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M3t0rStormx2: i didnt have any hdxxx12:01
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John`for this script: DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -vo gl -ao alsa $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS , how do I make it so that it read file names with space in between?12:01
Stormx2M3t0r: sda?12:02
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vbclever: I should write a much better tutorial on this than is currently available. :p12:03
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Drk_Gu1M3t0r, to see all the HD's you have, type fstab-l12:03
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_joeywhat does "alternate" stand for in image name?12:04
Bradyattempting to install CPU Temperature monitor according to their FAQ page http://computertemp.berlios.de/help.php halts at -$Make,12:04
Bradyreturns -make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.12:04
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Stormx2Brady: ./configure12:04
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ZambeziI completely lost it now. What is the name of Ubuntu license?12:05
M3t0rwhen i do this there only comes: >12:05
PriceChildZambezi, ubuntu has many licenses12:05
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PriceChildZambezi, parts are gpl, apache2, etc. etc.12:05
kbrooks_Zambezi, there is no specifiic Ubuntu license.12:05
ZambeziPriceChild, I mean the general.12:05
scottyhas anyone been able to get albatross18 to work in linux???12:06
PriceChildZambezi, there is no general12:06
kbrooks_Zambezi, but you have to be given the same rights when you get the CD12:06
ZambeziPriceChild, Packages in general then.12:06
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PriceChildZambezi, they all have different licenses12:06
BradyStormx2: ./configure tells me im pissing a package- pygtk-2.0. however, i am unable to apt-install pygtk-2.0- no such package exists12:06
_joeywhich image should I download?12:06
SlimeyPetezambezi: GPL2 is the most common. But many packages use non-GPL licenses.12:07
_joeythe dvd or the alternate?12:07
kbrooks_Zambezi, canonical cannot put any further restrictions on the exercise of your rights herein12:07
Stormx2Brady: it won't be called exactly that, and you'll need a -dev package.12:07
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_joeyI don't need all the software on a dvd; it gets outdated quickly12:07
ZambeziPriceChild, There's a special I'm looking for, but I think SlimeyPete named it.12:07
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Stormx2_joey: Why not just the normal one?12:07
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_joeywhat's normal?12:07
Stormx2The CD which isn't alternative/dvd?12:08
kbrooks_Zambezi, GPLV2? ok. i'll look.12:08
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_joeythere aren't others12:08
crunckIs there any place where the old APT packages for Horay are available? (I'm trying to update my old linux computer with the Warty version trough apt)12:08
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Zambezikbrooks_, Not sure now. It's not that important. I'm just doing an example on a database.12:08
PriceChildZambezi, ubuntu is made of lots of independent bits of software, with independent licenses12:08
kbrooks_Zambezi, http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html12:08
d2812What software can I use to extract text from an SWF?  swfstrings doesnt seem to be working for me.12:08
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_joeyStormx2 find the "normal" one in here: http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/12:09
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respiderhow do I disable asking password in single mode? No one has local access to the machine12:09
_joeyfor duo core processor12:09
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strtokrespider: don't be silly12:09
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kbrooks_Zambezi, i was talking about GPLv2 section 6 which says "You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein."12:10
respiderhow do I do that, I know I shouldnt12:10
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BradyStormx2: I need pygtk-*.*, wher can I find a current package name to apt-get?12:10
kbrooks_Zambezi, among other things12:10
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Stormx2Brady: Can't you just run a search in synaptic?12:11
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_joeyanyone? :)12:11
BradyStormx2: trying that now12:11
skryptHow do I rename hard drives?12:11
skryptie. icons on the desktop?12:11
_joeywhich "normal" dvd should I download? The name of the image, please :)12:11
Stormx2_joey: http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu/releases/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso12:12
aaronskrypt: right click?12:12
Zambezikbrooks_, I just erase the section and take another example.12:12
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teethdoodis there a media center app that would list all movie files that I have in a nice ready to play fashion?12:12
Stormx2skrypt: You'd need to change the mountpoint.12:12
_joeyStormx2 the desktop is the live cd12:12
skryptWhich file is that? I forget.12:12
Stormx2_joey: Yep.12:12
LukeIn sreen, my backspace doesn't work. I have to use ctrl+h. Does anyone know how to fix this?12:12
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Stormx2_joey: What were you hoping for?12:12
saxonjfWhen I try to remove Gaim from using Synaptic, it asks to remove "nautilus-sendto" and "ubuntu" desktop, also... that doesn't sound good12:13
_joeyi don't need it; I need the installation cd12:13
aaronsaxonjf: that's ok.12:13
Stormx2The live cd is the installation cd o.O12:13
fonzaiBrady: apt-cache search pygtk should also do the trick12:13
saxonjfaaron: are you sure?12:13
bobbob1016skrypt, open a terminal, and type "sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab-backup" then do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"12:13
aaronsaxonjf: yes.12:13
Stormx2_joey: Why strange?12:13
_joeybecause, usually installation cd and live cd are used for different purposes12:14
bobbob1016skrypt, wait12:14
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bobbob1016skrypt, that won't help, it won't hurt though, so just close the window12:14
Stormx2_joey: Well, ubuntu has been using the live cd as the prefered installation method for over a year now :D12:14
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Stormx2_joey: I think gentoo does the same.12:14
Stormx2Well, can do.12:14
_joeyI'd read the installation manual then12:14
matkixAnyone willing to help with figuring out a wifi and vid card driver issue?12:14
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saxonjfI looked "ubuntu-desktop" up and I think that is almost the last thing I'd ever want to uninstall12:15
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matkixAnyone willing to help with figuring out a wifi and vid card driver issue?12:15
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aaronsaxonjf: it just wants to remove a part of it. not all of it. i see it quite often.12:16
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bobbob1016skrypt, wait again, sorry, I haven't done this in a while, that window does help, if you already did "sudo cp..." just do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and I think you can rename them in there, look for the one you want to rename, if you want to rename it from HD to HDD for example, look for /media/HD in the list, next to the UID, then change it to what you want to name it, that should do it12:16
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LukeIn sreen, my backspace doesn't work. I have to use ctrl+h. Does anyone know how to fix this?12:16
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aaronskrypt: read this. http://www.debuntu.org/device-partition-labeling12:17
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serenityskrypt you need to make the directory aswell12:18
EADGLuke: check your key bindings in /etc/screenrc12:18
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skryptlol ok12:18
skryptthanks guys :)12:18
bobbob1016serenity, I wasn't sure on that, I thought it would auto-create it.  I wasn't sure what permissions it would need, so I didn't want him to sudo it12:18
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crunckI ask again if someone new can help: Is there any place where the old APT packages for Horay are available? (I'm trying to update my old linux computer with the Warty version trough apt)12:19
serenityyeah have to sudo mkdir x12:19
matkix_Anyone know anything about wireless cards? Ive red the docs, and am unable to get this thing to work!12:19
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LukeEADG: nothin that I can tell12:19
mhz`matkix, what kinda wireless card?12:19
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aaronmatkix: good luck.12:19
matkix_mhz`, I don't know... thats part of the problem. Its built in.12:19
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jstarcherhow can I use mv to move only files that were modified today?12:19
bobbob1016serenity, sudo mkdir /media/x right?12:20
mhz`ahhh, can you boot windows?12:20
skryptActually... this is all too confusing. i've done it before it and it was as simple as editing a single file.12:20
CientificoLocois there some game when I cook?12:20
mhz`shit, what was that command...lspci12:20
matkix_mhz`,  yes I sure can12:20
mhz`i think, hang on12:20
matkix_It won't show it.12:20
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John`for this script: DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -vo gl -ao alsa $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS , how do I make it so that it read file names with space in between?12:20
matkix_The ubuntu install has no idea what it is...12:20
mhz`that's not good12:20
mhz`does it tell you in windows?12:20
skryptbobbob1016: thanks. you got it.12:20
matkix_It can however see wireless networks... but cannot connect to them.12:20
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matkix_Well I have no idea how to tell... ipconfig all ?12:21
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mhz`in your device manager12:21
mhz`it should list it12:21
serenitybobbob1016: there is a fashion for /windows recently.. saves typing. i think media is meant for fstab and mnt for temp12:21
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matkix_Umm just thats its a wireless card and uses a driver than starts with a r12:21
vbclever: Seems to be working flawlessly short of starting GDM instead of just X..12:21
matkix_rak something12:21
scoobydoo28139ok i got it up and runnin now. What is the best way to install drivers for my 8500gt nvidia card?12:21
mhz`that's not much help matkix12:21
serenitybobbob1016:  i also have /boot mounted seperately12:21
matkix_no realy12:21
clevervb: X needs to run12:21
sledgeasi have installed Feisty, but it has xserver 2:1.2.0-3ubuntu8; i have only text mode, I need newer xserver (2:1.3.0), what and how repositories should i add to get it ?12:22
CientificoLocohttp://www.ubuntugames.org/ somebody knows if this site was redirecctioned?12:22
vbclever: right, but no session/window manager starts. :p12:22
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bobbob1016serenity, true, I think I did that too, forgot about it though12:22
matkix_I have access to my windows partition and might be able to see what driver they have there.... should I do that?12:22
vbclever: just have to fix this.. hehe12:22
clevervb: check the man page for vncserver and Xvnc12:22
EADGLuke: I checked my screenrc, i don't see anything for backspace... not sure what else you can try besides re-installing.12:22
clevervncserver is a script to run Xvnc12:22
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bobbob1016serenity, now that I think about it, I have boot, home, and root on different partitions, so you were right12:22
EADGLuke: #screen might have more info.12:22
pushpopHello All, I have an issue with my Ubuntu machine I just recently installed it.  I loaded my desktop with the desired applications I want to use, then I rebooted... since reboot my system runs like crap it takes several seconds for an app to launch, it is a beefy system with 4gb of memory and a dual core.  Could anyone help me12:22
serenitybobbob1016:  i like the way you can move the /home to it's own partition on linux after install without breaking anything, even change drives12:22
LukeEADG: i'm trying purging and reisntalling now. I've found and reported bugs on this on LP as well12:23
LukeEADG: other peopel have been ahving this problem for a year12:23
matkix_mhz`,  should I look at the drivers for windows see if they give away any of it?12:23
LukeEADG: #screen is a good diea - thanks12:23
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beefpushpop, check for zombie processes? ps -el | grep 'Z'12:23
scoobydoo28139where do i get the corect drivers for my new card?12:23
mhz`matkix at least look for the name/model #12:23
mhz`from there you can search for ubuntu support12:23
pushpopbeef: ok12:23
matkix_mhz`,  No luck its a exe file...12:23
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bobbob1016serenity, I didn't know you could do that, makes sense though, I did it for a distro independent home directory, so I can reinstall, or install a different distro12:24
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EADGLuke: what version of screen are you using? I have 4.00.02 loaded.12:24
mhz`try getting something like driver genius12:24
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LukeEADG: *.0312:24
simplyw00xhi all, is there a decent handwriting recognition program for linux/ubuntu?12:24
mhz`it might help locate the drive/hardward12:24
serenitybobbob1016:  i ran out of space once and moved without a hitch12:24
pushpopbeef: didnt list anything, any other ideas?12:24
vbclever: yeah, I am12:24
LukeEADG: the maintainer reported old versions being fine and maybe it was newer versions12:24
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beefnothing off top of my head pushpop , thats usually what slows down my system, could be the hard drive on its way out ?12:25
LukeEADG: reinstalling didnt help =/12:25
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EADGLuke: Can you force a 02 install?12:25
[RnL] Sethhow the hell do you add a new server in xchat?12:25
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skryptbobbob1016: are you here mate?12:25
matkix_mhz`, The driver sa7.0_022206_ys d2500 usb- RU-1.1.12:25
matkix_Any hints there12:25
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skryptWhen renaming drives in fstab, which part do you edit?12:26
Tinned_Tunaheya, the package vmware-player failed part-way through, and apt-get install -f is failing, any ideas?12:26
skryptFirst or second line?12:26
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skrypt# /dev/sda112:26
skryptUUID=FCA8301CA82FD3C4 /media/sda1     ntfs12:26
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serenityskrypt not /dev/x but /media/x12:26
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skryptserenity: thanks12:26
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scottydoes anyone know if they can get albatross 18 working on linux?12:26
banlieueDoes anyone have any idea how to change the tray icon of Azureus in ubuntu gnome?12:26
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simplyw00xscotty: I tried and failed12:27
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serenityskrypt did you make a directpry for it?12:27
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sledgeashow can I install on _Feisty_ xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.0.0-1ubuntu2, which is for Gutsy??12:27
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banlieuean Azureus.png in /apps/ of my theme folder doesn't work, replacing the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps doesn't either12:27
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peter_12I have a fresh install of Ubuntu. There don't seem to be any files like stdio.h. How do I get the C standard libraries?12:27
skryptserenity: what do you mean?12:27
scoobydoo28139is my typing showing up?12:27
rikstapeter_12: apt-get install build-essential12:28
aaronscoobydoo28139: no.12:28
matkix_mhz`, So ideas on how to find this card type?12:28
SurfnKidwhy is it so hard to set colors on Xchat12:28
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TorahteenHi, can you get ubuntu without desktop?12:28
matkix_Anyone, ideas on how to tell what wifi card I have?12:28
SurfnKidits impossible to set background/foreground colors without knowing WHAT you're setting12:28
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serenitymake a directory with the new name you give it in fstab, sush as sudo mkdir /media/mydrive12:28
pushpopHello All, I have an issue with my Ubuntu machine I just recently installed it.  I loaded my desktop with the desired applications I want to use, then I rebooted... since reboot my system runs like crap it takes several seconds for an app to launch, it is a beefy system with 4gb of memory and a dual core.  Could anyone offer me assistance = )12:28
peter_12riksta: thanks! :D12:28
bobbob1016skrypt, yeah12:28
mhz`matkix, not a clue...maybe call the manufacturer?12:28
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EADGmatkix_: in a terminal type lspci12:28
scoobydoo28139what is the best way to get th rite drivers for my nvidia card?12:28
skryptbobbob1016: it's ok. You already answered it. Sorry :) Thanks though.12:28
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matkix_mhz`,  nooooo Averatec is bad at support12:29
scoobydoo28139its an 8500gt12:29
serenityTorahteen get the ubuntu server edition12:29
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bobbob1016skrypt, np12:29
aaronmatkix: do you know if the card is a mini-pci card?12:29
aaronyou can take the cover off of the bottom and it will most likey say right on it.12:29
matkix_aaron,  I think so...12:29
matkix_its inside12:29
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matkix_I guess ill just do that12:29
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aaronyeah. there should be a little door over it. 3x3 inches12:29
skryptserenity: will I need to reboot before the changes kick in?12:30
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TorahteenOk, thank you.12:30
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OuZohi, how do i change my default java? i have 1.6 installed but when i run $ java -version12:30
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OuZojava version "1.4.2"12:30
OuZogij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-14ubuntu7) <<< i want to use sun java. thanks12:30
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scoobydoo28139man, touph room12:31
rog-mahalhas anyone else had trouble with sound in et?12:31
LukeEADG: yea I'll do 0212:31
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serenityskrypt yes but u can mount manually ..12:32
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mhz`i'm trying to remember how i set up my dual boot12:32
serenityskrypt using sudo umount /dev/sda1 to unmount old and using sudo mount /dev/sda1 to remount it.. note umount with no n12:32
Brady./ configure reports that I am missing Gconf-2.0.... attempting to install CPU temperature monitor. argh...  apt-cache search returns nothing similar to gconf-2.0, apt-get install gconf2 returns "gconf2 is already up-to-date". this is getting frustrating- are there any alternative means of monitoring my CPU temperature?12:32
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Bradythe install FAQ that I am attempting to follow is here- http://computertemp.berlios.de/help.php12:33
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scoobydoo28139install for an 8500gt help?12:33
Bradythe procedure failes at -$make12:33
Pie-ratei was running updates and left the room for a while, and i came back and it had a bunch of errors about the filesystem being read-only. it somehow got remounted as readonly or something.12:33
ste-foyJe ne suis pas ici12:33
OuZoits ok $ sudo update-alternatives --config java <<< sorted my problem12:33
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Pie-ratei'm guessing it might've tried to hibernate or standby and failed12:34
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scoobydoo28139can ubotu help?12:34
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inimesekenehello, when running edgy and feisty, i get  huge segfault problems, memtest ran for 25 hours, and no problems12:34
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LukeEADG: will you find the package version for me of screen?12:35
pushpopHello All, I have an issue with my Ubuntu machine I just recently installed it.  I loaded my desktop with the desired applications I want to use, then I rebooted... since reboot my system runs like crap it takes several seconds for an app to launch, it is a beefy system with 4gb of memory and a dual core.  Could anyone offer me assistance = )12:35
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vbclever: so far the man pages and tutorials suck.12:35
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EADGLuke: Sure, what exactly do you need?12:36
serenitypushpop sounds like no DMA... are you using IDE drives?12:36
LukeEADG: the package version number that you have12:36
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serenitypushpop sounds like no DMA... are you using IDE drives?12:36
pushpopserenity: no sata drives but i do have LVM set up?12:36
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Pie-rateis there a command i can use to just automatically reconfigure xorg the same way its configured when you install a new system, with no user input?12:37
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serenitytry typing sudo hdparm -iTt  it should test the mb/s12:37
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EADGLuke: from apt-cache show screen: Filename: pool/main/s/screen/screen_4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5_i386.deb   Thats from Dapper repos.12:38
gheegguys, can't get my audigy2 sound card to work on my laptop.  tried the ubuntuguide asound route...  nada.  best way to troubleshoot?  (feisty / onboard card = intel8x0)12:38
serenityoh pushpop u have to use device lol... like sudo hdparm -iTt /dev/sda12:38
LukeEADG: ah your not on feisty?12:38
EADGLuke: no sir12:38
pushpopo ok lol12:38
mhz`in grub's menu.list is memtest considered a boot option?12:38
pushpopi was like not working12:38
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LukeEADG: ok I'll add that repo then. thanks mate12:38
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EADGluke n/p. Good luck.12:39
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pushpopserenity:iming cached reads:   2242 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1121.78 MB/sec12:39
pushpop Timing buffered disk reads:  182 MB in  3.02 seconds =  60.34 MB/sec12:39
serenityhmm first number buffer bit slow second is ok.  when i had prblem it was 1.6mb/s now 70mb/s12:40
pushpopTiming cached reads:   1584 MB in  2.00 seconds = 792.17 MB/sec12:40
pushpop Timing buffered disk reads:  206 MB in  3.01 seconds =  68.41 MB/sec12:40
pushpopthats my 2nd drive12:41
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matkixOkay... Now I have some idea what my wifi card is can I get some help? It says to be a "Ralink RT2571WF{"12:42
matkixOkay... Now I have some idea what my wifi card is can I get some help? It says to be a "Ralink RT2571WF"*12:42
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LucianSolarisHELP does anyone have a clue why i have DRI when X starts the first time, but after restarting X i lose DRI (glxinfo | grep rendering - goes from Yes to No)12:43
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LucianSolarisHELP it's a radeon12:43
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Stormx2LucianSolaris: Are you actually running solaris?12:43
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LucianSolarisStormx2: no12:43
crashanddiehey guys, me again12:43
pushpopserenity ?12:43
Stormx2LucianSolaris: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers12:43
LucianSolarisStormx2: Kubuntu Feisty12:43
Stormx2crashanddie: uh oh!12:43
fevelis there a way I could force a drive that wont umount12:43
Stormx2LucianSolaris: Okay. restricted-manager from a terminal?12:44
Stormx2fevel: Add -l to the umount command?12:44
LucianSolarisstormx2: nope (it's the open source driver)12:44
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Stormx2LucianSolaris: There aren't any open source 3d radeon drivers12:44
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LucianSolarisi have my xorg set to radeon, not fglrx12:45
LucianSolarisand it runs great12:45
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crashanddieWe have a broadcom 4306 wifi card, it looks as if it is working all right, but it doesn't see any network ?12:45
serenitypushpop the way i fixed mine was compile the latest kernel, because it was hogging my CPU, but it's quiet big if you haven't done it before12:45
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LucianSolarisstormx2, then how does radeon render things so well (not fglrx) when in edgy it sucked12:45
pushpopserenity my cpu usage is at 0 pretty much12:45
LucianSolarisstormx2 fglrx won't work on my 9000 igp12:46
Stormx2LucianSolaris: The closed source driver gives you hardware 3d rendering. The FOSS driver won't get you that. Where is the complication?12:46
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matkixIght, so anyone know how to get a Ralink  RT2571WF to work on ubuntu?12:46
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gheegany sound experts in the house?  stuck with my audigy2...12:46
Stormx2!sound | gheeg12:47
ubotugheeg: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:47
LucianSolarisstormx2, i don't have the proprietary driver installed, i have the oss one.  the proprietary driver fails to work with my radeon mobility 9000 igp in my laptop12:47
LucianSolarisstormx2, either all of the sudden the non-working driver works in feisty, or someone fixed my radeon driver12:47
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Stormx2LucianSolaris: Have you tried installing it using restricted-manager?12:47
serenitypushpop is it every single program .. we need to narrow it down12:48
Tama00why does nvidia-xconfig conflict with nvidia-glx ??12:48
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LucianSolarishold on, is the open source driver 'ati' or 'radeon'?12:48
gheegubotu alsa is selected.  thanks for the pages, i think i've gone through them before.  will check now...12:48
Stormx2LucianSolaris: I have no idea >.<12:48
Tama00does anyone see that as a problem lol12:48
matkixSo... anyone willing to help I found that my wifi card is a  RT2571WF, so ideas on how and where to get a working driver?12:49
Pie-rateWTF. my filesystem keeps getting remounted as readonly. why is it doing this?12:49
LucianSolarisstormx2, anyway, what causes this (or what's a remedy for): when I start my system up from boot, i have direct rendering.  if i restart X, i don't have direct rendering.  why (and how to fix)?12:49
Pie-rateit happens after a few minutes running12:49
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:49
Stormx2LucianSolaris: Poor driver, I guess. How are you restarting X?12:50
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LucianSolarisstormx2: all forms of restart (ctrl+alt+bksp, logout, logout and restart x in kdm, etc)12:50
OuZohas anyone successfully installed freenet? thanks12:51
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Tama00lol so you guys all think its normal that nvidia-xconfig conflicts with nvidia-glx hhaha12:51
pixelPOETTama00: sure... =] 12:51
runahi can sb help me to configure the touchpad this is my xonf.org : http://pastebin.com/m5c41d92812:51
Stormx2Tama00: Why not?12:51
matkixIf my wifi card is not working should I install ubuntu 32 bit not 64?12:52
EADGmatkix: Pretty quiet in here atm, try a search at www.ubuntu-forums.org12:52
Tama00actually now i get it12:52
LucianSolarisstormx2 should I kill kdm, rmmod drm, and sudo kdm?12:52
Tama00nvidia-xconfig is out of date and is now included in nvidia-glx already12:52
Stormx2LucianSolaris: I don't know.12:52
Tama00what i was after was nvidia-settings12:52
pixelPOETTama00: We knew you would.12:52
matkixEADG, So do you think this would resolve it self if I went to 32 bit?12:52
gheegthanks again ubotu, finally my audigy2 card is listed as 0 (though i'd set it as default before).  rebooting now12:52
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server_Hi can anybody help me with configuration of xorg.conf with nVidia TV-OUT to an HDTV via component cables and custom modelines?12:53
Tama00wtf nvidia-settings conflicts with nvidia-glx too12:53
Tama00damn im so confused now12:53
serenityTama00 make sure u ren nvidia-setting with sudo so you can save to xorg.conf file12:53
EADGmatkix: hmm, good question... easy way to check is boot from 32b live cd and see if the card works.12:53
matkixeasy eh?12:54
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Tama00okay so nvidia-settings is included as well..12:54
matkixTakes a bit of a dl12:54
matkixwill do12:54
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eifzonhow do i change password of my normal user, not root12:54
EADGmatkix: check the forums also.12:54
serenityi use nvidia-settings with the drivers from nvidia web site12:54
serenitylike a control pannel for resolutions and dual monitors12:54
Stormx2Tama00: What exactly are you trying to do here?12:55
pixelPOETeifzon: passwd 'username'12:55
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Tama00Stormx2, dont worry... i just wanted the gui thing for nvidia settings and its already included12:55
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server_How do you configure xorg.conf for TV-OUT with component cables and a custom modeline / resolution?12:55
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b0eftrying to help out a friend with an ubuntu dapper box; is apt-get and aptitude not available in recovery mode?12:56
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eifzonWhy do i get this error when i am trying to install openoffice? E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:57
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Tama00i got a history question, is X called X because of Xerox?12:57
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serenityit came out of MIT i think?12:58
SlimeyPeteeifzon: look further up the screen, see if there were any previous errors12:58
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serenityjordan_ do you have nvidia?12:59
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WhositsI'm getting an error at login telling me that there is no space left on the device - I'm certain that the space exists. I had a similar error last night when compiling a program and it tried to use the /tmp/ directory for some automatically generated files - but that error was only halting compilation, not general system usage. Running the compiler as root fixed the issue - so I'm thinking that I may just need to adjust permissions on12:59
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WhositsI'm on 7.04 FF12:59
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pushpopserenity: Yes, its every program01:00
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vandlehey, does anyone here have a bcm43xx wireless card?01:00
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Stormx2Whosits: The device in question... your /?01:00
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vandleI can see wireless networks and connect to them, but for some reason I cannot view sites on the web01:00
Stormx2Tama00: No, it isn't. I think it's called X because a previous windowing system was called W, or something01:01
WhositsI'm actually not entirely sure. I don't remember it specifying _what_ device.01:01
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vandleI can't see my own wireless network, but I can view others01:01
WhositsI'm relatively certain it didn't clearly specify that. I would've copied it, but I had to login using my LiveCD01:01
mabioushowdy i have problems heh01:01
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Tama00Stormx2, so the next windows system will be called y :D01:01
optimusrexHi. Can anyone tell me how to run adept as root or through kdesu or sudo programs to be able to perform changes and installations?01:02
serenityWhosits tmp permission should be sudo chmod 1777 .tmp01:02
serenityWhosits sorry i mean slash not dot  tmp permission should be sudo chmod 1777 /tmp01:02
jriboptimusrex: adept should run with proper privileges when you click on the icon in the menu01:02
Stormx2Tama00: Not really, X is pretty well established. Note that you're not actually using X, you're using X.org, which is a fork of X.01:02
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mabiousso my buddy tells me to install ubuntu so i boot up the disk and click install but the Guided Resize option is giving me an error01:02
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Whositsokay, so running that in a terminal session should upgrade my account's permissions?01:03
serenityWhosits that will make /tmp wrxwrxwrx for all users01:03
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Whositsah, very good01:03
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Tama00Stormx2, isnt it a fork of X1101:03
serenityWhosits happened to me the other day01:03
pushpopserenity any other ideas for me = )01:03
skolliemabious: what is the error?01:03
mabiousone sec lemmie look01:03
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WhositsI'll try that.  Thank you.01:04
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optimusrexjrib, I clicked the icon but it starts up and says that I need special admin priveleges to perform installations, etc01:04
WhositsI'll be back one way or another to let you know how it turned out.01:04
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serenityWhosits you can check permissions running    ls -al01:04
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Stormx2Tama00: Uhg, whatever... I forget01:04
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jriboptimusrex: what is the output of this command in the terminal:  groups01:04
skollieoptimusrex: does it ask you for your password?01:04
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Tama00Stormx2, but maybe it was called W because of Xerox..01:05
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godofredoHow Can I Install A Basic tar.gz? (warsow) - - -01:05
jribgodofredo: you try to avoid it.  What do you want to install?01:05
serenitypushpop sorry we need to narrow down the problem.. is it _every_ program?01:05
godofredojrib, warsow.net01:05
godofredojrib, game :)01:05
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optimusrexwhen I start it up it shows a dialogue box that gives the message but there is no request for a password just an ok button01:06
Stormx2Tama00: Actually, there wasn't a W. I'm thinking of B/C. Anyway, why would it be because of Xerox?01:06
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jrgottigodofredo: tar -zxvf 'program' / cd 'program'/ ./configure / sudo make / sudo make install01:06
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jribgodofredo: ah, well you'll either have to compile it or just copy over a binary.  If you need to compile, see ubotu's message:01:06
eifzonSlimeyPete: ok01:06
jrib!compile > godofredo01:06
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LeoStewartDoes anyone know how to click once to select all text in the address bar in Firefox?01:06
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TorahteenHey, is it possible to install xubuntu over ubuntu?01:06
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TorahteenHmm... that didn't sound right01:06
Tama00Stormx2, because Xerox the now photocoping company was the first place they invented the GUI01:06
PurpZeYTorahteen: Yes. it is.01:06
TorahteenI have ubuntu, with GNOME on a rather slow computer01:06
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jribTorahteen: you can install xubuntu-desktop and have both ubuntu and xubuntu01:07
TorahteenAnd would rather have xfce01:07
rolfenTorahteen: you can modify your ubuntu install so that it becomes virtually xubuntu01:07
PurpZeYTorahteen: They are exactly the same. Xubuntu just has xfe instead...so just install the package and you're good to go01:07
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eifzonSlimeyPete: Updating fontconfig cache...01:07
mabiouswaiting for error to come up the resizing partition is01:07
eifzon/usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache01:07
eifzon/usr/share/fonts/X11: failed to write cac01:07
eifzonSlimeyPete: much more then that01:07
Tama00Stormx2, thats right it was Apple or Microsoft01:07
mabioushmm ok i think im an idiot01:07
mabiousmight be working now lol01:07
TorahteenSo just install xfce?01:07
serenityLeoStewart I do triple click01:07
Sharpshooterin upstart how do i do init 201:07
jribTorahteen: "xubuntu-desktop" is the package you want01:07
rolfenTorahteen: that's what i did... you just install xfce from synaptic, make it the default window manager, and changer the login screen graphics01:07
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LeoStewartBut is there anyway of only have to click once to select the text like in Windows?01:07
jribTorahteen: 2 is the default runlevel and runlevels 2-5 are identical by default01:08
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TorahteenUmm... jrib, I think you're talking to someone else01:08
jribTorahteen: indeed, sorry :)01:08
TorahteenXD NP :P01:08
jribSharpshooter: 2 is the default runlevel and runlevels 2-5 are identical by default01:08
mabiouswow an indicator on the slider would help a ton01:09
Sharpshooterhow do i get in a single user runlevel on a running box w/o restarting01:09
jribSharpshooter: why?01:09
Stormx2Tama00: The GUI is an evolutionary thing. No one "invented" it.01:09
Sharpshooterto restart most of my services.01:09
optimusrexjrib, I don't know if I answered your question but I only get a single dialogue box without a request for a password01:09
Sharpshooterdont want to reboot01:09
rolfenSharpshooter: i think it's telinit 101:09
jriboptimusrex: what is the output of this command in the terminal:  groups01:09
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Tama00Stormx2, nar actually Xerox did :P and microsoft and apple both claimed they did and sued each other for ages over it then they finally discovered that they both copied xerox (yes they actualyl went there and saw it from xerox) and xerox said they didnt want to sue anyone over it01:10
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optimusrexJrib, the command just returns me to the root where I started01:11
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bluefox83ok..i can only get the wobbly windows and the window decorator i want to work in compiz..anyone know why?01:11
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bluefox83the water affects, the cube...nothing seems to work01:12
Stormx2Tama00: That is a very absolutist view. As I previously said, no one invented the GUI we know today. It was an evolution involving many companies/individuals.01:12
serenityok LeoStewart are you still there?01:12
killazI'm thinking about buying a new gfx card. Can I just change the card and ubuntu will recognize that the old card has been replaced?01:12
Stormx2Tama00: It's like asking who invented the internet. The people who made TCP/IP? HTTP? Copper cable?01:12
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jriboptimusrex: ok, if there is no output, that means you are not in any groups.  Most importantly, you are not in the "admin" group, which gives you the ability to use sudo.  You should restart, choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu and then issue this command: adduser YOUR_USERNAME admin  .  After that, reboot and sudo should work.  Then add yourself to any other groups you want01:13
killazshould I run something to reconfigure the hardware?01:13
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Tama00Stormx2, yeah but who came up with the idea for the internet was the inventor01:13
optimusrexThanks jrib. I will try that right now.01:14
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gordonjcpStormx2: there was a windowing system called W01:14
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gordonjcpStormx2: I can't remember who did it though, but it was very very very very early on01:14
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Stormx2Tama00: Again, an over simplification. Who came up with the idea that two transistors can interact? Who came up with the idea of connecting one computer to another? The idea of the HTTP protocol etc.01:14
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Stormx2gordonjcp: Yeah. Early 80s I think? I was right woot! :D01:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:15
Tama00Stormx2, yeah you can answer those questions lol01:15
PurpZeYTama00: Al Gore invented the internet and guis...topic ended01:15
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Tinned_Tunathat's the polite way of saying01:15
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Tinned_Tuna"you're cloggin' the tubes!"01:15
Stormx2Tama00: Continue in #ubuntu-offtopic.01:15
gordonjcpStormx2: way before my time, X11R5 was about the earliest I used01:15
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Tama00lol ok ill settle with that01:15
chris__why do i see a purple line where my video should be?01:15
pushpopserenity: yes its every program01:15
PurpZeYchris__: What kind of video?01:16
dissectionHello, anyone here uses fs-driver to access your ext3 partitions in Windows XP? Or is there something better that you'd suggest? It says it has read/write access but I need to find out if it can disable write access, before I install it.01:16
chris__if i move it it works..., then if i move it again it stops..., all kinds...., and could it be beryl?01:16
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PurpZeYdissection: NTFS read only allows read...Might be a better way to go01:16
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PurpZeYchris__: Are you using VLC?01:17
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rolfendissection: the default driver that is bundled with ubuntu supports read access (afaik). if you want write access you can install ntfs3g01:17
chris__vlc locks up my computer01:17
pushpopHello All, I have an issue with my Ubuntu machine I just recently installed it.  I loaded my desktop with the desired applications I want to use, then I rebooted... since reboot my system runs like crap it takes several seconds for an app to launch, it is a beefy system with 4gb of memory and a dual core.  Could anyone offer me assistance = )01:17
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dissectionPurpZeY, rolfen: No, I mean accessing ext3 in Windows, not NTFS on Linux.01:17
PurpZeYchris__: What you need to do is change the video output type to x11. It is caused by beryl, but that will fix it. I'm not sure if this can be done in totem...I don't know...I did it in VLC for the same problem.01:17
kefas_Hello someone can help me I want to share the Internet with the computer of my sister buy a router but not since(as,like) my PC forms it it(he,she) has ubuntu and that of my sister cherry trees01:17
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rolfendissection: oops :)01:17
Stormx2pushpop: open up gnome-system-monitor - see what's killing your CPU.01:18
chris__how do i do it in vlc?01:18
pushpopStormx2: cpu is around 0% ysage01:18
darkgarageHello, first time in here.  Got a question about video drivers.  Anyone know where I can download a pre-compiled driver for the Intel 855 graphics adapter?01:18
bruenigdissection, fs-driver.org01:18
dissectionbruenig: Yes thats what I'm talking about. But can it disable write access?01:18
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bruenigdissection, you would need to consult that or ask in ##windows01:18
PurpZeYchris__: Preferences --> Turn on advanced options --> It will be there..Change to x1101:19
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dissectionOkay, I'm there ;] 01:19
PurpZeYchris__: under video.01:19
optimusrexjrib, before I try anything, does this mean anything to you. Just typed in groups and got this "optimusrex adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin"01:19
kavithey does canonical have a public irc channel? #canonical is empty01:19
bruenigkavit, don't believe so, corporations don't generally have irc channels01:19
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serenitykavit it's midnight sunday in UK lol01:20
kaviti am in australia01:20
PriceChildkavit, not a public one.01:20
kavitbusiness hours here serenity01:20
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trickwireHey guys, I would need some help with a broadcom BCM 4306 wifi nic... Anyone got any experience ?01:21
bruenig!wifi | trickwire01:21
ubotutrickwire: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:21
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trickwirebruenig: thank you !01:21
bruenig!thanks | trickwire01:21
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ubotutrickwire: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:21
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kavitI want information with regards to partner program... I have filled out the form on their site about 3 times over the last month and mums the word... not even an acknowledgement01:21
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bruenigkavit, email them01:22
bruenig!ot | kavit01:22
ubotukavit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:22
=== Agiofws [n=agiofws@athedsl-123008.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
kavitPriceChild: their wiki seems to be mostly empty as well01:22
chris__now it just dies when i play a movie for a few mins (lol)01:22
bruenig!hi | Agiofws01:22
ubotuAgiofws: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:22
PriceChildkavit, because its private.01:22
PriceChildkavit, what do you want it for?01:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcmxx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:22
niggletlol noone says hi to me01:22
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bruenig!hi | nigglet01:22
Agiofwscan i install  feisty  ona 700mhz machine with 64 MB ram ?01:22
ubotunigglet: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:22
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chris__!hi | chris__01:22
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nigglethi hi hi01:22
bruenigchris__, he doesn't like that01:22
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Pie-ratemy opinion of ACER has degraded rapidly today. first i find they put a barcode sticker over the breathing hole of my laptop's hard drive, now memtest found bad memory.01:22
chris__i never got a hello on my first time here (lol)01:23
kavitPriceChild: i will take it to  #ubuntu-offtopic before I get lynched01:23
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PurpZeYchris__: Not sure where to take you from there...That solution did wonders for me.01:23
serenityAgiofws i wuould use xubuntu with the xfce desktop or even flusxbox01:23
trickwirethough maybe, I should add that the problem lays with the driver of the card ? I mean, when I do a iwlist scanning, it says no results, but I have a computer next to mine which is connected to wifi, and if I'm under Windows it runs fine !01:23
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chris__PurpZeY, thanks anyways, anyone know if gutsy will ship with cnr?01:23
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serenityAgiofws you would have to install textmode from alternatecd LiveCD need more ram01:24
hypertypercan anyone give me newbish instructions on how to play a dvd with my new ubuntu 7.04 desktop install?01:24
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trickwireso, easy answer: use ndiswrapper, but I just wanted to know if there was an easy fix01:24
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lerc__uh oh.  getting assertion errors on add/rmove applications.01:24
bruenig!dvd | hypertyper01:24
ubotuhypertyper: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:24
PurpZeY!dvd | hypertyper01:24
=== bruenig wins
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=== PurpZeY wasn't ready. . . .:P
godofredojrib, any better games for linux, warsow is pretty bad :)01:24
chris__how come ubuntu puts not effort into kubuntu like the restricted device manager is only for ubuntu but not for the kubuntu....01:24
bruenig!info planetpenguin-racer01:24
=== hypertyper wanders off to browse the help docs, like he should have done in the first place
ubotuplanetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (feisty), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB01:25
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bruenighypertyper, the docs are a mess, I don't blame you01:25
chris__!info ubotu01:25
ubotuPackage ubotu does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:25
bruenigusage is !info package01:25
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teethdoodis there a media center app that would list all movie files that I have in a nice ready to play fashion?01:25
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chris__ubuntu has docs?01:25
ubuntu__What is the latest in the USP/Suse-menu front?01:25
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nigglethow do i open the wifi manager01:25
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chris__i thought this room was just a big doc (lol)01:25
Evan_Installed windows wireless drivers using ndiswrapper; In network settings, my access point shows up, I can set the WEP key, but when I try to access the wireless, it is not there.01:26
jribgodofredo: I don't play too many games on ubuntu... try ubuntugames.org maybe or ask the channel again?01:26
PurpZeYnigglet: It should come up when you right click on nm-applet01:26
bruenigchris__, this is your best shot, people are too busy writing documentation on their crappy blogs in attempts to get hits01:26
godofredoany good 3D games for linux?01:26
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godofredoalready have ET and FretsOnFire01:26
bruenig!info planetpenguin-racer | godofredo01:26
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godofredohave it01:26
lerc__I've got assert self._depcache.BrokenCount == 0 failing.   Any way to expunge broken bits?01:26
niggletnm-applet ?01:26
ubotugodofredo: planetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (feisty), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB01:26
chris__can i tell the wifi manager witch network to connect to first (if i have 2 networks in my area and sometimes mine goes down....)01:26
andrew____Im having trouble setting up my broadcom wireless device01:26
jribchris__: help.ubuntu.com  should take you to all the docs01:26
godofredobruenig, have it01:26
bruenignigglet, networkmanager, it should be an applet on the panel01:26
PurpZeYnigglet: nm-applet is the little network manager01:26
gordonjcpgodofredo: yeah, loads01:26
brueniggodofredo, well you can't get much better than that01:26
PurpZeYFrets on fire?01:27
gordonjcpgodofredo: didn't you ask that earlier?01:27
Augiis there any way to make the resolution bigger than 800 x 600?01:27
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godofredogordonjcp, yeah but i was told to re-ask it01:27
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PurpZeY!info Fretsonfire01:27
ubotuPackage fretsonfire does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:27
gordonjcpgodofredo: there's still loads, possibly more than there were earlier01:27
andrew____anyone have experience with broadcom wireless?01:27
gordonjcpunlikely though01:27
godofredogordonjcp, uh america's army any good?01:27
gordonjcpgodofredo: what sort of thing are you looking for?01:27
bruenig!wifi | andrew____01:27
ubotuandrew____: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:27
gordonjcpgodofredo: I don't know tbh, I've never played it01:27
coraxxI dont get eny audio when I try to run movies anyone know what I can do? ( new to linux)01:27
godofredogordonjcp, ideally another fps01:27
brueniggodofredo, if propaganda is your fix01:27
ant___there is a factiod just for broadcom01:27
PurpZeYandrew____: There is a ton of info on BCM wireless on the forums, a ton.01:27
chris__!info cnr01:27
ant___i forgot what it was01:28
ubuntu__Where is the USP forum anyway?01:28
Augiis there any way to make the resolution bigger than 800 x 600?01:28
gordonjcpgodofredo: presumably it's pretty good, since it's based on the Quake3 engine as I understand it01:28
ubotuPackage cnr does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:28
godofredogordonjcp, i think that nexuiz is a little weird though01:28
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:28
ant___ah ha!01:28
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gordonjcpgodofredo: RTCW: Enemy Territory is pretty sweet01:28
chris__on bcm43xx i find ndiswrapper works the best :D01:28
godofredogordonjcp, my fav so far01:28
gordonjcpgodofredo: nexuiz *is* weird, tremulous is good01:28
gordonjcpyou need biggish teams for it to work well though01:28
=== RiverGirl_ [n=ubuntu@c211-30-214-40.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Augiis there any way to make the resolution bigger than 800 x 600?01:28
andrew____yeah ive read alot of it01:28
=== ublender [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Evan_Installed windows wireless drivers using ndiswrapper; In network settings, my access point shows up, I can set the WEP key, but when I try to access the wireless, it is not there.01:28
andrew____when I input the last line or so01:28
andrew____i get a permission denied01:29
godofredogordonjcp, i think that that deathmatch genre is a little weird01:29
gordonjcpgodofredo: you can get Linux native ports of all the UT-based games too01:29
chris__anyone know why when i use bcm43xx-fwcutter + my firmware it won't work i get really ***** speed and yeah...., but when i use ndiswrapper it works perfect?01:29
PurpZeYandrew____: Use sudo01:29
godofredogordonjcp, sweet01:29
=== greg_g [n=greg@adsl-69-212-226-220.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
godofredogordonjcp, like quake wars01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mod_rewrite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
gordonjcpgodofredo: it seems that there aren't many episodic FPSes in Linux, really01:29
coraxxI dont get eny audio when I try to run movies anyone know what I can do? ( new to linux)01:29
Greyscalesomeone know how to install mod rewrite?01:29
PurpZeYchris__: B/C ndiswrapper is using a better driver...it's really a more specific way to do it01:29
gordonjcpgodofredo: it's a shame that the HL series weren't ported, but they run in Wine01:29
bruenig!codecs | coraxx01:29
ubotucoraxx: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:29
ant___coraxx, turn the volume up01:29
serenityteethdood try Democracy TV?01:29
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:29
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akosHello! I have my soundcard on my laptop working, but only if I connect a headphone / amplifier. The built in speakers are mute... what do you think the problem might be?01:30
PurpZeYcoraxx: Are you getting sound in other applications?01:30
godofredogordonjcp, true :)01:30
gordonjcpgodofredo: I'm still a huge fan of the original Quake01:30
Stormx2chris__: Who was that for?01:30
chris__how come in kubuntu my function keys for my music (start, stop, next, back, etc) work, but not in ubuntu01:30
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PurpZeY!alsa | coraxx01:30
ubotucoraxx: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:30
chris__Stormx2, i was wondering what it would say :)01:30
Stormx2chris__: They're probably window manager based.01:31
bruenigchris__, I recommend using xbindkeys and configuring it to run whatever commands you need run with those commands01:31
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coraxxok thx01:31
bruenigwith those keys*01:31
Stormx2chris__: oh, and /msg ubotu01:31
godofredocan anyone tell me if fretsonfire is legal?01:31
godofredosweet game, almost too sweet..01:31
gordonjcpgodofredo: tried sauerbraten?01:32
godofredogordonjcp, seen it, but isn't that whole deathmatch genre?01:32
chris__lighting real ones on fire???01:32
gordonjcpgodofredo: yeah, kind of ;-)01:32
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godofredochris__, its like guitar hero but with f1-f4 and enter01:32
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: what game did you try?01:32
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nn-laptopakos, i fixed this by updateing the system install or update alsa also might help01:33
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PurpZeYgodofredo: If you like fretsonfire I'd recommend stepmania01:33
chris__i don't like guitar hero lol, i cant get the dang notes right.....\01:33
akosnn-laptop, i just did a dist-upgrade01:33
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gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: all the Quakes, including all the mission packs for Q1 and Q2, RTCW, RTCW:ET which I play quite often, Unreal, UT, UT2003, tremulous, nexuiz, cube, sauerbraten...01:33
chris__will the next ubuntu have a upgrade tool?01:33
serenitychris__ try System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts01:34
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: oh ok.01:34
gordonjcpchris__: they all do01:34
chris__not if i run the live cd :P01:34
chris__it wants to erase meh hd....01:34
gordonjcpchris__: that's because you don't have a running installation01:34
nn-laptopakos, have you run alsa-config ?01:34
chris__i did....01:34
madmaxcan anyone here help me with an xorg.conf problem?01:34
akosuh... i think so... lemme run it again01:35
bruenigchris__, don't do that gnomes keyboard shortcuts are absolute garbage, it is on the of the reasons I absolutely cannot use gnome, get xbindkeys, and configure it that way01:35
bruenig!info xbindkeys | chris__01:35
scottyim trying to fix my acpi suspend on this tutorial, and when i go to the acpi-support to edit a file, there is nothing even in there to edit...any help??01:35
Crovax31sorry how to made a dual boot on a boot locked computer?01:35
ubotuchris__: xbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB01:35
akosnn-laptop, i have no such command01:35
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akosaptitude install alsa-config?01:35
andrew____what should i do when i get a no installation candidate error?01:35
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Crovax31Must I flash the bios?01:35
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nn-laptopakos apt-cache search alsa01:35
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jribandrew____: what are you trying to install?01:36
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serenitybruenig have you seen gconf-editor?  secion in there for apps->metacity->key bindings you can set anything01:36
madmaxI'm having a problem getting a 3rd monitor connected to a 2nd video card to operate in feisty.  No matter what I change, based on my research, the best I can do is to get the two monitors attached to the first video card to work01:36
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cloudDoes anyone have flash mx or 8 working through wine?01:36
Greyscalecloud, yeah01:37
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Greyscaleit works quite nicely, thanks.01:37
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GreyscaleFlash 8, I use01:37
Greyscalemost of studio works01:37
madmaxxorg.conf file is pasted here :  http://pastebin.com/m6a0b660b01:37
bruenigserenity, I really would rather not edit a registry to get my keyboard shortcuts01:37
cloudReally, flash 8 works?01:37
hypertyperhmm. followed the instructions given by !dvd, but then xine says: "engine failed to start. no demuxer found - stream format not recognised." any clues for a clueless newb?01:37
Greyscalecloud, after installing mstcorefonts01:37
Greyscaleor whatever it is01:37
steve99_i am getting errors with my ati graphics card, can someone help01:37
jribandrew____: seems to be ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 in feisty01:37
akosnn-laptop, ok, i installed alsa-tools alsa-utils and alsa-tools-gui, but still no alsa-config01:38
Greyscalesteve99_, need to be a bit more specific there...01:38
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steve99_i know01:38
steve99_1 sec =)01:38
nn-laptopakos install alsa base01:38
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madmaxsteve99:  More specifically?01:38
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steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!! <-- A crap load of those01:38
andrew____so what should i do?01:38
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!! <-- With native and wine game01:38
akosalsa-base is already the newest version.01:38
chris__can i see if ubuntu has shiped my cd's yet?01:38
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Greyscalesteve99_, neither of those will be supported.01:38
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pushpop-how do you change ownership of a folder or file ?01:39
pollyoHello.. Anyone use rythmbox with an ipod?01:39
cloudGreyscale, when I tried flash 8 I coulden't open .fla files, has this been fixed?01:39
steve99_ut 2k4 is supporte01:39
GreyscaleGames under wine isn't ubuntu's deal01:39
jribandrew____: try installing "ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" instead of just "ndiswrapper-utils"01:39
bruenigpushpop, chown01:39
andrew____alright thanks01:39
steve99_i tried "already supported games" like ut 2k401:39
cloudOr is there something more I need to do?01:39
chris__can i chown a whole folder and its sub folders?01:39
madmaxsteve99:  what model radeon?01:39
bruenigchris__, chown -R01:39
nn-laptopakos install alsa mixer01:39
Flannelchris__: you can.  You usually don't want to.  What are you trying to do?01:39
steve99_the games i try run fine in windows , so i dont understsand01:39
=== matt____ [n=matt@c-75-73-49-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
madmaxsteve99:  where did you get your drivers?01:40
chris__i was just wondering :)01:40
steve99_i followed the guide where u get the sh from ati's site etc01:40
steve99_i tried manual too, tried alot of different ways...01:40
madmaxsteve99:  you are using ATI binary drivers then?01:40
chris__how does the edubuntu do the network boot?01:40
steve99_madmax,  im pretty sure01:40
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akosnn-laptop, are you referring to the "alsamixer" program?01:40
akosbacuse i've run that one01:40
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poningruchris__: with -R you can chown an entire folder01:41
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matt____hey ubuntu people, I'm trying to get the usb ports on my monitor (dell 2007fp) to work, and I'm finding nothing googling. anyone have suggestion where i should start looking for a solution?01:41
madmaxsteve99:  run the command 'glxinfo' for me01:41
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poningrumatt____: do you have a usb cable plugged into the monitor going to your computer?01:41
steve99_root or no01:41
nn-laptopalsaconf akos is the comand you want to run01:41
madmaxsteve99:  doesnt matter01:41
elphaponingru: yes sir!01:41
chris__on the paid support when it says Free upgrades, does it mean they ship me an upgrade or i have to download it?01:42
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steve99_doh ><. i think i removed everything agian, i'll try it agian and see if i get errors01:42
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elphai just changed my name, sorry01:42
madmaxsteve99:  make sure that your xorg.conf file has the correct driver listed01:42
poningruoh gotcha01:42
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steve99_yes it does01:42
poningruelpha: hmm thats weird it should just works01:42
madmaxunder the 'Device' section that lists your video card01:42
elphai have a usb cable pluged in, and it's functional under windows01:42
elphaponingru: :( bummer01:43
jermstoneIs there any way to change my contact information on XChat?01:43
madmaxsteve99:  When you did 'glxinfo', what driver did it say was loaded?01:43
poningruelpha: in a terminal do a lsusb01:43
cloudGreyscale, can you create .fla files while running Flash 8 on Ubuntu?01:43
IndyGunFreakelpha: alot of usb cable modems are hard to get working under Linux, what model is your modem?01:43
retourHallo all! Is it a way to execute install process from Ubuntu CD without leting it start in Live mode? I have only 128MB of RAM on the machine I want to install it on and I think the only difference between Ubuntu and Xubuntu is display manager so I want to save myselve a hassle of downloading whole Xubuntu CD if this option would be posibble.01:43
steve99_madmax i uninstalled the ati stuff, gotta reinstall01:43
akosnn-laptop, i don't have it... i have the next packages installed from alsa: http://www.pastebin.ca/62115901:43
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steve99_but i know that this isnt going to solve <-- i have uninstalled and reinstalled a good 30+ times01:43
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madmaxsteve99:  okay, make sure that glxinfo reports the ATI driver and that 'Direct Render' says Yes01:44
IndyGunFreaksteve99_: 30x?..lol01:44
IndyGunFreakwhat ar eyou trying to do?01:44
steve99_well i get this annoying ass error01:44
elphaIndyGunFreak: actually, it's a usb hub, the ports on my monitor aren't working01:44
steve99_fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrAllocMem failed!!01:44
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nn-laptopakos well then i have no idea how to help you ask someone more an export than i am01:44
chris__is there an ubuntu myspace theme?01:44
IndyGunFreakelpha: oh ok, i thought you said a usb cable modem.. sorry01:44
akosnn-laptop, :( ok01:45
kbrooks_retour, not that we know of01:45
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elphaIndyGunFreak: np :)01:45
jermstoneThat would be cool chris01:45
IndyGunFreakwhat kidn of monitor?01:45
chris__i take that as a no?01:45
madmaxCan anyone help me get a 3rd monitor working?  I've been able to get the first two up and running01:45
elphadell 2007fp01:45
kbrooks_retour, but i can look for you01:45
jermstoneNot that I know of.01:45
=== IndyGunFreak away
chris__madmax, why do you need 3?01:45
gerroI have a ralink wireless card and when I enable it everything lags very badly01:46
madmaxchris_: I do alot of multitasking at work, and in gaming01:46
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andrew____okay i got everything done01:46
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andrew____sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils01:46
andrew____sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/bcmwl5.inf01:46
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andrew____sudo ndiswrapper -m01:46
andrew____for conffile in /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5/*.conf; do01:46
madmaxchris_: Plus, whats the point of having two video cards if I cant use dual monitors in SLI mode?01:46
andrew____sudo cat $conffile | sed -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' > $conffile01:46
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andrew____after this line i get a permission denied01:46
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nn-laptopakos google linux your mechiean id and how tows may show up on how to setup hard where it worked for me?01:46
jermstoneMy processor can't handle multitasking01:47
jermstone1.4 G Intel P401:47
andrew____the last line i mean01:47
retourkbrooks: Thank you! Well My system starts Ubuntu up to the point it suppose to fill light brown backround with icons and because not enough memory it stops there spinning pontlessly CD. But I can log into consoles and log on as a root (if I know default root pass) and hopefully execute install script (if known) Its just my guess but I think it douable. Besides c'mon ITS LINUX hehe01:47
madmaxI think I've got my xorg.conf file close, but I'm missing something to get the last monitor working and I dont know what, can anyone take a look at my xorg.conf and help me out?01:47
kbrooks_andrew____, "sudo cat $conffile" works, and runs that. but "sed -e '...' > $confile" does not work because that command is ran as a user.01:48
kbrooks_andrew____, not as root01:48
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niggletok how do i make my 80211 connect to the network without crypt01:48
andrew____oh so I need sudo cat again?01:48
kbrooks_andrew____, no01:48
kbrooks_andrew____, it is in a pipe, whose commands are *executed seperately*01:49
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sleeperanyone know how to install the gnome themes01:49
andrew____whats to be changed then? sorry for my noobishness01:49
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kbrooks_andrew____, sudo sed -i -e '...' $conffile works without the cat. replace '..' with the regex, and then show me the full command, including the modification i just suggested01:50
madmaxsleeper: 'sudo apt-get install gnome-themes01:50
sleeperI went to art.gnome.org/themes to download the themes01:50
jribsleeper: system -> prefrences -> themes01:50
madmaxor.. that01:50
sleeperand it says just to drag it into the theme manager01:50
sleeperbut it keeps giving me that the format is invali01:50
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madmaxsleeper: have you tried the command line method?01:51
kbrooks_andrew____, INCLUDING the "for" stuff01:51
sleepermadmax how would I do that?01:51
jribsleeper: if you're dragging a tar.gz into it, then it either is not a theme or was improperly created.  In the latter case, extract the tar.gz and look for a README01:51
sleeperwhat's the coolest GUI thing I could do with linux?01:51
madmaxsleeper:  open a command prompt and type 'sudo apt-get install gnome-themes'01:52
andrew____what is the regex?01:52
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jrib!effects | sleeper01:52
ubotusleeper: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects01:52
elphasleeper: compiz01:52
godofredoIndyGunFreak, Is There Any Way To See How Much Bandwidth Is Being Used By An Entire Network?01:52
kbrooks_andrew____, the thing passed to -e in the command that you copied and pasted above01:52
FuzzyGhostI'm trying to install better drivers for an onboard ATi gpu, following the unofficial guide, and it tells me to use the deb command in terminal, but terminal tells me that it doesn't understand deb.01:52
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andrew____can you give me the full comand that i must type in please?01:53
systemd0wnQUESTION, trying to get my ATI x1600 to work with dual monitors, (with closed source drivers) doesn't seem to matter what tutorial i use.01:53
madmaxI'm having trouble getting a multi monitor config to work properly.  Can anyone help me?01:53
kbrooks_godofredo, Not Necessary To Type Like this01:53
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bulmerFuzzyGhost: deb commands are like dpkg and apt-get01:53
godofredokbrooks_, sorry habit...01:53
kbrooks_andrew____, i can't, you'd confuse it01:53
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godofredokbrooks_, not sure why :) but it is..01:53
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FuzzyGhostI understand apt-get, I can't remember if I've used dpkg though.01:54
kbrooks_FuzzyGhost, apt-get is a downloading frontend to dpkg01:54
\Benhi guys - is anyone able to give me a hand setting up my wireless belkin f5d7050 with ubuntu? I have folllowd the guide online and ubuntu is recognizing the decice. i can assign ip address. under network tools it shows its transmitting but when i do a "iwconfig" it doesnt show my network. The light on the usb wireless is flashing all the time.01:54
CO2GamesHow do I install ubuntu in a folder rather than the root?01:54
retourWhen I press Esc on the Ubuntu CD 1-st welcome screen with options it dumpes me into text mode with boot:  command line. What to input there to make it start HDD install instead of Live CD full graphical desktop install?01:54
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godofredoJordan_U, AFK ? :)01:54
elpharetour: you need the alternate install Cd01:55
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bulmerBen what was the option you used for iwconfig ?01:55
kbrooks_FuzzyGhost, that uses repos, handles deps, etc01:55
jribCO2Games: what OS are you using?01:55
CO2GamesWindows XP01:55
CO2GamesI want to dual boot01:55
Jordan_Ugodofredo, Why not? :)01:55
FuzzyGhostThat I understand, if it doesn't find the package or repository, it can't do anything.01:55
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kbrooks_FuzzyGhost, correct01:56
\Benbulmer, option? i just typed iwconfig... its showing my device in there but ESSID:off/any - and no mac address of the network its connecting to01:56
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godofredoJordan_U, I run a server off of my network, and i was wondering how much bandwidth i was using? Is there an app to trace that01:56
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jribCO2Games: there's a difference between dual boot and installing in a folder.  I'll have ubotu send you dual boot instructions, but you could also use some virtualization solution on windows xp to actuall install ubuntu to a folder (ask ##windows for more info about your options on XP)01:56
PurpZeYCan someone point in the direction of installing Azureus? I hear that the version from the repos is poor01:56
andrew____so you want "sudo cat $conffile | sed -i -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' > 4 conffile" to be entered correct?01:56
jrib!dualboot  > CO2Games01:56
kbrooks_andrew____, no01:57
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bulmerBen also look at iwlist01:57
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con_gone!dualboot | CO2games01:57
ubotuCO2games: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)01:57
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kbrooks_andrew____, i gave you a version of the command that works without the unnecessary cat. also, note the "4" typo01:57
jribPurpZeY: try the version in the repos first... if there is a problem you should file a bug so that it gets fixed01:57
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kbrooks_andrew____, please make sure that you don't just type the command by itself01:58
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Jordan_Ugodofredo, I am sure there are but I can't recommend any off hand01:58
andrew____yeah i noticed the 4. so i can just edit out the cat as well and then run it?01:58
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CairnaAnybody have any ideas as to why my headset doesn't work with ubuntu? :/01:58
kbrooks_andrew____, DONT TYPE THE COMMAND BY ITSELF01:58
CairnaKind of at a loss.01:58
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godofredoJordan_U, k thx01:58
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elphahey ubuntu people, I'm trying to get the usb ports on my monitor (dell 2007fp) to work, and I'm finding nothing googling. anyone have suggestion where i should start looking for a solution?01:58
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kbrooks_andrew____, it is wrapped within a for loop. also, -i needs a $conffile after the -e option01:59
WhositsI was here a little while ago about a login issue on a 7.04 system, where I get an error at login telling me there is no space left on the device01:59
andrew____so.....run it inside the "for conffile......do"?01:59
\Benbulmer, is it possible to set the channel in the interface file?01:59
akosnn-laptop, it turns out my scard is working but only halfly... sound quality is terrible, and works only if i plug in headphones01:59
Whositsforgive me for the dump post:01:59
Whosits/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp01:59
Whosits/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/X11R6/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -a -w /var/log/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h  " " -l ":0" "viendin"01:59
Whosits/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...01:59
Whositsmkdtemp: private socket dir: No space left on device01:59
bulmerBen roger01:59
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jribWhosits: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:59
FuzzyGhostIf I understand correctly, is deb a command that is not a core part of Ubuntu?01:59
retourelpha: Thank You! Looks like I have start download.02:00
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madmaxI'm having a problem enabling a 3rd monitor, I've tried several suggestions and howto's and I still havent been able to get it working.02:00
Whositsjrib: ah, that would've been smarter. I wasn't sure if we had one going for general use, or not.02:00
kbrooks_andrew____, not inside that code fragment, specifically. but replace the main code which uses sed inside the loop with the better command i gave you02:00
elpharetour: np!02:00
ariksxrandr seg faults on me when I added xinerama to my xorg.conf02:00
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jribWhosits: to fix your issue, hit ctrl-alt-f1 and login, delete some stuff so you can get some space (sudo apt-get clean  should probably give you enough).  Then hit ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to X02:00
bulmerFuzzyGhost: redhat and suse  uses rpm   ubuntu uses dpkg02:00
madmaxThe device listing in my xorg.conf is correct afaik, but it still isnt working02:00
kbrooks_FuzzyGhost, apt-get needs dpkg02:00
\Benbulmer- ah found it - cheers wireless-channel funnyilly enough.02:00
Whositsjrib: I've got plenty of space02:00
andrew____i understand i have to run it in the loop.02:01
andrew____so what is the total line that i must run within the loop?02:01
andrew____can you just edit my one above and give it to me?02:01
Whositsmore than 5 GB free for my /home partition, and more than 3 for my root02:01
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kbrooks_andrew____, link me to the guide02:01
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kbrooks_andrew____, which you used02:01
madmaxxorg.conf is located: http://pastebin.com/m6a0b660b02:01
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kbrooks_andrew____, for ndiswrapprt02:01
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CairnaAny idea as to why my headset ain't workin'?02:02
kbrooks_andrew____, ndiswrapper02:02
kbrooks_!hi | genesis02:02
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retourWhat should I use for PIII400Mhz machine with 128MB of RAM? Alternate CD and go with GNOME into same installation as Ubuntu from LiveCD or Xubuntu? But is Xubuntu desktop user friendly and configurable??? On Ubuntu I've installed Fluxbox from repos but default install is completely RAW (was expecting same apps entries as Ubuntu has ubder Gnome02:02
ubotugenesis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:02
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IndyGunFreakretour: xubuntu is very user friendly.02:02
Whositsjrib: any other ideas?02:03
bulmerretour try them both, and see if you get the feel of it02:03
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kbrooks_andrew____, i assume you have done ndiswrapper -m, no?02:03
IndyGunFreakretour: i'd use the alternate xubuntu cd on that one(believe it only requires 64mb Ram)02:03
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andrew____yes. evey step up to the loop worked fine.02:03
serenityretour xubuntu you get a row of icons along bottom like a mac, also thunar file manager which is like a simpler nautilus02:03
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Whositsserenity, I don't know if you remember me from about an hour ago02:04
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jribWhosits: google looks promising but I'm on 56k so give me a few minutes :)02:04
retourErr I would love to try everything personally for best feel but my download speed is crappy. 6-8 hrs for 1 700MB CD and is completed succesfully after 1-st time IF I'm lucky02:04
IndyGunFreakxubuntu is pretty similar to Gnome, if you ask me..., cosmetically anyways, i'm sure under the hood there's differences02:04
Whositsserenity, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30059/plain/ is my error message02:05
IndyGunFreakretour: then i'd use the alternate Xubuntu CD, its about 99.9% to work, Live CD's can be picky about some hardware, etc.02:05
Whositsand jrib, I can google, thank you for your effort02:05
kbrooks_andrew____, for conffile in ...; do (newline) sudo sed -i -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' $conffile (newline) done02:05
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retourSerenity Indy - I mostly expect any desktop manager so I can create my own entries icons etc02:05
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IndyGunFreakretour: ok, i don't see why you couldnt create your own entries on an xubuntu desktop(at least I have)02:06
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kbrooks_andrew____, (newline)  = press enter. also, replace "..." by /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5/*.conf02:06
jribWhosits: make sure  df -h  really says that you have free space.  I don't see what else would cause it02:06
dbarcenadoes anyone know the quickest/easiest way to get my linksys wmp54g (v4) wireless card working on this os?02:06
retourSounds good so to be sure I'm downloading right thing its name is XUBUNTU ALTERNATE CD.ISO?02:06
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FuzzyGhostOkay, well, how can I get the bash to find the deb command?02:07
IndyGunFreakretour: thats what i would do.02:07
dbarcenai checked online already, but it doesnt make much sense to me02:07
jribFuzzyGhost: what are you trying to do?02:07
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dbarcenaim trying to connect to my personal wireless network02:08
andrew____right. so it finished, asked for my password, and then did nothing.02:08
andrew____did it work?02:08
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IndyGunFreakretour: also i'd make sure you download the current version(Feisty Fawn), and not Dapper or Edgy, and also make sure you down the 32bit version02:08
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bulmerFuzzyGhost: man dpkg02:08
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retourIndy - Thank you! And another question is do we have other repos than the ones predefined by Ubuntu during install?02:08
FuzzyGhostOkay, I think I found the problem, I needed to update my sources list02:08
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FuzzyGhostI thought that I needed to type deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main into terminal02:09
IndyGunFreakretour: you'll add repos and what not depeding on what you wan tto install, after your system is installed.02:09
FuzzyGhostSorry about that02:09
puffis there another browser besides firefox in the ubuntu apt servers?02:09
puffI can't seem to find one.02:09
IndyGunFreakretour: did you catch what i said about making sure you download the i386 alternate iso, and not the 64bit?02:09
bulmerlynx ?02:09
puffFull-fledged browsre, yeah.02:10
jribpuff: epiphany-browser, dillo, konqueror, kazehakase02:10
retourIndy: Yes but do we have a list of different repos with whats there. Even if not officialy supported by Ubuntu but will work as its debian or some smart converter from other distro repos like rpm to deb etc?02:10
puffjrib: which one's best? :-)02:10
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serenityWhosits what does it say for df -h02:11
retourIndy: Yes I fully understand old and modern processors architecture (within limits of advanced user - not hardware developer)02:11
gordtry them and see for yourself puff02:11
jribpuff: epiphany is the default GNOME browser, Konqueror is default for kde, and dillo and kazehakase are pretty light browsers.  I like epiphany02:11
IndyGunFreakretour: ok..02:11
puffjrib: web browsers?02:11
jribpuff: yep02:12
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chris__when will cnr be in ubuntu?02:12
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=== IndyGunFreak has never used ephiphany
IndyGunFreakjrib: why don't they put ephiphany in the default gnome installs?02:12
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retourSo far on this machine is Damn Small Linux and this thing is smoking wires BUT difficult for me to manage and install stuff even with help of its synaptic02:12
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jribIndyGunFreak: it's been debated.  I think the big argument for firefox is that a lot of windows users will be familiar with it already02:13
IndyGunFreakjrib: makes sense.02:13
puffjrib: Thanks.02:13
flowbotI installed xubuntu feisty last night, and after trying to adduser, I no longer have any groups :( ... is there an easy way to get groups back?02:13
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IndyGunFreakretour: yeah, DSL is a good distro, but its not for everyone.02:13
r2d4I see a lot these messages in my dmesg02:14
r2d4[66338.756000]  parport0: FIFO is stuck02:14
r2d4[66338.800000]  parport0: BUSY timeout (1) in compat_write_block_pio02:14
r2d4What does that mean?02:14
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jribflowbot: use the 'adduser' or 'usermod' commands is the easiest way I know02:14
philsf /ehelp02:14
flowbotjrib, to add a user, or to get groups back?02:14
jribflowbot: adduser foo bar    adds the user "foo" to the group "bar"02:15
systemd0wnQuestion, now that i have dual monitors working is it possible to get gnome to wrap the toolbars across both of them?02:15
archoniamAllo... uh... how do you mount an ISO in Ubuntu Fiesty?02:15
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jrib!iso > archoniam (see the private message from ubotu)02:15
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archoniamThanks Jrib02:16
WhositsI actually have to leave on an urgent matter - thank you guys for your help anyway! I'll check df -h, I found the sites through google02:16
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conorkirkpatrickI have the normal LiveCD (7.04) and my CD drive is to slow to do anything, and I am running short on CD's, is it possible to do a text mode install with the normal LiveCD?02:16
retourIndyGunFreak: I have videocard that shares system memory but needs support from OS to get into decent res and color depth. Old Mandriva was working fine on it but DSL is maxed out at 800x600 and 16bit when I want to have it 1024 and 16 bit there is no go. I think because 2.4 kernel.02:16
flowbotjrib, only problem is that *all* groups are gone ... i can't even start gdm because gdm group is gone ... could i just copy /etc/groups from a working install to my bunged up one?02:16
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jribconorkirkpatrick: no02:16
retourconor - probably NO already asked here02:17
IndyGunFreakretour: not really sure on that one02:17
FuzzyGhostOkay, followed the guide, and hopefully it'll work.02:17
FuzzyGhostWish me luck.02:17
sleeperis there a harddrive partition GUI tool that I could use02:17
sleeperwith ubuntu?02:17
exsDoes anyone know about an updated flash version for firefox?.. because right now it's making my linux laptop so slow!02:17
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sleeperI have a hard drive I need to partition02:17
jribflowbot: oh, the groups don't actually exist anymore?  It's not just that your user is no longer a member of the groups?02:17
IndyGunFreakconorkirkpatrick: no, you must download the alternate install CD for text install.02:17
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\Benbulmer, when i use iwlist scan it says interface doesnt support scanning. when i use iwlist ap it says "interface doesnt have a list of peers/access-points"02:17
jribsleeper: gparted02:17
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flowbotjrib, yeah ... using "useradd shayne" totally hosed all groups ... probly cos i didn't do useradd properly02:18
jribexs: not really, flash 9 is in the repos.  Yes, flash on linux sucks.  /me looks in the general direction of adobe02:18
conorkirkpatrickIndyGunFreak: Hmm, I have internet on it, is it possible to maybe partition the HD, and do an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?02:18
exsjrib:  how do I make sure I got the latest version?02:18
IndyGunFreakconorkirkpatrick: do you have a CLI system installed?02:18
jribflowbot: ok, but only shayne is an issue right?02:18
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conorkirkpatrickIndyGunFreak: nothing is installed, though, I am perfectly willing to erase the HD02:19
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jribexs: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree02:19
IndyGunFreakconorkirkpatrick: then no, to do a textbased install, you have to use the alternate install CD.02:19
scottyshould i install beryl??02:19
retourconor: Lately I've discovered that Memorex CDs are crap and make your CD create behave and noises like its broken. Burned it on MAXELL CD with Made in Japan print on it and my supposedly broken CD-ROM drive is smoking in reading tests02:19
sleeperwhat's better for storage, reiserFS or ext3?02:19
flowbotjrib, not sure - all i know is nothing works now02:19
conorkirkpatrickIndyGunFreak: Ok, I suppose copying the CD to the HD won't work either? (lol, i'm being difficult :D)02:19
IndyGunFreakconorkirkpatrick: yes you are.02:20
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jribflowbot: alright, do you still have your original user?02:20
akoshello! what alsa drivers are in gutsy?02:20
retouralmost 60 Memorex cd drum went straicght to the trash can02:20
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IndyGunFreakretour: use sony DVD-Rs, no probs02:20
jribakos: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy02:20
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unix4mehow do I install gnome-main-menu in ubuntu? apparently the package settings aren't well set... how do i enable universe repositories and things like that?02:21
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retourIndy: I have CD-RW machine. No DVD burner yet and probably ever as they became obsolete already (Blue ray and other new stuff)02:21
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nagyvhello! I am helping my brother remotely with in his first Linux experience, and just realised that he installed edgy and I gave him a feisty sources.list file. I already started apt-get upgrade unfortunately. What could be the safest next step if I would like to avoid reinstalling?02:21
jrib!universe > unix4me (see the private message from ubotu)02:21
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:21
IndyGunFreakretour: i see, are you using RW disks, or R disks?02:21
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unix4meretour: DVD-R is still up2date ;)02:22
unix4mejrib: but how do I enable them?02:22
jribnagyv: I would just upgrade to feisty anyway02:22
IndyGunFreakunix4me: maybe not where he is... who knows.02:22
jribunix4me: the message from ubotu explains02:22
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jribor the link rather02:22
levanderIs there a command to just show the one line description of a package?  I could do an "apt-cache search <package name>", but if you know the name of a package, it seems there should be a command just to read the one line description out of it.  It would be faster than searcher the entire respository, and you wouldn't have the chance of having multiple packages in the output.02:22
unix4me!es | yamarash02:22
ubotuyamarash: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:22
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nagyvjrib: the problem was that for some reason (my guess is that the CD was wrong) it did not installed, so he installed edgy02:23
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unix4mehow can I get a windows vista-like orb for ubuntu? (i'm trying to get a vista theme going...)02:23
nagyvjrib: is it possible/safe to upgrade with apt-get updgrade instead of dist-upgrade?02:23
retourI dont use CD-RW for backup or important stuff - only as a transfer/transport media (photos to local CD lab if I want paper/ prints/ stuff to take to friends etc) So I always use CD-R disks in DAO mode to safe space and get extra compatibility with Orange book02:23
=== TeddY [n=jteddy@p938934.tokynt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
jribnagyv: right, but he can upgrade to feisty from edgy without reinstalling.  And he's already half way there.  No, you can finish it off with a dist-upgrade now02:24
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nagyvjrib: ok, so I will finish running the normal upgrade, and then a dist-upgrade, is this meaningful?02:24
scottyunix4me, try beryl02:25
iratikOff the wall question -- i've got a tv tuner card ... what are a few apps i can use to try to watch tv from the tuner card on ubuntu ( i did search the repo for tv tuner - nothing right on target seemed to come up) ?02:25
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jribnagyv: I would just dist-upgrade.  You might hit some bumps since update-manager is recommended for upgrades now, but I think it should be ok02:25
unix4mescotty: my computer's too old02:25
astro76iratik, tvtime02:25
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iratikastro76:see... it just says high quality video de-interlacer02:25
flowbotjrib, sorry had phone call ... i'll go see if i've got my original user02:25
nagyvjrib: how should I stop apt-get?02:25
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gerroanyone here using an averatec laptop? having loads of trouble with it and can't get anything to work02:26
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shad0w1eanyone familiar with ubuntustudio? I did a wubi install and none of the creativity apps are there, not even openoffice, did something go wrong in my installation?02:26
jribnagyv: oh, if the upgrade is still going, just let it finish02:26
akos_Hello! I have to download the alsa 1.0.14 drivers, but I don't want to switch to gutsy. Is it possible to download only them (+dependencies) from the gutsy repository?02:26
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iratikno kidding*!02:27
iratikastro76: that was 10,000 times easier than getting wintv installed on xp02:27
iratikit works right away!02:27
astro76iratik, yeah tell me about it02:28
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ircusrhi all02:29
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iratikwhile i'm here... i've tried like 10 different apps on xp for setting up a streaming video feed from a usb webcam i have ..... any recommendations on ubuntu?02:30
oodahey i have a huge problem with synaptic package manager, can any one help?02:30
sleeperwhat's the command for checking the space on a disk?02:30
oodawhen  i try to install something i get a  dpkg error02:30
astro76iratik, not sure about that but you should look into VLC (videolan client)02:30
nagyvsleeper: df -h02:30
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oodais there a way to reinstall synaptic package manager?02:31
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oodaor restore the default setings02:31
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oodacan someone point me in some directions02:32
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philsfooda, what exactly appears as error?02:33
unix4mehey i'm trying to get a trash icon on my desktop. please help :)02:33
sldkfjooda, I'm guessin' maybe....   sudo apt-get --reinstall install synaptic02:33
gordonjcpunix4me: there's one in the bottom right corner02:33
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unix4megordonjcp, I know but I want to get a vista theme on my desktop02:33
unix4megordonjcp, because (no offence to open source) open source window managers aren't all that pretty....02:34
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gordonjcpunix4me: what's Vista?02:34
voicihey, can i run a script everytime someone connects to me by ssh?02:34
niggletwhy would u bring that here02:34
unix4megordonjcp: http://www.windowsvista.com - it's the newest version of Microsoft Windows02:34
gordonjcpunix4me: ah02:34
John`with this script: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30062/  ; how do I make it so that when I press cancel on the password screen, it will spit out an error instead of the first zenity message?02:34
niggletarr windows02:34
gordonjcpunix4me: no idea then02:34
gordonjcpI've never used it02:35
gordonjcpvoici: possibly02:35
gordonjcpvoici: what are you trying to do?02:35
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voicijust playing around02:35
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unix4mehow do I get a trash icon on my desktop?02:35
jrib!icons > unix4me (see the private message from ubotu)02:35
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XiXaQhey, what's the name of the IM client in Ubuntu? I've forgotten :/02:36
unix4meXiXaQ: Gaim02:36
magnetronXiXaQ: gaim02:36
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XiXaQah, thanks :)02:36
teethdoodunix4me, Alt+F2 gconf-editor go to the apps section02:36
oodaphilsf, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:36
cotyrotheryIs there a way to link 2 computers to share resources02:36
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gordonjcpvoici: no, I mean what do you want the script to do, notify you when someone connects?02:36
ginlemonCiao a tutti!!!02:36
jmchaffiegreat, so I just did the recommended beryl update... it doesn't work anymore. How do I revert back?02:36
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gordonjcpvoici: or just run something for them when they log in?02:36
philsfooda: what else?02:36
philsfooda: before that02:36
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unix4mejrib: thanks02:37
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oodaphilsf, grep: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory02:37
XiXaQunix4me, magnetron: I was looking for it's new name, I thought it was pidgeon, when it's pidgin, but since I didn't remember the old one either, it was abit difficult :)02:37
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oodaooda, test02:37
oodaooda test02:37
Evan_WIRELESS: installed confirmed windows driver with ndiswrapper. lspci shows hardware, but wireless adapter does not show in network screen02:37
oodaooda: test02:37
kitcheXiXaQ: well it's still gaim in ubuntu but in gusty it's pidgin02:37
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XiXaQthanks :)02:38
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cotyrotheryJust wondering if it is possible to link 2 computers to share resources02:38
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Matic`MakovecWhere does Kopete save files you transfer?02:38
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mactimesHello there!02:38
kitchecotyrothery: you mean for a cluster yes02:38
cotyrotherykitche: so that they can both share the cpu02:38
madmaxI'm using wine to play a game and I needed to get the directX redist file.  I was bummed that I'd hafta load into windows because of the WGA tool, but then I remembered that you could get WGA to validate with IE4Linux, hooray WINE!!!02:38
cotyrotheryand the gpu02:38
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feveldo you guys recomend gparted live cd??02:38
designi got a problem with my laptop toshiba satellite that i can't turn it off normally, i had to force it02:38
thebighamis there any simple guides for dual booting winxp and ubuntu with window xp preinstalled02:39
sldkfjspare us the scroll people; comments discussion and instructions of anything VISTA needs to be done in #Ubuntu-offtopic02:39
philsfooda what package were you installing?02:39
kitchecotyrothery: well not sure about gpu but cpu yes it's called a cluster02:39
cotyrotherykitche: how?02:39
oodaphilsf, it says that for anyone02:39
philsfooda try opening a terminal and issuing: "sudo apt-get install -f"02:39
mactimesI'm facing trouble with GDK.  I get some errors like Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_font_from_description_for_display: assertion `font_desc != NULL' failed.  Could anyone, please, try to help me?02:39
philsfooda without the quotes02:39
oodaphilsf,  even on adept i get errors02:39
kitchecotyrothery: not sure how in ubuntu but look up building a cluster it will tell you might even find out one for ubuntu to make it a cluster02:40
designi got a problem with my laptop toshiba satellite that i can't turn it off normally, i had to force it,,, im using ubuntu 7.0402:40
philsfooda: it's because both synaptic and adept are front-ends to dpkg02:40
cotyrotherykitche: im on windows now02:40
oodaphilsf, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:40
oodaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:40
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philsfooda, ok you have to quit synaptic/adept first02:41
oodaphilsf, i got to close synaptic02:41
philsfooda sorry for not mentioning it02:41
kitchecotyrothery: look it up there is many ways to make a cluster myself I use bewoulf if I need one02:41
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chrisjs169I think somehow /dev got messed up...02:41
designsomebody can help me please02:41
oodaphilsf, it says root@ooda-desktop:/home# sudo apt-get install -f02:41
oodaReading package lists... Done02:41
oodaBuilding dependency tree02:41
oodaReading state information... Done02:41
ooda0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:41
ooda1 not fully installed or removed.02:41
oodaNeed to get 0B of archives.02:42
chrisjs169My mp3 player isn't automounting, SSL isn't working, and /dev/random doesn't exist02:42
oodaAfter unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used.02:42
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oodaSetting up runit (1.6.0-1) ...02:42
oodagrep: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory02:42
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oodagrep: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory02:42
oodaAdding SV inittab entry...02:42
oodacp: cannot stat `/etc/inittab': No such file or directory02:42
oodadpkg: error processing runit (--configure):02:42
ooda subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:42
oodaErrors were encountered while processing:02:42
ooda runit02:42
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oodaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:42
latinoguyhola problemascon las x02:42
xnix_does anyone know how to find out what application is currently using a port02:42
oodais there a way i can pm you, i dont' want to get banned for spamming02:42
sldkfjtry using a pastebin  HTTP://PASTEBIN.CA02:42
Evan_HELP WIRELESS: installed confirmed windows driver with ndiswrapper. lspci shows hardware, but wireless adapter does not show in network settings02:42
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chrisjs169is this normal? http://pastebin.ca/62119902:42
akos_is it possible that my cdrom wasnt detected? i dont have ANY hd* devices, and only sda which is my hdd02:43
latinoguyespaol porfavor02:43
cotyrotherykitche: were can i get bewoulf02:43
philsfooda try apt-get remove runit02:43
latinoguycomand line to reconfigure the x server02:43
philsfooda it is half-installed02:43
akos_latinoguy, dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:44
latinoguysolo entro en terminal02:44
philsfooda either you need to force the installation, or remove it, and install again later02:44
oodaphilsf, done, oh i see02:44
mactimeslatinoguy: I would recommend making a backup of your config file 1st02:44
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philsfooda did it work?02:44
oodaphilsf, Yes sir, it sure did...02:45
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oodaphilsf, thanks alot bro02:45
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philsfooda, np02:45
chrisjs169is this normal? http://pastebin.ca/62119902:45
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latinoguyi cant02:45
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latinoguynot found it02:46
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CatoptromancyDoes anyone know of Logitech or similar drivers like setpoint for Linux?02:46
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Don64!es | latinoguy02:46
ubotulatinoguy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:46
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[App] sUb-ZeRoDoes anybody here havee xpierence setting up Torrentflux?02:47
Evan_help please02:47
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Bobafett313I have a question when it comes to booting off the liveCD. My ATA harddrive is connected with a SATA adapter and causes the boot process to hang... I can boot with noacpi but unfortunately my drive isn't detected. When I reboot I can't post past "Detecting IDE drives" until I fully power off and restart. Funny thing is, windows works fine. Any ideas of what I can try?02:47
puppy-user-06somdoes anyone know how to get an xbox controller working in ubuntu fiesty (the controller has been adapted to usb)?02:47
mactimesI would appreciate some help with some GDK errors I'm getting.  I posted them in http://pastebin.ca/62120302:48
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FurryNemesispuppy-user-06som, you'd need a custom xorg.conf section and the right drivers for a start I think02:48
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puppy-user-06somthe problem is the drivers02:49
puppy-user-06somhow to get the /dev/input/js0 node02:49
basketcase3Could someone tell me if these instructions (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185079) will work for Fiesty? I'm downloading the gcc packages now.02:49
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RezzieWhen using Ubuntu 7.04 will it automatically select the best kernel (from those avaliable) to use? I'm talking about the SMP, i686 etc, as those packages in the package manager are marked as obsolete?02:51
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pushpopanyone here good with setting up LVM02:51
bovinenewb alert question) trying to run a live cd of ubuntu 7.04 and am getting an error of "x server failed to start". this is on a dell inspiron e1705. any ideas as to whats going on or how to fix it?02:52
zerokill88where can i get some good free proxies?02:52
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kikkomanchowhow do u install fonts in ubuntu??02:53
Flannel!fonts | kikkomanchow02:53
ubotukikkomanchow: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:53
conorkirkpatrickHow do you mount a hard drive from the LiveCD?02:53
mactimeszerokill88: Get squid02:53
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oodadoes anyone know a good audio play, that allow you to manipulate the mix, and crossfade02:54
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breakerfallwow, large channel o.o02:55
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eriscothis is the only working window right now... I tried to shut down but KATE came up and complained about an unsaved document... and now ubuntu is crashed02:55
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eriscowhat is the key combo to get to a text only terminal?02:55
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breakerfalljust a quick question, I tested 6.10 a small while back and one of the things I wasn't keen on, was the lack of choice over the applications that come bundled with ubuntu02:55
Flannelerisco: ctrl-alt-f1 (f7 gets you back to GUI)02:55
breakerfallhas this changed with the 7+ series?02:55
jpatotais there anything special i need to install in ubuntu for a hardware raid to work properly?02:56
breakerfallcan I select packages during install?02:56
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conorkirkpatrickHow do you mount a hard drive from the LiveCD?02:56
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zanihey guys, is there a ubuntu repos in dvd like debian does?02:56
eriscoit says my login is incorrect :s02:56
eriscoand it isn't _my_ login...02:56
Flannelbreakerfall: no, Although you could install a minimal system and then install what you want later.02:56
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eriscoit says "eric login" not "erisco login"02:56
pushpopanyone here good with setting up LVM I have a few questions02:56
breakerfallok, thanks Flannel02:56
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Flannelzani: No, but you can use something like AptOnCD to make a DVD of packages (as a repository on acD)02:57
chaotic this is basically what i need to do delete .wine/program files/funcom/ anarchy online/cd_image/gui/default and move from desktop cd_image to  .wine/c_drive/progam files/funcom/anarchy online02:57
IndyGunFreakwhats the command to uninstall a program, and purge it?02:57
conorkirkpatrickHow do you mount a hard drive from the LiveCD?02:57
breakerfallconorkirkpatrick, mount -t <type goes here> /dev/XXX /path/to/mount02:57
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FlannelIndyGunFreak: apt-get remove --purge [package] 02:57
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IndyGunFreakFlannel: thanks, knew it was something like that02:57
FlannelIndyGunFreak: or in synaptic, "complete removal"02:57
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zaniif i use the debian repos it would be ok right?02:57
IndyGunFreakFlannel: ok..thanks02:57
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zaniwould apt be smart enough to not break something?02:58
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conorkirkpatrickbreakerfall: I know the command, I was jsut wondering how to get it to recognize the HD from the Live CD. I tried dmesg | grep hd and it found a device of 20GB (my hd) but I have no idea how to mount it as it isn't in mtab or fstab02:58
WaxyFreshcntrl alt backspace isint working for me is there another method to restart xserver?02:58
dave_needing a bit of help if anyone has a moment02:58
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Flannelzani: No.  The packages are all named/versioned differently.  No binary compatability between ubuntu and debian repositories.  However if you got a source deb, it should work02:59
MusashiX90I'm having trouble with Ubuntu Server 7.04 detecting my RTL8139 network card.02:59
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MusashiX90Anyone know a way to solve this?02:59
Flannel!anyone | dave_, pushpop02:59
ubotudave_, pushpop: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:59
WaxyFreshzani: i use apt every day without problems02:59
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chris__what is the difference from ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server?02:59
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dave_recommendation of a new motherboard03:00
Flannelchris__: the default packages installed.  Server has no GUI by default, desktop does.03:00
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Flannelchris__: also, server has an alt CD setup (so you can do stuff like LVM), a LAMP pre-install, and also installs the -server kernel by default, instead of the generic one.03:00
[App] sUb-ZeRoDoes anybody here havee xpierence setting up Torrentflux?03:00
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chris__server kernel?03:01
Flannelchris__: yeah, the desktop CD can't do LVM, the Alt and Server CDs can.03:01
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chris__what is lvm?03:01
Flannelchris__: Are you looking to have a desktop machine that also runs server things?03:01
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pushpopits a headache chris03:01
pushpopbecause im trying to configure it now03:02
Flannelchris__: it's an abstraction layer ontop of physical drives.  Allows you to resize partitions, merge disks into larger ones, plenty of other goodies.03:02
pushpopand i reinsatlled the os 3 times already03:02
Flannel!ask | pushpop03:02
archoniamUm hiyas... I'm at trying to get SM to work again. I have tried root, i have tried sudo, make install AS root AND using sudo or any combination of that and the program ALWAYS gets permission denied. What is going on?03:02
ubotupushpop: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:02
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pushpopsorry flannel03:02
scottyi just followed a long guide on installing beryla dn it didnt work, i guess its too old03:02
chris__no i have a server and i was wondering if it was worth the extra 700mb 2 dl....03:02
conorkirkpatrickWhat package allows me to SSH into ubuntu?03:02
pushpopapt-get install ssh03:03
Peloscotty,  try asking for help in #beryl03:03
kitcheconorkirkpatrick: openssh-server03:03
conorkirkpatrickkitche: thnx03:03
Flannelchris__: Well, if you've got a desktop already, you're better off just installing whatever server programs you want.  Linux makes no distinction between "desktop" and "server" systems03:03
younghackerwhy do people prefer torrent sites over other p2p software? (just a question)03:03
Peloconorkirkpatrick,  search for ssh in synaptic03:03
blackmambaugh, my screen flickers. ati radeon x700, acer 1916w lcd widescreen 19" monitor supposed to run at 1440x900@75Hz, i get a horizontal banding on large off-white blocks of color, like the default wallpaper. i've been furiously editing xorg.conf to try to fix it but i can't. xorg is set up correctly, my screen just...flickers03:03
conorkirkpatrickpelo: I am trying to SSH into the PC to try to mount the HD from the LiveCD and do a good old manual install03:03
conorkirkpatrickpelo: Sounds fun, doesn't it? ;)03:03
Peloyounghacker,  the way the multi peer dl is setup in torrents makes it more reliable to get stuff, you donT' end up waiting in queue for days03:04
conorkirkpatrickPelo: Also, no X03:04
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younghackerahhh,,, is it true that torrent uses it's own protocol for transfers?03:04
Pelo!install | conorkirkpatrick  did you read this ?03:04
ubotuconorkirkpatrick  did you read this ?: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:04
archoniamblackmamba: Have you tried adjusting the refresh rate higher?03:04
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younghackeri despise point to point software,, but probably only because i know how much damage it's done to some 'MS' boxes i've seen03:05
younghackeri've never used on Ubuntu03:05
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Peloyounghacker,  yes , bittorent protocol is much different fhen the other kind of p2p,  for one thing you donT' need to have the whole thing to share it with others03:05
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younghackeri see03:06
blackmambaarchoniam: i can't, the screen resolution dialogue will never list more than one option at a time. right now it lists 76Hz... my vertrefresh and horizsync options are set up correctly to my monitor's specs03:06
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banlieuehi.. could someone recommend an application prettier than gdesklets to display computer statistics on my ubuntu gnome desktop?03:06
zabinaaragon: ping03:06
dfrhi, how can i check which process usurped sound via oss?03:06
=== Assassin` [n=DarkAssa@206-248-223-183.wbo.dmt.ntelos.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelobanlieue, screenlets ,  gtkrll I think the other one is called03:06
Assassin`how do i get  sound in wine?03:07
younghackercool @ Pelo03:07
banlieuethanks, let me google that :] 03:07
PeloAssassin`,  try asking in #winehq03:07
archoniamblackmamba: Uhh, when you can adjust it to 60. My brother has that setting.03:07
Flannelpushpop: You ever going to ask your LVM question?03:07
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conorkirkpatrickPelo: My original plan was to mount the HD then figure out a way to have apt-get install the package "kubuntu-desktop" onto the HD rather than into memory.03:07
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banlieuegtkrll it can't find, but screenlets seems worth checking out03:08
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Peloconorkirkpatrick,  I'm not familiar enough with the intricacies of the install process to advice you on this,03:08
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Flannelconorkirkpatrick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH03:08
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[App] sUb-ZeRoDoes anybody here havee xpierence setting up Torrentflux?03:08
conorkirkpatrickPelo: okay, thanks anyway :D03:08
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banlieuescreenlets requires a composite manager though ;/03:09
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banlieuei just got rid of that lol03:09
Pelobanlieue,  that's probably the wront spelling for gtkrll,  I just donT' recall what it is03:09
SlimG2Where do I add the hostname I want dhclient3 to send to the dhcp server?03:09
blackmambaarchoniam: i can't through gnome's interface, i have to change it in xorg.conf... lots of fiddling around. it seems to flicker no matter what setting i put it on, the only thing that changes is the flicker speed03:09
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banlieuegkrellm it seems03:09
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banlieueglad they keep the names simple ;)03:09
banlieuethanks Pelo03:09
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Pelo[App] sUb-ZeRo,   sudo apt-get install torrentflux03:10
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younghackeri want to import an XML document into postgresql as data in one of databases, anyone have anysuggestions?03:10
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[App] sUb-ZeRoPelo: yeah, I did that, but it has errors03:10
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SlimG2Where do I add the hostname I want dhclient3 to send to the dhcp server?03:10
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[App] sUb-ZeRoPelo: it has permissions errors and I cannot figure it out03:10
Pelo[App] sUb-ZeRo,  during the install or when running ?03:10
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archoniamblackmamba: Make the flickering rate as fast as possible. Then you may be able to completely end the flickering.03:11
[App] sUb-ZeRowell, while running03:11
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[App] sUb-ZeRoPelo. have you set it up before?03:11
Pelo[App] sUb-ZeRo,  what't the error ?03:11
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[App] sUb-ZeRocan i pm you?03:11
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archoniamAnd please post your xorg.conf on paste.ubuntu.com.03:11
MasterNe0Does anyone know how to grow the ext3 volume? I got both windows and ubuntu installed. Want to divert some windows space over to ubuntu.03:11
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blackmambaarchoniam: hmm, guess i've got some more fiddling to do03:12
Pelo[App] sUb-ZeRo,  I use utorrent running on wine, never had any problems03:12
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younghackercan someone advise me on importing XML data into postgresql?03:12
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[App] sUb-ZeRoPelo: Warning: opendir(/var/www/torrentflux/rents/) [function.opendir] : failed to open dir: Permission denied in /var/www/torrentflux/html/dir.php on line 32103:12
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FlannelMasterNe0: ext3 can only be expanded backwards (foot can move, head can't).  Depending on the size of your partitions, you can manuever it around and get it to work if you're moving the head though03:12
karontewhos everybody03:12
=== murph [n=murph@c-24-60-74-84.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
archoniamblackmamba: Just post the xorg.conf at the ubuntu paste place (try and say that 3 times fast) at paste.ubuntu.com03:13
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MasterNe0i got about 15 gb for ubuntu. the rest, about 70 for windows.03:13
Pelo[App] sUb-ZeRo,  I would try to give permission to the folders and files mentionned,    sudo chmod 755  /path/file03:13
jribarchoniam: it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , I think paste.ubuntu.com will be 40403:13
FlannelMasterNe0: How much space you looking to give Ubuntu?  And how much space (actual space, not just partition size) is it already using?03:13
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blackmambajrib: youre right03:13
archoniamI'm at trying to get SM to work again. I have tried root, i have tried sudo, make install AS root AND using sudo or any combination of that and the program ALWAYS gets permission denied. What is going on?03:13
thebighamHello everyone, I have a problem trying to partitiion my hard drive. It keep giving me an error.03:13
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flowbotjrib, yay, got groups sorted by copying /etc/group from working install :)03:14
archoniamlol sorry03:14
W55eoDCC SEND 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003:14
thebighamI have tried partition magic also, it gives me the same error03:14
archoniamI'm at trying to get SM to work again. I have tried root, i have tried sudo, make install AS root AND using sudo or any combination of that and the program ALWAYS gets permission denied. What is going on?03:14
CrashandDiehey all, what should I do if emerald fails to work correctly (I don't have window decoration when beryl is launched) ?03:14
thebighamIs there anything i can do?03:14
blackmambalol sorry for typos i onlu have eight fingers right now, two are sprained03:14
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MasterNe0another 10gb from windows to ubuntu. windows has about 20 free.03:14
Pelothebigham,  what is the error ?03:14
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archoniamblackmamba: Ow. How did you do that?03:14
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FlannelMasterNe0: and how much space is Ubuntu currently using?  (Less than 10?)03:14
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thebighamIt only says it failed to complete the partition03:14
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kev_bdoes anyone know why, with 2500 emails in my junk mail folder (added manually), I have not yet had a spam automatically filtered in Evolution? I have 'check for incoming junk mail' and 'include remote tests' checked in prefs and 'check new messages for junk content' checked in the account settings.03:15
thebighamand the partition magic said it has detected alot of errors on my hard drive03:15
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conorkirkpatrickflannel: I am going with the SSH instructions, but when I enter "fdisk /dev/hda" It causes an error: "Unable to open /dev/hda"03:15
MasterNe015 total.03:15
Pelothebigham,  try to do it in seperate steps,  first make room ( resize or whatever) , apply,  then create the new pariition , , if more then one ,  do them one at a time,  applying the change between each step03:15
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CrashandDiehey all, what should I do if emerald fails to work correctly (I don't have window decoration when beryl is launched) ?03:16
blackmambathere we go. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30066/    archoniam: well theyre actually badly infected but sprained is a shorter word :P infection thru joint and bone it six03:16
scottyhow come i installed beryl but i dotn see the desktop cube???03:16
zeroHow do you chroot using ubuntu03:16
archoniamkev_b: Get a new cliend. I would suggest Thunderbird 2.03:16
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zeroKeeps giving me /bin/bash: permission denied03:16
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SlimG2Where do I add the hostname I want dhclient3 to send to the dhcp server?03:16
jribzero: you need to be root to chroot, are you using sudo?03:16
zeroNo, I enabled root and tried it03:16
archIs there a way to unmap the <super> key from opening the applications menu?03:16
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zeroAnd it still gives me the error03:16
fevelhey guys...I have unallocated space in my HD and would like to add to ext3. I tried to resize in gparted but I could only shrink it. Can anyone help me out??03:17
kev_barchoniam: :( i like Evolution... is it a known problem?03:17
thebighamOkay thanks Pelo03:17
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jribzero: what do you mean by "enabled root and tried it"?03:17
younghackerhow can i update software using apt-get?03:17
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zeroI set a password for root03:17
zerosu'd it03:17
jribyounghacker: apt-get upgrade, or to upgrade a specific package:  apt-get install PACKAGE03:17
zeroAnd it's still giving me problems03:17
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jribzero: why?  You don't need to set a password for root03:17
younghackerok i see thank you03:18
MasterNe0it has about 15gb for ubuntu currently.03:18
flowbotafter installing xubuntu and configuring backup server, is there anyway to turn it into a command line system only?03:18
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conorkirkpatrickflannel: I am going with the SSH instructions, but when I enter "fdisk /dev/hda" It causes an error: "Unable to open /dev/hda"03:18
CrashandDieOk, so anyone ever had a problem with emerald not loading properly ??03:18
chris__is there a program like google desktop but not by google and yeah....03:18
Hyarion2hi, ever since I installed Ubuntu the entire computer will freeze, except the mouse, but I'm not even able to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, this happens with both GNOME/KDE and even after upgrading to Fiesty, any ideas?03:18
zerokill88what are some real good encryption software for ubuntu????03:18
zerojrib, on Ubuntu, root is disabled by default03:18
jribzero: correct03:18
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: do you have SATA drives instead of IDE drives?03:18
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Evan_wireless help please03:18
SlimG2Where do I add the hostname I want dhclient3 to send to the dhcp server?03:18
jribzero: you use sudo instead03:18
Pelo!wifi | Evan_03:18
ubotuEvan_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:18
archoniamkev_b: Not really =P It's just an annoying thing. I guess you could fiddle around with it until it works. Better yet, what email server are you using? (Like gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.)03:18
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: Nope, I have Plan Old IDE drives, though one is an IBM "Deathstar"03:18
zeroI prefer su03:19
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: but the Deathstart is working fine03:19
younghackeralso , i wanted yakuake (pull down terminal window) to run as a start up program, i typed the name yakuake in the startup programs dialogue box in sessions but i still have to manuall start, anybody know how to fix?03:19
jrgottihow do i change the icon that is displayed on avant window navigator when an application is opened?03:19
Evan_i've been through the wireless documentation, i need troubleshooting03:19
zerojrib, even while su'd it gives the /bin/bash: permission denied error03:19
CrashandDieheellllloooooooo ?03:19
kev_barchoniam: I'm using dreamhost and their on-server filtering sucks (e.g. not allowed to use a catch-all and spam filtering at same time)03:19
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jribzero: where are you chroot to?03:19
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: er, um, I don't know.  /dev/hda should exist.  That's your primary master.  What drives do you have listed in /dev/?03:19
zeroA partition that's mounted to a file on the desktop03:20
jrgotti...nevermind. i love when i ask a question and i immediately remember how to do it.03:20
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jribzero: and bin/bash is in there?03:20
blackmambaZOMG, can setting your horizsync rate too low cause horizontal banding on your screen?03:20
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zeroI'm using the command chroot /filepath /bin/bash03:20
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: "ls /dev | grep hd" returns nothing, but "ls /dev | grep sd" returns sda and sda103:20
Peloblackmamba, that is what it controls03:20
kev_barchoniam: but I don't even know what to fiddle with in Evolution, it seems to have no settings for spam apart from enable/disable filtering03:20
jribzero: and /filepath/bin/bash exists?03:20
blackmambaPelo: i love you. :D restarting xserver now03:21
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Flannelconorkirkpatrick: Oh, well, uh, try that then.  I do remember hearing something about feisty mapping everything to sdX03:21
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archoniamblackmamba: I think i've figured it out. Please set the resolution pixels to 1024x768. I'll post it in the pastebin Firefox. Gimme a sec tho, i'm tied up quite a bit here, doing four things at a time.03:21
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archoniamkev_b: Then i would suggest getting a new email client03:22
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: Fdisk on any SD* drives causes it to say the same error "Unable to open"03:22
SeokeWhen downloading NVIDIA drivers for Ubuntu do I dl the Linux X86 or Linux x64?03:22
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: you're using sudo, right?03:22
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: ...03:22
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: WOW n00b mistake there :D03:22
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Evan_pelo: I am in !wifi, no one else is there03:22
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: sudo fdisk /dev/whatever03:22
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kev_barchoniam: think i might have to : ( thanks03:23
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conorkirkpatrickFlannel: Could cfdisk be used? I am more accustomed to it03:23
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Flannelconorkirkpatrick: actually, all of this will be done with sudo.  You might be better off using `sudo -i` to open a root shell, and then doing all this stuff03:23
bad_cablesubuntu is takin over!03:23
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: sure, All that's doing is partitioning.  you can use whatever you'd like.03:23
SeokeIs ubuntu Linux x64?03:23
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FlannelSeoke: It can be.  Yes.03:23
WaxyFreshwhere can i find images for use with virtualbox?03:24
SnakeCan anyone help me with grub? I need to tell it to install to /dev/sda1, currently its set to (hd0)03:24
kitcheWaxyFresh: have ot make them yourself03:24
SeokeFlannel, Well I'm trying to download drivers for nvidia do I download the x64 or x86?03:24
FlannelSeoke: The drivers you download are dependant on what sort of system you're running.  But actually, you should use the built-in ubuntu driver managers03:24
SnakeI dont know how to translate to hd(x,x)03:24
zerojrib, yes, it exists03:24
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: Just a question (not that it matters) Do you have any idea why the HD was mounted as sda? (I know it is the hard drive because it says W95 and that was my prev. os)03:24
SeokeFlannel, How do I get to the driver managers?03:24
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FlannelSeoke: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager, or something close to that.03:24
Evan_wireless card is installed, it shows up in lspci, but not in network settings. supported driver installed via ndiswrapper03:25
SeokeFlannel, The closest thing I found was Device Managers03:25
SnakeCan anyone help me with grub? I need to tell it to install to /dev/sda1, currently its set to (hd0)03:25
Flannelconorkirkpatrick: Well, I don't have feisty to confirm, but I heard someone say that in feisty they moved everything to be sdX to simplify things, or something like that.03:25
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WaxyFreshkitche: theres no premade ones availible?03:25
FlannelSnake: hd0 is /dev/sda, the MBR.  Are you sure you don't want that intead of sda1?03:25
conorkirkpatrickFlannel: Ok, wasn't used to that, though it does seem better, to have all drives on one prefix03:25
jribzero: what do the permissions look like03:26
le1excuse me, I use ub7.04.  please send me a file which named /etc/wodim.conf. flyinflash@gmail.com. Thank you!03:26
archoniamblackmamba: The corrected version is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30067/ . For one, hope your fingers heal enough so you don't have to typo so much =D And for two, if it dosen't work, i'll establish a remote connection sometime. I'll try to be on tomorrow at noon if you want to see me or now is good. XD Now i gotta repeat my question for the third time.03:26
SnakeFlannel: I dont want it to overwrite the MBR, right now my MBR is @ /dev/sdc1, thats where my bios boots first03:26
zerojrib, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 640240 2007-04-19 19:53 bash03:26
Cairn1How do I disable X Server so I can install my nvidia driver? :)03:26
zeroI even tried chmodding them to 777703:26
SnakeFlannel: I want it installed at /dev/sda, so hd0 is correct?03:26
le1excuse me, I use ub7.04.  please send me a file which named /etc/wodim.conf. flyinflash@gmail.com. Thank you!03:26
FlannelSnake: hd0 is /sda, yes.  hd0,0 would be sda103:27
archoniamNow. I ask AGAIN...03:27
jammanzero, have you chmoded it?03:27
SnakeFlannel: thats all I needed to know, I dont know how grub translates the sdas to hd(x,x) ;)03:27
kitcheWaxyFresh: not for VirtualBox that I know of03:27
Cairn1Anyone know how to disable X Server? :/03:27
FlannelSnake: convert letters to numbers, and subtract one.03:27
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archoniamwoops lol03:27
jammanhmm. also its chowned it? zero03:27
SeokeFlannel, How do I check if the drivers for my video card are installed already?03:27
FlannelSnake: because GRUB starts at 0, and linux starts at 1 (well, and a)03:28
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SnakeFlannel: ahhh clever, thatll do :)03:28
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Pbhow can i scan a file in xsane from the command line?03:28
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archoniamI'm at trying to get SM to work again. I have tried root, i have tried sudo, make install AS root AND using sudo or any combination of that and the program ALWAYS gets permission denied. What is going on?03:28
zerojamman, I'm su'd as root03:28
Pbi want to get the effect of xsane | image.jpg03:28
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jammanzero, and what can you not do?03:28
Snakewell here goes nothin03:28
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jrgotti...if i wanted to patch awn...how would i do that? i have some code...and it says to commit it to svn...how would i go about doing that?03:29
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SeokeHow do I cehck to see if my video cards drivers are installed properly?03:30
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=== jamman is cool.
