10:32 |
Mungallo | latest kernel rev points my hd* drives to sd* That was my point. | 10:32 |
waylandbill | x89x: it would be beneficial to learn how the linux filesystem works. There's online courses that teach it and other topics or get a book from amazon.com or your local library. | 10:33 |
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stdin | Mungallo: some "weird" IDE drives don't, even in 2.6.2* | 10:33 |
Mungallo | Which btw if you keep up with Kernel revs... is 2.6.20-16 | 10:33 |
intelikey | waylandbill post him that url again | 10:33 |
stdin | !permissions | 10:34 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 10:34 |
Mungallo | understood. | 10:34 |
vzduch | stdin: what's 'weird' IDE drives? | 10:34 |
=== yolhann [n=yolhann@200.Red-83-32-98.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | x89x: http://linuxbasics.org | 10:34 |
stdin | x89x: look in to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 10:34 |
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x89x | intelikey: shows up but now the NTFS one doesnt ! | 10:34 |
stdin | vzduch: some makes/models | 10:34 |
x89x | Couldn't find "/media/hda6". | 10:34 |
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vzduch | *headdesk* | 10:34 |
stephen_ | dammit i cant tottaly format | 10:35 |
stdin | x89x: look in /media, it'll be somewhere in there | 10:35 |
intelikey | x89x correct you mounted over it. when you umount /media the other mounts in it will show. | 10:35 |
stephen_ | it wont let me :( | 10:35 |
genii | vzduch One of those days eh? | 10:35 |
intelikey | x89x now go read the page http://linuxbasics.org | 10:35 |
vzduch | genii: ? | 10:35 |
stdin | stephen_: not even in the command line? | 10:35 |
Mungallo | x86 | 10:35 |
=== flo__ [n=flo@p508BEAF7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
waylandbill | x89x. you mounted to /media. The drive is available at /media not /media/hda6. | 10:36 |
Mungallo | df -h | 10:36 |
intelikey | stdin nah i had him mount on /media everything is cofered by the vfat | 10:36 |
stephen_ | i dunno how to access command line | 10:36 |
genii | vzduch: <vzduch> *headdesk* <-- looks like banging head off desk | 10:36 |
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whippy | how can i allow outgoing connection through iptables? | 10:36 |
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vzduch | genii: indeed | 10:36 |
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whippy | a connection with was started from me? | 10:36 |
Daisuke-Ido | here's something funny. weren't MS touting Vista's "breadcrumb" path display as revolutionary? | 10:36 |
x89x | waylandbill: should i restart my PC for the drives to show up ?? | 10:36 |
Mungallo | HA! | 10:36 |
stdin | stephen_: in the live cd, just open konsole (under KMenu -> System) | 10:36 |
penetra | hi. can some one give some help? :o | 10:36 |
penetra | i'm a newbie :X | 10:36 |
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vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: explain | 10:36 |
stephen_ | and then type what? | 10:37 |
Mungallo | Don't ask to ask. | 10:37 |
stdin | !ask | penetra | 10:37 |
ubotu | penetra: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:37 |
Mungallo | just ask | 10:37 |
BluesKaj | stephen_, in the k-menu , konsole ..that's where one uses the command line | 10:37 |
penetra | :P | 10:37 |
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stephen_ | Typw what in the konsole? | 10:37 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | vzduch: instead of a text path, each part of the path was clickable to allow quick navigation back and forth | 10:37 |
whippy | --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT | 10:37 |
whippy | but how? | 10:37 |
Daisuke-Ido | (this is in explorer) | 10:37 |
whippy | and why? | 10:37 |
intelikey | x89x yes restart and keep rebooting until all the drives show up </gives up and goes away> | 10:38 |
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x89x | damn ! | 10:38 |
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penetra | so, i'm trying to install nvidia drivers.. and it says to stop the X server. The problem is: i dont know what is the X server... and i don know how to stop it :o | 10:38 |
Mungallo | x89 | 10:38 |
Mungallo | no | 10:38 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: uh-huh.. you mean like the expandable lists in Konq? | 10:38 |
x89x | you think i'm foolliong around ! | 10:38 |
stdin | stephen_: sudo fdisk /dev/hda (if /dev/hda is the device) | 10:38 |
stephen_ | what command tottally formats the hard drive and deletes all partitions? | 10:38 |
stephen_ | oops | 10:38 |
Daisuke-Ido | vzduch: and the default path display in nautilus, yeah | 10:38 |
Mungallo | x89, df -h look of /media | 10:38 |
stdin | stephen_: in there you press "o" then "w" | 10:38 |
Mungallo | for* | 10:38 |
=== BudgetDedicated [n=BudgetDe@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | another area where MS steals and claims "innovation" :D | 10:38 |
stdin | stephen_: that should do it | 10:39 |
vita_ | Penetra: it meens you have to kill your graphics | 10:39 |
penetra | how? | 10:39 |
Schuenemann | hitting ctrl + alt +backspace | 10:39 |
stdin | penetra: use the packages from ubuntu! | 10:39 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: perhaps someone should give Steve Ballmer a Knoppix 3.1 & show him that this feature was already in Konq 3-4 years ago >:) | 10:39 |
Schuenemann | he wanted to restart X, right? | 10:39 |
stephen_ | stdin there is an error | 10:40 |
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Daisuke-Ido | vzduch: hasn't it been in gnome even longer? | 10:40 |
vita_ | stdin:This will just make it go restart | 10:40 |
stdin | Schuenemann: if he doesn't know how to restart X, he won't know that he'll have to recompile for every kernel update | 10:40 |
intelikey | x89x no i think you are very green as to how linux works, i think you probably know windows pretty well and think that that means you understand computers in general, well it doesn't. to learn linux you have to first forget everything you think you know. and start from scratch like you did with that OTHER os | 10:40 |
stdin | stephen_: what error? | 10:40 |
Schuenemann | stdin, ouch | 10:40 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: dunno.. I've been using Linux off and on since 2003 and I never liked Gnome very much.. no idea as to how long it's been :) | 10:40 |
waylandbill | I agree with that accessment intellikey | 10:40 |
intelikey | and that got there too late... | 10:40 |
stephen_ | oops works now | 10:41 |
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Daisuke-Ido | the sad thing is that it's not really that hard to learn | 10:41 |
stephen_ | is it a zero or the letter o | 10:41 |
Daisuke-Ido | people just tend to be lazy | 10:41 |
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Mungallo | It's hard to forget. | 10:41 |
stdin | stephen_: letter o | 10:41 |
Mungallo | easy to learn once you forget. | 10:41 |
Mungallo | lol | 10:41 |
=== oTzE is now known as flo_87 | ||
intelikey | waylandbill but he'll be back, he just rebooted to see if the "drives" would show up... ;/ | 10:41 |
