
hamzzzjordan_U : i only have a wireless connection which i use for the internet12:01
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thebighamhow do i install the themes i downloaded from beryl website12:01
mneptokx89x: there are no 3D drivers for Unichrome chipsets12:01
x89xi cant  change the screen refresh rate !12:01
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Still having problems? Its me who helped you days ago just on another of my many nicknames :-|12:01
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NixMananyone testing my tutorial? http://techystuff.info/?p=6412:02
mwe!fixres | x89x12:02
ubotux89x: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:02
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RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, yea allways12:02
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CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Whats up this time?12:02
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CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Did your X ever start?12:02
sixdrawhi all, i am currently hoping to upgrade my compaq pc as the motherboard, graphics card and power psu are pretty useless, i was looking at some of these AMD bundle kits that have the following components --->  AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3.0GHz Socket AM2 2MB, BOXED w/fan and an Asus M2A-VM HDMI, AMD 690G+SB600, HDMI,Socket-AM2,m-ATX,DDR2,Firewire,PCI-Ex16 motherboard. Does anybody know if there are any known compatibility issues with th12:02
sixdrawis set up?12:02
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MattJ!beryl | thebigham12:03
ubotuthebigham: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects12:03
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, i re-installed and it started fine, but as allways it started not booting12:03
Littlegatorgnontghol what was the command to format a device? >_>12:03
pharsmothanyone know why i would be getting a command not found error when im attempting to restart/start my samba server (samba is in stalled as best i can tell)12:03
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, im getting kinda sick of this12:03
aaronsixdraw: that should be fine. but use the 32bit edition of ubuntu12:03
ferret_0567How do I get xchat-gnome to automagically IDENTIFY me to NickServ?12:03
thebighamThanks MattJ12:03
thebighamtoday is my first day of using ubuntu12:03
sixdrawdoes ubuntu not support the 64 bit or is it just easier with drivers etc and wine to use 32 bit?12:03
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BashBangIa2 : try   glxinfo | grep -in yes    will let you know if you have 3d accel enabled12:03
MattJthebigham, congratulations :)12:04
thebighamthanks =)12:04
CheesyMonkeysixdraw, easier with 32bit really12:04
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MajorPayneIf I chmod 750 /etc/skel/ will home directorys created after that have 750 permissions?12:04
ferret_0567sixdraw: Ubuntu supports 64-bit, but 32-bit is a lot easier to use for newbies12:04
sixdrawbecause i have a 64 bit amd allready and use the 32 bit version for that reason but i'd like to use the full functionality12:04
RkyRaccoonbashbang, its still there12:04
ferret_0567It's a bit hard to get 32-bit programs to work12:04
sixdrawright thanks a lot12:04
ferret_0567you can do it, but it's hard12:04
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ferret_0567I'm using 64-bit right now12:05
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Ummm its a weird problem12:05
aaron32bit all the way.12:05
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Jordan_Usixdraw, It's only with proprietary apps that you have a problem12:05
BashBangRkyRaccoon : and you #commented out #load dri  #load glx  like that?12:05
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RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, would switching to kubuntu work?12:05
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, no i deleted them12:05
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Littlegatorgnontghol what was the command to format a device? >_>12:05
sixdrawand just one other thing, is there a noticeable advantage in using 64 bit over 32 apart from those issues?12:05
hobbs_how do I embed a web page in the desktop?  like active desktop in wndows12:06
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, I really doubt it, end of the day its the same OS just a different DE12:06
MajorPayneRkyRaccoon: Kubuntu still uses X.12:06
ferret_0567why is hdparm not being run as part of the system startup scripts anymore?12:06
dezhey all12:06
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ferret_0567I need it12:06
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Have you ever tried any other distros that worked?12:06
pharsmothhey dez12:06
BashBangRkyRaccoon : did you save the file like that?  Make sure they aren't back12:06
dezwhats a good bootl loader for dual booting ubuntu?12:06
ferret_0567The Linux kernel automatically disables DMA and other advanced hard drive features automatically12:06
CheesyMonkeydez, the defaukt GRUB :)12:06
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, no this is my first shot at linux.  It works great on my laptop12:06
sixdrawi read its only in applications using complicated algorithims etc. and very large files that its benifical to use 64 bit12:06
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, yea, i checked they saved12:07
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sixdrawor something along those lines12:07
dezwell the grub just auto maticly loads ubuntu12:07
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dezit doesnt give me the option to load xp12:07
BashBangRkyRaccoon : what exactly does the EE message say12:07
CheesyMonkeydez, I think, from experience of dualbooting on fedora however, you go into the menu by pressing any key i think then choose Other12:07
hobbs_dez you want to dual boot with windows?12:07
x89xdo via deltachrome people hae to choose vesa drivers ?12:08
dezyes hobbs12:08
RkyRaccoonbashbang, "(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"12:08
ferret_0567that is due to some errors, but I know that if I enable DMA, unmaskirq, and IO_Support = 32-bit with sync (mode 3) later, the system still functions fine12:08
BiteyniDoes anybody know how to mount an external HD into Ubuntu?12:08
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hobbs_dez you  installed windows first?12:08
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CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, And you deleted that Load "DRI"?12:08
ferret_0567how do I get hdparm to run automatically on bootup12:08
sixdrawif there's any developers here by the way that have contributed to the development of the latest ubuntu, what a great job ye did.. ive converted a lot of friends lately i tell you12:08
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, yea12:08
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dezwell i got two hard drives and i installed ubuntu onthe small one and xp on the big one12:08
BashBangRkyRaccoon : what type of grafics card do you have?12:08
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, ati radeon x1950pro12:09
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hobbs_dez in what order?12:09
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dezubuntu first i think12:09
ferret_0567dez: you need to install Windows first12:09
Ia2MattJ, Thanks that fixed my problem!12:09
BashBangRkyRaccoon : and what driver is it using in xorg.conf?12:09
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, fglrx12:09
dezbut i didnt have the big hard drive pluged in12:09
hobbs_dez did you have the windows one installed when you installed ubuntu?12:09
Biteyniwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,12:09
Biteyni       missing codepage or other error12:09
Biteyni       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:09
Biteyni       dmesg | tail  or so12:09
x89xvia deltachrome driverss !!12:09
Biteynianybody know what i can do?12:09
MattJIa2, great!12:10
hobbs_dez you need to re-configure grub then12:10
Biteyniexternal HD12:10
x89xits intalling vesa drivers !!12:10
hobbs_dez with the big one plugged in, but seccond in the boot order12:10
BashBangRkyRaccoon : if you aren't going to use any 3d you could just use the xfree 2d driver12:10
ferret_0567Biteyni: please, use the pastebin for anything bigger than 4 lines12:10
MattJIa2, hopefully it won't be necessary when ATI fix the problem12:10
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ferret_0567!pastebin > Biteyni12:10
Biteyniferret_0567: do you know what i can do to fix this?12:10
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, do i replace "fglrx" with "xfree"?12:10
Ia2Hope so!12:11
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ferret_0567what did you do to get that error Biteyni?12:11
timewriteranyone can help me configure penggy ?12:11
acke_i liked GPROFTPD, a pretty nice ftp server. for us n00bs.. .>D12:11
NixMancan someone test one of my tutorials to see if it is easy to follow? message me if you are interested12:11
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timewriterill check goole12:11
velkoBiteyni, somtimes a simple fsck on the external hard drive partition helps here12:11
BashBangRkyRaccoon : no, different name, I have to check what it is,  hang one sec12:11
Biteynihow to do that velkO?>12:11
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RkyRaccoonbashbang, if its vesa ive tried it many times12:11
Jordan_UNixMan, Are you writing them on the official wiki?12:12
LittlegatorI tried doing mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hda4 but it freezes at inode 2912:12
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ferret_0567can I just add "exec /etc/init.d/hdparm to /etc/rc.local to get hdparm to run at boot up time????12:12
Ia2MattJ, do you by any chance know why I would not be able to set permissions on my Hard Drives?12:12
NixManJordan_U: no, on my personal blog, is that frowned upon?12:12
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Biteynivelko: How do i do fsck?12:12
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Jordan_UNixMan, It is by me, and IMHO should be by more people.12:12
MattJIa2, which hard drives? and what file system are they?12:12
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velkoBiteyni, say your external hard drive is called /dev/hdb and has only one partition (called /dev/hdb1) formatted with ext3. you type "sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hdb1"12:12
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ferret_0567this channel is WAY too crowded12:13
Dimzhi. i was using windows and my pc turned off unexpectedly and now when i log into ubuntu my ntfs files partition doesnt mount anymore. can any1 help??12:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
velkoBiteyni, adapt this example to your actual configuration. you have to know the device name for the hdd and the partition scheme and partition types12:13
NixManJordan_U: ok, well imho it is ok, but hey what does mho matter? could you test it for me?12:13
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter12:13
Jordan_UNixMan, If you really want to help people you should contribute to wiki.ubuntu.com so people can find help easily and you instructions can be updated by others if needed12:13
cafuegoDimz: Boot windows and have it do its disk check, then boot Ubuntu.12:13
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, do you have fglrx set as driver?12:13
ferret_0567Dimz: you need to run ntfs-fix on that NTFS partition12:13
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nvidia sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031312:13
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Dimz<ferret_0567> how do i do that?12:14
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BashBangRkyRaccoon : you can try    ati    or   radeon  for driver names  not sure wich will work with your card the best12:14
Ia2MattJ, External drive12:14
Mhzhi all, I uninstalled wine using Synaptic and when I run "which wine" in a prompt it still finds something in /usr/local/bin. I guess I must have installed it at some point in time using make, now how can I uninstall it?12:14
ferret_0567what was your NTFS partition called?12:14
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Dimz<ferret_0567> Files12:14
Jordan_URkyRaccoon, I think that "ati" chooses the correct driver for your card but I may be wrong12:15
MattJIa2, ah, external drives are often formatted FAT32, which doesn't support permissions12:15
WizekDo someone know what is GRUB ERROR 21, while booting?12:15
ferret_0567um...what does the error say when you double click on it Dimz?12:15
Ia2actually it's ntfs12:15
astro76Mhz, it must actually still be there, which simply searches the path when you run it12:15
ferret_0567does it say something about "Cannot mount /dev/hdc"?12:15
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ferret_0567what does it say?12:15
Jordan_UIa2, That doesn't support UNIX permissions either12:15
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NixMan Jordan_U: ok, well imho it is ok, but hey what does mho matter?12:15
NixMan                could you test it for me?12:15
Dimzbasicly i was workin in windows n my electricity went. i turned the pc back on and into ubuntu n my partition isnt on the desktop anymore.12:15
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Jordan_UNixMan, Sure12:16
capashenoups sorry12:16
NixManJordan_U: thank you, and i may look into the wiki very soon  Jordan_U: ok, well imho it is ok, but hey what does mho matter?  could you test it for me?12:16
astro76Mhz, you can see if the package you compiled has a make uninstall12:16
r0dzillatrying to get bluetooth up and running on ubuntu12:16
NixMan Jordan_U: ok, well imho it is ok, but hey what does mho matter?12:16
NixMan                could you test it for me?12:16
Mhzastro76: that's what I figured out. I have trouble with wine and I want to reinstall it fresh, however I don't know how to clean up the mess!12:16
r0dzillawhat pin number does ubuntu use for pairing?12:16
Ia2MattJ, so shall I format using what system?12:16
astro76Mhz, you should use checkinstall when you need to build software12:16
NixManJordan_U: http://techystuff.info/?p=6412:16
getBoahi y'all....      how to upgrade the feisty fawn to the Gutsy Gibbon ???12:16
Mhzastro76: I'm not sure I still have the package from which I installed12:16
r0dzillaprevious distro I used would show a bluetooth logo on the notification area and ask for a pin number to use12:17
mweWizek: it usually means menu.lst is wrong, referencing an incorrect drive I think12:17
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astro76Mhz, well, if you installed under /usr/local/bin, and you haven't installed anything else, only wine stuff will be under /usr/local12:17
bad_cablesso, if you use ubuntu then you can just download most apps as a .deb file to your desktop and install them?12:17
r0dzillaI followed all the steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup but my phone is asking for a pin number to finish pairing12:17
bad_cableslike in DSL and Debian regular12:18
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey yes12:18
MattJIa2, ext3 is what Linux/Ubuntu use, and supports all the features12:18
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LittlegatorHow do I completely delete a partition?12:18
rocketsMattJ, well not really. you can use a bunch of other things like reiserfs12:18
astro76r0dzilla, try 0000, 1234, ...12:18
bad_cableswith a speaker magnet12:18
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rocketsmatti, and i think XFS12:18
r0dzillaastro76, yeah tried a few of those already12:18
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CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, One minute Im reading a few things about people who have had the same error :)12:19
IdleOneLittlegator, use dd man dd for info12:19
Biteynie2fsck -b 8193 <device>12:19
Biteyni So i tried doing that but the thing didn't give me permission12:19
Biteyniwhat to do know12:19
MattJrockets, Ia2 just wants to format his drive, and ext3 is perfectly adequate :)12:19
Biteyniit says to be in root?12:19
bad_cablesLittlegator: there are 2 options, 1... speaker magnet and 2... use qtparted to do it with a nice GUI12:19
Jordan_UNixMan, That is already covered on the wiki @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion12:19
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, Im not alone?!12:19
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Wizeknwe, could u check it 4 me? :) i'm a new user, and ui just installed ubuntu tu a formated hd, how can the file be wrong?12:19
IdleOneLittlegator, yeah use gparted or qtparted12:19
Cogitohi all12:19
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bad_cablesLittlegator: ever use partition majik?12:20
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Are you heck12:20
NixManJordan_U: ok, but some of my subscriers may not know that. however, i see your point, the wiki helps keep all the info in one place. however, i guess my point is generating trafic.12:20
velkobad_cables, well - yes. ubuntu like dsl is derived from debian proper. but instead of downloading deb files to your desktop and installing them is better to use a package manager like synaptic or aptitude12:20
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CheesyMonkey!paste > CheesyMonkey12:20
MattJIa2, gparted should be able to show you the drive, and let you reformat it12:20
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RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, heck?12:20
Cogito someone help me!12:20
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Ia2MattJ, Thank you I'll try that.12:20
bad_cablesLittlegator, qtparted is a really nice app to configure disk partions and format them12:20
LittlegatorOkay, let me rephrase my question. When using Gparted or even a terminal command to delete a partition, it fails and ends up temporarily resetting my partition tables.12:20
bad_cablesfor linux12:21
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Jordan_UNixMan, My point is that generating traffic at the cost of not helping your users is wrong12:21
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IdleOneCogito, with?12:21
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Cogitoi have a problem with my audio device12:21
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Wizeknwe, are u here?12:21
mweWizek: don't d_cc send me stuff. use pastebin12:21
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Cogitoon ubuntu feasty fawn12:21
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nvidia sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031312:21
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IdleOne!alsa | Cogito12:21
ubotuCogito: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:21
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, now its giving me some soft lockup error12:21
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velkoLittlegator, could it be that this is a hardware problem? if so it's best to buy a new hdd. very soon12:22
getBoa!find gutsy12:22
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Are you registered on irc?12:22
ubotuPackage/file gutsy does not exist in feisty12:22
NixManJordan_U: not helping my users? you mean the not my users. right? because i am helping my visitors, just not everyone else. well, i understand where you are coming from, and it may be the ubuntu spirit, but i live in a free country, and will continue to do so.12:22
IdleOnegetBoa, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy help12:22
Littlegatorhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30167/ How do I fix this error?12:22
CairnaHow do I turn off X Server so that I may install my nvidia driver  on dapper?12:22
bad_cablesvelco, i had a huge modification to my DSL server, but i forgot every single password and i was configing the XAMPPP by text editor12:22
gavintlgoldhi all, i have a problem with audio, when i record, the beginning and end of each recorded segment makes a popping sound. This also happens when using occasional other audio devices, when they are enabled and disabled. Is this a known problem with gstreamer?12:22
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, i should be, i think i registered the first time i installed like 7 months ago12:22
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bad_cablesvelco, i had every sound app i needed and a web server... without Jack of course because low latency would eat the server12:23
bronze-"Launching HTTP Cache Cleaner" <-- what is this? It's an application I can see is starting on the taskbar, but then it goes away.12:23
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Can you see PM?12:23
=== J420N [n=jason@pool-71-170-65-35.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cogitothank you12:23
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Jordan_UNixMan, Do what you want, but by keeping your users from the official documentation you will be hindering them and you can't possibly keep all of your instructions up to date like the wiki can12:23
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, yea12:23
=== duns_s [n=duns_s@mnhm-590c047b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
Wizekmwe, how can i use pastebin? This is the 1st time i use linux... :S and i cannot do anything... reinstall didn't help...12:23
getBoa!find repository12:23
ubotuFound: apt-rpm-repository, libapache-mod-repository12:23
RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, i responded did you not see it?12:24
IdleOne!paste | Wizek12:24
ubotuWizek: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:24
=== GeeTux [i=kevin@ip-151.net-89-2-85.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
Littlegatorhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30167/ How do I fix this error?12:24
crackermy kernel is 2.6.20-16-*  i need to update it to *-17 so that i can fwcutter.. pls tell me how12:24
CheesyMonkeyRkyRaccoon, Nope, meaning your not registered :P, nvm heres what I found....dunno if they'll be any good http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30168/12:24
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J420Ni'm using a computer12:24
=== bagualas [n=bagualas@200-203-72-149.cslce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
eboyjrIs there a high quality video of Beryl's cool stuff? ( YouTube quality is NOT very good. )12:25
bagualasHow may I change the output sound from stereo to mono?12:25
crackermy kernel is 2.6.20-16-*  i need to update it to *-17 so that i can fwcutter.. pls tell me how12:25
=== fiXXXerMet [n=kjohnson@cmu-24-35-58-145.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
MattJeboyjr, I have a video or 2, just a second12:25
CheesyMonkeyeboyjr, Beryls is old compiz-fusion is the way forward12:25
bad_cablesbagualas: get a nice mixer12:25
=== Biteyni [n=Biteyni@adsl-70-240-221-114.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
fiXXXerMetHow do I mount a W95 FAT32 partition as rw?12:25
=== ts_ [n=ts@cpc1-stkp1-0-0-cust949.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
r0dzilladoes ubuntu not have the bluetooth gnome applet?  (not the file transfer one)12:25
fiXXXerMetDoing just mount /dev/sdd1 /path/to says rw in mount, but won't let me do anything, and errors with a read-only12:26
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CheesyMonkeyeboyjr, http://fusioncast.blogspot.com/12:26
bagualasbad_cables, any recommends?12:26
bad_cables:bagualas: the sound app you are playing from might be configurable12:26
gavintlgoldwhoa, thanks for the plug Cheezymonkey12:26
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RkyRaccooncheesymonkey, im gonna do a fresh install, i may have messed something up in my tinkering and trying to fix12:26
crackermy kernel is 2.6.20-16-*  i need to update it to *-17 so that i can fwcutter.. pls tell me how12:26
=== velko [n=velko@p54BFC987.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["]
bagualasbad_cables, I'm using XMMS, but doesnt work changing to mono :\12:26
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, Welcome, its got some nice install how to down the bottom so saves explaining :)12:26
=== deltaphc [n=deltaphc@66-215-39-203.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LittlegatorHow do I fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30167/12:27
gavintlgoldif you like, please digg it12:27
Wizeknwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30169/12:27
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, I did already, jiffajaffa look i even commented it :O12:27
bad_cablesbagualas: you need 3 copper wires, and some RCA jacks to do it with a soldering iron, but you can cause phazing if you are not careful...12:27
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bad_cablesbagualas: try and find a plugin for XMMS to output to MONO12:27
EmxBAhi, may someone help me? I have a serious hardware issue12:27
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, As a suggestion, why not do a video, in the highest quality you can showing off all its features?12:27
crackermy kernel is 2.6.20-16-*  i need to update it to *-17 so that i can use fwcutter.. pls tell me how12:28
bad_cablesbagualas: if not, try a diskwriter and convert it to mono in Audacity12:28
bagualasbad_cables, all my cables are mono. I need the output to be mono. So, will not solde :D12:28
Jordan_UEmxBA, Ask your question and if someone can help they will12:28
CairnaHow do I turn off X Server so that I may install my nvidia driver  on dapper?12:28
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, Showing people its the way forward and beryl no longer supported etc =D12:28
gavintlgoldcheezymonkey: i made a low quality video with all features (on digg recently) but maybe I can do another12:28
bad_cablesbagualas: i dont understand your problem, PM me12:28
Wizekmwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30169/12:28
=== Reis_ux [n=dddddddd@20158239044.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
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Jordan_UCairna, How are you trying to install the nvidia drivers?12:28
crackermy kernel is 2.6.20-16-*  i need to update it to *-17 so that i can use fwcutter.. pls tell me how12:28
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, s :) I didnt see that, but i wasnt paying attentition then12:28
CairnaAh...through the terminal?12:28
suqzihey guys, here's my question: where should I find info for getting my laptop to see my external hard drive?12:29
Wizekmwe, are u here?12:29
EmxBAI have nvidia 6150 integrated card. It was working OK until 2 hours ago. I just couldn't boot my pc, and then I've got message that overlocking (which I haven't done) has failed. settings in bios have been reverted to default. and then, it boots sometimes, sometimes not. windows xp safe mode is ok, ubuntu recovery mode is ok, but when I started ubuntu as usually or windows12:29
Jordan_Ucracker, Why do you need to upate to use fwcutter and why can't you just apt-get upgrade?12:29
CairnaSuqzi, generally on startup you press an F# key to start up Bootmenu12:29
EmxBAI didn't work, Jordan_U12:29
Biteyni< needs help with external hard drive error12:29
=== Taffy-nay [n=chatzill@cpc2-sout4-0-0-cust910.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
CairnaIt should say early on startup12:29
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EmxBAJordan_U: the things is, screen flickrs, blinks12:29
bad_cablesbagualas: are you using a patch bay?12:29
LittlegatorHow do I fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30167/12:30
EmxBAcolours are mixed and it seems like a GPU issue12:30
crackerjordan: cuz i was trying to use bcm43xx-fmcutter for my 1390 broadcom card12:30
EmxBAbut how come safe mode works?12:30
bagualassry, didnt understand what is patch bay ;\12:30
suqziCairna, what should I look for in bootmenu?12:30
EmxBAdo I need to buy a new GPU? is the problem laying there?12:30
Jordan_Ucracker, But that shouldn't require a specific kernel12:30
fiXXXerMet/dev/sdd1 on /media/Sansa e260R type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077)      Shouldn't I be able to write to that?12:30
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Taffy-nayhey everyone, new ubuntu user with a sound issue here. anyone available to help?12:30
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Cairnasuqzi. mine says Maxtor, and the size of it12:31
CheesyMonkey!sound | Taffy-nay12:31
ubotuTaffy-nay: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:31
crackerjordan: this what it says in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty12:31
=== rockets_ is now known as rockets
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter12:31
CairnaIt should give you an option between your cd drive, hard drive, and an external hard drive12:31
Taffy-naynot quite my problem12:31
Jordan_UEmxBA, I would also do a memtest12:31
EmxBAand if memtest passes, Jordan_U ?12:31
=== CineScope [n=the_road@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
CairnaJordan, any idea how to go bout turning off X Server... Also, what the hell is it...?12:32
LittlegatorHow do I fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30167/12:32
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031312:32
=== anon_ [n=anon@host81-159-255-231.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
crackerjordan: it says *-17 kernel is req in : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty12:32
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EmxBAJordan_U: my whole pc worked 2 hrs ago, that's weird12:32
Jordan_UEmxBA, Then it is probably a GPU problem, if you have openssh server installed you can check that everything else is working without needing a monitor12:32
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vavaproductionshi every112:33
EmxBAJordan_U: I have it installed. so that would clarify that the problem is in gpu?12:33
vavaproductionswaz up12:33
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, Well i favourited it anyways, Im stupid when it comes to beryl compiz etc took me ages to find most of the beryl plugins that were like the best12:33
=== PurpZeY [n=brian@ool-45752bd0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cairnanot much, vava12:33
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vavaproductionsnot much 212:33
Jordan_UEmxBA, Boot the machine and see if you can ssh in12:33
vavaproductionsjust chillin12:33
Taffy-nayi have ubuntu running my laptop and when i plug in speakers or headphone, i get sound through both the plugged in device AND the onboard speakers12:33
gavintlgoldcheesymonkey: i should have the next ep out saturday12:33
vavaproductionsim new here12:34
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CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, Ill keep checking, Ill digg it too should you put it on there12:34
vavaproductionsCairna where u from?12:34
Jordan_Ucracker, What version of Ubuntu to you have?12:34
crackerjordan: fiesty12:34
=== sdouble [n=sdouble@12-216-125-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
gavintlgoldcheesymonkey: i may redigg it in the Linux section, since that's better than Education Videos12:34
BashBangLittlegator : you are trying to format /dev/hda4 to ext3 yes?12:34
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CairnaEngland, yes?12:35
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, I think under the linux section would be a better idea :)12:35
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crackerjordan: fiesty12:35
gavintlgoldyep, but i don't want to be called a diggspammer cheesymonkey12:35
CairnaCanada has a london too you know12:35
gavintlgoldso you can digg it for me if you want ;)12:36
vavaproductions:) yea i know12:36
vavaproductionsfunny that is12:36
dezhow do i tell grub that i got windows xp to?12:36
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031312:36
EmxBA!repeat | Skrypt12:36
ubotuSkrypt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:36
GreyscaleWhy does my machine keep locking up diskthashing?12:36
CheesyMonkeygavintlgold, I wouldnt class you as that, not for posting it twice, so long as its under the relevant section :)12:36
ryanakcahmm.. are there any advantages at running amd64 over i386? (I know about some of the proprietary software not running, I can just set up a chroot for that.)12:37
Wizekmwe, are u here?12:37
crackerjordan: i have fiesty trying to use fwcutter12:37
Jordan_Ucracker, You should be using 2.6.20 then, what does uname -r output?12:37
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SkryptEmxBa, cool? i'm asking every 5 minutes. In a room this busy, I think that's fair.12:37
kitcheryanakca: not really since many programs aren't programmed for amd64 yet12:37
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ryanakcakitche: ok12:37
crackerjordan:it shows 2.6.20-16-generic12:37
ryanakcakitche: thanks :)12:38
EmxBASkrypt: well...12:38
=== alveola_ [n=alveola@] has joined #ubuntu
GreyscaleWhy does my machine keep locking up diskthashing?12:38
gavintlgoldcheezymonkey, ok i'll redigg it, and get you the link if you want to digg too12:38
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Littlegatorbashbang: yes I am12:38
Greyscaleit just sits there12:38
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Greyscaleand thashe12:38
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=== voidmage-away [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Greyscalethe the point I can't move the cursor12:38
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlimeyPeteGreyscale: how much memory do you have?12:38
Greyscalethis is with it idling too12:38
SlimeyPetehmm, should be plenty.12:39
ThanatosDriveGoodness! I think Ubuntu is trying to double my speakers as subwoofers.12:39
crackerjordan:it shows 2.6.20-16-generic12:39
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Greyscalejust browsin' the net for an hour or so makes it go thrash12:39
ThanatosDriveHow can I stop it from doing that?12:39
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Jordan_Ucracker, Then you have 2.6.20 ( which is greater than 2.6.17, the last number doesn't matter )12:39
GreyscaleI'm removing slocate, maybe that's what its doing12:39
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GreyscaleThanatosDrive, thats usually due to them being plugged into the wrong socket :P12:39
=== disinterested [n=green@75-164-155-188.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Aeudian [n=Aeudian@c-69-250-24-154.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Taffy-nayi have ubuntu running my laptop and when i plug in speakers or headphone, i get sound through both the plugged in device AND the onboard speakers12:39
BashBangLittlegator you could try using    mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda412:39
crackerjordan:so what shud i do now i have the fwcutter and i hjave a .exe driver12:39
Greyscalewhy in gods name is slocate installed by default?12:39
crackerjordan:so what shud i do now i have the fwcutter and i hjave a .exe driver12:40
=== FusE [n=fuse@adsl-69-234-151-193.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Greyscalecracker, are you trying to install the bcm43xx drivers?12:40
ThanatosDriveGreyscale: No, the colors match, and there's even an 'Audio Out' tag next to the aqua-colored plug.12:40
Jordan_Ucracker, No need for the exe driver, just install bcm43xx-fwcutter12:40
GreyscaleStereo sound is green, usually12:40
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Greyscaleblue for rear speakers12:40
Greyscalepink for mic/sub12:40
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Jordan_Ucracker, It will automatically download the firmware you need12:41
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crackeryes i did that then.. the wifi LED still is showing that it is not working12:41
unagianyone know if its possible to sit desktop icons on the right side instead of the left?12:41
GreyscaleI have a bcm43xx... tell me if you get stuck ^_^12:41
=== AutoMatriX [n=marcus@d83-186-105-188.cust.tele2.be] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveGeryscale: I don't have a subwoofer either. But somehow it's like Bass Boost is on.12:41
Greyscalecracker, if its installed, a replug should help12:41
=== fj4 [n=frank@applwibas04-pool4-a188.applwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
Greyscaleremove it and replug it12:41
Greyscaleif its PCMICA12:41
WizekDo someone know what is GRUB ERROR 21, while booting? :-$12:41
scoobtitsanyone might know why cs1.6 locks up like 5 minutes after playing??12:41
Greyscaleor reboot if its internal12:41
GreyscaleWizek, hard disk has gone KERPOW12:41
crackeri did reboot12:42
crackerstill it is same12:42
Greyscalewhen grub has shat itself, thats usually the issue12:42
gavintlgoldCheezyMonkey: i can't redigg it, it doesn't let you12:42
FusECan someone help me. Im having trouble with my network on ubuntu feisty. When I upgraded to edgy and feisty, my network would only work when I turned off security and removed the key from the connection. Any help?12:42
=== banditti [n=banditti@63-230-200-233.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Greyscalecracker, do a bit of googling12:42
AeudianGood Evening,  I just installed ubuntu 3x and keep running into issues with network adapters not working in live cd and after install.  I keep getting "desination unreachable" when i try to ping my router/websites and i have the correct network settings?  is there a bug or anything i can do to get the machine on the network? i have tried 2 nics with same results12:42
=== Geminias [n=justin@CPE0013d4367a09-CM00159a6480b2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ThanatosDriveGreyscale: Green, yeah. Although it's a really bright green. That's not aqua?12:42
Greyscalethere was a good tutorial12:42
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Geminiasi sucked myself off today12:42
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GreyscaleGeminias, well done.12:42
stetranwill PES6 work on ubuntu?12:42
Greyscaleyou now no longer require a girlfriend12:42
FusEAeudian I think  I might have the same problem as you12:42
Greyscaleyou are now suited to nerdity12:42
WizekGreyscale, kerpow?12:42
Geminiasyou mean nudity?12:42
=== minorette [n=bubul@cal69-1-82-232-4-127.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Greyscaledisk has gone boom.12:42
unagidoes anyone know where i might start to find the answer to if switching the icons side is possible?12:43
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BashBangWizek : I think that means the root divice is gone    hd012:43
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Greyscalethats usually what it means, anyway12:43
Aeudianfuse i have no idea whats going on i see the nic and system seems it, but it just wont go out =/12:43
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WizekBashBang, do u know what to do to fix it?12:43
FusEAeudian, can you connect to the interNET?12:43
bad_cablesWebmin is awesome12:43
bruenig!ot | bad_cables12:43
ubotubad_cables: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:43
kitchebad_cables: it's also full of holes12:43
=== Busata [n=Busata@d54C4433F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Aeudianfuse, nope cant go anywhere i can only ping local machine on the ip and 12712:43
Taffy-nayis there a dedicated room where newbies have to go to get advice? :S12:44
FusEIm trying to get it fixed too12:44
bruenigTaffy-nay, this12:44
BashBangWizek : far as I can tell re-install, but I could be wrong12:44
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BashBangWizek : were you formating your disk?12:44
=== zzuh [i=huzz@auh-as17584.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
AeudianDoes anyone know, if there are any open issues with the live install cd with network adapters not working properly during and after install?12:44
Geminiaswhere can i view what programs are getting loaded at startup?  cause ubuntu fiesty takes like 30 seconds at start on a dual core 2 gig memory computer12:44
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WizekBashBang, I did it... About 5-6 times... Still jnothing12:44
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Geminiaslogging in is quick12:45
=== abritinabox [n=Neil@85-210-132-83.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Geminiasbut booting up where it has that load bar12:45
bad_cablesis it? who can notice... the 10% of elites in this room? i shouldnt care about them since i have nothing to hide on this server and besides, maybee a hacker or 23 on my system might set up an IRC server and do something constructive and maybee even protecty my system12:45
fiXXXerMetCould someone please tell me why my Sandisk Sansa 2260R is being mounted Read-Only in Ubuntu 7.04?12:45
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BashBangWizek : are you running fromt that computer now?12:45
bruenigGeminias, the kernel is initiated and modules are being probed and daemons are being run12:45
Aeudianfixxxermet, ntfs?12:45
Jordan_UAeudian, If your network adapter is not supported then it won't work in either if that is what you mean12:46
fiXXXerMetW95 Fat3212:46
Taffy-naybruenig: shocking :O i've been in for like, 2o mins, and not got any advice at all12:46
Geminiasno way to make it more efficient then?12:46
WizekBashBang, Live cd, i haven1t got any other os installed :S12:46
=== NimRod [n=nimrod@cpe-74-79-30-251.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMindkitche, webmin full of holes?12:46
=== cwgannon [n=christop@68-114-224-86.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!patience | Taffy-nay thats because everyone else in here is in the same boat as you pretty much12:46
ubotuTaffy-nay thats because everyone else in here is in the same boat as you pretty much: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:46
fiXXXerMetReading that other users are letting linux auto-mount it and it's fine.12:46
=== tretle_ [n=tretle@213-202-161-93.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
AeudianJordan_U: i have tried to onbroad with my msi 865pe neo2, which worked in ubuntu 6, and i tried a netgear fa311 and neither worked12:46
BashBangWizek : are you reformating the disks when you re-install?12:46
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bronze-What's the terminal command to mount sda2?12:47
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:47
x89xSBlive 5.1 drivers anyone ?12:47
bad_cablesbronze ... mount /dev/hda2 ?12:47
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WizekBashBang, yes i did, all the 5 times12:47
AeudianJordan_U, i think its possible kerneral issues, cause the system takes forever to boot unless i turn on irqpool,12:47
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Taffy-nayAh, i guess this is the major learning curve...asking people like myself...not easy for a switcher to get used to:P12:48
=== dsnyders [n=dsnyders@206-248-137-198.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
cwgannoni love linux12:48
BashBangWizek : k, open up a terminal and format it from there.12:48
dsnydersHi all!  How do I shut down multiple machines when my UPS signals low battery?12:48
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bruenigTaffy-nay, what is your question, I haven't seen you ask one12:49
Taffy-nayoh well, i guess i was being a bit pushy, it's not an urgent issue anyhow, i'll pop my question in the forums and wait12:49
Taffy-nayi have ubuntu running my laptop and when i plug in speakers or headphone, i get sound through both the plugged in device AND the onboard speakers12:49
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Jordan_Udsnyders, ssh in and run "shutdown -h now" as root, how to trigger that to happen I don't know12:50
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Dangeroushello dirty scum bag mother fuckers12:50
WizekBashBang, why do u think it will be sucesful, if it wasn't before?12:50
bruenigTaffy-nay, yeah that is a bit more of an advanced and very case specific issue. This channel would be better for more generalized questions such as "how do i configure such and such app" "how do I install such and such"12:50
Jordan_U!ohmy | Dangerous12:51
FalstiusTaffy-nay: are you using the snd-intel8x0 module?  You can check in the terminal with lsmod | grep snd-intel8x012:51
ubotuDangerous: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:51
BashBangWizek : the five12:51
dsnydersJordan_U, The shutdown is automatic on the machine that monitors the UPS, but I have others on the same UPS that also need to be shut down automatically.12:51
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blizzow!ohmy | Dangerous12:51
cwgannonso, say i'm on the desktop in ubuntu, what's the keyboard shortcut to bring up the dialog to restart/shut down/log off12:51
ubotuDangerous: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:51
Taffy-naylsmod | grep snd-intel8x0    gives nothing12:51
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:51
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BashBangWizek : the five previos times you tried you used the graphical installer yes?12:51
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CairnaHow do I turn off X Server so that I may install my nvidia driver  on dapper?12:52
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Jordan_Udsnyders, Is the one that monitors the UPS also *NIX ?12:52
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etankwhat is a recommended app to use for syncing and viewing synced stuff on a Treo 650?12:52
Jordan_UCairna, How are you trying to install the drivers?12:52
FalstiusTaffy-nay: okay.  I know of one issue with that module which causes strange effects.  It is definitely a soundcard and module specific problem.  Make sure to include that information when you post to the form.12:52
etanki used gnome-pilot to sync it but i dont know what to use to view the stuff that was synced12:52
WizekBashBang, and the last, i used "alternate" cd, but the same error12:53
Taffy-naythanks, i'll make sure I do12:53
CairnaJordan_U: I downloaded it off the nvidia site, ran it through terminal. It has a sort of GUI interface, and tells me to shut off X Server12:53
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Jordan_UCairna, For future reference it is generally better to use the ( albeit older ) drivers from the repositories, to restart X press ctrl+alt+backspace12:54
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liorkameri install aMSN and he want TLS MODELS where i get it ?12:54
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BashBangWizek : do you have ide or sate hard drives? what file system do you want to format the disk in, ext3, reiserfs?12:54
cwgannonso, say i'm on the desktop in ubuntu, what's the keyboard shortcut to bring up the dialog to restart/shut down/log off? (thanks in advance)12:54
Dangerouschildren kjahflers fack12:54
=== allenj [n=shahm@c-68-36-224-120.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Azzkikri don't think there's a default keyboard shortcut12:54
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cwgannonoye!  what does one use then?12:55
cwgannonthe mouse!?!?12:55
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Azzkikrer, yeah? :)12:55
cwgannonoh geez12:55
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bruenigcwgannon, or you can figure out what the command is and shortcut that command using xbindkeys (sudo apt-get install xbindkeys)12:55
Jordan_Udsnyders, You could just make a script that whenever it is told by the UPS to shut down it first ssh's into the other boxes and shuts them down12:55
cwgannonthanks both of you!12:55
mcrawforis there any ubuntu utility that could notify me of updates to ubuntu servers I maintain?12:55
=== unagi_ [n=unagi@udp178110uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
liorkameri install aMSN and he want TLS MODELS where i get it ?12:56
bad_cablescwgannon: shutdown -r -h -n now12:56
mcrawforor should I write some custom cron job?12:56
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unagi_sigh i guess hibernation will never get fixed =*(12:56
=== Rio3761 [n=steve@c-67-165-250-107.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chipito-brhello can somebody help me with internet access??? after formatting my pc (hd upgrade) and installing 7.04 (which i used before) internet stopped working... can somebody help me? thanks12:56
bruenigmcrawfor, all of your servers should have the same updates at the same time right?12:56
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031312:56
FusEDoes anyone know if a ADMtek card is supported by Feisty, IT worked for me on dapper kernel, but when I upgraded to edgy, I wasnt able to connect wirelessly without turning off network security12:56
unagi_chipito-br: what do you mean it stopped working12:56
Jkesslerdoes anyone know of a good ubuntu terminal program for connecting to a switch via com port?12:56
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mcrawforbruenig: not necessarily, they all have different packages installed12:56
bruenigmcrawfor, what do you mean notify?12:57
liorkameri install aMSN and he want TLS MODULE  where i can get it ?12:57
mcrawforan email would be fine12:57
chipito-brunagi_: dont know... lan works perfectly, but i don't have internet access no matter if i put manual ip config or dhcp12:57
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mcrawfori've just written cronjobs on debian systems to simulate an upgrade and send me the output...12:57
sm5porJkessler: Maybe minicom does the trick? I don't know your environment.12:57
mcrawforbut it seems like there could be a more elegant solution12:57
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unagi_is this on a laptop or desktop12:57
bruenigmcrawfor, yeah you are going to have to put a script together, I wrote one a while back that would list all upgrades so that I could put it in conky, apt-get --simulate upgrade is a good place to start then some grepping and awking and seding and whatnot12:58
mcrawforthey put so much time into the UI-laden, desktop-friendly update-notifier, I wondered if there wasn't something slick for sysadmins12:58
WizekBashBang, i have both, 1 ide and 1 sata, i tried install it to ide, and formated it to ext312:58
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BashBangWizek : k, are you happy with how the disk is partitioned?12:59
AyarcyI'm working on preseed files for a custom Ubuntu install CD.  I can find example preseed files but no actual official documentation of what variables d-i can use or what format they should be in.  Where can I find the official specs?  (Specifically, right now I'm looking at pkgsel/install-pattern, but this issue isn't limited to that variable.)01:00
cwgannonis there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal, and if not, what's the best way for me to set one up?  (thanks in advance)01:00
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bad_cablesSkrypt: i hate to tell you this, but sound is a black art. it may be that your soundcard is new, in that case i would try several "Live CD" distros untill you find one that can sing... then you can investigate which linux driver and how they set it up01:00
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chipito-brhello can somebody help me with internet access??? after formatting my pc (hd upgrade) and installing 7.04 (which i used before) internet stopped working... can somebody help me? thanks01:01
bad_cablesSkrypt, that mobo looks too new for me to even help you01:01
BashBangWizek : your willing to loose everything on the ide drive? you don't have any windows partitions or anything you wanna keep do you?01:01
Skryptit's a year old.01:01
Ek0nomikdoes anyone know how to fix the bug with Ubuntu server edition; on boot it hangs on "Running local boot scripts", and you have to hit enter to get to the logon prompt.01:01
SkryptMSI K8Neo01:01
SkryptMaybe older.01:01
bad_cablesa year is really new to me01:01
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jvaiany1 uses atuoscan for debian? it's a network tool (GUI)01:02
Skryptlol ok01:02
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jvaiit just crashed on me in starbucks01:02
WizekBashBang, windows is at other hd, i can plug it off, if it's nesesery01:02
bad_cablesSkrypt, dont underestimate the power of the live disk... try several knoppixes and several others too01:02
=== ch40s [n=ch40s@66-188-77-47.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bad_cablesSkrpyt, also try DynAudio01:03
WizekBashBang, my ide hd can be formated01:03
ch40sanyone else on xchat?01:03
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pramzwhats new ?01:03
radiomanxchat rocks01:03
ch40si cant even see the nicklist?01:03
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Geminia1hey dangerous you are ebeejeisjf01:03
=== mike_ [n=mike@host-70-150-88-148.gforcecable.com] has joined #ubuntu
ch40susing gnome exchat01:03
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radiomannot gnome01:03
PriceChildch40s, use xchat instead of xchat-gnome then01:03
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ch40soh ok01:04
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BashBangWizek : no that's ok, if you wanna reformat the drive just type into the console     mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda4     that's it, should reformat then you can reinstall on that drive01:04
JC_Denton_(Mono) are there any good tools for reading output from a usb device acting as a Humande Interface Device? I tried sharpUSBLib but like everyone else im have problems with read() not returning anything01:04
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mcrawforcwgannon: the keyboard shortcut preferences dialog in system preferences lets you choose one01:04
Geminia1dangerous you are ebeejeisjf01:04
liorkameri install aMSN and he want TLS MODELS where i get it ????01:04
mike_what is the best way to use kde desktop with ubuntu besides installign kubuntu as it seems very buggy (unless it's just kde that is buggy) anyone?  Thanks!01:04
Dangerousyour a dakiuleesh01:04
CairnaJordan_U, ya there perchance?01:04
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PriceChildliorkamer, install amsn from the repositories instead of compiling it yourself.01:04
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Dangerousyou scasi bagijo peacha geminias01:05
Wizekit won't do anything to my windows? there is iportant files...01:05
Jordan_UCairna, yeah01:05
PriceChildDangerous, english only.01:05
jamesOk, sorry to bother anyone. Not used Linux in ages. What's the comand to make a file executable in terminol?01:05
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BashBangWizek : oops made a mistake;   should be      mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda    not /dev/hda4    sry.01:05
Geminia1dangerous, ealif kaootosh01:05
PriceChildjames, chmod +x file01:05
=== DGtlRift [n=DGtlRift@c-71-204-24-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CairnaI tried it, a little fast, granted. Anyway, apparently it does not have anything to support my kernel. So what were you saying about the drivers that came with Ubuntu?01:05
dcordeshow can I find out which display has which identifier in order to set up xorg.conf to get two different xservers on two displays?01:05
WizekBashBang, it won't do anything to my windows? there is iportant files...01:05
=== mcrawfor [n=mcrawfor@nannou.eplt.washington.edu] has left #ubuntu ["splut"]
Jordan_UWizek, What are you trying to do? repartitioning is always a little dangerous01:05
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liorkamer<PriceChild>  ok where i get the soures ?01:06
sm5porjames: "chmod +x file" should do the trick, I suppose.01:06
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CairnaIf you're on Vista be careful about resizing, wizek01:06
chipito-brhello can somebody help me with internet access??? after formatting my pc (hd upgrade) and installing 7.04 (which i used before) internet stopped working... can somebody help me? thanks01:06
PriceChildliorkamer, sudo apt-get install amsn01:06
=== pitooow [n=pitoow@201-2-211-173.fnsce702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Wizekit is a grub error 21...01:06
Jordan_Uchipito-br, Wireless or wired?01:07
chipito-brJordan_U: wired01:07
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BashBangWizek not if you have windows on your sata drive, should show up as /dev/sda.  type  mount in the console and it will show you all your hard drives01:07
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unagi_is it possible to switch sides on the desktop the icons sit?01:07
pitooowc/nick pitoow_BRA01:07
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Jordan_Uchipito-br, What happens if you run: sudo ifup eth0 && sudo dhclient eth001:07
=== HairyRodent [n=ubuntu@c-67-172-110-5.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CairnaAnyhoo, what were ya saying about, preloaded drivers, Jordan?  I know I got Ubuntu workin' great with my last 'puter.  But twas with a FX 5500, and now a 6150 LE.01:08
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chipito-brJordan_U: nothing, lan works perfectly, just internet doesn't01:08
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Jordan_UCairna, Just that there are nvidia drivers available in the repositories that are generally easier to use and won't break whenever you upgrade your kernel01:09
jamesWhat's the gui version of sudo again?01:09
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WizekBashBang, root@ubuntu:~# mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda01:09
Wizekmke2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)01:09
WizekCould not stat /dev/hda --- No such file or directory01:09
WizekThe device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?01:09
MattJjames, gksudo01:09
jamesOh, yeh!01:09
MattJ!paste | Wizek01:09
ubotuWizek: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
hamzahey guys ...i dont get the loading screen in ubuntu when i boot....like in windows...any solution01:09
jamesThanks for all your help!01:09
BashBangWizek : yup that will do it01:09
cripplerDoes ubuntu have a auto installer so i dont have to download a 690mb zip and burn a cd. Maybe similar to debian's installer?01:09
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hamzahey guys ...i dont get the loading screen in ubuntu when i boot....like in windows...any solution01:09
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kitche!alternate | crippler this has it01:09
chipito-brJordan_U: how can i "reset" all the connections (or maybe reconpile the kernel?) it seems the system is not using/detecting DNS01:09
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Jordan_Ucrippler, You mean like Debians exe installer?01:10
WizekBashBang, it did nothing01:10
ubotucrippler this has it: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:10
WizekBashBang, only wrote that out01:10
hamzahey guys ...i dont get the loading screen in ubuntu when i boot....like in windows...any solution????01:10
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CairnaHow do I use these so called " repositories", Jordan?01:10
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Jordan_Uchipito-br, So "sudo dhclient etho" Does *not* work?01:10
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BashBangWizek : it's not suppose to say anything, try to reinstall now.01:11
chipito-brJordan_U: the commands work, but it does not solve my problem01:11
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ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:11
liorkamerits dont work..(amsn)01:11
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Jordan_Uchipito-br, If the commands "worked" then you wouldn't have a problem01:11
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chipito-brJordan_U: u know what i meant :P01:12
Dangerousis there a way to get a text boot up instead of that graphical loader that doesn't tell you sqwat about what is going on?01:12
pixelationGah, so Xubuntu has marked my whole Windows drive as read only... How do I undo this?01:12
astro76!ntfs-3g | pixelation01:12
ubotupixelation: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:12
Jordan_Uchipito-br, Yes, but I need to know if dhclient gets anything from dhcp or not, I am assuming not01:13
W_McLDangerous, edit your /boot/grub/menu.list, remove the "quiet" enry after the kernel01:13
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Dangerousthanks buddy01:13
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cripplerJordan_U, yes like debian's exe01:13
CairnaI'll be bach.01:13
W_McLthen you'll still have the bootsplash but with boot messages displayed under the progress bar01:13
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chipito-brJordan_U: yes, it gets the ip correctly ( mask ( gateway ( but internet simply dont work01:13
Jordan_U!wubi | crippler01:14
ubotucrippler: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html01:14
Marfiis there a program in ubuntu that is equivelant to ventrillo? playing WoW, and want to hear / talk. =)01:14
cripplerubotu thanks01:14
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:14
sm5porI'm trying to get a Wiretek USB to RS-232 serial cable to work under Dapper 6.06. The pl2303 driver module is loaded, but I don't get any data in or out of the serial port. How should I begin troubleshooting?01:14
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BashBangMarfi : can't use ventrilo for linux?01:16
jvaihey ppls b safe..01:16
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jvaity also01:16
hamzaim not getting the boot splash in ubuntu...please help me01:16
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hamzaim not getting the boot splash in ubuntu...please help me01:17
MarfiBashBang, is there a version of it? im trying to install it from the repositories01:17
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BashBangMarfi : yup, go to ventrilos site there's a download for linux there01:17
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cripplerlol here goes the install on my dell <33 hehe01:18
BashBanghamza : does it say anything about raid disks while your comp boots?01:18
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hamzabashbang no it say loading and turns black until i press altF2...where it says kinit no resume image found.doing normal boot..if i dont press altF2 then it takes alot of time01:20
CheesyMonkey crippler My dell install here was fine, everything worked out of the box01:20
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x89xcan anyone help me with the sound issue?01:20
x89xi cant hear any sound !01:21
hamzaany idea bashbang?01:21
Jordan_Ux89x, Is everything turned up and unmuted in alsamixer?01:21
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x89xalsamixer ?01:21
Jordan_Ux89x, run "alsamixer" from a terminal, arrow keys to move around / change volume "m" key to mute / unmute01:22
x89xall are full now01:22
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jamesYay... I've got our old Primark scanner working under Dapper... And it didn't take me all day!01:22
BashBanghamza : what does the output of    dmesg say?01:22
Jordan_Ux89x, And unmuted?01:22
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x89xjordan_U : how do i know if its muted ?01:23
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hamzaits a long list bashbang01:24
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Jordan_Ux89x, It will say "MM" at the bottom01:24
santiagoalguem por aki usa o kanguru, vodafone ou tmn?01:24
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x89xjordan_U nothing liket aht01:24
pixelationUm.. Yeah, so I mounted my windows drive.. And I need to reset permissions on the whole drive. How do I do this?01:24
santiagofiz uma aplicacao e preciso de testers01:24
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x89x Card: HDA VIA VT82xx01:25
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x89xbut mies a Creative Sbliv 5.101:25
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hamzax89x i had the same problem...sometimes on restart i dont get sound at all..then i have to restart my ubuntu01:25
Jordan_Ux89x, Does it hae a green OO at the bottom then?01:25
astro76!es | santiago01:25
ubotusantiago: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:25
skollie!pt | santiago01:25
ubotusantiago: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:25
BashBanghamza : do   dmesg | head -100    should say something at the begining01:25
jamesIs there still a way to create a launcer so a program thinks it's calling one program but actually another? fn was it?01:26
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Jordan_Ux89x, If you have multiple sound cards try the output from the other one01:26
x89xyes jordan_U01:26
x89xit has  a 0001:26
skollieastro76: was eithet one or the other, but I'm sure he got the message...01:26
sm5porAny USB/serial port/device driver troubleshooting gurus around?01:26
astro76skollie, you were right01:26
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hamzabashbang are u looking for this "[    0.000000]  Linux version 2.6.20-15-generic (root@palmer) (gcc version 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)) #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 (Ubuntu 2.6.20-15.27-generic)01:27
x89xhow do i switxh cards jordan_U01:27
skollieastro76: it was the 'uma aplicacao' that made me think it was pt01:27
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Jordan_Ux89x, Just look for any other sound outputs on your box01:27
x89xjordan_U which box ?01:28
BashBanghamza : no, looking for error messages from the kernel, if you say kinit is complaninig01:28
Jordan_Ux89x, Your computer01:28
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EADG hamza You using KDE?01:28
x89xits playing in the other port01:29
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JackCIf i have a wireless card, all set up and running with ndiswrapper, is it possible to cofigure it to act as an Access Point so other wireless devices can connect to it and use the internet?01:29
p99I tried installing ubuntu 6.06 dapper on my laptop and it says the wifi works but it won't connect01:29
vzduchhamza: you need a kernel update01:29
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hamzabashbang how abt this root=UUID=169a882a-1c2e-4121-9550-20d2e93fe956 ro quiet splash01:29
CairnaSo, how do I install my nvidia card driver using the... "repositories"?01:30
hamzaeadg wats kde01:30
pharsmothhey everyone ... im running ubuntu 7.04 clean install from yesterday, im attempting to set up a share thats read/write from the rest of the home network (im using samba, well trying to) ive got samba-common, smbclient and libsmbclient packages installed but cant seem to start the server daemon, cant install smbfs cus samba-common doesnt like it for some reason ne help would be appreciated01:30
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031301:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:30
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hamzavzduch and how to i do a kernel update...currently im updating my ubuntu..its downloading01:31
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sx66where is the abiword thesaurus? where do I find it?01:32
dissectionCan someone here help me with megahal? I installed it, when I run it, it says Unable to find the personality. How do I create it?01:32
BashBanghamza : that's just the location hd0, sounds like kinit is complaining about not being able to find hd0     tough one01:32
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p99I have ubuntu 5.10 installed how do I upgrade it?01:33
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RoC_MasterMind!upgrade > p9901:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about megahal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
hamzabashbang i get an error msg similar to this name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uiid/) trying to resume from.....then it says normal booting and boots from /dev/hda301:33
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x89xyouthere ?01:33
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Jordan_Ux89x, yES01:34
x89xi cant hear audio01:34
x89xit palyed but now it isnt01:34
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x89xfor a second.01:34
hamzaeadg wats kde01:34
x89xvery scratchy01:34
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d4rkmonkeyo_O when I saw dodo I thought it said dildo at first o_O01:34
x89xwhat do i do now ?? jordan_U01:34
dissectionAnyone? Pls help me01:34
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RoC_MasterMind!kde | hamza01:35
ubotuhamza: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.01:35
EADGhamza: KDE is a window manager, similar to Gnome. I had an idea, but it's erelavant now.01:35
x89x Card: HDA VIA VT82xx     jordan_U01:35
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JackChow do i re-add the network manager to the system tray?01:35
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dissectionAnyone here knows how to use megahal?01:35
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Jordan_Ux89x, If you want to use your other card see if it is listed in "asoundconf list"01:35
dave_whats the ubuntu channel for glx questions?01:35
BashBanghamza : how old is your install?01:35
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hamzabashbang its ubuntu 7.04...installed it couple of days ago01:36
SkryptHow do I create an actual link to the trash can on the desktop?01:36
sx66_where is the abiword thesaurus?01:36
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BashBanghamza : and the hardware is new too?01:36
hamzabashbang and im dual booting with winxp..if thats causing any problem01:36
phoenixzHow do I stop the firewall on (k)ubuntu??01:36
dave_i got a radeon 9200 i just switched from an older nvidia, and i cant get glx to work01:36
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dave_lopen: libGLcore.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:36
vzduchhamza: it should be in the updates01:36
dave_keep getting that in my xorg.0.log01:37
BashBanghamza : windows shouldn't bother it any01:37
x89xtheres a card named Live01:37
x89xhow do i choose that ?01:37
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, there is no firewall configured by default.01:37
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x89xand make it default ?01:37
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sm5porJackC: Maybe the Alacarte menu editor is what you want? Not sure if I understand your question.01:37
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Jordan_Ux89x, I don't know, if that is what you think is the card you want then yes01:37
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systemd0wnQuestion-Scripting, Is there a command i can enter in the gnome terminal that will open anther command say "ls" in a new window?01:38
BashBanghamza : the only place you usually see UUID's is in /etc/fstab01:38
x89xthats the card01:38
x89xi'm sure01:38
x89xhow do i choose it now jordan_U ?01:38
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perplejoi have a question about the live cd01:38
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hamzabashbang the hardware is quite old..p4 1.7g...recently added 256ram..total 512ram01:38
freeagyhow can i close the dvd tray with console?01:38
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elliotffreeagy, try to mount the dvd device01:39
Jordan_Ux89x, asoundconf -set-default-card <name>01:39
EADGfreeagy: eject -t01:39
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perplejocan i burn the live cd in a cd-rw?01:39
elliotfEADG, much better than mine.  :)01:39
hamzabashbang i didnt even get the graphical boot loading screen when i was installing from live cd01:39
BashBanghamza : just thinking you might have a bad sector on your disk is all, no evidence to back it up though01:39
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Frogzooperplejo: sure01:39
RoC_MasterMindperplejo, yes...CD-RW's are good!01:40
Jordan_Ux89x, actually there is no "-" before set01:40
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, So there is also no way to quickly enable and disable the firewall?01:40
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, did you ever configure a firewall?01:40
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x89xfdone jordan_U01:40
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x89xnow let me test the sound01:40
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, Yeah, using fwbuilder, nice tool!01:40
hamzabashbang is there a scan or something to check it..and i only have a 40gb hd01:40
freeagyEADG thank you. \o/01:40
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RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, you probably have to dump all the rules.01:41
ralphwhy can't i forward images in evolution?01:41
jufaey ppl01:41
yurimxpxmanwhat's a good program to use to record the audio output? (audacity doesn't seem to have that capability in linux..)01:41
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, also try that question in #linux01:41
x89xits playing :)01:41
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, and google.01:41
perplejoi tried to boot from a CD-RW but just gets skipped. I tried booting from the BIOS,choosing the cd drive and nothing, any ideas?01:41
x89xthanks jordan_U :)01:41
sm5porsystemd0wn, try "xterm /bin/ls"01:41
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, lets just say.. on Fedora I could do "service iptables stop" and thats it.. firewall: off01:41
RoC_MasterMindperplejo, use a CDR01:42
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Jordan_Ux89x, np :)01:42
perplejodid too01:42
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, service firewall start, firewall: on01:42
freeagy& the what is the open command? \o/01:42
systemd0wnsm5por, will do. thanks01:42
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BashBanghamza : what format is the disk in?  ext3, reiserfs?01:42
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RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, yeah I'm familiar with those, but not at all familiar with iptables management.01:42
Frogzoophoenixz: so submit a patch01:42
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systemd0wnsm5por, nothin :)01:42
EADGfreeagy: hehe, it's eject.   have a look at man eject for more options.01:42
x89xjordan_U how do i write on an NTFS partition using linux ? ?01:42
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, I have to say.. that "service" command in fedora really was nice.. Though I love kubuntu (sorry, Im an kde guy) I really miss that command01:43
RoC_MasterMind!ntfs-3g | x89x01:43
ubotux89x: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:43
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | x89x01:43
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x89xis it safe >>01:43
phoenixzFrogzoo, I would love to, but I am not such an expert yet..01:43
perplejoi also checked burning the right thing in the cd01:43
phoenixzFrogzoo, for now, my contribution will be the idea :)01:43
RoC_MasterMindx89x, their webpage already answers that, and yes.01:43
hamzabashbang i have no clue abt that01:43
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dissectionAnyone here knows how to use megahal?01:44
x89xdo i always have to access the terminal for the alsamixer ??01:44
sm5porsystemd0wn, the argument to xterm simply replaces the shell. /bin/ls will likely terminate immediately. You need a script that will pause or wait for keyboard input, such as more/less.01:44
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BashBanghamza : type mount into a console it will tell you01:44
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jufawho is girls01:45
p99The upgrade methods shown for breezy won't work01:45
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p99I can't upgrade the update-manager package01:45
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thebighamwats the channel for beryl questions01:45
hamzabashbang its probably ext3 /dev/sda3 on / type ext301:45
RoC_MasterMindthebigham, #beryl01:45
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cacusanybody knows anything about using GStreamer engine in Amarok under Feisty????01:46
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, service iptables stop will dump all the rules...the rules are saved in a separate file that it uses when you "start" it...01:46
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systemd0wnsm5por, ah i see what you mean, i had to run the command a couple times to see it, but say "gnome-terminal" opens (most likely processes the command) and closes very quickly.01:46
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Frogzoosystemd0wn: the term is closing cos the command has finished01:47
freeagyEADG  ok01:48
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hamzabashbang the system does boot if i don't do anything but it takes a lot of time... and the lack of boot screen makes it look very unattractive01:48
liorkameri fixed the amsn... :)01:49
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BashBanghamza : I understand, it's very ugly01:49
systemd0wnFrogzoo, ya i get it. thanks!  this might actually work out since the app im running is going to stay open until i give it some sort of quit command01:49
aaronserpentine isn't seeing my cd/dvd burner. any advice?01:49
systemd0wnsm5por, frogzoo, Thanks.01:49
sm5porsystemd0wn, maybe you can write a shell script that runs the command and pipes it through more01:49
p99When I install ubuntu 6.06 my wifi card doesn't work but if I install 5.10 the wifi card does work. I think it's cus 5.10 actually asks to cinfigure the wifi card. What should I do? I cannot do anything withough internet.01:49
pramzwhat wifi card ?01:50
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x89xhey how do i access alsamixer w/o the teminal ??01:50
p99d-link dwl-g AirPlus01:50
pramzthe gnome sound applet should be able to set the volume etc for you01:50
EADGx89x: double click your speaker icon iirc01:50
jribx89x: double click on the speaker icon in your panel01:50
BashBanghamza : try   cat /var/log/syslog | grep -in error    see if there are any error messages related to the disk01:50
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hamzabashbang during normal boot the system boots from dev/sda3......cant i tell it to boot directly from here instead of the resume thing01:51
p99D-link dwl-g630 AirPlus*01:51
systemd0wnsm5por, the idea behind this is that the command will destroy my ath0 dev then start aircrack-ng (later adding to the script variables like channel etc) since this application is going to stay running until i give it a quit command it should be fine.01:51
jribp99: why not try 7.04?01:51
p99Same thing happens01:51
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phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, Exactly.. and its an easy thing to do01:51
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pramzp99, do you remember how you got it to work in 5.10 ?01:51
p99The live cd install method doesn't have a part for configuring wifi01:52
p99I'm on 5.10 right now01:52
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jribp99: not sure then, but you should check bugs.ubuntu.com for a bug report about it and if one does not exist, file one01:52
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p99the install utility is debian style01:52
pramzp99, what does ifconfig say ? wlan0? or eth1 ? or something else for that wifi card ?01:52
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x89xhow do i get my wifi max work ?? it has a zydas driver zydas1211B01:52
hamzabashbang its only this 02:07:33 hamza-linux init: Failed to open console: Input/output error01:52
RoC_MasterMindp99, if you can, download the latest install disc.01:52
p99I downloaded 7.04 xubuntu01:53
BlackChaosi want to edit the grub boot menu but i dont know how01:53
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p99wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0F:3D:52:27:9F01:53
p99          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
p99          inet6 addr: fe80::20f:3dff:fe52:279f/64 Scope:Link01:53
p99          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:101:53
p99          RX packets:3132 errors:3 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:001:53
p99          TX packets:1560 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:001:53
p99          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100001:53
p99          RX bytes:796066 (777.4 KiB)  TX bytes:156124 (152.4 KiB)01:53
p99          Interrupt:1101:53
thebighamhow can i add beryl to the startup list, i dont wanna open it everytime i turn on the comp01:53
p99that's with it working on 5.1001:53
RoC_MasterMind!wifi x89x did you get this yet?01:53
RoC_MasterMind!pastebin p9901:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin p99 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
jribBlackChaos: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:53
RoC_MasterMind!wifi > x89x did you get this yet?01:53
BashBanghamza : it has to boot from /dev/sda3 no matter what, that's where the root file system is. kinit seems to getting confused as to getting to it01:53
systemd0wnthebigham, it has the directions on beryls site... let me see if i have a link01:54
x89xi sec01:54
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BlackChaosjrib: how do i access that01:54
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p99my bad01:54
thebighamsystemd0wn, thanks alot =)01:54
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systemd0wnthebigham, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL#Adding_Beryl_to_Session_Startup01:54
thebighamthanks again =)01:55
systemd0wnthebigham, np :)01:55
jribBlackChaos: with the command 'gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'.  You should make a backup if you aren't sure about this01:55
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x89xRoC_MasterMind how do i ge tit work ?01:56
BashBanghamza : ever try booting in failsafe mode? any different?01:56
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x89xits a zydas driver based01:56
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sm5porsystemd0wn, maybe you can tell me where I can find a howto for testing/troubleshooting device drivers? I have a USB serial port that doesn't work...01:56
hamzabashbang havnt tried that..this is where kinit tries to find resume image /dev/disk/by-uiid/21d7584d-9224-4c0a-b3be-f0ac42a0f319 sda801:56
WisdomWolfI need help01:57
WisdomWolfI just installed nvidia-glx drivers and beryl on a laptop and when I restart i get a black screen01:57
RoC_MasterMindx89x, I carefully research stuff, I have an Orinoco Silver PC Card for WiFi on my laptop, it just works when I put it in.01:57
BashBanghamza : so it does it at the grub splash screen?01:57
RoC_MasterMindWisdomWolf, did you ask on #beryl ?01:57
systemd0wnsm5por, is it a USB to Serial adapter?01:57
ThanatosDriveI just want to say all you 1000+ people in this channel helping us new-comers out: Thank you!01:57
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WisdomWolfno, cause i don't know if beryl is the problem or nvidia01:58
sm5porsystemd0wn, it's a Wiretek USB to serial port adapter, model UN8BE.01:58
x89xRoC_MasterMind i got the files01:58
WisdomWolfI would assume it's nvidia drivers cause beryl has to be started manually it doesn't start with X01:58
x89xits telling of something like compliing01:58
BashBangsm5por : i had one of those cables that had the pl2303 drivers for two years and it never worked for me, I threw it out01:58
x89xhow do i do that ?01:58
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systemd0wnsm5por, are you connecting it to anything in particular?  GPS?01:59
Op3rhello! one question whats a good music player for ubuntu?01:59
sm5porBashBang, sorry to hear that...01:59
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ThanatosDriveOp3r: The one already built-in is quite excellent.02:00
sm5porsystemd0wn, yes, a Garmin eTrex Venture actually.02:00
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dissectionAnyone here knows how to use megahal?02:00
Op3rThanatosDrive, which is rhytmbox?02:00
ThanatosDriveOp3r: Or try XMMS.02:00
WisdomWolfMasterMind do you have any suggestions?02:00
ThanatosDriveOp3r: Yes.02:00
hamzabashbang it does that after i choose the ubuntu os and then comes the black screen and i have to press altf2 and then it says starting up loading please wait02:00
systemd0wnsm5por, unplug it, and plug it back in.  then in the console type "dmesg" look at the last few lines you should see that it recognized the device and assigned the adapter something like /dev/ttyUSB002:00
BashBangsm5por there is a difference in the drivers between the pl2303 and the pl2303x you have to find out what kind of chip your cable has02:00
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BashBanghamza : k, grub is good then, see if you can boot failsafe and see if it makes any difference02:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
antitabanyone in here good with javascript? :|02:01
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phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, doh! The service command DOES exist.. its only not installed.. typing service in bash tells you exactly what you need to install to get it :) kubuntu rulez!02:02
kyjaso is there like an archive of bash scripts and clipings to add to bashrc to make a beefy terminal experiance?02:02
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hamzabashbang which item is failsafe in the boot list02:02
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Dusk_how do i uninstall flock browser??02:02
sm5porI have a /dev/ttyUSB0 device file, it appeared when I first plugged the device in. Should I repeat it?02:02
jribantitab: ##javascript is a better place02:02
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antitabI'm there02:02
jribDusk_: how did you install it?02:02
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antitabno luck02:02
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BashBanghamza : oh, it should say, maybe you don't have that02:03
Dusk_jrib, from the source02:03
hamzabachbang there is a recovery mode02:03
hamzabashbang there is a recovery mode02:03
sm5porBashBang, I'll look around about the pl2303/pl2303x difference, thanks for the hint.02:03
dissectionAnyone here who has used Megahal? Should I install the eggdrop or the one from from apt-get? I don't know the difference between the two or which of the two is better02:03
WisdomWolfcould someone at least give me some suggestion on how to go about solving this problem? I'm sure I can get to the HD with a live disk, just don't know what to do once i get there02:03
jribDusk_: so.... 'make install'?  or something else?02:03
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RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, interesting...let me know if it works as expected.02:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about basharchive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
nikitiswhat is glibc-devel called in ubuntu?02:04
jribantitab: try later there then or wait a bit.  If it's related to Ubuntu, feel free to ask here02:04
nikitisI can't compile stuff without it02:04
Dusk_jrib, oh no sorry...i remembered..from a linux installer...a bin file it was02:04
systemd0wnsm5por, no i just wanted to see that it was being recognized02:04
BashBanghamza : try it just to see if it will boot any different then restart, try to narrow down the problem a bit02:04
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jribDusk_: I see, well you have to consult the documentation for it then.  There's no way to guess what it does or if it provides some uninstall switch02:04
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WisdomWolfdid I do something to make everyone ignore me?02:04
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sm5porsystemd0wn, It appearantly is. According to modinfo, the pl2303 module has been loaded.02:05
preaction!patience | WisdomWolf02:05
ubotuWisdomWolf: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:05
jrib!please > WisdomWolf (see the private message from ubotu)02:05
hamzabashbang wats the entry to get the dhcp from the wireless network...becuz i may have to use that at startup02:05
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BashBangsm5por : prolific has some documentation on their site, rpm stuff i think but i believe it has some stuff on hard linking, and udev02:05
unagiis it possible to switch what side the desktop icons are on?02:05
WisdomWolfsorry, just had a response and then nothing...didn't mean to be rude02:06
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systemd0wnsm5por, aight. so your using gpsd?02:06
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jribDusk_: http://brentroos.com/2006/07/24/install-flock-on-ubuntu/ seems to list the commands you need to uninstall it02:06
sm5porsystemd0wn, unfortunately I have no RS-232 serial tester so I can check whether the signals are getting out, but I believe they aren't.02:06
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BashBanghamza : dhcp? you need your network address you mean?02:06
Dusk_jrib, thanks02:07
darkkishIn knoppix02:07
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darkkisher... debian02:07
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sm5porBashBang, prolific? I'll have to check that.02:07
darkkishhow do i mount my FAT32 drive to give write access?02:07
BashBanghamza : iwconfig; ifconfig ethx02:07
systemd0wnsm5por, (you did make sure that the garmin is set to use the serial port?)  you can "cat /dev/ttyUSB0" i believe02:07
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, works.. install debian-helper-scripts and "service" command is available02:07
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zangoCan I run Counter strike source on 64 bit ubuntu? via wine (or something else)02:08
spiral_shell hi can anyone help?  I am getting "greeted me with my own hostname " errors in my logs...02:08
BashBangsm5por : that's who makes the chip for that cable, if you do a lsusb it should say prolific in the name field02:08
spiral_shelland also "replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname" warnings02:08
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RoC_MasterMindzango, I don't think so, it's for 32-bit.02:08
blizzowWhat's the best way of upgrading my feisty installation to gutsy?02:08
sm5porsystemd0wn, no, I plan to use gpsbabel, but I have used minicom for testing purposes. The GPS is set to text mode, 4800 bps, and I set minicom to the same. It's silent.02:08
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, only bad thing about apt-get is that its kind of bad with conflicts and problem messages.. if there is a conflict, half of what I selected is installed, the other half is not.. and the other half I selected is no longer selected either, and if that were like 20 packages, good luck with finding out which ones I selected again.. and "There is a conflict" is also not too clear, what conflict? with what package? why?02:08
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phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, NOT that I am complaining :)02:09
x89xcan linux play xvid videos ??02:09
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phoenixzubuntu and kubuntu rule..02:09
BashBangsm5por : they have drivers as well but rpm's last time i checked02:09
PriceChildx89x, yes02:09
x89xwhich program02:09
PriceChild!mp3 | x89x02:09
zangoRoC_MasterMind, i figure: CSS runs on 64 windows fine and Linux can run 32 bit binaries....02:09
ubotux89x: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:09
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, I have to say, I have always found apt-get very smart...."There is a conflict" has never happened for me.02:09
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RoC_MasterMindzango, oh...I don't know, usually esoteric and proprietary stuff doesn't work out for 64bit people.02:09
systemd0wnsm5por, hrm. i was actually having issues with minicom and cutecom and a adapter today... but i have gotten it working many many times... so did you "cat /dev/ttyUSB0" ?02:10
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WisdomWolfzango, I would look into cedega02:10
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zoltyHi there, I am a fairly new user.  I am using a pvr 150 tv capture card and I never seen video0 appear in the dev folder, I am using 7.04 64bit02:10
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, When there is a conflict it does not give a whole lot of info about it.. actually, apt-get gives really vague errors, and adept manager only says "a conflict or something"... That could be improved I think02:10
RoC_MasterMindphoenixz, pastebin an example.02:10
phoenixz(and thats not flaming)02:10
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sm5porBashBang, I'll look at their site. Domain name?02:10
phoenixzRoC_MasterMind, well, when I encounter another conflict, I will :) ATM I have nothing to install02:10
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John`is there a way to set resolution in vlc player using terminal?02:11
systemd0wnsm5por, cat should at least tell you if anything is being sent from the GPS to the computer02:11
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BashBangsm5por : hang on a sec02:12
sm5porsystemd0wn, Hmm, "cat /dev/ttyUSB0" yields "Protocol error". Weird.02:12
