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marcin_anthi all is there someone that could help me with cdbs problem?12:19
TheMusomarcin_ant: I'm not great with cdbs, but whats your problem?12:20
marcin_antTheMuso: problem is quite weird12:20
marcin_antTheMuso: I want to prepare some package that has source in *.zip file12:20
superm1all of the source is?12:20
superm1or just portions of it12:20
marcin_antTheMuso: so I use tarball.mk class to handle this *.zip (unpack to build directory)12:21
marcin_antsuperm1: all of the source12:22
marcin_antTheMuso: and it works poperly - problem is that I need to patch source and I wanted to use dpatch12:22
superm1there is a cdbs patching system12:22
superm1that you would use instead of dpatch12:22
TheMusomarcin_ant: Do you have an .orig.tar.gz?12:22
marcin_antTheMuso: unfortunately I cannot use dpatch/cdbs-edit-patch because there is no source directory12:23
marcin_antTheMuso: no12:23
superm1you can repackage the contents of the .zip to a more friendly .orig.tar.gz format provided you adhere to the guidelines in the debian reference manual12:23
superm1there is a bullet in i believe describing what's necessary to do so12:24
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marcin_antsuperm1: ok but what if source "tarball" is zip?12:28
marcin_antsuperm1: and there is no *.tar archive?12:28
superm1it would be the same situation, you would unzip it, tar it up and pass that tar through gz12:28
marcin_antsuperm1: ok so this is one option12:30
superm1another option is to do it with debhelper and still use the zip file12:30
superm1you can look at thunderbird source package12:30
TheMusoThe archive will not accept anything other than .tar.gz for source.12:30
superm1for an idea how that is done12:30
marcin_antsuperm1: but what if I don't want to repackage source and still use cdbs tarball.mk?12:30
superm1it encapsulates the distributed archived in a orig.tar.gz and extracts it during build12:31
superm1I don't have any experience using tarball.mk myself, so i can't comment much to how it works. all of my cdbs packaging has been simple enough that i haven't had to touch it12:31
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marcin_antsuperm1: I may be wrong but I think that it can be bug in cdbs12:32
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marcin_antsuperm1: wrong toolchain - you can use tarball.mk to unpack source but you cannot patch it because you don't have unpacked source tree12:33
superm1marcin_ant, I do think the easiest solution for you will indeed end up be repackaging the original source archive into tar.gz then12:34
marcin_antsuperm1: of course but I would like to identify bug (if any) in cdbs and add it to bugzilla12:35
superm1marcin_ant, If you can't find any cdbs experts here, you might check out #debian-mentors on oftc.  either which way, you could file a bug, and eventually a cdbs expert will look at it12:36
superm1and be able to properly classify whether it is or isn't12:36
marcin_antsuperm1: as far as I can see in cdbs source - dpatch.mk cleans build tree while it should also call tarball.mk first12:39
marcin_antsuperm1: anyway I will ask in #debian-mentors (I will try at least.. my allergy on *debian* ehh ;) )12:40
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superm1marcin_ant, From what i look, there are no direct calls to tarball.mk from any file12:42
superm1in /usr/share/cdbs/112:42
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marcin_antsuperm1: and this is why it doesn't work properly12:42
superm1right, i think i see what you mean then12:42
superm1and i would agree you should file a bug regarding this12:43
marcin_antsuperm1: your mozilla-thunderbird example was ok but it doesn't use cdbs so it's another story12:44
superm1it's the only app i could think of offhand that does something like this without a repacked orig.tar.gz12:45
superm1wasn't sure if it was cdbs or not12:45
=== enyc reads scrollback ;-)
marcin_antsuperm1: eclipse it another but also without cdbs12:45
marcin_anteclipse _is_ another12:45
=== enyc bah... I got misplaced enyc:
superm1enyc, huh?12:46
enycsuperm1: somebody wrote to enyc: ages aggo by mistake12:48
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SlimGI've created a .deb package of a game with a .desktop file refering to a .svgz icon, where should the .svgz image be stored within the filesystem?01:12
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marcin_antsuperm1: sorry to bother you - but could you tell me what should I do to repackage orig properly?01:14
marcin_antsuperm1: zcat eclipse*.zip | tar xf - ? (it doesn't work :( )01:14
twentyafterfourIs this the right channel for discussion of security bulletins? There is a critical flash update that should be addressed in the multiverse repository but I don't see a ubuntu-security channel or a multiverse channel 01:15
superm1marcin_ant, unzip eclipse *.zip, then tar the file and gzip it01:15
marcin_antsuperm1: files in tar should be in single directory rught?01:16
superm1something like unzip eclipse*.zip && tar -xvvf eclipse.tar eclipse/ && gzip -9 eclipse.tar01:16
keescooktwentyafterfour: this is the best place for security discussions, yes.01:17
keescookthere is a bug open for the flash issues, let me find it...01:17
marcin_antok but after unzip eclipse*.zip I got /baseLocation /features /plugins /jdtcoresrc and plenty of files in /01:17
marcin_antsuperm1: so I should move them to eclipse/ and then tar?01:18
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twentyafterfourhere is the zdnet bulletin about the adobe flash advisory: http://www.zdnetasia.com/news/security/0,39044215,62028443,00.htm01:18
superm1marcin_ant, if there is no nested directory within the zip file, i would say put them into a directory01:19
superm1before tarring01:19
keescooktwentyafterfour: bug #12513101:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125131 in flashplugin-nonfree "Need to be updated for new stable version (9,0,48,0)" [Critical,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12513101:19
twentyafterfourNice, sorry for bringing old news ;) 01:20
keescooktwentyafterfour: no problem.  :)  you can help with testing, by enabling the feisty-proposed pocket in your sources.list.  :)01:20
twentyafterfourok doing that now 01:20
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twentyafterfourkeescook: the new flash update didn't show up in feisty-proposed yet ;( at least not according to my synaptic. I'll check out launchpad01:24
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twentyafterfourI'm installing all proposed updates nonetheless, maybe I can help somehow. Should I send positive feedback in launchpad if the packages seem stable or should I only report if I find a problem? 01:26
keescooktwentyafterfour: right, it will appear there in a bit, it's only in -proposed so far.01:26
keescooksorry, I misread01:26
twentyafterfourupdate manager just gave me 12 updates but no flash. maybe I installed flash manually but I am pretty sure I have it from the repo.01:26
keescooktwentyafterfour: I see it:  flashplugin-nonfree | | feisty-proposed/multiverse01:28
twentyafterfourok I must have something set up wrong. thanks for the help, I'm sure I can find it01:28
=== twentyafterfour goes back to synaptic
twentyafterfourok found it 01:30
twentyafterfourkeescook: thanks again . . . I will report to launchpad if I find any problems01:31
keescookokay, cool.01:31
eagles0513875im working on debugging my own problem with kde 3.5.7 and amarok with audio cutting in and out intermittently throughout any audio01:32
eagles0513875my audio is encoded in flac01:32
eagles0513875tried reinstalling amarok and flac from source with no change so i will download the xine source and take a look through there01:33
eagles0513875where can one get the xine source from01:34
TheMusoeagles0513875: apt-get source xine01:34
eagles0513875tried that 01:34
TheMusoHowever I think you're going about it the wrong way.01:34
eagles0513875didnt work01:34
eagles0513875ive already reported it as a bug to kde01:34
eagles0513875whats ur take on things01:34
twentyafterfourIs amarok the only audio program that skips? 01:34
TheMusoHave you checked CPU load while music is playing?01:34
eagles0513875ya not using much01:35
twentyafterfourI have a similar problem with audacity for some reason 01:35
twentyafterfourbut I just avoid using it as a player01:35
eagles0513875ya it is the only player that skips01:35
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TheMusoIs the music being played from a local hard disk, or over the network?01:35
eagles0513875i love amarok i hate the alternate which im using atm01:35
eagles0513875local hdd01:35
twentyafterfourI play audio from a remote server via amarok all the time, flac, mp3, wav, whatever, it doesn't seem to have any trouble 01:35
TheMusoHow is that hdd connected?01:36
eagles0513875im running gutsy though01:36
eagles0513875its ide internal 5400 rpm01:36
eagles0513875never had the problem like this in feisty01:36
TheMusoWell, there are bound to be problems then.01:36
twentyafterfoureven usb 1.1 should have enough bandwidth 01:36
eagles0513875and im running the 64bit version of gutsy01:36
twentyafterfouroh now you are over my head ;) 01:36
TheMusoeagles0513875: Well all you can do is wait and work with the kde guys to fix it.01:36
eagles0513875should i try and take a look at xine code and see if i notice anything01:37
twentyafterfourif you are hardcore enough to analyze source, by all means ;) 01:37
TheMusoeagles0513875: If you want to, I think the amarok devs will have a etter idea of how to get you to help them debug the problem.01:38
TheMusobetter even01:38
eagles0513875im not able to find the source though01:38
TheMusoeagles0513875: apt-get source xine-lib01:39
eagles0513875ok ty01:39
eagles0513875r there any other pkgs that i should take a look at01:41
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TheMusoWell have a look at amarok's dependencies.01:42
eagles0513875i was goign to download the amarok-xine source01:42
TheMusoI'd say its more likely a problem with amarok itself, u nless there are reports of xine problems from other users who use xine as a backend for their player.01:43
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owhHiya, what diff command do I use to create a patch to submit to LP?01:54
owhAlternatively, where is the RTFM for this?01:54
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Jazzvaowh: Try with this one: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/ps-scratch.html01:59
TheMusoowh: If you have made a new package revision, including changelog, you can use the debdiff command to show the difference between the two packages. Otherwise, the diff -urN command will  do what you want, between two files, or directories with files, i.e two copies of surce, with one of thos containing the changes.02:00
owhIt's a patch to the man pages - all manner of spelling errors.02:00
TheMusoowh: Right. Do you have a copy of the original files, and a copy with your changes? If so, are they both in different directories02:03
owhYup, I have just been in the process of doing that :-)02:04
TheMusoowh: Ok, use "diff -urN dir1 dir2 > filename.diff" to create the diff.02:04
owhCan I just specify the files, rather than the whole directory?02:05
TheMusoowh: How many files did you modify?02:06
owhJust one, but the tree isn't synched and I don't want to break other things I'm working on, long story.02:06
TheMusoowh: Ok, if its just one, all you need to do is this: "diff -u file1 file2 > filename.diff"02:06
TheMusoHope that makes sens.02:06
TheMusosense even02:07
owhCool, I wasn't sure that I was allowed to, but yes, it makes perfect sense :)02:07
owhTheMuso: Was it on purpose that you changed the diff flag from -urN to -u or was that an error?02:08
TheMusoowh: No, that was on purpose. THe rN flags tell diff to consider any newly created files that are in one copy and not the other, and r tell it to look recursively through directories.02:09
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TheMusoOh by the way, with the command, you put the original file first, and then the modified file second. So "diff -u original modified > filename.diff"02:10
owhYeah, old new02:10
owhAnd is there a preferred file name for the diff file?02:10
owhCool, so now I have one, how do I check that I got it right?02:11
=== owh suspects the patch command :)
TheMusoowh: Yes. YOu can see if it works, but not actually modify the file by using patch --dry-run02:12
owhCool, so I have a verified patch file, can I just upload it to LP?02:14
=== owh is not an MOTU.