Schuenemann | intelikey, you still have time to run away | 10:42 |
stdin | intelikey: take a deeeep breath :) | 10:42 |
Daisuke-Ido | some people deserve to be given a windows 95 cd and told "use this and leave me the hell alone" | 10:42 |
penetra | so, how can i kill my graphics? :X | 10:42 |
stephen_ | stdin it said synchin disks | 10:42 |
Schuenemann | penetra, I think you just did | 10:42 |
stdin | stephen_: good, that what it should say :) | 10:42 |
Mungallo | kill your graphics? | 10:42 |
penetra | yeah.. but it says the same error | 10:42 |
stephen_ | partition table has been altered | 10:42 |
penetra | X server | 10:42 |
intelikey | ok. look i'm not that tight about this, but when people wont listen and then get mad it kinda tic's me off too. | 10:42 |
stdin | penetra: why don't you just install the packages? | 10:43 |
Mungallo | understandable. | 10:43 |
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flo_87 | good evening everybody...I have a small problem an I would be very gratefully if someone could help me....but perhaps its a silly question^^ | 10:43 |
penetra | cause i'm a newbie :D | 10:43 |
stephen_ | now can i restart and there will be no partitions? | 10:43 |
Schuenemann | !ask | flo_87 | 10:43 |
ubotu | flo_87: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:43 |
BluesKaj | Gents ...been watching/lurking for the last 30 mins or so ...can't blame you for being a bit put off :) | 10:43 |
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Daisuke-Ido | intelikey: wasn't talking about the majority, just the ones that absolutely refuse to listen | 10:43 |
penetra | i dont know how to work here | 10:43 |
stdin | penetra: then it'll be a lot easier to install the packages | 10:43 |
stdin | !nvidia | penetra | 10:43 |
ubotu | penetra: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:43 |
intelikey | Daisuke-Ido correct. | 10:44 |
Daisuke-Ido | stephen_: if you wiped your partitions, and you reboot, there should be nothing. hope there wasn't anything you wanted or needed to keep. | 10:44 |
flo_87 | I want listen to a chanal at flatcast.com an I don t now which plugin I need for it ^^ (newbie) | 10:44 |
mm260865 | my usb flash drive is not recognised anymore! any help! | 10:44 |
waylandbill | it's either pay bill gates to do it for you, or just take some time to learn. Especially when there is so much info out there. | 10:44 |
Mungallo | might be hosed MM | 10:44 |
stephen_ | lol no there wasnt | 10:44 |
Schuenemann | flo_87, is it java, flash or what? | 10:45 |
stephen_ | i backed up all my important stuff ages ago | 10:45 |
Daisuke-Ido | shoutcast mp3 stream? | 10:45 |
vita_ | penetra: to qo out of X, press ctrl+alt+f1, then login and type /etc/init.d/xorg-common stop && /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 10:45 |
Daisuke-Ido | (shout/ice/whatever)cast, that is | 10:45 |
stdin | flo_87: personally, I'd install the "mozilla-mplayer" plugin for general media | 10:45 |
vzduch | !mp3 | flo_87 | 10:45 |
ubotu | flo_87: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:45 |
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vita_ | you can than run installer from bash | 10:45 |
intelikey | ubiquity | 10:46 |
vzduch | intelikey: he's back, tell him now :) | 10:46 |
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jhutchins | vita_: Interesting, I've never bothered to stop xorg-common. | 10:46 |
intelikey | x89x no i think you are very green as to how linux works, i think you probably know windows pretty well and think that that means you understand computers in general, well it doesn't. to learn linux you have to first forget everything you think you know. and start from scratch like you did with that OTHER os | 10:46 |
stdin | vita_: you'd better explain that this needs to be done foe every kernel update too | 10:46 |
Daisuke-Ido | vita_: that screams bad idea, when he can install from the repos with much less headache. | 10:46 |
stephen_ | thanks it worked stdin i think | 10:47 |
flo_87 | thank you...!!! | 10:47 |
stdin | stephen_: no problem :) | 10:47 |
intelikey | x89x posted that just as you left and wanted you to see it. | 10:47 |
x89x | intelikey: During the system startup it still gives error saying "fsck1.40 WIP" | 10:47 |
vita_ | stdin: Yes it does, and it can be trick if you are using your own compiled kernel... | 10:47 |
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vita_ | binary packages from distro are surely better for him | 10:47 |
Daisuke-Ido | vita_: no, you need to explain this in simple terms to the newbie you're giving this advice to. | 10:47 |
x89x | mount: mount mount partition media/hd1 | 10:48 |
stephen_ | if it still doesnt install on live cd what did you say i could do? | 10:48 |
intelikey | !paste | x89x pastebin your /etc/fstab file | 10:48 |
ubotu | x89x pastebin your /etc/fstab file: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:48 |
Daisuke-Ido | wth? | 10:48 |
x89x | it shows up on the live CD ! | 10:48 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-193-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
x89x | but not in this installed version ! | 10:48 |
intelikey | x89x do you want me to help you ? | 10:49 |
x89x | ya bro | 10:49 |
vita_ | Daisuke-Ido: Yep, maybe that is what all the howtos are anyway :-) | 10:49 |
intelikey | x89x do what ubotu just said | 10:49 |
stephen_ | ubotu is sexy | 10:49 |
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is sexy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:49 |
stephen_ | wtf | 10:49 |
vzduch | rofl | 10:49 |
stdin | !botabuse | stephen_ | 10:49 |
ubotu | stephen_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:49 |
runlevelten | Hi folks. xD All relaxed and chilled? | 10:49 |
stephen_ | yes :D | 10:50 |
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x89x | noone helpful here | 10:50 |
stephen_ | lol | 10:50 |
jhutchins | runlevelten: Windin' up and getting roasted here, but... | 10:50 |
stdin | stephen_: don't want to get a kick/ban ;) | 10:50 |
Mungallo | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? | 10:50 |
Schuenemann | x89x, just paste the damn file as he told you | 10:50 |
stephen_ | what stdin? | 10:50 |
stdin | Schuenemann: deep breath :) | 10:50 |
Daisuke-Ido | vita_: why in the lord's name would you recommend a manual install with manual updates upon kernel changes when the repos offer the *same thing* but much easier to use | 10:50 |
stephen_ | i didnt do anything | 10:50 |
Schuenemann | =) | 10:50 |
jhutchins | x89x: What do you want us to do, come over there and fix it for you? | 10:50 |
runlevelten | does x89x understand how to get the text out of their /etc/fstab? | 10:50 |
vzduch | stdin: I think you're being a bit too fast here.. to me it looked like an accidental trigger :) | 10:50 |
Daisuke-Ido | runlevelten: don't even ask that | 10:51 |
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Daisuke-Ido | you have no idea :) | 10:51 |
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jhutchins | Schuenemann: Careful there, children present. | 10:51 |
runlevelten | haha OK. | 10:51 |
Schuenemann | sorry | 10:51 |
stdin | stephen_: if you play with the bot too much, an op will get angry and kick (and/or) ban you | 10:51 |
