
mrevellDepending on getting your approval and your requirements matching what we think is necessary, we'd ideally like to the Launchpad code rolled-out for our 1.1.8 release due 22 August 2007.12:17
MikeB-Matt, Ryan and Launchpad developer have talked before, the discussion has not gotten far. In fact the forums asked to have peoples forum username listed on their LP account, but it was shot down since LP is not just a Ubuntu project12:17
KiwiNZWill this add extra steps for our customers12:18
KiwiNZIts important thatusers needing help can access the forums quickly12:19
mrevellMikeB-: I'd certainly like to hear about previous discussions but this is a new proposal that we hope could make life easier for forums users.12:19
forumsmatthewwill the current 342,404 forums users all have to register for launchpad accounts if they don't already have them? that will be an interesting logistic challenge12:19
KiwiNZespecially with the Likes of Dell users12:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 102204 in launchpad "UbuntuForums username in Launchpad Profile" [Undecided,New] 12:19
mrevellKiwiNZ: Sigining up for a Launchpad account is quick and painless and would be easily done from the Ubuntu Forums.12:19
mrevellforumsmatthew: I'll come to that in a sec :)12:19
mrevellthanks MikeB-12:20
mrevellDepending on getting your approval and your requirements matching what we think is necessary, we'd ideally like to the Launchpad code rolled-out for our 1.1.8 release due 22 August 2007. If testing goes well, we could start the process of allowing forums users to claim Launchpad accounts soon after.12:20
mrevellSo, that's our proposal.12:20
mrevellforumsmatthew: We could create a new Launchpad account for any forums users who don't claim an account within the period you decide12:21
mrevellforumsmatthew: It is a lot of people but I'm assured that it's not a problem for us to handle.12:21
KiwiNZbrb phone12:21
mrevellforumsmatthew: If there are specific technical reassurances that you'd like, then I can put you in touch with the relevant developer.12:21
forumsmatthewI'm interested, but undecided. I would really want to hear ubuntu-geek's take on the technical aspects of the idea12:21
forumsmatthewI know there are some non-FC people with comments. Anyone want to ask a question or give some thoughts?12:22
MikeB-I think it is a fine idea, but I think there should be an option to allow people only to have an forum account. the whole launchpad thing may scare away new users12:22
forumsmatthewMikeB-, +112:23
mrevellMikeB-: I agree that signing up for an account should be as unscary as it is now.12:23
MikeB-I think Ubuntu-geek needs to be apart of this discussion.12:23
forumsmatthewMikeB-, +1 again. I couldn't and wouldn't decide on this without him present12:24
mrevellMikeB-: If ubuntu-geek is not available right now then I'd be more than happy to talk to you guys another time this week when ubuntu-geek is around.12:24
SD-PlisskenWhat will be done about those members who don't want a launchpad account? Reason being there's members who only like to participate in certain sections of the forums that do not deal with support.12:24
forumsmatthewhe is stuck in traffic and hopes to get here soon12:24
mrevellforumsmatthew: Ah, I see12:24
BurgundaviaSD-Plissken: there are lots of user who have LP accounts only for the Ubuntu wiki12:24
beunoI have a comment about integrating Launchpad and the Forums from a different perspective, bugs. So whenever it's appropriate, please let me know  :D12:25
Burgundaviaso it probably better to think of LP as an Ubuntu-specific OpenID thingy12:25
forumsmatthewbeuno, go ahead12:25
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mrevellSD-Plissken: Hi. For those users, there's no obligation on them to participate in Launchpad or other parts of the Ubuntu community that use Launchpad for authentication. To them, LP would just be where their username and password are stored. They'd still log in as usual.12:25
MikeB-Matt, can you e-mail your proposal to forums-council@lists.ubuntu.com if Ubuntu-geek does not make it in time. So discussion can happen before you 22-Aug-07 deadline?12:25
mrevellBurgundavia: That's a good way to think of it.12:25
mrevellMikeB-: Sure, I'll do that tomorrow (getting late here).12:26
mrevellbeuno: Happy to take your question if the council guys feel we have time.12:26
MikeB-beuno: it is an open forum, please go ahead12:26
beunothanks forumsmatthew, basically I've been trying for months to integrate launchpad bugs into forum threads, so it's easier to know if a problem is still relevant 6 months later, I have already explained it well enoguh a few times, so I'll just paste the links: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2007-March/001184.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2007-March/001219.html aaand http://ubuntuforums.org/showth12:26
mrevellbeuno: Thank you. May I re-read those posts and come back to you tomorrow on the launchpad-users list?12:27
beunomrevell: sure, but, in this case, it's more a forum thing then Launchpad12:27
jdonghi I'm back12:28
jdongdid you miss me?12:28
PriceChildIf launchpad accounts can be created on launchpad "seamlessly" from existing ubuntuforums member accounts, I don't think we should worry about users not wanting a launchpad account SD-Plissken. Its one more push in the right direction for a lot of users to try and get involved somehow, and if they don't want a launchpad account, then they don't want to participate in the community?12:28
jdong(it was mako's fault)12:28
mrevellbeuno: Ah, okay, I'll use that forum thread12:28
jdongVorian: record a +1 to fullcircle for me :)12:28
beunomrevell: the forum thread is probably the shortest12:28
Vorianthanks jdong12:28
mrevellPriceChild: Yeah, absolutely. It's not a way of making people use Launchpad, it's just a way of giving them one sign-in. If they never want to use Launchpad or the Ubuntu wiki, then they don't have to.12:29
mrevellMikeB-: So, I'll mail you tomorrow and we can continue the discussion that way. Thank you for your time guys.12:29
forumsmatthewThanks, Matt.12:29
