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conorkirkCould someone kick "conorkirkpatrick"? I lost my connection, and it stayed in, check our hostnames to be sure ;)03:39
conorkirkfrom #ubuntu03:39
naliothconorkirk: /msg nickserv help ghost03:40
conorkirkpatrickThank you, worked like a charm! :D03:41
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niggletwhat kinda bug has #ubuntu informed me of04:30
=== Talaman72 [i=kris@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothnigglet: a router bug.  have you changed your port or upgraded your firmware?04:33
niggletits not my router04:35
naliothready for the test, nigglet ?04:38
niggletgo for it04:45
niggletat least like to know what freakin bug it is04:45
naliothnow you know04:45
naliothwonder when he'll come back . .04:50
atoponceheh. he probably still isn't aware what happened...04:50
Amaranthnalioth: when he comes back tell him to change his nick too05:20
Amaranthblatant racism is not cool05:20
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elkbuntutonyyarusso, please dont encourage drug discussion in there06:09
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: True, true - 'twas an odd little bit of legal argument though, I'll give the lawyer credit for some ingenuity06:10
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: (what's the status in AU?)06:11
elkbuntutonyyarusso, complicated. varies from state to state06:12
elkbuntuafaik in the capital it is legal to have a plant and carry personal use quantities, but still illegal to sell, whilst other states and territories are basically 0-tolerence but dont take small quantity possession too seriously06:14
=== tonyyarusso wonders how you come to possess if nobody can sell...
Tm_Tno I won't grow06:19
tonyyarusso#1 and 3 are likely illegal too06:19
Amaranth' legal to have a plant'06:20
Tm_Tmy biggest drug problem is caffeine06:21
Tm_Thum, actually, maybe sugar is bigger06:22
Tm_Tif that counts06:22
tonyyarussoI'll probably develop one for both - we get free pop from Chipotle when I'm at work06:22
Tm_TI hate this "modern culture"06:23
elkbuntusmall quantity possession is still technically outlawed, but the cops generally let you slip so long as you tell them you got it so as to get the dealer.06:23
Tm_Tpeople keeps asking "how you can relax without getting drunk?"06:23
Tm_Tfrustration ->06:24
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Talaman72 [i=kris@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Talaman72ok, how do i get back into ubuntu?06:33
elkbuntuaccording to the logs, you had a bot or AI script going.06:35
elkbuntu2007-07-12T11:46:54 <nikin> !seen p9906:36
elkbuntu2007-07-12T11:46:54 <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about seen p99 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:36
elkbuntu2007-07-12T11:46:55 <Talaman72> p99 was last seen Thu Jul 12 01:52:56 2007 changing nick from afk|p99 in #ubuntu06:36
Hobbseean away script?06:38
Talaman72away script?06:39
elkbuntuon multiple occasions you've had a bot script06:39
elkbuntu!seen p99 triggered a bot script in his client06:40
Talaman72i have many scripts06:40
Talaman72ot sure which ones would qualify as bot scripts though06:40
elkbuntuTalaman72, disable them in our channels please. they add spam. you've been removed twice now for this06:40
elkbuntu2007-05-20T21:34:47 *** tweako has joined #ubuntu06:40
elkbuntu2007-05-20T21:34:47 *** ankur has joined #ubuntu06:40
elkbuntu2007-05-20T21:34:47 <Talaman72> hello :tweako!n=mike@ool-457b6e14.dyn.optonline.net06:40
elkbuntu2007-05-20T21:34:47 <Talaman72> hello :ankur!n=ankur@
Talaman72they don't advertise06:40
elkbuntuTalaman72, spam is not just advertising, it is useless noise as well06:41
Talaman72they only reply when triggered..kind of like  2007-07-12T11:46:54 <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about seen p99 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:41
Talaman72that's kind of subjective06:41
Hobbseeso they reply when triggered, which is part of the defining factors of a bot, and bots are not allowed on #ubuntu, unless they're for a specific purpose, like ubuntu bots06:42
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Talaman72 hunts linux.org for a new linux
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elkbuntumneptok, what's the sysadmin channel? moreso, who do we harrass about the LoCo servers when neither newz2000 or heno are around?09:42
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elkbuntuaccording to my logs, he's a troll09:50
elkbuntuin this channel... Dec 26 22:50:22 <rob>   <raf256> my black friend told me that ubuntu if NOT an african word connected to ability of configuring anything, is he telling the truth?09:50
elkbuntuah, not in this channel... but still09:50
elkbuntuAmaranth, we're upping the vigilance in this channel after last week's event09:52
Amaranthso limit it to members09:52
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: isn;'t there that product you file bugs against?09:53
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: the sysadmin chan is #canonical-sysadmin09:53
elkbuntuBurgundavia, it's quicker to harrass the admins directly, and newz2000 prefers to be poked anyway ;)09:54
=== elkbuntu hunts lp anyway
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Hobbsee shakes her head at this idiot.