Daisuke-Ido | earmuffs | 10:51 |
=== runlevelten puts on his wary beenie.. | ||
stdin | stephen_: just letting you know :) | 10:51 |
stephen_ | i didnt play with it | 10:51 |
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Daisuke-Ido | i do think that was an accidental trigger, but for future reference :) | 10:52 |
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x89x | here | 10:53 |
x89x | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30158/ | 10:53 |
intelikey | x89x i'm looking now | 10:53 |
x89x | thanks | 10:54 |
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stephen_ | i shoudnt say anything about (the bot) in my sentences | 10:54 |
Daisuke-Ido | that may be the shortest UUID i've ever seen :D | 10:54 |
intelikey | x89x have you formated that partition lately ? | 10:54 |
Daisuke-Ido | stephen_: not that you shouldn't mention ubotu, just that you shouldn't START a line with ubotu | 10:54 |
stephen_ | oh | 10:54 |
stephen_ | lol | 10:54 |
Daisuke-Ido | that acts the same as ! | 10:55 |
x89x | intelikey: no. just the file syste partition during installaion | 10:55 |
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Daisuke-Ido | ubotu botsnack | 10:55 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 10:55 |
stephen_ | so if i type in ubotu in the middle of a sentence its fine? | 10:55 |
stdin | yeah | 10:55 |
Daisuke-Ido | that has the same effect as !botsnack (which i won't do right now) | 10:55 |
Schuenemann | what is that Yum? | 10:55 |
Daisuke-Ido | yum is fedora's package manager | 10:56 |
Mungallo | Yellow dog Package manager | 10:56 |
vzduch | Schuenemann: YellowDog Updater, Modified.. it's used as a pkg manager e.g. in Fedora | 10:56 |
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Schuenemann | ahh... | 10:56 |
intelikey | x89x run this gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and change "UUID=F0CE-C494" to "/dev/hda1" and on the same line change the one at the end to a zeor 1 to 0 | 10:56 |
vzduch | dayum.. I think my music was louder just yesterday.. | 10:56 |
stephen_ | hmmm how do i set up kubuntu using command line? | 10:56 |
vzduch | stephen_: define 'set up Kubuntu' | 10:57 |
intelikey | x89x can you handle that ? | 10:57 |
stephen_ | in terminal | 10:57 |
x89x | i dunno ! | 10:57 |
Daisuke-Ido | vzduch: check pcm volume, that's the first thing i do :P | 10:57 |
stdin | stephen_: if you want to install from the command line, you need the alternate cd | 10:57 |
stephen_ | where do i get that? | 10:57 |
x89x | intelikey: i'm doing it | 10:57 |
stephen_ | and how big is it? | 10:58 |
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stdin | !alternate | stephen_ it's the same size as the desktop cd, | 10:58 |
ubotu | stephen_ it's the same size as the desktop cd,: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 10:58 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: I didn't change any volume settings for the last few days | 10:58 |
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intelikey | x89x i'll show the whole line and what i want you to change it to. " UUID=F0CE-C494 /media/hda1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 " to " /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 " | 10:58 |
Daisuke-Ido | doesn't mean other apps couldn't have | 10:58 |
vzduch | but you're right.. my PCM volume was down.. don't know where from | 10:59 |
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stephen_ | i dont understand what ubotu said? | 10:59 |
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stdin | stephen_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ choose the alternate one | 10:59 |
Mungallo | vzduch: you using XMMS? | 10:59 |
vzduch | Mungallo: no, Audacious | 10:59 |
Mungallo | might be that. | 11:00 |
Daisuke-Ido | an xmms clone :) | 11:00 |
x89x | intelikey: done | 11:00 |
intelikey | x89x ok save and exit then run this: sudo mkdir -p /media/hda1 ;sudo umount -a ;sudo mount -a | 11:00 |
Mungallo | I know I've had problems with XMMS dealing directly with alsamixer | 11:00 |
vzduch | the volume slider in Audacious has no effect whatsoever | 11:00 |
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Mungallo | weird. | 11:00 |
intelikey | x89x that will do the same thing as far as the mounting process as a reboot would do. | 11:00 |
runlevelten | amarok > xmms < mpd | 11:01 |
stephen_ | i think i just released the partition and changed the 1st boot to cd rom | 11:02 |
stephen_ | hopefully that will work | 11:02 |
x89x | intelikey: | 11:02 |
Daisuke-Ido | i should really alias what i'm about to say... | 11:02 |
x89x | umount: /dev: device is busy | 11:02 |
x89x | umount: /proc/bus/usb: device is busy | 11:02 |
x89x | umount: /var/run: device is busy | 11:02 |
x89x | umount: /sys: device is busy | 11:02 |
x89x | umount: /: device is busy | 11:02 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:02 |
Daisuke-Ido | x89x: that's normal | 11:02 |
runlevelten | I know, really useful comment. Sorry, the temperature's like doubled here or something and it's pushed my stoopid right up :\ | 11:02 |
waylandbill | !paste | x89x | 11:02 |
ubotu | x89x: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 11:02 |
Daisuke-Ido | anyway, as i was going to say | 11:02 |
intelikey | x89x now you should be able to view both the ntfs and the vfat sf's in /media and those messages were expected don't worry about them. | 11:02 |
stdin | intelikey: just a hunch, but ask for what "ls /media" shows, make sure the mountpoint is there | 11:02 |
vzduch | runlevelten: I have my reasons not to like Audacious | 11:03 |
vzduch | *Amarok | 11:03 |
intelikey | stdin did mkdir | 11:03 |
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stdin | ahh | 11:03 |
Schuenemann | I like xmms because it's liteweight | 11:03 |
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stephen_ | im off to bed | 11:03 |
stephen_ | night and thx for the help | 11:03 |
Daisuke-Ido | Rebooting is not the solution to every problem in Linux, nor even the solution to a few problems. Almost anything can be fixed without resorting to rebooting the machine (and thus losing precious uptime!) | 11:03 |
runlevelten | choice > * | 11:03 |
stdin | night stephen_ :) | 11:04 |
runlevelten | night stephen_ | 11:04 |
=== stephen_ hugs everyone | ||
stephen_ | lol | 11:04 |
x89x | intelikey: its showing up. but in.media. not the left pane ! | 11:04 |
waylandbill | I have a fast laptop... bring on the heavyweight programs. ;-) | 11:04 |
intelikey | x89x let me revisit the fstab just a sec. | 11:04 |
x89x | 1 sec | 11:04 |
runlevelten | Schuenemann: I can't stand xmms, but choice ftw, innit :-) | 11:05 |
intelikey | x89x what does groups tell you ? | 11:05 |
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Schuenemann | heh | 11:05 |
Schuenemann | amarok takes too much time to start | 11:05 |
intelikey | x89x that's cli: groups | 11:05 |
intelikey | !cli | 11:05 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 11:05 |
vzduch | Amarok doesn't do proper gapless play | 11:05 |
stdin | Schuenemann: huh, takes <1s to start | 11:05 |
x89x | intelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30161/ | 11:05 |
Schuenemann | it takes a lot more here | 11:06 |
