
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:15
Daisuke-Idohow i still don't know.12:15
x89xhow do i restore the backup. thats what i am asking stdin12:15
Daisuke-Idoxfce is nice12:16
jhutchinsIs there a way to query your video ram size?12:16
Schuenemannxfce isn't KDE?12:16
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intelikeySchuenemann why would that be a problem ?   nv driver supports it without 3d12:16
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Daisuke-Idoit's a separate window manager/desktop environment12:16
stdinx89x: I just tols you "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf"12:16
=== intelikey shrugs and goes back to work
Schuenemannintelikey, because it makes everything slow12:16
x89xthat switches the files ??12:16
SchuenemannDaisuke-Ido, will it have konversation, firefox, etc the same way?12:17
jhutchinsSchuenemann: That's why I suggest xfce, by default it's much lighter than KDE.12:17
jhutchinsSchuenemann: Yep.12:17
Schuenemannthen what is the benefits of kde?12:17
stdinx89x: yes, it coppies the 1st file to the 2nd one12:17
jhutchinsSchuenemann: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:17
stdinx89x: cp = copy12:17
Schuenemannjhutchins, maybe I should try that on a spare partition?12:18
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jhutchinsnah.  If you don't like it, just apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop12:18
stdinjhutchins: that won't remove it, just the metapackage12:19
x89xsee this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30166/12:19
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:19
Schuenemannwhat happens to kubuntu?12:19
Schuenemannwill I have 2 boot options?12:19
stdinx89x: yes??12:20
stdinSchuenemann: yeah, you can choose which to login to12:20
x89xhow do i increase refresh rate12:20
Schuenemannoh yeah, it's just the desktop environment12:20
stdinx89x: do you know what refresh rate your monitor uses?12:21
Schuenemannwell, I'll try it12:21
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x89xya. 1024 X 768 at 85 Ghz max12:21
x89x85 Hz lol12:22
stdinx89x: run this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose "medium" at the monitor config, then select that mode12:23
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stdinx89x: make sure to 1st backup your file and select "via" as thedriver12:23
intelikeystdin dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg always backs it up doesn't it ?12:24
intelikeyi thought it did ....    idk.12:24
x89xstdin what name do i give it ?12:25
stdinintelikey: yeah, it's just easier to have it with a simple name12:25
stdinintelikey: rather then xorg.conf.10023452342463212:25
x89x ? Via/S3G DeltaChrome IGP ??12:25
x89xis that OK ?12:25
stdinx89x: anything you want12:25
x89xUsers of PowerPC machines, and users of any computer with multiple video  ?12:26
x89x ? devices, should specify the BusID of the video card in an accepted        ?12:26
x89x ? bus-specific format.12:26
x89xwhat do i do now ?12:26
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stdinpress enter12:26
x89x PCI:1:0:0 <- Bus identifier12:26
x89xis that fine /12:27
x89xAmount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card:12:28
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x89x65536 KB ?12:28
stdinjust leave it blank if you want12:28
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x89xUse kernel framebuffer device interface?12:29
x89x Autodetect keyboard layout?12:29
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x89x? Keyboard layout:12:29
stdinleave it12:29
x89xor us is written12:30
stdinyeah, leave it as "us"12:30
x89x XKB rule set to use:12:30
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stdinjust keep pressing enter12:30
x89xxorg__ is written12:30
x89xblank then too ?12:31
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stdinleave it as it is12:31
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x89x   ? Keyboard variant:12:31
x89xits blank12:31
stdinleave that blank12:31
x89x  ? Mouse port:12:32
stdinjust press enter12:32
x89xthere are 5 options !12:32
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stdinyeah, just press enter12:32
stdinand again12:32
x89xX.Org server modules that should be loaded by default:12:33
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x89xdefault ?12:33
=== Biteyni [n=Biteyni@adsl-70-240-221-114.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Whiz2__stdin: hiya gotta new problem for ya lol12:33
x89x ? Write default Files section to configuration file?                        ?12:33
Biteynicananybody help me with my externalhd?12:33
stdinWhiz2__: hmm? go on12:33
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Biteyniwell it is not loading12:34
x89x_Identifier for the monitor:  ?12:34
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Biteyniall the data is there12:34
stdinx89x: yes12:34
Biteynibut the partition is corrupted12:34
x89xname for it. anything ?12:34
x89xGeneric Monitor___12:34
stdinleave it as it is12:35
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x89xVideo modes to be used by the X server:12:35
Whiz2__stefan: i installed feisty on the computer i was tellin i wanted to and got everything working fine by turning on DHCP for router 1, and plugging it into that router... however, once installing all updates, and restarting the computer, my screen resolution went form some really high number (12??x10??) to 640x480, and won't allow me to go any higher12:35
Biteynistdin can i pm you my hd error?12:35
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jhutchinsBiteyni: run fsck on it.12:35
stdinBiteyni: paste it if it's not too big, or use pastebin, let everyone see12:36
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x89x Video modes to be used by the X server: stdin12:36
Biteynii tried fsck but it says i need to be in root12:36
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stdinWhiz2__: what graphics card?12:36
Biteynior have r/w access12:36
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Biteynistdin: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,12:36
Biteyni       missing codepage or other error12:36
Biteyni       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:36
Biteyni       dmesg | tail  or so12:36
vzduchx89x: the list w/ resolutions?12:36
stdinx89x: add the resolutions you want12:37
Whiz2__stdin: ATI radeon 955012:37
vzduchx89x: or more precisely, those your monitor can handle12:37
stdinBiteyni: check what "dmesg | tail" says, it may give a clue12:37
jhutchinsYou know, manually configuring xorg.conf really dosn't seem to be the way to go these days.12:37
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:37
Whiz2__stdin: it worked fine before adding updates12:37
x89x stfdin12:37
x89xMethod for selecting the monitor characteristics:12:37
stdinWhiz2__: and you have the open drivers, or the ATI ones?12:37
vzduchx89x: what's the choices?12:38
Whiz2__stdin: i have whatever drivers Linux installed by default12:38
jhutchinssudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:38
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x89x Simple                        ?12:38
x89x             ?                      Medium                        ?12:38
x89x             ?                      Advanced12:38
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vzduchx89x: do you have your monitor frequencies at hand?12:38
ciaconHi all. I have the feeling loads had gone wrong with my hardware. My BIOS-Clock has gone Haywire... the calculation is simple (-0.7 seconds / hour) and now I have the feeling that my harddisks are wrecked.... I remember a S.M.A.R.T. on my HDD-Drives.. Can one access theese on Kubuntu (even if only via Terminal)... and if - how?12:38
stdinWhiz2__: ok, you can change the modes by doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"12:39
stdinWhiz2__: then restart X12:39
x89x60, 70, 75, 80, 8512:39
vzduchx89x: that won't help much.. what monitor do you have?12:39
jhutchinsx89x: Is there a particular frequency that you're fond of?  Why not just use what it gives you?12:39
x89xi just want 75 Hz12:40
vzduchjhutchins: can be faulty.. what it gave me was too low12:40
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stdinjhutchins: because he gets an out of sync error normally12:40
x89x75 Hz low ?12:40
vzduchx89x: what monitor?12:40
x89xits a 17 inch monitor12:40
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vzduchx89x: manufacturer/model name12:41
jhutchinsciacon: smartmontools is the package for *buntu, works great.12:41
jhutchinsciacon: Some of the GUI monitor things can interface with it.12:41
jhutchinsx89x: Why do you want 75hz?12:41
ciaconjhutchins: but which??12:41
stdin!info smartmontools | ciacon12:41
ubotuciacon: smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.36-8ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 256 kB, installed size 624 kB12:41
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x89xi dont know the brand !12:42
x89xjhutchins. thats a good frequency. no flickering12:42
vzduchx89x: it's gotta be written somewhere.. if it is on the type plate on the back12:42
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jhutchinsvzduch: For that matter, the vesa interface is designed to query the monitor and read it's specs.12:42
ciaconthanks, stdin12:42
ciaconthanks jhutchins12:43
x89xits a microtek monitor i guess12:43
Whiz2__stdin: i'm currently logged onto the desktop... should i log out before restarting x?12:43
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vzduchdon't guess, know!12:43
jhutchinsciacon: Hey, anyone smart enough to use smart in the first place...12:43
nassimcan u help me plz ?12:43
jhutchinsWhiz2__: Logging out will save your current session.  Just restarting X will restore whatever session was saved last.12:44
x89xMTK-43F1 model12:44
stdinWhiz2__: it's probably best to, tho you don't *have* to, I always do tho12:44
nassimhow can i desable x server to install my graphic card ?12:44
vzduchx89x: ok, wait a sec, I'll look it up12:44
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x89xnot there in google :(12:44
SlimeyPetenassim: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop  , then press ctrl-alt-backspace12:45
nassimthnx :)12:45
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stdinnassim: use the packages12:45
Whiz2__also i have another problem... whenever i logoff, restart, or turn of my computer, the entire system stops responding, and doesn't logout. the only way to get it back up it to press the reset button on the front of the computer12:45
vzduchgotta be a really old bone..12:45
vzduchx89x: ok, then use Medium12:45
stdin!nvidia | nassim12:45
ubotunassim: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:45
nassimok :)12:46
ciaconjhutchins: to be honest, I'm way to tired... one of my 2 HDDs has developed a  whistle - and I wanted to know if that effects the health of the disk and if - which... can you helf me out??12:46
x89xMonitor's best video mode:12:46
x89xits 1280 x 1024 at 60 hz i think12:46
vzduchthen put it in there12:47
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vzduchyou'll probably want to change that to 1024x768 later12:47
x89xi prefer 1024 X 76812:48
ciacon x89x: you seem to know your way round X... do you know, why, when I start a new session, that I only get it acessible via (ctrl-alt-f9) instead of f8??12:48
x89xi dont know lol12:48
vzduchciacon: you're asking the wrong geek :D12:48
ciaconany other geek  @ hand?? xD12:48
x89xis 1280 X 1024 a 3:4 ratio ?12:49
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=== vzduch only uses 1 session at a time, @ Ctrl+Alt+F7
x89x4:3 lol12:49
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ciaconvzduch: show me some love^^12:49
vzduchx89x: sure, afaik there are no widescreen CRTs12:49
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vzduchciacon: but if you can access the new session, why do you care? :)12:49
x89xWrite monitor sync ranges to the configuration file?] 12:50
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vzduchof course, else they'll be lost12:50
Whiz2__stdin: now i have another question... this one a bit easier ;-)12:50
x89xDesired default color depth in bits:12:51
x89x32 bits = 24 ??12:51
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stdinx89x: yes12:51
vzduch32 bit is not possible (yet) in Linux12:51
Whiz2__stdin: can you, or someone else in the room assist me with settings up the repositories that are not added to the list during a default installation?12:51
x89xnow ?12:51
vzduchrestart the X server12:51
stdinWhiz2__: you're on feisty, so all are enabled by default12:51
x89xhow >12:52
stdinWhiz2__: or should be :)12:52
Whiz2__ooooh ok12:52
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vzduchx89x: clean or quick'n'dirty?12:52
stdinWhiz2__: post the /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin and I'll have a look12:52
x89xyou say and i'll do it :)12:52
vzduchok, do it clean.. switch to a console (e.g. w/ Ctrl + Alt + F1, login w/ your username, then type 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'12:53
ciaconvzduch: just out of curiosity.... my problem is the following... I love to play tremulous... I normally would love to run kde, but on my kde things get bloated on the ram... I choose enlightment, as it's light for launching tremulous... I love to listen to music while gaming... so am intestested in the second session... I have no clue how to call a second session of enlightment from the e-desktop, nor the commandline... can you give me some12:54
ciaconpointers... and even when I manage to get 2 sessions running, I can access the one via "F7" and the nxt via "f9"... that would imply that "f8" is someway disfunct.... and yes - it gives me console outputs (service started & co) instead of an X session....12:54
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ciaconvzduch: this effect is still there after a reboot - btw....12:54
vzduchciacon: then it's good for something12:55
vzduchx89x: you still there?12:55
NickPrestaahh, the joys of the STL12:56
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ciaconvzduch: brb - but I still hope to here some good news ;-)  (out for some fags... back in 2 minutes)12:56
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x89xthats a wrong directory it says12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
vzduchah, of course12:56
vzduchyou're on Ubuntu..12:56
x89xwhat do i use ?12:57
vzduchthen replace kdm with gdm.. if unsure or whatever you can switch back to the X server w/ Ctrl-Alt-F712:57
Schuenemannwhat is gdm and kdm?12:57
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x89xsays gdm no directory12:58
SchuenemannI just installed xubuntu-desktop and it's asking me to choose the default display manager (gdm or kdm)12:58
vzduchSchuenemann: the display manager, what you see at the graphical login12:58
Schuenemannvzduch, and which is which?12:58
stdinSchuenemann: KDM is the K(DE)Display Manager, and GDM is the G(nome)Display manager12:58
Dragnslcrgdm would be Gnome, kdm would be KDE12:58
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vzduchx89x: then the quick'n'dirty way.. hit Ctrl + Alt + Backspace12:58
sdfsIt doesn't really make much difference which you choose, you can happily leavs it at what it was12:59
Schuenemannstdin, but I installed xubuntu-desktop, shouldn't it use a different one?12:59
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vzduchI believe there is an archaic thing called xdm12:59
stdinSchuenemann: no, well not in *buntu, it's either kdm or gdm (there is xdm, but we generally don't use it)12:59
Schuenemannwhen I log out, which one will appear?12:59
stdinthe one that's running now12:59
stdinKDM probably01:00
Schuenemannhow about xfce?01:00
Whiz2__stdin: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/30171/01:00
stdinSchuenemann: you'll have to choose xfce from the login menu01:00
stdinWhiz2__: yeah, the only thing you don't have is backports (which are disabled by default)01:01
stdinWhiz2__: you do have main, restricted, universe and multiverse tho01:01
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Whiz2__stdin: what exactly are the backports?01:01
vzduchstdin, Whiz2__: add to that medibuntu for multimedia apps & stuff :)01:02
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SloikI'm having some trouble with GD for PHP. I've installed PHP using LAMP, and GD using the php5-gd package, but it won't work! What's the problem?01:02
stdinWhiz2__: basically they ate packages from Gutsy that have been "backported" to feisty,01:02
SloikThe GD functions seem to go through, but don't return anything.01:03
stdinWhiz2__: so you may have newer versions, but it may not be as stable. and no security patches01:03
stdinvzduch: plenty of media apps in main/universe/multiverse01:03
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vzduchstdin: yeah, but some things, e.g. codecs, are only in medibuntu or seveas01:04
Whiz2__stdin: so basically don't worry about it?01:04
stdinvzduch: well you could just install the codec package the "official" way01:04
stdinWhiz2__: yeah, it's fine01:04
vzduchdefine '"official" way' :)01:04
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SloikNobody has any experience with GD?01:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
stdinvzduch: by getting the package and installing it with dpkg. so you don't mess up the versions of the ubuntu packages01:05
vzduchI don't think I messed anything up here by using medibuntu01:06
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stdinvzduch: you won't know until you come to upgrade01:07
vzduchif you mean dist-upgrade.. what I hear about dist-upgrading, it's not as easy as it used to be anyway01:08
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Schuenemannstdin, just a question: will I have the same applications when I login using xfce?01:09
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stdinSchuenemann: yeah01:09
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joaoluiztem brasileiros nesse canal?01:09
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stdinSchuenemann: you can use KDE apps on xfce01:09
Schuenemann!br | joaoluiz01:09
ubotujoaoluiz: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:09
Schuenemannstdin, but will they be there or I'll have to install them again?01:09
x89xgod damn. it had again got f***** up.01:09
damien__Hi guys, Sometimes when I save a file, It says something about it being corrupt and opens with Kate, any ideas on how to fix this?01:10
vzduchhuh?  how so?01:10
x89xi had to change bach to vesa01:10
stdinSchuenemann: they'll still be there, you aren't installing another OS, just another DE01:10
vzduchwhat was the problem?01:10
x89xthe files werent restoring !01:10
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x89xthe monitor01:10
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x89xwas saying some error in  blue screen01:11
x89xwith the xorg.conf file01:11
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x89xnow its showing 76 Hz in the resolution. But still its displaying 60 Hz oonly !!01:12
vzduchprobably your monitor is b0rked01:12
x89xworks fine on XP01:12
x89xwith 1280 X 102401:12
vzduchno idea then01:12
x89xeven 1024 X 768 at 75 Hz01:12
x89xi cant change my refresh ratee !01:13
x89xno dropdown box01:13
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x89xjust drops for resolution01:13
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Schuenemannstdin, xfce is so... different01:13
x89xcan i put beryl on my PC ?01:14
x89xwith these settings ?01:14
stdinSchuenemann: yeah, it is :p01:14
x89xyou know the refresh rate issue ?01:14
vzduchx89x: most probably not.. Beryl needs 3D acceleration01:14
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stdinx89x: no beryl for you01:14
x89xmy onboard card supports pixel shader 2.001:14
Schuenemannstdin, should it run faster than kde?01:15
x89xand can be upto 256 MB shared01:15
vzduchSchuenemann: XFce should be up almost instantly01:15
x89xbut the drivers !!01:15
stdinSchuenemann: it'll be lighter, so some memory intensive apps will run faster, and it should "feel" a bit faster01:15
Dragnslcrx89x- what video card?01:15
stdinDragnslcr: a VIA01:15
x89xvia deltachrome IGP01:15
DragnslcrBeats me then01:16
Schuenemannhmmm firefox doesn't seem any faster01:16
DragnslcrNo idea what Via has for video abilities01:16
stdinVIA = no 3D (may work with XGL tho??)01:16
x89xits jsut taking the vesa drivers only01:16
stdinSchuenemann: it wouldn't FF is a hog :p01:16
vzduchfor the moment it sounds to me like a similar PITA as ATI01:16
Schuenemanna hog?01:16
vzduchx89x: get an Intel or Nvidia gfx card01:17
x89xhehe. no money01:17
stdinSchuenemann: it's a bit bloated, it's mostly staticly linked01:17
vzduchthen it seems you have to live w/ that01:17
x89xwhat about my sound ??01:17
x89xi cant hear any sounds01:17
tao4mikeis there a way to install kde on ubuntu without any kubuntu stuff as it seems to be very buggy to me, or is kde just buggy.  anyone?  Thanks!01:17
vzduchchecked all mixer settings?01:17
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x89xwhere are they ?01:17
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vzduchin the Gnome mixer -> afaik there is a loudspeaker icon somewhere on the right of the top bar in Gnome01:18
stdintao4mike: if you want stock KDE, then compile from sources. all the packages are kubuntu ones (and it's not buggy for me)01:18
Schuenemannlet me try beryl...01:19
vzduchx89x: you might also want to check the settings in alsamixer (console)01:19
tao4mikewell windows seem to be hanging a lot to me and also even though I have trash the option to empty trash is greyed out often...things like that :(01:19
x89xthe mixer isnt playing sound !01:19
vzduchx89x: and when it comes to such things that are done via the GUI (Gnome, in your case), you might want to /join #ubuntu and ask there01:20
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x89xok thanks for the help01:20
x89xwill try there01:20
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vzduchx89x: no need to leave this channel though01:20
vzduchx89x: you can be on multiple channels at once01:21
x89xi'm here :)01:21
x89xso you are programmer ?01:21
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vzduchme? never! :D01:22
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vzduchdayum, I smoke too much.. running out of papers once again :(01:22
=== stdin thinks it's time to `cat stdin > /dev/bed`
vzduchgood night stdin :)01:23
stdinnight :)01:23
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tao4mikenight stdin01:23
vzduchtao4mike: too late :D01:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:23
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gestureanyone knows a .rm and ,rmvb media player ?01:26
Schuenemannkaffeine for rmvb01:26
NickPrestagesture, mplayer should play (almost) everything01:26
esa-petrihow to kill process01:26
gesturedosn't work01:26
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Biovoregesture: mplayer plays them..01:26
gesturei'll try now01:27
SloikNobody knows what my problem with GD not working is?01:27
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eagles0513875Sloik: whats ur problem01:28
Biovoregesture: you might need to go to www.mplayerhq.hu and download the codec pack and extract it to /usr/lib/win32/01:28
eagles0513875Bluesgui: lol like the new name01:28
Schuenemannhe's gone01:28
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SloikI have a LAMP installation, and I just recently installed the php5-gd package, but GD won't work.01:28
SloikThe functions don't return anything.01:28
ARM9Did you put them in php.ini?01:28
SloikI put the extension, yes.01:29
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SloikBefore I installed GD it would tell me that the GD commands don't exist. But now that GD's installed, they don't do anything.01:29
SloikEven gd_info(); doesn't return anything/01:29
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phoenixzHi there, I am using kopete, and a friend of mine too. He has a webcam and sends me an invite to see the webcam, I press "accept" and nothing happens.. How can we fix this?01:31
Daisuke-Idoand i'm back.01:31
Daisuke-Idophoenixz: what protocol?01:31
phoenixzDaisuke-Ido, MSN, if that is what you mean01:32
phoenixzand kopote to any "real" msn messenger works ok01:32
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Daisuke-Idookay, normally i'd say check ports and such, but it doesn't appear that will work this time :(01:34
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phoenixzDaisuke-Ido, that might jsut be it..01:35
phoenixzHow do I stop the firewall on kubuntu??01:35
Daisuke-Idoand Sloik, that's probably more an issue for #php (if it exists)01:35
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SloikDaisuke-Ido: OK, thanks.01:35
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Daisuke-Idophoenixz: not particularly sure01:36
Dragnslcrphoenixz- I don't think there are any iptables rules by default. You can check in Konsole with sudo iptables -L01:37
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phoenixzDragnslcr, no firewall? sweet.. thats like win 98... (okay, that is a dangerous one.. I am kidding of course:)01:38
x89xhow do i write on an NTFS partition using linux ?01:39
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ttanhi everyone01:39
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yurimxpxmanwhat's a good program to use to record the audio output? (audacity doesn't seem to have that capability in linux..)01:41
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Dragnslcr!ntfs-3g | x89x01:46
ubotux89x: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:46
Dragnslcrphoenixz- there's a firewall installed by default, but it doesn't block any ports. Ubuntu generally doesn't have hidden programs with security vulnerabilities listening on strange ports01:48
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x89xhey how do i access alsamixer w/o the teminal ??01:49
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BluesKajyurimxpxman, audacity can record if you set it up to do so01:51
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BluesKajso can amarok , kaffeine ,mplayer01:51
x89xhow do i get my wifi max work ?? it has a zydas driver zydas1211B01:52
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cacushi there01:53
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cacusanyone has any idea how to get GStreamer engine working on Feisty for Amarok 1.4.6???01:53
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x89xhow do i get zydas drivers work on my PC ?01:56
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BluesKajwhynot use the xine engine cacus ?01:57
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gan|y|medthe thing is: is dri needed when running xgl?01:58
HayaBusahello.. which folder , all programs gets installed into. ? ex: i installed Frost wire and need to uninstall it . but i like to remove any folder or file that remains behind if there is any. thanks01:58
cacusBluesKaj, mmm, i heard that GStreamer worked better with equalizer and such things,.,,01:58
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gan|y|medhm, sorry01:59
gan|y|medis dri needed when running xgl?01:59
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Daisuke-Idonvidia or ati?02:03
gan|y|meddon't laugh :)02:03
Daisuke-Idoout of my league then02:03
gan|y|medmaybe in general?02:03
Daisuke-Idoi don't mess with ati stuff :\02:03
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Daisuke-Idoin general i know nada about xgl, i prefer aiglx02:03
gan|y|medgoing the easy way, hm :)02:04
gan|y|medi think, i don't have much of a choice. but i am still not sure about thos02:04
NickPrestaI'm running nvidia and I don't have DRI02:04
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Daisuke-IdoNickPresta: are you using a gl window manager?02:05
NickPrestaOf course :D. I wouldn't have interrupted otherwise02:05
Daisuke-Idothat's odd them02:06
gan|y|medthere is sth strange about this02:06
gan|y|medglxinfo says, dri is disabled, no matter if it is in xorg.conf or not02:06
gan|y|medhowever, the log says sth. about fglrx loading dri successfully.02:07
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gan|y|medthen video playback is choppy and cou usage high02:07
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gan|y|medwhen i comment the lines about dri and extmod (only tried commenting both of them), playback is fine02:07
hamadoooguys .. how can i remove a program from the terminal02:08
gan|y|medand so is cou usage02:08
NickPrestahamadooo, sudo apt-get remove APPLICATION02:08
NickPrestahamadooo, or, sudo aptitude remove APPLICATION02:08
x89xcan linux play xvid videos ??02:08
NickPrestawhichever you prefer02:09
hamadoooi have kismet and i want to remove it from my pc02:09
hamadoooPackage kismet is not installed, so not removed02:09
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gan|y|meddepends on the installed codec. principally, yes02:10
NickPrestahamadooo, then it isnt installed02:10
hamadooono i have it .. but i didn't download it as a package02:10
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hamadoooi downloaded from the site02:10
NickPrestahamadooo, oh. you compiled it from source?02:10
hamadoooyes :)02:10
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NickPrestanavigate to the directory where you compiled from source02:11
NickPrestaand then issue: make uninstall02:11
hamadooofrom the terminal ??02:12
NickPrestaif that doesn't work then there isnt an uninstall rule and you're SoL, AFAIK02:12
hamadoooim new in lunix i don't know nything in the terminal :)02:12
NickPrestathen how did you manage to compile from source? >_>02:12
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hamadooofrom google02:12
NickPrestalol okay02:12
hamadoooreading and doing02:12
Daisuke-Idohamadooo: for future reference, there's not a whole lot that isn't available in the repositories :D02:13
NickPrestahamadooo, try this (open a terminal): cd directory/where/the/source/is (replacing this with the directory name/path). then, if you're in there, type: ls (to see directory contents). If you're in the correct directory, type: make uninstall (and hope for the best)02:13
hamadoooi think i removed it :P02:14
hamadoooi can't find it when i search02:15
NickPrestafor future reference, always search the repositories first.02:15
hamadooook thanxx :)02:15
hamadooonow about my wireless modem02:15
NickPrestaand if you can't find it, do a google search like this: "APPLICATION ubuntu" and you will get results (usually with packages or a way to install the package)02:15
Schuenemannhamadooo, why did you compile it?02:15
hamadooocuz someone told me02:16
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hamadooothe one in ubuntu is old02:16
hamadoooand will not work with your modem02:16
hamadoooso i installed kismet from the site02:16
hamadoooand still not working02:16
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azzurrodoes anyone knows why the suspend to ram works so slow with feisty02:18
hamadooonow how can i search for a program in terminal02:19
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azzurroresume seems ok but untill it gets suspend it takes almost 25 sec.s02:20
azzurrois this normal?02:20
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Daisuke-Idohamadooo: apt-cache search *title*02:20
hamadooook thanx .. but is there any site helps me to learn the terminal commands02:21
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fairesI'm having a problem with Adept. He says that my database should be locked, because other program is using it. But I've just logged in...02:21
hamadoooE: Regex compilation error02:22
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Daisuke-Idodon't use the *s02:22
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Daisuke-Idolike...  apt-cache search kismet02:22
fairesIt started to happen when I tried gksudo wineconfig02:22
fairesSomebody knows how can I unlock it?02:22
Daisuke-Ido!apt lock02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
azzurroany help on suspend??02:23
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:23
fairesOh, now I got the ! thing... :)02:23
fairesThanks a lot... :)02:23
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:24
hamadoookismet - Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool02:25
hamadoooat76c503a-source - at76c503a driver source02:25
hamadooostill in my pc ?????02:25
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Schuenemann!apt fix02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
hamadooowhy it tells me that????02:26
Daisuke-Idothat's just what packages are *available* to be installed matching that string02:26
hamadooooh ok :)02:27
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hamadoooi want to learn the terminal commands .. is there any site or something ??02:27
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hamadooothanxx so much02:29
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto02:30
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hamadooonow about my modem .. i have an antel wireless ipw3945 .. and it workd fine .. but i think i have the old driver for it so that i can't use kismet .... can you tell me how to update the driver02:31
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rafahi everybody02:32
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gesturehey , i have a problem with the instalation of "flash player" into mozilla firefox browser02:36
gesturePlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey,02:36
gestureor Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):02:36
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gestureentering the patch and i get WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.02:37
NightBirdwell... what path are you entering?02:38
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mo0osahI need to execute certain commands in the terminal, how do i make them execute everytime kde starts?02:38
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NightBirdgesture: with or without the .?02:39
gesturejust got the . to be able to write the path here02:39
NightBird(ctrl+enter may let you by-pass that)02:40
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gesturebut easyer to hit just one key :P02:40
NightBirdso uh... what's the reason to not use the package in adept?02:41
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gesturejust wanted to do it faster02:41
gesturebored to enter / exit / enter / exit adept :P02:41
wersguys.. quick question:synce-kde works in edgy but not in feisty, do you think that if I uninstall kubuntu and just have kde-core installed, synce-kde will work for me?02:41
gestureand wanted to know a way to do it like this02:41
NightBirdso instead you're doing it the hard way02:41
NightBirdwell, once you're done messing around, the package name is swf-player :P02:42
gesturei'm not gonna give up :P02:42
NightBirdgood luck then02:43
gesturetoo soon :P02:43
gesturei'll be back in 10+ mins if i don't make it02:43
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:46
phoenixzDoes Kubuntu have a stable version of kmail? I find it to be VERY instable.. Ive had quite a few crashes so far, but I can live with that.. What I cant live with is that I have no @(#*$ clue what the hell that program is doing.. I receive 50 mails... suddenly, they are gone.. where? I dont know, they are not in trash, or junk.. nothing..  Then suddenly, a mail reappears.. and is gone again.. its as if the program is toying with the mails all the time02:46
phoenixzAnd many times when I select the inbox, then I get a blue image with "Retrieving messages".. and it just stays there.. all other boxes work, but the inbox just keeps being stuck with that02:47
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phoenixzIts so unworkable that I have to return to thunderbird, which I really dont like either.. :)02:49
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gesturedone it :P02:49
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hamadooocan someone help me with installin kismet in ubuntu02:52
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banlieuedoes anyone know how to change the knotes tray icon?02:58
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skarfacehow do I turn off the bouncing icons when programs are loading?02:58
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Dragnslcrskarface- not sure if there's a global setting, but for specific programs, you can edit the KMenu item and disable launch feedback03:01
skarfaceDragnslcr: ok thanks03:01
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x89xcan anyone help me ?03:03
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Daisuke-Idowhat should the fstab line look like for my swap space?03:09
Daisuke-Idokde's disk and filesystem manager mangled my fstab :(03:10
NickPrestaDaisuke-Ido, mine looks like: UUID=88a7f4fb-cf29-431c-94d9-77c286c6c7a0 none swap sw 0 003:11
mahdisame as what mine looks like, except different ID03:11
Daisuke-Idothank you03:12
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Daisuke-Idoand now cds aren't mounting automatically :\03:13
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hamadooowhere can i find this driver ipw3945-1.1.3.tgz for ubuntu plz03:25
