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cjwatsonryanakca: I've uploaded a version of devmapper that disables the symlink business in (only) the udeb. I'd be interested to know whether tomorrow's daily build fixes that /home weirdness for you.12:26
cjwatsonryanakca: I also fixed another glitch in partman-auto visible on the guided partitioning menu that wasn't fixed by that devmapper change12:27
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ryanakcacjwatson: http://pastebin.ca/62254512:35
ryanakcait doesn't look like it's mounted seperately12:35
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cjwatsonryanakca: right, could well be something to do with this /dev/dm-* thing in that case; try tomorrow?01:15
ryanakcacjwatson: yep01:16
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elpargohi I believe I found a conflict between vmware and networkmanager packages, for my wireless setup.02:41
Burgundaviaelpargo: have you filed a bug?02:43
elpargoBurgundavia, I want to confirm it first, but I did search bugzilla and found something similar but it seems it was dismiss as invalid.02:43
Burgundavialink to the bug?02:44
elpargo http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mail-archive.com%2Fdebian-bugs-dist%40lists.debian.org%2Fmsg364564.html&ei=3hCcRuGKFaLiepfg7KUK&usg=AFQjCNEoinnG9YivPD0hrB9C8J87rmsHWQ&sig2=glyn_8Whi8fe_YfPy9GraQ02:44
elpargoups sorry02:44
elpargohttp://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg364564.html damn google...02:44
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elpargoI believe there is a crash between vmware's virtual network devices and network manager, from the little I know vmware creates a virtual that points to eth0 which I think it's not letting network manager set eth102:48
Burgundaviahave you chatted with upstream networkmanager?02:49
Amaranthyay logout fade with compiz02:49
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elpargoBurgundavia, not yet I wanted to see if it was a problem with the package itself.02:51
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Burgundaviaelpargo: I have no idea. NM is ubuntu does carry a fair amount of patches02:52
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elpargoBurgundavia, seems to be a driver issue http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00257.html02:59
Burgundaviaelpargo: ah03:00
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kyled185sorry if this is a noob question, but I'm trying to make a "hello world" program using kdevelop and qt4, however when I try to build the project I get "*** AUTOCONF NOT FOUND!." I have autoconf installed however and that's what's confusing me...any ideas on what's going wrong?05:18
kyled185ack sorry I just noticed the topic, I'll ask in the proper channel05:20
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=== jdong hands kyled185 for being a good boy?
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doviendeanyone know why the ping command isn't localized?  i just checked the code and there are no gettext macros, so even if the phrases exist on the system for some language, it won't use them05:51
doviendeseems like basic things like that would be the first things to be localized05:52
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-devel.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main will freeze on Tuesday for Tribe 3 preparations
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sat Jul 14 18:28:18 2007
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@cl-266.bru-01.be.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
LongPointyStickhow would i troubleshoot why my fan is on full speed, and my system is incredibly slow?05:59
doviendeLongPointyStick: laptop?06:00
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superm1_LongPointyStick, ps aux ?06:01
superm1_and top06:01
doviendeif i wanted to know why things are slow, i'd use "top"06:01
doviendeas for the fan, i know that my bios on my laptop currently isn't supported well, so i can't change my fan speed06:02
doviendebut i hear that if i could, i'd be able to go to the /proc/acpi directory and find something about my fan speed there06:02
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
superm1_something like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30187/ :)06:03
TheMusoHobbsee: Is your hard drive appearing as an sd, or hd device?06:04
doviendesuperm1_: haha, ya.06:04
Hobbseesuperm1_: nothing of particular interest06:07
Hobbseein htop06:07
Hobbseeapart from massive amounts of both cores being used06:07
superm1_but no indication of what process?06:08
Hobbseedoviende: yes06:08
Hobbseesuperm1_: nope06:08
Hobbseesuperm1_: it starts while the machine is booting - fairly early in teh boot sequence06:08
=== Hobbsee should turn "quiet" off, and see
HobbseeTheMuso: sda, when it's working properly06:09
=== Hobbsee has rebooted now
TheMusooh ok. Thgouth it may have been a DMA issue.06:09
TheMusoor something along those lines.06:09
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Eleafhi, I have a question about the package nvidia-glx-new.06:31
EleafI recently booted to find X would not start due to an api mismatch (nvidia kernel & xorg kernel not same version), X has worked before fine.  I let my computer be off for about a week, and when I rebooted, X didn't work.06:31
EleafIt turns out installing nvidia-glx-new makes X work okay again.  Why is this package not installed automatically as an update if it creates such a fatal situation?06:32
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crimsunasac: it's inherited from the Debian source package; Bart is better addressed06:54
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Hobbseenice, shiny bling...07:43
Hobbseehi Fujitsu07:43
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HobbseeAmaranth: ping07:45
AmaranthHobbsee: pong07:47
HobbseeAmaranth: were you planning to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/107109 ?07:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107109 in compiz "No "New Login" for user with Desktop effects enabled" [Critical,Triaged] 07:47
AmaranthHobbsee: not really fixable07:48
Amaranthwell, i can make compiz bail out and load metacity07:48
Amaranthoh, i commented on that bug awhile ago :P07:48
Amaranthwe can't check 'direct rendering: no'  because thanks to AIGLX and Xgl that doesn't mean anything07:49
Amaranthi suppose we could jump through some hoops to see if you have more than one X running07:51
jdongAmaranth: come on boy07:52
jdongAmaranth: (1) xvinfo | grep Xgl is a good test for Xgl07:52
Amaranthwell, it's not that hard07:52
Amaranthjdong: AIGLX though07:52
jdongAmaranth: why doesn't new session work for AIGLX??07:52
Amaranthjdong: no no, i'm saying with AIGLX checking direct rendering is useless07:52
Amaranthdon't know that one07:53
jdongMalone Bug Report07:53
RAOFCould we go crazy and spawn multiple Xgl sessions by default?07:53
AmaranthHobbsee: also i can't fix anything right now because seb128, dholbach, and mvo are at GUADEC and i'm not :P07:53
HobbseeAmaranth: that's what i figured, too07:54
AmaranthRAOF: dude that was the original idea :)07:54
jdongI got it!07:54
jdonghow about we have a master X server that spawns child Xgl fullscreens for each user?07:54
RAOFAmaranth: Aaah.  So, why not.  Oh, of course.  That'd mean Xgl needs to be in main07:54
Amaranthjdong: dude that was the idea07:55
Amaranthjdong: with some minimal window management in gdm to do a neat transition when you switch users07:55
HobbseeLP: #12113507:55
jdongAmaranth: IMO that's not a bad idea at all07:55
Amaranthbug 12113507:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121135 in compcomm-plugins-main "/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12113507:55
Amaranthjdong: that's what i said07:55
jdongRAOF: meh we just suck patches from Novell buddies07:55
jdongAmaranth: I'd totally go for that.... hell Xgl is a lot faster on most system rendering 3D effects anyway07:56
AmaranthHobbsee: I'm not core-dev :)07:56
jdongthe only painful thing is scrolling :)07:56
AmaranthHobbsee: need to wait for mvo to get anything done07:56
HobbseeAmaranth: true07:56
HobbseeAmaranth: there are other core devs around07:56
Amaranthunless you want to snag that package from bzr and upload it07:56
Hobbseethat one's fixed, anyway07:56
RAOFjdong: Or David could just do an Xgl *release* finally.07:57
Hobbseewas sponsored on june 3007:57
Amaranthif it's a change i haven't ran past mvo and/or seb128 i'm not going to do anything with it :)07:57
jdongRAOF: haha07:57
Hobbseeas in, yoru debdiff was uploaded on june 30 for it, but the bug wasnt marked as released.  may have been while LP was broken07:58
jdongRAOF: this reminds me of ion?07:58
RAOFAmaranth: Bah, just feed crazy untested code through the Hobbsee spigot07:58
AmaranthRAOF: sounds good07:58
AmaranthHobbsee: I've got this copy rendering patch....07:58
Hobbseedream on.07:58
Hobbseei want to freeze main today07:58
Hobbseeyay, down to 22!07:59
HobbseeAmaranth: tribe 307:59
Amaranthwe got another tribe coming up?07:59
HobbseeAmaranth: see the /topic07:59
Amaranthwow, that was fast07:59
Amaranthit just changed to tuesday here :)07:59
Hobbseeonly for you who doesnt coordinate them :)07:59
Hobbseeit's 4pm tuesday now, but i'll have to wait for a while, yes07:59
Amaranth22 critical bugs?07:59
Amaranthbug 122949 has an _easy_ fix08:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122949 in compiz "Tray icons take a LONG time to appear with compiz enabled" [Critical,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12294908:00
HobbseeAmaranth: not critical.08:00
Hobbseethat's a bad url.08:01
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jdongHobbsee: I'm going to check /var/log/snort.... and I think your name will be in there :D08:01
AmaranthHobbsee: why doesn't 122949 show up on there?08:02
HobbseeAmaranth: because it's not milestoned for tribe 3?08:02
Amaranthin that case, i can clear compiz off your list ;)08:02
Amaranthunless those guys stop drinking and get on IRC :)08:02
Hobbseeyeah, well.  it looks like gnome* will have to be deferred08:03
Hobbseebut i get the suspicion that some of this stuff is already fixed, but not closed08:03
ajmitchnice to see so many open bugs there08:03
Amaranthhow can it be Incomplete and milestoned for tribe-3?08:04
Amaranthit == a bug08:04
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Hobbseeajmitch: well, i'm shoving a lot of them off, so...08:05
=== ajmitch hugs dholbach
HobbseeAmaranth: because some people are milestoning things weirdly.  *shrugs*08:06
Hobbseehey dholbach!08:06
dholbachgood morning08:06
dholbachhey Amaranth, ajmitch, Hobbsee!08:06
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee back
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=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiGood morning08:12
Hobbseemorning pitti!08:12
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee
Hobbseepitti: you uploaded cupsys yesterday - is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/119289 fixed in that upload?  i'm guessing that it is08:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119289 in cupsys "make backend invocation compatible to upstream" [High,In progress] 08:12
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti back :)
Amaranthmorning pitti08:13
Burgundaviamorning pitti08:13
pittiHobbsee: no, it is not; that's horribly complicated08:13
Burgundaviapitti: was it you who was assigned the hardware db stuff?08:13
Hobbseepitti: right.  i presume you want to defer that, as per the discussions a couple of days ago?08:14
pittiBurgundavia: no, it's not assigned ATM08:14
pittiHobbsee: yes, I just didn't get to it08:14
Burgundaviapitti: moving to -desktop08:14
Hobbseepitti: deferred08:15
Hobbseeoy, ajmitch :)08:18
Hobbseeajmitch: any plans to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/85194 ?08:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85194 in samba "samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)" [Medium,Confirmed] 08:18
Hobbseeogra's not at guadec, is he?08:24
Hobbseepitti: also, were you looking into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-fr-base/+bug/122277 ?08:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122277 in language-pack-fr-base "gutsy language pack doesn't ship the gdebi translation" [Undecided,New] 08:26
=== StevenK waves to pitti
pittiHobbsee: oh, I'll do that today08:27
pittihi StevenK08:27
Hobbseepitti: great, thanks08:27
pittiHobbsee: erk, I need to upload new base langpacks, to minimize the space08:27
StevenKpitti: Can I bug you about a sync? :-)08:27
pittiStevenK: yes08:27
Hobbseepitti: get to it :)08:28
=== pitti summons carlos
StevenKpitti: Bug 12490008:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124900 in gtkpod "Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12490008:28
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pittiStevenK: so, I shall sync gtkpod and also gtkpod-aac, and then kipi-plugins will build?08:30
StevenKI wasn't aware gtkpod-aac was in Debian.08:31
=== persia thought gtkpod-aac needed a new special Ubuntu upload
StevenKpitti: kipi-plugins has built already.08:31
pittiStevenK: so what about the gtkpod-aac and kipiplugins tasks?08:31
StevenKI think that was the submitter being over excited. :_)08:32
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pittiStevenK: synced; I'll just close the gtkpod task, and leave the others to you08:33
StevenKpitti: Thanks08:34
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StevenKI was going to be lazy and ask tepsipakki to deal with gtkpod-aac.08:34
Hobbseemorning fabbione!08:40
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=== fabbione uploads a couple of new kernels
=== Hobbsee beats fabbione with a big stick
fabbioneyou need more than a big stick for me :P08:53
=== Hobbsee gets out the large piece of concrete
=== dholbach [n=daniel@pD9E277CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main FROZEN for Tribe 3
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Amaranthjdong: can you test https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/126469 for me?09:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126469 in gnome-session "[patch]  logout fadeout when compiz is running" [Medium,Triaged] 09:05
Amaranthjdong: really want to get it into tribe-3 :)09:05
=== Hobbsee waves the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! threateningly at Amaranth
AmaranthHobbsee: it's related to high priority spec ;)09:08
Hobbseegood luck09:09
=== Hobbsee therefore demands kde4, finished, in main, right now. "it's related to a high priority spec, so it's allowed!"