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redhow do i get the newest version of open office02:13
AzMoo[w] Hey, I'm trying to get perl working with my apache server but it keeps asking me to save the file rather than displaying its output. Any ideas on how to fix that?02:13
John` is there a way to set resolution in vlc player using terminal?02:13
zoltyHi there, I am a fairly new user.  I am using a pvr 150 tv capture card and I never seen video0 appear in the dev folder, I am using 7.04 64bit.  Does anyone have any experience in this area?02:13
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BashBangsm5por : here ya go, http://www.prolific.com.tw/eng/Products-2.asp?ID=10     hope you enjoy :)02:13
systemd0wnsm5por, i wish i had my garmin around and my adapter... but can you change data rates perhaps?02:13
sm5porsystemd0wn, a few days ago I tried to reload the pl2303 module with debug=1, but I'm not sure it made any difference. Perhaps I need a reboot...02:14
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BashBangsm5por : are you connecting a phone to your cable?02:14
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systemd0wnBashBang, its a Garmin GPS --> Serial to USB adapter --> computer02:15
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GiantNoobI need some help02:15
BashBangsystemd0wn : thx02:15
systemd0wnbashbang, np02:15
systemd0wnsm5por, i suppose it wouldnt hurt to reboot.02:15
GiantNoobI installed ubuntu and i cant play DVDs now02:15
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sm5porBashBang, site bookmarked, thanks! No, I have a GPS, but I also have a modem around if necessary.02:15
jrib!dvd > GiantNoob (see the private message from ubotu)02:15
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lufisWhat's the best all-in-one printer brand for Linux? something that's guaranteed to work?02:16
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BashBangsm5por : just so you know the driver from prolific is not the same as the driver in the kernel, the kernel driver is reverse engineered02:16
jribJohn`: see http://www.videolan.org/doc/play-howto/en/ch04.html, specifically the "--width" and "--height" switches probably02:17
sm5porsystemd0wn, I'll try a reboot later if nothing easier works. This time I'll write down the steps I try on paper to remember them.02:17
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zoltyHi there, I am a fairly new user.  I am using a pvr 150 tv capture card and I never seen video0 appear in the dev folder, I am using 7.04 64bit.  Does anyone have any experience in this area?02:17
unagi_why is kde so popular?02:17
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systemd0wnsm5por, i wish i did that, i feel like most the time i try the same few things over and over again. :)  Might have found a forum where someone was having the same prob.02:17
jribunagi_: that's a question better asked in #ubuntu-offtopic02:18
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unagi_i didnt consider it to be offtopic since kde can be and usually is implemented in ubuntu jrib02:18
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jrib!away > MrTsunami (see the private message from ubotu)02:18
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sm5porBashBang, good to know. Can I determine the driver version from modinfo somehow? I see "srcversion:     DB9C92CE3A19BB36B1827F1"; tells me nothing!02:19
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astro76lufis, http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi?make=Anyone02:19
jribunagi_: I see, but #ubuntu is for ubuntu support only02:19
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lufisastro76: thanks :)02:19
BrendanMok, so rmdir doesn't work if there's stuff in a directory02:19
BrendanMwhat command can I use to delete a directory AND the stuff inside it?02:19
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systemd0wnsm5por, nevermind that forum link went no where... i will keep looking02:19
redwhats the cli for installing the newest version of openoffice02:19
jribBrendanM: rm -r02:19
unagi_anyone know if it is possible to have ubuntu arrange desktop icons on the right side of the screen?02:19
jrib!cli > BrendanM (see the private message from ubotu)02:19
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BrendanMyeah, thanks. I know what a CLI is02:20
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RoC_MasterMindred, apt-get install openoffice.org02:20
jribBrendanM: the page ubotu linked you to also contains the answer to your question as well as similar information02:20
unagi_anyone know if it is possible to add menu items to thedesktop menu?02:20
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BashBangsm5por : lsusb  may give you better details on what chip set you have exactly, to get the driver version you could try and grep /usr/src/linux for pl2303, should have the version in the top comments02:20
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zoltyHi there, I am a fairly new user.  I am using a pvr 150 tv capture card and I never seen video0 appear in the dev folder, I am using 7.04 64bit.  Everything I read says this card should be supported by the kernel, it is not a pvr1600.  Could someone please tell me what it means when i can see the device in the hardware manager but it does not show up in /dev/?02:21
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^overshard^Is there a decent tutorial for installing Beryl on a 7.04 Ubuntu system with an ATI graphics card?  The ones on the official beryl site no longer work properly.02:21
RoC_MasterMindzolty, sorry to hear....it seems the hauppage pvr150 was a crappy card...pvr-250 was what everbody bought...although that doesn't help you02:22
swiftlyI just tryed to install PokerTH 0.5 and its saying I need GLIC 2.4? I think I ound out I have a file libc-2.3.6 or something. Only new at this and need tro get the newer file? Can anyone help?02:22
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jrib^overshard^: try #ubuntu-effects for help with beryl02:22
mzanfardinoI want to maximize the performance of a server I'm installing ubuntu to.  That hardward is: quad dual-core xeon CPU with 8GB ram and ~1T RAID5 (hw) storage.  I'd like to install 32-bit ubuntu, but will it be able to address the hardware sufficiently?  My chief purpose is to host vmware server and virtualize a number of installations...02:22
RoC_MasterMind^overshard^, consider compiz-fusion02:22
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zoltyso instead of helping or just telling me what it means when it shows up in one spot but not the other, you insult my hardware choices?02:23
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BashBangzolty : did you look in /proc?02:24
RoC_MasterMindI'm saying your twice inconvenienced.02:24
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swiftlyCan anyone tell me how to get GLIBC2.4? I must have GLIBC 2.3 (only knew so...)02:25
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sm5porBashBang, lsusb says PL2303 Serial Port. I don't have sources installed, /usr/src is empty. I can find the module in my file system, though what I really want is something to tell me the exact status of what is loaded into the kernel.02:25
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sdoubleanyone know if it's possible to set numlock on by default?02:25
jribswiftly: what version of ubuntu are you using?  feisty seems to have 2.502:25
zoltybash, just checked also no video0 in there02:25
nikitisWhat is the OpenGL Header package called?02:25
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GiantNoobanyone know how to change my reselution higher than 2024 bye 768?02:25
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swiftlyjrib: picked up an old DVD the other day and havent looked back. Would'nt know02:26
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BashBangsm5por : lsmod | grep -in pl230302:26
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jrib!version > swiftly (see the private message from ubotu)02:26
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swiftlyjrib: it be dapper02:28
sm5porBashBang, done that, it gives module names, sizes and dependencies (pl2303, usbserial, usbcore). Maybe I don't need more.02:28
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Krumarhey, if i install ubuntu on a computer right now, and leave a partition free on it for a windows install later on, how will grub handle it?02:28
Frogzoosdouble: look in keyboard preferences02:28
BashBangzolty : check   dmesg   /var/log/Xorg.0.log      see if any thing is seeing it02:28
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wolflordHowdy all02:29
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sdoublehaha, thanks Frogzoo.  I expected it to be more difficult that that.  =P02:29
wolflordhow do you check to see if samba has been installed ??02:29
scoobtitswhats the command to brign up the wine configuration???02:29
RoC_MasterMindKrumar, yes grub will handle it.02:29
RoC_MasterMind!dual-boot > Krumar02:29
astro76Krumar, windows will overwrite the mbr and you will have to recover grub: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:29
Krumarthank you RoC_MasterMind02:30
|thunderOffTopic: can anyone remember which torrent site got served with papers saying that HAD TO KEEP ALL RECORDS? was it torrentreactor ?02:30
scoobtitshow do i bring up the wine configuration..>??/02:30
Krumarah, astro76 , i had a feeling windows would over write it02:30
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jribswiftly: you should upgrade to feisty fawn 7.04 if you want more recent software02:30
Frogzooscoobtits: winecfg02:30
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jrib|thunder: #ubuntu-offtopic is for offtopic :)02:30
scoobtitsFrogzoo:thnx bud02:30
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wolflordhow do you check to see if samba has been installed ??02:31
swiftlyjrib: is it possible to keep all my other software still?02:31
sm5porBashBang, what bothers me is that I reloaded pl2303 with debug=1, but I don't see whether it had any effect.02:31
RoC_MasterMind|thunder, it doesn't matter.02:31
BashBangsm5por  you have to apt-get --install the kernel source, that's why /usr/src is empty.02:31
swiftlyand all my odocs etc?02:31
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jribswiftly: sure you can upgrade from dapper to edgy and then to feisty using the package manager.  Let me send you the instructions02:31
jrib!upgrade > swiftly (see the private message from ubotu)02:31
elpargohi, has happen to anyone, I installed vmware and now networkmanager is not getting my DHCP settings right, I assume there is some conflict with the virtual devices02:32
BashBangsm5por : I'll tell you every thing I can about it, but be warned your on a hellish nightmare of a trip trying to get that thing going.02:32
unagi_anyone know if it is possible to have ubuntu arrange desktop icons on the right side of the screen?02:32
swiftlythanks jrib... should be able to get this going now...02:32
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elpargoswiftly I did that at work, it worked just fine, although it did took some time.02:33
systemd0wnsm5por, you mind letting me know if you get this working?  Like i said i was having problems with an adapter today so perhaps its the same thing.02:33
BashBangsm5por : I tried for two years and then trashed the damned thing02:33
elpargoswiftly, although if you do have a data partition I recommend a reinstall (download wise is less data)02:33
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sm5porBashBang, I appreciate your help and warnings, but I think I need a pause right now to consider my options.02:33
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sdoubleanyone get the radeon driver to work on a 9800 pro?  My glxinfo says direct rendering: No  Just wondering if it's supported or not.  I've seen it listed as "experimental"02:33
scoobtitshow do you change disks in wine, when installing off discs, whats the command>>>????02:33
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BashBangsm5por : the only other place i can think of to look is on the gentoo forums, they are the best, alot of smart people there, some dumb ones too though  :)02:35
sm5porsystemd0wn, I'll let you know if you tell me where I should send it. I'm not a regular IRC user, I installed xchat just to ask this question.02:35
elpargodoes "mark for complete removal" in aptitude == --purge in apt?02:35
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PriceChildelpargo, yes02:35
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systemd0wnsm5por, thanks, i can send you some ideas if i figure it out tomorrow at work.02:36
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FusEskollie you there?02:37
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skollieFuse: yes02:37
PriceChild!away > BashBangZZZZZ02:37
systemd0wnsm5por, if you want to send me an email or something02:37
FusEIm attempting to use ndiswrapper, but when I type iwconfig, my eth1 connection says "Access Point: not associated"02:37
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skollieFusE: did everything go Ok with the install of ndiswraper?02:38
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unagii hate admitting that i may want something thats impossible to do in linux02:38
FusEyeh, my driver is installed02:38
mo0osahI need to execute certain commands in the terminal, how do i make them execute everytime kde starts?02:38
unagimo0osah: system > administration > sessions02:38
unagier preferences mo0osah02:39
skollieand is eth1 or wlan0 enabled on start-up?02:39
astro76that's gnome though02:39
FusEeth1 is02:39
unagikde doesnt have a similar app?02:39
astro76mo0osah, I think there's an AutoStart directory somewhere in your home02:39
unagikde is weird man02:39
sm5porsystemd0wn, thanks for the advice (and BashBang too, but he's gone asleep I think). I'll send you a note just to recap.02:39
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skolliewhat happens when you restart it i.e. disable and enable?02:39
systemd0wnsm5por, np and thank for the recap.02:40
mo0osahastro76:  its ~/.kde/Autostart .... but doesnt seem to be working02:40
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mneptokmo0osah: have you asked in #kubuntu ?02:40
mo0osahno one seems to be alive there02:40
mo0osahi asked02:40
jribmo0osah: you try ~/.config/autostart/  ?02:40
mneptokmo0osah: ah, i see you have.02:40
FusEskollie, what is wmaster0, it says roaming mode nabled under wmaster002:41
sm5porsystemd0wn, thanks, we'll hear from each other I think!02:41
astro76mo0osah, does your script work when you run it manually?02:41
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unagisigh.....even if it requiers shell scripting....does anyone know if its possible to have the desktop icons sit on the right side of the desktop or add 'clean up by type' to the desktop menu?02:41
mo0osahastro76:  it's for wacom mouse scroll fix02:41
skollieFusE: no idea, sorry02:41
FusEnothing happens when I restar tit02:41
jribmo0osah: did you test it with an app like 'kate' or something?02:41
FusEIt just shows the two computers overlapped, and wher my strength icon would be, its yellow02:42
mo0osahi just typed those commands in the terminal and they work02:42
mo0osahso i put them in a file02:42
FusEpackets are being sent, but not receieved02:42
kersincalguna sala en espaol02:42
rolfen!ex | kersinc02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
PriceChild!es | kersinc02:42
jrib!es | kersinc02:42
ubotukersinc: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:42
phrozen_onewhats ip aliasing for?02:42
ferret_0567How do I compile a official (from kernel.org) 2.6.21 kernel on your non-standard Ubuntu Linux?02:42
PriceChild!kernel | ferret_056702:42
ubotuferret_0567: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:42
PriceChildferret_0567, "Don't"02:42
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calcferret_0567: you can compile it like any other dist... but it is recommended you don't02:43
wert613heya PriceChild =D02:43
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PriceChildferret_0567, there is no real reason.... why do you want to?02:43
ferret_0567All I want is a package02:43
calcferret_0567: even linus doesn't recommend using vanilla kernels02:43
jribmo0osah: do you have a shebang line at the top of the file and does it have executable permissions?02:43
ferret_0567weird errors in my dmesg about hard drives02:43
skollieFusE: that means it's not connecting to your router02:43
calcferret_0567: linus considers it distributions job to make kernels usable for users02:43
ferret_0567and cd drives02:43
PriceChildferret_0567, higher version numbers do not mean better.02:43
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mo0osahjrib: shebang line?02:43
FusEIve checked the configuration, my key and ssid is correct02:43
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FusEI used windows today02:43
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jribmo0osah: like:   #!/bin/sh02:43
mo0osahyea i did chmod +x .....02:43
ferret_0567PriceChild: a lot has changed from 2.6.20 and 2.6.2102:44
PriceChildferret_0567, and most was backported02:44
skollieFusE: try to re-enter the key02:44
FusEskollie, is essid the same as ssid02:44
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ferret_0567I don't really care if higher version numbers don't mean better02:44
ferret_0567I just want to try making a newer kernel and see if it fixes my issue02:44
mo0osahjrib: yes... here are the contents of the file02:44
mo0osahxsetwacom set cursor RelWDn 402:44
mo0osahxsetwacom set cursor RelWUp 502:44
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skollieFusE: uhm, I think so yes. Sorry - it's nearly 3 am here and I'm a little brain dead02:45
ferret_0567when you have lot's of errors about ide bus resets and all kinds of weird crud like that, you will understand02:45
jribmo0osah: and running  ~/.kde/Autostart/NameOfFile  or  ~/.config/autostart/NameOfFile  works?02:45
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mneptokmo0osah: #!/bin/bash and set the executable bit02:45
banlieuedoes anyone know how to change the knotes tray icon?02:46
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mo0osahi don't have autostart directory in /.config02:46
mo0osahjrib: create one?02:46
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jribmo0osah: yeah, try that02:46
FusEskollie, my router says SES Inactive >.<02:46
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skollieFusE: what is SES?02:47
FusEnot sure02:47
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jribmo0osah: I don't use kde, but it works in GNOME and it's part of the free desktop spec, so it's worth a try02:47
mo0osahlet me restart X02:47
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cripplerI am trying to get my favrite game, Couter-Strike, working... How should I go by doing this? I heatr WINE is a good program.02:48
FusEWho knows what SES means02:48
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DJ_DanniIt is 87 Update here. Is it safe to Update?02:48
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TorahteenI'm trying to get wireless on my laptop working02:49
ferret_0567PriceChild: do you get it jnow?02:49
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TorahteenI went through the steps in this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22520602:49
ferret_0567if not, one more look should fix you02:49
DJ_DanniHey i have 87 Update's waiting for me is it safe to Update them?02:49
skollieFusE: SES could mean Session, but different routers use different terminology, so I'm not sure02:50
TorahteenI get to the point where I plug in my device, and he mentions that the light should start blinking no later than 3 seconds afterward02:50
jribDJ_Danni: it should be as long as you are using official repositories02:50
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TorahteenMine doesn't blink, it just stays as a solid green light02:50
ferret_0567it's a horror book :)02:50
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DJ_DanniI was just seting up Ubuntu 7.04 today02:50
mo0osahjrib: doesn't seem to work02:50
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DJ_Dannijrib I was just seting up Ubuntu 7.04 today02:51
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jribmo0osah: ok, when you type in a terminal:  ~/.config/autostart/NameOfYourScript.sh    does it do what you want?02:51
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jribDJ_Danni: then you should be ok02:51
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mo0osahlet me try that02:51
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Yakubovichhas anyone installed the new avant window navigator SVN ?02:52
cripplerI am trying to get my favrite game, Couter-Strike, working... How should I go by doing this? I hear WINE is a good program.02:52
DJ_Dannijrib i see update's are ready at the top Right.02:52
DJ_Danniits Update Icon02:52
jribDJ_Danni: yep, that's normal02:52
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DJ_DanniThang oyu werry m,utch02:52
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TorahteenAnyone have any idea?02:53
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JBHIs there an equivalent to a global login script (e.g. Samba) for workstations to connect via nfs to a server?02:53
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FusEskollie, what if I used roaming mode02:54
Yakubovich &02:54
wizekHi everyone! Are there anyone here, who knows how to solve GRUB ERROR 21 while boot? I have JMicron Raid chip, if this is important...02:54
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mo0osahjrib: it says : bash: .xsetwacomrc: command not found   (.xsetwacomrc) is the name of the file.02:55
__mikemWhy is beryl being retarded. The window border won't show up02:55
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skollieFusE: probably will not help if you cannot connect to your router to begin with02:55
skollieFusE: does your wirless device see your router?02:55
mneptokmo0osah: #!/bin/bash, cd in the first line, and set the executable bit02:56
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Haveki need help with my resolution, my moniter is 1440x900 when i put it on this the screen sides are distored begin a copy of the other side, how to fix?02:56
mo0osahmneptok: that is the first line of the file .... if that's what you mean02:56
FusEskollie, wher do I check that02:56
wizekHi everyone! Are there anyone here, who knows how to solve GRUB ERROR 21 while boot? I have JMicron Raid chip, if this is important...02:57
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mo0osahmneptok: actually its #!/bin/sh .... should i change it?02:57
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mrsnowizek are you using feisty? what motherboard please02:57
skollieFusE: when you search for wireless connections, does it detect your router?02:57
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JBHI have an IPod video, and I've tried using both gtkpod and Amarok to play music (most imported from .mp3s to the IPod).  However, I get an error that the files can't be played.  Is there a codecs I can get that supports playing music from the IPod?02:58
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wizekmrsno, Yes I'm. ASUS P5B Plus.02:59
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GiantNoobHi, i need help02:59
mrsnowizek as you suspect its the jmicron controller at work02:59
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wizekmrsno, no! P5P-E02:59
mneptokmo0osah: use bash02:59
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mrsnogrub error 21 is it cannot find the disk02:59
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skollieJBH: Can you play mp3's from your harddisk?02:59
GiantNoobI cant make my reselution hifher than 1024 bye 75802:59
JBHSkollie, yes.02:59
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wizekmrsno, how to solve?03:00
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mrsnowizek many problems have been solved with a bios update for your motherboard, unfortunately03:00
skollieJBH: then you should not need additional codes. Does your ipod show up as a device in amarok?03:00
scoobtitshey guys how do you install a program with discs in wine, liek changing the disks03:00
mo0osahmneptok: k, let me restart x03:00
mrsnowizek if that is possible i would start with that, then check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support for other workarounds (shouldn't be needed on feisty however)03:00
GiantNoobanyone wana help me?03:00
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wizekmrsno, why unfortunately?  O.o03:01
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scoobtitswhat giant noob?03:01
mrsnowizek updating the bios of the motherboard is not for the faint of heart :-)03:01
scoobtitswhats ur prob03:01
BashBangwizek : how did you make out with your install?03:01
PriceChild!fixres | GiantNoob03:01
ubotuGiantNoob: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:01
JBHSkollie, It does in Amarok, and I can actually see the files, but when I try to play them, I get an error that it cannot play the files.  Gtkpod doesn't recognize the IPod at all03:01
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skollieJBH: are you sure the files are not in the m4a format?03:02
Mac1016anyone have experience with the enlightenment window manager installed on ubuntu?  I pulled from the elbuntu repo designed for ubuntu but I can't play dvd's even though I installed the codecs under gnome?  Do I need to reinstall them?03:02
nikitisAnyone know what that key mapping program is that when you push a key, it gives you a hex value?03:02
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nikitisTo help with mapping keys03:02
hamzabashbang u there03:02
BashBanghamza : yup03:03
GiantNoobwhats the best dvd player?03:03
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wizekmrsno, Can i update bios from Live cd? i don't have os installed03:03
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:03
kevinl--GiantNoob: i prefer videolan . the command is vlc03:03
JBHSkollie:  I'm pretty sure they are .mp3 unless the IPod converted them during the import process.03:03
wizekBashBang, Didn't work...03:03
wizekBashBang, the same...03:03
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GiantNoobkevinl--:  the command?03:03
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BashBangwizek : sry to hear03:03
skollieJBH: what did you use to copy the files onto the ipod?03:03
hamzabashbang do u know a good network software that will manage my wireless network automatically..because i have to type sudo dhclient ra1 everytime i start03:03
mrsnowizek yes, http://www.hermann-uwe.de/blog/flashing-a-bios-the-linux-way-tm-using-flashrom should work from the livecd note: i haven't tried it myself03:03
John`how do you change screen resolution of vlc player using terminal?03:03
nikitisAnyone know the name of the keymapping program in linux that is used in terminal?03:03
kevinl--apt-get install videolan,  and apt-get install libdvdcss203:04
JBHSkollie, originally ITunes from Windows XP03:04
BashBanghamza : network manager03:04
kevinl--you might need find a custom repository for libdvdcss203:04
x89xcan anyone help me ?03:04
TorahteenAfter trying to set up my wireless, I had no luck. Someone said to run iwconfig, so I did. Only 2 cards are shown, lo and eth0, both saying no wireless extensions. I was told that a 3rd card would show if it had worked. Any ideas as to what I might've done wrong?03:04
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mneptokJBH: iTunes encodes as AAC by default, not MP303:04
hamzabashbang but thats already installed and its no good...doesnt connect to my wireless network automatically03:04
kevinl--which you can find by googling and add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list03:04
wizekmrsno, Did u have the same problem?03:04
JBHmneptok, is there a place to download that codecs?03:05
dabaRnikitis: maybe google has a table for you.03:05
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nikitisdabaR, no luck03:05
dabaRnikitis: of hex ascii values03:05
mrsnowizek no i use amd64 but it was a _very_ common problem earlier in the year/last year with core 2 duo motherboards that use jmicron03:05
mneptokJBH: the option to install AAC/MP4 support should be offered when you double-click a file03:05
GiantNoobHow do i get my dvd to work?03:05
TorahteenDoes nobody know?03:05
BashBanghamza : did you go through the create new wireless network wizard?03:05
IdleOne!seveas | hamza03:05
ubotuhamza: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:05
nikitislike you push a button and the kernel hex value of that key comes out03:05
nikitisfor use with developing key maps03:05
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unagianyone know any good 3d camera tracking programs for linux?03:06
skollieJBH: It should not have converted the files if they were originally in mp3 format. Can you copy mp3's from your HD to the ipod?03:06
cm_rafhelo, I got a problem...I need to installl ubuntu-desktop, but I don't have internet, the only way to connect to internet is thru a browser, how can I install gnome in a PC without internet?03:06
x89xanyone can help ?03:06
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dabaRnikitis: http://game-editor.com/tutorials/images/ascii.jpg how is that?03:06
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Torahteencm_raf, you can connect through a browser?03:06
TorahteenIf so, you have internet, I'm not sure what the question is03:06
hamzabashbang no the network was visible already03:06
kitchecm_raf: well what did you use to install since it's on the install cd03:06
JBHSkollie, I can copy them down.  I have done so once before (it was a pain because there were not names to the files, only random letters), and they were mp3s03:06
jribcm_raf: what disk do you have?03:06
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scoobtitswhat's the command to switch disc if your installing through wine.03:06
x89xcan anyone help me >>>>????03:07
nikitisdabaR, this program i'm reffering to is an active program that shows other values, I guess it's not hex03:07
BashBanghamza : does the network manager applet start at boot?03:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:07
mneptokx89x: please stop repeating03:07
kitchescoobtits: you have to setup a var depedns on the installer though03:07
hamzabashbang yes it does03:07
scoobtitskitche, whats a var?03:07
x89xso why doesnt anyone help ? mneptok ?03:07
nikitisit maps keys other than just keyboard, and mouse.  It does things like joysticks too03:07
dabaRx89x: help with what?03:07
JBHTorahteen, what sort of wireless card do you hae?03:07
JBHhave rather03:07
mneptokx89x: maybe no one knows the answer.03:07
kitchescoobtits: I know for UT2k4 you need a SETUP_CDROM var for your shell for it to noitce that there's more then one cd03:07
cm_rafTorahteen, no, I can't connect through a browser 'cause i don't have internet03:07
x89xi havent asked yet mneptok03:08
x89xi'll ask noy mneptok03:08
dabaRx89x: ask now03:08
BashBanghamza : do you have key ring manager installed?03:08
skollieJBH: most strange. Usually when amarok cannot play a file it has to do with unsupported formats and/or codecs not installed. In your case, this does not seem to be the problem, right?03:08
cm_rafkitche, jrib: I'm using Ubuntu server 7.0403:08
hamzabashbang no wats that03:08
x89xi have a /media folder with 10 GB free03:08
dabaRx89x: that was raelly cute.03:08
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TorahteenJBH, I have a linksys USB Wireless-G USB Network Adapter with Speedboost03:08
x89xi cant copy anthing to it mneptok ?03:08
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JBHSkollie, it would seem that it should play mp3, I just didn't know if there were some special case(s) for IPod.03:09
x89xsays permission denied mneptok !03:09
cm_rafTorahteen, kitche, jrib: The only way to connect to internet is through browser, I'm in a hotel and they require an ID to allow access to internet...03:09
Vsop_vsophey folks..03:09
x89xcan i shift the space to a drive ?03:09
mneptokx89x: i don't help people that repeat. if you want my help, follow channel guidelines to get it.03:09
W_McLx89x, /media is a directory where other drives are mounted into03:09
skollieJBH: Nope. If it's mp3 and your ipod is correctly detected in amarok, there should be no problem03:09
dabaRx89x: do you know how to open a terminal?03:09
BashBanghamza : look in system/administration   see if it is there, your wireless ssid and pass words should be there under one pass word03:09
kitchecm_raf: you can't due much unless you have a desktop cd laying near you03:09
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x89xya dabaR03:10
W_McLit's ok that you don't have write permissions there03:10
unagianyone here an animator or compositor?03:10
JBHTorahteen, have you looked at ndsiwrapper?  Many of the Linksys devices use a Broadcom 43xx chipset, although the USB part adds another dimension to your issue.03:10
dabaRx89x: open one, please. DO you know how to run commands?03:10
TorahteenJBH, I'm using ndiswrapper ATM03:10
skollieJBH: when you first tried to play mp3 in amarok, did it ask if you wanted to install additional codecs?03:10
cm_rafkitche: what can I do when I get a desktop CD?03:10
John`anyone here use vlc player?03:10
x89xdabaR. i want to shift the space03:10
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JBHSkollie, *sigh* I was afraid of that answer :-)03:11
TorahteenI'm using that tutorial03:11
Vsop_vsophave a ati radeon  X1400  looking for the ati cmd for the driver03:11
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kitchecm_raf: you can make the cd act like a repo03:11
hamzabashbang my network doesnt have any password or ecryptions03:11
dabaRx89x: good, so you are familiar with the concept. So, please run sudo fdisk -l, and also run ls -ld /media, and ls -l /media03:11
scoobtitsuse the drive flgrx03:11
logreevalis "network-admin" the only network manager?03:11
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BashBanghamza : it's wireless no?03:11
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dabaRx89x: once you get the output, please use a http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org page to post it to the Web, and give us a URL, we will read, and let you know what to do.03:11
mongolaianyone here use enlightenment DR17 aka e17?03:11
John`Vsop_vsop: try the open source driver first03:12
JasonJhow do i start xvnc server at startup?03:12
skollieJBH: see my subsequent question about installing additional codecs when first playing mp3's in amarok03:12
Vsop_vsopScoobits :aok will that stop the flicker in of the screen when i move a page?? like the Rez is off03:12
kitchemongolai: I use it on and off03:12
Haveki need help with my resolution, my moniter is 1440x900 when i put it on this the screen sides are distored begin a copy of the other side, how to fix?03:12
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cm_rafkitchie: how can I do that, can you help me, please?03:12
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mongolaikitche, did you install with apt, or build from cvs?03:12
LeviathanCan anybody enlighten me on an issue with the install CD hanging when it tries to configure network interfaces? bcm43xx_microcode5.fw error?03:12
kitchemongolai: from cvs that is the only way really03:12
Nil_does anybody know how to remove a preferred network from nm ?03:12
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TorahteenHas anyone else been able to install a Linksys USB adapter and get it working?03:13
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JBHSkollie, no it didn't03:13
koisoooohi there03:13
John`Vsop_vsop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver#head-f0fad08b3609f1fb7e5e654dd77faf80fbf8457603:13
mongolaikitche, ok thanks. I tried using some old e17 .debs, but nothing was really a go03:13
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hamzabashbang i connect to a router03:13
koisoooowin4lin vs. vmware. what's faster and better?03:13
Vsop_vsopScoobtits:  where do i get that?.. whats the entry?03:13
kitchemongolai: e17 is not in ubuntu and I know how to compile so I did it that way but there is a script on the forums to get e17 automaticallu installed and such03:13
RoC_MasterMindkoisoooo, vmware is good.03:13
skollieJBH: which distro are you running?03:13
BashBanghamza : me too03:13
JasonJvnc4server :1 yields "New 'linuxmce:1 (jason)' desktop is linuxmce:1" but i can't connect to it. wtf?03:14
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koisooooRoC_MasterMind im using vmware and it's working fine. i was just wondering if win4lin could be better03:14
Nil_I once connected to a WiFi network and now it's always connecting to that network in the first place, i always have to choose the network i want it to connect to after it connects to the first network03:14
mongolaikitche, yea, I think I saw that. I think I'll just go the old-fashioned way!03:14
sdoublewhat driver do you guys recommend for using an ati 9800 pro?03:14
JBH/tell trahteen sorry, I'm not much help there.  I ended up having to use a hack of sorts for my Broadcom 43xx chipset with native-hacked drivers.  Ndiswrapper wouldn't work for me.03:14
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JBHSkollie, Feisty03:15
IdleOneJBH, the command is /msg to send privately03:15
skollieJBH - just a sec03:15
JasonJdoes anyone know how to use vnc?03:15
BashBanghamza : you can do it the harder way03:15
JBHlol, I mixed up my WoW syntax03:15
x89xyou there03:15
W_McLx89x, can you also post the output of the command mount?03:15
=== gumbyp00p [n=gman@CPE00138fe5b02c-CM00137187b87c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
hamzabashbang wats that03:16
JBH/skollie Ok03:16
skollieJBH: do you have libxine1-ffmpeg installed?03:16
sdoublehaha, /tell03:16
x89xhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30174/ W_McL03:16
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dabaRx89x: which exact /media directory has that free space?03:16
chris__anyone experienced a weird bug with feisty install, now every window title bar has a 'o' on the left hand side? any direction on how to fix?03:16
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dabaRchris__: does it look like it is missing the icons?03:17
Vsop_vsophow do i get the driver for flgrx.. whats teh cmd?03:17
JasonJwhat command do i send by ssh to log in on the gui?03:17
x89xhda6 with 26 GB03:17
JBHSkollie, I do now03:17
x89xand .media itself with 10 GB03:17
jribchris__: are you using xfce (xubuntu)?03:17
JBHSkollie, but I didn't when you asked03:17
BashBanghamza : you can put what you enter every time you boot into a shell script, and put it into /etc/init.d. This way it should start every time you boot your comp03:17
W_McLx89x, it looks like there is noo need to shift any space. you only have one linux partition and the space displayed in /media is the free spache you get on all directories on this partition03:17
dabaRJasonJ: to be able to open GUI programs, use the -Y or -X option for ssh03:17
skollieJBH: and does it work now?03:17
sdoubleVsop_vsop: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules03:17
chris__dabaR: icon is there, just a 'o' next to it.03:17
sdoublebut there is more to it03:18
Vsop_vsopdid that..03:18
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W_McLx89x, go into your home directory and have a look if there's the same amount of free space03:18
JBHI'll have to check (I don't have the Ipod connected).  What does that lib do?03:18
JasonJokay so what do i type to make the machine log in locally?03:18
hamzabashbang so how do i do that03:18
jribcm_raf: download the alternate cd, burn it (or mount the iso I guess), and then use apt-cdrom to add it as a repo03:18
jrib!alternate > cm_raf (see the private message from ubotu)03:18
skollieJBH: it installs all the necessary codecs for a range of audio and video formats03:18
sdoubleVsop_vsop: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide03:18
x89xyes W_McL03:18
=== Fido [n=xander@host86-147-175-71.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
unagiany way to convert .flv to .mov on linux?03:18
x89xtheres the same amount of space03:18
JBHSkollie: Good info.  Thanks!03:19
dabaRx89x: /media itself? I do not think that directory can have free space, because it is a directory, and not a mount p oint.03:19
BashBanghamza : I'll start it off for you in a paste bin03:19
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BashBanghamza : give me a min03:19
dabaRx89x: try running df -h.03:19
hamzabashbang ok thankx03:19
skollieJBH: if playing mp3's from your ipod does not work after installing libxine1-ffmpeg, it is not a codecs problem03:19
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x89xFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:19
x89x/dev/hda3              14G  2.8G  9.8G  22% /03:19
x89xvarrun                474M  104K  474M   1% /var/run03:19
x89xvarlock               474M     0  474M   0% /var/lock03:19
x89xprocbususb            474M  108K  474M   1% /proc/bus/usb03:19
x89xudev                  474M  108K  474M   1% /dev03:19
x89xdevshm                474M     0  474M   0% /dev/shm03:19
x89xlrm                   474M   33M  441M   7% /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile03:19
x89x/dev/hda1              10G  9.1G  943M  91% /media/hda103:19
x89x/dev/hda5              50G   22G   28G  44% /media/hda603:20
IdleOne!pastebin | x89x03:20
ubotux89x: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:20
dabaRx89x: `always paste to the pastebin site, never here, please.03:20
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JBHSkollie: Ok.  It's a pretty clean install of Feisty that I have.  I just installed it Saturday.  I'm really liking Ubuntu.  Except for the wireless and Ipod, everything just works.03:20
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jribchris__: the o is a default feature of xfce which is why I ask03:20
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xpointIdleOne, but this text is not large03:20
dabaRx89x: you can not write to the media directory itself, why do you think you want to write there?03:21
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RoC_MasterMindJBH, yay...you got some tinkering ahead!03:21
IdleOnexpoint, anything above 2 lines is considered large03:21
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Dolphin07hi. i'm trying to install a program and i'm getting a few command line errors: /usr/include/linux/wireless.h:1060: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before __u1603:21
miguelitohey guys03:21
Dolphin07callbacks.c: In function fillDeviceList:03:21
Dolphin07callbacks.c:121: error: storage size of ir isnt known03:21
Dolphin07callbacks.c:129: error: IFF_LOOPBACK undeclared (first use in this function)03:21
Dolphin07callbacks.c:129: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once03:21
W_McLx89x, the free space you get displayed in /media is the same free space you see in your home, it's the free space on your linux partition03:21
Dolphin07callbacks.c:129: error: for each function it appears in.)03:21
Dolphin07make[1] : *** [callbacks.o]  Error 103:21
Dolphin07make[1] : Leaving directory `/home/spencer/airsnort-0.2.7e/src'03:21
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Dolphin07make: *** [check-recursive]  Error 103:21
preaction!paste | Dolphin0703:21
ubotuDolphin07: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:21
Dolphin07oh opps03:21
=== meshuggah99 [n=mike@cpe-65-31-61-35.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRx89x: what W_McL is true, it is like saying "I have 10 GB in C:"03:22
skollieJBH: goota go. good luck.03:22
JBHRoC_MasterMind: Well, I got the wireless working after a couple of hours, but the IPod has been a problem.  Even Citrix, my USB drive, and smb mounts have worked quite well.03:22
preactionDolphin07, looks like the program has a bug in it, or the program has neglected to detect some dependency it relies on.03:22
chris__jrib: yes i use xfce, and it was a feisty upgrade, not a fresh install.03:22
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JBHSkollie: Thanks again03:22
skollieJBH: np03:22
dabaRx89x: and "I have 10GB in C:\Program Files" to give a windows comparison03:22
Dolphin07preaction, above the top one are a bunch of others just like it accept with differant numbers after the __u03:23
jribchris__: xfce has that 'o', it's a feature, not a bug.  It makes the window visible on all workspaces03:23
Dolphin07preaction, what can i do to solve this?03:23
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preactionDolphin07, either fix the source yourself or find a fixed version of it? perhaps look on the program's website?03:23
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Dolphin07thanks preaction03:24
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JasonJi _really_ need help :(03:24
GiantNoobHello.  whenever I try to install the restricted packeges, an error message comes up and dodent let me03:24
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chris__jrib: ok, thanks! can i turn that feature off or configure it?03:24
DumderfluSo I finally got my Wifi up and running, but its really slow.  Any suggestions?03:24
dabaRJasonJ: ssh -X localhost.03:24
jribchris__: that I'm not sure about.  You can probably remove it somehow, try asking in #xubuntu or #xfce if no one here knows offhand03:25
dabaRJasonJ: but other than testing purposes, I can not see the purpose of that.03:25
RoC_MasterMindDumderflu, are you using 802.11b or 802.11g?03:25
DumderfluIt was running much faster earlier on the same machine03:25
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl297.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
hamzabashbang shall i submit or...ive types it?03:26
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RoC_MasterMindDumderflu, 'b is really slow...like 5mbit...is web browsing slow?03:26
pullercan somone help me add a capaign to wesnoth?03:26
DumderfluBefore it was running like it did on Windows03:26
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Dumderflunow its at like dialup speeds.03:26
cm_rafjrib, thank you very much, I'm going to try it03:26
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Pelopuller,  can you rephrase that ?03:26
DumderfluAlso sometimes I lose the connection03:27
RoC_MasterMindDumderflu, that's interesting.03:27
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JasonJwhat command will log the machine in locally? i want the local screen's login prompt to login03:27
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hamadooo where can i find this driver ipw3945-1.1.3.tgz for ubuntu plz03:27
RoC_MasterMindhamadooo, goooogle!03:27
Pelohamadooo, google03:27
DerangedDingohave you tried google, hamadooo?03:27
hamadoooi tryed nothing there03:27
Dumderfluhamadoo google03:27
Pelohamadooo,  or you can try  searching in synaptic for ipw and see what comes up03:28
JBHPuller, do you want to install the program or add to it?03:28
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dabaRJasonJ: you want to see the gdm?03:28
Sevkhav any soft as istanbul ? I want to cap my 3d screen desktop03:28
DumderfluAny idea on what I should do Mastermind?03:28
hamadoooi want to install it directly from the ubunu03:28
hamzzzzbashbang ive done it03:28
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hamadoooi found it but i don;t know how to install it03:28
JasonJi don't want to see anything03:28
Pelohamadooo, http://www.google.ca/search?q=ipw3945&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a03:29
=== Siph0n [n=siph0n@c-68-45-54-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JasonJi want the local session to login03:29
TonyGBanyone got ati radeon installed with ati drivers who has managed to get latest beryl to work?03:29
dabaRJasonJ: explain better what you would exactly like, I do not understand your request./03:29
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DerangedDingohamadooo, is there a README or INSTALL file in there?03:29
dabaRYou just want to log into your computer? JasonJ ?03:29
JBHIs there a way to query uninstalled packages with apt-get?03:29
JasonJbecause vncserver under ubuntu won't work until someone is logged in03:29
c00i90wndoes anyone know how to configure openvpn server so that the clients can resolve the hostnames to the tun IPs?03:29
hamadoooyeah it tells me to do this .. tar xzvf ipw3945-1.1.3.tgz03:29
JasonJyes dabaR03:29
Sevkhave any else software as istanbul or vidcap ? I want to cap my 3d screen desktop03:30
hamadooothe terminal gives me an error03:30
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DerangedDingohamadooo, you need to do that in a terminal03:30
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DerangedDingohamadooo, just follow the instructions03:30
dabaRJasonJ: and what kind of an install is this? Did you install gnome?03:30
hamadoooi did but it gaves me an error03:30
Pelohamadooo,  you have it on your desktop ?03:30
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DerangedDingohamadooo, because it's already extracted?03:30
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hamadoootar: ipw3945-1.1.3.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory03:31
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dabaRJasonJ: if I am at a command line, and I want to start my graphical login screen, I run sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start03:31
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Pelohamadooo, like DerangedDingo  said that it because it is already unpacked,  you can skip that step03:31
wizekhow can i force eject my cd drive,if i run Live cd?03:31
RoC_MasterMinddid someone ask a question about uninstalled packages and dpkg?03:31
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miguelitoput a paper clip inside the hole on the drive03:32
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FusEskollie, this is fricken weird, Im using a very old kernel version atm, and I can connect, I cant connect with the new one tho03:32
miguelitowizek put a paper clip into the front of the cd drive in that hole.03:32
dabaRwizek: you can not run the live CD Ubuntu and eject the drive at the same time.03:32
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JasonJdabaR i am not at the machine though03:32
JasonJi am in with ssh03:32
Pelohamadooo, I'll give you a link, somewhere inthere you have instrucitons on what to do with a tar.gz file to install it ,   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/03:32
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dabaRwizek: perhaps tell the Ubuntu system to shut down, it will eject eventually.03:33
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Pelohamadooo,  I don't take /msg  you have to speak to me in the channel03:33
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Justi1How do I install shockwave?03:33
JasonJwhat will log the machine in locally03:33
dabaRJasonJ: did you try ssh -X Machine.ip?03:33
hamadooook then what should i do know to make it work03:33
RoC_MasterMindJusti1, I think Shockwave is discontinued.03:33
wizeki want to burn a cd :)03:33
Pelohamadooo, I'll give you a link, somewhere inthere you have instrucitons on what to do with a tar.gz file to install it ,   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/03:33
DumderfluHey ROC_Mastermind, it is g03:33
JasonJyeah dabaR03:33
DumderfluI was wrong03:33
JasonJhow do i know if it worked?03:33
wizekbut i don't have any other os or cd drives....03:33
dabaRwizek: I do not think it is possible, but maybe someone else knows a trick03:33
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DerangedDingohamadooo: in the folder is there a file called "Makefile"? Look please03:34
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FusEIs there any way I can export the current network version, and import it in a newer kernel03:34
dabaRJasonJ: you get logged in, then try running something like gedit, or whatever.03:34
Pelohamadooo,  if you hve any problems comea back and we'll walk you throught it03:34
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dabaRare you ssh'ing from an Ubuntu machine?03:34
hamadoooyes there is makefile folder03:34
DerangedDingohamadooo: alright. come back if you need help again03:34
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FusEIs there any way I can export the current network info, and import it in a newer kernel???03:34
Pelohamadooo, bo back to the howto and read ,  trust me on this03:35
hamadooook let me the site you gave me03:35
Pelohamadooo, I'll give you a link, somewhere inthere you have instrucitons on what to do with a tar.gz file to install it ,   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/03:35
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hamadooook thanx03:35
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cykotiktek_I think i have an easy quick question.... I have Wine downloaded but i am unsure of how to install it.03:36
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Falstiuscykotiktek_: you can install it using apt, you don't need to go out and download it yourself.03:36
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cykotiktek_lol ok03:37
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SeokeIs there a video benchmark test so I can check to see if my video card is working good?03:37
mo0osahis there any good substitute for onenote?03:37
FusEDoes anyone here have the problem where they updated from dapper to edgy and to feisty, and somewhere a long the line could not connect to network03:38
cykotiktek_Building dependency tree03:38
cykotiktek_Reading state information... Done03:38
cykotiktek_Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:38
cykotiktek_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:38
cykotiktek_is only available from another source03:38
Pelomo0osah,  onenote a note taking applet ? use tomboy,  it's in the pannel apples03:38
cykotiktek_E: Package wine has no installation candidate03:38
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cykotiktek_that is what i am getting from apt03:38
preaction!paste | cykotiktek_03:38
ubotucykotiktek_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:38
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-29-100.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelocykotiktek_,   www.winehq.org/download03:39
preaction!repositories | cykotiktek_03:39
ubotucykotiktek_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:39
preactioncykotiktek_, also try: sudo apt-get update03:39
SeokeIs there a video benchmark test so I can check to see if my video card is working good?03:39
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mo0osahPelo: thanks03:39
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Wardiei know this is a little off topic, but does anyone know how to install cmake on Edgy? i can't apt-get install it03:40
JasonJi'm going back to windows where vncserver starts when it's supposed to03:40
fujinWardie: what is cmake03:40
anandanbuI have a problem with the Openoffice.org in Ubuntu 7.04 as there are no icons in the toolbar and it is as http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/9003/screenshotcp8.png03:40
PeloWardie,  look in menu > system > admin > synaptic , or get the source code03:40
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Wardieuhhh, nevermind then03:41
Wardiethanks pelo03:41
mneptokWardie: cmake is in the repos03:41
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ZambeziHow do I lease/renew my IP in Linux?03:41
fujinmm, it is03:41
fujinapt-get install cmake03:41
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domination|Ezy6About David Blaine:03:41
fujinZambezi: dhclient ethX03:41
jkthecjerquick one: how can i get my laptop to shutdown properly when the battery gets too low?03:41
WardieIt isn't working for my 6.1 ubuntu install03:41
domination|Ezy6Are you GAY?03:41
domination|Ezy6If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!03:41
Peloanandanbu,  check in synaptic , search for openoffice.org ,  they are called either style or themes,   install one or more , then open OOo and  under tools opitions under display03:41
domination|Ezy6Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!03:41
domination|Ezy6Third, you need to join the official GNAA irc channel #GNAA on irc.gnaa.us, and apply for membership.03:41
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:41
preaction!ohmy | domination|Ezy603:41
ubotudomination|Ezy6: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:41
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jkthecjerZambezi: dhclient [interface] 03:42
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anandanbupelo: thanks i would try it03:42
PeloOMG this is my first attack by GNNA since I've been on IRC03:42
=== greg emotes
=== greg can not set is nick
=== GiantNoob [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
mariocesar_bohello, i am with anoying problem ... gdm ask me "twice" to login, anyone has an idea ? or better can help me ? ^_^03:42
GiantNoobHow do i get my dvd to work?03:43
jkthecjeranybody know how to make my laptop shut down automagically upon low battery?03:43
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Pelogreg,   /nickserv help03:43
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gregwell /nickserv help did nothing03:43
Akuma_is network-manager supported only on ubuntu? how about xubuntu?03:43
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IdleOne!dvd | GiantNoob03:43
ubotuGiantNoob: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:43
Pelomariocesar_bo,  try looking it up in the forum03:43
gregIsn't it just /nick mynamehere03:43
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Falstiusjkthecjer: isn't it in system -> preferences -> power management ?03:43
GiantNoobI need help... My dvd playback wont work03:43
marshallthe little ubuntu icon on my menu somehow changed to the little fedora icon, how do i change it back?03:43
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DarkRamonhello guys :)03:44
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GiantNoobAnd that ubotu thing dosent work03:44
Pelo!dvd | GiantNoob03:44
DarkRamonis there any alternative for "swish" on ubuntu?03:44
Zambezijkthecjer, Thanks. I'm going to try now.03:44
marshallhi darkkish03:44
IdleOnemarshall, lol re-install ubuntu03:44
mariocesar_boPelo: mmm ok03:44
ozzmanHi, i am thinking of installing a virtual machine - which one is recommended?03:44
marshallIdleOne, lol03:44
kahrytanlibdvdcss2 can be found on VideoLAN website. (google search for it.) VLC is best for dvd playing03:44
gregMy laptop runs at like 140 to 160 *F, is that hot?03:44
PeloGiantNoob,  did you read the whole thing ?03:44
GiantNoobyes :(03:44
jkthecjerFalstius: thanks i just saw it, i had missed it before :-) doh!03:44
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marshallIdleOne, that little f is bothering me03:44
kahrytangreg: Yes, very god.03:45
kahrytant Very Hot03:45
DarkRamonis there any alternative for swish or flash on ubuntu?03:45
eleafI just booted after my computer sitting for a week, and X won't start due to a missmatch between the nvidia kernel and the Xorg kernel, something like that.  I tried dist-upgrading, but there doesn't seem to be kernel or graphics card updates...03:45
eleafWhat shall I do?03:45
Pelomariocesar_bo,  I'm not trying to get rid of you but your the first one I've seen asking that one,  I think you'll get more help on this in the forum that is all,  just search for double login or login twice or something simialr03:45
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IdleOnemarshall, have no idea how you would of gotten the Fedora icon unless your running the livecd or you install fedora03:45
Wardiehrm, thanks guys. cmake is getting installed correctly03:45
ozzmanHi, i am thinking of installing a virtual machine - which one is recommended?03:45
ElfBoy00:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)03:45
ElfBoyok i need this driver03:46
IndyGunFreakozzman: vmware has worked pretty good for me.03:46
marshallIdleOne, lol no, i was installing a couple packages from get-deb.net and poof03:46
kahrytanozzman: There is a few -- qemu, virtualbox, vmware.03:46
Peloeleaf,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:46
dec0deozzman: vmware03:46
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hamadooowhy when i write cd ipw3945-1.1.3 it tells me ........ cd: ipw3945-1.1.3: No such file or directory03:46
IdleOnemarshall, ahhh well then it seems you installed something that cvhanged your icon set03:46
eleafPelo: I don't want to loose all my settings, I have a specific display setup03:46
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hamadoooim sure the file in the desktop with the same name03:46
ozzmanvmware, thanks ill check it out03:46
eleafPelo: why would X just stop working after a reboot?03:46
mariocesar_boPelo: thanks, i think it was an usual problem ... cause i don't touch the gdm ... you know...03:46
hamadoooand its extracted03:46
kahrytanvmware has experimental feature that runs a Windows partition.03:46
mariocesar_boPelo: well, i would keep looking03:46
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Pelohamadooo,  type cd and then drag the folder from your desktop to the terminal , it should get written automaticaly,  then hit enter03:47
ElfBoy00:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)03:47
eleafPelo: the nvidia kernel and the xorg kernel/linux kernel seem to be mismatched, isn't that a packaging problem?03:47
GiantNoobAnd whenever i try to install Kaffiene from add/remove, it says:  this application conflics with other installed software. to install " Kaffeine" the conflicting software must be removed first.   Switch to sinoptic to resolve this conflict03:47
kahrytanHow well does a Virtual Machine do with video encoding?03:47
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BashBanggo to console and type   touch wireless03:47
Peloeleaf,  no idea,  just read the questions carefully as you go and see if something is wrong,  you might find it , that's the best I can do for you03:47
DarkRamonsi there any alternative for swish or flash on ubuntu?03:47
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jkthecjerElfBoy: look up ndiswrapper03:48
hamadooook .. but  when i did that it opened with new windows not in the terminal03:48
eleafPelo: I did make some nvidia kernel tweaks, not sure if that is the problem.03:48
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Peloeleaf, probably03:48
kahrytandarkkish: VLC can play flash files.03:48
eleafI thought xorg restarted fine before that03:48
ElfBoyok thanks03:48
jkthecjerElfBoy: you'll need the windows driver too though03:48
kahrytanDarkRamon: : VLC can play flash files.03:48
ElfBoyumnm why03:48
=== Pelo just lost track of all the help he's dispensing
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DarkRamonKahrytan: no i mean to create flash animations03:48
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GiantNoobwhenever i try to install Kaffiene from add/remove, it says:  this application conflics with other installed software. to install " Kaffeine" the conflicting software must be removed first.   Switch to sinoptic to resolve this conflict.    Can someone pleas pleas help me fix this problem?03:48
_easy___quais as pessoa brasileiras ai?03:48
=== shavex [n=shavex@pool-71-244-51-166.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kahrytanDarkRamon: I don't know.03:49
ElfBoywhy wopuild i need them03:49
IdleOne!pt _easy___03:49
jkthecjerElfBoy: ndiswrapper basically allows some windows driver to work in linux (broadcom expecially)03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pt _easy___ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
mneptok!pt > _easy___03:49
DarkRamonKahrytan: I need to create some animations for a website... i dropped windows hehe.. so im trying nvu and some other programs here.03:49
FusEDoes anyone here have the problem where they updated from dapper to edgy and to feisty, and somewhere a long the line could not connect to network03:49
shavexi need java for firefox, where do i find it and how do i install it?03:49
PeloGiantNoob,   menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,  search for  kaffeine and riht click install03:49
jkthecjerElfBoy: you can probablyfind them on the laptop manufacturer's website03:49
_easy___!pt > _easy___03:49
juanx89x: was this morning's information useful?03:49
kahrytanDarkRamon: Try Amaya.03:49
mneptokshavex: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:49
ElfBoyits a desk top03:49
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Pelo!java | shavex03:49
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ubotushavex: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:49
DarkRamonamaya? ok ill look for that03:49
GiantNoobPelo:  the same thing happened :(03:49
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DarkRamonthank you man03:49
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PeloGiantNoob, in synaptic it should ask to remove the offending package03:50
jkthecjerah, then try driverguide.com (username: temp password: 512)03:50
kahrytanDarkRamon: I think it is a lil better. and NVU isnt updated anymore03:50
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ElfBoybalkin wireless g card03:50
PeloGiantNoob,  are what is kaffeine for anyway ?03:50
kahrytanDarkRamon: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/screenshots/Overview.html03:50
dec0dePelo: just a media player03:51
shavexmneptok, thank you!!03:51
GiantNoobPelo:  its a music/video player03:51
kahrytanDarkRamon: Whats better then a app that is designed by W3C? the standards marker03:51
jkthecjerif you can find the windows drivers and an ndiswrapper HOWTO, theres a really good chance at getting it working03:51
ozzmanAfter installing a virtual machine (on X86_64) which version of win should i install vista X64 or Xp 64?03:51
=== zyth [n=Zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-3-110.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu
PeloGiantNoob,  try aking in #kubuntu , maybe they have an idea what might be conflicting03:51
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ElfBoytrys this again i have a elkin wireless g network card03:51
[Ex0r] anyone here have a hardware compatability list for ubuntu 7 ?03:51
Falstiusozzman: I think the emulated system is still 32bit .. a PII actually.03:52
forceflowdoes anyone know if gutsy is going to have better dual screen support? i really want to start dualing, but i also love my beryl:( and agl gets angry when i try to dual03:52
kahrytanozzman: I would do XP since Vista requires more cpu processing03:52
[Ex0r] got a wireless nic, want to see if it's compatible with ubuntu.03:52
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Peloforceflow,  ask in #ubuntu+1 that's where all the cool gusty ppl hangout03:52
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IndyGunFreak!wireless | [Ex0r] 03:53
ubotu[Ex0r] : Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:53
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Falstiusozzman: also, I have VMs of Vista, winXP and win2k.  win2k is by far the most efficient.   The others take up way too much space and RAM (I have plenty of RAM, but they are slow to restore)03:53
DanaGOh hey, would a P2-266 with 192MB of RAM be enough to run an Ubuntu system as a router?03:53
Pelo[Ex0r] , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport<03:53
[Ex0r] hmm03:53
DanaGI'd be using cardbus NICs.03:53
[Ex0r] ndiswrapper ?03:53
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=== kahrytan wouldnt use Vista even if M$ paid me billion dollars
fiveironanyone have trouble with avant-window-navigator not letting you add launchers?03:54
jkthecjerElfBoy: is that the same card with the Broadcom chipset you referred to earlier?03:54
IndyGunFreak[Ex0r] : Ndiswrapper is how linux uses the Windows driver to run a wireless device.03:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:54
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ElfBoylooking at wrong thing03:54
FusEDoes anyone here have the problem where they updated from dapper to edgy and to feisty, and somewhere a long the line could not connect to network???03:54
ElfBoyi think03:54
jkthecjerit doesnt have to use ndiswrapper if there are linux drivers available though03:54
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PeloFusE, try updatingfrom the alternate install cd , for each versions03:55
FalstiusDanaG: why not just use a router?  They use less power and have more ports than a laptop.03:55
[Ex0r] last time I checked it didn't have support for it03:55
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ElfBoywell its a belkin thats all i can tell you03:55
jkthecjerwhere did the line about broadcom come from?03:55
FusEPelo, I have no live cd, I upgraded from dapper to edgy via network03:55
FalstiusDanaG: but yes, it should be more than sufficient.03:55
FusEThen my network stopped working03:55
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FusEso I turned off security and it work, then upgraded to feisty03:55
kahrytanDarkRamon: Did you see the amaya screenshots?03:55
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DanaGMy router is hella' buggy -- it gives me an IP address for 30 YEARS, and then gets confused if you don't release it before disconnecting.03:55
DarkRamondidnt find it kahrytan03:55
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FusEand then my network didnt work at all, so I install ndiswrapper, and now it doesnt work at all03:55
DarkRamonwhere can i find it?03:55
jkthecjerits probably a Belkin card that uses Broadcom chipset, if thats the case then you would use ndiswrapper + windows drivers03:55
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hamadooopelo what is the ieee80211 and how i know if i have one03:56
DanaGThen it says "Oh, I aready gave this guy an IP; who has it?     Who has it?       Who has it? .... "03:56
PeloFusE, I've never had much luck with the upgrade process myself,  I've always ended up having to clean install03:56
kahrytanDarkRamon: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/screenshots/Overview.html03:56
[Ex0r] omg it is available now, nice03:56
FusEwhats clean install03:56
DarkRamonthank you bro03:56
jkthecjerFusE: is it a wireless card?03:56
DarkRamonlet me see.. i hope it works for me03:56
Pelohamadooo, whrer do you get that from ?03:56
FusEYes its a wireless vcard03:56
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mark__can some on pm me with some help03:57
jkthecjerdid you copy the windows drivers over and install them using ndiswrapper?03:57
kahrytanDarkRamon: Notice the W3C domain?03:57
JasonWoofhow do I assign a keyboard shortcut to run my shell script?03:57
hamadoooFirst, we build and install the ieee80211 subsystem.03:57
FalstiusDanaG: yeah, but you can buy a decent used router for $20.  You can calculate the cost difference between a 50W laptop and 5W router.03:57
hamadooofrom the instlation file03:57
DarkRamonyeah what happens with that?03:57
my_wirelessdoes anybody know how to get an eu wireless card to work with a usa roughter?03:57
FusEjkthecjer: yes03:57
Crossfire_hey since im not having ne luck installing windows i am trying to install linux and im getting a system haul03:57
PeloJasonWoof, menu > system  > prefs , keybaord shortcuts03:57
Pelohamadooo, we'll talk in private03:57
mark__ok i have a belkin wireless card03:57
DarkRamonkahrytan: it seems that its like nvu... i think ill emulate the swish with wine...03:57
JasonWoofPelo: I didn't see anything in there. what's it called?03:57
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hamadooook thanx03:57
jkthecjertry typing dmesg, and see if you see the card listed in there03:57
mark__how do i get driver for it03:58
W_McLDanaG, i run a p2 350mhz as as a file/small webserver, so probly your computer would do the job as router03:58
FalstiusCrossfire_: halt (since you're going to correct your own spelling :))03:58
my_wirelessdoes anybody know how to get an eu wireless card to work with a usa roughter? the card sees the network but can't connect, ubuntu reconginized the card out of the box03:58
Crossfire_can someone help me maybe in private?03:58
DarkRamonkahrytan: thank you anyways :) really03:58
kahrytanDarkRamon: I said use Amaya instead of NVU03:58
FusEjkthecjer:  Im currently booted into dapper03:58
FusEor the dapper kernel03:58
DarkRamonahhhhhhh ok....03:58
PeloJasonWoof,  it's called keyboard shortcuts03:58
jkthecjerFusE: oh ok03:58
DarkRamonwhats the difference between them?03:58
kahrytanDarkRamon: NVU isnt updated. Amaya was last updated 7 days ago03:58
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FusEIll turn on another computer and boot to feisty kernel03:58
DarkRamonshit hahaha way better03:58
JasonWoofPelo: I've looked through the keyboard shortcuts. that only lets you assign keys for window manager commands03:58
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JasonWoofPelo: I don't see anything in there for running anything else.03:59
my_wirelessdoes anybody know how to get an eu wireless card to work with a usa roughter? the card sees the network but can't connect, ubuntu reconginized the card out of the box03:59
kahrytanDarkRamon: If you find a Flash replacement, do tell me.03:59
DarkRamonyeah sure :)03:59
DarkRamonwhat i can tell you kahrytan is that you can run swish using wine03:59
[Ex0r] hmm03:59
DarkRamoni just found out03:59
DanaGOr I can just live with having to manually ifconfig.03:59
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DanaGOh, and it's not just wireless that's buggy -- it's wired, too.03:59
Falstiusmy_wireless: the standards are the same.  The eu card can use 2 more channels than the US router, but that shouldn't be a problem.03:59
DarkRamonand seems it runs fine03:59
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[Ex0r] there are drivers for mine, but they are made by ralink, and I have to compile them myself... :\04:00
bryantcaleyhi folks.    where does synaptic / apt-get keep the cached files it downloads .... i have all the files, and rather than download them again, i thought id load them in manually04:00
kahrytanDarkRamon:  did you try Flash?04:00
=== MegaRevolt [n=MegaRevo@201-67-2-11.pvoce702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMindbryantcaley, /var/apt/cache/ I think04:00
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DarkRamonnope.... actually in windows never tried it haha y used swish all the time... im lazy hehe :P04:00
my_wirelessfalstius: thats what i thought... so how come it can't connect? it doesn't give any error messages or is there somewhere i can look for that?04:00
bryantcaleyRoC_MasterMind, thankyou very much ;)04:00
wizekHow can i write a floppy image (extension: ".img") to a USB stick from livecd?04:00
FalstiusDanaG: your computer is sufficient if you want to use it.  I'm just pointing out the replacing your router with another better used router is probably more cost effective in the long run.04:00
kahrytanDarkRamon: What can swish do that flash cant?04:00
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DarkRamonkahrytan: and... let me tell you.. it just installed and seems to be running great :)  and the difference between swish and flash is that swish is easier... i think you can do the same things with flash and swish but it is easier to work with swish04:01
Falstiusmy_wireless: some routers and wireless cards have compatibility problems.  Have you googled the combination?04:01
DanaGPlus, I don't have a standalone switch, so I'd have to still use the old crappy one as a switch and WAP.04:01
=== epod [n=Zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-3-110.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu
my_wirelessactually no i haven't but ill go do that04:01
DarkRamonkahrytan: at least for me hehe04:01
ozzmanim getting this message E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)04:02
ozzmanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?04:02
kahrytanDarkRamon: Try Blender04:02
my_wirelessfalst no i didn't do that.. i'll try that and get back thanks04:02
=== FusE [n=fuse@adsl-69-234-151-193.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkRamonkahrytan: whats blender for?04:02
bryantcaleyRoC_MasterMind,  ...   /var/cache/apt   :)04:02
wizekHow can i write a floppy image (extension: ".img") to a USB stick from livecd?04:02
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my_wirelessfalstius ok i'll try that be back soon04:02
DarkRamonim downloading it haha amaya installed fine :P04:02
ozzmani am trying to bulid environment for VMware04:02
kahrytanDarkRamon: there is a beta script called Sflender that exports to flash04:02
[Ex0r] maybe i'll try using ndiswrapper instead, seems easier to install.04:02
DanaGWould such an old system be useful for anything at all, or is it worthless nowadays?04:03
DarkRamonkahrytan: great!!!!! amazing... thanks kahrytan :P ill do that right now04:03
kahrytanDarkRamon: for animations04:03
=== gerro [n=user@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FusEjkthecjer: in feisty kernel, dmesg said: "eth1: no IPv6 routers present"04:03
Falstiuswizek: you can mount the img and copy the contents to the USB stick.  use sudo mount -o loop floopy.img tmpdir04:03
bryantcaleyhow do i cp all the files in a directory please ?    *.*   ??04:03
=== JB_ [n=JB@ncao.vtcif.telstra.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mongolaibryantcaley, yep04:03
Falstiusbryantcaley: just *, but that won't copy hidden files (that start with .)04:03
kahrytanDarkRamon: Maybe use both. Use Blender to make kick*** animations.04:03
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=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@adsl-67-39-20-135.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ozzmani am trying to build environment for VMware04:04
ozzmanim getting this message E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)04:04
=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@adsl-67-39-20-135.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkRamonkahrytan: wow .. was lookin' at blender's gallery :o amazing dude!04:04
jkthecjerFusE: ok, my bad, my lspci04:04
ozzmanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?04:04
DarkRamonit kicks ass!04:04
Falstiusbryantcaley: *.* would skip a file named "some_file", but would copy "some.file"04:04
jkthecjerFusE: try lspci04:04
kahrytanDarkRamon: Never used it myself04:04
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[Ex0r] ozzman- su before hand04:04
mongolaiDarkRamon, blender is awesome, but the learning curve is *really* steep04:04
jkthecjerFusE: the command lspci04:04
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DarkRamonkahrytan: ill start using it today haha looks amazing and if you can export wow :o04:04
DarkRamonmongolai: how hard is to learn it?04:04
kahrytanmongolai: thats why I havent touched -- learning curve04:04
bryantcaleyFalstius, its ok, they are all .deb files04:04
FusEjkthecjer k what am I looking for04:04
jkthecjerFusE: see if you see the name of your hardware in there04:05
jkthecjeror something similar04:05
kahrytanDarkRamon: http://www3.sympatico.ca/emilio.aguirre/s2flender.html04:05
jkthecjerFusE: example: 02:06.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)04:05
mongolaiDarkRamon, pretty hard, but there are lots of tutorials04:05
FusEI se a network controller04:05
mongolaikahrytan, heh! that's about right04:05
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Falstiusbryantcaley: okay.  A coworker was pulling his hair out because he was trying to use *.* and it wasn't getting all the files.04:05
DarkRamonmongolai: ill look for them :) ill give it a try :P04:05
DarkRamonthanks guys04:05
FusEjkthecjer my network controller is 03.02.0104:05
DarkRamonyou were helpful! really!.. gonna play with this babies04:06
FusEjkthecjer my network controller is 03.02.004:06
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kahrytanDarkRamon: But you probably still need switch for scripting :(04:06
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bryantcaleyFalstius, good to know tho, i'll keep aware of it, thankyou :)04:06
jkthecjerFusE: if you have an ethernet and a wireless, there should be 2 network/ethernet controllers in there04:06
FusEther is04:06
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FusEmy ethernet controller is 03.08.004:07
jkthecjerdoes one of the names/descriptions match your card (Belkin i think it was)04:07
kahrytanmongolai: I think I helped him allot.04:07
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FusEjkthecjer, ill give you a text file of the lspci output04:07
mongolaikahrytan, way to go!04:07
Crossfire_i keep geting crc error04:07
jkthecjerFusE: alright cool04:07
kahrytanmongolai: Got him to switch to Amaya and try Blender04:08
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kahrytanmongolai: You ever used NVU and Amaya?04:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:09
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wizekFalstius, ioctl: "LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument" <---- What can I do?04:09
mongolaikahrytan, no, I haven't04:09
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JasonWoofhow do I assign a keyboard shortcut to run my shell script?04:09
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JasonWoofdo I have to switch window managers or something?04:10
Falstiuswizek: can you paste the line you used?  Someone else complained earlier today about mounting floppy images in the liveCD.04:10
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kahrytanmongolai: NVU is Linspire sponsored. not updated anymore. Amaya is a W3C sponsored and updated within last 7 days. W3c means = guaranteed standards.04:10
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elmo40JasonWoof, you can have xkeybinds or something to run your keyboard shortcuts. It is easily customizable04:11
mongolaikahrytan, I never heard of Amaya before, just looking it up right now04:11
wizekFalstius, root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/Desktop# sudo mount -o loop floppy.img tmpdir04:11
wizekioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument04:11
kahrytanmongolai: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/screenshots/Overview.html04:11
preactionkahrytan, that's a nice myth. the w3c's amaya is not exactly 100% standards-compliant :(04:11
preaction!html | mongolai04:11
ubotumongolai: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com04:11
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kahrytanpreaction: Should be closer04:12
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FusEjkthecjer: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/30178/04:12
bricasi'm trying to run htop but i'm getting an error "stack smash detected" .. any ideas?04:12
preactionkahrytan, it's not. Opera, WebKit, and FF are all closer last I knew.04:12
wizekFalstius, so what do u think?04:12
kahrytanpreaction: but Amaya isnt a browser04:13
preactionkahrytan, yes it is. it's a browser and an editor04:13
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mongolaikahrytan, Amaya looks pretty cool. I'll look into it more, but I've always used vim for HTML editing. Getting sick of doing it that way...04:14
kahrytanpreaction: Editor first.04:14
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Falstiuswizek: I'm looking into it.  I want to check if I've been giving bad advice.04:14
jplastinWhy does jackd need superuser priviledges to run in realtime mode (-R command line switch) on my Ubuntu Feisty box?04:14
preactionkahrytan, the best part is it supports web DAV, meaning if your server supports it you can do wiki-like stuff without needing an actual wiki04:14
kahrytanmongolai: I like to do both.  Editor is faster to lay ground work. SOmetimes, raw code is easier to edit04:14
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Falstiuswizek: it looks like it may be that since your file is on a virtual filesystem, it can't be mounted.04:14
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kahrytanpreaction: The application is jointly developed by W3C and the WAM (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at INRIA. The core team includes: Irne Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).04:15
PJUbuntu Brasil?????04:15
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:15
preactionkahrytan, and that means what to me?04:15
jayde_drag0nhello room... if there is anyone here who can help me.. i am a complete newbie.. and i need some help.. but i take direction well and i am nice04:15
mongolaijayde_drag0n, ask away04:15
kahrytanpreaction: I guess W3C is involved in it.04:16
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preactionkahrytan, ok?04:16
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wizekhow can it be solved?04:16
mongolaijayde_drag0n, if someone can help, they will. otherwise you may need to wait a while and ask again.04:16
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jayde_drag0nokay i did the installation of ubuntu.. followed all the prompts... i installed onto my G drive and left my c drive for windows.. when it boots.. it boots into ghrub.. and i don't know any prompts on what do do from there04:16
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kahrytanpreaction: Who is better, Dreamweaver or Amaya on standards?04:17
lufis is 1200 x 2400 dpi a good scanner resolution?04:17
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FusEkahrytan, regular html04:17
kahrytanjayde_drag0n: use up/down keys to choose a OS to boot04:17
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wizekFalstius, How can it be solved?04:17
W_McLjayde_drag0n, in the grub menu just select the operating system you want to boot by using the arrow keys and press enter to boot04:17
sea any people in the shenzhen city of china?04:17
jayde_drag0ni don't get anything like that04:17
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jayde_drag0nits all linux prompts telling me i need to load the kernel first etc.. and i don't know those commands04:18
Falstiuswizek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/5977904:18
Falstiuswizek: if you copy the image file to the usb stick, you might be able to mount it from there04:18
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jkthecjerFusE: this may sound silly, but does the command: iwconfig show it?04:18
jayde_drag0nits just a prompt... no choices.. all command line entries04:18
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kahrytanThey should make a OSX version of WINE04:18
mongolaijayde_drag0n, so basically you can't boot into ubuntu?04:18
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Nicarkdoes somebody knows if Eterm can load TTF fonts???04:18
jayde_drag0nno.. it just goes into grub04:18
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kahrytanMake a WINE version (call it MINE)  so people can run OSX programs on Linux04:19
jayde_drag0nand i can't make it boot into windows either.. i'm using the livecd to talk here04:19
bryantcaleywhat is the command for "move"   or "cut and paste" in xterm please ?/04:19
preactionbryantcaley, mv04:19
W_McLjayde_drag0n, looks like there went something wrong with the installation. usually you can select the wanted OS / kernel from the grub menu04:20
FusE0back, got dced04:20
bryantcaleypreaction, thankyou!04:20
mneptokkahrytan: first you have to create libRDF.so and gtk-discretionarycapital04:20
kahrytanmneptok: What?04:20
FusE0kahrytan, then it would be called LINE04:20
mongolaijayde_drag0n, it sounds like the /boot/grub/ment.lst file got messed up somehow...04:20
mneptokkahrytan: if you want OSX on Linux ...04:20
FusE0if it was run mac programs on linux, then its MINE04:20
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jayde_drag0nit probably would.. but i think it has to do with the fact i installed on G .. not the primary drive... and because i don't know the prompts to load the kernel04:21
wizekFalstius, root@ubuntu:/media/disk-3# sudo mount -o loop floppy.img tmpdir04:21
wizekmount: mount point tmpdir does not exist04:21
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jkthecjerFusE: does it show when you run iwconfig04:21
FusE0does what show04:21
Falstiuswizek: yeah, just make a directory.  mkdir tmpdir04:21
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jayde_drag0nload kernel.. doesn't seem to be a command that works04:21
jayde_drag0nand its my first time EVER using any distro of linux04:21
jayde_drag0nso its not intuitive for me04:22
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mongolaijayde_drag0n, do you remember more or less exactly what it said?04:22
jkthecjerFusE: in this case anything that doesnt say "no wireless extensions"04:22
kahrytanFusE0: I said MINE because first letter of MacOSX.04:22
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FusE0Some stuff says no wirelss extensions04:22
jayde_drag0nwelcome to GRUB.. something something.. press tab for a list of commands.. something something04:22
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jayde_drag0ni pressed tab.. got a list04:22
FusE0kahrytan, ah I thought you said run linux programs on mac04:22
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W_McLjayde_drag0n, the drive or partition you install to usually is no problem04:22
jkthecjerFusE: but is there an interface (example eth1) that has some info listed?04:23
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FusE0jkthecjer yes04:23
wizekFalstius, it worked;)! 100 thx, this is the first thing worked well so far with my linux :-/04:23
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jayde_drag0nsomething something.. command latin.. command.. boot.. latin spanish latin... save..04:23
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jkthecjerFusE: ok, cool, its working more than i thought it was04:23
kahrytanFusE0: I mean run OSX programs on Linux (like Safari)04:23
jkthecjerFusE: try this: iwlist eth1 scan04:23
FusE0i ran that, it said like none found04:23
roundyif i do a dist-upgrade from and edgy server to a feisty server....will that screw up any of my websites...? wiki,wordpress,phpmyadmin...????04:23
mongolaijayde_drag0n, what happens if you wait for a while? Like 10-20 seconds at the GRUB prompt?04:23
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FusE0jkthecjer no results found04:24
jkthecjerFusE: there are wireless networks around though right?04:24
jayde_drag0nwell i did that first... staring at it blankly and blinking a lot .. going.. okay.. wtf do i do now?04:24
jayde_drag0nand nothing happened.. just stayed at the prompt04:24
W_McLjayde_drag0n, you're here with the live cd? so open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" there, post the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:24
FusE0my wirelss network is called Pluto04:24
kahrytanFusE0: Wouldnt you want to run Safari on Linux?04:24
jkthecjerFusE: try: sudo iwlist eth1 scan04:24
FusE0kahrytan no04:24
BashBangroundy : will you gain anything from doing a dist upgrade?04:24
FusE0I like to run things that DO work04:24
jkthecjerFusE: sometimes it doesnt scan right if its not sudo04:24
W_McLjayde_drag0n, and post the link to it here04:25
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FusE0ill go into su04:25
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Chip4how do you uninstall themes?04:25
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jkthecjerFusE: alright04:25
wizekFalstius, it made the dir to my usb device :S, how can i unmount it to delete thet dir?04:25
roundyBashBang, well i also use gdm cause my mom needs the net sometimes...and she likes the pretty themes...looking to get murrine...04:25
jayde_drag0nk as soon as i have it i'll message04:25
FusE0jkthecjer, now it picks up my Pluto network04:25
FusE0in the scan04:25
Falstiuswizek: yes.  You could have made the dir in your home directory also.  Just umount tmpdir04:25
wizekdone ;)04:26
wizek1000 thx04:26
jkthecjerFusE: great, now try: iwconfig eth1 ESSID Pluto04:26
BashBangroundy : i see, well you could always back up /etc and other config file first04:26
roundyBashBang, but you're not sure if it will break anything/04:26
FusE0jkthecjer, k but ive done that before too04:26
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FusE0I just did it under su04:26
Chip4how do you uninstall themes?04:27
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BashBangroundy : i don't know what you have to break04:27
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jkthecjerFusE: does iwconfig say "Pluto" anywhere in there?04:27
roundythat's all really.04:27
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jayde_drag0ndo i need to put anything in "syntax"?04:27
FusE0jkthecjer, yes, but it still says "Access Point: not associated"04:27
astro76jayde_drag0n, no04:27
W_McLjayde_drag0n, i don't think04:27
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TarantulafudgeI installed xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, and now for some reason I have kubuntu's bootup theme and xubuntus login manager, how do I reconfigure ubuntu's bootup screen and login manager?04:28
ElfBoycan some one tell me what driver i wold eed for a belkin wierless g desktop card04:28
BashBangroundy : my biggest concern would be the files in /etc getting run over04:28
jayde_drag0nokay i believe this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30179/04:28
jkthecjerFusE: is it WEP?04:28
jkthecjerFusE: did you do: iwconfig eth1 key [your key] ?04:28
SeveredCrossTarantulafudge: I think it's update-alternatives but I'm not sure.04:28