=== jamman says just kidding
RezzieWhat is the best (safest?) way to update Ubuntu 7.04 to the latest kernel, without compiling it myself?03:30
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zerojamman, I'm trying to chroot03:30
arooRezzie, using apt-get03:31
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arooRezzie, unless you want the brand new kernels as they're released, then you need to compile03:31
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coraxxAn error occurred Could not establish connection to sound server I get this mesage when I try to play movies or mp3 enyone know whats wrong?03:31
=== archoniam is fed up answering questions right now and wants his answered.
FlannelRezzie: if by "latest kernel" you mean something other than 2.6.20, then you dont. You get a new kernel version when Ubuntu releases 7.1003:31
jribzero: make sure permissions on /filepath and /filepath/bin are ok too03:31
Flannelarchoniam: I'm still trying to figure out what SM is.03:31
jammanzero, try chmod -R 77703:31
RezzieThanks. Guess I'll wait :)03:31
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archoniamFlannel: StepMania.03:32
jribjamman: don't recommend that... that usually leads to reinstalls03:32
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jammanjrib, oh, well then don't zero.03:32
archoniamAll: SM IS FREAKING STEPMANIA. Sorry for not telling you that. XD03:32
coraxxAn error occurred Could not establish connection to sound server I get this mesage when I try to play movies or mp3 enyone know whats wrong?03:32
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jammanzero try, "chown root /path/to/dir"03:33
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zeroIt's already owned by root03:33
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archoniamCoraxx: Your alsa driver could be corrupted. Other than that...uhh... i have no idea.03:33
jammanzero, well then...03:33
CrashandDieAm I invisible or what ??,03:33
karontehow is everybody here03:34
jribzero: I have to go now, but checkout mandrivausers.org/lofiversion/index.php/t36838.html .  It seems to discuss the problem in detail03:34
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=== archoniam does not see CrashandDie through the invisible wall which is from IRC to the forums.
zeroWas already there03:34
bad_cablesam i up?03:34
bad_cablesifconfig should send me up right men?03:34
dthackerHi, what settings should I use on my dapper laptop to connect to an unsecured network?03:34
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CrashandDiearchoniam, bleh, forums are so 90's03:35
bad_cablesgosh darn isnt ubuntu the best???03:35
=== archoniam was jking
jammanzero, when i try to run chroot i get, "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file...03:35
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jammanbad_cables, amen man!03:35
jribzero: oh, well gl.  Hope you sort it out03:35
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zerojamman, you have to have a /bin/bash in the directory...03:35
ant-why is ubuntu the best?03:35
grumowhile installing the main hd is called /dev/sdc but when i try to first boot it becomes /dev/sda and i think this is causing a grub error 15, how can i fix this?03:35
jammanzero, i know, its there, chroot can't find it though.03:35
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jammanzero, try just sudo'ing it.03:36
zeroWell, this is a permission denied error03:36
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zeroAnd jamman I'm su'd as root03:36
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=== archoniam uses them all the time, but still can't see CrashandDie for some reason. Must be the firewall.
ant-you cant get permission denied error as root03:36
jammanzero, try doing "sudo -i" instead of "sudo su"03:36
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zeroI didn't do sudo su03:36
zeroI did password root03:36
zeropasswd root*03:37
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zeroThen su root03:37
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ant-use su - root03:37
conorkirkflannel: When SSH'ing into the target system, the client says something about the RSA key being invalid, if I just delete "/Users/conorkirkpatrick/.ssh/known_hosts" then will it regenerate it?03:37
jammanzero, try sudo -i03:37
ant-the - changes the env variables as well, but it wont help your sitiation03:37
archoniamOMGZ Must i ask my question a FOURTH TIME???03:37
jammanconorkirk, yip.03:37
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jammanarchoniam, you get that a lot.03:37
jammanarchoniam, what was it?03:37
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conorkirkOh, and could somebody kick "conorkirkpatrick" I got disconnected, and I can't use my old name because it is still connected in here for some reason. You can check our hostnames if you need proof :D03:38
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archoniamSo i do. (#@$%, I must be invisible too.)03:38
elphahey all. I'm having usb/hotplug issues, my flash drive and mouse are acting odd, sometimes they work, sometimes not, i have to mess around and randomly plug and unplug them to get ubuntu to pick them up, any suggestions?03:38
=== Seoke [n=heath@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
archoniamI'm at trying to get StepMania to work again. I have tried root, i have tried sudo, make install AS root AND using sudo or any combination of that and the program ALWAYS gets permission denied. What is going on?03:38
ant-conorkirk, #ubuntu-ops03:38
dthackerdoes dapper have a wireless detect utility?03:38
SeokeHow do I exit xServer?03:38
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elphaSeoke: you can reboot X by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace03:39
jammanarchoniam, try ./configure and make as user first.03:39
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zeroI got it03:39
zeronoexec was a flag on the partition03:39
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jammanzero, ahhh... i see.03:39
Seokeelpha: nvidia said I need to quit xserver to install the video card03:39
cotyrotheryanyone know at all how i can interlink 2 motherboards03:40
jammanzero, makes sense now.03:40
kr00lplatinumanyone use Ventrillo?03:40
archoniamjamman: Wut? (I really %@#$ at finding commands in terminal.03:40
jammancotyrothery, id be interested in that too.03:40
gordonjcpcotyrothery: network cables?03:40
conorkirkKr00lplatinum: check ventrillo harrasment on youtube :D03:40
jammanarchoniam, use tab and it will complete it for you.03:40
kr00lplatinumconorkirk: do you use vent?03:40
cotyrotherygordonjcp: i have ethernet cables03:40
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elphaSeoke: hrm03:40
gordonjcpcotyrothery: then you can interlink two motherboards then ;-)03:41
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archoniamkr00lplatinum: No, but i have heard the song Vi sitter har i ventrilo och spelar DoTA, but that's going a bit far from the topic.03:41
jammanarchoniam, as you do "./configure" then "make" then "sudo make install"03:41
conorkirkpatrickkr00l: no03:41
dthackerwhat settings should I put in the interfaces file to get a PCMCIA type network card to connect to an unsecured network?03:41
frawgAnyone else gotten a nvidia 7800 GSOC working on ubuntu?  I've tried all the drivers known to man.03:41
Seokeelpha: Any ideas?03:41
cotyrotherygordonjcp: how?03:41
conorkirkpatrickfrawg: tried apt-get install nvidia-glx-new?03:41
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elphaSeoke: this is going to take you out of x, so i'm going to tell you how to get back too03:41
gordonjcpcotyrothery: well, what exactly are you trying to do?03:41
archoniamjamman: WTF are you trying to say? I mean, just gimme the str8 code man!03:41
elphaSeoke: you can press ctrl+alt+f2 to drop to a term03:42
cotyrotherygordonjcp: make it were the two computers share either or both gpu and cpu03:42
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elphaSeoke: and press ctrl+alt+f10 to get back03:42
frawgconorkirkpatrick, yep, tells me the nvidia kernel is a different version than the package is, it tries to compile a new kernel for it, says it works fine, but no go03:42
kr00lplatinumAnyone know how i can get GSM audio codec03:42
elphafrom these you should be able to kill X and do what you need to do03:42
jammanarchoniam, i did. in a terminal type in "./configure" in the directory and then "make" and then "sudo make install"03:42
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gordonjcpcotyrothery: buy a dual-processor board, fit both CPUs and graphics cards to the board03:42
Seokeelpha: Okay I'll try thanks be back in a bit to let you know how it went03:42
rayluhow do i mount an ntfs partition with g+r access?03:42
jammangordonjcp, are their dual dual core mobos?03:42
CrashandDieDoes anyone have experience with getting emerald (beryl window decorator) to work on an nvidia geforce fx 5200 ??03:42
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gordonjcpjamman: it's a distinct possibility03:43
cotyrotherygordonjcp: no i want to seperat computers03:43
elphaCrashandDie: not that card03:43
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elphabut a nvidia 660003:43
jammangordonjcp, or get a dual core EXTREME x 2! 8 cores!03:43
gordonjcpcotyrothery: well, you can't really share hardware between two separate machines03:43
cotyrotherygordonjcp: so me and my freind can play world of warcraft better03:43
gordonjcpjamman: or a beowulf cluster of snes03:43
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dthackercotyrothery: google for linux clusters03:43
conorkirkpatrickfrawg: I got this same problem, FX5200, but I got lucky, but then it stopped working, I am in the process of a manual SSH install :(03:43
cotyrotheryim on windows03:43
jammangordonjcp, hell yeah!03:43
frawgconorkirkpatrick, i have no idea how to pull that off :(03:44
gordonjcpcotyrothery: while you can split program workload between separate machines, you need to have software written to run on a cluster03:44
dthackerno wireless love in the room tonight?03:44
conorkirkpatrickjamman: If you can get enough SNESs to make a 1GHZ cluster, I will throw in my SNES03:44
jammanarchoniam, get it yet?03:44
jammanconorkirkpatrick, that would be awesome. what mghz are they?03:44
conorkirkpatrickfrawg: me neither, there is a tutorial, but I have been using linux for a while, you MIGHT get it03:44
gordonjcpjamman: ever seen the parallax propeller board?03:44
conorkirkpatrickjamman: About 3-403:44
jammangordonjcp, nope. let me check it out on google.03:45
conorkirkpatrickJamman: pretty powerful stuff03:45
jammanconorkirkpatrick, my point :)03:45
frawgconorkirkpatrick, can you send me the link to the tutorial? I'll see if i can figure it out :P03:45
conorkirkpatrick!install | frawg03:45
ubotufrawg: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:45
conorkirkpatrickfrawg: Look for the SSH install03:45
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conorkirkpatrickCheck all those links03:45
rayluconorkirkpatrick/frawg, can't you just install the openssh-server package?03:45
elphadoes anyone know any resources for usb/hotplug troubleshooting?03:46
conorkirkpatrickraylu: I am already into the host box03:46
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conorkirkpatrickraylu: in the process of the install :d03:46
rayluhow do i mount an ntfs partition with g+r access?03:46
raylu...you're installing ssh over ssh?03:46
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jammangordonjcp, what mobo would you use for that?03:48
conorkirkpatrickraylu: Then I have a whole diff story getting X to work with my card ^_^03:48
zeelothey, does anyone know how I can make the menu items start a 2nd row for extra items instead of making me scroll down? I dont see anything for that in the alacarte03:48
gordonjcpjamman: well, it comes on a development board03:48
zeelotsomething like how it is in XP03:48
jammangordonjcp, so that is your cpu? or would it be more of a northbridge?03:48
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gordonjcpjamman: that's the CPU03:49
gordonjcpjamman: http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=3236003:49
rayluconorkirkpatrick, so how do you tell it to init the ssh server? on a different port?03:49
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rayluand could anyone tell me how to mount with group permissions?03:50
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archoniamMother of God. Accedentally hit ctrl alt f10 thinking it was jamman XD then i messed up and didnt know wut to do so i restarted XD03:50
conorkirkpatrickraylu: I just installed ssh-server and it set it up for me :D03:50
archoniamJamman, can you say that again?03:50
conorkirkpatrickgordonjcp: Woah, thats cool, I am working on an opensourcegameconsole, any chance that could handle SDL/OpenGL apps?03:51
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Amaranthzeelot: you can't do that, that's not how the GtkMenu widget works03:51
jammanarchoniam, change to the dir by "cd /path/to/dir" next do "./configure" then "make" next "sudo make install"03:51
rayluconorkirkpatrick ...ok, whatever =\03:51
rayluuid=value, gid=value and umask=value03:51
raylu    Set the file permission on the filesystem. The umask value is given in octal. By default, the files are owned by root and not readable by somebody else.03:51
rayluso...there's no gmask?03:51
gordonjcpconorkirkpatrick: probably not, bear in mind it is *not* in any way like a PC03:51
siduWill ubuntu7.10 working well with DVD playing List ? and mouse-pulling on time-bar ?03:52
jammangordonjcp, how much mhz ya think?03:52
mrsnoconorkirkpatrick the GP2X perchance?03:52
conorkirkpatrickgordonjcp: Ok, Because right now my little team is using old OEM Pc's (I am installing Ubuntu on the 'console' right now :D)03:52
conorkirkpatrickmrsno: Nah, we are not looking into something pertable03:52
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mrsnooic :)03:52
conorkirkpatrickmrsno: Do you develop for the GP2x03:52
gordonjcpI just bought a GP2X03:53
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Sonic11about the tulip network driver, is there a way to upgrade to a newer version that works with a network card I'm trying to use?03:53
mrsnoconorkirkpatrick i do not, just interested :)03:53
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gordonjcpjamman: according to the manual they Hydra board runs the CPU at 80MHz03:53
conorkirkpatrickmrsno/gordonjcp: If you do, then you should check out iPod development, they use a VERY simmilar processor, and all the info you would ever dream of having is at http://ipodlinux.org/03:53
=== Tristan [i=tristan@Loving.My.Job.Makes.Me.Pr0.us] has joined #ubuntu
jammangordonjcp, reminds me of a snes.03:53
conorkirkpatrickand they have a great irc channel (dead) #ipodlinux03:53
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gordonjcpjamman: think in terms of an 8-core snes, then ;-)03:54
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elphadoes anyone know any resources for usb/hotplug troubleshooting?03:54
=== Marco [n=marco@adsl-2-205-29.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrsnoconorkirkpatrick im not sure i would purchase an ipod, rather an neo1973(openmoko) or a gp2x03:54
conorkirkpatrick!hotplug | elpha03:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotplug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
Marcois it possible to install ubuntu to a USB flash drive?03:54
jammangordonjcp, lol. looks like fun.03:54
Marcothe thumb drive is 4GB large03:54
mrsnoMarco yes03:54
jammanMarco, yes. google that.03:55
jammanMarco, should be easy enuff.03:55
mrsnoubuntu wiki has usb install howto, or google for pendrivelinux03:55
conorkirkpatrickLOWLUX: calm down03:55
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conorkirkpatrickLOWLUX: Search the Ubuntu forums for WUSB54G03:55
Flannel!install | Marco03:55
ubotuMarco: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:55
jammanMarco, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=169456903:55
archoniamjamman: What directory? I use ~/mydocs to hold stepmania. What the heck am i supposed to do? I tried going to the parent dir and doing it, got the SAME THING. Do i need to extract the .gz to the directory and go to that?03:55
jammanyou need ubuntu installed to do it that way.03:56
jammanarchoniam, whoops. forgot to tell you to do that.03:56
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archoniamjamman: Lol.03:56
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jammanarchoniam, "tar xvf /path/to/.gz"03:56
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zeelotAmaranth alright thanks03:56
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Amaranthzeelot: just make smaller menus :)03:57
scottyi install beryl but i still dont see the 3ddesktop whats up with this?03:57
zeelotheh yea ill have to reorganize it03:57
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zeelotthe scrolling is pretty bad03:57
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mrsnoscotty load beryl from the terminal,what does it say?03:58
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Rezzie!tell me about fuse03:58
John`can you open docx file in ubuntu?03:58
scottyhow do i load it from the terminal03:58
puppy-user-06so1about using an xbox controller in ubuntu, a lot of the forum posts say that their automatically detected by ubuntu when plugged in ubuntu, how is this?03:58
LOWLUXseems pople can't get it to work on the forums eiter...03:59
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jammanpuppy-user-06so1, how would you plug it in?03:59
John`how do I open .docx file in ubuntu?03:59
mrsnopuppy-user-06so1 it worked automatically in 'xebian' livecd distro, not sure how it works auto03:59
scottymrsno, whats the command to run beryl in the terminal?03:59
mrsnopuppy-user-06so1 maybe the "xpad" module03:59
mrsnoscotty beryl-manager03:59
puppy-user-06so1i loaded the xpad module, but theres no device in /dev to reflect that03:59
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LOWLUXi need a WIFI card that will work right out of the box in all linuxs.. and can connect to a linksys routher so i can go online..04:00
scottyit brings up the beryl manager04:00
conorkirkpatrickmrsno: Well, you could buy an OLD iPod because linux runs on every iPod minus the new nanos, or any shuffles04:00
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mrsnopuppy-user-06so1 after loading the module and replugging the controller in, check /var/log/messages04:00
pushpopanyone here good with setting up LVM I have a few questions04:00
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scottyliek i have it all installed, follwed a guide on how to do it its all good but nothing is liek beryl looking04:00
jammanmrsno, how would you plug in the controller in?04:00
scottyit looks the same04:00
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mrsnoconorkirkpatrick i personally believe they are defective by design, but if i was given one free i wouldn't say no :)04:00
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scottyjamman, you have to solder a usb to the xbox wire04:00
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conorkirkpatrickI am messing with the -1 world on mario :D04:01
jammanscotty, i see. not to hard.04:01
sleeperis there anything in ubuntu to determine the temperature04:01
sleeperof my machine04:01
jammanconorkirkpatrick, how does that work out?04:01
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto04:01
LOWLUXi need a WIFI card that will work right out of the box in all linuxs.. and can connect to a linksys routher so i can go online..04:01
jammanscotty, ill keep an eye out for them at yard sales then.04:01
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John`how can I open .docx file in ubuntu?04:01
archoniamjamman:Tried ./configure and got error bash: ./config: No such file or directory. Tried 'make'. Error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. on Sudo make install, got the error 'make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.'04:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:02
archoniamjamman: Yes, i did the cd.04:02
mrsnoJohn` http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38638504:02
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jammanarchoniam, list the contents of dir plz.04:02
puppy-user-06so1theres nothing new in the log04:03
scottyjamman, and they cant be gold plated usb's either04:03
brophatwirelessnetworking on laptops works ok with ubuntu?04:03
mrsnoscotty in the beryl-manager, right click > choose window manager04:03
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jammanscotty, whys that?04:03
mrsnois beryl currently set?04:03
scottycuz a friend set up one for me with a gold plated wire and it didnt work04:03
sleeperwhat's better beryl or compiz?04:03
scottyberyl was set04:03
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mrsnoscotty how about in the terminal, what did it say (use a pastebin please)04:03
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mrsnowhen launching beryl-manager04:03
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Cogeno*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*04:04
CogenoTrying to install xrender, it claims X isn't installed.04:04
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jake_hi guys, i'm trying to install libgtk2.0-dev package but synaptic gives me a message saying that libgtk needs few packages which are unresolvable!? any ideas how to fix it04:04
archoniamOf SM. OKi. its got more than 1200 files though. Wait, how can i find the contents?04:04
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raylujake_, pastebin the output?04:05
jake_ok holdon04:05
mrsnojake_ can you try the following and paste the text for us on pastebin, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev04:05
jake_okie dokie04:05
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pushpopCould anyone tell me how to get my python2 file back from the usr/bin directory i deleted it by accident.. or send it to me04:06
ThanatosDriveFellows; I installed WINE, but I can't find it in Applications. Where is it?04:06
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rayluThanatosDrive, use "wine something.exe" in the terminal04:07
ThanatosDriveAhhhh, thanks a bunch.04:07
raylupushpop, sudo aptitude reinstall python2 - might work04:07
LOWLUXwill a  GIGABYTE GN-WP01GS IEEE 802.11b/g PCI Wireless Adapter work with linux out of the box?04:07
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pushpopk ill try04:07
jake_lol thx guys following the command you gave me made dependeicies resolvable :X04:07
scottywhats the chipset on that gigabyte04:08
mrsnoyw jake_ :)04:08
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LOWLUXits on newegg i dunno04:08
rayluscotty, I don't think he knows...04:08
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mrsnojake_ maybe you did not click 'reload' in synaptic recently? that runs aptitude update04:08
jake_oh i did so many times04:08
raylusynaptic is a frontend for aptitude??04:08
jake_but the command you gave me forced it to downgrade some files though04:08
mrsnoLOWLUX that card apparently doesn't work out of the box , going by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsGigabyteTechnology04:09
mrsnohowever it does link to the instructions how to make it work on edgy04:09
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soothsayerAnyone use scuttle.org?04:09
Cogenoisn't Beryl supposed to be in the apt-get repository?04:09
CogenoI have the universe enabled, but it's not there04:10
Cogenoand I've updated apt0get04:10
Vuenberyl doesn't exist anymore04:10
Vuenit's been merged back into compiz04:10
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ThanatosDriveHow do I navigate through terminal04:10
CogenoWell, that'll do it04:10
raylu"compiz fusion," i believe04:10
rayluThanatosDrive, cd, ls04:10
mrsnoraylu a front end for apt really04:10
lukealphawhy doesnt exist anymore?04:10
mrsnosudo apt-get update / sudo aptitude update04:10
rayluso, can anyone help me set owner/group permissions on an ntfs mount?04:11
Vuenraylu: ntfs or ntfs 3g?04:11
mrsnoraylu why not install ntfs-config ? it should mount it read/write for your user name04:11
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raylumrsno, i can already do that; i want to allow another user to read04:12
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raylu3g = ?04:12
LTrvlsGood night srs!04:12
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Vuenraylu: ntfs-3g is the ntfs driver which supports writing04:12
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mrsnoubuntu supports read only ntfs by default, installing ntfs-config uses ntfs-3g which lets you read and write04:12
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soothsayerCan anyone do me a favor and check if scuttle.org is working for them?04:13
mrsnosoothsayer Fatal error: SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] 04:13
cafuegoFatal error: SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] 04:13
soothsayermrsno, cafuego : Thanks04:13
dfrraylu, but the compiz-fusion didnt release a version yet, did they?04:13
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mrsnonp, bed for me nn :)04:14
rayluVuen, oh; not 3g then04:14
dodocan anyone help me configure "chtugha" ???04:14
rayludfr, no idea; i'm running terminal-only atm :P04:14
Vuenraylu: ah, then i don't know, sorry04:14
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rayluVuen, think ntfs-config is still worth a try?04:14
bradleesargentI am trying to get my sound to work...04:14
dfrraylu, hah. Gotta start thinking about text-only eye candy then ;)04:14
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rayludfr, lol, i was excited when I saw alsa-mixer and discovered grep --color04:15
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Neil-After installing the postfix package, a setup menu comes up..04:15
Neil-how can i get this menu back?04:15
rayluNeil-, "this" = ?04:16
dodohallo people!04:16
dodocan anyone help me configure "chtugha" ???04:16
raylu!info chtugha04:16
ubotuPackage chtugha does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:16
raylu!find chtugha04:16
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ubotuPackage/file chtugha does not exist in feisty04:16
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Neil-The setup menu you get after apt-get installing postfix04:16
raylulol, what's chtugha?04:16
Neil-I chose the wrong option, but can't figure out how to get the menu back up04:16
jammanNeil-, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix"04:16
rayluNeil-, oh...it might be "sudo dpkg-configure postfix"04:16
btsdevHey guys... does anyone know whether it's safe to read and write a little to a RAID config while it's rebuilding the array? i'm using mdadm04:16
jammanraylu, jinx!04:17
dodo<raylu>: you can see your music ... 8)04:17
Neil-thats it :D Ta guys04:17
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jammandodo, how can you see your music? like an orginizer?04:17
jammandodo, if so try amarok.04:18
yimmmyazures is not downloading04:18
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jammanyimmmy, what are you using to d/l?04:18
rayluwhat are you using to download it?04:18
bradleesargentI can run alsamixer04:18
yimmmyno i downloaded it04:18
soothsayerMaybe he means azureus is not working04:18
bradleesargentand i see different colors and I can make them go up and down...04:18
ThanatosDriveWow WINE is really great.04:18
yimmmyit s just not downloading the torrent04:18
yimmmyits is all GREEN04:18
dodojamman: like an osciloscope on music - do you know another proggi like cthugha ?04:18
raylu...is the ntfs-config package a gui thing?04:19
yimmmyevery light on it04:19
puppy-user-06so1which are the usb nodes in /dev/?04:19
rayluThanatosDrive, no kiddin ^^04:19
jammandodo, i see... let me look.04:19
=== gerro [n=user@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yimmmythere just frozen04:19
ThanatosDriveYeah, just tried it, hahahaha. Smooth as ever.04:19
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gerroanyone know how to enable/disable irq polling in grub startup scripts? someone mentioned I need that since I have frequent freeze ups04:19
defryskyimmmy, stop flooding the channel with begging04:19
btsdevDoes anyone know if it's safe to write to a RAID1 array while it's rebuilding (mdadm)?04:20
yimmmywill some one help me04:20
=== matthew1429 [n=aferrero@24-207-189-33.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveWith what?04:20
yimmmyazures downloading torrent problem04:20
defryskyimmmy, /j #azureus04:20
jammangerro, irq=useirqmask???04:20
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yimmmycan any one help me with azures04:21
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defryskyimmmy, please go you are in the wrong channel04:22
rayluyimmmy, /join #azureus04:22
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jammandodo, try xoscope04:22
Pegunwould anyone know why i get a black screen with single cursor line after the kernel parts load?04:22
yimmmyno one is there04:22
dodojamman: i try ...04:22
defryskyimmmy, then go to some azureus forum , but not here04:22
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jammandodo, just do a "sudo apt-get install xoscope" looks pretty good.04:22
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scottywhy doesnt linux get game support damnit04:23
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ThanatosDrivescotty: If you were selling a game, who would you sell it to, in order for maximum profit?04:23
zerokill88What is a good C++ compiler for linux? with a frontend04:23
Flannelscotty: It does.  There are an increasing number of games made available for linux natively.04:24
jammandodo, check this site out on it... http://xoscope.sourceforge.net/04:24
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elmo40scotty, it is not the problem with game support, it is a problem of HORRIBLE SOUND MANAGEMENT!04:24
gerrojamman: where would I insert that into grubs menu.lst?04:24
defryskThanatosDrive, to linux And other osses ?04:24
dfris 2.1 latest beryl version for ubuntu? I can't seem to find widget plugin in there (#beryl seem to be quiet :( )04:24
Flannelzerokill88: You'll use gcc, the question is which frontend you'll use with it.04:24
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r0b-are linux games free?04:24
ThanatosDrivedefrysk: Would that net you more than jsut selling to Windows? Think about the costs of programming the game for Windows, Mac, and Linux.04:24
dodojamman: thanks04:24
jammangerro, i beleve its on the SINGLE commented line that says something like "kopt= uuid=2398waejkawe"04:24
elphaanyone know anything about usb or usb hubs?04:24
GigaClonsome are04:24
dfrscotty, I'm running WoW in the other window... what are you talking about? ;)04:25
r0b-if i steal a linux game will i get in trouble lol04:25
ThanatosDriver0b-: Plenty! Look in Add/Remove Applications.04:25
Flannelr0b-: they don't have to be.  But there are a good portion of them that are FOSS04:25
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org04:25
defryskThaddeus, open source them , plenty volunteers to do that ;p04:25
yrlnry_The sound on my ubuntu laptop suddenly stopped working after several weeks of working flawlessly.  The master volume is at 100%.  When I go to the "sound preferences" dialog and select "test" for "sound playback", it gets stuck with the progress bar only 2 boxes finished, regardless of what sound system I select from the menu.04:25
scottywell when i play 1.6 via wine04:25
yrlnry_When I boot into windows, the sound is fine.04:25
defryskanyway o.t.04:25
yrlnry_What might be the problem?04:25
zerokill88Flannel yes, what frontend will work with gcc, or at least a good frontend?04:25
scottyit locks up and i had to shutdown via pwrswtch04:25
jammangerro, then do "sudo update-grub"04:25
sgrillociao, non visualizzo la connessione wlan in amministrazione/rete04:25
scottydoesnt always lockup04:26
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:26
dfrscotty, see, it has game support... just not perfect ;)04:26
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dfrscotty, to be honest, I've been trying to get my CSS to work for some time, but didnt spend too much time on it yet.04:26
Flannelzerokill88: Lots of them do.  Uh, eclipse is one, Anjuta is another.04:26
r0b-airline tycoon has a linux version?04:26
dfrscotty, however, it's not working under vista either... so it's something weird in general04:27
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gerrojamman: ah someone posted example of irq=poll on forum hmm part you mentioned of menu.lst is currently commented out for me04:27
LOWLUXwhat is a good pci Wireless card to use in linux to connect to a linksys routher?04:27
GigaClonzerokill88, i like SCIte its nice and lite but works well04:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:27
jammangerro, should be. see how the double comments and the comments are different? the single are for "update-grub"04:27
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raylur0b-, is it free?04:27
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r0b-no its commercial04:28
GigaClonraylu DRoD is a great linux game04:28
GigaClonthe program itself is free and you pay for content04:29
GigaClonthere is also free content04:29
magic_pinguimthere are secondlife to linux to04:29
gerrojamman: after I add irq=poll to end of that line do I have to type update-grub as root?04:29
mrignswhat's DRoD?04:29
GigaClonpuzzle game04:29
jammangerro, yes.04:29
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gerrojamman: would rebooting do the same?04:29
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ThanatosDriveI've run through the list of games, and it's plenty big and nice, but...does anyone suggest a rogue-like?04:30
jammangerro, nope.04:30
GigaClonThanatosDrive, search the repos there are like 2389945721 of them04:31
scottyhmmmmm,,,, i think ima make a music server for my dorm next year04:31
ThanatosDriveGigaClon: repos?04:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:31
GigaClonsynaptic under system04:31
ThanatosDriveHow do I know if I'm on multiverse or universe?04:32
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[App] sUb-ZeRoIf i want to reinstall a package and overwrite old crap, can i just do apt-get install again?04:32
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kr00lplatinumCAN SOMEONE HELP ME INSTALL VENTRILLO? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173704:33
gerrojamman: okay thx but any idea what difference between irqpoll and irq=poll is?04:33
Flannel!caps | kr00lplatinum04:33
ubotukr00lplatinum: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:33
dfr[App] sUb-ZeRo, with --reinstall option, i think04:33
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scottyu cant get vent to run in wine?04:34
ph0enixis anybody using xchat?04:34
[App] sUb-ZeRoThanks dfr04:34
AnarchHow can I query which package provided some executable now on my system?04:34
FlannelAnarch: dpkg -S /path/to/file04:34
r0b-theres alot of games04:34
kr00lplatinumanyone want to help me install Ventrillo? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173704:34
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SurfnKidIve installed the ATI proprietary drivers for the X1300 graphics card inside a Dell Inspiron 6400, they are loaded, but when watching a movie on VLC or using the screensaver, the video output is weak, choppy and low quality04:34
SurfnKidany recommendations?04:34
AnarchFlannel: thanks04:34
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SurfnKidtips or any help from anyone that has tried to get this problem fixed04:35
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JaszboHi room. Can anyone suggest a good video player for wmv files?04:35
SurfnKidJaszbo, vlc04:35
GigaClonph0enix, do you have a question about xchat04:35
JaszboOK. Thank you.04:35
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gerroJaszbo: gstreamer packages :)04:35
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dfrscotty: sounds like one can. But I didnt get to it. I mean i can run it, but it doesnt detect sound.04:35
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ThanatosDriveHow can I tell if I am on universe or multiverse?04:35
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ph0enixis xchat the best gui irc client?04:35
Flannel!best | ph0enix04:35
ubotuph0enix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.04:35
dfrscotty: i think my case might not be the typical one though.04:35
ph0enixI'm having a problem with DCC gets04:35
ThanatosDriveOr...is there a big different04:35
gerroph0enix: irssi is pretty kool ;)04:36
Jerome_Does anyone know where you can find errors that are displayed on boot?04:36
ph0enixwell I'm used to mIRC on windows04:36
xtacocorexnalioth, what's with your bot in #ubuntu-programming?04:36
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defryskJerome_, dmesg04:36
ph0enixand I'm looking for an equivalent04:36
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rayluph0enix, did you use lots of scripts? or just regular chatting?04:36
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:36
FlannelThanatosDrive: They're very different.  Completely different software.  You could check your sources.list, or if you've got a question as to whether a particular package is in universe or multiverse, you can check that through an apt frontend04:36
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ThanatosDriveFlannel: my sources.list?04:37
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ph0enixmainly for downloading stuff04:37
FlannelThanatosDrive: /etc/apt/sources.list, it tells you where to look for the repositories04:37
ph0enixno scripts04:37
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rayluph0enix, so just dcc downloads?04:37
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GigaClonph0enix, then xchat should work04:37
raylugaim/pidgin comes with ubuntu, i believe, and that has purpleirc04:38
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ph0enixanything special I need to do to get DCC gets to work?04:38
ph0enixthey just hang04:38
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Jerome_[    0.000000]  dmi_string: out of memory.04:38
Jerome_[    0.000000]  dmi_save_oem_strings_devices: out of memory.04:38
xtacocorexyou need to be registered phoenixz04:38
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:38
Jerome_Anyone have any idea of how to fix this?04:38
inazadHow to know what is running on port 21 on a remote host ?04:39
ph0enixefnet?  is this new?  I was never registered before04:39
kduboishow do you mount a usb drive so you can write to it?04:39
rayluinazad, probably an FTP server04:39
ThanatosDriveFlannel: How does this tell me if I'm on universe or multiverse?04:39
inazadraylu, i know but wwhich deamon..04:39
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GigaClonthis isn't efnet ph0enix04:39
xtacocorexthought you were trying freenode ph0enix04:39
ph0enixno it isn't04:39
inazadraylu, it is vsftp or proftpd...04:39
ph0enixbut I'm on efnet :-p04:39
raylukdubois, doens' tit do that automatically?04:39
inazadraylu, how to know..04:39
ThanatosDriveFlannel: Sorry about the stupid questions; I'm a bit new to Ubuntu.04:40
jonalegendkdubois_ depends on the filesystem of the memory04:40
scottywhats the best way to alt tab from a game in linux?04:40
rayluinazad, i don't think there's a way to tell04:40
scottysince its running in wine04:40
GigaClonThanatosDrive, look for the words04:40
SurfnKidwill someone shoot my laptop04:40
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GigaClonThanatosDrive, also start up Synaptic, its a GUI interface to repos04:40
jonalegendif isn't ntfs use the option "-o rw,04:40
defryskThanatosDrive, you are on any repository that is needed for the package if they are set up in your sources.list04:40
GigaClonits under System / Admin04:40
kduboisjonalegend: yeah, its a fat system. i'll figure it out. i'm just feeling really lazy today :-D04:40
gerrojamman: turns out on menu.lst I have irq=poll at bottom by kernel images to load, however on forums people have said to use irqpoll04:40
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ThanatosDriveGigaClon: I have synaptic open right now.04:40
jammangerro, well, im not entiarly sure, so...04:41
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GigaClonthere should a menu item for repositories04:41
phoenixzxtacocorex: excuse me?04:41
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gerrojamman: debating on if I should change irq=poll or just add irqpoll in04:41
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jammangerro, try to change it.04:42
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ThanatosDriveGigaClon: Okay. Looking at it now.04:42
RezzieIs it possible to remove the associated GPG key if I remove a repository from ym sources.lst?04:42
marnanelSorry if this is a stupid question, but does launchpad know about fast-user-switch-applet, and if not, where does apport for FUSA go?04:42
Rezzie(and is it even worth it)04:42
jammangerro, if all else fails, change it back to the origianl at the boot propmt for grub.04:42
GigaClonThanatosDrive, check the box that says (universe)04:42
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Jerome_anyone with any ideas?04:42
ThanatosDriveGigaClon: You mena, uncheck it? Because all the boxes are already checked.04:42
GigaClonthen don't04:43
ph0enixthanks for your help ops04:43
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GigaClonyou have universe enabled04:43
ThanatosDriveSo I can run both multiverse and universe?04:43
GigaClonjust search for rouge-like04:43
gerrojamman: I left the recovery mode settings alone04:43
defryskThanatosDrive, yes04:43
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jammangerro, not a bad idea.04:43
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ahornerwhats the wine package name04:44
elphaanyone know how to run a process continously?04:44
ahornernvm i got it04:44
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elphalike dmesg04:44
defryskThanatosDrive, and actually you should04:44
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Justi1how do I install a rpm.bin?04:44
defryskJusti1, rpm.bin ? what package ?04:45
jonalegendjustil_ what do you mean a .rpm or a .bin?04:45
defryskJusti1, use the ubuntu package for java04:45
astro76elpha, if you're looking to monitor a log file you can use tail -f04:45
Justi1sorry its .bin04:45
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:45
elphaastro76: cool04:45
ThanatosDrivedefrysk: What do you mean by that?04:46
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jonalegendalso the java web site has a .bin for JRE v604:46
defryskThanatosDrive, you should activate both04:46
raylucan anyone help me set group permissions on an ntfs mount?04:47
ckblackmI'm having difficulty getting wireless (wifi) working on my fujitsu p2120 laptop w/ fiesty xubuntu installed.  Anybody have a bit to help?04:47
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GigaClonThanatosDrive, you have both the way it should be just do a search for rouge-like04:47
kduboisjonalegend: the little write lock switch was on... haha04:47
rayluckblackm, ifconfig?04:47
jonalegendraylu_ so far i know if you mount an NTFS filesystem as rw, it is only for the root04:47
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raylujonalegend, right....which is why I want to know how to allow multiple users to access it04:48
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ckblackmyou want me to paste it to the webpage, raylu?04:48
raylujonalegend, i've figured out that -o uid=1000 let's me access it, but group always has 004:48
jonalegendthe version of ntfs-3g that a got do not allow me to import permisions04:48
raylu!pastebin | ckblackm04:48
ubotuckblackm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:48
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elpha[38505.175473]  usb 3-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9604:48
elpha[38505.287389]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7104:48
elpha[38505.503234]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7104:48
elpha[38505.719080]  usb 3-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9704:48
elpha[38505.830995]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7104:48
elpha[38506.046838]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7104:48
elpha[38506.262682]  usb 3-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9804:48
elpha[38506.670384]  usb 3-1: device not accepting address 98, error -7104:48
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elpha[38506.782304]  usb 3-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9904:48
elpha[38507.190002]  usb 3-1: device not accepting address 99, error -7104:48
bruenig!ops | elpha04:48
ubotuelpha: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@c-75-73-49-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] by rob
bruenigoh he stopped04:48
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defryskbruenig, he sill needs a good kick ;p04:49
BillyBeansanyone in hear running MUTT to check their mail?04:49
brueniglooked like a lengthy log04:49
marnanelDoes launchpad know about fast-user-switch-applet, and if not, where does apport for FUSA go? Or is there a better channel to ask on?04:49
jonalegendyou can use instead umask=007, gid=46, that will allow almost everybody to write04:49
defryskmarnanel, /j #ubuntu-motu04:50
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bruenigfast user switch applet is the worst name for an applet ever04:50
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ThanatosDriveIs there a way to bring my windows into the other workplace?04:50
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ThanatosDrive! Nevermind, found it.04:50
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BillyBeansanyone in hear running MUTT to check their mail?04:51
marnaneldefrysk: thanks04:51
jonalegendThanatosDrive- that depends the keyboard shortcut that you want to do that04:51
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rayluBillyBeans....why mutt?04:51
who_careswhat's the path for the folder image that gnome shows?04:51
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elphaok, I'm having problems with my flash drive, it isn't getting recognized04:51
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wifenfefferhi, how do I connect to my bluetooth phone to transfer images ?  my phone supports BIP, but not FTP04:51
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BillyBeansim using mutt to connect to my postfix04:51
elphaI'm getting this error04:51
h4ngedm4ni used to love mutt, then decided a personal mail reader ought to be web accessible too :)04:51
elpha"usb 3-1: device not accepting address 99, error -71"04:51
BillyBeansmutt, i love command line04:52
BillyBeansyet i need to help04:52
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h4ngedm4ni just followed the ubuntu community doc on setting up postfix with dovecot and it worked well04:52
scoobydoo28139i need some help installing drivers04:53
ThanatosDriveGIgaClon: Now that I've installed those packages, how do I find them?04:53
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GigaClonthey might be in the menu04:53
scoobydoo28139my card is 8500gt nvidia04:53
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GigaClonalso try typing the name of the game in a terminal04:53
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HackSigni need help04:55
BillyBeans"where the hell is mutt installed? anyone know?04:55
HackSignwhen i installed some pkgs04:55
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HackSignit tellme i need xlib04:55
preaction!enter | HackSign04:55
ubotuHackSign: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:55
HackSignok ~04:55
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bruenigHackSign, ubuntu like other like minded retarded distros decide to split include files, so you will need to install something-dev04:56
KilgariffI'm starting to like that bot...04:56
sfreakBillyBeans, try typing "locate mutt" or "which mutt" on the command line without the quotes04:56
bruenigxlibs-dev perhaps04:56
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HackSignok xlibs-dev04:56
HackSigni'll try04:56
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nelsonuwpso, I reinstalled ubuntu before i left for the weekend and forgot the password I set04:57
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nelsonuwpis there a way i can retrieve it or do I need to reinstall?04:57
dr_willisnelsonuwp,  this ios linux - thers always a way.. now IF you want tolearn how to do it.. is the next part. :)04:58
defryskHackSign, apt-get build dep <package you are trying to compile> to get the needed dependencies for a to compile package04:58
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dr_willisnelsonuwp,  boot live cd, chroot to installed system. use passwd command. is one way.04:58
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ThanatosDriveWhat's the difference (In Synaptic) between Complete Removal, and Removal?04:58
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scoobydoo28139Isn't this the help channel?04:58
nelsonuwpdr_willis, not quite sure what you mean chroot to installed system04:58
dr_willisThanatosDrive,  one removes all configs.04:58
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dr_willisnelsonuwp,  thats where the learning part comes in. :)04:59
nelsonuwpdr_willis: well im all ears04:59
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dr_willisnelsonuwp,  You may want to do some reading. Theres a lot of little gotyas to watch out for.  Dont expect a magicial command or 2.04:59
HackSigndefrysk i downloaded a theme file on kde-look,when i run ./configure it tell me i need xlib04:59
dr_willisnelsonuwp,  plus its somthing ive4 not had to do in ages. so i dont have the steps memorused.04:59
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bruenigHackSign, apt-cache search xlib05:00
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h4ngedm4nnelsonuwp: basically what you are trying to do is set a new password05:00
madmaxIf the gnome terminal is crashing before I ever see a window, where would I find a log that might tell me why?05:00
HackSigna it willreturm many items05:00
bruenigHackSign, look for one that ends in -dev05:00
defryskHackSign, apt-cache search xlib and look for some -dev packages concerning xlib and install them05:00
nelsonuwph4ngedm4n: ok yes, exactly what im trying to do05:00
=== bruenig still doesn't understand splitting include files
wifenfefferhow do I make ubuntu act as a Bluetooth Printer so I can send images from my phone to my computer ?05:01
dr_willisI wonder if im the only person that uses  one of a few select passwords...05:01
bruenigI thought this was supposed to be newb friendly, splitting includes is not newb friendly05:01
defryskHackSign, its a matter of trial and error , be patient with searching and trying05:01
wifenfefferdr_willis, most people only have a select handfull of passwords to choose from05:01
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Stormx2How do I start X after it failed to load initially? (I've tweaked the config files)05:01
dr_williswifenfeffer,  then thers always 'password' :)05:01
astro76madmax, you could try running it from xterm05:01
bruenigStormx2, startx05:01
h4ngedm4nnelsonuwp: so once you boot the live cd, mount your root partition, you chroot to that root partition. from there the passwd command will override the entry in /etc/shadow05:01
wifenfefferdr_willis, that's a common one05:01
capoanyone know good dock? kiba wont let me drag icons onto it for some reason05:01
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towliebani am prompted for the password to unlock the default keyring but i never set a password. does anyone know what it is05:02
dr_williswifenfeffer,  :)05:02
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dr_willistowlieban,  its your users password by default i belive05:02
madmaxastro76:  xterm crashes too, and I'm not sure why.  It started happening after I changed some setting inside my xorg.conf05:02
towliebandr_willis i tried that but it didnt work05:02
nelsonuwph4ngedm4n: how do I mount it?05:02
defryskcapo, alltray is my favorite docker05:02
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wifenfeffermadmax, so roll back your xorg.conf05:02
ckblackmAnybody have time to take a look at my wireless setup?  I've posted info about it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49935005:02
=== Luke_ is now known as Luke
h4ngedm4nnelsonuwp: via the mount command, what else?:)  but go do some googling and find your self a walkthrough05:03
madmaxastro76:  tried that too, doesnt help.  The terminal program starts loading, and then silently crashes about 30 seconds after that05:03
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bruenigckblackm, if you care for any general help you need to load the driver05:03
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towliebancan anyone help me ? I am prompted for the password to unlock the default keyring but i never set a password. does anyone know what it is05:03
bullgard4The term 'lm-sensors' seems to have 2 different meanings as Synaptics writes: "Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It works with most newer systems. The DEB program package 'lm-sensors' contains programs to help you set up and read data from lm-sensors. You will need lm-sensors and i2c kernel modules to use the DEB program packag05:03
bruenigtowlieban, does your password not work05:04
capobut alltray puts the icons in the system tray.  isnt there one that is like apple's dock besides kiba?05:04
blackmambabwahahahahaha. okay, so before i couldn't get my refresh rate to go to 75Hz, right? well now, hahaha, well now i can't get my desktop resolution to go to 1440x900. it's set that way in xorg.conf, but the screen resolution dialog box has a ton of other resolutions. i'm using fglrx05:04
towliebanbruenig no05:04
blackmambaon an ati radeon x70005:04
BillyBeansso is anyone running mutt?05:04
ckblackmbluenig: what driver are you  referring to?05:04
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bruenigtowlieban, I would try to figure out where gnome-keyring puts it stuff and start deleting or changing configuration files05:05
strabes_is there a way to prevent multiple instances of a program (gaim)05:05
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dr_willisstrabes_,  some programs have that feature built in, but never seen a generic way to do it.05:05
bruenig!info gnome-keyring05:05
ubotugnome-keyring: GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 68 kB, installed size 1572 kB05:05
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ahornerhow do i specify a folder that has a space in the name in terminal05:05
towliebanbruenig i figured it out. how do i change my keyring password ?05:05
dr_willisahorner,  'use quotes'05:05
astro76bullgard4, one of the suggests for lm-sensors is sensord, that's what it should be referring to05:05
ckblackmbruenig: what driver are you referring to?05:05
bruenigtowlieban, what do you mean you figured it out05:05
BillyBeansim trying to edit a file call .muttrc, for mutt has anyone done this before?05:06
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dr_willisahorner,  try the <tab> key to complete the name.05:06
towliebanbruenig i pasted my wpa password unitentionally not realizing it was the keyring password05:06
ahornerits /ect/blah/blah/file name/something.file05:06
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ahornerbut with the space it does it as two commands05:06
bruenigckblackm, I told you the advice was general, the most likely reason it doesn't show it as having wireless extensions is because whatever driver that is needed isn't loaded05:06
dr_willisahorner,  use quotes, or escape the space.05:06
ahorneroh ok thx05:06
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defryskahorner a space is a \  and use the tab button for autocomplete05:07
BillyBeansim trying to edit a file call .muttrc, for mutt has anyone done this before?05:07
bruenigtowlieban, I don't know how to change it, I try to keep away from that gnome stuff05:07
bullgard4astro76: What does your noun 'suggest' mean? I only know a verb 'suggest'.05:07
archoniamHi, i hate to ask it, but is there any flavor of Linux let alone Ubuntu that can run Shockwave? (Yes, i am considering switching flavors just because of shockwave.05:07
brueniggnome-keyring is pretty much the sole reason I am not using networkmanager05:07
dr_willisBillyBeans,  it shoiudl just ne a text file.. edit it with a editor.05:07
bruenigarchoniam, no05:07
blackmambaare the desktop resolutions for the ati proprietary drivers set in a different configuration file than xorg.conf?05:07
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bruenigarchoniam, wine05:07
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ahornersigh im back05:07
BillyBeanswhere is it?05:07
ahornernow how do i move a file from one place to another in terminal05:08
ckblackmbruenig: lsmod shows that it's loading the prism2 driver, is there some other driver I would need?05:08
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bruenigahorner, mv file newfile05:08
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ahornerty lol05:08
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astro76bullgard4, as in packages have depends, suggests, recommended, conflicts, etc...05:08
archoniambruenig: So, just download shockwave for windows and install shockwave in wine?05:08
dr_willisTime to read a few bash tutorials. :)05:08
andrew____how do I access my firefox plugins directory?05:08
bruenigarchoniam, shockwave is a browser plugin right?05:08
bruenigandrew____, /usr//lib/firefox/plugins05:08
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bruenigtake out one of those /05:09
mythtvarchoniam, is this a 64 bit os?05:09
capoanyone know any good docks like kiba?05:09
andrew____thats what i thought thanks05:09
bullgard4astro76: So I will keep trying to understand your message using the hint you gave. Thank you.05:09
who_careswhat's the path for the folder image that gnome shows?05:09
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fevelhey guys...the new azureus on windows has awesome built in content05:10
bruenigarchoniam, if I am correct about that (why you don't answer is baffling) then you would want to install windows firefox through wine and then use windows firefox to install it05:10
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fevelhow come my ubuntus azureus doesnt?05:10
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archoniambruenig: No i05:10
dr_willisfevel,  because its older - would be my guess05:10
mythtvarchoniam, if it's a 64 bit os it wont work05:10
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astro76bullgard4, right click in synaptic, and it will be under a submenu named suggests05:10
bruenigmythtv, flash != shockwave05:10
defryskfevel, ask in #azureus05:10
SurfnKidHi guys, Im having a weird problem with Edgy and Feisty doesnt seem to boot to LIVE CD properly (X doesnt start)05:11
bruenigfevel, it is likely that ubuntu has an old version of azureus05:11
feveldr_willis: oh...I see...is there a way to install the ultra latest packages through the repositories??05:11
astro76bullgard4, also in the properties under depends tab05:11
SurfnKidso Im on Edgy now with the ATI proprietary driver, but my video is choppy and my rendering says 'yes'05:11
bruenigfevel, ubuntu is not too big on latest applications05:11
StRhey how do i installed this libraries "/seamonkey-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0:05:11
dr_willisfevel,  through the repos.. if they are not in the repos.. No.05:11
fevelbruenig: why is that??05:11
bruenig!find libgtk-x11-2.0.so.005:11
madmaxbah, its still happening.  I went back to my original xorg.conf file, and the gnome terminal started working again.  When I reconfigured my xorg.conf file again, the terminal started crashing again05:11
dr_willisfevel,  ubuntu dosent do the 'cutting edge' stuff. :) there may be some alternetive repos out.05:11
bruenigfevel, just aren't05:11
ubotuFile libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 found in libgtk2.0-0, vmware-player05:11
fevelsome safety reasons??05:12
=== archoniam smashes mythtv in the frickin' face, tells him to stfu, and does the same to bruenig for acting like a dumb@#$ with the way he worded all of this, and if you kickban or just kick or ban me, i'll go forums i dont care
dr_willisfevel,  go download it and  install it as a user, for a specific user. is what ya could do05:12
bruenigStR, you see that, libgtk2.0-005:12
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StRso sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-005:12
madmaxwhen it crashes, it does so silently.  I thikn it has something to do with my xorg.conf file, but I dont know what05:12
conorkirkpatrickI am reading over how to install Ubuntu over SSH, and I found this in one of the example config files: "braodcast" is it supposed to be "braodcast"?05:12
alecw1!language archoniam05:13
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bruenigarchoniam, you may wish to answer some questions when asked, when you say shockwave do you mean the plugin05:13
conorkirkpatrickdr_willis: Thnx, I suppose I found a typo on this page then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH05:13
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bullgard4astro76: Yes, I have found an entry in my German vesion of Synaptic which could probably translate to English 'suggests'. -- Thank you.05:14
brueniggot to love it when the idiots come in here and ask questions and then don't want answers05:14
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scottywhats the best media player for linux05:14
scottyas ion music05:14
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defryskbruenig, please be polite05:14
dr_willisbruenig,  or get mad when you point them to the proper documention.05:14
dr_williswhich is what i try to do05:15
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bruenig!best | scotty05:15
ubotuscotty: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:15
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madmaxwhere can I find the log file for the gnome terminal?05:15
bruenigperhaps I should have pointed him to this when he asked for shockwave in linux: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?linuxswp05:15
BillyBeansdoes anyone in hear know the location of the MUTT .muttrc config file, i cant find it!!05:15
ahornerhow can i seed up the framerate of a game im playing under wine (its like .01 fps05:15
dr_willismadmax,  there may be a /var/log/x????? log05:15
andrew____this is what happened after i tried to install java05:15
astro76conorkirkpatrick, fixed :)05:15
andrew____bash: /usr/java/j2rel.4.2_01/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so: No such file or directory05:15
scottywell what are soem good ones05:16
madmaxdr_willis: no such luck05:16
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dr_willismadmax,  could always exit to single user mode and just do 'startx' - This is about the xterm/gnometerminal crashing?05:16
Justi1where can I install plugins so totem can play dvd's?05:16
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bruenig!dvd | Justi105:16
ubotuJusti1: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:16
milllmannnwhere is MYSQL installed when using apt-get?05:16
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bruenigmilllmannn, dpkg -L mysql05:16
dr_willismilllmannn,  you expecting an icon?05:17
bruenigor whatever its called05:17
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madmaxdr_willis:  yeah, but I think I've got the wrong name, I dont mean xserver or GDM, I mean the actual gnome command line program05:17
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:17
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milllmannnit says its not installed...05:17
milllmannnbut i know it is05:17
andrew____this is what happened after i tried to install java05:17
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dr_willismadmax,  if xterm is crashing.. you got somthing seriously wrong.05:17
andrew____bash: /usr/java/j2rel.4.2_01/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so: No such file or directory05:17
milllmannnbecause i just installed it05:17
bruenig!info mysql05:17
ubotuPackage mysql does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:17
astro76madmax, gnome-terminal05:17
dr_willismilllmannn,  restart the mysql service05:17
bruenigmilllmannn, what is the real name of the package05:17
dr_willis!find mysql05:17
bruenigmilllmannn, use that instead of mysql05:18
BillyBeansdoes anyone in hear know the location of the MUTT .muttrc config file, i cant find it!!05:18
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libdbd-mysql-perl, libmysql-java, libmysqlclient15-dev, libmysqlclient15off (and 82 others)05:18
dr_willisBillyBeans,  if it exists.. in the users home dir.05:18
dr_willisBillyBeans,  may be a system wide default in /etc/ or similer examples.05:18
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defryskandrew____, tried the ubuntu package for java ?05:18
madmaxdr_willis:  It has something to do with my video configuration.  If I go back to my original xorg.conf, the gnome-terminal(thanks astro) will work just fine, once I modify my xorg.conf to the way I want it, the gnome-terminal wont run05:18
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andrew____what do you mean?  its not on add/remove05:19
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dr_willismadmax,  im curuis as to what you are changing.05:19
defrysk!java | andrew05:19
ubotuandrew: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:19
bruenigyet again, add/remove should not be installed by default, look at what it does05:19
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madmaxdr_willis: The default config just has one monitor.  I use 3 monitors that are spaced between 2 geforce 7800 GT's, I'm sure the config is good because currently, all 3 monitors are up and working as they should be05:20
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madmaxdr_willis: Every other program I can think of works just fine, except for the gnome-terminal program05:20
dr_willismadmax,  there might be a log file in the users home dir. cant say that ive noticed lately however.05:20
Justi1when I type 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh' in terminal, it says 'sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found'. How can I fix this?05:20
dr_willismadmax,  i though you said xterm crashed also?05:20
=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-248-121.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigJusti1, have you installed libdvdread05:21
dr_willismadmax,  could be the gnome-terminal is getting confused by the desktop settings, twinview/xinerama stuff perhaps.05:21
Radios hmmm05:21
Justi1bruenig: I installed libdvddread305:21
madmaxdr_willis: I mentioned earlier I think I had the wrong name.  X works just fine, full 3D acceleration, I can even play even online05:21
Radiowhat is Samba used for?05:21
bruenigJusti1, also whatever guide you are following that tells you to do that is old, just install libdvdcss yourself05:21
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:21
bruenigprobably ubuntuguide.org that piece of garbage05:21
madmaxdr_willis: Its just the gnome-terminal program that crashes05:21
conorkirkpatrick"root@ubuntu:/# apt-get update05:21
conorkirkpatrick0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com] " is anything down?05:21
dr_willisRadio,  sharing files to windows machines.05:21
Justi1bruenig: how do I install it myself?05:21
bruenig!dvd | Justi105:22
ubotuJusti1: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:22
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Justi1bruenig: I am following that guide right now!05:22
brueniggo get it05:22
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madmaxdr_willis: Is there a way to get to the terminal to open up on a specific monitor?05:23
conorkirkpatrick0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com] " is anything down?05:23
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Justi1bruenig: it doesn't show up in synaptic05:23
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bruenig!dvd | Justi105:23
ubotuJusti1: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:23
dr_willismadmax,  i dont use gnome.. never noticed..   ive used kstart under kubuntu for  a similer effect. Some of that may also be widnow manager specific.05:23
conorkirkpatrick!universe | justi105:23
andrew____java is on the computer, its just not plugged into firefox.  what now?05:23
ubotujusti1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:23
Radiothx dr_willis05:23
dr_willisJusti1,  you need to set up the seveas Repsoitories..05:23
Radiohow can i disable it?05:23
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, enabled by default, universe doesn't even contain that package05:24
Justi1oh okay05:24
conorkirkpatrickBruenig: ok05:24
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bruenigJusti1, ubout keeps telling you where to find it05:24
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madmaxdr_willis: If there was a log entry from gnome-terminal, where would it most likely be?  /var/log/?05:24
dr_willisRadio,  its not installed by default.. so it shouldnt be enabled.05:24
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' (Does Ubuntu have any down servers?)05:24
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dr_willismadmax,  dont expect one for just that program. there 'should' be some X logs about.05:24
andrew____I have java on the computer, but I cant get Firefox to accept it05:24
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, you mean mirrors and it is possible05:24
Radiomy firewall keeps on picking it up though :/05:24
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conorkirkpatrickbruenig: are there any mirrors of that server? I am trying to do an SSH install05:25
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bruenigandrew____, is the plugin in the firefox plugin directory05:25
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bruenigconorkirkpatrick, which mirror is it,05:25
dr_willismadmax, ls -l /var/log/Xorg.0.log         -- is mine05:25
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andrew____let me check, i dont think so05:25
Nubbiehey guys, i have a presentation to do tomorrow, i just want to know if i'll be able to use a projector no problem with feisty running intel drivers.05:25
madmaxdr_willis: I checked the X log, and the sys log too, nothing that I can see05:25
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: http://archive.ubuntu.com/05:25
madmaxdr_willis: jsut a sec05:25
dr_willismadmax,  run the gnome treminal program from a xterm. :)05:25
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, that appears to be up, the problem is on your end05:25
madmaxdr_willis: bah, cant get into the terminal to run that05:25
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dr_willisxterm and rxvt is our friend.. :)05:26
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dr_willis'twin' is fun to use as a terminal program also05:26
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, you can always put a country code before archive. like us.archive or uk.archive05:26
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: Okay, although, what could be wrong? It has functional internet, (IE: I can Wget things)05:26
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: K, I will try that05:26
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bruenigit did say temporary...05:26
ZieenOK so my Ubuntu keeps locking up05:26
conorkirkpatrickyes :D05:26
ZieenIs there a log file I should be checking to find out why?05:26
andrew____how do I view the plugin directory?05:26
Nubbiezieen: but why?05:27
bruenigandrew____, /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:27
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ZieenNubbie: I don't know why my Ubuntu keeps locking up.  It just does.05:27
Nubbiezieen: are you using compiz/beryl?05:27
ZieenNope.  Last night I had a fresh x64 install and tonight I'm using Wubi.05:27
=== bruenig thinks my ubuntu sounds weird
Zieenand last night I was locking up too... I should have mentioned that.05:27
andrew____it tells me that it is a directory, nothing more05:27
Justi1what sections should I enable for seveas?05:28
dr_willisZieen,  try a normal 32bit install yet?05:28
bruenigandrew____, that is where the plugin needs to be05:28
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:28
andrew____bash: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins: is a directory05:28
milllmannnusing apt-get, where are things installed typically?05:28
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madmaxdr_willis: What am I looking for after running that command?05:28
andrew____how does one get it there? ive done everything the guides have told me05:28
bruenigandrew____, if you had installed the plugin via package management it would already be in there, right it is a directory, the directory that contains the plugin05:28
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Nubbie!envy > Nubbie05:28
Zieendr_willis, I don't want to do a normal install as I don't like to partition my only drive and I need windows for work.  I'm on a 32-bit install now, but it's wubi.05:28
bruenigandrew____, how did you install java05:29
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dr_willismadmax,  run the gnome terminal program from a xterm or rxvt and if it crashes it SHOULD print out some sort of info/error message05:29
ZieenI experienced a lot of problems with my video card, I think that may have something to do with it all.05:29
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dr_willisZieen,  good luck then. :) May want to just use vmware-server. might work better, no clue on wubi.05:29
madmaxdr_willis: The program 'gnome-terminal' received an X Window System error.05:29
madmaxThis probably reflects a bug in the program.05:29
madmaxThe error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'.05:29
madmax  (Details: serial 105 error_code 2 request_code 78 minor_code 0)05:29
madmax  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;05:29
madmax   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.05:29
madmax   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line05:29
zero-9376anyone know of a tool I can use to log all my terminal activity to a text file05:29
madmax   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful05:29
madmax   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)05:30
Jamesinator!ops | madmax05:30
ubotumadmax: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:30
Zieendr_willis: OK thanks.  I'll check with some friends ;-)05:30
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@pool-71-115-0-85.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] by rob
dr_willismadmax,  i never said id know what the errors ment. :)05:30
andrew____should it be telling me the contents of the directory?05:30
andrew____I     apt-get install java-package05:30
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madmaxdr_willis: bah!  btw, was I not supposed to do that?05:30
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robmadmax, no05:31
rob!paste | madmax05:31
ubotumadmax: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:31
robuse that instead05:31
dr_willismadmax,  it was a useless flood of overkill information.. that said very little. :) other then 'it crashed'05:31
bruenig!info java-package05:31
ubotujava-package: utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.28 (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 352 kB05:31
mhz`they need to speed up defragging05:31
mhz`this blows05:31
andrew____this is how i got it, my bad05:31
andrew____sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk05:32
bruenigandrew____, ok that is not java that is some debian packaging utility05:32
dr_willismadmax,  coult try gnome-terminal --help and learn its command line options. there MAY be some optuions taht might kick it in the head..05:32
dr_willismadmax,  or install some other terminal apps and use them05:32
conorkirkpatrickbruenig: is there a command to send a file over the network to a certain IP?05:32
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dr_willis!find Terminal05:32
ubotuFound: gnome-terminal, gnome-terminal-data, xfce4-terminal, xterm, aterm (and 28 others)05:32
bruenigandrew____, that is for compiling java programs not for running05:32
andrew____oh okay05:32
andrew____so what do I run to get it05:32
bruenigandrew____, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin05:32
andrew____alright thanks05:32
andrew____anything more after that?05:32
JamesinatorWhere are my bash history files kept?05:32
imbecilewhat does "ipw3945 maximum thermal spin reached" mean? i believe it means my nic card got to hot and destroyed but am curious if anyone may know if i am correct05:32
jammanyour gay05:32
mhz`Jamesinator, .bash_history05:33
mhz`i think, or .history05:33
Jamesinatormhz`: Thanks05:33
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Jamesinator!ops | jamman05:33
ubotujamman: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:33
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-75-67-197-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Radiohow do you check if you have a program installed?05:33
=== rob looks at jamman
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by rob
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:33
JamesinatorThanks rob.05:33
Justi1do I need libdvdcss2-dev ?05:34
andrew____how would I uninstall that other thing i downloaded bruenig?05:34
khermansRadio, aptitude show <package>05:34
Justi1"sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh" still isn't working05:34
bruenigandrew____, sudo apt-get remove java-package05:34
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know of a command to send a file to an ip on the internel network?05:34
bruenigJusti1, it isn't supposed to05:34
bruenig!dvd | Justi105:34
ubotuJusti1: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:34
andrew____thanks again05:34
Radiothanks khermans05:34
=== Sinistr4 [n=tlot@d055218.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Justi1I am following http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  and it says to type that in05:35
defryskJusti1, just install it , dont try to run it as you tried05:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:35
Assassin`ok one question how do i mount an .iso file??05:35
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defryskJusti1, thats outdated info05:35
Assassin`to make it run05:35
bruenig!dvd | Justi1 please read the whole thing, I ubotu am getting tired of repeating this05:35
ubotuJusti1 please read the whole thing, I ubotu am getting tired of repeating this: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:35
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conorkirkpatrick!mount | assassin`05:35
ubotuassassin`: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:35
bruenigubotu's cpu is taking a beating05:35
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conorkirkpatrickPoor thing... not05:36
Assassin`gparted will do that?05:36
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=== Assassin` goes to try
dhngHi, I'm having trouble enabling my wireless connection after I wake up my laptop from hibernation.05:36
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JamesinatorAssassin`: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 <location of iso> /media/mounted-iso05:36
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JamesinatorAssassin`: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 (location of iso) /media/mounted-iso05:36
JamesinatorSorry, messed up that first one05:36
BillyBeansPLEASe help me, does anyone in hear use mutt to read their email????05:37
MalachiFlash Player 9 crashes when I do a certain task. Anyway I can switch to a different version?05:37
khermansbruenig, how do i reinstall all currently installed applications in the feisty archive?05:37
dhngDoes anyone know how to enable wireless on a laptop after hibernation?05:37
bruenigkhermans, something with dpkg --get-selections or some such05:37
Nubbiehey guys, i found the solution to my problem, about the dual screen / projector... i installed i810switch, killed x, and it instantly started working! i'm very happy, but I wish this package were included with ubuntu.05:37
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know of a command to send a file to an ip on the internel network?05:37
khermansbruenig, yes what is that such05:37
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sharp15what does ubuntu use for configuration of alsa sound drivers?  apparently it's not alsaconf.05:37
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bruenigkhermans, well I don't use ubuntu or debian so I don't have it in front of me05:38
khermansbruenig, why are you in #ubuntu05:38
Jamesinator!networking > jamesinator05:38
madmaxdr_willis: its just getting worse, I found a couple of commands that allow you to specify which screen or display to start gnome-terminal, but the errors multiply from that point on05:38
khermansbruenig, your suggestion is incorrect though05:38
bruenigkhermans, the users need help more than any other channel, you go into the channels of other distros outside of gentoo and nobody really appears to need help05:38
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know of a command to send a file to an ip on the internel network?05:38
Nubbieconorkirkpatrick: it would need to be over a protocol (ftp, nfs, whatever) and the receiving computer would need to authenticate you to receive the file.05:38
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kr00lplatinumanyone know how to get teamspeak2 working so i can talk?05:39
bruenigkhermans, I have seen it before, --get-selections and then --set-selections05:39
Flannel!cloning | khermans, bruenig05:39
ubotukhermans, bruenig: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate05:39
bruenigyou need to redirecto to a text file and then use that text file later in --set-selections05:39
khermansFlannel, i am not cloning05:39
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: Try an openssh server on the receiving IP and use sshfs to mount it as a virtual directory tree on your local system05:39
=== bruenig wins
conorkirkpatrickNubbie: Have any idea of a protocol from an Ubuntu box to Mac OS X (BSD?)05:39
dhngLinux is so flaky, I thought using  manufacturer-supported hardware would solve all my problems05:39
khermansbruenig, thats not what i asked05:39
Justi1when I try to play a dvd, gxine says "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised."05:39
bruenigkhermans, it is05:39
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dhngturns out it's still crap05:40
imbecilewhat does "ipw3945 maximum thermal spin reached" mean? i believe it means my nic card got to hot and destroyed but am curious if anyone may know if i am correct05:40
khermansbruenig, Flannel, i asked how to reinstall all currently installed applications only in the feisty repository05:40
bruenigkhermans, just skip the part where it says to move my-packages05:40
Flannelkhermans: I know.  That's the command he's looking for though.  Why are you loking to reinstall all your packages?05:40
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Nubbieconorkirkpatrick: i think you can install nfs in OSX, i dunno for sure, i've hardly even used a mac, let alone dig around the guts of it.05:40
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khermansFlannel, bruenig, sorry it seems this is what i want --> aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty05:40
conorkirkpatrickNubbie: It is just BSD05:40
bruenigkhermans, same thing05:41
khermansbruenig, no it is not05:41
khermansbruenig, no it is not05:41
Jamesinatorkhermans, bruenig, can you please take that to a query?05:41
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madmaxSo heres another newb question, I've never submitted a bug before, how do I do so?05:41
khermansbruenig, i dont want things in feisty-updates05:41
Justi1gxine says "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised." when I play a dvd. how can I fix this?05:41
conorkirkpatrickmadmax: #ubuntu+1 i think05:41
khermansor even feisty-security05:41
khermansor other repositories05:41
Nubbieconorkirkpatrick: if i were you, i'd install gnome in your OSX. wouldn't that be fun?05:41
khermansjust feisty05:42
khermansbruenig, so your command is wrong05:42
Flannel!bugs | madmax05:42
ubotumadmax: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:42
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khermansanyways, thanks for trying05:42
bruenigworks the same, I just tried the two simultaneously in my virtual machines05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gxine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
bruenigthey did the same thing05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
blackmambaso if i set my available resolutions to "1440x900" in xorg.conf and the screen resolution dialog gives me a bunch of 4:3 aspect ratio resolutions as options and forces me to use 4:3 aspect ratio, what do i do? using fglrx drivers on a radeon x70005:42
khermansbruenig, no they do not, that will also include outside repositories05:42
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conorkirkpatrickNubbie: I have tried, I can still run gnome-session, but it says some weird error, it has been a while :D (I use X11 on OSX)05:43
bruenigkhermans, I just did them both in my virtual machines, you can't argue with that05:43
conorkirkpatrickNubbie: Which means I could install... Beryl05:43
scottyscotty_: Stay off my nicks.05:43
khermansbruenig, yes i dont believe you05:43
DindeHi, i tried this parameters -> acpi=off acpi=noirq pci=off pnpbios=off and i tried to disable quick boot, same hell it freezes when kernel is loading ... i also tried to pass floppy=thinkpad (hardware = thinkpad x60, ubuntu 7.04 (feisty)) if anyone have any idea ...05:43
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madmax#1 Bug on bugs.ubuntu.com:  Microsoft has a majority share....05:43
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bruenigkhermans, well I did, I mean anyone can say that, you try it05:43
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bruenigit does the same thing05:43
khermansbruenig, no it does not05:44
khermansbruenig, how can i make this clear05:44
bruenigI just did it05:44
bruenighow can I make that clearer05:44
khermansbruenig, add in an external repository05:44
FlannelAlright, guys, you disagree, it's no big deal.05:44
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bruenigthis guy must just be trolling05:44
khermansbruenig, then do the same, it will reinstall applications from your external repos05:44
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bruenigit didn't05:44
khermansbruenig, aptitude is the only way05:45
defryskkhermans, bruenig /join #yes-no05:45
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Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: sudo apt-get install sshfs ; sshfs user@host:remotedir localdir05:45
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DindeDoes anyone has this problem : It freeze on Loading /casper/initrd.gz..... when you try ton install Ubuntu -_-05:45
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: If you have an SSH server running on the system you're trying to transfer files between, sshfs will let you mount a virtual directory tree at localdir over SSH05:46
bruenighard to argue against evidence, I guess you can just say "well I don't believe the evidence" but I just tried it on vm and it worked same05:46
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saxonjfI installed pidgen, and I want to get rid of Gaim via synaptic, it tells me I have to remove "ubuntu-desktop."  Is there a workaround?05:47
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defrysksaxonjf, no05:47
khermansbruenig, i also just tried --> # dpkg --get-selections | wc -l ==1390 packages *BUT* aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty == 138605:47
Dr_Willis_Hiddensaxonjf,  donbt worry about it.. either leave it in.. or remove ubuntu-desktop. its a metapackage05:47
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khermansbruenig, did i make my point?05:48
bruenigkhermans, oh aptitude missed some of them, that's cool, aptitude is known to be flaky, it actually worked on mine though, aptitude craps out on occasion05:48
saxonjfSo there's no danger of erasing the whole desktop in doing that, DR?05:48
andrew____hey does anyone run linux on their ipod?05:48
khermansbruenig, no aptitude did not miss any05:48
dhnghow do I swtich from a wired connection to a wireless one?05:48
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bruenigkhermans, it did on yours not mine though, that same command gives me 1276 for both05:49
bruenigit breaks down sometimes05:49
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khermansbruenig, in fact aptitude picked exactly the right applications, whereas dpkg --get-selections got them all, even non-feisty packages, which is wrong05:49
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khermansbruenig, my point is not to reinstall all aplications, only applications in the feisty repository05:49
khermansbruenig, i dont want to reinstall applications from external repositories05:49
bruenigkhermans, right works the same on both, its cool though, if you want to just troll in here spouting nonsense, your right to do so05:49
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khermansbruenig, this is not nonsense, dude, just chill ... you made a mistake its cool05:50
khermansbruenig, i forgive you05:50
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Hail_Spacecakefor some reason I just booted into a console as root05:51
bruenigkhermans, chill? I am quite chill, you are the one trolling with crazy nonsense, I just did them both simultaneously on my beowulf cluster vm and they work the same05:51
Hail_Spacecakeinstead of the x windows login box05:51
bruenigkhermans, I will try to see what screwed up on aptitude for you and submit the patch upstream05:51
brueniggood find05:51
Hail_Spacecakehow do I restart x windows?05:51
khermansbruenig, did you add an external repository?05:51
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dhnghail_spacecake: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace05:51
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bruenigwe should probably !offtopic this05:51
bullgard4lsmod lists 102 modules. Do they include the modules which Synaptic suggests for lm-sensors in its text: "The DEB program package 'lm-sensors' contains programs to help you set up and read data from lm-sensors.  For 2.6 kernels, use the modules that are already in the kernel tree."?05:52
mhz`anyone know the typical size of a chassis cooling fan? i'm thinking between 40-60mm05:52
FlannelHail_Spacecake: sounds like you hit the recovery console at your GRUB menu.  reboot and select a regular kernel (not the recovery one)05:52
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Hail_Spacecakeyeah, I might've done that05:52
Hail_SpacecakeI hit a random key at the GRUB menu05:52
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npricesaxonjf, leave gaim, 7.10 will replace it with pidgin05:53
=== CyziQ [i=Cyzio@cgv47.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
CyziQjest ktos z polski ?05:54
Flannel!pl | CyziQ05:54
ubotuCyziQ: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:54
CyziQdzieki !05:54
dhngis there an official package of Pidgin?05:54
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bruenigdhng, not in feisty05:54
saxonjfnprice, I've been wanting to switch, but had been waiting for an apt package05:54
Flanneldhng: No.  Not until gutsy.  Pidgin was released too late for feisty.05:54
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bruenigsaxonjf, there won't be one for 4 months05:54
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saxonjfHow can you address someone in red like that?05:55
scottyscoobtits: Please stop trying to use my nicks. Scotty, scotty_, scotty__, and most variations of them are mine. If you could use your current nick permanently, it would mean I wouldn't get pinged, and thus wouldn't have to ghost you.05:55
Jordan_U!prefix | saxonjf05:55
bruenigsaxonjf, prefix their name05:55
ubotusaxonjf: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages05:55
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scoobtitsscotty, thats not me05:56
saxonjf!prefix | breunig05:56
ubotubreunig: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages05:56
bruenigwhat the hell05:56
npricesaxonjf, whenever you say someone else's name it makes it red05:56
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npricesaxonjf, when you just talked to me it was red05:56
bruenigsaxonjf, see this line is red05:56
bruenigthis one isn't05:56
saxonjf!prefix | bruenig is it red now?05:56
ubotubruenig is it red now?: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages05:56
andrew____is there anyway to play music ripped of your ipod?05:56
npricesaxonjf, you don't need to do !prefix05:56
npricesaxonjf, just say the person's name05:57
scottyscoobtits: Then it is someone on your network. Your hosts and IPs are identical.05:57
saxonjfnprice is it red without the word, now?05:57
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scoobtitsyea i think it was the other computer, it must have signed in05:57
dhngis there a way to stop fsck from running after the drive had been mounted a certain number of time?05:57
bruenigsaxonjf, you have to prefix the message with the hex ff0000 for it to be red, but it only shows up as red to others05:57
Jordan_Usaxonjf, Sorry for confusing you, there is no need to use !prefix ( that is a message to the bot to display a message )05:57
scottyscoobtits: Regardless, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop.05:57
scoobtitsno prob05:57
bruenigscotty loves his nickname05:58
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scottyIt's just annoying to be pinged whenever he says something or joins a channel I'm in05:58
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Justi1gxine says "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised." when I try to play a DVD. how can I fix this?05:58
bruenig!codecs | Justi105:59
ubotuJusti1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:59
Jordan_U!dvd | Justi105:59
ubotuJusti1: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:59
saxonjfAl right, everything seems OK with removing gaim... I am having permission problems... I am trying to move a package from desktop to /user/share/xmms/skins/ but it says I don't have permission, and I don't know why.05:59
Justi1if I see !dvd one more time...05:59
conorkirkpatrick!dvd | Just1l05:59
ubotuJust1l: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:59
defryskJusti1, reat the codecs info05:59
conorkirkpatrickJust1l: have you read every page?05:59
bruenigsaxonjf, you need to do it using sudo, sudo mv whatever /usr/share/xmms/skins05:59
andrew____i ripped music of my ipod, and it plays with movie player but not amarok or rythmbox, any suggestions?05:59
Jordan_UJusti1, Well if you followed the instructions there you wouldn't get that error05:59
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vikI've just been looking at top and evolution-data-server seems to be chewing most of my CPU time. I don't really use evolution much except for the calendar - any ideas how to manage this?05:59
Justi1I did!05:59
conorkirkpatrickJust1n: try this: sudo apt-get install k9copy05:59
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Jordan_UJusti1, Then what are you using to play the DVD?06:00
bruenigconorkirkpatrick, k9copy is for copying the dvd not for watching it06:00
conorkirkpatrickJusti1: sudo apt-get install VLC06:00
conorkirkpatrickOR something06:00
conorkirkpatrickTry VLC06:00
defrysk!dvd | conorkirkpatrick06:00
ubotuconorkirkpatrick: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:00
bruenigvlc will work06:00
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Justi1what is vlc06:01
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bruenig!info vlc06:01
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB06:01
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andrew____i ripped music of my ipod, and it plays with movie player but not amarok or rythmbox, any suggestions?06:01
Jordan_UJusti1, It's a cross platform player that plays just about everything out of the box06:01
conorkirkpatrickdefrysk: I don't even have X yet! I am doing a manual SSH install, plus I don't have any good DVDs, I need ~VHS06:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vhs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xgrid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
conorkirkpatrickWhat does xgrid do?06:02
Justi1!info xgrid06:02
ubotuPackage xgrid does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:02
Jordan_UJusti1, It is the best player for OSx and WIndows too IMHO06:02
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conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know how I can get a file from Ubuntu to Mac OS X over the network06:03
Jordan_UJusti1, Yes06:03
conorkirkpatrickUbuntu has no GUI either06:03
madman91does anyone know how i can get steve summit's C notes (on K+R's book) in one pdf / html file?06:03
dopeif you forgot your root password is there anyway to recover or change it?06:03
madman91i see his site.. but how do i down it all06:03
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, scopy06:03
Justi1jordan_U: then ill install it on our old windows machine06:03
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Jordan_UJusti1, My last windows machine ran 3.1 ;)06:04
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: where can I get Scopy, apt doesn't have it06:04