Hobbseeis it acceptable *anywhere* to repeat your question 9 times in a couple of minutes?02:12
Hobbseewhere most of those times are just a flood?02:12
Hobbseewith no other people talking?02:12
Seeker`Hobbsee: I'd say no02:12
Seeker`maybe except ubuntu-repeat-questions-here. But I dont think that exists02:13
PiciSomeone had asked for him/her to rephrase the question since it wasn't getting answers, but that didn't have any effect. :/02:13
Hobbsee[22:10]  <vbanait> IR_Nub: hi nobody helped me. nobody will help you02:16
Hobbsee[22:10]  <Pici> IR_Nub: Greetings02:16
Hobbseewas the bit that only i saw02:16
Hobbsee(due to the +qz02:16
Hobbseeand now we think that lots of dots will help in the question.....02:25
Seeker`you mean it doesn't...................?02:26
Hobbseeor correction, usings lots of ----- 's instead02:26
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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atoponcecan i add a factoid to ubotu for the #ubuntu-us channel?03:38
atoponcehow are they added? i mean, what's the syntax;?03:39
Hobbseefoo-#ubuntu-us is bar03:40
atoponceand, what's the difference between ubot3 and ubotu?03:40
atoponcei have both in the channel, and i don't know why03:40
naliothatoponce: ubotu is malfunctioning03:41
Hobbseeone's there for when the other dies03:41
naliothi'll remove ubot303:41
atoponcewell, which would be better to have in the channel?03:41
naliothdoes ubotu work?03:42
atoponceyeah. seems to03:42
PiciI !ops'ed before in #ubuntu but didnt see it come up in here.03:42
atoponceubotu is Seveas' bot? does he still provide support for it?03:42
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elkbuntuatoponce, seveas is on a sabbatical03:43
atoponceyeah. i heard03:43
atoponceis everything ok, or does he just need a break?03:43
elkbuntui think it's just busybusy03:43
naliothi think it's stuck in a loop03:43
naliothif it was busy, it'd eventually relay or spew a factoid03:44
elkbuntui was referring to seveas, not ubotu03:44
mc44seveas spews factoids too03:44
naliothatoponce: seveas is taking care of personal business03:45
atoponcehmmm. can't add a factoid to the bot03:54
atoponcecan't seem to register either, per the wiki documentation03:54
gnomefreakatoponce: afaik someone has to approve you and since seveas isnt around thats unlikely to happen soon.03:58
PriceChildsuggest them and we can add them03:58
nalioththe bot is malfunctioning03:59
atoponceubuntu-us is a mentoring project to build LoCo Teams in the United States.  This is not a support channel.  Please join #ubuntu.  Please refer to the topic in the channel and the ChanServ message.  Refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams for more information.03:59
naliothwhich is why ubot3 has moved into some channels03:59
atoponceis what i had. i would rather have it channel specific to #ubuntu-us if possible03:59
naliothatoponce: you have to do !factoid is blah blah blah04:00
atoponcenalioth: yeah, and it said that it was forwarding the message to #ubuntu-ops for approval04:00
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Hobbseeatoponce: then it's working as intended...04:00
naliothatoponce: no, cuz it's not here  :(04:00
Hobbseewell, yeah, should be04:00
naliothHobbsee, too04:00
atoponceyeah. i didn't see it come through04:01
Hobbseeit half worked04:01
atoponcethat's ok. i can just use !support for the time being04:01
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bbrentcan i be tested for the dcc problem04:05
PriceChildHey bbrent04:05
PriceChildlooks good04:05
bbrentthe kick i got was rather cryptic04:05
PriceChildYou may now rejoin #ubuntu :)04:05
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Tm_Tfamiliar ip05:59
mc44because its forwarded here :)06:03
PriceChildmc44, is it?06:04
PriceChildah yes06:05
PiciI was under the impression all 83.230s where banforwarded to -ops.06:05
PriceChildits just a few subnets... i did put the whole of 83.230 here but it created loads of spam here and I didn't really know what to do.06:06
atoponce83.230... madrid, spain?06:12
Hobbseeatoponce: used to be the turks06:17
Hobbseewe thought06:17
elkbuntui'd say it's not a niche ip06:18
elkbuntuer, s/ip/subnet/06:18
atoponce83.* is definitely european. not sure how it breaks down after that, though06:19
=== mc44 consults the xkcd map of the internet :)
atoponceheh. to is spain06:28
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Jordan_UWhy is zilliot not banned?11:44
PriceChildnalioth, I banned him by hostmask a while ago... shall we change your mute to a ban on nick?11:45
naliothPriceChild: do as you wish11:46
PriceChildbut I would appreciate your "blessing" :)11:46
nalioththat was it11:48
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PriceChildhmmm chanserv.py didn't like /cs u %zilliot!*@*11:52
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