FusE0jkthecjer, yes and ill do it again04:29
JasonWoofelmo40: ahh, thanks for the xbindkeys tip04:29
SeveredCrossEr, nope, not update-alternatives.04:29
roundyphp config files? apache config files?04:29
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jkthecjerFusE: lol, i wasnt sure how far you'd gone04:29
Falstiusjkthecjer: did you do ifconfig eth1 up ?04:29
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BashBangroundy : yup those, and many others04:29
jkthecjerFalstius: i usually dont have to04:30
FusE0jkthecjer, did it again04:30
TarantulafudgeSo how do I fix it?04:30
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mneptokroundy: if you have customized config files they will not be altered.04:30
W_McLjayde_drag0n, now also post the output of the command mount04:30
aaron_Can anyone help me with an SSH VPN?04:30
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jkthecjerFusE: try this: iwconfig eth1 ap [access_point_address}04:30
jayde_drag0nwhere do i see that and how do i get it for you?04:31
FusE0I dont know the access point addr04:31
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: ssh... VPN??04:31
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: like, ssh tunneling?04:31
Falstiusjkthecjer: it has to be done sometime.  If the network manager didn't set it up correctly initially, you should do it.  When I want to manually enable a wireless connection I modprobe the driver, setup the essid with iwconfig, ifconfig up, then dhclient eth04:31
jkthecjerit should be listed in the iwlist eth1 scan ouput04:31
W_McLjayde_drag0n, jsut type the command into the terminal04:31
aaron_Tarantulafudge: no.04:31
aaron_point-to-point vpn04:31
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ElfBoyaaron cazn u help me with some thing04:31
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: ...tunneling04:31
jkthecjerFalstius: my setup is working, im trying to help out FusE04:31
mneptokaaron_: that's PPPtP, not ssh04:31
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jayde_drag0ni'm sorry i don't understand.. what is the command?04:31
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hrp2171greetings ubuntuans!04:32
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W_McLjayde_drag0n, mount04:32
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mongolaijayde_drag0n, "mount"04:32
aaron_Tarantulafudge.. ok, a tunneling vpn.04:32
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jkthecjerFusE: also one more: dhclient eth104:32
FusE0jkthecjer, K I did that04:32
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: I think you are confused about what ssh is04:32
jkthecjerif that doesnt work, then i have no idea honestly04:32
markj555I am currently using Fedora 7 and I must say it is way to buggy04:32
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aaron_I am not.04:32
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Tarantulafudgeaaron_: well then you are misguided04:33
markj555i think I am going to switch to ubuntu, I have heard nothing but good things about it04:33
aaron_That's probably better04:33
Falstiusjkthecjer: sorry wasn't paying much attention :)04:33
ant-i'm misquided04:33
mneptokaaron_: is the VPN deployed with PPPtP or IPsec?04:33
nikin<off> i ame back again.... dmn nightmares,,,, i hate them... but lets make the time worth :) </off>04:33
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aaron_that's what i've set up.04:33
axisyswhat is the best way to share my desktop readonly? vino is too bloated (ubuntu default app)04:33
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jkthecjerFusE: but i must say, it sounds like this thing is very close to working.  im having a very similar problem (not-associated) connecting to an access point i cracked nearby04:34
hrp2171k, big hullabaloo with a WUSB11 ver 2.5 wifi adapter.  using default dapper drake install.04:34
gbv22guys..i just installed fiesty, and I cannot get my internet connected, anyone have any ideas?04:34
killowndpkg: error process /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.1+git20070712~3v1ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack):  apt-get -f install dont works..04:34
killownwhat I do?04:34
nikinaxisis : depends on what conection do you want to use, and hat it the main porpus?04:34
jkthecjerFusE: did dhclient get you an IP?04:34
mongolaijayde_drag0n, is there a "filesystem" icon on your desktop?04:34
aaron_I have the two networks connected.  my client and server can ping each other just fine, but i'm not able to reach machines on the remote netowrk,04:35
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: this is a temporary solution?04:35
jayde_drag0nolkay let me look04:35
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aaron_It's not any kind of solution if I can't make it work :)04:35
hrp2171it uses the prism2 chipset.04:35
jayde_drag0nno  "my external HD"  + "examples" + "install"04:35
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FusE0jkthecjer the help btw, Im getting close too, Ima pastebin you some info04:35
FusE0jkthecjer, is it okay to pastebin you my router info lol04:36
jkthecjerFusE: its no trouble, i feel your pain, getting wireless devices working can be challenging sometimes04:36
jkthecjerFusE: go for it04:36
FusE0ima pm you it04:36
W_McLjayde_drag0n, ok, then let's have a look at your harddisk.04:36
mongolaijayde_drag0n,  did you paste the output of "mount"  at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/?04:36
Tarantulafudgeaaron_: my experiences with ssh  tunneling have been less than spectacular, even with insane ttl's and keepalive heartbeats ssh tunnels are unreliable for any kind of constant traffic, I suggest OpenVPN as an alternative to ssh (probably a bit easier to setup as well).04:36
=== manic [i=HydraIRC@c-67-175-97-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jayde_drag0nits at the same url as before04:36
mongolaihat's the link?04:36
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markj555gbv22: what are you trying to connect with?04:37
markj555gbv22: what kinda of ethernet card are you using?04:37
markj555is it integrated?04:37
hrp2171lsusb shows the card info, lsmod shows the prism2_usb modules loaded.  iwconfig says that none of the cards have wireless extensions04:37
aaron_ugh. it's already set up. i just don't think my machines are forwarding packets.04:37
ElfBoyhow can i tell what driver i need for my wireless card04:37
jayde_drag0nmongolai.. can we go into a pm.. its hard for me to search thru all the text when it starts going fast?04:37
gbv22markj555: its a broadcom card on my dell d40004:37
GamingXHello Guys04:37
aaron_ubuntu needs a channel just for wifi cards.04:37
=== Peter__ [n=zjy@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu
FusE0yup yup04:37
killowndpkg: error process /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.1+git20070712~3v1ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack):  apt-get -f install dont works..04:37
killownwhat I do to fix it?04:38
gbv22markj555: it recognises it...but i cannot get it to connect04:38
GamingXWhere do u learn the source codes?04:38
markj555i see04:38
ElfBoyhow can i tell what driver i need for my wireless card04:38
markj555go into terminal and type ifconfig04:38
aaron_haha, there IS ubuntu-wifi04:38
markj555what do you see04:38
nikinkillown: do you have enough HD space.... did you try to run apt-get install compiz-gnome    again?04:38
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FusE0#ubuntu-wifi for all your wirelss needs04:38
=== tretle_ [n=tretle@213-202-188-197.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
vikkuhi all04:39
W_McLjayde_drag0n, you still have a terminal open? if not, open one and type "sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu"04:39
hrp2171gee thanks. :)04:39
Tarantulafudgehow do I configure my login manager and boot splash? My login manager is xubuntu and my boot splash is kubuntu, but I just want ubuntu, please help!04:39
gbv22markj555: well..i see my eth0 and the loopback listed04:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:39
jayde_drag0nmongolai> i right clicked and chose IM.. on your name.. did it work?04:39
vikkui just installed Ubuntu 7.04server edition and i wanted to know how i could become su ?04:39
W_McLjayde_drag0n, then type "sudo mount /dev/hdg1 /mnt/ubuntu"04:39
markj555does it list any sort of ip address?04:40
hamadoooguys anyone knows how to deal with kismet program04:40
Tarantulafudgevikku: sudo -i04:40
markj555on eth004:40
mongolaijayde_drag0n, no, but perhaps W_McL can help you better anyway.04:40
gbv22markj555: nope..it shows me the mac addess..no ip tho04:40
markj555does your router give out dhcp addresses?04:40
vikku Tarantulafudge: but i think its asking for username and passwd04:40
Tarantulafudgevikku: use the user credientials04:41
gbv22markj555: yes it does, but i have configured a static ip address as of now, just to see if its working..with no success04:41
Tarantulafudgevikku: there is no root password for ubuntu04:41
Tarantulafudgevikku: I mean there is one, but its random04:41
jayde_drag0nW_Mcl .. i didn't get any of that can you pm me please?04:41
FusE0#ubuntu-wifi for all your wirelss needs04:41
nikinTarantulafudge: splash screens easy way.. to apt-get install ubuntu-artwork package again... that worked by me... by any version.. for the login stuff.... look aroun in system administration > boot manager or something like that.. there you can set the theme back04:41
Tarantulafudgevikku: if you wanna use it just do sudo passwd04:41
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xoRockis there anyway to recreate xorg.conf automaticaly?04:42
vikku Tarantulafudge: i'll try doing it ...also how can i have desktop in it ...i can only see cmd line04:42
=== Vsop_vsop [n=chatzill@S010600400554cebc.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
markj555gvb, I am unsure on ubuntu, but you should have some sort of network choice under your system tools on the menus, open that up and see if the card is set to get dhcp addresses04:42
Vsop_vsopHey folks : again..04:42
GamingXIs there someone who can help me?04:42
FusE#ubuntu-wifi for all your wirelss needs04:42
mneptokvikku: please do not set a root password04:42
mneptokvikku: use sudo04:42
kahrytanTarantulafudge: Try the Startup manager04:42
=== grios [n=grios@24-159-197-22.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mhz`-aww man am i beat04:43
Tarantulafudgevikku: I recommend just doing a reinstall with full ubuntu, then installing the servers04:43
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Tarantulafudgevikku: services*04:43
mongolaiTarantulafudge, or sudo dpgk-reconfigure gdm04:43
aaron_last call for anyone that knows anything about packet forwarding..04:43
Tarantulafudgevikku: or you could just do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:43
mongolai*dpkg* ^^04:43
Vsop_vsopok put in a dvd and Ya.. of couse Nadda.. whats the best way to get dvd playback?04:43
kahrytanTarantulafudge: http://web.telia.com/%7Eu88005282/index.html04:43
gbv22 markj555: well..yeah..i have turned on dhcp now, but it still wont onnect...im pretty stumped,,cause this did not happen with edgy....it worked just fine...but fiesty is acting wierd...04:43
Vsop_vsopand or mp3 playback04:43
mneptokVsop_vsop: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp304:44
bryantcaleyVsop_vsop, i use easyubuntu, no problems ;)04:44
mneptokplease don't use EasyUbuntu :)04:44
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markj555Not sure, I'm using Fedora 7 right now, I am going to be loading ubuntu at some point soon.  Fedora 7 is horrible with its support for apps because of the new kernel04:44
bryantcaley lol04:44
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Vsop_vsopmneptok: is that for dvd as well?04:44
markj555not really good with command line either04:45
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mneptokVsop_vsop: no04:45
=== ubunut [n=againnun@adsl-70-128-155-102.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryantcaleyim sure these guys know more specific ways  :) listen to them :D04:45
nikingbv: what card? ist that an RTL818x or something like that chiped one?04:45
veritgodoes anyone know of a way to restart beryl / the desktop manager from the command line without restarting the entire x environment?04:45
markj555gbv does it say the card is active in your network utility?04:45
kahrytanVsop_vsop: goto http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html and download libdvdcss2 and use VLC (also on the site) or in Repo04:45
gbv22 markj555: fedora 7 rocks :)..heh..have had no problems with it thus far04:45
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
veritgobasically, the top bar of my desktop frequently fails to load. I can do a gdm/restart a few times and eventually it comes back04:45
Vsop_vsopYa thats the one.. .. thanks dude >> Top notch04:45
xoRockis there anyway to recreate xorg.conf automaticaly? i deleted /etc/X11/xorg.conf and while in root desktop  accidenly changed the resolution that my LCD can't support, so now i have blank screen whenever login as root, is there anyway to edit default screen resolution in nano/terminal from text mode?04:46
aaron_veritgo: restart gdm?04:46
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veritgoaaron_: thats my current workaround04:46
mhz`-reinstall it?04:46
veritgoaaron_: would like a way to just restart the manager without going back to the login04:46
gbv22markj555: well...i dont know how to use the new guis...they are confusing..do u know how to do it via command line?04:46
markj555no sorry04:46
aaron_don't think you can do that04:46
nikinxoRock: reconfiguring y server may help04:46
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veritgowell, you can right click on the beryl cube when it is there right?04:46
nikinx server*04:46
veritgoand then go to 'restart desktop manager'04:47
vikk1well. i downloaded it from ubuntu site and wrote it in cd ....from that i installed it ...u mean that my installation are not complete ?04:47
markj555gbv: Fedora 7 has issues with all kinds of stuff I'm trying to load.  Xgl, Beryl, Vmware, ATI drivers04:47
=== abdubi [n=abdubi@c-68-56-134-30.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
veritgojust when my top bar isn't there.. nothing to right click04:47
vikk1 pls guide me for partition sizes , iam using dedicated 80 GB for this !!04:47
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kahrytanVsop_vsop: I find VLC to be best for new users. Works with anything you throw at it and it has codecs builtin. just need libdvdcss2 installed which videolan provides.04:47
FusE#ubuntu-wifi for all your ubuntu wireless needs04:47
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gbv22markj555: oh ok..hmm..i have nvidia...and beryl and xgl had no problem04:47
kahrytanI find it funny how MPAA doesnt come after Linux users for using libdvdcss204:47
mneptokFusE: please stop advertising other channels04:47
xoRocknikin, is there anyway it reconfigure automaticaly like when installing ubuntu?04:47
FusEIm not04:47
FusEIm giving people directions04:48
mneptokFusE: please stop advertising other channels04:48
Vsop_vsopkahrytan: thanks had it b4 just put ubuntu on the laptop...04:48
FusEIts not evn my channel04:48
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markj555i thought you didn't like gui :p04:48
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gbv22markj555: i like gui..lol..but i dont kno how to use ubuntus new ones04:48
gbv22they are limited04:48
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nikinxoRock: i dont know sutch way: should i look around a bit ?04:48
kahrytanVsop_vsop: and It is nice of them to host libdvdcss2 aint it?04:48
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markj555true, i need a linux administrator bible or something04:48
gbv22markj555: my roomie runs beryl,xgl on his ati...with fiesty...runs fine..tooka week to setup04:48
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gbv22markj555: haah04:49
kahrytanmneptok: Don't you find it odd that mpaa doesnt care about libdvdcss2?04:49
=== g0dd3ss [n=kljk@ip-58-28-136-99.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
markj555gbv: i've heard ubuntu is better with it04:49
lunargroveHey, do any of you own a Dell laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed? How do you like it and how compatible is everything? I'm thinking about buying one and I don't want to make an expensive mistake.04:49
jkthecjeri just asked chacha.com the following question: why when i do a wlanconfig ath0 destroy on a VAP in monitor mode (madwifi), then try a wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta, do i get ioctl: Input/Output Error until i restart my machine?04:49
aaron_veritgo: so you're wanting to restart metacity04:49
markj555I am switching as soon as this is downloaded04:49
xoRocknikin, dont worry about it, thx anyway ^^04:49
mneptokkahrytan: who says they don't?04:49
veritgoaaron_: yes, but i'm using beryl instead of metacity04:49
TarantulafudgeI just found the "Desktop Effects" option under system preferences!! THAT WAS SO EASY!....04:49
markj555but Fedora 7's new core has messed up a lot of apps from all the message boards i've been reading04:49
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Drewcan anyone help with an audio problem ?04:49
veritgoaaron_: metacity always loads no problem04:49
kahrytanmneptok: No lawsuits.04:49
aaron_veritgo: right.04:49
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gbv22markj555: yeah..only beef i have with ubuntu is..when x crashes..theres no easy to bring it back up..so once its down..u need to use ur backed up xorg..04:50
TarantulafudgeBravo ubuntu, bravo..04:50
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veritgoaaron_: it is just that beryl sometimes either: doesn't have the top bar, doesn't have both top and bottom bars, doesn't have the desktop, or lacks the bottom bars04:50
mneptokkahrytan: tough to suit when VLC has broken no laws it the jurisdictions in which they conduct business04:50
vikk2Tarantulafudge: well. i downloaded it from ubuntu site and wrote it in cd ....from that i installed it ...u mean that my installation are not complete ?04:50
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g0dd3sshi everyone could someoone please help me my I'm using ubuntu fiesty and I had my wireless setup, it used to automatically connect when I booted the computer, but now it doesn't, I can still see my wireless network in wifiradar but it doesn't connect automastically how to fix it?04:50
gbv22markj555: but with fc6, i could just take it back using its own lil gui04:50
GamingXHello guys, Can someone help me with XChat?04:50
markj555gbv: most linux kernels are like that04:50
vikk2Tarantulafudge: pls guide me for partition sizes , iam using dedicated 80 GB for this !!04:50
=== quarkpup [n=quarkpup@udp156649uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
veritgoaaron_: so long as my top bar is there, i can right click beryl diamond thingy and restart the window manager (beryl) which usually gets it working04:50
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gbv22markj555: its not in fedora..if it crashes..its got this gui that will help u reconfigure it04:50
phreckwhy the heck does my system monnitor say that my cpu is running at 100 percent most of the time04:50
phreckeven when idle04:50
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raylunmap shows that only ssh and mysqld are running04:50
=== Alex288288 [n=alex@d150-60-97.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
veritgoaaron_: if the top bar is absent, i'm reduced to spamming gdm/restart04:50
raylucan anyone tell me what's wrong?04:51
markj555gbv: true, but it doesn't always work either04:51
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mneptokkahrytan: e.g. Finland has ruled that CSS is not considered encryption any more, so breaking it violates no laws04:51
kahrytanmneptok: I would gladly pay few bucks on libdvdcss2 though04:51
Tarantulafudgevikk2: nah, when you choose LAMPP or whichever you are installing a server environment, if you want all that and a desktop just apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:51
jkthecjerthe live chacha search guide posted back: www.linux.com :-)04:51
Alex288288Sup. does anyone know how to RDP into a ubuntu machine from Windows?04:51
rayluphreck, what's using all the cpu power?04:51
Tarantulafudgevikk2: servers don't need GUI's04:51
markj555gbv: mine is so jacked up from trying to get fglrx working and some livna drivers I got I am having to use the default vesa drivers to get it workng now04:51
Drewcan anyone help with an audio problem in feisty ?04:51
Tarantulafudgevikk2: waste of ram04:51
phreckraylu: its idle04:51
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markj555Alex: try using a VNC client04:51
gbv22markj555: well..u can bring it up with generic drivers...so u can run an minimal X...but yeah..unless ur ati drivers are recognised..u wont get to beryl04:51
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kahrytanmneptok: Maybe because it's not really.04:51
GamingXI have XChat installed, I added a new network to connect to other servers but when i click on connect the Xchat window is closing off04:51
=== Peter_ubuntu [n=zjy@jffwprtest.jf.intel.com] has joined #ubuntu
markj555gbv: i had beryl working for a short time till it rebooted and it got all jacked up, now fglrx won't even work04:52
vikk2Tarantulafudge: iam just joining the club of nu b :)04:52
Alex288288Thanks Mark04:52
mneptokkahrytan: if i wrap a bar of gold in wet toilet paper i can hardly be said to have "secured" the gold ;)04:52
bulmerg0dd3ss: do you have auto wlan0 before your iface wlan0   on the interface file?04:52
Tarantulafudgevikk2: lol never seen it spelled that way, your definitely a unique person04:52
gbv22markj55:...oh...that sucks..to have it workin and then mess up..04:52
markj555I need to create an image of a good configuration and save it for later04:52
kahrytanmneptok: It's a weak method of preventing people from copying files off the dvds.04:52
markj555but i'm switching to ubuntu04:52
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gekoscanubuntu sucks04:53
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kahrytangekoscan: Take that back04:53
gbv22can anyone help me get connected to the internet on my ubuntu machine..PLEASE04:53
Tarantulafudgegekoscan: go troll somewhere else, like in #windows04:53
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gbv22i have been trying for hours04:53
xpointgekoscan, why are you here ?04:53
kahrytangbv22: what are you using for internet04:53
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bulmergbv22: what have you done so far?04:53
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g0dd3ssbulmer im not sure what you mean. it has worked fine for weeks until just now, my laptop battery went flat and after i reboot it doesnt work.  it is eth1 and i have static ips set.04:53
gekoscani wanted to see how many flames i got in 60 seconds04:53
vikk2Tarantulafudge: thnx04:53
gbv22i have my ethernet cable plugged in04:53
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gbv22and i have enabled it..from the gui04:54
vikk2Tarantulafudge:: i'll go ahead and try it04:54
gbv22network manager04:54
kahrytangbv22: Too what internet service04:54
lenniehi,all .anyone see that, /etc/cron.daily/apt sometimes will hang up, apt-get -qq update hang up, I think it is caused because add unofficial source but not import gpg key.04:54
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Tarantulafudgevikk2: gl :)04:54
KI4IKLwhat are some other good shells besides gnome-terminal and xterm04:54
bulmerg0dd3ss: do you have auto wlan0 before your iface wlan0   on the interface file? <-- you verified this?04:54
SS_BXHow can I make it where other people can securely connect to my box and have a shell? What can I read to set that up?04:54
kahrytangbv22: through a router or modem?04:54
gbv22kahrytan: router04:54
kyjaso is there like an archive of bash scripts and clipings to add to bashrc to make a beefy terminal experiance?04:54
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vikk2thnkx all ...be back04:54
Vsop_vsopman i love beryl.. is it only me04:54
gbv22kahrytan: but it cannot even ping the router04:54
g0dd3ssbulmer I'm a noob and i dont know what the interface file is04:54
rayluphreck, it's not idle04:55
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raylunmap shows only ssh and mysqld running04:55
TarantulafudgeKI4IKL: check out 'tilda'04:55
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rayluand apache2ctl stop gives me no pid04:55
kahrytangbv22: I never had a problem with routers.04:55
KI4IKLI want a few answers so I can mess with them and see exactly what I want04:55
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-29-252.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
KI4IKLVsop_vsop, I love beryl as wekll04:55
bulmerg0dd3ss: look at the file /etc/network/interfaces04:55
gbv22kahrytan: well...edgy worked out the box for me04:55
bulmerg0dd3ss: look at the file /etc/network/interface rather04:55
gbv22kahrytan:but fiesty wont let me connect!04:55
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gbv22kahrytan: do u know how i can bring it up...any ideas?04:56
Sourfalgum brasileiro aee?04:56
kyjaVsop_vsop, beryl that you speek of... you think it would work well with ati mobility radion x600?04:56
Vsop_vsopYAY now i dont feel soo left out..04:56
kahrytangbv22: So, you dont get an ip address from router?04:56
gbv22kahrytan: not yet04:56
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vsop_vsopi am running radion x1400 and works fine04:56
TarantulafudgeKI4IKL: tilda is a dropdown terminal, kind of like what you get when your playing quake3 and you hit the tilda key04:57
kahrytangbv22: reset router?04:57
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TarantulafudgeKI4IKL: very handy04:57
SourfI'm doing a test with the piodgin and show it for some persons here in my side04:57
TheCreationistWhenever I boot my system, Ubuntu Feisty will only recognize my cd burner drive if there is a CD in the tray and bootup.  Anyone know how to fix this?04:57
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Vsop_vsophere go to this page04:57
gbv22kahrytan: tried....it just dosent connect....its really strange04:57
SS_BXHow can I make it where other people can securely connect to my box and have a shell? What can I read to set that up? Anyone?04:57
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bulmerSS_BX: if they have ssh client they ought to be able to login in securely04:57
gbv22kahrytan:i tried dhclient eth004:58
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Vsop_vsopkyja: now if you do step by stem what he says.. no misstakes... this will set you up...  ok   http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html04:58
Tarantulafudgeis ssh default on ubuntu?04:58
SS_BXI keep getting "Connection refused"04:58
kyjaok thx I will get on that04:58
gbv22kahrytan:: and its talkin to my router...says somethign bout a dhcp offer04:58
TarantulafudgeSS_BX: install openssh04:58
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kyjathx very much Vsop_vsop04:58
Vsop_vsopKyja.... i am running 6.10 not 7.404:58
SS_BXok thanks04:58
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kahrytangbv22: Im not experienced04:59
Vsop_vsop7.4 dont like me much04:59
kyjaah I have 7.04 going here04:59
bulmerSS_BX: see if sshd is running first04:59
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gbv22once again...can anyone help me get connected to the internet?04:59
markj555post on a forum04:59
Vsop_vsopyeah.. i get a huge mess of errors due to my card on 7.404:59
[Neurotic] Hi, is there a way I can reset the automounter?04:59
Tarantulafudgegbv22: wireless?04:59
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SS_BXsshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path04:59
gbv22Tarantulafudge: worked out the box on edgy!!05:00
Tarantulafudgegbv22: what do you get from 'sudo ifconfig'05:00
kyjawell, here is hoping I dont mess me up bad lol05:00
rayluwhy do you need to sudo ifconfig?05:00
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Sleep_Whoa my name got appended, better change it05:00
gbv22Tarantulafudge: i dont get an ip address05:00
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Tarantulafudgegbv22: but you get an eth0 interface?05:00
iakona724Can someone help me out? I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 and I get this error message "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface)."05:00
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gbv22Tarantulafudge: just mac address05:00
gbv22Tarantulafudge: yeah05:00
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PhotocopyIf anyone is available to help me out itd be much appreciated05:00
gbv22Tarantulafudge: that and loopback05:00
Tarantulafudgegbv22: is this a fresh install?05:00
MaterialsHi, is there a library that lets you directly control pins on a computer?  Like for flashing LEDs or something?05:00
gbv22Tarantulafudge: yes05:00
rayluiakona724, have you tried safe graphics mode?05:00
gbv22Tarantulafudge: brand new, hours old05:01
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g0dd3ssbulmer my interfaces file look like this http://pastebin.com/m28bcae2b05:01
Tarantulafudgegbv22: have you tried restarting /etc/init.d/networking restart05:01
PhotocopyIs anyone here?05:01
KhrajinI have Ubuntu Server loaded up on a system and I installed KDE, but when I do Startx it will boot KDE, but doesn't show anything after the small loading box disappears. Any ideas?05:01
PhotocopyThat is available to help me?05:01
bulmerMaterials: you may have to rebuild a kernel for that05:01
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raylug0dd3ss,....that's not a really good thing to paste :P though it's unlikely anyone will be able to abuse your key05:01
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TarantulafudgeMaterials, 'directly control pins?"05:02
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gbv22Tarantulafudge: yesh..when i do that..i get these wuierd messages05:02
g0dd3ssraylu heh i think i take my chances on that if someone that desperate then go ahead05:02
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gbv22Tarantulafudge: it says DHCPOFFER from
Materialsbulmer:  Thanks, Do you have some a link for reference?05:02
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gbv22Tarantulafudge: and it says host name larger than buffer05:02
Tarantulafudgegbv22: do a pastebin or priv msg me05:03
bulmerMaterials i dont offhand, just google for one05:03
unagianyone know if it is possible to have ubuntu sit the icons on the desktop to the right of the screen?05:03
KhrajinI have Ubuntu Server loaded up on a system and I installed KDE, but when I do Startx it will boot KDE, but doesn't show anything after the small loading box disappears. Any ideas?05:03
bulmerg0dd3ss: which of those interfaces is your gateway?05:03
ozzmanHi, i am installing VMware and encountered this - make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmnet-only'05:03
ozzmanUnable to make a vmnet module that can be loaded in the running kernel:05:03
ozzmaninsmod: error inserting '/tmp/vmware-config0/vmnet.o': -1 File exists05:03
ozzmanThere is probably a slight difference in the kernel configuration between the05:03
ozzmanset of C header files you specified and your running kernel.  You may want to05:03
MaterialsTarantulafudge: eer, I mean controlling a serial port directly or something05:03
ozzmanrebuild a kernel based on that directory, or specify another directory.05:03
iakona724whats the difference between a regular install and a safe graphics mode?05:03
MaterialsBulmer: Ok thanks05:03
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g0dd3ssbulmer eth1 is the one i use it's an ap plugged into another computer sharing the internet connection05:04
Nutubuntu!pastebin | ozzman05:04
ubotuozzman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:04
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vbabiyHello Everyone05:04
ozzmanok sorry05:04
bulmerg0dd3ss: and you call yourself a newbie? you lashed up a system with a complicated subnets?05:04
DJ_DanniWhen i push ALT+F2 what shut i type to get in the admin?05:04
g0dd3ssi didnt have to do anything with subnets XD05:05
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vbabiyDJ_Danni: what are you try to do05:05
g0dd3ssand yes i am a newbie when it comes to linux05:05
iakona724I keep getting this error, "Failed to start the X server" when I try to install ubuntu 7.04, I've tried both regular install and safe mode. Can anyone help?05:05
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DJ_Dannisn only to it as Admin05:05
bulmerg0dd3ss: lets start from beginning, elaborate the physical layout and what do you have? 32bit? 64bit os?05:05
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DJ_DanniI am trying to chance config.inc.php at phpmyadmin but i can only do it as Root05:06
bulmerDJ_Danni: login as regular user and then sudo05:06
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g0dd3ssok a ihave a windows machine with an adsl connection as an internet gateway, with a wireless acces point plugged into it, usually i just connect to that with my laptop through the wireless, both 32 bit05:06
vbabiyDJ_Danni: do sudo vi whatever.php05:07
ozzmanI am having problems installing VMware - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30184/05:07
vbabiythat will load vi in admin mode05:07
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DJ_DanniWhen i push ALT+F2 the i type in sudo nano somthang to get in the admin Browser05:07
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DJ_DanniKNow what i mean?05:07
bulmerg0dd3ss: umm you have a windows machine acting as gateway?05:07
Nutubuntuozzman - it reads as if you're trying to compile vmware - are you? if so, why? it's in the commercial repository, vmware-server05:07
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g0dd3ssbulmer yea05:08
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bulmerDJ_Danni: umm you have to logon first ..and no gui browsers on console05:08
bulmerg0dd3ss: good luck.. :)  ..your windows can access internet okay?05:09
g0dd3ssif i boot into windows from my laptop the wireess is working fine, but since my laptop shutdown when the battery ran flat while i was on ubuntu, it doesn automatically connect at boot anymore, and idk how to connect :-S05:09
DJ_DanniNo i mean Push alt+F2 ad i have always type sudo smothang to get in the root Browser Dir05:09
g0dd3ssyes im using it now 8-]  yay mirc05:09
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bulmerg0dd3ss: you need to prefix a nick when you're responding or else it will be missed05:09
=== mneptok cringes at the mention of mIRC
g0dd3ssbulmer sorrry05:10
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vladuz976how do i change my preferences for default applications05:10
vladuz976like thunderbird instead of evolution?05:10
ozzmanNutubuntu: I have no idea.... i might have installed the environment for the server could that relate05:10
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DJ_Dannithang it is sudo gtknano or somthang like that05:10
kyjaomg this beryl is amaizing05:10
mneptokvladuz976: System > Prefs > Preferred Apps05:10
vladuz976mneptok, thanks05:11
unagiis it possible to add menu items to the desktop menu?05:11
manicdoes anyone know what the current status of flash is for x86_64 bit machines?05:11
kyjaits steroids hiding in candy05:11
bulmerDJ_Danni: umm you have to logon first ..and no gui browsers on console..you're logged on right?05:11
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mneptokunagi: System > Prefs > Main Menu05:11
DJ_DanniI not mean that05:11
Nutubuntuozzman, I'm not clear what it is you're trying to do. I'm a n00b so maybe it'd be obvious to someone more experienced, but I *have* installed vmware-server and didn't have to do any compiling to do it. is that what you're trying to accomplish?05:11
=== mneptok wonders when people stopped actually thinking for themselves
DJ_Dannii mean so i can browser as root and chance LOCK Files05:11
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DJ_Dannilike config.inc.php05:12
bulmerDJ_Danni: no browsing in the console..its text mode only05:12
mneptokDJ_Danni: you do that with chown+chmod05:12
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DJ_DanniAlso Browsering05:12
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DJ_DanniI have use that before05:12
DJ_DanniI am just looking for the command05:12
ozzmanNutubuntu: no i am trying to install workstation 605:13
bulmerDJ_Danni: no browsing in the console..its text mode only05:13
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DJ_Dannii know05:13
=== thebigham [n=daniel@pool-68-237-111-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unaginot the main menu mneptok the desktop menu05:13
FalstiusDJ_Danni: you mean like "gksudo nautilus" ?05:13
NutubuntuI'm sorry, ozzman - I have no clue about that.05:13
unagimneptok: like 'clean up by type'05:13
DJ_DanniBut how can i chance it by push ALT+F2?05:13
g0dd3ssanyway thanks for your help bulmer, i keep trying XD05:14
mneptokunagi: those are controlled by extensions to Nautilus05:14
ozzmanNutubuntu: ok, how would i role back and uninstall?05:14
[Neurotic] nobody knows a way to restart the gnome auto mount?05:14
[Neurotic] :(05:14
unagiso is it possible to add a menu selection?05:14
bulmerDJ_Danni: you push ALT+F2 you get a console..once youre logged on you can use vim or nano or whatever editor you wish05:14
DJ_DanniThang you Falstius that it is i was looking for;)05:14
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mneptokunagi: yes05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
DJ_Dannigksudo nautilus remember that05:14
mneptokunagi: read the GNOME Nautilus dev guide05:14
ThanatosDriveunagi: System>Preferences>Main Menu05:14
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:15
unagiwhere would i find that mneptok05:15
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FalstiusDJ_Danni: be careful what you do with a browser with root privileges, it is easy to delete something you didn't mean to, or change a permission that breaks stuff.05:15
mneptokunagi: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/05:15
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gladierhey guys - netgear wireless pcmcia adaptors that dont require ndiswrapper? any model numbers that you know of?05:16
Nutubuntuozzman, maybe you should ask that of the chan? I am not sure, but I *think* when make fails like that, you haven't got any uninstalling to do.05:16
=== concusser [n=Spud@203-59-213-226.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
unagiis it possible to switch which side the icons on the desktop sit?05:16
concusseranyone recorded line-in from a soundblaster live card?05:16
mneptokgladier: new purchase?05:16
mneptokgladier: *must* be Netgear?05:16
st1ckly78i need some help mounting an extra hard drive for storage purposes only can someon ehelp please05:17
gladierno just netgear is easier for me to find05:17
Nicarkhey guys... how is it call the (for example)  "  Nicark@linux:~$ "   ??05:17
mneptokgladier: you in the US? with a credit/debit card?05:17
gladierAUS, with a credit card05:17
FusEWhy am I getting "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:17
KhrajinHow do you force an ip address even after reboot?05:17
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NutubuntuNicark,  do you mean the prompt?05:17
mneptokgladier: preferred online vendor?05:17
bulmerKhrajin: come again? force an ip address?05:17
Khrajinbulmer: Tell a system to have IP xx.xx.xx.xx05:18
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mongolaihow do I get sudo to allow root access for more than the default 15 minutes?05:18
KhrajinAnd to have it keep that ip address even after a reboot05:18
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bulmerKhrajin: in the file /etc/network/interface  use static05:18
gladiermneptok: im a wholesaler for hardware - which is why im after the model number05:18
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bulmermongolai: umm create a user with root privileges or just redo the sudo after 15 minuts... :)05:19
mneptokgladier: Netgear and Linksys should be avoided like the plagues that they are05:19
Khrajinbulmer: so it should be iface eth0 inet xx.xx.xx.xx?05:19
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Khrajinor static eth005:19
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mneptokgladier: a model number is *zero* guarantee of what hardware is present05:20
NicarkNutubuntu, that's it thanks =)05:20
ThanatosDriveWhat formatting options are available on Ubuntu? NTFS? FAT? FAT32?05:20
bulmerKhrajin: i cant recall the exact syntax...you may have to google for it05:20
mneptokgladier: you're better off with a TrendNet card supported by MadWiFi05:20
KhrajinThanatosDrive: EXT305:20
ThanatosDriveKhrajin: Eh?05:20
TheNo1YetiThanatos: NTFS, FAT, FAT32, EXT3, several others05:20
ThanatosDriveAh, thanks.05:20
TheNo1YetiThose are the most common though.05:20
KhrajinThanatosDrive: Right.05:20
TheNo1Yetiext3 is like linux default05:20
gladiermneptok: does madwifi support scanning/monitoring mode?05:20
NutubuntuNicark,  y/w :)05:21
kyled185sorry if this is a noob question, but I'm trying to make a "hello world" program using kdevelop and qt4, however when I try to build the project I get "*** AUTOCONF NOT FOUND!." I have autoconf installed however and that's what's confusing me...any ideas on what's going wrong?05:21
mneptokgladier: depends on the Atheros chip involved05:21
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dr_williskyled185,  you did install the build-essential package?05:21
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gladiermneptok: suggestions?05:21
Vsop_vsopwell i d/l amark and got it started but when i try to play a mp3 i get this ( No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported.05:22
huyhas anyone here ever tried encoding with mencoder?05:22
=== Sensae [n=none@adsl-75-54-232-240.dsl.chi2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyled185dr_willis: er, no I just installed autoconf05:22
FusEWhy am I getting "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:22
dr_williskyled185,  thers no C compiler stuff installed by default.. Install the Developer stuff05:22
FalstiusThanatosDrive: you can only easily install systems on ext2, ext3, xfs, jfs, reiserfs, reiser4fs and maybe a few others.  NTFS, fat, and many others are supported for creating filesystems.  Some, like hpfs (mac) are supported read only.05:22
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:22
mneptokgladier: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility05:22
NutubuntuI've read some rather disturbing reports of problems with ext3 in a RAID configuration (possibly with any journaling fs in a RAID). Has anyone else seen that? I'm not sure how seriously to take it05:22
SensaeWhere does the ubuntu server place information about a RAID? I just erased two drives that were in a RAID, and now when I try to set them back up in a RAID the ubuntu server sees the raid configuration and won't let me delete it05:22
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ralphoany good how too for upgrading feisty to kernel .2205:23
SeokeI'm trying to install Planeshift and it came in a .bin file how do I install something from a .bin?05:23
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mneptokNutubuntu: considering ext3 is journalled, i'd take such reports with a grain of salt05:23
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:23
concusseranyone recorded line-in from a soundblaster live card?05:23
dr_willisconcusser,  about 5+ years ago... so you may want to ask a clearer question...05:23
Vsop_vsopwell i d/l amark and got it started but when i try to play a mp3 i get this ( No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported.05:23
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SensaeI've even wiped the drives in a third party application (Completely wiped) but they still show up in a software RAID I can't delete.05:24
bulmerSensae: i dont know, but if you can strace (maybe lsof) the daemon thats responsible for raid, it may tell you which config file it uses?05:24
NutubuntuSensae, not clear what you're describing. I had something similar and had to zero out Track 0 with a Seagate util (these were Seagate drives) before the RAID "went away".05:24
SeokeI'm trying to install Planeshift and it came in a .bin file how do I install something from a .bin?05:24
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concusserdr_willis, well, I cant enable the line-in to record on this device. It will let me and it will play thru the speakers (line in --> line out) but wont let me record just the line in05:24
dr_willisSeoke,  chmod +x whatever.bin && ./whatever.bin05:25
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SensaeI set up a RAID, system was fully working. I realized I wanted a different RAID setup. I nuked the drives in a different app (bootcd) and nuked track 0, the mbr and partitions, and went to reinstall ubuntu with a different RAID05:25
SensaeThe raid still shows up05:25
Nutubuntumneptok, the notes I read suggested that *because* ext3 is journaled it might be an issue in a RAID. It was not clear why - possibly a conflict between how a software RAID sees a write and how the journal-commit-delete sequence goes in ext305:25
gladiermneptok: any suggestions on model nos for monitor modE?05:25
kyled185dr_willis: hmm that didn't do the trick...are there other packages that I might need?05:25
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gberardihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/84964 I seem to have the symptoms described here. After upgrading to Feisty, I can't boot. I think the kernel doesn't know how to handle harddrive devices or some other piece of hardware. The older kernels won't boot either, although I did get a 2.6.10 to boot.05:25
gberardiAny ideas?05:26
dr_williskyled185,  no idea.. depends on what yuou are compiling..05:26
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dr_williskyled185,  and the exact error messages05:26
bulmerkyled185: curious..if you just type make,  what is the response?05:26
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vinnehanyone have any idea why ubuntu doesnt install with the ability to compile from source? I understand what is needed to make it able to do so, i just want to know why the hell it isnt included as standard, i mean it IS LINUX isnt it?05:26
dr_willisvinneh,  No its not a 'standard'05:27
bulmervinneh: development tools are not standard05:27
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dr_willisvinneh,  theres only so much room on a cd.05:27
FusEvinneh: package manager, linux-headers05:27
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JudgeI'm looking for a program to help me manage my log files on my system, something that will reduce the amount of time checking each individual file.05:27
dr_willisvinneh,  want the kde devs? gnome dev packages also? how about gtk, and the 10000+ over dev packages?05:27
Falstiusdr_willis: I think he means that gcc isn't installed.  But it is included on the CD.05:27
kyled185bulmer: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.05:28
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mneptokJudge: logwatch WFM05:28
dr_willisFalstius,  :) so he can compule helloworld.c05:28
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=== vinneh feels his question has been answered thankyou
NutubuntuSensae,  hm... you've zeroed track 0 but the raid is still there? How do you mean, still there? where do you see it?05:28
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bulmerkyled185: how about if you type configure ? whats the result?05:28
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gberardiIs anyone familiar with an inability to boot after upgrading to Feisty from Edgy?05:28
JudgeGreat, Thanks mneptok!05:28
JudgeJust what I needed05:28
vinnehalthough, i would expect that ubuntu wouldnt come with kde devs, likewise kubuntu wouldnt come with gnome librarys05:28
DigitalNinjaIs there a good video chat application for Ubuntu?05:28
martmanis it possible to do a minimal install from the normal cd?05:29
SensaeNutubuntu: the ubuntu server setup starts the partitioner, I add my partitions for a new RAID, and once those get written the old RAID setup just appears, and I can't delete it.05:29
kyled185bulmer: No such file or directory05:29
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Falstiusvinneh: the -dev packages for gnome or kde are several hundred megabyte.  I wouldn't want that on my base install.05:29
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kyled185bulmer: there are Makefiles though, how would I use them?05:29
Nutubuntu:/  Sensae - can you try zeroing out Track 0 - again ?05:29
Falstiusvinneh: nor would probably 90+% of linux users.05:29
bulmerkyled185: same in mine..umm are you on the same dir as the Makefile?05:29
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SensaeNutubuntu: Heh, I can try. BRB05:30
kyled185bulmer: yes05:30
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vinnehok well how about jsut having a proper build environment05:30
vinnehi mean the build-essentials package05:30
diabolixdoes anyone know where nautilus stores thumbnails?05:30
vinnehisnt very large05:30
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bulmerkyled185: what was your command earlier that you got those no AUTOCONF errors?05:30
FusEvinneh: package manager, linux-headers05:30
FusEWhy am I getting "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:30
kyled185bulmer: I was using the GUI in KDevelop05:30
Falstiusvinneh: no, but it is on the CD.  I think it should be installed too however :)05:30
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FusEvinneh, build is in that05:31
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bulmerkyled185: using gui's for developing and not knowing whats behind it can be bothersome, why not try the command line first eh?05:31
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kyled185bulmer: you're probably right...perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself05:32
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dr_willisstart with helloworld.c :)05:33
bulmerkyled185: and maybe learn the make command and ld and gcc... :)05:33
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kyled185bulmer: I've looked into it before...creating makefiles is horrid05:34
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mneptokkyled185: have you done programming before?05:34
Falstiuskyled185: basic makefiles are easy and lifesaving.  They can get hideously complex.05:34
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FusEWhy am I getting "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:35
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kyled185mneptok: yeah, I've been programing for a few years, however I've only had a couple classes of formal training05:35
roymhi folks - any idea if vserver is available for feisty?05:35
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Nutubunturoym - vserver ? = vmware server ?05:36
aaron_anyone here know about SSH VPN tunneling?05:36
mneptokkyled185: what language and environment?05:36
roymNutubuntu: nope - linux vserver (free virtualization, but runs the on same kernel)05:36
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Nutubuntuah, sorry, roym05:37
astro76!find vserver05:37
ubotuFound: util-vserver, vserver-debiantools05:37
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Falstiusaaron_: ssh or vpn?  they aren't the same05:37
mneptokroym: yes, it is05:37
Falstiusroym: vserver utils are there05:37
g0dd3ssHI can anybody help me, I am using ubuntu fiesty and my wireless usually connects automatically when  I boot, but it's stopped doing it all of a sudden, I don't know why I havent shanged anything. does anyone know how I can fix this? or manually start my wireless?05:37
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aaron_Falstius: point-to-point using SSH05:38
mneptokroym: a co-worker deplayed it on a production box this weekend05:38
kyled185mneptok: My formal training was in Ada(I know...), however I've been doing some C++ off and on for about 4 years05:38
Falstiusaaron_: I use it with vnc05:38
roymthanks - but I think I need the linux-image-vserver-x86 package...05:38
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aaron_not just a port tunnel05:38
=== PMG- [n=iampmg-@24-180-55-6.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig|laptopg0dd3ss, using iwconfig, iwlist, and dhclient, you can connect and find access points fairly easily05:38
mneptokkyled185: Ada?! ha! my last hardcore coding was in APL! :(05:38
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PMG-the heck05:38
gbv22guys..how do i install ndiswrapper?  sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 dosent work :(05:38
gbv22anyone have an idea?05:39
PMG-i didn't even ask to come into the channel05:39
PMG-sup everyone05:39
Falstiusaaron_: ooh ... cool.05:39
=== Falstius reads
roymmneptok: yep - I hear good things about it myself.05:39
PMG-2 year user05:39
Frogzoo!ndiswrapper  gbv2205:39
PMG-new to the IRC channel (but not to IRC itself)05:39
unagican anyone tell me where i might find free stock footage?05:39
mneptokkyled185: check out KDevelop05:39
gbv22Frogzoo:  what do u mean??05:39
bruenig|laptop!ot | unagi05:39
ubotuunagi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:39
g0dd3ssbruenig|laptop thanks but there is only one ap here - mine, it needs static ip and it's all setup right (ass far as i can see, but then i am a dumb noob)05:39
Frogzoo!ndis  gbv2205:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndis  gbv22 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
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gbv22what are u sayin frogzoo??05:39
Frogzoogbv22: nvm05:40
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bruenig|laptopg0dd3ss, I am not familiar with static ips unfortunately05:40
martmanis it possible to do a minimal install from the normal cd?05:40
kyled185mneptok: I was trying to use KDevelop but it was having trouble finding autoconf05:40
gbv22Frogzoo: any help.>....05:40
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bryantcaley_hi all.  how do i tell if i should be installing the 'legacy' or 'official' drivers fro my laptop's nvidia card ??05:40
DanaGDoes anybody know of a way to do voice chat over the AIM or Yahoo protocols?05:40
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g0dd3ssbruenig|laptop ok thanks05:40
gbv22ndiswrapper...how to install..anyone..please/05:40
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:41
mneptokkyled185: is autoconf's path in your shell's PATH variable?05:41
aaron_Falstius: you'll see my comment on that pages. its' the very last one.05:41
Justi1is it normal for firefox to freeze a lot in ubuntu?05:41
kyled185mneptok: yep05:41
g0dd3ssJusti1 mine doesnt :-\05:41
FusEflash can cause it05:41
bruenig|laptopJusti1, yes, especially if you visit flash sites a lot05:41
mneptokJusti1: only when you hit the power button05:41
NutubuntuJusti1,  only when it doesn't crash ;)05:49
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ZoffixJusti1, yes, that's why I use Opera05:49
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Justi1I go on youtube a lot- it crashes especially when I press the back button or close a tab05:49
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dr_willisJusti1,  cant say that ive seen those crashes..05:49
ZoffixJusti1, ! yes, freezes a lot on youtube for me05:49
gbv22can anyone tell me how to install ndiswrapper? please05:49
bastidraZorafter the latest update, firefox doesn't as nearly as much for me.. when viewing flash05:49
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Justi1does firefox update itself, or do I have to install packages?05:49
Zoffixgbv22, open your eyes. You've been answered already05:49
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ZoffixJusti1, mine updates itself.05:49
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gbv22Zoffix: i dont understand what !ndiswrapper means05:49
gbv22Zoffix: thats the only answer i got05:49
FusEDoes anyone get a "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
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FusEread that link05:49
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Zoffixgbv22, it means see bot's response below!05:49
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bastidraZori've noticed if you let the video finish completely before attempting to hit back or close a tab it doesn't crash at all05:49
ZoffixJusti1, I'm on
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FusE!ndiswrapper | gbv2205:49
ubotugbv22: please see above05:49
gbv22sorry guys05:49
gbv22i get it05:49
vikkupls tell me how to install desktop in ubuntu server edition 7.04 , i tried this : apt-get install desktop-manager , but it says no such pkg05:49
Falstiusaaron_: you don't give enough information for a informed response.  you should post stuff like the output of route -n and ifconfig05:49
Justi1zoffix: me too05:49
roymfolks, does anyone know if its ok to add stock debian testing locations to my /etc/apt/sources.list in feisty? ie: locations in debian.org...05:49
Frogzoo!ndis | gbv2205:49
ubotugbv22: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
FusEDoes anyone get a "wmaster0 unknown hardware type 801" error message05:49
Falstiusaaron_: and any firewall you have05:49
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NemesisDhi i just found an old computer i had laying around and I wanted to use it as like a wired backup device, would it be wise to use the ubuntu feisty i have or should i spring for downloading the server edition?05:49
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astro76Justi1, firefox is the one package where you'll get the latest version from apt-get upgrade05:49
dr_willisNemesisD,  you dont need to use the server edition just for a fileserver.. desktop ed. can work fine.05:49
aaron_Falstius: is it something you can help with?05:49
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aaron_i can get all of that pretty quickly. i'm just a lil sleepy.05:49
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vikkupls tell me how to install desktop in ubuntu server edition 7.04 , i tried this : apt-get install desktop-manager , but it says no such pkg05:49
NemesisDdr_willis, and what sort of reading should i do if i want some sort of automated backup of a windows machine?05:49
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Falstiusaaron_: depends on why it isn't working :)  I'm not a networking expert.05:49
g0dd3ssHI can anybody help me, I am using ubuntu fiesty and my wireless usually connects automatically when  I boot, but it's stopped doing it all of a sudden, I don't know why I havent shanged anything. does anyone know how I can fix this? or manually start my wireless?05:49
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astro76vikku, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:49
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about telepathy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
gbv22Zoffix: i tried installing it using apt-get..as it says on the tutorials05:49
Falstiusg0dd3ss: did you make sure your wireless is turned on?  you can check in the bios.05:49
aaron_i'm typing from my client, and my server is in my office. I essentially want to gain full access to another server on the same subnet as my server.05:49
aaron_make sense?05:49
vikkuastro76: ok will try now, be back05:49
gbv22Zoffix:but that dint work..it says it cant find it05:49
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gnychiswhats the proper way to install the java plugin for firefox?05:49
gbv22Zoffix:thats why im asking here05:49
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g0dd3ssFalstius yes it's turned on, works fine if i boot the same laptop into windows, was working fine for weeks until today05:49
dr_willisNemesisD,  i just set up the linux box with samba, and let the windows users use their home dirs as a place to store extra junk.05:49
IdleOne!java | gnychis05:49
ubotugnychis: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:49
dr_willisNemesisD,  you will want to read the 'samba-doc' books found in the samba-doc package perhaps05:49
NemesisDdr_willis, ah so like a network drive thing? i have that going with my ubuntu laptop05:49
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aaron_Falstius: you copy?05:49
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Zoffix!doesnt work | gbv2205:49
ubotugbv22: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:49
NemesisDdr_willis, i was actually thinking about some sort of drive image thing as opposed to picking and choosing files05:49
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Falstiusaaron_: yeah05:49
shirishguys I want to download ubuntu server edition , not the daily image but the release which came up with fiesty, anybody knows from where I can get it?05:49
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KhrajinHow do you have Ubuntu auto-login or no login screen come up?05:49
dr_willisNemesisD,   i dont use windows enough - to have any tools like that for windows.. so i jsut set the users up a share/icon on their desktopp and tell them to store their Imporntatuff there as backups05:49
astro76!feisty | shirish05:49
ubotushirish: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents05:49
FalstiusKhrajin: system -> administration -> login window05:49
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Nutubuntuis there much difference between sun-java5-jre and sun-java6-jre?05:49
shirishastro76: I know the fiesty release, I want to download the server edition05:50
gbv22ubotu:,Zoffix:  im sorry..i meant it gives me an error, E: couldnt find package ndiswrapper-utils-1.905:50
FusECan someone please help me, I wan tto get rid of this dhcp error: "wmaster0 unknown hardware address type 801"05:50
shirishubotu Torrents05:50
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ (DVDs)05:50
NemesisDdr_willis, ok05:50
astro76shirish, it's right there05:50
aaron_Falstius: alright. so far, i have this vpn connected. my server is behind a DSL router and obviously port 22 is forwarded correctly. I can ping (from here, the client) my servers local ip address ( and it's pointopoint ip address ( but I can't ping anythign else on my office network, like
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yell0werh guys, what is a good dvd player ?05:51
KhrajinFalstius: Thx. Trying it out05:51
Frawgiethis ought to be an easy question and i feel like an idiot for asking it, but what's the command to delete something? :(05:51
Khrajinyell0w: VLC05:51
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs05:51
kyjathis is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!05:51
Zoffixgbv22, where did you get that package name?05:51
alecw1Is there an IRC Channel for "Avant Window Navigator"?05:51
NutubuntuFrawgie,  rm (and it's gone for good)05:51
yell0wKhrajin, hmm it must be my dvd that's gone bad then05:51
FusECan someone please help me, I wan tto get rid of this dhcp error: "wmaster0 unknown hardware address type 801"05:51
Khrajinyell0w: Is it scratched?05:51
yell0wKhrajin, little bit05:51
dr_willisFusE,  you have been bothering to do some googling while you repeate that?05:51
NutubuntuFrawgie,  it may help to ReMember it as ReMove :)05:52
Khrajinyell0w: Go wash it. I'm serious. Warm water, a soft cloth, dish/hand soap05:52
FusEdr_willis, .... obviously05:52
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mneptok at Sat Jul 14 02:58:51 2007
(MajorPayne/#ubuntu) Snake: What do you mean 'fix' it? The only way I got it to work is use a sound card with hardware mixing. I could never get it to work on my laptop.05:56
(Sensae/#ubuntu) Nutubuntu: Yeah I googled it, thanks05:56
(Snake/#ubuntu) heh05:56
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(MajorPayne/#ubuntu) Snake: It works fine as long as it is the only application with sound.05:56
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(HorizonXP/#ubuntu) anyone know about sharing internet?05:56
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(aaron_/#ubuntu) Falstius: http://pastebin.com/m4be8d810 route -n from the server.05:56
(Snake/#ubuntu) MajorPayne: thats what I mean, id like music..05:56
(Nutubuntu/#ubuntu) Sensae, I'm still not sure what you're seeing is what I was seeing, but it helped me out of a (possibly) similar fix05:56
(gbv22/#ubuntu) !ndiswrapper05:57
(ubotu/#ubuntu) Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:57
=== mzeh [n=matt@cpe-74-75-250-113.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Falstiusaaron_: you need to set up your server as a gateway to do the packet forwarding.05:57
=== Johno [i=Johno@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
MajorPayneSnake: Sorry.  Can't help you there.  Teamspeak never updated to Alsa.  If you every find a better replacement for it tell be about it :-P05:57
SnakeMajorPayne: alright05:57
astro76Snake, a friend of mine knows how to fix it.... but he never finished a howto, you could email him though: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShaneVolpe05:57
Jordan_USnake, Use aoss05:57
Johnois it possible to use a usb wireless card?05:57
aaron_Falstius: so it wont' be able to forward with just one nic?05:57
FalstiusJohno: most of them.05:57
saxinanyone know where I can find free music? (not pirate thing) but music that artist put on the net for free download..05:57
aaron_saxin: myspace.com05:58
Thegeektechniquethe answer is always Sudo (something or other)... so if you randomly start typing things that sound like commands after that... eventually you will fix whatever your problem... (give a million monkeys a million typewriters...) there.. no need for this irc anymore...05:58
Falstiusaaron_: no, it can forward with just one real nic.  It forwards between a real nic and the virtual nic.05:58
aaron_saxin: there's more there than you'll know what to do with05:58
=== PFA [n=pfa@unaffiliated/pfa] has joined #ubuntu
Johnois there anything special I have to do? when I installed it on windows I had to also install a driver from a cd05:58
slytherinsaxin: http://www.jamendo.com/en/05:58
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saxinaaron_: hehe ok :P05:58
FalstiusJohno: if you're lucky, it will just work.  This is the case most of the time.05:58
RoC_MasterMindsaxin, archive.org05:59
aaron_Falstius: so, easier terms, what do you mean i need to set it up as a gateway05:59
Johnook Thank you05:59
aaron_*in easier terms*05:59
=== Thegeektechnique [n=geek@ip70-178-246-10.ks.ks.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
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Falstiusaaron_: you set it up as a gateway by configuring iptables.  The reference linked at the bottom of the instructions talks about how to do that.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN06:00
=== aaron_ starts to get himself into trouble. :)
ethanMy X stopped working after a restart, I'm getting this error:  (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!06:01
=== RickKnight [n=rick@adsl-75-6-155-167.dsl.skt2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ethanI have nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules installed06:01
JohnoI have been trying to get ubuntu to dial up and so far nothing has worked. I have folowed the wiki exactly and have been finding that most of the stuff I need requires me to connect to the internet. is there an easier way?06:01
=== HorizonXP [n=HorizonX@ecnaab75.uwaterloo.ca] has left #Ubuntu []
gbv22can someone pleaseee tell me how i install ndiswrapper..i have tried 3 tutotials..and all of them error out at some point!!06:02
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=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@unaffiliated/soulpropagation] has joined #ubuntu
abernanitethan: did this happen immediately after you installed nvidia-glx?06:02
SoulPropagationgddrescue should be in the default install06:02
abernanitI'm having a similar problem if I have acpi=off06:02
alecw1Is it possible to add a ".desktop" file to the Avant Windows Navigator (AWN)?06:02
ethanabernanit: this happened after I left my computer off for the week and started up.06:02
ethanabernanit: I've had nvidia and X working fine for years06:02
aaron_Falstius: i'm either blind or stupid. call me tommy, but I'm not seeing anything.06:03
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abernanithmm, I'm not sure then  (is newbie)06:03
ethanabernanit: just randomly after this power up, X doesn't work, first I got an error about an api mismatch (nvida kernel can't run on the xorg kernel, different versions)06:03
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abernanitI've been having some X problems as well, though I'm uncertain of the cause06:03
ethanabernanit: I tried apt-get updating and dist-upgrading, but nothing new, are the repos messed up with dependencies incorrect regarding X?06:04
Falstiusaaron_: search for IP Forwarding on that page06:04
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aaron_Falstius:  # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward    -------- that bit?06:04
astro76alecw1, you can add a .desktop file for anything, run this for help ghelp:system-admin-guide?menustructure-006:04
abernanitUnsure, the only temporary fix I know was reverting my drivers back to the standard nv drivers06:04
ethanI run compiz abernanit06:05
Falstiusaaron_: yeah.06:05
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astro76alecw1, you can also add through the gui menu editor06:05
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Falstiusaaron_: you should read the rest too.  There may be other necessary steps.06:05
aaron_Falstius: done that. it's one of the steps06:05
alexitohow i can reeboot X06:05
aaron_:( me cries06:05
alecw1Ok, astro7606:05
alexitoctrl+alt+backspc dont work06:05
alecw1How thruough a GUI?06:05
astro76alecw1, right click on menu, edit menus...06:06
aaron_# sudo ./etc/init.d/gdm restart06:06
alecw1astro76, what menu?06:06
ethanabernanit: nope, that didn't work06:06
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5B15CC48.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ethanabernanit: I changed to nv, nothing is different.06:06
=== sdouble [n=sdouble@12-216-125-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
st1ckly78i need some help with getting access to my second hard drive06:06
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astro76alecw1, main menu (Applications, Places ...)06:06
=== ElfBoy [n=elfboy@207-118-227-34.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ethanabernanit: (EE) Unable to find a valid framebuffer device06:06
ethan(EE) NV(0): Failed to open framebuffer device, consult warnings and/or errors above for possible reasons06:06
alecw1Ok, astro76, I'm there.06:06
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alecw1astro76, I want to add my "thunderbird" .desktop to AWN.06:07
=== skyfalcon866 [n=jack@c-24-218-246-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
abernanitethan: I'm not sure what to do then, sorry06:07
ElfBoyneed driver for balkin wierless g desktop card06:07
abernanitethan: I've only had ubuntu installed for two days :) and most of this is very new to me06:07
skyfalcon866why do i have 9.1% fragmentation06:07
=== litral [n=litral@cpe-76-166-180-15.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FusECan someone please help me, I wan tto get rid of this dhcp error: "wmaster0 unknown hardware address type 801"06:07
astro76alecw1, re-read your question... I have no idea about Avant06:07
astro76alecw1, sorry06:08
=== ViRii[K] [n=tyler@cpe-24-24-244-11.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ethanwhy can't anybody here help when it may be a packager's fault?06:08
devcenterhello, guys,,,,06:08
alecw1alecw1: Is it possible to add a ".desktop" file to the Avant Windows Navigator (AWN)?06:08
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ViRii[K] So I'm new to Ubuntu, is there an installation guide or anything? Do I just put the CD in my computer and reboot and it'll boot the installer?06:08
unagianyone know of any 3d camera tracking programs for linux?06:08
astro76!install | ViRii[K] 06:08
ubotuViRii[K] : Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:08
avisanyone know if its possible that by doing apt-get update gsreamer0.10-* that the number of codecs installed might possibly be slowing down flash videos and audio file playback ?06:08
=== chairat is now known as hana
devcenterHere's how to get a completely transparent terminal at your desktop background, without appearing in the taskbar/windows list.06:08
slytherinethan: From where did you install package? Repository?06:08
ViRii[K] Thanks06:08
st1ckly78my second hard drive is mounted but i need to change permissions i guess06:08
ethanslytherin: yes..06:09
devcenterusing devilspie06:09
ethanslytherin: I didn't recently install the package, it's been installed06:09
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:09
ElfBoyneed driver for balkin wierless g desktop card06:09
=== gh05t [n=dcherry@cpe-76-88-37-97.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
ElfBoyneed driver for belkin wierless g desktop card06:09
ethanslytherin: it's worked for multiple reboots before, suddenly after a week, X doesn't start due to an api mismatch, then nvidia driver not loading.06:09
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ethan!wireless > ElfBoy06:10
g0dd3ss HI can anybody help me, I am using ubuntu fiesty and my wireless usually connects automatically when  I boot, but it's stopped doing it all of a sudden, I don't know why I havent shanged anything. does anyone know how I can fix this? or manually start my wireless?06:10
=== Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #ubuntu
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031306:10
Nutubuntuethan do you have a working browser? or just irc?06:10
slytherinethan: Have you tried configuring xserver? 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:10
ElfBoyethan thanks but i dont know how to install them06:10
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slythering0dd3ss: Did you install any updates? kernel? which card is it?06:11
st1ckly78i need help getting access to my second hard drive it is mounted but i cant save nothing on it06:11
ethanNutubuntu: just irc06:11
slytherinst1ckly78: Does it have FAT filesystem?06:11
ethanyes slytherin06:11
=== Photocopy [n=benjamin@bas3-sudbury98-1168052683.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
slytherinethan: Then file a bug.06:12
mundungusst1ckly78: do a mount command and see its permissions06:12
ethanslytherin: I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, still no X, now due to a lacking driver.06:12
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ethanslytherin: I don't have time to wait and file a bug, and not get a response for a month06:12
RoC_MasterMindst1ckly78, type "mount"...is it read only?06:12
ElfBoy00:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)06:12
g0dd3ssslytherin no updates, installed a couple of games that's it, onboard intel thing ipw394506:12
astro76ElfBoy, the link is documentation on how to install, read...06:12
slytherinst1ckly78: Ahh. that is the problem even I am unable to solve. Looks like you can not make ext3 write-by-all06:12
PhotocopyI cannot get java to work with my firefox06:12
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st1ckly78so then how can i get access to06:12
RoC_MasterMindethan, I waited 2 days for a response to my last bug...you won't wait a month.06:12
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ethanRoC_MasterMind: well I cannot be without X for two days..06:13
slytherinPhotocopy: What do you mean by not work?06:13
Nutubuntuethan, a ubuntuforums page suggested this: Edit your /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and add DISABLED_MODULES="nv"06:13
st1ckly78would it be easier to change the filesystem06:13
Photocopyive installed it accourding to the guide at the sun java website06:13
slythering0dd3ss: That card requires firmware right?06:13
ethanNutubuntu: I don't use 'nv' though.., X has always booted okay.06:13
RoC_MasterMindethan, sure you can!  But I agree, you wouldn't want to.06:13
SensaeNutubuntu: Do you remember what the name of the utility was?06:13
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
Photocopyi got no errors or anything06:13
Photocopyyet it just doesnt work06:13
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=== Frawgie [n=frawg@70-41-35-17.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
slytherinPhotocopy: Leave the sun java one aside. Java is available in repositories.06:14
Photocopyfirefox still says missing plugins06:14
slytherin!java > Photocopy06:14
Frawgiehey guys, how do i find out what kernel version im running?06:14
st1ckly78would it be easier to change the file system06:14
aviswhat are alternative smp kernels to replace 2.6.20-16-generic if i am using my comptuer for multimedia purposes ?06:14
ethanI did that RoC_MasterMind , I get this error: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!06:14
Photocopywhere do i find a repository06:14
slytherinFrawgie: use command 'uname -r'06:14
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Photocopy(and a guide preferably)06:14
slytherinPhotocopy: It is in multiverse repository.06:14
ethanRoC_MasterMind: it's odd, I wasn't getting that error until I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.06:14
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:14
g0dd3ssslytherin im not sure about that, im a noob, it's always just connected by itself on boot. only thing wss today the battery went flat and the laptop shut itself down, since then it doesnt work. i can still see my ap with wifiradar & kismet i just dont know how to get it to connect06:15
ethanRoC_MasterMind: before the error was the the nvidia kernel version did not match the xorg kernel version.06:15
NutubuntuSensae,  it was the Seagate util ... I *think* SeaTools06:15
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ethanRoC_MasterMind: which seemed like a packaging dependency problem or something, or that xorg didn't update..06:15
ChimeraHitmandoes anyone know about PXE booting?06:15
Photocopyi dont understand any of that except the first sentence06:15
SensaeNutubuntu: I only see Darik's Boot and Nuke, Copywipe, Active Killdisk, PC Inspector and HDDErase06:15
slythering0dd3ss: What does the network interface in System->Administration show? Does it detect your card?06:15
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ethanRoC_MasterMind: not sure how to get that error back, because now it's saying it can't even find the nvidia driver, did dpkg-reconfigure delete it somehow?06:16
ethanI have nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules installed.06:16
NutubuntuSensae,  it's under HD diagnostic tools06:16
slytherinPhotocopy: Have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java ?06:16
g0dd3ssslytherin yes it's detected06:16
Sensaeoh I see it, thanks06:16
abernanitI have a question.  I'm running Feisty from a Toshiba P105 series that has a buggy DSDT file and for reasons of necessity (to get the sound to work or to keep the laptop cool via GPU fan) I had to set ACPI=off.  When I updated the nVidia drivers I got an X error on startup.  I reverted it back to nv drivers but there is no 3d support.  Is there a way I can update the nVidia drivers with acpi=off without X screwing up?06:16
RoC_MasterMindethan, whoa...you got me...I wasn't saying I could help you06:16
bastidraZorethan, have you tried the nvidia-glx-new driver?06:16
Frawgieethan, im running a 7800 GS, working on that exact issue right now :P if i find it out shortly, I will let you know as soon as i do06:16
=== xeeble [n=xeeble@66-234-32-26.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #ubuntu
ethanbastidraZor: was that just recently added?06:16
NutubuntuG'night all ...06:16
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Frawgiehi bastidraZor :)06:17
ethanthank you Frawgie06:17
slythering0dd3ss: What are the settings? DHCP? Roaming?06:17
ChimeraHitmanI set up a pxe boot server with a guide on the net, but when i try running the pxe boot it says pxe-e53 no boot file name received06:17
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bastidraZorethan a week or so ago06:17
ethanFrawgie: I wonder if it's indeed a packaging issue, I have a 6200 and normally run compiz.06:17
g0dd3ssslytherin i have static ip set and wep key06:17
ethanbastidraZor: tricky, I'll try06:17
bastidraZorfrawgie, all running well tonight?06:17
xeeblehello, all. I'm new to ubuntu but I've been using redhat-based distros for years. What should I nkow first about installing new packages? I'm used to using yum :)06:17
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ethanokay, I'm installing that bastidraZor , anything else I need to do?06:18
slythering0dd3ss: And what wireless connection are you using?06:18
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astro76!apt-get | xeeble06:18
ubotuxeeble: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:18
slytherinxeeble: apt-get and synaptic06:18
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:18
g0dd3ssslytherin idk what you mean, here is my interfaces file says http://pastebin.com/m28bcae2b06:18
FrawgiebastidraZor all except this nvidia thing :)  Got another questiong though, Nvidia's readme says I need:  binutils 2.9.5    but all i am finding on packages.ubuntu.com is the 2.17.*...any ideas?06:18
=== cozby [n=cozby@CPE00105a9bfadc-CM00111ae3bec8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ethanbastidraZor: should I restart, or do I need to update any alternatives or something?06:19
vikkusudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop didnt help installing the desktop ....says no such package06:19
bastidraZorethan, once installed that should be the fix06:19
=== Dangerous [n=Emperor@CPE0013d4367a09-CM00159a6480b2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
st1ckly78i am looking for some help acessing my second hard drive it is mounted and shows up on my desktop but i can not create a new folder in it or save anything to it06:19
=== sn4cks [n=sn4cks@c-71-197-183-139.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ethanbastidraZor: I'll try restarting now06:19
=== JasonWoof [n=jason@unaffiliated/herkamire] has joined #ubuntu
cozbyhey, what happend to the wmaker package?06:19
xoRockneed help, i accidenly change root desktop resolution into unsupported resolution so the screen is blank, is there anyway to edit the setting manually?06:19
cozbyno longer exists?06:19
=== greenpickle [n=michael@68-115-72-76.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cozbyppl don't like WindowMaker06:19
slythering0dd3ss: I mean do you have your own wireless router to which your PC connects or is it connection provided by your ISP?06:19
vikkuhow do i install the desktop in ubuntu server ed ?06:19
cozbythats insane?06:19
JasonWoofwhy do my firefox windows sometimes show up in the background? (I'm executing "firefox" from a terminal emulator)06:19
=== elpepa [n=martin@200-122-73-67.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
st1ckly78i am looking for some help acessing my second hard drive it is mounted and shows up on my desktop but i can not create a new folder in it or save anything to it06:19
bastidraZorFrawgie, i don't think i have that installed.. let me loook06:19
DangerousxoRock /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:19
bastidraZor -006:19
ethanFrawgie: I'm going to try nvidia-glx-new brb.06:19
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
slytherincozby: I am sure it is still there. Many use it. May be the package name changed.06:20
=== sryche_ [n=sryche@200165110060.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
abernanitDo the nVidia glx drivers work with acpi=off?06:20
Frawgieethan, that nvidia-glx-new driver didnt work for me, told me same thing about not being able to load t he kernel module.06:20
vikku how do i install the desktop in ubuntu server ed ?06:20
g0dd3ssslytherin oh i have a wireless ap connected to a windows box which i use as an internet gateway.  the same setup is working fine when i boot that same computer into windows.06:20
xoRockDangerous, which part should i look into?06:20
cozbyslytherin: any idea how to 'search' for it?06:20
cozbyslytherin: or list w* packages?06:20
xoRockDangerous, i mean inside xorg.conf06:20
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Dangerousits pretty difficult to miss the part focused on screen resolutions06:20
astro76cozby, apt-cache search windowmaker06:20
cozbyastro76: nadda06:20
Dangerousanything looking like 1024x800 etc06:20
MercuryFrawgie: Add nvidia_legacy to /etc/defaults/linux-*, down at the bottom in the disabled modules variable.06:20
cozbyastro76: i need to list'em06:21
bastidraZorvikku sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:21
slytherincozby: apt-cache search packagename06:21
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cozbybecause no package name is found by that06:21
st1ckly78i am looking for some help acessing my second hard drive it is mounted and shows up on my desktop but i can not create a new folder in it or save anything to it06:21
astro76cozby, I list a ton here, including wmaker (feisty)06:21
cozbyno, you need an exact package name to get that06:21
MercuryFrawgie: That will fix the problem after a reboot, in the meantime, rmmod nvidia, modprobe nvidia.06:21
cozbywhat the...06:21
slythering0dd3ss: Why does your interfaces list show eth1 as well as wlan0?06:21
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vikku bastidraZor: i did try but it says no such package06:21
Khrajinslytherin: Probably cause its a laptop06:21
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g0dd3ssslytherin i dont know i am a noob. i use eth1 for my connection06:21
FrawgieMercury, I'll give anything a whirl :) brb06:21
astro76!info wmaker06:21
ubotuwmaker: NeXTSTEP-like window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.0-6.1 (feisty), package size 2355 kB, installed size 6280 kB06:21
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bastidraZorvikku you probably need to enable all your respositories06:22
slythering0dd3ss: Any chance you have 2 wireless cards?06:22
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g0dd3ssslytherin nope06:22
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vikkuhow ?06:22
st1ckly78i am looking for some help acessing my second hard drive it is mounted and shows up on my desktop but i can not create a new folder in it or save anything to it06:22
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domswhen is the release of the CNR in ubuntu06:22
vikku bastidraZor: how ?06:22
MalachiDoes anyone have a plain vanilla Ubuntu installation?06:22
MalachiI need a .tar.gz of the .icons folder06:22
cozbynothing is displayed when i do it06:22
slythering0dd3ss: Then try to copy Whatever is under eth1 also for wlan0. I mean try to make them same.06:22
abernanitstlckly78, is your second hard drive partitioned under Windows ntfs?06:22
st1ckly78no ext306:22
MercuryMalachi: Why? (It matters.)06:22
Photocopyk slytherin06:23
MalachiI just did a backup, and overwrote my icons, but the backup seems to be corrupted =\06:23
xoRockDangerous, u mean Section "Screen"?06:23
Photocopyi read thos wiki pages06:23
MalachiMercury: That's why.06:23
vikkubastidraZor: how do i enable repositories ?06:23
Photocopyand i still dont understand06:23
Photocopywould you be kind enough to really explain what I need to do?06:23
g0dd3ssslytherin ok thanks i will try that, weird tho because i havent (knowinly) changed any settigns it just stop working :-\06:23
JasonWoofMalachi: like from the liveCD?06:23
slytherinPhotocopy: Please tell us what you don't understand.06:23
FrawgieMercury, the only thing in that directory of a linux-* nature is linux-restricted-modules-common06:23
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MalachiJasonWoof: Yeah. If you could tell me where they're located on the Live CD that'd be great, too.06:23
MercuryFrawgie: Correct, that's the one.06:23
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EleafFrawgie, (ethan), I got it06:23
MalachiOtherwise, I just need a copy of the default icons.06:23
Frawgiek, one sec06:23
Photocopythe page linked to another talking about a multiverse repository but there wasnt really anything about one06:23
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Photocopyin the page06:23
MercuryFrawgie: Not having a feisty system right infront of me, I couldn't remember the full name. :)06:24
st1ckly78abernanit, it is ext306:24
Photocopyjust how they work06:24
slythering0dd3ss: Looks like the card name has changed from eth1 to wlan0 and wlan0 is not configured.06:24
DangerousxoRock there's only one section that deals with screen resolutions06:24
bastidraZorvikku, one sec..06:24
EleafFrawgie, I installed nvidia-glx-new, and X works.06:24
Dangerousunless you have more than one monitor06:24
cozbyshit i think i installed an old version06:24
vikkubastidraZor: ok06:24
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Photocopyand i still dont understand where I find it...06:24
MercuryMalachi: Wait, .icons, not one elsewhere in the system?06:24
slytherinPhotocopy: Do you know how to install packages uing synaptic or apt-get?06:24
MercuryMalachi: As in ~/.icons?06:24
EleafbastidraZor, you reccomended that right?06:24
JasonWoofMalachi: where's it on your system? I have a ~/.icons, but it's empty06:24
cozbyLinux version 2.6.15-26-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 PREEMPT06:24
Photocopyslytherin: im a total newbie06:24
MercuryMalachi: rm -rf ~/.icons, it should hopefully get regenerated if you need it.06:24
MalachiMercury: Yes. Oh! You're right.06:24
EleafFrawgie, have you tried that06:24
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DangerousxoRock just change all the resolutions you see to one that your monitor supports and restart X window06:24
JasonWoofwhy do my firefox windows sometimes show up in the background? (I'm executing "firefox" from a terminal emulator)06:25
slytherinPhotocopy: Then read that page completely. It also links to pages about installing software.06:25
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st1ckly78i am looking for some help acessing my second hard drive it is mounted and shows up on my desktop but i can not create a new folder in it or save anything to it06:25
abernanitstlckly78: I'm not sure why it wouldn't write, considering it is using the ext3 format06:25
MalachiMercury: There some in /usr/share/icons or somewhere, but I'm assuming deleting this .icon directory should fix the problem.06:25
MalachiLet me try.06:25
Photocopyi dont know where synaptic or apt-get ARE on my aplications thingy06:25
bastidraZorvikku, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories?action=show&redirect=AddingRepositoriesHowto06:25
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st1ckly78i think it has something to do with permissions but i am not sure06:25
thepumpkinhow can I see the error of a program that was not launched from terminal?06:25
MercuryMalachi: Right, if the stuff in /usr/share/icons is corrupted, that's fixable too with aptitude. (Probably synaptic too, maybe even apt-get.)06:25
bastidraZorvikku, that page has all the info and a link that will help you add/enable in the GUI or CLI06:25
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JasonWoofst1ckly78: is it mounted read/write?06:26
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MalachiThanks Mercury and JasonWoof. Deleting it fixed it.06:26
st1ckly78all i know is it is mounted06:26
JasonWoofst1ckly78: and have you checked the file owners?06:26
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slytherinPhotocopy: Have you gone through all the menus? Synaptic is right there.06:26
brandotrying to set up a belkin wireless g f5d7000 pci device.  can anyone help with ndiskwrapper06:26
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thepumpkini mean, the application crashes only when I run it from a Launcher and not by Terminal06:27
abernanitDoes anyone know how I can run the updated nvidia glx drivers with acpi=off without causing an X error?06:27
st1ckly78it says root06:27
Photocopyslytherin: didnt see it! XD06:27
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MalachiBye, guys.06:27
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Eleafthank you bastidraZor for suggesting nvidia-glx-new, why is this not automatically installed if it creates a fatal X situation?06:27
bastidraZorFrawgie, pray to the Xorg gods for help ;)06:27
slytherinPhotocopy: How about System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager?06:27
FrawgieEleaf yah I did, got the error that says it has the wrong kernel version with that one, tried the legacy (til i read the notes), took that one back out, tried the *-9631 drivers, no go, tried the 100.14.* drivers, no go, tried the entire nvidia-glx-* set as well06:27
=== bastidraZor shrugs
cozbywait i got 6.06LTS06:27
EleafX works now, although compiz just froze on me06:27
cozbythats not that old?06:27
ColdFlowhy is 7.04 amd54 not install?06:27
MercurybastidraZor: It's not an Xorg problem, it's an issue with the Ubuntu handling of the 3 different flavors of nvidia modules.06:27
Eleafman Frawgie06:27
slytherinbrando: I haven't used ndis but there is ndis-gtk which might help configuring from GUI06:28
MercurybastidraZor: 4 different flavors now, but.06:28