Amaranthmine is plausible :)09:09
pittisoren: the samba upload was just caught by the freeze09:10
StevenKHobbsee: Good luck with that. :-)09:10
pittisoren: how important is this for tribe3?09:10
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=== persia [n=persia@ubuntu/member/persia] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Amaranthoh, you've already frozen09:11
dholbachit'd be nice if people could test the patch that Amaranth pointed to (bug 126469)09:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126469 in gnome-session "[patch]  logout fadeout when compiz is running" [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12646909:11
=== pitti hugs dholbach for fixing bug #122949
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122949 in compiz "Tray icons take a LONG time to appear with compiz enabled" [Critical,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12294909:11
=== munckfish [n=munckfis@82-41-13-152.cable.ubr02.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Amaranthpitti: :D09:12
Amaranthwho would have thought disabling session management would break gnome-session? ;)09:12
dholbachit makes compiz working for me again (I have window decorators), but now it seems to take like 30-40 seconds for the logout dialog to show up -- I personally suspect a broken configuration or something, but it'd be nice to know for sure09:13
=== dholbach is happy with window decorators
pittidholbach: 30-40 seconds? that rather sounds like another incarnation of the session connection bug?09:13
pittidholbach: did you wait long enough after login?09:13
dholbachpitti: yeah, but that was because gnome-session looked for things that gnome-power-manager did not send anymore :)09:13
dholbachahhhhh! ;-)09:14
sorenpitti: I'd appreciate it if you pushed it through.09:14
dholbachok, I was too impatient09:14
pittidholbach: ^ I thought that got fixed for tribe1??09:14
dholbachpitti: yes yes yes it was09:14
sorenpitti: Just for the sake of testing.09:14
Amaranthdholbach: it works now?09:14
dholbachAmaranth: yes, it does - pitti was right: I was too impatient09:14
sorenpitti: More testing of the previous samba version won't do us much good anyway.09:14
pittidholbach: the problem with compiz is that it does not connect to the session and thus needs a minute, until the other programs in the session (dbus related, etc.) can start up09:14
pittidholbach: ok, good *phew* :)09:15
dholbachAmaranth: did you test your patch with metacity?09:15
=== dholbach will do that now
Amaranthdholbach: yes09:15
dholbachif that works out ok, I'll upload it09:15
Amaranthi say so in the bug09:15
pittisoren: ok; you specifically tested the client lib, right? (through nautilus, etc.)09:15
Amaranthjust start metacity and click logout09:15
Amaranthbleh, no need to start a new session :P09:15
sorenpitti: Both command line utils, server and library (through nautilus), yes.09:15
Hobbseesoren: you are the samba person?09:16
sorenHobbsee: That's sort of a dangerous question to answer.09:16
pittisoren: waved through09:17
sorenpitti: Thanks!09:17
AmaranthHobbsee: that reminds me of http://uwstopia.nl/blog/2007/07/as-heard-on-guadec09:17
sorenHobbsee: Do you need anything in particular or are you just looking for who to blame when it doesn't work?09:17
Hobbseesoren: the latter09:17
Hobbseesoren: and who to assign bugs to when it's broken, and needs fixing.09:17
sorenHobbsee: Then it's someone else. :p09:17
sorenHobbsee: Server team.09:18
Hobbseesoren: you're screwed over by the TIL principle09:18
Hobbseewhich you're on, right?  :P09:18
sorenHobbsee: True, but if you assign to the server team instead, someone else might grab it if I ignore it for long enough. :)09:18
Hobbseesoren: i wield the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .  ignoring me is not in your best interests.09:19
=== Amaranth fears
sorenNor would it be very easy with that scary thing waving in one's face.09:19
Hobbseehaha, indeed :)09:19
=== jml [n=jml@ppp112-44.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
simiraHobbsee: did you see the nice earrings I bought in Birmingham?09:20
Hobbseesimira: i did!  :)09:21
Hobbseesimira: they're very pretty09:21
=== dholbach [n=daniel@pD9E277CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== elpargo [n=elpargo@121samana81.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachAmaranth: I uplaoded the gnome-session change09:23
elpargohi anyone around that can kick some lamers form #ubuntu09:23
dholbachit works nicely for me too09:23
elpargothey are spamming the chat....09:23
Amaranthdholbach: awesome09:24
Amaranthelpargo: they were gone before you even said something here :)09:24
=== Lure [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeelpargo: i saw with the -ops call09:25
Hobbseeelpargo: call it earlier, we'll respond earlier.09:25
elpargohehe thanks guys09:25
elpargoI really don't get why people do that... so annoying nothing to gain out of it.09:26
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pitticjwatson_: I guess it won't hurt too much to move bug 118744 to tribe4 and just live with the workaround for some more time?09:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118744 in gfxboot "no gfxboot in gutsy with new syslinux" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11874409:40
elpargogout another spammer ... :(09:40
StevenKelpargo: Please use #ubuntu-ops for this, as opposed to here.09:40
Amaranthelpargo: just keep calling !ops when it happens and we'll keep on it, no need to talk about it here09:40
elpargooh I didn't knew about that channel or command will do that from now on.09:40
dokopitti: did you demote freetype1? thx anyway09:43
pittidoko: yes, I did, nothing wanted it any more; you still need it?09:43
dokopitti: no, I did remove the last user =)09:43
=== pitti hugs doko
StevenKpitti: Was python-eye3d or somesuch also on the list to be demoted?09:44
pittidoko: cruft-- :)09:44
pittiStevenK: no, I didn't touch that09:44
fabbionepitti, Hobbsee: permission to upload lvm2. debdiff: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/lvm.debdiff09:44
fabbionepitti, Hobbsee: it's a safe change.. and tested09:44
fabbioneaffects only sparc09:44
StevenKpitti: I was just curious if it was, since libgpod jumped to mutagen from it.09:44
fabbioneit fixes install on lvm when running on virtual disks09:44
pittifabbione: looks fine to me09:45
fabbione(well it fixes lvm on vdisks... but also the install)09:45
fabbionepitti: ok thanks09:45
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@linagoraberri.pck.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionepitti: it's uploaded.. i guess you can allow it or not as you prefer09:45
pittifabbione: I guess we really want that, so that LDOM can be properly tested on tribe3?09:46
StevenKTonio_: Ping, I'd like your opinion about amarok when you have a spare sec.09:46
Tonio_StevenK: I'm there :)09:46
Tonio_hi everyone09:46
fabbionepitti: we don't officially support LDOM yet. so it's not a blocker of any kind but i would like to have it in09:46
fabbionepitti: it's a table extension... no code change..09:47
pittifabbione: right; I'll accept it once it's in the queue09:47
fabbionepitti: but seriously.. i am not going to force this down your throat09:47
StevenKTonio_: I uploaded a rebuild-only change last night, which failed ... due to some other library changing it looks like.09:47
fabbionepitti: cheers09:47
pittidholbach: how save is that gnome-session upload?09:48
Tonio_StevenK: hum, interesting....09:48
Tonio_StevenK: can't look at that right now, but I'm adding this t my todo....09:49
Tonio_StevenK: I'll have a look at the buildlog at 1209:49
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StevenKTonio_: Cool, thank you. :-)09:50
cjwatson_pitti: sigh. I guess so :-(09:52
Amaranthpitti: very09:52
pittiAmaranth: it works with metacity, too?09:53
dholbachyes, I tested it with metacity too09:54
cjwatsonhmm, I wonder if we can demote dhcp to universe in time for tribe-3 if I do a few seed merges?09:55
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Amaranthright after tribe-3 i'll fix gksu too :)09:55
Amaranththat's the one i was originally working with but i noticed a comment saying they'd snagged that code from gnome-session and figured it might be a little saner09:56
Amaranthsadly it was09:56
Hobbseefabbione: pitti looks safe10:00
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HobbseeAmaranth: you can fix it now.  it'll sit in the queue10:06
Hobbseeogra: i come to poke you about tribe 3 stuff10:06
ograoh sigh, totally forgot about tribe 310:07
Amaranthogra: main is already frozen :/10:07
=== ogra is fully drugged, had a jaw surgery yesterday
Amaranthwell, freezing :)10:07
Hobbseeogra: ouch10:07
Amaranthogra: spin around in a circle three times10:07
Hobbseeogra: to make it easy for you then, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/122796 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/12154710:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122796 in ltsp "ltsp default dhcpd.conf broken on tribe2 installs" [High,Triaged] 10:07
ograHobbsee, no, yay ... i was running around with an exploding head for the last 10 days10:08
ograHobbsee, thats fixed, wortse is that i hhave to rewrite the udeb ...10:08
Hobbseeogra: which?10:08
Hobbseethere are two bugs there - are they both fixed?10:08
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ograHobbsee, oh, sorry, i (as ubotu) missed the second one10:10
Hobbseeogra: ahh10:10
ograi think its bug 12154710:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154710:10
Hobbseeogra: so is https://launchpad.net/bugs/121547 an edubuntu-blocker?10:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed] 10:13
ograHobbsee, well, if i dont make it it needs to be at least in the release notes again (which is a bit disconcerting)10:14
pittiogra: is it that hard to fix the dhcp configuration?10:14
pittiogra: that one is pretty nasty10:14
Hobbseeogra: right.10:15
Hobbseepitti: ogra said the dhcp one was fixed, and the other one wasnt.10:15
pittiah, cool10:15
ograpitti, thats already done here, i havent uploaded yet (its a native package, i like to collect stuff before bumping the version)10:15
Hobbsee(assuming i read correctly(10:16
ograyou did10:16
Hobbseestgraber: ping10:21
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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FujitsuAre Debian removals still being automagically processed?10:25
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stgraberHobbsee: pong10:25
Hobbseestgraber: any chance we can get the iso testing site updated for tribe 3?10:25
persiaWere Debian removals ever automagically processed?10:25
stgraberHobbsee: yes10:26
Hobbseeinfinity_: according to http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/gutsy/ubuntu/latest/ amd64 and ppc have built the 17.1 images, but not i386.  can you look into terranova again, and see why i'ts misbehaving, please?10:26
=== amitk_ [n=amit@a81-197-135-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stgraberHobbsee: Can I add all isos or are some still generating ?10:27
Hobbseestgraber: um, they're all invalid, except for kubuntu desktop, i think10:27
Hobbseei'm not sure how your adding works10:27
=== aquo [n=aquo@dslb-088-073-248-121.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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pittihi mvo10:28
mvohey pitti10:28
stgraberI add isos, then if they are invalid and have to be rebuilt I disactive them, but it's a nonsense to add isos to disable them just a minute later, it's better to wait till we have the new set ready10:28
mvohey Hobbsee10:28
=== StevenK waves to mvo
Hobbseemvo: please dont break the livefs', right before the main freeze.10:29
Hobbseestgraber: right, OK, that's fine.  i wasnt sure how much prework needed to be done.10:29
mvoHobbsee: I did not do the compiz upload10:29
mvoHobbsee: but I can do a upload now to fix the breakage10:29
mvoHobbsee: we currently have network so I better be quick ;)10:29
Hobbseestgraber: it seems like we're going to have cds ready for testing in stages10:29
Hobbseemvo: true, but it appears that you did the control changes.10:30
Hobbseemvo: please do10:30
stgraberHobbsee: I put the Tribe-2 isos as tested and set tribe-3 as the release currently tested10:30
Hobbseemvo: keep the netwrok there :)10:30
Hobbseestgraber: neat, thanks :)10:30
TheMusodamn kvm10:30
Hobbseeinfinity_: unping, then.10:31
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Hobbseegreetings, seb12810:35
Amaranthhey seb12810:36
=== seb128 [n=seb@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKpitti: Can I get you to poke through the gtkpod-aac upload I just did?10:37
seb128GUADEC network, not good10:37
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pittiStevenK: no problem, it's multiverse10:38
StevenKpitti: Thanks10:38
Amaranthseb128: that's a shame10:39
seb128just enough network to break compiz ;)10:40
=== Hobbsee hunts out seb128
seb128hey Hobbsee10:41
seb128let's see what I can break today ;)10:42
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
Hobbseeseb128: go ahead.10:44
Hobbseeseb128: archive is frozen.10:44
Hobbseeseb128: so i'll just deny you :P10:44
seb128<- archive admin ;)10:44
Hobbseeseb128: Release manager for tribe 3:  --> Hobbsee.10:44
Hobbseedoes that trump?10:44
=== seb128 hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs seb128 back :D
infinityLet's not get into the who trumps who game. :P10:45
Mithrandirif we do, I think elmo wins. :-P10:45
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Hobbseeinfinity: can you turn the cron jobs off king and royal please?10:46
infinityHobbsee: Just did, 5 minutes before you asked. :)10:46
infinityHobbsee: (Was tipped off by the "17.1" question)10:47
Hobbseeinfinity: ah, so you were summoned.  :)10:47
Hobbseeinfinity: ahh10:47
Hobbseethankyou :)10:47
Mithrandirno, he's just really good at divining stuff10:47
infinity Changed the entry level script from 'project-builder10:48
infinity to 'image-creator',10:48
infinityMithrandir: Do you have a trigger change for that?10:48
=== elpargo [n=elpargo@244samana81.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinity(And people wonder why I read -changes...)10:49
Mithrandirinfinity: yes, please pull.10:49
MithrandirI knew I forgot one thing10:49
infinityMithrandir: Merged.10:50
Mithrandirmerged or pulled?  (as in, do you have any divergence?)10:50
ajmitchHobbsee: you were pinging me earlier?10:50
infinityMithrandir: No divergernce.  Merged, because it's a branch, not a checkout.10:50
stgraberAnyone knows if Henrik is supposed to be around today ? (I won't be there this afternoon)10:50
Hobbseeajmitch: yes, was wondering if you were planning to fix that samba bug which was mentioned above, due to TIL,  iirc.10:50
Hobbseei think i pinged with the required info10:51
Mithrandirinfinity: you should be able to pull anyway.10:51
ajmitchHobbsee: can't say that I was planning to, but I can if you really really want10:51
infinityMithrandir: Oh, maybe.  By bzr-fu is weak.10:51
ograstgraber, depends how long his ferry back from london takes and when he travelled10:51
Hobbseeajmitch: it's not critical.  it was just milestoned for some unknown reason10:52
Hobbseeit can wait10:52
Hobbseeajmitch: of course, i fyou fix it, it can just sit in the unapproved queue10:52
ajmitchHobbsee: right, and activity log doesn't tell me who/why10:52
Hobbseeajmitch: indeed.  i'd like to know too.  is the canonical QA group involved?10:52
ajmitchreminds me that I have a coreutils FTBFS fix to upload10:53
ajmitchwell, heno was the last person to touch the bug10:53
Hobbseeajmitch: ie, are they subscribed?10:53
ograHobbsee, ltsp 5.0.21 for you in the queue to wave through ... (with the dhcp fix)10:53
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Hobbseeogra: it only effects edubuntu, presumably?10:54
Hobbseepitti: please accept the ltsp upload.  it's on his own head if he breaks his flavour distro.10:54
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Hobbseestgraber: s/We aren't testing any ISO at the moment/We aren't testing any ISOs at the moment/10:57
=== Hobbsee is picky with grammar and such.