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potyalguien me puede ayudar con la seleccion del SO en el arranque, soy nuevo en linux03:37
mneptok!es > poty03:37
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juanx89x: was this morning's information useful03:45
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livecd_Hey, can anyone help me reinstall GRUB? :)04:02
BluesKajdid you just reinstall windows ?04:05
BluesKaj!grub | livecd04:07
ubotulivecd: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:07
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livecd_seems like Im not able to mount my floppy.. at least not with permissions04:09
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BluesKajlivecd , this site is also a good one  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:11
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ShockValueis there a linux utility similar to DVDDecrypter?  one that just allows you to select the main movie and rip it to 1 file on your hard drive? (lossless, dont care about re-compression)04:20
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BluesKajShockValue, k9copy04:21
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ShockValuek, ill check that out, thanks04:21
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potycan anyone help me with the beryl configuration ?04:22
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livecd_hdb2 is (hd1,1) ?04:25
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BluesKaj!beryl | poty04:26
ubotupoty: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:26
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livecd_Bah, Ive NO idea what to type in (hdx,x) WinXP on hda1, Kubuntu on hdb2 - ..anyone? :(04:35
scopecreepif you mean in grub type (hd and hit tab for autocomplete options04:36
scopecreep(hd0,0) would be my guess for your first primary drive04:36
BluesKajlivecd_, check in the konsole: sudo fdisk -l04:37
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EusebusI'm searching for somabody who could help me about my wifi card (ipw2100)04:39
rayluEusebus, is there a driver for it?04:39
Eusebuswell, yes04:40
Eusebusbut it's not a problem of driver I think04:40
rayluso it shows up in iwconfig?04:40
Eusebusas I'm using it right now :o)04:41
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:41
rayluoh... :P04:41
rayluthen what's the problem04:41
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K-RyanThe help stuff for wifi helped me out, I'd try your luck there.04:41
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Eusebusthe problem is that it can work perfectly, but sometimes I can't reconnect04:42
rayluo.0, i sorta have this problem too04:42
Eusebusmaybe a problem of distance from the router04:42
raylui have to use "sudo dhclient wlan0" to connect04:42
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Eusebuswhen I use Windows, I can connect from one location, but I can't with linux04:43
Eusebusfrom the same location04:43
livecd_http://rafb.net/p/RtNWR256.html <-- seems fdisk -l04:43
Eusebusand I don't see why...04:43
ShockValuehrm.. trying to rip a dvd with vobcopy, bit its reaaalllyyy slow..  my dvd drive has hdparm settigns set on it OK (ata100).04:43
ShockValuewhat am i missin?04:43
livecd_0,0 is wrong.. :(04:43
Eusebusthat's quite irritating04:44
hitmanWillyShockValue: DVD ripping takes a while, since it has to transcode as well04:45
EusebusCan a driver have influence on the range of my card?04:45
rayluyou may want to try ndiswrapper04:45
rayluor an alternate driver04:45
ShockValuehitmanWilly: vob just rips the video, there's no transcoding.  and by slow, i mean, 1MB per minute, meaning it would take me 20 hours to rip 1 dvd04:45
hitmanWillyShockValue: oh, missed the vobcopy part :)04:46
BluesKajShockValue, why not k9copy ?04:46
hitmanWillyShockValue: you may try with dvd:rip04:46
ShockValueBluesKaj: i cant seem to get that to give me a VOB,04:46
ShockValueBluesKaj: unless im just blind and or dumb :)04:47
BluesKajwas working at all ?04:47
ShockValuelemme go try again04:47
hitmanWillyShockValue: is file size an issue? if not, you can just dd the dvd to an iso file and try ripping vobs from that04:48
ShockValuehitmanWilly: size is not an issue04:48
Eusebusraylu, taht could be a solution, but I think that if I use ndiswrapper, I'll have to remove my current driver, and it involves two things04:48
Eusebusremoving my current driver04:48
hitmanWillyShockValue: just dd the whole dvd then :)04:49
raylunmap shows:04:49
raylu22/tcp   open  ssh04:49
raylu3306/tcp open  mysql04:49
Eusebusand if it doesn't work, re-installing my driver (and I don't know really how to re-install it well)04:49
ShockValuewell, temporary size isnt an issue, i dont want to store the the whole ISO, just the main title04:50
hitmanWillyShockValue: ok, then try what I said earlier, and then just delete the iso afterwards04:50
hitmanWillyShockValue: or just use dvd:rip and skip the transcode part04:50
ShockValueisnt dvd:rip an icky gtk thing? :)04:51
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hitmanWillyShockValue: yes, its gtk04:51
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hitmanWillyShockValue: but it works really well :)04:51
Eusebusand I also have another question, about anjuta (if someone could help me)04:52
BluesKajhitmanWilly, what is dd?04:53
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ShockValueBluesKaj: k9 worked for about 2 minutes (and says it will take 19 hours to complete) then errors out saying it cant open dvdauthor04:53
ShockValueso both programs are being s l o w04:53
ShockValuehrm, sec, let me try 1 more thing04:54
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Eusebusmy problem is about linking04:54
hitmanWillyBluesKaj: a cmd line tool, stands for data dump, does a bit for bit transfer04:54
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hitmanWillyBluesKaj: man dd for more info :)04:54
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ShockValuetried dvd-> a different physical drive.. still slow as molassus04:55
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BluesKajhitmanWilly, ok thx ...now i unnerstand ...I think :)04:57
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TheCreationistIs there any way to resize my partitions to give Windows more space?  It is on the first partition and I want to move space from my 4th partition (/home) to Windows... is this possible without repartitioning completely and losing all data?04:58
BluesKajwell  folks , it's getting towards sacktime for me ... take care04:59
Eusebuswe got a winner \o/04:59
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Eusebuswell TheCreationist, I tried once05:01
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ShockValuewell its obviously not the application software thats messing up.. dvd::rip is slow as hell too05:02
EusebusI still remember the pain I felt when I tried05:02
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TheCreationistEusebus: Yeah, was just hoping I could avoid using 6 CDs to backup my data first.05:04
EusebusI lost 48 Go of data05:04
Eusebusso I have one advice05:04
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Eusebusforget this idea ! (of maybe someone succeeded in, bit personaly I won't trust him lol)05:05
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:07
=== raylu <for myself
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EusebusYou can try, TheCreationist , but I hope you know a very efficient pray05:08
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EusebusTheCreationist, whatever you will do with your partitions, always backup your data...05:09
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ZolarIf I install kubunut 6.06 lts, is it possible to update to 7.04?05:15
dotzhi i getting error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.705:15
daddyhey! I have just installed my linux  . . . where am i?05:15
dotzwhich package should i download?05:16
daddyubuntu feisty fawn05:16
dr_willisdaddy,  this is an IRC channel.05:16
EusebusZolar, you'll have to update to 6.10 first05:16
Zolarhow do you do that?05:16
dr_willisdaddy,  you may want to read the ubuntu starter guide. Links are prob erly on the desktop and in the browser menus/bookmarks05:16
hitmanWilly!find libcrypto05:17
ubotuFound: libcrypto++-dev, libcrypto++-doc, libcrypto++-utils, libcrypto++5.2c2a, libcryptokit-ocaml (and 1 others)05:17
EusebusZolar, there are somes tutos on internet, but I remember that you have to change your sources.list first (under dapper)05:17
Eusebusthen sudo apt-get update05:18
Eusebusand then, sudo pat-get dist-upgrade05:18
dotzwhich one is libcrypto.so.0.9.7 ?05:18
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Zolarpat-get I am not familar with that05:18
Zolaroh apt-get I know that one. very well05:19
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gesturejust go for "sudo apt-get update"05:19
gestureand enjoy05:19
Eusebusbut have you already installed 6.06 ?05:19
gestureyou need to update 6.10 from what i know05:20
gesturecorrect me if i'm wrong05:20
TheCreationistZolar: Just so you know, you can't upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04 directly.  You will need to upgrade to 6.10 first, then you can update to 7.04 after that.05:20
Eusebusyeah, as I explained ;)05:20
TheCreationistEusebus: But I did it more articulately ;)05:20
Eusebus;) yes05:20
Zolarcan I still down load 6.10?05:21
Eusebusif ou have already installed 6.06, it's not a download you need05:21
Eusebusyou need to modify the file "sources.list" in /etc/apt/05:22
Eusebusreplacing every "dapper" by "edgy"05:22
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gesturepatience is the perfect word :)05:23
TheCreationistEusebus: He shouldn't need to do that if he does the dist-upgrade, I don't think.05:23
TheCreationistOh wait, 6.06 is an LTS... yeah, he probably will.05:23
EusebusI don(t know if the dist-upgrade works between dapper and edgy05:23
Eusebusthen, type "sudo apt-get update"05:24
Eusebusand sudo apt-get upgrade05:24
Eusebusafter that, you will be under edgy05:25
Eusebusand then, in a terminal, type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and follow the instructions05:25
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:25
jhutchins(Also covers earlier upgrades.)05:26
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dsmithis updating from 6.10 to 7.04 safe?05:27
Eusebuspersonally I had some problems after05:27
TheCreationistdsmith: As safe as riding a motorcycle without a helmet, yes . :)05:27
dsmithwhat I thought05:27
=== dsmith will continue doing clean installs
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Zolar6.10 is no longer available05:28
TheCreationistI had a ton of problems when I did it... but most of them are worked out.  A couple of major issues still around, but I'm living with them since no one else knows how to fix them.05:28
EusebusI decided to format my / and install Feisty with the live cd05:28
Eusebusand now it works perfectly05:28
TheCreationistEusebus: Well, even trying clean installs I had issues.05:29
dsmithcomplete reformat and install is what I have been doing05:29
TheCreationistEusebus: Most annoying right now is that Feisty only recognizes my cd burner if I have a CD in it during boot lol05:29
Eusebusreally? Oo05:29
Eusebusconfig problem, maybe05:29
dsmithmust be bill gates fault05:29
ZolarI tried to install 7.04 and I received and error every time05:30
EusebusI'm using a laptop :d05:30
ardchoilledsmith: lol05:30
ZolarSo I tried 6.06 and no problems05:30
dsmithdvd region codes and bil warez, when will it end05:30
dsmithmaybe your 'buntu CD is DRM'd05:30
TheCreationistZolar: Took me forever to install Feisty on my girlfriend's computer... read errors05:30
dsmithi installed a dual bot win/fiesty on a dell GX260 today05:31
dsmithtook forever to get started05:31
Zolarmine never gets to the demo screen.05:31
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dsmithmine took 5 mins to get therer or maybe it was more like 1005:31
Zolarthroughs a (ASH) error05:31
ardchoilleOne of the advantages of building your own computers is you can pick and choose which hardware you know works with the OS you plan to install.05:32
ZolarI get dumped to a command line05:32
EusebusI have an Inspiron 9200 with dual boot (and a windows which only serves as decoration)05:32
dr_willisardchoille,  and you get to pull your hair out when somthing dont work also. :)05:32
dsmithi've been using the dell c521's05:32
dsmithacer 4000s are nice to05:32
=== Ash-Fox is a error for Zolar.
ardchoilledr_willis: Never had that happen05:32
dr_willisardchoille,  consider yourself lucky05:33
=== dsmith has no hair
dr_willisDOA parts can be such a pain.05:33
ardchoillewell, I choose hardware I know works05:33
dr_willisand if its dead.... well... its dead05:33
ardchoilleOh, well, good point05:33
dr_willisUnless ya got a bank of spare parts to swap out to trouble shoot :)05:34
dr_willisSucks when your ONLY pci-e video card is dead. :)05:34
Eusebusmy friend is pulling his hair out as he's trying to make some of his special buttons recognized by linux05:34
Zolarthe error is : /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turn off05:34
dr_willisAbout to get a new box one of these days.. heh.05:34
Eusebushe has an ACER 561005:34
dr_willisspecial keyboard buttons.. Fah! who needs them. :)05:34
dr_willisOnly thin gi use my special mouse buttons for is Grenades and Medpacs in the Quake games.05:35
Eusebus(Notice that I'm in France and it's 5h34 a.m. :/)05:35
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dr_willisBrother in law is from france. :)05:36
dsmithwhats the best way to install the xubuntu desktop on kubuntu so it starts?05:36
dr_willissudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:36
dsmithI know that05:36
dr_willisso the problem is?05:36
dsmithbut for somereason It wont stick05:36
dr_willisselect xubuntu desktop from the session manager?05:37
dsmithafter I logoff then back, it reverts back to the login screen05:37
dr_willislog off then back?05:37
ardchoilledsmith: You have to choose it as default05:37
dsmithI know all that already05:37
dsmithI see the desktop and then it goes black05:37
dsmiththen reverts to the login screen again05:37
dr_willis so you mean to say its CRASHING...05:37
Eusebusbut why do you want xcfe? kde is perfect 8)05:38
ardchoilleSomething wrong with the session then.05:38
dsmithwell yea sorta05:38
dsmithfamilarization thats why05:38
dr_willisdo you have some old xfce settings in your home dir?05:38
Eusebusok :)05:38
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ardchoilledsmith: Anyting interesting in ~/.xsession-errors ?05:38
dsmithlet me look05:38
dsmithone sec05:38
dsmithhmmmm whole mess of stuff05:39
ardchoilledsmith: as dr_willis mentioned, it sounds like your xfce session is crashing05:40
dsmithwell I am installing both xfce and gnome05:40
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jhutchinsOne can simply start X.  Without an .xinitrc you won't be able to run anything, but you can tell if basic X works.05:49
dr_willishe could also  make a new user. and see if the problem affects the new user.05:49
jhutchinsIf that works, you can use startx <desktop> to determine if it's the desktop or the DM.05:49
jhutchinsX, Ctrl-Alt-F1 to start an app, see if it works at the most basic level.05:49
jhutchinsrename .xfce perhaps?05:49
Zolaris there any way to recover from the install from live cd error of /bin/sh can't access tty; jobs control truned off05:49
ardchoilleThat's be my first choice05:49
jhutchinsIt sounds very much like it could be the dm not initializing the session completely.05:49
jhutchinsZolar: Reboot.05:49
ZolarI did with no luck05:49
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jhutchinsZolar: Where does this error occur?05:49
dr_willisZolar,  ive seen that error once befor.. not sure why it happens..05:49
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Zolaras soon as you select the top menu item on the init menu05:49
Zolardr_willis: is there a fix for it?05:49
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dr_willisZolar,  no idea.. i tried a different live cd and it worked...05:49
dr_willisgo figure.05:49
jhutchinsZolar: How much ram do you have?05:49
Zolar1 gig05:49
dr_willisone live cd dident work on one machine.. bu tit worked on the others..05:49
dr_willisother live cd worked on all of them. (it was a xubuntu live cd)05:49
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jhutchinsZolar: Did you verify the md5sum of the CD?05:49
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ZolarI even down loaded to three different sites and to my suprise it failed on all of them.05:50
Zolarbut the 6.06 lts work find05:50
Zolarwhat changed in 7.0405:51
Zolarin the installer that is05:51
dr_willisI noticed that mine had issues when i had some hard drives on my pci ide conroller card.05:51
dr_williscould be some bit of hardwre is confusing things05:51
jhutchinsZolar: Have you tried the alt CD?05:52
Zolarso my choice is to install 6.06 and then upgrade.05:52
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please.
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Wed Jul 11 20:35:07 2007
(jhutchins/#kubuntu) Zolar: You might collect a hardware list and post a bugreport though.05:54
(jhutchins/#kubuntu) Isn't there some nice tool that runs through all your hardware inventory and packages a neat little bugreport for you?05:54
ZolarI will down load a alt install and try that.05:55
=== dsmith [n=dsmith@c-76-114-154-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinsGood luck!05:56
=== jhutchins totters off to bed.
dsmithnope xfce will not load05:56
dsmithit crashes05:57
dsmithgnome works fine05:57
dsmithoh well05:57
dr_willisodd.. i got all the desktops installed..05:58
dsmithsee w/ edgy I was able to do that05:58
dsmithgnome works nicely05:58
dsmithi just removed ubuntu and xubuntu desktops05:59
dsmiththen restarted, just to be sure05:59
dsmiththen reinstalled xunbunt05:59
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dsmithlogged off, restarted X and choose xfce05:59
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gesturea question , where do i set up the background at the beryl cube desktops ?06:00
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rayluF5D8053 N <~~ anyone know anything about configuring this wireless card?06:02
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Eusebusraylu, no sorry06:06
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=== Lurkan is away: Ausente por ahora.
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klobsterxine is crashing after last kde update?06:13
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klobsternm, I just read it's unsupported06:14
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intelikeywell i just made my very first lan  one linux and one xp box crossover eth cable06:14
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ChimeraHitmanDoes anyone know about PXE booting?06:15
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intelikeyall i was able to do was ping from     but hey it's a start...06:15
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intelikeywhat i don't get is why  ifup eth0     doesn't work and  ifconfig eth0 up    does ?06:20
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alakhiais there an equivalent of: rpm -ql "package_name" for apt?06:23
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intelikeyapt-cache search/show package06:23
alakhiaintelikey: How do i get the list of files?06:24
Carnage\dpkg -L <package>06:25
alakhiacool! Thanks Carnage\06:25
gesturekinda bugged beryl on kubuntu :/06:26
gestureand not that flexible06:26
intelikeyalakhia oh list of files in the package ?     dpkg -L packge06:27
Eusebusgesture, you have problems with beryl?06:27
alakhiaintelikey: Thanks! Yeah, that does what I wanted! :)06:28
gestureinstalled it , worked till interface restart06:28
gestureafter that06:28
gesturebye bye , no more graphical interface06:28
gesturetext mode ftw06:28
gesturetell me about it06:28
gestureit's the 3rd time that happened06:28
Eusebuswell I'm not an expert (and French, so excuse my poor English)06:29
intelikeyalakhia note that parent dirs are listed too    so don't do something silly like   rm -r the list to get rid of a pckage    that will totally hose the system06:29
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Eusebusdo you restart X or do you try to launch it with "beryl" command?06:30
gesturei'm not that expert eather , but i read as much as i can ; how to's and other06:30
gestureofc i do06:30
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intelikeyofcourse ?06:31
intelikeyoff course ?06:31
Eusebusthanks, I'm not very at ease with English abreviations06:31
Eusebuswell uh06:31
gesturewell i not that good eather06:32
intelikeyimo abv's r used 2 much06:32
gesturei'm used to them because i played world of warcraft like 1 year and most people used them06:32
intelikeyor is that uzd ?06:32
Eusebusso which kind of graphical card do you have?06:32
Eusebuswhich driver?06:33
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Eusebus(and chick model of card)06:33
gesturethe one from ati.com ( x300 )06:34
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alakhiaintelikey: actually, I'm trying to figure out why my audio plugin doesn't work06:34
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Eusebusah ok...06:34
gestureATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.38.606:34
alakhiaintelikey: wanted to see if I had all the files from the package: tap-plugins06:35
Eusebuswell as you have maybe already read, there are two ways of installing properly beryl06:35
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Eusebusfree driver + aixgl06:35
gesturei know06:35
gesturetried that one 206:35
Eusebusor proprietary driver + xgl06:36
Eusebusthe second didn't work with me06:36
gestureboth worked06:36
Eusebusnow I'm using "ati" driver and aixgl06:36
Eusebusso the problem is not here :/06:36
gestureye :(06:36
intelikeyanyone know what is required to make xp so ssh ?   is there an ssh-server for xp ?06:37
intelikeyerr let me ask in the other channel06:37
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Eusebusgesture, when you type "beryl", what does your terminal eturn?06:37
gesturemade a backup and uninstalled beryl atm06:38
gesturei'll get it working again soon06:38
gestureit works perfect till i restart the interface06:38
gestureafter interface restart06:39
gestureno more graphical mode :(06:39
gesturei can only run in text mode till i backup the xorg.conf06:39
gestureand i belive i have some problems with the ati driver 206:39
gestureif i'm not mistakeing06:40
Eusebusgood luck ;)06:41
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thunderboltHmmm, anyone know of a kopete plugin or feature to show conversation context, like the Pidgin.im plugin?06:41
intelikeyfrom ##windows  <pinpoint> apple.com hates firefox/quicktime combo <pinpoint> 3 times in a row i cant use the back button without a crash06:42
thunderboltBasically, I want to display the tail of the previous conversation log in the IM when a new conversation is started.06:42
=== thunderbolt smacks head
thunderbolt"Gosh, I wonder what's under this plugin menu item..."06:43
rayluhow do I specify what device apache should use?06:43
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raylu(when it binds)06:44
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w0rmhacksign@HackSignLapTop:~$ su06:44
w0rmroot@HackSignLapTop:/home/hacksign# /etc/init.d/firestarter start06:44
w0rm * Starting the Firestarter firewall...                                  [fail] 06:44
w0rmroot@HackSignLapTop:/home/hacksign# /etc/init.d/firestarter restart06:44
w0rm * Stopping the Firestarter firewall...                                  [ OK ] 06:44
w0rm * Starting the Firestarter firewall...                                  [fail] 06:44
w0rmwho can tell me y ?06:45
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intelikeyheh people seem to often mention prices of softwarez in ##windows channel    like it's normal to pay for software    hehhe06:48
=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=kde-deve@adsl-75-16-120-135.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
mo0osahintelikey: you idle there?06:49
CPrgmSwR2Is there work being done to improve the setup of kubuntu so it works out of the box with no problems?06:49
intelikeymo0osah no i had a question06:49
intelikeyCPrgmSwR2 they thought it already did06:50
mo0osahCPrgmSwR2: it usually does work out of the box06:50
intelikeysee ^06:50
mo0osaha few people have graphics issues though06:50
thunderboltPay...for software?06:50
intelikeythunderbolt that's what i said06:50
intelikey<intelikey> paying for software....   </blinks>   ;/06:50
rayluhow do I specify what device apache should use (when it binds)?06:51
=== thunderbolt smiles
CPrgmSwR2I read an article where someone had all sorts of problems with kubuntu06:51
mo0osahWhich version of Kubuntu?06:51
rayluCPrgmSwR2, there's no universal out-of-the-box solution06:51
raylubecause of all the different hardware configurations06:51
rayluit's simply not possible06:51
intelikeyand indeed can't be one.06:51
intelikeyyeah what raylu said06:52
mo0osahactually ubuntu worked better "out of the box" on my system than windows.... for windows i need to install drivers for pretty much everything06:52
CPrgmSwR2I see06:52
rayluthat's what recovery cds are for :P06:52
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mo0osahwhat kind of system do you own?06:52
intelikeyif nobody made any new hardware for 2 years then we could expect "out of box" perfection.... care to wager on whether or not that happens ?06:53
mo0osahCPrgmSwR2: If you can run the live cd... it should be a piece of cake06:53
rayluif people just documented their hardware, we'd be fine too06:53
intelikeyraylu same thing isn't it ?06:53
intelikeynot gonna happen06:54
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raylubut one is far better than the other06:54
rayluseing as how one's an improvement and the other is total stagnation06:54
intelikeythat's openion06:54
mo0osahor maybe companies just start treating linux they way they treat window06:55
rayluoh c'mon...no one could possibly disagree =\06:55
intelikeyif linux paid them the same they probably would.06:55
intelikeyraylu heh :)06:55
mo0osahMS doesnt pay anyone ....... they have to pay MS to sell windows... no?06:56
mo0osahon the other hand.... they dont have to pay anyone to sell linux distros06:56
rayluno one would pay you if yours didn't work with windows06:56
mo0osahi see what you mean06:56
rayluer, i didn't say that06:56
rayluthough its a much simpler way of looking at it06:57
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intelikeypay for software ?06:57
=== mo0osah chuckles
intelikeypay for hardware ?06:57
rayluthe hardware06:57
intelikeynow laugh06:57
haviersI'm having a bit of trouble setting up NXbuilder... I can't get the Setup.php part to work... I fill in the data on the page, but when I click accept, it tells me: "Cannot write dump file"06:57
NightBirdmo0osah: companies that sell computers get windows pretty cheap... like perhaps $50 for the home version of Vista.... if that06:58
intelikey"linux the europian threat to america"06:58
dsmithya right06:59
mo0osahI can get vista from my school for $30.... but why even pay that.....06:59
intelikeyNightBird far less   bulk license is cheep06:59
NightBirdmo0osah: ha, I got mine for free06:59
NightBirdVista Buisness from my college06:59
dsmithi have like 10 copies of vista home that from the dell PCs I installed on06:59
NightBirdI graduated a month or two later... still haven't installed it07:00
rayluNightBird, same here ^^07:00
dsmithI install kubuntu on07:00
mo0osahI probably will stay away from vista until sp1 is released07:00
raylubut i never installed it07:00
raylui want backwards compatibility :(07:00
dsmithI stuck one in the microwave07:00
NightBirdmo0osah: beta for sp1 is coming out the month or the next07:00
mo0osahhmm... that's quick07:00
NightBirdthat's because a lot of buisnesses are waiting for sp1 to come out07:00
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NightBirdso... you may want to wait a bit longer07:01
snake_i get an api mismatch error. nvidia kernel module is not the same with the x server module. what can i do to resolve this please07:01
dsmithvista, M$ can only polish a turd so much07:01
intelikeyi got handed a new laptop with vesta on it.   i proceeded imediatly to boot the linux cd and issue   cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda07:01
NightBirdsnake_: my suggestion would be to reinstall the nvidia driver07:01
raylusnake_, how did you install the nvidia drivers?07:01
NightBirdah... bash shell...07:01
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snake_i had nvidia-glx and then removed them and installed nvidia-glx-new07:02
=== NightBird is messing around with OpenBSD in a virtual machine
mo0osahdsmith: from what i've heard and read, it's actually not that bad....07:02
snake_and i reinstalled what i had before07:02
snake_now i have nvidia-glx07:02
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mo0osahNightBird: how much HD space does it require?07:02
dsmithneither is a cow apttier with enought sugar07:02
NightBirdmo0osah: for what? OpenBSD?07:02
snake_raylu i installed them with synaptica07:02
mo0osahNightBird: yea07:02
intelikeymo0osah heh   for what ?   unix like linux can be pretty small or bloated07:03
NightBirdminimum of 587 mb w/o X07:03
NightBird717 mb if you want an x server07:03
intelikeyyeah that's bloat07:03
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mo0osahNightBird: Cool, might give it a shot....  I was actually gonna try FreeBSD07:03
NightBirdwell.... minimum suggested...07:03
=== NightBird shrugs
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NightBirdof the bsd's I've played with, I still prefer pcbsd.... but then again, I like nice ui's and things that do stuff for me07:04
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intelikeyi installed linux on a 220m hard drive in a 486 lappy with 16m ram      had to make a partition so i could transfer the system  so i installed in 100m space07:05
thunderboltHmmm, anyone ever use the Kopete translate plugin?07:06
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inteliwaspanyone know where i can get help with xinerama?07:08
intelikeyi still have the laptop,  don't use it much;  it dual boots win95 and linux 2.4  mandrake 9.0      works well   486 lappy is a bit slow though.07:08
intelikeyinteliwasp what kind of help with it ?07:08
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intelikeyinteliwasp basic   advanced   trubble shoot ?07:08
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inteliwaspintelikey: it won't get the second monitor to start, more of a nvidia binary thing...07:09
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dawiz__hello room07:09
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haviersanyone know where I can get help with NX?07:10
intelikeyoh  yuch.   sorry then  not me.    but maybe in  #ubuntu-effects07:10
intelikeyinteliwasp ^07:10
=== Bambino is now known as Sethcito
rayluso, can anyone help me with this: http://pastecode.org/4907:10
mo0osahhttp://blaireaulinux.free.fr/images/wallpapers/freebsd-beauty.jpg makes me just want to try freeBSD07:11
haviersyou have issues with dualview on an nvidia driver?07:11
inteliwasp** (WW) NVIDIA: More than one matching Device section found: 1 NVIDIA Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 200]  **07:11
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intelikeyraylu i'm not much on networking but line 30 looks like a clue    address   bad address07:12
haviers0.0.0.0 just means use all interfaces, if I recall.07:13
intelikeyinteliwasp pstebin the  xorg.conf  i might spot something    who knows07:13
raylui also tried, my lan ip for that computer07:13
rayluand it gave me the same message07:13
intelikeyok.  i'll look some more.07:13
haviersI can look at the xorg file... I've spent days setting up a tripple monitor setup a few years back.07:14
intelikeyi still say the answer is in line 30.       30. (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address     not the address maybe but something there.07:14
evilmmim trying to install kubuntu on a friends computer...is there any reason why it wont detect any partitions on the disk07:15
evilmmother distros live disks work fine07:15
rayluevilmm, what are you using to detect?07:15
evilmmi do have to turn off acpi though07:15
rayluintelikey, er...that's why i highlighted that line :P07:16
evilmmboth ubiquity and qtparted07:16
haviersits trying to open a socket thats already open07:16
rayluyeah, but nmap localhost07:16
raylushows that only sshd and mysqld are running07:16
rayluand "ps -A | grep ap" shows nothing07:16
intelikeyraylu sorry.  links doesn't notice it as highlighted07:16
rayluexcept kswapd0 and wrap_wq07:16
=== laplante [n=laplante@bas2-sherbrooke40-1128673972.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyevilmm issue       sudo fdisk -l      see if it lists partitions07:18
inteliwaspintelikey: http://pastebin.com/m6c75a37d07:18
intelikeyevilmm or cat /proc/prtitions     either one.07:18
=== Sethcito is now known as Seths
evilmmlol ill try tomarrow07:19
evilmmbooted him back to m$07:20
dawiz__im likin kubuntu so far07:20
dawiz__almost too easy tho07:20
=== hamid [n=hamid@ip-220.net-81-220-42.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu
thunderboltYou'll Jinx it!07:20
intelikeyinteliwasp  dubble entries.   you need to change an identifier or something on   "Section "Monitor"     Identifier     "0 1772E"   <<<<  the next section is the same.07:20
evilmmintelikey: hes got a real messed up mobo, some cheap HP stuff07:20
havierstry to use "netstat -l" to display open sockets07:20
intelikeyevilmm ok.07:21
inteliwaspintelikey: they shuld be there... i hope07:21
intelikeyinteliwasp but not identical07:21
dawiz__going back to slack after my powerpc took a dump, was impractical07:21
intelikeymake one monitor107:21
dawiz__i used to enjoy all the configuring07:22
rayluhaviers, 6600, mysql, ssh, and two bootpcs on udp07:22
inteliwaspyou mean rename the section names?07:22
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intelikeyinteliwasp yes it's not seeing two monitors because the info is the same  it sees one monitor two times07:22
intelikey"Q. what's the differance in a duck?   A. one leg is both the same."07:23
intelikeysee what i mean  ?07:23
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inteliwaspintelikey: the monitors are idnetical...07:24
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intelikeyinteliwasp but the identifiers can't be, or else xorg knows without a doubt that you only have one monitor.    now   is that the error you have?   xorg thinks that there is one monitor ?    then change the second   {   Identifier     "0 1772E" }     to    {   Identifier     "1 1772E" }07:26
haviersdid you try to run   apache2ctl with the configtest option to make sure its not caused by a typo in a config file?07:26
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rayluhaviers, it passed; otherwise, it wouldn't have loaded those modules07:26
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rayluand configtest says "Syntax OK"07:27
intelikeyidentical devices with identical identifiers == one device.07:27
rayluactually, doesn't that generate an error, intelikey07:27
intelikeyraylu yes and he posted the error that pointed that out also07:27
inteliwasplook at line 499:      (WW) NVIDIA: More than one matching Device section found: 1 NVIDIA Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 200] 07:28
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tyronhi can anyone piont me to a really simple walk through for installing myth tv on kubuntu?07:29
inteliwasp!mythtv > tyron07:29
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV07:29
tyronthank you07:30
inteliwaspthat help tyron?07:30
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inteliwaspintelikey: by the way, can i get rid of the wacom stuff in xorg.conf?07:31
intelikeyindeed   and you should   imo07:32
evilmmi just came to the realization that i like amarok better than all of microsoft windows07:32
tyronis mythtv the best thing as a media center? i dont want to record anything just play music and avi's07:32
intelikeybe sure you don't just del the device listing   but also the referances to them inteliwasp07:32
inteliwaspoh goodie i can clean up some of the mess in there, and in the error logs07:32
inteliwaspintelikey: i was going to comment them out07:33
intelikey    InputDevice    "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"   <<<<  those also   i mean.07:33
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=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
=== mo0osah just got a wacom today
inteliwaspanyone recomend a decent agp vid card that is under $140 ?07:37
intelikeywell good,  i'm glad that someone actually puts that brain twich config hack to use.07:37
inteliwaspintelikey: ???07:38
intelikey@ mo0osah07:38
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=== inteliwasp goes back to scraching his head pondering things...