cozbyerr apt sucks06:28
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EleafbastidraZor, sounds pretty horrible by the ubuntu packaging team.06:28
vikk1 bastidraZor: do u know where the debian pkgs are generally stored in Ubuntu servr ed 7.04 ?06:28
brandook thx how to install06:28
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cozbyit doen't even give me a no results msg06:28
FrawgieEleaf lol yah i know, if there is something impossible, I'll bang my head til it works anyways :D06:28
bullgard4ping responds: "19 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 18000ms, pipe 3." What does 'pipe 3' mean?06:28
martmani added a new solution to my X config, but i dont see it listed under screen resolutuon prefs06:28
ColdFloi heard ubuntu was easiest to install on earth then denies me06:28
slytherinColdFlo: What do you mean?06:28
EleafbastidraZor, does this mess everybody up?  Why not make the package required if it doesn't allow X to start, that's pretty important.06:28
Mercuryvikk1: You mean after downloading?06:28
brandosudo apt-get install ndis-gdk?06:28
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Mercuryvikk1: /var/cache/apt/archives06:28
ColdFloi go to intall i get i/o error06:28
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slytherinbrando: ndis-gtk06:28
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Frawgieok, did all that Mercury, now without rebooting, is there is way I can tell if its working?06:29
bastidraZorvikk1, goto the link about managing via CLI.. that has the info you need06:29
vikk1Mercury:  bastidraZor: yes aftr downloading and i believe there cud be inbuilt pkgs with cd installation too !! ??06:29
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sintheteknot sure why exactly but my swap quit starting at boot06:29
slytherinbrando: Sorry, it is ndisgtk (without '-')06:29
MercuryFrawgie: Oh, without rebooting?  Different fix.  'rmmod nvidia' 'modprobe nvidia', restart gdm/kdm.06:29
JasonWoofis there some way to get all the development packages installed for the libraries I have installed?06:29
ColdFloall i do is put disc in then use menus right?06:29
sinthetekquit being activated at boot*06:29
Photocopyslytherin i have opened synaptic, but the titles of packages are too confusing and the descriptions are too technical? Why dont they jsut make it Java runtime environment? Ugh! =P06:29
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brandokk thx sly06:29
FusEColdFlo, are you using Madwifi06:29
JasonWoofall of them I mean06:29
Mercuryvikk1: The directory I just gave you is where it downloads the .debs to.06:29
FrawgieMercury ok, brb06:29
ColdFlono i dont like wifi06:29
TypwnI'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%06:29
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sinthetekand with this new uuid thing, i don't know how to fix it. i've been just using mkswap/swapon manually for a while now, but i would like to figure out how to get it working properly06:30
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slytherinPhotocopy: Install sun-java5-jre package06:30
xoRockDangerous, there is no xorg.conf, login screen is blank, root desktop si blank, my user desktop is okay06:30
JasonWoofPhotocopy: click Applications (top left) then on Add/Remove...06:30
Photocopywhat category is it in?06:30
ColdFloexcuse me installing ubuntu =s put in dvd then follow menus yes?06:30
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JasonWoofPhotocopy: that's a much simpler way to install things06:30
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bastidraZorMercury, i prayed to Lord Xorg and he magically fixed my nVidia issues.. i also had to sacrifice a small lamb06:30
MercurybastidraZor: Oh.06:31
JasonWoofPhotocopy: it doesn't have everything though, so maybe that doesn't work for your needs06:31
unagianyone know how to convert .flv to .mov on ubuntu?06:31
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ColdFloi dled the dvd off ubuntu site shet didnt work i wanna do aigxl +beryl06:31
slytherinsinthetek: You can find UUID of a partition. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID06:31
MercurybastidraZor: Damn, I'm just a Debian devel and Xorg developer, not one of those lords. :)06:31
JasonWoofunagi: ffmpeg can handle some .flv files06:31
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unagii haven't figured out ffmpeg06:31
CubeyFunny how life repeats itself. i'm having a problem I did the last time I did an ubuntu installation and I don't remember how I corrected it. or maybe I never did, I'm needing the VP61 codec to work06:31
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=== Frawgie [n=frawg@70-41-35-17.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColdFlowhat am i to do if install dvd didnt work?06:32
Photocopyits not on that list though i checked, jasonwoof06:32
JasonWoofunagi: ffmpeg infile outfile06:32
Photocopythanks anyway06:32
Photocopyslytherin i think i got it06:32
slytherinsinthetek: Or also, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid06:32
FrawgieMercury! I LOVE YOU! IT WORKS!06:32
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, wtc.06:32
bastidraZorMercury, do you accept small children as payment for services rendered.. i could father a few if so06:32
bastidraZorFrawgie, awesome06:32
MercurybastidraZor: I prefer cash or hardware. :)06:32
sinthetekslytherin: i believe it's mentioned here in fstab, but it doesn't seem to work with the mount command and isn't being recognized/activated at boot06:32
CubeyVLC is supposed to support VP61 however it's output message states it can't decode it06:32
ColdFlohey im talking to you shets06:32
slytherinCubey: Is VP61 implemented by anyone? I mean by ffmpeg or mplayer project?06:32
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cozbyhow do you get a list of installed packages?06:33
sinthetekslytherin: whatever update switched it to using uuids edited fstab improperly maybe?06:33
bastidraZorMercury, with children you could turn them to slave labor .. which in the long run would be a steady paycheck06:33
unagi[video4linux2 @ 0xb7f2c2d0] Missing/Wrong parameters06:33
unagiCould not find video grab device06:33
MercurybastidraZor: Checks work, but not paypal or credit at this time. :)06:33
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slytherinColdFlo: File a bug06:33
Cubeyslytherin, VLC unless I'm mistaken..06:33
martmani added a new solution to my X config, but i dont see it listed under screen resolutuon prefs. how can i fix this06:33
EleafMercury, do you know why nvidia-glx-new isn't installed by default (what is it?)06:33
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slytherinColdFlo: Before that check that DVD is not corrupted06:33
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MercurybastidraZor: Nah, I can't be bothered to deal with it.06:33
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ColdFloit wasnt im getting another copy06:33
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bastidraZorMercury, yeah.. to much clean up06:33
ColdFloi think its incompatibility06:33
slytherinsinthetek: It is possible. UUIDs were introduced in feisty06:33
sinthetekslytherin: i don't see the uuid that is in fstab06:34
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, etc. Can anyone help? I've looked on the forums and nothing was really fixing my question.06:34
MercuryEleaf: To be honest, I figured out the workaround I told Frawgie and stopped looking for why nvidia_legacy was getting loaded.06:34
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sn4cksis there an apt-get for the java run-time environment plug-in for firefox?06:34
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lkthomashey guys06:34
lkthomasany of you use vserver on feisty ?06:34
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EleafMercury, well what is nvidia-glx-new06:34
MercuryEleaf: Since it wasn't my box, and that solution worked, I wasn't in a position to bother to try and fix it.06:34
slytherin!java > sn4cks06:34
ColdFloanyone here running beryl?06:34
MercuryEleaf: Obsolete already. :)06:34
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EleafMercury, ??06:34
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sinthetekweird, this problem has existed on my system for a while but i only recently upgraded to feisty (ie yesterday and rebooted this morning)06:34
TheCreationistIs there a way to force the generation of thumbnails for videos/pictures in Nautilus?06:34
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MercuryEleaf: Alright, my memory is rusty so give me a minute to dig up the version numbers?06:35
sintheteki've had uuids in there since and no swap since before then06:35
sn4cksslytherin: thanks a bunch!06:35
FrawgieEleaf, im using the driver from nvidia's website, the 100.14.* one06:35
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slytherinCubey: Have you tried installing all gstreamer plugins and using totem?06:35
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EleafFrawgie, noice!06:35
MTecknologyhow can I remap input events? like remapping 121 to 1 and unknown as of now to 306:35
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brandoslytherin: im getting an error which doesnt allow ndisgtk to run ill copy the terminal06:35
FrawgieEleaf, it should support your 6200 also06:35
ColdFloubuntus forums and support pages are pretty thin06:35
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EleafFrawgie, I am using nvidia-glx-new06:35
Dangerousshut up ColdFlo06:35
slytherinbrando: What error?06:35
BlendArthello if you wanted to create a chatroom do we just join it?06:35
=== SwordManX [n=sword@ip70-161-179-101.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
EleafFrawgie, just wondering why it's not installed by default.06:35
ColdFlowhat is nvidia glx06:35
avisColdFlo, i often have better luck on the forums that i do on freenode06:36
Dangerousi personally had the easiest install with ubuntu than any other distro06:36
haviersanyone have experince setting up nomachine's NXbuiler?06:36
SwordManXwhats a good newsreader or leecher for ubuntu?06:36
ColdFlodangerous not my fault if noobs use ubuntu06:36
slytherinDangerous: Watch your language please.06:36
unagiffmpeg doesnt make sense to me =(06:36
linuxorHi. please How to join file1.swf and file2.swf on FILE.swf? thx..06:36
Jordan_UColdFlo, It is the Proprietary nvidia driver06:36
slytherinSwordManX: liferea06:36
brandohmmm sry at the end it comes up with an AttributeError: 'NonType' object has no attribute 'group'06:36
MercuryEleaf: In the beginning nVidia had a unified driver system, one driver package that worked for all their cards from the beginning of time to the present, and it was Good.06:36
avisSwordManX, hellanzb works wonderful06:36
sinthetekoh well, thanks a lot. i should be able to figure it out from here06:36
martmani added a new solution to my X config, but i dont see it listed under screen resolutuon prefs. how can i fix this06:36
BlendArthow do we create a new chatroom for freenode?06:36
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ColdFloavis its ok we cant learn to be nice in realtime06:36
unagican anyone tell me how to convert .flv to .mov?06:36
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ColdFloirc warps the atmosphere06:36
avisColdFlo, i certainly wasn't rude06:36
Cubeyslytherin, thanks, i bet that's the problem. installing gstreamer plugins and such now.06:36
EleafMercury, ye06:36
ColdFloall the sudden everyone was on a power trip06:36
MercuryEleaf: And then around the time of the 71xx drivers it got to be too bloody much of a pain to support the latest and greatest cards in the same driver as something that can barely do OpenGL.06:36
Photocopyit appeares to have worked slytherin06:36
xubuntuhow can i get sound whilst watching video? thanx06:37
slytherinPhotocopy: Good. :-)06:37
ColdFlojordan can you do any cool desktop manipulation with that?06:37
slytherinxubuntu: Which video?06:37
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Photocopyafter this ill need morehelp...06:37
Jordan_UColdFlo, If you have an nvidia card it is required for Compiz / Beryl06:37
MercuryEleaf: And there was a great cry and gnashing of teeth as there was the Split, where one version of the driver was needed for older cards, and another for newer cards.  But all was well, as it could be labeled old, and all was good.06:37
bastidraZorspeaking of children.. i am needed06:37
Photocopy=D cause i have another seperate problem06:37
FrawgieEleaf, what was that you had installed, the Com* something?  Isnt it for desktop manipulation or something?06:37
ColdFlooh i see cool i thought that sounded related good deal06:38
slytherinPhotocopy: If I am here then sure. I may go to meeting after sometime.06:38
ColdFloim an nvidia whore06:38
bastidraZornVidia 5200 == older card06:38
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martmanunagi http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-569700.html?sid=84810106ac7836f375b78ba25554f30506:38
ColdFloi have every new card06:38
ColdFloi have 79 series06:38
MTecknologyhow can I remap input events? like remapping 121 to 1 and unknown as of now to 3 - these are button click events06:38
EleafFrawgie, compiz, it's a 3d window manager; pretty popular06:38
Frawgiethats the one, thanks :)06:38
MercuryEleaf: But behold, there was still pain in the land of nVidia driver maintainers, and so there was another split in the time of 96xx, once more dropping support for older cards (but not as old as the 71xx drivers handle) in favor of newer cards.06:38
EleafFrawgie, compiz/beryl06:38
martmanunagi i think it can convert to pretty much anything06:38
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, etc. Can anyone help? I've looked on the forums and nothing was really fixing my question.06:38
unagii just dont understand how to make it do that06:38
Photocopyslytherin, it did not work.06:38
Cubeyhm, something else. maybe this is something simple but I can't figure out how to change the clock in KDE from 24hour format to AM/PM06:39
PhotocopyFirefox still says missing plugins...06:39
EleafMercury, wow06:39
ColdFloi think coders are just lazy06:39
slytherinPhotocopy: What did not work?06:39
ColdFloa port they have done a million times before06:39
MercuryEleaf: And there was _great_ crying and ganshing of teeth among the distributions, for behold they now had to choose between _three_ different driver versions, and this caused much trouble for those that had called the 71xx driver old, for now there was another not quite as old.06:39
ColdFloshouldnt take much time06:39
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ColdFlobut it does06:39
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ColdFlonvidia also doesnt get all their stuff signed06:39
Photocopyslytherin; my installation of the package apparently06:39
FrawgieOk, here's another one for ya now.  I try to use apt-get install <package> and it keeps telling it cant find one as if its not even trying to go out and find it.06:39
MercuryEleaf: And behold, there were support issues, and holes made in walls by the heads of distribution packagers.06:39
ColdFlobut with ms charging them up the wazoo i dont blame them06:39
slytherinPhotocopy: What is error?06:39
Photocopyslytherin it said success in synaptic, but it doesnt give an error06:39
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lkthomasdoes ubuntu support jail ?06:40
EleafMercury, haha, I see.06:40
Photocopyjust appears exactly like how running an applet without java normally looks in firefox06:40
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Photocopyits a white square with a green puzzle piece saying missing plugin06:40
MercuryEleaf: And then there was the great renumbering, and drivers have become 100.14.n, and the potential for yet another Split.06:40
EleafMercury, there should be a messaging system that says if you have this card and up, upgrade to nvidia-glx-new.06:40
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Cubeynsv warning: unknown codec VP6106:40
Jordan_UFrawgie, It doesn't need to connect to the internet to check the list of available applications06:40
slytherinPhotocopy: Did you restart Firefox?06:40
TheCreationistIs there a way to force the generation of thumbnails for videos/pictures in Nautilus?06:40
MercuryEleaf: And the distribution packagers started screaming and yelling and throwing things.06:40
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dissectionHello, I have a question regarding drivers. I have an LG RD2030 phone which has an inbuilt modem for connecting to the internet. The cellphone carrier website has Linux driver has a Linux driver which says it'll workf or this phone and a few other LG phones listed. But the OS mentioned is Fedora and RedHat. Will it be okay to install it in Ubuntu or will it not work? I don't know how to uninstall if it doesn't work. It gave me a USB error wi06:41
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, etc. Can anyone help? I've looked on the forums and nothing was really fixing my question.06:41
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slytherinPhotocopy: Try this command, sudo update-alternatives --config java , and then restart firefox.06:41
FrawgieJordan_U it did all day yesterday though, it would go out and download the ones i needed and install them.  now its not even trying :(06:41
MercuryEleaf: IMHO, Ubuntu should adopt the same scheme that Debian nvidia package owner has done, calling them nvidia-legacy-71xx, nvidia-legacy-96xx, etc.06:41
slytherindissection: It should work06:41
MercuryEleaf: No more of this old, current, new stuff.06:41
ColdFlodissection thats a little too specific06:41
ColdFlothats something you just have to fiind out06:42
Photocopyi just want you to know i use xubuntu, if it makes any difference06:42
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Photocopyill try that command06:42
MercuryEleaf: Anyhow, that is the tale of why we have nvidia-glx-new.06:42
gravemindI need help with Chrono Trigger06:42
slytherinPhotocopy: No it doesn't make a difference06:42
martmani added a new solution to my X config, but i dont see it listed under screen resolutuon prefs. how can i fix this06:42
dissectionColdFlo, so its safe to install? I don't know how to uninstall it if it doesn't work.06:42
EleafI see Mercury06:42
MercuryEleaf: And why the people maintaining those packages don't want to answer email asking why right now. :)06:42
ColdFlowell you better learn06:42
cripplerI was wondering if anyone could give me a tip on using WINE. I have installed a game program called steam and gotten tha game counter-strike to work like i wanted. but i cant see the text on the program, steam, that runs the game. Any suggestions?06:42
astro76!rpm | dissection06:42
ubotudissection: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:42
Jordan_UFrawgie, What are you trying to install?06:43
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ColdFlodata is unforgiving06:43
dissectionastro76, rpm as in the files will be with .rpm extension?06:43
ColdFloyou are messing with large amounts you have to be able to have it conffigured properly06:43
MercuryNow, if there are no more questions for me, I've got a kernel patch or two to write. *grumbles*06:43
FrawgieJordan_U compiz/beryl06:43
ColdFlootherwise it doesnt work06:43
Photocopyslytherin:   update-alternatives unknown argument `-06:43
ColdFloand it doesnt care06:43
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gravemindIs anyone here familiar with using snes9x and Chrono Trigger, and can tell me how to hold L and R and press A?06:43
FusEMy /etc/network/interfaces file was accidently deleted, is there anyway I can restore it06:43
Photocopyi see my mistake06:44
Photocopyhold on06:44
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, etc. Can anyone help? I've looked on the forums and nothing was really fixing my question.06:44
rayluhow can you have WEP and n o WEP?06:44
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Photocopyi get this error?06:44
Jordan_UFrawgie, Feisty comes with Compiz installed and in earlier versions it is only available in Universe IIRC06:44
PhotocopyThere is only 1 program which provides java06:44
Photocopy(/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java). Nothing to configure.06:44
metbsdafter editing zone file, how do i activate it?06:44
slytherinPhotocopy: Don't spaces between -. It is --config06:44
rayluhow do I specify what device apache should use (when binding)?06:44
astro76dissection, if it's for fedora or redhat I'm assuming theyre .rpm06:44
Photocopyyeah i know slytherin, i figured that out06:44
Photocopyseen my error thingy now?06:45
slytherinPhotocopy: Ok. Let me think06:45
FusEMy /etc/network/interfaces file was accidently deleted, is there anyway I can restore it?06:45
Jordan_UFrawgie, Beryl is in Universe for Feisty also06:45
martmani added a new solution to my X config, but i dont see it listed under screen resolutuon prefs. how can i fix this06:45
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Jordan_UFrawgie, Make sure you have the universe repository enabled06:45
slytherindissection: Which country are you in?06:45
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Jordan_Umartman, Probably a driver issue, what card?06:45
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:46
FrawgieJordan_U ok, here's what I am trying to do so you can slap me if needed...I saw a short video in youtube that was showing the guy rotating the 'cube' desktop without just clicking on the desktops in the corner.  How do I set that up?06:46
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:46
cripplerI was wondering if anyone could give me a tip on using WINE. I have installed a game program called steam and gotten tha game counter-strike to work like i wanted. but i cant see the text on the program, steam, that runs the game. Any suggestions?06:46
slytherinPhotocopy: OOps. you also need to install package sun-java5-plugin, sorry for misleading06:46
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martmanJordan_U ATI Radeon 9700 Pro06:46
martmanJordan_U works with beryl fine it seems06:46
rayluFrawgie, beryl or compiz06:46
Photocopybrb slytherin im getting that06:46
martmanJordan_U just wont let me change the resoltution06:46
ColdFlokiba dock beryl aigxl06:47
raylucrippler, you need the tahmoa font, i believe06:47
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raylucrippler, it's in the winehq's appdb06:47
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ColdFlodang this one is 1.5 gigs06:47
ColdFloi want the 4 gig dvd06:47
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Jordan_Umartman, Make sure you have the correct refresh rates and everything, you may also try fglrx but that will kill beryl06:47
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snake_what is the command to configure xorg from the terminal06:47
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dissectionslytherin: Sorry I got disconnected. I'm from India.06:48
bullgard4ping responds: "19 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 18000ms, pipe 3." What does 'pipe 3' mean?06:48
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Jordan_UFrawgie, Just go to System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects06:48
FrawgieE: Couldn't find package beryl-core  is what i get from apt-get, do i HAVE to have the cd in there or is there a way to get it to download it?06:48
slytherinsnake_: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'06:48
mo0osahsnake_ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:48
ColdFlothis monitor can do 2300 x 1300 at 85hz06:48
TypwnCan anyone help? I'm trying to setup my wireless internet. I have a WMP54g v4 and it sees my access point, just shows 0%. I've WEP, no WEP, static IP, DHCP, disabling roaming, etc. Can anyone help? I've looked on the forums and nothing was really fixing my question.06:48
EleafFrawgie, that's not where you should enable compiz if you want anything new06:48
snake_slytherin : thank you06:48
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rayluTypwn, how can you have WEP and no WEP?06:48
ColdFlo1024x768 @ 200hz06:48
EleafFrawgie, if you want to try compiz, I would try compiz-fusion06:48
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Typwnraylu No protection06:48
revilodrawsnake: i had ur problem last week..u will get through it lol06:48
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rayluyou mean your router supports both, Typwn06:48
slytherindissection: So I think it it reliance connection right? You will have to convert rpm package to deb package using alien and then install using dpkg06:48
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dissectionastro76, there are no .rpm files, and the README file says I have to type "sh install" to install it. What kind of file needs that command?06:49
Typwnraylu The router is a linksys06:49
swamychhow can i download vpn for ubuntu06:49
dissectionslytherin: Yes reliance!06:49
Jordan_Udissection, What are you trying to install?06:49
ColdFloon q3 when i strafe since i can do 140fov stretchwidescreen i start hitting strafe jumps and im flying06:49
rayluTypwn, put it another way, do you want to connect with our without wep?06:49
caminomasterHow can I install now-playing amarok plugin for amsn?06:49
dissectionJordan_U: Driver for my cellphone06:49
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caminomasterit isn't in the list06:49
slytherindissection: Ok. If they are not rpm package then they will work with Ubuntu. I think you will need to install using sudo sh install06:49
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Typwnraylu With if possible06:50
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Photocopyslytherin thanks much06:50
dissectionslytherin: Okay, I'm trying it now...06:50
Jordan_Udissection, CD into the directory that the install script is in and run "bash install" ( not sh as it says )06:50
bulmerdissection: type  file filename  this will tell you what kind of file it is06:50
Photocopyjava working now06:50
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Jordan_Udissection, There shouldn't be a difference if they made their script correctly, but many don't06:51
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ColdFlooh man the new shits i been into is hddvd and bluray ripped to x26406:51
ColdFlofits on dvd or dvd9 and its almost as good as hd06:51
Cubeyslytherin, still no luck06:51
Photocopytomorrow ill be asking you how i get sound to work on this thing06:51
Photocopy=D i gotta go tonight06:52
astro76!ohmy | ColdFlo also see !offtopic06:52
ubotuColdFlo also see !offtopic: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:52
ColdFloinfact its too good for most movies cause you can see pores in faces06:52
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Photocopythanks for helping me get06:52
ColdFlolol watch language i didnt cuss anyone06:52
haviersI'm having a bit of trouble setting up NXbuilder... I can't get the Setup.php part to work... I fill in the data on the page, but when I click accept, it tells me: "Cannot write dump file"06:52
rayluoh...typwn, sorry, you can't respond to my msgs, can you?06:52
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dissectioninstall.sh: Bourne-Again shell script text executable06:52
dissectionThats what it says06:52
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iratikalright ... here goes my question : http://img366.imageshack.us/my.php?image=devvideo0rf2.png    , as you can see from dmesg... when i plug in the usb webcam -- it shows up and is identified properly ... i show that /dev/video0 is available.. (stat @ http://pastie.caboo.se/79366) ... why isn't camorama webcam viewer able to see the webcam (error message displayed in screenshot) ???06:52
Typwnraylu I can, and I'm trying but doesn't seen to be working lol06:52
slytherinCubey: I am sorry, I lost the track06:52
Photocopy/server irc.abxy.org06:52
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rayluTypwn, you have to be identified to nickserv06:53
Jordan_Udissection, Then they are idiots and you need to use bash and not sh as they say06:53
Typwnraylu One sec06:53
Cubeyslytherin, s'ok06:53
Photocopythis client is too weird06:53
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slytherinCubey: What was the problem again?06:53
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dissectionWhats the difference between bash and sh?06:53
ShooterBoyHow do i send faxes in Ubuntu06:53
iratikShooterBoy: hylafax06:53
ColdFloalt.binaires.hdtv.x264 ;X06:53
dissectionWhen I tried with sh in Ubuntu worked, the installation did start, but while configuring it gave me a USB error of some sort06:53
CubeyVP61 won't play in VLC or anything else. VLC is supposed to support it.06:53
dissectionOkay I'll try bash06:54
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ShooterBoyiratik, how do i locate modem? It's in COM1 Port06:54
ColdFlobinsearch.com ;x06:54
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astro76!offtopic | ColdFlo06:54
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ubotuColdFlo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:54
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iratikShooterBoy: i'm not sure man... its like /dev/ttys0 or something along those lines06:54
slytherinShooterBoy: efax may help. I never used it myself.06:55
iratikpedro: #ubuntu-es06:55
ColdFlohow dare you tattle on me06:55
slytherinShooterBoy: Is it internal or external modem?06:55
kapacesoz, i was enjoying ubuntu and seeing how its soo similar to macOS, then i realized, ubuntu isn't based on mac, macos is an expensive version of ubuntu, am i right?06:55
Jordan_Udissection, sh is like a rectangle, bash is like a square, on most machines sh is linked to bash so they are the same thing, but people shouldn't depend on it and so it's like asking for a rectangle when you really need a square just because people usually give you a square when you ask for a rectangle06:55
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iratikalright ... here goes my question : http://img366.imageshack.us/my.php?image=devvideo0rf2.png    , as you can see from dmesg... when i plug in the usb webcam -- it shows up and is identified properly ... i show that /dev/video0 is available.. (stat @ http://pastie.caboo.se/79366) ... why isn't camorama webcam viewer able to see the webcam (error message displayed in screenshot) ???06:56
slytherinColdFlo: Watch your language and behaviour please.06:56
caminomasterHow can I connect amarok with amsn music plugin? I don't find the now-playing script---06:56
Jordan_Udissection, And in Ubuntu sh is linked to dash which is a lot faster than bash but does not have all the functions ( it is POSIX compliant and nothing more )06:56
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slytheriniratik: What are permissions of /dev/video0?06:56
ColdFlolol aero glass beryl was looking a bit off at first but they fixed that06:56
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iratikslytherin: isn't it listed in the stat output ?06:57
ColdFloi think beryl is the new king06:57
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slytheriniratik: No, it is not. I don't see permissions bit.06:57
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Sevkit's 12:57 am06:57
Sevkis it right06:58
iratikslytherin: paste updated @ http://pastie.caboo.se/7936606:58
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ColdFlono it isnt where you live greenland?06:58
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iakona724does anyone know how to fix this:"user not known to the underlying authentification module"06:58
iakona724i keep getting that when i try to install ubuntu 7.0406:58
slytherinkapace: Wrond. mac OS is based on BSD which is one of the original favours of Unix. Ubuntu is based on GNU tools and Linux (which is Free implementation similar to Unix)06:58
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FusEIs there a way to copy all the old network information to a newer kernel from a old one06:59
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iakona724Can someone help me out with installing Ubuntu 7.04 and just trouble shoot me?06:59
snake_i get an api mismatch error. nvidia kernel module is not the same with the x server module. what can i do to resolve this please06:59
slytherinkapace: Apart form that Most of the tools in Mac OS are closed/proprietary. Ubuntu is mostly Free (as in freedom to modify)06:59
astro76FusE, the kernel doesn't store any information... what are you trying to do?06:59
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FusEastro76, ive had network problems for three days, my network works on a old kernel version (dapper/breezy) but hasn't worked since I ugpraded dapper to edgy07:00
kapacebut it has like the same screensavers :D07:00
FusEON edgy, I turned off security and it worked, In Feisty, it does not work at all07:00
slytherinkapace: Similar, not same. :-)07:00
FrogzooFusE: what nic?07:00
astro76FusE, any configuration information is under /etc/, I wouldn't recommend blindly copying though07:01
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iratikwhy must you leave slytherin07:01
astro76FusE, ethernet card07:01
iratikyou were the only one helping me07:01
FusEsec I should have a log07:01
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FusEhttp://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/30178/ is a lspci output07:01
iratikFusE: try copying /etc/network/interfaces from edgy to feisty... if that doesn't work ... make sure you have the same /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny configuration in both07:01
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iratikif that doesn't work.. you may check to make sure iptables or some other firewall software is not running on oneversus the other07:02
FusEI booted to dapper, upgraded = no network, disabled security = network, and upgraded to Feisty = no network at all07:02
g0dd3ssHI can anybody help me, I am using ubuntu fiesty and my wireless usually connects automatically when  I boot, but it's stopped doing it all of a sudden, I don't know why I havent shanged anything. does anyone know how I can fix this? or manually start my wireless?07:02
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FusEg0dd3ss I fel your pain07:03
g0dd3ssfuse lol yeah dammit im gonna reformat soon, stupid to do that for a silly lil problem but idk what else to do :-\07:03
astro76g0dd3ss, what happens? why can't you connect manually?07:03
Cubeylordy. flash isn't working either. i had no problem on the other machine. ugh07:03
FusEIm getting clos etho07:03
iratikFusE: personally.. for some crazy reason --- feisty had trouble with the exact same router i was using on dapper previously .....  i ended up using open dns in prepend-name-servers on /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf07:03
bulmerg0dd3ss: your ubuntu does not connect to that AP still?07:04
g0dd3ssastro76 idk how im a stupid noob it usually just connect by itself07:04
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FusEiratik, so how would I go about fixing this07:04
kapacewhat is 6.06's name?07:04
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FusEWhile keeping my security07:04
iratikkaspace: dapper07:04
g0dd3ssbulmer it sees the ip but idk how to get it to connect07:04
FrogzooFusE: that nic will be well supported07:04
iratikFusE:. you have to identify the problem... one --- (please tell me you are not trying to use wireless)07:04
FrogzooFusE: what's 'ifconfig eth0' say07:04
astro76g0dd3ss, can you click on the network manager applet in your tray (next to the clock) and see wireless networks?07:04
megatillgood monirg :) how can i find out how hot my cpu is, with a programm not in bios?07:05
bulmerg0dd3ss: when you say it sees the ip...what command you used to test that?07:05
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iratikFusE: then ... what frogzoo said --- ifconfig  see what your ip and default gateway are07:05
g0dd3ssastro76 yes i see it there07:05
ColdFlohas edgy eft ever slid one to fiesty fawn?07:05
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FusEFrogzoo Ill pastebin in a sec07:05
asaupi get an api mismatch error. nvidia kernel module is not the same with the x server module. what can i do to resolve this please07:05
FrogzooFusE: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces with hit07:05
g0dd3ssbulmer the ip looks all good using ifconfig. i can see the ap with wifiradar and kismet :-\07:05
iratikFusE: make sure you can ping your default gateway07:05
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bulmerg0dd3ss: now, type ip a  and see if the nic has the ip address assigned07:06
pedrobuenos dias07:06
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FusEFroozoo k sec07:06
iratikFusE: if you can get a response from your default gateway -- then try resolving a dns ...  ping ntp.ubuntulinux.org --- see if it can resolve that to an ip07:06
iratikFusE: if it can't.. then its your dns configuration that is faulty07:06
triasi have a reinstall problem where i tried to install the 32 bit fiesty over the 64 bit one but ended up with both07:07
iratikin feisty.... the auto networking configuration will overwrite your resolv.conf file (the file normally used to specify name servers) .. you will need to find the section  "prepend-name-servers" in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf07:07
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bulmertrias you have to select the same partition as the 64bit to overwrite it07:07
dissectionJordan_U: It gives me a syntax error saying unexpected ")"07:07
iratikget the addresses for the opendns servers ... and uncomment that section with those servers instead... --- then /etc/init.d/networking restart07:07
FusEsec iratik07:07
iratikalright ... here goes my question : http://img366.imageshack.us/my.php?image=devvideo0rf2.png    , as you can see from dmesg... when i plug in the usb webcam -- it shows up and is identified properly ... i show that /dev/video0 is available.. (stat @ http://pastie.caboo.se/79366) ... why isn't camorama webcam viewer able to see the webcam (error message displayed in screenshot) ???07:08
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Jordan_Udissection, Ok, check the script and see if it starts with #! /bin/sh07:08
Jordan_Udissection, If it does then change the sh to bash there also07:08
triasbulmer, ok i just selkected option 1 obviously the wrong choice what should i do now?07:08
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FusEiratik, Frogzoo: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/30190/07:09
Jordan_Udissection, And if it works after that then send them a bug report07:09
bulmertrias: depends what you want done...you want to erase the 64bit since you have the 32 bit already installed?07:09
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iratikFusE: did you do everything i said?07:09
John`hmm I don't know if anyone have this problem but.. I try to use xmms to listen to music and if I play mplayer or something, it doesn't have any sound07:09
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FusEhavent pinged yet07:09
iratikoh what the heck man07:10
triasbulmer, yes the 32 bit is working fine i want to remove the 64 bit and add the space to the 32 bit07:10
dissectionJordan_U: Yes it does. So change to #! /bin/bash?07:10
iratikthe first thing i told you FusE: "tell me you are not trying to connect via wireless"07:10
FrogzooFusE: you're trying to bring up the wireless nic ?07:10
Jordan_Udissection, Yes07:10
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dissectionJordan_U: Okay let me try it..07:10
FusEIm trying to connect to my network via wireless07:10
SurfnKidhi guys07:11
John`anyone have that problem?07:11
bulmertrias: you can erase that partition assigned to 64bit07:11
SurfnKidi need some help changing permissions on some files07:11
FusEiratik, I cannot be wired, its a distance issue07:11
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Jordan_UFusE, What chipset?07:11
SurfnKidand it requires a skilled user07:11
triasbulmer, ok how do i do that?07:11
Frogzoo!wifi | FusE07:11
ubotuFusE: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:11
iratikFusE: i'm out man.... all i can tell you is that you haven't configured that right as far as i can tell07:11
SurfnKidsup Frogzoo07:11
FrogzooSurfnKid: /wave07:11
FusEFrogzoo, Ive ben googling and wiki'ing for three days07:11
John` I try to use xmms to listen to music and if I play mplayer or something, it doesn't have any sound07:11
FusEI tried ndiswrapper07:11
FrawgieJordan_U i installed the fusion version, but nothing works in it, so i have to turn it on or seomting? :P07:11
iratikFusE: noone is really going to tell you what will work.... you will just get RTFM thrown in your face07:11
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SensaeI wiped track 0 on one drive out of my RAID 1 set, but seatools wouldn't let me do the other. Now the drive that hasn't had track 0 wiped can't even be read to. Anyone have any suggestions?07:12
SurfnKidis there a way to do a chmod batch?07:12
SurfnKidon all files and folders?07:12
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bulmertrias for one, you have to mount that 64bit partition then erase it,07:12
FusEiratik, how would I go about verifying if it is a dns issue07:12
astro76John`, it uses oss I believe, it's outdated in several ways, you should look into audacious or beep, which are new forks of xmms07:12
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Jordan_UFrawgie, Compiz Fusion is still very Beta07:12
bulmerSurfnKid: write a script ?07:12
iratikFusE: well.. dude--- okay... can you get to your default gateway07:12
SurfnKidbulmer, no idea really07:12
iratikFusE: paste this07:12
John`astro76: what is audaciou and beep?07:12
FrogzooSurfnKid: chmod -R07:12
SurfnKidbulmer,  i know nothing of python07:12
FusEI typed ping (router ip) and it just hang'ed, no reply07:13
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iratikwelll.. dude i see why!07:13
SurfnKidFrogzoo, ah07:13
bulmerSurfnKid: there is bash, perl and other scripting languages in linux other than python07:13
iratikyou don't even have an IP address07:13
triasbulmer, ok i mounted it how do i erase it?07:13
koozdoes that work here?07:13
SurfnKidbulmer, ok let me rephrase, i know no programming languages, im an integrator and network engineer, :(07:13
maddog39i have a question thats not really ubuntu related but dunno where else to ask07:13
bulmertrias what the name of the mount point ?07:13
astro76John`, audacious and beep-media-players are audio players that look like xmms, but are up to date07:14
Dangerouswhat is the channel for fedora?07:14
maddog39its programming related however07:14
SurfnKidFrogzoo, I copied some files to a disk and everything is 'root' and Im trying to change a few foldres with a gizillion files to a specific user07:14
John`hmm thanks07:14
astro76John`, they both do winamp skins07:14
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aviswhat reasons would a person choose to use the low latency kernel ?07:14
g0dd3ssscrew this, i go to reinstall now XD fun fun fun07:14
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Jordan_USurfnKid, just use chmod / chown -R07:14
maddog39im trying to move an app i started developing in php-gtk over to something else because im having issues with the php-gtk binding now07:14
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Dangerouswhats the channel for fedora core?07:14
FusEJust wait07:14
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triasbulmer, "/media/disk"07:14
maddog39and i cant decide between C or Python07:14
bulmerSurfnKid: well as someone suggested maybe chmod -R  assuming they are all under one directory07:14
Jordan_Uavis, Serious AV work07:14
SurfnKidJordan_U, ok you just spoke to me in chinese07:15
FusEDangerous, did you check #fedora07:15
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g0dd3sslol wait for what i could have had it reinstalled hours ago :P07:15
FrogzooSurfnKid: sudo chmod -R07:15
bulmertrias then rm -rf /media/disk/07:15
Dangerousi guess i am in there... only 48 peeps :(07:15
FusEDangerous... apparently not, #fedora exists07:15
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SurfnKidFrogzoo, and how do i give it read and write to all  ?  777 ?07:15
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Jordan_U!permissions | SurfnKid07:15
ubotuSurfnKid: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:15
SkryptCan someone help me? It's a sound issue. Onboard nf3 sound on 32bit Ubuntu w/ Feisty. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3030313#post303031307:15
Dangerousapparently yes i did, since i'm in there just didn't realize07:15
FusEiratik, where does it say that I do not have an IPaddr07:15
iratikFusE: do you see an ip address in your ifconfig?07:16
SurfnKidJordan_U, thanks07:16
iratikFusE: do you see a default gateway ?07:16
Jordan_USurfnKid, np07:16
maddog39any1 have any opinions?07:16
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triasbulmer, it comes up with many permission denied messages07:16
RoC_MasterMindbeep is discontinued as of 2005, audacious is the living fork.07:16
g0dd3ssone last before reinstall hah.... HI can anybody help me, I am using ubuntu fiesty and my wireless usually connects automatically when  I boot, but it's stopped doing it all of a sudden, I don't know why I havent shanged anything. does anyone know how I can fix this? or manually start my wireless?07:17
bulmertrias do it as root...using sudo07:17
kapacewhat should you *not* do if you have ntfs write enabled?07:17
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iratikFuSE: all i can tell you ... is i don't know jack about wireless on ubuntu -- all i know is i couldn't get it to work -- i bought a 100 foot cord... and ran it from the router downstairs up along the side of my house to get internet on here07:17
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FusEiratik, whenever it needs to dhcp, I get the "no dhcpoffers found" "no lease found"07:17
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iratikFusE: &&07:17
John`astro76: does audacious support last.fm plugin?07:17
John`astro76: for feisty that is07:17
bulmerg0dd3ss: i tried to help you. but you kept forgetting to prefix a nick, so i miss your follow up questions07:17
Jordan_Uiratik, Wouldn't it have been easier to buy a supported card instead?07:17
dissectionJordan_U: When I run install.sh again, it overwrites the file in /etc/rconnect/ back to sh07:18
astro76John`, according to the package description it does07:18
iratikJordan_U: meh.... i didn't want to screw with it --- i know the hard wire cord will always work07:18
FusEbulmer, mind repeating it for me? Ive got pretty much the same error, no network on ufeisty but had on udapper07:18
RoC_MasterMindJordan_U, no way, 100 foot ethernet cable is $10 on newegg and you don't have to find one that's "linux comaptible"07:18
g0dd3ssbulmer sorry yes the wireless has an IP, i set it static. havent touched the settings and it worked this morning07:18
bulmerFusE: which comment i made?07:18
FusEsec ill look up07:19
astro76!audacious-plugin-extras | John`07:19
astro76!info audacious-plugin-extras | John`07:19
ubotujohn`: Package audacious-plugin-extras does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:19
bulmerg0dd3ss: so your AP can assign a static ip address to your ubuntu?07:19
Frawgieim running a linksys wWUSB54G v1 USB adapter on here, took me a bit to get it to work07:19
iratikWhenever the vendors who make wireless cards quit giving microsoft reach arounds to facilitate their domination of the home-user market as a final hinderance to the propagation of linux in the home market .. i'll get a wireless card and install it on ubuntu07:19
John`astro76: I guess I have to install it from the tar file at the site huh?07:19
g0dd3ssbulmer no i set the static address in ubuntu myself07:20
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FusEFrogzoo, any ideas?07:20
iratikuntill then ... its quicker to slap a cat5 cable along the side of my house07:20
John`astro76: and there is no repo for feisty yet07:20
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bulmerg0dd3ss: and the ip address you assigned is not known to the AP..so dont expect it to be served by the AP07:20
astro76John`, something's weird here07:20
John`astro76: what do you mean?07:20
iratikmicrosoft would rather make deals with vendors of wifi cards to make it difficult for anyone to use wireless on ubuntu -- so that people will give up and just use vista or xp ..... thats bs -- i'm proud to have a blue ribbon of cable snaking aroudn my house07:21
g0dd3ssbulmer huh? i set it the way i always set it, usually works fine07:21
astro76John`, I see it in my synaptic, I'm only using standard feisty repos and medibuntu07:21
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triasbulmer, i get "rm: cannot remove directory `/media/disk/': Device or resource busy07:21
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John`astro76: I see it too, but its not an up to date version07:21
SurfnKidok i gotta read some more07:21
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g0dd3ssgateway , ap, ubuntu
John`astro76: the version at main site islike 1.3.2 or something07:21
bulmerg0dd3ss: whats the ip address you assigned to your ubuntu? whats the ip address range used by the AP?07:21
Jordan_Utrias, You need to unmount the partition first07:21
iratikalright ... here goes my question : http://img366.imageshack.us/my.php?image=devvideo0rf2.png    , as you can see from dmesg... when i plug in the usb webcam -- it shows up and is identified properly ... i show that /dev/video0 is available.. (stat @ http://pastie.caboo.se/79366) ... why isn't camorama webcam viewer able to see the webcam (error message displayed in screenshot) ???07:21
g0dd3ssbulmer  gateway , ap, ubuntu
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bullgard4ping responds: "19 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 18000ms, pipe 3." What does 'pipe 3' mean?07:22
bulmerJordan_U: trias cant erase it if dismounted noh?07:22
astro76!info audacious-plugins07:22
ubotuaudacious-plugins: Base plugins for audacious. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 628 kB, installed size 1240 kB07:22
lambertzHello, I have 2 .part files (half/half)... How I extract the two to the same file? p.s.: i have the rar pkg.07:22
FusEg0dd3ss, an Access Point is like a MAC addr07:22
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g0dd3ssfuse say waht07:22
John`astro76: so which should I install?07:22
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Jordan_Ubulmer, Oh, I thought he was just trying to get rid of the mount point for some reason, nvm trias07:23
FusEtype sudo (interface) scan07:23
Cyber_Stalkeri looked at that jpg07:23
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FusEit should find your ap07:23
Cyber_Stalkerand clicked "close" on the image :(07:23
Cyber_Stalkerstupid tyhing to do07:23
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John`astro76: I just really want the sound to work and with last.fm plugin07:23
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iratikCyber_Stalker -- refering to me?07:23
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:23
astro76John`, I'm trying to figure out why it shows up in my system from universe07:23
Cyber_Stalkeryea lol07:23
Cyber_Stalkeras in i was stupid07:23
bulmerg0dd3ss: and you have the AP working as dhcp server right? so the may not be usable as the AP controls the allocations of those ip addreses07:23
=== Cyber_Stalker is now known as Cyber_school
iratikCyber_Stalker.. thanks for at least looking at it ... you are the first person in 25 minutes07:24
John`oh, you got a repo address from somewhere/07:24
bulmertrias try  sudo rm -rf /media/disk/*07:24
Jordan_Uiratik, I looked, I just can't help07:24
FrawgieFusE, were you the one looking for the wireless help?07:24
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John`astro76: try sudo apt-cache07:24
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FusEFrawgie yes07:25
g0dd3ssbulmer: no, the ap has dhcp turned off. the ubuntu laptop has windows installed on it also. i se the same ip addressing with windows and it is working fine. it is something scrwed up in ubuntu somewhere but idk where 8-\07:25
=== LaserLine [n=eric@24-205-65-92.dhcp.psdn.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
iratikyeah..... i'm thinking i'm at a dead end here07:25
LaserLinejoin #empathy07:25
FusEFrawgie, are you Frogzoo?07:25
triasbulmer, nothing seemed to happen07:25
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FusE!spam | LaserLine07:25
ubotuLaserLine: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)07:25
FrawgieFusE ok, it took some digging on google and some wiki'ing, but I came up with a tutorial from all that (and no im not frogzoo) that works with my linksys wireless USB adapter07:25
revilodrawhi! im using feisty on my dell inspiron 6400 with 2ghz core 2 duo processor and 2gb ram, and amarok 1.4.6 is very sloooow and lags a lot..it is the only prog i have trouble with07:26
FusEmy router is Linksys07:26
bulmertrias: nothing is erased in /media/disk/ ?07:26
LaserLineFusE: sorry forgot the /07:26
FrawgieFusE im using a linksys wireless adapter with a US Robotics router, works perfectly for me, hang on and ill get you the info07:26
astro76John`, yeah I know it's showing up in universe07:26
iratik!info amarok07:26
LaserLinemeant telepathy07:26
FusEOkay, you are a bad liar LasERLine07:26
bulmerg0dd3ss: okay..on the ubuntu type this    netstat -rn and let me know the result07:26
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 14853 kB, installed size 33992 kB07:26
triasbulmer, oh somethign must have happened the disk is now empty07:26
FusEthanks Frawgie07:26
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bulmertrias: something did happen when you did sudo rm -rf   :)07:27
iratikFusE: sorry i couldn't help you man.... you've got more guts than i07:27
Akuma_anyone seen this before? /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found07:27
iratikJordan_U: thanks for trying07:27
John`astro76: ok, tell me when you figure it out please07:27
dissectionJordan_U: When I run install.sh again, it overwrites the file in /etc/rconnect/ back to sh07:27
yell0whey guys, what's the command to find the wifi driver that's running ?07:27
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bulmertrias now umount that /media/disk07:27
five_starhey guys07:27
triasbulmer, ok07:27
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five_stardoes vnc work on 7.04 yet or is that glitch still there?07:28
iratikso i guess they don't have an #ubuntu-wireless channel yet07:28
PurpZeYIs there a way to setup my soundcard so that the output to my speakers shows up as an "input" like, if someone was streaming my audio they could hear my mp3 stream direct rather than through a mic?07:28
triasbulmer, done07:28
FrawgieFusE here's what I used, I started at the section" Windows Wireless Drives" and followed it step by step07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-wifi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
Jordan_Ufive_star, It is only a problem with Desktop Effects enabled07:28
astro76John`, you sure you can't apt-get install audacious-plugins-extra ?07:28
bulmertiras: i am not familiar with diskpart..this is the app to add/subtract spaces to your existing ones (32 bit)07:29
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FusEthanks frawgie07:29
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five_starJordan_U: :( but that's what I wanted to show to the person that would be VNCing in, what's the problem?07:29
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John`astro76: I haven't try that yet.. I just wonder if I should get the old version or the new one at the site07:29
astro76John`, I tend to stick with what's in the distro unless there's a necessity otherwise07:29
FrawgieJordan_U the compiz-fusion isnt working :( how do i go back to the way it was?07:29
bulmertrias  maybe  system -->administration --> disk   and look around to resize you partitions07:30
John`astro76: all right, thanks07:30
triasbulmer, ok i will look07:30
Jordan_Ufive_star, AIGLX does not correctly convey what has changed on the screen so VNC doesn't think the screen has changed and doesn't try to update07:30
iratik!info spca5xx07:30
ubotuPackage spca5xx does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:30
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five_starJordan_U: is that what C/F uses?07:30
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triasbulmer, i have no disk in that menu do i need to install something?07:30
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FusEFrawgie, I installed ndiswrapper, but ill reboot07:31
Jordan_Ufive_star, You can connect with x11-vnc and there is an option to refresh everything no matter what changes, it's slow but it works07:31
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elpargohi I'm using df on my disk and it's missing a couple of GBs07:31
bulmertrias hang on..let me see whats behind it07:31
FrawgieFusE just follow it step by step, it werkd fer me :D07:31
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elpargois there a more acurate tool?07:31
Jordan_Ufive_star, That is what any 3D accelerated window manager uses07:31
five_starJordan_U: how slow? also, where can I find a decent guide for VNCserver? Would it allow somebody from windows xp to do it? Also, figured, wasn't sure, I get them mixed up with driver names sometimes.07:32
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krinns_any one works on evolution07:32
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bulmertrias  its disks-admin..so try gksu disks-admin07:32
astro76elpargo, you use df -h? what's it say and what do you think it should say?07:32
Jordan_Uelpargo, Did you factor in the space taken by the file system itself?07:32
revilodrawis anyone having trouble with amarok 1.4.6 being slooooow on feisty?07:32
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FusEFeisty Fawn should be renamed Feisty WifiFailure07:33
elpargoastro76, yes it's giving 44Gb for my data partition while cfdisk says 46Gb07:33
FusEId like to see a ubuntu for Wifi07:33
bulmerfive_star: try the NxClient by nomachine ..extremely fast..you need to download it..google for NXclient07:33
revilodrawfuse: mine works fine07:33
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iratikFusE: throw away your wireless card and get one that noone else has problems with07:33
Jordan_UFusE, Works great for cards from manufacturers that give a damn07:34
LaserLinefive_star: for VNC you can go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC07:34
iratikwhat did i say 20 minutes ago?07:34
FusEI got mine free :P07:34
ChazGreymanefuze, what wifi card you have again?07:34
John`astro76: just checking, so you still using the old version in the universe?07:34
FusEmy dad brought it home07:34
five_starbulmer/Laserline/Jordan_U thanks07:34
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Jordan_UFusE, Even some that don't like broadcom07:34
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ChazGreymaneis it the dell broadcom 1390?07:34
elpargoJordan_U, don't think ext3 takes 2GB and I believe cfdisk does.07:34
astro76John`, I haven't used/installed it07:34
iratik"Whenever the vendors who make wireless cards quit giving microsoft reach arounds to facilitate their domination of the home-user market as a final hinderance to the propagation of linux in the home market .. i'll get a wireless card and install it on ubuntu"07:34
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John`astro76: oh ok07:35
triasbulmer, when i type that i get the prompt no info displayed07:35
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elpargoFusE, on the contrary networkmanager is great.07:35
cozbyhey, ok, so I'm running dapper and the package i want is in feisty.. how do I go about getting it?07:35
bullgard4ping responds: "19 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 18000ms, pipe 3." What does 'pipe 3' mean?07:35
bulmeriratik: am using an airlink101 cheap card for my ubuntu07:35
FusEthats my network card07:35
bulmertrias: gksudo must be in the gui not from a console07:35
avisbulmer, i got an airlink101 wireless usb adaptor that just cost me $10 that works great in ubuntu07:35
iratikFusE: take bulmer's advice07:35
FusEI miss the dapper login sound07:35
iratikFusE: then go back to dapper07:36
FusEbulmer's advicE?07:36
elpargocozby, either you backport it, or get/find someone that did it or upgrade ur system.07:36
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bulmeravis I agree..i gave one to a friend...it works great for her07:36
elpargoiratik, should it be simpler to redownload it?07:36
cozbyelpargo: thx07:37
iratikelpargo: what are you talking about?07:37
revilodrawis anyone having trouble with amarok 1.4.6 being slooooow on feisty?07:37
iratikapparently airlink101 works well with feisty and only costs 10 bucks... i'd almost consider seeing what that's all about and getting one ... i spent 14 bucks on this cable that snakes around my house07:37
triasbulmer, ok where do i enter it then?07:37
ChazGreymaneyou have the amdtech. I have the dell broadcom one and it works after I found a post on it in the forums.07:37
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elpargoiratik, going back to dapper to get a sound...07:37
cozbyelpargo: ok on the website package search wmaker appears, however when i do apt-cache search wmaker, i get nothing? is it possible my cache is out of date?07:37
ChazGreymaneI thought maybe the 6400 was an alternate model to the e150507:37
cozbyelpargo: it appears in both feist and dapper07:37
bulmertrias on you graphical log-in..07:37
FusEwhats airlink10107:37
FrawgieFusE what's the problem?07:38
PurpZeYHow do I setup an audio passthrough?07:38
elpargocozby, are you sure you got multiver or whatever that package is on?07:38
elpargois in, on*07:38
FusEFrawgie, how do I verify that ndiswrapper is working07:38
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Frawgiendiswrapper -l    see if your driver is listed07:38
bulmerFusE: some East Indian knock off brand..lolz07:38
cozbyelpargo: multiversion?07:38
FrogzooFusE: ifconfig will show an ip07:38
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FusEso Im looking for adapter07:38
FusEFrogzoo, doesnt07:39
cozbyelpargo: how might i go about turning thison?07:39
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ChazGreymaneI have (i hope) a simple question, how do you change the default program for a certain file type?07:39
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ChazGreymanelike I want .swf files to open in firefox07:39
elpargocozby, ups sorry multiverse, universe ,etc.07:39
triasbulmer, I do not see where my graphical login needs the command07:40
cozbyelpargo: i'm not aware of what those are?07:40
cozbyelpargo: some setting for apt?07:40
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Jordan_UChaoticGood, Right click -> properties07:40
elpargoChazGreymane, it's in the context menu 4th tap under properties07:40
bulmertrias: i meant where you have your graphics stuff..like you can use your browser, but not from a console where its not graphical07:40
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bulmertrias where you can launch xterm07:41
elpargocozby, oh that's probably it, could someone send him the ubutu link for the different package repos.07:41
ChaoticGood(2007-07-17 13:40:27) Jordan_U: ChaoticGood, Right click -> properties <<< huh?07:41
cozbycool thx07:41
FusEbulmer, http://cgi.ebay.com/AirLink101-MIMO-XR-AWLH-5026-802-11g-PCI-ADATPER_W0QQitemZ270145318940QQihZ017QQcategoryZ45001QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem07:41
krinns_any one use evilution as mail client07:41
Jordan_Uelpargo, its !repos | nick07:41
weltschmerzhow would i specify all 192.168 addresses to have access to a share?07:41
weltschmerz192.168.0.0 ?07:41
elpargoChaoticGood, bad command complete :)07:41
cozby!repos | cozby07:41
ChazGreymanesweet, thanks alot elpargo07:41
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elpargoChazGreymane, np07:42
weltschmerzright now I have that listed as my Allowed host/network07:42
elpargothanks Jordan_U07:42
Jordan_Uelpargo, np07:42
SurfnKidJordan_U, got them all switched to 777 thanks again07:42
Jordan_USurfnKid, np07:42
cozbythanks elpargo Jordan_U07:42
elpargocozby, you should get a PM with the info turning them on is really simple but you should know the differences.07:42
triasbulmer, i am in the GUI if that's what you mean i don't see and Xterm.  I entered that command into a terminal from the GUI under applications/assessories07:42
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Jordan_Ucozby, I guess ubotu is dead :(07:42
bulmerFuse i dont use the mimo ..the plain old 802.11g07:43
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compengiwhat's the name of the application that when you grove with the mouse over a media file it plays it07:43
BrendanMhey, is there a way to see who's connected to my Samba shares and what they're accessing?07:43
bulmertrias yeah thats the one07:43
cafuegoBrendanM: at the very least lsof07:43
elpargocozby, System -> software sources07:43
ub6ib9Hey ppl i no dis is a little off topic but i really need help07:43
FusEbulmer, which one should I get07:43
bulmerFuse i dont use the mimo ..the plain old 802.11g is what i use07:43
BrendanMcafuego, any GUI options that you know of?07:43
triasthe command just gives me the prompt back no info given or window pops up07:43
ub6ib9does anyone here have DEMONOID???07:43
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elpargocozby, sorry Administration -> software sources07:44
FusEbulmer, thers like 5, which one should I get07:44
ub6ib9anyone here got a demonoid invite07:44
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bulmerFuSE for a desktop or laptop?07:44
ub6ib9demonoid invite please07:44
Jordan_Uub6ib9, No, ask again and get banned07:44
bullgard4ChazGreymane: To change the default application to open a file of the highlighted type in Nautilus, right-click on the filename, select Properties -> 'Open With', and then change the setting in the field '...open with:' > Open.07:44
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elpargocozby, the checks are the repo find out in which one your package is and check it.07:44
g0dd3ssdoo doo dooo YAYYYYY REINSTALL07:44
bulmerFusE: I have the plain old 802.11g..not speedup booster07:44
ChazGreymaneyour alittle late bullgard4, but thanks alot. lol07:45
cozbyelpargo: cool, ill give that a go thx07:45
FusEbulmer lol thers like 1007:45
bulmerg0dd3ss: you never told me what the result of netstat -rn on ubuntu07:45
FusEshould I get a PCI, cardbus, usb07:45
bulmerFusE: pick the one that matches your mobo..pci07:45
bullgard4ChazGreymane: Excuse me that I wanted to help you.07:45
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FusEhmmm, idk :P07:46
g0dd3ssbulmer yeah sorry i tried to copy and paste it put it on a usb drive then move it to here but it wouldnt work and gahh! sorry. thanks for trying tho dude i appreciate it07:46
FusEIm not a hardware person07:46
triasbulmer, the command just gives me the prompt back no info given or window pops up07:46
FusEthe one I currently use bulmer, goes into the back with an antenna sticking up07:46
bulmerg0dd3ss: okay good luck07:46
ub6ib9need demonoid invite please07:46
ub6ib9also jordan is gay07:46
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:46
g0dd3ssthanks 8-] 07:46
FusE!spam | ub6ib907:46
ubotuub6ib9: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)07:46
bulmerFusE: same here..i have an antennae sticking out07:46
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FusEpci I guess07:47
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FusEk bulmer07:47
bulmertrias so nothing in  system -> adminstration -> disk ?07:47
FusEtheres like 3 pci cards07:47
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triasbulmer, nope07:47
triasbulmer, this is a fresh install except for xchat07:48
Hobbseeub6ib9: behave.07:48
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bulmertrias  type this....  disks   then press tab twice07:48
revilodrawwhat is demonoid?07:49
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TalciteWhy would I be getting trouble with installing ubuntu server 7.04 on a virtual machine?07:49
cozbyelpargo: ah, that was it, cheers mate =)07:49
TalciteI've tried both VMware and VirtualBox07:49
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c211-30-154-82.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] by Hobbsee
=== ub6ib9 was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (no demonoid for you. goodbye.)
Jordan_UTalcite, What kind of trouble?07:49
TalciteThe install completes perfectly, but the machine never boots up07:49
triasbulmer, a "disksseekd" command wrote in07:49
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=== Hobbsee shakes her head
FusEoh crap, bulmer, it says storage temperature on this thing: 70 degrees, it can get up to 89/90 in my room07:50
triasbulmer, oops rather a "diskseekd" command wrote in07:50
elpargocozby, great be sure to learn about the repo's you will need it when installing third-party stuff.07:50
TalciteJordan_U: it never boots up07:50
FusEHobbsee, add "#ubuntu-wifi for Wireless" please07:50
FusEIts an actual channel07:50
cozbyelpargo: cool, will do07:50
FusEidk who made it07:50
TalciteJordan_U: install and reboot are flawless, the server just never starts for the first time07:50
HobbseeFusE: ?07:50
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eboyjrHow can I install an X11 mouse scheme on Ubuntu?07:50
FusEbulmer, could temperature affect this07:50
Jordan_UTalcite, Any errors? Does it get to GRUB ?07:51
MTecknologyanybody have any ideas  about this thread? i don't want to repost - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=2826112#post282611207:51
bullgard4ping responds: "19 packets transmitted, 0 received, +12 errors, 100% packet loss, time 18000ms, pipe 3." What does 'pipe 3' mean?07:51
bulmerFusE: possibly..but am not sure07:51
FusEbut which one should I buy07:51
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TalciteJordan_U: yeah, the grub has no problems. In VMware, it starts running rc.conf and freezes. In VirtualBox, it never begins loading the kernel. It gives some error with hex addresses and flags07:52
elpargoFusE, try to get an intel card they have the best support, if we are still taking about wifi07:52
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=== fany [n=fany@63.225.broadband4.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu
bulmertrias  type this....  disks   then press tab twice would show if disks-admin is installed on your system07:52
FusEelpargo, Im not rich >.<07:52
RoC_MasterMindbullgard4, that's odd....most people have an upload pipe and a download pipe...you must have a 3rd pipe...like a mystery pipe!07:52
elpargoFusE, that's like $40-50...07:53
Jordan_UMTecknology, So when you press with xev you get a button 121?07:53
=== eboyjr can't figure out how to install an X11 mouse cursor theme.
MTecknologyJordan_U, ya07:53
RoC_MasterMindnever seen that though bullgard407:53
triasbulmer, a "diskseekd" command wrote in07:53
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=== GraBBer2 [n=grabber@cable-prv-fe61dd00-40.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bullgard4RoC_MasterMind: What does the word 'odd' mean in your/min context? Say it in other words, please.07:53
FusEelpargo, http://shop2.outpost.com/product/4609878?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG = good price07:53
Jordan_UMTecknology, I think I can get that to equal a click if that is all you want ( not pressure sensitive or touch screen specific )07:54
bulmertrias okay then, maybe you dont have disks-admin installed..so google for a diskpartitioning app for your system (feisty?)07:54
bullgard4RoC_MasterMind: mine07:54
MTecknologyJordan_U, how so?07:54
eboyjrIs X11 something for Beryl/Compiz/Emerald????07:54
RoC_MasterMindbullgard4, odd means unusual.07:54
bullgard4RoC_MasterMind: ok.07:55
elpargowe need to get those dumb winmodem manufacturers bankrupt!07:55
Jordan_UMTecknology, Before I got right click working on my macbook I had to map F12 to right click, if I can remember how I did it you should be able to do the same type of thing07:55
RoC_MasterMindI'm sure it's just some trivial stat...don't be concerned at all bullgard407:55
mo0osah!x11 | eboyjr07:55
ubotueboyjr: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:55
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RoC_MasterMind!beryl | eboyjr07:56
ubotueboyjr: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:56
RoC_MasterMindWhy are we recommending #ubuntu-effects instead of beryl or compiz-fusion?07:56
MTecknologyJordan_U, I'd really appreciate it07:56
Shauniedoes anyone know how i can upgrade from 6 to ubuntu 7?07:56
bullgard4RoC_MasterMind: I am not much worried. I just wanted to know. Kind of curiosity. --  Thank you that you wanted to help.07:56
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MTecknologyJordan_U, pressure sensitivity never really mattered to me07:56
Jordan_U!upgrade | Shaunie07:56
ubotuShaunie: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:56
elpargoFusE, there is a website that has all wifi cards listed + manufacturer + linux compatibility check there07:57
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RoC_MasterMindfor a laptop I recommend Proxim Orinoco Silver PC Card.07:57
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GastenRoC_MasterMind: Ubuntu-specific effect-problems?07:57
shiester_miestergday everyone!07:57
elpargoFusE, I really tell you spending twice as much in a quality card will get you way better range and quality.07:58
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GastenRoC_MasterMind: but I agree. its probably better if they go in their upstream channel.07:58
FusEmy router is like 10 feet away from my comp07:58
RoC_MasterMind oh right...I guess I again forgot that anything besides ubuntu existed07:58
xoRockwhat is the best app replacement in ubuntu for virtualdub?07:58
RoC_MasterMindI guess being on #beryl #compiz-fusion and #ubuntu will do that to you.07:59
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ama5hey ya07:59
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shiester_miesterwhat is the command to search for a text string inside of files in a particular directory?07:59
RoC_MasterMindxoRock, ....maybe...maybe ffmpeg?07:59
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Frawgiehow do i run a sudo command at startup without having to have to enter the password?07:59
RoC_MasterMindshiester_miester, grep!07:59
concusserI cant get any sound out of my line in on my soundblaster live07:59
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, isn't it a codec?07:59
shiester_miesterRoC_MasterMind, doesnt grep just process output from something else :/07:59
FusEelpargo, what about the $54 dollar one her: http://intel.links.channelintelligence.com/pages/showdealeritems.asp?nVID=11115&nRGID=32807:59
shiester_miesterRoC_MasterMind, like "locate blah | grep yada"07:59
bryantcaleyhi yall ;)07:59
RoC_MasterMind!info ffmpeg > xoRock07:59
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shiester_miestergday bryan07:59
xoRock!info fmpeg08:00
ubotuPackage fmpeg does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:00
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sauvingrep can process in OR out.08:00
bluebananain preferences, i see SCIM input setup, but i can't add Japanese language input support. pls help08:00
triasbulmer, it appears it's called 'parted' and that it's already installed08:00
bryantcaleyanyone had luck with the Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM video card  .... its a laptop (PC)08:00
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bluebananaor perhaps I just don't know how08:00
ama5any filipino here???? pls. ping me08:00
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bryantcaleygday shiester_miester ;] 08:00
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bulmertrias: then use it..am not familiar with the partd options08:00
LMNT_OXhey all trying to connect to internet via PPPoE with Ubuntu? how do i do so???08:00
FusEbulmer, what about the $54 dollar one her: http://intel.links.channelintelligence.com/pages/showdealeritems.asp?nVID=11115&nRGID=32808:01
elpargoFusE, that link is wrong.08:01
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FusEerrr no its not08:01
tupawhat's the difference between Desktop and Server edition disks?08:01
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, ok thx, ill check it08:01
elpargoFusE, then that's not a wifi card08:01
bulmerFusE: I dont know man..pick whatever suits your budget..mine i picked the airlink101 because it was 15 bux when it was on sale..lolz08:01
FusEtupa, Server edition is for, well, running a server08:01
bur[n] e1server edition has no GUI08:01
tupaFusE aha, and what if I use it for both !!08:01
MTecknologyJordan_U, any luck?08:01
sauvinOnce I get Ubuntu installed on this machine, I don't imagine it comes with an IRC client. I prefer XChat. How to install it?08:01
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Jordan_UMTecknology, Still looking08:02
sauvinThat, and Kopete. Are these available for ubuntu?08:02
MTecknologysauvin, sudo apt-get install xchat08:02
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FusEtupa, then get desktop08:02
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tupaFuSE, why 2 discs, it would be wiser to do a network installation08:02
Jordan_Usauvin, Applications -> Add / Remove08:02
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Music_Shuffle_sauvin, or you could just use Synaptic and find it.08:02
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bur[n] e1sauvin: applications -> add remove -> check xchat08:02
tupabut ok, I'm installing desktop08:02
ama5hey watz up man I need help08:02
sauvinKk, thanks.08:02
RoC_MasterMind!server > tupa08:02
elpargotupa, server + gnome = Desktop08:02
Frawgiesauvin acutally, it does come with an IRC capable client, gaim will do it, but if you want xchat, do:  sudo apt-get install xchat08:02
Jordan_Usauvin, It does come with Gaim ( though xchat is better for IRC )08:03
bluebananahow do i get japanese language input support in ubuntu?08:03
tupammmm, server lacks GUI08:03
bryantcaleyubuntu detects my photo card!! it never did before....awesome08:03
sauvinYes, XChat is vastly preferable. :)08:03
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RoC_MasterMindtupa, exactly!  15MB of ram usage!08:03
Jordan_U!japanese | bluebanana08:03
ubotubluebanana:  #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 08:03
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sauvinI'm jumping from Fedora Core 6.08:03
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revilodrawis anyone having trouble with amarok 1.4.6 being slooooow on feisty?08:04
bluebananaJordan_U, you may be mistaken. I'm not wanting to speak japanese here. I want to be able to type japanese in my computer.08:04
Pozarocan anyone tell me how to get flash working in ubuntu i just installed it08:04
ljsmithxshould i install ubuntu over mac os x?08:04
ljsmithxpowerpc btw08:04
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RoC_MasterMind!flash Pozaro08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash pozaro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
RoC_MasterMind!flash > Pozaro08:05
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Frawgieljsmithx either way works as long as it isnt windows :)08:05
Jordan_Ubluebanana, I figured that they would know, and I just realized that even if you were fluent you couldn't use that channel until the problem was fixed :)08:05
Pozaroany one have macromedia flash working ?08:05
FusEelpargo, what do you suggest08:05
FrawgieI have all 3 here in front of me, give you 1 guess which one requires the most work08:05
ljsmithxumm, mabey08:05
FusE!flash | Pzaro08:06
ubotuPzaro: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:06
Jordan_UPozaro, Works as good as possible for me08:06
FusE!flash | Pozaro08:06
ubotuPozaro: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:06
shiester_miester!justask | ama508:06
ubotuama5: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:06
ljsmithxi dont have the os 10 install disks08:06
shiester_miesterama5, stop it08:06
astro76!ops | ama508:06
mo0osahPozaro, it's Adobe Flash now :)08:06
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:06
elpargoFusE, I'm vias all my cards have been intel...08:06
FusE!s[am | ama508:06
ubotuama5: please see above08:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s[am - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
FusE!spam | ama508:06
ubotuama5: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)08:06
Pozaroyeah adobe :)08:06
ljsmithxi dont have the os 10 install disks08:06
shiester_miesterlooks like he stopped...08:06
ama5k sory08:06
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mo0osahama5 is your butt on fire?08:06
ama5im new in ubunto08:06
FusEama5, type /disconnect for help08:06
mo0osahWhat's the prbolem?08:06
ama5i need help08:06
=== mo0osah chuckles
RoC_MasterMindama5, yeah well that is good way to get kicked out.08:07
ChazGreymaneI have another stupid question. what kind of themes can you use in a standard install of Ubuntu? I'm looking on Gnome-look.org and confused as to which themes I can use. lol08:07
tupaWTF??, at least 256 MB RAM to run desktop install CD????, what about legacy PCs08:07
mo0osahama5 ask the question08:07
elpargoama5, start with behaving08:07
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shiester_miesterama5, being new is no excuse for deliberately annoying the crap out of everyone08:07
ama5hahah so08:07
FusEhow is it that my name got highlighted when Chaz said that08:07
FusEama5, stfu08:07
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astro76!ohmy | FusE08:07
ubotuFusE: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:07
tupawhat if I don't have at least 256 MB RAM08:07
ljsmithxyou guys may need more help channells...08:07
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elpargotupa, you may want to check out xubuntu08:07
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shiester_miesterljsmithx, why dont you start one ;)08:07
Jordan_UFusE, Whenever someone uses your name in a comment it gets highlighted in your client08:07
FusEastro, we don't want kids reflecting his behaviour08:07
bastidraZorxubuntu can run on little as 64mb08:07
MrTsunamiFusE: because there is a fuse in confuse :P08:08
elpargothat will run in 16 or something ancient like that.08:08
RoC_MasterMindtupa, you could use it, you will just use some of your swap space..make sure you got some of that...maybe 512MB?08:08
FrawgieFusE he used the word "confused" and your name is in it :P08:08
ljsmithxcoz i dont know much about linux in general08:08
elpargoahh there you go 64.08:08
martmani just enabled dektop effects, including the cube(to switch desktops). when ever i switch to a different screen i loose both panels08:08
martmananyone know why>?08:08
tupaelpargo I'm using Debian in legacy PCs, and both work fine, I wanted to see what are the differences with ubuntu08:08
sauvinDoes ubuntu use ext3?08:08
ljsmithxthis is confusiung08:08
FusEI dont get why this is a 'family' channel, considernig it takes alot of knowledge to install ubuntu (ama5 got lucky)08:08
xoRockinstaled ffmpeg, its seem that it only work in terminal, is there anyway i can install the gui version?08:08
Jordan_Usauvin, Yes08:08
tupadoes Ubuntu installs more stuff than Debian that requires more RAM?08:08
sauvinVery cool.08:08
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ljsmithxis there a powerpc ubuntu channel?08:08
RoC_MasterMindsauvin, why...yes08:08
astro76FusE, so set a good example08:08
Jordan_Usauvin, Thought you can use whatever you want08:08
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Jordan_Uljsmithx, No08:09
RoC_MasterMindxoRock, there's a GUI version?08:09
FrawgieFusE acutally, the live cd makes it really easy :)  just wondering if ama5's timezone is right08:09
sauvinSome distros are a bit limited, is my understanding.08:09
Jordan_Uljsmithx, You can ask here though08:09
FusEWell, Im still without network08:09
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, i dunno, ^^;08:09
ljsmithxyeah i would, but this channells like flodding with questions08:09
FrawgieFusE did that tutorial help at all?08:09
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RoC_MasterMindxoRock, the CLI version functions pretty well and is available to those with CLI and with a GUI.08:09
FusEBut I dont know If I did it correctly08:09
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ljsmithxi wish i new about apt-get before I stoped using ubuntu08:10
Frawgiefuse, you have the windows drivers for that card on hand?08:10
FrawgieFusE, you have the windows drivers for that card on hand?08:10
ljsmithxnow im on mac08:10
Frawgieoops, lag ><08:10
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FusEFrawgie, I have the drivers08:10
Jordan_UMTecknology, I think I got it08:10
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, i installed trough apt-get ffmpeg08:10
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bur[n] e1ljsmithx: i'm pretty sure ubuntu can work on mac hardware08:10
RoC_MasterMindljsmithx, that is a big thing to miss..but don't dispair, Ubuntu runs on Mac too!08:10
ljsmithxit can08:10
Jordan_UMTecknology, What is the keycode according to xev?08:11
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, what should i do to get the GUI version?08:11
MTecknologyJordan_U, ?08:11
RoC_MasterMindxoRock, I've never used one, the CLI version was fine for me.  Google around.08:11
Frawgiefuse, ok, go to the directory where the drivers are and type:  ndiswrapper -i <driver name>.inf08:11
FusEI did that08:11
ljsmithxyes, i stoped using it on my x86 bomb beacause there was nothing telling me about installing apps08:11
FusEndiswrappers -l said my driver is installed08:11
Frawgiefuse, ok, type:  ndiswrapper -l08:11
xoRockRoC_MasterMind, ok thx08:11
Frawgiek, did it say the device was detected?08:11
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Jordan_UMTecknology, Try running "xmodmap -e 'keycode 121 = Pointer_Button1' && xkbset m"08:11
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ljsmithxi got given my mac08:12
=== Dag_ [n=dag@205.84-48-231.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
FusEFrawgie, driver installed, device present08:12
ljsmithxguys, there is a #ubuntu-powerpc08:12
Frawgiek, then all you should have to do is:   sudo depmod -a      then:  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper08:12
FusEthers alot of channels you probably dont know about08:12
Jordan_Uljsmithx, I guess I was wrong :)08:12
FusEFrawgie did that08:12
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GraBBer2What is Z in front of OMG? =p08:13
Dag_Hey guys, I've been a long time Windows user, 12 years.08:13
Dag_Now I went all Ubuntu!08:13
bur[n] e1ljsmithx: it's not supported by new versions of ubuntu08:13
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Dag_Love Gnome, Ubuntu! :D08:13
MTecknologyJordan_U, should it just begin working?08:13
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=== shiester_miester pats Dag_ on the shoulder in consolation
nathan_What's the 'next' button in Beryl keybindings?08:13
astro76Dag_, congratulations08:13
Frawgiefuse, ok, type:  lfconfig and see if it shows the device, should be like:  wlan008:13
ljsmithxbur[n] el, i know08:13
shiester_miesterthanks Dag_08:13
gravemindFrawgie: doesn't he have to modprobe?08:13
Jordan_UMTecknology, Yes, I guess that means it didn't :(08:13
Dag_And it's really not so hard either, Ubuntu. I got my friends interressted too, specially with the Beryl installed :D08:13
Frawgiegravemind he said he did that :)08:13
tupais gutsy the unstable version?08:13
MTecknologyJordan_U, there must be something i'm missing08:13
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gravemindFrawgie: cool beans :)08:14
ljsmithxim thinking about doing it08:14
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ljsmithxthe Z u ask?08:14
tupaI don't know what to install, gutsy or feisty, I want the latest but not so unstable08:14
FusEFrawgie, shows what device08:14
Jordan_UMTecknology, Can you pastebin the actual output from xev?08:14
Dag_Do you guys know of any cool sites with 1240x1024 or something I think my desktop was, uhm, yeah backgrounds? Cool Linux backgrounds?08:14
Dag_I needs them :>08:14
gravemindtupa: feisty08:14
shiester_miesterI'm having a weird network problem.  I'm connecting through a router/modem via CAT5.  The modem connects to the Internet perfectly, but ubuntu doesnt.  About 50% of the time, it just doesn't get an internet connection, at all.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesnt fix the problem, the only thing that fixes it is restarting ubuntu until it starts working for no apparent reason08:14
MTecknologyJordan_U, umm...... ok08:14
Jordan_Utupa, Feisty08:14
Frawgiefuse, should show the wireless device as wlan0 or something to that effect if the driver is working08:14
FusEmy interface is eth108:14
MTecknologyJordan_U, I'll just send it to a file and nopaste that08:14
eboyjrWhen shutting down the computer, it does not completely turn off. The last thing that it says is "Will now halt". How can I make it so that it just turns off completely?08:15
ljsmithxZOMG! is more exitment than OMG!08:15
tupagravemind, and what is gutsy for?08:15
shiester_miesterljsmithx, lol08:15
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tupais it the developers version gravemind?08:15
MTecknologyJordan_U, pastein isn't in the repos... :)08:15
shiester_miestertupa, gutsy is an unstable new version08:15
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|GraBBer|ljsmithx, k LoL So Z doesn't mean anything particular like the F does? =p08:15
shiester_miestertupa, its not finished development yet, so we don't usually offer support for it08:15
astro76!pastebin | MTecknology08:15
ubotuMTecknology: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:15
telexiconwho needs help?08:15
=== ljsmithx runs
shiester_miestertelexicon, me :P08:16
Frawgiefuse eth1 is the normal NIC card, if there is nothing like wlan0 then the drivers arent working08:16
dissectionWhen I looked for my USB devices in terminal the last line shows this,,, [25429.994044]  ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB008:16
telexiconshiester_miester, whats the problem?08:16
MTecknologyastro76, Jordan_U, sorry, I meant nopaste isn't in the repos08:16
shamCan someone give me the name of an AIM client that has encryption? I can't get gaim to work with gaim-encryption or off the record, keep getting ABI version mismatch error messages08:16
dissectionI had removed the cable and connected it back. What do I do now, it just says its disconnected.08:16
FusEeth1 shows as a wirelss con08:16
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Frawgiefuse mine shows:  wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0F:66:79:80:0508:16
shiester_miester(sorry for reposting this). telexicon: I'm having a weird network problem.  I'm connecting through a router/modem via CAT5.  The modem connects to the Internet perfectly, but ubuntu doesnt.  About 50% of the time, it just doesn't get an internet connection, at all.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesnt fix the problem, the only thing that fixes it is restarting ubuntu until it starts working for no apparent reason08:16
Jordan_UFrawgie, I have had a wireless interface show up as eth108:16
|GraBBer|telexicon, Yes, but I am beyong help. ;) *shuts up and lets this be what it is supposed to, the ubuntu helpchannel* =)08:16
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Frawgiefuse jordan_u you both using pci cards?08:17
conorkirkpatrick!flood | ljsithx08:17
ubotuljsithx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:17
homerhomeris wireless better now in the new kernel08:17
FusEIm using a pci card08:17
Jordan_UFrawgie, Yes08:17
telexiconshiester_miester, can you pastebin the output if ifconfig08:17
ljsmithxsorry ill stop wit the :D08:17
shiester_miestertelexicon, the thing is, its working fine now.  will it still be helpful?08:17
telexiconshiester_miester, just to get a general sense08:17
MTecknologyJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30192/ lines 74-76 will probably be of interest08:17
Frawgiefuse jordan_u ahh that might be why, mine is USB.  ok then fuse, all you should have to do is go to System > Administration > Network to configure the connection08:17
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Jordan_Uhomerhomer, The framework is better, but just like before if there are good drivers for your card it will work, if not it won't08:17
telexiconshiester_miester, what type of router?08:18
MTecknologyJordan_U, those lines occure when I tap the pen08:18
dissectionHelp me please08:18
FusEFrawgie, network seems to be blank08:18
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MTecknologyJordan_U, * on the screen08:18
krinns_am trying to install US robotics on Ubuntu08:18
shiester_miestertelexicon, its an adsl modem/router thingy.  its an alcatel speedtouch 53008:18
krinns_it connects and disconnects every 3 misn08:18
Jordan_UFusE, I would use network-manager myself08:18
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=== eboyjr wants to know why when shutting down the computer, it does not completely turn off. The last thing that it says is "Will now halt". He also wants to know how he can make it so that it just turns off completely?