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sidletAnybody here have experience backing up their DVD's to DivX format?06:04
Justi1jordan_u: my dad won't let me install some linux on ours :/06:04
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preactionconorkirkpatrick: i think what he means is "scp".06:04
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, It is available in the default install, it's is on all *NIX boxes06:04
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Nubbiesidlet: use ogg theora.06:04
sidletNubbie: okay, using what?06:05
Nubbie!theora | sidlet06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about theora - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
Justi1Is there a good converter (for ubuntu) that can convert mp3 to ogg?06:05
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sidletJustil: theres a few scripts for nautilus on gnome-look.org06:05
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Nubbiesidlet: use a program thoggen.06:05
sidletthoggen? hmm06:05
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Nubbiesidlet: its dead simple.06:05
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:06
Nubbiesidlet: make sure you have libdvdcss2 installed.06:06
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=== sidlet is googling for thoggen
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Nubbiesidlet: sudo apt-get install thoggen06:06
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, You may need to enable "remote login" on OSx ( which really means allowind ssh which scopy uses )06:06
preactionJordan_U: it's "scp"06:06
defryskJusti1, bad idea converting from one compression to another will make the quality go down06:06
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I already have that, I enjoy SSH'ing :D06:07
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Nubbiessh is prime.06:07
Jordan_Upreaction, knew that, my bad :)06:07
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Justi1defrysk: I don't have all of the cd's I got the music from :/06:07
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Nubbieone more question about dualhead guys. it's only extending my desktop, but i want two different desktops, different panels everything, since i won't be using the second monitor all of the time.06:08
Nubbiecan somebody help me set that up?06:08
Justi1how do I play a dvd with vlc?06:08
madman91how can i snatch all of this site (  http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/notes/top.html  ) and put it into a pdf or html file?06:08
dhnganyone know how to load the wireless module on a Dell E1505N?06:08
Jordan_UJusti1, "Open disk"06:08
g0dd3sshi everyone, I am trying the dialup modem on my toshiba satellite laptop (Agere softmodem) to work on ubuntu, do you think it's worth the trouble or should i just get an external modem?06:08
Nubbiei'm using i810 drivers with i810switch installed.06:09
khermansbruenig, you still here?06:09
Nubbieg0dd3ss: agere has drivers for linux.06:09
Justi1jordan_u: it takes me to the main menu, I click play, and it closes out06:09
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Nubbieg0dd3ss: that doesn't mean your modem will work, or that it will be easy, but i suggest you look into it.06:09
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hatteranyone know how to fix this in evolution :  error while storing folder 'inbox'l : summary and folder mismatch, even after sync06:09
Jordan_UJusti1, Do you have libdvdcss installed?06:10
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g0dd3ssthey do? well i've tried with this scanmodem and installed slmodem thing, keeps saying modem not found when i try to dial withit06:10
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Nubbieg0dd3ss: because you haven't installed the lucent agere drivers.06:10
Justi1jordan_u: I have libdvdcss206:11
conorkirkpatrick"Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'06:11
conorkirkpatrick" anybody know whats wrong?06:11
khermansFlannel, there is definitely a bug in dpkg --get-selections06:11
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g0dd3ssyah well i just followd instructions scanmodem gave me, ok i will look into it thanks, no doubt i will spend another few hours tearing my hair out 8-}06:11
bullgard4lsmod lists 102 modules. Do they include the modules which Synaptic suggests for lm-sensors in its text: "The DEB program package 'lm-sensors' contains programs to help you set up and read data from lm-sensors.  For 2.6 kernels, use the modules that are already in the kernel tree."?06:11
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khermansFlannel, where is bruenig to test with his nice vms06:11
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Justi1!info libdvdcss06:11
conorkirkpatrick"Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'06:12
ubotuPackage libdvdcss does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:12
conorkirkpatrick" anybody know whats wrong?06:12
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oscuro_mmh I just burned the feisty iso.06:12
Justi1!info libdvdcss206:12
oscuro_but when I get into the live desktop.06:12
ubotulibdvdcss2: Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6 (feisty-seveas), package size 33 kB, installed size 112 kB06:12
Nubbie!restricted > justi106:12
sbalneavconorkirkpatrick: Your internet connections down, or your dns server's wrong06:12
g0dd3ssyour dns not working right conorkirkpatrick ?06:12
oscuro_I can't move the cursor.06:12
oscuro_it's terrible.06:12
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oscuro_it's happening now coming from 2 different isos.06:12
Nubbieoscuro_: is it a ps/2 mouse?06:12
conorkirkpatricksbalneav: Hmm, I can wget things, and all other internet related things work, just not that06:12
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oscuro_nubbie I think so!06:13
dfgasanyone got a dell with the stupid green shroud that goes over the heatsink?06:13
oscuro_it's not usb for sure.06:13
mikeybi was wondering if someone could provide me with some dual booting vista / ubuntu 7.04 help (with 2 physical hard disks)06:13
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Nubbieoscuro_: did you unplug it with the computer on?06:13
rafaelscjHow can I set 1280x800 (Intel)?06:13
mikeybi had one of those dells06:13
Nubbieoscuro_: plug it back in and reboot your computer. might fix it06:13
oscuro_no nubbie, never touched it.06:13
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mikeybwith the crappy cooling fan and shroud06:13
Nubbierafaelscj: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:13
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Jordan_UJusti1, Should work then, strange06:13
Nubbieoscuro_: check it?06:13
oscuro_I'm gonna try nubbie.06:14
Jordan_UJusti1, Does it work with any other DVD's ?06:14
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sbalneavconorkirkpatrick: Maybe canonical servers are overloaded.  Wait and try again later.06:14
oscuro_then, why I have no problem while loading this former ubuntu distro? :(06:14
bullgard4oscuro_: Please do not issue three messages one after the other if they could have been put into a single one. Respect the needs of 700 other users of this channel.06:14
ReSpEcTi got a big ? about ubuntu06:14
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Nubbiemikeyb: install windows first, because it will pwn any other bootloader.06:14
oscuro_I'm sorry won't happen again.06:14
Nubbiemikeyb: then install ubuntu.06:14
ReSpEcTi am having trouble loading it06:14
liquiddoom!ask | ReSpEcT06:15
ubotuReSpEcT: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:15
conorkirkpatricksba1neav: Well, I was doing it through SSH (iMac->Ubuntucomp) and I tried it right from the host machine, and it worked fine06:15
khermansbruenig, dpkg --get-selections returns every package state (even packages in the "deinstall" state), not to mention package such as realplay, which come form the commercial repository06:15
rafaelscjI forgot, something like: apt-get install 915resolution06:15
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mikeybnubbie: i did06:15
Nubbiemikeyb: allocate enough space when installing windows for linux, or just defrag your drives in windows and resize them while installing ubuntu.06:15
khermansbruenig, when you do aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty, you only get the packages in the correct repository06:15
=== ifeveryoushoulda [n=lisa@S010600095b027ee2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ReSpEcTi have been installing it for bout a hour now and my screen just stays blank06:15
mikeybubuntu is on a slave drive on IDE06:15
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mikeybwindows is on master06:16
Nubbiemikeyb: none of that matters.06:16
mikeybi dont get grub bootloader, just boots straight to win06:16
Justi1my cd drive made a crunching noise06:16
khermansbruenig, try aptitude reinstall ~i~Afeisty-updates06:16
sbalneavconorkirkpatrick: The message indicates it couldn't resolve the domain name.  That indicates that something with dns isn't happy.  How you've got things set up on your network will affect this.06:16
khermansbruenig, i prove my point06:16
Nubbiemikeyb: as long as one is master, one is slave, you're in the clear. all that does is tell the computer which IDE channel to communicate with the hard drive on.06:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:16
mikeybbut i do not have any option to boot into ubuntu06:17
mikeybthat i can see06:17
Jordan_UReSpEcT, What was it last doing when it froze and can you get to a terminal with ctrl+alt+F1 ( F7 to get back to X ) ?06:17
Nubbiemikeyb: you actually installed it from the livecd?06:17
mikeybyes sir06:17
conorkirkpatricksba1neav: Well, all is well now, I am doing it from the host machine06:17
Justi1jordan_u: it works for star wars, but not for pirates06:18
mikeybi heard of using easyBCD for modifying vista's bootloader06:18
Jordan_Umikeyb, Is the drive GRUB was installed to the one you have set to boot?06:18
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Nubbiemikeyb: don't use vista's bootloader, use grub.06:18
ReSpEcTit was checking all the list on installs and saying ok out to the right then went to a black screen and stayed there for bout 30 mins now06:18
mikeybmy bios will not let me configure boot to put one hard drive before the other though06:18
Nubbiemikeyb: reboot into a livecd, and fix your grub.06:18
Nubbie!grub > mikeyb06:18
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Jordan_UJusti1, Might be a change in the DRM or a scratched disk ( more likely the former if it works in other players )06:19
mikeybim on livecd now thankfully06:19
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:19
mikeybthat should help06:19
Nubbiemikeyb: make sure when you're editing your grub, that you're editing the grub installed on the drive already, not the one running in the live envirnment.06:19
Justi1jordan_u: what is the DRM06:19
Andyhoyippee!! FINALLY gut ubuntu to install! :)06:19
ifeveryoushouldaDRM is the devil.06:19
mikeybi thoguht grub would have to be located on the disk that ubuntu is on06:19
mikeybit can be on the disk with vista?06:19
mikeyband still allow me to choose to boot ubuntu?06:20
Nubbienobody mentions the D word in this channel.06:20
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mikeybD word?06:20
mikeyboh DRM06:20
mikeyblol nm06:20
Nubbiemikeyb: um... i'm not sure about that. i would ditch vista if i knew for certain if i needed it for school or not, and if my computer came with a damn vista installation cd.06:20
Eleafdoes anybody use digikam?  I can see the thumbnails of my raw images fine, but when I click on one to open the editor, it is just black.  The image displays fine when not RAW (.CRW)06:20
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mikeybi need to use photoshop CS3 and Dreamweaver06:21
rustalotEleaf: what editor are you using06:21
mikeybunsupported by Wine06:21
Eleafrustalot, digikam06:21
GigaClonanyone know why the PCM level of my sound card jumps around on its own?06:21
Eleafrustalot, just the built in digikam viewer/editor06:21
Nubbiemikeyb: then use vmware.06:21
Nubbiemikeyb: lol06:21
Justi1gigaclon: mine does too06:21
GigaClonwhats your card?06:22
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mikeybugh, its business use, i dont think i can sacrifice 7 or 8 years of experience with my otehr software06:22
mikeybi want to support free software really bad06:22
Jordan_UJusti1, DRM is a technology made specifically to keep you from doing what you want to do with the content you paid for06:22
Justi1gigaclon: I don't have one, it part of motherboard06:22
mikeybbut, ya know, i can't put a halt on my business06:22
Justi1digital rights management?06:22
GigaCloni have a AC97 chipset06:22
mikeybim still not sure how to boot - but ill keep messing06:22
Nubbiemikeyb: then tell your bosses to start teaching gimp and whatever other web design programs are out there for linux.06:22
AndyhoNubbie: does vmare support dreamweaver and photoshop?06:22
Justi1gigaclon: I think applications can change it06:22
mikeyb<--- self employed06:22
rustalotEleaf: I had a problem once with Raw. where it wouldn't work i konqueror, but I opened with digikam and it worked. Do other apps open them ok?06:23
mikeybi make the decisions >:D06:23
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Nubbieandyho: it supports everything that doesn't require 3d acceleration.06:23
Jordan_UJusti1, http://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm06:23
Eleafof course rustalot , I normally use ufraw06:23
rustalotEleaf: I have no idea.06:23
Eleafdo I need a kibi plugin or something to display raw in digikam??06:23
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Nubbieandyho: ie. 3d games won't work in vmware... google earth won't work in vmware.06:23
Justi1jordan_u when I put vlc in fullscreen, the video playback becomes choppy- can I fix this?06:24
AndyhoNubbie: cool deal.. I'm not much into gaming.. just design work! maybe the occasional diner dash! LOL06:24
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rustalotNubbie: The problem is that the GIMP kinda sucks when you compare it to photoshop.06:24
bruenigJusti1, how good is your cpu06:24
bruenigwho is this khermans guy06:25
Jordan_UJusti1, It depends on what the setting on vlc currently are and how fast your computer is06:25
Andyhobeen trying to get away from windows forever..06:25
phreck_rustalot: thats why PS costs hundreds of dollars06:25
phreck_and theGIMP is free06:25
Eleafthat's not a very valid response06:25
d2leoI wanted to see if there is a way to get files from my ubuntu laptop from y networked windows machine.06:25
bruenigdid he not notice I was away, he fired off about 6 messages up there06:25
rustalotphreck_: So?06:25
Nubbierustalot: yeah, thats why i told him to use photoshop in vmware.06:25
Eleafthe gimp doesn't compare to photoshop because recently it lacks ingenuity and revolutionary addition and adaptation.06:25
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Justi1jordan_u: its fast, but would running xgl affect it?06:25
phreck_so what do you expect?06:25
robert_where does gimp look for it's fonts?06:25
phreck_be realistic at least.06:25
Eleafrobert_, try the .fonts dir in your home directory06:26
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robert_I got nothing there06:26
bruenigJusti1, it might06:26
rustalotphreck_: I expect that people will teach the apps that work best06:26
Jordan_UJusti1, Yes, XGL slows down everything, and ATI's drivers aren't very good either06:26
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Eleafmake a directory robert_ , and put your fonts there.06:26
Nubbierustalot: but when you consider what is the best deal for the money, open source always wins.06:26
Eleafsuch as .ttf fonts06:26
phreck_gimp works best in linux =D06:26
h4ngedm4njust pick the tool that works for you and avoid X better than Y arguments06:26
robert_I'm looking for a specific one though06:27
Justi1jordan_u: if I switch my windows manager from beryl to gnome, will it disable xgl, or will I have to log out and in?06:27
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ReSpEcTmy ubuntu is not installing after the checks it went to a blank screen and now it just sits there can anybody help06:27
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Jordan_UJusti1, You have to log out06:27
ReSpEcTdo i need a previous version of linux installed first06:27
Jordan_UReSpEcT, No06:27
Andyhodo most of you have a single os or dual boot?? just curious06:28
Jordan_UReSpEcT, Where is it freezing exactly? Do you get to the desktop at all?06:28
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d2leoHow can I map my networked windows hardrive to show up on my ubuntu laptop?06:28
bullgard4Andyho: I'm using a dual-boot computer.06:28
Andyhorespect: I was having the same problem.. mine was a vid card issue.. took it out and it installed fine06:28
rustalotAndyho: I'm all Kubuntu now, but my new comp will have Vista preinstalled06:28
Jordan_UReSpEcT, You might try the alternate CD, it is a text based installer06:28
Justi1jordan_u: must be beryl, because I disabled that and it works fine now. thanks for your help.06:28
ReSpEcTit was installing telling me everything was ok went to next step and has been there since06:28
Jordan_UJusti1, np06:29
NubbieAndyho: my laptop came with vista, and i'm going away to school in september. i would ditch vista if i knew i didn't need it, but it didn't come with an installation cd, so i kinda want to keep it around until i find out for sure i can dump it. before that i've been using linux exclusively for 4 years.06:29
Jordan_UJusti1, I think there is a preference to turn off beryl when using full screen apps06:29
ReSpEcTi am using the one i made from the download of the linux site06:29
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:29
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Nubbiejusti1: add vlc to the excluded list in beryl.06:29
cecNubbie, you can make back cds of you vista06:29
h4ngedm4nNubbie: if you are going away to college, your school should provide whatever else you need in their labs06:29
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Nubbiecec: really?06:30
Jordan_UReSpEcT, So it did get to the Desktop?06:30
octavariumdoes ubuntu 7.04 have an easy to use GUI installer?06:30
cecyes, I did with my thinkpad notebood06:30
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:30
Jordan_Uoctavarium, YEs06:30
Nubbieoctavarium: of course, this is the year 2007 :)06:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
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Nubbiecec: could you enlighten me?06:31
octavariumis there good support for ati cards?06:31
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:31
Jordan_UReSpEcT, You need to click on the install icon on the desktop to begin the install so I don't think it has tried to install anything yet06:31
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Andyhothat's cool. I have mandriva on my server and my other pc has media center and laptop xp.. but I'm just tired of all the windows crap! so hopefully I'll stick with ubuntu if I can get everything I need to work on it! :)06:31
d2leoHow do I get files from my networked windows machine to my laptop with feisty installed?06:31
Nubbieoctavarium: as good as ATI supports their customers, which isn't that bad.06:31
oscuro_me again, I just reboot, the cursor didn't move again :( then I unplug, and plug again the mouse (which has 6 sticks, I guess it's ps/3) and the cursor is just freeze.06:32
Jordan_Ud2dchat, Places -> Netw2ork06:32
octavariumso ubuntu should automatically configure the cards and xorg, and all that right?06:32
cecOn my system there is a menu item for backing up the entire preinstalled system. You can only do it once, so don't lose the cd.06:32
Nubbieandyho: what do you need working?06:32
ReSpEcTput the cd in from the beging of boot up and it went staight to the ubuntu menu that offers install, check cd, memory test and so on06:32
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d2dchatJordan_U, ?06:32
Nubbieoctavarium: you'll need to configure xorg yourself, but it's really easy, and mostly automated.06:32
Jordan_Ud2dchat, If you are already sharing the folder from windows it should show up there06:32
Nubbieoctavarium: easy as sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:32
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d2dchatJordan_U, haha did i ask that question a long time ago or something? :)06:33
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AndyhoI have a chat client I have for work and of course they don't have any support other than windows :( and then like I said, photoshop and dreamweaver are the other main progs I use06:33
Nubbieandyho: what chat protocol does it use? and i forgot about the photoshop and all that.06:33
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sidletAndyho, your chat client doesnt work under wine?A06:33
sixtyeightHow can I go about editing my xorg.conf file from the command line? I screwed something up and now I can't load X... :] 06:33
dopewhat's the command to look at harddrive space?06:34
Nubbiesixtyeight: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
Sonic11sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:34
defrysksixtyeight, use nano06:34
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sidletdope: df -h06:34
ReSpEcTjordan should i let windows load and select the install form there instead06:34
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Nubbiesixtyeight: or do it sonic11's way if you have countless hours to waste.06:34
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Nubbiesonic11: ;)06:34
oscuro_I can't install feisty if I can't work with the mouse once into the live desktop, what can I do, what could it be, thanks for any suggestion.06:34
AndyhoI'm not entirely sure! I'm about to see if it'll work with wine.. the company I work for is kasamba.com06:34
Jordan_UReSpEcT, No,it sounds like you are using an old version of Ubuntu though, are you using 7.04 ?06:35
PurpZeYoscuro_: Is it a USB mouse?06:35
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oscuro_no, it's ps something.06:35
oscuro_has 6 sticks, to plug in.06:35
sixtyeightHaha... well, I know what entry I added that screwed it up, so if I could get to an editing program I could easily fix it. I forgot about Nano. Thanks for the responses, though!06:35
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Jordan_UReSpEcT, I would try the alternate CD then06:35
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ReSpEcThave tried desktop and ultimate which is what i am installing now06:35
PurpZeYoscuro_: It's a ps/2 mouse and it isn't working out of box?06:35
Jordan_U!alternate | ReSpEcT06:35
ubotuReSpEcT: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal06:35
Nubbienp sixtyeight.06:35
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ReSpEcTJordan_u, can i download that somewhere06:36
krinns_hi all06:36
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oscuro_it works in this forme version on ubuntu with no problem, but I want to install feisty, and mouse simply doens't move there. So I can't reach the 'install'.06:36
Jordan_UReSpEcT, Yes from ubuntu.com, just check the box at the bottom for the alternate CD when you download06:36
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ReSpEcTk ty will try it06:36
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krinns_my evolution has some prbs when i try to save any attatchment with spaces like Market plan.doc through evlotion it saves as maret%plan.doc06:37
oscuro_also, the ingegrity of the iso is ok.06:37
krinns_any idea how i make it correct06:37
Jordan_UReSpEcT, "Ubuntu Ultimate Edition" is not official and is very hackish IMHO06:37
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Nubbieoscuro_: tab your way over to it ;)06:37
krinns_join #evolution06:37
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oscuro_nubbie, how can I do that? sorry I'm just too noob.06:37
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Nubbieoscuro_: look at your keyboard. locate "TAB"06:37
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=== Nubbie sighs
octavariumthx for your help im sure i will enjoy your free os06:38
Andyhoenter might help too ;)06:38
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Nubbieoh yeah, spacebar works too i believe.06:38
defryskgosh , thats where tab if for ? *scribble scribble06:38
Jordan_Uosxdude|laptop, Andyho That wasn't called for06:38
oscuro_I'm feel ashamed :(, ok let's see, but what if once installed it continues the same, it would be kinda difficult to be tabbing all the time.06:38
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osxdude|palmTXJordan_U: sorry...06:39
Nubbieoscuro_: but it might not happen in the installation.06:39
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ahron hello. i have a fresh feisty install and my usb device transfer speeds seem super slow. is their a chance i could unload a usb module and load a faster one? i couldnt find anything online about slow usb, but it definitly seems like these arent 2.0 speeds06:39
Nubbieoscuro_: just curious, what kind of mouse is it? generic laser mouse or what?06:39
=== AlexanderTheGrap [n=ken24800@201-213-176-241.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
mhz`-dumb question..06:39
oscuro_I'll trust you guys then, I'm going into, bye.06:39
oscuro_it's a very old one, it's a genius.06:40
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mhz`-i'm defragging my drive now, that i'll be dual booting w/ xp06:40
h4ngedm4nisnt that a bit naive to assume it will magically work in the installed version when it doesnt in the live cd?06:40
Nubbieoscuro_: i would consider buying a new 6 dollar one.06:40
mhz`-create the free space now then boot into ubuntu install?06:40
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ReSpEcTJordan_u, one more ? my roommate seems to think one of the RAM sticks i have in is effecting it but i say it isnt't because xp pro loaded and ran on it06:41
FrogzooReSpEcT: reboot & choose "memtest" from the grub prompt06:41
jmazikowskihi, i installed jdk1.6.0_u2 and created the appropriate symlinks in /usr/bin, but when i try to run gui java app, it just gives me a window with a big grey panel without any contents. i have tried both frostwire and an app i wrote myself. what could be the problem? i dont get any errors when running them either06:41
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mikeybhow would i find whether Grub was installed to my master or slave HDD06:42
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Nubbiejmazikowski: run java -jar /path/to/jar06:42
Jordan_UReSpEcT, Run the memtest from GRUB or the LiveCD06:42
jmazikowskimikeyb: it should be the master by default... for the mbr06:42
bullgard4lsmod lists 102 modules. Do they include the modules which Synaptic suggests for lm-sensors in its text: "The DEB program package 'lm-sensors' contains programs to help you set up and read data from lm-sensors.  For 2.6 kernels, use the modules that are already in the kernel tree."?06:43
osxdude|palmTXmikeyb: play with you boot menu or boot order06:43
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Vsop_VsopG'day folks... Just installed 6.10 to my inspiron 9400 having troubles getting the nic to work.. any thoughts??06:43
Nubbiejmazikowski: tell me if that worked.06:43
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Jordan_Umikeyb, You can also re-install grub wherever it needs to go] 06:43
jmazikowskiNubbie: what do you mean? i am not trying to run a .jar06:43
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mikeybhow would i do that06:43
mikeybbecause ubuntu is on a 2nd hard disk06:43
Vsop_VsopNetwork interface card06:43
summer_s4Hi.  I just installed ubuntu (on a dif computer) and i have troubles06:43
mikeybthan is not enabled on boot order06:43
Nubbiejmazikowski: your java application isn't in a jar. :o06:44
Jordan_U!grub | mikeyb06:44
ubotumikeyb: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:44
mikeybso grub never launches06:44
capohow do i run zsnes?  i installed it with synaptic but i cant find it in the applications menu06:44
mikeybman this is confusin, ill keep trying though06:44
Nubbiemikey: follow the one about recovering ubuntu after installing windows.06:44
osxdude|palmTXmikeyb: restart your compu, prezs the F* button that is linked to boot menu06:44
jmazikowskiNubbie: no, i am just running the class... it is an app i wrote but am not finished with yet, so i didnt jar it06:44
summer_s4I have a wireless adapter, and i cannot connect to my wireless network06:44
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summer_s4can someone help me?06:44
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Nubbiecapo: create a menu launcher for it, zsnes is the command.06:44
Jordan_Umikeyb, Or you could set the drive with Ubuntu on it to boot by default06:44
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mikeybi think thats wha ti need to do06:45
File13hello all06:45
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jmazikowskion my dapper install, i ran it fine... but now that i have java setup on fiesty, it doesnt work06:45
mikeybbecause my BIOS does not allow me to choose slave HD for boot06:45
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Jordan_Umikeyb, !hi | File1306:45
summer_s4Can someone plz help me?06:45
mikeybonly selection is "hard disk"06:45
Nubbiejmazikowski: i have been having some issues with java lately too, some web applets aren't working for me.06:45
osxdude|palmTXmikeyb: go to the "boot" category and change the hdd priority.06:45
mikeybthere is no option for "hard disk 2" or anything else06:45
Jordan_Usummer_s4, Ask your question, if anyone can help they will06:45
summer_s4I have a wireless adapter and network,06:45
mikeybboot category where?06:46
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Nubbiemikeyb: there is, it's called /dev/hd106:46
jmazikowskiNubbie: is it just that version of java? or am i just SoL?06:46
summer_s4and ubuntu won't connect to the wireless network.06:46
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Nubbiemikeyb: i think thats the notation for grub.06:46
Jordan_Usummer_s4, Does it show up in the network manager applet at the top of the screen?06:46
osxdude|palmTXmikeyb: boot category of the BIOS setup06:46
summer_s4When windows xp was my OS, it could connect easily and yes it does06:46
Nubbiejmazikowski: i dunno what's going on to be honest. i could just be my firefox.06:46
Vsop_Vsop>> am Hard wired but i get no traffic whatsoever...06:46
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summer_s4it just fails to connect06:47
Jordan_UNubbie, No that is the notation for linux, grub would be something like (hd0,0)06:47
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jmazikowskiNubbie: see, thats the thing, my prob has nothing to do with firefox, just running straight from a term, using "java addressBook"06:47
Vsop_VsopAnyone have a thought?..06:47
Nubbiesummer_s4: but it is detected, and detects access points?06:47
mikeybyeah, the boot configuration of BIOS only allows me to select these options for example: "cdrom" "hard disk" "usb hard disk" "usb cdrom" .... See: no secondary hard disk option available06:47
osxdude|palmTXNubbie:This has nothing to do with grub. All we want to do is run it i the bios06:47
Nubbiejordan_U: thanks, it's been so long since grub has given me trouble.06:48
ReSpEcTjordan_u, how many test should it run06:48
summer_s4it detects the only wireless access point in hte house but when i go to connect, it fails then about 5 minneuts l8r it freezes06:48
Nubbiemikeyb: you need to install grub on your first hard drive then. follow the guide to do it.06:48
osxdude|palmTXmikeyb:....can you change the boot device priority? the boot HDD priority?06:48
Vsop_VsopI make my Conecetion to eth0 and its keeps saying its dissconected...06:48
Vsop_Vsopbut set it to lo and i get idle...06:49
Jordan_UReSpEcT, I don't know, I had memory problems that didn't show up for about 20 minutes ( but that was a strange problem with the mother board not the RAM itself )06:49
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NubbieVsop_Vsop: lo is internal only. do you have your lan setting correct? ie. dhcp enabled?06:49
Vsop_VsopNubbie : yes it id06:50
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NubbieJordan_U: try resetting to default in BIOS, maybe something's messed up in there.06:50
summer_s4Hi.  I am summer s4.06:50
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Jordan_UNubbie, Was that really to me?06:50
summer_s4My desktop, which i just installed Ubuntu, is not connecting to my wireless network06:51
osxdude|palmTX!hi | summer_s406:51
ubotusummer_s4: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:51
Jordan_Usummer_s4, Does it show up in the network manager applet at the top of the screen?06:51
mikeybthe guide says i need to find why ./boot is located...06:51
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summer_s4Jordan_U: It appears.  I even tried removing the WEP key.06:52
Vsop_VsopWOW ok.. i have to say that has been the dumbest thing i have done yet... sorry to bother you..06:52
mikeybwhen i do the command df ./boot it does not give me a name under filesystem06:52
osxdude|palmTXsummer_s4: did you try using a a static IP?06:52
ReSpEcThas anybody in here got a neo1973 phone yet?06:52
Vsop_VsopHow about check marking it after i set it to DHCP06:52
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summer_s4osxdude: I don't know the mac address06:52
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mikeyblike it should dhow me ./dev/hda3 for exmaple06:52
mikeybbut no dice06:52
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summer_s4i have to use DHCP06:53
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mikeybhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-62dd4ea50c42fb3113752a272d7100469d733668 ... im reading off this guide by the way06:53
Jordan_Umikeyb, What did the find command give?06:53
mikeybgave me06:53
mikeybFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on06:53
mikeyb-                      1038064     27616   1010448   3% /06:53
osxdude|palmTXsummer_s4: you don't need th MAC...just go into the adapter proprities,choose "Static PD" from the06:53
Nubbie!paste | mikeyb06:53
ubotumikeyb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:53
MajorPayne!hi | summer_s406:53
ubotusummer_s4: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:53
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File13Alright i have a quick question reguarding wireless networks as well, only my internal wireless card appears not to be detected as in the top of the screen my wireless network isnt detected06:53
mikeybill use that06:54
osxdude|palmTX"Config" dropown, and entr the settings06:54
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Jordan_Umikeyb, It shouldn't have... did you run it from the grub prompt?06:54
mikeybran it from root06:54
summer_s4umm... ok i will try dat06:54
mikeyb(im new to the terminal / linux by the way)06:54
mikeybwhich matters greatly06:54
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osxdude|palmTXfile13: that's confusing06:54
mikeyband i am running off the livecd06:54
jonathan_somebody know the way to install ubuntu studio using apt-get?06:54
summer_s4gotta power on the computer06:55
Jordan_Umikeyb, Run "sudo grub" and it should bring you to a different prompt06:55
summer_s4god this takes a long time with only a 1.3 GHZ prossessor06:55
File13basically i have an internal wireless card in my laptop but i guess its not compat. because i see now wireless networks even though  i know its htere06:55
osxdude|palmTXjonathan_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu_studio06:55
Nubbiejonathan_: add the ubuntu-studio repositories, install their -desktop meta package06:55
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Nubbieor yeah.06:55
=== Lacerta [n=simo@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4I got it logged in, what do i do again?06:56
mikeybdf /boot is not a command there06:56
mikeybfrom the grub command line06:56
osxdude|palmTXsummer_s4: go to the configuration of the card06:56
summer_s4how do i get there?06:56
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jonathan_Nubbie, what's the mean of 'install their desktop meta package?06:57
osxdude|palmTXsystem > administration > network > click wireless card > click Proprities06:57
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osxdude|palmTXsummer_s4: thas for u06:57
summer_s4i know.06:57
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summer_s4it says properties06:58
Jordan_Umikeyb, Ahh I think you are using the wrong guide...06:58
jonathan_I think there only need sudo apt-get install ubuntu_studio and will be automatically installing and just pick the session??06:58
mikeybyea i dont think i shoudl use that guide06:58
Nubbiejonathan_: in ubuntu, the ubuntu-desktop package installs all dependancies of ubuntu, kubuntu-desktop installs all of kubuntu's dependancies.06:58
Jordan_Umikeyb, You should be using this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:58
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Vsop_Vsopso honestly for anyone that is willing to answer this... what is the Advantages of 7.4 from 6.10???06:58
summer_s4i will brb.06:58
jonathan_ooo, understand06:58
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mikeybI want to try installing grub onto my primary HDD (the one with vista on it)06:59
summer_s4How come the movie i saw of Ubuntu made me want ubuntu but now i don't want it?06:59
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mikeybmaybe if it boots into grub i will then be able to configure it to load ubuntu off of the sencondary HDD06:59
Jordan_Umikeyb, But instead of installing to the Ubuntu partition like it says you want to install to the MBR of your windows drive **warning, if this does not work windows will no longer boot**06:59
Vsop_Vsopbecause your TOO use to WINDDOWS there Summer07:00
osxdude|palmTXsummer_s4: idk.......07:00
summer_s4i have used it for 21 years07:00
Vsop_Vsopwhats that Windows??07:00
summer_s4and linux for only 2 hours07:00
osxdude|palmTXHey, it's 12AM/07:00
Vsop_VsopI REST MY CASE07:00
basketcase3I need some help sorting out a few small bugs with my newly converted winmodem. Any takers?07:00
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summer_s4i wish07:00
Nubbiesummer_s4: you just need to forget bad habits, and start from scratch.07:00
mikeybjordan - if windows will no longer boot... can i set up grub to boot windows?07:00
osxdude|palmTXOMFG! IT'S 12am! Good Night All! ...07:01
mikeybeven if its on a diff. disk than ubuntu?07:01
summer_s4well... i can't.  I just am used to windows07:01
Vsop_VsopThats allright i have been playing with Linux in general and i did not see the darn checkmark there to turn my dhcp on.. whats that tell you07:01
jonathan_12 AM??07:01
Vsop_Vsopfor about 4 yrs07:01
Nubbiemikeyb: grub handles all operating systems on all permanent disks.07:01
jonathan_in here 12 at the morning07:01
MajorPaynesummer_s4: 'It's spelled Linux but pronunced "Not Windows"'07:01
mikeybthat sounds promising07:01
Nubbiemikeyb: follow the guide.07:01
mikeybi just have to get GRUB onto the primary booting disk07:01
mikeybthis is going to be a long night07:02
summer_s4It has the windows simble on the front of my Computer case07:02
Nubbiemikeyb: it should only take 20 minutes tops following the guide.07:02
MajorPaynesummer_s4: If you want to use Windows use Windows.  If you want to use Ubuntu use Ubuntu.  But understand they are not the same thing.07:02
Jordan_Umikeyb, I have never set up grub to use a /boot from another drive, and if you do install grub it will overwrite the windows bootloader ( though it can be easily recovered with a windows installCD )07:02
Nubbiesummer_s4: but keep in mind, you can have the best of both worlds.07:02
summer_s4I just put my Windows XP disk threw a shredder07:02
Vsop_VsopTake whatever you THINK you know about windows.. and throw it out the window.. so to speak07:02
Vsop_VsopWow now that was silly wasnt it07:03
summer_s4i want windows back badly now.07:03
RoC_MasterMindyou'll get over it07:03
rustalotI've heard vista does funky things to GRUB. Is this true07:03
Nubbiesummer_s4: since you legally own a license to use windows you could always download an xp iso or something.07:03
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Vsop_Vsopi heard that too07:03
Nubbievista wipes out grub completely.07:03
summer_s4uhh and legally your rear stinks07:03
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summer_s4it won't happen07:03
Jordan_UNubbie, But grub can easily be re-installed07:04
ShaddoxHi everyone. How do I mount an ISO image to /mnt/folder1?07:04
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rustalotbut if vista is there already, I can install a dualboot07:04
Jordan_U!iso | Shaddox07:04
ubotuShaddox: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:04
Nubbieyeah i know it can be. either A) don't install windows, or B) install windows BEFORE you install linux. any other order of events will mess up your grub.07:04
Jordan_UShaddox, Ubotu knows all :)07:04
rustalot!info social-life07:05
mikeybi don't care about overwriting the vista bootloader, ill use grub07:05
ubotuPackage social-life does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:05
mikeybi just want to be able to boot both OS's07:05
mikeybon 2 seperate HDD's07:05
Jordan_Umikeyb, Just be ready to restore it if this doesn't work...07:05
StRyou could mikeyb installed first win and then installed ubuntu and you're done07:05
StRit will automaticly, be there the win partition on you're grub07:05
Nubbiemikeyb: if you want to use grub, you have to overwrite vista's bootloader. vista's bootloader is only designed to work with vista, grub works with everything else.07:05
summer_s4take one hard drive, and put it on a new motherboard and other stuff07:06
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Nubbiemikeyb: so install grub, follow the guide, it's not that hard.07:06
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mikeybill work on this: ill let you guys know if i run into trouble (most likely will)07:06
rustalotNubbie: I thought grub loaded the vista bootloader, and then it booted vista?07:06
Jordan_Umikeyb, So now follow the instructions for recovering GRUB but when only use what the guide says for the " root (hdx,x)" and not for the "setup (hdx,x)07:07
Nubbierustalot: i don't believe so.07:07
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joebob777as7i want to create a couple of users that are limited to their own home folder and can not view the other user's information or home folders... how do i do this?07:07
mikeybwhat is the command to delete a directory?07:08
basketcase3I need some help sorting out a few small bugs with my newly converted PCTel modem.07:08
Nubbiejoebob777as7: users by default can't view other users' home directories.07:08
Vsop_Vsopso honestly for anyone that is willing to answer this... what is the Advantages of 7.4 from 6.10???07:08
rustalotmikeyb: it depends07:08
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Vsop_Vsoplike is there alot?...07:08
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rustalotrmdir will delete it if it's empty07:08
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capohow do i have gdesklets start up when ubuntu does?  i know to go to sessions and startup programs, but i dont know the command.  how do you find the command?07:08
mikeybi did mkdir /blank/blank ... i want to delte it07:08
rustalotelse use rm -rf07:08
Nubbiemikeyb: rmdir, but if there's stuff in it you want to delete, rm -r07:08
mikeybokay ill try it07:08
ash1574thank you people who i think speak mars talk07:08
Jordan_Umikeyb, For the setup number tell me what the find command gave and I will tell you what to use. basically if it was (hd1,1) you would use (hd0)07:08
h4ngedm4nI'd like to know what is the advantages of singular and plural myself07:09
joebob777as7Nubbie, do i have to make them part of the "users" group? i have edubuntu and when i go to add user they are able to see my user files...07:09
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Nubbiejoebob777as7: i don't know anything at all about edubuntu.07:09
joebob777as7ok thx Nubbie07:09
Nubbiejoebob777as7: but that doesn't sound right to me.07:10
joebob777as7that's what i thougt Nubbie07:10
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nextse7enCould someone tell me what directory wine designates as c by default. Its says ../drive_c but I can't find that dir.07:11
mikeybroot@ubuntu:~# mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/root07:11
Jordan_Umikeyb, Are you to the "root (hdx,x)" and "setup (hdx,x)" part yet?07:11
mikeybgives me an error07:11
File13ok sorry i was away for a while but anyways could someone guide me in perhaps getting the wireless to work, i have a USB dongle that i could try as well07:11
mikeybtrying to mount some stuff07:11
mikeybwrong fs type07:11
mikeybit says07:11
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summer_s4thank you peeps who tried so hard to help a person so used to Windows07:11
Jordan_Umikeyb, Can you pastebin the output of "fdisk -l" ?07:11
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capohow do i have gdesklets start up when ubuntu does?  i know to go to sessions and startup programs, but i dont know the command.  how do you find the command?07:12
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summer_s4now how do i change the screen resolution?07:12
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mikeybyes jordan07:12
gaze_how do I get the man pages for strlen strcpy etc.?07:12
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Jordan_Usummer_s4, What GPU do you have ( you need to get the drivers most likely ) ?07:12
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nextse7enI guess what I'm saying, is what dir is ../drive c? Does that denote /drive_c? or is it somewhere else, because I cant do cd ../drive_c from the root mount point.07:12
summer_s4umm... i think nividi geforce something.07:13
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mikeybposted as mikeyb07:13
mikeybon postbin07:13
joebob777as7is there a way that when a user logs out their home folder and all that is in it copies to another directory?07:13
Jordan_Umikeyb, You need to give us the URL07:13
summer_s4It says i am connect to internet but it is having problomes07:13
nextse7encd /drive_c doesn't work either from  /07:13
MajorPayneNubbie: I just created a new user.  The permissions allow all users to view it.  Either way "chmod o-rwx directory" should remove the permissions should it not?07:13
bruenignextse7en, what are you talking about07:13
Jack_Sparrowwhat is the command in terminal to ID the chipset in a pcmcia wireless card?07:13
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MajorPayneNubbie: To view the home directory that is.07:14
summer_s4uhh whoo wah?07:14
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mikeybnote to jordan: ubuntu is on 20GB HDD, vista on 160GB HDD07:14
Jordan_Umikeyb, You want to mount hdd107:14
mikeybalready installed both07:14
nextse7enbruenig, I'm trying to find the dir that wine designates as c dive by default. in wine config. is says drive c is ../drive_c I'm just wondering where that is.07:14
summer_s4my computer is being wierd07:14
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bruenignextse7en, ~/.wine/drive_c07:15
capohow do i have gdesklets start up when ubuntu does?  i know to go to sessions and startup programs, but i dont know the command.  how do you find the command?07:15
nextse7en~/ ?07:15
Jordan_Unextse7en, It's in your home folder07:15
bruenigcapgadget, the command is gdesklets07:15
bruenignextse7en, /home/username07:15
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bruenignextse7en, or as root /root07:15
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Jordan_Unextse7en, ~ == /home/you/07:15
ingohi people! anyone knows a free alternate to skype-VoIP for educational use ?!07:15
nextse7enThanks so much for the clerification,07:15
Jordan_Ubruenig, Anyone running wine as root is insane07:15
mikeybooo it worked so far07:15
summer_s4My computer is being wierd.  It says it see's the WLAN network but it won't use it07:15
capobruenig: tried, that. doesnt work07:15
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mikeybi thought i had to mount the drive i wished to install grub to07:16
Amaranthingo: does it have to work with skype users?07:16
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bruenigcapo, run gdesklets from the terminal07:16
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mikeybwhich would be /dev/sda107:16
summer_s4can someone help me?07:16
HanselMy XFCE4 is jacked up.  I tried running beryl and none of the window decorations showed up.  I kill off beryl and they are now gone for XFCE as well.  Any ideas on what to do?07:16
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Jordan_Umikeyb, We are doing a little differently then what the instructions say07:16
bruenigJordan_U, perhaps, sometimes I accidentally launch a program when I am running around as root in the terminal, but I have modified most of my wine launch scripts to check for root and exit07:16
capobruenig:okay, now what?07:16
bruenigcapo, does it work07:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:16
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ingoamaranth: no, but should be for linux os x and window$07:17
jmchaffieis there a plugin or external app that will let me view youtube and google vids fullscreen?07:17
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bruenigHansel, run xfwm407:17
Jordan_Ubruenig, Hence why you shouldn't sudo -s very often :)07:17
summer_s4!hi all07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi all - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:17
bruenigJordan_U, su07:17
capobruenig: ya, when i do it in the terminal, but i have it use that command to start up, but it doesnt start up with it07:17
Amaranthingo: gizmo07:17
Jordan_Ubruenig, Even worse :)07:17
bruenigcapo, well it should07:17
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capobruenig: alright, thanks07:17
summer_s4hello can someone help me?07:17
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ingoamaranth: gizmo is also propri, isn't it ?07:18
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Amaranthingo: it is07:18
summer_s4never mind it is working now07:18
ingoamaranth: hmm ...07:18
Hanselbruenig, so simple fix... thanks!  :P07:18
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summer_s4after a rear end load of work07:18
gaze_what package are the man pages for strlen strcpy etc. in?07:18
bruenig!find glibc07:18
ubotuFound: glibc-doc, libc6, libc6-pic, libg++, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.207:18
Amaranthingo: you could use ekiga and some other SIP client on OS X and Windows but gizmo is the only one that works on all 307:18
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jmchaffieIs there a plugin or external app for playing google / youtube videos fullscreen? (basically web-/flash vids?)07:19
bruenig!find libc07:19
ubotuFound: apt, apt-utils, glibc-doc, klibc-utils, libc6 (and 503 others)07:19
mikeybwell grub installation to HDD1 completed successfully07:19
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bruenig!find libc6-dev07:19
ubotuFound: libc6-dev, libc6-dev-amd6407:19
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mikeybso far im following the guide exactly except with hdd107:19
brueniggaze_, I think libc6-dev07:19
mikeybwhere are the changes that will allow this to load on my Primary HDD?07:19
joebob777as7i want to create a couple of users that are limited to their own home folder and can not view the other user's information or home folders... how do i do this?07:19
ingoamaranth: ok - thanks for info - i think a combination of programs is the best way ...07:19
summer_s4I have a question.  Was Ubuntu built somewhat like Mac?07:19
gaze_bruenig: Thanks07:19
brueniggaze_, you might want to install build-essential if you haven't already07:19
Jordan_Ujmchaffie, Either download the .flv file and play it in your favorite player or install the new flash Beta07:20
bruenigsummer_s4, mac is hardware07:20
gaze_summer_s4: What do you mean?07:20
bruenigit is like asking if ubuntu is build like PC07:20
Nubbiejmchaffie: i dunno about that, but democracytv handles them okay.07:20
MajorPaynesummer_s4: I run Ubuntu on my MacBook.07:20
mikeybi will be back into the channel soon, i am going to rebut and try see if grub loads07:20
Jordan_Usummer_s4, OSx is *NIX as Linux is07:20
jmchaffieJordan_U: I wouldn't mind downloading them, can't always get the link though.07:20
mikeybi have a feeling it wont since it appears i just installed grub on the secondary HDD that does not boot07:20
Jordan_Ujmchaffie, Just grab it from /tmp07:21
bruenigOSX uses darwin kernel though so it has a far cooler name07:21
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summer_s4has anyone advanced installed firefox 3 yet?07:21
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bruenigsummer_s4, I haven't but if you need to know how...07:21
Nubbiesummer_s4: linux was made to do anything. ubuntu uses a desktop called gnome, which is mildly inspired/based on mac operating systems.07:21
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summer_s4i do need to can you tell me via private chat?07:21
Jordan_Ubruenig, Technically it uses XNU07:21
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bruenigNubbie, source for that gnome claim07:22
elphadoesn't gnome predate os x?07:22
jmchaffieJordan_U: gotcha... lol... well you know, when the whip cracks as sharp as it does here... you don't have to walk far.. sheesh. thanks. I'll have a look at the beta on my beat-up box too. Take care.07:22
MajorPayneI don't think Gnome copies Mac OS X interface at all.07:22
Jordan_Uelpha,yes. By a long shot07:22
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Nubbiebruenig: i don't need to source anything. apple was the first gui, the first with panels, all i'm saying is it's inspired by it.07:22
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summer_s4Bruenig, can you start telling me how to?07:22
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elphaJordan_U: yeah, i thought it was years earlier...07:22
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Jordan_UNubbie, Xerox had the first GUI07:23
bruenigsummer_s4, you want to install it over your current firefox? so that when you click in the menu it opens firefox 307:23
MajorPayneNubbie: OS X has panels?07:23
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summer_s4i want both though07:23
nextse7enhi again, how do I give myself read-write permission to a folder when the owner is root?07:23
NubbieMajorPayne: yeah that thing with the clock on it you know....07:23
elpha"GNOME was launched by the GNU project in August 1997"07:23
summer_s4oh didn't see dat ? mark.  Can you tell me how to?07:23
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bruenig!prefix | summer_s407:24
ubotusummer_s4: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages07:24
brueniggnome stole from xerox it is official07:24
MajorPayneNubbie: That's just the menu bar isn't it?  Or can you do more with it?07:24
Jordan_U!permissions | nextse7en07:24
ubotunextse7en: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:24
summer_s4bruenig:  Can you explain how to here?07:24
nextse7enThank you07:24
elphaversion 0.00 gnome07:24
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frawgAny ideas on this? It comes in an error screen and the xorg.0.log file when booting up.      /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so: undefined symbol: _nv001462gl07:24
joebob777as7i want to create a couple of users that are limited to their own home folder and can not view the other user's information or home folders... how do i do this?07:24
bruenigsummer_s4, where it installs on top of the current one or where you have them both installed07:24
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elphawhoops, that's not version 0.99 my mistake07:25
summer_s4I want them both installed07:25
kbrosnansummer_s4: just download the alpha from ftp.mozilla.org and untar it to your home directory and double click on the firefox shell script called "firefox"07:25
bruenigsummer_s4, ok give me a sec07:25
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bruenigsummer_s4, you wouldn't happen to have a link handy?07:25
summer_s4can someone tell me how to add a new work station.07:26
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summer_s4bruenig: no07:26
NubbieMajorPayne: isn't it completely possible gnome took that idea, and expanded upon it to make it more functional? ie. inspired?07:26
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summer_s4bruenig: i will get it 4 u07:26
NubbieMajorPayne: just because it's linux doesn't mean it's completely original ideas.07:26
capoi have gdesklets as a startup program, but whenever i start up ubuntu, gdesklets starts up but then quits.  how do i fix this?07:26
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nextse7enHoly crap, is there a way to change permissions via the gui?07:27
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MajorPayneNubbie: Duno.  But I have used Mac OS X and they were quite different.  I would consider the Gnome pannel to be more like the Windows task bar.07:27
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Jordan_Unextse7en, Yes, right click -> Propreties07:27
summer_s4brueneg: is that good?07:27
Nubbienextse7en: right click files/folders > properties > permissions07:27
Nubbiemajorpayne: there were macintosh operating systems before os10.07:27
bruenigsummer_s4, link gave me a 550 error07:27
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nextse7enNubbie, Jordan_U, I tried that, but the folder is owned by root, so I can't change permissions.07:28
summer_s4brueneg: i downloaded file firefox-3.0a7pre.en-us.linux-I686.tar.bz207:28
MajorPayneNubbie: Ahh.  I don't know then.  I wasn't trying to say that everything in Linux is new.07:28
AmaranthNubbie: and they didn't have task management :P07:28
Amaranthwell, i think they had a drawer07:28
Jordan_Unextse7en, "gksudo nautilus" but remember with great power...07:28
summer_s4go to mozilla.org07:28
Nubbienextse7en: gksu nautilus. but tell me first what it is you're changing the permissions of. nothing system critical i hope.07:28
nextse7enThanks Jordan_U07:28
Jordan_Unextse7en, np07:28
bruenigsummer_s4, give me a full link07:28
bruenigsummer_s4, all I see is alpha607:29
eonflareAnyone in here know what to do to get a "default" ubuntu zsh setup?  Like a default setting for the $PS1 variable and a sane binding for the backspace key?07:29
summer_s4bruenig: i will tell you how to get there07:29
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nextse7enNo, a program folder of a windows app I need to use with wine.07:29
bruenigsummer_s4, it would be easier if you just gave the full link...07:29
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summer_s4bruenig: sorry but i can't what is a 550 error?07:29
basketcase3I need some help sorting out a few small bugs with my newly converted PCTel modem.07:29
Nubbienextse7en: then it would be safe to change the permissions of everything on the windows drive mount, so you can read it all.07:29
bruenigsummer_s4, some ftp error07:30
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summer_s4bruenig: go to mozilla.org/developer07:30
Jordan_Umikeyb, How is it going with GRUB?07:30
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Nubbienextse7en: and if you're trying to write to an ntfs drive, you need to install ntfs-3g07:30
summer_s4brueneg: click on the lefthand bar get the source07:30
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Jordan_Umikeyb, How is it going with GRUB?07:30
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dvmIs it possible to use grid in GTK to display the datas from DB?07:30
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Nubbieyeah. mikeyb, any problems?07:30
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pppZero__can anyone tell me which packages i need to install to get an autogen.sh to run?07:31
Nubbiedvm: like mysql tables?07:31
mikeybjordan: well. not good ... i rebooted and it just said GRUB ...  and hung07:31
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mikeyblike with blinking dots07:31
capoi have gdesklets as a startup program, but whenever i start up ubuntu, gdesklets starts up but then quits.  how do i fix this?07:31
dvmya.. SQLite07:31
bruenigsummer_s4, it doesn't matter if you have the file on your disk, it will work the same07:31
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NubbiepppZero: autogen.sh of what? you need build-essentials and automake07:31
dvmNubbile, ya.. SQLite07:31
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summer_s4brueneg: then go down to releases and click ftp server07:32
NubbiepppZero: depending on what you're making you may need more dependancies.07:32
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pppZero__Nubbie: jack.tools - and thanks :)07:32
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Nubbiedvm: there is a program called sqlite-admin or something. google it, i'm not sure.07:32
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ManoDura buscasa qui07:32
mikeybany ideas? because appearantly GRUB cant boot me into either OS07:32
Ketherque diabos07:32
Jordan_Umikeyb, Don't know then, until you can get GRUB fixed you can restore Vista's loader with the install CD07:32
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Nubbiemanodura: tu parles francais?07:32
mikeybim on a mission :D07:33
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guixmelange de sang barbare et de vin d'italie07:33
darkkishwhat the hell07:33
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:33
Jordan_U!fr | guix07:33
summer_s4brueneg: from there click Firefox/Nightly/latest-trunk/firefox-3.0a7pre.en-us.linux-i686.tar.bz207:33
ubotuguix: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:33
Nubbiethat was french rob.07:33
mikeybsupposedly EasyBCD is a utiliity that should allow me to work with both07:33
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mikeyblooking more at that now07:33
Jordan_Urob,  I was way off :)07:33
robNubbie, oh my bad :)07:33
bruenigsummer_s4, where is the file, on your desktop or home folder or what?07:34
Nubbiethey're talking about italian wine though, so easy mistake.07:34
darkkishcan anyone tell me what the MD5 is for ubuntu?07:34
dvmNubbie, I need  a grid view example for GTK07:34
darkkishtheir website doesn't seem to have it07:34
summer_s4on the desktop but read my away note07:34
darkkishthey only have an explanation of how to FIND the MD5 of what you've downloaded07:34
joebob777as7i want to create a couple of users that are limited to their own home folder and can not view the other user's information or home folders... how do i do this by default?07:34
Jordan_U!md5 | darkkish07:34
ubotudarkkish: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:34
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Nubbiedarkkish: it should be on the page you downloaded the image from.07:34
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guixmelange de sang barbare et de vin d'Italie07:34
Nubbieguix: ubuntu-fr si vous plait :)07:35
darkkishNubbie but it wasn't07:35
summer_s4How do i mark myself as back07:35
bruenigsummer_s4, ok do this cd ~/Desktop && sudo tar xf firefox-3.0a7pre.en-us.linux-I686.tar.bz2 -C /opt && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefoxalpha && sudo sed '/Name/s/Firefox/Firefox Alpha/' /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop | sudo tee /usr/share/applications/firefoxalpha.desktop && sudo sed '/Exec/s/firefox/firefoxalpha/' -i /usr/share/applications/firefoxalpha.desktop07:35
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Jordan_Udarkkish, It should be on the "real" downloads page07:35
bruenigsummer_s4, copy and paste everything after "this" all at once07:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:36
Nubbiebruenig: that is one very large one liner ;)07:36
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summer_s4bruenig: were do i paste07:36
bruenigsummer_s4, in the terminal07:36
Jordan_Udarkkish, @ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/07:36
darkkishthank you Jordan_U07:36
Jordan_Udarkkish, np07:36
summer_s4oye and one thing07:36
Nubbiesummer_s4: applications > accessories > terminal07:36
darkkishIt's supposedly checking right now in winMd5sum07:36
darkkishbut it looks like it's going to freeze :p07:37
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summer_s4i am using a different computer then i am doing it on07:37
darkkishmy disk, after burning it07:37
darkkishsome hard to read green text shows up in the background of the ubuntu install menu07:37
bruenigsummer_s4, well get the command over there somehow, put it in a pastebin or something07:37
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darkkishthat says "Loading Invalid or corrupt kernal image."07:37
guixsalut carlesoriol07:37
summer_s4wtf is going on?07:37
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bruenigsummer_s4, what07:37
summer_s4where is terminal?07:38
Jordan_U!english | guix07:38
ubotuguix: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:38
bruenigsummer_s4, applications>accessories>terminal07:38
SurfnKidwhats the latest ubuntu version?07:38
capoi have gdesklets as a startup program, but whenever i start up ubuntu, gdesklets starts up but then quits.  how do i fix this?07:38
Jordan_USurfnKid, 7.04 "Feisty"07:38
summer_s4use the /msg summer_s4 to tell me the code07:38
SurfnKidJordan_U, yea but on the works...?07:38
Jordan_USurfnKid, Hoary is oooollld07:38
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bruenigsummer_s4, what code07:39
Jordan_USurfnKid, Gutsy07:39
krinns_.join #ltsop07:39
SurfnKidahhh thats the one i was thinking of07:39
nextse7enThe ubersecret ubuntu 8  grokkin' guiduck.07:39
summer_s4bruenig: the code to do ff 3.0a707:39
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guixwhatcha talking 'bout07:39
SurfnKidwell i cant get feisty to load anyway07:39
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SurfnKidso im scrWd07:39
summer_s4the unix code07:39
darkkishthis WinMD5Sum isn't going to well on my 750MHz laptop07:39
Jordan_USurfnKid, Tried the alternate CD?07:39
bruenigsummer_s4, I just did it above, here it is on a pastebin, just copy and paste this into the terminal: http://pastebin.ca/raw/62147707:40
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mhz`-is it possible/if so..how to access gparted on alternate cd?07:40
SurfnKidno, but i should, what is the difference with it?07:40
defryskdarkkish, md5sum is a calculation so be patient07:40
Jordan_U mhz`- You can use parted on the alternate CD07:40
guixthat's Fourier Fast transform07:41
summer_s4huh?  u sure that code is right?07:41
bruenigsummer_s4, pretty sure07:41
bruenigsummer_s4, assuming you were right when you said it was on the desktop07:41
guixalmost done...07:41
bruenigsummer_s4, was there some error?07:41
darkkishthat's certainly not the same MD5 sum someone posted me.07:41
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summer_s4it won't let me type in my password07:42
Jordan_Udarkkish, There should also be an MD% sum on the CD.07:42
darkkishsummer_s4 it just looks like it's not working?07:42
bruenigsummer_s4, just type it, it doesn't show anything when you type it but it works07:42
Jordan_Udarkkish, *MD507:42
defryskdarkkish, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS07:42
bruenigsummer_s4, you are used to the * probably, it doesn't do that07:42
bruenigit just stays blank07:43
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sucha215is anyone familar with gfceu?07:43
summer_s4it wouldn07:43
defryskdarkkish, the md5sum you posted is correct07:43
darkkishdefrysk yeah but the md5 sum in the iso is an md5 of everything in the iso07:43
darkkishis it really?07:43
darkkishdamn... that means there was a burning problem. -_-07:44
darkkishebkjal;krblerkj So tired of this bullshit07:44
summer_s4anyone: what directory is the user in?07:44
defryskdarkkish, e296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a *ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso07:44
mhz`-summer_s4, what user?07:44
darkkishoh yeah huh...07:44
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darkkishwell i guess i'll have to reburn it tomarrow or something07:44
bruenigsummer_s4, wherever he is I suppose07:44
summer_s4mhz: user on ubuntu07:44
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mhz`-summer_s4, you mean /home?07:44
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bruenigsummer_s4, do pwd to figure out your current directory07:45
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summer_s4mhz: i don't know whwt i mean07:45
defryskdarkkish, afaIk you can do a diskcheck before boot07:45
mhz`-the user's home dir is typically /home/username07:45
defryskin options07:45
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bruenigsummer_s4, look, just run the code, it will work from anywhere07:45
mhz`-if the user was summer_s4 it'd be /home/summer_s407:45
Lekremhow do you erase a CD?07:45
bruenigsummer_s4, assuming that tarball is on your desktop like you said07:45
mhz`-you don't unless its cd-rw07:45
defryskLekrem, cdrdao blank07:45
Lekremmhz`-: it is i just cant figure out the command07:46
defryskLekrem, cdrdao blank07:46
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summer_s4what is the code to un-tar-pack07:46
PwrSurgewhat's the vnc server remote desktop uses?07:46
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PwrSurgename of the app07:46
togrsummer_s4, 'tar xf file.tar'07:47
bruenigsummer_s4, its in there, just run the thing07:47
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gaze_this channel is a bit difficult >_>07:47
summer_s4umm... it is a tar.bz207:47
bruenigwaste my time putting together a copy and paste thing instead of making them figure it out and understand it and they don't even do that07:48
togrsummer_s4, 'tar jxf file.tar'07:48
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bruenigtar xf works07:48
bruenigtar jxf is pointless07:48
togrI didn't know that07:48
summer_s4well... sorry07:48
gaze_not necessarily, on ubuntu it is but lots of platforms check the extention07:48
PwrSurgewhat's the vnc server remote desktop uses? (name of executable please)07:48
gaze_*lots of other platforms don't07:48
brueniggaze_, it has nothing to do with ubuntu, it has to do with the version of tar, if you are using any current version of tar, I don't recall exactly when j and z became redundant, it won't matter07:49
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togrgaze_, is that a difference btw tar and GNU tar, or an ubuntu extension for GNU tar?07:49
summer_s4what just happened to me?07:49
Lekremdefrysk: its a DVD+RW and its not working07:49
togrok, bruenig answered the question ;-)07:49
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bruenigsummer_s4, um. heartburn?07:50
bruenigah go take some tums07:50
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summer_s4hmm... were did i put the book php5?  *thinks*07:50
defryskLekrem, http://manual.sidux.com/en/cd-no-gui-burn-en.htm07:50
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defryskLekrem, and bookmark it07:50
geoaxishello people07:51
PwrSurgewhat's the vnc server remote desktop uses? (name of executable please)07:51
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geoaxismy mic aint working ..even though i can hear my self on speakers ..it aint recording07:51
bruenigsummer_s4, have you run that command yet, I am interested to see whether it worked or not...07:51
geoaxisPwrSurge,  i thnik its vncviewer07:51
PwrSurgegeoaxis: that's the viewer,not the server07:51
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defryskLekrem, and growisofs automagically erases a disc before burning07:52
summer_s4getting postgre sql07:52
PwrSurgewhat's the vnc server remote desktop uses? (name of executable please)07:53
tofaffyxvncserver (I think)07:53
geoaxissummer_s4,  any particular reason for this nick (ie summer of code perhaps)07:53
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summer_s4actually, it is my runescape username07:54
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PwrSurgetofaffy: i don't think so.  I don't have access to ubuntu now -- would you mind enabling it and pastbin'ing your entire ps list?07:54
varkaPwrSurge: vino-server i think07:54
geoaxissummer_s4,  ok ..07:54
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=== geoaxis is bitter about SOC as me got booted
PwrSurgevarka: !!!  that does look familiar07:54
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PwrSurgethank you!07:54
summer_s4if only postgre sql downloaded faster07:54
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gaze_why do you want postgresql?07:54
gaze_I thought you were doing firefox07:54
matkixI am having a driver issue, the issue seems to be that the driver in use is not working for my card. Anyone have any hardware wifi knowledge?07:54
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summer_s4well... i decided to give up on firefox07:55
bruenigsummer_s4, your ridiculous07:56
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bruenig!windows | summer_s4 this might be more your taste07:56
ubotusummer_s4 this might be more your taste: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents07:56
summer_s4i know07:56
=== Alimah [n=chatzill@pool-70-21-4-207.res.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
summer_s4i need a web server you know (thinks.  Why did i download the desktop verson to put a web server on?)07:57
matkixMeh... you can use a server on the desktop one... just takes more work to setup.07:57
matkixAnywho who here can help me with my mini pci wifi card.07:58
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summer_s4downloading postgre sql07:58
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=== geoaxis jumps up and down raises hand
geoaxisme me07:58
geoaxismatkix,  lspci -v into your nearest pastbin please07:58
matkixdose no good!07:59
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matkixI've attempted to do so, it has no idea what it is.07:59
matkixBut if you like.07:59
matkixI will do it for you too!07:59
geoaxiswith verbose mode?07:59
matkixnot sure...07:59
geoaxislspci -v07:59
matkixso pastebin.com or?07:59
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disinterestedits dead in here08:01
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Jordan_Udisinterested, It is never dead in here :)08:01
=== CerebroJD looks in
summer_s4my ubuntu copy is hard08:01
CerebroJDI'm just kinda hanging around hoping to see questions along the line of problems I've been having08:01
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tofaffyCerebroJD, what problem are you ahving?08:02
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Jordan_UCerebroJD, What problems have you been having?08:02
CerebroJDUbuntu doesnt seem to like my WPA2 or WPA encrypted home network08:02
matkixgeoaxis, http://pastebin.com/d26106d1708:02
=== laurenw [n=incolor@cc1110931-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ciaconHi all... I havn't restarted my Computer in about 2 weeks by now... I was wondering why my BIOS-Clock has a fairly heavy skew (sometimes up to 15miinutes/day)... I first realised this after a few "ntpdate" calls.... How can this occure??08:03
Jordan_UCerebroJD, No, it just doesn't like your card :)08:03
matkixNow... it been nearly half a year since ive been on irc... whats the command to login once again?08:03
summer_s4were is config.log supposed to be?08:03
CerebroJDwill connect if its a WEP-encrypted network, but as soon as I up the security (to achieve draft-n speeds), it stops working08:03
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CerebroJDthat could be...08:03
summer_s4it is /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD08:03
CerebroJDI have the Dell Wireless 1500 Draft-N card08:03
=== sleeper [n=yesi@pool-71-104-233-97.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Why do you need WPA for draft N ?08:04
CerebroJDbut it will only work as WEP up to 54mbps08:04
sleeperdoes anyone know why when I load up Ubuntu there is a huge pause08:04
sleeperit pauses for like 1 minute08:04
laurenwgot a problem, just installed a samsung sh-s182 dvd burner/reader but can' t play or burn dvds with it.08:04
laurenwit' s recognized in the BIOS and in the Ubuntu hardware list08:04
sleeperand then after. it starts loading up08:04
=== adam is now known as colera
mhz`-shit, the default 3 partitions, / /home ... & swap08:04
mhz`-what's the 3rd one?08:04
mhz`-that typical peopel use08:04
summer_s4can someone tell me how to configure postgresql?08:04
Jordan_UCerebroJD, What chipset?08:04
CerebroJDJordon, the netgear router I have forces either NO encryption (bad lol), or WPA2 (with fallback to WPA) at the 270mbps08:04
CerebroJDBroadcom 43something (checking)08:04
laurenwhej everybody08:05
laurenwgot a problem, just installed a samsung sh-s182 dvd burner/reader but can' t play or burn dvds with it.08:05
laurenwit' s recognized in the BIOS and in the Ubuntu hardware list08:05
Jordan_UCerebroJD, No wonder...08:05
summer_s4cam someone tell me how to configure postgre sql?08:05
matkixgeoaxis, That give you somewhere to start?08:05
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Did you grad the firmware or are you using NDISwrapper?08:05
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ciaconlaurenw: yeah - I have a Plextor 716A DVD-2xLayer DVD burner that hardly even recognizes real cds... problem not present on winxp08:06
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summer_s4can someone tell me how to make a third workplace?08:06
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-69-23-245-150.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDI wonder if dell has actual native drivers out for it yet08:06
mhz`-Jordan_U, what are the 3 common partitions made? my brain is going dumb... / /home and ...08:06
Jordan_UCerebroJD, I don't know if NDISwrapper supports draft N ( I don't know about bcm43xx driver either though )08:06
laurenwciacon > are you able to solve the problem?08:06
codecaineis there a program that rips dvds to avis fast without the sound being out of sync?08:06
timewritersummer_s4, right click on the panel , then properties08:06
Jordan_Umhz`-, /boot ?08:06
timewriterand u have there number of workplaces08:07
Jordan_Umhz`-, But that usually isn't needed08:07
laurenwcodecaine > dvdshrink with wine?08:07
CerebroJDJordan_U, thats a good point... I didnt look into that really, just assumed that if it worked for a/b/g that it would for N08:07
mhz`-i'm tring to think what i did on my lappy08:07
timewriteranyone installed xchat from source on feisty ?08:07
Jordan_Umhz`-, Unless your / is ReiserFS or something08:07
mhz`-b/c i'm allocating like 26gb08:07
summer_s4ok i just added 23 work places08:07
timewriternice 108:07
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defrysktimewriter, what would be the point of doing so ?08:07
codecainedvdshrink only rips them to vobs laurenw08:07
timewriterwhy u need 23 anyway ?08:07
mhz`-figured like 7gb / 10gb /home 2gb swap08:07
matkixSo what do you do when you can't get to anything but an exe for a driver? Can you locate it somewhere in the windows system files?08:07
summer_s4i dunno08:07
bruenigcodecaine, dvdrip acidrip, although both of those I have found to have bugs, I don't think development has kept up with mencoder changes08:07
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laurenwhmm who can help me with this,08:07
laurenwgot a problem, just installed a samsung sh-s182 dvd burner/reader but can' t play or burn dvds with it.08:07
laurenwit' s recognized in the BIOS and in the Ubuntu hardware list08:07
timewriterdefrysk, i dont like the version reply i get if i install it from repos08:08
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ciaconlaurenw: sadly I don't have a real clue, but as my research work on this has shown, Hardware-manufactorers make their (firmware &) drivers to adjust to windows bugs and not the other way around...08:08
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codecainebruenig thanks08:08
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Also try the native drivers, they probably don't support your card yet ( broadcom gives no documentation so everything must be reverse engineered ) but it's worth a try08:08
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CerebroJDWhat do you mean the native ones?08:08
timewritersummer_s4, sorry , right click in the workspaces08:08
summer_s41 to play runescape, 1 to compile Postgre SQL, 1 to do php and apachi, 1 for firefox setup, and the rest for miscolanious reasons08:08
laurenwciacon: but it' s weird I never had problems with dvd burners intill this one08:08
timewriterwell , i compiled xchat from source , and it works08:09
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Ubuntu comes with broadcom drivers, it just needs the firmware for your card ( and broadcom won't even let them distribute that so you have to grab it yourself with apt )08:09
mhz`-jordan, for 26gb open...how would you break that down?08:09
timewriteri dont have the xchat icon , in the Applications > Internet tab08:09
matkixgeoaxis, Still kickin?08:09
summer_s4anyone know were a good ubuntu IRC chat thingy is?08:09
matkixSo install it via the repos08:09
mhz`-bitchx, irssi08:10
=== conor_peecee [n=conorkir@67-42-208-221.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDhmm, Jordan_U, would you know of any walkthroughs/tutorials on how to set those up?08:10
mhz`-there's a bunch08:10
matkixGo to package manager search xchat08:10
mhz`-cerebro, a broadcom wirless?08:10
bastidraZorthere is no konversion ;)08:10
CerebroJDmhz`-, yes08:10
matkixsummer_s4, search xchat in package manager08:10
timewritersudo apt-get install xchat08:10
matkixor that08:10
summer_s4huh?  Which thing do i download?08:10
Jordan_UCerebroJD, It is easy to set up if you do it before NDISwrapper, just "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter"08:10
mhz`-hang on, i got a broadcome 431808:10
mhz`-there ya go08:10
mhz`-if that doesn't work, there's another thing you can try08:11
mhz`-let me grab the link08:11
CerebroJDJordan_U, I've done that before, but I think I did it as part of the ndiswrapper stuff08:11
matkixsummer_s4, Open a ssh window, or terminal and type "sudo apt-get install xchat"08:11
conor_peeceeI have gotten wifi to work with linux and an AirPort Extreme08:11
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timewritersummer_s4, dont try to download any xchat version08:11
timewriterjust install the ubuntu version08:11
timewritercoz u cant compile it08:11
=== Kprofthreat [n=kpr@adsl-68-123-224-93.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
matkixThe ubuntu one works great with ubuntu!08:11
matkixThats why.08:11
KprofthreatAlright, that's it. How do I get rid of this **** alt + click combo PERMANENTLY08:11
timewriteryes it works great08:11
=== snail_ [n=snail@cpe-71-65-24-13.ma.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4were do i download it?08:11
mhz`-CerebroJD, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517408:11
matkixsummer_s4, Open a ssh window, or terminal and type "sudo apt-get install xchat"08:12
ReSpEcThow long should it take to install doing the text version08:12
mhz`-look there, i'm gonna try and find another08:12
matkixI just told you...08:12
CerebroJDhow does one uninstall ndiswrapper then?08:12
timewritersummer_s4, type in terminal sudo apt-get install xchat08:12
timewriterand there you go08:12
snail_I'm having apt-get issues , http://pb.adullamirc.net/82 , anyone have an idea08:12
matkixsummer_s4, If you do what i said above it will download and install it for you.08:12
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-68-160-236-146.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
KprofthreatAlright, that's it. How do I get rid of this **** alt + click combo (moving windows) PERMANENTLY08:12
matkixWell... anyone else here willing to help me with my wifi card... geoaxis went afk after he started to help me...08:13
mhz`-CerebroJD, go into synaptics (system > administration >synaptics) and search for ndis08:13
timewriterclearlooks osx theme , looks great on gnome08:13
mhz`-right click on it08:13
geoaxismatkix,  oops sorry was looking on other screen08:13
ciaconlaurenw: true - I noticed, that a lot of interesting bugs occure on linux.... my alltime favorite was a HDD-Bug years back. Aparently this HDD was a small bit (lets call it - off spec)... Basicly it had a special ATA-Command, that would put it into Firmware update... so and so many KB it would then recieve... on more byte... and the HDD would reformat... Linix kernel managed to call this during bootup - and when asking for FS on the HDD - it08:13
ciaconwould burn the Firmware... and REFORMAT ;-).... The bug was hardly known to the mnufacturor, as "Windows does not have theese problems - the source of problems must be this absurd linux Kernel"08:13
matkixits cool08:13
summer_s4does anyone here know of a linux browser using the trident browser shell?08:13
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matkixgeoaxis, pm?08:13
=== geoaxis is looking
gaze_summer_s4: That's windows08:14
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gaze_mshtml is crap08:14
geoaxismatkix,  is it the second last one08:14
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ReSpEcTgaze, how long should it take installing from the text cd08:14
=== geoaxis is also looking into ways to block p2p traffic via iptables
mhz`-text cd?08:15
gaze_depends on the machine08:15
mhz`-what's the text cd?08:15
=== IkastI [n=kast@cpe-70-115-236-119.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gaze_text install cd08:15
matkixgeoaxis, So where will that put us?08:15
mhz`-alternate install?08:15
gaze_is it stuck?08:15
=== summer_s4 [n=summer_s@c-66-41-204-130.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDI just uninstall ndiswrapper then?08:15
mhz`-follow the guide08:15
geoaxismatkix,  ok now do this08:15
mhz`-it should help08:15
conorkirkpatrickWhat command can show me how much free space I have>08:15
ReSpEcTyes that thing it has been configuring language pack en base for like 15 minutes now08:16
bastidraZordf -h08:16
summer_s4does anyone here know how to compile thunderbird?08:16
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geoaxisas root , do a dmesg -c (clean  kerbel messages) and then take out your card and insert it ..and do dmesg (paste the out put on screen)08:16
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gaze_summer_s4: Why do you want to compile it?08:16
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summer_s4wait.  I gotta download it08:16
bastidraZorsummer_s4, apt-get does all this for you08:16
snail_i'm having weird things happen when i try to sudo apt-get install / remove netbeans , you can see the output at http://pb.adullamirc.net/82 , anyone have any thing I can do08:16
summer_s4how do i download it?08:16
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Jordan_U__CerebroJD, I think you need to remove NDISwrapper to use it ( though you don't have to remove it to use NDISwrapper which is why I always suggest trying it first )08:16
matkixgeoaxis, Can we go pm so it will be less work to follow and document for later?08:17
mhz`-hmm brb08:17
Jordan_U__CerebroJD, But since it is a draft N card they probably havn't had time to reverse-engineer it yet08:17
gaze_sudo aptitude install thunderbird08:17
summer_s4can someone tell me how to install thunderbird?08:17
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varkasummer_s4: sudo apt-get install thunderbird08:17
varkasummer_s4: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird08:17
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matkixsummer_s4, Click system administration package manager its a gui of all the software you will need.08:17
defrysk!thunderbird summer_s408:17
varkasummer_s4: second is the right one08:17
ahrondoes the kernel have any alternate driver modules for usb? because my transfer speeds are very slow. i think the modules loaded for it are the cause08:17
defrysk!thunderbird | summer_s408:18
ubotusummer_s4: a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042708:18
Jordan_U__CerebroJD, Sorry I got disconnected so I may have missed anything you said to me since my last comment08:18
CerebroJDJordan_U, the card was out last year in november08:18
ReSpEcTjordan_u, i am doing the alternate now and started it about 10 minutes after we last talked it is stuck on the config language-pack-en-base for awaile now08:18
summer_s4does anyone know how to install seabird?08:18
CerebroJDand no worries, I was afk as wekk08:18
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bastidraZorReSpEcT, that happened to me once.. i had a bad live cd08:19
BarlowBradHey guys, can anyone recommend a good wireless (g?) card that works out of the box on Ubuntu (likely 7.04 Fiesty)08:19
cjehi, I need to change permissions on a file.  Normally this is a simple thing, and I do it all the time.  But now I am getting a strange error message for the command sudo chmod cje.users myfilename.  The error message that I am getting is chmod: invalid mode: 'cje.users'08:19
summer_s4does anyone know how to install seabird?08:19
defrysksummer_s4, plese stop repeating your question08:19
ahronwhats seabird?08:19
=== Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EE2C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4mozilla seabird08:19
varkasummer_s4: what is seabird??08:20
ReSpEcTbastidraZor, this seemed to be the only cd working so far08:20
kbrosnanSeaMonkey 10 to 108:20
bastidraZorReSpEcT, i tried the DVD first..which locked up. then d/l the cd version which is what i successfully installed with08:20
summer_s4well... how do i install it08:20
ahronwhta is mozilla seabird google doesnt find much08:20
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summer_s4it is seamonkey08:21
gaze_summer_s4 : I sent you a pm08:21
gaze_for all your installation needs08:21
summer_s4huh?  I don't see your pm08:21
kbrosnansummer_s4: seamonkey is installed the same way firefox is, untar it and run the seamonkey script08:21
ahronseamonkey is easy to install you can dl the binarys from mozilla08:21
varkasummer_s4: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43798708:22
CerebroJDJordan_U, ok, I'm going to uninstall ndiswrapper08:22
ReSpEcThave tried ultimate,desktop, and now alternate and have made the most progess with alternate altough i can still here the harddrive working i am just wondering how many words is in the english lanuage08:22
bastidraZorfunny how people do not learn .. just want the commands given to them08:22
=== bastidraZor laughs
gaze_ look, for ANYTHING you want to install08:22
gaze_ go to the terminal08:22
gaze_ go "sudo aptitude search x" where x is what you're looking for08:22
gaze_ pick the one in the list that looks closest to what you're looking for08:22
gaze_ and then go "sudo aptitude install y" where y is the name in the first column that corresponds to what you're looking for08:22
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matkixgeoaxis, I have done that... pastebin?08:23
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bastidraZorReSpEcT, it shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes for the total install..08:23
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bastidraZorReSpEcT, maybe it is trying to figure out grammar?08:23
matkixgeoaxis, http://pastebin.com/m40e3731d08:23
conorkirkpatrickThis: # apt-get install linux-image-686 gives me this: http://pastebin.ca/621501 (In the paste, it says figlet, but the kernel gives me the same error)08:23
ReSpEcTgoing on close to 45 minutes now and i think i am being leinant08:23
Vsop_Vsoploaded the new 7.4 and it comes up with the error crocode5.fw not available or load failed08:23
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Jordan_U__ReSpEcT, If it goes on too long you can try to quit it or exit out to the main menu somehow, It shouldn't hurt anything to stop while configuring a package and if grub has been set up already then it should boot into a fixable system08:23
summer_s4i really don't get what you are trying to tell me08:23
jonathan_still can't to install ubuntu-studio using apt-get08:23
geoaxismatkix,  ok08:24
jonathan_they said by using apt-get install ubuntu_studio08:24
conorkirkpatrickThis: # apt-get install linux-image-686 gives me this: http://pastebin.ca/621501 (In the paste, it says figlet, but the kernel gives me the same error)08:24
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jonathan_but can't08:24
bastidraZorsummer_s4,  you can't read?08:24
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Nubbieguys, i'm having problems with my dualhead setup. I'm using a laptop, and sometimes i have another monitor plugged in. how can i set it up so that the monitor uses it's own x session, instead of just extending one?08:24
Jordan_U__jonathan_, There are instructions on the ubuntustudio website08:24
geoaxismatkix,  ..hmmm so whats the card model ..08:24
carlesoriolhow can i get a running window information (type, size, styles... etc)..It's there some kind of "spy"?08:24
geoaxisie make08:24
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ReSpEcTJordan_u, how do i exit it08:24
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snail_i'm having weird things happen when i try to sudo apt-get install / remove netbeans , you can see the output at http://pastebin.com/m30497603 , anyone have any thing I can do08:24
summer_s4were is the sea monkey gz located on the web 4 linux?08:25
conorkirkpatrickThis: # apt-get install linux-image-686 gives me this: http://pastebin.ca/621501 (In the paste, it says figlet, but the kernel gives me the same error)08:25
matkixgeoaxis, Well there were alot of numbers on it...08:25
gaze_summer_s4: You're completely ignoring what I told you/08:25
Nubbiesummer_s4: http://google.com08:25
matkixgeoaxis,  Its a mini pci.08:25
Vsop_Vsop:)) nubbie08:25
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Vsop_Vsophey i got one for you Nubbie...if you have a moment.08:25
Helmihey guys08:25
matkixgeoaxis, Do you want what I think is the modle?08:25
bastidraZorgaze_, you didn't give it the easy way out..08:25
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Helmican anyone recommend a irc client for gnome except xchat?08:25
conorkirkpatrickThis: # apt-get install linux-image-686 gives me this: http://pastebin.ca/621501 (In the paste, it says figlet, but the kernel gives me the same error)08:26
laurenwciacon>I got it working08:26
Jordan_U__ReSpEcT, I don't know, try escape or similar things, if nothing else works try ctrl+c08:26
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Helmishould have a GUI :)08:26
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NubbieVsop_Vsop: this always happens, i try to get help for myself, but end up helping 50 people, and still not solving my problem lol.08:26
Jordan_U__!generic | conorkirkpatrick08:26
ubotuconorkirkpatrick: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)08:26
Vsop_VsopI start ubuntu and it comes up with failed to start the Xserver ( your graphical interface  its like that its not set up correctly.. ..08:26
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Vsop_Vsoplikely ***08:27
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geoaxismatkix,  yes08:27
Vsop_Vsopcan any one walk me threw this08:27
ReSpEcTjordan_u, none of that worked08:27
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geoaxismatkix, ie what does it say on the cover08:27
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Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, Did it ever work?08:27
geoaxis(well try to guess what chip it uses and get ndiswrapper working if possible)08:28
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Vsop_Vsopya 6.1008:28
matkixgeoaxis, Well the card is inside the laptop... so its hard to tell08:28
Vsop_Vsopjust did 7.4 like 2o mins ago08:28
summer_s4how do i un-tar something?08:28
ReSpEcTJordan_u, tried that and none of that worked i am on the select and install software menu08:28
matkixBut I think I know the chip, lemmie get the info08:28
geoaxismatkix,  ouch08:28
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Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, Is this on the LiveCD or the actual install?08:28
kijjazI'm on Ubuntu Feisty. I was successful using Canon's CanoScan scanner with Ubuntu on other computers,08:28
matkixgeoaxis,  hold just for a min08:28
conorkirkpatrickUbuntu says (while trying to install the kernel) that there is no space left! But the drive has MORE than enough room for it08:28
NubbieVsop_Vsop: what graphics card do you have?08:28
geoaxismatkix,  ok wats the laptop's make08:29
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=== CerebroJD pokes at ubuntu
bastidraZorsummer_s4, http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/bashref/08:29
matkixgeoaxis, Ra stands for what...08:29
NubbieVsop_Vsop: first off, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:29
matkixI forget08:29
kijjazBut with this new ACER notebook, it only give out 100% black outputs -_-..08:29
Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, Do you have a separate /boot?08:29
matkixIts who makes the chip08:29
Vsop_VsopNubbie ati x140008:29
matkixgeoaxis, Averatec 230008:29
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, Ahh, ati...08:29
Vsop_VsopMeh i know.. but never had issues b408:30
conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I just followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH08:30
NubbieVsop_Vsop: and select the "ati" driver. the rest you should leave default, until you get to the resolutions. choose your monitor's native resolution, nothing higher.08:30
matkixgeoaxis, I think the chip on the card is  "Ra rt2571wf"08:30
CerebroJDJordan_U, how would I know that ndiswrapper is disabled?08:30