beunoI should also note that I've found a "not very ideal but works" method of making all of that work independently of LP and the forums, which should be deployable the next weeks, but I'd love it if it wasn't something seperate12:29
MikeB-thanks Matt12:30
beunomrevell: thanks, ba bye12:30
mrevellthanks all12:30
Vorianthanks mrevell12:31
KiwiNZSorry back again12:31
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forumsmatthewug is here!12:31
PriceChildspeak of the devil12:31
mrevellAha :)12:31
ubuntugeeki miss anything?12:31
jdongubuntugeek: cupcakes12:31
ubuntugeeki love cupcakes12:31
ubuntugeekcool so were we at?12:31
PriceChild*gets logs*12:31
mrevellWould you prefer that I post to the list? Or should I post a small summary?12:31
forumsmatthewlet's see what we can do right now, here12:32
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MikeB-up to you, if you have to go, almost midnight in UK?12:32
PriceChildhmm fabionne's logs are awry12:32
forumsmatthewsame as me12:32
PriceChild23:32 in uk12:32
KiwiNZI need to do a lot of reading about your proposal mrevell especially impact on customer service12:32
ubuntugeeki got about 20 mins, i'm double booked by accident.12:32
forumsmatthewreally? oh, yeah...summertime12:32
forumsmatthewokay, let's move that to the FC mailing list for now and hit our last agenda item, then12:33
mrevellOk guys, thanks12:33
mrevellKiwiNZ: Let's chat about this, I'm sure we can make it as smooth as possible.12:33
KiwiNZalways available12:33
ubuntugeekOk whats left on the agenda/12:34
forumsmatthewstaff emeritus12:34
VorianStaff Emeritus12:34
VorianTalking about giving special title to ex-staff members.12:34
MikeB-Staff Emeritus12:34
MikeB-and I'm Lag Emeritus12:34
forumsmatthewthe discussion is whether to give the title to all former staff, or only to those who have distinguished themselves in some way12:35
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=== beuno watches the bug integration slip through the cracks again
KiwiNZmaybe its a bug beuno12:35
mrevellbeuno: I'd like to pick it up from the LP side.12:36
forumsmatthew"emeritus" is a special term given to one who has previously served in a position, as a way to honor them12:36
beunoKiwiNZ: I wouldn't, can't see it in the forums  :p12:36
forumsmatthewit is usually reserved for "above and beyond the call of duty" cases12:36
beunomrevell: I'd love to see it implemented on both/any, it would be very useful12:37
KiwiNZI agree with the emeritus idea but we need to make sure they are not confused with current staff12:37
forumsmatthewKiwiNZ, agreed12:37
KiwiNZa diferent color12:37
forumsmatthewso far there are four people who have the title12:37
MikeB-Kiwi: +112:37
forumsmatthewtheir names are in black, like standard registered users12:38
SD-Plisskenkind of hard to mix the two as it stands. being you guys,and gals are red.12:38
forumsmatthewbut they have a special user rank icon12:38
forumsmatthewand can give themselves custom user titles, if they want to12:38
ubuntugeekhmm so your proposal for LP integration would probably cripple the forums from being upgraded in the future.12:38
jdongmay I point out from my experience on another major forum (BBR)....12:38
KiwiNZI think its great to recognise contribution12:38
MikeB-maybe purple12:38
jdongoften users do not understand what "emeritus" means12:38
jdongso it may be a good idea to link the title to some explanation popup12:39
KiwiNZgood point12:39
jdongor less idealy, pick a different word12:39
forumsmatthewjdong, not a bad idea. I also updated the FAQ12:39
ubuntugeekit would be a logistical nightmare to make that work12:39
ronnietuckerwhat about an Honorary Member ?...  :)12:39
jdongyeah, I understand this is treading on CSS fairies ground12:39
jdongyeah, Honorary, VIP, etc12:39
jdongthough I love the word emeritus for this12:40
jdongI have seen cases of confusion on BBR about this12:40
forumsmatthewI would rather educate people than water down the honor12:40
jdongforumsmatthew: +112:40
MikeB-forumsmatthew, agree12:40
forumsmatthewdo we want to talk about how we will choose people to receive the honor?12:41
PriceChildwe don't explain normal titles, give list of who gets what etc. I think no explanation of "emeritus" should be given. The golden beans, title and individuality will cause people to look up the word.12:41
forumsmatthewPriceChild, we can only hope so :)12:41
darkmatterronnietucker: different thing. emeritus is more "served with honour". we just need a nice synonym for the tiltle that a)makes sense b) sound "lofty" :P and c) is straight to the point12:42
jdongPriceChild: you're new here, aren't you?12:42
forumsmatthewI for one welcome our new emeritus overlords12:42
jdongpoor Vorian , he's gonna have to edit our lame jokes :D12:43
forumsmatthewin soviet russia, honor chooses you12:43
darkmatterjdong: how about "Darth"?12:43
Vorianjdong, this meeting will require a LOT of editing :)12:43
jdongVorian: that's what she said!12:43
darkmatterinstead of emeritus12:43
darkmatterjust stick gdarth before the username12:43
forumsmatthewdarth emeritus12:43
jdongdarkmatter: too star war-y12:43
compiledkernel*shoo**shee*shoo**shee* Luke.....I am your father.....12:44
KiwiNZWhat about Forum Elder12:44
forumsmatthewso, how shall we choose who to receive the honor12:44
jdongKiwiNZ: umm....12:44
jdongI can see females finding that offensive12:44
forumsmatthewKiwiNZ, that makes them sound old12:44
jdongand maybe some sensitive males too12:44
PriceChildmajority FC agreement after staff opinion's taken into consideration?12:44
jdongbut anyway, I think we should talk about the concept first12:44
jdongand not the name12:44
KiwiNZits non gender specific12:44
forumsmatthewPriceChild, I like that12:44
PriceChildsame as what we use for everything else...? :)12:45
jdongKiwiNZ: I know my mom would hurt me if I called her the Household Elder...12:45
forumsmatthewany comments on PriceChild 's idea for choosing whom to bestow the honor upon12:45
jdongmy point is it won't always be construed as an honorary title12:45
VorianI like "Staff Emeritus" and the golden beans12:45
PriceChildhehe not exactly my idea :P12:45
jdongforumsmatthew: yeah, I think that's a good idea12:45
forumsmattheware there any objections to choosing the recipients of the honor in this way12:46
