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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Jun 28 18:33:29 2007
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RichEdping highvoltage ... did you get a chance to grab a copy of the presentation ?09:25
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mattfletcherhello, i have been working to set up an ubuntu-based computer lab for my local youth group. i've had limited success with ltsp, and i've now decided that because our pcs are all of reasonable spec, i'd rather run each pc separately, but with central sign-in and home directories. is this possible?12:20
ograyes, but a lot of manual work to set up the authentication/home mounting12:26
ograwhat was your prob with ltsp ?12:26
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ogra(did you follow the quick install guide ?)12:26
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cliebow_ogra:you familiar with installing yaboot?..such that one could use an old non-netboot imac as a client?01:53
cliebow_just easier to do an install and change the kernel ponted to?01:54
ogracliebow, i didnt topuch ppc since edgy development ... you are surely more familiar with it than i am atm01:55
cliebow_ok 8~)01:55
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cliebow_ogra:any suggestions about cardbus in intramfs? i have one open..02:51
cliebow_cat init02:52
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cliebow_ltsp kernel is the stock kernel in gutsy?re pcmcia?03:05
mattfletcherogra: hi, sorry for the massive delay, lunch got in the way! the problem is simply that the hardware we own is better suited to running as a number of fat clients. we have no one machine that fits the role of "server" well. i'm sure we'd be best off with a fat client solution. i've been looking at NIS and NFS and YP, but getting a bit baffled to be honest03:09
mattfletchersurely this is a common scenario, a school/club with a lot of old pcs, powerful enuf to run by themselves, with no high-powered server available?03:10
cliebow_mattfletcher:then just use them as fat clients seems fine doesnt it?03:12
lmvelosoHi Ogra, RichEd03:16
lmvelosoHow are you guys?03:16
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sbalneavMorning all03:27
sbalneavogra: Hey!  How's it going?03:28
mattfletchercliebow_: yes, but i want a centralised user list and home directories, any number of people will be using any machine03:29
cliebow_can you set up ldap?03:30
cliebow_and use it for authentication on all machines?03:30
mattfletcherthat's for auth isn't it? i probably could. is that better than NIS and YP?03:30
cliebow_nis is pretty old..03:31
=== jinty [n=jinty@145.Red-83-56-156.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograsbalneav, dizzy ... i'm full of drugs (painkiller, antibiotics ...) but teh bad tooth is gone and i shall be fit until friday my dentist said03:59
ogramattfletcher, nis is pretty insecure ...  go for an ldap setup :)04:00
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sbalneavogra: So, I've seen the reports on jetpipe, I'll have a look at them.  I also had a brainwave for serial support.04:31
sbalneavRather than put a bunch of serial stuff IN jetpipe, which is nice, simple and sweet.04:31
ograah, right, you have some immature code i remember :)04:31
sbalneavWhy not this.04:31
sbalneavstty -F ${SERIAL_DEVICE} ${SERIAL_OPTS}04:32
sbalneavjetpipe ${SERIAL_DEVICE} PORT04:32
sbalneav? :)04:32
ograi was planning to put jetpipe (at least for usb) into udev rules btw04:32
sbalneavI'll poke around with it today.04:32
ograindeed for serial that wouldnt work04:33
ogra(no udev detection)04:33
sbalneavputting it in udev?04:33
sbalneavWhy not?04:33
ograthe kernel wont send a plug event there i think04:33
ograsame as with serial mice04:33
sbalneavYou know you have a serial port, but no way to tell if a printers attached to it :)04:34
ografor serial and parallel we'll still need lts.conf04:34
sbalneavThat's acceptible04:34
sbalneavOh, BTW, I got autologin going the other day on ldm2, and password expiry's about 3/4 done.04:35
sbalneavthe autologin's in my tree04:35
ograwell, it works in the gutsy tree :)04:36
ograbut thats hacked up indeed :)04:36
ograand old code04:36
ograsadly i missed the freeze date (thank you tooth !) so it has to wait until after tribe release04:37
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Shadow31I've been having some trouble with a edubuntu server. I'm trying to install 7.04 (amd64 version) on the server, but the 'install' step fails at 6% every time.04:51
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cliebow_ltsp by the sea..held on the "Backside" of mdi05:22
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Shadow31I've been having some trouble with a edubuntu server. I'm trying to install 7.04 (amd64 version) on the server, but the 'install' step fails at 6% every time. Any ideas?05:32
sbalneavShadow31: Have you checked the md5sum of the cdimage you burned?05:32
Shadow31Yes. The md5sum checks out. I've downloaded it several time from several different mirrors and burned it several times. It always fails on the same error.05:33
sbalneavSame error?  Or same spot?05:35
sbalneavIf there's an error message, what is it?05:35
sbalneavHave you looked on any of the other consoles, to see if there's any errors?05:37
sbalneavctl-alt-f1 through f9, I beleive05:37
Shadow31In the last few lines it says 'Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 308749', then it fails to retrieve pool/main/t/ttf-kochi-gothic_1.0.20030809-4ubuntu2_all.deb, saying there is a md5sum mismatch. Then  it says it failed to get some archives, and finally it says 'tasksel: aptitude failed (100)', then 'Warning **: Configuing '05:37
Shadow31sorry, accidently pressed enter. The last line is 'Warning **: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1'05:38
Shadow31This is all on the fourth console, alt-f405:39
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sbalneavSounds like a read error on the cdrom05:48
sbalneavAre you burning it on one cdrom drive, and then reading it on a different one?05:48
sbalneavYou might want to try a different drive, or sometimes I find that switching brands of writable cd's helps.05:49
jsgotangcohey sbalneav05:49
sbalneavHello jsgotangco05:49
Shadow31Hmmm. I could try a different brand of cd. The edubuntu installer, though, can't seem to handle an external CD drive.05:51
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sbalneavWhich, a USB drive?05:51
sbalneavShould, that's how I install.05:51
Shadow31Interesting, when I tried the external drive it wouldn't mount.05:51
Shadow31I'm burning the cd on another computer and then reading in on the servers internal cd drive.05:54
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Athanasiushey sbalneav!06:57
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mselvahello, world.09:45
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sbalneavogra: Still awake?10:00
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Jun 28 18:33:29 2007
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davmor2ogra:  I'm testing the first batch of edubuntu iso's 32bit doesn't auto login on live cd11:07
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davmor2anyone know the username and password for the livecd?11:12
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Burgundaviadavmor2: it doesn't have one12:00
Burgundaviathe username is ubuntu12:00
davmor2sorted thanks12:01
davmor2stgraber to the rescue :)12:01
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davmor2Burgundavia: is it the xclient script that is meant to log it in automatically or is sys/admin/login window meant to be setup as auto login?12:03
Burgundaviadavmor2: for that, I have no idea12:03
davmor2never mind sort it out tomorrow now need to test on this machine so bye and thanks for the help12:04
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