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Vsop_Vsopi have not installed anyhting yet..08:30
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conorkirkpatricksebagua: hi08:30
Vsop_VsopClean sofar.. just did the updates for 6.10 then installed 7.408:30
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Jordan_UCerebroJD, I don't really know.08:30
rolfenanyone here has experience on both altq on freebsd and tc on linux?08:31
NubbieVsop_Vsop: and now your x isn't working.08:31
eonflareWhen I start up a zsh session under Ubuntu Feisty, it seems like the keymap is incorrect.  (Backspace does nothing, delete is ~, etc...)08:31
=== Pietro [n=pietro@d83-190-77-51.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4seamonkey installing08:31
eonflareAnyone know what could be up with that?08:31
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NubbieVsop_Vsop: ctrl alt F6, log in, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.08:31
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Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, Try installing xorg-driver-fglrx08:31
Vsop_Vsopsee what happens08:32
NubbieJordan_U: lets just get him a working session first.08:32
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, use -phigh and it will ask a lot fewer questions08:32
conorkirkpatrickUbuntu says (while trying to install the kernel) that there is no space left! But the drive has MORE than enough room for it08:32
matkixgeoaxis,  See http://web.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html08:32
Jordan_UNubbie, For my card I required fglrx FOR a working session08:32
matkixgeoaxis, tell me what you think of it08:32
Nubbie!works for me08:33
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:33
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Nubbieati drivers work essentially for every card ati has ever made. it is the mesa of ati.08:33
Jordan_UNubbie, Not mine08:33
CerebroJDhow do I restart Network Manager?08:33
summer_s4i dunno why but i am making my copy of linux as much like windows as possible08:33
=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-167-162.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbiedo you have a 1400?08:33
ciaconguys - How can my BIOS Clock have a skew of nearly -1sec / minute....?????08:33
Jordan_UNubbie, Not even VESA08:33
Nubbiesummer_s4: it's because you're a good little clone ;)08:34
Vsop_VsopNubbie.. i have like 6 options here08:34
summer_s4how do i make an iso file08:34
Jordan_UNubbie, Don't remember and I don't have that comp with me now to check08:34
bastidraZorsummer_s4, no wonder you have no clue how to google08:34
=== Sinistral_ [n=tlot@d055218.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
NubbieVsop_Vsop: ati driver should work for you.08:34
Vsop_VsopIE..... SIS,. SISUSB, TDFX, TRIDENT,TSENG..ect08:34
bastidraZorsummer_s4, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/08:34
matkixgeoaxis, You there?08:34
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Vsop_Vsopnot an option here..08:35
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, You can scroll up and down08:35
sebaguahi, i don't have the event sound in xubuntu, someone knows how fix that?08:35
NubbieVsop_Vsop: it should be there for sure.08:35
Vsop_Vsopok i did...08:35
Jamesinatorsummer_s4: http://lifehacker.com/software/how-to/create-iso-disk-images-and-generate-md5-checksums-268304.php08:35
Vsop_Vsopyes.. ok what is the letters.. there is no ATI08:35
Vsop_Vsopsorry for the capps08:35
summer_s4i wonder why i am trying to make linux into windows08:36
=== Sinistral_ [n=tlot@d055218.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Vsop_Vsopthere are a few but not one that says ati08:36
Jordan_Usummer_s4, Try IE4linux, that should make you happy ;)08:36
Jamesinatorsummer_s4: What are you trying to do?08:36
NubbieVsop_Vsop: use vesa then.08:36
mhz`-is there anyway to create a partition without a mount point? basically, i just want a normal ext3 partition08:37
Jamesinatormhz`-: Don't mount it?08:37
Nubbiemhz`-: um you can just choose not to mount it...08:37
Jordan_Umhz`-, That question doesn't make sense08:37
Nubbiemhz`-: but why?08:37
Vsop_VsopIdentifer for my video card... >.. generic video card .. is this right08:37
NubbieVsop_Vsop: all default answers until you get to resolutions08:38
mhz`-i got 10gb of free space08:38
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, AFIK the identifier can be whatever you want08:38
mhz`-from my partitioned 26gb08:38
Nubbiemhz`-: make one of your partitions bigger?08:38
mhz`-i don't wanna08:38
mhz`-i just wanna make it like another drive :/08:38
Vsop_VsopJordan: so leave it and hit ok then08:38
=== quarkpup [n=quarkpup@udp156649uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbiemhz`-: but if you're going to partition it, why not make use of it by mounting it...08:38
Jordan_UNubbie, You should point people to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh if all they need is driver and resolution08:38
Jamesinatormhz`-: If you plan to use it with your current system you're going to have to mount it08:38
Nubbiemhz`-: so you do want to mount it.08:39
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Jamesinatormhz`-: sudo nano /etc/fstab ?08:39
mhz`-w/e it'll be my /usr08:39
NubbieJordan_U: yeah i always forget what letters. so i just go with what i do know.08:39
mhz`-this is why i drink heavily08:39
=== Jamesinator gives mhz`- a comforting pat on the back
Nubbiemhz`-: no!08:39
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Jordan_UNubbie, p for priority :) there is also pmedium for instance08:39
matkixAlright.... I think I got left... Anyone want to help me with installing of a driver?08:40
Nubbiemhz`-: mount it to like /media/disk1 or something obscure. but inside /media08:40
Vsop_VsopJordan: video card's bus identifier     PCI: 1:0:008:40
summer_s4how do i make ubuntu's resolution go above 1024 by 768?08:40
conorkirkpatrickHow do I specify where APT-GET is going to install something?08:40
mhz`-ok, so dont mount it when partitioning08:40
=== micho [n=micho@xdsl-195-238-170-178.wist.com.pl] has joined #ubuntu
mhz`-save it for after08:40
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, Like Nubbie said, just stick to the defaults08:40
Nubbiemhz`-: if you mount it to /usr, the /usr folder on your / partition will get mounted over every time you boot.08:40
=== CheshireViking [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/cheshireviking] has joined #Ubuntu
conorkirkpatrickHow do I specify where APT-GET is going to install something?08:40
JamesinatorNubbie: I think he's trying to split-partition his filesystem, like the installer gives you the option of doing by creating separate partitions for /boot, /home, etc08:40
gaze_conorkirkpatrick: Not really. If you change where apt-get puts stuff then the thing you're installing won't be able to find itself.08:40
summer_s4conorkirkpatric: you cant i don't think08:40
Jordan_UNubbie, ubotu also has a !fixres that gives that info for lazy people like me :)08:41
=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@cpe-71-67-141-168.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NubbieJamesinator: oh he's installing?08:41
Jordan_UNubbie, !xconfig rather08:41
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geoaxismatkix,  i really want to help but i am being called like crazy08:41
mhz`-nubbie, i'm not gonna mount it08:41
Nubbiemhz`-: are you in the middle of installing ubuntu right now?08:41
JamesinatorNubbie: No, I think he's trying to split-partition it after installing08:41
mhz`-i'll save it for after the install08:41
JamesinatorNubbie: I'm really not sure, I can't understand him very well08:41
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geoaxismatkix,  so have you looked at NDISWRAPPER08:41
conorkirkpatrickgaze_: Well, I am following, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH and I am trying to install the kernel ,but it says there is no more space, but my HD has 699M free, and I think it is trying to put it on the RamDisk08:41
NubbieJamesinator: oh okay, but then he'd have to copy his /usr folder from his / partition over to it before rebooting.08:41
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matkixI think I just found a driver....08:41
pinkrobotshello, i can never find this thing:   where do i get diskmount please ???08:41
mhz`-and / has to be bootable correct?08:42
matkixgeoaxis, Did you see the link I sent to you?08:42
Nubbiemhz`-: sure why not :)08:42
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matkixgeoaxis,  See http://web.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html08:42
summer_s4how do i run flash?08:42
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Jamesinator!mount | pinkrobots08:42
ubotupinkrobots: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:42
conorkirkpatrickHas anybody sucsessfully completed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH08:43
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mhz`-i need to stop drinking as much08:43
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse08:43
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: As you may already have guessed following this instruction may break your system and you are on your own to fix it again. <-- With an introduction like that, and the lack of any responses, I think you're on your own.08:43
Nubbie!flash | summer_s408:43
ubotusummer_s4: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:43
=== mikey1 [n=mike@adsl-70-131-36-236.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: With an introduction like that, and the lack of any responses, I think you're on your own.08:44
=== menunggu_senja_d [n=tlogonet@] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4this is the first time i had more then 8 browser windows open for a long time08:44
=== Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EE2C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikey1does anyone how I can set my resolution to higher than 1024x76808:44
conorkirkpatrickJamesinator: Ok, I realized that at the begininning, The reason I did it, is because the CD drive in the computer is so SLOW that it would take forever to do a CD install08:44
Nubbiesummer_s4: PS: hit ctrl + T08:44
=== cas3 [n=cas3@adsl-074-245-016-099.sip.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidwhats a good torrent client08:44
berentwhy does my browsers crash so oftenly08:44
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: I know what you mean, use the alternate cd ISO08:44
berentopera and firefox08:44
SurfnKidwith multiple torrents?08:44
mikey1it's the native res. of my monitor and enabled the restricted drivers08:44
matkixAnyone willing to help with a driver install?08:44
NubbieSurfnKid: gnome-bt does good, why not just keep using that?08:45
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: It allows you to install in text mode, without the excruciatingly slow process of trying to install through GNOME with a slow CD drive.08:45
SurfnKidNubbie, i cant download 2 or more08:45
SurfnKidit gives me an error08:45
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JamesinatorSurfnKid: deluge08:45
SurfnKidok thx08:45
summer_s4how do i make the screen resolution 1600X1200?08:45
conorkirkpatrickJamesinator: My internet connection is faster than the CD drive :P "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" for me08:46
JamesinatorSurfnKid: sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent08:46
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Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: Yes, but if you can't get that OverSSH guide working, the alternate CD is a good solution08:46
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Nubbiedoes anybody know how i can set up my laptop so the build in screen has one xsession running, and the external display running a separate xsession? they are different dimensions, and my laptop screen is getting cut off.08:47
conorkirkpatrickJamesinator: The only thing I don't like about that is that I am running low on CD's :D, meh, I will just buy some more08:47
mikey1anyone know how to set my screen resolution higher than 1024x768 - i enabled the restricted driver for my geForce 7800 GPU08:47
=== eddie [n=eddie@cpe-76-172-78-204.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbie!resolution > summer_s408:47
summer_s4i have the same question as mikey108:47
Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: Isn't there a free CD request where someone sends you a CD via mail?08:47
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Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: For the patience-gifted, albeit08:47
Nubbie!resolution > mikey108:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:48
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Jordan_Usummer_s4, You also enabled the needed restricted drivers?08:48
tofaffyHow can I change gnome's defautl window manager from metacity to beryl? For some reason...if I set beryl to start up in the sessions menu...and it doesn't start08:48
conorkirkpatrickJamesinator: It's fine, I have 10 left, and I can prolly get more blank cdr-s easily08:48
Nubbiemikey1: there was a private message sent to you with the exact same contents...08:48
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Jamesinatorconorkirkpatrick: Righto!08:48
summer_s4who knew that gutar hero 3 is comming to the wii08:48
timewriterits possible to connect to a vnc on a windows machine ?08:48
Jordan_Utofaffy, beryl-manager in session, not beryl08:48
Nubbietofaffy: you ask in !ubuntu-effects08:48
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Jamesinatortimewriter: Yes08:48
dev_0ola, why my ubuntu cannot shutdown correctly08:48
conorkirkpatricksummer_s4: I did!08:48
timewriterJamesinator what program i need to use08:49
magnetron!offtopic | summer_s408:49
ubotusummer_s4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:49
Jordan_Udev_0, What does it do?08:49
Nubbietofaffy: or right click the beryl icon, choose the window manager as beryl.08:49
dev_0cannot turn off automatically08:49
dev_0it's just hang in black screen08:49
tofaffyI want beryl to start at startup...08:49
davfdev_0 probably power management issue.08:50
Nubbietofaffy: then add it to your session.08:50
Jamesinatortimewriter: sudo apt-get install xvncviewer08:50
summer_s4how do i get beryl?08:50
tofaffyNubbie, I DID...and it doesnt work.08:50
=== xiven [n=xiven@pool-71-120-228-136.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbiedev_0: what video drivers are you using.08:50
dev_0how can I fix it08:50
Jordan_Utofaffy, I already told you, use beryl-manager in the session instead of beryl08:50
magnetrondev_0: sounds like ACPI is disable somehow... check if it's enabled in BIOS08:50
dev_0intel i915m08:50
matkixIs anyone around willing to help me install a driver, I have already located / downloaded the driver and just need some help installing it! Please.08:50
tofaffyIt's in there...but it doesn't start beryl...08:50
Nubbietofaffy: then beyond that, ask in beryl's forums or in #ubuntu-effects08:50
tofaffywait...never mind08:50
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xivenis bonobo-activation-server really a necessary process?08:50
summer_s4how do i install my printer08:50
dev_0can I fix it in my ubuntu08:50
xivenI dont even know what bonobo is08:50
tofaffyhaha...I just had a brain spasm and realized it...nm :)08:50
Jordan_Umatkix, Driver for what?08:51
matkixJordan_U, Wifi card08:51
Jordan_Umatkix, What card?08:51
timewriterits a;lready there08:51
=== cellofellow [n=josh@69-71-170-29.mammothnetworks.com] has joined #ubuntu
matkixJordan_U,  I found it on their site and need a lil help doing it.08:51
Nubbiexiven: it's running for a purpose if thats what you're wondering.08:51
Jamesinator!bonobo | xiven08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bonobo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
=== Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-185-048.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
Nubbiexiven: bonobo uses practically no resources.08:51
Jordan_Umatkix, What card and chipset?08:51
cellofellowThe form wizard in OOo Base isn't working. I click the button, nothing happens.08:51
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matkixJordan_U, Its really has no name.... just a chip made by ralinktech08:51
xivenWhat about ssh-agent?08:52
timewriteromg ati has control center on linux too08:52
xivenI dont even use SSH08:52
matkixJordan_U, Ra rt2571wf08:52
xivenbut its up twice08:52
Nubbiexiven: why are you concerned about bonobo. why are you killing all your processes.08:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about corba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:52
xivenI was just looking to kill unneeded once, to make speed up my system a bit08:52
matkixJordan_U, I found the driver here.  http://web.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.ht08:52
magnetron!enter | xiven08:52
ubotuxiven: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:52
xivenI need to modify the swappiness for sure08:52
matkixJordan_U, Its the first one and I need help installing it.08:53
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cellofellowan help here?08:53
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Jordan_Umatkix, I need to find out why Ralink cards are so hard to install when I thought they were Free drivers08:53
cellofellowI'm not a noob, I'm just not sure why OOo is doing this.08:53
Jamesinator!repeat | cellofellow08:53
ubotucellofellow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:53
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Nubbiecellofellow: if somebody knew the answer they'd tell you.08:54
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:54
cellofellowI'll try a different channel.08:54
Nubbiecellofellow: if nobody here knows, maybe openoffice has an irc channel, or forums.08:54
matkixJordan_U, Well... I think its the RT2500USB(RT2571/RT2572) driver. Do you think you can help?08:54
Nubbiecellofellow: its not exactly an ubuntu specific problem... it could be a bug in their program. check bugzilla.08:54
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Nubbiecellofellow: and consider filing a bug if you find no information about it.08:54
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cellofellowI haven't tried it in Windows.08:55
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Jordan_Umatkix, I don't know, it really should work out of the box08:55
Nubbiecellofellow: if it's repeatable, it's probably a bug.08:55
cellofellowyes, ok08:55
Jordan_Umatkix, does it show up in iwconfig?08:55
Ayabarais there a text file for configuring minicom?08:55
Jamesinatormatkix: What problem are you having?08:55
matkixyes... but the wifi card cannot connect to networks08:55
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matkixIt will see, but not connect.08:56
DezineI usually hook my mac up to the internet through my pc. All I had to do was share my internet connection and it works, however I can't get my Ubuntu laptop to connect in this manner. Anyone have any idea how I can get my Ubuntu to connect through my Windows pc. (Modem > Windows PC > Ubuntu).08:56
matkixThe issue is known to be, the wifi card will not connect to networks of any kind... its the driver... im nearly sure.08:56
Jordan_Umatkix, What makes you think that the drivers from that site will work?08:56
matkixIts a dual boot and connects great in win.08:56
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rolfenDezine: yup08:56
Jamesinatormatkix: Ralink chipset / RT card?08:56
matkixI donno, Its a blind guess08:56
Jordan_Umatkix, OK08:57
Jamesinatormatkix: Any encryption?08:57
matkixon the network?08:57
Jordan_Umatkix, I assume it installs from source?08:57
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matkixI can take it off... but i would like at least to use wep08:57
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rolfenDezine: install Firestarter, it has an option for internet connecton sharing08:57
JamesinatorDo you have any encryption set up on the network? Like WEP or WPA?08:57
matkixnot at this time08:57
JamesinatorAre you using DHCP for your wifi network?08:58
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CerebroJDok, since I got beryl working on my x1400 (a miracle, I know), I no longer have a 'Shut down' option from within gnome...08:58
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matkixI'll save you some time. its not the network.08:58
Dezineok rolfen I'll try that, thanks.08:58
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Jamesinatormatkix: See query.08:58
matkixThe same card connects to the same network when i boot to win08:58
rolfenDezine: in the firewall menu (in firestarter) click on "Run wizard"08:58
matkixWhat query?08:59
rolfenDezine: np08:59
luke_is anyone here a nokia master? :p I'm really trying to get my nokia 9300 working in Ubuntu 7.04 - no luck?08:59
Vsop_Vsopwhat the heck is this ( ubuntu comes with absolutely no warranty , to the extent permitted by applicable law   bcm43xx: errpr Microcode "ncm43xx_microcode5.fw not found or load failed..08:59
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Vsop_Vsopand it keeps cycling....08:59
magnetronVsop_Vsop: sounds like you have some problem with a wifi card09:00
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CerebroJDI have returned with installed drivers (i assume)09:00
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Vsop_VsopMagnetron:... great now what do i do09:00
summer_s4can someone tell me how to make my screen resolution go up to 1600X1200?09:01
Jordan_Umatkix, If it does require you to install from source you might want to install rt2570-source if for no other reason than for the dependencies that it will install that you probably need ( look into the suggested packages as well )09:01
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Vsop_VsopMagnetron: can i disable it09:02
magnetronVsop_Vsop: i'm not an expert in that card, but i heard that some people use bcm43xx-fwcutter, but i don't really know how it works. maybe a google for bcm43xx-fwcutter ubuntu will give you the info you need09:02
Jordan_U!fixres > summer_s409:02
Vsop_Vsophumm thanks ... i will dig into it after work tomorrow.. 5 am comes fast at this hour..09:03
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CerebroJDgrrrr, I thought the drivers were installed right09:03
CerebroJDand POW09:03
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CerebroJDno wireless card09:03
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, That just means you need bcm43xx-fwcutter09:03
bbboh yeah i fought with that one for a while09:03
Vsop_VsopJordan: ok.. and that would be were?09:03
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter09:03
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Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, It will offer to download the firmware for your card, choose yes09:04
octavariumwow, ubuntu is so easy09:04
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mhz`-you haven't met my gf09:04
uniqueare KiB and KB/s the same thing?09:04
magnetronunique: de facto, yes09:05
ThanatosDriveKibiBytes and KiloBytes09:05
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ThanatosDriveGoogle 'em09:05
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summer_s4why is terminal taking so long09:05
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octavarium(unique): no09:05
octavariumthey are different09:05
Jordan_Usummer_s4, What command are you running?09:05
magnetronoctavarium: in theory, yes, but not de facto09:05
octavariumi think you mean Kb and KB09:06
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Vsop_Vsopok now that i have a half page of extracting ..... how do i install.. i thought it should have done it09:06
magnetronoctavarium: he doesn't09:06
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DisabledDucki have a question that might be kind of stupid, i have the pidgin source, and i'm running a 64-bit system, is there any way to compile the source for use with 64-bit Ubuntu?09:06
ThanatosDriveoctavarium, No, KiB exists.09:06
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octavariumnvm then09:06
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, That's it, it's done :)09:06
Vsop_Vsopoh well lets see09:06
Jordan_UVsop_Vsop, You might need to restart network-manager09:06
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summer_s4how do i use terminal to install java?09:07
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Vsop_Vsophey now that i am at my cursor .. how can i start ubuntu again without ctrl alt delete09:07
Jordan_U!java | summer_s409:07
ubotusummer_s4: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:07
huydoes anyone know how to get a video statistic using the command line?09:07
shaneedhow can i install kde 4 in ubuntu09:07
ThanatosDriveVsop_Vsop: Ctrl+Alt_Bckspce09:07
huye.g bitrate, framesize, etc09:07
magnetronVsop_Vsop: type shutdown -r now09:07
ThanatosDriveOops, that'd a +09:07
summer_s4in plain english09:07
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CerebroJDJordan_U, I can confirm that this card is definitely not being detected in iwconfig after going through the setup while NOT using ndiswrapper09:08
Nubbiehuy: depends on what codec it is.09:08
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Jordan_Usummer_s4, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre09:08
berentcan you please tell me if a system can run without a processor put on processor slot(currently my PGA 370 processor slot is empty)  but something else(which has a fan/sink as i can notice) on some other slot like a pci slot.09:08
huyNubbie: I can use ffmpeg but that only display it upon encoding09:09
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huyI don't want to encode, just display the info09:09
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Nubbieberent: did you just ask if your computer will run without a cpu?09:09
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Like I said, probably not supported yet, try "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" though or reboot09:09
varkasummer_s4: do you need to compile java-coder or do you just want to run java-pages in you browser?09:09
ThanatosDrivesummer_s4: I'll tell you this now so you won't have to ask it later. When you perform a sudo, a password prompt will come up, and when you type, nothing shows up. This is normal. Type in your password and press Enter accordingly. It will know.09:09
=== KevinTW [n=kvbuntu@221-169-13-105.adsl.static.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDI modprobe'd it before I rebooted09:09
CerebroJDonce I rebooted, twas gone09:09
berentNubbie : i said there's an emty processor slot09:10
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Nubbieberent: if there's no processor on the board, good luck running anything. as for that other thing with a heatsink, it could be anything. my computer has at least 4 heatsinks around.09:10
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Nubbieberent: so it has 2 processor slots....09:10
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Not yet supported I guess :(09:10
Nubbie(i'm just guessing cause you didn't say anything of the sort)09:10
CerebroJDsadface @ that09:10
CerebroJDfound another tutorial tho09:10
CerebroJDuses ndiswrapper, so will try that09:11
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mhz`-does brltty-x11 usually take awhile to install?09:11
CerebroJDthe annoying thing about all this is that I cant copy-paste anything since I cant get to these tutorials on the laptop :P09:11
mhz`-or did my box freeze09:11
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mikey1i am trying to adjust my monitor settings using the !resolution guide... how do I edit a text file... it will not let me save - says i don't have permission09:11
mikey1but i need permission09:11
berentNubbie: i just found there is something called slot 1 where p3's are put . does that mean i can put one more in the other?09:11
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Nubbiemikey1: sudo.09:12
Vsop_Vsopok fixed that issues...now i got this  " knit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by/-uuid/ Whole whack of numbers... the Kinit: no resume image, doing norma boot...... then it puts me to my curssor09:12
Nubbiemikey1: but i suggest you use the other method.09:12
Jordan_UCerebroJD, Flash drive?09:12
summer_s4how do i install kde?09:12
NubbieVsop_Vsop: did you try to sleep/suspend your computer?09:12
mikey1when i did the listed commands in the guide, it said something about not being able to create a directory09:12
rolfensummer_s4: from synaptic maybe?09:12
CerebroJDwell.. I do have an ipod09:12
CerebroJDthat'd work09:12
mikey1sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum'09:12
Jordan_Usummer_s4, install the kububuntu-desktop package09:12
Vsop_VsopNubie: no i haveent..09:12
mikey1sh: cannot create /var/lib/xfree86/xorg.conf.md5sum: Directory nonexistent09:13
Vsop_Vsophow is that gong to help me09:13
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Nubbiewhy on earth would you need to take a md5sum of your xorg.conf ?09:13
summer_s4can someone tell met he download/install code for the whole kde suite?09:13
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rolfensummer_s4: you never used synaptic?09:13
mikey1its in the !resolution09:13
mikey1i know what my horiz. and vert. refresh settings should be09:14
Vsop_VsopNubbie: all i have done tonight is instal 6.10.. got updates.. then installed 7.4 now this..09:14
Jordan_U!synaptic | summer_s409:14
ubotusummer_s4: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:14
mikey1so i just want to edit the text file09:14
mikey1but it says i need permission09:14
Nubbiesummer_s4: sudo tasksel09:14
Takmadeusdoes anyone here knows how to program?09:14
mikey1i know the values are correct09:14
magnetron!enter | mikey09:14
ubotumikey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:14
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Nubbiesummer_s4: choose kubuntu desktop, okay.09:14
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Jordan_Umikey1, Easier to run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:14
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ThanatosDriveQuestion: Do you think an 860MHz PIII with 386MB RAM and an ATI Radeon 9300 can handle KDE without much slowdown? 'Cause currently on GNOME, things are slightly...slower than I would like.09:14
summer_s4i never used much of the stuff you tell me to any09:14
NubbieThanatosDrive: if you consider that KDE is inherently slow, then no.09:15
summer_s4I got a problome.  Java instalation is stuck at the license agreement09:15
NubbieThanatosDrive: if gnome is slow, stay far away from kde. try xfce09:15
TakmadeusCan anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=381545&highlight=a2mp309:15
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mikey1jordan_U ... says that the resource is locked and temporarily unavailable09:15
magnetronThanatosDrive: you may have to run Xubuntu or some other light desktop system09:15
Vsop_Vsopthis odd09:15
Jordan_Usummer_s4, Expand the "terminal" or whatever thing it is in synaptic09:15
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lukillasHi all, I recompiled my kernel, but it crashes when stars and shows ubuntu logo, what can i do?09:15
Nubbiesummer_s4: so accept it.... have you ever used computers before? i don't mean to take offence, but i'm just wondering.09:15
SkryptAnyone here able to help me trouble shoot my sound?09:16
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:16
Jordan_Umikey1, You probably have synaptic open09:16
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magnetronsummer_s4: "space" key, if ir remember correctly09:16
mikey1im not sure what that is09:16
summer_s4people i just downloaded linux 3 hours ago.  I used to use windows09:16
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comodocan someone tell me how to check for direct rendering09:16
Nubbiesummer_s4: yes i understand, but did you have much experience using windows?09:16
mikey1(1st day attempting to use ubuntu)09:16
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Jordan_Usummer_s4, Look on the window for something to expand so you can see the agreement and agree to it09:17
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ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad09:17
Takmadeushello.... can anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=381545&highlight=a2mp309:17
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:17
summer_s4why does this error message come up when i try to run synaptic?09:17
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rolfensummer_s4: we cannot help you unless you tell us what the error message is09:18
mikey1hmm, i dont think synaptic is open Jordan09:18
summer_s4it won't say paste09:18
Nubbiesummer_s4: maybe because you're already running synaptic or another package management program09:18
Jordan_Umikey1, What about apt-get or anything that installs packages?09:18
CerebroJDis ndiswrapper on the Fiesty iso?09:18
Nubbiesummer_s4: you can only run one.09:18
summer_s4i am only running one09:18
brad016I can't unmount my internal windows partition, it has an error that says it disagrees with the fstab09:18
Jordan_UCerebroJD, IIRC no09:19
darkkishwhat the hell09:19
darkkishi burned another ubuntu disk09:19
darkkishand it is also corrupted09:19
darkkishsame iso09:19
darkkishMD5 checked out, according to someone earlier09:19
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mikey1nope, just Gaim, Terminal, and Mozilla09:19
Nubbie!enter | darkkish09:19
ubotudarkkish: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:19
magnetrondarkkish: burn it at a slower speed09:19
summer_s4to install ubutu09:19
Jordan_Udarkkish, You can use the minimal install CD if you are having burn issues09:19
summer_s4right click ISO file on desktop,09:19
summer_s4click burn image to disk09:19
Jordan_Udarkkish, It grabs almost everything from the internet09:19
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summer_s4and run it when you restart the computer09:20
mikey1but the icon that shows "blah available updates" is up in the tray09:20
darkkishJordan_U that won't work09:20
brad016I can't unmount my internal windows partition, it has an error that says it disagrees with the fstab09:20
darkkishJordan_U i'm on wireless, on a WUSB54G09:20
TakmadeusHmmmmm can anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=381545&highlight=a2mp309:20
Jordan_Udarkclown_, And it's ~ 10 meg so you can burn it at 1X speed no problem09:20
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darkkishJordan_U i just burnt Ubuntu 700MB at 4x speed to make sure everything would work09:20
Jordan_Udarkclown_, Can't connect wired?09:20
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NubbieTakmadeus: try tagtool09:21
summer_s4i love ubuntu09:21
brad016how do you unmount a windows partition that won't unmount09:21
TakmadeusNubbie: tagtool?09:22
summer_s4brad016: Overwright it09:22
Jordan_Ubrad016, How are you trying to unmount it?09:22
defrysksudo umount /media/blahpartition09:22
NubbieTakmadeus: yes, tagtool09:22
brad016right clickinh it and selecting unmount09:22
Ademanhey i installed the apache server on a computer and it's running and whatnot, i put a test page in /var/www  and I can view it just fine from another computer behind the same router, I have port 80 forwarded to the correct computer, yet computers outside of that router still can't access the server, why is this?09:22
TakmadeusNubbie: checking on google ;)09:22
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brad016summer_s4, what do you mean overwrite09:23
Jordan_Ubrad016, like defrysk said, sudo umount /dev/whatever or /media/whatever09:23
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rolfenAdeman: does your router do NAT?09:23
brad016Jordan_U, okay09:23
Jordan_Ubrad016, Or if you want to unmount everything but / then sudo umount -a09:23
rolfenAdeman: ah never mind, you got the port forwarded, sorry09:23
mikey1any idea how to free up that resource?09:23
NubbieAdeman: go to http://ipchicken.com on the computer running the server, then enter that ip in the web address of a computer outside of your network. if it doesn't work, your port 80 is being blocked by your ISP.09:23
mhz`-anyone ever have their keyboard not work once prompted to login?09:24
TakmadeusNubbie: checked it, but I do need a frontend for a CLI program, not a tagging tool. the idea is that it is very very tiresome to write every name in the CLI09:24
brad016Jordan_U, thanks, it worked09:24
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Jordan_Umikey1, It should be free09:24
TakmadeusNubbie: yet thanks ;)09:24
mhz`-it went fine in grub, the install, etc...go to login...no typing09:24
mikey1well, it says its not09:25
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mikey1ill reboot09:25
Jordan_Umikey1, You could try rebooting but you shouldn't need to09:25
AdemanNubbie: hrm thanks i'll try that, but actually i've got two levels of routers, http://picasaweb.google.com/ademan555/Misc/photo#5076870108898759058    is basically my setup replace banshee with apache and you'll see what i'm trying to do09:25
mikey1well, i dont know what else to do, because it says it each time i put the command in the terminal09:25
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NubbieTakmadeus: you can do batch jobs with this program, but it also happens to have a gui.09:25
Jordan_Umikey1, rebooting should work09:25
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Applehas any one used an AMD processor with the brisbane core?09:26
NubbieTakmadeus: i build entire library trees using that program, multiple thousands of songs.09:26
Ztais there a quick way to rename all ISO889-2 named files to UTF8?09:26
Nubbie!anyone | apple09:26
ubotuapple: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:26
TakmadeusNubbie: checking09:26
=== Diki [n=tyler@bas10-toronto12-1096758584.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:27
rolfenAdeman: maybe the firewall on your server then09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nobody - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
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NubbieAdeman: i'm no expert with running servers, i have casually a couple of times, but my ISP now is a nazi, they have almost every port on lock down.09:27
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Slicknesshow do you REinstall ubuntu? i only seem to be able to find how to do the initial installation,(which was very easy)09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botflood - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
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Nubbieberent: can you take it easy on the bot?09:27
Nubbieberent: or private message it if you want to fool around?09:27
AdemanNubbie: that sucks09:28
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berentNubbie: yeah . don;t be so rude09:28
ThanatosDriveberent: Ademan was referring to Nubbie's ISP issue.09:28
berentoh ok09:28
Nubbieberent: excuse me, i'm just asking you not to flood the channel which i and possible others think is rude. i wasn't being rude in asking you to follow  the rules.09:28
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Bryancan anyone help me?  I had my wireless up and running earlier, but now I cant even restart network without a permission denied error09:29
magnetronBryan: what were you doing when it stopped working?09:29
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BryanAfter I restarted09:30
PJAlgum brasileiro ai???????09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
magnetronBryan: what were you doing before you restarted an it stopped working?09:30
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magnetron!pt | PJ09:31
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PJe ai09:31
ubotuPJ: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
BryanNothing out of the ordinary, firefox09:31
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages09:31
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BryanI did have to shut it down forcibly, it froze up09:31
TakmadeusNubbie: I may say that this will be a very useful piece of software, yet it does not do what I need, yet thanks ;)09:31
NubbieTakmadeus: i'm pretty sure you can use it from the command line too, if that's what you're interested in.09:32
Nubbieie. read id3 tags to rename all of the filenames accordingly.09:32
magnetronBryan: Exactly what does the error message say and where do you see it?09:32
Bryanhmm one sec09:32
mhz`-nubbie, any idea on how to modify the keyboard layout/model?09:32
mhz`-from command?09:32
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ThanatosDriveIs it possible to be in two servers at once on gaim?09:33
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ThanatosDriveLike, freenode and efnet at the same time?09:34
Bryanfailed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: permission denied09:34
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pppZero_sure is, just create a new account for the second server09:34
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ThanatosDriveAhhh, I see it.09:34
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Bryanthat is it exactly09:35
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Bryanany ideas?09:37
rolfenBryan: normally you need to sudo to restart networking09:38
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BryanSudo worked better I think, but said no such device09:40
magnetronBryan: try this in a terminal: sudo chmod u+w /var/run/network/ifstate09:40
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magnetronBryan: what command are you running when you get that error?09:41
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TakmadeusCoders anywhere?09:42
Bryansudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:42
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ccmsomebody can tell me how a grub entry should look like when a feisty mbr installed grub has to call a partition installed gutsy grub?09:43
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rolfenBryan: what device is missing?09:43
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golem_from the net-install; kubuntu desktop, ubuntu desktop, or xubuntu desktop?  aiming to try beryl09:44
TakmadeusBryan: sorry to interrupt you, yet I have a simple question.... as you seem to be quite popular around here, may I ask you if you know someone who knows a little bit of coding?09:44
ThanatosDriveKubuntu, I would say.09:44
ccmgolem_: you are always safe with ubuntu desktop09:44
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DisabledDuckhow do i make files and folders hidden?09:45
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mebaran151does anybody know a good mp3 tagging programming that could quickly remove extraneous trailing commas09:45
TakmadeusByan: Do you know how to code?09:45
mebaran151from the artist and title field in batch09:45
BryanNot at all09:45
mebaran151DisabledDuck, prepend a . in front of their names09:45
golem_alright, plain vanilla desktop it is09:45
BryanPretty noobish09:45
magnetronDisabledDuck: if the name start with a .   it will not be shown by default, but it would still be easy to list them09:46
mebaran151Bryan, take up ruby.... it's neato09:46
rolfengolem_: xubuntu is easyer on resources09:46
mdiousmhz`-:  I think you can configure your keyboard in /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
TakmadeusBryan: so, by any chance you know about someone who knows how to code?09:46
mhz`-i  can't type shit though, i was able to once then messed it up09:46
mdiousmhz`-:  look for your keyboard under Input device09:46
DisabledDuckmagnetron: now if i do that, will i have to change where certain applications change the data, or will the application ignore the . ?09:46
magnetronTakmadeus: do you know anyone how know how to code09:47
BryanNo I don't really know anyone sorry.09:47
mhz`-right now, i'm plugged directly in with a different keyboard09:47
mdiousah gotcha, could you boot from a live cd and do it?09:47
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mhz`-yeah that's what i had to do b/c i can't type anything to login09:47
mdiousspeaking of which, if you ssh to a remote machine that uses a different keyboard layout than yours...do you get that keyboard layout, or do you use your own?09:47
mhz`-even though i setup my user, etc09:47
Takmadeusmagnetron: that's exactly what I need to find09:47
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magnetronDisabledDuck: you will have to rearrange the applications to point to the new name09:47
TakmadeusBryan: thanks anyway man ;)09:47
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BryanWhen I ran that magnetron, it told me op. not permitted09:47
ThanatosDriveTakmadeus: What language?09:48
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Bryansorry i wasnt any help09:48
NaNO2xdoes anyone know where the installer script to detect video stuff at installation is?09:48
TakmadeusThanatosDrive: any language that allows to make a very simple GUI09:48
comodocan someone help me everytime i start up beryl in ubuntu i loose my bar on top of windows that has the minamize maxamize buttons?09:48
mhz`-yup, this basic keyboard09:48
mhz`-not working09:48
=== Selanit [n=selanit@cpe-70-112-188-133.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronDisabledDuck: "hiding" folders is very easy to bypass... for true protection, you would have to encrypt your hard drive09:48
TakmadeusBryan: It's OK man I hope that you gfet better in your coding skills tho :p09:48
BryanIm  pinging fine though09:49
jafnoobhi! when loading beryl on gnome emerald wont start. I've put emerald in sessions. any ideas how to fix this?09:49
BryanJust cant get internet, etc.09:49
SelanitQuestion: does Ubuntu have a "debug mode"?  I've been having way too many crashes.09:50
mhz`-i got it working again09:50
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mhz`-i'm just gonna reinstall i think09:50
TakmadeusThanatosDrive: Any ideas?09:50
magnetronSelanit: when do you get these crashes? while surfing?09:50
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vontuxhello, how do I delete symbolic links?09:50
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mdioussorry I can't help...I'm off, cya, all the best09:51
Takmadeusjafnoob: you need beryl manager, not emerald ;)09:51
mdiousvontux:  the same way you delete anything...just use rm no the link itself ;)09:51
ThanatosDriveTakmadeus: You can try #ubuntu-programming, but last I checked, it was near empty.09:51
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TakmadeusThanatosDrive: checking...09:51
ThanatosDriveTakmadeus: Still is. 6 people including me and ChanServ09:51
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mdiousvontux:  sorry if that was unclear, don't rm what the link is pointing to...rm the link you created that points to..where ever09:51
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Selanitmagnetron:  I haven't noticed a pattern.  They typically happen about 3 minutes after I log in to KDE.  The mouse and keyboard stop responding, and I can't log in via SSH.  Nothing to do but re-set.  It's happened when I've been surfing, but also when I've been using InkScape, listening to music in Amarok, or playing Starcraft.09:51
dopei have a "failed to kill" msg scrolling the terminal. how do i kill this?09:51
TakmadeusThanatosDrive: can you help me?09:52
vontuxmidious: so in other words, the link file that is created, not the file that the link file is pointing to?09:52
RiverGirl_variant: Back again for continuation of yesterday. Thanks to you, now all main /home sub-dirs successfully copied to another machine. Feeling somewhat safer now.09:52
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magnetronSelanit: i had similar crashes, mine was related to a hardware problem09:52
Sonic1Is there a way to get around the Creative X-Fi drivers problem in Ubuntu?09:52
ThanatosDriveTakmadeus: I don't know how to create GUIs, and am still in the early stages of learning C. Sorry =/09:52
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TakmadeusThanatosDrive: It's OK, I am trying my chances at the programming channel09:53
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jafnoobTakmadeus, lol thanks. one could assume installing the beryl metapackage would include it, but nooo, thanks anyway09:53
bustacaphey all - any members in here can tell me how to set my hostname cloak - I've had a quick squiz at freenode.net and couldn't find it out quickly09:53
magnetron!cloak | bustacap09:53
ubotubustacap: Tor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks09:53
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Takmadeusjafnoob: I am glad to help you09:54
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mebaran151could anyone reccommend a good mp3 tagging programming09:54
mebaran151that I could batch09:54
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mebaran151alot of my songs have trailing commas in their artist and album fields and I'd like to remove them09:54
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SelanitCriminy, it happened again09:54
Takmadeusmebaran151: try easytag, it is quite good09:54
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summer_s4can someone tell me how to install java?09:54
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magnetronsummer_s4: java for firefox or java compiler?09:55
SelanitJust froze on me - I had to reboot.09:55
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summer_s4java for firefox09:55
SelanitIf I drop out again that's probably why09:55
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RiverGirl_variant: or someone else, assuming my broken boot is indeed caused by bug #106864 and given my broken LVM root is now mounted from liveCD as '/home/ubuntu/chrootOriginal/' what are the detailed next steps to recover this so that it boots ?09:56
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SelanitI don't know what's causing all this instability.  I don't think it's a user-space application, but I have no way of knowing.09:56
bustacapmebaran151: I found that Ex Falso was the best app I could find (it was the only one that could do decent .m4a tagging)09:56
drafaelhey, if you copy+paste an ext3 partition, except to a different size... and so it shows up as having the wrong size, and more diskspace full than it should... what easy way is there to fix it? fchk(?).ext3 /../.. didn't do a thing :[09:56
summer_s4can someone tell me how to download/install java?09:57
SelanitSo is there some way I can turn on verbose logging for everything, or something?  It's driving me nuts.  I keep having to boot into Windows any time I want to get any serious work done.  Oh, the irony!09:57
mebaran151bustacap, ex falso09:57
mebaran151from whence?09:57
magnetronsummer_s4: first you should start Synaptic. in Synaptic, use the repository dialogue to enable multiverse. then search for sun-java5-jre and install it09:57
mebaran151bustacap, is it in the standard repos09:57
bustacapmebaran151: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=feisty&release=all&keywords=falso&sourceid=mozilla-search09:58
bustacapI used the Ubuntu Package Search in Firefox for that one..09:58
bustacap(I am assuming that you are using Gnome)09:58
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drafaelany ideas about the fix partition thing? or do I have to copy + paste it manually ;-;09:59
drafael(the files)09:59
summer_s4back them up09:59
magnetrondon't pm me summer_s4, thank you. you will have to start Synaptic, it's in the System menu.09:59
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summer_s4I got a synaptic error09:59
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summer_s4dpkg thing and chatch=open()10:00
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user1_how do i use iptables-restore to load a firewall file?10:01
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summer_s4!hi juiceman10:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi juiceman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
StRubotu, hi is hello10:02
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:02
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drafaelguess it's manual copy+paste time then... 220000+ image files, I was hoping I could just repair it and not do this all over again -__________________-10:03
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Juicemanok so i have a very small problem with my ubuntu on my home desktop system10:03
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Juicemani cant get my selphy cp720 to work10:04
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support10:04
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Juicemananyone may help?10:05
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summer_s4anyone know how to install apachi http server and php5 onto ubuntu?10:06
Ademanubuntu doesn't have a firewall on or installed by default right?10:06
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summer_s4by default10:06
AmiDaniel_awaysummer_s4: Easiest way is through synaptic10:07
troopperi_!apache > summer_s410:07
AmiDaniel_away!apache | summer_s410:07
ubotusummer_s4: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:07
PJQual a sala do ubuntu brasil???10:08
magnetron!br | PJ10:08
ubotuPJ: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:08
Sp4rKyi would know if it's possible to 'synchronize' screen session between servers ?10:08
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hassanHi guys, i need help on this,10:09
hassanfor a while now, I have been trying to convince a friend to move to Linux, he needed a new computer so he decided to assemble a new one and run Ubuntu on it.10:09
hassanhe has selected an nvidia geforce n8800 GTX (wich should work fine).10:09
hassanthe installation went fine, but he is a major show stopper. The nvidia driver fails to detect the correct wude screen resolution. we have googled it and it looks like a bug in the driver (something with EDID).10:09
hassannote: he is using a DVI connection for his screen.10:09
hassanAny ideas?10:09
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Juicemanselphy is a printer for photographs10:10
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Juicemanok maybe ill ask later10:11
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rolfenhassan: maybe use the generic driver instead... he's not going to play any games in linux anyway10:13
SelanitWell, it happened again.  That's four total freezes in the last hour.  I'm in windows, now - Kubuntu no longer loads in normal mode.  It freezes about a third of the way through the boot process.  Something is seriously fubared.10:13
summer_s4how do i install lamp?10:14
magnetron!lamp > summer_s410:14
rolfenSelanit: what's the last message before it freezes?10:14
L0cKn!say lamp > summer_s410:14
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SelanitI'm glad you asked.  When this has happened before, I got no message, ever.10:14
cman456summer_s4: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies10:14
SelanitBUT, when I booted into "recovery mode" just now, I did in fact get an error message!10:14
SelanitI was using lynx, trying to find a command-line IRC client, when it froze and I got this message:10:15
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Selanit324.642518 soft lockup detected on CPU#0!10:15
SelanitJust like that, including the exclamation point.10:15
Juicemanis there any restore function in ubuntu?10:15
mebaran151I'd like to trim the comma off the end of a large number music tags10:16
maethhi, i have a little problem here... i restarted the pc and i found it after a compiz fusion update, in resolution 640x480, wich basically doesnt let me see anything except this IRC, so, i tried to increase the resolution and it doesnt give me any option but the 640x480 one...WTF???10:17
Selanitmaeth: try logging out, then restarting X by hitting control+alt+backspace.  If that doesn't work, check to see if something overwrote your xorg.conf file10:18
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maethSelanit, all ready tried, i dont know wich part should i change of my xorg.conf10:19
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Selanitmaeth, look for the Modes sections10:20
maethSelanit, done, i find every supported modes that i normally would find10:20
rolfenSelanit: looks like problems with some driver10:20
maethSelanit, i dont understand10:20
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maethSelanit, it was working perfectly till yesterday, an update came and this happen :S10:21
maeth(dont recall wich exactly but i know it may be one of the compiz fusion proyect)10:21
metbsdwhat's latest vmware version in ubuntu10:22
Selanitmaeth, it's happened to me when I've gotten an update to my graphics drivers, but restarting X has always fixed it for me10:22
Juicemanand also why my 3d dektop effects wont work with my ati x700?10:22
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maethSelanit, allready tried :S10:22
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maethgonna shut down GDM and X and BRB10:22
Selanitmaeth, then I don't know what else to tell you.  Sorry10:22
metbsdi'm thinking about setup a linux and then use vmware for occasional windows action10:22
maethSelanit, k... thnx anyway10:22
Selanitrolfen, is there any way I can figure out WHICH driver is causing the problem?  'Cause this is rendering my system basically unusable10:22
rolfenSelanit: i dont know....10:23
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Juicemannick invisibleman10:24
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maethdamn... nothing10:24
maethwhat should i do??10:24
maeththis is REALLY anoyinh10:24
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maethSelanit, do u know how to change it manually? the resolution? via Command10:25
maethSelanit, k thnx anyway10:25
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rolfenSelanit: do you have integrated wireless in your computer? maybe turning it off from the BIOS can help10:26
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SelanitNo, no integrated wireless.  It's a desktop system.  But I DO have a wireless PCI card in the system.10:26
SelanitI think I'll start by re-booting my system into recovery mode and getting a list of the drivers that loaded.  Since the most recent crash happened while I was in a console-only environment, it's got to have been caused by a driver that loaded for that.  Then I can go down the list and see if anybody else has reported similar problems with those drivers10:27
rolfenSelanit: do you know if it uses the Intel Pro Wireless 3945 chip?10:27
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SelanitUrr, hold on10:28
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SelanitNo, the wireless PCI card in my system is an Edimax EW-7128G using an Ralink RT2500 chipset10:29
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rolfenSelanit: ah damn...10:29
SelanitI take it there are problems with the Intel Pro Wireless 3945 chip?10:30
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magnetronSelanit: that intel card should work great in ubuntu, that's what i've heard10:32
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SelanitHmm.  Well, that's not what I've got, so it was an idle question, really.10:32
rolfenSelanit: by what was the last thing you did before you started getting this problem? or is it a new ubuntu install?10:33
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rolfenSelanit: i meant "by the way"10:33
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Selanitrolfen:  It's been happening intermittently for a couple of months.  I'm not sure when it started.  Recently it's gotten worse though.  I haven't noticed anything in particular that might have affected it.10:34
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SelanitThe last major change I made to the system was replacing my wireless card.  I think I'll start googling to see if anybody has had CPU lockups with an Edimax EW-7128G.10:35
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magnetronSelanit: when i experienced hard crashes with ubuntu lately, it was because of a hardware problem. i had irq collisions.10:36
rolfenSelanit: well i'm not sure ... but it might be related to your wireless adapter10:36
rolfeni have read some reports saying so10:36
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SelanitI wonder whether I ought to file a bug with Canonical10:36
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SelanitAh HA10:37
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SelanitMy bad - my card's chipset isn't RaLink RT2500, it's an RaLink RT6110:37
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SelanitAnd that post suggests that other people have had this problem with this card10:38
SelanitAnd that there's a fix in CVS10:38
rolfenSelanit: ok10:38
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toddyeverytime i start my system i have to type my name and code for two times,why?10:40
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toddyany one can help?10:40
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scottie7when I reboot, the eth0 & lo network devices are initialised properly, but the routing table is empty! what's going on?10:42
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scottie7& why is firefox (internet?) soooo sloooooowwwwwwwww?10:44
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=== Anton99 likes ubuntu :)
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=== win must die! :D
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=== Linux_ rulezzzzz
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scottie7rem: firefox is slow  ... i disabled ipv610:45
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=== Selanit needs to reboot
zeushey...why is mgawow offline?10:45
davfscottie7 google speed up firefox in linux10:46
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=== Anton99 want to get ktorrent workin' correctly on xubuntu :)
davfLots of info available.10:46
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dwais anybody here using compiz and compiz fusion? I would like to know how i can make it so windows remember their last known position10:46
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Anton99where i can get CompizFusion alpha?10:46
scottie7davf, tried disabling IPv6 in firefox ... no difference10:47
davfother issues as well. google it.10:47
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summer_s4how do you tell if your using ipv6 or ipv410:47
dwaAnton99: opencompositing.org10:47
Anton99dwa, big thanks!10:48
davfhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html scottie710:48
Anton99but there is only compiz and beryl :( i wanna compizfusion!10:48
=== summer_s4 asks "How can you tell if what you are using ipv4 or IPV6
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dwascottie7: you might want to check out swiftfox as well10:48
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dwaAnton99: fusion is there too, just check the forums10:48
Anton99fount :)10:49
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summer_s4how do i get beryl?10:50
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Anton99http://www.beryl-project.org just read ReadMe :)10:50
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RealUser!scan interna/tiny_mce/plugins/ibrowser/ibrowser.php?tinyMCE_imglib_include= "Papoo CMS"10:50
dwasummer_s4: beryl is no longer being developed10:51
rolfensummer_s4: install it through synaptic10:51
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Anton99why beryl isn't developed?!?!?!?!10:51
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summer_s4synaptic dosn't work for me10:51
dwait merged back into compiz10:51
Anton99into compiz FUSiON? :)10:51
rolfensummer_s4: compiz-fusion is the newer replacement for beryl but compiz-fusion cannot be installed yet from synaptic hence it's abit complicated to install10:52
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dwacorrect rolfen10:52
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summer_s4for some reason synaptic dosn't work for me10:52
BrendanMhey, does anyone here use pyNeighborhood for browsing SMB shares?10:52
rolfensummer_s4: that's not normal at all10:52
scottie7davf, hmmmm ... tried it. still slow. very slow ... like 10x slower than firefox running on my other computer. (Redhat)10:52
BrendanMsummer, what error do you get?10:52
earthlingsummer_s4, what error does it give you?10:52
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togr!doesn't work10:53
netyirehello all! anyone used deluge torrent before? downloads seem to have problems completing, jumping around 99.xx%10:53
netyirecan anyone help?10:53
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.10:53
summer_s4let me go onto my other irc thing10:53
summer_s4E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:53
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:53
summer_s4E: _cache->open() failed, please report.10:53
summer_s4those two10:53
earthlingsummer_s4, did you follow those instructiosn?10:54
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summer_s4what instructions?10:54
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earthlingsummer_s4, to run dpkg --configure -a10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opyight - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copyright - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.10:55
ubotugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html10:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copyleft - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:55
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ubotuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org10:55
togrAnton99, you can /msg the bot10:55
summer_s4how do i install beryl?10:55
earthlingsummer_s4, you're too lazy to fix it now.  is that what you PM'd me?10:55
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rolfensummer_s4: if you fix your synptic everything will become easy10:56
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earthlingsummer_s4, don't ask for help.10:56
earthlingsummer_s4, and don't PM me.10:56
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summer_s4i am to tired to fix my errors.  It is 4 in the morning were i am10:57
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=== summer_s4 thinks 'were is my coffee'
togrthen get some sleep10:57
earthlingsummer_s4, if you're too tired to fix what's broken, then don't ask for help.  very simple.10:57
=== Phlosten [n=andrew@CPE-143-238-78-61.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
BrendanMsummer, this is really easy10:57
togrtry again when you're awake10:57
BrendanMI've had that problem10:58
BrendanMjust run the dpkg command in a terminal10:58
summer_s4how do i fix it?10:58
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BrendanMand then synaptic will work10:58
BrendanMsummer, do you know where the terminal is?10:58
netyireanyone know what the problem is?10:58
summer_s4umm... 1 problome.  I am new to linux so barely10:58
netyireor has the same problem?10:58
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summer_s4i am awake enough to fix it10:58
BrendanMSummer, I think the terminal is under accessories (Somebody else? I'm not on GNOME)10:59
summer_s4too bad my step-dad isn't working with ubuntu10:59
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summer_s4ok what do i type in it10:59
BrendanMsudo dpkg --configure -a10:59
summer_s4i knew were it was10:59
BrendanMand then you might have to enter your password10:59
Anton99:D :D :D10:59
netyireanyone can help me with deluge, the download stays at 99.xx% :(11:00
BrendanMafter that (assuming you don't get any other weird errors) synaptic should work11:00
Anton99apt-get moo11:00
summer_s4how long is it supposed to take?11:00
BrendanMlike a few seconds for me11:00
Anton99sudo apt-get moo :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:11:00
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BrendanMit might take longer depending on what you have installed11:00
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BrendanMSomebody correct me, but I think what it's doing is rebuilding the database of installed packages on your machine11:00
summer_s4sudo apt-get moo11:01
summer_s4         (__)11:01
summer_s4         (oo)11:01
summer_s4   /------\/11:01
summer_s4  / |    ||11:01
summer_s4 *  /\---/\11:01
summer_s4    ~~   ~~11:01
summer_s4...."Have you mooed today?"...11:01
summer_s4This appeared on ternimal11:01
summer_s4sudo apt-get moo11:01
BrendanMA lot of times stuff on Linux doesn't give you any message if it works, it just gives you a blank thing11:01
summer_s4 (__)11:01
BrendanMyeah, that's a little joke11:01
BrendanMthe apt cow11:01
Anton99yeah :D this is easter egg :D11:01
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4it says have you mooed today11:01
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BrendanMit's a joke, don't worry about it11:01
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Anton99man apt-get11:02
Anton99if there is This APT Has super cow powers!11:02
Anton99then it appears :D11:02
netyireurm... anyone?11:02
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summer_s4sudo apt-get poop11:02
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summer_s4how do i set up beryl?11:02
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Anton99ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
BrendanMsummer, see if synaptic works11:02
BrendanMand if synaptic works, there's probably a package for beryl11:02
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BrendanMalthough you might want to wait until you're less tired to start in on beryl11:03
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BrendanMI've heard it can be tricky. You need to right video card drivers.11:03
Anton99how i can set up AIXGL?11:03
summer_s4it works11:03
Anton99and who is different between XGL and AIXGL11:04
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netyireanyone can help me with deluge, the download stays at 99.xx%, yet the download speed is >20kbps11:04
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BrendanMnetyire, is this all downloads?11:05
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BrendanMor just one specific torrent you're having a problem with?11:05
netyirehmm, its the first torrent I tried, its from a private tracker and is quite well seeded11:05
netyireI've read the deluge forums or part of it, some other people have posted about a similar situation11:06
BrendanMnetyire, it's possible that there's like 1 or 2 pieces that nobody has. so your speed stays high, but you keep downloading the same parts11:06
netyirethe deluge irc channel ain't responding11:06
=== terr1en [n=tom@AStDenis-105-1-72-104.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BrendanMok, well, then I'd say keep looking around those forums11:06
netyiremaybe Deluge doesn't ban bad peers11:06
BrendanMpeople on there are going to know a lot more than anyone here11:06
Houdini_Userim a new ubuntu user  ..installed it just yesterday (first time using a linux platform)11:06
netyireokay then, appreciate the help11:06
BrendanMcool, welcome aboard Houdini11:07
rolfenHoudini_User: welcome11:07
BrendanMsorry I couldn't be more use11:07
BrendanMtry at least one other torrent11:07
dayaraphink, hi11:07
Houdini_Useri have a few questions...maybe someone can help me with then11:07
BrendanMto make sure it isn't just a problem with that torrent/tracker11:07
rolfenHoudini_User: ubuntu is not perfect... but it can be made to work :) sure go ahead11:07
BrendanMsure Houdini, go a head11:07
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netyire:D, I'll try ktorrent11:07
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Houdini_Userok..#1...i have a gf6800...and i want to install the latest drivers for that....but i dunno what driver version is currently installed.....how do i find that out?11:08
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Houdini_Usernvidia geforce 6800 gt....videocard11:08
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rolfenHoudini_User: what you could do is go into synaptic and do a search on "nvidia" and see what comes up11:09
summer_s4why do i have to remove sun java manually11:10
Houdini_Useryeah...i did that search...and installed    nvidia_glx package...11:10
Anton99nvidia-glx :)11:10
BrendanMHoudini, try typing 'fglrxinfo'11:10
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BrendanMin the terminal11:10
rolfenHoudini_User: just near the name there is the version ifo11:10
BrendanMthat should tell you something about the driver11:10
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Houdini_Userlemme check where this terminal is...11:11
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rolfenHoudini_User: it's in applications11:11
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summer_s4oh god this takes a long time11:11
BrendanMhoudini: applications -> accessories11:12
_Lucretia_ubuntu hung again last night, could change desktops with the mouse but the keyboard wouldn't respond. the power management is set to never on both display and computer11:12
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summer_s4how do i get the linux equivelent of the [ctrl] +[alt] +[delete] ?11:12
BrendanMthe terminal is a big part of using linux.11:12
arnathhi, my grub is reporting an "error 5"11:12
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arnath5 : Partition table invalid or corrupt11:12
arnath    This error is returned if the sanity checks on the integrity of the partition table fail. This is a bad sign.11:12
BrendanMsummer, ctrl+esc will let you kill things11:12
arnathso...how bad is it exactly?11:12
BrendanMor, ctrl+alt+esc11:12
arnathis the harddrive wasted or..?11:12
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BrendanMarnath, that could be bad news11:13
BrendanMhave you tried using the recovery mode? or does it not even get that far?11:13
arnathdoesnt get that far11:13
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Houdini_Userok...i typed that   fglrxinfo....and it said..that the package is not installed....i can install it by typing:  sudo <something>11:13
BrendanMarnath, you should try booting from a live CD if possible11:14
rolfensummer_s4: system monitor11:14
arnathBrendanM: is it my harddrive that is broken?11:14
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BrendanMarnath, it sounds like at the very least the partition table is corrupted11:14
BrendanMthat almost always happens if the hard drive is physically failing, but sometimes other things cause it too11:14
arnathye, but i dont know what can cause that :s11:14
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arnathmy computer had been acting weird before, crashing after a few hours, i had to reboot manually everytime11:15
BrendanMif you boot from a live CD, you might be able to mount the hard drive and recover data off of it11:15
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Houdini_Userusing this new OS ...reminds me of the time when i first installed  OS/2 Warp 3.0 ...over 13 yrs ago...hehe11:15
arnathin that respect, im lucky, i have just backed up 80+ gig of files from the drive11:15
BrendanMhoudini, wow. If you can use OS/2 Warp, you can definitely deal with Ubuntu11:16
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arnathBrendanM: burning live cd btw, will see wot it does11:17
Houdini_Userok...next question is... #2...ubuntu will not let me increase my screen res past 1024x768....  how do i get it to 1600x1200?11:17
_Lucretia_is anybody else getting random hangs in ubuntu? This is only happening when I leave the machine alone11:17
arnath_Lucretia_: ye me :|11:17
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_Lucretia_is it the same tho? leave the machine alone?11:17
_Lucretia_re you 32-bit or 64?11:17
_Lucretia_right, 64 here11:18
_Lucretia_is yours pm related?11:18
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_Lucretia_somebody else here had that11:18
shackHi guys, could someone take a look on this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30082/11:18
arnathnot a clue11:18
_Lucretia_arnath: have you got got pm set to never?11:18
summer_s4can someone get houdini's question answered?11:18
arnathbut now my computer won't boot anymore, getting "error 5" in grub11:18
shackWhen I'm trying to install software with apt-get instaal softwarename I get those errors11:18
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BrendanMHoudini, here's some info about nVidia drivers: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_nvidia_drivers_in_7.0411:18
arnath_Lucretia_: not entirely sure what you mean by that hehe, not really a guru :|11:18
Houdini_Userthank you BrendanM11:19
Houdini_Useri'll check itout right now11:19
_Lucretia_Houdini_User: do you have that res in your xorg.conf file? if not, you won't get it to work11:19
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_Lucretia_arnath: go to system -> prefs -> power management, both sliders11:19
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arnath_Lucretia_: can't do that :s pc won't boot anymore as of this morning11:19
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_Lucretia_arnath: ah11:20
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aviswhat would be the proper command line to tar and compress a home directory ?11:20
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_Lucretia_arnath: will it post?11:20
arnath_Lucretia_: eh?11:20
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Houdini_Userno _Lucretia_...i dunno if that is in the xorg.conf file...i just installed ubuntu a few hours ago....my first time using  a linux platform :)11:21
summer_s4thanks brendanM11:21
BrendanMavis, try man "tar"11:21
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_Lucretia_arnath: does it not boot at all or can it get somewhere?11:21
arnath_Lucretia_: it errors out when grub is starting to load, says grub error 511:21
BrendanMwow, arnath and lucretia, sounds like you have the same issue11:21
evmavis: something like: tar -czvf filename.tar.bz2 /home/homedir11:21
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avisthank you evm11:22
BrendanMmy advice would be to boot from a live CD and run fscheck (file system check) on your hard drives11:22
evmavis: oops, replace the z with a j if you want the bz2 suffix...11:22
arnathBrendanM: burning the cd as we speak :p11:22
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avisevm, ok thank you.11:23
_Lucretia_Houdini_User: yeah, that's probably the problem then, you ned to create a new line in your xorg.conf file, "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and where the lines are in the "Display" subsections, add in the new resolution "1600x1200" before all the others for all the different bit depths. Adding it first will select that as default11:23
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_Lucretia_Houdini_User: like this: Modes    "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1280x492" "800x600"11:24
Houdini_Usergot it11:24
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_Lucretia_arnath: your boot partition might be screwed11:25
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Houdini_Userok...last question for now...#3...is there a yahoo messanger for ubuntu? the yahoo messnager site shows versions for redhat, freebsd, debian linux only....11:25
_Lucretia_arnath: try the live cd11:25
BrendanMit sounds like the partition table is shot at least11:25
arnathit just finished burning11:25
BrendanMit's possible the partition itself is ok11:25
_Lucretia_Houdini_User: if they have a deb package, you can ue that11:25
Houdini_Userok :)  thanks alot11:25
_Lucretia_BrendanM: or the mbr is knackered11:25
Jordan_UHoudini_User, Does GAIM support yahoo messenger?11:26
BrendanMHoudini_User, I think gaim will let you use Yahoo messenger11:26
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_Lucretia_which will require grub being installed again11:26
Houdini_Userwhat is gaim?11:26
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BrendanMbut I don't know about a standalone client11:26
BrendanMHoudini_User, gaim is the Ubuntu instant messenger program11:26
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:26
avisgain is a IM client that supports a bunch of different protocols in one11:26
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Jordan_UHoudini_User, A messenger that supports just about everything11:26
_Lucretia_can anybody help me pinpoint this hang?11:26
BrendanMhmm, doesn't list Yahoo11:26
BrendanMunless Jabber = Yahoo?11:26
apersonit supports yahoo11:26
_Lucretia_BrendanM: nah11:26
matkixCan someone help me! I'm following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308152 and I need help on a step!11:27
_Lucretia_BrendanM: dont think it does11:27
thomash_I've got a laptop with an integrated intel sound card. The problem I'm having is that when I connect headphones the sound still comes out of the laptop speakers as well as the headphones. The mixer doesn't let me change that. any ideas?11:27
apersongoogle talk uses jabber11:27
Houdini_Userthank you everyone for the help...11:27
Jordan_UBrendanM, I think Jabber = google talk11:27
arnatho fucked up, now my computer isnt getting any power anymore it seems11:27
DerangedDingoGAIM supports yahoo11:27
Houdini_Useronce i get all this working...i'll come back with more questions :)11:27
DerangedDingoi use it every day11:27
BrendanMHoudini user, it looks like there is a Yahoo messenger standalone client too11:27
arnathwell actually its getting power, but wont start up11:27
Jordan_U!ohmy | arnath11:27
ubotuarnath: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:27
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aviswhat are some typical tasks i might wish to run on a desktop to add to my /etc/anachrontab file ?  i've got updatedb down.  not sure what else11:28
Houdini_Userohh..and i need a irc client too.....but i guess there will be a mirc for that..11:28
apersonxchat is good11:28
Trezker_I like xchat11:28
BrendanMHoudini_User, gaim supports IRC too11:28
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avisHoudini_User, i like xchat.11:29
BrendanMI'm actually using gaim right now (well, pidgin actually)11:29
apersonwait, you need an irc client, but yet, you are in irc11:29
DerangedDingoi'm using gaim right now for IRC11:29
Trezker_Haven't decided whether xchat in gnome is better or worse than wchat in windows...11:29
BrendanMxchat is probably more full-featured11:29
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apersonI don't like the gnome specific version11:29
DerangedDingogaim has a good deal of features... the commands are here.. it highlights your name if it's mentioned11:29
Houdini_Useraperson...im on irc right now on my laptop..hehe...which is windows :)11:29
DerangedDingoetc, etc11:29
BrendanMwell, good luck with Linux Houdini11:30
matkixCan someone help me! I'm following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308152 and I need help on a step!11:30
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=== aperson wonders why gaim is still called gaim in linux, but pidgin in windows
DerangedDingoPidgin is the new version11:30
BrendanMit's called pidgin in Linux too11:30
DerangedDingoGAIM is the old name11:30
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BrendanMthere's a deb for pidgin on www.getdeb.net11:30
matkixI'm getting an error when running make on an install im doing, can anyone help me to understand the error?11:30
=== aperson waits for it to hit the repositories
DerangedDingomost people still use gaim because pidgin could have stability problems11:30
BrendanMand when the new version of Ubuntu launches in October, it'll include "pidgin"11:30
DerangedDingoon different distros11:30
DerangedDingoand stuff11:31
apersonah, thanks11:31
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arnathBrendanM: my computer won't boot at all anymore, it's still getting power, but nothing happens when i hit the button11:31
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BrendanMarnath, did you get hit by lightning or something?11:31
matkixhttp://pastebin.com/m7364f8bb Can someone look at this error and hep me? please11:31
OPENSTOREHi all11:31
Houdini_Userwhen the new version of ubuntu releases.....we'll have install the whole OS from scratch? or is there a quick upgrade thingie?11:31
BrendanMit's possible your power supply burnt out11:31
DerangedDingoarnath, is GRUB failing?11:31
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arnathBrendanM: not that i know of :s though there was a storm this morning11:31
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apersonit'll upgrade itself11:31
BrendanMHoudini_user, nope. there's a really nice upgrade system built in11:31
DerangedDingoarnath: or is it a hardware problem?11:31
CheshireViking!upgrade | Houdini_User11:31
ubotuHoudini_User: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:32
arnathDerangedDingo: it was failing yes, but now my computer just won't do anything anymore11:32
HopFlashHi! Anyone here who can tell me why the command df doesn't show me my root dir?11:32
BrendanMarnath, try smelling the back of the machine near the power supply fan. see if it smells like burning11:32
Houdini_Usersorry for my noob questions :)11:32
BrendanMwhat I call "the bad computer smell"11:32
arnathBrendanM: the power supply still seems to work, as my netwerk card lights up when i turn on the power11:32
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BrendanMarnath, I don't know then. it sounds like you have some serious hardware issues.11:32
arnathah great :<11:32
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DerangedDingoarnath: what type of computer11:33
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BrendanMyou could open the case and make sure all the wires are connected securely11:33
matkixhttp://pastebin.com/m7364f8bb Can someone look at this error and hep me? please11:33
ZtaHow do I switch java implementation?  Basically (I think) I want /usr/sbin/java to point to /opt/java-jdk1.5.0_06/bin/java.  But is there a administration too for this?11:33
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summer_s4can someone look at my error while trying to install beryl?11:33
DerangedDingoarnath: BrendanM's suggestion of opening it up seems good too11:33
arnathits already open11:33
summer_s4configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:33
arnathand everything "seems" ok11:33
summer_s4that is meh error11:33
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maethk, im tired of trying, can anyone help me? i had a problem a while ago by installing an update, the computer resized the resolution to 640 x 480, then i tried to fix it reinstalling the driver and now i lost glx and i have to use the "nv" driver in order to use this program11:34
DerangedDingosummer_s4: are you using gcc?11:34
BrendanMalright, well I gotta get some sleep. Good luck with your problems everyone.11:34
assasukassehi all, i have a problem with totem, the voice and the sound are always a bit desynced..not much but still noticeable11:34
maethand now it says the "x log" that if im sure i have a nvidia card!!! :S11:35
summer_s4never mind i guess i will use the one i don't like using (synapict)11:35
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matkixhttp://pastebin.com/m7364f8bb Can someone look at this error and hep me? please11:35
summer_s4can someone help me get resolution to 1600 X 1200?11:35
maethmen!!! this thing was working perfectly till that #$#&"!! update!!!11:35
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DerangedDingosummer_s4: is that your Monitor's native resolution?11:36
Shafto!fixres | summer_s411:36
ubotusummer_s4: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:36
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avisit seems that when i backup my home directory using tar -cvjf (for .tar.bz2) that it takes an very long time to back it up to my external usb hard drive.  might there be another option that would backup my /home directory quicker ?11:36
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HopFlashCan someone tell me why the commands df and mount don't show me my root dir?11:37
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matkixhttp://pastebin.com/m7364f8bb Can someone look at this error and hep me? please11:37
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apersonexternal hardrive +compression=slow11:37
summer_s4rerun the action matkix11:37
matkixRe run the same thing?11:38
leagrismatkix, I look like the driver you are trying to comile 0.3.6  is not compatible with the kernel version 2.6.20-15-generic used int Ubuntu.11:38
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thomash_I've got a laptop with an integrated intel sound card. The problem I'm having is that when I connect headphones the sound still comes out of the laptop speakers as well as the headphones. The mixer doesn't let me change that. any ideas?11:38
matkixleagris: So what do you think I should do, I'm following this guide. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308111:38
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hatterwhat is the program called that is in the menu 'remote desktop client' ?11:39
_Lucretia_ok, found this in the messages log: http://phpfi.com/250038, I shutdown the machine at around 0300 this morning when I found it hung, dunno why it's trying to access the floppy11:39
apersonvnc client11:39
Dell-Net2terminal server client ?11:39
FasTRootdamageswhat's this mixer11:39
Pophipbonjour ya des francais ?11:39
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evmthomash_: on my laptop I can control the speaker volume independently from the headphone11:39
FasTRootdamagesi understand your question , but part of mixer i don't understand friend11:39
CheshireViking!fr | Pophip11:39
ubotuPophip: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:39
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leagrismatkix, you should search for a newer version of the driver that can compile for your kernel version11:40
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mogydyhi, i am trying to use a belkin blutooth usb dongle, but with no sucess. it has worked on another ubuntu machine, so i know it should work.  lsusb shows : Bus 001 Device 002: ID 050d:0013 Belkin Components, but  hcitool does not see it. please help11:40
apersonFasTRootdamages: Mixer=volume control11:41
evmthomash_: try to go dit->preferences and see if you can make "internal speaker" visible in the mixer... then you can control the volume of the speaker...11:41
FasTRootdamagesaperson hum , ok11:41
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summer_s4i am installing all of beryl.11:41
apersonor maybe try a different mixer device?11:42
FasTRootdamagesi don't know nothing about sound intel , sorry , bye11:42
summer_s4and it takes a lllllooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg time11:42
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leagrismatkix, there is a newer version of the triver here http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html11:42
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DaMastahHi there :)11:42
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matkixleagris: So what changed would I need to make over what is listed in my guide?11:43
apersonI installed beryl in less than two minutes.... add/remove had it and it was no sweat...11:43
matkixleagris: Is that the first one on the list?11:43
summer_s4Holy Baby Wipes.  This takes long time11:43
DaMastahI have a problem with the installation of the hellahella web interface on feisty, can someone help me out ?11:43
leagrismatkix, yes11:43
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summer_s4finely it is done11:44
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matkixleagris: What about the other question?11:44
matkixleagris: So what changed would I need to make over what is listed in my guide?11:44
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matkixleagris: Its the wireless part of the guide11:44
leagrismatkix, Once the new driver compile ok, the guide should be ok11:44
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matkixleagris: So I don't do the same before the compile?11:45
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danyahello ?11:45
rafael__hey people.. i installed the compiz fusion here, it was working but. when i installed that option in the language support...   Input complex caracters...  so that broken my X.. i need to log and type metacity --replace to it works.. someone knows what is happening here ?11:45
rafael__if i dont type metacity --replace. my desktop turn most black.. just a little are is visible...11:46
leagrismatkix, replace the source and follow-up the compilation stage11:46
danyahow can I make some programs like fusion to auto start on start  up ?11:46
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rafael__i think that option installed the scim... and that is not compatible with the compiz fusion, but i tried to remove all and everything about scim . i tried to reinstall my compiz fusion too. and nothing help .. google neither11:47
rafael__please someone can help me ? :(11:47
summer_s4beryl is cool11:48
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rolfensummer_s4: yeah11:48
rafael__its a big trouble here.. :( nobody knows ?11:48
Shaftosummer_s4, Fraid not, compiz fusion is the way :P11:48
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summer_s4Fraid not but i ain't switchin'11:49
summer_s4unless i can do it a'top o' beryl11:49
rafael__danya,  go to system > prefference > sessions  .. and there add..  name  compiz..   command  compiz --replace&11:49
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rafael__someone here had a problem with scim and compiz fusion ?11:50
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_Lucretia_ok, stopping powernowd and poewrnod.early makes the cpu frequency scaling monitor shoot up to 100%!!11:50
GamingXIs this the right place to ask for problems with Ubuntu11:50
rafael__i want some help :P  i dont know what to do when the google dont answer my questions11:50
ShaftoGamingX, Yepppp :)11:50
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FrogzooLucifell: so don't stop it11:50
GamingXCan I start?11:50
rafael__un.. i know what happened but no how to fix it :P11:50
Frogzoo_Lucretia_: so don't stop it11:50
ShaftoGamingX, Ask away, dont bother asking to ask :)11:51
rafael__Shafto, did u read my question ? :(11:51
_Lucretia_Frogzoo: getting a random hang11:51
danyarafael_ : thank u .. and sorry I cant help u :P .. I'm a very new user and installed fusion with no prolbelms11:51
Shaftorafael__, Id ask in #compiz-fusion11:51
incorrectwhat can i use to do visio style network diagrams/11:51
rafael__Shafto, arigatou11:51
avisi am curious how a serial cable from a UPS connected to my computer may or may not enhance its ability to save itself from a power failure with ubuntu ?11:51
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Frogzoo_Lucretia_: I see11:51
danyarafael_ : yea the guys at compiz are helpfull ! especially crdlb11:51
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_Lucretia_Frogzoo: dunno if this is the problem11:51
Frogzoo_Lucretia_: process of elimination I guess11:51
GamingXOk...I just installed Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.0.4. I tried to install the NVidia Geforce FX 5200 AGP graphics card that I had,11:52
Frogzoo_Lucretia_: google your make/model - others may have resolved it11:52
_Lucretia_Frogzoo: does powernowd just manage the frequency of the cpus?11:52
skollieavis: the idea is that the UPS will send a signal to ubuntu to shut down. Never tried so not sure it actually works, but perhaps someone does11:52
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Frogzoo_Lucretia_: not sure - I didn't think ubuntu used powernowd11:53
aaaaasDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 011:53
_Lucretia_installs by default11:53
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GamingXI downloaded the nvidia-glx package and installed it and on rebooting I am being redirected to the terminal mode instead of Ubuntu GUI starting up and I get an error saying something about not being able to start X servers11:53
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GamingXwat is the problem?11:53
PJUbuntu BR11:53
ShaftoGamingX, Okay....login in that terminal11:53
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GamingXright now i am in windows xp11:54
danyaguys when I apt-get install wine I get this error that the package has no installation candidate what can I do ?11:54
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mc44danya: did you enable universe?11:54
danyamc44 : yes everything is enabled11:54
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ShaftoGamingX, then do 'sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and look at the bottom of the document it will give you some error messages, either that or 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' look for the "nvidia" line and change to "nv"11:55
Frogzoo_Lucretia_: it's not running here on feisty - is this an overheating issue?11:55
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danyaI'm on feisty11:55
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mc44danya: try "apt-get update" then try again11:55
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PJUbuntu Brasil11:55
_Lucretia_Frogzoo: shouldn't be, plenty of air getting to it as the side of the case is off11:55
mc44!br | PJ11:55
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ubotuPJ: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.11:56
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summer_s4what is the apt-get code for compiz fusion?11:56
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Shaftosummer_s4, http://fusioncast.blogspot.com/11:56
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danyamc44 : still same error11:56
=== Hobbsee wishes her op script wasnt so cludgy.