forumsmatthewby anyone?12:46
KiwiNZwe could just put an explanation of the title staff emeritus and add a role of honour12:46
forumsmatthewunder who are the staff12:47
forumsmatthewYou may see a few people hanging around the forums with an "emeritus staff" title. These are former staff. Emeritus means retired or honorably discharged from active professional duty, but retaining the title of one's office or position: like a dean emeritus of a graduate school; or a newspaper editor in chief emeritus.12:47
forumsmatthew(I put that in last week...)12:47
MikeB-sorry back, emergency phone call12:47
KiwiNZAdd the members of the title as a role of honour under that mathew12:47
forumsmatthewI can do that12:48
SD-Plisskenforumsmattew they will be picked by their former co-staffers, and final decisions will be made the FC?12:48
KiwiNZI think that would cover it12:48
forumsmatthewnominated by current staff12:48
forumsmatthewonly former staff are eligible12:48
forumsmatthewchosen by the FC12:49
KiwiNZI agree matthew12:49
forumsmatthewany other thoughts from anyone?12:49
SD-PlisskenSo not everyone that is nominated will get it?12:49
Voriansounds like a winner12:49
forumsmatthewSD-Plissken, potentially12:50
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forumsmatthewI can't give an absolute answer either way12:50
SD-PlisskenSounds like the way they run the baseball hall of fame..12:50
Vorianthat's a good model :)12:50
jdongsorry, not a sports person... is there a history of issues with how baseball halls of fame are run?12:51
forumsmatthewhey, it's been beta tested by others12:51
SD-Plisskenforumsmattew Are there any limits on the amount of time a person can be nominated?12:51
jdongI'd expect it to be a single-time event12:52
jdongunless there is a dispute about integrity of the voting process12:52
forumsmatthewI don't know that we really intend to codify the process that deeply, though12:52
forumsmatthewI would think that most of the time the nominees qualifications would be pretty obvious12:52
MikeB-should be a one time vote12:52
SD-Plisskenjdong you telling me that if the person does not get the FC vote that one time theres no chance for them to be renominated?12:52
KiwiNZI agree a single event witha a right of review12:53
forumsmatthewif they aren't, then we would still be grateful for their contributions, but not give a title12:53
forumsmatthewjust a thought...12:53
ubuntugeekforumsmatthew sounds good12:53
forumsmatthewI can recall a certain ex-staff member that would not have been nominated, nor passed, when he left the staff, but who has certainly shown over time that he has earned the title12:53
ubuntugeekI have to run, but you all have my support in whatever is decided.12:54
compiledkernelforumsmatthew, have to aggree with you there12:54
forumsmatthewI don't know that I want to state with finality that there will only be one chance to be voted on ever12:54
compiledkernelmore than one such individual that comes to mind12:54
jdongSD-Plissken: if they do not receive majority approval, that is the case12:54
SD-Plisskenvery well jdong12:55
forumsmatthewlet's say, that would be the trend, but not the absolute, final statement12:55
KiwiNZI think its fair to say though that the forum council must always be open to revisit any situation12:55
jdongbut as forumsmatthew said, I wouldn't say it's set in stone12:56
jdongKiwiNZ: thanks ; that's better than I worded it12:56
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forumsmatthewdon't hit <ctrl> a while using xchat12:56
MikeB-anything else, or should we vote?12:57
forumsmatthewit closes the window12:57
MikeB-forumsmatthew, it is a feature, not a bug12:57
jdongforumsmatthew: same with ctrl+w :)12:57
forumsmattheweek...another on my list of things to avoid12:58
jdongdelete word... oh crap.12:58
forumsmatthewI'm +1 on staff emeritus12:58
jdongi am, too12:58
MikeB-+1 here12:58
KiwiNZyep from me12:58
=== darkmatter +1's.. nothin better to do ;)
forumsmatthewokay. I'll add the list of current title holders in the FAQ12:58
forumsmatthewdarkmatter, lol12:58
Vorianany other items to discuss that are not on the agenda?12:59
KiwiNZbrb phone grrrrrrrrr12:59
MikeB-none, unless there is any public comments12:59
forumsmatthewI think Vorian needs to grow his hair back out and dye it red again12:59
forumsmatthewthat was hot12:59
VorianI'm on it forumsmatthew12:59
jdongThat's what she said!12:59
jdongI might hold a that's what she said record across #ubuntu*01:00
ronnietuckerwhat happened to the tea? Wasn't someone making tea?  ;)01:00
Vorianhow about deciding on a date/time for the next meeting?01:00
MikeB-how is this time from everyone?01:00
KiwiNZI asked my EA for coffee01:00
jdongmy schedule is uber-flexible now01:00
VorianMikeB-, !worksforme01:01
forumsmatthewFYI, I may not be able to make the meeting in August regardless of when it happens01:01
jdongyay for having mako as a boss :)01:01
forumsmatthewin general this time is okay for me01:01
MikeB-jdong, mako is your boss, cool01:01
forumsmatthewjdong, sweet01:01
jdongMikeB-: yeah, it's sweet :D01:01
=== Vorian hides
jdongVorian: lol01:01
KiwiNZI'll try to be here , someone has to work for a living I guess01:02
MikeB-Aug 13 or 20 at 22:00?01:02
VorianSo that would be Aug 20th @ 2200 UTC?01:02
KiwiNZthats 10am my time01:02
MikeB-what time would work better for you kiwi?01:03
KiwiNZthat should be OK01:03
KiwiNZI dont have my agenda open but I sent a email to EA to book me01:03
MikeB-ok AUG 20 at 22:00 sounds like a plan01:04
KiwiNZcool tat ta for now01:05
forumsmatthewall right01:05
forumsmatthewsee you gals and gents around01:05
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MikeB-later all, that for coming01:05
MikeB-thanks for coming01:05
jdongalright, next time :)01:06
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nealmcb@schedule paris03:41
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Paris: 17 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 21:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 17:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu03:41
nealmcb@schedule denver03:41