mo0osahintelikey: huh?07:39
intelikeythat seemingly rediculess idea to make xorg.conf search for wacom devices on all systems.    i'm glad someone actually uses it...07:41
intelikeymo0osah until you,  all i had see it mentioned in here was "why is it there and how to remove it"07:41
intelikeyand i've been in here way too much.07:42
inteliwaspintelikey: i wonder if my card really does have multiple heads.....07:42
mo0osahintelikey: I was actually surprised everything worked out of the box07:42
mo0osahintelikey: I had planned to spend a few hours to get it working .... hehe07:42
intelikeyinteliwasp heh  look and see   :)07:43
Admiral_Chicagohi, I am ssh'ed into a machine, it there a way to launch a graphical editor from the outside machine to see the file better07:43
Admiral_Chicagoor at see it graphically07:43
mo0osahumm... no?07:43
inteliwaspexport the display...07:44
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago vnc ?07:44
inteliwaspand launch konq or some other file program07:44
inteliwaspAdmiral_Chicago: does the server have X?07:44
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:45
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX07:45
inteliwaspwhy do that when he can export the X display and launch any file broswer app?07:46
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intelikeyexport the display work if the server is M$   or not running xorg   ?07:48
inteliwaspwell my brain has hit the limit for how long it can function without caffine in a sleep deprived state... time for bed...07:49
jasjhi, i have problems with dri, in kubuntu 7.0407:50
=== intelikey is not network literate yet
inteliwaspintelikey: get a server cookbook07:50
inteliwaspintelikey: from orilley07:50
intelikeybuy ?07:50
intelikeyas in pay for ?07:50
inteliwaspack! o'rilley07:50
inteliwaspor library07:51
jasjupgreemto mesa 7.0????07:51
intelikeypay for howto's ?       kinda like    pay for software   aint it ?07:51
inteliwaspi really need sleep, night all07:51
intelikeynight inteli07:52
jasjhi someone knows how update the mesa drivers  in festy to mesa 707:52
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intelikeyjasj if no one answers you in here, (about dri)  check in #ubuntu-effects07:53
haviersalrighty, I put one of my older *working* dualmon configured xorg.conf files... http://seeco.cc/linux/files/xorg.html07:56
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jombeeI have an issue with my login splash screen, can anyone help?07:58
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sjckHey, I tried to compile yakuake. checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! <--- What does that mean? :)07:58
jombeetry installing xserver-xorg-dev07:59
haviersyou prob need xorg devel files07:59
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jombeeyou don't have the X dev environment07:59
intelikeysjck means you need the dev package07:59
sjckWill that have any efect on screen?07:59
sjckLike resolution..07:59
haviersare you running 32 or 64bit?08:00
sjckany reason why its not "default"? :)08:00
sjckI dont understand why theres no C-Compailer by default either..08:01
jombeebecause you don't need them unless you're compiling something with x support08:01
haviersfew people compile code08:01
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sjckuh I see. :)08:01
jombeehaviers: would you say that few do?08:01
haviersI would08:02
jombeeI would think that most linux users compile something at some point08:02
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sjckStill same problem08:02
sjckwant whole ./configure?08:02
fizz_Hey so... I can't seem to get my mp3s to play?08:02
haviersI think only the kinds of people that hang out on a linux IRC would compile code08:02
sjckhaviers most cool apps dont have an installer (in my opinion : ) )08:03
sjckbut I would like to compile yakuake now :)08:04
haviers;) I totally agree, but he asked why its not "default"...08:04
intelikeyjombee not ubuntu users08:04
fizz_Anyone have any ideas?08:05
jombeefizz did you install the codecs?08:05
haviersyeah, install automatix...08:05
intelikey!mp3 | fizz_ yeah this.08:05
ubotufizz_ yeah this.: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:05
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haviersI actually have an NX related issue, if anyone is familar with its workings...08:07
fizz_Cool, thanks.08:07
sjckno idea? noone? :<08:07
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jombeesjck, install the dev files and you'll be all set08:07
sjckwhich dev?08:08
intelikeysjck you have build-essential installed dont' you?08:08
havierssjck, try to read about all the depends08:08
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sjckintelikey, i have08:08
sjckbut hes talking about x libaries08:08
intelikeythen it's dev packages     which i don't know.08:08
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intelikeyxlib-dev ?08:09
xeviousi have a system with a ide system/applications drive and a sata raid 5 array for home directories and network shares. i've been through several system drives crashing, and was wondering if it's possible to make /etc a symlink to a directory on the raid 5 array. is that going to cause any problems?08:09
jombeesudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev08:09
intelikeyooops left out x     xlibs-dev08:10
intelikeyerr s08:10
intelikeyerr look over me.08:10
=== g_money_01 [n=greg@h54.9.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
havierssjck, try this to be sure its not an dep issue...  "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc gcc-3.4 xserver-xorg-dev"08:10
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intelikeyxevious etc must be on the root fs    or at least part of the content of /etc    sorry   that's just how that works.08:11
mo0osahtime for bed...08:11
mo0osahnight all08:11
g_moneyHey everybody...I was wondering if anybody would help me out with a wifi card issue.08:11
intelikeynight Mo08:11
mo0osahwhat's the issue08:11
mo0osahyou should try catching some sleep intelikey :)08:12
sjckOkay haviers moment. .)08:12
mo0osahyou're a robot....08:12
g_moneyBasically, I can't get it to connect....at all.08:12
haviersxevious, you can make a sym link... I'm 100% on that08:12
intelikeyi sleep while i type    haven't you noticed ???08:12
jombeeg_money what kind of card is it?08:12
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mo0osahg_money: at all meaning unsecured, wep, wpa.... etc...?08:12
intelikey!wifi | g_money been here ?08:13
ubotug_money been here ?: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:13
sjckhaviers, still :/08:13
haviersI've had to do it for /etc and /var on my 1&1 root server...08:13
g_moneyIt's an Atheros AR5006X08:13
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xeviousok. i got two conflicting responses08:13
g_moneyubotu:  I think i have been there, let me check.08:13
intelikeyxevious ok what was the Q.  i'll see if i can conflict with both...08:14
raylu!modeline > berzerker08:14
=== Berzerker [n=Miranda@c-67-189-131-171.hsd1.ny.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
rayludid you get a msg from ubotu?08:14
BerzerkerI didn't read it08:14
klobsterkaffeine is crashing, but only for one user08:14
Berzerkerand exited hte msg window08:14
raylu!modeline | berzerker08:14
ubotuberzerker: A Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl08:14
klobsterany ideas?08:14
xeviousintelikey: the question about /etc being a symlink to a directory on my raid5 array08:14
g_moneyjombee:  I've tried the restricted-modules, madwifi, and also ndiswrapper so far.08:14
xeviousintelikey: haviers said that it was 100% a-ok08:14
intelikeyxevious oh one was my response already    and   i stick by my answer.08:15
intelikeyxevious try it and see.  but keep a live cd handy.    you'll need it.08:15
haviersso you want to do this.... mkdir /home/etc; cp -R /etc /home/etc; mv /etc /etc_backup;  ln -s /home/etc /etc08:16
xeviousi suppose i'll just set up a cron script to back it up08:16
intelikeyhaviers and when he boots it's kernel panic city.08:16
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xeviousbecause it doesnt see the inittab08:16
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jasjwhat is the chanel for  effects dri08:17
intelikeycan't mount home where /etc lives cause /etc is missing that tells init how to mount /home....      loop   panic08:17
g_moneyjombee:  do you have any ideas for an Atheros wifi card?08:17
xeviousyeah i'll just cron a tar job to back it up every so often08:18
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intelikeyxevious it's more than just the fstab   the init scripts are there too08:18
haviersmount command is built into the kernel, it doesn't need the /etc08:18
intelikeyhaviers test your theory  :)08:18
intelikeyand yes i have tested it.08:18
jasjhi. what chanel is for dri #effects??08:19
intelikeyand no mount is not built into the kernel.08:19
haviersme too, but I'll do it again on a vm machine right now08:19
haviers*into bash08:19
jombeeg_money I found this http://www.leog.net/fujp_forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=903008:19
jombeehave you been there?08:19
intelikeyit is in the initramfs image   but as soon as / is mounted that's finished.08:19
g_moneyno that url doesn't look familiar to me.08:20
g_moneyI'll check it out.  Thanks for your help jombee.08:20
jombeeseems like you'll have to compile the driver though08:20
sjckhow do i get the name of motherboard? :)08:20
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jombeesjck I use a flashlight08:21
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sjckany command? : )08:21
intelikeysjck lshw08:21
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intelikeyshould show the chip set     may not give the mother board maker...08:21
jasjsome ones know the chanel for effects  like dri, berly,copiz08:21
intelikeyso ....08:21
jombeesure if you want the easy way08:21
g_moneyyeah i think you're right about the compile.  I've never installed anything from source.08:21
sjckintelikey, thanks08:21
intelikeyjasj yes ^08:22
haviersintelikey, once its switched over to /, the symlink sould kick in08:22
jombeeit's easy, just make sure you read the directions08:22
jombee*one more linux user who will have compiled something08:22
intelikeyhaviers the symlink is pointing at nothing until the /home is mounted       just try it.   you'll see08:22
g_moneyyeah, i'm not scared.08:23
xevioushaviers: but if it's in /home/etc and /home is mounted by /etc/fstab then it's not going to work08:23
g_moneybut...do i have to blacklist the other methods i've tried before i install madwifi?08:23
haviersah... I got ya08:23
havierslet me check somthing though08:23
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intelikeythe information that init reads from /etc up to the point of mounting the "other" fs  must be in root fs /etc   regurdless08:23
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intelikeyin theory,  one could have the initramfs mount all the needed file systems    but that will have to include setting up the raids08:25
intelikeythus initramfs image will be huge08:25
xeviousit's hardware raid08:25
xeviousit's just the adaptec aacraid driver08:25
intelikeyxevious raid 5   is hardware ?08:26
intelikeyhmmm   ok.08:26
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intelikeywell the image might not be that huge for you then.08:26
xeviousso all i'd need would be a custom initrd08:27
intelikeyin theory08:27
xeviousi've never dealt with those08:27
xeviousi'll read up08:27
xevioustry it out08:27
xeviousget this: i'm upgrading my current file server... a *cough* dual celeron 300@458 abit bp6 circa 9608:28
xeviousjust started getting apic errors08:28
haviershere is how I set it up... http://seeco.cc/linux/files/symlink.html08:28
intelikeyserver   you could disable all apic08:29
g_moneyjombee:   ok i'll try that out...thanks again!08:29
haviersI guess I didn't have it done with /etc, but I remember having that issue in the past08:29
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intelikeyhmmm  nothing special about my /    http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3824708:34
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haviersshould there be?08:35
=== intelikey considers putting his /etc on a cdrom just to prove it can be done, and to demonstrate how dificult it is...
haviersmy kind of guy08:36
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intelikeylet's see /etc/mtab can be a link to /proc/mounts08:36
haviersit would have to be rw though ;)08:36
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intelikeyhaviers heh you should see the hoary box in the other room.   most of / looks like   --x--------x root blah/08:37
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enzolabiancahi all08:38
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haviersoh? a server box?08:39
intelikeyi could use unionfs and mount a ram disk on top of /etc which is on cd then it's writable and yet never actually changes.....08:39
intelikeyhaviers yeah08:39
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intelikeyactually that was wrong it's not --x--------x  it's  -----------x08:40
havierslol, whats that for?08:40
haviersand why can only the "other" exicute it?08:40
intelikeystarting at /       ls -ld /  -----------x 18 root root 4096 Jul 17 04:12 /08:40
intelikeycause i wanted it that way ???08:41
haviersoh, got ya08:41
intelikeyroot ignores perms anyway   and other can exec but not read08:41
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intelikeythus  the system works fine but you never know what is on the system...08:42
intelikeyyou can search commands in your path with the tab key  but which can't find them so you don't know if they are warpers or what08:43
=== intelikey wouldn't spy on anyone though !
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haviersmy servers is setup looks kile this:ls -ld / drwxr-xr-x  19 root root 4096 2007-07-13 11:55 /08:44
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haviersI host a gaming website on it... hdvg.net08:46
Dragon_1212what game08:46
Dragon_1212hi all08:46
Dragon_1212can someone help me out08:46
haviershttp://hdvg.net/index.php All kinds of games... and whats the trouble?08:47
Dragon_1212umm when i install a new graphics card will ubuntu read it?08:47
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intelikeylizard eleven eleven plus one oh one     you'll have to reconfigure xorg08:47
Dragon_1212oh ok08:48
Dragon_1212antway are these games for linux?08:48
havierssigh... very few08:48
intelikeyDragon_1212 when you install the card,    sudo dpkg-reconfigue xserver-xorg08:49
Dragon_1212gimme one cool game thts for linux so i can get it08:49
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org08:49
Daisuke-Idoi have no sound in games :\08:49
haviersmy site is just about info... but doom3 quake4, unreal*,08:49
Daisuke-Idoi have sound in kde08:49
Daisuke-Idoi've played with the sound server settings08:49
Daisuke-Idotried ALSA and OSS to no avail08:50
haviersusing alsa or oss?08:50
haviersman... I type too slow08:50
intelikeythere sure a lot of red file names in linux...   "suid junk"08:51
haviersred file names? you using one of them fancy shells?08:51
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intelikeyhaviers yeah   bash  :)     ls /bin08:52
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intelikeymore over    ls /usr/bin --color=auto08:52
haviersyeah, it was a misguided attempt at humor on my part...08:53
Daisuke-Idoany ideas?08:53
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havierswhat game?08:53
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haviersdosn't have sound...?08:54
intelikeydosn't == dos not    :)08:54
Daisuke-IdoDROD, Unreal Tournament08:54
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Dragon_1212yo who here has legacy DOOM08:54
Dragon_1212i need help installing it08:54
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=== intelikey liked kolf ...
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intelikeybut then i'm not violent,08:56
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intelikeyi don't remember ever beating an animal to death with a bottle of shaving lotion08:57
Daisuke-Idodoes amarok keep the sound system locked?08:58
havierstry to check the output of lscpi -v08:58
Daisuke-Idoyeah, i fail to see what that is supposed to be showing me.08:59
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haviersI'm sure intelikey will correct me if I'm mistaken, but alsa should be able to handle multiple streams...09:01
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Daisuke-Idothough artsd shows up in ps aux | grep artsd five times09:01
Daisuke-Ido4 oss, one alsa :(09:02
Daisuke-Idothis doesn't sound kosher09:02
gibsonI think konqueror might have been written by retarded chimps.09:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luxi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
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intelikeygibson nice troll      :)    got any more ?09:02
arunanyone know the package name for luxi sans fonts?09:02
Daisuke-Ido!find *luxi*09:03
ubotuFound: E:09:03
gibsonhow is OMG FIRST POZT09:03
gibsonThough I fail to see how that was trolling, konqueror literally is the worst browser since safari09:04
intelikeythat's how  ^   (:    hehhe09:04
Daisuke-Idothat was also a troll.09:04
intelikeyDaisuke-Ido ^509:05
Daisuke-Idounless you somehow DON'T know they have the same base (apple has moved away from it a bit)09:05
havierswhen you installed unreal, did you install openAL ?09:05
haviersand what kind of sound card are you using?09:05
gibsonthe linux has made you all pretentious09:05
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gibsonI see09:05
intelikeythree in a row      he's on a roll  to troll ...09:06
Daisuke-Idoand apple users aren't pretentious?09:06
=== Daisuke-Ido feeds
=== intelikey pitches penuts too.
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haviersI love me some apple... I ain't ashamed to say it09:06
gibsonI'm not an apple user09:06
Daisuke-Idothen you have no right to criticize safari, now, do you?09:06
gibsonI used to use gentoo with enlightenment09:07
haviersI love me some photoshop too!09:07
Daisuke-Idonow who's pretentious?09:07
intelikeyok kids lets not make it personal,   the opps will come and take us all away09:07
Daisuke-Idomy karma can take the hit.09:08
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haviersboy howdy09:08
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Daisuke-Idohaviers: you were saying about openAL?09:08
haviersfirst, did you already say what soundcard your using?09:09
squeeHow do I have an application run on startup in kde?09:09
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Daisuke-IdonVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)09:09
Daisuke-Idoa typica ac'97 chipset09:09
Daisuke-Idoand it was working before.09:09
intelikey!autostart | squee09:09
ubotusquee: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.09:09
Daisuke-Idowith DROD, at least09:10
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Daisuke-Idoand i can't think of what would have changed09:10
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!09:10
Daisuke-Idonot going to deal with this prick.09:10
Trollclose your eyes and ears and go "nananana" you magnificent pretentious bastard09:10
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havierswhen I have problems with alsa, the only mixer that I can get to work worth a damn is alsamixer09:11
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@pool-64-222-177-103.man.east.verizon.net] by Hobbsee
=== Troll was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
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=== Hobbsee wonders why people are so insane.
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Daisuke-Idoshould i be using full duplex?09:13
Daisuke-Idoi don't remember if that was enabled by default...09:13
intelikeyHobbsee it's in the water   ?09:13
Hobbseeintelikey: must be...09:13
haviersdoes it say your using the "intel 5ch" or the "Nvidia" thing in alsamixer?09:14
Daisuke-Idostill nada09:14
Daisuke-Idonvidia ck80409:14
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Daisuke-Idoand the chances of it saying i'm using intel anything are extremely low :)09:15
Berzerkeranyone here to help?09:15
havierslet me switch workstations, I have that same chipset on another linux box... brb09:16
intelikeyi know it not worth anything,  but i really like the old isa soundcards that were "real" sound cards    supported midi and everything,     anymore you have to install 35m of software to do what the card is supposed to do.09:16
BerzerkerI'm having a problem with my resolution, can anyone help?09:16
Daisuke-IdoCard: NVidia CK804  Chip: Realtek ALC850 rev 009:16
Daisuke-Idointelikey: turtle beach :)09:17
intelikeyBerzerker what driver ?09:17
BerzerkerI can change the resolution fine09:17
Daisuke-Idoand the good old-fashioned gravis ultrasound09:17
Berzerkerit seems that my current resolution isn't using the entire screen09:17
Berzerkerand the picture is slightly distorted09:17
intelikeyBerzerker hmmm   adjust the monitor ?       errr  the monitor settings are a bit off one ?09:18
Berzerkerhaven't touched the monitor settings09:18
Berzerkerin like forever09:18
intelikeyi mean on the device itself09:18
intelikeybuttons knobs...09:18
BerzerkerI mean on the device09:19
Berzerkeri haven't touched it09:19
Daisuke-IdoThe KDE sound system takes exclusive control over your audio hardware, blocking programs that may wish to use it directly.  If the KDE sound system sits idle it can give up this exclusive control.09:19
Daisuke-Idonice.  so i set it to autosuspend if idle for 5 seconds09:19
intelikeyso set the rsync and href correctly09:19
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intelikeyone can sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh09:20
Daisuke-Idothat didn't work either09:20
Berzerkercould it be the problem that09:21
BerzerkerI don't have09:21
Berzerker-vsync and -hsync09:21
Berzerkerafter the modeline09:21
intelikeyBerzerker and you might look at monitorworld.com   and get the rates if you don't know them    or the monitor may be able to display them.09:21
intelikeyBerzerker yes and  ^09:21
Berzerkerwould it be - or +09:21
Berzerkerfor them09:21
intelikeydepends on the monitor09:22
intelikey"mode" on this one..09:22
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Daisuke-IdoImpossible to start aRts with realtime priority because artswrapper is missing or disabled09:22
Daisuke-Idothis doesn't sound good.09:22
Berzerkermy monitor isn't listed there09:23
intelikeyBerzerker hmmm09:23
intelikeywell he left.09:24
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=== intelikey goes back to being a common idiot rather than a helpful one.
haviersI didn't know you even switched09:25
Daisuke-Idobleh :(09:25
intelikey?   !!!   . );09:25
=== Daisuke-Ido nudges the sound system
Daisuke-Idoi set everything to defaults09:25
Daisuke-Idohoping for a clean start09:25
Daisuke-Idowith things, you know, working.09:25
Daisuke-Idoshould i have artswrapper?09:26
Daisuke-Idoopen /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy09:26
Daisuke-Idowell here's a useful error09:26
haviersrun alsaconf then just run "alsactl store"09:26
intelikeynot really.   i think arts will keep dsp busy09:27
Daisuke-Idofrom running ut-bin09:27
havierscan run speaker-test command aswell09:27
Daisuke-Idowell, i need it.09:27
Daisuke-Idono command alsaconf09:27
=== intelikey wonders about the docs that google.com/linux finds on sound in games like ut
intelikeyoh. Daisuke-Ido prolly not at this hour.  but if you can catch "c r i m s u n" around, he's sound pro.09:30
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haviersapt-get install alsa-utils09:30
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Dragon_1212yo how can u install the 3D drivers on ubuntu09:31
Dragon_1212i need help09:31
Dragon_1212i donwloaded them from nvidia.com now what do i do09:31
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intelikeyDragon_1212 yo by installing the driver for your vidio card.09:31
intelikey!ati | Dragon_121209:31
ubotuDragon_1212: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:31
Dragon_1212yea but how09:31
haviersIf your that new to the process, maybe you should try automatix or the like09:31
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Daisuke-Idoyo by not installing those and installing the ones from the repo instead like a good boy09:32
Daisuke-Idoand NOT automatix09:32
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:32
Daisuke-Idothere is nothing automatix provides that can't be done easily these days09:32
intelikey     !!!   ^   !!!09:32
haviersnever had any issues...09:32
=== scotty_ is now known as scotty
intelikey!WorksForMe | ;)09:33
ubotu;): Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:33
Dragon_1212anyways whenever i try to play a 3d game on linux how come it freezes one me?09:34
Dragon_1212is it my graphics card?09:34
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: sorry for the delay, how can i export a display?09:34
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Admiral_Chicagoi don't know if the server has x, i didn't set it up.09:34
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Admiral_ChicagoVNC isn't encrypted is it?09:35
intelikeyexport DISPLAY=:0      most likely Admiral_Chicago09:35
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Dragon_1212can anyone help me with my issue please09:35
intelikeycould be :0.1    or others09:35
Admiral_Chicagohmm, it'll give it a shot09:35
Daisuke-IdoDragon_1212: uh... duh?09:40
Daisuke-Idoyou don't have the drivers installed09:40
Daisuke-Idothat means no 3d09:40
Daisuke-Idono crap 3d games aren't working09:40
Daisuke-Idothey can't.09:40
Dragon_1212well where do i go to install em09:40
intelikeyDragon_1212 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto <<< ?09:40
Dragon_1212i did09:40
Dragon_1212it didnt help  me at all09:40
Dragon_1212do i have to run a code or something09:40
intelikeylike duh    or something09:40
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=== Daisuke-Ido looks
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intelikeysorry that was my last patient.   for the day.09:40
haviersubotu, its an easy solution... I've installed it on many linux boxes, never had one issue. Based on that, plus the fact that he's obviously not familiar with how to install the nvidia driver... I don't think recommending automatix was inappropriate.09:40
surgyi need a good alarm clock software preferably one with many different alarms and settings. any one have any ideas?09:40
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Daisuke-Idohaviers: he can install it from the repos even more easily09:40
surgyhaviers: you realize ubotu is a bot.......09:40
Daisuke-Idoand i can't believe i'm doing this.09:40
Daisuke-IdoDragon_1212: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx09:40
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Daisuke-Idoif you had READ the link you were given you would have had SOME idea what to do.09:40
wnuquiintellikey: i used to install using adept manager09:40
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=== intelikey hands the patience award back to stdin, "all used up."