Novell | who is closing his/her apps anyway ? I just keep everything open for a few weeks | 11:06 |
runlevelten | amarok works perfectly for me in every way. On the other hand if I want lightweight, XMMS is far more bloated than what I use for that | 11:06 |
x89x | intelikey: is it fine ? | 11:06 |
intelikey | x89x yes. you must have missed my question. run groups and show me what it say | 11:06 |
Daisuke-Ido | Uptime: 17 days, 6 hours and 39 minutes | 11:07 |
Daisuke-Ido | :D | 11:07 |
runlevelten | but again, XMMS, amarok, beep or whatever, it sure beats the hell out of using WMP or itunes \o/ | 11:07 |
waylandbill | rebooting has been made too much as a first step to anything by other OS's and more specifically the driver software and to a lesser extent the application software writers. | 11:07 |
Daisuke-Ido | not spectacular, but better than i ever got in windows :) | 11:07 |
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x89x | intilikey: i;m on ubuntu | 11:07 |
intelikey | yes. run the command groups | 11:07 |
term1n4l | agrreed runlevelten | 11:07 |
intelikey | x89x in a terminal groups | 11:07 |
x89x | x89x adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin | 11:08 |
intelikey | x89x ok one more. grep 46 /etc/group | 11:08 |
x89x | plugdev:x:46:haldaemon,x89x | 11:08 |
Daisuke-Ido | choice: the ability to have as much or as little eyecandy as you want, rather than being locked into a single GUI, like it or not | 11:08 |
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vzduch | there you have a match.. plugdev | 11:09 |
intelikey | ok 46 is plugdev you are in that so you should have read/write access to the fs | 11:09 |
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Daisuke-Ido | for instance, i'm using beryl and like some effects in my gui. intelikey is amish and isn't allowed to have a gui :P | 11:09 |
waylandbill | :) | 11:09 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: rofl | 11:10 |
x89x | intelikey: cant i make it show in the left pane like HDA6 ? | 11:10 |
vzduch | what left pane? | 11:10 |
intelikey | x89x lets add UID=1000, to the defaults list in the fstab and see if we can | 11:10 |
x89x | of computer | 11:10 |
vzduch | ? | 11:10 |
Daisuke-Ido | i would assume in konqueror | 11:10 |
stdin | vzduch: something in nautilus I think | 11:10 |
waylandbill | sounds like nautilu | 11:10 |
stdin | Daisuke-Ido: no, he used Ubuntu | 11:10 |
Daisuke-Ido | oh. | 11:11 |
stdin | yes | 11:11 |
intelikey | x89x gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 11:11 |
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x89x | then | 11:11 |
Daisuke-Ido | well to be fair, i'm using nautilus right now because konqueror + ark don't play well when unzipping multiple files :( | 11:11 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: use Krusader | 11:11 |
vzduch | :) | 11:11 |
intelikey | change " /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 " to " /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat defaults,uid=1000,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 " | 11:11 |
=== stdin uses konsole as a file manager | ||
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@host81-149-185-161.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | x89x notice the added uid=1000 in there ^ | 11:12 |
=== intelikey uses mc | ||
waylandbill | i just grab a cli if I need to operate on multiple files. | 11:12 |
Daisuke-Ido | there are some times i actually miss qdos | 11:12 |
vzduch | "whoah yeah, moah yeah, kill all the white man.." *sing* | 11:12 |
=== userund [n=userund@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | sometimes i even use gentoo for that stdin | 11:12 |
stdin | gentoo, eww :p | 11:13 |
=== vzduch doesn't like gentoo (the file manager) | ||
x89x | intelikey: done | 11:13 |
x89x | now | 11:13 |
Daisuke-Ido | waylandbill: i'd rather do that, but i haven't figured out how to get unzip to extract multiple archives into multiple directories based on filename :\ | 11:13 |
intelikey | x89x save and exit | 11:13 |
x89x | done | 11:13 |
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=== knubbe [n=knubbe@h180n6c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | konqueror is good for platform-agnostic, protocol-agnostic integration of servers' file systems for stuff like your editors and whatnot | 11:14 |
stdin | intelikey: "gentoo - a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager", two things I don NOT associate with you. "GUI" and "X" | 11:14 |
intelikey | x89x repete the commnd to remount the fs. the up arrow key will step through the command history run sudo mkdir -p /media ;sudo... | 11:14 |
waylandbill | Daisuke-Ido: scripting, sed, backticks or a little bit of redirection. There's plenty of ways to do it. :-) | 11:14 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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intelikey | stdin yeah but have you seen gentoo it's so not gui'ish :) | 11:14 |
x89x | intelikey: this one ? sudo mkdir -p /media/hda1 ;sudo umount -a ;sudo mount -a | 11:15 |
intelikey | yep | 11:15 |
stdin | intelikey: I have used it, but not recently | 11:15 |
vzduch | intelikey: if you're such a die-hard cli user you could as well use mc ;) | 11:15 |
=== emily [n=emily@cpe-76-187-43-65.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | stdin yeah actually i've only used a very few times. | 11:15 |
x89x | intelikey: sudo mkdir -p /media ;sudo... with the ... ?? | 11:15 |
jhutchins | Daisuke-Ido: qdos! qdos ruled! | 11:15 |
stdin | vzduch: he does: [22:12] * intelikey uses mc | 11:15 |
jhutchins | Daisuke-Ido: qmodem too! | 11:16 |
intelikey | vzduch errr that's what i said just before the gentoo post | 11:16 |
=== plukin [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-208-128.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | waylandbill: the problem being that i don't know much about that | 11:16 |
=== allen [n=allen@pool-71-101-43-126.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | jhutchins: i prefered telix | 11:16 |
vzduch | intelikey: ok, I overlooked that :) | 11:16 |
intelikey | x89x no just like in your history | 11:16 |
jhutchins | Daisuke-Ido: I helped develop procom. | 11:16 |
runlevelten | There are things that work more conveniently using konqueror than with the shell. | 11:16 |
=== kevin__ [n=kevin@AMontpellier-256-1-91-88.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
emily | sudo mount /dev/sdb1 | 11:16 |
emily | fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /media/sdb1: No such file or directory | 11:16 |
emily | FUSE mount point creation failed | 11:16 |
emily | Unmounting /dev/sdb1 (Emily's External) | 11:16 |
runlevelten | I know. I did just say that. | 11:16 |
waylandbill | Daisuke-Ido: there's always time to learn. I'm from a programming background, so I just think that way naturally. :) | 11:16 |
intelikey | x89x the ... just meant i didn't want to type it all out | 11:16 |
Daisuke-Ido | waylandbill: yeah, i've been trying, but haven't gotten that far yet :\ | 11:17 |
emily | anyone? | 11:17 |
vzduch | emily: you sure that /media/sdb1 exists? | 11:17 |
jhutchins | emily: sudo mkdir /media/sdb1 | 11:17 |