ubotuSchedule for America/Denver: 17 Jul 09:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 13:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 09:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 06:00: Edubuntu03:41
nealmcb@schedule US/Mountain03:43
ubotuSchedule for US/Mountain: 17 Jul 09:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 13:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 14:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 09:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 06:00: Edubuntu03:43
aquo@schedule Berlin03:45
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 17 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 21:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 17:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu03:45
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greg_g@schedule Detroit03:58
ubotuSchedule for America/Detroit: 17 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 11:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu03:58
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soren@schedule Copenhagen04:20
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Copenhagen: 17 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 21:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 22:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 17:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu04:20
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dendrobates@schedule New York04:25
ubotuSchedule for America/New_York: 17 Jul 11:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 17 Jul 15:00: Technical Board | 18 Jul 16:00: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 11:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 08:00: Edubuntu04:25
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Jul 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 18 Jul 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Jul 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Jul 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
=== mathiaz [n=mathiaz@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mathiazhi all04:57
ScottKmathiaz: Did you see my last comment on the Dapper mysql deadlock bug?04:58
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lionelHi all04:59
mathiazScottK: yes.04:59
sorenHi, all.04:59
=== ScottK is curious if you're going to do the fix for that one?
dendrobateshey soren.05:00
ScottKHi soren.05:00
fernandohi all05:00
ScottKmathiaz: Cool.05:00
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nealmcbhowdy folks05:00
mathiazScottK: we may update mysql-4.1 to the latest version of the serie05:00
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dendrobatesOk lets get started.05:01
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sorenHi, kees.05:01
mathiazScottK: we can discuss that after the meeting05:01
dendrobatesWelcome to the first public server team meeting05:01
keescookhiya folks.  :)05:01
mathiazkeescook: hiya05:01
nealmcbagenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting05:02
dendrobatesLets start with introductions, since we are so new.05:02
dendrobatesnealmcb: Thanks05:02
dendrobatesI am Rick Clark the Technical lead of the Ubuntu server team.05:03
dendrobatesFor gutsy I am focused on ldap authentication.05:03
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dendrobatesnow everybody else.05:04
sorenI'm Soren Hansen (the hacker formerly known as shawarma), I've been around the Ubuntu community for a couple of years now and I'm on the server team working for Canonical.05:04
sorenMy primary focus for this release is eBox.05:04
dendrobatesAlso state your area of interest in Ubuntu server.05:04
sorenI want to make it cool.05:04
mathiazI'm Mathias Gug and I'm an Ubuntu Server developer05:04
nealmcbI'm Neal McBurnett, running simple ubuntu servers for a number of years, active with the Colorado loco team and looking for ways to get involved in improving especially authentication/authorization support for ubuntu server.  how can we help people test this?  need some environments to test against05:04
keescookI'm Kees Cook, currently focused on Ubuntu security, and somewhat lurking in the server team until I have more spare cycles to contribute more significantly.  I did the initial packaging of AppArmor, and work on the kernel integration bits.05:05
mathiazFor gutsy, I'll focus on AppArmor integration.05:05
MithrandirI'm Tollef Fog Heen, technical lead for Ubuntu mobile, not really here, but watching a bit. My main interest in ubuntu server is as a sysadmin for a bunch of servers I help maintain.05:05
milesmy name is miles, im just a young kid but i do sysadmin and java development at my job...i am currently running an ubuntu-server and want to be involved in the community05:06
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jdstrandI am Jamie Strandboge, ubuntu advocate with an interest in ubuntu server and open source server technologies in general05:06
stephanbuysStephan Buys here, architect for Impi Linux, interested in bringing Ubuntu into government and business in South Africa. Focusing on what perceive to be the missing pieces to make Ubuntu "enterprise ready"05:07
nealmcbI'm also wondering if ubuntu or launchpad or canonical has any "enterprise" ldap/kerberos/whatever infrastructure (for doing builds, etc?) that we could put up test apps on and lure testers with, or any other way for folks who don't run servers to do client testing05:07
ScottKI'm Scott Kitterman.  I'm a MOTU and primarily interested in Postfix and the packages associated with it.  I'm also a member of ubuntu-backporters (the ones that ack backports requests to the archive admins).  My current focus is on getting the clamav 0.9x series into Dapper (it has a depressing number of rdepends).  I don't have any Gutsy server goals at the moment.  On the server end, I'm focused on getting stuff I did in Feisty into Debian.05:07
dendrobatesAnyone else? we will wait a couple minutes for more introductions.05:08
sommerI'm Adam Sommer.  I'm a Linux Sysadmin looking to become a Ubuntu-dev/MOTU and currently helping ScottkK with clamav.05:08
=== miles wonders what MOTU means?