haviersI had tons of issues installing the drivers from the repos... thats why I didn't recommend it.09:40
wnuquiintellikey: but after the unsuccessful attempt to install java i can no longer install anything09:40
Daisuke-Idownuqui: sudo apt-get -f install09:40
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surgyanyone ?09:40
Daisuke-Ido"oh no!  one little thing broke, i can never use this again!"09:40
intelikey!adeptcrashfix | wnuqui09:40
wnuquiDaisuke-Ido: it's not working09:40
intelikeyubotu wake up !09:40
ubotuwnuqui: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wake up ! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
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intelikey!java | wnuqui09:41
Admiral_Chicagoyou need to do sud dpkg --configure -a09:41
ubotuwnuqui: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:41
Daisuke-Idohave you tried the standard "fix everything" R's?  Reboot, Restore, Reformat?09:41
Daisuke-Idoyes that was a sarcastic jab, it just ticks me off when people see those as the only options...09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alarm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
wnuquii am on a Feisty Kubuntu09:42
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intelikeywnuqui    those two "ubotu"  posts can solve all your problems      (dexcribed anyway...)09:42
surgy!i need alarm clock software09:42
haviersanyone on that has some knowledge of NXserver??09:42
Admiral_Chicagosurgy: please open adept and search for alarm09:42
wnuquii'll try your suggestions09:42
Admiral_Chicagoapt-cache search alarm09:42
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surgyyes sir09:42
surgy[02:42]  <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:42
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wnuquii'll inform later guys09:43
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Admiral_Chicagothat may be of much more use, its a bit hard to suggest one that is right for you09:43
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blauhello xD09:43
Admiral_Chicagoi use kalarm and it works for me09:43
blauim new at kubuntu09:43
intelikeysurgy i'm glad it doesn't say, "<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelikey :)"09:43
Dragon_1212yo DAIDUKE-IDO i did tht thing u told me to do now what restart?09:44
haviersactually, Admiral_Chicago... you should try NX for your vnc issue... works perfect for me, and its very fast!09:44
surgyintelikey: lol yeah but it whould be better that way :)09:44
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Daisuke-Idosee, the windows mouth-breathers believe a reboot solves everything09:47
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Admiral_Chicagohaviers: thanks for the suggestion, i considered NX but I'm setting up a server remotely09:47
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Daisuke-IdoDragon_1212: yeah, what the heck, go ahead and restart09:47
Admiral_ChicagoI don't know how much more I want to mess with configuring :_09:47
havierseasy to do still09:47
wnuquiintellikey: here is the exact message whenever i tried to install in adept manager -> 'There was an error commiting changes. Possible there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.'09:48
haviersjust download three .deb files... then dpkg -i *.deb.... then just download the client for the computer your on09:48
haviersI actually wrote a simple shell script to automate the server install, if you would like it09:48
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Guilty_as_Sinwould like to convert a screengrab (png) to pdf but if I use Oo.o "fit to width" does not work like you think it would..  thus making the exported pdf unreadable    anyone know a better a way?09:49
snake_here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30195/ can anyone tell me what do i have to add because i get a white screen when i try to run compiz --replace09:49
Guilty_as_Sintrivial matter but I'm stupmed09:50
Admiral_Chicagohaviers: not on as easy on a gentoo box.09:51
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Admiral_Chicagowell maybe it is, i'm not sure. either way, i'm quickly earning much respect for server work in general09:52
havierssorry, I assumed you used .deb because your in this channel... but Its not much harder...09:52
snake_anyone that can help me with my xorg.conf please09:52
Admiral_Chicagosnake_: whats the issue09:52
Admiral_Chicagoah compiz...09:52
Admiral_Chicagookay hold on a sec09:53
havierssnake, I'll post mine config... working perfect with compiz09:53
snake_haviers: ok thanx09:53
snake_give me the link so i can take a look09:53
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snake_i have an nvidia go 740009:53
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Admiral_Chicagohave you tried http://compiz.org/NVidia09:55
snake_Admiral_Chicago: yes09:55
snake_i am getting mad09:55
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snake_i just reinstalled my graphic card drivers09:56
snake_and i lost all09:56
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surgyhow do i hide my timer so it doesnt show it running on the taskbar?10:01
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surgyhow do i hide a program so that when its running its not on the taskbar? but still runing?10:02
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fritzfrom where do i change the bootsplash screen in kubuntu,,,and also if i donwload themes/styles from the kde look site, the theme manager from kcontrol doesen't recognize them as being theme files...any1 on this? ^.^10:03
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grulsurgy, you can choose "show only minimized programs" but i'm not sure that's what you're looking for10:03
grulin the taskbar settings10:04
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surgygrul im wanting to run a particular program where it runs as part of the os and is not seen running except for the hour glass on the desktop..... that way it wont be cluttering my taskbar all the time10:05
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Admiral_Chicagosurgy: you can unlock kicker10:06
surgygo on10:07
Admiral_Chicagoand there is a small arrow at the top left if you move over the system tray10:07
Admiral_Chicagoif you go to configure, you can show displayed items10:07
surgywhere is kicker?10:08
surgysurgy@surgy:~$ unlock kicker10:09
surgybash: unlock: command not found10:09
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surgy!unlock kicker10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unlock kicker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kicker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:10
surgyAdmiral_Chicago: ?10:10
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Admiral_Chicagosurgy: kicker is your panetl10:11
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Admiral_Chicagoright click on it10:11
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Admiral_Chicagomay not be unlocked even...10:11
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surgyits unlocked10:12
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fritzany1 on my question? ^.^10:12
surgybut i dont know where show displayed items is10:12
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Pooh22Is it normal that a konqueror window looks more primitive when opening a usb medium in a new window (compared to opening the home directory)?10:14
Admiral_Chicagotop left of the system tray10:14
Pooh22also the help menu isn't located in the usual right area10:14
Admiral_Chicagowhere the icons are10:14
Admiral_Chicagofritz: i didn't see your question, what is it?10:15
Admiral_ChicagoPooh22: no that shouldn't be right...10:15
Pooh22Admiral_Chicago: could it be a misconfigured config file from an older version of kde?10:15
surgyAdmiral_Chicago: yeah but its not in my sys tray its on my taskbar.......10:16
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Admiral_Chicagosurgy: oh i see what you mean you just want it to run in the background.10:17
Admiral_ChicagoPooh22: possibly, but it shouldn't do that anyways10:17
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fritzAdmiral_Chicago: from where do i change the bootsplash screen in kubuntu,,,and also if i donwload themes/styles from the kde look site, the theme manager from kcontrol doesen't recognize them as being theme files...any1 on this? ^.^10:18
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Admiral_Chicagogive me a sec10:18
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Admiral_Chicagooh i did see it. fritz i have no idea which file to edit.10:19
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Admiral_Chicagogive me a sec though10:19
surgyfritz: its all in kdemenu > system settings10:20
Admiral_Chicagosurgy: you may need to set a custom window behavior in system settings10:20
Admiral_Chicagonot sure where though10:20
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fritzsurgy:how do i get there?.....10:22
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Pooh22Admiral_Chicago: I'll put up a screenshot...10:23
fritzsurgy:where is kdemenu?10:23
cyber_cophi channell10:23
surgyfritz: its the little blue k in bottom left hand corner10:23
cyber_copI Turkish kubuntu user10:23
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cyber_copAdept packages install directory path ??10:24
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fritzi didn't find the BOOTsplash screen there surgy, just the normal splashscreen feature10:24
lionOfJudahi'm looking for vmware for kubuntu that can run mac os x10:24
lionOfJudahany pointers?10:24
cyber_copupgrade install folder ??10:24
Admiral_Chicagocyber_cop: can you be a bit more specific?10:25
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Admiral_Chicagothat is quite odd, perhaps file a bug at launchpad.net10:26
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Pooh22Admiral_Chicago: ok, I'll check on the #kde channel as well, perhaps they have seen it before?10:28
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fritzi just installed dekorator...does any1 know where on earth it is?10:30
heithsAlright... sorry that took so long, daughter woke up. anyway, Here is my xorg.conf for my kubuntu box, pimped for compiz and nvidia goodness... http://seeco.cc/linux/files/xorgnv.html10:30
cyber_copAdmiral_Chicago: hi10:31
fritzi installed it from the basic pakage selection...have no ideea where it went to, nor the command to open it up...any1?10:31
cyber_copupgrade packages saved folder ?? search10:32
cyber_copbad english speak sorry10:32
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fritzdoes any1 know how to find it?10:33
Admiral_Chicagothe actual file is in /var/cache/apt/archives/10:34
cyber_copAdmiral_Chicago: thank you very much10:35
Admiral_Chicagofritz: did you alt+f2, dekorator10:35
Admiral_Chicagooh wait, no its in system settings10:35
Admiral_Chicagounder window decorations10:35
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Admiral_Chicagoerr appearance >> style10:36
cyber_copAdmiral_Chicago: upgrade packages aotu clean or manuel clean ??10:36
Admiral_Chicagoerr window decoration10:37
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Admiral_Chicagoupgraded packages auto replace files if they have to. so auto clean yes.10:37
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JiuJitsuHi. Can anybody help me install Limewire in Kubuntu?10:49
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lucahi everyone10:58
lucadoes anyone know how to check if webcam drivers are installed and functioning?10:59
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ubuntu__installation fails at the hard disk partitioning11:01
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ubuntu__I have 256MB - 64 MB for video = 192 MB11:02
ubuntu__is this normal behavior because I don't meet the RAM criteria?11:02
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meuhlol!webcam | luca11:03
ubotuluca: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:03
meuhlolubuntu__: huh i didn't good understanding your question (im french)11:04
ubuntu__I'm installing Kubuntu feisty11:04
meuhlolubuntu__: you try to partitionning your hard drive using a CD of kubuntu?11:04
ubuntu__with the kubuntu CD11:04
ubuntu__so I'm using the "live CD" / "install cd" right now11:04
lucathanks, solved :)11:05
ubuntu__I ran the Install app in the desktop, but after it starts partitioning it gives me an error11:05
meuhlolif you had windows installed at your HDD before try installing kubuntu feisty? if yes, what was system files used on? NTFS?11:05
ubuntu__that it can't create partitions at hda11:05
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ubuntu__I did a guided partitioning using the whole disk11:05
ubuntu__so no windows, I'm a no no for windows11:06
ubuntu__I come from another linux distro11:06
ubuntu__I wanted to try ubuntu11:06
meuhlolwhat is your disk partitionned on? NTFS, FAT32... before you try to install linux?11:06
ubuntu__ext3 and swap11:06
JiuJitsuHi. Can anybody help me install Limewire in Kubuntu?11:06
ubuntu__like 39 G for ext3 and 500 MB for swap11:07
meuhlol!limewire | JiuJitsu11:07
ubotuJiuJitsu: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.11:07
ubuntu__so it is not repartitioning my disk or what?11:07
ubuntu__I want it fully erased11:07
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pagubuntu__, there's quite a little of RAM you have there. personally I'd suggest alternate-install11:08
zorglu_q. what was the swappiness on edgy11:08
meuhlolubuntu_ try to make 1giga for swap, make this partition at first, second one make one of 10giga in ext3 for system and what rests make in ext3 for /home11:08
ubuntu__meuhlol, should I think it can't make the partition right because of low RAM?11:09
ubuntu__I don't see how it is possible, but I don't dismiss the idea yet11:09
zorglu_meuhlol: 1gbyte of swap ? wow i hope he run very large apps11:10
zorglu_like meteo matrix :)11:10
meuhlolubuntu__: i don't think that. Maybe have a bad sectors at your HDD... try to go to website of your hdd constructor and download an disk utility, mostly is an boot disket with format tools etc11:10
meuhlolzorglu_: i have 1gig of swap (same as my RAM lol)11:11
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zorglu_meuhlol: ok how much is used right now ?11:11
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meuhlolnot much, but helful when play games xD11:12
ubuntu__uhm, I didn't like this "live cd" thing at all11:12
meuhlolubuntu__: and before running an install from an live cd, just Check CD Integrity....11:12
zorglu_meuhlol: ok how much is that ? "free|grep Swap" and dump the result here11:12
Ash-FoxDarmok and Jalad, tangra in?11:12
ubuntu__it's better to just have a install cd, instead of a live cd, I have knoppix for that, I'm checking the alternate install and see if it helps11:13
meuhlolSwap:       996020      23108     97291211:13
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zorglu_meuhlol: so really not a lot :)11:13
meuhlolubuntu__: kubuntu is always LiveCD + Install. Knoppix is faster for LiveCD mode but not good as installed. (K)ubuntu is lower as LiveCD but more good as installed.11:14
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meuhlolzorglu_: now i don't play xD11:14
JiuJitsuubotu,i already dowloaded the limewire and already extracted it. so wne to terminal window then typed runLime.sh. gotmessage "bash: runLime.sh: command not found". Any ideas?11:15
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ubuntu__jiujitsu ubotu is the bot11:15
meuhlolJiuJitsu: ubotu is an bot xD11:15
JiuJitsuoh hehehehe11:15
meuhlol!ubotu | JiuJitsu11:16
ubotuJiuJitsu: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:16
JiuJitsuAny ideas?11:16
meuhloldunno JiuJitsu, never used limware11:16
ubuntu__mmm, so you can do some sort of pipe with ubotu11:16
meuhlol!pipe | ubuntu__11:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pipe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:17
Pooh22Admiral_Chicago: I had a broken config file in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles11:17
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JiuJitsuanybody used frost wire?11:17
pagJiuJitsu, open konsole; type: cd /path/where/you've/extarcted/limewire  and the  ./runLime.sh11:17
Admiral_Chicagoah okay were you able to fix?11:17
zorglu_ok i set the swapiness to 0 just in case :)11:17
zorglu_i can see my box is old when i see ubuntu default setup for twice the ram i got :)11:17
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ubuntu__meuhlol, does the alternate CD skips the live cd part?11:18
pag!alternate | ubuntu__11:18
ubotuubuntu__: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal11:18
JiuJitsuthanks pag11:18
meuhloli suppose yes (never used it too :))11:18
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Pooh22Admiral_Chicago: yes, rename the profile file fixed it11:18
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ubuntu__I love the classical installs11:18
ubuntu__Fall la creacin del sistema de ficheros ext3 en la particin #1 de Maestro IDE1 (hda).11:19
meuhlol!es | ubuntu__11:20
ubotuubuntu__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:20
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ubuntu__I don't think so, the spanish channels always have less people than english channels11:20
ubuntu__so less help :)11:20
meuhlolso speak english here :p11:21
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ubuntu__ok, I'm using the english install11:21
meuhlolyou can choose your language in the install cd11:21
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meuhloltitanix88: plop! ^_^11:21
ubuntu__The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed.11:22
JiuJitsupag, i typed "cd /home/jiujitsu/LimeWire" then I pressed enter...then I typed "runLim.sh" the enter...11:22
titanix88hello everyone.11:22
JiuJitsuAmi correct?11:22
JiuJitsuAm I correct?11:22
ubuntu__jiujitsu, no11:22
pagJiuJitsu, not "runLime.sh" but "./runLime.sh"11:22
meuhlolJiuJitsu: ./runLim.sh11:23
JiuJitsuok thanks!11:23
meuhlolpag :p11:23
ubuntu__jiujitsu you need basic understanding on how bash works if you plan to use shell11:23
ubuntu__./app runs app11:23
ubuntu__or use the directory /usr/bin/app11:23
meuhlolor "bash runLim.sh"11:23
ubuntu__yeah, you can always type more :P11:24
ubuntu__sh runLime.sh11:24
zorglu_ok lets write a script which write random path with . and .. :)11:25
ubuntu__or you can use nautilus/konqueror (windows-style) and click on the app11:25
zorglu_but all being canonized as . :)11:25
JiuJitsupag, thanks!!!11:25
JiuJitsui think i need java first11:25
pag!java | JiuJitsu11:25
ubotuJiuJitsu: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.11:25
titanix88JiuJitsu: i know a good bash tuto at www.tldp.org11:25
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HayaBusaHello. How can i find other IRC chanalles. ? im looking for photography groups to chat with if there is any11:32
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SkyrailHayaBusa: #photogeeks is a photography based one I think11:33
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HayaBusathanks. how do you find them ? i don't see anything i can use on my tool bar to search for IRC11:34
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SkyrailHayaBusa: I just typed /join #photography and it forwarded me there hehe, I just try whatever's available :)11:35
HayaBusai used to be able to see a list of avalible servers with konversation but now i have no idea where that is11:36
SkyrailPress F5 I think11:36
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HayaBusaThanks. :)11:37
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titanix88hey guys read this link. it's about a package man which does not want u to be root it's interesting.i found it on digg: http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/11:39
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justin6891titanix : thanks for the info11:43
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koolicesup people11:44
koolicefuck you all11:44
koolicesuck a dick11:44
koolicebitch ass fucking squares11:44
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tecnicohi to all11:45
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tecnicosomebody can tell me if exist a visual mail server for ubuntu 7.04?11:45
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^rooker@tecnico: What do you mean by "visual mail server"?11:48
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justin6891tecnico: do you mean, it must have a GUI ?11:51
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^rooker@tecnico: If you need a GUI, you could try "webmin" for configuring sendmail. It looks a bit overwhelming, but I got my mailserver up-and-running within less than 1 hour.11:52
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tecnico^rooker: ok thank you11:57
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tecnicothanks to all bye12:03
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^rookerhas anyone managed to get pure-data extended running on a 64bit system?12:04
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stepheni got kubuntu working again12:13
stephenthe disk was dirty12:13
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yeniklasorAre we have backup all ubuntu's data with partition? Like Norton Ghost?12:14
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anrykohmm long time ago i removed from kubuntu program, which could let me see the things on my desctop closer12:28
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anrykoi would like to install it back12:28
anrykobut i dont remember the name of that thing... and it is not mensioned in my history file :)12:29
anrykocould somebody tell me the name of that program?12:29
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paganryko, kmag ?12:31
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anrykopag, thenx :)12:34
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:47
stephenim having aproblem12:47
stephenwhen i reboot my eth0 gets disabled12:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rosolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:51
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yeniklasordd backup utility gives me errors. Can someone teach me how to use it?12:53
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jpozlovskyhi :-)12:54
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jpozlovskyI have problem with connecting my Palm Zire to laptop with kubuntu through USB port. I need to discover which /dev device it uses? Here is log from dmesg:12:57
jpozlovsky[10092.136000]  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 312:57
jpozlovsky[10092.308000]  usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice12:57
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doddiIs there anyone who can be so kind to tell me how I can see which program is using the port 80, I'm trying to start XAMPP and something is blocking the webserver. I have tried to find everywhere about how I can see which processes take which port. Any help would be really appricated, thank you.12:59
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stdindoddi: sudo netstat -lp12:59
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doddithank you very much01:02
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xav__hello, can we send me a link for ubuntufr01:07
xav__can you*01:08
grul!fr | xav__01:08
ubotuxav__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:08
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aleksanterigot a little hardware related problem: how can i change the sequence where HDD:s are loaded, so that sda0 becomes sda1 and sda1 becomes sda0>01:19
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kharlosshi there. I want to use ubunut as router . i need to use 2 ISP , if one of them i falling down, i need other conection for backup. can i do it ? how ? any external link ? thanks in advance .01:22
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stephenyo yo yo01:27
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stephensup all01:27
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kuwangerAnyone here know the status of the mach64 driver?  Specifically, some time ago (back in 2003 or 2004, I think), it was discovered that there was a security vulnerability in the mach64 drm/dri drivers.01:27
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kuwangerFar as I can tell from the dri wiki on freedesktop.org, those issues were fixed.  However, they were fixed long enough ago that the changes should be in the latest Xorg (7.2) and kernel.  So, I'm still rather stumped why there doesn't seem to be a mach64 drm source file in the kernel source or if there's some other source for the mach64.ko file.01:28
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stdinaleksanteri: that's done via the order they are connected on the cable. tho you may be able to get grub to do it, with something like "map (hd0) (hd1)" and "map (hd1) (hd0)"01:29
stdinkharloss: maybe look at this01:30
stdin kharloss http://tinyurl.com/2r3uws01:30
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kharlossi can`t acces this url01:31
stdinkharloss: bad link, http://users.telenet.be/mydotcom/howto/lanconnect/router/linux.htm01:31
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kharlossi have 2 conections . one using a router --> UTP cable   and a ISDN conection01:32
stdinkharloss: you just need to look at the iptables rules01:33
stdinkharloss: the application firestarter can help too, lets you set it up quite easily.01:34
kharlossall i need is a failover router .01:34
Dragon_1212yo i need help does anyone here have AIM so i can talk to em there?01:36
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stdinDragon_1212: what's wrong with here?01:36
Dragon_1212well kinda get frustrating here01:36
Dragon_1212no one listens to me01:36
Dragon_1212idk why01:36
stdinI just did :)01:36
Dragon_1212lol ok01:36
Dragon_1212anyway my problem is01:37
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Miltoshi ppl:-)01:37
Dragon_1212i just got a full game and downloaded it online its called WOLFENSTEIN ENEMY TERRITORY and it is a .RUN file wht do i do to open it and get it to run?01:37
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kuwangerDragon_1212: I thought that was in the database.01:38
Dragon_1212what was???01:39
stdinDragon_1212: easy :) a .run file is just a shell script with a inbuilt archive. you should just be able to right click it, go in to properties and set is as executable01:39
Dragon_1212oh ok lemme try01:39
kuwangerDragon_1212: Enemy Territory01:39
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Miltosi can not eject the cd from the menu ...i've got the message "only root can umount..." any help? or where to look for info?01:39
Dragon_1212OMG TY TY TYTY TYTYTYT01:39
Dragon_1212THANK YOU01:40
Dragon_1212I LOVE U01:40
stdinDragon_1212: best was to run them, I find, is to open konsole, cd to the directory it's in (eg: cd Desktop), then run it like "./finename.run"01:40
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kuwangerHmm..guess not.01:40
stdinMiltos: seems it was mounted as root?? anyway, open konsole and type in "sudo eject"01:41
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Miltosstdin: sudo eject worked! but it doesn't work within the right click menu...what's should i do?01:48
GameOverhi, im trying to install kubuntu 7.04 on to my old laptop, a hp ominbook 4150 b. it seems to be taking forever to get past step4-prepare disk space, is it meant to take a while, as theres no activity01:48
stdinMiltos: how did you mount the cd ?01:48
Miltosstdin: the cd was mounted automatically by kubuntu...01:49
stdinshould work then01:49
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stdinTook about 40mins to install feisty from the desktop cd for me01:51
stdinGameOver: the GUI installer can be a bit buggy on some hardware. If it fails you can always try the alternate cd, it's always worked for me01:52
BluesKajyup, that's about right01:52
GameOveri just seem to be hanged on the partition screen01:52
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GameOverthe cursor moves and everything but nothings getting done01:53
BluesKajprepartitioning is usually the best way01:53
Yz85RacerCan someone help me?01:53
GameOveralternate cd?01:53
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BluesKajask! | Yz85Racer01:53
Yz85RacerI'm new to linux, and how do you install shell scripts?01:53
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Yz85RacerI wanna install gAIM, and it says its for unix... When it doesn't say linux download, so I decided to get aMSN. And all it is a script that I need to install some how o.001:54
GameOverim a newbie so you'll have 2 bear with me01:54
stdinGameOver: the alterate cd is a text install mode, it has more advanced features but it installs the same thing: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/01:54
stdinGameOver: just choose the Alternate one01:54
stdinYz85Racer: install gaim from Adept01:55
DragnslcrYz85Racer- you can install Gaim from the repository01:55
Yz85RacerI've only been on linux for an hour01:55
Yz85RacerSo bare with me01:55
stdinYz85Racer: it's ok, you're learning :)01:55
stdinubotu: ping01:55
Yz85Racerstdin: How do I install with Adept?01:56
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GameOverlol atleast u got yours installed, ive had rotten luck with getting a linux installation working, i tried mandriva, tinyme, minime, pclinuxos...the only one i had luck with is damnsmall but i wanted a bit more so thought id try this01:57
tdserverkubuntu FTW =)01:57
stdinYz85Racer: open the Adept Package Manager, from KMenu -> System -> Adept Manager01:57
DragnslcrBah, stdin's too fast for me01:57
stdinYz85Racer: in there search for "gaim"01:57
Yz85RacerI see01:58
Yz85RacerThat's hell01:58
Yz85RacerAnother reason why kubuntu owns :P01:58
stdinwe like package managers :)01:58
DragnslcrAdept > *01:58
stdineasier than google :)01:58
tdserver:P true that01:58
tdserverkaroo sux though!!01:58
kuwangerIs there any generic music player for kubuntu that will read from 7zip, zip, and rar archives?01:58
stdinkuwanger: media players generally don't read compressed archives01:59
GameOverdont u have to uncompress to play music files?01:59
Yz85RacerOhk, is there a way to get files off my windows drive? I have Kubuntu partitioned, but I don't have a flash drive cd etc, so can I access it from Linux? I need to get some stuff of it..?01:59
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:00
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stdinYz85Racer: follow that link02:00
Yz85Racerohk thanks guuys02:00
BluesKajYz85Racer, there's a gaim option in kopete02:00
hilaryxCan someone help me out please :(02:00
stdinYz85Racer: btw, ubotu is a bot, anything we say that start with a "!" meas we want the bot to say something02:01
stdin!ask | hilaryx02:01
ubotuhilaryx: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:01
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kuwangerstdin: Well, I'm not talking about media players exactly.  I know mikmod and xmplay (windows-only) each support reading from archives; the latter has an archiver reader plugin interface.02:01
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Yz85RacerI see02:01
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox02:01
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kuwangerstdin: I recall reading about one xmms fork working to add more plugin interfaces.02:02
BluesKajkuwanger, you have to decompress the z7 files first, then they're playable02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
stdinkuwanger: I don't know of one, but search on sourceforge, maybe one there02:02
hilaryxok ubotu :P Im trying to upgrade some packages in adept manager but when i try to, it fails saying that the commit would cause a break (something like that) and when i check the dpkg run it says dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `root' in statoverride file02:02
hilaryxanyone know how to fix it?02:02
kuwangerBluesKaj: Um, I know I *can* decompress the archive first.  Like I said, I'm looking for a music player where I don't need to do that.02:03
tdserverapt-get install -f02:03
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stdinhilaryx: open a konsole, we need to see what the real error is. type in "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and post errors to pastebin02:03
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:03
hilaryxok :)02:04
BluesKajkuwanger, heh good luck ...don't think there's any such animal02:04
Yz85RacerSorry guys, but, that site you gave me.. All I need to do is just get like 3 files from it...02:04
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stdinYz85Racer: it should tell you how to mount your windoes partition, so you can get files off it02:04