Hobbseewhen you next go to edit :)10:57
Mithrandirif you are picky; s/aren't/are not/10:57
pittiHobbsee, cjwatson: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/dhcp3.fix-udeb.diff should make dhcp3 udeb and thus d-i happy; I tested it10:59
HobbseeMithrandir: i believe aren't is still legitimate english :P10:59
ajmitchHobbsee: it's rather informal10:59
MithrandirHobbsee: it's very informal11:00
Hobbseetrue that11:00
=== Hobbsee tickles ajmitch
pittiHobbsee: if you give your ack in the next two minutes, dhcp will make this publisher run11:00
Hobbseepitti: +1, with the full knowledge that i dont really understand the contents of that diff :P11:01
pittiHobbsee: it multibuilds dhcp3 so that the udeb binary does not have the derooting patches applied, and thus does not depend on libcap111:01
Hobbseeah right11:01
stgraberHobbsee: oh, right, well if you are picky with grammar I'm sure you'll see tons of others :)11:02
Hobbseepitti: i'd kind of figured that much - but the bit on "is this a sensible change / the right thing to do" i was having trouble over.11:02
pittiHobbsee: *yada yada technobabble* recalibrate phase inverters of secondary antineutrino emitters *bla*11:02
Hobbseestgraber: true.  it's after i notice something that it really starts to annoy me :P11:02
Hobbseepitti: hahaha.11:02
pittiHobbsee: we do not have a libcap1 udeb, and we do not need the derooting in d-i11:02
Hobbseei see11:02
ajmitchpitti: just reverse the polarity11:03
stgraberHobbsee, Mithrandir : fixed :)11:03
Hobbseestgraber: great :)11:03
=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiasac, Hobbsee: Do we actually need a new firefox for bug 123800?}11:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123800 in firefox "[gutsy]  resource:/browserconfig.properties not installed" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12380011:10
pittiasac: will that be combined with the security update?11:10
pittiogra: so bug 121547 is for tribe4?11:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154711:10
mvoHobbsee: hug dholbach for fixing compiz please11:14
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
dholbachmvo, Hobbsee: hug Amaranth instead :)11:15
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee back
=== mvo hugs Amaranth
Hobbseemvo: just spotted that.11:15
=== Hobbsee hugs Amaranth too then
=== Hobbsee made the mistake of assuming that her apt cache was current
Amaranthfunny story11:15
Amaranthi was going to add --sm-client-id to see if that would help and i noticed --sm-disable got in there somehow11:16
asacpitti: no ... this is gutsy only11:18
pittiasac: right, that's what I meant11:18
asacpitti: i am still unsure if i will come to get this fixed for tribe-311:18
Hobbseehiya asac!11:18
pittiasac: if that bug is not a OMGSIF type, we can also move it over to T411:18
asachowever if I come to it, we should take it ... because currently if you don't have ubufox you have a problem because of this :)11:18
pittiHobbsee: FYI, I fixed langpack-o-matic for bug #122277, waiting for carlos' tarball now11:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122277 in language-pack-fr-base "gutsy language pack doesn't ship the gdebi translation" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12227711:19
asaca real problem ... i mean11:19
Hobbseepitti: great :)11:19
asachi Hobbsee11:19
pittiasac: hm, but new installs will have ubufox by default, right?11:19
asacyes ... but if you go to add-ons and disable it you have the same effect11:19
asacnot a first run show-stopper though ... I agree.11:20
asacpitti: ok i think i move this to after the freeze ... you have my blessing11:21
pittiasac: ok, good11:21
asacpitti: done11:22
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ograpitti, i'll still try to attack bug 121547 but will have to live with it if i dont manage ...11:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154711:36
Hobbseeogra: put it this way - the longer that takes to fix, the less testing time you have.  but it is kinda your choice.11:37
ograHobbsee, i know, its not my first milestone CD ;)11:37
Hobbseeogra: true.  was merely saying that as my opinion, being the RM for tribe 3.11:38
=== Hobbsee --> dinner, for real this time.
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Riddellmvo: "No GLXFBConfig for default depth" what causes that in compiz?11:47
mvoRiddell: incomplete X drivers, would you be able to test a patch ?11:48
mvoRiddell: I have something to detect that, but I have no hardware that triggers it11:48
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Riddellmvo: sure11:53
Riddellmvo: but curious since my x drivers were working last week11:53
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mvoiwj:  I looked into your acpi build-dep problem and I think we should file a bug against acpi because apt-get build-dep acpi will not get the right b-d. it could be argued that the bug is in apt here that it does not pick a package that provides the given virtual package11:54
Riddellmvo: also I reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/12652111:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126521 in compiz "compiz should fall back to kwin" [Undecided,New] 11:54
mvoRiddell: oh, of course - we will fix that11:55
mvoRiddell: could you please apply http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30201/ to /usr/bin/compiz and see if it detect it right?11:59
mvoRiddell: I have seen this falure when multiple X servers were runing11:59
Tonio_Riddell: have you seen that amarok ftbfs issue ?11:59
Tonio_Riddell: very strange...11:59
iwjmvo: I've posted to u-d.12:00
mvoiwj: thanks12:00
iwjOMG WTF autopkgtest has sent me rather too much mail.12:00
mvomove them to =spam ;)12:01
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Spadsiwj: good to know that works then12:03
iwjIt seems to have got hung up on a couple of packages which broke and keeps trying them too often.  I need to fix the package-to-test-chooser, evidently.12:04
Tonio_StevenK: the amarok build issue is due to some recent changes to kdelibs12:05
StevenKTonio_: I'm happy to fix amarok to build and upload it, if you like.12:07
Tonio_StevenK: amarok doesn't have to be fix12:07
StevenKTonio_: I'm just unsure of what the source changes need to be.12:07
StevenKAhhh. kdelibs does. Neat.12:07
Tonio_StevenK: the patch is not good, redefines kdialogbase class, which potentially causes lots of issues12:08
=== mvo needs to find a power plug
StevenKTonio_: If it's backing out one patch from kdelibs, I can do that and upload if you like.12:08
Tonio_StevenK: I'm doing it right now :)12:09
StevenKTonio_: Ah, excellent. I suspect Hobbsee can be bribed into accepting it. :-)12:09
StevenKTonio_: Oh, and I can answer the question you asked in the changelog of kdelibs 4:3.5.7-1ubuntu6, too ... :-)12:14
RiddellStevenK: what question was that?12:14
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Tonio_StevenK: why it only failed to build on i386 ? :)12:15
Tonio_StevenK: yeah I didn't understood that, due to the issue, that should fail on every arch I guess :)12:15
StevenKTonio_: Right.12:15
Tonio_StevenK: I'd be glad to have an explanation12:15
StevenKTonio_: The reason it only failed on i386 is because only the i386 builds arch: all packages, and that's where the error occured.12:16
StevenKi386 buildds builds12:16
Tonio_StevenK: ahhhhhhhhhhh, that's clear now :)12:16
Tonio_StevenK: kdelibs uploaded12:17
StevenKTonio_: Great, thanks.12:17
Tonio_StevenK: once in the repos, you can reupload amarok for rebuild12:17
Tonio_StevenK: or ask for rebuild to be launched....12:17
StevenKTonio_: It failed to build, I was planning on begging for a give-back.12:17
Tonio_StevenK: is that possible to rebuild without reuploading ?12:17
Tonio_pitti, Hobbsee: can you please approve kdelibs upload ?12:18
StevenKTonio_: If it failed on all arches, yes.12:18
Tonio_pitti, Hobbsee: there is an issue for a recent patch that may cause lots of kdeapps to ftbfs (amarok as an exemple failed recently)12:18
StevenKTonio_: You may need to explain the changes/show a debdiff to get it approved.12:18
Tonio_StevenK: Hobbsee uploaded the patch, so she is aware of the potential problems with it :)12:19
Tonio_StevenK: it might not be a surprise for her that we have to drop it12:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: fyi, that's the kdesudo patch , redefining the KDialogbase class causes kde apps that call for it (aka, about all of them) to ftbfs, due to ambiguous calling12:20
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll ping _StefanS_ on that point, there should be another way to do that, like writing another class that inherits KDialogbase....12:20
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mantiena-baltixHi all12:27
cjwatsonwould anyone scream if I changed our nss-mdns package to take mdns4 off the end?12:30
cjwatson(of hosts: in nsswitch.conf)12:30
=== ogra wouldnt ... but then i dont use it :)
cjwatsonthe disadvantage is that mDNS resolution would no longer work outside the .local and ranges; the advantage is that normal forward and reverse lookups wouldn't have a 5-second penalty timeout added to them12:31
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cjwatsonmDNS would still work fine within .local and, due to mdns4_minimal12:31
cjwatsonsee http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=41456912:31
ubotuDebian bug 414569 in nss-mdns "avahi-daemon: delay on resolving IP addresses when mdns is specified in /etc/nsswitch.conf" [Normal,Open] 12:31
cjwatsonand bug12:32
ograis there any use for mdns beyond local stuff ?12:32
cjwatsonbug 9494012:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 94940 in nss-mdns "mdns listed in nsswitch.conf causes excessive time  for dns lookups" [Medium,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9494012:32
cjwatsonogra: apparently some people care, I just don't know how many12:32
fabbionecjwatson: ++12:33
cjwatsonwhich is why I'm asking12:33
=== ogra wouldnt want to connect to all rhythmboxes over the world ...