MeyvnI'm Arjen Logghe, somewhat of an Ubuntu newbie and recently started to delve into programming (C++/C#) and I'm here to eavesdrop into this conversation.05:09
fernandoI'm Fernando Ribeiro, i'm justing a sysadmin, a ubuntu enthusiast. I'm focused on ldap integration and replication.05:09
lionelI'm Lionel Porcheron. I'm a MOTU and work everyday as a sysadmin. Ubuntu server is my primary server platform. I just want to make it rocks05:09
KnightlustI'm Dax Solomon Umaming, Xubuntu Advocate and System Administrator for a school.05:09
Mithrandirmiles: master of the universe, the group responsible for maintaining the packages in Universe.05:09
sorenmiles: A MOTU is a "Master of the Universe". It's the team of developers that manage the universe component of Ubuntu.05:09
aquoHi, I'm Steffen Bauch, and just watching for connections of Ubuntu Server and NetworkManager.05:10
dendrobatesWelcome everyone.05:10
dendrobatesmathiaz: You had the first agenda item.05:11
mathiazyes - I read the last UWN and there is section about the Scribus team05:11
mathiazin the community spotlight. So it may be a good idea to do the same thing for the Server Team.05:12
dendrobatesSince building our community is very important right now, I think it is a good idea.05:12
mathiazwell - we could wait a little bit05:13
mathiazwe could focus on absorbing the first round of applicant05:13
beunoif you need/want to get the server team highlighted in UWN, just drop me a line with what you want it to say  :D05:13
mathiazuwn has a wider audiance05:13
mathiazbeuno: what's the audience of uwn ?05:13
beunomathiaz: the Ubuntu Community in general05:14
mathiazbecause for now we're looking to get more developper05:14
beunoand it goes a bit beyond, as it get reproduced in several Linux sites05:14
ScottKIt also gets mentioned in Linux Weekly News.05:14
beunomathiaz: UWN won't hurt, and posting in the planet won't either  :D05:14
dendrobatesNick Ali from UWN also mentioned that they could summarize our meeting in UWN if we liked as well.05:15
mathiazDo we plan to send notes from the meeting ?05:15
mathiazto ubuntu-server ? like MOTU does05:15
dendrobatesI think that is an open question.05:16
mathiazok - to come back to UWN05:16
mathiazshould we send a strip down version of the Server Team annoucment ?05:16
sorenI think we should send the minutes to the mailing list. If for no other reason, then to remind ourselves what we talked about and decided.05:16
sorenmathiaz: Agreed.05:17
beunomathiaz: you will get the best response if you can state clearly and specifically what you need, and how people can contact you05:17
dendrobatesmathiaz: yes.05:17
mathiazbeuno: how many lines ?05:17
beunomathiaz: 2 paragraphs seem fine, it really depends on the team05:17
mathiazbeuno: ok.05:18
beunojust not too many "filler" text05:18
beunoas straight to the point as possible05:18
mathiazI'll work on that05:18
beunoand just sent it over to me: beuno@ubuntu.com05:18
mathiazbeuno: ok.05:18
beunoand contact me in the future for anything else you want features in UWN  :D05:19
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dendrobatesWhat do we think about meeting summaries?05:20
dendrobatesI would be a little sparse at this point.05:20
dendrobatesbut as the team picks up, it might be nice.05:21
mathiazI think it would be a good idea for people that are not able to attend the meeting05:21
sorenIf we make any decisions during this meeting, I think said decisions should be echoed on the ml.05:21
mathiazok. I'll send the notes to the ml.05:22
ScottKDefinitely at least decisions need to get to the ML.05:22
sorenmathiaz: Cool.05:22
dendrobatesWe could also put transcripts on the wiki05:22
mathiazit'S a bit too much I think. We should just link to where the channel is logged.05:23
sorendendrobates: The channel is logged, so that seems a bit redundant.05:23
aquojust publish pointers to the log05:23
dendrobatessoren: then we could link to where it is logged.05:23
mathiazsounds good to me - I'll update the wiki pages.05:24
sorendendrobates: Sure.05:24
dendrobatesok lets move on to the roadmap.05:24
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dendrobatesLets start with bug triage.05:25
dendrobatesAnyone have anything to new report to the team?05:26
nealmcbmathiaz: Thanks for all the roadmap updates!  It really gives me ideas about what is active and what is history (like so many of the server-related specs....)05:26
mathiaznealmcb: you're welcome. We'll try to keep the specs later.05:27
sorendendrobates: We need a firm plan on how to get to the bottom of the bug lists.05:27
mathiazfor now we're just trying to focus on specific tasks, so that we can get something done for gutsy.05:27
sorendendrobates: All the new stuff that comes in is no problem, I think. The problem is the existing backlog.05:27
mathiazsoren: correct. That's why I suggest we try to tackle bugs per package basis.05:28
sorenmathiaz: Dividing them among us? That could work.05:28
dendrobatesmathiaz: so you are suggesting we start with mysql, right?05:28
=== ScottK already keeps Postfix bugs triaged.