kuwangerBluesKaj: There exists one, xmplay.  But as I was saying, it's for Windows.02:05
stdinYz85Racer: do you want to have it always mount at startup, or just for now?02:06
BluesKajYz85Racer, if yer looking for gaim, check the k-menu/internet /kopete ..it does gaim02:06
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stdinBluesKaj: no, we're on to mounting a windows partition now02:06
BluesKajok, sorry, just trying to save him some space02:07
BluesKajstdin, :)02:07
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Yz85Racerstdin: Sorry about the dumb questions, but where would I type:02:07
Yz85Racerwget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter02:07
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stdinYz85Racer: in the console, you open it by going to Kmenu -> System -> Konsole02:08
stdinit's like the DOS shell in win02:08
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stdinexcept much more powerful02:09
Yz85Raceri see02:09
hilaryxanyone know how to fix my error in the pastebin url posted before then? (http://pastebin.ca/623171) :)02:09
stdinhilaryx: pastebin.ca takes forever to load here, use http:/pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic).ubuntu-nl.org/02:10
stdinhilaryx: use that one02:10
hilaryxok sorry :( ill do that02:10
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hilaryxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30211/ try that :)02:11
Yz85RacerIgnoring /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab02:11
Yz85RacerNo usable windows/mac partitions found02:11
stdinYz85Racer: ahh, check in /media/hda102:12
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Yz85RacerIs there like explorer on windows?02:12
stdinhilaryx: konqueror is that02:13
FirefighterBlu3what init.d process(es) and kde processes need to be restarted when knetworkmanager takes it's usual s**t?  knm. has alzheimers and forgets to a) renew IP when a link comes up and b) totally forgets there are network interfaces installed02:13
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stdinhilaryx: what does "cat /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride" show?02:13
hilaryxill check :) hold on02:14
hilaryxhplip root 755 /var/run/hplip02:14
hilaryxjust shows that02:14
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stdinhilaryx: and "grep root /etc/group" shows "root:x:0:" ?02:15
Yz85Racerohk, one more quick question02:16
Yz85Raceris amarok02:16
Yz85Racercapable to play .mp3 files02:16
Yz85Racerfrom my windows drive?02:16
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hilaryxit just comes up with a lil triangle on a new line, line one of these >02:16
hilaryxunless im not entering the command right?02:17
stdinYz85Racer: yes, when you try to play one it should tell you it can't play it, then insall the right codec. then you just close and reopen alarok and it'll work02:17
stdinhilaryx: don't quote it, press Ctrl+C to get back02:17
stdinhilaryx: just type in: grep root /etc/group02:17
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hilaryxdoes nothing, just brings me back to the <name>@<name>-desktop thing :)02:18
stdinahh, ok02:18
stdinthat's strange02:19
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hilaryxwhy? :(02:19
stdinhilaryx: can you post what this command shows: ls -ld /bin02:19
hilaryxcan do :)02:19
hilaryxdrwxr-xr-x 2 root 0 4096 2007-04-21 12:27 /bin02:20
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hilaryxbut the /bin is in blue text :S is that normal?02:20
hilaryxphew :)02:20
hilaryx(new to linux)02:20
stdinthe thing I'm looking at is the "root 0" part02:20
stdinit should reed "root root"02:20
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hilaryxso how do i sort that out?02:21
stephenwoot i just reinstalled kubuntu no problems now02:21
stephennow i just need to get the apps i had before :O02:21
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stdinhilaryx: try the command "sudo addgroup --system --gid 0 root"02:22
stephenstdin i found out the problem02:22
stepheni had a dirty disk, so i cleaned it and it installed fine02:22
hilaryxok it says Adding group root (GID 0) ... Done02:22
stdinstephen: you could have made a list of all install packages before with "dpkg --get-selections > filename", then put that on a floppy or something02:23
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stdinhilaryx: good :) now try to update again02:23
hilaryxok :D02:23
hilaryxi think youve got it stdin02:24
stdingood :) I just don't know why the root group was removed :p02:25
stephenstdin: why does it say there is no mixer?02:25
stephenfor the audio02:25
stdinstephen: what sound card?02:25
stephenits the crappified02:25
stephenthe video doesnt work proper either02:26
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stepheni cant play open arena :(02:26
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stepheni told you the other day lol02:26
Yz85Raceri go to open a .mp3 in amarok02:26
Yz85Racerand it freezes02:26
stdinstephen: try "sudo modprobe snd-atiixp"02:26
stdinYz85Racer: if you want you can close amarok and I'll tell you the quick way to install the codec02:27
stepheni did that stdin02:27
hilaryxyeah youve got it :) thank you stdin (hugs) :D have a nice day :)02:27
Yz85Raceroh thanks stdin02:27
stdinhilaryx: no problem :)02:27
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stephenstdin: what is it sposed to say?02:28
stdinYz85Racer: just open konsole (in KMenu -> System -> Konsole" and type in this: sudo apt-get install libexine-extracodecs02:28
stdinstephen: nothing, if it worked02:28
stephenit didnt say anything :)02:28
=== genii sips a coffee and tries to wake up
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stephenso now what?02:29
stdinYz85Racer: then you type in your password and hit enter02:29
stdinstephen: that, I think, is the driver for the card you have02:29
stdinand you just loaded it02:29
Yz85RacerE: Couldn't find package libexine-extracodecs02:29
stephenis that for the sound or video?02:29
stephenstill no mixer :(02:30
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Yz85Racerstdin: E: Couldn't find package libexine-extracodecs02:30
stdinYz85Racer: opps, no e in xine, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs02:30
stdinstephen: try looking on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound02:31
Yz85Raceromg, thanks, so, much stdin.02:31
stdinstephen: and lots of sound people in #alsa :)02:31
stdinYz85Racer: no problem :)02:31
stephenty stdin02:32
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mimikis there an easier way to add servers to koversation, other than typing em in?02:34
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stdinmimik: I think I heard something could do it, tho I can't remember. I'd ask in #konversation02:35
BluesKajmimik , there's a script i found in google that downloads and install servers, but i couldn't make it work02:35
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RayGhannamhello, was trying to install apache02:36
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=== BluesKaj goes back to a corner
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RayGhannamwhats wrong?02:39
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RayGhannamcan anyone help?02:42
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mash_anyone know how to have the "kde" login screen and not the gnome one ? kdm I think.. google turns up a lot of results but cant see how to set it.02:45
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toti_Getting Error while trying to copy by scp:02:45
toti_toti@toti-laptop:~$ scp toti@"Sum 41"/"Underclass Hero" toti@
toti_toti@'s password:02:45
toti_Permission denied, please try again.02:45
toti_Any Ideas?02:46
FirefighterBlu3you should run kdm instead of gdm02:46
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FirefighterBlu3toti, wrong password?02:46
toti_It can't be wrong02:46
RayGhannamhello I was trying to install apache, but I got errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30213/02:47
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FirefighterBlu3that error isn't descriptive rayghannam02:48
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RayGhannamwell, thats what I got02:48
mash_anyone ?02:49
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RayGhannamFirefighterBlu3: is there anything to do so I can show you more?02:50
geniimash_ Yes, it's kdm02:51
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FirefighterBlu3rayghannam, have you tried using a more modern version of apache?  such as apache 2.2.3?02:52
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RayGhannamFirefighterBlu3: nopes I just did the "sudo apt-get install apache"02:53
FirefighterBlu3try apache202:54
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:56
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RayGhannamthat will install all of the apache mysql and php ?02:56
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geniiRayGhannam: The LAMP install has no gui, just so you know02:57
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RayGhannamwhat is the qui ?02:58
ubotuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)02:58
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RayGhannamI dont need a graphical interface02:59
RayGhannamI can pico the conf file02:59
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geniiRayGhannam: Good. Better not to have X on a machine that will be a server anyhow03:02
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RayGhannamif I got X so this LAMP cann't be installed?03:03
NovellX can be installed, but running it on a server is a waste of resources03:04
geniiRayGhannam: Well, usually you would install frim new the LAMP server off the alternate CD03:04
geniiwhich would by default have no X03:04
geniithen you administer by ssh into it or so on03:05
geniiwork calls, AFK 3-5 mins03:06
RayGhannamgenii: look I wanna install it on my PC coz I'm having some php courses I wanna test them on my PC, I dont have other PC right now03:07
RayGhannamis that possible?03:07
pagRayGhannam, yup.03:07
RayGhannamokey thanks03:08
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pagRayGhannam, I think genii meant, that if you want to run public webserver, then you should consider running it without X03:08
RayGhannampag: okey03:09
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RayGhannamone more thing03:09
BluesKajRayGhannam, try this site : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP03:09
RayGhannam http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30215/03:09
RayGhannamwhich one to choose ?03:09
BluesKajit really does work03:09
RayGhannamBluesKaj: I'm on that site, but I dont know which apache2 package I should use03:10
BluesKajjust do the sudo taskel03:10
RayGhannamI did03:10
RayGhannamand I choosed the LAMP server03:10
BluesKajit will choose the right setup for your pc03:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:11
RayGhannambut if I dont know what all this apache2-mpm-worker and the others03:11
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stephenBluesKaj:  how do i setup a dual boot?03:15
Huascan  someone help me? when i press the button to shut off the linux os everything unloads and then the screen just goes blank and i have to hold in the powerbutton for like 10seconds to really shut it off. how do i fix so it shuts off automatically?03:15
BluesKajRayGhannam, type http://localhost in your browser03:16
geniiRayGhannam: Back :) Normally, you would have a server with no X, then use another box to administer it from. If you are just setting up a learning machine, then you can of course install the separate items like Mysql apache and PHP of course. Or you can do the LAMP install, then put X by sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:16
BluesKajstephen, do you have windows installed ?03:17
geniiRayGhannam: Since it seems to be giving grief installing the separate packages, you may be better off to do the LAMP/ kubuntu-desktop way03:17
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Huashello? anyone?03:18
BluesKaj!ask | Huas03:18
ubotuHuas: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
Huas!answer | BlueKaj03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about answer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
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Huasubotu: Answer the question or say nothing at all. :)03:19
stephenwtf huas03:19
pagHuas, ubotu's just a bot, don't blame him :)03:19
Huaspag so you know how to fix the ACPI issues i have?03:20
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pagHuas, not really... you could try setting "noacpi" as boot option, but I'm not sure if that helps (or to be completly honest, I'm not even sure if thats the right option)03:21
geniiHuas This may be a BIOS setting something like Power Button = Off/Hibernate      or so03:22
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BluesKajwhat ACPI issues Huas , you haven't told ua what they are ?03:23
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geniiHuas On some older machines you need to put as kernel option acpi=force to make it turn off properly03:23
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stephenanyone: how do i have a dual boot if i have installed linux first?03:24
pagstephen, install windows and recover you grub03:24
stephenhow would i recover grub?03:24
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Huas<genii> it is most def not a BIOS issue because it worked perfectly fine with windows xp03:24
Huas<genii> ok were do i put in that setting?03:25
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:26
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geniiHuas You would edit with sudo privelege the file /boot/grub/menu.lst  and find the line which loads your default kernel. It usually has at the end something like quiet spash   as options. then just add the acpi=force  part and save03:26
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geniiHuas To edit the file, run   kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst03:27
BluesKajstephen, you can also DL and burn SuperGrub Disk ...it's a bootable cd that can fix the booloaders in both windows and linux03:28
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Huas<genii> where in menu.lst?03:28
Huasbtw its 'sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'03:29
BluesKajstephen, are you gonna install windows to play games like open arena ?03:30
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BluesKajHuas, this kubuntu not ubuntu here : hence we use kate03:30
HuasBleuKaj yeh yeh its okej...03:31
pagHuas, also: don't launch GUI apps (such as gedid) with sudo03:31
geniiHuas There is usually a few entries of different kernels. the first entry is the default one (usually). At the end of the line it will have as i said, the options  quiet splash03:31
BluesKajhehe :)03:31
pag!gksudo | Huas03:31
ubotuHuas: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info03:31
geniiPag Since it's Kubuntu channel, not gksudo but kdesu03:31
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stephenBluesKaj: no i need it for sound support03:32
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paggenii, yup. Just somehow assosiated gedit with gksudp. sorry :)03:32
geniiHuas If you are still unsure where to edit, then copy and paste the file to the pastebin website, I will look and make changes then you can copy and paste the new one back in.03:32
Huasgenii i find many 'quiet splash' in menu.lst... what one should i take?03:33
geniiHuas The first one nearer to the top of the file is the one that loads normally03:33
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BluesKajstephen, sound support?03:33
orgasmatronanybody with win4lin installed and running on ubuntu 7.04???03:33
pagHuas, something like " # defoptions=quiet splash "03:34
geniiYes, those are globals03:34
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BluesKajstephen, sound support in kubuntu is every bit as good as or better than windows03:35
stephenbut its too hard to setup03:35
Huas<pag> ok i found it... should i do like this now --->   # defoptions=acpi=force       ?03:35
BluesKajwhat' yer prob?03:35
stephenmy ATI sound card is not working in linux03:35
BluesKajac '9703:35
orgasmatronbtw i have a laptop hp pavilion zv5365ea with ATI ixp and all work from default, even 3D...03:36
pagHuas, you probablu shouldn't remove quiet splash03:36
geniiHuas remove the # at the beginning, then go to the end and ADD the acpi=force  part03:36
BluesKajprolly a realtek, stephen03:36
paggenii, what?!03:36
stephenits an ATI i think03:36
paggenii, those lines shouldn't be uncommented03:36
stephenmy ethernet is a realtek03:36
geniipag Yes, otherwise it is commented out and has no effect.03:36
Huasdefoptions=acpi=force ?03:36
Huaslike this03:36
BluesKajstephen, what sound drivers were you using in windows ?03:37
stephenthat AC97 thing03:37
paggenii, just above those lines: " ## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs "03:37
geniiHuas more like defoptions=quiet splash acpi=force03:37
Huasok thanks mate03:38
geniipag Ah, forgot, sorry :) Huas- Pag is right do not remove the # at beginning03:38
geniiBut otherwise just as above03:38
Huasok here we go im going to try now. niggaz03:38
BluesKajok stephen,' lspci ' in the konsole and post the output in pastebin03:38
pagHuas, you'll have to update grub first03:38
Huaspag 'sudo update grub' ?03:39
pagHuas, sudo update-grub03:39
Huasthnkx mate03:39
geniiHuas you had the right idea :)03:39
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Huasok niggaz here we go03:39
Huaspower off03:39
geniiHuas it should take effect next time you boot03:40
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stephenBluesKaj: Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 80)03:40
BluesKajstephen,  that's exactly the same audio card i have ...mine is working well03:41
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stephencould it be a wrong bios?03:42
BluesKajok stephen, read this first http://alsa.opensrc.org/Main_Page03:42
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Huasit did not work yall03:44
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pagHuas, it should work only from now on  (if it works)03:45
stephenBluesKaj:    did yours work straight away?03:45
pagHuas, since only now you are booted to the kernel with those options given earlier03:45
BluesKajno, i had to set it up03:45
Huas<pag> oh rly? ok lets try again then03:45
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BluesKajok, stephen lets go thru some steps , it mav be very simple to get your sound up and running03:46
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BluesKajstephen, k-menu/system settings/sound system/hardware/select audio device/advanced linux sound architecture03:48
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user_Hi all. Google did not help me this time. :( I am customizing a Kubuntu 7.04 (KDE 3.5.6) Live CD. And I would like to plave a few documents, and links on the user's desktop. Could anybody point me in the direction how to do this?03:48
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=== genii sips a coffee and awaits the return of Huas
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Huaslol u god damn niggaz. IT WORKED!!! :D03:49
geniiHuas Good :)03:49
Huasthanks for the help genii03:50
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Huasreally apreciate it...03:50
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stephenBluesKaj: its restarting sound system but keeps going back to 0%03:50
geniiHuas Well, pass it on. and maybe thank pag too :)03:50
Huasoh sure lets not forget that nigga... thankx pag03:50
BluesKajstephen, what is ?03:50
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Huasim on linux to set up a porno server03:51
pagHuas, you're welcome.03:51
Huasok back to samba03:51
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=== Huas away
stephenwhen i clicked apply BluesKaj03:51
stephenis says restarting sound system in the place you told me to go03:51
BluesKajstephen, ok close it then and go back check what the default setting is03:53
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stephenbrb gotta logg off and on03:54
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MaTiAzHmm, does Kubuntu support the wired Xbox 360 gamepad by default?03:56
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BluesKajstephen, you din't have to relogin03:59
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stephenBluesKaj: te computer was going crazy04:04
stephenthere was error messages every 3-4 seconds04:04
BluesKajwhat error message ?04:05
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eric__Where could I get supoort for kbfx? I'm trying to set it up with kooldock04:08
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wolferineask away04:09
eric__I'm trying to figure out how to launch it from the kooldock, but it gives me an error04:10
eric__saying it couldn't find the executable04:10
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wolferinehow about you post the error04:10
praecoxhey, in which kubuntu package can I find auth basic for Apache?04:10
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wolferinerather than just talk about what it says/doesnt say04:10
eric__KDEInit could not launch 'KBFX'.:04:11
eric__Could not find 'KBFXInterface' executable.04:11
wolferinein a shell?04:12
geniipraecox: If you do: apt-cache search apache|grep auth you may find some candidates04:12
stephenBluesKaj: about how a sound program had crashe (i tried to change the sound driver to something other than alsa)04:12
praecoxgenii, I already did this.04:12
praecoxgenii, but found mod-auth isn't what I'm looking for.04:13
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geniipraecox: If just http auth I think you make an entry to (what used to be) httpd.conf or apache2.conf file with an auth entry for whatever alias/directory then create a htpasswd for whatever user04:15
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geniiIt's been a while since i used that way04:16
BluesKajstephen, alsa is the way to go04:17
vickytylamy kubuntu computer can not get to the Internet and I can not figure out why, the link light on the network card is lit but I can not ping the gateway04:17
wladimiris there any placeholde rin kde available, which represent the standard application for a fileextension?04:17
stephenvicky i think i know04:18
stepheni had this happen to me earlier04:18
BluesKajstephen , in konsole ' alsamixer '04:18
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vickytylahow did you fix it?04:18
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stephenvicky: ifconfig eth0 up04:18
l_ris there any documentation about building debs from some source code? thanks04:18
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stephenand another command04:19
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pagl_r, for personal use or for public sharing  (since the latter should be done more careful)04:19
l_rpag, public sharing04:20
geniil_r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5100304:20
stephenVicky: after that sudo dhclient eth004:20
BluesKajstephen, use the letter M to unmute any inputs and outputs so they have 00 instead of MM in the box by the slider controls ...iec 958 , Master, Line PCM should all be at at 67 -75 or so04:21
pagl_r, you might also wish to ask around in #ubuntu-motu  (hope I got the channel right)04:21
sfireI just ordered a new machine and it comes with a 256MB ATI Radeon X1300 Pro... That will work with kubuntu right?04:21
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stephenBluesKaj: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device04:22
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geniisfire You may need to do some tweaking to the xorg.conf files, ATI cards are a bit fussy with linux in general. But should be OK04:23
sfirethanks genii :)04:23
BluesKajcheck adept or synaptic for alsa , stephen04:23
geniisfire np04:23
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
sfiregot a awesome deal on dells outlet site on a PC but you don't get to pick stuff buying that way04:23
geniisfire I thought they were shipping the ubuntu based ones already04:24
sfireyea... those PCs blow04:24
sfireI wanted some power04:24
=== fannagoganna [n=tanim-la@c-76-104-98-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
geniisfire The main gotchya with Dell is the wifi cards, usually a Broadcom. they can be made to work tho04:25
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sfireit didn't come with one... I have one though that is a atheros chipset :)04:25
sfiredoesn't need any drivers in linux :)04:25
BluesKajsfire , i hate to rain on yer parade but ATI isn't the best graphics choice for linux :(04:25
geniisfire Perfect04:25
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vickytylaunfortunately all I still get is destination unreachable04:25
sfireyea... I know ATI blows... I just wondered if I could make it limp along for a while04:25
geniiBluesKaj: I agree if you have a choice, NVidia would be preferable.04:26
=== C-{pR0F [n=linux@a18-4.adsl.paltel.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
ksivajii have 256Mb ram still free -m show only 186Mb why ?04:26
BluesKajsfire , the good news is yes you can :)04:26
ksivajiBluesKaj hi04:26
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sfireksivaji: shared video ram?04:26
ksivajisfire what do you mean?04:26
kerrichi all, i have a problem with configurating compiz, compiz is running in a rather proper way, but those icons with closing windows had disapeared04:26
BluesKajhi ksivaji04:26
sfireksivaji: I'm betting your machine has intergrated video that uses the system ram04:27
wladimirare there any equvalent programs for gnome-open?04:27
kerriccan any one help ?04:27
sfireksivaji: the 64megs can be accounted for there04:27
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ksivajisfire is it good or bad ?04:27
sfirewell... depends on how you look at it... good for PC cost... Bad for performance04:28
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sfiresince your video has to fight with system for ram04:28
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geniiksivaji: Since you still have 186 free I would not worry much about it.04:29
sfireksivaji: if you want that 64 megs of ram back you would have to get a "real" video card04:29
sfiresomething with built in ram04:29
sfireor you could just upgrade the system ram a lil04:29
vickytylagosh stephan that worked you are awesome thanks!04:29
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stepheni think you need to reinstall04:29
stephenbecause when i had this problem it came back after i rebooted04:30
kerriccould someone help me with compiz, pls ?04:30
geniiksivaji: If you had less than 32Mb free it might be cause for concern04:30
ksivajigenii i have only 2mb free04:30
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-146670.home.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu
Ind[y] Where is the dhclient init script located?04:30
Ind[y] I want it, because I want to add a flag to dhclient.04:30
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geniiksivaji: Well, I would suggest then to enter your BIOS and set the memory allocated to shared (video card) to something like 8 or 16 Mb then instead of 6404:31
ksivajitotal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached04:31
ksivajiMem:           186        183          2          0          1         5304:31
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genii186 free not 204:31
sfireksivaji: ram is cheap... buy another 256 meg stick04:31
BluesKajstephen, did you install alsa-base ?04:31
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=== wladimir is now known as ReALITY5
ksivajigenii will affect my system display ?04:32
stepheni dunno04:32
stepheni brb04:32
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sfireksivaji: no.. it won't affect the display.. but it'll give you the ram you need04:32
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sfire186 is a lil low IMHO... even for linux04:32
geniiksivaji: Not much. If you go below 4 Mb for video you will not get all the possible colour and resolution combos.04:33
geniiksivaji: If you use 1024x768 mostly 8Mb is plenty04:33
=== ReALITY5 is now known as wladimir
ksivajii cant change my resolution also i dont know why ?04:34
sfirewell thats a different issue04:34
sfirethe ram use is controlled by BIOS04:34
=== stephen [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
ksivajimodule for monitor and display cant be loaded ?04:34
sfireyou can go into BIOS and tell the video to only use 32 megs of ram for instance04:35
ksivajisfire yes04:35
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geniiksivaji: No, they get loaded. but X will only use whatever colour/resolution combinations that it finds in the configuration file xorg.conf04:35
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geniiksivaji: But as sfire said, this is an entirely other issue04:36
ksivajiok now i want to change resolution to 1024x768 how ?04:36
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sfireI always modify the xorg.conf file... but thats different for each system04:37
geniisfire Yes, me too04:37
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sfirethe other way is to go into the GUI system and tell it the type of monitor you have04:37
sfirethen selecting a different resolution04:38
sfirepicking the monitor is important because if you don't it won't show all video modes04:38
ksivajiyou mean kmenu->system setting-> moniter and screen04:38
geniiksivaji: I would suggest at first try to change the monitor type to something like a standard SVGA at 60Hz then try to change the resolution that way.04:39
Huasok i got some trouble with java. firefox tells me i have not enabled java even though i have done it in the settings. (checked thouse two java boxes!) what have i missed?04:39
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ksivajiHuas java.com04:39
Huas<ksivaji> ?04:40
geniiHuas try installing package sun-java6-jre04:40
ksivajigenii i cant module for monitor and display cant be loaded  this what i could see there04:40
ksivajiHuas www.java.com04:40
Huas<genii> k...04:41
ksivajiHuas download jre and install04:41
geniiHuas You can d/l and install the newest one too. Either is good. But since a package exists for 6 I would try that first04:41
sfireksivaji: then you have to do it by modifying the xorg.conf file04:41
ksivajisfire how04:41
sfireupload it to pastebin.ca so we can see it04:42
geniisfire ksivaji I need to do some work. Away From Keyboard about 5-7 minutes but reading msgs on return04:42
Huas<genii> the thing is that i have already installed java04:42
ksivajiHuas that what i told you go to java.com ,download jre and install04:43
BluesKajHuas, a hint make sure you sa yes to the java licence agreement or the install will stall and just sit there ,if you use adept or synaptic, click the details04:43
sfiregood tip04:43
sfirethat stumped me for a while04:44
HuasBluesKaj ok04:44
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ksivajixorg.conf file where this file is located04:44
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BluesKajyeah , dunno why adept and synaptic don't have a lil script that opens the shell to show that the licence must be accepted04:45
Huas<BluesKaj> so now i started synaptic.. what i do now?04:45
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@pool-70-18-186-109.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajsearch , then type java04:46
=== mzanfardino1 [n=mark@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajthen choose apply04:46
Huasa whole list of stuff comes up when i search for java04:47
BluesKajright sorry04:47
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ksivajiya i got one second i will paste now04:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:47
BluesKajHuas, choose jav-common04:48
Huasthat one is green and seems to be installed04:48
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Huas"base of all java packages"04:49
sfireisn't there some kind of java firefox plugin?04:49
mileshey yall, wazzup04:49
BluesKajok jre04:49
milessfire: you download the java jre and it plugs in04:49
sfireoh ok04:49
sfiretoo long ago to remember :p04:49
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Huasjre1.4 is installed04:50
Huasjre 1.4 is installed04:50
Huaseven the mozilla firefox plugin is green04:50
ksivajiHuas http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty04:50
sfireksivaji: can you guess the resolution now?04:50
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Huas<ksivaji> if i needed a link i would not ask would i?04:51
ksivajisfire no04:51
BluesKajwhat's the FF-mozilla javaplugin called again ?04:51
