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shaleanyone use xubuntu w/ ltsp v5 and rdesktop for thin clients?12:35
cellofellowJester45: who needs advice?12:35
cellofellowshale: sounds fun, but no, not using that.12:36
cellofellowSounds really specific. Linux thing clients connecting to Windows.12:36
shalei have it working with ubuntu-desktop but not so much with xubuntu-desktop12:36
cellofellowI think using just a plain window manager like fluxbox would work.12:37
shaleyea me too12:38
cellofellowand, I think that there is even a framebuffer version of rdesktop12:38
shalei'm sorry, what does that mean... framebuffer?12:38
shalever of rdesktop12:38
cellofellowframebuffer. graphics without X, in the Linux Console.12:39
cellofellowone sec12:39
shalesounds shnazzy12:39
SharnFluxbox is shnazzy too. =O12:40
cellofellowI have this chapter from an ebook on LTSP. I know it mentions redesktop and didn't include X.12:41
cellofellowstill looking12:42
cellofellownot there, huh12:44
cellofellowwill open on computer in just a minute12:45
shalewell don't knock yourself on my account :)12:45
cellofellowno no no12:45
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cellofellowah,, here it is. in ltsp.conf, set SCREEN_NN = rdesktop -f hostname12:49
cellofellowNN is number12:49
cellofellowlike, for example, you could have SCREEN_01 run a shell or getty for access to the thin client itself, SCREEN_02 use ssh or rsh to have shell access to the server, and SCREEN_03 could be startx for Linux server GUI, or rdesktop for Windows server GUI.12:50
cellofellowgot that?12:51
shaleroger that12:51
cellofellowtoo bad I don't have an RDP server, or I'd try that rdesktop thing.12:51
cellofellowI think -f means framebuffer.12:51
Sharn-totally lost-12:51
cellofellowSharn: Linux Terminal Server Project, LTSP. It's a wrapper for lots of other services so you can make thin clients.12:52
SharnHmmmm. Ok. :P12:52
cellofellowI know! I can use VirtualBox as an RDP server, and then test the rdesktop -f thing.12:53
SharnI'm not that interested, I'm just totally lost when it cmoes down to screens, graphics, terminals, etc in linux.12:53
cellofellowah, well.12:53
cellofellowIt is a little weird.12:53
cellofellownow, to get that shell-thing to work, there has to be a way to get SSH to authenticate with getty or something like that.12:54
SharnHeh. Confusing t someone who's never really gone into it. Not a biggy though12:54
cellofellowyeah, all well and good. Even a pencil would be confusing to someone who'd never seen one before.12:55
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Sharn-clicks link and hopes ff doesn't stall again-12:59
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SharnHah. That's great01:02
cellofellowshale: I just tested. rdesktop needs X, and rdeskop -f isn't framebuffer, it's fullscreen.01:03
shalecellofello: gotcha01:03
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cellofellowstill, use the lightest window manager you can, maybe evilwm or ratpoison, and have it run rdesktop -f and you'll be in business.01:08
cellofellowratpoison would be good. then no one can accidently do anything to it. It'll be invisible. Just configure its keystrokes to something really really weird.01:10
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azdoes anyone know how to make an xfce4 theme?01:33
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TorahteenHey guys02:53
TorahteenI'm trying to get my wireless working02:54
TorahteenI followed the steps in this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22520602:54
eagle-101ok, first off, what is your card?02:54
Torahteenit's a Linksys USB02:54
TorahteenWUSB54GS version 2.102:54
TorahteenIt all went fine02:54
TorahteenUntil I got to where it tells me to plug in the device02:55
TorahteenHe says:02:55
TorahteenPlug in your device. The Power light will come on, and, after at most 3 seconds, the Link light will blink slowly. If the Link light does blink slowly, sucess!02:55
TorahteenMine doesn't blink, just stays lit02:55
eagle-101hang on a moment02:56
eagle-101ok Torahteen put the card in and type in the terminal 'iwconfig'02:57
eagle-101put that output in a pastebin02:57
eagle-101!pastebin | Torahteen02:57
ubotuTorahteen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:57
TorahteenIt's not this comp02:58
TorahteenAnd I know about pastebin :P02:59
eagle-101ok, then check the iwconfig and see if the computer sees the card02:59
TorahteenI have two cards02:59
Torahteenlo, and eth002:59
TorahteenBoth say no wireless extensions02:59
eagle-101ok if it works you will see a 3rd card03:00
