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beunojohnc4510: don't forget to add yourself in the credits in the bottom03:07
johnc4510beuno: ok   will do  ty03:20
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=== Hobbsee waves
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atoponceboredandblogging: thx for the highlight in uwn05:32
atoponceor whomever put it in there05:33
elkbuntuwell, he didnt take it out, so thank him for that ;)05:35
beunoatoponce: I think it was johnc4510  :D05:36
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=== johnc4510 says good morning all
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jendahey tsmithe 07:34
tsmithehowdy jenda; how's it going?07:35
jendagreat :)07:35
jendaJust came back from outta town where I did some massif translating :)07:35
jendaexpect a barrage of attachments soon.07:36
tsmitheexpect some back :p07:42
jendaI even managed to overwrite one section of 22000 chars :/07:50
tsmithejenda, come again?07:52
jendatsmithe: as in, accidentally delete.07:53
jenda(File exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?)07:53
tsmitheahh lol07:53
tsmithesilly child07:53
=== tsmithe away
tsmithemm je veux retourner en france ou belgique; j'adore cette langue!07:56
tsmitheok now that's out of my system, i really am away07:56
=== jenda prods beuno
=== jenda prods harder, repeatedly
beunojenda: hey!08:07
beunohow was the trip?08:08
jendaGood :)08:15
jendaI made about $500 in translations ;)08:15
jendaOnce I cash it in, that is.08:15
jendaIf I ever finish it, that is.08:15
jendaI'm about halfway through now.08:15
jendabeuno: I had a question about rsync08:15
jendabeuno: I have my doubts about it's safety :)08:16
beunojenda: money is always good08:18
jendaWhen rsyncing the huge email directory, I think there's a risk of overwriting data, because it always takes the newer version. The version on the flashdrive is 'modified' at the time of the last sync with either machine, and the one on the machine should be older if it is the machine the user hasn't been working on. If, however, he just opens thunderbird before syncing, it could touch the files, and cause them to overwrite those 08:19
jenda(in fact, it seems to have happened)08:24
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beunojenda: hmmm...   interesting...08:44
beunojenda: lemme research a little bit and get back to you with that08:44
beunojenda: that might be solved if the PCs can sync time with a time server08:44
=== jenda tries to make sense of that
jendaThat shouldn't solve it.08:46
jendaIf rsync uses the 'last modified' date, then any, even the slightest change, in the files on the 'receiving' computer will cause data loss.08:47
jendaand now I noticed that thunderbird doesn't actually use any of the transferred data.09:04
jendaI have no clue why :/09:04
jendaerm, no prolly my bad.09:14
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