mathiazwe have to start somewhere.05:28
stephanbuysis the aim to fix bugs for gutsy?05:28
mathiazand lets try to get all the bugs in triagged state05:28
sorenmathiaz: "yes" what? Yes, we divide them among us, or yes, we take one package at a time?05:29
mathiazsoren: one package at a time05:29
mathiazstephanbuys: try to get them to triagged05:29
sorenmathiaz: Sounds sane.05:29
nealmcbfor how long?05:29
mathiazstephanbuys: which means we had a look at it and then we can start fixing them05:29
mathiaznealmcb: as long as it takes05:30
mathiaznealmcb: it doesn't mean that we're not fixing it.05:30
dendrobatesWhat do you think about scheduling a bug day for each package.05:30
mathiazanyone can work on fixing bug, that are triagged or not.05:30
=== ScottK thinks bug days should be about fixing, not just triaging.
stephanbuysmathiaz, so its fair to say there is no slant towards gutsy when it comes to bugs (dapper LTS gets equal treatment?)05:30
mathiazdendrobates: I'd rather have a suggested line05:30
=== ScottK really appreciated soren's help during that server bug day.
mathiazdendrobates: I mean a suggested list packages05:30
mathiazthe roadmap is to give pointer for new contributors.05:31
dendrobatesmathiaz: like the last bug day?05:31
mathiazdendrobates: yes. instead it's not a day but more a 2 week plan.05:31
sorenstephanbuys: Gutsy is the current development focus. Dapper only gets high priority bug fixes and security fixes.05:31
mathiazSo let's try to get all mysql bugs reviewed and triagged by the next 2 weeks05:32
ScottKThere is dapper-backports for new features, but not for bug fixing.05:32
dendrobatessoren: we should try your idea, but if we don't get community involvement, be prepared to rethink it.05:32
nealmcbthere are a lot of packages, one at a time might mean missing important ones, and not everyone can help with each packages.   anyone have a sequence of packages in mind?05:32
sorendendrobates: Which idea was that?05:33
dendrobatesI mean mathiaz;05:33
mathiaznealmcb: after mysql, I thought about doing samba.05:33
sorendendrobates: Ah, I see.05:33
mathiazdendrobates: ok - no problem. we'll see how it works.05:33
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nealmcbis there a summary anywhere of which server packages have the most outstanding and/or untriaged bugs?05:34
dendrobatesmathiaz: we need to explain what to do more on the roadmap, maybe boint to some documentation.05:34
mathiazdendrobates: yes - I'll update the wiki pages Roadmap and Knowledge.05:35
mathiazdendrobates: It's still a work in progress.05:35
dendrobatesBut you've done a great job on them.05:35
aquowhich are the most annoying untriaged bugs for mysql?05:35
mathiaznealmcb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/05:35
mathiazaquo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.005:36
mathiazaquo: lists the bugs related to mysql - we target the one in New - Undecided states.05:36
dendrobatescan we move to packaging?05:36
mathiazaquo: the goal is to move to a triagged/confirmed state05:36
aquomathiaz: yes, i know, but are there bug with special importance?05:37
sorenaquo: If we knew, they would have been triaged already.05:37
sorenaquo: The point of traiging is to look at the bug, determine if it's bogus or not, and to assign an importance to it.05:38
aquosoren: i know, my question is if the fact that they are untriaged a hint for there unimportance is05:39
mathiazaquo: no05:40
aquoif they would be important, somebody would have triaged them already?05:40
sorenaquo: That doesn't make sense. If you knew if it was important or not, you would by definition have triaged it.05:40
mathiazaquo: new, undecided means nobody has looked at the bug05:40
aquok, just go on05:40
sorentriaging means figuring out how important it is.05:40
aquoi know05:40
dendrobatesOk on to packaging05:40
Meyvnunfortunately i have to leave, good luck all05:41
dendrobatesMeyvn: thanks for stopping by.05:41
sorenMeyvn: thanks for your time.05:41
dendrobatesit looks like FernandoRibeiroSilva has assigned himself to add watch files to the packages.05:42
mathiazfernando: thanks for taking this.05:42
dendrobatesThank you for that.05:42
dendrobatesfernando: do you need any help?  have you had a chance to start?05:43
fernandoI'm glat could help you.05:43
fernandono help this first time05:43
lionelthat means we are going to diverge from Debian for this package? With for example newer upstream release (as we do for GNOME for example)05:43
mathiazlionel: which package ?05:43
lionelI meant packages05:43
lionelfor those we add watch files05:44
mathiazlionel: watch files are just a way to track upstream version.05:44
keescookI think the goal would be to send the watch files upstream too.05:44
sorenlionel: I hope we can cooperate with Debian to get newer stuff into Debian and then let it trickle into Ubuntu, but we're not going to block on Debian if there's shiny new stuff we want.05:44
mathiazlionel: debian can track it - but we're also interested in tracking them05:44
mathiazkeescook: definetly.05:44
mathiazI'm sure that Debian would be interested into that also.05:44
lionelOk, ok, it was to get things clear :) Thanks :)05:45
fernandoi can to send the watch updates to debian too05:45
mathiazkeescook: would this help from a security perspective ?05:45