shiester_miestertelexicon, http://pastebin.com/m52569f108:18
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FusEeboyjr, we can read black writing too08:19
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MTecknologyJordan_U, 92-94 is where i'm getting 121 from08:19
PrimoTurboHow would I install Ubuntu with out using a CD/DVD drive, and with out using Wubi from windows install?...08:19
eboyjrFusE: What's black writing?08:19
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ljsmithx"IRC, Multiplayer Notpad"08:19
astro76looks black to me08:19
telexiconshiester_miester, ugh, complicated08:19
FusEFrawgie, my /etc/network/interfaces is now missing.....08:19
ljsmithxIN COLOR!08:19
FusEljsmithx, notepad supports coloring....08:19
telexiconshiester_miester, hehe ok, so how many physical ethernet ports does your computer have?08:19
telexiconshiester_miester, 2?08:20
shiester_miesterljsmithx, dont you mean, multiplayer gedit/vi/nano/etc08:20
PrimoTurboWubi is broken it gives me an error, my CD/DVD drives don't work I have tried installing 5.10 6.04 and 7.04 wih no success...I get errors08:20
kyjaberyl and emerald is the most emazing thing ever !!!!!!!!!! :)08:20
shiester_miesterljsmithx, we don't use notepad here ;)08:20
shiester_miestertelexicon, uhh...2 i think08:20
ljsmithxi know, i use text edit08:20
shiester_miestertelexicon, 2 of them are plugged in08:20
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telexiconshiester_miester, so you are on 2 networks?08:20
Frawgiefuse did you blacklist the bcm43xx08:20
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PrimoTurbofrom offical images and burned disks, I think the drives are broken but I had no problem installing Windows XP & Vista and can burn movies & music no problem08:20
shiester_miesterkyja, compiz-fusion is even better :D08:20
telexiconshiester_miester, can you pastebin the output of 'cat /etc/network/interfaces'08:20
Jordan_UMTecknology, I don't think that it is mapped to a keycode at all, I don't know what to give to xmodmap08:20
FusEFrawgie, no, but the interfaces file is missing08:21
shiester_miestertelexicon, no, the second one isnt really being used, since I can't get ubuntu > windows networking happening08:21
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Jordan_U!install | PrimoTurbo08:21
ubotuPrimoTurbo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:21
Frawgiefuse you have to blacklist that or it wont work at all08:21
telexiconshiester_miester, is this computer acting as a router?08:21
weltschmerzcan anyone help explain to me in an nfs share what "network" is?08:21
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Frawgiefuse type this:   echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist08:21
shiester_miestertelexicon, http://pastebin.com/m3b6a2ac008:21
shiester_miestertelexicon, nope08:21
weltschmerzi assume netmask is like or something.08:21
FusEFrawgie, wait, I need that file back08:22
ljsmithxlol, #ubuntu-ljsmithx08:22
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Frawgieif you lose connection, thats in the  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file at the end08:22
shiester_miestertelexicon, I'm trying to get a little home network set up but thats unrelated to this problem and none of it is working anyway, except for this computer's internet connection08:22
dissectionWhen I looked for my USB devices in terminal the last line shows this,,, [25429.994044]  ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB008:22
Jordan_UFrawgie, Just wondering, did he try the native drivers with firmware first?08:22
Frawgiefuse what file?08:22
FusEinterfaces file08:22
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Frawgiejordan_u no idea :P08:22
telexiconshiester_miester, are both the cables plugged into the router thing?08:22
MTecknologyJordan_U, alrighty... I'm going to get some sleep though, i gotta get in in a couple hours08:22
shiester_miestertelexicon, no, just one08:22
zanagaweltschmerz: usually it's your IP address ending with .0 for example my network is with netmask and my ip address is something like
telexiconshiester_miester, and the other one is plugged into a switch somewhere else?08:23
Jordan_UFrawgie, I would suggest he does before trying ndiswrapper08:23
shiester_miestertelexicon, no, its plugged into another computer downstairs which isn't turned on at the moment08:23
MTecknologyJordan_U, if you come across anything you can drop me a message, thanks for the help08:23
zanagaweltschmerz: a handy tool to calculcate all these is ipcalc if you want the easy way to find out your equivalents08:23
Frawgiejordan_u well he said some time back he had wiki'd and whatnot a bunch tryin to figure this thing out, so i would assume he ran across it somewhere, didnt ask though08:23
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Jordan_UMTecknology, np08:23
shiester_miestertelexicon, i dont have any fancy network hardware ;) all i have is my adsl modem, 3 computers and 3 crossover cables08:23
shiester_miesterthats all08:23
telexiconshiester_miester, ok08:23
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telexiconshiester_miester, why the static ip address?08:24
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Jordan_UFusE, Did you try bcm43xx-fwcutter already ?08:24
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ljsmithxi dont have the os 10 install disks, so should i erase os 10 and install ubutnu?08:24
FusEhold on08:24
FusEmy interfaces file is missing08:24
shiester_miestertelexicon, thats for the one not plugged into the modem.  apparently I need to use a static IP to be able to network with the other computer and use internet connection sharing08:24
Jordan_Uljsmithx, No, keep it for firmware updates if nothing else08:24
ljsmithxwhat do u mean?08:25
telexiconshiester_miester, which eth is plugged into the modem and which to the other comp?08:25
tupadoes ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu use the same packages but different desktop environments?08:25
Pozarois gnash any good08:25
weltschmerzbut zanaga but i don't know what is meant by "Network"08:25
Jordan_Uljsmithx, You can't get any firmware updates with Ubuntu08:25
telexiconPozaro, its getting there, not ready yet08:25
bur[n] erPozaro: as good as advertised08:25
shiester_miestertelexicon, the one that doesnt have a static IP is plugged into the modem, otherwise I wouldn't be online right now ;)08:25
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=== FusE wonders why his /etc/network/interfaces file is missing
shiester_miestertelexicon, i think its ETH108:25
telexiconshiester_miester, good point08:25
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Pozaroso the best thing is to get the flashlugin-nonfre08:26
Pozarowhere do i install it08:26
ljsmithxJordan, how do I know if im uptodate im using an old imac atm08:26
zanagaweltschmerz: in /etc/exports? it means the network address (the address i just mentioned)08:26
Jordan_Uljsmithx, You will need to turn off journaling in OSx to be able to resize the partition08:26
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Frawgiefuse i can give you a cope of mine, but i dont think that would help :P08:26
ljsmithxill open disk util08:26
telexiconshiester_miester, type: sudo ifdown eth108:26
telexiconshiester_miester, er, eth008:26
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FusEwhat should I do >.<08:26
weltschmerzzanaga no, not in /etc/exports  in the gnome sharing program.08:27
Jordan_Uljsmithx, Check the update-manager, I guess on something that old there probably won't be any updates08:27
Frawgiedid you type that blacklist command in?08:27
ljsmithxwhos the person who wanted the mac fonts?08:27
astro76Pozaro, just type the command: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:27
weltschmerzwhatever it's called.08:27
shiester_miestertelexicon, how will turning off the other device help?08:27
FusEnot yet08:27
tupaoh okey, I checked it in wiki08:27
weltschmerzinvoked from nautilus08:27
shiester_miesteri mean the other connection08:27
telexiconshiester_miester, it makes things simpler08:27
telexiconshiester_miester, it removes variables08:27
ljsmithxyeah, the os itself needs updating08:27
ljsmithxim on os 10.4.908:27
zanagaweltschmerz: hmm.. i'm not too familiar with that, but i'd assume it's still that same address08:27
Pozaroastro and fter i type that i can use flash ?08:27
shiester_miestertelexicon, done08:27
Jordan_Uljsmithx, So I guess you could just whipe OSx08:27
telexiconshiester_miester, whats the ip of the router?08:27
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Frawgiefuse type it, it wont hurt you til you reboot, then it should let you use the wireless, if it doesnt, just depmod and modprobe again and it should fire up08:27
elpargoFusE, listen to the little voice inside your head08:27
ljsmithxyeah, but i have two problems08:27
telexiconshiester_miester, pastebin 'route -n'08:27
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Jordan_UFusE, Did you try bcm43xx-fwcutter already ?08:28
FusEelpargo, the one that says burn my computer?08:28
telexiconshiester_miester, and 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'08:28
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Frawgiebrb, need a drink :)08:28
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elpargoFusE, umm yup that's probably it.08:28
telexiconshiester_miester, and ethtool eth108:28
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ljsmithxill probly ask this when the chans alittle quiet but i need to know how to compile from source08:28
iiiyelha ha ha08:28
Jordan_U!compile | ljsmithx08:28
ubotuljsmithx: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:28
Jordan_Uljsmithx, You will almost never need to do it though08:29
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ljsmithxisnt there a lack of support for powerpc linux apps?08:29
shiester_miestertelexicon, http://pastebin.com/m25f7e9b108:29
Jordan_Uljsmithx, No, everything open source available for x86 is available for PPC08:30
FusEFrawgie, I ran it08:30
shiester_miestertelexicon, the first part is from route -n08:30
shiester_miesteri forgot to label it08:30
Jordan_Uljsmithx, Same repository lists basically08:30
telexiconshiester_miester, dang, i hate it when ISP give out lame private IPs08:30
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telexiconshiester_miester, im sorry08:30
Confuse-a-catHello, I need help on an Ubuntu installation that continually crashes on bootup, both in regular installation mode and in safe mode. Can anyone help?08:30
ljsmithxGOOD GOOD08:30
shiester_miestertelexicon, eh?08:30
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FusEFrawgie, I ran it08:31
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ljsmithxaww dude, thats been teh thing thats stoped me from installing ubuntu08:31
Jordan_Uljsmithx, And with proprietary apps compiling from source won't do much good :)08:31
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zanagaConfuse-a-cat: what kind of an error is displayed when it crashes?08:31
ljsmithxi might install it today then08:31
telexiconshiester_miester, oh maybe its your router/modem08:31
dissectionWhen I looked for my USB devices in terminal the last line shows this,,, [25429.994044]  ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB008:31
weltschmerzwhat is meant by "network" in the Nautilus share configuration?08:31
FusEzanaga, nothing crashes08:31
Jordan_Uljsmithx, To be clear there are a lot of closed source apps that can't be installed at all like flash08:32
dissectionAnyone knows what to do?08:32
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ljsmithxAdobe's flash u mean?08:32
Jordan_Uljsmithx, Yes08:32
FusEFrawgie, I ran it08:32
ljsmithxis there an open-source clone somewear?08:32
Jordan_Uljsmithx, gnash can give you your youtube fix though :)08:32
telexiconshiester_miester, well, now the only problem is, i need all this information again when its not working08:32
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shiester_miestertelexicon, it can't be, because I just turn it on and don't touch it.  the lights on it report a working connection, its only ubuntu that doesn't do it for some reason, and if i restart once or twice it usually works (again, without touching the modem at all)08:32
bur[n] erweltschmerz: samba or nfs network08:32
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PozaroE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:33
PozaroE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:33
FusEhi bur[n] er, guess what im her for :P08:33
Confuse-a-catzanaga: occasionally I get a kernel panic, but it's been quite varied. Rarely I'm able to get to a desktop screen and attempt an installation, but it always crashes out. It sounds like a hardware issue, but I can't imagine what could be causing it.08:33
RoC_MasterMindljsmithx, there is a workaround, and there are two Free flash projects.08:33
shiester_miestertelexicon, if it was a problem with the modem then restarting ubuntu certainly wouldn't make any difference, since the modem has it's own connection altogether08:33
conorkirkpatrickPozaro: sudo su08:33
Pozarocan someone please tel me why im getting this08:33
telexiconshiester_miester, i understand08:33
ljsmithxi might start backing up my stuff, and ill get going on the install soon08:33
Jordan_Uljsmithx, And anything that you can get a .flv from with soething like getvid you can play the actual .flv file just fine08:33
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: have you tried running the memory tester from the installation CD?08:33
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dissectionPozaro: Check if synaptic is running.08:33
RoC_MasterMind!flash64 > ljsmithx08:33
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: it could be a memory issue08:33
dissectionPozaro: You need to close it08:33
Confuse-a-catzanaga: yes, I thought so as well, but the memory test all checked out.08:34
shiester_miestertelex, I can make it reliably not work :P all I do is turn on ubuntu before I turn on the adsl router and it refuses to connect no matter what I do08:34
ljsmithxits a 32-bit powerpc08:34
=== FusE is now known as FusE--
weltschmerzbur[n] er no, i've already chosen nfs.08:34
FusE--Im tired of my name being highlighted lol08:34
telexiconshiester_miester, it would be interesting to see if these things worked, ping, ping, ping when the connection isnt working08:34
ljsmithxnot AMD-6408:34
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: odd. Which distribution version?08:34
shiester_miestertelexicon, ok then08:34
FusE--Frawgie, you there?08:34
Confuse-a-catzanaga: 7.0408:34
bur[n] erweltschmerz: ok, have fun with that08:34
telexiconshiester_miester, as well as all the other information you sent me :)08:34
shiester_miestertelex, yup08:34
Pozarothanks it let me tpe the command now08:34
ljsmithxbrb, u guys are SOOOOO MUCH HELP!!!08:34
shiester_miestertelexicon, what other information was it again?08:34
telexiconshiester_miester, you can press tab to autocomplete names :)08:34
Pozarobut now i have 1 more problem :( linuxis confusing08:35
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: do you have a Wireless NIC?08:35
PozaroPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:35
shiester_miestertelexicon, yes i know, i just forgot to08:35
PozaroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:35
Pozarois only available from another source08:35
weltschmerzwhy is this so freakin complicated?  it should be so simple.08:35
telexiconshiester_miester, cat /etc/network/interfaces, cat /etc/resolv.conf, ifconfig, ethtool eth108:35
=== bur[n] er finds samba pretty simple
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Confuse-a-catzanaga: no, just the ethernet that came with the Mboard08:35
Jordan_UPozaro, You need to enable all the repositories08:35
dissectionPozaro: You'll need to add repos08:35
Jordan_UPozaro, System -> Administration -> Software Sources08:35
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zanagaConfuse-a-cat: too bad, there was an issue in the broadcom driver that caused something similar08:35
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|_ockeso im trying to do steam in wine, i've got it all running and logged in and the fonts working and everything08:36
Cubeyugh, and this is why i don't like linux. stuff freaken doesnt work08:36
|_ocke i can browse the webpages that show up, but i cant click any of the menus or click on 'my games' to got counterstrike source downloaded08:36
Confuse-a-catzanaga: ahh, I wish it were something with an easy explanation08:36
shiester_miesterCubey, I feel your pain08:36
|_ockeany ideas?08:36
Cubeyi've been trying for 3 hours to get flash to play08:36
telexiconCubey, it can have some issues08:36
shiester_miesterCubey, although similar things happen with any OS08:36
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: you could try an older version just to see if the problem is just in 7.0408:36
Jordan_UCubey, Try #winehq08:36
bur[n] erCubey: 64-bit or 32-bit?08:36
telexiconbut it doesnt run on 75% of supercomputers by not working08:36
Confuse-a-catzanaga: Thanks, I will give that a try08:36
Cubeyi can't even get normal flash to play in firefox08:36
bur[n] erCubey: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:36
shiester_miesterCubey, its not a linux problem, its because the people who make software rarely devote as much attention to linux code as they do to windows code08:37
FusE--Jordan_U I blacklisted that bmww.... thing08:37
telexiconCubey, adobe has some serious issues also08:37
shiester_miesterCubey, if they worked as hard on linux code as they did on windows code, everything would be much better ;)08:37
bur[n] ershiester_miester: it's not that either... its that flash is proprietary and can't be included with Ubuntu08:37
Pozaroupdates right08:37
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Jordan_UFusE--, Have you actually installed NDISwrapper yet?08:37
shiester_miesterbur[n] er, yes but they could always make a downloadable installer for it08:38
Cubeyshiester_miester, package can't be foundf08:38
Jordan_UFusE--, If it is working then fine, just know that there are native open source drivers built into Ubuntu08:38
RoC_MasterMindshiester_miester, we have that.08:38
Confuse-a-catzanaga: I think this might be a little telling... this computer has gone through a few moves overseas, and after trying to install XP recently I discovered sound drivers would install, but no sound would be produced.08:38
FusE--its not08:38
Jordan_UFusE--, They just need furmware that broadcom won't let them distribute08:38
shiester_miesterRoC_MasterMind, i was referring to one that has had as much attention devoted to it as to the windows version08:38
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bur[n] erCubey: that apt-get line works to get flash if you have universe enabled... alternatively, click applications, add/remove, in the top right change to "all available applications" then search for "restricted" to get ubuntu restricted extras08:38
shiester_miesterRoC_MasterMind, such that it is equally usable and stable etc08:38
telexiconCubey, you ready to have it work?08:38
dissection[25429.994044]  ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0 <---- Why does it say this?08:38
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Confuse-a-catzanaga: I'm suspecting there could be some real quirky hardware issues08:39
bur[n] ertelexicon: i beat you to it ;)08:39
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: it could be a motherboard issue then. Usually when i've run in to motherboard issues it's more like on/off type of thing08:39
Jordan_UFusE--, Then Remove ndis and sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter08:39
RoC_MasterMindyeah i'd wait a couple days08:39
RoC_MasterMindfor the fixed version of flash to get released *.4808:39
RoC_MasterMindsome security fixes.08:39
Cubeyhohum... i'm in KDE. so i have the other package manager08:39
telexiconbur[n] er, perhaps08:39
shiester_miestertelexicon, I'll restart and do those commands when the connection isnt working08:39
RoC_MasterMindI mean..for it to make it down to us.08:39
telexiconshiester_miester, ok08:39
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RoC_MasterMindI'd love to know if there's a way I can upgrade what I have on the other computers.08:39
bur[n] erCubey: i am not a kde user, so I don't know the specifics, but you need the universe repositories enabled and then you get "ubuntu-restricted-extras"08:39
zanagaConfuse-a-cat: the only way to find out for sure is to start switching parts, and that's no fun08:39
Jordan_URoC_MasterMind, What do you mean?08:40
CubeyI have them all set to universe. i think.08:40
RoC_MasterMindUpgrade the Flash plugin.08:40
bur[n] erCubey: then you're hosed08:40
bur[n] erheh08:40
bur[n] er!sources.list08:40
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:40
Confuse-a-catzanaga:  Yeah... I've been messing with this thing for a few days already and am about ready to start again from scratch.08:40
RoC_MasterMindAlso flashplugin-nonfree is broken right now....I'm not sure if I should use the browser-based install toolbar whenever you goto a flash site.08:40
CubeyI tried installing it from adobe's source. i tried getting version 708:40
Confuse-a-catzanaga: I'll give Edgy another try and see what happens. Thanks again for your help!08:40
Pozaroi know you guys are tired of my questions but when i go to Sytem>Administration>software sources. Do i go to Ubuntu Software, third parties or updates to install flashplayer nonfree08:40
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zanagaConfuse-a-cat: no problem, i hope you get the computer up and running08:41
Jordan_UCubey, ubuntu-restricted-extras is in multiverse08:41
bur[n] erCubey: you can just copy the libflashplayer.so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins08:41
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bur[n] eraww, multiverse!08:41
Cubeybur[n] e1, it's there but it doesn't work in firefox08:41
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bur[n] erCubey: get flash9 from the multiverse repos08:41
Jordan_UCubey, Why not install the flashplugin-nonfree package08:41
CubeyI have 9 :/08:41
bur[n] erJordan_U: that's what we're trying to get him to do08:41
Cubeynd i di install flashplugin-nonfree08:41
bur[n] erliar ;)08:41
Cubeyand i did08:41
Cubeyi tried that first08:42
bur[n] erit'd work if you did08:42
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Jordan_UCubey, What problem are you having?08:42
Cubeyit simple doesn't work08:42
Jordan_UCubey, What happens when you go to a site with flash content?08:42
RoC_MasterMinduh...like 20 seconds ago I said flashplugin-nonfree is broken08:42
RoC_MasterMindIt's a bug...it's getting fixed...the new version has a different checksum that their script checks...so it won't install it after the download08:43
Cubeywell i had tried that, i tried getting it from adobe's site08:43
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Jordan_URoC_MasterMind, already fixed08:43
RoC_MasterMindJordan_U, nuh uh/08:43
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Jordan_URoC_MasterMind, I got the update already08:43
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=== bur[n] er uses gutsy and didn't notice broken flash
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b123Does anyone use AWN here that can help me with plugins?08:44
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bur[n] erb123: #ubuntu-effects08:44
telexiconbur[n] er, i do too08:44
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Cubeywell, this time flash semi-worked but it killed firefox08:44
Cubeyfor 'badger'08:45
Cubeyyoutube never works for me however08:45
telexiconCubey, bader?....08:45
telexiconer badger08:45
Pozarogetting flash to work in this is a pain at least you got your working partially08:45
telexiconlike.. breezy badger?08:45
Cubeythe badger flash thing08:45
Pozaroi keep gettign the Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:45
bur[n] erbadger flash thing?08:45
Cubeylol, hold on08:45
Jordan_UPozaro, System -> Administration -> Software Sources08:45
telexiconisnt badger really old?08:45
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RoC_MasterMind05 I think08:45
Cubeyit's a good thing to test with08:45
bur[n] erbreezy badger == 5.10 :)08:45
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Sonicadvance1really old08:46
RoC_MasterMindthat's funny08:46
Pozaroim in software sources now nd i activate everythign in updates right ?08:46
CubeyI'm running drake08:46
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zanagaCubey: if you enter the url about:plugins in firefox, does it list more than one flash plugin?08:46
Jordan_UPozaro, Yes activate everything08:46
bur[n] erCubey: i have to say, it works here08:46
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b123can't find help there08:46
=== bur[n] er was sorry to say it worked
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ljsmithxwhats the latest version number for ubuntu?08:47
Jordan_Uljsmithx, 7.0408:47
|_ockeCubey, cubey terra?08:48
Cubeyhmm. i see 2 unless i'm mistaken: libflashplayer.so / libflash-mozplugin.so08:48
MrTsunamil!feisty | ljsmithx08:48
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MrTsunami!feisty | ljsmithx08:48
ubotuljsmithx: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents08:48
ljsmithxkool, im gunna put my music and pics on usb and get startded08:48
zanagaCubey: that libflash-mozplugin.so might be your problem.. that's the opensource alternative that lacks a lot of features08:48
capiCrimmwith totem movie player, how do I get subtitles to work. I have a .sub file with the same name as the .avi? I always have troubles with this.08:49
Cubeyahh. where is it located?08:49
ljsmithxis there a way to just install without going to the live version?08:49
Jordan_U!alternate | ljsmithx08:49
ubotuljsmithx: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal08:49
zanagaCubey: dpkg -S libflash-mozplugin.so08:49
bur[n] ercapiCrimm: by sudo apt-get install vlc ;)08:49
fuzzy_logicljsmithx: use the alternate cd08:49
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zanagaCubey: that will tell you which package installs that module, uninstall that package08:49
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ljsmithxi dont wanna download again08:49
Jordan_Uljsmithx, What is wrong with the Live version?08:50
Cubeylibflash-mozplugin. hm08:50
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fuzzy_logicljsmithx: well.. you will have to :) you should read or come there first before downloading08:50
ljsmithxits slooowowoowow08:50
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ljsmithxi should hay :\08:50
Pozarok everything is activated and its giving me updats o install now08:50
fuzzy_logicljsmithx: i like the live cd becuase you can play one of the cool gnome games while the system is installing08:50
weltschmerzdoes anyone know how to share a directory over nfs from nautilus?08:50
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Jordan_Uljsmithx, You can get the minimal CD, then it will download while it installs at least08:51
ljsmithxi think im gunna cry08:51
bur[n] erweltschmerz: with samba, you right click it and click share... maybe the same with nfs?08:51
ljsmithx"dont leave me os 10!"08:51
ljsmithxim quiting the apps now lol08:51
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Cubeythank you! that is what the problem was. youtube now works08:52
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FusEJordan_U: Im currently booted into a old old kernel08:52
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shiester_miestertelexicon, http://pastebin.com/m5110f79908:52
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ljsmithxcoz ill never be able to upgrade to leopard08:52
ljsmithxso ill go one better08:52
FusEJordan_U: can you give me a list of things I should run, and a list of things you need to see on the new kernel08:52
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Jordan_UFusE, If you havn't tried bcm43xx-fwcutter you should remove ndis, remove the blacklist on bcm43xx and install bcm43xx-fwcutter08:53
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sauvinUnder Ubuntu, an internal IDE drive would be called what?08:53
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telexiconshiester_miester, aha!08:53
FusEokay Jordan_U, how do I do that lol08:53
fuzzy_logicljsmithx: why not?08:53
telexiconshiester_miester, so is this on feisty?08:53
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shiester_miestertelexicon, i was thinking that those "operation not permitted" in the pings might be a symptom of the same cause08:53
shiester_miestertelexicon, yes it is08:53
Pozarodoes the flash plugin have an apt url ?08:53
weltschmerzbur[n] er yes, i right-click to share it.08:53
weltschmerzbut i don't know the options.08:53
farskidoes anyone know if a single class has 2+ HABTM it loses the << method?08:53
telexiconshiester_miester, the cause is, the router isnt giving your computer an IP Address08:53
ljsmithxfuzz, its a g3 slot-loading imac08:54
Jordan_UFusE, Undo whatever instructions you have done so far ( that BTW is why I always suggest trying bcm43xx-fwcutter first )08:54
shiester_miestersauvin, sda, hda, i think08:54
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shiester_miestertelexicon, ok, so why not? :/08:54
weltschmerzbur[n] er i don't know what to put for "network" and "hostmask" (assuming will work for the latter)08:54
FusEhow do I unblacklist bcm08:54
ljsmithxapple stoped supporting crappy coputers after leopard coms out08:54
telexiconshiester_miester, well... /etc/init.d/networking restart ... shouldve worked08:54
zanagaPozaro: use the add remove applications tool, it will add the required urls08:54
sauvinIf it's hda, I'll be alright. If it's sda, I'm in trouble; how would I be able to tell existing partitions from the monster USB I'm about to install ubuntu on?08:54
shiester_miestertelexicon, tried it, it doesnt work.  ubuntu does a few DHCP DISCOVER broadcasts and nothing happens08:54
shiester_miesterit does about 4 and gives up08:55
FusEJordan_U: what I dont get is, Im on a older kernel, same network info, same interfaces file, and I still can connect08:55
Pozarocan i add the flash plyr that way ??08:55
telexiconshiester_miester, well its the routers job to respond08:55
shiester_miestertelexicon, so why is it that it often works fine after I restart?08:55
zeroc00lhi guyz!08:55
Jordan_UFusE, oh, on an older kernel it works? Didn't realize that08:55
zanagaPozaro: yup, just point & click, it does the work for you =)08:55
sauvinYou know what, I'm a reasonably bright boy. Something will suggest itself. Wish me luck!08:55
shiester_miestergday zeroc00l08:55
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telexiconshiester_miester, im not sure08:55
Jordan_UFusE, How did you get it working on the older kernel?08:55
FusEJordan_U: yes, Im on a older kernel right now08:55
FusEIts been working08:56
shiester_miestersauvin, it would be pretty easy to tell the difference there08:56
FusEIts when I upgraded it didnt work on the new kernel08:56
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shiester_miestersauvin, for one thing, the USB HDD would be monstorously large, and also it would only appear AFTER you plug it in ;)08:56
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Jordan_UFusE, I don't think you have a broadcom card....08:56
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telexiconshiester_miester, sudo /etc/network/interfaces and put a # in front of the two lines after iface eth1 inet dhcp08:56
FusEWhy does it matter, it works for this kernel08:56
ljsmithxan other problem08:56
holycowshiester_miester, great nick08:57
shiester_miesterty, holycow08:57
ljsmithxhow do i play mpgs and mp3's?08:57
Jordan_UFusE, I just completely misunderstood the problem you were having08:57
FusEshould I unistnall ndiswrapper08:57
Jordan_Uljsmithx, Double click them, totem should install the codecs for you08:57
weltschmerzljsmithx restricted formats08:58
shiester_miestertelexicon, what are those 2 lines doing there :/ is that assigning a static IP to ETH1?08:58
ljsmithxok, when i was using ubuntu on pc it told me that the files were not supported or sumthing08:58
weltschmerzdoes anyone know about nfs sharing with nautilus?08:58
telexiconshiester_miester, well it should be ignoring those lines, but it might be deciding to ignore dhcp.. i dunno08:58
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Jordan_Uljsmithx, Is it working now when you double click them?08:58
telexiconshiester_miester, because it says... eth1 inet dhcp.. (dhcp means not static)08:58
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shiester_miestertelexicon, ok then.  I'll turn off the adsl router and restart ubuntu and try it again08:59
ljsmithxim not using ubuntu, i was using it on a pc awhile back now that pcs dead08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, um08:59
FusEshould I unistnall ndiswrapper Jordan_U08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, use the network manager too08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, you are on feisty right?08:59
ljsmithxthen someone gave me a mac08:59
shiester_miestertelexicon, yes08:59
ljsmithxyeah :D08:59
Jordan_UFusE, I don't think you need to08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, see what it is doing in the corner08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, while its trying to connect08:59
FusEso now what08:59
telexiconshiester_miester, try doing reconnect or whatever options it has08:59
shiester_miestertelexicon, do you mean the "Manual Network Configuration" icon in the notification area?09:00
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telexiconshiester_miester, yea, that09:00
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FusEso now what Jordan_U09:00
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ljsmithxguys, im just copying most of my files to usb drive and in a while09:01
shiester_miestertelexicon, something just occurred to me...the only option it has is "manual configuration", so could that mean that its just assuming that I'll give it the correct configuration for everything and not configuring itself09:01
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Jordan_UFusE, I don't know :( try fileing a bug against the new kernel09:01
ljsmithxyou will have an other ubuntu user!09:01
FusEJordan_U, this happened when I upgraded to edgy09:01
telexiconshiester_miester, well you have 1 static ip configured09:01
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FusEJordan_U: what if I deinstalled the newer kernels and reinstalled them09:02
shiester_miestertelexicon, although I don't even need that since I can't get networking happening through there anyway09:02
CerebroJDWhat does it mean when the system becomes non-responsive and the caps-lock and scroll-lock lights are flashing09:02
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shiester_miesterregardless of what I try, it just seems to work for a little while then slip through my fingers...09:02
ljsmithxwhats the specs for that cube thing?09:02
ThanatosDriveCan anyone tell me of a good torrent client for Ubuntu? One that resembles utorrent in functions?09:02
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shiester_miesterljsmithx, beryl?09:02
Pozarook i activated everythign in repositories and i still get this when i ry to instal flash player09:02
PozaroPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:02
PozaroThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:02
Pozarois only available from another source09:02
PozaroE: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate09:02
shiester_miesterljsmithx, you need a good computer ;)09:02
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ljsmithxoh well09:02
shiester_miesterljsmithx, relatively powerful 3d acceleration and a good cpu09:03
Pozaroplzz help09:03
ljsmithxi dont have that09:03
ThanatosDriveOh yeah and I'm on GNOME.09:03
zanagaPozaro: did you use the add remove applications tool or synaptic? (the bottom tool in applications menu)09:03
shiester_miesterljsmithx, you dont need a BEAST, but it won't run very well at all if you have an old box09:03
shiester_miesterljsmithx, at least some 3d hardware acceleration is required09:03
FusEJordan_U: what if I deinstalled the newer kernels and reinstalled them09:03
shiester_miestertelexicon, any other ideas?09:03
zanagaPozaro: synaptic doesn't do as much for you as the add remove tool09:04
shiester_miestertelexicon, or just restart and see?09:04
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Pozarocan you walk me through i zan09:04
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telexiconshiester_miester, im kinda out of ideas to make it work09:04
shiester_miesterok then09:04
shiester_miesterI'll see how it goes then09:04
Jordan_UFusE, You could try it, I doubt it will help though09:04
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Pozarowait i see it now09:04
FusEFirst I need to know which kernel versions correspond to the ubuntu version09:04
Pozaroin add /remove09:04
weltschmerzi'm going to have to use samba because i can't figure nfs out.09:05
Pozarocrap it doesnt work on the 64 version09:05
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zanagaPozaro: ah, that's a problem =(09:05
babarhaqHi all i m using 7.04 i just installed the latest updates n now my flash is broken?09:05
shiester_miesterPozaro, dont use the 64bit version09:05
shiester_miesterPozaro, its more trouble than its worth, for now at least09:05
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Cubeymeh. never ending problems. aparanelty libc6 2.4.1 isn't available for dapper :/09:05
Jordan_Ubabarhaq, Apparently there is a problem with the new flash package09:05
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shiester_miesterama5, you did this before, and then never asked a question09:06
zanagaCubey: it's learning through hardship =)09:06
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Jordan_Uama5, Don't do that, just ask your question09:06
shiester_miesterama5, if you are just going to ask for help and then never actually tell us what your problem is, go away, please09:06
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babarhaqJordan_U: any fix for it as yet. its a md5 check sum error09:06
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FusEWhich codename is ubuntu kernel 2.6.15-2309:06
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bur[n] erCubey: feisty is awesome!09:06
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Pozaroi see it but it want let me install it09:06
FlannelFusE: 2.6.15 is in Dapper09:06
bur[n] erCubey: and modern09:06
PozaroMacromedia Flash plugin cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.09:06
FusE2.6.17 is edgy?09:07
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shiester_miesterama5, what browser?09:07
Flannel!flash64 | Pozaro09:07
ubotuPozaro: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:07
shiester_miesterama5, you don't have to use caps, we can read lower-case too09:07
zanagaFusE: cat /etc/lsb-version09:07
Jordan_UFusE, Why are you running Dapper?09:07
FlannelFusE: yeah.  .20 is feisty09:07
FlannelJordan_U: Because there's nothing wrong with dapper09:07
FusEJordan_U:  im currently in kernel dapper09:07
Jordan_U!caps | ama509:07
ubotuama5: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:07
bur[n] erama5: samba :)09:07
bur[n] er!samba | ama509:07
ubotuama5: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:07
CubeyI don't suppose it'll "upgrade" the system will it?09:07
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FusEcat: /etc/lsb-version: No such file or directory09:07
bur[n] erCubey: you can upgrade, but you have to go through edgy first09:07
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bur[n] er!upgrade | Cubey09:08
Jordan_Uama5, If you act like that we have no reason to help you09:08
ubotuCubey: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:08
zanagaFusE: umm.. try lsb_version09:08
shiester_miesterPozaro, as i said, don't use the 64bit version.  lots of things dont work optimally on it, like flash09:08
Jordan_Uama5, Calm down09:08
ama5k sory09:08
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FusEIf I uninstalled the edgy kernel, do I have to reinstall it to have the feisty kernel09:08
ama5im new in linux ubunto09:08
zanagaFusE: sorry, it's lsb-release09:08
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bur[n] erFusE: no09:08
Flannelzanaga, FusE, `lsb_release -a` will get you the Ubuntu version09:08
zanagaFusE: running on memory here =)09:08
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shiester_miesterama5, are you speaking english as a second language? you should go to the channel for your language if you speak another language better than english09:08
Pozarobut i dled the 32 bit version and it says i cnt use it because im on a 6409:08
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Jordan_Uama5, right click the folder you want to share and choose "Share Folder"09:08
shiester_miesterPozaro, what said that?09:09
FusEDistributor ID: Ubuntu09:09
FusEDescription:    Ubuntu 7.0409:09
FusERelease:        7.0409:09
FusECodename:       feisty09:09
FlannelPozaro: That webpage shows you how to use 32bit Flash on 64bit OS09:09
Pozaroim in add remove prgrams an i se flash09:09
Cubeywell i guess i'll hold off on that for now. i need sleep. and more food. ugh. i'm about sick of computers in general :(09:09
FlannelFusE: you need to reboot in order to change kernels09:09
FusEI upgraded to feisty but im currently on a dapper kernel09:09
jersanHi all, I just installed ubuntu, but I have no sound.  How can I fix this?09:09
Pozaroand in the text it says Macromedia Flash plugin cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.09:09
bur[n] ershiester_miester: why you gotta be a hater?  I'll communicate with folks who want to try english :)09:09
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shiester_miesterPozaro, i mean the 32bit version of ubuntu, not flash09:09
FusEFlannel, I booted to dapper on purpose, I have network problems on edgy and feisty09:09
shiester_miesterbur[n] er, hater? what are you talking about?09:09
FlannelFusE: Ah.  Well, there you go then.09:09
Jordan_UFusE, Did you upgrade directly from Dapper to Feisty?09:09
FusEI went to edgy first09:09
Jordan_UFusE, Ok, good09:10
bur[n] erCubey: i would suggest feisty soon though... it will make life a lot easier09:10
shiester_miesterbur[n] er, the reason we have channels for other languages is because they can communicate more effectively to non-english speakers than we can, not just so that we can insult people for not speaking english09:10
Pozaroahh i see it now flannel thans09:10
zoli2kjersan: pleas post the result of "lspci  | grep Audio"09:10
bur[n] erCubey: your experience will be so different than dapper09:10
Cubeystarting the downloads09:10
Cubeyif i can find 'em09:10
jersanzoli2k: "03:04.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)09:10
jersan03:04.2 Multimedia controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [MPEG Port]  (rev 05)09:10
shiester_miesterPozaro, i highly recommend that you download and install the 32bit version of ubuntu09:10
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FusEFlannel, how would I go about reinstalling edgy and feisty09:11
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Harishey guys i have a problem09:11
leo|termis there any way to make vsftpd preserve date and time on files uploaded to the server?09:11
Pozaroi dint think it would work on a 64 bit system i need to do that09:12
FusEBecause I do remember a long the lines, that I had an error09:12
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shiester_miesterPozaro, of course it does09:12
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shiester_miesterPozaro, ALL 64bit cpus can execute 32bit code09:12
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Cubeyok, found edgy. downloading it. now to also download feisty. i'll deal with burning & upgrading later. night all09:12
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shiester_miesterPozaro, im using 32bit ubuntu on a 64bit cpu right now09:12
Harisi have a dell latitude notebook, i partitioned half of the hard drive space and installed fesity and left the other half as free space09:12
zoli2kjersan: Conexant is your tv card, isn't it?09:12
Harisi ten installed windows xp on the other partition09:13
Harisall is dandy09:13
zanagaleo|term: i doubt it, at least i don't know of a way to transfer the timestamps over ftp. so it's not a limitation in vsftpd but in the ftp protocol09:13
ama5can u give a screen cap how to share the files?09:13
Pozarowhat other problems are in the 64 bit thats not on the 3209:13
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shiester_miesterPozaro, its mostly just 3rd-party software incompatibility and instability09:13
h-bombI just added a entry to iptables to drop all inbound traffic to my dapper box, do i have to "apply" the changes before it will take effect? If so, what is the command?09:13
ljsmithxwhos the person who wanted the mac fonts?09:13
Harisi think i might have dleted this small partition with GRUB on it....so i cant get to a boot loader that allows me to select my OS....the windows boot screen obviously doesnt recognize the ubuntu os09:13
Hariscan anyone help me?09:13
zanagaPozaro: just about all problems are related to proprietary software09:13
FusEJordan_U: , how would I go about reinstalling edgy and feisty09:13
shiester_miesterHaris, i think windows XP writes its own boot loader over the top of grub09:14
Pozarothink it will be fixed any time soon ?09:14
shiester_miesterPozaro, its not something we can fix09:14
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Harisshiester_miester: yeah but i cant load grub09:14
jersanzoli2k: in all honesty, I can't tell you what Conexant is.  I do not know.  I do however have a PCI TV card in my PC, as well as a PCI Sound card and an integrated sound board.09:14
shiester_miesterPozaro, its up to the developers of the various softwares to make their code 64 bit compatible09:14
h-bomb*correction, lol, all inbound traffic from a certain ip, LOL09:14
ama5the domain what is that on ubunto s that very important while im configuring the network09:14
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zanagaPozaro: it will be fixed once 64bit hits critical mass, but for 64bit to hit critical mass software is required. It's a chicken - egg kind of a situation09:14
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shiester_miesterHaris, yes, because windows XP has put something else over the top of it, i think09:14
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Harisshiester_miester: before i had alwasy installed windows first and then ubuntu so that grub can be installed as the default bootloader.09:15
ama5please help09:15
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shiester_miesterHaris, if you reinstall grub, it should work09:15
shiester_miesterama5, we already helped you09:15
Harisshiester_miester: i realize that...but is there a way i could fix this without installing everything again09:15
shiester_miesterama5, don't ask the same question again, or you will get the same answer09:15
bur[n] er!grub | Haris09:15
ubotuHaris: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:15
Pozaroi have no choice but to dl the 32 bit thn :(09:15
shiester_miesterHaris, you just have to install grub again09:15
=== ljsmithx is listening to Lil Jon & The Eastside Boys - Get Low
Javidama5: I suggest waving a rubber chicken over your computer09:15
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shiester_miesterPozaro, you have a choice of using the 64 bit version and writing angry letters to software developers to make their code compatible with 64 bit operating systems09:16
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shiester_miesterPozaro, but for now i think its much easier to just use 32 bit ;)09:16
zoli2kjersan: Are you sure that you have enabled the audio card in the BIOS? Can U post the type of motherboard?09:16
h-bombI just added a entry to iptables to drop all inbound traffic to my dapper box from a certain ip, do i have to "apply" the changes before it will take effect? If so, what is the command?09:16
ama5javid thanks 4 ur suggestion i realy realy appreaciate that!!!09:16
Pozaroyou may be right im ne to linux aso09:16
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ama5anf F$$ off09:17
Javidcool I'm glad I could help just let me know how it goes09:17
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shiester_miesterPozaro, its got nothing to do with linux, you will experince similar problems with 64 bit version of windows xp09:17
elpargoanyone knows of a program to read/write to my ipod that doesn't use sync09:17
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ama5javid fu%$#$#$ off09:17
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ljsmithxnow just to copy my pictures and ill be on my way! :D:D:D:D:D::D:D09:17
FusE!language | ama509:17
ubotuama5: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:17
jersanzoli2k: i have no idea what motherboard i have, nor how to find out.  But i can tell you that my sound does work in windows xp if that helps.09:17
FusEama5, leave09:17
bur[n] erelpargo: rhythmbox or amarok09:17
shiester_miesterama5, seriously, what is your problem?  you annoy us, we tolerate you. you ask for help, we help you. you keep annoying us and asking for help over and over09:17
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JavidAnother option would be to poke it with a stick.09:17
oemhello im new in this thing09:17
elpargobur[n] er, but can I keep ONLY the ipod copy of the data?09:17
shiester_miesterJavid, dont, you are only exacerbating the problem09:17
ama5its javid start09:17
ama5ok im sorry09:18
ljsmithxwhat is ama5's problem?09:18
KI4IKLama5, my advice to you....get an idiots os...GET A FUCKING MAC09:18
toplokHi, whats the most recent Ubuntu version ?09:18
shiester_miesterKI4IKL, not helping09:18
FusE!language | KI4IKL09:18
ljsmithxim on a mac09:18
ubotuKI4IKL: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:18
bur[n] erelpargo: sure, and not copy from the ipod onto your pc?  sure09:18
KI4IKLack..umm...sorry about the language :)09:18
h-bombi need help09:18
ljsmithxUNIX BSD09:18
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ama5ki4ikl i thoug this s friendly site09:18
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bur[n] ertoplok: 7.04 as stated on ubuntu.com09:18
FusEama5, leave now09:18
zoli2kjersan: can u send to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org  the result of lspci??09:18
shiester_miesterama5, its supposed to be09:18
ama5do i something wrong09:19
shiester_miesterama5, if you arent going to listen to the help we give you then why are you here?09:19
KI4IKLSorry...okay, what I was tryign to say...is if you want help, fine get it, then figure it out. Some people can only help so much and you can only get so much help.09:19
elpargobur[n] er, umm weird last time I check I had to have a local copy... weird09:19
h-bombljsmithx: i just added a entry to iptables to drop all inbound traffic to my dapper box from a certain ip, do i have to "apply" the changes before it will take effect? If so, what is the command?09:19
FusEama5, leave now09:19
toplokbur[n] er, but is there a beta with the most recent changes ?09:19
bur[n] erelpargo: i'm 99% sure you don't09:19
ljsmithxdude dunno09:19
shiester_miesterama5, yes, you did do something wrong.  being deliberately annoying is bad09:19
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elpargoama5, this is a help channel not a chat channel, so unless you have a question please be quiet.09:19
ama5fuse k what i mis09:19
bur[n] ertoplok: there is...  #ubuntu+109:19
jersanzoli2k:  which type of syntax do i choose?09:19
shiester_miester!samba | ama509:19
elpargoand everyone else stop feeding the troll.09:19
ubotuama5: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:19
bur[n] ertoplok: not beta yet... only alpha release09:19
jersanzoli2k: and how do i put it in?  simply copy and paste?09:19
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shiester_miesterthere are two problems in this channel right now.  one is the annoying people and the other is the people who get annoyed. both are just as bad09:19
=== bur[n] er seconds elpargo
toplok7.07 ?09:20
FusEhow would I go about reinstalling edgy and feisty09:20
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zoli2kjersan: yes, copy and  paste09:20
bur[n] ertoplok: 7.10... it'll be released in 10 (aka october)09:20
KI4IKLFusE, you want to install both?09:20
elpargobur[n] er, ok let me check rhythbox I heard it has been updated a lot since amarok kick it's butt :P09:20
jersanzoli2k: k, but which kind of syntax do i choose?09:20
shiester_miesterama5, you wanted to do networking? use samba or NFS with nautilus09:20
FusEKI4IKL:  I mainly want to reinstall feisty09:20
shiester_miester!NFS | ama509:20
ubotuama5: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:20
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elpargoFusE, why?09:20
h-bombdoes anyone know anything about iptables and whether you have to apply the changes you make?09:20
bur[n] erelpargo: getdeb.net has newer rhythmbox debs :)09:20
KI4IKLumm...dual boot, or just reinstall fesity, perioed?09:20
FusEThere was an error when I installed it, and maybe thats why I have no network09:20
ama5k thank ur kind not d others09:21
nonlineardoes anyone know the terminal command that gives info on monitor refersh rates, and manufacturer, etx?  i read it on the forums yesterday but resotred image and lost my web history09:21
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elpargoFusE, remember the error?09:21
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KI4IKLumm, whats the error?09:21
toplokbur[n] er, thanks for the info. Where to download 7.10 alpha from ?09:21
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FusENot particularly09:21
shiester_miesterama5, you are welcome.  the reason some people got angry at you was because we tried to help you and you ignored us and kept on asking for help over and over again09:21
FusEI have screenshots09:21
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bur[n] er!gutsy > toplok09:21
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+109:21
DanielH? XChat keeps crashing and I can't disable auto-join!09:21
elpargononlinear, well xorg.conf has all that...09:21
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leo|termok zanaga ty09:22
h-bombffs!! anyone??09:22
shiester_miesterlol, crashing indeed09:22
shiester_miesterh-bomb, ?09:22
elpargobur[n] er, how outdated is the repo? I don't like having "3th parties"09:22
nonlinearelpargo  yea, but i think xorg has my stuff wrong, cause i entered it on config and just did the middle option09:22
h-bombshiester_miester: i just added a entry to iptables to drop all inbound traffic to my dapper box from a certain ip, do i have to "apply" the changes before it will take effect? If so, what is the command?09:22
bur[n] erelpargo: not a repo, just a .deb09:22
FusEelpargo, I need to actually reinstall edgy and feisty, theres where my network went wrong09:22
shiester_miesterh-bomb, yes after you change the iptables I think you have to do something or other09:22
=== ColdFlo [n=coldflo@adsl-70-241-71-214.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
elpargobur[n] er, yea the general concept of external stuff :p09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
h-bombshiester_miester: any idea what it is?09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
shiester_miesterh-bomb, restarting networking would probably do the trick.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
FusEColdFlo shut up!09:23
bur[n] erelpargo: well, if ubuntu gets a newer one, apt will know09:23
FusEColdFlo shut up!09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
bur[n] er!ops09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:23
elpargoColdFlo, don't spam!09:23
shiester_miesterColdFlo, can you stop that, please09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
h-bombshiester_miester: thanks ill try09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
Pozarohmm i just read about something called wine  . They say it can be used to install flsh is it any good ?09:23
ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
ColdFloWun uf yew Teurds is abauyt ta geyt smackd in da mouth.....09:23
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ColdFloWheats all dis Hollerin in heerr im tryen to SLEEP!!!!!09:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-70-241-71-214.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] by Hobbsee
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elpargothis channel needs some real mods09:23
shiester_miesterHobbsee, we are in your debt once again09:23
Hobbsee...right then.09:23
shiester_miesterelpargo, I'm sorry, I didnt hear you over the BANNING09:23
bur[n] erlol, danke09:23
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shiester_miesterHobbsee, you continue to be an invaluable asset ;)09:24
zoli2kHobbsee: good reaction time ;)09:24
shiester_miesterTHREE CHEERS FOR THE OPS09:24
ljsmithxi love all the help i got from u guys09:24
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elpargobur[n] er, yea that's a nice thing about .dev09:24
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bur[n] erelpargo: .deb even :)09:24
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toplokbur[n] er, where to download 7.10 alpha from ? can't find it. thx mate09:24
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FusEama5 and ColdFlo need to be banned09:24
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zoli2kjersan: can u send me the link to the paste?09:24
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shiester_miesterFusE, ama5 wasn't so bad, he was just a bit of a moron09:25
bur[n] ertoplok: google is yoru friend.  "ubuntu gutsy download" yields this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-2/09:25
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shiester_miesteri think he was a non-native english-speaker09:25
ljsmithxwhats the code name for 7.04?09:25
jersanzoli2k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30193/09:25
shiester_miesterhe seemed to have a little trouble understanding what we were saying to him09:25
=== Jordan_U_ [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-92-235.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ertoplok: please don't run it less you are an experienced linux user09:25
ama5what is d new in ubunto09:25
toplokthx a lot!09:25
FusEJordan_U_:  how would I go about reinstalling edgy and feisty09:25
bur[n] ertoplok: furthermore, experienced in apt09:25
telexiconshiester_miester, did it work?09:25
ljsmithxama5, its ubuntu09:26
shiester_miestertelexicon, I actually haven't restarted yet ;)09:26
bur[n] erFusE: wtf, you don't need edgy if you reinstall, just get feisty09:26
shiester_miestertelexicon, I'll do it now09:26
ljsmithximagine usnuntu09:26
FusEbur[n] er: I installed feisty09:26
telexiconshiester_miester, ok sorry i was helping my friend09:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %ama5!*@*] by Hobbsee
FusEand Ive had network problems since I installed egy09:26
telexiconxorg didnt recognize his video card :(09:26
FusEI need to reinstall both09:26
ljsmithxubuntu on 2gig usb!09:26
zoli2kjersan: This is the result of lspci | grep Audio, but I need simply the result of "lspci" to identify your hadware.09:26
bur[n] erFusE: what?  you can't have both09:26
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Jordan_U_FusE, You can't ...09:26
zoli2kjersan: thx09:26
FusEDamn, so what do I do about my network problems09:26
bur[n] erFusE: less you use virtualbox or vmware or some virtualization thing that is09:26
jersanzoli2k: oh, sorry, hold on one moment09:26
zoli2kjersan: np09:27
bur[n] erFusE: just install feisty09:27
bur[n] erfeisty > edgy09:27
Jordan_U_FusE, See if your card works from a Feisty LiveCD09:27
FusEbur[n] er:  read above09:27
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FusEJordan_U I installed by network09:27
bur[n] erso download a feisty iso09:27
bur[n] erthey're free ;)09:27
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toplokare there planned desktop enhancements for gutsy or will it keep using the current desktop ?09:27
jersanzoli2k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30194/09:27
FusEIs there a daemon tools for linux09:27
Jordan_U_FusE, No need09:27
bur[n] ertoplok: gnome 2.18 of course09:27
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Jordan_U_!iso | FusE09:28
ubotuFusE: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:28
Jordan_U_FusE, np09:28
elpargoFusE, in theory you just boot back into the CD and everything should work.09:28
HitomaroHow do I create a bootable floppy disk?09:28
bur[n] erFusE: go to ubuntu.com and download the 7.04 iso09:28
=== bur[n] er knows crap about floppy drives
=== Herumor [n=Herumor@modemcable154.177-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_U_FusE, If the card works from the LiveCD then you know it is an upgrade problem, if it doesn't then it is a problem with Feisty itself09:28
FusEk Jordan_U thanks09:29
magnetHitomaro: mkboot09:29
elpargobur[n] er, I can't seems to find how to add stuff without adding it to the library first.09:29
Hitomarook thanks.09:29
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FusENow I just wait about an hour for a 600 mb file to download :D09:29
bur[n] erelpargo: download hte .deb, double click the .deb that you downloaded09:29
bur[n] erelpargo: oh oh oh oh09:29
elpargobur[n] er, hehe :)09:30
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ljsmithxHas anyone installed ubuntu on their ps3 yet?09:30
bur[n] erelpargo: you want to just copy stuff from nautilus to the ipod without using rb to be your library?09:30
bur[n] erelpargo: that's nutz, just add them to rb, why not? ;)09:30
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raf256* hello09:30
ljsmithxim guessing thats a no09:30
ljsmithxhello raf09:30
bur[n] erelpargo: if they're already on your hard drive, what's hte harm in being able to play them with rb?09:30
elpargobur[n] er, because then I'll have to keep the local copy.09:30
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raf256my stupid ass pc do not shut down system when pressing poer off button, how to do so09:31
MrStonedOne"whats all this yelling in here, im trying to sleep" "one of you tards is about to get smacked in the mouth" <-- what that spammer was saying, in case anyone couldn't understand it09:31
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bur[n] erelpargo: no you don't, copy it to the ipod, then delete it09:31
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elpargobur[n] er, umm still 3 steps that's annoying :) but thanks09:31
h-bombanyone: how do you apply changes to iptables after you edit it?09:31
ljsmithxdo u press the button in the menu? or on the box?09:31
h-bombrestarting networking didnt help09:31
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bur[n] erelpargo: check gtkpod?09:31
raf256ljsmithx: box09:31
ljsmithxhold it in09:32
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elpargobur[n] er, worst in there I have to make playlists and stuff...09:32
ljsmithxfor 10 secs09:32
ljsmithxwait dont09:32
ljsmithxare u on the box now09:32
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raf256ljsmithx: I ment, how to have linux shut down system when someone presses power button09:32
bur[n] erelpargo: bummer... rb was great for me, but I keep a local copy09:32
ljsmithxumm not sure bout that one09:32
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ljsmithxim a linux n00b09:32
MrStonedOneh-bomb, this is a guess, but ifdown <inferface>&&ifconfig <interface> down&&ifup <interface>09:33
elpargobur[n] er, problem is that I got a 60gb drive and a 60gb ipod.09:33
ljsmithxwhat happens when u push the button?09:33
metelliusapt constantly tries to remove vim-gtk, but I don't want to do that, so I have to cancel it every time I do system upgrades. does anyone know why?09:33
raf256ljsmithx: nothing09:33
bur[n] erljsmithx: if you don't tell anyone, you can totally fake it ;)  I've been fakin it for years now09:33
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bur[n] erelpargo: i figured something like that09:33
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h-bombMrStonedOne: thanks, ill try that09:33
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ljsmithxcan someone help raf25609:33
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ljsmithxi need to move some more files09:34
MarcoPauhello, I need to give permits to a user on an already mounted partition. can anybody help?09:34
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ljsmithxi need to move some more files09:34
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ComputerHelperNo such factoid CH:Ad09:34
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ljsmithxcan someone help raf25609:34
ljsmithxcan someone help raf25609:34
ljsmithxcan someone help raf25609:34
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raf256ljsmithx: :)09:34
bur[n] erljsmithx: we heard you ;)09:34
sauvinI am moderately peeved. The attempt to install ubuntu failed because it can't install grub to hd0.09:34
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mrfantasticcan anyone help me with my wifi problem?09:34
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bur[n] ermrfantastic: get bw43xx-fwcutter   ....just a hunch that you have a broadcom09:35
FusE!reoeat | ljsmithx09:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reoeat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:35
ComputerHelperCaught a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException! toboge.Execer_reoeat09:35
elpargoljsmithx, please don't repeat and/or write "useless sentences"09:35
mrfantasticmy wifi card doesnt work properly when i boot up with it09:35
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FusE!repeat | ljsmithx09:35
ubotuljsmithx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:35
ComputerHelperCaught a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException! toboge.Execer_repeat09:35
ljsmithxok sorry09:35
zoli2kjersan: Unfortunately, you have a creative sound card which is not supported yet, see the site http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html/09:35
mrfantasticbut it works fine when i put it in after i boot up09:35
ljsmithxi didnt know if anyone "heard" me09:35
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bur[n] ermrfantastic: aww, just a driver bug, probably nothing you can do09:36
ljsmithxdoes linux "crash"?09:40
bur[n] ermrfantastic: less ye be a coder09:40
=== ComputerHelper is now known as immybosadbot
jersanzoli2k: that link does not work "Not Found," and also, i have an integrated sound card.  is there any way I can produce sound from that?09:40
bur[n] erljsmithx: sometimes09:40
zoli2kjersan: ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239981 said that the opensound project have a support http://www.opensound.com/download.cgi09:40
mrfantasticits not really a big deal but its just annoying09:40
immybosadbotGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
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immybosadbotGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
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sauvinI tried to install ubuntu to a USB drive. It went swimmingly all the way to where it writes grub into to hd0 and then fails. Can anybody help with this?09:40
immybosadbotGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
bur[n] erljsmithx: rarely compared to others in my own experience09:40
immybosadbotGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
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ljsmithxcoz my mac never crashes, what causes linux to doso?09:40
immybosadbotGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
=== immybosadbot is now known as immyboshelper
sauvinPfeh, my girlfriend's mac crashes all the time.09:40
immyboshelperGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
zoli2kjersan: Under windows are you using the integrated card?09:40
immyboshelperGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:40
immyboshelperCaught a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException! toboge.Execer_ops09:40
immyboshelperGo to http://computerhelpers.awardspace.com/ or http://z15.invisionfree.com/ComputerHelpers to see the ComputerHelpers site and forums respectively09:40
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immyboshelperCaught a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException! toboge.Execer_ops09:40
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jersanWhen i use windows I can use either integrated or the PCI card.09:40
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=== bur[n] er is off to bed
mrfantasticdoes 7.04 have ndis already as a bundle09:40
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sauvinI tried to install ubuntu to a USB drive. It went swimmingly all the way to where it writes grub into to hd0 and then fails. Can anybody help with this?09:40
MarcoPauchmod 775 or +w don't really help09:40
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shiester_miesterTrixsey, made no difference :(09:40
mrfantastici downloaded it for 6.10...could there be any other conflict drivers from 6.10 to 7.04?09:40
MarcoPau(the partition was manually mounted from root)09:40
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shiester_miesterI guess I'll just bear with it...09:40
larsemilafter my computer has been sleeping i only get sound in the headphone jack. nothing from the internal laptop speakers. this has only been a problem in feisty, not in edgy.09:40
ljsmithxok fellas09:40
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ljsmithxive finishd copying my files09:40
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shiester_miestersauvin, no, but I'm not sure if USB devices have a boot sector that grub can go onto?09:40
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ljsmithxso, ill be back soon when im up and running with ubuntu09:40
shiester_miesterljsmithx, good luck09:40
ljsmithxthanks man09:41
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sauvinthe grub info was to be written onto hda somewhere, not on sda.09:41
sebdahHi! What rights must I have to delete a file?09:41
FusEErr can someone tell me why my sound in ubuntu is low when the volume is all the way up09:41
zoli2kjersan: pleas post here the result of "sudo cat /proc/asound/cards"09:41
chowmeinedshiester_miester: hello09:41
shiester_miestersebdah, you need to be the owner of the file, i think09:41
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chowmeinedshiester_miester: did it fail?09:41
shiester_miesterchowmeined, did what fail?09:41
sebdahFusE: check with alsamixer09:41
MrStonedOneMarcoPau, u can try chown if u dont need to own the files09:41
chowmeinedshiester_miester: your networking09:41
shiester_miesterchowmeined, nope09:42
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sebdahshiester_miester: ok =) thanks09:42
dayalink to download mp3 plugin for ubuntu09:42
jersanzoli2k: cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory09:42
larsemilnoone knows how to get sound in normal speakers instead of only headphone?09:42
FusEthere we go thanks sebdah09:42
sebdahFusE: np =)09:42
MarcoPauMrStonedOne: did that, but not working, guess cause it's already mounted09:42
shiester_miesterlarsemil, if you plug the headphone output into the speaker input it will work ;)09:42
MrStonedOnewhat file system09:42
larsemilshiester_miester, but i should not have to do that huh? :)09:42
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d2leoIs it possible to install vista onto a seperate partition without wiping ubuntu off of my harddrive?09:43
sauvinIf a laptop can boot from a USB DVD drive, doesn't this imply it can boot from a USB hard drive?09:43
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shiester_miesterd2leo, yes, but i think vista will overwrite grub or something09:43
chowmeinedshiester_miester: cool, so its fixed?09:43
sauvinAny version of Windows will clobber grub.09:44
larsemili tried reseting alsa-utils with both invoke-rc.d and /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart. but no sound09:44
shiester_miesterchowmeined, no09:44
shiester_miesterchowmeined, it works, but the modem must be fully connected before ubuntu starts up, otherwise it refuses to work09:44
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zoli2kjersan: I have no more ideas why the kernel doesn't see your audio card. You should try to physically disable the creative audio card or check your settings in bios.09:44
jersanzoli2k: okay, thank you for your time and effort, i really appreciate it.09:44
MrStonedOneMarcoPau, what file system is it09:45
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d2leoshiester_miester, would there be anyway to backup grub beforehand and load it back after the vista install?09:45
MarcoPauMrStonedOne: I think I got it, thanks all the same09:45
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moyerso many people in here09:46
shiester_miesterd2leo, yes, its possible to reinstall grub09:46
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larsemild2leo, the config is on the machine still. you can take a livecd and chroot into your environment and load grub again09:46
Senken12It's only 1018 people09:46
Senken12With 1 op09:46
shiester_miesterd2leo, im not sure about backing it up09:46
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone here know how to setup up privoxy?09:46
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Senken12Can I get some help with my file browser?09:47
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moyeranyone know a good IRC client?09:47
Senken12Whenever I try to access my user area (Home Folder and Documents) it freeze09:47
elpargoSenken12, yes but I won't use my talent to get the info out of you09:47
shiester_miestermoyer, xchat09:47
elpargomoyer, xchat209:47
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moyershiester_miester elpargo what makes xchat better the say.. bitchx09:48
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone here know how to setup up privoxy?09:48
MrStonedOneSenken12, most of the ops de-op them selfs, so it looks like that, then use chanserv to get ops when its needed09:48
shiester_miesterno idea09:48
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shiester_miesteri use xchat and I'm happy with it09:48
elpargoSenken12, is that home on a diff partition?09:48
PrimoTurbo_Has anyone else gotten "Segmentation fault" after installing Ubuntu using Wubi?09:48
mrfantasticxchat...simple clean almost no configuration09:48
d2leolarsemil, do you know of any tutorials explaining how to do this?  Also, I haven't yet installed Vista back on my laptop.09:48
=== LiNuX_Fr3aK [n=marc@77-100-142-99.cable.ubr01.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterand you asked for a good one ;) you didnt ask for the best IRC client in the universe09:48
moyermrfantastic : thanks09:48
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larsemild2leo, sorry no.09:48
elpargomoyer, xchat is a modern IRC client, while bitchx is a "hackers" hack09:48
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Senken12elpargo, I'm not sure, I wasn't around when my dad installed on my laptop09:48
moyercool elpargo09:48
=== Maroon_Leaf [n=Ostean@ip70-189-232-200.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Maroon_Leafwhat up.09:49
Senken12I've only had the problem since upgrade to Feisty09:49
bullgard4moyer: The best is Irssi.09:49
Senken12I made a different user set as admin and had no problems there though...09:49
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone here know how to setup up tor/privoxy?09:49
moyerokay.. whats your favorite term emu09:49
moyeri tried irssi, i like bitchx better09:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:49
d2leolarsemil, would i lose all of my personal data if i did install vista?09:49
larsemilnot if you install on a seperate partition09:49
blublobluPirate_Hunter, tor.eff.org have a good walkthrough guide09:50
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MrStonedOneSenken12, use  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste the output of mount09:50
=== FirstStrike [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
moyerim gonna try xchat though.. is xchat terminal based or is it bubbly?09:50
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code_zombieOk, so I used ethtool to change my speed and duplex settings.  Now, both are listed as unknown.  Any idea what I messed up?  I can't find any info.09:50
Senken12output mount (Yes, I know I'm a big noob)09:50
d2leolarsemil, okay.  I just want to make sure everything in ubuntu would still be intact.09:50
blubloblumoyer, gooey09:50
larsemilafter my computer has been sleeping i only get sound in the headphone jack. nothing from the internal laptop speakers. this has only been a problem in feisty, not in edgy.09:50
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LiNuX_Fr3aKIm having trouble during install of ubuntu. When i install a command line system my wifi card is detected under iwconfig and i know it works in ubuntu out of the box but during install it cannot detect my router???09:50
elpargoSenken12, umm so that may be it. you are probably missing some permission access, could you check with your "admin" user what is the permission of /home/<yourUser>09:51
moyerblubloblu : bahhh no thanks.09:51
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moyerblubloblu : i mean thanks.. but no thanks :P09:51
larsemild2leo, then make new partitions for vista. or free up space before trying to install.09:51
Pirate_Hunterthe FAQ are good if it is actually working but mine aint, the installations are done but not even tor is working yet terminal says it is09:51
d2leolarsemil, im not totally switching back.  this is just so i am able to watch movies instantly on netflix.09:51
MrStonedOneSenken12, just type 'mount' without the quotes in a console, and paste what u get to that site, and then paste the url to here09:51
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moyeranyone know of a term emulator that will integrate into your desktop... no borders, no window.. just text scrolling on the desktop?09:51
elpargolarsemil, why will you want that on your machine? it's slow buggy and eats disk space...09:52
ernstanhey. ist possible to install ubuntu from an usb stick?09:52
moyerernstan : yes if you make it bootable09:52
T-ConnectWhere is the internet folder for firefox?09:52
larsemilelpargo, listening to music is slow and buggy?09:52
bruenig|laptopT-Connect, what is an internet folder09:52
LiNuX_Fr3aKHow do i manually connect to my wireless router with ifconfig during the command line install of ubuntu?09:52
elpargomoyer, pretty much all of them do it. aterm/xterm is the most common for borderless terms09:52
ernstanye my bios doesnt support to boot from cd09:52
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d2leolarsemil, I already have a partition with xp installed, but the wifi card doesnt work.  Could I install vista on that partition and it would just overwrite xp?09:52
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, wireless router is iwconfig09:52
ernstanjust diskfloppy or usb disk or hdd09:52
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larsemild2leo, i guess.09:52
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bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, is it unencrypted?09:53
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elpargolarsemil, why on earth will you use vista to listen to music.09:53
LiNuX_Fr3aKno its not09:53
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moyerelpargo : so its just an -option then?09:53
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Pirate_Hunter does anyone here know how to setup up tor/privoxy if it gives out errors?09:53
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, ok so it is wep?09:53
LiNuX_Fr3aKIt has wep on. During install it cannot detect router09:53
larsemilelpargo, he is asking about partitions because he does not want to loose ubuntu. so i am just giving som tips. i dont want vista at all.09:53
T-Connectubuntu doesn't have internet history or anything to where the internet cookies saves?09:53
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, alright well do iwlist interface scan (replace interface with the real one) to determine if it sees it09:53
blublobluT-Connect, if your using firefox, it should be in firefox's hidden folder in your home folder09:54
bruenig|laptopT-Connect, ~/.mozilla09:54
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Senken12http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493806 <- That's my ubuntu forum's post about it and what I've tried09:54
elpargomoyer, it's a little more like 10 options, do a google search there 100s of tutorials, mostly it's a huge commandline you normally add as an alias. something like "transparent aterm" will get you a nice setup.09:54
LiNuX_Fr3aKSo the command iwlist ath0 can should do the trick09:54
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bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, scan* assuming ath0 is the interface09:55
swarnaHi all09:55
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, that will just list the access point09:55
PrimoTurbo_Can someone please help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3032714#post3032714 I have a Segmentation fault after using Wubi to install Ubuntu!!!09:55
LiNuX_Fr3aKSo when it does that what happens after09:55
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moyerelpargo : thanks you are fantastic09:55
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, does it list it?09:55
T-ConnectSo I need to put that ~/.mozilla in java?09:55
LiNuX_Fr3aKI dunno i have to reboot into command line ubuntu09:55
swarnaCould anybody tell me How to extract from debian source package09:55
LiNuX_Fr3aKI know the name of essid09:55
MrStonedOneok, can someone help Senken12, this is too far above me, hes having lock up issues with accessing his home dir, output of mount is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30196/09:55
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elpargoswarna, why you want to do that?09:56
bruenig|laptopT-Connect, ask your real question, did you want to know how to install java?09:56
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LiNuX_Fr3aKSo how do i get it to connect to the router and issue the wep key?09:56
elpargoswarna, do you want to install it or poke around?09:56
bruenig|laptopLiNuX_Fr3aK, ok well basically here is the deal, do iwconfig interface scan to see if it sees the access point, then do sudo iwconfig interface essid youressid key yourkey, then do sudo dhclient09:57
bruenig|laptopsudo dhclient interface*09:57
T-ConnectJava is install. I use Applications add/remove to download load it.09:57
bruenig|laptopiwlist interface scan*09:57
swarnaelpargo, I would like to compile a package but when i give dpkg-source i am getting command not found09:57
bruenig|laptop!english | T-Connect09:57
ubotuT-Connect: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:57
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d2leoDoes anyone here use ubuntu at a college?09:57
LiNuX_Fr3aKI will try09:57
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bruenig|laptopd2leo, why09:57
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T-ConnectI'm English. lol09:58
bruenig|laptopT-Connect, well speak it09:58
elpargoswarna, did you install build-essentials package?09:58
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cale1I duel booted ubuntu and windows, but it won't let me write or delete any of my windows files. I get the error "cannot delete write only"09:58
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T-ConnectGo to Applicans add/remove and you will see it on the list.09:59
swarnaelpargo, ok i'll check that09:59
mrfantasticis anyone else experience lag on this server?09:59
bruenig|laptop!ntfs-3g | cale109:59
ubotucale1: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:59
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mrfantastici got about 20s worth of lag09:59
bruenig|laptopT-Connect, ask your question09:59
d2leobruenig|laptop, I'm going away to school, and have never used a school's wifi.  wasn't sure if i'd be okay using ubuntu.09:59
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cale1wow thats customer service XD09:59
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elpargoswarna, again why are you trying to compile it? if there is a source package there is a high change a deb file is around. did you check getdeb?10:00
T-ConnectI guest you never use Java control panel before then.10:00
Senken12Someone gave me advice of: "Reboot into single user mode and run fsck..."10:00
bruenig|laptopd2leo, it should be no problem, most universities are unencrypted, but if they were encrypted they would be wep so you can just get the key, as long as you can connect to access points now, you can do it there10:00
Senken12How I reboot into single user mode?10:00
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moyerelpargo : i did it :) woohoo10:00
elpargod2leo, networkmanager rules so no problem :)10:00
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:00
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Hobbseeelpargo: we know, dammit10:01
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Hobbseenalioth: ping10:01
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:01
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)10:01
elpargoHobbsee, sorry I'm on a slow line here10:01
bruenig|laptopmaking me register, gees10:02
Senken12How do I reboot into single user mode?10:02
Amaranthbruenig|laptop: about time :)10:02
AmaranthSenken12: it's recovery mode10:02
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elpargoSenken12, could you create another user and check if you still have the problem10:02
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Senken12Done that10:02
Senken12It works perfectly fine...10:03
moyereek red is gross10:03
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elpargoSenken12, ok can you open a shell and give me the permissions you get with ls -al /home/senken (I think that's ur troublesome user)10:04
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code_zombieSo I changed speed and duplex settings with ethtool.  Now I'm looking at this, and I can't change it... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30197/  What did I mess up?10:04
elpargosorry /home only10:04
KI4IKLI was doing apt-get in terminal, and hit ctrl+z and it stopped it, but I went to apt-get something and it says that apt-get is still being used. I tried sudo killall apt-get and it didn't work.10:04
Pirate_Hunterwho can help me fix privoxy?10:05
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bruenig|laptopKI4IKL, sudo killall apt10:05
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AmaranthKI4IKL: fg10:05
KI4IKLstill didn't work10:05
KI4IKLfg worked10:05
AmaranthKI4IKL: ctrl-z backgrounds stuff, it doesn't close it10:05
bruenig|laptopKI4IKL, also ps -A will give you a list of stuff, see if anything looks good10:05
KI4IKLthanks :)10:05
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AmaranthKI4IKL: fg resumes the app10:05
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cale1I have one more problem, is there anyway to get vs 2003 to run on ubuntu? I have to have it I can't use any other pogram10:06
elpargoSenken12, umm that seems ok, that's with the "senken" user right?10:07
bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?10:07
cale1I normaly would get another program but I am coding for a hl2 mod10:07
ianmcorvidaecale1: I have no idea, but try WINE. :/10:07
Pirate_Hunterwho can help me fix privoxy?10:07
bruenig|laptopcale1, as popular as that thing is, I'm sure you can find some tutorial10:07
Senken12That's the user made upon installation10:08
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cale1actually valve is such a hackish company you don't know what to expect10:08
cale1but I will look harder on google :D10:08
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bruenig|laptopbullgard4, that is probably a ##linux question10:08
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AlexC_Hey guys,10:08
MRI have recently got a new keyboard and mouse. And the connection is USB. Now during the bootloader i cannot select which os to boot with. Is there a fix?10:08
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elpargoSenken12, ok but it's the same user senken right? not the "admin" user10:09
bullgard4bruenig|laptop: I see. Thank you for your tip.10:09
AlexC_last night I installed kubuntu-desktop however removed it again shortly. Now that I am in Ubuntu again, the fonts in Firefox seem weird and not how they were - everything else though, is OK10:09
AlexC_how can I get my fonts back to how they were?10:09
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Senken12The user 'senken' has all permissions10:09
elpargoSenken12, all I could think of is that something inside gnome got mess up, you could try deleting .gnome* that will kill your desktop setting but will probably let you see the files again.10:09
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Newbie_DudeAlexC_: in the System Menu there should be a "font" section, also you can change firefox fonts in Edit Menu > Preferences within Firefox10:10
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, I don't believe kubuntu installs any fonts10:10
nox-HandI am compiling software and seem to be missing this: checking for giblib - version >= 1.2.3... no10:10
nox-HandAnd idea where to geet that package?10:10
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AlexC_Newbie_Dude: Indeed I have played around with them, but they are ok - it's only Firefox that is playing up10:10
bruenig|laptop!find gliblib10:10
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Senken12My friend told me this:10:10
Senken12<dozy-ben> Reboot into single user mode and run fsck...10:10
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: well it's done something to my firefxo's fonts :P10:10
Senken12Think that would work ^10:10
mrfantastici would just set your browser to what ever default is there10:10
ubotuPackage/file gliblib does not exist in feisty10:10
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, post hoc10:10
AlexC_hoc ?10:11
bruenig|laptop!find giblit10:11
Senken12And how do I reboot into single user mode? :P10:11
bruenig|laptoptypos are going to kill me10:11
ubotuPackage/file giblit does not exist in feisty10:11
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bruenig|laptop!find giblib10:11
ubotuFound: giblib-dev, giblib1, giblib1-dbg10:11
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bruenig|laptopnox-Hand, giblib-dev, for future reference, do apt-cache search "whatever package it says it needs"10:11
elpargoSenken12, I vote for nautilus being messup you can read the files form the console so your disk doesn't seems to have problems.10:11
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bruenig|laptopAlexC_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc10:12
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Flokerhey guys, how can i calculate the faculty of a number with bc or similar?10:12
Flokern! doesnt work10:12
nox-Handbruenig|laptop: Darn it xD I have been doing that for ages and just now notice I am doing a search for gidlib xP10:13
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nox-HandThanks though10:13
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: ah I see,10:13
Pirate_Hunterwho cna help me get privoxy working?10:13
elpargoSenken12, run this on your home mv -r .gnome2 .gnome2-back , then log out and back in if it's fix it was gnome if it's not then your config is stored on the -back dir.10:13
DerangedDingocan anyone suggest a good RSS program meant for GNOME?10:14
bruenig|laptop!info liferea10:14
ubotuliferea: feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10c-0ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 626 kB, installed size 2308 kB10:14
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bruenig|laptop!thanks | DerangedDingo10:14
ubotuDerangedDingo: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:14
Senken12Just trying this other thing first elpargo, when I come back and still doesn't work, say that again10:14
DerangedDingothat was creepy10:14
moroki_attDerangedDingo: I hear ya :)10:15
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: changing the font settings in System->Prefs->Font does not effect Firefox,10:15
ThanatosDriveWhat is the 'g-conf editor'?10:15
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, didn't say it did...10:15
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: I mean the hinting, it has no effect10:15
ThanatosDriveErr, gconf-editor10:15
magnetronThanatosDrive: to start it, hit alt-f2 and type gconf-editor10:16
bruenig|laptopThanatosDrive, it is an awful registry like settings configuration thing10:16
DerangedDingoThanatosDrive: it is a program meant for editing settings in programs.. in a less... pretty way10:16
DerangedDingofor programs*10:16
bruenig|laptopworst idea ever, why would you replicate registry, why10:16
magnetronThanatosDrive: it has additional settings for gnome apps10:16
ThanatosDriveTHanks! mangetron: Alt+F2, is that, shortcut for terminal?10:16
AlexC_Run dialog10:16
magnetronThanatosDrive: shortcut for run10:17
bruenig|laptophow do you even get that past a first suggestion, "hey you know windows registry, let's try to do something like that"10:17
jontycan anyone tell me how to get audacity to work properly? out of the box it doesn't find the sound card. I have tried aoss and that works but I still can't listen to a track while recording another one. Anybody got a better way?10:17
bruenig|laptopthat person gets thrown off dev team immediately, or should have10:17
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dimebarbruenig|laptop: that is the one thing that i prefer in KDE to Gnome10:17
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Senken12Nope, didn't work10:17
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Pirate_Hunterdoes privoxy have a frontend in ubuntu? cause i can't find it anywhere in apps menu10:18
bruenig|laptop!hi | jonathan__10:18
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ubotujonathan__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:18
magnetronPirate_Hunter: no10:18
jonathan__that's weird somebody use my account10:18
bruenig|laptopshould have /ghosted them10:18
Newbie_Dudenot a surprise, first names are quite common :)10:18
AlexC_jonathan__: if you didn't register it - then it's not yours =)10:18
jonathan__I'm already register it10:18
Senken12 /msg nickserv ghost jonathon_ pass10:18
jonathan__with password10:18
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Pirate_Huntermagnetron: hmmm so how am i suppose to control tor through privoxy, i know i have to use terminal but it is how do i do it?10:19
bruenig|laptopor just /ghost nick password10:19
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magnetronPirate_Hunter: tor.eff.org has a guide for what to edit10:19
Senken12elpargo what was it that you said?10:19
jonathan__how to register again now?10:20
AlexC_last night I installed kubuntu-desktop however removed it again shortly. Now that I am in Ubuntu again, the fonts in Firefox seem weird and not how they were - everything else though, is OK - How can I get them back?10:20
jonathan__I forgot how10:20
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elpargoSenken12, run this on your home mv -r .gnome2 .gnome2-back , then log out and back in if it's fix it was gnome if it's not then your config is stored on the -back dir.10:20
jonathan__I am sure already register it to freenode10:20
magnetronjonathan__: don't register a new nick, kick the other user off the network with the ghost command10:20
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Senken12So what exactly am I putting in?10:20
bruenig|laptopjonathan__, /ghost jonathan_ thepassword10:21
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: ~_~" yeah i knwo Im just having a hard time with privoxy it keeps looking for ~/config directory which is weird well tor works now just need to get privoxy straighten out10:21
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DerangedDingoAlexC: can you just reinstall firefox?10:21
jonathan__jonathan_ has been killed10:21
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magnetronPirate_Hunter: how did you install privoxy?10:21
bruenig|laptopDerangedDingo, that shouldn't affect it10:21
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AlexC_DerangedDingo: I tried a sudo apt-get install --reinstall mozilla-firefox but it didn't work - shall I do a purge then install?10:21
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Pirate_Huntermagnetron: funny enough it was done through synaptic which is why i find it weird im having such complications10:22
DerangedDingoAlexC: i was thinking maybe that, but then it'd ask to remove ubuntu-desktop and blah blah blah10:22
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AlexC_DerangedDingo: it's only a meta-package10:22
MindSparkhi, how do I change the reslution in xubuntu ? looks like only 640 and 600 are defined10:22
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, no that doesn't make sense, if it is on a firefox level, then it would be in your ~/.mozilla directory not files that are only owned by root10:22
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liquiddoomAlexC_: backup your .mozilla directory if you want to save anything10:22
MindSparkand I need to go highee10:22
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: ah .... how do I make a new profile?10:22
DerangedDingoAlexC: i know. but it annoys me sometimes10:22
magnetronPirate_Hunter: what do you mean with "privoxy is looking for ~/config"10:23
Senken12elpargo what am I putting in exactly then?10:23
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, you can see if that is the problem quickly by doing mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozillabackup10:23
bruenig|laptopand then running firefox10:23
AlexC_ok, hold on10:23
Senken12Put quotation marks around what putting in10:23
elpargoSenken12, mv .gnome2 .gnome2-back10:23
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Senken12Okay, it just jumped to a new line10:23
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bruenig|laptopI don't think that is it though, it seems unlikely, but then again to see kubuntu messed up the fonts seems unlikely so it must have had another cause which could have been misconfiguration10:23
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: that fixed it,10:24
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Pirate_Huntermagnetron: this is what it says - can't check configuration file '/home/moi/config':  No such file or directory10:24
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bruenig|laptopAlexC_, so you must have done something in firefox to mess with the fonts10:24
magnetronPirate_Hunter: in ubuntu, privoxy use /etc/privoxy/config. edit that file10:24
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: I've touched nothing to do with any fonts or any firefox settings - only installed Kubuntu-desktop10:24
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bruenig|laptopAlexC_, there is no way kubuntu-desktop does anything to ~/.mozilla, it just isn't possible10:24
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Senken12elpargo, didn't work10:25
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Pirate_Huntermagnetron: ive looked at that i dont know which part to edit thats one of the other problems10:25
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: afaik - there are things KDE does to Firefox so it looks correct in KDE10:25
bruenig|laptopI don't know what else did it, but it certainly wasn't kubuntu10:25
magnetronPirate_Hunter: it's written on tor.eff.org what to edit.10:25
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, I don't think that is true10:25
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: look in the System Config or control panel type thing that KDE has - it's in ther10:26
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: ive got it open and im reading it at the same time im writing to you10:26
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AlexC_bruenig|laptop: but hey - it works, thanks ;)10:26
lokkipython someone?10:26
magnetrongood luck, Pirate_Hunter10:26
Senken12elpargo, it didn't work10:26
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bruenig|laptopAlexC_, I don't have kde, but it doesn't make sense that a DE would mess with applications that it doesn't control, and seeing as ~/.mozilla usually doesn't exist when you install kubuntu-desktop, it would be impossible to configure10:27
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: lol not that again i need something more positive10:27
magnetronvery good luck, Pirate_Hunter10:27
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xanclytalk in spanish10:27
Pirate_Hunterrofl yet but thanx will see if i cna get this to work the way i want10:27
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: ~/.mozilla exists from when I had Gnome - and as Firefox it GTK not QT it can look different in KDE, so KDE does some magic to it to make it fit in10:28
paradroidHi all. Did something go wrong with the flashplugin-nonfree version 9? I find myself "downgraded" to version 7 and attempts to (re)install 9 leave me with: Installing from local file /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz md5sum mismatch10:28
cale1can you enable the universe repository? or do you just download specific things from it?10:28
valeriaque pasa10:28
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, kde does not do such magic, my point is though that .mozilla doesn't usually exist, therefore configuration would be impossible10:28
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xanclyvaleria tenes msn me xamo alberto10:29
bruenig|laptopAlexC_, also you realize that kde has its own browser...10:29
T-ConnectHow I copy this /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- over here /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/10:29
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: so does Gnome but I prefer Firefox due to it's extensions10:29
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Frogzooparadroid: might need a sudo apt-get update10:29
xanclyola Valeria10:29
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bruenig|laptopAlexC_, at the very least, don't suggest to others that kde did it, we don't want nonsense like aptitude is better than apt-get roaming around with kde because of some user's ignorance and other user's suggestibility10:30
paradroidFrogzoo: Did that, of course. I will try cleaning out the cache, though or even manually get the Flash plugin from Adobe's website though I'd prefer the repository way.10:30
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user1_help:    rm: cannot remove directory `/var/lib/openwebmail/users': Device or resource busy       and lsof returns nothing10:30
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T-ConnectNobody know hw to copy this? libjavaplugin_oji.so and then paste it into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/?10:31
xanclyla tal valeria esa ke avle pliss10:31
mrfantasticmake link10:31
cafuegoT-Connect: Why would you copy ans paste it into a directory?10:31
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cafuegoT-Connect: Just install the java plugin package.10:32
AlexC_bruenig|laptop: it is _not_ ignorance - KDE _does_ and _can_ do things to Firefox to make it fit in - you said your self you do not have KDE so you have nothing to back up your claim, so until you try KDE and look into it's system settings - do not start to suggest that I am ignorant of it10:32
T-ConnectBecause java won't load on firefox without it.10:32
zoli2kT-Connect: do you want to make a symbolic link?  sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so10:32
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kisskillhello everyone10:32
cafuegosudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin10:33
lokkihi gay10:33
xanclyhello kisskill10:33
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cafuegoT-Connect: That installs th prebuilt, prepackaged firefox plugin, which works fine.10:33
mat1980hi! how to change shared memory allocated by ati video card?10:33
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T-Connect sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so doesn't copy a damn thing.10:34
zoli2kT-Connect: cafuego's solution is right. java is already integrated in ubuntu. you should use the package system.10:34
cafuegoT-Connect: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin10:34
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cafuegoT-Connect: Why would you do things the difficult and non-maintainable way?10:34
gordonjcpT-Connect: I wouldn't expect ln to copy anything10:35
T-ConnectDamn it. I already have java install. Can you read!10:35
fritzhy, i installed dekorator on kubuntu 7 and have no ideea where it went, i can't find it among my apps, does any1 know how to find it?10:35
mrfantasticfirefox should run with java installed there shouldnt be any conflict10:35
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gordonjcpT-Connect: have you installed java from the package system?10:36
cafuegoT-Connect: so 'dpkg -l sun-java6-plugin' tells you what exactly?10:36
T-ConnectFirefox will not run java. Read my lips.10:36
gordonjcpT-Connect: you're doing it wrong10:36
T-Connectun  sun-java6-plug <none>         (no description available)10:36
zoli2kT-Connect: so you didn't install java in the right way10:37
gordonjcpT-Connect: that's because the plugin isn't installed10:37
dimebarT-Connect:   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin10:37
cafuegoT-Connect: So you in fact do _not_ have it properly installed. Did you download a tarball from Sun or something?10:37
T-ConnectThen damn Ubuntu Applications add/remove need to remove the damn thing from it list.10:37
dimebarT-Connect: then restart your browser and navigate to about:plugins10:37
Senken12Someone help me? Having trouble accessing my home dir10:37
liquiddoomSenken12: do you get "permission denied"?10:38
Senken12I get a frozen file browser10:38
T-ConnectI will uninstall it and then do the right way.10:38
Senken12The File Browser is fine when I open Trash or File Systems10:38
liquiddoomSenken12: Bleh... perhaps there's a large file in there or a broken one nautilus tried to preview and freezes... I've had that happen before10:38
cafuegoT-Connect: The package will grab the runtime, the plugin and set the correct file links to make it work.10:39
T-ConnectSomeone need to stop adding onto Applicans add/remove list.10:39
tarzeauT-Connect: http://stop.istheshit.net/10:39
gordonjcpT-Connect: stop adding what?10:39
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liquiddoomSenken12: Are there any large files/documents/movies in your home directory?10:39
T-ConnectPrograms list.10:39
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cafuegoT-Connect: What program did you select in Add/Remove?10:40
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Senken12I have like 40 odd random screenshots10:40
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Senken12How do I view list of stuff in Console and then delete them?10:40
cafuegoSenken12: 'ls'10:40
AlexC_Senken12: ls10:40
zoli2kT-Connect: The posted link is connected with the problem with java installation?10:40
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AlexC_Senken12: and then rm to remove10:40
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cafuegoSenken12: Delete them via 'rm <filename>'10:40
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AlexC_Senken12: to remove a directory do rm -rf10:40
dimebarSenken12: before deleting them make a folder and move them there, then navigate to the folder in nautilus to make sure thats the problem10:40
T-ConnectI will show you the list. Hangon.10:40
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zoli2kSenken12:  but be carefull with rm -rf10:41
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liquiddoomSenken12: You can move items by "mv file newfilelocation"10:41
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Senken12I'm just deleting the masses of pictures I have10:41
T-Connect[URL=http://img363.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrc4.png] [IMG] http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/5923/screenshotrc4.th.png[/IMG] [/URL] 10:42
T-ConnectWhoops http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/5923/screenshotrc4.png10:42
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cafuegoT-Connect: Ah, scroll down and ALSO select the java6 plugin10:43
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:43
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:43
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x_hello :-)10:43
x_i need some help10:43
T-ConnectThere isn't a plugin.10:44
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cafuegoHmm... commandline it is then, the sudo command.10:44
x_anyone can help me about screen resolution ?!10:44
cafuegoEh hold on. Are you on i386 or amd64?10:44
zoli2kx_: just write down the problem ;)10:45
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T-ConnectIt funny they didn't add 6.0 plugin on the list.10:45
aruruwhat will be NAT regule for lan network connected to router on rl0 and routed on tun0?10:45
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ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.10:45
FusEHow do I use a mounted LiveCD10:45
dimebarT-Connect: yeh its not there - I just checked on mine.  You should find it in synaptic though10:46
x_thanks ... my resolution is 1024 now but i need 1680 ... how i can change that ?!10:46
T-ConnectCan I just copy it and then paste?10:46
Senken12Nope, I have removed everything which would have a high file size10:46
dimebarx_: system -> preferences -> screen resolution10:46
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x_DIME... it says max is 102410:47
dimebarx_: what graphics card do you have?10:47
zoli2kx_: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:47
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x_DIME..... but my monitor and gerafic cart is 168010:47
zoli2kx_:  and edit the Screen section10:47
davidwinterhi all.10:47
zaggynlwhy do we have to resort to a config file, instead of the gui way10:47
x_i have Nvidea 7900 GTX10:47
davidwinteris there some app that I can install on Ubuntu Server, that will notify me via email if the computer temperature gets too hot?10:47
zoli2kcheange the line to  Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:47
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zoli2kx_: or you can use nvidia-settings10:48
FusEIs there a way I can use LiveCD without installing it10:48
olie__Hi all. I have just installed the rsruby package on my ubuntu box. All is fine except that in order for "require 'rsruby'" to work fine I first need to add the following line: $:.push( File.join( "/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rsruby-0.4.4/lib/" )). This is quite yucky and I suppose I can avoid it by configuring my system better, but I dont know how! :-( Anybody can help me? Thx.10:48
FusEIs there a way I can use LiveCD without burning it to a cd10:48
x_ZOLI.... it's imposible ... haven't 1680  :-(10:48
dimebarx_: in system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager make sure that you are using the nvidia driver10:48
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zoli2kx_: add 1680 to the line10:48
x_DIME... how ?!10:48
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dimebarx_: in system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager10:49
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Senken12How do I delete an entire folder through Console?10:49
tarzeaufuffal0: qemu?10:49
zoli2kx_: you will have something like this:  Modes   "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" and change to  Modes      "1600x1200"  "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:49
tarzeaufuffal0: sorry was for FusE10:49
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dimebarSenken12: rm -rf foldername10:49
T-ConnectOh I found it.10:49
revilodrawis anyone having trouble with amarok 1.4.6 being slooooow on feisty?10:50
x_DIME... thanks .. the Nvidea was not Enabled ... i did it now :-) ineed restart ... c u about 2 min again  :-)10:51
aruruwhat will be NAT regule for lan network connected to router on rl0 and routed via tun0?10:51
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x_ZOLI.... i had just 600x800 and 1024 .... not 168010:51
T-ConnectThanks dimebar10:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:52
T-Connecthttp://www.wildsnake.com/webgame/sso/ this is working now.10:52
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Senken12Try to say beer can without sounding like a Jamaican lusting after bacon :o10:54
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SkyrailSenken12: haha10:56
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x_hi again :-(10:57
SkyrailSenken12: the beer can thing :)10:57
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x_i Enabled the Nvidea driver but still haven't 1680 in screen resolution :-(10:57
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x_i had 1680 resolution in windows but in linux i have just 1024 :-(10:59
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Senken12It's working now11:00
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Senken12I just had to delete EVERY single picture I had in there11:00
gpdno sign of medibuntu - glitch or end of line?11:00
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FusE2grr Ive got a problem11:01
FusE2my x-server broke11:01
user1_rm: cannot remove directory `/var/lib/openwebmail/users': Device or resource busy       and lsof returns nothing11:01
Senken12Thanks whoever told me :)11:01
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abhianyone can help me with apache2 here?11:02
cafuegouser1_: what does `pwd' say?11:03
dimebarx_: do you get any further options in the 'screen resolution' drop down?11:03
user1_cafuego, no, not because of that11:03
x_friends .. in System>Preferences> Screen resolution i have max 1024 ....... how we can change it to 1680 when is not listed ?!11:03
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Semiliosis anyone of you used to the "apache2" package which is provided in the Ubuntu repositories?11:03
cafuegouser1_: tried 'sudo lsof' ?11:03
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livingdaylightAnyone here use Ubuntu Ultimate?11:03
user1_i've no sudo, im root11:03
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x_dimebar ...... i got some more but max is 1024   :-(11:04
cafuegolivingdaylight: No, just ubuntu business professional.11:04
carlesoriolwhen i use volume keys on my laptop using compiz-fusion it changes it's default behavior from moving the pcm slide to from slide. How can i set it back to move pcm?11:04
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livingdaylightcafuego, geeez, so many ubuntu derivates now....11:04
cafuegox_: Open a terminal and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' - tell X about the resolutions.11:04
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dimebarx_: try gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:05
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Jordan_U_livingdaylight, Ubuntu Ultimate is a hack11:05
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cafuegox_: You'll need to run through the dialogs, but after choosing 'Simple' for screen setup, it will let you pick preferred resolutions.11:05
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x_dimebar ... what ?!   say11:05
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livingdaylightJordan_U_, is it a good hack?11:05
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Jordan_Ulivingdaylight, No11:05
RoC_MasterMindMy Ubuntu boots too fast and too slick for my liking...I tried removing the "quiet" and "splash" GRUB options, but I want something even more verbose...any ideas.  I want lines and lines of scrolling verbose boot messages.11:05
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Jordan_Ulivingdaylight, From what I can tell it's kind of like automatix11:05
livingdaylightJordan_U, huh? why not? i just burnt it to cd11:05
dimebarx_: yeah do what cafuego said :)11:05
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livingdaylightJordan_U, whats wrong with automatix?11:06
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cafuegoRoC_MasterMind: Remove a critical piece of hardware11:06
RoC_MasterMindno then it just stops11:06
Jordan_U!automatix | livingdaylight11:06
ubotulivingdaylight: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:06
RoC_MasterMindI want it to like scroll...like an end credits thing on fast-forward for like five minutes.11:06
yobrienhow do i get scrolling working with a synaptics touchpad11:07
Jordan_U!synaptics | yobrien11:07
ubotuyobrien: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:07
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:07
cafuegoRoC_MasterMind: They kernel can't do that, without adding 5 minutes worth of text to it.11:07
RoC_MasterMindcafuego, indeed.  I might have to write a script.11:07
x_dimebar .... this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xor didn't worked11:07
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cafuegoRoC_MasterMind: add a 'strings /proc/kcore' to rc.local or something11:07
cafuegoRoC_MasterMind: thaty should give you a suitable alrge about or random crap.11:08
x_dimebar .... i need 1680 with 59 refresh rate   :-(11:08
RoC_MasterMindhahaa...that is funn cafe11:08
yobrienyeah but qsynaptics cant configure ... some error about shared memory11:08
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Newbie_DudeAnyone here ever use lm-sensors? It is supposed to monitor temperature... I downloaded it through synaptic, configured it through terminal, but can't figure out how to get it to show up in my PANEL. ?11:08
cafuegouser1_: Hrrrm.11:08
x_Cafu ..... what u mean ?!     i mean how ?!11:08
RoC_MasterMindThanks cafuego11:09
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cafuegox_: You'll need to run through the dialogs, but after choosing 'Simple' for screen setup, it will let you pick preferred resolutions. Select them, then restart X. (Logout, hit ctrl-alt-backspace, login)11:09
gordonjcpis anyone else in here using php5 with gd in Ubuntu?11:09
gordonjcpand if so, do your truetype fonts look terrible?11:09
cafuegogordonjcp: they normally do11:10
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x_CAFU ... thanks ... but i tried linux just 10 hour .. can u tell me step by step ?!11:10
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cafuegogordonjcp: Did you cann gdcreateimagetruecolor()  or gdcreateimage() ?11:10
gordonjcpcafuego: thing is, I'm trying to develop a script that overlays text onto a graphic, which works perfectly in Deadrat but not Ubuntu11:10
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gordonjcpcafuego: "imagecreatefrompng"11:11
x_dimebar ..... i got just this : SubSection "Display"11:11
cafuegogordonjcp: I've only done it with php4 thusfar, but not had problems. I suppsoe it's possible php5/freetype has a problem.11:11
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gordonjcpcafuego: but I doubt it's a colour depth thing because the font rendering is *completely* wrong11:11
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gordonjcpcafuego: it's bad in dapper too, in php411:12
=== cafuego uses debian sarge/\php4
x_cafuego ............ can u tell me how i can do that ?! i man step by step11:12
cafuegox_: open a terminal. run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:12
cafuegox_: Accept all defaults until it asks about the screen.11:13
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dimebarx_: for the moment close that file - it could interfere with the dpkg-reconfigure11:13
=== cafuego wonders where the ttfstring code is
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AKA3Toes? anyone here?11:14
Jordan_UAKA3Toes, no11:14
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Jordan_UAKA3Toes, Only 1,042 people11:14
AKA3Toeshow come I see none in the list?11:15
cafuegothere is no list11:15
AKA3Toeswell that explains it11:15
Jordan_UAKA3Toes, What IRC client are you using?11:15
cafuegoit's probably still drawing the list11:15
x_cafuego ... that changing my keybord too   !!!!!!!!11:15
cafuegox_: No, it won't.11:16
cafuegox_: Just accept the defauls until you get to the Screen section.11:16
Jordan_Ucafuego, Depending on his configuration it might11:16
cafuegoit will keep other settings as they are.11:16
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cafuegoJordan_U: It should preload whatever has has now.11:16
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AKA3Toesalright, had a "Q" about setting up RAID on AMD64-based Ubuntu, same size drives... if anyone knows11:17
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AKA3Toes(Fiesty that is)11:18
pitocskien eres11:18
cafuegoAKA3Toes: I run raid, what was your question?11:18
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AKA3Toeswell, I guess I needed the Alternate CD to begin with on installation, true or can I RAID two drives with pre-installed OS?11:18
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cafuegoI've only ever used the alternate and server cd (faster)11:19
AKA3Toesserver CD has a desktop?11:19
cafuegoand setting up raid via those is a breeze, provided you don't have too many disks.11:19
adxpA misbehaving program filled an ext3 partition with an endlessly-filling logfile. I deleted the file, but df -h still tells me the partition is full, and anything that tries to write to disk gives "Disk full" errors. I've tried mount -o remount, but nothing else. Anyone got any ideas?11:19
cafuegoserver cd doesn't have a desktop11:19
cafuegoadxp: restart the program that was writing and make sure any other apps that used the files are restarted too.11:20
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kisskillserver CD has no desktop11:20
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kisskillmust install11:21
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AKA3Toesso, using the alternate CD, what's my partition settings? Maybe you have a link for AMD64-based?11:21
cafuegoAKA3Toes: But alternate will work fine - doe s atext-mode install, then boots the desktop.11:21
AKA3Toesk, gotthat... thanks11:21
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adxpcafuego: cool, that seems to have done it -- thanks. It's odd -- df shows the available space gradually increasing back to what it should be. Got any pointers as to where I could go to better understand what's going on, and why killing the program fixed it?11:21
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cafuegoAKA3Toes: You create partitions in the dialog, set them to be used for raid. When that's done, you select the 'configure raid' menu option and build one or more raid devices.11:22
cafuegoAKA3Toes: it'll ask for raid level and allow you to select the raid partitions.11:22
cafuegoTested and confirmed working with raid1 and raid5 :-)11:23
cafuego(on amd64)11:23
AKA3Toessweet, a lot simpler than what I was failing at before... lol11:23
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cafuegoadxp: The program had the file open. So you'd removed it from the list of directory entries, but its data was not freed (because it was in use)11:23
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cafuegoadxp: restarting the program forced it to clsoe its file handle, allowing the kernel to flush the data.11:24
Ind[y] Is it possible to install and play Warcraft III (The Frozen Throne) under Ubuntu 7.04?11:24
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adxpcafuego: ah, I see -- thanks again.11:24
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SlimeyPeteInd[y] : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=302103811:25
AKA3Toesnow, is there a stable WINE for AMD64?11:25
Ind[y] SlicerDicer-: OK. Thank you.11:25
SlimeyPeteInd[y] : oops, I mean http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45407   - that's the first page11:25
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cafuegoDunno, I run vmware if i need to help someone withn their ^&*Q@!%^&#@%^@* outlook problems.11:26
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sauvinTell them to run Linux so you can help them with their !@#$@#%# Evolution problems.11:26
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cafuegoafter muich deliberation i've concluded evolution is just as bad11:27
puboHi all, anybody can tell me a program/script to rip DVD9->DVD5 with the possibility of delete menu/audio/etc???11:27