TheMusoowh: Attach it to the bug, and then passon the bug number.02:17
owhTheMuso: Bug #12612102:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126121 in dosfstools "Typo in mkdosfs man page" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12612102:19
TheMusoowh: Is this for feisty or gutsy?02:19
owhYes :)02:19
TheMusoowh: Yes as in what?02:19
owhSorry, AFAIK, the version is the same for both.02:19
owhIt's not mission critical.02:20
TheMusooh ok.02:20
TheMusoDo you know if this has been fixed in Debian?02:20
TheMusoAnd maybe this is worth pushing upstream as well.02:21
owhI seriously doubt it, at the moment I appear to be the only one doing anything to dosfstools (with assistance from sistpoty when he has time).02:21
TheMusoOh ok.02:21
owhDebian upstream has not responded in months to any reports.02:21
TheMusoowh: Do you mean Debian or upstream?02:22
owhThe package is pretty unloved. Debian appears to be the same as upstream, Roman Hodeck is part of Debian and appears as upstream for the package.02:22
TheMusoWell gutsy has a different version to feisty.02:23
owhI figure if it looks like someone cares, I might get better responses to requests for bug clarifications.02:23
owhHmm, lemmie look.02:23
ZombieGutsy isn't stable/release yet, is it?02:24
TheMusoNot that it really matters, I'll just update for gutsy at this point, as that would not be considered worth updating for feisty.02:24
TheMusoZombie: Gutsy is the development version, and you choose to run it at your own risk. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.02:24
ZombieDidn't htink so.02:25
owhTheMuso: I'm trying to see the difference between the Gusty and Feisty versions, but I cannot seem to locate the link to the Feisty one.02:25
TheMusoowh: Hav a look here: http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dosfstools02:26
owhNM, just found it.02:26
TheMusoowh: And at this point, I can't touch this package, as its in main.02:26
owhHow can I see the diff between the two versions - which both appear to come from upstream 2.1102:27
TheMusoowh: YOu'll have to grab both source packages, and use debdiff to compare them02:28
owhCool, just in the progress of downloading. Tah.02:28
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owhThat version fixes the same bug we fixed - Debian used our patch to do it :)02:34
owhSo how does my patch actually get used?02:35
owhAt the moment, Debian are duplicating the effort.02:35
TheMusoIt will be encorporated into a new revision of the package, and uploaded, mentioning the patch in the changelog.02:36
TheMusoThis is why I suggest its good to try and get it into Debian, as its less work for Ubuntu in the future.02:36
owhAnd the version they used was not the one they released 2.11 with. They used a different source :(02:37
owhIt is littered with CVS crap.02:37
=== owh will again attempt to contact those with their fingerprints on the latest version:)
owhCan I set the status to fix released, or is that for someone else to do?02:38
TheMusoowh: Better for someone who intends to take that bug further to change the status I'd say.02:43
owhI don't understand.02:43
TheMusoowh: No, I'd leave it as is.02:43
owhHow can the bug be taken further?02:44
owhThe fix is valid for all versions of the 2.11 branch.02:44
TheMusoWell is there a bug filed about it in Debian?02:44
owhHow does it become incorporated?02:44
owhWell, I figure we start with fixing it here, then we'll work on the Debian side. They've not been the most responsive.02:45
TheMusoOk. Lets work on actually making a package revision. First, I need to know whether you are running, or have access to a gutsy system.02:46
owhHow much disk space would I need?02:46
TheMusoOk, never mind then.02:47
owhTheMuso: The gusty file and the feisty file and the edgy file and the dapper file are the same file.02:47
TheMusoIf you really think this is not going to easily make it into Debian, and you think its important enough, I'll make a package revision.02:47
TheMusoAnd get it sponsored.02:48
owhI'm not trying to make work for you, I'm trying to understand the steps/02:48
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TheMusoowh: Ok. At this point though, you would need to have some sort of access to gutsy, as t requires using its tools to build and test the package, with the included modification.02:49
owhSo, just submitting the patch isn't enough?02:49
TheMusoA patch is good, but if a package revision is available, its more likely to be uploaded, as there is less work.02:49
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TheMusoowh: Yes it is enough, but if you really think it should go in, and want it to go in sooner, getting it sponsored for upload will bring it to someone's attention.02:50
TheMusoHey RAOF 02:50
owhWhen sistpoty and I fixed the 4Gb and rename bugs, the only steps I saw was a patch and an acceptance.02:50
TheMusoAn acceptance in what way?02:50
TheMusoI hope I'm making sense.02:51
owhTheMuso: I saw the patch being submitted and within 15 minutes some processing was done and a new package existed.02:51
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TheMusoWell I'm about to do something similar.02:51
owhSo, you're saying that sistpoty did this in the background?02:51
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TheMusoGot a bug number02:52
TheMusoSo I can see what happened?02:52
owhBug #12612102:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126121 in dosfstools "Typo in mkdosfs man page" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12612102:52
owhOr you mean the one that we fixed earlier?02:52
TheMusoThe one you fixed earlier.02:53
RAOFHey TheMuso :)02:53
quenelleI have a question about the way the latest TWiki package is packaged.  The package info says it's done by the MOTU group.  Is there someplace I can file a bug or RFE?  I think one of the 'lib' directories needs to be shifted into the /var tree.02:53
owhBug #6283102:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62831 in dosfstools "fsck.vfat truncates files of 4294967295 bytes length to 0 bytes at boot-time" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6283102:53
RAOFquenelle: Launchpad02:53
quenellecool, I'll check it out.02:53
owhAnd Bug #6815302:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 68153 in dosfstools "fsck.vfat hangs after renaming to FSCK9999.REN" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6815302:53
RAOFquenelle: Is where you can file a bug :)02:54
dabaRHi, I have a bug that is a duplicate,https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bootcd/+bug/12212102:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122121 in bootcd "bootcdwrite fails with a syntax error" [Undecided,New]  02:54
dabaR How do I mark as duplicate?02:54
dabaRnm, I found itL:(02:54
RAOFdabaR: Probably best in #ubuntu-bugs, but there's a... :)02:54
owhTheMuso: I just figured out that I need to nominate it for release. I've just selected Feisty and Gutsy, not Dapper or Edgy, even though it would work fine.02:57
TheMusoowh: No need to worry about that.02:57
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Amaranthwhat's the standard naming for a debdiff?02:58
Amaranthi haven't made one in awhile :)02:58
dabaRhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bootcd/+bug/96365 . I have looked into the reason for this, and I can see that it is because debian officially supports more arch's.02:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 96365 in bootcd "[UNMETDEPS]  bootcd has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]  02:58
dabaRIn fact,  all the deps can be met through the ports of ubuntu.02:59
TheMusoAmaranth: I don't think it really matters.02:59
TheMusoI've seen lots of conventions used.02:59
AmaranthTheMuso: suggest one :002:59
Amarantherr, :)02:59
Amaranthbecause it's called 'whee.debdiff' right now03:00
TheMusoAmaranth: packagename_oldver_newver.debdiff?03:00
TheMusoThats one I tend to use.03:00
=== RAOF uses "packagename.debdiff" and then comments it as oldversion->newversion
dabaRI've seen that recommended by crimsun03:00
Amaranthso gnome-session_2.19.5-0ubuntu2_2.19.5-0ubuntu3.debdiff?03:00
dabaRLooks good.03:01
Amaranthi think i'm going to use gnome-session_2.19.5-0ubuntu2-3.debdiff :)03:01
dabaRlooks even better03:02
dabaRNow the package maintained for bootcd is involved with debian development, asnd so it is clear as to why he will not change the package upstream, where this issue never happens. Can someone advise on what to do for Ubuntu?03:02
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SlimGI've created a .deb package of a game with a .desktop file refering to a .svgz icon, where should the .svgz image be stored within the filesystem?03:13
JazzvaUmm, I have a question about debian/copyright. The source is a bit messed up with licenses and copyright holders - the file that was supposed to contain all licenses and copyright information doesn't contain all of it. Then I tried using "grep -i -R copyright *" and "grep -i -R license *"  to find some information and I finished up with two text files full of text. Because it would be a whole lot of mess to write specific filename03:13
Jazzvabla1/". Is that ok?03:13
Jazzva*two text files full of names and licenses03:14
JazzvaAnd if all files in some directory fall under one license I just put "bla/bla1/"03:15
TheMusoJazzva: All copyright holders have to be listed in debian/copyright.03:15
ScottKtwentyafterfour: All of those packages you installed from feisty-proposed has a corresponding bug in Launchpad asking for people to test it.  Please look them up and see what needs to be tested.  That will be a big service to the community.03:15
TheMusoI am no copyright expert, so I don't feel I can confidently help you going further.03:16
JazzvaTheMuso: They are... But I didn't listed specific filenames... An example...03:16
RAOFJazzva: If there are multiple licences/authors, debian/copyright should say that.  If all the files in a directory have the same author/copyright, listing /foo/bar should be ok03:16
twentyafterfourScottK: Thanks. 03:16
JazzvaRAOF: Ok, but do I need to provide full filenames or would something like this (an example comes :)) be sufficient?03:17
JazzvaInsted of:03:17
ScottKtwentyafterfour: No problem.  Getting verification that the fix works is what gets the packages out of -proposed and released to -updates for everyone.03:17
Jazzvabla/bla1/filename1, bla/bla1/filename2: Copyright holder03:17
JazzvaCan I write:03:17
JazzvaSome files in bla/bla1/: Copyright holder03:18
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=== Jazzva would like to live in an ideal world, where all developers provide nice and clean and tidy license information with their program...
RAOFJazzva: I'm not sure :).  Maybe it's time to consult debian policy?03:19
JazzvaRAOF: Maybe :)...03:20
porthosejazzva:  src/bla/bla1 is copyright 2007 <authors name>03:21
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porthose jazzva:  src/bla/bla1 is copyright 2007 authors name03:21
porthosejazzva:  All files in src/bla/bla1 is copyright 2007 authors name03:22
Jazzvaporthose: Thanks... But I'm still interested if I can provide "some files in bla/bla1/" instead of "bla/bla1/lala, bla/bla1/tata, ..." :).03:22
ScottKJazzva: No you can't.03:23
JazzvaScottK: Ok, thanks.03:23
ScottKThe idea is that you have to be able to tell from debian/copyright who has copyright on any individual file.  What porthose told you does that.03:24
owhTheMuso: Thank you.03:24
SlimGI've created a .deb package of a game with a .desktop file refering to a .svgz icon, where should the .svgz image be stored within the filesystem?03:25
TheMusoowh: No problem.03:27
RAOFSlimG: Probably somewhere under /usr/share/icons/.../scalable, but the install process doesn't put it somewhere already?03:28
SlimGRAOF, I've put the icon into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/<game>.svgz , but this has been reported to not work on atleast one system, i dunno what DE that user was running thou, worksforme@kubuntu7.0403:30
RAOFSlimG: Aaah.  Are you calling dh_iconcache?  (Or, I think, dh_icons replaces it)03:31
ScottKAnyone want a packaging bug they can work on?03:32
ScottKBug #126431 is probably not to hard if you want to excercise your packaging related skills.03:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126431 in dspam "dspam-webfrontend fails to install: dpkg-statoverride: non-existing user dspam" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12643103:33
ScottKasac: Ping.  Did you see my comment on the Thunderbird 2.0 backport bug?03:33
SlimGRAOF: I'm not calling anything, just putting the icon into the path I mentioned, Am I doing something wrong?03:33
StevenKRAOF: Right. dh_icons does replace it.03:36
RAOFSlimG: Yes.  Gnome (well, GTK actually) uses a cache for the icons.  If you don't regenerate that cache when you install the icons, GTK won't know about them.03:37
RAOFdh_icons adds the necessary postinst magic to regenerate the cache03:38
SlimGRAOF: Does gnome regenerate cache on boot?03:40
RAOFSlimG: No, I don't believe so.  Although it may...03:40
=== RAOF tries to remember Specto's behaviour before I added the call to dh_iconcache
RAOFYes!  Conduit has made it out of WNPP.  Time to search for sync bugs!03:43
TheMusogah my switches are dying for unknown reasons.03:44
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RAOFWe need to file sync bugs for packages that are new in debian now, right?03:46
ajmitchI believe so03:47
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RAOFCool.  Another thing to be put off until one of my Ubuntu boxes has internet.03:48
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ajmitchRAOF: you can file sync requests just fine with just a web browser03:50
ajmitchwe managed, back in the day03:50
RAOFajmitch: I'd like to check that it actually builds in Gutsy first :P03:51
ajmitchnothing stopping you from doing that :)03:52
SlimGRAOF: will the Gnome iconcache regeneration be automated sometime in the future? or do all packages containing icons need to have a postinstall script workaround for gnome?03:52
RAOFApart from the lack of internet on any of my Gutsy boxes.  Anyone else is welcome to try to build conduit from Debian source.03:53
RAOFSlimG: I don't believe so.  Anyway, s/workaround/by design/.  Your package should be calling dh_icons.03:54
ScottKRAOF: Doesn't conduit need evolution-python?03:57
RAOFScottK: Yes.  That's been sync'd though, hasn't it?03:58
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ScottKIt got rejected the first time for licensing.03:59
ScottKI just asked again this morning.03:59
ScottKIt'll have to go through NEW first.03:59
RAOFBah.  But it's in debian.  Naughty debian03:59
ScottKIn their (slight) defense, it's in experimental, not unstable.04:00
SlimGRAOF: Since packages needs to call dh_icons solely when installed in Gnome afaik, I'd call this a workaround. Couldn't Gnome detect changes in /usr/share/icons and call dh_icons itself? or the apt manager could call dh_icons when it sees icons going into /usr/share/icons ?04:01
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StevenKRAOF, ScottK: They're still distributing it, which is naughty.04:02
RAOFSlimG: No.  If you install icons, you should call dh_icons.  Regardless of Gnome/KDE.  At some point, KDE will grow an icon cache :)04:02
ScottKStevenK: Agreed.  That's why I said slight.04:02
ScottKBrand new clamav-0.91.1 uploaded.  Good chance to find out if the upgrade bugs are really fixed ...04:03
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ScottKOK.  I've met my quota and filed my annoying launchpad bug for today.04:21
=== ScottK guesses since it's not Free, the least I can do is complain a lot.
