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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by leap0119 at Tue May 8 15:38:31 2007
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lioxto install JDK of the repository or manual?02:22
lioxmanual in which directory I must install?02:23
lioxsomebody can help me?02:23
vilyou should be able to install JDK by02:35
vilapt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:36
lioxvil: ok tanks02:42
=== AfC [n=andrew@] has left #ubuntu-java []
=== AfC [n=andrew@] has joined #ubuntu-java
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by leap0119 at Tue May 8 15:38:31 2007

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