Shaftosummer_s4, At the bottom, theres a simple how-to11:56
_Lucretia_Frogzoo: will disable the onboard ethernet in the bios as I don't need that11:56
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mc44Hobbsee: get seveas to write an appropriate function :)11:57
GamingXwhat do u mean when u say look for the nvidia line and change it to nv11:57
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Hobbseemc44: he wont write one for konversation11:57
mc44danya: what does "apt-cache policy wine" say?11:57
mc44Hobbsee: well, if you will run KDE there is no hope :P11:58
ShaftoGamingX, Well you'll change your driver back to the open source nv one, which would have been what you would have been running before you installed nvidia driver and borke your X11:58
Frogzoo_Lucretia_: amd ?11:58
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GamingXhow do u change it?11:58
danyainstalled : none , candidate none .. mc4411:58
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_Lucretia_Frogzoo: intel11:59
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mc44!universe | danya11:59
ubotudanya: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:59
ShaftoGamingX, Login to the terminal using your normal user/pass, type 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'11:59
mc44danya: make sure you have universe enabled11:59
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GamingXIs that it?11:59
danyamc44 : I'm 100% syre11:59
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ShaftoGamingX, Under the 'Section "Device"' you';ll see a line Driver "nvidia" change the "nvidia" to "nv" then press ctrl+x then press y then enter and then you can type startx or reboot :)12:00
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nomad111what is a good cd/dvd burner program for ubuntu12:00
ShaftoGamingX, That should get you a GUI back for now12:00
Shaftonomad111, gnomebaker?12:01
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nomad111lol good enough12:01
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mc44danya: danya try Applications->Add/Remove software and search for it in there12:01
GamingXokay I have to restart, I will come back later and report on it12:01
paolin1hi,I'm trying to install flashplugin-nonfree , but I have hash mismatch at the end ofo downloading install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz12:01
Frogzoonomad111: k3b12:01
danyamc44 : for what exactly ?12:01
nomad111i am avoiding k3b coz its a kde package12:02
matkixQuestion! I have just configured / installed my wifi card and I now need someway to manage the wifi card from a gui. Whats the best way to do this? The one built in has no idea that I have a wireless card.12:02
mc44danya: ... for wine?12:02
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matkixQuestion! I have just configured - installed my wifi card and I now need someway to manage the wifi card from a gui. Whats the best way to do this? The one built in has no idea that I have a wireless card.12:02
danyamc44 : nothing12:02
bricosorry to sound like such a noob, but how do i associate music files with beep and video with vlc?12:02
mc44danya: make sure "All available applications" is selected in the top right12:02
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danyamc44 : It's selected12:03
mc44danya: click on preferences12:03
matkixQuestion! I have just configured - installed my wifi card and I now need someway to manage the wifi card from a gui. Whats the best way to do this? The one built in has no idea that I have a wireless card.12:03
Shafto!repeat | matkix12:03
ubotumatkix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:03
mc44danya: are all the boxes ticked on that page?12:03
BashBangmatrix: use network manager12:04
nomad111are cd's only 20 minutes12:04
nomad111thats not right12:04
danyamc44 : I told u yes lol .. I've enebaled them when I 1st used ubuntu12:04
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nomad111gnome baker only lets me make a 20 minute cd12:04
matkixDid you read what I said... the network manager won't show my card.12:04
nomad111audio cd that is12:04
Frogzoobrico: right click - properties - >  open with12:04
zodershej witam wszystkich12:04
nomad111am i missing something12:04
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zodersto jest polski kana ubuntu ?12:04
Shaftonomad111, I thought they were mostly 80 minutes nowadays :S12:04
gaze_matkix: The one that comes with ubuntu is the best one out there, so odds are something's wrong there12:04
gaze_best to fix the whole problem12:04
Shafto!pl | zoders12:04
ubotuzoders: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:04
zodersok dziks12:05
mc44danya: well if you can't find wine its most likely because those aren't enabled properly12:05
nomad111Shafto: lol thats what i thought12:05
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nomad111ah yes i found it12:05
matkixgaze_: Well the wifi card required some special installation. So it is not showing up, however it IS working.12:05
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danyamc44 thanks for ur efforts :)12:05
gaze_what kind of special installation?12:05
gaze_I'm pretty sure that they should show up automatically12:06
matkixgaze_: Glad you asked! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30815212:06
BashBangmatkix: if the card works what do you need manage?12:06
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matkixBashBang:  I would like to be able to manage the card from a gui, so I can move from network to network with ease, the reason I use ubuntu, its a gui thats quick and easy with lots of software.12:07
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gaze_did you clear out /etc/network/interfaces?12:07
matkixwell i left the info that was there before, however there was no wep or other info.12:07
BashBangmatkix: k so you need to manage your network, not your card. if your network doesn't show up make sure you have broadcast enabled on your router12:08
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matkixBashBang:  I need to manage my card, I plan to use more than one networks.12:08
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gaze_that's strange. if the only line is is the auto rausb0 \ iface rausb0 inet dhcp12:09
gaze_then that's all I can think of12:09
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matkixUmm pm, I will show you what is listed there.12:09
afd_hi! I'm trying to install ubuntu feisty on a ext3 partition on which I have a /home folder which I don't want erased. I can't do this because when I try to configure the partition as / (root) the installer tells me that it needs to format the partition12:09
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scoobtitshas anyone figured out beryl on ubuntu 7.04 for ati cards???12:09
afd_are there any options to force the install not to format the partition?12:10
afd_I only have the /home folder there12:10
BashBangmatkix: I understand that, I move my laptop from home to work every day and I don't touch any settings on my network card, i just works12:10
gaze_did you restart after you got the card working? Sometimes network manager is weird about that kinda stuff12:10
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bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?12:10
gaze_bashbang: That's not gonna work12:10
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alexIdoiaanyone that knowns how to edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/ keyboard layout ? It is fairly simple but no keys refers to the function keys which I need to use12:11
gaze_I've gotta go get some sleep12:11
matkixone sec12:11
paolin2or, is there any other solution to install flashplugin ?12:12
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matkixgaze_: See your pm?12:12
gaze_yes, and my guess is that since it's not under wlan0 it isn't showing up under network manager, but that's just a wild guess12:12
matkixBashBang: Thanks but I move to / from un-known networks so I need to manage it.12:12
gaze_err... wlan*12:12
matkixSo what do I do?!12:13
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gaze_network manager is a pain in the ass to get working when it doesn't work... best thing to do is tail -f your syslog and restart the network manager daemon and see what it's really picking up12:14
paolin2is it only me that I have this problem with flash ?12:14
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gaze_and just work from there12:14
gaze_good luck12:14
joey__is fedora a good distro?12:15
matkixAnyone willing to help me with that?12:15
gaze_joey__: Why do you ask?12:15
joey__i meant to ask on another channel12:15
BashBangmatkix: what exactly is the problem, I jumped in, in the middle of this12:15
gaze_and yes, it's a fine distro12:15
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AdvoWorkhi there. if my windows server is(server1, or how can i make a connection to that in ubuntu. I tried connect to network, custom path etc, but it says it cant find the directory :/12:16
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bobsomebodyhow do you change the user/group settings on files?12:18
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bobsomebodyi forgot the command12:18
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bobsomebodythats permissions only i though12:19
BashBangor chown12:19
bobsomebodythat one12:19
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bullgard4AdvoWork: If I understood your situation all right, then your only solution is to install Samba12:24
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matkix_Question, Say my network manager won't work. How can I connect to a wireless network?12:25
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ironfroggyhow do i use a ! in a command line?12:26
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ironfroggyit keeps being interpretted by bash and it doesn't seem to like it either12:26
BashBangmatkix_: have you read the man page on iwconfig?12:26
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sreeramironfroggy: echo \!abcd works for me12:28
sreeramso does: echo '!abcd'12:28
sreeram(with bash)12:28
AdvoWorkbullgard4 why samba/12:28
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matkix_BashBang: I've looked at it. not sure I understand. I see my network listed... but im not sure it connected... It isn't getting dhcp. Ideas?12:29
sreeramDoes Ubuntu have something equivalent to `Debian Testing'? So that I can keep updating to reasonably recent releases on a continuous basis?12:29
ironfroggyim doing `python -c "print ord('\!')" and the \ is being sent to python12:29
bullgard4Samba connects Windows and Linux computers in a LAN.12:30
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nox-HandHow do I check procinfo in command line?12:31
bullgard4AdvoWork: Samba connects Windows and Linux computers in a LAN.12:31
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AdvoWorkbullgard4 i think ive got samba installed already :/12:31
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Frogzoo_sreeram: nope - ubuntu has a strict 6 month release cycle - you can find 3rd party backports12:32
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matkix_BashBang: I've looked at it. not sure I understand. I see my network listed... but im not sure it connected... It isn't getting dhcp. Ideas?12:32
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bullgard4AdvoWork: So much better. Then program your Ubuntu client to connect to your server1 at
sreeramFrogzoo_: Ok12:33
sreeramironfroggy: This works: python -c print\ ord\(\'\!\'\)12:33
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AdvoWorkbullgard4 thats what im stuck on. is there a way i can firstly tell if the ubuntu client pc can see the windows server?12:33
sreeramIt's a bit convoluted. There might be a simpler way.12:33
BashBangmatkix_: can you see you comp in your routers dhcp table? is ssid broadcast enabled on the router?12:33
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matkix_I'm looking now, and ssid is enabled12:34
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AdvoWorkbullgard4 i tried ping server1  - couldnt find, ping 192... it pinged that ok12:34
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matkix_BashBang: Its just showing on this end... not connecting as i see it.12:35
ironfroggysreeram: crazy12:35
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bullgard4AdvoWork: It depends on what do you consider 'firstly'. I would suggest that you first ping to What is the result of this ping?12:35
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AdvoWorkbullgard4 it received all packets, so its found the ip ok.12:35
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matkix_BashBang: Wait! I lie, it is connected, I guess I just need traffic now! How might I get things to run over the wireless?12:36
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bullgard4AdvoWork: And if you ping to server1: What is the result?12:36
BlackDesigncould anyone tell me the default lettertype in Xchat?12:36
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AdvoWorkbullgard4 unknown host server112:36
GamingXCan someone help me with a problem?12:36
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bullgard4AdvoWork: So open your computer 'server1' and program it with its hostname=server1.12:37
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tijnhi all12:38
AdvoWorkits already got that, ie from the windows clients i can ping server1 and connect to the server by doing \\server1  just not from the ubuntu network12:38
BashBangmatkix_: great12:38
summer_s4so much help with linux12:38
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matkix_BashBang:  So how do I get it to take an ip?12:39
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ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents12:39
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BashBangmatkix_: how do you know that it is connected?12:39
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:39
matkix_Clients:   00:13:D3:83:EC:38 signal -61dBm  12:39
matkix_My router shows it.12:39
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BashBangmatkix_: but no entry in dhcp tabels?12:40
bullgard4AdvoWork: This would be a troubleshooting step later. Before, pinging to server1 from your ubuntu machine should work all right.12:40
matkix_no, just one for the wired side.12:40
user1__what's latest vmware in ubuntu? can i run win2000 in vmware of ubuntu host?12:40
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BashBangmatkix_: iwconfig is your friend.12:41
matkix_BashBang: Yeah got that, read the man and still am attempting to set it up so I get a ip via dhcp.12:41
bullgard4AdvoWork: You are speaking about an 'Ubuntu network'. I hope that all the computers that you spoke about so far are in the same LAN. Are they or are they not?12:42
tijniam having a problem with my mic, if i connect one, i can hear it over the speakers, but i cant record.. is this an know issue?12:42
AdvoWorkbullgard4 i may have it ;)12:43
bullgard4AdvoWork: I do not understand you very well. What do you mean?12:43
BashBangmatkix_: I hate to beat this to death but, if you run nm "network-manager" from the console does it give you an applet in the system tray?12:44
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matkix_Command not found12:44
tijnis there an ubuntu multimedia chan?12:44
Shaftotijn, The closest you'll get is the #alsa channel12:45
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tijnShafto, k thnx12:45
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matkix_BashBang: Command not found... Is this something I need t oinstall12:45
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alexIdoiahow do I know which keyboard layout I am using ?12:45
Stormx2matkix_: You sure? Type: network-manager12:45
BashBangmatkix_: sry it should be   nm-applet12:46
AdvoWorkbullgard4 ok, ive made a connection to where i need(by Connect to Network > Windows Share)  so in Places ive got, if i click it, i can see all the folders on the server. How do I now get to that location from the terminal?12:46
Stormx2Needs a sudo, too.12:46
kevin__which layout should i use when i am using a dell inspiron12:46
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BashBangmatkix_: on the console it's just nm; or should be nm-applet12:46
matkix_BashBang: Its open, and shows no wireless, but wireless is there I can see it with iwconfig and ifconfig and see on the router its connected.12:47
matkix_BashBang:  Just not requesting an ip.12:47
kevin__how i remove gedit  completly12:47
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BashBangmatkix_: k, go to manual configuration in the nm applet12:47
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matkix_kk there12:47
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amimusahello, i need to configure my apache as secure server, do i need to install apache-ssl ?12:48
an1hi, I need to get beryl and emerald to load automatically.12:48
Shaftokevin__, sudo apt-get --purge remove gedit? You'll just have to hope it doesnt try to remove alot of other gnome stuff :)12:48
matkix_BashBang: and?12:48
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amimusaor apache2 has some module ?12:48
an1they work if I type beryl in the console.12:48
bullgard4AdvoWork: I do not remember as I have not done this for a long time. Try to input "cd //server1"12:48
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Shaftoan1, System-->preferences-->session-->startup programs-->add-->command 'beryl-manger'12:48
an1thnx Shafto.12:48
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matkix_Still here?12:49
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BashBangmatkix_: does it show a dialog with wireless?12:49
kevin__yes, i have do that ,but when i try to do a right click on a text file ,it also hava a "open with text edit ", why ?12:49
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=== an1 disappears for the reboot.
ironfroggyhow do i give a user rights to change the passwords of other users?12:50
ironfroggyis that just determined by write access to passwd/shadow?12:50
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kevin__i have install leafpad, i think it should a open with leafpad , any thing i can do ? thanks12:50
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matkix_Am I still connected?12:51
matkix_Am I here?12:51
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matkix_BashBang: No luck...12:51
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movianyone has an idea why ksoftirqd/0 is eating up about 25-30% of my cpu all the time ?12:51
matkix_I opened firefox and it won't load a page12:51
BashBangmatkix_: what did you do?12:51
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shI have a Thinkpad T60p. My problem is that the volume keys are not working in Ubuntu 7.04. Last time I booted the live CD they were working! How can I activate them?12:52
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matkix_BashBang: Disconnected from wired and attempted to go to wifi12:52
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Frogzoo_ironfroggy: no way I know of doing that - you'll need a tool for it12:52
BashBangmatkix_: go to manual config on the nm applet12:52
kevin__the function key in my feisty on a dell inspiron 1501 sometimes work12:52
matkix_BashBang: Now in iw its now showing on a network12:52
matkix_BashBang: I did12:53
ironfroggyFrogzoo_: no, i mean what does the user need to use passwd on other users12:53
ironfroggyso i am using a tool12:53
Frogzoo_ironfroggy: you could do it with sudo, but that would give permission to change passwords for all users12:53
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ironfroggythats what i want12:53
BashBangmatkix_ : k no click wireless and the properties12:53
ironfroggyi just need to make sure the use can sudo passwd? good12:53
Frogzoo_ironfroggy: you can't run passwd on other users unless you're root12:53
matkix_BashBang: Did12:53
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Frogzoo_ironfroggy: of course, they could change root's password12:53
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ironfroggyyes, of course.12:54
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ironfroggyits a controlled service12:54
an1Tried it, logged out, logged back in, no dice. (beryl manager)12:54
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an1do I need to restart x?12:54
BashBangmatkix_ : make sure roaming mode is unchecked and enter you networks name under essid12:54
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matkix_BashBang: I pmed you with what iwconfig is showing12:55
an1nope, tried restarting x.12:55
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an1still not working.12:55
sonnyjimhey guys... where can i find the source code for the 'cut' command (i already tried ftp.gnu.org/gnu)12:55
matkix_BashBang: Its getting a ipv6 .... not v4 why?12:56
BashBangthat's probably your mac address12:56
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Theorysonnyjim: you go to packages.ubuntu.com and find the package cut is in, then you apt-get source that package12:57
an1I'm not sure I have the right command added to my sessions startup, or do I need to do a full reboot?12:57
Frogzoo_sonnyjim: it will be in the repos12:57
BashBangmatkix_ : what brand of router do you have?12:57
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sonnyjimTheory, Frogzoo_: okay. thanks guys :)12:57
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Frogzoo_sonnyjim: apt-get source coreutils12:57
an1ok, gonna try a full reboot.12:57
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Naradahi guys what are the default permissions of /tmp; i.e. what command can i use to recreate 'drwxrwxrwt'?12:59
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ZtaWhy does this package exist: libcommons-collections-java?  By reading its description, it seems like a subset of the java rt lib ... which I've already installed, as I've installed the sun-java packages01:00
ZtaWhy would anyone be interested in splitting up the java rt lib?01:00
jattZta: it is no subset01:00
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Ztaso far so good01:00
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Ztawhat is it then?01:00
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hamzahey guys a little help needed01:01
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an1Ok, tried a full reboot, turning off desktop effects and restarting X.  Still can't get emerald and beryl to load automatically.01:01
bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?01:01
jattZta: is a set of reusable componentens by the jakarta commons project01:01
an1though they do work from the console.01:01
matkix_BashBang: I really need help with this. I've been trying for hours! It is now not connecting to my network, so i've moved a step back...01:01
BashBangmatkix_ : what brand of router do you have?01:01
matkix_BashBang: Its running a distro of linux01:01
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jattZta: it's an extension of the Java Collections Framework01:02
hamzai get the error  kinit image not found something..doing normal boot01:02
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BashBangmatkix_ : it's home made router?01:02
matkix_No, its a linksys with linux google sevasoft01:03
davfIs it possible to change "Applications Places System" to icons only or is there another menu system to replace gnome menu01:03
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matkix_BashBang:  ITS not the router! I just need to be able to configure the freekin card.01:03
BashBangmatkix_ : k, so we'll go through step by step01:03
matkix_BashBang: I need to tell it what network to connect, get an ip and share traffic.01:04
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BashBangmatkix_ : go in to your routers admin interface, and you should have a tab for wireless, yes?01:05
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matkix_BashBang: Do you not understand its not the router?01:05
hamzahey how come my ubuntu doesnt automatically connect to my wireless network01:05
an1ah, beryl-manager wasn't installed in synaptic.01:05
an1gonna restart x again. :D01:05
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devcenterhello, guys01:06
BashBangmatkix_ : yes, but we need info from there to put into network manager to get you connected01:06
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matkix_What are you getting at.01:06
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devcenterany known any some irc channel for download mp3 and movies?01:06
matkix_Ive got the ssid, ive got the key, ive got the ip scheme01:07
matkix_yeah #united-movies01:07
BashBangmatkix_ : I'm saying is network manager needs to be told what to look for01:07
matkix_I've told it!01:07
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ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:07
devcenterwhat's server?01:07
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matkix_google is the best I can say01:08
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BashBangmatkix_ ssid, wpa keys, network name? all of that?01:08
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matkix_I use wep keep it simple01:08
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matkix_BashBang: You do understand that im under this setup http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308152 yes?01:09
BashBangmatkix_ nope01:09
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CVirusvsftpd won't stop on sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop !!!!01:10
matkix_BashBang: Its a special driver setup.01:10
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BashBangmatkix_ : looking now01:11
matkix_BashBang: kk01:11
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matkix_BashBang:  The only change from this setup was the driver i used. It was a more updated one01:12
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marjelI need some help .. how can I get of error messages like "device descriptor read/8, error -71" when I connect a usb printer (HP 1018) ?01:13
marjel*get rid01:13
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matkix_BashBang: So I'm using this driver http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html first on this list.01:14
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matkix_BashBang: So do you have any idea how I can get the wifi card to work with the manger again. The device is named "rausb0:" rather than wifi or anything... could this be it?01:16
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m1rmatkix_ , have u tried rutilt utility ?01:16
BashBangmatkix_ : this is usb wireless?01:16
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matkix_Its not usb, but the driver thinks so so i donno01:17
matkix_no I have not, where can i get it.01:17
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m1rgoogle rutilt01:18
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matkix_m1r: Where can I get it?01:18
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GSMXWhat are you guys opinions about banshee music player?01:19
matkix_BashBang: Ideas?01:20
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jattGSMX: it sucks01:21
BashBangmatkix_ : your positive your device is bound to ethx?01:21
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matkix_what do you mean bound?01:21
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matkix_BashBang:  Like how so? Can you tell me what you mean by bound?01:22
BashBangmatkix_ : cat /proc/net/dev and make sure that it's there01:22
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matkix_BashBang: There...01:23
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BashBangmatkix_ k01:23
matkix_BashBang: ideas...01:23
matkix_BashBang: ahhhh its 5am here... There when my night sleep.01:24
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BashBangmatkix_ yeah almost 7:30am here01:24
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matkix_BashBang: So what can I do to get this to connect?01:24
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Riyoxkeit's 12:53pm here, still need to go to bed ;p01:25
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BashBangmatkix_ : not 100% sure, but google for iwconfig, and learn it01:26
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matkix_BashBang: I just want to connect to a wireless network... I did it it just didn't connect.01:26
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shazbothi there ! can somebody help me with vmware and samba ?01:26
matkix_Anyone else have ideas?!01:27
JayRoecan someone help me set up irsend or guide me to a lirc channel?01:27
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rebecaeugenio arregla el ordenador!!!!!!101:28
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mariachiHow can I update my kernel to 2.6.22? I'm using 2.6.2001:28
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BashBangmatkix_ : you have wpa_suplicant running yes?01:28
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matkix_BashBang: I donno....01:28
matkix_BashBang: How do I tell?01:29
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:29
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jatt!es | rebeca01:29
uboturebeca: please see above01:29
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Pretor1ab_hello all01:31
Pretor1ab_how can i view/monitor remote system log files01:31
nox-HandCompile fails :( Help? http://paste.stgraber.org/214801:31
BashBangmatkix_ : ps -A | grep -in wpa01:32
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matkix_didn't say anything01:32
rebecaola gente!!01:32
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rebecaen spanis01:32
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BashBangmatkix_ wpa_supplicant is used for your encryc01:33
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matkix_so what do i do?01:33
BashBangmatkix_ : * encryption01:33
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phanto2Qemu Help! I got stuck at the last step fooling this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization                                rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" <IP of VM>:localhost -u XXXXX -p XXXX01:33
mohit/help please01:33
BashBangmatkix_ : hang on, reading the docs for your driver01:33
bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?01:34
matkix_k im reading the guide post now01:34
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:34
phanto2It says  IP: No such file or directory01:34
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Piciphanto2: you need to put the IP of the vm where it says <IP of VM>01:35
mohitcan any one help me getting a c++ compiler in ubuntu01:35
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phanto2Pici: You mean replace01:35
Piciphanto2: yes01:35
mohithey phanto pici?01:36
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mohitu know c++ compiler01:36
Picimohit: cpp01:36
Pici!b-e | mohit01:36
ubotumohit: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:36
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mohitno i dont want to compiule from source01:36
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mikaraguahello world01:37
an1Hey, I got beryl and emerald working, now how do I get one of my window partitions read/writeable?01:37
mikaraguawhat package should i use to cdwrite .img file?01:37
BashBangmatkix_ :wpa_supplicant -c your_config_file -i rausb0 -D ralink, if you read the README's that came with the driver then it should all be clear01:37
an1I want to copy stuff to my big storage drive.01:37
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phanto2Pici:bash: localhost: No such file or directory01:37
phanto2rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" <localhost>:3389 -u XXXXXXm -p XXXXXXX01:37
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Piciphanto2: Dont use the angle brackets. just localhost:338901:38
matkix_BashBang:  Where is all that to be placed?01:38
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mikaraguaanyone knows how to cdwrite img file in my ubuntu 7.04box?01:38
matkix_to find the config...01:38
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:39
mohithow to compile01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tubes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
BashBangmatkix_ : like I said when you download the driver from the web site, it has the module and there is wpa_supplicant01:39
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homerj!dump truck01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dump truck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
Picimohit: I believe gcc will compile c++01:39
Jordan_Uhomerj, Please stop01:40
Pici!botabuse > homerj (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)01:40
mohitwhat is command to get gcc in terminal01:40
BashBangmatkix_ : you need to compile a custom wpa_supplicant according the README that comes with the driver01:40
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matkix_BashBang: Can't say I understand this stuff. Can you point me into what i need to do?01:40
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Picimohit: `sudo apt-get install gcc` I suggest you install build-essential though, it has all the programs and headers you need to compile (almosT) anything from source.01:40
BashBangmatkix_ I have to go to work soon, not enough time01:40
matkix_hahah up all night then work eh?01:41
yeniklasorHow can I install to firefox, acrobat reader addon?01:41
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BashBangmatkix_ : read the documentation that came with the drivers, and go on the ralinks forums01:41
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mohitit says gcc is in newest version01:42
BashBangya couldn't sleep01:42
an1nm.  Found ntfs-config01:42
gorskii changed the partition table, and every time i upgrade the kernel my menu.lst brings back to old one. Where can i change grub settings permanetly?01:42
an1That's a package that should be installed by default!!!01:42
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an1good question.  What's the easiest way to clean up grub?01:42
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mohitsee i want to write a program in c++01:43
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BashBangmatkix_ : it says in the docs that you may be able to use the stock wpa_supplicant but you will still have to edit the config file01:43
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matkix_I'm attempting to understand the readme...01:44
matkix_What one are you looking at?01:44
Picimohit: okay, so write one and compile it with gcc01:44
gorskii changed the partition table, and every time i upgrade the kernel, my menu.lst brings back to old one. Where can i change grub settings permanetly?01:44
mohitwhat about included files?01:44
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an1gorski.  You might want to look at grubed, though truthfully, without an easy .deb and simpler GUI I am not fully endorsing it.01:45
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JayRoeis there a way to change settings in a program without recompiling it?01:46
BashBangmatkix_ : in the newest drivers (if I had the right ones) there should be a folder for modules, and a folder for wpa_supplicant01:46
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mohitwhere are my installed applications01:46
matkix_BashBang: yeah there is that folder01:46
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D01:46
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BashBangmatkix_ : I think that is your problem right there, no wpa_supplicant01:47
wbadgermohit, use "which programname"01:47
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mohiti updated ubuntu but cant get installed applications01:47
BashBangmatkix_ : only took about an hour and a half to figure that out :)01:47
matkix_BashBang: Okay.... I'm not sure I understand how to do it even after reading things..01:47
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D01:47
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D01:48
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Jack_Sparrowmohit: what did you install and how did you install it?01:48
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired connection . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D01:48
mohitupdated ubuntu there were lots of applications (about 125)01:48
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:48
mohitbut cant get them01:48
BashBangmatkix_ : when in doubt google it :)   I have to get ready for work, good luck.01:48
wbadgermohit, what do you mean by "can't get them"01:49
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:50
mohitthe dir wherer they r downloaded01:50
mohitand cant use them01:50
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Jack_Sparrowmohit: how did you download them?01:51
wbadgermohit, why would you download programs into directories instead of using the package manager?01:51
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mohitthere is a application call update wizard01:52
mohiti updated it01:52
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wbadgermohit, what happens when you try to run a program you updateD?01:52
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fredddydoes someone know how I can get Alt-tab work with games like Ut200401:55
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D01:55
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Jack_Sparrowvbanait: since you are not getting any help with that question the way it is perhaps you can rerphrase it..  Are you trying to connect to a networked pc  share files etc?01:58
wbadgerfredddy, first make UT go into windowed mode (press alt+enter), then press control+G to un-grab the mouse.01:58
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JayRoeCan someone tell me where I can find a lirc channel?01:59
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Jack_SparrowJayRoe: what is an lirc channel?02:03
JayRoejack_sparrow a channel that deals with the program lirc. If such a channel exists.02:03
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
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Jack_SparrowJayRoe: Thanks.. I had never heard of it.02:04
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:04
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
JayRoejack_sparrow it's for remote controls.02:04
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:04
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mailmancan anyone tell me how to turn off the messages saying people have joined or left the channel? I'm in bitchx02:05
trandismI'm trying to setup samba with LDAP on a server running feisty.. my problem is that i can't find the template_config.php file on /usr/share/phpldapadmin/templates/ to configure phpldapadmin properly to work with samba02:05
Picimailman: I believe that `/ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS` might work, if not try it with JOIN PART QUIT02:06
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mcp_Can I crate a DOS bootdisk from within ubuntu? Need one to run HDD-diagnostic tool.02:06
mailmanthanks for that Pici02:07
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vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:09
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:09
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:09
vbanaitHi installed ubuntu on my celeron pc. It is not showing my wired pc . lsipc gives following information ; Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co RU8139D02:09
Pici!ops | vbanait02:09
ubotuvbanait: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:09
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
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Hobbsee!repeat | vbanait02:09
ubotuvbanait: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:09
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PiciIR_Nub: Greetings02:10
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mbonehi all02:11
Hobbseevbanait: if you repeat things 9 times, yes, you will get ignored.  or kickbanned.  or quieted.02:11
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IR_Nubi have burnt ubuntu desktop image when i try to install i get errors it seems its because of my x170002:11
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mbonedo anyone use Azureus ?02:11
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IR_Nubill have to install in text mode how will i do that i have no option in the menu02:12
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aa^wayhello, my resolution changed 800x600 somehow, how to change it back02:12
PiciIR_Nub: Unfortunately, the live cd does not have a text mode install, you will need to download the alternative cd if you need to use that option.02:12
HobbseeIR_Nub: you need to use the alternate cd to install in text mode02:12
IR_Nubi'm trying to follow this steps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41419402:12
IR_Nuboh =(02:13
mbonemy Azureus crashes somehow > <02:13
IR_Nubthats the only way to install ubuntu on my laptop right02:13
shI installed the restricted ATI driver. I want to increase the resolution to 1400x1050, but the configuration dialog only allows for 1024x768. What can I do?02:13
aa^wayhello, my resolution changed 800x600 somehow, how to change it back?02:14
PiciIR_Nub: Thats what I used for my laptop that has an ATI x140002:14
wbadgeraa^way, I believe you should enter System->Preferences->Display02:14
magnetron!fixres | sh aa^way02:14
ubotush aa^way: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:14
IR_Nubhmm ok thanks guys02:14
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danya_guys how do I create a shell script ? any recommended links ?02:17
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togrdanya_, two simple steps:02:17
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togr1) create text file with all commands02:18
togr2) make file executable02:18
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togrexamples, for use in a terminal window:02:18
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magnetrondanya_: 3) start the textfile with #!/bin/sh02:18
togr1)  $ echo "echo hello world" > my_hello02:19
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togr($ is your shell prompt)02:19
Geminiashey does anyone know if ubuntu can dim displays for laptops?  there seems to be no option to dim it and so windows vista outlasts ubuntu on the battery02:19
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togr2) $ chmod +x my_hello02:19
danya_togr : I don't know how to do the things u guys just mentioned :| .. I'm a new user02:19
gladierthe2ndhey guys - have an issue with openvpn in gnome-network monitor. it appears to connect but then fails saying cannot connect to server.02:19
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togrdanya_, do you know what a text file is?02:20
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Geminiasdoes #!/bin/sh actually do anything?02:20
danya_togr : ummm ..02:20
magnetronGeminias: yep02:20
Geminiasi thought because its commented out it's not necessary,..02:20
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togrGeminias, it is a special kind of comment02:21
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Geminiasand tells it what shell to use?02:21
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togryour shell examines the first couple of bytes of an executable file to see what to do with it02:21
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magnetronGeminias: it's not run by /bin/sh, but it makes it run in /bin/sh . perl scripts usually have /usr/bin/perl or similar02:21
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Geminiasnot run by, but run in?02:22
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Geminiaswhat does that mean?02:22
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togrwhen the file begins with #! the rest of the line is taken as the command to execute, with the file as the first argument02:22
magnetronit's a riddle02:22
togrmagnetron, heh02:22
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shazbothi can somebody help me to get vmware and samba working on ubuntu ?02:23
togrso your file /home/geminas/bin/foobar with #!/bin/sh as the first line will end up as02:23
togr/bin/sh /home/geminas/bin/foobar02:23
gladierthe2ndshazbot: i can help with vmware but not samba02:23
Geminiasso you could run a perl script without saying perl foo.pl02:24
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tograt which point /bin/sh will ignore the #! line and run the rest of the file as commands02:24
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togrGeminias, exactly02:24
gladierthe2ndshazbot: what are you trying to do02:24
shazbotgladierthe2nd:  vmware is installed i just dont get it how i can share folders02:24
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akosis it possible to install the alsa drivers from the gutsy repository, but remain at fesisty? i had problems with gutsy, and I don't want to make the full switch, but my soundcard is supported only in alsa 1.0.402:24
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gladierthe2ndshazbot: i dont know how to do it myself but i can probably find some stuff in the forums for you02:25
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shazbotgladierthe2nd:  thx but i was reading a lot too, but im from germay so it is hard to understand ;)02:25
Geminiasshazbot: make a folder called shared at ~/02:26
Geminiasthen in vmware in one of the options there is a way to make that folder shared02:26
ErsatzHatrackCould someone point me to a guide to the keystrokes for the standard desktop effects?02:26
Geminiasand to access it from your windows vm you go to networking02:26
phanto2Pici: Stupid question :rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe c:windowsexplorer.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p XXXXXXX02:27
phanto2Autoselected keyboard map en-us                                  and get this                              Autoselected keyboard map en-us02:27
phanto2ERROR: connect: Connection refused02:27
Geminiasmy networks or something like that02:27
shazbotGeminias: do you have it working ??02:27
shazbotlol k02:27
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shazbotvmware server ?02:27
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Geminiasjust look at the options at the top of vmware server02:28
akosis it possible to install the alsa drivers from the gutsy repository, but remain at fesisty? i had problems with gutsy, and I don't want to make the full switch, but my soundcard is supported only in alsa 1.0.402:28
Geminiasbefore you load you OS02:28
Geminiasthere is a way to make a folder shared02:28
Geminiaswithout resorting to samba02:28
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trickwirehey sorry i come thumbeling in like this.02:28
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juanive installed firestarter to configure my iptables, but everytime i reboot my pc, the iptable rules are empty02:28
FnuggleMasterI am pretty sure /opt/e17 is not in my PATH - how would I add it?02:28
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banlieuewee, an e17 user.. I actually claimed yesterday there weren't any people left running e1702:29
FnuggleMasterbanlieue: haha :P02:29
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banlieuehow wrong I was02:29
FnuggleMasterbanlieue: LIAR! ;)02:29
juanhow can i configure them so they're there everytime i log back in without having to start firestarter02:29
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Jack_Sparrowjuan: there is a checkboix inside firestarter to run every time you boot.02:30
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Geminiashow do i check what version of ubuntu i'm running?02:31
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juani'll try that again tosee if it works02:31
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akosthis will test my HDD-s read speed, right? sudo dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/dev/null02:32
banlieueGeminias: easiest way would be start menu > system > about ubuntu02:32
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gsuvegcan i disable background change and more feauter within gnome ? i would like install 30 box to free internet02:32
rolfenakos: lemme chekc02:32
gsuvegakos: szia02:32
rolfenakos: coz you can delete your harddrive with the dd command02:33
akosgsuveg, szia...02:33
Geminias7.02 "the fiesty fawn"02:33
akosrolfen, yeah :)02:33
Geminiasi hope that is a good thing :D02:33
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gsuvegakos: /join #ubuntu-hu02:33
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ErsatzHatrackHow do I make the scale effect work with the standard desktop effects in 7.04?02:33
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banlieueGeminias: it's 7.04 actually :P02:34
esa-petris there any hope to get paltalk working on linuxs (I dont like thease wind*ws only programs)02:34
banlieueand yes, that's a good thing... 7.04 is the latest stable (non-beta) release02:34
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banlieuenext version will be out in October02:35
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banlieueit's a 6 month release cycle02:35
Geminiasi'm curious though... my monitor is meant for 1280x800 resolution and that option isn't available through gnomes display manager thing02:35
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Geminiasso does that mean i might be running the wrong driver?02:35
magnetron!fixres | Geminias02:36
ubotuGeminias: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:36
Geminiasor do i have to manually add the setting in xorg?02:36
rolfenakos:"of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout" from the dd manpage (you can check it yourself with man dd). So as long as of= is not your haddrive, then it's okay02:36
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Geminiasalright i'll check it out02:36
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akosrolfen, yes, thanks02:36
Jack_SparrowI need help with step 4 extracting drivers for my broadcom wireless.. zless /usr/share/doc/bcm43xx-fwcutter/README.gz02:37
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gladierthe2ndhey guys - have an issue with openvpn in gnome-network monitor. it appears to connect but then fails saying cannot connect to server.02:37
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terr1enIRC Freenode with Gajim, it's possible ?02:39
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cookieHello, could anyone please tell how to upgrade Ubuntu Breezy to Feisty?02:40
terr1enSonic1, yes02:40
IdleOne!upgrade | cookie02:40
ubotucookie: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:40
fevelhey...I can only log in in English...can someone please help me login in Brazillian language?02:40
Pici!locale | fevel02:41
ubotufevel: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf02:41
fevelIs there anything I need to install? ubuntu feisty fawn 64 edition02:41
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jattfevel: System->Administration->Language Support02:42
bsnideris there a dvd burning application for gnome?02:42
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IdleOnebsnider, gnomebaker02:42
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jattbsnider: nautilus-cd-burner02:43
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Garfieldalgum fala meu idioma?02:44
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defrysk!es Garfield02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es garfield - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
kahrytanbsnider: k3b for kde works too02:44
defrysk!es | Garfield02:44
ubotuGarfield: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:44
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IdleOne!pr | Garfield02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
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craig_hi can some 1 help me02:44
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IdleOne!pt | Garfield02:44
bsnideri'm not having much luck with k3b02:44
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ubotuGarfield: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:44
defryskdarn wrong lingo :s02:45
kahrytanbsnider: Why not02:45
Garfieldi need hel in PT-br02:45
IdleOnecraig_, with?02:45
JRamseywhat's the cmd to display the running version of linux?02:45
craig_how do i  install and an mp3 codec please02:45
SlimeyPeteuname -a02:45
IdleOnelsb_release -a02:45
Garfieldsory help in pt-br02:45
spikeb!mp3 | craig_02:45
ubotucraig_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:45
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JRamseySlimeyPete, ty02:45
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phanto2Rdesctop with this command rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe c:windowsexplorer.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p XXXXXXX                     is giving me this error                      Autoselected keyboard map en-us02:45
phanto2ERROR: connect: Connection refused02:45
De1Hi all02:46
_Lucretia_well, i've just turned off the onboard ethernet, serial and parallel as I'm not using them, so we'll see if this stops the spurious hanging02:46
bsniderkahrytan: it just all but crashed my system, but i was able to recover. i can't seem to successfully write to the blank dvds is just bought02:46
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IdleOnebsnider, sudo apt-get install gnomebaker02:46
De1Need help with my ATI 3200 graphic card02:46
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IdleOne!ati | De102:47
ubotuDe1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:47
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kahrytanbsnider: why02:47
phanto3sory my modem crashed. Rdesctop with this command rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe c:windowsexplorer.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p XXXXXXX                     is giving me this error                      Autoselected keyboard map en-us02:48
phanto3ERROR: connect: Connection refused02:48
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phanto3I use Qemu02:48
bsniderkahrytan: i don't know. i write to it, but then at the end of the process, linux says it's still empty, and hten i can write to it again02:48
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Jack_Sparrowyipee... wireless is now working..02:49
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PyroKayit's quiet in here.. what's wrong?02:50
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kahrytanbsnider: Hope it's not a cheap burner02:50
Jack_Sparrowoddly quiet02:50
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IdleOnePyroKay, shhhhhh02:50
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:50
bsniderkahrytan: it's a new sony drive02:50
bsniderkahrytan: it wasn't cheap02:50
mbonehi, my Azureus loads and closes instantly , how to fix it ? :(02:50
bsniderkahrytan: however, the drive may still be bad02:50
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PyroKaymbone, use a better client ;)02:51
phanto3Rdesctop with this command rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe c:windowsexplorer.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p XXXXXXX                     is giving me this error                      Autoselected keyboard map en-us02:51
phanto3ERROR: connect: Connection refused02:51
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kahrytanbsnider:  Yeah. cheap. There is better burners02:51
flo|linux.speed 14502:51
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kahrytanbsnider: Bought it from retail store?02:51
bryanlmy unix is rusty... isn't there a way to set permission on a directory so that all subdirectories have 775?02:51
bsniderkahrytan:  yes02:51
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SlimeyPetebryanl: chmod -R02:51
flo|linux.speed 15702:51
SlimeyPeteor -r02:52
Piciflo|linux: What are you doing?02:52
SlimeyPeteI forget02:52
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flo|linuxi am testing an reading bot02:52
bryanlSlimeyPete: no, thats not what I'm asking.  There is a way to do it automatically02:52
flo|linuxsorry but i found no other active chan02:52
IdleOneflo|linux, test in #bots02:52
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IdleOneor #ubuntu-bots02:52
flo|linuxIdleOne: i need an active channel02:52
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titanix88flo|linux: hi02:54
wbadgerwhat's the most effective signal I can send to kill a process?02:54
IdleOnekill -9 PID02:54
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Piciwbadger: kill -9 should kill anythign02:54
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alexIdoiahow do I do had another language dictionnary in open office ?02:54
alexIdoiado I have to install another locale ?02:54
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wbadgerPici, doesn't seem to work for firefox-bin.. I'll try to log out now02:55
phanto3Pici: Rdesctop with this command rdesktop -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe c:windowsexplorer.exe" localhost:3389 -u administrator -p XXXXXXX                     is giving me this error                                             Autoselected keyboard map en-us02:55
phanto3ERROR: connect: Connection refused02:55
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Pyr0kayphanto, are you sure it's the right port number for the remote machine?02:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %vbanait!*@*] by Hobbsee
phanto3Pyr0kay: y02:56
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Pyr0kayalexIdoia, which language are you trying to install?02:56
Pyr0kayphanto3, was that yes or why?02:57
phanto3Pyr0kay: Qemu has local02:57
Pyr0kayoh yeah02:57
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Piciphanto3: c:windowsexplorer.exe isnt a valid path for a program.02:57
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kbrookspici: no02:58
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kbrookspici: lets hang on02:58
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Picikbrooks: hm?02:58
kbrookspici: he needs to setup rdesktop in xp02:58
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kbrookspici: he hasnt allowed any connections02:59
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magnetronLinux is not windows: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm02:59
kahrytanbut it does have windows.02:59
kbrooksmagnetron: why link?02:59
magnetronkbrooks: such a good link03:00
rjuneI have a standard 104 key US keyboard. When I try to login, GDM works fine. but after I login, the system treats my keyboard differently. hitting the 's' key produces a 'b', hitting the 't' key produces an 'n' Has anybody seen this behaviour before? fresh install of ubuntu03:00
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Pyr0kayphanto3, try, right click my computer, properties, remote, tick both boxes03:00
summer_s4i just got a bad problome03:00
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summer_s4I took administrative privilages from all the users on my computer03:01
Pyr0kaykbrooks, was that through stumbleupon by any chance? i like it03:01
kahrytanrjune: Is it setup to be QWERTY?03:01
kbrooksPyr0kay, ?03:01
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Pyr0kaystumbleupon? the social network? did you find that link from there?03:02
summer_s4I have a question here that needs help03:02
Pyr0kayi think i might have seen it or something like it before03:02
kbrooksPyr0kay, no, i said "why link?" to magnetron03:02
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Pyr0kayoops, magnetron posted the link03:02
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Pyr0kayi gotta fix xchat, it keeps mucking up the colors03:03
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summer_s4can someone help me?03:03
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rjunekahrytan: that is the default, so I would guess so, but I'm not 100%03:03
summer_s4i need help03:03
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Pici!ask | summer_s403:03
ubotusummer_s4: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:03
phanto3Pici: "isnt a valid path" It functioned , started the whole desktop full screan.  then I applied this                      Go to Start -> Run, type regedit and hit enter. The Registry Editor will open, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Policies -> Explorer, right click on the right side, select New -> DWORD Value, name it NoDesktop, double click on it and set the Value data to 1 instead of 0. Click OK an03:03
nephishany 64-bit users here ?03:04
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summer_s4Somehow, i removed administrative access from this user and lost the password to the one that i did give it to.  How can i possibilly fix this?03:04
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gyaresuFor some reason my cursor keeps 'auto centering' when I'm loaded up in Tribes 2. May be other OpenGL games but I'm stuck for where to look. Any suggestions?03:04
rjunekahrytan: if it were an X problem, I would expect the keybaord to be funny in gdm too03:05
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CVirusIs there anyway I could run dapper's kernel on feisty ?03:05
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rjunesummer_s4: you'll have to boot single user mode and edit the /etc/group file.03:05
kahrytanrjune: never said it was03:05
gyaresuCVirus: You can run whatever kernel you want. Why though?03:05
summer_s4how do i do that03:05
summer_s4rjune: how do i do that?03:06
gyaresuAnyone know where the Xorg channel is?03:06
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CVirusgyaresu: is this edgy's kernel linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 ?03:06
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gyaresuCVirus: I don't know. Why do you think you need another kernel?03:06
summer_s4i have to reboot the thing over?03:06
CVirusgyaresu: problem with alsa03:06
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daftmancan someone points me to how I can retrieve video properties from a video file using the command line?03:07
rjunesummer_s4: at the boot menu, you'll have to add 'single' to the boot sequence.03:07
CVirusgyaresu: there is filed bug report about it ... sound stopped working after upgrading to feisty03:07
gyaresuCVirus: Have you found a bug report or someone elses experience?03:07
CVirusgyaresu: there is a full bug report about it03:07
rjunethen mount the root partition manually, then edit the group file03:07
gyaresuCVirus: ...Link?03:07
summer_s4so i restart press enter there then choose the middle option?03:07
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Piciphanto3: I dont know what you are asking. I dont see anything about going into the windows registry on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization03:07
CVirusgyaresu: don't have it now ... as I don't recall the sound card type .. it's not on the PC I'm currently using03:07
rjunethere is a rescue or something there isn't there.03:07
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gyaresuAh. Well it's usually better to get the latest kernel. Or even apply a patch and compile it yourself. (Really easy after you've done it once or twice)03:08
gyaresuCVirus: You possibly lose some updates/upgrades by going backwards. It is getting better after all and Feisty might rely on certain things being in a newer kernel.03:09
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nomi1this is funny the electrician is eastern european i think he's blabbering on the phone should be fixing my fusebox03:10
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gyaresuNow. About my mouse cursur going to dead centre screen every 3 seconds in Tribes2...03:10
magnetron!offtopic | nomi103:10
ubotunomi1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:10
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nomi1wrong channel03:10
Genomsarenmy ubuntu crashes (it returns to login windows while using ubuntu)03:11
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togrwhat's "mil" in "nomil"?03:11
jattGenomsaren: check the logs in /var/log03:11
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Genomsarenjatt: there are lots of files there03:12
gyaresuGenomsaren: Are your partitions full?03:12
Genomsarenjatt: it is too much work03:12
Genomsarenim checking that03:12
Genomsarenonly windows partitions03:12
Genomsarenits not important for ubuntu03:12
gyaresuGenomsaren: If your home partition is full then your users session can't load.03:13
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Genomsarenno I have 30 GB free03:13
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Becha_i need help03:13
Becha_with my ubuntu plz03:13
gyaresuGenomsaren: Check the /var/log/Xorg.log03:13
gyaresu!ask > Becha_03:13
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Genomsarengyaresu: I have found this: "(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"03:14
gyaresuProblem: Mouse cursor auto returns to centre of screen within a game. Suggestions? (my experience level 8/10)03:14
jattnot good03:14
Genomsaren(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/wacom03:14
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Becha_!ask /home/majdi/Desktop/les softs/amsn-0.97RC103:15
gyaresuGenomsaren: Have you had this running before?03:15
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GenomsarenI dont know what it is03:15
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Nvidia/ATI card?03:15
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GenomsarenNvidia mx/mx 40003:15
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KyuDragonWolfIs there a room for Ubuntu absolute newbie help?03:16
GenomsarenI have installed nvidia driver a few weeks bfore03:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:16
Genomsarensomebody told me that there was an error03:16
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Genomsarenon installation03:16
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GenomsarenI have tried to install it again and again03:16
Genomsarenno cure03:16
gyaresuGenomsaren: 'mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak' 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'03:16
Becha_if i ask about installing amsn,but i don't know if i have gcc on my laptop or not ??03:16
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_Lucretia_anybody getting a blue tinge on movies playes with totem?03:16
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Genomsarengyaresu: Ill try it again03:17
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Genomsarenbut I cant count how many times have I tried to reconfigure it03:17
gyaresuGenomsaren: try installing 'envy' and then do a text install. That will get you the nvidia drivers and possibly help.03:18
akosWhere could I set XChat's encoding to ISO-9660-2? Bacuse my unicode characters are all messed up03:18
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GenomsarenI have envy03:18
gyaresuGenomsaren: Forget about reconfiguring it and just give envy a try.03:18
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shMy ThinkPad T60p has an ATI FireGL Mobility 5250 inside. I installed the restricted fglrx package, but this driver is too old, i.e. my graphics card isn't recognized correctly. The system says it has detected a X1700. Is this setup dangerous? When will Ubuntu ship driver version 3.38.6?03:18
GenomsarenI am doing installations with envy03:18
Genomsarenfor nvidia03:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offlineimap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
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summer_s4can someone tell me how to get an admin privilages to a non admin user without an admin user or a reboot03:19
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Did I miss the whole start of your problem perhaps where you were detailing what you'd done to rectify the situation?03:19
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fevelare the vmware packages on the feisty repositories better than workstation 6 for ubuntu?03:19
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gyaresufevel: Depends if you've got a licence or just want player.03:20
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fevelgyaresu: well I could get a 1 month license03:20
rjunefevel: I'm playing with that myself.03:20
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feveland renew it monthly03:20
summer_s4is anyone going to answer  my question?03:20
rjunejust get the free license for vmware server.03:20
Geminiasyour playing with yourself?03:20
akosWhere could I set XChat's encoding to ISO-9660-2? Bacuse my unicode characters are all messed up03:21
fevelrjune: wich one? workstation6 or the server and player packages?03:21
systemd0wnanyone have much experience with the command "DD"03:21
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gyaresufevel: Tried VirtualBox?03:21
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gyaresuakos: Have you tried XChat's help pages.03:21
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Geminiasis xchat a win32 proggy?03:21
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fevelgyaresu: nope...Do you think its better?03:22
summer_s4can someone tell me how to get admin privlages to a non admin w/o an admin user or reboot?03:22
Genomsarengyaresu: I wanted to install nvidia driver manually but it didnt work. Then I next day I had a blue screen which says "no screen found" and there were unknown characters around the text. After that I have reconfigured xorg several times. And opened ubuntu again and installed envy. And tried to install the driver again...03:22
rjunefevel: vmware server.03:22
gyaresuakos: Seriously dude. 3 seconds with google... http://xchat.org/encoding/03:22
Genomsarennow it crashes sometimes03:22
JayRoeCan someone tell me how I disable metacity on my second monitor?03:22
root__Hello guys, i want to wipe out my 160 gb disk, as quicly as posible. Shred is too slow for me. Help me :)03:22
Geminiasuse dd03:22
rolfenroot__ dd yup03:23
summer_s4root__: Do you want os?03:23
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summer_s4root__: or are you willing to install new os?03:23
togrroot__,  define "wipe out"03:23
fevelrjune: is it easy to set up a vm??03:23
root__yes i will install kubuntu03:23
Geminiaswipe out means delete all the data on it..03:24
root__By wipe out i mean tosay replace data on disk with zeros.03:24
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rjunefevel: yea03:24
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rjuneI'm having keyboard problems right now though03:24
togrroot__, if you're going to make a clean installation, you only have to delete the partition table03:24
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gyaresuGenomsaren: fevel It's an open source programme that works. Better... nah.03:24
gyaresufevel: Not yet...03:24
bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?03:24
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gyaresuGenomsaren: If you've got up to kdm/gdm then your xserver is configured right. It must be something else.03:25
togrif you want to be absolutely sure that none of the old data can be recovered, probably shred is what you need, even if it is slow03:25
root__Thing is that i had problem with my partition table before, and disk does not have bad blocks. So i was planning to wipe out everything03:25
Geminiasroot__, if you want to actually erase all data "replace all with zeros" it is going to take a long time regardless03:25
Geminiasof which program you use03:25
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Geminiasbecause it depends on the speed of you hard drive alone03:25
togruse fdisk, erase your partition table03:25
GenomsarenI thought the same, because of this I didnt tell that first03:25
Geminiasthe head has to trace every byte of memory03:25
Geminiasso no amount of programming logic can speed that up03:26
Genomsarengyaresu: can it be a security problem?03:26
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root__Actually shred is running right now. Too sloooooow. Whatever still thank you guys. :) :)03:26
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fevelgyaresu: it looks pretty nice though...I always prefer open source...do you know what lacks in virtual box??03:26
gyaresuGenomsaren: Your errors from Xorg.log are general and not show-stoppers. Look for something in /var/log/syslog & /var/log/messages03:26
Geminiasi use killdisc personally03:27
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rolfenroot__ if you want to be sure your data cannot be recovered use shred or the dd command i gave you, otherwise use fdisk or gparted03:27
gyaresufevel: Runs xp for me. Was some messing around cause of a bug but seems very similar. I have lot's of boxes so not a real need for virtual machine.03:27
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brizican someone help me with some modem issues?03:28
gyaresurolfen: root__ http://killdisk.com03:28
Loungeirssi question: anyone know if it's possible to configure irssi to play sound files for certain events?03:28
rolfengyaresu: thanks :)03:29
gyaresubrizi: dialup/adsl/cable?03:29
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brizidialup gyaresu03:29
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:29
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gyaresubrizi: Sorry. I'm old. The pain is still with me. Get a youngster without scars to help  :(03:29
brizii ran the scan modem tool and it shows my laptop has an ati sb400 modem03:29
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gyaresudialup >> linux >> pain03:30
root__<gyaresu>,<rolfen> : Thank you guys )03:30
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gyaresurolfen: np03:30
brizianyone else know anything about ati modems?03:30
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gyaresubrizi: Have you been to the modem page at help.ubuntu.etc03:31
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brizidont think so03:32
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JayRoeCan someone tell me how I disable metacity on my second monitor?03:32
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AbsenthI'm working through the steps to get FlashPlayer 9 working on 64bit Fiesty found at (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341727 and am running into a problem with the following.03:32
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root1could someone tell me how to extract from debian source in ubuntu03:33
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magnetron!flash64 | Absenth03:33
ubotuAbsenth: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:33
Hobbseeroot1: apt-get source <packagename>03:33
Hobbseeroot1: or dpkg-source -x foo.dsc03:33
gyaresuroot1: blah.tar.gz?03:33
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root1Hobbsee, if i give dpkg-source the output is bad command03:34
root1Hobbsee, I have installed dpkg also03:34
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Absenthmagnetron: thanks.  That document looks a little better than the one I was working off of.03:34
Hobbseeroot1: "a bad command"?03:34
Becha_!ask about installing gcc03:34
kbrooks!build-essential | Becha_03:35
ubotuBecha_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:35
magnetronAbsenth: a rule of thumb is to look in the documentation before looking on any forum03:35
gyaresuTribes2 mouse keeps snapping to centere of the screen. Suggestions?03:35
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magnetrongyaresu: wine?03:35
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gyaresumagnetron: Nah. Native. For many years.03:35
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ZombieI am needing some help integrating my Ubuntu Fiesty fawn laptop into my mostly Mandriva network.03:36
briziwhere are alsa drivers stored in ubuntu?03:36
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ZombieI'm having a few issues.03:36
bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?03:36
ZombieI'm missing some packages I need.03:36
Zombiexl2tpd, freedroidrpg, vavoom, d2x-xl03:36
magnetronbrizi: use synaptic to install /uninstall drivers in ubuntu03:37
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_Lucretia_is the users group supposed to be used on ubuntu? I'm used to gentoo where every user is a member of the "users" group and all files created by me are owned by <username>:users03:37
brizii dont need to install i need to edit a command in 103:37
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SeokeWhats the best C++ Compiler for Linux?03:37
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magnetronSeoke: gcc03:38
SeokeIs there a good compiler for BASIC on linux?03:38
gyaresubrizi: Are you trying to patch(edit) one of the alsa modules?03:38
togrwhat's that status on the Intel c compiler these days?03:38
an1define good compiler for basic.03:38
magnetronSeoke: not basic, but there is GAMBAS instead03:38
valehruanyone know a nice application that could make mockup screens very quickly, no functionality needed, for Html pages.03:38
Seokemagnetron, What is GAMBAS?03:38
brizii found a way to get my modem to work using the alsa driver but i need to add a line of code to the driver03:38
Picibullgard4: You might have better luck with that question in #ubuntu-kernel03:38
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harlan_after installing beryl, everytime i restart ubuntu it goes blank white screen as soon as i get to the desktop after logging in03:39
magnetron!info gambas | Seoke03:39
ubotuseoke: gambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1.2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 954 kB, installed size 2228 kB03:39
brizibut i dont kow where ubuntu keeps modules or drivers and such03:39
an1This system is 1000x better with Ubuntu compared to Vista or XP.03:39
gyaresubrizi: Modules are in the Kernel source and if you don't know what that means you better be following a very recent guide/bug report.03:39
Dante123Hi All I have ubuntu on  a Soyo SY-P4VTE mobo with a 2.94 mhz Celeron and 512 mb of ram running at 333 mhz.........should I add the 256 mb stick I have which only runs at 266 mhz (will the two work together??? mobo says pc2100 works in this machine) or will the gain in ram be offset by the fact that both will be running at the slower 266 mhz speed?03:39
valehruharlan_, check the rendering.....also go to #beryl03:39
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magnetronbrizi: use synaptic03:39
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JayRoewhat program does the taskbar belong to? Gnome or Metacity?03:39
Seokemagnetron, So do you recommend GAMBAS then? I'm willing to learn the language03:39
briziso /usr/src/blah blah blah03:39
bullgard4_Lucretia_: I am not a member of a group 'users'. I am using Ubuntu 7.04.03:40
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magnetronharlan_, valehru: #ubuntu-effects03:40
gyaresubrizi: Modules are drivers not already included in the (monolithic) kernel. So you will need to recompile you kernel modules that you download with kernel source.03:40
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gyaresubrizi: /usr/src/ indeed.03:40
brizik thanks03:40
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_Lucretia_bullgard4: it's strange as that group does exist03:40
gyaresubrizi: symlinking the current kernel source to 'linux'03:41
harlan_valehru how  do u check rendering03:41
Seokemagnetron, So do you recommend GAMBAS then? I'm willing to learn the language03:41
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magnetronSeoke: try it, or python03:41
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about compilers
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Seokemagnetron, Which would be better for writing games and small other applications03:41
ThunderhitI deleted the folder .opera from my user directory, but it isnt in the trash? where can i find it? i only chose move to trash03:41
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Dante123Hi All I have ubuntu on a Soyo SY-P4VTE mobo with a 2.94 mhz Celeron and 512 mb of ram running at 333 mhz.........should I add the 256 mb stick I have which only runs at 266 mhz (will the two work together??? mobo says pc2100 works in this machine) or will the gain in ram be offset by the fact that both will be running at the slower 266 mhz speed?03:42
magnetronSeoke: python03:42
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spikebDante123, going from 512 to 768 isn'03:42
Seokemagnetron, Thanks any places you recommend to learn the language? I think I'll go with python most likely03:43
spikebDante123, isnt enough of a gain to sacrifice speed03:43
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younghackeris it possible to import an XML document into postgre03:43
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bullgard4_Lucretia_: Neither as a common user nor as an adminstrator I am a member of a group 'users' in Ubuntu 7.04. I forgot the command to list all group that exist. Can you help me?03:43
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gyaresuDante123: http://www.memtest.org/03:43
geniiDante123: You can usually mix ram speeds but like spike said 512 to 768 isn't really much of a gain in capacity vs speed in this case03:43
gyaresuDante123: Plug it in and see how it goes.03:43
younghackeris it possible to import an XML document into a postgreSQL database?03:43
_Lucretia_what should the proper permissions be on a subversion repos? I've just tarred up my old one from my old drive and upacked it, I'd rather not have to have my username as owner of these files, I'd rather the group I was in controlled access to it03:43
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bullgard4Pici: What is the audience of #ubuntu-kernel?03:44
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cripplerhi all03:44
Picibullgard4: ubuntu kernel devs03:44
shirishguys I had installed a driver by sudo dpkg -i hsfmodem_7.60.00.09full_k2.6.20_16_generic_ubuntu_i386.deb03:44
magnetronSeoke: install the package idle-python2.5 and yahoo for some guides.... there are tons of them03:44
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shirishnow how do I uninstall that driver?03:44
younghackeris it possible to import an XML document into postgres database?03:45
Thunderhitok, tried it again, removed everything in the trash bin and deleted a .folder in my home/user directory, it shows that the trash bin has something in it, but when I click on it, it shows an empty window, nothing in it??03:45
magnetronshirish: with synaptic package manager, search for the package and uninstall it03:45
FalstiusI have a dual monitor setup and I want a VNC client that will properly full screen to one monitor, leaving the other alone (as most programs do when in full screen).  Real vnc's vncviewer takes up both monitors and positions the active area in the middle.  tsclient tries to only use one monitor, but it fails, loses the mouse and keyboard, and I have to kill it from a console.  Any suggestions?03:45
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younghackerthe database is already created03:45
bullgard4Pici: I am no kernel developer. But I will dare listen to that channel before I post there anything.03:45
gyaresushirish: 'apt-cache search hsfmodem' 'apt-get remove hfs-blah-whatever'03:45
Dante123well actually i tried it once......and it locked up on me.....so if the gain in ram is offset by loss of speed in this case I will stay with 512...thanks for advice03:45
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Picibullgard4: I just think the question you are asking is over the heads of most of the people here.  Including me :)03:46
Dante123thanks genii and gyaresu03:46
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bullgard4Pici: I see.03:46
Dante123and spikeb03:46
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gyaresuFalstius: What's the client OS?03:46
gyaresuDante123: np03:47
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sangeethaHobbsee, Is there a package called dpkg-source03:47
geniishirish: Since you manually installed it with dpkg, if you find apt-get command cannot remove it, use dpkg again to remove it eg: sudo dpkg -r <pkgname here>03:47
Sonic1anyone know how to get a ATI TV Wonder VE to have sound?03:47
Falstiusgyaresu: you mean the server os?  It is linux.  Both sides are linux (the server is a RHEL3 clone, client is Ubuntu Feisty)03:47
Hobbseesangeetha: it's part of dpkg03:47
Loungei'm wondering about about the icons on the ubuntu desktop.. @ defualt they get aligned to the left side. is there a way to get them to auto align to the right side like os x?03:47
togrbullgard4, repeat your q please03:47
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Falstiusbullgard4: if you want the list of groups, you could just cat /etc/groups03:48
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MalachiI desperately, desperately need some help.03:48
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gyaresusangeetha: 'apropos dpkg-source'03:48
MalachiMy job is on the line.03:48
shirishthanx all, actually synaptic did the trick, I wanted to purge (including configuration files) :)03:48
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younghackeri desperately need help as well03:48
bullgard4togr:  /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?03:48
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younghackerif anyone is skilled with postgreSQL please help me03:49
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magnetronask your question and we might possibly be able to help you03:49
MalachiRead that. I did it all, but I accidentally started in Linux. And it ate my files.03:49
MalachiNow I can't start Ubuntu.03:49
feristhia!bot oot03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot oot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
Templardoes anyone know how to change the overall password for keyring manager? I cant find it anywhere03:49
MalachiMany, many programs are missing.03:49
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feristhia!bot outoftopic03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot outoftopic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
feristhia!bot out-of-topic03:49
sangeethagyaresu, I got nothing appropriate for that command03:49
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feristhia!bot offtopic03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot offtopic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
liuchenhaohello ,everyone03:49
gyaresuFalstius: I forward X sessions. Now that's the bomb. Edit gdm.conf allow tcp connects (port 6000), client runs 'xhost +'03:49
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timewriterwhat is ubuntu studio ?03:49
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FalstiusMalachi: if your job is one the line, you may want to call in your local Linux professional to fix your problem.03:50
spikebtimewriter, ubuntu for artists03:50
beatnikhello, can you help me about sharing internet; i have a laptop which is conneting with wireless and i have a desktop.03:50
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sangeethagyaresu, I am getting command not found if i give dpkg-source03:50
togrbullgard4, I presume you have kernel sources installed then03:50
MalachiFalstius: I am my only local Linux professional.03:50
timewriterit is official ?03:50
Falstiusgyaresu: forwarding x-sessions is less stable and requires more bandwidth than VNC.03:50
gyaresuFalstius: I run movies from my main machine that's plugged into stereo with X going to laptop into data projector.03:50
bullgard4Falstius: The proper command would be cat /etc/group03:50
spikebtimewriter, no.03:50
gyaresuFalstius: Remote is it?03:50
ThunderhitWant to know, how do I uninstall gaim in ubuntu? when I want to remove it, it says it also has to remove nautilus-sendto and ubuntu-desktop, and I think think removing ubuntu-desktop is good, isnt it?03:50
spikebtimewriter, or perhaps the best answer would be "not yet"03:50
gyaresusangeetha: 'apropos'03:51
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Falstiusgyaresu: yes, telecommuting sort of thing.03:51
geniigyaresu: If you are interested in remote desktop apps perhaps check out FreeNX , it is very good03:51
timewriterim not gonna install it03:51
gyaresugenii: cheers. will do.03:51
beatnikello, can you help me about sharing internet; i have a laptop which is conneting with wireless and i have a desktop.03:51
sangeethaHobbsee, should i install anyother package for dpkg-source to work03:51
gyaresugenii: It's on a lot of livecd's. (Never used it)03:51
gyaresuFalstius: Sorry then. Not very helpful ;)03:51
Hobbseesangeetha: no.  if it's not working, you're calling it wrong03:51
anachronikhttps://skypecasts.skype.com/skypecasts/skypecast/detailed.html?id_talk=3131137&message=new_talk_created#join --> Gdrive and goobuntu skypecast03:52
rolfenMalachi: what do you mean you accidentally started in linux?03:52
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geniigyaresu: I find the speed is much more tolerable than VNC or X forwarding03:52
rafaelscjHow can I fix it? > http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-processo gzip retornou um cdigo de erro (1)03:52
sangeethaHobbsee, this is the command that i gave:dpkg-source -x iceweasel_2.0.0.3-2.dsc03:52
akoshello! one-liner: how do I change the mixer to be used?  I guess the OSS mixer is used, becuase if I mute the alsa mixer, sound is still being played (terrible quality), but if I mute the oss mixer, it stops playing03:52
scorp123Malachi: next time use VMware or VirtualBox .... :-/03:52
Hobbseesangeetha: which is correct, yes.03:52
MTecknologyCan somebody tell me how often this cron job SHOULD run? I wanted every saturday at midnight     * 0 * * 6 /usr/local/sbin/backup-exec weekly > ~/backup.log03:52
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gyaresugenii: You're talking to a guy on irssi/screen/unicode-rxvt and this is my desktop...03:52
togrbullgard4, go to PM?03:53
sangeethagyaresu, it is asking apropos what03:53
magnetronrolfen: started the host os with VMware accessing the physical disk03:53
geniigyaresu: :)03:53
Hobbseesangeetha: as for if/where it's failing, i couldnt tell you without a pastebin of the output03:53
bullgard4_Lucretia_: Let me repeat: I am using Ubuntu 7.04. In Ubuntu 7.04 the group 'users' exists per default. But I am no member of that group.03:53
gyaresusangeetha: I only linked it as a cool command to find out what may be installed. 'man apropos'03:53
_Lucretia_bullgard4: yeah. I got that03:53
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timewriteranyone knows how to replace the ubuntu logo left upper corner of gnome ?03:53
magnetronMalachi: it wasn't a good guide you were following, the official ubuntu documentation is better and safer03:54
timewriteron Applications tab03:54
bullgard4togr: To whom should I direct a PM?03:54
sangeethaHobbsee, bash: dpkg-source: command not found ,this is the output03:54
timewriteri want the gnome logo there03:54
scorp123Malachi: I second that. That was a very bad idea.03:54
fredddythx wbadger for the answer (ut2004 alt-tab) does this work with other games to ?03:54
Malachimagnetron: It was. It worked perfectly, I just ran out of the room and forgot to switch to Windows.03:54
MalachiSo it booted Linux on Linux and ate my files.03:54
MalachiAt least, some of them.03:54
togrbullgard4, to me?  This channels is somewhat noisy at the moment03:54
Hobbseesangeetha: then i have no idea.  you wouldnt have removed dpkg, surely...03:54
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MalachiI'm on Windows trying to see what can be recovered.03:55
magnetronMalachi: if it was such a perfect guide, this wouldn't have happened03:55
rolfenMalachi: just curious... why would linux do such a thing?03:55
beatnikHello, can you help me about sharing internet; i have a laptop which is conneting with wireless and i have a desktop.03:55
=== gyaresu nods at magnetron
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sangeethaHobbsee, i have installed dpkg03:56
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Malachirolfen: I have no idea.03:56
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rolfenMalachi: anyway... dont want to bother you with my questions03:56
togrdoes python not have an interface to 'getgrent'?03:56
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Hobbseesangeetha: then i have no idea03:56
Malachimagnetron: You're right.03:56
magnetronrolfen, Malachi: actually it was vmware that was accessing the drive03:56
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JayRoecan someone tell me how I permanently remove the gnome panels on my secondary screen?03:56
gyaresubeatnik: You want to share the wireless from your laptop to your desktop? But you don't have a router?03:57
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SeokeI'm installing the new pythong 2.5.1 and the makefile was created but when I type make it says command not found what am I doing wrong?03:57
geniibeatnik: There is much help and info on that subject here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:57
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magnetronSeoke: no, you should not install it from source03:57
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magnetronSeoke: use add/remove programs to install software in ubuntu03:58
rolfenMalachi: do you want to recover your data files or rebuild the linux installation?03:58
Seokemagnetron, But the source is newer then the add/remove programs one =P03:58
Seokemagnetron, The newest one in there is 2.403:58
magnetronSeoke: and will give you a headache (and us too)03:58
Malachirolfen: Rebuild, if possible.03:58
gyaresugenii: Nice! I couldn't quite face explaining that :)03:58
Seokemagnetron, Alright lol I'll stick with what I have installed now =P03:58
Malachirolfen: But I'm moving all I can to a different PC.03:58
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MalachiIt seems my /home folder is intact.03:59
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Seokemagnetron, Do you use irssi for your irc?03:59
rglhow can I change the IP address where inetd listens at?03:59
bullgard4togr: If you don't mind give me your PM address, and I will send you my question to that address.03:59
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scorp123rgl: for which service??03:59
rglscorp123, for example, ftp.04:00
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Genomsarengyaresu: Hi again04:00
Genomsarengyaresu: I think I have found something04:00
gyaresuGenomsaren: Hey. Got desktop?04:00
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Drumroll...04:01
scorp123rgl: why would you do that? But to answer: that depends on your ftp server's config file ....04:01
geniiSorta AFK a bit (work, etc)04:01
togrbullgard4, maybe I'm just too stupid with irc to know what you mean.  Isn't /msg allowed?04:01
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Really long drumroll...04:01
rglscorp123, it does not depend on the ftp config file.  since its inetd that creates the listen socket.04:01
Genomsarengyaresu: gdm[16146] : gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: [[deadly] ]  X [[error] ]  - :0 [[restarting] ]                                               [[] ]  are translated words04:01
eriscohow do I put multiple commands into an application launcher?04:02
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bullgard4togr: Yes, /msg is allowed here.04:02
rolfenMalachi: i dont know... i would have reinstalled. alternatively, if you haven't worked on that partition since that happened, you can try to use data recovery software to recover your linux filesystem... but i wouldnt bet on the system working after that... some files might get corrupted04:02
scorp123rgl: if you know it better than why do you ask???? :-)04:02
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Install kdm and see if that works. I've got kdm because of silly gdm faults from ages ago. (And I use fluxbox).04:02
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rolfenMalachi: for data recovery i use rstudio04:02
Cyber_Stalkerhey guys04:02
gyaresuGenomsaren: No difference (not really).04:02
rglscorp123, becuase I don't known how to make inetd listen at a specific IP address....04:03
Cyber_Stalkeri remember i could get the latest ubuntu cd's sent to my house04:03
Cyber_Stalkercan i still do that?04:03
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younghackercan anyone help me with postgreSQL04:03
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PiciCyber_Stalker: Yes.04:03
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Pici!shipit | Cyber_Stalker04:03
ubotuCyber_Stalker: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs04:03
magnetronSeoke: in feisty, i use 2.5 installed with add/remove04:03
Genomsarengyaresu: do you mean KDE I have gnome and KDE in my system...04:03
magnetronerisco: you write a shell script04:03
Cyber_Stalkerthanks loads :D04:03
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magnetron!shipit  | Cyber_Stalker04:03
Genomsarengyaresu: one more error happens now every second:          Jul 16 17:02:21 Genom NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I nm_dbus_init (): nm_dbus_init() could not get the system bus.  Make sure the message bus daemon is running!04:03
Bingoohi there my wife has a pain in the ass laptop an ASUS A6000KM and it have taken me a few hours just to figure out how to enable the LIveCD,so now i've installed it but when i rebooted it it doesn't complite the start up04:03
jafnoobthe gnome splash don't disappear on login any ideas how to fix it? (all I did was switching from metacity to beryl-manager)04:04
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younghackercan anyone help me with postgreSQL04:04
gyaresuGenomsaren: Just install kdm04:04
eriscomagnetron, that is something I unfortunately do not know how to do... but perhaps I can write something in python04:04
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younghackercan anyone help me with postgreSQL04:04
eriscomagnetron, thanks04:04
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Pici!ask | younghacker04:04
ubotuyounghacker: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:04
Bingooso,is there anyway to disable ACPI after install Ubuntu Feisty?04:04
EHLOHIMdo you know the command to see the CPU specification?04:04
younghackercan anyone help me with postgreSQL04:04
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Piciyounghacker: Ask the question.04:04
scorp123EHLOHIM: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:04
EHLOHIMthank you04:04
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Genomsaren!hi | ubotu04:04
ubotuubotu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:04
EHLOHIMscorp123: and about the Hard drive specification plz04:05
gyaresuGenomsaren: mmm. Dbus system errors eh? That's new. Try kdm first me thinks. Easy fixes are good.04:05
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MrKeunerhi all, I am mounitng a flash/usb stick/drive, whatever its general name is, without any problem. Check the contents and then right click and select eject however, Gnome tell me that it cannot eject the drive, however it looks like it does. I could not locate the related bug, if one exists. Any comments?04:05
daaneum I just removed all the groups from my user, so I can't sudo anymore... is there a way to fix this?04:05
Genomsarengyaresu: ok thanks04:05
Bingoobecause it seems that it doesn't work/start up if ACPI is on04:05
gyaresuyounghacker: Have you tried the postgres chat room?04:05
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bullgard4Bingoo: What comes to my mind is, you could deinstall all ACPI related kernel modules. But I  do not think that this advisable.04:05
gyaresudaan: You can start in 'recovery mode'. Option at the boot menu.04:06
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Becha_!ask Tcl-dev04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask tcl-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
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daangyaresu: Am I automatically root then?04:06
Bingoobut it doesn't start either04:06
napsterhi. when i watch mpeg files and stuff they are very small on the screen and when i make it full screen it stays very small. wat can i do?04:06
Bingooi mean on recovery mode04:06
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gyaresudaan: Limited shell. yes. You are root.04:06
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younghacker@ gyaresu sorry for the response time (at werk) I have but,,, surprisingly none of the rooms are in english04:07
kazalyhi, how can i find out what speed my dial-up modem has connected at?04:07
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kazalyor rather, where :)04:07
daangyaresu: Thanx gonna try it, and for the next time what is the correct command to add a group to a user?04:07
ZombieAnyone here know what channel Ubuntu Packagers hang out on?04:07
gyaresudaan: gpasswd04:07
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magnetronzombie: i think it is #ubuntu-motu or similar04:08
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daangyaresu: Ah I used that before and someone said that was wrong :( so now I used usermod.... :P04:08
aa^wayhello, how can i detect firewire hardware? I just installed FireWire hardware but no notice came up. How i could see is it plugged or not?04:08
AdvoWorkhi, ive just added a location to the network(added a windows server) i can double click this and view the folders) but how do i view in the terminal? whats the dir?04:08
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gyaresudaan I'm old and probably wrong. I strip out most of the ubuntu stuff and drive it like debian. Definitly suck at the point and click things :)04:08
IdleOneZombie, try #ubuntu-dev or ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:09
IdleOne#ubuntu-motu also04:09
LiNuX_Fr3aKI have a default ish ubuntu install and my lappy is sluggish as hell. Is there a way to strip her down to bare bones without reinstalling???04:09
PiciZombie: #ubuntu-motu for universe packages04:09
daangyaresu: Hehe, anyway I'm gonna reboot and try it now thanks04:09
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kazalyhi, where can i find out what speed my dial-up modem has connected at?04:09
ubunt1kazaly: http://www.speedtest.net/04:09
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scorp123LiNuX_Fr3aK: sure, get rid of all the bloatware04:09
daangyaresu: what is the group to become root adm or admin04:09
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kazalyubunt1,  yeah, but i wanted the speed it connected at04:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movies - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
imrancan anybody tell me how to edit menu.lst???04:10
LiNuX_Fr3aKI would like to but i would like the default ubuntu desktop settings in place without having to manually configure everything. Should i just install a command line system and then work from there?04:10
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daansudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:10
scorp123LiNuX_Fr3aK: BS04:10
daanimran: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:10
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scorp123LiNuX_Fr3aK: just remove what you don't need04:10
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scorp123LiNuX_Fr3aK: Evolution and its dependencies, OpenOffice maybe, and so on.04:11
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Picinapster: Changing the method that your player displays movies usually fixes this problem.  You may need to play with the setting to find the best option.04:11
imrandaan, thanks04:11
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gyaresudaan: My user is a member of both. But the /etc/sudoers file is where it's at (edited by 'visudo')04:11
Picinapster: You need to find a menu item that contains listings such as X11, xv, etc04:11
napsterPici: wat u mean?04:11
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napsterhang on04:11
Picinapster: What application are you using?04:12
aleksanterii don't have the permissions to write in fonts://, so how can i add fonts?04:12
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scorp123aleksanteri: drag & drop files there04:12
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imrani got the ubuntu cd and it tells me i need to update...do  i need to update to run compers fusion?04:12
napsterTotem movie player04:12
napsteri dont know of any others04:12
aleksanteriError "Unsupported operation" while copying "/home/aleksa...ebdings.ttf". :/04:13
summer_s4i have a question.04:13
gyaresualeksanteri: Have you tried the help.ubuntu.com documentation?04:13
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BorbusIs there any way to get an x-fi to work in ubuntu?04:13
summer_s4when a regular user on ubuntu logs in,04:13
Cyber_Stalkerhow safe is it to dual boot?04:13
summer_s4wants to go into admin place,04:13
summer_s4types in roots pass,04:13
LiNuX_Fr3aKwhat is ubuntu-desktop?04:13
Jack_SparrowCyber_Stalker: works fine04:13
scorp123Borbus: no. Creative X-Fi is not supported as of yet.04:13
summer_s4will there access be granted?04:13
Jack_SparrowCyber_Stalker: I have dual booted for years now..04:13
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napsterPici: I'm using totem movie player. wat do u recomend? I couldnt find such settings04:13
Cyber_Stalkercould i talk to u in private04:14
gilo2Does anyone know of a GUI for setting up IPSec?04:14
gyaresuCyber_Stalker: Dual boot is fine. I always use seperate drives cause windows is rubbish and needs 'space'.04:14
Cyber_Stalkeri have just a few questions04:14
ubunt1summer_s4: it depends on if it has the right to do it04:14
geniiubuntu-desktop is the package name of the main set of apps etc to be installed by default in the Gnome version of Ubuntu04:14
Jack_SparrowCyber_Stalker: Sure pm me04:14
gazza_chow do you install fonts on to a lfs system using gnome04:14
Picinapster: I personally use vlc04:14
nomi1can somebody remind me of the partitions I need to set up manually for ubuntu ... is it /etc /home and swap?04:14
BorbusThat's the last time I buy a creative product04:14
Cyber_Stalkeri dont have a spare drive tho :(04:14
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aleksanterigazza_c: already asked :P04:14
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LiNuX_Fr3aKMy idea or ubuntu got seriously slower this release?04:14
napsterwats vlc and can i just get it from synaptic04:14
Picinomi1: You only need to setup / and swap04:14
gyaresunomi1: Why manually?04:14
gazza_cany reply04:14
[M] athey wheres the help channel ??04:14
runahi, can sb help me configure the touchpad. I have tried many howto on internet but couldnt this is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m841be204:14
scorp123Borbus: Their Audigy stuff works ... But X-Fi: not yet.04:14
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Falstiusnomi1: but setting up /home is also a good idea.04:14
saxinLiNuX_Fr3aK: I dont think so.04:14
nomi1root and swap?   pici?   don't I need a usr partition?04:14
aleksanteri[M] at: here :p04:14
imrando i need to update ubuntu to run compers fusion?04:14
BorbusI wonder why04:15
BorbusBecause of fucking vista I suppose04:15
nomi1and it will put /home/username under itfalstius?04:15
younghackernah no english postgres channels yet04:15
gazza_cthis would work better if you allowed one person at a time to speak so you could answer the questions04:15
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LuitvDhi there, it's me again04:15
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=== nomi1 hears 'vista' and snarls
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aleksanterigazza_c: this is a too busy channel for it04:15
AdvoWorkwheres the "places" directory on ubuntu, anyone know?04:15
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Falstiusnomi1: a good basic setup has /, /home and swap.  It will put all your user data in /home, making reinstalling much easier and safer.04:15
shirishubotu dialup04:15
Picinomi1: it'll put /home on the same partition as /04:15
gyaresuFalstius: cept that you end up with a big empty unusable / partition and you should be rsync'ing your home dir somewhere safe anyway :)04:15
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto04:15
BorbusMaybe I'll ask for my money back04:15
sorsishow do i force installation of i386 package for my A64 system?04:15
nomi1ty very much falstius04:15
beatnikHello, i'm trying to sharing internet with two computers, can anybody help me?04:15
LuitvDa wireless question once again... this time bluetooth.04:15
nomi1VIVA UBUNTU!!!04:15
gazza_c1108 ppl asking questions all at the same time is mad04:15
geniibeatnik: There is much help and info on that subject here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137004:15
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BorbusI don't think it had a huge "windoze only" sticker when I bought it04:16
Falstiusnomi1: make / about 10GB (on a modern HD)04:16
shirishubotu botsnack04:16
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:16
dgsnomil pode me ajudar?04:16
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gazza_ci'd forget it if i were you aleksanteri04:16
LuitvDdoes anybody know how I can enable my MSI MP54GBT2 bluetooth function?04:16
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aleksanterii get 'Error "Unsupported operation" while copying "/home/aleksa...ebdings.ttf".' while copying fonts from my directory to fonts:// what should i do?04:16
gyaresuFalstius: nomi1 I disagree with Falstius.04:16
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aleksanteri!en | dgs04:16
ubotudgs: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:16
Falstiusgyaresu: except most people don't do that.  And 10GB out of a modern hd is hardly significant.04:16
beatnikgenii: but i'm connecting with wireless04:16
varkabeatnik: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html04:16
WatchManAnyone know how I "activate" beryl? I cant see the diamond logo on top by the date and clock... am I doing something wrong ?04:16
geniialeksanteri: put a space before the 2 ..04:16
tininHi, is there a graphical fstab editor?04:16
=== rem [n=rem@gve-gix-bbcs-dynip-139-026.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
[M] atHey, I accidently deleted /dev/sda (i was meant to delete /media/sda)04:16
gyaresuFalstius: Except when it's full...04:16
[M] atis there any way to fix this ??04:16
PiciWatchMan: #ubuntu-effects for beryl/compiz questions please.04:17
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gyaresu[M] at: Was your directory mounted?04:17
aleksanterigenii: it's a dialog box04:17
varkabeatnik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing04:17
Falstiusgyaresu: if your HD is that full, you have other problems.  And if you fill up your / partition, your computer can become unbootable.04:17
imranhow do i get the program that gives me the spinning cube desktop?04:17
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scorp123imran: Beryl04:17
scorp123!beryl | imran04:17
ubotuimran: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:17
b34ciao a tutti04:17
geniialeksanteri:   Likely then you are trying to copy stuff from your home dir to a dir one level higher which that user does not have permission to write to04:17
younghackerlooking for postgreSQL help if anyone is available to help04:17
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summer_s4scorp123 how do i install beryl?04:18
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BorbusIt seems my ATI card doesn't work in linux either04:18
aleksanterigenii: eh? the folder is on my desktop :P04:18
scorp123summer_s4: www.google.com04:18
gyaresuFalstius: I agree for a server... But for deskie... (Home gets full and it won't load either). Here I stop arguing.04:18
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[M] atgyaresu: yep, I'm still in the computer - it hasnt crashed04:18
BorbusGod damn ati and creative04:18
MaDiNfO_summer_s4: apt.get install beryl04:18
LuitvDdoes anyone have experiance with the Bluetooth function of MSI S260, S270 or S271 series notebooks?04:18
gyaresuFalstius: You are right. I am differently right.04:18
dnz_xhii all04:18
geniialeksanteri: Something like cp /home/myname ../somename   will not work usually04:18
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tininBorbus try envy http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html04:18
geniipermissions etc04:18
=== bicou [n=benoit@ARennes-352-1-46-99.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
[M] atgyaresu: /dev/sda was my root harddrive and /dev/sda3 is my root directory; /dev/sda1 is swap and was deleted as well :S04:18
b34come si usa!04:18
BashBang[M] at : the /dev files are created at boot time, just reboot. /dev is depricated now anyway everything is run from /sys04:18
summer_s4yeah but i forgot everything about linux when i rebooted it04:18
imranscorp123, but i heard there was a new one called compers fusion or something04:19
dnz_xi install compiz fusion04:19
aleksanterigenii: fonts:// doesn't seem to have an absolute path04:19
scorp123imran: compers???? :-)04:19
dgswhere i make download cedega?04:19
[M] atBashBang: if that's true i LUV U :D04:19
dnz_xbut there are 2 desktops04:19
Falstiusgyaresu: for a server, you should definetely partition out /var also.  And if you're paranoid /usr and then mount / ro.04:19
dnz_xhow can i make it 404:19
summer_s4what is the code for download/install compiz fusion?04:19
=== Cave` [n=cave@0x5733eb5c.vgnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
imranscorp123, compers fusion04:19
[M] at:D04:19
dnz_xi couldnt find04:19
HEP85for me compiz fusion runs slower04:19
Piciimran: #ubuntu-effects for compiz/beryl questions :)04:19
gyaresu[M] at: Well I've got a sneaking suspicion you could be stuffed. OR you've deleted and unmounted directory that you can just create again and re-mount.04:19
Borbustinin: thanks04:19
geniialeksanteri: Hang on I'll find what dir they should go in04:19
b34chi pu aitarmi per questachat?04:19
aleksanterigenii: the only way to install them is to drop them into fonts:// with Nautilus it seems04:19
scorp123imran: if you can't even spell it right .... :-)04:19
BorbusI used the ubuntu thing to download ati drivers before.. will envy download proper ones?04:20
dgswhere i make download cedega?04:20
Picib34: language?04:20
[M] atgyaresu: i typed the commend 'sudo rm /dev/sda' instead of 'sudo rm /media/sda' :P04:20
LuitvDdoes anyone have experiance with the Bluetooth function of MSI S260, S270 or S271 series notebooks?04:20