cjwatsonogra: ... you wouldn't anyway.12:34
cjwatsonplease, I'm looking for serious responses from people who actually use mDNS12:34
ograwell, i'd see them, no ?12:34
=== ogra keeps quiet then
Mithrandircjwatson: what is the question?12:34
cjwatsonMithrandir: whether anyone needs mDNS resolution outside the .local and, and if so what for12:35
cjwatsons/,/ ranges,/12:35
persiaI don't know if I'm using mDNS, but I find it nice that services are autodiscovered between my workstation and the local Mac OS X machine, even though they are on a reserved private network, rather than
Mithrandirpersia: and you don't have a link-local address on both hosts too?12:36
persiaMithrandir: Hmm.  Maybe I do.12:36
persiaMithrandir: At least not on my workstation, so I'd say no.12:37
broonieMithrandir: You're not supposed to allocate IPv4 LL addresses if you have an IP address via other methods.12:37
Mithrandirbroonie: ah, ok.12:37
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iwjcjwatson: You shouldn't do mdns outside the expected ranges because it's a security problem.12:38
Mithrandiriwj: why is it a security problem?12:38
iwjIt makes it much easier for people to pretend to be (say) google.12:38
Mithrandirdns isn't secure anyway.12:38
Mithrandir(unles you're using dnssec and all that)12:39
elmoMithrandir: that's a deeply unhelpful answer12:39
Mithrandirunless, even12:39
iwjTrue, but this provides an explicit mechanism for local overrides by link-attached peers.12:39
iwjWithout mdns a machine on the same link has to play games with MAC addresses or arp or something.12:39
iwj(Which depending on the network configuration can be very difficult, and is certainly harder than configuring your mdns responder to pretend to be google.)12:40
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MithrandirI thought it was only looking up .local using mdns anyway?12:44
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cjwatsonMithrandir: that's what mdns4_minimal does. mdns4 tries everything as a fallback.12:45
cjwatsonmdns4_minimal resolves in .local and; mdns4 tries to resolve everywhere.12:45
cjwatsonso I'm thinking about the example of conferences, where things currently work pretty nicely; people on random wireless networks can discover services that other people advertise with avahi12:45
MithrandirI'm probably dense, but I don't really see a use case for mdns4, then.12:45
cjwatsonsaid people won't have IPv4LL addresses (, for the reason broonie points out12:46
cjwatsonso it seems to me that the effect of removing mdns4 will be that forward lookups of services continue to work fine, but reverse lookups will be disabled12:46
cjwatsondoes that make sense?12:46
Mithrandirthat doesn't seem to be a big cost?12:46
cjwatsonI think it's OK, but I don't want to Just Do It12:47
MithrandirI can find Lennart and see if he screams at me.12:47
Mithrandir(Lennart as in avahi upstream)12:47
cjwatsonhe's certainly aware of the issue because he's commented on mailing list posts about it and the like12:47
cjwatsonI would like his feedback on the practical effects12:47
Mithrandiryeah, I could just ask him to jump in here12:48
cjwatsonthe particular thing I care about is getting rid of the timeout for ssh connections12:48
cjwatsonMithrandir: that'd be good, thanks; can you show him the scrollback so we don't have to recap?12:48
MithrandirI'm in a talk right now, but I'll try to find him once this is done12:49
pittiStevenK: what did you want to have given-back?12:52
pittiTonio_: I'll look at kdelibs12:52
aquothe more i think about it, the more i hate beryl/compiz12:53
Mithrandiraquo: then I suggest you use another WM.12:54
aquoall the hype about eyecandy is distracting the developers ...12:54
aquoi like the eyecandy, but i would more like if i could synchronize evolution and pidgin12:54
Ngisn't there an evolution plugin for pidgin?12:55
aquoit is broken and not supported anymore12:55
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aquoi am locking forward to http://www.opensync.org/12:57
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pittiTonio_: no kdelibs in unapproved01:04
Tonio_pitti: looking my emails then ? ;)01:04
Riddellpitti: I approved it01:05
Tonio_pitti: is there a specific issue in the packaging then ?01:05
pittiTonio_: no email from you either01:05
Tonio_pitti: in fact I was suspecting Hobbsee to look at that, and has we previously discussed the risk of that upload, I suspected no email would be reuiqred01:06
Tonio_pitti: need an email now ?01:06
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pittiTonio_: no, it's approved already01:06
tkamppeterSome Python packaging experts here?01:07
dokopitti: please accept libiodbc2 and libdv, dropping the gtk1.2 b-d's. please accept libdv-bin and iodbc in source NEW, and move to universe01:07
pittidoko: just saw them, thanks!01:07
dokothen demote libglib1.2 and libgtk1.2 ...01:07
dokotkamppeter: ?01:07
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pittitkamppeter: btw, were you able to reproduce the 'a million dangling FIFO' cups bug?01:08
tkamppeterI want to simplify the packaging of HPLIP (mainly written in Python). It has very ugly patches in the .diff.gz file which I want to get rid of.01:09
tkamppeterpitti, I never succeeded to reproduce that bug 112803, I always printed without problems and always on Feisty and the newest Gutsy.01:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112803 in cupsys "MASTER [Feisty]  cupsd leaking file descriptors (was: Multiple jobs are not printed)" [Unknown,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11280301:10
pittitkamppeter: same here; I tried for an hour yesterday with different scenarios01:10
stgrabersorry, I've to leave you till 15:30 UTC, in case you want to put isos on the tracker, those are the people with admin rights : mathiaz, Hobbsee, pitti, pochu and heno01:10
pittistgraber: thanks01:11
StevenKpitti: Ah. amarok, but not until the new kdelibs binaries are published.01:11
tkamppeterOne of the ugly patches are changes in the Makefile to distribute the files which upstream puts into /usr/share/hplip into /usr/share/hplip and /usr/lib/hplip.01:11
pittidoko: libdv-bin changelog looks weird; first "*" does not have text; maybe you can fix this and reupload?01:12
dokopitti: please accept binutils, fixing a build failure with GCC-4.2, no other code changes01:12
dokopitti: looking ...01:12
tkamppeterI think upstream is right putting the .py files into /usr/share/hplip, as these files are platform-independent.01:12
pittidoko: do we need binutils for tribe3?01:12
dokopitti: no, but for lpia01:13
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tkamppeterThe Debian maintainer Henrique Moraes Holschuh has moved the .py files to /usr/lib/hplip. WDYT?01:13
cjwatsonhow long ago did he do this?01:14
tkamppetercjwatson, I have to look into the ChangeLog.01:14
dokotkamppeter: hmm, should be ok. probably he wants to avoid having the files unavailable on package upgrades01:14
cjwatsonit used to be general practice to ship python modules in /usr/lib because it wasn't clear whether it was safe to have .pyc files in /usr/share, I think01:14
cjwatsonat least there certainly used to be a lot of confusion about it01:14
dokowell, afaicr there were .so and .py files, which sould be put into the same directory01:15
cjwatsonah, there was the same confusion about perl extensions01:16
tkamppetercjwatson, HMH did this from HPLIP 1.6 on, May 2004.01:16
cjwatsonsome people interpreted policy over-literally and thought that you had to put every single architecture-independent file into /usr/share, whereas actually it was better for .pm and .so to be kept together01:17
tkamppeterI have checked the newest HPLIP, installed from upstream source and it has not one .so in its /usr/share/hplip. It uses directories like /usr/lib/python-support for its .so files.01:18
dokotoo hot, my notebook turned off for the third time today ...01:18
tkamppeterfind /usr -name "*.py*" -print reveals also that lots of .py go into /usr/share,01:18
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tkamppeterThe current HPLIP package is a maintaining nightmare and therefore I want to get as close to upstream as possible, so that one can quickly update it. HP issues a new version every two months, but HMH remakes his patch nightmare perhaps twice a year.01:20
cjwatson(have you discussed the problem with hmh?)01:21
cjwatsonand I would suggest not using the term "patch nightmare" when talking with him; no point being needlessly antagonistic01:21
tkamppeterYes, I have started, but he never tells me what exactly he all changed by hs patches. I have looked now and found that it is the following:01:22
tkamppeter- source code cosmetics01:22
tkamppeter- .py --> /usr/lib01:22
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tkamppeter- recompile .ui to the appropriate .py on each build01:23
tkamppeterI think only the latter makes sense, so that packagers can patch the .ui files if needed.01:23
iwjI think I'm going to have to automate the autopkgtest bug submission.01:23
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tkamppeterI did not use "patch nightmare" in the mails to him.01:24
dokotkamppeter: maybe look at his commit messages in his cvs repo01:24
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pittiHobbsee: ok to accept nessus-core with the only change being the dropping of libglib1.2-dev build dependency? (it's not used); it does not affect CD builds01:26
Hobbseepitti: ok01:26
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pittisoren: I updated #11990801:34
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mantiena-baltixpitti: are you one of network-manager's maintainers ?01:35
pittimantiena-baltix: not really; asac and Tonio_ come closest to that status01:35
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pittiyay, compiz is installable again *hugs*01:36
=== pitti dist-upgrades and tests
Hobbseeworks fien in kubuntu-land, although still shows up on gutsy_problems01:37
=== Jaghound [n=mikukkon@xdsl-206-195.nblnetworks.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mantiena-baltixasac, Tonio_ :  are you online ? I wanna to backport network-manager from gutsy to feisty ? What you think about this idea ?01:37
asacmantiena-baltix: not good :)01:38
mantiena-baltix:( why ?01:38
asacmantiena-baltix: i think it needs new wpasupplicant as well then ... so.01:38
Jaghoundlatest gutsy seems to have initramfs breakage01:38
JaghoundI got dropped into busybox, as dir /dev/disk/by-uuid did not exists01:38
asacmantiena-baltix: for me 0.6.5 is more broken when i run it on feisty than on gutsy01:39
Jaghoundother three (label etc.) where there01:39
Jaghoundsounds like udev breakage01:39
Jaghoundluckily root=/dev/hda1 worked, and after boot the dir was there01:39
asacmantiena-baltix: do you have wireless setup to test?01:40
sorenpitti: Thanks.01:41
ScottKHobbsee: Thanks for the pinentry upload.01:42
HobbseeScottK: no problem01:42
ScottKHobbsee: Have you got a moment for a possible bug in LP?01:43
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HobbseeScottK: ish, yes.01:44
pittidholbach: erk, latest compiz still hangs at session start, even worse than before01:44
pittidholbach: before I at least got a panel and desktop, now just a blank screen01:44
ScottKWhen you touched Bug #85194, you didn't actually mark the Baltix task invalid did you?01:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85194 in samba "samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8519401:44
Hobbseeas in, i'm here at the moment, and i have time.01:44
Hobbseeum, i might have01:44
Hobbseei think i did that on one of the bugs01:44
=== Hobbsee is....beyond tired here, though
ScottKOK.  Then nevermind.  I'd seen them whine about their bugs being closed incorrectly before and was thinking it might be an LP problem, but if you did it..01:45
ScottKOr might have done it...01:45
ScottKI'm not going to sweat it.  Thanks.01:45
Hobbseeno, i think i did do it01:45
Hobbseepeople randomly file things under baltix sometimes - wasnt aware that baltix contained samba, i think01:46
mantiena-baltixasac: No, I don't have wireless :( Problem is. that static IP configuration doesn't work with NM from feisty, look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/baltix/+bug/5364/comments/2201:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 5364 in network-manager "Can't use static ip address with network-manager (and thus no VPN connections menu for static users)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 01:47
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pittierk, thank you, dear aiglx, for killing my box on VT switches01:50
StevenKpitti: That's a feature.01:51
mantiena-baltixmaybe there are another way to solve important problem, described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/baltix/+bug/5364/comments/22 ? Users never understand. why they have manually to deactivate and, later, activate again network interface after they setup static IP configuration :(01:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 5364 in network-manager "Can't use static ip address with network-manager (and thus no VPN connections menu for static users)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 01:52
asacmantiena-baltix: so is this fixed for you in 0.6.5 ?01:55
pittidholbach: ok, by and large the new compiz seems to work better01:56
mantiena-baltixasac: I don't know (I don't have gutsy, I wanna backport to feisty and test ;) ) It seems this problem exists only in Ubuntu's network-manager, I think it's related to bug #6108901:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 61089 in network-manager "NM should notice changes to /etc/network/interfaces automatically" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6108901:57
dholbachpitti: that was my impression too01:58
pittidholbach: this entire thing is still very brittle, though :(01:58
dholbachpitti: yeah :-/01:58
dholbachI hope we get the biggest blockers resolved quickly01:59
dholbachgo amaranth, mvo, seb128, go compiz team! :)01:59
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach and all the others
dholbachHobbsee: I'm not part of that team :)02:00
Hobbseedholbach: oh well, no hug for you then.02:00
dholbachI try to become a happy user though :)02:00
pittifabbione: do you happen to know the current status of bug 105936?02:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105936 in lvm2 "snapshot creation failure race "in use: not deactivating"" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10593602:00
asacmantiena-baltix: that bug should be fixed in gutsy02:05
mantiena-baltixasac, pitti : maybe better solution would be to use patch from bug #61089 agains feisty's network-manager instead of trying to backport network-manager from gusty ?02:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 61089 in network-manager "NM should notice changes to /etc/network/interfaces automatically" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6108902:05
asacmantiena-baltix: the gutsy nm should build without problems ... however I had problems with wireless and wpasupplicant02:05
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pittisoren: your latest samba upload doesn't happen to fix bug 85194?02:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85194 in samba "samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8519402:08
sorenpitti: I can test it. Hang on.02:09
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mantiena-baltixWe are making feisty-based distro for Lithuanian schools and this bug couses big problems for schools computer's admins (they have almost no experience with Linux desktops or servers, so, every problem is big headache)02:10
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sorenpitti: Ungh... My smbd segfaults right now.02:11
=== Hobbsee wonders why it's based on feisty
Kmosmantiena-baltix: it's more based in debian02:12
mantiena-baltixKmos: what is more based in debian ?02:14
sorenexecve("/usr/sbin/smbd", ["/usr/sbin/smbd"] , [/* 33 vars */] ) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)02:14
sorenThat's interesting.02:14
Kmosmantiena-baltix: ubuntu02:14
mantiena-baltixKmos: I know this, but don't understand why you are telling this ?02:14
Kmosmantiena-baltix: try #ubuntu-help02:14
Kmosmantiena-baltix: forget02:15
mantiena-baltixKmos: why ? I don't need help in Ubuntu, I wanna fix Ubuntu bug02:15
Kmosmantiena-baltix: i read it wrong.. i need to lunch02:15
mantiena-baltixKmos: ;)02:15
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StevenKAh ha. libdv-bin turns up in NBS, but it really isn't.02:22
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aquomantiena-baltix: network manager is very frustrating for me02:24
sorenpitti: bug 85194 still exists.02:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85194 in samba "samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8519402:25
aquomantiena-baltix: i spent the whole last afternoon to find a solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/5021402:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50214 in network-manager "can't connect to hidden network" [Undecided,Confirmed] 02:26
aquoi wrote an email to network-manager-list ...02:26
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mantiena-baltixaquo: and what are the results of your email ?02:27
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
aquonon at the moment, it hasn't been forwarded to the list02:28
pittisoren, fabbione: sorry, network outage, I lost your replies02:28
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sorenpitti: bug 85194 still exists.02:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 85194 in samba "samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8519402:28
pittisoren: can you please have a look at it?02:28
pittisoren: it doesn't sound particularly critical to me02:28
sorenpitti: How urgent is it? I was about to grab some lunch. I'm starving.02:29
aquomantiena-baltix: are you Witold Krakowski?02:29
Hobbseei thought i shoved that later...02:29
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Hobbsee(that samba bug)02:29
pittisoren: it sounds like tribe-402:29
sorenpitti: It should be just a matter of running testparm before killing samba or something to that effect.02:29
sorenpitti: Right-o. I'll assign it to myself.02:30
sorenpitti: Did you lose your connection before my execve weirdness thing?02:31
pittisoren: thanks02:31
pittisoren: no, I still got that02:31
sorenpitti: Alright. Man, that's weird.02:31
mantiena-baltixaquo: no, I'm not polish ;)02:33
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aquomantiena-baltix: this guy is a little bit ridiculous, he is telling he has a fix, but he doesn't have one02:38
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mantiena-baltixaquo: hehe, I'm telling, that I don't have a fix ;)02:41
asaci am pretty sure that he is a troll ... at least for this bug02:42
mantiena-baltixasac: what you think, maybe better solution would be to use patch from bug #61089 agains feisty's network-manager instead of trying to backport network-manager from gusty ?02:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 61089 in network-manager "NM should notice changes to /etc/network/interfaces automatically" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6108902:42
Riddellis there a way to have an optional build-depends?  I want to be able to backport the package to feisty were the build-dep doesn't exist02:42
asacmantiena-baltix: you can do ... afaik there are no known regressions from that patch yet02:42
infinityRiddell: Only in really hackish ways that I'd prefer you don't use.02:43
Riddellmm, thought as much02:43
cjwatsonRiddell: you can upload source-change backports yourself though02:43
Hobbseeinfinity: can i be curious to what these are?02:44
Hobbseeinfinity: or you wont tell me, out of fear of impending evil?02:44
ScottKSpeaking of source-change backports, would someone mind releasing clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1~dapper from the wilderness?02:45
infinityHobbsee: It involves bogus build-deps, essentially.02:45
sorenHobbsee: I suppose one could start by uploading an empty package by the same name as the build-dep.02:45
pittisoren: nah; b-dep on "foo || coreutils" or so02:45
infinityHobbsee: "Build-Depends: package-in-gutsy | package-in-feisty-that-i-don't-actually-use"02:45
sorenpitti: That's valid?02:45
Hobbseeahh, right, yes.02:46
sorenpitti: Ah, yes, I suppose it is.02:46
infinitypitti: Can't be coreutils (or anything that's Build-Essential)02:46
pittisoren: not actually coreutils, of course02:46
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Hobbseeinfinity: yeah, that's....02:46
pittisoren: a game or so02:46
mantiena-baltixasac: no known regressions means that nobody has tested that patch ? :)02:46
Hobbseecould just build-dep on gutsypackage | debhelper or something, then02:46
infinityThe trick is that it has to be a package that wouldn't normally be there during the build, otherwise it'd be satisfied in gutsy and you won't get your real build-dep.02:46
infinityAnyhow, it's evil, and if I notice anyone doing it, I'll remove limbs at the next conference.02:46
Hobbseeoh, point02:46
StevenKThen you get "Why does package <x> Build-Depend on crack-attack?!"02:47
cjwatsonusing one of your other real build-dependencies would be marginally cleaner02:47
infinityYeah, moon-buggy or hello would be my two choices.02:47
infinityBut there you go.02:47
cjwatson(I think that would work?)02:47
infinitycjwatson: Depending on parsing order, that may or may not work.02:47
Hobbseeinfinity: well, you werent in sevilla i dont think, so i could try my luck again there, at avoiding being killed.02:47
asacmantiena-baltix: its in gutsy for just a few days ... so we cannot really tell atm02:48
infinityHobbsee: I'll be sure to show up to the next UDS if I have limbs to remove. :)02:48
Hobbseeinfinity: haha02:48
mantiena-baltixasac: hehe, nice to hear that ;)02:48
cjwatsoninfinity: yeah, a bit too unstable02:48
StevenKC'mon buildds, pedal faster.02:48
=== Hobbsee notes that she cant really blend in with the crowd, either. dammit.