sfireksivaji: is it 1280x1024?04:51
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BluesKaj<---uses konq04:51
Scorpaenwhere does Kubuntu store install pkgs?04:51
miles"/var/lib/<<package name>>"   i think04:52
ksivajisfire i think 1026x786 is better how to change to it04:52
milesnot sure scorpaen, but i think thats where they go04:52
Scorpaeni can't download flash, so i got someone to dcc it to me04:52
sfireksivaji: just remove "1280x1024" out of each depth mode04:52
ksivajiHuas i thought of helping you sorry you carry on04:52
Scorpaeni copied it to /var/lib but it still tries to dl it04:52
skullAttackyea im tryin 2 install jre right now04:52
sfireksivaji: I'll change it and upload it so you can see04:52
fdovingScorpaen: /var/cache/apt/archives/04:53
ksivajisfire ok04:53
Huas<ksivaji> your kind of help is not needed.04:53
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skullAttackdid it accordin to the java site instructions. FF doesnt ask for the plugin anymore, but the java setup has failed apparently04:53
Huasi need to reinstall java i suspect04:53
Huasneed to get hushmail to work04:53
sfireksivaji: http://pastebin.com/d19b52ee104:53
skullAttackisnt there a way of installing firefox/konqueror java support via apt-get?04:53
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: The only java plugins I see are "sun-java6-plugin" and "sun-java5-plugin".04:54
sfireksivaji: make those changes then just restart X and it should work fine04:54
Huashttps://mailserver10.hushmail.com/hushmail/blankContentFrame.php?PHPSESSID=hm6cc760c46020bdc0a18974fa479afcd3 wants to load an applet.04:54
HuasGNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete.04:54
Huasthis is what firefox says to me when i try to log into hushmail that uses java04:55
skullAttacksounds very dramatic04:55
ksivajisfire ok04:55
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes off to find the guy who thought up that error message so he can smack him upside the head
=== sfire hates java
Scorpaenok it's still trying to download flash04:56
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dkruzwant a FREE iPhone? Go here to Score Yourself a FREE iPhone http://www.YourFreeiPhone.com/index.php?ref=3922029  Super easy.04:56
Huasomg i want an iphone so bad i could kill04:57
sfiredkruz: lame04:57
sfiredon't anyone click that04:57
Huasstill i wont look at that url04:57
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: Ah, found the Firefox java plugin. "j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin" is the package.04:57
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dkruzwant a FREE iPhone? Go here to Score Yourself a FREE iPhone http://www.YourFreeiPhone.com/index.php?ref=3922029  Super easy.04:58
BluesKajcool WhtWolfTeraDyne , now we need Huas attention :)04:58
WhtWolfTeraDyneSomeone kick dkruz, please.04:58
Huas<WhtWolfTeraDyne> u fixed it mate?04:58
BluesKajHuas, j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin04:58
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Huasits installed04:59
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Huas'java plugin for firefox'04:59
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BluesKajit's in synaptic , Huas04:59
Huasyeah i search for 'java firefox'05:00
=== val_ [n=val@ARennes-351-1-28-63.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Huasand i find it there... and its marked green ie installed05:00
HuasERROR! Java, which is required, is not currently enabled in your browser. Click here for more information. >>05:00
BluesKajno Huas, copy and paste 'j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin' into the search05:01
Huasi dont get it... i have checked all boxes in firefox to enable java05:01
=== val_ [n=val@ARennes-351-1-28-63.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Huas<BluesKaj> okej i did that now and i found it05:01
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BluesKajin synaptic , Huas05:01
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Huas<BluesKaj> yes in synaptic05:01
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Huasi did that and i see it05:01
HuasJava plugin for firefox05:02
HuasA metapackage containing dependencies for runing Java in mozilla browsers.05:02
=== ringlej [n=ringlej@va-65-40-217-47.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu
skullAttackyea just install it05:02
pagHuas, try: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre  in konsole05:02
skullAttackit works05:02
BluesKajright click and choose to install , then apply05:02
BluesKajpag , he already has that05:02
skullAttackHuas: sudo apt-get install j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin05:02
=== imagine [n=imagine@modemcable050.187-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
skullAttackafter its download ittl take u thru some lisence agreements05:03
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skullAttackshould work then05:03
BluesKajTOO MANY COOKS!05:03
skullAttacklol sorry05:03
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=== skullAttack takes spoon out of broth
BluesKajwe're almost ther, don't sidetrack us pls :)05:03
pagBluesKaj, pretty strange then... iirc that's the only package needet to get java to work on FF05:03
Huasdoes not work05:03
ksivajii will reboot and come05:03
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne looks around, not realizing he's in a kitchen
BluesKajHuas, relogin05:04
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-82.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
Huas<BluesKaj> you mean reboot?05:04
pagBluesKaj, restarting browser should be enough05:04
BluesKajsometimes a relogin is better05:05
BluesKajctrl+alt+backspace, Huas05:05
Huasgod damn when i installed java i was distracted by the phone and something went wrong.. and now it says everything is installed yet it does not work05:05
neverbluethat guy has to stay off the phone05:06
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stephenHuas you can only use java on the konquerer browser05:06
stephenit didnt work for firefox for me either05:06
BluesKajstephen, not true05:06
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stephenwell thats what happened to me05:06
neverbluewb Haus05:06
BluesKajit works in FF , it just takes some fiddling around05:06
neverblueHaus, what exactly about java didnt work for you?05:07
=== neverblue fiddles with BlueKaj
Haus<neverblue> it seems everything with java is installed... but when i try to loginto hushmail it says java is not enabled in my browser05:07
SlimeyPeteapt-get install sun-java6-plugin05:07
Hausiv done apt-get05:07
Hausand the firefox plugin is installed to05:07
neverblueHaus, browser?05:07
=== BluesKaj puts a country beat to neverblue's fiddling
=== genii sips a large black coffee and listens to the music
Haus<neverblue> firefox05:08
BluesKajright on genii :)05:08
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neverblueHaus, did you use a guide about setting it up?05:08
stephen:O genjii is a racist05:08
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne puts on headphones and listens to Hammerfall
Haus<neverblue> dont know man... all i know is that java seems to be installed yet hushmail that needs java does not work for me05:09
Hausand i got the newest firefox aswell05:09
geniistephen: I like coffee of all kinds not just black :)05:09
stepheni was joking05:09
=== BluesKaj decides to cut the lawn ...do some thing productive
neverblueHaus, well there are lots of Java 'things', programming language, JVM, for running applets, etc...05:09
geniigonna catch up on scroll and see where we are etc05:09
neverblueso saying its installed, being more specific would help05:09
Haus<neverblue> well what should i do to get it to work then?firefox says my java is not enabled05:10
Hauswere in gods name do i enable it? i have already checked the boxes for java in ff settings05:10
neverblueHaus, use a guide to set it up properly05:10
Hausa guide? are you insaine?05:10
neverblueubuntu guide might be a good idea05:10
neverbluegoogle it05:10
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.05:10
=== jm87 [n=jm87@host35-109-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
=== BluesKaj is becoming convinced that "konq browsing" is the way to go... alil lacking in the eye candy dept , but it works very well
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: If Konq didn't crash whenever I go to "Edit Posts" on Blogger, I'd use it for everything...05:11
Hausgood idea ill try to longinto hushmail with konqueror05:12
sfireI've never had konq crash05:12
=== Daisuke_Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-145-220.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajblogger ? what's that ? :)05:12
pagKonqueror is great, but has minor problems with web2.0 sites.05:12
Hauskonqueror says the same shit05:12
neverblueHaus do you have any FF addons?05:12
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: Blog making site owned by Google.05:13
=== suchit [n=suchit@ip67-93-27-18.z27-93-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu
neverblueHaus, which java .deb did you install?05:13
WhtWolfTeraDynehosting* not making05:13
neverblueHaus, thats your issue05:13
geniiBluesKaj: Unfortunately I'm addicted to some FF plugins05:13
Haus<neverblue> i dl from suns website05:13
Hausi did the sudo apt-get install stuff05:13
WhtWolfTeraDyneHaus: Did you install the one from sun's website?05:13
neverblueHaus, those are two different ways to install JAVA05:14
neverblueHaus, during this entire convo, you have yet to say which Java you installed05:14
BluesKajgot most of the plugin stuff working in konq , genii ...haven't come across any sites that don't won't do the media yet05:14
neverblueenlighten us, and stop fussing05:14
Haussudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre05:14
Hausthis is what i did05:14
neverbluethats NOT from the Sun site05:14
pagHaus, could you please tell the output of " apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre "05:14
Haushold on05:14
pagHaus, to the pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org )05:15
neverblueif you would actually read the ubuntu guide I referrenced, you would be fine05:15
neverbluebut to each his own05:15
Haus  Installerad: 6-00-2ubuntu205:15
Haus  Kandidat: 6-00-2ubuntu205:15
Haus  Versionstabell:05:15
Haus *** 6-00-2ubuntu2 005:15
Haus        500 http://se.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Packages05:15
Haus        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status05:15
neverblueHaus, your flooding the channel05:15
=== BluesKaj wonders if Haus accepted the java licence agreement
=== neverblue wonders if Haus can actually read
Haus BluesKaj i think something went wrong in the installation :(05:16
sfireI actually refused it at first... by mistake05:16
sfireit is kinda tricky05:16
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sfireif your trying to "blow thru it"05:16
pagHaus, hmm.. try to reinstall it: sudo aptitude reinstall sun-java6-jre05:16
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Hauspag ok sir. one moment05:16
=== leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Haus*its working*05:17
=== BluesKaj decides to go cut the the grass for real , this time :)
=== Milux [n=Milux@host-84-220-184-39.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
Hausok now it finished05:17
Hauspag what now?05:17
pagHaus, ok. restart the firefox and see if it works05:17
Hauspag k05:18
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Hauspag sorry mate. still save stuff05:20
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HausERROR! Java, which is required, is not currently enabled in your browser. Click here for more information. >>05:21
pagHaus, ok.. let's see if firefox recognises java; type  about:plugins  to te FFs adressbar05:21
Hauspag ok i get a whole list of stuff and it all says yes... even nest to all the java stuff05:22
Hauscould this have something to do with 'aplets' ?05:22
=== Milux [n=Milux@host-84-220-184-39.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
skullAttackHaus: I just got mine to work, but i had to uninstall firefox and the java plugin and then reinstall them05:23
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Haus<skullAttack> i suspect i need to do the same...05:23
skullAttacktry it05:23
Haus<skullAttack> never uninstalled before though... is that 'sudo apt-get uninstall ....' ?05:24
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skullAttackfrom console type : sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin05:24
skullAttackor use synaptic, whichever you prefer05:24
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Haus<skullAttack> done05:25
skullAttackthe command has finished executing?05:26
skullAttackfrom console type : sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin05:26
Hauswait i think its better to remove java and firefox first05:26
Hausdo everything from scratch05:26
Hausor maybe im just being paranoid?05:27
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milesapt-get remove --purge mozilla-firefox05:27
skullAttackyou just did05:27
Dell-Nethello any sled,slab,uslab menu for kde ?05:27
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skullAttackah u mean from the cache05:27
skullAttackwell haus try doing what i said05:28
skullAttackit worked for me05:28
Haus<skullAttack> ok i installed again05:28
Hauslets see now05:29
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skullAttackk, obviously, go to a site that you know has a java applet there05:29
pagDell-Net, kbfx is alternative menu for KDE... or what did you mean?05:29
skullAttacki used the speed test at www.adslguide.org05:29
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Haus<skullAttack> listen i only uninstalled the java plugin right? maybe i should uninstall and then install both java and the firefox plugin?05:31
skullAttackthe command i told you to execute removed both the firefox internet browser and the java plugin05:31
skullAttackthis is what i had to do to make it work in MY case05:31
skullAttackthere's a likelihood that ittl work for you too05:32
Haus sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre05:32
Hausi did this now05:32
skullAttackok well good luck05:32
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Hausyes i probably need alot of good luck to fix this shit05:33
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Hausgod damn now i get it again:05:33
Haushttps://mailserver9.hushmail.com/hushmail/blankContentFrame.php?PHPSESSID=hm8f44ad8a4e6fa91fe59cf4e2ae48da33 wants to load an applet.05:33
HausGNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete.05:33
Dell-Netpag: yeap something like that05:34
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Hausgod damn still the same shit on hushmail05:40
Hausis there some place to try if your java works?05:40
Haus  anyway thankx for the help pug05:43
Hausand others05:43
Hausgive up i need to work now... (i make porno movies)05:43
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NiceGuyUKIn Kopete, how do I enable logging of conversations? I'm sure its there, just cant find it05:45
=== genii sips a coffee and keeps a lookout for hostile applets stealing and destroying data
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=== ubuntu__ is now known as roltux
Hausum i went to java url now and there you can test if you have java or not and this is what it says to me05:46
HausOops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.05:46
HausYour Java version is 1.4.2. Please click the button below to get the recommended Java for your computer.05:46
Hauswtf is going on?05:46
=== [4K^Javax] [n=javax@64.Red-81-35-181.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
pagNiceGuyUK, settings -> plugins05:47
NiceGuyUKpag: is the plugin called Logging ?05:47
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Haus<pag> i dl this now -> jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin <- how do i install it?05:48
geniiHaus Does the test applet still work with the 1.4.2 or not?05:48
Haus<genii> up the test applet work on javas url anyhow05:48
dr_willisHaus,  some reason you are using that .bin and not the repositories/apt-get method to install java?05:49
geniiHaus The "recommended version" doesn't really matter if the applet actually works05:49
pagNiceGuyUK, oh... sry, I was wrong... I can't find it there :S  but somehow my Kopete saves the logs05:49
Haus<dr_willis> well i have done the apt-get stuff like one thousand times and i still dont have the newest version05:49
pagNiceGuyUK, try rightclicking on the contact you've spoken to and choose history (it sshould be there..)05:50
NiceGuyUKah History, maybe thats the plugin I need05:50
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Berzerkerhow would one go about installing a wireless USB adpater?05:50
jhutchins!info jre05:50
ubotuPackage jre does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:51
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dr_willisHaus,  its a binary/executable, chmod +x it, then run it.05:51
jhutchins!info java05:51
ubotuPackage java does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:51
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Haus<dr_willis> k05:51
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.05:51
dr_willisi alwyas just use  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre05:51
stephenwhats the command to install flash?05:51
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jhutchins!info sun-java5-jre05:51
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-11-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 7287 kB, installed size 16168 kB05:52
jhutchins!info sun-java6-jre05:52
ubotusun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 6176 kB, installed size 14148 kB05:52
Haus<dr_willis> now i did that05:52
dr_willisdid what...05:53
Haus<dr_willis> sudo chmod +x jre.....05:53
Hauswhat next?05:53
dr_willisyou dident need a sudo.05:53
dr_willisrun it as ya do anything else in the local dir.. Bash 101...   ./whatevertheheckitis05:53
dr_willisyou MAY want to 'sudo' that.05:53
Hausshould i copy this file and put it in /bin ?05:54
dr_willisthat file is the INSTALLER05:54
Hausthought you said it was a executeble file05:54
dr_willisi hate the use of .bin stuff.05:54
dr_willisit IS an executable..05:54
Hausinstallation executable05:54
Hauslets see if this hoe will work with me now then .... :(05:54
dr_willisgood luck you may need it.05:55
dr_willisI'll stick with the older version. since it does what i need.05:55
Hauswell obviously not... my hushmail does not work05:55
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dr_willisi would find  the need for the latest and greatest java.. to be odd in a website.05:56
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dr_willismay be some other oddity going on.05:56
Hausit does complaint my ff has not enabled java05:56
Hausand i think that is kinda odd when i have done just that in the ff settings05:57
Berzerkeris there a way I can enable logitech hotkeys?05:57
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Daisuke-Idowell i got sound working in UT, now to figure out why the mouse is so jerky05:57
Daisuke-Idoi'll be running along a corridor and all of a sudden i'm staring at the ceiling or the floor05:58
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dr_willisHaus,  hushmail is working here fine with my java06:02
Hausi have gotten about god damn anything to work in linux but this god damn hushmail still fuks around with me06:02
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=== Haus feels like throwing out the screen out the window
pagHaus, I suspect that java-firefox-plugin (I can't remember the package name) messes your Sun-java up06:02
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dr_willisHaus,  try a 'java -version' and see if you are using the sun java, or the OTHER java (gjc) version06:03
Haus<pag> i have no idea mate...06:03
quartjehaus: does the Java plugin shows up when you type about:plugins in your URL window in Firefox?06:03
Haus<quartje> yuh all is installed and fine it say and same in synaptic06:03
Hausjava -version06:04
Hausjava version "1.4.2-02"06:04
HausJava(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.2-02)06:04
HausJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.2-02, mixed mode)06:04
pagHaus, try removing j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin06:04
dr_willisHaus,  you can have more then 1 'java' installed.. thats what 'update-alternatives' is all about.06:04
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisyou are NOT NOT using the sun java06:04
dr_willisjava version "1.6.0"06:04
dr_willisJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)06:04
dr_willisJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)06:04
dr_willisIs the sun java. I belive. :)06:04
dr_willisnote the 'blackdown' in yours.06:05
Hausso i am NOT using java now?06:05
Hausoi wey guys im really feel like dying now06:05
dr_willisyou are not using the SUN RELEASE of JAVA06:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:05
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dr_willisYou are using the 'blackdown gpl'ed' version thats not 100% compatiable.06:05
Hausomg thats why i get that freakin sign about gpl when i try to loginto hushmail all the time06:06
Hauslet me show u06:06
Hausone moment06:06
dr_willisTroubleshoooting 101. :)06:06
dr_willisthe !java url mentions the update-alternatives java command. i recall to be sure your system is using the sun java06:06
Hausthis i get:06:06
Haushttps://mailserver10.hushmail.com/hushmail/blankContentFrame.php?PHPSESSID=hm393737c7cc7a92b2e898cce68c548ef9 wants to load an applet.06:06
HausGNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete.06:06
Hausdr_willis> so how i fix this ?06:07
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dr_willisread the !java web site.. see the section on 'update-alternative'06:07
dr_willisive not had this issue in ages.06:07
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quartjewhat is that hush mail anyway?06:08
quartjecrappy java applets06:08
dr_willisa free 'secure'  webmail thing06:08
dr_willislooke like ya get 2mb free.06:08
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quartje2 whole mb's!06:08
Hauslisten is this the correct url for me? -> http://www.java.com/sv/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=sv&host=www.java.com:80 ?06:08
dr_willisthats all my wife needs06:08
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dr_willisthe bot said........                https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java06:09
dr_willisHaus,  use the java and docs for ubuntu.. dont use the sun downloads/guides06:09
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dr_willisupdate-java-alternatives -l06:10
dr_willisshows what javas ya got installed06:10
=== genii thinks "secure webmail" should be an oxymoron
=== mzanfardino1 [n=mark@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Hausupdate-java-alternatives -l06:11
Hausjava-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun06:11
Hausjava-gcj 1041 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj06:11
pagHaus, the exact command is:   sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun06:11
GrahamAIs there some sort of script I can make so that if KTorrent crashes it start's again?06:11
jhutchinsgenii: Certainly it suggests some sort of moron.06:11
dr_willispag,  yea - waseent sure what to use at the end. :)06:11
dr_willissudo update-alternatives --config java  - aparantly gives ya a list.06:12
Hausthis gives me a list to long to paste here06:12
Haussudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun06:13
Hausthat command does06:13
dhqhey guys, i have to execute java programs how do i do this i need JAVA and JAVAC06:13
pag!paste | Haus06:13
ubotuHaus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:13
dr_willisgee.. i got exactly 1 java installed. :)  java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun06:13
quartjeGrahamA: strange that it is crashing in the first place06:14
dr_willisHaus,  'READ' the messages.. its just info on what its doing..  then its done. :)06:14
dr_willisdid it print out any 'error' type messages?06:14
Hauspug i dont find a kubuntu in the syntax06:14
Hausshould i choose java maybe06:14
dr_willissyntax? huh?06:15
sfireHaus: have you tried gmail... also secure06:15
Hauslook at this link now06:15
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Berzerkercan anyone help me install wireless?06:15
dr_willisHaus,  looks like it worked to me06:15
GrahamAquartje: Any ideas?06:15
quartjeGrahamA: no06:16
dr_willisHaus,  close the browser, reload it.. check...06:16
quartjedoes it crash a lot GrahamA?06:16
dr_willistry java -version again :)06:16
Haus<dr_willis> um ok06:16
Hausone moment06:16
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:16
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GrahamAquartje: It seems to...06:17
GrahamAIf I leave it on for ages06:17
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Hausdr willis um still same shit06:17
quartjehave you tried googling for it?06:17
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Hauswtf did you do that made it work?06:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:18
GrahamAFor what? Why does KTorrent crash?06:18
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dhqdr_willis, do you have an idea in java06:18
dr_willisHaus,  very little at all.. I just installed that sun package given at the end of the !java bot factoid06:18
quartjeGrahamA: as a quick and dirty fix you could have a cronjob executed every 5 minutes or so which checkes the process list for ktorrent and restarts it when it isn't running anymore06:18
dr_willisHaus,  does your java -version show the proper version now?06:18
dr_willisJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)06:19
Haus<dr_willis> give me the command06:19
GrahamAThat could work.06:19
dr_willisHaus,  short term mempory eh? java -v for the 10th time. :P)06:19
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dr_willisor was it -version06:19
dr_willisi forget which one java uses06:19
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GrahamAquartje: how could I do that?06:19
Hausjava -version06:20
Hausjava version "1.6.0"06:20
HausJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)06:20
HausJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)06:20
dr_willissilly java -v dont work, but -version does, when it 'should' be --version, to be more compliant.06:20
Hausthas what it shows now06:20
dr_willisHaus,  so you are ow using the official sun java..06:20
dr_willisbe sure you closed all browser windows.06:20
Hausdo i need to reboot ?06:20
dr_willisThis isent windows.06:20
pagHaus, just remove the firefox plugin of that old java  or try with konq06:21
Haus<pag> pls how do i remove the old one?06:21
dr_willisOf course if youve tried installing the other .bin java fil;es.. that may totally mess things up06:21
dr_willisHaus,  you doint need to use the <> stuff in nicks. :)06:21
pagHaus, sudo apt-get remove --pruge j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin06:21
paghmpf... purge  not pruge06:22
BluesKajyeah IIRC , all vestiges of nonsunjava has to be uninstalled ..best way is in synaptic06:22
quartjeGrahamA: well, if you have never done some bash scripting I'd start with something more easy :)06:22
zootechnistHello everybody my english not well.I excuse because of this but I have problem06:22
Hausisnt it purge?06:22
pagHaus, it is06:22
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=== dr_willis notes that Hushmail does have a 'dont use java/turn off java' feature
WhtWolfTeraDynezootechnist: what is your native language?06:23
dhqwhat package do i need for "javac " and "java" commands06:23
pagHaus, I'm just getting quite tired so I do make typos. sorry about that06:23
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:23
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:23
dr_willis install sun-java6-jre06:23
dr_willisjavac may be in the jdk package however.. not sure. :)06:24
GrahamAquartje: I should learn cronjobs, I've setup a debian server upstairs.06:24
Hauspag no problem06:24
Hausok now i did this shit ill reboot ff06:24
GrahamAI could... ssh into my server and use an torrent client on that.06:24
Hausand see if it works06:24
WhtWolfTeraDynepag: how long you been up?06:24
zootechnistnobody there06:24
pagWhtWolfTeraDyne, not long.. 9.5 hours maybe :)06:24
WhtWolfTeraDynezootechnist: Ok. Put your question as best you can. We can usually decipher what you need.06:25
quartjeGrahamA: that would be an option06:25
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WhtWolfTeraDynepag: 9.5? That's not too bad. Best to take a nap after 7-8 hours, though.06:26
zootechnistI mounted my removable disk succesfully but I don't see .avi and .dat(vcd) files in my disk06:26
quartjeGrahamA: there is a graphical interface for cron in kubuntu06:26
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GrahamAIs there?06:27
dr_willisthat takes all the fun out of it!06:27
quartjein the system menu06:27
bobesponjahey all06:27
quartjecrontab -e on the commandline :)06:28
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pagWhtWolfTeraDyne, English isn't my primary language, and it takes sometimes quite an effort to form a sentence. :D  And as known; thinking can be exausting06:28
bobesponjakonqueror crashed at startup and now when I try to open /home/pat it search for the files for ever but doesn't display anything06:28
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GrahamAquartje: While you're here, can I have my server accessible from my network through an ethernet connection but connect to another network's wireless point and be accessible from the wired side?06:28
Hausstill does not work i give up06:28
bobesponjado I need to restart a kde service or something?06:28
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MarcCanybody know why my laptop shuts down sometimes when I use suspend?06:29
ksivajiis there any way to remove unwanted kernel modules ?06:29
WhtWolfTeraDynepag: Ah. That would make sense.06:29
pagbobesponja, did you create something at your /home lately?06:29
bobesponjapag: no06:29
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laervianhi everyone06:29
GrahamAquartje: Not in an illegal way or anything06:29
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:29
laerviandoes anyone know how to set dolphin as default file manager06:29
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laervianthanks ubotu :P06:30
dr_willislaervian,  ive seen that asked befor.. Im not sure its doable at this time.06:30
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laervianoh sorry thanks ksivaji06:30
dr_willislaervian,  may want to ask in #kde06:30
quartjeGrahamA: I dont really understand your question: the server has two nics? a wireless nic and a normal nic?06:30
ksivajidr_willis  is there any way to remove unwanted kernel modules ?06:30
laervianit is possible I did it once, do not remeber how :)06:30
GrahamAI want it to have 206:30
laervianthanks anyhow06:30
BluesKajlaervian, don't you'll regret it ...it limits your options06:30
GrahamAI'm wondering if it's possible.06:30
laervianuhm maybe06:30
dr_willisksivaji,  blacklist them to keep them from getting loaded.. is one way i guess.06:30
paglaervian, right click on folder chose open with -> other  look for dolphin an make sure you check the "use always"06:30
laervianpag: where?06:31
quartjeyou can have as many nics as you want GrahamA06:31
ksivajidr_willis how to blacklist them ?06:31
=== dr_willis pokes the bot
ksivajiubotu sucks06:31
paglaervian, ie open a konqueror  there will be folders06:31
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
GrahamAquartje: Wait, what's a nic?06:31
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GrahamAI'm not a good server admin, bare with me.06:31
quartjeGrahamA: a network card06:31
GrahamAOh ok.06:31
GrahamABut can I say... use a torrent client exclusively for the wireless and a wired one so I can connect to it?06:32
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ksivajicat: /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist: No such file or directory06:33
laervianpag thanks a lot :)06:33
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paglaura, np :)06:33
dr_willisksivaji,  so... logicially then,.... MAKE ONE... :)06:33
laervianbye :)06:33
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne just figured out that digikam can play movie files...
quartjeGrahamA: If you want all internet traffic on one nic and just connect to it from another nic, no problem06:33
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GrahamAquartje: Well, if it's possible, cool.06:33
quartjeWhtWolfTeraDyne: I think digikam can even make coffee ;)06:34
GrahamAJust need to know how :P06:34
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes off to look at the docs for once.