emily | no | 11:17 |
Daisuke-Ido | the best i've done is to write a script to automagically connect me to the campus's wireless network | 11:17 |
waylandbill | Daisuke-Ido: start one thing at a time. small steps lead to bigger ones. | 11:17 |
runlevelten | Agreed. WIMP is slow, clumsy and inefficient. Computers would be doing a lot more for people if it had never existed. | 11:17 |
jhutchins | I think the /media stuff is supposed to be created on-the-fly, but if you're doing a manual mount you probably need that. | 11:17 |
Daisuke-Ido | runlevelten: by WIMP do you mean Windows? | 11:17 |
Daisuke-Ido | because it's just as accurate that way | 11:18 |
emily | got it thanks | 11:18 |
x89x | intelikey: still not shoing up in the side pane ! | 11:18 |
jhutchins | runlevelten: It has it's place. | 11:18 |
intelikey | jhutchins only of passing interest but stdin tught me to use the -p switch on things like that just to ignore error messages mkdir -p /blah/blah/blah also creates the parents | 11:18 |
Daisuke-Ido | jhutchins: i cried when telix got a windows version | 11:18 |
jhutchins | I have to admit I'm more likely to use quanta and fish than ssh and vi. | 11:18 |
Daisuke-Ido | and it sucked. | 11:18 |
emily | thanks jhutchins and vzduch | 11:18 |
intelikey | x89x you did close nautilus between the remounts ? | 11:18 |
Daisuke-Ido | because i couldn't stand windows at that point :( | 11:18 |
=== xBill [n=dario@p5494F99A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | ooh, I taught intelikey something :D | 11:18 |
x89x | nautilus ? | 11:18 |
runlevelten | I remember when average middle-aged women doing secretarial work were expected to use a console. And they did it. | 11:19 |
jhutchins | intelikey: That's very handy - but we do know that /media exists and we're only going one level deep. | 11:19 |
=== stuq [n=Stuart@user-12lcqol.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | I remember when Word Perfect ran on a dedicated machine the size of a desk. | 11:19 |
waylandbill | stdin: I'd normally say that was an impossibilty. :-) | 11:19 |
jhutchins | It never got over that. | 11:19 |
intelikey | x89x i failed to mention that if anything is viewing the fs it can't remount it so close anything that was looking at it and rerun the long command | 11:19 |
stdin | jhutchins: but if /media/sdb1 exists, mkdir would error, with -p it won't | 11:19 |
runlevelten | There is nothing wrong or hard about consoles at all, but now people are trained to be scared. | 11:19 |
jhutchins | Still wants the whole bloody system to itself. | 11:19 |
=== matysecek [n=matysek@141.Red-83-43-130.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | stdin: Either way, you know it's there. | 11:20 |
intelikey | jhutchins yeah i said only passing interest. | 11:20 |
jhutchins | stdin: Good point though. | 11:20 |
Daisuke-Ido | never was much for wordperfect | 11:20 |
jhutchins | handy for mkdir /media/sdb1 && mount.... | 11:20 |
x89x | intelikey: still not shoing up on the desktop nor the sdie pane | 11:20 |
stdin | jhutchins: saves people saying "ohh, there was an error ......." :) | 11:20 |
runlevelten | jhutchins: gotta love the css bit on quanta, actually. | 11:20 |
intelikey | x89x hmmm in the terminal ls /media/hda1/ | 11:21 |
jhutchins | WordPerfect had ONE great feature - fit text to page - it would reformat your text size to make a sign or flier automatically. | 11:21 |
intelikey | x89x do you see stuff or is it empty ? | 11:21 |
jhutchins | intelikey: Prob'ly mounting as root-only. | 11:21 |
x89x | intelikey: i see stuff | 11:21 |
x89x | all the folders | 11:22 |
intelikey | jhutchins we've been playing with fstab. | 11:22 |
Daisuke-Ido | is it the stuff that should be there? | 11:22 |
intelikey | x89x ok add -l to the ls command and show me one line of output | 11:22 |
runlevelten | Arg. This heat is terrible man. | 11:22 |
waylandbill | stdin: saves some grief. Wouldn't do it in a bash script as you'd want to catch and handle an error, but I like that it would supress the error and the potential complaint. :-) | 11:22 |
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c047b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | x89x ls /media/hda1/ -l | 11:23 |
stdin | waylandbill: actually, I use it in some bash scripts. just to make sure a directory is made. and to save me typing "mkdirhier" | 11:23 |
x89x | intelikey: where do i show you | 11:23 |
x89x | here ?? | 11:23 |
intelikey | and show one line from it's return yes here | 11:23 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ ls /media/hda1/ -l | 11:24 |
x89x | total 1474384 | 11:24 |
x89x | -rwxrwx--- 1 x89x plugdev 0 2007-03-23 01:46 autoexec.bat | 11:24 |
Tm_T | ha | 11:24 |
=== x89x [n=x89x@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | x89x: one line, not all of them (; | 11:24 |
x89x | lol. i lost | 11:24 |
x89x | sorrryyy | 11:24 |
Tm_T | !pastebin | x89x | 11:24 |
ubotu | x89x: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 11:24 |
intelikey | ok you have full access to that. it should not restrict anything you do | 11:24 |
x89x | intelikey: the computer shows hda6 but not hda1 | 11:25 |
x89x | in the places option | 11:25 |
x89x | its shows hda6 lin the side pane too but not hda1 | 11:26 |
=== Riyoxke [n=johan@d54C14739.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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stdin | x89x: that's something to do with gnome then, the partition is mounted and you have access | 11:27 |
intelikey | x89x now for the rest of your delima as to why it doesn't show up in the left/right paine in some gnome app i fear you will have to ask someone in #ubuntu i caution you that you should not let them just blindly dirrect you to change the fstab file it is correct now. and the device is mounted propperly thus the error is no longer in the general linux relmn and i don't do gnome. | 11:27 |
=== ||arifaX_ [n=||arifaX@p54B5A0E1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | intelikey: 1 last thing. How do i rename HDA1 and HDA6 ? | 11:28 |
intelikey | x89x you "should" be able to use nautilus to manipulate the files on that fs try nautilus | 11:29 |
smaggard | x86 dawg | 11:29 |
intelikey | x89x to rename try adding symlinks | 11:29 |
smaggard | not x89 | 11:29 |
smaggard | or 64 bit is the better of the 2 | 11:29 |
=== BudgetDedicated [n=BudgetDe@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | x89x like this ln -s /media/hda1 ~/my_vfat_drive | 11:29 |
BluesKaj | gnome ppl throw rocks at kde users , but we are mainly patient with them :) | 11:29 |
=== ||arifaX_ is now known as ||arifaX | ||
intelikey | x89x then in your home dir there is the fs... | 11:30 |
=== BluesKaj ducks | ||
stdin | BluesKaj: it's because we're better than them :) | 11:30 |
Daisuke-Ido | smaggard: there's a person here called x89x, "DAWG" | 11:30 |
Daisuke-Ido | cig time :D | 11:31 |
x89x | my_vfat_drive can be any name like home ?? intelikey ? | 11:31 |
intelikey | yes | 11:31 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ ln -s /media/hda1 ~/home | 11:32 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:32 |
x89x | no output | 11:32 |
stdin | yes, then it worked | 11:32 |