gyaresuFalstius: Of this I am very aware. Which is why deskies get / & swap & a cron job to redundasize04:20
SlimeyPetedgs: transgaming.com04:20
[M] atcommand*04:20
imranscoobtits, how do i spell it?04:20
SlimeyPetedgs: it costs money04:20
aleksanteri!it | b3404:20
ubotub34: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:20
Picib34: #ubuntu-it04:20
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imranscorp123, how do i spell it?04:20
geniialeksanteri: Try sudo cp /wherever/fonts/are /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/04:20
BashBang[M] at : you can check /sys/block/sda and make sure everything is still good04:20
Falstiusgyaresu: that's a good idea if you've got the hardware (spare machine) to do it.04:21
aleksanterigenii: ok04:21
[M] atBashBang: kk ill check it now ta04:21
gyaresu[M] at: Fine, if you only did that then reboot and they'll be remade (/dev/sda) is the device node. not the directory.04:21
LuitvDdoes anyone have experiance with the Bluetooth function of MSI S260, S270 or S271 series notebooks??? or with any type of notebook bluetooth function?04:21
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dgsSlimeyPete: thanks04:21
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[M] atgyaresu: thanks04:21
tininBorbus Ati cards usually have two drivers avaliable, one opensource and the other one the official, you' hav to check wich one is better for your card04:21
scorp123LuitvD: why?04:21
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jrattner1Question: Does Ubuntu server edition include X?04:21
gyaresuFalstius: Incremental backup across an ssh tunnel at 3 in the morning.04:21
[M] atBashBang: thanks - im making a backup of critical files anyway and ill reformat if anything stuffs up04:21
LuitvDscorp123: mine won't work04:21
Genomsarengyaresu: now I have a bigger problem04:21
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aleksanterigenii: the folder doesn't exist04:22
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gyaresuGenomsaren: Cool!04:22
varkajrattner1: surely not04:22
gerrowhat command to bring up the update manager?04:22
aleksanterigerro: adept04:22
Genomsarengyaresu: kdm is not running and I cant get the login window :S04:22
jrattner1varka, definately not?04:22
geniialeksanteri: Ah, the "defoma" dir then?04:22
LuitvDscorp123: it's a mini-pci-like device (the MP54GBT2 is Wifi and BT in 1) connected to an USB bus IIRC04:22
[M] atBashBang: if /sys/block/sda/ is still intact, all should be good if I reboot ??04:22
SkryptAnyone think they can help me trouble shoot my half-working sound?04:22
LuitvDscorp123: but it's in neither lspci nor lsusb04:22
varkajrattner1: yeah, but you can install it later on anyway04:22
scorp123LuitvD: yeah, it can happen that the Bluetooth function won't work under Linux. I got tons of problems too especially on Sony hardware.04:22
aleksanterigenii: yep04:22
jrattner1varka, great04:22
gyaresuGenomsaren: command line: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' then answer the questions...04:22
LuitvDscorp123: with what kind of hardware is that?04:23
runahi, can sb help me configure the touchpad. I have tried many howto on internet but couldnt this is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m841be204:23
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Falstiusgyaresu: the average home user doesn't leave their computer on at night though (I don't, electricity is too expensive).  That would be wasting a few beers a month!04:23
BashBang[M] at : yup, you should see sda1 2 3 4 and so on, is all good04:23
geniialeksanteri: These are TTF fonts?04:23
aleksanterigenii: yep04:23
gyaresu[M] at: Make yourself happy and reboot to a live cd. At least then you won't be writing over the hdd and can use recovery tools.04:23
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[M] atBashBang: k thanks! i knew i would find faster support in IRC channel rather than on the forums :P04:23
geniialeksanteri: OK, 1 moment04:23
scorp123LuitvD: Sony VAIO laptops ... for some model there is a driver (sonypi), but for others it won't work: To make bluetooth work you first need to get that stupid interrupt controller ....04:23
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gyaresuFalstius: You reboot o_0 zomg!04:24
BashBang[M] at : glad to help04:24
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[M] atgyaresu: kk can IRC be run from LIVE CD cause ill rejoin if something f**ks up04:24
scorp123LuitvD: I can imagine that other laptops may need Firmware or some other proprietary magic to get Bluetooth working properly.04:24
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gyaresuFalstius: All the annoying stuff happens while I sleep.04:24
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scorp123LuitvD: on my Fujitsu-Siemens and HP Laptops it just works out of the box ....04:24
gyaresu[M] at: Def irc from livecd.04:25
LuitvDscorp123: some people made the device appear by modprobing hci_usb :S04:25
[M] atcheers04:25
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tinincould someone help me to configure the fstab?04:25
[M] atthanks all04:25
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selinuxiumhi all, is there away of starting a vnc session if the user is not logged in via GDM?04:25
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aleksanteri!ask | tinin04:25
ubotutinin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:25
jatthe asked a question04:25
LuitvDscorp123: it is  a USB device.. but somehow activated by a hardware command, through software, back to hardware04:25
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gyaresutinin: What are you trying to do. (was aleksanteri point)04:26
geniialeksanteri: There is a main dir for them, /usr/share/fonts/truetype/  but then you would need for instance to make a subdir in there like /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts   then copy the stuff to there then. With sudo04:26
aleksanterigenii: ok04:26
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geniineed to be AFK a few minutes (work)04:26
scorp123LuitvD: you see, that really depends on how your BT hardware is connected and integrated into your system.04:26
LuitvDscorp123: need windows XP to activate it I guess... since the CD doesn't have any Vista drivers :P04:26
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LuitvDscorp123: it's a MP54GBT2 device04:26
tininI can not see my windows partition and my fat 32 partition04:26
JayRoeCan someone help me with my gnome panels. I've deleted them from the second monitor, but everytime I reboot they reappear.04:26
=== Pretor1ab [n=Pretor1a@80-193-53-220.cable.ubr07.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LuitvDscorp123: which is WiFi and BT in one miniPCI card04:26
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optimusrexHi all. Can you help me by showing me the best documentation for setting up Konversation since i made some changes and messed up.04:28
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aleksanterigenii: thanks04:28
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gyaresuoptimusrex: Don't use it but you can probably just delete the 'dotfile' config folder ~/.konversation (as a guess)04:29
selinuxiumgenii: aleksanteri : be careful with how many fonts you install, I installed thousands once and Ubuntu refused to boot!04:29
tininI've got 4 primary partitions, 1 linux, 2 win, 3 swap, 4 fat32. But I can not see win or fat32 partitions. Could sonmeone assist me? maybe trough vnc?04:29
=== T-Connect [n=mitchell@adsl-66-137-149-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
optimusrexok gyaresu. Thanks for that I will try and get at it. Is it under usr?04:30
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Falstiustinin: you really don't want to give people here access to your computer through VNC ...04:30
gyaresutinin: You can use a shared 'screen' session so that you can see what the person that helps you is doing.04:30
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gyaresutinin: You'd really want to trust them though.04:30
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tininIt's just that I've been fighting with fstab for a week, and I don't know what to do to it04:31
naknak987I'm using wine to run mirc and I'm having problems connecting to irc.starfleet.net Never had these problems with windows.04:31
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Falstiusgyaresu: you're paranoid enough for nightly rsync but not enough to shudder at the idea of giving a stranger a terminal on your machine??04:31
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:31
T-ConnectTry XChat. It all good.04:31
gyaresuFalstius: I was going to suggest that you do it.04:31
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BashBangtinin : do you have the proper kernel modules loaded to read fat32; ntfs partitions?04:32
T-ConnectI never try mIRC on Linux before.04:32
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FalstiusI'd just wipe his win32 partition and say he's better off that way.04:32
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naknak987I have to use mirc I cant say why, but i have to.04:32
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tininBashBang yes04:32
chris__I have a problem with my microsoft lifecam VX600004:32
jevangelowhat commands can show you what packages are installed04:32
gyaresutinin: Do you have port forwarded through your modem/router. If you install openssh-server and screen then I reckon you should ask someone other than Falstius to help.04:32
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Falstiusgyaresu: ssh -L 5900:localhost:5902   only need to open the port for ssh and it encrypts vnc's login.04:33
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jevangeloapt-get show or something?04:33
tininI've never used that04:33
BashBangtinin : do the window partitions show up in nautilus?04:33
tininit does not show up04:34
gyaresuFalstius: vnc. for an fstab? you jest?04:34
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T-ConnectWine doesn't like FBA. =(04:34
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BashBangtinin : can you put your fstab up on pastbin?04:34
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Falstiusgyaresu: if he wants to watch, that's the way to do it.04:34
tininyeah, but it is screwed up XD04:34
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gerrowas going to buy some memory for a comp and wondering if someone could help me out on which to pick04:35
BashBangtinin : well we'll see04:35
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-69-23-245-150.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
T-ConnectIs there another program beside of Wine?04:35
lusiaYou fuckin idiots04:35
Falstiusgyaresu: plus, it is what he said initially.  I didn't really read that you said openssh-server and not vncserver.  I'm not paying much attention (supposed to be reading patents)04:35
gerroT-Connect: yeah virtualbox try that04:35
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codecaineis there a cracking debugger like olly?04:35
blublobluHi everyone, I've messed up my wireless configuration and I need a step-by-step guide to restore settings to what they are on a fresh install. Any help would be appreciated04:35
gyaresuFalstius: *deleted*04:35
Picilusia: ?04:35
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tininhttp://pastebin.com/m7091ac95 my fstab04:36
Pici!ohmy | lusia04:36
ubotulusia: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:36
gerrocodecaine: umm ghex?04:36
T-ConnectDarn chat keep moving. XD04:36
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BashBangtinin : k brb04:36
codecainegerro naw thats a hex editior :)04:36
gyaresucodecaine: Yes but first you need to learn to read. Or get an IDE.04:36
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lusiawy jebane huje04:36
lusiawy pizdy04:36
TuxOtakuhey, I'm having trouble getting amarok to copy podcasts onto my iPod, the files copy over fine....but they aren't being recognized as podcasts.04:36
Pici!pl | lusia04:36
ubotulusia: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:36
T-Connectvirtualbox is free right?04:36
gyaresuT-Connect: yes04:37
gerroT-Connect: of course04:37
codecaineI know gdb will work04:37
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anandanbuHelp needed as I have problem in mounting the external hdd in ubuntu which says that it can't mount and as it is http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/1637/screenshotwf2.png04:37
codecaineI already know how to read the hex edit part gyaresu04:37
gerrocodecaine: well hex editor all you need if know what you doing :P04:37
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codecainedebugger is faster04:37
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Falstiustinin: it would help to paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda04:38
T-ConnectThis one right? deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free04:38
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tinin <Falstius> ok04:38
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gerrocodecaine: if you find a good such app tell me okay04:38
gyaresuG'night Falstius. Keep up the good fight.04:38
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anandanbuHelp needed as I have problem in mounting the external hdd in ubuntu which says that it can't mount and as it is http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/1637/screenshotwf2.png04:38
Falstiustinin: that command is safe, but you should always look up commands people tell you to do (especially if they involve sudo).04:39
jevangeloanyone know what commands i can enter to show what packages have been installed on a server system04:39
rolfen1111 users!04:39
tininhttp://pastebin.com/m780b3b53 my http://pastebin.com/m780b3b5304:39
TuxOtakucan anyone help me with this problem???04:39
rolfenTuxOtaku: which one? I dont see it.04:39
=== chris__ [n=chris@p5081CF8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
TuxOtakuI'm having trouble getting amarok to copy podcasts onto my iPod, the files copy over fine....but they aren't being recognized as podcasts.04:39
tininhttp://pastebin.com/m780b3b53 my  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda04:39
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T-Connecttinin using ubuntu beta?04:39
line72jevangelo: dpkg -l04:39
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gyaresuFalstius: anandanbu ntfscheck04:40
Falstiustinin: that UUID for /dev/sda5 looks a little short doesn't it?04:40
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T-ConnectI see that purple bird head04:40
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KyuDragonWolfWhat would be the best (safest?) way to access an NTFS drive using Ubuntu?04:40
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gyaresuanandanbu: No, wait. ntfsfix04:40
daangyaresu: ok I've got another problem, now I got sudo back but I don't have to type my password anymore...04:40
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TuxOtakurolfen, I'm having trouble getting amarok to copy podcasts onto my iPod, the files copy over fine....but they aren't being recognized as podcasts.04:40
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tininFalstius tht's my problem, how could i know that uuuid thing?04:40
gyaresuanandanbu: but you can just crack open a terminal and 'ntfs-3g -f'04:41
gyaresudaan: Sorry dude plane to catch in 5hours.04:41
gnomefreakKyuDragonWolf: there isnt a "safe" way you will be taking a risk any way you go but i here ntfs-3g is the best way04:41
gerrotinin: think its somewhere in udev..04:41
daangyaresu: ok04:41
tininI usede a live cd to get some fstab things04:41
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blublobluHi everyone, I've messed up my wireless configuration and I need a step-by-step guide to restore settings to what they are on a fresh install. Any help would be appreciated04:41
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anandanbugyaresu: can i im you04:41
KyuDragonWolfgnomefreak, which will allow read/write access to the drive for programs?04:41
gyaresudaan: daan (If you reinstall just keep your /home directory backed up)04:41
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gnomefreakKyuDragonWolf: it allows you read/write04:42
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daangyaresu: I'm not going to reinstall because of this :P04:42
KyuDragonWolfgnomefreak, thanks.04:42
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daangyaresu: I'm going to fix it04:42
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gnomefreak!ntfs-3g | KyuDragonWolf04:42
ubotuKyuDragonWolf: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:42
gyaresudaan: Good luck I'm going to sleep.04:42
Falstiustinin: for an ext3 filesystem, you can use tune2fs -l /dev/sda5  ... it might even work for vfat (and it will only give an error if it doesn't work)04:42
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celt1chi everyone i am linux noob and have a alt version of ubuntu.  i wanna install it on my laptop i have but i was told i need help doing that because it is complicated.  can anyone help me or walk me through it?04:42
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BashBangtinin :check out this site; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html04:42
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rolfenTuxOtaku: will they show up as audio podcasts instead? what will happen to them?04:43
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tininFalsius I'll try04:43
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BashBangtinin : your fstab looks fine04:43
TuxOtakurolfen, they just show up as plain old audio tracks04:43
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tininBashBang I know that ntfs-3g thing04:43
blubloblucelt1c, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38604:43
celt1cthanks ill take a look04:43
rolfenTuxOtaku: what version of amarok do you have?04:44
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TuxOtakuone sec.04:44
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TuxOtakurolfen, 1.4.604:44
tininFalstius tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block04:44
TuxOtakuthis was working only a few days ago04:44
TuxOtakunow it won't read my song collection either.04:45
rolfenTuxOtaku: ah ok04:45
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celt1cblubloblu, i acutally have the 6.06.1 i3 version because the newer one didnt work, it always gave me an error like /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off, so i was told to go with the 6.06 version04:45
rolfenTuxOtaku: maybe it depends on the site04:45
Falstiustinin: I don't know the equivalent command for vfat04:45
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blubloblucelt1c, just pop the cd in, the installation should guide you pretty well04:46
rolfenTuxOtaku: amarok wont read your song collection?04:46
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tininIs there any magical command to configure the partitions automatically XD I don't wan't to reinstalll  it all again04:46
celt1ceven tho its the alt version?  will it ask me a bout paritions and stuff, i would not know what to do if it did.04:46
fevelhey...how come when I try to install vmware player in synaptic it tries to remove my vmware server?04:47
blubloblucelt1c, ok. do you want to dual boot with another OS?04:47
TuxOtakutinin, rm -rf / ;P (don't do that, I'm just being a dork)04:47
celt1cYES, i need to keep vista04:47
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tininrm always sounds awful04:47
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summer_s4can sumone tell me da blibber blabber channel04:47
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blubloblucelt1c, do you have a 64bit machine?04:48
Falstiustinin: you can just mount the filesystem using /dev/sda5 instead of UUID=xxxx04:48
T-ConnectVista is ok. But Ubuntu is better.04:48
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celt1cdont think so, it is an intel core duo04:48
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binhoAlgum Brasileiro?04:48
FalstiusVista feels slow and clunky on my core2duo with 2gb of ram.04:48
celt1cwell i wanna dual boot, vista and ubuntu04:48
tininok i'll try, when i started using linux i used fstab, but i never used that uuid thing04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
okaygoewww vista ;o04:49
blubloblucelt1c, ok, thats not 64bit.04:49
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T-ConnectOh you buy a HP with Intel Core Duo. It came with Vista too.04:49
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BashBangtinin : check the output of: cat /proc/filesystems  see if your partitions are there04:49
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blubloblucelt1c, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition04:49
summer_s4do ubuntu only and install that one thing04:49
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summer_s4it will be automatically better04:49
celt1ck i will read that, thanks04:49
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bjwebbim trying to get gobuntu gutsy to work properly, where is the best place to ask for help04:49
Geminia1hello mates... how do i install GTK+-2.10 ??04:50
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znoGhey, does anyone know if an upgrade from ubuntu edgy to feisty fawn is fairly safe?04:50
T-ConnectBe careful on SATA drives.04:50
summer_s4yes it is extreemly safe04:50
blublobluHi everyone, I've messed up my wireless configuration and I need a step-by-step guide to restore settings to what they are on a fresh install. Any help would be appreciated04:50
=== _Lucretia_ is on SATA and it's working ok
T-ConnectUbuntu doesn't like SATA very well.04:50
tininBashBang it seems ok, I'll try with /dev/sda instead of uuid04:50
Geminia1is there like an apt get command to install gktk+-2.10?04:50
znoGsummer_s4: really?04:51
summer_s4blubloblu:  go into system-admin-network04:51
summer_s4znog: yes04:51
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blubloblusummer_s4, ok04:51
T-ConnectLeast I have a boot error on Ubuntu just by using SATA.04:51
BashBangtinin : does cat /proc/filesystems show your ntfs partitions?04:51
celt1calright i am staying on this laptop that im typing on while i have the laptop that i am instlaling ubuntu on, ill ask any questions that im not sure about ok04:51
summer_s4blubloblu: type your users pass04:51
znoGsummer_s4: i figured as much, i would have thought adept wouldn't tell me an upgrade is available to feisty unless it was reaaaally sure04:51
summer_s4blubloblu: wait 4 it to load04:51
blubloblusummer_s4, yeah, did that. Wireless device doesn't appear04:52
Geminia1no one knows how to get gtk?04:52
optimusrexMy adept tells me that I do not have admin rights to install stuff. I am the admin and logged in as admin when the comp started. How do I fix Adept manager, please?04:52
celt1cdo i install in text mode right?04:52
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summer_s4znog: i am truely sure04:52
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FalstiusI have a dual monitor setup and I want a VNC client that will properly full screen to one monitor, leaving the other alone (as most programs do when in full screen).  Real vnc's vncviewer takes up both monitors and positions the active area in the middle.  tsclient tries to only use one monitor, but it fails, loses the mouse and keyboard, and I have to kill it from a console.  Any suggestions?04:52
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tininBashBang yes04:52
summer_s4blubloblu: does it say wireless connection?04:52
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blubloblusummer_s4, no, just dial-up and wired04:52
T-ConnectI never could get Ubuntu to boot on my SATA, It also screw up my XP boot as well.04:52
summer_s4click the power button in the top right hand corner04:53
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summer_s4click restart04:53
T-ConnectI'm using Non-SATA for Ubuntu.04:53
Thunderhitplz help me, want to build truecrypt, it asks for the source directory of the linux kernel..... can you tell me where it is? :-)04:53
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BashBangtinin : k, your problems are definitly not in fstab, maybe a permision problem then?04:53
tininwhat do I do next when I change the fstab? sudo umount -a?04:53
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swordhey there04:53
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tininBashBang any suggestion?04:54
summer_s4anyone need help?04:54
swordwhy is there such a following for ubuntu ?04:54
swordits like the new mandrake04:54
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Geminia1cause ubuntu rox04:54
blubloblusummer_s4, did you ask me to restart?04:54
SkryptHow do I set wine as the default program for .exe files?04:54
Falstiustinin: sudo mount -a (not umount)04:54
summer_s4sword: because it looks dif04:54
celt1cim installing the alt of 6.06 and it says it cant find any network interfaces, is this a problem04:54
tininFalstius ok04:54
swordsummer_s4:  because it looks dif?04:54
summer_s4blubloblu: yes.  While it is restarting, make sure the wireless cord is plugged in right.04:55
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summer_s4blubloblu: don't open the computer04:55
spikebwireless cord?04:55
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BashBangtinin : are you trying to mount as normal user?04:55
blubloblusummer_s4, ok04:55
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tininwow, now I've got a problem with mtab04:55
summer_s4blubloblu: If it is USB make sure it is connected right04:55
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tininBashBang no, I still know a bit04:55
swordsome of my friends call the distro HIVbuntu because it is spreading like a virus04:55
KyuDragonWolfgnomefreak, used the config tool as suggested, clicked to enable read and write of internal and external device, and it is still read only. Does it need to be unmounted and remounted?04:55
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Geminia1cause it is good04:56
summer_s4anyone: Say your problomes i will try to help you04:56
Geminia1ubuntu is best distro perhaps04:56
celt1cguys i need help with the partitioner in the install04:56
tininIf i reboot, will mtab be configured automatically?04:56
summer_s4geminia1: yes04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mtab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
gnomefreakKyuDragonWolf: maybe, i have learned a long time ago to not write to ntfs but this tool is fairly new and i have never used it04:56
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celt1cit gives me 4 options, which do i pick to keep my windows install and hav a dual boot of linux04:56
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SkryptHow do I set wine as the default program for .exe files?04:57
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summer_s4celt1c:  i would do a windows/linux duo boot.04:57
celt1cok how do i do that04:57
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The_MachineI'm using Kubuntu - my local USB drive isn't being automatically detected/mounted.  It was working so nicely when i first installed Feisty, now it's all crapped out.  I have an ext3 formatted drive i want it to recognize..  can anyone give me some advice on how to fix this issue (once and for all, so it automatically recognizes these drives in the future?)04:57
KyuDragonWolfgnomefreak, the drive is a slave, really, it doesn't matter what format it is in, other than I need to clear it out to transfer stuff off of it to reformat it. Any suggestions?04:57
summer_s4celt1c: go to partitionmagic.com04:57
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summer_s4do you have linux or windows on right now?04:58
celt1cwindows on right now04:58
celt1cim literally in the linux install04:58
celt1cin the paritioning place04:58
swordsomeone just told me ubuntu is like the birdflu for fanboys ;/04:58
blubloblusummer_s4, ok. I booted in recovery mode, nothing out of the ordinary appeared, no errors04:58
rafaelscjcelt1c, choose manual04:58
swordwhat distro did yall use before ubuntu04:58
Geminia1anyone know how to get gtk installed?04:58
Geminia1is there an apt-get command?04:58
BashBangtinin : try: sudo mount -t /dev/sda504:58
swordor gentoo or mandrake04:58
summer_s4Windows XP04:58
celt1ck im in manual, then what do i do04:58
=== spikeb has used every major distro out there, plus most of the minor ones :)
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thunderhitubuntu my second distri, tried suse 10 before, well, it was...meh04:59
aubadesword: Well, it is pretty contagious.04:59
swordaids is too04:59
summer_s4i am going to put 4 distros on my computer04:59
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spikebubuntu debian and fedora are my faves, but this is kind of offtopic.04:59
blubloblusummer_s4, what should I do now?04:59
Jack_Sparrowsword: do you have a point to your comments04:59
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swordyes kinda04:59
rafaelscjsword, Slackware04:59
celt1ccan someone walk me through what to do with this paritioning thing05:00
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rafaelscjcelt1c, there is unpartitioned space?05:00
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celt1ci donno, all i have is my c drive, which has 55 gb free05:00
tininBashBang Falstius I'll reboot, I think fstab works well now, but not mtab (I also changed it, I know I shouldn't)05:01
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kasleproMy wireless card doesn't work. It's a  Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller05:01
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rafaelscjcelt1c, you must rezize your windows partition05:01
summer_s4with ubuntu05:01
summer_s4kaslepro: with ubuntu?05:01
swordi try to get support for fedora / redhat stuff sometimes and ppl think in ubuntu aspect05:01
celt1ci donno what that menas or how to do it, i am on my other laptop right now too in the instlal of linux and i donno what to do05:02
swordlike beryl05:02
aubaderafaelscj: Can you really grow/shrink a NTFS volume safely?05:02
=== Darkshowdo [n=darkshow@74-138-163-70.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
summer_s4use partitionmagic.com utility demo05:02
DarkshowdoHey all05:02
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Darkshowdocould someone help me05:02
rafaelscjaudabe, using partitionmagic05:02
swordits nice that ubuntu is doing good and all but ionno05:02
summer_s4celt1c: how big of a hard drive do you have?05:02
blubloblusummer_s4, can you tell me what I should do to clean up my wireless settings?05:03
Jack_Sparrowsword: this isnt the place for that discussion..05:03
celt1c100 gb total, 55 free05:03
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summer_s4blubloblu: go to network in admin05:03
swordwhat about #ubuntu-devel?05:03
rafaelscjcelt1c, is there unpartitioned space?05:03
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celt1cidk what that means, i guess i just have a c drive, total size is 100, 55 gb is free05:04
summer_s4celt1c: ok use partition magic demo (found at partitionmagic.com click demo) then05:04
Darkshowdocould some one help me05:04
systemd0wnanyone have an alternative to nautilus they would recommend?05:04
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spikebsystemd0wn, thunar or pcmanfm05:04
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summer_s4celt1c: tell it to remove 50000 mb from C:/05:04
optimusrexI'm using edubuntu and I am having a problem with Adept manager. Can someone help me make it realise that I am the admin05:04
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geem<Darkshowdo> plz state your prob be specific05:04
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celt1cfirst of all idk how to do that, and i still wanna have a lot of space for windows too05:05
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geemdid u set a root pass05:05
blubloblusummer_s4, it seems to work when I'm in recovery mode05:05
swordcount: wsup05:05
Darkshowdowell i cant seem to get my wireless internet to work i got a wmp54g v4 and sas it supported05:05
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systemd0wnspikeb, ya nautilus is driving me nuts with its list view option.  AUGH. :) thanks05:05
summer_s4blubloblu: well... copy the code05:05
Darkshowdoi ve done a whole bunvh of stuff did the .wireless-up File thing05:05
spikebsystemd0wn, you're welcome.05:06
Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: I just did mine this morning..05:06
swordJack_Sparrow: is there a ubuntu politics channel05:06
Darkshowdoive put my computer with static ip05:06
swordto talk about the roadmap for the project?05:06
summer_s4blubloblu: paste the code into any text manager05:06
Jack_Sparrowsword: there are several ubuntu discussion rooms..05:06
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Darkshowdohey jack05:06
swordfor wht im talking about05:06
swordi want to inform ubuntu users05:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:06
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swordthat there is more to linux than ubuntu05:06
Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: how far did you get with the tutorial?05:07
swordthis isnt random chatter05:07
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Darkshowdodid the whole thing05:07
swordthis is about the ubuntu project05:07
jasiui`ve got question: how can i change clock theme05:07
tininFalstius:  BashBang:  Problem solved, thanx, I will have to learn about that UUID thing, I've got the same problem with another pc05:07
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Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: what tutorial did you use.05:07
celt1chow do i partition my drive so that i can dual boot with windows and ubuntu05:07
Falstiustinin: using UUIDs is a good idea, but it isn't very mature yet.05:08
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blubloblusummer_s4, what code?05:08
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Darkshowdoit was with the .wireless-up file then u had to use like gedit and then make the file05:08
npnufnI am using feisty.  my nautilus scripts are not showing in the nautilus context menu.05:08
summer_s4blubloblu wep, wpa, or wpa205:08
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npnufnwhat should I do?05:08
Darkshowdothen i had to use the termniel05:08
Jack_Sparrowsword there are lots of ubuntu channels... do a irc search and pick the one that best suits your needs.05:09
jasiuhow can i change the clock theme??05:09
Darkshowdoand go to like some rc2.d thing05:09
tininFalstius but for afaik UUID is the most used now05:09
Darkshowdothen type some other command in05:09
summer_s4does anyone know of a partition resizer for ubuntu?05:09
tininby default on all ubuntu flavours05:09
Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: Ok...  stop there05:09
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fevelsummer_s4: gparted05:09
T-ConnectIs there away to get rid of some ugly screen savers?05:09
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celt1cguys i am desperate for help!  i am literally in the middle of the ubuntu install on my laptop right next to me and idk what to do with the partitions, can someone tell me in detail how to partition correctly05:09
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Geminia1i appear to be tunnelling through "dependancy hell"05:09
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Geminia1please tell me if there is a way to install gtk with apt-get05:10
Falstiustinin: Ubuntu started using them with Edgy and Feisty, which is pretty recent.  But tools for dealing with UUIDs aren't as familar to the community as a whole.05:10
Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: let me find the one I used this morning..05:10
Geminia1i'd really really love it if there were05:10
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BashBangtinin : how did you make out?05:10
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tininBashBang I changed UUIDs to /dev/sdax and rebooted, because I also had tried luck with mtab before, so it was giving me errors05:11
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tininI tried uuids from live cds05:12
francis_Could someone PleaSe help me get my wireless lan card working at 11mb/ps !! i am currently connected at 30KB/ps .. The card works fine in M$05:12
Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517405:12
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Darkshowdok thx05:12
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Jack_SparrowDarkshowdo: read through and ask any questions..05:13
tomizeis there a simple reason why on feisty, apt-get install apache yields "Package apache is not available, but referred to by another package"?05:13
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T-ConnectCan VirtualBox run a DOS program?05:13
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BashBangtinin : mount is your friend here, read the man page for mount, you should be able to pass the same options in fstab with mount. saves rebooting :)05:13
downhillgamesmicrosoft invents Compiz: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx  |  http://images.google.com/images?um=1&tab=wi&client=firefox-a&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=virtual%20desktop%20manager%20xp  |  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PgHSYLqyJQ05:13
Geminia1is there a way to use the package manager to install gtk because the normal way is killing me with dependencies05:13
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Geminia1like what repo might it be in?05:13
downhillgamesVista with 4 desktops :/05:14
tininI always use the easy way (and I needed to go to ba<throom)05:14
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Andyhohi y'all05:15
Jack_Sparrowfrancis_: what network card?05:15
francis_Jack_Sparrow: its the bcm4310 UART05:15
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regis_hello i have  Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character zhen copying files from an ext3 hdd to my local ext3 partition05:15
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Jack_Sparrowfrancis_:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517405:15
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Jack_Sparrowfrancis_: That is the one I used this morning to set up two different wireless cards.. one pcmcia05:16
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francis_humm mine is not a pcmcia05:16
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Jack_Sparrowfrancis_: both were different versions of the broadcom chipset.. one was made by linksys05:16
Andyhowhat's the best way to run .exe's on ubuntu? I hear WINE can be a little slow.. I would prefer not to have to do a virtual with windows..05:16
Jack_Sparrowfrancis_: The other was mini-pci05:17
spikebAndyho, wine or virtualization.05:17
SlimeyPetewineis the only way, Andyho, apart from virtualization.05:17
tininfrancis you should check if it is supported under linux before05:17
rogue780where does firefox keep its plugin files?05:17
spikebAndyho, if it works with wine, use that method.05:17
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francis_Jack_Sparrow: will try it out !! will tell ya how it goes05:17
Jack_Sparrowfrancis  the bcm43xx are supported05:17
FalstiusAndyho: wine is as fast or faster than running them natively on windows.  When it works.05:17
regis_anyone can help me with my locales problem? how can i detect the locales of a file?05:17
spikebrogue780, /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:17
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francis_tinin: there is a bcm43xx module in the kernel05:18
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Andyhok, guess I'll try wine and see how it goes :)05:18
kbrosnanrogue780: many places, go to about:config find plugin.expose_full_path double click to turn to true and then go to about:plugins05:18
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downhillgamescan anyone tell me about this being supported? : 01:04.0 RF controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]  Am 1771 MBW [Alchemy]  (rev 04)05:18
Jack_Sparrowfrancis_: That link should have you up and running quickly, remember to check your repos..05:19
T-ConnectOh no virualbox is stuck.05:19
dediwhat should i do when i changed the mainboard and other hardware without reinstalling the system?05:19
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downhillgamesdedi, just make sure to plug in your hard drives to the same spots they came from (on the old board)05:19
tininSo it should work by default, maybe try first a program for wireless connections05:20
tininlike knemo in kde05:20
downhillgamesdedi, other than that... maybe modify the xorg.conf Device section to reflect the new BusID05:20
downhillgamesdedi, that should do ya05:20
tomizeok lets try another way, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/web/apache won't appear in synaptic, is it deprecated or something?05:20
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summer_s4each day, i am going threw add/remove applacations05:20
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rogue780kbrosnan,, spikeb, thanks05:20
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spikebapache is called httpd now isnt it?05:21
T-ConnectHow I hit ok on virtualbox?05:21
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dedidownhillgames: system is running but i cant install the grafic drivers (it says cant find nvidia card). already modified the xorg.conf to nv driver05:21
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tininfrancis If you say it has a slow connecton, it means it is working, maybe you'll only need to configure your internet connection or your router ports05:21
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downhillgamesdedi, lspci | grep VGA05:21
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NixMani'm really into writing tutorials, anyone know of any tutorials that need to be written?05:21
T-Connectvirualbox sucks05:22
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T-ConnectDamn thing won't go anywhere.05:22
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dedidownhillgames: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0400 (rev a1)05:22
spikebNixMan, yeah. a better one on making custom usplashes05:22
Jack_Sparrowtinin: the wrong driver will give you a slow connection.05:22
francis__tinin: i use the same config inM$ and it works at 11 mb/ps05:22
downhillgamesdedi, what is the beginning of that line? (the numbers)05:22
BashBangNixMan : can you wite a tutorial for my girlfriend?05:23
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dedidownhillgames: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller:05:23
tininfrancis so go on05:23
downhillgamesdedi, make sure your BusID in xorg.conf starts with 105:23
matkixHey, I need a lil help following a installation read-me anyone here willing to read along with me and answer some rather lame linux ubnutu questions?05:23
downhillgamesdedi, it's in the Device section (below your driver line-ish)05:23
NixManspikeb: hmm..i've never did that before, but i assume you can use gimp and then apply with the spashscreen pacakge?05:23
NixManBashBang: what for05:24
dedidownhillgames: it does already. x is running but only with nv drivers05:24
spikebNixMan, no idea.05:24
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downhillgamesdedi, oh. hmm. then why can't it find the card? (any specific error?)05:24
rafaelscjwhere can i found the Genius Webcam's driver?05:24
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summer_s4I hvae a question.  Is it good to leave ubuntu on?05:24
downhillgamesdedi, check /var/log for xorg.log files05:24
NixManspikeb: i think i know how to do it, but the problem is making them look good is hard unless you are just good at image creation.05:24
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NixMani'm really into writing tutorials, anyone know of any tutorials that need to be written?05:25
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spikebNixMan, ahh ok05:25
T-Connectvirualbox installer is fuck up.05:25
rafaelscjNixMan, write about webcam05:25
=== spikeb is mostly waiting for somebody to make a clearlooks theme for usplash
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BashBangmatkix : I'll help you since I know what your up against05:25
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NixManFalstius: i don't understnad that myself :( i tried for a while, but i think my cam is broken. i could figure it out if i had a newer cam05:25
matkixoh wow you love me!05:25
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matkixBashBang: So was it you that had to go to work?05:26
spikebNixMan, my advice, as far as finding topics to write about would be to peruse the forums, see what poeple have the most problems with, and write about that.05:26
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bipolarDoes anyone know of a GUI for keeping track and signing ssl certs?05:26
NixManspikeb: that is a great idea, then i could answer the forums with the tutorial05:26
BashBangmatkix : called in sick05:26
T-ConnectI kill virualbox installer05:26
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spikebNixMan, yep05:26
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tinin<T-Connect> virtualbox is very easy to install, they even have got a repository for feisty. Maybe it isn't as good as vmware, but it has given me no headaches like vmware05:27
BashBangmatkix : what is the name of your card again?05:27
T-ConnectIt won't install.05:27
matkix_BashBang:  Is it alright if we go pm on this one? I'm gettin a lil tired and it would be really nice to be in pm.05:27
T-ConnectIt just sit there.05:27
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krspycould somebody help me out? i installed nvidia kernel version 1.0-9755, but every time i reboot it is recognized as version 1.0-7184, so i get an "api mismatch"05:28
T-ConnectMaybe virualbox installer is screw up.05:28
Geminia1i'm touching myself05:28
krspyany pointers?05:28
dedidownhillgames: yes,  Please ensure that there is a supported NVIDIA GPU in this system. is the only message. i think because its a "unknown device"05:28
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downhillgamesdedi, neat. what video card do you have?05:28
T-ConnectI will click on it again.05:28
tinin## VirtualBox Repository05:29
tinin# wget http://www.virtualbox.org/debian/innotek.asc05:29
tinin# sudo apt-key add innotek.asc05:29
tinin# If you run into a error when starting VirtualBox, execute a quick:05:29
tinin# sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup05:29
tinindeb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free05:29
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dedidownhillgames: 8600gts05:29
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downhillgamesdedi, ooooh. what version of the driver do you have?05:29
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damikedoes anybody know where i can find a xorg.conf for "Intel GMA X3100"05:31
T-Connectmitchell@pc-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup05:31
T-Connectsudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found05:31
T-Connectmitchell@pc-desktop:~$ deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free05:31
T-Connectbash: deb: command not found05:31
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=== geem buys DJ_Danni a /\/\ :)HappyMeal:) /\/\ ,but takes the toy!
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DJ_DanniHey i am trying to install ATI Radion 9800 driver and what chatter shut i use at .run?05:32
dedidownhillgames: the lastest from nvidia.com05:32
Geminiasxorg.conf is in /etc/X1105:32
downhillgamesdedi, sorry. you didn't say my name so i missed it :P05:32
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dedidownhillgames: yeah i forgot it :)05:32
tininT-Connect Just add those lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list and then update and install it from synaptic or command line05:32
T-ConnectNow it telling me to close update.05:32
downhillgamesdedi, ah ok.05:33
DJ_DanniHey i am trying to install ATI Radion 9800 driver and what chatter shut i use at .run?05:33
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downhillgamesdedi, um... honestly i use Fedora so my methods might vary from what you need to do :x05:33
preaction!repeat | DJ_Danni05:33
ubotuDJ_Danni: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:33
T-ConnectThis is too hard.05:33
tininjust add this one05:33
tinindeb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free05:33
preaction!ati | DJ_Danni05:33
ubotuDJ_Danni: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:33
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tinin<T-Connect> it is not hard to add a line to a text file05:34
DJ_DanniWhy do you have this support if you are just telling pebole like me begenner at linux where to go?05:34
Andyhohi again! just tried installing wine and got... the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: No_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26305:34
dedidownhillgames: np, i will try on :)05:34
downhillgamesDJ_Danni, what's the problem?05:34
regis_hello, what is the locale of an us windows 2000?05:35
rafaelscjHow can I set my widescreen resolution to 1280x800?05:35
tininjust do in a terminal to open that text file and paste that line there (then save): sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:35
downhillgamesdedi, sorry! i do wish i could help beyond this without possibly fudging your whole system :P05:35
preactionDJ_Danni: because you ask questions that everybody else asks? because you're not using the correct method of installing your drivers? because that link explains how to do it?05:35
DJ_Dannii am trying to install ATI Radion 9800 driver and what chatter shut i use at .run?05:35
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magnetronDJ_Danni: because we cannot explain everything here either. a lot of us are beginners05:35
RoC_MasterMindAndyho, sounds like you added a repo without adding the GPG key ofr it05:35
tininjust do in a terminal to open that text file and paste that line there (then save): sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list           <T-Connect>05:35
Ominousis it possible to disable a headphone jack in ubuntu as mine is broken internally so my laptop always thinks a headphone is plugged it05:35
dedidownhillgames: i thank you anyway05:35
downhillgamesDJ_Danni, there are drivers available through the package manager. open Synaptic Package Manager and search for "ati"05:35
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downhillgamesdedi, ^_^ if i think of anything i'll msg you05:36
=== Greyscale [n=Grey@host86-131-31-130.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
downhillgamesDJ_Danni, ^_~ that's all you need to do05:36
tinin<DJ_Danni> try envy from alberto milone (google)05:36
magnetronOminous: that's a hardware question. you would have to alter the hardware physically to solve that problem05:36
preaction!envy | tinin, DJ_Danni05:36
ubotutinin, DJ_Danni: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!05:36
AndyhoRoC: thanks, is there a quick way around it?05:36
Ominousmagnetron: ok05:36
downhillgamesDJ_Danni, what ubotu said hehe05:36
RoC_MasterMindOminous, I think that switching feature is hardware based.05:36
radiomandoes 3ddesktop run well on 1GZ ~700mb ram, fx52 ?05:36
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spikeb3ddesktop runs fine on that.05:37
spikebso would beryl or compiz05:37
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T-ConnectThat doesn't help05:37
downhillgamesradioman, my pentium 3 with a geforce 2 32MB AGP4x can run Compiz Fusion, i'd say so05:37
RoC_MasterMindradioman, fx5200 is great.05:37
downhillgamesradioman, 128MB system ram too :)05:37
radiomanok, thanks05:37
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NET||abuseanyone used opensync? i want to sync my nokia e61 to my evolution contacts and calander :)05:38
NET||abuseanyone had any success?05:38
T-Connectmitchell@pc-desktop:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:38
T-Connect mitchell@pc-desktop:~$ deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free05:38
T-Connectbash: deb: command not found05:38
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tinin<preaction> envy works great and it has a lot of support and forums, and always updated. But for ati it is much more easy to use the opensource drivers if they are avaliable for your card. btw ati sucks05:39
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!05:39
=== AliStar [n=cheku@] has joined #ubuntu
NixMani am writing a script for installing something, but i was wondering what i could put in it (a command) that will add a menu entry under internet with a specific name, icon, etc.05:39
T-Connectvirtualbox will not install on 7.0405:39
AliStarhow to find last modified files by certain user?05:39
SkryptI can't get my sound to work through firefox as well as my desktop sounds. I can, however, watch movies and play MP3s if they're downloaded05:39
SkryptAny help?05:39
NET||abuseT-Connect: i use it on 7.0405:39
NET||abuseT-Connect: was the easiest setup i ever tried, 0 problems05:40
tinin<T-Connect> you need to add that line to the sources.list file05:40
tinindeb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free05:40
T-ConnectI did.05:40
tininthen save05:40
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Andyhook.. lets see if I fixed it..05:40
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NET||abuseT-Connect: sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install virtualbox05:40
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conde_i was installed giFT and apollone with Gnutella, Ares, FastTrack and OpenFT, and now i can't connect this networks...all of them stay in Connection... somebody can help me?05:40
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tininT-Connect and update in synaptic, virtualbox will be there then05:41
tininand always updated05:41
RoC_MasterMindNixMan, look inside /usr/share/applications05:41
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NET||abuseSo anyone had any success with opensync and nokia E series phones?05:41
T-ConnectE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:41
T-ConnectE: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:41
geniiT-Connect: You might have more success with:  sudo echo "deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list   instead of trying to execute a command called "deb"05:42
tininsudo dpkg --configure -a05:42
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downhillgamesgenii, :)05:42
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NixManRoC_MasterMind: what for? im writing a script for automatically install thunderbird 2.0, and i have it downloadthing the tar.gz, uzipping it, cp it to /etc/opt, but now i need it to add a menu icon. it is for total noobs05:43
T-ConnectSame error.05:43
downhillgamesT-Connect, what do you need to do?05:43
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Andyhohmmm.. so I didn't get the error this time. So how do I know if Wine is installed?05:43
T-ConnectUbuntu update mightv'e fuck it up.05:43
downhillgamesAndy80, dpkg -L wine05:43
downhillgamesidk what the switch is05:44
=== Seoke [n=heath@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
downhillgamesAndy80, check "man dpkg" for listing packages05:44
AliStarI need a list of files owned by a user sorted by modification time, how can I get it? (a system wide search)05:44
SeokeAnyone have experience with G++?05:44
T-ConnectI will remove that line and then see what happen.05:44
downhillgamesali1234, do you use GNOME?05:44
tininT-Connect ok05:44
=== fools [n=lloyd@c-24-6-186-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniiwork, AFK 5-7 mins05:44
downhillgamesAliStar, do you use GNOME?05:44
downhillgamesali1234, sorry, wrong person!05:45
=== hurdboy [n=sean@wsip-70-169-147-29.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
T-ConnectWhat the hell.05:45
AliStardownhillgames, no, commoand line05:45
Andyhok brb05:45
preaction!ohmy | T-Connect05:45
ubotuT-Connect: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:45
SeokeAnyone have experience with g++?05:45
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downhillgamesAliStar, erm... i'm not sure then, keep asking i guess :)05:45
T-ConnectThis screw up bady.05:45
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tininT-Connect just try to download the ubuntu feisty version of virtualbox and install it with a double click, it must be a .deb file05:46
matkix_ahhhhh I can't kill my alter ego! Can someone force out matkix so I can identify?05:46
rolfenis it possible to run an nmap scan against your own box? i want to know how vulnerable i am.05:46
downhillgamesT-Connect, what. do. you. need. to. do?05:46
T-ConnectI going to reinstall 7.04.05:46
SeokeAnyone have experience with g++?05:46
T-ConnectSomething is wrong.05:46
=== stephane [n=stephane@43-40.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
downhillgameswhat is "something"?05:46
tininT-Connect i has solution05:46
T-ConnectDamn Ubuntu update.05:46
hurdboySeoke: it's like gcc, only for c++05:46
hurdboywhat do you need to know?05:46
Seokehurdboy, How to use it is there an IDE for it?05:47
ali1234downhillgames: pebkac05:47
tininIt has a solution for sure T-Connect05:47
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Jack_Sparrowrolfen: Not sure if this will help.. but I use grc.com to scan my vulnerabilities05:47
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hurdboyeclipse, I think05:47
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Seokehurdboy, Alright thanks I'll check them out05:47
downhillgamesali1234, what's pebkac?05:47
matkix_How do I see a list of users in the channel?05:47
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Andyhocrap.. still isn't installed.. wtf..05:47
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rolfenJack_Sparrow: thanks, i'll try that05:48
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NixManwhat is the correct tar command that should be used to extract a tar.gz? isn't it somthing like tar -xv?05:48
T-ConnectMaybe it that screw up virualshitbox installer screw it up.05:48
=== Bryan [n=chatzill@c-69-254-92-146.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tininT-Connect close synaptic and open a terminal and write : sudo aptitude update05:48
ali1234downhillgames: permanent error between keyboard and chair05:48
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tininand tell what happens05:48
dxdtSeoke: yeah, Kdevelop is one.  Anjuta is another.  Also you can use the less than full IDE's but > than nothing editors  that are vim and emacs05:48
BryanIve got an acknowledged wired connection, but no internet, any ideas?05:48
downhillgamesali1234, or tab completion issues ;)05:48
RoC_MasterMindNixMan, follow the form of the usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop file05:48
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Jack_Sparrowrolfen:np... shields up05:48
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RoC_MasterMindNixMan, to extract a tar...  tar -xvf filename.tar   or tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz05:49
tininT-Connect wich kind of file did you donwload, wasn't it a .deb file?05:49
ali1234downhillgames: not you, nvm...05:49
Jack_SparrowNixMan: tar xvpfz backup.tgz -C /05:49
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downhillgamesali1234, O_o k05:49
Seokedxdt, I tried both of them and neither of them seem to work for me with KDevelop I get an error and Anjuta says theres no target executable selected when I try to exectute the hello world program05:49
ajfernandezJose ngel05:49
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T-ConnectI will reinstall 7.04 and I won't mess with it again.05:49
NixManRoC_MasterMind: just figured out the tar, but will i have to host the .desktop file? then have the script to download it? i think that will work...but where will i add it? i mean, where is the correct location to add the file?05:50
BryanI've got a wired connection established but no internet, can anyone help?05:50
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optimusrexHi all. Please help me get my Adept manager recognise that I am the admin05:50
NixManRoC_MasterMind: ah, i'd put it in /applications, right?05:50
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RoC_MasterMindNixMan, /usr/share/applications/   there also seems to be some sort of command to make the menu update right away(without having to logout)...it might be  update-app-install but I don't know.05:51
spikeboptimusrex, how are you starting it?05:51
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Andyhodoes anyone know of any progs that are like active desktop calendar?05:51
T-ConnectYep it is virualbox problem. E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.05:51
T-ConnectE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.05:51
NixManRoC_MasterMind: i'll try that05:51
=== seguranx [n=seguranx@200-181-170-144.ctame705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
optimusrexunder applications clicking the icon05:51
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dxdtSeoke: that's odd.  I mean they definitely work since they are used to build massive things like KDE, etc.  I would just fiddle with it some more to make sure it works.  Also, did you install the package build-essential?  That may be an issue if you haven't already.05:51
CapaHQuestion, how can I specify what I want my sound device to be? I went to system preferences | sound -- and I set it to "USB Sound" -- (for my headset) -- but even after I click close, the speakers and not the headset continue to make the noise.. ?05:51
BryanI've got a wired connection established but no internet, can anyone help?05:51
tinin<T-Connect> so go on, you will screw a few times your system before you learn XD. then search for whatever you need to do here http://ubuntuguide.org/05:51
optimusrexspikeb, its under applications then going to system tools05:51
spikeboptimusrex, that should prompt you for an admin password before it launches.05:52
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Seokedxdt, How would I check I'm not sure xD I've been installing a ton of stuff just got ubuntu up and running yesterday05:52
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BryanI've got a wired connection established but no internet, can anyone help?05:52
T-ConnectI don't care about virualbox. It piss me off.05:52
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dxdtSeoke: just use Synaptic.  It will be listed as installed if it is already installed.05:52
=== Guest551 [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seokedxdt, Whats it called again?05:53
Jack_SparrowBryan: have you checked the hardware page to see if there are any issuse with your card.?05:53
optimusrexspikeb, it is not doing that. It's just telling me that I can only use it under read only mode05:53
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BryanIt worked earlier, Jack Sparrow05:53
tinin<T-Connect> you won't need it, linux has great programs05:53
HHP2KHey guys, does anyone know if there's a channel for awn?05:53
=== thrilla [n=thrilla@c-71-199-193-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spikeboptimusrex, well you can launch it from the command line - open up a terminal and type sudo adept-manager05:53
Jack_SparrowBryan: np.. had to ask.. anything been installed since tit last worked05:53
sipiorBryan: how did you set up your network? do you have a default route set?05:53
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Seokedxdt, Yup it wasnt installed05:53
BryanThen I had to Restart, and neither the wired or wireless works05:53
thrillai need some help05:53
T-ConnectI do need something to run FinalBurn Aplha05:54
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BryanIve got no default route set, I don't believe05:54
thrillai was trying to get the linux version of there.com05:54
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UfORiCHello everyone05:54
sipiorBryan: could you paste the results of "/sbin/ifconfig" and "/sbin/route -n" in the pastebin?05:54
thrillaand keep getting a message to use internet explorer05:54
SeokeAnyone know why I keep getting E: mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 when I install things with synaptic?05:54
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thrillahow the heck do i get the linux package?05:55
optimusrexspikeb, this is what I get "sudo: adept-manager: command not found"05:55
Jack_SparrowSeoke: HAve you made any changes to your sources list05:55
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spikeboptimusrex, try sudo adept and press tab, see what it lists05:55
=== blackace11 [n=blackace@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
UfORiCis there any specific channel for server related questions? thanks05:55
Bryanim on a different computer, but I will type it out here05:56
radioman3ddesk rocks! thx again ;}05:56
SeokeJack_Sparrow, I dont think so is there anyway to change that file back to default in case I have?05:56
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sipiorBryan: best to use the pastebin05:56
Jack_SparrowSeoke: YEs, easy to edit..05:56
sipiorthere's a bit of data there...05:56
thrillaanyone know how to solve my issue?05:56
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:56
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sipior!pastebin > Bryan05:56
HHP2KHas anyone been checking out the new Awn Svn and can tell me about the installation process?05:56
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...05:56
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SeokeJack_Sparrow, Thanks05:57
HHP2KThe installer for awn tells me that I'm missing a bunch of packages that I know I'm not, so why isn't it finding them?05:57
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thrillaprobably not installed correctly05:57
Jack_SparrowSeoke: HAve you used scripts to install anything.. they change sources..05:57
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SeokeJack_Saparrow, Yeah a couple things that synaptic didnt let me install for some reason05:58
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Jack_SparrowSeoke: Which scripts did you use?05:58
thrillacan someone help me?05:58
francisJack_Sparrow: still no luck its still the same speed05:58
SeokeJack_Sparrow, Cant remember exactly05:58
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...05:58
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surviverhello evry1, i heared somewhere that u need to pay (not open source) for decode to mp3? is that right? and my second question, if u got mp3 files on ur linux distro u can play them ? without paying05:59
optimusrexspikeb, a lot of stuff just came up on the Konsole and adept then started without the priveleges issue. Do you think the problem is solved?05:59
spikeboptimusrex, i have no idea to be honest05:59
Anlarsurviver: you can go around paying, no need to pay for anything ever in this life05:59
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FurryNemesissurviver, yep to the 2nd05:59
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...05:59
HHP2Ksurviver: I don't see why you couldn't play mp3s on linux.. that works fine with the right programs05:59
Jack_Sparrowfrancis: did you remove the old driver first?  I am a novice at wireless... but one tutorial said to blacklist the previous driver05:59
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preaction_!mp3 | surviver06:00
ubotusurviver: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:00
Jack_SparrowSeoke: automatix and envy are BAD tools06:00
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thrillacan you guys even hear me?06:00
surviverHHP2K, yes i can play them but i heared someone say that u need to pay for decoding mp3 etc06:00
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...06:00
Andyhowhat the hey.. I'm following exactly what it says on winehq and it just ain't workin.. ugh!!06:00
preaction_!patience | thrilla06:00
ubotuthrilla: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:00
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Jack_SparrowSeoke: Try replacing your source list and see if that helps06:00
raccoon4444Hello All, Does anyone know the default interface configuration for etc/network/interfaces06:00
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toryl__thrilla: are you looking to spoof your browser or actually install IE on your linux box?06:01
Anlarsurviver: well, officially.. perhaps.. it's kinda hazy, but the patent proprietors are unofficially permitting it.. officially every mp3 decoder seller/distributor should pay06:01
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...06:01
thrillai guess the first06:01
thrillacause firefox does work with there.com site06:01
thrillathere.com is just being an a$$ about it06:01
francisJack_Sparrow: where is the old driver06:01
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francisJack_Sparrow: i think i am still using the same divr06:02
surviverAnlar, oke... i just heared it thats why i was asking myself... never did it or sonthing...06:02
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thrillaand is there a way to make the font bigger?06:02
blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...06:02
toryl__thrilla: there is a firefox plugin called Modify Headers that will probably do what you want: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/96706:02
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Jack_Sparrowfrancis: Do a search for ubuntu broadcom blacklist etc.. sorry that is the limit of my wireless knowledge..06:02
thrillathis is really really tiny and hard for me to read06:02
lsprocHow do I get a login window nested in my session?06:02
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blackace11i have a external usb drive and i seemed to lock my self out of it... i can't do sudo gparted and mount it...06:03
=== Iceron [n=alex@217-209-43-223-no89.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeokeJack_Sparrow, Still pops up but its not doing anything bad its still letting me install apps its just an annoyance I can deal with it06:03
Jack_Sparrowblackace11: Are you on a dual boot system?06:03
=== vicente [n=vicente@66.Red-88-1-251.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
optimusrexspikeb, thanks for your help. I'm installing java so let me finish that then I will restart adept to see if the problem is over. Bye for now06:03
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francisJack_Sparrow: let me look it up06:03
Anlarsurviver: mp3 is heavily patent encumbered, and the ip owner sues and practically smashes every company selling mp3 devices etc if they have not paid for it.. they are really ruthless and effective and they always win because they have got right to that.. for instance microsoft is paying for mp3 support in wmp just like everyone else06:03
blackace11but i'm not using it as dual boot06:04
=== MagoDeOz85 [n=vicente@66.Red-88-1-251.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BryanSipior are you there?06:04
raccoon4444I seemed to have deleted my network interfaces, and i was wondering if anyone could copy and paste their /etc/network/interfaces so i could get back to normal06:04
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geniithrilla If you have a scrollmouse a fast font change is with ctrl and scrollwheel06:04
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Anlarsurviver: but also they have decided to ignore non-commercial linux distributions playing with mp3 support.. for now. it's unofficial, they have never really given any statement about it, they are unwilling to do that either06:04
sipiorBryan: i am06:04
Jack_Sparrowblackace11: It might be a windows lock on that drive...06:04
=== SYNACK [n=SYNACK@cofire.k12.ar.us] has joined #ubuntu
thrillactrl + scrollwheel didn't do it06:04
blackace11i have used it before06:04
Anlarsurviver: but now, for instance behind Ubuntu there is.. Canonical.. a company. then it becomes problematic.. for Canonical to support Ubuntu which has mp3 support06:05
surviverAnlar, i see... well i love open-source:p06:05
Jack_Sparrowblackace11: YEs, but you might need to scandisk it in windows..06:05
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Anlarsurviver: it might stop any day. they can sue and butt fuck every open source software using mp3 technology in split seconds.06:05
blackace11but when i hook it up to windows laptop it shows it in hardware, but not in mycomputer06:05
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geniithrilla Weird, may be only win ver then.06:05
surviverAnlar, yeah kind of suck06:05
C-{pR0FHelp!!! ...06:05
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blackace11i think it's part of something i did with the permisions..06:06
C-{pR0Fi've removed the oem user that came with the installation from another user ,, but now , the user that i'm using , can't do anything , and i don't know how to enter to the User and Groups to fix that ,,, the user and group doesn;t apear in the system->adminstartion06:06
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C-{pR0Fis there anyway to fix that !!!!06:06
Anlarsurviver: not really. mp3 isn't the best of breed anyways anymore.. it wouldn't really hurt people06:06
thrillaso how do i make the font bigger?06:06
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surviverAnlar, i was just wondering what this "law" was about ... :D06:06
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thrillaand that addon for firefox didn't do anything, same problem06:07
scoobydoo28139someone point me in the direction to get drivers for my 8500gt nvidia card?06:07
sipiorBryan: i think you were going to send me a pastebin link, wasn't it?06:07
surviverAnlar, well i am a windows men for about 5 years (switeched month ago to linux ) on that distro i got like 5 gig of mp3 files... lol06:07
Jack_Sparrowblackace11: I have seen issues here where you need to fix it from windows side... let me see if I have any notes on it..06:07
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thrillatry the nvidia.com web site for drivers06:07
toryl__thrilla: re your font, tell us your chat client.  re modify headers, you actually have to add the header for it to work.06:07
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SeokeHow do I uprade from 6.04 to 6.0606:08
thrillaxchat i am using, but i really want the font to be bigger for the entire system06:08
Anlarsurviver: you can mass transform them into for instance ogg vorbis :) although it's not healthy to re-encode the same audio again06:08
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surviverAnlar, mzz oke :))06:08
sipiorSeoke: i think one of those doesn't exist06:08
WaterSomeone here has experience with wireless connections under ubuntu :)?06:08
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sipiorSeoke: it was 6.06 and then 6.10. or is my memory all off?06:09
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surviverAnlar, nrmally i dont encode and stuff only for making cd audio files ... mp3 wont work on a ordinary radio...06:09
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thrillathank god06:09
Seokesipior oh yeah sorry I have 6.0606:09
thrillai fixed the font problem06:09
Seokesipior, You're right it was a long night last night so how do I upgrade?06:09
thrillachanged the resolution06:09
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syntaxxim having a problem in cups.. whenever a user pause the the job it pauses all other queue anyone know how can i fix this or what am i missing?06:09
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rambo3Seoke, update-manager -c06:09
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screeweduphelp with video card?06:10
Seokerambo3, Awesome thanks!06:10
thrillaso what do i have to do to this firefox addon?06:10
geniithrilla BTW maybe try shift and scrollwheel instead of ctrl06:10
dxdtscoobydoo28139: don't go to the website. Just go to http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_nvidia_drivers_in_7.04 or just google around because I believe it is pretty well everywhere t06:10
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surviverAnlar, well anyway thx for the info about the mp3 stuff and de-enconding.. i gtg06:11
thrillai think i need to do that also dxdt06:11
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craig_can some one help me please06:13
RkyRaccoonubuntu feisty keeps crashing06:13
RkyRaccoonsomeone help06:13
ddelonyHow is it crashing?06:13
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HHP2Kguys, what do I do if an installer keeps telling me that I don't have certain packages that I know I have?06:13
craig_can some 1 help me please06:13
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ddelonyHave you updated your package definitions?06:13
gadrenwhat is it, craig?06:13
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olli__when new wormux updates come ubuntu feisty?06:13
RkyRaccoonon startup after the load screen I just get a black screen and it doesnt go to the orange login screen06:13
rambo3!md5 |  HH2K06:13
ubotuHH2K: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:13
screewedupsays i don't need any restricted drivers?06:14
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ddelonyRkyRaccoon: Did you change anything recently?06:14
craig_garden where can i find the code to install an mp3 player please06:14
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:14
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RkyRaccoonddelony: the newest thing was installing art manager06:14
RkyRaccooni highly doubt that did it06:14
sipiorRkyRaccoon: sounds like a video driver problem. can you login to the computer from another machine?06:14
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IdleOnecraig_, search in synaptic package manager there are plenty of players06:15
gadrencraig, do you need an mp3 player, or do you need the mp3 codecs?06:15
olli__who is operator?06:15
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RkyRaccoonsipior: no, im using the fglrx driver from repositories on a radeon x1950pro06:15
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JJNovaWhat's the deal with the Ubuntu Repos? What changes do they make between the actual release and the version in the repos? For instance, I added the Repository for WINE, so that I could get the newest release immediately. Then when the Ubuntu version was released, I updated to that, but it's different. So it made me question what differences there are between an application and the ubuntu versions on a general level.06:15
toryl__thrilla: add a new header named user-agent with your spoofed header as the value.   It's located in tools --> modify headers.06:15
IdleOneolli__, why do you need an op?06:15
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craig_well xmmx06:15
RkyRaccoonsipior: i can get on in recovery mode06:15
IdleOnecraig_, sudo apt-get install xmms06:15
olli__idleone i ask he: when new wormux updates come ubuntu feisty?06:15
toryl__thrilla:  alternatively you could try http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/ but I don't know how well that works.06:15
rambo3craig_, red the link for ubotu06:15
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IdleOne!info wormux06:16
ubotuwormux: funny fight game on 2D maps. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.9-3 (feisty), package size 479 kB, installed size 1384 kB06:16
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IdleOneolli__, you can ask in #ubuntu-motu also06:16
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sipiorRkyRaccoon: and can you login from another machine?06:16
gadrensay, that reminds me... i'm having a little issue with XMMS: my Inspiron's media buttons work with it, but if I press them when XMMS isn't open, it starts XMMS in a way that has no taskbar and can't be minimized06:16
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olli__Idelone U know where is links info?06:16
NixManRoC_MasterMind: i was just wondering...suppose you add an entry with alacarte...does it save an entry in /applications?06:16
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SurfnKidwhere can i get help with sdhci?06:17
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HHP2Krambo3: What does verifying the ISO have anything to do with it?06:17
matkixWhen using nvidia-settings how can you get it to save to the xconfig so that your settings keep?06:17
craig_can you sort me out with the xmmx player plz06:17
RkyRaccoonsipior, i cant login to my other computer from another computer but im on ubuntu on my laptop06:17
nomi1what happens if you lose your WPA key?06:17
nomi1WAP is it06:17
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RkyRaccoonsipior, i can get on my computer in recovery mode to edit xorg.conf and stuff06:17
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rambo3HHP2K, you are trying to install ubuntu ?06:17
IdleOnecraig_, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install xmms06:17
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sipiorRkyRaccoon: but it can't fire up X, correct?06:18
HHP2Krambo3: no, I'm in ubuntu 7.04, I'm trying to install awn svn.06:18
Johtoanyone know any good audio program on linux that can measure audio files (clipping and dynaic range static) ?06:18
RkyRaccoonsipior: correct06:18
ddelonynomi1: You'll probably have to reset your Wi-Fi router.06:18
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matkixWhere is the x config located?06:18
HHP2K./configure tells me that I'm missing all these packages that I know I have and hae checked with synaptic.06:18
IdleOneJohto, join #ubuntustudio they can help you06:18
thrillayou still here xdxt?06:18
sipiorRkyRaccoon: have you changed /etc/xorg.conf recently? or the fglrx driver?06:18
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JohtoIdleOne: good idea :)06:18
rambo3HHP2K, i dont care06:18
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craig_Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:19
craig_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:19
craig_is only available from another source06:19
craig_E: Package xmms has no installation candidat06:19
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RkyRaccoonsipior, not recently, i deleted the wacom entries trying get it to start up normally06:19
ddelonyDoes anyone knwo how to get Ubuntu to talk to a printed hooked up at an Apple AirPort Extreme router?06:19
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IdleOne!repos | craig_06:19
ubotucraig_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:19
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hrastdear friends.. Does anybody know if Kbuntu can be installed into RAID0 system?06:19
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matkixWhere is the x config located?06:19
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ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:19
craig_repos craog ????06:20
craig_craig ????06:20
thrillahelp me please06:20
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RoC_MasterMindNixMan, by /applications, you must mean the Applications menu.  Not sure...never heard of alacarte.06:20
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ddelonyThrilla: what do you need help with?06:20
hrastok... Thanks a lot06:20
=== Nab [n=ban@df01t2-212-195-100-138.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Andyhowoo hoo! got wine installed!!! :)06:20
IdleOnecraig_, do you have universe and multiverse repositories enabled?06:20
thrillacan you install internet explorer on ubantu?06:20
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matkixCan anyone tell me where the xconfig is located on ubuntu?06:20
Andyhothrilla - why would you want to?06:20
=== RoC_MasterMind has an anyeurism at thrilla's comment.
sipiorRkyRaccoon: when you log on in recovery mode, look for system logs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. see if there is any indication of the problem06:21
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thrillacause the web site www.there.com won't support firefox06:21
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craig_sorry i am new to ubuntu06:21
RkyRaccoonsipior, i see no problem06:21
RoC_MasterMindthrilla, Help--->Report Broken Website.06:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
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thrillaand i need to get the linux package to run it06:21
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: You can install it in wine but it also tends to break wine acording to winehq06:21
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:21
thrillai did06:21
sipiorRkyRaccoon: you see no problem in the X logs?06:21
craig_figed out to in stall vnc viewer thro06:21
craig_just carnt do  mp3 player06:21
thrillaso what else can i do to fix it?06:21
RoC_MasterMindthrilla, MS does not support Linux, and has hurt you by encouraging sites that are proprietary to one browser.06:21
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RkyRaccoonsipior, the one thing is "fglrx(o): [drm]  removed 1 reserved context for kernel"06:22
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: do you use wine for anything else?06:22
IdleOnecraig_, what version of ubuntu you running?06:22
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codecaineon ktorrent a have a file that is corrupt and when I try to delete the torrent from ktorrent the torrrent crashes how can I remove it is there a config file somewhere?06:22
NixManRoC_MasterMind: alacarte is just another name for system/preferences/main menu06:22
RkyRaccoonsipior, ill be back in like 5 mins06:22
ddelonythrilla: Short answer: You can't install IE on Linux, even with WINE.06:22
sipiorRkyRaccoon: i won't. good luck :)06:22
thrillai know what wine is, but have never used it06:22
Andyhobrb... next install...06:22
vicentecarroHow can i just download all the deb packages of every package installed in my machine?06:22
RoC_MasterMindif you want this bad behavior to continue, use this software: http://tatanka.com.br06:22
IdleOneok craig_ then you need to enable the repositories.06:22
RkyRaccoonsipior, thanks anyways, i appreciate the help, ill try someone else when i get back06:22
IdleOne!repos | craig_ follow this link IT IS EASY06:23
ubotucraig_ follow this link IT IS EASY: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:23
Theoryvicentecarro: why do you wish to?06:23
Carlozvicentecarro:  u can try www.getdeb.net06:23
thrillabasicly, does anyone here have the there.com linux package?06:23
vicentecarroCarloz, i goto check that url06:23
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toryl__thrilla:  it looks like the site wants you to run a Windows installer as well, and they don't have a linux package, as stated in their system requirements.06:23
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ddelonyThere is no there.com linux package.06:24
thrillathey do torl_06:24
HHP2KCan -anyone- tell me why my install command for awn svn is telling me I'm missing packages that I know I have?06:24
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: I hate to say this but you can try  IEs4Linux  but please, make a backup of your system first..06:24
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simpleHhi, I'm having problems with X server and nvidia drivers06:24
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thrillaare they known to cause problems jack?06:24
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r_rehashedhi all. anybody knows of a chm to a pdf converter06:25
vicentecarroTheory, cause i need install 25 computers without net. And My machine has what i want but i missed the cached debs some time ago.06:25
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ddelonyvicentecarro: Will these machines be on a LAN?06:25
simpleHi tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it didn't fix it, and trying startx results in a lot of failures06:25
IdleOne!clone | vicentecarro06:25
ubotuvicentecarro: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate06:25
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: I hate to see people use those kinds of scripts... but if you must use IE (which I did once... The script worked for me.. I consider myself one of the lucky ones.06:25
r_rehashedgnuchm only allows me to view the files, not print them06:25
DrakeJusticeDon't use proprietray JUNK!06:25
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C-{pR0Fi've removed the oem user that came with the installation from another user ,, but now , the user that i'm using , can't do anything , and i don't know how to enter to the User and Groups to fix that ,,, the user and group doesn;t apear in the system->adminstartion ,,, how can i fix that ,06:26
=== creyon [n=creyon@dslb-084-059-102-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cyber_Stalker!dual boot06:26
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:26
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:26
PieDoes ubuntu come with GRUB installed?06:26
Theoryvicentecarro: something like https://launchpad.net/reconstructor ?06:26
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ccookepie: yes06:27
thrillaso its a script06:27
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HHP2KPie: I believe so.06:27
=== Bermus [n=bermus@164.Red-83-56-193.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
thrillaand where can i find that script?06:27
C-{pR0Fanyone can help me ????06:27
RkyRaccooncan anyone help me with my video driver problem06:27
RkyRaccoonsipior, you still around?06:27
ddelonyDoes Ubuntu come with the Linux kernel? :-)06:27
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thrilladdelony, ubantu is linux06:27
FurryNemesisddelony, no, it comes with the magic "null" kernel that does magic things06:27
IdleOneddelony, only if you install the linux version :P06:27
C-{pR0FI've a disastor on my Ubuntu !!!!06:28
ddelonyThat was a joke!06:28
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FurryNemesisso was that.....06:28
CerebroJDok, significant progress made on wireless problem06:28
FurryNemesisI think06:28
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toryl__thrilla:  I can see nowhere on there.com or any other place that they have a linux version of the installer.  Maybe whatever source told you it does, would be a good place to start for more info.06:28
=== Bryan_Davis is now known as Simpleton
FurryNemesisunless someone has made WizardBuntu06:28
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CerebroJDI now am connecting with wpa_supplicant, however I still cant get pages to load in firefox06:28
thrillaa user on there told me toryl06:28
CerebroJDI think its because I was initially connected using a wired network06:28
=== nnutter [n=nnutter@D-69-91-154-81.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
thrillaand i remember seeing it listed06:28
=== epp [n=epp@c-24-10-220-15.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
C-{pR0FAnyBody can help me in my disastor : i've removed the oem user that came with the installation from another user ,, but now , the user that i'm using , can't do anything , and i don't know how to enter to the User and Groups to fix that ,,, the user and group doesn;t apear in the system->adminstartion06:28
=== Cursed_6_ds says Hi to all
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=== Simpleton is now known as Ooglebert
=== _bugz_v [n=bugz@adsl-69-235-229-72.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Cursed_6_ds needs some help
CerebroJDhow do I 'refresh' the network settings so that FF uses the wireless interface instead06:29
IMYojimboplz help me. i closed the Formula signs toolbox on OpenOffice. how do i bring it back? dont take it away from me06:29
=== Sammyhellsyea [n=stuntin@oh-76-2-85-248.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ddelonyOk, Cursed_6_ds, what do you need help with?06:29
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NixManim writing a script, how can i make it automatically add a menu entry? someone suggested a .desktop file..06:29
OoglebertMy wireless was working fine, then I had to shut down after a freeze up, and I can't connect, can anyone help?06:30
epphey guys. Is there a program that can change the priority of my CPU? Like in windows i could set it to battery life/full performance.06:30
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Cursed_6_dsddelony: my question doesn't relate to Ubuntu problems, i am conducting a workshop on ubuntu to spread awareness and to let them know what i know, so to spread it, for that i want to create a A4 size poster, is there a nice poster regrading to ubuntu which i cna use?06:30
IMYojimboplz help me. i closed the Formula signs toolbox on OpenOffice. how do i bring it back? dont take it away from me??06:30
CerebroJDOoglebert, did it lose the interface alltogether?06:30
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OoglebertSometimes it will pick up, but not for long06:31
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OoglebertIt will disconnect afterwards06:31
=== MrXorg [n=mrsaitek@cpe-66-67-155-229.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDyeah, I had a similar problem... freeze-up then lost the interface completely06:31
OoglebertNever connects for very long06:31
Ooglebertwhat did you do?06:31
ddelonyOoglebert: Are there any cordless phones nearby?06:31
CerebroJDI ended up going through the install process for the card again06:31
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ddelonyCordless phones can interfere with Wi-Fi06:32
RkyRaccooncan someone help me with my ubuntu not starting up due to video driver problems06:32
Ooglebertndiswrapper and everything?06:32
MrXorgCan anyone tell me where I can find a disk usage meter for 7.406:32
ddelony!video driver06:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
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OoglebertCerebroJD, did you have to reinstall ndiswrapper and all those things as well?06:32
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Jack_Sparrowthrilla:  did you try  IEs4Linux.com06:33
C-{pR0Fwhat's the default su password ,,, i tried everything , it's not working06:33
thrillaya but it looks weird06:33
CerebroJDOoglebert, mine was/is kind of an odd circumstance... I've been trying to get wireless via a draft-n connection (doesnt work yet, btw), so yes I reinstalled everything like 3 times before deciding to go with wireless-g06:33
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
glamhi everyone, is there any Eclipse 3.3 apt sources or debs for feisty?06:33
=== Spaceman3750 [n=chatzill@64-199-238-87.ip.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
CerebroJDso I doubt its fully necessary06:33
thrillanot sure i wanna do that on a new system install jack06:34
CerebroJDwhat make is your wireless card?06:34
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: I agree....06:34
ddelony C-{pR0F: Ubuntu's root password is off by default.06:34
Ooglebertits a broadcom.06:34
RkyRaccooncan someone help me with my ubuntu not starting up06:34
=== C-{pR0F [n=linux@a22-148.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ddelonyUse sudo in an administrator account.06:34
CerebroJDshould just be able to do a: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper06:34
CerebroJDtry that and see if it lives... reboot may be needed06:34
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: Even if you get ie to work that site/program could hose your system all up06:34
vicentecarroTheory, that project could be fine with more time but i'm very busy. // ddelony, yes, those machines will be online but i can not reinstall them,i'm not allowed./// ubotu great, with the first command i have got a list of deb file. Now i have to remove the "install" state to the right and i can download all by normal methods06:34
mjunxput ndiswrapper in your /etc/modules file if you want it to persist! :)06:35
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mjunxRkyRaccoon, you getting a grub error?06:35
RkyRaccoonmjunx, no06:35
Theorydpkg --get-selections | grep 'install$' | awk '{print $1}'06:35
thrillawell, if it does, i will reinstall06:35
OoglebertIT asked for my password then nothing, is that right?06:35
ddelonyvicentecarro: You could set up a local repository for your machines.06:35
=== pheaver [n=pweaver@adsl-75-18-20-25.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjunxwhat's the problem then, RkyRaccoon?06:35
RkyRaccoonmjunx, im not getting any error, i just get a black screen after the loading screen06:35
mjunxRkyRaccoon, what video card do you have?06:36
RkyRaccoonmjunx ati radeon x1950pro06:36
ddelonyRkyRacoon: Do you still have the install disc?06:36
vicentecarroHowever ubotu how can i remove the all non "install" lines and then remove that "install"  word? // ddelony: yes, that's the idea, but first i have to download all the packages that i have installed here06:36
RkyRaccoonmjunx, its supposedly supported by the fglrx driver and worked fine untill today06:36
mjunxRkyRaccoon, does the installer cd work fine?06:36
thrillasynaptic package manager did find wine06:36
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: That is why I said.. Please have a full backup.. it only takes three lines in a terminal06:36
OoglebertCerebroJD, it asked for my password and then it didn't say anything06:36
RkyRaccoonddelony, the ubuntu installer?06:36
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-76-212-58-151.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjunxRkyRaccoon, well, it's not like ati is known for their good drivers ;)06:36
thrillainstalling now06:36
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RkyRaccoonmjunx, to install ubuntu?06:37
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MrXorg!disk usage06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about disk usage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
mjunxRkyRaccoon, yeah, the install CD06:37
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Jack_Sparrowwhen wine is done... make a system backup06:37
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:37
ddelonyMaybe RkyRaccoon's filesystem went scrwey.06:37
mjunxdisk usage like "du" or "df" or what?06:37
thrillahow do i do that jack?06:37
RkyRaccoonmjunx, i installed it and it was running fine for a good two weeks or so before it started doing this06:37
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mjunxRkyRaccoon, have you installed or modified any of the xorg drivers since then?06:37
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RkyRaccoonmjunx, no06:38
Jack_Sparrowsudo su.... password  cd space /   ....tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media -- /06:38
mhz`-god damnit, ok...here's my prob...just installed ubuntu on another machine..dual booting it. the install goes fine when i go to login my keyboard doesn't work06:38
mjunxRkyRaccoon, try pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to the first terminal06:38
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: that is how I do mine06:38
=== Ooglebert is now known as Dumderflu
RkyRaccoonmjunx, the newest driver i think was adding ntfs-3g support but that was last week06:38
thrillajust paste it?06:38
mhz`-i have both a microsoft wireless internet 1.0a & typical ergo keyboard06:38
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: that is three lines06:38
mjunxRkyRaccoon, see if you can get non-graphical access after it loads06:38
DumderfluIs there anyway to enable network connections in terminal?06:38
mhz`-any ideas?06:38
RkyRaccoonmjunx, that never works for me.  How about recovery mode06:38
ddelonyRkyRaccoon: There should be an option in the cd menu to "Rescue an unbootable system"06:38
mjunxDumderflu, with ifup and ifdown, but I don't know how well that works with NetworkManager and all06:39
mjunxRkyRaccoon, that would work06:39
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: to restore... sudo su.... cd /     and tar xvpfz backup.tgz -C /06:39
RkyRaccoonddelony, ive never seen that option06:39
geniiDumderflu: Yes.    sudo ifup <adaptername>     eg:   sudo ifup eth006:39
=== compwiz18 [n=adam18@metarb3-pool1-26.mtco.com] has joined #ubuntu
Andyhohmm.. so now I have wine installed, but now trying to figure out how to exactly install this exe I need..06:39
thrillai cann't copy and past that06:39
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Dumderflumjunx, It doesnt.  Thanks though06:39
thrillaoh well, off to toast my OS i guess06:39
ubotuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"06:39
glamHowto install Eclipse 3.3 on feisty?06:39
RkyRaccoonddelony, awesome i have an alternate cd06:40
mjunxDumderflu, I think you need to try the rescue thing (download the alternate install CD, not the normal one), or perhaps your filesystem is corrupt like someone else mentioned06:40
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: first command  is sudo su   second is   cd /    third is    tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media -- /06:40
=== dev1 [n=vitslipu@253-164-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjunxRkyRaccoon, well, go and try it out! :)06:40
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simpleHhi, my nvidia drivers died on me, and xserver keeps crashing, how do I reinstall the drivers from a command line if I don't think I have them on the system anymore?06:40
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simpleHI'm getting errors like "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"06:40
=== vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-164-85-238.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjunxsimpleH, if you have the nvidia installer from nvidia.com, just do sudo sh NVIDIA-whatever.sh06:41
thrillahey jack06:41
=== omardtek [n=omadani@c-69-244-67-150.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
simpleHyeah, I don't think I have them anymore, what's the search command & syntax so I can check?06:41
thrillaits pretty bad when you don't even know how to open a terminal06:41
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: did you get it?06:42
dxdtsimpleH: otherwise you can do sudo aptitude search nvidia find the package you need and then sudo aptitude install packagehere  which I think will ahve the sname of nvidia-glx if I remember06:42
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dxdtubotu nvidia!06:42
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: applications, accessories... termional06:42
mjunxsimpleH, locate 'NVIDIA*.sh'06:42
=== fran [n=fran@209.Red-88-6-157.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
simpleHalright, I'll try that06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about teminal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:42
=== ARM9 [n=ARM9@70-153.umenet.t3.se] has joined #ubuntu
ARM9I'm on ubuntu and I should use aptitude to install kubuntu-desktop right??06:43
mjunxyeah, ARM906:43
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mrhyd3anyone help me out on Beryl.  I have it installed, running...but don't see any effects taking place; ive read of MANY pages and none seem to apply after many changes06:43
=== Skurupu [n=skurupu@host-81-191-171-10.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
ddelony!window manager06:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about window manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.06:43
dxdtARM9: yeah you can.  It will install all of KDE's stuffs and stuff06:43
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mjunxsimpleH, sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx06:44
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE06:44
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:44
Jack_Sparrowthrilla: I need to go...  people are at the door... once you have your backup you can experiment..06:44
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ARM9Installing kubuntu-desktop...06:45
simpleHit's working, umm, do I need to be online for it to get any packages?06:45
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thrillait is installing the crap now06:45
thrillanow ie4linux, but the prep steps06:45
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stephen!bot sex06:46
ppp0hello everyone06:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
=== stephen [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
mrhyd3Anyone here running beryl w/ an ATI Radeon/06:46
thrillaok, it seems to have gone ok06:46
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simpleHit said it unpacked replacement nvidia-glx, and it set up "nvidia-glx (1.0.9631+"06:46
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=== mflynn [n=mflynn@vc1-868-1.adsl.indra.com] has joined #ubuntu
RkyRaccoonddelony, on the list of rescue operations which should i choose, "execute a shell..." "reinstall GRUB boot loadter", etc06:46
ppp0i just turned on my pc to find tht i dont have internet connection over it! i tried poff/pon dsl-provider! it still didnt work! whts up with tht?06:46
simpleHbut it's still erroring when I try to use startx06:46
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simpleHthe screen goes black for half a second like it is going to work, then it has the same error06:47
=== wildur [n=wildur@1-2-2-8a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
mrhyd3no activity in #ubuntu-effects or #xgl06:47
thrillaok jack06:47
jetscreamergrep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:48
thrillaIE is installing, lets hope it works06:48
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thrillanow how do i run this thing?06:48
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ARM9What's up with the postfix stuff when I chosed if I want to use gdm or kdm as standard??06:48
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thrillai'd like to create a shortcut to do so if possiable06:49
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rolfenif i do ctrl-alt-f1 to access a tty, and then attempt to go back to x by pressing ctrl-alt-f6, i will only get a flickering blue screen until i restart the computer. have tried restarting gdm and x, doesnt help06:49
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kissgood bye everyone .i'll go to bed.;)06:49
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-81-25.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ddelonyI'd try "execute a shell in the installer environment."06:49
rolfenany idea?06:49
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thrillawell, the good news is IE4linux worked06:50
mrhyd3my only problem w/ Beryl is that I don't see any effects taking place...I loaded it, it's the Window Manager...<shrug>06:50
=== megatill [n=megatill@p5081DC85.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
simpleHmjunx: any idea what to try next?06:50
glamAnyone suggest a ruby editor?06:50
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=== Daveyboy [n=IceChat7@mctnnbsa28w-142167103216.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjunxsimpleH, try editting your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:51
Anlarglam: gedit. it doesn't look like much, but actually enable the plugins and it's a lot like that editor that the mac paople have06:51
mjunxchange the line that says "nvidia" to "nv"06:51
Daveyboyis there an undo command?06:51
mjunxDaveyboy, for what?06:51
thrillaie4linux installed ok06:51
thrillabut it won't open the web page06:51
thrillaworthless pos06:51
Daveyboyto 'undo' the last command if I made a mistake06:51
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Cyber_Stalkerhow big is a ubuntu install?06:51
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ddelonyWhat kind of mistake?06:51
dxdtruh roh06:52
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ddelonyFile deletion in the command line is forever.06:52
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Cyber_StalkerLOL @ undo file deletion :D06:52
ddelonyMoral: think before you type.06:52
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dxdtand be careful using tab completion.  I've lost the wrong directory that way by hitting tab and enter too quickly without checking :-/06:53
mjunxDaveyboy, depends on the filesystem06:53
glamAnlar, thanks however I am looking for ruby editor along the line the Eclipse Ruby plug-in?06:53
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Cilay_Mecuranyone able to help me out? trying to install Ubuntu but getting a "kernal Panic" error06:53
simpleHmjunx: which part? or, what does the line say   "Driver            "nvidia"?06:53
HHP2KHey guys, for a typical install, what file holds the "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" environment variable?06:53
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mjunxyou can recover files from some filesystems pretty easily as long as you haven't written to disk06:53
mjunxsimpleH, yeah, that line, change to "nv"06:53
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Anlarglam: buggy and heavy. the only really promising one is that "aptana ide" but it's still incomplete06:54
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rafaelscjCyber_Stalker, 1,9 Gb06:54
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Biteynii have an external harddrive06:54
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Biteyniand when i turned it on this morning06:54
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Biteynii couldn't get in06:54
HHP2KIt exploded?06:54
younghackerhey can anyone help me out with importing an XML document doc into a postgreSQL database?06:54
HHP2KOh damn.06:54
Cyber_Stalkerthanks rafaelscj06:55
HHP2KThey do that sometimes06:55
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HHP2Kbetter be careful.06:55
Biteyniit says inaccsiable06:55
HHP2Kcheck all the cords?06:55
Biteyniit says something corrupted06:55
younghackeror lead me to a site that provides information on this...06:55
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rafaelscjCyber_Stalker, you're welcome06:55
Biteyniim in windows at the moment06:55
ddelonyBiteyni: Have you tried running fsck on it?06:55
Biteyniand its not letting me in06:55
HHP2Koh boy06:55
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HHP2Kthose suck.06:56
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ddelonyWhat are the mount points for external drives?06:56
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simpleHmjunx: alright, that seemed to work...it looks pretty terrible at the moment, but I'm sure I can figure out the rest in the gui to fix it06:56
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simpleHmjunx: thanks06:56
Andyhook.. so I tried loading an exe in wine and it came back with could not load l"c:\\windows\\system32\\kasamba.exe" module not found.. NO WINDOWS?!?06:56
BiteyniWhen I click to go in i get "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"06:56
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Andyhoany ideas?!06:57
sixtyeightIs there a command to show what modules are currently loaded and in use?06:57
dxdtsixtyeight: lsmod06:57
mjunxsimpleH, you can try downloading the latest nvidia drivers from their site, but be warned that you'll need to reinstall it every time you upgrade the kernel (not very often in a stable release, but if you're trying ubuntu+1,  oh boy...)06:57
sixtyeightOk, thanks!06:57
ddelonyBiteyni: Do you know what filesystem the drive was formatted in?06:57
Biteynibut windows is telling me its RAW now06:57
simpleHmjunx, heh, alright thanks again06:57
mjunxno prob06:57
ddelonyDid you write to the drive while in Ubuntu?06:58
hendrixskidoes anyone know what the commands are for mounting and unmounting usb devices... I mean, they're not in fstab so I don't think mount will get them :-(06:58
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Biteynium i did when trying to install but then gave up installing ubuntu on this one since i have ubuntu on others but when i restarted the drive was fine it was only when i came on today06:58
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Sammyhellsyeahey guys...is it normal for an install to get stuck on 85% for a while06:59
rafael__hello people06:59
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ddelonyThe aborted install might have corrupted the drive. I hope you have backups.06:59
Andyhosammy: yeah mine did that a few times06:59
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ddelonyI'm sorry.07:00
Andyhotil I took out my vid card07:00
skolliehendrixski: usb devices are usually automounted even without an entry in fstab, but to mount , you would refer to it as either /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb107:00
rafael__i added the menu bar  in the bar of gnome... but that show some little and black thing under the icon.. someone knows how to disable that ?07:00
Sammyhellsyeaok thanks07:00
rafaelscjcan i use /away here?07:00
Biteynibut it after the install yesterday i could still access it!07:00
rafael__i want just the menu bar without that small tray..07:00
CerebroJDok, so the conclusion I've reached is that Feisty (and likely ALL attempts) doesnt work with draft-n protocols yet07:00
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Biteyniddelony: but it after the install yesterday i could still access it!07:00
jetscreamerBiteyni: don't let anything write to the drive is step 1. google arund for some partition recovery tools. try them. pray.07:01
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rolfenrafaelscj: what does /away do?07:01
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hendrixskiskollie, k... so.. I can still mount it  and it'll be either one of those two?07:01
rolfenjetscreamer: i recomment rstudio07:01
ddelonyThe drive may have just got corrupted on its own.07:01
Andyhoneeds a coffee refill..07:01
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CerebroJDzomg wireless working07:01
=== CerebroJD ftw
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rafael__anyone please ?07:01
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rolfenjetscreamer:  oh sorry that was not for you07:01
skolliehendrixski: yes usually, but sometimes also /dev/sda2 or /dev/sdb207:01
hendrixskiskollie, ah,  Ok, I'll go play around with that then07:02
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rafaelscjrolfen, It means that you are away07:02
Cyber_Stalkerwhat program could i use to back up my drive, because i would like to shrink it so that i can dual boot. i dont know what app to use for the back up tho07:02
ddelonyBiteyni: I'd try running a disk repair utility on the drive.07:02
jetscreamerCyber_Stalker: cp -a from a live cd works well07:02
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rolfenrafaelscj: but what does it look like to other users?07:02