leonelScottK: 91.1  in gutsy ?   04:29
leonelScottK: builded  fine  in Dapper using  your  90.3  sources04:29
ScottKI'm waiting a bit to make sure 91.whatever is stable before I update my test packages.04:29
ScottKBut I will.04:30
leonelfiled a cve  for feisty's clamav   and made a debdiff  04:30
ScottKI didn't notice a CVE listed in their changelog.04:31
ScottKCool.  I'm glad your on it.04:31
leonelbug 12674104:31
leonelbug #12674104:31
ScottKThe bot is slow tonight.04:31
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leonelyes  I saw  all of you feed it  a lot :004:31
ScottKleonel: Did you mark the bug private?04:32
ScottKOr rather, not mark it unprivate?04:32
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leonelshould I make  visible ?04:33
leonelI think I missed that ..04:33
leonelScottK: should  I make it visible ?04:33
ScottKIf there is a published CVE, there is no reason not to.04:34
ScottKThere is no need to keep stuff that's not a secret, a secret.04:34
ScottKThat's also probably why the bot never responded.04:34
leoneldone with the  diff04:35
leonelbug #12674104:35
leonelwell there it is04:35
leonelBug #12647104:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126471 in clamav "unrar.c  Remote DoS in clamav before 0.91" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12647104:36
leonelwrong  number  04:36
=== ajmitch sighs
ajmitch'urgent' bugs reported on the forums, no indication that they got to launchpad04:38
ScottKleonel: How is the change in clamav-0.90.2/libclamav/unrar/unrar.c related to the vulnerability?04:39
LucidFoxhow long does it take for a package that passed REVU to appear in Ubuntu proper?04:39
ScottKLucidFox: It goes to the NEW queue and waits manual review by the archive admins.  I've seen one day to one month depending on their backlog.04:40
superm1_LucidFox, it actually has to be ack'ed for new source by archive admins and then new binaries too, so it can sometimes be very lengthy process04:42
leonelScottK:  it's  2 line chages  04:44
=== _MMA_ shakes his head in complete agreement with superm1_. :)
LucidFoxWhat happens when a library is updated? All packages that depend on it will have to be rebuilt, right?04:48
RAOFIf there's an ABI change04:51
ScottKleonel: But doesn't clamav-0.90.2/libclamav/unrar/unrar.c just change a string that's displayed?  For a security bug it should be the minimal fix.04:53
ScottKThe real change is in the other file.04:53
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leonelScottK:  right04:59
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ScottKI'd suggest you redo the patch/debdiff/test, etc.  If not, it'll be more for keescook to deal with.05:00
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leonelredo ? what you suggest to change ?05:03
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leonelScottK:   what  do you suggest to change ?05:07
ScottKRemove the changes in clamav-0.90.2/libclamav/unrar/unrar.c and just change clamav-0.90.2~/libclamav/unrar/unrarvm.c.05:08
LucidFoxcan dpatches be used with the regular patch utility?05:10
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RAOFI believe so, yes05:13
ScottKGood night all.05:18
RAOFGood night, ScottK 05:19
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | It's REVU Day. If you're a reviewer, please try to clear the queue. If you're an uploader, be sure to announce the status of your package to get attention
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dholbachgood morning08:06
xtknightcan anyone link me to the page where it describes how to diff a deb source pkg?  i'd like to correct a very simple bug ( bug 126490 )08:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126490 in freetennis "freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12649008:06
persiaxtknight: https:/wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing as a couple examples08:07
xtknightpersia,  ahh thanks.08:07
persiaxtknight: You probably want something either like `diff -urN dir1 dir2` or `debdiff rev1.dsc rev2.dsc`08:08
xtknightya i remember doing the debdiff dsc one08:08
xtknighthmm why do some instructions show "debuild -S" and others "debuild -us -uc"?08:17
xtknightwhich should i be using?08:17
TheMusoxtknight: WHich ones say to use -S and which say -uc -us?08:18
xtknightTheMuso, ok, here it says "debuild -S" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing ("Prepare a source build with").  but here (Bugs\HowToFix) says "debuild -us -uc" under generating a patch..08:20
RAOFThere should almost always be a "-S" in there; you don't want to actually build binaries in either case.08:21
xtknightit looks like -S signs something with gpg?08:21
persiaxtknight: That's somewhat intentional.  debuild -S is used to build a signed source revision, whereas debuild -us -uc is to locally build binaries (unsigned, without changes), which is useful for testing a small patch.08:21
TheMusoxtknight: Well -S  is to sign the built package, which you need to do if you are uploading to the archive, or REVU for example, whereas -uc -us ensures that the package doesn't get signed, which is pointless if you are making a debdiff.08:21
=== elektranox [n=elektran@p57A67CC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoah sorry -S is source.08:21
elektranoxcan somebody review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6047 ?08:22
persiaRAOF: Actually, for the simple patch case (Bugs/HowToFix), users are encouraged to test with a local build (pbuilder or sbuild being considered too difficult to set up for something simple)08:22
RAOFpersia: Fair enough08:22
persiaTheMuso: -uc -us is good for a local build, upon which a debdiff may be based, but the results are not always optimal.08:22
TheMusopersia: Right.08:23
TheMusoHow are they not always optimal08:23
xtknightso -us -uc is a dirty test run, and -S is what i should upload?  08:23
persiaxtknight: Right.08:23
persiaTheMuso: 1) there's no signature, so no verification of the last changelog entry (-k is a dirty hack, in my book), 2) it's a local build, so there's not a proper dependencies check, 3) it's a local build, so there's no verification that the APIs match the archive08:24
persiaxtknight: If you're willing to set up a sbuild or pbuilder environment, and test-build the result of debuild -S prior to upload, that's even better (and expected practice for those becoming MOTU)08:25
xtknightpersia, ahh.  well eventually perhaps.  for now i'd just like to upload a quick fix for this.  i already have fixed one package but i pretty much forgot everything since, lol08:26
persiaxtknight: For a quick fix, debuild -us -uc might be better, as it does some checking to make sure your adjustment doesn't break the build.  debuild -S only builds a source, but doesn't test compilation.08:27
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xtknightat the top of the erroneous man file ("freetennis.8") i see ".TH FREETENNIS 8 "June 16, 2006""  what is this date supposed to be?  the Last Modified?08:32
xtknightit should be updated in my patch also?08:32
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persiaxtknight: According to http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1158 (not an authoritative source), Yes: the date should be updated for each revision to the manpage.08:40
xtknightpersia,  i was about to just leave it as it's not like it's a major change or anything.  iwas thinking that was for last update to the program's source code..08:40
persiaxtknight: According to linuxjournal, it's the last date of the manpage.  I'm not finding any Ubuntu- or Debian- specific guidance.08:41
xtknightpersia, ah ok thanks for the link08:41
minghuaI think it's fine either way.08:42
minghuaI suspect most dates in Debian/Ubuntu manpages are wildly inaccurate anyway.08:42
LucidFox^ could this be synced in the near future?08:43
persiaJust because everything else is wildly inaccurate isn't really an excuse for new things to also be wildly inaccurate :)08:43
LucidFoxand if so, which version?08:43
persiaLucidFox: I think I saw an upgrade bug about mediawiki recently: was there not a specific version recommendation there?08:44
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persiaLucidFox: Also, regarding bug 124900, were you going to prepare a new candidate revision for gtkpod-aac?  Everything else is now done.08:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124900 in libgpod "Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12490008:44
LucidFoxpersia> I'll look into it, thanks08:45
minghuapersia: Playing devil's advocate, I would argue on the base of not giving users the false sense of having accurate dates at all. :-P08:46
LucidFoxas for MediaWiki, there is bug #12032408:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120324 in mediawiki "please sync package mediawiki1.10 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12032408:46
Hobbseepersia: something aobut htat was just in -devel08:46
persiaminghua: Um.  I can accept that argument, and have no sensible refutation, but I'd rather presume that new users come with an expectation of accuracy.08:46
persiaHobbsee: Yep.08:47
LucidFoxI filed it when mediawiki1.10 was still in experimental, and was advised to wait08:47
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persiaLucidFox: Ah, so mediawiki is in unstable now, and most of the experimental bugs got fixed?  That's great news.  Have you tried a test build against gutsy?08:51
xtknighti don't quite get the X-Original-Maintainer thing.  i am making myself the new maintainer?  does this mean i have to deal with further bugs in the package?08:51
persiaxtknight: Is this a new package, or an existing package?08:51
xtknightpersia, existing one for which i am making a small patch08:52
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xtknightoh nm, i set the new maintainers to Ubuntu MOTU, not just myself.  is that correct?  so by default all packages are the original debian maintainer, until somebody like myself makes the first patch for them?  (as we must update the maintainer field)08:53
persiaxtknight: OK, if there isn't already an XSBC-Original-Maintainer: entry, and the Maintainer: entry contains an email address without "ubuntu", you probably want to use the standard Maintainer suggestions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField08:53
persiaxtknight: Yes.08:53
LucidFoxwhich version of mediawiki1.10 should I test - 1.10.0-3 or 1.10.1-1?08:54
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persiaLucidFox: I'd suggest that 10.1-1 is probably newer and more stable.  Which one do you want to sync?08:55
LucidFoxit makes little difference to me, so I'll test the newer one then08:55
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RAOFWoah.  Check out bug #126495.  What's the responce for "extremely non-trivial feature suggestion" again :)09:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126495 in Ubuntu "[improvement]  avoid data loss on X restart" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12649509:04
Hobbsee!responses | RAOF 09:04
ubotuRAOF: response is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses09:04
RAOFHobbsee: Thanks, I know.  I just wanted to mention that bug before rejecting it.  It'd be kinda cool.09:06
minghuaGlad he didn't request data integrity after power loss, fire, earthquake, etc. :-)09:07
xtknightwould somebody mind taking a look at my patch?  again thx for all the help.  http://rafb.net/p/vllp9d90.html09:07
xtknightthe versioning/etc mainly.  it should be freetennis-0.4.8-3ubuntu1, not freetennis-0.4.8-4 if i'm making a patch for ubuntu's universe, right?09:08
xtknighti guess i will have to check for a bug in the upstream too..09:08
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minghuaxtknight: The distribution should be gutsy instead of feisty.  Otherwise looks good to me.09:11
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persiaxtknight: Looks good, with a few minor notes: 1) The syntax for closing a bug in the changelog is (LP: #126490), rather than (Closes: LP #126490), 2) You don't need the blank line between the * entries in the changelog, 3) You should use "gutsy" instead of "feisty" as the target distribution, and 4) We very much prefer full names in changelog entries.09:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126490 in freetennis "freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12649009:12
minghuaAh, I missed the LP number format thing.09:14
xtknightok, the paths of the diff up above doesnt matter?  i mistakenly named my dir freetennis-0.4.8-4 but this is not -4, it is -3ubuntu109:15
minghuaIt should be freetennis-
persiaxtknight: Ah.  They can matter, but are so very often correct by default that nobody notices.  The easiest way to test to make sure your patch applies correctly is to unpack the fresh source again, and run `patch -p1 < $path_to_patch_file` from the base package directory.  If this works, the paths are fine.  If not, you may need to adjust.09:17
xtknightoh ok09:17
xtknightp1 will ignore that then probably, but ill verify09:17
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minghua-p1 indeed will ignore that.09:18
minghuaWrong directory name only matters when you try to build the package, it won't matter for the purpose of generating a patch.09:19
persia More importantly, our documentation instructs sponsors to try applying the patch with -p1, so if it works there, any further failures in applying the patch can be blamed on the sponsor, rather than the patch :)09:20
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=== Hobbsee blames persia
=== RAOF blames >anada
RAOFOr even Canada09:21
=== persia accepts blame, apologieses profusely, and seeks to understand what was done
xtknighthmm apparently editing the .patch file itself is a bad idea..i get malformed patch :\09:22
RAOFI believe emacs has a patch edit mode, and difftools (or maybe patchutils) has a filterdiff tool.09:23
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LucidFoxpersia> yes, mediawiki1.10_1.10.1-1 does build09:26
LucidFoxI'd be more surprised if it didn't, since it's in PHP and architecture-independent09:26
persiaxtknight: You may also be interested in any of editdiff, rediff, or espdiff (depending on your confidence level, trust of automation, or ability to broadcase brainwaves)09:26
xtknightthat's too confusing i just started over :p09:27
persiaLucidFox: Great.  Just add a comment indicating the build test, and that the previously referenced list of integration bugs is now empty, and resub U-U-S, and it is likely to be sponsored.09:27
=== StevenK shall have to keep editdiff in mind.
persiaStevenK: It's handy, but don't get carried away.  It sometimes generates fuzz09:28
xtknightooh i see what i did wrong09:29
xtknightso what i upload to LP is this, verbatim as an attachment?  http://rafb.net/p/Y0qOiz83.html09:32
=== minghua finds xtknight's changelog confusingly inconsistent by using "manual page" and "man page" together.