intelikey | x89x it is also portable. that is you can rename and move the link without it affecting the mount. thus the appearance of the file system via the link is what ever you want it to be. | 11:32 |
vzduch | question is if you want that | 11:32 |
intelikey | x89x in linux normally no error means no error | 11:32 |
=== Smooph [n=Smooph@e180153213.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
intelikey | x89x that is if you issue a command an it simply returns quietly to the prompt you assume it worked | 11:33 |
x89x | intelikey: theres a folder name "newname" in /media | 11:33 |
intelikey | x89x sudo rm /media/newname | 11:34 |
=== bislo [n=bislo@host128-67-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | whats that for ? | 11:34 |
bislo | ciao a tuttti | 11:34 |
intelikey | so "now there isn't" | 11:34 |
intelikey | :) | 11:34 |
stdin | intelikey: rmdir, rm won't remove a dir | 11:34 |
intelikey | -r it will | 11:34 |
jhutchins | stdin: rm -r will. | 11:34 |
stdin | you didn't put -r in tho | 11:34 |
x89x | days | 11:35 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ sudo rm /media/newname | 11:35 |
x89x | rm: cannot remove `/media/newname': Is a directory | 11:35 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:35 |
x89x | its 10 GB !!!!! | 11:35 |
jhutchins | rm iwll remove a symlink as well. | 11:35 |
stdin | see ^ </smug> | 11:35 |
=== bislo [n=bislo@host128-67-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
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jhutchins | stdin: If she'd got 10G in there, perhaps it's just as well. | 11:35 |
x89x | its 10 GB intelikey ! | 11:35 |
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jhutchins | x89x: ls /media/newname/ just to see. | 11:35 |
vzduch | what is 10 GB? | 11:35 |
=== miles flexes because he just got subversion set up | ||
=== Daillew [n=david@82-39-244-50.cable.ubr02.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== mzanfardino [n=mark@adsl-69-105-1-192.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | stdin and you why i didn't add -r | 11:36 |
stdin | x89x: post the output of "mount" to pastebin | 11:36 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ ls /media/newname/ | 11:36 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:36 |
stdin | intelikey: rmdir also fails if the dir isn't empty :) | 11:36 |
vzduch | x89x: that means it's empty and you can remove it | 11:36 |
x89x | but its 10 GB. | 11:36 |
=== Hadarra is away: Gone away for now. | ||
intelikey | stdin yeah i know. but it could have been a link | 11:37 |
vzduch | x89x: just to be sure try 'ls -a /media/newname/' | 11:37 |
x89x | does that make a difference | 11:37 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ ls -a /media/newname/ | 11:37 |
x89x | . .. | 11:37 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:37 |
vzduch | it _is_ empty | 11:37 |
intelikey | x89x it's empty | 11:37 |
=== Hadarra [n=Hadarra@a88-112-78-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
x89x | you guya are so helpful :) | 11:37 |
x89x | guys | 11:37 |
miles | thank you! | 11:37 |
jhutchins | (We are running as root here, right?) | 11:37 |
intelikey | jhutchins heh | 11:38 |
x89x | now ho i remove it ? | 11:38 |
vzduch | x89x: 'sudo rm -rf /media/newname/' | 11:38 |
x89x | where will it go then ? | 11:39 |
vzduch | it'll be gone | 11:39 |
=== gary [n=gary@ip68-229-117-216.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | what about the space ? | 11:39 |
x89x | can i merge it to hda1 | 11:39 |
x89x | it was a part of hda1 | 11:39 |
vzduch | ? | 11:39 |
=== jackob [n=jackob@160-181-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | x89x: /media/newname/ is empty. | 11:39 |
=== miles casts level 3 fire | ||
=== wonko_ [n=wonko@85-125-176-70.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | actually -f is a redhat left over they used to default rm to -i so you had to add -f or answer for each inode debian doesnt' do that | 11:40 |
x89x | no what i'm asking is whaere that 10 GB will go ? | 11:40 |
stdin | x89x: what is 10GB?? | 11:40 |
Mungallo | the device? | 11:41 |
x89x | the space of the newname folder | 11:41 |
vzduch | x89x: no, it's not, it's empty | 11:41 |
=== stdin blinks | ||
intelikey | x89x what 10g du -sk /media | 11:41 |
x89x | its a partition i guess the n!! | 11:41 |
x89x | it shows free space 9.9 GB in the properties !! | 11:42 |
intelikey | x89x issue the command du -sk /media | 11:42 |
stdin | x89x: that's means there is that much free space on the partition /media is on, so the / (root) | 11:42 |
intelikey | x89x issue the command df -h | 11:43 |
=== BudgetDedicated [n=BudgetDe@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | intelikey: you mean "du -sk /media/newname" ? | 11:43 |
x89x | du -sk /media. | 11:43 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ du -sk /media | 11:43 |
stdin | any one of them | 11:43 |
x89x | curser is blinking | 11:43 |
x89x | nothing is happening | 11:43 |
phoenixz | Hi there, I am using kmail and all the time, I have message headers in a RED color that suddenly dissappear. .whats this about? | 11:43 |
x89x | ok | 11:43 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ du -sk /media | 11:44 |
x89x | 32036739 /media | 11:44 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:44 |
=== Daillew [n=david@82-39-244-50.cable.ubr02.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
stdin | x89x: now "df -h" | 11:44 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ df -h | 11:45 |
x89x | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 11:45 |
x89x | /dev/hda3 14G 2.6G 10G 21% / | 11:45 |
=== neverblue2 [n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | varrun 474M 108K 474M 1% /var/run | 11:45 |
x89x | procbususb 474M 108K 474M 1% /proc/bus/usb | 11:45 |
x89x | udev 474M 108K 474M 1% /dev | 11:45 |
x89x | /dev/hda1 10G 9.1G 943M 91% /media/hda1 | 11:45 |
x89x | /dev/hda5 50G 22G 28G 44% /media/hda6 | 11:45 |
x89x | x89x@x89x:~$ | 11:45 |
stdin | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) < x89x | 11:45 |
=== neverblue2 [n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
intelikey | x89x it will. the first shows the actual used space the second shows the disk usage and where it's mounted. we are showing you some commands that will help you in future situations like this. | 11:45 |
stdin | x89x: yeah, /media/newname is empty, nothing there, you can remove it | 11:46 |
intelikey | help you to understand what and where your media is. | 11:46 |
x89x | how do i remove thee /media/newname | 11:46 |
intelikey | sudo rm -r /media/newname | 11:47 |
x89x | its gone | 11:47 |
intelikey | x89x so happy now ? | 11:47 |
x89x | its took my 10 GB off !! | 11:47 |
x89x | i'm ripped ! | 11:47 |
vzduch | *headdesk* | 11:48 |
vzduch | he just doesn't get it.. | 11:48 |
intelikey | vzduch it takes time. you didn't learn it all the first day either... | 11:48 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-193-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
x89x | ya | 11:49 |
x89x | i;m getting it | 11:49 |
x89x | it was a part of hda1 right | 11:49 |
=== OOD [n=OOD@dsl-150-185.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | nope | 11:49 |