Newbie_DudeI'm installing nvidia-settings and it says for nvidia-settings to be installed I have to remove "nvidia-glx" I assume that's a bad thing?11:27
puboI don't want to use Wine & DVDShrink :S11:28
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aquocafuego: are there alternatives?11:28
chimp_rexhello everyone! to whom should i ask about hardware compatibilities?11:28
puboNewbie_Dude, no. The nvidia-drivers implement nvidia-glx itself11:28
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jhaigchimp_rex: Just ask and someone might know the answer.11:29
chimp_rexthanks jhaig!11:29
AKA3Toeswell, WINE would be for retail Paint Shop Pro, which cost me quite a bit and not to mention the months of tutorials so the lil' woman could start off a graphics business11:29
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:29
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jhaigchimp_rex: Also, this might be of interest - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:30
AKA3Toeswould like to get her on Linux too so I won'thaveto worry about communicating with a Microshaft-based laptop11:30
chimp_rexis HP VECTRA VL400 ok with Ubuntu?11:30
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chimp_rexThanks again Jhaig but i don't know what's inside my HP Vectra VL400...11:30
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pubochimp_rex, is this a laptop?11:30
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chimp_rexI just would like to know if it's okay to install it there.11:31
chimp_rexno pubo, it's a desktop.11:31
Dusk_i want to reconnect with a different ip address on ubuntu...i use usb adsl modem and have dynamic ip11:31
pubochimp_rex, ohm :S11:31
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puboDesktop compatibility usually is better than laptops compatibility. Maybe you'll have problems only with your Graphic Card (If it is not an Nvidia or ATI)11:32
chimp_rexokay. i think the vidcard is onboard...11:32
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GamingXGuys I have a problem with XChat in Ubuntu11:32
Newbie_DudeMy Sony Viao did not like Ubuntu.11:33
AKA3Toeslooks like you made it GamingX11:33
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GamingXNo this is from Windows Xp11:33
chimp_rexThanks again pubo and jhaig for your help!11:33
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pubochimp_rex, look for the video card chipset. If it is Nvidia or ATI, shouldn't be any problem. If it's SiS.. better if you change the Card xD11:33
AKA3Toessorry, I know the feeling11:33
chimp_rexok. noted pubo.11:33
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AKA3ToesNewbie_Dude, I've got the nVidia BFG 7600GT OC running right now11:34
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GamingXI am using mIRC from XP since I cannot access XChat in Ubuntu11:34
GamingXCan someone help me11:34
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AKA3Toesis XChat installed?11:34
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GamingXI used it for sometime11:34
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pubonobody can tell me a substitute of DVDShrink in Ubuntu??? :S11:35
Newbie_DudeGamingX: and what, it disappeared, it stopped working, it won't open?11:35
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GamingXIt was when I tried to add a server and connect to it that it immediately switched off11:35
Dusk_i want to reconnect with a different ip address on ubuntu...i use usb adsl modem and have dynamic ip11:35
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krinns_is there evolution has a bug11:35
Newbie_DudeGamingX: AKA3Toes is probably right, just try uninstalling/reinstalling. :)11:35
krinns_when i save a file with spaces it includes garbage in between apaces11:36
Newbie_DudeGamingX: also there's two versions of X-Chat, try the other one if that doesn't work. (GNOME and non-GNOEM)11:36
KazadeHi, I'm trying to install mysql-server 4.1 on Feisty but whenever I try, it installs 5.0. How can I just get it to install 4.1?11:36
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Newbie_Dude!fr | evildead11:36
ubotuevildead: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:36
GamingXBut what is the problem?11:36
AKA3Toesif you have a file name with spaces, name the file "xxxxx xxxxx" with quotes... haveyou tried that?11:36
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AKA3ToesKazade, your file is showing up as Kazades%2File ?11:37
Newbie_Dudeevildead: tu ecrivez /join #ubuntu-fr11:37
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KazadeAKA3Toes: huh? what file?11:38
AKA3Toesyou said when you were creating a file with spaces...11:38
Kazadenot me11:39
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DralidIn Rhythmbox, the only visualization is Goom. Are there others? If so how do I install them?11:39
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KazadeI want to install mysql-server-4.1, I think you mean krinns_11:39
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AKA3Toessorry, that was Krinnis11:39
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gordonjcpcafuego: further examination shows that php-gd and ttf is utterly utterly broken in Dapper, Edgy and Feisty11:41
evildeadevolution task notification dont work11:41
evildeadis there any solution ?11:42
mat1980Hi! I have an ati radeon x1100 that uses 128 mb of ram. How can I change the amount of ram that it allocates? Is it possible?11:42
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AKA3Toesnow, Feisty Server for AMD64, is there a desktop that can be installed?11:43
pubomat1980, if it's possible, it would be in the BIOS11:43
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AKA3Toeslike Pubo said11:43
puboAKA3Toes, as usual, try ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop11:44
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AKA3Toesyeah, I found when setting up RAID that I needed the Alternate CD11:44
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AKA3Toesso far I'm liking Ubuntu Desktop, just wish I didn't have to jump into it with both feet11:45
Dusk_i want to reconnect with a different ip address on ubuntu...i use usb adsl modem and have dynamic ip11:45
AKA3ToesDo you have a router?11:45
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Dusk_AKA3Toes, no11:46
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Dusk_actually i need to pass rapidshare limit11:46
AKA3Toesmight wantto try programs like HidemyIP if you don't have static ability then11:46
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mat1980pubo: oh.. thanks. I thought it was a driver related problem. Thanks.11:47
AKA3Toesdunno if HidemyIP supports Linux, but there's plenty pf progs out there11:47
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AKA3Toesmatterof fact... hold on11:47
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AKA3Toeslet me check my router page11:47
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mvs1been trying to resolve video playback on ubuntu 64bit.. I can play most videos fine, but for some reason the colors dont line up on the picture..11:48
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gordonjcpis there a channel more specific to Ubuntu and PHP?11:48
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Bob_le_PointuTry #ubuntu and ##php11:49
AKA3Toeshttp://www.dyndns.org allows you to create a free DDNS subscription11:49
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giuseppehi guys, I've a problem. I installed lastest nvidia driver on ubuntu 64 bit but when I try to launch 3d apps I've this message: ...loading libGL.so.1: Segmentation fault (core dumped). someone can help me?11:49
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_Carlo_hi, i've upgraded to gutsy on a wubi installation, but now i've some problem with grub, if i choose 2.6.22 2.6.20-16 2.6.20-15 it doesn't start but if i choose ubuntu original kernel it starts with a 2.6.20-15 kernel11:49
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AKA3Toesget that Dusk_?11:50
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Dusk_thanks AKA3Toes11:50
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AKA3Toesnp, hope that works11:50
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Kazadedoes anyone know the answer to my problem? how can I install mysql-server-4.1 on feisty? :(11:51
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AKA3Toeswell, I'm off to see the puter... TY for the help/suggestions on RAID11:52
gordonjcpKazade: does it specifically need to be 4.1?11:52
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giuseppeguys how can I remove the lastest driver nvidia I've installed? I've ...loading libGL.so.1: Segmentation fault (core dumped) and I can't use 3d apps11:53
Kazadeyeh, i've been given some legacy app, and the queries dont work in 5.0 because they use old-style inner joins with a left join11:53
hoe_hi al11:53
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hoe_I experienced that running the office org software is very fast in FC 5 but not in ubuntu feisty why?11:54
aruruhowto translate network adresses in ubuntu?11:54
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fatbrainDoes ubuntu use the hardware h264 decoder on my 8600gts gpu?11:55
hoe_I experienced that running the office org software is very fast in FC 5 but not in ubuntu feisty why?11:55
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fatbrain(I have the binary nvidia drivers installed, and I'm using mplayer to play my videos)11:55
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hoe_is there any way to make it like tweaking ?11:55
hoe_congratu to u fatbrain11:56
hoe_ubuntu is cool but i experienced running office org slow when start it11:56
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zaggynlhoe_, tried disabling java in oo.org?11:57
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hoe_i meant how to disable the java , i experienced the startup of the office org slow and it havent started to go into any of the words yet11:59
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hoe_i meant i only double click the office org program and it took quite sometime for the programs to load before going into any like spreadsheets12:00
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hoe_zag , any advice?12:01
hoe_I even experienced FC 5 very fast in opening many programs , why?12:01
hoe_anyone advice?12:02
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giuseppehow can I remove nvidia drivers I installed with .run?12:04
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elmo40giuseppe, some apps come with an uninstall.run file12:04
elmo40if it didnt, then read the README file... they usually help ;)12:05
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giuseppeelmo40, it was a .run no readmefile or uninstall.run12:05
ConfidentiaLdoes anyone know what might be the reason why my spdif out is not working in ubuntu ?12:05
giuseppeonly a single file elmo4012:05
elmo40dude, i know it was a run file, but on their webiste, they may also have an uninstall file... or at least a damn readme for you12:06
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rafael__hey people12:06
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giuseppeelmo40, ah ok, sorry I didn't understand. I'm going to watch12:06
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rafael__i have 2 gb ram ... but something is using my memory.. not memory used is 500 mb but my computer was in screensaver i wasnt here..  what is the problem ?? what is using my memory ?  my firefox was opened with some pages. is it ?12:07
gordonjcprafael__: memory is there to be used12:07
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rafael__gordonjcp, even u are sleeping and your computer is in screensaver ?12:07
rafael__gordonjcp, i dont understand..12:07
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gordonjcprafael__: memory doesn't get freed up until it's needed12:08
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elmo40rafael__, so many things have memory leaks in linux... they are *still* being worked on. Especially firefox!12:08
evi|oneHello. I want to create a SMB share. I created one via System --> Administration --> Shared Folders and it seems to work, but it asks for password. I don't even know what the password is because my Ubuntu username/password doesn't work. I want to give everyone full read/write access to that share (w/o username and password). How do I do that?12:08
rafael__gordonjcp, but 500mb  ?  its only my gaim opened and xchat12:08
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rafael__elmo40, i closed my fireforx to see what happens..12:08
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elmo40evi|one, have you tried a samba room? possibly #samba ?12:09
pretender_can anyone out there help with some mythtv questions12:09
elmo40rafael__, then open ktop, or top, and see what is consuming your RAM12:09
gordonjcpelmo40: "room"?12:09
gordonjcpelmo40: #samba sounds more like a channel12:09
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elmo40m'eh, whatever...12:09
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elmo40rooms get filles with people, channels are a pathway.12:09
QjimboI recently installed ubuntu on my desktop PC, however I don't have net access for it, and I want to install VLC and all the audio/video codecs, how can I do this without net access at home?12:09
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rafael__elmo40, gkrellm uses much memory ?12:10
elmo40ya, it sucks.12:10
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rafael__elmo40, ok.. i did.. and i closed my firefox.. my memory is backing slowly :O12:11
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rafael__elmo40, moc  is using memory too. hahaha and that is a player for terminal :O12:12
elmo40but does it matter?12:12
elmo40everything will use memory12:12
rafael__elmo40, well. i like moc12:12
elmo40the more you have the greedier they become!12:12
natsumey_i've a problem here,12:12
elmo40natsumey_, speak.12:13
natsumey_why my network getting slow after 2 or 3 hours12:13
natsumey_around 20 min12:13
natsumey_then came ok for next 2 or 3 hours12:13
elmo40possibly your internet providor12:13
yeniklasorAre we have backup all ubuntu's data with partition? Like Norton Ghost?12:13
natsumey_i thought it was my network, but i already change all the switch and ap with a new one12:14
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rafael__elmo40, restarting the gdm will make my memory back ?12:14
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rafael__lets see what happens.. cya and thanks12:15
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QjimboI recently installed ubuntu on my desktop PC, however I don't have net access for it, and I want to install VLC and all the audio/video codecs, how can I do this without net access at home?12:16
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fredhelp me for install compiz-fusion in my ATIX200M graphic card12:20
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jattdoes ntfs-3g work on Dapper? I think Dapper kernel doesn't have fuse support by default.12:21
lkthomasfred: is that an order ? it takes 300USD/hour to help you12:21
fredWHAT !!12:21
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fredno i am french12:22
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fredbut a speak middle12:22
aservinthen 250 Euros per hour12:22
stefgQjimbo: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ might help you12:22
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yeniklasorAre we have backup software that backup all ubuntu's data with partition? Like Norton Ghost?12:23
stefg!info ntfs-3g dapper12:23
ubotuPackage ntfs-3g does not exist in dapper12:23
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stefg!backup | yeniklasor12:23
jattI know it isn't in Dapper12:23
revilodrawhi! im using feisty on my dell inspiron 6400 with 2ghz core 2 duo processor and 2gb ram, and amarok 1.4.6 is very sloooow and lags a lot..it is the only prog i have trouble with12:24
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ubotuyeniklasor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:24
stefgjatt: i had it running on Dapper, i just don't remember the repo i had to add.12:24
_Thelonius_where can i find pakets of ghutsy gibbon?12:24
_Thelonius_I am debian user, but would like to get some of the gutsy pakets12:24
jattstefg: did you need to update the kernel (compile fuse manually in, or something similar)?12:25
Eli0tproblem running unreal tournament on 7.04, gfx ok but sound very is very "slowed". Any1 help me?12:25
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Frogzoorevilodraw: how big is your library?12:26
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stefgjatt: iirc it worked with the standard kernel. Suffering from a bug with my CD drive i don't use stock ubuntu-kernels, but i think it was just adding the repo and apt-getting12:26
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Eli0tproblem running unreal tournament on 7.04, gfx ok but sound is very "slowed". Any1 help me?12:27
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jattstefg: ok thank you, will try to install again12:27
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_Thelonius_does someone have a paket-source for apt-get for gutsy gibbon pakets?12:27
stefgjatt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700912:27
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jattstefg: that's a great resource, didn't know it, very appreciated12:29
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bullgard4/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko is not commented enough. Where is the function acpi_evaluate_object (line #146) defined?12:29
SelrachExcuse me, I have a question about how exactly checkinstall works. http://checkinstall.izto.org/ seems to suggest that it leaves a copy of the source in the source directory. my question is, if you were to uninstall it later via its own methods, would everything be removed(binaries and source)?12:30
stefg_Thelonius_: gutsy support is in #ubuntu+1, and i would not recommend mixing ubuntu and debian. dependencies don't work, 'cos names are often different12:30
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_Thelonius_stefg i read in ahow to that getting the mesa drivers from gutsy is easy and works and i don't have to recompile them12:32
_Thelonius_which i found to be a pain (didn't work :D )12:32
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re5pektwhat is the kubuntu chanel in czech language ? please12:32
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stefg_Thelonius_: so just manually download the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ but don't add a repo to your sources.list. gutsy in hevy development, and things are going to break12:34
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_Thelonius_just found that site throught the faqs as well. nice site12:35
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re5pektis it here a czech chanel ?12:35
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:35
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mythragemy network tray icon dissapear, need help12:37
jattstefg: it worked :). My problem was, in my first attempt I didn't upgrade the hal and makedev packages from the ntfs-3g repo. Thanks for the help.12:37
revilodrawfrogzoo: about 30 gig12:37
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stefgjatt: you're welcome12:38
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Eli0tproblem running unreal tournament on 7.04, gfx ok but sound is very "slowed". Any1 help me?12:38
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re5pekti write "sudo atp-get install pidgin"12:39
g0dd3sshi everyone I am trying to convert an .asf file to .avi or .mpeg, and add some music to it, does anybody know a good program to do this in ubuntu?12:39
re5pektbut the pacage is not found12:39
stefg!pidgin | re5pekt12:39
uboture5pekt: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.12:39
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re5pektyes i know12:39
re5pektbut i don't know to how install this program12:40
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DjViperhow do I make sure my wlan connects at 54mbits ? (G)12:40
g0dd3ssre5pekt,  get it off pidgin website12:40
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cephalopodawat the12:41
g0dd3ssre5pekt,  read http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-pidgin-200-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-plugin-pack.html#more-20312:41
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kaptenguwhat's the equivalent to nautilus ctrl-h in midnight commander?12:43
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mythragemy network icon on tray disappear, how can i overcome this12:45
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toplokI am testing 7.10 alpha and requests a username "ubuntu", whats the password ?12:45
kaptenguor nonr12:46
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DjViperhow do I make sure my wlan connects at 54mbits ? (G)12:46
cephalopodahey godess12:46
cephalopodahow ya goin mate12:46
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g0dd3ssgreat thanx , you?12:47
cephalopodahrmm tired!12:47
cephalopodalol i havent stared at a pc screen this hard for years lol12:47
g0dd3ss8-] 12:47
cephalopodayou a regular here?12:47
g0dd3sswell not really, i come here quite a bit lately for hlp tho12:48
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cephalopodaa newbie to ubuntu?12:48
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g0dd3sswhat about u12:48
cephalopodaim relativily to ubuntu, but a linux user 4 nerly 10 yrz12:48
g0dd3ssoh yeah cool12:48
cephalopodanah.. 8 :)12:48
=== Dragnslcr [n=scott@c-24-63-105-9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cephalopodaya in au?12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fftopic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:49
g0dd3ssnoone talk anything ontopic :-\12:49
cephalopodanearly there lol12:49
cephalopodaso whats ontopic?12:49
cephalopodasocket programming?12:49
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g0dd3sshi everyone I am trying to convert an .asf file to .avi or .mpeg, and add some music to it, does anybody know a good program to do this in ubuntu?12:50
stefgcephalopoda: not a problem, just take the social chatter to -offtopic12:50
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cephalopodanot really even sure12:51
=== PirateLeChuck [n=A@c3amulet.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!info avidemux12:51
jpozlovskyhi :-)12:51
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-0.0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 3270 kB, installed size 8256 kB12:51
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cephalopodabarely know what to do with those things in windows.. not really into codecs etc12:51
g0dd3ssthanks, do you know if it works for asf12:51
cephalopodayou could use wine for any windows software im sure12:51
cephalopodaand its codecs12:52
stefgg0dd3ss: not sure, might depend on having w32codecs installed12:52
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g0dd3ssyeahhh or boot into the dreaded windoze12:52
bit0hi, anyone knows   bug #23631 ?12:52
g0dd3ssmight be easierXD12:52
cephalopodaget g0dd3ss got an email?12:52
cephalopodawanna chit chat sometime?12:52
asepplease help me for sharing printer in ubuntu12:52
=== newbie0034 [n=zdux00tv@cpe-66-91-13-88.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cephalopodalol trust me ya dont wanna see my myspace LOL12:53
jpozlovskyI have question regarding syncing Palm Zire device (USB connection) with ubuntu.... how can I discover to which /dev it is connected? dmesg tells this:12:53
asepwho can help me12:53
jpozlovsky[10092.136000]  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 312:53
jpozlovsky[10092.308000]  usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice12:53
g0dd3sssure msn o0o_420_o0o@hotmail.com lol12:53
yeniklasordd backup utility gives me errors. Can someone teach me how to use it?12:53
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newbie0034can I install vmware-server from Synaptic Package Manager? Or do I need to download and compile ?12:53
cephalopodawhy sorry?12:53
stefg!info g4u12:54
ubotuPackage g4u does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:54
g0dd3sswe don't wanna get offtopic now do we12:54
=== devcenter [n=devcente@201-13-78-91.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
devcenterwhen i log in system, the gnome desktop is load, but after any seconds, it reload the logoff12:54
jgossasep,  tried samba yet?12:54
cephalopodaohh yeah12:54
cephalopodatheyre sooo strict :P12:54
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cephalopodalike bring back in HS :)12:54
devcenterWould can to be autostart application.....12:54
devcenterwhat's a log from init gnome desktop12:54
jgosscephalopoda,  this is a support channel. thats why they are strict12:54
=== methodize [n=methodiz@pool-71-106-95-107.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
g0dd3sswhen i grow up, i wanna be an admin! hah12:55
g0dd3sssorry k ontopic'12:55
=== Sbucat [n=bucat@host102-15-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
cephalopodalol yay lets push people around :)12:55
cephalopodaoo yes indeed12:55
g0dd3ssanyone else triend emesene?? cant seem to get it to work :-\12:55
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cephalopodaubuntu is a great distro but i like other ones to such as kool linux and blah blah os12:55
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cephalopodanewayz, did ya try wine12:56
jgossg0dd3ss, have you tried opening it from inside a terminal? if so any errors?12:56
cephalopodai get all my games/photo editors to work that way12:56
DjViperhow do I make sure my wlan connects at 54mbits ? (G)12:56
devcenteranybody can helpme12:56
=== DerHorst [n=Horst@e176097138.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
g0dd3ssit opens, but won't login "Error during login, please retry"12:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:57
newbie0034devcenter: what if you log on as a different user?12:58
g0dd3sswhen i try from terminal it says  Config value was not found: mediaEnabled12:58
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cephalopodajust added you :)12:58
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:58
apithow disable annoyng messages about enter/leave chanel ?12:58
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu
apitin gaim12:58
=== Delegate [n=eyentu@CPE-58-161-160-112.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
devcenterbut i have login in xfce, but i dont know what's log file...for load gnome desktop12:58
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stefgDjViper: that says: $ iwconfig <interface> rate 54M12:59
aruru_i have local network connected to router on interface rl0 and wan interface on router is tun0 howto translate adresses NAT?12:59
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newbie0034devcenter: your using xcfe or gnome?12:59
Delegatei need to rid my computer of every last bit of apache01:00
DjViperstefg: thanks! :)01:00
Delegateit got a bit messed up and i want to reinstall apache, however it keep complaining01:00
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Delegatei thought i got rid of everything, but it fails to start after i install it with apt-get so somethings still wrong01:01
devcenteri'm using gnome...but with it is not loading, i change gdm configuration to open xfce...01:01
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devcenterwhat's configuration file from init gnome01:01
jgosshave you tried --purge Delegate ?01:01
jgosssudo apt-get remove apache2 --purge01:02
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Ind[y] When doing in the interactive interpreter "import wx; help(wx)" I get an error. Is this a known bug which will be fixed? I run Ubuntu 7.04, Python 2.5.101:02
newbie0034devcenter, I'm sorry I'm too new to ubuntu,, I think it is the right place to look.  Perhaps your hard-drive is full?01:02
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Delegatejgoss, no.. i'll give it a go now01:03
jgossgood luck01:03
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newbie0034devcenter: perhaps /var/log/messages01:04
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stefgdevcenter: what happens if you try to log on to a gnome-session?01:05
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jattInd[y] : if you don't have the path for wx in PYTHONPATH I don't see how it could be bug01:05
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Delegatejgoss, it didn't seem to help =\01:06
devcenterit load gnome-session, show desktop, desktop background, icons from panel bar,,,,and after any seconds....it reload the gnome-session....undestand.....01:06
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Ind[y] jatt: I can "import wx" fine01:06
Delegatewhen i try and install it, it complains about not being able to find /etc/apache2/ .. which it shouldn't since i removed it..01:06
stefgdevcenter: is there beryl/compiz involved ?01:07
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jattInd[y] : import sys; help (sys) works for me so it should be something with wx and not with the python interpreter01:07
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devcenteri believe that this problem->>> session application01:07
Ind[y] jatt: ok01:07
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stefg!enter | devcenter01:08
ubotudevcenter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:08
devcenteri can to show my log fil...in /var/log/message01:08
jgossDelegate,  maybe try apt-get remove --purge apache2-.2common01:08
stefg!paste | devcenter01:09
ubotudevcenter: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
jgossoops sthats apt-get remove --purge apache2.2-common01:09
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jgossi think thats the package that provides /etc/apache anyway.01:10
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ubuntuWhy does my wifi work out the box with ubuntu and not xubuntu?01:10
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Delegatejgoss: thanks, that one seemed to work :D01:10
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devcenterstefg, look it01:10
jgossglad to hear that :)01:10
Delegatenow to get php and mysql working with it, i'll come back here if i have any problems xD01:10
ubuntuIn ubuntu i use the network manager applet to do the dirty work. This aint there in xubuntu. Any ideas???01:10
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jgossubuntu, maybe try adding network manager to the session list of xubuntu when you enter it.01:11
jgossnm-applet i think.01:12
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ubuntuI dont know where to find the applet?01:12
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devcenterstefg, look pastebin?01:12
ubuntuWith synaptic its not in there01:12
vip3rousmangoanyone know what /dev/sg0 is?01:12
stefgdevcenter: try removing the lockfile with  sudo rm -rf /tmp/gconfd01:12
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devcenteronly it?01:12
jgossubuntu, open a terminal and then type the command nm-applet see if that brings it up.01:12
vip3rousmangoNero Linux keeps giving me a read error to dev/sg0/ something about not enough permission01:12
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aruru__i'd lost connection, ill ask again01:13
aruru__i have local network connected to router on interface rl0 and wan interface on router is tun0 howto translate adresses NAT?01:13
aruru__iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTE -s -o tun0 -j masquearad01:14
aruru__is this good?01:14
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ubuntuIt does bring it up in ubuntu but what package do i need to install if i want it in xubuntu. Im on liveCD at mo in Ubuntu and im gunna do live on Xubuntu to see if it works01:15
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jgossubuntu, i think the package is called network-manager-gnome01:16
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chazcohi... my laptop supports booting from SD cards... a floppy disk image is saved and then booted. Is it possible to use this to install Ubuntu completely onto the SD card?01:16
ubuntuwhat package is the networkmanager applet in? i.e. nm-applet01:16
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stefgdevcenter, yes that's my nick. please don't spam by using enter as punctuation01:16
xjtuzzhi am a newbee01:16
xjtuzzhhello, all!01:17
devcenterLook for log (/var/log/message), only two lines with problem01:17
devcenterI'm post in pastebin for you look01:17
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ubuntuso if i do a apt-get install network-manager-gnome in xubuntu will it offer the same functionality???01:17
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devcenterlook it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30203/01:18
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rabbit64hi. is there any way to reassign x termination shortcut (ctrl+alt+bkspace) to something else?01:18
ubuntuThe whole wifi thing is getting me down down down01:18
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jgossyes. but in order for it to start up when you log into about you have to add it to the start up session. which there should be a way to do that in the xfce control panel.01:18
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Assassin`in wine where would i find the directory for the c drive?01:19
cephalopodais anyone using the bcm43xx driver?01:19
cephalopodawireless device i mean01:19
Assassin`like if i'm writing a bash script to point to a file01:19
stefgdevcenter: so can you get in now? according to the log, it seems that the tomboy applet is causing the trouble01:19
devcenterstefg, do you know this error?01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mofo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:19
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk01:19
xjtuzzh.....why ?? any chinese here?01:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sexydogbums - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
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ubuntuWill the applet work under Xfce???01:20
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cephalopodanoit sure01:20
devcenterbut, how to disable this applet....for XFCE01:20
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cephalopodayou use the disable command01:20
stefg!spam cephalopoda01:20
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devcenteri'm in xfce, i can disable applet01:20
jgossAssassin`, it might be different. just check in the .wine folder.01:20
mrsno!works for me01:20
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.01:20
xjtuzzhit's so gloomy ,nobody chat with me01:20
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Assassin`i have01:20
cephalopodadont like you anymore stefg01:20
ubuntuI need help with my wifi card?01:20
jgossin your home directory that is01:20
cephalopodaubuntu.. same01:21
Pici!cz | xjtuzzh01:21
ubotuxjtuzzh: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.01:21
cephalopodausing the bcm43xx driver01:21
Assassin`i'm trying to get this script to work for half life01:21
Picixjtuzzh: let me get you chinese channel :)01:21
cephalopodabut not working.. i think its to do wirh the revision factor of the device01:21
Assassin`game in linux = confusing01:21
ubuntuIt works out box in ubuntu but to do a command line install it detects card and all but cannot find network01:21
cephalopodarev 02 etc01:21
tbussI'm looking for an app I can use to convert mpeg to flv, would ffmpeg work01:21
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cephalopodaiwlist scanning sees the AP but wont get an ip with dhclient eth101:21
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kharlosshi there. I want to use ubunut as router . i need to use 2 ISP , if one of them i falling down, i need other conection for backup. can i do it ? how ? any external link ? thanks in advance .01:22
jgosstbuss,  yes, i believe ffmpeg has support to do that.01:22
cephalopodade donde eres senor gabriel_01:22
Pici!cn | xjtuzzh01:22
ubotuxjtuzzh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk01:22
gabriel_no lo se01:22
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xjtuzzhPici ,yes,i am a chinese01:22
cephalopodamucho gusto de tuesday senor? :)01:22
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:22
tbussjgoss: ok thanks01:22
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cephalopodami hablas esponal es mucho malo y sexo :P01:23
xjtuzzhno english!01:23
cephalopodano spanish you mean?01:23
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xjtuzzhEnglish !junk01:23
devcenteri can to delete .tomboy from my home01:23
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xjtuzzhi am out! bye01:24
cephalopodaput a forward slash first01:24
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cephalopodamight not do that again01:25
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cephalopodaany chick in here wanna talk with me01:25
cephalopodai just had a nice conversation01:25
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cephalopodabut males get boring01:25
cephalopodaproves im not gay atleast01:25
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=== handir [n=handir@achn-4db499c7.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
CheesyMonkey!offtopic | cephalopoda01:26
ubotucephalopoda: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:26
=== WiZarD is now known as someone
sipiorwe need a "!creepy"01:26
cephalopodahey im talkin bout my bcm43xx drivers with the connection of the device to the kernel but the inability to connect but all i get is ignorance01:26
cephalopodai tells ya, ignorance!01:26
cephalopodainability to connect to the AP01:26
cephalopodabut the AP is seen01:26
jgossthat just means noone can help. that doesn't man you should go offtopic01:26
Assassin`wow i can't talk about piracy but we can have weirdos -_-01:27
cephalopodadose it mean i need to give you a golden shower01:27
cephalopodaWierdos schmirdos01:27
jgossplease be respectful01:27
cephalopodayour a looser for being on this stupid chat thingo01:27
liquiddoomtry sudo dhclient (ethernet interface)01:27
cephalopodaget a life, go to a club or sumin01:27
=== Carnage` [n=carnage@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu
magnetron_Assassin`: it's not illegal to be a weirdo01:27
CheesyMonkey!attitude | cephalopoda01:27
ubotucephalopoda: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:27
ubotuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable behaviour is please see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:27
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:27
cephalopodadhclienbt works in my other pcs01:28
cephalopodabut i dont get a leave01:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee
=== cephalopoda was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
Assassin`magnetron_: when your a predator it is lol01:28
CheesyMonkeyAhhh peace and quiet :)01:28
stefgkharloss: http://www.linux.com/articles/113988?tid=129&tid=100&tid=11901:28
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Assassin`c you all l8r01:28
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yves_mgi'm using ubuntu 7.04 with an automatic installation. I want to disable some packages01:31
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yves_mgis that still possible to disable packages via a kickstartfile?01:31
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ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning01:32
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abhican anyone help me with apache?01:33
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:33
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rolfenis it possible to skin a qt app? it looks ugly.01:34
asdxwill 7.10 have compiz active by default?01:34
natsumey_hello, what are this thing mean in phpsysinfo In/out errors01:35
natsumey_In/out errors01:35
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+101:36
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f00bar2khow can I stop rhythmbox loading when i dock my ipod?01:37
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jprietoim no talk  english01:38
jatt!es | jprieto01:38
ubotujprieto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:38
m1ris there a way to block user from accsesing filesystem and bound him only to his home folder ?01:38
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stefg!permissions | m1r01:38
ubotum1r: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:38
=== samwize [n=lordbrit@pool-71-101-99-221.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
m1ris there a way to block user from accsesing filesystem and bound him only to his home folder ?01:39
m1rty stefg01:39
jgossf00bar2k,  go to system then preferences then click removable drives and media preferences. On the multimedia tab you should be able to uncheck the part about portable multimedia players01:39
npnufnwhat type of software available for using voip (voice,cam) that will work with ubuntu.01:39
jgossthe part that has to do with rhythm box01:39
jprietoim spainish01:39
npnufnneither gaim/ or any other messenger is providing this facility.01:40
f00bar2kjgoss: aha, excellent thats just what i needed01:40
f00bar2kjgoss: thanks01:40
jgossyou're welcome :)01:40
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jatt!es | jprieto01:40
ubotujprieto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:40
stefgm1r: but you can't restrict read access to much, of course. the user still has to run stuff from /bin ,/usr/bin01:40
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npnufndoes any one know about the voip software that will work with ubuntu.01:41
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jprietoim spainish no talk english01:42
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abhican anyone help me with virtualhosting on apache in ubuntu server?01:42
Picijprieto: escribe /j #ubuntu-es01:42
abhiit's not working for me01:42
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jaconitrosode donde eres???01:42
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jprietode carrion01:42
jatt!es | jaconitroso01:43
ubotujaconitroso: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:43
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:43
jprietode sevilla01:43
devcenterhow to disable tomboy applet......but it's causing problem in my gnome01:43
jatt!es | jprieto01:43
jaconitrosoveo yo soy de Puerto Rico01:43
ubotujprieto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:43
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:43
jprietocuantos aos tienes01:43
=== trippndarift [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:43
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jprietoyo 1001:43
_Lucretia_is there a 32bit gnat/gcc?01:44
trippndariftIs there a way to make sure that a computer does not contain any KDE libraries?01:44
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jaconitrosofelicidades comensaste a la edad perfecta01:44
f00bar2kcan anyone recommend a good music player for linux, I'm currently using banshee but I'm annoyed at the lack of "Artist/Album" filters, and I really dislike Rhythmbox01:44
Pici!players | f00bar2k01:44
ubotuf00bar2k: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:44
f00bar2kPici: that wasnt a recommendation that was a list01:45
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Picif00bar2k: Amarok is quite good, although you'll need to install some kde dependencies to get it to work.01:45
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f00bar2kI'd rather stick to gtk2 interface01:45
f00bar2kamarok is also really crowded01:45
Picif00bar2k: Exaile aims to be a gtk replacement for Amarok01:45
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PiciI havent used it personally, but I've heard good things about it.01:46
devcenterhow to disable tomboy applet......but it's causing problem in my gnome01:46
Picidevcenter: right click on applet, 'remove from panel'01:46
f00bar2kooh exaile /does/ look good01:47
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abhican anyone help me with Virtual hosting on ubuntu?01:47
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npnufncan any one recommend a good software for voice chat & web cam that runs with ubuntu01:47
yves_mgis there still a possibility to exclude packages using a kickstart file?01:47
devcenterbut, i dont get open gnome for it01:47
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
devcenteri need disable tomboy applet, for console01:48
nox-HandHow would I make Entrance Desktop Manager (which I ihave installed) my default display manager?01:48
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stefgdevcenter: sudo apt-get remove tomboy01:48
nox-HandDesktop manager, or whatever01:48
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f00bar2khas anyone used Ereseva here?01:51
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ari_stresswhat's that?01:51
f00bar2kIM client01:51
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NET||abusehi guys.. i've lost sound on flash, and it's quite annoying.. :( anyone abel to lend a hand getting it back? I've googled and folowed the usual instructions , checked under system -> preferences -> sounds and tried all options.. it just willnot playback under flash, everything else seems to work.. i've reinstalled the flash non-free package also.. no joy..01:52
=== macsim [n=macsim@LSt-Amand-152-32-31-103.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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ZtaHow do I create a new folder when viewing files as List?01:52
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anachronikanyone know anything about DSDT?01:53
npnufnfoobar2k: did u tried that?01:53
ZtaCan I cusomize the toolbar of the file browser, eg. add a "Create New Folder" icon?01:53
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ari_stressZta: File > New Folder01:53
Ztaari_stress, argh fuck you're right.  I was certain that I'd already checked that.  How silly.01:54
starz!language zta01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language zta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
tutoshi guys,01:54
f00bar2knpnufn: im just getting it now01:54
starzdont swear they ban01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swear - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
tutosgot a question01:54
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:54
starzah there it is01:54
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Ztastarz, thanks for 10 lines of explanation.  Now I'll remember it.01:55
starzand for the record i disagree with the policy01:55
tutoshow can i get drivers for Lexmark Z645 printer?01:55
=== starz shrugs
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tutosdoes anybody know?01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lexmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:55
ZtaCan I cusomize the toolbar of the file browser, eg. add a "Create New Folder" icon?01:55
npnufnfoobar2k: I am also trying that now.  Apart from that do u know anything else that will do voice chat & cam usage.01:55
KyuDragonWolfI'm having trouble with RecordMyDesktop, is there a better program for recording my computer?01:55
starztutos try googling for: lexmark z645 ubuntuforums01:55
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=== magnetron_ is now known as magnetron
starzusually they have guides for it all :D01:56
tutosargh have already done that;/01:56
starzlets see01:56
magnetron!printer | tutos01:56
ubotututos: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:56
Ztatutos, http://linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi01:56
starzah needed a howto in there tutos01:57
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starzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2439290 shows an interesting post the guide is page one tho im sure the link provided by bot via magnetron is good01:58
starzshoot Zta's is prolly good to01:58
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ramii'm trying to install AWN via the terminal but everytime i press the letter Y it says cancels. whats wrong?01:59
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WizekDo someone know why is that, after i set window effects, it installed a "nvidia-xgl" package (or something like that), i restarted my pc - as it said - , and then GDM, coud not start :-/... i only have terminal at the os... how can i start the GUI??01:59
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tutosargh nothing found but thx anyway02:00
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magnetrontutos: maybe there is no driver for it yet02:01
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tutosmhm i guess so02:01
bit0Anyone knows  bug #23631  (Openoffice.org Base report wizard bug )02:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about makemelunch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
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f00bar2kworth a try02:03
WizekAfter i set window effects, it installed a "nvidia-xgl" package (or something like that), i restarted my pc - as it said - , and then GDM, coud not start :-/... i only have terminal at the os... how can i start the GUI??02:03
=== MagoDeOz85 [n=MagoDeOz@126.Red-83-58-90.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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magnetronhow do i disable join/part messages for a channel with xchat-gnome?02:06
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SleepingSlothcan anyone tell me why process gij-4.1 is using almost all of my CPU cycles?02:07
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magnetronSleepingSloth: you are running some java program, and java consume a lot of resources02:08
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kisskillhello everyone02:09
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SleepingSlothhello magnetron - ah - maybe azureus....02:09
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magnetronSleepingSloth: probably02:09
Commodore-Freakdoes anyone know how to install php4 in ubuntu 7.04?02:10
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SleepingSlothmagnetron: tanks for that, I'll have a look into it02:10
magnetronSleepingSloth: you might want to try another torrent client02:10
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SleepingSlothmagnetron: can you suggest a better multiple-torrent client? I used gtorrent briefly, but thats single file.....02:11
ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.02:11
kyjathere needs to be a system sound efects manager to go along with berly02:11
magnetronSleepingSloth: deluge or transmission02:11
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SleepingSlothstefg, magnetron: tahnkyou02:12
WizekAfter i set window effects, it installed a "nvidia-xgl" package (or something like that), i restarted my pc - as it said - , and then GDM, coud not start :-/... i only have terminal at the os... how can i start the GUI??02:12
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magnetronSleepingSloth: you're welcome02:12
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RadioApeShotHas anyone ever come across a directory named ">" in their home directory and root directory?02:12
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RadioApeShotIf I delete it, it comes back after restart.02:12
magnetronRadioApeShot: i have never heard of it02:13
RadioApeShotAnd I can't figure out who is making it.02:13
RadioApeShotAnd its hard to google for, since its just named ">"02:13
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magnetronRadioApeShot: check the ownership for the file02:13
RadioApeShotOwned by root02:13
magnetronRadioApeShot: where is it created?02:14
RadioApeShotThe directory itself is empty.02:14
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magnetrondid you check for hidden files in it?02:14
RadioApeShotIt was created on the 22 of last month02:14
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Jjohnregister jjohn02:14
RadioApeShotNo hidden files02:14
magnetron!register | Jjohn02:14
ubotuJjohn: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:14
devcenterhow to remove tomboy from console02:14
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_Lucretia_so, if I want to be able to compile 32 and 64 bits apps, I'm going to need 32-bit X libs as well?02:15
RadioApeShotUnless there are really great tricks for hiding files I don't know about.02:15
RadioApeShotls -la should show me everything, right?02:15
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magnetronRadioApeShot: yes, ls -la was what i meant02:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sblive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:15
RadioApeShotThe > directory under / also is empty.02:15
RadioApeShotIs there a way to keep a log of file access?02:15
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SleepingSlothstefg, magnetron: nothing in the repositories for deluge ?02:16
RadioApeShotSo I can turn logging on, delete the file, reboot and then see what causes it to appear again?02:16
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ramihow can i hide the original taskbar?02:16
xoRockneed help, have creative 5.1 sb live, the sound only come out from 2 front speaker02:16
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magnetron!deluge | SleepingSloth (no you would have to get it from their homepage, a deb file)02:16
ubotuSleepingSloth (no you would have to get it from their homepage, a deb file): deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.02:16
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stefgSleepingSloth: no, get a .deb from the site mentioned in the factoid02:16
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Taffy-nayhey every one, anyone here confidant with compiz/beryl to provide a quick hand?02:17
xoRockneed help, have creative 5.1 sb live, the sound only come out from 2 front speaker02:17
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FirefighterBlu3what init.d process(es) and kde processes need to be restarted when knetworkmanager takes it's usual s**t?  knm. has alzheimers and forgets to a) renew IP when a link comes up and b) totally forgets there are network interfaces installed02:17
magnetron!surround | xoRock02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about surround - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
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lixushi, i recently installed gutsy and it now identifies my IDE harddrive as sda. Former this was hda and sda was only used for SCSI devices. is this a bug or a feature ?02:18
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FirefighterBlu3'feature' of sorts02:18
xoRockmagnetron,  nothing happen02:18
magnetron!gutsy | lixus02:18
ubotulixus: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+102:18
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SleepingSlothmagnetron, stefg - oops... sorry about that. pebkac02:19
FirefighterBlu3libata is the new and improved way of doing things unfortunately you can no longer use hdparm on it02:19
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stefg!uuid | lixus02:19
ubotulixus: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:19
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lixusFirefighterBlu3: no hdparm ? that is not a real advantage. is there any replacement to set DMA and transfer modes then ?02:21
FirefighterBlu3eventually sdparm i believe02:21
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reversebladeHello I want to forward all the trafic coming to port 80 on a machine to the port 44444, again on the same machien  how can I do it by using iptables ?02:22
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FirefighterBlu3iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT
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FirefighterBlu3adjust the matching if you need to02:23
FirefighterBlu3if it comes in on a particular interface, from a particular source, etc etc02:23
FirefighterBlu3ewps.  my bad02:23
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FirefighterBlu3iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT
reversebladeFirefighterBlu3, that doesn't accept the destination, are you sure of the syntax ?02:24
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FirefighterBlu3add --to-destination02:24
FirefighterBlu3before the ip02:24
FirefighterBlu3i haven't had my mojo wakup yet02:24
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FirefighterBlu3iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
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lioxto install JDK of the repository or manual?02:27
lioxmanual in which directory I must install?02:27
lioxsomebody can help me?02:27
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reversebladeFirefighterBlu3, connection refused02:29
FirefighterBlu3telnet 8002:29
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reversebladedoes it work on you ?02:29
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FirefighterBlu3err, port 44444 if you get conx refused, your http daemon isn't answering02:29
ta|khallo, habe viel gegoogelt ohne ergebnis: gibt es ein tutorial um von ubuntu aus auf einen windrucker im lan zuzugreifen?02:29
reversebladeFirefighterBlu3, its no http02:29
reversebladeits tcp02:29
reversebladebsd binary socket02:29
FirefighterBlu3http is tcp02:29
reversebladebut tcp is no http02:30
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magnetron!de | ta|k02:30
ubotuta|k: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:30
FirefighterBlu3is your daemon running?  does netstat show it listening to *:44444 or
reversebladeFirefighterBlu3,  when I do telnet 44444  got an aswer02:30
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=== genii sips a coffee and tries to get awake
ta|kok, danke/thanks a lot!02:30
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:30
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FirefighterBlu3what is your iptables rule?02:30
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reversebladeFirefighterBlu3, how to check ?02:31
magnetronhow do i disable join/part messages for a channel with xchat-gnome?02:31
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FirefighterBlu3iptables -nvL -t nat02:31
reversebladeFirefighterBlu3, telnet 44444Trying to
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reversebladeI do this then  : udo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 9090 -j DNAT --to-destination
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:32
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reversebladetelnet 9090 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused02:33
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reversebladeFirefighterBlu3,  tcp dpt:9090 to:
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FirefighterBlu3if you're doing localhost, try OUTPUT instead of PREROUTING02:34
jacknNetwork printing not working. The server and the client seem to recognize each other, but no printing.02:34
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majorjrkI cant isntall feisty on a brand new laptop, getting the /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off and [ 1.404052]  PCI : Failed to allocate mem resource #6:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX fpr 0000:01:00.0 Loading please wait, anyone could help me ?02:35
forestHey -- I want to setup password-protected SAMBA shares on 7.04. The GUI does not have the option, so I'm trying to use the command line, following http://ubuntuguide.org/ but the share is still accessible without password. Is this cause I already set it up with the GUI first? What Can I do?02:35
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magnetronforest: the info from ubuntuguide will make it unprotected, password protected is the standard02:36
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YazzYhi there guys02:37
forestmagnetron -- when I turned on Samba with the GUI, the standard way, it was unprotected. ubuntuguide says " How to share home folders with read only permission (Authentication=Yes)" ?02:37
YazzYhow to replace java gcj with sun java?02:37
gcw|soluritycan someone point me to the url for feisty's main repository? I can't seem to find it anywhere02:37
YazzYcan i just replace that symlink /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java ?02:37
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YazzYwith /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
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forestmagnetron -- do you know how I can setup a password then?02:39
YazzYyah, seems like it was that easy02:39
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magnetronforest: trust me, the GUI way will not allow ANY login without some extra tweaking. the ubuntuguide way will disable password checking02:40
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jackngcw|solurity, Is that OK? deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted02:41
jackndeb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty restricted main multiverse u02:41
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forestmagnetron -- I trust you, I have reverted my ubuntuguide edits to smb.conf and restarted samba, but I can browse the shared folder from another computer, it asks for no password02:41
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egWK I got restarted my pc before 4 hours and when I opened it alsa had chose other sound device how can I change it back? also I got an error about $home something in the login screen after I entered pw and username I was able to login just fine. anyone can help me?02:41
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FirefighterBlu3i use kmix and it lets you choose the soundcard if you have two sound cards onboard02:42
FirefighterBlu3without knowing what the error is we can't help you02:43
magnetronforest: Paste your smb.conf to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give us the link, maybe someone here can help02:43
RayGhannamhello I was trying to install apache, but I got errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30213/02:43
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forestI have enabled SAMBA sharing on 7.04 via the GUI, but the share are accessible with no password. How can I add a password? Here is my smb.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30214/02:44
forestmagnetron -- ok, done02:44
jacknegWK, Try System - Administration - Soundcard Detection. Lets you set default, and play a sound...02:45
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gcw|solurityjackn: thx02:45
jackngcw|solurity, No sweat. Does it work?02:45
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magnetronforest: in the last lines, you have a line that says "public = yes" . edit it to say "public = no"02:46
jacknNetowrk printing not working. Server and client machines recognize each other, but no printing. Help?02:46
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egWKjackn, I can't see that :S I am using ubuntu 7.04, Feisty Fawn02:47
karontehey ppl02:47
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forestmagnetron -- appears to have worked. You have made my day. Thankyou!02:48
gcw|solurityjackn: yep02:48
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magnetronforest: no problem02:48
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egWKFirefighterBlu3, that thing is for kde02:48
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karonteppl y need to add more login screens where do i get it?02:49
jacknegWK, Sorry. Preferences - sound - devices tab.02:49
_Lucretia_need to build 32-bit apps on Feisty64 but there is no lib32-dev, how do I do this? Basically, OpenGL/SDL/GLX/X stuff02:49
egWKjackn,  thnx :)02:50
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jacknThanks guys, take care.02:50
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RayGhannamhello I was trying to install apache, but I got errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30213/ can someone guide me in installing the apache ?02:51
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dimebarRayGhannam: do you already have some other webserver running on port 80?02:52
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RayGhannamI tried to go to http://localhost but it didnt work02:52
RayGhannamso no other web servers right?02:52
jackn_Network printing not working, although server and client machine recognize each other. Help? Using HP Deskjet 5740, on Feisty Fawn.02:52
erUSUL!lamp | RayGhannam02:53
ubotuRayGhannam: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:53
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bit0Anyone who can access launchpad?02:53
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bit0#23631 is solved in OpenOffice.org version 2.2.1 (only in Debian/Sid not testing)02:54
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erUSULbit0: nope02:54
vip3rousmangoanyone know what /dev/sg0/ refers to?02:54
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jackn_bit0, yes, I can. Anything you'd like to know?02:55
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RayGhannamerUSUL: thats what I need02:55
bit0jackn_ bug #23631 is solved in OpenOffice.org version 2.2.1 (only in Debian/Sid not testing)02:55
erUSULvip3rousmango: optical scsi device (can be ide sata or usb too as all of them use the linux scsi subsystem)02:55
vip3rousmangoNero Linux says SCSI Generic Device (/dev/sg0) is unaccessable at startup, what does this mean?02:55
RayGhannamI wanna run an intranet website02:55
erUSULvip3rousmango: to make it shart it is your cdrom or dvd02:55
RayGhannamusing the php and mysql02:55
RayGhannamso the LAMP will solve all of this ?02:55
dimebarRayGhannam: in a console type  "ps aux | grep apache" t to make sure you don't already have another version up and running (apache2)02:56
jackn_bit0, I'm afraid I'm not sure what you'd like me to do. You'd like me to post this?02:56
bit0jackn_: is OpenOffice.org database, can't create reports.02:56
vip3rousmangoerUSUL: so.. if it cant read to it, then i can't burn anything corrent?02:56
bit0jackn_: sure!02:56
geniiperhaps grep httpd may work02:56
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AdvoWorkhow can i close open office if its crashed,ie its giving me errors (OK) but just keeps looping so i cant get out of it02:57
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:58
erUSULvip3rousmango: correct maybe you can tell nero to use some other device node like /dev/sdx (x can be a,b,c,d) or /dev/scdx (where x 0,1)02:58
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MTecknologyI need help getting my stylus to work. As of now, I have the cursor tracking along the screen very well. I can't figure out why I can't get the buttons on it to work. Anybody have any ideas? It's a Fujitsu FinePoint device...02:59
jackn_bit0, here's what I got when I looked for it: No results for search bug #2363102:59
DlaregI have a small question?02:59
AdvoWorkjatt how do i find the pid then?02:59
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geniiAdvoWork: Try ctrl-alt-esc  and see if you get a little skull and crossbones icon for cursor. If so, put it on the offending window and click.02:59
DlaregAptitude just uninstalled my whole system... Except for a few packages I wanted to install..02:59
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Dlaregis there a way to revert?03:00
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jattAdvoWork: pidof oowriter (or ooimpress, or whatever you want to kill)03:00
jackn_AdvoWork, can you get a terminal?03:00
jackn_AdvoWork, just say 'killall oowriter'.03:00
jattoh yeah or that03:01
RayGhannamdimebar: I dont have any apache process03:01
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jackn_AdvoWork, any luck?03:01
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ariczHi, anyone know how to copy pictures from my camera in console? It's using usb-connection.. :)03:01
gordonjcparicz: have a look in /media03:02
AdvoWorkjackn no :S  also tried #  ps   but it doesnt seem to be listing open office03:02
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dimebarRayGhannam: or as genii suggested httpd ?03:02
Montaroaricz: when u connect the camera it should detect it as a usb mass storage device.. just mount it03:02
ariczgordonjcp : only cdrom and floppy there03:02
bit0jackn_:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/2363103:02
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Montaroaricz: if you need a filesystem type, it'll probably be fat1603:02
jackn_aricz, just look at /media and copy to wherever you like from it.03:02
MTecknologyhow can I map one keypress event to another one?03:02
gordonjcparicz: ok, you need to mount it.  Did an icon appear for it on the desktop?03:02
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ariczgordonjcp : yep, it found the camera and pics in X.. but I want to copy from "ordinary" console instead, if it can be done.. :)03:03
gordonjcpit can03:03
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jackn_aricz, yes it can. Just look up the camera on /media .03:03
gordonjcparicz: when you plug the camera it, it will appear as a disk drive, and then it will be mounted somewhere03:03
Nylehey, if I use ubuntu amd64, will it help me automatically setup java/flash underchroot or is it hard?03:03
gordonjcpjackn_: he said there wasn't anything new in /media03:03
skolliearicz: look in X to see whete it is mounted and then copy from the mount point to wherever you want03:03
Nyleor nspluginwrapper?03:03
dimebarRayGhannam: also it may be worth looking in /var/log/dpkg.log for clues as to why it didn't complete installation03:03
skolliearicz: *where03:04
Nylewhichever one works best.  I want to use amd64 but I am having problems with flash/java03:04
DreamweaverAnyone here successfully emulated ET:QW with wine on feisty? I'm stuck at the 32 bpp ERROR, even tho i did the REgedit thing03:04
gordonjcparicz: have a look at the cdrom and floppy just in case it's mounted it there03:04
jackn_bit0, ok I'm there.03:04
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RayGhannamdimebar: I'm gonna install LAMP03:04
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.03:04
DreamweaverI have an AMD64 and flash works well03:04
dimebarRayGhannam: just to test something in your console type "sudo /etc/init.d/apache start"03:04
NyleDreamweaver: what about java browser plugin03:04
AdvoWorkjackn_ any ideas then? if its not listing as a process, i cant kill it03:04
RayGhannamcan I paste 4 lines?03:04
jackn_bit0, now what..?03:04
ariczgordonjcp : I checked, nothing there03:04
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gordonjcparicz: what does mount say?03:05
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NyleDreamweaver: I have java installed and flash installed and using nspluginwrapper.  firefox shows it in about:plugins, however no flash videos ever work in any page03:05
dimebarRayGhannam: pastie.caboo.se03:05
jackn_AdvoWork, don't know, but how about Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Restarts desktop (gnome).03:05
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jackn_AdvoWork, news?03:05
DreamweaverNyle: i had the same error, wait, ill give you an url to an auto installer someone posted on the forums, just searching it03:05
VSpikeI want to run a server program as a non-priviledged user, but it wants to liston on port 1666.  Does it require priviledges to open that port?03:05
Dreamweaverit worked well for me03:06
J420NWhat program can I use to open a .bin file? Is there one in Add/Remove programs?03:06
ariczgordonjcp : oh, what was that paste-url again? :)03:06
savetheWorldVSpike: no03:06
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RayGhannamdimebar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30215/03:06
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:06
VSpikeJ420N: usually "chmod 755 something.bin && ./something.bin"03:06
DreamweaverNyle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42567203:06
bit0jackn_: bug is solved in OpenOffice.org version 2.2.1 . This version is in Debian/unstable (not testing).03:06
Dreamweavertry this03:06
NyleJ420N: you can run .bin files with sh or make them executable with chmod a+x blah.bin03:06
dimebarRayGhannam: ok, in your console type "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start"03:06
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VSpikesavetheWorld: Hmm ok thanks03:06
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jackn_gordonjcp, I'm confused as he also said he could see an icon. I think he needs to list directories in /media. He must not recognize them.03:07
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RayGhannamdimebar: I didn't install any package yet, what every package means I dont understand those03:08
jackn_bit0, Please bear with me. 1. Where do I say it's solved? 2. What do you mean 'this version...'? Sorry, never done it before.03:08
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bit01 Its solved in version 2.2.1 .03:08
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ariczgordonjcp : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30217/plain/03:09
bit0jackn_:  Currrent feisty OpenOffice.org version is 2.2.0, and this version has 23631 bug. 1. OpenOffice.org version 2.2.1 solves this problem.03:09
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Selrachquestion: Can KVM and KQEMU be used together?03:10
jackn_bit0, I'm starting to get it... So, should I just add a comment?03:10
gordonjcparicz: bizarre, it doesn't look like it's mounted at all03:10
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bit0jackn_:  yes!03:10
dimebarRayGhannam: the reason apache 1.3 is crapping out at the configuration stage (i think) is something else is listening on port 80.03:10
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gordonjcparicz: and you can get to it from an icon on the desktop?03:11
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ariczgordonjcp : ahm.. lets see.. :|03:11
jackn_bit0, great. And what about the Debian stuff? And how do I say it in your name? I'll need to register anyway, as I'm not.03:11
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bit0jackn_: put simply: Solved in OpenOffice.org-2.2.1 version .     And, if you want write down more.. 2.2.1 is in Debian/Sid.03:11
ariczgordonjcp : I think I answered wrong to a question earlier.. when I turn on the camera, ubuntu autodetects the camera and loads the pics/vids.. but lets see if I can find an icon .. :)03:12
jackn_bit0, OH, finally the penny dropped. I now understand everything you'd like to say. so do I add it in my name? Attributing to you?03:12
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RayGhannamdimebar: how to check if my IP is already using the port 80 ?03:12
jrattner1Question: If I set up a webserver based on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNew and enabled spamassasin and such...should i connect to it on 10024 or normal IMAP 14303:12
bit0no... put your name03:12
vladuz976compiz beryl works fine, rotate cube give me only two sides, not four. anybody here who can help?03:12
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vladuz976i dont see what setting is wrong03:12
bit0mi nick is "bit0", you can find me googling ;)03:13
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jackn_bit0, Well I'll enter a comment for myself, but I do need a reference to you. And is a comment enough? Don't you need to change the bug status somewhere to 'soloved'?03:13
Hagbard_Yo, I have some 3d trouble. Using nvidia-glx Feisty, Geforce 2 MX. Compiz and glxgears is really slow and sluggish, 10fps from glxgears. glxinfo says direct rendering and Compiz doesn't complain about anything. Any one else got this issue?03:13
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Hagbard_And any solution?03:13
ariczgordonjcp : I see no icons, where am I supposed to see it by the way?03:14
gordonjcpit should pop something up on the desktop03:14
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jackn_bit0, Isn't the current Debian rather Etch?03:14
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gordonjcpyou might also see it in "Places"03:14
bit0jackn_  solved?, no really, someone has to port 2.2.1 to Ubuntu03:14
ariczgordonjcp : it loads 'Import Photos'03:14
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gordonjcparicz: ok, so it's seeing the camera; cancel "import photos"03:15
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RayGhannamwhats the apache2-mpm-worker ?03:15
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jrattner1Question: Does ubuntu use maildir or mbox by default?03:15
dimebarRayGhannam: when you installed did you install 'apache' or 'apache2' ?03:16
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ariczgordonjcp : ok, canceled 'import photos' .. and there was nothing in 'places', just the same as in /media (cdrom, floppy)03:16
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skolliearicz: use nautilus to browse to your system and find the camera device03:16
forestStill having samba troubles. I had password protected sharing working, but after I restarted both computers I can no longer see either share. I thought maybe it was because both machines have the same username and had the same network username?03:16
WaxyFreshhi how do i convince my usb external harddisk to let me read/write to/from it?i tryed bribeing it by sticking quarters in its vent slots but that dosent seam to work..03:16
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Hagbard_WaxyFresh: Install ntfs-3g if it's a NTFS-drive.03:16
CppIsWeirdis this the proper location of the C header files for my kernel? : [/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include03:17
jackn_bit0, OK. Sorry for being slow on the uptake, I'm learning. I'm going to add a remark, I do have an account, and I'm going to say bit0, including all the detail you've explained to me.03:17
J420Ni can't get my .bin file to open, i made it show the EULA, but when I agree, it says error extracting payload; no such file or directory03:17
vladuz976can someone help with compix fusion? cube doesn`t rotate. I`d like to have 4 workspaces somehow, rotating or not rotating03:17
sn0WaxyFresh ntfs-config is a nice little tool to enable ntfs-3g for your internal/external ntfs partitions/drives03:17
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forestFirs smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30219/03:17
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forestand the second http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30220/03:18
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jrattner1Question: Does ubuntu use maildir or mbox by default?03:19
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geniiexim4 uses maildir in /var/spool/mail03:19
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jrattner1genii, intresting thanks03:19
geniijrattner1: np03:20
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theonewhat is this03:20
forestSo I deleted the network user from the first machine. A few minutes later the shares are visible again. But now you can't login to that machine cause there's no user, and it keep failing when I try to add a new one03:20
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jackn_bit0, done.03:20
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bullgard4Using http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading I did an upgrade from Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu 7.04. Many Gnome icons which I obtained differ from those in a direct Ubuntu 7.04 install. Why?03:21
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bit0jackn_: thanks!!03:21
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adity1hi .. how do i enable automounting of ntfs drives ?03:21
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jackn_Nework printing not working, although server and client machine recognize each other, and the printer appears in both. No printing. Help?03:22
jackn_bit0, my pleasure.03:22
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adity1hi .. how do i enable automounting of ntfs drives ?03:23
theoneare you there03:23
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liquiddoomadity1: add it to /etc/fstab03:23
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jackn_adity1, I don't know, what's so special about those? Why not a line in /etc/fstab?03:23
Jjohnvalduz976, I used beryl and it worked for me03:23
linux_sslI met the "Internal error Failed to initialize HAL", how to resolve the problem?03:23
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bullgard4Ich habe Ubuntu mittels http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading von 6.10 auf 7.04 aktualisiert. Warum unterscheiden sich viele Gnome-Symbole (Icons) von denen einer direkten Ubuntu-7.04-Installation?03:24
genii!de | bullgard403:24
ubotubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:24
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adity1jackn_:sudo: /etc/fstab: command not found03:24
FlokerHey guys, one quick question: I've got a user named example, and he is in the groups example and admin. how do i  exclude this user from the admin group? (no gui, just a minimal console installation)03:25
KriS83Hi... just being curious... 6.06 ist currently LTS. Will the next 7.10 also be LTS or which version is planed to be the next LTS?03:25
liquiddoomadity1: /etc/fstab is a file03:25
jackn_bullgard4, viel spass. Mann spricht nicht deutch hier.03:25
gordonjcpFloker: usermod -G example example03:25
Flokerspecial thanks03:25
skollieadity1 sudo nano /etc/fstab03:25
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linux_sslanyone can tell me how to resolve this problem: http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/files/thumbs/t_screenshot9_15791.png03:25
WaxyFreshsn0: i installed ntfs-config,now what?03:26
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jackn_adity1, it's a file, not a command. You need to add your device and mount it there. Why not open your /etc/fstab and study it? gedit /etc/fstab03:26
sn0WaxyFresh run it :-)03:26
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adity1liquiddoom: how do i use them to mount my ntfs drives ?03:26
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jackn_adity1, open the file and you'll get to know it a bit. Then, you need the device (partition, drive) on which your NTFS files are. Then a mount point.03:27
weas3l*hem* i'd like to pose a query, a riddle... if you will. if i'm trying to get ndswrapper working with feisty, how would i get synaptic to install the packages from a cd?03:27
underwatercowDoes anyone know if there are any good video editing programs for Linux/Ubuntu?03:27
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Jjohnunderwatercow, kino03:28
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IdleOneunderwatercow, check out #ubuntustudio03:28
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adity1ya thank u all03:29
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webhello. is there a channel for openoffice?03:31
jackn_adante, look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142481, in particular step 3.03:31
ariczHmm, /proc/bus/usb/devices .. shows "Product=USB PTP Camera" .. and then there's /proc/bus/usb/001 and /proc/bus/usb/002 .. does 001 and 002 have something to do with the camera?03:32
WizekHi all! How can I install Beryl safe? I tried it twice, but it was wrong... GDM could not start, and i had only terminal, instead of GUI. I have nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS, if it is important, and I instaled Ubuntu 7.04, my system is "fresh".03:32
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Flokeranother question for you cracks: i use the command last to see who logged onto my server, but i can not read the full hostname since the columns are too smalll, i only get like "dslb-084-060-052" wo/ the rest, even if i use last > last.txt and open that file in nano. how can i see the full hostnames?03:32
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FlokerWizek, why would you want to install beryl in the first place? just activate desktop effects in your system-menu03:33
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mon^rchbecause beryl just plain works better03:34
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webanybody here, who is good with OpenOffice?03:34
RichiHFloker: last -a03:34
WizekFloker+, i did it, it downloaded an "nvidia-xgl" package, and i restarted my system (as it said), and the same, no GUI, only terminal...03:34
RichiHFloker: you usually want to `man $thecommand` to read about the command line options03:34
skolliewhat do you need web?03:34
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WizekFloker, i did it, it downloaded an "nvidia-xgl" package, and i restarted my system (as it said), and the same, no GUI, only terminal...03:35
FlokerWizek, i think you have to use nvidia-glx-new instead of nvidia-glx03:35
WizekFloker, how can i do it?03:35
kokihey guys, i got a problem with 3D acceleartion on GeForce 620003:35
underwatercowBeryl has a lot more options and effects than Desktop-effects03:35
jackn_weas3l, in the edit menu, you can add a CD rom, that might do it. I do recall sth about telling Synaptic whether to go to the net or to the CD-ROM, but you'd have to look for that.03:35
Flokerjust open up a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"03:35
Flokerthat'll do it03:36
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toryl__web: yeah oo has a channel, it's #Openoffice.org03:36
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Flokerwithout the quotes03:36
Flokertthank you RichiH03:36
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underwatercowWizek: I have the same card, actually03:36
underwatercowWizek: and I have gotten Beryl working03:36
mon^rchincedently, what's "new" about the nvidia-glx-new pkg?03:36
Flokeri try not to ask too many dumb questions from now on03:36
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Flokerwell, its for the new nvidia-cards i guess mon^rch03:37
underwatercowWizek: I had to tell the Restricted Driver manager not to mess with the driver, then install the new nvidia drivers03:37
Wizekunderwatercow, i dont know what i do wrong, but i think it will crasn my system again...03:37
mon^rchlol, define new03:37
underwatercowlet me find the file I edited quick03:37
Flokeri dont have an nvidia card i dont know about them, maybe its the gx2 or whatever they call it03:37
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RichiHFloker: there are no dumb questions. nonetheless, using man before asking about a program is recommended. it will make you able to figure stuff out on your own03:38
jackn_Network printing not working. Server printer recognized by client, yet no printing. HP Deskjet 5740, Feisty Fawn? Any help?03:38
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FlokerRichiH, man, for i am such a noob, youre pretty nice to me ;)03:38
forest_Can anyone tell me why this is happening? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30223/ It's not because I'm mistyping the pass. I got no network users and I can't add any!03:38
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t2hi,  i'm logged onto feisty terminal (X is messed up by me) and i cannot unmount a USB drive with the "unmount" command... it tells me command not found !  please help03:39
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magnetronforest_ the user needs to exist as a usual user too03:39
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skollieforest_: try adding users via the gui03:39
jackn_t2, just 'umount', no n, if that's the issue.03:40
t2wait scratch that03:40
RichiHFloker: freenode tends to be friendly :)03:40
t2ye sorry i was scared id lose the info :)03:40
t2its saysing device is busy ...03:40
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geniit2 Yes, just umount without the extra n in there03:41
forest_skollie -- there's no way to add users via the gui03:41
underwatercowWizek: I believe this link should explain the 8800GTS acceleration03:41
jackn_t2, can you kill the process? Also, there's force 'umount', but then you lose data.03:41
underwatercowWizek: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html03:41
forest_It seems to cause problems if you have two samba users with the same name on the same network?03:41
geniit2 you may be inside the directory you are trying to un mount03:41
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geniit2 before umount command do something like  cd~03:41
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geniicd ~ rather with space03:42
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t2genii yes that was it... sorry for the basic question ...  thanks03:42
forest_gotta logout then03:42
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forest_no i don't03:42
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jackn_genii thanks for this idea03:42
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kokihey guys, i got a problem with 3D acceleartion on GeForce 6200, doesn't seem to work, even if i have downloaded the latest drivers with envy03:42
geniijackn_ :)03:42
WizekFloker, it cannot find package "nvidia-xgl-new"...03:43
forest_magnetron -- thanks. I do I also have to make sure the samba user I add on machone 1 has a different name from the samba user I add on machine two? That seems to be causing the problem03:43
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jackn_OK, calling it a day. Will catch you all's later.03:43
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magnetronforest_: no03:43
Flokeryou have to activate some extra repositories i guess03:43
geniiforest_ If you want to have multiple same names, edit the smb.conf to map whatever names to some guest name03:43
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forest_magnetron, genii -- I gotta restart both now03:44
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RivalHi, I recently installed ubuntu but I have a second Hard drive that I can see through as hdb.  But I can not access to it.  Can you help?03:44
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FlokerWizek,  im not such of a crack but i guess you have to remove some #s in your /etc/apt/sources.list file but IMPORTANT: Do not mess with that file unless you know what youre doing! pease look up the internet before changing anything03:44
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genii!repos | Wizek03:45
ubotuWizek: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:45
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Flokeryou can also activate the other repositories in synaptic03:46
Flokeri would recommend that03:46
jan__anyone has an idea why i always enter a interactive session  with ssh ?03:46
geniiYes thats usually safest03:46
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genii^ Floker Wizek03:46
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geniijan__: Likely the default shell for that user is ssh instead of sh or bash03:47
[KLIENTAS] Hello, I am completely lost. I can't connect or internet and i tried lots of things, but still can't connect03:48
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feveldoes anyone use ubuntu for webdesign03:48
WizekHow can i change the DISABLED_MODULES=" to DISABLED_MODULES=nv :-/ (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html)03:48
geniiSo then it goes to ssh then falls thru to bash03:48
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Flokerfevel, i do03:48
redhow do i get the newest version of open office for ubuntu 6.1003:48
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feh__anyone a guru with the usplash / ubuntu boot up screens?03:49
compenginice question03:49
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feh__when i boot I do not see the ubuntu splash screens, is there an easy way to just do the text based bootup?03:49
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WizekHow can i change the DISABLED_MODULES=" to DISABLED_MODULES=nv :-/ (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html)03:50
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jcastro_hi everybody, can somebody tellme how change window decoration in compiz??? i was using beryl and emerald, but with compiz i don't know...03:51
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forestHow do I find the MAC address of a computer running Ubuntu 7.04?03:51
fevelFloker: can you hint me with a few tools that you normally use??03:51
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underwatercowWizek: in the file /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules, you can add nv there03:51
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forestmagneto -- it seems that whenever I restart the computers, it takes about 5 minutes for the samba shares to appear?03:52
fevelFloker: im pretty new to webdesigning with opensource03:52
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geniifeh__: edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst default kernel entry and take out quiet   and splash03:52
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underwatercowWizek: I think what I did, is installed the drivers, then edited the file, and rebooted03:52
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feh__genii, thanks03:53
geniifeh__: edit the file with gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:53
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geniifeh__: np03:53
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Flokerfevel i opend a query w/ you03:53
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Wizekexplorer cannot find directory, how should i get there? with terminal?03:53
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Wizekunderwatercow, explorer cannot find directory, how should i get there? with terminal?03:53
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jcastro_can somebody help me please, how change window decoration in compiz??03:55
Flokerfevel: check out OpenWebsuite.org its really cool, allthouh its java03:55
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feh__genii, any ideas why the ubuntu splash does not show up when i boot?03:55
NutubuntuWhy would my HD access03:55
underwatercowWizek:  what about any files that start with linux-restricted-modules?03:55
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feh__I just get a black screen until gdm starts03:55
underwatercowWizek: The one I had to edit was linux-restricted-modules-common03:55
Nutubuntu: / why would my HD keep showing activity when I have nothing running in the foreground? Every 6 seconds a brief ... something.03:56
geniifeh__: It may be the package usplash is not installed. This could happen if you put on X for instance after a LAMP install. Or possibly the kernel option splash is not in the /boot/grub/menu.lst alreay03:56
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feh__I do have usplash installed and I have no idea what lamp is, so that probably is not it03:57
RivalJe ne peux accder  mon deuxime disque dur... quelqu'un peut me donner un coup de main?03:57
underwatercowWizek: I'm going to have to go in a second03:57
underwatercowWizek: :(03:57
Nutubuntu!fr | Rival03:57
ubotuRival: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:57
Wizekunderwatercow, thyx03:57
Wizekunderwatercow, jitter me, now reboot comes03:58
underwatercowWizek: have you already installed the drivers?03:58
geniifeh__: If you do  apt-cache search splash | more   it has quite a few packages there with different splash screens for whatever *buntu you have03:58
Wizekunderwatercow, only one03:58
underwatercowWizek: ie. from the nvidia site?03:58
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Wizekunderwatercow, no i haven't03:58
Wizekunderwatercow :-[03:58
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feh__genii, ^ Feisty, one sec running that cmd03:59
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Flokeris there a command to see how much space there is left on my harddisk?03:59
underwatercowWizek: make sure you read the site I gave you... it also wants you to update your xorg.cong03:59
underwatercowWizek: xorg.conf03:59
geniiFloker df -h04:00
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ZtaHow do I replace the metacity window manager -- and the window manager ONLY -- with fluxbox?04:00
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underwatercowWizek: I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry... run the drivers install from the prompt, and tell it to update the xorg.conf04:00
underwatercowWizek: blah... ttyl!04:00
ZtaI mean, where is it started from, and can I make a new profile/session/whatever based on the one that starts metacity, and start fluxbox instead?04:00
underwatercowFloker: should be able to use du I think04:00
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abernanitIs there any way I can get nvidia glx drivers to work with the command acpi=off without causing an X error?04:01
fevelsorry Floker, I was googling for tools04:01
geniiunderwatercow: Thats good too :)04:01
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fevelFloker: you said you opened a query??04:01
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Flokernever mind fevel04:01
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SafroleAnyone know of a program in the ubuntu repository that will allow creation of .pdf files from image files?04:01
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Flokerfevel, OpenWebSuite.org is the right place for you i guess04:01
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ZtaSafrole, perhaps imagemagick's convert04:02
geniiSafrole It depends what format the original is in04:02
ZtaSafrole, perhaps gimp04:02
WooDHi !04:02
Safrolegimp can create .pdf files?04:02
SafroleI had no idea.04:02
ZtaSafrole, But technically it would rarely make any sense.04:02
WooDI need some information on how to put my network card eth0 to dhcp mode please04:02
ZtaSafrole, read again; I wrote "perhaps"04:02
geniiSafrole the commandline ones are usually named like bmp2pdf gif2pdf  and so on04:03
osfameronor print to file and then run ps2pdf :-)04:03
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fevelFloker: im checking it out right now04:03
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FlokerWooD, do you use gnome?04:03
ZtaOr use OpenOffice Draw maybe.  I guess it will write pdf when the oowriter does.04:03
WooDFloker:  I use Ubuntu Server04:04
geniiSafrole Another option is to import your pic into OpenOffice then export to pdf from there04:04
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Flokersorry cant help you WooD04:04
fevelFloker: is it also wysiwyg?04:04
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Safrolegimp will save as ps04:05
Flokerno fevel04:05
jrattner1Question: When configuring Dovecot should I set it up to use maildir or mbox on Ubuntu?04:05
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WooDHow to config eth0 in Ubunter server please  ? I need to put it back on DHCP mode please04:05
Safroleand from there ps2pdf in the terminal should do it04:05
ZtaSafrole, but ... why?04:05
ferronicawhere do i find glossy pannels ?04:05
Flokerthere are virtually no wysiwyg webdesign tools for linux04:05
systemd0wnQuestion, When running Kismet a new source gets added to the bottom of my kismet.conf file... anyone know why?  Its not a feature in kismet.04:05
SafroleZta: So I scanned some pages in a book, and I want to make them into a .pdf file.04:05
Flokerfevel, nvu is the only nearly usable wysiwyg tool for ubuntu04:06
majnoonany nvidia experts here i have a question on tv-out trying to display X on tv and get the full screen04:06
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NutubuntuSafrole,  cups-pdf? kprinter? see http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/23/print-to-pdf-using-cups-pdf/04:06
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majnoonusing nvidia's drivers04:06
IdleOne!quanta | Floker04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
fevelFloker: but it hasnt been active for a year04:06
IdleOne!quanta2 | Floker04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
SafroleZta: Does that sound like a good reason to you?04:06
Flokertry it out fevel, its okay for the beginning, later on you will hard-code your websites anyways04:06
abernanitIs there any way I can update the nvidia glx drivers running acpi=off without causing an X error?04:06
kisoriwhen I plug in my headphones the speaker doesn turn off :(04:06
novato_brwhy the system gnome monitor measure 0% to mplayer, if it is playing now?04:06
genii!info quanta04:06
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2382 kB, installed size 5728 kB04:06
kisorion my laptop04:06
Flokerquanta is not wysiwyg IdleOne04:06
Flokeri think04:06
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majnoon!info nvidia04:07
ubotuPackage nvidia does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:07
ZtaSafrole, I see.  Makes sense.  Then you should probably use OpenOffice Writer, import the images, resize them to fill the entire page, and then export to pdf.  Then you have a real pdf book.  I'm not aware of other tools for doing this.04:07
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SafroleOkay, I wasn't aware that OpenOffice had something.04:07
novato_braloo, somebody is there?04:07
geniimajnoon !info is for specific package info :) !something is general help about "something"04:07
SafroleThis is a pain to do with windows, I'm glad it seems a lot easier with ubuntu. :)04:07
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ZtaSafrole, Otherwise you'll just have 1000 pdf files instead of 1 pdf file with 1000 pages.04:08
SlimeyPete!nvidia | majnoon04:08
ubotumajnoon: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:08
ZtaSafrole, I don't know if it's easier, but it can be done =)04:08
NutubuntuSafrole, OO.o will output pdf - so will Scribus, if you're producing books or pamphlets; so will LaTeX in one of its incarnations04:08
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majnoonSlimeyPete: it working just need to see about getting it to display the WHOLE screen04:08
Safrolewell with windows, all the programs usually aren't free, and the ones that are marketed as free are just trial editions04:08
Safroleand they'll leave water marks on your .pdf04:09
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SafroleIt's annoying.04:09
NutubuntuSafrole,  this isn't windows :)04:09
ZtaSafrole, don't ask about LaTeX .. don't got down that road.04:09
geniiI generally import whatever into OOo then export to pdf if thats the format I need04:09
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floatingHello. tar -xvzf gives me error unknown command z and -xvf block size error. This is on sun solaris machine though, not ubuntu, but I just want to extract a tar file properly for make install04:09
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systemd0wnQuestion, When running Kismet a new source gets added to the bottom of my kismet.conf file... anyone know why?  Its not a feature in kismet.04:09
SafroleZta: I know a lot about LaTeX04:09
NutubuntuZta,  it's easier than you apparently think ... :)04:09
geniiZta Heh :)04:09
WooDHow to config eth0 in Ubunter server please  ? I need to put it back on DHCP mode please04:09
Safroleno need to ask04:09
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magnetronSafrole: there is a plugin for cups that will let you print to pdf04:09
ZtaNutubuntu, I know it's not easy.04:09
SafroleI'm a mathematician as it turns out.04:09
ZtaNutubuntu, oowriter is easier.04:09
fevelFloker: dont you use inkscape and gimp??04:09
NutubuntuZta, it's easier than you apparently know, in that case :)04:09
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magnetron!info cups-pdf | Safrole04:10
ubotusafrole: cups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-3 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB04:10
Safrolemagnetron: That's good to know, I saved your link. Thanks04:10
Flokerfevel, yep i do use both04:10
ZtaNutubuntu, right =)04:10
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geniiWooD you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces. For help on syntax of that file do   man interfaces04:10
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Flokerfevel, plus scribus04:10
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abcd4321Hey, does anyone know what command I tye to stop a program I launch from the terminal.. like beryl?04:10
NutubuntuOverkill and not well suited for what Safrole was describing though :)04:10
Ztaabcd4321, killall beryl04:10
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NutubuntuLaTeX would be overkill, I mean, not OO writer04:10
Ztaabcd4321, and if that doesn't help: killall -9 beryl04:11
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abcd4321Thanks one again :-)04:11
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SafroleThanks for answering everyone!! usually no one answers.04:11
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CWC-Vladimirhey, question, im trying to get into the Split Infinity Radio channel, how do i add a server? im using X-Chat Gnome04:11
NutubuntuSafrole, you hit on something I actually knew about ;)04:11
Flokerauto eth004:12
Flokeriface eth0 inet dhcp04:12
SafroleNutubuntu: That's always helpful when answering, of course. heh04:12
Flokerin your /etc/network/interfaces04:12
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shiester_miestergday everyone04:12
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WooDFloker: Ok thanks i try that right away04:12
Wizekhow can i turn off one of my devices (like Grefics drive (Nvidia 8800 GTS)) from terminal?04:12
shiester_miesteris it possible to run both gnome and kde?04:12
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bulmerCWC-Vladimir: try  /server newservername04:12
Flokerwait a second wood04:12
CWC-Vladimirhey, question, im trying to get into the Split Infinity Radio channel, how do i add a server? im using X-Chat Gnome04:13
IdleOneCWC-Vladimir, what server and channel name?04:13
=== spiderfire [n=spiderfi@bas10-toronto12-1177614429.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
spiderfiremy web browser is dysfunctional04:13
CWC-Vladimirirc.siradio.fm    #siradio04:13
magnetronhello, spiderfire04:13
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  you can install both and choose which one you want to run in a given session. IDK if it's possible to run both on the same box at the same time04:13
IdleOneprobably needs therapy04:13
FlokerWooD, to apply the changes run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:13
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spiderfireit keeps locking up04:13
WooDFloker: none of commands you gave to me works04:13
Wizekhow can i turn off one of my devices (like Grefics drive (Nvidia 8800 GTS)) from terminal?04:14
Nutubuntuspiderfire, that wouldn't be Firefox, would it? on Feisty and maybe an A64X2?04:14
IdleOneCWC-Vladimir, /server irc.siradio.fm then /join #siradio04:14
WooDFloker: oupss forgot some lines sorry i try again04:14
=== Gato_BA [i=marcio@unaffiliated/gatoba/x-393856] has joined #ubuntu
spiderfireis there a good source for the firefox extras04:14
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, i didnt mean both simultaneously, i meant like, "dual-boot" kde with gnome (although not literally boot) like how i can have windows and ubuntu and use one or the other04:14
npnufnwhich one is better? - tapioca, wengophone, skype for VOIP.  Any other solution is there with good quality?04:14
FlokerWooD, those are not commands, those are lines that are supposed to get in your /etc/network/interfaces file04:14
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Nutubuntushiester_miester,  that you can do :)04:14
Wizekhow can i turn off one of my devices (like Grefics drive (Nvidia 8800 GTS)) from terminal?04:14
shiester_miesternpnufn, skype is very good04:14
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spiderfireNutubuntu: its an A64 feisty04:14
metbsdwe use skype at work04:14
shiester_miesterWizek, turning off your graphics card is a little bit silly04:14
magnetronnpnufn: any SIP solution is good04:14
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shiester_miesterWizek, you can simulate it by unplugging your monitor :P04:15
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ubuntu-rockshi guys, i'm looking on info on how to script installation of several pieces of software. e.g java, phpymadin,mytop etc04:15
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  assuming you started with ubuntu, for example, you could sudo apt-get install kde-base or kde-core or even kubuntu-desktop for all the software bells and whiztles. I think psychocats has some material up on the differences between those three. Then at login, you would choose which you want from the Session menu -- Gnome or KDE04:15
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spiderfireNutubuntu: seems to be the gtk...maybe not just firefox. i donno if firefox uses gtk04:16
FlokerWooD, for further questions this doc might help you: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-gateway.en.html04:16
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magnetronshiester_miester, metbsd, npnufn: Skype use all your bandwidth even when you don't make any calls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernode_%28networking%2904:16
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rwhat's the best irc chat program for xdcc (ubuntu)04:16
npnufnmagnetron:  skype is not giving that much of quality as it should be.  Should I configure/tweak it for good quality.04:16
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shiester_miesterbs it does04:16
magnetronnpnufn: skype is bad, don't use it04:16
shiester_miestermagnetron, you are full of lies04:16
spiderfirewhats a low latency kernel for?04:16
Wizekshiester_miester, hahaha... but it has an error... if i turne it on, and i cannot use my system's GUI... So i want to tun it off like in the Restricted Drivers Manager...04:16
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-146670.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterskype uses about 3kb/s when I'm in the middle of a call, and practically nothing at all when I'm not using it04:17
metbsdnope, skype and QQ are the best IM for me04:17
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Flokerspiderfire, for time-crucial apps like sound-synths and stuff like that04:17
bobbob1016does anyone have experience with ubuntu on the PS3?04:17
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Flokerwhere every millisecond counts ^^04:17
Nutubuntuspiderfire, I wish I had a cure. my Feisty/Firefox 2.0.4 crashes randomly ... I've tried all I know, which isn't much, to get that not to happen, and I am now involved in the grand ultimate fix for it, which is to wait until they figure out what's wrong and fix it04:17
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shiester_miesterbobbob1016, now there's something I would be interested in hearing about04:17
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Ind[y] At startup, many messages come from dhclient to stdout. Can I stop them from coming every time?04:17
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ViRii[K] What is the default root username/password?04:17
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, would you be able to help me with installing kde onto an existing gnome installation?04:17
spiderfirewould switching from generic kernel to something else help stop these crashs04:17
l_ri am new to debs. i'd like to build pre-compiled binaries to offer to my users. is there any documentations about building debs for ubuntu?04:17
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, is it simple and straightforward or complex and fraught with problems04:18
`MatirViRii[K] , by default there is no root pw.04:18
npnufnmagnetron: can u tell me other voip apps that you know?  I want to test them  as well04:18
bobbob1016shiester_miester, google psubuntu, I'm looking for some help with it though04:18
=== epod [n=epod@wnpgmb06dc1-3-110.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ViRii[K] Hmm04:18
Wizekshiester_miester, hahaha... but it has an error... if i turne it on, and i cannot use my system's GUI... So i want to tun it off like in the Restricted Drivers Manager...04:18
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Flokerspiderfire, probably not, the reason must lie semewhere else04:18
magnetronmetbsd, shiester_miester: skype is banned from the university networks here, it use too much bandwidth04:18
Ind[y] (i.e. can I make dhclient quiet?)04:18
ViRii[K] I was never prompted to create it, and now I cant access root04:18
ViRii[K] Just the username that I made before04:18
shiester_miestermagnetron, well yeah if a lot of computers use it all at once, duh04:18
ViRii[K] and I can't connect to it from another computer04:18
gordonjcpmagnetron: tunnel it over ssh04:18
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shiester_miestermagnetron, but we arent talking about a whole network, we are talking about ONE computer04:18
magnetronnpnufn: any sip solution is good. ekiga, wengophone, etc. sip is like the http of VOIP04:18
=== CWC-Vladimir [n=zedd@c-76-20-206-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wizekshiester_miester, hahaha... but it has an error... if i turne it on, and i cannot use my system's GUI... So i want to tun it off like in the Restricted Drivers Manager...04:19
ViRii[K] Whats default root username? (Is it just root?)04:19
shiester_miesterWizek, if you turn off your graphics card you wont get ANY picture on your screen, AT ALL04:19
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shiester_miesterViRii[K] , there isnt one04:19
spiderfirecan i compile my web browser very easily?04:19
ViRii[K] So how do I login to root?04:19
Flokerwhy would you want to do that spiderfire?04:19
shiester_miesterspiderfire, no harder than compiling anything else of similar complexity04:19
npnufnmagnetron: ekiga - I found a new one.  I will make a trial on this.  Thank you for your help!04:19
IdleOne!root | ViRii[K] 04:19
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ubotuViRii[K] : do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:19
WooDFloker:  thank it works04:19
Wizekshiester_miester, i mean, disable it like in "estricted Drivers Manager"04:20
Flokerim glad wood have a nice day04:20
magnetronshiester_miester: hey i am just telling the truth nood need to scream bs. don't shoot the messenger. skype is configured as a supernode by default. i thought everyone knew this04:20
Wizekshiester_miester, i mean, disable it like in "Restricted Drivers Manager"04:20
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  I'd say it's basically straightforward, but I'm *far* from being an expert -- I'm a n00b -- so I'd suggest you read the psychocats stuff on it first and see what you think. If you install the full-bore kubuntu-desktop you will have rather cluttered menus -- unless you edit them. Other than that, IDK of a downside. I've run K apps in G for a long time, and I did install kde-core (I think it was) to see what that envir04:20
Nutubuntuonment was like. I ended up staying mostly in Gnome, but the option is still there at login.04:20
shiester_miestermagnetron, skype = supernode?  its not a bitorrent client04:20
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shiester_miesternor is it a p2p file sharing system04:20
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shiester_miesterWizek, yeah you can do that if you want04:20
shiester_miesterWizek, what you mean is disable the drivers for hardware acceleration04:21
magnetronshiester_miester: it's based on the kazaa technology. supernodes is not restricted to filesharing04:21
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FlokerNutubuntu, i run skype atm and my network monitor shows just about no traffic04:21
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shiester_miestermagnetron, :/ that sounds very dubious04:21
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Wizekshiester_miester, yes, i think04:21
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde-core04:21
shiester_miesterthanks, Nutubuntu04:21
shiester_miestermagnetron, so what does that mean when it acts as a supernode?04:21
npnufnshiester_miester: skype is not working that much as expected in ubuntu.  may be because of it's p2p networking.04:21
Wizekshiester_miester, so, how is it posible?04:21
NutubuntuFloker, I'm happy for you but I have no idea what you're talking about :) did you mean me?04:21
WooDFloker: thanks have a great day to you too ! :)04:21
magnetronskype will get you in a vendor lock in but SIP will give you a plethora of providers to choose from04:22
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magnetronSIp is like the HTTP for VOIP04:22
shiester_miesterhow does skype have vendor lock in?  what vendors even exist...its FREE04:22
Wizekshiester_miester, How is itpossible from terminal, I mean...04:22
magnetronshiester_miester: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernode_%28networking%2904:22
FlokerNutubuntu, sorry i got the conversation wrong04:22
shiester_miesterWizek, no idea04:22
magnetronshiester_miester: for calls to POTS04:22
Nutubuntun/p Floker :) I've done that myself, not so very long ago :)04:22
shiester_miesterPOTS meaning what?04:22
shiester_miesterland lines?04:22
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magnetronshiester_miester: yes04:22
rutherfordanyone from india?04:22
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Nutubuntushiester_miester,  POTS = "plain old telephone service"04:23
CWC-Vladimiri love the gorrilaz04:23
shiester_miestermagnetron, so, lock in to which vendors?04:23
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shiester_miestermagnetron, vendor lock in usually refers to things like what microsoft does where you have to purchase their software because it doesnt work with anything else04:23
magnetronshiester_miester: ALL VOIP applications are free for computer to computer calls... with skype you can only choose the Skype company for outgoing calls. not free04:23
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magnetronshiester_miester: Skype calls does not work with any other software04:24
Dorfanyone here?04:24
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magnetronshiester_miester: so it's a vendor lock in04:24
Dorfanyone know if newesleecher works in ubuntu?04:24
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Dangeroushow do i manually shut off X window and start it up from a shell to see any errors?04:24
shiester_miestermagnetron, its not because you arent paying them for the skype->skype calls anyway, so they arent really a "vendor" of it04:24
=== KesaLoma\samsoo3 [n=VP|Jelle@131.Red-80-32-90.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
CMG`off|ReDaK0s2GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.04:24
unique`sacriii17Are you GAY?04:24
V`mng|Viperium23Are you a GAY NIGGER?04:24
=== suprOFF|karb29 [n=MAFAKKOF@cable-vrk-fe5edd00-200.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
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KesaLoma\samsoo3Are you a NIGGER?04:24
=== skokyus`25 [n=Louke_D@cable-vrk-fe5edd00-200.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
suprOFF|karb29If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!04:25
Ind[y] How can I make dhclient non-verbose through its config file?04:25
skokyus`25Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.04:25
magnetronDorf: is that a rss reader? i use liferea04:25
KesaLoma\samsoo3First, you have to obtain a copy of GAYNIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE THE MOVIE and watch it. You can download the movie (~130mb) using BitTorrent.04:25
D|Tziel`BNC10Third, you need to join the official GNAA irc channel #GNAA on irc.gnaa.us, and apply for membership.04:25
V`mng|Viperium23Second, you need to succeed in posting a GNAA First Post on slashdot.org, a popular "news for trolls" website.04:25
=== Teh9mmZor7 [n=RR-MOUNT@73.Red-80-24-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:25
Teh9mmZor7Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!04:25
suprOFF|karb29Talk to one of the ops or any of the other members in the channel to sign up today! Upon submitting your application, you will be required to submit links to your successful First Post, and you will be tested on your knowledge of GAYNIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE.04:25
KesaLoma\samsoo3Rucas - Dongs-Hojrup, Denmark04:25
skokyus`25After DiKKy collapsed in a pool of his own filth, GNAA Security officer supers made the following statement, "Once we were able to trace which IPs had been uploading child pornography to the network (which in the end turned out to be every host that had ever connected to the network,) we were able to remove every IP controlled by our leader, timecop, from our compiled database and submit the remaining information to the Department 04:25
D|Tziel`BNC10Early this Afternoon the Gay Nigger Association of America claimed responsibility for the compromising of over 10,000 Freenet user identities. Norwegian correspondant DiKKy explained, "LOL by using a huge Turkish botnet LOL HY HY we were able to create drones on the Freenet network LOL. Using these drones HY HY HY we were able to triangulate, by IP LOL, who was responsible for the introduction of any file on the Freenet network 04:25
Teh9mmZor7Ten-thousand Freenet User Identities Compromised04:25
suprOFF|karb29Freenet is a secure and anonymous content distribution system designed by a team of expert child pornographers attempting to create a more secure network for the acquisition and distribution of child pornography.04:25
V`mng|Viperium23About Freenet:04:25
Teh9mmZor7Arrests are expected to begin within the week.04:25
Dangeroushow do i manually shut off X window and start it up from a shell to see any errors?04:25
magnetron!ops | KesaLoma\samsoo304:25
ubotuKesaLoma\samsoo3: please see above04:25
skokyus`25About GNAA:04:25
Teh9mmZor7About Turkey:04:25
KesaLoma\samsoo3Turkey is a country in the near east named after a sandwich meat. The name capital city had been a raging debate until recently, when the GNAA stepped in between proponents of "Istanbul" and "Constantinople" and simply renamed it to Sandniggerville.04:25
DorfNo not rss is usenet04:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
unique`sacriii17Are you GAY?04:25
KesaLoma\samsoo3Are you a NIGGER?04:25
skokyus`25Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.04:25
suprOFF|karb29If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!04:25
V`mng|Viperium23Are you a GAY NIGGER?04:25
=== OldPink [n=matt@host81-159-75-36.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== ti|lascia`bnc46 [n=offline\@ip70-179-37-229.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@131.Red-80-32-90.staticIP.rima-tde.net] by Hobbsee
=== megatill [n=megatill@p5081FB85.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ti|lascia`bnc46GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.04:25
=== KesaLoma\samsoo3 was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
=== codebx [n=codebx@ip70-160-68-57.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
unique`sacriii17Why not? It's quick and easy - only 3 simple steps!04:25
suprOFF|karb29Third, you need to join the official GNAA irc channel #GNAA on irc.gnaa.us, and apply for membership.04:25
D|Tziel`BNC10Second, you need to succeed in posting a GNAA First Post on slashdot.org, a popular "news for trolls" website.04:25
skokyus`25Talk to one of the ops or any of the other members in the channel to sign up today! Upon submitting your application, you will be required to submit links to your successful First Post, and you will be tested on your knowledge of GAYNIGGERS FROM OUTER SPACE.04:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+Rr] by Hobbsee
ti|lascia`bnc46GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!04:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip70-179-37-229.sd.sd.cox.net] by Hobbsee
Teh9mmZor7If you are having trouble locating #GNAA, the official GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA irc channel, you might be on a wrong irc network. The correct network is NiggerNET, and you can connect to irc.gnaa.us as our official server. Follow this link if you are using an irc client such as mIRC.04:25
epodmagnetron, so what provider allows free outgoing calls to POTS systems?04:25
=== ti|lascia`bnc46 was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
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=== skokyus`25 [n=Louke_D@cable-vrk-fe5edd00-200.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["3.]