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=== soren goes to lunch.
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
infinityHobbsee: Get a nice hat.  I can't find Colin anymore when he wears his.02:49
StevenKI suspect kdelibs will neatly miss this publisher run.02:49
mantiena-baltixasac: that patch applies without any problems agains n-m 0.6.5 from gutsy02:49
pittiStevenK: publisher is on manual02:49
StevenKAh ha. A clue02:49
asacmantiena-baltix: its in gutsy already ... in debian/patches/02:50
StevenKpitti: How much sweet talking do you need to kick it off? (Not yet, mind you. :-)02:50
pittiStevenK: it's currently running; you need to tell me what you need urgently02:50
=== xxxxx1 [n=xxxxx1@44125.static.fln.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiStevenK: when this one finishes, my aim is to get d-i built, and then published02:50
pittiStevenK: kdelibs sounds like it'll need an hour, though02:51
StevenKpitti: Ah, I'm being impatient about kdelibs, which hasn't even finished building.02:51
asacmantiena-baltix: iirc, its debian/patches/23_nm-monitor-eni.diff02:51
pittiStevenK: it should need less than 15 minutes02:51
pittiStevenK: (remaining)02:51
pittiStevenK: I'll watch out for it and let it complete before I kick another one02:52
StevenKpitti: Ahh, thanks02:52
mantiena-baltixasac: thank you  very much, I hope Lithuanian Linux users will be happy :)02:52
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pittidholbach: argh, argh02:54
persiaxxxxx1: bug 126340 is still "In Progress".  Are you still working on it, or is it ready for sponsorship?02:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126340 in ecryptfs-utils "[needs sponsor]  please update ecryptfs-utils" [Wishlist,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12634002:54
pittidholbach: compiz recently started to depend on compiz-fusion-plugins-extra02:54
pittidholbach: can you revert this? that's in universe02:54
dholbachpitti: ask mvo about that02:54
xxxxx1persia, ready.02:54
=== persia apologises for the noise
dholbachpitti: I merely fixed it to be installable at all02:54
xxxxx1persia, status updated ;)02:54
dholbachpitti: I can drop the depends, yes02:55
pittidholbach: hmm; still b0rked, though; I try phoning him02:55
dholbachno no02:55
dholbachthat's fine02:55
dholbachI'll just drop it02:55
Hobbseepitti: ahh, so *that*'s why it's in gutsy_problems, but not here02:55
dholbach  [ Michael Vogt ] 02:56
dholbach  * debian/control:02:56
dholbach    - make compiz depend on compiz-fusion-plugins-extra02:56
StevenKNeat. amd64 wins for kdelibs02:56
StevenKThis may be a stupid question, but is there an MIR for compiz-fusion-plugins-extra?02:57
pittidholbach: I got seb and mvo eventually; we can drop it02:57
pittiMichael and Seb said that we do not need it02:57
dholbachpitti: ok, doing that02:57
=== pitti hugs dholbach
=== dholbach mails mvo to merge from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/compiz/fixes
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dholbachmvo: please merge from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/compiz/fixes03:02
StevenKDear me, not even a hello.03:02
dholbachpitti: how do I do the apport magic to add Package: etc to the crash report again?03:02
dholbachhi mvo :)03:02
pittidholbach: just run it through the UI03:02
=== Hobbsee hugs mvo in greeting
mvodholbach: thanks03:02
dholbachpitti: how do I do that?03:03
pittidholbach: /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c /path/to/crash/file03:03
=== dholbach forgot again
dholbachah super03:03
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pittidholbach: or use apport-cli instead03:03
pittidholbach: or just touch the /var/crash/ file, then it'll get picked up by update-notifier03:03
dholbachpitti: rock and roll - thanks!03:03
cliebow_anyone know about pcmcia support in ltsp initramfs?03:04
=== mvo hugs Hobbsee back
Hobbseewell, ubuntu installer doesnt appear to blow up03:04
Hobbseeunder a VM, anyway03:04
mvoRiddell: did my patch help?03:04
dholbachmvo: does gnome-appearance-properties crash for you?03:05
pittidholbach: for a lot of people03:05
dholbachit seems to be our appearance patch that breaks it03:05
dholbachI'm looking into it03:05
pittidholbach: if there's a fix soon, I'd stall the candidate CD builds a bit; if not, I don't call it world-breaking, though03:06
Riddellmvo: didn't seem to03:06
dholbachI can't promise anything, I just stumbled over http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45705403:06
ubotuGnome bug 457054 in Appearance "gnome-appearance-setting crashes during load" [Critical,Needinfo] 03:06
mvoRiddell: hm, bad03:06
dholbachour patch is quite big, so it might take a while03:06
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pittidholbach: bug 125900 is the same, I think03:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125900 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in style_init()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12590003:07
Riddellmvo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30216/03:07
pittidholbach: but with apport and retrace love03:07
=== pitti hugs the Sebmaster
=== seb128 hugs pitti
dholbachpitti: that's a different one03:08
pittidholbach: hm, it's the crash that I see03:09
Hobbseeholy cow, this cant be right03:09
Hobbseemvo: can i configure compiz under kde somehow?03:09
dholbachpitti: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/crash is the crash I see03:10
infinityHobbsee: Not so much.  KDE users run Beryl for that reason, generally.03:12
pittidholbach: right, style_init()03:12
Hobbseeinfinity: beryl dies on kde03:12
=== seb128 [n=seb@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKAnd Beryl has been killed in Gutsy.03:12
infinityStevenK: Fun. :)03:12
StevenKOr at least seriously neutered03:12
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pittidholbach: erk, the retrace looks quite broken on 12590003:13
=== seb128 kicks the GUADEC network
=== StevenK watches the GUADEC network kick seb128 back, off IRC
=== Kmos kills GUADEC network
StevenKHeh. Ooops.03:17
pittievand: what's the latest word on bug 122645?03:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122645 in ubiquity "manual partitioning hangs indefinitely" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12264503:18
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=== evand notes the one downside to /ignore JOINS PARTS
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evandpitti: still working on it.  I may put in a temporary fix while I track it down.03:22
pittievand: oh, you have one?03:23
pittievand: I was hoping to build candiate images in a few hours03:23
pittievand: temporary fix> something like s/gksu/sudo/ in the .desktop? :-)03:23
Kmosi'm having this bug 70880 at my acer laptop with gutsy03:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 70880 in linux-source-2.6.19 "PCI: Bus #04 (-#07) is hidden behind transparent bridge" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7088003:24
evandpitti: just redirecting stderr seems to fix it03:24
evanddon't ask me why03:24
pittievand: weird03:24
pittievand: I would really like to avoid releasing T3 with that bug03:24
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pittievand: maybe we can upload the workaround now, and if you have something better, we can still consider it?03:25
evandfair enough03:25
pittievand: thank you soooo much for finding a workaround! *hug*03:25
evandI'll do some more testing and then push out 1.5.603:25
KmosBenC: ping03:25
pittievand: just for publisher running, do you need more like 10 minutes or like an hour?03:26
Hobbseeoh yay, evand!03:27
BenCKmos: pong03:27
pittiStevenK: kdelibs has finished building, it'll get published soon03:27
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@mail.legalaid.mb.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
evandpitti: probably the hour as it's going to take me at least a few minutes to verify that this does in fact fix things, at least for me03:28
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evandHobbsee: indeed!03:28
RiddellHobbsee: compiz-kde should work03:28
pittievand: that's fine, then I'll start a publisher in between; thanks03:28
HobbseeRiddell: it mostly works03:28
HobbseeRiddell: it hasnt blown up as spectacularly this time as it usually does03:28
RiddellHobbsee: your windows wobbling?03:28
cjwatsonevand: redirecting stderr is fine with me. Commit the patch and I'll check it?03:29
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiBenC: is bug 119052 painful enough to stall the tribe? it seems quite hardware specific?03:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119052 in initramfs-tools "[gutsy] ibm-acpi -> now thinkpad_acpi possibly causing problems" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11905203:29
evandcjwatson: will do03:29
HobbseeRiddell: a little.  the zoom is cool03:29
HobbseeRiddell: i cant actually get to teh config thingy to see what's running03:29
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StevenKpitti: Woot, thanks03:30
StevenKpitti: It's still marked as 'Currently building on ia64'03:31
pittiStevenK: right, but I couldn't care less RM-wise, since we don't have ia64 CDs anyway03:31
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StevenKpitti: Yeah, but I'd rather amarok built everywhere. :-)03:31
pittiStevenK: right, it'll finish eventually, but it's not critical to shove it into the archive ASAP03:33
=== StevenK nods
BenCpitti: no, it isn't that serious03:33
BenCpitti: but we can fix it for tribe-3 for sure03:34
HobbseeBenC: er, 4?03:34
StevenKpitti: Can you give-back amarok when the publisher completes? (If that's soon enough for the buildds to see the new kdelibs)03:34
BenCHobbsee: it's a one-liner rename in initramfs-tools03:34
BenCif we can get it through the freeze, it would be appreciated03:35
HobbseeBenC: oh.  for some reason, i thought pitti's line was said by you.03:35
pittiBenC: I'd appreciate that03:35
BenCHobbsee: np03:36
BenCpitti: doing it now03:36
pittiBenC: breaking fan control does sound somewhat serious03:36
pittiBenC: rock03:36
dokopitti: please accept python2.4 and python2.5 into unstable, fixing a reference counting problem in Python/sysmodule.c03:36
doko(introduced by me)03:36
pittidoko: is there a bug for it?03:36
pittidoko: I don't really want to accept big stuff that'll affect the CD if it doesn't fix tribe-3 bugs03:37
dokopitti: #12454903:37
pittiHobbsee: ^ oh, you are still awake; your call, too :)03:37
Hobbseepitti: yeah, i'm still awake, insanely enough03:37
pittidoko: python2.4 sounds harmless03:37
Hobbseebug 12454903:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124549 in python2.4 "Calling interpreter more than once is broken" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12454903:37
Hobbseepitti: i'll agree with you there - wouldnt really want to touch python2.5, with so much stuff depending on it.  py2.4 looks fine03:39
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pittidoko: TBH I'd rather leave python2.5 alone. 150000 lines of debdiff ...03:41
BenCpitti: that was already fixed by an acpi-support upload (bug 119052)03:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119052 in initramfs-tools "[gutsy] ibm-acpi -> now thinkpad_acpi possibly causing problems" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11905203:41
BenCpitti: so no exception needed03:42
pittiBenC: ah, cool, so it can be closed?03:42
BenCpitti: updated bug03:42
pittiBenC: thanks03:42
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Hobbseepitti: where is said debdiff for python2.5?03:43
pittiHobbsee: I didn't put it anywhere, shall I?03:43
Hobbseepitti: well, for the sheer hell of appreciating how insane it is, that'd be cool03:44
pittiHobbsee: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/python2.5.debdiff (8 MB!)03:44
dholbachKmos: I'd prefer if mvo took care of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/10976503:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 109765 in update-manager "run apt-get autoclean after upgrade" [Low,Confirmed] 03:46
Kmosdholbach: ok03:46
dholbachKmos: I'm busy with quite a bunch of other things without diving head-first into apt and update-manager at the moment, sorry03:46
Kmosi understand03:46
dholbachok good :)03:46
Kmosi'm testing a bug at my laptop about kernel at gutsy03:47
BenCdholbach: do you know of a reason that amitk cannot assign importance to a kernel bug?03:47
Hobbseepitti: yeah..that's...kinda evil03:47
HobbseeBenC: launchpad bug.03:47
HobbseeBenC: actually, it's by design03:48
HobbseeBenC: is he in -qa?03:48
dholbachBenC: if he's in ubuntu-qa he should be able to03:48
dholbachBenC: if not, ask bdmurray03:48
BenCshould he be in ubuntu-qa?03:48
BenCbdmurray: ping03:48
KmosBenC: to change importance of bugs, yes.03:48
HobbseeBenC: bug contacts, and members of but contact teams cant actually set the importance of bugs, nor the triaged state.03:48
dholbachBenC: so either bdmurray or heno03:48
HobbseeBenC: which is illogical, i know03:49
=== Hobbsee ponders asking for -qa admin rights, or something
BenCactually, it makes sense...I hate bug submitters setting "critical" on every little bug they submit :)03:49
HobbseeBenC: that's long gone :)03:49
dholbachyeah, the importance is a tool for developers who are going to fix the bug to organize their workload - or it should be03:50
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KmosHobbsee: do it :) sent mail to bdmurray03:51
=== Hobbsee will just poke him when he's next online.