stdin | x89x: check the properties on /media, it should say 10GB, so it's still there | 11:49 |
x89x | :( | 11:49 |
x89x | ya | 11:49 |
x89x | its there | 11:49 |
stdin | good | 11:50 |
x89x | but | 11:50 |
x89x | howcome hda6 is in media | 11:50 |
x89x | with 28.0 GB free ?? | 11:50 |
intelikey | it was and still is part of hda3 | 11:50 |
vzduch | x89x: an easy analogy.. if, on Windows, you have a partition, say D:, w/ 10 GB free space, and you have an empty folder properties of which show '10 GB free', and you delete the folder, are the 10 GB free space gone? | 11:50 |
intelikey | <x89x> /dev/hda5 50G 22G 28G 44% /media/hda6 | 11:50 |
intelikey | because it's your ntfs partition | 11:51 |
x89x | whats media for ? | 11:51 |
intelikey | for mounting all media devices | 11:51 |
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intelikey | some linux distros use /mnt some /media | 11:51 |
x89x | so should it show 28 + 10 GB free ?? | 11:51 |
intelikey | no | 11:52 |
x89x | i mean | 11:52 |
x89x | shouldnt | 11:52 |
x89x | why ? | 11:52 |
intelikey | back to the df -h | 11:52 |
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intelikey | don't show us we can still see the last flood | 11:52 |
x89x | hehe | 11:52 |
x89x | was going to past | 11:52 |
stdin | x89x: /media/newname was just a folder, on the hda3 partition, you just removed an empty folder | 11:52 |
x89x | e | 11:52 |
intelikey | but you notice the three partitions mounted there hda? and the free and used space of each. | 11:53 |
x89x | so hda3 = media ? | 11:53 |
intelikey | hda3 = / | 11:53 |
x89x | showning same free space ? | 11:53 |
intelikey | and anthing in / is part of it | 11:53 |
x89x | how do i learn all these commands u people told me ? | 11:54 |
intelikey | i.e. the fs hda3 is the root file system for the linux system thus every thing in the fs that is not a mountpoint is part of the root fs. | 11:54 |
intelikey | http://linuxbasics.org/ | 11:54 |
=== gdub [n=chatzill@S010600c0f048608c.no.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | !cli | 11:55 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 11:55 |
jhutchins | http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html | 11:55 |
Daisuke-Ido | x89x: there are lots of resources, and one of the best ways is to hang out here | 11:55 |
stdin | x89x: in linux there is no C: D: E: etc, everything goes in "/", you then 'mount' the partition inside that, so hda3 is mounted on '/' and hda1 in mounted on "/media/hda1" | 11:55 |
jhutchins | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 11:55 |
Daisuke-Ido | i've learned more from these guys than i ever did from reading tutorials and man pages, though they are nice | 11:55 |
runlevelten | x89x: Experience is the best teacher. Apart from an actual teacher, that is. | 11:55 |
jhutchins | Break something, then figure out how to fix it. | 11:55 |
jhutchins | Remember: experience is proportional to data destroyed. | 11:56 |
Mungallo | HA, so true. | 11:56 |
runlevelten | jhutchins: Yeah, not knowing what you're doing is self-correcting behaviour with GNU/Linux and BSD. | 11:56 |
Schuenemann | what happens to windows when you use all drive letters? | 11:57 |
Daisuke-Ido | jhutchins: i should have a leg up on a lot of people. the first time i tried installing ubuntu i lost an entire drive worth of data | 11:57 |
=== MikHell [n=michel@DNab4227ce.Stanford.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Schuenemann | crash, maybe? | 11:57 |
Daisuke-Ido | Schuenemann: you can't add more. | 11:57 |
jhutchins | Schuenemann: I believe there's a way to get it to double up, AA: BB: etc. | 11:57 |
Banksey | Hey guys, Anyone help me out with using Gdesklets, I have them installed, But when I run them I get a Shell Program. Help would be much appricated :) | 11:57 |
=== hamza [n=hamza@m88.net81-64-137.noos.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | jhutchins: to a limited extent, yes | 11:57 |
stdin | Schuenemann: it explodes and bill gates slaps you | 11:57 |
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intelikey | x89x actually there are two major schools of thought on that question, 1 the read read read read read methood where you read docs for the next 10 years by which time everything will have probably changed anyway 2. the try it and reformat methood where you cludge around in the commands list testing things and reading the "man pages" as needed, where you also break your system many times and reload about twice a | 11:57 |
Schuenemann | hehe | 11:57 |
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jhutchins | Daisuke-Ido: If you've run qdos, you know more about your computer than most people running linux. | 11:58 |
vzduch | afaik you can use 255 drive designators in Windoze | 11:58 |
intelikey | x89x so pick your posion | 11:58 |
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MikHell | Hi. I have a peculiar dhcp problem. Anyone knows anything about the dhcp clients of linux? | 11:58 |
runlevelten | Daisuke-Ido: KNOWING you should be careful and why - useful. | 11:58 |
x89x | ok | 11:58 |
Daisuke-Ido | Banksey: you want #ubuntu, this is #kubuntu, for kde (and gdesklets are a gnome thing afaik) | 11:58 |
stdin | vzduch: what are they called when you use A-Z then? | 11:58 |
x89x | i amnt able to install the sound driver ! intelikey | 11:58 |
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jhutchins | MikHell: Fire away. If nobody here now knows, someone might come along and see the scrollbuffer. | 11:58 |
runlevelten | DHCP in the home = frivolous party networking. | 11:59 |
intelikey | !sound | x89x | 11:59 |
ubotu | x89x: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:59 |
vzduch | stdin: I have no friggin' idea.. and I don't f****** care :D | 11:59 |
stdin | vzduch: hehe :) | 11:59 |
MikHell | OK This is the second time I have hit this problem. | 11:59 |
Schuenemann | maybe it will become D, and you lose everything you had on D | 11:59 |
jhutchins | runlevelten: Not at all. centralized and simple network management. | 11:59 |
x89x | and the video drivers !! | 11:59 |
MikHell | It seems some dhcp server give an address temporarily then a final one a little after | 11:59 |
intelikey | x89x it's been lots of fun trying to help you but i need to get some work done too. | 11:59 |
intelikey | !ati | x89x | 11:59 |
ubotu | x89x: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:59 |
MikHell | I get this impression by observing what MacOS is doing. | 12:00 |
x89x | ok | 12:00 |
x89x | tahnks | 12:00 |
x89x | btw it ASUS | 12:00 |
intelikey | np | 12:00 |
=== runlevelten shudders | ||
=== freechelmi [n=freechel@peh13-1-82-235-100-231.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | via deltachrome | 12:00 |
MikHell | But the linux dhcp client cannot deal with this two-time connection system and slowly just gives me the first address. | 12:00 |
x89x | IGP | 12:00 |
Mungallo | You mean releasing the IP in the pool and the reaquiring it later? once per day or so? | 12:00 |
=== stdin thinks intelikey deserves an award | ||
=== stdin gives intelikey the "Most patient of 2007" award | ||
intelikey | x89x sudo lshw | less and you can use the info to help you decide what drivers you need. | 12:01 |