persiaxtknight: Right.  It's best if you attach a file containing that text to the bug, as that makes it easier to grab later (and one needn't worry about compressed whitespace in HTML).  On the other hand, it's good to fix it so it doesn't get any comments first :)09:34
xtknightlol ok scratch that.  "manual page" -> "man page", and then upload09:34
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=== xtknight dances
xtknightalright so now somebody looks at this and uploads it to universe?09:40
xtknightmy old one got uploaded somehow, what the..09:40
persiaxtknight: It usually takes a between a few hours and a day to get sponsored, but you should get some sort of response, either indicating an upload, or asking for modifications.09:40
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xtknightpersia,  so i'll have to lobby or will they just stumble across a "patch" attachment?09:42
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TheMusoxtknight: Is ubuntu-universe-sponsors subscribed?09:43
persiaxtknight: If had only uploaded a patch (the manpage change), and added the patch tag, it would usually be a few days before one of the packagers noticed it (perhaps there should be a "subscribe ~ubuntu-universe-contributors" workflow).  Since you've uploaded a debdiff, you'll want to subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to request sponsorship.09:43
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xtknightso after a patch has been uploaded, Status, Importance, Assignee should be?09:45
xtknight(also i did subscribe universe)09:46
AmaranthTriaged, Medium, ubuntu-universe-sponsors09:46
Amaranthi think09:46
xtknightoh i dont have power to change Importance anyway09:46
Amaranthheh, only qa-team09:46
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AmaranthTriaged means "this bug is ready for someone to work on it" so it makes sense09:47
LucidFoxSo, all packages new to Ubuntu must be actively maintained upstream?09:47
xtknightfound my answer.."Assign the bug to "Nobody", and the status to "Confirmed". "  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix09:47
Amaranthyeah but that was when 'Confirmed' meant what 'Triaged' does now09:47
xtknighti dont see "triaged" for Status09:48
FujitsuTriaged is restricted to -qa09:48
persiaxtknight: For patches, that's a great resource.  For full debdiffs, you might find more useful information in MOTU/Contributing09:48
persiaxtknight: Use "Confirmed": that works as well.09:48
xtknightalright thanks for all the help09:49
xtknightheading off it's 4am here09:49
AmaranthFujitsu: oh, damn09:50
Amaranthi miss these things :)09:50
Amaranthi tend to ignore 'Confirmed' bugs when i'm not doing qa09:50
LucidFoxhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5644 can be nuked - upstream development ceased in 200309:51
Amaranthwow, it's been abandoned since before ubuntu existed :)09:51
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persiaLucidFox: archived09:53
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persiaAmaranth: +09:53
persiaAmaranth: We've a surprising amount of that in the archives as well (much inherited from Debian).  Much is still good, and maintained, if not still in development.09:54
Amaranthbut a new package for something that has been dead for 4 years is a bit much :)09:54
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persiaUnless it's *really* good :)09:56
Amaranthin that case take over upstream :)09:57
persiaAmaranth: Good point, actually.  Launchpad makes that easy.09:57
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owhwhois \sh:09:58
\sh\sh is me09:58
Amaranthif it's not good enough for you to at least do security fixes as upstream it probably shouldn't be in anyhow09:58
Amaranthowh: that wouldn't give you idle time anyway09:59
owh\sh: Yeah, I wondered if you were Soren Hansen09:59
\showh: nope...09:59
\showh: \sh is http://www.sourcecode.de/about :)09:59
Amaranthclose though :)09:59
LucidFoxAmaranth> I already have taken over upstream10:00
=== owh just wasted Soren's time and wanted to apologise in person :|
LucidFoxor rather, forked it under a different name10:00
Nafalloowh: soren10:00
owhAh. Tah10:00
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owhsoren: Sorry about the abomination that was my comment on the new upload. I got burried in all the CVS changes and didn't see the ren fix :(10:01
owhsoren: FYI: owh=onno10:01
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sorenowh: No worries.10:14
owhsoren: .10:14
=== persia seeks a recommendation for a candidate to REVU
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LucidFoxhow about qdvdauthor?10:20
persiaLucidFox: Thanks10:21
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persiaLucidFox: Thanks for pre-reviewing :)10:22
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persiaLucidFox: 6029 commented, but it looks like an upgrade, rather than a new package, so it should really be tracked in LP, rather than in REVU.10:47
=== persia seeks a recommendation for a candidate to REVU
LucidFoxso, if REVU is only for new packages, what is the correct procedure for upgrades?10:57
LucidFoxaside from opening an upgrade bug10:57
TheMusoLucidFox: REVU is also useful for upgrades that involve new upstream versions, as one has to put the whole source package somewhere.10:58
TheMusoDebdiffs cannot be used for new upstream versions.10:58
persiaLucidFox: We're still working that out :)  For now, open an upgrade bug, upload to revu, mention the bug URL in REVU, and mention the REVU URL in the bug.10:58
LucidFoxas for recommendations, you could review qconf again - I fixed the two issues you mentioned during the first review10:59
persiaLucidFox: Additionally, it makes it a lot easier to review the packaging changes if the diff -urN debian/ of the two versions is attached to the bug.10:59
persiaLucidFox: URL?  Also, since it's still REVU day (only 2 hours left), if there are any changes, it's good to be sure of an annoucement (I didn't see one when I checked the log, but perhaps I missed it, or it was longer ago than the log I reviewed recently).11:00
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blueCommandPlease review: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6042 Thanks11:12
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persiaLucidFox: 6041 commented11:18
persiablueCommand: What is 6045?  Which should be reviewed?11:19
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persiablueCommand: 6044 archived11:30
blueCommandpersia, I mean 45, sorry11:31
persiablueCommand: Just checking :)11:31
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blueCommandPlease do :) Can't get corrected one too many11:31
TheMusopersia: From seeing the packages you are reviewing, and your comments, do you think upstream standards of making a package easily buildable, and  clearly understood license wise is slipping?11:34
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persiaTheMuso: I'm not sure about slipping: I've been seeing bad upstreams since I can remember.  On the other hand, we've likely the 22,000 most compliant packages already in the repos, so the remainder are a little less likely to be good :)11:37
TheMusohehe right.11:37
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eagles0513875persia: i dont even know where to begin with my bug12:02
eagles0513875i have the amarok source and xine source12:03
persiaeagles0513875: For bug discussion, #ubuntu-bugs is probably a better forum12:04
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persiablueCommand: Sorry for the delay.  6045 commented.12:28
blueCommandAh nice12:28
blueCommandpersia, Woha, what do you mean with that ? You mean that the full license must be included in the tarball?12:29
blueCommandMan, that will be a problem to solve12:30
persiablueCommand: Yes.  It's required by the Ubuntu archive-admins.  See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-July/001819.html12:31
blueCommandSo, simply asking him to add a LICENSE to it would suffice?12:31
persiablueCommand: Yes.  Putting the GPL in LICENSE, and making a note in COPYING that Herbert's code is GPL is all that is required, but this must be done by upstream: it cannot be done in the packaging.12:32
blueCommandYes, I'm writing an email as we speak12:33
persiablueCommand: Also, if there is an objection to the filename LICENSE, GPL would work just as well.12:33
blueCommand"Herbert Straub's code is under GPL, see LICENCE. The following files are affected:12:38
blueCommandpipestream.cpp, sockinet.cpp, sockstream.cpp, sockstream.h, sockunix.cpp"12:38
blueCommandWould that do as COPYING?12:38
persiablueCommand: It doesn't even need that much.  I don't have it open now, but last time I looked at COPYING, it mentioned that some of it was Herberts: it just needs to mention that some code is GPL (on the other hand, specifying what is good, and should be encouraged).12:40
persiaFor LICENSE (or GPL), it needs to be the full text of the license from the FSF (basically, the same text as is /usr/share/common-licenses)12:40
blueCommandWould you mind reading that?12:41
persiablueCommand: s/neiter/either12:42
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blueCommandI would say s/and a/nor12:43
blueCommandI would say s/and a/nor a12:43
persiablueCommand: That works as well, but also s/neiter/neither/ in that case :)12:43
blueCommandAh :)12:43
persiablueCommand: Also, I'd end with "Thank you" rather than "Greetings", but that has cultural implications, so may not be correct for you.12:44
blueCommandThank you works fine12:44
blueCommandOtherwise I included everything?12:44
persiablueCommand: It covers all the salient points.  As I said, it's not essential that upstream lists the specific files, but it is appreciated: I'm not sure if you want to change your email, or resolve that later if upstream objects :)12:45
blueCommandI'll do that later :) Thanks12:46
blueCommandI can't thank you enough for "mentoring" me through this persia :)12:46
persiaOK.  14 minutes left in REVU day: any last requests before it closes?12:46
persiablueCommand: No problems - it's REVU day :)12:47
blueCommandIt is? :)12:47
=== Czessi-m [n=czessi@dslb-088-072-212-162.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:persia] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
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DktrKranzsiretart, can I talk a bit in query?01:18
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ScottKFujitsu: I guess I should stop filing LP bugs and just ask you the number of the one you already reported when I get annoyed.01:19
FujitsuScottK: Yep.01:19
=== crummygummy_ [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-11-30.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu gets annoyed and files bugs quickly.
persiaDoes anyone have an opinion about the "Beverage Modification" listed at http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/wulfware-0706250810/wulfware-2.5/COPYING ?01:21
LucidFoxwhat's the policy on dependencies and the placement in universe/multiverse?01:21
persiaI think it's not defensible, and therefore doesn't affect the license, but I'd like a second opinion.01:21
FujitsuLucidFox: If you depend on something in multiverse, you're condemned to multiverse for eternity.01:21
LucidFoxin either Depends or Build-Depends?01:21
persiaErm.  Not eternity, just until the package can be freed.01:22
FujitsuWell, yes.01:22
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Fujitsupersia: I think it looks to be rather in jest and not binding, but it's not up to me.01:23
persiaFujitsu: Of course :)  While disclaimers are important when discussing legal matters, that's enough to make me omit a comment.01:23
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-148-119.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKDoesn't the GPL explicity say you can't add additional conditions?01:29
ScottKAgreed it's in jest, but not sure that makes it non-problematic.01:29
=== ScottK is still waiting for the first cup of coffee for the day, so who know.
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persiaScottK: That matches my memory (no additional conditions), but I'm not convinced that it's not an optional condition, given the language.  Anyway, I'll leave that decision to someone else: I found enough minor nitpicks that I could escape advocating again :)01:33
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKpersia: There. Every bit of bug 124900 nailed shut. :-)01:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124900 in libgpod "Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12490001:36
persiaStevenK: Hurrah!  One down, 30,000 to go :)01:36
StevenKGee, way to make me feel good. :-P01:36
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Does it help if I say "Congratulations: you're #4 in http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ !"?  Or "That's an excellent example of diligent and complete bug management"?  These things are also true.01:38
StevenKI knew the first one. :-)01:38
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ScottKStevenK: My new LP motto is, "Since it's not Free, then least I can do is complain a lot."  Sounds like you beat me to it.01:46
StevenKI did?01:46
ScottKOh.  Sorry.01:47
ScottKMy bad.01:47
ScottKI now have the first cup of coffee, but haven't drunk it yet.01:47
persiaIn LP's favour, it is at least reasonably well supported, and has active developers who respond to many of the bugs and close some of them.01:47
ScottKThis is true, but please see previous rants on building Free software on proprietary tool.01:48
persiaScottK: Sure, but I suspect you use Google every day, and I doubt you know either how to file a bug report, or with whom you can discuss feature requests and improvements.01:49
LucidFoxwhen it comes to missing copyright notices in source files, I should get upstream to add them, right?01:50
ScottKThis is true, but it a proprietary product serving it's proprietary masters.  It purports to be "Not Evil", but it's never said it's Free.  01:50
persiaLucidFox: You must.  If upstream doesn't provide them with a clear license, you don't have the right to relicense.01:50
ScottKUbuntu is about software freedom.01:50
=== persia thought Ubuntu was about being good to people, and that software freedom was one of many ways to achieve that
ScottKBut OTOH, let's not have another 4 hour LP is proprietary rant...01:51
=== persia also isn't strong in African languages
ScottKOK.  Distinction without difference for this particular point.01:51
ScottKbut a good point.01:52
persiaWithout refuting the many valid and strong arguments that any software developed with LP is oddly called Free, I just think it's important to remember that Free Software is an means to an end in this case.  While we respect and largely abide by the DFSG, we're not actually bound by them, and there is a history of (minor) non-compliance.01:53
siretartDktrKranz: about what? I suspect its better here...01:53
DktrKranzsiretart, gotta go in a while, I'm going to send you a mail this evening, if you agree01:54
DktrKranzScottK, I uploaded a new php-interbase at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6056 following your suggestions01:55
imbrandonmoins siretart ScottK persia StevenK and *01:55
DktrKranzand yes, archive http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5287 for now. I will upload a new package when ready01:55
siretarthey imbrandon!01:55
ScottKHeya imbrandon01:55
persiaimbrandon: Hi!01:55
Nafalloimbrandon: morning01:55
imbrandonello Nafallo 01:55
imbrandonman SL can suck you in, lol01:55
DktrKranzsee you later01:56
StevenKSecond Life, I'm guessing01:56
persiaimbrandon: Just implement a handheld there, and carry it about: you can IRC and SL at the same time (unless you actually enjoy physical activities)01:56
imbrandonbeen setting up a ubuntu/kubuntu tower on the Free and Open Island that mark bloged about , Nafallo SL == secondlife01:56
StevenKI wasn't aware imbrandon had a first one.01:56
=== StevenK hides
NafalloSL = Storstockholms Lokaltrafik :-)01:56
imbrandonpersia, actualy i scripted a laptop to let me check email and irc from ingame01:56
persiaimbrandon: heh.01:57
Nafalloi.e. busses and tube and stuff in Stockholm ;-)01:57
imbrandonsometime it will do some other things , because its for the ubuntu computer lab 01:57
persiaNafallo: What does the "Stor" part mean?01:57
Nafallopersia: big :-)01:57
persiaNafallo: Ah.  "Greater Stockholm Local Transportation (network)".  Thanks.01:58
Nafallolike in "Covers most things in"stockholm :-)01:58
ScottKpersia: Assuming DktrKranz actually did what I suggested, his new php-interbase at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6056 may be worth your time.  Just be aware that despite the apparent history in LP, it really is a new package.01:58
Nafallosomething like that indeed :-)01:58
persiaScottK: You've advocated?  Also, wasn't there a php5-interbase source?  Is this a rename?  Lastly, is there a plan somewhere for the rest of php-universe?01:59
LucidFoxOne more licensing question: the COPYING file contains this http://pastebin.ca/62316501:59
ScottKpersia: No, I didn't.  He is pulling that module out of the php5 tarball and packaging it separately.01:59
LucidFoxI understand that it needs to be mentioned in debian/copyright, but is this exception GPL-compatible to begin with?01:59
persiaLucidFox: That's OK.  It just means that people can build that program for Windows or QTopia without violating the license.02:00
ScottKpersia: Technically it looked good to me (but what do I know) he just needed to do a better job of making/documenting his own source.02:00
persiaMore generally, the GPL allows authors to grant additional freedoms to users, if desired, but does not allow the restriction of freedoms.  Further, linking exceptions do not contaminate interaction with other GPL-licensed software.02:01
persiaScottK: OK.  I'll give it a look.  I generally prefer to hit things that either haven't been reviewed, or have an advocate, but those are getting rare :)02:02
ScottKWell I think there's a shot you'll adovcate this one.02:03
ScottKDunno about the rest of php5 in Universe.02:03
=== ScottK avoids php as much as possible.
persiaScottK: Now I'm confused.  You didn't advocate, but you think I will?02:04
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ScottKpersia: I looked at the previous rev and technically I thought it was reasonable.  I have not looked at the new one.02:04
ScottKIf he fixed the stuff I told him to fix, then I think it might be advocable, but haven't had the cycles to check.02:05
persiaScottK: Ah.  I get it now.  In that case I'm more than happy to take a look (although I'll be REVUing less now that REVU day is over).  Thanks for the pointer.02:05
=== ScottK particularly likes revewing second after persia advocates because it almost always means I get to upload.
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TheMusoThats if he advocates. :p02:06
=== persia very rarely advocates, especially after getting archive-admin rejects for a couple packages
Hobbseepersia: but you go naer REVU, remember.02:08
Hobbseethe good people manage to avoid REVU entirely :P02:09
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persiaHobbsee: You could too.  It was REVU day recently, and more reviewers would have been good :)02:09
=== persia thinks this is a strange definition of "good"
TheMusopersia: I'm kinda the same.02:09
Hobbseeno, no, i avoid REVU, so as to be impartial02:09
NafalloHobbsee: I'll take that as a compliment then ;-902:09
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persiaHobbsee: Ah.  I guess you've an excuse now.  Perhaps I'll let you look at licensing then?  :)02:10
=== StevenK blinks.