Hobbseewow, i never had to do that :)03:54
=== Hobbsee cheers at coming in bfeore the big structure got put in place
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dokopitti: your call, but it's a regenerated uuencoded tarball03:58
superm1_BenC, you might want to add some comments to bug 118708.  Hobbsee and I already commented on it04:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118708 in malone "Package maintainers can't set priorities of their own packages" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11870804:05
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dholbachpitti, soren: gnome-appearance-properties crash fixed04:21
pittidholbach: rock!04:22
dholbachit involved re-basing a patch, making sense of it and fixing a part that made it ftbfs04:22
seb128dholbach: what was broken? it doesn't crash for me04:22
dholbachseb128: which version is it?04:22
dholbachon your box04:22
seb128current one I uploaded last week04:23
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seb128and I looked at bugs daily in my mailbox04:23
dholbachare you sure? which one is installed?04:23
StevenKpitti: Did you manage to throw amarok back to the buildds?04:23
dholbachseb128: (LP: #125900), (LP: #126192), (LP: #126376), (LP: #126498)04:23
desrtsimira; sorry.  freenode is blocking my replies.  do you have jabber?04:24
seb128ii  gnome-control-center                    1:2.19.5-0ubuntu1                       utilities to configure the GNOME desktop04:24
dholbachit ftbfs on i38604:24
desrtdholbach; we miss you :(04:24
seb128dholbach: I've my local build installed04:24
dholbachseb128: I wonder why yours built04:24
=== Hobbsee wavse to desrt
seb128why shouldn't it?04:25
dholbachan icon which was in capplets-data before was removed04:25
desrtHobbsee; we miss you too :(04:25
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seb128it built on amd6404:25
dholbachso capplets-data.install had to be updated04:25
seb128no reason it should not on i38604:25
dholbachsee also http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45705404:25
ubotuGnome bug 457054 in Appearance "gnome-appearance-setting crashes during load" [Critical,Needinfo] 04:25
simiradesrt: np. And no. Almost everything else. :)04:25
pittiStevenK: no, you never told me to04:25
desrtsimira; get jabber :p04:25
desrt<- desrt@desrt.ca04:25
dholbachseb128: the crash was because some hunks of debian/patches/95_desktop-effects-integration.patch were not updated04:25
pittiStevenK: kicked04:25
StevenK[23:36]  < StevenK> pitti: Can you give-back amarok when the publisher completes? (If that's soon enough for the buildds to see the new kdelibs)04:26
seb128dholbach: ah, that's a capplet-data.install bug04:26
dholbachor did not apply or whatever04:26
StevenKpitti: Thanks04:26
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dholbachI fixed it and am about to upload04:26
seb128I've a local branch04:26
seb128that's going to be fun to merge04:26
dholbachlocal branch?04:26
seb128I'm rewritting part of the cappelt04:26
simiradesrt: I think I have enough with ICQ, msn and yahoo...04:26
seb128to have radio buttons04:26
dholbachlet's move to #u-desktop04:26
seb128could you just fix the ftbfs?04:27
desrtsimira; don't you have something like gaim?04:27
simiradesrt: yup. Well, they svitched it a pidgeon, but yes.04:27
Hobbseedesrt: sure you do.  i'd be one of those rebel KDE'ers :P04:27
desrtthat's fine.  i want some kde shirts :)04:28
desrty'all shoudl have akademy in turkey next year04:28
LucidFoxwhat's the point of qt4-kdecopy?04:28
RiddellLucidFox: nothing currently04:28
Riddelldesrt: as far as I know there's nobody able to host akademy in turkey next year04:29
desrtRiddell; you here?04:29
Riddellhere being somewhere other than #ubuntu-devel I presume?04:29
Riddelloh, no, only sunday04:30
desrtah.  i thougt i had seen you04:30
LucidFoxRiddell> but it will be needed in the future? or it used to be needed in the past?04:30
desrtbut then i thought maybe it was just a nightmare :)04:30
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DBE08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
RiddellLucidFox: it was needed in the past.  it may well be needed in the future if kde 4 snapshots need an unstable qt 404:31
dholbachpitti: uploaded04:32
pittidholbach: g-c-c patch> wow, major cleanup04:37
dholbachpitti: yeah, some stuff was left around in there04:37
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pittihi zul04:37
geserpitti: Hi04:38
pittihi geser04:38
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geserpitti: have you an idea why the universe crash team is subscribed to some crashes for packages from main?04:39
pittigeser: we don't actually differ between them any more; it's effectively ubuntu-qa for all crashes04:39
seb128pitti: wrong version has been uploaded it looks like04:39
pittiseb128: ?04:40
seb128pitti: I mean the gnome-control-center update I did some days ago04:40
seb128the patch on my disk is clean and working04:40
pittiseb128: I just accepted dholbach's04:40
pittiseb128: ah, I see04:40
seb128hate working from the laptop04:40
seb128yeah, that's alright04:40
seb128I've some other changes locally but I'll my version after tribe-304:40
pittievand, cjwatson: ubiquity accepted04:41
=== maniacmusician [n=maniacmu@24-151-1-004.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiok, ubiquity, g-c-c, time for another publisher run04:41
seb128pitti: what do you think about make cdbs-edit-patch ignore *.rej *.orig *~ ?04:41
pittiseb128: ignoring .rej is dangerous; I don't object against ignoring .orig and *~04:42
=== ccm prays tribe-3 will finally enable him to hibernate his laptop. Or let's say: To come back from it :)
seb128pitti: k, I've the change locally, I'll upload next week04:42
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pittidoko: python2.5 accepted04:46
seb128pitti: by reading the changelog it looks like the gnome-control-center upload from dholbach is buggy, do you have the debdiff somewhere?04:47
pittiseb128: erk, not any more04:47
pittiseb128: I just published it out04:47
pittidholbach: ^ do you have it?04:47
seb128pitti: you need to add debian/tmp/usr/share/gnome-control-center/pixmaps to capplets-data.install04:48
wasabiAnybody familiar with samba enough to review and upload a patch? Bug #11897704:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118977 in samba "winbindd will not start do to invalid cache path" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11897704:48
seb128the changelog only mentions dropping the icons directory04:48
seb128ups, almost no battery power04:49
seb128might be disconnected though04:49
ograwhats up with guadec this year ?04:50
ograno wallplugs ? bad wlan ?04:50
simiralousy networks, I believe04:50
simiraboth :p04:50
ograthey really should get better sponsors :P04:50
dholbachpitti: buggy?04:53
dholbachand that's the new patch: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/95_desktop-effects-integration.patch04:54
pittidholbach: <seb128> pitti: you need to add debian/tmp/usr/share/gnome-control-center/pixmaps to capplets-data.install04:57
dholbachpitti: ok, will take care of it04:57
pittidholbach: so we actually need another upload?05:00
dholbachpitti: it seems so - I didn't know that was broken too05:00
dholbachpitti: sorry05:00
dholbachlet me take a look05:01
pittidholbach: no problem, thanks for fixing it *big hug*05:01
dholbachit's test building05:01
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dholbachpitti: fixed, uploading05:04
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=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
pittidholbach: accepted, cheers05:18
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dholbachthanks pitti05:24
=== seb128 kicks the GUADEC network
Hobbseeseb128: dont kick it too hard, else it'll really break on you05:27
=== pitti imagines seb128 kicking into nothing but air
seb128Hobbsee: maybe that's why it's breaking all the time05:27
Mithrandirseb128: stop breaking the wireless!05:27
TeTeTI've got a problem with the manual partition on a Dell D620 with the latest gutsy, it hangs at scanning disks. Anyone seen this? (Gutsy desktop)05:27
Hobbseepitti: well, people are doing stranger thiings...05:27
pittiseb128: don't step on the wifi cable then :)05:28
seb128Hobbsee: isn't that middle of the night for you now?05:28
HobbseeTeTeT: tribe 2?  it's mentioned in the release notes, and the workaround is only going in this evening05:28
Hobbseeseb128: it's 1.30am05:28
Hobbseeseb128: i've learned to live on european time, it seems.05:28
TeTeTHobbsee: kewl, will test it tomorrow then, thanks05:28
pittiTeTeT: we all cross fingers for that :)05:28
HobbseeTeTeT: there will be cds to test tomorrow, so wait on :)05:29
seb128pitti: so I was saying that the capplets-data.install probably needs an update05:29
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pittiseb128: dholbach fixed it in the meantime, adding the pixmaps05:29
seb128ok, good05:29
Hobbseeseb128: now, what i *should* do is just more to europe and be done with it, of course, and live on sane time.05:29
seb128right ;)05:29
Hobbseeor europe should move to me.  either way :P05:30
Hobbseeseb128: why, what else would i be doign?  being stationary?05:30
Riddelldholbach: "Rarian is a replacement for scrollkeeper" that's not a descriptive title05:30
MithrandirHobbsee: you'd just end up living on west coast US time if you moved here.05:31
HobbseeMithrandir: hopefully not.  i did use to keep sane times, long ago.05:31
HobbseeMithrandir: but that was like...5 years ago, or whatever.05:31
Hobbseewell, probably 3.  then the work night shifts started.05:32
dholbachRiddell: fixing05:32
Riddelldholbach: I'll reject for now then, let me know when you re-upload and I'll take another look05:33
jdongwhy doesn't apt-get -t <distro> source <package> work?05:34
jdongmako and I were just playing around with that....05:34
dholbachRiddell: done05:34
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jdongI'd also be a happy camper if there were an alternative way of pulling source packages from an arbitrary distribution05:34
Mithrandirjdong: because nobody has written a fix for that yet.05:35
jdongoh, is that bug 16whatever?05:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 16 in rosetta ""Swedish" and "Swedish (Sweden)" should be the same language" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1605:35
HobbseeMithrandir: but cant you just wave your magic wand and do it?05:36
jdongbug 16240?05:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 16240 in apt "Cannot Pin on components" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624005:36
Mithrandirjdong: no, I don't think so05:36
MithrandirHobbsee: so many bugs, so little time.05:36
Hobbseetrue that05:37
jdongMithrandir: do you have any other recommendations for apt-get source -t like functionality?05:37
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persiajdong: Try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmmetHikory?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=src-get if you like.  It's rough, but it works.05:37
jdongMithrandir: do you have a bug number?05:37
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Mithrandirjdong: no, sorry05:38
jdongpersia: lol I died a little inside reading that script05:39
jdongpersia: but I guess it works :D05:40
persiajdong: Like I said, rough :)05:40
makopersia: yeah, rough :)05:40
seb128StevenK: thanks for the libgpod transition, I didn't manage to test if there was no brekage with rhythmbox due to GUADEC05:40
jdongMithrandir: is this broken across all releases of Ubuntu?05:40
Mithrandirjdong: yes, it's been broken since -t appeared four or so years back05:41
makowow, i could have *sworn* that worked for me05:41
seb128mako: you can use /version05:41
Mithrandirmako: I believe you have dreamt.05:41
makoMithrandir: sure.. i trust you more my own memory05:42
jdongseb128: /version as in /gutsy, or /1.2-3?05:42
makomore than my own memory even05:42
seb128like 1.2-305:42
jdonglet me try that05:42
Hobbseemako: i concur with Mithrandir.05:42
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jdongjdong@backports-builder:/tmp$ apt-get source python-support=0.5.3ubuntu105:43
Hobbsee"tell him he's dreaming, son"05:43
jdong^^ that's the syntax05:43
jdongthat works05:43
jdongcan we hack apt-get source to do that :D05:43
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jdongthanks for your time, Mithrandir and seb12805:45
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elmo(web front end of) launchpad is going down for emergency maintenance for 2-3 minutes in 5 minutes05:55
Hobbseeelmo: if you break it, i will be displeased :P05:55
Hobbseeand i *will* hunt you out for the next UDS, if it affects the tribe :P05:56
bdmurrayBenC: I squared away amitk early this AM05:58
BenCbdmurray: thanks...would it be possible to just add canonical-kernel-team to ubuntu-qa instead of each of us individually?05:59
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BenCbdmurray: I admin that team, and it will only consist of hired kernel devs05:59
bdmurrayBenC: There's a thought.06:00
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pittihi mdz_06:01
seb128hey mvo06:01
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elmolaunchpad should be back06:04
dholbachelmo: there seems to be something wrong:     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dosfstools/+bug/126121     forwards me to         https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dosfstools/+bug/12612106:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126121 in dosfstools "Typo in mkdosfs man page" [Undecided,In progress] 06:05
dholbachhum, everything seems to forward me to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ - which seems to be down or something06:06
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wasabiYeah, broked06:10
pittiit doesn't answer at all for me06:11
sorenCan we remove packages from Feisty?06:11
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pittisoren: we really, really shouldn't06:14
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sorenpitti: it's phpunit. It's uninstallable as it depends on php4, so it's not installable.06:15
=== persia notes that packages have previously not been removed from released distroreleases even at the express request of trademark holders, making the bar very high indeed.