=== ArtMoonik__ [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | MikHell: Where is this server? | 12:01 |
runlevelten | jhutchins: Actually I was joking, but to be honest I don't use DHCP in the home. | 12:01 |
intelikey | x89x also lsmod | less to show what drivers are installed sudo modprobe <driver> to install a driver "assumes that the driver is already a module" | 12:02 |
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MikHell | jhutchins: This one is in Stanford U | 12:02 |
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jhutchins | MikHell: Ok, so you're directly connected. | 12:03 |
jhutchins | MikHell: Best bet is to contact Standford's linux support folks and ask them how to cope with it. | 12:03 |
=== sito [n=sito@124.Red-81-35-51.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MikHell | It does not happen when I use the wireleless but only with cab | 12:03 |
MikHell | cable | 12:03 |
jhutchins | MikHell: I believe it's a Mac/WIndows thing. | 12:03 |
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c047b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MikHell | Stanford support does not know anything. | 12:03 |
MikHell | jhutchins: you've heard of it? | 12:04 |
jhutchins | MikHell: Yeah, I think it's part of the ZEN stuff. | 12:04 |
jhutchins | MikHell: Yes. | 12:04 |
Mungallo | You have both wireless and wired hooked up? at the same time? On kubuntu? | 12:04 |
MikHell | ZEN? | 12:04 |
jhutchins | "Zero Effort Networking" | 12:04 |
intelikey | x89x mdoprobe -l | less for a list of the module avalable also of note "grep" is a very powerful filter you can filter any cli output with it or search within files for strings example modprobe -l | grep snd | 12:04 |
MikHell | Mungallo: not at the same time now but I have done it before. | 12:04 |
Daisuke-Ido | to connect to your wireless network, answer the following question: | 12:04 |
Daisuke-Ido | what is the sound of one hand clapping? | 12:04 |
intelikey | ok later guys i'm busy for a while | 12:04 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F1D45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | MikHell: Best to do things the way The Powers That Be prefer on a school network. | 12:04 |
Daisuke-Ido | THAT is zen networking. | 12:05 |
Mungallo | ah. In my experience, my wireless and wired don't like to hang on to an IP if they're both on. | 12:05 |
vzduch | Daisuke-Ido: lol | 12:05 |
jhutchins | MikHell: Stanford ain't exactly clueless, they should be able to help. | 12:05 |
MikHell | What is ZEN networking? | 12:05 |
Schuenemann | hehehe | 12:05 |
Schuenemann | !zen | 12:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:05 |
jhutchins | MikHell: It's an automated network discovery/configuration system sold by Novell. | 12:05 |
MikHell | jhutchins: Well there are sub-levels. Maybe the top level would know ;) | 12:05 |
MikHell | jhutchins: You know how to do ZEN on ubunto then? :) | 12:06 |
jhutchins | MikHell: http://sulug.stanford.edu/ | 12:06 |
jhutchins | MikHell: Like I said, better to contact the admins there and do it their way than to try to work it out yourself. | 12:06 |
x89x | thogh i have a via GPU | 12:07 |
x89x | i have to select vesa !!! | 12:07 |
Mungallo | Exciting, no? | 12:08 |
Daisuke-Ido | x89x: make your life happier and go get a 6 series geforce | 12:08 |
Daisuke-Ido | like a 6600 | 12:08 |
Mungallo | vesa is a generic driver. | 12:08 |
Daisuke-Ido | they're cheap and will work well | 12:08 |
stdin | what GPU? | 12:08 |
x89x | i have a PS | 12:08 |
Schuenemann | Daisuke-Ido, how much is cheap? | 12:08 |
x89x | no PC for games | 12:08 |
MikHell | jhutchins: Thanks for the info. But why that sulug page? | 12:08 |
x89x | via deltachrome | 12:09 |
x89x | stdin | 12:09 |
=== stefan [n=stefan@port-212-202-253-170.static.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke-Ido | Schuenemann: lemme look | 12:09 |
jhutchins | Mikelevel: LUG's are often the best source for local info. | 12:09 |
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jhutchins | MikHell: LUG's are often the best source for local info. | 12:10 |
stdin | x89x: doesn't the "via" driver work? | 12:10 |
x89x | no | 12:10 |
jhutchins | MikHell: They may even have an IRC channel, ours does. | 12:10 |
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x89x | i got some monitor error ! | 12:10 |
x89x | how do i backup my xorg.conf ?? stdin ?? | 12:11 |
stdin | make sure you set the right refresh rates then | 12:11 |
Daisuke-Ido | Schuenemann: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130044 | 12:11 |
Daisuke-Ido | how's that look? | 12:11 |
Daisuke-Ido | not a 6 series, a 7 series, but very reasonable | 12:11 |
MikHell | jhutchins: OK Thanks | 12:11 |
jhutchins | x89x: Copy it to another name or location | 12:11 |
stdin | x89x: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup | 12:11 |
Schuenemann | Daisuke-Ido, seems cool | 12:11 |
x89x | how do i replace it with the backup when wanted ?? | 12:11 |
Schuenemann | a lot better than my geforce 32 MB =] | 12:11 |
x89x | the corrupt one | 12:12 |
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Schuenemann | too bad they won't ship here | 12:12 |
Daisuke-Ido | or step up a little bit | 12:12 |
stdin | x89x: just reverse the file names "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 12:12 |
Daisuke-Ido | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127210 | 12:12 |
Daisuke-Ido | a tad more expensive | 12:12 |
x89x | stdin. i mean when the system doesnt start, how do i do that ? | 12:13 |
Schuenemann | yeah... | 12:13 |
Daisuke-Ido | same card i'm running, and i haven't seen anything it can't push in linux :) | 12:13 |
stdin | x89x: login to the recovery mode, press escape when it says "Grub Loading" and it will show you the menu | 12:13 |
Schuenemann | I need one like that | 12:14 |
=== damien__ [n=damien@84-203-44-243.mysmart.ie] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | I've never liked the "buy new hardware" solution to problems in Linux. | 12:14 |
stdin | x89x: there is a "recovery mode" option, just select it and press enter | 12:14 |
x89x | ya. i've seen that | 12:14 |
stdin | x89x: when you're done, then type "exit" | 12:14 |
Schuenemann | jhutchins, well, a 32 MB is a problem anywhere | 12:14 |
=== siegie [n=siegie@d51523FB6.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
x89x | tehn login right | 12:14 |
Daisuke-Ido | jhutchins: that's not what this is, it's a "hardware upgrade that will still work with linux and produce better results" solution :) | 12:14 |
intelikey | Schuenemann 32m what ? | 12:15 |
jhutchins | Schuenemann: Run xfce in a reasonable resolution and you're fine. | 12:15 |
Schuenemann | 32 M geforce | 12:15 |
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Daisuke-Ido | geforce 2 mx 400 if i remember right :D | 12:15 |
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stdin | x89x: it will log you in as root automatically, you just type exit after you restore the backup | 12:15 |
Schuenemann | nope, it's older | 12:15 |
Schuenemann | Geforce 256 32 MB | 12:15 |
Daisuke-Ido | i ran raven shield on that card, in an amd k6/600 | 12:15 |
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