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by Hobbsee
Hobbseenalioth: you're grabbing these?04:25
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by Hobbsee
jkthecjerhey all04:26
epodHobbsee lays the smack down.04:26
epodmagnetron, so what provider allows free outgoing calls to POTS systems?04:26
jkthecjercurrently trying to set up a bridge between my two wireless cards.  ive got one configured to act as an access point and the other connected to my network04:26
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)04:26
jkthecjerthe next step will be setting up so that instead all http requests will redirect to a local webserver04:26
=== genii thinks about gizmogadget project
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shiester_miesterepod, thats what i wanted to know :P04:27
shiester_miestermagnetron, you arent paying them for the skype->skype calls anyway, so they arent really a "vendor" of it04:27
=== Cyber_school [n=sssss@dsl-243-51-82.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu []
epodshiester_miester, yeah, I'm interested, if there is such a thing it could save me $40/mo ;)04:27
=== Cyber_Stalker [n=sssss@dsl-243-51-82.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miestermagnetron, and its pretty much impossible to get free calls to land lines or mobile phones, and you can call anything from there anyway04:27
magnetronshiester_miester: they are a vendor for the client04:27
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magnetronshiester_miester: go google SIP and compare04:27
Cyber_Stalkerhey every one is confiz fusion in the repos?04:27
=== johan666 [n=johan@h8441213242.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterCyber_Stalker, nope04:28
magnetron!offtopic | shiester_miester04:28
ubotushiester_miester: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:28
Cyber_Stalkerdamn :D04:28
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-146670.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miestermagnetron, what the hell?  you've been arguing about this for like 10 minutes and now suddenly its off-topic?04:28
Ind[y] Where is the dhclient init script located?04:28
Ind[y] I want it, because I want to add a flag to dhclient.04:28
magnetronshiester_miester: i recommended a good VOIP client and you come here and BS me04:28
shiester_miestermagnetron, i did no such thing04:29
shiester_miestermagnetron, i was just discussing it with you, thats all04:29
magnetron<shiester_miester> bs it does <shiester_miester> magnetron, you are full of lies04:29
ziggy23Hi -- I have a Western Digital MyBook hard drive that Ubuntu does not recognize on startup.  How do I get Ubuntu to "see" the drive?04:29
magnetronthat's the FIRST thing you said to me shiester_miester04:30
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shiester_miestermagnetron, well I wasn't really being serious, I thought you would have picked up on the fact04:31
=== johan666 is now known as johanvd
NutubuntuWhy would I have HD activity every 6 seconds, whether anything's running in foreground or not?04:31
ViRii[K] Alright, when I try to connect to my linux computer from a windows one...it asks me for a username/password. What username/pass is that?04:31
ViRii[K] The user one I created?04:31
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, because things in the background still use the HDD04:31
epodNutubuntu, swap?04:31
=== mc44 makes magnetron and shiester_miester play nicely :)
shiester_miesterdont worry mc44, I'm not angry or anything04:31
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magnetrongreat, shiester_miester. i hope we both can help out here with the ubuntu support04:32
Nutubuntuepod, no swap needed with this much RAM - shiester_miester, I guess that's what I ought to be trying to figure out, what would be doing that. I'm running a software RAID, fwiw04:32
Ind[y] Where is the dhclient init script located?04:32
epodNutubuntu, it'll swap anyways if you have a swap partition.04:32
NutubuntuIs there a way to see what process is writing or reading?04:32
Toshiba_userWhat is the file system on the MyBook?04:32
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shiester_miesterNutubuntu, if its really hardcore psycho HDD access then i would be worried, but if its just the light flickering every few seconds then i wouldnt worry04:33
ViRii[K] So anyone know what password I need?04:33
Nutubuntuo_O epod t/y - I learn something new every time I come in here :)04:33
=== Happu [n=Happu@165-76.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Nutubuntushiester_miester,  it's just the flicker ... I just don't want it to be anything "bad" :)04:33
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ziggy23NTFS  -- I realize I only can read it, but that's ok04:33
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magnetronViRii[K] : to enable the filesharing , you would have to do a sudo smbpasswd username on the linux server04:34
shiester_miesterNutubuntu, better pull your hard drives out to protect them ;)04:34
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shiester_miesterNutubuntu, i highly doubt that its anything bad, look through the process list if you are worried04:34
LiNuX_Fr3aKWhy arn't there any updates to Xubuntu guys or is my box shafted. Just done clean install and there were two updates.04:34
ViRii[K] How would I do that magnetron04:34
epodLiNuX_Fr3aK, check #xubuntu?04:35
Nutubuntu(I'll remember that phrase, hardcore psycho HDD access ... t/y shiester_miester ... and I'll pull the drives right after I finish feeding them their milk and cookies ;)   )04:35
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: what updates were you expecting?04:35
magnetronViRii[K] : type sudo smbpasswd username in a terminal on the  server04:35
=== Sciri [n=sean@fw.pepper.com] has joined #Ubuntu
LiNuX_Fr3aKMore than two. Even firefox is not updated. There is something wrong here im sure.04:35
ViRii[K] ok04:35
=== JediMaster [n=tom@host81-138-125-146.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
LiNuX_Fr3aKNo lib updates no nothing. It has to be broken04:35
NutubuntuIs there a way to tell which PID is responsible for the reads/writes, though?04:35
LiNuX_Fr3aKDo i have to point my repositories to a specific Xubuntu site04:36
magnetronLiNuX_Fr3aK: if there are no bugs fixes, there is nothing to update. maybe you have very few things installed?04:36
HEP85LiNuX_Fr3aK: Did you execute "apt-get update" before executing "apt-get upgrade"?04:36
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: the ubuntu repos should be fine. Make sure you have security repos enabled04:36
=== Swamp_Donkey [n=Sw@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
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JediMasterHi everyone, I'm not sure if I'm in the right channel to ask this question, but I'm running ubuntu and it's my favourite linux distro =)... basically, I want to run a very cut down version of linux that only has a web browser so that it'll run on low spec hardware kiosk style.04:37
mc44JediMaster: try xubuntu04:38
Toshiba_userJediMaster, have you checked out distrowatch?04:38
JediMastermc44: will it run on 128mb?04:38
JediMasterToshiba_user: no, not yet04:38
Toshiba_userThey have good lists of thin distros.04:38
IdleOneJediMaster, yes it will04:38
OldPinkJediMaster www.damnsmalllinux.org/04:38
=== _TomB [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuJediMaster,  xubuntu will run on 128MB; I've set it up that way myself.04:38
=== pushpop [n=marc@pool-71-125-51-231.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Montarorumor has it that installer needs 192mb tho04:38
Montarodont quote me on that though04:38
JediMasterthanks for the help guys, will take a look at them all, I think I'll give xubuntu a hit first though =)04:39
mc44you want to use the alternate installer for sure04:39
NutubuntuMontaro, IDK what the desktop installer needs, but the minimal and alternate work fine :)04:39
Montaroyeah must have been the desktop installer I was thinking about then04:39
=== ubunut [n=againnun@adsl-70-128-155-102.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== EchoBinary [n=EchoBina@h-67-100-158-34.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuI kind of like the alternate installer anyway, for whatever that might be worth ... which must approach zero :)04:40
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=== axos88 [n=akos@] has joined #ubuntu
axos88ello everyone! Does anyone know a tool for converting maildir to mbox format? I want to export my mail from KMail and import them under thunderbird04:40
yell0whey guys, how can i find what groups a user belong to ?04:41
LiNuX_Fr3aKThere are no updates. Surely even firefox should be updated. I have feisty release04:41
=== maniacmusician [n=maniacmu@24-151-1-004.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesterLiNuX_Fr3aK, fiesty comes with the latest firefox04:41
LiNuX_Fr3aKmy firefox is at
=== novato_br [n=novak@] has joined #ubuntu
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: hmm, thats wrong04:42
varun0axos: did Google turn up anything?04:42
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: do you have security enabled?04:42
shiester_miesteroh ok, thats not the one that comes with ubuntu, i think04:42
LiNuX_Fr3aKis there a ? Im sure there is04:42
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: yes04:42
=== draconius [n=draconiu@incognito.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
LiNuX_Fr3aKI just wiped ubuntu so im sure there are loads of updates04:43
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: check in you source.list for feisty securty04:43
mc44*sources.list, security, your04:43
varun0axos88: http://www.systemsaligned.com/content/view/18/19/ but search for "convert maildir to mbox", there were quite a few hits04:43
LiNuX_Fr3aKWhere is the file?04:43
skollieLiNuX_Fr3aK: my Firefox updated by Feisty is
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: /etc/apt/sources.list04:44
=== Toshiba_user [n=mike@209-144-248-239-dyndsl.oplink.net] has left #ubuntu []
axos88varun0, thx04:44
varun0axos88: Google is your best friend :-) . You're welcome04:44
Happuaxos88 did you get the wireless to workP?04:44
axos88Happu, yes, under 32bit Ubuntu it worked with ndiswrapper04:45
=== Cubey [n=cubey@] has joined #ubuntu
axos88Happu, now i'm having  troupble with sound, video,card reader and even the CDROM isn't working....04:46
mc44LiNuX_Fr3aK: you should have a line like "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted universe"04:46
CubeyI'm attempting to upgrade my system however the command fails to work. - http://www.debianadmin.com/upgrade-ubuntu-dapper-to-ubuntu-edgy-eft.html04:46
=== mzanfardino1 [n=mark@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Happuaxos88 too bad :/04:46
axos88Happu, yeah...04:46
CubeyWhen I try the command gksu update-manager -c  it fails, saying that the switch -c doesn't exist04:46
NutubuntuCubey,  what command, and how, specifically, does it fail04:46
Happuaxos88 how new is your laptop?04:46
Cubey~$ gksu update-manager -c 04:47
Cubeygksu: invalid option -- c04:47
=== C-{pR0F [n=linux@a18-4.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
PiciCubey: you need to put update-manager -c in double quotes04:47
axos88Happu, brand new04:47
Cubeyoh. well, that's what the silly page says to do. haha04:47
axos88Happu, i think it was almost the newest on the market04:48
Cubeystill doesn't work without quotes04:48
PiciCubey: with?04:48
=== InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106001217d30467.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
fevelshiester_miester: yes but only one at a time04:48
C-{pR0Fi want to download a package without installing it (how can i specify the dir where it'll b downloaded , using aptitude -d)04:48
PiciCubey: gksu "update-manager -c"04:48
fevelshiester_miester: oops sorry04:48
Cubeyyes, I can that04:48
Cubeyerm, ran04:48
shiester_miesterfevel, ba-wha?04:49
Happuaxos88 there might be your problem. My sound isn't working either04:49
=== shiester_miester hides
LiNuX_Fr3aKCould someone give me a sources.list file with the whole bollocks in there so that i can update my reposirory04:49
=== nkbreau [n=nbreau@cmr-208-124-143-154.cr.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
nkbreauhey guys i just received a dell D830, trying to install ubuntu via bootable cd, menu comes up and i select install graphic mode, (also tried safe graphic mode) and i get a ubuntu loading screen then after 10 secs i get a shell with a prompt that reads /bin/sh can't access tty, job control turned off. any ideas ?04:49
Cubeygksu says -c isn't valid04:49
axos88Happu, yeah... what card do you have? i've got the ICH8 chip04:49
Pici!sourceomatic | LiNuX_Fr3aK04:49
ubotuLiNuX_Fr3aK: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:49
C-{pR0FCubey: are familiar with aptitude ???04:49
Happuaxos88 same here. ICH8. There are no drivers for it yet :/04:50
C-{pR0Fknow any body how does???04:50
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LiNuX_Fr3aKdone it tanks04:50
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C-{pR0FGuys !!! , I need help with aptitude ?????????????04:50
Nutubuntufirefox :/04:50
fevelshiester_miester: I answered a 28 year old question of yours...lol04:50
axos88Happu, i installed the newest alsa (1.0.14), and it has *SOME* sound, but very very distorted on the left channel, and very distorted on the right :P04:50
shiester_miesterfevel, right...04:50
=== mzanfardino1 [n=mark@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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axos88Happu, it also works only if I plug in something, the built in speakers can't "talk"04:51
dkruzwant a FREE iPhone? Go here to Score Yourself a FREE iPhone http://www.YourFreeiPhone.com/index.php?ref=3922029  Super easy.04:51
=== axos88 brb
skollieCubey:lower down on the page you were looking at, there are instructions for upgrading using apt-get04:51
=== C-{pR0F [n=linux@a18-4.adsl.paltel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
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Happuaxos88 I didn04:51
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Happu'nt get any sound04:52
magicrobotmonkey look what I found: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/sparc/sun-java5-jre/1.5.0-06-1 , but does anyone know what the status of the jdk is?04:52
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: HAve you tried the different combinations of F6 then pci=noapci acpi=off nopic nolapic04:52
Happuaxos88 it depends about the codec I gues04:52
ubunutwhat is the very best html making app there is for ubuntu04:52
ubunutthe nvu seems a bit glitchy04:52
ubunutis there another one?04:53
fevelkompozer is the new nvu04:53
ubunutreally ty04:53
Dutchy_does anyone know how i can find out if my sd card reader in my laptop is working? when i put an sd card in, nothing happens04:53
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shiester_miesteranyone in here used mepis?04:54
shiester_miesterwhat a stupid question04:54
shiester_miesterrephrase: who has used mepis?04:54
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dkruzwant a FREE iPhone? Go here to Score Yourself a FREE iPhone http://www.YourFreeiPhone.com/index.php?ref=3922029  Super easy.04:54
nkbreauJack_Sparrow: no i havent... not sure what those are/mean, never had to do that... can you elaborate a little ?04:54
mc44!ops | dkruz04:54
ubotudkruz: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:54
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: make that noapic04:55
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shiester_miesterHobbsee, used mepis?04:55
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Hobbseethanks mc4404:55
Hobbseeshiester_miester: nope04:55
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: There are different option you can add or change on the boot line when you hit F604:55
shiester_miesteranybody used mepis?  pleeeeeease?04:55
mc44!patience | shiester_miester :)04:55
ubotushiester_miester :): The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:55
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: My laptop needed noapic to boot..04:55
Dutchy_i see the device in the device manager (5 in 1 card reader), how can i access it?04:56
shiester_miestermc44, i would think that saying please represented a good attitude04:56
Cubeywell, it seems like it may be working via console. so.04:56
Cubeyvs gui04:56
mc44shiester_miester: have patience was my point :)04:56
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mc44shiester_miester: have you tried in #mepis? :)04:56
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shiester_miestermc44, har har04:56
shiester_miesteractually no04:56
jrattner1Question: Why does my postfix set up die when I add -o content_filter=o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks04:57
shiester_miesterI was more looking for a comparison between mepis and ubuntu04:57
skollieCubey: you now using apt-get?04:57
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nkbreauJack_Sparrow: what is apic ?04:57
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Cubeyskollie, yes, now I am. and it's working04:58
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Jack_Sparrownkbreau: Someone here will have a better explanation than I do...  I just found the list and tried then until one worked...  Do you have any usb deviced plugged in when you are trying to install..?04:59
NutubuntuHas anyone successfully resolved gdm_slave_xioerror_handler X crashes? They seem to hit me when Firefox 2.0.4 is fetching a page. Could be just text and basic graphics content -- like Google's search page -- not flash..04:59
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Jack_Sparrownkbreau: the explanation I was given was that hey are for power and or memory management05:00
kyjais there a cool sound effects engine to go along with the beryl and emerald engines ??????05:00
nkbreauJack_Sparrow: i do have a usb mouse plugged in05:00
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: try it without the mouse as wel05:01
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nkbreaudid you have a dell as well ?05:02
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Jack_Sparrownkbreau: I have 4 dells and 2 hps05:03
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Jack_Sparrownkbreau: and 2 dead dells05:03
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nkbreaunoapic didnt work... strike 1 :P05:04
Jack_Sparrownkbreau: That dosent have raid or anything like that does it05:05
tanlaanhow can I gain access to my windows partition from ubuntu? I go to Place>Computer and it says 100.0 gb volume, but will not mount when I double click it.05:05
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_Lucretia_so, if I want to be able to compile 32 and 64 bits apps, I'm going to need 32-bit X libs as well? need to build 32-bit apps on Feisty64 but there is no lib32-dev, how do I do this? Basically, OpenGL/SDL/GLX/X stuff05:06
=== jedix [n=jedix@bas2-ottawa23-1167851569.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jedixhow do I remove the oss -> alsa stuff and just use alsa?05:06
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Jack_Sparrownkbreau: I need to also ask if you had the cd do the self test for errors05:08
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nkbreaui tried but it did the same thing05:09
linux-fairysomeone in here told me about a very easy to install and use program that lets you go back and forth between linux and windows folders. Anyone know what I'm talking about?05:10
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AdvoWorklinux-fairy not WINSCP was it?05:11
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linux-fairyAdvoWork: I don't think so05:12
Jack_Sparrowshiester_miester: Saw your post in Mepis...  It isnt much different that Kubuntu.. both KDE and uses the same repos..05:12
linux-fairyAdvoWork: This put a C drive on the linux desktop and a linux drive on the windows desktop05:13
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stefg_Lucretia_: try #ubuntu-motu-school05:13
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Jack_Sparrowlinux-fairy: Personally, I just have a third partition fat32 for my shared folders...05:13
_Lucretia_stefg: what's that about?05:14
Doctorhow come this mounts my flash card rw but without permissions to let me copy stuff to it05:14
stefg_Lucretia_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:14
linux-fairyThis was a very cool, free program. Can't remember the name of it05:14
jedixI'm getting audio glitches and I want to remove oss->alsa and use alsa straight.. how do I do this05:14
_Lucretia_stefg: yeah, and?05:15
Doctorjedix tell programs to use alsa instead of OSS?05:15
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jedixDoctor: but the kernel is booting with oss..05:15
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stefg_Lucretia_: simply a hint on increasing your chances for a sensible answer :-)05:16
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_Lucretia_stefg: ok, will post it there05:16
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dkruzwant a FREE iPhone? Go here to Score Yourself a FREE iPhone http://www.YourFreeiPhone.com/index.php?ref=3922029  Super easy.05:17
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Ominousi have a problem, i have a dell inspiron 6000 which has volume controls on the front, when i change the volume using these it makes no difference  BUT the change animation still appears on the screen, any ideas?05:17
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Doug52392Is it possible to join a Ubuntu Linux computer to a Windows domain?05:18
rocketsIs there a way to create a customized image of ubuntu that I can deploy over and over to different computers?05:18
MontaroDoug52392: sort of. with samba.05:18
gh0st333hello, how can i set the permissions (with command line) for a folder and all subdirs. and files in it like this: user and group: all actions allowed (r, w, x)? chmod or something?05:18
_Lucretia_Doug52392: you want samba, but don't ask me how to configure it, I've never been able to get it to work05:18
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MontaroDoug52392: I got it to work once years ago, but I can't remember now. I'm sure I followed a guide I found in google05:19
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Ominousi have a problem, i have a dell inspiron 6000 which has volume controls on the front, when i change the volume using these it makes no difference  BUT the change animation still appears on the screen, any ideas?05:19
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MontaroDoug52392: and that was logging onto an NT domain, I believe the password encryptions are different and whatnot now with the newer windows servers05:20
HEP85ghOst333: chmod -R 777 *05:20
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Doug52392I have samba, and have it set on a workgroup, but now I put a Windows Server domain controller on my network and want the computer on the domain insted. The domain controller is Windows Server 2008 beta 305:20
geniiHEP85: I'm not sure thats such a good idea05:20
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gh0st333HEP85; will it include also the subfolders and files ?05:20
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HEP85ghOst333: Yes.05:21
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HEP85genii: I leave that to him05:21
geniigh0st333: That will just make everything recursively readable/writeable/executable by everyone05:21
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HEP85genii: That's what he was asking for, isn't it?05:22
gh0st333but i onky want the group and owner to be able to do it05:22
HEP85gh0st333: ok. then use 771 instead of 77705:22
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gh0st333ok, thanks05:23
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geniigh0st333 Whoever already owns those folders/files... whatever group they are in, add others you wish to be able to use those areas to the file /etc/group05:23
geniiUnder the proper group of course05:23
wizekCould someone help me why "sudo sh NV*" didn't work? it (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html) says it have to work! :'(05:23
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gh0st333i get this error with rsync:    "rsync: chgrp "file1" failed: Operation not permitted (1)"05:23
gh0st333i assumed it was due to permissions05:24
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netyirehello all, is there a fsck for fat filesystems like those on usb sticks?05:24
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geniinetyire: fsck.msdos  or fsck.vfat05:25
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geniinetyire: np05:25
stefgwizek: what card do you have? are you sure the nvidia-driver in the repo doesn't work for your card? have you downloaded a Nvidia-driver package from nvidia.com ?05:25
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netyireit says "Got 0 bytes instead of 512 at 0"05:26
wizekstefg, I have downloaded it, but as u can se, the text just don't tell me when i have to install it! :-$05:26
stefgwizek: waht card?05:26
Miluxhi, i don't wath video propely with mplayer plugin using firefox on this site es: http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM702387-7823-ARGENTINA+SOFRE+NOVO+APAGAO+DESSA+VEZ+NO+FUTEBOL,00.html05:27
geniinetyire: What is the fs on it?05:27
wizekstefg, nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS05:27
netyirewhen plugged in, dmesg states that it cannot verify disk capacity or something like that. the fs is vfat I think.05:27
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geniinetyire: try:  mount        and see if it is mounted, it should say what fs type too05:28
Ominousi have a problem, i have a dell inspiron 6000 which has volume controls on the front, when i change the volume using these it makes no difference  BUT the change animation still appears on the screen, any ideas?05:28
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wizekstefg, So, what do u recommend?05:28
netyireits says "can't read superblock", (i just formatted it with mkdosfs a while ago though, maybe something went wrong there)05:29
netyireany way to force format it?05:29
wizekstefg, to i do*05:29
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stefgwizek: ok, i see, so you need the nvidia-package. you are aware that you have to rebuild the driver after each kernel-update?05:29
geniinetyire: Yes. Best not to have it mounted for that tho.05:29
netyireI don't think its mount atm :D05:29
geniinetyire: umount it, then do format on the device, not a mount-point05:29
netyireit states " Attempting to create a too large file system"05:30
geniinetyire: If you are using it on windoze systems, sure. If just linux then use mke2fs instead05:30
wizekstefg, ok05:30
wizekstefg, what sould i do ?05:30
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wizekstefg, I have done everything untill "After u reboot,..."05:31
stefgwizek: lets first try, if the nvidia-glx-new package works for (this means we're not going to use the NVIDA-blahbla.sh you downloaded)05:31
netyiregenii: it states "Will not try to make filesystem on full-disk device '/dev/sdb' (use -I if wanted)", when using -I, it states "Will not try to make filesystem on full-disk device '/dev/sdb' (use -I if wanted)"05:31
geniinetyire: Ah, right, storage = too large for msdos file allocation table. Use 32 bit switch of command. man mkdosfs will give you the syntax05:31
wizekstefg, That package isn't found...05:32
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stefgwizek: get a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx && sudo  apt-get install nvidia-glx-new'05:32
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netyire:D, I think the filesize is okay, I've tried formatting it using mkdosfs (on linux) before, works okay. May be something up with the superblock, making the filesystem look bigger than it is05:32
geniinetyire: I think mkdosfs -F32  /dev/device05:33
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wizekstefg, done05:33
netyireit states " Too few blocks for viable file system"05:33
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geniinetyire: dos fs does not use superblocks as far as I know. Might be it is trying to mount it as ext05:34
netyireanyway to state block size05:34
wizekstefg, then? :)05:34
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stefgwizek: now 'sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' look in Section driver and replace 'nv' with nvidia'05:34
netyirehmm, anyone have any ideas?05:34
geniinetyire: Try mkfs.vfat instead05:35
netyirehmm, same thing05:36
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UsrlDoes anyone have any info on Jabber and VOIP? I thought it supported it, but I'm having trouble finding info on it05:36
geniinetyire: Did you put multiple partitions on it?05:36
soweto76I need to use a portable hd for both mac os x and linux.  any ideas about how to format the hd05:36
wizekstefg, done05:36
wizekstefg, next step?05:36
netyiregenii: nope :D05:37
netyiregenii: anyway to force size?05:37
netyirefdisk -l turns up nothing05:37
stefgwizek, save and quit gedit. then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' this will restart your GUI05:37
geniinetyire: I think first I would use fdisk opn it, delete any existing, make a new blank dos partition, then try again with mkfs.vfat05:37
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MattJUsrl, it does, kind of05:38
UsrlMattJ: do tell05:38
netyirefdisk states "Unable to read /dev/sdb"05:38
netyireanyway to force cylinder size?05:38
netyirefor a 1GB?05:38
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MattJUsrl, it depends on the client, the protocol is called Jingle, it is the one Google made for Google Talk (so all Jingle capable clients are compatible)05:38
geniinetyire: Well, if it can't read it then no formatting switches will make any difference05:38
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wizekstefg, Ok, i hope u knew what u said to me, cause if it is wrong, my system crashes (again), and cannot run GDM, and GUI, and  i have tu reinstall my Ubuntu (again)...05:39
sipiornetyire: that's a physical property of the disk, and cannot be changed05:39
UsrlMattJ: thanks, i'll look into that. and harass you if I need more halp :D05:39
MattJUsrl, I don't know many clients that support it yet (a lot of them are implementing support now)05:39
netyiregenii: probably can't read it due to some problem when the mkdosfs was executed05:39
geniinetyire: Are you always plugging it into same USB slot?05:39
netyireworks in the pocketpc though05:39
MattJUsrl, join jabber@conference.jabber.org :)05:39
Ominoushow do i add a comand to my xgl login script and how do i view ubuntus default one05:39
netyireyup, same one I think05:39
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wizekstefg, and i'll have only command line (terminal), can i do anything at this part insteed of reinstall?05:39
jedixhow do I get alsa to load isntead of oss?05:40
wizekstefg, are there ny command i can run GUI?05:40
geniinetyire: bleh05:40
wizekstefg, i have to know it before my system crashes :D05:40
erUSULjedix: afaics ubuntu only uses alsa as any other modern distro05:40
stefgwizek: if you are thrown to terminal, enter sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start . if the nvidia driver doesn't work, you can sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change nvidia back to nv. then you have a gui again (but no 3D acceleration)05:41
UsrlMattJ: That's IRC? I couldn't connect to it...05:41
geniinetyire: 1 minute, thinking05:41
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MattJUsrl, no, Jabber, sorry05:41
christoshi, I just bought a wireless mouse and i have no response on feisty. I googled but found no "easy" solution. any help?05:41
jedixerUSUL: lsmod shows oss being loaded, are you sure it uses pure alsa and not oss-> alsa?05:41
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jedixerUSUL: this is feisty05:41
UsrlMattJ: ah, how do I join chats in Jabber?05:41
MattJUsrl, what client are you using?05:42
UsrlMattJ: nvm, found it, thanks05:42
MattJeek :P05:42
geniinetyire: Sorry, nothing comes to mind :(05:42
erUSULjedix: those are the modules of the alsa oss emulation layer... since there are still apps that use the old oss api alsa provides emulation for it on top of itself05:42
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netyiregenii: okay, I think the brick or the hammer will solve the problem :D thanks for the help!05:43
geniinetyire: Other than perhaps reboot to clear cached partition/fs tables, then re-run fdisk on it05:43
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netyiregenii: maybe I'll look for a format tool for pocketpc since it apparently works there05:43
netyire:D, but the hammer is okay too05:43
jedixerUSUL: oh, perhaps I just need to get mythtv to use alsa directly then?05:43
wizekstefg, why i feel it won work, but i hope :D05:44
geniinetyire: :) Formatting from the pocketpc may be better05:44
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magnetronmy epiphany-browser warns me everytime i enter a site with HTTPS. how do i disable this?05:44
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erUSULjedix: that's be the best aproach imho05:45
netyireokay, found some software, trying...05:45
bullgard4After upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04 Ubuntu shows other (old) applets and icons than a computer which had been installed directly with Feisty. I should like to correct that using gtk-update-icon-cache but do not understand what I have to insert for {iconpath} as an gtk-update-icon-cache option.05:45
magnetronhow do i filter out join/leave messages with xchat-gnome?05:45
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bullgard4magnetron: As far as I know this is not possible. Please use Irssi.05:46
magnetronok, bullgard4, thanks for your help05:47
netyireokay... attempting brain surgery and open heart transplant (without proper equipment)05:47
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stefgbullgard4: http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.2/gtk/gtk-update-icon-cache.html05:47
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netyiretrying to determine heart type05:48
T-ConnectAnyone get FEAR for Linux to work?05:48
netyireaha! I think it will work05:48
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Doug52392Any ideas on what I have to do in terms of samba's configuration files to get my Ubuntu Linux computer to join a Windows domain?05:48
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netyireyeah! formatting!05:49
netyireviola done!05:49
netyirenow to see if the patient is alive05:49
MattJ!samba | Doug5239205:49
ubotuDoug52392: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:49
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dr_willisDoug52392,  the 'samba-doc' package has 2 complet books in html format on configuring samba and all that fun stuff.05:49
Doug52392where can I download SWAT?05:50
dr_willisDoug52392,  ive never had to mess with the 'domaine' stuff myself.05:50
dr_willisDoug52392,  you proberlyu DONT want to use swat. :) if you do use swat, backup your original samba config file first05:50
stefg!info swat05:50
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ubotuswat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 800 kB, installed size 2180 kB05:50
bullgard4stefg: There are 18 different index.theme files on my computer. Which is the proper one (default Feisty configuration)?05:50
geniiswat = old and now pretty much unsupported05:51
Doug52392whats the new one if swat is old?05:51
erUSUL!find laguage-pack dapper05:51
ubotuPackage/file laguage-pack does not exist in dapper05:52
stefgbullgard4: /usr/share/icons/hicolor says the example, but for ubuntu i think it's /usr/share/icons/Human05:52
Ominouswhen i press the mute/vol up /vol down buttons on my laptop the animation of the change shows just no actual change to the sound happens, any ideas how to fix it?05:52
dr_willisDoug52392,   theres other samba configuration front ends.. or theres the good old editing the config files by hand. :)05:52
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stefg!keytouch | Ominous05:52
bullgard4stefg: I will give it a try. Thank you.05:52
ubotuOminous: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:52
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geniiDoug52392: Mostly just editing the smb.conf file is good then test it with testparm05:53
stefg!info keytouch05:53
ubotukeytouch: A program to configure the extra function keys of the keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.99+2.3.0beta4-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 419 kB, installed size 1888 kB05:53
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misstajahi'm needing some help on my ubuntu setup, can anyone assist me?05:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:54
wizekstefg, it didn't work, but i could get back here, the GUI05:54
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Ominousstefg: the the thing is the animation of the change appears on screen as if it is changing something05:55
stefgwizek: what error did you get?05:55
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stefgOminous: what soundchip?05:55
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Ominousstefg: erm how do i check05:55
Ominousstefg: it used to work05:56
KinnisonHi, can anyone help me with a wifi problem? Feisty works on my new X61 tablet, but Gutsy doesn't appear to have the driver? It's an ipw394505:56
stefgOminous: i think the control is using the wrong mixer05:56
geniiDoug52392: For Gnome there is also gsambad but I have not tried it so can give you no review05:56
netyiregenii: okay, I got it formatted on Windows then formatted it on Linux to FAT32, works now!05:56
misstajahi can't turn my nvidia Go 8400 on05:56
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KinnisonBut Gutsy's kernel is much better at power management than feistys05:56
misstajahthe X server doesn't recognize it05:56
geniinetyire: Glad it worked out :)05:56
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netyirethanks for all the help, apparently mkdosfs may assign fat 16 normally, and that may not work well with ubuntu as FAT3205:56
rjekGreetings.  I have a ThinkPad X61t, with an IPW3495 wireless controller.  This works a treat in Fiesty, but for various reasons I need to run 2.6.22 (power management's awful on Santa Rosa stuff with .20).  I backported Gutsy's 2.6.22-8.  Everything works a treat bar the wireless, as the packages don't include the firmware or the kernel module.05:56
rjekOh, snap.  Same problem as Kinnison.05:57
netyireat least I didn't have to use the hammer05:57
netyirethanks again05:57
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Ominousstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30234/05:57
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T-ConnectWhere the Ubuntu chat room at?05:57
jrattner1Question: How do I change the CN on an SSL cert for my mail server?05:57
CheesyMonkey!offtopic | T-Connect05:57
ubotuT-Connect: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:57
magnetronKinnison: gutsy is not done yet, we cannot provide support for it05:57
T-ConnectOk thanks.05:57
CheesyMonkeyKinnison, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy :)05:57
wizekstefg, well, my screen first started to flash one, and another one, and a message appeard with blue-red background, thet my nvidia card cannot be enabled becouse some error etc... i can't remember correctly, but it showed me a lot of info, and it suggested me to restart GDE... it was a kinda of old text-gui...05:57
magnetronKinnison. rjek: #ubuntu+105:58
T-ConnectHeh Gutsy buggy.05:58
stefg!intelhda | Ominous , look at the section talking about mixers05:58
ubotuOminous , look at the section talking about mixers: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto05:58
bullgard4stefg: sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/Human/index.theme responds: "No theme index file in '/usr/share/icons/Human/index.theme'. I you really want to create an icon cache here, use --ignore-theme-index."05:58
Kinnisonok, thanks05:58
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magnetronT-Connect: join #ubuntu-offtopic05:58
rjekmagnetron: Well, I'd be happy with a .20 solution, too.05:59
bullgard4stefg: If you05:59
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stefgbullgard4: see #ubuntu-berlin05:59
Jkesslerhow can i switch to a certain process?  i'm running mirc through wine and it's worked fine up until now.  i start it and i get the dialog box for entering name and nick, etc.  but when i click "ok" nothing else happens.  i don't get the main window at all.  i check my processes and it says it's running, but i can't switch to it?  any ideas?06:00
rjekAbandon mIRC? :)06:00
solstice`4Lsudo apt-get install xchat06:01
misstajahI'm having trouble in two subjects: (1) X doesn't recognize my Nvidia Geforce Go 8400; (2) my DVD+/-RW drive isn't recognized as well. I'm running an ASUS F3SC, DualCore t7100, 1GB RAM, 160GB SATA hard drive. Any idea on how to figure this out? Thanks in advance06:01
Jkessleri like mirc06:01
MTecknologyWhen I try to use a usb drive i get the error saying it's unable to mount the device and that there's probably no media in the drive06:01
wizekstefg, isn't it a problem i haven't installed offical nvidia driver which i downloaded, or that i haven't set my card enabled at Drive manager??06:01
jrattner1Question: How do I change the CN on an SSL cert for my mail server?06:02
solstice`4LJkessler... when you say "main window" do you mean mIRC or your desktop?06:02
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Jkesslermirc main window06:02
Jkessleri get the dialog box that pops up when i start it, like normal.. but no main mirc window06:02
stefgwizek: i cant#t tell the problem, if you you can't tell the error. was it like 'nvidia.ko not found' or api-mismatch ?06:02
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Jkesslerand it's running in the processes06:02
solstice`4Llet me fire up wine :x06:02
Jkesslerif i click "connect to server" i hear the notice beeps when it connects06:02
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Jkesslerit's worked fine until today06:03
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stefgwizek: have you installed linux-restricted-modules?06:03
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wizekstefg, have u said it to me? O.o06:03
stefg!nvidia | wizek06:04
ubotuwizek: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:04
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solstice`4Lkessler, what do you consider the "main window" and what version of mirc06:05
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misstajah I'm having trouble in two subjects: (1) X doesn't recognize my Nvidia Geforce Go 8400; (2) my DVD+/-RW drive isn't recognized as well. I'm running an ASUS F3SC, DualCore t7100, 1GB RAM, 160GB SATA hard drive. Any idea on how to figure this out? Thanks in advance06:05
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wizekstefg, wizek@wizek-tabletop:~$ lspci | grep -i nvidia06:06
wizek01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0193 (rev a2)06:06
wizekWhat does it mean?06:06
Jkessleri'm talking about the window where you can see all of your channels.. like the main program.  not just some dialog box at startup.  v6.2106:06
MTecknologyCan anybody help me get this usb drive mounted and working?06:06
ZummiG777Question: I have a couple of Dell PowerEdge 2400 systems with Perc 2/Si RAID controllers.  I read there that Perc 3 and below were no longer officially supported.  Is this true, and if so is there a method to enable the older drivers?06:06
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solstice`4LMK, be more specific...how is it formatted? (FAT, NTFS....)06:07
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WorkingGeierwhat is the correct way to find out the Ubuntu version?06:07
geniiZummiG777: You may find a better answer in #ubuntu-server06:07
solstice`4Lstfw :/06:07
WorkingGeierin a freshly debootstrapped chroot I can only find /etc/debian_version06:07
ZummiG777Thanks genii :)06:08
WorkingGeier(or is it wrong to use Debian's debootstrap?)06:08
stefgwizek: here's a guide http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_nvidia_feisty06:08
WorkingGeier(I am building a package against all releases in use by a larger audience, and need to generate proper "version numbers" for them06:09
geniiZummiG777: np  I have some PowerEdge 2450 but don't use software for the RAID06:09
misstajahstefg does that URL work for my issue as well?06:10
geniiThe builtin hardware RAID anyhow06:10
stefgmisstajah: worth a try06:10
misstajahbrb then06:10
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DjohnHow can I enable promiscuous mode on my wireless netcard?06:11
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stefgZummiG777: that would probably involve compiling your own kernel06:12
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SurfnKid_how do i kill a port on netstat?06:12
WorkingGeierDjohn, ifconfig <card> promisc06:13
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WorkingGeierDjohn, use -promisc to turn back off06:13
erUSULSurfnKid_: you can't "kill a port"06:13
Djohnokay :) thanks will try that06:13
SurfnKiderUSUL, under netstat there is a specific port being used with FIN_WAIT106:13
SurfnKidneed to kill the established connection (not port sorry )06:14
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erUSULSurfnKid: you have to kill the process that has this connection "open"06:14
SurfnKidit is dead06:14
SurfnKidits closed :/06:14
ZummiG777stefg: That is what I was worried about.06:14
SurfnKidbeen closed for over 5 minutes06:15
misstajahstefg my Nvidia card doesn't show up anywhere!!06:15
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riddleboxcan I do wildcards with wget?06:16
SurfnKiderUSUL, there are certain connections still established to something that was opened with that process I had06:16
stefgmisstajah: lspci ? might be your motherboard doesn't play well with the kernel and you need to use some boot-paramter like fixirq or acpi off . see !boot for a list of options06:16
Ominousi just updated to use the latest alsa drivers and now i have no sound at all and when i click on the volume icon it says "No volume control GStreamer plugins found and/or devices found06:16
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:16
erUSULSurfnKid: i think that you will have to wait until the kernel "times out" this socket i do not know of a way to force that06:17
dr_willisriddlebox,  some times. :) ya normally need to quote them '*.txt' but often i dont find it working right.  may be  a server issue. Check the wget man pages.06:17
geniiZummiG777: When i installed 6.06 server on the 2450 I had 1 RAID1 and 1 RAID5 (with 3 disks) in bios, they just appeared as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb respectively06:17
SurfnKiderUSUL, :) yeah06:17
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Ominousstefg: ??06:17
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misstajahstefg: lspci | grep nVidia => 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0428 (rev a1)06:18
SurfnKidon another not06:18
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SurfnKidDoes anyone know how to make an ISO bootable?06:18
WorkingGeiercomplex process06:19
SurfnKidI have a copy of the recovery partition CD06:19
WorkingGeierbootable ISOs actually have an image for a 2.88MB floppy on them06:19
SurfnKidstored on the hard drive, Id like to burn it to an iso bootable copy06:19
Jkesslerare there any ubuntu ircd packages like bahamut available for download?06:19
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SurfnKidI already have a few bootable DVDs with norton06:19
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stefgmisstajah: so the card is found, you'll have to run the latest nvidia-driver as mentioned in the howto06:20
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SurfnKidbut Id like to get this specific one because it includes the images already built into the recovery system06:20
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rsc___hey guys.06:20
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rsc___mmm, i'm trying to configure my Wine setup. where can I get help on that? :)06:21
Ominousstefg: i just updated to use the latest alsa drivers and now i have no sound at all and when i click on the volume icon it says "No volume control GStreamer plugins found and/or devices found06:21
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stefgOminous: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+question/865106:22
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stefgOminous:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12162106:22
rjekSounds like the user wasn't in the audio group by default, and when you change that setting you need to log out/back in again for it to take effect.06:23
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stefgOminous: check if you really have the proper module loaded. BTW, i just said to look at the mixer settings, not recompile alsa06:24
Ominoushow do i check if i have the proper module06:25
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Doug52392Hi, I changed the smb.conf file to try to get my Ubuntu Linux laptop on my Windows domain. How do I log onto the domain?06:26
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Doug52392I tried a few net ads commands, and when I typed net ads user, I got the following result:06:27
Doug52392[2007/07/17 12:24:35, 0]  libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_password(208)06:27
Doug52392  kerberos_kinit_password DOUGSLAPTOP$@DOUGSDOMAIN.COM failed: Preauthentication failed06:27
Doug52392[2007/07/17 12:24:35, 0]  utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(289)06:27
Doug52392  ads_connect: Preauthentication failed06:27
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danfghow can i have gedit recognize files with .inc or .phtml extension as php files and use the correct syntax highlighting?06:28
hwildeI have a minimal system installed on a 2G flashcard, and I want to upgrade to Feisty to get kernel 2.6.20.  Is there a way to upgrade only the existing packages?   If I run apt-get dist-upgrade it runs out of diskspace intalling unnecessary packages.06:28
davetarmacI'm having an issue with my top panel. I have recently installed Compiz in order to get AWN working correctly but now my top panel hovers so I can put windows underneath it. How can I get it back so that this doesn't happen?06:28
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SurfnKiderUSUL, got it thanks06:28
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wizekstefg, it didn't work :(06:30
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relativeownershii'm regged now...06:30
relativeownershianybody here?06:30
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wizekstefg, are u here?06:31
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wizekstefg, could u came to a private room?06:31
Cubeyhm, quick problem. When I installed ubuntu it didn't seem to set the boot partition active, how do I do so now?06:31
stefg!pm | wizek06:31
ubotuwizek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:31
grim76Doug52392: did you happen to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto  I have used that document before and it worked for me.06:32
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Cubeyit's not booting from the HD automatically. i have to use the CD so start the HD boot06:32
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AnRkeywhere can i find a network install iso for ubuntu?06:32
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wizekstefg, i have the description06:32
dr_willisCubey,  gparted on the live cd may be able to set that.. I dont recall it needing to be set.06:32
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wizekstefg, it says:06:32
dr_willisCubey,  but it may have a bit to do with the specific machine/bios i guess06:33
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Cubeydr_willis, nah, i have the BIOS set properly06:33
HEP85hwilde: "sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic"06:33
relativeownershii'm having trouble booting ubuntu on this system06:33
Cubeyi'll try gparted06:33
relativeownershiits giving me an error message about being unable to access tty06:33
dr_willisCubey,  i dident say you dident.. i am saying that ive not HAD to have them set 'bootable' in the bast.06:33
tanlaanIf I right click a .iso file and click write to disk, will it burn the file or the image to disk?06:33
dr_willispast.. it may be a limiution of the bios's however. :) gparted should be able to set it.06:34
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nickrudtanlaan, image06:34
Cubeywell, usually you do i think unless i'm mistaken. that's how BIOS knows if it should try to boot it or not06:34
dr_willistanlaan,  it should burn it as an image.06:34
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relativeownershiThis is my error message: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off06:34
tanlaanok thanks06:34
tanlaanjust making sure =] 06:34
tanlaandidn't wanna waste a disk06:34
dr_willisCubey,  i was thinking Grub handled that. from what i recall reading in the docs.06:34
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dr_willisCubey,  windows however.. is different. :006:34
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wizekstefg, I could not run the x-server (the GUI). Maybe it isn't set properly. Would u like to have a look at the x-server's output the problem[it ends here] 06:35
wizek<yes>    <no>06:35
Cubeyperhaps grub didn't install?06:35
majorjrkI cant isntall feisty on a brand new laptop, getting the /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off and [ 1.404052]  PCI : Failed to allocate mem resource #6:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX fpr 0000:01:00.0 Loading please wait, anyone could help me ?06:35
dr_willisCubey,  do you see a GRub/boot menu?06:35
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klu9any way I can (easily/graphically) remotely fix a sound issue on someone's Edgy install?06:35
relativeownershimajorjrk, i'm having a similiar problem with an old desktop06:35
Cubeyno, the drive fails to boot as if it doesn't have a boot record or OS on it06:35
relativeownershimajorjrk, but i haven't been able to find any help yet06:35
dr_willisCubey,  'sudo fdisk -l' will show a * in the 'boot' colum for the bootable bit being set.06:36
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dr_willisCubey,  somthing sounds very very odd..06:36
stefgwizek: so yes, we would like to have a look at the error... :-)06:36
majorjrkim having it on a brand new laptop06:36
bastos12hello gentlemen. I need have a question about how to remove linux from my computer - more specifically, i want to get rid of grub and have ntldr boot straight into windows. please help06:36
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relativeownershimajorjrk, have you trie dbooting other distributions?06:36
majorjrkdebian booted fine, but i got other issues there ;/06:36
primskianybody on quakenet server atm ?06:36
Cubeydr_willis, it's not set to boot06:36
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HEP85klu9: ssh with X forwarding, or alternatively vnc06:37
dr_willisCubey,  fire up gparted then from the live cd.06:37
phaidroshi, anybody pulseaudio with skype 1.4 running?06:37
phaidros[in feisty] 06:37
phaidrosor any hint to howto?06:37
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klu9HEP85: thx, where can I get more info on that?06:37
stefgbastos12: enter 'fixmbr' and 'fixboot' at the windows commad prompt06:37
hwilde!skype | phaidros06:38
ubotuphaidros: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:38
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:38
relativeownershibastos12, to remove linux you're going to have to use a bootable linux distribution with a program that can edit partitions, like gparted. you can try the ubuntu cd - it has a good partition program on it that you can use to delete linux. to reinstall ndldr to the master boot record you'll have to use windows boot disk. there are plenty of tutorials on restoring your mbr with the windows xp disk.06:38
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:38
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klu9ubotu & HEP85, thx for the links06:38
bastos12relativeownershi: the linux partition is on a hard drive that's on longer in my computer. i literally just want to get rid of grub06:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:39
bastos12stefg: to get to a command prompt i put in my windows CD and went to the "recovery console" - that count?06:39
stefgbastos12: yes. further questions about windows in ##windows, plz06:39
bastos12i should be all set. thanky ou06:39
frb-workI'm so confused06:39
relativeownershibastos12, that's a question for a windows forum. you'll have to reinstate the windows boot loader to the mbr, i know its  a pretty straightforward process with one of the windows xp installation disks.06:39
phaidroshwilde, thanx but there is no mentioning of pulseaudio, and the site talks about a skype version which uses oss, which 1.4 is not doing any more :(06:40
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Talcitehey guys, I need to make a VOIP call today at 2pm, but I can't get my mic to work06:40
relativeownershibastos12, even if you simply removed grub you'd be left without a bootable computer because then you wouldn't have a bootloader at all.06:40
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frb-workI removed wu-ftpd, but it left all the files in place, I install vsftpd, but whenever I ftp to the host, my syslog whines about not being able to execute wu-ftd06:40
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frb-workwu-ftpd that is06:40
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phaidroshwilde: usually with older skype some simple pulseaudio tweak and "padsp skype" helps, but as there is no more oss ..06:40
hanasakiconsole shells shwo the correct time.. the gnome xterms and date applet show about 16 hours later... whats up?06:40
Talcitecan someone who has experience with ALSA give me a hand?06:41
EightElevenTalcite: You can check if it is enabled in volume control06:41
TalciteEightEleven: yup, it's all enabled and everything06:41
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phaidroshi, anybody pulseaudio with skype 1.4 (no oss, just alsa) running ??06:42
relativeownershianybody know how to overcome the CAN'T ACCESS TTY; JOB CONTROL TURNED OFF boot problem i'm having?06:42
TalciteEightEleven: I'm using an Intel HD audio codec, does that have anything to do with it?06:42
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stefghanasaki: your timezone setting seems wrong06:42
EightElevenTalcite: I don't know enough about ALSA if the problem is there.06:42
CheesyMonkey!intelhda | Talcite06:42
ubotuTalcite: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:42
hanasakistefg:  where can i set it?06:42
bastos12stefg: it worked like a charm, thank you! =)06:42
LorvijaHey, I got logitech wireless mx laser mouse.. is there any way to make those buttons on the side of the mouse work?06:42
hanasakistefg:  its right on the console but not in gnome06:42
TalciteEightEleven: ahh thanks for the help anyways. I'm going to try that link06:42
klu9HEP85: that VNC guide is for Ubuntu-to-Ubuntu remote. Still valid for XP-to-Ubuntu remote?06:42
bastos12relativeownershi: i know it'd be useless to have a bootloaderless compy, which was why my preferred method of removing grub was one that also put ntldr back in. it's all set now06:42
felixhummeli'm looking for a mpeg2 cut program. it should just separate one huge file into some smaller files. ideally without recoding (GOP-precision would suffice).06:42
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relativeownershibastos12, cool. good luck!06:43
hanasakianything in X that allows native remote desktops to windows clients?  not vnc.. but using the win protocol06:43
stefghanasaki: right click the clock applet06:43
HEP85klu9: Yes, but maybe it is easier to use the gnome builtin vino. The guide does not use it06:43
relativeownershiI'm having a problem getting ubuntu to boot. it says /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off. any ideas?06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vino - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
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hanasakistefg:  shouldnt it get the zone from the base OS?06:44
hanasakialso.. stefg it wont take the root passwd ... cuase its not an account with sudo acess06:45
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stefghanasaki: actually yes. there's only one tzconfig06:45
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relativeownershihanasaki, no it gets the time from your system bios. if thats wrong or if your cmos batt died then you gotta reset it. right? stefg06:45
klu9will look into vino, thx HEP8506:45
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relativeownershii still can't get ubuntu to boot: can't access tty, job control turned off.06:46
hanasakistefg:  and relativeownershi the time is fine on the console.. just not in gnome06:46
asaupdoes anyone know any program to recover files that i deleted days ago06:46
relativeownershihanasaki, stefg oh word06:46
phaidroshi, anybody pulseaudio with skype 1.4 (no oss, just alsa) running ??06:46
relativeownershiasaup, did you shift-del them or just del them06:46
hanasakirelativeownershi:  stefg umm correction.. its fine on the console for root only....06:46
relativeownershiasaup, from what disk - external, usb, ata, sata?06:46
hanasakithis is a brand new install06:46
HEP85klu9: Here is a client for windows: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/vnc-tight/tightvnc-1.3.9_x86_viewer.zip06:46
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asauprelativeownershi: sata and i shift -deleted them06:47
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relativeownershiasaup, what os you running...ubuntu i take it? feisty, edgy?06:47
stefghanasaki: UTC vs. local timezone ... but you need sudo-privs to change something06:47
hanasakithat was my thought.. by what to change?06:47
relativeownershiasaup, oh...nope, nothing you can do that i'm aware of.06:47
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downhillgameswhere is smb.conf storeD?06:48
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relativeownershiasaup, shift-delete is for that purpose. if you caught it seconds after it happened you might have been able to do something...but days ago...not likely at all. sorry.06:48
asauprelativeownershi: you mean its immpossible ???06:48
royelCould someone tell me how I can retrieve a list of all revisions avail in a SVN?06:48
downhillgamesgoing once...06:48
klu9HEP85 thx for the VNC link06:48
relativeownershiasaup, as far as i know, yes. it is impossible. shift-delete is for that purpose.06:48
downhillgamesgoing twice...06:48
royeldownhillgames: gone!06:49
asauprelativeownershi: is there something i can give a try06:49
relativeownershidownhillgames, ...?06:49
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downhillgamessold to the man in royel blue :)06:49
asaupso i can calm my mind06:49
HEP85klu9: you can set up the server on ubuntu with System-->Settings-->Remote Desktop06:49
downhillgamesroyel; where is smb.conf stored? :)06:49
relativeownershiasaup, i don't know of any way to do it. try googling something like "ubuntu feisty restore shift-deleted files"06:49
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royeldownhillgames: try /etc/samba/samba.conf06:50
relativeownershidownhillgames, try a locate command...06:50
downhillgamesrelativeownershi; if Ubuntu was my distro i would :)06:50
downhillgamesthanks royel :D06:50
relativeownershidownhillgames, why are you in this channel if you're not using ubuntu (:06:50
royeldownhillgames: or perhaps /etc/samba/smb.conf06:50
alienseer23have a question about akregator...it is freezing up when I open it, and I do not know why, how do I find out what is causing the freeze?06:50
royelrelativeownershi: because ubuntu users know all!06:50
relativeownershiroyel, i know that.06:51
relativeownershiroyel, haha06:51
royelrelativeownershi: lol, I guess I should have known that !06:51
relativeownershiroyel well you did, of course. maybe you know: why job control is turned off for my tty? i can't boot ubuntu.06:51
royelCould someone tell me how I can retrieve a list of all revisions available in a SVN?06:52
downhillgamesroyel; someone else got it. /etc/samba/smb.conf :)06:52
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klu9HEP85 I'll get my "customer" (mother :) ) to do that when she's online, thx06:52
downhillgamesrelativeownershi; because Fedora > Ubuntu :P but i'm helping someone with their problem06:52
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ksivajihow make linux kernel lighter ?06:52
royeldownhillgames: pff .. didn't you count down already! you should be Gone! :)06:52
orgulloKmooreoh dear, I desperately need help...PLEASE06:52
downhillgamesroyel; :D06:52
orgulloKmooremy sister like totally ruined my computer, and now I get nothing but bash in recovery mode06:52
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orgulloKmooreand it won't even start in regular mode06:53
royelrelativeownershi: I'm guessing this makes me a non Ubuntu user, I'm not sure06:53
orgulloKmooreit says it can't find the file "rules/xorg"06:57
stefgksivaji: when you are in desparate need for 300 or 500 kB you have a different kind of problem than how to make the kernel lighter06:57
downhillgamesorgulloKmoore; a physical lock will do wonders :)06:57
royelrelativeownershi: what is there error your getting?06:57
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orgulloKmooreand then when I first start it up, it says "unknown stanza" in /etc/event.d or something like that06:57
orgulloKmooredownhillgames: what's that?06:57
relativeownershiroyel, < /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off >06:57
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orgulloKmooreohh...to keep my sister out?06:57
ksivajistefg i cant get you06:57
HEP85klu9: you're welcome. btw: then you only need to enter her ip in the tightvnc viewer app on windows. no need for the long tutorials :-)06:57
orgulloKmooreI'm so pissed...but let's deal with the problem at hand06:57
_Lucretia_can anybody help me out with getting 32 bit compiles to work on feisty?06:57
majorjrkI cant isntall feisty on a brand new laptop, getting the /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off and [ 1.404052]  PCI : Failed to allocate mem resource #6:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX fpr 0000:01:00.0 Loading please wait, anyone could help me ?06:57
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orgulloKmooreugh, how do you scroll up in irssi?06:57
stefgksivaji: if you aren't developing for some embedded device, there's no use in what you want06:57
downhillgamesorgulloKmoore; to keep your sister out. like a masterlock06:57
downhillgamesoh fevel was in here hahaha06:57
relativeownershiroyel, i'm trying to boot a ubuntu disk on my friend's old computer. i've been using feisty disks.06:57
orgulloKmooreok, downhillgames, but do you happen to know how to fix the problem I've got?06:57
downhillgamesorgulloKmoore; what's the error when booting?06:57
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hanasakiwhy would the time be off 16 hrs for users consoles and correct for the root?06:57
klu9HEP85 will I need to be Root to fix her sound issue?06:57
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royelrelativeownershi: I think it's a issue with mounts, let me try google06:57
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EightElevenhanasaki: timezone settings?06:57
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HEP85klu9: it depends. probably yes. but since you will see and control exactly her desktop, there is no problem switching to root06:57
orgulloKmooredownhillgames: first it says five times something like "unkown stanza in /etc/events.d or something like that, and then it says, with a red star next to it, not starting gnome, which is the default desktop, and then it says that it can't find "rules/xorg" in any known directories.06:57
downhillgamesorgulloKmoore; bad timing, i have dogs to take care of06:57
downhillgamesgotta go06:57
klu9HEP85: ok, thx06:57
LorvijaHey, I got logitech wireless mx laser mouse.. is there any way to make those buttons on the side of the mouse work?06:57
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=== orgulloKmoore takes 100 aspirin
relativeownershiroyel, oh man it seems to be working fine with edgy06:57
royelrelativeownershi: I was just gonna suggest using a different dist06:58
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orgulloKmoorehelp anyone06:58
relativeownershiroyel, yeah puppy was OK and now edgy is working ok...but i want to use feisty. i guess there's not much i can do short of installing edgy then dist-upgrading, eh?06:58
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relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, ok man relax, its somewhat unlikely that your sister totally ruined your os06:59
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, no more suicide attempts in this channel ok06:59
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royelrelativeownershi: have you verified the disc to work on other machines?06:59
orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: eh, it's stressing06:59
relativeownershiroyel, yeah06:59
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relativeownershiroyel, these disks work fine on my other computers06:59
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royelrelativeownershi: is it an older machine your having problems with then?07:00
FusE-Hi skollie07:00
relativeownershiroyel, yeah but there's somebody else in the hcannel having a similiar problem with a brand new computer07:00
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relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, tell me about your computing setup. what system are you using, what OS?07:00
FusE-Is there a way to run ubuntu livecd iso without having to burn it07:00
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, also how are you typing on this channel - do you have a second system you're using?07:00
orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: I'm using irssi07:01
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, in console or in x? on your main desktop that' shaving trouble or on another systeM?07:01
FusE-Is there a way to run ubuntu livecd iso without having to burn it07:01
WorkingGeieris there an EmbeddedUbuntu channel?07:01
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:02
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royelFusE-: yes, google it07:02
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FusE-Thanks, last time I checked this was a help channel07:02
orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: in console. And on the one I'm having trouble. I don't have another computer handy.07:02
Cyber_Stalkercould some one help me, here is my error07:02
royelFusE-: want me to hold your hand while you piss?07:02
klu9FusE-: qemu07:02
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primskiFuse... there is...check on ubuntuforums theres a howto, never done it mysef tho07:03
FusE-!spam | royel07:03
uboturoyel: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)07:03
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, do you have a bootable disk?07:03
FusE-!Attitude | Royel07:03
ubotuRoyel: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:03
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primskiFuse, you have to make grub run it somehow, rly check the forums :p07:03
FusE-Okay that one was not the one to do07:03
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orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: I think I have knoppix07:03
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FusE-Im looking atm07:03
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, do you have any really important files on your ubuntu installation you need to save?07:03
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, just in case you need to re-install?07:04
orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: I have a lot that I want to save...I thought it was improbable that she screwed up my whole os?07:04
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orgulloKmoorehere...I have the live ubuntu cd07:04
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royelFusE-: You asked a open ended question, I answered you with a direct answer an provided a method for you to find more info on what you asked, you made the first ugly comment07:04
primskiFuse- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316093&highlight=iso+grub+howto07:05
FusE-royel, if you are going to have a bad attitude, then don't even talk07:05
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, just in case you have to re-install. it is unlikely but possible. be aware that you might not be able to get it all back.07:05
FusE-Thanks primski07:05
royelFusE-: I'm sorry?07:05
orgulloKmooreoh grand07:05
orgulloKmooreok, well I'm gonna try to boot with this...brb07:05
relativeownershiorgulloKmoore, let me go back and review some of your other postings. can you get a little more information compiled about the error messageyou get when you try a normal boot?07:05
derrick_ehlo :)  is it possible to do an install via serial console if video is dead w/ existing install media?07:05
royelFusE-: how is my attitude bad? I am being nice here, as I always am.. your the one having the bot spam me07:05
FusE-Bleh, Ill just boot to windows and burn it07:05
primskiFuse- np07:05
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orgulloKmoorerelativeownershi: yeah, I will07:06
=== cobman [n=justinas@78-60-112-31.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu
FusE-royel, google your problem, maybe you will find a solution07:06
HoxzerI'm getting "mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop#"  when I try to mount iso any ideas ?07:06
royelFusE-: lol, what is your deal?07:06
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mneptoklighten up, Francis.07:06
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switchcatgreetings, Q: my gnome/X seems to have stopped taking input from my mouse.  how can I reset or otherwise nudge X into fixing the problem?07:06
relativeownershiFusE-, yeah man chill out. we're all human here. thats what ubuntu is all about.07:07
Hoxzernvm... :D07:07
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primskiswitchcat, did u try restarting x ?07:07
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FusE-Im not doing anything, hes the one with a sour attitude07:07
primskiok stfu now kids07:07
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HEP85royel: I think he is pissed of because of the google thing07:07
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relativeownershiFusE-, royel primski HEP85 lol yeah that's likely, eh? what's the problem again fuse?07:08
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FusE-Nothing anymore07:08
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royelHEP85: maybe.. wasn't trying to piss him off, simply told him an answer to his question, an stated try google, maybe I sounded "short" but I was "trying" to be helpful07:08
relativeownershiFusE-, well you can open the iso w/o butning it07:08
mneptokFusE- / royel: i'll gladly end the drama by banning you both. up to you how this plays out ...07:08
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hendrixski:-( SVN is hard07:08
relativeownershiFusE-, you can actually open the iso as an archive file if you're in ubuntu07:08
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FusE-Wow, I ask a question, and someone wants to ban me. Really takes away from the whole 'help' channel right mneptok?07:09
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=== mneptok *loathes* playing The Enforcer
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> it fixed itself!07:09
=== OrgulloKmoore praises the lord
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, what do you mean07:09
OrgulloKmooreI'm so happy, but I so baffled07:09
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> I restarted, for the fifth time or so, and everything07:09
OrgulloKmoorewent normal07:09
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OrgulloKmooreactually, it still gave me those errors07:09
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, didn't you say you were going to use the livecd07:10
OrgulloKmoorebut this time I got my computer back07:10
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yes, but I tried to restart in normal mode to give you more details about the error I was getting07:10
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, oh cool. you should have a log under /etc/log called Xorg.0.log07:10
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, sorry, /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:11
HEP85royel: I believe that it was not your intention to piss him off. On the other hand I think that people who come here asking for help haven't found the right solution with google or just don't know the words they should search for07:11
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FusE->.< I looked on google trust me....07:11
FusE-booting to live cd07:11
mneptoksomeone needs a hug.07:11
hendrixskidoes anybody know a good manual for SVN?07:11
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relativeownershiHEP85, that's true but there are also people who come here not having even looked at man pages or wikis, or installation instructions on the screen.07:12
derrick_hendrixski their online manual is a complete book07:12
hendrixskieverything I find is written for people who already know what they're doing :-(07:12
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yes, it's there07:12
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, good. pastebin it and let me look.07:12
klu9royelFusE-: want me to hold your hand while you piss?07:12
FirefighterBlu3would you please?07:12
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/07:12
linux_manjuhendrixski: tigris site has tons of it07:12
royelklu9: thanks, yes!07:12
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hendrixskilinux_manju, derrick_, oh, logically I havn't looked at the site of the peole who  make... I googled it first.... lol07:13
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=== hendrixski tries the tigris site
royelklu9: his comment prior to that is the reason for that07:13
younghackerdoes anyone know how to repair the software index07:13
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derrick_q:  is it possible to do an install w/o video using a serial console?07:13
younghackermy software indexes have been broken07:13
younghackercan someone help me fix them07:13
HEP85relativeownershi: those people exist, too. but you don't recognize them directly after the first sentence07:13
FirefighterBlu3derrick, yes07:13
relativeownershiHEP85, true that07:13
FirefighterBlu3you should probably use the server version07:13
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30238/07:14
derrick_FirefighterBlu3 i'm not having luck w/ google responses.  any suggestion on a keyword to try?  thanks for verifying it does exist tho :)07:14
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linux_manjuhendrixski: Nope.. They only assume that the person who is planning to use svn has some knowledge of revision systems07:14
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FirefighterBlu3when you boot the cd, make sure your bios is already set to redirect the console07:14
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mc44younghacker: what do you mean by your software index07:14
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, i don't see any X errors that should cause problems.07:15
FirefighterBlu3derrick, then append something like "console=ttyS0,19200n8" to your boot line07:15
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hendrixskilinux_manju, ok, well, I've used CVS in Windows... so... it's interesting suddenly becoming a linux developer07:15
derrick_FirefighterBlu3  cool.  as long as the install media's kernel allows it :)  thanks!07:15
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, let me loko a bit more, one minute07:15
FirefighterBlu3derrick, you may have to blindly hit F6 after it boots and you believe it is at the boot menu07:15
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derrick_FirefighterBlu3 understood.  mostly i couldn't find the .config for the install media's kernel to know07:16
linux_manjuhendrixski: CVS in windows .. Tortoise or Cygwin?07:16
FirefighterBlu3it does, but the current ISOs of *ubuntu all go into graphical mode which is annoying07:16
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FirefighterBlu3derrick, it's actually a lot easier to do a bootp setup from another machine07:16
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> ok. Also, the error seemed to be coming from /etc/event.d ...if that's of any help07:16
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FirefighterBlu3i don't have my notes handy, but i just did 6 machines last week that way07:16
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dxdemetriouwith K3B when I try to write DVD at 16X is writes at ~8X, and when I try at 8X it writes at ~4X. I have a NEC ND-3550A burner07:17
hendrixskilinux_manju, ya know, it was just kind of already set up for me so I don't know... I just clicked a button in Eclipse and it magically worked07:17
OrgulloKmooretty3, tty4, tty5, and tty6 if I recall07:17
fevelhow Do I set up a share beetween ubuntu and the guest (windowsxp) on vmware server?07:17
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hendrixskilinux_manju, it's different when you ahve to set it up yourself07:17
derrick_FirefighterBlu3 perfect.  mostly i just wanted verification it's possible.  i'm sure i can work through it.  just wasn't sure if i needed to build a new install cd w/ an altered kernel.  thanks!07:17
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Lorvijahey, how to restart x?07:17
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FirefighterBlu3the iso kernel should work fine :)07:17
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=== linux_manju pats hendrixski * Welcome to the hell :P
sacaterLorvija: ctrl-alt-backspace07:18
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majorjrkrelativeownershi: btw, have you tried the alternate cd installer ?07:18
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, hrm. check this out. enable your bootlog, reboot, and pastebin your boot log.07:18
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4992507:18
=== hendrixski is suddenly afraid
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relativeownershimajorjrk, actually i was able to successfully boot edgy no problem07:19
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nkbreauis there a way to get glibc-devel via apt-get ?07:19
relativeownershimajorjrk, but i'm trying the alt cd now (:07:19
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majorjrkyeah, downloading here also07:19
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linux_manjuhendrixski: Well nothing to worry about.. Both cvs and svn play cool in Linux.. Only that the users go wayward :P07:19
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relativeownershimajorjrk, well let me see if it helps07:20
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> ok, hopefully I don't get stuck in a shell again07:20
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, lol yeah07:20
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, btw07:20
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, while in recovery mode did you try to start X?07:20
hendrixskilinux_manju, wayward users eh?  I have SVN set up on my server, just gotta populate it and learn how to check stuff in and out.  shouldn't be that bad from here on out, ... I hope07:20
linux_manjuhendrixski: I have a setup of cvs and svn with 400 odd users.. Belive me all the problems I have faced so far is from client side.. None from the server07:20
=== rjek remains at a complete loss to how to get his touchscreen working, and as such gives up.