quartjeGrahamA : I dont know how to do that in kubuntu: I have been a kubuntu user since an hour ago :)06:34
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GrahamAWell I doubt it's much different than whatever you've used before.06:35
GrahamAUnless it's Windows.06:35
GrahamABut you seem to know alot about Linux to be a fresh user.06:35
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ludo__des francais ici ?06:35
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:35
ksivajidr_willis how to find unwanted module06:36
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quartjeGrahamA: I use mainly Suse, but my laptop didn't want to suspend so I decided to have a look at kubuntu for a change06:36
dr_willisksivaji,  what an odd question... :)06:36
dr_willisksivaji,   you are referign to a module name , for a module you dont want to load?06:36
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Hausis this sun java -> java version "1.6.0"06:37
HausJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)06:37
HausJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)06:37
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dr_willisava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)06:37
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dr_willisYes.. it seems to be06:37
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Hausi think java has a personal beef with me06:38
ksivajii read that kernel will have module to handle different hardware my system is amd based so i can remove  modules that is not related to amd know ?06:39
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dr_willisOr some of the otehr 'things' you did earlier to fix it.. broke it worse06:39
dr_willisHaus,  make a new user, see if it works for them06:39
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dr_willisksivaji,  if the moduiles are not needed.. they are not loaded.. you sound like you are worring about somthing thats not a problem.06:39
Hausis there a way to longin to this freakin hushshit without java?06:39
bruno___alguem do brasil ?????06:40
dr_willisHaus,  hushmail had a 'disable java' setting right there on the login screens for me.06:40
quartjeGrahamA: there is a nice way of configuring your network in the system settings06:40
pag!br | bruno___06:40
ubotubruno___: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:40
ksivajidr_willis ya i have only 186mb ram OS consumes almost 170Mb so my system is slow06:40
dr_willisksivaji,  worrying about kernel modules isent goign to help that at all.06:41
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pagksivaji, try running fewer apps / lighter DE / WM  ;)06:42
dr_willisthe OS will grab all the ram it can for disk cache, as needed.. also.06:42
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Hauswillis and were in gods name do you see that ?06:42
bruno___putz nao sei entrar em portugues06:42
dr_willisHaus,  it was right there when i logged in. a check box.06:42
ksivajipag be more clear06:42
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dr_willisLoading the Hush Encryption Engine may take up to three minutes. If you are asked to install software from Hush Communications, please chooseLoading the Hush Encryption Engine may take up to three minutes. If you are asked to install software from Hush Communications, please choose   "disable java" or "continue"06:43
ksivajitotal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached06:43
ksivajiMem:           186        183          3          0          0         4606:43
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dr_willisPlease enter your passphrase:    below it is "turn off java' real clear... :)06:43
pagksivaji, dump the KDE and use fluxbox. Use irssi for irc... I think there was guide on how to lighten your systen @ ubuntuforums, but I don't have the direct link06:43
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about matchbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
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dr_willisI like Matchbox :)06:44
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dr_willis!info matchbox06:44
ubotumatchbox: base environment for resource-limited systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3 (feisty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB06:44
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LamingtonMatchbox ?06:45
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dr_willisIts the WM/DE used by that Nokia 880 and a few other embeded devices also.06:45
dr_willisvery different in ways.06:45
WhtWolfTeraDyneI like windowmaker.06:45
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Lamingtonah i c06:46
dr_williswindowmaker is neat.. but a little weird in too many ways. :) old-skool06:46
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dr_willisi wish kde and gnome would use windowmaker dock applets more.06:46
dr_willisdown with Karamba/gdesklets! up with DockAPplets!06:46
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LamingtonPlasma > Karamba06:46
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evilmmhow actually stable is kde4?06:47
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pagevilmm, not too stable ;)  And Kubuntu's packages are outdated iirc. so you'd have to compile from sources to get te current version up06:48
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cyber_cophi channel06:49
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pag!hi | cyber_cop06:49
ubotucyber_cop: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!06:49
cyber_copI'm from Turkey06:49
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:49
cyber_copkubuntu-tr not support06:49
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cyber_copubotu: turkish kubuntu channel not support06:50
cyber_copubotu: bot :))06:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot :)) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:50
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evilmmpag: i've heard kde4 isnt going to be included for at least 2 more releases06:50
cyber_copmy sistem kubuntu 7.10 alfa206:51
Haussince this java ape wont work im going to uninstall it all06:51
cyber_copmy graphich card via06:51
Hausis it 'sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre' ?06:51
LamingtonKDE4 will be available in the repositories06:51
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cyber_copvia P4M900 chipset06:51
pagevilmm, well... it won't be the default, but it should be available to install in all it's glory :)06:51
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cyber_copxorg.conf graphich card vesa06:52
evilmmpag: ah06:52
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cyber_copvia Help ??06:52
evilmmit looks a bit cartoonish for my tastes06:52
cyber_copI'm bad english speak. sorry06:52
LamingtonIts not even finished06:52
cyber_copvia graphich card help ??06:52
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evilmmtrue..but unless they overhaul everything06:57
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evilmmwhich they probably will, but thats besides the point06:57
evilmmim talking nhow06:57
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cyber_copMy graphic card not installed. Via driver install help me ?06:57
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dreamerhi all, I just tried to install quake2, but when I load the program I get: Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx06:57
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cyber_copkubuntu developer whois ??06:57
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jaimsone question06:58
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jaimskubuntu festy, which package to get python go be able to import package gtksourceview?06:58
pagjaims, umm... python-gtk2 maybe?  Somehow I feel that this isn't the channel that knows about GTK.. try rather #ubuntu or #gtk06:59
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humehi....is there an easy way to produce a "home" icon on the desktop in Kubuntu feisty?07:00
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jaimspag: python-gtk2 already installed. I'll try those channels. Thank you very much07:01
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jaimskubuntu festy, which package to get python go be able to import package gtksourceview?07:02
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cyber_cophey channell kde configuration century07:04
cyber_copconsole command ??07:04
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TxOnas... alguno que me aga algun privado si me echa alguna mano o sabe de algun manual para crear usuarios y grupos con privilegios o sin.. gracias07:06
cyber_copvalla dediklerinden bii anlamadm07:06
cyber_copama kfr ettiysen kanala, ibnesin07:06
cyber_cophelp me ??07:07
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Hauscyber cop speak english you god damn sand niger07:07
cyber_copvia graphich card driver07:07
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vishamhi folks07:07
cyber_copnot installed07:07
cyber_copsupport please ?07:08
vishamhow to install new font for use with konsole07:08
Haus<cyber_cop> /etc/x11/xconf.org07:08
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cyber_copHaus: not support07:08
cyber_copvia card07:08
chueQoeee hello07:08
chueQoespaol alguien?07:08
chueQospanish anyone?07:08
cyber_copHaus: support web pages please07:09
chueQonihongo shimasu?07:09
cyber_copVia P4M900 driver07:09
Haus<cyber_cop> look at this file /etc/x11/xorg.conf07:09
vishamhey konsole fonts help pls07:09
cyber_copHaus: point the via07:09
chueQoI ve got a question07:09
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Hauscyber_cop do you have nvidia?07:09
cyber_copX restart07:09
cyber_copnot open07:09
chueQoabout gfxgrub07:09
chueQohow do I make my own message.file?07:10
cyber_copHaus: VIA driver07:10
cyber_copnow default VESA driver07:10
vishamany one knows how to add more fonts to the konsole font select dialog?07:10
cyber_copmy real driver via07:10
chueQodownload kuake07:10
chueQohow do I make my own message.file?07:10
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Hauscyper_cop do this -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:10
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bluejaycan anybody here who can help my webcam work07:18
bluejayim new to linux07:18
Hauslol wtf07:18
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m4ngooshow do i disable beryl?07:19
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Haus<m4ngoos> sudp apt-get remove beryl07:19
m4ngoosthats the only way?07:19
Hauswell thats a good way if you want to remove it i think07:19
m4ngoosid like to just disable it07:20
m4ngooskeep it installed07:20
Hausok hold on one moment let me check07:20
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Hausm4ngoos check this http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=d/disable07:21
Hausnoo wait thats wrong... ignore that one07:21
HausUse beryl-manager to disable beryl07:23
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m4ngoosi cant find it in there07:24
Haus<m4ngoos> you sure you dont find it?07:24
milesuse beryl-manager to pick your original window manager07:24
milesprobably kwin for you07:24
milesright click beryl icon -> select window manager07:24
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m4ngooswhy is gnome called metacity?07:25
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jhutchinsm4ngoos: It isn't, it's called gnome.07:26
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m4ngoosoh metacity is probably the theme..07:26
eagles0513875jhutchins: u know much about debugging07:26
m4ngooshow come 2 of my desktops are gone now?07:26
stevo111AMAZING thingol79 got my sound to work in the new gusty kubuntu :)07:26
jhutchinseagles0513875: I'm more of a troubleshooter than a debugger.  I don't get into the code.07:27
eagles0513875lol maybe u can help me07:27
jhutchinsm4ngoos: Metacity is the compositing window manager.  Same thing as enlightenment used to be (maybe still is), but compositing/3D.07:28
m4ngoosi see07:28
eagles0513875jhutchins: ever since i upgraded to kde 3.5.7 in gutsy i have all my audio in flac and amarok is version 1.4.6 and for some reason with all my audio in amarok it intermittently cuts in and out throughout all the songs07:28
m4ngoos2 of my workspaces dissapeared..07:28
m4ngooshow do i add them back?07:29
stevo111!jre 607:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre 6 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
eagles0513875jhutchins: the audio works in other programs like exaile07:29
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.07:29
jhutchinseagles0513875: You know that the only reason to run gutsy is to find bugs like this and report them, right?07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java6-jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
jhutchinseagles0513875: gutsy support is in ubuntu+1, and we pretty much have to keep it that way until release.07:29
stevo111you are a dev?07:30
jhutchins!java | stevo11107:30
ubotustevo111: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.07:30
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eagles0513875jhutchins: i reported it to kde.org should i report it to ubuntu07:30
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jhutchinseagles0513875: Yeah, I would, possibly tie it to your kde bugrepot.07:30
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eagles0513875dman it i would have to go dig through kde bugs lol07:31
eagles0513875!language | eagles05138707:31
ubotueagles051387: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:31
jhutchinseagles0513875: KDE tends to dismiss any bug reports from distro packages as packaging problems, going through ubuntu makes it easier for them to push it upstream if necessary.07:31
eagles0513875then ill report07:31
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eagles0513875jhutchins: r u a dev07:31
BluesKajdoes launchpad ever provide any fixes for their bug reports or do they just get listed in google for no reason ? :)07:32
jhutchinsNope.  Just a user and troubleshooter.07:32
eagles0513875a vry good one at that07:32
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cyber_copcommand in my console07:32
cyber_copdriver lists07:32
jhutchinsI've worked as a developmental troubleshooter for a lot of projects.  I work with people who are having problems and either resolve the ones that are config errors or distill good feedback for a developer.07:32
cyber_copmy select via driver07:32
cyber_copdon't open sistem07:33
jhutchinseagles0513875: Thanks.  It's kinda like crosswords or sudoku for me.07:33
cyber_copxorg.conf deleted. vesa driver open07:33
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cyber_cophelp me ??07:33
eagles0513875jhutchins: u able to read code07:34
eagles0513875!ask | cyber_cop07:34
ubotucyber_cop: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:34
cyber_copsupport please07:34
eagles0513875!ask | cyber_cop07:34
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cyber_copeagles0513875: my graphic card driver07:34
BluesKajjhutchins, it's nice to know that others are having the same prob , but listing similar probs in google isn't helping to solve the probs ...i don't get it .07:34
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cyber_copnot installed07:34
jhutchinscyber_cop: This is a user channel.  Other users might know how to solve your problem if you state it clearly.07:34
texjoachimanyone with experience on installing netbeans on feisty?07:34
Lamingtoncyber_cop: What graphics card do you have ?07:34
stevo111BluesKaj: do you have ubuntu?07:35
BluesKajstevo111, kubuntu07:35
stevo111what one?07:35
BluesKajfeisty, why /07:35
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cyber_copLamington: my graphics card via07:36
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Lamingtoncyber_cop: No hardware acceleration ?07:37
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BluesKajwas just stevo111, I was making a comment about how useless it is to have launchpad list ppl's probs with linux , without any fixes ...what good is that07:37
Hauscyber cop sup bro?07:37
stevo111i dunno BluesKaj07:38
cyber_copHaus: command in my console07:38
stevo111im confused07:38
BluesKajgoogle is getting really quite uselsess and irrelavent in some ways07:38
cyber_copopen the driver list07:38
Haus<cyber_cop> what u want to know mate?07:38
cyber_copand select via07:38
cyber_coprestart pc07:38
cyber_copdon't open07:38
Haus<cyber_cop> yeah did you edit the xorg.conf?07:38
cyber_copxorg.conf deleted07:38
cyber_copopen system07:39
Hausdeleted? lol are you insaine?07:39
Hauswtf this is a troll07:39
humehehe....are you running x now?07:39
cyber_copyes run07:39
Hausksivaji what? why are you versioning me?07:39
cyber_copnew xorg.conf07:39
cyber_copsafe mode open07:39
cyber_copxorg.conf edit and reboot07:40
cyber_copnow driver vesa07:40
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Lamingtoncyber_cop: so ?07:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:40
cyber_copLamington: bad english speak07:41
Lamingtoncyber_cop: What are you expecting a via chipset to do ? Hardware acceleration ?07:41
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cyber_copmy graphics card driver via P4M90007:41
cyber_copsupport web page link please07:41
cyber_copinstall support page ?07:41
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Whats the problem ?07:42
humecyber_cop, isn't the viachrome drivers something for you?07:42
humeor openchrome, I mean07:42
Hauschoose NVIDIA when you gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:42
cyber_copLamington: my chipset07:42
cyber_copVia p4m90007:42
Lamingtoncyber_cop: it has kernel support07:42
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LamingtonChrome9 ?07:43
d1kt4t0rdoes anyone know how to fix this... my KDE font sizes are 8 point everywhere... using bitstream fonts. But in apps using KHTML, that is the konqueror browser and kopete conversation window, the 8 point reduces further in size. What is happening?07:43
cyber_copLamington: yep07:43
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jhutchinsd1kt4t0r: konq does have it's own default font settings.07:44
jhutchinsDunno about kopete, I've been runing pidgin.07:44
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cyber_copLamington: http://dpaste.com/1467807:44
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Maybe this will help http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=10107:45
cyber_copLamington: open page07:46
cyber_copinstall support me ?07:46
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Most of them are video drivers, so one of them should work07:47
cyber_copLamington: yes true driver07:47
cyber_copinstall support me ?07:48
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Chrome 9 ?07:48
stevo111http://www.pastebin.ca/623538 please check that for errors. i want to enable all repositories07:48
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d1kt4t0rhmmm... think the difference probably comes because of the hinting for the small fonts... KHTML seems to be using bytecode hinting. any ideas anyone?07:49
cyber_copLamington: yes chrome907:49
Lamingtoncyber_cop: go down to the UniChrome XORG 40071 source installation guide07:50
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Hadarracyber_cop etc: Am I right: Your X does not start?07:50
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Lamingtoncyber_cop: P4M900 VIA Chrome9 integrated graphics ( P4M900 ) ... click the link07:52
geniijhutchins: Yes, I like pidgin as well07:52
cyber_copLamington: yes click07:53
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BluesKajstevo111, is that the install default sources.list07:53
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cyber_copHadarra: yes07:54
cyber_copX problem07:54
cyber_copctrl+alt+backspace and..07:55
Hadarracyber_cop: and do you have a asus motherboard07:55
cyber_copscreen close07:55
cyber_copI'm no07:55
Hadarracyber_cop: is the motherboard vendor asus07:55
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cyber_copasus ?07:55
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cyber_copI'm no07:56
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cyber_copasus or msi07:56
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x89xhello. can anone help me with video driver ??07:56
cyber_copI'm no07:56
command0-182My adpet installer says another program is using the API, but I checked & I can't find any other programs running07:56
command0-182My adpet installer says another program is using the API, but I checked & I can't find any other API programs running07:56
x89xvzduch : you there >>07:56
cyber_copLamington: click and install07:57
BluesKajHadarra, does it matter what mobo he has ?07:57
cyber_copnow ??07:57
Lamingtoncyber_cop: no wait07:57
Hadarracyber_cop: ok. The problem Ive had was that asus mothewrboards requires special setings:, follows:07:57
Lamingtoncyber_cop: just a minute07:57
HadarraX crashes before login07:57
cyber_copLamington: my X open07:58
HadarraDocs I've found tell to use Driver "vesa" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf Section "Device"07:58
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cyber_copmy problem ctrl+alt+backspace and..07:58
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cyber_copX close and stand07:58
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vzduchx89x: we've been through the whole thing already.. if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.  Accept it or go buy another gfx card :)07:59
Hadarracyber_cop: also disabling powernowd might help (if running) /etc/init.d/powernowd stop07:59
x89xvzduch : i found something07:59
cyber_copstand restart touch07:59
x89xvzduch http://www.hombrepac.com.ar/software-libre/linux/how-to-via-k8m890-chrome-9-igp-and-linuxs-xorg-ubuntu-edgy-610/07:59
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x89xis that for me ????07:59
command0-182My adpet manager says another program is using the pakageing system but I can't find one07:59
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Lamingtoncyber_cop:  Via has offered Fedora Core drivers for Chrome9 implementations in its P4M900 and K8M890 chipsets, and 2D acceleration may also be available through pure open source drivers such as OpenChrome.08:00
command0-182My adpet manager says another program is using the pakageing system but I don't have any other programs running08:00
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto08:00
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:00
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cyber_copLamington: yes08:00
cyber_copI'm install support08:01
NightBird!fixadept | command0-18208:01
ubotucommand0-182: please see above08:01
cyber_copdriver install help me08:01
geniiBah. How to get Konversation to use FireFox instead of Konqueror for opening URLs as default behaviour?08:01
runleveltenkcontrol > kde components > default apps08:01
Hadarracyber_cop: I tried with knoppix live CD: it worked but crashed after awhile until...08:01
runleveltenthe change the default browser to firefox genii08:01
Lamingtoncyber_cop: I'm just looking at some information for you08:02
command0-182Thanks that worked :)08:02
Hadarracyber_cop: I added 'knoppix noapic' to the boot command line08:02
geniirunlevelten: OK thx08:02
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Are you using Kubuntu Feisty ?08:02
cyber_copLamington: kubuntu 7.10 alfa208:02
cyber_copnew installed and08:03
Hadarracyber_cop: It should be possible to add noapic nolapic to ubuntu as well. It might work, but I cant help, since...08:03
BluesKajgenii, in konverstaion/settings/configure konversation/general/use custom web browser08:03
Hadarracyber_cop: I changed to mandriva because of those problems08:03
LamingtonHe only needs the VGA controller driver08:04
LamingtonEverything else is there08:04
geniiBluesKaj: That worked :)08:04
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BluesKajgenii, good :)08:04
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x89xgenii cany u help ?08:05
HadarraLamington: If you are referring to cyber_cops (and my) problems, changing driver was not enough.08:06
geniix89x: What problem are you having?08:06
x89xi have a via deltachrome igp.08:06
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-static-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
x89xis this the driver genii sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-via08:06
x89xoh sorry08:06
x89xgenii http://www.hombrepac.com.ar/software-libre/linux/how-to-via-k8m890-chrome-9-igp-and-linuxs-xorg-ubuntu-edgy-610/08:06
x89xthis one ?08:06
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geniix89x: There is actually an opensource UniChrome driver someplace08:07
x89xis this the one ?08:07
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x89xgenii ??08:08
geniix89x Looking :) Have patience08:08
x89xok :)08:08
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geniix89x:  You are running 6.10 (Edgy) Ubuntu?08:10
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x89xno. i'm on 7.04 Fiesty genii08:10
geniix89x:  The VIA Chrome drivers which work on Edgy do NOT work on Feisty08:10
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Hadarrax89x: Thats a fact. The  document was good, but it did not work08:11
x89xthen i cant do anything genii ?08:11
Lamingtonfriggin VIA site is crap08:11
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geniix89x: I am still researching. When you do lspci | grep vga  does it show the model as K8M800 ?08:12
LamingtonYou would think their "download center" would actually have drivers to download...08:12
x89xgenii/ mines a ASUS K8m89008:13
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geniix89x: OK. Pls wait08:13
Hadarragenii: You meant grep via, not vga ?08:14
Lamingtoncyber_cop: try http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=28&threadid=7849708:14
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geniiHadarra Since it could be VIA or Via, vga is better since it finds all cards08:15
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Hadarragenii: or none... (Or maybe it's diffrent in mandriva im using now08:16
LamingtonI have to get going08:16
runleveltenlspci | grep [Vv] [Gg] [Aa] 08:17
geniirunlevelten: smartass08:17
Hadarrarunlevelten: Yep, sorry.08:17
cyber_copLamington: my installed08:17
LamingtonCan someone follow the link I posted and try to help cyber_cop... it links to a forum where someone posted a link to a gzip file which contains a PDF with recent information08:17
Lamingtoncyber_cop: how did you go ?08:18
Lamingtoncyber_cop: Did it work ?08:18
geniix89x: I'm finding many references to problems with this card and Feisty but no satisfactory solutions yet :(08:18
=== runlevelten needs tea
=== runlevelten and a new job
x89xgenii :(08:18
x89xvesa sucks !!08:18
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LamingtonVIA sucks08:19
Lamington(I have VIA)08:19
cyber_copLamington: I'm not work08:19
x89xlamington what have u done then08:20
Lamingtoncyber_cop: have a look at this and see if it contains any useful information for you http://www.viaarena.com/Driver/via_unichrome_fbd_v2.6.00.03a_appnote_ver0.8a.gz Sorry I have to go now08:20
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Lamingtonx89x: never had any problems with my chipset (its an older VIA chipset) and I installed an nvidia graphics card ages ago so it would be a non-issue for me anyway08:21
x89xoh. i have a via deltachrom IGP Lamington.08:22
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Lamingtongnite all (its late here and I have to work in the morning)08:22
HadarraLamington: The doc seems good, but requires some studying.08:22
runleveltennight Lamington08:22
x89xnite :)08:22
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geniix89x: I found something at Via which looks promising08:25
x89x:) genii08:25
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geniiThey claim it supports 7.0408:25
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geniix89x:  If you feel brave :) here is the link, it has instructions on it and so forth http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=10108:26
x89xgenii i used synaptic and found X.Org X server -- VIA display driver (not installeds) and X.Org X server -- Savage display driver (installed) What do i do ??08:26
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geniix89x: I already told you, the regular xorg via drivers do not work with your video card on 7.04 (Feisty) only on 6.10 (Edgy) or 6.06 (Dapper)08:29
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x89xgenii : i found it on synaptic08:30
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x89xgenii : does synaptic find for other Ubuntus too ?08:32
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geniix89x: No, should only look for what version you have08:33
Hadarragenii: WHY does it not work? Would it be possible to get older stuff from dapper repo to fix the problem?08:33
x89xthegenii : i found it on that !08:33
geniiHadarra 1 minute I'll give you the bug URL08:33
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x89xgenii : i downloaded the X.Org X server -- VIA display driver . how do i install it  ?08:34
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Hadarragenii: lets see.....08:35
geniix89x: You installed it thru synaptic?08:35
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x89xgenii Yes08:35
x89xI downloaded it not installed it genii08:35
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x89xi hit the apply option in synaptic genii08:36
geniix89x: OK, so it is on now. The only change to make MAY be to put in xorg.conf the name "via" for the driver where it has what driver to use08:36
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geniix89x: Ah, it should be OK then08:36
berkesI have been going trough many howtos and forums, but I fail to find The Ultimate method to solve my uuid issues: Kubuntu broke the UUID of swap on the latest upgrade on my desktop and it broke the swap and /root on my laptop last 3 upgrades.08:36
x89xjust that much genii ?08:36
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x89xno Device names and all genii ?08:36
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flygirlhello any germans here?08:36
berkesdoes anyone know how to rebuild fstab the way it would be when re-installing (k)ubuntu?08:37
BluesKaj1de | flygirl08:37
geniix89x: So then just hit ctrl-alt-backspace   which will restart the whole X server08:37
BluesKaj!de | flygirl08:37
ubotuflygirl: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:37
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x89xhow do i edit the xserv.conf ? genii08:37
lan1g1r0does kubuntu support opera?08:37
flygirlok thanx08:37
BluesKajlan1g1r0, yes08:37
geniix89x: To edit that file you would do:  kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:38
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geniix89x: However, I would do first:08:38
x89xjust the vesa to via right genii !08:38
dystopianraykpf can no longer register with zerconf, I cannot find anything that would indicate what the problem would be, can anyone help?08:38
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geniix89x: in konsole:   sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak08:38
geniix89x Yes, but first you should backup the file as i said08:39
x89xgenii : if i dont get it to work, how do i restore the ackup ?08:39
x89xtell me the command genii08:39
Mungalloremove the .bak08:39
Hauswhat is it you type in ff to get the config settings? isent it something like : auto:conf?08:39
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Mungallomv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:40
geniix89x: If it can't work , then do:   sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:40
Pensa`MIAHaus: about:config08:40
Haus<Pensa`MIA> rite, thanks.08:40
geniix89x: Then you will just be back to vesa again08:40
x89xok thanks genii08:40
x89xi'll try it now08:40
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jonowould anyone know why when i switched to KDE from Gnome on Ubuntu all my hardrives(other then the linux partition) stopped mounting in /media?08:41
dystopianraydoes anyone have working zeroconf?08:41
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=== genii slides BluesKaj a coffee
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BluesKajgenii, ya get my message ?08:42
lsprocwhat pkgs do i need to play a mp3 stream in amarok08:43
geniiBluesKaj: Yup08:43
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dystopianraylsproc: libxine-extracodecs08:43
x89xgenii : kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt work !08:43
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x89xi'm on ubuntu 7.04 genii08:44
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geniix89x: then in konsole, do instead: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
x89xgenii : VIA , via , Via are the same ??08:45
x89xcase sensitive ?? genii08:45
dystopianraydoes anyone have kpf working with zeroconf?08:45
Hadarrax89x: Yes08:45
geniix89x: just via   all lower case08:45
x89xdone noe ctrl+alt+backspace genii ??08:46
geniix89x Did you first exit nano by ctrl-x then save the file?08:46
x89xi saved usin ctrl + o08:47
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jonocan anyone help me figure out why my hard drives arn't mounting?08:47
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dystopianrayjono: are they in /etc/fstab?08:48
geniix89x: Please reopen the file and make sure the changes are in the correct name08:48
x89xgenii : its changed08:48
genii(that you did file writeout to /etc/X11/xorg.conf)08:48
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x89xnow ctrl + alt + backspace ??08:49
geniix89x: All right, then. Previously you already made a backup, yes?08:49
x89xgenii : yes :)08:49
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geniix89x: OK, now then ctrl-alt-backspace. If no-go then do the command to put the backup back in08:49
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geniieg: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:50
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jonodystopianray: i don't have a etc/fstab folder08:50
genii(with sudo)08:50
dystopianrayjono: it's not a folder, it's a file: /etc/fstab08:50
jonojust a sec08:50
geniiAFK 2-3 minutes, work calls08:50
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jonodystopianray: no they're not08:51
jhutchinsjono: Do they appear when you do sudo fstab -l?08:51
jonodystopianray: but they had all mounted automaticaly before i switched from ubuntu to kubuntu08:52
dystopianrayjono: are they internal or external?08:52
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jonodystopianray: one external, 5 more internals08:52
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dystopianrayjono: the external one should work08:52
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dystopianrayjono: internal ones shouldn't be able to be mounted with a fstab entry08:53
dystopianrayjono: 'without' a fstab entry i mean08:53
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jonodystopianray: "sudo: fstab: command not found"08:54
dystopianrayjono: it's a file08:54
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jonodystopianray: what do you mean by doing sudo fstab -l then08:55
dystopianrayjono: I didn't say that08:55
jonodystopianray: oops08:55
dystopianrayjono: what happens when you plugin the external one? is it connected via usb?08:55
geniiHmm perhaps i should have reminded x89x to restart kdm after a failed X start08:55
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jonodystopianray: it can be either usb or fire wire08:56
jonodystopianray: i have it plugged in through firewire08:56
dystopianrayjono: and nothing happens?08:56
jlundI just ssh'd into my home desktop machine and I'm having a strange error with nearly every command that I run: "-bash: /usr/bin/top: Input/output error" Any ideas?08:56
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dystopianrayjlund: sounds like hdd problem08:57
dystopianrayjlund: can you run dmesg?08:57
geniidystopianray: Yup, I concur08:57
jonodystopianray: ok...after i unplugged the power and plugged it back in it detected a drive08:58
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geniiPOSSIBLY another instance of top running and file-locking in place. But unlikely08:58
jlunddystopianray: -bash: /bin/dmesg: Input/output error08:58
Mungallojlund: ps -ef | grep top08:58
jonodystopianray: but i still don't have my 5 internal drives mounting08:58
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dystopianrayjono: how are the internal drives connected?08:59
jlundMungallo: That command worked, but only the grep top command was listed.08:59
merlin-m-29im not sure what happened but i had an icon in top panel that showed updates and open apps like when i have pidgin running and now they are not there so if i close pidgin to panel i cant get back to it without re running it ?08:59
Mungallojlund: weird08:59
Nortonhey, i have a little problem. How do i disable the login screen so when i start up the computer it automaticly log you in08:59
geniiSo HDD likely dying08:59
genii^ jlund08:59
runleveltenkcontrol > sys admin > login manager09:00
jonodystopianray: 2 via Nvidia NF4(SATA) and 4 via Silicon Image pci card09:00
runleveltenNorton: kcontrol > sys admin > login manager09:00
dystopianrayjlund: sounds dieing drive or filesystem corruption09:00
jlundAlright, well that is sad. But thanks for the help guys.09:00
Nortonrunlevelten i get this massage "GDM (the GNOME Display manager) is not running" when i try that09:00
Nortonhow do i start it?09:00
jlundIt has been like a million degrees back home. I'm flying back today. I should have left the A/C on the entire time I supoose.09:00
dystopianrayjono: well as I said, you shouldn't be able to mount internal drives without a /etc/fstab entry, so I dont' know how gnome was able to accomplish that09:00
dystopianrayjono: if I were you i'd just add some fstab entries for the drives09:01
geniiNorton Kubuntu uses kdm as login manager normally. Regular ubuntu (Gnome) uses gdm09:01
dystopianrayjlund: remotely reboot and see if it comes up09:01
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merlin-m-29anyone know what im talkin about im a noob so i m not even sure if im askin the right stuff09:02
jhutchinsGesh, i read that "Norton Kubuntu" as equivalent to "Norton Anti-Virus".09:02
runleveltenyeah, but even so it shouldn't give you that error09:02
jonodystopianray: do i have to reinitialize my external evertime i restart?09:02
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dystopianrayjono: you can add a fstab entry for it09:02
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dystopianrayjono: but that will cause problems if the drive is disconnected09:02
Nortonso what should i do, i am quite the linux newb :D09:02
runleveltenIf you're running gdm, you'll need to ask someone who knows how to change it for GDM09:02
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runleveltenSomeone here *might*09:03
geniijhutchins: Smarta$$09:03
jhutchinsdystopianray: the udev/hotplug stuff can dynamically create and remove fstab entries.  Since you can manually mount things that aren't in fstab, I see no reason the hotplug system would need to have them.09:03
runleveltensomeone in #ubuntu will09:03
jonodystopianray: do you know of a good site that explains how to do the entries?09:03
jhutchinsgenii: No, seriously, I was about to ask you what "Norton Kubuntu" was.09:03
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dystopianrayjhutchins: udev/hotplug doesn't touch fstab, user is done with pmount which shouldn't be touching fstab09:04
jhutchinsdystopianray: The problem is, a lot of that auto-mount stuff is handled within the windowmanager, so when it comes to gnome vs. kde things break.09:04
jlunddystopianray: I can't issue the reboot or shutdown commands without getting the same I/O error. :)09:04
geniijhutchins: I guess i need to hit Tab more so the colomn appears after the name ;)09:04