TorahteenSo it's not working?03:00
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TorahteenHmm... any idea what I might've done wrong?03:01
eagle-101Torahteen, not quite sure03:02
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eagle-101Torahteen, is there anything different on your computer from the one in the tutorial?03:06
eagle-101anything that was not set to the default when you started?03:07
TorahteenThis was a completly new installation03:07
eagle-101also nose around for some other tutorials03:07
eagle-101are you sure the card is compatable with that?03:07
eagle-101to install mine it took no less then 3 tutorials03:07
TorahteenWell, I'm wondering if the drivers aren't right03:07
TorahteenIt never mentions 2.103:08
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Akuma_whats the most used wireless network application in xubuntu?03:29
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Akuma_and if i want something that manages profiles? is there anything equivalent to network-manager?03:39
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eagle-101Akuma_, you can pick whatever you want to pick03:49
eagle-101if it works on any of the other *ubuntus then it works here03:50
Akuma_i'll get network-manager then03:51
test3ri actually have not found one that worked well as you describe in GUI fashion, but I suppose I have to try 'network-manager', now. I'll grab my laptop.03:56
test3ratheros+madwifi    <303:57
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eagle-101does bugzilla (the application bugzilla) have an IRC channel?05:22
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test3rok, yes, 'network-manager' seems quite nice, indeed.06:26
test3rat least with an outdated laptop, with madwifi drivers06:26
test3rwhich is rly the best setup u could get (and it just landed on me- im just thankful) to be able to test wifi things06:27
test3rit took some fooling around, but now it clicked itself to setup somehow, and now it is remembering my things and not asking me every 3 sec06:28
test3rcombined with it's applet, it is Better than the windows wifi selection tool near the clock.06:29
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xubuntui can get images whilst playing video but am unable to get any sound from it...have tried with xfmedia and gxine...thanx06:31
test3r=O    =D   LoL!!!!  " Shott'd ."06:31
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test3reven the "intel 8280" onboard soundchip works OOB from LiveCD- He probably just needs to spawn a volume control, switch it to the proper sound board, and change its volume.06:34
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xubuntui am unable to have sound whilst playing video on xfmedia or gxine...thanx06:39
test3rxubuntu > to fix your sound, try making a sound control06:39
test3ron the bar? at the top?06:39
test3rright click it06:39
test3rgoto 'add new item'  and select the volume control option in the following menu06:40
xubuntui have that...and it works when i play mp306:40
test3rcan gspot see what the file type of it is?06:40
test3rdo u know what codec was used for making the file?06:40
xubuntuit's rmvb format06:40
test3rrealmedia??????  id suggest gutting it with something to save it as MPG06:41
test3rthat should play06:41
test3ror avi version 906:41
test3rnew AVI/WMV wont work06:41
xubuntuhow do mean gutting it?06:41
test3rto convert a file type to another type06:42
test3ryou could use 'RealAlternative' for the codec for the input06:43
test3rbut then you'll need a program to save output too into a different format.  either that or find RealAlternative for linux06:43
xubuntulike k-lite codecs06:43
xubuntubut for linux06:44
test3raaaaaaaaa hahahahah according to RealNetworks they say the codecs are illegal because of some junk but you know whats WAY worse than what those nice people that made those codecs did?06:48
test3rthe fact that realplayer would not uninstall back when they were Created06:48
test3rand had other weird things operating in the background of My System06:48
test3rso u know what they can do with their oppinion?  =)06:49
test3rbut yes, essentially it is a codec for a single file type. one thing they say in here time and time again though is that codec packs tend to hinder the upgrade process further down the road06:50
test3rits essentially like sony defending their rootkit06:51
xubuntub4 i installed win32codecs i couldnt get anything at all...somehow this time only images worked06:51
test3reven though users were never given an option, nor told it would be installed06:51