\shfck....at least SLES10 kernel and Ubuntu feisty kernel is broken02:10
Hobbseepersia: i'm not an archive admin yet, so i dont need to :P02:10
\shHobbsee: you are working for canonical now? :)02:10
=== persia wonders what the excuse is as a result of the last comment
Hobbsee\sh: i'm the tribe 3 release manager02:11
StevenKHrm. It seems Launchpad is reporting it's offline, but there was no announcement02:11
\shHobbsee: I saw that :)02:11
Hobbseebut no, i'm not working for canonical currently02:11
ScottKStevenK: Try again.  I just reached it.02:11
StevenKSilly thing02:11
persialinda should automatically figure out what I mean when I give her the wrong arguments.02:13
Hobbseepersia: more to the point, I avoid REVU now so that i can be impartial at some point in the future.  *g*02:13
persiaHobbsee: That's not really a good excuse.  By using REVU, and demonstrating a fine understanding of the technical points of archive-acceptability, you can show the necessary knowledge to be suitable for some possible later position in which you'll need to avoid REVU to maintain impartiality.02:14
Hobbseepersia: hush!  leave my excuse alone :P02:14
persiaHobbsee: I'll let you keep your excuse until next REVU day, but as there's not an impending tribe then, perhaps we can count on you?02:15
TheMusoThe biggest problem with revu is that there are so many packages there that haven't been updated, and its often tempting just to go and fix them up one's self, and upload.02:15
Hobbseepersia: when's the next REVU day?02:15
TheMusoHobbsee: Next Monday.02:16
Hobbseeoh, bugger.  hmmm.02:16
=== persia wonders why we don't just do that: it would certainly be in the spirit of collaborative work
=== Hobbsee makes a note to be out next monday, then
persiaHobbsee: I keep REVU open for 49 hours: I doubt you can hide from IRC for that long :)02:17
persias/REVU/REVU Day/02:17
TheMusopersia: I guess its unfair for those who initially uploaded the package.02:17
Hobbseepersia: yeah...that long might be a bit hard02:17
persiaTheMuso: Perhaps.  It depends on whether REVU is intended as a proving ground, a learning experience, or a mechanism to get new packages into the archive.  This is probably another one of those points that needs thought and discussion.02:18
TheMusopersia: Heh I'm good at those, aren't I.02:18
StevenKC'mon Launchpad. Don't make me get out and push.02:18
persiaTheMuso: That's not a bad thing.  Keep raising them, and if we collectively stare at our navels a bit, perhaps we'll actually pick out the lint, and make universe rock.02:19
ScottKpersia: Isn't that what lintian is for?02:20
=== ScottK ducks
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persiaScottK: It's supposed to be, but the question is why have I spent the last two days running lintian and reporting it, rather than just fixing packages and requesting someone to confirm and upload?02:21
ScottKYeah.  I know.02:21
=== elektranox [n=elektran@p5481EE8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKMy view is that it is all of those things, but unless someone cares enough about a package to get it uploadable, the odds of someone caring enough to maintain it are low.02:22
ScottKWe get plenty enough hit and run uploaders as it is.02:22
persiaHere's a subject.  Let's try a test :)02:22
persiaelektranox: How do you feel about collaborative development?  Would you mind if someone worked with you on gafix?02:23
ScottKMore software is good, but good software is better.02:23
=== TheMuso remembers pushing several packages through revu, all but one of which are now in main. :p
=== CrummyGummy [n=CrummyGu@dsl-242-11-30.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
elektranoxpersia: I don't mind02:23
persiaScottK: True, but then again, we're not seeking maintainers - most things are just bugfixes, and we can find and train bugfixers without as much effort as finding and training maintainers.02:23
ScottKpersia: Yeah, but what most packages need is someone who cares.02:24
persiaWould anyone be willing to take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6055 and upload a new candidate?  elektranox has been working with upstream.02:24
=== ScottK thought persia already volunteered for the position?
persiaScottK: I disagree, but for complex reasons that aren't very defensible with the current bug management activities, so I won't argue.02:24
=== persia is looking at php-interbase
TheMusopersia: Heading there.02:25
StevenKI dislike the thought of php-interbase02:25
persiaStevenK: You don't like php?  interbase?02:25
StevenKI don't like either.02:25
persiaTheMuso: Thanks.  Let's see how it works.02:25
TheMusopersia: SO what do I have to do?02:26
StevenKInterbase more so, since in a previous life I looked after a Interbase database.02:26
=== Fujitsu gets a large enough dose of PHP at work to kill anyone.
persiaTheMuso: Take 6055 as a base, and upload a new candidate to REVU, with changelog entries if required (as in, they would be interesting to future people working on the package, rather than in the context of initial packaging).02:27
StevenKUsing brain-damaged SQL89 and a management interface that sucked rocks through hypodermic needles should turn anyone off it.02:27
TheMusopersia: Um ok.02:27
persiaStevenK: That matches my experience with interbase, but I'm not sure why php shoudn't have bindings, given my experience with php/02:28
imbrandontelnet www.imbrandon.com 8002:28
persiaTheMuso: If it's really frustrating for you, there's no point in suggesting we all work that way.  If it works for you, we can propose a change, which would probably make things faster.02:28
=== ScottK waits for the password...
ScottKimbrandon: You should be using SSH anyway.02:29
TheMusopersia: Um how would it be frustrating?02:29
persiaScottK: It't not authenticated :)02:29
persiaTheMuso: I don't know.  Seems easy enough to me, but having a testcase is usually good.02:29
imbrandonScottK, not to check the html on port 80 silly02:30
ScottKAh.  OK.02:30
StevenKI don't know about that.02:30
StevenKScottK: How many passwords do you type into telnet <x> 80 ?02:30
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=== ScottK notes the first coffee cup is still not empty and drinks more.
=== persia dislikes the PHP license
imbrandonhrm shouldnt "GET /"02:31
imbrandonwork StevenK 02:31
StevenKDepends on the webserver.02:31
StevenK'GET / HTTP/1.0' to be pedantic02:31
persiaimbrandon: Yes, unless you have virtual hosting enabled, in which case you might need a longer URL02:31
LucidFoxdebian/menu is only needed for programs intended to be included in the desktop environment menu, right?02:32
persia(or downgrade to http 1.0)02:32
imbrandonpersia, yea i have many vhosts on that box 02:32
imbrandonand its lighttpd ;)02:32
StevenKIn which case "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: foo\n\n"02:32
blueCommandGET / HTTP/1.102:32
blueCommandBah :)02:32
StevenKblueCommand: Nyah. :-P02:32
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persiaLucidFox: You'll want both debian/menu and a .desktop file by preference for a GUI application.  For command-line only applications, you don't need either.02:32
=== persia thinks the Host: www.imbrandon.com is the important part
TheMusopersia: Ok you probably saw that paths in the Makefile are hard coded?02:34
persiaTheMuso: Yep.  I was thinking that a dpatch or quilt square would be a better solution, but haven't looked closely.02:34
imbrandonGET / HTTP/1.0 seemed to work02:34
imbrandoni was thinking just GET /02:35
zul_imbrandon: quality software: http://images.imbrandon.com/funny02:35
StevenKimbrandon: Like I said, depends on the webserver.02:35
persiaimbrandon: That works iff the host is running http 1.0 or the host doesn't have vhosts defined or the webserver is on crack02:35
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imbrandonzul, hehe yea http://images.imbrandon.com is my playground ;)02:37
TheMusopersia: Ok... How do you think I should do this? I have made some changes that need making, how do you suggest I document them?02:37
=== ScottK would suggest upload to revu and leave a comment.
imbrandonzul, oh wow, dident notice the devide by zero02:37
persiaTheMuso: That's an interesting question (and a strong argument for using BZR for pre-archive collaboration).  I'd probably go with debian/changelog for things that will be interesting later, an a REVU comment for things that are interesting now, but I'm certainly not authoritative.02:38
TheMusoScottK: Was thinking the same.02:38
imbrandonzul, http://images.imbrandon.com/unsorted/mishkotrax.jpg is still my fav ;)02:38
TheMusoI think a revu comment at this point makes more sense.02:38
zulimbrandon: lol02:38
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=== ScottK also forsees the need for a patch to REVU so that non-MOTUs who have uploaded a package before, but are not the current uploader can comment.
persiaScottK: That's been on the wishlist for a while now.  You're good with python, right?02:39
ScottKYeah and short on time.02:39
ScottKPlus it's in bzr and I'm severely bzr impaired.02:39
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imbrandonzul, fixed ( the zero error )02:40
StevenKOh, bzr isn't that hard.02:40
imbrandonbzr == svn++02:40
StevenKIf you can learn tla, you can deal with bzr. :-P02:40
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zulimbrandon: yes i have nothing better to do other than go through random websites and complain about php errors ;)02:41
imbrandonglad you said something , it was because of a non-image in the dir02:42
imbrandoni need to patch that02:42
persiaScottK: Also, even without any bzr knowledge beyond bzr export, you should be able to generate a patch :)02:43
StevenKOh neat. tailor (cvs2bzr) can't cope with branches very well02:43
persiaStevenK: That's really not bzr's fault :)02:43
StevenKpersia: Of course not, but it rules it out for $WORK02:44
StevenKsvn sort of rules itself out too, not being able to cope with 15,000 dentries.02:44
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Please accept my sympathy for your working conditions.02:44
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TheMusopersia: Will be here a while. Want to change a fair few things.02:45
StevenKpersia: We have a 9 year old CVS repository. I'm heartily sick of it, and want to switch. SVN looked to be the logical choice, but ...02:45
persiaTheMuso: Not surprising.  Last I looked, that package wasn't in great shape: I just happened to know it needed review, and the original uploader was in-channel.02:46
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xxxxx1good morning all.02:51
=== persia escaped from yet another advocation
siretarthi xxxxx1 02:51
blueCommandpersia, He said that the GPL-license is a leftover in the package and it shouldn't really be there anymore. Is the other license enough for it to be accepted, or is it doomed to multiverse?02:51
blueCommandpersia, He will repackage it without GPL02:52
siretartScottK: feel free to hack on REVU! I'll help you were I can!02:52
persiablueCommand: Currently, it can't be accepted at all.  If upstream releases a package either with the GPL, or without any GPL code, it would be acceptable.02:52
blueCommandpersia, Upstream (himself) will release without any reference to GPL (well, configure and resulting Makefile has some notice about it)02:53
persiablueCommand: Do note, that if the GPL code remains, but has been relicensed, one might wonder whether the copyright holder has agreed to the relicensing, and request confirmation prior to packaging.  Tort law can be expensive.02:53
persiaxxxxx1: Great.  Would you mind adjusting the status :)02:55
blueCommandpersia, The code affected is his and his alone, he is reverting the license to match that of which the other sources are.02:55
persiaExcellent.  Thank you.02:55
xxxxx1persia, argh :D02:55
persiablueCommand: Great!02:55
persiaxxxxx1: No: my mistake :)02:55
persiaxxxxx1: "Fix Committed"?  Did someone already upload?02:56
blueCommandpersia, Good, I guess I should re-license the package to that of which the sources are too?02:56
=== persia points at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue
xxxxx1persia, nope. i've just upload the changes to REVU again.02:57
persiablueCommand: I recommend that, but as was pointed out ~24 hours past, it's not required.02:57
xxxxx1persia, as in last comment02:57
xxxxx1persia, it's wrong (status)?02:57
persiaxxxxx1: See the MOTU Sponsors Queue docs :)02:57
blueCommandpersia, I want to make it as good as I can, so I will do that then.02:58
xxxxx1persia, ah. you made it. heh02:58
persiaxxxxx1: That make me especially picky :)02:59
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hroo772hey is anyone around03:10
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ScottKsiretart: I see in Bug #52539 that you made a candidate source backport for vim7 on Dapper.  Would you be interested in uploading it?  It appears to have been tested?03:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52539 in dapper-backports "backport vim 7 to dapper" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5253903:12
siretartScottK: oh, indeed, I don't get to it today, if you are interested, feel free to upload them!03:19
ScottKsiretart: Need to be core-dev to upload a source backport, so I can't.  I'll mark it inprogress and assign it to you if that's OK?03:20
siretartScottK: works for me, thanks for notifying me about that!03:22
ScottKNo problem.03:22
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusopersia: Almost done here.03:26
persiaTheMuso: Cool.  Does it look uploadable, or is upstream going to need to do more?03:26
TheMusopersia: WIth the patches I am applying, it will probably be uploadable, so technically it should be sound. License wise though, it loosk ok, but I'll want another pair of eyes for that.03:27
persiaTheMuso: OK.03:27
persiaelektranox: Are you also upstream for gafix, or just coordinating?03:27
TheMusoBut since elektranox is upstream, I'll use these patches to show what needs doing, so hopefully he can just make the changes and be done with it.03:27
persiaAh.  Cool :)03:28
TheMusoelektranox: Look at source files/copyright. Upstream it seems.03:28
TheMusosorry, persia ^^03:28
persiaTheMuso: OK.  Last time I looked it said "Upstream Author" :)03:28
TheMusoSHould that be changed?03:28
persiaTheMuso: I requested a change from "Upstream Author" to the actual author, but I didn't investigate who that might be.03:29