dystopianrayjhutchins: and pmount won't mount anything that is considered 'removeable', which includes all internal drives09:04
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jhutchinsdystopianray: Assuming everything is working correctly.09:05
jonojhutchins: would you recommend removing gnome?09:05
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jonojhutchins: for less conflicts that is09:05
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jhutchinsjono: THe simplest thing would be a clean install of kubuntu, but there's a script to remove gnome-desktop, I think.09:06
dystopianrayjono: if you login to gnome does it all mount as expected?09:06
jhutchinsjono: Try this if you decide to remove gnome: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde09:07
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jonodystopianray: it did before i switched over...would you like me to try it now?09:07
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dystopianrayjono: yes09:08
dystopianraydoes anyone have working zeroconf?09:09
jonodystopianray: brb09:09
dystopianrayneither kpf or krfb are working09:09
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dystopianrayis anyone using a Intel P35 based mobo? I am interested in buying one09:11
runleveltenkpf doesn't rely on zeroconf09:11
runleveltenit will work whether zeroconf works right or not09:12
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dystopianrayrunlevelten: yes I know, but why is zeroconf not working?09:12
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x89xgenii :09:12
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x89xit didnt work : bu i found a new thing. theres a unichome package in synaptic ! Now how do i install that ?? genii09:13
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dystopianrayrunlevelten: ah nevermind, I figured out what was wrong09:14
salvonon sono su kubuntu italia????09:15
geniiNorton: System Settings > User Management > Advanced > Login Manager09:15
miles!it | salvo09:15
ubotusalvo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:15
runleveltenwrong in what way?09:15
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runleveltenie what was it?09:15
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geniix89x: Yes I'm here :) If you see it listed in synaptic then just install it09:16
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x89xHow genii ? I installed it but how do i choose it ?09:16
dystopianrayrunlevelten: pkf has different default values during setup depending on how you approach setting up a share, it needed an explicit server name given09:17
dystopianrayrunlevelten: kpf i mean09:17
x89xgenii : it doesnt show up in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:17
jonodystopianray: when i switched all my drives were mounted09:17
geniix89x: One minute, searching for the exact name of driver for xorg.conf09:17
runleveltenAh, I see09:17
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runleveltenfair play :)09:17
dystopianrayjono:  do the drives appear in media:/ under kde?09:18
jonodystopianray: also when i switch desktop managers my 3 screen display messes up...and i am usually only left with my center screen(out of 3)09:18
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dystopianrayjono: I don't know anything about multi screen setups09:19
jonodystopianray: no but i restarted, however my external is loaded09:19
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dystopianrayjono: you'll have to find out exactly how gnome is mounting those internal drives09:20
dystopianrayjono: and find some way to replicate that behaviour in kde09:20
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jonodystopianray: would you recomend trying to remove gnome assuming it's a conflict between the two window managers?09:20
dystopianrayjono: that shouldn't be a problem09:21
dystopianrayjono: unless you are running gnome and kde at the exact same time, there should be no conflict09:21
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jonodystopianray: i know when i used to boot in knoppix off a live cd it would mount all my drives automatically as well09:21
x89xgenii : i uninstalled via then too its showing up in the xconf comman in terminal !09:22
dystopianrayjono: knoppix does things differently09:22
geniix89x: The driver name should be as before. via    all lowercase09:22
x89xok. i'll try it then09:22
dystopianrayjono: as I said, I don't know hwo gnome is even capable of mounting the internal drives without a fstab entry09:22
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dystopianrayjono: maybe ask in gnome about how it is done and how to get the same thing in kde09:22
x89xdo i always have to restart comp if it goes wrong genii ??09:23
jonodystopianray: so if i were to mount the drives manually how would i go about doing that?09:23
geniix89x Remember about the backup (you have it already) Also you can start X after the backup if via is a no-go again by:  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start09:23
x89xis there any command to login genii ?09:23
dystopianrayjono: pmount /dev/blah09:23
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x89xgenii : i'm on UBuntu 7.0409:23
x89xis the command same for me genii ?09:24
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jonodystopianray: is there a way to scan for them to find out what each one is called?09:24
geniix89x: Yes09:24
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x89xthanks genii09:24
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geniix89x:  <crossing fingers now>09:24
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jonodystopianray: and to make sure that they are even recognized09:25
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dystopianrayjono: they are recognised if gnome can mount them09:25
dystopianrayjono: try looking in /dev/disk/09:25
dystopianrayjono: /dev/disk/by-label/09:25
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Rafeirohi :D09:27
jonodystopianray: yea...there is a bunch of references to some of my drives in there09:27
Rafeirohow do i try out alpha2 of kde? :-)09:27
dystopianrayjono: pick and choose the one you want to mount09:27
dystopianrayRafeiro: it's so incomplete that it is not worth trying, but if you insist: http://home.kde.org/~binner/kde-four-live/09:28
jonodystopianray: also...how to a change the permissions09:28
dystopianrayjono: the permissions of what?09:28
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jonodystopianray: could that be why they are not mounting?  the permissions of the drive...if i try to access them i need to put in my root password09:29
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dystopianrayjono: you are using pmount to mount them?09:29
geniijono You can put in fstab as an option    user           but you will still need to make directories there which the regular user can write to.09:29
BluesKajcan the gnome onscreen keyboard gok, be run on kde ?09:31
jonodystopianray: i meant when they auto loaded in gnome...i needed to be root to access them....as well as when i tried to click on a drive in /dev/disk/by-label/ it said i didn't ahve permissions09:32
dystopianrayBluesKaj: try it out09:32
dystopianrayjono: oh09:32
geniiBluesKaj: Seems to work Ok on this box. but I had regular ubuntu first then did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:32
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dystopianrayjono: you needd to be root to mount them?09:32
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BluesKajdystopianray, doing so as we speak09:33
geniijono Putting    user    as an option in fstab will allow regular users to mount the drive. But the write permissions by default will always belong to root. So you need to either change ownership of the entire drive to one user who will always be the one to write there, or to just make a directory there which a user has recursive write privelege to09:34
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jonodystopianray: ummmm...i think, thats what i have been doing in gnome, just putting in my root password to gain access to each one09:34
jeff__hi, all09:34
x89xgenii : didnt work :(09:34
dystopianrayjono: are they actually mounted before you are entering your password or is the password being used to mount them too?09:35
x89xvesa is crap genii !!!09:35
geniix89x: Well, I am fresh out of ideas then, other than compiling from source off of via's site09:35
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geniix89x: Yes, I agree09:35
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jonogenii: ok...i'm assuming i should just read an fstab manual and i might be able to resolve this problem on my own?09:35
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jeff__my question is not specifically about kubuntu per se -- I'm trying to compile some C code into a Windows executable from my Kubuntu box.  I've been unable to find a good source for cross-compiling and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction.09:35
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x89xis there any other way i can get it to work genii ??09:36
geniijono That will give you the syntax of options, etc, yes. The permissions issue is different09:36
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jonodystopianray: they are in the gnome file manager...however i can't access them unless i clcik on them and put in my root password whenit prompts me for it09:36
dystopianrayjono: if you set fstab entries for the drives they will be mounted automatically on boot09:37
x89xgenii : can compiling make it work ?09:37
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geniix89x: I gave earlier the link09:37
fdovingjeff__: mingw3209:37
jonodystopianray: thanks for the help...i will try to figure it out on my own now using the fstab entries09:37
jonogenii: thanks as well09:38
geniijono np09:38
dystopianrayjono: the entires will likely be different to the existing ones09:38
dystopianrayjono: what filesystems are the other drives using?09:38
geniix89x:  I'll find it again09:38
x89xgenii : theres one folder named CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107a on my desktop. i cant delete it ! say permission denied !09:38
jonodystopianray: all NTFS besides my external09:38
dystopianrayx89x: who owns it?09:38
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dystopianrayjono: you'll likely want to setup the fstab entries to mount them so that they are accessible by your user09:39
dystopianrayjono: do you need/want write support? you'll need to install and use ntfs-3g to mount them09:39
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x89xi just extracted it dystopianray from an archive. and i am not able to delete it !09:39
geniix89x: do: kdesu konqueror         and delete it that way09:40
dystopianrayx89x: delete it from the terminal with sudo09:40
genii(navigate to it of course etc etc)09:40
dystopianrayx89x: it probably has the owner set to root, or some other user09:40
geniix89x: Or dystopianray's way09:40
x89xlocation /home/x89x/Desktop09:41
jonodystopianray: ummm...i don't really have time to do that now...i heard that write support for ntfs wasn't complete and it could ^$#$ my partitions up09:41
x89xnow i enter sudo del /home/x89x/Desktop/FILE NAME  ???09:41
dystopianrayjono: man, it's not 1997 anymore09:41
geniix89x: Actually sudo rm /home/x89x/Desktop/<filename>09:41
dystopianrayjono: but regardless, the fstab entries for the ntfs partitions will differ from the linux partitions09:41
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jonodystopianray: will you be on later...i need to go for supper09:42
dystopianrayjono: you'll probably want to at least specify an fmask09:42
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=== genii contemplates compiling a Feisty Unichrome driver
x89xgenii : will it work ?09:43
x89xthe new driver ? you complie ? genii09:43
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x89xgenii : gives error09:44
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x89xx89x@x89x:~$ rm /home/x89x/Desktop/CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107arm: cannot remove `/home/x89x/Desktop/CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107a': Is a directory09:44
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KUmellianybody knows a german ubuntu chat?09:44
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KUmellii need some help...09:45
Rafeirohow do i install a kth file? its a theme file09:45
geniix89x: I am using Feisty here so I could compile the driver. But i have no way to test, no cards of that sort around09:45
dystopianrayx89x: use rm -rf09:45
KUmellion my feisty i have no sound :/09:46
x89xrm: cannot chdir from `/home/x89x/Desktop/CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107a/src' to `Utility': Permission denied09:46
geniidystopianray: Ah, it was a folder then, not a file09:46
KUmelliits no fun to shoot people without sound09:46
dystopianrayx89x: sudo rm -rf09:46
dystopianrayKUmelli: what sound hardware do you have?09:46
KUmelliintel highdefinitionaudio....09:46
geniix89x sudo rm -Rf /home/x89x/Desktop/CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107a09:47
KUmellii thougt i have found the corret *** to run it (* i dont know the correct word for it)09:47
KUmellibut it doesent work09:48
x89xthenks genii :)))09:48
dystopianrayKUmelli: can you run alsamixer ?09:48
dystopianrayKUmelli: from a terminal i mean09:48
x89xi didnt put the sudo genii09:48
x89xwhats sudo for genii ?09:48
geniix89x: I figured as much :) sudo means: Super User Do09:48
x89xok genii :) Btw you compiling those files ?09:49
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geniix89x: In linux, the superuser is root. they have total control. but it is dangerous to be root always. so some normal users are allowed to run root things by doing sudo <command>09:49
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KUmellii opend my terminal09:49
KUmellii dont know alsamix09:49
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dystopianrayKUmelli: type 'alsamixer'09:50
geniix89x I am not compiling it. I am still thinking if it is worth it for me, this is only a Pentium 2 with 128 Mb of ram, and already a bit overloaded.09:50
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KUmelliits the first time i use Ku i spend the whole day on it ^09:50
dystopianrayKUmelli: did it run? can you see the mixer controls for volume and what not?09:51
KUmelliand now?09:51
geniix89x: Also i must leave work before it would be done, so next day anyhow would be soonest to see if it completes OK09:51
dystopianrayKUmelli: ok good09:51
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KUmellimaster 80 8009:51
dystopianrayKUmelli: it's likely you just have one of the necessary channels muted or too low volume09:51
KUmelliPCM 100 10009:51
dystopianrayKUmelli: look at PCM too09:51
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dystopianrayKUmelli: is it a laptop?09:51
KUmelliIEC958 is at 009:52
geniix89x If I was using a better computer I would do it without any fuss09:52
KUmellitoshiba satelite p09:52
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x89xgenii : my device id was 323009:52
dystopianrayyou've had no sounds at all since you installed kubuntu?09:52
x89xgenii means VIA Chrome 9? IGP (Integrated Graphics Core)09:52
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KUmelliit worked with windows09:52
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KUmelliso i think its no hardware problem ;)09:53
x89xKumelli : i too had that problem It works now :)09:53
grulhey, is thar an picture viewing program with "next image" very much liek the famous windows application..... picture viewer09:53
dystopianrayKUmelli: probably a driver problem if all the mixer controls are up09:53
grulfor all pictussr in a directorty?09:53
geniix89x You had the proper source files on the desktop actually, you could have maybe tried to make the driver by yourself09:53
KUmelliIEC958 is NOT UP09:53
x89xhow genii : i have never done it !09:53
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dystopianrayKUmelli: have you tried plugging in some headphones? I think some cards have dodgy headphone detection09:54
sebbzgrul: hi09:54
dystopianrayKUmelli: that one shouldn't matter09:54
x89xcan u hel me do it genii >09:54
sebbzgrul: asl?09:54
grulis there any program to easily view all images in a directory?09:54
dystopianraygrul: gwenview?09:54
sebbzgrul: TEAM EFFORT09:54
KUmellii  get my headphones09:54
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KUmelli1 moment09:54
gruldystopianray, thanks, i'll check it out09:54
geniix89x I can devote some time to it, yes. But it may be a bit painful09:54
dystopianraygrul: installed by default on kubuntu09:54
gruldystopianray, thanks09:55
x89xgenii : plase i'd love you helping me :)09:55
x89xreally appreciate you genii09:55
geniix89x: I have 1 1/2 hours before work finishes, i can help mostly til then (unless I am called away to do some work)09:55
dystopianraygrul: I don't know what windows application you are talking about, but I like gwenview09:55
KUmelliok i got the headphones09:55
gruldystopianray, it works great09:55
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gruli'm talking about the default image viewer in windows09:55
x89xWe'll ttry genii09:55
KUmellii d the soundtest again09:55
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x89xcan it be done the PM way genii ??09:56
geniix89x: No need :) It may be informative for others if we stay here also09:56
x89xok. lets start genii09:56
dystopianrayKUmelli: the arts sound test?09:56
x89xwhat do i do first09:56
geniix89x: first we need to re-get the source code.09:56
x89xhttp://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=101 ?? genii09:56
x89xfirst option ??09:57
KUmellithe sound test in my system konfigurations09:57
geniix89x: Looking :) 1 moment09:57
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geniix89x Exact model again? I forgot09:58
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x89xVia Deltachrome IGP. 3230  My board is K8M89009:58
cymcyhello #kubuntu09:59
x89xgenii http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=5&ArticleID=68&P=509:59
mileswhat do you type to find out all the "/" commands?09:59
KUmellidystopianray: i tried a game too i have no sound09:59
dystopianrayKUmelli: which game?09:59
cymcyI'm looking for a TNT USB stick compatible, and which I can buy10:00
KUmellionly a kde free game10:00
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KUmellii usually dont play it10:00
KUmellii like warcraft 3 footmen frenzy ;)10:00
dystopianrayKUmelli: what is your exact sound card model?10:00
dystopianrayKUmelli: alsamixer should show it10:01
geniix89x: So you need file http://www.viaarena.com/Driver/cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip10:01
KUmelliCard: HDA Intel                                                              10:01
KUmelli Chip: Conexant CX20551 (Waikiki)10:01
x89xgenii how do i download that ?10:01
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dhqfdoving, did you play around with bemused10:02
x89xdone genii10:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bemused - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
x89xwait its 10 MB genii10:02
dhqany one have any idea bemused server10:02
x89xdownloading genii. 2 mins left10:02
geniix89x: It is done downloading or still going?10:03
x89x2 mins genii10:03
mneptokmiles: please don't10:03
geniix89x: Ah, OK :) After download, you need to unzip it someplace.10:03
mileswoops sorry10:03
=== genii smacks miles
KUmelliif you know all the advises for the terminal linux is a great sys. but its hard to learn them all10:03
milessorry guys10:03
milesreally didnt mean to do that10:03
=== miles cries a lil bit
x89xgenii : where did you get that file from ?10:04
geniimiles: It just gets frustrating.10:04
dystopianrayKUmelli: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34949110:04
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dystopianrayKUmelli: maybe try that10:04
milesi understand, im new to IRC10:04
geniix89x: I got the link from Via's site.10:04
geniix89x: From here: http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=10110:05
x89xhttp://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=101 thsi one ?10:05
KUmelliok i read it10:05
dystopianrayKUmelli: or maybe this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=53157510:05
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x89x25 secs genii left10:05
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x89xdoine genii10:05
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geniix89x: after it is downloaded and unzipped, we need to make sure the programs needed to compile it are on your computer. so you need to install the package build-essential10:06
KUmellidystopianray: i think i have to improve my english ;)10:06
KUmellii try to read it *gg*<10:06
geniiwork, AFK 2-3 mins10:06
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x89xunzipped genii10:07
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x89xwhats that package genii ?10:07
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geniix89x: That package has some programs like the Gnu C Compiler and some utilities like automake and other misc things so you can make C code into executable files10:08
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x89xits installed genii10:08
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geniix89x: Good. Now you need to go into a konsole, and be in the directory where the files got put.10:09
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geniiAFK a minute10:10
stevo111how can i enable the restricted repositories in the beta of gutsy10:10
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+110:10
x89xx89x@x89x:~$ cd /home/x89x/Desktop/cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES10:10
x89xbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('10:10
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jhutchinsx89x: Use tab completion to ensure proper directory names.  Parenthases are not valid characters.10:12
jhutchinsx89x: If they are actually part of a path name, they must be escaped.10:12
x89xshould i rename the folder ?10:12
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x89xgenii or jhutchins : should i rename the folder ??10:14
stevo111jhutchins; how do i enable the restricted repositories on gutsy beta?10:14
jhutchinsstevo111: We will not tell you here, such questions are for #ubuntu+1 - sorry.10:14
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jhutchinsstevo111: We are currently supporting dapper, dapper-LTS, edgy, and feisty.10:15
x89xjhutchins : what do i do ?10:15
jhutchinsstevo111: That's about all we can handle.10:15
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jhutchinsx89x: Use tab completion and/or learn about escaping illegal characters.10:15
geniix89x , jhutchins Back. As i look through the pdf install manual for this I see that they want also the Xserver source code as a dependency for this !! <yells a bit>10:16
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genii*LARGE* download10:16
jhutchinsgenii: All you need is xorg-devel, iirc.10:16
jhutchinsgenii: That provides the headers, which is what it needs.10:16
jhutchinsx89x: I've got to say, I've seen thousands of people install modern linux distros without this much trouble.10:17
geniijhutchins: "Requirements:10:17
genii(2) Xorg source code or Xorg Driver Development Kit (some distributions call10:17
genii    the SDK for X server driver module development)10:17
jhutchinsx89x: Is all this just due to an oddball video card?10:17
geniiSorry for flood10:17
jhutchinsTwo lines ain't a flood...10:18
jhutchinsgenii: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html10:18
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jhutchinsx89x: It would be polite for you to read that too if genii is going to help you with it.10:18
x89xjhutchins : cmon. let give me a try !10:18
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geniijhutchins: The IGP Unichrome card he has would work fine with via driver if he was not using Feisty. Buit there is an issue with IGP Unichrome vvxorg via driver and 7.0410:19
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gruli feel good10:19
x89xgenii : what do i do ?10:20
=== jhutchins wonders if he has something in the basement he could sent to x89x...
jhutchinsx89x: First read that page I sent genii.10:20
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jhutchinsx89x: All this work people are doing to help you is wasted if you do not learn it well enough to help the next person.10:21
geniix89x  OK, Found the entire list of packages which it needs to complete successfully. It is fairly extensive. I'm going to pastebin it10:22
jhutchinsx89x: I expect you to take notes; I expect a web page explaining how to do it, at least in your native language (I will host it if necessary).10:22
waylandbillx89x is still not willing to read after two days of help?10:22
x89xi'm READIN IT !!10:22
jhutchinsx89x: Good man.10:22
waylandbillx89x: excellent!10:23
jhutchinswaylandbill: He's just anxious to cut to the chase.10:23
dystopianrayanyone know how to fix the openoffice draw menu entry so it is not in lost+found ?10:23
waylandbilljhutchins: go too quick and the chase will cut you down. lol10:23
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x89xjhutchins : i learnt the audio issue and now can resolve it :))10:23
jhutchinsx89x: Will you write that up too?10:24
x89xwhere ?10:24
waylandbilla wiki is a good place10:24
x89xi can help anyone here ! jhutchins10:24
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x89xgenii : whats up ?10:25
killermachon my fiesty box, I do "sudo iptables -L " and it's empty,  I look in /etc/init.d/ and there is no init script for iptables.. what am I missing10:25
waylandbillkillermach: isn't iptables started by the kernel as a library?10:26
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waylandbillkillermach: I could be incorrect.10:27
killermachI'm trying to join a wireless connection on my laptop to my wired connection on my laptop via NAT,10:27
geniiSorry for lag, work again here10:27
x89xgenii : should i download them >10:28
waylandbillkillermach: using natd?10:28
x89xgenii :  $ apt-get source ??10:29
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geniix89x: you need to use synaptic to install those packages. you have already some, like build-essential for instance. I will also give you the URL for the entire installation manual. It is what I am working from here.10:29
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please.
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Wed Jul 11 20:35:07 2007
(genii/#kubuntu) Bah work again. AFK10:54
x89xgenii : -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('10:54
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x89xrename the folder genii ??10:54
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dystopianraygenii: use tab completion10:55
x89xwhats tab completion ?? how do i use it ?10:56
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dystopianrayx89x: press tab10:56
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dystopianrayx89x: it will auto complete directory and file names10:56
hasanhi guys10:56
hasanis there a way to sync motorola mpx220 with kubuntu ?10:57
x89xpressing tab does nothing !10:57
hasanrecently immigrated from windows i donno how to do it is it possible in fact?10:57
x89xwhere do i presss TAB ?10:57
dystopianrayx89x: press it several times10:57
x89xwhere ?10:57
x89xin the teminal10:57
dystopianrayx89x: on your keyboard10:57
dystopianrayx89x: while you are typing in a path10:57
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dystopianrayx89x: cd /home/x89x/Desktop/ <tab a few times>10:58
Haus<dystopianray> sorry to interupt but your nick makes me think of the movie blade runner :)10:59
NukedI have a question... looking at my terminal output, I see that firestarter failed starting. However, when looking for open ports, I see that they are all stealthed... How can this be?10:59
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x89xi did it. still gives same error !10:59
dystopianrayNuked: iptables is separate to firestarter10:59
geniiOK, unfortunately I cannot stay to help more, it has been the hour and a half already. I will pastebin the entire pdf (if it works ) so someone can continue if they like.10:59
dystopianrayx89x: did you let autocomplete enter the directory name for you?11:00
ardchoilleNuked: firestarter is just a gui to configure iptables, firestarter is not a firewall11:00
x89xgenii : when next will you come ?11:00
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Nukeddistopianray: I figured as much, but I was under the impression that firestarter had to constantly make the rules11:00
dystopianrayx89x: once it lists a few directoreisy ou type in the first couple of letters and press tab some more and it'll automatically complete11:00
ardchoilleNuked: No, you don't even need firestarter running to have iptables working11:00
dystopianrayNuked: I don't know, I don't really know anything about firestarter11:00
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Nukedardchoille: I know, I could have done it manually.... I just figured id doublecheck11:01
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Nukeddystopianray: no problem... thanks11:01
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ardchoilleNuked: You can always  sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter restart  if it makes you feel better ;)11:01
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x89x <dystopianray> It doesnt show that directory !!11:01
dystopianrayx89x: are you sure?11:02
x89x <dystopianray> it shows the zip file of that11:02
Nukednosrednaekim: I figured out that it was the ati drivers causing my computer to hang11:02
geniix89x: Next I will be here tomorrow 8:30 AM my time (EST in Toronto)11:02
dystopianrayx89x: have you unzipped the zip file?11:02
fraxciao a tutti qualcuno mi aiuterebbe a inserire skyper per kubuntu?11:02
x89xyes  <dystopianray>11:02
nosrednaekimNuked: lol, i don't even remember you,11:02
nosrednaekimNuked: ther are SOOO many people11:02
x89xfile name is cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES11:02
dystopianrayx89x: does 'ls' show the directory?11:02
geniix89x jhutchins dystopianray  et al: The entire install for this process: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30264/11:02
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Hausswitched to bitchx11:03
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Nukednosrednaekim: should I file a bug report11:03
x89xtake care. thanks for the help :)11:03
nosrednaekimNuked: probably not.11:04
x89xdystopianray : how do i use ls ?11:04
nosrednaekimNuked: ask over in #ubuntu-motu11:05
dystopianrayx89x: enter that directory and type 'ls' and press enter11:05
Nukednosrednaekim: I am afraid that I may incur their wrath11:05
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x89xdystopianray it shows the directory in the ls11:06
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dystopianrayx89x: so use cd and tab completion to enter the directory11:06
x89xdystopianray doesnt show there in cd !11:07
Hauswhat is the command to see all hard ware in my computer?11:07
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jerware  libnet-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16) but it is not going to be installed11:07
dystopianrayHaus: lspci ?11:07
dystopianrayx89x: are you pressing tab?11:08
x89xdystopianray yes !11:08
Hausdystopian i know that one... there is another one that i want that gives a more detailed description11:08
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dystopianrayx89x: pastebin what you see after pressing tab a few times11:08
jerwareperl -v  =>   This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi11:08
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dystopianrayHaus: lshal? dmidecode? lspci -vv?11:08
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Hausthats the one lspci -vv11:09
Hausthankx mate11:09
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x89xdystopianray : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30268/11:10
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dystopianrayx89x: cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES/11:11
dystopianrayx89x: is that not the directory?11:11
x89xis is11:11
x89xit is11:11
dystopianrayx89x: so tab complete into it11:11
dystopianrayx89x: type _ then keep pressing tab11:11
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x89xdystopianray : i cant choose cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES/11:13
dystopianrayx89x: did you type _ ?11:13
x89xit doesnt come up in autocomplete11:13
x89xwhere ?11:13
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dystopianrayx89x: it reaches a match after completing the zip files name11:13
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dystopianrayx89x: you add a _ to remove the ambiguity then continue tab completing11:13
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x89xx89x@x89x:~$ cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES/_ like that dystopianray ??11:14
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dystopianrayx89x: no, remove that last _ and press enter11:14
dystopianrayx89x: and you'll need to put 'cd' at the start of all that11:15
x89x cd cle266cn400cn-cx700cn800xorg40072-kernel-src_20061226c(20070604103608).zip_FILES/11:15
x89xbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('11:15
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dystopianrayx89x: did you tab complete that directory name?11:16
dystopianrayx89x: it should automatically escape brackets11:16
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x89xdystopianray : can you type it for me ?11:17
HayaBusacan someone please tell me how i can search for other IRC channel / join? thanks11:17
x89xdystopianray : it doesnt come up !11:17
dystopianrayx89x: just put \ before the brackets, dont' worry about tab completion11:17
dystopianrayHayaBusa: what client are you using?11:18
NickPrestaHayaBusa, http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode11:18
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NickPrestaHayaBusa, alternately, you can do "/list" and then join a channel you list11:18
x89xdystopianray : done11:19
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dystopianrayx89x: ok good, now you can continue what you were intending to do11:19
x89xTAB completion didnt do it ! x89x11:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
=== Zone [n=Zonee__@dsl-hkigw7-fe15f900-22.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter11:19
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:20
dystopianrayx89x: it does do it, you just dont' know how to use tab completion properly11:20
dystopianrayfaires: what exactly do you want to do?11:20
sjckHey, how to gemove the usb/cd-link on desktop? :)11:20
x89xwhere do i learn dystopianray ?11:20
dystopianrayx89x: google for 'linux terminal beginner' or similar11:20
fairesdystopianray: I just want to check if automount is already installed, and what exactly it automatically mounts11:21
NickPrestalinuxcommand.org is a good place to start11:21
dystopianraysjck: remove the usb device or cd media11:21
clouderCan someone help me get my KMenu back?  It just disappeared.  I have it auto hide and one time I went down it just didn't show up11:22
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dystopianrayclouder: alt+f2, then run 'kcontrol', then turn off auto-hide in the panel config11:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:24
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clouderdystopianray: thanks11:27
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stevo111#alsa yo sup11:31
fairesDoes someone knows what's (if there's any) the similar at kubuntu of System -> Administration -> Restricted Device Drivers?11:31
faires(That's on Ubuntu)11:31
xerosisfaires: being worked on for gutd11:32
fairesAh, OK... :(11:33
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laervianhas anyone here speed problems with compiz fusion?11:42
laervianI see my gtk applications (such as firefox) dragging when I use compiz fusion :(11:42
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fraxciao ci sarebbe qualcuno di cosi' gentile che mi sa spiegare come installare skyper per kubuntu 7.04?11:57
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fraxciao ci sarebbe qualcuno di cosi' gentile che mi sa spiegare come installare skyper per kubuntu 7.04?11:58
Haussup niggaz11:58
Hausgod damn i regret that i installed ubuntu... i should have gone with kubuntu11:58
WhtWolfTeraDyne!ohmy | Haus11:58
ubotuHaus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:58
evilmmHaus: lol11:58
Haus: )11:58
Hausjust for yalls info im a black man11:59
Hausbut im kind11:59
binarybandit_can I ask a n00b question her?11:59
NickPrestaHaus, it's the internet. Either talk properly or try not to talk at all. There are no such thing as "niggaz" on the internet. ;)11:59
WhtWolfTeraDynefrax: What is your native language?11:59
fraxci sono italiani?11:59
NickPresta!it | frax12:00
ubotufrax: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:00
binarybandit_not me :'(12:00
Hausnickpresta :P12:00
WhtWolfTeraDyneNickPresta: Beat me to it.12:00
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Hauslol just joking... im not black12:00
Hausbut i listen to snoop dogg though12:00
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fraxcosa significa?12:00
binarybandit_I get a command 0xa0 timeout error on boot from a live cd, is that a problem sith my sata settings?12:00
fraxForwarding to another channel12:00
Hausand i am a nerd, true.. and i gots tha thick glasses12:00
waylandbillHaus: really? how thick? :-D12:01
=== mahdi [n=mahdi@c-24-147-12-73.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
NickPrestafrax, I assume you want to install skype on Kubuntu?12:01
Hauswaylandbill... have you ever seen nasas telescope glass? ;)12:01
binarybandit_anyone know?12:01
Haussudo apt-get install skype... or just get the debian skype off their url.. i use it and it works fine12:02
Hauslove skype... no need for the phone bill no moe12:02
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne uses Skype's deb repo
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne wants an openmoko, but can't afford it yet...
Hausopenmoko? is that the iphone clone?12:03
Hausthe open source iphone LOL xD12:03
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WhtWolfTeraDyneHaus: Yes, but it's cheaper than the GreenPhone, and I haven't heard of any other decent Linux-based phones.12:04
Hausall this is just nonesenss DOES IT RUN LINUX? :D12:04
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Hausima checky youtube for movies on openmoko12:05
Haushold on yall nigaz12:05
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binarybandit_haus, your gonna get a boot up yer backside12:05
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WhtWolfTeraDynebinarybandit_: ? what?12:06
Hausim on bitchx so yall betta recognize12:06
Hausim tha top dog12:06
Hausi even do my urls with elinks text bassed url browser12:06
WhtWolfTeraDyneNot impressed...12:06
Hausgod damn i am surfin del.icu.us12:07
binarybandit_I get a command 0xa0 timeout error on boot from a live cd, is that an issue with my sata settings?12:07
RockjHey. Im wondering how I may be able to play this stream in firefox? http://www.adressa.no/tv/index.jsp?id=141312:07
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HausWhtWolfTeraDyne lol maybe you have some browser that reads zeros and onces that would be even more leet12:07
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NickPrestaHaus, why did you come here?12:07
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WhtWolfTeraDyneHaus: Nope. Just Konqueror, SeaMonkey, and Lynx12:07
waylandbill!repeat | binarybandit_12:08
ubotubinarybandit_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:08
HausNickPresta some peeps in here helped me with my ACPI troubles earlier today12:08

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