test3ri have to admit - the only way ive done win32codecs so far is through @utomatics, but it has given people problems with their systems I hear06:53
test3rbut there Should b instructions now on the Ubuntu forums of how to install all the codecs for all that06:53
test3rthey are "new" to me06:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
=== test3r has a large scab on his arm that itches all-of-a-sudden, but he knows better than to pick it apart
SharnThat's... pleasant.06:57
SharnUgh. There's this noob on a different channel answering all my bots RS trivia questions06:57
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test3rit kind of applies to the situation in a bizarre way- in the fact that you Want to take the ez route, but it's not best.07:00
test3r=O    ^ ^07:00
xubuntutest3r: cheers07:02
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xubuntui got win32codecs from medibuntu repository07:03
test3rfrom that help on the wiki???? nice.07:03
Drew3bHey folks,  I have 6.06, and would like to update Firefox and Tbird,  Updating the distro is more than I want to do atm,  HOw do I specify FFx-2 and Tbird-2  instead of the 1.5.xx it now has?07:03
xubuntuerrr..no from other unofficial site...cos at the beginning i didnt know for xubuntu is mousepad :-P07:04
test3rcan you find the main firefox pack inside of Synaptic?07:04
test3ryeah for ubuntu its liek gedit or something but we use mousepad07:05
test3rmousepad is much more fast id imagine07:06
Drew3btest3r: in looking through synaptic, all I see is 1.5.xx07:06
test3rthere are tools for writing C++ and PYTHON too07:06
test3rthat run on gtk i believe07:06
test3rhmmmmmm....  6.06 has no stable "update" menu either07:07
test3rdrew > Good Question, .....  and Firefox wont update itself like it does on the windows version?07:12
test3rthats my last idea. or you could do the old "apt-get install firefox" type thing but im not sure if that's what you want or not. it might brake stuff07:13
Drew3bI have a day or so to make this box ready for an 85 year old; maybe if there is no mistake free synaptic-apt-get way, I should leave it alone.   I have not tried the the package from moz...07:14
test3ris there a .deb?07:15
test3rif there is, the option is uninstal, double clikc the deb. its ez.07:15
Drew3bwell, I was hoping someone here might know of a .deb07:15
test3ro is it only src from c?  you might have to /configure make make install07:16
test3rhave u installed from source yet?07:16
Drew3bNOt on this box, it would take a week.  :-)07:17
test3rone program takes alot less time than a distro ( *cough*  bad GENTOO experiences *cough* )07:19
test3rive compiled openGL-enabled DOOM engine clone for *NIX  from source and it took probably ~ 10min07:20
Drew3bTHat is the problem with FOSS, one is never satisfied and wants the latest and greatest, if it was M$ I'd have-to-suffer :-/07:21
Drew3band like it.07:22
test3rit's OK it's not like it won't be secure enough, already07:25
test3rinstall NoScript into it for her & it will beat the pants off of anything else07:25
test3r(and that will keep it from crashing on those (horribly coded) ASP pages)07:26
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Drew3bI've used little but KDE for 3-4 years on a p4-512(Mandriva), this low memory P3 w/xunubtu-xfce is faster.07:28
test3rlol u should run fluxbox on that sucker   =907:28
test3ron that p407:28
test3rno movies or stuff tho easily using fluxbox though07:30
test3rif u still want ez installs for common things, nice multimedia etcetc stick with xubuntu07:30
Drew3bGradually, I'm learning .deb-apt-get and synaptic and liking it.  After fixing a broken synaptic package(using apt-get -f or something like it), I was quite surprised at YouTube played so well.07:33
test3rReally? that's wild. I'll have to remember that one07:34
test3rSouth Park is on channel 17??????07:36
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test3rthat's weird. it's always been on comedy channel07:36
Drew3bIt took a while to find, but  http://www.linux.com/articles/48910   helped a lot   "What to do when apt-get fails"07:36
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test3rl8rs man07:54
maxamilliontest3r: no no, i was trying to be funny because dd said 'hi' and then left07:55
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maxamillioni'm too busy coding right now to leave07:55
test3ro ya? what r u making?07:55
test3rr u still doing that 4 ur professor?07:56
maxamillionyeah, i'm writing a system shell right now07:56
test3ra Shell?  you're writing the thing that processes user commands.07:56
test3rhow do u even go about that - what is the behind logic?07:57
