
=== doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-070-181.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
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infinitydoko: Around yet?12:10
dokoinfinity: yes, but didn't succeed with binutils yet, currently another compiler building ...12:11
infinitydoko: Kay, I have other things to work on, so I'm not blocking on you yet... Just keep me posted.12:11
infinitydoko: Obviously, this is important to some people. :)12:11
infinitydoko: And if you want to triple-check with Intel that our spec file is exactly what they want before I go and build the whole archive with it, that will cure some of my anxiety. :)12:12
dokoinfinity: we don't know that ... but I will ask ...12:13
infinitydoko: I just really, really don't want to have to dump the architecture in a week or two and build it all over again.12:17
infinitydoko: partially because it'll be a waste of time, mostly because deleting anything from launchpad is unbelievably difficult.12:18
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Mithrandirdoko: are you winning your argument with the toolchain?04:58
dokoMithrandir: well, currently experimenting with different optimization iptions ...04:59
=== tmarble [i=tmarble@nat/sun/x-3fdbd26ded2d4d8b] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
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