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sayersIs there a problem with installing beryl?01:17
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:18
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GargoyleI'm testing gutsy and I'm having issues with the partitioning, does anyone know here why the installer might fail on the setup of partitions?01:36
mrsnoGargoyle when manually partitioning ?01:38
Gargoylemrsno: yes.  After any changes (mount point changes mainly) it just hangs.01:39
mrsnotrying to find the release notes Gargoyle , i believe something was noted about problems partitioning01:42
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mrsnobug 12367301:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123673 in Ubuntu "Gutsy Tribe 2 Install Manual Partition Failure (dup-of: 122645)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12367301:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122645 in ubiquity "manual partitioning hangs indefinitely" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12264501:44
mrsnoubotu you impress me everyday01:44
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GargoyleI'll do some reading.  thanks01:47
=== Gargoyle will give that solution a shot. thank you mrsno
ryanakcaErm, should the installer try to mount swap? http://pastebin.ca/621144 , If so, I'll file a bug saying that it repeatedly fails, if not, I'll file a bug against debian-installer saying that it tries to mount swap01:51
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Vuen__hey all, i just upgraded to gutsy. i'm restarting now, wish me luck02:06
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Gargoylethanks mrsno, that info worked great :) Installer is plugging away now02:10
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akoshello! what alsa drivers are in gutsy?02:18
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akos_hello! what alsa drivers are in gutsy?02:22
RAOFpackages.ubuntu.com :)02:22
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dcsmith__I can't open the gnome-appearance applet04:04
dcsmith__it says that an assertion failed, and closes04:04
RAOFYup.  There's a bug filed for it04:05
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DanaGMy big gripe is that font properties has regressed -- it no longer applies changes on-the-fly.04:09
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RAOFDanaG: Bug link?04:09
DanaGOh, I'll have to search -- I don't know if there is one yet.04:11
DanaGIf not, I guess I need to file it.04:11
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dcsmith_I can't open the gnome-appearance capplet, it says an assert failed05:34
dcsmith_this is in gutsy05:35
dcsmith_something about a button not being a button05:35
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shirishubotu gutsy06:25
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+106:25
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eagles0513875anyone in here know much about xine11:49
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pvandewyngaerdesince 22.8 kernel update i can't shut down my pc properly anymore12:08
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moviup-to-date gutsy fresh install. ksoftirqd is constantly at about 20-25% cpu usage even when the pc is idle12:34
movithanks to this the whole UI "skips". this is on a Celeron 2.66Ghz (Prescott-like(12:35
movi  4 root      34  19     0    0    0 S 23.0  0.0   6:09.44 ksoftirqd/012:36
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nysosymsagt mal, habt ihr das auch fters, das der erste Buchstabe den ihr in einem beliebigen Eingabefeld eingeben wollt, verschluckt wird?12:52
nysosymahh sry wrong channel12:53
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wsjuniorhello, i cant open firefox correctly in kubuntu gutsy. it ask me to create a new profile, but when i try to create it i get this error: http://img379.imageshack.us/my.php?image=frefoxerrorvw4.jpg01:34
wsjuniori checked and folder _is_ writeable and the file doesnt already exist01:36
wsjuniorany idea to solve this?01:36
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akosis it possible to install the alsa drivers from the gutsy repository, but remain at fesisty? i had problems with gutsy, and I don't want to make the full switch, but my soundcard is supported only in alsa 1.0.402:26
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lamalexakos: you can always compile and install anything else02:28
lamalexI wouldn't necessarily use the one in gutsy's repo as it might have dependencies you can't meet in feisty02:29
akosi heared installing from CVS is quite complicated02:29
akosi can compile stuff, and have done it dozens of times, but i heared alsa is quite complicated compared to the rest02:29
akosisnt it?02:29
lamalex've never done it02:30
lamalexgo on the site and see02:30
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akosthanks :)02:31
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slimzhey guys04:04
slimzi just rebooted,and it goes to the login screen04:04
slimzwhen i login,it stays the default brown and nothing happens04:04
