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=== Kuytu [n=Simo@d195-236-77-36.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
KuytuI was just wondering, does any of you guys have experience about HP nx7300?05:43
simiraKuytu: have you checked the laptoptesting page?05:54
KuytuI have actually, but the reason I was asking was because I'm thinking of buying one05:57
Kuytuand I was wondering if anyone could tell if it's wise to buy a computer with celeron m 44005:58
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simiraKuytu: is anyone testing it or a similar one?07:05
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Kuytulooks like no07:13
simirawell, if you want to be sure, I'd go for one of the supported models that seems to work well07:17
KuytuI'm not actually worried about it working with linux, I was wondering if it's wise to get computer with celeron m or will it become dated too soon07:20
Kuytu'cause I really don't know that much about cpu's07:20
vicentecarronot for support, ok. bye08:09
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ijuz__Kuytu: all cpu's are dated out basically, you just have to check it's power usage when you intent to use it as a mobile, at least it was like this in that the celeron supported fewer power saving measurements08:14

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