cjwatson | evand: re earlier: unfortunately partman/choose_partition is about the most complex piece of handling of any debconf question in ubiquity, hence why all the debug is in there to help try to track stuff down. :) | 12:18 |
cjwatson | evand: most of that debugging should be enabled by default and should show up on ubiquity's stderr, though. (If you run it from the menu item, that will probably land in ~/.xsession-errors.) | 12:19 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 | ||
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tat_ | hello, is there a way to install in tet mode from the xubuntu lie cd ? | 02:12 |
tat_ | hello, is there a way to install in text mode from the xubuntu lie cd ? | 02:12 |
cjwatson | tat_: I'm afraid not. Use the alternate install CD if you want that | 02:12 |
tat_ | thanks | 02:14 |
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tat_ | but is it not possibill to install packages on a booted liveCD ? so i could install the text based installer package ? | 02:17 |
evand | You can install whatever packages you want on the LiveCD (assuming you have the free memory), however the text based installer's package is a build system for the text based installer | 02:18 |
evand | not the installer itself | 02:18 |
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cjwatson | tat_: indeed, the text-based installer isn't a sufficiently normal package for you to be able to do that; it expects to have total control of the system itself | 02:19 |
cjwatson | it's more of a miniature operating system than a package | 02:19 |
tat_ | hos is that text based installer called ( appart from d-i ) ? | 02:20 |
cjwatson | d-i or debian-installer | 02:21 |
tat_ | what is with debootstrap ? | 02:22 |
tat_ | i could use debootstrap and chroot into the system instal grub and configure the basics , i guess that will work : | 02:23 |
cjwatson | tat_: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html | 02:41 |
cjwatson | tat_: I'm not clear why you don't just grab the alternate CD though | 02:41 |
cjwatson | it'd probably be a lot easier ... | 02:41 |
cjwatson | that documentation may not be entirely up to date and is probably not exactly equivalent | 02:42 |
tat_ | i allready am downloading the alternate, i just where looking what will be faster, but since i can`t use the repository on the liveCD with debootstrap the alternate disk install will be faster :) | 03:02 |
cjwatson | right | 03:02 |
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CIA-19 | ubiquity: evand * r2157 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity debian/changelog): * Temporary workaround for 122645. | 03:42 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: evand * r2158 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): | 03:47 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: * Automatic update of included source packages: partman-auto | 03:47 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: 69ubuntu3, partman-base 107ubuntu2, partman-basicfilesystems | 03:47 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: 54ubuntu2, partman-target 50ubuntu2. | 03:47 |
evand | cjwatson: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/upload/ | 03:55 |
cjwatson | evand: I think I'd be happy with that workaround on a permanent basis, although it would of course be nice to know why it's failing without it | 03:56 |
evand | indeed, I shall keep looking | 03:58 |
cjwatson | always good to get other work done though. :-) | 03:58 |
cjwatson | evand: looks good, will upload shortly | 03:59 |
evand | yeah, tell me about it. Thanks for the upload. | 04:08 |
cjwatson | evand: uploading; go ahead and debcommit --release | 04:19 |
evand | yeah, just noticed I forgot to do that | 04:20 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: evand * r2159 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.5.6 | 04:20 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: evand * r2160 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): Bumped to 1.5.7. | 04:22 |
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superm1_ | evand, would you be able to merge my changes into the main branch again. I've got lirc and mythweb stuff for mythbuntu_ui a lot further. also i cleaned up the summary template as requested by cjwatson some time back | 05:31 |
evand | sure | 05:32 |
superm1_ | thx. i'll be back in a bit | 05:32 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007 | ||
CIA-19 | ubiquity: evand * r2161 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs): | 10:59 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: * Don't dump debug information to the console when using --automatic. | 10:59 |
CIA-19 | ubiquity: * Get the user password straight from debconf in noninteractive mode. | 10:59 |
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