slimzi dont know04:04
slimzim in bitchx now, i pressed ctrl+alt+f1 and logged in04:05
slimzbut compiz was enabled on my system, ive been using it since herd104:05
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slimzhow can i disable compiz without logging in?04:07
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ZapekI don't know but you can try renaming /usr/bin/glxinfo as a workaround to test04:09
slimzwhats that do?04:09
Zapekit will fallback to metacity04:14
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thompaappearance crashes on startup on both machines. I this known. I cant find it04:33
thompapreferences: appearance crashes or does not start, also cant change background anymore04:34
gnomefreakthompa: turn compiz off at start up and restart X than see if you can open it (it sounds like the issue i was having but since other crap was messed up i reinstalled after backing everything up. if that doesnt work please try to get a backtrace and file a bug report with the backtrace attached04:38
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thompagnomefreak: i removed compiz here and still problem,04:44
thompait worked for a while after removed compiz04:45
gnomefreakthompa: grab a backtrace and file a bug. is it crashing or just not loading fully?04:45
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thompai get the notice its loading and then it dissapears,04:45
gnomefreakthompa: anything in /var/crash about it?04:46
thompabut ive been playing around installing uninstalling compiz bits04:46
gnomefreakit would be gnome-apparance-properties04:46
thompathanks let me check04:46
gnomefreakdamn i cant spell today04:46
spikebi like the new appearance thing.04:46
thompai thought it was onlt the macbook, the main pc is doing it now, both had effects disabled04:47
thompai like it too04:47
gnomefreakspikeb: problem with it is if it failes you can do anything04:47
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spikebbest make it fail proof!04:47
thompagnomefreak: can or cant?04:47
gnomefreakthompa: once it fails you cant change theme to see if that is causing it you cant change font background or effects to see what is wrong04:48
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thompai fixed it a couple of times, problem was compiz border lib04:49
thompasomething like that04:49
thompai found the crash log04:49
thompaboth machines amd 6404:50
thompagnomefreak: show background, then crash "1"04:51
thompacould that be it04:51
gnomefreaknot sure never seena  crash 104:52
thompasigsegv in style_init04:52
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thompasays it crashed there04:52
gnomefreakthompa: did apport come up?04:52
thompaonly cause i opened it04:53
gnomefreakthompa: if apport came up and asked yout o file a bug report do it04:53
gnomefreakthompa: apport in gutsy is great04:53
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thompayes, it asked on the main box, not on macbook04:54
gnomefreakfile the bug adn give as much info as you can.04:55
gnomefreakit will provide everything else04:55
spikebi actually filed some bugs, hope they're not completely useless.04:55
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slimzsince i last updated i cant start desktop effects05:03
slimzthe guy wouldnt even start till i renamed /usr/bin/glxinfo05:03
slimzsomeone on here told me to do that05:04
thompai removed compiz for now05:04
slimznow when i try to enable effects, i get an error that it cant be started05:04
slimzthompa, for the samereason?05:04
thompawell i cant even start appearance05:04
thompaim trying to file a bug on it05:05
thompaapport is not working right now05:05
thompafor me that is05:06
thompathere is an update just now05:06
thompaslimz: try upgrading first05:07
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thompagnomefreak: bug was filed gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in style_init()05:10
thompathanks for the tip05:10
thompait was already filed twice before once on 14th05:10
slimzthompa, if i boot up without compiz enabled, i can enable it and it works05:10
slimzbut if i boot up with it enabled,when i login the screen stays default brown and thegui neverloads05:11
thompaslimz: it could get worse too05:11
slimzthompa, :\05:11
slimzand i was just getting used to everything05:11
slimzoh well05:11
thompaslimz: i dont even have compiz enabled anymore05:11
thompadont use it for now05:12
thompawait a few days05:12
slimzdid it happen to alot of people or just people with ati?05:12
thompai thought it was only my macbook, nvidia too05:14
thompafor a while compiz enabled would shut down wireless05:14
thompai found that I could enable it after log on, then disable at log out worked05:15
thompaslimz: gutsy is a big improvement for me anyway so far05:16
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donspauldingHello all!  I've been running Gutsy for a few weeks now in a fairly stable manner (and no, I'm not worried about breaking this box).  But it seems that everytime I restart, after about 20 minutes the following message shows up on my gnome-terminal screen:05:21