persia("Upstream Author" is a clear pseudonym or anonym, and as such can be assigned copyright, but cannot grant a license)03:30
persia(actually, this is debatable for pseudonyms, but it's not a unique pseudonym)03:30
TheMusoOk, time for a test build.03:31
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TheMusopersia: Since he is upstream, my aptches should also make it easier for others who build for distros/from source.03:33
TheMusochanges even.03:33
tuxmaniacraising a bug report for syncing packages from Debian will do?03:33
persiaTheMuso: If they are adopted, surely :)03:33
TheMusopersia: Yes.03:33
persiatuxmaniac: Yes.  It should fix a bug, or bring us a good new feature though: we're not syncing everything :)03:34
=== elektranox was absent... ^^
tuxmaniacpersia, I will mention the reason or importance also. Then you MOTUs will decide and sync right?03:34
persiatuxmaniac: Ah.  Yes.  Please include a short Rationale explaining why a sync is good, and the additional Debian changelog since the last merge/sync in the bug.  If you subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors, someone will look at it soon, and either ask for further information, or accept it.03:35
=== StevenK coughs. requestsync
tuxmaniacStevenK, something sarcastic?? :-)03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requestsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
Kmosubotu: u're bad :)03:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about u're bad :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
tuxmaniacKmos, :)03:36
StevenKCertainly not. Just trying to point out a tool exists.03:36
=== persia doesn't like requestsync, because the bug isn't pretty, and it often spews 404 errors rather than changelog entries for aggressive syncs
tuxmaniacpersia, StevenK Do i use the tool or report it by hand?03:37
persiatuxmaniac: Either works, and both are good.03:37
tuxmaniacpersia, thanks03:37
StevenKtuxmaniac: The reason I mention it, is the requestsync script in Gutsy has a -s option that automatically subscribes the right sponsorship team, and prompts for rationale.03:39
StevenKpersia: The 404 errors are because packages.d.o sucks hard, nothing to do with the script.03:39
persiaStevenK: I know - that's why I didn't report a bug :)03:39
StevenKI don't get how packages.d.o can suck so hard, personally.03:40
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persiaStevenK: I think it's a hard problem.  I routinely get 404s from changelogs.ubuntu.com as well.03:41
persia(admittedly, p.d.o is worse)03:41
tuxmaniacrequestsync not in feisty?03:41
StevenKI don't think it's hard, it just requires an up to date mirror.03:42
StevenKtuxmaniac: It's in the package 'devscripts'03:42
TheMusotuxmaniac: Yes, but doesn't know about gutsy.03:42
persiatuxmaniac: it should be, but it might not have the -s (sponsor) switch.03:42
tuxmaniacTheMuso, aah Ok03:42
StevenKTheMuso: requestsync asks the local machine about releases.03:42
TheMusoStevenK: Right03:43
tuxmaniachehe. I was trying to install requestsync instead of using it by just hitting the tab :))03:43
StevenKExcept in Gutsy, where it uses rmadison.03:43
persiaStevenK: Does the migration to rmadison fix that, or is it still checking locally?03:43
StevenKIt doesn't check anything locally any more03:43
persiaAh.  Good.03:44
StevenKpersia: Patches welcome to make the bug report better, by the way03:44
StevenKI'll probably do a devscripts upload after tribe-303:44
persiaStevenK: The big issue is LP: I'd like it to strip the signature and meta-commands in the email interface, but I understand that that's really not a priority right now.03:45
tuxmaniacNo wikipage on devscripts? /me searches wiki.,ubuntu.com03:45
StevenKpersia: Ah03:45
persiaStevenK: In terms of the script, it's fairly close.  I'd like to see a Rationale: section for each merge/sync bug after DIF, just to make it easy for the sponsors / archive admins, but it's not required by our policy at this point, so I don't think it warrants inclusion.03:47
persiaIt'd also be extra nice if all sync bugs had the sync tag, LP accepted tagging through the email interface, and the script checked for an existing open sync bug prior to allowing a sync request, but that's just wishful thinking.03:48
StevenKpersia: That's hard03:48
persiaStevenK: Right.  Hence the complete lack of bug reports or patches :)03:49
StevenKpersia: If Launchpad accepted tagging, it's fairly simple to add03:49
persiaStevenK: You mean we have a working by-package tag search that can be called from within python?03:49
StevenKpersia: No, I mean if Launchpad could be told " tags sync" in an signed mail03:50
persiaAh. Right.  That only helps for the first half :)  I think full implementation waits for XMLRPC03:50
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persiaAt which point, a rewrite in XMLRPC would probably magically resolve most of my issues anyway :)03:51
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sommerScottK: What's up04:05
sommerI had some time to work on sylpheed-claws-gtk2-clamav this weekend04:05
sommerIt pulls in the libclamav1 package and insists on using that.04:06
ScottKWe got the interim backports of clamav 0.88.7 to Dapper/Edgy approved.  Edgy is released and Dapper is waiting a manual pusy.04:06
ScottKSounds like it'll have to be updated then.04:06
sommerI think so...or the control file changed to use a different version.04:07
sommerI'm not sure exactly how to go about that though. 04:07
ScottKThe libclamav1/2 API is different.04:07
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ScottKIf it's using libclamav1 directly there's a 0% chance of it working.04:07
sommergotcha...libclamav1 didn't recognize the test virus I have either.04:08
ScottKThe next question would be then to test the newer claws package on Dapper.04:08
xxxxx1hello ScottK 04:08
sommerthe 0.88.7?04:08
ScottKI'm about to publish test packages for Dapper for clamav
sommerah cool.04:08
ScottKThe 0.88.7 is about to go into the dapper-backports repository.  That's the best we can do until the rest of this gets worked out.04:09
ScottKHi xxxxx104:09
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ScottKsommer: It's uploading now.04:11
sommerdoes that mean that 0.88.7 has features backported from 0.90.3?04:11
=== sommer is noob
ScottKNo.  It means that 0.88.7 is compatible with all the other stuff already in Dapper so we can backport it.  It's the newest release we can backport without all the other packages getting updated.04:12
ScottKIt fixes a bunch of bugs and so it's a good interim step.04:12
sommerah gotcha, but 0.88.7 doesn't get sig updates from clamav correct?  04:13
StevenKDoes 0.88.7 output the irritating "Your clamav engine is out of date! PANIC! PANIC! PANIC!" ?04:13
ScottKsommer: Dunno.  I haven't checked.04:14
ScottKStevenK: Yes.04:14
ScottKEven the Feisty 0.90.3 as patched with all the security fixes does that.04:14
sommerScottK: cool...thanks 04:15
ScottKIf you want to avoid that, you have to run Gutsy as I uploaded the latest non-panicky one yesterday.04:15
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ScottKsommer: Please update the wiki with your findings.04:17
sommerwill do04:17
ScottKsommer and leonel and anyone else who cares: I've updated that draft dapper clamav backport packages at http://www.kitterman.com/clamav/ for clamav
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sommerparty...I'll start retesting with that.04:19
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ScottKSource package and i386 binaries again.04:20
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leonelScottK: a big THANKS ! 04:22
l_ri need to build debs from source code for public sharing. any doc around?04:22
TheMusopersia: Finished doing what I wanted here. THink more needs doing, mostly relating to possibly using the tex file to generate docs, but the really full on stuff is now done.04:23
=== stephen [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKsuperm1_: If I may make a suggestion: bugging the head of Ubuntu's kernel team to comment on $MYPETBUG when they are focused on trying to get a release out the door may not be the best timing.04:23
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superm1_ScottK, I wasn't trying to do that.  I was just saying it may be applicable04:23
HobbseeScottK: it was a bug that had just been discussed in the channel04:24
persiaTheMuso: Great.  Give it an upload, and I'll take a look.  If it passes the standard REVU tests, I'll stick it in (and we can clean up tex later), or if I see an issue, I'll try to fix, and reupload.04:24
ScottKOK.  Sorry, I missed that.04:24
TheMusopersia: Ok.04:24
persiaelektranox: You may want to take a look as well.  If there's something you want to grab upstream, let me know, and I'll wait for your revision before I upload anywhere.04:25
=== TheMuso still needs to post his comment yet.
TheMusoJust waiting for the upload to appear.04:25
elektranoxjear I'm thinking of adding method to change the serial Interface, which is used04:26
persiaREVU can be a little slow, but at least it doesn't hide things as well as LP04:26
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persiaelektranox: Ah.  Is that patch ready and tested?  I was thinking more about packaging-related changes, etc.04:27
TheMusoMy changes are mostly packaging related.04:27
elektranoxnope I've not finished that so far, but it's not a big hack04:28
TheMusoOk its up.04:28
TheMusocomment is now up.04:28
persiaelektranox: In that case, it makes sense to me to try to get this in, and keep the serial interface change for the next release.04:28
persiaTheMuso: URL?04:28
=== persia grabs the dsc
TheMusopersia: I used dpatch files, but as I said, if we can get that all into upstream, the patches don't need to be carried.04:31
elektranoxok probably it's a good idea to fix the desktop and makefile in upstream?04:31
persiaelektranox: Do you want to apply the dpatches upstream, and put in a patchless revision?04:31
TheMusoMy comment states what I've done.04:31
persiaelektranox: It's best to fix anything not required in debian/ upstream, as that way it makes it easier to package for other distributions.04:32
elektranoxI'll do so04:32
TheMusoi.e my prefix etc patches.04:32
persiaelektranox: OK.  I'll look through it, and see if I have anything, but I'll wait for your upload before committing anything.04:32
TheMusopersia: I'm off to bed. Ping/mail if you have questions. Its 12:30AM here04:33
persiaTheMuso: Sleep well.  I'm getting close myself.  Let's regroup tomorrow to decide if this process is a good one, or the old way is better.04:33
TheMusopersia: Yup.04:33
TheMusoTill tomorrow.04:33
elektranoxTheMuso: good night - thanks for your help :)04:34
TheMusoelektranox: You'r welcome, and thanks for participating. We are working out whether we should try and change the review process.04:35
ScottKIs any MOTU looking at libhdhomrun?  If no one says so, I'll review it.04:36
DktrKranzpersia, thanks for commenting on php-interbase. I was reading the log, especially when you state if there is a plan to manage php-universe04:36
persiaDktrKranz: Is there?04:37
DktrKranzit used to be, but pitti preferred to have three standalone packages04:37
DktrKranzhere what he did04:37
persiaDktrKranz: I remember that, I just haven't heard about the other two :)04:37
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DktrKranzpersia, they have been uploaded recently04:38
superm1_thx ScottK.  Fyi, i added the diff -urN to the bug listed in the comments04:38
persiaDktrKranz: Ah.  Excellent then :)04:38
DktrKranzit wasn't me04:38
persiaDktrKranz: Still, the bringer of good news receives the smile.04:38
DktrKranzanyway, since php-interbase (and the others) are quite different since 5.1.204:39
ScottKsuperm1_: That's really not necessary.  I can get that in one click on REVU.04:39
DktrKranzI think they deserve a cleanup04:39
superm1_ScottK, you can get a debdiff but not a diff of the debian/ directory04:39
superm1_which may be more useful in looking at a new version04:39
ScottKAgreed.  Is that what's in the bug?04:39
ScottKAh.  Yes.  That's helpful.04:40
elektranoxpersia: do you think I should add the $(DESTDIR) to upstream?04:44
ScottKWould someone running Gutsy please confirm that the LGPL version 3 can now be found at /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3?04:44
elektranoxelektranox@earth:~$ ls /usr/share/common-licenses/04:45
elektranoxArtistic  BSD  GFDL  GFDL-1.2  GPL  GPL-2  GPL-3  LGPL  LGPL-2  LGPL-2.104:45
persiaelektranox: Very much so.  It will be very rare that any distribution will want to build a package that automatically writes to /usr/share, and if $(DESTDIR) is undefined, it will do the right thing on a local system.04:45
superm1_hm so not there yet.  04:45
persiaScottK: Just one small note: GPL is currently a symlink to GPL-2, so watch for that.04:46
ScottKpersia: The package debian/copyright points to /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3, so I want to make sure that actually exists.04:46
superm1_ScottK, perhaps a sep. bug should be filed to include LGPL-3 in /usr/share/common-licenses?  I expected it to be there already04:46
DktrKranzI didn't follow merge discussion after MOTU Meeting, do you plan to focus on them before UVF?04:47
persiaScottK: Ah.  I missed the initial "L".04:47
ScottKDktrKranz: We are still debating.04:47
=== CWC-Vladimir [n=zedd@c-76-20-206-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
CWC-Vladimirdoes anyone know of a good ftp client?04:47
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ScottKelektranox: Thanks.04:48
HobbseeCWC-Vladimir: sounds like a #ubuntu type of question04:48
wasabiAnybody work with Samba able to review a simple patch and get it uploaded?04:48
DktrKranzOK, I'll read a bit the discussion04:48
CWC-Vladimirits full04:48
persiaDktrKranz: Yes, but we don't really have consensus on how or when.  Please follow the old procedure, and join the next MOTU meeting if you are interested.04:48
elektranoxScottK: np04:48
ScottKCWC-Vladimir: That doesn't make this a support channel.04:48
CWC-Vladimirim not asking for support, im asking if theres a good ftp client04:48
DktrKranzpersia, it could be difficult since I'll be in office, but I'll try to attend it04:48
ScottKCWC-Vladimir: That's not development which is what we do here.04:49
ScottKsuperm1_: In the meantime you can't use that link, you need to put the full license text in debian/copyright.04:49