keescookmathiaz: I might, but it would still require people examine release notes for things that are not already listed in CVe05:45
mathiazfernando: I've added this point to the roadmap. so if you need help to get started, you can contact me.05:45
mathiazkeescook: ok.05:46
fernandomathiaz, great05:46
dendrobatesOk on to testing.05:46
jdstrandis the goal of adding the watch file to watch debian, upstream, or both?05:46
mathiazthe idea behind this, is to be able to track upstream relases centrally - without being subscribed to thousand of mailing lists05:46
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mathiazjdstrand: upstream only.05:47
jdstrandmathiaz, ah-- makes more sense now05:47
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mathiazjdstrand: we get debian updates via merges05:47
mathiazjdstrand: when the merge window is opened.05:47
jdstrandmathiaz, right-- so this is to help ubuntu in general, and feed what we know back to debian so they can do with it what they want05:48
dendrobatesI have not added openldap to the apparmor test plan yet.  Plan to do it this week.  We will than need testers.05:48
nealmcbon the testing front, I've posted an idea about an enterprise testbed.  there are so many configurations to test against05:48
mathiazAppArmor should be in main soon05:48
mathiazso we need to test it more.05:48
nealmcbe.g. in the authentication area - ldap/kerberos/ad etc05:48
dendrobatesnealmcb: you are right, we are going to need community support to test those configurations.05:49
nealmcbif there are any folks out there with guest accounts to test against that would be great05:50
nealmcbideally there would be places stable and public enough that we could put them in documentation.  "log in via kerberos as guest/guest" etc....05:50
sommeris there a place where configurations that need testing are posted?05:50
dendrobatescurrently only apparmor has a test plan.05:51
aquonealmcb: hacker-hotspot05:51
mathiaz^^ this where we should put our testing plans05:51
mathiazas discussed with heno.05:52
nealmcbare there shared build machines available to ubuntu developers?  if so how do people log in?05:52
sommercool...I'm very willing to help in testing.05:52
sorennealmcb: We don't. We just upload to them via ftp.05:52
dendrobatesmathiaz:  will you be moving the apparmor plan to the new page?05:53
mathiazdendrobates: yes.05:53
nealmcbaquo: yes indeed - and a good way to discover DOS bugs - might need to reinstall periodically like the folks that put up multiple CMS installations for worldwide login and experimentation and comparison05:53
dendrobatesI wil work on a ldap-auth-client paln as well.05:53
sorennealmcb: Anonymous ftp, that is. The uploads are signed.05:53
mathiazdendrobates: we may start using the isotracker.05:53
mathiazdendrobates: henrik wants to turn the isotracker tester in a more general testing platform.05:54
aquonealmcb: could be also a place to attack other machines from.05:54
mathiazdendrobates: on our side, it means we have to write test plans05:54
mathiazdendrobates: and we aggreed to put our test plan in the wiki.05:54
nealmcbaquo: only if you give them too many permissions.  even a "hello guest - you have authenticated" would be handy for some setups05:54
mathiazdendrobates: so that they can be linked from isotracker later.05:55
dendrobatesmathiaz: I remember.05:55
aquonealmcb: so you don't need real users, but just sophisticated test-scripts.05:55
nealmcbaquo: but I know it can be a hassle - may need to be limited to trusted folks - just trying to figure out how to test against real-world situations05:55
aquoqemu + some scripts ...05:55
aquothis is possible even with multiple instances of qemu, client + server.05:56
dendrobatescan we skip right to devlopment, I have a hard stop coming up.05:56
sorendendrobates: Me too.05:56
mathiazdendrobates: np.05:56
dendrobatesSoren: you first.05:57
mathiazthere is so much in the documentor section for now.05:57
sorendendrobates: Huh?05:57
stephanbuysdendrobates, my 2cents and it follows on what came before, there is a need for more virtualization on the roadmap. any plans for Xen?05:57
nealmcbaquo: for testing authn, that's right.  for testing authorization, providing some sort of access to protected resources by relying parties would be necessary, and there can also be user interface testing05:57
zulstephanbuys: we already have xen-3.105:58
sorenYes, as I mentioned, I'm working on this eBox platform.05:58
stephanbuyszul, my bad05:58
sorenWell, working on integrating it into Ubuntu.05:58
sorenI'd like it if a few people would be kind enough to volunteer a machine they don't particularly care for for testing it.05:59
nealmcbsoren: amazon's ec2 can be good for that, or xen05:59
dendrobatesI'll continue testing.05:59
sorenIt's a systems management framework and - surprisingly - it manages your system, which means it may or may not mangle your configuration files. In some cases, that's what you want, in some cases not.05:59
mathiazsoren: do you have any specific things to test ?06:00
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sorenIn the cases where it's not what you want, I want to be absolutely sure it handles things elegantly.06:00
sorenmathiaz: I'm sort of waiting on pitti to ack a few more packages before it starts getting interesting.06:00