test3ractually i wrote one for a JAVA-based text game that was supposed to react like a terminal07:57
test3rit was alot alot alot of filtering07:58
test3rthen it didnt work in the end   =(07:58
test3ris the shell for use in *NIX? or is it a shell with pre-processed system codes?07:59
maxamilliontest3r: its a shell for nix, written in C08:33
maxamilliontest3r: it doesn't do much right now and is rather buggy at the moment08:34
maxamilliontest3r: it probably won't ever do a whole lot since its just for a class project and isn't required to do near as much as things like bash or zsh08:34
maxamillionanyhoo... i need sleep, i have work in 6 hours and i'm tired08:35
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damikewhich kernel will gusty use?12:53
damikein the final version - the latest?12:53
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FFIXXXhi i have lots of junk entries in my menu how do i remove them?01:13
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LiNuX_Fr3aKSo after installing xubuntu there are no updates. Whats wrong with this. Ubuntu ubudates are plentiful.04:25
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Balaams_MiracleWhat in the world does "Latch to Lock" do (keyboard settings)? I've enabled it and noticed no difference in the bahaviour of the sticky keys...04:31
TheSheepBalaams_Miracle: that's for peple who have problems holding down two keys at a time04:38
TheSheepBalaams_Miracle: I think...04:38
Balaams_MiracleThen... What does the "disable two keys" thingamajig do?04:39
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sayersHello, Xubuntu won't let me choose 1280X1024 as a screen format. How would I fix that?05:05
maxamillionsayers: open a terminal window and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and follow the guide and be sure to select the correct screen resolution and then restart X and it should be the "default" setting in the settings manager with all lower resolutions listed below the word "default" (xfce always defaults to the highest possible resolution)05:07
sayerspossibly because I'm using the testing CD05:08
maxamillionsayers: could be05:08
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sayersThank you05:12
sayersXubuntu looks great now05:12
maxamillionanytime, glad i could help05:12
sayersI've done that before in Debian but I didn't want to go configuring packages I wasn't sure about05:12
maxamillionyeah, actually pretty much anything debian can be applied to (x)ubuntu accept for small differences which then documentation can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com05:14
maxamillionubuntu technically *is* debian accept modified (more so now than it used to be, but even still ... very debian-ish)05:14
maxamillionbut don't say that around #debian ... they take offense to it ;)05:15
sayersI don't like Gnome or Kde, and Xubuntu is nice05:15
maxamillioni agree05:15
sayerswell here we use free but not open source stuff05:15
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sayerswhich offends them05:15
maxamillioni actually run gnome at work because i need to connect to a bunch of samba shares on the fly and nautilus does that rather well, but at home i run xfce on my desktop and laptop05:15
sayersAnyway how can i get my XFCE to look like it should , not like gnome05:16
sayersI have dual core and all the latest technology, I don't run XFCE for it's speed05:16
maxamillionsayers: right click the panel and there is a "properties" (or something similar) button, click that and then select panel 1, alter it .... and the same for panel 205:16
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maxamillionsayers: this is an _old_ screenshot, but my setup still looks the same: http://www.swooh.com/~adam/homeXubuntuEdgy.png05:17
maxamillionsayers: i don't like the gnome-look-alike thing either05:17
maxamillionvidd: hi hi05:17
sayershm how do I set that up, your instructions don't work / make sense05:17
sayerscustomize pannel05:18
maxamillionsayers: just a moment05:18
sayersI got it05:18
maxamillionok, cool05:18
maxamillionsorry ... i didn't really know how to explain it05:19
sayersMight be differnt on testing05:19
sayersbut testing is always my cup of tea05:19
maxamillionfair enough05:19
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maxamilliontesting actually shouldn't be different in that respect because its been the same way to configure the panel since xfce 4.205:19
sayerswell testing has a lot more updates ;P05:20
maxamillionsayers: you should run debian testing or sid ... those have constant "rolling updates" because their testing/unstable branch technically never release05:21