sorenpitti: OTOH there is phpunit2, which is for php5, so that's ok.06:16
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sorenpitti: What if we pushed the transitional package from gutsy into -updates? Would that work?06:16
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sorenpitti: ah, hang on.06:16
WorkingGeierI need to compile a package against all releases; I generate the version by appending "~ubuntu6.04" etc.06:17
dholbachelmo: it seems to work now - thanks06:17
WorkingGeierwhat would I use for gutsy?06:17
WorkingGeier7.notknownyet would sort after the real version number06:17
sorenpitti: It's really confusing, actullay.06:17
WorkingGeier7.04+gutsy works, but is ugly06:18
WorkingGeierany ideas?06:18
Mithrandirpersia: uh, are you sure about that?06:19
Mithrandirpersia: bug #?06:19
sorenpitti:  Up until feisty, phpunit was the 1.3 tree. In gutsy, phpunit is the 3.0 tree.  phpunit2 in feisty was the 2.3-tree, but is in gutsy a transitional package depending on the phpunit package (i.e. the 3.0 version).06:19
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persiaMithrandir: bug 80404 as applied to dapper and edgy (given the date of Blizzard's complaint).06:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 80404 in freecraft "Please remove freecraft from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8040406:20
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persiaMithrandir: My understanding is that Blizzard complained to upstream, and not to Ubuntu, so I doubt there is outstanding liability, but someone qualified should offer an opinion.06:21
Mithrandirpersia: freecraft is hardly a trademark violation on warcraft.06:21
persiaMithrandir: Perhaps.  I'm not an expert on trademark law.  I stand corrected.06:22
Mithrandirpersia: me neither, but until blizzard complains directly at us, I don't see a need to remove it.06:23
persiaMithrandir: I'd agree (no outstanding liabilty)06:23
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Riddellmvo: were you talking about the emacs22 packaging at the distro sprint?06:24
mvoRiddell: briefly, it seems like the package is waiting in the NEW queue now06:25
ryanakcacjwatson: I'm going to try out today's CD... let's hope LVM works :)06:25
Riddellmvo: it is, from a Michael W. Olson06:25
cjwatsonryanakca: good luck06:25
Hobbseeryanakca: i didnt think the cds that were worth testing were done yet...06:26
pittiright, we are still collecting fixes06:26
sorenpitti: I'll see if I can work around this phpunit thing. I'll shout again if needed.06:27
pittisoren: what is the actual problem?06:27
pitticertainly not an uninstallable package on its own?06:27
Riddellmvo: hmm, the docs in emacs22 contain front cover texts06:27
cjwatsonRiddell: note that Ubuntu's generally been OK with the GFDL in main in the past06:28
=== cjwatson -> elsewhere
sorenpitti: Well, yes. I didn't think a package removal was *that* big a deal.06:28
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Riddellcjwatson: even with cover texts?06:28
pittisoren: it's not for the development release, but we rather not touch stables unless we absolutely have to06:28
cjwatsonsoren: changing a released distribution *at all* is a big deal, and the only way you can remove a package from feisty is to change dists/feisty/ - you can't do it in -updates06:28
cjwatsonRiddell: I haven't checked, but I think so06:29
ryanakcaHobbsee: cjwatson fixed the LVM problems yesterday, I'm going to test that part at least :)06:29
Hobbseeryanakca: fair enough06:29
pittiRiddell: we left it in NEW so far, because it seems much more sensible to just sync emacs22 and docs from Debian06:29
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pittiRiddell: and put the -docs package into main, and maybe even add a dependency06:29
seb128pitti: we want to accept the current in NEW I think06:30
pittiRiddell: maintaining a trivial diff (dependency addition) seems much saner than having a completely parallel packaging06:30
pittiseb128: right, I didn't look at it, just mentioning it06:30
sorencjwatson: Yes, I think I understand the implications, but removing a package that is broken doesn't seem all that intrusive.06:30
sorenNever mind, though. I'll see if I can make the thing work with php5 and go the -updates way.06:30
seb128pitti: just to not make the guy who make the efforts run away from Ubuntu06:30
seb128like using a diplomatic way06:30
pittiRiddell, seb128: as long as it's in universe I do not care much06:30
pittiseb128: yeah, fine to me :)06:31
pittisoren: OTOH, just leaving it there doesn't hurt either06:31
Riddellpitti, seb128: and you're both OK with cover texts in FDL?06:31
pittiRiddell: TBH I never answered this question to myself06:31
=== soren runs to the shops before they close. bbl.
seb128Riddell: same as pitti06:32
pittiRiddell: but I have the feeling that these are bit on the edge; copyright texts are not freely modifyable either06:32
pittiRiddell: so I'm fine with having them in main, if even the FSF is good with them06:32
Riddellelmo: are you know if we allow FDL with cover texts?06:32
pittiRiddell: s/main/archive/06:33
elmoRiddell: yes, it's fine06:33
elmoif we == Ubuntu06:33
Riddellok, thanks06:34
pittiBenC: wrt. bug 54621, this problem is so old that moving it from t3 to t4 is certainly bearable?06:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54621 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work!" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5462106:34
BenCpitti: yeah, we were going to fix that in the upload today, but it's certainly not a regression, so tribe-4 is fine06:35
pittiBenC: cool, thanks06:35
amitk_pitti: that was me. Why is t3 a problem?06:36
pittiamitk_: it takes some 10 hours to get it into the archive at all, and we shouldn't risk major breakage at this point06:36
pittiamitk_: I'd like to build a first set of good candidate CDs in an hour or two06:37
pittiotherwise we'll miss the deadline06:37
kylemit doesn't really matter, it will be on a daily disk after you upload it. if you have a tester just get them to wait a day and grab that.06:37
pittior just dist-upgrade06:37
amitk_pitti: right! I had forgotten that we cancelled a kernel release today06:37
pittiamitk_: yeah, sorry for that; next time we need to coordinate that better06:38
amitk_pitti: no worries06:38
pittiamitk_: timing with last week's sprint and travel was tight and bad :/06:38
elmowhat's the official position on downgrades?06:40
elmosupported or not06:40
pittithat'll break very often06:41
kylempitti, are we not waiting for fixed gnome-c-c?06:41
pittikylem: yes, that's the last thing I'm waiting for06:41
pittikylem: publisher just finished, now I'll let it build, publish, build CDs06:42
elmoit doesn't in my experience06:42
elmoat least on servers06:42
elmobut anyway, that's not really my question06:42
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pittidowngrading things like the python transition is next to impossible, too, I figure06:42
pittiI didn't see any official statement about supporting it, that's all I can say06:42
pittizul: any chance to fix xen on amd64? it causes quite a lot of uninstallability06:43
zulpitti: I have a fix ready can I upload it?06:44
pittizul: cool! please06:44
=== pitti examines why linux-image-xen/i386 and friends are uninstallable
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zulitll just take a couple of minutes06:45
pittiaah, linux-image-2.6.22-8-xen is in universe; is that deliberate?06:46
pittiBenC: ^06:46
zulyes I belived it is06:46
Hobbseepitti: so's xen-3.1 though06:46
pittiHobbsee: nope06:46
pittiall the xen stuff is in main, even linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-8-xen06:47
Hobbseewell, was when i looked a few days ago06:47
pittiexcept for the kernel image06:47
Hobbseei thougth06:47
pittixen-3.0 was in main as well06:47
pittiHobbsee: it was recently promoted06:47
pittilibvirt, cman, etc. all depend on it, too06:47
Hobbseeso after i checked last, yes06:47
stgraberhello, still nothing to add on the tracker from what I've read from my backlog ?06:47
Hobbseestgraber: correct.  images havent started being biult yet06:47
pittistgraber: working on it as fast as soyuz allows us06:48
Hobbseepitti: WELL PEDAL FASTER!!!  :P06:48
pittizul: hm, so we should demote the entire xen stack to universe? that'd require some changes to the redhat-cluster-tools and libvirt, and coordination/ack from fabbione06:49
pittiHobbsee: at 35 degrees? c'mon06:49
zulpitti: uploaded06:49
Hobbseepitti: i'll swap :P06:49
=== pitti bumps the build prio to 5000; can't pedal faster
stgraberpitti: that's no problem for me, I really prefer to add them myself just in case I come across a bug with the new tracker (it was tested but some features were added only late yesterday :))06:51
stgraberpitti: hehe, 35 degrees can be ok, but the 10 degrees -> 35 degrees in only 2-3 days was well, a bit too fast for me :)06:52
pittistgraber: optimistic ETA is 2.5 hours for ubuntu and kubuntu; will you still/again be online at that time?06:52
pittistgraber: *ack*06:52
stgraberpitti: sure, will be around till 01:00 CEST or something like that (holidays :))06:52
pittistgraber: heh06:57
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stgraberpitti, Hobbsee: Do you know if the assignees on : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Matrix?action=recall&rev=27 are still up to date ?06:57
stgraberif yes I'll subscribe them to those tests on the tracker as well06:58
pittistgraber: they haven't been updated since feisty, and some people are on guadec and such06:58
stgraberpitti: ok, so I'll let Henrik do that once he's back07:00
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pittizul: would it hurt much if I put it into main for now, until we have a more consistent solution? or is it actively broken?07:03
zulpitti: the kernel image? no complaints from me check with BenC though07:03
bdmurraystgraber: they aren't07:03
pittizul: noted for distro team meeting, thanks07:04
pittiah, /me mails instead07:04
Hobbseestgraber: no, those arent up to date.  but they look like they'll be testing images, or at least most of them will07:06
=== Hobbsee --> bed. night all!
stgraberHobbsee: ok, good night07:07
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BenCpitti: xen is just untested, but I've no objections to be it being in main07:14
pittiBenC: ah, thanks07:15
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pittiyay, g-c-c built07:29
=== ion_ had to think for a while until i realized another meaning for the acronym than GNU C Compiler. :-)
thomion_: gcc has less hyphens in07:31
pittiogra: so, bug 121547 -> tribe4 then? just a cosmetical issue after all, right?07:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121547 in ltsp "[Gutsy]  LTSP chroot building process hangs at 50% on Tribe1 CD" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12154707:31
ion_thom: Yeah, thats why i tried to figure out the other meaning. :-)07:31
bhalehey thom07:31
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wasabihmm does /etc/group support using numeric user ids?07:35
wasabiin any fashion...07:35
calcanyone happen to know why libsvg-dev isn't in gutsy?07:43
pittierk, panel crash, brb07:44
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=== pitti jumps for joy while he demotes gtk+1.2 to universe; it only took three years!