aquoIs ebox free software?06:00
sorenaquo: Of course.06:00
sorenSo far, there's only ebox,  libebox, and ebox-objects.06:01
mathiazsoren: ok. Then we can add a new point in the Testing section.06:01
sorenSo far, they really don't do anything, but if people want to instal them and see if they work at all or break miserably, that would be great.06:01
sorenWait a few hours, though. :) There's one more thing I want to tweak.06:01
aquosoren: which dependencies has ebox?06:02
dendrobatessoren: done?06:02
mathiazsoren: what about sending an email to ubuntu-serve when you're ready for more widespread testing ?06:03
sorendendrobates: Yes.06:03
sorenmathiaz: I will.06:03
dendrobatesOk, Mathiaz, you want to go next?06:04
mathiazdendrobates: ok. For AppArmor, it's almost in main06:04
mathiazthe plan is to split the profiles into universe06:04
mathiazand get the infrastructure bits in main as soon as possible.06:04
mathiazso I hope I'll get Apparmor into main after tribe-306:05
mathiazas the archive is frozen for now.06:05
aquotribe3 is friday? thursday?06:05
mathiazbut everything is there and I need more testing.06:05
mathiazaquo: thursday06:05
sorenaquo: thursday06:05
mathiazthere is a testplan.06:05
sorenaquo: As a general rule, tribe releases are on Thursdays.06:06
mathiazand I'm looking for testing with named06:06
mathiazmysql and samba.06:06
aquosoren: to not hazzle the mirror admins on friday?06:06
mathiazso if you can provide some help, it's time to join the effort.06:06
sorenaquo: So we have an extra day to take care of *very* urgent stuff before the weekend.06:07
mathiazdendrobates: that's all.06:07
dendrobatesfor ldap-auth-client:  I sent an email to the ubuntu-directory mailing list and have received an incredible response.  I have heard from both redhad and Impi Linux (thanks Stephan), about collaboration.  The meta package is uploaded, but for some reason not yet available.  I will be creating a wiki with specific tasks that folks can help with.06:07
dendrobatesI am still tuning the spec, to try to lessen the confusion I seemed to be creating about my purpose.06:08
dendrobatesThe work has started on libpam-ldap and libnns-ldap as well.06:09
jdstranddendrobates: I just subscribed to ubuntu-directory (not aware of it), so will look through it.  As discussed #ubuntu-server, I have started the auth-client-config script for debconf to call to update nsswitch.conf and pam06:10
jdstranddendrobates: should have something for you to play with soon06:10
dendrobatesstephanbuys created a new spec for an app that would configuring /etc/pam.d/*06:10
jdstranddendrobates: where is that spec?06:11
dendrobatesthat might be rolled into my spec if it looks like it can be finished in time.06:11
ScottKsoren: (sorry for the lag - this relates to ebox) - I think you would be intersted in this thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-July/001802.html06:11
dendrobatesthat is all from06:12
dendrobatesis there any other business?06:12
ScottKIs there a process for deciding which packages the server-team is going to care about?06:13
ScottKIs it limited to Main?06:13
ScottKOK, that was two...06:13
sorenScottK: "it"?06:13
mathiazScottK: for now yes.06:13
sorenScottK: Ah.06:13
ScottKit == packages server-team cares about.06:13
mathiazScottK: limited to main.06:13
sorenAny particular reason?06:14
ScottKTrying to understand the scope of the team.06:14
mathiazfor now we're bug contact for a couple of packages.06:14
sorenThe server team could easily handle relevant universe packages as well.06:14
ScottKThere is a lot of stuff (e.g. spamassassin, clamsmtp, clamav) in Universe that's very commonly used on mail servers.06:14
mathiazonce we've get some controlled on the bugs for the packages, we can think about adding other ones.06:14
dendrobatesI imagine that as the team grows, our ability to handle more packages will as well.06:15
dendrobatesRight now, we have all we can handle.06:15
mathiazdendrobates: I aggree with you.06:15
sommeris the server-team open to all or do you need to be a dev?06:15
dendrobatesopen to all.06:15
nealmcbso is the list at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+packagebugs complete?06:15
mathiazsommer: to all.06:15
mathiaznealmcb: yes.06:16
sommercool...I'll sign up.06:16
dendrobatesI need to scoot.06:16
nealmcbI'm glad to see all the recent activity and organization here - thanks folks06:16
dendrobatesThank you for coming everyone.06:16
mathiazsommer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved#becomemember06:16
mathiazthe next meeting will be in two weeks.06:17
dendrobatesWe hope to see all of you at our next meeting in two weeks.06:17
mathiazsame time same place06:17
dendrobatessame channel06:17
mathiazthanks - bye.06:17
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sommermathiaz: thanks for the link.  Later all.06:18
ScottKmathiaz: You want to talk some more about the mysql thing now?06:19
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aquonealmcb: Can you imaging test plans that are not automatic testable?06:19
mathiazScottK: later - I'm off for lunch.06:20
ScottKOK.  Later.06:20
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mr_pouit@schedule Paris07:45
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