sayersI was on debian testing but installing flash on debian is /near/ impossible05:22
sayersfor amd6405:22
sayersxfburn looks nice05:22
sayersdo you have that on stable?05:22
maxamillionyeah, its useless05:23
maxamilliondoesn't burn music worth a darn, doesn't burn dvds and seg faults sometimes when burning iso images05:23
sayersPossibly fixed in update05:23
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sayersmaxamillion, it cleared my DvdRW well05:32
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AmgineI need to find a phrase in a source code folder. I know this should be able to be done by grep. How do I do so?07:09
pleia2grep -R "phrase here" foldername/07:16
=== cheeseboy [n=Greg@71-87-214-124.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
cheeseboywhat mod to i ptobe to wake up hardrive?07:18
Jester45you shouldnt have to07:18
cheeseboywell i need to07:19
cheeseboyit forgets the hardive07:19
Jester45maybe sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/hda07:19
Jester45that should get it going07:19
cheeseboyinput/output error07:20
Jester45so.... linux forgot it was connected07:20
cheeseboybecause its locked07:20
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cheeseboyand i need linux to unlock it07:21
Jester45try sudo mount remount /dev/hda07:21
|chueQo|I ve got a quest07:21
|chueQo|who dares?07:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:21
cheeseboydevice does not exist07:21
Jester45cheeseboy, thats weird07:21
|chueQo|how do I make my own message.file for gfxgrub?07:21
cheeseboywhen i boot it notices it07:22
|chueQo|how do I edit a message.file07:22
cheeseboybut gives errors about dma07:22
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|chueQo|but changing the picture on it07:22
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Jester45cheeseboy, is it in your fstab07:22
cheeseboyJester45, its a live cd07:22
Jester45|chueQo|, have you tried nano message.file07:23
|chueQo|sorry I get it07:23
|chueQo|lts see07:23
Jester45ctrl+x to exit ctrl+o to save07:24
Jester45cheeseboy, sudo mount07:24
|chueQo|cant read it Jester4507:24
|chueQo|appears all those weird symbols07:25
|chueQo|how do people make message.files?07:25
cheeseboyJester45, tried that /dev/hd* isnt listed07:25
|chueQo|has anyone did one?07:25
Jester45|chueQo|, run file message.file07:25
Jester45cheeseboy, sudo mount -t <filesystem> /dev/hd* /empty/directory07:26
|chueQo|how do I open it?07:27
|chueQo|double click goes to ark07:27
Jester45|chueQo|, what type did file say07:27
|chueQo|or message.ubugrey07:27
|chueQo|is not a type07:28
|chueQo|is a theme for gfxgrub07:28
cheeseboyJester45, i cant mount it its not there07:28
|chueQo|I ve got a hard one07:31
|chueQo|that sounded bad07:31
|chueQo|sorry my english is lame07:31
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cheeseboyJester45, any other ideas?07:49
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dev1<cheeseboy> maybe /dev/sd* ?07:56
cheeseboynope none of those07:57
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dmdzinexubuntu rocks08:13
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maxamillionatleast its was a positive randnom-ness08:21
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J-_Is there a gui I can use to make cronjobs in xfce? /me doesn't like crontab -e08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cronjob - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
J-_I make a cronjob with xfce-terminal, save it, go back to crontab -e and it's not there.08:55
J-_any ideas?08:56
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mileshey guys09:09
mileshow do you connect to samba shares in xfce?09:10
milesi know how to, im just wondering what method you guys use09:10
sayersDon't use samba :( , try the ubuntu way though09:16
mileswhich is?09:16
sayersno clue but xfce is like gnome in a way09:16
milesu hate samba09:17
sayersive never used it09:18
=== infinito [n=infinito@75.Red-80-59-227.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
infinitodoes anyone know why using kde apps on xubuntu i got strange symbols instead of  or  ?09:23
miles!bill gates09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
sayersinfinito, you don't have that letter package installed perhaps but that's as far as I can help09:24
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:24
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=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
Photocopyhow do i install xfce themes to ubuntu?10:55
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