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persiaDktrKranz: OK.  If you can't make it, the minutes should have info, but input from contributors would be helpful.04:49
superm1_ScottK, alright.  I'll file a bug against base-files, but include the whole license in debian/copyright for now04:50
ScottKOK.  Commented.04:50
DktrKranzif I mind well, during feisty there was a good script which pointed out security issues fixed in debian04:50
DktrKranzbut still open in ubuntu04:50
DktrKranzis it still active?04:50
persiaDktrKranz: http://ajmitch.net.nz/~ajmitch/missing-fixes-rc.html ?04:50
DktrKranzthat's it04:51
CWC-Vladimirno, but i need it for uploading to my 5 fucking servers04:52
CWC-Vladimirwhich does include development04:52
DktrKranzthese ones should be considered, is it worth to mention it in the next M-M?04:53
CWC-Vladimirman, fuck you people, fucking pricks04:53
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ScottKDktrKranz: MOTU Meeting is more about policy/process that picking bugs to fix.04:53
persiaDktrKranz: Probably not.  We certainly need to get as many of those fixes in as possible (in at least a few cases I've reviewed, we already have), but it's the packages that have never been merged for gutsy that are a little more annoying now (although in at least one case, I hope the merge will not be required).04:54
persiaDktrKranz: You might also want to compare the outstanding "upgrade" bugs with http://people.debian.org/~lucas/ubuntu-versions/unimultiverse-all.html, to see if there are good targets.04:55
persiaAnd, just in the spirit of pointing at useful URLs, http://alt.qeuni.net/~william/debcheck/ shows packages with problems that would like to be fixed :)04:56
DktrKranzah, good04:57
persiaLastly, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO has a list of other tasks, for those still looking for something to do...04:58
superm1_ScottK, I created a bug re: LGPL v3, (bug 126565) along with a debdiff to fix it.  Once i get someone from core-dev to ack it, i'll let you know and libhdhomerun can then be uploaded04:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126565 in base-files "LGPL v3 is not included" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12656504:58
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ScottKprobably not until after tribe 3 releases.04:58
persiasuperm1: For now, it's probably better to just include the license.  base-files bugs tend to take a while....04:59
superm1_oh okay.  04:59
superm1_i guess they *do* affect lots of people :)04:59
persiaJust a few )04:59
hroo772hey i dont know if anyone here would be able to answer this05:00
hroo772but i have a new server which i would allow some people to build packages on05:00
hroo772is there a way to have that setup for people possibly05:00
persiahroo772: I recommend setting up an sbuild or pbuilder environment, and allowing ssh access based on some external keyring.05:03
persiahroo772: Alternately, you can configure an ftp server, set up a cron job to automatically call sbuild or pbuilder, and put the results somewhere accessible on a webserver.  It really depends on your audience.05:04
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persiahroo772: Also, I want to be able to use it :)  I'm hoping you have a different architecture than I.05:05
hroo772well i setup an amd64 server05:05
hroo772its got 2 dual core fx-74's05:06
hroo772so 4 processers overall05:06
persiaelektranox: Looking through this more carefully, you'll need to regenerate doc/gafix.pdf in the build.  Is this something you can hit quick, or do you want a patch?05:06
persiahroo772: Ah.  Not so useful for me then, but likely useful for others.05:06
DktrKranzpersia: if you want, I can give ssh access to our simple i386 build machine05:07
hroo772persia: well alright, are there any guides on getting one of those envoriments setup properly05:07
persiaDktrKranz: Access to a i386 chroot saves my configuration, so thanks.  Grab my key from LP.05:07
elektranoxpersia: I always use the gedit latex plugin for working with latex... Is there some default package for compiling it?05:07
persiahroo772: Sorry, no idea (I've never seen one).05:08
DktrKranzpersia, it is a simple one, and requires only a ssl key, do you have one?05:08
persiaelektranox: I'm not sure.  I'll hunt one, and send you a patch (unless anyone has any suggestions?)05:08
persiaDktrKranz: Yep.  ~persia on LP.05:08
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DktrKranzok. you'll have to use dput to upload, but I think you are familiar with it :)05:09
persiaDktrKranz: Ah.  ssl, rather than ssh.  Sorry., no.  Thanks anyway.05:09
=== jekil2 is now known as jekil
DktrKranzpersia: I think the one you have in your profile is sufficient, I'll do some tests05:10
DktrKranzand I let you know05:11
persiaDktrKranz: Thanks.05:11
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ScottKsuperm1_: One nit.  Which version of the LGPL is your packaging licensed under?05:12
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superm1_ScottK, by the way i wrote it, i was assuming the "current" version05:13
ScottKOK.  By the way I read it, I thought it meant any version.05:14
superm1_well better yet, I word it as  "also licensed by the GPL"  so it would assume the same version of the package05:15
superm1_er s/GPL/LGPL/05:15
ScottKIt's not a problem, but it might be better to be explicit (a thought for your next upload).05:16
superm1_right.  05:16
persiaelektranox: I can't build a pdf from that tex with either pdftex or pdflatex.  Could you take a deeper look, and try to get something working with pdflatex?  I'll take another look on REVU tomorrow.05:16
=== persia is not so strong with tex
ScottKsuperm1_: Looking now.05:17
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elektranoxpersia: I'll do so. AFAIK the gedit plugin is using pdflatex... strange that it's not working. I'll release a new upstream version and a new version in the revu later05:18
elektranoxI'm just fixing the one warning which appears when compiling.05:18
persiaelektranox: OK.  I've a couple other minor nits.  Shall I upload a new rev based on the last, and you can grab them from the debdiff?05:19
elektranoxpersia: you're talking about the dynamic pdf creation patch?05:21
persiaelektranox: No - that would take me time, and I'd need to be more awake :)  Just to fix a linda warning, and actually install the PDF.  Should be completely parallel to the stuff you've been working on.05:22
elektranoxok just upload it to the revu :)05:23
persiaelektranox: OK.  You probably don't want the whole thing, but the debdiff should be useful.05:23
ScottKsuperm1_: Uploaded.05:24
superm1_thx ScottK appreciate it05:24
ScottKsuperm1_: No problem.  Thanks for your contribution.  BTW, publisher is on manual until after Tribe 3, so it may be a bit before you see it.05:26
=== superm1_ nods
persiaelektranox: Also, you'll want an upstream ChangeLog :)05:29
elektranoxpersia: I'll write one with this version05:30
persiaelektranox: Great.  Thanks.  That plus the PDF generation should fix everything, and getting the Makefile stuff upstream should mean it's good for other distros as well.05:31
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elektranoxpersia: I'll include a fix checking the existence of the glade file05:35
persiaelektranox: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=606205:35
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persiaelektranox: That sounds good.  Anything else small is probably good.  Larger things are probably better left to your regular schedule.05:36
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ScottKdholbach: Which libhdhomerun did you upload?05:49
=== ScottK uploaded it too.
dholbachthe one that was linked in the bug report05:49
superm1ScottK, if dholbach uploaded the one with the reference to LGPL-3, it should still be okay - keescook acked  bug 126565 and it will be fixed right after tribe-305:50
dholbachlet's see which LP will reject05:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126565 in base-files "LGPL v3 is not included" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12656505:50
persiaScottK: Please update the bug when uploading upgrade requests.05:51
ScottKpersia: I marked it Fix Comitted.  What else should I have done?05:51
persiaScottK: Hm.  Nothing.05:51
persiadholbach: Please update the bug when uploading upgrade requests05:52
=== ScottK notes that trying to keep state in two places adds significant process complexity.
dholbachpersia: update in what way?05:52
=== persia dreams of that going away soon
persiadholbach: Assign yourself when reviewing, set "Fix Committed" when uploading.05:52
dholbachI did that05:52
=== persia doesn't understand
dholbachwhich one are we talking about?05:52
superm1it just looks like at the same moment both of you guys had changed it before refreshing the other's changes05:53
persiadholbach: ScottK: My apologies.  I hoped the bug would prevent conflicts, but apparently I'm mistaken.  Thanks to both of you.05:53
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=== ScottK doesn't like the idea of tracking bugs for new packages in LP so much any more.
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126420 in libhdhomerun "New upstream version" [Undecided,Fix released]  05:54
persiasuperm1: Please be sure to unassign yourself, and not leave the bug "In Progress" when requesting sponsorship.05:55
persiaScottK: Please unsub the sponsors, assign yourself, and set In Progress when you start reviewing05:55
superm1i was about to do so, when ScottK offered to revu it actually05:56
superm1and then forgot to do so05:56
persiadholbach: That's perfect.  Thanks.05:56
ScottKI really, the more I think about it, think we should either use REVU for this or give up on REVU entirely.05:56
ScottKTwo places is double the tracking work.05:56
persiaScottK: Do you have another suggestion for a good dget'ble place for contributors to put new upstreams?  pitti holds the same opinion as you regarding this, but I can't think of another good place to put the packages.05:57
ScottKNo.  My vote would be keep using REVU.05:57
persiaSeparately, I think REVU still works for NEW packages.05:58
superm1perhaps to ppa's instead?05:58
superm1and link to those05:58
persiasuperm1: Still not ready, but that's a very strong candidate.05:58
ScottKPersonally, I don't understand what problem all this change is trying to solve.05:58
persiaScottK: Part of the trick is to make sure we're providing good feedback to the original bug submitter who requested an upgrade.05:59
ScottKIf the upgrade was requested via LP, then whoever packages the upgrade should just put (LP: #whatever) in the changelog and be done with it.06:00
superm1and then not use u-u-s at all?06:00
persiaScottK: 1) Reduction of duplicated work (two people, two times, etc.), 2) Reduction of lost work (or just forgotten), 3) reduced sponsor response time, 4) Ease of access for contributors, and 5) improved Ubuntu06:00
ScottKUnless someone is going back and statusing all the please upgrade X bugs for stuff that gets autosync'ed LP will be wrong more than right no matter what we do.06:00
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=== persia thinks trying to make it more right than wrong is good, but agrees that the current model doesn't achieve that.
ScottKOK.  I don't see how double tracking in LP helps any of that.06:01
ScottKDoing/tracking work in one and only one place makes sense.06:02
ScottKUntil there is a complete solution to not use REVU, then we should use REVU and only REVU IMO.06:02
persiaScottK: I don't know about you, but I check the U-U-S queue much more often than I look at REVU, and have a different understanding of what I'm doing at the time.  If something is in queue, I'm likely to upload unless there is a significant issue.  If something is on REVU, I'm likely to nitpick about everything.06:02
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ScottKWell if it's on REVU and it's got a comment that says "Existing package, new upstream version..."  That solves that.  I find out about stuff on REVU primarily via Emali.06:03
persiaAlso, as a contributor, I found the REVU process for a new upstream very painful, and was asked to mail the diff -urN of debian/ to three different sponsors before it was uploaded (with no changes).  Using LP to track that makes it easier to get that attachment.06:04
ScottKSounds like a good feature for REVU to add.06:04
ScottKI agree that's very helpful.06:05
ScottKBut once again, IMO, double status tracking is a killer.06:05
persiaScottK: I completely agree about the double status tracking, and believe it to be very temporary, until we have somewhere else to upload things.  I encourage people to cross link URLs in the comments in both places, but that's not always enough.06:06
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ScottKI think that the process shouldn't have been changed until it didn't add to MOTU workload.06:06
=== ScottK just stops worrying about new upstream versions - too hard for now.
dholbachthere have always been bug reports about updating stuff06:08
dholbachand always been package on REVU06:08
dholbachno process has been changed06:08
dholbachwe just seem to have more contributors now and it shows that the process is broken06:09
dholbachI think that both are good things06:09
persiaMy memory of the old process (which I followed for gnome-phone-manager 0.7 or something) was that we uploaded the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, and diff -urN debian/ to the bug report, but there were complaints that the attachments were too large.06:09
ScottKOK.  I'm not a process guy.  Let me know when I can worry about one and only one place and not get beat up for not updating the other one even though I did.  06:10
persiadholbach: I'm certain there's been a process change for this :)06:10
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dholbachScottK: I'm not happy about the process situation either06:10
persiaScottK: Sure.  Sorry for the confusion in the meantime, and thanks for your patience.06:10
dholbachI fully agree with you on that06:10
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zulany progress on the sru team stuff?06:15
Hobbseesru team, or uvf?06:16
zulyeah uvf06:16
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Hobbseethere were a bunch of people who put their names in, no one's elected yet06:17
persiaAre we supposed to be voting yet, or waiting for more nominations?06:18
=== ScottK thinks nominations are still open.