donspauldingMessage from syslogd@isengard at Mon Jul 16 09:52:32 2007 ...05:21
donspauldingisengard kernel: [  649.272000]  Disabling IRQ #2305:21
donspauldingany ideas?05:21
donspauldingis this purely informational?05:22
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gnomefreakdonspaulding: file a bug im sure you shouldnt see that05:26
gnomefreakhint why is it disabling a kernel module :)05:27
gnomefreakassuning its not a custom built kernel or custom built modules05:27
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donspauldingno, not a custom-built kernel, I'm not that brave05:34
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donspauldingfrom that message I didn't see that it was disabling a kernel module.05:35
donspauldingI assume the 649.272000 number is the time in seconds since system start?05:36
RoC_MasterMindun huh05:38
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lontrais there a way to use the orinoco cards with tribe+2?  my wireless card was not detected but it uses the orinoco_cs chip which generally always works06:27
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Hobbseegot the restricted modules and ubuntu modules installed?06:33
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Hobbseewait, orinoco should "just work"06:33
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lontraHobbsee, yeah ... that's what i'm wondering about.  it's in the kernel by default but my card doesn't get detected06:56
Hobbseefile a bug?06:56
lontrai haven't yet .. thought i'd ask here first06:57
=== Hobbsee nods
Hobbseethat's probably file-worthy06:59
Hobbseeer, bug-worthy06:59
Hobbseeif not already filed06:59
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slimzis there a bug with remote desktop? i cant activate it08:08
slimzno error or anything, it just never comes up08:09
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timingHey guys, i have something weird with my compiz or metacity08:12
timingfor like three weeks, my workspace gnome-applet shows 4 small workspaces08:13
timingbut i have compiz loaded08:13
timingnormally it's one bik workspace, divided in 4 desks08:13
timingmy key shortcuts for switching workspaces aren't working08:14
timingand if i click on workspace 2. i go to a empty workspace with nothing at all08:14
timingi do have a right mouse button there, and some icons, but that's it08:14
timingi cannot switch back to workspace 1 then08:14
timingbecause my gnome-panels are gone as well08:15
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timingmost of the time i just do ctrl+alt+f1 kill gdm and do startx again08:15
timingsoo, can someone help me :-)08:15
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shirishanybody got broken packages , latest updates http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30130/08:33
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lontraanyone able to get an orinoco card workign with the tribe 2 cd?08:40
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login_guys , do you know if the gutsy kernel has any type of stamp or something on it saying it is a gusty kernel08:47
RoC_MasterMindyou can look in /etc/lsb-release and tell what you got08:48
RoC_MasterMindor run lsb_release -a08:48
RoC_MasterMindthey do the same thing08:48
timingand uname -a to see what kernel you have08:49
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login_ounce i install it is it possible to change that?08:57
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GortiZsorry for the stupid question but... how can I set the number of desktop on gutsy.. there's no more the menu under sistem preferences...09:10
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GortiZi've stetted it using gconf tool.. but I want to know how will people set it... -.-'!09:11
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GortiZok... i'm a real stupid person... don't worry.. I won't hurt :) sorry... well I hope that you laugh so now you feel better :P bye09:18
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RoC_MasterMindlogin_, chance what?09:19
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BFrankis there a list of what options are compiled into the Ubuntu kernel?09:41
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mrsnoBFrank in the config file in /boot/ yep09:46
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BFrankthere is a config file in /boot?10:19
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BFrankoh, I see the configuration file in /boot10:20
BFrankdoes that config file list every configurable option in the linux kerenl?10:21
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void^it should contain all options the kernel was compiled with10:22
astinuss/should/will/ :)10:23
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wsjuniori get this after installing fglrx driver (i tried both 8.38.6 from ati and the repository one, the same error): http://rafb.net/p/Ty6xOy59.html11:22
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wsjuniorthe error occurs when i type aticonfig --initial11:22
wsjuniorany idea to solve this?11:23
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