=== pitti hugs doko
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ion_pitti: Yay :-D07:48
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pitti... and glib1.2 with it \o/07:49
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pittikeescook: do you have any idea about the status of bug 105936 ?07:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105936 in lvm2 "snapshot creation failure race "in use: not deactivating"" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10593607:52
=== bhale watches Hobbsee use her big pointy stick for release management
RiddellTheMuso: for some reason I can't help laughing at ubuntustudio-floater :)07:59
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calcwhat is the proper procedure to pull in a debian package that has never been in ubuntu before?08:03
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pitticalc: filing a sync request08:03
pitticalc: we can sync it and wave it through NEW08:03
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fabbionepitti: uh? no we can't demote xen to universe.. i only need the libraries to build cman & co08:04
pittifabbione: yeah, I promoted the kernel08:05
fabbionepitti: if we demote it, i will need to make a mess of splitting packages around08:05
pittifabbione: apparently it was just a minor misunderstanding08:05
fabbionepitti: ok..08:05
calcpitti: hmm do i need to do that by hand, requestsync complains about madison not containing it08:05
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fabbionepitti: so we have everything on amd64 too now?08:05
pitticalc: ah, just tell me the package08:05
calcpitti: libsvg08:05
pittifabbione: that's still in progres08:05
pittifabbione: source is publishing now08:05
calcpitti: thank you for the help :)08:06
fabbionepitti: ok, i will wait after tribe-3 to reupload the changes tho...08:06
fabbionepitti: there is no need to rush them trough08:06
calcdebian ooo has a dep on it for 2.3 m221 which i am doing a test build for gutsy of :)08:06
pitticalc: hm, then it needs a MIR08:07
agoliveiraSOrry, wrong window08:07
pitticalc: I'll put it into universe for now, that's sufficient for a local test build08:07
gesercalc: libsvg is new so you would need requestsync -n (but I assume it still won't work as libsvg is in experimental)08:07
calcpitti: yea, universe is fine for now08:07
pitticalc: hm, libsvg doesn't seem to be in unstble08:07
calcoh wow08:07
calci can do a local grab and build for my testing then08:08
=== calc had assumed it was in sid
geserpitti: it's in experimental08:08
pitticalc: ah, experimental08:08
evandCan someone sponsor tasksel 2.67ubuntu2 (http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/upload/)?08:09
pitticalc: do that anyway, syncing/NEWing/building/NEWing/publishing will take a while08:09
calcpitti: ok08:09
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geserfabbione: do you know if xft1 (binary package is libxft1; universe) is still needed? or can it be removed?08:10
keescookpitti: sorry, delayed answer: it is not yet fixed.  still waiting for kernel bits, iirc.08:10
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fabbionegeser: no idea....08:10
pitticalc: synced and source-NEWed08:10
calcpitti: thanks08:11
calci've started the ooo build now, libsvg rebuilt fine in my gutsy chroot08:11
=== calc hopes it mostly works, heh
calcneed to get ooo 2.3 into gutsy ASAP08:11
geserfabbione: hmm, I hoped you would knew as the last upload was done by you for breezy08:11
pittievand: is that crucial for tribe3?08:12
fabbionegeser: check the rdepends08:12
pittigeser: ^ checking08:12
evandpitti: I wouldn't say crucial, but it should make the gobuntu cd images actually work08:12
pittievand: ok, but not important for ubuntu/kubuntu/etc?08:12
pittigeser: no rdepends whatsoever08:12
pittievand: *phew*, thanks08:13
geserpitti: so it's ok if I file a remove bug for it?08:13
pittigeser: sure, that's fine; thank you!08:14
hansin321Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask: Where does one make a package request/change for Gutsy?  I see Gutsy still uses 'centericq', but I think the good work going forward will be with the fork 'centerim'.  At least that is my interpretation.08:14
pittigeser: /me  clean house :)08:14
Riddellhansin321: it's in universe, try finding someone in #ubuntu-motu to package it (assuming centerim has made a release)08:15
calchaving build-dep conflicting packages08:16
Riddellhansin321: or file a request to package bug according to the process (which is somewhere on the wiki, probably under /MOTU)08:16
=== calc notes he can't read long amounts of apt-get output properly, must drink more caffeine
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pittiogra: I'll downsize the edubuntu server i38608:36
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pittistgraber, bdmurray, all: ubuntu live images up: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20070717.1/08:49
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pittistgraber, bdmurray: kubuntu alternates: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20070717.1/08:52
hansin321Riddell: Thanks.  I'll take a look.08:54
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pittizul: libxen3.1-dev_3.1.0-0ubuntu8_amd64.deb is still empty08:56
pittizul: xen-hypervisor-3.1-amd64_3.1.0-0ubuntu8_amd64.deb seems to work, though08:56
pittizul: libxen3.1-dev on i386 is empty as well, though08:57
zulpitti: ok08:57
pittizul: accepting for now, but I guess that's not quite right?08:57
zulwill take another look at it when i get home08:58
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pittizul: thanks muchly08:58
ScottKpitti: Would you be up for accepting clamav 0.91.1-1ubuntu1 - the Debian maintainer enabled new functionality with the update I just merged and I'd rather get it exposed to the rush of upgraders coming on Thursday.08:59
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pittiScottK: done09:04
ScottKpitti: Thanks.09:05
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pittibdmurray, stgraber, gpocentek: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/20070717/09:09
mr_pouitpitti: the seeds were fixed yesterday (issue with goffice), so I don't understand why it still fails :/09:11
stgraberpitti: thanks09:11
pittimr_pouit: "it"?09:11
mr_pouitpitti: Hobbsee pingued me to tell that the live-cd iso build failed09:12
pittimr_pouit: it didn't get to that yet09:12
stgraberpitti: alternate are ready for testing as well ?09:13
pittistgraber: no, ubuntu and edubuntu are oversized, fix in progress09:14
pittistgraber: are you fine with me announcing good images to you over IRC, as above?09:14
ryanakcacjwatson_: ok, I figured out the /home problem. It's because /dev/mapper/sampi-Home isn't in the fstab, thus, it doesn't get mounted. Going "sudo mount /dev/mapper/sampi-Home /home" fixes the problem.09:14
pittistgraber: there will be some varying version numbers, so I'll give the full URL09:14
stgraberyes, that's fine09:14
pittistgraber: do you need the entire list again? or you'll get it from backscroll?09:14
stgraberpitti: I'm putting Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu desktop on the tracker09:15
pittistgraber: no, please not yet09:15
stgraberhmm, ok09:16
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pittistgraber: those three so far09:16
pittistgraber: ubuntu-server should actually exist as well, no idea why it's not on the web09:17
pittistgraber: I guess it's just a mirror delay, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20070717 should exist (and does exist on lithium)09:19
stgraberpitti: ok, those three are ready09:19
pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20070717.1/09:20
stgraberok, I'll keeping refreshing those two urls :)09:21
pittiso do I; hm, that was much faster in the past09:21
pittiI had a long delay for kubuntu, too, though, and eventually it worked09:21
pittilet's check again in 30 minutes or so09:21
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pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20070717.1/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20070717/ are operational now09:55
pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20070717.2/ is now ready (ubuntu alternate)09:56
pittimr_pouit: indeed, xubuntu live CDs failed to build09:57
pittimr_pouit: "E: Couldn't find package libgoffice-gtk-0-3"09:58
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pittistgraber: wb09:58
pittijust in case you did not read it:09:59
pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20070717.1/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20070717/ are operational now09:59
pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20070717.2/ is now ready (ubuntu alternate)09:59
stgraberok, thanks09:59
stgraber(Looks like my dedicated server provider is having some port 6667 problem, I had to use 8001 ...)09:59
pittistgraber: I have used 8001 for months, since the time when freenode actively discouraged 6667 for some reason10:00
pittistgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20070717.2/10:02
pittimr_pouit: i386 seems to be happy, but the amd64 one failed10:02
pittimr_pouit: ah, no, failed the same way10:03
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pittistgraber_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20070717.2/10:05
stgraber_pitti: just connected from my laptop as well10:05
pittistgraber_: ah10:05
stgraberhttps://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/All <-- Updated10:07
pittistgraber: we should now have everything except xubuntu/live, which fails to build10:08
stgraberpitti: Edubuntu desktop ?10:09
pittiah, mirrored now10:09
pittiogra, bdmurray, Riddell, all: time for CD testing10:10
Kmosthe "quit" button at System menu is working with latest updates in gutsy ?10:10
stgraberso yes, we have everything except xubuntu desktop10:10
Kmosi've done the latest ones and I click on it and doesn't do anything10:10
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:pitti] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main FROZEN for Tribe 3 | Please test the Tribe-3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/
stgraberpitti: Shall I add the *Upgrades builds to the tracker ?10:11
pittistgraber: upgrades builds?10:11
=== Kmos its working now
stgraberWe have : "Ubuntu Upgrade amd64", "Ubuntu Upgrade i386", things like that10:11
pittistgraber: ah, I see; sure, that would be handy10:14
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pittistgraber: ah, I like the 'passed/failed' radiobutton and the multi-select 'passed with no bugs'10:21
stgraber_pitti: that was part of the most wanted features after tribe-2 :), especially the pass/fail radiobutton10:25
pittiinfinity: find /home/lp_archive/ubuntu/dists/gutsy -name Packages.gz|xargs zgrep "libgoffice-gtk-0-3" -> that does not find anything; are the xubuntu livefs build chroots outdated or so?10:29
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main FROZEN for Tribe 3 | Please test the Tribe-3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Tue Jul 17 22:10:41 2007
(pitti/#ubuntu-devel) libapache2-mod-php5 | 5.1.6-1ubuntu2.6 | edgy-security | amd64, i386, powerpc, sparc10:53
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) keescook: it's syncing now10:53
mathiazkeescook, pitti: for apparmor packages into main - what's the next step ?10:53
pittikeescook: however, I noticed that CD syncs took drastically longer today than usual, so maybe it's just the same sync slowness10:53
elmokeescook: cron.daily on drescher is very slow ATM - I'd adjust your expectations about prop time a little to match10:53
keescookelmo: ah! okay, noted.10:54
mathiazkeescook, pitti: it seems that we won't try to split the source packages as upstream has one svn repository.10:54
evandtretle_: PalmOS is hardly dead, but this is not really the place to discuss that.  This is also not the place to discuss packaging new software for Ubuntu.  That's #ubuntu-motu.10:54
keescookmathiaz: okay, cool.  yeah, all the main magic is up to pitti as far as I know.  :)10:54
mathiazkeescook: ok. I've asked for an import of upstream.10:55
pittimathiaz: right, let's do this right after the tribe release, I got TeTeT's ack10:55
keescookmathiaz: cool!10:55
mathiazpitti: excellent.10:55
pittimathiaz: where would we seed that?10:56
mathiazkeescook: once upstream is in bzr, I'll update the package.10:56
mathiazpitti: standard seed ?10:56
pittimathiaz: as a recommends?10:57
pittimathiaz: IOW, installed by default, but removable?10:57
mathiazpitti: yes.10:57
pittimathiaz: apparmor and apparmor-utils, anything else?10:57
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mathiazpitti: no.10:58
pittimathiaz: maybe just -utils, since apparmor itself is not that interesting10:58
mathiazpitti: hum - not sure. let me check what's in apparmor10:58
mathiazpitti: i think there is the init ramfs hook.10:59
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pittimathiaz: i. e. not interesting on its own to mention it explicitly in the seeds; it'll get pulled in as dependency10:59
ajmitchare the modules shipped with the kernel package now?10:59
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pittiajmitch: yes, in l-u-m10:59
tretle_evand - "tretle_: PalmOS is hardly dead" they have stopped using PalmOS on their devices and one could not argue the fact that their are more people using mobile phones as their organizers these days than PalmOS devices10:59
ajmitchpitti: right, I've just got an old version installed :)10:59
tretle_their - there11:00
pittimathiaz: ok; I won't change the seeds right now to not get them out of sync to the tribe; we should do this very early after the tribe, Thursday evening or Friday11:00
mathiazpitti: apparmor is needed. it has the init ramfs hook, plus the init scripts.11:00
pittimathiaz: I know11:00
mathiazpitti: ok. np.11:00
pittimathiaz: I mean, having it as a dependency is fine11:00
mathiazpitti: ok - I understand now.11:01
mathiazpitti: so tribe-4 will install apparmor by default.11:02
mathiazpitti: what about upgrades ?11:03
pittimathiaz: those, too11:03
pittisince ubuntu-standard pulls them in11:03
kylemerm, so we intend to ship apparmor everywhere, or just on server?11:03
pittifor those people who did not forcefully remove it, anyway :)11:03
ajmitchseems like everywhere, from the sound of things11:03
pittikylem: that would be everywhere (without profiles, though, just the infrastructure)11:04
=== kylem goes to find his Debian cds.
ajmitchkylem: you'd prefer selinux-by-default instead? :)11:05
kylemajmitch, yes.11:05
ajmitchso would I, but it's obviously not going to happen for ubuntu11:05
kylemwe could make it happen...11:06
ajmitchsure, it's mostly policy work to clean it up11:06
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pittiwb ogra11:15
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lamontso apparmor is the competing thing vs selinux?11:17
lamontbecause, yeah, selinux would be better.11:17
keescooklamont: if by "competing" you mean "also uses LSM", then yes.  :)11:18
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lamontkeescook: I wasn't ranking them even close to each other, just making sure they were claiming to at least address similar use cases11:18
lamontwe'll still install libselinux by default, yes?11:19
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calclamont: hi! :)11:19
keescooklamont: yeah, roughly, they're both MAC systems.11:19
lamont(if for no other eason than that mount Depends: it now...)11:19
lamontcalc: hi11:19
keescooklamont: but afaik, libselinux is still fully incorporated11:19
calclamont: we got to see all the hp servers last week :)11:19
ajmitchwell a number of apps link to the (admittedly small) library11:19
calclamont: at the DC11:19
lamontcalc: DC tour?11:19
calclamont: yea11:19
calclamont: most of them were familar to me with my HP testing I had done previously11:19
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stgraberpitti: How is the Xubuntu desktop build going ?11:30
pittistgraber: not today any more; infinity will fix it tomorrow morning11:31
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elmolaunchpad website going down for emergency maintenance, in 5 minutes - ETD is < 5 minutes11:40
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elmoLP backup11:51
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stgraberogra: Edubuntu desktop is showing the gdm prompt instead of auto-login ...12:01
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stgraberpitti: minor issue on Edubuntu desktop, auto-login isn't working12:02
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pittimajor issue on ubuntu, compiz totally blocks the machine on session startup :(12:02
pittisame problem as we already had right before tribe-212:03
david_rosspitti: going to send out an update which breaks everything ? :))12:03
stgraberpitti: argh, how blocked is it ? black screen, gnome half-starting (need to kill compiz, restart metacity and finally compiz-replace to fix), other ?12:04
Riddellinfinity: could you give back soprano in feisty-backports12:04
pittistgraber: the 'switch to console, enter a few chars, find it freezing' one12:04
stgraberbad :(12:04
pittistgraber: it's not even half starting; I already saw this, it's not the 'cannot connect to session' bug12:05
pittiseems that something dropped the nv blacklisting, perhaps12:06
pittiI'll dig again12:06
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