Hobbseenominations should still be open06:19
dholbachyeah - let's wait until tomorrow or the day after that, then I can set up polls for all nominees06:20
dholbachI'm quite happy we got some nominations already06:20
dholbachsee you tomorrow06:20
=== highvoltage [n=jonathan@broadband-196-1-61-45.amobia.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-motu
highvoltagewhat does this mean?06:22
highvoltagedh_clean -k -i 06:22
highvoltagedh_clean: I have no package to build06:22
highvoltagemake: *** [install-indep]  Error 106:22
highvoltagedebuild: fatal error at line 768:06:22
highvoltageit builds the packages fine, but then says that06:23
superm1highvoltage, do you have any architecture independent parts to the package?06:23
superm1or are they all compiled for a particular architecture06:24
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ScottKpersia: Are you running AMD64?06:26
persiaScottK: Yep.  ClamAV backporting is far enough along you need a bunch of stuff compiled?06:26
ScottKNo.  I saw Bug #126204 and thought you might find it an interesting challenge.06:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126204 in Ubuntu "Batch jobs intermittently fail to leave "="queue when complete" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12620406:27
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eagles0513875anything i can help you guys with06:29
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highvoltagesuperm1: some are compiled for i38606:30
highvoltagesorry for delay in response06:31
superm1but you don't have any that are going into a "all" package (as  described in debian/control)?06:31
persiaScottK: That is indeed interesting.  I'll see if I can find a low-CPU test case for it.  Thanks for the pointer.06:31
ScottKYou're welcome.06:31
persiaeagles0513875: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize is a good place to start.06:32
eagles0513875ty persia06:34
eagles0513875persia: on my problem i dont even know where to begin06:34
eagles0513875i dont even know where to begin there either06:34
Hobbseepick one06:34
elektranoxis there an englisch word for this character: ^06:35
eagles0513875ok Hobbsee06:36
geserHobbsee: Hi, do you perhaps know if it's possible for a package in PPA to build-depend on another package from PPA?06:39
Hobbseegeser: that's the idea, i believe06:39
Hobbseegeser: i'm assuming it actually does06:39
=== eagles0513875 takes a look at bug list a lil flusterd and scared
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eagles0513875Hobbsee: when i pick a bug do i look at the new ones06:45
eagles0513875now that ive chosen a bug whats next lol06:47
persiaeagles0513875: Fix it :)06:51
eagles0513875i dont now jack about programming06:52
eagles0513875i will only make it worse lol06:52
xtknightwhen i want to see if a debian upstream package has the same problem, should i be going with sarge, woody, sid, etch?  im confused06:57
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LucidFoxxtknight> Ubuntu syncs packages from Debian unstable07:05
xtknightLucidFox, ScottK: thanks07:05
ScottKSid == Unstable.07:05
xtknightwhen i report the debian also, what should be in my changelog?  say the last version of the package is 0.4.8-3.  the one i report the ubuntu is 0.4.8-3ubuntu1, and the one to debian will be what, 0.4.8-4?07:05
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eagles0513875where would any mention of flac be in the amarok source07:26
xtknighteagles0513875, sorry i don't understand the question?07:26
xtknightwhich bug are you working on?07:26
eagles0513875one of my own07:29
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xtknighteagles0513875, have you reported it to LP (LaunchPad)? could you specify the number?07:29
eagles0513875no only to kde07:30
eagles0513875ever since i upgraded to kde 3.5.7 in gutsy i have all my audio in flac and amarok is version 1.4.6 and for some reason with all my audio in amarok it intermittently cuts in and out throughout all the songs07:30
eagles0513875the audio will play in exaile07:30
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xtknighteagles0513875, i believe amaroK uses the gstreamer playback engine.  does another app, such as banshee, cupid, goobox, rhythmbox, totem have the same problem?07:34
eagles0513875im using exaile the amarok knock of07:34
eagles0513875let me download them07:34
xtknightokay well exaile is gstreamer also i guess07:35
xtknightif that works and amarok doesntt, then it's an amarok specific problem07:35
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elektranoxshould I write the packages changelog into the debian/changelog or just "Initial release"07:39
eagles0513875xtknight: its workikng in banshee07:40
xtknighteagles0513875, ok can you link to the kde bug # for reference?07:40
eagles0513875ok ill make one now07:41
xtknighteagles0513875, well if you're reporting it report it to launchpad 07:41
xtknighti think they will also report it to kde if needed07:42
eagles0513875xtknight: what is the name of the gstreamer pkg07:43
xtknighteagles0513875, since other gstreamer packages works, that's not where the bug lies.  for now you should specify amarok07:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126598 in amarok "ever since i upgraded to kde 3.5.7 in gutsy i have all my audio in flac and amarok is version 1.4.6 and for some reason with all my audio in amarok it intermittently cuts in and out throughout all the songs" [Undecided,New]  07:45
eagles0513875there u go xtknight07:46
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xtknighteagles0513875,  ok you may want a more brief title such as "[gutsy]  amarok cuts out during flac playback".  you can always put more info in the description.07:47
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eagles0513875i just copied and pasted from what i had in here07:47
xtknighteagles0513875, so, you think you know how to fix this then?07:48
eagles0513875im a noob when it comes to debugging that is why i was asking if u had any idea what file in the amarok source i should look under07:48
xtknighthmm well it uses the gstreamer framework, and the flac decoding stuff is in there AFAIK07:49
xtknightit's probably a higher level problem07:49
xtknightthat happens with other files also07:49
eagles0513875i really need to learn c++ lol07:50
xtknightwell you should probably compare the feisty package to the gutsy one and see what changed.07:51
xtknightif the feisty one worked07:51
eagles0513875should i download the feisty source07:51
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eagles0513875what repository07:52
xtknighteagles0513875, goto http://packages.ubuntu.com07:52
xtknightenter Feisty, enter 'amarok' and then at the bottom of the Amarok page it provides three files you need for the source07:52
xtknightmake a new local folder and download these three files to that folder.07:52
xtknightSource Package: amarok, Download: [dsc]  [amarok_1.4.5.orig.tar.gz]  [amarok_1.4.5-0ubuntu7.diff.gz]  07:52
eagles0513875i did a clean install though07:53
eagles0513875do u mean use source o matic07:54
eagles0513875and add the repository to the list of repositories i have07:54
xtknighteagles0513875, huh?07:55
xtknighteagles0513875, hmm no no just go to that website07:55
eagles0513875the amarok website07:55
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xtknighteagles0513875, sorry, i'm going to have to reboot.  but make sure you edit the name of your bug so that it's more brief. that's  a good first step08:00
xtknighteagles0513875,  if you don't know how to fix it, that's fine.  the next step is to get others to confirm this bug.  ask around maybe, get them to add comments to LP.  that way, the bug will get more attention08:01
eagles0513875ok ive been asking round and it seems like its only me08:02
eagles0513875could it be that im running the 64bit version08:02
xtknighteagles0513875, it sure could be08:02
xtknightmaybe it only affects 64bit08:02
eagles0513875thats what im wondering08:03
eagles0513875and i forgot to mention that in the bug08:03
xtknightthat you're the only one having a problem doesn't mean there's not a bug.  it could be conflicting with some other package that you have installed, or maybe one of the components in your system doens't like amarok08:03
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eagles0513875xtknight: how could i check if there is conflicting pkgs08:03
xtknighteagles0513875,  people may stop by and see your bug report and ask you to provide details to help track down the problem.08:03
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xtknighteagles0513875, you could try playing the flac on a Gutsy LiveCD, pure clean install08:04
eagles0513875but if it works with other audio players08:04
xtknightthen yes it's a bug with amarok but you still need to find out why amarok has a problem08:04
eagles0513875one thing i can tell u for sure is that this didng hapapen in kde 3.5.608:04
xtknightyou need to isolate the problem, determine the conditions under which it occurs, and then report those conditions to the Launchpad08:05
eagles0513875only when i upgraded to 3.5.708:05
xtknightok that should be in the report08:05
xtknightsay there is no problem with 3.5.608:05
xtknightdo you know how to edit your report?08:05
xtknightok i'll be back in a while..maybe 30 mins installing new HW08:06
elektranoxnevertheless you should test it with a Gutsy Live-CD. Then you will know, that the problem occurs with default configuration08:06
eagles0513875besides that is there a command to run where i can check to see if all dependencies r met08:07
eagles0513875im going ot try compile it from source again08:09
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tuxmaniacHow do we inform/intimate Debian if a package is available in Ubuntu and not in Debian?08:10
elektranoxeagles0513875, if the dependencies of the package are not met dpkg/apt would tell you08:12
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eagles0513875ok elektranox would a log in the source folder tell u anything08:15
elektranoxeagles0513875, perhaps, but probably not because I never used Amarok, so I don't know much about it08:18
eagles0513875ill take it into the amarok channel08:18
eagles0513875anyone know much about amarok in here08:22
eagles0513875the amarok channel is dead08:22
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fernandothe archive version of straw package is 0.26.dsfg.1-2.1ubuntu1, now exists the straw 0.27. How will be the version? 0.27.dsfg.1-0ubuntu1 ?08:28
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ScottKfernando: Is it Debian yet?09:26
fernandoScottK, no09:27
ScottKOK.  Unless upstream has removed the non-free parts that caused Debian to repack the tarball, then yes.09:27
ScottKIs there any great reason not to wait for Debian on straw?09:28
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fernandoScottK, no, i can wait. thanks09:31
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xxxxx1bye all10:59
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tretle_this points to a thread originally intending to ask whether PalmOS synchronization should be replaced with Mobile phone synchronization11:11
tretle_the discussion progressed and it became clear that conduit would be a better solution for synchronization on ubuntu in the near future11:12
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tretle_it currently doesn't support mobile phones or PalmOS devices but it is built of opensync so it is in the plans for the project in the future11:13
tretle_Conduit should replace the PalmOS synchronization11:13
ajmitchyes, you were just saying this earlier in #ubuntu-devel11:13
tretle_PalmOS is as good as dead11:14
tretle_yes I was told to say it here :D11:14
ajmitchit's also not a matter of packaging new software, but getting it from debian11:14
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evandajmitch: that's my fault, I didn't see that it was already in Debian.11:15
ajmitchevand: it's only been in debian for a few days11:15
evandah, then I'm off the hook :)11:16
ajmitchbut I believe a sync request was already filed, etc11:16
ajmitchlet me check my mega-bugmail folder11:17
=== ajmitch needs to split it & clean it out one day
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xtknighti determined that a bug also affected upstream.  is this how much launchpad entry should look?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/freetennis/+bug/12649011:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126490 in freetennis "freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL" [Undecided,Fix released]  11:22
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xtknights/how much/how my*11:23
ajmitchyes, it'll be unknown until the bug watcher goes & retrieves the statuses for debian bugs again11:25
ajmitchwhen you say upstream, what do you mean?11:25
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xtknightajmitch, i mean debian sid11:26
xtknightwhat's the difference between (upstream) and (Debian) though?11:28
ScottKtretle_ and ajmitch: conduit needs evolution-python.  I asked for a sync of that, but it'll have to go through NEW first.  The first evolution-python released got rejected due to licensing issues.11:28
xtknighti notice some bugs say (upstream)?11:28
ajmitchupstream means the original author11:28
xtknightlike his sourceforge pkg?11:29
ajmitchthough we can refer to debian as 'upstream' in a sense, it's generally used to mean the origin11:29
ajmitchScottK: good to know, though I doubt I'll use it for awhile, at least until my phone becomes useful :)11:30
xtknightif you did find the origin to also have problems, how would you mark it upstream?  11:30
xtknightoh it has to be a project under launchpad apparently.  if it is not, then you can't?11:31
ajmitchthe upstream project would need to be registered in ubuntu, which is quick but irritating11:31
ajmitchtoo early in the morning11:31
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fernandohow to remove the upstream affects in launchpad?11:34
ajmitchI doubt that you can11:35
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ScottKfernando: You can't.11:44
fernandoajmitch, ScottK thanks11:44
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AndyPhey folks11:46
fernandohey AndyP 11:46
ScottKHeta welshbyte, AndyP, whoever you are...11:48
AndyPScottK: heh, it's permanently AndyP now, just have to remember to ask about getting my cloak changed11:48
ajmitchAndyP: changed your launchpad id?11:50
AndyPajmitch: my lp id was always andy-price11:51
=== alexr [n=alexr@adsl-71-134-243-65.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
alexrHi there11:54
alexrAnybody can help with resolving a gtkspell bug?11:54
alexrThe issue is present in Gutsy, but not in Debian11:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120569 in gtkspell "[gutsy]  gtkspell segfaults when trying to set the language on gtk.TextView" [High,Confirmed]  11:54
ScottKalexr: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop is one solution ;-)11:56
ScottKSorry, on my way out the door.11:56
alexrScottK: thanks, I'm a debian person11:57
alexrIt's just that I'm an upstream devel for gramps11:57
ScottKI see.11:57
alexrand this bug is crashing gramps11:57
alexrbut the bug is not gramps related11:57
ScottKRight.  I think I remember that being discussed before.11:58
alexrthe report demonstrates that grkspell module in python crashes, with the short script11:58
alexrSomehow it works fine in debian11:58
ScottKI agree that it's not gramp's fault, but OTOH, gramps shouldn't crash if a program it does misbehaves.11:58
alexrand gtkspell in debian has +b1 in its version number11:58
alexrScottK: what do you mean, should not crash?11:58
alexra statement segfaults python11:59
ScottKThat's right.11:59
alexrhow can gramps help it?11:59
alexrThe debian had this problem some time ago11:59
ScottKI expect (from my vague recollection of the discussion) that it seemed to me likely a Python 2.4/2.5 thing.11:59
alexrand their version is:11:59
alexrii  libgtkspell0                     2.0.10-3+b1                     a spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView wi11:59
alexrThe Gutsy version is 2.0.10-311:59
ScottKRight, that's just a rebuild.11:59
alexrSo I am guessing they patched it12:00
alexrWhat's the +b1 thing?12:00
ajmitchyay for binNMUs12:00
nixternalpermission to take a break?12:00
ScottKThere will be no liberty until morale improves.12:00
ajmitchalexr: binary rebuild12:00
nixternalScottK: morale around here is great, and if it isn't, make um walk the plank!12:00
alexrajmitch: I see12:01
ajmitchso, test gtkspell with gutsy, see if it breaks - if so, rebuild & test again12:01
ScottKalexr: I'd see if you can convince gtkspell to run with Python 2.5 in Debian and I predict you'll see the same.12:01
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=== nixternal heads on to the next class...back in a bit
alexrScottK: so you think this is a gtkspell issue?12:02
alexrOr a python issue?12:02
ScottKDunno.  12:02
alexrBut we need gtkspell guys to take care of that12:02
alexrI can't hack on the code I don't know :-)12:02
ScottKI'm thinking Python 2.5 + gtkspell.12:02
alexrand it's easy to demonstrate the crash12:02
ScottKBut you can at least narrow it down.12:02
alexrI guess I"ll just go to their list and yell there12:03
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ScottKCrashes on Python 2.5, doesn't crash on Pytnon 2.4 is a lot more helpful than crashes on Ubuntu, but not Debian.12:03
=== ScottK does recall a Python fix that's about to be pushed though.
dallinghamActually, this does not occur under Feisty, which is python 2.5 as well.12:03
ScottKThe Ubuntu Python will segfault if the interpreter gets called more than once.12:04
ScottKOK.  Well that helps narrow it down then.  It's probably not a Python 2.5 compatibility issue.12:04
alexrSo what do you suggest we do?12:05
dallinghampossibly pygtk? 12:05
ScottKThe other alternative is to see if you can get doko's attention as he's the Python guru for both Debian and Ubuntu.12:05
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ScottKI don't recall.  Since I just use KDE, I only expended a very limited number of brain cells on the problem.  Sorry.12:06
alexrdoko: are you around by any chance?12:06
ScottKI do have to run and play Daddy for a while, so good luck and I'll see you all later.12:06
dokoalexr: no, falling asleep. please submit a bug report, I'll look at it tomorrow12:06
alexrAlready submitted12:07
alexrdoko: how do we assign it to you?12:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120569 in gtkspell "[gutsy]  gtkspell segfaults when trying to set the language on gtk.TextView" [High,Confirmed]  12:07
dokoalexr: just subscribe me12:07
alexrwhat's your handle at launchpad?12:07
ScottKalexr: I'll do it.12:07
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