EightElevenddelony: I think a recovery utility makes more sense.07:02
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Cyber_Stalkerthat will create a back up?07:02
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skolliehendrixski: however, if it does not automount, then likely you have a problem with usb, in which case it may not even mount manually07:03
Biteyniwindows diskrepair wont load07:03
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Biteynibecause windows sees it as raw07:03
CerebroJDnow that its all working, time to install updates (which will quite likely break stuff again)07:03
naufraghihello, some hint to build a PyQt app using debug symbols?07:03
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pushpopanyone know a good how to, to allow you to access shared from your ubuntu box in a Active Directory Enviroemnt07:03
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rafaelscjrolfen, I don't know07:04
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EightElevenBiteyni: Do you have Knoppix?07:04
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rolfenrafaelscj: okay, thanks :)07:04
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MrXorgCan anyone tell me what /var/cache is?07:04
BiteyniEightEleven: No, what is it?07:05
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AndehHello. I currently do a LOT of PHP programming. Is there a good PHP specific or just webdesign in general app for ubuntu?07:05
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CerebroJDAndeh, WYSIWYG or other?07:05
PavelHi. I just tried using Ubuntu 7.04 + gthumb to transfer photos from a camera. I selected the option to rotate images, and gthumb simply ate them all, saying that it was unable to move them from temporary to destination directory (which it had just created). This could be a matter of configuration (I had copied that gconf tree from a different GNOME installation), but if it turns out to be innate, what's the severity of that?07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about var/cahce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about var/cache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:05
AndehCerebroJD: If possible yes, but obviously i'll need to edit the code (PHP).07:06
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CerebroJDAndeh, have you tried Eclipse with the php modules installed?07:06
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CerebroJDmakes a good code editor07:06
EightElevenBiteyni: Knoppix is a bootable CD, just like the Ubuntu installer. I sometimes used it for recovering lost dat.a07:06
skollieMrXorg: ususally the dir under which items are cached for storage07:06
EightElevendata that is07:06
AndehCerebroJD: isn't that java specific?07:06
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shadowhywindhay all, I have a problem and i have no idea where to start to troubleshoot it. When i installed ubuntu, my mouse side scrolls would control my volumn, For some odd reason, it don't do it anymore.. any ideas?07:06
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CerebroJDAndeh, I dont think so... pretty sure you can do more than just java with it07:06
CerebroJDI'll askin #eclipse07:06
killorwhat's the command in GNOME-XChat downloaded off the Ubuntu rep. sites to open a multiple server window?07:06
killorctrl+t doesnt work07:06
killorthere is no xchat tab.07:06
MrXorgskollie: can I delete them?07:07
BiteyniEightEleven: so when i use it my external will work agian?07:07
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Andyhough... why is wine looking for c:\\windows\\system32?!?07:07
skollieMrXorg: which particular ones?07:07
AndehCerebroJD: By the way, i'd like a lightweight app if possible, my disk space is very limited. I have 500 MB left.07:07
rafael__when u add the menu bar .. the menu bar.. so a black small tray is there. how to delete that ?07:07
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jetscreamerkillor: try /server servername?07:07
CerebroJDcutting it close eh?07:08
killorthat just disconnects the current and reconnects it to servername?07:08
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killorbut nevermind, i figured it out.07:08
killorCtrl+N then choose server.07:08
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killorty anyway :D07:08
boguhhow can i mount a ext partiton from another disk so that a regular user can read from it?07:08
EightElevenBiteyni: You lost data on an external harddrive during an installation?07:08
MrXorgskollie: I have apache2 apt beagle cups apt-install man and a few more07:08
CerebroJDAndeh, http://phpeclipse.de/tiki-view_articles.php07:08
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BiteyniEightEleven: no07:08
CerebroJDAndeh, http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ as well07:09
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AndehIsnt eclipse enormous?07:09
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BiteyniEightEleven: after i tried doing an installation i stopped the install and restarted into windows xp07:09
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CerebroJDnot sure, I'll check that too07:09
jetscreamerboguh: add user to the options in fstab07:09
BiteyniEightEleven: the harddrive was fine07:09
CerebroJDdidnt think it was07:09
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BiteyniEightEleven: i downloaded stuff onto it07:09
Andehi tried downloading for windows it was 200 mb or so07:09
EightElevenBiteyni: What did you mean by "external will work again"?07:09
boguhjetscreamer the device is in my ultrabay an i only want to mount it once. so i dont want to have an fstab entry07:10
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skollieMrXorg: yes, there are usually a few, but some of the dirs are empty. They are stored in cache so you have easy access to them when needed. I'm actually not sure about deleting them and my general rule is - if unsure, leave well alone07:10
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CerebroJDinstaller = 78 megs07:10
CerebroJD(for windows)07:10
BiteyniEightEleven: i had a program downloading files and i paused all the downloads and hybernated the computer in windows07:10
CerebroJDdunno how much bigger it could be for linux07:10
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AndehMaybe i'll stick with NVU07:10
BiteyniEightEleven: somebody here started the computer up and didn't turn on the harddrive07:10
BiteyniEightEleven: so the comptuer didn't read the harddrive07:11
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rafaelscjIn your opnion, what is the best IRC client for linux?07:11
Cyber_Stalker(jetscreamer) Cyber_Stalker: cp -a from a live cd works well07:11
jetscreamerboguh: mount -t auto -o defaults,uid=1000 /dev/this /mount/here  (probably) man mount07:11
skollieMrXorg: though its probably safe to delete some it, though I take no responsibility if it kills something ;)07:11
EightElevenBiteyni: The BIOS does not see the drive?07:11
AndehCerebroJD: lol it doesnt even have a debugger :P07:11
BiteyniEightEleven: i see the drive07:11
Cyber_Stalkercan some one help me quick. im trying to do this whole dual booting thing but im super worried i bork some thing07:11
Cyber_Stalkeri really dont want to loose my data on the drive i have to install 207:11
skollieCyber_Stalker: what do you need?07:11
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BiteyniEightEleven: i see the drive and all but windows software error im thinking since not alot of changes were done07:11
AndehUnless there is a better small alternative for PHP i'll stick with NVU then07:11
=== CerebroJD doesnt generally use debuggers... php's engine yells at him and he finds the problem then
Cyber_Stalkersome one who could talk me through it07:12
Cyber_Stalkeri have a guide open infront of me07:12
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Cyber_Stalkerbut i havnt done this before07:12
Cyber_Stalkerso a bit worried07:12
AndehCerebroJD: LOL. Yeah i know :P07:12
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zanagahow do i completely reset the gnome-power-manager battery statistics. It thinks my battery fails at 50% while it has no problems after that.07:12
skollieCyber_Stalker: if you have a guide (reputable one that is) it should be no problem07:12
Cyber_Stalker!dual boot07:12
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:12
Cyber_Stalkerthats what im following07:12
Cyber_Stalkerbut i would like some reassurance :D07:13
EightElevenBiteyni: So you were downloading files to the external harddrive and now Windows cannot read the external harddrive?07:13
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HHP2KGuys, someone's got to help me here.07:13
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HHP2KI've been trying to fix this bloody thing all day07:13
AndehHello. I installed the apache, php and mysql packages and now i want to remove them. Does anyone know the package names? I don't have a gui07:13
HHP2Kand I've made little progress.07:13
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dxdtAndeh: apache2, php5, mysql I think.07:13
jetscreamerapt-cache search apache apt-cache search whatever07:13
skollieCyber_Stalker: it is an approved HOWTO - should work unless your system has peculiarities. I'm actually about to go help someone (physically) set up dual boot07:13
jetscreamerdpkg -l07:14
BiteyniEightEleven: i was downloading onto it but then i paused downloading onto it and i hybernated the computer and went to bed07:14
=== Torahtee1 [n=jordan@c-67-172-140-84.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dxdtAndeh: it is also an easy lookup in Synaptic.  You should be able to search for the name and find the package.07:14
BiteyniEightEleven: then somebody here went to computer turned it on and didn't turn on the external07:14
Torahtee1Hi everyone07:14
Andehdxdt: ahem. i don't have a gui07:14
BiteyniEightEleven: so it was in hybernation07:14
Torahtee1I'm trying to get my Linksys USB adapter to work07:14
Cyber_Stalkerok skollie07:14
jetscreamer!info aptitude07:14
ubotuaptitude: terminal-based apt frontend. In component main, is important. Version 0.4.4-1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 1428 kB, installed size 8556 kB07:14
Torahtee1I followed a tutorial07:14
jetscreameryes you do07:14
Cyber_Stalkercould u help me with the backing up maybe?07:14
skollieCyber_Stalker: what will you be dual botting?07:14
EightElevenBiteyni: I understand now. And I know that Linux sometimes can read drives that Windows no longer can.07:14
dxdtAndeh: then dpkg -l like that other person said should work.  (I think)07:14
BiteyniEightEleven: and when the person turned it on didn't know the external eas suppose to be on07:15
Cyber_Stalkerwindows and ubuntu 6.0607:15
Torahtee1the drivers are installed and working in ndiswrapper07:15
jetscreamerdpkg -l |grep apache perhaps07:15
skollieCyber_Stalker: sure - what do you need help with?07:15
jetscreameror was it -L i forget07:15
BiteyniEightEleven: so what should i do?07:15
Torahtee1But the tutorial said that after connecting my USB adapter, the link ight would start blinking after about 3 seconds07:15
Torahtee1It's not blinking, it's solid07:15
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Andehhmm thanks guys. bye07:15
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CerebroJD*whew* nevermind, things ok07:15
EightElevenBiteyni: Is the data on the drive really important?07:15
jetscreameri think it blinks when there's file IO07:15
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AndyhoUGH!!! this is sooo pissing me off! WHY is it looking for windows?! I'm trying to install this exe, but it keeps giving me a dumb error about it not being in system32.. well duh.. there's no windows installed!07:16
Torahtee1I'm sorry, this is a Wireless Network USB adapter07:16
EightElevenBiteyni: Because if it is, then you could try to recover it, but it's usually not easy.07:16
rafael__how to edit the menu bar.. my menu bar is that kind of mac .. but behind that is a black  thing.. i want to remove that. .how ?07:16
rafael__please ..07:16
BiteyniEightEleven: yes data is important07:16
jetscreamerrafael__: paste a screenshot on a pastebin somewhere07:16
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HHP2KAndyho: usually wine takes care of that little problem.. I'm not sure how, but it does. You're using wine, right?07:16
skollieAndyho: you installing an exe in ubuntu? Do you have wine installed and configured?07:16
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Andyhohhp2k: yep. checked to make sure wine is installed.. all good. pull up wine kasamba.exe and it keeps telling me it's looking for windows/system32?!07:17
bittinHow do i root in Nautlius?07:17
Andyhoskollie: trying to! LOL07:17
EightElevenBiteyni: Do you have place to put the data?07:17
jetscreamera picture is worth more than 1000 words on irc07:17
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BiteyniEightEleven: lol no :(07:17
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dxdtBiteyni: alt+f2 gksudo nautilus07:17
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EightElevenBiteyni: Usually when you recover, you only read the data from the drive and put it somewhere else.07:18
Biteyniin windows?07:18
CerebroJDshould Ubuntu be able to see window's folder shares on a network?07:18
dmesghi dudes07:18
Biteynidxdt: alt+f2 gksudo nautilus  IN windows?07:18
dmesgany one give shells?07:18
dxdtCerebroJD: it can, yes07:18
spikebCerebroJD, yes07:18
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skollieAndyho: either a wine config problem or kasamba is not wine-friendly07:18
CerebroJDby default?07:18
ConfidentiaLwhat are the plugins I need to install to be able to play mp3 files and wma files?07:18
EightElevenBiteyni: Any other harddisk than the external harddisk is ok.07:18
kazim59there was a really good guide to asking questions in IRC... where's that?07:18
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jetscreamer!info w32codecs07:18
ubotuw32codecs: Win32 codec binaries. In component extras, is optional. Version 20061022-1~seveas1 (feisty-seveas), package size 13920 kB, installed size 33580 kB (Only available for i386)07:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:18
Geminiasa guide for asking questions in a chat room?07:18
Biteynialright give me about 10 mintues going to try to go into ubuntu07:18
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jetscreamer!smart questions07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smart questions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
CerebroJDvery good guide :D07:19
Biteynibrb :)07:19
Geminiasthe lows people reach these days07:19
jetscreamerdpkg has it07:19
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CheesyMonkeyConfidentiaL, If I was you id install all of the gstreamer ones :)07:19
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sidenetcan someone point me in the right direction of a dual boot tutorial?07:19
Andyhoskollie: how do I pull up the config? sorry.. just installed ubuntu yesterday.. but thankfully have used mandriva sporadically so I'm not too much of a noob! LOL07:19
CheesyMonkey!dualboot | sidenet07:19
ubotusidenet: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:19
Cyber_Stalker!dual boot07:19
Sammyhellsyeacan someone help me please07:19
Cyber_Stalkeri want to follow it 207:19
Cyber_Stalkerbut i need to make a backup of my drive first07:19
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geemproblem sammy07:20
skollieAndyho: winecfg07:20
ddelony!dual boot07:20
mptechFor some reason, the screen on my HP dv1000 gets brighter when you unplug the power, instead of when you plug it in07:20
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:20
AndyhoRight now I'm reading something about a dll over ride?07:20
mptechis there a way to manually adjust the brightness?07:20
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Sammyhellsyeai installed ubuntu and it goes to the boot screen where you have the yellow loading bar and its gets like 3 marks through it and freezes. so i fdisk'd and installed again and its doing the same thing07:20
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rafael__jetscreamer, can u show me ?07:20
\Benwhen i do iwlist scan - it says my wireless interface doesnt support scanning... anyone have any ideas?07:20
Daveyboyanyone know why 'php -v' shows version 5.2.3 but phpinfo(); shows 5.1.2?07:20
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rafael__jetscreamer, maybe need to edit the gtk ?07:21
geemmaybe u installed it from a bad copy07:21
archoniamHiyaz... uh im trying to run Eternal Lands but i don't know how to execute the directions at http://www.eternal-lands.com/ .07:21
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CheesyMonkeySammyhellsyea, Take off the splash screen would be a good idea to find the problem :)07:21
Sammyhellsyeai tried two different ones07:21
willzzzhow do i change the ubuntu screensaver settings manually?07:21
archoniamHow do i do this?07:21
Sammyhellsyeathe live cd and then the text only one07:21
Andyhothx skollie.. checkin the config now! :)07:21
willzzzmy intel integrated graphics (very new card) crashes whenever there is OpenGL or hardware accel. under linux07:21
willzzzi need to disable the screensaver07:21
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geemi am having smae problem on  one machien but it wouldn't take xp either07:21
archoniamwillzzz: I would think that there is a config file allowing you too but i don't know07:21
HHP2KSammyhellsyea: Is your RAM broken? I had that problem before and it turned out to be bad ram.07:22
rolfenwillzzz: i also have intel integrated on a i965 board... works well for me07:22
geemi am thinking it's the hdd07:22
NET||abusehow can i find what process is listening to port 8107:22
Sammyhellsyeai have two sticks in there...07:22
willzzzif i run the gnome-screensaver-config applet it crashes trying to load the preview... i need the .conf file's name07:22
Sammyhellsyeaand windows xp worked07:22
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HHP2KSammyhellsyea: Then, probably not.07:22
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archoniamwillzzz: Sorry but i don't know that.07:22
willzzzrolfen, i have an integrated GM965 laptop board with the Intel 965 X3100 graphics... latest  *-intel drivers installed...07:22
jetscreamerwillzzz: maybe fix the opengl and/or glx... probably glx07:22
CheesyMonkeySammyhellsyea, When booting press a button to get into the GRUB menu and take off the splash option on the end of the kernel?07:23
willzzzwhen running compiz/beryl it also crashes07:23
jetscreamera button being the E key07:23
archoniamAny other questions on hardware or otherwise beginner questions?07:23
rolfenwillzzz: ah ok, i have a desktop. not the same GPU07:23
archoniamThis being directed to everyone?07:23
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CheesyMonkeyjetscreamer, I thought it was any button to open the menu but e to actaully edit the line :P07:23
heirrookwhere would i find the make.conf file?  I cannot find it in /etc07:23
Sammyhellsyeaany button?07:23
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jetscreamerCheese: i think it's E , and c gets you a grubshell.. but maybe they coded it different07:24
CheesyMonkeyheirrook, Ubuntu doesnt have a make.conf as far as i am aware. Confssuing it with gentoo?07:24
kikkomanchowhow do you look at running processes? how do you kill one?07:24
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jetscreamerit is E to edit the line also though07:24
joebob777as7hey i'm wondering how i can make it that users can not see other user's files by default when i create a new user? can someone help?07:24
rolfenwillzzz: i didnt install no driver though... beryl worked out of the box for me. dont know if i'm using hardware accel07:24
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CheesyMonkeyjetscreamer, =D07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about processes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about process - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:25
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\Benanyone able to help with a wireless issue? I have been following 2 long forum posts but still cant get it connected....when i do iwlist scan - it says my wireless interface doesnt support scanning...when i do iwconfig is doent pickup my router. The light is flashing contantly on the usb nic07:25
heirrookif no make.conf how do i set cflags?07:25
rafael__how to remove the arrow  on the menu bar ?07:25
spikebthere's an arrow on the menubar?07:25
mptechwhat's the difference between suspend and hibernate?07:25
willzzzrolfen, out of the box it should be using the *-i810 which is now renamed to *-intel drivers so it should be doing hardware accel (you can find out by running 'glxinfo' and showing Direct Rendering: YES)07:25
HHP2Kmptech: I always wanted to know that. What is the difference?07:25
jetscreamerright click the menubar07:25
joebob777as7mptech, suspend sucks hibernate rocks!07:26
willzzzso the desktop board works but the notebook revision doesn't :(07:26
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mptechjoebob777as7, -_-07:26
jetscreameror settings/taskbar or so.. maybe either/or07:26
HHP2KGood enough for me07:26
HHP2Kmptech: I would imagine suspend simply means sleep.07:26
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jetscreamerhibernate writes your memory out to a file, kind of like a swapfile, and totally powers down07:26
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HHP2Kwhat jetscreamer said.07:27
mptechjetscreamer, suspend just keeps the computer on in low power mode?07:27
kikkomanchowSuspend, your computer is still running, poweroff most things.    Hibernate, saves your "state" to a memory file, turns off your computer. When your computer is on, you begin where you left off07:27
mptechlike stopping the HD and the like?07:27
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kikkomanchowHibernate > Suspend.. that is all kthxbye07:28
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joebob777as7mptech, suspend sucks hibernate rocks!07:28
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Sammyhellsyeait said no resume image doing reading files to something normal boot07:28
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joebob777as7lol sorry07:28
HHP2KSuspend = sleeping computer, hibernate = off computer, both allow you to resume your desktop environment quickly.07:28
joebob777as7hey i'm wondering how i can make it that users can not see other user's files by default when i create a new user? can someone help?07:28
kikkomanchowId like to know is there a reason why anyone would go suspend rather than hibernate?07:28
Sammyhellsyeaand now its running through a screen of number07:28
HHP2Kkikkomanchow: It's faster.07:28
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HHP2Kfaster to boot back up07:28
kikkomanchowHHP2K: O ic..07:29
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HHP2Khibernate's advantage is that s uses no power.07:29
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\Benanyone able to help with a wireless issue? I have been following 2 long forum posts but still cant get it connected....when i do iwlist scan - it says my wireless interface doesnt support scanning...when i do iwconfig is doent pickup my router. The light is flashing contantly on the usb nic07:29
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kikkomanchowi cant suspend my computer in my room.. cuz itd be too noisy with it on at night07:29
HHP2Kkikkomanchow: then hibernate is for you.07:29
rolfenwillzzz: thanks. yup, it says yes07:29
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screewedupI got the drivers from nvidia for my card, now what do i type in terminal to open it?07:29
kikkomanchowquestion: how do you look at running processes? how do you kill one?07:29
Sammyhellsyeais it supposed to be running through all these numbers07:29
archoniamUm can anyone tell me what to do with these directions (I have the cd part done)? The directions are at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30127/07:29
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HHP2Kkikkomanchow: System > Administration > System Monitor07:30
FirefighterBlu3does the ubuntu networking system understand adding multiple IPs without using the deprecated 20th century interface aliases?07:30
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Piciarchoniam: type this: chmod 755 el.x86.linux.bin07:30
cavgquien sabe sobre JAVA07:30
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Piciarchoniam: then ./el.86.linux.bin07:30
Pici!es | cavg07:31
CreetureHey all. I have Beryl working on Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) just fine. It's under Xgl, but hey, it works. I'm trying to get the window manager to behave like metacity does with dual monitors. Any idea how to get the beryl window manager to treat a BigDesktop as 2 screens?07:31
archoniamPici: Oki07:31
ubotucavg: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:31
cavgnecesito ayuda07:31
kikkomanchowo.. didnt know theres a system monitor07:31
kikkomanchowlol thx07:31
CheesyMonkeySammyhellsyea, I think it counts in seconds the time it akes to boot, thats what I guessed when i seen them :P07:31
WaxyFreshhi i know that goobuntu is only supposed to be used inside google,but has it been leaked out to the general public at all?and if so where can i find it?07:31
HHP2Kkikkomanchow: welcome =)07:31
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geniiWho was asking about manually modifying their screensaver setup file ?07:31
cavghelp me in program java07:31
Sammyhellsyeawell it was doing it before and i thought it maybe was supposed to so i let it go last night07:31
Sammyhellsyeaand it went for like 16 hours straight07:31
_mop_hi...i am having troubles to automount an ntfs usb partition (from what i googled it seems to be a common problem)...i have done an entry in /etc/fstab...mounting manually works  and lshal reports that /mp3 should be the mountpoint...but it simply won't mount automatically once i turn it on and lshal reports is_mounted = false :S anything i am missing here? :|07:32
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Sammyhellsyeaso thats when i decided to fdisk07:32
geniiAnyhow, for gnome it should be in /usr/share/xscreensaver/config07:32
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aquocan anybody compare the package version and the version of wpa_supplicant on his feisty system?07:32
Sammyhellsyeaany other ideas?07:32
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WaxyFreshis there any cool eyecandy i can use besides beryl/compiz?i have direct rendering but cant seem to get beryl to work07:32
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zorglu_ q. i would like to reduce the amount of data swapped ? current doing a disk transfert swap all my apps to the point it slow down my typing in a text editor. i heard about swappiness, but what is the meaning of this word ?should i put a high number to reduce swap or a low nunber07:32
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HHP2Krofl, herpes07:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:33
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plukinhi, whats the latest repo of compiz-fusion fpr feisty?07:33
joebob777as7hey i'm wondering how i can make it that users can not see other user's files by default when i create a new user? can someone help?07:33
GamingXCan u use IRC from terminal mode in Ubuntu?07:33
=== Biteyni [n=Biteyni@adsl-70-241-1-180.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
skolliejoebob777as7: that should be the default...07:34
BiteyniEightEleven: You there?07:34
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kikkomanchowCan someone explain what relation between X and Gnome and Compiz and Beryl to me?07:34
geniizorglu_: run the command with nice   you can do man nice to see the syntax07:34
archoniamAnyone here run the game Eternal Lands?07:34
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zorglu_genii: ??07:34
EightElevenBiteyni: Yes07:34
BiteyniWell im in ubuntu07:34
Creeturekikkomanchow: Sure. Do you have a good stiff drink in hand?07:34
=== ScottLij [n=scott@24-180-196-49.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Biteyniand it loads perfect07:34
HHP2KGuys, why isn't pkg-config finding gnome, gconf and xdamage? I have them all, I've checked.. but awn svn's installer uses pkg-config and it relays that those packages aren't there.07:34
kikkomanchowCreeture: Tim Horton's coffee good enuf?07:34
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EightElevenYou can read all your files?07:34
zorglu_genii: well im talking about swap and kernel, no realation with nice and processus priority07:34
geniizorglu_: You are doing some large file copy and it slows the computer down, yes?07:34
zorglu_genii: yes07:35
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cyzieanyone got logitech quickcam 5000 046d:08ce working in ubuntu ?07:35
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BiteyniIm using an ubuntu live cd 5.10 which loads live cd perfectly for some reason 7.04 does not07:35
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Biteynibut i can just install 5.10 then i can upgrade right?07:35
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EightElevenBiteyni: Ok. No need to install.07:35
geniizorglu_:  So then run the copy command with nice, tell it to use less resources that way and it will not slow down everything else so much07:35
joebob777as7skollie, it is not that by default users can browse other users files in their home dir07:35
Sammyhellsyeaok well im glad everyone helped me to get linux running....proving once again that it sucks07:35
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EightElevenBiteyni: You want to read the files from your external harddrive, right?07:35
zorglu_genii: ok as i said i was talking about swap here, no processus priority07:35
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Andyhoomg.. this is retarded.. I placed the exe in wine, but now it's giving me got bad file info07:36
Biteyniyup and they show and everything in ubuntu07:36
Biteynimaybe its just windows that suxs..07:36
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lafayettewhat is the best way to search from the command line?07:36
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heirrookanyone have any advice for this" checking for gcc... gcc07:36
heirrookchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"07:36
skolliejoebob777as7: user a cannot see files in user b's home dir, unless you have changed the permissions on the file07:36
Creeturekikkomanchow: I guess it'll have to do. X interfaces with the hardware. It provides lots of functionality to provide graphics support. gnome is a little word to describe a whole lot of stuff that runs once X is running. compiz and beryl are two different 3d managers that control how the windows are displayed.07:36
EightElevenBiteyni: You should still copy your most important files somewhere safe.07:36
=== Ta3v [n=djs@dynamic-acs-72-23-149-173.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharkyhi everyone07:36
GamingXAs I was asking earlier is it possible to run IRC from the terminal mode?07:36
Sammyhellsyeai never said windows didnt suck07:36
HHP2KDoes anyone have any experience with awn svn or dpkg-config?07:36
spikebim having a brainfart07:36
archoniamI ask once again. Does anyone play eternal lands? :)07:36
spikebGamingX, yes07:36
Biteyniyeah i know i need to go get another harddrive07:37
Sammyhellsyeabut its easier to use07:37
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sharkycan anyone tell me why i cant hear sound on vlc media player when i play dvds07:37
lafayetteshockingly i can't find a good article on google about searching in ubuntu (from the command line)07:37
Sammyhellsyeayfour speakers arent plugged in duh07:37
zorglu_genii: i want my box to swap much less. aka swap only when there is no more memory07:37
WaxyFreshis there any good eyecandy besides beryl/compiz?just anything to spice the system up?difrent menu styles,xdesktopwaves,etc etc etc?07:37
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GamingXIs there any guide towards this?07:38
HHP2KWaxyFresh: I have one! ooh ooh!07:38
Creeturekikkomanchow: Gnome uses a "window manager" called metacity (or others, but metacity by default) to determine how the borders and menu bars look on the windows. beryl/compiz do the same thing only with a lot more prettiness07:38
dxdtMetisse looks cool and isn't compiz/beryl07:38
joebob777as7i've created 20 users skollie and they can all see the other's files...07:38
BiteyniEightEleven: What should i do about making it show in windows?07:38
kikkomanchowCreeture: ah.. so compiz and beryl are essentially like a fork.. i heard they are merging?07:38
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spikebkikkomanchow, they did.07:38
archoniamWell, %*&#. I'll go download the source. XD07:38
dxdtthey were together, then apart, now they are back on.  Much like a bad college romance07:38
WaxyFreshHHP2K: yes?07:38
=== Adlai [i=adlaiff6@nat/google/x-594d1433356fad13] has joined #ubuntu
skollielafayette: do a 'man grep' at the command line07:38
HHP2KWaxyFresh: I just found Avant Window Manager, which is like a dock on your screen, much like mac osx.. andddddandnd you can customize the looks of your taskbars and windows with it.07:38
kikkomanchowlol wtf.. did they think of a name for it yet?07:38
kikkomanchowother than "Compiz fusion"?07:38
Creeturekikkomanchow: compiz was the original, beryl was the fork, and they are in the process of merging again. Lots of harsh words spoken between the two.07:38
EightElevenBiteyni: The easiest way is to copy all your important files somewhere safe and then reformat the drive.07:38
dxdtkikkomanchow: something like compfuzion or something07:38
spikebcompiz fusion IS the name.07:38
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HHP2KWaxyFresh: But I'm having a horrible time installing it, and nobody here seems to want to help me with it. :(07:38
skolliejoebob777as7: in eah other's home dirs?07:38
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joebob777as7skollie, yes07:39
kikkomanchowi thought compiz fusion was like the latest compiz, and then beryl merge, and they thinking new name..07:39
Biteyniwell if I can get a download manager to work with ubuntu then im good ill stay with ubuntu07:39
kikkomanchowpersonally i like the word beryl much better.. lotsa bling in it07:39
zorglu_genii: sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=5 <- apparently this is around this07:39
HHP2KWaxyFresh: Might not be entirely what you're looking for, but it's pretty, from the screenshots.07:39
WaxyFreshHHP2K: you have to install that form source07:39
geniizorglu_: Hmm. How to specify that, I do not know. If I had to try from scratch I would likely boot without a swap enabled, then do perhaps a cronjob to view free resources, when mem drops below certain level, enable swap07:40
skolliejoebob777as7: most unusual. sounds like you have universal read/write permissions in home dirs07:40
WaxyFreshHHP2K: are you following the howto on the forums?07:40
kikkomanchowNauticalus is like your "finder" in mac right?07:40
joebob777as7yeah... i have no idea... it just shows that way... how do i turn it off for new users? i have to create 300 more skollie07:40
HHP2KWaxyFresh: It's all downloaded and ready to rock, but running ./configure shows me that dpkg-configure can't find gnome-desktop, gconf and a bunch of other ones that I -know- I have. That's where I'm stuck.07:40
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kikkomanchowor windows manager07:40
screewedupcan some one help me with terminal comands in ubuntu?07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
=== knc [i=kronic@c210-49-125-17.richm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Creeturescreewedup: What you want to know?07:41
=== HEP85 [n=philipp@p50896D01.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
EightElevenBiteyni: I don't want to scare you, but if the filesystem on the drive is broken, then ubuntu can also stop reading the drive if you put new stuff on it.07:41
CheesyMonkey!register > CheesyMonkey07:41
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Biteyniill try putting new stuff07:41
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HHP2Kooh, I see the how-to on the forum now07:42
screewedupcreetur: I downloaded drivers from nvidia to my desktop for my 8 series card but can't get terminal to install them07:42
HHP2KMaybe I'll try that one.07:42
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WaxyFreshHHP2K: sorry cant help you :(07:42
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Creeturescreewedup: What did you do, what were the errors?07:42
joebob777as7screewedup, it's because you have a 7 series card...07:42
=== DimitrisC [n=dimitris@213-31-141.netrun.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
Rageagainstthiswhat is the closest program resembling publisher on linux?07:42
HHP2KWaxyFresh: That's okay, you've been the first one all day to try :) thanks.07:42
CreetureRageagainstthis: What's publisher?07:43
kikkomanchowMicrosoft Publisher07:43
Biteyniits scanning the drive07:43
screewedupi have a nvidia 8500gt07:43
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wbadgerscreewedup, did you stop gnome?07:43
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EightElevenBiteyni: So the old stuff is not so important?07:43
wbadgerdid you stop gdm*07:43
Biteyniits very important07:43
WaxyFreshHHP2K: try the forums if people here are being unhelpfull07:43
Biteyniim looking at the properties07:43
screewedupi opened terminal and typed"/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run'"07:43
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Biteyniits scanning the contents07:44
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Biteyniso far at 130000items07:44
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wbadgerscreewedup, what error did you get?07:44
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RageagainstthisCreeture: publisher is a program included within microsoft office.  It allows you to create pamphlets, birthday cards, and others07:44
screewedupwbadger : looking07:44
celt1chi i need help, i am trying to run ubuntu from a live cd and after i hit run ubuntu from the menu it went through a lot of scans and stuff now i am greeted with a menu asking me to run a run a command as administrator or use the sudo command, and i dont know what to do, i jjust want to boot linux up07:45
skolliejoebob777as7: not sure. I run a single user desktop so have not come across the problem, maybe it is the default?07:45
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screewedupwbadger: Permission denied07:45
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wbadgerscreewedup, you have to run it as root, add "sudo" before your command07:45
wbadgerscreewedup, it will ask for your user's password07:45
screewedupwbadger: ok hang on i will try07:45
JRamseywhat file protection mask is used as default when a directory is created and how can i change the default behavior?07:46
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CreetureRageagainstthis: google says there are alternatives unless you want to open existing .pub files07:46
=== archoniam [n=archonia@cpe-76-180-137-44.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gomulhej, orientuje sie ktos czy jest mozliwosc przy instalacji ubuntu wybrac jaki soft ma byc zainstalowany?07:46
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screewedupwbadger: now it says character coding wrong07:47
mrhyd3anyone give me a hand at getting Beryl to work?  Ive read many page (howto's) and still cannot see anything working07:47
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BiteyniEightEleven: how do i check what ubuntu sees if its NTFS or FAT?07:47
RageagainstthisCreeture: thanks i am looking through the package manager right now to see what is available07:47
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archoniamUh hi again. I see the error in this but i don't know how to fix it. The error: I checkinstall anything and this error comes up: /var/tmp/NkDSJgqMeUFmLTWOnegSS/installscript.sh: 4: /home/archoniam/mydocs/el_linux_install_140.zip: Permission denied07:47
archoniamCan anyone tell me what's wrong here?07:47
wbadgermrhyd3, you will probably have more luck in #beryl07:47
wbadgerscreewedup, I never heard that one before..07:47
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geniizorglu_:  Perhaps dphys-swapfile is what you might need07:48
Creeturearchoniam: Probably you need to have root permission. Are you doing sudo checkinstall ....07:48
Geminiasi have not07:48
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wbadgerscreewedup, most tutorials tell you to stop the graphical server before you install...07:48
HEP85Rageagainstthis: try "scribus". I don't know it, but it seems to be the kind of app you need07:48
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screewedupwbadger:Could not open the file /home/home/Desktop/NVIDIux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run.07:48
archoniamCreeture: Did sudo or root.07:48
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geniiDarn, they left07:48
wbadgerscreewedup, that file path is not right, you have /home twice07:48
WaxyFreshim trying to get beryl running do i need aiglx or xgl for a ATI radeon xpress 1150?07:48
EightElevenBiteyni: In 7.04 you could click with right on the drive-icon on your desktop and click properties.07:48
archoniamCreeture: The problem is that the file it's talking about, the installscript.sh... it's not there.07:48
Cilay_MecurHello all07:49
Biteyniin 5.10?07:49
archoniamCreeture: Wait, should i create it again?07:49
\Benanyone able to help with a wireless issue? I have been following 2 long forum posts but still cant get it connected....when i do iwlist scan - it says my wireless interface doesnt support scanning...when i do iwconfig is doent pickup my router. The light is flashing contantly on the usb nic07:49
RageagainstthisHEP85: Thank you i will check out scribus07:49
=== Linux_Junkie [n=Sungbob@bwCable2-142.fctvplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
EightElevenBiteyni: If it doesn't work, you could open a terminal and type mount07:49
JRamsey what file protection mask is used as default when a directory is created and how can i change the default behavior?07:49
=== whyarewehere [n=ccb@dsl092-092-088.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
gomulenyone now how if there is a choos what soft could by installed while ubuntu installation?07:49
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Biteyniwell properties loaded and everything07:49
Creeturearchoniam: installscript.sh is a temporary file that is created by checkinstall and then executed. It's saying that it doesn't have permission to read/write .../el_linux_install_14.zip then the installscript.sh disappears.07:49
=== tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3A8BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Biteyniand its telling me the amount of used space07:50
Biteynifree space07:50
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WaxyFreshdo i need aiglx or xgl for a beryl useing a ATI radeon xpress 1150? or does it even matter?07:50
Biteyni442169 items, totalling 106.6 GB07:50
Biteyni(some contents unreadable)07:50
=== Anthology [n=Fossil@rrcs-67-78-57-73.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EightElevenBiteyni: Is there a tab Drive and a tab Volume?07:50
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archoniamCreeture: Well, i had all the permission on this computer i could get! I even used sudo WHILE BEING ROOT! Still, i keep getting perm denied. You know the problem there?07:50
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BiteyniEightEleven: Nope07:51
=== Cc2iscooL [n=Cc2iscoo@adsl-76-223-170-75.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
EightElevenBiteyni: Than that must have been added somewhere between 5 and 7. :)07:51
=== C-{pR0F [n=linux@a22-148.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Creeturearchoniam: It depends on whether it's trying to read or write. I can't tell from what you've told me.07:51
C-{pR0Fhow do i change the sudo passwd ??????07:51
ditoahi all07:51
EightElevenIf you open a terminal and type "mount", you could see the filesystem type07:51
Biteynifor volume it has the name i did07:51
SurfnKidcan someone help me get a Ricoh SD/MMC reader on my laptop loaded?07:51
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naufraghihello, some hint to debug a PyQt app using Qt debug symbols?07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdhci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
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archoniamC:{pROF: It's your password (If you're admin...) that activates sudo.07:52
skollie!root C-{pR0F07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about root c-{pr0f - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
screewedupwbadger:sudo/home/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run: No such file or directory07:52
ditoaanyone got a dell XPS M1330 which they are running ubuntu on?07:52
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Creeturearchoniam: The el_linux.zip file - does it exist? What is it? Why is checkinstall trying to touch it?07:52
archoniamCreeture: It's trying to write.07:52
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SeokeOkay well I upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now my menu bars arents howing on the top and bottom of the screen any ideas on what to do to fix that?07:52
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skollie!root | C-{pR0F07:52
ubotuC-{pR0F: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:52
younghackeri need to know some information about postgreSQL07:52
younghackercan anyone help me out07:52
BiteyniEightEleven: It's starting terminal07:52
geniiC-{pR0F: Since the password for sudo is the password an admin user has normally, just do: passwd07:52
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archoniamCreeture: Yes, it exists. It's my eternal lands game ive been trying to install for about ten minutes.07:53
wbadgerscreewedup, make sure you get the path right. try this command - copy and paste it: ~/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run07:53
goofyhas anyone been able to  install Kismet07:53
Piciyounghacker: Ask away.07:53
bill_anyone know if the Linksys EC1000 or any other ExpressCard (laptop) gigabit ethernet cards are supported?07:53
screewedupwbadger: ok brb07:53
wbadgerscreewedup, my bad, forgot the beginning :P07:53
C-{pR0Farchoniam: i've changed my password , but the sudo still uses the old one , so i want to change it !07:53
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SeokeOkay well I upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now my menu bars arents howing on the top and bottom of the screen any ideas on what to do to fix that? Now i only have access to firefox and terminal since they were on my desktop07:53
Creeturearchoniam: Try to install it without using checkinstall first. If it works, then troubleshoot checkinstall.07:53
=== soynadie [n=javi@207.Red-88-0-95.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
wbadgerscreewedup, sudo ~/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run07:53
alecw1I'm having a weird problem... if I "copy" text from a program, and then close it, I can't paste it anywhere. Is anyone else having this problem?07:53
WaxyFreshdo i need aiglx or xgl for a ATI radeon xpress 1150 for running beryl?07:54
kismetalecw1, Gnome isn't like windows07:54
PiciWaxyFresh: Most likely xgl07:54
younghackercool, ok i have a XML document that i want imported into a database that was created already to hold the information in the document ,, it should be able to populate the tables of the database, are there any automated ways to import this? is pgadmin capable?07:54
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SeokeOkay well I upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now my menu bars arents howing on the top and bottom of the screen any ideas on what to do to fix that? Now i only have access to firefox and terminal since they were on my desktop07:54
Creeturealecw1: When you get copy/paste in any X application to work predictably, let me know.07:54
kismetalecw1, if the applications is closed the text you have copied gets removed from buffer07:54
=== Zednom [n=ke@pool-72-67-7-115.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
alecw1is there a fix?07:54
kismetalecw1, there is an application though07:54
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kismetyes just a moment07:54
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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screewedupwbadger:sudo: /home/home/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run: command not found THIS IS FUN07:55
ali1234how do i install sun j2me for linux on ubuntu?07:55
alecw1And will this "bug" be fixed in the next ubuntu release?07:55
SeokeOkay well I upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now my menu bars arents howing on the top and bottom of the screen any ideas on what to do to fix that? Now i only have access to firefox and terminal since they were on my desktop07:55
kismet!glipper | alecw107:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glipper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:55
=== ruffleS [n=mordor@20150096125.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
goofyhow  do you install madwifi drivers for an atheros wifi card07:55
=== plukin [n=kai@ppp-62-216-210-118.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
Creeturescreewedup: type "pwd"07:55
wbadgerscreewedup, is your user named "home"? that would be really retty complicated07:55
preaction_alecw1: it's not necessarily a bug07:55
Biteyni/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime)07:55
Biteyniproc on /proc type proc (rw)07:55
Biteynisysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)07:55
Biteynidevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)07:55
Biteynitmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)07:55
Biteyniusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)07:55
kismetalecw1, sudo apt-get install glipper, should get you through.07:55
Biteynitmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)07:55
Biteynitmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)07:55
archoniamCreeture: Wut? XD | C-{pROF: Wierd, dude. Try sudo login (your login name) . It prompts your password. Enter it. If it dosent work, direct the question to the general public. I'd have no idea from then.07:55
Biteynitmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=10M,mode=0755)07:55
Biteyni/dev/sda1 on /media/Local Disk 2 type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)07:55
preaction_!paste | Biteyni07:55
ubotuBiteyni: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:55
Biteynithat's what i go07:55
CheesyMonkeyBiteyni, Paste bin ^^07:56
=== degreseven [n=bryan@c-67-161-115-136.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kismetalecw1, else search in synaptic i am sure you will find it.07:56
SeokeOkay well I upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now my menu bars arents howing on the top and bottom of the screen any ideas on what to do to fix that? Now i only have access to firefox and terminal since they were on my desktop07:56
screewedupwbadger: yes it is07:56
=== ruffleS [n=mordor@20150096125.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
\Benplease can anyone able to help with a wireless issue? I have been following 2 long forum posts but still cant get it connected....when i do iwlist scan - it says my wireless interface doesnt support scanning...when i do iwconfig it doent pickup my router. The light is flashing contantly on the usb nic also07:56
alecw1ok, kismet, I just did it in the terminal07:56
alecw1how do I use ti?07:56
kismetSeoke, you mean you have upgraded to 7.10 not 6.10. Have you tried disabling desktop effects?07:56
alecw1how does it work?07:56
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SeokeNo to 6.10 from 6.06 so that I can continue my upgrade to 7.1007:56
Piciyounghacker: Thats a bit beyond my knowledge sorry.07:56
screewedupi wonder if thats the problem07:56
wbadgerscreewedup, ok then lets try this: add "sh" between "sudo" and the path07:56
Seokeksimet, No to 6.10 from 6.06 so that I can continue my upgrade to 7.1007:56
wbadgerscreewedup, no, it can't be07:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:56
BiteyniEightEleven: does that mean my external is fine?07:56
PiciSeoke: 7.10 is not stable fyi.07:57
Cyber_Stalkerwhats it called07:57
Cilay_Mecuranyone know how i can solve this error i get when i trying to install Ubuntu? "Kernal Panic Not Syncing VPS unable to mount root fs on unknown block"07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sendit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
kismetalecw1, just stays in tray as far as i know don't have to do anything now you can use copy paste like normal07:57
archoniamCreeture: How do i install it without checkinstall? I have no idea here07:57
Pici!shipit | Cyber_Stalker07:57
ubotuCyber_Stalker: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs07:57
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Cyber_Stalkerthats teh one :D07:57
Cyber_Stalkerthank yuo07:57
younghackerlol no worries,, me and you both,, i want to ask my boss but hes going to be like, are you doing this on company time07:57
screewedupwbadger: ok brb07:57
Creeturearchoniam: Hang on. Where is this game? Is it free?07:57
kismetSeoke, i am sorry i do not know.07:57
alecw1thanks kismet. Do I need to enter it into session manager?07:57
alecw1to boot up on startup/07:57
kismetalecw1, if you want it to start everytime you will have to :)07:57
archoniamCreeture: Free game. URL is at http://www.eternal-lands.com/07:57
Seokekismet, Could it be something wrong with nautilus is there a way to restart it?07:57
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kismetSeoke, killall gnome-panel from terminal shall re-start nautilus07:58
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kismetnp alecw107:58
Creeturearchoniam: Hang on. Downloading it now.07:58
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Creeturearchoniam: Are you running ubuntu feisty?07:58
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archoniamCreeture: Dang, did'nt think you would go that far with the Q. Yes, i'm running Feisty 7.04.07:58
BiteyniCouldn't change the permissions of "Local Disk 2" because it is on a read-only disk07:58
jrattner1Question: What package installs KDE?07:58
Seokekismet, Theres noway to reload the user interface such as the menus and stuff?07:59
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EightElevenBitteny: /dev/sda1 on /media/Local Disk 2 type ntfs07:59
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kismetSeoke, sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart07:59
BiteyniEightEleven: what does it mean?07:59
ali1234jrattner1: kubuntu-desktop is probably what you want07:59
toryl__\Ben:  that's a huge question, as you've probably found out.  Many people have had success removing the network manager, some with wifi-radar, some with doing everything from the cli.  Try being more specific and maybe someone will have some advice.07:59
archoniamBiteyni: Uh, try doing it manually in terminal, whatever it is, just use sudo before your command.07:59
Cyber_Stalkerwill i be able to do this on my ubuntu?07:59
preaction_!ntfs-3g | Biteyni07:59
Creeturearchoniam: It's downloading. Holy moly...23k/s download. I'm gonna go find another mirror. :)07:59
ubotuBiteyni: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:59
Cyber_Stalker(ubotu) Cyber_Stalker: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs07:59
jrattner1yes thank youu07:59
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screewedupwbadger: ok that opened it but now it says x controll not configured:(07:59
EightElevenBiteyni: You asked if the drive was fat or ntfs, this line tells you. :)07:59
Cyber_Stalkerwill i be able to do this when i install ubuntu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ07:59
downhillgamesel oh el08:00
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Seokekismet, well that opened a file browser and reloaded my desktop... I think I'll just run the update manager and hope it gets fixed in the update08:00
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archoniamCreeture: Took me a good 6 minutes to download. If you find a good .deb for it tell me!!08:00
CppIsWeirdwhats an rpm?08:00
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downhillgamesCyber_Stalker, waaay waaay more. compiz fusion is out now08:00
preaction_!offtopic | downhillgames08:00
ubotudownhillgames: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:00
kismetSeoke, good luck08:00
Seokekismet, if not i'm going ot have to downgrade to 6.06 again08:00
downhillgamespreaction_, it'll be ok08:00
BiteyniEightEleven: Yeah I know so that means the External Hard Drive is fine?08:00
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Seokekismet, Thanks08:00
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:00
EightElevenBiteyni: And if it is a ntfs disk, but Windows cannot read it, then something is wrong. :)08:00
BiteyniIt's just shitty windows?08:00
SurfnKidhow do I delete a string from firefox's config page?08:00
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SurfnKidthere's no way to delete them!08:00
Cyber_Stalkerdownhillgames is it like CPU and gfx intensive?08:00
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Biteyniits just windows im guessing08:01
yeniklasorI'm searching a rss feed application, that must work like this > I will type some keywords, when feed arrived, if feed's topic has my keywords, warn me, if don't have my keywords then don't warn me. Do you know an application like this?08:01
goofyanyone know how to get kismet to work with an atheros card08:01
Cyber_Stalkerthe reason im dual booting is cause i saw that vid of beryl and fell inlove08:01
PiciSurfnKid: double click on the value field to edit08:01
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downhillgamesCyber_Stalker, my pentium 3 with 128MB system ram and a geforce 2 32MB AG4x can run it. i'm sure you'll be ok08:01
Biteynintfs-3g is what i need on ubuntu to write to it08:01
ali1234when i try to install sun java wireless toolkit 2.5.1 for linux, it says "no suitable java interpreter was found." does anybody know what i need to do?08:01
\Benyeah toryl__ i understand its huge, thanks for the pointers. ill try be abit more specific.. :)08:01
kikkomanchowberyl.. like bait08:01
Cyber_Stalkerthank goodness :D08:01
Biteyniso eh im fine as long as the external is fine08:01
wbadgerscreewedup, sorry I don't know what that means.08:01
Cyber_StalkerIM HAPPY!!!08:01
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nathan_ntfs3g is awesome!08:01
downhillgamesCyber_Stalker, ^_~ i run Fedora08:01
Cyber_Stalkerim so excited lo l08:01
archoniamCreeture: Uhh, wait i need to reg my nick before it.08:01
kismetberyl <308:01
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EightElevenBiteyni: I still think something is wrong with the drive.08:01
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SurfnKidPici, yeah, but the main string, the entire string or boolean08:01
Cyber_Stalkerfedora less cpu intensive then ubuntu>08:01
tonsofpcsanyone know how to get mail working between two machines on my network?  Local [Ubuntu Feisty Fawn]  won't send to my server because the domain isn't found, server [debian sarge]  won't send to local because "mailing to remote domains not supported".  Any ideas?08:01
SurfnKidthat i cant08:02
EightElevenBiteyni: Windows should just be able to read it.08:02
kismetCyber_Stalker, for more info regarding effects, check out #Ubuntu-effects.08:02
downhillgamesCyber_Stalker, nah08:02
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Creeturearchoniam: Nevermind. I'll do it open forum.08:02
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screewedupYou appear to be running an X server; please exit X before08:02
screewedup         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING08:02
screewedup         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver08:02
screewedup         download page at www.nvidia.com.08:02
Biteyniwell it did but when windows didn't see the drive after the computer was taken off of hybernation it made error in windows08:02
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JRamseywhere's the user specific loging script and what is its name?08:02
Biteynibecause drive was fine when i turned it off :08:02
dewey!ask How does one install software packages form within Ubuntu?  Is there a way I can look through a list of available software and choose which I would like to install?  GParted, etc.08:02
Pici!paste > screewedup (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)08:02
kismet!paste | screewedup08:02
nathan_Is there any way to make your mouse cursor disappear (on purpose I mean)?08:02
ubotuscreewedup: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:02
Falstiustonsofpcs: you probably need to configure postfix, that's a book in itself.08:02
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primskitonsofpcs....hm, perhaps you need a fake dns server and give each machine a FQDN?08:02
tonsofpcsprimski: shouldn't hosts cover that?08:03
kismetdewey, yes syanptic08:03
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primskihm, proly should yea08:03
primskiwhat mail server r u using ?08:03
deweykismet, how do I use syanptic?08:03
kismet!synaptic | dewey08:03
ubotudewey: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:03
=== downhillgames notes that users should always use package managers when possible and the 100 series nvidia driver is known to lock X often, especially with video and/or Compositing running
ali1234how can i disable smooth scrolling in gaim conversation windows?08:03
younghackeri want to add yakuake to the start up programs and i have it there via sessions but it still does not start08:03
kikkomanchowdewey: System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager08:03
tonsofpcsprimski: on ubuntu, postfix, not sure about the server08:03
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deweykikkomanchow - Thanks a lot.08:03
deweykismet - Thank you too!08:04
JRamsey!umask | JRamsey08:04
kismetnp :)08:04
miramanahow to disable remote logins in ubuntu?08:04
kikkomanchowyou turn off the computer08:04
kikkomanchowjk, iunno08:04
ali1234oh nvm, found it08:04
kismetmiramana, prefrences -> remote desktop08:04
tonsofpcsi'm installing postfix on the server [deb]  now08:04
primskitonsofpcs, aham... other than try and help u find some tutorial, i dunno, you prolly did all that allreay ?08:04
DimitrisCHow can I open port 6891 in amsn for my webcam? It says I am behind a firewall or router.08:04
primskiyou only need postfix on sending machine i guess08:04
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OldPinkHi all08:04
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kismetDimitrisC, have you installed any firewall on your installation?08:05
miramanakismet, thanks08:05
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EightElevenBiteyni: I still think you should make a backup.08:05
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nathan_Is there a way to hide your mouse cursor when zooming in with Beryl?08:05
kismetnathan_, try asking in #Ubuntu-effects08:05
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DimitrisCkismet: I don't think so I just used the default settings in feisty installation. I have a wireless router if that's what causing the problem.08:05
primskitonsofpcs, integrating whole mail functionality, is probably too much work for this, you would need a fully functional mail server with mta and mbox, and have a client receive mail thru pop or imap08:06
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deweyIs there a way to download the fedora core 7 theme and use it with ubuntu?08:06
kismetDimitrisC, if you haven't installed a firewall then you probably just need to forward / open the port on your router08:06
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nathan_kismet, thx08:06
primskijust sending notes between two comps should be done with less compications imho08:06
kismetdewey, gnome-look.org08:06
OldPinkJust bought a laptop with an ATI Mobility M graphics card. Or something similar. Will it be supported/offered by default? As in the restricted drivers manager?08:06
tonsofpcsprimski: I don't need netmail, just mail between the two08:06
downhillgamesali1234, it's in the first page of preferences towards the bottom... (smooth scrolling)08:06
BiteyniEightEleven: I know but the only way to make back up of 130 Gig's of data is to get another HD08:06
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Biteynii will make backup though08:07
ali1234downhillgames: yeah i found it, thanks though08:07
downhillgamesali1234, np08:07
primskitonsofpcs, how would you be sending mail? mail client, a script, maybe php ?08:07
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DimitrisCkismet: Thanks! I just have to do that through the routers setup right? Do I have to do anything else in linux?08:07
EightElevenIs all of the 130 Gig really important?08:07
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EightElevenOr is some data more important than other data? :)08:07
Falstiustonsofpcs: I set up a gmail account for my servers to email errors to.  Safer than running my own mail servers.08:07
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feveldo usb printers work on xp installed on vmware server in ubuntu 7.0408:07
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kismetDimitrisC, no nothing at all08:07
YazzYhi guys08:07
DimitrisCkismet: thanks again08:08
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ali1234fevel: they should. vmware has USB passthrough so anything with XP drivers should work08:08
YazzYhow do i enable certain modules at boot ? And how are they disabled?08:08
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screewedupwbadger: thanks for the help ok08:08
Pici!blacklist > YazzY08:08
wbadgerscreewedup, np, sorry I couldn't do more for ya08:08
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younghackerI've had issues with USB devices in VM's period, regardless of host OS... Maybe it's my version of VM though i have workstation 508:08
younghackerwon't even recognize USB floppy08:09
primskiYazzy, /etc/models08:09
primskierm i mean modules08:09
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screewedupwbadger:at least i gotit to open, with your help. now i just need to figure out how to configure x08:09
younghackercig break ,,,brb08:09
fevelali1234: are you sure vmware-server has that 208:09
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wbadgerscreewedup, I don't understand what needs to be configures08:09
Falstiusprimski: you keep your pinup pictures in /etc?08:09
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younghackerwww.vmware.com ==== there the coolest other than the usb thing though ,,, check out virtual converters08:10
SeokeCan someone please tell me how to access the accessibility panel through a terminal? I dont have menus and I need to access it08:10
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primskifalstius, only the ones i dont want others to see :P08:10
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YazzYPici, primski: thanks08:11
SeokeCan someone please tell me how to access the accessibility panel through a terminal? I dont have menus and I need to access it08:11
screewedupwbadger: says i am running an x server? i don't know what that is lol08:11
rafaelsc1Seoke, wait08:11
tonsofpcsprimski: simple mail from one system to the other.  nothing fancy, just a way to send quick messages to myself from throughout the house08:12
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wbadgerscreewedup, oh well that's no problem. the X server is the graphical interface your using.08:12
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primskitonsofpcs, hm, i dont know, how that could be achieved, have u considered instant messaging server, like jabber ?08:12
primskitahts pretty cool for that08:12
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YazzYPici: i think nvidia driver should be loaded somewhere by default but it is not, i need to insmod it manually08:13
Falstiustonsofpcs: people used to use something called talk or xtalk for that.08:13
screewedupits getting late and i have to go to work in a few.soon i will get this up and running08:13
MattJscreewedup, jabberd2 is good (and the easiest server I think)08:13
YazzYPici: any idea where the standard modules are listed? those initialized during installation08:13
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wbadgerscreewedup, what you have to do is press ctrl+alt+f2, that will get you to a terminal. then you close gdm (graphical interface) with the command: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"08:14
screewedupand i will actualy be able to use ubuntu08:14
MattJtonsofpcs, jabberd2 is good (and the easiest server I think)08:14
SeokeCan someone please tell me how to access the accessibility panel through a terminal? I dont have menus and I need to access it08:14
rafaelsc1Seoke, gconf-editor08:14
wbadgerscreewedup, then you will be able to run the file . once your done installing reboot your computer (the command is "reboot")08:14
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Seokerafaelsc1, K thanks08:14
MattJSeoke, gnome-accessibility-keyboard-properties ?08:15
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rafaelsc1Seoke, I don't remenmber, cheking08:15
screeweduplol says no such file or directory08:15
dweber1234hello, I am trying to install ubuntu server on a system with a via raid controller. Via provides a driver for 7.04 but it is a floppy image and not a cd image. Can anyone help?08:15
SeokeMattJ, Nope I need to get to the one that lets me turn off the onscreen keyboard automatically starting up I think its messing up my ubuntu because its giving an error then ubuntu stops working08:16
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blubloblu1i have a weird networking issue. My laptop can suddenly lose it's connection to the router (whilst still saying it's connected). I did some checking with wireshark and I see loads of ARN who-has request from my laptop to the router with my router never replying, is this the cause of my problem?08:18
wbadgerscreewedup, again, remember you need the full path, and you need sudo at the beginnning, and you need the command "sh". so "sudo sh /home/home/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run"08:18
Falstiusdweber1234: you can mount the image without writing it to disk.08:18
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dweber1234falstius, so I can mount the floppy img from the live CD?08:19
Scunizidweber1234, have you checked their site to see if it's download-able?08:19
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tim_abellis anyone else having a problem with rythmbox cutting podcasts short?08:19
rglthe clamav-daemon from dapper-backport no longer works due to latests virus definition file change.  any ideia how to make it work again?08:19
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dweber1234the only thing I could find on their site was a floppy image and a patch file08:19
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Falstiusdweber1234: yep.  Copy the image to the machine (or put it on a usb key), then switch to a terminal (alt-f[2-6] ), and sudo mount -o loop floopy.img /media/floopy08:20
Falstiusyou might have to create /media/floppy08:20
\Bentoryl__, sorry to single you out but you answered earlier :P i have removed network manager and put on wifi radar. but when wifi radar scans it says the same thing as if i was doing iwlist scan. it says "rausb0 - interface doesnt support scanning.08:20
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Andyhoevery exe I try to run in wine is coming back with could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\prog.exe": Module not found08:20
dweber1234and then I can insmod it?08:20
Falstiusdweber1234: if that's what it takes, yes08:20
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Andyhotried different settings in winecfg, but still not luck08:20
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dweber1234k, I'll give that a try, Thanks!08:20
Andyho3 different progs and all the same msg08:21
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Falstiusdweber1234: that would work for a CD image too, or a hard drive image.08:21
\Benam i just out of luck in that my usb nic cant scan? or should it be able to... :s iam using the same one as alot of people on the forum08:21
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dweber1234Falstius: good to know08:22
CheesyMonkeyAndyho, #winehq =)08:22
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Andyhoyeah cheesy currently in there :) getting better help in here tho LOL08:22
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rafaelsc1Seoke, I forgot, Google may tell you08:23
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Seokerafaelsc1, I can't google, cant access anything but terminal08:23
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HEP85Seoke: sudo apt-get install links08:23
`MatirSeoke, what's the problem?08:23
dissectionHello, I just installed dvd::rip but when I went into preferences, it says xine not found. Exactly what do I need to install? The xine player? I'm confused.08:23
yeniklasorHow can I install BlogBridge ?08:23
HEP85Seoke: it is a web browser for terminal08:23
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rafaelsc1Seoke, Use links, a browser08:24
Seoke'Matir, I upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and now the menu bars for ubuntu are gone I have to access everything through terminals08:24
SeokeHep85, thanks08:24
Seokerafaelsc1, Alright08:24
dxdtSeoke: can't you just right click on the desktop or something and add some?08:24
Seokedxdt, No the menu bars are completely gone.. my screensaver doesnt even work now08:25
yan_larra_I try to install oracle forms 6i, but I have a problem, I need libX11.a08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
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dxdtSeoke: zoiks!  You could just try to do sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop and see if that metapackage will properly put things in place08:26
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FalstiusSeoke: did you look in ~/.config/autostart?08:26
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Seokedxdt, I'll try now08:26
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SeokeFalstius, What do you mean?08:26
FalstiusSeoke: when a program is started automatically by gnome, it is generally because there is a link to it in that directory.08:26
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SeokeFalstius, Alright I'll check thanks mate08:27
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Seokedxdt, Didnt work08:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd::rip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
SeokeHOpefully the update to 7.04 will fix it -_-08:28
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`MatirAm I crazy for trying to find a sub-$1000 (USD) laptop with dual core (prefer 2GHz+), 2GB RAM, ipw3945 or atheros wifi, bluetooth, and 14-15" widescreen?08:29
yan_larra_Hi, please help me08:29
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Seoke'Matir, Have you tried looking at Craigslist... You'd be surprised the deals you find there on laptops =P08:30
Falstius`Matir: I've seen stuff like that on craigslist.  Just accept this $4000 cashiers check and send back the extra $3300.08:30
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SlimeyPeteprobably not too crazy. You can get a Tosh Satelite with c2d and 1gb RAM and atheros for about 400 quid here in the UK08:30
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dxdtSeoke: hmmmmmmmm.  what happens if you create a new user and log in as that user, is everything still messed up for the new user?08:30
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Seokedxdt, not about to logout I'm down to 11 minutes on the update to 7.04 xD08:31
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`MatirSlimeyPete, I just wish Toshiba's site was reasonably navigable.08:31
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ZednomDoes anyone know how to get a microphone on a headset working?  I have sound, but can't record in audacity when I select my mic08:32
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=== SlimeyPete is using the older, 512meg/Pentium Dual-Core version of the same laptop. It works pretty well in Ubuntu. Sound doesn't work right though.
dissectionHow do I install rar-2.80?08:32
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nephishanyone here using 64bit AMD ?08:32
JasonFHi all, I'm having issues updating a Breezy box. I keep getting 404s on the sources.list.08:32
yan_larra_I cant find libx11.a, what can I do?08:32
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`Matirmy current notebook is a P4 @ 2.4G, 512 MB RAM, and bcm43xx wifi... no BT08:33
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SlimeyPetenephish: I am using amd64 on my desktop08:33
ScuniziZednom, if it doesn't give you an error it might be a couple of things. Make sure the mic is "active" in the sound settings and you may also need to activate the 20db boost for the mic.08:33
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FalstiusZednom: the usual suspect is forgetting to turn up the line-in or microphone volume in the volume manager.08:33
Seokeyan_larra_, everything but find libxll.a =P08:33
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nephishare you using the x86 or 64 bit ubuntu?08:33
SlimeyPetenephish: 64-bit08:33
SlimeyPetethough I wish I were using 32-bit08:34
nephishhow is that working out ? i have one from newegg, most stuff in the forums is kinda old.08:34
starscreamhmmm, this is a real stupid question, but how do i get a hdd partioned in ubuntu (im a prior windows user)08:34
SeokeSo do you guys recommend upgrading to 7.10?08:34
dxdtpretty much08:34
nephishSlimeyPete_: on the way from newegg i mean08:34
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SlimeyPetenephish: it works OK but software support isn't brilliant08:34
SlimeyPeteI'd stick with 32-bit for now if I were you08:34
PiciSeoke: No.08:35
SlimeyPetethere's no noticeable speed difference on my laptop, though that's an Intel rather than AMD08:35
nephishIs it just flash and Java that are not, or is there other stuff too?08:35
sauvinWhat's the package manager for ubuntu, and what's the package retriever?08:35
SlimeyPetenephish: flash and java are the only big problems08:35
nephishmissing i mean08:35
Picisauvin: dpkg and apt-get08:35
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nephishyeah, gotta have those08:35
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sauvinHow do they compare to rpm and yum?08:35
shackCould someone take alook at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3029218&posted=1#post3029218  | and help me with it?08:35
nephishthanks Slimey08:35
jrib!software > sauvin (see the private message from ubotu)08:35
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SlimeyPetenephish: np08:35
dweber1234Falstius: if you are still on, I am getting an error trying to mount the image (ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument). Does that mean there is something wrong with the image or am I doing something wrong?08:35
dweber1234The command I used is : sudo mount -o loop /home/ubuntu/Desktop/ubuntu7.04_DD.img /media/floppy08:35
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Picisauvin: Better imo.08:36
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starscreamplease can anyone help me with a partioning problem.......dont make me beg i suck at begging08:36
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Falstiusdweber1234: is there a /dev/loop0?08:36
sauvinI'm on Fedora Core right now and am considering jumping to Ubuntu.08:36
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nephishsauvin: Jump !08:36
shacksauvin: Go ahead08:37
dweber1234falstius: yes there is08:37
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Ace2016Hi all08:37
Falstiusstarscream: gparted is an easy way to do it08:37
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DorphalsigI'm trying to setup a DHCP server08:37
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:37
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Ace2016can someone tell me what the fastest possible way to do a raid setup with 4 sata2 disks is?08:37
starscreamgparted says filesystem unknown and it wont allow me to del the existing partition08:37
sauvinConcern: security.08:37
shackDorphalsig: So how is it going? With your DHCP server?08:37
starscreameverything down to unmount is ghosted. and unmount doesnt work either08:38
Ace2016i want the fastest possible hard drive reads and writes08:38
Dorphalsighowever... when I try  to get it running... I get this error08:38
Dorphalsigsubnet netmask {08:38
Dorphalsig Jul 16 14:19:36 ltsp3 dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0 (
ZednomFalstius: Well I can hear myself when I use OSS(which is not my mic...) but I sound really distant and there's weird static08:38
ZednomIf I select my mic it gives me an error opening device error08:38
Picisauvin: fyi, the command is umount not unmoint08:38
Falstiusdweber1234: if you type in the terminal: "mount | grep loop" does that show anything?08:38
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Dorphalsigbut I DO have a subnet statement08:38
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sauvinPici: I wasn't concerned about mounting or unmounting anything.08:39
Picisauvin: er, mistell, sorry.08:39
dweber1234falstius: nothing in response08:39
kramer3dhey guys im on a wired network, i just installed ubuntu on a laptop and the builtin wireless does not work, can someone help?08:39
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soWhatttHey guys how to change my screen resolution to 1115 X 864 coz on the screen resolution  menu im able to change it just for 800xx600 or 1280x102408:39
Falstiusdweber1234: I'm trying to see if I have any floppy images to play with.08:39
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CheesyMonkey!fixres | soWhattt08:39
ubotusoWhattt: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:39
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Falstiusdweber1234: can you post a link to the img?08:39
LiNuX_Fr3aKI've installed a command line system. Now what is the package i need to install to get a gnome desktop?08:40
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dweber1234falstius: http://www.viaarena.com/Driver/via_ubuntu7.04(x86&x86_64)_sata&ahci_patch_kernel_2-6-x_v1.30_appnote_ver0.8.tar.gz08:40
jribLiNuX_Fr3aK: ubuntu-desktop08:40
geniiLiNuX_Fr3aK: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:40
dxdtLiNuX_Fr3aK: well, you could just do the package ubuntu-desktop, but I am not sure at that point why you wouldn't have just installed the desktop version of ubuntu08:40
LiNuX_Fr3aKwill this get me all i need. I dont want any additional appz08:40
kramer3dhey guys im on a wired network, i just installed ubuntu on a laptop and the builtin wireless does not work, can someone help?08:41
shackDorphalsig: Try # cat /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd08:41
LiNuX_Fr3aKI dont want any crap on there. Just ubuntu and gnome to start with08:41
dxdtLiNuX_Fr3aK: you might just want to go with gnome and gdm and stuff in that case and configure it manually08:41
shacksorry too much paste08:41
jribLiNuX_Fr3aK: ubuntu-desktop gets you the same thing you get if you install ubuntu08:41
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dxdtkramer3d: sudo iwconfig  what is the output?08:41
Falstiusdweber1234: you unpacked the tar.gz file first and got ubuntu7.04_DD.img right?08:41
LiNuX_Fr3aKI just want gnome.08:41
dweber1234falstius: right08:42
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sauvinDoes the ubuntu installer allow you to specify kde instead of gnome?08:42
LiNuX_Fr3aKand gdm08:42
geniiline72:  ubuntu-desktop will install the standard set of ubuntu gnome apps. so if you want a more minimal thing, you may not want that08:42
jribsauvin: you can install kubuntu to get kde by default08:42
Falstiusdweber1234: worked fine for me.08:42
_tuzhilaand how i can get kde?08:42
Dorphalsigshack ... but I have no eth108:42
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sauvinjrib, I was hoping to do it from a DVD that came with a magazine.08:43
kramer3ddxdt: lo no wireless extensions, eth0 no wireless extensions, eth1 ESSID"" Nickname "Broadcom 4318"08:43
LiNuX_Fr3aKI just want gnome base and restricted drivers for my wifi atheros chipset08:43
dweber1234falstius: k, let me try again08:43
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jribsauvin: well after you install ubuntu, you can install the "kubuntu-desktop" package and get kde as well08:43
shackDorphalsig: http://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&q=No+subnet+declaration+for+eth0&btnG=Hae&meta= <-does this help?08:43
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kramer3ddxdt: i think eth1 is wired conncection08:43
sauvinjrib: ah. Good enough.08:43
RoC_MasterMindHow do I remove my Flash plugin for Firefox?  I want to remove it so I can easily install a new version by just going to any flash page and have Firefox pop up the install bar.08:43
kramer3dnot sure :(08:43
geniignome-common and gnome-desktop-data may be all you need08:44
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Dorphalsigalready checked that :(08:44
kramer3ddxdt: you there?08:44
LiNuX_Fr3aKThis is why i like gentoo boys. Just install the stuff you need.08:44
nephishRoC_MasterMind: how did you install flash?08:44
`MatirRoC_MasterMind, you could probably remove the libflashplayer.so file08:44
dxdtkramer3d: yeah.  Follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710208:44
j85wilsonOk, so I just installed a program to my home area (./configure --prefix=/home/jsw; make; make install)08:44
RoC_MasterMindnephish, that file isn't in my ~/.mozilla direcotyr,08:45
j85wilsonnow, I have $which chicken-setup  gives /home/jsw/bin/chicken-setup08:45
nephishno, i mean did you let firefox install it ? or did you use apt universe?08:45
rafaelscjDo AIGLX come with ubuntu 7.04?08:45
RoC_MasterMindI have no idea how it was installed.08:45
j85wilson$chicken-setup  gives bash: /usr/bin/chicken-setup: no such file or directory.08:45
j85wilsonwhat gives?08:45
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RoC_MasterMindI see: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so08:45
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nephishthen remove it with apt-get remove08:46
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shackDorphalsig: What do you have in your /etc/dhcpd.conf08:46
RoC_MasterMindWhat package is it?08:46
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nephishtry that anyway08:46
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nephishapt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree08:46
shackDorphalsig: use this  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:46
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geniiLiNuX_Fr3aK: To find installation candidates just do: apt-cache search gnome|more     this will list all the gnome stuff there are packages for in your system, including the common stuff like gnome-common  etc. For restricted drivers it's a separate package corresponding with what kernel you run.08:47
ElfboyGreetings you all again a serious note ,ubuntu and I want to run beryl08:47
Max00does ubuntu support raid?08:47
shackbrb have to make one change to my irssi settings ->08:47
CheesyMonkeyElfboy, #ubuntu-effects is the answer :O)08:47
RoC_MasterMindnephish, I don't have any package with "flash" in the name, nor that package.08:47
kramer3ddxdt: do you reccomend ndiswrapper or native drivers??08:47
RoC_MasterMindMax00, of course.08:48
j85wilsonWhy does bash not find a program which is in my $PATH?08:48
ElfboyI thought that was just for 3d resolution08:48
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ElfboyBecause I want the cube08:48
CheesyMonkey!beryl | Elfboy08:48
ubotuElfboy: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:48
shack<- done08:48
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Max00thanks RoC_MasterMind just wanted to make sure before i bought some new drives08:49
ElfboyCPU Info: (1 CPU - AMD Sempron 3000+ (Barton), 2.00 GHz, 512KB (2% Load))08:49
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Max00does it support encyped file systems as well?08:49
jribj85wilson: try 'hash -r'?08:49
ElfboyVideo card: (nVidia GeForce FX 5500)  Sound card: (Realtek AC97 Audio)08:49
kramer3danyone here use ndiswrapper? is it good?08:49
Elfboydo you think my video cards and CPU can handle running the three the acceleration08:49
j85wilsonjrib: yes that works.  Thank you.  Why does it work?08:49
RoC_MasterMindMax00, RAID is a install option right on the alternate CD...because you'll have to format whatever devices you want to make into the RAID...but you can always use md at any time.08:49
CheesyMonkeyElfboy, Yes08:49
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jribj85wilson: bash remembers stuff, so you have to tell it to forget what it thinks it knows and look again08:50
Elfboyand now I have to dual boot Windows XP with ubuntu08:50
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RoC_MasterMindMax00, Linux does support that, but I don't think Ubuntu makes any effort to help you with that.08:50
ElfboyI shall try08:50
jribj85wilson: type: help hash08:50
j85wilsonjrib: thanks.  man hash was something else08:50
RoC_MasterMindMax00, I noticed Debian's 4.0 release has a LVM+Encrypted partitioning method during install.08:50
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toryl__\Ben:  1. what card are you using, and  2. can you connect to the AP when you specify the values (i.e. not scanning)?08:51
ElfboyNot exactly 100% sure how to do this to dual boot using a separate hard drive to hold the linux portion08:51
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RoC_MasterMind!dualboot > Elfboy08:51
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Max00thanks RoC_MasterMind ill check debian08:51
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Max00its pay day on friday so was going to treat my self to 2x500gig sata drives in raid 108:52
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NixManis there a way i can, completely from a .sh file, create a new file, and determine what goes in that file? I'm working on a script, and need to know how to do this.08:52
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RoC_MasterMindMax00, not half bad...but don't forget RAID is not a backup...RAID won't help you with filesystem problems, your own mistakes, or malicious code.08:53
geniiNixMan: Yes, but better to ask in #bash08:53
sauvinHixMan, there are too many ways to do what you're asking. What are you trying to do?08:53
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JaenevaFrom what I understand, I have to create separate users for my ubuntu system, and samba, is there a way to make samba just use my ubuntu users?08:53
NixMangenii: ok, will do, what is it that i need to ask for, is there a name?08:53
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Max00yeah thats true, i was thinkin of maybe having a os partion and a data partiton08:53
Elfboyhave one more thing to ask is there a voice recognition software that will work with linux08:54
sauvinHixMan, without knowing what you're trying to do, that question has no meaningful answer.08:54
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geniiNixMan: Perhaps how to create and add to files from a scipt08:54
LittlegatorI was trying to install Ubuntu on my 250GB hdd, and it failed making a partition... now when I look at the table it says that the entire disk is unused.. is all of the data that was on it deleted and can it be recovered?08:54
RoC_MasterMindHow do I remove my Flash plugin for Firefox?   I don't have any packaged with "flash" in the name, nor is there a "flashplugin.so" thing in my ~/.mozilla.08:54
Max00and use my old 80gig drive for back up08:54
NixMangenii: ok, thanks08:54
Pici!flash | RoC_MasterMind08:54
ubotuRoC_MasterMind: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:54
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ElfboyCoffee !08:54
geniiAFK, work08:55
jribRoC_MasterMind: why remove it?08:55
Elfboyall the one thing about windows I will miss is that it has a nice free voice recognition software that I like work in use all the time so I would like to know is there one I can get for linux08:55
ReSpEcTph boy08:55
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jrib!samba > Jaeneva (see the private message from ubotu)08:55
RoC_MasterMindjrib, security vulnerability.08:55
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RoC_MasterMindjrib, have to upgrade it...and no way to do that without removing it first.08:55
ompaulLittlegator, you appear to have deleted everything there, the word backup is now said, and I hope you made one,  as for failed making a partition, usually that is a user mistake to wipe a whole disk is a user choice08:55
YoLucawill it be better tp install unbuntu on a 500 GB or 160 GB ? does it really matter about the boot up time ?08:55
jribRoC_MasterMind: what does 'locate libflashplayer.so' do?08:56
danya_how can I know the type of processor I have ? I'm on Intel .. but I want to know a 64 or 32 ?08:56
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tritiumdanya_: cat /proc/cpuinfo08:56
RoC_MasterMindMax00, check out this article on slashdot from today: http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/07/07/16/002203.shtml08:56
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JaenevaI'm not sure I understand whatI 'm reading08:57
YoLucawill it be better tp install unbuntu on a 500 GB or 160 GB ? does it really matter about the boot up time ?08:57
jribRoC_MasterMind: what does 'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree' return?  use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:57
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Littlegatorompaul, the data wasn't massively important or irrecoverable, I was just hoping that I could recover it instead of reinstall all of it again. Anyways, all that I did was create a swap, root, and primary partition for ubuntu using unallocated space, and it failed making the primary partition and then the drive was wiped...08:57
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ReSpEcTI cant get Synaptic Package Manager to open, in order 2 install BitchX....Is it just me, lol08:58
ompaulLittlegator, what format did you try to make / ?08:58
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ompaulLittlegator, and /boot the same?08:58
Max00RoC_MasterMind thanks for the link08:58
jribReSpEcT: what happens when you try?08:58
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ReSpEcTot tries 2 open on bottom of tool bar, then it disappears08:59
RoC_MasterMindYoLuca, whichever you like.08:59
ompaulLittlegator, so that is most unusual, see where I work I have in the region of 18 machines running ubuntu and the only formatting problems are when I do silly things08:59
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YoLucaRoC_MasterMind so it will not matter about the boot up speed ?08:59
jribRoC_MasterMind: dpkg -S /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so     and the same for the other location08:59
Littlegatorompaul, now it can't even set a disklabel08:59
ompaulLittlegator, if you were using that other thing on the same machine it should be reinstalled first08:59
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Littlegatorthat other thing?09:00
ompaulLittlegator, yeah I have done that a few times :) so what you do with the live Cd is09:00
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Kjellvizhow big are the differences between ubuntu and kubuntu ?  I mean, is it basically the same OS just with different graphical interface, or does it dig deeper than that?09:00
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jribKjellviz: it's different default apps, but they use the same repositories, so the same software is available to you09:01
ompaulLittlegator, the thing that some people say is an operating system, however if it is only ubuntu then to get to play with the disk again, do this cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda109:01
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RoC_MasterMindjrib, no package found.09:01
DaRk-NeThi all09:01
ompaulLittlegator, sorry cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda09:01
arnathheh lol... got a grub 5 error this morning (partition messed up) and then my computer wouldnt start at all, i leave it alone all day and it works again :|09:02
yeniklasorWhat is the best RSS Feed application?09:02
ompaulLittlegator, that assumes a disk type09:02
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jribReSpEcT: try to include my name in your reply or I'll miss it.  What does 'gksu synaptic' do in a terminal?09:02
DaRk-NeTi need help09:02
Littlegatorompaul, I have windows in this box, but it's in an alternate drive that wasn't wiped09:02
ali1234where can i get a deb for jdk 1.5?09:02
jribRoC_MasterMind: then just delete both files09:02
jrib!java > ali1234 (see the private message from ubotu)09:02
MrTsunamiDaRk-NeT: don't ask to ask, just ask :D09:02
Littlegatorompaul, I'll try running the command one second09:02
RoC_MasterMindI'll try that..thanks jrib09:02
Kjellvizjrib: ok, so basically if i have problems running world of warcraft in wine in kubuntu, it will be exactly the same in ubuntu ?09:02
DaRk-NeTMrTsunami som one speak frensh ?09:02
jribKjellviz: yeah, very likely09:03
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Kjellvizjrib: =(09:03
jrib!fr | DaRk-NeT09:03
ubotuDaRk-NeT: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:03
_tuzhilahey, guys, tell me please how i can to build raid 1 on debian?09:03
steam   ?09:03
jrib_tuzhila: ask #debian for debian help :)09:03
ReSpEcTjrib: i got it, linux box is just hella slow, lol09:03
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_tuzhilaok, on ubuntu?09:04
Kjellvizjrib: reason for asking is cos i had it working so well on my previous comp running ubuntu, on my new comp i felt like trying kubuntu, and im experiencing issues with running it09:04
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_tuzhilatell me, how i can do it on ubuntu09:04
RoC_MasterMind!raid > _tuzhila09:04
Littlegatorompaul, permission denied09:04
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:04
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Cyber_Stalkeris defreagging necissary when your going to shrink a drive ???09:04
Kjellvizjrib: it might be hardware related ofc, but i just wondered if taking the time to test in ubuntu would make any difference ><09:04
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steamI here one Russian?09:04
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Pici!ru | steam09:04
_tuzhilano, i am russian to09:05
Picisteam: #ubuntu-ru :)09:05
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ubotusteam:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:05
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jribKjellviz: well i don't think it would matter, but it won't hurt to set aside a few gigs and install ubuntu to a new partition to try it out09:05
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Kjellvizjrib: i might as well blow away kubuntu in that case, since its a fresh install that aint working ><09:06
JaenevaFrom what I understand, I have to create separate users for my ubuntu system, and samba, is there a way to make samba just use my ubuntu users?09:06
younghackerpackages that never fully installed and i would rather just remove them instead of reinstall however i get a error message on attempt09:06
steamand who does talk in Russian and talks in general? And I am difficult to use a translator09:07
ompaulLittlegator, now that the world has a moments balance where are you at with this?>09:07
Kjellvizjrib: but doesent kde and gnome handle forinstance sound differently ?09:07
RoC_MasterMind!ru | steam09:07
ubotusteam:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:07
LittlegatorI tried the command you gave me and I had permission denied09:07
ompaulLittlegator, sda is the first sata drive09:07
younghackeri think this is the main part of the error message (update-desktop-database:5829): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_string_list: assertion `group_name != NULL' failed09:07
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ompaul!dualboot | Littlegator09:07
Kjellvizjrib: cos thats one of my issues, in ubuntu i was running both OSS and ALSA fine, but in kubuntu i cant get OSS working09:07
ubotuLittlegator: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)09:07
Andyhowoo hoo figured out wine!! not so hard.. guess I better print out a bunch of commands so I don't bug people with dumb questions ;)09:07
ompaulLittlegator, ^^ you need to read that09:07
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Kjellvizjrib: again, this might be hardware related ><09:07
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DumderfluCan anyone help me?  I got my wireless up and running, but froze up and had to shut down.  Now it doesnt work.09:08
Andyhonow I just gotta figure out if there's a linux prog like active desktop calendar.. there's gotta be..09:08
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younghackerhow can i remove packages that were not completely installed09:08
younghacker(update-desktop-database:5829): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_get_string_list: assertion `group_name != NULL' failed09:08
ompaul!wireless | Dumderflu (please read the info from ubotu - wireless is not trivial)09:08
ubotuDumderflu (please read the info from ubotu - wireless is not trivial): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:09
younghackerthats my error message09:09
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Shadow_Warrioryounghacker: try sudo dpkg -configure -a09:09
KjellvizAndyho: running Ubuntu or any other distro ?09:09
Shadow_Warriorif I'm not mistaking.09:09
steamI got client IRC, but, can (while does not can) not them use unfortunately. Help me, please09:09
Littlegatorompaul, what does this have to do with anything? They're installed on different hard drives...09:09
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ompaulLittlegator, lots09:09
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jribsteam: can you rephrase?  I don't understand09:10
Cyber_Stalkerany one here familiar with dual booting?09:10
rolnicshi talking wireless is there, has anyone got a solution to using the netgear wn311b?09:10
ompaulLittlegator, it puts a boot manager on the first disk to choose from unless you got vista in which case the rules change and I don't know them09:10
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Kjellvizsteam: type: /join ubuntu-ru09:10
Littlegatorompaul, I laready have GRUB =\09:10
younghackerwould i have to put the package name into that command somewhere?09:10
Kjellvizsteam: if it does not work, type: /join #ubuntu-ru09:10
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Shadow_Warrioryounghacker: nah... it should automatically discover errors...09:11
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Shadow_Warriorlet me see09:11
Littlegatorompaul, I've had ubuntu installed before, but it had a really annoying problem and the only solution anyone could give was "do a fresh install"09:11
ompaulLittlegator, well you need to install again from scratch from what you have said09:11
younghackeri see09:11
Kjellvizjrib: i think he means he has got IRC client, its working but he doesent know how to use09:11
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younghackerwhen i run that command it puts me at like a help screen so i am trying to figure what to omit09:11
ompaulLittlegator, anything else is a waste of your time,09:11
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Littlegatorompaul, I'm trying to install from scratch =\09:11
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ompaulLittlegator, ergo the dual boot option I gave you09:12
FalstiusLittlegator: if you want to install xp after you have ubuntu installed, you really only need to reinstall grub.  This can be done pretty easily from a liveCD, you can find instructions on the web.09:12
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steam I do not talk on in English Only with a translator(((09:12
photo_nutIs there a better desktop than gnome in anyone's opinion that I should try? What I would like is to keep gnome but to get a better panel. Any suggestions?09:12
Littlegatorfalstius, I already have windows installed, I am just trying to reinstall ubuntu09:12
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Andyhokjellviz: only ubuntu on this machine09:12
CheesyMonkeysteam, What language?09:12
flukierdonuthey everyone09:12
Shadow_WarriorArgh... it did give me the command one time when there were dependency problems :/09:13
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Shadow_Warrioryounghacker: sudo dpkg --configure -a :D09:13
steamI am Russian09:13
Shadow_WarriorHello steam :)09:13
younghackercool thanks guys09:13
KjellvizAndyho: theres an application called gdesklet that will let you add calendar to the desktop09:14
Shadow_WarriorIt worked? :D09:14
KjellvizAndyho: gotta check the name again, one sec09:14
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younghackeryea i can tell it's working because the first package it went to was the broken one.... thanks again09:14
Shadow_Warriorsteam: Don't really know if someone can talk russian hope they do.. :/09:14
KjellvizAndyho: yeps, its gdesklet09:14
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jribsteam: type:   /join #ubuntu-ru09:14
KjellvizAndyho: no idea if its supported etc, and i found it a bit buggy, but its all ive found so far ><09:15
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steamgood-bye. Be happy in undertaking09:15
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LittlegatorCan anyone tell me how I can create a disklabel for hda?09:15
AndyhoKjellviz: does it let you put notes on it as well? I usually use active desktop calendar with the 3 calendar display and notes/tasks to the right.. I'm only on day 2 of running strictly ubuntu but so far LOVING it! :)09:16
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ompaulLittlegator, you don't need to, they are not needed09:16
RoC_MasterMindLittlegator, why would you want to?09:16
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Littlegatorompaul, I can't create partitions without a disklabel...09:16
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ompaulLittlegator, you can09:16
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Littlegatorompaul, it's refusing to let me09:16
KjellvizAndyho: no idea, havent tried the calendar yet, i dont use those but rather outlook-kinda calendars instead09:16
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ompaulLittlegator, just accept the defaults09:16
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ompaulLittlegator, stop what you are doing and start again09:17
liorkameri install amsn and he want tls where i get it ?09:17
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ompaulLittlegator, it is designed to be easy09:17
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khinhi is there some program that will allow me to highlight a word and then have its dictionary definition displayed09:17
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mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty?09:18
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Littlegatorompaul, I don't know what you mean by accept the defaults, but I'm not going to use an entire 250gb hdd for Ubuntu alone. I want 200 of it for storage purposes09:19
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RoC_MasterMindkhin, highlight it in what program?09:19
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RoC_MasterMindI use the CLI program dict when I want a definition09:20
Kjellvizallright, im off to installing ubuntu as a last resort and hope for a functional PC again =(09:20
ompaulLittlegator, then you choose manual and point to disk 2 and then you tell it you want 49G for / and give it 1G for swap and then give the rest to /data or some such09:20
ripleyjust a stupid beginners question ;) where do i get gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly (universe)? i want to use the mp3 codec but i can't find this damn gstreamer plugin...synaptic only servs the "good" packages ...thanx for your help in advance09:20
Kjellvizwish me luck, ill need it!09:20
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Littlegatorompaul are you not listening? I can not tell it I want 49G for it because I can not create partitiong because there is not a disklabel09:20
ompaulLittlegator, however do you think that if you did one full install on that disk and then went back it might be easier for you09:20
RoC_MasterMind!info gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly09:20
ubotugstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.5-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 202 kB, installed size 528 kB09:20
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RoC_MasterMindripley, it's in universe09:20
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khinwould it be possible to make a program that can look up whatever words you highlight in any other program09:21
ompaulLittlegator, tell you what I have a lappy here that needs a reinstall and I will get to that point on it and09:21
ripleyRoC_MasterMind: thanx a lot09:21
ompaulLittlegator, tell you what you need to do09:21
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RoC_MasterMindkhin, sure, it's possible to make anything.09:22
Littlegatorompaul I know how to install normally. I have been running a dual boot with ubuntu and windows xp for about 2 years.. I am just trying to reinstall ubuntu and I am getting an unorthodox error09:22
khini think that would be a useful program09:22
mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen09:23
kramer3dhey guys im trying to uninstall ndiswrapper and when i try sudo make uninstall ndiswrapper it gives me this error ===>  *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.09:23
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kramer3dcan someone help?09:24
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robokop/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found09:24
robokopwhat can i do about it09:24
wallsneed some advice on install of ubuntu ne1? cheers09:25
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CheesyMonkeywalls, Just ask away, someone will help :)09:25
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Joritoserver eu.undernet.org09:26
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khinyou must code a patch for glibc by tomorrow or else09:26
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RoC_MasterMindoh noes!09:27
wallsinstalled ubuntu as a partition and installation seemed ok till it rebooted into it. took forever to reach login screen and it couldnt reach desktop09:27
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c00i90wnHi, how do I remove a known wirless network from network-manager ?09:27
DrakeJusticerobokop: place a new libstdc++.so.6 (obviously not with that name) in /lib and directly link to it with the program that uses it09:27
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-241-211-138.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulLittlegator, do this with your install in a terminal "sudo fdisk -l " shove it into paste.ubuntu-nl.org thanks09:27
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robokopDrakeJustice: an d how should i get another libstdc++09:28
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Caydelhello al09:28
Caydeldoes anyone know how to prevent the filemanager being launched when I install a new CD?09:29
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khinhi i see i can view the vista partitions in ubuntu. can i get write access to these partitions? & can i get vista to see my ubuntu partition?09:29
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CheesyMonkey!ntfs-3g | khin09:29
ubotukhin: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:29
Caydelit ends up blocking disk reads when I am trying to install multi-disk programs in wine09:29
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mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:29
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RoC_MasterMindkhin, Windows does not support non-MS filesystems...   there is an old tool you can use called explore2fs or something./09:30
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PinkFloydIs there a program I can run to format a drive in my computer that Ubuntu *isnt* on?09:30
Littlegatorompaul: http://www.pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/30147/09:30
CaydelPinkFloyd: gparted09:30
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PinkFloydok thanks09:30
jribPinkFloyd: use the ubuntu livecd09:30
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RoC_MasterMindPinkFloyd, put in an boot an ubuntu CD and click System/Admin/GNOME partition edoitor09:31
wallswhen booting from cd to install ubuntu i get an error msg along the lines  of "buffer I/o error on dev fdo logical block 0" - i went on to install ubuntu and it wouldnt boot into dektop after installtion? help ne1? :))09:31
PinkFloydI found a LiveCD of Gparted, I'll use it09:31
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Littlegatorugh it's not working ompaul one second...09:31
PinkFloydI can just unmount the drive and just format it inside of Ubuntu09:31
profanephobiaso i cant wait for the dual monitor GUI in the new release09:31
Littlegatorompaul: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30147/09:31
\Benand play the division bell in the background while running it :P09:31
Caydeldoes anyone know how to prevent Nautilus from being launched when I install a new CD?09:32
FalstiusPinkFloyd: the one advantage of using gparted from your installed system is that you can't accidentally format the drive you're using.09:32
dkwhen i put in my ubuntu disk and try to boot from it i get this message:09:32
CaydelI mean, insert a new CD09:32