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yeah, it gave me a big grey screen with a big fat "X" that i didn't know how to get out of even07:20
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hendrixskilinux_manju, oh... so.. then it can be that bad... Ok...  :-(07:21
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, ok cool. for future refeence if you do something likee that there's a command built into the ubuntu kernel that enables you to kill stuff that was activated from a virtual command prompt.07:21
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relativeownershiuse alt+sysrq+k to kill x if you have to do it like that in the future.07:21
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, that last message was supposed to be pointed at you07:22
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> gotcha07:22
OrgulloKmooreok, Ima reboot07:22
jumbersIs it possible to modify my microphone input on its way into Skype? I want to be able to change things like pitch to modify my voice. If so, how can I do such a thing?07:22
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, and also if you're ever in recovery mode and you want to try your desktop manager with X, try runnung "gdm" instead of "startx"07:22
relativeownershidelude, hello.07:22
linux_manjuhendrixski: http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Subversion_for_Coders may be a good start07:22
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hendrixskilinux_manju, cool.  wiki's are probably a better layout for me than the book on the tigris site07:23
deludeQ: Why does sound distort at relatively low levels (compared to windows) in all players? Any way to fix this?07:23
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> oh, last time I just did the command X07:23
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OrgulloKmoore(I don't know much...)07:24
Cubeywell, i got 6.10 installed but now there's no sound :|07:24
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linux_manjuhendrixski: Well to start with yes.. But once you are in full fledge you might consider looking at the tigris book07:24
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, that might be the problem. startx also initiates some other important stuff. use startx in the future.07:24
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relativeownershimajorjrk, the alternate cd seems to be working fine07:24
=== hendrixski wonders when he'll actually get to developing stuff if there's so many tools to learn on Linux
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younghackerdoes anyone know how to fix my software indexes?07:26
younghackerit says there broken07:26
younghackeryes apt-get says that07:26
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younghackeri was trying to dpkg a deb package07:27
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younghackerthen the console outputted that i needed to install the dependencies07:27
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younghackerso i apt-get them07:27
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relativeownershitry sudo apt-get update07:27
younghackerthen the update icon popped up ,, and when i went to update i got the error message07:27
relativeownershiyounghacker, try sudo apt-get update07:27
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bullgard4After upgrading from 6.10 Ubuntu 7.04 does Gnome_Search_Tool no longer offer the item 'file system' in the field 'Search directory'. How can I change that?07:28
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woodwizzleI have onboard sound, and a sound card. However everytime I reboot, the primary device switches from one to the other. I just want to use my sound card always and forget onboard. :(07:28
mneptokwoodwizzle: disable the on-board in the BIOS07:28
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younghackeri still get the error message from synaptic07:29
woodwizzlemneptok, My BIOS isn't that fancy07:29
relativeownershiyounghacker, did you close synaptic before you ran the command?07:29
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younghackersynaptic is closed now07:29
relativeownershiyounghacker, run synaptic from a terminal07:29
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jumbersNobody knows?07:29
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relativeownershiyounghacker, we need more information on what the problem is07:29
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> mkay, where is the log supposed to be now?07:30
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, /var/log/boot. it should be a text file.07:30
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younghackerok synaptic says i have one broken package,,, the xml editor that i just attempted to install07:30
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> (Nothing has been logged yet.)07:30
relativeownershiyounghacker, so if you can give us exactly the error messages that synaptic is returning we'll know better what to do.07:30
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OrgulloKmoorethat didn't work...07:30
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younghackerhold up07:31
younghackerlemme get07:31
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, is there no boot file?07:31
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, did you try to open it with sudo?07:32
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, try running this command form a terminal:07:32
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, sudo gedit /var/log/boott07:32
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yes, the file is there, but it says what I pasted07:32
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, well, without the extra "t" in boot07:32
rsc___how do I find out what files are contained in a certain installed package?07:32
OrgulloKmoore(Nothing has been logged yet.)07:32
younghackerou have 1 broken package on your system!07:32
younghackerUse the "Broken" filter to locate it.07:32
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rsc___say, I want to know what files the 'gimp' package has installed.07:32
younghackerWhen i open synaptic i get this07:32
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KI4IKLHow can I get my gnome panel to NOT show kde apps?07:32
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> do you think the fact that I typed "Yes" (to contrast "No") rather than "yes" (lowercase) made a difference?07:32
woodwizzleI know about the sound dialog in my system menu, but it doesn't seem to help me define my default sound card07:33
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relativeownershiyounghacker, ok. for future reference within your irc thing you can specify a message sent to me by typing a part of my username and hitting "tab" that way i can separate it from everybody else's chatter07:33
OrgulloKmoore(the forum says change it to "yes")07:33
OrgulloKmoorebut it seems trivial...07:33
lazellamawhy is truecrypt doin this? http://pastebin.com/m5e29f04c07:33
younghackersorry i didn't know07:33
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, hrm. i don' tknow.07:33
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, well linux is case sensitive, heh07:33
younghackerrelativeownershi: so only u see this one?07:33
OrgulloKmooreI suppose it won't hurt to try07:33
relativeownershiyounghacker, i can see them all but that one is highlighted in red07:33
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younghackeror you just know it's for you07:33
relativeownershisee how this next one is not highlighted?07:34
younghackerohhh cool07:34
OrgulloKmoorebut "Yes" is the opposite of "No"07:34
younghackeryes i see no07:34
relativeownershiyounghacker, <nosd> cool. one minute.07:34
younghackerrelativeownershi: ok07:34
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, you did a full restart yes, not a quick restart?07:34
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> the difference?07:35
relativeownershiyounghacker, now where were we? oh yeah. so what's the ultimate problem that's occuring on your system.07:35
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, quick restart is when you restart the x server only. it won't log anything in the boot log.07:35
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, a full restart is where you see your bios splash and all that fun stuff, grub, etc.07:35
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, or you can even power cycle to ensure everything is starting fresh07:36
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yes, I got to see all that stuff07:36
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OrgulloKmooreI even saw the errors I'm trying to let you see07:36
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, ok. try to change it to 'yes' and reboot again. i'm just trying to get ahold of a log of your errors so i can try to figure out whats causing them.07:36
younghackerrelativeownershi: ok right now i am trying to fix my broken packages ,, i think , man i don't really kmnow,, all i know is i tried to install something it said that it had dependencies that were not installed and i went to install them and next thing i get is errors07:36
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younghackerrelativeownershi: Software index is broken07:37
younghackerIt is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.07:37
relativeownershiyounghacker, what were you trying to install07:37
younghackeran xml editor07:37
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relativeownershiyounghacker, you know i had a similiar problem07:37
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relativeownershiyounghacker, trying to install some 3rd party crap. i learned quick to stay in the repos.07:38
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relativeownershiyounghacker, but here. go into synaptic and find the software that's broken. mark all the broken packages for complete removal.07:38
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felixhummeldoes anybody know gopchop? is there a successor of some kind?07:38
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felixhummelhow do you split large mpeg files?07:38
younghackerrelativeownershi: I've done that and it stays for some reason.. im not sure07:38
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relativeownershiyounghacker, well if i can find out what it says i might be able to help more07:40
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younghackerso i have 2 programs that just won't go anywhere now blue fish and the xml editor ,,, the xml editor gives messages about dependencies and that it can't configure the program07:40
relativeownershiyounghacker, is what you were trying to install available in the repositories?07:41
relativeownershiyounghacker, or were you using a 3rd party repository07:41
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younghackerumm no,, i got it from a deb site07:41
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younghackerit was an ubuntu site07:41
younghackerumm i think i can get the address07:41
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younghackerrelativeownershi: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=115307:41
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nkbreaudoes 7.04 only  have a subset of beryl ?07:41
nkbreauif not how do i find a config screen ?07:41
nkbreauso i can properly configure the cube and stuff07:42
nkbreauand how can i start emerald ?07:42
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relativeownershiyounghacker, pastebin the error messages that occur when you try to do what you want to do07:43
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younghackerumm i've never used pastebin before07:43
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relativeownershiyounghacker, oh sorry - here's a link07:43
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younghackerno prob man no worries,,07:44
younghackeri just don't want to have to take my postgresql server down and reinstall ubuntu07:44
relativeownershiyounghacker, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ basically just paste in the terminal output with the error messages07:44
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younghackerok can do07:44
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> yeah, nothing07:44
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, argh. well - they don't seem to be keeping you from running a functional desktop. try to figure out why the boot log isn't working. when you know what error messages it's giving, you can probbaly get more help07:45
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> I already know the error message :p07:46
OrgulloKmooreI memorized it by now07:46
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, what is it then lol07:46
OrgulloKmoore/etc/event.d/tty1 Unknown stanza 1607:46
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OrgulloKmooreand it repeats that from tty1 to tty607:46
jrattner1QUESTION: If I run an e-mail server, what is a simple way to keep a record of sent and recieved mailed (or back up)07:46
OrgulloKmooreand then it says "xorg/rules" not found in any known directory07:46
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OrgulloKmooreand then it says "Not starting GNOME desktop (gtm); it is the default _something__", this appears by a red star, while the rest of the messages are white07:47
OrgulloKmooreand then that's it07:47
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> this is what line 16 says: /sbin/getty 38400 tty1exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty107:49
OrgulloKmoore"ttyl" means "Talk to ya later" as far as I'm concerned :DD07:49
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Drakesonwhere is emacs? (not emacs21)07:49
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, try dpkg --configure -a07:49
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Selrachwhen it comes to using virtualization technology, does the BIOS have to support it, or just the processor?07:50
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> kyle@kyle:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a07:50
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, no that means that the command completed w/o errors07:51
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, which is good07:51
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, oh lol! look at this, about halfway down:07:51
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/9521007:51
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, there's supposed to be a space between tty1 and exec on line 1607:51
ServerCrashhi, anyone in here exited about the MPX, Multi Point X Server , similar to MS surface computing07:51
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ServerCrashI am thinking of testing it out, trying to understand what hardwares are required for same07:52
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relativeownershiyounghacker, you stiill here?07:53
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> hmm..and how do you suppose that got misplaced_07:53
n4thi all07:53
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, i don't know, looks like it might have been a coding error07:53
n4thow can I disable a wifi card... I have tried with ifconfig but after some time it becames up07:53
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, maybe after an update or some such ness07:54
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> probably07:54
OrgulloKmoorebut, restarting after fixing...07:54
valehruwhat needs to be installed to view videos video/divx in mozilla firefox?07:54
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n4thow can I disable a wireless card?07:55
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valehrun4t, sudo ifdown eth107:55
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egWKHey guys I installed manually seamonkey but I can't see any icon creating for it (it had an installer :P) is this normal?07:56
zythis there some application I can use to back up my system to DVD like Norton Ghost?07:56
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n4tvalehru: if I do that after a while it becames up ....07:57
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Selrachhow do I find out if my BIOS supports virtualization for use with zen?07:57
valehrun4t, if you want to stop all networking just do sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop07:57
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OrgulloKmooredidn't change a thing, relativeownershi07:57
CubeyFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)07:57
n4tvalehru:no only one interface07:57
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CubeyAttempting to upgrade to 7.04 from 6.10 via GUI and I get that error :/07:58
valehrun4t, sudo ifdown eth1 should kill that interface07:58
n4tit's possible to not load the driver at boot07:58
n4tof that interface?07:58
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valehrun4t, edit the /etc/network/interfaces file07:58
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, hrm.07:58
valehrun4t, remove all references to eth107:59
valehrun4t, then sudo /etc/init.d/networking force-reload07:59
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OrgulloKmooreI'm not worried about it, as long as my computer works07:59
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relativeownershipastebin the file you're looking at with the error at line 1607:59
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, see last message07:59
valehrun4t, then /etc/init.d/networking/restart07:59
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> there are 6, but they are identical aside from the order in which they call each other08:00
n4tvalehru:  that interface is called ra0 and in that file is not present08:00
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valehrun4t, eth1 is your wifi right?08:00
P-KHello. I am trying to use the live cd and I am not getting very far. I have a new laptop with intel core2 duo. It's an acer 5920G. It loads the kernel and starts to boot but then it says PCI failed to allocate mem resource. Loading, please wait.. and hangs.08:00
n4tno... ra008:00
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, are you able to pastebin the file?08:00
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n4tI have a ralink wireless... and ubuntu call that interface ra008:00
P-KI have searched google and tried lots of different cheatcodes and I still can't get it to boot.08:00
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valehrun4t, then sudo ifdown ra008:01
x89xcan anyone help me with my video driver ??????08:01
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n4tvalehru: I have done it for now is kiled08:01
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30240/08:01
n4tbut after a while08:01
valehrun4t, if that interfaces file does not exist then you are not running an ubuntu system!08:01
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n4tis present in ifconfig08:01
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n4tvalehru: is present the file.... but there' isn't ra0 inside the file08:02
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ryanakcayou can set up LVM using the DVD installer, correct?08:02
valehrun4t, no clue then....your system is boinked....08:02
P-Kalso BusyBox pops up at the end and states /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off08:02
P-Kcan anyone help?08:02
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royelP-K: your using Fiesty Fawn?08:03
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x89xanyone ?? can anyone help me ?08:03
P-Koh yeah sorry. Fiesty Fawn.08:03
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P-KI tried both 64bit and 32bit and get the same results. I looks like some sort of hardware compatability issue.08:04
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n4tvalehru: so what I have to do?08:04
HEP85Cubey: "sudo apt-get clean" and then try again08:04
royelP-K: someone else was in here a bit ago with the same problem, I'd suggest trying a prior release an see how that goes, seems there is some issue with it mounting or detecting partitions, it's pretty random it seems.08:04
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x89xcan anyone help me with my dirvers ??08:04
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P-KI wonder if it's the kernel. I will try and earlier version.08:05
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, you there?08:05
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30241/08:05
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royelP-K: I wish I could tell you something more concrete, I googled for a while on this earlier an everything I turned up about it lead to there not being any suggestions for resolving it.08:05
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lorxCan anyone tell me why i get this error when i try to mount a newly partitioned harddrive: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,08:05
lorx   I use: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb /home/lorx/200gb         I used gparted to get it formatted into a ext3 drive. What am I doing wrong?08:05
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> I have to do what now?08:06
CubeyHEP85, no dice08:06
P-Kroyel: Yeah me to. Thanks for answering though.08:06
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royelP-K: :)08:06
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> oh, nevermind, I see08:06
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, make the code look like the pastebin08:06
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OrgulloKmoorethe location is repeated twice, eh08:06
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HEP85Cubey: any details on that error? maybe the server is overloaded at the moment08:06
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royellorx: is it formatted?08:07
XitroXcan somebody help me with a raid1? I've setup one at installation but now when boot with only one hdd it's not starting. what could i do? (saying md0 assembled with 1 out of 2 but not started)08:07
snowglobeI'm using ubuntu 7.04, and I'm trying to install Thunderbird 2.0 over Thunderbird 1.5. How do I do that?08:07
CubeyHEP85, nope08:07
kupesoftIs there any advantage over using the server kernel on a "headed" server that does occasionally run GNOME.08:07
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kupesoftI'm looking at BenC...08:08
lorxroyel, guess so, it says ext3 under filesystem, and i choose "format into ext3" in GParted08:08
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royellorx: also, seems that something like: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdbx /home/lorx/200gb  <-- where x is the partition number08:08
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lorxroyel, heh, damn, that worked, thanks mayn :)08:09
Yasumotosnowglobe: can you type "sudo apt-get install thunderbird" into the terminal?08:09
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royellorx: yw08:09
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CubeyFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)08:10
CubeyFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)08:10
OrgulloKmooreindeed you were right, relativeownershi08:10
Cubeythat's what it says. it says it twice08:10
snowglobeYasumoto: I'll try that, But i belive that it just installs the one that is in the repos, version 1.508:10
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, did it worK?08:10
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, no more error messages?08:10
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Yasumotosnowglobe: darn. alright, in that case you'll have to go to the site, and download the source code. try typing "sudo apt-get build-dep thunderbird"08:11
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lorxRoyel, hm.. how do i get writing permission in that mount?08:11
OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> no more. There is still the one that says not running Gnome because it's not the default display system, but I don't think that's an error. The "xorg/rules" one went away with the others08:11
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snowglobeYasumoto: Actually, it said that there was no installation candidate08:11
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royellorx: who owns the mount point?08:12
snowglobeYasumoto: and i'm sure i spelled it right too...08:12
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BenCkupesoft: if most of the loads needs non-interactive scheduling, then I suggest -server kernel08:12
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, sweetness. is gnome not your default environment?08:12
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, do you run kubuntu?08:12
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lorxroyel, if you mean the directory 200gb, then 'lorx' my user is the owner.08:13
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royellorx: as a quick guess, you might try: chmod 777 /home/lorx/200gb08:13
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jrattner1Does webmin work for ubuntu'"?08:13
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ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.08:13
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OrgulloKmoorerelativeownershi> Well, it's hard to say. It was originall Kubuntu, but i had a problem about a month ago and we did something of a ghetto upgrade, and the person who lead me through it didn't know I had kubuntu, so we upgraded to ubuntu, from kubuntu. I'm sure my computer is as confused as I am08:14
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:14
OrgulloKmooreI use programs from both...08:14
OrgulloKmooreKonqueror is my file manager08:14
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lorxroyel, again thanks, worked out :)08:14
royellorx: sorry, I am not in the habit of using sudo, as I normally only admin on servers with root, that would be: sudo chmod 777 /home/lorx/200gb08:14
snowglobeYasumoto: it said "unable to find a source package for sudo apt-get build-dep thunderbird"08:14
royellorx: :)08:14
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, heh sounds like fun08:14
OrgulloKmoorethanks, relativeownershi08:14
relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, you might be benefitted from a reinstall - you can also run both in different partitions08:15
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relativeownershiOrgulloKmoore, and keep in mind you can indeed have both installed. my system has both kde and gnome installed, plus xfce (a lighter desktop enviro)08:15
lorxroyel, hehe, yeah I figured that out, even thou i'm one hell of a newbie :>08:15
OrgulloKmooreYep, I have both. Getting used to Gnome08:15
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royellorx: sounds as if your gonna be one hell of a linux user then :)08:16
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kupesoftBenC: And supposing I don't know what non-interactive scheduling is?08:16
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snowglobeYasumoto: where are programs installed to in ubuntu?08:17
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x89xanyine ??08:17
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x89xplease help08:17
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Toma-x89x: whats the problem?08:17
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compengi!ask | x89x08:17
ubotux89x: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:17
BusMasterwhat is apic and what happens if i boot with the noapic option?08:18
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lorxroyel, hehe, hopes so one day :>08:18
XitroXcan somebody help me with a raid1? I've setup one at installation but now when boot with only one hdd it's not starting. what could i do? (saying md0 assembled with 1 out of 2 but not started)08:18
x89xis taht my driver ?? for via deltachrome ??08:18
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Toma-x89x: unichrome, yes08:18
P-Kroyel: I found a workaround. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500418&highlight=can%27t+access+tty+job+control+turned+off08:19
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P-KJust incase someone else asks.08:19
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x89xi'm on ubuntu 7.0408:19
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x89xwill it work ?08:19
BusMastermy laptop won't boot unless I pass the noapic option. I wantto know the consequences of booting with noapic08:19
Toma-x89x: thats fine. dont use this guide tho....08:19
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x89xhow do i do it toma ?08:19
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x89xi am new to linux toma !08:20
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x89xcan u help me toma ?08:20
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Toma-x89x: if anything, find the unichrome driver and install it via synaptic or apt-get then just run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and select unichrome as thedriver08:20
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Toma-x89x: if i cant, someone here will. also, try to cram as much as you can into 1 line rather than using enter over and over and over again :)08:20
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RoC_MasterMindI have a script I need to run before X/GNOME starts.  I put it in /etc/rc1.d/ as S99.sh but I never see it running....GNOME goes ahead and starts....will /etc/rc.local make it start then?  It needs to come before GNOME and is interactive.08:21
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snowglobeargh! pirates are coming!08:21
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: is it X based?08:21
RoC_MasterMindNo...it's a shell script.08:21
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: never mind that. /etc/rc.local is for what you want08:22
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: also, /etc/rc.local is basically a shell script too... hint hint :D08:22
RoC_MasterMindIs that script backgrounded, or run in the foreground....I can't have X come up until after my script is done.08:22
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: I see. I cant remember where it gets run now that GDM has been bought forward in the boot sequence08:23
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: trial and error?08:24
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x89xi searched in synaptic08:24
Toma-!enter | x89x08:24
ubotux89x: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:24
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RoC_MasterMindI'll try it.08:24
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: if that doesnt work, its easy enough to make a rc level specific script08:25
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x89xToma It says X.Org X server -- Savage display driver as installed version. and thers one X.Org X server -- VIA display driver  which is not installed08:25
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Yasumotosnowglobe: sorry about that. i'd check something like http://www.freeos.com/articles/3102 (i got that from googling "linux filesystem") have you gone to www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird to grab the source?08:25
x89xbut i'm using VESA atm. what do i do ??08:25
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Toma-x89x: you need both 'xserver-xorg-unichrome' and 'xserver-xorg-via' i do believe08:25
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Toma-x89x: vesa is rock solid but doesnt have very good resolutions :(08:26
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Myke`I'm a total noob to ubuntu/linux and would like to run dual screens. I have an nvidia fx6200 card. I got easily confused reading things online on how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction?08:26
KrazubuI'm running linux for the 1st time and I would need some help about installing an ATI X1600 driver08:26
Aileanis there anything different to note about dual-booting ubuntu with vista as opposed to XP?08:26
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jumbersIs there any voice modulation software available for Ubuntu so that I can modify my voice before it reaches Skype?08:26
x89xToma SHould i download the X.Org X server -- VIA display driver  package too ?08:26
RoC_MasterMindToma-, OK, I'll be back.  Thanks.08:26
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Toma-x89x: sure. cant hurt08:26
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: np. cya soon08:26
RoC_MasterMind!dual-boot Ailean08:26
Aileanjumbers that's just creepy08:27
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RoC_MasterMind!dual-boot| Ailean08:27
ubotuAilean: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)08:27
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jumbersAilean: Not really, I want to disguise my voice08:27
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RoC_MasterMindThere might be some notes there about Vista.08:27
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massctrlhello I want to debootstrap ubuntu as a domU on my debian xen server.  where can I get the scripts for it (the ones for /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/)?08:27
Toma-jumbers: sure. just use jack to patch up some connections and use that jack wrapper program (cant remember what it is08:27
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erUSUL!install | massctrl08:27
ubotumassctrl: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:27
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jumbersToma-: I don't entirely understand what you mean08:28
Aileandoes anyone have any additional tips about dual-booting with vista?08:28
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Myke`I'm a total noob to ubuntu/linux and would like to run dual screens. I have an nvidia fx6200 card. I got easily confused reading things online on how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction?08:28
kupesoftHow can I check information about whether fsck will run for a disk?08:28
x89xToma. i installed the package. what do i do now ??08:28
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snowglobeYasumoto: sorry, I was away (a guy's gotta eat...) anyway, I've got the source, but I don't know how to install it.08:29
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Toma-jumbers: youll need 'jack' 'qjackctl' and some other tools... just google jack :D08:29
Yasumotosnowglobe: cool. where'd you download the file to?08:29
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jumbersToma-: How will Skype pick up the modified sound though?08:29
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Toma-x89x: run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and select unichrome or via as thedriver08:30
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snowglobeYasumoto: /home/kevin08:30
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Toma-jumbers: you need 'jack-rack' to run a realtime effect on the sound08:30
x89xToma. theres no unichrome option !08:30
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Kohvihoori have radeon 9200 and i think i don't have any hardware acceleration08:31
Yasumotosnowglobe: open up the terminal, and type "tar -xvvf *.tar.gz"08:31
jumbersToma-: Is the base program called jackeq? Because that was in Synaptic08:31
_Lucretia_can anybody help me out with getting 32 bit compiles to work on feisty?08:31
snowglobeYasumoto: open /home/kevin/thunderbird? or /home/kevin?08:31
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Toma-jumbers: might work. doubt it tho. you need something that "steals" skypes alsa connection then rewires it to jack08:31
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jumbersToma-: And what would that be?08:32
Toma-jumbers: 1 moment08:32
jumbersToma-: Okay08:32
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Yasumotosnowglobe: that depends on where the .tar.gz file is08:32
Yasumotoif it's in its own directory, then do it there08:32
x89xToma via didnt work before yesterday when i tried ! Has it been changed now ?08:32
snowglobeYasumoto: oh...08:32
Toma-_Lucretia_: hu? what have you compiled and whats the problem?08:32
Yasumotoif you type "ls" you'll see a list of all the files in your current directory08:33
Toma-x89x: probably not...08:33
x89xtoma theres no Unichrome option :(08:33
Yasumotoand "pwd" will Pring Working Directory08:33
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snowglobeYasumoto: oh, i've already estracted it08:33
jrattner1Question: How do I have a users's sent and recieved e-mail forwarded to another address besides theirs (to create a back up)08:33
Yasumotooh, kk08:33
Yasumotocd into the directory08:33
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snowglobeYasumoto: it's now all expanded in /home/kevin/thunderbird08:33
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Yasumotocd ~/thunderbird08:34
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Yasumotoyou want to find a readme file08:34
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snowglobeYasumoto: was that bad?08:34
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Yasumotothat's exactly right, actually08:34
lan1g1r0any advice on getting opera running on feisty?08:34
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Yasumotobut now we need to move into that directory, and figure out how to compile the program08:35
Toma-x89x: what unichrome chip do you have?08:35
Yasumoto(if i'm saying something that isn't clear, lemme know)08:35
snowglobeYasumoto: ok08:35
x89xVIA deltachrome IGP Toma08:35
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_Lucretia_Toma-: not compiled anything, it won't...basically on 64-bit, need to compile some 32-bit stuff, just opengl/glx/x samples from nehe without having to go through and port them. get an error regarding this (gnu/stubs-32.h) not being available08:35
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snowglobeYasumoto: this is what the readme contains (and i've been to that website, nothing there) For information about installing, running and configuring Thunderbird08:36
snowglobeincluding a list of known issues and troubleshooting information,08:36
snowgloberefer to: http://getthunderbird.com/releases/08:36
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cyberphazwhat do i need to enabke the desktop effects? it says composite extention not available but libxcomposite1 is installed?08:36
Toma-_Lucretia_: on a 64bit system, you will have 64bit development files. to compile for a 32bit system, you need 32bit development files.08:36
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Toma-_Lucretia_: long story short, either get a 32bit chroot or a nice little qemu install08:36
Toma-keeps a tidy system08:37
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FreeFullcyberphaz, do you have ati graphics card?08:37
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cyberphazfgrlx installed too08:37
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x89xToma VIA DeltaChrome IGP08:38
Toma-x89x: ok08:38
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x89xToma : now ?08:38
Yasumotosnowglobe: i'm at work using cygwin (it's a unix-like environment in windows, basically). but i just downloaded the source, lemme look through it really quick08:39
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Baron_Erkanhalo can someone hear me08:39
FreeFullcyberphaz, http://www.kittypee.com/2007/05/07/desktop-effects-on-ubuntu-feisty-ati-beryl/ this should help08:39
_Lucretia_Toma-: qemu != for 3D08:39
Baron_Erkandid the registration work????08:39
XitroXcan somebody help me with a raid1? I've setup one at installation but now when boot with only one hdd it's not starting. what could i do? (saying md0 assembled with 1 out of 2 but not started)08:39
cyberphazugh i have to install beryl to make it work despite that its by default in the gnome menu?08:39
Toma-_Lucretia_: you can compile on it tho08:39
Baron_Erkancan someone help me with configure wlan08:40
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_Lucretia_Toma-: but there are supposed to be dev deb's for 32 bit under 64, but they're not there08:40
toryl__!anyone | Baron_Erkan08:40
ubotuBaron_Erkan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:40
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cyberphazow i see thanks08:40
FreeFullcyberphaz, you actually don't have to install beryl if you have it installed.08:40
Baron_ErkanDoes Anybody know how to configure wlan in ubuntu ???? i only wanna join my router....08:41
snowglobeYasumoto: ok08:41
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tristilBaron_Erkan, are you on Feisty?08:41
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Baron_Erkanwhat is feisty?08:41
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tristilBaron_Erkan, most recent Ubuntu.08:42
systemd0wnQuestion, USB to Serial adapter is not working, dmesg shows that it was recognized and is now /dev/ttyUSB0 but when i use cutecom or cat i dont see anything08:42
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Baron_Erkanpls tell me how to configure network i mean ive a wlan but it doesnt appear with roaming mode of corse it is pw secured...08:42
erUSUL!wifi | Baron_Erkan08:42
ubotuBaron_Erkan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:42
FreeFullBaron_Erkan, Feisty is the newest version of ubuntu08:42
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neverblueanyone know javascript, looking for a URL that is a good resource of info on the topic?08:42
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tristilBaron_Erkan, Feisty's support for wireless is much better.08:43
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FreeFullneverblue, http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp08:43
RoC_MasterMindToma-, script does not run as /etc/rc.local...marked executable. :-(08:44
Baron_Erkanwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah it may be better but i dont have internet connection with my desktop so how i should do this feisty thing da08:44
Yasumotosnowglobe: if you're still in /home/kevin/thunderbird, type "./thunderbird"08:44
Baron_Erkani mean desktop pc...08:44
neverblueFreeFull, already been over it, I was looking for a reference08:44
Baron_Erkanok i give up and return to windoofs......08:44
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: tried just putting the script in /usr/local/bin then adding its location to rc.local?08:44
snowglobeYasumoto: oh!08:44
snowglobeYasumoto: yay08:44
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snowglobeYasumoto: where will that install it to though?08:45
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snowglobeYasumoto: I don't want it installed to /home/kevin08:45
RoC_MasterMindToma-, like ". /usr/local/bin/myscript.sh" to rc.local?08:45
snowglobeYasumoto: i'd like it to be installed over thunderbird 1.5 (if possible)08:45
RoC_MasterMindor just "/usr/local/bin/myscript.sh"08:45
Toma-RoC_MasterMind: just 'myscript.sh'08:45
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Yasumotosnowglobe: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/18/manually-install-thunderbird-2-ubuntu-704/08:45
Toma-(i suspect)08:45
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Toma-x89x: doing a little investigating on your video card.... seems it doesnt work in linux :O08:46
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Yasumotosnowglobe: that should be good. check the link at the bottom of the post too08:47
snowglobeYasumoto: ok, what does /opt mean?08:47
amexa_how do i connect to amule??08:47
dswillia74437ok simple question, hope its a simple error.  I have a directory that is not showing up as a directory, its actually showing up as a file.  Is there a command to tell ubuntu to see it as a directory?08:47
systemd0wnQuestion, USB to Serial adapter is not working, dmesg shows that it was recognized and is now /dev/ttyUSB0 but when i use cutecom or cat i dont see anything08:47
`Matirsystemd0wn, what is it connected to?08:48
toryl__amexa_: what are you having trouble with?08:48
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systemd0wn`Matir, its a WRAP motherboard.08:48
Yasumotosnowglobe: it's just the name of a directory (Optional application software packages)08:48
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x89xToma can i just change the screen refresh rate then ??08:48
amexa_i have a question: when i enable desktop effects, the upper bar of the windows disappear08:48
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Toma-x89x: you can try08:48
snowglobeYasumoto: oh08:49
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amexa_the bar with the buttons to maximize, minimize and close08:49
Toma-x89x: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'08:49
`Matirsystemd0wn, are you sure the motherboard is outputting something on the serial?08:49
snowglobeYasumoto: my /opt is empty08:49
snowglobeYasumoto: is it supposed to be?08:49
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systemd0wn`Matir, ya i can plug it into a windows computer and it works, i have tried 2 adapters and get the same result.  I have used it in Ubuntu 6.06 a while back, recently dug it out of a box and its not working08:50
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Yasumotosnowglobe: I think it's fine. it just means you haven't installed anything there yet08:50
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`Matirsystemd0wn, odd... got the right parity/timing/etc settings?08:50
systemd0wn`Matir, ya08:51
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snowglobeYasumoto: will it erase thunderbird 1.5, but keep the settings?08:51
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Yasumotothat's the plan08:51
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`Matirsystemd0wn, odd... tried the adapters on the windows box?08:51
Yasumotoyour settings should be saved in ~/.thunderbird08:51
misstajahQuestion: i installed nvidia-drivers-new (or something alike) and now my ubuntu won't start. it loads and everything but when X starts, it reboots :S Ideas? Thx in advance08:52
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systemd0wn`Matir, hah. no i havent i should... but that one JUST got formatted and SUSE is now intsalled08:52
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snowglobeYasumoto: it says to install it to /usr/local/bin08:52
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snowglobeYasumoto: but there is nothing in there, so where do all the programs get installed to?08:53
`Matirsystemd0wn, ah... have you tried minicom?08:53
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snowglobeYasumoto: ....maybe they are hidden08:53
RoC_MasterMindok, Toma- it's running, it was running just in /etc/rc.local...but I didn't notice till X closed....It needs to run before X starts, and block X from starting.08:53
Yasumotomisstajah: you need to reconfigure your xorg.conf file (located in /etc/X11 )08:53
Toma-jumbers: you still here?08:53
Yasumotosnowglobe: have you installed it already?08:53
fuzzy_logicmisstajah: what do you mean, it reboots? the computer starts up again??08:53
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misstajahfuzzy_logic: yes, just like u said08:54
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: Oh.08:54
snowglobeYasumoto: no, i wanna make sure that i don't lose all my stuff, i've got lots of important junk08:54
Toma-well then.08:54
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snowglobeYasumoto: so do i just follow that guide?08:54
fuzzy_logicmisstajah: but when it reboots you can use your desktop and everything?08:54
misstajahYasumoto what should i setup in xorg.conf file?08:54
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systemd0wn`Matir, ya minicom didnt work.  Im going to try it on SUSE in a min08:54
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snowglobeYasumoto: I'm still learning, as you could probably tell...08:55
misstajahfuzzy_logic nope, it won't even show up any X window nor login screen, nothing08:55
Yasumotosnowglobe: a)the reason it's empty is because nothing's installed there yet b)so long as you leave your /home directory alone, your settings'll be fine c)yep, follow the guide. d) haha, don't worry. we're all still learning. :)08:55
Toma-RoC_MasterMind: this is the easiest thing to do... edit the gdm init file08:55
snowglobeYasumoto: lol, ty08:55
RoC_MasterMindsounds like it Toma-08:55
MrTsunamilife is a perpetual process of learning08:55
fuzzy_logicmisstajah: try to press alt+f2 when it reboots, see if you get some errors08:55
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Toma-RoC_MasterMind: theres probably a more sane way, but really, if you need to stop X, gdm init is the thing that will do that08:56
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misstajahfuzzy_logic after it reboots or before? i mean, if it reboots, nothing comes rite? :S08:56
Yasumotomisstajah: i tried to play around with my ati drivers, and totally screwed over my xserver. it may be a different problem, but all that I really remember is typing "man xorg.conf" and trying to read/understand enough to fix it08:56
Yasumotomisstajah: lemme see if i can find something online08:56
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misstajahthnx Yasumoto08:56
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_ScoutCan anyone suggest a brand of desktops?08:58
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PointyThingsHurtGreetings #Ubuntu08:58
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preaction_Scout, assemble your own using parts from pricewatch.com <- what i usually do08:58
preaction_Scout, otherwise, Dell sells a line of ubuntu-loaded desktops and laptops now08:59
_Scoutpreaction, I am shopping for a friend.08:59
_ScoutHe wants something for gaming and music.08:59
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_ScoutSo ubuntu isn't a needed factor (though I am partitioning his drive when he gets the computer.08:59
FreeFullFor gaming buy a Windows XP PC.09:00
preaction_Scout, but this is an ubuntu channel. the ubuntu support channel.09:00
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:00
_ScoutHeh, alright.09:00
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preactionand you'd be surprised at the amount of support for games wine has these days09:00
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Anlarand the amount of the BEST games that have problems09:01
_ScoutIt supports WoW now I hear.09:01
Szeraaxlinux does?09:01
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_ScoutLinux with Wine does.09:02
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Szeraaxdang, i want native...09:02
Szeraaxoh well, off to go tinker with wine...09:02
wizekAre there anyone here who knows how to install succesfuly an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS to Ubuntu 7.04 (kernel: 2.6.20-15-generic). I tried follow a lot of manuals, howtos, but nothing was good enough... I have error messages all time about it cannot load GDM, if I edit xorg.conf...09:02
cyberphazim playing wow on cedega09:02
Anlar"native" ?09:02
cyberphazright now09:02
preaction"native" <- without the wine compatibility libs09:02
Geminiascan ppl hear me now09:02
preaction!hi | Geminias09:02
ubotuGeminias: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:02
Anlarpreaction: you can use the windows libs with wine09:03
Geminiasthank god!09:03
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neverbluehow do you check the version of javascript your using?09:03
SzeraaxAnlar: as in, not running in wine, maybe WoW.__._._-__.run09:03
Geminiasalrighty.. can someoen tell me how to get the kernel headers for my currently running kernel?09:03
preactionAnlar, i realize, but that's still using the wine compatibility layer. Szeraax wanted a native linux build09:03
Anlarpreaction: the only things left really on wine are then the dynamic linker and alsa+opengl translations09:03
Szeraaxyou know?09:03
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Yasumotomisstajah: I may have found something: httpL//wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Revert_to_Xorg_driver09:03
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Anlaryeah that will happen later.. some 10-20 years time :)09:04
Yasumotomisstajah: it's for ati drivers, but in this case it should work regardless09:04
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C-{pR0FI got this message when i try to install a .deb package "Dependence is not satisfiable : python-support" is there anyway to fix that (i tried apt-get install python-support , it didn't work)09:04
SzeraaxAnlar: haha, i doubt it09:04
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misstajahthank you Yasumoto i'll check it out and brief u :D09:04
Yasumotosweet :)09:04
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SzeraaxAnlar: maybe, once Blizzard come up with an even better game that everyone goes to and WoW becomes abandonware...09:04
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wizekAre there anyone here who knows how to install succesfuly an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS to Ubuntu 7.04 (kernel: 2.6.20-15-generic). I tried follow a lot of manuals, howtos, but nothing was good enough... I have error messages all time about it cannot load GDM, if I edit xorg.conf...09:05
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Geminiasdoes "smp" have anything to do with dual core?09:06
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Anlar"an even better" and "everyone goes" is what do not really belong to the same sentence. wow is just retarded average stuff for retarded average people09:06
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Geminiasi need to get the kernel headers for this kernel:   2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux09:06
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Geminiasany help ?09:06
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preactionGeminias, SMP is Symmetric Multi-Processing, yes it has to do with multiple processors (or "cores")09:06
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Szeraaxgo get their debs, Geminias09:07
preactionGeminias, apt-cache search linux headers <- try that?09:07
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Geminiasthanks, so does the #2 SMP09:07
Geminiasis that part of the kernel name?09:07
Geminiasor is it just .generic09:07
C-{pR0FGeminias: I need Help !!09:07
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preactionGeminias, that's part of the generic kernel. it doesn't hurt if you only have 1 processor09:07
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SzeraaxGeminias: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/source/linux-source-2.6.2009:08
Szeraaxis this what you need?09:08
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Geminiasi have dual core, and i am feeding the kernel headers found at linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic09:08
Geminiasyet it is telling me that its not the running kernel09:08
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merlin-m-29i seem to have lost some stuff on my top panel  updates icon thingie and when i ran pidgin and closed it would minimize to there all that is gone pls help lol im new to all this09:08
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C-{pR0FGeminias: I got this message when i try to install a .deb package "Dependence is not satisfiable : python-support" is there anyway to fix that (i tried apt-get install python-support , it didn't work)09:09
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SzeraaxC-{pR0F: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/python/python-support09:09
Yasumotomerlin-m-29: i forget what it is you need to add exactly, but right click on the toolbar, and select "add to panel"09:09
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Szeraaxgo get the .deb and use dpkg to install it09:09
Geminiasi don't know pROF09:10
Szeraax(or the gui package manager if you want to)09:10
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C-{pR0FSzeraax: I'm checking it .....09:10
SzeraaxC-{pR0F: enjoy09:11
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C-{pR0F"An older version is available in a software channel" , what shall i do Szeraax? Continue ?09:11
merlin-m-29oh lol ty i got it was notification area09:11
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Szeraaxwell, would the older version satisfy the first deb and depends?09:12
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Szeraaxthe first .deb and its dependancies?09:12
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Szeraaxthen, use the latest version09:12
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Geminiaskk so just a quick question...  $ uname -a gives me: 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP   --- does that mean i need the package 2.6.20-16-generic09:12
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Geminiasor is there another package for smp09:13
Zee1otcould someone help me, I need write access to a drive mounted with sshfs09:13
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C-{pR0FSzeraax: it works , thank u (K)09:13
Kjellvizis it possible to install Emerald in ubuntu ?09:13
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FreeFullKjellviz, yes, it should be in repositories09:14
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SzeraaxGeminias: what arch do you use?09:14
wizekAre there anyone here who knows how to install succesfuly an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS to Ubuntu 7.04 (kernel: 2.6.20-15-generic). I tried follow a lot of manuals, howtos, but nothing was good enough... I have error messages all time about it cannot load GDM, if I edit xorg.conf...09:14
x89xToba you there ?09:14
Geminiasi'm using the 2.6.20-16-generic09:14
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KjellvizFreeFull: cant find it when searching for emerald09:14
x89xToma you there ?09:14
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EADGZee1ot: I had a write problem with a NTFS-3g drive over sshfs awhile back.09:14
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SzeraaxGeminias: no, my bad, what is your processor?09:14
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Geminiasi'm trying to compile vmware but it's saying the header files are not the currently running kernel09:15
Szeraaxits arch, do you know?09:15
Geminiascentrino duo09:15
Geminiasu need exact model?09:15
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SzeraaxGeminias:  personally, i would go get module-assistant and tell it to prepare, and it will get what you need09:15
Toma-x89x: not for long09:15
FreeFullKjellviz, have you enabled the extra depositories?09:15
x89xToma  it didnt work : bu i found a new thing. theres a unichome package in synaptic ! Now how do i install that ??09:15
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KjellvizFreeFull: yep09:15
Zee1otits not an ntfs partition09:15
Geminiasmodule-assistant.. hmm shall i google it then?09:15
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Szeraaxit should be in a repos though09:16
Szeraax(assuming, you have apt set up)09:16
KjellvizFreeFull: forget it, installed it via apt-get =)09:16
Szeraax(you do)09:16
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EADGZee1ot: try sending to the home dir you are logged into then xfer to remote drive.09:16
Szeraax"apt-get module-assisatant" would probly be easiest, and would probly work too, Geminias09:17
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Toma-x89x: run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and select unichrome or via as thedriver09:17
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Geminiaskk i got it.. so i just run it and it does what?09:17
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x89xToma sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg : Unichrome doesnt show up even when installed !09:17
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Szeraaxyou run it, then choose "prepare"09:17
Szeraax(make sure you are root)09:17
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Szeraaxand answer yes when it asks if you want to unpack09:18
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Toma-x89x: well im not sure then, sorry :(09:18
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SzeraaxGeminias: now, it should be getting all that your kernel needs09:19
x89xToma : How do i know my model mumber of my card ?09:19
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Geminiasits done09:19
Geminiasnow what do i do lol09:19
Toma-x89x: 'lspci'09:19
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Szeraaxx89x: you look at the card, or use lspci | grep09:19
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SzeraaxGeminias: did it finish succesfully?09:19
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Geminiasi am supposed to feed vmware where my kernel headers are09:19
SzeraaxGeminias: go do vmware then09:20
kbrooksAmaranth, ping09:20
Szeraaxyou shouldn't need to09:20
C-{pR0FSzeraax: sorry for bothring u again , but I installed a .deb package from the gui , and now i don't know where to find it , i don't want to run it from the terminal , i want to use the GUI (it's ATPonCD , where can i find it after installing)09:20
kbrooksAmaranth, need to pm09:20
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Geminiaswhere are the header files though09:20
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Geminiasdid module assistant put them somewhere?09:20
SzeraaxC-{pR0F: generally somewhere in /usr09:20
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SzeraaxGeminias: when i did vmware, i just pressed enter09:20
SzeraaxGeminias: and it found then for me09:20
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SzeraaxGeminias: i think....09:21
Geminiasits not finding them for me09:21
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Geminiasi have to specify where they are exactly (if i even have the right ones)09:21
SzeraaxC-{pR0F: ohhh, so you want to use it, but its not in your menu? is that what you meant?09:21
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Geminiaswhat did module assistant actually do?09:21
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C-{pR0FYes ! , but i'm looking in the /usr Szeraax right now09:22
SzeraaxGeminias: it went and got all the stuff you need to be able to compile modules for your kernel09:22
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Kjellvizdoesent emerald skin the gnome panels ?09:22
Amaranthkbrooks: go ahead09:22
Geminiasbut how do i use what it did to compile vmware?09:22
SzeraaxC-{pR0F: have you tried using the menu updating tool?09:22
tschakamerc avi09:22
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SzeraaxGeminias: vmware needs some of the things that m-a went, got, and set up for you09:22
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nkbreauwhat should i be using to conenct to a wireless network ? i tried wifi-radar but the button always says "disconnect" and i cant seem to be able to do anything09:23
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Geminiasalright but where do i tell vmware to look for my header files lol09:23
Szeraaxnkbreau: are you sure your wireless card is working?09:23
Anlarnkbreau: networkmanager-gnome ?09:23
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C-{pR0FSzeraax: wait i think i got it ,,, yes it was unchecked in the alacrate menu editor ! :p09:23
nkbreauyes it work, wifi-radar shows like 8 wireless networks09:23
SzeraaxGeminias: now i feel dumb, bc i cant remeber...09:23
nkbreauincluding mine09:23
nkbreaubut when i select it and click edit it doesnt do anything09:23
leobloomguys how is it called that package that let you see all the stats bout your pc in linux?09:24
Szeraaxmkeadle: have you tried using iwconfig?09:24
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Geminiaslol ^^09:24
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mkeadleSzeraax: sure haven't09:24
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nkbreaunetwork manager is a pain when you have to switch to a different wifi09:24
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nkbreaubecause you have to retype the key and everything09:24
Szeraaxnkbreau: have you used iwconfig?09:24
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Geminiasoh i found them09:24
Geminiaslets see if they work now09:24
Szeraaxmkeadle: sorry!, wrong person09:25
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SzeraaxGeminias: ok09:25
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:25
ubunutftp://meklort.isa-geek.com user:star + pass:star09:25
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP09:25
younghackeri need help fixing my software indexes they are broken09:25
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nkbreaueth1 comes up as my wireless card, says I'm not connected to any netwroks09:26
geniiproftpd is good and fairly simple to set up09:26
younghackeri tried to depackage something and it needed dependencies ,,,upon installing dependencies everything got stuck09:26
younghackernow i can't update09:26
younghackeri can't remove the software09:26
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younghackeri cant do anything09:26
Geminiasdarn its still saying they dont match the running kernel09:26
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Szeraaxnkbreau: can you use it to connect to your network?09:26
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SzeraaxGeminias: REALLY?09:27
Geminiasi'm trying to compile vmware workstation 5 - which is, i believe, 2 years old09:27
younghackeri can't update my ubuntu until my software indexes are fixed09:27
Geminiasso its possible its just too old to work09:27
younghackerlet me go google it09:27
SzeraaxGeminias: hmmm, maybe...09:27
nkbreaui can connect in the newtowk manager are if i type in the ssid and key and stuff09:27
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nkbreaubut i want a gui tool where i can just double click the ssid or it saves the connections in a list or something09:27
Geminiasanyone know of a free vmware i can get?09:27
younghackerummm anyone know how to fix a software index09:28
younghackerwhere can i start09:28
Szeraaxvmware player, Geminias09:28
Geminiasi got this vesion working on fc509:28
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Geminiasokay i'll check it out09:28
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Szeraaxas long as you have the vm image already created09:28
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younghackerthanks alot09:28
sn0younghacker can you pastebin the output of the following command to paste.debian.net or another paste site, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade09:28
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micahcowanHi; I seem to recall that by editing some particular file (something in /var/lib/dpkg, perhaps?), it is possible to specify that a particular package be held at the current version, but I've forgotten the procedure to do this. Can anyone help with that?09:29
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stefg!pinning | micahcowan09:29
ubotumicahcowan: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:29
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micahcowanstefg, much appreciated, thanks!09:29
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Geminiaswhy is vmware player free?09:30
FreeFullGeminias, Its freeware, but not open-source09:30
stefgGeminias: if you want you can make a payment to me :-)09:30
Szeraaxmicahcowan: i would use aptitude09:30
Geminiaswhat limitation does it have?09:30
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Szeraaxvmware player is free bc you can't create anything with it, just run images and save them09:30
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SciriGeminias, afaik, it can use images but not create new images from scratch.09:30
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers09:31
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AnlarGeminias: a lot small limitations, plus you can't create new images (using the official tools).. but also vmware-server is free and more able09:31
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micahcowanSzeraax, I suppose I probably should; just too used to using plain apt-get for most purposes. Aptitude provides pinning support?09:31
bur[n] er!virtualbox09:31
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox09:31
Szeraaxapt-get should too, i believe09:31
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Szeraaxinstead of apt-get --install _______, i think its something like apt-get --hold ____________09:32
LeonoxHi... I'm looking for an open soruce aplication... I need a program to share my linux box desktop with a guy who is in windows... somehting similar to netmeeting... do anyone knows about one?09:32
bur[n] erLeonox: you could use vnc09:32
stefgmicahcowan: aptitude is nothing than a fancier frontend to apt. so if you pin a package in preferences 'both' programs will respect that09:32
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Szeraaxmicahcowan: they are the same tool really,09:32
bur[n] erLeonox: or NX (nomachine.com)09:32
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micahcowanRight; other than the fact that, IIRC, aptitude will download Recommends by default09:32
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micahcowanSzeraax, why should I be using aptitude rather than apt-get?09:33
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Szeraaxi didn't say you should, i said, _i would_, micahcowan09:33
micahcowanOh, :)09:33
TaJMoXaptitude has a graphical list of packages that you can toggle - like synaptic09:33
Geminiassorry i just read replies now09:33
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TaJMoXapt-get is for command line only09:33
micahcowanTaJMoX, aren't you thinking of dselect?09:33
Geminiasso it can't create new images?  meaning i can't install a new OS with it?09:33
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SzeraaxGeminias: correct09:34
stefgGeminias: vmware support is in #vmware09:34
SzeraaxGeminias: generally09:34
bur[n] erGeminias: check out virtualbox.org or vmware server to create images09:34
TaJMoXmicahcowan: yes you can select and deselect packages in a graphical manner with aptitude.  it just uses dpkg just like apt-get09:34
Geminiasok thanks09:34
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micahcowanTaJMoX, I think you're thinking of the "dselect" command09:35
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lillpelleHi, my CD/DVD reader&writer only works at som reboots. And when it work i just works for some CDs/DVDs and then stop working. At last reboots it does not work at all. I get "mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist" when trying to mount it. Any ideas? (I am running feisty on amd64 and happily gives more info if asked)09:35
=== bur[n] er would hardly call dselect/aptitude graphical
Szeraaxmicahcowan: no, it can select and remove just like apt-get09:35
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Anlaraptitude has ncurses interface also, and uses a lot of the same apt crapola09:35
stefglillpelle: inspect dmesg. Overclocked system?09:36
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lillpellestefg: not overclocked. What should I look for with dmesg?09:36
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micahcowanSzeraax, I don't think install/remove == select/deselect; they're related, but not equivalent09:36
micahcowanYou can select without installing, etc09:36
stefglillpelle: error-messages i which relate to your drive09:37
Szeraaxmicahcowan: i stand corrected, forgive my language :)09:37
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TaJMoXmicahcowan: no im talking about aptitude.  type aptitude and press enter in terminal.09:37
Leonoxbur[n] ner: but vnc doesn't seem to have graphics aceleration09:37
bur[n] erLeonox: you're looking to do remote 3d gaming?  I'd say good luck :)09:37
Szeraaxhowever micahcowan, i believe that aptitude is fully capable just the same09:37
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bur[n] erLeonox: i use nomachine stuff for my remote access and it's killer09:38
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micahcowanTaJMoX, I see, thanks. However, I'd probably only be interested in using it in command mode.09:38
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Leonoxbur[n] er: I need to show my application to a guy with windows... buy my app uses opengl09:38
kesaraHi Is it possible to get new 7.04 System after installing from 6.06?09:38
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TaJMoXmicahcowan: i prefer apt-get and apt-cache for commandline09:38
stefg!upgrade | kesara09:39
ubotukesara: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:39
kesaraI mean Ubuntu 6.06 CD.09:39
bur[n] erLeonox: good luck with that ;)09:39
kesarastefg: thx09:39
micahcowanTaJMoX, yes, I think I'll stick with those for now, as well.09:39
Szeraaxkesara: after you install the 6.06 it is possible to update to 7.0x09:39
motin_har anybody got a copy of scanModem.gz? the download link is down...09:39
=== micahcowan notes with interest that aptitude's graphical mode supports xterm mouse clicks :)
stefgkesara: rather do a fresh install, you have to upgrade twice and end up d/l'ing two versions instead of just a feisty install CD09:40
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bur[n] erLeonox: you could try NX, vnc, or X forwarding, but openGL through remote access is tough09:40
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swajkesara, you can upgrade over the net using Synaptics, check out that page linked above09:40
systemd0wnQuestion, Anyone upgrade their ubuntu 7.04 kernel to 2.6.22 ?09:40
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compengihow do i start proftpd?09:40
bur[n] erLeonox: maybe you could just make a screencast to share your app?  gtk-record-my-desktop is nice09:40
micahcowanThanks for the help/info, TaJMoX, stefg and Szeraax09:40
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swajcompengi, /etc/init.d/proftpd start09:40
bur[n] ercompengi: sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start09:40
compengiswaj, nope i couldn't i've tried it, it gives sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start09:41
compengiProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.09:41
stefgswaj: skipping versions is not supported. so if you install Dapper you've got to go through edgy, then to feisty. Very inefficient09:41
gourdinwhen will ubuntu release the flash plugin update (security fix) ?09:41
swajstefg, was that meant for someone else?09:41
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Anlargourdin: did already09:41
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gourdinAnlar: ?09:42
bur[n] ergourdin: i think i twas released... apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:42
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swajcompengi, yea sorry you need to sudo09:42
Anlargourdin: 3-4 days ago09:42
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lillpellestefg: only error msg I see is "[   67.721363]  ata2: port failed to respond (30 secs, Status 0x80)", could that be it?09:42
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compengiswaj, i did sudo i got: sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start09:42
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compengiProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.09:42
stefglillpelle: ok, that's something09:42
Anlarlillpelle: that's quite bad sign, to ever see that sort of line09:42
mhz`-compengi, then proftpd is started09:42
lillpellestefg: before that line there is one saying that port is slow to respond09:43
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gourdinAnlar: bur[n] er I got
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swajcompengi, it should be running, try "ftp localhost"09:43
Szeraaxmotin_: it looks like no one has been able to dl it for quite some time. I would try going to multiplt linux irc channels asking if anyone has it09:43
gourdinflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.09:43
stefglillpelle: that's the reason why it sometiomes works, sometimes not09:43
systemd0wnQuestion, Anyone upgrade their ubuntu 7.04 kernel to 2.6.22 ?09:43
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motin_Szeraax: just about the same minute I found a mirror: http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/first.html09:43
bur[n] ergourdin: i have no idea about feisty's flash... i'm using gutsy... sorry09:43
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Leonoxbur[n] er: ok I'll give it a try09:43
Anlargourdin: for feisty it was auto-distributed 3-4 days ago, update&upgrade cycle brought it..09:44
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lillpellestefg: ok, thanks. You got any idea of how to solve such a problem (if possible)?09:44
gourdinAnlar: not here :/ I update / upgrade every day09:44
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Szeraaxmotin_: very good then09:44
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MegaqwertyI'm writing a script that would tunnel a port through ssh for a friend. I felt it would be a good time to try out zenity. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to pass the password that zenity collects (into my $password variable) to ssh as the connection password...any ideas on how this could be accomplished?09:44
swajgourdin, I visited the flash test page with my firefox and the plugin was installed for me through firefox, not flashplugin-nonfree09:44
stefglillpelle: so you've got to investigate about your motherboard and issues with it in ubuntu. what mobo is that?09:44
Anlargourdin: broken mirror, apt, .. ?09:44
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Megaqwerty*I know how to send it to the password variable...just not how to give it to ssh09:45
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gourdinAnlar: other update are ok09:45
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gourdinAnlar: i'll check this09:45
gourdinthx for the feedback09:45
lillpellestefg: it is an MK ASUS M2NPV-VM GeForce 6150 + nForce 430...09:45
swajgourdin, http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_15507&sliceId=109:45
gourdinswaj: I'm using konqueror :)09:46
swajgourdin, visit that link.  If you're runnin 9.0.48 then you have the security update09:46
insomniac190I'm trying to access my networked windows machine on my ubuntu laptop, but it wont let me through places > network09:46
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gormih_sudo /etc/X11/init.d/gdm restart - radical metod09:46
SciriMegaqwerty: I don't believe ssh will accept a password on the CLI. Google for generating ssh keys to use key-based authentication instead of passwords.09:46
swajgourdin, that page will at least tell you what version you have installed... I think flashplugin-nonfree was already updated09:46
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Anlargourdin: they must have pulled the update for technical reasons. in fact the installation/update of that package failed for many.. because packages.ubuntu.com doesn't update it anymore09:47
gourdinswaj: thx, I got 9.0.3109:47
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swajgourdin, yeah you need 9.0.4809:47
gourdinI just installed the libcurl security fix09:47
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gourdinvia update / upgrade09:47
stefglillpelle: for diagnosis you can try to boot with some special boot parameters09:47
stefg!boot | lillpelle09:47
ubotulillpelle: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:47
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chowmeinedis something wrong with the package signing?09:48
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gourdindeinstall / reinstall :)09:48
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Anlargourdin: it was in updates already.. but is not anymore. some devels broke it I guess09:48
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stefglillpelle: i read in a german forum that noapic is required sometimers09:48
gourdinAnlar: ho, so no update right now09:48
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gourdinE: Package flashplayer-nonfree has no installation candidate09:48
gourdindamn :/09:49
chowmeinedare the packages not being signed properly? it says BADSIG and some of the packages are 'not from a trusted source'09:49
lillpellestefg: oh I see, I'll try some of them (tried acpi=off before without any luck, but that is maybe not the correct syntax)09:49
gourdinapt-get install flash-plugin install
swajgourdin, yeah I tried to get the update myself and it complained about md5 sums not matching, so I just removed the old flashplugin-nonfree and used firefox's built-in system to install the updated version.... unfortunately since you use konqueror and I'm not familiar with that, I couldn't tell you an alternative way09:49
stefglillpelle: check if you can update your bios09:49
gourdinswaj: I can try with firefox, i just want to understand why apt doesn't install it09:50
lillpellethank you stefg, I'll try boot options, and then updating the bios (if possible). I'll get back and tell what happened.09:50
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swajgourdin, I don't know either :/  the MD5 mismatch snagged me up just this morning09:50
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chowmeinedno response09:50
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gourdinswaj: same here :/09:50
PhotocopyNow I find I get no sound while looking at youtube videos or projectplaylist. Opening a file in XMMS tells me to make sure that my soundcard is Configured Properly and that I have the correct output plugin, and that another program isnt blocking the soundcard.... What do I do?09:50
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chowmeinedso nobody cares that apt is broken.. again.. ?09:51
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InvisionfreeIs there a file you can run to shut down your computer? Like in /usr or something09:51
kesaraI just installed Ubuntu 6.06 on my laptop and even after I plug in my ear phones still sound is comming out from the builtin speakers. Any fix for that?09:51
chowmeinedInvisionfree, poweroff09:51
insomniac190i need help accessing files off a computer connected to my network, can anyone help?09:51
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androoohi,  i am trying to install Xine on ubuntu 6.06 ... got as far as the following command "sudo apt-get install libxine1"  but its not available ....   so i tried as sugested in the error " sudo apt-get -f install libxine-main1",   this installed okay but when i then try  "sudo dpkg -i xine-ui_0.99.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb" I get cannot access archive: No such file or directory, any ideas?09:51
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MegaqwertySciri: so there's no ingenious thing like using a pipe that could answer the password prompt?09:51
PhotocopyNobody wants to help me cause im an idiot?09:51
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InvisionfreeIs there a file you can run to shut down your computer? Like in /usr or something that you can run in mIRC?09:52
swajPhotocopy, it's probably because OSS can't have more than one sound input channel at a time.  You probably need to "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss" and change firefox to use alsa09:52
chowmeinedInvisionfree, dont do that, that is not a good idea09:52
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Invisionfreechowmeined: Why?09:52
swajPhotocopy, this is only a guess tho, I'm not a sound expert in Ubuntu :P09:52
chowmeinedInvisionfree, remote shutdown using IRC is dangerous09:52
Photocopyits cause this computer09:52
InvisionfreeHow so chowmeined09:52
Photocopyback when it had windows it used to not let me play two sound making things too09:52
Photocopybut now something in interrupting 24/709:53
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Photocopymaking me essentially have no sound.09:53
chowmeinedInvisionfree, IRC has no security, a malicious server could send the command to your machine and shut it down at any time09:53
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Invisionfreechowmeined: I have sufficient protection, and I'm only doing it once anyway o.O09:53
SciriMegaqwerty: I've never tried but I believe ssh is intentionally engineered not to allow insecure things like passing a password in a pipe or redirect. I could be wrong tho. If you absolutely must pass a password instead of using key-based auth look at "expect", a scripting language that lets you script actions. Like "run ssh, wait for password, send password, etc.".09:53
C-{pR0FI want to update my Dapper to Fiesty ,,,, how do i do that ?09:53
chowmeinedInvisionfree, use ssh09:53
swajPhotocopy, try the instructions for alsa here -> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox09:53
Invisionfreechowmeined: How?09:53
swajPhotocopy, I'm not 100% sure but it could fix your problem09:54
chowmeinedInvisionfree, are you on windows?09:54
Photocopythats irrelevant, i have flash..09:54
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chowmeinedInvisionfree, go get putty or another ssh client, connect to your linux machine, type sudo poweroff09:54
Invisionfreechowmeined: I'm looking for like... //run shutdown or something... chowmeined: If I was, I wouldn't be in here now would I?09:54
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chowmeinedInvisionfree, you could have another linux machine but you are currently on windows..09:54
swajPhotocopy, I know it's already installed, but those directions include a method of switching flash to use alsa.  My hunch is that you're using OSS sound drivers which don't support more than one program doing input at a time, but ALSA does support this.  So those directions show you how to make flash use alsa09:55
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Photocopywhats OSS?09:55
Invisionfreechowmeined: I'm not...How can I //run somethingtomakeitdie in mIRC?09:55
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swajPhotocopy, it's more of a wrapper really09:55
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Photocopyi think its my video card swaj09:55
hanasaki just installed feisty.... root has the correct date / time from "date" regular users get +16 hours.... what is up with that?09:55
chowmeinedInvisionfree, how are you running mIRC on linux?09:55
swajPhotocopy, I doubt very much that it's your video card ;P09:55
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Photocopysound card09:55
mhz`-chowmeined, you can use wine09:55
chowmeinedmhz`-, who on earth would do that...09:56
Invisionfreechowmeined: WINE...09:56
Invisionfreechowmeined: A lot of people I know09:56
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swajPhotocopy, just try the method listed in that link, if it doesn't work then at least you gave it a try :)  I think it might work for you09:56
chowmeinedInvisionfree, i dont think i can help you, im sorry09:56
dmakalskHi, can someone please point me to a guide to make the default ubuntu interface look more like Mac OS X ?09:56
voidmageAre the ivtv firmware packages even necessary since feisty put ivtv in the kernel?'09:56
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mhz`-chowmeined, what's wrong with using wine + mirc?09:56
Photocopyim almost 100% sure its my sound card being unable to play sound from multiple sources, and something is playing blank noise!!! this is an old computer, so its probably likely, i said that it does this in windows too09:56
swajPhotocopy, if you decide to try that method, you might need to launch xmms using the command "aoss xmms" instead of just "xmms"09:57
SkryptCan someone help me get ALSA drivers working?09:57
chowmeinedmhz`-, its more the remote shutdown using irc thing09:57
Photocopyfine swaj09:57
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Photocopyi think you dont understand my problem but ill try it anyway09:57
swajPhotocopy, it's a lot cheaper and easier than replacing a soundcard ;)09:57
chowmeinedInvisionfree, I dont know how to do that off the top of my head, i could figure it out, but i wouldnt ever do it, id use ssh instead09:58
Photocopyk whres the link to that for xubuntu, swaj?09:58
mhz`-chowmeined, and that happens how often?09:58
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voidmageAre the ivtv firmware packages even necessary since feisty put ivtv in the kernel?'09:58
mhz`-heh, where do you hang out?09:58
swajPhotocopy, the process should be the same for xubuntu, you just use a different editor besides gedit09:58
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chowmeinedmhz`-, what happens how often?09:59
mhz`-remote shut down09:59
mhz`-chowmeined, is that an exploit?09:59
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chowmeinedmhz`-, no.. Invisionfree wants to remotely shutdown one of his computers using mIRC09:59
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Photocopyim a total newbie, youe going to have to guide me through this10:00
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mhz`-chowmeined, oh...use ssh10:00
Photocopyswaj check your pms10:00
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InvisionfreeHe's right..Chow is I mean.10:00
swajPhotocopy, open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss"10:00
Invisionfreemhz`- == IDIOT.10:00
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mhz`-Invisionfree, login via ssh?10:00
chowmeinedmhz`-, thats what i meant10:00
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chowmeineder said..10:00
mhz`-heh, whatev10:00
mhz`-its dumb to do a hard shut down10:01
mhz`-but oh well10:01
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rsc___where are gtk themes stored in the user directory?10:01
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swajwhat's the default text editor in a Xubuntu fresh install?10:01
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Photocopyits mousepad i think?10:01
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swajPhotocopy, I have no PM's from you if you were sending me some :P10:02
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Photocopyswaj, this irc client is weird10:02
Photocopyhold on10:02
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eppit seems like every game i play is messed up ever since i setup ATi Big Desktop10:03
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chowmeinedmhz`-, i dont understand people...10:05
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mhz`-nah, oh well10:05
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mhz`-don't bother trying to figure them out10:05
mhz`-you'll go insane10:05
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eppim using ATI big desktop. It seems like every game i open the video isnt on center with the window10:06
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Erdaronhello, can someone tell me what I need to install to view PDF files?10:07
FreeFullErdagon, depends what speed you want10:07
ErdaronFreeFull: what do you mean?10:08
chowmeinedErdaron, it comes with Ubuntu, its called "Document Viewer"10:08
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FreeFullErdagon, if you want it to have all features and be slow, install Adobe Reader10:08
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Erdaronchowmeined: that doesn't seem to work. it just freezes in "LOADING" screen10:08
chowmeinedFreeFull, but it crashes a lot under linux10:08
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Erdaronwhat about the official PDF viewer from Adobe?10:09
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chowmeinedErdaron, it crashes a lot10:09
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Erdaronnothing on sourceforge that works?10:11
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mhz`-look into foxit reader10:11
mhz`-i believe that's supported in *nix10:11
xjkrthat fails miserably10:11
mhz`-and its smaller10:11
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mhz`-xjkr, foxit fails?10:11
xjkrmhz`-: opening a pdf in foxit on ubuntu causes it to crash10:11
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox10:12
mhz`-not for me10:12
mhz`-maybe it's your foxit10:12
Erdaronhas anyone tried the RPM package of Adobe Reader? Just convert it with Alien...?10:12
xjkrevince works just fine though10:12
mhz`-reinstall foxit10:12
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MegaqwertySciri: sorry about that, I lost EVDO connectivity...I believe my last question was "so there's no ingenious thing (like using some kind of a pipe) that could answer the password prompt?10:14
AngryElf_in what config file is the apache port located?10:14
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SpiffyBalakI have a problem. No matter what browser I use, I can't log into Everything2.10:15
mhz`-for apache210:15
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BraxisCould I have some help setting up g++ properly? I have libc/libc-dev, g++/gcc, make, and build essentials all installed. When I compile a hello world app g++ has an internal error (seg fault in program cc1plus)10:17
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SciriMegaqwerty: No worries. Megaqwerty: I've never tried but I believe ssh is intentionally engineered not to allow insecure things like passing a password in a pipe or redirect. I could be wrong tho. If you absolutely must pass a password instead of using key-based auth look at "expect", a scripting language that lets you script actions. Like "run ssh, wait for password, send password, etc.".10:18
ahornerhow do i get armor kde desktop object working10:18
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ahornerusing metacity10:19
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MegaqwertySciri: that's cool...I'll check it out. Although, I think for now I'm just going to let the user enter the password in BASH *gasp*10:19
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kittu_hi i have a problem with playing a continues streaming video ...ie the stream have two continues stream one after another ..there are two bits in a stream i am able to play the first bit ant it stops .....its like there is an small advet playing for few sec followed by a stream video but the stream stops after small it i need to configure to play the continues stream..10:21
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Phrozen_Oneis it possible to have a thin client using a wlan adapter, say with a modified etherboot floppy?10:21
compengiwhat does this mean - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'compengi' error: No address associated with hostname10:22
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kittu_can any one help10:22
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SkryptCan someone help me get ALSA drivers working?10:24
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SpiffyBalakI have a problem. No matter what browser I use, I can't log into Everything2. Does it have something to do with Perl, since the site uses Perl?10:25
swajperl would run on the server, not your box10:26
SpiffyBalakI see10:26
BraxisCould I have some help setting up g++ properly? I have libc/libc-dev, g++/gcc, make, and build essentials all installed. When I compile a hello world app g++ has an internal error (seg fault in program cc1plus)10:26
SpiffyBalakit's the only site I have trouble logging on to10:26
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phantasm_Anyone awake?10:29
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(chowmeined/#ubuntu) ouch10:55
(Bullcat/#ubuntu) Hi guys. I have a question, and I couldnt find the answer on google/ubuntuforums etc., maybe I'm using the wrong keywords. How do I manage things like desktop backgrounds, firefox shortcuts, permissions etc like I would with policy's in a Windows enviroment?10:55
(chowmeined/#ubuntu) what platform?10:55
(chowmeined/#ubuntu) Bullcat, sabayon10:55
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(Braxis/#ubuntu) System specs or ubuntu version?10:55
(chowmeined/#ubuntu) like ppc, ultrasparc?10:56
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(Bullcat/#ubuntu) Its an Ubuntu 7.04, users log on with thin clients10:56
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(Braxis/#ubuntu) run of the mill normal old relatively slow x8610:56
(ferret_0567/#ubuntu) 18874 travis 15 0 532m 58m 37m S 38 11.7 0:55.61 amarokapp10:56
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(chowmeined/#ubuntu) Bullcat, http://www.gnome.org/projects/sabayon/10:56
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rolfeni khave a problem10:56
dholidaywhat package to I merge to get mod_perl with apache2 ?10:56
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ferret_0567amarok is using 38% CPU on a dual core 64-bit AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.0 GHz, overclocked to 2.25GHz, on Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit10:57
Bullcatthanks chowmeined, i'l check it out10:57
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Picidholiday: libapache-mod-perl10:57
chowmeinedrolfen, in kernel space?10:57
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Picidholiday: er, sorry libapache2-mod-perl210:57
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rolfenchowmeined: in user space!10:58
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dholidayPici: thank you so much...10:58
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Braxischowmeined, do you know anyone who would know the answer to this fubared g++?10:58
dholidayPici: it seems like this should be easier to find in packages.ubuntu.com ...10:58
chowmeinedBraxis, no i dont, im sorry.. i haven't really run into that before10:59
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rolfenwell i think i deselected the "expand" option of my top taskbar in gnome, and now i cant get it to expand like it was before, because there's not blank space to right click on hence no more access to the taskbar properties10:59
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nullkuhlcan any one help11:01
Braxischowmeined, do you think reinstalling g++ would help?11:01
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nullkuhlguys if i wanna install compiz fusion shall i remove beryl ??11:01
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chowmeinedBraxis, you could try, im really not sure11:01
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BraxisOh another fun error I've run into.... when installing libsvn111:02
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rolfeni'm going to rephrase my problem: i can't access the properties of my top panel because there's no more blank space to right-click on in the top panel... what do i do?11:02
chowmeinedBraxis, have you tested your memory?11:02
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Braxis"dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libsvn1.......corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive"11:02
Jack_Sparrowrolfen: drag some icons onto the deskto to make room to get to prop11:02
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Braxischowmeined, i've never had a problem with the machine before this11:03
Jack_Sparrowwhen done drag them back11:03
rolfenJack_Sparrow: ok i deleted an icon and i time to right click and access the menu before the panel shrunk... thanks11:03
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Jack_Sparrowrolfen: you dont need to delete one..11:03
jorgpmore times then not seg faults with a known working gcc/g++ is memory, or at least that has been my experience11:04
Jack_Sparrowrolfen: just move it to the desktop then move it back11:04
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chowmeinedBraxis, your memory could be bad...11:04
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chowmeinedBraxis, if you have the livecd, try running memtest11:04
BraxisWhat should I download to check it11:04
Braxistest or tester11:04
chowmeinedBraxis, its one of the options on the ubuntu livecd11:04
ianmcorvidaememtest86, Braxis11:04
chowmeinedBraxis, at the boot menu11:05
BraxisAh alright11:05
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rolfenguys what is the gnome imitation of the mac expos?11:07
rolfenwhat was it's name again?11:07
wepeelhi all. I'm trying to use apt-get to install something, and I'm being asked for my install cd. How do I force aptitude to get whatever it needs from the internet...and why does it need my cd anyway?11:07
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chowmeinedrolfen, there isnt a 'gnome imitation'11:07
chowmeinedrolfen, there is beryl which can do expose-ish things by using a plugin, but it does a bunch of other things that mac doesnt have11:08
rolfenchowmeined: i mean the thing that looks exactly like the mac expose, that shows icons on the botton of the screen11:08
chowmeinedrolfen, you mean the dock?11:08
BraxisHaha, oh wow11:08
BraxisYeah this memory is fucked hard :(11:08
chowmeinedBraxis, ?11:08
rolfenchowmeined: chowmeined uh actually yeah i think i was talking about the dock11:09
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Braxisover NINE THOUSAND errors11:09
rolfenchowmeined: sorry i'm not a mac guy11:09
BraxisWell not really... about 500 right now11:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:09
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chowmeinedBraxis, im at work11:09
chowmeinedrolfen, i dont know, i havent used it11:09
BraxisCool can you buy me some cheap sdram with that paycheck ;)11:09
chowmeinedi get minimum wage11:09
rolfenchowmeined: i know there is one for linux too, i just forgot the name and was wondering if anyone here knew it... never mind i'll google.. thanks!11:10
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chowmeinedrolfen, yea ive seen it.. but i dont remember what it was11:10
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wepeeldoes anyone know why aptitude would ask for my install cd and how can I force that not to happen?11:10
TaJMoXrolfen: avant window navigator11:10
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Jack_Sparrowwepeel: Did you add it to your sources at some time..11:11
rolfenTaJMoX: yeah that's it! thanks11:11
TaJMoXawn is neato but it requires composite effects11:11
wepeelJack_Sparrow: let me take a look11:11
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rolfenTaJMoX: I have  beryl if that's what you mean11:11
TaJMoXwepeel - remove the cdrom from your sources list11:11
TaJMoXrolfen yes11:11
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TaJMoXwepeel - i mean repository sources list11:12
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Egalfirewepeel what are you trying to do?11:12
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wepeelEgalfire: just install pdftk11:12
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rolfenTaJMoX: cool11:12
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wepeelTaJMoX: I understood ya :)11:12
Jerome_What plugin do you guys use for flash?11:12
PurpZeYCan someone help me out getting my soundcard to be a source as an input, like a mic? (a passthrough?) I had it setup in windows, but I can't seem to figure it out...Maybe I need a different mixing tool? gamix?11:12
HyperCityi'vd formatated my winzoz partition with a ext3 filesitem but now that part can be accesed only from root , how do i change that?11:12
TaJMoXJack_Sparrow: i think on the DVD install, the cd is added as a repository so you dont need the net to add packages11:12
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Egalfirehmm intersting it shouldn't ask for the cd11:12
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TaJMoX!info flashplugin-nonfree | Jerome_11:13
ubotujerome_: flashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)11:13
wepeelTaJMoX: yes, I installed from the DVD because the net install wasn't working for me when I upgraded from 6.02 or whatever11:13
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calcPurpZeY: sometimes (it is in my case anyway) the line in on a soundcard does not play through the speakers when you try capturing11:13
TaJMoXHyperCity: where are you mounting it to?   change the permissions of the mount directory11:13
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Jerome_Tajmox: I have AMD64... any solutions?11:13
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SeveredCrosschroot or nsspluginwrapper?11:14
PurpZeYcalc: I am not trying to capture from the line in...I used to have it setup where, if I was playing an mp3, if I was on a site that had a/v I could select my soundcard as an audiosource...so if I was listening to music, it played through, directly.11:14
TaJMoXJerome_ there is a work-around to use the 32bit plugin - and other 32bit programs.  I saw it on the forum one day.  just google: ubuntu flash 64 bit11:14
calcPurpZeY: ok11:14
TaJMoXyes it was nspluginwrapper11:14
Egalfireuse the script on the forums to get the plugin all setup its much easier11:15
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HyperCityTaJMoX: i get only the disk in the computer tab under risources , then it should be mounted under /media/disk, i'vd tried umask but it seems that somthing isn't right11:15
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EgalfireHyperCity - is the drive ide or sata11:16
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TaJMoXhypercity - try sudo chmod o+rwx /media/disk11:16
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kyjadang !!11:16
wepeelJack_Sparrow, TaJMoX , Egalfire : thanks, works now. AAppreciate the help11:16
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kyjaberyl is the best thing since slices peanutbutter11:16
HyperCityEgalfire: it stands /dev/sda211:17
Egalfireha i didn't do anything i ask more than i gave11:17
kyjaI am in love with my computer all over again11:17
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TaJMoXkyja : congrats11:17
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TaJMoXHyperCity: sda means it's a sata drive11:17
wepeelok, great. So the pdfs I was trying to combine give gs an error anyway11:18
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wepeelsheesh, at least I got the repository things figured out11:18
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wepeelanyone know a way to combine pdfs and not use gs?11:18
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EgalfireHyperCity - make sure everything in fstab is ok sometimes i get errors with sata drives try to be identified as ide drives, it is very annoying11:19
Egalfirethen again i have a fried raid controller11:19
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fblade1987anyone know how to run code from ajunta for testing?11:19
mwesounds bad11:19
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mwefblade1987: anjuta is buggy but it usually works11:20
HyperCityEgalfire: fstab gives me hda2 seemd strange even to me11:20
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rolfenhow do i make synaptic look better? i just switched from xfce to gnome and my synaptic looks ugly, the gnome theme is not applied to it11:20
TaJMoXHyperCity: try mounting it with the uid=### and gid=### options11:20
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fblade1987is there any better c++ IDE11:20
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mwefblade1987: eclipse with the plugin11:21
Egalfireyea HyperCity do what TaJMoX said11:21
fblade1987what pluggin would that be?11:21
Egalfirethat usually fixes the problem for me11:21
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TaJMoXHyperCity: so like sudo mount -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sda2 /mnt11:21
mwefblade1987: the c++ plugin11:21
HyperCityTaJMoX: i'm not that expert can u explain better? the chmod thing is a solution even after a reboot? or do i have to do that all over again?11:22
fblade1987mwe: is it off their website?11:22
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HyperCityah, thx11:22
TaJMoXHyperCity: it will retain permission after reboot11:22
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TaJMoXHyperCity: did that work?11:22
BraxisDo I win something for having 16,120 memory errors?11:22
mwefblade1987: yeah. don't have the URL11:22
HyperCityTaJMoX: yes , thx11:22
EgalfireHyperCity - give it a reboot just to be sure11:23
HyperCityTaJMoX: i meen the chmod thing11:23
mwefblade1987: you add a repo and update, basically11:23
TaJMoXoh cool beans11:23
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fblade1987ok thanls11:23
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mwefblade1987: search the site11:23
TaJMoXhypercity - so to make all files and folders read/writeable for all users you can do sudo chmod -R o+rwx /media/disk11:23
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TaJMoXHyperCity: or you can do chown -R user:user /media/disk11:24
TaJMoXto make you the owner11:24
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osmosishow do I add routes to  /etc/network/interfaces ?11:24
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mweosmosis: I don't think you add routes to the interfaces file11:25
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mweosmosis: what do you need to do?11:25
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HyperCityTaJMoX: thx , i'l go for the reboot11:25
TaJMoXosmosis: have you tried 'man interfaces'11:25
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mwethe interfaces file is not ment for routes11:26
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mweexcept gateway and stuff11:26
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osmosismwe: Right now I have two default gateways...which is not a valid setup.11:27
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mweosmosis: well you should only have one11:27
osmosisosmosis: i need one default gateway, and then just specific routes going to the second nic.11:27
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mweosmosis: I'm not sure I understand your setup11:28
scottDkoDerDoes anyone know if any other company is selling computers with ubuntu installed by default, or is it just dell?11:28
Egalfireas far as i know its just dell at the moment11:29
Egalfireit sux i know11:29
scottDkoDerI think dell is causing a big wave for linux. Not sure if it's good or bad yet though. Hi all btw11:29
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TaJMoXscottDkoDer: #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
TaJMoXI love my dell laptop - 2 years later they're selling the same one with ubuntu as an option =[   and i paid the extra 200 bucks for windoze just to throw the cd away11:30
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TaJMoXwrong tab =] 11:30
mwedell ...11:30
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mweI'd never get a dell11:31
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lufisdell isn't so bad. i have yet to see any other major computer manufacturer actually take linux seriously on the desktop11:32
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mwelufis: well that's a good point though maybe only the only point11:32
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mo0osahDell got the best warranty.... and best bang for the buck.... i wouldn't buy anything but dell if i have the option11:34
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mweI see11:34
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lufishonestly, there's nothing wrong with dell :p11:34
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mweand they support linux and all so crappy hardware is not to mention11:34
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gravemindhey can someone help me change the controls of snes9x so I can play chrono trigger?11:34
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gravemindIn windows when I change L R and A to the 'a' button on the keyboard it works11:35
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wepeelis there a way to allow other users of this computer access to a folder in my home directory but not allow them to view any other folders or files in my home directory?11:35
gravemindhowever, the same thing in linux doesn't work11:35
lufiswepeel: you could set the permissions on the folder to be viewable by them and set the rest to non-readable by anyone but you11:36
mwewepeel: make the folder group accisble be a group11:36
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lufiswepeel: if you're using gnome, it can be done graphically from nautilus11:36
mwewepeel: make the folder world readabe/writeable by that group and make them member of the group11:36
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gravemindcan anyone help me? (See question above)11:38
lufisgravemind: it's a keyboard?11:39
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mwegravemind: I don't quite understand11:39
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floriakir2today i got a new pc (both old and new one are fujitsu siemens) and i put my old hard drive into the new comp. at first ubuntu seems to boot fine, but then there's an x-server error ("no screens found"). could anyone please tell me how to fix this?11:40
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wepeelok, thanks again11:40
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mwefloriakir2: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:41
panfistfloriakir2: you need to edit your xorg.conf file11:41
panfisthello, im trying to install ubuntu on a laptop w/o any removable storage, i've got it to boot via PXE and start installing, but it keeps freezing sometime after I select the distro, at 6% of "Select and install software." I'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot?action=show&redirect=PXEInstall11:42
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floriakir2Section "Files"11:43
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mr_danielwith pppoeconf it is very comfortable to set-up a DSL-connection. It is also possible to set-up a internet connection on start-up, BUT how to deactivate the automatic connection at start-up?11:43
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SirTanea program i use is trying to use the alt key11:44
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rolfenhelp! all apps that i run as root (gksudy) have an ugly gray skin11:44
SirTanebut because alt+click means something in ubuntu (i think, i'm very new with anything other than mac)11:44
SirTaneit is interfering with what the program is trying to do11:45
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E101is there a way to see the scripts that automatix is running?11:45
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SirTaneis there a way to change it so that alt isn't assigned anyth8ing?11:45
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E101i want to make my own script to do some of what automatix does... is there a way i can see what it is executing when it installs things?11:46
mwerolfen: install gtk-theme-switch then run 'gksudo switch2'11:46
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lufisSirTane: in gnome, system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts11:46
mwerolfen: the theme for root is taking precedence11:46
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rolfenthanks mwe11:47
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:47
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E101i agree mwe.. thats why i want to make my own custom script11:47
E101wanted to see what was inside of it11:47
jribE101: it's a python script, just open it in a text editor11:47
lufisSirTane: or try system > preferences > keyboard > layout options11:47
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E101i tried, but i dont see anything useful11:47
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SirTanelufis: then what?11:48
E101i am looking for the commands it uses, such as apt-get xxxx11:48
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lufisSirTane: then find the appropriate setting and change it?11:48
jribE101: everything it does is there, try #automatix if it's not clear how it's doing what it does11:48
askandWhy isnt ubuntu remembering how big my windows are?11:48
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E101ok thank you11:48
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mweaskand: gnome11:48
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lufismwe: does it matter what the terminology is? he said ubuntu, not kununtu... ubuntu uses gnome anyway11:49
mweI see11:49
mweso ubunte means gnome11:49
lufisno... but it's a trivial detail :p11:50
SirTanei still can't find what i need to change sot hat alt isn't assigned anything11:50
=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-167-162.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwewell the answer is a gnome short coming11:50
SirTanethis would be so much easier on windows or mac os x11:50
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JamesinatorThe sun-java6-jre / sun-java6-plugin packages fail to play sound in some applets11:50
jribSirTane: is it moving your window when you press alt and drag the mouse?11:50
_Lucretia_another hang!11:50
SirTanei thought that linux could do this kind of stuff11:50
mweoh I mean ubuntu short coming11:50
SirTanejrib: yes it is11:51
rjekI assume I'm not the first to ask, but is Launchpad down?11:51
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askandmwe: hrm yes..sorry..why isnt gnome remembering how big my windows are?11:51
jribSirTane: system -> preferences -> windows  I think11:51
E101jrib, in /usr/lib/automatix2 there are only a bunch of python files but none have the commands that download from the repositories... is there another directory?11:51
SirTanethanks mate11:51
mweaskand: I don't know it doesn't11:51
E101err, i think i found it.11:51
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jribE101: dpkg -L automatix  will tell you *everything* it installed11:52
younghackerGood Afternoon (Morning or Night) I recently found that i have a broken software index and i would like to know how to go about fixing this...11:52
SirTaneit's still not responding to alt+click11:52
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panfisthello, im trying to install ubuntu on a laptop w/o any removable storage, i've got it to boot via PXE and start installing, but it keeps freezing sometime after I select the distro, at 6% of "Select and install software." I'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot?action=show&redirect=PXEInstall11:52
mweyounghacker: software index?11:52
younghackeryes thats what the error message says...11:52
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mweyounghacker: like list of installed things?11:53
mweyounghacker: error message from what?11:53
Matirpanfist, does the system freeze, or just the installer?11:53
CheesyMonkeypanfist, It stayed at 6% for me for about 25 minutes :)11:53
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younghackermwe: I'll tell you now11:53
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panfistyeah you know what i just glanced over at it, and now its at 23%11:53
panfistits been over 45 minutes11:54
Matirit might transfer all the packages before running the installer or something11:54
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mwepanfist: so wait a few days ;)11:54
younghackermwe: I tried to install an XML editor, before the package finished installing it gave a message that it required some dependancies11:54
panfistwhen it said "please wait" it was being serious...11:54
mweyounghacker: yes11:54
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younghackermwe: i went to install the dependancies and thats when the messages started11:54
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mweyounghacker: I see11:54
panfistis there any way i can submit a suggestion so that the installer gives some indication that it's doing something?11:54
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younghackermwe:  so it was kind of two fold11:55
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panfistthe hdd light was not flashing or anything11:55
mweyounghacker: yeah11:55
jribpanfist: bugs.ubuntu.com11:55
younghackermwe: the next thing that happend was there was an update icon11:55
younghackeras i try to update i get the error message that i have a broken software index11:55
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mweyounghacker: oh. try open a term and type 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and pastebin any errors11:56
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younghackerlol i mean ok11:56
askandHrm when I press ctrl+alt+f2 I get a newsession?11:56
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mweyounghacker: right11:56
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somianError "/proc/net/rpc/nfs4.nametoid/channel"  errno 2 (No such file or directory)11:57
somianThis is on the nfs client.11:57
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somianWhat's wrong that would cause this error?11:57
elpargoany has a 100% CPU when playing some files in totem?11:57
mweelpargo: odd11:58
Music_Shuffleelpargo, not I.11:58
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elpargomwe, is that a yes?11:58
Cubeyargh. now i have no sound11:58
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younghackerok i have the error message from dist-upgrade can you post the link for pastebin for me?11:58
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somianIs a kernel module not being loaded?11:58
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mwesomian: what is giving that error?11:59
elpargoI get it with most avi files and some mpeg, weird enough if the window is very small the CPU usage is not that high11:59
somianrpc.idmapd (written to daemon.log)11:59
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mwe!paste | younghacker11:59
ubotuyounghacker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:59
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younghackerit was apt-get dist-upgrade11:59
mweyounghacker: so paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:59
askandWhy isnt gnome remembering my windows sizes?12:00
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mweaskand: because gnome sucks12:00
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Cubeywell i managed to get partial sound back. i can get the test sound to work in gnome's sound setting but not the login/logout sounds12:00
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osxdude|desktopI'm finally regestered!12:00
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sunnypieswheres the best place to learn how to build web apps anyone?12:00

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