dk"BusyBot v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash). Enger 'help' for a list of built in commands09:32
mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:32
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ompaulLittlegator,  that is a small L09:32
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profanephobiai had that problem but couldnt find a solution ... after logging on with another keyboard it started working though09:32
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PinkFloydFalstius, ok I'll run Gparted inside of Ubuntu then09:33
PinkFloydFalstius thanks09:33
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c00i90wnSo, no one knows how to remove a known wireless network from nm-applet ?09:33
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RoC_MasterMindPinkFloyd, however, you will have to reboot after creating a new partition table...so it's best to use a livecd anyway09:33
\BenPinkFloyd, i also reccomend the division bell for background music to make sure it works :p09:33
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profanephobiac00i one sec ill post help09:33
mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:34
c00i90wnprofanephobia: ok :)09:34
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vbgunzI've done probably a dozen installs on a dozen computers. friends and family. I've used Ubuntu since the end of Hoary and never really had a problem. Now, with 7.04, I cannot *install* the OS using the live cd. I keep getting a grub-install error at the end? whats up, is this common? whats the fix? use the alternate?09:34
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RoC_MasterMindvbgunz, is that a burned CD or ordered CD?09:35
mhz`-did check the cd for defects?09:35
Falstiusvbgunz: you could probably install grub manually.09:35
vbgunzan ordered CD, it keeps complaining grub-install (hd0) failed...09:35
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KarateKatI have enabled the "universe" repository on a feisty livecd, yet I can't find this package w/ synaptic or apt-get.. any ideas why? http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/bkhive AND http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/admin/samdump209:35
khinwhy when i try to write to my vista partition it says i dont have permissions09:36
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ompaulLittlegator, I take it you have a fiesty CD09:36
vbgunzFalstius: I tried restoring grub *but* don't think I can restore something that has never been installed as I failed again miserably at it. how do you *just* install (not restore) grub?09:36
Littlegatorompaul, it's edgy..09:36
PiciKarateKat: Thats the gutsy version that you linked to.09:36
KarateKatI need to recover an XP administrator password from an old ghost image I just restored.. though packages.ubuntu.com shows those tools available they don't show up in the package manager..=009:36
jribKarateKat: are you sure those exist on feisty?09:36
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KarateKatnot sure.. better check09:36
PiciKarateKat: They dont look like they exist in feisty.09:37
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ompaulLittlegator, it is not much different09:37
wallswhen booting from burned cd to install ubuntu i get an error msg along the lines  of "buffer I/o error on dev fdo logical block 0" - i went on to install ubuntu and it wouldnt boot into dektop after installtion. help ne1? :))09:37
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wallsive checked the iso file and its fine09:37
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Falstiusvbgunz: grub-install .. you should google for detailed instructions.09:37
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ompaulLittlegator, have you pasted it output of the command yet, not a number 1 but a lower case L09:37
thebighamhello everyone09:37
KarateKatthey don't.. hrmm09:37
slmnhqhow can i add a network printer to my feisty box? "Add a Printer" dialogue asks me to install a driver in the second step... i have none09:37
GenomsarenI have a serious problem with my gdm09:37
KarateKatguess I will need gutsy.. thanks09:37
profanephobiai need a good remote port sniffer for my network for ubuntu...any ideas?09:37
Littlegatorompaul http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30147/09:37
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thebighami just installed unbutu for the very first time, and i have a little problem09:37
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Genomsarenand kdm doesnt wokr in my pc09:38
vbgunzFalstius: yeah, no joke, I man grub-install and came up with nothing useful; or anything that'll work09:38
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thebighamit resized my windows partition to 40gb which is not enough09:38
ompaulLittlegator, well it seems you did not read my last note, that makes it very hard for you to progress09:38
ompaulLittlegator, have you pasted it output of the command yet, not a number 1 but a lower case L09:38
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khinhow do i change the permissions so that i can write to my vista partition09:39
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mhz`-did check the cd for defects?09:39
mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:39
jrib!ntfs-3g > khin (see the private message from ubotu)09:39
slmnhqi have a adobe postscript printer on my network, how can i print to it from my feisty box?09:39
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RoC_MasterMindprofanephobia, nmap.09:39
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thebighami cant seem to resize the ubuntu partition with partition magic09:39
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thebighamcan anyone help09:39
thebighamit used up 140gb of my hard drive09:39
Anlarlol@evolution.. sheesh.. 1300 non-triaged bugs in bugzilla :-D talk about being unmaintained!09:39
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RoC_MasterMindthebigham, yeah ditch that junk and use GNOME PARTITION EDITOR on the ubuntu livecd09:39
khini thought ntfs-3g comes w/ dapper? & i can read from the vista i just cant write09:40
furenkuis it possible to install ub untu studio on a laptop with an amd turion 6409:40
Anlarkhin: think again09:40
nate_hey i just ran the software update and now when i rebooted my X server won't start complaining it didn't load the NVIDIA kernel module and nvidia.ko can't be loaded09:40
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jribkhin: ntfs-3g is not in dapper repos09:40
thebighamhow can i reduce the size of ubuntu and add it to windows partition09:40
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RoC_MasterMindthebigham, GNOME PARTITION EDITOR09:40
thebighamOkay =)09:40
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MajorPaynethebigham: It's on the live cd.09:41
Littlegatoroh wow ompaul sorry >_>09:41
nate_can anyone help me get X back up09:41
wallspossible reasons why ubuntu doesnt load into desktop after installation?09:41
ripleyRoC_MasterMind: i've installed every gstreamer package synaptic servs but i still doesnt play mp3-files.... :/09:41
Falstiusslmnhq: system->administration->printers, add printer, use a detected printer (hopefully)09:41
=== `Sean_ [n=sean@fw.pepper.com] has joined #Ubuntu
nate_it's saying it can't open nvidia.ko but it's pointing to a place that it shouldn't be09:42
Littlegatorompaul, I don't get an output...09:42
SurfnKidanyone know where I can get help installing a Ricoh SD memory card reader?09:42
slmnhqFalstius, the HP LasterJet 8000 shows up (step 1)09:42
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nate_anyone know what file i edit to undo that09:42
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slmnhqFalstius, but in step 2, Manufacturer, Model, etc are blank09:42
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Falstiusslmnhq: if it is generic postscript, it shouldn't be a problem.09:42
ompaulLittlegator, ehh you don't .... you better tget a new install disk then cos that command has to work out of the box or you can't install09:42
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mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:43
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nate_can anyone help me get X back up09:43
slmnhqFalstius, on my mac book i use it as a generic postscript09:43
taime1if i am still running edgy, can i upgrade all my packages and still use the newest beryl packages? or do i have to do a dist-upgrade?09:43
conorkirkpatrickI installed Ubuntu to my HD, and I know X doesn't work on the card for some reason, but is there a key combo that will put me at a shell?09:43
MajorPayne!ask | nate_09:43
ubotunate_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:43
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nate_ubotu: i already asked it multiple times09:44
Littlegatorompaul, okay.. I guess I'll order a disk.. how long to they take to arrive, normally?09:44
ompaultaime1, I would do a fresh install you really don't want to break the box in new and interesting ways methinks09:44
slmnhqFalstius, but on feisty i don't get the option to select "postscript" driver for it... suppose it's not installed?09:44
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ompaulLittlegator, 6 weeks or so, better to find a mate with a working box09:44
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SzeraaxWisdomWlf: now, you dont happen to be wisdomwolf do you?09:44
ompaulLittlegator, and get them to burn you a CD or burn one yourself from your windows machine09:44
MajorPaynenate_: You did not say what is wrong.  Error messages/describe your problem.  You are not giving people very much to go on.09:44
Agipthe ubuntu HDD does not leave me erase because it says it is full09:44
Agipwhat about that?09:44
ripley!info gsteamer ugly09:44
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ubotuPackage gsteamer does not exist in feisty09:45
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Littlegatorompaul, are you sure it's the cd? I've used this cd for multiple installs.. why couldn't it be a problem with a partition table?09:45
ripley!info gstreamer09:45
ubotuPackage gstreamer does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:45
taime1i guess my question is: will beryl work with edgy? or do i need to upgrade to feisty?09:45
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conorkirkpatrickI installed Ubuntu to my HD, and I know X doesn't work on the card for some reason, but is there a key combo that will put me at a shell?09:45
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nate_MajorPayne: i already did but here it goes again, i updated software via the system update and then when i rebooted X failed saying it didn't load nvidia module into kernel because it can't find .../nvidia.ko09:45
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ompaulLittlegator, you can't run fdisk -l (the lower case L not the number 1 as you did on the test) so you got a problem09:45
taime1conorkirkpatrick: alt+f1 or f209:45
conorkirkpatricknate_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new09:45
Falstiusslmnhq: it is installed, you could just choose manufacturer: generic, then postscript.09:46
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Littlegatorompaul, yes it's a problem but why is the install disk the culprit?09:46
taime1conorkirkpatrick: alt+ctrl+f1 or f2   sorry09:46
PF|UbuntuOk Ive got a bit of a problem. Im getting ready to format my Win98 HD so I can use it as storage. The problem is, I think the MBR is on that drive and Im working if it'll screw GRUB up or if there's anything I can do about it?09:46
Agipthe ubuntu HDD does not leave me erase because it says it is full?09:46
conorkirkpatricktaime1: hmm, those ddidn't do anything...09:46
nate_conorkirkpatrick: no such package09:46
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slmnhqFalstius, ok.. on my box i can't even select manufacture "generic"... not sure why, it's an empty pull-down09:46
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taime1conorkirkpatrick: really?09:46
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conorkirkpatricknate_: I know it exists, make sure you typed it right, I just installed it yesterday09:46
mhz`-anyone use a microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0a w/ fiesty? it dies right before login screen any ideas?09:47
login_hello , i have a question about the kernel. Does it the ubuntu kernel say that it is the ubuntu kernel?09:47
nate_conorkirkpatrick: sudo apt-cache search doesn't even show it09:47
nate_just nvidia-glx09:47
conorkirkpatricktaime1: Yes, really :D X doesn't work, so this has to be a text shell, were those the combos to kill X and go into text mode?09:47
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JasonFAnyone know where I can find a 40x40 png of the Ubuntu logo with a transparent BG?09:47
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taime1conorkirkpatrick: no... thats just how i switch between ttys09:47
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PF|UbuntuOk Ive got a bit of a problem. Im getting ready to format my Win98 HD so I can use it as storage. The problem is, I think the MBR is on that drive and Im working if it'll screw GRUB up or if there's anything I can do about it?09:48
eriscogvim was removed from my computer yet all my .php files are trying to open up with it... how do I fix this.?09:48
Falstiusslmnhq: that's weird.  Can you post a screenshot of step 1 and step 2?09:48
nate_this is incredibly annoying09:48
slmnhqFalstius, ok, let me try09:48
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jribJasonF: they are on the wiki, but I don't remember the page offhand.  let me see if i can find it again09:48
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LittlegatorPF|Ubuntu, as long as that is not set as the first hdd to boot, there won't be any problems09:48
conorkirkpatricktaime1: Do you have any idea how I can get to a shell at all? (be it from another computer, or right on the host?)09:48
ompaulLittlegator, cos you need to run that program or I can't help you with your install09:48
PF|UbuntuLittlegator, so if Ubuntu is the first drive set to boot, it's fine?09:49
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Littlegatorpf|Ubuntu, yes09:49
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PF|UbuntuLittlegator, what if GRUB isnt installed on the Ubuntu disk?09:49
taime1conorkirkpatrick: is there an option in the boot loader?09:49
nate_conorkirkpatrick: i'm just going to try and install nvidia-glx again09:49
conorkirkpatricktaime1: lemme look09:49
Cyber_Stalker!dual boot09:49
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)09:49
login_hello , i have a question about the kernel. Does it the ubuntu kernel say that it is the ubuntu kernel?09:50
LittlegatorPF|Ubuntu, I'm actually not sure, now that you mention it. It /should/ be fine but I have never experience ubuntu without GRUB09:50
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slmnhqFalstius, where would you like me to post the screen shots?09:50
conorkirkpatricktaime1: I assume it is recovery mode?09:50
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MajorPaynelogin_: That sentence doesn't make any sense.09:50
nate_conorkirkpatrick: why would it be trying to open /lib/modules/mykernel/volatile/nvidia.ko instead of the real nvidia.ko09:50
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PF|UbuntuI accidently screwed up a HD one time by deleting the Win partition09:50
PF|UbuntuI dont want to do the same09:51
PF|UbuntuI just want to reformat as storage09:51
conorkirkpatricknate_: IDK, but try apt-get update then install nvidia-glx-new, I am %100 sure that exists09:51
login_i am asking ifthe ubuntu kernel has any type of stamp on it or something that says it is made by ubuntu or smth09:51
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conorkirkpatricktaime1: Ah, It dropped me to a shell :)09:51
wallscan any1 please shed some light on why a clean install of ubuntu as a partition hasnt worked? btw the boot takes forever and i dont reach the desktop!!!09:51
taime1conorkirkpatrick: cool09:51
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slmnhqsend Falstius Step1.png09:52
conorkirkpatricknate_: In fact, I am fixing mine, and I am downloading the package as we speak (sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new09:52
slmnhqsend Falstius Step2.png09:52
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conorkirkpatrick!logo | jasonf09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
Cappynot sure login_09:52
Falstiusslmnhq: you should be able to post them to pastebin or some such (I've never actually done it)09:52
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login_ok cappy . anyone get an idea?09:52
conorkirkpatrickNow, I keep asking this (I need to write it down :P) What command restarts gdm?09:52
nate_conorkirkpatrick: why the hell won't that show for me09:53
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ompaullogin_, the kernel is not where it identifies itself, you can run uname -a and get some clues but if I understood what motivated your question then I might have a more constructive answer foryou09:53
taime1does beryl work on edgy?09:53
conorkirkpatricknate_: IDK I don't know much about apt-get's strange ways... ask around09:53
nate_taime1: yes09:53
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taime1sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes?09:53
Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:53
Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: er, sudo ...09:54
thebighamI tried the partition eiditor in the ubuntu live CD to resize the ubuntu partition and it didnt work09:54
thebighamcan someone help me with this probrlem09:54
bmk789i have tried the liveCD and alternate CD to install feisty on my PC and they both freeze. the alternate freezes are partman-ext3, what could be the problem09:54
login_what motivated it is that i am remastering ubuntu and i need to know if i should compile kernel 2.6.22 myself or keep the ubuntu one. Also , when i try to compile myself the klernel is completely large .(like 500 mb and the deb is 190 mb) while the ubuntu kernel is smaller09:54
jribJasonF: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official I'll add it to the bot as !logo09:54
PF|Ubuntuthebigham, try the alternate CD09:54
taime1thebigham: use gparted live cd. if you are resizing an ntfs partition, you need to defrag it first09:54
Littlegatorompaul, I rebooted and fdisk -l worked09:54
Jordan_Uthebigham, You can onluy resize the tail of ext3 partitions09:55
PF|UbuntuHow can I tell where GRUB is installed?09:55
conorkirkpatricktaime1: Oh, I know why that doesn't work. I think X is locking up when I try to start it, or X is showing up on the other 2 of my 3 monitor ports :P09:55
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thebighamthen what could i do09:55
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taime1conorkirkpatrick: i see09:55
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taime1PF|Ubuntu: 'locate grub"09:55
taime1PF|Ubuntu: or 'whereis grub'09:55
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ompaullogin_, well to keep it easy I would keep the ubuntu kernel  == you could end up with a bucket load of problems the other way09:56
surviveris there a possibility to set at each workspace a different wallpaper?09:56
bmk789i have tried the liveCD and alternate CD to install feisty on my PC and they both freeze. the alternate freezes are partman-ext3, what could be the problem?09:56
jribsurviver: google for wallpapoz09:56
conorkirkpatricktaime1: On the integrated one, It is a garbled mess09:56
PF|UbuntuI meant, which HD GRUB is loaded onto09:56
Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: I think it should show up on all of the ports unless you configure it not to.09:56
lastkeyHi, I can connect my msn account on PIDGIN, amsn is not working either, help09:56
PF|UbuntuI dont want GRUB to screw up on me09:56
surviverjrib, hy there and ill take a look :d09:56
Jordan_Usurviver, Yes, I don't remember how to do it though09:56
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lastkey Hi, I can not connect my msn account on PIDGIN, amsn is not working either, help09:56
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ompaulLittlegator, in the time since I said I was going to reinstall I have done so and have the laptop doing its reboot between install and first boot09:56
login_ya that is what i was thinking to but if there is some type of thing saying that it belongs to ubuntu or somehting then i dont want to use it. But the fact that it is light intrigues me09:56
ompaulLittlegator, feisty has no such issues09:57
beni_how can i show all devices i've plugged in via console? Like Processor, Ram, CDRom, Ethernet, HDD etc09:57
beni_and configure them, of course09:57
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thebighamis there any step by step guide to reduce the size of the ubuntu partition and add it to the windows parition????09:57
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Syntuxdoes rsync work with bz2 files ?09:57
ompaulthebigham, no09:57
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ompaulthebigham, if you have partition magic or some such program maybe you can do something09:57
conorkirkpatrickFalstius: It isn't showing up on the secondary port on the video card.09:58
thebighami tried partition magic09:58
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thebighamit doesnt work09:58
thebighami can click on the resize option09:58
conorkirkpatrickFalstius: Wasn't there a command that reconfigured X? (It isn't dpkg, it was nvidia-config or somehting)09:58
mikeybwhen i try to use the nvidia utility to save to X configuration file" it gives me the error unable to remove old X config backup file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup ... any ideas / suggestions09:58
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Littlegatorompaul, it looks like my partition table is back in the installer... I don't think the disk was actually wiped09:58
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ompaulLittlegator, have fun09:59
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Jordan_Uthebigham, Like I said, you can only resize the tail of an ext3 partition, you could add another partition after Ubuntu and put files there, or just use the ext2 driver for windows to write to your ext3 partition09:59
conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: run it with sudo in front of it09:59
mikeybthank you conor09:59
conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: no prob, and also you helped me too, I forgot the command to reconfigure it :P10:00
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mikeybwait, do you know where the nvidia configuration utility can be launched from?10:00
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mikeybbecause I did it from the apps menu10:00
conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: The console (may be called terminal)10:00
mikeybi mean the file location to launch from terminal10:00
conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: It should just work if you type sudo nvidia-xconfig10:01
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Jordan_Umikeyb, gksudo nvidia-settings10:01
mikeybeven better10:01
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conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: Yeah, do that, it is in a GUI10:01
conorkirkpatrickmikeyb: :D10:01
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mikeyboh, one more question to make my life easier: anyone know a shortcut command to launch terminal or konsole?10:02
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conorkirkpatrickYES! WAHOO! I never knew I would love nVidia's logo so much :')10:02
mikeybor how to view many shortcuts?10:02
conorkirkpatrickX started10:02
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surviverjrib, u know anything about this? :   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30151/10:02
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Littlegatorompaul, it seems that the error is occuring when it tries to delete my old linux partition.. I was reinstalling ubuntu and had a random power spike which caused it to reboot, and my install was screwed up10:03
Littlegatorompaul, now I can't delete the offendind partition10:03
ompaulLittlegator, do sudo fdisk -l please and paste it10:03
surviverjrib, ow i think i know su .. i test10:03
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surviverjrib, jup idd sry for interupt10:03
conorkirkpatrickDoes anybody know why my menubar dissapears when I enable desktop effects?10:03
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Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: dpkg-reconfigure xorg I think10:04
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conorkirkpatrickFalstius: Are you sure? I just used nvidia-xconfig and it fixed it, is there a possibility that running that command will break X again?10:05
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Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: there is a not about that in the beryl wiki entry on ubuntu (the one they link in the #ubuntu-effects title)10:05
Littlegatorompaul: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30152/10:05
Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: they do similar things.  If it works, don't break it.10:05
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beni_how can i show all devices i've plugged in via console? Like Processor, Ram, CDRom, Ethernet, HDD etc10:05
beni_and configure them, of course10:05
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toryl__mikeyb: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts10:06
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Falstiusconorkirkpatrick: er, they changed the topic.  This is the link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnFeisty10:06
conorkirkpatrickFalstius: The main thing I wanted was the cube workspaces, And if I just turn that on, the titlebar is back, now how do you show the cube?10:06
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Jordan_Uconorkirkpatrick, ctrl+alt+ mouse drag10:07
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: What should I be dragging? because that didn't do anything (maybe I didn't enable the cube, lemme check)10:08
intrinany idea what would cause my control-c to type c, instead of doing the command?10:08
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intrinwell control-anyletter10:08
intrinit just up  and stoped working10:08
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ompaulLittlegator, I don't see a second drive there10:08
intrinie: control-c for breaking ping, or control-x for exiting pico10:08
Kenz1how do I set up wireless on ubuntu commandline install / server install? no network-manager10:09
Theorya broken ctrl key?10:09
Littlegatorompaul, neither do I... I can see it in gparted, but it's not on fdisk -l10:09
Jordan_Uintrin, Does the control key show up in xev?10:09
leitaoAfter update from 6.10 to 7.04 my firefox is so unstable. Everytime it is crashing. Did anyone see this problem?10:09
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intrinjordan, how do i look, new to nix :/10:09
leitaohow could I "debug" it to see what is going on?10:09
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Jordan_Uleitao, Try disabling flash10:09
kjellvizany idea why the update manager wants me to upgrade to kernel .16 while apt-get does not ?10:10
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leitaoJordan_U: yes, I think flash is related to it, since when I am on youtube, it crash almost every time.10:10
leitaoJordan_U: is there any fix to it?10:10
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ompaulLittlegator, what kind of a disk is it on gparted sda or hdb or what?10:11
conorkirkpatrickWhat command tells me where I left my damn GameCube controller? ;)10:11
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Littlegatorompaul, it's hdb10:11
Kenz1how do I set up wireless on ubuntu commandline install / server install? no network-manager10:11
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Jordan_Uleitao, Not really :(10:11
ompaulLittlegator, do fdisk -l /dev/hdb10:11
=== genii sips coffee and thinks about a loccube command
Littlegatorconnorkirkpatrick, sudo apt-get eyes10:11
c00i90wnI have an OpenVPN connection configured on my network-manager and configured it so that when connected every request for is tunneled across it10:11
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Jordan_UKenz1, man iwconfig10:12
leitaoJordan_U:  at 6.10 it works finely.10:12
c00i90wnthe problem is that when I connect to it /etc/resolv.conf gets replaced with an empty file10:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashamd64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:12
c00i90wnand I can't browse anmore10:12
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava10:12
x89xi want help10:12
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Kenz1Jordan_U: I know how to use iwconfig... but how do i save my settings for reboot?10:12
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x89xwant help mounting a unmounted FAT32 partitiion10:12
c00i90wnso, how can I avoid that behavior?10:12
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Jordan_UKenz1, /etc/network/interfaces10:12
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kjellvizare there considered to be any problems with running Amarok on Ubuntu ? (gnome)10:13
PriceChildkjellviz, no10:13
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geniiKenz1: For help on syntax of that file do   man interfaces10:13
\Benif i get the error 'interface doesn't support scanning' on my wireless usb .... it is problem with the actually usb nic or the install?10:14
LukeEkbladI need help10:14
RichWwhat do i add to crontab to make a command run every 5 minutes?10:14
kjellvizPriceChild: ok, so basically it should work just as nice as under KDE ?10:14
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conorkirkpatrickJordan_U: I installed beryl, and I can use the cube, but my menubars dissapeared10:14
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LukeEkbladI wana deleat all my windows files on my ubuntu system without affecting ubuntu.   Anyone know how?10:14
Jordan_U\Ben, Probably a driver issue.10:14
\Benah ok ta10:14
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jklewiswhat key to I press to see console during bootup instead of splash screent?10:14
Jordan_ULukeEkblad, Gparted?10:15
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wwalkerI just installed ubuntu on my new notebook.  Every ssh connection takes 15 seconds before the password prompt.  My Fedora notebook and myoffice mates MacBook (OS X) don't have the delay.10:15
wwalkerIt's not DNS reverse lookup, that would affect the others.  any ideas?10:15
LukeEkbladJordan_U:  oh, hi again10:15
Chewyany IRCOPS here?10:15
ChewyI need to talk to one.10:15
LukeEkbladJordan_U:    is gparted that gnome partition thing?10:15
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jklewisWhat key shows me the boot console at boot time?10:16
Jordan_Ujklewis, At boot enter the grub menu and remove "splash" from the list of kernel parameters10:16
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jklewisthanks Jordan10:16
toryl__\Ben: what is the model / chipset of your nic?10:16
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Jordan_ULukeEkblad, Yes, you may need to run it from a liveCD10:16
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tomh-hey anyone know what could be the cause of my native resolution not working?10:17
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\Benits the belkin f5d7050 ver 3000. - ralink10:17
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CheesyMonkeytomh-, Not setup in xorg.conf?10:17
tomh-well i can select it10:17
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tomh-but it messes my screen up10:17
Kjellvizanyone know why the update manager wants me to upgrade to .16 kernel, while apt-get doesent ?10:17
\Benhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?highlight=%28f5d7050%29 been following this one10:17
tseohello everyone10:17
tseoi need some help10:18
godlygeekSo, I accidentally managed to install Grub to both the mbr and to the linux partition - any safe way to remove one of them?  would 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=512 count=1' break everything?  heh10:18
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LukeEkbladoh, this happens wh[en ever i check for updates now:  unable to copy users Xuthrorization files.  Anyone know how to fix it?10:18
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\Beni removed network manager and installed wifi-radar also toryl__ .... but when it scans with that it just spams that it doesnt support scanning.10:19
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PriceChildKjellviz, ok10:19
godlygeekLukeEkblad: You should be able to do 'rm .Xauthority' from a terminal, then restart X - I can't guarantee that that will fix it, but it shouldn't hurt and might fix it.10:19
toryl__\Ben: one problem I had was the encryption method I was using.  If you are using anything but WEP turn it off for diagnostic purposes.10:19
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toryl__\Ben: and even WEP, too, really.  Can you connect from the command line?10:20
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\Benno :s10:20
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\Benlight flashes non stop on the nic10:20
gejrhow do i find out which xorg-version im running?10:20
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kevinl--dpkg -l | grep xorg10:21
x89xplease help me !10:21
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x89x i have three drives. 1 is NTFS. 1 FileSystem and the third is the FAT 32 which is lost !!10:21
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x89xhow do i get it back !10:21
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PurpZeYIs there a way to do an unrar of a series of files to a specific directory via cli?10:21
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toryl__\Ben: can you connect when you specify all the AP parameters--i.e. without scanning first?10:21
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geniikevinl--: You are looking for xserver-xorg package to install?10:22
tseoi got a laptop with vista and i want to install Ubuntu but when the installation starts and reaches the partition manager it just stops on "scanning drives"10:22
Jordan_Ux89x, How is it "lost"?10:22
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x89xjordan: i unmounted it10:22
\Bentoryl__, i have tried with the command line and editing the interface file10:22
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x89xusing 1 command10:22
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\Benbut when i then do iwconfig is doesnt find my ssid info10:22
gejrthanks kevinl-- :)10:22
godlygeekx99x: 1 FileSystem?  What do you mean by 'FileSystem'?10:22
LukeEkbla1I cant search for updates now.   Every time i try, it says: unable to copy Xusers athoritation files10:22
Jordan_Ux89x, So you just need to re mount it?10:22
Littlegatorompaul, I had to reboot again but now I'm going to take a shower, so I'll get back to you in 20...10:22
x89xsudo umount /media/hda110:22
x89xsudo mv /media/hda1 /media/newname10:22
x89xi used this command10:22
ompaulLittlegator, if I am around ya10:23
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toryl__\Ben: so you specify an SSID and then it doesn't show up when you do iwconfig?10:23
x89xjordan_U: yes. i want it back10:23
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geniikevinl--: nvm I see now it was for gejr10:23
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godlygeekPurpZeY: cd /to/the/dir/you/want/to/extract/to; cp /dirwith/rar/files/*.rar .; for file in *.rar; do rar x $file; done10:23
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Jordan_Ux89x, So to mount it do: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/newname10:23
anaHi is there an easy way to switch which drive GRUB is on?10:23
zOrKany mp3 player for terminals? (other besides mpg123)10:23
khinhi my clock is consistently messed up in ubuntu. its always four hours too early. i set my time zone to America/New York and deselected Synchronize with Internet Servers10:24
PriceChild!fixgrub | ana10:24
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ubotuana: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:24
zOrK?? ntp10:24
\Bennope thats right - i have specified all the network info in the interface file, down and up the rausb0 again then iwconfig and its changed the channel to 11, but left mode as auto - even when i speficied managed.10:24
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khinim using dapper10:24
Jordan_Ux89x, If you want to have it mount automatically at boot edit your /etc/fstab10:24
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\Benand the ESSID says OFF/ANY10:24
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\Beneven tho its specified in the interface file10:24
godlygeekzOrK: good old mplayer10:24
PurpZeYgodlygeek: I got the first bit, what's that about file in *.rar; do rar $file; ?10:24
toryl__\Ben: that happened to me too.  Let me see if I can find the info that helped me.10:25
ChrisF_I just installed Apache2, PHP and MySQL so I could use this machine as a little webserver to develop on.  However, my /var/www folder is only accessible as root so how can I design sites on this machine without having to use sudo every time I want to create a new file or folder?10:25
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gejrit says i'm running Xorg version 7.2-0ubuntu10:25
\Benthanks toryl__, much appreciated.10:25
LukeEkbla1somebody pleas help...  I cant search for updates now.   Every time i try, it says: unable to copy Xusers athoritation files10:25
gejrshouldn't it be Xorg version R7.3 ?10:25
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godlygeekPurpZeY: that is what a shell script looks like when it's written inline.  :)10:25
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Jordan_Ugejr, 7.3 won't come until Gutsty10:26
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Ok, but how do I make it proper?10:26
mgmedelhello there, how can  I find out my wireless card model and manufacturer, I have tried lspci and lshw but no luck at all, with lshw I just get wireless interface and no more details10:26
Jordan_Ugejr, * Gutsy10:26
jklewisMy splash screen keeps dumping after my encrypted partition doesn't pass fsck.  What is the best solution to solve this?10:26
specialcharacterHi all. I wonder if someone could help me out with apache2?10:26
russe11!ask > specialcharacter10:26
godlygeekPurpZeY: if you're typing it in a terminal, it's probably easier to do "for file in *.rar" ENTER "do" ENTER "rar x $file" ENTER "done"10:26
godlygeekPurpZeY: The semicolons are just a different way of separating the lines.10:26
specialcharacterwhats that russel?10:27
godlygeekPurpZeY: That command is "for every file in the directory whose name ends in '.rar', call 'rar x FILENAME'"10:27
x89xjordan_U: sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/newname doesnt do anything !10:27
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godlygeekPurpZeY: What do you mean by 'make it proper'?10:27
LukeEkbla1i need help plzzz10:27
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Jordan_Ux89x, No output?10:27
PurpZeYgodlygeek: What you just said is fine, I wanted to make sure to get the command right...So it's best to move the rars to the final destination, then run that script?10:27
PriceChildspecialcharacter, ask your real question10:27
godlygeekLukeEkbla1: did you try 'rm .Xauthority' from a terminal?10:27
zilliotopensource kills jobs!!10:27
jklewisWhere can I change which partitions are checked during boot-up?10:28
anaOK, I read all that, but i'm not sure I understand.10:28
zilliotopensource is shit!10:28
gejrJordan_U: ok, but shouldn't it be possible to get it from source somehow? What makes it so much harder to install this in ubuntu than in i.e. archlinux?10:28
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:28
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ThanatosDriveThank you!10:28
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russe11Thanks PriceChild.10:28
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anaI need to unmount my windows partition, and that is also the /boot partition (i believe)10:28
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x89xjordan_U: no10:28
x89xx89x@x89x:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media -o umask=00010:28
geniiChrisF_: I usually make a dir there and chown it to www-data then symlink to it from some users home dir who will be developing the page. then put them in group www-data10:28
ompaulJordan_U, when do you that can you do it like this !ops | USERNAME you want attention drawn to :)10:28
specialcharacterok. i have installed apache2 and php5, installed the mod thing, followed all the instructions, restardted apache etc, but apache doesnt catch requests for php10:28
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godlygeekPurpZeY: Yeh, that would work fine.  You could do it in plenty of different ways, though.  easier than what i just came up with, you could do 'cd /to/the/destination; for file in /orig/directory/*.rar; do rar x $file; done'10:29
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il_padrinoi need help with proftpf and proftp-mysql10:29
Jordan_Ugejr, Nothing, just: sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg to get all the dependencies and compile away10:29
PurpZeYgodlygeek: I think that will serve me better.10:29
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LiNuX_Fr3aKHey my wifi wnp511 card works out of the box with ubuntu but i was wondering how to get it working on the command line using iwconfig. I just installed a command line ubuntu and cant get it going.10:29
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FalstiusI sometimes wish ext3 supported ACLs.10:29
jklewisIn the boot sequence, how I can have an encrypted partition skipped for fsck?10:29
JamesinatorFalstius: What are you trying to do?10:29
godlygeekPurpZeY: That's fine.  Both work. The first is slightly easier if you intend to remove the rar files when done, i think.  *shrug*10:30
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Kenz1LiNuX_Fr3aK: me too....10:30
DrakeJusticewine 0.9.41... has anyone noticed the serious boom in wine development lately?10:30
anais what I'm trying to do.10:30
FalstiusJamesinator: nothing, just obliquely responding to genii's statement.10:30
LukeEkbla1help Pleas...10:30
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JamesinatorFalstius: Ah.10:30
godlygeekjklewis: Do you need it to be mounted automatically?10:30
jklewisbut it's encrypted10:30
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runahi can sb help me configure the touch pad. It works but i cant do the scrolling. this is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m68ae86410:30
toryl__\Ben: just to make sure, you have no encryption on that router, correct?  And it is set to broadcast your ssid?10:30
LiNuX_Fr3aKThere is too much bloat in Ubuntu so I wanna go command line and build my way up to what i need. Where do I start with wifi10:31
LinuxProbieHey, can someone tell me how to make a command-line script that I can fire using a button on one of the taskbars?10:31
\Ben1sec i check10:31
anaIt says /media/sda1 mount disagrees with the fstab10:31
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anaSo I can't unmount that drive.10:31
godlygeekjklewis: man fstab, check the 2nd to last paragraph in Description10:31
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JamesinatorLinuxProbie: See query10:32
jklewisgodlygeek: thanks10:32
disasmHey all, I have a ~/.fluxbox/apps file that matches by title of a window for autoresizing as well as removing title bars for a terminal. I just upgraded from debian sarge to ubuntu edgy. My fluxbox version is Fluxbox 1.0rc2. Anyways, back to the problem. It doesn't use the default aterm window settings my other terminals do. If I don't pass any options to aterm, it comes up transparent, but without shading. If I try to force any shading,10:32
godlygeekit says that if you put a '0' in the 6th field for that partition in fstab, it won't be checked.10:32
FalstiusLinuxProbie: make the script, then right click on the pannel and "add to panel", add custom launcher10:32
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tomh-anyone knows why my native resolution wont show up on the screen resolution config screen?10:32
disasmtomh-: Is it in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf?10:33
disasmtomh-: if your resolution isn't in there, it won't show up in the gnome config10:33
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tomh-how do i properly add it?10:33
PurpZeYgodlygeek: I am getting "rar" command not found...I installed the unrar package, I've been using it via gui, is it unrar as opposed to rar, am I missing something?10:33
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LukeEkbla1I need help10:33
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Falstiusdisasm: do you know if that is 'fixed' with the xorg 7.3?  True plug in play monitor support will be really nice.10:34
\Bentoryl__, it must be broadcasting its ssid as other laptops can see if when not on the network. as for security its setup with 128 wep10:34
_Lucretia_is there a deb for vmgl?10:34
godlygeekPurpZeY: The problem, then, is that you don't have a commandline program to do the un-rar.  no big deal.  just do 'sudo apt-get install rar'10:35
LukeEkbla1every time i try to search for updates, it says:  unable to copy Xusers Athorization files10:35
toryl__\Ben:  1. make sure you're setting the key with iwconfig before you're setting the SSID and 2. try connecting with WEP disabled.10:35
disasmtomh-: good question, I custom write my xorg.conf, so I don't know any easy way to do it. If you look for a SubSection    "Display" in the file, change the Modes line, to contain all the resolutions your monitor supports10:35
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\Benok cheers, ill give that ago. have been putting key after ssid10:35
godlygeekPurpZeY: Then follow the first set of instructions.  The program's name is 'rar', and the 'x' after it means 'extract'.  :)10:35
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Done deal...installed the package...=)...Now I am told "invalid option"  I have it as rar x that right?10:35
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DarkRamonhow are you guys10:36
FalstiusPurpZeY: godlygeek, rar e file.rar10:36
PurpZeYgodlygeek:  for file in *.rar; do rar x $file; done that's the exact command.10:36
DarkRamon.... whats the command to send all messages i have in queue with exim?10:36
toryl__\Ben: good luck10:36
PurpZeYFalstius: Thanks.10:36
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conAfter installing Beryl I have no Title bar, and the fix on the WiKi didn't do anything10:37
disasmFalstius: I doubt it. Probably the easiest way to "fix" the problem is to have a gui tool in Admin menu that has options for resolutions and dual head setups, etc... xorg does a very good job at detecting hardware and determining resolutions, but there is no easy way without editing the file to fix it's guesses.10:37
godlygeekPurpZeY: replace 'rar x $file' with 'echo rar x $file' and show me the first line that it prints out.  :)10:37
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DarkRamonhello?... whats the command to send all the messages in queue with exim?10:37
danya_how can I know If my firefox is a 32 or 64 ?10:37
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PurpZeYgodlygeek:  for file in *.rar; do rar x $file; done10:38
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Ack. my mistake.10:38
PurpZeYgodlygeek: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `echo'10:38
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LukeEkbla1can somebody pleas help me? pleas?10:38
godlygeekPurpZeY: yikes.  i dunno.  i've been using zsh, not bash, and it's probably a subtle difference in syntax.10:39
x89xhow do i get my unmounted drives backk ???10:39
LukeEkbla1every time i try to search for updates, it says:  unable to copy Xusers Athorization files10:39
specialcharactercan someone help me with apache? i cant get it to run php?10:39
conAfter installing Beryl I have no Title bar, and the fix on the WiKi didn't do anything10:39
godlygeekPurpZeY: Try 'for file in *.rar' <ENTER> 'do' <ENTER> 'rar x $file' <ENTER> 'done' <ENTER>10:39
FalstiusPurpZeY: for file in `ls --color=none *.rar`; do rar e $file; done10:39
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x89xsudo umount /media/hda110:39
x89xsudo mv /media/hda1 /media/newname10:39
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zelleivagyis doktorok10:40
godlygeekx99x: sudo mv /media/newname /media/hda1; mount /media/hda110:40
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FalstiusPurpZeY: a more robust way is: find . -name '*.rar' -exec rar e \{} \;10:41
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DarkRamoncan someone please help me?10:41
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Jamesinator!anybody | darkramon10:41
ubotudarkramon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:41
DarkRamoni did it10:42
PurpZeYFalstius: Cannot open ls.rar10:42
PurpZeYNo such file or directory10:42
DarkRamonagain: ... whats the command to send all messages in queue with exim?10:42
godlygeekFalstius, PurpZeY : True enough, find is a little bit better.10:42
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godlygeekPurpZeY: replace '*.rar' with '/from/dir/*.rar'10:42
godlygeekPurpZeY: wait10:42
godlygeekPurpZeY: That was wrong.10:42
toryl__zellei: what language?10:42
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godlygeekPurpZeY: make it 'find /from/dir -name "*.rar"'10:43
PurpZeYgodlygeek, Falstius: This is the command I ran:  for file in 'ls --color=none *.rar'; do rar e $file; done10:43
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LukeEkbla1I really need help10:43
FalstiusPurpZeY: even better better is, find /some/dir -name '*.rar' -maxdepth=0 -exec rar e \{} \;10:43
LukeEkbla1can someone help me?10:43
FalstiusPurpZeY: you need to us ` not '10:43
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PurpZeYFalstius: On both sides?10:43
Jamesinator!repeat | LukeEkbla110:43
ubotuLukeEkbla1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:43
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FalstiusPurpZeY: yes10:43
LukeEkbla1 every time i try to search for updates, it says:  unable to copy Xusers Athorization files10:44
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FalstiusPurpZeY: `some_command` and $(some_command) are equivalent in bash.10:44
godlygeekLukeEkbla1: 3 times, i've asked if you tried 'rm .Xauthority' from a terminal, and 3 times, you didn't answer me.10:44
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furenkudoes the Intel Media Accelerator X3100 work well with ubuntu? instead of nVIDIA10:44
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FalstiusPurpZeY: if there are any spaces in the file names though, it will break.  Find doesn't have that problem.10:44
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LukeEkbla1godlygeek:   I dident see cuz you dident say my name first, sorry :(10:45
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aegilhi, I installed ubuntu, and for some reason my chevrons are showing like that as doubles, instead ofsingles, and i need to sort it for coding, is there anything i can check to fix it10:45
godlygeekLukeEkbla1: Yes, yes i did, all 3 times.  :-p10:45
PurpZeYFalstius: I just discovered that....Let me see if I can't get that find to work.10:45
dingdongInstalling Pidgin in Ubuntu 7.04, will there be a fix for apt-get that wants to remove ubuntu-desktop??10:45
it0I made a not so smooth ptransition from SLED10 to ubuntu 7.04, the biggest problem that I have is a mouse that is very sluggish, I tried different protocols, but nothing helped, this is a normal logitech usb mouse? anyone have an idea what to do?10:45
CheesyMonkeydingdong, You can remove ubuntu-desktop, its simply a meta package which drags in all the required packages10:46
shawn34I have video captured to my pc, i'm looking for an app that I can create nice little home movies with and add music and effects. I tried using LiVES but its buggy and really confusing. What else is out there?10:46
it0aegil: check your keyboard settings10:46
FalstiusPurpZeY: to get ride of all the spaces, rename 's/ //g' *.rar10:46
Meyvnit0: you checked mouse sensitivity?10:46
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tschakamerc avi ger/english10:46
godlygeekCheesyMonkey, dingdong : Don't do that, or it will likely break distro upgrades from edgy or feisty to gutsy10:46
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PurpZeY Falstius: find -name '*.rar' -maxdepth=0 -exec rar e \{} \; will unrar to the current dir?10:46
dingdongCheesyMonkey: thats what i thought10:46
it0Meyvn: yes, doesn't make a difference, it feels like it's stuttering10:46
dingdonggodlygeek: erm, that was to you :)10:46
Meyvnit0: try plugging it into another USB slot10:47
FalstiusPurpZeY: find . -name '*.rar' -maxdepth=0 -exec rar e \{} \;10:47
CheesyMonkeydingdong, You can remove it though?10:47
godlygeekPurpZeY: not '.', '/from/dir'10:47
FalstiusPurpZeY: in linux, . means the current directory and .. means up one directory.10:47
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ormhow can I get alsaconf for dapper drake10:47
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PurpZeYFalstius: find: invalid predicate `-maxdepth=0'10:47
dingdongCheesyMonkey: sure i can, but i'm using gnome and xfce, and like the os the way it is. don't want to brake it10:48
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it0now it stopped working completely10:48
godlygeekPurpZeY: *sigh*, it's not -maxdepth=0, it's '-maxdepth 0'10:48
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PurpZeYgodlygeek: I just copied and pasted. . .10:48
Meyvnit0: hmm10:48
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aegilthanks it0, i figured it out, was a problem with my remote desktop settings10:48
godlygeekPurpZeY: i'm not getting frustrated by you, i'm getting frustrated because it's so hard to explain things through a bunch of copy-pastes, heh10:48
FalstiusPurpZeY: sorry that is -maxdepth 0, no =10:48
PurpZeYgodlygeek: adding the 's didn't change...same error....10:49
Cyber_Stalkerit0 try rebooting?10:49
Justi1how do I install OpenGL Python bindings10:49
godlygeekPurpZeY: wait, no...10:49
shawn34I have video captured to my pc, i'm looking for an app that I can create nice little home movies with and add music and effects. I tried using LiVES but its buggy and really confusing. What else is out there? Anyone know of any good apps?10:49
Meyvnit0: using an USB logitech mouse here as well, let me check my mouse settings10:49
Kjellvizdoes ubuntu have anything similar to kubuntus option "edit as root" when rightclicking files ?10:49
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godlygeekPurpZeY: The command should be10:49
godlygeekPurpZeY: find /from/dir -name '*.rar' -maxdepth 0 -exec rar e \{} \;10:49
it0i used al kinds of distro's never a problem, installed ubuntu on seevral ystesm, also not a problem, however on this machine it is10:49
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Meyvnit0: did you find any mouse conf file?10:50
ormcan I get alsaconf for dapper drake?10:50
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it0tried another port, now it is working10:50
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FalstiusPurpZeY: godlygeek: actually it is -maxdepth 110:50
it0Meyvn: should have tried that sooner10:50
godlygeekdingdong: i don't know how to make apt-get not want to remove it, though.  although, you might be able to counteract the bad things that could happen when it is removed by allowing ubuntu-desktop to be removed, and then installing ubuntu-server.. i don't know bad that would be, though.10:50
FalstiusPurpZeY: my bad.  I don't use that switch very often.10:50
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Meyvnit0: great ;)10:51
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compilel in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.10:51
godlygeekFalstius: :)  Serves me right for listening to you.  of course, he's right, it's maxdepth 110:51
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Meyvnit0: maybe one of the USB slots was dirty/corrupted?10:51
it0godlygeek: use aptitude in stead of apt-get, also try aptitude hold ubuntu-desktop10:51
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dingdonggodlygeek: ok, i'll look around a bit... weird that there hasn't been an update for that. thanks tho!10:52
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it0Meyvn: hard to imagine, it's a new monitor, perhaps to Little power10:52
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godlygeekdingdong: ^that was really to you10:52
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it0now I only have to get my monitor resolutionb correct10:52
Meyvnit0: are you on a laptop?10:52
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it0nope desktop10:52
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conorkirkpatrickAfter installing Beryl I have no Title bar, and the fix on the WiKi didn't do anything10:52
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PurpZeYgodlygeek, Falstius: Ok, the script worked with maxdepth 1 but it is not extracting my rars into directories...Each archive contains a folder...For some reason it appears to be opening the contents of that folder and extracting...I would like that folder whole10:53
Justi1how do I install OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings??10:53
ormalsaconf for dapper drake?10:53
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Meyvnit0: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:53
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compilel in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found. Any ideas?10:53
godlygeekPurpZeY: replace 'rar e' with 'rar x'10:53
godlygeekPurpZeY: x extracts and KEEPS directory structure, e extracts and disregards directory structure.10:53
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Meyvnit0: then under display add your desired resoluation under Depth 2410:53
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Now I am getting the maxdepth error again, using the x option10:54
Meyvnit0: save and close the file, that should do it10:54
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Justi1how do I install OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings??10:54
[swb] Hello all10:54
godlygeekPurpZeY: copy the line you just used please.  :)10:54
DJ_DanniHey i have install ATI Radion Driver but how do i put Secound Screen to woork?10:54
PurpZeYgodlygeek: find . -name '*.rar' -maxdepth 1 -exec rar x \{} \;10:54
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Meyvnit0: back up your old xorg.conf just in case10:54
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GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compilel in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found. Any ideas? PLZ10:55
[swb] anyone had any success/experience attempting to compile vdrift from source on ubuntu?10:55
azslandeHi, I keep getting this line " You must have glib-gettext >= 2.2.0 installed this line " but I cant seem to find glib-gettext by using apt-cache search, does anyone know what exactly to search for or what to type to get the program I need installed?10:55
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it0thanks for the help,later!!!10:55
DJ_DanniHey i have install ATI Radion Driver but how do i put Secound Screen to woork?10:55
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aquacurveHas anyone had the problem with the LiveCD - as to when you go to click install, it doesn't do anything?10:55
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aquacurve7.04 mind you.10:55
ormwhat are the alternatives to alsaconf?10:55
godlygeekPurpZeY: you don't want 'find .'  You want 'find /from/dir' The thing immediately after find is the directory to search in.10:55
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Littlegatoraquacurve: did you check the disk for errors?10:55
rolfenaquacurve: maybe it doesnt want to install10:55
PurpZeYgodlygeek: I am in that dir so I used .10:55
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aquacurverolfen: Thanks smartass10:56
DJ_DanniHey i have install ATI Radion Driver but how do i put Secound Screen to woork?10:56
godlygeekPurpZeY: oh.  crap.  ok.10:56
PurpZeYgodlygeek: I moved the files, b/c I thought I was going to do it the other way.10:56
DJ_Dannido somone know that?10:56
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[swb] azslande, have you tried aptitude search gettext10:56
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aquacurveHas anyone had the problem with the LiveCD - as to when you go to click install, it doesn't do anything?10:56
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compilel in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found. Anyone have some idea of what the problem could be?10:56
jmazikowskihi, im having trouble with the java JDK 1.6.0_u2. I installed it using the .bin file from sun, created symlinks to the java and javac tools in /usr/bin. it will compile and run term programs, but if i try to run a gui (address book i wrote or frostwire) they just show a titled frame w/ a blank panel inside... what could be wrong? BTW, i am getting no errors or anything shown10:56
LittlegatorDJ_Danni what do you mean second screen?10:56
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aquacurveHas anyone had the problem with the LiveCD - as to when you go to click install, it doesn't do anything?10:56
azslandeyea swb, couldn't find anything...10:56
ormis there an alsaconf I can get for dapper or an equiv?10:56
Littlegatoraquacurve: did you check the disk for errors?10:56
aquacurveYes, no errors.10:56
[swb] azslande, odd, check spelling10:57
DJ_DanniI mean like 1 and 210:57
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[swb] do you have all repositories10:57
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DJ_DanniYou know10:57
godlygeekPurpZeY: haha, we messed up.  it was our fault, but you need to have 2 of those clauses in a different order.10:57
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unagianyone have problems with coming out of hibernation to a black screen where u have to restart X?10:57
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ormis there an alsaconf I can get or equiv for dapper drake10:57
LittlegatorDJ_Danni do you mean the second desktop?10:57
jrattner1Question: Does ubuntuy use maildir or mbox10:57
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codecainewhen I try to do a sudo updatedb I get this error message10:57
codecaineMessage from syslogd@codecaine-desktop at Mon Jul 16 16:47:13 2007 ...10:57
codecainecodecaine-desktop kernel: [  505.332000]  Process updatedb (pid: 6383, ti=f04b2000 task=df871a90 task.ti=f04b2000)10:57
Littlegatordj_danni or a second monitor?10:57
godlygeekPurpZeY: it needs to be find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.rar" -exec rar e \{} \;10:57
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PurpZeYgodlygeek: Interesting...It seemed to work using e. At any rate, how do I get it right?10:57
DJ_DanniYes but one with Empty nothang just Screen10:57
azslandeoh sorry, yes I did get results with just gettext but nothing with the name glib-gettext10:58
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ormis there an alsaconf or equiv for dapper drake10:58
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azslandei misread what you type swb10:58
godlygeekPurpZeY: The last mistake left is that we had the -name and -maxdepth clauses switched.  -name always needs to be after any other 'selection' inputs.  *shrug*, tiny mistake.10:58
[swb] I see azslande10:58
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godlygeekPurpZeY: Don't let this scare you away from command line stuff.  this would have been a lot faster if i had been seeing the errors and lines used verbatim, heh10:58
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compilel in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found. Do I have to install Gentoo to get this working?10:58
[swb] well type that, and see what the letter is to the left of gettext and gettext base10:58
orms there an alsaconf or equiv for dapper drake10:58
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PurpZeYgodlygeek: I am not scared of CLI...Just never did any scripting before...Happy to learn...=)10:59
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GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.10:59
DJ_Dannilittlegator i mean like Scrren 1 and screen 210:59
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azslandeI get several results when searching for just gettext10:59
toryl__unagi: all the time.  I assume you've already made sure your swap file exceeds your ram?10:59
LittlegatorDJ_Danni do you mean monitors or the seperate desktops?10:59
LittlegatorWhich one?10:59
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Zoom-Zoom...It works! Thanks...=)...11:00
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
[swb] azslande, and what letter does it say to the left of gettext and gettext-base (should be the first two)11:00
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unagino....i dunno where the swap file is or what you mean by exceeds my ram11:00
DJ_DanniI need to get Screen 2 to woork. I see this Chat at boath Scrrens11:00
ormcould somebody please hlp?11:00
[swb] like i.p.v etc..11:00
godlygeekPurpZeY: no problem.  I usually use an inline script, i'm rusty on find.  :)11:00
azslandei then A next to gettext and just i next to gettext-base11:00
LittlegatorDJ_Danni: oh, I get what you're talking about. Well, I'm not positive on how to do it and my Ubuntu is failing right now, so I can't really help you. Sorry. =\11:01
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found. H11:01
shawn34!video editing11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video editing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
godlygeekPurpZeY: the fact that i never get the syntax for find right on the first shot is exactly WHY i usually use an inline script, lol11:01
DJ_DanniAAH ok11:01
ormcould some one please help11:01
PurpZeYgodlygeek: Whatever works...=)...This is excellent...Saved me sooooo much clicking.11:01
ormould some one please help11:01
DJ_DanniBut is it not like in the Windows?11:01
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jmazikowskianyone have any idea what could be happening? or is there a java centric IRC channel somewhere that i should as in?11:01
toryl__unagi:  the size of your swap partition -- /swap when you did your partitioning in the beginning--has to be larger than the amount of RAM you have, or hibernate fails.11:01
toryl__unagi:  assuming it's the right size, though, because lots of things foul up hibernation, maybe this might help you:  http://preview.tinyurl.com/32tn5e11:02
DJ_DanniBut is it not like in the Windows?11:02
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ormould some one please help11:02
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ormould some one please help11:02
ormould some one please help11:02
godlygeekPurpZeY: i hate gui's... cli stuff is so much faster since i learned to use it, i never look back anymore.  except for web browsers and instant messengers... *shrug*, but otherwise CLI FTW!11:02
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toryl__!repeat | orm11:02
ubotuorm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:02
[swb] azslande, I would guess try installing libgettextpo-dev11:02
[swb] but I dont know11:03
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GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.11:03
[swb] as you have gettext packages installed11:03
PurpZeYgodlygeek: What's that maxdepth business about?11:03
Littlegatorompaul, if you're still there: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30160/11:03
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azslandeok, it guess its some type of addon for gnome-common11:03
unagiuswsusp screwed up my pc11:03
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azslandeat least thats what iv read11:03
ompaulLittlegator, so hdb is formatted for windows11:03
DJ_Danniubotu do you know how its done?11:03
Usrlquestion: is there a way to tell WINE specifically to open a program outside of the virtual desktop? I need to run two programs at once, one of them cannot be run on the desktop, and one has to be11:03
unagilol DJ_Danni11:03
wallscan any1 make any sense out of this - when installation from image cd i get the message "buffer I/o error on dev fdo logical block 0" - the installation went through ok but the os didnt load properly and hanged on desktop11:04
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godlygeekPurpZeY: maxdepth is number of directories down to search.  so, only search 1 dir below what you gave as a command line argument.11:04
DJ_Dannilol what?11:04
UbulindyI was manually checking for updates today, got error: the following problems were found on your system ( with a list of URL's )  What command do I run to delete the dupes?11:04
unagiyoure asking ubotu a question like its a real person11:04
godlygeekPurpZeY: in other words, maxdepth one only looks at ./*, maxdepth 2 only looks at ./*/*, etc11:04
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GnontgholUsrl: just run it like $wine ~/some/file.exe11:04
Littlegatorompaul: yes11:04
UsrlGnontghol: And...? what good is that supposed to do?11:05
godlygeekwalls: sounds like a bad install disk or hd - but fdo sounds like a disk drive.11:05
ompaulLittlegator, so it seems to me that if you have a live CD just install I can't see where you are having problems with it, it is really easy, pop in CD and seven steps later it should be installed and ready to use,11:05
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GnontgholUsrl: run ~/some/file.exe11:05
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davetarmacHI folks - I'm having an issue with AWN. It seems to have taken the bottom 6th of my screen hostage. I just have a big black bar at the bottom about twice as high as the dock itself.  Has anyone had this problem before?11:05
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UsrlGnontghol: You didn't even read my question at all, did you?11:06
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wallsi had xp on there and then ran install from cd - went through then the first initial boot sequence from the hd was very slow and couldnt reach the desktop - what do u recommend godlygeek?11:06
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Littlegatorompaul, I am trying to but it fails at deleting a corrupt partitiong...11:06
DJ_DanniDo somone know how i get screen 2 to work? I see this chat at boath 2 screens.11:06
=== RkyRaccoon [n=sean@user-387go8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
tupawhich version of ubuntu has the newer and not so unstable packages?11:07
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.11:07
tupaI come from debian and I'm going to try ubuntu on another box11:07
godlygeekwalls: i'm by no means an expert, but i would try comparing the ISO to the disk and making sure they match...11:07
tupaI want some version like the testing in debian11:08
godlygeekwalls: actually, if you still have a good windows system, try 'scandisk' from windows to check the hard disk for problems.11:08
tupathat is quite stable but has the newer packages11:08
wallsi did a cheksum godlygeek and it was fine11:08
RkyRaccooncan someone help me with the rescue mode from the install disk?11:08
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ompaulLittlegator, so have you backed up the data on that partition?11:08
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Gnontgholtupa: the standard ubuntu releases are not far from the debian testing11:09
UbulindyCan somehow tell me how to remove duplicate source list entries?11:09
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yell0whey guys, the language support in unbuntu is it just for the default programs ?11:09
Littlegatorompaul: the corrupt partition? It has no data I want on it...11:09
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unagianyone know if its possible to switch sides the icons on the desktop sit and/or how to add 'arrange by type' to the menu?11:09
RkyRaccooncan someone help me with the rescue mode from the install disk?11:09
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ompaulLittlegator, so then do this in a terminal "sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/hdb"11:09
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nvictorhello guys11:09
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nvictorhow do I check the mail queue?11:10
ompaulLittlegator, ctrl+c after a few seconds and go again11:10
ompaulnvictor, mailq :)11:10
sample45question. to install ubuntu do i need another operating system on the hardrive? or does it install from the bootscreen?11:10
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nvictorompaul: simply?11:10
Littlegatorompaul why hdb?11:10
\Bentoryl__, took security off altogether now, when doing a sudo ifup rausb0 , it looks for DHCPOFFER but doesnt revice any. dhcp is turned on on the router11:10
ompaulLittlegator, cos that is the second disk11:10
=== Trezker [n=anders@c83-252-74-160.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Woowwhow do i set the 1152x864 resolution on gnome ?11:10
unagisample45 use gparted on the boot cd to partition the hd first11:11
Gnontgholsample45: It installs from the live cd11:11
Littlegatorcompaul, hdb is the windows disk, which I don't want to edit at all..11:11
\Benalso no when i do iwconfig, it says nickname"belkin54g" where it didnt before.11:11
ompaulLittlegator, you are destroying the partition table and then it can be started with afresh11:11
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sample45unagi, can the partition easily be taken away?11:11
Littlegatorompaul, why are we doing anything with my windows disk anyways?11:11
Usrlquestion: is there a way to tell WINE specifically to open a program outside of the virtual desktop? I need to run two programs at once, one of them cannot be run on the desktop, and the other has to be11:11
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\Beni will ty with a static ip as i remember i had that problem once with a windows laptop not picking up dhcp from it.11:12
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unagiwhat partition sample4511:12
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GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy the firmware into the initramdisk but I get the same errors: File not found.11:12
zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:12
sample45unagi. if i were to say (god forbid) want to get rid of ubuntu would it be easy to erase the partition?11:12
tupaGnontghol have you tried debian? and if you have, which one did you like the most?11:12
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[swb] zilliot, hahaha11:12
LittlegatorUsrl, I really have no idea if this is what you want, but you can try "wine /file path/"11:12
Usrlzilliot: wrong, but no.11:12
unagisample45 no more or less difficult than any other partition11:13
[swb] OpenSource makes my job easier11:13
Ginwhen I insert my memory stick, ubuntu doesn't mount it for me11:13
Gnontgholtupa: Yes, but I allways came back to ubuntu11:13
UsrlLittlegator: If you don't even know what i'm talking about, please don't answer.11:13
Ginbut it does show up as /dev/sdf1 when I run dmesg11:13
sample45unagi, thanks11:13
finfin82hi i installed the ubuntu 7.10 rc2 and have some trouble with compiz :)11:13
zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:13
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zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!OpenSource kills jobs!11:13
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zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:13
zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:13
zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:13
zilliotOpenSource kills jobs!11:13
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fujinanyone here run asterisk? I can't seem to find the asterisk-addons package11:13
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:13
UsrlOh @~11:13
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ompaulzilliot, and proprietary software stops innovation11:14
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Ginany help?11:14
finfin82hes gone ;-)11:14
Josie1hey guys I'm having a strange USB block device problem.11:14
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RkyRaccoonguys i cant boot ubuntu11:14
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compengiRkyRaccoon, O.o why11:14
RkyRaccoonim getting fed up with it11:14
ryanakcahow can I remove all X, KDE, etc packages?11:14
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Littlegatorompaul, why are we messing with my windows disk at all?11:15
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Gnontgholzilliot: How do you think we make our mony without a job?11:15
RkyRaccooncompengi, i dont know it seems to be a video driver problem but im not sure11:15
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RkyRaccooncompengi, after load screen it just gives me a black screen, no login screen11:15
ompaulLittlegator, you are on your own enjoy11:15
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Josie1I have a rather generic SD card reader that Ubuntu recognizes, mounts, and all that good stuff11:15
shawn34I have video captured to my pc, i'm looking for an app that I can create nice little home movies with and add music and effects. I tried using LiVES but its buggy and really confusing. What else is out there? Anyone know of any good apps?11:15
compengiRkyRaccoon, the X server doesn't start?11:15
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RkyRaccooncompengi, this happens every time i re-install, it starts out working fine then it starts slowly not booting11:16
toryl__\Ben:  you can try assigning a static IP address and see how that works.11:16
RkyRaccooncompengi, nothing starts11:16
=== Mikeh [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-220-148.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
UsrlSo nobody here knows how to specify a program to use the WINE Desktop or not? =/11:16
Josie1problem is, I can get a file list, but everytime i try to access anything (like cp) I get a file I/O error11:16
RkyRaccooncompengi the only thing i see when i try to start is the load bar11:16
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RkyRaccooncompengi, after that its a black screen11:16
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HadarraSkyraccoon: Do You have asus motherbnoard?11:16
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\Bentoryl__: just tried - stil no :(11:16
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RkyRaccoonhadarra, yes11:16
LittlegatorSo can  anyone else help? I have a corrupt partition on /dev/hda1 that I am trying to erase so I can install Ubuntu to it. However, the Ubuntu installer fails to delete the partition and resets my partition tables until I reboot.11:16
\BenESSID still says off/any11:17
khinhi im wondering how to install dictionaries in stardict. is there some folder im supposed to drop the tar file into11:17
khinor something11:17
\Benbut nickname shows the name of our network11:17
\Benmode auto11:17
toryl__\Ben:  when you look at the info in iwconfig does it tell you anything about the signal strength and link quality?  Like, do you think it really is connected to the AP?11:17
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.11:17
Josie1Littlegator: I have this amazing gparted live CD that I use to take care of hard drives, go get it.11:17
fujinanyone? asterisk-addons? I can't seem to find it in apt, have enabled universe and multiverse11:17
RkyRaccoonhadarra, does asus not work well with ubuntu11:17
LittlegatorJosie1: Do I have to burn it? Burning isn't an option..11:17
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Josie1Littlegator, I think so, but you might be able to do a usb-boot11:18
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toryl__\Ben: you did an ifdown and an ifup on that interface?11:18
HadarraNo it does not wait a sec...11:18
Josie1Littlegator, currently my usb is whack so I couldn't tell you.11:18
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\Benonly 3 lines... RT73 WLAN ESSID: off/any Nickname:"belkin54g", Mode:Auto Channel=11 Bit Rate=54 Mb/s, RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off11:18
\Benyeah down and uped it11:18
LittlegatorJosie: I don't have any usb drives either =11:18
Justi1how do I install OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings??11:18
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Josie1Littlegator, what OS are you on right now?11:18
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Josie1Littlegator: or are you not even on that computer11:19
LittlegatorJosie: I'm not even on that computer11:19
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Josie1LIttlegator: So the ubuntu install CD is all you've got huh?11:19
nvictorguys, does c panel [the hosting manager]  provide a way to access mails??11:19
toryl__\Ben: one thing I've read was to remove network-manager-gnome, have you tried that?11:19
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soothsayer!ot | nvictor11:19
ubotunvictor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
\Benyeah ive removed network manager11:19
=== matysecek [n=matysek@141.Red-83-43-130.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
\Beninstalled wifi radar11:19
LittlegatorJosie: Yes. I have windows but it's being pretty retarded, and I'm trying to reinstall my corrupt ubuntu so I can back up the windows data and reinstall windows...11:20
nvictorsoothsayer: bad bad boy :D11:20
HadarraSkyRaccoon: In file /etc/X11/xorg.conf change Section "Device" to Driver "vesa"11:20
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Biteynianybody know of a windows program that can fix an NTFS error bad sectors and stuff becuase my external harddrive wont open in windows but it does open in ubuntu11:20
CasHI, My apt-get is broken because of a package configure failure. I submitted a bug about it, but can anyone tell me how to fix my system? How can I force the package to remove or skips its configuration process?11:20
RkyRaccoonhadarra, its "RkyRaccoon"11:20
Josie1Littlegator: Alright, so the Ubuntu install program is failing to reformat that partition?11:20
LittlegatorJosie: Yes11:20
nvictor!ot | Biteyni11:20
ubotuBiteyni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:20
HadarraI tried with ubuntu. Then I installed Mandriva and made the  change. I don't know if it works with ubuntu...11:21
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Biteynibut i still need help11:21
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GnontgholLittlegator: have you tryed mkfs?11:21
HadarraI'll install ubuntu again later11:21
Biteynifor ubuntu :)11:21
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LittlegatorGhontghol: No idea what that is >_>11:21
Ginmy ubuntu doesn't auto mount my memory card11:21
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nvictorBiteyni: let's make a deal, do you know Cpanel?11:21
RkyRaccoonhadarra, the video driver?11:21
Josie1Gin: USB on my ubuntu is f'ed in the a, don't even get started11:21
LukeEkbladsomeomes gata help me pleeas!11:21
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toryl__\Ben: dunno man, I hope someone else chimes in here for you.  Mine worked after all that crap.11:22
nvictorBiteyni: if you tell me how to configure mail, I will help you11:22
ubotuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x11:22
LittlegatorGnontghol: No idea what that is >_>11:22
GnontgholLittlegator: in a teminal type sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sd?11:22
Biteyni*goes to find real help*11:22
LukeEkbladI tryed to logg into my account on ubuntu then it sais that i coyldent11:22
\Benok no probs toryl__, thanks for the support so far :)11:22
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RkyRaccoonhadarra, vesa doesnt support my video card11:22
Josie1Littlegator: your best best is to format before you install, like Gnontghol is telling you.11:22
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silverbladewould there be any issue with me installing ubuntu/kubuntu on a hard drive then transplanting that drive into another machine11:22
toryl__\Ben: very welcome.11:22
LukeEkbladIt said that theres not enought room on mr hard disk or somthing11:22
nvictorBiteyni: Deal or no deal!11:22
GnontgholLittlegator: replace sd? with device11:23
RkyRaccoonhadarra, ive got a radeon x1950pro11:23
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LukeEkbladpleas help!11:23
wallsquick question. ive copied the ubuntu iso to a cd and want to check it to see if it matches the iso on the hd. can i do this by locating the ms5sum.txt file on the cd?11:23
Usrlquestion: is there a way to tell WINE specifically to open a program outside of the virtual desktop? I need to run two programs at once, one of them cannot be run on the desktop, and the other has to be11:23
HadarraAh, Sorry but then I can't help. Try Mandriva linux for now if You can...11:23
Littlegatorgnontghol josie1: How do I format just the one partition? I have personal data on another partition on the drive...11:23
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Sharnwalls, you could also boot it up and have it check itself11:23
Josie1gnontghol: each hard drive partition is treated as a seperate device11:24
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Biteynidoes anybody know how to fix NTFS errl11:24
Josie1I meant Littlegator11:24
Biteynierror in windows?11:24
bruenigwalls, when you say virtual desktop do you mean the compatibility layer11:24
Biteyniloads fine in ubuntu11:24
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LittlegatorJosie1: Oh yeah, I forgot. >_> Okay, well I'll do that. Thanks.11:24
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GnontgholLittlegator: the way I said: sudo mkfs -t ext /dev/sda211:24
wallshow sharn? :)11:24
NixMan_i wrote a script to download thunderbird, install it, with a menu item. i want to test it a few times to make sure it works. if you are going to test it, if you have thunderbird installed, please uninstall it (you settings will be ok), make sure there is no menu entry for it, then run my .sh script. can someone do this? http://www.techystuff.info/installthunderbird.sh11:24
Kraftwerk112Hi there, I could need a little help here11:24
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RkyRaccoonhadarra, any chance kubuntu would be any different?11:25
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Josie1So, does anyone know what Ubuntu's problem is with my USB block devices? works fine with my usb keyboard.11:25
NixMan_if you are uncomfortable with running random scripts, check the contents first, it's clean. http://www.techystuff.info/installthunderbird.sh11:25
Sharnwalls, when you boot up the livecd (Is it the live version?) it should have the option to check the cd for defects11:25
LukeEkbladdose anyone wana help on not?11:25
DJ_DanniDo somone know how i get screen 2 to work? I see this chat at boath 2 screens.11:25
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.11:25
Josie1I think I'm try the livecd here soon and see if it works ok with my devices and if it does I know something is weird with my install.11:25
Kraftwerk112Somehow, when I mount a DVD, the DVD mount but I cannot access anything on it11:25
NixMan_oh, you must run the script as sudo for it to work.11:26
DJ_DanniDo somone know how i get screen 2 to work? I see this chat at boath 2 screens.11:26
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LukeEkbladSince i cant logg onto ubuntu, i decided to put the ubuntu live disk into my compuiter and start from scratch11:26
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LukeEkbladBut now it wont let me install it11:26
wallsSharn pm11:26
alveolaDo you know Debian repos?11:26
HadarraRkyRaccoon: I think Driver "ati" might work ?11:26
Josie1LukeEkblad: what's your problem?11:26
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DJ_DanniHey i have ati11:26
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HadarraKubuntu is the same as ubuntu. no help there11:26
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DJ_Danniand how do i get screen 2 to woork?11:27
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DjViper\Ben: still here?11:27
mikey1can someone direct me to the proper chan to recieve support on desktop effects / customization?11:27
RkyRaccoonhadarra, ive tried that11:27
GnontgholHadarra: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of gnome11:27
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lufismikey1: #ubuntu-effects11:27
mikey1lufis: thank you11:27
lufisno prob11:27
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DJ_DanniDo somone know how i get screen 2 to work? I see this chat at boath 2 screens.11:27
Usrlquestion: is there a way to tell WINE specifically to open a program outside of the virtual desktop? I need to run two programs at once, one of them cannot be run on the desktop, and the other has to be11:27
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wallsSharn i downloaded version 704 is that the live version?11:27
leipI installed ubuntustudio-audio, booted into  the 2.6.20-16-lowlatency kernel, and now my audio doesn't work... what's going on? By doesn't work I mean I play an audio device and no sound comes from my speakers11:28
HadarraI know, but it's basically the same configuration11:28
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RkyRaccoonhadarra, vesa got me a gui but i cant type in anything, its basically frozen11:28
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Kraftwerk112an output of ls -l gives the following: dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 18432 2005-09-17 16:17 forberedelses - camp11:28
\BenDjViper, yeah iam still here :p11:28
Josie1I'm pretty much sick of this usb crap. I'ma stab something11:29
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DJ_DanniDo somone know how i get screen 2 to work? I see this chat at boath 2 screens.11:29
HadarraHow about "xorg" ?11:29
Kraftwerk112However, I can't even read the files as root11:29
toryl__!repeat | DJ_Danni11:29
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ubotuDJ_Danni: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:29
DjViper\Ben: did you fix it?11:29
Sharnwalls, if you downloaded the default iso from the website, it should  be the live cd of the regular ubuntu11:29
\BenDjViper, no not yet :(11:29
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pushpopwhat peforms better on ubuntu Workstation 6.0 or Vmware-Server11:29
DjViper\Ben: do you know if you can set 'preferred' wlan networks with wifi-radar ?11:29
Kraftwerk112Does someone have an idea?11:29
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fiaccolahi! I'm doing a work for my school. is there anyone who could help me to translate in italian some journalistic words?11:29
bad_cableswhat is the easiest GUI tool for configuring LAMP ?11:29
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DjViper\Ben: what's the problem, exactly?11:30
Josie1Dj_Danni: Dual screens on linux is not hard, but you're probably gonna have to edit the X config file, and it's very easy to find how to do this on the net. Google is your friend11:30
lufisfiaccola: see #ubuntu-offtopic for off-topic conversation11:30
HadarraAlso when I got irritated with ubuntu, i run knoppix live cd with boot parameter "knoppix noapic". That worked.11:30
bad_cablesDual screens on the 12" iBook is not advisable11:30
magic_pinguimdon`t give to me many trust one distro thta have one bug in firewall and they don`t correct they ... the firestater ins`t it running at the init need torun manually ... why ubuntu still don`t correct this?11:30
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Josie1bad_cables, lol11:30
\BenDjViper, you can configure specific networks in wifi-radar by the looks of it yes. My problem is that it wont connect to the router... When i do iwconfig - it only shows me 3 lines..11:31
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kblinhi folks11:31
Sharnwalls, if you know how to check md5, here are the sums: http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/7.04/MD5SUMS11:31
\BenDjViper, them 3 lines being ... RT73 WLAN ESSID: off/any Nickname:"belkin54g", Mode:Auto Channel=11 Bit Rate=54 Mb/s, RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off11:31
DjViper\Ben: which driver / card do you use?11:31
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\Benbelkin F5D7050 ver 3000, ralink11:31
bad_cablesanyone know of a really simple GUI app to config LAMP?11:31
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HadarraThe problem resolution as I see it is in disabling apic  (maybe also lapic and possibly even acpi)11:31
kblincan anybody tell me which samba package provides the ntlm_auth binary? I suspect it's the winbind package, but I don't have it installed11:31
wallsSharn check pm11:32
DjViper\Ben: hmm okay, I've never used that card or driver, sorry11:32
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Josie1bad_cables: have you tried Google?11:32
\Beni have followed this thread https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?highlight=%28f5d7050%29 , and then turned to this one when i had problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40023611:32
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bad_cablesyeah i  found one called WebMin11:32
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bad_cablesis it good?11:32
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Josie1I dunno, try it out.11:32
\BenDjViper, ah ok - no probs. thanks anyways :)11:32
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wallsi just wanted to confirm that by locationg the mdsum txt file on the cd and sending it to the cksum prog i could compare it to the original iso?11:33
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Sharnwalls, I have no pm window here, =\11:33
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BashBangSharn : you have to register to pm11:33
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SharnThought I was. One second11:34
sample45what is beryl?11:34
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wallsam i right with my cd cksum method?11:34
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SharnI am registered and identified. I'm guessing walls is not?11:34
Kraftwerk112Now I it seems I cannot mount DVD's altogether11:34
wallsu answered me before sharn11:34
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wallsin the window11:34
SharnAh, but I didn't get your messages.11:34
Kraftwerk112I really need help on ythis one11:35
zillioti have your ubuntu cd11:35
wallsu answered one i think11:35
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=== sample45 WHAT IS BERYL
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zilliotbut not have hard drive11:35
RkyRaccooncan anyone help me with ubuntu, it wont boot and i dont want to re-install11:35
zilliotsend me HD11:35
Kraftwerk112CD's are being mounted just fine11:35
wallssharn was i right btw with the cd check?11:35
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BashBangRkyRaccoon : why won't it boot?11:36
Sharnwalls, I am honestly not very good with checking md5sums. Someone else can probably help with that. I've always been able to just boot the cd and have it check itself11:36
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Gnontgholsample45: beryl is a type of red diemond11:36
zillioteyyy!   send me HD!!11:36
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, i have no idea, it stopps after loading bar11:36
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_Lucretia_is there a deb for vmgl?11:36
sample45gnongtghol: whats a red diamond?11:36
wallsquick question. ive copied the ubuntu iso to a cd and want to check it to see if it matches the iso on the hd. can i do this by locating the ms5sum.txt file on the cd?11:36
wallsne1 quick answer? :)11:36
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hamzahey guys i get a boot error  kinit no resume immage found....doing normal boot....can any one help me out here11:36
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BashBangRkyRaccoon : can you boot into failsafe?11:37
mwewalls: you shouldn't burn the iso as a file if you want to boot it11:37
MattJwalls, I didn't know there was an md5sum.txt on the CD11:37
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=== Hadarra [n=Hadarra@a88-112-78-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Kraftwerk112Does anyone have an idea why suddenly the mounting of DVD's fails in 7.04?11:37
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cafuegohamza: that's not a boot error but a normal startup message.11:37
velkosample45, if you type "beryl" in google this is the first hit. and the first question answered is your question... http://www.beryl-project.org/11:37
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wallsi didnt mwe i burnt it as an image11:37
RkyRaccoonbashbang, you mean recovery mode? no gui just a command line?11:37
{HRF}GhostGuys I want to uninstall linux that's on a single drive how do I do it?11:37
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claheySo, is there a universe repository for dapper drake?11:37
BashBangRkyRaccoon : yup11:37
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claheyIt doesn't seem to be listed in synaptic.11:37
Josie1Ghost: just reformat the drive?11:37
RkyRaccoonbashbang, yea that works11:38
wallsyer there is a chksum on there11:38
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mwewalls: you can't check the md5 after it's burned. I think you need to do it after you download the file11:38
Josie1{HRF}Ghost: any linux live CD or another other OS's install util11:38
Jordan_Uwalls, You can do that or just run the check at boot from the LiveCD11:38
{HRF}GhostJosiel, what do I use to reformat?11:38
RkyRaccoonbashbang, i keep hearing that its a video driver problem from people on this forum but I dont know how to fix it11:38
Jordan_Umwe, Yes you can, there is a sum on the CD11:38
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Kraftwerk112Does absolutely noone know?11:38
mweJordan_U: but it's for the iso file11:38
Gnontghol{HRF}Ghost: the same as you use to format11:38
hamzabut then it takes a lot of time if i don't do anything...i have to press alt F211:39
BashBangRkyRaccoon : k, so you want to boot into failsafe, login, and check the output of dmesg11:39
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=== Seoke [n=heath@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kraftwerk112Or could at least give a hint to how i could go about?11:39
{HRF}GhostYeah I don't know what the command is11:39
wallsok Jordan_U - yer i cheksummed the iso originally on the hd but wanted to cksum the quality of the image burnt on the cd so wanted to know if that way i just suggested was correct yer? :)11:39
SeokeI'm getting ImportError: No module named gtk when I try to update to 7.0411:39
Josie1{HRF} Ghost mkfs11:39
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mwewalls: that wont work I think11:39
wallshe just said it would11:39
Josie1{HRF}Ghost the man page should tell you all you need to know.11:39
{HRF}Ghostk thanks11:39
Jordan_Umwe, There has to be something on the CD that will work or else there couldn't be a check at boot11:40
{HRF}Ghostlater guys11:40
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mwewalls: if the iso sum matched the CD will be fine unless it failed11:40
mweJordan_U: there isn't a check on boot for the md5 sum11:40
RkyRaccoonbashbang, what am i looking for?11:40
Jordan_Uwalls, Easiest thing to do would be to boot from the CD and use the "check CD integrity" option11:40
sixtyeightHere's an odd question: Is there a way to stop "Alt+left mouse click" from grabbing a window and moving it?11:40
Kraftwerk112Somehow DVD's don't mount anymore in 7.0411:40
SeokeI'm getting ImportError: No module named gtk when I try to update to 7.0411:40
=== blind [n=blind@c-67-189-249-48.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BashBangRkyRaccoon : well, boot up failsafe, and edit /etc/X/xorg.conf11:41
Jordan_Umwe, What would yo call the "check CD integrity" option?11:41
Seokesixtyeight, Administration->Mouse11:41
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bad_cableshow do i get more apps to install in synaptic... i need a list of more sources for my sources.lst11:41
blindwhile using x11vnc, people that connect to me can only see in 16-bit color.... how can i fix this?11:41
wallsyer but i just wanted to clarify officially that u cd also cksum the cd after u burn it cos there is an md5sum txt file on there11:41
bad_cableswhen i look for apps to install, they arent there11:41
mweJordan_U: well in that case I'm not up to date. sorry11:41
BashBangRkyRaccoon : even if you had a gui, you still have to get to the command line11:41
wallsjordan im right yer?11:41
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velkoKraftwerk112, does the corresponding line in /etc/fstab contain the word "udf" or just "iso9660"?11:41
RkyRaccoonbashbang, what do i need to edit?11:41
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mweJordan_U: there was no such option last I booted an ubuntu cd11:42
Jordan_Ubad_cables, You don't want to just go adding random repositories to your sources.list, that is a good way to screw up your machine11:42
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, im looking at my xorg.conf, what do i need to change11:42
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SeokeI'm getting ImportError: No module named gtk when I try to update to 7.04 any ideas what it might be?11:42
GnontgholUbuntu fails to find the firmware of a driver at boot when the driver is compiled in the kernel (not as a module). I have tryed to copy it into the initrd but I get the same errors: File not found.11:42
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BashBangRkyRaccoon : hang on11:42
=== idefix [n=Vincent@cc846502-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mweJordan_U: usually an md5sum is for a downloaded file11:42
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hamzaguys help me out..ive been facing a lot of problem with my ubuntu 7.04....the boot is very slow...there no splash screen...the sound is not present sometimes..and it rarely connects to my wlan11:42
Jordan_UGnontghol, bcm43xx ?11:42
bad_cablesJordan_U, is there a list of stable apps?11:42
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Jordan_U!repositories | bad_cables11:43
ubotubad_cables: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:43
=== Greyscale [n=Grey@host86-131-31-130.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweJordan_U: but yes you can md5 sum an entire directory structure so I guess that's what it does11:43
zilliothey boys send me Vista on Cd!11:43
sixtyeightSeoke: The only Mouse tab I get is under System->Preferences, and it doesn't give me any sort of options to change that behavior.11:43
idefixis there a foobillard channel?11:43
=== fiaccola [n=fiaccola@host-84-221-39-121.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
zilliothey boys send me Vista on Cd!11:43
zilliothey boys send me Vista on Cd!11:43
zilliothey boys send me Vista on Cd!11:43
zilliothey boys send me Vista on Cd!11:43
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:43
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wallsbasically the ms5sumtxt file does not match the iso file on hd, so is that right in saying it was not burned correctly?11:43
fblade1987Guys anyone fancy just giving me a hand please? I Just downloaded Amsn today and it says i need to download TLS what is it and how do i get and install it?11:44
zilliotubuntu !11:44
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Seokesixtyeight, Odd well I dont know what to tell you because I just changed mine.  Theres an option somewhere in preferences that allows you to change if you need to hold down alt to move the window11:44
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:44
idefix! foobillard11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about foobillard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:44
sixtyeightSeoke: Ahhh, I found it. It is under the "Window" preferences. Thanks!11:44
MattJfblade1987, you should probably install amsn from the Ubuntu repository11:44
GnontgholJordan_U: ipw220011:44
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BashBangRkyRaccoon : do this, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log   and look for things that have EE beside them, you have find those problems in you /etc/X/xorg.conf11:44
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hamzaguys help me out..ive been facing a lot of problem with my ubuntu 7.04....the boot is very slow...there no splash screen...the sound is not present sometimes..and it rarely connects to my wlan11:45
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jevangelohow do i clear a package from resuming installation whenever i use apt-get install11:45
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MattJjevangelo, apt-get remove it11:45
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fblade1987MattJ i did it, downloads an executes just fine, its when i try and login it says amsn need tls downloading i do and it errors?11:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:45
Jordan_Ujevangelo, What is the exact issue?11:46
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GnontgholJordan_U: But I dont think that is relevant, the problem is not with the driver11:46
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:46
mwewalls: appearently a 'check cd integrity' option has been added since last I booted an ubuntu cd so it probably matches the entire structere or should11:46
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rxKaffeewhen a system has multiple alternate repositorys listed, is there any way to track which repository a given package is from?11:46
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jevangeloim installing a server and slocate keeps hanging some processes each time i use apt-get to install other programs11:47
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MattJfblade1987, I think I found the answer11:47
jevangeloim trying to get it out of the way so it doesnt come back and try to resume the next time i use apt-get11:47
hamzzzHELP ...cant i connect to my wireless network in ubuntu in the same way as windows??..11:47
MattJfblade1987, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1091856&postcount=411:47
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mwe!wifi | hamzzz11:48
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hamzzzwats !wifi11:48
danya_guys how can I know if im on firefox32 or 64 ?11:48
ubotuhamzzz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about customization - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:48
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-193-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
hamzzzmwe : wats !wifi11:49
Jordan_Uhamzzz, If your card is supported just connect to a wireless network with the applet in the top right corner of the screen11:49
fblade1987no still seems to error saying cant get it11:49
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Jordan_Uhamzzz, It is a message to our bot to tell you about the wireless documentation11:49
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mwehamzzz: ! causes the channel bot to speak. see ubotus comment11:49
MattJfblade1987, you edited the file? and restarted aMSN?11:50
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hamzzzjordan_U : rite now im connected..but in the network tool its say "unknown interface (rda1)"is this ok?11:50
Ia2hi everyone, does someone have any suggestions on the following? When I log out I get a blank screen.11:50
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fblade1987yeah just says cant download it11:50
timewriteris there a way to use aol on ubuntu ?11:50
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hamzzzand it doesnt connect automatically11:50
Jordan_Utimewriter, Like AIM?11:51
SkryptCan someone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031311:51
MattJIa2, and the computer is frozen?11:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b zilliot!*@*] by PriceChild
timewriterlike aol broadband11:51
timewriterto use their network11:51
Ia2yes, its frozen11:51
timewritertheir proxies11:51
Jordan_Utimewriter, I would expect you would just connect to the router like anything else11:51
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Jordan_Utimewriter, *modem11:52
MattJIa2, do you have an ATI card with the ATI drivers?11:52
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timewriterbut i was wondering11:52
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timewriterif i have more pc`s11:52
timewriterand just a modem11:52
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hamzzzjordan_U : rite now im connected..but in the network tool its say "unknown interface (rda1)"is this ok?11:52
timewriteri can use aol for broadband11:52
Jordan_Utimewriter, You need to get a router if you have multiple PC's and one modem11:52
PriceChildtimewriter, do you have a usb modem?11:52
PriceChildtimewriter, or an ethernet one?11:53
IdleOneis there a "kid's Ubuntu" for like 5 to 10 year olds?11:53
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Jordan_Uhamzzz, You are connected wirelessly?11:53
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timewriteri found penggy11:53
MattJIdleOne, maybe Edubuntu11:53
PriceChildtimewriter, is it an "always on", or does it require using the software on your windows machine to connect?11:53
timewritertv cable11:53
Jordan_UIdleOne, Sort of, there is Edubuntu11:53
timewriteralways on11:53
PriceChildtimewriter, it will work fine.11:53
Ia2MattJ, yes I have an ATI card, and had to enable the restricted driver11:53
wallsne luck Jordan_U?11:53
hamzzzyes jordan_U but it hardly connects11:53
PriceChildtimewriter, don't worry :)11:53
thebighamhow come when a new window is opened, it stays behind the current, how can i bring it to the front by default??11:53
PriceChildtimewriter, use the live cd to check though ;)11:53
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PriceChildthebigham, using beryl?11:53
IdleOnety MattJ and Jordan_U  I'll check it out11:53
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MattJIa2, aha, that could be the problem (I had the same one)11:53
Jordan_Uwalls, Havn't found my Feisty CD yet :)11:53
timewriterto check what ?11:54
thebighamand also how i install the themes i downloaded from beryl website11:54
MattJIa2, do you use the accelerated 3D at all?11:54
x89xhow do i make gnome show hda1 to the side pane ??11:54
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timewriterwhat is aolserver4 ?11:55
Ia2MattJ, Not sure if it's being used11:55
astro76x89x, add a bookmark to where it's mounted11:55
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Ia2mattJ, How can I check for that11:55
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hamzzzjordan_U : i only have a wireless connection which i use for the internet11:55
x89xastro ??11:56
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astro76x89x, in the file browser, bookmarks>add bookmark11:56
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RkyRaccoonbashbang I got one (EE) so far, this is a long list11:56
timewriteri found what i need , it is penggy11:56
timewriterhard to config tho11:56
BashBangRkyRaccoon : ya I know, what was the EE?11:56
astro76x89x, whatever you bookmark shows in Places11:57
ryanakcahmm.. are there any advantages at running amd64 over i386? (I know about some of the proprietary software not running, I can just set up a chroot for that.)11:57
Jordan_Uwalls, it's there, it's actually called "check CD for defects"11:57
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k31thguys what do you do for IPODS in ubuntu11:57
RkyRaccoonbashbang "AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"11:57
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MattJIa2, well, it's a bit of a hack, but I disable it by enabling the Composite extension in xorg.conf (this will cause the driver to disable fast 3D support though)11:57
Ia2MattJ, ok I'll try that11:58
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod11:58
MattJIa2, it's Composite "Enable" I think11:58
BashBangRkyRaccoon : are you, or did you try to enable 3d rendering? or even beryl?11:58
RkyRaccoonbashbang, thats the only one11:58
pharsmothhey people im getting this weird message sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found11:58
pharsmothsamba is installed, not sure what it means but cant seem to share anything11:58
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uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!11:58
RkyRaccoonbashbang, no11:58
MattJIa2, and you need to restart for it to take effect11:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftpserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
Ia2MattJ, ok thanks11:58
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ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.11:59
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NixMancould a few people make sure this tutorial/script works ok? http://techystuff.info/?p=6411:59
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acke_i need an extremly easy to configure ftp server for lan use. any suggestions?11:59
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:59
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\Benmight ditch the usb wlan and try pcmcia :P12:00
MajorPayneIf I chmod 750 to /etc/skel/ will home directorys created after that have 750 permissions?12:00
BashBangRkyRaccoon : k, near the top of your /etc/X/xorg.conf file there is and entry that says     load dri   and    load glx   comment those to lines out and try again12:00
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x89xanyone got the via deltachrome drivers ??12:01
mneptokx89x: they are built in12:01

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